I oaoo ~ 1111 Ullll11111~ ~ AIDS HELPLINE. Prevention is the cure. We all have the power to prevent AIDS

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1 Q q Selling price Verkoopprys: R2,50 Other countries Buitelands: R3,25 Vol. 10 JUNE PRETORIA, 11 JUNIE 2004 No. 228 ru.-:i q n We all have the power to prevent AIDS Prevention is the cure AIDS HELPLINE I oaoo DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH ~ 1111 Ullll11111~ ~ A 228-1

2 2 No. 228 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY, 11 JUNE 2004 No. CONTENTS INHOUD Page No. Gazette No. LOCAL AUTHORITY NOTICES 1095 Town-planning and Townships Ordinance (15/1986): Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality: Declaration as approved township: Bartlett Extension do.: do.: Boksburg Amendment Scheme

3 BUITENGEWONE PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 11 JUNIE 2004 No LOCAL AUTHORITY NOTICES LOCAL AUTHORITY NOTICE 1095 EKHURBULENl METROPOLITAN MUNICPALITV PROPOSED BARTLETT 'EXTENSION 44 TOWNSHIP DECLARA TfON OF APPROVED TOWNSHIP In terms of the provisions of section 103 (I) of the Town-planning and TOWDSbips OrdJnance.1986,the Ekurbuleni. Metropolitan Municipali1y hereby declares Bartlett Extension 44 township, simate on Portion 322 of the farm Klipfoutein 83 lr to be an approved lowi1sbjp, subject to me conditions set out in the schedule hereto. SCHEDULE Conditions under wbich the application made by Cherokee Rose Properties CC in terms of tbe provisions or the Town-planning and To11t'DShips Ordinance, 1986 (OrdiDanee 15 or 1986) tor permission to establish a township on Portion 322 of the farm Klipfontein 83 TR, Ganteng has been approved. 1. CONDITIONS OF EST ABLISRMENT l.lname The name ofthc township shall be Bartlett Extension 44. l.:z DESIGN The township shall consist ofthe erven and me streets as fjldic:ated on General Plan S.G. No / DISPOSAL OF EXISTING CONDmONS OF TITLE All erven shall be subject to existing conditions of title and servitudes, ff any,.incjudlng the rcsecvation or rights to mincnds. 1.4 ENDOWMENT The township owner shall in terms of the provisions of section 98(2) and (3) of the Townplanning and Townships Ordinance, 1986 pay to the local authority as an endowment the amount of R ,00- which amount shall be used by 1he local amhoril)' Cor the provision ofland for parlcs and/or open spaces in or for the township. Such endowment is payable in terms ofthe provisions ofsecti0j1 81, read with section 95 of the said ordinance. Ill Ill 1.5 ACCESS (a) Access onto Ridge Road shall be left -In and left -out only due to in1ersect:ion fayour, (b) Temporary access to and from the township sball be obtained from Ridge Road via Erl' 568. which shall be used for tempo my road purposes in filwur of the local authority (upon submission to the Registrar of Deeds of a certificate to the effect that the err is no longer required for road purposes this condition shall lapse. ) (c).permanent access to the township shall be from a single access point along Bonanza Rnad, via F..Tf S8S ( private road ),ouce the said road hao; been constructed. 1.6 RESTRICTION ON THE SALE OF ERF 586 The township owner shall not sell, exchange or in any other manner dispose oferf 586, mtlilllucb time as Bonan7.a Road, situate to the west of the townslrip, bas been build OBLIGATION IN REGARD OF ENGINEERING SERVICES The township owner shall within such period as the local authority may determine fulfl.l its obligations in respect of the provision and file installation of engineering services, as previously agreed upon between the township owner and the loc:al authori~.

