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2 Entered aooording to tho II ot of Congress, in tho year 1869, by WILLIAM n. D0YD, In tho Office of the Clerk of the Dilltriot Oourt of the Unit : StRtes In and for tho Eutern Dislrlot of tho Stato of 1)cnnar1'laDln. rnrtadblpdla : OOLLIN8, PRINTER, 705.JAYNB STRBBT.

3 INDEX. Aoademles, 176 Agenu., 176 Agrloultural Implements, 176 Amerloan Meohanlcs, 303 Appendix, 281 Arohlteots. 176 A8soolntions, 208 Auotloneers, 176, 280 Dakers, 177 Dandlng MllChlne, 246 IJands, 297 llankers, 178 Danks, 203 II Savings, 203 Dcdstend Makers, 178 Deltlng and I.noe Leather Manu faoturers, 246 Dllllnrd Saloons, 178 Dltters Manufaoturer, 179 BIROksmlths, 179, 280 Boarding Houses, 184 Bonrd of l<~duoouon, 287 IJoa~ Builders, 186 Boller Makers, 186 Dookblnders, 186 Dooksellors Imll Stationers, 186 Boot and Shoe Deniers, 280 II II Maker., 186, 280 Bottlers, 102 Dowlint{ Saloons, 102 Bows, Folloes, and Shafts, 102 Dox Makers, 197 Drewers, 192 Brick Dealers, 193 Brokers, Exehonge, 193 Brush Makorll, HI4 Builders ami Carpenterll, 197 Builders' Materials, 14 7 IJutobers 194 Button Makers, 195 Cabinet MBkers, 105 Cnp Makers, 197 CRr Dulhlorll, 197 Carponters and Bullderll, 107 Cnrpet Denlel'II, 201 Cllrrlage nnd Conoh Dows, 192 II II Trlmmors, 205 1/ II Manufrs, 203 II II Spokes, 102 Cemotorloll, 314 Chair Manufaoturers, 201 Charltuble Institution nnd Soolo. tlos, 208 Chinn, Gl08s, and Earthenwaro, 202 Churohes nnd Clergymen, 310 Cigar Manufacturers, 200 City Governmenta, 283 Civil Engineer, 202 Clothiers, 202 Ceaoh nnd Carriage Dows, Felloes, Shan8, clo 192 COROb and Carriage nullders, 203 Coal and W00(1 Dealers, 205 Coffeo R008tera and S}llco l!'aotor, 206 Collectors, 28' College, 286. Comb blakers, 206 Commission Merohantl', 206 Commissioners of Deeds, 206, 282 Common Oouncll, 283 Confectioners, 200 Coopors, 207 Copper Mines, 280 Coppersmiths, 210 CordRge, Rope, and Twine, 210 Corn ExohBnge, 295 Colton Manufaoturers, 210 Oountry Stores, 210 COllnty Offioers, 281 Courts, 282 Daguerreotypes and Photographs, 210 Dentists, 216 Distilleries, 217 Doors, SRshes, anll Blinds, 261 Dress Makers, 217

4 4 INDEX. Drl\l nnll Fan Mnkers, 218 Dronrfl. :nu Drugglstll. 21 U ~)ti1ldll. :ioi J)ry (JoOlls Rnd Varlotlell. 220 J)yorll, 220 J<:ntlng liousell, 221 Jo:arthem'Aro. 202 J<;dgo Tool Mnkeu, 221 Jo:nglno Dullderll, 221 Jt;nglnoerll, Ch li. 202 Exohnngo OmCell, 221 };xllresfloll Fnnoy l~nnlng MlIIlI, 222 Flro J)opnrlrrlont. 206 Jt'lro Englno IlOilO, 222 Flllh Mungorll, 222 }Ioor 011 Cloth, 201 J.'lorlsts, Beodsman, ato., 262 J.'lour Anti Food Dealors, 222 Flour Mill, 223 Forge~, 224, 243 Forwnrd\lr Frame MAkers, LookIng Glass and Ploturo, 268 Fruit DORlers. 224 I'ulllng J.'urnncos, 224 Furnlturo Wnrohouse., 226 GRS ami StoRID ~'Itters, 226 Ons Compnnlos, 296 Ons Flxturo blakers, 226 OIMs AmI ChInn Ware, 202 Oood lo'0ilow8, 801 Government of tho U. R., 281 Oovernment of the Stato, 281 Oraln Dllalorfl. 226 Orlst Mills. 226 Grocerlos and VarIeties, 210 Orooor8, 22U Ounsmlths.231 Hair DroSllor8, 231 IIRndRorowp, 2:J2 Hnrdwnro Rntl Cutlery, 232 liarnos8 nnd 8ad(1I0 Makers, 232 Until, Capll. nnd Fure, 234 Hhl1l8 and Leather. 236 Horse Oollnr Makors. 233 HorRo Shoors, 179 liotols, 236 Huoksters, 242 Ice DenIers, 242 Incorporated Compnnle8, 297 Insurance Agents, 176 Insurance Companies, 294 Iron Founders, 243 IIron l\innufnoturof41, 243 I Iron Ore Mines. 243 Jewolry, Watohos. ato., 276 Junk Donlett, 244 I Justlcefl orthe I)enoe. 284 J,ndles' Sooletles. 803 J,nger Deer 8aloonll, 24' I,nlloaator City Dlreotory, 49 II Co. Duslnou Dlreotory, 1'16 J,awyors, 2H I.eather Delt Manufacturert, 240 I.cnthor I\nll }<'Indlngs, 247 I,lbrnrles, 804 I,lme,2ol7 J,lquorll, ato., 278 1,lIorl\ry InHtltutlon~. 30, LI\'ory Stublos, 247 I,ocomoth'o Dulhlof8, 247 Looking 0I86s08 Gnd Plo'ure I'rRlllo Lumher DenIers, 24'1 MachInists, 248 Mngalinell, 30U Marblo Workers, 249 MMons,24U Muonlo 80oletles, 208 Mntoh MRnufnolurore, 260 Mattress Mnkef8, 260 Modlonl Booletles, 306 l\lllitary, 297 Mllllnef8 nnd MlI1lnery GOOlle, 260 Mills, Colton, 261 l\ilihvrlght~, 261 Mlnornl Water, 261 Morocco MnnufActurors, 26~ Muslo I>onlers, 262 Nnll MAker!!, 2b2 Nnmes too lalo for regular inser tlon, 280 NR\'lgatlon Compnny, 262 Newl!paper8, 308 Notnrles Public, 262, 282 Nurserymen, Seedsmen. nnd Florlsb, 262 OI1<ll!'ellows O. U. A. 300 Oyster liou808, 262 })nintor8. CArrlnge, :ib3 II Houso Rnd 81~n, 263 II J.andsoApe, 264 II OrientAl, 264 II Ornamental, 264, I Portrait, 2S4 Paint Manufaoturer, 264

5 INDEX, 5 PAper Dolt Mnkerl', 254 ISooletles. :l01 I'n Jler IIl\nRlngs nllll WIndO\,. 801la Wnter Mnkerll, 251 ShA!l(\S, 2f>'( Sons of 'fempcrnnc(\, 302 Paper MAnufAoturerl', 251 Splool', Coffee,.ta 206 Paper Wnrehousetl, 265 StnKo Mnlls, 306 }'atent Medlolne8, 256 StAtionors nnd Dookeellers, 186 PerloflloAII, NeW8(1nperll, &0., 256 Steam lind OM Fllter8, 225 }'hy.loianll, 266 8tovo and Rango WBrebouees, 266 1)IAno Forles, 268 Sun'oyor8, 267 Plano Makers, 268 Tallor8, 267 Planing ~lijlll, 258 Tannors nnd Currlerl, 270 Plaetererll, 268 Teaoher8 l MU810, 271 Plumbers, 2M} TelegrAphs, 206 })orter Houses, 261 Temperanoe Socletlee, 802 Post Offioes. 290 'fhreshlng MlUlhlne8, 271 l'otlorle Tin })Ialo Worker, 272 Powller liorns, 2Ml TinPIIllth8, 272 }'rloler, ])ook and Job, 2M Tohal1Conl8l11, 273 }'uhllo }lulllllngs, 286 Tool Mnkerl', 221 Pump and Dlock Makeu, 200 Transportation Lines, 278 Rallronc!tl, 260 Turnors, 273 Iteal E8t~te Agents, 176 Twine and Hope Manufaoturers, Reollfiers, , 261 lteslnurnnts, 261 Umbrelll\8 and ParMols, 273 luro }larrel Mnnufaoturers, 261 Undertakon, 273 Rolllng ~lllls, 261 UpbolBwrers, 274 ltooflng, 261 Varloty Stores, 274 Bndille And Harness Makers, 238 Varnl8b Manu(AOtur(\f8, 27-1 Snsh, 11Ilnd, and Door Mnkers, 261 Voterlnary Burgoons, 276 Saw Mills, 261 VlneRnf Mnnufaoturerll, 276 Sohooll', 264, 287 Washing Maohlnes, 276 Segar Dealofll And Mnkers, 264 WA~ho8 nnd Jewelry, 276 Shin«le MlI1s, 266 Welwers, 276 Shoe Mnkers, 185 Wheelwrights, 216 Silvor Plntors, 266 Wines nnd Liquors, 278 Slate Yfrtll', 266 Wire Workers, 279 Smelters, 267 Wood Denlerll, 279 Soap and Candle l\{anufnclurerll, Woollen Manufuohtr('r8, I Yarn8, }lnui1, anj Warps, 279

6 CHICKERING & SONS, MANUFAOTumUlS OF qrand, SQUARE & UPRIGHT PIANO-FORTES, Warerooms, 907 Ohesnut Street, PI-IILADELPHIA. 38 PRIZE MEDALS. 38 PRIZE MEDALS. We lll~ve ih our Wnl'crooms f\ lorgo 08Sortmcnt or our m~ ~~ll'~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~ INSTRUMENTS, %u. o'v'ory 'V'Arloty o~ :Jrl:nl.h. We have made ond sold 21,000 or our l'iau08, and have Leen Awarded 38 Prize Medals over all Oomp~titors. Besldcs thc!8, we have testimonials to their 8llJleriol Jty (rom Hertz, HotTmon, Strnkosch, Jacll, Oottscbnlk, Sntler allli tho gront '1'hol1l0l'g A FilII Sto(lk of tile ALI~XA:NI)REORG.<\lf, MELODI~ONS, IIARl'fIO~IUllS, et~., Alwlt)H 011 Imud nt 807 t:'ii(!n'''''',ftt/reel, PI,ilatlclJII.;a.

7 INDEX TO ADVERTlSE~[gNTS. Adams A. W., 48 Albright.t ~rleman, 23 Amerloan Mfe Ins. k Trust Co., 3 Amweg Wllllom S., 13 Appleton, D. 00., 4 nod 321 Doer's Jobn Sons, 80 Bally Joel J., &I 00., 35 liard et Son, 40 Barnett Wro. P., 18 Bartholomew D. D., 40 DRum I,eon, 14 Baumgardner ll., 22 Beabm Jobn D., 31 ljeates, Jacoby k MllIor, 27 Beblor George 0., 12 Bohllel' E. W., 83 BonJ~mln H. D. Co., 10 Berger &I, 12 Boureau's, 62 Dowor &I 11011, 31 Dowers A. K., 10 Boyd Wllllal11 11., 70 and 324 Oarter &I Decker, 67 Chaffeee, Stout Co., 18 Chlokerlng Bons, opposite Cocbran ThomRII E., 44 Cogley Andrew J., 9 Oolburn Arthur, 66 Cooper F., U Cooper, Parham et Work, 21 Dean OIultles W., 47 Denny John Q., 21 Dollard H1ohard, 69 Edgerly AI Parvin, 23 HllIot, White Co., 10 Ellmoker Levi, 42 Evans Jobn 12 Everett D.O., 6 RxpreSll Evening, 62. Farelra... Thomson, 46 Farrel, Herring Co., 2 Ford John M 46 Fowler &, Townsend, 27 Frozer F. G. & V. J., 63 Frill!{\lIlnn, 16 llunk Amo., 14 Gable Jacob. \) Gable Wm. II. Dro., 26 Gohm Andrew, 10 Gray Goo. F., 12 Great Western Ins. Co., 62 Griffith n. ~'., :t Guthrie Allen, 25 Hacker Conard, 33 Harrison V.l'., 28 Harding Jcsper c\ Son, 6( Handy Ureuuer, 26 Harper T. }:~mondo, 48 liar\'ey Willard &Co., 320 Hawley A., 69 lielnit~h Charles A.. Sb Jlelnitsh Wm. E., 26 IIeltllhu'e D/\IJlcl n.. M. Herr Jobn, George. 22 II10klllan O. W. &Co., 42 liiester Jared K. 6' JIlrsh llrothers. 11 Hood William P. 66 Uuber DenJamln F., 116 nunt Urloh Son, 26 Jenks Ogden, 37 Johns Wm. Son, 34 Jonos Cummings, 3 1 I{oller F. n., 24!{Iohl Wacker, 9 Kline A. E., 11 Knox D., 33 Kohler, I., 65 Kohr Samuel, 35 Kraft Teubner, 41 I{ryder C. H., 23 I{uhns,Tohn, 67 J,nhe O. ~'., 9 J'l\nclU'ter Union, H J,audis A. D., 36 I,fmrence N. So, 5 LCRUS Mnrtln, 318

8 8 INDEX TO ADVEllTIf;EMEN1'S, Lee' 'hiker, 42 Leman IIenry E., 13 l~eulh1 Frnnk, 22 J.lbhart J. ' Bon, 12 I~lttle, OhM. B. ' 00., 322 J,oober M. H., 16 Looke Z. &; 00., 318 MoAllIster &; Drolller, 3S MoOllnlook B. & MoComsey Levi, 11. MoPhall Wm. T., 18 Markley 8. D., 10 MarsbDrolbers,16 Marlin D. D. &. Co,81 Mentler J. K., 36 MI16Y Amos, 41 Miller Denjamln P., 81 Mll1er Wntlon n., 31 Millet E. G., 60 Mount Vernon 1Iotel, 08 Myers II. 8., 23 Neff Aldus J., 13 Newman Charles, 24 Newoomer U. B., 60 Noble & Naill'. 39 Nunnmacher M., 16 Orr John W., 823 Olt Jonas, 10 })atteraon Samuel, 110 Pearoe John &; 00., \} Pearsol &Geist, 62 l)enn. Oentra! R. It., back oover Perot T. Morris &; 00., 11 Perry O. I)., 67 Pellett &. MoEvoy, 11!)eusoh Frederlok, 6n Pierson WilHam, 48 Pinkerton I1enry, 43 Potter & Dodlne, 40 PoU James, 16 Pyrer }<'rederlok S., 13 Rand A. W., 49 Rnthvon, S. S., 80 l\aub S. W., 26 Reinoelile &. IIostetter, 43 Robbins, O. D.t Co., 69 Rogers O. D., 60 RubieI'm.t Sellers, 88 Ruuel.t Co., 16 Sauudor. J. &M., 61 Schaeffer E. It, Bon, 24 BooU Jpmes W., 6 Sohwerln, I} Stamen's SavIngs Fund, 7 Sellers Dros., 29 ShRtrnor, Leman It, Sbafl'ner, 38 Shoenberger &; Mll1er, 80 ShugRrd Wm. N., 68 Silberman B., I} Sleeper Sharon, 318 Smith Frederlok, 16 Smith R. A., 66 Sn)'der B. &,; D., 69 Spencor, DORrdman & Spenoer, 64 Sperlng Thomas, 11 Sprenger.t Weslhatfl'er, 8 Steinman G. M. &; Co., 10 Stewart's Dakery, 87 Supplee &Drother 21 Tarrant, John A. &Co., 817 Terry John V., 17 Tevis Norman It, 00., 09 Tornms S., 61 Van Winkle A. J., 819 Wallon ThOll. E. &; Co., 66 ',Tearer, FIUer & Co., 20 Weldlor John, 41 Welohnn.t MoNaughtan, 24 Whitman Stephen F., 6 Wlnnt Ueorge, 16 Wldmyer Christian, II! Wlnohester.t 00., 6 Wise Oharlos E. &Co., 22 Wihver 18Rao, \} Wright James L., 19 Wright l)eler T. &; 00.,29 Young Simon J., 67 Zahm II. L..t E. J., 11

9 J.A.OOEJ GABLE }{ eel's conslnnll.) on hllnd al his PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING ESTABLISHMENT, ad :EJ~8T K.XNC2-.T:H..EET. whcrl! will II(' folln,1 n Irlc f1s!\o~tll1cnt or GI\~ }'Ilt\lrt'~ of the lle,1 I'ntlcrll'. AIm, I'lunl1Jcr~' Good. of ell'r.y nriel,- IIlIlI fjni'h, ~urh a. ('ol'per I'I/1nl.-h. IlJth TulJ~, l'lrlll line! I'lllt!'1 Ba~ln ('0Cke, '1I,h Howl. Illll1 ~trn,i.', ',liter Cloq'ts, Blltler's ~:nk', Sho\<er.' Lin IInu For.'o I'Ull1pll, tend, I'R-t, Wr(lll~ht. allu (;Ivnlzel! Iron Pil''''., Term Ct In Pipe for \Tiller filld L1rullln~e. AI,I), 1\ Illr~L' 1l...'ortllH'nl of Till Illll! Copper Ilr,. 01\\1l). nn hrill!. Till l'outillg IIll,l rel'llirillg IlrJlll' fit :-llllrt notic(' Rllll on rf'n~onnlilc terrn~. ~.~ 1' ),1 n).: an'l Oil. Flltln!! work Illl1 tile nri,,- bralld,,, l,unetlj/llly Bnd per~ollnlj)' /II 1<'IIJ,'ll tn, 1l1,,1 warrllnle,l to gin) Fatl.'f.ctiI1. s. SILBERMAN, w; DII'OHTEH OF ~ ~ 6tt ~'?'> '!}. {!a ~ %~~ ~ -. 7 ~ ~~ ~ ~, _, ~I ~ ~ ~ SMALL WARES, &c.,.., No. 13 NORTH FOURTH STREET, ADOY/; }I.\HKF.T, I:.\~T Sllll:, PORTE MONNAIES, CABAS, SEGAR WORK-BOXES, F.t...NS, ALCGROEONS, VIOllN~ H~IRI TOOTH, & NAIL BRUSHES. CASES, COMBS, JEWELRY, CUTLERY, PERFUMERY, SILK GUARDS, Cllnes, Cornelian, find Jet Goods, &c. ~ Large assortment of Hair Ornaments... ANDREW J. COGLEY, TIN AND SHEET-IRON WORKER, NORTH QUEEN STREET, B LANCAST R, PA. All killd, of Hpolll!ll nile! H,dill~.lono al olurl nollr,\ nud on tile rllo~t n'asoll~i'}.) lormd.

10 H. 1>. IlE~,UI~. 'f. Z L Lr H, D. BENJAMIN & CO., DII'OltTf:lt~ ''c!'rnnbits, QQlincs, Qr1in, t\~r. (IF Al\!l DEALt:n~ IN OLD nn~ HO RECTIFIED WISKEYS. Pickot's Briok Wf\fohouso, MI\R~ T'T,G\, P 1\. ~.An.~LEY'S CHEAP JOB AND BOOK PRINTING OFFICE, N, E. f~~r. of Centre Square (over W. G. Baker's Drug Store), LANCASTER, FA.. I'l'r,oll~ tlr,irull~ of (,l,toilllll~ good Ilwl rht'np 1,r1I,lill;. ill tlli,11t to tlpir a,l,nn In;.: tn p~ln'llilr Ill!, e,tlll,li'!llll('nl. I1nying.'rutl t, (,r l'''lhl',' 11l\1,roJlI,1 Lightnlllg,1h I'rc',,'~, tngl'lhrr ilh olle of HIlI!I!Jc' Itntl. ('111',1 :l1l,1 1:111 III,I lln'.s~p.~. BIHl ('IH' lif }'11:-tl'T'A'r PrC'.;;:.~{', t.nll }J~,illg- otllt rwi l' ilj1i'l(j\ nl till' (Imlt' 'lith nrw l11~t.'rial, I n1ll I,rcpar.'t! to do n. nrnt 'l,.k, I'UI:\' OR I:\' 10'01,0;, nt nit, pric,' thrill IIIly 01111' m, III the city. 1'1<-;,,<. 1'/111 /I,II'Xl111d'le 'pl'dlll-, UT I'nulle Fal,' bills prinle,j wilh 1\11!lIll'roH! cut. S. E_ JV[ARI~LEY, N. E. cor, Ccntrl' Squaro, Lancaster Cily. AN DREW GOH N, ~A~~~lA AIJ~ QW~l\IB~t Volumbill, LnllclIstei' {,'OUllty, -(1., Morocco Lining, Upper, Sole, and all kinds of Dark Tanued Le!ither. ELLIOTI WHITE & CO'I WIlOT,l;S,\J,F. JJE,\T,EJ\S 1:01 DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, 'y:t.l,i,,,'\ crwrb-. 'f,1'{(;lcf.',.l >(]- :.'\ 'rp' t 'ER'~.l'~'!Yl l,lr'1r r I. >., ~~. ~ l(.l)~l~l,i.. ' D... ~ '.\ ~1). >l:.u0l.. ~ lou ',,!) W. D. ELI,IOT. 10 No, 58 North liourth Street, below Arch, PHILADELPHIA. J. R. WIIITE. J. T. I;U,IOT.

11 DANIEL P. GRIFPITH'S FOR'NARDING AND COMMISSION HOUSE, Northern Central Railway Station House, C>1L P. :E1.. :Fl.., cjor. o-r ~a1::n..'1't 81:., Frei;.;l.t reedn,,} on ('<lll1rni.-.-!on all,1 shll'pr<1 to linltillll,rt', Yrk, liano,cr, Oetty, 1J\lrg, ani nil Illt,'mll,llal,',IIIIH Oil tllc :-illrtlj('rn CC'lltn }ltailwny nll<}lt~ IJranr!J('s. Pr()(IIJ(,{,~ Ac., fcc. i,l~d on storage. PETZEL T & M'EVOY, m~ta{ ttn~~i' No. G ~~~~{f)~'~~ No:rth Q'U.ce:n. B'troo't, Havo constautly on hnud tho largest assortmont of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, ETC. Renllr )Tndc Clothing IlIHJ (;cntlcmrn's Furnishing Goods. II. L. & E. J. ZAHM, WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SPECTACLES, S1LVERWARE, PLATED WARE, &'c COIlIe!' North q,ilccil alit! CClltre Sllual'C, LEVI M'COMSEY, <0cl\ttnl illrllns~ortntion lll\h Q!:ommission ~nsintss, FLOUR GRAU, AND PRODECE GE~ER:\LLY. '10 ti,,fhhu', 'II' Ch'ftu', N~nr,orl/a 'IU, L.A.NO.A.BTER 7 PA 'l'1i0~ias SPEHINCl-, UMeR ~t,a MANU'ACTUR R, No.5 West Orange Street (near Shober's Hotel), L.A.NC.A.STER 7 P.A.. ~'. n. l!mbrl'llas and l'araso13 royei l~j Il11IJ nrntncj3 Bud dispatch, lit rer)' low l,ric,'~, ] J

12 BERGER & KLEINHANS, 18ueceuor8 to lucl,anghlln &- Diffenderfer', BROOMS; CEDAR, WOOD & WILLOW WARE; Clocks, Looking-Glasses, Cordage, Oil Cloths, WINDOW SHADES, &C., No. 31 N'c>~.'th. Tb..:lrcl. S't1 00't, n,iudl J[o)1 ;,1 ml Arr Sill PHtt.AO lt.phta. J. LIBHART & SON, ~A.n.XETT.A, PLANING, SLITTING, & RIPPIN& SEGAR BOXES, BROOM HANDLES, AND ALL KINDS OF CABINET WOHK, Flooring, Woather Boarding, & Siding, GEORGE C. BESLER, TUB~CHURNS,BUCKET~ MEASUHES, AND llatiiing TUllS. Of Ill! desrrll'tlo1i~, CEDAR WARE ma,le to flrlll'r nll,l r~p'llrc<1. Rear 2l> North Queen Street, La:n..oa.'tor, Pa. I, i,.\,; JOHN EVANS, liouse CAIlPENTER AND BUILDEH, Is prcplmd to do nil kinds of work In the building Iinr, 12 11\ CONTR.~CT on OTHERWISE. PLANS FUHNISIIED IF DESlltED. North Prinoe Street, below Railroad, l1u.l[t'~lill ~Lf~[B~ [ptlq

13 ALDUS J. NEFF, ATT OR?~EYAT LA\V 9 Office with BARTRAM A. SHAEFFER, S. W. CORNER CENTRE SQUARE, [L b~ U~ Q3 ~10 if[err ~ [pll\ 0 WILLIAM 8. AMWEG, ATTORNEY AT LAW A~D PENSION AGET, OFFICE, SOUTH DUKE STREET, ~b\ncl\st8r, PA~.. WILLIAM T. McPHAIL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE, No. 11 NORTH DUKE ST west side, 11 Lll ~'ij ill ill ~ 11 [E 01 ') rp &. Q FREDERICK S. PYFER, ~~1rQlamBl! ~~ ~&W~ OFFICE, No. II NORTH DUKE ST., west side, LANCASTER, PA~ HENRY E. LEMAN, ~Hff~s nnb XHfte ~atrc1s, Q3UIl ~ljrhs, nnb IDnuble W:riggers, 'VV.A.LN'UT ST~EEJT, LANCASnrSR, PA~ 13

14 MERRIMAC IIO-TEL 9 AND DROVE STABLES, AMUS FUNK, Proprietor, Nor-th j Pr~oe s-treet, LANCASTER, PA. o::t Attached to Ihi~ e~tl\l.ji~hmentfire Ilirgo nnd exlcm:j\'o Stabling, capnble of nccoi1l1ll,,{!nlil'k DO henel of horc~. A 1.«0. n fino lfirge )'I\fll, n ~rcal porllon of which i~ under,hell, Rl\{l is cxccl,,!ingly well adnpted f{)r the IlcoomllllHlntirlll nnd display of hor~e~. Adjoining i8 1\1:'0 a Fpaci(J\l~ yard fur tho nccolill,lodntioll finll ~nle of crtlle fin,l ~lock of oyery dc~criplion. Being in till' ccnlml porti(jil of the IOWIl, farmcrs would fill(! it conyenienl for thcm:,clvcr nntll('fillls olllllarkd IIR.r~, ns well ab III lilly OtlH'r time. Pnlrollnge is hereby rcspectfully Bolicitc(l. COOPER'S ill 1m lid 11 IT 10 1m 11 ) WEST KING STREET. t.ancabt R, PI.. I! I i NEW MILLINERY AND DRY OOODS STORE. 14 L. BAUM, Wholesale!lD(l nelnll DenIer In every ilcsrrl\,llon of ItiIIincl'n anb jmull oohs, No. 31 North Quren St., LANCASTER CITY. PA.

15 J.A.J.\t.I:EB POTTS, KUHNS & Hl'INI~S' 11IEAT Dnll..LS, (1'/lI,'nU,1 l~,)tl.) 'l'hls Inl,chlUlJ hnll taken 1<1 Plrllt CInlii Pren~h~llll. AL.~f), 1.1~Tr'_-\ClLHnl It}' TBt: Crt.l:li}:\ BEVEL WHEAT FAN OR SEPARATOR. Shop in Alley belwern Norlh Qurrn And Duke SIs nbollj the Railroad, L.A.NO.A8T:El~, I».A. Ipnleo 18t7, lth M.\!'Il'S lu1i,rofl'trlcnt, ls TtJrlhlng ~rol'hinl'~. h'l~l Drlll<, Corn ~hcllcr~,.~~ FOOllcr Cu!ttr. lionoo Hnkcp, RIHI oltj,'r A~r1Clll turnl Illll,llJll'nl~. AI,o, HRllrl1~L1 Fn'g~, Switch l'n,i., nnll'!jllir.. Cr, l,ullt;.\lill Wurk and (':1st In;..!~ lllf\lll', (\nl} ~l\willg' Ilonl' to orll4..'r. CAr.<, A~rinlturl Imi,lcI:lnt.,\cc., n'pnirl'c1 nt follorl n(ltkl~ nnd on rraflollt\l,rc tt'rnl~.,\11 h\n,ls of ~U)H.' nnd Cn. tln~. G-EC>Fl.G-E ~XA.. NT, BODK BINDER AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACrURER, (h'er SlJreVhcr'Ol Hnrdwu1'I: Sture, NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. THE PEOPLE'S BOOT AND SHOE EMPORIUM, 'Vhero cnll be fflllllliat nil tillll'~ ~ ('fl!l'l'lcll' nf.f>rtlllcllt of ('Yery deccriptioll oi Ladies' 1111(1 OClltlellH'n's weill, which,ill he!'olll I1t tho \'C ry!lme,.t pricp.. by M. NUNAMACHER, Fulton Buildings, West Killg St., below Princo, Lanol\s ter, Pa. ~.. ~. LOC:E3::i41:'Cl., Agt. l,ra! l:!\ I..EA'r.IER, luorocco, Shoe Findi ngs, IJII~ts, Gnd Boot Trecs, l.~ SIGN OF THE LAST.

16 A.,v. 40 J-. ]~. RTJSSET--i, (Laic RUSSEL & DARR.i Hnrl!Wllrc, Glass, Pafnls, Oils, rllrnishcs; AI,,'. n;cellt< f,lr tho Fall' '\li,ii utling' n of the DE,;T Y()I:K coi::,ry l:tllfi-'o ~LATE. No.8 East King Street, Lanoaster, Pa. GEORGE M. STEINMAN & CO. t 'VU') (,Fun :;ll ~\ :JIll.) 1{j I1IIwf;U,1 jlj'./71 'I'.( n 'D ID Il}J '/) '9 X' -V.~l.t.l_{ WJ~.r.\A'~.v UHLu,,) ~ H..I..r.lor-ln. J.r..l:.\.UXl.ll STO\'E~, CUnERY, CRDAR W/\RE, ROOFING SMTE, &c West King St., below Centre Square, t,a~t(t>st R, PA. FREDERICK SMITH, ti!~' ~~i~ ~ll~~ ~ W~~t~~ No. II} WEST KING STREET, LL.f;'lu~@ 0ulli~) [P.) GOLDEN HORS.E HOTEL, FRITZ & KILLIAN, Proprietors, N <:>. 66 Eas't ~:I.:n.g &trec>'t, II AL F ~ QL' A H f: F II 0 ~[ TilE COil R T Il 0 t: ~ t:, 10 LANCASTER, PA.

17 JOHN V. TERRY, ]mporttt llnh ~ltnltr in CASSIl\1ER1~SJ Si'l'fINE'fS, No. 59 (latc 57) NOIl'I1I SECOND S'f., (E.\l'T Slln:, BELOW AHCII,) Constantly receiving the latest style~ Imported Goods. of 17

18 WM. CHAFFEE. JAB, CHAFFEE. J. W, STOUT, F. 'T. ATKINSON. CHAFFEES, STOUT & CO., ]mporttrs l\l\h )lobbtr5 of FORETC;-N (~ l)o~/[:es~ric No. 523 MARKF' ~I STREET, (ABOVE IFTII.WltT/[ ~IlJE,) WILLIAM P. BARNETT, No. 126 NORTH FOURTH STREET J 18 [P Ii]n[L!li IT) ~ lij tp 00a!li,)

19 ~R.IG-~T'S QUICK DRYING OIL. Will dry pflint or v:hni~h 11.\1:[1 in nil SC[\Son8 in n short timc. Thc small qualltity nc('cssnry ellnbles the :11 tisfln to retnin /IllY tint with the eertninty that it,rill Ilr,t ('lil,lle the paint or ynrnbh, or cnllse thclll to crack, hli,tcr, (,r shell: ih frec tlowing nnd (luralj1l' ljull1itie., Growll color, FtI'OIl~ boily, flli,1!risting g}(iss, with twenty-seycn yc[\rs' salc, wnrnlllt the nsserti()11 THAT IT EXCELS ALL OTHERS, We chnllengc c1jlllpnrisoll-fls it will give marc sfltisfnctioll, nlhi dry more pflint or, nrnish for :!'c 7110i/('!I thnll nil)' other. We guarantec it to Ilry pflint or Ynrlll~h JlAHIl untler Wfltcr anrl on n grcflsy surfllce. As mfln)' pe!.';oils I'rllu('e the strength of an,l mix the oil with other nrticlcs, anu scll such illlitnticlns unclcl' our IlflJl1C, we inyite eonsul1lrl's to callnnll obtnin samplc:; of the!jou/inc, with a eil'culnr of relinhlc references. For Balo by DRUG AND PAINT DEAI,ERS, AND BY JAMES L. WRIGHT, 404 New Market St. FA()TORV NOI'tli Sixth Sh'eet, P::a:ILAD:ELP:H::I.A... VV R.:I:G-~T'S CHALLENGE JAPAN VARNISH, FOR ARTISTS AND OTHERS. This article wil preserve Paint, V!\rnish, and Color!! from Blistering, Crll0king, &c. rt will tlow fl'c(, nnd dry lilli'll,,,ith II In5ti,,~ (lloss, in le;;s time nnd with less flllililtity Ihflll fllly olliei' JIlPflJl. JAMES L. WRIGHT No. 404 N JW Markol St., abovo Callowhill, Philadelphia. 'VRIC;II~r'8 m~w ~f,'~~\~ro ~~~~Q)D,'~~ ~ -.-:.:...~,.. ~_.!'IoIii--''''..t _..:J _;::':::':W-'~ Jit:Ln\\ IT:'; Jl'.'lfftl:'l' IIll tleidf.\~'(i\y~ noan. Tlli'.hl'~l1 will,ii') t,\' C,)~t. of l':iillt litl,ln II iller in (llii' ria); It will Ilo' fren [\n.1,lly h:lr.l, wlth!\ In'ilng ~l. in 1('-, tll1lp, IIlld will, ie-, '1allllty, 11,Rn ally nther 1Jr~ l'r. It~ light collii' Rlld the 'ljlall IlInlllll!! up'''ll'y til dry llil'!(o qualllittes of 1'011111, [whle thn painter to prl'_l'n-o the ntl)~t delicato tint, with ' posilivo knowledgo Ihal it will not crack or blister his 19


21 THE COLUMBIA MANUFACTURINO CO., Second StTeet belon- Union, OOLUJ.W::BZA., PA.., h l,rppllrt.'t1 to px~uto 1\11 orjh~ ror Steam Engines, Boilers, Shafting, Pulleya, Pumps, Maohinory for Bl!ut Furn&t161, hailing Killa, Saw and Flour Killa, AmI eiory urlely or ~ll\chlner,., In tho rnwt thorough lind ImproTl'd manner. IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS or enry dn'('r1ptloll IIIALlc to orjer. Ill'l'lrlnl{ prolllpll)' IlttenLlN _._ Z. SUPLEE. T. R. SUPLEE. JOHN Q. DENNEY,,onWmlBI& uaom woaml, Ol'I'MITr. TIll: ra~'.\l 11.\~Jl', OOLUM:EI.A~ P.A.~ MAl'l'r.\('ll'RlR or STEAM ENGINES AND PUMPS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION: IIla~t J'nrnac< i'njlftr, Orht, ~l\w, Papr, 'oolkn, C{)l!on, ~!Inll1g, Holllllg ~11Il an,j Forll:0 ~Ie.dill1crr, Cllr work,.tc. lronl\ll<. BraH Cll~tlng~ rurnl,iil't1 to onter. IJr1L1I1:~ Iloll.. flull 1II11ckwllthing In general. H,'palrlng prompll)' 1I11.'JIlIN 10. COOPER, PARHAM & WORK, Bll'onTEll S, ~I AS l'f AC r u IU;nS, AS /l JOIl IJ l: Il S 0 r IlATS, GAPS, AND STI\A\V GOODS, No. 61. N'O:l,9th. Th.:ird atroe~, PHILADELPHIA. lp&i1[i] Ib~&rr() [P&U~ [illlllo BRAID, LEGHORN, 1.&11, _twa, A~D wooa :EJ:.A.. T IEJ, OAIJS, 130NN-IBTS, FLOWERS, ROUCHES, &0. &0. MIl,TON COOI'JIH. c,nl. H. rahiihi. IlOUEnT D. wonk. 21

22 PLAIN AND C. E. WISE &, CO ORNAMENTAL SIGN PAINTERS, N. E. oor. o~ Oon.tro Sq'U.aro, (~rc'):<d ~lonr. OYln T. W.lll'l'l.I.\ ~Ilno:nr ~TIlt:,) LANCASTER CITY, PA, COUNTRY ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. l'ill[j'~. /lfl/lll'~. Fia l;,,'i{/'iii(/i/.~.,{-,,('f'., ll!fl/ff{ lfi{/, II/U{IIf.<,.,,,/ din/lu{.-,', GILDING ON GLHS BY ~N ENTIRE NEW PROCESS, HEN RY BAUMGARDN ER, J'I',\I.1:I1 Il' ALI. }(ISI'~ 01' ANTHRACITE AND BITUMINOUS COAL, For Lime Durning, Foundry, Steam, B1nrksmlth, nllll Fnmlly lisr, ofn~c, (;0.', I-.'hu;c Sh'cct unci Unlla'oad, l1.j ~<ri s)~l!'jli19 W o ~Inll\lf~clllr~~ ~lifl n'i'alr~ nil klll,l. of IHnlhnnntlcnl, 0lIU('nl, IJlIIlollollhlcnl, RIHI Drl\n'lng Iustrlllnenh I ~IL1,11< fr I'lIlelll., l'lliilll ~larj,lili'rr, S(on~ll IIl1cl II, I'latp }-;ligrry\nil; 1\11 kllllj- IIf '1\,(.1 fur ovl'ry Irlld ~ t'lul'k, l<ia,l,' an,i all klll,l. f )lnslrl\l III;(rn 1<I1'lIt~ In bra an,1 woll,1 roj'uirl'j,,\1,,\ {lull 'rk, :.y l'rllit;<ig l'r,','i'~ rl'ijalr, d,,,11,1 11lI!'l'uvl'Innl- 1I11lfl(' 1/1 ~wllli! ~lncldd'. N. Queen, opposite Keystone Hotel, Lancaster, Pa. 22 SUMMER RESORT.

23 F.. l-:l)(ijo;nr,y. (1. J'AnnN'. EDGERLY &, PARVIN, CARRIAGE MANUFAOTURERS, Churoh Alloy noar Duke St roar of Trinity Luthorall Church, LANCASTER, fa. HENRY S. MYERS, STE~M FURNITURE & LOOKING GLASS ~lllnllrnctlirer nnd Upholsterer. VENEER CUT AND PLANING MILL AND SCROLL SAWING, lvi:ain STREET, ~t T J 0 Y. ALBRIGHT & ERISMAN t IJEALt:H8 COAL AND LUMBER IN VARIETY., Pr1.x..oc Stroot, oar. ~a1:u.:'u.t, IN' LANCASTER, PA. o. ~. ~::Et.YDEB., WIIII:~.Hl:.tSlI KI:T.Ur. LIQUOR DEALEI1 NEFFSVILLE, LANOASTER no PAl SII))(>rior Old J/uttll'd lv,'n/'.'i, l/randy, a/ld If'hiskl'Y r,o/l ~talltl!l Oil halld, ill Cjllalltitic;s to sllit }JlIl'clwSCI'8. ~3

24 PATENT STEEL SPRING SADDLES. E. SCHAEFFER & SON, &abble, ~ti.blf ~larnezz, aub fut:unlt l\fanufac'turers, Corner of East King Street and C~ntre Square, N~STIRJ PA, O~A.&. NE'VVlW:AN, (i1l'cci~o\i!()r TO \I'll, KK.U'T,) (181 door brio\\' T,'nth,) PH...OILPH.A. F. ~. ~:EJLLER., M.\lll,.,ACTUKt:1\ Ot' Window Frames, Doors, Sash minus, ~hutters, South Water Street, rear of No.2 Cotton Mill, LANCASTER, PA. 'VELOHANH & 1\I'NAlTGll'l'AN, \\'holl'~i\i~ ~l\\~r8 I\lHI IIll'[lnrcLllr,'r. of &Mouldings, ~..- JW... :r-.t =-: ~..:.:...~...~.I1&..._... Tobacco con81antly on l,and, al wholuli\c Ilud retlll!. Welt ChOltnut Street, near Railroad Depot, LANOASTER, PA, 201 An I\Horllll~ul uf 1111 klncl8 of I.~l\f

25 SIMON W. RAUB, FASHIONABLE TAILOR AND CLOTHIER, No.8 North Queen Street,. IIa41~<ri ~'!F~rn9 W o '3 tr::r- A largo l\~~urlm('nl of llffl 1 ly'lilfll/'. C{,,,. ~~ i.i(liuhlllntlit K00~ Klwl\~ 11 1'111111, T\ln,I~\\lIg 11II,.r1 of Enl;1I.h IIl1rl ~'Tl'Il(h ('10111., Cil'~\!Il('r(' _ KlIII \'r'lln~.. uf Iho tlr.1 rlll~lily alld IIlQ~1 lip' _73 101(\.1)'1('. AI., 1\ J~rg<) l\s'chliiwlil or (l('n L'III1'n'. FlIrlll.l1\lIg OIWtl. )If/king (!>lfl Trilllill[J HI 111(, IINJI ]lricf8. W. E. HEINITSH, P1a:1:n. Or:n.a~o:n.tal LOOKING GLASS AND PICTURE FRAME MANUFACTURERj Al.rlO, 11l:.\U:1l. I~ ART I R rr S ' 1\l A rr :E 11I A r J S, No. 13~ North Queen St two doors south of Michael's Hotel, ANC~ST R7 PA~ ALLEN GUTHRIE, mnlt~ 4~nintet nub ~~npft mttltgft+ All work elltrusted fo me 1l'1'lllw ]Jullclllally attelldcd fo, 1l'hcthcl' ill (OWl! 01' in CO Ii II try. Shop in North Queen St., opposite Keystone Hotel, LANCASTER, PA~ WM. H. GABLE &, BRO., AIJD'.0. FASHIONABLE ~'rwj).oo~ -~- MANDFACTURERS, No, 8~ North Queen Street, LANCASTER, Po4. N. D, CU61')lllor Work l\tl~ndcd 10 lit tho ~hort('et Dotlce autl all rctuqd~blo Icnnl. 0* 26

26 IIANDY & BRENNEI~, Nos. 23, 25, and 27 North Fifth St PIIILADEIJPIIIA, WHOLESALE COMMISSION MERCHAN'rS HJIl TilE SALi; or AJ,r, xnms OF AMERICAN MANUFACTURED HARDWARE, ANn HfI'ORTf:ns OF GERMAN, BELGIAN, FRENCH & ENGLISH ~latbfuntf, anb atltucry+ KeOl) COllstantly on 1Iul1(! n largo stock of goods to n111)p!y llnrdwaro dclllcr~. Dy the cask or otherwiso. BUTCHERS' EDCE TOOLS. BUTCHERS' STEEL OF VARIOUS KINDS, WRIGHT'S PATENT &. U~ yy all ~ u~ wu@ ITS.SJ ~ S 1-II J? 0 l~i A_ I N-S, Alul otflcl' kinds In c~'m'y ~'Ilrlch'. Sale Agents for SHARPE'S REPEATER PISTOL, }:DWAllU 1:. 2f. Smm1E'S NEW MODEL RIFIJES AND PISTOLS, IIA!iUY, J:\U. o. BIlE:;:;EH. C. }'. nm:nntn.

27 BEATES, JACOBY &MILLER, --~ No. 22/1 NI TJIird Sf.., '\ ' _----==--~~ / 'l' -lirralll 1\11 our g,,,,t1~ 10 1'0, I..'rietly PURE, RI1,1 nt til<'!w-llilarkd jlrll'('.'. Tho.,,!, who call nl1,1,''',lil1 I11(' (f tlil,,,,,,'ir.., will I,u r,ll1v\!j('(',lllf I'd., DRUGGISTS COli NTRY ~J ERe HAN TS life Illvlte,llu,all. '(' 'ul1hl 1,,1[lIrlll1[l) nll Ihe nt 11'llllol1,'f IIi Lltt,,10 llf _'l'k [If SPICES, ll~ I)Jlf,OBfJJ tl SOA.PS, &0, &0, &0. FOWLER & TOWNSEND'S Wholesale and rotail A~lJ FRUIT STORE, No. 916 Market St., below ~renth, PHILADELPHIA. south Bide,.Man ufactuj'crs of the IJlI1't',~t alld best COI!!ectionm'y, ai/(l Denlas 1'1/ Fresh Tml;()rh'd FrllUs and.n/lt8. Ordas.from Ihe COllntry or clscw!/(n~prom]jtl!l attended

28 v. F. II.ARltISON'S ~artrait imh ~}idttrc Q0ItI1cr~, The most extensll'e In the United Sloles, No. 33 SOUTH TENTH STREET, lfwuili Wrnl1Wmll. o IIndng been in the publishing husiness over sixteen years, I huve the IHrgcst collection of POR~rnAIrJ~S (0f tyr most bistinguisurh. tatrsmm nf lljt ounfru, CLERGYMEN AND DOCTORS. AhlO, copies finu duplicates of PROMINENT BUILDINGS, AN n Soul'cull' of ccnturlcm pod. The entertaining displuy ill this FREE GALLERY, will repny anyone for the time occupied by n call. jliclures of nil kin<1i! tnken und framed in the best manner (lnu latest stylcs. BXllllliuc for yoill'selves. VI FI HARRISON. No. 33 South Tenth Street, 28 Philadelphia.

29 1't1. En 1. WlllO lit. JA~It:R l AI.~n:n. 20

30 JOHN BAER'S SONS, PUBLISHERS AND BOOKSELLERS, 1'1'0. 12 No:rth Qu..oc:u. Stroot, I.~C.STI~n,.a c'., TI'/lOk.-w'l' n//(7 rc!ail dealers 1'// /-il'hool (Jlld Jh.~I'dlr/l/('(J!/8 1/0()!.-;, WI'ill//!I PIl}II'I~, /-if([fio/lel'y, ]I!(J/ll' ])l't-118,,iustic!',..;' /.'8, (1(', 'l'hry IIrc plllj1i~lirl'.~ of tlie VOLKSFREUND UND BEOBACHTER, A Gcnnfm Ilew;;pnpcl', 1l(,W ill the: fifty-!'ccoihi )'CI1I' of it~ cxis!c'llcl', linillp; l\ 111l'gcr cin:ulutioll thull 1111)' other IlCWSpflJlCI' ill the COllllt)' of Ll\lIcl\~!cr, }:ngllsh nnt! Gcrmnn Almunnrs, Gcrmnn ~Iel1non\le fillll AI1lI~h Books, They IIIH'C!Ibn fn!' Bille (Jerl/lIl11 }Jil,lf,'. 1~-J/<1l1/rll/,', 1,/I/llfr<11I flnd Rfjorr;ltd If'llI/ll li(lok~, l'ra,va JJOO!..I,.\ c.; UCTII/<lli Clfls~iCl, t/j (,'orlll(s IIlld ScMlIrrt~ Workl,!\'C, THEIR PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT is flll'llishcrl with 8((!111II 1'1'(,~~P~,!I \)11 (','pry COIIYCllil'llce Ilccp,snr.y to prilltllook,l, Pall/pM,I!, Ccl!II[O:/lItJ, CiTrlllar~, CaTell, 1/<llld/JiIlJ,.I c, fht. h'r:!ill'jh li/1d (,'rrlllllll 1,((/1:1 II fl;ltj, with Ilell!ness nlllllli~r'lt('h, ll A. 11.H:n. c, n. JlAf:n, j '_, SOHOENBERGER '8t LACER BEER miller's ~~': ]3]~]~ r E I~ y, \ J' LANCASTER, FA. BREWERY AND MALT HOUSE, ,.-.-_.- Lowst SI near Rorklfil1d. s. s. R..A.TEIVON'S (F'ormorly F.,T. lcha MI'll'S) 'flll'!.1'/) ill 1'1 'I '-\1m X-ll.:ti!'l~nf.d~ :t!)ij H \1!fl. 'I.) '('fi,u.' Qf,lotginU llnb QJmtlclHcn's turnlsbing c~toh, Corner of North Queen and Orange Streets, LANCASTER, PA. A.1l kind.' 0/ Jftll'a < /.' li'f/y'1i<iid, C/'AIdIl!J,I Furllf.ldll!J (I,,d.' COUllfWlf/!1 Ii. /'f (III h'iii'/. Ah<l, n ~1l1'1'r1(1r ll',,'rlllll'nt or l}-t'li'h, r;!jii~h, (/')'11, Illlll.1,1<,/'1'''''' ('l<oih', ('{/Uill'Ur.l, nlltt J'I,.tlIlY,', which wllt 100 IlInd I or,l.'r tn nil)',1,-,1,0<1 <1)'1. with the lent I'On,lhlo U('I1I)', warranteu tv gll'e nlbfllcllojl1, nlltll\t rea~vll!l!jlo 1'lInr!!', 30

31 J 0 II N I). n E A II 1\1', ~1l0l.[HlF..I:olD RF.T.\IL 1'L\nn l:ol GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FISH, FRUITS, QUEENBWARE, BASKETS, NUTS, CANDIES, &0 WEST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA., 13. T3. }\{ 1\ It TIN & CO., CARPETINGS, OIL WllillF.Hl[ A:olD J:ET.IIl fll:nu1s IS FOREION AND DOMESTIO DRY GOODS, CLOTHS, QUEENSWARE. GROCERIES, ETC. Corner West King n1hi Prince Slreeh, T,onrusler, Pa, Country PrOllnoe trken tn I~x()hangll for Uoolh BENJAMIN P. MILLER, GROOERIES, PROVISIONS, QUEENSWARE I At 'VholuRlc RIlll lletrh, No. 12 Fulton Building8, West King Street, LANOAS'L'E R, FA.. ~'P P ~... Oft ~ WATSON H. MILLER, ETO Wllll'.U.\l.l>.I:oll> Hl:T.l1l. FAMILY GROCERY, GLASS, &. QUEENSWARE STORE, COI'nCI' '''cd King nllll lulll'j(.ct Sh'cctfil~ LANCASTER, FA. BOWER & HOLL, '._L.>fI-: ~, ' 'hk'l\\l' IIl1ll rl'il\llllpl\ir~ In f\\l kll1,l~ f -~'. ~~~.>;f~~;hardware, CEDARWARE,, 0 )~; mime,inil ROOFING SLATE,, c ~~c illnin Serect, Sern.blll'/{..-' (8iYIl (~lthe.-liwil.) H. I', DOWEH. JUS. HOI.I,. 31

32 SCHOOL BOOKS, PAPER, &c. THE BUBBCltIBERB, BOOKSELLERS AND PUBLISHERS, Desire to state to Country Merchants and their Btor.k consists of a largo assortment of SCHOOL BOOKS Dealers, that in every department of learning, and tllat their facilities for supplying everything ill their line is unsurpassed. rrhr.y pay particulal' attention to the supply of Qtap, Jetter, [tarnpping nnh Qturtain ~Jnpers. BLANK BOOKS of all kinds, Copy Books, l)ass Hook, ~lemornjldums, &c And 011 nrtieles of Stationery called for in gc'ili'l'n1 storekeeping. The)' respectfully invite the examination of purchasers, and those who have occasion to order goods nre assured that their wants sll[\11 be supplied in n satisfactory manner. rrhey publish n number of lflrgely ubell school hooks, umonglil which llre the following :- Comly's Spelling Book. Becher's 'riling Books, in Anthon's Ainsworth's Lntin 10 Nos. Dictionary. Gummcre's SUf\'eying. AinBworth'sLatin Dictionary. Anllcrwn's Davenport's His- Hazen's Speller and Definer. tory of tho United State~, Comly's Grammnr. in tho form of question and Gummere's ProgrcsflircSpell- answer, particularly adapting Dook. cd to the uso of Public Schools. 32 IJRIAII IIUl\'T & ~o~, No. 62 North Fourth Street, i hiladelphia.

33 Ordt'Jl'l (rom.. dlslanee prom pi lyllxcclltm. ~ wullout extra char,e. ~.A.:RBLE yoard, e... W.luut lire_, COLUMBfA. PA, ne 1l1Hlol'lllgn&d t. prepared to elce\:ula In enperlor at.rlll MONUMfNTS. TOMBSTOI-4ES, MANHlS, Door and Willdow Billl, 8kpt,.A,t eotrv f'ariltv oj Marl~ and 8(w,.Lttoru IOOr,': at tju,~ not~ (.mj on re~mulutjtl/ffll8. J[J- All work dell vorl'd Ilnd Utf'O BrlXJIfA.OLa, an.glaisijs, mobosoopbs, 'ATIO.lL I1I8TftlJlDlITS. 8ft1lB08OOPU, IlAGIG LAIft'aII8, QPU.A GLAIaI,'.. IAIOIJII'1'IDl8 lei te. b. M'A&.,LIITEfl.. BROTH ER,?IUJ OKlCl8TN'V'r.T:R:2ET~ ~an.adblpma JlA...A PrieN aad Ducripti11l Catalope (lob pqe 200 ffiuwvmicm'f). :; tkrolaheo! a&\l sent by mall tre. of charge....( ----_..._ ','. VV. U.I,.:r..J:I.. ~. JOY. LANCASTER 00. PA., _,.,rult.uma.. 0'1 ~., aar.eea, 1'ruJlb,'Jollan. 'YaUaeI C&rpe.t..., J1r-lMta.'-n M., wjaloja Ike wiil..u 011 the molt pltjuing and. 10,..,,; f J'.. I;.t... Work..arranted to u repruellmd. 1'. B, All t~e work \lil1nd~rthtl l\perlntlldd'h~ CIt DaY'ld BeIdler, who loll'''' b~ III th.. bll.lntlr~ fr r the wt thirty YOU. anti bf,llll An ojl! 1I0t! l'l[[)<l Ia' \0, riaiioed hl.lki,.11 may r<,ly npoq lia1'lll«thi'/ W'ork4oae 'N~Il, lct &palrlal; prompu,. IlI Qrclera relpfld{ull1111)1idted. HACKER. a, CONARD, WlIOL...J.I DWSU Ilf ;JJ:)RaY- Or0 0 D.,... ~'> ~1M 118 &11I9..&IIIJ :~~,-'.. ' ~.'...',,'tldll IDltb'lIlDIiJ. <> ~.,. t

34 NOTION HOUS!Cr JONES &. CUMMINGS, lie. 39 r,orth TKIltD ST I bettreaa.ajse& add ~ PHILADELPHIA.. IMPORTERS AND WHOLE8ALE DEALER8 IN ror:&iojr A'.ND DOMISTIC... ALWAlI 011.urn.. n '~(lP.JU.rtl.qU..., JrlWutl, luozma, li&a; ChtM, adcol ' 4Culftiol. PlaIA.-d JiY.llvf'«l. BtDU'. ~. ad y~ ~. Naaioot. IAU... BClOi..IfWIf1M; CtIrtt*~. XfIt ~~, ~, B4g1lItf1It luctfftap,.,. 8Uk.. lladll, aod. Vetnt R1bt>ou.L8I1k, L!D...d Co&Wa liad4kercmer.; SlUt d en... 8UIok... ad TWS; ~7JbH LI.aa Alrfol... Collin; Ld.l..' load Oota' ~LMlln.., 'fj.ol, uel Cc*OllIJIbU ad Put.l!; B~11.f'lWv., Qalta\ uj JP,... lftw; LMte,' _II we-u..ell.'.104 Olr-l1L j.,&&mhiyl.. of ])U.. 1'al.X1X8., l'aijf8.', avn311f1. IO'f'lhU) PO..-*...IJl8. YD S,.c.; co, n ol.a. ne lmiit 11\& of Tn...» ell 8PooL CMTon,...u.I aim 'I'apu~Mm'ft 8... u4 8..4h.Uy, IiIo. ; wuk oo.,1me MIOnm-t of luull. WA., ot... TM. JOHNS & SON, (kneaera.. ~. Jate HI. t. Hbt,) $tlhot,, 8ait 5attrialst. \. _:,.....'

35 10EL J. BAILY' & 00.,,HOSIERY, GLOVES~ \. FANCY GOOD&, WHITE 890DS AND EMIR8IDBIES, street. ucl208 Church Alley....A...H.A., J. K. MENTZER, JlI4'Oa'.. 81J7OJU). ' , QVDlmVAU, 60. IN THE WESTERN END OF tto A, ~. F.-tq.._ _I h... fr AGlUOOL'J.tTRAL IMPLEMEIfTS. 1,'.II! m MlIUP.latllY, ~>,,' ajo.t lot, LAJr. CO., PI.. {z:. SAM~~~~o?HR, i' ~r:, ', ~, ~,.,..., z:w... 86

36 '0'..'. A. 8. LAND.a, MAm fft'ridft; MOtJ'!r.1' 30T, L... C I,., P-.,.o~ar.-tG'*' a:d Jr~ ClbllltuU,. ow hal nft1 tari.ty 6t CA.'ltl.IAGES. B.oolAWAYS. ItJG(JIJe,.8tJUIB1, WIG-D. t:j' AU 19'0-* 'oe. ~ thiti ~Dt 1Bl'1'a1lt.d. Bep.lrillJ dgd~.t the.~t noti~. Oria l'oiij*lt(ully aoueited. -0.., JOHN HERR, {f)a\. i1a l}(ij\~_ nui... lay QOOt)I. tjtl1ttl, ~; It'UUIIJ[mG...8tL 0L0'fD, WIDOW 1JUJ). Ao. 41!. t ; I i,.., ;. ~ I I '.. l:;,,:ii;xl;~:~~~\~;:; ii,:;,~;.

37 Warehouse, 180!forth Third St., fpw illb~id[tib [PWDA. JDXB & OG_, lxpoanu or DRUCS AND MEDICINES,. WHOLUAJdl D-...LJ:as 1.11 I~YE STUFFS. PAINTS. OILS, & SPICES. CMEMICALS. WHITE L.EAD, [, WH'TE AND BROWN ZINC PAtNT. ~. t~ :,'~' ~. Jl:JtD. CIlIA OGD... I STEWA,RT'S )....,,.'11..lND I,ANCYCAKKBAKEIy, l', 8TllIIT, ~~

38 'GLOBE- HALL FASHION, No. 884 Market Stree~ ftln door ~W' JUrttJI,...u..., SHAFFNER. LEMAN & SHAffNER,. UO)DJJL TO l'uumi Ittn'S anb 1DJl'S GtIDtkillg, <- ar...lpli1d-, ' 1 of' ~ama *,.u.tly,, At...I.-.,...t'IMIIr... PMIlddplaII.N. B. AU arliolet ''ftj1l1edtd,;,ve HtisJactfft infit, Il'!,le, GMlOOrlmun. II' L ;. lu'fi' 1 ':1\1.'$ 1'7.. 'I. (' lj


40 POTTER &. BODINE,...n.a. 1> PROPR'S OF PATENT 8LASS FRUIT JARS. 107 O:B ~ 8T'R Z', 'HtLAOaL'H'A. We b4p oonlltantly on bud or make ~o order. DBl1GOIITS' WUE, or, light or gtmb.. ; XIJrDAL WATD and POB.'1'D BOT'l'IJtI,!Uperior ift 6lw ~.cular dinrwutum o( the g14 u. tjte mpetitti; too mllbt in the j WIlI'B alld lind BO'1'l'LEB, of good oolor tt.nd well sndeajed j najd, of either 1IgM or dark 81M!! j 8PECU l.&b1, or all lues i ~aivj.d X017LD BO'l'TJJI:I. JUd. of gl... nry ltcht aad 'I'.rt elttar. on PA -ru-t An TIGlIT FRUIT IAllS will commend tbeu1.lf\lve... saperior to otben in dllliirableue.. of lie, conl'lni.~ill 1Ue, ud oerta.1nt1 ill tmwt. ;1 BARD SON, D...LIlJIl IX!1m 8DObs anb JIliflintt], BGrth bullitt. ff4...'...w....lreulbutj..ncai, 'A. 1Ub. Dan,..em...Wtw DrM... diu1-,. low at \M..., prmit.. I I,

41 WM. KRAFt & t~, CARVERS!N~ E. TEUBNER, GILDBRS, No. 826 ARCH STREET, SOOTII SIDE, fp[ki j Ibbl ID~ 11 rp[ij U. LOOKING-GLASS AN!) a I. OLD F~AMES L, RECILT. / SADDLIB, BRIDLlS, FArY IARNESS, WhIps, 'Trunks, ValIses, le, Queen Street, Neat the x.nrou.,,. p;'in I: ; I 1 -JOHN WEIDLE~ ta81ftetmaiciii,...f8j'«tb... f..flfcal,., 'A. 41

42 G. W. dickiun. B. P. BOLL, of LanllUter Co. G. W. HICKMAN & CO., WBOLUA.LJ1 nsaliul, 1:1 MANUFACTURED TOBAGCO,,aRllCD AJ!D DOI1EETIC ~.~.oej S N t11' p. c., N. E. corner Third and Market Streets, PHILADELPHIA. LEVI ELLMAKER, Oorner of Prince ana LemOD Streets, ~ ~CD..l\~'UlJJm9!F&.Q OOAL OJ' AJ.L 1DiJ)j, FOJl rajul. rov_by, &!'UK, Lt..., AD :lucuiu'1'1l's Vn. All of the bebt quality 4luXJys on hajul...,.-,..

