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1 i rir I Dm PROVINSIE TRANSVAAL ect 4 THE PROVINCE OF TRANSVAAL 1 1 p vr /no * dib if t5 te Lc Ea erant toitt _,: (As n Nuusblad by die Poskantoor Geregistreer),, 1 1 II , (Jo int tat 441 a 3 et te (Registered at the Post Office as a Newspaper) 0 24 JULIE Vol 206] PRYS 5c PRETORIA, 24 JULY ADMINISTRATEURSKENNISGEWINGS 1968 PRICE Sc [No 3340 ADMINISTRATORS NOTICES!, it IP Administrateurskennisgewing No Julie 1968 Administrators Notice No July 1968 MUNISIPALITEIT RENSBURG VOORGESTELDE RENSBURG MUNICIPALITY PROPOSED WITH INTREKKING VAN VRYSTELLING VAN DRAWAL OF EXEMPTION FROM RATING BELASTING Notice is hereby given, in terms of section 10 of the Ingevolge artikel 10 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Local Government Ordinance, 1939 that the Town Bestuur, 1939, word hierby bekendgemaak dat die Council of Rensburg has submitted a petition to the Stadsraad van Rensburg, n versoekskrif by die Administrator praying that he may in the exercise of the Administrateur ingedien het met die bede dat by die powers conferred on him by section 9 (10) of the said bevoegdhede aan horn verleen by artikel 9 (10) van Ordinance withdraw the exemption from rating of the genoemde Ordonnansie uitoefen en die vrystelling van area described in the Schedule hereto belasting van die gebied wat in die Bylae hiervan onislcryf It shall be competent for all persons interested, within word, in trek 30 days of the first publication hereof in the Provincial Alle belanghebbende persone is bevoeg om binne 30 doe vazerie, to present to the Administrator a counter petition na die eerste publikasie hiervan in die Provinsiale Koerant setting forth the grounds of opposition to the Councils aan die Administrateur n teenpetisie voor tc le, met proposal vermelding van die gronde van beswaar teen genoemde TALG 3/2/66 voorstel TALG 3/2/66 RENSBURG MUNICIPALITY MUNISIPALITEIT RENSBURG PROPOSED WITHDRAWAL OF EXEMPTION FROM RATING DESCRIPTION OF AREA VOORGESTELDE INTREKKING VAN VRYSTEL LING VAN BELASTING BESKRYWING VAN Beginning at the southernmost beacon of Rensburg Township (General Plan SG 166/97); proceeding thence GEBIED north eastwards along the southeastern boundary of the Begin by die mees suidelike baken van Rensburg Dorp said Rensburg Township to the north eastern, beacon of (Algemene Plan LG 166/97); daarvandaan noordoos Portion 59 (Diagram SG A7395/50) of "the firm Houtwaarts langs die suidoostelike grens vane genoemde poort 392 IR; thence south eastwards and south wes,rensburg Dorp tot by die, noordoostelike baken van wards along the boundaries of the said Poition 59 of the Gedeelte 59 (Kaart LG A7395/50) van die pleas Hout, farm Houtpoort 392 IR so as to include it in this area to poort 392 IR; daarvandaan suidooswaarts en suidwes the southernmost beacon thereof; thence,generally south : waarts langs die,grense van die genoemde Gedeelte 59van along the eastern boundary of the road to die plaas Houtpoort 392 IR sodat dit in hierdie gebied it intersects the south western boundary of Portion ingesluit word tot by die mees suidelike baked daarvan; 22 (Diagram SG A837/23) of the farm Houtpoort 392 daarvandaan algemeen suidooswaarts langs die oostelike IR; thence south eastwards along the south western grens van die pad tot waar dit die suidwestelike grens van boundary of the said Portion 22 of the farm Hout Gedeelte 22 (Kaart LG A837/23) van die plaas Houtpoort 392 IR to where the said south western boundary poort 392 IR sny; daarvandaan suidooswaarts tangs die is intersected by the prolongation north eastwards of suidwestelike grens van die genoemde Gedeelte 22 van die the southeastern boundary of Portion 16 (Diagram plaas Houtpoort 392 IR tot waar die genoemde suid SG A2912/20) of the farm Houtpoort 392 IR; thence westelike grens gesny word deur die verlenging noordooswaarts van die suidoostelike grens van Gedeelte 16 (Kaart southwestwards along the said prolongation and the LG A2912/20) van die plaas Houtpoort 392 IR; daar boundaries of the following portions of the farm vandaan suidweswaarts langs die genoemde verlenging en Houtpoort 392 IR so as to include them in this area: die grense van die volgende gedeeltes van die plaas Hout The said Portion 16 and Portion 17 (Diagram SG poort 392 IR sodat hullo in hierdie gebied ingesluit word; A2913/20) to the south western beacon of the last Die genoemde Gedeelte 16 en Gedeelte 17 (Kaart LG A2913/20) tot by die suidwestelike baken van die has named portion; thence generally southwards along genoemde gedeelte; daarvandaan algemeeen suidwaarts the western boundary of Portion 21 (Diagram SG langs die westelike grens van Gedeelte 21 (Kaart LG A582/23) of the farm Houtpoort 392 IR to the south A582/23) van die plaas Houtpoort 392 IR tot by die western beacon of the last named portion; thence generally suidwestelike baken van die ]aasgenoemde gedeelte; daarnorthwestwards along the south western boundaries of vandaan algcmecn noordweswaarts langs die suidwestelike grense van Gedeelte 1 (Kaarf LG 1155/93) van die plaas Portion 1 (Diagram SG 1155/93) of the farm Houtpoort Houtpoort 392 IR tot by die suidoostelike baken van 392 IR to the south eastern" beacon of: Portion I 11 MENIKO I I sfar 4

2 174 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 24 JULIE 1968 Gedeelte 26 (Kaart LG A4606/27); daarvandaan suid (Diagram SG A4606/27); thence south westwards and weswaarts en noordweswaarts langs die grcnse van die northwestwards along the boundaries of the following volgende gedeeltes van die plaas Houtpoort 392 IR sodat portions of the farm Houtpoort 392 IR so as io include hulle in hierdie gebied inns/nit word: Die genoemde them in this area: The said Portion 26 and Portion 51 Gedeelte 26 en Gedeelte 51 (Kaart LG A2860/46) tot by (Diagram SG A2860/46) to the southernmost beacon die mees suidelike baken van Rensburg Dorp (Algemene of Rensburg Township (General Plan SG 166/97) the Plan LG 166/97) die begin punt place of beginning 41 Administrateurskennisgewing No Julie 1968 Administrators Notice No July 1968 Ā OPENING VAN N DISTRIKSPAD, OPENING OF A PUBLIC ROAD, DISTRIK PILGRIMS REST DISTRICT OF PILGRIMS REST Dit word hiermee vir algernene inligting bekendgemaak It is hereby notified for general information that the dat die Administrateur, na ondersoek cn verslag deur die Administrator has approved, after investigation and Padraad van Pilgrims Rest, goedgekeur het dat n open report by the Road Board of Pilgrims Rest in terms of bare pad, wat n distrikspad sal wees, 50 Kaapse voet section 5 (1) (b) and (c) and section 3 of the Roads breed ingevolge artikel 5 (1) (b) en (c) en artikel 3 van Ordinance, 1957 (Ordinance No 22 of 1957), that a die Padordonnansie, 1957 (Ordonnansie No 22 van 1957), public road which shall be a District Road, 50 Cape feet oor Gedeelte 2 van die plaas Avoca 88 KU, distrik wide traversing Portion 2 of the farm Avoca 88 KU, Pilgrims Rest sal bestaan soos aangetoon op die District of Pilgrims Rest, shall exist as indicated on, bygaande sketsplan the subjoined sketchplan DP /24/A4 DP /24/A I (, AVOCA 4 DP /24/A 1, 88 KU verwy SINGI N REFERENCE BESTAANDE PAD/ EXISTING ROAD 1111 YE86 KU LVERTON PAD VERKLAAR ROAD DECLARED Administrateurskennisgcwing No Julie 1968 Administrators Notice No July 1968 MUNISIPALITEIT JOHANNESBURG VOORGE JOHANNESBURG MUNICIPALITY PROPOSED STELDE VERANDERING VAN GRENSE ALTERATION OF BOUNDARIES Ingevolge artikel 10 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Notice is hereby given, in terms of section 10 of the Bestuur, 1939, word hierby bekendgemaak dat die Local Government Ordinance, 1939, that the City Council Stadsraad van Johannesburg n versoekskrif by die of Johannesburg has submitted a petition to the Adminis Administrateur ingedien het met die bede dat by die trator praying that he may in the exercise of the powers bevoegdhede aan horn verleen by artikels 9 (5), (6) en conferred on him by sections 9 (5), (6) and (7) of the (7) van genoemde Ordonnansie, uitoefen en die grense said Ordinance alter the boundaries of the Municipality van die Munisipaliteit Johannesburg verander deur die of Johannesburg by the inclusion therein of the area opneming daarin van die gebied wat in die Bylae hiervan described in the Schedule hereto omskryf word Me belanghebbende persone is bevoeg out binne 30 It shall be competent for all persons interested, within dae na die eerste publikasie hiervan in die Provinsiale 30 days of the first publication hereof in the Provincial Koerant aan die Administrateur n teenpetisic voor to le, Gazette, to present to the Administrator a countermet vermelding van die gronde van beswaar petition setting forth the teen grounds of opposition to the genoemde voorstel Councils proposal TALG 3/2/2 Vol 3 TALG 3/2/2 Vol 3 MUNISIPALITEIT IOHANNESBURG VOORGE STELDE VERANDERING VAN GRENSE JOHANNESBURG MUNICIPALITY PROPOSED ALTERATION OF BOUNDARIES BESKRYWING VAN GEBIED WAT UITGESLUIT STAAN TE WORD VAN DIE ROODEPOORTSE DESCRIPTION OF AREA TO BE EXCLUDED MUNISIPALE GEBIED EN BY DIE JOHANNES FROM THE ROODEPOORT MUNICIPAL AREA BURGSE MUNISIPALE GEBIED INGESLUIT AND TO BE INCLUDED IN THE JOHANNESBURG STAAN TE WORD MUNICIPAL AREA Gedeelte 129 (n gedeelte van Gedeelte I) van die plaas Paardekraal 226 IQ groot morge, volgens Kaart Portion 129 (a portion of Portion 1) of the farm Paarde LG A3432/67 kraal 226 IO, in extent morgen, vide Diagram SG A3432/67 q 2 aft

3 A PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 24 JULY Administrateurskennisgewing No Julie 1968 Administrators Notice No July 1969 WITBANKSE TA LIERSALLSKOMTTEEH 1"f"1 TATTERSALLS COMMI1 IEE VULLING VAN VAICATURE FILLING OF VACANCY Die Administrateur het, ingevolge artikel 22 van die The Administrator has, in terms of section 22 of the Perdewedrenne en Weddenskappe Ordonnansie, 1927 Horse Racing and Betting Ordinance, 1927, (Ordinance (Ordonnansie No 9 van 1927), mar M J van Zyl tot No 9 of 1927), appointed Mr M J van Zyl as member lid van die Witbankse Tattersallskomitee benoem, met of the Witbank Tattersalls Committee, with term of ampstermyn tot 31 Augustus 1969, in die plek van mnr office expiring on the 31st August 1969, vice Mr M M Weideman wat bedank het Weideman who has resigned TAA 12/5/1/2/25 TAA 12/5/1/2/25 Administrateurskennisgewing No Julie 1968 Administrators Notice No July 1968 VERBETERINGSKENNISGEWING INSLUITING CORRECTION NOTICE INCLUSION OF THE VAN DIE RIDGEWAYSE HOERSKOOL IN DEEL "RIDGEWAYSE HOERSKOOL" IN PART (A) OF (A) VAN DIE EERSTE BYLAE VAN DIE THE *FIRST SCHEDULE TO THE EDUCATION ONDERWYSORDONNANSIE, 1953 (ORDON ORDINANCE, 1953 (ORDINANCE No 29 OF 1953) NANSIE No 29 VAN 1953) Administrators Notice No 2937, dated 16 December Administrateurskennisgewing No 2937, gedateer , and published in Provincial Gazette No 3310 of Desember 1967, en gepubliseer in Provinsiale Koerant the 10th January 1968, is hereby corrected by changing No 3310 van 10 Januarie 1968, word hierby verbeter the name Ridgeway High School in the English text to deur die benaming " Ridgeway High School " " in die Ridgewayse Hoerskool" Engelse teks te verander na Ridgewayse HoOrsicool Administrateurskennisgewing No Julie 1968 Administrators Notice No July 1968 JOHANNESBURG WYSIGINGSKEMA 1/236 JOHANNESBURG AMENDMENT SCHEME 1/236 Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van sub It is hereby notified in terms of subsection (1) of artikel (1) van artikel 36 van die Ordonnansie op Dorps section 36 of the Town planning and Townships beplanning en Dorpe, 1965, bekendgemaak dat die Ordinance, 1965, that the Administrator has approved of Adminis:rateur goedkeuring verleen het om Johannes the amendment of Johannesburg Town planning Scheme burg dorpsaanlegskema 1, 1946, te wysig deur die her 1, 1946, by the rezoning of Stands 3017, 3019 and 3020 indeling van Standplase 3017, 3019 en 3020 (pagperseel); (leasehold); 2921, 2920 and 2919 (freehold), Johannes 2921, 2920 en 2919 (eiendomsperseel), Johannesburg op burg, from "General Residential" in Height Zone 3, in sekere voorwaardes van Algemene Woon " in Hoogte Townplanning Scheme 1, to "General Business" in streek 3 in Dorpsaanlegskema 1 tot Algemene Besig Height Zone 2, subject to certain conditions heid " in Hoogtestreek 2 verander word:t Kaart 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysiging Map 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment scheme are in" ward are filed with the Direc:or of Local Government, Pretoria, bewaring ring gehou deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Pretoria en die Stadsklerk, Johannesand the Town Clerk, Johannesburg and are open for burg en is beskikbaar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye inspection at all reasonable times Hierdie wysigingstaan bekend as Johannesburg This amendment is known as Johannesburg Amend wysigingskema 1/236 ment Scheme 1/236, Administrateurskennisgewing No Julie 1968 IOHANNESBURG WYSIGINGSKEMA 1/243 Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van subartikel (1) van artikel 36 van die Ordonnansie op Dorps beplanning en borne, 1965, bekendgemaak dat die Adminis:rateur goedkeuring verleen het om Johannes burg dorpsaanlegskema 1, 1946, te wysig deur die herindeling van Standplaas 3005 (pagperseel) 2928 (eien domsperseel) Johannesburg, op sekere voorwaardes van Administrators Notice No July 1968 JOHANNESBURG AMENDMENT SCHEME 1/243 It is hereby notified in terms of subsection (1) of section 36 of fhe Town planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that the Administrator has approved Townshoved of the amendment of Johannesburg Town planning Scheme 1, 1946, by the rezoning or Stand 3005 (leasehold), 2928 (freehold), Johannesburg, from " General Residential" in Height Zone 3 to "General Business " in Height Zone 2 subject to certain conditions Algemene Woon " in Hoogtestreek 3 tot Algemene Besigheid " in Hoogtestreek 2 te verander Map 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment Kaart 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysigingskeina scheme are filed with the Director of Local Government, word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike Pretoria, and the Town Clerk, Johannesburg and are open Bestuur, Pretoria en die Stadsklerk, Johannesburg en is for inspection at all reasonable times beskikbaar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Johannesburg This amendment is known as Johannesburg Amend wysigingskema 1/243 ment Scheme 1/243, TAD 5/2/25/243 TAD 5/2/25/243 3

4 176 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 24 JULIE 1968 AdminThieurskennisgcwing No Julie 1963 Administrators Notice No July 1968 OlENING VAN OPENBARE DISTRIKSPAD, OPENING OF PUBLIC DISTRICT ROAD: DISTRICT DISTRIK RUSTENBURG OF RUSTENBURG Dit word hierby vir algemene inligting bekendgemaak It is hereby notified for general information that the dat die Administrateur, na ondersoek en verslag deur die Administrator has approved, after investigation and report Padraad van Rustenburg, ingevolge paragraaf (b) van by the Road Board of Rustenburg, in terms of paragraph subartikel (2) en paragraaf (c) van subartikel (1) van (b) of subsection (2) and paragraph (c) of subsection (1) artikel vyf en artikel Brie van die Padordonnansie, 1957 of section five and section three of the Roads Ordinance, (Ordonnansie No 22 van 1957), goedgekeur het dat n 1957 (Ordinance No 22 of 1957), that a Public District openbare Distrikspad 1599, 80 Kaapse voet breed, sal Road Cape feet wide, shall exist on the farm bestaan op die plaas Rustenburg Dorp en Dorpsgronde Town and Townlands of Rustenburg 272 JQ District of 272 JQ distrik Rustenburg, soos aangetoon op bygaande Rustenburg, as indicated on the subjoined sketch plan sketsplan DP /22/1599 DP /22/ Rustenburg Dorp Paardekrard DP /22 /Is 99 en orpsgronde 279 ja 272 JQ Verwysing: Reference: G e d 1 eft IV b Proef ploos4 _ 9 Pad geopen Road opened 3 80 C ft,a Pc" 1599 Rd Bestaande = Existing, paaie roads N ^ II Administrateurskennisgewing No Julie 1968 Administrators Notice No July 1968 PADREELINGS OP DIE PLAAS WONDERHOEK ROAD ADJUSTMENTS ON THE FARM WONDER 376 IS, DISTRIK MIDDELBURG, TRANSVAAL HOEK 376 JS, DISTRICT OF MIDDELBURG, TVL Met betrekking tot Administrateurskennisgewing No With reference to Administrators Notice No 253 of 253 van 13 Maart 1968, word hiermee vir algemene inlig 13 March 1968 it is hereby notified for general informating bekendgemaak dat dit die Administrateur behaag tion that the Administrator is pleased, under the pro om ooreenkomstig artikel 29 (6) van die Padordonnansie, visions of section 29 (6) of The Roadi Ordinance, (Ordonnansie No 22 van 1957), goedkeuring to heg (Ordinance No 22 of 1957), to approve the road adjustaan die padreelings, soos aangetoon op bygaande skets merits shown on the subjoined sketch plan plan DP /24/W12 Sub SA Louw DP /24/W12 Sub SA Louw II 9 1"11, s IIGIV 4W NDERI 10EK 3 4 4S esaligied RC NWpAD DP M4M12 SUB SALOUW VERWYSING 4211 i REPEGENCE EESTAANDE PAA IE = EXISTING ROADS PAD GESWIT ==== ROAD CLOSED PAD GEOPEN ROM? OPENED ID ins 4

5 I 4 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 24 JULY Administrateurskennisgewing No Julie 1968 Administrators Notice No July 1968 VERLEGGING EN VERBREDING VAN DISTRIKS DEVIATION AND WIDENING OF DISTRICT ROAD PAD 395, DISTRIK PIET RETIEF 395 DISTRICT OF PIET RETIEF Hiermee word vir algemene inligting bekendgemaak dat It is hereby notified for general information that the die Administrateur, na ondersoek en verslag deur die Pad Administrator has approved, after investigation and raad van Piet Retief, goedgekeur het dat Distrikspad report by the Road Board of Piet Retief, that District 395 oor die pleas Welgekozen 514 IT, distrik Piet Retief, Road 395 traversing the farm Welgekozen 514 IT, ingevolge artikel drie en paragraaf (d) van subartikel (1) District of Piet Retief, shall be deviated and widened to van artikel vyf van die Padordonnansie, 1957 (Ordon 80 Cape feet in terms of section three and paragraph (d) nansie No 22 van 1957), verle en na 80 Kaapse voet of subsection (1) of section five of the Roads Ordinance, verbreed word, soos op bygaande sketsplan aangetoon 1957 (Ordinance No 22 of 1957), as indicated on the subjoined sketch plan DP /22/395 Vol II DP /22/395 Vol II VEIN/SING DP 05/ Vola REFEREACE " WELGEKozEr/ 574 IT 1kw llocksstz21 CRP IVO,4C9 Ch a e di t 4); 9 Padropen Pod &anima SLICnide Fbcaa PkCalre76Padi GniRiteljdeldr5lee 1 PIET RETIEF TOWN MO TOVNLANOS TO9 14T t A ke pr Rasa opened Rood closed Etise;" Rcods Administrateurskennisgewing No Julie 1968 Administrators Notice No July 1968 MIDDELBURG WYSIGINGSKEMA 4 MIDDELBURG AMENDMENT SCHEME 4 Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van subartikel It is hereby notified in terms of subsection (1) of section (1) van artikel 36 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning 36 of the Town planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, en Dorpe, 1965, bekendgemaak dat die Administrateur that the Administrator has approved of the amendment of goedkeuring verleen het om Middelburg dorpsaanleg Middelburg Townplanning Scheme, 1963, to be amended skema 1963 te wysig deur klousule 25 (a) met n nuwe by the substitution of clause 25 (a) with a new clause klousule te vervang, Die, skemaklousules van die wysigingskema word in The scheme clauses of the amendment scheme with the Director gehou deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, are ofiled Local Government, bewaring the Town Clerk, Middelburg, and are open Pretoria, inspectionand for Pretoria en die Stadsklerk, Middelburg en is beskikbaar at all reasonable times vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Middelburgwysiging This amendment is known as Middelburg Amendment skema 4 Scheme 4 TAD 5/2/105/4 TAD 5/2/105/4 Administrateurskennisgewing No Julie 1968 Administrators Notice No July 1968 JOHANNESBURG WYSIGINGSKEMA 1/228 JOHANNESBURG AMENDMENT SCHEME 1/228 Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van sub It is hereby notified in terms of subsection (1) of section artikel (1) van artikel 36 van die Ordonnansie op Dorps 36 of the Town planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, beplanning en Dorpe, 1965, bekendgemaak dat die that the Administrator has approved of the amendment of Administrateur goedkeuring verleen het om Johannesburg Johannesburg Town planning Scheme 1, 1946, by the dorpsaanlegskema 1, 1946, te wysig deur die herirideling rezoning of the rear portion of Stand 97, Fairview Town van die agterste gedeelie van Standplaas 97, dorp Fairview ship, from " General Residential " to " General Business " van Algemene Woon " tot Algemene Besigheid" Map 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment Kaart 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysigingskema scheme are filed with the Director of Local Government, word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Pretoria en die Stadsklerk, Johannesburg en Pretoria, and the Town Clerk, Johannesburg, and are open is for inspretoriapcoone at all reasonable times beskikbaar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Johannesburgwysi This amendment is known as Johannesburg Amendment gingskema 1/228 _ Scheme 1/228 _ t TAD 5/2/25/228 TAD 5/2/25/228 t)5