4 4 No. 228 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY, 11 JUNE REMOVAL OR REPLACEMENT OF MUNICIPAL SERVICES If. by reason of tho establ.ishmcnt of the township, it becomes necessary to remove or replace any existing municipal services, the cost thereof shall be borne by tbe township owner. 1.9 DEMOLISION OF BUILDINGS OR STRUCI"URES The township owner shall at its own expense cause all existing buildings and strullres cn:cted within bullding line :reserves, side spac:es,or over common boundaries to be demolished to the satisfaction of the local authority, wlten required 'by the local authority todoso. 2. CONDITIONS OF TITLE The erven shall be subject to the following conditions impo.'led by the local authority in terms of the provisions oftbe Town-planning and Townships Ordioanc:e : 2.1 ALL ERVEN EXCEPT ERF SIS (PRIVATE ROAD) (a) The erfis subj~-tto a servitude, 2m wide, in:filvourofthe local authority, for sewerage and other municipal pwposes along any two boundaries other than a street bomtda:ry : Provided tbat tb.e loc;al authority may dispense with any such servitude. (b) No buildiug or other structure shall be erected within the aforesaid servitude area, and no laq,e-rooted trees shall be phmtcd within the area of such servitude or wh:bin 2mthereo (c:) The loc:al authority shall be entitled to deposit tcmporarlly on the land adjoining the aforesaid servitude su.c:h material as may be excavated by it dming tb.e c:ourse of the c:onsnuction maintenance or removal of such sewerage mains and other works as it, in its disc:retion may deem necessacy,. and shallfurtber be entitled to le&sonable access to the said land for aforesaid purpose, subject to any damage done duri.ng the process of tbe c:onstruc:tion, maintenance or removal of such sewerage mains and other works, being made good b)' the local authority. (d) The erf may not be transferred without the prior written c:onsent of the Rieoleta Homeowners' Association. (e) The erf is emitlcd to a right-of-way servitude over tbe enthe Erf SIS (private road ), 2.lERFS61 The erf is subject to a servitude 2 m, wide, all along and parallel to tbc tastcm boundary thereof s in favour of the local authority as indicaj:ed on the general plan. 2.3ERF569 The erf is subject to a servitude, 2 m, wide pall along and parallel to the western boidldmy thereof, in favour of the local81ii:hority as indicated on the general plan. 2.~ ERll' 585 ( PRIVATE ROAD) (a) The entire erfis subject to a right-of-way servitude in cavour or&ven 'so up to and including 584 in the township. (b) The entire erfis subject to a servitude for sewerage, water reticulation, elc:cbical purpose~~ (excluding stj:'eet liehts) and otb.ermllllicipal pmposes in favour of the local authority. l.serfs68 1'h.c crf is subject to a mmporary rigbt-of-way servitude for road pmposes In favour or lhc local authority (upon submission to the Regimar nfdeeds of a certificate to the e:oect that tbe erf is.a.o longer required for road purposes this c:ondition shau lapse ) PAULMAVIMASEKO CITY MANAGER VJCCENTRE BOICSBURG 11 JUNE 2004 ~OTJCE NUMBER 031l004 ( 71l105/44)

5 BUITENGEWONE PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 11 JUNIE 2004 No PLAASLIKE BESTUURSKENNISGEWING 1095 EKURHULENIMETROPOLITAANSE MUNISJP.ALITEIT VOORGESTELDE DOBP BARTLE'IT UITBREIDING 44 VERKLARING TOT GOEDGEKEURDE DORP Ingevolge die bepalings van artikej l 03 (I) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dmpe, 1986 verklaar die Bku.dmlenl MetropolitaaDSc M~utisipa1il.cit, hierby die dorp Bartlett Uitbreldlng 44 gelee op Gedeelte 322 van die plaas KJipfontc.in 831R.. tot 'n goec:lgekeurde dorp onderworpe aan die voorwaardes uiteengeslt in die bygaanctc bylac. BYLAE Voorwaardes waarop die aaosoek gedoen dear Cherokee Rose Properties BK ingevolge die bepalinp van die Orcloanaasie op DorpsbeplaJmiDg en Dorpe, 1986 ( OniODDauie 15 van 19B') om toestemmi.og om 'a dorp op Gedeelte 322 nn die plaas Klipfontein 83 1R, Gauteng, te stfg, loegesl:aad Is. t. STIGTINGSVOO.RWAARDES l.lnaam Die naam van die dorp is Bartlett trrtbreidijjg ONTWERP Die dorp bestaan uit die erwe en die strate soos aangedui op Algemene Plan S:G. No / BESKIKIONG OOR BF.sTAANDE TITELVOORWAARDES Alle erwe Is OJlderworpe aan die bcstaando tilelvoorwaardes eo. serw.ltuto.indieo enige 1 met inbegrip van die voorbehoud van die regte op minemle. 1.4 BEGIFTIGING Die dorpseienaar moet ingevolge die bepatings van artikel 98 (2) en (3) van die OrdOW18DSle op DorpsbeplanniJlg eo Dorpe as begiftiging aan die plaaslilce bestuur die bedrag van R ,00 betaal-welkc bcdrag deur die plaaslike bestuur 8angeweod moet word vir die voorsiening van grand vir parke en/ofoopruimtes in of vir die dorp. Sodaa.ige begiftigioa is betaalbaar ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artilcel R J,gelee.~ met, 8ltl."ke19S van die gemeldc ordonnansie 1.5 TOEGANG (a) Toegang na Ridgeweg sal sjegs wees vir links-in en lidlcs-uit as gevolg van die uitleg van die mterselcsie. (b) Tydelike toegangna en van die dorp sal verfay word vmridgeweg oor.hrf's68, wat tyde1ik gebruik sal word vir paddoeleindes ten gunste van die pluslike bestuur (by die indiening van o sertifibat by die RegistKJ.cur van.alacs te dien effek dat die erf nle meer benodig word vir paddoeleindes, sal die voorwaarde venal. ru ru (c) Permmleate toepng na die dorp sal wees van 'n enkele toegangsptmt tangs Bonanzaweg, oor Erf S8S (privaatpad) sodra die gemelde pad gebou is. 1.6 BEPERKING OP Dm VERKOOP VAN ERF 586 Die dorpscicnaar sal Die 1M" 586 verkoop, vemnl,or op eruge adder wyse daaroor bes1dk nle 1 totda% Bonaozaweg, wa:t wes van die dorp gelee is gebou is. 1.7 VERPLIGTING METBETREKKING TOT JNGENIEURSDIENSTE Die dorpscienaar moct, bimlo sodanige tydperk as wat die p.laasl.ike bestuur mag bep:aal sy verpugtinge met betrelcking tot die voorsienlng eo die insta11ering van Ingenleursdienste soos voorl!.cco ooreengekom tussen die dorpseienaar en die plaaslike bestuur, nalcom.