43 H. PINKERTON &, CO' J --ov. corner o~ Oe:u.:tre 8qu.are, Uc..,.aR, PA. Il_ Plain and Fane,. Saddl.8I, Bridles, 8iDgle ud Double Karof every deacription; Rorie O~ Collan, Hames, Wagon Whipl of all kina; DriviDg and Ridiq Whip&, Butralo Robel. HoneCo'f8l'&. and Fly-neta. SoUd 1010 leather a.nd common Trtmb of OlU' own manufacture, ud of evet7 quality and price; Velvet Tapestry ud Enamelled Travellinr Baga and ValiJeI, Alld au aruclet III Ollr lidl'l, CODltaDtly on bluld or Made to order, or the brnit qnality add at tho 10eRt pricel. BLACK AND JAPAN VABNlSBES.

44 LA.NCASTER UNION;.l W'BEKLY PAPER. ~t~ta las m$ 4iMnf~t. 01Ilce, S. Sa cor. Centre ~Ulre, ~A.CA'1f, 'A.,.' ftoitub,'08obur J Proprietor, TBOJC,A.S I). &' 301m I. OOOiillAIl. IWtora.,,..ttper f'pl. if tt.pal...jett, til,..,,- In politics it adtoot.tei the prineipleemd aa.pporta t.ilt' can- ',,didate8 of tlle ' i,'1 '., '.>' '..' J.,'.. '...,,:.'.,'.,, ',_,',a,,>':,:-,.'.

45 FAREmA & THOMSON, Importers, X&nufaoturen, and Dealen in all kind. of FANCY FURS FOlt BUFFALO ROBES AND AND FURRED SLOVES, WIIOLHflALl: AND RETAIl,. 'H'.. AOal.'HeA. FAREIRA &, THOMSON, No. 818 Market Street, above Eighth, HATS, IrATS, RAtTS, CAPS, AND AND CAPS, CAPS, For the MlllloD, whole.ale and retau, Con~18tlDg of the different vnlelles of BIlBII. AOIlI'(} Amerioan and Frenoh Fur, latellt styles, American and French 81lk, latmt styles. We have on hrnd aho & veryl&rge Atock of FXLT HATIi sort BEAnll RATS, wub. low or hirh crowu, hroom or narrow ~i AKDIOD Ft1S JUTI. of all qllaliunj WOOL HATS, &t &11 prie..i.. OElf'I'LE)(D'8, YOU'l'HI'. and BOYIiI' OAPS.. The I'rlreA for these gooels lire III B~ low 1\ Ilguro as they clln l>e bonght IIIlYwhere In Ihe c\l1, &nj R\ll\rllcles Are WRrrl\lltetl goo(!. FAKIllIRA Ii, THOMSON, 818 Market 8t. JOS. FARBIRA, JR. OBO, A. THOMSON. & ~

46 JOHN M. FORD Would respeotfully cf\ll your ntlcntion to his stock of SftDDtBR~f ~ftr~\vftrb, CO.A.O~ AND It consists of goods of my own importation, with those of American manufacture, and all sclectyd with great care. As I purchase entirely for cash, it enables me to sell ut BllCh low prices as cannot fail to insure satisfaction. Springs, Axles of all descriptions, Laces and Cloths, Linings in great variety, :Banda, Knobs, Patent Leather (plain and enamelled), Curtain Stuff, Spokes, FeUces, Hubs, Bhllftl and Bows, Handles, MOSI, Stump J ointa and Top Props, Bitta and Stirrup', Harness Buckles, Saddle Trees, Chains, Shoe Thread, Terrets a.nd Hooks, Wood a.nd Iron Hamel, Taob, Binga, Ornamenta, &0. &0. With II folla15ortment of all artlelea Dltd by COlleh & iiarnen Mdkrn. 4G JOHN. FORD, No. 48 North Third Street, Philadelphia.

47 CHARLES W. DEAN, WIIOLEfULE /le.-\i.rr IN 'l\lfl~mi llld) '~lmll BASKEtI 1 S, amooh anh u:atiiio[u ((Qtnrt, llotions,!)rusgrs, OIL OLOTII8, COTTON LAPS, WADDING, &c. The subscribel' has just opened an entirely new nnd complete stock of goodll of the be!it qufl!ity ami dcscrlption, to which ho would rospcctfully Cf\Jl tho attention of Merchants and Dealers who wish to find A good article cheap for caah. These goods were bought for NET CAlIn, nt the p;rel\tly reduced prices consequent upon the Rtringenc~'of the times, and believing the II nimble sixpence to be better than the Blow shilling, they nre now offered to the publio fit prieeb thnt clefy competition. Hosiery, Gloves, Threads, &0,', Cheap from Auotion. TheBe goods nrc new I\n(1 cl\refully Belccted, nnd nrc offered at prices thl\t Cl\nnot filii to nttract attention. Buyers will Il'vllriahly fiud It to their own interest to call before purchnsing elsewhere. ~ l'rrticulllr nttention given to pncklng goodl! for shipment, 80 as to prevent dmllge or excel'slvc chflrges for freight. IlIiir Ordrrl promptly (/([welrd (0. CHARLES W. DEAN, No. 119 )(arket St North IUde, below s.ooncl, PhilL TIEFEHFNCE. GHAPn:H, STOUT /( Co., W. A..ll L. SHUMWAY. 4;

48 WILLIA~ PIERSON, 8'6'ltnl~~I'ADI~tt! MANUFACTURER, AND PFI.ZNTEE=l., Boa. 136 and 138 North Fourth St., cor. of Cherry, PHlLAOaLPH'A~ EVIiRY DESCRIPTION or BLA~K BOOI~S, ConltanUy on hand or made to order..job PRINTING Neatly and prolnptly executed...a.. VV..A.'D.A.1\4S, ForJnerly J, D, Filler,.QI:arptt ilnrn nnh ~arvd argair ~oitit~g, CORDAGE, MOULD AND DIP CANDLE WICK, W J\RDHOUSIJ, 137 MARKET STRIJET. PH...AOaL'Nl. T. ESMONDE HARPER, Late HARPER A XoLRAli, WATCH CASE MANUFACTURER 8. E. comer Walnut and Dock Streets, 48. 'HtLADIL'HtA.

49 PHILADELPHIA mfating anb Jtlttihtting Jlat VnU~t. I ~4: A. VV'. BAND,, NI Sixth Street, Philadelphia, Pal TIn~ BOYNTON PATENT SELF CLEARING FU.ltNACF Ith the' lato linprovemeftta for CO~~UMING TilE GAS. 'Th, most completo HOT AIR FUR NAC E ever Invented. It receiv,ed tho highut prtmiflm at tho 'Permsylvlmill. Btate Fllir. 1 Also,,LEED'S IMPROVED I'A TENT HOT WATEH, OR STE,AM APPARATUS, i8 suprrior to Any contrivance of the kind ~'et In \'Cntc(I, nbul)dont testimony CIloU be shown to worront tllis claim. It: is designed for prh'oto residences or public buildings. Tho BO)'uton Heater. AhlO, nil 8izes of nan~'s FA ' TENT COOKING nnd HEATING RANGES. A general assortment, of POItTABLE FURNACES, l'ahlor ORATES, REGISTERS, VENTILATORS, &c..r.m:ipm~:ldn'o:ids. Publlo lnltltutlon., CbllrClhe., &c. Phllu(loll'lil/\ Connly Pel,on, Phlllulrlphla; H,hlAA or Herug(', Phlladelphll; D,'.( I\nll Duml. AA)'lulU, Philadelphia: Norlhern HOllls rr lrlpndll'8' Children, I'hlll\<lp)l'hl&; 1I,'Mord Sireel MI'klon, l'hlll\delphia i' Cpnlrtll IIIgh 8c11001,Phlla Jrlphla j Warner Public SellOol, RobertAou!Hrcot, 'llilldelphlll' Monroe Public School, liullunwood 8trO t, Phllll(lelphlll. i Mautua l'nbllc!ichool, k 8<-~ond ~lrt'ilt, Philadelphia; Public School, Norrl~lowu, I'll, ; lo'arunm School, Bl'v~rly, N, J. ; Young I.adleo' i'lemlullry, Freehold, N. J; Frl'derlck Fmale Somluary, Frederlc~ City, Md, ; I!r,rtzog ThN, Insllluto, New llrull.wlck, N. J. i Leh1ih Coal and Nl\vl. Co, 2<1 SI I\hOH) Walnnl; Friend.' Meptlng Hoose, Illih and Cherry; III Judo', Epl.copal Chnrch, ~'fi\nklln Slrpr! i Trinity Churrh, Epi.copal. Calharlne lib, 2<1 j Ht. David'. I-:plsc(\11111 Church, lilanayunk; Tabernllcle, M. R. Chorchhllih ahove Jelferwon; Metho<lI.1 Epl.oop.1 Chorch, Feont and I.aurel. Epl8cofai C nrcb, Weal, Cho_tN, I'll,; Mtll1nt 1I0lly IlI,nk\ Mount Holly, N. J, ; blink 0 Norlh AmerICA, Chpslnnt aho\'o ~d; C('11l1l10nWel\ II> BIOk, Chestnnt libo\'1'l 4th i CApitol, Hepre &entail YOS' HlIlI, Wl\shlngtou, D. C. Dwelllog., store., 4t-Cl. J. H1chnruAon, I'r('. N, A. lll\uk, 172'2 \\'l\lnnl; Solomon 'Vaguor, 61h h ~ll)w Franldla j Ch~, WKnnOll1l1oChor, 4:11 North ljth ; Wll1, A, Drown, 3d and Markt't; B, L. LauoS-troth, Market!'t.; Germantown; J. W. 8m\lh, ~th I\net Spruce; ClIno., Albright & Co.Tf\)'llO'. NpW' Hulhllng. Che_lull!; A, D. Down., Fnnklla ab Popl.r; JUdfe George )1.!'trtll1d, ~lh liud 1Il~~ter i Col. n, W. C. Moore, 8th I\\)(lye Brown; E. I, Frl_n\Ulh, Arch, w(\~1 or I''pnlh; Gilhert ('11mb., 406 Mafllh..lI; Ch... ' FergnAon. :1til Waillul i LI1(I,lg, I\u~dlpr & CQ,,:16 N. 3d; WII.tlch l CO., Z8 N. &1; J, F. Whltall, ~.ndylilll H'd, NorrhtoW'nj Ell K. l'rlet!, ArCh abot~'ei,hth i c:, J, ~uller, 301 Cl\lIowhlll: Jalllp, Cox, I.~~ WHlnl1t; I'aui R. Ooddard, )(, D,. Wl\luut I\nd Junlppf; WllIl:lUl Warnock, North Eighth Sireet; I~o F,,Bakl'r, 301 Arch jhov, (/ro. Dufllel. blh lib, COl\lcoA,; John K Or6', rl~e OroTe, 8cb:Co,; 8 ll~ncrotl, A(pdlll, Dl'll\wlHl' Co. i John BUlhy, Muorc~luwn, N. J: K*' 49

50 THE IJN.ION, Arch Street above Third, PIIILADELPHIA, UPTON S. NEWCOMER. Til(, situation of this Hotel renders it one of the most convenient for those who are visiting the City either for bustne8s or plell8urc. Situated as it is in the very centre of businei!8, with PASSiNGER RAILROADS running past and in close proximity, affords to those in search of pleasure, Il cheap and pleasant ride to all p]nccs of interest in or about the city. I C. B. ROG ERS, SEED AND AGRICULTURAL STORE, :JSro. 111 D«arket Street,. PH.LAO.LPH.A, nealer I. Field and Oarden ed., Manufactarel' of Vnlon Flour an&l Corn Portable JlIII, t'redl '50 to '111. The beat lu tbe W'orld (or grludlng all kind o( Uraln, IltlllJach, and milking Flour. Alia. alllhto Ill'Jsl ap!'roln ngriculturallmplemeuts r.ud mach!uea, ~'ll1ch wlli L, lold at Ihe lowest price (or casb. O. B. nogehh. 8AMUEL PATTERSON, NANCFAL'Tl1RIIR A;(Il JJEAJ.~R III 50 Wholesale and retail, No. 35 East King Street, OppoBlte the 'A.. Courl HoulIt', t.ancaitir,

51 J. & M. SAUNDERS, No. 34 Nortll FOllltIl Street, (Near the ~Icrchnnt's Hotel,) ANn HATS. MANlH'ACTUHEHS AND IIEAU:HS TN 00 ~ A ~<S2) ~ ~ 'Ye desire to cull tho nttclltion or purehu.sers of the abovenamed goods to nn cxllmillrtion or OUf stock, it being our determination to sell at a8 low prices as articles of the same qllrlitlea can Lc ohtnined ill Rny ltlarket.. fit

52 ENCOURAOE HOME ENTERPRISE. THE, EVENING EXPRESS. D-A-ILY A.ND VTEEKLY. The Bl3st and Cheapest Family and Business Newspaper in the City and County of Lancaster. INDEPENDENT IN EVERYTHING I Tm: DAI[.Y EnNING' ExrnEsfl. published every eycning (except Snn(Inys). illl1s )l1rge /l5 penny dl1i1ics of the larger cities, each num Ler containing tlcenty-follr wi'de COIIlIll/l~, embracing a great \'l1riety of l\hscellane011s neading, full /lnll necul'l1te Sj1rcinl reports of all I,OCAL INTELLIGENCE transpiring up to the hour of going to preg;j, ALL UIPORTAN1' NEWS received ench <lily hy IIlllil, with accul'l1to TELEGRAPHIC ne PORTS OF THE LATEST NEWS FHCl.\J ALL PAHTS OF TBg WORLD, inclnding full and reliable reports of CONGRESS AND THE STATE LEGISLATURE. Olle of its IIlf\st mhll\ljlc featul'e~ to the FUl'lIlel', Driller, nnll ~11l1l of BIl5ines~, h tho Dally Telegraph R~porls of the Mnrkefs in New York, Phillldelpllill, naltimore, ami other eiticg, inc1udingthe STOCK AND TOBACCO MARKETS, which nppcur in Tin: EXl'n.~As one (Iny in ndmnce of the morning papers, TIU: En:sll'w EXI R.:~S WIlIl the first pflpl'r in Lllnca~tcr to telegrllph these reports, nt Il henv)' flnnulll ('xpellse,. which IlI'C nlollll worth more thnn tho price of the popel', to those illten ~ted in the ],Iarkets nllii 1\1\ Inte I\(\WS. TEH.l\lS OF 'l'hlij DAILY. One Copy, 0110 year, $3 00 One Copy, eight months, 2 00 One COP)', four IIlonth5, 1 00 ~ In. all the principlli villnge8 of the count.v, connected with Luncllskr by dnily Btnge or milrnllli communication, the DAILY Ex PRF.BB i,8 Bened to subscribcr8 hy IocRl carriei'll the salue evening It is printed, I'lt one cent II copy, or six cel1t~ 8 week. ATWO-DOLL!R PAPEI FOR ADOLLAR AND AHALF! The lveekly Evenin,;- Express Is puh1ishod evcry ~lltl\nby, with plain typo on good pnper, eaoh number containing til'enly- ri.'lm Iflf!lr f()lr/l'i.~, elllhrncing the choice Selections, l';'jitorilllll, Locnh, lillli Genera) Nel'l's, together with tho latest TeIegmph Roports received Ior the Daily up to Fridll,}' evening -the REPORTS OF THE ~IAHKET8, being thus Oll( tit/yll/la HlIlll tho~e pl\h1i~hell hr nuy olher weekly in the city. [j~

53 OF 'l'he \VE~KLY. 'ren.m~ One Copy, eight months, $1 00 One Copy, one yenr, One Copy, sixteen months, 2 00 Tho pl1blishers confidently chnllenge Il comparison of the Dolly and Weekly express wi th [my other locnl pllper puljlishej nn>'where at the snme rah~fi, and thoy will Ilsk no one to continue his subsoription uniesfi he is Blltisfied thllt ho reoeives a full equivalent for bls money. Athlress, PEARSOL & GEIST, Publisher., 01l1ee, Exprell JJnlJdlnll', No. J /) 8. Q.ueen 8t., Alrl!' doors bflolo (Xllt,.~ Sqlt(lr~. L.A.NOA..TEI't., PA.. TO ADVERTISERS. 'I'm: EVIDilNO EXPRf:SS hnving n muoh larger circulntlon thlln!lny other journal published in Lnncllstcr, oommends itself to the attention of merohants, ueillors, mechanics, and all others desirous of making their businfllls or wants known to the publio. This Is fully established by the fnct that TUE EXi'IlF.S8 officially publishes tbo Lillt of Letters under the law d:recting their publication in papers having the largest circulation. THE STEAM PRINTING OFFICE. THE JOB PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT CONNECTED WITH TUE OFFICE OF THE RVENING EXPRESS, Is now one of the most complete in the country, being furnished with Ilmple STEAM I->OWER, ANI> Tllg LATER! IMPROVED STEAM JOB AND OTHER PRESSES. a full assortment of TYPES RmI to execute ALL KINDS OF ORNAMENTS, enabling UII l[iain anti gancy JJllU l~vinthtg With promptness and at very low prices.... FArmers anr{ othorll wanting PubIlo Sule Dills, Horso Bills, or any other kind of Job Printing, should call nt tho STEAM PRINTING OFFICE, Expreu BnHdlng, No. Ii 8, Quun St., where they can Beo for themselves how MONEY BAVED 18 MONEY MADE. PEARSOI, &: GEIST, Publhhllr. and Printer. by Steam. 63

54 JARED K. HIESTER, MERCHANT TA'LOR, No. 31. North Q.ueen 'h'eet, (Second,Ioor Norlh or tho Nl\lional!Ious!',) L.A. IV 0.A... OX' :JD ::E'-, :I:».A. COIl,lantly on haud 1Io largo[\,~orhnelltor HEADY l\iade CLOTHING, WhIch ho will <11lK)<O or lit grcatl}' reduced prices. 0418, (/cnllt'lifll's FIIIIlfli1d7l[l (l(~)(i~ {n tvlrhtv: Al~o. LCl\lltlfll1 Clolh~, Ca.,sllllcre~, Rod VClIllg~, (If otcry TlIrlel) and.hade. SPENCER, BOARDMAN SPENCER, (B(!)fI~~A~~ rk 0lf[E[R9 rp <> )I ASD r.\cn' R};RB or 81~!A~ Ootlon Carpel Chain, Candle Wick, Tie Yarn, Oolton Lapl, Grain Bagl, Kentucky Jeans. Drllllni:' Furniture Ohecks, Shlrtln(, Shirting Sfrlpe, Bed Tick, Colton Flannel, Denims, lugging. Shuttle Cops made to order for Hand Loom Weavers. CHRISTIAN WIDMYER,.l1mey c malt l\{ai{er, 8. E. cor, ot Eallt Xing and Duke 8treeta, DANIEL H. HEITSHUE. DR..UG-G-::J:ST, No. 13 WEST KING STREET, LA,NCAITIR, PA, AND DYE STUFFS, MEDICINES, nh,~mtcals, ~uld at rel11l0llu blc rates.

55 ~+ SioOlcf, pud)blnbrr, tlrrlrnrr, ;Jmporfrur. pad)- D. papftr~anbltr Oto. ~o, ~rorb ~tc ~trlltjc obt'rbillb i'loct', PvUbclpvi, p. l1erldll11- ~r ti hd. olle,emtr.~ Ibel. ffioftllrr'. ~lf1rallc11ell. 'l*cfrr', \l)rcblglrn No. 3. ~iibllrr btbll(lf)c ~lllorltll... No.2. Huebner's biblical Storic8. No. I.!W11(dltl!l:Rorsrn. unto I.ttbmt'.!lrnN,nbu' (JhrllltlllbulII. Cpfrr. ~d)rnotrt'n'bllnmllfd)r.ljrrsnflgtn. izqlilttr ffirobt. ~lllrf <6allbbud). ~In ibrfnd) 110(1) totr ljlmllltlflfhn BtBrk'elIandbook. izlabl.()llffml1l1l1 l'riabluligtll flll~ ~I~ jcet rrf-tlclilli,!b~nt~cn 1 bl& 18 a 15 C!:tnt. Dr. C. IIERTIItW'S nmheopatilic DmIESTIC PHYSICIAN. bouud $2.00. Db1ee Werle nnb net~ in grbgtcr ~!u~ltlar)r in bm fohbe~rlt, rlnfad1nen llt\'o fcln~rn ~Inbanben AU 'Vholesnlc un~ Hetoil IJ)rtffen immerl\lar)rcnb \)orriit~i9, fonnen aber aud) burd) aue!bud)~anblungert V1or'oal1lerlfll'~ or30gen IlHrbelt. meneuungcn fur au~ral1blfd)e ~iid)er Icr't'm auf'~ ~\iil\ft, Ild}ne brfor~t..j:. ~C>~LEJB., ~tltlj\bittbtt, iuhil~y 't, ~nnj\$ n r, nic~~~[lll~!d~ ~:7f.l:7;PtrO~lGR~ AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER. AlJOVE IHCl;, l1i:iir Orc1er8 (or Foreign Books promptly attended to. ~ o[)

56 Broad Street, near Ridge & venue. Tho Subscriber offers to tho trudo, Oil liberal tefllls, R choice assortment of pure grouud Spice!!, In packnge!! or bulk, Aleo, Lathrop's WaShington Blue, Prepared Mustard, Kentucky and English mustard, Oayenne Pepper, Black Pepper, Indigo Blue, Gln'ger, Allspice, Cloves, Nutmegl, MACE, BSSENCE OF COFFBE, YEAST POWDERS, DREAM TARTAR, ]II-DARB. SODA, BTD. ETC. ARTHUR OOLBURN, Proprietor, Office and ~ale!l ItoOill8. :l3'l Arch street, PHILADELPHIA.». WI1r'~ Q!:onfutionern, OEnuktfS, 6:-,. &C. Whole le anel reta' The undersigned bt'g, to c&li Ihe altentlon or IAdle~ IlUrl gentlemen, lind hll numerous rrienrls aurl cu,lulilet8 10 hl8 varied I\~.orlment of lho IIbu\~. aiwl\)'8 Oil hllnd, 10 which he I'oOllciiA,jIn In8pectloll, R. A.. S:MITH. 26 East King Street,!.&nouter, Pa. IF FREDERICK PEUSCH, JU1iVI'AClURF.R O}' :a:o:fl.n& PO~::OE:Fl. Of all kind., and dealer in every deloription of HARDWARE AND GROCERIES, Which he will sell at the very lowest cash prices, at his e~tabii8hmt'nl, 11'est Klog Street, corner Mary. LANOASTER. PA. fi(j

57 KIEHL & WALKER, ~~~11 Il!}l1ffi IrHnUf~llRjlIL Wi!~rrLBlR MANIJF'ACT~RERS, Rear 77 East King Street, LANCASTER, PAt - 0., F. L.A.:::r::sE, Ag't.,. rmnnentul!)xuss ~pinner AND COPPERSMITH, 64 South Duke Street, LANCASTflR, PAt ISAAO VV~ER., ~y& U~ ITS rr '~.:} 'fj AND JEWELL ER, NEW HO...ANO, PAt f Wnt, hrs, Cloc) &0., repaired and rut ~~- In gool! order, 011 reasonablo terms nol nt Bhott notice. JOliN I'~:,'llcll, In\'{l~ T. DOROI', J'O~N p::m.a.:a..o:m.., 00., (SllCCeft~Or~ to IlNlcll, I'l'Rrco.~ Co.,) 11\lPOHTERS AND JOnDERS OF I108IEUY, GI10VES, GUAVATS, ljnnbkttcbitfs, 'Qttimmings, lll\b $l\nt~ Qf5nnbs, 1'7'0. 01 North Tht.rcl. Stroot, One duor 1,P1on' Arch, Pilftt ftldl', p.. e.. ADELPHtA. N. n. V(.lllitanlly rl'l1c'h'lng Joh loti from Ruction. U

58 fttthghbny HOUSH, Market Street, above Eighth, PHILADELPHIA. TERMS, ONE DOLLAR PER DAY. J. OTT, Proprietor. C. OTT, Agent..4.. ~. BOVVERS, 10 AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS.

59 CARTER BECKER, eo_ MAtlUFA8TUlERS, '1'III' at.. llitt.lla Locut &ad WtJAll~ 00x.tTWDXA. P A- w...'«ii2'e ~ ~. Oamatlr on bul ali VPllCLilIJ lwwill... 1l.JI~\ri~done.t the ~LaotW,..4. &11 YOrk WABIUNTlW. D7' fruu_,''1'.& ~tualt.c1el1,1... ~ ~O~N KUHNS, nara AD _TIC' ~ It&aus, atth jtmf(. '1.'...,, of tm 44 ' '«:».'.N VO 1\~,,...'~...AfMtIiJ, llov.,jo'i, :P.,...~TlntbiDc XMhlDel,...DdlII..Cora Sht1lm,....\1.0, all \:\d_ of~.a4 npairll'.j 'OIl. «t ',\ I. '. -I' <. f _.;.\

60 ', r; ~. ~, '

61 .a.. EEA.VV.Lm2, _.a'r, A. HAVlLft a: 00 PerfUlm and Chemists, 11'0.117 Jrorth Fourth Street, above Arch, rp 00 a!1ii~dd rel1!p aan~ ~ ora.. proprlet4n qllhw t'litabllkamlldi feel oontldul thl Lb~, p,.pa.ratlon.. 1'111 ~P&rt\ (&TOrAbl,...ith any In the world, elthflr (nrol/511 or doi.oil&uc. /liii'~ for Ulll ball.dkl'rchitlr or the m.t J;rquf.rit«odor ~ alld CXl# for ttl... H..t, of the ftll~ textur and lhe 'W!let~..t p~rrum8l. ll/&lm1t,.g ~ &tiel 7\tOA,'/<)(IJI6 of the lhllnt anti mo.t d,l\llate (ormatlen Ha.'It~y'. L1.qllld Hlol.. Dye I. dec1d~ll nperlr t) any 11.0'111' III uo.. I'owder B!t.nool.llle, RQllit'. h.ltc., Ilnd every nrillty of lioe..ud chlc ~r hlllery. And Hawl,,', Frllit Ixtr&llb of a \I~l1or 'lllll.llty (or h.vorlllj Ple_, hddtbp. J.mM. ()g~onfll1. &.l1d JlttUJrol Water 8rrut», &il of whltlh rival Cb... AM ~ ft~ by tigfwt Ne. 111 Kortk PoOrtl 8t~ abin inh, Pbll.tlelpbla. C.D. BOBBINS & CO., ( loup1l blaht. led,) XUGnN An DBALI1l1 II t 6iUD ' S~Ql...cee... at 'ECOND AND VINE 8'1'1tEETS, if til il il ~ rd [t 11 IP ~ ULil h. ~.

62 Established in liillet's CBNTRAL ST8AM SPICR UD ~ltstarb itilis,. BA_DOLPH COURT. STOBE, ': 1fo.215 BAaB S'l'UET f -.J '.J PHILADIL,PHIA. : '\ He keapl cooat&dtly OD h&dd freiir apply of.,. CROUND SPIC~8, Ii, FOr'WHUSALI TUDI,

63 Northeast corner Ninth and Market Streets, 1PlIlilrb [fj ~Ib [Pmu <> li 'iiim.b!i t ;;t. :;;:e,,! --'.-' >. >,... ~.. '.~-.,. -, - - -, --, - ('..- -~., ~ Housekeeper's Fnrnis~g Warellonse,

64 ' i, ~..., ~ THE SREAT WESTERN INSURANCE AND TRUST COIlPANY. UP THJI tarmm' InUm Jnmam «Dot sf Mtu, WJ., \lathll eouot!etaml4 nullr b...,-. the lulie will h-..t\er be eoaduoted by tae UlUTBD CQIfPUJ'O, 1JI the Dame of Ole Great Western Insuranee and Trust Compaly, ome. m 'lei OOUUT' ntldm; No. 408 W8.lnut Street, ()()r. J'ourtJa, IFlImII.t m>jjl1ifwli o Br \hll.rtab~m~dt. UlelaooRie or tbe GREAT WJ:8TUl' Ilf8U'nAlfCE AND TX~ST COMPJoNY,ltl Oil lar,ely aulrmen~ed,ud OYM '130,0'...0 dh to lu...t.. of 'Ifbteb '100,000II to ~1J'tlllllo~,,,with BoRda, bfj&riq.liis per _to bter'mt, oa~-:lrotlld propert YUl'th.()A~le We &Dlout,...Illch,Inl the Oom- PIoll1 \l'ur 000 of...u.l>l. 1II111m. to _t ny 1I.'1It1~..-11 I'1lDlllD' nib ot eithereo..i*d'... _umecl, or.1i &a, 1_tlaat tn, OClelI.r bet p.o..ptly paid. J'iIt, 1D1a1Ul, Xadu Carro :auk,..~.. tli.t aut fayoj'uw '1'tnu, CIlJ... C. LJ.'r1laor, PNrUkraI. J... W.,CHl't', &lao a1i.d 1'na#. w. 1> J,IU, Yi«-~ C. 8. BvIllW., AM't ~. C..If. '.(J'II'4Jl, ~ V~~., I I! # a_oro. o.a.ldiir. ot, II...'. BOUI-lEAU'S COAL OIL JDliUrAOTOlty, t ;

65 F. G. V. J. FRASER, Bedding and FnmitIIre Store,...,u An UTAD., Ko. U09 JlARKIJ'l' 8T1l11I1T,.\./' 1i!'1 ~... '.,<. LI

66 ~, ImsyUmnia ~quittrt Datl1Ui T'rl,WeMly. _~Ull, ~,,'f5 pi'll t.luiuiil Tn-Weekl,. fte P'nlpMt-oIe Qftlle PlrIfn'l'Lvun Ilf~t rail 4Mil9,t-o 9&11 tll., a.ttnuu,., :;.. h)llkm4&t~}pida, )Nl'b11e fu8flt.lly \0 thlj pllbl~tioll. whloh It been p.budwd for <lve,' thirty y_.. with.. KtlceU enllblin. lllf'llll to Md Illlpr.rvemtat 1.0 llllpro'l'ecd41nt, outsl It llow' ~<l Ullrl1'.. lied t. p,)put&rlty.., ~ tolled Fw..uI f'ollt1ea.l, Dll. But ~ N~PM.tnlted al1lre to the»:eteh&at'. CuultU~Boo$ lu14 die p,, ~e. It eo_l.ta, hi ueh Ul1rot>.; Joan CoLO. of metter, pt1u~ til clmr, d~etaet '1JWlt a-nd 04 ~ood white paper. To gite II. 8llwml\ry of It. conleat. would be tjmott lmpoutble ltoll ample ool1udd' ~a4rlnj It nn~ry tu limit them IIHInlly to NI'V'lI &IHI PoilUe-. bllt, Oil. UlII eolltra.ry, ~yijlf rwin lo lay befo'!'e ttl! HMe..rt.t.el.. on Dot only Ule topkt utnlll1 to be follad in..,~rs, l'tlt al.o OOJltrlburtlma ffolll,om6 cj ~. In th \'1'7. Oil Lherar1, ~ent1te. ae.i Jfteeell~unbjMta, \hue rend6rlll' the I_QUIa.. not oat,....ahablll com ~1l1l\of the curr&ot II.' of lha 'y, but &lml a~ of the ~ UlAlr.tllN 01 bmb A~rtea..d -IllfOp$. e orbe bqlil.-clt liu retular eort9ip<!lldell&l! III lifew York, WublngtoD, -.tid 'lar-...ftll kmp Itll rowen Ad.lleci Oil.ll aubjllcta of Int~t, luolncung 11, IltIof U111 NatlQW.d Stale latm. It..lao oollt..ln~. froul tim. l() e. ~tlal'i from the prhrclpe.l etll_i~ Union, ' 'IjJl ~~ (,(1m the Old Wurl,L The Ji(~. Tel~r.~...blee to Jtve DllW'll from,.il qt1~rt<lr. or th41 UnltW tile i~ijl III t&l~d.et1 ee ' \Q Ule.ery 1Il0ment of,.., W pr.,.. wlill. u by tm BOlIta. a.nd New V/ltlt Iteua... 1M ClO~ 9f Cit,. &6pont!rt furot.ll ~lulj:full ~IlU of n~1 6TlUIt of DO~ t,ra,pplrlo, hi tb IltllJhbotohood or PhU&d..lpA1t., U wt)u u ta. prlxleedl~of t108 Ocu'.lAItJ D~~o.. Tt1&.LI by JI1I1, *0..te. Itt CoD1l1lemal alld J«ultet Reporla II.Nl full and IUllfMlI-,h1n, ty10cl.. ~ a ~ rnl8w of the City,..nUl lhe Iltate (It the )hr~~. PrieM or the d,iunt ~ uf cmruroe, npeel..llr FIQur. On.ln, ~I &ll IJl..uUIII (M ~...ertl.i..1t It.1lI\l~, tera. rea4er It... ()f the cllu,put In Ule lralcll eapllli will be M:l' b11uu 1rll.Jll'ltqI1... :. $ 1B8P1& 1.WI18!O~ Ptoprit1oll ud P.IlI at 8DIUh nw lind, hila... j 2,

67 ~. J INQUIRED Boot, CABD. AND JOB 'I,m '111. STEREOTYPE FOUNDRY, ANO BOOK BINDIRY. 'ftc 6WoWW'l1lllftt. o.u of tm lujin& La tu t7alteot ~, m.~., TffUTf fi'1'jj.ji1llbiui, ~r.lll elllptoyla. aew1 TWO HUl'fDUD IlAKDi, 18 pnpued tit prtit ent)' '-rlpuoil of m(d(dll~~ m!rb~~ &Amm~. mm@ll!~~ Clac;ULAR8, c;a.talogtjefi, A.laDa~ Newspapers. M~iBes, &eo it..,, aw..., '- ~-'re4. III tim,ho!'tem Il<ltl.e U1. at the Ytlrrlowel!t pl1~ » MM latel, NPl...hlld will, J(BW TYPE.. allel UI~ Ibcbl_rr 18 of &Jl. ~u(.oat appro..ed ooutl1lol\t.1oa. \J'bU, Lbe ~AIldt are dilful pel as- O~~ DT..u wtll fmillll... JIlWl\ attouoll. &lid be flltnbh4 wuk u _nch ~Il,... by penon! diritott(>d...jesper B.&RDIN'G A 80lf, IJIqa.Irer Bu1k' 1 C' 04 Po-t omo. BuJk'tnr, PhUade1p1da., IRON RAILING ~WORKS. ~...:..._ _~. f:.. '...~..~ ~ m on...18or LULnfQ tor ;i;>'.~.' ~s ~11D rpl&ravti'fpab~ {...., C. 1erf till, ~ b.;...~ Irq ItIbI, ~. '.....t fjhalil,,&1mea,r--...,j..' t: _...,~~bf~m.nt&l sad v.utulworl ~..._.. ~:' 4.,.cI OIl bitaf~ ~ promptly &i~ \0, and hom f!::,,-lit W 0&1T1 W I.J17 paf'c CJf tlia Union. Pmou 1ria'&1. to <i j ~ b,- ~clnmftg th. anbioriber,...u~ whal... of ~ Utq...,1fiU...)lOl'ifoltot 01 d_pi..m u.a. ~ W. P. HOOD, an..aftidu -.a4, ftuadelphje ) t1f 1tI'I... (

68 ,- TJIOII+SE. WALTON' &. CO.,' WROLJ:lMLJI:.urn JUCTJ.IL LOOKING GLASS, \ PORTRAIT, ~littutt trams, & iasss-iarlmd M.t\.NUFACTURERS, No. 154 North Second Street, below Race, [Pl]]UI1 (}ilb[plllu ~ AND DCALEU ll( JoDIUng-SIass ~Iatts, fjaintings, QBn~, 1 ~ MAHOGANY,. 1 BBBIWOOD, ADD WALDUT 'UIIID GLASSES :ED. au ~ai-1e.... The :r~e'qppu«lc1 with all loodl in oath. at' Ule a1l~ Dotiqe alcl on the _ott'nabje ~.. All good. In ODr line coutaat1y OD bud or '1Mde to orde', at....-ora,iee. itn6t. Wow...~,.,.,.,. '.. I... PI... <lit &ljd examllle our JtQ<lk before' parohal lni elsebeft. 06. '-,,..,'.. ''..'. \

69 ,...,... C. 'I. 'DBYIt,. tulrukua IDatihtI,.. ~:... Ioot.b1Ddtl.. Bfldery, s. W. ~rner FoartIInd Race Streets, PHILADELPHIA. O. P. PERRY, BOOKSELLER, PUBLISHER, r i ~. BL.!NK BOOK ị., MANUF.A.CTTJRER, AND DULEB. 1l'f ~ l',., ' \ '. ::'. \'),I, t-.'. ~ r\ ~', ~>;' S. W, corner of Fourth and Race Streets, rprklu tb tdrelblpiijual ~ BANKS, COUNTING HOUSES, AND MERCHANTS...,.1Ied UII.lee...t ~.,...etured ~(..,til. M.t...erlal.. ~f..~. P4...'! tlcilltite &II J(lt~,,, add PUlUMn, aad ~ll~'~ij' tilt ltoek to large quutwta for CHIll,-'I we ~.,.. etmwed to.,pply au out loodl 011.'..'

70 .OUNT VBBNON ~j,,. - BOTBL t 1'01. U7 antlll8 North Seco nd Street, PHILADELPHIA, BEIDLER, Proprietor. Til TBOJlOU&BLY IENO'!TED,...tot» ottutnnllbtr,j'dtiij...,. ~.1ril1,aUIfr It.t,.en....' JiU4tPa TH COMfBRTS OF A.~JIOM.,~;i'1:./.' ~ 8 an.11111t111f1d,.,... ICrid... --_..',..,..p ~.. '.j,c '.,.j....:,l...., '..,-,»,.., 1 ' 0 ~' 'l.,,..,. l1li ; 1111&...,. ;.... taut... '.. :.,...,. II.'JJtIU)LR TN ',,:.'.~

71 T. MOnRl1l rr.not. T.llw.\lln II. OOllElot. T. MORRIS PEROT & COl' WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS) NO.,621 nlnrket Street, above Sixth,.A.n.d. a:ua OO:D1:D1oroo Stroot, Agcnts fol' NlcllolH' '-n1cnt (~omblllnuoilltuncrnl lvn1ci' AIIIHlI'atIlN, Tlldcn &, CO.'1l 1-I'CIHl I'utlons, A.I'amlng-o lvbltc I..cad, Zinc, ke., ))1',.1, (~, UCl'NCIH cclcbl'ntcd (Iull'C)'HUI I-Intcl' nnd I~}'c ABRAHAM E, IInllomm. KLINE, CD ;, ', li'll ~W~ ~C01l'Wffi~m9 ~~;-:._ ~, LANCASTER TURNPIKE, ~tili~~~._~j~c_: - Retn-eell DIlle Bnll IIlId UhnrrhtowlI, G-OODVILLEl, PA. HIRSH & BROTHERS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, SPEOTACLES, PORT MON NAIES. NOTIONS, MUSIOAL INSTRUMENTS, AND FANOY GOODS IN GENERAL, No. a North QL'l..OO::u. at~ oot, LANCAS'~ R, PA. Also, READY MADE CLOTHING, wldl'h 'hpj 'ill 'f'li,,- cl,,-,,!, a th~ ('b'-,1!,1'.-!. Puu'l Cdr;;l'! Illl'all nt:l S, 1I1I1'I'U SlIel'l, '1'1,,'1,' )'''11 aro- tllfl' of I'l'!n!; ellllc-,1. 11

72 ELLIPTIC BE~ SPRING CO~, IN OONSEQUENOE OF TIlE UNl)REOEDENTED DEMAND [; FOR BeWBtl.A'rBH~ QE,ru~tit ~~ring ~ b un~ ~trt~ ~attoms, AND me f: UIB~'ALLID II'VALID'I BID, I::' TIlE COMPANY nave m:moved TIlEIR OFFIOE TO TIlE COMMODIOUS STonR.~. No. 818 BnOADWAY, Cor. of WHITE STREET, Whore. wllh Inorlll\&OO fmiiiii(l.5. th 01 will Mlleavor h('reaftor to meet tht' delnan(1. r; It 18 unlvcl'mliy conceded III'I('r a thorough IrlAI by over FU'TY TIIOU8.\NJ> (lromln('~' ~.: and rellal>lo citizen. In ovcrl8cctlon of tho Union, tbat UJo ElIlplio Spring Dod Ie ono ot tilt,: m~t - COItPORTABLE, DURABLE, SIMPLE, & EOONOMIOAL Inventions of the age, and that it must SUptrecdo a1l othor devlcc3 known for a truly IUJ:urlout!' and economical bed.. f One light otlllnary maurnll on1 Is required upon thom. eo tltat In Illet tho bed coel4!(\!i t.; tclth than tcllhcullho Bprlnr. 1-: Tbor Iro ll(lplleabjo 10 any 110llCrlpUon ot bedslelld~ llnl} ma)' bo tak~n Apart or pnt 10,,:,ether In flve mlnutn. 'I'll' IIrO n('at, light, Aod portablo-allll OCCllpylng tiu~ litt10 8pac. wh('n packed. are readily lat'cly and ch('lply transported to any ~1If\n 01 tli country. They will lustaln 11,000 pounds w<:lght without Injury, and will,.t tho Sllmo limo,ield It the ajlllbtest form. '.. Tlttlrare malle ortho best KngliM (ltst SUtl, highly t(lm(hlr~ llnd will IMt a IIfetlme- >; hlle I Is well known tha~ tbo lrci~ IVI,.,8pt'lIlU (ot WhIch all.:thers ate made,) Is ultetlt :~ Gsoll'M attl'r a.bort tim. ;~ They aaord no barbor tor Tormln, And mako no moro noljo than A r<'alher bed. And f' Jlnt\1I1, thoy aff\lrd, wllh the ICAst bolllllng. the mollt Immrlolls <:oucb In (lxlst('lloo.. 'l~llowlngtheso ractl, and hi or\lor tl) liioct tho wonta r tit, mlu'le,. All well tho loxnrl r; 'us And the /el.l'l.nd oonlldcnt Ih~t II ~rn/lllln(llvllli1rtproftt will rmullln tho IMgesl IIgtcr,'gat~. -, we havo dotorld ned to rol.\ll tbe 8'lrlng8 at our 8tora boroaitor at the OJlroulO low prleo II.'. SIX DOLLARS PER SET. In,I, ot tho u,'ng In bol1i}lnli'. tho dllrablllty. tho simplicity, And comfort ot thla In\'tn L lillo, It will bo r(' ~('n thllt overy J!onse-keeper, l{owl koe~r, I'rlval4> And Publlo In j Illttltlon, M, M, must ot nc('('mlll Allopt It.!~ l'artlm who elln do l!o, will r!cuo permnauy OX~tnIM tho 8prlngll. Orders rfoml'tll i: al\liwrroil from any ~otjon of tho counlry. ClrcUJlIlllllCMflptlvo or tho Inv('ntlon, with \( It '% tllnlllftls from prol1lll1ont r-arum throughout tbo Unlt~l 8t1totl,lOnt to Anyone doelrlg th~la u- on recelr1t or.talnp, AddreM t... GEORGE 1'. GRAY Agent ';. LLIPTIO BED SPRING OOMPANY,f: 878 Broadway, New York. ~ ~. i ~ L, _

73 ...,', \.. Al.l/rcvi(/lit)i1.~ ll.~cd ill tld.~ ljirectory:-a1l Ill/Que; nl alh'.'i,' bel hflow; ~Hll1lJn/l(d.'l; 11 or oct, IJ/twffll; 0 ur cor, comcr; ot fourt ; do ditto; J~ H(/.~t; ft fuut; h house; It\ {<I/lO, 1\ llear: N /lorlll ; opp ojijlosilu,. r rear; fill S'lIWI'C; U Soulli; at slreet,' 'V West. A. Anron MOSCA, grocer, IJocllst e Fl'ciburg, h saroo Abel Oottleib, Huddler, h 'V King n Mulberry Abelo Israel l~., boot nud ShOClUul{er, {) S Duke, h 55 S })uko Abary IJcwis, mllchinist, h Chestnutt 11 Orovcstown Ablo John, )nhorer, h 21 S Princo Achey l.'reuori~k A., cnrpontm', h N Princo n 'Vn)uut Achey Mary Ann, h N Prlnco n 'Vn)nut Ackormnn BJiznboth, will. John, h Gormnn app No.1 Mill Ackormlln Goorge, carpcnter, h 'V King 11 Charlotto Aokormnn Goorge, tinsmith, 'V King 0 Strawberry, h 'V King n Charlotte Adnir Jamos, stonc outter, Lds 'Vnshington hotel Adam J nooh, morocco lh'esser, 11 St. Joseph nb tho Churoh Adam William, engineer, h 1[) S Princo Adnms ]~vo, h nl bot I~ Kin~ nnd l'~ Omugo Adums' J~xpress Otlice, 8 Chestnut Adams George, )I\horer, holley het JJctllon nnd Jumes, bel Queen Adalis Henry, shoemaker, h Mauor n the Bl'idgo Ada1l18 James, shoeluaker, h Strnwherry e nl11 S'Vater Adnms,Jaquc, currior, h St.,Joscph n Love 11\ AUUUlA Willium, shoemaker, h StrnwLerry c nl n S 'Vater r>

74 50 Al)J>IS HOBEn'!' \r., dagllcrrcofypist, 20J EKing, 11 g Vine n ]JCIIlOII til AlLert Dait), student, h \V Cltestnut n MllllJcrry Albrnnt George, coppersmith, 11 IJow n Hlrawbcrry Albrecht Goorge, carman, h S J'rince n W Vino Albright Ann, wid, Jacob, h J'J'incc n Qrnllgn Albl'ight FreJerick A grocer, \V King n Stl'nwbcrry, II llllmo Albright Frederick S, (Albright &., Erisman), Prince 0 Wal. nut, h l\iulbel'l'y hclljcilloll Albright Gcort(o, tipsla\'c, It or Chestnut Albright Georgo H saddler, h W Orange 11 N Walcl' Albright.John n., clerk, h 68 B Chrstllut Albright John M., blackslnith, h W ](ill~ lib Mulberry Albright Michael, ahoolllllltor, h Sfl'llwbcrl'y C nlley Albright Peter, butcher, Milnor 11 Dorwllrt, Ii tlo Alhl'ight SUllan, wid, Jacob, h W JJclllon n N Duke ALBIUO lit &., CO fol'\vlll'dillg and COllllllisHioll I1lCrChallt~, n. H. I' Chestnut AIJ1HUOIl'!' & }aus~ian, coul llnd lumbe!', Prince 0 'Ynlnut Alcorn Mory, bd~ (lerman opt> No, 1 Mill Alexnnder Jnm('~ K., lllwyel', 28 N Duko, h ],~ Walnut n Dulw Allllbllch l'eter, laborer, h Manor n DorWcll't AlInLuch Petol' jr WCII\cr, It Munor n Dorwart AlInbnch Philip, wcnvor, It Mnnor n l>orwnrt Allen ]';dlllond 0., puin cxtrnctor, 11 8 B U01'II111U Allen tjohn, flwtor)'lillln, h 277 S Queen Allen WillilllJl, bllwksmitlt, h W King n Mal'Y Allcrton };JizllLcth, wid. Christian, h ~l:lflol' II W Killg Allgicr Samuel, boarding, JJcmon n N Prince, h Hallie Allison Mnry., school, 111 ]~ King, h P1l1l1C Alticlc DanielA. (Altick &l\jcoinni/l), W Ol'nllgc n hillel', Ii N Priuce opp Moravinn Imrilllgro\lud Altick JOSOI)h ]1'., conchmnlcer, h W Ol'augc n MulbC'I'l'Y Altick Stun I, wid. Sallluol, h W Omngo n l\illll)crry Altick & l\1<:oinnia, cclfl'inge lilnnufncturers, W Ol'llllgc 1\ }ll'inco. Alvnlter ChorICl~, turner, btls N Queen 0rp Koystone hotd Amcr Charles H., hnurr, N Queen, It Vine n Uocklll\l<l Amol' George, whec'lwright., 'V King n J)onvnrt h do AUler John, butter, 12 J~ King, h Villo n HocklllllU

75 AlIlcr 'illiam N., llentilit, }~ Orange COl' N Quecn, h io N nllkt;l AIIIwake Jacob n,lawyer, 4 S Queen, h N Prince nh IJcll\ol}.AJIWEO.JOIIN ~I., lawyer, H Quccn Il Centre SCI, II E Vino n 1)ukn iuf \\'Ett WI LLLDI 8., lawyer, 2l H Duko, h :-;I\me Anderson Christiana, wid. Lcwifl, II Chmch n Vine AIHler:;on.John, net, maker, h i'\t nlberry n James AnJeriiOn.John, overseer, h 5 S Queen Andcrson.John P., confectioncr, 2H N Queen, It uo AIHleriion 1\Iary, It Orange 1\ Shippen Anderson Valentine P., confectionel', h 2iJ N Quecn AndrewH FrnncilH\ K, teacher, h N ljime n Orango Anell'ow!!.Jall1c~, laborer, h W Chestnut. n Mulberry Andrews.Tame.Ii \V., h N IJimc n Omnge AndrcwR Mary L., tencher pub. school, h N Lime n (hango AndrcwR Michael, InLoror, h PlulIl II ]~ Orange Anno Comnd, cabinct maker, h 29 B German Arley Frcderick, mnson, h IJocust. 11 }1'rciLurg Appel 'l'hcodore Hev., professor, h IJ()mon nu Mulberry Appler J'ohn 1'1., tnilor, h Manor n 'V King Appleton K 'V. ncv., St. John'H Epi8copal Church, h 'V OhcRtnut n Mulberry Arment EIi~ubcth, wid. William, h S Qncen n Plum Arment Hemy W fmlcrllian, Ld~ 2 1 'V King Arlllstl'onH J)~nicl, cnr ngent, btl~ 'VaHhlngton hotel J\ mold Oonmd, peddlcr, It N Quccn n Frederick Amoll! Gideon 'V., fiupcrintcndcnt, It S j)l'ince n Anurew Arnold.John, hnotmnkcr, It Watci' n JJcmon Arnold.rohn, hrower, IJcmon al n Chureh aj, It snmo Amoll!.John A., hogs npinning room, h itl S nuke Arnalll Nathaniel P., bo~8 wotlvor, h no g German Atkinson Annn J., domestin, lor, B Kin~ Atkinson Ml\ry A., wid. Hohert, tailorc8s, It N 'Vl\tel' Ill, Omnge Atlno John h, ph)'hicil\n, 43 B Ol'nn~e, h do Atleo John h, JUIl., phj'sicil\n, 7 1 B King, It do A'l'LEN WI LLlA~l A., llnvyor,,j5 ]~ King, It do Aueher J nmcfi, IIIboror, It 'Vnter n Lomon Audonriod LOll is C., Hlndcnt, h(ih Prince ab Chest liut Aug Fl'cderiek, laborer, It Dorwart n l\l nnor Augermcier ltohl\n, laborcr, LlI~ 711 EKing Auktlm}) Augustlls, carpenter, h North n Hlrawhl~rry

76 52 I.ANCARTEll Auknmp Ilowis, confectioner, h North n Strawberry Aust II~lllil, organist, ods N Queen n -l.~ Lemon Auxcr mizalcth, tllilorcss, h Olnngc n Shippen Auxcr Jacob, late mel', h S Prince n Gorman AXER JACOB (BCHt & Axer), blncksillith, h N Prince ab Chcstnut A)'l\rs Lj'{Jin, wid. Hamilton, h Pl'ince n Orango Ayars Mary A SCl\lUstrcss, h ])riuce Jl Orango A)'nTs 1'1'05ton, watchmnker, h!'l'inco 11 Orange B. BilLIe George, laborer, h,v 'Vlllnut n Chnrlotto l)nch '1'. G Farmers' I\nu Drovcl's' 1nu, N Queen cor llcmon, 11 Bamo Unabler IJconnrd, florist, h Shippen 0 Holland piko Bachman Daviu, accountant, bds Fountain Iun Bacll1l1un lwznbcth, wid. Christian, h N Prince ub Chestnut Bachmnn Sl\lll\\el 8., drover, h N Quecn nb In\lles BncT Anna, wid. IIell1'y, h ~IlIriettn piko I HAglt BENJAMIN ]~'., lawyer, ]0 N J)llkc, h 12 N Queen I ljaer Chl'istilln It (John l)ncts SonR), 12 N Queen, h do Hl\ci' l?rnnces, wid. John, h ]2 N Queen Baer John n., formet, h Mnriettn piko lhcr Miebael, lnborer, h l\iulhcny n W Walnut l)aer Heuben A. (.John!Jners Sons), 12 N Qucen, h N Duko HAIntS ttolin SONS, bookilollol'il, 12 N QUCCll, h do JJl\hiJl J. M., paper storo, Q l g Kill/{, h do,jiuir Abrnhnm II'., thrcahillg mnchincs, B King r of Mark Icy, II N Duke n N Orange ljllir Adam 11'., machinist, h Frcucl'ick n llitiz l'i]\o lll\ir Dnvid & Co dry goods, l~o., 11 ]t~ King, nnd (John Gyger & 00 ), 16 B King, h UO }~ King llnir J)l\vid, jun., clolk, l~x(lhnngo hotcl Unir David M., lboror, h \VlIlllut n tho locomotive worl\8 ljnir Nathnniel, mnchinist, h Ohurch nb Vine ljairmnn IRndorc, An1ldlor, II igh n Strnwhcl'l'y ljakelt J)ANIJ~rl G., lnwycr, ~,l Duke, b{l~ Lnlllh hotel Baker Blwood, med. student, bds OU j.; King llnkcr Henry, cnrpenter, h N PdlH'O n Lemon Daker Henry, locksmith, h Fredel'ick n IJitiz pike

77 DIHECTOHYo r... oj., BAKBn J Acon JJ., mcrchandise broker, [) Centre sq, h 5D N Duko ]laker J. M., cnrpenter, h N Qucc>n n IJC'mon HakeI' J. To, phy~ician, (in 1 ~ King, h same Bakel' John, faetoryman, h High n HtmwlJcrry Hilker,John (col'd), lahore)', h hel W Lemon, in nlley IJack of N Qucen JJuk('1' John 1\1. (TJongneckel' &. Blkcr), N Prince n It It, h Lemon n N Quecn Baker Philip, constablo, h Plum n B King Bakel' 'Villinm Go, di'uggist, Celllre Sflllnre, h G8 N Duke Bilkcil '1'h0l11n8, bds Hoeso's City hotel Baldwin-, widow, h N QIll'lln ab.jalhcil Balkin ~'imothy, laboror, h B King opr Prison ]lu11 AmbroRo JIo, clerk, It 218 B King Uall Eliznbeth, widow, h 210 B King Hallecg Georgo, organist, Ii 11 0 Church Ualmei' Andl'cw, clcrk, h N Queen n,james JJlIltzer Daniel, diillillcl', It Plulll n Orango Balzer Franz, laborer, It ft S Queen JJnmborough Ann B., wid. Tohn, h 73 N Duko Banninger l\inry, wid. Michaol, h PJ'incc n James Bnnzholl IIenry, butchor, It N Qucen n ITalllos j~'\odal Joscph, blncksmith, h 1\lanor n 'V King H:HJell Sophia, wid.,tneob, h Middlo n S Quecn Bard Abraham, renping mllchines, bds Blnck Horse hotel Bard Daniel, h N Quecn n Pl'ederic1c Bard Gcorgo K. (Bard & Son), '27 N Queen, It DR B Kin~ Bard Martin S., liquor, h N Qlleell n Vrederiek BAllD &SON, dl'y good~ and millinery, 27 N QueP,1l Barnes Isabella, It Shippen n King Barlles James, jun clerk, h OOrtlijln bel S Queen Bornes James H chairlllllker, fig l~ King, h same BAH NWJl' IIBNHY IJ, hotel, N Quecn cor Chl:,tnlll BlInett J olieph, blnc}(slll ith, hils Nort It Amodenn hotel Bal'lllart George,lnborcr, h High n Strllwberry Barnl.[ll't Jncob, oomb faolo)'y: II IIigh 11 Stl'awbcl'l'y Bnl'llhnrt John, laborer, h Iligh II Sll'llwLcrry Bnrr Adam It, bdli Shenk's Exdl:lIlgo hotel Barr Amazinh 0 printer, h W Chestnut n N WaleI' Barr narbnra, wid, J olm, h N LiIlH\ n J.~ Ol'l\ngo Bart' Benjamin 'V., phyaiciau, S Ol'allgo n JJimo Barr n. W., patent rights, h Lime 11 Orange f)*

78 5t Ilnrr minr & Co hooksellers, 31 E Kin~, h pumo Ilnn' Jacob Ie, clerk, h Ume n Ornngo ljnrr James, dyer, h Plum n B Ornngo Jlnrrick Ann Elizaheth, wid,,john It, h 2lD 1 ; King JJlll'ry 1\Inria, widow, Los 73 N Duko Jhrry 1\Iichaol, contractor, h New Holland tnrnpike JJnrthol Jncob (Keolor & Barthel), machine \llaker, Church n Duke, h 78 Middle 13arthol Barbarn, wid. Jacob, h 78 Middle IJllrtholt Adolph, bricklajor, h liollolld pike nantiiolom1~w DAVIU I}.,'patent saw-mill, h S!>rillce n JJove In 11arto11 William, coppersmith, h IJocust l~ John ljllsford Hebecon, wid. Michael S., h North 11 Uocklnnd 1Jn8tino Jean, cabinet maker, Ii St. Joscph ljatcmnn 'Villiam II. (Bateman &, McCullon), 20 B King, h Vine opp Uockland, Jlntemnn & McCullon, paintcrs, hol1s0 nnd liign, 20 N King llnuer Henry, h Middlc n Hocklnnd Bnuer lierman, sinter, bds In\lkson houflc llaul\i LEON, millin'cry, 31 N Queen, h do Bnumnll K l!\ wid. Joseph, h,v Chestnut n Prince IJnumnn J';8thor L, milliner, h 'V Chestnut It Prince IJaumnn G. M., currier, bds Chestnut n Prince ]Jlluman Jeremiah (Konigmtlcher & IJtlUllllln), 2 'V King n Charlotto aod N l)rince and tho It. It, 11 Prince cor Chestnut Bnuman Joseph 1( currier, hds CheRtnut n Prince HAUMOAUDNBlt IIENHY, colli denier, Prince c It H., N Dul<o Baumgnrdner Jacob, hrlckmu]{cr, h S Queen n JJove It\ nnumgllrdner Jerome, l iiior, h Ita B ChClituut llnumgnrullcr Johu, Javol'or, h al hack of N Queon LeI IJ<lIUOU Jlaumgaruner Thomns, It 103 N Duko ljaumgnrtner Jerome (14'. Schnoidor &, Co,), ]~ Chestnut 11 tho depot, h US Jl~ Chestnut Jlaumillcr Daniel (Baumillcr & Taltz), Chm'lotto 0 Orango, h do IJfI\\IlIiller,T()llll, late dihtillcr, 11 Orauge c Charlotto ljl\ulllillcl' & Wultz, cal'poutel's, Charlotto u Orango ljlluslllllll Ann 1\1., h 188 1': Killl{ lla~ill111l (Jl\thnritw, II It;H N Killl{