6 178 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 24 JULIE 1968 Administrateurskennisgewing No Julie 1963 Administrators Notice No July 1968 MUNISIPALITEIT RUSTENBURG AANNAME RUSTENBURG MUNICIPALITY ADOPTION OF VAN STANDAARD FINANSIELE VERORDENINGE STANDARD FINANCIAL BY LAWS 1 Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevcilge artikel 1 The Administrator heieby, in terms of section van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, dal of the Local Gosiernment Ordinance, 1939, publishes that die Stadsraad van Rustenburg die StandaardFmansidle the Town Council of Rustenburg has in terms of section Verordeninge, afgekondig by Administrateurskennisgewing 96 bis (2) of the said Ordinance adopted without amend No 927 van 1 November 1967, ingevolge artikel 96 bis mint the Standard Financial Bylaws, published under (2) van genoemde Ordonnansie sondcr wysiging aan Administrators Notice No 927, dated the 1st November geneem het as verordeninge wat deur genoemde Raad 1967, as bylaws made by the said Council opgestel is 2 Die2 Finansidle Regulasies_ van die Munisipaliteit The Financial Regulations of the Rustenburg Municiity, published under pa Rustenburg, afgekondig by Administrateurskennisgewing Administrators Notice No 195, dated the 13th April 1932, are hereby revoked No 195 van 13 April 1932, word hierby herroep TALG 5/173/31 TALG 5/173/31 Administrateurskennisgewing No Julie 1968 Administrators Notice No July 1968 MUNISIPALITEIT BRITS AANNAME VAN BRITS MUNICIPALITY ADOPTION OF STANDARD FINANCIAL BYLAWS STANDAARD FINANSIELE VERORDENINGE 1 Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel I The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 a 101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, dat of the Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes that die Stadsraad van Brits die StandaardFinansidle Ver the Town Council of Brits has in terms of section 96 his 1411 ordeninge, afgekondig by Administrateurskennisgewing (2) of the said Ordinance adopted without amendment No 927 van 1 November 1967, ingevolge artikel 96 Ns (2) the Standard Financial By laws, published under Adminisvan genoemde Ordonnansie sonder wysiging aangeneem trators Notice No 927, dated the 1st November 1967, het as verordeninge wat deur genoemde Raad opgestel is as bylaws made by the said Council 2 Die Finansiele Regulasies van die Munisipaliteit 2 The Financial Regulation of the Brits Municipality, Brits, afgekondig by Administrateurskennisgewing No published under Administrators Notice No 113, dated the 113 van 6 Maart 1940, word hierby herroep 6th March 1940, are hereby revoked TALG 5/173/10 TALG 5/173/10 Administrateurskennisgewing No Julie 1968 Administrators Notice No July 1968 BOKSBURGWYSIGINGSKEMA 1/48 BOKSBURG AMENDMENT SCHEME 1/48 Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings Nan subartikel It is hereby notified in terms of subsection (1) of (1) van artikel 89 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplan section 89 of the Town planning and Townships Ordiaing en Dorpe, 1965, bekendgemaak dat die Administra nance, 1965, that the Administrator has approved of the teur goedkeuring verleen het om Boksburgdorpsaanleg amendment of Boksburg Town plapning Scheme 1, 1946, skema 1, 1946, te wysig, om ooreen te stem met die stig to conform with the conditions of establishnient and the tingsvoorwaardes en die algemene plan van die dorp general plan of Impala Park Township Impala Park Map 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment scheme Kaart 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysigingskema are filed with the Director of Local Government, Pretoria word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike and the Town Clerk, Boksburg, and are Bestuur, Pretoria, open for en die Stadsklerk, Boksburg, en is inspec: lion at all reasonable times beskikbaar vir inspeksie op alle redelike lye Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Boksburgwysiging This amendment is known as Boksburg Amendment skema 1/48 Scheme 1/48 TAD 5/C/7/48 TAD 5/2/7/48 Administrateurskennisgewing No Julie 1968 Administrators Notice No July 1968 VERKLARING VAN GOEDGEKEURDE DORP DECLARATION OF APPROVED TOWNSHIP IMPALAPARK INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 69 VAN IMPALAPARK IN TERMS OF SECTION 69 OF THE IRE ORDONNANSIE OP DORPSBEPLANNING EN TOWNPLANNING AND TOWNSHIPS ORDINANCE, DORPE, Ingevolge artikel 69 van die Ordonnansie op Dorps In terms of section 69 of the Townplanning and Townbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie No: 25 van ships Ordinance, 1965 (Ordinance No 25 of 1965), the 1965), verklaar die Administrateur hierby dat die dorp Administrator hereby declares that the Township of Impalapark, geled op Gedeeltes 166 en 167 van die plans Impalapark, situated on Portions 166 and 167 of the farm Witkoppie 64 IR, distrik Kempton Park, tot n goedge Witkoppie 64 IR, District of Kempton Park, to be an keurde dorp verklaar word en in die Bylae by hierdie approved township and in the Schedule to this notice the kennisgewing is die voorwaardes niteengesit waarop die conditions upon which the application for the establishaansoek om die stigting van bedoelde dorp toegestaam is mint of the said township has been gtanted, are set forth " TAD 4/8/ AD 4/8/2802 6

7 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 24 JULY BYLAE SCHEDULE VOORWAARDES WAAROP DIE AANSOEK CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH THE APPLICATION GEDOEN DEUR VLEUELHOOGTE (EDMS) MADE BY VLEUELHOOGTE (PROPRIETARY) BEPERK EN IMPALAPARK (EDMS) BEPERK LIMITED AND IMPALAPARK (PROPRIETARY) INGEVOLGE DIE BEPALINGS VAN DIE ORDON LIMITED UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE NANSIE OP DORPSBEPLANNING EN DORPE, 1965, TOWNPLANNING AND TOWNSHIPS ORDINANCE, OM TOESTEMMING OM N DORP TE STIG OP 1965, FOR PERMISSION TO ESTABLISH A TOWN GEDEELTES 166 EN 167 VAN DIE PLAAS WIT SHIP ON PORTIONS 166 AND 167 OF THE FARM KOPPIE 64 IR, DISTRIK KEMPTON PARK, TOEGE WITKOPPIE 64 IR, DISTRICT OF KEMPTON PARK, STAAN IS WAS GRANTED A STIGTINGSVOORWAARDES A CONDITIONS OF ESTABLISHMENT 1 Naanz 1 Name Die naam van die dorp is Impalapark The name of the township shall be Impalapark 2 Ontwerpplan van die Dorp 2 Design of Township Die dorp bestaan uit erwe en strate soos aangedui op The township shall consist of erven and streets as Algemene Plan LG A3997/67 indicated on General Plan SG A3997/67 3 Water 3 Water Die applikante moet n sertifikaat van die plaaslike The applicants shall lodge with the Administrator for bestuur aan die Administrateur vir sy goedkeuring voorle, his approval a certificate from the local authority to the waarin vermeld word dat effect that (a) n voorraad water geskik vir menslike gebruik en wat toereikend is om aan die vereistes van die inwoners (a) a supply of potable water, sufficient for the needs van die dorp te voldoen wanneer dit heeltemal toegebou of the inhabitants of the township when it is fully built is, met inbegrip van voorsiening vir brandweerdienste up, including provision for fire fighting services is beskikbaar is; available; (b) reelings tot voldoening van die plaaslike bestuur (b) arrangements to the satisfaction of the local getref is in verband met die lewering van water in (a) authority have been made regarding the delivery of the hierbo genoem en die retikulasie daarvan deur die bele water referred to in (a) above and the reticulation dorp: Met dien verstande dat ondcrstaande bepalings thereof throughout the township: Provided that such in sodanige reelings ingesluit word: arrangements shall include the following provisions: (i) Dat die applikante n geskikte voorraad water tot (i) That before the plans of any building to be by die straatfront van die erf moet laat aanli voordat erected upon any erf arc approved by the local authodie planne van n gebou wat op die erf opgerig sal word, rity the applicants shall cause a suitable supply of deur die plaaslike bestuur goedgekeur word; water to be laid on to the street frontage of the erf; (ii) dat alle koste van, of in verband met "die instal lering van n installasie en toebehore vir die lewering, (ii) that all costs of or connected with, the installation opgaar, indien nodig, en die retikulasie van die water of plant and appurtenances for the delivery, storage, if deur die applikante gedra moet word en die applikante necessary, and reticulation of the water shall be borne is ook aanspreeklik am sodanige installasie en toebehore by the applicants, who shall also be responsible for the in n goeie toestand te onderhou tot tyd en wyl dit deur maintenance of such plant and appurtenances in good die plaaslike bestuur oorgeneem word: Met dien order and repair until they are taken over by the local verstande dat, indien die plaaslike bestuur vereis dat authority: Provided that if the local authority requires die applikante n installasie en toebehore van n groter the applicants to install plant and appurtenances of a kapasiteit as wat vir die dorp nodig is, moet installeer, capacity in excess of the needs of the township the die ekstra koste wat daardeur meegebring word, deur additional costs occasioned thereby shall be borne by die plaaslike bestuur gedra moet word; the local authority; (iii) dat die plaaslike bestuur daartoe geregtig is om (iii) that the local authority shall be entitled to take genoemde installasie en toebehore te eniger tyd koste over free of cost the said plant and appurtenances at loos oor te neem op voorwaarde dat ses maande kennis any time, subject to the giving of six months notice: gegee moet word: Met dien verstande dat die applikante Provided that until the local authority takes over the gelde vir water wat gelewer word teen n tarief deur die said water supply the applicants may make charges for plaaslike bestuur goedgekeur, kan vorder tot tyd en wyl water supplied at a tariff approved by the local authority; die plaaslike bestuur genoemde waterlewering oorneem; (c) the applicants have furnished the local authority (c) die applikante geskikte waarborge aan die plaaslike bestuur verstrek het met betrekking tot die nako with adequate guarantees reaarding the fulfilment of their obligations under the arrange above ming van hul verpligtings kragtens bostaande reelings mentioned ments n Beknopte verklaring waarin die aard en hoeveelheid van die watervoorraad beskikbaar en die hooftrekke van A summarised statement setting forth the nature and die reelings tussen die applikante en die plaaslike bestuur quantity of the available supply of water and the major getref, uiteengesit word, met spesiale vermelding vandie features of the arrangements entered into between the waarborge in subparagraaf (c) genoem, moet tesame met applicants and the local authority, with special reference genoemde sertifikaat as n aanhangsel daarby ingedien to the guarantees referred to in subparagraph (c) shall word, accompany the certificate as an annexure thereto 7

8 I 180 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 24 JULIE Stinitere Dienste 4 Sanitation Die applikante moet n sertifikaat van die plaaslike The applicants shall lodge with the Administrator for I bestuur aan die Administrateur vir sy goedkeuring voorle, his approval a certificate from the local authority to the waarin vermeld word dat reelings tot voldoening van die effect that arrangements to its satisfaction have been made plaaslike bestuur getref is vir die sanitere dienste in die for the sanitation of the township, which shall include dorp, met inbegrip van voorsiening vir die afvoer van provision for the disposal of waste water and refuse vuilwater en vullisverwydering A summarised statement of the main provisions of the n Beknopte verklaring van die hoofbepallngs van voor aforesaid arrangements shall accompany the certificate as noemde reelings moet tesame met die sertifikaat as n an annexure thereto aanhangsel daarby ingedien word 5 Electricity 5 Elektrisiteit The applicants shall lodge with the Administrator for Die applikante meet n sertifikaat van die plaaslike his approval a certificate from the local authority to the I bestuur aan die Administrateur vir sy goedkeuring voorle effect that arrangements to its satisfaction have been made waarin vermeld word dat reelings tot voldoening van die for the supply and distribution of electricity throughout plaaslike bestuur getref is vir die lewering en distribusie the I township van elektrisiteit deur die hele dorp A summarised statement of the main provisions of the n Beknopte verklaring van die hoofbepalings van voor aforesaid arrangements shall accompany the certificate noemde reelings moet tesame met die sertifikaat as n as an annexure thereto aanhangsel daarby ingedien word, 6 Begraaf pleas Stortings enbantoclokasieterreine 6 Cemetery, Depositing and Bantu Location Sites Die applikante moet tot voldoening van die Administra The applicantsshall make arrangements with the local teur met die plaaslike bestuur feelings tref ten opsigte van authority to the satisfaction of the Administrator in regard die verskaffing van n stortplek en terreine vir n begraaf to the provision of a depositing site and sites for a pleas en n Bantoelokasie As sodanige verskaffing cemetery and Bantu location Should such provision bestaan uit grond aan die plaaslike bestuur oorgedra te consist of land to be transferred to the local authority, word, is die oordrag daarvan nie onderworpe aan voor transfer thereof shall be free of conditions restricting the iviardes waarby die gebruik of die reg van vervreemding use or the right of disposal thereof by the local authority daarvan deur die plaaslike bestuur beperk word nie 7 Mineral Rights 7 Minercrleregte All rights to minerals and precious Alle regte op minerale en edelgesteentes word aan die to the applicants applikante voorbehou: stones shall be 8 Beperking op Proklamering 8 Restriction Against Proclamation Die dorp mag nie leproklameer word nie tot tyd en The townshipshall not be proclaimed until such time as wyl die Administrateur oortuig is dat die behoorlik the Administrator has been satisfied that the town planning " gewysig is scheme has been duly amended 9 Strate (a) Die applikante moet die strate in die dorp vorm, 9 Streets, skraap en onderhou tot voldoening van die plaaslike (a) The applicants shall form, grade and maintain the bestuur tot tyd en wyl hierdie aanspreeklikheid deuṟdie streets in the township to the satisfaction of the local plaaslike bestuur oorgenethm word: Met dien verstande authority until such time as this responsibility is taken dat die applikante se verantwoordelikheid om die strate over by the local authority: Provided, however, that the te onderhou ten opsigte van elke straat ophou wanneer applicants responsibility to maintain the streets shall daar op 50 persent van die erwe wat aan die betrokke cease in respect of each street when 50 per cent of the straat grens, gebou is erven abutting the street concerned have been built upon (b) Die strafe moet tot voldoening van die plaaslike bestuur name (b) gegee word The streets shall be named to the satisfaction of the local authority 10 Skenking 10 Endowment Die applikante moet, ingevolge die bepalings van artikel The applicants shall, in terms of the provisions of 63 (1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, section 63 (I) of the Townplanning and Townships Ordi No 25 van 1965, as n skenking aan die plaaslike bestuur nance, No 25 of 1965, pay as an endowment to the local bedrae geld betaal wat gelykstaande is met authority an amount equal to (a) 15% (vyftien persent) bereken op n grondwaarde (a) fifteen per cent (15%) calculated on a land value van R800 per wocaierf ontwikkel deur die dorpseienaars of R800 per residential erf developed by the township sodra die geboue op die erf voltooi en gereed is vir owners as soon as the buildings on the erf are completed bewoning; and ready for occupation; (b) 15% (vyftien persent) op die grondwaarde van (b) fifteen per cent (15%) on the land value alle ander of all erwe van die hand gesit deur die dorpsother erven disposed of by the township owners eienaars Sodanige begiftiging moet betaal word in ooreenstem Such endowment shall be paid in accordance with the ming met die bepalings van artikel 74 van genoemde provisions of section 74 of the said Ordinance and shall Ordonnansie en moet deur die plaaslike bestuur gebruik be used by the local authority for the construction of word vir die bou van strate, vloedwaterdreineringsdoel streets, stormwater drainage purposes and the provision eindes en die voorsiening en/of ontwikkeling van parke and/or development of parks within li its area of juris binne sy regsgebied, diction S,

9 I GAZETTE, 24 JULY kill/ 0 opgele D 11 Grand vir Stoats en ander DoPROVINCIALekndies 11 Land for State and Other Purposes Die volgende erwe soos op die Algemene Plan aangewys The following erven approximately in the position and moet deur en op koste van die applikante aan die betrokke of the extents shown on the general plan shall be transowerhede oorgedra word: ferred to the proper authorities by and at the expense of (a) Vir Staatsdoeleindes: the applicants: (i) Algemeen: Erf 518 (a) For State purposes: (ii) Onderwys: Erwe 410 en 1078 (i) General: Erf 518 (b) Vir munisipale doeleindes: (ii) Educational: Erven 410 and 1078 (i) Algemeen: Erf 520 (b) For municipal purposes: (ii) As parke: Erwe 1230 tot 1234 (i) General: Erf 520 (iii) As n transformatorterrein: Erf 959 (ii) As parks: Erven 1230 to 1234 (iii) As 12 Beperking op die Vervreemding van Erwe a transformer site: Erf 959 Erwe 1 tot 20, tot 226 en 341 mag nie oorgedra Restriction Against the Disposal of Ervetz, word sonder die skriftelike toestemming van die Elektrisi Erven 1 to 20, 207 to 226 and 341 shall not be trans teitsvoorsieningskommissie vooraf verkry is nie ferred without the written consent of the Electricity Supply Commission first had and obtained 13 Beskikking oor Bestaande Titelvoorwaardes 13 Disposal of Existing Conditions of Title Alle erwe moet onderworpe gemaak word aan bestaande All erven must be made subject to existing conditions voorwaardes en serwitute, as daar is, met inbegrip van and servitudes, if any, including the reservation of rights die voorbehoud van mineralereete to minerals 14 Nakoming van Voorwoardes 14 Enforcement of Conditions Die applikante moet die stigtingsvoorwaardes nakom The applicants shall observe the conditions of estaben moet die nodige stappe doen om te sorg dat die titel lishment and shall take the necessary steps to secure the voorwaardes en ander voorwaardes, genoem in artikel 62 enforcement of the conditions of title and any other van Ordonnansie No 25 van 1965, nagekom word: Met conditions referred to in section 62 of Ordinance No 25 dien verstande dat die Administrateur die bevocgdheid of 1965: Provided that the Administrator shall have the besit om die applikante van almal of enigeen van die power to relieve the applicants of all or any of the obligeverpligtings te onthef en sodanige verpligtings by enige tions and to vest these in any other person or body of ander persoon of liggaam van persone te bat berus persons B TITELVOORWAARDES 1 Die Erwe met Sekere Ilitsonderings (i)the ring van B CONDITIONS OF TITLE 1 Erven with Certain Exceptions erven with the exception of (i) the Die erwe met erwuitsonde e in klousule die A erven mentioned in 11 olause A 11 hereof; bier genoeth; (ii) such erven as (ii) erwe verkry vir Staatsdoeleindes; may be acquired for State purposes; and (iii) erwe wat vir munisipale doeleindes verkry word mits die Administrateur, na raadpleging met die Dorpe (iii) such erven as may be acquired for municipal raad, die doeleindes waarvoor sodanige erwe nodig is, purposes provided the Administrator, after consultation goedgekeur het, the Townships Board, has approved the purposes :, for which such erven are required; is onderworpe aan onderstaande verdere voorwaardes shall besubject to the further conditions hereinafter set deur die Administrateur ingevolge die bepalings forth imposed by the Administrator under the provisions van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe No of the Townplanning and Townships Ordinance, No van 1965 of 1965: (A) Algetnene woonerf (A) General residential erf Erf 713 is onderworpe aan die volgende voorwaarde: Ed 713 is subject to the following conditions: Die waarde van die woonhuis, sonder buitegeboue, wat The dwellinghouse, exclusive of outbuildings, which op die erf opgerig word, moet minstens R4,000 wees may be erected on the erf shall be of the value of not less than 84,000 (B) Spesiale woonerwe Die erwe is onderworpe aan die volgende voor (B) Special residential erven waarde : The erven are subject to the following condition: Die waarde van die woonhuis, sonder buitegeboue, wat The dwellinghouse, exclusive of outbuildings, to be op die erf opgerig word, moet minstens R4,000 wees erected on the erf shall be of the value of not less than R4,000 2 Erwe aanspesiale Yoonvaardes Ondenvorpe Benewens die betrokke voorwaardes hierbo uiteengesit, 2 Erven Subject to Special Conditions is die ondergemelde erwe aan die volgende voorwaardes In addition to the relevant conditions set out above the onderworpe: undermentioned erven shall be subject to the following Erwe 272, 275, 344, 437, 458, 464, 496, 504, 709, 718, conditions: 734, 1048, 1088 en 1099 Erven 272, 275, 344, 437, 458, 464, 496, 504, 709, 718, Die erf is onderworpe aan n serwituut vir vloedwater 734, 1048, 1088 and 1099 The erf is subject to doeleindes ten gunste van die plaaslike bestuur soos op a servitude for stormwater purposes in favour of the local die algemene plan aangewys authority as shown on the general plan 9

10 182 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 24 JULIE Serwituut vir Riolerings en Ander Munisipale 3 Servitude for Sewerage and Other Municipal Purposes Doeleindes In addition to the relevant conditions set out above Benewens die betrokke voorwaardes hierbo uiteengesit, the erven shall be subject to the following conditions: is die erwe aan die volgende voorwaardes onderworpe: (a) The ea is subject to a servitude, six feet wide, in (a) Die erf is onderworpe aan n serwituut vir riolerings favour of the local authority, for sewerage and other en ander munisipale doeleindes, ten gunste van die plaas municipal purposes, along one only of its boundaries other like bestuur, ses voet breed, langs slegs een van sy grense than a street boundary as determined by the local autho uitgesonderd n straatgrens soos deur die plaaslike bestuur rity bepaal (b) No building or other structure shall be erected (b) Geen gebou of ander struktuur mag binne voot within the aforesaid servitude area and no largerooted melde serwituutsgebied opgerig word nie en geen groat trees shall be planted within the area of such servitude or wortelbome mag binne die gebied van sodanige serwituut within six feet thereof of binne ses voet daarvan geplant word nie (c) The local authority shall be entitled to deposit (c) Die plaaslike bestuur is geregtig om sodanige temporarily on the land adjoining the aforesaid servitude materiaal as wat deur horn uitgegrawe word tydens die such material as may be excavated by it during the course aanleg, onderhoud of verwydering van sodanige rioolhoof of the construction, maintenance or removal of such pypleidings en ander werke as wat by volgens goeddunke sewerage mains and other works as it in its discretion may as noodsaaklik beskou, tydelik te gooi op die grond wat deem necessary and shall further be entitled to reasonable aan voornoemde serwituut grens en voorts is die plaaslike access to the said land for the aforesaid purpose subject bestuur geregtig tot redelike toeeang tot genoemde grond vir voornoemde duel: Met dien verstande dal die plaasto any damage during the process of constructing, main taking or removing such sewerage mains and other works like bestuur enige skade vereoed wat gedurende die aanleg, onderhoud of verwydering van sodanige rioolhoofpyp being made good by the local authority leidings en ander werke veroorsaak word 4 Definitions Woordatnskrywing In the aforegoing conditions the following term shall In voormelde voorwaardes het onderstaande uitdrukking have the meaning assigned to it: " die betekenis wat daaraan geheg word: Applicants " means Vleuel Hoogte (Proprietary) Limi Applikant " beteken Vleuelhoogte (Edms) Beperk en ted and Impala Park (Proprietary) Limited and their Impalapark (Edms) Beperk en hul opvolgers in titel tot successors in title to the township die dorp 5 State and Municipal Erven 5 Staats en Munisipale Erwe As enige erf genoem in klousule A 11 of erwe wat verkry Should any erf referred to in clause A 11 or any erf is soos beoog in klousule B 1 (ii) en (iii) hiervan, in die acquired as contemplated in clause B 1 (ii) and (iii) hereof besit kom van enigiemand anders as die Staat of die plaasbe registered in the name of any person other than the like bestuur, is so n erf daarop onderworpe aan sodanige State or the local authority such erf shall thereupon be van die voornoemde of sodanige ander voorwaardes as subject to such of the aforementioned or such other conch wat die Administrateur na raadpleging met die Dorperaad lions as may be permitted by the Administrator after consultation with the Townships Board toelaat ALGEMENE KENNISGEWINGS GENERAL NOTICES KENNISGEWING No 305 VAN 1968 NOTICE No 305 OF 1968 VOORGESTELDE STIGTING VAN DORP BIRCH PROPOSED ESTABLISHMENT OF BIRCHLEIGH EXTENSION LEIGH 3 TOWNSHIP UITBREIDING 3 It is hereby notified in terms of section 58 (1) of the Ingevolge artikel 58 (1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorps Town planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that applibeplanning en Dorpe 1965, word hierby bekendgemaak cation has been made by Rogoff Rand Investments (Prodat Rogoff Rand Investments (Proprietary) Limited, aan prietary) Limited, for permission to lay out a township on soek gedoen het om n dorp te stig op die plaas Rietfon the farm Rietfontein 32 IR, District of Kempton Park, to tein 32 IR, distrik Kempton Park, wat bekend sal wees as be known as Birchleigh Extension 3 Birghleigh uitbreiding 3 The proposed township is situate south of and abuts Die voorgestelde dorp 18 suid van en grens aan die dorp Birchleigh Township and on the remaining extents of Birchleigh en op resterende gedeeltes van Gedeeltes 7 en 8 Portions 7 and 8 of the farm Rietfontein 32 IR, District of van die plaas Rietfontein 32 IR, distrik Kempton Park Kempton Park The application together with the relative plans, docu Die aansoek met die betrokke planne, dokumente, en ments and information, is open for inspection, at the Office inligting 18 ter insae by die Kantoor van die Direkteur, of the Director,Room 13220, Second Floor, Block B Kamer B220, Tweede Vloer, Blok B Provinsiale Gebou, Provincial Building, Pretoria, for a period of eight weeks Pretoria, vir n tydperk van agt weke na datum hiervan from the date hereof Ingevolge artikel 58 (5) van genoemde Ordonnansie moet In terms of section 58 (5) of the said Ordinance any per iedereen wat beswaar wil mask teen die toestaan van die son who wishes to object to the granting of the application aansoek of wat begerig is om in die saak gehoor te word or who is desirous of being heard or of making represen of vertoc te rig, die Direkteur skriftelik in kennis stel So tations in the matter, shall communicate in writing with danige kennisgewing moet nie later nie as agt weke van the Director of Local Government Such communication die datum van sodanige eers!e publikasie in die Provinsialeshall be recieved by the Director not later than eight Koerant deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur ontvang weeks from the date of such first publication in the word Provincial Gazette 10