6 6 No.228 PROVINCIAL GAZElTE EXTRAORDINARY, 11 JUNE VERWYl>ERING OF VERV ANGING VAN MUNISIPALE DlENSTE lndien dit, as gevolg van die stigting van die dorp nodig word om enige bestaande munisipale dienste tc vcrwyder oftc v~g moet die kostc clakntan deur die dorpseienaar gedra word. 1.9 SLOPING VAN GEBOUE EN STRUKTURE Die dorpseienaar moet op eie koste alle bestaande geboue en strulcture wat binne boulynresenrjes, 'kantnlim.tcs of oor gemeenskaplike grense gelee.is, tot bc:vrediging van die plaasllke bestuut sloop wannecr verlang deur die plaaslike bestuur. 2. TITELVOORW AARJ)ES Die erwe is onderworpc aan die volgende voorwaardes opgele deur die plaaslikc bestuur ingevolge die bcpalings van die Ordonnansie op Do.rpsbeplmming en Dorpe, 1986:- 2.1 ALLE ERWE UITSL~ND ERF S85 ( PRlV UT PAD) (a) Die erfis.onderworpe aan 'n serwituut, 2m, breed, vir riolering en ander munisipale doeleind.es ten gunste van die plaaslike bestuur, langs enige twee grense, uitgesonder 'n straatgrens : Met dien verstande dat die plaaslike bestuur van enigc sodani&e serwituut (b) Geen gebou of ander struktuur mag binne die voorrnelde serwitu.ut gebied opgeri,g word nie en geen grootwortelbome mag binne die gebied van sodanige serwituut ofbinne 'n afstmd van 2 m, daarvau geplant word nie. (c;) Die pla.asllke bestuur is gere&tig om enige materiaal wat deur hom uitgegrawe word tydens die aanles, onderboud ofverwydering van sodanige rioolhootpyplcidings en ander werke wat hy na goedunlce noodsaaklik ag, tydellk te plass op die grond wat aajj die vommelde serwituut grens en voorts is die plaaslike bestuur seregtig tot redelike toegang tot gcmelde grond vir die voonnelde doel, ondenwlpe daanlan dat die plaaslike besruut enige skade vergoed wat tydens die aanleg onderlmud of die verwydering van sodanige rioolhoofpypleid.i.ngs en ander werke veroorsaak word (d) Die etfmag nie getransporteer word sonder die voorafverkree skriftelike toestemming van die Rigoleta huiseienaarsvereniging. (c) Die erf is geregtig op 'n res-van-weg S(."JWituut oor die he)e Erf 58S {prlvaat pad ) 2.2ERFS67 Die crf is ondethewig aan 'n serwituut, 2 m, breed, allangs en parallel aan die oostelike grens daarvan, ten gunste van die plaaslike bestuur, soos aangetoon op die algemene plan. :Z.3ERF569 Die: erf is onderhewig aan 'n serwituut, 2 m, breed, al langs en parallel aan die westellk.e gn:ns daarvan, ten gunste van die plasslike bestuur, soos aanger:oon op die algemene plan. 2.4 ERF 585 (PRlV AAT PAD) (a) Die hele erfis onderhewig aan 'n reg-van-weg serwituut. ten gonste van Erwe 550 tot en insluitende 584 in die dotp. (b) Die hele erf is onderlj.ewig aan ~ serwituut vir riojering waterve.sp.rciding elektriese doeleindes ( uitsluitcnd straatligtc ) en andcr munisipale doeleindcs ten gunste van die plaaslikt bestuur. l.serf568 Die erf is onde:rhewig aan 'u tydelikc rcg van-weg serwituut vir paddoeleindes ten gunste van die plaaslike bestuur ( by die indiening van n sertifikaat by die Regisl:raleur van Aktes te dien eff'ek dat die crf nie meer vir paddoeleindes benodig word nie sal die voorwaarde verval.) PAUL MA VI MASEKO STADSBESTUURDER BURGERSENTRUM BOKSBURG 11 JUNIE 2004 KENNISGEWING NOMM..ER 03/%004 ( 7fll05/44)