79 J)] Itr.CTOH\', nll.ymount v11lentinc, pl11gtcrcr, h N l'l'incc ab JamCH ImAIIM JOlIN Do, grocer, W KiJlg, h Prince bel Chest. nut neal Charles G., wood.yard, S 'Yater c Vinc, h \V King n Mary. Ilenm Abraham T tailor, h Orange n Charlotte Ilel\m Ann, will. John, 11 ()2 S Queen Ileam Samuel 'r., Rexton, h Market n OJ'llnge Iknm 'l'heodore l\i., moulder, h Market 11 Orango Ileam \Villinm, painter, 11 ]>rinco n.tames Ileal' ]~liznbeth, wid. Andrew, h N Queen cor IJcmon near Emma, fnctory, bdr Stnr house, N <llll'llll Bear Jacob, ca'binet mokor, 72 N Qucen, 11 do Bear Samuel C clerk, bds Lechler's hotel ncnr<l Nicholas, cnrpenter, h Prince bel Lemon Bentes Charles, Into agent, h \V Chestnut n Mal'Y Beales WUlillm (Hev.), h \V King lib S Water InmJJ14~H GI~01l0B C cooper, I' 25 N Queen, h ()f) N Queen Bechtholtz Martin, Inborer, h High n Strnwberl'y Beck CharloR, bricklayer, n Lancaster Ccmetery Gnte Bcck lwzn, seamstress, It S Queen. Beck Blizl' A., h 18 S Dulw Beck J. Augustus, marble cutler, W Ol'ange bel N Queen, h 80mo Beckor Daniel, shoemaker, h Locust 11 HO('kland ljecker l'hilip, Cllrpenter, blls Jacl{ilon houso Beckot James, baker, h W Clll'slnut 1\ Arch al Hecket Jnmell, lahol'er, h r W King n Mulberry BeecllCr Samuel \V., hartclhlor, National hollso Beechy Georgo, shoemakor, h,w g Cho!ltJlut Bohm ChriRtillnn, varioties, W Killg 0 Mulhol'1'Y, h N Princo fib Chestnut Behringer IJudwig, cnrponl<h', Omngo n M:lI'Y Boitzel Chnrles 11' labol'ci', h Princo COl' Lemon Boll Willinm, (]rover, W Orllngo c Mulheny Bendel' Alldrew, IIIborel', It IIigh n Lore Ia Bondol' Benjomin S., Into tailol', h!)~ Duke Bonder Ohristiau, grocer, \V King 11 ])nn\'l\rt BOl\ller David, clerk, btl!! Lechh1l!! hotd Bendel' Fortlillalll), lahorel', It Frihllrg 11 Low H:nlllol FI'l\uciH, ClIrpontC'r, h N Queon all,jii\ilcii HelHlol' John, tltrl'hhing l1i[\cltinc;-;, h N Qucl'n 11 g Lomoll

80 uo T,AXCAS'fEIt 1Jen<1er rayne G, (Sprecher &Co.), 20 N Queen, h 30 S Duko JJoncdiet George F., plasterer, h N Mulberry n 'V Chestnut JJenedict Helll'Y F., plasterel', h Lime n H. It Benedict.John, clerk, h 200 B King JJenedict John IJ., plasterer, h 20U B King 1Jenedict.John Philip, h 217 I~ King JJcnedict Samuel, plasterer, It IVD l~ King JJencdiet 'Villiam 11., machinist, h 200 l~ King ljengcl Conrad, butcher, It Church al n ljime JJenjalllin Hannah, teachel', It uj N Duke lscllnewit Henry, laborer, It Mulberry n IJomon ljensel Petel', cabinet maker, It Lemon al n Vino ljcnson Charles D., h Vinc bel JJulberry Benson James, clerk, It Vi no bel MullJelTY ljensoll Jamc~ IJ', blacksmith, It Vine bel Mulberry JJernhard George, h High n Strawberry ljcrnhard John, laborer, It High n Stmwbcrry ljernheimer!)ltilip, laborer, h 212 ~Iiddle Berson Joseph, Rtudcnt, h W Chestnut n Mulbel'l'Y ljcrtz Jacob, tmder, h Chal'1otte n JJcmon ljcst John {Best & Axer), boilermaker, h 10f) Chestnut JJES1' & AXEH, boiler makers, in alloy bet N Queen and Duke, nb Chestnut. llctz.rncob, carman, h Uocklnnd ab High llctz Philip, cartman, h Factory road n IJo\V JJcurle George, laborer, h 22G Middlo Beuttel David, carpenter, h Dorwart n l\ianor llover Joseph, peddler, h al bet B King allti B Ol'l\llgo Bieket n'ederick, laborer, h 145 Middle Uickham J~ugcllia H., wid. Martin, h N Duke hel IJclllon 1Jickham Stephen G., Into dry goods, h N Duko bel Lemon Bier Margaret, h 20 S Queen ljierly 'Vilhclmina, weavor, S Que:m n Conestoga JJiggs Henry, shocmaker, h N James n Ii'rederick lliggs Hemy C. (Kendrick &, Diggs), plumber, 32 N Queen, Chestnut ljihl J\llton, laborer, h North 11 JJong al ljindler Mathias, laborer, h IU5 S Queen Bissell Dennis 'V., sup. No. 3 ~Iill, Prince Jlis~inger h 5 Doughter's row, S George, grocer, 2i3 S Prince, It f'amo JJis::Iinger.Johan11es, horse dealer, h N Water n 'V King

81 mnf.ctony. fi7 Ritner Abrahnm, lato {'hnir mnker, h N Queen nb Chestnut Bitner Ann, wid. Jacoh, Ii Mary II 'V King Bitner Catharine K, grocery, N Queen nb ChORlnllt, h do JJitncr Charles A. (.T. H. llitrier &. Brothcr), N Quccn ab Chcstnut, h N Quecn 3d Ilb Chestnut Bitner John H. (J. H. Bitner & Brother), N Qucen nb Chestnut, h do lll'l'ngn,i. It &, RUOl'IIEn, trnnsportation ngents, N Queen ab Chestnut Dittinger Howard, student, h Mnry n \V King Bitzer l~dward, farmer, h I~ Orange n Plum Ulnek Dorothy lwzabeth, h 'V James n Queen IJlnek James, lnwyer, r King N side nb Duke, h 105 T~ Kin#( Il)ack John, contractor, h N JJime cor Orango Black \Villiam C., bds Cooper's hotol mack Willinm II., Into contraotor, h Orango n JJimo Ulnnkmeir Martin, enrpentor, h Locust u UocJdnnd Blanks John S., silver pinter, 45 'V King, h samo IJ)cHsing l>hilip F., bnker, 56 S Queen, h do IJlickenderfer Edwnrd, clerk, bds 'Vashington hotel BLICKI~NDl~lU'EH IIl~NRY, hotel, N Queen c 'V Walnut, h do. RJickcnderfer James, nccountant, bds 'Vashington hotol llliekenderfor William, enrpnter, bds \Vnshington hotel Ulizard Jacob, laborer, h N Princo n Jamcs IJlottenburger Harriet, senmstress, h North c IJOng al Blumenstock Christopher, mnson, h Mnnor n Millerstown pike JUulllenstock Christophel', bricklayer, h High n J.lOVC 11\ IJlumer A. A., student, bds 54 N Queen Iloaa Jacob, cartmun, h N Charlotto n 'Vnlnut IJoas \\'illiam, frinter, h Muuor n Dorwart BOAS,rILL AM, jun., segnr maker, h ~fanor bot \V King nnd tho bridge Ilochm August, laborer, bds N Qucen 0 \Yalnut Bolan Mary, wid. Patrick, h Beavcr n Germlln BlIlbach llernhnrd, laborer, h N Watcr n James ]lolenius A. 'V., boots nnd ShOCfl, (i N Qucen, It U S Quecn IJolIman John, bdng house, N Quccn n W Lp.lllon, h do JJombard Jacob, laborer, h al bet W Chestnut nnd 'Valnut 1) N 'Yater Romberger Georgc II., scrivcner, h S W cor centre SfJ

82 fi8 ljombergcl' Jacob, laborer, nl bot Wntcr nnd ~IulLcrrj' bel 'Ylllnut ljomherger.john, lnte tllilor, h 8D EKing IJombergcl' Samuel, clerk, h 32 S Duko llomberger William '1'., dl'y good~, 72 EKing. h :'lalllo Bondle Mary A., flhoclindcl', N Qurcn II Frcdl'J'i('k 130nine Jnne, wid. mias, h W-t S Queen n the Cemetery 130nine ~'holl1as W., em'ponter, h 24 E (lermllll Boohar Jncob, miller, h Beaver 0 Andrew llook John (col'd), Inborer, h IJow n Strnwberry ljoos BenrJdict, laborer, h High n Strawberry Ilooi'! John, segal' maker, It High Let Strnwbcl'l'.Y allli Alley Booso Anna M., domestie, Washington hotel Booth Andrew, moulder, h Mulberry n.jnmes Booth John, locksmith-, h MulLerry n James ljopp Adnm, shocmnkor, h Kurtz nl n li~ Walnut Uapp Jncob, shoemuker, h Kurtz al n ]~ Wnlnut Borger George M., shoemaker, h 218 Middle IJoring John D., carpenter, h N Queen n 'V James 130rter J. n., laborer, h nb W Walnut in al back of N Queen 130rter Mnrtin, laborer, h Church n Church al 130stiek Joseph A., moulder, It N Duko n Chestnut ljoston ]~lijah (col'd), barber, W King 11 Murket sq, h Mulberry n Chestnut Boston Uobert, hairdresser, N E cor Centro sq, h Orange n Plum Douder David, laborer, h B Orange nann IJouder J onnthan, h Ann c ]~ Orange 130ughnn Jnmes, laborer, h IOD MiJJlo 130uringer I.'rederick, bricklayer, h -Walnut n 1\JulbclTY BOWEHS A~IOS K., ngricultural implements, l' ~aa s Queen, h 233 S Quccn JJowers Gcorge K., millwright, 11 N Queen 11 ]~ IJelllon 130\\'ers Jacob, grocer, 13D S Queen, h Jo ljowers Jacob H., suddletrecs nnd blacksmith, Church n Rockland, h Vine n Limo JJowers SUSl\U, wid. Jacob, candy, S Queen n Anu, h llfilo Bowker J. A., licgar maker, bds f';tar houhe, N Queen Bowman Amos, clerk, h B King nann Bowman Benjamin, clerk, h S Queen 11 Love Ill. Bowman Christinn, Lre\\,e\', h ~Illnor Jl W King Bowman Daniel B., h Prince Let Orat.lge nnd Chestnut Bowman Daviu, carpentcl', h Beaver c JIagel'

83 I, / I JHllF.C'fOn~. Bowm:m Ocorgo, eul'pcntel', h 12 1 S Qucen.'.' Bowman tjohn, butcher, h N Queen ab Jamcs BowlIlan JlJscph, lumll'r, It B King nb Ann ljowlilnn Tiyuin A wid. Charles, h North n Lon~ aj Bowmun Martin, cooper, It High Lrt 111)\'0 la nnd Strawberry Bo\vmnn Sallluel, Hev., It N Duke ab Orungo ljowmnn Sarah,,vid. l~pllrllilll, It Chmch n J)uko ljowman 1'hcmpson, painter, h Conestoga n Heavel' llowmnn Wushington, laborer, h Manor n DOI'wint ljowm:m Willinm, carponter, h Church n J~ King JJoyd James, baker, h g OrnllAe Jl Shippen Boyd Mary Ann, h N Queen nb TiernOn BOJes.1. \V., conch painter, bus Engle hotel r Boylo Catharine, wid. Frands, h S ' ater bot I(illg II liti Vine Boylo George Ii dispatcher, h Hnrt',our~ pike n MuJlJel'l'Y Ho.)'lo Geol'go S., wutclllllun, h back St Jallles J~Jlisc chun;h Hoyle Hugh,' engineer, h lob Chestnut Hoyle Hose AnD, wllshing, h Beuver n Andrew Brabson William P., laborer, h 20D S Queen JJrndy G. S., baker, 70 B Kin~, h do lhtady JACOB P., agent for Manny's combined reaper nnd mower, Wood's improvement, 37 N Queen, h Mount. joy ljrady James, wood yard, Church n Vine, h do ljragillour Hobert, student, bds 34 N Queen ljrandt Henry, peddler, h W Vine bot Wator nnd SlrawLelTY lkannon John, carrenter, h GOl'man n tho mills lh'audrick Joltn, polisher, h N Queen n IJClllon llrccht Jacob, carpenter, h S Prince nb German Urecht Michnel, lnborer, h S!'l'inco n German Ureen John, wooel turner, h noon's al n N Duko llrelllmer George, painter, h Church n Vino BrenClilan Abrahnm N., boots, shoes, &c., N B COl' CClltro squnre, h l~ King cor Shippen Breneman Adam, coppersmith, h 3J B German Breneman Anna, wid. Abraham, 8 S J)uke Brenemnn n. Franklin, paper warehouse, 20 B King, II N Limo n l~ Orango Breneman Charles A., clerk, It 15 }~ King Breneman Christian II., paper, 20 B King, h N Lime n J<: Ol'llllgo ljrcnelulln C. K. (Breneman &, ~lillich), Ii Prince ab W Killg

84 .(30 1,,\r\CASTIm Brenemnn ] ~tlwal'd, clerk, It If> B King Brenemnn Edward de \V., lbodienl student, It N ]~ cor Ceotro squaro Br.eneman Geor~o F., lawyer, 5 N Du~~c, h 15 EKing Brcnemnn Josephine, h 128 l\iidtllo Breneman P. K., dry goods, 15 ]~ King, It do Urencnuln 'Villinm A., clerk, h ]'i Kin~ ab Centro sq Dltl~NBMAN &, M]NIClI, l!ulton Hall hotol, Prince nb 'V King Brenon Joseph 'V., bartender, h N Queen bel Lemon Urennan Joseph, shoemaker, h N Quecn nb 'Valnut ]Jrenncr Abrnham G., h 'V Chestnut. n Mulberry Brenner Charlos K, crrpenter, h S Qucen bel IJove 1[\ llrenner Henry, bds Sorrel Horse hotel Urenner Honry IJ., carpenter, h Vino n Church ]3renner John, lale farmer, It W King n1\1ano1' Urcnnor Margaret, wid. IJcwis, h Villc n Church 13ricker E'Inn, lnboror, h IJelllon n N I'rinco ljricker John, saddler, h Lemon n N Prince Bricker SRmuel M., clerk, h IJclllon n N Prineo Briem John, lnborer, h 4 Church Driem Wilminn, weaver, h.. Church 13rien Dorothy, wid. Edward, h 165 B King ]3rigonier Hobert C., sh1dent, bds 34 N Queen IHULIJ MAUTIN, United Statcs hotel, 33 S Queen Drill I?ranz, brushllluker, h al bet Mary aud Munol' 13rillhnrt Joseph, segars, 'V King n Marl, h do ljrimmer Andrew, segarmaker, h 206 lthddlo 13l'immer Frodel'iek, buker, h N Queen nl> Frodcl'ick Urimmer George, painter, h Church n Vino ]3ril11Uler Joseph, clerk, hill N Duko ]3rimmer Joseph (John l!'. Long & Co.), 5 N Queen, bdh l\liehaol's hotel. Drinkman lienry, machinist, h al bet Mnlberry and Chestnut Brinkmnn Henry, tautler, h 147 Chestr.nL 13rinkman 'Villinm, lnborer, 11 lleav,:( n Hazel l3rintnall Josepb, oyster saloon, 11 'V l{ing n Mulberry Drintner Joseph, o)'swr snloon, under the I>oat Office, h W King adj Hising Sun hotel Drintner Mary, b Middlo n Hocklnnd 13rinton IInnnnh 'V., physician, 34 N Queen, bus same lldnton William 1>., lawyer, S Queen bcli~'ountain Ir.n

85 DIRECTORY. 01 Urist()r Bliznbeth A., domestio, h S Prince e Vino Urock Conrad, laborer, h 'V Orange n Mllry Brock Jacob, gunsmith, h Lafayette n StrawberJ'y llrock John, butcher, h 14 Middle Brock John, plasterer, h Lnfayette n Strnwberry Brock J. I>., sh.oemaker, h Orange n Plum IJrodcrick John, gunsmith, h li'rederick n N Prince llrodheeker John, coopor, r 100 Middle, h RaOle IJrooko ~Iatthew 1\1., machinist, h N Mulborry n Orango IJrookloy Joseph, laborer, h nl bet James and Lemon IJrooks Bmanuol, oabinet-moker, h 3-1 S Queen IJrooks James, hatter, h 28 ]~ German Brooks John, weaver, h 40 Middlo IJrooks Susan, wid. George, h 46 1\liddle ljrooks 'Villinm P., shoemaker, 2 N Queen, h 40 Middlo Droom Daniel, laborer, h N Queen n James IJroom John Z., plasterer, h W King n Mary IJroomo IJarnes, plnsterer, h Jamos n Mulberry nrobchnrd Jncob, boiler-maker, h Holland turnpiko IJrosius 1\1. Louis, clerk, h B Ornnge n Shippen Drown Daniel, laborer, h Beavor n Andrew Drown Dauiel, shoemaker, N Queen bel James, h samo IJrown David P., gunsmith, h 125 Chestnut Drown Edwin H., cashier, h B King c Duke llrown Elizabeth, seamstress, h Strawberry n High nrown l~rnest, plasterer, h Dorwnrt n Manor Drown l?rnnklin II., accountant., h 15 EKing nrown George (ool'd), ostler, h North n IJong al Drown Georgo 'V., paintor, N Queen n 1\liehaol'g hotel, h W Chestnut c N 'Vater Drown John, laborer, Ii Dorwart n Manor Brown John, Rhoomnker, h Ornngo n Charlotte JJrown John, watchmaker, 30 N Queen, h Prince bel Orange Drown J osepa, lato shoemaker, h Dorwart n Mnnor nrown Joseph, jun., whitm;mith~ h Dorwnrt n Mnnor Drown J. G. L., tailor, 10 N Queen, h Hnrrisburg pike ]lrown St<lphen S. (col'd), barber, h Low n Hocklnnd BROWN 'V. 'V., lawyer, 21 N Duke, h same Drubach l?riederich, cabinot-maker, \V King 0 Mulberry, h same Brubaker George, lawyor, 18 N Duke, It 'V Orango cor Charlotto o

86 62 LANCAST};n J~rubaker Rowland II. (Sprecher &, Co.), 2D N Queen, h Sprecher's hotel Brucker J obn, boiler-maker, h NortIt 11 J.long al llrueckner Adam, laborer, h Low n nockland Brueekner Adam, jun., laborer, h J.lOW n Uockland Bruederly Joseph, shaking forks, h Beavor n Conestoga Bruck John, basket-maker, h Strawberry 0 Low Uruner Peter, c~rpentor, h N Queen n Jamcs J~rungard I>hrobe A., h 91 Chestnut JJrunnor Casper, handscrewb, h N Queen nb Ches(nut Brunner Casper, jun., edgo tool maker, h li'ulton n I>lum Brunnor Jacob, handscrew-makor, h N Quecn ab Chestnut Brunner Mary, wid. Casper, h 170 Middlo Brunner I)eter, carpenter, h N Queen n I1'l'edorick Urunner!>eter, scrow-maker, h N })rillcc n W Chestnut Uryan Annie, milliner, bds National houso Ul'yan Ellen, h Mulberry n.jatllcb ljrynn 1'holllas, laborer, It Mulberry n James IJr)'son I>hrobo A., wid. James II., trimmings, 71 EKing, It sarno Bryson ~usnn Mo, school, 'V King ab 'ater, h 71 EKing J~ubb John, Into miller, h S Prineo n Andrew Uubb John, saddler, h 201 EKing Buohannon William, bricklayer, h r 4D S Quecn Buohmiller Robert, eutlory, 51 N Queen, h samo IJuekius Charles, shoemaker, h 'V Chestnut n N Water Buckius George, sitoomaker, h 95 Chestnut :Buckius Henry, shoemaker, h 'V Chestnut n N 'Vater IJuckius William, laborer, h Mulberry n James JJuckius William, lato shoemaker, h N }>rinco ab Chestnut IJuckwnltor Benjamin, coal, Graff's landing, bds Ii'ountain Inn. Uudd Otho W., student, bds 54 N Quecn Buger Conrad, laborer, h Middle n S Queen JJumgnrdner Jerome, carpenter, 1 13 B Chcstnut nunce George, mason, h Lemon al n Church al Bundel Catharine, wid. Jacob, h,v King n Mary Bundel Mary, h N Queen nb 11'rederiek Dundle Henry, carpenter, Alloy n 'V Chestnut h 'V Chest. nut n Arch al Burdett John, laborer, b Mulberry n the n. R. nurdith John, laborer, Mulberry n It. It bridge IJul'g Jacob, 8ho.cwakcr, h Church al Il Duke.

87 I>TRECTOny. 03 Bur~ JJCwis, h 8 S Princo Burger Christian, watchman, It N 'Yater n IJemon IJurk Agnes, It IJolV n Freiburg Burk Jacob, shoemaker, It al r 20~ EKing Burns Christian) laborer, h J.lOW n Freiburg nurns mizabeth, h r Middlo n Hockland nurus Thomas, lnborer, bds 70 B King nurus William, carpenter, h 102.Middle Burns ~illinm, laborer, h North n nocklnnll Burr George C., laborer, h IJcaver n Conestoga Durr Hannah, weaver, h S Queen n Concstoga 1Jurr Mary, weaver, h S Queen n Conestoga JJurr Sarah, wid. 'Villiam, Benver n Conestoga Burrowes Harriet, h N Queen cor 'Yalnut IJurrOlves Matilda, h N Queen cor 'Yalnut JJurrowes Thomas D., student at luw, h N Queen cor g 'Walnut nuhhowes THO~IAS II., lawyer, h N Queen e 'Yalllut Uury Grei(ory, laborer, h al n Mary JJushong Israel, student, 74 EKing, h S I...imo IJutler William (col'd), forgeman, h N 'Yater n Lemon nutt'catharine, wid. Jacob, h High n al B)'erIy George, bricklllakor, h Church n S Queen JJJerly John, blacksmith, h Hoeklnnd n Vino c. CAINI~S OSCAR C. 1\1.,!1rchitect, 5 Mnrket sq, h sallle Culnhan Rosinn, wid. Thos., h 20 B German Culahan 'l'homas, faotor~'man, h 20 B German Calder George, jun. (G. Caldor & Co.), Jii Orange 2d llb N Queen, h J~ Orange nb Duko CAJ.lDEIt GI~ORG E & CO., coal office, B Orange 2d nb N Queen, h E Ornnge ab Duke Caldwell Adeline, wid. James, h 195 EKing Camargo l\innufnoturing Co., 20 B King Cameron Mary, wid. John, h Orange n Prince Cammnck.l\Ialvinn, weaver, bels Church n Lemon al Campbell Jeremiah, grocor, W King c Dorwnr~ Campbell John, h nlloy n Duko het Chestnut nnd 'VaJnut Campbell John, limo burner, h W Orauge Jl Mary

88 T,ANOA8TEIl Camphell Jolin, peddler, h al Let B King and B Orango Camphell JJQvi, builder, Manor n Dorwart, h do Campbe)) Mary, wid. Daniel, b 'V!(ing n Columbia pike Campbell Mary, wid. John, h Mauor n 'Y King Campbell Mary Ann, wid. James, h Church -nl n I~enlOn CampbelJ Patrick, ostler, Heese's City hotel CampbelJ Samuel, mason, h 1\Jariettn pike Cunely David, laborer, Mulberry n It It bridge Cllnnich George, carpenter, b Mulberry Capp Andrew, sawyer, It Charlotte e Lomon Carmnn Margaret, h I~w n Freihurg Carney John, blacksmith, b l\jiddlo n!lockland Carpenter A. Jackson, physician, S Queen licxt I~ountain botel, It 69 S Queen Carpenter Emanuol 'V., carpenter, German n S Queen, h do Carpenter IIenry, physician, S Queen next Fountaiu hotol, h do Carpenter James, surveyor, 40 N Duke, It Rame Carpenter John K, planemaker, b 40 S Qucen CAUPBN1'Nn l\licliai,a.j, alderman,!>rince n 'V Kin~ Carpentor Sarah S., wid. Eo 'V., planes and medicines, I' 73 S Qucen, h 73 S Queen CAHP~~N'l'l~n 'VILLTAl\f, conveyancer, 27 E Orange Carr Alice, grocer, 60 ]~ King, h same Carr David, car agent, It al bot Chestnut and W'alnut n 'Vater Carr John, cabinet luak~r, EKing ab Duke, h do Carr John, peddler, h 'V King n Columbia pike Carr Mary, wid. Michael, h W IGng II Columbia pike Carr Patrick, peddler, b \V King n Columbia pike Carrigan Ann, washing, h N Lime n It R. Carroll Bridget, weaver, bds Church 11 S Queen Carroll Catharine, weaver, bds Church n S Queen Carroll.John, laborer, h Mulberry n Lemon Carson l?rnncis, cabinet-maker, b North n Uockland Carson George, tailor, bds German n the miljs Carson Henry G., h 37 B Orango Curson Henry P., brick Jard, Columbia and l\iijlerstown pikes, b Vine n S Water Carson Isaac, grocer, N Queen bel J~emon, h do Carson Susan 1\1., wid. Hobert D. J h 37 B Orango Curter Benjamin (col'd), laborer, 1, North n I~ong al Carter Urinton J., coachmaker, b Washington 11 I~emo11 al

89 DIRECTORY. U5 Cartcr Charlcs F., combmnkcr, Ii 'V James cor Princo Corter l~dward, painter, 13 B Orango, h 20 S Duke Cnrter Samuel, shoemnker, h 'Vashington 0 Lemon al Carter Samuel II. (col'd), musici~n, h 'Vatcr n James CAJlTl~R & DECKJiJH, Carty Patriok, peddler, h 'V James n N Prinel) Casey Patrick, laborer, h Prince n 'Valnut Cnsper Henry, bottler, h S Mulberry opp Bchool houses Casper John, bottler, h S Mulberry opp school houses Casper Joseph, farmer, opp gas works Cassidy Catharine 'V., h 30 S Queen Cassidy J>atrick, physician, h 30 S Queen Chamberlin Mary K, mineral waters, 'V King 0 Mulberl'.)' Chambers Andrew, comb cutter, h N Princc ab Lemon. Chambers Georgo, combmaker, h N Prince n IJomon Chambers James, combmaker, h Harrisburg pike n 'Vater Champnoys D., lawyer, 1,1 B King, h do Champneys ll., jun., toller Lanc,llster County Dank, Ii 11 EKing Champncj's Bo, lawye., 14 B King, h do Channoll Ann M., wid. Joseph C., h I>rince ab Chestnut Ch:lnnell Anna M., h 20 S Queen Channell James M cabinet-maker, h 20 S Queen Charles John A. (David Dair & Co.), 11 E King, Ii DO B!(ing Chary Patrick, lnborer, h 'Vater n Vine Cherry Patrick, lnborer, h S 'Yuter 2d door Vino ChiJIns Cntharine, wid. Johu It, h Orange u Ann ChiJIus James II., mouldor, h H7 EKing Christ Jacob, cabinetmuker, 'V King n S Water, Ii do Christ John, bnker, 22 S Queen, h sarno Christ Rudolph, loomfixer, h S l>rince n Andrew Christbach John, cabinet-maker, h Columhia n Orango Clnney Hichard~ laborer, h ]~ Vine n Lemon al Clapp Daid, student, bus 56 N Quecn. Claro John, plough-muker, h Fulton n l>lumb Clark Alfrcd T., patent agent, h 222 EKing Clark Daniel (eoi'd), portor, h Beaver n Hazel Clark l~uwill, flour mills, h N JJimo n E Orange Clark Juliana, widow, school, h SLime n Vi no Clark Walter T., overseer, German Clark 'Vashington, teachr, 20 S Queen Clarke Thomas, currier, h Mary n W King 6*

90 66 LANCASTER Clarkson Gerardus, prothonotary clerk, h fib Duke Clarkson Joseph, clerk, h 180 EKing Clarkson Hohert, cashier (John Guiger & Co.), h S T,illle n Church al Clarkson Susan, wid. Gcrnrdu~, II 18D EKing Clawcau Andreas, shoemaker, h Mulberry n James Clayfcnce Charles, laborer, h High n StrawbelTY Cleckner Mary Ann, h E Orange n I,ime Cline Peter, dealer, h Chestnut Cflst of Prince Clinger Abraham J., potter, 11 \V King n ~lanor ClingIer Yalentine, labore,', h al n Mary Clinton John D., <lop. clerk Quarter Sessions, h \V Orange n Charlotte Clapp Jacob, factorylllan, h Hea\'er n Hazel Clullllich George, laborer, h Manor u Dorwart Coby Margaret, 11 los l\lilldle COCIlHAN JOlIN J., editor Lancaster Union, Centre sq, h 72 N Duke COCIIUAN 1'IIO)IAS E. (and John J.), euitor I,ancaster Union, Centre square, h York, Pa. Cock ley David, II 55 ]~ King COGLEY ANDHEW J., tinsmith, N Queen ab Chestnut., h James n N Queen Cogley Joseph, printer, h Prince bel Tiemon Cole Abraham, tanner, b(h Keystonl,} taveru Cole Mary, wid. JJivy, II rater n James Coleman Culvin R, clerk, bds Franklin houso COI,EMAN 1'I-IO~lAS, tailor,,11 ~ N Queen, bjs Franklin house Collertol1 Alice, wid. Michael, h 1'133 EKing Colvin James, late furnaco, h 51 S Duke Colvin Hobert J., Inte hotel, h 51 S Duke Comfort lienry, peddler, h W King r Mariotta piko Compton William, physician, 6-! Duke, h do Conestoga Mill No.1, Prince 0 Gorman Conestoga Steam l\iillno. 2, S Prince anu Conestoga, 'V side Conestoga Steam Mill No.3, S Prince bel German Conestoga Transportation IJille, E Orange ab N Queen Conlan John, Inborer, h nl bet N 'Vater and Mulberry, n 'V Chestnut Conlcy Frederick, brickkiln, Millerstown pike n lloye In, h Dorwart Conloguc John, laborer, h E Orange nann

91 DInECTOny. G7 Conlo~ue.John, jun., watchman, It }J Orange nann Conl.r Patrick, laborer, h ]Jcnvcr n Germau Conne)) Mark, h Orange n Shippen Conner John, laborer, II N Quern 11 Frc<lcriek Connor Lydia, wid. Samuel, h Harrisburg pike n :\Iulbcrry Connor William, marble cutter, h N Queen II Tiemon Conrad Franz, shoemaker, h nl bet Mary nnd Charlotte Conroy John, farmer, h 'Vatcl' n nn~cl Conyngham Elizabeth Y., wid.!tedmond, h S Queen njj l';xpress printing omeo Con)lgham Jasper Y., h S Queen ajj Express printing offico Cook Andrew, machinist, bds Chestnut E:lst of Prince Cook Isaiah (col'd), lahorer, h J~I)W n Strawberry Cook Nancy (eol'd), washerwoman, h Goose II Strawberry Cook Sarah, widow 1 h PrinC'o bel Lemon Cooney John, hborer, bjs L:lmh hotel Cooney Mary c., seamstress, h 21 S Duke Coons John, cart man, h Mulberry n Chestnut Cooper Ann K, wiu. Tohn G., h Duke n Chestnut COOPER C. W., accountant, h Prince e Orange COOP]<~It FHBDEHICK, hotel, W King 11 Market Cooper Geol'ge, J~ieut. U. S. N., h N Lime n B Orange Copelnnd ])hilip, horso dealer, h \Y Orange n N Water Copland John, lager beer, 82 :\Iiddlc, h Sflmo Corcoran Hugh, in the gas works, h S 'Yater bet 'V Vine nnd German Corcoran ])atrick, laborer, h S,Vnter n Vine Cordis Anna 1\1., wnrper, bds B J~elllon n Duke Corey ITnnnah, h Orange c Ann Cormeny Samuel, tnycrn keeper, 283 S Queen Cort Cyrus, student, h W Orango Carts Samuel, farmer, h Heading road Cosgrove Bamey, bricklayer, It B Chestnut opp Union hotel Cosgrovo llriuget, wid. John, It B Chestnut opp Union hotel Cosgrovo Frank, laborer, h Chestnut n Lime Cosgrove James, drover, h N Water n Lemon Cosgrove John, blacksmith, h N Wator n Lelll0n Costello Patrick, laborer, 11 al bot g King and Orange Covel' Sophia, wid. Henry, 11 Mulberry n 'V Walnut Cox llenjamin li'., blacksmi th, It 115 Chcstn ut Cox Josiah, chandler, h Mlllberry 11 'Yalnut Cox Samuel n. (Cox, Dcd~cr & Co), 10 S Dul<c, It 27 E German

92 08 I,,\NCAfiTEH COX 1'IIO:MAS, Conewngo house, Prince ab Chestnut Cox 'Villiam, coachmuker, al bet E ICng IIIHI Orange 11 N Duke, h 60 B King Cox, Deeker &. Co., eaningc makers, ld S Duke Coy George, uriekmakcr, h W King n Mar) Coyl Catharine, domestic, h Orange n Shippen Coyle Dennis, shocmaker, It Church n EKing Coyle James, boot and shoemaker, 2U~ EKing, h do Coyle l>atrick, tailor, h ' German opp No.1 mill Craig Sarah, wid. John, h 128 Middle Cramer William C., student, h W Chestnut bet ~rulberry and N 'Yater. CramlllCl' my, moulder, h Mulberry 11.Tames Crammer JJukc, moulder, h German n the mills Crawford.Tames, carpenter, II 256 ~ Queen Crawford Samuel (Hev.), h Chestnut 'cst of N Qucen Cremer Henry; driver, Heese's City hotel Cremer Joseph, ostler, Heese's Cit.y hotci Crietzinger AuolplJ, tailor, h Beaver 11 Andrew Crise Emma, wid. lienry, Ii W Chcstnut n N 'Yuter Criswell Jacob, bolt cutter, It 117 Chestnut Cronin-, works in gas works, h EKing opp the prison Cross James, h 2:28 ]~ King. Cross J oseph A., turner, h 48 S Queen Crossley.Jacob, cooper, Ii al n Orange bet N Queen and Duko Crosson haiah, h Manor bet W King and Millerstown road Crowthers Reuben, laborer, h al n N r Prince Crumbaugh Susan, wid. John S., h King nb S 'ater Culbart Mar.v, wid. John, It 183 ~ Quecn Cummings ~l'homas (T. & W. Cummings), 21 N Queen, h al n 1GS Princo Cummings William (T. & 'V. Cuml1ling~), 21 N Queen, h 'W Orange c Mary Cummings 1'. & 'V., daguerreotypists, 21 N Queen Cuninghurn Mamgaret, washing, h E Orange nann Cunningham Mary, domestic, h g Orange n Lime Cunningham Simon, watchman, h JIOW n Freiburg Curdy Alexander, laborer, h N Queen ab James Curdy Ann, candies, It r Ornngc n N Water Curio l~rederick C., machinist, h 1~ Chestnut n Plum Currie Charles, shoemaker, h Orange c Ann Curry Christiana, wid. William, h S IJime n Vine Curtis.John, lahorer, It S Prince n Conestoga

93 IHfiECTOfiY. Gf).Daehlcr Cathnrin(', h.:\iiddle n Clmroh nl naeeher George, eoachmnker, h 115 Chestnut Dagle I~ewi8, brickmaker, h Lovo In n II igh Dllhlmun J student, h N Queen n ' Walnut Daily Patrick, ostler, Heese's City hotel Daisz Christopher, grocer, h 22& S Queen Dale Edward, cnrpeutcr, h Mulberry n \Valnut Daly John, laborer, h Lemon n Cllnrlotte Da)y Patrick, laborer, h S Prince n German Da)y Patrick, ostler, Reese's City hotel Da)y l'imothy, late shoemakel', h 57 S Duke J)amast Cornelius, carpenter, h \V Kiuf{ n Columhin pike DameI' Henry, blacksmith, \Ynlnut bet Prince and N Queen, h N Queen bel James llamert Joseph, laboror, It High bet Strawberry and Alloy Dancamp Henry, bartender, at Eo Sprenger's, h High n \V King, Danner Alexander, cabinet-mnker, r N Queen n \Yalnut, h N Queen n Walnut Danner George, bitters,,n \V King, h do Danner George, clerk, bus Fountain Inn Dannel' Mary lj., millinery, 17 W King, h do Danner Mary M., Ii n Queen al \Va)nut Dauner S:lfah S., wid. George, It S Prince n German ])artler J ohan, laborer, h North n Strawberry Darlington :K C., late editor and proprietor Examiner and JIeruld, h N Duke n Jamcs Danner Henry, blacksmith, N Queen bel James Darmstnettcr Adam, h 175 B King Darmstaetfer ]l~lizabcth, wid. Georgo H., It 175 EKing Darmstnctter George H., butcher, I7{) EKing, h samo Danow 'V. Seeger, law stuuent, lxh Fulton house DA Vl~LgU JOlIN, leather and shoe fiudirigs, \\' King bel Prince, bds Columbia pike J)..weler Hcuben (Davc)er & Musser), h Millersville piko ])avclcr &. Musser, tnnners and curriers, 'atcl' bel Ger1ll311 J)u\'cnport Harriet, seamstress, h IH8 Middlu J>uvidson James, laborer, h Uoeklalld n Locust ])avinger John (col'd), laborcl, h 13eaver II Hazel Davis George II., plumber, h Manor bel 'V King &. Dorwart D.

94 70. Ju\NCASTF.R ])avis.mllry, washerwoman, h Bea\'el' n Gorman Davis Mary A., nbst. teacher High School, h W Killf{ n N 'Vatel' Davis Samuel, laborer, h ~IlIlberl'Y n Lcmon Davis 'fhomfls J., student, 'Y Chestnut oet Mulberry anu N \Vater Davis \ViIliam F. })., studont, h W Orange n Charlotte Din-is 'V. V., ])rincipal High School, Prince c Chestnut, h W King n 'Yater Davish Josiah, threshing machines, Spring Garden 11 Wal. nut, h same Davison Joseph M., blacksmith, h 'V James n N Prince ])ay Edward, Indies' shoemaker, h S Prin<.'c c German ])eun Catharine, seamstress, h 14 S!)l'ince ])ean Hannah (col'd), wid. Samuel, h I.ow 1l StrawLeITY Dean l~'rcdel'ick, laborer, h ]]8 ~Iiddle Dean Samuel, soapmaker, h Strawbcl'l'j' n S Queen ])eatrieh Michael, brickmaker, h MallOI' n Columbia Debler James, machinist, h 72 :Middle Debolt John, shoemaker, h Grovestown Decker George (Cox, Decker & Co.), }D S Duke, h Chest. nut n Shippen Decker Jacob, painter, h I...ow n l~reiburg Deen Thomas, salesmnn, Middle Dc Urn'cn, John, briekmakcr, h High n I.o\,c la Dehi! Christian, laborer, h Shippen 0 Chcs(nut De Huff John, h \V King nb S -Water Deichler 1\1., boot and shoemaker, 10 N Queen, h do Dcichler!lhilip, bootmaker, 34 N Queen, h 26 Church DeikeI' John, upholsterel' and lager beer, Military Hull, h Chestnut ]~ of!)rinco Deitrich D. 'V., paper-hanger, h 'Y Orange n CIJUr)otto Deitrich Edward, shoemakel', h 'V King 11 MulLerry Deitrich George, car ngent., h N Queen nb \Valuut J)ellet }>eter, N Queen ab Chestnut, h sarno Delict Susan, h N Prineo cor Lemon DEJ...IJET WILLIAM, confcetionel', G EKing, h same ])ellinger J., dnguerrcotypist, Centre square 11 )Iurkct, bd~ Bxchange hotel Dclzeitz })eter, laborer, h Ueaver 0 Amlrcw Delllund Isaao S. (ncv.), h 24 B Orange Demuth Andrew R, carpenter, h 51 B King Demuth Ann R, w:id, Jacob, h 51 B King

95 mm:ctohy. 71 l)rllluth Caroline, millinery, EKing, h do ])emuth Emanuel K, tobaeconi:,t,.fd EKing, h do Demuth Frederick, shoemaker, S Dnlw Demuth Ferdinand L., salcsman, h 51 EKing Demuth licnry, segar malwr, h Duke II Yinc ])cmuth licnry C tobacconist, h f)l ].~ King Demuth Samuel J., confectionor, 7 E Killg, h Duke n B Kin~ Dengel.\.dam, laborer, It IJow n Strawbcny ])enkalborg Charle!!, butchcr, 11~ Orange n Shippen, h ~alllc Denna Michael, milkman, h IJitiz pike Dennis Henrietta A., widow, h Ohestnut E of Princc Denton Gideon, shoomaker, h r Ol'l1nge nann Denton Martin, shoemakcr, h r Ornnge nann Derby Georgc, combmakcr, h N Prince ab JanlC's ])eredinger Maria, wid. John, washerwoman, h [) W Orango Derr Charles, tailor, h 'Y King n Dorwart Derr John, buteljer, W King II Mulberry, h sallle Dessinger Henry, laborer, h Tater n Lemon Detrich Michael, laborer, It Manor n Dorwart Dovert Amos, bds Prince II 'Vnlnut Dl'~VERTBR 'ILLIA)I, keeper 'oodward liill Cemetery, h Strawberry n High Dibble ]~mmn, school, W King n Dorwart, h do ])IOKEY OLIVER J., lnwyer, S Queen II B Vinc, h samo Dieffenbaehor Cyrus It, student, h 'V Chestnut bet Mulberry nnd Water Diehl Edward, earpentcl', h Mulberry n W Walnut J)iener Adam, laborer, h 'Vnlllut n Chestnut Diener John, clerk, h 74 S Queen ])ictler Philip, shoemaker, Ii 24 Church Dietrich David, machinist., h nl bet E King and Orange ])ietrich Henry, lagor beer, h N Queen adj. engine house, h same Dietrich Henry, segar maker, h Church al n JJemon a1 Dietz Peter, laborer, II Low n FrciLur~ ])iffenbach Ii'crdinand, laborer, h 'V Orange n Mary Diffenderfer Hosinn, wid. William, II ]Jow n Strawberry Diffenderfer 'Villialll, laborer, h JllUlCS n Charlotte Diffinbach Henry W., snlesman, bds Lechler's hotel Diffinbaugh Christian, tan ncr, h 181 B King l>i!l n\)s:~, ivid. Georg(', It ul het N Water and Mulberry n 'V Chestnut

96 72 r.a~carten Diller Frank, carpenter, h N 'Yater Let Orange and Chestnut Diller George, jun., clerk, h S Prince 11 German Di\lrr haae, salesman, h 3 1 S Prince l>iller JJC\'i A., 8alcsman, btls I>rince nb Vine Diller Mary, tencher, h Chestnut c IJime Diller Samuel, coppersmith, DiIlels al n S 'Water, h S ruter n Diller's al DILLER WILLIA1\r, maehildst, Alley bet. N 'Yater and Mulberry, h N Water bet Orange nnd Chestnut Dinan Thomas, chairmaker, h J.Jafuyette n Strawberry Dingelberg Charles, laborer, h 140 l\iiddle Dinglebcrg Vrcdel'ick, butcher, h 13 1 B King Dingclbcrg Philip, carpenter, h 142 Mimlle Discher Frederick, laborer, al bet Mary and Manor Ditlow Adam, carpenter, h Mulberry n CheRtnut Ditlow Uenjamin V., carpenter, h N \Yater n W King ])itlow John, hotel, B King n Court House, h SHIUe Ditlow Joseph, tailor, h 254 S Queen Ditlow Heuben, bartender, h 107 Chestnut Ditmars Abrahnm D., lawyer, h 31 E Orange Dittmann Casper, cabinet-maker, h High n Strawberry Ditto \V. S., student, bds 3-1 N Queen Dittus Friederich, porter, h Mulberry n Lemon Dittus l\inrgarctta, wid. Christian, h Mulberry n JJemon Dittus William, butcher, h 30 Church Dixon George, tailor, h Church n S Quecn Doak Mary, h Middle n S Queen Doble Francis, ragpicker, L Hnrrisburg pike n Mulberry Dobler Mary, wid. George, \V Orange n Prineo Dm]ge William K (Dodge & Co.), 4 Market sq, h Baltimore I)odge & Co., dyers, 4 Market square ])oeblcl' Catharine, wid. Edward G., h 207 Middle Doerle Heinrich, shoell1n~er, h Locust n Hocklantl ])oerr Charles, flour and fecd, h Vine n Duko Doerr William, cooper, h Mary n W Orange Doer5h John IJ., pnper-hanger, h E V;ne n Duke Dolfln Peter, powder horn, h W King ab S Water Doman Frnneis, machinist, h J.Jow n Freiburg DOUlmel August, baker, h Frederick n N Queen Donaghcy John, laborer, h LCl110n al n \Ynshington ])onllghy JIIUles, ovcrseer, h Ilime n Chestnut ])onaghy John, soxton, h 13 S Duke Donaghy William 'V., weaver, h Middle II S Queen

97 DIREOTORY. 73 Donas Catharine, wid. ::illiam, h Millerstown pike Donas Henry, carl \an, h 11~illerstown pike Donnelly Alice, wi t John, h '\1 r Tremont hotel Donnelly Bridget, '. 182 EKing Donnelly James, uvern, N Queen nb Chestnut, h samo Donnelly J oln, drc. 7er, h Orango n Plum Donnelly John, lab, rer, h 109 Chestnut Donnelly Neil, stree Ii commissioner, h Middle n EKing Donnelly Patrick, 11 al r 'l'remont hotel Donnelly S. Poter; tailor, 65 N Queen, h IlIum bet EKing and Orange Doran Barblra, weaver, bds German n S Queen Darley Alexander, carpenwr, h St. Joseph n Strawborry Dormer Henry, stripper, h 'V King n Mary Dorner Frederick, currier, h 130 EKing Dorr Philip, laborer, h S Prince n Andrew Dorr Philip, laborer, Churoh n German ' Dorwart Benjamin K., machinist, Harrisburg pike n Water Dorwart Charles, oonfectioner, h W ~alnut n Water Dorwart Charles, segar maker, h Low n Strawberry Dorwart Emanuel, grocer, W James n Water, h do Dorwart Emanuel, shocm&'mr, bds Churoh e Lomon nl Dorwart Frederick, chairmaker, h al bet 'V James and W Lemon Dorwart Frederick, shoemaker, h Harrisburg pike n \Vat{)r Dorwart George, laborer, h N Queen ab James Dorwart Henrietta, h Orange n Lime Dorwart Jacob, moulder, h N Prince ab Lemon Dorwart Jacob, tinsmith, bds N Queen ab Chestnut Dorwart John, butcher, h N Prince n James Dorwart John, hotel proprietor, N Prince 0 James Dorwart John, plastorer, h W James bel Queen Dorwart John, shoemaker, h Church 0 Lomon nl Dorwart Jonathan, clerk, h 1R5 EKing Dorwart Joseph, laborer, h Harrisburg pike n Water Dorwart Joseph, snddler, h Princo n Andrew Dorwart Margaret, wid. Frederick, h Mulberry n Jamc~ Dorwart Martin, moulder, h James n N Prinoo Dorwart Martin, plasterer, h W James n N Queen Dorwart I'. H., olerk, h E Orange n Limo Dorwart Sarah E., milliner, h Harrisburg pike n Prince Dosch Jerome, plaswrcr, h Strawberry n Oooso 7

98 74 LANCASETR Dostman John P., lager beer saloon, 11 :Miller's row, h 117 N Duke Dostman John P., jun., enr builder, h Duke ab 'Yalnut DOS1'MAN JONAS, car factory, N.Prince 11 R. R, h lnmlon n R. It Doudel George, Inborer, 'White Horse hotel J)ougherty Andrew, laborer, h 80 Middle Dougherty Bridget, h 13D B Chestnut Dougherty Catharine, domestic, W Kiug bel Centre SfJ Dougherty Hannah, wid. John, h Jamcs c Harrisburg pike Dougherty Hngh, drover, h Orange n Shippen Dougherty Hugh, cupola tender, h 145 ];j King Dongherty John S. (Elias Barr & Co.), 31 EKing, h N Lime ab King Dougherty Margaret K, h R Quecn 11 Love In.Dougherty 1\Iary, factory girl, IJds Strawberry 11 R Qucen Dougherty Rodger, laborer, h W German n Priuce Dougherty 'fhoullls, laborer, h B Chestnnt opp Union hotel DOllgherty 'Villiam, h Lime II Chestnut Downey David, drover, h Mulberry 0 J.lelllon Downey David, salesman, h N I..Iime n tho R. It Downey.miza, wid. William, h N Prince n 'V Chestnut Downey Joseph ll, med. student, h Mulberry c Lemon Downey Samnel, lato drover, h Mulberry c Lemon Downing 1'homas, drover, bds Keystono hotel Doyle Michael, laborer, h r Mulberry n N James Doyle Philip, waiter, h Shippen c Orange Drnchbar Heinrich, mason, h 170 Middle Draper 'Villiam, hairdresser, }j King nb Queen, h 5 'Yalnnt Drnude Daniel, butcher, 14 S ])rince, h sallle Drepperd Andrew, gunsmith, h 'V King 0 Mulberry Drcpperd Henry, segar maker, h 'W King II Dorwart Drepperd John, gunsmith, 'V King c ~lulbcrry, h sume Drcpperd John, jun., gunsmith, h S Prince n German Dressler Anthony, lubor\lr, h High n Strawberry Dressler Gerhart, IlhocDlaker, h Hj~h n Strawberry Droesbach Christian, tanner, h \Y 'Valnut n Mulberry Drorbough Jacob G., painter, bds Stur houso, N Queen Druckamiller John II., clerk, h Lime n Lemon Druckmcry Jacob, plasterer, h German n Church Druckmiller Edward, plasterer, h Lime n IJemoll Druckmiller Jacob, h IJime n IJC/llon Duchman John H., restaurant, 69rN Queen, h 65 snmo

99 DIRECTORY. 75 Ducket Ambrose, mason, h High n al Duescher Elizabeth, wid. Hodolph, h Manor n 'V King Dueseher Samuel, lager beer, Manor n 'V King, h sarno Dugan John, carpenter, h 2Hl S Queen Dugan Sarah, washing, h 2Hl S Queen Dunbar Benjamin, laborer, h 22 Duke Duncan William P. (Duncan & Stoner), bookseller and stn. tioner, Centro SfJ, bds Prince e W King DUNCAN & SrOKEH, booksellers and stationers, Centre square Dunkleberg Charles, cooper, 11 Middle n Stonyal Dunkleberger Philip, carpenter, h Middle 11 ltockland Dunn Isaac, mason, h Mulberry n JJcmon Dunn Jane, baker, 'V Mulberry n Lomon, h samo Dunn Thomas, helper, h Chestnut n Grovestown Dush Matthias, peddler, h Orango n the prison Duzel Michael, laborer, 11 Love In 11 Manor Dwyer John, ostler, Merrimac house Dwyer Margaret, domestic, Merrimao house Dwyer Mary> wid. Duniel, h Prince bel Lemon Dwyer 1\hry A., domestic, h Prince bel Lemon Dysart Erfmund, student, h Charlotte n 'V King Dysart JaMes P., watchmaker and jeweller, 10 'V King, h N Prince n W King Dysart John, saddler, h Charlotte n 'V Orange Dysart Robert, late butcher, h Charlotte n 'V Orange Dysart Hohert 1\1., salesman, h N Prineo n 'V King Dysart Thomus J., sign nnd ornamental painter, 6 E Orange, h same Enler ljowis 'Y., gunsmith, 11 'Walnut n ~ Water Eastwood John, welwer, h Conestoga c UCl\ver Eberhard Elijah, student h N Queen n 'V Lemon l%orle Gottfried, shoemaker, High n Love la, h same l~~berlo N. B., accountant, h Red Lion hotel J%erly Adam D., student, bds 'V Chestnut n Mulberry l%erly David 1\1., clerk, h 'V James n N Prince Eberly IIenry, painter, h 4! Middlo Eberly Margaret J., milliner, 80~ N Queen, h Lemon Eberly Michael, coachmuker, h Vine n Duke E.

100 76 LANCASTER Eberly Samuel, laborer, h,v Tiemon n Prince }~berman Agncs, trimmings and varieties, 80 N Queen, h Prince cor Walnut Ebermnn A. M., widow, h 39 E Chestnut Eberman Chnrles F., watchmaker and jeweller, 49 N Queen, II \V Chestnut n Mulberry r,. :Eberruan Charles W., clerk, II 11 King Eberman Daniol F., marble cutter, h 41 ]~ Chestnut EbermaIt :Edward 1\1., clerk, h 14 S Duke Eberman Elizabeth, wid. Jacob, h Vine n Church EbcrmBn Henry A gunsmith, bds Vino n Church l!~berman Jacob, marble cutter, h 39 E Chestuut Eberman John J., laborer, bds Prince n Chestnut Eberman Joseph, watch aud clockmaker, II N Prince ab Chestnut Ebermnn Maria R, scamstres~l, bds Prince n Chestnut }~berman Peter G., segar store, 11 W King, h do Eberman Pet,:r G., jun., jeweller, h 13 B German Eberman Sarah E h 14 S Duke Ebner John, machinist, h E Chestnut n Plum Ebpinger David, laborer, h Vine bd Duke Eby Elias, bartender, h 79 Chestnut EBY SIMON P. (Heisler & Bby), lawyer, 38 N Duke, bds Sprecher's hotcl. Echternacht Nicholas, shoemaker, h 11'2 Middle }lckcnrittcr George, tanner, h Manor n tho bridge Eckert John, carpenter, h 101 Chestnut Eckert John (Rev.), b 'V Kin~ n Mary Eckert Leonard, bartender, h W King n Dorwart Eckley Conrad, turner, b r 'V King 11 Mary Eckman Henry, shoemaker, h E I,emon n Duke Eckman Jacob, carpenter, h 32 Ohurch Eckman Mary, wid. Isaac, h 301 S Prince Eokstein Joseph, paper box and trullkmaker, h Prineo ab James Eden Charles, confeotioner, 'V King 0 Prince, h do Edgar JameH, sawyer, h Denver n Hager Edgar Martha, wid. James, h Deaver n Hager }Jdgerloy J.Jivy, bricklayer, h N Water n Jumes Edgerly Edward (Edgerly & Purvin), Church al n Duke, bds N Queen EDGERLY & PARVIN, eoachmnkcrs, Churoh al n Duke JiJdgley Eliznbeth C., wid. h N Queen bel Walnut

101 DJRECTOflY. 77 J~dwnrds Charles, grocer, J~ King 0 Church, h sarno Edwards Mary A., millinery, 221 S Queen, h sawe ]~fferley John, shoemaker, h Prince 11 Hazel Ellinger ttaeob, pnttcrnmaker, h 'V King n I~emleys\'illc Effinger Jacob, porterhouse, 'V King n Dorwart, h do Ehleider Valentine, laborer, 11 Rockland n High ]~hler C. A., clerk, h 17 N Duke ]~hler Daniel It, h 23 E Orange ]%10.. George, shoemaker, h Church n Vine l~hler Henry, segar runker, h JJocust n J obn Ehler Jolin, late sheriff, h 23 l~ Orange ]~hler J. Augustus, physician, 25 N Duke, b do Ehler Miers, bootmnker, h Hockland n Middle Ehrnrt Adam, peddler, h 'V King n Dorwart Ehrenfried Joseph, deputy register, h 43 S Queen Bhrisman Samuel, carpenter, h E Chestnut n Shippen Ehrmau Imzabcth, wid. Michael, h 'V Chestnut n 'Vater Ehrman Michael C., hatter, h 90 Middle Eichelberger Catharine, wid. Frederick, h 100 EKing Eichelberger George, saddler, h Chestnut bet Mulberry and 'Vater }~ichely--,powder horns, W King bet J\Il&ry and Charlotte ]~ichely Philip, ostler, Fountain Inn ]~ichholtz Andrew, R. n. agent, h N Queen nb James ]~ichholtz Catharine, wid. Jacob, h SLime n Vine Eichholtz Henry C. (Eichholtz & nro.), 59 N Queen, h S Lime n Vine }~ichholtz Jacob, printer, bds Cooper's hotel Eiehholtz Robert L. (Eichholtz & nro.), 59 N Queen, h S Limo n Vine };iehboltz & Brother, gunmakers, 50 N Queen.Eichly George J., machinist, h S Water n W King }~ichman Christian, laborer, h North n Strawberry Eisoman Christian, ostler, h E Vine n Lemon nl Eisemann 11'riederich, stokcrmnn, h Dorwart n Manor EisenbachLewis, h Lafayette n Strawberry Eisenberger Heinrioh, shoemaker, h Church n Limo.Bisler John, butcher, h Rookland c High ELIAS CIIIUSTIAN G. M., lager beer, Lemon al cor Church ai, h samo }~lias Gustavus G., patternmnkcr, h 70 S Queen lwingcr Christopher, musician, b S 'Vater n Vi no JWinger George N., musician, h Charlotte n 'V King 7*

102 78 LANCASTER Il~llillger Gottlieb, miller, h Church calley ]~lliott );~lizabeth, wid. James, h Strawberry n S Que,,m Elliott 'Villialll H. (Rev.), h E Walnut n Duke Ellmaker A., lawyer, 42 N Duke, h N fib Orange ELLMAKER LEVI, coal dealer, cor Prince and Lemon: h 37 E Orange Ellmaker Mary R. Mrs., h 82 EKing Bllmaker Nathaniel, lawyer, 42 N Duke, h N Duke Ellmakcr Thomas, physician, 'V King opp Cross Keys tavern, h 82 EKing Elvill John H., cutler, h Beaver e IIazel ]~manuel Df4vill, matchmaker, bds N Queen n I~elllon Embich Fredclick, tinsmith, h 201 S Queen Emmett Ann, dyer and bleaoher, German (} B~aver, h same Endres Mary, washing, h S Prince n Love In Engel Catharine, wid. Martin, h l{)5 Middle Engel Frederick, moulder, bde 195 1\1i:ldle Engle 1\Iargaret, wid. John, h Middle n S Queen Engles Willinm, painter, bda Middle n S Queen Engruff J ohancs, laborer, h N Prince n Lemon Erb Edmund, student, h W Orango n Charlotte Erben Charles 1\1., merchant, 'V King bel Prince Erben Henry L., dry goods, Centre sq n P.O., h Lime nb Orange Erben John A., olothing, 42 N Queen, h Prince bet Orange and Chestnut Erben S., dry goods, Centre sf( n tho P.O., h Limo ab Orange Erben S. E., dry goods, W King bel Prince, h sarno ERISMAN DANIEL (Albright & Erisman), 'Valnut cor Princo, h Chestnut n Mulberry Erillman E. J., teacher, h W Orange bet Mulberry and Charlotto Erisman Henry, carpenter, h ~Ianor n the bridgo }Jrisman Jacob, Inger beer, Strawberry n St. Joseph, h sarno Erisman Jacob, tailor, h N Queen II Lemon Erisman John, carpenter, h N Limo n Orange Erisman 1\Iichoel, late carpenter, h 'V Orange n Charlotte Erisman Samuel, painter, h Strawberry n Vine Erlanger Simon, clothing, 70 N Queen, h E Orange ab Duke Erlein Joseph, laborer, h J~o\'e In n High Ermos Nicholas, segar maker, h Mary n al

103 DIRECTORY. 79 1~rri8maD Samuel, carpenter, h ]31 B Chestnut ]~rvin Randol M., machinist, h.mulberry n Lemon jijrwid jijlijah, cooper, h N QueeD n li'rcderirk ErwiD Jennie, seamstress, h Lflcust 0 Stony al jijsbach Charles, gardener, h foot GermaD jijshbnch }~dmudd R., student, bda Orange c Charlotte Eshbach Henry M., hotel, W King DN 'Water l~shebrenner ji;dwnrd, laborer, h Church n S Queen Eshelman Catharine, wid. John, h 248 Middle Eshleman Abraham, clerk, hun Queen Eshleman llenjamid (JohD GJger & Co.), IG EKing, h Greenland mills }jshlernan Catharine, wid. of Martin, h Harrisburg pike n Mulberry' Eshleman Christopher S., laborer, h N Queen n James Eshleman David G., lawyer, 86 N Duke, h 108 EKing Eshleman Emanuel P., grocer, 248 Middle, h do }jshleman Esther, wid. Martin, h S I.Jime n Vine Eshleloan George, drover, bda l?rnnldin house jijshlemad Samuol, laborer, h Plum n the R. n. jijspenlaub JohD, blacksmith, h Low Essig S~bastian,.fl\rmer, h New Holland turnpike n Plum Etehclls Mary, wid. George C., h 89 S Duke Etter Alexander, carpenter, h 7 EGerman Etter Georgo, tailor; h Orange n Charlotte Etter J aoob, tailor, h Dorwart n 'Y King Etter John J., carpenter, Lemon al n Vine, h Dorwart n Manor Etter Washington P., tnilor, h Dorwart n W King ]~van8 Ann M., wid. Robert., h 80 EKing Evans Benjamin, butcher, N Queen ab Walnut, h do I~vans Caroline, wid. George, h Middle n S Queen BVANS DAVID, county BUp., h 25 E Orango Evans James, adjoining court house Evans Job, moulder, h N 'Yater c Lemon EVANS JOHN, carpenter, Arch n1 bel Chestnut, h N Prince n 1Valnut Evans Hobert, h 80 EKing Evans W. G., notary public, 5 S Duke, bds 80 B King Everly Henry, lnborer, h Ornngo nann ji~vermnn Charles, jeweller, h ' Chestnut n Mulberry Everts Garret II., cutter, h Orange n Plum 1~vcrt8 l~verts G., coach maker, h 85 Chestnut Strickler, engineer, h Harrisburg pike n 'Vater

104 80 LANCASTER F., Fachinger Peter, laborer, Ii IJow n Rockland Fnesig Hcnry, printer, h Midule n S Queen Fagan Sarah A., wiu. Daniel, h N Queen nb Orange l?uhnestock Alexanqer, dry goods, 11 N Queen, h 'V Chestnut n Mulberry li'nhnestock Darbara, wid. Sallluel, h 26 'V King }?ahnestock Borins, tunnel' and currier, h!>rinco n Chestnut Fahnestock George, dry goods, boots, &c., 20~ S Queen, h Orange 11 N Queen Fahnestock I1enry It, clerk P. 0, b 26 'V King FAHNESTOOK It E., dry goous, 33 N Queen, h 7 N Duko }?Ilhncstock Samuel, dental student., h 26 'V King l~nhn('stock Sarah, wid. Levi, h 80 N Princo I~ahncstoek 'Yilliulll ll., physician, ~6 'V King, h do 1.'aircr Absalom, tax collector, h N Duke bel Lemon li'nirer Georgo 'V., clerk, h IJemon n N Queen li'nirer Lancelot, late shoemaker, h Chestnut cor Duko Fairer Susannah, milliner, h IJemon 11 N Queen I~AIHI~R 'J.1I10MAS, grocer, Duko 0 Chestnut, h do 11'airer 'l'homas, shoemaker, h E IJClllon 11 N Queen }~nlding Hobert, laboror, h Conestoga 0 Benver }i'nlk Carl, shoemaker, h High n Love In Flllk Lorenze, tailor, bds Wn~hington hotol FAltMI~US' DANK OF LANCASTEH, 1~ King cor Duko I?arrell Timothy, keeper cemetery, 11 New Holland pike!i'nry Aun, wid. Moses, h Low n It'rieburg l~llto Christian, tailor, h 120 S Queen Feagle)' Henry, combmaker, bds 32 S Queen Fengloy John, combmuker, h 'Y Lemon n Queen!.'oagley Mary E., wid. Nicholas, h 32 S Queen }I'oehter Maria, wid. 'Vornor, h al n S 'ValeI' }i'edjersen II. F. 'V., watchmakel' and jeweller, 22 W King, h l~ Orange n Shippen Fei~t Sebastian, quarryman, h North n Rockland I 'eizer Hudolph, Jaborer, h High n Strawberry I 'cllonbaum Christiana, wid. David, h. 128 B Chestnut ]i'olleubaum ChrislillU l 1, domestic, Prince 0 Orange

105 nin};ctory. 81 Ii'cIlcnbaum David (Miller & Fellenbaum), Plum n R. n., h 123 B Chestnut Fellcnbaum Isullo, maohinist, h Plum n tho R. R. I?ellcnbnuw Reubon, blncksmith, h Lemon al n Church nl Foller Catharino, wid. Martin, h Manor n Dorwart I1'eller Christian, lnborer, h High n J.Jove 111 Feller John, laborer, h nl r 10 S I'rince Fellman Anna, wid. Snmuel, h Dorwart n Manor Felty Edward, bricklayer, h E Chestnut n JlJUIll Perier Andrew, lnborer, h Mulberry 11 Chestnut Ferrier John, foundryman, h Mulberry n 'Y 'Valuut I?ersch Andreas, gardener, h North n Strawberry I?etter Herman II., bartender, Sorrel Horse hotel, W King Ii'et~er Jacob, helper, bds N Queen bel James I?ettcrly John, en~ineer, h Prince n James l?ick Margaret, WId. Christian, h 73 B King I?iddis A. E., wid. Hugh K, h 10 S Duke melding John D, (Fielding &, Kitch), ft S Queen, h 195 Middle Fielding & Kitch (John Fielding and Davis Kitch, jun.), blacksmiths, foot S Quecn Filler Henry, butcher, h Orange n Plum Finger Adam, grocer, Orange 0 Cllnrlottc, h samo l?inger Philip, grocer, Lomon c Mulberry, h sarno Finfrock Ann, wid. Georgc, It Harrisburg pike in Alley Finfroek George, segar mnker, h Mulberry n the n. n. Fink Levi, carpenter, h Middle n S Queen Finnigan James, laborer, h 'V 'Valnut n Mulberry FINNINGEn CI-IARJ.JES, brewer, Lowe Uookland, h do jl'ischer Catharine E., wid. John G., h 232 Middle I,'ischer Jacob, lager beer, N Queen nb 'Valnut, h snllie I1',:Bcher Mary, wid. John, h 38 Church Fhcher Unphne), mason, h Uockland n High Fhcher Rosan~8 Mrs., h Mulberry n 'V 'Vnlnut Fis ~her '\Villinm, shoemaker, h Orange n Prince :Fisl\el Abraham, carpenter, bds Cross Keys tavern li'jsh~r B. }1'., student, h \V Orange n Charlotte I1'ishl'r Charlcs B., tailor, h John n Looust. Fisher Gcor~e, mason, h Mulberry n Lemon I1'ishel' HarrIct, h Mulberry n 'Valnut Fisher Henry, tailor, h 234 Middle :Fisher Lewis, cabinet.maker, h Orangc n Charlotto Fisher L. II., tailor, h N Quecn ab Jamcs..