11 I PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 24 JULY Alle besware moet in duplo ingedien word en gerig word All objections must be lodged in duplicate, and address aan die Direkteur, Departement van Plaaslike Bestuur, Pos ed to the Director of Local Government, PO Box 892, bus 892, Pretoria Pretoria E UYS, E UYS, Waarnemende Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Acting Director of Local Government Pretoria, 10 Julie 1968 Pretoria, 10 July /II 0 van KENNISGEWING No 308 VAN 1968 NOTICE No 308 OF 1968 VOORGESTELDE STIGTING VAN DORP WESDEN PROPOSED ESTABLISHMENT OF WESDEN TOWNSHIP Ingevolge artikel 58 (1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorps It is hereby notified in terms of section 58 (I) of the beplanning en Dorpe, 1965, word hierby bekendgemaak Townplanning and Townships Ordinance, 1965 that dat Roses Car and Truck Company Limited, aansoek application has been made by Roses Car and [ruck gedoen het om n dorp te stig op die plaas Zandfontein Company Limited, for permission to lay out a township 42 IR, distrik Johannesburg, wat bekend sal we as on the farm Zandfontein 42 IR, District of Johannesburg, Wesden to be known as Wesden Die voorgestelde dorp le cos van en grens am die proposed township is situate east of and abuts the hoofpad vanaf Pretoria na Johannesburg en oos van die main road from Pretoria to Johannesburg and east of dorp Wendywood en op Gedeelte 237 van die plaasthe Wendywood Township and on Portion 237 of the farm Zandfontein 42 IR, distrik Johannesburg Zandfontein 42 IR, District of Johannesburg Die aansoek met die betrokke plane, dokumente en The application together with the relative plans, docu inlig ing 18 ter insae by die Kantoor van die Direkteur, ments and information, is open for inspection, at the Kamer B225, Tweede Vloer, Blok B, Provinsiale Gebou Office of the Director, Room B225, Second Floor, Block Pretoria, vir n tydperk van agt weke na datum hiervan B Provincial Building, Pretoria, for a period of eight Ingevolge artikel 58 (5) van genoemde Ordonnansie weeks from the date hereof moet iedereen wat beswaar wil maak teen die toestaan In terms of section 58 (5) of the said Ordinance any van die aansoek of wat begerig is om in die saak gehoor person who wishes to object to the granting of the appli te word of vertoe to rig, die Direkteur skriftelik in kennis cation or who is desirous of being heard or of making stet Sodanige kennisgewing moet nie later nie as agt representations in the matter, shall communicate, in weke van die datum van sodanige eerste publikasie in writing, with the Director of Local Government Such die Provinsiale Koeratu deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike communication shall be received by the Director not later Bestuur ontvang word than eight weeks from the date of such first publication in the Provincial Gazette Alle besware moet in duplo ingedien word en gerig word aan die Direkteur, Departement van Plaaslike All objections must be lodge in duplicate, and addressed Bestuur, Posbus 892, Pretoria t to the Director of Local Government, PO Box 892, Pretoria E UYS, E UYS, Waarnemende Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur A of Local Government Pretoria, 17 Julie Pretoria 17 July 196cg 1968 Director 1724 KENNISGEWING No 309 VAN 1968 NOTICE No 309 OF 1968 KLERKSDORP WYSIGINGSKEMA 1/47 KLERKSDORP AMENDMENT SCHEME 1/47 Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van sub It is hereby notified in terms of subsection (1) of artikel (1) van artikel 31 van die Ordonnansie op Dorps section 31 of the Town planning and Townships Ordi beplanning en Dorpe, 1965, bekendgemaak dat die Stads nance, 1965, tha: the Town Council of Klerksdorp has raad van Klerksdorp aansoek gedoen het om Klerksdorp applied for Klerksdorp Town planning Scheme 1, 1947, dorpsaanlegskema , te wysig deur die herindeling to be amended by the rezoning of a portion of the van n deel van die restant van Gedeelte 23 van die plaas remaining extent of Portion 23 of the farm Kafferskraal Kafferskraal 400 IP, van Spesiaal " tot Landbou" 400 IP, from " Special " to " Agricultural " Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat This amendment wil be known as Klerksdorp Amend Klerksdorp wysigingskema 1/47 genoem sal word) M in ment Scheme 1/47 Further particulars of the scheme are die Kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Klerksdorp en in die open for inspection at the Office of the Town Clerk, Kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Kamer Klerksdorp, and at the Office of the Director of Local B22; Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria, ter Government, Room B222, Provincial Building, Pretorius insae Street, Pretoria Enige eienaar of besitter van onroerende eiendom wat gelee is binne die gebied ten opsigte waarvan die skema Any owner or occupier of immovable property situate toepassing is, of binne een myl van die grens van within the area to which the scheme applies or within `enige sodanige skema en enige plaaslike bestuur wie se one mile of the boundary of any such scheme and any regsgebied aangrensend is aan sodanige gebied, het die local authority whose area of jurisdiction is contiguous It

12 184 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 24 JULIE 1968 reg om beswaar teen die skema aan te teken en kan le to such area, shall have the right to object to the scheme IP eniger tyd binne vier weke vanaf die datum van hierdie and may notify the Director of Local Government, n kennisgewing die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur by writing, at the above address or PO Box 892, Pretoria, bovermelde adres of Posbus 892, Pretoria, skriftelik in of such objection and of the reasons therefor at any kennis stel van so n beswaar en die redes daarvoor time within four weeks from the date of this notice E UYS, E UYS, Waarnemende Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Acting Director of Local Government Pretoria, 17 Julie Pretoria, 17 July KENNISGEWING No 310 VAN 1968 NOTICE No 310 OF 1968 NOORDELIKE JOHANNESBURGSTREEK WYSIGINGSKEMA 129 NORTHERN JOHANNESBURG REGION AMEND MENT SCHEME 129 Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van subartikel (1) van artikel 31 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplan It is hereby notified in terms of subsection (1) of section ning en Dorpe, 1965 bekendgemaak dal die Transvaaise 31 of the Townplanning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, Raad vir die Ontwikkelint van Buitestedelike Gebiede that the Transvaal Board for the Development of Periaansoek gedoen het om Noordelike Johannesburgstreek Urban Areas has applied for Northern Johannesburg dorpsaanlegskema 1, 1959, te wysig deur die henndeling Region Town planning Scheme 1, 1959, to be amended van die resterende gedeelte van Lot 2, Sandhurstdorp van by the rezoning of the remainder of Lot 2, Sandhurst een waning per vierkante voet" tot een waning Township, from "one dwelling per 80,000 square feet" per 40,000 vierkante voet " to " one dwelling per 40,000 square feet " Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat This amendment wil be known as Northern Johannes Noordelike Johannesburgstreekwysigingskema 129 burg Amendment Scheme 129 Further particulars of the genoem sal word) le die kantoor van die Sekretaris, scheme are open for inspection at the office of the Secre Transvaalse Raad vir die Ontwikkeling van Buitestedelike tary, Transvaal Board for the Development of Peri Gebiede, Pretoria en Johannesburg en in die kantoor van Urban Areas, Pretoria and Johannesburg and at the office die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Kamer 13222, of the Director of Local Government, Room B222, Provinsiale Gebou Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria, ter insae Provincial Building, Pretorius Street, Pretoria Enige eienaar of besitter van onroerende eiendom wat Any owner or occupier of immovable property situate gelee is binne die gebied ten opsigte waarvan die skemt within the area to which the scheme applies or within van toepassing is, of binne een myl van die grens van one mile of the boundary of any such scheme and any enige sodanige skema en enige plaaslike bestuur wie se local authority whose area of jurisdiction is contiguous to regsgebied aangrensend is aan sodanige gebied, het die such area, shall have the right to object to the scheme reg om beswaar teen die skema aan te teken en kan te and may notify the Director of Local Government, in eniger tyd,binne vier weke vanaf die datum van hierdie writing, at the above address or PO Box 892, Pretoria, kennisgewing die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur 6y of such objection and of the reasons therefor at any time bovermelde adres of Posbus 892, Pretoria skriftelik in within four weeks from the date of this notice kennis stel van so n beswaar en die redes daarvoor E UYS, E UYS, Acting Director of Local Government Waarnemende Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Pretoria 17 July 1968 Pretoria, 17 Julie KENNISGEWING No 311 VAN 1968 NOTICE No 311 OF 1968 PRETORIA NOORD WYSIGINGSKLMA 1/15 PRETORIA NORTH AMENDMENT SCHEME 1/15 Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van sub It is hereby notified in terms of subsection (1) of section artikel (1) van artikel 31 van die Ordonnansie op Dorps 31 of the Townplanning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, beplanning en Dorpe, 1965, bekendgemaak dat die that the City Council of Pretoria has applied for Pretoria Stadsraad van Pretoria aansoek gedoen het om Pretoria North Townplanning Scheme 1, 1950, to be amended Noord dorpsaanlegskema I, 1950, te wysig deur die by the addition of the following proviso (vii) to Table D, toevoeging van die volgende voorbehoudsbepaling (vii) clause 15 (a): na Tabel D van klousule 15 (a): " (vii) Subject to the provisions of clause 17, the (vii) Die Raad in Gebruikstreek IV (Spesiale Besig Council may in Use Zone IV (Special Business), permit heid), behoudens die bepalings van klousule 17, kan instem the erection and use of holdings for a synthetic drytot die oprigting en gebruik van geboue vir n sintetiese cleanette or a laundrette" droogskoonmakerytjie of wasserytjie" Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat This amendment will be known as Pretoria North Pretoria Noord wysigingskema 1/15 genoem sal word) le Amendment Scheme 1/15 Further particulars, of the in die Kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Pretoria en in die scheme are open for inspection at the Office of the Town Kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Kamer Clerk, Pretoria, and at the Office of the Director of Local B222, Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria, ter Government, Room B222, Provincial Building, Pretorius insae Street Pretoria 12

13 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 24 JULY Enige eienaar of besitter van onroerende eiendom wat Any owner or occupier of imovable property situate gelee is binne die gebied ten opsigte waarvan die skema within the area to which the scheme applies or within one van toepassing is, of binne een myl van die grens van mile of the boundary of any such scheme and any local enige sodanige skema en enige plaaslike bestuur wie se authority whose area of jurisdiction is contiguous to such regsgebied aangrensend is aan sodanige gebied, het die reg area, shall have the right to object to the scheme and may om beswaar teen die skema aan te teken en kan te eniger notify the Director of Local Government, in writing, at tyd binne vier weke vanaf die datum van hierdie kennis the above address or PO Box 892, Pretoria, of such gewing die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur by bovermelde objection and of the reasons therefor at any time within adres of Posbus 892, Pretoria, skriftelik in kennis stel four weeks from the date of this notice van so n beswaar en die redes daarvoor E UYS, E UYS, Waarnemende Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Acting Director of Local Government Pretoria, 17 Julie Pretoria, 17 July IIP KENNISGEWING No 314 VAN 1968 NOTICE No 314 OF 1968 EDENVALE WYSIGINGSKEMA 1/53 EDENVALE AMENDMENT SCHEME 1/53 Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van sub It is hereby notified in terms of subsection (1) of artikel (1) van artikel 31 van die Ordonnansie op Dorps section 31 of the Town planning and Townships beplanning en Dorpe, 1965, bekendgemaak dat die Stads Ordinance, 1965, that the City Council of Edenvale has mad van Edenvale in opdrag van die Dorperaad ingevolge in accordance with a directive from the Townships Board artikel 46 van gemelde Ordonnansie n wysigende skema in terms of section 46 of the Ordinance submitted an ingedien het, om Edenvale dorpsaanlegskema 1, 1954, deur amending scheme to amend Edenvale Town planning die herindeling van Gedeeltes 4, 5 en 31 van Lot 563, Scheme 1, 1954, by the rezoning of Portions 4, 5 and 31 Eastleigh, geled te Edendaleweg en Highweg, Eastleigh, of Lot 563, Eastleigh, situated in Edenvale and High Edenvale vanaf Spesiale Worm " tot Algemene Besig Roads, Eastleigh, from " Special Residential " to " General heid ", wat die oprigting van winkels aidaar moontlik sal Business" which will provide for the erection of shops maak Die naam en adres van die eienaars van die The name and address of the owners of the ground are grond is mnre, Daystern (Pty) Ltd Posbus 205, Germis Messrs Daystern (Pty) Limited, PO Box 205, Germiston ton This amendment will be known as Edenvale Amend Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat ment Scheme 1/53 Further particulars of the Scheme Edenvalewysigingskema 1/53 genoem sal word) /6 in die are open for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Edenvale en in die Edenvale and at the office of the Director of Local Govern kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Kanter ment, Room B222, Provincial Building, Pretorius Street; B222, Provinsiale Gebou Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria, ter Pretoria insae Any owner or occupier of immovable property situate Enige eienaar of besiler van onroerende eiendom wat within the area to which the scheme applies or within r gelee is binne die gebied ten opsigte waarvan die skema mile of the boundary of any such scheme and any local van toepassing is, of binne een myl van die grens van enige authority whose area of jurisdiction is contiguous to sodanige skema en enige plaaslike bestuur wie se regs such area, shall have the richt to object to the scheme and gebied aangrensend is aan sodanige gebied, het die reg om may notify the Director of Local Government, in writing beswaar teen die skema aan te teken en kan te eniger at the above address or PO Box 892 Pretoria, of such tyd binne vier weke vanaf die datum van hierdie kennis objection and of the reasons therefor at any time within gewing die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur by bovermelde four weeks from the date of this notice adres of Posbus 892, Pretoria, skriftelik in kennis stel van so n beswaar en die redes daarvoor E UYS, E UYS, Acting Director of Local Government Waarnemende Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Pretoria, 17 Julie 1968 Pretoria, 17 July KENNISGEWING No 315 VAN 1968 NOTICE No 315 OF 1968 PRETORIASTREEK WYSIGINGSKEMA 46 PRETORIA REGION AMENDMENT SCHEME 46 Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van sub It is hereby notified in terms of subsection (1) of artikel (1) van artikel 31 van die Ordonnansie op Dorps section 31 of the Town planning and Townships beplanning en Dorpe, 1965, bekendgemaak dat die Stads Ordinance, 1965, that the Town Council of Pre oria has raad van Pretoria aansoek gedoen het om Pretoria applied for Pretoria Town planning Scheme, 1960, to be dorpsaanlegskema, 1960, soos volg te wysig deur die her amended as follows by the rezoning of the remainder of indeling van die res:ant van Gedeelte 51 van die plaas Portion 51 of the farm Hartebeestfontein 324 JR, abut Hartebeestfontein 324 JR, geled ten noorde van die ting on the northern side of the Pretoria Derdepoort Pretoria Derdepoortpacl, wes van Montana landbouhoewes Road west of Montana Agricultural Holdings from van Landbou " na Spesiale Woon " met n digtheid " Agricultural " to "Special Residential" with a density van een woonhuis per 12,500 vierkantevoet Die algemene of one dwelling per 12,500 square feet The general effect uitwerking van die skema sal wees om dorpstigting op of the :schedule, will be to permit the esablishment of eiendom toe te laat Die eiendom is op naam van townships on the property The property is registered in Azanza Trust (Edms) Bpk, geregistreer the name of Azanza Trust (Pty) Limi:ed 13

14 I 186 PROVINSIALEKOERANT, E 1968 Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat This amendment will be known as Pretoria Amend Pretoriawysigingskema 46 genoem sal word) 18 in die ment Sheme 46 Further particulars of the scheme are Kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Pretoria en in die Kantoor open for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Kamer B222, Pretoria and at the office of the Director_ of Local Govern Provinsiale Gebou Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria, ter insae meth, Room B222, Provincial Building, Pretorius Street, Preoria Enige eienaar of besitter van onroerende eiendom wat Any owner or occupier of immovable property situate gelee is binne die gebied ten opsigte waarvan die skema within the area to which the scheme applies or within ohe van toepassing is, of binne een myl van die grens van enige mile of the boundary of any such scheme and any local sodanige skema en enige plaaslike bestuur wie se rees authority whose area of jurisdiction is contiguous to gebied aangrensend is aan sodanige gebied, het die reg such area, shall have the right to object to the scheme and out beswaar teen die skema aan te teken en kan te eniger may noify the Director of Local Government, in writing, tyd binne vier weke vanaf die datum van hierdie kennis at the above address or PO Box 892, Pretoria, of such gewing die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur by bover objection and of the reasons therefor at any time within melde adres of Posbus 892, Pretoria, skriftelik in kennis four weeks from the date of this notice stel van so n beswaar en die redes daarvoor E UYS, E UYS, Acting Director of Local Government Waarnemende Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Pretoria, 17 July 1968 Pretoria, 17 Julie KENNISGEWING No 316 VAN 1968 NOTICE No: 316 OF 1968 PRETORIASTREEK WYSIGINGSKEMA 1/ 176 PRETORIA REGION AMENDMENT SCHEME 1/176 Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van subartikel It is hereby notified in terms of subsection (1) of (1) van artikel 31 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning section 31 of the Town plaiming and Townships en Dorpe, 1965, bekendgemaak dat die Stadsraad van Ordinance, 1965, that the City Council of Pretoria has in Pretoria in opdrag van die Dorperaad ingevolge artikel 46 accordance with a directive from the Townships Board van gemelde Ordonnansie n wysigingskema ingedien het in terms of section 46 of the Ordinance submitted an om Pretoriastreek dorpsaanlegskema 1960, soon volg te amending scheme to amend Pretoria Townplanning wysig Scheme, 1960, as follows: (vi) Erf 204, Menlo Park, onderverdeel magword in (vi) Erf 204, Menlo Park, may be subdivided into two twee gedeeltes van nie minder as 17,250 Kaapse vierkante voet nie en n woonhuis op elke sodanige gedeelte opgerig mag word" portions of not less than Cape square feet and a dwellinghouse may be erected on each such portion" Erf 204, Menlo Park, geld noordoos van Anderson Ed 204 Menlo Park, situate to the northeast of straat teenoor die aansluiting van Sewende by Anderson Anderson Street, opposite the intersection of Anderson street, is bestem vir spesiale woongebruik met n digtheid and Seventh Streets, is zoned for "Special Residential" van een woonhuis per erf en mag dus nie onderverdeel purposes with a density of one dwelling per erf, and may word nie Die algemene uitwerking van die skema sal therefore, not be subdivided The general effect of the wees om die onderverdeling van die eiendom in twee scheme will be to permit the subdivision of the property gedeeltes toe te that into two portions Die eiendom is op naam van mnr S Strydom The property is registered in the name of Mr S geregistreer Strydom Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat This amendment will be known as Pretoria Amendment Pretoriastreekwysigingskema 1/176 genoem sal word) Scheme 1/176 Further particulars of the Scheme arc le in die Kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Pretoria en in open for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, die Kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Pretoria, and at the office of the Director of Local Govern Kamer B222, Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria, ment, Room B222, Provincial Building, Pretorius Street, ter insae Pretoria Enige eienaar of besitter van onroerende eiendom wat gelee is binne die gebied ten opsigte waarvan die skema Any owner or occupier of immovable property situate van toepassing is, of binne een myl van die grens van the area to which the scheme applies or within within mile of the boundary of enige sodanige skema en enige plaaslike bestuur wie se one any such scheme and any regsgebied aangrensend is aan sodanige gebied, het die local authority whose area of jurisdiction is contiguous reg om beswaar teen die skema aan te teken en kan te to such area, shall have the right to object to the scheme eniger tyd binne vier weke vanaf die datum van hierdie and may notify the Director of Local Government, in kennisgewing die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur by writing, at the above address or PO Box 892, Pretoria, bovermelde adres of Posbus 892, Pretoria, skriftelik in of such objection and of the reasons therefor at any time kennis stel van so n beswaar en die redes daarvoor within four weeks from the date of this notice E UYS, E UYS, Waarnemende Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Acting Director of Local Government Pretoria, 17 Julie 1968 Pretoria, 17 July