7 BUITENGEWONE PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 11 JUNIE 2004 No LOCAL AUTHORITY NOTICE 1096 EKURBUL'ENI METROPOUTAN MUNICIPALITY BOKSBURG AMENDMENT SCHEME 1108 The Ekurbuleni Merropoliran Municipality hereby in tends of the provisions of section 12S ( I ) of the Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1986 decll!lres that lr has adopted an amendment scheme being an amendment of the Bo1csburg Town PJIUUling Scheme, 1991 relating to the land included in Bartlett Extension 44 township. A copy of the said town-planning scheme is open for inspection at all reasonable times at the office of tlle Area Manager. Development Planning, Civic Centre, Boksburg and the office of the Head of Deparb:Deot, Department Development Planning and Local Govemment, Ciauteng Provincial Oovernment. Jobannesburg The said scheme is known as Boksburg Amendment Scheme 1108 PAUL MAVIMASE.KO crry MANAGER CMC CENTRE BO.KSBURG 11 JUNE 2004 NOTICE NUMBER ( 711J0S/44) PLAASLIKE BESTUURSKENNISGEWING 1096 EKURHULENI METROPOLITAANSE MUNI.SD'ALITEIT BOKSBURG WYSIGJNGSKEMA 1108 Ole Ekurhulenl Metropol.kaanse Munlslpallteit verktaar hiennee ingevolge die bepalings van artilcel t2s ( 1 ) VBn die Ordonnansic op Dorpsbcplanning en Dorpc, 1986 dat die n wysjging van die Boksbmg Dorpsbeplanning-skema 1991 wat betrekking het op die grond ingesluit in die dorp Bartlett Uitbreiding 44 aanvaar bet.. ~ 'n Afslcrifvao die gemelde dorpbeplanningsblna soos aanvaar te 1e aile redclikc tye ter insae in die kantoor van die Area BestuUrdcr, Ontwikkelingsbcplannlng, Burgersentrum, Boksburg en die.lamtoor van die Hoof van Departement, Departement Ontwilckc1ingsbcplann.ing en Plaaslilce Regcring, Gauteng Pro\linsiaJe Regerlng, Jobamlesburg Die gemclde wysigingskcma swm bekend as Boksburg-wyslglngskema PAUL MAVI MASEKO STADSBESTUVRDER BURGERSENTKUM BOKSBURG 11 JUNIE 2004 KENNISGEWING NOMMER ( 7ll/OS/44) ru.-=!

8 8 No. 228 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY, 11 JUNE 2004 Printed by the Government Printer, Bosman Street, Private Bag Xes, Pretoria, 0001, for the Gauteng Provincial Administration, Johannesburg Gedruk deur die Staatsdrukker, Bosmanstraat, Privaat Sak Xes, Pretoria, 0001, vir die Gauteng Provinsiale Administrasie, Johannesburg 228-1



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