106 82 LANCA8TEll Fisher Michnel, tailor, LJs Cross Keys tavern Fisher Samuel,!llater, h Church n S Queen FISHER S. A. D., milliner, N Queen Let. Oravge nnd Chestnut Fisher William 'V., machinist, h N Queen bet Chestnut and Orange Fisher 'Vilson J., fireman, h 38 Church l?itzgerald Ann, domestic, Prince n 'Yalnut Fitzgerrnld David, painter, h Mulberry n 'V'Yalnut li'itzgerrald John, segar maker, h 111 S Queen l?itzpntrick Bernard, shoemaker, h John n ]JO(;ust Fitzpatrick Bridget, h Orango ab Shippen I?itzpntrick Hugh, porter, h E Vine n S Duke l?itzpntrick Margaret, wid. Hugh, h 207 Middle l?itzpatrick Margaret, wid. Nicholas, h 127 B King Fitzpatrick Michael, laborer, h S Prince n German l?itzpatrick Philip, Lamb hot{ll, 31 S Queen mtzpatrick Thomas, laborer, h EKing Ilh Church Flagg Charles, foreman comb factory, h N Prince c J amcs l?lngg 'Villiam Eo, combmnker, h 'V Jamcs n N Princo I?lanel'y Michael, engineer, h Prince 11 JJemon Flatler COlll'ad, laborer, h Middle 11 Uocklaud FleaI' Francis, laborer, h High n JJove In meal' Michael, luborer, h High n Love In Fleokenstein Elizabeth, domestio, 28 S Duke l!'lcisohman l?rederick, carpenter, h Frieburg n Low Flenar John, wheelwright, h N Quecn ab James!?letterer Conrad, laborer, h 167 Middle l?lettercr Ii'rederick, laborer, h Dorwart n Manor Flick Catharine, wid. Henry, h Chestnut n I)rince I?lick Christian, tinrmith, bds Globe hotol I?\ick Ii'rcderick, carpcnter, bus Engle hotel I?lick Henry, carpenter, h Orango n tho prison mick J aeob, shoemaker, 10 N Queen, h Conesto~a Jl S Queen Flick JohD, carpenter, h ljenver n IJo\'o In I?liek John, carpedt{lr, 'Valnut n Chestnut, h samo Flick Rebecca, wid. Christian, h Mulberry n 'V Wnlnut Fliok 'Villinm, cooper, h 'V 'YnlDut D Mulberry l?liner Charles, shoemaker, h J...oUlon al n 'Vnshington Il')jnD Andrew C., accountant, h 100 N Duko Flinn Dennis, laborer, h Mulborry n Lemon

107 DInEOTORY. 83 Flinn Mry, domestic, 'V King bel Centro squnre mood 'l'homns, laborer, h John n EKing li'lood 1'homas, laborer, 11 J~ocust cor J ohu l?ljnn Bridget., domestic, 35 B Orange 1?lynn Kato, teacher, 11 ]~ King r n Shippen Ji'lynn Michael, brickmaker, It King n Dorwart Ji'oldin Hobert., laborer, h Conestoga n lleaver 11'01mer George, farmer, It Walnut n Collego 1 'oltz Benjamin 111., h E Chestnut n Duko Foltz Catharine, h Yinc 0 Hockland I 'oltz Catharine, wid, Adam, h Princo bel 'Ylllnut 11'ohz Blizabeth,.Vino c nockluud li'oltz Jacob, lluctioncer, h 41 S Queen Il'ondersmith John, grocer, ] 1G EKing, h'81\l)1o 1 'oose Jacob, coppersmith, h 20-l Middlo' Ford John, curt man, h 131 S Queen li'orducy Annn, h 22 Church 1.'ordnoy Christiana, Church li'ordlloy Dnniel, cooper, h IJ<l'V n Strnwborry 1 'ordnoy Elizabet:t, h 25 }~ Gormull Fordnoy Jacob, gunsmith, N Princo 11 Orange, It neaver c Andrc\V li'ordlloy John, tinsmith, h 22 Church 1.'ordney l\inrgarct., h 22 Church li'ordney Margaret, wid. Michnel, h 'V King ab 1\Julh(lrry Ji'ordney Willinlll n., lnw)'cr, Centre square, h Mnuhcim township FOHEM AN T. IIAI~L, lawyer, bds ned I~ion hotel If'orney Christiana, widow, h 162 l ~ King Il'oruey Jacob II., moulder, h 1G~ g King Il'orney Margaret, wid. })clcr, h 2 S Prince 1.'ornotf })hilip, mason, h I~nfaycttc n Strawberry I.'orrest Cllsper, powder horns, Manor c 'V King, h samo Forrest Joseph, coppersmith, h 10 ~Iiddlo li'orrest Susan I seamstress, h N Queen nb Chestnut Il'ortney Catharine, wid. Jacob, 11 I.Jimc n Chestnut l.'ortnoy G. W., Into baker, h Munor n W King }~ortnoy Jamcs G., daguerreotypes, 37 N Queen, bus Red Lion hotel I.'osnnch Elizaboth, wid. Charles, Ii al r 16 S Prince l~'oster Chnrlel'l, laborer, h St. J osc'ph n Love In. 1 1 'ostcr lieul'y (col'd), whitcwusher, h Low U Strawberry

108 84 LANOASTER Foster William, loomfixer, bds German n S Queen Fourney Joseph, lnborer, h Low n I?ricburg Fox Benjamin, gunsmith, h N Queen bel James Fox Frederick, student, 'V Chestnut bet Mulberry and N Water Fox Henry, student, h N Queen n 'V 'alnut Fox John, peddler, h N Water n N Jame8 Fox John, faetoryman, h N Charlotte n James Fox Joseph, tailor, h IJufayettc n Strawberry Fox J.JChman, saddler, h 'V King Fox Philip, laborer, h 'V Lemon ab Charlotto Frailey, Andrew J., gunsmith, h Prince n IJoDlon Frailey Charlos R., clerk, h N Prince nb Lemon Frailey Christian, laborer, h Manor n 'V King Frailey George, tinsmith, bds Star house, N Queen Frailey Henry L olerk, h Dorwart n 'V King Frailey Jaoob, late ooppersmith, h Prince n IJemon Frailey Jacob J' t silverplater, h Lafayette n Strawberry Frailey William, combmaker, h 'V James n N Prince Fraim Ann E., widow, h 63 EKing Fraim Elizabeth C., wid. John, h 84 N Queen Fraim George 'V., clerk, h 84 N Queen Fraim Reuben E., confectioner, 63 EKing, h do Franeis-,wid. Hobert, h' Orange n Mulberry, Franoisous Adam, tinamith, Vino n S Queen, h do Jhanoisc\l8 Georgo, laborer, h N James n Charlotte Franoisou8 Jacob, painwr, h 92 S Queen Franoiseu8 Jane, wid. Jacob, h 84 S Queen Frane David M., painter, Manor n 'V King, h 'V King, n Manor Frank Anna, wid. William, h 'V Chestnut n N 'Vater Ii'rank Henry, lager beer brewery, N Prince and 'Vater bel 'Valnut, h same Frank Peter, tailor, h Diller's al n S Water Frankford Jacob, shoemaker, h Mulberry n the R. R. Frankford William, Begar-makor, h N Water n Lomon Frankfort Jacob, laborer, h 'Vater n IJemon Frankfort Jaoob, sogar-maker, h al bet Lomon and 'Valnut n Charlotte Franklin Emlen, lawyer, 8 S Duke, h E Lomon n Duko l!ranklin TholUll8 E., lawyer, 26 EKing, h 24 EKing Franks n. R., conduotor, h 6;1 E Chestnut Ii'rantz August, bcnluswan, h foot German

109 DIRECTORY. 85 Frazer Abinm, wid. Reah, h IJimo n I~ Orange! 'reas!>hilip, ostler, h I>Ium n the It H. I?reo Cathnrine, wid. Geor~e, h 105 S Queen },'reo Georgo, mason, h Church 11 Duko 1,'reo John, Inborer, h ]05 S Queen Freccht Mntthins, carpenter, h Walnut nb Mlitbcrry ] 'reolnu ~obu (eol'd), laborer, h N 'Yater n JJcmon ] 'reelnn JJewiR, Inborer, b Diller's al n S 'Vater Freeman William II., book agent, II S J'rinco n Germall Frei Laznrus, Inborer, h High n Aile)' J,'reidenstyno.John, blackrrnith, h N Queen n James l,'reidenstyno Martha, h N Queen nb Frederick Fremyer Jacob, shoemaker, h 2 Church I 'remycr Mary, wid. Jacob, h 2 Ch)lrch l?retz George, Iaboror, h Mulberry n 'V Walnut Frey Christian, tinsmith, II Watcr ao inc I 'rey Jacob, tilflller, h W King n N Wuter lrey Jacob L.,!legal' storo, W King u N rater, II same Frick Charles S., segar.maker, OS N Qucen, h Chestnut bel N Queen Frick John, oysterman, h '\V Chestnut, n Mnry }'riek Joseph, oyster saloon, 23 N Queen, h N Queen n ljomon Prick Lewis B., oyster.ialoon, h Harrisburg pike n 1Vater Frick )lnrgaret, widow, I!~ King Frick Philip II., patt.ern maker, h DR Church FlUCK WILLIAl'I, alderman N. E. Ward, OS N Queen, h salllo Fricker Henry, painter, h 'V King n Dorwart Iricker.Juliau, wid. George, h W Kin,!! n Dorwart I t 'ri1llly CharloR, tnilor, h Dorwart n W King ]~ric8 I>hilip, ostler, It Ol':luge n I>Ium Fricsingel' Anna, will..joseph, It Dorwart n 1Y Kin~ Iritsch Anlla 0., saleswoman, hils 60 N Queen Fritsch Mary, wid. John, boarding house, 5G N Queen I,'ritz Bastian, wason, h High n J~oe Ia Fritz George, b Mulberry 11 IJomon I 'ritz Henry (Fritz &, Killian), 05 J~ King, h BaUle Ii'ritz John, pottery, Bonrer n Andrew, h Prince n AndrC\v I?ritz J:<lwie, factorym8n, h High n al Fritz Samuel, engineer, h S Prince n Andrew FUlTZ & KlLT~IAN, hotel, Of) B King (Golden IIorso) Frueh Ihrbnrn, wid. Anton, h IJoeuAt n Ho~kland 8

110 86 lrrusnt John, laborer, h High bet Strawberry and Alley 1~'ueh8 Xavier, wood dealer, h Church opp Vino Il'uhller David, h 'V Walnut n Charlotte Il'ulton David, trnder, h N Queen n IJclllon Fulton Hall, N llr;nce n W I{in~!I'ulton Iron 'Vorks, Plum cor Unilroad!I'UNK AMOS, Merrimac house, N Prineo n 'V Orango Funk Gustave A., enrpenter, h Water n Jame3 1~'un8ton William, confectioner, h. Orange n tho prison l G. Gable Ambrose, wid. Andrew, h Manor n ljorwart Gable Anthony, laborer, h Sf Joseph n Lovo In. Gable Catharine, h Middlo n Uockland Gable Frederick, student, h 'V King n Mary Gable Henry, taijor, h St. Joseph tl ljove 11\ Gablo Henry A., grocer, 141 S Queen, h do GAIHJB JACOB, tinsmith, 20 )1; King, h 47 S Duko Gablo Jacob F. OYm. II. Gable & ]jrother), 8! N Queen, h 25 J.J German Gnble John, shoemaker, h St. Joseph's Gable John, tailor, h St. Joscph n IJove 11\ Gable John H., lato butcher, h 47 S Duke Gable Maria, wid. Jacoh, h it'7 S Duke GAJJLB, BCIIA)~lFJ~H, neiniioijd &, CO., saw-mill, 81 N Quc~n Gable William n., tinsmith, h 'Y James n N Prince GABLB WIJJJJIAM II. & UnO'l'lIgU, boot Hnd shoelllakers, 8~ N Queen, h 26 B German Gager IJuther, stnp;cdriver, h N Queen ab Fr<,dcriek Gaintncr Joseph l\i. (8. A. Wylie &, Co.), N Queen, h N 'Vater n Walnut Gnintner Rosanna, wid. Jacob, h N 'Vater n 'Valnut Gall Daniel, blackfmlith, St,rawberry n S Queen Gall J.Jly, blacksmith, 11 N Charlotte 11 Walnut Gallngher lmza, h N Duke 0 N James Gallagher John (Whitesido & OalJugllCr), 33 N Queen, h Charlotte n Orango Gallagher Marin, h JIlUles c N Queen Gamber Jaoob, lat(\ {afluer, It S Prince c An(~rcw

111 DIREOTORY. 87 Gnns Anna, domestic, 34 S Prince GanBo Henry 'V., potter, 'V King n Dorwart, h samo Gansz Gcorgo, butcher, 'Y King n Dorwart, h BaUlO Ganter mizabeth, wid. John, h 83 EKing Gantz Henry, carpenter, h 'V King n Mary Ganz ]~lizabeth, h 1\Ianor n 'Y King Ganz Heinrich, brickmaker, h Manor n 'V King Ganz IJorenz, flour nnd feed, Church 11 Church nl, It sarno Ganz Mary, wid. Balthazar, h Manor n 'V King Gara Hugh S., dry goods, groceries, and queensware, 55 E King, h 85 B King Garber Nnncy, wid. Cyrus, h l' 8 S Qlleen Garber Sallie, tencher, h N Queen n Chestnut Gnroner Geol'ge, flletorylllan, h Bocklnnd 11 Church Gnrdner Jacob, shoemaker, h Vine 11 Hocklnnd Gardner John, engineer, h N Queen n H. It. depot Gardner Mntthins, carpenter, h Looust n Bocklnnd GnrdMr Nicholns, laborer, h Dorwart 11 Manor Gllrlitzki Josoph, cabinet-maker, h Bockland n IJow Gnrloch Cathnrino, widow, h N Queen nb 'Vnlnut Garreeht IIenry, flour and feed, 61 B King, h do Gar\'cr John, carpenter, h IJeaver 11 Conestoga Garvin James, machinist, h Strawberry n S Queen Gast Albert confeotioner, h N Queen n James Gast Christinn, lato shoemaker, h W Chestnut n Prineo Gast Conrad, pottery, James c N 'Ynter, h l>rince c James GAST BMANUl~JJ II., boot nnd shoo sloro, 13 N Queen, h do Gast Henry &, Son, pottery, Manor n 'V Kin~, h samo Gast John (llenry Gust & Son), Manor n W King, h same Gaster John, cnrpenter, h 'V Ornngo c Charlotto Gatins l?rnnk, fnetoryman, h S 'Vater n Vine Gcalbnuch Annie, wid. Frederick, h N Queen 0 'V IJcmotl Gubcl Emanuel, peddler, h Mulberry n the It It Gebel Henry, brushmnkor, h Mulberry n tho ll. It. Gegis Francis J., cnrpenter, h Freiburg n Low Gehring Charles J., npothecary, bds Keystono hotel Geier Bliznbeth, wid. George, h Church n S Queen Geiger ChriE-tophcr, furnnco, S Prince, h 88 N Duko n Chcstnut Gli~IG gr ELISHA, agricultural implements, 21 l~ King, h B Orange nb Limo Geiger George, shoemakor, 11 Prince n Huzel

112 88 LANOASTER Geiger Jacob, mason, h 'W King n Columbin piko Geiger Michnel, vinegnr manufacturer, h 100 Church Geis HenrYi shoemaker, N Duke n Chestnut, h 62 Chestnut Geisenberger 1\1oses, dry goous, 3D N Queen, h same Geissert Adam, currier, h Chestnut c Hme Geist J. 1\1. 'ViJlis (Pearson &, Geist), 15 S Queen, h W Orange n N Queen Geiter Abraham, segar.mnker, h JJufnyetto n Strawberry Geiter Ann M., wid. Christian, h IJufllyeUo n Sh'uwbcrry Geitel' Christian, potter, h Columbia pike Geiter Henry M., printer, h S Water n Vine Gekle l%erhart, carpet-weaver, It 50 CllUreh Gekle Henry, coppersmith, bds 50 Churc1.! Gombo Joseph, laborer, h Orange n Charlotte OOlllperling EliznLeth, h Orange n Plum Oomperling I;'roderick, butcher, h Mulborry 0 'Yulnut Gomperling John, tinsmith, boots and shoes, &0., 18 N Queen, h do Gensenleichter William, bootmaker, It 40 Middle aenshner George, combmaker, h N 'Yater n Lelllon Gensler Adam, laborer, h N Qucen n Jamcs Gentner ltoseph, printor, h N 'Vuter n 'Yalnut Gentner Uoanna, wid. Jucob, h N Water n 'Yalnut Gerber Catharino, wid. Peter, h N Queen ab Chelllnut Gerber Jph11, painter, h S Prinee 11 Conestoga Gercko Hormnn Ii., baker, S Prince 11 Gorman, h RaUle Gerhanl William 'f. (Hev.), German Heformed, h N Queen ab James Gerhart B. V., President and I>rofessor of I~rtlnklin and Marshall College and minister, h 61 N Duke Gerhart Isnne (Hev.), h JJemon nb N Queen Gering(;r Marin, dolllestio, 'Ynsh:ngton hotel Oel'schtcmnaer Jneob, carpenter, h N 'Ynter n IJemon Gerstner ]Jurkhard, lnboror, h Lemon bcl N Queen Gertei~cn Stephen K, butcher,h 125 B King GEltZ ALEXANDEH J., WillO' nnd liquor, 104 S Queen, h sarno Gerz John C., lnger beer, 10-1 S Queen, h same Gesoll John 0., blacksmith, h Strawberryr n Vine Getler Anna Bo, wid. Marcu8, h 1\1nnor n King GetI'. Charles A., paper-hangor, 11 S 'Vater tl tho gas worl'8 Gelz O. V., millinery, No.3 Fnlton buildings PrillCO Getz Elizabeth, wid. George, h Ornnge n Charlotto

113 DIRECTORY. 89 Gotz Elizabeth, wid. John, h Prince bel LentOn Getz George ]1'., baker, N 'Vater 11 Talnut, h same Getz John, late bookbinder, h 16 S Duko. Getz J. G., dry goods, 24 T King, h samo Getz Potor, tinsmith, N Queon nb Chestnut, h do Getz Mary, h 16 S Duke Gheen Mary A., wid. John, h r 47 S Queen Gibbs Abraham, clerk, h 120 B King Gibbs Ann M., wid. Henry, h 22~ N I>rinco Gibbs Elizabeth, mantua-maker, Prince n Orange, h same Gibbs Henry, gunsmith, 22 N Prince, h ~ Prince n Orange Gibbs J. I~rederjck, salesman, 22~ N Prince Gibson Michael, carman, h 136 S Queen Gilgore John, laborer, h Plum n ]~ King Gilgore Michacl, h B Vine n Duke Gilgore 'Villiam, marble-polisher, h N Queen n James Gill Benjamin D., biru-eage makor, h 82 N Queen Gill 'Yilliam h, uaguorrean, W King n Market, h 30 S }>rinee Gilleland IJorenzo, tanner, }l 'V King n Mulberry Gillospie Charles, boots and shoes, 21 'V King, h sarno Gillespie Charles J., watchmh~(!r. h 19 'V King Qjllcspie!I'ranois, tailor, 4H N Qu\'cn, h Orunge n IJime Gillespie Mary, seamstress, h 4 ]~ (wmge Gillespie Sarah, wid. Ii'rancis, h 4 i~ Orange Gilmore Hulph, whitcwasber, &0., h N Queen 11 li'rcderick Ginder Philip, grocer, 150 B King, h salllo Gingrich Julianna, domestic, Orange n 'Yater Gish Anna, wid. Christian, h 'V 'alnut n Mulberry (]jsh John, clerk, It B Orunge n Duke Oiter Christian, potter, h 'V King n ~Iary Glllsbrener Jacob, carpenter, h High 11 Strawberry Glazer Susan, domestio, I. Prince n Orango Glazier Mary, seamstress, h 108 l\lidjlc Gleim Elizabeth, 11 Chestnut 0 IJime Goebel Ambrose, h Manor 11 W King GoeLle Goorge, baker, N Water ab Ornnge, h ~ame Goebel George, glazier, h W O. ange 11 Mulberry Goernet John, laborer, h,v King n Mary Gompf Emanuel, clerk, bds Engle hotol Gompf Margaret., wid. Andrew, h Lemon n N TlIter Gonnz Elizabeth, h Mallor 11 W King Good August, wheelwright, h Beayer n Anut'ew 8*

114 DO I,ANOABTER Good Heury, laborer, It 274 S Queen Good John R, clerk, h 'V Orange 11 Mulberry Goodacrc Adnm, laborcr, h St. Joseph n ljo\'c la Goodhart Joseph, blncksmith, II High c Strawberry GOODMAN J ACOn G., segar maker, Conestoga. n S Queen, h 84 S Queen Goodman John, teambter, II 'V King n Dorwart Goodman 'John, tlireshiug.machillc mnker, h 162 S Queen Goodman Peter, butcher, h 160 S Queen Goodsal John, watchmaker, It (lrange 0 Charlotte Gormatl John, laborer, h r N Qucc~ II IJelllon Gorman John, laborer, h al bet Church,,!~ti Lime Gormly John, machinist, h Mulberry n J'umcs Gormly William M., constable, h B Vine n S Duko Gorrecht Unthllrinc Miss, 11 N Charlotte n Will nut Oorrecht Georgc 'V., carpenter, h W Walnut c Chariotto Gorrecht Henry, brickmnkor, h Columbia piko Gorreeht John, farmer, h 'V 'Valnut 11 Charlotte Gorrceht William, agent ljiblo Society, h N Charlotte n 'Va)nu~ GOl~lU~CIIl' 'YILLIAM, coal and lumber, I,elllon n 'Vater, h sallv; Gorrecht Willinm, tailor, It Charlotte n Mulberry Goto Blizobeth, widow,. It S Duke n King Gottschnll: Charles, laborer, It 106 OhUl'eh Gottshall Joseph, mason, 11 nl n Mary Gougler Hebecea, Tvid. ttncob, grocer, Manor c ai, It same Gould Charles T., chnir OrnatllCutcr, It Ofllll~e II Charlotto Goulsbcrry Edward, machinist, It Fulton n Shippen Goutor Blizabeth, widow, h B KillJ.{ nb S Lillie Graef Joseph, shoemaker, II l\tulbcl'ry II IJe/llon Graef })hihp, laborer, h North 11 Strawbel'rY Grahum Dann (Sbaffner &Urahllll1), W Jumes bol N Queen, h 'V James 0 Prineo Ornmlich llencdict, curmnn, h JJcnver n Andrew orant Curolino (co)'d), willow, It DU Middlo Grnnt Charles, brickmnk<:r, It II'rccman n l,ove In Oraw William, muchinist, h Orungo nann Grny John 'V., boiler-maker, It I~ Chestnut n Shippen Gray S:ulIuel, student, h 86 B King Graybill Philip J., cnljinet.jiiukcr, h ]Ja\'or n Huzol orcc11 1\1artha, wid. JJcl'IIard, h 130 S (~ucell

115 nmectory. Ul Greene Joseph 'Y., homed. medicines peddler, h 125 B King Grcenewald David, liquortj, 52 Church, h samo Grcenewald IJConnrd, shocmaker, h Dorwart n \ King Grcidcr P. G., hotel proprietor, N QU(;l'n c 'Vnlnut, h samc Greiner Samuel, grindcl', It Strawbcr~y II James Grcitz August, ostler, h N Water n Chestnut Greives 'I'homas, trimmings, 65 N Queen, h 62! N Queen Grcsbach Amon, peddler, h Freeman n I.Jo\ c In Griel Jncob, Into dry goods, h 65 N Duke Griemer Christopher, moulder, Ii Hazel n Hnger Griest Samuel, carpenter, h 'Vnlnut n N 'Vater Grimn Jamcs, teacher, h B King n }>}um Griffith Mary wenyer, bds German n the mills Grisg Jacob D., cooper, S Queen n Plum, h sumo Groczinger Adolph, tanner, h nel\vel' Grontundcr John, laborer, h Manor n Dorwart Groff Henry D., salesmnn, 11 cor 'Vnter and Chestnut Groff Isune, farmer, Millerstown pike 11 tle Piko Groff Jacob, machinist, Ii 1G Middle Groff Jacob, shoemaker, h 119 S Quecn Groft Le\'i \\r., wino nnd liquors, 62 N Queen Ii ncar Dareville, J.Jllncnstcr Co. Groff Martin, Ii Orange n Plum Groff Mnry A., wid. Israel 'V., rh.n 'Vater 0 CIICstnut Groff l\iichaol, blacksmith, h l(jn~ n :Mnl'y Oronin Dennis, Inborer, 11 l'~ King 11 Ann Gross Miobnol, sawfiler, h N Queen lib Chestnut Gross Sllllluel, sa.wfilcr, N Queen nb Chestnut h HlllllO Groth Philip, builder, nl n Strnwberry, It samo Grubb Clement H., ironlllastcr, h N IJime c Chestnut Grubb 'Villiam, shoemaker, It Plum 11 l'~ King Gruel Jacob, confectioncr, 7U N Queen, h do Gruel SIlUluel F., butcher, Ii 79 N QuecH Grugcr Adam 1'., whipmakcr, h Orangc n tho prison Gruger }'ca1'son B., stonccutter, Orange II the prison Gruger }t'rancis It, clerk, h 13 1~ King Grunewald IJeonha1'd, shoemakcr, It Kunlo)s a1 bet :Mary and Dorwnrt Guest Eo, variety store, 7H N Queen, h do Gumph Adam, bartender, h 'Yn!nut, n Mulberry Gumph Jacob D. (8. A. 'Vylio & Co.), h to S Duke OUlllpf Christopher, bootmnkcr, 11 N Prince hel 'Va)nut

116 02 I,ANOASTER Gumpf Jacob, turner, h Church al n Lemon al Gumpf John, butcher, h Locust n.freiburg Oumpf John G., Begar-maker, h 'V Orange 0 Mary GU1l1pf Mathias, gunsmith, Orange 0 Mary Gumpf William, tailor, 43 B King, h do Gundakcr Abraham, segar-mnker, h N 'Water ab Orange Gundaker Ann, wid. Abraham, h al be~ :B King llnd :B Orange Gundaker Emanuel, bowling saloon, r 25 N Queen, h Chestnut n Water Gundnker Henry 'V., chairmnker, h Plum n Orange Oundllker Jacob, butcher, h 'V Chestnut 0 Mulberry Gunduker Michael, cr.gineer, h 167 B King Gundaker Snmuel, watchmnn, h Orange n Plum Gundeeker George, grocor, \V Chestnut n N 'Yater, h do Gundecker George, tinsmith, h ljomon al n Vino Gundeeker George, jun., blacksmith, Alley bel Shober, h 'V Chestnut n N 'Yatcr Gunion John, enrpenter, h ls'i S ~ueen GUNYON 'VII.lLIAl\I L., engineer, h 185 S Queen Gurzeler John, blacksmith, b Hockland Oll tho Concstoga Creek Ousloy Henry, printer, h Chestnut e Shippen Ousley Jacob, bricklayer, h 129 Chestnut Ousley John A., blacksmith, h 120 Chestnut GUTIIIUE ALLBN, painter, N Queen nb tbe It TI, h N Queen 11 Frederick Guthrie P. N., variety, 33 B King, h Stambnckcr's cottage Gutlick John, luborer, h Frederick n Litiz piko GYGBIt JOlIN &, CO., bankers, 12 ]~ King, h Bird in Hund H. linng nemura, brewer, 'Y King 11 S 'Vutor, h S rater n W King Hung Jacob, Inger beer, S Prince n Hnzel, h same liang John, brower, 43 W King, h do Haar John, boss dresser, bds 16 S l>rince Huas Muria, wid. Johan, h I.low n Strawberry Hans!>hilip, carpenter, h Hookland opp Gooso Hafele John, ahoclllakel', h S Prince n Huzel

117 DIREOTORY Hn~nr John, laborer, h 273 S Queen Hager Bla!'us, saddler, h 'V Kin~ J) ~Inr'y Hnger Chnrles F. (liager & Brothers), 'V King 0 Market, h samo linger Henry 'V. (linger & Brothers), 'V King 0 Market, It 28 S Prince linger.john C. (Hager & Brothers), 'V King e Market., h 26 S Prince liag]~n & nhotilers, dry goodd, 'V King e :Market Hahn Philip, shoemaker, h 2i8 S QU('C11 Haines '''illiam, jun., bricklayer, h Cburch 11 Church nl IIlIineB William, lnborer, h Johu e IJocust IIalbach IIenry, shoemaker, h Orango n Plum IIalbach Mary, Beamstresll, h Ol'llngo e Plum Haley 1'lltrick, laborer, b 137 Chestnut linldy Lewis, marhle-yard, l' ma N Queen, h t5 N Duko Hull Peter It, laborer, h 1 ~ Chestnut n Duko I11111nway John, h 'V James n N Queon. Hambright A. P., conductor, h 'Y Chesh)ut n Mulberry Hambright Frellerick, eignr'uluker, h JJclIvel' n Conestoga Humbright George P., cabinet-milker, nl 11 Chestnut ab N Queen Hambright Henry A., supervisor P. n. It., h Princo ab Chestnut Hambright Hiram, bricklayer, h al n Ol'nnge bet N Queen and Duke Hambright Snmuell\I., gunsmith, h 21 B German Hamhright Susan A., wid. Henry, b 21 K German Hamilton John, lato hotel proprietor, B King nann Hamilton Mary, wid. Daniel, h Walnut 11 N Water Humilton l>aul, farmcr, h IInrriHburg pike Hnmilton Potor, laborer, h 286 S Queen Hammer Willium, peddler, It 150 l\jiddlo Hand Mary, It 165 l~ King Handy Sophia, h nl back of eourt hou~e 11 N Duke Hnner William, laborcr, It Mnry n 'V King Hannemnn Henry, tnilor, h N Queen hel Jallies Hnntseh David, mnchinist., h 'V Chestnut n N Water Hantz George, tailor, It S 1>l'ineo n Andrcw Hnrbaugh H. (Hev.), h 20 E Orango Harchcnl'other.John, blacksmith, h S Queen n }>owe1s al Harder licronculus, cooper, It Btrawbcrry c J oscph ;; j.!-.i r

118 94 Ju\NCA8TER Hardin~ Patrick, laborer, h Hockland on the Conestoga Creek Hardy Henry, plasterer, h Manor n Dorwart Hardy Mary K, wid. Vnlentine, h Manor n 'W King Hardy Ynlentine, carpenter, h Manor n Dorwart Harkins Eugene, shoemaker, h 65 B King Harman 13enjamin, ehairmaker, bds 76 N Queen Hnrman Daniel, grocer, dry goods, &c., 'V King n N 'Yater, h do H.many Alfred, clerk, bds 7 N Duke.Hnrmany Sarah, h 75t N Queen Harmer Barton, machinist, h E Orange n Marshall Harmer Mary, wid. Godfrey, h E Orange n Marshall Harner Sophia, wid. John, h Mulberry n Walnut Harnish }~lizabet,h, wid. Joseph, h S Limo n Vino Harnish Martin E., miller, h S Limo n Vine Harple Samuel C., carpenter, h 'W Orange n Charlotto Harris Alexander, lawyer, 25 S Queen, h Conestoga n S Queen Harris George J. (col'd), barber, h. al back N Queen nb W 'Ynlnut Huris Jonnthan, waiter, h Diller's al n S 'Yater Harris J>atrick, coachman, S Queen ndj Express printing office Harrison Benjamin (coi'd), h Beaver n German Harrison Henry, laborer, h church aln ]Jemon al Harrison John, pottery, h Lemon nl n Church al Harry Eliza, dresser, h 28 Church Harry Margaret, domestic, 29! B King Harry Mary, webb-drawer, h 28 Chur'.Jh Harry Mary M., wid. Dnniel, h 28 Church Harry William, variety, h N Queen n Frederick Harry 'ViJlinm II., tailor, h 28 Church Hart Carpenter.M., tailor, bds S Prince bel V~o Hart Elizaheth, wid. Lewis, II B Vine n Du. Hart John, hairdresser, 84 N Queen, h St. Joseph op the church Hart Joseph, peddler, h St. Joseph n Strawberry. Hart J.JCvi, laborer, h S Prince n Germnn Hart Le\'i N., gunsmith, h 'V King n Dorwart Hart Sarah, seamstress, h Boon's row n N Duke Hartley J~lizabeth, wid. Anthony, h S Water n W King Hartley Elizabeth M., wid. Michael, h 'W King n Mauor

119 DIREOTORY. 05,.~ Hartley Gilbert It, bricknwker, r h Mulberry n N James Hartley John, brickmaker, It King n ~lauor Hartley Matilda, h S 'Vater n W King Hartman David, lumber, N 'Vater c IJeUlon, It N Queen n James Hartman David, jr., clerk, h N Queen n James Hartman Edward M., clerk, h N Qucen 11 'Yalnut Hartman George, h Harrisburg pike Hartman Jacob, icc-house, N Prince n Lemon, h same Rartman John, huckster, h Prince n ]JOUlOIl Hartman John I.; grocer, 75 N Queen, It N Queen n 'Walnut Hartman Joseph, tailor, h 72 S Queen Hartman Lewis, late eoachmakcr, h N Queen n \V J~mon Hartman Hosanna, wid. John, 11 N Pdnce n I,emon Hartman Samuel J.J., h N Qucen n Jame8 Harvey, II. H., student, bus ])rincf; ab Chestnut, Hassolbach glizabeth, wid. Henry. h \Valuut n ~Iulberry Hatfield Charles P., student, bds. N Duke bel I,cmon Hatz Samuel, 43 N Queen, h 49 N Queen Hauff John P., h North 0 Strawberry Hauff ])hijip, gardener, h North c Btrnwberry Haufnel' Benjamin, laborer, II S Prince n Andrew IIaufner Johan G., tailor, h S Prince n Andrew liang Jacob, cooper, h N Qucen n Heading roao IIaughmnn George, bartender, h 10 S. Prince I1augbman William, chllirmnker, h N Queen n Lemon Hauko Amos A., clerk, 1J 110 g King liaus James, segar-maker, h Prince n Hnger IInns John, mineral water, Middlo n S Queen Hayerbnsch Michael, ::laddler, h 208 l\1 iddle Havercamp Harman, laborer, h High n IJOYC In Haverstick ])avid, II'.borer, h 163 S Queen Hawkey Conuy, laborer, bds 79 EKing Hayes A. IJ., judgtl, h 13 S Princo liaya Thomas, OVllrseer mill, h 9 1~ German Hazzard Adelia, teacher, bds ned J.Jion hotel Hebo Sarah, domestio, h 'V CllCstnut bet Mulborry and N Wator Hcbrong Henry, laborer, h St..Joseph o\'e la Hecht Otto, laborer, h al bet B King and Orange Hecker 1tIrs., huc~ster, h Church n Duko

120 96 I,ANCASTER Herkert Francis (John A. Hiestand & Co.), 3H N Queen, b 2:3 EGerman Heckler Charles, barber, 35 B King, h Manor n Dorwart Heel' Christian, brick maker, 11 Columbia pike IIeess Lewis, blacksmhh, h 11~ Chestnut n Shippen IIc>gencr Henry, boot and shoemaker, 36 S Queen, h same IIeibricht Henry, h JJitiz pike JIcidegger IJouis, printer, hds E Chestnut 0 Duke IIeidig John, farmer, h ll'rciburg 11 IJow JIcidig John, jun., carman, h Freihurg n Low Heigel Mnthius, homeo. physician, 141 ]~ King, h sumo Heiler William, moulder, h 143 EKing Heilman Ernst, lager beer, U 7 S Queen, h samo Heineman Jacob, wood.sawser, h Ann c al Heineman Sarah, wid. William, h N Water ab Orange In:INl'l'SIl CIIAHLES A., drugs, 13 EKing, h /lame IIeinitsh John F., musio 8tol'e, 3 Krnmph's buildings E Orango, II 13 EKing HEINI'l'SH WILLIAM K, looking glasses, 13~ N Queen, h 44 N Duko Heinlen I_ouis, laborer, h North n Strawberry Heintzelman IJafa)'ettc W., carpenter, h Vine c Rockland Heil's Dietrich, o)'ster saloon, N Queen bel Wnlnut, h 'V Chestnut n N Wuter Heiss George, cabinet.maker, bela Chc~tnut n 'Yater Heiss John J., physician, h 62 S Queen Heistand 13enjnmin G., late druggi~t, bds Fulton hotel JIcitshu Charles, clerk, h N Quecn bel JJelUon lieitshu Daniel, late hatter, h 14 N Queen HEI'J'SHU J)ANIl~L n., druggi8t, 13 'V King, h N Queen n Walnut IIeitshu George II., clerk, h N Queen nb 'Valnut IIeitshu Magdalena, wid. \ViIliam, h N Queen ab \Vnhmt Heitsnu William A., hats and caps, 14 N Queen, bus samo Helb Jacob, tanner, h EKing opp prison Held Jacob, laborer, h 193 Middlo licleine John I>., grocer, GO Church, h samo Helfenstein Albert (Hev.), h 98 B King Heller Androw J., student, 'V Chestnut bet Mulberry and N'Vater Hempy tjohn, lnboror, h Low n Frcibnrg Hendel Mary, h N IJimo Il Chestnut.

121 III HECTORY. I I ~ \ He'Hlcr~on Amos R (.John K. Heed l- Co.), B King ab Duke, h B King COl' Ann TIcngercr Johl1, carpenter, h Church n Church al Henig George, huckster, h \V King n Columbia. Henkel Johu, segar-maker, h St. Joseph n Love la Henry Benjamin, cabinet-tunker, h Locust n Hockland Henry l~lizabeth.j., wid. Samuel A., h Mulberry n \V Walnut Henry John, shoemaker, h Lemon al n Vine Henry Sophia, washerwoman, h Orsngo c Shippen Henry Thaddeus S. (col'd), barber, Low n Stnwbcrry, h Goose n S Queen Henry 'Villium, helper, h N Queen bel IJemon Hens John, bricklayer, h 48 l\1iddle Hensel Adeline, milliner, h 56 E Chestnut Hensel Elizabeth, h Shippen n Orange Hcnsell?rederick, carpenter, h 61 Chestnut Hcnllel Harriet, dressmaker, h 56 E Chestnut Hensel Jacob, carpenter, h 45 Chcstnut Hensel Peter, carpenter, h Shippen n ]~ Kiuj< Hensel Selina. M., dressmaker, h Shippen 11 Orango Hensel Susan K, dressmaker, 3D B Chestnut, h same Hensel 'Villiam, carpenter, h GO Chestnut liensel William, carpenter, Orange u Shippen, h samo Hensler Ellen, wid. Mathia'i, h 155 B King Hensler John, butcher, h 142 }~ King Hensler Samuel, confectioner, h S WIlter n Ville Hensler 'Villiam, Into tailor, h 250 Middle Henwood Benjamin, shoemaker, 11 Orange n Mary Hepting Charles, stonecutter, h North n Loug al Hepting Dorothy, wid. Christian, h l\ianor n Dorwart IIcpting Frederick, baker, h N Queen nb James IIepting Louis, cabinet-maker, h r W King n Mary Herbert Joseph, laborer, h Prince n Lemon Herbst Charles, lat~ physician, bds Hagle hotel Herfert Lewis, h Orange n Limo Hergenraether George, tanner, h Milnor n Millerstown pike Ilergenrather Jacob, shoemaker, h 2m) Middle Hergcnrother Johan, blacksmith, ft S Queen, h S Queen Herman Catharine Miss,, h S Prince 11 Andrew llrrman Clelllelltina, milliner, h N JJime Let Chestnut and Orange Herman Frederick, h MrHlol' n the brijge D

122 98 LA NCA8Tf:n Hermnn George, }abor~r, h High n the alley Herman Henry M student, h W Chestnut bet MulLeny nntl N Wntcr Herman Louisa, h Church opr Vine Herman Michael, port('r, h Manor n the hrillgc Herman Sophia, wid. Frcdeliek, h IJill1e n Orange Hermes Cnrl, segar-maker, h Manor n the bridgo Hermes Mathias, segar-maker, II Manor n the bridge IIernfreid Henry, laborer, h High n IJove la Herrel John, weaver, Charlotte c Chestnut, h same Herr IJenjamin, lawyer, lu S Queen, h Manheim town~hip Herr Christian G., clerk, bds 'V Orange n Mulberry Herr David, dealer in wood, h 145 S Queen Herr Henry G., farm or, h 205 J4; King In~RR JOlIN, dry goods, 5 ]<J King, h B Orange n N Queen TIerr Robert, moulder, h N Water n J~mon Herr Theodore W0' clerk, bus S IJimc 1) Vine Herrington IJizzie, milliner, II Duke 11 Church Herrold Joseph, tnilor, h Kunley's alley n Mary lierschinger Christian, Inborer, h Manor n 'V King Hersh Henry, mattress maker, B King n the prisoll Hershey Amos M., salesman, h 72 N Prince Hershoy Benjamin, latc flu'mer, II W King 11 Water IIerslH'Y Jacob, gardener, h Ann II EKing Hertzog Nicholu\ls, laborer, h High 11 the nlley JIerz ]<;lizabcth, domestic, Wutcr bel Germall Herz Heinrich, mason, h Mulberry n W Walnut Herzog nernhnrd, laborer, h MallOI' n Dorwart Herzog I?anny, wid. Jar-ob, h B Chestnut n IlIum Herzog Jacob, lahorer, Ii S Prince n Vine Herzog Jacob, laborcr, h Manor n 'V King Herzog Jacob, lager beer, 1\Il1lberry 0 Walnut, h Ramo Herzog Martin, laborer, h at I' JJamb botel, 'V!(ing Herzog Saloma, domestic, S Queen adj printing offi\lo HCSil Albert, baker, Lds IJntnb hotel HeRS l!~rcdcl'iok, hotol, 47,V King, h same Hess Isaac C., firemlln, h B Chcstnut n Duke Hess Jacob, mason, h Low n Strtr.vberry Hess Jacob, shoemaker, h High n Strawberry Hess John, b:lttendel', King of Prussia hotel Hess Nicholas, mason, h Low n Strawberry Hess William II., clerk, bds 79 N Duke.

123 lhhectoily. Hesz Henry, JllnSt)n, h St.,Joseph 11 Strawberry Heugel,John G., tailor, h N Qucen bel Lcmon Houpel Anthwy, machinist, h r al bet Duke ami Lime Heuschkel Heinholt, tailor, h CllIIl'eh C Church al Hmlslal' Jacob, labol'cr, h ralnul n )lulberl'y Hibshman Allan, h N Quem n J allies II ibshman Harrison, student, h N Queen n,tameij Hibshman II. H. 'V., student, h l'rinl'o e Lemon IIicmanz Franz, shoemaker, h N Kin~ n W Lcmon Hiener Auna It, wid, IJafayette, h Hi;) J'~ Kin~ Hicstauu Abraham, accountant, bd~ l~etl Lion hotel Hiestand John A. & Co., Examinel' ami Herald, 3H N Queen, bds Hed Lion hotel Hiester I~li R, student, h N Quecn n \Valnut Hiester Isaao.E. (Illester &., 1%)'), lawyer, 3H N Duke, h 32 N Duko liies~relt JARED K tailor, 3U N Queen, bds Michael's hotel Hiester & Bby (1. K Hiester and Sill10n P. ELy), lawyers, 38 N Duke Higgins James, tanner, h S Princo n Andrew Hiluebralldt Adam, laborer, h Uockland on the Conestoga. Creek Hildebrandt Casper, laborer, h Rockland on the Conestoga. Creek Hildebrandt Heinrich, weaver, h Hocklllnd 011 the COllestog:~ Creek Hill George, teamstor, h \V Orange n ~Iary Hillen l~lizabeth MrR school, 189 S Queen, h same liiller Christ, stonecutter, h Plulll II EKing Hilliard Heury (ool'd), laborer, h Walnut n Mulberry Hilligus Henry, machinist., h \V King II Columbia Hillman Michael, laborol', h High n Love la Hilsher Jacob, laborer, It Orunge n Charlotte Uime Frederick, shoemaker, h l' Manor n Dorwart Himmelsbach Charles, tailor, h 124: Middle Hiullllelsbnch IJandelin, coaohll1aker, 124 Middle, 11 sumo Himmelsbach Louis, wheelwright, bds 12-1 Middle Himmen Annn M. C., miller, h W Vino u Wator liimlllen John, loom fixer, h Vine bel Mulberry Hind Samuel, laborer, h N Queen ab Jamcs Hinder Grac(', wid. Frank, h al bet ~Inry and Manor Hindman Clemeutilla, wid. Jamc:-l, It Shippen 11 }<; King

124 100 Hine Philip, carpenter, h 8 Quecn opp the (\'melcrj' Hineman 0., fanner, Ilaz('l e LilY\! la Hineman Henry, tailor, h Frelll~rick 11 N Qlll'ell Hinig George, carpenter, h W King 11 Dorwart Hinkle Christopher, gunsmith, h IGI S Queen Hinkle George J., gunsmith, h IGt S Queen Hinkle Susan, wid. George, h 161 S Queen Hinn }'eter, segar.mnker, h 'V Chestnut n Mulberry liirneisen Christianna, domestic, N Queen bel Lemon IJirschinger Christian, peddler, h 'V Vine n S Water Hirsh Abrahalll (Hirsh & Brothers), 3 N Queen, h 35 S Duke Hirsh Charles, eloth:ng, 79~ N Queen, bds Reese's hotel Hirsh IIerman (Hirsh & Brothers), 3 N Queen, h 8 Doughter's now Hirsh Leopold (Hirsh &, Brothc;rs), 3 N Queen, h 35 S Duke HIRSH & 13HOTIIEnS, watches, jewelry, nnd fancy goods, 3 N Queen IIitz Bliznbetb, wid. Peter, h J~ Chestnnt n Duke Hitz Jacob, lahorer, h!\lnnor n W King JIitzelberger George, shoemaker, h Vine cor Strawberry Honk David, coachmaker, h N Queen n,james Hocker John, h I1azeln linger Borkman Milton H., &tudent, h N Queen ab Walnut Hodges ~L'bolllns, baker, High n Strawberry, h same Hodgin Thomas, stagedriver, h Rees' hotd Hodgins Alexander, cabinet-maker, 11 Chestnut n Lime HODSON WILIJIAM T., h r N Queen n Lemon Hoeltzle Conrad, laborer, h N 13ea\'er n 'V Walnut Hoeffer Adam, cai'penter, h CO!1l!stoga n R Queen Hoffman Augustus F., barber, GG N Queen, 11 N Qm en n James Hoffman Uenjamin, oysterman, h G Middle Hoffman Cutharine, wid. Dnniel, wa8herwollum, h Manor n 'V King Hoffman Christian, t{lilor, h J..ocu!'t n Freiburg Hoffman George, barkeeper, h 10 S Prinee Hoffmnn George 13., clerk, h 19 S Prince Hoffman Honry, shoemukcr, h S Queen bel IJo\'e In Hoffman Joseph, peddler, h N Queen nb Walnut HotTman Peter, laborer, halley n Marietta pike Hoffman Sigmon{l, briclmlul\cr, It,Tames n Charlotte

125 nrm:ctorv. 101 Hoffmeier Amos K, coachtrilllljler, h S Water c Vine Hoffmeier Henry W., clerk, bds Coopels (Hed Lion) hotel Hoffmeier Jacob IJ.! clerk prison, h S Water c Vine Hoffmier Harriet., h 58 S Duko Hoffmier John 'V. (Hev.), German Reformed, h 58 S Duke Hofman Mary, grocer and furnishing undertaker, ~liddle n S Queen, h do Hohien Oscar C., tailor, h N Queen ab Vrederick Hohman Jacob, distiller, h Low c!lockland Hohman John 'V., lnborer, h Hoekland c l?reiburg Hoin Henry, cnrpenter, b SLime n Vino Holbrook M. D., conductor, h 70 N Prince Holladay Jesse, h 12 Middle Holland Mary, wid. Peter, h 63 N Duke Holler John, butcher, h Alley bet Walnut and IJemon, bel Charlotte Hollinger Ann 1\1., wid. of Joseph, h Orange n Mary Hollinger Mary, wid. 'iliiam, h Prince n,jallles ] [ollinger Matildn, weaver, bds Ville n Duke Hollinger J. S. (Hollinger & Fahnestock), 11 N Queen, h N Limo Hollinger Segundn, wid., b Chestnut bel Charlotte Hollinger &, li'ahncstock, dry goods, 11 N Queen Hollman Daniel, lnborer, h l?ulton n Shippen Hollmnn John, boot nnd shoemaker, h 132 l~ King Hollman John, butcher, Orange n Shippen, h sallie liolmstend 'Vashington, carpenter, h IJeaver n Hazol lioit. Thomas, ~rocer, S Queen 0 Hazel, h do IIollzward Geo)~e, picker! h High n Strawberry liod/nnn John A., ingor bel'r, 'V Vine n Strawberry Homp Christian, butcher, 13h B King, h do Hone Michael, grocer, Benver n Andrew, It samo IIonneohe Michael, rngs, h Lime n I,clIlon Hood Alexander 11., lawyer, 20 N Duke, h E JJcmon n Duko Hood Lewis P. (eoi'd), hominy, It North n Rocklnnd Hook Ann Elizabeth, milliner, h N Queen n l?rederick Hook Bridget, wid., h N Qucen n Prederick Heok Henry, coaehmnker, It N Queen n Fredel'irk Hook Jane 1\1., milliner, h N Quccn n Fl'cdcriek Hook John, mason, h nl bet W,lalllc,! anti 'V Lemon Hookey Christian, carpell tel', h 107 ChCliluut u*

126 102 L.HWAHl'EH Hoover Elizabeth, wid. George, h N 'Yatcr n 'V Or,ange Hoover Henry, cabinet.maker, h Concstoga n S Quecn Hoover Jacob, shoemaker, h Mulberry n the H. It. Hoover John P., laborer, h 'Walnut n Mulberry Hoover Joseph, coachmaker, Alley bet Mulberry nnd S 'Vater, h Orange n Mulberry Hoover Peter, laborer, h 'Valnut u Mulberry Hopkins James M., iron-master, h 'V Orange bet l\f ulberl'y and N rater Hopkins Theodore A., (Rev.), principal Yntes lust, h S Lime n Church al Bopple Owen, hotel proprietor, N Queen c Chestnut Hopwood John, shoemaker, h 'V Jamcs n N Princo Horn John, baker, 156 Middle, It same Rorner Jacob, laborer, It 155 S Queen Hornish Jncob, laborer, h 168 S Queen HOIt1TNG GEOUGE, hotel, 29 N Queen Hotting G~orge A., h National house Hostetter Abraham, h 176 B King Hostetter David n. (Reinoehl & Hostetter), 72 ~ N Quccn, h 64 E Chestnut Hostetter Louis 0., milliner, h 176 EKing Hottinger Mathia, laborer, h W King n Columbia pike Rouck Christian, huckster, h S Qucen n Powers' nl Houghey James, driver, 'Vhite Horse hotel Houser Catherine, wid. of George, h High e Strawberry Houser lienry, shoemaker, h 'V Orange n Charlotte Houser Joseph, h N Queen fib Frederick Rouser Mary, h High n Strawberry Hownrd Charles, boarding, h 45 }<~ King Howe Mary Mrs., h 56 S Duke Howell Charles M., marble yard, 66 N Queen, It do Howerter Catharine, wid. George, h Prince n I~emon Howerter Chnrles, gun barrel mnker, h IJemon bel N Queen Howerter Henry, gunsmith, It Church al n IJClllon al Howllinger Joseph, dry goods, 11 N Queen, h J.lime u Orange Howser John W., boarding, 'V King n Chal'loHe, II same Hoxworth Ann J wid. Israel, h 130 S Queen Hoxworth James, segar.maker, h 180 S Queen Huber Benjamin, shoemaker, h Millerstown piko HUBER UENJAMIN F confectioner, 22~ W King, It 48 S Duko