15 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 24 JULY _ KENNISGEWING No 317 VANPRO:916N: NOTICE No 317 OF VOORGESTELDE WYSIGING VAN DIE TITEL PROPOSED AMENDMENT OF THE CONDITIONS VOORWAARDES VAN GEDEELTE 1 VAN ERF 393, OF TITLE OF PORTION 1, OF ERF 393, MALVERN DORP MALVERN 00S EAST TOWNSHIP Hierby word bekendgemaak dat Pedro Louis da Silva, It is hereby notified that application has been made by ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 1 van die Wet op Pedro Louis da Silva, in terms of section 1 of the Opheffing van Beperkings in Dorpe, 1946, aansoek gedoen Removal of Restrictions in Townships Act, 1946, for the het om die wysiging van die titelvoorwaardes van Gedeelte amendment of the conditions of title of Portion 1 of 1 van Erf 393 dorp Malvern Oos, ten einde dit moontlik Erf 393, Malvern East Township, to permit the erf being te maak dat die erf vir die oprigting van n plek van used for the establishment of a place of instruction thereon onderrig daarop, gebruik kan word Die aansoek en die betrokke dokumente le ter insae The application and the relative documents are open in die Kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, for inspection at the office of the Secretary of the Town Kamer B222, Blok B, Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, ships Board, Room B222, Block B, Provincial Building, Pretoria, vir n tydperk van agt weke na die datum Pretoria, for a period of eight weeks from the date hereof hiervan ledereen wat teen die toestaan van die aansoek beswaar Any person who objects to the granting of the applica wil maak of wat verlang om in die saak gehoor te word tion or who is desirous of being heard or of making of vertoe in verband daarmee wil indien, moet binne agt representations in the matter shall communicate, in weke na die datum hiervan skriftelik met die Direkteur writing, with the Director of Local Government, at the van Plaaslike Bestuur by bovermelde adres of Posbus 892, above address or PO Box 892, Pretoria, within a period Pretoria, in verbinding tree of eight weeks from the date hereof E UYS E UYS, Waarnemende Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Acting Director of Local Government Pretoria, 17 Julie 1968 Pretoria, 17 July KENNISGEWING No 318 VAN 1968 NOTICE No 318 OF 1968 VOORGESTELDE WYSIGING VAN DIE TITEL PROPOSED AMENDMENT OF THE CONDITIONS VOORWAARDES VAN ERF 1390, DORP OF TITLE OF ERF 1390, DISCOVERY TOWNSHIP DISCOVERY UITBREIDING 6 EXTENSION 6 Hierby word bekendgemaak dat Bignonia (Pty) Ltd, It is hereby notified that application has been made by ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 3 (I) van die Wet op Bignonia (Pty) Ltd, in terms of section 3 (1) of the Opheffing van Beperkings, 1967, aansoek gedoen het om Removal of Restrictions Act, 1967, for the amendment of die wysiging van die titelvoorwaardes van Erf 1390, dorp the conditions of title of Erf 1390, Discovery Township Discovery uitbreiding 6 ten chide dit moontlik te maak Extension 6, to permit the erf being used for increase of dat die bestaande gebou op die erf tot drie verdiepings verhoog kan word Die aansoek en die betrokke dokumente le ter insae in die kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Kamer B222, Blok B, Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, height of present building to three stories The application and the relative documents are open for inspection at the Office of the Director of Local Government, Room B222, Block B Provincial Building, Pretoria p Pretoria Besware teen die aansoek kan op of voor 21 Augustus Objections against the application may be lodged, in 1968, skriftelik, by die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur writing, with the Director of Local Government at the by bovermelde adres of Posbus 892, Pretoria, ingedien above address or PO Box 892, Pretoria, on or before the word 21st August 1968 G P NEL, G P NEL Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Director of Local Government Pretoria, 24 Julie 1968 Pretoria, 24 July 1968 _ KENNISGEWING No 319 VAN 1968 NOTICE No 319 OF 1968 VOORGESTELDE STIGTING VAN DORP WOOD PROPOSED ESTABLISHMENT OF WOODMEAD MEAD UITBREIDING 2 EXTENSION 2 TOWNSHIP Ingevolge artikel 58 (1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorps It is hereby notified in terms of section 58 (1) of the beplanning en Dorpe, 1965, word hierby bekendgemaak Townplanning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that dat Rivonia Development Corporation (Pty) Ltd, aansoek application has been made by Rivonia Development gedoen het om n dorp te stig op die plaas Rietfontein Corporation (Pty) Ltd, for permission to lay out a town 2 IR, distrik Johannesburg, wat bekend sal wees as Wood ship on the farm Rietfontein 2 IR, District of Johannes mead uitbreiding 2 burg, to be known as Woodmead Extension 2 The proposed township is situate north of and abuts Die voorgestelde dorp le noord van en grens aan die Edenburg Township dorp Edenburg The application together with the relative plans, Die aansoek met die betrokke plane, dokumente en documents and information, is open for inspection, at the inligting 18 ter insae by die kantoor van die Direkteur, Office of the Director, Room B225, Second Floor, Block Kamer B225, Tweede Vloer, Blok B, Provinsiale Gebou, B, Provincial Building, Pretoria, for a period of eight Pretoria, vir n tydperk van agt weke na datum hiervan weeks from the date hereof i5

16 I WAY 1 E 188 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 24 JULIE 1968 Ingevolge artikel 58 (5) van genoemde Ordonnansie In terms of section 58 (5) of the said Ordinance any S moet iedereen wat beswaar wil maak teen die toestaan person who wishes to object to the granting of the appli van die aansoek of wat begerig is om in die saak gehoor cation or who is desirous of being heard or of making te word of vertoe te rig, die Direkteur skriftelik in kennis representations in the matter, shall communicate in writing stel Sodanige kennisgewing moet nie later nie as agt weke with the Director of Local Government Such communivan die datum van sodanige eerste publikasie in die cation shall be received by the Director not later than Provinsiale Koerant deur die Direkteur van Plaaslikc eight weeks from the date of such first publication in the, Bestuur ontvang word Provincial Gazette Alle besware moet in duplo ingedien word en gerig All objections must be lodged in duplicate, and word aan die Direkteur, Departement van Plaas addressed to the Director of Local Government, PO Box like Bestuur, Posbus 892, Pretoria 892, Pretoria UYS, E UYS, Waarnemende Direktcur van Plaaslike Bestuur Acting Director of Local Government Pretoria, 24 Julie 1968 Pretoria, 24 July KENNISGEWING No 320 VAN 1968 NOTICE No 320 OF 1968 VOORGESTELDE STIGTING VAN DORP HIGH PROPOSED ESTABLISHMENT OF HIGHWAY GARDENS UITBREIDING 1 GARDENS EXTENSION 1 TOWNSHIP Ingevolge artikel 58 (1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorps: It is hereby notified in terms of section 58 (1) of the beplanning en Dorpe, 1965, word hierby bekendgemaak Townplanning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that dat Manuel Rodrigues Farinha en Jose Games Araujo application has been made by Manuel Rodrigues Farinha aansoek gedoen het om n dorp te stig op die pleas Riet and Jose Gomes Araujo for permission to lay out a town fontein 63 IR, distrik Germiston, wat bekend sal wees as ship on the farm Rietfontein 63 IR, District of Germiston, Highway Gardens uitbreiding 1 to be known as Highway Gardens Extension 1 The proposed Die voorgestelde dorp 18 wes van en grens aan die dorp township is situate west of and abuts Harmelia Township and on Portion 223 (a portion of Harmelia en op Gedeelte 223 (n gedeelte van Gedeelte Portion 109) of the farm Rietfontein 63 IR, District of 109) van die pleas Rietfontein 63 IR, distrik Germiston Germiston Die aansoek met die betrokke planne dokumente en The application together with the relative plans, inligting 18 ter insae by die kantoor van die Direkteur, documents and information, is open for inspection, at the Kamer B225, Tweede Vloer, Blok B, Provinsiale Gebou, Office of the Director, Room B225, Second Floor, Block Pretoria, vir n tydperk van agt weke na datum hiervan B, Provincial Building, Pretoria, for a period of eight weeks from the datehereof Ingevolge artikel 58 (5) van genoemde Ordonnansie In terms of section 58 (5) of the said Ordinance any moet iedereen wat beswaar wil maak teen die toestaan person die aansoek of wat begerig is om in die sank gehoor cation or who who wishes desirous to object of to being the granting heard or of the of making to te word of verto8 te rig, die Direkteur skriftelik in kennis representations in the matter, shall communicate in writing stel Sodanige kennisgewing moet nie later nie as agt weke with the Director of Local Government Such communivan die datum van sodanige eerste publikasie in die cation shall be received by the Director not later than Provinsiale Koerant deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike eight weeks from the date of such first publication in the Bestuur ontvang word Provincial Gazette Alle besware moet in duplo ingedien word en gerig word All objections must be lodged in duplicate, and aan die Direkteur Departement van Plaaslike Bestuur, addressed to the Director of Local Government, PO Box Posbus 892, Pretoria 892, Pretoria E UYS, E UYS, Waarnemende Dirckteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Acting Director of Local Government Pretoria, 24 Julie 1968 Pretoria, 24 July 1968, KENNISGEWING No 321 VAN 1968 NOTICE No 321 OF 1968 VOORGESTELDE STIGTING VAN DORP PROPOSED ESTABLISHMENT OF MORNINGSIDE MORNINGSIDE UITBREIDING No 72 EXTENSION 72 TOWNSHIP Ingevolge artikel 58 (1) van die Ordonnansie op It is hereby notified in terms of section 58 (1) of the Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965, word hierby bekend Town planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that gemaak dat Elsburg Investments (Pty) Ltd, aansoek application has been made by Elsburg Investments (Pty) gedoen het om n dorp te stig op die plaas Zandfontein Ltd, for permission to lay out a township on the farm 42 IR, distrik Johannesburg, wat bekend sal wees as Zandfontein 42 IL District of Johannesburg, to be known Morningside uitbreiding 72 as Morningside Extension 72 The proposed township is situated east of and abuts Die voorgestelde dorp le oos van en grens aan die dorp Morningside Extension 5 Township and south of Lower Morningside uitbreiding 5, en suid van Lowerweg Road The application together with the relative plans, Die aansoek met die betrokke planne, dokumente en documents and information, is open for inspection of the inligting 18 ter insae by die kantoor van die Direkteur, Office of the Director, Room B225, Second Floor, Block Kamer, B225, Tweede Vloer, Blok B, Provinsiale,Gebou, B, Provincial Building, Pretoria, for a period of eight Pretoria, vir n tydperk van agt weke na datum hiervan weeks from the date hereof I 16

17 a PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 24 JULY artikel 58 (5) van genoemde Ordonnansie In terms of section 58 (5) of the said Ordinance any moet iedereen wat beswaar wil maak teen die toestaan person who wishes to object to the grantifig of the van die aansoek of wat begerig is om in die saak gehoor application or who is desirous of being heard or of te word of vertoe te rig, die Direkteur skriftelik in kennis making representations in the matter, shall communicate, stel Sodanige kennisgewing moet nie later nie as agt weke in writing, with the Director of Local Government Such van die datum van sodanige eerste publikasie in die communication shall be received by the Director not Provinsiale Koerant deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike later than eight weeks from the date of such first Bestuur ontvang word publication in the Provincial Gazette Alle besware moet in duplo ingedien word en gerig All objections must be lodged in duplicate, and word aan die Direkteur, Departement van Plaaslike addressed to the Director of Local Government, PO Box Bestuur, Posbus 892, Pretoria 892, Pretoria E UYS, E UYS, Waarnemende Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Acting Director of Local Government Pretoria, 9 Julie 1968 Pretoria, 9 Julie 1968 ringevolge KENNISGEWING No 322 VAN 1968 NOTICE No 322 OF 1968 VOORGESTELDE WYSIGING VAN DIE TITEL PROPOSED AMENDMENT OF THE CONDITIONS VOORWAARDES VAN ERWE 2550, 2552 EN 2554, OF TITLE OF STANDS 2550, 2552 AND 2554, DORP WANDERERS VIEW WANDERERS VIEW TOWNSHIP Hierby word bekendgemaak dat The Salvation Army It is hereby notified that application has been made by Property Company, ingevolge die bepalings van artikel The Salvation Army Property Company, in terms of 3 (1) van die Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings, 1967, section 3 (1) of the Removal of Restrictions Act, 1967 aansoek gedoen het om die wysiging van die titelvoor for the amendment of the conditions of title of Stands waardes van Erwe 2550, 2552 en 2554, dorp Wanderers 2550, 2552 and 2554, Wanderers View Township, to View, ten einde dit moontlik te maak dat die erwe vir permit the stands being used for special purposes, namely spesiale doeleindes, naamlik vir die oprigting van kantore for the erection of offices and with the consent of the City en met die toestemming van die Stadsraad van Johannes Council of Johannesburg for residential buildings burg vir woongeboue gebruik kan word The application and the relative documents are open Die aansoek en die betrokke dokumente le ter insae in for inspection at the Office of the Director of Local die kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Government, Room B222, Block 13; Provincial Building, Kamer B222, Blok B, Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria Pretoria Besware teen die aansoek kan op of voor 21 Augustus Objections against the application may be lodged; in 1968, skriftelik, by die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur writing, with the Director of Local Government at the by bovermelde adres of Posbus 892, Pretoria, ingedien above address or PO Box 892, Pretoria, on or before the word 21st August 1968 G P NEL: G P NEL, "" Direkleur van Plaaslike Bestuur Director of Local Government Pretoria, 24 Julie 1968 Pretoria, 24 July 1968 KENNISGEWING No 323 VAN 1968 NOTICE No 323 OF 1968 PRETORIASTREEK WYSIGENDESKEMA 180 PRETORIA REGION AMENDMENT SCHEME 180 Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van sub It is hereby notified in terms of subsection (1) of artikel (1) van artikel 31 van die Ordonnansie op Dorps section 31 of the Town planning and Townships beplanning en Dorpe, 1965, bekendgemaak dat die Ordinance, 1965, that the City Council of Pretoria has Stadsraad van Pretoria aansoek gedoen het om Pretoria applied for Pretoria Region Townplanning Scheme, 1960, streek dorpsaanlegskema, 1960, te wysig: to be amended: Deur die herindeling van die Oostelike Gedeelte van By the rezoning of the Eastern Portion of the remainder die restant van Gedeelte J van gedeelte van die plaas of Portion J of portion of the farm Waterkloof 378 JR Waterkloof 378 JR en die restant van Gedeelte 1 van and the remainder of Portion 1 of portion of portion of gedeelte van gedeelte van die pleas Garstfontein 374 JR, the farm Garstfontein 374 JR, situate between the old gelee tussen die ou militerepad en die Pretoria Delmaspad military road and the Pretoria Delmas Road, to the west ten weste van en aangrensend aan die Wingatebuiteldub, of and adjoining the Wingate Country Club, from van Landbou " gebruik" na Spesiale Woongebruik" met Agricultural" to " Special Residential " purposes with a n digtheid van een woonhuis per 12,500 vierkante voet density of one dwelling per 12,500 square feet Die algemene uitwerking van die skema sal wees om The general effect of the Scheme will be to permit the dorpstigting op die eiendomme moontlik te fink establishment of townships on the properties Die eiendomme is op naam van Waterkloof Boerdery The properties are registered in the name of Waterkloof (Edms) Bpk geregistreer Boerdery (Pty) Ltd Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat This amendment will be known as Pretoria Region _ Pretoriastreek wysigingskema 180 genoem sal word) 18 in Amendment Scheme 180 Further particulars of the die kantbor van die Siadsklerk van Pretoria en in die Scheme are open for inspection at the office of the Town kantoor Van die Direkteur van Plaaslike B8stuur, Kamer Clerk Pretoria and at the office of the Director of Local B222, Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria, ter Government, Room B222, Provincial Building, Pretorius insae Street, Pretoria: 17

18 190 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 24 JULIE 1968 Enige eienaar of besitter van onroerende eiendom wat Any owner or occupier of immovable property situate geled is binne die gebied te opsigte waarvan die skema within the area to which the scheme applies or within one van toepassing is, of binne een myl van die grens van mile of the boundary of any such scheme and any local enige sodanige skema en enige plaaslike bestuur wie se authority whose area of jurisdiction is contiguous to such, regsgebied aangrensend is aan sodanige gebied, het die reg area, shall have the right to object to the scheme and may om beswaar teen die skema aan te teken en kan te eniger notify the Director of Local Government, in writing, at tyd binne vier weke vanaf die datum van hierdie kennisge the above address or PO Box 892, Pretoria, of such wing die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur by bovermelde objection and of the reasons therefor at any time within adres of Posbus 892, Pretoria, skriftelik in kennis stel van four weeks from the date of this notice so n beswaar en die redes daarvoor G P NEL G P NEL, Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Director of Local Government Pretoria, 24 July 1968 Pretoria, 24 Julie KENNISGEWING No 324 VAN 1968 NOTICE No 324 OF 1968 JOHANNESBURG WYSIGINGSKEMA 1/301 JOHANNESBURG AMENDMENT SCHEME 1/301 Hierby word, ooreenkomstig die bepalings van sub It is hereby notified in terms of subsection (1) of section artikel (1) van artikel 31 van die Ordonnansie op Dorps 31 of the Townplanning and Townships Ordinance, 1965 beplanning en Dorpe, 1965, bekendgemaak dat die Stads that the City Council of Johannesburg has applied for raad van Johannesburg aansoek gedoen het om Johannes Johannesburg Town planning Scheme I, 1946, to be burgdorpsaanlegskema 1, 1946, te wysig deur die her amended by the rezoning of Lot 24 and remaining extent indeling van Ed 24 en die resterende gedeelte van of Reserve 12, Parktown, being 27 and 29 Empire Road Reserwe 12, Parktown, naamlik Empireleg 27 en 29 aan on the north side of Empire Road between Queens Road die voorkant van Empireweg tussen Queenswood en Park and Park Lane, to allow the erection of two buildings steeg, word verander sodat daar twee geboue met n having a maximum height of 12 and 18 storeys maksimum hoogte van onderskeidclik 12 en 18 verdiepings respectively at a total coverage of 16 per cent of the site met n totale delging van 16 persent van die terreinopper area subject to certain conditions vlakte, opgerig kan word ondenvorpe aan sekere voorwaardes Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat This amendment will be known as Johannesburg Johannesburgwysigingskema 1/301 genoem sal word) 16 Amendment Scheme 1/301 Further particulars of the in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Johannesburg en in Scheme are open for inspection at the office of the Town die kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Clerk, Johannesburg and at the office of the Director of Kamer B222, Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria, Local Government, Room B222, Provincial Building, ter insae Pretorius Street, Pretoria Enige eienaar of besitter van onroerende eiendom wat gelee is binne die gebied ten opsigte waarvan die skema van Any owner or occupier of immovable toepassing is, of binne een myl van die grens van enige property situate within the area to sodanige skema en the scheme applies or within one cnige plaaslike bestuur wie Sc regsof the boundary of any such scheme and l gebied aangrensend is aan sodanige gebied, bet die reg om any local beswaar teen die skema aan te teken en kan te eniger tyd authority whose area of jurisdiction is contiguous to such area binne vier weke vanaf die datum van hierdie kennisgewing have the right to object to the shill scheme and may notify die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestutir by bovermelde adres of Director of Local Government, in writing, at the above address or PO Box 892, Pretoria, of such objection Posbus 892, Pretoria, skriftelik in, kennis stel van so n and of the reasons therefor at any time within four beswaar en die redes daarvoor weeks from the date of this notice E UYS, E UYS, Waarnemende Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Acting Director of Local Government Pretoria, 24 Julie 1968 Pretoria, 24 July KENNISGEWING No 325 VAN 1968 NOTICE No 325 OF 1968 WESTONARIA WYSIGINGSKEMA 1/12 Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van subartikel WESTONARIA AMENDMENT SCHEME 1/12 (1) van artikel 31 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplan It is hereby notified in terms of subsection (I) of ning en Dorpe, 1965, bekendgemaak dat die Stadsraad section 31 of the TownPlanning and Townships Ordivan Westonaria aansdek gedoen het om Westonaria nance, 1965, that the Town Council of Westonaria has dorpsaanlegskema 1, 1949, soos volg te wysig: applied for Westonaria TownPlanning Scheme 1, 1949, (a) Ingeval van erwe wat as Spesiale Besigheid " to be amended as follows: gesoneer is, toe te laat vir die oprigting van winkels, besig (a) To permit the following uses in respect of erven heidsgeboue, woonhuise, woongeboue, kantore en profes zoned as Special Business ": Shops, business premises, sionele kamers op alle verdiepings woonstelle, onderrig dwellinghouses, residential buildings, offices and profesplekke, inrigtings, geselligheidsale en alle verdiepings uitge sional apartments on all floors, flats, places of instruction, sonderd die grondverdieping institutions, social halls, on all floors except ground floor is 410

19 I I G I aanlegskema I 320, 24 JULY _ (b) Ingeval van erwe wat as SpesiaPaR171/glesColALneerGAZEIThis, (b) To permit the following uses in respect of erven toe te laat vir bprigting van woonhuise, hotelle, banke, zoned as "Special ": Dwellinghouses, hotels, banks, kantore, professionele karners en woonstelle op alle ver offices; professional apartments and flats on all floors, diepings, onderrigplekke, inrigtings, geselligheidsale op alle places of instruction, institutions, social halls on all floors verdiepings uitgesonderd die grondverdieping except the ground floor Erwe 823 en 824, Westonaria dorpsgebied Winkels en Erven 823 and 824, Westonaria Towns/zip Shops and besigheidserwe sowel as bogenoemde gebruike business premises in addition to the uses above Erf 971, Westonaria dorpsgebiedwinkels, besigheids Erf 971, Westonaria Township Shops, business geboue, n p garage met vertoonkamers sowel as premises, a public garage with a showroom in addition to bog enoemde gebruikeublieke uses above Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat Westonariawysigingskema 1/12 genoem sal word) 18 in This amendment will be known as Westonaria Amend die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Westonaria en in die ment Scheme 1/12 Further particulars of the Scheme arc kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Kamer open for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, B222, Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria, ter Westonaria and at the office of the Director of Local insae Government, Room B222, Provincial Building, Pretorius Street, Pretoria Enige eienaar of besitter van onroerende eiendom wat gelee is binne die gebied ten opsigte waarvan die skema Anyowner or occupier of immovable property situate van toepassing is, of binne een myl van die grens van enige within the area to which the scheme applies or within one Ilisodanige skema en enige plaaslike bestuur wie se regs mile of the boundary of any such scheme and any local gebied aangrensend is aan sodanige gebied, het die reg om authority whose area of jurisdiction is contiguous to such beswaar teen die skema aan to teken en kan te eniger tyd area, shall have the right to object to the scheme and may binne vier wcke vanaf die datum van hierdie kennisgewing notify the Director of Local Government, in writing, at die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur by bovermelde adres the above address or PO Box 892, Pretoria, of such objec; of Posbus 892, Pretoria skriftelik in kennis stel van so n tion and of the reasons therefor at any time within four beswaar en die redes daarvoor weeks from the date of this notice P NEL, G P NEL, Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Director of Local Government Pretoria, 24 Julie 1968 Pretoria, 24 July KENNISGEWING No 326 VAN 1968 NOTICE No 326 OF 1968 PRETORIA WYSIGINGSKEMA 1/141 PRETORIA AMENDMENT SCHEME 1 1/141 Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van sub It is hereby notified in terms of subsection (1) Of artikel (1) van artikel 31 van die Ordonnansie op Dorps section 31 of the Town planning and Townships beplanning en Dorpe, 1965, bekendgemaak dat die Stads Ordinance, 1965, that the City Council of Pretoria has mad van Pretoria aansoek gedoen het om Pretoriadorps applied for Pretoria Town planning Scheme 1, 1944, to 1, 1944, te wysig deur die herindeling van Erf be amended by the rezoning of Ed 320, Gezina, Pretoria, Gezina, Pretoria, gelee aan Dertiende Laan tussen situated on Thirteenth Avenue between Swemmer and IPSwemmer en Frederikastraat van Spesiale Woon " tot Frederika Streets, from "Special Residential" use to Spesiaal " ten einde die oprigting van laedigtheids " " Special purposes to permit the erection of low density woonstelgeboue of woonhuise daarop toe te laat, onder flats or dwellinghouses thereon, subject to the conditions worpe aan die voorwaardes soos vervat m Bylae B, Plan as set out on Annexure B, Plan 356 of the draft scheme 356 van die konsepskema Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat This amendment will be known as Pretoria Amend Prctoria wysigingskema 1/141 genoem sal word) le in die ment Scheme 1/141 Further particulars of the Scheme kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Pretoria en in die arc open for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Kamer Pretoria, and at the office of the Director of Local B222, Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria, ter Government, Room B222, Provincial Building, Pretorius insae Street, Pretoria Enige eienaar of besitter van onroerende eiendom wat gelee is binne die gebied ten opsigte waarvan die skema Any owner or occupier of immovable property situate van toepassing is, of binne een myl van die grens van within the area to which the scheme applies or within enige sodanige skema en enige plaaslike bestuur wie se one mile of the boundary of any such scheme and any regsgebied aangrensend is aan sodanige gebied, het die local authority whose area of jurisdiction is contiguous reg om beswaar, teen die skema aan te teken en kan to to such, area shall have the right to object to the scheme eniger tyd binne vier weke vanaf die datum van hierdie and may notify the Director of Local Government, in kennisgewing die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur by bo writing, at the above address or PO Box 892, Pretoria, vermelde adres of Posbus 892, Pretoria, skriftelik in of such objection and of the reasons therefor at any time kennis stel van so n beswaar en die redes daarvoor within four weeks from the date of this notice E UYS, E UYS, Waarnemende Direkteur van Paaslike Bestuur Acting Director of Local Government Pretoria, 24 Julie 1968 Pretoria, 24 July