127 1)/ Il EC'TOH r. loa Huber Ehrman, fol1nclrymnn, It E Orange n Rhippru Huber Esther, wid. Jflroh, 11 E Omllge u Lilllo Huber George t., tinsmith, btls (}lobo hotel Huber Henry, carpenter, h Prince II Hager Huber Henry II., carpenter, Conestoga n S Queen liubbr JACOB, Fountain house, S Queen, h sarno 1Iubel' J neob, lime, h E Orange n J.Jimc Huber John A., carman, h Priure n Hager Huber John F. (John A. Hiestan & Co.), 341 N Queen, h N }>rince ab Orange HUBER JOHN I?, ph)'sician, under Fountain Inn, btls Fountain Inn Huber J.Jevi, shoemaker, bds 246 Middle Huber Samuel, boiler.maker, h High n Strawberry Huber 'Vendling, mason, h Freiburg n Low Hubert.Jacob, Begar-maker, h James n It H. bridge Hubert John C., tobacconist, h 145 Chestnut Hubert 'illiam, carpenter, h Orange n 'Vater Hubley Bernard, printer, bds (3 N Queen Hubley Chester Smith, shoemnker, It Orange n Cllflrlotte Hubley K S., lato hotel proprietor, h!'rillce bel Orango Hubley l~liza, h 43 S Queen Hubley Isaac, shoemaker, h 127 S Queen Hubley J. W., glv':cr, L10rthClIl)l 0 Centre square and Queen, h 'V Chestnut n 'Vater Hubley Hosina, wid. Joseph, h Vri :,o n Orange Hubley Sarah, wid. John A., variety s.~(\~ 4 FlJ 1Ir ;1 bjgs, I>rince, h same Huek Christian, h High n Strawberry Huck Joseph, laborer, It High n Lo\'e In. Huey Hobert, dentist student, bds 54 N Queen Huffnaglc George W. jun ) lato bartender, h \V 'Yalnut n Charlotte IIuffnugle George 'V., laborer, h,v 'Vlllnut n Charlotte IIuffnagle Martha, wid. George, h 41 S Queen IIughcs -- (Hev.), St. Paul's Methollist church, It 66 N Duke Hughes Delila, wid. George, lager beer, German e Beayer, h same Hughes Jane Mrs., h l' 133 EKing Hughes John, factorymnn, It S Qucen n Columbia garden Hughes _John, saddler, It Chestnut w('st of N (Juccn liugllcs John]),l;cgnr-mnkcl', h W Chestnut,

128 101 LANCASTF.R liugo George, saddler, bds CLestnut e3st of Prince HUKYI j ClIHISl'IAN, carpenter, h l~ Chestnut nb Limo liull J obn, segar.mnker, h W King n N Water Hull ~Iary, variety store, 'V King n N Water, h do HUllles Agnes, wid. James, h 93 EKing Hummel Adam, laborer, h 'Vater fib Chestnut Humphreyville Jacob, plasterer, h Middlo n S Queen Humphreyville John, plasterer, h Middle n S Quecn Hupart George, blncksmith, h Mulberry c Lemon Hupmnn Jacob, printer, h N Princo ab Lemon Hurford I.JCwis, E Orango ab N Queen, h E Orange fib Lime Hurst mam D., boss spinner, h 'V Vino n 'Vater Hurst Sophia, wid., h Vine n S Water JIuson 1'homns, driver, h 'V James n N Queen Husson John, hostler, h Church al n IJemon al Husson Thomas, driver (Heese's), h Jnmes n N Queen IIu~son 'I'homas, turner, h Church al 11 IJemon al Huston Samuel F., H. It agent., h Orange bet IJime nnd Duke Hutchinson John, laborer, h 'V Walnut 11 Mulberry Huttinger Joseph, Inborer, h 'Y King n Columbia pike IIutton Isane, laborer, h nl bet James and Lemon Hutton Miller, carpenter, h Conestoga liet S Queen and Beaver I. ldail John, plasterer, h 'V King n Mary lhting Samuel, tin and sheet iron worker, 33 EKing, h 12 EGerman n S Queen Ihling William, late tinsmith, h 33 EKing INIJAND INSUltANCE & DEPOSI'f CO., Centro sq c S Queen lrednle Thomas B., tinsmith, h 'V Chestnut n N'Vater lsenbcrger Samuel, laborer, h l\inry n W King lake Anton, cabinet maker, High n Strawberry, h do J. Jack, Joshua W., Cat penter, h 55 N Duke Jackson John W. (~ahm &, Jackson), 15 N Queen, LJ:i Michnel's hotel

129 Ilm I:CTOHY. Taeoh Helll')', milkman, It Bt'an'l' n 1lager.LI( of,,jo~(')ih, (';11'1'0111('1', It \\' Killg II )lnrwart Jacohs Edward, dealer in old iron, h B <hallgc II PlullI Jncobs Mary, wid. Adalll, h N l'rillec ill LeJllolI.Tacobs Uuth A., wid. James II, h g Ville e Lemon al Jacow JacoL, potter, h N Queen 11 Manheim pike J ogler Vincellt, hostler, It r KC')'stone hote! James George (col'd), Ilcourcr, h 96 Middlo James Timothy, grocer, 125 ];~ King, 11 same Jefferies Amelia, widow, h W B King Jefferies Charles A., engineer, It W Omnge n Mary Jefferies Matilda, teacher, h 46 g King Jefferies Thomas n., carpenter, h W King n Manor JeITers John, bricklayer, h W King n Dorwart Jeffers Lm'i, bricklayer, h W King n Charlotte.Teffries David It, brickjajci', h W King n Mary Jeffries John, mason, h W Orange n Charlotte Jeffries Milton, liiason, h 7 S Prince Jenkins Mary F., wid. William, IJ 27 N Duke,Tennings l~o\vnrd, driver, h N Queen opr Fredcritk J enllings 8a1'<\h, grocer, N Queen opp Ii'rederick, h sa IlIC.John ChnrJes.A., painter, W King II Mulherry, 11 S:UIlC Johns Conrad, carpenter, h Chllrlctto n 'V Killg Johns John, Rcgar.mnJwr, h Manor n Humano Hose Johns Heuben H., hotel. 23 N Queen, h RalllO Johns nose A., wid. IJCvy, h N Lime n Chestnut,Tohnson Catharine, wid. WilJiam, h Prince n l.cmon Johnson Conmd, carpenter, h Charlotte u Chestnut Johnson David, marble polirher, h Church al ncar Church Johnson Delia (coi'd), wid. James, h North n Hocklallli.Tohnson Margaret K, seamslre~s, h B Vine c LemOJi al Johnson Mnt y, wid. James, h ]i~ Vine c IJClllon al.johnson ])eter, carpenter, h St. JGscph 11 tho church Johnson Willinm, teleg. operator, h IJime n Chestnnt Johnston George H., studenl, h N Queen nb '''arnut Johnston.Toseph II., stullenl, h N Duko bel 'Valllut Johnllton J. M., dngucrrr.otypist, N Qucen 2tlllb Orange, It Market squaro Johnston Samuel, hntter, h Plum n Ol'lmgo Jones Ueujamin (col'o), laborer, h Freiburg n Locust Jones James L., bricklayer, h W Walnut II ~I ulbcl'l'y.tones Levi, ostler, Merrimac house Jones I.ewis II., shocmakel', 2f>2 R QIH)('!I

130 106 LANC.\S'l'Ell Jones Nary, widow, domestic, h W Chestnut Let Mulberry and N Water Jones Hich:ml, bartender, Cross Keys, h 32 S Queen.Jones Samuel (eoi'd), on the H. It, h N Water u IJelllon.Toues Susan, wid. Samuel, h ou \';11.' Jordan Juliana, library, h 106 g King Jordan Mary Ann It, h 50 S Queen Jordan Hebeeen, library, h log ]~ Kin~ Jordan 'Villiam II., wbitesmitb, h al bet 'V Chesuut nthi Walnut n N 'Vuter Judge Catharine, widow, h Orange nann.tung Gottlob, farmer, h Hocklnud on the Conestoga creek J ungling John, late shoemaker, h N Prince n Chestnut K. Kagel Theodore, brewer, bds 54 N Queen Knbl Henry, brieklllukcr, It W Chestnut n Mary Kalil Jobn (Kahl & llrother), 'V IJCwon ab Charlotte, h N Mulberry bet Walnut and Lemon Kahl William (Kalil & Brother), 'V IJcmon ab Charlotte, h same KAJIL & llhotiier, brickyard, 1Y J.Jemon ab Chnrlotte Kuhlcr Mary, h W King 11 Charlotte Knhn li'rederick It., factory, h N Duke ab James Kahn Julia, wid. MoseR, h N Quetm ab Frederick Knke George, laborer, h Plum n the It It Kalitzke.Joseph, cabinet maker, factory n Low Knm John, laborer, h N Queen n Frederick Knmm Andreas, laborer, b N QueC'n bel Lemon Kmnm George, carpenter, h N Queen nb Frederick Kamm Jacob, farmer, h N Queen ab Frederick Kampf John 1\1., wen\,cr, h N Water n Waluut Kapp Amos, tailor, h Frederick n N Quecn Karch John, laborerj h St. Joseph opp the church Kasser Victor, cabinet-maker, h High n Strawberry Kauffman Anron H., clerk, bub Franklin house Kauffman Amos, scgar-maker, h 2 Church Kauffman Anurow S., bartendcr, Great Wcstcru hotel Kauffman Ann R, h 18 B German Kauffman Annie, h 100 EKing

131 J) IIU:CTOn y 107 Kauffman Benjamin II., drug8,,11 N. Queen, ami hotel 45 N QUe<}JJ. h ~amo Kauffman Catharine, wid. John, h N Lime n OralJ~e Kauffman Daniel M. (G. ~I. ~ahlll &. Co.), h IX EGerman Kauffman K D., bookkeeper, h N IJime hct g King and Orange KAUFF~IAN }<~DWAHD M., variety store, 75~ N Queen, h same Kauffman Georgo A. (G. M. Zahm & Co.), h 18 ]~ German Kauffman Harriett, h los Chureh Kauffman Harry H, clerk, btls Franklin house KAUFFMAN HENHY L., Lamb hotel, 'V Kinr:; n Centre square Kauffman Jacob Ii., clerk, bus Lamb hotel Kauffman Lydia, wid. Jacob, h 2 Church Kauffman Margaret J., wid. Joseph C., h 'Valllut cor N Water Kauffman Martin, flcgar-mnkcr, h 2 Church Kaufl'man Mary, wa~herwomnlj, h l'rince n Orange Kauffman William, Rhoclllaker, h 128 S Queen Kaufman Adam, laborer, h High n Strawberry Kaufman Andrew B., insurance agent, and Kaufman &, Co., 1 B Orange, bds Merrimac hotel Kaufman Frnnklin H., carpellte\', 42 S Duke Kaufman Junius B., lawyer, 2 S Duke, h salllc Kaufman Murin Ii., h 4? S Duke Kaufman Virginia P., bds 58 N Queen Kanfman &. Co., patent medicine8, 1 ]~ Orange Kautz Andrew, brickmnker, h Harrisburg pike n Mulberry Kautz Benjamin, laborer, h Beayer n Andrew Kautz Benjamin C., on the It. R, h al bet Chnrlotte a11l.1 Mulberry Kautz Christian, on the n. R., It Fr.::deriek n Iiitiz pike Kautz Daniel, laborer, h Mauor n Millerstown road Kautz David, brickmaker, h Lafayette n Strawbcny Kautz Edward, horsedealjr, h 'V King n Mary Kautz Elias, brickmaker, h 'Vnlnut n Mulberry Kautz Emanuel, brickmaker, h 'V Iicmon n College Kautz Gabriel, oyster saloon, southwest cor Centro sfj, h Lafayette n Strawberry. Kautz George, brickyard, Lemon n College, h do Kautz Henry, brick maker, h W King n Mary Kautz Hemy, segar-maker, It Ville c Strawberry

132 108 J.ANCM;TER Kuutz Israel, Centre sq, h lii~h n Strnwhcrry Kautz Jacob l~., contraetcr, ' King n Manor, h do Kantz John, pumpmaker, h 'V Kin~ n Strawberry Kautz John, Jr., pumpmaker, h S 'Vater n Vino Kautz Joseph, shoeluaker, h Mary_ cor Alley Kautz J o&eph, mason, h Freeman n Lovo III Kautz 'Villiam, plasterer, h Vine cor Strawberry Kautz 'YiUiam, brickmaker, h 'V Chestnut n Mulberry Kautz 'Villiam, oysters, Centre sq, h Lafuyetto n Strawberry Keary J olm, bartender, 'VhiUl Horse houli Keefe Patrick, laborer, h N 'Vater n 'V King Keeler Franz, cooper, h Dorwart n Manor Keeler Samuel, fan machines, Church n Duke, h samo Keeler & Darthel (Samuel Keeler &Jacob Darthel), gl'ai 11 drills, Church n Duke Keenan Francis, lawyer, 9 'V Orange, h do Keener Jacob, shoemaker, h N 'Vater n Lemon Keffer John L., painter, h Prince bel Chestnut Keffer Peter, painter, h Vine n Lemon al Keffer 'Yashington H., musie teacher, Orange 11 'Vuter, h same Kegel John, baker, 33 S Duke, h same Kehm Jacob, student, h N Qlleen n Walnut KeHer Henry, late tailor, bd~ Prince n 'Valnut Keily James, laborer, h Chestnut 11 Grovo town Keller Elizabeth, domestic, 'V King bel Prince Keller Blizabcth, wid. George, h Church n EKing KELLER F. IIIRAM, carpenter, 'ater bel German, It Orange bel Charlotto Keller Georgo, h 49 N Duko Keller George, latc tinsmith, h 18 W King Keller George, mason, h Cburch n EKing Keller Henry, carpenter, It DOIwllrt n Manor Keller II. T. Mrs., h 113 N Duke Keller Johan, weaver, h 'V King n l'iulberry Keller John, bricklayer, 11 James n Charlotte Keller Lovy, laborer, h High n Love la Keller :Mary, wid. Jacob, h r 20 8 Queen Keller Mary A., milliner, bds ' Lemon bet!)rinco nnd N Queen Keller!)hilip, carpenter, h ' King 11 ColumLh turnpike Keller,,'miam, laborer, h S Queen II I.JOYO III

133 DIREOTORY. 100, KelJey 'William, painter, bds Church 01 n Middle Kelly Daniel, drover, h Orange n Shippen KelJy Henry, machinist, h Plum neo-:o tho R. n. KelJy John, drover, h Oran~e n Shippen Kelly John, foreman, L N'Vater n Chestnut. Kelly John :M., boss curder, L N 'Vater n W Chestnut J{cllfl\Iaria, wid. Dennis, h N Wat~r n W Chestnut Kelly ~l\iiehael, lat~ drover, h N Queen n James Kelly Patrick (R<'Cd, McGrann, Kelly & Co.), southwcst cor Contro sq and S Queen, h Orange cor Shippen. Kelly Patrick, jun., drover, h E Orange n Shippen Kemler John, laborer, h Locust n Rockland Kempf John 1\1., 'carpet-weaver, h N 'Yater ab Chestnut Kempf Sebastian, mason, h High n Loye III Kendig Christiana, wid. Johu, h North n Uoekland Kendig Elizabeth, h Middlo n S Queen Kendig George, spayer, h 68 S Queen Kendig Hiram, bartender, h Prince n Chestnut Kendig Mary, wid. Henry, h Prince bel Orange Kendrick George, printer, h Plum n Orange Kendrick William G. (Kendrick & Diggs), 32 N Qlleeh, h 94 N Duke. Kendrick & Riggs, plumbers and gas6tt~rs, 32 N Queeu Kenedy Michael, laborer, h ]Jc.wer n Conestoga Kennedy Harriot, teacher, h N Water n Chestnut Kent Caroline, seamstress, bds 9-! Middlo Kepler Jaeob, carpenter, High n Strawberry Keplinger John, blaekrmith, h N Queen bel James Kepner John, grocer, N 'Yater ab Ornngo, L do Keppelo Catharine, h 8 S Queen Kepple Frnncis, tailor, h High n Love la Kerchner John, laborer, h l!'rhemall n Love III Kerchner Marcus, tailor, h Irreoman II III Kerfoot Elizll, wid. George ll., millincry, S Queen n Centre square, h do Kerns John, weaver, h Orange n the prison Kesler Marga'retta, wid. Martin, h l.iow n 11'reiburg Kessler George, shoemaker, h Manor n the bridge Ketcham Jared, furniture, 40 N Queen, h N Lillie n Ornngo Ketcham William 'Y., varnisher, h )i~ Ilomon n N Queeu Ketterer George J., baker, 161 ~Iiddle, h do K}~VINSKI JOHN D., professor of music, h Orange bel }>rince 10

134 110 J,ANCASTER Kcvinski Vincent, professor of lilusic, h Orllngc LeI Princc Keyes Joseph J., produce and fruits, Ccutro sf) n post oflico, h Market sq Kiefer Ignatz, shoemaker, h Manor Let Dorwart and 'V King Kiefer 'Villiam, plnnemnker, h S Queen c German KIEFli'Elt C., coppersmith and stoves, 7 EKing, h N I~ime e Orange Kieffer ]i~lizabeth, wid. John, h 26 Middle Kieffer ]~lizaheth It, h 42 S Queen Kieffer George, segar-maker, h W King n Columhitl pike Kieffer John, segar maker, h 223 ~lil1dle Kieffer Jonathan, machinist, h 12 S Queen Kieffer Jonathan C., machinist, h Dorwart n Manor Kieffer Joseph S., student, W Chestnut Let Mulberry and N'Vater Kieffer Margaretta S., h 42 S Queen Kieffer Sarah n., teucher public school, h 42 S Queen ]{iefter Thompson, coppersmith, h 122 S Queen Kiehl Annie, wid. William, h High n IJove In Kiehl Benjamin, laborer, h 221 Middle Kiehl Georgo A. (Kielfl & Wacker), r 77 B King, It Hockland Kiehl Jacob, carpenter, h 16-ll\lhldle Kiehl Salome, wid. Jacob, h Uockland n Low. KU;UIJ & 'VACKEH, mineral water, &0., I' 77 B King Kiernan Catharine, wid.,james, h 143 N Kirlg Kilburn Francis, reporter, h 141 Middlo Killian Abraham, segar-maker, h \Vashington n IJClUon nl Killian Albert G. (Fritz & Killian), 65 ]~ King, h some Killian Hebe, teumster, h I' Markley al Killian II. K., tailo.., h 60 S Duke Killinger Christopher, painter, h 170 ]l~ King Killinger David, Lutcher, 38 ]~ King, h sumo Killinger David, huckster, h W Orange n Mary Killinger Bliznbeth, wid. Frederick, h \V Orango n Mary Killinger Jacob, Lutcher, h 136 Middle KilJinger Jacot, carpenter, h N Queen bel James Killinger Jacob, late threshing machincs, h 170 J~ Killinger John, market truck, h 'Vater bel Orango Kimley Jacob, brick maker, h Dorwart n Manor ]{ing Catharine Ii'., wid. George, h 67 B King King David, grocer, 67 ]<; King, h Shippen King

135 DInECTOItY. 111 King Frances, h l\lidjlo n Hotkluud King George, carpenter, h ~lulberry n Lemon King George P cooper, h Orallge c I'lulIl King Jacob, clerk, h 28 S Duke King Jacob, weaver, h W King n ~Iurieltll pike King John, lato watchman, h l\iulberry n Lemon King Leah, wid. John, h Mulberry n Lemon King Hobert, b E Wulnut n Duke KING nollen1.' J., slliosman grocery, Prince c Orange, b sarno King Sallie, h Lemon al opp Churc11 al long Samuel, laborer, h 21 S Duko ](jn:z: Samuell\I., palent ri~hts, Ii B Walnut n Duke Kinloy OeOl'ge, lnborer, h \V Vine n Srl'llwhcrl'y Kinzel' ]~saias, physician, N J.JiUle 2d ab ]<; King, E side Kinzer Uoland, lawyer, 58 1'; ](ing Kinzler l?rederick, boot maker, B Chestnut n J)ue, h SIWIO Kipphan.Joban, shocmnker, h 'V King Il Charlotte Kircher George, hotel, 'V King n ~Iulberry Kircher IJouis, soap maker, h N Qucen bel Lomon Kirchor }Jhilip, sinter h Manor n Dorwart Kircly Alexander, laborer, It 61 N Duke Kirk Andrew, lnborer, h N Queen Il W Walnut Kirk };manuel R, horsedealcr, h Manor n W King Kirk James, laborer, bds 61 N Duke Kirk Uicliard, lluperintendent, h ]2 Princo I(irkpatl'ick Bphraim, clerk, h It'ulton 11 Plum Kirkpatrick William, fouudcl' and machinist, h Orange n Shippen J(jrkpatrick 'Villiam, laborer, h ~rullerry II R. It ul'itjge Kir!lch Valcntino, laborer, h 2lG S Queen r Kisiner Samuel, oyslers, under market house, h King n. Charlotto. Kissinger I.Jt'onllrd, bricklayer, 11 Manor n 'Y King Kissner Peter, bootmakel', h S Queen, Sprenger's brewery Kistler John J., carpenter, n Cemelery, h :MalloI' n ])orwart Kitch Cyrus, blllcksmith, h ]~ Vine n Lemon al Kitch DaviR, blacksmith, Lemon /II n Washington, II sarno Kirch Davis, jun. (melding & Kitch), blacksmitb, foot S Queen, h al 0 'Ynshington Kitch Jacob, brickmakcr, b Millerstown pike Kitch J obn, trader, h 112 1\1 iddlo.. \

136 112 J,ANCASTER Kitz Catharine, wid. John, h Manor n Dor\\'nrt Kitz Daniel, brick maker, h Manor n Dorwart J(laiss Frederick, carpet-weaver, h Mulberry II Lemoll Klaus Philip, tailor, h Frederick n Litiz pike Klein Francis, laborer, h ldo Middle Kleiss Mary, wid. George, h S J.Jime c Church al Kleiss John, farmer, h Harrisburg pike Klinck Jacob, laborer, h Fulton n Shippen Kline Abraham, lato bartender, h 117 S Queen Kline Bdmond, editor, h E Walnut n Duko Kline }i'rcderick, late butcher, h 47 N Duke Kline George 1\1., law)'er, 12 N Duke, h 97 J~ King Kline Jacob P., carpenter, h Andrew n Strawberry Kline Jonas, coachpait~ter, bds S Queen bel Concsto~a Kline Miehael 0., treasurer locomotive works, h N J.Jime n Chestnut Klino Samuel M., sogar.maker, h 41 N Duke Klopp D. Eo, student, bds 54 N Queen Klump John, porter, h Freiburg n J.Jow Knapp Lawrence, 62 B Kinl{l h do Kneezel John, laborer, h ]~ Vine n Kneipe Peter, laborer, h Mulberry n 'Valnut Knelly David, laboror, h Mulberry n the It. R. Knight Elizabeth, wid. Azor, h N Queen ab Walnut Knipe Jacob 0., student bds Priuce ab Chestnut Knot Conrad, laborer, h N Queen ab }i'redcrick Knot Henry, huckster, h neading road n Frederick Koch Andrew, tailor, h Diller's III n S 'Vater Koch Carl H., painter, Millerstown pike Koch Heinrich, segnr.mnker, h Church n Duke Kooh John 'V., tailor, h N 'Vater n Chestnut Koehler George, laborer, h 98 Middle Koenig David, fish nets, h Mulberry n R. R. bridge Koenig Samuel, laborer, h ~Ianor n Millerstown pike Kohl Adam, laborer, N Queen n Frederiok Kohler John P., student, bela 56 N Queen Kohmann Anton, tailor, h Rockland n EKing Kolb George, laborer, h 1\Ianor n \V King, KoJIcI' Jacob, carpenter, h Prince n Chestnut Konig Frederick, gunsmith, h N Queen bel Frederick Konigmacher Joseph (l\:onigmncljor & Dauman), N Prince and the n. n., h Ephrata

137 DIRECTORY. 113 KONIG')IACIlEH & nau~ian, tnnners, curriers, leather belting and fire hose lllnnufactur('rs, N l>rince and the It U. Konstinn Charles, carpenter, h rashington n Lemon al Koons Jacob, bricksard, N Queen, h Water Kopp George, tailor, II John n ~~ King Kopp John P., grocer, 252 Middle, h do Krui Andreas, shoemaker, h North n Strawberry Kramer George, beltmaker, h 8(3 Church Krampb Sarah ~I., wid. Frederick J., h W Chestnut bet Mulberry and Charlotte Krapp John I'L, bootnh,ker, h r Orange n Charlotte Krapp Joseph, shoemaker, h Church n HocklillHl Krauskopf Georg(l, wagon maker, h g(3 Church Krauskropp William, wheelwright., 325 S Queen, h 367 S Queen Krauss Charles, salesman, h N 'Vater n ' King Krauss C. Philip, bookbinder, h N Water n W King Kreider Barbara, wid. John, h Manor 0 'V King Kreider Jacob, bds Merrimac houso Kreider John, cabinet-maker, It Vine S Duke Kreider Martha, BeaD1stresl1, bds,j.! S Queen Kreider Mary, housekeeper, Vino all I)llke Krcitzinger Adolph, tanner, h S Water n the Tannery Kresbllch Anton, cooper, bds 5 1 N Queen }(ress Johan, tailor, h 'V King n Mary Krey Peter, shoemaker, 'V King n Mary, h same Krick Isaac, gunbarrel-maker, bds Star house, N Queen Krickle John, gardcner, h High n Love 1a Kriebel Andreas, baker, ' King n N ruter, h Bnme Kriner George, oyster saloon, W King n Water, II loumo Kriner l\jichael, Rcgars, 127 S Queen, h same Kroeder Henry, machinist, h N Water nb Orango Krotel C. Ii'., It 15 S Dukc Krotcl G. Ii'. (Rev.), h 15 S Duke Krotcl John, Inborer, It Vino n Strawberry KUUG GEOUGE II., tauncry, W King c S 'Vater, 11 2 S Princo Kuehno Albert T., oj'ster saloon, Union, h Church n E King Kuerten Julius, cutler, 11 N Quecn n FreJorick Kuhlmann Adnm, h Hocklnnd c High Kuhlmann l>hilip, labore)', It Hockland c High 10*

138 114 LANOASTER. Kuhn Rudolph, editor nnd publisher Lnnea!ltcr and nardsburg Democrat, ]~ Chestnut c Duke, It snnie Kuhns George, grocer, h Vine n S Duke Kuhns Henry, bricklayer, h Mnnor n 'V King Kuhns lienry, eoaphoiler, h 'V King n Columhia pike Kuhns John, police, h Manor n 'V King KUHNS JOHN, segar-store, 25 N Queen n Orange, h 'V Orange Kuhns 'Villiam, carpenter, h l\iulberry n JJCmon Kuhns 'Villiam, lager beer saloon, 'Valnut n 'Vater, h do Kuilling Elizabeth, domestio, 'V King 0 N Water Kummer Joseph H. (Rev.), h E Orango n Princc Kunkel John, sinter, h Dorwart n W King!{unkol Joseph, peddler, h W King: n Manor KUIiloy Frederick, h Dorwart n 'V King Kunlcy Georgo, laborer, h Dorwart n Manor Kuntz Jacob, cabinet-maker, h N Queen bel James Kupp Andreas, laborer, h Charlotte 0 JJemon Kurt.en Julius, cutler, h N Queen c Frederick Kurtz Barbara A., h N Queen nb James Kurtz Daniel, carpenter, h I?reiburg n JJOw Kurtz George F., agent, h 'V Ohestnut n N 'Vater Kurtz Henry, bds Franklin house Kurtz J. H., physician, h N Queen n ralnut Kurtz Mary, millinery, 64 N Queen, h same Kurtz Samuel, engineer, h 87 Chestnut Kutc Michael, laborer, h Chestnut n Grovestown Kyle John, blacksmith, h Plum n Orange L. IJago.n Neal, h 4 S Queen J-Jaich Christian, laborer, It High n Strawberry Lair James (Rev.), h W King n Mary LAISE C. }l\, copper and brass worker, al bet 'Yashington and German, h 6:1 S Duke J-Jambert Charlotte, b N Queen n 'V 'Valunt Lambert MilTY, h 26 W King J-Jambert Sabina, h N Queen n 'V 'Valnut J.JQmbert William, laborer, h Plum n JiJ King JJamport. 'Villinm, laborer, h 158 J1J King

139 DIRECTORY. 115 LA ';em'l't'~1l COU:-lTY BA NK, 2~ EKing LA.\('ASTEH DEMOCRAT, ollieo ~Iarkct n W King JJanenster Gas Co., offieo 6 N Queen Lancaster I~eomotiyo nnd Machine Manufacturing Co., Plum n R. R. Lancaster Saving Institution, W King c N Princo Lancaster nnd SU!~quehanna Slack Water Navigation Co., E Orange 2d ab N Queen Landes John, President Lancaster County Bank, h Lampeter township IJandcs John, shoemaker, h Plum n EKing I~andis Henry, jun., med. student, bds Cooper's hotel Landis Jacob, carpenter, h \V 'Valnut n 'Vater LANDIS JESSE, lawyer, 48 B King, h 107 EKing IJundis John A., late museum, h 121 S Queen I~andis J~vy, machinist, h E OraDge D Plum IJandis Susnn, h 28 S Duke JJane K Eskridge, salesman, bds N Duke n Orange Lane G. Taylor (James n. & G. Ta,ylor Lane), 19 E KiDg, bds Michael'a hotel IIAN]'~ JA~n;S n. & G. TAYJ~OH, dry goods, grocers, &0. &0., 19 }J King, h N Duke n EKing IJllng Aloia, shoemaker, h North n Long al JI:lllgan Thos., blacksmith, h 'V KiDg n Columbia turnpike Ilangelleggcr John, carpenter, h Freiburg n J.IOcust J.k'lntz J 3cob (ll. IJ. Martin &, Co.), 'V King 0 Prince, h Prince 0 'V King Larnor Joseph, blacksmith, Church c Rockland, h Church n Washington I~aubenheimer Wilhelm, cooper, bda 54 N Queen Illlubinger Gottfried, mus. inst. maker, h al r 51 N Qllecn IJaugomor Jacob, laborer, h Church n Church al Lawler }~dward, laborer, h Ann c Orango Lawler James, teamster, h E Oran~e 0 Ann Lawrenco Ann M wid. Frederick, h Ornnge 0 Mulberry I~nwrence George, laborer, h 54 Middlo Lawrence John, on the Hailrond, h plank road Jlawrencc 'Viliium, brick maker, h Mnnor n the bridge Leary ]~dward, bartender, plaek ncar hotel, 9 }J King Le llllr Joseph (col'd), barber, 301 N Queen, h 134 Middle Le Baron William S., clerk, h 72 S Queen J~bkichcr David M. jun., collector, It 71 S Queen

140 116 JJANCA8TER I-lebze]tcr Philip, turnin~ nnd bendin~, AHey bet Chestnut und 'Yalnnt, nb N Queen, h N Quecn orr Keystone hotel IJCchler Anthony, hotel proprietor, 42 J~ King Lechler GeOl'ge, shoemaker, Manor n 'V Kinf(, h same Jlechlel' Henry, siker-plnter, h Manor n r King Jlcehler Tmiam, tailor, h 'V Chestnut n Mary J.JCehler William M., oyster8, h 119 Chestnut IJ('chty ttfartin, laborer, h Orange nann Lecler 'Villiam, h Middle n Uockland I~(Jo Amo~, slater, bds CroRs Keys hotel keda IIannnh, varieties, N Queen n Lomon, h sumo J.JCCllercr!>hilip, bdckmllker, h l,'reemall n Love la Lefevre C. II., h 96 N Duke J.JCfevro James A., student, bds S Princc n T King Jlefcvro Joseph II student, bds S Prince n,,' King JJefcYre 'Villiam D student, bds S Prince n 'V King JJchman John, lnborer, h S,\Tater n Vinu Leib 1~1i, clerk, bils 19 B Orange Leib Henry, tunnel', h T King n Mulberry Jlcibley Charlotte, wid. Jacob, h 15 B German JJCibley John, butcher, Gl S QUC(,Il, h fi3 S'ame J~eibsloy B1izabeth, wid. Clement, h JJreneman'R et S Dlll,e J~citcnberger Johan G., baker, h Church orr IlilllO IJCman Alexander, lahorei', h Shippen n Chestnut I~l~MAN IIBNHY K, rifle manufacturor, E \ralnut fib N Duke; h 107 N Duke J1BMAN JACOB, hotel, \V King n Prince Leman lleo, stonecutter, h Munor n 'V King JJemen George II shoemaker, h Church 0PP Duko JJCOlen John K segur-maker, h Church 0PP Duke Jlemon John IJ., shoemaker, h Church opp Duke llemon 'Willinm 11., shoemaker, h 80 Middle Lentz Georgo, shoemaker, h N Queen n Frederick Lentz Jacob, laborer, h Orange tl Mary J.JConnrd Ann M., b Orange n Shippen Jlconard Catharine, wid. Geol'ge, h North n Ilon~ Leonard Daniel, plasterer, h 230 Middle JJconard Henry, bricklayer, h Locust n J olm Leonard Henry, combmnkel', h Mulberry n 'Y \\Talnut Leonard James L., baggage-mu'ster, b r Chestnut n Mul. berry IJeonnrd John, coachmnker, bds J'~aglo hotel Leonard John, butclicr, h ISO Middle al

141 DIRECTORY. 117 Leonard John, physician; J.~ Orange n Shippen, h same Ieonard Philip, butcher, h Church cor EKing J~eolJard William P., alderman, 45 S Duke J~pkichler John, shoemaker, bus Pountnin inn J~ppcr Lewis, rifle.maker, h N Duke ab James J~ppert Joseph, laborer, h St..Toseph n tho Church J~ppold Wilhelm, laborer, h Ii'rciburg n Low J...crbel Franz, laborer, h Bea\'cr n Hazel J...cttercr Johan L., bartender, h 54 N Queen Leuthy Frank X., machinist, N Queen ab Chestnut, h sarno J~cuthy Magdalena, wid. J?rank X., h N Queeu nb Chestuut L~..mTHY URBAN, machinist, h N Queen ab Chestnut Jcrergood John, physician, 19 E Ort\nge, h 8 J~ Orango Jcvering Lewis l~., bartender, h W King n CharIotto J...cwis George, laborer, h Manor n 'V King J...cwis Isaac, superintendent, h N Queen n 'V James J..cwisbut Henry, bricklayer, h al bet MaHor and Mary Iichte Matthias, laborer, h J~emon bel N Queen Lichty Benjamin, tailor, 104 l~ King, h same I...iehty John, brickmnker, h Charlotte n Jumes Iicht.y John, farlder, h Rockland nann Jiebin Heinrich, peddler, h Church 0 Church al Liencg 'Villiam, peddler, h Strawberry n S Queen Light Jacob, coal.yard, Conestoga Creek, h 243 S Queen Jight J olm, laborer, h Al bet Shippen nnd Lime }ight l...ewis, coachmakcr, h Orange nann Ii~htner Newton, lawyer, 28 N Duke, h Duke cor I...emon J,ightner P. E., farmer, h Columbia piko J.ike.Joseph, fanning mills, h 281 S Queen lilier Andreas, h N Queen ab Chestnut Liller Christopher, hairdresser, N Queen ab Chestnut., h sarno Lind Anna l\i., wid. Abraham, It 120 S Quccn Lind John, carpcnter, h N Duke n Chestnut Lindcman Heinrich, mason, h 34 Middle IJineweaver Iizzy, domestic, 79 N Duke Lingenfeldef Nicholns, tailor, h N Queen nb Frederick Lingle Caroline, wid. Daniel, h Locust n I?reiburg Linnenberg Henry, stonecutter, h High n Hocklnud Lipp Henry G., tinsmith, W King lldj Cross Keys hotel, h W Orange n Arch al Lipp Jacob, groom, bds Washington hotel Lippincott John, blacksmith, h Chestnut n Plum

142 118- LANCA8TEll Lippold Frederick, filelllllker, 'V King n Mary, h same JJh'ely Henry, Imlesmfin, h Mulberry n Chestnut Lively Jucob, butcher, h 183 S Queen Uvingston John B., lawyer, 42 N Duke, h n N Duke Lloyd Joseph, shoelllaker, 'V King ab Mulberry, h sallie Lonn Henry, shoemaker, h Vine n S IJimo Loan Hugh, farmer, h Vine n SLime J.Jocher David P., leather Htoro, 19 W King, h 75 EKing J.JOCHBH HENUY C., morocco factor)', 'Vater 0 German, h 11 S Prince JJocher John, h S Prince n Germnn LOCHER MICHAEL II., leather and finding, 24 N Queen, h W Orange JJocher William, accountant, h 4 S Princo JJochrnn Sarah, h James n Duke JJock David, factory man, h 3-1 Church JJoek Lemuel, as3. boss, h 2 JJemon al IJoekwood Ann K, weaver, bds N Duke bel J~cmon I~ohrens Martin, laborer, h Uockland n Middlo JJolar Franklin '1'., salvo peddler, h 170 S Queen I~olJlax,TuIJICI:, late last, maker, h Yine n ltocklllud.j~olllax Oswell H., blacksmith, h Harrisburg pike n 'Yuter Lomcs William, carpenter, h lleaver 0 Andrew IJong Abrahum, blacksmith, h Mulberry 11 IJemon Long Charles R, clerk, h ]~ Orange n IJime JJong Prcderiek, h 'Valnut c N 'Yuter J.JOng Frederick, foundryman, '1 al bel B King and Orange JJong Henry, potter, h Bcnver n Hazel. I JJong IIenry G., judgo, 22 l~ Ornnge, h N Duke c Orange JJONG J AeOB, physician, Orange n Mulberry, h sume LONG JOlIN, grocer, 'V Orango bet Charlotto nnd Mulberry, h same Long John, carpenter, h al bot Mary and Manor JJOng John C., clerk, bds l~ Orange bet Duke and Lime Lollg John I? & Co., druggists, 5 N Queen, h l~ Grunge bet Duke nnd Lime LOllg J. 1\1. (P. IJong & Nephew), 7 N Queen, h same J-Jong Peter, enrtmnn, h,v Ornnge c Charlotte Long Peter (P. J-Jong & Nephew), 7 N QueeD, h Duke c Orange J~ong P. & Nephew, dry ~oods, 7 N Queen LONG HEUDBN II., lawyer, 52 B King, bds Shober's hotel

143 mrectory. 119 JJOng n. If., lumber, Princc n J.&mon, II 90 N Duke ]Jong Susan, wid. of Henry, h,\r Germnn 0PP No 1 Mill Long 'Villinm, painter, h N Queen nb Walnut Longenecker John II. (Longenecker &, Bilker), forwlu'dillg, N Queen nb Chestnut, h Prince 0 Chestnut IJONGI~CKgn & BAKEH, forwarding and columission, N J>rince & R. It. JJontQ Peter, laborer, h Frederick n Litiz pike ljorentz IJenjamin, paintor, h W Orange n Chnrlotto JJOrentz John, enrpent()r, h 'V Ol'llngo II Charlotto LOUgNZ JOHN, grocer, N Queen 0 1 'rederick, 11 samc Lorellze John, carpcnter, Chnrlotte n 'V King, h Orange n Chllrlotte,...- I _ ljorngcsser Heinrich, mason, h N Queen n Fredel'icli'..~ : ) :: ' JJossller Heinrich, carpentel', 11 Locust n Hocldand IJossoll Claude, laborer, h 208 Middle IJosson Maria 1\1., wid. John, h 189 Middle JJotz Peter, gunsmith, II 184 Middle. JJoucks Barbara, wid. of Samuel, h JJafayette n Strawberry Loucks John II., shoemaker, h al bet W Chestnut and '''iii: nut n N 'Vnter JJocumer Christian, cabinet.maker, h Church n EKing Jiougermun Angelino, seamstress, h North e Long al JJoughrill Sarah A., h James n N Duke JJo\'e John 'Y., stutlent, bus r Chestnut bet MlIlbrrr}' and N Walnut JJOlHY lsmol D., tailor, bels German n the mills JJOwry 'ViJlialll, h 03 Chestnut. Ludiug I>ltilip, weaver, bds Low n Rockland JJutz Anthony, lliborer, h Water LeI Orange IJutz BlizilLcth, wid. Jacob, h Munor n W Killg IJutz FI cdcri<.~k, butchel', h 'Water bel Orange ]Ju!z George, 8uperilltenden t IJallc3stcr Cemctery, h Cemctery grounds JJutz Henry, plasterer, It Harrisburg pike n 'Vater JiUtz Isaac D., student, btls 34 N Quecn IJlltz Jacob, fisherman, h Mulberry n.james IJutz Jacob, laborer, h,v King n Mary JJutz Jacob F., carpenter, 11 High n tho ul liutz John, cooper, It Mary n W King Jiutz ~Jathius, laborer, 11 Mary n W King Lutz l\jatildn, wid. Johu n., h Vine n Duke Lutz William, engineer, h Manor n W King... /

144 120 LANOASTER J utz 'Villiam, plasterer, h al bet r r...cmon nnd,v.tllmes I ynch Margaret, wid. of J obn, h Mulberry n JumcH Ilyons Elizabetb, wid. of'villium, h Columbia piko l yons Jacob, carpenter, bds Rosenfeld's hotel, 'V King I yons I...ewis, carpenter, h Columbia pike Lyons Thomas, overseer, h Mary e Alley I...yons William, blacksmith, h Columbia pike Lytlo Henrietta, boarding. house, Orange n Shippen M. McAleer Thomas, hostler, h Plum n ]~ Orange McAllister 'VilliaDl, broom-makor, h!locklaud on tho Conestoga creek MeAlvy-, laborer, h Beaver c JIager MeAlvy Patience, wid. of John, h Bellver n linger MeAnally Patrick, grocer, 141 Chestnut McAvoy Daniel, Illborer, h Beaver n Andrew McCafferty James, dyer, h Vine n S Queen McCaffrey Jane, witl. Edward, h 137 ~liddle McCalla. John D. D. S., dentist., 4 EKing, h 'Valnut 2tl 'V of Duke McCann Charles, h 45 S Duke l\iccarrnn Annie, wid. Bdwnrd, h Vine SLime McCartney Amos, clerk, bds Grupe hotel McCaskey Joseph 13., Rtudent, h Mulherry McCauley Michael, peddler, 1J 17 S Princo McClain lmizabeth, h Orange n Plum MoClain Francis, drover, h Orange n IlIum McClain John, laborer, h Oran~e n Plum McCleery C., printer, It 17 W King l\icclenegan Catharine, domestic, I~ Orange n N Queen 1\IcCloroy John, tailor, h ttames 0 Duko McClure Elizabeth, wid. Hobert, h 2 Duko 1\IcCollum James, blacksmith, h Fulton nann McCollum Peter J., blindmnker, h I...oeust 0 l~'rcibul'g McCollum 'William, driller, h B Chestnut n Lime MoCOMSEY Ll~VI, forwarding nnd commission merchant, Chestnut bel N Queen, h N Queen n 'Valnut MoComsoy Rebecca M., teacher, bds Prince n Chestuut MoComsoy Samuel, farmor, h W Chestnut bol N Queen

145 II DIRECTORY. 121 McComsey William, salesman, II N Prince nb Chestnut McConkcy William (Marsh bank & McConkey), Clwstnut o Duke, h rrightsville McConnell Charlcll, gilder, bds National housc McConolDY Ambroso (Heed, McGrann, I(elJy & Co.), S W cor Ccntre sq nnd S Queen, h Ornnge nb Chnrlotte i\icconomy Pet~r: shoe store, W King D Markct~ h 'V Orange n Charlotte McCord Mary M., domestic, N Queen c IJemon McCormick D., physician, 'Y King n 'atei', h same McCort UartoD H., tencher, b German 0PP No.1 Mill l\iccort Daniel, bank watchman, h Plum n King. McCracken Jeremiah, segar maker, h Manor Let Dorwart nnd W King McCulley James T., moulder, h N Queen nb Chestnut McCulley Hobert C. (l'oljock &, )IcCullcy), 11 I~ Walnut n Duke McCulley Susannah, wid. Jacob, h N Queen ab Chestn~lt McCullon Michnel (Baleman & McOullon), painter, 29 E King, h Vine n Church McCullon Patrick, painte!', h Church n Duko McDade Arthur, shocmaker, h 133 S Queen McDonald Snmh, wid. George, h Orange n Charlott~ ~JcDonllel Jacob, restaurant., Concert Hall, It Orange n Mulberry McDonnoll George, bartol1der, h N Queen n'vnlnut McDonneU Samuel, mason, h 180 Middle McDonnell 'ViJIiam, lorson, h 178 Middle McElligott Jeremiah, blacksmith, W Orange n N 'Water, h same ~JcELROY GEORGE 'V., lawyer, Orange n N Q ICen, bds neese's City hotd Mcmvaine James, marble polisher, It Charlotte n Orango McI~ntil'o Isabella A., bds 73 N Duke McEvoy Thomas (Petzelt & McEvoy), 6 N Queen, h N Queen McFadden James, beitmnker, h S Water 2d door Vine McFadden John, bricklayer, h 'Vater n Vine McFadden Hobert., grocer, 40 S Duk<', L Mountjoy Mc}1'addcn Sarah, domestio, 'V Ring b-:l ;,lcntro /Zq McFarland Mnry, weaver, bds German n tho willa McGeehan Anthony, h Mulberry n James 11

146 122 LANOASTER McGeehan Edward, mason, h Mulberry n James McGeehan John, bricklayer, h Mulberry n Jalll('s McGeehan Thomas, bricklayer, h Mulberry n James l\icginn }}atrick, laborer, h Church 0 Church a1 McGinnis A. (Altick & McGinnis), Orange n Prince, h Orange ab Water l\jcginnis Christian, painter, h al '>at Chestnut and Walnut bel Princo l\icginnis John, 'legar-maker. h Plum n Chestnut McGinnis Thomas, blarksulith, h ]60 Middle McGlinn Anthony, undertaker, h 240 Middle McGlinn Joseph S., carpenter, h 240 Middlo l\icgonig1e James, tel. operator, h J1~ Kin~ n Church MRcGonig1c Jobn T., ulderman, 7 S Duke, h ]~ King l\lcgorgil I?rancis, on tho It It, h N Duke bel James McGovern Henry, lawjer, h J1~ Orange n Shippen McGovren Edward, lawyer, S Queen n Centre square, bds Orange ab Lime l\!egovren John, contractor, h Orange n Plum McGrady Neil, belper, h al bet J1~ King and Uhestnut l\lcgran Mary, wid. Richard, h Orange ub Shippen McGrann H. J farmer, Manheim township, J.I3ne3ster McGrann John, contractor, bds Whito Horse hotel McGRANN MICHAEL, hotel nnd bottler, 67 N Queen McGrann Michael F., lato bartender, bds White HOise hotel McGrann Peter, bottler, bds Whito Horse hotel McGrath Michael, laboror, h Church n J1~ King?tJcGraw Heury, lawyer, h N Lime n I~ King l\icgrory Rosa, wea\'cr, bds Germ..:.n n S Queen?tIcGuigon John, ornamentcr, h Water bel Chestnut l\icguiro John, quarryman, h Beaver n German l\icguire Joseph, engineer, h Mulberry n 'V 'Valnut l\lcguire Lawrence, laborer, hal bet N Water and MUlberry n 'V Chestnut l\loilwain Bridget, wid., h Washington 0 Church MoIlwain James, marble-polisher, h Charlotto n Orango MoKee Jane, wid., h N Queen n James?tIcKeeKan }~dward, sh~mnkcr, h I>lum n E Orango :l\ickccgan JOhD~ shoemaker, h Plum n B Orango MoKenna James, drover, h J~ Orango n Shippcll l'tiekeown 'iuinm C. (Cox, Decker &, Co.), In S Duke, h N Queen nb JomeR ~lclanc-, drover, 11 Orangc n Plum i f 1I!

147 DIRECTORY. 123 McLane Annn, milliner, bds National hotel McLane navitl, bricklayer, h N James n Charlotte Mellane 1Wza, housekeeper, h Orange n Plum McLane John, laborer, h n Shippen McLane Lewis, bricklayer, h Mulberry n the R. R. McLaughlin Catharine, h Middle n S Queen McLaughJin Daniel, carpenter, h 'Yalnut n Lemon MollaughJin Fanny, seamstress, h Vine n Duke MoIlaughJin Margaret, wid. John, h 17 S Prince McLaughlin 'Ym., plasterer, h Middle n S Queen McMain Barnett, laborer, h New Holland pike McManus James, on the railroad, h N Queen ab Frederick Mc~IulJen George, bartender, Fountain Inn M\J~Iullen Patrick, laborer, bds Gen. Taylor house, N Queen ~IcNaughtan James It. OVclchans & MeNaughtan), \V Chestnut bel N Queen, h W King ab Mulberry l\fenaughtan John H., segar-maker, h 275 S Queen llicphail WILLIAM 1'., lawyer, 11 N Duke, bds Exchange hotel j~ King McSorley Margaret, wid. Thomas,, S Princo e W King l\icsorley Sarah, saleswoman, bels S Prince n'v King Macdonough Philip, millinery; 38 N Quecn, h N Queen n llemon Mac Gonigle Bernard, morocco dresser, bds 135 B King Mac Gonigle Margaret, wid. Dernard, h 135 EKing Mack Michael, tailor, hal bot J.lowand Jlocust Macken Thomas S., coach milker, bds Churoh n Lemon al Mackentirc Henry, blacksmith, h Mulberry n Chestnut Madden J obn, moroccu dresser, h 'V Orange n Charlotte Madden Thomas, laborer, h John n Jlocust Magennis Peter 1.1., tailor, b Church n )ij King Maier Xavier, laborer, b S Queen, Purnace Mailly Charles, teacher, bds 34 N Queoil Mains Arthur, laborer, h Orango nann Major Elizabeth, wid. Jesse, h in James op comb factory Major Josiah, h W James n N l>rince Malono Jobn, h Orango c Shippen Malono Miohael, contraotor, h Orange c Shippen 1\Ialone 1\1 urthey, contractor, bds White Horso hotel Muncy James, laborer, N Wator ab Orange l\lllucy JoLn, tailor, h Denvel' n German

148 124 I.ANCASTER Manhattan H., drover, h Duke e E James Manhattan Daniel, drover, h Duko nb James Marino Mary Bo, millin('r, 53 E }(in~, bds Lechler's hotel Marion Dennis, mason, l~ Orange n ~larshall Marion James It, briekla)'er, h John n J~ocust Marion Samnel, mason, It John n B King Markee Henry, conductor, h N 1\Iulberry bet Orange and Chestnut Markee John, conductor, h Mulberry ab Orange Markee Margaret Miss, teaeher, h N Mulberry opp School Markley G. R, druggist, 00 EKing, h same Markley George H., ph)'ficiun, It 00 B King. :Markley Henry, grocer, 'V 'Valnut n Mulberry, II samo MAUKLEY J. B., segars and cutlery, 47 N Queen, h Chestnut n Limo MAHKLgy SA)IUIUJ D., printer, N B cor Centro sq. h GO EKing Marks Andrew, gardener, 11 Gooso n Strawberry Marks Jacob ~I., clerk, h E Orange n Shippen Marks Joseph, bilker, 100 S Queen, h f;:lmo Marks Stephen, machinist, h ~Ianor n Dorwart Marquardt John G. (Hel'.) Salell1 of the.el'angelical Ass., N Waler, h Dorwart n Manor Marrett 'Villiam, huckster, h ~Iulberry n 'alnut Marrion James, bricklayer, bds Jackson house Marshall Jamcs, shoemnker, h 'Y Chestnut 11 Charlotto l\iur:-;hllll Junius P., h Shippen n Orango l\iarshbank.john D. (~Inrshbunk & M'Conke)'), Chcstnut e Duke, h Chcstnut bet Duke and IJimo MA HSlIBANK & ~rconki~y, founders, Chestnut cor Duke 1'Illrtllin Dennis (cord), barber, 'W King 0 Prince, h Church n IJime Murtin Abrahnm, carpenter, It 139 EKing l\iahtin B. B. & CO., dry goods, W King e Prince, h 1'1 illersville Martin!l'rancis, cooper, Mary nalley, h same Martin George, ropcmaker, 'V King n Charlotto, h same 1'Iartin George, late sherifl~ h 10 S Prinre Murtin Henry, carpenter, h Orange nann 1'1artin Jacob, laborer, h Ooose n Strawberry Murtin John, porter, h,v I{ing bel Centre square l'inrtin Jobn G., segar-maker, h E Walnut n Princo

149 I!i, i I DIRECTORY. 125 Martin Jonas D. (n. D. :Martin & Co.), 'V King cs l>rince, h 5 S l>rince Martin Mary C., wid. John J., N Prince cor 'Valnut Martin Hosa, bds German n Prince Martin Rosenna, wid. John, h Deaver n Andrew Martin Samuel, deputy sheriff, b 220 EKing Martin Xavier, saddler, S Queen n Columbia garden, h do Martinez Henry, hatter, h E Vine n llemon al Martzall 'Vendel, hotel, 'V King cor Charlotte, h sarno MnssboJder Jacob, printer, bds Chestnut 0 Duko!lIason Lewis, tanner, h 137 EKing Masterson Michael, laborer, h :Middle n S Queen Mateer Mary A., wid. Samuel H., h I'rince bel Tlemon l\iathews Lawrence, moroceo dresser, bds Cooper's Hotel l\iatbewr Samuel (ool'd), forgeman, h Lomon al n German Mathies Mary (col/d), wid. Samuel, h Locust n Rockland l\iathiot Mary, wid. John, h 25 S Queen Mathius Casper, laborer, h al n :Mary Matson John II., brushmaker, h 57 S Queen Matt Anton, carpenter, h JIO\v n I?reiburg Matt Johan, shoemaker, h Church aj n Duke Matt Theresa, wid. J aeob, h Low n l~reibur~ Mattern John, la.,ger beer saloon, 341 S Queen, h same Matthews ]~lias (col/d), laborer, h 265 S Queen Matthews Francis, peddler, h St Joseph n Strawberry Maurer Anna, wid. John, h Low 0 Freiburg Maurer Jaeob A., carpenter, b N Queen ab Frederick Mause John, mason, h W King n Marietta pike Maxwell Alice A., teacher, h B IJCDlon n N Queen Maxwell John, laborer, h 110 Middle Maxwell Mllry C., school, E Lemon n N Queen, h samo MnxwellMnry G. 'V., teacher, h B Jlemon n N Queen Maxwell William, laborer, h N Queen bel 'Valnut May John, cabinet-maker, 20 S Queen, It samo Mayer Charles, veterinary surgeon, l~ Vine n Lemon ai, h sarno Mayer R C., wid. George IJ., h 'V Chestnut n Mulberry Mayer George, hardware, 22 N Queen, h 22! N Queen Mayer Harriett C., teacher, h 'V Chestnut n N Water Mayer Hetty A teacher, It 'V Chestnut 11 N Orange Mayer Sarah N., school, 'V Chestnut n N Wat{lr, h RaDle Mayers Henry, foundry man, It l'~ Orango n Shippen Mayhew II. jun., h 'V Oran~o nb Charll)tto 11*

150 ]26 J,ANCASTF.R Mayhew T. 'V., 80 N Queen, h 'V Ornnge nb Charlotte Meckley Augullt F., shoemaker, 51 S Queen, h same Medinger David, baker, h 272 S Queen Meekins Luke, coachman, h 127 B King Mcguire llartrnm, segar-maker, h Mulberry n 'Valnut Mcguire Hugh, It.It agent, h ~Iulberry n Talnut Mcguire Joseph, machinist, h Mulberry n 'Valnut Mehaffy Ann, h 4 B Orange Mehl John, stonecutter, h 58 Middle J\Ieier Adam, eabinet-mnker, h l?reemnn n I~ove la Meiner Ignatz, farmer, h N Queen n Manheim pike Meiner Stephen, farmer, h N Queen n Mnnheim pike Meisenheimer Philip G., sboemaker, 173 B King, h same Meister IJeonard, h manor n Millerstown pike Meister Margaretta, washerwoman, L MalOr n Millerstown pike l\fcixell Andrew n., (Albright & Co.), Ruil Road n Chest. nut, h 'Vater n Chestnut J\leixell Isaiah, turner, h Prince nb Chestnut Mellinger Ann, h Alley bet 'Valnut and Lemon bel Charlotte Mengle Amelia F., tencher, bds Sprecher's hotel Mercer Mahlon II., engineer, h N,rater 0 Chestnut Merrick Ueuben, laborer, h Frederick n N Qncen l\jel'ringer John, faetoryman, h Benver n Conestoga Mesch Joseph, weaver, h Chestnut 0 Charlotte l\jcssenkop Albert A., shoemaker, h 228 Middle MC8senkop James IJ., shoemaker, h John 11 B King l\lessenkop John A., clerk, h 228 l\liddlo Mcssenkop G. h, hotel, 9 B King, h same Messersmith John S., surgeon in the navy, h N IJillle n E Ornngc Mettfett Leopold, blaeksmitb, Walnut n N Queen, h N Deaver n 'V Walnut Metzger Casper S., tailor, h Vine 'Metzger Charles 'V., stonecutter, h S Tater n Vine Metzger l~maduel, blacksmith, h Hnrrisburg pike n 'Vater Metzg\3r J~manucl C., butcher, It l>rince b(>l Walnut Metzger Erostein D., wid. George, b N Queen bel 'Ynlnut Metzger Gerhart., shoemaker, 30~.N Queen, h Orange D l\iary Metzger Gottlieb, baker, W King n Chnrlotte, h snrno Metzger I1enr}, grocer, S Queen D Conestoga, h Barno

151 DIRECTORY. 12'1 Metzger Henry 1\1., saddler, h N Prince ah Che3lnut Metzger Jacob, laborer, h High n JJo,'e la Metzger Jacob, lato saddler, h 34 N Queen Metzger John, lato butcher, h Vino n S Duke Metzger John, jun., tailor, 4 B Kiug, h 18 S Duke Metzger Philip, butcher, 14 S Queen, h snmo Metzger l>hilip A., clerk, Ii 14 S Queen Metzger Samuel n., daguerreotypist, brls N Queen n Orange METZGER SAHAH M., milliner, h N l>rinee ab Chestnut Metzroth Anton, baker, 'V King n Charlotte, Ii saluo Meyer Frank, laborer, h 13eaver n Loe In Meyer John, shoemaker, It I.loeust n Freiburg Meyer John G., shoemaker, Ii High bet Loye lane and Slrawborry Meyers Charles, shoemaker, h W King n Charlotte Meyers 'William, h 'V J.lemon n N Duko Meylin Sophia, wid. John, h 83 l~ King Michael Henry, bartender, h Grapo hotel Michael Jacob, pattern maker, 11 l~ Chestnut n JJimo Michael John, hotel, 17 N Queen, It samo Michael John W., stonecutter, h Limo n Chestnut Mickley D., student h N Queen ab 'Vllinut :Miers 'Villiam, blacksmith, h Dorwart II Manor Miesse Daniel K sawyer, h 'V Orange n Mulberry l\liles Ihvid 'V., tinsmith, h 'V 'Valnut n CharIotto 1tJILEY AMOS, saddler, 86 N Queen, h N Queen ab IJelDon Miley Jncob, eollc]llnaker, h J'ames n 'Vater Millar John, physician, 9 N Queen, h salllo Millar WillialD, machinist, h 9 N Queen Miller Abraham, saddler, h 151 S Queen 1\IILLJ~R 13ENJAMIN p grocer, W King cor N rater, h same, Miller Casper, grocer, Middle n S Queen, h BllOlC Miller Catharine, h W King (I 'Vater Miller Charles, basket-m.lker, h Dorwart n 'V IGng Miller Christian, tailor, h 202 Middle Miller Christopher, tailor, h Locust c Freiburg Miller Conrad, lager beer saloon, N QUo<,'11 c Walnut Miller David, factoryman, h Church n Vine Miller David 'V., clerk, bds 11 Boughter's row Miller ]~dward, bricklayer, h al Let Mulbcrrj' and 'Vnler, n Harrisburg piko

152 128 LANCASTER Miller Elizabeth, w\d. Henry, h 'V German n tho milts Miller ]~Iiznbeth, wid. Martin, h 'V King c Water. Miller }i~rnest 'V., grocer, Lemon c Mulberry, h sarno :MiIler I?rederick, butcher, h 103 J<J King Miller Frederich, laborer, h Mulberry n 'V'a)nut :MILLf~R FRIEDERICH, lager beer, S 'V cor Centre sq, h Prince e Vine. Miller George, carpenter, h f\f ulberry n ' 'Valnut Miller George, pump-maker, Strawberry cor Jack alley, h I1igh c Strawberry 'Miller George J., shoemaker, h 66 Middle Miller George 'V., beltmaker, h 86 S Queen Miller Henry, drover, h Orange n tho prison Miller Henry, on tho R. R, b N Queen n James Miller Henry, painter, bds 104 S Queen :l\iiller Henry P., morocco drebser, h 'V Gorman n the mills MILLER HEHMAN, soap and candles, N QueeD n 'V Lemon, h samo l\iiller II. Varian, accountant, h Water n Chestnut Miller Jacob, pump.maker, h S Mulberry opp school houso Miller Jacob A., med. student, h 207 EKing Miller Jacob N., horticulturist, h 191 JiJ Kin~ Miller James, h New Holland turnpike, n Plum _Miller Jalle, seamstress, h 14 S Queen Miller John, tailor, h Church 1\1 n Lemon al Millor John, farmer, h Manor n Columbia piko Miller John, gardener, It 174 S Queen Miller John, hatter, h 27 S Duko Miller John, lato farmer, h 54 S Duke Millor tton, music-teacher, bds Sorrel Horse hotcl Miller John l~., lato tobacconist., h 71 N Duke ~Iiller John S., coffee-roastor, ~011~ King, h same Miller Jonas, hostler, h Eagle hotol 1I1iller Lewis, h })rinco n James l\iillor Lewis, shoemaker, Ii 'Vnlnut n Mulberry l\lilier Margaret., bds 15 E Gorman Miller Margie K, prin. 1st primary, h 9 'V Kin~ Miller Mary, wid. Henry l\l., cllbinot.mukcr, 'V KiDS( n Mulberry, 11 lmmo r Miller Mary, wid. 'VilJinm, h King cor Mury MiHer Mary C., wid. Michael, h 53 N Duke Miller Peter, watchman, h Oral)go n Plum :MilIcr 1)etor, morocco dresser, bds Strnwberry n S Queen

153 DIREOTOny 120 MilJcr Sulomon, butcher, h N Prince 1'\ J amos Miller Samuel, pump.maker, 11 N Queen n Frederick.Miller Samuel, weaver, h!lockland nann Miller Sarah u., wid. George M N Watcr nb Chestnut Miller Sinnett, wid. Henry, h I,Oell!lt 11 l~'rciburg l'ihler Susan S., wid. Henry S., h Vine opp Hockland.Millel' 'fhcodoro, boot nnd shoemaker, Centre sq n Market, h N l~ cor Plum nnd Orango ~Iiller 'fobias H., h 36 S Duke MILU~R WATSON H., grocer, W King cor )fnrkct, h same Miller William, holltlcr, h N Queen n Frederick i Miller 'Villiam (MilICi' &, Fcllcllbaum), Plum'n R. R, h {)! N Queen :Miller William, shoemaker, h N 'Vafer n 'Yalnut )JilICl' William I?, butcher, ' King cor Charlotte, h snmo Miller &, l 'ellenlmum, engine builders fiud mill maehino manufacturers, I)lum cor It It Milley Bdward, bricklayer, h nl bet rnter nna Mulberry 1\liIliehsack Augustus, brickmakcr, h al bct Charlotte and Mulberry Milliehsnck George, fnetorymlln, It High n JJo\e lane Millichsack Jacob, woll,digger, h High bet J.1OYO I nne and Strawberry Millhouse Abbie, h l~ Vinc c IJemon al Millhouse Beulah, It B Vinc e l.1cluon 01 :Mills John, shoemaker, h nenver n Conestoga MiJ)sum William, laborer, bds 'YashillAton hotel Minich II. K. (Breneman & Minich), h J)rincc Rb W I{ing Minich Michael, carriage-maker, 'alnut bet Prince and N Queen, It Walutit CRst of N Queen Minich Samuel A., peddler, h 70 S Queen Mishler Adam, laborer, It N Quecn n I?rederick Mishler ljonjamin (B. ~li8hlcr &, Uro,), N Queen n 'Y Walnut, It samo Mishler Isaao (ll. ~Iishlcr& Uro.), N Queeu nb 'Vnlnut, h samo MISHLI~R D. & BnO., liquor and inegnr, N Queen ab \'Inlnut l\1ixclj Isuinh, turner folloes and shafts, Alley bet N Queen and Duke, h J>rince bet Wnlnut and Chestnut l\iodorwell Anna, wid. Uob,nt, h N Queen bel 'Yntnut :Moesoh Joseph, stokermnn, h 'V Chestnut n Charlotto

154 130 LANOASTER MQcsch Lourenz, tshoemaker, h W Chestnut n Charlotte Moffat Jamp-s, maso'n, h Breneman's court S Duke Moffat Jane, wid. Adam, h Brencman's court S Duko Mohler Henrietta C., milliucr, 80~ N Queen, h Lime n Orange Mohler Richard, machinist, bdr Exchange hotel 15 EKing Mohn William, flour und feed, S Queen cor Conestoga, h Barno :Molz J ohan A., laborer, halley n Mulberry Monson John, Inborer, h James n 'Vater Moore l'iary L., teacher, h 7 S l)rince Moore Mordecai 1'1., dentist, h 06 EKing Moore ThoIDt\s 1\1., carpenter, h N Prince n Lemon Moore Thomas 1\1., laborer, h S Queen bel Love lane Morek Andreas, laborer, h North n Rockland Morek!I'rnnz, baker, North n Rockland, h same Morgan Burbara l\iiss, bds 56 N Queen Morgan John (col'd), laborer, h 'V 'Valnut n Mulberry Morgan 1\1., carpenter, h N Queen bel J.JCmon Morris Charles, slater, bds Cross Keys hotel Morrison Samuel J., grocer, Duke 0 Church, h same Morrow Uobert M. (Swartzwelder & Morrow), 6 'Varer n Conestoga MiliA, h 124 J~ King MOHSBACH RICHAHD, Moper und lager beer, h n Lancnst~r Cemetery gate Morton l~dward, farmer, h S Queen n I...ovo lane Morton l~dwllrd, laborer, h ]JIIOIl'S nl n N Duke Morton John, fanner, h UeadlDg road Mortoll Josoph, shoemaker, h Hoon's row n N Duko Morton 'ViJliam, patent right (\~ent, b N Prince n Orange Morton 'Villinm A., clerk P.O., h S Queen n Love laue 1\loses Debra, wid. Henry, boal ding.bouse, h S Quoen n Conestoga Mosmnon Johnn, well.digger, h North n Long al.motter J. Taylor, student, bda O~ N Queen Mowery Ann, domestio, 7 S l>rinl'.o ' Mowery George G., livery stable,,')0 EKing, h sam') :Mowory Margaret, wid. Henry, h Prioce n James Mowery Samuel, carpenter, h Dorwi\rt n W King Moyer Catharine, h 127 Chestnut Moyer,John, luborer, b N Queen n Manheim pike Moyer 1\1argnret 1 wid. Michael). b Hellver Jl Andrew Mueller HeinriCh, Inbo(or, h Low n Slrnwberry

155 DlREOTORY. 131 l\iuhlenbj;~rg DENJA)IIN S., druggist, 8 S Queen, h 10 S Quoen MUIU.lJ;JNnl~~RG F. A., physician, 8 S Queen, h 10 S Qucen Muhlenberg Henry Eo, pbysician and president of the Inland ImlUrance and Deposit Co., h W Orango bet Queen and Prince Muir Hannah H., wid. Mathew, h W King n Charlotte Muldoon Sarah, wid. Charles, h Church n Duke Mulford Jano, teacher, h Duke bel Chestnut Mullen Catharino, wid. Jobn, h 219 EKing Mullcn Mary, h N Duke ab Jamos Mullen William, 100m6xer, bds Gcrman n S Queen Mullen William T., thrashing machines, al bet Mulberry and Water, h Lemon n the R. It Mull holland Josoph, ohairmnker, h 159 Middle :Mulligan Jamcs, laborer, h German 0PP No.1 Mill Mullrciny Hugh, stngedrivor, nee80's City hotel Mulson William (col'd), laborer, h North n Hocklulld Mulvihill Annie, milliner, It Wuter bel Wulnut Mulvihill Margaret domestio, 97 J~ Kin~ Mulvihill William, laborer, h Water bel 'Valnut Murphy Daniel, stonecutter, bds Church n Hna Murphy John, agent, bds Sorrel Horso hotel Murphy Mary, wid. John, h r W Kin~ n Mulberry Murphy Morris, laborer, h Church n Vino MurpllY William, watchman, h 138 S Queen Murphy William 'V., carpenter, h r 'V King n Charlotto Murray J;~d\rard, boiler.mnkor, h Middle 11 S Queen Murray Grnco, domestio, h S Prince n Vine Murray IJunuuh, weaver, h Church n Duke Murray Michnel, mol'oceo finisher, h Gel'lnan bel Duko Murray 'I'homas, lnborer, h 132 Middle ~Iusketnus8 Abraham, blacksmith, Middle n Hockland, h 108 Churoh ]\[uskctnuss Adam, briokmakor, h Frederick n N King l\luskctnuss Jacob, lato distiller, h Orango n Cllllrlotto Musketnuss Peter, black and white smith, h 'V King n Manor MURsolmQn Abrahnm, laborer, 11 S Princo n Anurew Musselman Henry (John Gyger &, Co.), 10 B King', h n Strawberry. Musselman Henry n., sn1crlllnn, h N Prince n Orange

156 132 LANCASTER Musselman John, drover, h N Prince n Orange Musselman Samuel n., wheelwright, 11 ~lunor n Dorwart Musser C. C., teacher, h Prince c Orange Musser Coney) pumpmaker, h 'V King n )Iary Musser l~mmn, tencher, h Prince c Orange Musser George (Daveler & 1\Iusser), h S 'Vater n Gus. Works Musser George, late aldermar, h N Prince c 'Y Orange Musser Henrietta, milliner, h 'Vater bel German Musser Sarah K, teacher, h Prince c Orange Musser Sebastian G., alderman, h cor Prince and Orange MUTH ANDREW, blacksmith, Lemon n N Water, h N 'Yater ab Walnut Muth John, laborer, h Frederick n Litiz pike Myel' John, late mer., h 'V King n S W cor (!('ntre ~Cf Myel' John P., dry goods, 'V King n southwest cor Centre ECf, h same. Myel' Michnel, laborer, It 52 S Duke Myel' Wilhelm, baker, 29 S Queen, h same Myers Andrew J., laborer, h nl bot Jallles nnd Lemon Myers Charles, laborer, h Plum n Orange Myers Christian, flour null feed, 'V Ol'lluge cor.i\i ulberry, h same Myers Edwin A., clerk, h 'V Chestnut n 'Vater Myers lienry, laborer, h 'V Chestnut n N Water Myers Henry, ostler, h W Orange 0 Mulberry Myers Henry n., publisher American Press arid Republican, h Chestnut 11 Prince ~Iyers Jacob, editor American Press and Republican, bet Prince and N Queen, h Orange c N 'Vater Myers John, carman, h B }-JeI11011 n J-Jime Myers John, constable, h High 11 Str:: vberry Myers John, moulder, h Lafayette n Stt. wberry Myers John H., weaver, 11 IJellver n AmI. r 'w Myers Maria, housekeeper, N Prince n Orange Myers Marin, wid. Mathius, h Mulberr~' n Lomon Myers Susan, carder, 11 S Wnter 11 Vine Myers Thomns, oysterman, bds W Chestnut n Prince Myers William P., 11 'V King n l\iulberry

157 DIREOTORY. 133 N. Nagle Barbara, wid. George, h S Water n German Nagle George, shoemaker, hili S Queen Nagle George, jun., segar-maker, h 111 S Queen Nagle George 'V., moulder, h 107 Chestnut Na~le Henry (P. & H. Nnglc), al bet I.JCmon and James nb Prince, h N Prince ab I~emon Nagle Michael, segnr.mllker, bill S Queen Nagle }>eter (P. & H. Nagle), alley bet James and IJemon ab }>rince, h Prince n James Nagle P. & H., blacksmiths, al n I~emon ab Princo Nngly John, lnborer, h Beaver n Hazel Nagly Margaret, wid. Martin, h Bellver n ITo7.el National Telegraph Co., R. It depot Nauman David, h 'V Chestnut bcl Water Nauman John L., morocco.dresscr, h S 'Vater n ' King Naumnn Marin 1\1., wid. Charles, b 16 B GerllHln Nnurnan Mary M., wid. Jacob, h N 'ater nb Ornngo Nauman Salomo, dressmaker, 'V Chestnut bel N Wutcr Nauman 'Villinm, saddler, h S Water n 'V King Ncal ]~manuel, slater, bds Cross Keys hotel Nelll'y Nicholas, laborer, It Chestnut n Grovetown Neeper Blizn, wid. James, It 10 S Prince NJiWF ALDUS J., S W 0 Centre 8fJ, bds Michael's hotel Neff John, lato distiller, h N Queen n W Wulnut Neff Lucas, laborer, h 'V King ab 8 'Vnter Negel George, laborer, bds 79 EKing Neher Jacob, bartender, h W King n Dorwart Neidioh Jolm, variety, 254 B King, h same Nelms llicbard, buths and billiard saloou, l) ]~ Orange, h 84 Orange Nelson Mary A., seamstress, bds 4 J S Queen Nelson Sylvester, Lartoodcr, h James bel N QueeD Ncmour I~cnry, hostler, h 'V Orauge e Mary Nenninger Il'rederick, lute farmer, It 74 S Queen Neuhoff l~lizaboth, wid. Philip, h Manor n 'V King Neuhoff George, h Manor n 'V King Neumnyer Hosa, wid. Daniel, h Manor n ' King Nevin Willinm, professor, It 48 B Chestnut NewcoDlet II. \V., studont It N Queen nb 'Valnut Nicholas Amelill (eol'd), It IJcn\'cr II Vine I,)

158 1st I LANCASTER. Nichols I~ah, h 248 Middle Nichols Samh, wid. I-Inuford, h 5 S Queen Nicol Uobert, spinner, h 197 Middle Nicolas Henry, bartender, Sorrel Horse hotel Nicoll Adam A., paper-hanger, h 41 S Duko Niehaus Joseph, dress-room, h S Queen n Columbia garden Niehouse Joseph, grocer, 289 S Queen, h sarno Night Lewis, machinist, h W James n N l'rince Nightingalo John H., tailor, h Frederick n N Duke Nixdorf Frederick, shoemaker, h Mulberry ab 'Valnut Nixdorf Frederick, carpenter, It 'V King n Dorwart Nixdorf Henry, bricklayer, h N Queen belll'rederick Nixdorf Jacob, peddler, h James n R. It. bridge Nixdorf John, hnndserew-maker, h 'Vashington e Church Nixdorf John, shoemaker, h N Pr:nee n e James Nixdorfi' Emanuel, segar-maker, h N Mulberry Nolan Daniel, laborer, h 274 S Queen Noll George, carpenter, h Orange n Charlotte Notty Heinrich, blacksmith, 'V Orange n N Water, h same Norbeck Jacob, coach-painter, h 32 S Qucen Northrop Hannah, weaver, bds German e Ueaver Norton Sarah J., milliner, bds S Queen n Centro sq Nourse S~muel 0., teacher, h 3 Conestoga Nourse Theresa A., milliner, h Conestoga n S Queen Nuna Leonard, h Mulberry 0 Walnut NUNAMACIII~lt MAUTIN, shoo storo, 'Y King bl Prince, bds Chestnut n Mulberry Nunamacher Samuel, lato saddler, h W King ab S 'Yater NUBs Catharine, wid. Jacob, h 224 Middle o. Ober Benjamin, printer, h 32 Prince Oblender Christoff, laborer, h al n N Chllrlotte Obrciter Joseph, laborer, h Dorwart bet W King and Manor O'Brien John S., school teneher, bds Orcnt Wcstero hotel Oehner Jacob, late tailor, h High n Ibcklnnd OCh8 Henry, windmill-maker, h Vine 11 Hocklnnd Oehs J~e\Vis, cabinet-maker, h N Queen 11 James Odell l\illrgnrot, h a2 S Prince Odinger ~lntthills, lnborer, h W King n Marietta piko 0'DOl1llcl 1'hoI111\8, lnborer, 11 N Holland piko

159 DIRECTORY. 135 O'Donnell P. Mrs., h 144 E Kin~ Ofilebach Daniel, brickwakcr, h bel, I~emon in a1 back of N Queen Okeson Daniel, oyster saloon, Chestnut n N Queen, h SUUle Olmstead Daniel, carpenter, h Donvart n W King Orem John'S., moulder, h S Queen n IJove la Orem Mary, \Vid. Llo.yd, h S Queen n J~ove Orth William It, student, h Charlotte n 'V King Osler Ann, wid. John, h 13 S Duke Osler 'John, watehman, h N.l\I ulberry e r Chestnut Oster John jr., carpenter, h 'V Chestnut n Mulberry Oster Ueuben, hlacksmith, h N 'Vater n Jamcs Oster William, blllcksmith, h N 'Vater n James Osterdeik John, Inborer, It nl bet Jamcs & Lemon Ostennayer John If., segar-maker, h 49 ~J King Otthofcl Jacob, butcher, h Mary n W King Ottinger George M., pltotogrnphio painter, bds E Vine n J~mon al Oudinot Anthony, N Queen c Chestnut, h N 'Vater n I~eUlon Oudinot Louisa, wid. Henry, It Water n I~elUon Overdeer Ely, contractor, h 39 S Qucen O\'erdeer John A., printer, h S Queen n Vino Overly Samuel, machinist h Church opp Viue Oweus Uobert, slater, h LeUlon ab Duke P. Paden John D., harbor, 20 S Queen, It B Vine n S Queen l)nge li;noch, machinist, bds J~!lmb hotel J)ainter George, mason, h 147 Middle })Ilinler John, laborer, h nl bet N 'Vater & Mulberry n Chestnut Pillm l?redorick, laborer, It Kunloy's nl bet Mary & Dorwart Palmer Henry, grocer, Manor n Columbia, h saule })llneoast D. roofer, 'V. Chestnut n Charlotte, h sumo }}nntz George, laborer, h Manor n Dorwart }}ark John W., boss weaver, h 76 S Queen ])arker William, confeotioner, h J~itiz piko ])nrmer ]~mnnuel, cooper, 124 Middlo, h sarno ])AUUY BIJY, druggist nnd dentist, 86~ B King })lirvin Georgo (J1Jdgorly &!}arvin), Church at n Duko, h E Orango n Shippen III

160 136 J,ANCASTER Parvin ITolmes, eoachmaker, h Orange n SLippen }'arvin Mary, h Orange n Shippcn Paster I'eter, shoemaker, It N Water ab Orango I'astor John, carpenter, h North n StrawbclTY ]'atterson Ann, h Prince c ' King l'attcl'son David W., lawyer, 27 ~ W King, h s{une }'.A'l'l'J~HSON SAM U.EL, segar store, 35 EKing, h S Lime n Church al Paul Elizabeth, wid. David, h Manor n Dorwar~ }'llujick J~cwis, pattern-maker, h E Limo n It H. l'carson John II. (Pearson & Geist), 15 S Queen, h 32 S l>rincc II Vine J)enrson Samh, wid. 'Villinm, h 'V Chestnut n Mulberry ])eal'/,;on Willinm H, clerk, Lds G~1 N Queen }'EAHSON & GEIST, editors Hnd publishers, Express, 15 ~ Queen l'cipcr WHliam Ii., cashier IJuncaster Count)' Bank, h 22 ]<~ KinO' ~ l'eiree 1, Newton, prin. Secondary School, h D Boughter's row l'ennebecker Henry, teamster, h 00 Chestnut Pt'nnell Benjamin, late weaver, h S Prince n Andrew ]'cnnell ]~(Hljalllin }.'., carpenter, Ii S J'rinec n Andrew Penner Jacob, huckster, h St. Joseph n Love Iu Peilllel'.Tohn, baker, 11 St. Joseph 11 Lovc la ])crlllock George M., grocer, Conestoga c ]~eaer, h sarno PonteI' Andrew, IlIlIson, h III n Mm'Y I'eoplc James, blacksmith, Vine bet German lind S Queen, h snmo ])epper Isndor<.',-, h Orange nann Pertz Jacob, 11 N Uhurlottc n JJCIIlOU l'es!! Girdloy, laborer, h Beaver I1 Andrew I)ctcrnJlUl David, laborer, Ii 100 Middle j)ctol'juan Chnrles II., butcher, h 100 Middlo })etermnn Elizabeth, wid. Georgc, h ]00 Middlo ]>etermnn Georgo, blacksmith, IJ ]00 Middle I>etermnn John, gardener, h Urencrnnn's ct S Duko l'eterrnnn Mary, wid. John, High I1 Strawberry Peters Caroline, wid. George, h Ol'ange c Chnrlotte Peters Catharino, wid. John, h DorwfiI't n 'V King Petel's Charles, grocer, Hocklnnd c Middlo, h f;arno Petcrs John A., student, II Ol'nngc c Chnrlotte }'etcl'8 Joseph H.,-, I. Conestoga u JJea\'cr

161 DIRECTORY. 137 l>ctcrs Philip, Inhorer, 11,Tatlle~ c 'Vater l'etzl'lt Christophel' (Pctze!t &.. l\lcl1~\'oj'), G N Queen, h Orange n Plum ]>ET~I';LT &, McEvoy, tailors, G N Queen l'j~uscif I?HgD1~lUCK, powder horn maker, ~lllry n 'V King, h W King c Mary Pf('ifcr J1'ranz, slater, h 'V Orange n ~Iary Pfeiffer John G., baker, 226 Middle, h same l'flum l'cter, masod, h I,ow n Strawberry ]'fund Michael, laborer, b Manor n Columbia l'belps Prancis J., machinist, h 1 Lemon nl l'hillips IUchard M., miller, 11 I,llfa,YeUe n Strawberry l'hillips Sarab B., wid. George II., h Lafayette n Strawborry ]'jerco ]Jarbara, wid. Samuel, h Orange c Mulberry }'ifl'lr Mary, domestio, 65 N Duke Pinkerton George, late tobacconist h 117 EKing PINKEHTON HENRY, saddler, 'V King c Centre square, h W Centre square Pinkerton John, coaehtrimmer, h EKing ]'inkcrton K., sashmnker, h I'lum n Chestnut ]'inkerton N. S., tobacconist, h 115 EKing ]'irjkerton 'Villinm 0., salesman, It Shippen n J.} King Hitt C. J., hotel, S Queen 0 Middle ]'!itt Margaret, wid. Conrnd, h 165 S Queen ]'Iott Elizabeth, factory, bds Prince bol Orange Poist Charlotte, wid. Peter, h N Quecn nb Chestnut Poist Daniel, hnndscre\v maker, h N Queen nb Chestnut Poller 1'bomns, - h MillerstowlJ pike bel Love )1\!'OLLOOK '!'IIO)IAS H., mercantile college, N 'V oor Centre sq, h N Pl'iIlCO bet \Y King nnd Ol'lmgo Pontz lwznboth, widow, it N Princo 11 W Chcstnut Pontz Jacob, Bogar-maker, h N Prince n 'V Chestnut 1'001 Charity, wid. John, h Ohureh nl n Lemon nl })ool ]~dwnrd, eoachttimmer, h 'Vater bel Chestnut })ool John, fltoneouucr, h Uenvcr 0 Andrcw }'ool John J., carpenter, h r N Queen n I.cmon 1'001 Joseph, eombmnker, flour 11[H1 feed, N Queen above JIClOon, h snmo Pool Samuel J., Bilver-plawr, N Princo n Ornnge, h \V Chestnut bol Wntcr Pool William H., housepninter, h 'Yater bel Chestnut l'oolmnn Elizn, wid. of Augustus, h 12 S l'rinee Poor Oharle~, captain U. S. N., h ],~ Ornnge n Shippen 12*

162 138 J,A~CASl'En ]>orter George n. Mrs., h N Duke ab 'Valllut Porter Susan, II )<~ Walnut n Duke }>orter 'Tholllas C., professor in Franklin nnd l\iarshall College, h N Duke bel J~ell1on }>O'1'1'S.JAMES, drills and fan manuf., Boon's al n the depot, h G6 N Duko l>otts J oshun, eabinet maker, h Conestoga n Reaver l>owell Cathnrine, wid. Henry, h 158 Middlo»owoll Catharine W., wid. J)anicl, h 'V Jamcs n N Princo Powell ]'~dwllrd, milson, h 130 Middle ])owcll Edwnrd, jun., shoemaker, h 36 Church ])owelj Jacob, - h 'V Jnmell 11 N Prince Powell Mury, whi. Samuel, h N (~uecn n I..elllon }>owell 'ulter Hev., ]>rcsb)'terian Church, B Orange n N I~iU1c, h N Lime n ]~ Orange ]>owers Hannah, wid. J.lobert, 11 S Queen cor J~o\'c In )owers John A., carpenter, h W King n Strawberry )'ower8 IJuke, laborer, h N IJime n Chestnut ]>ratt Catharine, h nl r court house n N Duko })rentice Honry, milkman, h JJemon n the Cemetery l'restcrly George, brushmakor, bus Fountnin Inn Preston Joseph, printer, 11 Mulberry 11 'V Orango )'reston Seymour, t(,iichel', h H Prince bel COIlOlitOgtL Pl'ice Mllry, wid. Jacob, h }.IH I'~ King Vrice Hobert C., teacher, h B King IIh Khippen Pl'ice Samuel II., lawyer, &0 E ](illg, h B Kill~ ah Shippen ]>rico Sarah, nl'ieties, 14G ]~ King, 11 same Prico Thomas P., brieklnyer, h 108 Church ])roscerrt Philip, Illborer, h Plum n the H. It. Pl'ophy 'I'hollllls, luborer, h Mulbeny n tho It. H. Purdy linnnah, will. William, h Vine n S Wuter ])llfis Willium, laborer, h Prince bel J,emon»l\~r.y,Tollcph, elll'jh!litcr, h E LClIlf,n all Duke PlrFJ'~H FHEDEHlCK S., luwyer, 11 N J)Ukl', Ltls Cooper's hotol Pylo Frederick B., distiller, ~rlllberry n '/llnut, h samo Pyle Philip, h Strawherry n Hichardli' L:lIlding )')'ott Hcbccca, wit!, Archibald, h Hi E Gel'll\ull

163 DIRECTORY. 130 Q. QlIecn Ellen, wid Arthur, h Plum n Oran~c QlIi~lcy 18111lC P, whcelwl'igllt, 11 Plum n g Kin~ Quigley Hobert C., ladies' shoemaker, W Orange n ~Iary, h same Quigley Robert, 61lOemakcr, Ii Freemnn n Love ]0. Quigley 'I'holllas J.', h 'Vlllnut n JJocomoti\'c works Quinn Frank, coachman, h German opp No.1 Mill Quinn ttames, briekla)'c1', II r 200 Middle Quinn Patrick, bricklayer, u )[ulberry u the R It. R. Hnkestrnw Annie, teacher, 11 W l(in~ nb S Wator Hankin.John, agent., h 'V Orange 11 1'1':nco Hunkin 'V. 'V., llluil agent, bds W Orange n Prince n:lilningcr Charles P., printer, bds Prince n Orauge Ibnningor ~Iury A., milliner, 1GN Quct'n, It N Prince Bann ingor }'hilip C., boo]{ bi uucr, N l'l'illee U W (hauge, It RalllO Hansing.Tolm, fuctorymnn,' h Orange II Plum Hansing Mary, widow, II Orango n PI IIIII Hansom Nuncy, wid. John, II Ian )lid(lio HlIpp Willinlll, boot und shoemaker, It UhUl'ch n Villo Hnthfon Jacob, tailor, 20 N Queen, II PrilJ('Q 11 Ornngo lhth\'on Alico, Seallll'tl'eSS, h OC!l'Inn1l. opp No.1 )lill Hath\'on Horaeo, ]nto cashier, II 101 N King RA'l'HVON SDION S., tailor, N Quecll c Orange, h N Queen nb J aiiios Hallig Gottlib, tnilor, It ~r ulberry n r ll]liut ]tanb Jacob, buteher, h Jumes n N Princo ]hub J. MilicI', clothing, 8 N Queen, h S~III1C UAUB SDION W., tailor, 8 N QUC('II, h salllo ]L\UCn UtIDOLPII It' soc. nthl trons. of Inland Insuraneo nnd ])epol'it Co., It 30 W Oraugo nay Will ia III, h W Oraupc n Mulot))'ry nay Willinm, bal'tender, Franklill houso Heall Jo~('ph, coppersmith, h Mulberry n TJclIlon Healler,John, laborer, h 'Vater n Jilllll'l.l

164 1,10 LANCASTf:lt Heed Ann (col'd), h N 'Vater ab Ohestnut Heed Catharine, will. JOIIll, h I' HetllC! church, E Orange He-:d Blizabeth, wid. II. It, h 20 S Prince r Heed George K. (Heed, McGrann, Kel!) & Co.), 8 cor Centre sq and S Queen, h S Princc n Vine R~ed John K. &, Co., exchange and deposit office, B King ab Duke, h ]~ King c Shippen Reed Margaret, wid. Peter, h 'Y King n 'Vater need, McGrann, Kelly & Co., bnnkers and exchange brokers, 8,V c Centre sq and S Queen Heed Susan, h 20 S }>rinco Hees Adam, cooper, b 'V King n Mulberry lu~es JOlIN, transportation, h N Prince n 'Walnut Heese Andrew, bowling saloon, 5 Chestnut, h sallie Heese Ann W., wid. Adam, h Strawberry n S Queen Ueesc David (J. & D. Heese), 77 N Queen, II SUllle neese George, huckster, h N Queen n }i'rederick neese Jacob (J. & D. Heese), 77 N Queen, h sarno Itl~ESg J. &, D., hotel and livery Btables, 77 N Queen Uehru Conrad, tailor, h Freeman n Love Ill. Heiehert Johlln, laborer, h Chnrlotto n tho nl ](cichwein }>eggy, widow, h Washington II Duko Heidcnbnugh Christian, mouhler, h liigh n Strawberry UcitT Severin, cabinet maker, h Mulberry n Walnut Heiff. myder Catharine, wid. 18nno, Ii \Y Orallgo n Chnrlolto Heigart Adam, bartender Exchuuge hotel, 15 B King, h g German Heignrt Catbnrine B., h 28 S Duke HElG AWL' K 0., h B Orange e Lime Ueigart J. ll'ranklin, City Uecorder, 8preoher's building, N Queen, h N Prince n Orange Reignrt John II., lettor carrier, h 81 S Duke Heignrt Snmuel 'V., student, h J}rinco 0 Orange Ueilly Andrew, contractor, bds 'Vbito Horse hotel Uoilly } :dward, lawyer, S Queen n E Vine, bus Hubor's tllyern Heilly John, contrnctor, 11 IJime n Ohestnut Ueilly John, salesmnn, bus Prince ab Vine Heiman Vnlentine, Iuborer, h North n IJong al Ueimond Murtin, lnborer, Kunley's al bet Manor nnd Mary Uein li'rederick, weaver, h Watcl' 11 Lemon Uein James, laborer, h Prince 11 JameR Ueiner Ucinhart, tailor, h Dorwart n Manor

165 ,I \ r ; DIRECTORY. 141 Reinhold Denjamin (Gable, Schaeffer, Reinbold &, Co.), h 74 N Prince n Chestnut Reinhold.Tncob, coal agent, It Tlernon ab N Queen Heinuold Jacob (Hev.), h E Lemon n N Queen Heinoehl Augustus (Heinoehl & Hostetler), 7:H N Queen, h Manheim township Ueinoehl Jacob (Heinoehl & Potts), N Queen, h N Que(\n n Frederick REINOEHL & IIOSTETTI~~R, Varnish makers, &0., 72! N Queen Reinoehl & Potts, varni~h, N Queen 0PP Keystone hnll Ueinsmith Jonathan n., 8tudent, 'V Chestnut bet Mulberry and N 'Vnter Reinstein Charlotte, prin. 2d primary, h no S Duko Ueisse Philip, tinsmith. h Middle n Hockland Heitzel Catharino, It 18 S Prince Heilzcl Emma C., h 20 S Duke Hcmick.John, plaslcrer, h Lafayette n StrnwhelTy Hemley Guorge J., groceries, 'V King c Mauor, It do Hemley John II., gunsmith, h 'Y King ah Mulberry Hernley Reuhen J., carpenter, h r King nb Mulberry Homly John P., lato whitesmith, r h Columbia pike Hemly John 1 \ jun bitmnker, King n.marietta piko Hengier Charles 1. (G. M. Steinman &, Co.), 'V l(illg n Centro sq, h 36 S Prince Resch Samuel, cartman, h N Princo n Frederick Hcsh Heubcn, carman, h 'V King n ilillnor ]{csh Sampson, Fish ~larket hotel, S Queen 0 Vinc, b sallle nessel John, laborer, h Prince n llovo Ill.. Hetallick John, shoomoker, h Church n S Queen ltetllllick John S., shoemaker, h Church n Lemon nl }{cttig Gottlieb, tailor, W Chestnut c Mulberry, II samo neuter li'rjedel'ich, painter, h Hockland n Low Hcynolds James L., lawyer, G S Queen, bus Cooper's hotel HOj'nolds Samuel II., lawyer, 14 N Duke Hhinehart.Jacob, (Iuarryman, h Heaver n German Uhoades Henry, jeweller, h ~IiIlerstown t.urnpike Uhoa<les Jncob II., lnte huuer, h Manor n Millerstown pike H1lOados Susan, h J~ Ville n S Duke Hhode~ Amos,. shoemaker, h N Queen n Frederick Hhodcs W. II., conchtrimlllcl', h N Qucon n,jamos Hiee Charles, wcavcr, 11 St. Joseph n llovo In Hichards CLades, fllctorymun, h High n Strawberry

166 1~2 r.ancaster Ricllnrds Luther, late dep. register, It 18 S Prince Hichnrds Snmuel A clerk, h 18 S l>rince Hichnrdson John, clerk, bds Fountain Inn Hiehardson 'Yilliam, Slar houso, N Queen bel J.Jemon Hicksecker James F., cabinet-maker, bds ~Innor house, 'V King Riddle John, laborer, It Prince n nnger Uidgeway Peter B., student, h Charlotte n 'V King Hidgwny 'Villinm H., student, h Churlotte D'V King Uiefsnyder Cathnrine, wid., h 'V Orange bot ~Iulberry nnd Charlotte. Ricker l?rederich, laborer, h Koonloy's nlley bet Mary and Manor Ricker Jacob, butcher, E Vine DS Duke, It snme nife 'Villiam P., dental student, bds National hotel niley Catlillrino, seamstress, h North n Stra.wberry lliley John, clerk, bcls 34 S Prince Riley Julin, washing, h Plum 11 Chestnut Riley Peter, boiler-maker, h 164 l~ King Riley Sllmuel J. J., printer, h Vine n Duke Rine Christian, latc merchant, h Orange n Market Hine Sophia, wid. John, It N Charlotte D'Vulnut lune Ueuben, shoemaker, h 'V James bel N Queen Rinehart Charles 'V., helper, h Orange n Shippen Uingwnlt Adnm Z., grocer, 41 JiJ King, bds Sprecher's hotel ltingwnlt 1'homas J., Rnleslllnn, h N Queen ill Walnut Hippel Adam, baker, N Queen n JJclUon, h sarno Risse l>hilip, tinsmith, h 24 Middle Ritchie Xavier, fnrmor, h High n Strawborry Rithnlor Sigmund, bukn, bda as S Duke lhttenhouso John C., bootmakcr, Church n ].~ King, 11 samo. Uondmnn Benjamin, old iron, h r 84 S Queen Uoadmnn John, old iron, h r 34 S Queen noat John, (oundrymun, h St. Joseph n Love lnno Uoat John C., eubinet-ulllker, h S 'Vntcr n Vino Uonte John, ACKnr-lnuker, h Mulberry c James UOnl~H'rS ANTHONY K, lnte merchallt, h 30 'V KillK Uoberts Grnce A. (col'd), wid. Benjamin, h Heaver n Vino noberts 1'ho11138 IJ', It 30 'V King Uobinson John, bricklnyer, h 'V King n l\iariettn piko UoLinllon Obed. IJ., h 54 Middlo }{olinson Sumuel, trader, bds Heoso's City hotel

167 DIRECTORY Robison Mary A., wid. Philip, h Rvcklnnd on the Conestoga creek Rock Allen, boot and shoemaker, N Queen ab Chestnut, h sume noel{ HENRY, tobacconist, N Quoen bel 'Yalnut, h samo llook John, potoor, h 19 EGerman Rockafield H. A., clerk, h 143 S Queen Hocknfield Mcshach, carpenter, h 143 S Queen nockcnstein ]Jernhart, brick maker, h High n al Hoden Patrick, laborer, h Mulberry n James noddy Ann, domestic, h S Queen adj. Bxpress printing office Rodgers Daniel, butcllcr, h 232 ~Ihldle ltodeveiller Leonard, laborer, h High n I.Jo\'e lane Itochrich }>eter, lnborer, h North n I.JODg al Hoell John, taddor, h Prinee bel Lemon nogcrs Annie, wid. George, h Church n S Queen nogers ]~manuol, shoemaker, h Alley bet John and Ann nogers Henry, shoemaker, h 136 B King nogerb James, physioian, 33 N Duke, II SlllllO nogcrs Mary, wid, Samuel, h S 'Vater n Vine nogers Mary Ann, h 130 N King nogcrs Sarah H., h 105 EKing Uogers 'illiam E., tirlrmitb, h S 'Vater n Yinc Itohrer Christian, shoemaker, h Kunly'Hul n ~Iury Hohrcr Clementine, wid. Houben S., h 121 Chestnut ltohrcr Elins (courl-erier), tipstavlj, h Vine n Church Itohrer Martin 1\1., lato editor and proprietor of Ucgistcr nnd Citizen, h 109 ~1 King Rombach Uobert, plasterer, h nigh n I.Jove lano Itooney T~omns, speculntor, h 3H S Queen nop John, teamster, h Frederick n Litiz pike Uopp Adam, gunsmith, halley het 'Vnlllut nnd Chestnut nb Queen nose John, hoot and shoemaker, h N Queen 0 JamCR noso William, blacksmith, bds Chestnut cast of Princo }{o~enfc1d IIcillricll, hotel, ' King n Chnrlotte HOSEN~IELLElt D.P. ltov., h Shippoll bet Orange nnd g King n'jsen8tein J.Jc\'i, peddler, It Mulherry It J&IllOn Uogfeluor Henry, laborer, h W Ornll~o n Mnry Hosh Jonns, cabinet-maker, It MullJl'rry nb Orullgo Hush ~lathia~, hnrvcr, N Quecll bel 'Olllut, h samo

168 144 LANCA8Tf.R Ross John A., tinsmith, h S QUf:!m n IJOVIl lado Hossman Louis, carpenter, h Low c Froibur~ Hoszmann John P. IJ., carpenter, h Freiburg c Low Hoto Catharine MrR., h Chureh ab Vinc Hote Daniel, factor,ymnn, h nl tet Charlotte nnd Mulberry Hote Frederick, eokedealer, }i~ JJJmon bet N Queen and Duke Hote George F., cabinot & cllllirmaker, 47 S Queen, h snllle Hote George, seg').nnnker, bds Church ab Vine Hotc Hnrriet, wid. Abraham, 11 James n Charlotto Hotc IIenry, laborer, h 136 E Kin~ Rote Samuel, lato blaoksmith, h Hockland nann Rote William, peddler, h Fulton n Shippen Rotc 'VilliaDl T. (ChUB. E. 'ise &, Co.), 2 N Queen, h 47 S Queen Roth George, tnilor, h JJOW 0 FrlJibur~ Uoth Henry, peddler, h 14'rcderiek n N Queen Hoth John n., salesmnn, h 87 I~ King Uoth Joseph, laborer, h 22 Middle Roth Sarah, wid. Lucas, h 80 S Queen Uotbarmel I~lizabeth, wid. Adam, h 30 ~fiddle Hotharmol Jacob, brush manuf.,!h N Qlleen, h 30 Middle Uothweiler Charles, Inger beer, Manor n 'V King, h Sllllle Hothweiler l'eter, turner, h Manor n Mary Hough John, fnncy goods, 5D N Queen, bds 'V King 0 Prince Row Amos, teacher, h 'V Orange n Mulberry Howo n. F., sheriff, h S Prince bel Conestoga Howo Samuel W. dop. sheriff, bds Cross Ko)'s hotel Hoy John II., shoemaker, 246 :;\J iddle UOJer Catherine, wid. Joseph, al bet Mulberry &Chnrlotte Hoyer Israel, laborer, h Beaver opp SOllor's Coal Depot ltoyer ~Illrthn, dolllostio, 'V Kin~ e Prince. Uoyer Michael, tailor, h nl bet Chnrlotte & Mulberry UubeD Charles, upholsterer, 0 E Orange, bj8 IJcchlcr's hotel nudey Elias, mnson, h 02 Middlo nudey Jacob, carpenter, h 145 Middle Itudi Francisco, b ~Iiddle n Church al Uudi Martin, la~er beer,222 Middle, h snnlo nudisill 18aao, carpcntor, h 178 MiJdlo Hurly Christian, machinist, h Orango n B King Rudy John G., It Plum n N King Rudyeill.Jacob, laborer, h N Duke nb.tfim~r

169 DIUEOTORY. 145 Uuetscbie Peter, laborer, h r 'V King 11 S Writer Uuhlman John, laborer, h High bet la & Strawherry nul~of J obn, carpenter, h Frederiok n Litiz pi'{e Hupcrt David, carpenter, h 238 Middle Ruple)' 1\1rs., wid. Samuel, h 121 EKing Rupp Jacob, brushrunkcr, h High n Strawbeny nupp John, student, h 'V James bet N Queen nupp William, student, h W James bet N Queen ]lush Samuel, eartman, h N Queen ab Frederick Uussel Abraham,Y. (A. 'V. & J. R. Russel:, 8 EKing, h ~J Orange ab Limo Russel John It. (A.,Y. & J. Uuasel), 8 E Hing, h 50 E Chestnut Russel Margaret, wid. Francis, h 52 Chcstnut nussel A. 'V. & J. u., hardware and cutlel Y, 8 g King Uussell1\1ary 'V., teacher, h 0 'V King nuth l3enjamin, thacher, h N Queen nb James Ruth Frances, wid.. Breneman, h Princo n Janlcs Uuth George B., ltricklayer, h l\iulborry n Lollon Ruth Pet~r, bricklayer, h N Queen bel I?rederi ~k Rutter Goorge, CnI ponter, h 04 Middle nutter Jacob, laborer, h Orango nann. nutter John K h.w student, bds l 'ulton IIouso s. Saalfold George, h,)tcl, 133 B King, h f!llhle Saddler John, saddler, 273 S Queen, h same Saladin Daniel (Saladin & Soiling), painter~,.~ Duke, n EKing, h Charlotte n W King Saladin & Seiling, painters, N Duke n EKing Sales William, drover, h Orange n I'lum Salomon George, flhoomnker, h J.IOW n Hocklnnd Salomon Paulus, fihoemnker, h IJow c Fr('iburg Slllziger Henry'''., laborer, h High n Uoeklnud Sample John C., h 46 S Duko Samson E1izabetb, teacher, h N Queen n :~~ 'Valnut Samson Jl'JorolJa, wid. Bonom, h N Quoen bel B Wr.lnut Samson J usoph, brushmnkcl', N Queen 0PP l(eyltollo hotel, h N Queen n,lumes Samson l\lnl'gnrct, tencher public 8chool, h N Qlecll n 'Val nut 13

170 146 Snmson Mary, h N Queen n 'Valnut Snnders Catharine, h N Queen nb Frederick Sanders J obn, laborer, h J obn n Locust Sanders Samuel, laborer, h ~Ianor n Dorwart. Sanderson Alfred (George Sandcrson & Son), editor Intel. Jigcncer, 8 N Duke, h S Queen n Vine SANDJ<.mSON GEORGB & SON, editor Intelligencer,8 N Duke, h 23 S Queen Snpp Jacob, carpenter, h 'V Ohestnut n N'Vator Sauber Conrnd, laborer, It Vine n Duke Sauber Mary, weaver, bds 186 Middle Saum ScifferiD~, blacksmith, h Locust 0 Rockland Sl\wville Elizabeth, wid. Henry, b Locust n Stoney al Sawville George 'V., butcher, h IJocust n Stonoy al Sawville Henry, stage driver, b Locust n Stoney nl Sawyer Benjamin, laborer, h 14 Middle Sawyer Evin M., engineer, h 116 S Qur-en Sehaedle Friederich, butoher, 163 S Queen, h sarno Schaefer John, machine-maker, h r N Queen nb Chcstnut Schaeffer JlJdwin M. (E. Schaeffer &Son), cor EKing IIl1t! Oentro.sq, E Orange Scbaeffer Jl;mnnuel (E. Schaeffer & Son), cor J;J King and Centre sq, h 8 }i~ OrRnge SCHAI~FFER E. &.. SON, saddlery, hnrness and trunks, J<J King cor Centre sq Schaeffer George, shoemaker, It Dorwart n i'lnnor Schaeffer Henry, baker, Manor n DorwnTt, h!mule Sehneffer Jacob, laborer, b Munor n Dorwart Schneffer John, bricklayer, h 100 Middle Schaeffer JJConard, laborer, h Dorwart n 'V King Bchaet Peter, well digger, h JJow n Strawberry SchatTer Andrew, baker, h 81 ~J King SchlitTer Charles, baker, h 81 EKing Schaffer Elizabeth, h Locust 0 Rockland Schaffer Frederick, bn~er, 81 J~ King, h Ramo Scbnk Henry, wheelwright h 'Valnut n Prince SohRubel George (Scbaube{ &Walker), N Prince n Ornngc, b l\fnoor n 'V King Schau bel & 'Valker, blacksmiths, N Prince n Ornns:te Schauer John K., 8aloaman, h N Queen bel Frederick Schauer Samuel (Schlott & Scbauer), h N Queen nb Walnut Schauer Snmucl W., painter, h N Queen ab \Valnut Schaum ]JenJnmin, bds Sorrel Horae hotel

171 DIREOTORY. 147 Sollaum Frederick, foundrymnn, b,v 'Valnut N Mulberry Scllaum Henry, teamster, It Manor n W King Sollaulll John P., tinsmith, 16 S Quoen, b samo Soliaum Philip, latc tinsmith, h 16 S Queen' Scllaum 'Villiam, lato engineer, h Walnut n Mulberry Scheiber John N., bartender, Keystone hotel ScllCid Charles, sogar.maker, h 138 EKing Solleid }j'ranklin II., segar.maker, h S Queen n Conestoga Scheid Henry, hostler, h Manor n Columbia Sclloid Nicholas, hostler, h Manor bot Dorwart and,v King ScllCid Peter, laborer, h Low n Strawberry Soheid Simon, segar'ulllker, h High n the al Scheide Jacob, muson, h Dorwart n Manor Scheide Nicholas, sogar.maker, h High n Strawberry Scheile Catharin:A, h Church 0PP Limo Soheile Rosina, wid. l~riedcrieh, h Churcb 0PP IJime Scheing Frederick, shoemaker, h 205 Middle Sohell George, laborer, h al bet EKing rmd E Orange Sebelling Henry, coach painter, bds Merrimao bouso SdJeror Margaret, wid. Jacob, h S }>rinco n German SoherfT Henry, but<lher, h Prince ub W King cor al SCHI~(JRgNBltAND JOHN A., Jamos 0 N Queen, h same Schicdel JllCob, grocer, Manor opp Dowart, h same Schietz 'Villiam, brick maker, b r H,igh n Strawberry Sohikcl Joseph, shoemaker, h Alloy n N 'Vater Schilling Lorenz, ShocDlllker, 161 J~ King, h same Sohlabach Daniel K., shoemaker, b N Queen ab Walnut Schleich George H., morocco drcsser, h 154 }l; King Sohleich John, grocer, 154 B King, h sarno Schlichter Joseph, masoil, h High nenr Hockland Schlingman I~ranz, gardener, It HockllllJd 0 High Schloto George, bartender, Black 1101'1:10 l!otol, 23 N Queen Schlott Levi (Schlot.t& Sohauer), N Queen bel 'Vnlnut, h do SCHLOTT & SClIAUNIt, Keystone hotel, N Queen Lol Walnut Sohmnlin~ Henry, laborer, h Millerstown pike n Love 111 Sohmauk n. 'V. Hov., h 37 S Duke Schmid Agathn, wid. John, h Rockland n Church Schmid Alois, tailor, h 110 Church Sohmid Mark, bricklayer, h Churoh 0 Hooklnnd Schmid Martin, Inborer, h Hocklnnd n Ohuroh

172 148 J.ANCAbTER Schmidt Anthony, laborer, h 'V Kin~ n Columbia Schmidt Casper, mason, h High n Alley Schmidt Catharina, wid. Peter, h B Vine n Duko Schmidt Frederick, shocmaker, It N Queen bel I~ernon Shmidt Heinrich, laborer, h IJocust 0 Stoney al Schmidt John, laborer, h High n Strawbel'rY Schmidt John A., weaver, h IJocust 0 Stoney III Schmidt Lorenzo, bootmaker, h Shippen n Ghe!ltnut Schmidt Mary, wid. Peter, h Manor n W King Schmied Gottlieb, lnborer, h Rockland n Conestoga Creek Schmit Oeorge, oarpent(lr, h Manor n Dorwnrt Schmit Heinrich, laborer, h 244 S Qucen Schmitman Mary, housekeeper, h Prince n Chestnut Schmitt Ant-hony, well digger, h 'V King n Dorwart Schnaufcr Heinrich, pottery, 150 S Quecn, h salllo Schneider Ferdinand (F. Schneider & Co.), B Chestnut n tho D(!pot., h r Keystono hotel N Queen Sohneider Heinrich, h Dorwart n Manor Sohneider Jacob, laborer, bds N Queen 0 'Valnut Schneider Martin, laborer, h North n Strawberry Sclmeider Michnel, foundrymnn, h St. Joseph n IJo\'e In. Schneider Michael, shoemuker, ~IilJersto\Vn pike n IJovc In, h snmo Schneider Hudolf, lahorei', h Alley bet Mulberry nnd Char. lotte Schneider 'Yilhelminn, grocer, N Queen n Walnut h same Schneider F. & Co., match mannf. J~ Chcstnut n Depot. Schnider Ulrich, 8hocmaker, h Beaver n Andrew Schnepf Cal'1, corn planter, h N Water n Chestnut Schober.Jncob, mason, h MilJerstown pike SCHOENBEfiG En AUG US'r, brewer, 54 NQueen, h same Schollmnycr Henry, clerk, bds 54 N Queen Sohoolmyer Ooor1(o, rope, twine and fly nets, N Quecn ob Frcdel'ick, h flamo Schorn Adam, cnrpenter, h High n Strnwberry Schott Heinrich, tiled. peduler, h N 'Vnter J1 JJcllIon Schreinor l~mnnuol, gurdener, h John S of B King Schrote Samuel, carpenter, h Wotor 1\ JamcR Schroyc.r G. W., printer, h Prince bel Ornnge Schuh Adllm, hostlqr, h High n I,ove la Schuler Willinm 1(, hatter, h Orango n Shippell Schulwnicr George, ropcmakcr, N Quccn n Frederick, h uo Sohulto Joseph P., ttlilor, h 'YIl!:lhington n Duko SohuLz CharII'll, lliollll }l'i', h N QtH'<'1l II.Jallles

173 UJUt-:Cl'OllY. 149 Schultz Mary A., wid. John R, It }»UID n 'N King Schum Phili», grocer and covcrlida, S 'Yater cor German, h same Scbup Adam, mason, h James n 'Yater Schupp Bernhard, mnson, h Charlotte n J.JCmon Schupp Bernhard, jun., mason, h Charlotte n }J Lemon Schut Margnrt't, wid. Andrew, h 1\1ulberry n the It. It. SCHWARTZ ANTHONY (&v.), h St. Joseph, next ohuroh Schwartz Charles, loom.fixer, h 166 Middle Schwartz Christian, carpenter, h 168 1\Iiddle Sohwartz David L., student, bda S Prince n 'V King Sohwarz George, tailor, h Church n S Queen Sohwebel Charlos, grocer, Freiburg 0 Low, h same Schwoinhard Maria, domestio, 2 S Prince Schwert Bernhard, buwher, 224 1\Iiddle, h sarno Schwilkc Gottlieb, mason, h Churoh n Vine Schwilken Dorothea, wid. Gottlieb, h Rookland n Gooso Scott Hannah, wid. Thomas, soamstress, h Lafayette n Strawberry Scott James C., morocoo.dresser, h I.lafayotte D Strawberry Scott Rebecca, wid. David, h 64 S Duke Scott William R., 8CWlr.mnkor, h Deavor n Andrew Soovern John G., veterinary surgeon, N Queen D 'Yalnut, h saido Seachrist John C., laborer, h N Prince n LemoD Seaohrist Daniel, laborer, h W'Bter n Lemon. Seeger Johau George, brickmaker, h 1\1anor n tho bridgo Selmer Benjamin F., oarpenter, h I>rince ab Orange Sehner Henry C., carpenter, h N Princo bet Chestnut and Orange Sehner John, carpenter, 'Yater DOrange, h N Prinoe 0 'V Oran~e Selmor J. F., clerk, h N }>rinoe ab Orange SellDer Marous G., teaoher, h Princo ab Ornnge Seibert John, shoemaker, h 1\Ianor n Dorwart Seibert John, tailor, h?tianor n 'Y King Seiders Catharine, saleswoldan, h N Queen n J.JCmon Seiling Miohael J. (Saladin & Seiling), pninter, h 'Valnut nb Lime.. Seisert George, grocer, 269 S Quccn, h snmo Sollers Cath'arine, shoebindcr, h 'V Chestnut n 1\Iulberry Scllerll Bphrnim, carpenter, h 15 S Princo 13*

174 150 SeIvert Benjamin, coppersmith, h ]25 S Quecn SeIvert Joseph H., tailor, b Princc ab Chestnut SeIvert Sophia, wid. Amlrew L h Prince ab Chestnut Sener George, carpenter, r N 'Vater n 'V Chestnut, h do Sener Gottliob (G. Sener & Sons) I'riDco oor \Valnut, h Prince n Chestnut Senor Frederick, late lumbor, h N Prince n \V Orange Soner Honry ltf. (G. Scner & Sons), I>rince e Walnut, h Princo n Ohestnut Sener Jaoob, late lumber, 11 N Prinoc n W Orango Sener John F. (G. Sener & Sons), I>rince eor Walnut, h Prince n Chestnut Soner William Z., clerk, h Princc ab Chestnut SENER G. & SONS, lumber and ooa1 yard, Prinoe oor Walnut Sengawalt Sophia (Speaker &Co.), 85 EKing, h \V King os Water SanICle Simon, nai1smith, h Washington n Lomon al Benner Elizabeth, domestio, N Queen bel IJOmon SensenderCor, George, laborer, h 'V King n Dorwart Sontner Lorenz, Dlllson, h High n Love IlL Senz Jlleob, laborer, h Low n E Strawberry SHAEFF]i)R BAUTRAl\1 A., lawyer, southwest 0 Centre sq, h W King 8d door boll\lulberry Shaffer Catharine, wid. Charles F., h W I{ing n l\iulberry Shaffner John (Shaffner & Graham), \V Jamcs bel N Queen, h at Philadelphia Shaffner & Graham, comb manufaeturers, \V James bet N Queen and Prineo. Shalter Irenrous, student, W Chestnut bet l\iulborry and N Water Shand Jacob, blaoksmith, h German n S Queon Shank Abraham F., lawyer, 86 Duke, bds Fountain inn. Shaub Adam, gunsmith, h Chestnut hot Princo and N Queen Shaub Henry, laborer, h al bet E King ana E Orango Slumbel Benjamin, weaver, h Dorwart n 1\Ianor Shauble George, blacksmith, b Manor 0 \V King Shaud JIlcob, blaoksmith, h \V Orange n Oharlotto Shaum George, combmllker, h Princo n the U. n. ShRum lienry, teamster, h Manor n 'V King Sbay I~manuel, fltovc-finishcr, h N IJime bel Chestnut Shay Henry, brickmaker, h Manor n Dorwart.