20 192 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 24 JULIE 1968 KENNISGEWING No 327 VAN 1968 NOTICE No 327 OF 1968 VOORGESTELDE WYSIGING VAN DIE If lkl PROPOSED AMENDMENT OF THE CONDITIONS VOORWAARDES VAN GEDEELTE 3 VAN ERF 421, OF TITLE OF PORTION 3 OF LOT 421, EASTLEIGH DORP EASTLEIGH TOWNSHIP Hierby word bekendgemaak dat Constantina Scoulelis It is hereby notified that application has been made by ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 3 (1) van die Wet op Constantina Scoulelis in terms of section 3 (1) of the Opheffing van Beperkings, 1967, aansoek gedoen het om Removal of Restrictions Act, 1967, for the amendment of die wysiging van die titelvoorwaardes van Gedeelte 3 van the conditions of title of Portion 3 of Lot 421, Eastleigh Ed 421, Dorp Eastleigh, ten einde dit moontlik te maak Township, to permit the ground being used for the erection dat die grond vir die oprigting van winkels daarop gebruik of shops thereon kan word The application and the relative documents are open Die aansoek en die betrokke dokumente le ter insae in for inspection at the office of the Director of Local die kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Government, Room B222, Block B, Provincial Building, Kamer B222, Blok B, Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria Pretoria Objections against the application may be lodged in Besware teen die aansoek kan op of voor 21 Augustus writing with the Director of Local Government, at the 1968 skriftelik by die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur by above address or PO Box 892, Pretoria, on or before bovermelde adres of Posbus 892, Pretoria, ingedien word the 21st August 1968 G P NEL, G P NEL, Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Director of Local Government Pretoria, 24 Julie 1968 Pretoria, 24 July 1968 KENNISGEWING No 328 VAN 1968 NOTICE No 328 OF 1968 VOORGESTELDE WYSIGING VAN DIE TITEL PROPOSED AMENDMENT OF THE CONDITIONS VOORWAARDES VAN ERWE 425 EN 427, DORP OF TITLE OF ERVEN 425 AND 427, SPRINGS SPRINGS TOWNSHIP Hierby word bekendgemaak dat Luke Trust It is hereby notified that application has been made by (Proprietary) Limited, ingevolge die bepalings van artikel Luke Trust (Proprietary) Limited, in terms of section 3 3 (1) van die Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings, 1967, (1) of the Removal of Restrictions Act, 1967, for the aansoek gedoen het om die wysiging van die titelvoor amendment of the conditions of title of Erven 425 and waardes van Erwe 425 en 427; Dorp Springs, ten einde dit 427, Springs Township, to permit the even being used moontlik te maak dat die erwe vir algemene besigheids for general business purposes doeleindes gebruik kan word The application and the relative documents are open Die aansoek en die betrokke dokumente le ter insae in for inspection at the office of the Director of Local die kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Government, Room 13222, Block B, Provincial Building, Kamer 13222, Blok B, Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria Pretoria Objections against the application may be lodged in Besware teen die aansoek kan op of voor 21 Augustus writing with the Director of Local Government, at the 1968 skriftelik by die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur by above address or PO Box 892, Pretoria, on or before the bovermelde adres of Posbus 892, Pretoria, ingedien word 21st August 1968 G P NEL, G P NEL, Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Director of Local Government Pretoria, 24 Julie 1968 Pretoria, 24 July 1968 KENNISGEWING No 329 VAN 1968 NOTICE No 329 OF 1968 VOORGESTELDE WYSIGING VAN DIE TITEL PROPOSED AMENDMENT OF THE CONDITIONS VOORWAARDES VAN DIE RESTANT VAN OF TITLE OF REMAINDER OF PORTION 55 GEDEELTE 55 (VOORHEEN GEDEELTE G VAN (FORMERLY PORTION G OF PORTION OF THE GEDEELTE VAN DIE PLAAS RIETFONTEIN 8) FARM RIETFONTEIN 8) OF THE FARM RIET VAN DIE PLAAS RIETFONTEIN 61 IR, DISTRIK FONTEIN 61 IR, DISTRICT OF GERMISTON GERMISTON It is hereby notified that application has been made by Hierby word bekendgemaak dat Barbara Dunn Sadlo Barbara Dunn Sadlo in terms of section 3 (1) of the ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 3 (1) van die Wet op Removal of Restrictions Act, 1967, for the amendment of Opheffing van Beperkings, 1967, aansoek gedoen het om the conditions of title of the Remainder of Portion 55 of die wysigmg van die titelvoorwaardes van die restant van the farm Rietfontein 61 IR, District of Germiston, to Gedeelte 55 van die plaas Rietfontein 61 IR, distrik Gerraiston, ten einde dit moontlik te maak dat die grond Pcunit the ground being used for the establishment of a vir die stigting van n dorp daarop gebruik kan word township thereon 20

21 a PROVINCIAL GAZE! lb, 24 JULY Die aansoek en die betrokke dokumente le ter insae in The application and the relative documents are open for die kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, inspection at the office of the Director of Local Govern Kamer B222, Blok B, Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, meat, Room B222, Block B, Provincial Building, Pretoria Pretoria Besware teen die aansoek kan op of voor 21 Augustus Objections against the application may be lodged in 1963, skriftelik by die Direkteur van Plaaslikc Bestuur by writing with the Director of Local Government, at the bovermelde adres of Posbus 892, Pretoria, ingedien word above address or PO Box 892, Pretoria, on or before the 21st August 1968 P G P NEL, Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Director of LocalN Government Pretoria, 24 Julie 1968 Pretoria, 24 July 1968, I TENDERS TENDERS LW Tenders wat voorheen gepubliseer is en waarvan die NB Tenders previously published and where sluitingsdatums nog nie verstreke is nie, word nie in hierdie the closing dates have not yet passed, have not been rer sated in kennisgewing herhaal nie Tenders word normaalweg 3 5 weke this notic Tenders are normally published 35 weeks voor die sluitingsdatum gepubliseer before the closing date!ill TRANSVAALSE PROVINSIALE ADMINISTRASIE TRANSVAAL PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION TENDERS TENDERS Tenders are invited for the Tenders vir die volgende dicnste/voorrade/verkope following services/supplies/ word ingewag (Tensy dit in die uiteensetting anders aan aredescription sales tenders for supplies): gegee word, word tenders vir voorrade bedoel): Tender No Description Closing Sluitings of Tender Tender No Beskrywing van tender date datum RC 20/68 Sheeting, cotton, unbleached, lettered, 16/8/68 HC 20/68 Lakenmateriaal, katoen, ongebleik, ge 16/8/68 54 wide letter, 54* wyd HC 21/68 Counterpanes, cotton, red and white, 16/8/68 HC 21/68 Dekens, katoen, rooi en wit, gelctter, 16/8/68 lettered, 72" x 90" 72" X 90 HA 1/17/68 Bandages and dressings 30/8/68 HA 1/17/68 Verbandgoed 30/8/68 WFTB 462/68 Laerskool A G Visser, Heidelberg: 23/8/68 WFTB 462/68 Laerskool A G Visser, Heidelberg: 23/8/68 Ventilation in hall Ventilasie in saal WFTB 463/68 Juniorskool Alfa, Germiston: Erection 23/8/68 WFTB 463/68 Juniorskool Alfa, Germiston: Oprig 23/8/68 of six prefabricated classrooms and ting van ses voorafvervaardigde klas one library kamers en an biblioteek WFTB 464/68 Laerskool Baanbreker,Boksburg:Erec 23/8/68 WFTB, 464/68 Laerskool Baanbreker, Boksburg: Op 23/8/68 don new school rigting nuwe skool WFTB 465/68 Capital Park Primary School, Pretoria: 23/8/68 WFTB 465/68 Capital Park Primary School, Prtoria: 23/8/68 Ventilation in hall Ventilasie in saal WFTB 466/68 General de la Rey Memorial Hospital, 23/8/68 1 WFTB 466/68 Generaal de la Rey gedenkhospitaal, 23/8/68 Lichtenburg: High tension transfor Lichtenburg: Hoogspanningstrans mer, etc, for the new substation formator, ens, vir die nuwe substasie WFTB 467/68 Kempton Park High School, Kempton 23/8/68 WFTB 467/68 Kempton Park High School, Kempton 23/8/68 Park: Layout of sports grounds, etc Park: Uitleg van sportlerrein, ens WFTB 468/68 King Edward VII High School: Hostel, 23/8/68 WFTB 468/68 King Edward VII High School: Kos 23/8/68 repairs and renovations huis: Reparasies en opknappings WFTB 469/68 Mayfair North Primary School, Johan 23/8/68 WFTB 469/68 Mayfair North Primary School, Johan 23/8/68 nesburg: Repairs and renovations nesburg: Reparasies en opknappings WFTB 470/68 Piet Tetief Hospital: Conversion of old 23/8/68 WFTB 470/68 Piet Retiefhospitaal: Omskepping van 23/8/68 white hospital ou blanke hospitaal WFTB 471/68 Schoonspruitse Laerskool, Ventersdorp: 23/8/68 WFTB 471/68 Schoonspruitse Laerskool, Venters 23/8/68 Principals residence, repairs and dorp: Skoolhoof se woning, repara renovations sies en opknappings WFTB 472/68 Setborne Primary School and General 23/8/68 WFTB 472/68 Sclborne Primary School en General 23/8/68 Smuts High School Hostel, Vereeni Smuts High School Hostel, Vereeni ging: Stormwater drainage ging: Vloedwaterdreinering WFTB 473/68 Suurbekomse Laerskool, Witwatersrand 23/8/68 WFTB 473/68 Suurbekomse Laerskool, Witwaters 23/8/68 rand West: Repairs and renovations Wes: Reparasies en opknappings WFTB 474/68 Transvaal Memorial Hospital for Child 23/8/68 WFTB 474/68 Transvaal gedenkhospitaal vir kinders, 23/8/68 ren, Johannesburg: Airconditioning Johannesburg: Lugreeling vir drie for three infants rooms babakamers WFTB 475/613 Laerskool Triomf, Johannesburg: 23/8/68 WFTB 475/68 Laerskool Triomf, Johannesburg: 23/8/68 Sports grounds, top soil for lawns Sportterrein, bogrond vir grasperke WFTB 476/68 Laerskool Venterspos, Witwatersrand 23/8/68 WFTB 476/68 Laerskool Venterspos, Witwatersrand 23/8/68 West: Repairs and renovations Wes: Reparasies en opknappings WFTB 477/68 Visagieparkse Laerskool, Nigel: Oprig 23/8/68 WFTB 477/68 Visagieparkse Laerskool, Nigel: Ere c 23/8/68 ting tion D WFTB 478/68 Baragwanath hospitaal: Huis vir Paaie 23/8/68 WFTB 478/68 Baragwanath Hospital: House for De 23/8/68 departement (Tegnikus) partment of Roads (Technician) 21

22 194, PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 24 JULIE 1968 BELANGRIKE OPMERKINGS IMPORTANT NOTES 1 Die betrokke tenderdokumente, met inbegrip van die ampte 1 The relative tender documents, including the Administrations like tendervorms van die Administrasie, is op aanvraag by die official tender forms, are obtainable on application from the onderstaande adresse verkrygbaar Sodanige dokumente asmede relative addresses indicated below Such documents and any enige tender/kontrakvoorwaardes wat nie in die tenderdokumente tender/contract conditions not embodied in the tender documents opgeneem is nie, is ook by die genoemde adresse vir inspeksie are also available for inspection at the said addresses: verkrygbaar : Kantoor in Nuwe Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoria Office in New Provincial Building, Pretoria Tender Posadres te Tender Postal Address, verwysing Pretoria Tele Ref Pretoria Kamer Verdie Phone B:ok foonno, Room no ping Bock Floor No, Pretoria No Pretoria ILA Direkteur van A930 A 9 (89401) HA Director of Hos A930 A 9 (89401) Hospitaaldiens (89251) pital Services, (89251) te, Privaatsak Private Bag HS_ Director of Hos A746 A /3 H13 Direkteur van A746 A /3 pital Services, Hospitaaldiens Private Bag 221 te, Privaatsak HC Director of Hos A729 A pital Services, HC Direkteur van A729 A Private Bag 221 Hospitaaldiens HD Director of Hos A740 A /9 te, Privaatsak pital Services, MD 221 Private Bag 221 Direkteur van A740 A /9 PFT Provincial Secre Hospitaaldiens tary (Purchases A1119 A PFT te Privaatsak and Supplies), 221 Private Bag 64 Provinsiale Sekre A A RuT Director Transtaxis (Aankope vaal Roads en Voorrade), Department, D RuT Privaatsak 64 Private Bag 197 Direkteur, Trans D518 D TED Director, Transvaalse Peale vaal Education A550 A departement, Department, Privaatsak 197 Private Bag 76 TOD Direkteur, Trans A550 A WFT Director, Trans C109 C vaalse Onder vaal Depart WFT wysdeparte ment of Works, meat, Privaat Private Bag 228 sak 76 WFTB Director, Trans CM7 C M Direkteur, Trans C109 :, C,, 1, vaal Departvaalse Werke ment of Works, departement, Private Bag WFTB Privaatsak 228 Direkteur, Trans CM7 C M vaalse Werke departement, 2 The Administration is not bound to accept the lowest or any Privaatsak 228 tender and reserves the right to accept a portion of a tender 2 Die Administrasie is nie daartoe verplig om die laagste of 3 In the case of each WFTB tender the tenderer must pay enige tender aan te neem nie en behou horn die reg voor om n a deposit of R4 before he will be supplied with the tender docugedeelte van n tender aan te neem meats Such deposit must be in the form of cash, a bank initialed cheque, or a departmental standing 2 Die Administrasie is nie daartoe verplie om die laagste of deposit receipt (RIO) Toes aid deposit will be refunded if a bona fide tender is received a deposit van R4 start alvorens by van die tenderdokumente from the tenderer or if the tender doeuments including plans, voorsien sal word Soclanige deposit moet in kontantgeld wees, specifications and bills of quantities are returned by the tenoerer n tjek deur die bank geparafeer of a departementele legorderwithin 14 days after the closing date of the tender to the relative kwitansie (RIO) Genoemde depositobedrag sal terugbetaal word address shown in note 1 above as n bona fide inskrywing van die tenderaar ontvang word of as die tenderdokumente, met inbegrip van planne, binne 14 dae na die sluitingsdatum van die tender deur die tenderaar teruggestuur 4 All tenders must be submitted on the Administrations official word na die betrokke adres in opmerking 1 hierbo aangetoon, tender forms 4 Alle tenders meet op die amptelike tendervorms van die Administrasie voorgele word 5 Each tender must be submitted in a separate sealed envelope 5 ledere inskrywing meet in n afsonderlike verseelde koevert addressed to the Chairman, Transvaal Provincial Tender Board, ingedien word, geadresseer aan die Voorsitter, Die Transvaalse PO Box 1040, Pretoria, and must be clearly superscribed to Provinsiale Tenderraad, Posbus 1040, Pretoria, en moet duidelik show the tenderers name and address, as well as the number, van die opskrif voorsien wees ten einde die tenderaar se naam description and closing date of the tender Tenders must be in en adres aan te teen asook die nommer, beskrywing ensluitings the hands of the Chairman by 11 am on the closing date datum: van die tender Inskrywings meet teen 11 vm op die indicated above shlitingsdatum hierbo aangetoon, in die Voorsitter se hande wees 6 Indien inskrywings per hand ingedien word, meet Mille teen 6 If tenders are delivered by hand, they must be deposited in 11 vm op die sluitingsdatum in die Formele Tenderbus geplaas the Formal Tender Box at the Enquiry Office in the foyer of the `twee by die navraagkantoor in die voorportaal van die IIIIWC New Provincial Building, at the Pretorius Street main entrance Provinsiale Gebou by die hoofingang aan Pretoriusstratit Se leant (near Bosnian is Street corner), Pretoria, by 11 am on the closing (naby die hoek van Bosmanstraat), Pretoria date 22 II

23 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 24 JULY SM SKUTVERKOPINGS MIDDELBURGSE Munisipale 7white, Skut, op I both ears swallowtail; I ox, mixed, 6 years, 1 Augustus 1968, om 2 iim1 Koei, Jersey, yellow and lett ear cropped; 1 cow Tansy voor die tyd gelos, sal die there, 3 swart; 1 koei, Jersey, 5 jaar, swart mixed, 5 years, red and white, right ear hieronuer beskryf, verkoop word coos aan SWARTFONTE1N Skut, distrik Marico, swallowtail, both ears crescent at the rear; gedui op 21 Augustus 1968, om 11 vin 1 Vers, 1 tolly, mixed, 1 year, red Persone wat navraag wens to doen aan Afrikaner, 2 jaar, rooi, regteroor halfmaan, EENDRACHT HEALTH COMMITTEE H gaanue die hieronder omskrewe chere moot linkeroor swaelstert Pound, on the 7th August 1968, at 11 am in die geval van diere in munisipaleskit, skutte, 1 VAALKOP distrik Brits, op 14 Cow, 12 years, red, painted 11 die Stadsklerk nader, en wat diere in A ugustus 1968, om 11 vm 1 Koei, ERMELO Municipal Pound, on the 6th distrikskutte betref, die betrakke Landdros Afrikaner, 4 jaar, rooi, brandmerk 9 ID; August 1968, at 10 am 1 Mare, dark DRIE ANGLE Skut, distrik Delareyville, I kalf, Afrikaner, 6 maande, rooi, rester_ brown; 1 cow, Jersey, 3 years, right ear op 14 Augustus 1968, om 11 vm 1 Koci, oor swaelstert; 1 vers, Afrikaner, 2 jaar, cropped left ear swallowtail; I heifer, 2 baster Afrikaner, 4 jaar, rooi, linkeroor rooi, brandmerk onduidelik, linkeroor half years, black stomp; 1 bul, baster Afrikaner, 1 jaar, rooi; maan en swaelstert GELUK Pound, District of Brits, on the 14th August 1968, at 11 am 1 Cow, 7 years, red, branded ASI; 1 linkeroor swaelstert; bull, 5 years, 1 koei, baster Afri Augustus1968, 10 1 Koei, Jersey, black and white, branded RB6; 1 bull, 2 1 bul, baster Afrikaner, 14 maande, rooi, VOLKSRUSTSE Munisipale Skut, op 10 e m vm kaner, 5 jaar, rooi, beide ore jukskei; 1 jaar, rooibont vers, gemeng, 1 jaar, swart; 1 koei, gemeng, 14years, red; I heifer, 3 years, red, branded 4 jaar, rooi, beide ore swaelstert en half GROBLERSDALSE Munisipale Skid, op RB6; 1 heifer, 3 years, red, branded RB6; maan agter; 1 koei, gemeng, 4 jaar, swart 31 Julie 1968, om 10 vm I Koei, 1 ox, Friesland, black and white, branded boot, beide ore swaelstert; 1 tollie, gemeng, Afrikaner, rooi, 6 jaar, brandmerk CH4, RB6; 1 ox, 2 years, red, branded RB6 8 maande, rooibont; 1 koei, gemeng, 6 jaar, linkeroor swaelstert, regteroor slip met half LEEUWVALLEI Pound, District of rooi, beide ore swaelstert, linkeroor half maan van agter Lydenburg, on the 14th August 1968, at maan agter; 1 vers, gemeng, 6 maande, rooi SCHWEIZER RENEKESE Munsipale 11 am 1 Cow, mixed, 10 years, red, right bent; 1 vers, gemeng, 6 maande, bruinbont; Skut, op 19 Augustus 1968, om 10 vm ear yoke skey; 1 cow, Africander, 12 years, I vers, 18 maande, swart, wit lies; I koei, 1 Koei, baster Jersey, 13 jaar; I bulkalf, red, right ear yokeskey; 1 cow, mixed, 5 gemeng, 7 jaar, swart; 1 os, gemeng, 5 jaar, Switser, 1 jaar years, red, right ear yokeskey; 1 heifer, bruin, beide ore swaelstert; I os, gemeng, mixed, 4 years, red, white belly, right ear 6 jaar, geelwit, linkeroor stomp; 1 koei, yoke skey; I cow, mixed, 8 years, brown, gemeng, 5 jaar, rooi en wit, regteroor swael POUND SALES right ear yoke skey; 1 heifer, mixed, 6 start, beide ore halfmaan agter; 1 tollie, months, red, right ear yokeskey Unless previously released, the animals gemeng, 1 jaar, rooi MIDDELBURG Municipal Pound, on E E N D R A C HT GESONDHEIDS described hereunder will be sold as the 1st August 1968, at 2 pm 1 Cow, KOMITEE Skut, op 7 Augustus 1968, om indicated Jersey, 3 years, black; 1 cow, Jersey, 5 years, 11 vm 1 Koei, 12 jaar, rooi, geverf II Persons desiring to make inquiries black ERMELOSE Munisipale Skut, op 6 respecting the animals described hereunder, SWARTFONTEIN Pound, District of Augustus 1968, om 10 vm 1 Merrie, in the case of animals in municipal pounds Mari co, co, on the 21st August 1968,at 11 should address the Town Clerk; for those donkerbruin; 1 koci, Jersey, 3 jaar, regter am 1 Heifer, Africander, 2 years,red, district pounds, the Magistrate of the oor stomp, linkeroor swaelstert; 1 vers, right district concerned ear crescent, left ear swallowtail swart, 2 jaar E L UK G Skut, distrik Brits, op 14 DRIEANGLE Pound, District of DelareytheCow, 14th AugustVAALKOP 1968, at II am 1 Pound, District of Brits, on Augustus 1968, om 11 vm 1 Koei, 7 jaar ville, on the 14th August 1968, at 11 am Africander, 4 years, red, branded 0 ID; rooi, brandmerk ASI; 1 bul 5 jaar, swart 1 Cow, crossbred Africander, 4 years, red, Africander, rc 6 months, red, right ear bunt, brandmerk RB6; 1 bul, 2 jaar, rooi; left ear cropped; 1 bull, crossbred Afri 1 calf, swallowtail; 1 1 vers, 3 jeer, roof brandmerk RB6; 1 vers, gander, 1 year, red; 1 bull, crossbred heifer, Africander, 2 years, red, brand indistinct, left ear crescent and 3 jaar, rooi, brandmerk RB6; 1 os, Fries Africander, 14 months, red, left ear swallow swallowtail swartbont, brandmerk RB6; 1 os, 2 jaar, tail; 1 cow, crossbred Africander, 5 years, roof brandmerk RB6 red, both ears yoke skey; 1 heifer, mixed, VOLKSRUST Municipal Pound, on the LEEUVALLE! Skut, distrik Lydenburg, 1 year, black; 1 cow, mixed, 4 years, red, 10th August 1968, at 10 am 1 Cow, op 14 Augustus 1968, om 11 vm 1 Keel, both ears swallowtail and crescent at the Jersey, 12 years, red and white gemeng, 10 jaar, rooi, regteroor jukskei; rear; 1 cow, mixed, 4 years, black and white, GROBLERSDAL Municipal Pound, on 1 koei, Afrikaner, 12 jaar, rooi, regteroor both ears swallowtail; 1 tolly, mixed, 8 the 31st July 1968, at 10 am 1 Cow, jukskei: 1 koei, gemeng 5 jaar, rooi, regter months, red and white; I cow, mixed, 6 Africander, red, 6 years, branded CH4, left oor iukskci; I vers, gemeng, 4 jaar, rooi, years, red, both ears swallowtail, left ear ear swallowtail, right ear slit, crescent at regteroor jukskei; 1 vers, gemeng, 4 jaar crescent at the rear; 1 heifer, mixed, 6 the rear rooi, wit/pens regieroor jukskei; 1 koei, months, red and white; 1 heifer, mixed, 6 SCHWEIZERRENEKE M u n i c i p a I gemeng, 8 jaar, bruin, regteroor jukskei; months, brown and white; 1 heifer, 18 Pound, on the 19th August 1968, at 10 1 vers gemeng, 6 maande, rooi, regteroor months, black, white flank; I cow, mixed, am 1 Cow, crossbred Jersey, 13 years; jukskei 7 years, black; 1 ox, mixed, 5 years, brown, 1 bull calf, Swiss, I year PLAASLITHE IHES71117EIBSKEIVNLISGEWINGS N I TIC S BY LOCAL AUTIIONEITIES STADSRAAD VAN VEREENIGING se besluit geappelleer het, kragtens die General Valuation Roll and the Interim bepalings van artikel 15 (1) van bogenoemde Valuation Rolls referred to in Advertisement WAARDERINGSLYSTE Ordonnansie nie No 3703, dated 2 February 1968, have been J J ROODT, completed and certified in accordance with Hiermee word kennis gegee ingevolge die Klerk van die Hof the above mentioned section, and that these bepalings van artikel 14 van die Plaaslike rolls will become fixed and binding upon Munisipale Kantore, Bestuurbelastingordonnansie, 1933, dat die all parties concerned who shall not, on or vereeniging, 17 Julie 1968 before Friday, 16 August 1968, appeal Algemene Waarderingslys en die Tussen (Advertensie No 3791) against the decision of the Valuation Court lydse Waarderingslyste waarna in Adver in accordance with the provisions of section tensie No 3703, gedateer 2 Februarie 1968, 15 (I) of the aforementioned Ordinance verwys is, voltooi en gesertifiseer is ooreen TOWN COUNCIL OF VEREENIGING J J ROODT, komstig bogenoemde artikel en dat hierdie VALUATION ROLLS Clerk of the Court lyste vas en bindend sal wees vir al die Municipal Offices, Notice is hereby given, in terms of the betrokke party wat nie op of voor Vrydag, Vereeniging, 17 July 1968 provisions of section 14 of the Local 16 Augustus 1968, teen die Waarderingshof Authorities Rating Ordinance, 1933, that the (Advertisement No 3791)