175 DIRECTORY. 151 Sbay 1\fa~ia, wid. Michnel, It f~igh n IJove Inno Shay l\iiehael, lockmaker, h DJller's al n S 'Vuter Shearer Josiah H., olerk, It '10 N Duko Shoaff Henry, gunsmith, h S Queen Jl Plum Sheaff John, h,v King c l\iulberrl Sheaff J. A., civil engineer, 'V KinK 0 Mulberry, h SJ'IllO Sheaff J. H., printer, h 'V King c Mulberry Shoaff Philip T., marble-works, EKing e IJime, bds Red Lion hotel Sheaffer J olm, bookseller, N Queen n Orange, It '19 N Duko Sheaffer?thrtin, ~roeer, N Prince n Lemon, h same Shear Cordelia, wid. 'VilJiam, h Vine n Churoh Shear J4Jtlson l\i., printer, It Vine n Churoh SHEER WIIJIJIAi\I C. F., oonfeotioner, 45 EKing, bds '19 J~ King Sheid Henry, lager beer,,v King n Mulberry, It snme Sheip Levi C., student., bds Prineo ab Chestnut Shelly Agnes, dressmaker, bds S Wat()r n WRing Shenok Abraham W., clerk, h 17 I~ King Shenok Henry S., Swan hotel, Contre square, h snme Shonck RudoJph, law student, h 1'1 EKing Shonk B. l~. (Shenk & Long), I>rinec n IJomon, h 00 N Duke Shenk Christian, l~xobnnge hotel, 1'1 EKing, h sarno Shonk Elizabeth, wid. Reuben, h S Water N Vine Shonk Henry, watchmaker and jeweler, 9 N Queen, h roo Church.Shonk Johan G., shoemaker, h W King n Mary Shenk Ueubon C., drover, h S 'Vater n Vine Sbonk Sarah, wid. John, housekeeper, Merrimao bouro Shenk, Bausman, Carpenter & Co., No.3 Mill, S l>rince Sberer Henry, weaver, h S Prince n German Sherer Lizzy, teaoher, h E Lemon 3tl N Queen Shoror Mary A., wid. Jacob, bds Swan hotel, Centre sq Sherer Rebecoa, wid. Jacob, b I'rince bol Vine Sborer Susan, wid. Dcnjamin, h E Lemon, 3d door N Queon. Shoridan John, laborer, h Beavor n Andrew Sberidan l\iiohnol, drover, 11 ljcavor n Andrew Shorts Catbariuo, h 169 EKing Shorta Ohristian, winos ndllliquors, 91 B King, It same Shorta J~lizabotb, It 159 J~ King Shorts John, wntcbm:m, It 152 B King

176 152 rll\nca81'er Shertz John, blaoksmith, h 167 S Queen Shortz John, weaver, h 132 S Queen Shertz SUBan, spinner, h Ohureh n EKing Shiolds Patrick, faotoryman, al r Lamb hotel, W King Shiloy John, buteher, h 120 Middle - Bhipdel Oatharine, h 29 S Duke Shindel Catharino, wid, Jacob, h S Queen c Vine Bhindel Elizabeth, wid. Honry, h High n Love lano Shindel George, _grocer, W King n Oharlotte, h samo Shindel Henry 0., student, h W King D Oharlotte Shindel Jacob, segar.maker, h ~Ianor n Dorwart Shindel John, sogar.maker. h Dorwart n Manor SHINDEL MIOHAEL 'V tailor, 67 N Queen, h ltiul berry n Orange - Shindel SUBan, wid. Jacob, h Manor n the bridge Shirey John, coachwhoel.maker, h 196 Middle Shirk Eli, butehor, h Jj Quoon bel James Shirk Jaoob,- farmor, h N Duke oor James Shirk Jacob K sawyer, h Manor n W King Shirk Joseph, brickmaker, h l\lnnor n the bridge Shirk Josoph K agont, h'valnut n Water Shirk Reuben, conduotor, h W Chostnut n N 'Vater Shirk Susan,-, h W Ohostnut bel Prince Shirloy Luoy, h S Queen n Centre sljuare Shirtz John, toolmaker, h S Quocn nann Shi88ler Jacob, cooper, h W King n Oolumbia pike SHOBER EMANUEL, hotel, 86 N Queen, h sarno Shober John A., sup. paper mill, h 36 N Queen Shober William H., olerk, Eagle hotel. Shoobrooks Elizabeth, housekeeper, Prinv9 bol Orango Shofstall Eliza, drefl8makei', h 12 S Prince Shofstall Elisaboth, wid. Adam, h 12 S Princo Shofstall Sophia, dressmaker h 12 S Prince Shollenberger Albert J., student 1 h Charlottfl n W King Short Oasper, laborer, h I..ow n lfreibur.s Short Catharino, wid. Philip, h 211 S Quecn Short Philip, maron, Frederiok n Litis pike Shower George T., student,bds Prince ab OhostlWt Showers John, clerk, h N Quoen n Frederiok Shreiner Abraham, tailor, h Prinoe n Lomon Shreiner Oharles I~, (Zahm & Jaokson), watchmaker, 16 N Queen, It Prince n \V King

177 DIREOTORY. ]58 Shreiner Henry M. (Zubm & Jaokson), 15 N Queen, h N })rince n W Orange Shreinor Jacoh, laborer, h S Queen n Conostoga Shreiner l\inrtio,-, h 'V Chestnut n Mulberry Shreiner l\inrtin, jr., watchmaker, 28 N Queen, h somo Shroder F. &, Co., Conestoga l\1ill No.1, S Prince, h Limo bet E King and Orange Shrum Catbarin wid., h High n Rockland Shrum William.1.\1., loto grocor, h 48 N Queen Shubert Ann, wid. William, h Mulberry cor James Shubert Henry, book.ogeut, h E Lemon n N Queen Shuffelbottom Charles H., segar maker, b 'V Chestnut n Water Shuffelbottom Mary, widow Josiah, h Orange cor Mulberry Shugars Emanuel, shoomakor, h Harrisburg pike 0 :Mulberr.}' Shuger l\iiohool, laborer, h Mulberry n JJomon Shultz David (John K. Reed & Co.), EKing nb Duke, It 86 N Duke Shultz HeDry A. (Shultz &, ljro.), 201 N Quoen, nnd 23 N King, bds Nlltionol hotel Shultz Jorome D., daguerreotypes, 87 N Queen, bds Red Lion hotel Shultz John, on the R. It, h Lemon n })rince Shultz John A. (Shultz &, llro.), 201 N Queen and 28 I~ King, h 86 N Duke Shultz 'Villiam H., olerk, bds 82 N Duko Shultz & Urother, bats add caps, 20l N Queen Rod 28 JiJ KiDg Shulzo Susan, widow Jobn A., h 7 S Prince Shutt l\iargnret, wid. of Andrew, h Mulberry, n Horrisburg pike Sickley JiJlizabeth, wid. of Adam, boarding, Vine n Mulberry, h same Sides Amos, farmer, poor. house farm Sieber Froderiek, soopmoker, h N Queen n 'V IJomon Sieber John G., sogarstoro,09 N Queen, h W German 0 the Mills Sieber Ptlter, segar.moker, h 160 EKing Sieber Rosina, It 44 S Duko Sieber Sarah, h 44 S Duke Siefert William, boot Bod shoemaker, h North n Strawberry Siegler Ludwig, lahorer, b III het l\inry and Manor

178 151 LANCASTER Siegler Peter, laborer, It ltlrnor n the bridgo Siele George, shoemaker, It High n Strawberry Silviu8 0., edge tool manufacturcr, 80 S Quoen, h samo Silviutl Jobn, helper, h N \Vater n' Walnut Simmeodinger Gottlieb, laborer, h 01 bet )Iary and MaDor Simon Mary, wid. Henry, b Hazol 0 S Queen Simon Wilhelm, cooper, h Mary n OmnRe Simpson Isabella, wid. \VilJiam, b 160 I~ King Simpson Isabella, wid. David, h l\ianor n Dorwart Simpson Jacob, bartender, h l\fanor n Dorwart Simpson Jobn, drover, h Manor n W King Simpson l\largaret, wid. John, b 160 EKing Sinolair Alexander, segar maker, h Columbia pike Singeisoo Ludwig, peddler, h MRnor e Alley Singewald Sophia, h 2 9 Prinoe Sinfleton Robert, briokm:\ker, It l\farieua pike SK LES JOHN 0., drover, It Walnut n Duke Skiles John D., grocer, 18.B King, h sarna Skyles Nehemiah II., student., b 'V Chestnut bet l\iulberry and N Water Slaughter John, locksmith, b Frcdsrick 0 N Queen Slaymaker Amos, lawyer, 8 S Queen, bds Cooper's botel Slaymaker Anoie 0., h 20 W King Slaymaker Henry R, agent, h 12 S Duke SlinkDllln Gottlieb, factory man, h Dorwart 0 W King Slouoh Frederick, medioino peddler, h EKing n Plum Slouoh Adam, cabinet-maker, b Mulberry n Walnut Smaley IIenry, farmer, b Millerstown pike Smaling Jacob K.,tnilor, 68 N Queen, b 13 S Prince Smaling Sarab, domestie, 78 N Duke Smart 'Valter, book agent, b N Prinoe nb James Smeltz Catharine, widow, h N Queen ab Lemon Smeltz Jaoob R., grocer, N Queen 0 Jemon, h same Smeltz Samuel, laborer, b N Prince ab Lemon Smeych Daniel, carpenter, r Manor n W Khig, h same Smoych Hcnry, carpenter, b.ltlanor n W King Smeych Mary, grocer, Manor n W King, h some Smith Albert F. printer, h W King n Mnrietta pike Smith Atlgelica L., varieties, 18 ]i~ King, h Ornnge 0 l\ful. berry, Smith Anthony, music teaoher, h Walnut n 'Vater Smith Arnold, weavcr, h N Queen ab James Smith A. Herr, lawyer, 8 S Queen, h N JJimc 0 EKing

179 DJRECTORY. 155 Smith CatlmriDe, wid. 'Villiam, h 'V Orange n Mulberry Smith Christian, laboror, h Alley bet 1\lary and 1\lnnor Smith Cbristiana, wid. of Christian, h Orango 0 Mulborry Smith jijliza, wid. Joh!), h Church n Duko Smith Franois 1\1., tolel{. operator, b Limo n Chestnut SMITH FnF~DEnICK, hats nnd caps, II. 'V King, h 4 Boughter's row, S Prince Smith George, h St. Joseph n the clluroh Smith George, roof.graveller, bds 200 Middle Smith Harriot, dress.maker, h N 'Vater n 'V King Smith Hartman, mason, h I1redcrick n Litiz piko Smith Henry, shoemaker, h N QU~\ln n JalDes Smith Jacob H., oarriage trimmer, h III Chestnut Smith James, drug~i8t, 10 ~1 King, h saido Smith John, h 85 EKing Smith John, laborer, h S Queen n Furnaco Smith John A., shoemakor, h Lemon n Duke Smith John A., weaver, h N QueeD n Jumcs Smith Le\'i, hatter, h 4 S I>rinco Smith Luoinda, fnotory girl, h Strawberry n High Smith Margaret, miss, h SLime 0 Vine Smith Mary, wid. Joseph, h 1\1anor n 'V King. Smith }>oter, tannor, h 'V King n Mulberry SMITH RUDOLPH A., baker, 25 B I{ing, h t 25 EKing Smith Sarah 1\1., bds Black near hotel Smith Susnn' R., h S Linle 0 Vine Smith 'Villiam, 'loom6xer, bds German n tho millil Smith WiJ)jam F. med. student, bds Cooper's hotel Smith lviliiam H., med. student, bdlj Coopor's hotel Smoker James B., machinist, h 07 S Queen SmuJlen James, maohinist, h 'Vater n James Soavely. Benjamin, No. ll\1i1l, h Uequa township Snyder Adam, plasterer, h W King n Dorwart Snyder Carl, grocer, N Queen n 'Valnut, h r Keystone hotel Snyder Catharine, wid. Henry, h E Vine n IJcmon al Snyder ChriStian, machinist, h High n Strawberry Snyder Elizabeth, h 'V King n Charlotte Snyder Henry, butcher, 'V King ab S Water, h samo Snyder Henry, laborer, h Love la n Braver Snyder Hiram, plasterer, h Dorwart n W King Snyder Jackson, segar.maker, h Prince n James bel Queon Snyder Jacob, late wheelwright, h W King n Charlotte Snyder Joseph C., janitor court-houso, h 14 B Germnn

180 156 Snyder IJCononl, saddler, b Orange c ShippeD Snyder llcvy, boss weaver, b 'V Orange n Charlotte SNYDJc}R PHIllIP, botel, 19 EKing Snyder Simon, plasterer, h 'V King n Mary Snyder 'Villiam II. II., student, h ' Chestnut bet Mulberry and N'Vater 80)les John, sboemaker h Mulberry n 'V Walnut Sonneborn Frederiok, siloemakor, h 'V King n Mary Souder l\liehael, tailor, h Frederick n N Quecn Souder Sarah A., milliner, bds Orange ab Jlimo Spang Leonard, b N Queen opp ~'rodoriek Spangler Alexander R., patent agent, bds Union hotel Sparing 'Villiam, saddler, h Mulberry n James Spntll Louisa, wid. Ifrederiok 0., h 'Valnut 0 Mulborry Speaker Catharino, wid. l>eter, h S 'Vater n Vine Speaker Emanuel (Speaker & Co.), 85 EKing, h S 'Vater n Vino SPEAKER & 00., editors and proprietrrs of tho People's Friend,,85 EKing Spece Elizabeth, wid. Oonrad, 11 N Prince n James Spece Frederick, blacksmith, James n 'Vater Speoht John, shoemaker, h Manor n 'V I{ing Speidel John, farmer, h Millorstown piko e Atloy Speidol Loronz, farmer, h Millerstown piko 0 Alloy Spoissor li'raneis, painter, h 14 Ohuroh Spollman Goorge, lnborer, 11 High n Strawberry Sponcor S. S., supt. steam mill (Sponcor, lioardman &Spencor), W Vine bot Strawberry and S 'Vnlcr SPENOER, BOARDMAN & SI>ENCEU, monuf. Rockland mills (soo adv.). Spengler Michael, laborer, h N Queen n 'V Lomon SPERING THOMAS, umbrellas, 5 Orange, h flamo Sporow Israol, carpenttr, bds Fountain inn Speze John, coaohsmith, h Mulberry Ii Lomon Spindler George, butcher, 58 S Queen, h 55 Ilomo Spindler Philip, butoher, h 84 S Queen ' Spindler Philip jr., butcher, h 84 S Queen Spingler Franz, laborer, h W \Valnut n Charlotte Spitzenbergor Frederick, laborer, h a1 \V Lomon back N Queen SpIce Randolph, {actoryman, It S Princo n Conestoga Sponceller Cntharin'o, domestio, N Queen JiJ Orange Spong Eliza, wid. l)ot()r, h 'V James n N Prince

181 DIREOTORV. 157 Spong George, shoemaker, W' Jamcs n N ])rinoc, h 8nme Spong I.IOonnrd, blacksmith, IJ Shippen n Chcfltnut. Sponsler David, horsedcaler, h W Orange Jl Mulberry Spottz Caroline, wid. David, h Harrisburg pike n 'Vuter Sprecher David G., olerk, bds 224 N Qucon Spreoher G. D., slaws, 29 N Queen, h 80]~ King n Limo Spreoher ISMe, tllamswr, h Church n 'Vasbington. Sprec~er Lewis, late hotol proprietor, h 80 N Duke Sprecher Solomon, hotel, ]~ King n.n Dukc. Sprecher William D. (Sprecher & Co.), 20 N Queen, h 02 E KinK SPREOHER &, CO., hardware,20 N Queen SPRENGER ELIZADETH, wid. Abrahaw, Eagle brewery, N Water and Walnut, h same Sprenger John A., E. KinK ab Duke, h Mme Sprenger J. J. (Sprenger & Westhaeffer),44 N QUfcn, It 70 E Ohestnut SPRENGER &, 'VESTHAEFFJ4JR, books, stationery, and fancy goods, 44 N Que~n Springer Anton, brewer, h raw n Froiburg Springer Jacob, ooppersmith, It Vine n Ohuroh Springer John, coppersmith, h Vine n Church Sprin~er John D., painter, h S 'Vater 0 DilIor's al Spurrlor George, tailor,-19 N Queen, h 100 N Duke SlJurrier William, tailor, h Orange n Shippen Stael Oharles, bricklayer, h 1\Ianor n the bridge Stahl Ohristiana, wid. Georgo, h 40 N Duke... Stahl Frank, grocer, 63 Chestnut, h SRmo Stahton Sarah, wid. John, h Beaver It Oonestoga Stains Elizabeth, oonfeotionery, 9 Chestnut, It sume Stains lionry, tahor,'h 'V Lomon n N Duke Staley Oyrus, faetor,man, h 1\Iulborry opp schools Staly 1\Iary, domestlo, N Queen E Orango Stambaugh Jacob, hotel, 200 Ji] King, h do Stamm Heinrich, laborer, It Low n llrciburg Stamm Hiram, clerk, bds IJeehler's hotel ~tamm John, laborer, h Low n }i~reiburg Stamm Wilhelm, shoemaker, bds '\V Orange n Charlotte Stanley ;Frances A., wid. John C., h W Orange n Charlotte Stanton Albert T., coffee roaswr, h 218 E Kiug Stapleford Mary, wid. Robert B., h 174 Middlo Stark Jacob, farmer, h Harrisburg piko n Chnrlotto Stark John, lnborer, h Hnrrisburg turnpike 14

182 158 J,ANOA81'Jm. Stasel Joseph, on the R. R., h liigh n JAove la Stauffor David, lnborer, h N Queen ab Frederick Stauffor Jacob, librarian, h W King n Mulberry Stauter Henry, shoemaker, It N l'rince ab 1.ell1on St. Clnir Alexander, segar-maker, It Columbia pike St. Clair JJonjamln l~., painter, h Columbia pike St. Clair Hnrriot, h N Mulborry bet Orange and Chestnut St. Clair John J., painter, h N Mulberry bot Orange and Chestnut Stency Hannah, tahoress, h al n Duko bet Chestnut and \Vnlnut Steney Mary, tailoress, h Doon's row n Duke Steck Daniel (Rev,), h W King ab S 'Vater Steele Albert, slater, h l'rince ab Chestnut Steele Benjamin, slater, al bet Shippen add Limo Steele Gcorgo, slater, h 215 Middle 8teolo Mary A., wid. James, h 187 S Queen Steer George, grocer, High bet Lo\'e la and Strawberry, h do Steers Charlcll, 111borer, h Manor n the bridge Steors Thomas, contractor, h 0 8 Prince Steffe }l~lizabotb, wid. Jacob, h Vine n S Duke Steffe William, shoemllkor, h Vine n Duko Stetfeo Ocorgl', pattern.maker, b S Queen u JAove I:l. Stcffco Tbeodore, maehinist, h 'V Kill#( n Columbit\ Stehlo ])oni08, shoemaker, h \Vaahington II laciiion,,1 Stehman Henry H., wnshing.machines, IJCmon al n Vine, h Manor township STJ~Hl\IAN J AeOn G., physician, N Jlrince n Orange, bds Cooper's hotel Stehman Jobn, lute hotol, h 43 N Duko Stehman John, jun., pattern-maker, h Orange n Plum Steiger Adam, laborer, h N 'Vater n l~emon Steiger Henry, grocer and dry goods, \V King e 'Ynter Steigerwalt George, carpenter, b Hazel bel S Queen Steigerwalt Henry, IJnrpcntcr, It Vine D Ohurch Steigerwalt Henry J., cabinet-maker, b 6 S Duke Steigerwalt Jobn, carpenter, Hazel 0 S Queen, b same Steigerwalt Jobn, JUD., oarpenter, h 210 S Queen Steigerwalt Micbael, carpenter, h Vine n Church Steinhauser Nicholas, piano-maker, h \V Jamcs bel N Qnecl. STEINMAN A. J., I~nw, h No. 22 W Orange Steinman G. M, (G.l\I. Stoinman & Co ), 'V King bel southwest cor Centre sq, h snmo

183 nlltf.ctonv. 150 Sl'grNMAN G. U. & Co., hardwt\~c, \V King bel Centro squllro Steinmllll John, shoemaker, b Uockland n JJO\v Steinman John l~, latc hardware, II 22 'V Orange Slcinwaudel1\Illtthew, laboror, h 4S l\liddlo St('pbeDs Henry, liquors, 0 N Duko, b.j/j Cooper'R hotel Stergics \Villiam, blacksmit.h, It W King n 1\111I'y Sterrit JJlizllbeth, h 62 N Dulco Stettei',Tohn, shocmalcer, h Wator n Lemon STEVENS SIMON, law)'er, 44 l~ King, bds Sprecher's hotel Stl.lvens Thaddeus, lawyer, S Queen n ]~ Vine, h same Stevens Thaddeus, jun., ~~ont, h S Queen n Vine Steward John, marble. polisher, h Church al n Church Stewart Andrew, lato grocer, b 'V Chelttnut bel N Queen Stewart JJdward, grocer, 85 S Queen, h samo Stewart James, drover, h B Orange n Shippen Sticffel Ohristian, shoemaker, h al n Charlotte Stiffel Christian, shoemaker, It Prince n Hazel Stimmel Anna, wid. Henry N., h Princo bel Orange Stin( Sumuol, tllilor, h 80 Chestnut Still. & Brown, No.2 Mill, S Prince Stiver Mary, domestie, B 'Vnlnut n Duke St. John, Taylor, lastmaker, h Church n Duke Stogden William (col'd), whitcwasher, 107 S Queen, h do Stoker Edward, plumher, h Mulberry n 'V 'Vlllnut Stokes Enoch, gunsmith, bds Star house, N Quecn Stone Augustus, plasterer, b Harrisburg piko n 'Vl\t(~r Stono ]~Iizllboth, wid. James T., h N Prince n JJ~m(ln Stono Frederick, plasterer, h Harrisburg pike 11 Watcr Stono Jamos A. (Albright & Co.), n. R. l' Chestllut, h Prince ab IJemon Stone Louis, tinsmith, It Dorwart n 'V Kins; Stonor Christian h, 'V Orange n Charlotte, h samo Stonor Jacob S., salesman, bds ]~aglc hotel Stollor Martha, h 'V King n Muiberry STONJiJR I>IIIIJIP, t~ilor, h 'V Kin~ n Mulberry Storck Adam, shoemaker, It Prinae n JJovo In. StormfcJtz Daniel, teamster, It Orango n tho urison Stormfcltz Jacob, carlman, h Orange n Plum Stormfeltz Peter, cafj)cnter, h Vine n Church Stoutzel1bcrgor 1\Iar~arot h nb 'V 'Vulnut ill al back of N Queen

184 160 LANCASTER Stoy Barbara, wid. George, h Manor n Dorwart Stoy Peter, brickmaker, h Dorwart n Manor Strachan Robert, mason, h Harrisburg pike n Mulberry Strandt August, laborer, h Love lane n S 'Vater Strausbaugh Frederick, plasterer, h Dorwart n W King Strauser Andrew, painter, h Manor n Dorwart Strauss Herman (Strauss & Bro.), 33 N Queen, h Prince n James ' Strauss Joseph (Strauss & Bro.), 33 N Queen, h al n Chestnut ab N Queen Strauss & Bro., fancy goods and jewelry, 83 N Queen Strawbridge Lydia, wid. James, Baer's court n ]i) King Stricker Benjamin, moulder, h N 'Vater n Walnut Strickler ARne, ~, h N Queen cor IJClDon Strickler Harrison, teacher, h N Queen c W Lemon Strine J. J. (Rev.), h southwest cor Centre square Strine William Bo, printer, h 'V Orange n Charlotte Stringer Randolph, spinner, h Conestoga 0 Boaver Strobel Heinrich, lager beer, W Orange 0 N 'Vator. h same Stroble Christian, weaver, bds W German n the mills Strock Mary A., wid. Michael, h North n Long al Strohl Cbristian, laborer, bds Keystone hotel Strouse Christian, candies, h N 'Yater n I.Jemon Strump l\lichaol, carpenter, h Beaver n Hager Stucker Edward, plumber, h l\iulbcrrs n 'Yalnut Stuentschi Xavier, laborer, h Manor n Dorwart Stultz Louis, machinist, h 33 EKing Sturgis Julius F., gunsmith, h Frederick n Htiz pike Styers Jonathan, patent medi~ine8, h 65 S Queen Suenner Johannes, WOodimwJ9r, h 157 Middle Sullivan Ann, wid. Daniel, h Mulberry n James Sullivan Patrick, laborer, h Hjgh n Strawherry Suter Lawrence, lager beer,. Jrange n CharloU'), It flame SUTEU LEWIS, livery stable, 78 N Queen, h same Suter Rudolph, segar-maker, h 106 Middle Suter Xavier, carpcnwr, h Chcstnut bel Charlotto SutOl'S Margaret, wid. Rudolph, h 106 Middle Suydam Catharine, h N Quecn n Lemon Suydam Emma, h Rockland n Vine Suydam Jacob, carriage.maker, h German n Prince Suydam Laurence,lato carriage-trimmer, b Vine op Rockland Suydam 'Villiam, coachpainter, h Rockland 1-' Vine

185 DUlr.CTOUY. 161 Swank John, overseer, S MiJI, It Middle nb S Qu~en Swarr H. B., postmaster and lawyer, 46 N Duke, h 42 E Chestnut Swartz D. G., Iowa land agent, 75 N Duke, It same Swartz John, omnibus and hearse, 226 Jl] King, h sarno Swartz Mary, wid. Andrew, It 75 N Duko Swartwelder Jacob B. (Swartwelder & Morrow), Plum S of J~oco. 'Vorks, h E KinK n Shippen Swartzwelder & Morrow, builders, Plum, south of Locomotive 'Vorks Swayne Mary, wid. Jesse,h Germnn n the miljs Sweeny John, laborer, h 147 EKing Sweetman Uiobard, laborer, h S Princo n Andrew Swenk Andrew, laborer, h I)lum n Chestnut Swenk Jacob, laborer, h Alloy n Mulberry Swenk John, carder, h 76 Middle Swenk Samuel, laborcr, It Latilyettc n St1'llwberry Swentzel Caroline A., h {) N Duko Swentzel Charlotte, wid. Christian, h {) N Duke Swentzel Edward W., dentist, N Queen, bds Cooper's hotel Swentzel Henry, cabinet-maker, Market n Orange, h E Vine o Lemon al Swilkey John, farmor,h N Queen ab Frederick Swilkey John, jr., shoemaker, h N Duke bel James Swindells Samuel, spinner, h Rockland on Conestoga creek Swint John, chairmaker, 52 N Queen, h same Swope Isaao, laborer, h 'Valnut opp prison Swope Zuriel, lawyer, 52 EKing, h N W cor Plum and Orange Sypher Josiah R., law student, h 30 W King Taggart John, moulder, h I)lum n E Orange Tamany Michael, laborer, h Mulberry n Jamcs 1.'amcny Daniel, laborer, b 194 Middle Taylor Anna, weaver, h 16 S Prince Taylor I~liza, wid. William, h 16 S Prince Taylor ]~Ulma, weaver, h 16 S Prince Tnylor James, late peddler, bds Globe hotel Tnylor John C., cabinet-maker, It Diller's al n S Water ll* T.

186 162 I.ANCAS1'l-:R 1.'aylor Joseph 'V., 1.1 Mulberry bel IJCmon Taylor IJhoebe E., speeler, S Prince Taylor Snmucl (copd), laborer, 1.1 N Water n Lemon 1.'AYLOR SAMUEL C., Globe hotel, N Queen and R. n. TAYLOR SAMUEIJ W., painter, W Orange n Shober's hotel, 1.1 Mulberry bel Lemon Taylor \Villiam, soapmaker, 49 S Queen, b same Taylor William, steward almshouse, EKing opp Reservoir Templeton Ann, weaver, b Strawberry n S Queen Templeton Biddy, wid. Robert, b Strawberry n S Que(;n Templeton Robert, laborer, 1.1 ~Iiller8town pike 0 Alley Teutler Jacob, teacher, h St. Joseph opp Churoh THACKARA JAMES G., express and news agent, 3 Chestnut, b N Queen bet Lemon aod James Thies Ernst laborer, Middle Thomas Edward H. Rov., 1.1 N Prince 0 Orange Thomas Elizabeth, b Strawberry 0 al n S 'Vater Thomas J oho, tailor, h N water ab Chestnut Thomas R. B., watohmaker, bds E Orange n Shippen Thomas William (ool'd), whitewasher, h James n Charlotte Thompson Eliza, (col'd), wid. Isaiah, Middle Thompson Elizabeth, widow, h EKing Thompson Jano, wid. Robert, 1.1 N Queen bol Lemon Thompson William H., 1.1 E Kin~ ab Duke Thompson \Villiam A. G., EKing ~rborwarth John C., weaver, l\iiddle Thurlow Thomas, maohinist, bds 43 S Duke Tieckle Sebastian, shoemalicr, 1.1 High n Love la Tillison Peter A. (eoi'd), physician, h Locust n Roeklund Timmens Catharine, wid. Itobert T., h Vine 0 RocklaDlI Tindal David, shoemaker, 1.1 r 68 S Queen. Titus John, laborer, S Queen Toelle William C., currier, S Prince n Andrew, 1.1 same Toll George, hostler, Eaglo hotel Tombow Elizabeth, widow, h 215 Middle Tomei Christopher, l.lbol er, 1.1 J~cust n Freiburg Tomlinson George, farmer, 1.1 New Holland pike Tomlinson John, laborer, h J~ow n li'reiburg Toner Ann, wid. James, h 189 S Queen 'foner Hugh, stage-driver, Reese's City hotel Tool John, hostler, 1.1 Jnmes n N Queen 1'orbcrt Hobert 1\1., student, bds Cooper's hotel

187 IHRECTORY. 163 Torr TlIODlas It, hats and caps, 10 N Queen, h same TouBon James, slater, bds Cross Keys hotel TOUBon James A., slater, h 149 S Queen Tragbar J obannes, painter, h Locust n Rockland Traub Daniel, laborer, h W King above l\iulberry Trewetz Daniel, agent) h al opp school n Chestnut ab Mulberry Trewetz Henry, confectioner, h N Mulberry n W Ohestnut Trowetz John, confeomoner, h N Mulberry n W Chestnut Trimble Archibald, moulder, h S Queen n Love la Trisler Christian, h EKing Trissler John A., butchl.'r, Orange n Prince, h same Trissler l\iaria, h 189 EKing Trissler l\iiohael, butcher, 57 EKing, h samo Trosh Jobn, shoemaker, h Orange n l\iary Trost Charlotte, wid. Freidrioh, h l\iulberry n Lemon Trost Frederick H., printer, h Church opp Vine Trost John, laborer, h Manor 0 Alloy Trout Adam, Western hotel, h 'V Orange n Water Trout Henry, late farmer, h W Orange n N Water Trout J obn, cabinet-maker, h 337 S Queen Trout Lewis, butoher, N Water ab Orange, h same Troutman Joseph, hostler, N Queen 0 Lemon Troxell David 1\1., bricklayer, h 198 Middle Troyer George, carpenter, h W Orange n Oharlotte Troyer William, gunsmitb, h 'V Orange n Mulberry Trump George, hostler, h W King n S Water Tryer Chris'ian, potter, h Orange 0 Alley Tryer George F., carpenter, h 'V Walnut n Mulberry Tryer John A., painter, h W 'Valnut n l\iulberry Tucker Cyrus, painter, h Dorwart n Manor Tucker John, h Dorwart n Manor Tully Margaret, domestio, W King bel Oent,re sq Tupp Christian, laborer, Shippen ab Chestnut, h snmo Turner Catharine, h E Vino 0 Lemon al Turner John, laborer, h Water n Lemon Turner John, mason, h Reading road Tymoney John, Fnirmount inn, 157 EKing

188 164 LA NCA8'i'Elt u. Ubcr Otto, dyer, h Walnut n Mulberry lido Christian, laborer, h Millerstown,piko Unteracker John G., baker, E Vine n Lemon ai, It same URBAN JOHN, Cros8 Keys hotel, '7 'V King, h sumo Ursprung Frank, baker, h Chnrch n Church al v. Van Camp Henry, bartender, h High n Love In Van Cnmp John C., alderman S 'V Ward, h S Queen cor Centre square Vandersaal Samuel, grocer, W Chestnut 0 Prince, h do Vankenna Frances, wid. }~manuel, h 'Vater n Lemon Van Soboiak Benjamin H., furniture, 13 'V King, h same VARNS HARVEY D., Fulton house, N Queen and the R. R. Varns John, lato {armer, bds Fult~n houso Vermond Charles, tanner, h al ab l\iulberry, school houses Vernon Hobert, h 191 S Queen Vickers Joseph P., med. student, bds 69 E Kin~ Villce Adolphus S., foreman, h Strawberry n S Water Villeo Mathilda, wid. Herman W., h Higb n Strawberry Vinlinger Anna, wid. Joseph, h J.JOoust n Rockland Vogel George C., tinsmith, 'V King n Mulberry, h sarno Vogel Joseph, nursery and seadsman, Harrisburg turnpike, h sarna Vogt Charlos, cortman, It Holland pika Vogt George J., segar-maker, II Manor bet 'V King and Millerstown road Vogt Nicholas, tailor, h Manor'bet 'V King and MilIcfl1- town road Voigt Charles F., confectioner, It 8 Queen n German Voigt Sarah, wid. John li'., h 8 Queen n German Voltz l?rcderick, cooper, h Marietta pike

189 DIRECTORY. 165 I Ii I I i i w. Wachter Michael, lager beer, W King n Mary, h same Wacker Joseph (Kiehl & Wacker), r 77 EKing, h 77 E King Wagner nalthaz9f, laborer, h Locust n Freiburg Wagner Balthazar, jun., h Locust n Freiburg Wagner Charles, machinist, h al bet Ii) King and E Orango Wagner Henry, laborer, h Middle n S Queen Wagner W. F. Albert, locksmith, h bel 'V 'Valnut in al 'V of Water. Waitz Wilhelm, paper-maker, h N Queen ab Walnut Waldhier Joseph, laborer, h 224: Middle, Waldmeier Ferdinand, shoemaker, h Kunley'8 al bet Manor and Mary. Walker Alexander J., farmer, h W Orange n Prince Walker Ann, wid. James, h 176 Middle Walker Helen 0., teacher, b Orange n Prince Walker?tliohael, jun. (Schauber & 'Valker), N' Prinoe n Orange, h Mulberry n Chestnut Walker Robert, late plougbmaker, h Orange n Prince Walker Samuel 0., roacber, High School, h 'Y Orange n Prince Wall George, watqhman, h Lafayette n St.rawberry Wall Margaretta, wid. Jacob, h Middle n S Queen Wallace, \nn, milliner, bds 8 Queen n Love In Walls George J., bricklayer, h Manor n W King Walt<lr Andreas, tinsmith, h r 38 8 Queen Walter Sarah, wid. Henry, b E Vine n Duke Walterberrier Joseph, laborer, h St. Joseph n JJove In Walters Christian (Rev.), h Walnut bel Lime Walters Francis, carpenter, h Orange n Charlotte Walton Daniel, currier, bds Great 'Yestern hotel Walton John C., coals, Grnff's landing, h 45 S Queen Waltz George W., bricklayer, h \V King n Manor Waltz Jacob, Inborer, h Dorwart n W Ki!~ Waltz Jnoob (Baumiller & 'Valtz), Char1uUe n Orange, h same Wanner Isaao R., tailor, h E James n N Queen Ward James, laborer, bds 65 EKing Ware Isaao, ornamentai painter, h }i~ King nann

190 166 I.ANCA8TER '''araham Sophia, weaver, bdr German n the miijr '''arner l>hilip, silver.plater, h in a court f/'olll N Queen bel Lemon 'Varner 'Yimam, silver-plater, h 'Y King n Charlotte Warren Archibald, blacksmith, E King bel the prison, h same '''aters Francis, pattern.maker, h,v Orange n Charlotte Taters Henry, carpenter, b Orange n Mulberry 'Vaters Richard J. J., carpenter, 'Yater bel Orange, II Prince bel Or:mge Waters Simon (col'd), laborer, h JAW n Strawberry 'Yatkins John R, Tremont hotel, 78 N Queen, h same Watson Joseph D., laborer, h Manor n 'V King Watson Margaret, wid. Oliver, It Orange n :Mulberry Waugh Mary, wid. John, h 37 E Orange Way Jacob, farmer, h 'V 'Valnut e Chestnut Waylan John, dentist and drugs, 60 N Queen, h 58 N Queen Weaver Ann bl., h 9 S Ilrince 'Vcaver Barbara, h 'Yater u J..emon Teaver Casper, baker, N Queen n 'V 'Valnut, It same 'Veaver Frederick, mason, h 56 :Middle 'Veaver George A., ehairmaker, h 'Y King n Charlotte Weaver George W., trunkmaker, bds Merrimae houso 'Yeaver Henry, wines & liquors,6 N Duke, bds Black Bear hotel Weaver Henry,-,h Hi~h n Strawberry Weaver J ncob, cbairmaker, 'VKing n Mulberry, b 9 S Prince Weaver Jane, wid. Adam, b Church al n Lemon al 'Yeaver John E., clerk, h 'Y King n Strawberry 'Veaver Mitchell, shoemaker, 'V Chestnut n Mulberry, h same Weaver 'Yilliam, painter, h N Queen ab Frederick Weaver Zachariah, baker, Vine n S Queen 'Vebb Eli, currier, Church al n Duke Webb Junius M., oarpenter, h German opp No.1 Mill 'Vebb Susan (ool'd), h 188 Middle 'Veber Frederick, bricklayer, h Locust n Freiburg 'Yeber Henry, potter, h High n Alley 'Yeber Henry, tailor, h N Queen bel James, 'Veber John, miller, Shippen c Chestnut Weber John H., baker, h N Queen ab 'Ynlnut Weber Joha H., lato clerk, It B Chestnut bet Shipp('n and Plum

191 I I ~ I I I Weber Valentine, gardener, h High n Strawberry Weber Peter, capmaker, 102 N Queen nb 'alllut, h same Webster Cicero S., conductor, h James n Mulberry Wedel Nicholas, mason, h Freiburg n Low Weer Esther A., h 146 S Queen Wehr John, cooper, h Church c Church al Weidle Elizabeth, wid. Adam, h 242 Middle Weidla Sophia, wid. John, h Vine n Duke Weidle John, shoemaker, h 'V Orange n Charlotte Weidlo William, cabinet-maker,'h 242 Middle Weidler Andrew J., chairmaker, h Prince bol Lemon WEIDLER JOHN, chair and cabinet-makor, 76 1'l Queen, h same Weidler David, late farmer, h Orange n Charlotte Weidler 'Vnshington H., cabinet-maker, h 76 N Queen Weidman Christian, bds Franklin house Weidman Solomon, gunsmith, h IJemon n N Que('n Weigand Anna M., wid. Henry S., h S JJime 0 Church ai, Weinau, wid. Jacob, h,v King n Strawberry Weinman Melehior, faotorymnn, h neaver n Hazel Weissensel George, tailor, h St. Joseph n l,l)ve la Weisser Jacob, laborer, h Dorwart n W King Weisser Louis, bricklayer, h r N Water tl Lemon Weitzel George, copperbmith, h 78 S Queen Weitzel Casper, tailor, h N Princo nb l.1emon Weitzel Jacob'jr., tin and coppersmith, h German n S Queen Weitzel John, coppersmith, Ueaver 0 Vine, h 22 ]~ German Welcbans Joseph ('elchauel & l\icnaughtan), 'V Chestnut bel N Queen, h 'V Chestnut bel 'Vater WELCRANS & l\fcnaughtan, wholesale tobacco denl ers, 'V Chestnut n N Queen Welchens Samuel, dentist, N Queen c Orange, h N }>rinco Weller Jacob, laborer, h 211 S Queen Welsh John, junk, h Diller's al n 8 'Yater Welsh John, peddler, h,v James n Prince Welsh 'Villiam,-, h 'V James n N Prince Wendler Frederick, blacksmith, h Diller's III n S 'Vater Wendler John, laborer, h Diller's al n S'Vater Wenger Elizabeth, h 146 S Queen Wenger Mary, widow Isaao, h 146 S Queen Wenninger Gottlieb, blacksmith, h North c Strawberry Wentidz Christian, shoemaker, h N Queon nb '''alnut Wentz Charles E. ('Yentz Uros.), 1 ]~ King, h 35 Il~ Orange I lhrec1'ory. 16'7

192 168 LANCASTER Wentz Hannah C., dressmaker, 45 S Queen, h same 'Ventz Henry, laborer, h 129 S Queen 'Ventz Henry C. <,Yontz Bros.), 1 EKing, h 15 N Duke 'Ventz ThomasJ. OVentz Bros.), 1 EKing, h 19 E Orange 'Yontz Bros., dry goods, 1 EKing We'rner Godfrey, carpenter, bds General Taylor inn 'Verner John G., gunsmith, h r N Queen ab Chestnut 'Vcrntz George L., salesman, bds I..aneaster County house 'Verlz John, whitewllsher, h al bet E Orango and EKing back eourt-houso Westhaeffer Michael, tailor, h 94 EKing.'Vesthaeffer J. M. (Sprenger &'Vesthllcfl'er), 44 N Queen, h 94 EKing Westwood John M., painter, h N Queen ab Jamcs 'Vettig Christian, shoemaker, h 49 W King Wettig Gottfried, shoemaker, W King n Mulberry, h samo Wettig Henry, shoemaker, h W King n Mulberry Wettmeycr John, h 'Vater bel 'Valnut Wetzel Catharine, wid. John C., h EKing 0PP the prison Wetzel John, farmer, h EKing opp the prison Wetzel Samuell\I., cabinet-maker, he King opp the prison Whipper John (col'd), porter, h Loeust n Rockland 'Vhite A. G., carpenter, bds Tremont hotel 'Vhite Aaron, laborer, h Frederick n N Queen White Alice, teacher, h 52 E Chestnut White Andrew, patent right8, h 84 S Duke 'Vhite Dandrige, dry goods, S Prince 0 German, h same White Delia, teacher, h Prince c Orange 'Vhite Franklin, coachmaker, h W Walnut n ater WhiteGeorg~,-, h W Orange n Mulberry White Henry 1\1., coachtrimmer, 'V Walnut n Water, h do White Jacob, shoemaker, h 'V Chestnut n Charlotte White John, laborer, h }>rinco bel Lemon 'Vhite Joseph, confectioner, 118 E Kin~, h same White Joseph, shoemaker, N Prince n Walnut White Miehael, hostler, bda 49 N Queen White Samuel, bookbinder, Orange n Shippen, h same 'Vhitc Samuel, engineer, h 60 Chcstnut 'Vhite Samuel, jr., moulder, h E Orange n Shippen White 'Villiam, clerk, h 95 EKing White William, shoemaker, h N Prince n Walnut WHITE WILJ..IIA1\1 R.,ahoemaker, 8 Church, h S8me Whitehafter John, laborer, h l\ianor n,,' King

193 [I i i'! II I ~!i I i I.. I Whitehill James, h 46 Chestnut WHITESIDJiJ WILLIAM, lawyer, 31 \\r King, h same Whiteside William :M. (Whiteside & Gallllgher), 33 N Queen, bds Swan hotel. Whitesidc & Gallagher, dentists, 33 N Queen Whitmer A. C., student, h Ol'llnge c Charlotte Whitmore Peter, laborer, h Dorwart n 'Y King Wiant Elizabeth, h 9,V King WIAN1' GEORGE, bookbinder, N Queen, h W Orange n l\iulberry Widekcbr Mary, wid. Xavier, h Rockland opp Goose WID)IYER CHRISTIAN, cabinct-maker, 41 EKing, h same Widmyer Dominick, cabinet-maker, h 'Yasbington n Duke Widmyer Joseph, cabinet-maker, grocer, Church n 'Vash ington Wicsler George, laborer, h Church opp Vine Wiley Ale.xander, blacksmith, h W Chestnut bel N Queen Wiley Charles T., carpenter, h N Prince n 'Valnut Wiley Edward, boots and shoes, 71 N Queell, h same Wiley James, tailor, h 'V Chestnut cast of Prince Wiley John, carpenter, h Lcmon al 0PP Church al Wiley Mary, wid. James, h Chestnut east of Prince. Wiley Thomas A., accountant, h S Ilrince n Vine Wiley Thomas C., late shoemaker, h N Prince n ' Orange Wiley 'Villiam D., printer, 10 Duke, h 126 EKing Wiley William M., contractor, h N Prince n 'V Orange Wilfong Elizabeth, widow Samuel, h Rockland on the noncstoga creek Wilhelm Adam, plasterer, h Charlotte n,v King Wilhelm Henry,-, h r 105 S Queen Wilhelm Jacob, late saddler, h 84 EGerman Wilhelm Jacob, gunsmith,. h High n Strawberry Wilhelm Jacob, shoemaker, h Plum n Chestnut Wilhelm James, carpenter, h 219 S Queen Wilhelm John, engineer, h 99 Chestnut Wilker John, peddler, h N Queen n Frederick Wilker Nicholas, huc~8t~r, h N Prince n Manheim piko Wilkins Charles D., bartender, h North c I.IODg al Williams Charles B. (eoi'd), hairdresser, 84 N Queen, It I~ Vine n Church. Williams David, hatter, h }lockland n Ville Williams mina :M' I maehini3t, h Prince 11 Chestnut. 15 lhrectory. Hi9

194 1;0 I,ANCASTER \Villiams George (col'd), laborer, h N Water n Lemon 'Williams Henry C., currier, h 24 Church \Villinms Jacob S., brushmaker, Frederick n Ilitiz pike Williams John (col'd), barber, Walnut n ~Iulberrr, h same Williams John, coutractor, h ~Ianor n Millerstown pike Williams Lewis H. (col'd), coachman, h North n Rockland 'iliiams Mary E., dressmaker, bds Rockland n Vine \Villiams Samuel J. (cord), barber, 18 \V King, h Strawberry n S Queen 'Villiams Sarah (eol'd), II Locust n Rockland 'ViJIiams 1.'homas S., oyster-tender Exchange hotel, h Rockland n Vine Williams 'Villiam J., slater, bds Tremont hotel 'Villig Frederick, dyer and scourer, Vine n Duke, h samo 'VUBon Charles, bricklay~r, h Mulberry n James 'VHaon Jacob, overseer, h Hazel n S Queen 'VUson Margaret, b North n Strawberry \VUson William, laborer, h Mulberry n James 'VHaon 'William, jun bricklayer, h Mulberry n Jamcs 'Vilson 'Villiam R., kwyer, Duke ab EKing, h IJCmon n N Queen 'Viman George, blacksmith h FreeOlnn n Love III 'Vimer l\iichael, cabinet-maker, b \V King n l\iulberry Winauer John P., painter, h Charlotte calley Wind Henry A., lawyer, b \V Orange n Mulberry Wind John, musical instrumentfl, 36 N Queen, h same 'VIND 'VIIlLIAM II., tailor, \V King n }>rince, bds Lamb hotel Winenow Barbara, wid. l>oler, h Charlotte c al Winenow Georgo \V., painter, h Charlotte c tho al Winger Catharine A., teacher public school, h N Queen n Walnut 'Yingor Moses, liquors &c., N Queen bel Talnut 'Vingert Andrew S., late grocer, b 38 S Duke 'Vinower!>ctcr, painter, h l\innor n 'V King Tinters Cyrus, cutter, h I>lum n New Holland pike 'Virth Christian, shoemaker, h Manor n Columbia 'Virth Harriet, dressmaker, Manor n Columbia, h same 'Virth John, carman, h Freiburg n I~cust 'Visc Adam, laborer, h Manor n tho bridge 'Vise Albert, saddler, h 'V James n N Quecn 'Vise Charles, segar.maker, btls German n the mills 'VISE CBAULES E.) sign and ornamental painter, 2 N Queen up stairs, h IJimc n Orange

195 DIRECTORY.,171 Wiso Henry, laborer, It r Orange nann Wise John, aeronaut, h N Limo n Orange Wise John, bricklayer, h N 'Vater fib Orange Wise 'Villiam, cabinet-maker, h al bet E King and B Orange Wiseman Herman H., tailor, W King n Mary, h same Wisenvat Joseph, basket-maker, h Mulberry u I...emoll Wiser Jacob, laborer, h Dorwart n W King Wisner Jackson, oysterman, h Prince n James Wisner Jonah, shoemaker, h ]i) King 0PP the rri~on Withers Leah, dresser, bds German n S Queen Withers Michael, late miller, h 37 S Queen Witmer Henry, prinoor, bds Chestnut cast of Princ.e Witmer Ann C wid. Abraham, h 8 S Prince Witmire John, agent, bds National house Witmire Sarah, milliner, 30 N Queen, bds National hotel Witmor 'V. H., physician, 34 N Prince, h sallle Wittenweiler Vandeline, student, h 'V James n N Prince WittliD~cr John, brewery, 30 S Queen, b same Witwer ~Iichael R., drover, h E 'Valnut c of the al Wochr.rubn Ii shoemaker, h 187 Middle Woehr d ohn, shoemaker, b 279 S Queen Wolf Adam, late tailor, h 31 N Duke Wolf Joseph, blacksmith, Graff's IJaliding, h Beaver n IIl\~cl Wolf Michael, cabinet.maker, h High bet Love lame and Strawberry Wolf Michael, mason, h Mulberry n 'Valnut Wolf Nioholas, carpenter, h 169 l\iiddle Wolf Philip, cabinct-muker, h High bct J...ove lane and Strawberry Wolf Sarah, wid. John, h,v King n Manor Wolf Theodore, watchmaker, h 2 Duke.Wolfinger Frederieh, lnborer, h N Water n 'V King Wolpert Lorenz, blaoksmith, 'V King n Dorwart, h 'V King cor Dorwart Wolpert Peter, laborer, h German opp No, 1 Mill Wolpert Petor K., hostler, h 'V German n Prince Wood Harriet, widow, h N 'Vater n T.Jcmon Wood Peter (eoi'd), laborer, h Water n tho It n. Wood mehard, laborer, h S Prineo n Andrew Woolf Michael, laborer, h Holland pike Woolfer Jacob; hotel proprietor. 140 B King Woolfson D optician, bds 34 N (~I\c('n

196 172 LANCAflTER 'Vorral Catharine, h r Orange nann 1Vorrcll Uiehard, segar-maker, h B Orange nann. 'Vort Peter, blacksmith, h N nuke ab James Worth John G., sexton and segur-maker, h r Bethel ehurch E Orange 1Vright John, carpenter, h St. Joseph n I.Jove In Wright rilliam, slate agent, It 11 S Prince 'Vylie David, cooper, 'Valnut n Prince, It N Prince cornel' W'alnut 'Vylie David H., printer, It cor 1Valnut and Prince 1VyJie 1\lary J., saleswoman, b Prince c 1Valnut 'V.)'lie Stuart A. & Co., publisher, Sprecher's lumlwnro store, N Queen, h Walnut c Prince. x. Xavier Frei, laborer, h la n High Y. Yackly Barbara, wid. Andrew, h 150 l\liddle Yackly John, shoemaker, h 244 Middle Yaglo Elias, ~ilor, h r 'V Lem~n n Princo Yarwood Joseph, bos8 carder, h S Prince n Andrew Yutes Catharine, h S Queen adj Express printing office Yeager Andrew, shoemaker, h 184 EKing Yeager Henry, shoemaker, h 'V Orange n Charlotte Yeager 1\lary, widow, hal bet W I,{~mon and 1V James Yeagley 1\1ary A., spinner, bds Church n S Queen' Yecker BlaisiuB, saddler, 28 N Queen, h 'V King n 1\Iary Yeisley Conrad, late carpenter, h W' King c 1\Iary Yeisley George, carpenter, Mary n 1V King, h 1V King c 1\1ary Young Elizabeth, tailoress, It 1Yalnut c Princo Young E. K., dentist, 24 N Queen, h same YOUNG GOTTLIEB, lager beof, E Chestnut opp R. It depot, h sarno. Young Henry, blacksmith, Church c 'Yashington, h 172 S Qu~n.

197 DIUt:CTORY. 173 Young Hiram, bookseller, h 78 N Prince Young Mary E, milliner, bds 'V Lemon bet Prince and N Queen Young Philip, carpenter, h 'V Orange n Charlotte Young Samuel '1\, gasfilter, h ' 'Yalnnt n Mulberry Young Sarah, wid. Samuel, h 78 N!>l'incc YOUNG SIMON J., clothing, 52! N Queen, h Lime n Lemon Youngheim Louisa, wid. Augustus, h 'V King n Dorwart Youst Elizabeth, h Low n St,rawberry Yudith William, laborer, h High n Love Itl Yundt II. A., student, bds 54 N Queen z. Zaepfel Hilaris, lager beer, 3 N Duke, h same Zahm Edward J. (H. L. & E. J. Zahm), Centre sq cor N, Queen, h E Orange n Shippen Zahm Godfreid, brushmakor, h Prince ab 'V King c al ZAHl\I G.!tI. & Co., watchmakers and jewellers, EKing southwest c Centre sq, h E Chestnut n Lime Zahm George Thomas, shoemaker and janitor of Odd Fcl. lows' Hall, 8 Queen, h same Zahm Harry L. (E. J. & H. L. Zahm), Centro sq cor N Ql1een, h E Orange n Plum Zahm Mathias, court criel', h Orange n Shippen Zahm Michael (Zahm & Jackson), 16 N QUt;;en, h Prince n Orange o. Zahm Sallie C., milliner, h Odd Fellows' Hall Zahm Samuel H. (0. M. Zahm & Co.), watche~, SEcor B King and Centre sq, h Chestnut n Lime ZAHl\l H. L. & E. J., watchcs and jewelry, Centre sf( C N Queen ZAHl\! & JACKSON, watchmakers, 15 N Queen Zandt Adam D., coaehmakcr, h N Queen n Manheim pike Zecher Christian, wheelwright, h N Queen n James Zecher Christian, jun., wheelwright, h '''alnut n Mulberry Zecher Frederick, jun., blacksmith, h N Queen c Jumes Zecher Frederick, 8en., blacksmith, N Queen bel James, h N Queen c James 15*

198 LANCASTER UIU.ECTOn\', Zecher Jacob, carriage.mnkor and tax col., h N Queen bel.james Zecher Jacob, jun. blacksmith, h N Queen n.james Zecher John K., coacbmnker, h N Queen nb l?rederick Zecher Lewis, collelllllukor, h N Queen ab James Zecher Philip, wheelwri~ht, h N Queen n 'V I~mon Zeisotz George, ~roeer, 8 Queen n Columbia garden ZeiBBert Henry, laborer, h Beaver r Columbia garden Zell Abraham N cabinet-maker, h J?rcdcrick Zen JlJliza, wid. Jacob, h 7 EGerman Zell Elizabeth, wid, Jacob, h E Kin~ opp prison Zellers Susan, wid. John, h Vine n S 'Vater Ziegler Charles C., carpenter, h N Queen n Il'rederiek Ziegler J?ranz, factoryman, h Dorwart n,v King Ziegler George, farmer, h 'V ralnut 0 Chestnut Ziegler John, laborcr, h,v King n Charlotte Zieglcr Petor, brickmnker, h Manor n tho bridgo Zier Andreas, painter, h Rockland on tho Conestoga Creck Zimmerman Henry, peddler, h Kunlcy's al n Mary Zimmerman John, ins. l\gent and florist, 74 N Queen, It do Zimmerman Theodore, medicine, h N Queen ab J?rederick Zink Henry S., salcsman, 122 EKing Zook Barbara, domostic, 59 N Dukc Zuck Barbara, widow, h N }>rince ab I.,emon Zueroher Gottlieb, machinist, h 'V Chestnut bet Charlotte and Mulbcrry Zug Henry A., collector, h B JJcmon n N Qucen

199 LANCAS1'ER COUNTY Academies, Colleges, &0. Christiana Institute, H. O. Herr, Principal Christiana Carnarvon Academy, Martin IJichty & Jonathan Stauffer, l)rin. Church town Cedar Hall (young men's) Academy, John Beck, I>rineipal Litiz IJindcn Hall Female Seminary, J. T. IJcckler, I>riuciJ5al LANCASTER MEUOANTILE COLI.JI~G ].~, N. 'V. Cor. Oentre squaro Lancaster IJANCASTER OOUNTY NORMAL INS'rr. TUTE, J. P. Wickersham, A. 1\1., l>rineipal, IJ. 1\1. Hobbs, Stew. Millersville Mt. Joy Aoademy, E. IJ. Mooro, A. 1\., Prilloi~ pal, S. Vigo McKee, A. M., V. Principal ]~den Hall l?cmale Sominary, Miss Lcviufl Cham~ berlin, }Jrincipal, Hev. B. B. Killikolly, Hector, Parndise ParD'lise Acadcmy Ii STUASnUHG ACADI~l\IY, n. Fl'llnl{ Ibach, Principal Strasburg Agents. Bruner Davics H, insuranco, Second c TJocust Columhia Lloyd Thomas, insuranco, \Va)nut bot Front and Second St.'\uffor John, insurance, ]~ust HcmpfJdd Dowers I8aao N., freight Uilp Clark Alfred T., patent, 222 l~ Kin#( JJllneas!l'l' Ii Calder G. & Co., coal, ].~ Orange al N Qucen Ji'rccman W. II., book,,to EKing

200 176 LANCA8TElt COUNTY Gara Hugh S., insurance, 65 EKing Lancaster Kaufman A. B., insurance, 1 E Orango Reigart J. Franklin, patent, Sprecher's buildings cr Rauch Rudolph F., lifo insurance, S E 0 Centre sq Swartz D. G., real estate, 75 N Duke Zimmerman John, insurance, 14 N Queen Agricultural Implements. 'Christia.a Conestoga Centre BUfih F. & Co. Clinger & Cremer CREMER CYUUS Bucher Jonas 'V. Bair Abraham F., EKing r l\{arklel's Bowers Amos K., r 223 S Queen Brady J noob, 80 N Queen Diller William, Alley bet W Orange and Chestnut Geiger Elisha, 21 EKing Keeler & Barthel, Churoh n Duke Stoner Henry K., New Providence road O'Bryan Barney, Market Brady J. P., Main KOHR SAMUEL, Main l\iarsh BUOTHliJRS, Main Beeoher John Fry Bamuel Sharp Daniel Herr Jonas l\iijjler D & J. Bpieblman Henry, eradles Spiehlman Samuel, ploughs ArohItects. Cains Oscar C. M., 6 Market sq Adams Jacob Andrew George '\V. ljecker Henry D. Martin George 'Vbitson George Collons James Auctioneers. Durlrflh Lancaster u u l\iarietta l\lt. Joy Reawstown SChOC\lCek Sporting II ill. Strnl;burg Lancaster Bainbridgo Uoartown Bowmansville Chridtinna Clonmcll

201 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 177 Grove & McMillan Elizahcthtown Pierce George Jacob It. l~phrllfah ~ Faust I Scbrants Elias Evans Robert L. Il11rmersville Watson D. R. Fulton Houso 1fJ Warfol Jacob Gap -I I Weaver John Groff's Store iff Metzger Andrew HempfielU II u ~ Myers Henry i ~~vans John Nctrsvillo Cope David Oak Hill Allison Samuel RnwJins\,jJlc u i Hess John Mantljoth Joho If Thompson II. II. Mishler Jacob It SDlder JlIcob I WIckIe Henry Rcamstown I D'Arman l)eter Sporting liiil I II McMullen Jesso II Newling Jacob }~vans Hobert I~. \Vcst l~l\rl Bakers. Berkley I)hilip, 'Valnut n IJoeust Columbia Gaus John, Ii'ront opp tbo Dusin. Smith George J., Iloeuse 0 tho l1ranklin house U Vogelc Sylvester, Union 0 'rhird II VogeJo Ulrich, Locust bet 'fhird and I1'ourth Uufz Conrad ]~)j1.nbcthto\vn Knapp Oonrad Bphrntllh lljessing Philip II., 56 S Que('n I~nncn8tcr Brady G. ~., 76 BKing. Urimmer Ii'rederick, N Queen ab Ii'rodcrick Christ John S., 22 S Queen If Dunn J.anc, 'V Mulberry n Lemon Gcrcke Herman L., S l)rince n German Octz George }'., N Water n 'Walnut Goebel George, N 'Vater ab Orange (( Hcpting Frederick. Manor n Dorwart II Hodges ThomnR, High n Strawberry

202 178 LANCASTER COUNTY Horn John, 15G Middle Keglo John, 83 S Duke Ketterer Georgo J., un Midtlle Kriebel AndrelUl, W King n N 'Vater 'Marks Joseph, 106 S Quoen 'Motzger Gottlieb F., W King n Charlotte :Metzrotb Anton, W King n Charlotto :Morek Franz, North n Uooklnnd :Myer 'Vilhelm, 29 S Queen })foiffer Jobn G., 226 Middlo Uippel Adam, N Queen n IJcmon Schaeffer Henry, Manor n Dorwart Sohaffer Frederiok, 81 EKing Smith Uudolph A., 25 ~~ King Untcreekcr John G., E Vino n IJemon al 'Vcaver Casper, N Queen n 'V 'Vnluut. 'Veaver Zachariah, Vine n S Queen Eichler Simon Uauch John 'V. Altdoerfcr John ' Longenderfer Charlcs Brady Dl\vid, Main n Fairview Wimer Georgo and John, Main n the R. R. Stober J ncoh Banks. (See Appcmli.t.) Bankers. Gyger Jobn & Co., 12 B King lleed, McGrann, Kelly & Co., S 'V c Ceutro sf) nnd S Queen - Gerber Andrew &Co., Main Lanc:l~ ter II II U cc II U II U U II U II II Marietta II Mt. Joy II Schoencck IJancufitcr II l\it. Joy Bedstead Manufacturers. Keller Jacob D. Hempficld Sohirirecb J obn Steamnn John. I1ighvillc Billlard Saloons. Nelms Uicbard, 9 E Orange Lancaster

203 I :I BUSINESS DIRECTORY. :Bitters Manufaoturers. Danner Gcorge, 41 'V King 179 :Blaok and Whitesmiths. Dowhour Jacob Uainbridge Hackcnberger Petcr ~ Nagle Emmanuol Bilcr Jacob R. Renrtown I J uhingcr Samuel II Patten Nathanicl It Valentino John }J. & M. H Mooro Thomas JJclbcsda Fritz Georgo, narls ljillckloy's bridgo Vetter Peter, Eden H Geist Daniel ljlue ]JuJl Hammond James Siote 'VilJiam If ISnider John G. JIC8sll Samuel ljowmnnsvillo Ooor loltzer D. &A. J>alm Daniel Renninger Jacob Seitzingcr J. A. H nubser John ljrickcrsvijio }~by };phrahn Gantz Jacob H Jleter 'ViJJiam I H Steiner John }~wnrds Riohard C. Buck Griffin J~dward Kerrigan Jaoob lteico Martin Waters l?rnnklin Weeks Lewis Wiggins J.JCwis Baughman-,CooporviJIe Gillespie Nathaniel Griest JlJlwood Byler Jacob R. JIollinger John Holcomb P. Tbomis David If Christiana Churchtown If Colerain H

204 180 LANCASTER COUNTY Christy Oharles, Fifth c Lo,cust Columbia Heisley Daniel, Second bet Ln/ 'It and 'Valnut II Jones John, Front bet I.JocusL dud Union Klingler John D., Fifth bet Cherry and Locust KNOX JAMES S., Front ab the Canal Basin II \Visler Jacob F., Union bet l 'ront Bnd Second Hortsfield Benjamin COllestogll Centre Tl'fMER JOHN It. Enck George Durlach Irish Henry IA>oS Daniel Dear Henry N. East IIcmpfield Brown - Hollinger J oltn Howenstein Peter Lutz Joh'l Metzger _ u Sanders Daniol Hoster Jacob ] :lizaoothtowu Marquart \Villiam Hoar \Villinm, ]Jird in Hand Bntcrlll'illo Kendig Henry Ednoycr Aaron }~phratnh Strohl Allon II Strohl Cyrus Swilly Benjamin Drown Israol II'urmcrs\'iIIo Duohen John Duck Bmanuol Hoffman Samuol Killian Henry II Koehnel Israel Kochel Israol f{ Snyder l'etcr Hollis \Villinm Gnp Nixon Thomas II Blair John Gordonville Quigloy George I' Rex Levi II 'Vicks J.Jowis Orectic Blair John Groff's store l\juft Henry, Monterey Urown J. C. Jlcmpficltl

205 BUSINESS DJR}~O'fORY. 18L II~ II I~ I Metzgor George Schcririch A, l~shclmnn Jacob D, Mason l'ark Powling 'Villinm Hoar John l)owling Isaco, Dctbania Taf!gart Milton Wilkey Henry Dietrich George nowers Jacob n., Ohureh n Rockland Darner Honry, 'Vnlnut bet I)rineo and N Quecn Gundeckor George, jr AHey bel Sbober's stable JIergcnrother Johan, foot S Queen Kitch Davis, J,JQmoD nl n Washington IJarner J08oph, Chul'eb 0 Uooklnnd MoElligott Jeremiuh, 'V Orange n N 'Vutor l\iettfett!,jqopold, 'nlunt n N Queen Musketnuss Abraluun, Middle n Bockland Mutb Andrew, JJCmon n N'Vater Naglo P. &, H AHey bot ljcmon and James nb IJrinco Nolty Heinrich, 'V Ora'igo n 'V 'Yater Peoples James, Vine btt German and S Queen Saum Soiffering, Rockland 0 J.,ocust Schauhol & 'Valkor, N Prince II Orange Trcasher Jacob, ab Millerstown pike Warron Archibald, )ij King bel tho prison Wolpert J-AOrenz,,V King n Dorwart Young Honry, Churoh 0 TashjD~ton Zeeher I?rederiek, N Queen bel James Wolf Joseph, Graff's J.,8uding Geist Honry Weidler Henry ~Iillor Peter, Meohanicsburg Grosh O. A. l\iolaugblin Henry J'laut. Reubon Ressler ISMO Riokert Honry Witwor Arnold Peter Eby lienry, jr., Charlotte st 16 H~mpficld High\'illo H Ie c, cc H JJitiz H cc H Hincklcton IntcrcourRe Kinzer's Ie Kirkwood J~n miloiei' I~nncllstcr If Lancnsttlf IJIlfl<lisvill0 IJoncock H Mnnheim Ie

206 182 LANOA8TYJ.\ COUNTY Frey Charles, S Charlotte SANDJiJR SAMUEL, Minich's lime kiln WitHe Martin,!>russian st Hubley Henry Mason Park Mellinger Henry Singer Christian Armstrong David Armstrong James Kunly Chr~8tian!lubi Allen S. 'Veiblo Gottleib Honk John Gardner Samuel, Grecntreo I{emmerly David, IJccsburg Urooht.Jobn Hostetter Christian Sohunk John Albright Simon l~. Pcntz Samuel Immel Henry Immel Jacob 'Vitmer Daniel K. ljoyce DAVID, Springville FENSTl~RMACHJijH JOHN, Main 5t n car shop Gantz Gcorge KUNTZ JOlIN A., Main and the n. It Nauman Jobn, W l>oint.- 'Vintor 'Villiam, Springville Uayman William, ~lnriotta Aumcnt George Hagens Davis Shiriob John Stott Conrad, Front opp I>. O. Whito Franklin D Klugh pi (1 'nrad Henry Hersh Honry S. GEIST JACOB Donnis Abraham Groff Simon, near New Providcnce mills Driert J osoph Mahan Uobert Shade Manning F. Muulwim 1\Ianor Mastorsonvillo H Millcrsville. H 1\lt. Ncbo New Danville Marietta H Mt., Joy ii tc 'Vashington Manor Marticyillo Martinsville Maytown Mountville H New HolIuml New Providence Oak Hill

207 RUSINESR DIRECTORY. 183 Dowd Francis Oak Shade Dear n. ci Orc~on Adaire James, Pennvillo!)uracliso Darrick Richard u Drua Samuel 1\1. Chriiit John Hartsough Thomas Rowe Georgo Cloud William n~lwlins\'ijio Crawford Theodoro 1\1oss Felix Pennoll James fl. ~ Savery Alfred Shoafstall Henry Sides Georgo Youngs David It Aldhouso John Reamstown nerm flru8 Shirk enry H. Waitneeht J~lias I Itlickinger Samuel n. Roillholdsville Hainley John JJCivingor John i nender Ephriam Rothsville MeUzoll Charles It Uepler Henry It Dortsfield Henry I Safe Harbor Oourtney William I~ I)avis Da\ id It I Graham Daniel If Hcss Daniel Hcss Jacob Joncs John Joncs 'Villin~n P. Picker Henry H Shcffstall Ii'rcderick It Wantel Nicholas Eberly IsrhOI Shoencck Henry H. & J. u llcinhold Isanc It Giege & Uro. Silvcr Spring Irwin John M)'crs S.