24 I 196 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 24 JULIE 1968 MUNISIPALITEIT COLIGNY VILLAGE COUNCIL OF BEDFORD binding upon all Parties Concerned who do, VIEW not appeal against the decision of the DRIEJAARLIKSE WAARDERINGSLYS Valuation Court in the manner prescribed Kennisgewing geskied hiermee ingevolge PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE by the Ordinance within one month from die bepalings van artikel 14 van die Pleas BEDFORDVIEW TOWNPLANNING the date of the first publication of this like Bestuur belastingordonnansie, No 20 SCHEME AMENDMENT SCHEME notice van 1933, soos gewysig, dat die Driejaarlikse 1/22 W M C MEYER, Waarderingslys, 1968/71, nou voltooi en The Village Council of Bedfordview has Clerk of the Valuation Court gesertifiseer is, en dat dit van toepassing en prepared a draft amendment townplanning Municipal Offices, bindend sal wees op alle betrokke persone scheme to be known as Amendment Scheme Alberton, 4 July 1968 wat nie binne een maand vanaf die datum 1/22 van die eerste publikasie hiervan, teen die (Notice No 59/1968) This draft scheme contains the following beslissing van die Waardasiehof appelleer op proposal: die wyse soos in genoemde Ordonnansie The rezoning of Portion 285 of portion DORPSRAAD VAN BEDFORDVIEW bepaal word nie of the farm Elandsfontein 90 IR, District of H A LAMBRECHTS Germiston, from the present zoning of WYSIGING VAN VERORDENINGE VIR Klerk van die Waardasiehof "Public Open Space" to "General Resi DIE REGULERING VAN DIE KAPI TAALONTWIKKELINGSFONDS Munisipale Kantore, dential", Coligny, 5 Julie 1968 Owner Jeppe High Schools Quandam Ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel (Kennisgewing No 6/68) Club, PO Box 24, Bedfordview 96 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Particulars of this scheme are open for Bestuur, No 17 van 1939, soos gewysig, MUNICIPALITY OF COLIGNY Inspection at the Office of the Town Clerk, word hiermee bekendgemaak dat die Dorps, Civic Centre, Bedfordview, for a period of raad van Bedfordview van voorneme is om TRIENNIAL VALUATION ROLL four weeks from the date of the first die Verordeninge vir die Regulering van die Notide is hereby given in accordance With Publication of this notice, which is 17 July Kapitaalontwikkelingsfonds, afgekondig by 1933, as amended; that the Triennial Value the scheme should be adopted strateurskennisgewtng No 528, sedated 21 tier Roll, 1968/71, has now been corn Any Owner or Occupier of immovable Julie 1965 te wysig, ten cinde die rentepleted and certified and that the same shall Property within the area of the Bedford koers op voorskotte van ses en n half per 1 become fixed and binding upon all persons view Townplanning Scheme, or within one sent (64%) na teen n tarief gelyk aan die concerned who shall not within one month mile of the boundary thereof, has the right tarief van rentekoers deur die Raad betaal from the first publication hereof, appeal to object to the scheme and if he wishes vir geleende gelde " against the decision of the Valuation Court, to do so he shall, within four weeks of the Afskrifte van die vooigestelde wysiging le in, the manner as provided in the said first publication of this notice, which is 17 ter insae in die kantoor vandie onaerge July 1968, inform the Council, in writing Ordinance tekende gedurende gewone kantoorure vanaf H A LAMBRECHTS of such objection or representation, and die datum van die eerste publikasie hiervan, Clerk of the Valuation Court shall state whether or not he wishes to be naamlik 24 Julie 1968: heard by the Council Municipal Offices,,,Coligny, 5 July 1968 H VAN N FOUCHEE, Enigeen wat beswaar teen die Voorgestelde wysiging wil opper, moet sodanige beswaar (Notice No, 6/68) Town Clerk Municipal e niters UllICES, op 26 Augustus 1968 by onderge Bedfordview, 17 July 1968 tekende mdien, edorpsraad VAN BEDFORDVIEW 577r1724 H VAN N FOUCHEE, ` t Stadsklerk VOORGESTELDE WYSIGING VAN,DIE BEDFORDVIEW DORPSBEPLANNING: STADSRAAD VAN ALBERTON Munisipale Kantore, SKEMA WySIQ1NGSKEMA 1/22 K WA Bedfordview, 24 Julie 1968, the provisions of section 14 of the Local 1968 Administrateurskennisgewing No 46 van Authorities Rating Ordinance; No 20 of : The Council will consider whether or not 18 Januarie 1961, en gewysig by Admini DRIEJAARLI Die Dorpsraad van Bedfordview het in Hiermee word bekendgemaak dat dle ontwerp wysigingdorpsbeplanningskema op Waardenngslyste waarna verwys word in gestel wat bekend sal staan as Wysiging VILLAGE COUNCIL OF BEDFORD7 Kennisgewing No 23 van 1968 van 5 Maart, VIEW " skema 1 / ; wat op 20 Mean 1968 in die Pravingierdie bnivieriskema bevat die volgende stale Koirant, Die Transvaler en the Stet? AMENDMENT TO BY LAWS FOR, voorstel: verskyn het, nou Noltooi en gesertifiseer is REGULATING THE CAPITAL DEVE Die herindeling vait Gedeelte 285 van ooreenkomstig die bepalings, van die Plaas LOPMENT FUND gedeeltd van die pleas Elandsfontein 90 IR, like Bestuurbelastingordonnansie, No, 20 distrik Germiston, van n huidige indeling van 1933 soos gewysig, en dat hierdie Notice is hereby given, in terms of the van Publieke Oop Ruimte" na Alge provisions of section 96 of the Local Waardasielyste vasgestel en bindend sal mene Woondoeleindes" wees op alle betrokke partye wat nie binne Government Ordinance, No 17 of 1939 Eienaar Jeppe High Schools Quandam vanaf datum van die eerste as amended, that the Village Council of een maand Club, Posbus 24, Bedfordview publikasie hiervan teen die beslissing van Bedfordview, proposes to amend its By laws Besonderhede en planne van hierdie die Waardasiehof appelleer op die wyse soos for Regulating the Capital Development skema re ter insae by die Kantoor van die in artikel 15 van die betrokke Ordonnansie Fund, published under Administrators Stadsklerk, Burgersentrum Bedfordview, vir bepaal word nie Notice No 46, dated the 18th January n tydperk van vier weke van die datum 1961, and amended by Administrators W M C MEYER, van die eerste publikasie van hierdie kennis Notice No 528, dated 21 July 1965, in order Klerk van die Waardasiehof gewing af, naamlik 17 Julie 1968 to increase the rate on advances from six, Die Raad sal die skema oorweeg en Munisipale Kantore, and a half per cent (64%) to " at a rate besluit of dtt aangeneem moet word Alberton, 4 Julie 1968 equal to the rate of interest paid by the Enige eienaar of okkupeerder van vaste (Kennisgewing No 59/19680 Council for moneys so borrowed by,it" Copies of the proposed amendment will eiendom binne die gebied van die Bedford view dorpsbeplanningskema of binne een be open for inspection during ordinary myl, van die grens daarvan, het die reg om office hours at the office of the undersigned teen die skema beswaar te maak of om TOWN COUNCIL OF ALBERTON from the date of the first publication hereof, vertoe ten opsigte daarvan te rig en indict: namely 24 July 1968 by dit wil doen, moet by die Raad binne TRIENNIAL VALUATION ROLL Any person desiring to object do the vier weke van die eerste publikasie van Notice is hereby given that the Valuation proposed amendment, must lodge such hierdie kennisgewing, naamlik 17 Julie 1968, Rolls referred to in Notice No 23 of 1968, objection, in writing, with the undersigned skriftelik van sodanige beswaar of vertoe in dated 5 March 1968, which appeared in the on or before the 26th August 1968 kennis stel en meld of by deur die Raad Provincial Gazette, The Star and Die Transgehoor wil word of nie valer on 20 March 1968, have now been H VAN N FOUCHEE, A VAN N FOUCHEE, completed and certified in accordance with Town Clerk Stadsklerk the provisions of the Local Authorities Municipal Offices, Munisipale Kantore, Rating _Ordinance; No: 20 of 1933, as Bedfordview, 24 July 1968: Bedfordview, 17 Julie 1968 amended, and that it will become fixed and : , i 24

25 I 1 = PROVINCIAL dn GAZETTE, 24 JULY VOORGESTELDE 1pp STADSRAAD VAN BRITS TOWN COUNCIL OF VOLKSRUST The rates hereby imposed become due on be naid in two v instalments The first half on or betore 30 September 1968, and the other half on or before the 31st March 1969; but in the 1 W Y S I G I N G VAN PROPOSED Jul AMENDMENT TO 1968 but mayequal WATER V 0 0 ft S1ENINGSVERORDE SANITARY AND REFUSE REMOVALS NINGE TARIFF Kennisgewing geskied hiermee ooreen Notice is hereby given, in terms of section event of the komstig first half on the die bepalings van artikel rates 96 van 96 not being of the Local Government Ordinance, paid on 30 September 1968, the die Ordonnansie whole op Plaaslike Bestuur of 1939, as amended, that it is the intention the amount is due and payable, and legal (Transvaal), No 17 van 1939, sons gewyfig, of the Town Council of Volksrust to amend proceedings for the recovery thereof dat die will be Stadsraad van Brits voornemens is the abovementioned bylaws to make provi instituted against defaulters In the om sekere wysigings aan te neem van sy sion for event a separate tariff for the removal of the second half of the Watervoorsieningsverordeninge, afgekondig of rates not refuse being paid on or before 31 March by Administrateurskennisgewing 1969, legal No 682 Copies of the proposed amendment can Proceedings will,be instituted against van 19 Desember 1934, sons gewysig, aan be inspected during normal office hours at defaulters gaande n verlaagde tarief vir die vont the Office of the Clerk of the Council, Interest at the rate of seven per cent (7%) siening van water aan nywerhede Room 3, Municipal Offices, for a Period of Per annum, as from 1 July 1969, will be Die voorgestelde wysigings 18 ter insae 21 days from date of publication of this charged on all unpaid rates on 30 June 1969 gedurende normale kantoorure ten Kantore notice, during which period written objec van die Klerk van die Raad, Kamer 9 lion against the proposed amendment may H J LOOTS, Stadhuis, Brits, en enigeen wat beswaar wit be lodged with the undersigned Town Clerk, Town Hall, i aanteken teen die voorgestelde wysigings, J J F VAN SCHOOR, meet sodanige PO Box beswaar skriftelik indien nie 106 Town Clerk later Brits, 9 nie as Donderdag, 15 Augustus July Municipal Offices, H J LOOTS, Volksrust, 9 July 1968 Stadsklerk (Notice STADSRAAD No 20/1968) VAN PIET RETIEF Stadhuis,,, EIENDOMSBELASTING Postius 106, Brits, 9 Julie 1968 STADSRAAD VAN BRITS (Kennisgewing ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 24 van die Belastingordonnansie op EIENDOMSBELASTING: 1968/69 Plaaslike Bestuur, 1933) TOWN COUNCIL OF BRITS Kennisgewing geskied hiermee ingevolge Die Stadsraad van Net Relief her die die bepalings van artikel 24 van die Plaas volgende belasting op PROPOSED AMENDMENT OF belasbare eiendom like Bestuurbelasdngordonnansie, WATER BYLAWS No 20 SUPPLY " binne,, die Mailitipale gebied van Piet Retief van 1933, soos gewysig, dat die volgende vir die boekjaar 1 Julie 1968 tot 30 Junie Notice is hereby given in termsof section eiendomsbelasting op die terreinwaarde tan 1969, gehef: 96 of the Lout Government Ordinance, alle belasbare eiendom binne die munisipale (a) n Oorspronklike (Transvaa1), No 17 of 1939, as amended, gebied, soos dit verskyn in die,waarderings belasting van (eenhalwe n IC sent) in die that the Town Council of Brits proposed Rand (RI) iys, gehef is vir die tydperk I Julie op die 1968 terreinwaarde van grond to adopt certain amendnients to its Water tot 30 Junk 1969: (b) n Bykomende Supply belasting Van 21c (twee By laws prornulgated under Ad (a) n Oorspronklike belasting van een en n half, sent4 in die ministrators Notice No Rand (R1) 682, dated 19 op die halwe (4) sent in die Rand (R4) op die terreinwaarde van grand December 1934, as attended, concerning (a terreinwaarde van alle grand (c) n Belasting van reduced tariff for the supply of water to 1/5de sent (eenvyfde (b) n Addisionele belasting van twee en sent) in die Rand (RI) op die waarde van industries n halwe (21) sent in die Rand (RI) op die verbeterings The proposed amendments are open for terreinwairde van alle grond,, Een helfte Van: die belasting ii verskuldig inspection during normapoffice hours at the Bogemelde belasting is verskuldig op I en betaalbaar vont Offices of the Clerk of the Council, Room 9, of on 30 November Julie 1968 Maar Mar betnal sviorthinstwee 1968 Town Hall, Brits, and anyone who desires en die ander helfte voor of op 31 gelyke paaiemente Die eerste helfte voor Main 1969 to object against the proposed amendments, of op 30 September 1968, en die aqder J S VAN must do ONSELEN, so, in writing,not later than Thurshelfte voor of op 31 Maart 1969, maar day, Stadsklerk 15 August 1968 ingeval die eerste helfte van die belasting Net Retief, 2 Julie 1968,, H J ;LOOTS nieb taai word op 30Se Ie ber 1968 " nie Town Clerk (Kenniewing sg o 33/19684 Town Hall, is die hee bedrag verskuldig en sal geregtelike en: Box 106, betaalbaar PO start ingestel word teen, wanbetalers Ingeval die tweede paaiement TOWN COUNCIL OF PIET RETIEF Brits, 9 July nie betaal word voor of op 31 Wart 1969 ASSESSMENT nie, sal geregtelike stappe ingestel word teen ; RATES STADSRAAD VAN VOLKSRUST wanbetalers (Notice in terms of the provisions of section Rente teen sewe "persent (7%) per jaar 24 of the Local Government Rating VOORGESTELDE W Y SIG I N G VAN vanaf 1 Julie 1969, sal bereken word on Ordinance, 1933) SANITERE EN VULLISVERWYDE alle onbetaalde belastings on 30 funk 1969 RINGSTARIER The Town Council of Piet Relief has H I LOOTS imposed the following assessment rates on Kennisgewing geskied hiermee ingevolge Stadsklerk rateable property within the Municipality artikel 96 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Stadhuls of Piet Retief for the financial year 1 July Bestuur, 1939, soos gewysig, dat die Stads pocims to 30 June 1969: raad van Volksrust van voorneme is am Brits, 9 Julie 1968 (a) An original rate of a jc bogenoemde verordeninge te (onehalf dear deur cent) voorsiening in the Rand (RI) te maak vir n aparte tarief ten on site value of TOWN COUNCIL OF BRITS land, opsigte van vullisverwydering ASSESSMENT RATES: 1968/69 (6) An additional rate of 24c (two and Afskrifte van die voorgestelde wysiging Notice is hereby given in terms of section one half cents) in the Rand (RI) pn the site sal gedurende gewone kantoorure ter insae 24 of the Local Authorities Rating value of land, oral 16 op Kantoor van die Klerk van die Raad, (c) nance No 20 of, 1933 as amended, that A rate of 1/5th cent (onefifth cent) Kamer 3, Munisipale Kantore, vir n tyd,,,,, following assessment rates have in the Rand (RI) on the value of improveperk van 21 dae vanaf datum van ver the imposed on all rateable property within the menu skyning van hierdie kennisgewing, in Welke municipal tydperk skriftelike beswaar teen die voor area, as it appears in the Valua One half of the abovementioned assess gestelde wysiging by ondergetekende inge lion Roll for the period 1 July 1963 to mem rates will become due and payable dien kan word 30 June 1969: on or before 30 November 1968, and the (a) An original rate of onehalf (I) cent remaining half on or before 31 March 1 I F VAN SCHOOR, in the Rand (RI) on the site value 1969 of all, Stadsklerkd I S VAN ONSELEN, Munisipale Kantore,, (b) An additional rate of two and one Town Clerk Volksrust, 9 Julie 1968 half (2 4) cents in therand(r1) on the site Piet Retief, 2 July 1968 (Kennisgewing No 20/1968), value of all land (Notice No 33/1968)

26 I PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 24 JULIE 1968 GESONDHEIDSKOMITEE VAN TOWN COUNCIL OF RUSTENBURG interest Thereafter interest at the rate of THABAZIMBI seven per cent (7%) per annum will be ASSESSMENT RATES: 1968/69 payable on all arrear rates DRIEIAARLIKSE WAARDERINGSLYS Noticeis hereby given in terms of section E ENGELBRECHT, Kennisgewing geskied hiermee, careen 24 of the Local Authorities Rating Ordi Secretary komstig die bepalings van artikel 14 van die Dance, No 20 of 1933, as amended, that Plaaslike Bestuurbelastingordonnansie, No the Town Council of Rustenburg has in van 1933, soos gewysig, dat die 1968/71 terms of section 18 of the abovementioned Waarderingslys onderteken cn geseitifiseer is, Ordinance, levied the following rates onthe en dat dit vasgestel en bindend is op all site value of all rateable land within the STADSRAAD VAN NELSPRUIT belanghebbendes en betrokke person wat municipal area of Rustenburg for the nie binne een maand vanaf 24 Julie 1968 financial year 1 July 1968 to 30 June H E R R 0 E P 1 N G VAN FINANSIELE teen die beslissing van die Waarderingshof 1969: REGULASIES, AANVAARDING VAN appelleer op die wyse soos in artikel 15 van (a) An original rate of one half cent (lc) STANDAARD FINANSIELE VERORDE genoemde Ordonnansie bepaal word nie in the Rand (RI) on the site value of land NINGE J It VERSTER, as appearing in the Valuation Roll Kennisgewing geskied hiermee ingevolge President (b) Au additional rate of two and a half die bepalings van artikel 96 van die Ordon Munisipale Kantore, cents (21c) in the Rand (RI) on the site nansie op Pladslike Bestuur, 1939, soos Posbus 90, value of land, as appearing in the Valua gewysig, dat die Raad voornemens is om Thabazimbi, 11 Julie 1963 lion Roll die Finansiele Regulasies, soos afgekondig (c) Subject to the approval of the by Administrateurskennisgewing No 357 (Kennisgewing No 32/1963) Administrator, in terms of section 18 (5) of van 29 Mei 1963, to herroep en om Stanthe abovementioned Ordinance, a further daardfinansiele Verordeninge, soos afiekon HEALTH COMMITTEE OF additional rate of two and threequarter dig by Administrateurskennisgewing No 927 THABAZIMBI cents (2k) in the Rand (RI) on the site van 1 November 1967, to aanvaar value of land, as appearing in the Valua TRIENNIAL VALUATION ROLL lion Roll Voorts is die Raad voornemens om die Swembadverordeninge, afgekondig Notice is hereby given in twins of section by The abqvementioned rates shall be pay 14 of the Local Authorities Rating Ordi Adrairustrateurskenrusgewmg No 284 van able, as to onehalf thereof on the 31st 12 Junie 1940, soos gewysig,, nance, No 20 of 1933, as amended, that the to wysi 8 October 1968, and as to the other halfverder 1968/71 Valuation Roll has been signed and deur voorsiening to mask vir die gratis thereof, on the 28th February 1969 certified, and that it becomes fixed and beskikbaarstelling van die swembad aan binding upon all persons interested and con A KRUGER, sekere organisasies cerned who do not within one month from Acting Town Clerk the 24th July 1968, appeal against the Town Hall, Enige persoon wat beswaar wil aanteken decision of the Valuation Court in the Rustenburg, 5 July teen die herroeping, aanvaarding of wysimanner provided in section,15 of the said (Notice No 50168) sodanige beswaar skriftelik indien by die 1968 ging van hierdie verdordeninge, moct Ordinance ondergetekende uiters op 21 Augustus I R VERSTER, President GESONDHEIDSKOMITEE VAN 1968 Municipal Offices, SOEKMEKAAR J N JONKER, Stadsklerk PO Box 90, EIENDOMSBELASTING Munisipale Kantore, Thabazimbi, 11 July 1968 Kennisgewing geskied hiermee dat die Posbus 45 (Notice No 32/1968) Gesondheidskomitee, van Soekmckaar die Nelsprdit, 4 Julie 1963, volgende belasting op alle belasbare eien (Kennisgewing No 63/1968) STADSRAAD VAN RUSTENBUR(1 dom binne die gebied van die Gesondheids leoinitee gehef het len opsigte van die boek EIENDOMSBELASTING 1968 / 69 jaar eindigende 30 Junie 1969, ooreenkoni 2 Hiermee word ingevolge artikel 24 van die stig die Plaaslike Bestuurbelastirmordon TOWN COUNCIL OF NELSPRUIT Plaaslike Bestuurbelastingordonnansie, No nansie, No 24 van 1933, soos gewysig: 20 van 1933, soos gewysig, kennis gegee (a) n Oorspronklike belasting van in R E V 0 CATTO N OF FINANCIAL dat die Stadsraad van Rustenburg kragtens 5/6de sent in R2 (twee rand) op die grand REGULATIONS ADOPTION OF STANartikel 18 van genoemde Ordonnansie, die waarde van die eiendom DARD FINANCIAL BYLAWS AND volgende eiendomsbelasting op die terrein (b) *13 Addisionele belasting van 5 sent in AMENDMENT OF SWIMMING BATH waarde van alle belasbare eiendom binne die R2 (twee rand) op die grondwaarde van die BYLAWS munisipale gebied, Rustenburg, vir die eiendom Notice is hereby given in terms of section finansiele jaar 1 Julie 1968 tot 30 Junie Bogenoemde belasting is betaalbaar vanaf 96 of the Local Government Ordinance, 1969, gehef het: 1 Julie 1965 tot 31 Oktober 1963, solider 1939, as amended, that the Council intends (a) n Oorspronklike belasting van n rente Daarna sal daar n rente van 7% repealing the Financial Regulation& promulhalwe sent (3c) in die Rand (RI) op die (sewe persent) per jaar gehef word gated under Administrators Notice No 357 terreinwaarde van grand, soos dit voorkom E ENGELBRECHT, of the 29th May 1963, and to adopt Stanin die Waarderingslys Sekretaresw dard Financial Bylaws, promulgated by (b) n Addisionele belasting van twee en Administrators Notice No 927 of the 1st n halwe sent (21c) in die Rand (RI) op die November 1967 terreinwaarde van grand, soos dit voorkom in die Waarderingslys HEALTH COMMITTEE OF It is also the Councils intention to amend (c) Onderhewig aan die goedkeuring van the Swimming SOEKMEKAAR Bath By laws, promulgated die Administrateur, ingevolge artikel 18 (5) under Administrators Notice No 284 of the van genoemde Ordonnansie, n verdere ASSESSMENT RATES 12th June 1940, as amended, to make proviaddisionele belasting van twee en n drie Notice is hereby given that the Socksion for the use of the swimming bath to kwart sent (21c) in die Rand (RI) op die mekaar Health Committee has, in terms of certain organisations free of charge terreinwaarde van grond, soos dit voorkom the Local Authorities Rating Ordinance, Any person who wishes to lodge any in die Waarderingslys No 24 of 1933, as amended, imposed the objection against the revocation, adoption Bogenoemde belasting sal betaalbaar following rates for the year ending 30 June or amendment of these by laws, must submit wees, ten opsigte van die een helfte daar 1969, on _all rateable property within the such objection in writing, to the undervan, op die 3lste dag van Oktober 1968, Committees area: signed before the 21st August 1968 en ten opsigte van die ander helfte daarvan, (a) A 5/6th cent in R2 (two rand), op die 28ste dag van Februarie 1969 original rate on site values J N JONKER A KROGER, (In 5 cents in R2 (two rand), additional Town Clerk Waamemende Stadsklerk rate on site values Municipal Offices, Stadhuis, The said rates are due and payable on PO Box 45 Rustenburg, 5 Julie 1968, the 1st July 1968, but payments will be Nelspruit, 4 July 1968 (Kennisgewing Na 50/68) allowed to the 31st October 1968, without (Notice No 63/1968)

27 1 0 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 24 JULY 1968 _ 199 TRANSVAALSE RAAD VIR DIE (iv) Nearest intersectionncurie and n Plan wat, die voorgestelde shilling van ONTWIKKELING VAN BUITESTEDE Pasteur Streets voorgenoemde straatgedeeltes aandui met LIKE GEBIEDE (v) Owner and address Rembrandt volledige besonderhede betreffende die VOORGESTELDE WY S I GIN G VAN Park InvestMents (Ply) Ltd, 31 Curie Street, voorwaardes van vervreemd:ng 18 ter insae Rembrandt Park en mag verkry word van die Stadsklerk DIE NOORD JOHANNESBURGSTREEK uedurcnde newone kantoorure DORPSBEPLANNINGSKEMA WYSI (vi) Present zoning Special Business with GINGSKEMA per cent coverage Enigeen wat besware teen die voorgestelde, sluiting en vervreemding van die street Die Transvaalse Read vir die Ontwikke Ivii) Proposed zoning and implications gedeeltes asook die vervreemding van die ling van Buitestedelike Gebiede het n thereof Special Business with 28 per cent gedeelte van dorpsgronde wil Upper of wat wysigingsontwerpbeplanningskema opgestel coverage which will enable the applicant to moontlik skadevergoeding sal wit es indicn wat bekend sal staan as Wysigngskema 143 add a few additional flat units to the die sluiting van die straatgedeeltes uit Hierdie ontwcrpskema bevat die volgende existing ones gevoor word, meet sodanige beswaar of voorstel: Particulars of this scheme are open for eis nie later as Donderdag, 26 September (i) Bewoording Die dekking van Erf inspection at the Boards Head Office, Room 1958, skriftelik by die Stadsklerk indien 191, Rembrandt Parkdorp, te verander van A713, H B Phillips Building, 320 Bosnian L E KOTZE, 20 persent tot 28 persent Street, Pretoria, and at its Branch Office, Stadsklerk (ii) Beskrywing van eiendom Erf 191, Room 501, Armadale House, 261 Bite Munisipale Kenton, Rembrandt Park Street, Johannesburg, for a period of four Barberton, 10 Julie 1968 (iii) Straat waaraan eiendom grens weeks from the date of the first publication of this notice, which is the 24th July 1968 (Kennisgewing No 42/1968) Curie en Pasteursraat (iv) Naaste kruising Curie en Pasteur The Board will consider whether or not street the scheme should be adopted Eienaar en adres Rembrandt Park TOWN COUNCIL OF BARBERTON 31, (v) Any owner or occupier of immovable i Investments, (Pty) Ltd, Curiestraat property within the area of the Northern PROPOSED CLOSING AND ALIENA Rembrandt Park (vi) Huidige soneringerspesiale Besig Johannesburg Region Town planningscheme0 TION OF PORTIONS OF JUDGE or within one male of the boundary thereof STREET," PRESIDENT STREET, heid met 20 persent dekking LEE has the right to object to the scheme or to ROAD AND A PORTION OF TOWN (vii) Voorgesielde soneringen die implika make representations in respect thereof and LANDS sic daarvan Spesiale Besigheid met 28 if he wishes to do so he shall, within four persent dekking wat die aansoeker in staat Notice is hereby given in terms of weeks of the first publication of this notice, sal stel om n paar bykomende woonstel section 67 (3) of the Local Government which is the 24th July 1968, inform the eenhede by die bestaande te voeg Ordinance, 1939, as amended, that the Board, in writing, of such objection or Town Council of Barberton proposes to Besonderhede en planne van hierdie representation and shall state whether or close permanently the following street skema 18 ter insae by die Raad se Hoof not he wishes to be heard by the Board portions: kantoor, Kamer A713, H B Phillipsgebou, H B PHILLIPS Bosmanstraat 320 Pretoria, en by sy tak (i) A portion of President Street adjacent kantoor, Kamer 501, Armadalegebou, Bret Secretary to Portion 29 of Stand 2456 street 261 Johannesburg vir n tydperk van PO Pretoria, Box July (ii) A portion of Judge Street adjacent 1963 vier weke van die datum van die eerste to Stands 1520 and 1526 publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing af, (Notice No 116/63) (iii) A portion of Judge Street adjacent naaml:k 24 Julie 1968 to Stands 1525 and 2657 Die Raad sal did skema oorweeg en STADSRAAD VAN BARBERTON besluit of dit aangeneem moet word (iv) A portion of Lee Road bordering on Enige eienaar of okkupeerder van vaste VOORGESTELDE SLUITING EN VER Barberton Townlands 369 RL eiendom binne die gebied van die Noord VREEMDING VAN GEDEELTES VAN Notice is also hereby given in terms of JohannesburgstreekdorpsbePlanningskema of JUDGESTRAAT, PRESIDENTSTRAAT, section 79 (18) of the aforementioned binne een myl van die greni daarvan, het LEEWEG EN N GEDEELTE VAN Ordinance that the Town Council proposes die mg om teen die skema beswaar te maak DORPSGRONDE to alienate certain of the street portions of om vertod ten opsigte daarvan te rig Kennisgewing geskied hiermee ingevolge which it proposes to close together with a en indien by dit wit doen, moet hy die die bepalings van artikel 67 (3) van die portion of Townlands in the following Rand binne vier weke van die eerste publi Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bcstuur, 1939 manner: kasie van hierdie kennisgewing, naamlik 24 soos gewysig, dat die Stadsraad van Julie 1968, skriftelik van sodanige beswaar the right of prescription Barberton van voorneme is om die volgende of vertot in kennis stel en vermeld of hy in respect of that portion of President sthatg deur die Raad gehoor wil word of nie cdeeltespermanent te Street adjacent to Portion 29 of Stand ) n Gedeelte van sluit: rbsytcolnocwenddinsg Presidentstraat to M) H B PHILLIPS grenscnd aan Gedeelte 29 van Standplaas Sekretaris (ii) By selling, subject to certain terms 2456 Posbus 1341, and conditions, that portion of Judge Street Pretoria, 24 Julie 1968 (ii) n Gedeelte van Judgestraat grensend adjacent to Stands 1520 and 1526 together (Kennisgewing No 116/1968) aan Standplase 1520 en 1526 with Portion 76, a portion of Barberton Townlands 369 JU, to Messrs (iii) n Gedeelte van Judgestraat grensend Barberton Engineering aan Standplase 1525 en 2657 Works TRANSVAAL BOARD FOR THE (iv) n Gedeelte van Leeweg grensend A plan showing the proposed closing of DEVELOPMENT OF PERIURBAN aan Barbertondorpsgronde 369 JU the aforementioned street portions together with full particulars regarding the conditions AREAS Kennisgewing geskied ook hiermee Inge upon which it is proposed to alienate the PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE volge die bepalings van artikel 79 (18) van land may be inspected and obtained from NORTHERN JOHANNESBURG REGION bogemelde Ordonnansie dat die Stadsraad the Town Clerk during ordinary office TOWN PLANNING SCHEME AMEND van voorneme is om sekere van die street hours MENT SCHEME 143 gedeeltes wat gesluit staan te word asook Any person who has any objection to the deelte van dorpsgronde te vervreern The Transvaal Board for the Developn gecrw proposed closing and ope di vogl e yse: alienation of the en merit of Peri Urban Areas has prepared a en wetsheet portions and the alienation of the draft amendment townplanning scheme to (i) Om die reg deur verjaring op die portion of Townlands or who may have any be known as Amendment Scheme 143 gedeelte van Presidentstraat grensend aan claim for compensation if the street This draft scheme contains the following Gedeelte 29 van Standplaas 2456 wat portions in question are closed permanently gesluit staan te word, aan melt E Lownds must lodge such objection or claim, in proposal: toe te staan writing, with the Town Clerk not later than (i) Wording The coverage of Erf 191, (ii) Om die gedeelte van Judgestraat Thursday, 26 September 1968 Rembrandt Park Township, to be amended grensend aan Standplase 1520 en 1526 wat L E KOTZE, from 20 per cent to 28 per cent gesluit staan te word asook Gedeelte 76, n Town Clerk (ii) Description of property Erf 191, gedeelte van Barbertondorpsgronde 369 Rembrandt Park JU aan more Barberton Engineering Municipal Offices, (iii) Street on which property abuts Works te verkoop onderhewig aan sekere Barberton, 10 July 1968 Curie and Pasteur Streets voorwaardes en bedinge (Notice No 42/1968) 632, 24 27

28 200 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 24 JULIE 1968 STAD JOHANNESBURG wishes to do so, he shall within four week; 36 Bramley, 604 Louis Botha Avenue, being il of the first publication of this notice, which the north eastern corner of the intersection VOORGESTELDE WYSIGING VAN DIE is the 24th July 1968, inform the local of Louis Botha Avenue and Silwood Road, JOHANNESBURGSE DORPSAANLEG authority, in writing, of such objections or from "Special Residential" to "General SKEMA 1 WYSIGINGSICEMA 1/321 representation and shall state whether or not business" and the balance of the lots from " Die Stadsraad van Johannesburg het n he wishes to be heard by the local authority Special Residential" to " Special " to ontwerp wysigingdorpsaanlegskema opgestel A P BURGER, permit parking and loading and offloading wat as Wysigingdorpsbeplanningskema only, subject to certain conditions Clerk of the Council 1/321 bekend sal staan Municipal Offices, The owners of these lots are Messrs Hierdie ontwerpskema bevat die volgende Johannesburg, 24 July 1963 Louwolf Leasing Co (Pty) Ltd, c/o Levin, voorstel: Rosenberg, Meyers & Blumberg, Second Floor, Standard Bank Chambers, Troye Die indeling van standplaas 352, Rene, Street, Johannesburg naamlik die suidoostelike hoek van die STAD JOHANNESBURG kruising van Gus en Foxstraat, word op Particulars of this _scheme are open for VOORGESTELDE WYSIGING VAN DIE sekere voorwaardes van Algemene Woon inspection at Room 423, Municipal Offices, doeleindes" JOHANNESBURGSE DORPSAANLEG na Algemene Besigheids Johannesburg, for a period of four weeks SKEMA L WYSIGINGSKEMA doeleindes" verander 1/320 from the date of the first publication of this Die firma Tulac Properties Inv (Pty) Die Stadsraad van Johannesburg het notice, which is the 24h July 1968: n Ltd, p/a M Malzman, Siemertstraat 36, ontwerpwysig rigdorpsaamegskema opge Doornfontein, Johannesbur, is die eienaars stet wat wat awysigingdorosbeplanningskema The Council will consider whether or not g bekends sal staan the scheme should be adopted van hierdie standplaas Besonderhede van hierdie skema le ter Hierdie ontwerpskema bevat die volgende Any owner or occupier of immovable voorstel: property within the area of the Johannes insae in Kamer 423, Stadhuis, Johannesburg, vir n tydperk van vier weke van die datum Die indeling van n gedeelie 40 Kaapse burg Townplanning Scheme 1 or within van die eerste publikasic van hierdie kennis voet ver van die oos:elike gienslyn of van one mile of the boundary thereof, has the gewing af, naamlik 24 Julie 1968 die gebied wat tans vir Algemene Besig right to object to the scheme or to make 5 Die Raad sal die skema heidsdoeeindes" ingedeel is op Erwe 35 representations in respect thereof, and if he oorweeg 6 en en 36, Bramley, Louis Bothalaan 604 Wishes to do so, be shall within four weeks besluit of dit aangeneem moet word naamlik die noordobstelike hock van die of the first publication of this notice, which Enige eienaar of okkupeerder van vaste kruising van Louis Bothalaan en Silwood is the 20th July 1968 inform the local eiendom binne die gebied van die Johannes weg, moet van,spesille Woondoeleindes" authority, lb writing, of such ob3ection or burgse Dorpsaanlegskema 1 of binne een na, Algemene Besigheidsdoeleindes " representation and shall state whether or myl van die grense daarvan het die rcg om verander word en die indeling van die res not he wishes to be heard by the local teen die skema beswaar te maakof om ver van de erwe van, Spesiale Woondoelein authority to ten opsigte daarvan te rig, en indien des" na Spesiaal ", sodat daar op sekere A P BURGER, by dit wil doen, moet hy die plaaslike voorwaardes slegs parkering en op en Clerk of the Council bestuur binne vier weke van die eerste aflaaiwerk daarop toegelaat kan word Municipal Offices publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing, naam Johannesburg, 24 July 1968 Die firma Louwolf Leasing Co (Pty) Ltd, lik 24 Julie 1968, skriftelik van sodanige p/a Levin, Rosenberg, Myers and Blumberg, beswaar of vertod in kennis stel en vermeld Tweede Verdieping, Standard Bank of by deur die plaaslike bestuur gehoor wil Chambers, Troyestraat, Johannesburg, is die word of nic eienaars van hierdie erwe EENDRACHT GESONDHE1DS A P BURGER KOMITEE Klerk van die Read Besonderhede van hierdie skema 18 ter Stadhuis, insae in Kamer 423, Stadhuis, Johannesburg, EIENDOMSBELASTING, 1968/69, vir n tydperk van vier weke van die eerste Johannesburg 24 Julie 01 I;1968,:iiii / c publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing at, Kennisgewing geskied hierrnee ingevolge naamlik 24 Julie 1968 die Plaaslike Bestuur belastingordonnkiisie,, Die Raad sal die skema oorweeg en besluit No ,soos, van, gcwysig dat die Gesondheadskomitee van Eendracht die CITY OF JOHANNESBURG of dit aangeneem moet word volgende belasting,gehef het op,die waarde Enige eienaar of okkuveerder van vaste PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO JOHAN van alle eiendomme geled binne dip *led NESBURG TOWN eiendom binne die gebied van die Johannes van die PLANNING SCHEME Gesondheidskomitee van Eendracht burgse Dorpsaanlegskema I of binne een 1 AMENDMENT SCHEME en soos aangetoon op die Waarderingslys, 1/321 myl van die grense daanian het die reg em vir die boekjaar 1 Julie 1968 tot 30 Junie The City Council of Johannesburg has teen die skema beswaar to maak, of em 1969: prepared a draft amendment town planning vertoe ten opsigic daarvan to rig, en indien scheme to be, known as Amendment Town by dit wil doen, moot hy die plaaslike (a) n Oorspronklike belasting van n half planning Scheme 1/321 bestuur binne vier weke van die eerste sent in die rand (RI) op die terreinwaarde The draft scheme contains the following publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing, naamlik van die grond proposal: 24 Julie 1968, skriftelik van sodanige beswaar of vertoe in kennis stel en vermeld (6) n Addisionele belasting van twee en To rezone Stand 352, Jeppe, being the of by deur die plaaslike bestuur gehoor wil n half sent in die rand (RI) op die south eastern corner of the intersection of word of nie liggingswaarde van die grond Gus and Fox Street; from " General A Residential" to " General Business " sub KlerBURGER P van die Raad: k Die belasting soos hierbo gehef, wordd ject to certain conditions verskuldig op 1 Julie 1968, maar Stadhuis, is betaalbear voor of op 30 Maart 1969 The owners of this stand are Messrs Tulac Johannesburg, 24 Julie 1968 Properties Inv (Pty) Ltd, c/o M Malzman, Indien die belasting sons hierbo gehef, 36 Siemert Road, Doornfontein, Johannes nie op betaaldatums sous hierbo genoern, burg CITY OF JOHANNESBURG betaal word nie, word n boeterente teen Particulars of this scheme are open 7 for persent per jaar gehef inspection at Room 423, Municipal Offices, PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO JOHAN NESBURG TOWN PLANNING SCHEME asting eta ers wat nie re enings ten, Johannesburg, for a Period Of four weeks from the date of the first publication of 1 AMENDMENT,ISCHEME 1/320 opsigte van belasting hierbo genoem ontvang nie, word versoek om met die Sekrethis notice, which is the 24th July 1968" The City Council of Johannesburg has taris/sekretaresse in verbindingte tree, aanprepared a draft amendment townplanning : The Council will consider whether or not gesien die nieontvangs van n rckening ta be ihe scheme should be adopted h sceme knoivhas Amendment Town : niemand van aanspreeklikheid vir die planning Scheme 1/320 Any owner or occupier of immovable _ betaling van sodanige belasting irrywaar nie This draft scheme contains the following property within the area of the Johannes i,,, G VANS COLL ER burg Town planning Scheme 1 or within proposal oi :,, t Sekretaresse one mile of the boundary thereof, has the 0 " To reztthe a portion, 40 Capefeet,in depth Eendracht, Pk Eendracht Tel f o 25 right to object to the scheme or to make from: thteasteni boundary of the cajoling e o n,, I ` representations in respect thereof, and if he "General Business" zoning on Lots 35 and I Julie I

29 I I 1 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 24 JULY Council, adjacent to the J C Strijdom Hos betreffende Openbare Parke van EENDRACHT HEALTH COMMITTEE die munisipitail, on the south side of Perth Road and paliteit Germiston, afgekondig by Admin i ASSESMENT RATES, 1968/69 reaslocation of stands in Market Street, strateurskennisgewing No 846 van 24 Notice is hereby given, in terms of the north side, between Harrison and Simmonds Oktober 1956, soos gewysig, verder te wysig Local Authorities Rating Ordinance, No 20 Streets, in place of stands in President deur vervanging :/an die bestaande artikel of 1933; as amended, that the Health Corn Street, south side, between Harrison and 2 (4) rakende die toegangsgelde tot die m:ttce of Eendracht has imposed the Simmonds Streets Meerpark met n nuwe artikel 2 (4) folowing assessment rates on all rateable Copies of the proposed amendment will Afskrifte van hierdie wysigings 16 ter insae properties within the area of the Health be open for inspection at Room 302, in Kamer 115, Stadskantore, Germiston, vir Committee of Eendracht as appearing on Municipal Offices, for 21 days from the n tydperk van 21 dae met ingang vanaf the Valuation Roll for the year 1 July date of publication of this notice and any 24 Julie to 30 June 1969: person wishing to do so may, during that P J BOSHOFF, Period,, lodge with me an objection, in (a) An original rate of half a cent in one Stadsklerk rand (RI) on the site value of land writing, to the proposed amendment Munisipale Kantore, (b) An additional rate of two and a half ROSS BLAINE, Germiston, 24 Julie 1968 I "cent in the rand (RI) on the site value of Town Clerk (Kennisgewing No 99/1968) i Municipal Offices, land Johanneiburg, 24 July 1968 CITY COUNCIL OF GERMISTON The rate imposed as set out above is due for payment on the 1st July 1968 but shall PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO be payable on or before the 30th March 1969 DORPSRAAD VAN BALFOUR BYLAWS RELATING TO PUBLIC PARKS If the hereby rates imposed is not paid DRIEJAARLIKSE WAARDASIEROL It is hereby notified in terms of section on the dates above, penalty interest will Kennisgewing geskied hiermee ingevolge 96 of the Local Government Ordinance, be charged at the rate of 7 per cent per artikel 12 van die Plaaslike Bestuurbelas No 17 of 1939, that the City Council of annum ; la 2 tingordontiansie, No 20 van 1933, dat die Germiston proposes to amende the By laws Ratepayers who do not receive accounts Dorpsraad oven Balfour I nuwe Waar relating to Public Parks of the Germiston in respect of the assessment rates referred deringslys to above, are requested to communicate in 7 laat opstel het van die eiendomme Municipality, published under Administradie munisipale gebied, vir"die tyclperk tors Notice No 846, dated the 24th Oetober with the Secretary as the non receipt of 1 Julie 1968 tot 30 Junie , as amended, by the substitution of a accounts shall not exempt any person from GenOemde lys 16 ter insae in die kantore new section 2 (4) for the existing section liability for payment of such rates van die Stadsklerk gedurende gewone 2 (4) relative to charges for entry to the G VAN COLLER, kantoorure tot Dinsdag, 3 September 1968 Lake Park Secretary Besware indien enige, teen die waardasie Copies of the proposed amendments are Eendracht, PO Eendracht Telephone 25, van enige eiendom, of enige foute in die lys, oven for public inspection in, Room 115 moet op die voorgeskrewe vorm by die Municipal Offices, Germiston, during a 1 July Stadsklerk ingedien word voor 3 September Period of 21 days as from the24th July 1968, om 12uur middag Vorms is ver 1968 STAD JOHANNESBURG krygbaar by die Stadsklerk P J BOSHOFF M J STRYDOM, Town Clerk WYSIGING VAN DIE LISENSIE Stadsklerk Municipal Offices VERORDENINGE Munisioale Kantore, Germiston, 24 July 1968 (Kennisgewing ingevolge die bepalings van Balfour, Tvl, 15 Julie 1968 (Notice No 99/1968) artikel 96 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike (Kennisgewing No 20/1968), Bestuur, 1939) Die Stadsraad van Johannesburg is voor DORPSRAAD VAN TRICHARDT nemesis om sy Lisensidverordeninge, afge VILLAGE COUNCILIOF EAVOLIR n EIENDOMSBELASTING: 1968/69 kondig by:administrateuiskennisgewing No TRIENNIAL VALUATION ROLLe" 394 van 27 Mei 1953, soos gewysig,verder Kenniseewing geskied hiermee ingevolge te wysig sodat blommeverkopers gemagtig In terms of section 12 of the Local die Plaaslike Pcouur belastingordonnansie I kan word om die nuwe staanplekke wat die Authorities Rating Ordinance; No 20 of No 20 van 1933 soos Rewvsig, dat die Read tangs die J C Strijdomhospitaal, aan 1933, notice is hereby given that the Village Dorpsraad van Trichardt die volgende I die suidekant van Perthweg, verskaf, te Council of Balfour has caused the prepare eiendomsbelasting gehef het op die terreingebruik, en om die staanplekke aan die don of a new Valuation Roll of all waarde van alle helasbare eiendomme, pleb rioordekart van Mark etstraat, lassen Haiti; properties in the Balfour town area for the binne die jurisdiksie gebied van Trichardt son en Simmondstraat, in die plek van period of 1 July 1968 to 30 June 1971 soos opgeneem in die waarderingslys vir die This Valuation Roll will be available for boekjaar 1 Julie 1968 tot 30 Junta 1969: staanplekke aan die suidekant van Presidentstraat, tussen Harrison en Simmondstraat, public inspection in the Municipal Offices, (a) n Oorspronklike belasting van n her tne te wys Balfour, during normal office hours until halwe sent (lc) in die rand (R1) op die P fskrifte van die voorgestelde wvsiging 16 Tuesday, 3 August 1968 Objections, if terreinwaarde van grond 21 die vanaf die datum van hierdie kennis any, against the valuation of any rateable (b) n Bykomende belasting van twee en gewine in Kamer 302 Stadhuis, ter insae Property or any other errorsin the Valua n halwe sentdie (24c) in die rand (RI) op _ en enigiemand wat teen die voorgestelde tion Roll, must be lodged, in writing, on terreinwaarde van grond wvsieing beswaar wil (toper meet sy beswaar the form prescribed by the Ordinance and geditrende did tydperk skriftelik by my submitted to the undersigned not later than (c) n Verdere bykomende belasting van indien 3 September 1968, at 12 noon Forms are een en n halwe sent Mc) in die rand (RI) ROSS BLAINE obtainable from the Municipal Offices op die terreinwaarde van grond onderhewig aan die goedkeuring van Sy Edele die Stadsklerk M J STRYDOM Stadhuis, Town Clerk Administrateur Johannesburg, 24 Julie 1968 Municipal Offices, Die belasting hierbo gehef is nou ver Balfour Tvl, 15 July 1968 skuldig en moet betaal word voor of op 31, Jarman 1969 CITY OF JOHANNESBURG (Notice No 20/1968) Belastingbetalers wie nie rekenings van AMENDMENT OF THE LICENSING die belasting hierbo genoem ontvang het BYLAWS STAD GERMISTON nie word versoek om met die Stidsklerk in verbinding to tree aangesien die nie (Notice in terms of section 96 of the Local voorgestelde WYSIGING VAN V ER 0 RD ENI N G E BETREFFENDE ontvangs van rekenings demand van aan Government Ordinance, 1939) spreeklikhead vir die betaling van sodanige The City Council of Johannesburg OPENBARE PARKE, belasting vrywaar nie proposes to amend its Licensing By laws, Daar word ingevolge die bepalings van promulgated under, Administrators Notice artikel 96 yin die Ordoimansie op Flag : M J VAN DER MERVVE, No 394, dated the 27th May 1953,, as like Bestuur, No 17 van 1939, soos gewysig, Stadsklerk amended, to authorize the use by flower bekendgemaak dat die Stadsraad van Ger Posbus 52 vendors of further stands erected by the Rolston voomemealis om die Verordeninge Trichardt, 19 Julie I

30 202 provinsiale KOERANT, 24 JULIE 1968 VILLAGE COUNCIL OF TRICHARDT The draft scheme clauses and Map 1 volgende belasting op alle belasbare eien 0 framed thereunder are open for inspection dom binne die munisipale gebied, soos aan ASSESSMENT RATES, 1968/69 in Room A602, H B Phillips Building, getoon in die Waarderingslys vir die bock Notice is hereby given in terms of the 302 Rosman Street, Pretoria, and at the jaar 1 Julie 1968 tot 30 Junie 1969, gehef Local Authorities Rating Ordinance, No Boards Local Office, 92 Rissik Street, het, en sal maandeliks betaalbaar wees teen 20 of 1933, that the Village Council of Komatipoort, for a period of six weeks as 1/10de van die jaarlikse heffing, vanaf 1 has imposed the following assessment rates from the 24th July 1968 September 1968: on site value of all rateable properties Objections to or representations in (i) n Oorspronklike belasting van 0500 within the jurisdiction area of Trichardt, as connection with the scheme may be sub sent in die Rand (RI) op die terreinwaarde appearing on the valuation roll for the year mined, in writing, to the undersigned not van alle grand binne die munisipale gebied 1 July 1968 to 30 June 1969: later than Thursday, 5 September 1968 (ii) n Bykomende belasting van 25 sent (a) An original rate of one half (4c) in H B PHILLIPS, in die Rand (RI) op die terreinwaarde van the rand (RI) on site value of land Secretary alle grand binne die munisipale gebied (b) An additional rate of two and a half POox 1341 (iii) n Retesting van sent in die i cents (24c) in the rand (R1) on the site Pretoria, 24 July 1963 Rand (R1) op die waarde van alle vervalue of land (c) An extra additional rate of one and a (Notice No, 111/68) beterings binne die munisipale gebied half cents (lie) in the rand (RI) on the site Indien bogemelde belastings nie op die value of land subject to the consent of the GESONDHEIDSKOMITEE VAN vervaldatum ten voile vereffen is nie, sal Honourable the Administrator WITPOORT 71 n boete van 7% (sewe persent) per jaar The above rates are now due and must op die agterstallige bedrae van die betrokke be paid on or before the 31st January 1969 EIENDOMSBELASTING: 1968/69 eienaars gevorder word Ratepayers who do not receive accounts Hiermee word kennis gegee dat die A F DE KOCK, in respect of the assessment rates referred volgende belastings op die tiaarde van alle Stadsklerk to above, are requested to communicate belasbare eiendomme binne die grense van Munisipale Kantore with the Town Clerk as the non receipt of die Gesondheidskomitee van Witpoort 71, Witbank, 2 Julie accounts shall not exempt any person from soos in die Waarderingslys voorkom, opgete liability for (Kennisgewing No 46/1968) payment of such rates is deur die Komitee, in terme van die M I VANDER MERWE Plaaslike Bestuurbelastingordonnansie, No Town Clerk 20 van 1933, vir die finansiele jaar 1 Julie TOWN COUNCIL OF WITBANK PO Box 52, 1968 tot 30 Junie 1969: Trichardt, 19 July (a) n Oorspronklike belasting van seen NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT RATES halwe sent (4c) in die Rand (RI) op die Notice is hereby given in terms of the liggingswaard de van grand; en TRANSVAALSE RAAD VIR DIE Local Authorities Rating Ordinance, No ONT WIKKELING VAN BUITESTEDELIKE (b) n addisionele belasting van twee en 20 of 1933, as amended, that the following GEBIEDE cenhalwe sent (24c) in die Rand (RI) op rater on the value of rateable properties die liggingswaarde van grond within the municipal area of Witbank, as VOORGESTELDE DORPSAANLEG appearing in the Valuation Roll, have been Die bovermelde belastings sal verskuldig SKEMA VIR DIE KOMATIPOORTSE levied by the Council for the financial year SE wees OP die late Julie 1968, en betaalbaar PLAASLIKE GEBIEDSKOM1TEEI July 1968 to the 30th June 1969, and shall REGSGEBIED voor of op die Isle Oktober 1968 be payable monthly at 1/10th of the annual Hiermee word kragtens die regulasies wat LEN A VAN ZYL, levy, as from 1 September 1968: ingevolge die Dorpe en Dorpsaanlet Sekretaris (i) An original rate of 0500 cent in the ordonnansie, 1931, ungevaardig is, bekend Witpoort 71, 2 Julie 1968 Rand (R1) on the site value of all land gemaak dat die Tratfsvaalse Raad vir die within the municipal area Ontwikkeling van Buitestedelike Gable& (ii) An additional rate of 25 cents in m Voo emens is om n dorpsaanlegskema vir the Rand (RI) on the site value of all land die regsgobied van die Komatipoortse Plans HEALTH COMITTEE OF within the municipal area like Gebiedskomitee aan to neem WITPOORT 71, ii) A of cents in the Die Ontwerpskema klousules en Kaart I ASSESSMENT RATES: 1963/69 (RI) (i) on rate the value of all improvementsrnd daarvolgens opgestel, sal ter insae 16 in Kamer A602, H B Phillipsgebou, Bosnian Notice is hereby given that the following within the municipal area street 320, Pretoria, en by die Read se rates on all rateable property within the If in any case the rates hereby imposed, plaaslike kantoor, Rissikstraat 92, Kaman area of the Health Committee of Witpoort are not paid on the due date, interest at the poor[, vir n tydperk van sea wake vanaf 24 71, according to the value appearing in the rate of 7% (seven per cent) per annum will Julie 1968 Valuation Roll, have been imposed by the be charged Besware teen of vertoo in verband met Committee in terms of the Local Authorities A F DE KOCK, Rating Ordinance, No 20 of die skema mon, 1933, in respect skriftelik; by die ander Town Clerk getaende ingedien word nie later nie of the financial year I July 1968 to 30 Municipal as Offices, June 1969: Donderdag, Witbank, 2 July September 1958 (a) H B PHILLIPS, An original rate of one half cent (#c) (Notice No 46/1968) Santana in the Rand (RI) cui the site value of land; and Posbus 1341, Pretoria, 24 Julie 1968 (b) An additional rate of two and one STADSRAAD VAN BETHAL (Kennisgewing No 111/68) half cents (24c) in the Rand (RI) on the EIENDOMSBELASTING: 1968/69 site value of land Kennis word hiermee gegee dat die Stads The abovementioned rates will become raad van Bethel, kragtens die bepalings van TRANSVAAL BOARD FOR THE due on the 1st July 1968, and payable on die Plaaslike Bestuurbelastingordonnansiei DEVELOPMENT OF PERIURBAN or before the 1st October 1968 No 20 van 1933, soos gewysig, die volgende AREAS LEN A VAN ZYL, belasting gehef het vir die boekjaar 1 Julie PROPOSED TOWN PLANNING Secretary 1968 tot 30 Junie 1969, op die terreinwaarde Witpoort 71, 2 July1968 van alle belasbare eiendom binne die muni SCHEME FOR THE AREA OF JURIS sipale gebied, sons dit DICTION OF THE KOMATIPOORT in die Waarderings lys verskyn: LOCAL AREA COMMIT 1LE In terms of the regulations framed under STADSRAAD VAN WITBANK 1 n Oorspronklike belasting van n halwe the Townships and Town sent (4c) planning Ordi in die Rand (R1) op die terreinnance, 1931, it is hereby notified for general KENNISGEWING VAN EIENDOMS waardovan grand, volgens die Waarderingsinformation that the Transvaal Board for BELASTING: lys the Development of PeriUrban Areas pro Hiermee word kennis gegee dat die Stads 2 n Bykomende belasting van twee en poses to adopt a townplanning scheme for raid van Witbank kragtens die bepalings n hall* sent (24c) in die Rand (RI) op the area of jurisdiction of _thekomatipoort van,die Plaashice Bestuurbelastingordon die terreinwaarde van grand, volgens die Local Area Committee nansie, Ho 20 van 1933, soos gewysig; die Waardiringslya 30

31 I PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 24 JULY % a 3 Onderworpe aan die goedkeuring van The aforesaid rates maybe paid in two Ingeval die belasting hierby auger& nie die Administrateur, n bykomende belasting halfyearly instalments, the first half of op vervaldag betaal is nie, kan geregtelike van n halwe sent (4c) in die Rand (RI) op which shall be payable on the 15th of Sep stappe vir die invordering daarvan teen wandie terreinwaarde van grond, volgens die tember 1968, and the balance on or before betalers geneem word Waarderingslys the 15th of January 1969 All rates remain Die belasting mag in twee gelyke half ing unpaid after the above mentioned dates, M J KLYNSMITH, jaarlikse paaiemente betaal word, die eerste shall bear interest at the rate of seven per Stadsklerk helfte waarvan op 15 September 1968 en cent (7%) per annum Venlersdorp, 10 Julie 1968 die saldo voor of op 15 Januarie 1969 G J J VISSER betaalbaar is Town Clerk Alle belastings wat na hovermelde datums TOWN COUNCIL OF VENTERSDORP Town Hall, nie betaal is nie, sal rente dra teen sewe Bethal, 2 July 1968 ASSESSMENT RATES persent (7%) per jaar Notice is hereby given that the following G J J VISSER, rates on the valuation of all rateable Stadsklerk STADSRAAD VAN VENTERSDORP property within the Municipality, as appear Stadhuis, ing on the Valuation Roll, have been Bethal, 2 Julie 1968 EIENDOMSBELASTING imposed by the Town Council of Venters Kennisgewing geskied hiermee TOWN COUNCIL OF BETHAL dat die dorp for the financial year 1 July 1968 to volgende belasting op alle belasbare eien 30 June 1969, in terms of the Local Govern ASSESSMENT RATES: 1968/69 dom binne die munisipaliteit, soos aange meat Rating Ordinance, 1933: teken op Waarderingslys, gehef is deur (a) Notice is hereby given %that the Bethal An original rate of one (3c) die half cent Stadsraad van Ventersdorp ten opsigte in the Rand (RI) on the site value of land Town Council has, in terms of the Local van die finansihe jaar 1 Julie 1968 tot 30 Authorities Rating Ordinance, No 20 of,_:e (Li) An reenkoms ug die Plaaslike additional rate of two and a half 1933, as amended, imposed the following cents (24c) in the Rand (RI) on the site Bestuurbelastingordonnansie van 1933: rates on the site value of all rateable value of land property within the municipal area, as (a) a Oorspronklike belasting van n half The above rates will become due and appearing in the Valuation Roll, for the sent ({c) in die Rand (RI) op die liggings payable on or before the 21st March 1969, financial year 1 July 1968 to the 30th June waarde van grond provided that the rates due may be paid in 1969i instalments either monthly or halfyearly on 1 An original rate of a half cent (4c) (1) n Addisionele belasting van twee en condition that the rates must be paid in full in the Rand (RI) on the site value of all n half sent (23c) in die Rand (RI) op die on 31 March 1969 land, as appearing in the Valuation Roll liggingswaarde van grond In the event of the rates hereby imposed 2 An additional rate of two and a half not being paid on the due date, proceedings cents (24c) in the Rand (R1) on the site Die belasting vervel en is betaalbaar voor for the recovering thereof may be taken value of all land, appearing in the Valtia of op 31 Maart 1969, met die voorbehoud against defaulters tion Roll dat die verskuldigde bedrag aangesuiwer kan 3 Subject to the consent of the Adminis word in paaiemente, hetsy maandeliks of M J KLYNSMITH, trator, an additional rate of a half cent halfjaarliks, met dien verstande dat die voile Town Clerk (lc) in the Rand (R1) on the site value of belasting aangesuiwer moet wees op 31 Ventersdorp, 10 July 1968 all land, as appearing in the Valuation Roll Maart Die Delfstowwe van Suid Afrika Die vierde uitgawe van Die Delfstowwe van Suid Afrika is nou 6eskikbaar H Prys R333 VERKRYGBAAR VAN DIE STAATSDRUKKER, PRETORIA EN KAAPSTAD The Mineral Resources of South Africa The fourth edition of The Mineral Resources in South Africa is now available Price R333 u OBTAINABLE FROM THE GOVERNMENT PRINTER, PRETORIA AND CAPE TOWN 31

32 1 I I 204 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 24 JULIE 1968 INI1C1L D CON 1 EN FS No SUDSY No PAGE Administratetirskennisgen trigs A dm istictratnes Notices 755 Munisipaliteit Rensburg: Voorgestelde intrckking van 755 Rensburg Municipality: Proposed withdrawal of vrystelling van belasting 173 exemption from rating Openings van n Distrikspad, distrik Pelgrims Rest, Opening of a public road, District of Pelgrims Rest Munisipaliteit Johannesburg: Voorgestelde verande 757 Johannesburg Municipality: Proposed alteration of ring van grense 174 boundaries Witbanksc Tattersallskomitee: Vulling van vakature Witbank Tattersalls Committee: Filling of vacancy Verbeteringskennisgewing: 1nsluiting van die Ridge 759 Correction notice: Inclusion of the " Ridgewayse wayse HoOrskool (Ordonnansie No 29 van 1953) 175 Hohrskool" (Ordinance No 29 of 1953) Johannesburgwysigingskema 1/ Johannesburg Amendment Scheme 1/ Johannesburgwysigingskema 1/ Johannesburg Amendment Scheme 1/ Opening van openbare distrikspad, distrik Austen 762 Opening of public District Road, District of Rustenburg 176 burg Padreelings op die plaas Wonderhoek 376 JS, distrik 763 Road adjustments on the farm Wonderhoek 376 JS, Middelburg 176 District of Middelburg, Transvaal Verlegging en verbreding van Distrikspad 395, distrik 764 Deviation and widening of District Road 395, District Piet Retief 177 of Piet Retief Middelburgwysigingskema Middelburg Amendment Scheme Johannesburg wysigingskema 1/ Johannesburg Amendment Scheme 1/ Munisipaliteit Rustenburg: Aanname van standaard 767 Rustenburg Municipality: Adoption of Standard Finansiele Verordeninge 173 Financial By laws Munisipaliteit Brits: Aanname van standaardverorde 768 Brits Municipality: Adoption of Standard Financial ninge 178 Bylaws Boksburgwysigingskema 1/ Boksburg Amendment Scheme 1/48 : Verklaring van goedgekeurde dun Impalapark inge 770 Declaration of approved township Impalapark in volge artikel 69 van die Ordonnansie op Dorps terms of section 69 of the Townplanning and beplanning en Dorpe, Townships Ordinance, , Algemene Kennisgewings General Notices 305 Voorgestelde stigting van dorp Birchleighuitbreiding 305 Proposed establishment of Birchleigh Extension Voorgestelde stigting van dorp Wesden Proposed establishment of Wesden Township Klerksdorpwysigingskema 1/ Klerksdorp Amendment Scheme 1/ Noordelik Johannesburgstreekwysigingskema Northern Johannesburg Region Amendment Scheme 311 Pretoria Noord wysigingskema 1/ Edenvale wysigingskema 1/ Pretoria North Amendment Scheme 015 : ; Pretoriastreekwysigingskema Edenvale Amendment Scheme 1/ Pretoriastreek wysiging 1/ Pretoria Region Amendment Scheme Voorgestelde wysiging van die titelvoorwaardes van 316 Pretoria Region Amendment Scheme 1/ Gedeelte 1, van Erf 393, darn Malvern Oos Proposed amendment of the conditions of title of 318 Voorgestelde wysiging van die utelvoorwaardes van Portion 1 of Erf 393, Malvern East Township 187 Ed 1390, dorp Discovery uitbreiding Proposed amendment of the conditions of title of Ed 319 Voorgestelde stigting van dorp Woodmead uitbreiding, 1390, Discovery, Township Extension : Proposed establishment of Woodmead Extension 2 I 320 Voorgestelde stigting van dorp Highway GardensultTownship brelding Proposed establishment of High\vay Gardens Exten 321 Voorgestelde stigting van dup Momingsideuitbrei ding : Proposed establishment of Morningside Extension Voorgstelde wysicing van die titelvoorwaardes van 188 erwe 2550, 2552 en 2554, dorp Wanderers View Proposed amendment of the conditions of title f Stands 2550, 2552 and 55, ow 323 Pretoriastreekwysigingskema Wanderers Vie 324 Johannesburgwysigingskema 1/ Prctoria Region Amendment Scheme Westonariawysigingskema 1/ ohannesburg Amendment Scheme 1/ Pretoria wysigingskema 1/ Westonaria Amendment Scheme 1/12 : Pretoria Amendment Scheme 1/ Voorgestelde wysiging van die titelvoorwaardes van 327 Proposed amendment of the conditions of title of gedeelte 3 van Erf 421, dorp Eastleigh 192 Portion 3 of Lot 421, Eastleigh Township Voorgestelde wysiging van die titelvoorwaardes van 328 Proposed amendment of the conditions of title of erwe 425 en 427, dorp Springs 192 Erven 425 and 427, Springs Township Voorgestelde wysiging van die titelvoorwaardes van 329 Proposed amendment of the conditions of title of the die plaas Rietfontein 61 IR, distrik Germiston 192 farm Rietfontein 61 IR, District of Germiston 192 Tenders 193 Tenders 193 Skutverkopings 195 Pound Sales 195 Plaaslike bestuurskennisgewings 195 Notices by Local Authorities 195 Spaar Tyd en Geld, Gebrilik Frankeermasjiene Save Time and Money, Use Franking Machines 32 DIE STAATSDRUKKER, PRETORIA I THE GOVERNMENT PRINTER, PRETORIA



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