208 18t I,ANCASTER COUNTY Slit John Smith IJeonard 'arrel Nicholas, UockhiJl neese Amos Harrow J. D. 1.'uggart Jobn Arnold Peter Beeker John Brenneman John DelJjn~er l\iichacl ]%y Henry li'ry Samuel Hoover John Kimmel Jacob l.tong l~rnanucl Matter & Huber Shelby Henry Shunk John 'Venger Abraham Eberly Peter l!'onderamith Samuel IlAUKE PHIIJIP n. SHAUD RUDOLPH 'Verntz Daniel IJichty Peter, lj1airvillo 'VINGENnO'rn DANnn, Urown Abner MeCaU James Tolliuger George ]JrowD Jacob JJuehcn John Duck J~manuel Heiser Samuel Uecker 1\loses Burkholder Samuel Kendig ]%uu Zummcrfield lj1riedcrich Boarding Houses. Laubauoh Anna, Locust 0 Front AUgicr Samuel, JJCmon n N I'rineo!)ysart Hobert, Charlotte n W I{ing Silver Spring II Blllckwater Smithvillo Smyrna H Sporting Ilill u u Strasburg Terro IIill o~lln8\'iiic 'llkelield u H 'Vest ]'~l\rl H 'Vhiteonk 'ViHow Street Columbia Lanoaster

209 nusiness nlltel,'tory. 185 Eshleman Mary Mrs., 6 N Queen Fritsch Mary, 56 N Queen Hartley Elizabeth, S 'Vater n \V King Howser John \V., W King n Charlotto McS~rley Margaret, S Prince 0 W King Meixell Isaiah, Prince ab Chestnut Moses Debra, S Queen n Concstoga Siokley Elizabetb, wid. Adam, Vine n Mulberry Wiley 1\1ary, Chcstnut cast of Prince Boat :Builders. Deatty WiHiam &ngert George Boller Makers. Dest & Axer, al bet N Queen and DUk I Chestnut Book Binders. Ranninger l'hilip 0., N Prince n \V Orange Wiant George, 21 N Queen Whito Samuel, Orange n Shippen Lancaster U It It II II l\faricun Rnwlinsvillu II 1ellster Lancaster U Booksellers and Stationers. Brady D. C., l\it. Joy Smith Abram Bainbridge Taylor & l\icdonald, Front bet I..ooust and Walnut Oolumbia Darr Elias & Co., 81 E King Lancaster?Jaers Soos, 12 N Queen U 'jhcaffer John, N Quocn 0 Oran~o II Sprenger & Westhaeffer, 44 N Qucen Duncan & Stoner, N E cornor Centro sq Duncan \VilIiaw F., Centre sq Boot and Shoemakers. Gidcs }'eter Snyder Jacob! ~'radkboubor C. Ihrple Lewis O. I10rthamcr Willinm Krider George 10* H II H U Bainbridgo u Daleville u Bcartown

210 180 LANCAs'l'lm COUNT\' l\iiller James Miller John Uingwalt JJevi Weller Davis 'Vilman Amos Witman Thomas Zerus 'Villillm Good nhristiau Grand Jonathan JJRuBch Jacob JJcininger l>eter 'Vhito J amos l?roy David Hackman Jacob Miller John Zartman John Darnhcnrt O. rillmers JJouis ljuckloy John Hartloy William n. Johnson Charlos 1\1. IJyons Christian Shank Joseph 'Vaters Emanuel Allen Hitner Clarke John Hills John Kreider George Miller John Ringwalt Levi 'Veller David R 'Vitman Amos Stump Lenart ljooth Johu 'V. Bisenbrio J. S. IJowyer Jesso, Front opp Wnshin~ton house C1uus John, Il'ifth bot Union and Chestnut l~okard l>hilip, Front n t,ho bridgo Bssig John n., Walnut bet I?ront and Secoull I?rnley l>ot~r, Locust bot Second and 1.'hird Grove Samuol, Front bot J..ocust and Union Hardy Jacoh, Union bot Seoond and Third I1eim Georg,o, Fourth bet Cherry and Union Dcnrlowll II Bowmansville Drickers\'illc Drinkley's Bridge II IJuck II Chrilltintm II Churchtown,e Ie Cocnlieo Col('min II OO)UIl:lJia II

211 I III I it [I I ~. I I nusjness njnectoltv. 187 Hixon Uiehard, Locust bet Front and Second Columbia Huebner Philip, Front ab \Valnut IJundy Joseph, Union bet Ji'ourth and Fifth U ~IcCI,JUN:g OYRUS It, I,JQcust bet Second and Third OHLSEHLAGEIt CONUAD, }?ront bet 'Valnut and the bridge Roy Henry, Lawrence bet Second and Thir(l U Schroeder James, Locust bet Front aud Second U Heory Ohristian K. Conestoga Centro HeflS Martin U Bberly John II. Durlach Bberly Joseph U Miller John U Sherb Levi U IIaberbush John East liempfieltl Holtzworth Andrew U noth Christian U ].loll Henry Elizabethtown }i'oreo Peter H IIalpleib J obn U IIornafuis Davicl U Marshaus C. &Bro. May Daniel U O'Neal James Wagnor George F. U l?raim Josiah Enterpriso Gricnherl(er _ U Cleaver E. II. Bphratnh Eook Andrew U Herman Israol I,J. U IJikeu Gitleon J. H ~lijler Henry H Slough Samuel H Slrohl Isaac H Slrohl John H Winters Michael Ie Kafroth George l?llrmcrsvillo Kocehlin John H McCloud Charles Uoot l?rnnk Uoberts Joshun ]?ulton Honso Deoker Daniel Gnp Quigloy,James S.

212 188 LANCASTER COUNTY Rothe John Rudolph 'Villiam Slaymaker John Miller Amos, Monterey Peeker Jacob Burkart John Mauk John Miller Chrisf.ian Stocker John Felch Frederick Kline Abraham Shanck Michael R. Campbell Samuel J. Sides John Smith George W. Trabert Christian Urich Christian HASSON JOSEPH D. Eidenmueller-, Lime Valley }'roelich David Abele I. F., 9 S Duke Bolineus A. 'V' I 6 N Queen Breneman A. N., northeast cor Centre sq Brooks 'Villiam P., 2 N Queen Brown Daniel, N Queen bel James Duokius Charles 'V., Chestnut n N Water Coyle James, 29~ EKing Deichler l\i., 16 N Queen Deiohler Philip, 34 N Queen fib Orange Eberle Gottfried, High n Love la Flick Jacob, 10 N Queen ab Centre sq Gable William H. & Brother, 8} N Queen Gnat Emanuel H., 13 N Queen Geia Henry, N Duke n Chestnut Gempcrling John, 18 N Queen GiUespic Charles, 21 \V King Hahn Philip, 27R S Queen Hegener Henry, 86 S Queen Hollman John, 132 EKing Huber Benjamin, :Millerstown pike Krey Peter, W King n :Mary Lechler George, Manor n W King Lloyd Joseph, \V King ab Mulberry Gap If Groff'8 store H TIcmpficld H Highville u Intercourse u Kinzer's Lampcter Lnncnster. C.l ce ce ce u ce ce ce

213 nusiness lllrefi'ory. )IcConomy IJetcr,:W King n Mar'kct )leekley 1\'11 ~ust I;' 51,'C; (Ju'n 'lisenheiuwr Philip G., 173 J: lung Metzger Gerhart, 3' \i N Queen Miller Theodore, Contre Ht n luarket Nunamueher l\iartin, W King n N Wator Qiligloy Hobert C. (ladies' gho(8), W Orange l\ittenhouse John C., Ohurch n ]~ King Hock Allen, N Queen ab Chestnut 8chillingLorenz, 161 B King Schneider )[iclwci, )1 iilerstowd pike n l,ovo Ia Shenk J. (t., W King n )lary Spong George, 'V James n N PrlIH'c Weaver Mitchell, 'V Chestnut n _\Iulberry Wcttig Gottfried,,V King n Mulberl'y White William R, HChurch Wiley Edwnrd, 71 N QueoD Gross 'William }luck John Dcilmo C. Eitenier Uriah Greider George T. Small,T. J. Thomas G. D. Witters Jacob Reed William Uroscy David, S Charlotte Colm John, S Pru8sian }JOug Samuel, N Prussian MI~NGIJB G. & IHtOTHJ~H, N Prussinll Yetter Pet{Jr, S Clmrlotto 1 Coopor John, Washington Miller Christian, 'Vashington I ~liller David, Washington ZauD Andrew, 'Vashin-gton Haas Frederick, li'ront Haas John, :Front Lindsey Alexander, l\iarkct Stcuco Thomas, Front Thompson James & Son, Market n Gay Ulman Jacob, Market Wolfsberger-, Second n the lumber yard Zuch Ferdinand, Front 180 Ln,ncatcr II H (( tl Lcneo('k Litiz H Ie /I livlo ~lnnht:illl H (( Manor H MarieUa. CI H ({ H tt ({

214 190 I,ANOASTER COUNTY Zug J'.. Rees Benjamin, IJCesburg Laneharr Emanuel Geisel Jacob Schenk George Bower Jacoh Haines Henry Johnston Henry KJl1er.Michael Pickle J. Bartels Conrad, Springvillo Dysart Alexander, Main Kaker Christian, Main c Manheim road Reese Alexander D., Main Riddle Christian, Main Theis John, Main Dorrow &Diffenderfer Robinson William Bealson Thomas Parker William Pennington John Foster James R Gross John Hall Thomas Hassen Joseph Kemore Joseph Shultz John A. Sides B. T. Appleton John Allenbach John Uawlin John Kline Martin.Killian Miohael Scott U. Singer Israel Walter 'Villiam R. 'Vinehold Peter Fairstein Isaao Hartman Absalom Litsch Jacob Loos David Stump Leonard. 'Valdmnn Charles Mnriett:l Marticvillc l\iastcrsonvillc, cc Maytown cc Millersville l\it. Joy If cc cc New Holland Ollk Hill Oak Shade Paradise cc Rawlinsville II Reamstown II II Rcinholdsville II II

215 . Eckman Abram Kafroth Geor~e Snavely Josiah Brady Adam Hess Martin Sourber Jacob TRIPPLE JOSEPH C. Tripple- Wasson William P. Herman John SDj'der Michael Zcrn Cluistian Bullock Frederick Eshelmann Henry S. Greider Jacob 1\1. Herr Peter Seible Martin Stork John Weller H. l\i. Weller John 1\1. : Yenger Daniel l YODS John Ulmer Henry, PetersviHe Zell John, Rockville 0< Erb -; Isaao Frankford Philip Row Jllcob Dueb George Ducb Jacob Hesler Andrew Long Samuel nusiness DIRECTORY ~IeDgle George. SheHy Christian Cooper Newton lv.. Gcrtizen J obn Hoffmann Carl Ihrig George 'V. Rohrer Jacob. DETTERLINE 'VILLIALH, Fairville Richmond & Weaver Rodgers William, Fairville. Schneider John, Lee David 191 Roths\ ihe Safe Ifarbor H H If It H Schoence!r tc Silvcl' Spring H tc H It Slackwater Smithville tc Smyrna Sporting Hill H H H Strasburg tc H ilerre JIiH H.. H VogansviJIc 'Vakcficld

216 192 I,ANCASTER COUNTY Kaeheal Abraham Kafroth George,V. McCloud Reuben Yonts John, Front n P. Office Humer Isaac Plasterer SamU(~1 'Vittle Joseph Raub Snmuel Warfel Jacob Bottlers, Porter, Ale & Cider. Archer & Co l\icgrann Michael, 61 N Queen \Yest l~arl \V Hemp6chl White Oak Willow Bow, Felloe & Shaft Manufaoturer. Christiana Lancaster LebzeltJJr Philip, Alley bet E Chestnut and \Valnut ab N Queen JJuncuster Bowling Saloons. Gumlaker ]1Jmanucl, r 25 N Queen neose Andrew, 5 C'lOstnut Brewers. JJancaslcr Maek Joseph, lager beor, Union c }I~ourth Arnold John, Lemon al n Church al 'I Ii'inninger Charles, Low c Rockland Frank Henry, N Prince and 'Vator bel 1Vnlnut Haag Dernard, \V King n S \Vator Haag J obu, 43 W King Knapp Lawrence, lager beer, 62 EKing Schoenberger & l\iiller, J.Jocust n Rockland Sprenger Elizabeth, wid. Abraham, Eagle brewery, N \Vawr 0 \Valnut Sprenger James A., lager beer, EKing ab Duke \Vittlinger John, W King & Columbia pike RAUCH & TSHUDY, Jager beer Columbia Lancaster Litiz Marietta Koch Adam, la~er beer l\fauliek FredOflck, lager beer I?RANCK PHIJJIP, lager beer, Market n R. R. 1\It. Joy Kieff Rudolph, 13arbnra n the Creck

217 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Briok Yards. Smith John jr. MAERVINE JOHN l>jckel, }>eter I Ritz I>biJip i nolid Joseph I GollD Andrew, n Shawnee Iron 'orks i Gohn George, n Shawnee Iron Works Greider Joseph G. I Greider Pet~r Herr Rudolph I Lynch John II: r... Hess Jeremiah Hess John B. i Witmer & Fry I Beam 1.._ Kahl & Brother, W Lemon ab Charlotto Kautz George, \V Lemon n College Koons Jacob, N Prince Buckwalter John, l\lechanicsburg Christian Car~on Henry P., Columbia and l\iiherstown pikes 1 I Rauch H. A. & Co. Il! 1\IeVey Henry II... Bealor John, Prussian at Sherbon Benjamin Sherbon l\iiehael ~ Eppinger John G., Springville II.. GRUBE JOSEPH Holiday J obn ~~r~~~:~~b... Wissler Henry If I Dielor John Stall William I Brokers, Exohange. Reed John K. & Co., EKing e Duke need, McGrann, Kelly & Co., S \V c Centre Sf( and S Que(ln Bainbridge Bareville Burt H Christiana Columbia East Hempfield Elizabethtown 'r Ephratah Fulton House H Highville Intercourse Lancaster H Leacock J..itiz Lylo Manheim Maytown Mt. Joy Neff.wille Purat.Iise R'lwlinsviUo Uothsvtllo Schoeneck Silver Spt'illJ{ Slwrting HiH Strasburg Lancaster

218 194 LANOASTER COUNTY Brush Manufaoturers. Dorffer JAmparts, Union c Fourth Columbia Uotbarmel Jacob, 91 N Queen J.Juncastcr Samson Joseph, N Queen bet Cbestnut and Walnut Zahn Godfried, l'rince fib 'W King Butohers. DI'~SH JOSBPH, Union bet Fourth and Fifth Columbia KleiJein Lorenz, Union c Fifth..Minick F. J., Looust bet Third nnd Fourth Swartz Conrad, Third n Locust YEAGER JOlIN, Locust bet Third and Fourth Albright Peter, Manor n Dorwart I.ancnstcr Darnstaetter George II., 175 EKing Denknlberg Charles, J~ Orange n Shippen Derr John, 'W King n Mulberry Dingleberg Frederick, 134 }J King Draude Daniel, W King n Mulberry Evans Benjamin, n Queen fib 'Valnut Gansz George,,V King n Dorwart Hollman Jobn, Orange n Shippen Homp Christian, 68 J~ King Killinger David, 88 I~ King IJcibley Jolm, 63 S Queen Lutz I;'rcderick, N Prince ab Lemon Metzger l'bilip, 14 S Queen l\iiller William lr., 'V King cor Charlotte Ottborel Jacob, Mat'y. n 'V King Ricker Jacob, B Vina 11 S Duke Schwert Bernhard, 224 Middle Shirk Eli, N Queen bel James Snyder Henry, 'V King n 8 'Vater Spindler George, 63 S Queen Spindler Philip, S Queen n Gooso Trissler John A., Orange n Prince Trissler Michael, 67 EKing Trout J.J(}wis, N Water ab Orange Evans & Kauffman Litiz l!'isher &, 1;'088, N Prussian Manheim Zimmerman Christian, S Charlotte Charlos Joseph, 'Vnshington, l\innor Evans John, \Ynsbington

219 Flllk~ JolIn, Mluket Prescher Heinrich, Ii'ron~ Grove Benjamin Houseal &.. Gcltmacher Wechter Isaac llrubaker Henry M. Kilburll John 1). nusiness DIREOTORY. 195 Marietta ~faytown I'cnn Sportill~ Hill Stl'UsLUI'g Gretz Gottlieb Button Makers. Sporting Hill Cabinet Makers. (Sec al..w Purniture Dealers.) '1'._1 Hathorn James Smith John BainLritlgo Miller George Bnrcvillo Miller Henry r. Johnston George Bart Epperhumer William llenrtown Weaver Joseph «Yodor James Ambler Edward Drown John Buck EPP}jHI~IER &.. Yoder James E. 'VI~AVgR Churehtown Seibert Casper, 'rhird n IJocust Columbia I Shenberger J., I~ocust bet Second and Thinl I Cremer Cyrus Conestoga Centro I WA'l'SON JOlIN J. H i I-Jlser Edwin Durlach Hornig Jacob Brehm I)hilip Tholl Henry East IIempfield Pelix Jacob Elizabethtown Stauffer G. 'V. I Rhodes Jacob Ephratah 1_,.1,1 Urick Andrew _ Zerfass Samuel H. McCloud Ucubcn Reemsuyde }Jlias Farmersville Robinson 'Villiam Gap

220 196 LANCASTER COUNTY Scnsenicb C. & 1. 'V. Sowerbeer Christian Ranck David Danner Alexander, r N Queen ab 'Valllut Hall Augustus Kreider Abraham IJiebtcnthaeler Benjamin Regennass Peter F. Dommy John, Prussian KOPP IIl~NRY, Market Tenger }>ote1', Prussian 'Yhite Jonas, N Charles c Market Deyer Henry Libhart J. & Son Roth David Welchaus Renben Dullard ft Bro. Murray George B. Scheirman Aaron Deneke Augustus Sholl Christinr Main Cramer J ncob 'Venver Benjamin Appleton John n. Uhoads Elias H. 'Vitzel Elias Koehler Jncob Uuth Jacob J~rnst John 'Vatson John J. 'VoIr Christian :Miller Gabriel Breneman Joseph B. Cope Henry Bachmnn Christian Charles Andrew Royer Henry S., li'airville RHeA.DS 'VILl,IAM II. Cautl'nmn Christopher McCloltd Jeremiah Recmsnyder Elias Goodville Highville Intercourse I,ancastcr Litiz Manheim H H :Marietta :Maytown :Millcrsville l\it. Joy New Providcnce Paradise Rawlin8ville Reamstown II Rothsville Safe Harbor Schoeneck Silver SprinK Sporting Hill Strasburg Terre Hill V ogansvillc 'Vakefield 'Vest t~arl

221 IWSINESS D1UJ::OTOllY. 197 Cap Maker. Weber Peter, 102 N,Queen Car Builders. Dostmnn J ouns, N Prince and the R. R. Marsh Bros., foot l\iain J~anc8ster Lane8:-tel' AIt. Joy Oarpenters and Builders. Determan Jacob Fullarton Henry Kreamer Willialll Millen Geor~e Baughman Henry Baughman Joseph Hamer Samuel Phcnegar 'VIll. Edwards Thomas Silkniter John Dender David 'V. Frankhauscr Henry Good Samuel H. l\iessner Cyrus l\iusser John 'V. Dotfenmnyer Samuel Mciskey Peter Plantz Benjamin Weidman Peter Zartman Israel Bradley Amer COl Aaron Johnson Samuel Kane James McGuigan James McKinley John l\ioore Samuel U. l\iorrison John S. Rogers John R. Swj~ert Felix, jun. Eaglo George Fester Rudolph White Rees. 17* Bainbridge u llarcvilje Dart Beartown Uowmansvillo Drickersvillo Buek H H H H H Cambridgo

222 198 I,ANOASTER COUNTY H uey 'Villiam Christiana Wright &Sheelel' Davis John Colerain Hamon Charles (I Harrer John GalJaghe,r Daniel, Second n Locust Columbia IJiphart Michael, ljocust bet Second and Third Shuman & Upp, Locust bet Second and Third Columbia UPP WESLEY, Locust bet Second and Third Hackman Jacob Conestor,ll Centro Brehm Cyrus East liempfield Metzger Henry Soberty Frederick Dalmer Daniel Elizabethtown Folts Christian Sheaffer Henry Sheaffer J ohu Siggle tjohn ]~ntcrprisc Fink l>otor ]~phratah Funk John Nagle Samuel R. Neis George,e Urich Andrew Urick Benjamin l( Dair John Parmersville Carpenter Emanuel l\ieneal Samuel Gap Bender Joseph Gordonville Frow James Hoffer Christian Hempfield Hoffman Frederick Myers Samuel JiJberly John IIi(1hville Hertzler Elias 0 l\iilier Isaiah Intercourse Carpenter Alpheus JJl\mpctcr Albright &Erisman, r Chestnut hoi Prince J-Aancastcr BaumiHcr & Waltz, Charlotte n Orango (( Hundle Henry, Arch 81 n W Chestnut Campbell Levi, Manor n Dorwart Btter John J Lemon al n Vine Evans John, Arch nl bet Water and Mulberry bel 'V Chestnut

223 nusiness DIRRCTORY. ]99 I i I i I ii II I i.. I I II i I IIi Flick John, l\iulberry n W. 'Valnut Lancaster Groth Philip, al n Strawberry Jack Joshua 'V., alloy bet '\'nlnut and Chestnut n Duko Keller F. Hiram, 'Vater bel German Keller Hiram T., 'Vater bol German Kistler John J., n Cemetery Lorentz John, Charlotte)} Orange l\icglinn Joseph S., 240 Middle Schner John, N 'ater n, Orange Sener George, alley r N Water n 'V Chestnut Smeych Daniel, r Manor n 'V King Steigerwalt John, Hnzcl c S Queen Stoner Christian L., \V Orange n Charlotte Swartzwelder &Morl'ow, Plum S of J;ocomotive 'Yorks Waters Richard J. J., 'Vater bel Orange Yeisley George, Mary n 'V King Uernesdorfcr (tool'go J;andisvillc Ureneisen Israol Bull John Fink Samuel, Mechanicsburg I~oacock Baker Joseph, New Haven J~itiz Rnok Augustus J;~nck Isaac Sturgis Alexander Zartman Israel Zeigler John Sbrader J obn, l\fijiersvilje Sollllgars Henry, J 11 ront n the Rridgo )follntville Boylo George, 'Vnshington Manor Steiner Anderson, 'Vllshington H Steiner Jacob, 'Vashington Bahn J\IorW'n L. l\inrieua Goodman Israel Goodman John Menge J ncob Montgomery John Mutch Simon Peck Samuel Souders Samuel Greiner Reuben l\iastersonville Nugart Joseph Nugart J'llwrelleo

224 200 Tli\NOASTJm COUNTY Henderson George rclchnns & Son 'Veaver Daniel MY]~RS SAMUEIJ Dicffenderfer.John Rannnls John 13rown John A. IJuckius,Ytn. P. Drake 'Ym. B. Wood Levi Anderson Isaao Miller Elias Kauffman Cyrus, Pennville Barton 'V. McLaughlin 'Villiam Martin David OUo J. C. Patton George Potts Bphraim Hninger John Slott Jacob Snydel' H. & J. Frank Michael Hertzog Peter 13. Krausskopf Gustavus Adams Reuben Grube Elias Sheaffer Peter Hackman Jaeob Shenk Henry Burkholder J ncob Conrad Joseph Bartell John 1\1. Berntheisel George Bruokhart Henry Clair J. C. Sneath Jaeob Simmons Samuel Hlaok Michael Erosy John Gensemer George Brenneman Joseph Krall Jacob Maytown Neffsvill0 New Holland (( Oak Shado (( Paradiso (( Penn. Rawlinaville (( Reamstown Reillholdsvi~lo (( Rothsville Safe Harbor Schoeneck Silver Spring Smyrna Sporting Hill

225 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. White Jonas White Michael Cramer Henry H. HilJebrand Jacob Holl George lioll John jr. II011 J osoph Holl IJevi nrown Joshua Dawson Robert :MeVey J. Pyle S. ncar John Carpenter J1Jmanuel Kauffman J. &, A., Mount Alto McMullen James Bachman Benjamin Sportin~ 201 Hill Strasburg u 'Vakcficld (( 'Vest l~nrl White Oilk,,'mow Street Carpet and Oilcloth Warehouses. Hager &, Brothers, W King 0 Market Herr John, 5 J;J King JJuncnstcr llane James B. &, G. Taylor, 10 EKing Chair Makers. Wilson J ameb Heilig 'Vm. C. narnes James II., 50 EKing note George F., 47 S Queen nb Vine Swint John, 52 N Queen Weaver Jacob, 'V King n 1\lulbefl'Y Weidler John, N Queen bel Chestnut Albright Reuben Carter William lj., 'Valnut c Gay Urown Charles 1\1. Hull IJevi Killian John Showers James Nase George Murdick John Hces David Elizabethtown IIinckletown IJancaslel' H JJitiz Marietta Maytown New Holland Ucamstown Schoeneck Sportin~ Hill Strasburg

226 202 I.ANCASTER COUNTY Ohina, Glass, and Earthenwaru. J ol1ns George Daily Samuel OboT David Rust John Gensemer Joseph, manur. Bair David, 11 l~ King Hager & Brothers, \V King cor Market Lane James B. & G. 'raylor, 19 l~ King Martin B. B. & Co., \V King COf Prince Swope Henry I..Iuird Elizabeth Barcvillc lwzabcthtowll ll~phratah l~ancastcr II II IJeacoek Uawlinsville Oivil Engineers and Surveyors. Sheaff J. A., \V King cor Mulberry I..ancaslcl' Olergymen. (See Appendix.) Olothiers. (8ee also Ta ilors.) Arms John, Front n Walnut Columbia Hanauer David, Front n \Valnut Lindsay Samuel, Front bet Locust and \Valnut Rice Henry, Front bet \Valnut and the bridge Sohloss Isuae, Fro,nt bot 'Walnut and tho bridge lc Stroock 1\1., Front n \Valnut Miller Hiram K. East Hompficld Rhoads Jacob S. I~t:zabethtown Rev. '~8 A. Highville Young Jacob Donnelly 8. P., 65 N Queen Lancaster Erben John A., 42 N Queen Erlanger Simon, 70 N Queen Hirsh Charles, 79~ N Queen Hirsh & Brothers, 3 N Queen Rnthvon Simon S., N Queen c Orange Raub J. Miller, It 8 N Queen Smaling Jacob K., 58 N Queen Young 8. J., 52l N Queen Buck }JIins J..itiz

227 ljusiness DIRECTORY. 203 Sturgis C. 'V. Auxer John, Front ljell John Miller Samuel D. Goldman Henry D., Main and the It R. Armstrong Henry llitiz Marietta H l\it. Joy Rawlinsvillo ~ I Coaoh and Oarriage :Builders. [ I, Faus Henry Bainbridge Baughman S. S. J3art Chalfant Franklin Shepherd, Z. D. H l\iorrow Abraham Bcartown Sheler \ViIliam Squib Elisha H Burehart Christian S. Bowmansville Little J osso Brinkley's bridge Furgason Joseph It. Buck Jones Samuel Potts Harrison u Reed Charles u Irvin, Reuben Cambridge Landis Solomon u Griest Thomas Christiana l\ic~iinn Robert CARTER & BECKER, 2d bet 'Valnut&JJocust Columbia, T!1 MiII6r Samuel Durlnch ReSider J'>etcr HoIJinger Isaac East Hemptield Minich Emanuel Miller \ViJIiam & J. II. Elizabethtown Shrode Ambrose Royer Isaac 1J. Ephratah Smuck Jacob Wise & Rhodes Dillman lsaao ' Farmersville Kline Abraham E. Goodville Deaver David Greeno Butzer Charles JIempfieJd ~Ielinger Christian High,'iJJe Stoner Frederick Cassel ~Iartin JJ3illJlctcr

228 204 LANOASTER COUNTY Cnssel Samuel H. Lampeter Altiok & McGinnis, Orange n Prince Lancaster Cox \Villiam, al bet Lime and Duke H Cox, Decker & Co., 19 S Duke Edgerly & Parvin, Church al DDuke Hoover Joseph, al bet Mulberry and S 'Vater, rofresid. H :l\iinieh Michael, \Valnut bet Prince add N Queen Zecher Jacob, N QueeD D\V James H ANDES VALENTINE, Mechanicsburg Leacock Buok HeDry Litiz Genseme & Smaley GROSH 8. & II. liartroft Uriah H ~Ietzgar George RICE SAMUEL, Market Manheim Saler Jacob, WashingtoD Manor Emswiller Absalom Marietta 1.'hompsoD Franklin, Second 0 ChestDut Eagle John Maytown EHNST ANTHONY Millersville LANDIS ABRAHAM Do, MaiD DJacob l\it. Joy Shutte Laborius, Springville Tatnal Jacob, MaiD c Barbara Raezzer HeDry New Holland SuttoD Abraham G. KHEl\lER JOHN New Providence Ring 1\1. Oak Shade Sap Charles 'Venger J ohd Oregon 'Venger J 08eph E. Paradise AumeDt DaDiel Rawlinsville Giles JohD EchteDacht S. Reamstown Huber Philip Joh Cyrus Rhoads & Redger Brown HeDry ltothsvillo Giles William Safe Harbor Shoffstace Frederick SHIRK JOHN &, :MICHAEL Schoeneck Conrad DaDiel Slackwater Bby George Sporting Hill Donovan Benjamin

229 Kreider Christian Rico Samuel Wctmoyar Henry AUMENT JOHN D. }~bcrjy Potor Marrow Daniel T. IUIOADS 'VILLIAl\I H. Palmer Gabriel Palmer Josiah Scbcarker Peter Sprecker 1.1oui8 BUSINESS DmEOTORY, 2U5 Sporting Hill Strasburg VOgullsviJIo 'cst Earl (( Coaoh and Oarriage Trimmers. White HeDry l\i., 'V 'Valnut D Water Eckman John. Coal and Wood Dealers. Lancaster New Providence Smith H. H. Uainbridgo Alfred n. F., Front CaQnl Basin Columbia Cooper Joseph, I?ront e Union cr Ress J. G., Front nb the Canal Basin Pugh E. Walker Joseph C. Gap Cooper J osoph Enterpriso Gillespie Nathanie], Bird in Hand If Lytter J. D. Kise & l\iijler HempfieJd High,'iJlc Albright & ErismaD, Prince 0 'Valnut Lancaster Baumgardner, PriDCC 0 tho R R H Buckwalter BeDjamiD, Graff's Landing Calder George & Co., E Orange 2d door N QuecD Ellmaker Levi, PriDce 0 LemoD Gorrecht WjJJiam, Lemon n N Water )IiIl No.1, PriDce 0 'Walnut SeDer G. & Sons, PriDce 0 'Valriut Walton JobD 0., Graff's Landing Heistand S. & B. F., Second opp LindoD house Itlarictta Summy A. & A. II., Front l\it. Joy Greider BenjamiD 1\1., Manheim road Patterson John, ab Bcar's Mill n the R n Witmer A. K.. Paradise Hipple Lawrence 18 }lcter's Creck

230 206 J,ANCASTER COUNTY Armstrong.John O'Neil Hugh Hess J. M., ngt Brb J. n. &Son, Uockhill l)eters Jacob G. Coft'ee and Spice Factor.. Miller John S., 207 E King RawIiDavilla lc Safe Harbor Slackwater Lancaster Comb Manufaoturers. Shaffner & Graham, W James bet N Queen and Princo Lancaster Crouse William Reinholdsvillo Commission Merchants. Appold D. F., Front Canal Basin GIUFFITllS DANIEL F., 0 Talnut and Front Oommissioner of Deeds. Patterson David W., 27 j W!{iDg Columbia lc Lancaster Oonfeotioners. Armstrong Mrs. Boughter John Spotts Joseph Kibler Elizabeth Hillis John Armstrong Catharine Forco Jesse BETNER CONSTANT, Front n Walnut Grove Henry, Front n thl) Bridge Smith John, Front bet Locust and Walnut Anderson John P., 28 N Queen Bowers Susan, S Queen a W Gooso DeUet William, 6 EKing Demuth Samuel J., 7 EKing Eden Charles, 'V King c Princo Fraim R. }1)., 68 EKing Gruel Jacob, 79 N Queen Hensler Snn\ue}, S Water n Vina Huber Benjamin I~., 22! 'V King Bcartown 1\ II Dluo }Jnl! Ohristian! Church town CoJumbb II II Lancaster II II II II 1\

231 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Uetzger Charles,V, 21 'V King Sheer 'VilJiam C. F., 45 }i~ King Stains Elizabeth, {) Chestnut White Joseph, 113 EKing I~iehler George S. Anderson James, Market Inhoff Joseph Taylor Mary, Front Wolf Henry, Market Gruel John, :Millersville Hogendobler Fanny, l\inin McDannel John, Mlliu n the It R Mooney James, Main Berntheisel John, Front n P. O. Travis Sarah USDer Christian Hogendohler IIenry Clark Henry... Leman Daniel J. Murphy Daniel Beck Bernhard L. Good Franklin Myers Samuel Baxter Benjamin Jackson John K. Morrison Joseph n. Pickel George H. Pickel Leonard Quaintance James Good Benjamin Schneder John Sheep Isaao Gabel John Messner lsrnel Althouse Henry Birch Elias Northammer William Glendon George JJ3nders 'Vm. 810rey Alexander Coopers. 207 Lancaster H J..itiz :Marietta H H :Manor Mt. Joy :Mountvillo RawliDsville Schoeneck Sporting Bill Strasburg llainbridge Dareville Dart H Beartown Bowmansville Brickcrsville Drinkley's Dridge Ie Buck Cambridgo H H

232 208 Kauffman John Zerfey Adum Zerror Jncab )<~ckert Joseph Shitz Henry Sharp Charles Duck Philip Good Isaao Zwaly Jacob nsslinger Matthias Sprigle John, Monterey Fisher Jacob l!'enchmaker Frederick ljeam David O'Dare Samuel {lancaster COUNTY Debler George C., r 25 N Queen Hrodhecker J obn, r 190 Middle Griss Jacob, S Queen n Plum Harder Heronemus, Strawberry 0 Joseph Martin Francis, ~Mary 0 Alley Morsbach Richard, n Cemetery Gato Parmer Emanuel, 124: Middlo 'Vylic David, Walnut n Prince I~nck Jacob. Lours John Holl Isaao Kreiter Samuel Young A. Gehr Erhard, Washington Kise J ncob Mayer Christian r( 'Schultz Jncob Shnrtz David Hurnes Thomas, Wnlnut n Gny Urooks Jnmes, Elbow In e Seconu Coble David, Front n Gay Honlcn J ncob, Locust. n Secont! Larzelere J. 'M., Gay n Wllinut Mabling Frederick Roth Jacob Roth John lnury Abraham Ruhle Joseph, Conestoga Centre I~ast Hcmpflcld II Elizabethtown II Epbrntoh Farmcrsville II Groff's Store IIempfield Highville Intercourse Lanoaster Leacock IJitiz Manor CI Marietta CI CI l\lnsters\'ille Masterson \'il1e

233 nusiness DlREOTORY. Green Joseph Brady John Dickel lsmo Beckley Samuel P., ~'airvicw n tho n. R. Good Levi Brown John Walters Samuel A. Weaver Samuel Behmer Christian Glass Joseph Shawback Henry Simpson Davis Deihm Samuel, Pennvillo Gable John, Pennville Shiffer Jacob S., IJennvillc Creamer George Getz Leonard Joh II. & D. Swigherd G. &, 1\1. Zinn Jacob Ganner John.. Hertzog Daniel IIertzog Potcr Reinhold Jacob Sweigert Georgo Swcigert 1\1ose8 Adams J olm G. Becker Amos Fry Samuel Siaybaoh Henry Whitcraft Aaron Young Jacob Lehnhart John, Long lano Carrioher John Kauffman Christian Long Georgo Musser Amos Snyder John Cassel David Schneider IAlvi Brown J. & B. Adams Isra'Jl Duck }lhilip 18* 209 Muytown l\iiilersvill0 l\it. Joy New Holland Ollk Hill Ie H Paradise H H H Penn H llilwlinsvill0 Reamstown Reiuholdsvillo H Ie Ie Rothsville (( (( (( Blackwater Sporting Hill Ie H It Strasburg Vogansvillo \VnkcficJd 'Vest }~arl

234 210 I,ANOASTER COUNTY Zwally Jacob Stetler Emanuel Coppersmiths. Kemper Jacob Dillor Samuel, Diller's al n S Water Kieffer C., 7 EKing Laise C. F., Alley bet Washington and German 'Vest l~arl 'Villow Streot Epllratah Lancaster II Cordage, Rope, and Twine. Martin Georgo, 'V King n Charlotte Lancaster H Schoolmycl' George, N Queen ab Frederick Lt'mon G. W. Rawlinsvillc Kreider Jacob. Sporting Hill Cotton Manufaoturers. Thcrlougb, Hughes & Co. (jeans) Georgetown BrenRmRn & Booker Highvillc SPENCER, BOARDMAN & SPENCER, Rock. land Mills Lancaster Jackson J. W. (laps) l\it. Nebo Bowman & 00. (coverlids) Neffsvillo Country Stores, WI,O keep a general assortment 0/ Dry Goods, Groeeric$, Oroelleru, IIardlOare, &c. &0. Dealers exclusively in olle kind 0/ Doods toill be found 1l1lller' thdr respective headin9s. Adams J aoob & Son Collins Abraham Groff John &Co. Guder Henry Hipple & Herr MYJ1JRS S. R. Swope Emanuel Ferguson Thomas Compton George 'V. Riogwalt 'V. & L. Q. 'Veiler Cyrus 'Vhite Edward D. Labllzius Thomas llainbridg2 H It Hareville Dnr~ Bcartown Bethesda

235 nusiness DIREOTORY. 211 Sberk William &, l,ovi Dluo Ball WAJ~IJACB J. S. & BnO'rIII~US Fry Isaac & Sou Bowmansville Kline I. B. Musselman J. &, Son Miller Bamuel II. Briokorvillo Young Jaoo, Brinkley's Bridgo Boyd Samuel Buck Brown David Fairlamb Henry V. II Jordan John I. ~IcGlauchlin Abner (( McSparron Fleming H l\iayer & 'Vitaon H Pusel John H )Iarhn Wm. Cains Buchanan \Vm. Cambridge Wilcox Wm. Haldeman E. & Co. Cbiokees Gest Sarah Christiana Hood James, Coopervillo... cc Townsend & Bro. Walker & Pownall Compton Q-eorge,v. Churchtown Ringwalt Levi Z., Ponnytown cc White Edward D. Kcnnady James B. Clonmell Fliokinger P.. Cooalico Davis & Hastings Colerain Hastings J. D. U BRUNER I. O. & H. F., Union c Third Columbia Herr Benjamin, Locust 0PP Franklin house cc Brunner & ~Iu8ser Conestoga Centro Erb John cc FRALICH JOHN Eberly Samuel. Durlnch PanDabeoker J08se Weidman S. P. A. Mullin George East Hempfield Stauffer John Baxtrcsser Jaoob Elizabethtown Breneman D. &Bros. Dissinger H. & Son

236 212 LANOASTER COUNTY Lynch John Elizabethtown IJender John, Bird in Hand Enterprise Binkley John Cooper Jesse K., Bird in Hand Miller Joseph Gorgas Jacob, Greenvillo Ephratah Gross John H. Hacker J. J. u Konigmlloher Edwin Roths J cremillh 'Veidmnn Aaron Brown Peter Farmersville Hoar & Kurte Jncoby 1\Iart,in It Kemper II. G. It Seldomridge Samuel 1\1. Swopes Emanuel Haines & Co. Fulton House Swift Harvoy Swift John W. BOONE & HOUSTON, Bollvue Gap Eby Josiah Gest John, Buyerstown Hopiston D. & Son Kerns H. S. Kurta S. It l\icilvaine & Bro. Graham & Williams Georgetown Piokel W. & G. H. RUBsel J. P. Weaver & Stauffer Goodville 1\IcKILLIP JOHN Gordonsvillo Smoker John K. Groff Samuel jr. Groff's Store Ringwalt & Davis IIempficld Hawthorn G. O. IIigbvillo Sowerbeer Amos Holsinger Jacob Hinckleton ROBERT JOHN EABY MOSES Intercourse II Seldomridge Justu8 F. Houston D. & Son, Bethanin Kinzers II 'Vorst & Rutter, Williamstown

237 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Switzer.T. II. Kreider Martin H. Zercher & McLure, Vnnoy Herr Ahraham Lnndi15 Jacob l\iyers & Bro. Hon Jacob, 1\Iechanicsburg McQUAID JI~SSI~, Mechanicsburg Hoover Moses, Now Milltown llricker David Reist Ezra SHOBER A. 'V., New ITuven Tshudy J. B. & Nephew Wissler J. B. Wollo N. S. Brown M. & Dro. Arndt George, Prussian st Cross Jaeob E., S Charlotte c Market Kline &Brothor, Market st Shaeffer & Gingerich, S Prussian Worley & Bomberger, Pru8sinn 0 High Manning Jacob K., Washington Cassel Abraham, Market Diffonbaeh Jehn R., Market Musselmnn & Watts, Marietta Furnace Spangler & 'Patterson Turner Robert, Market n the Saw Mill Huber Henry Martin Jacob, Leesburg Erb I. & S. Mnsterson Joseph Slaymaker Dnldwin &Co. nowman HENRY l?unk Henry :Metzger & Bowers Giilgerich Gabriel Arndt, 1\lycf8 & Eby, Main Harr Abraham 1\1., Main Ucchtcl Henry, Muin Hrady &.MoNcal, l\iain Grush Benjamin liinny 8Al\IUJi~TJ, Springville 213 Kirkwood IJalllpctcr IJnndisvil10 H Leacock H Cl J.litiz H (f H (( If Lylo Manltcim It H :l\innor Marietta Marietta (( Martiovillo u ~Instcrsonvillo u :Moytown l\iiuersvillo H (( H 1\It. Hopo lut. Joy u U H It

238 214 LANOASTER COUNTY 'Vcidmnn Peter, Main Andrews Henry Engles Joseph Saulsby Uobl3rt Devolin Jobn, Front n tho P. O. Bowman A. It BO'VMAN JIENItY D. Young Jacob Culvcrtson & Elliott Diller & Brubaker MENTZli)R J. K. Uicbwino D. & Co. Hilderbrand John Tweed & Uaub Seltzor Eli Patt~rBon Edward n. Taylor Joseph O. 'Veils N. H. Dear & Heiser Spindler Samuel 'Vitrner Amos L. IIull Hiram R. Ueynolds- Stubbs John Haines & Lewis Gibson William N. Uawlins J. lv. Bucher Jesso :Mishler C. D. Ueddig J Mob R. SoUnd J. M. Swartz Benjamin FIJICKINGER RICHARD Flickinger Samuel n. Kegcreis Jacob Uomborgor J. l~. Kofroth Peter Urubucr & Musser Erb Jcsse H. Erb John l~raleigh John!Wevos, Abbott &Co. Sourbccl' Amos l\it. Joy Mt. Ncbo H Mountville Neffsville H New Danville Ncw liotjand H H New Providence Nine Points Oak Hill H It Oregon Paradiso l>cnn Peter's Creek I'}easant Grove Rawlinsvillc Reamstown H H H Reinholdsvillo II H Uotbsvillo H Safe Harbor I( It IC It

239 BUSINESS DIREOTORY. 215 Sourbeer Frank Safo IIarbor Sourbeer Frederiok H l\iejjinger Martin 1\1. H l\ialhorn & 'Witmor It ljruner Daniel Schoeneck l\iartzer A.,V. H Wiest Jeremiah u Bruohart H. G. SiIer Spring Devlin John I( Kendrig Jacob u Haldeman E. & Co. Cl. Myers & Uro. H Stacy &Knotwell Ie Witmer &Dro. ERD J. B. &SON Slack water Rowe John D. SmithviJIe Harrow J. D. Smyrna. Homsher John H Johnson E. H Ducbanan & McGill South Hermittlgo Arndt George Sporting Hill Cross Jacob H I{Jinc &Dro. I( l\iast~rson Joseph Myers John Shaeffer &Gingerich Worley Nathan Zook Noah H. Dower Sam uel McCloy &Girvin Maynard Georgo H. Rohrer John S. nowe &CLARK WALKER ISAAC Warren 'Villiam S. Eohtornaoht John H., Ii'uirviHe l\ientzer Levi Hoffman, Christian Passmore Benjamin Wilkinson F. & Drothers ljrown Petcr Kemper Ilflvi O. Rurtz & Hoar u H u Cl It Strasburg H It H Ie Terro Hill VogansviJIe ' nkefield H Wcst I~nrl H u If

240 216 LANCASTER COUNTY Gingerioh & Shaffer 'Ybite Oak Hohn Samuel, Mt. Alto Charles Jaoob 'Villow Street. Daguerreotypes, photographs, &0. :I!ace Jesse Johnson C. M. J.JOdge Samuel, Looust bet Front and Second Addis Robert W., 20l EKing Cummings T. &'V., 21 N Queen Dellinger J., Centre sq n Market Fortney James G., 87 N Queen Gill William L., 'V King n ItIarket Johnston J. It!., N Queen 0 Orange Kreiter Aaron S. Auxer George H., Elbow In n Front Cummings Eli DELLINGER J. L., Market Green Giles Savery &Thompson Hallaoher Adam Coma Joseph Dentists. McCormick Stephen Bradley Thomas Zell E. It!. Morrison William G. Bockius S. Atlee, Locust n Franklin house Mifflin G. W., Locust bet Second and Third McCormick Stephen B. Gish S. H. Cornett - Long William T. Amer William N., E Orango 0 N Queen McCalla John, 4 Jl) King Parry Ely, 86 EKing Swentzel Edward W., N Queen WayIan J., 60 N Queen Welohens Samuel, N Queen c Orange 'Vhitoside & Gallagher, 83 N Queen Young E. K., 24 N Queen Derr J. W. Bitner I10ffmnD II., 'Ynsbington J3eartown Buck Columbia Lancaster Litiz Marietta H Rawlinaville II ltothsville Sufe IInr1'or Beartown Buck Colerain Columbia Churolttown Elizabethtown Ephratah Gordonsville Laucaster H Utiz Munor

241 Burg George C., 'Vnshington Swentzel E. 'V., ~Iarket Worrall G. W., MarKet Hiestent Peter,Y. Bowman E. J. :MOORE JOHN G. Zell E.!tI.. Thompson H. L. Martin Josiah BUSINESS DIREOTORY. Distillers. Wiley John &, Son Groff Levi W.. Oberholtzer Joseph &Co. Fry John H. Groff L. 'V. Bcar Jacob Bowers & Bro. Senor Jacob Seaner Frederick Pyle Frederick H., Mulberry n '''atnut.becke... IAlvi Doster David Mohn Henry Benjamin H. D. & Co. Stanfer John Reynold Patrick, Greentrco Lintner J. & H. & Co., on farm ncar Hackman Abraham S., foot Main Hostetter J. :alyjiu Francis Shenk Jacob Becker Israel Shenk Christian Kauffman J. & H. Stauffer Benjamin l\f. Sehner John RUBhing Sarah Foreman Harriet O'Donnell l\inrgnrot 19 Dressmakers. 217 ~Ianor Marietta l\liuersville NeffsviUe New Holland Oak Shade RawJinsvillc Strasburg Bainbridgo Bareville Bowmansville Ephratah ll'armersvillo Hcmpfield IIighvillo Lancaster I.litiz l\iarietta. :r.rnrtinsville l\iillersville l\it. Joy Neffsvill0 New Providenco Oregon Rothsville Safe Harbor Sporting Hill White Oak 'ViJIow Street Bainbridgo llenrtown

242 218 LANOASTER COUNTY Irwin K. Miller Letitia Foreman Harriet A., Churchtown Eshelman J uiia Good Hannah :l\iu8selman Sarah Phillips Nancy Smith 1\laria Tholl Maria Clark Ann Smith Mary A. Frantz l\iatilda l\loaiister Annie Waggoner Mary Boyles :...-, Mrs. Hensel Harriet, 66 Chestnut Hensel Selina 1\1., Shippcn n Orango Henscl Susan E., 39 E Chestnut NaumanSalomo, W Chestnut bel N 'Vater Shofstalls 1\Iisses, 12 S Princo Wcntz Hannah C., 46 S Queen 'Virth Harriet, Manor n Columbia Frankfort Matilda B. Kline L. Bricker L., Mrs. Zitzmnn C., Mrs. Duffy C. & M. Reop Sarah Sarvison Martin Bleusing S. Carpenter C. l\lussen Harrie' Stipe Rachel Boyle Sarah O. Bornthcisel Mary Bruckart :l\iary A. Hays Anna 1\1. Drill and. Fan Manufaoturers. Potts James, BOOD'S al D the depot Cambridge Cnrnarvou Bowmansville Duck East IIempficlJ Elizabethtown Ephratah Farmersville Georgetown Highville I~allcastcr Landisville Litiz Marietta Oak Shade }{eamstown H Snfo Harbor Silver Spring H Lancaster

243 nusiness DIREOTORY. 219 IIA1lIArAY PHILIP Houston 13enjamin Ii'. DARD :i'iiciiael Drovers. Gap New Holland Druggists. Hackcnbel'ger Samuc:l Bainbridge Deltett S., Ii'ront bet Locust and 1Valnut Columbia. GREEN HENHY F., Front bet ralnut and tho bridge McCorkle William F., I~ocust c Second Miles T. J., J~cust bel Second Williams Rudolph, Front bet J~ocust f4ud Walnut Gross & Crouse Elizabethtown noss R. L. Konigmacher Edwin Ephratah Melinger H. S. Highville Daker 'Villiam G., northeast cor Centre sq JJancRstcr J;;llmaker Thomas, 'V Kiug opp Cross Keys tavern Heinitsh Cbarles A., 13 EKing Hcitshu Daniel H., 13 'V King If Kauffman Benjamin H., 41 N Queen If Long John Ii'. & Co., 6 N Queen ~Iarkley G. n., 60 E IGng U Muhlenberg Benjamin B., 8 B Queen It Parry Ely, 36 E King It Smith James, 10 E King If Waylnn J., 60 N Queen It llill~ri Uili Ensminger Samuel, S Prussia. 0 :Market Manheim Grovo & Hoth, l\iarkot Marietta llinklo Frank, l\iarkot n Elbow In Libhart John Jay Bowman D. & J. W. Maytown Heistand A. :M., Main l\1t. Joy IJCader Joshua, l\iain n High It JOHNS J. It. New Holland Hoover George J. })aradiso Millinger M. ]~. 811ft Harbor Wiost 8. S. Schooneck }1~mmingor Samuel Sporting Hill KCDongj & Co. Strasburg

244 220 LANCASTER COUNTY Dry Goods Dealers. (See also COUfl(l:lJ S(ol'es.) Fondersmith II. C., Locust n the Dank Columbia Fry & Hagman, Front opp the IJank II Haldeman R. J., IJocust ab Front. H McTague P. S. & Co., Locust n the Bank McTague &Brother, Front bet 'Valnut and the bridge Yerkes Jacob Do, Union bet Fourth and Fifth nair David, 11 EKing J.lancastcr nard & Son, 27 N Queen nomberger William T., 72 EKing nreneman- P. K., 15 EKing Erben Henry L' J Centre sq n the Post Office Erben S., Centre sq l~rben S. E' J \V Kinp; bel Prince Fahnestock George, 20~ S Queen. Fahnestock It. E., 33 N Queen Gara Hu~h S., 55 EKing Geisenberger 1\108e8, 39 N Queen Getz J. G., 24 W Kin~ Hager & nrotherll, \V King 0 Market Harman Daniel, 'V King n Watcr Herr J olm, 5 B King U Hollinger & Fahnestock, 11 N Qucen JAlne James Do & G. Taylor, 19 EKing H Long P. & Nephew, 7 N Queen' Martin B. B. & Co., \V King 0 Prin(;c U 1\lyer John P., \V King n southwest 0 Centre Sf{ (, Steiger Henry, \V King 0 'Vator,u Wentz Brothers, I.E King White Dandridge, S Prince 0 German \Yitmer &Bro., Front Mountville Dyers. Batten Israel Myers Israel. Dodge & Co., 4 Market sq Dougll1S 'V. H., 10 Chestnut Emmett Ann, German 0 IJeaver Uber Otto, \Valnut n Mulberry Willig Frederick, Vine n Duke Batten Israel Rudisil Martin, II IJareville l~phratllh IJnncastcr U (( (( JJCRco( k Sporting Hill

245 BUSINESS DJRECTORY. 221 Eating Houses. Peterman George, Front n \Valnut Riale Jobn, Union bet Fourth and Fifth.Sturgis Edward Romel Frederick, Millersville Drabenstade George W., Main RaUacber Adam Rees Ezekiel Colombia H Litiz Manor Mt. Joy Rothsville Strasburg Reifsnyder Jesse Keener John Lutz John A. Hoffman S. Mellinger Henry Silvius 0., 80 S Queen Brady William, Maio Hews George Dohnor Joseph Edge Tool Manufacturers. Durlach East Hempfield Farmersville Highville Lancaster Mt. Joy Peter's Creek Schoeneck Engine Builders and Machine Manufacturers..MilIer & Fellenbaum, IlIum cor n. R. Exohange and Deposit 01l10e8. Reed John K. &00., EKing ab Duke Lancaster Re\3a, McGrann, Kelly &, Co., S W cor Centre sq. and S Queen Express Offioes. Adams' (II. Isonc, sgt.) Adams' (It. A. Marsba)), ngt.) Ziegler l~. X., Ulaok's hotel Adams', B Chestnut Adams' (Stehman, agt.) Lancaster Bainbridgo Christiana Columbia Lancaster.Marietta. Fancy Goods. (See also Country Stores.) Brobst Susan, JJooust bet Front arid Second Shaffer Elizabeth, Looust n the Duuk 19* Columbia

246 222 IJANCASTER COUNTY Greives ThoDltlll, 65 N Queen Hirsh & Brothers, 8 N Queen Rotharmcl Jacob, 9! N Queen Rough John, 59 N Queen l\iotzgcr Elizabeth, l\iarket n Elbow la Giberson Catharine, l\iain Fanning Mill Manufacturer. Dellinger J., S Queen bel Cemetery IJancaster II C(.'Marictta!tH. Joy Lancaster Fire-Engine Hose Manufaoturers. Konigmnoher &Bauman, N Prince and tho R. R. Lancaster Burkholder S. B. Hart John Erwin Joseph liammer Henry Sourbicr Reuben Keyser Joseph Fish Dealers. Farmersville Rawlinsville UCkmstown Safe Harbor Schoeneck Flour, Grain, and Feed. Erb C. G. ljainbritlgo Foreman Jacob 'Venger Mark a. Dareville Valkcf & Uro. Christiana Myers Anthony, l?rollt bet 'Vlllnut nnd the bridge Columbia 'Visslcr Christian Durlnch Few & lioffcr Elizabctht~-vn Gish &, Uro. J~andi8 Reuben Ephratnh Hunsberger & Rudy Farmersvillo Rupp Joseph Wenger Joel ljrown J. Fulton Houso J~llmaker N., jun. Gap Pugh E. 'Valker J. C. C( :Mellinger Daniel IIighvillo Onrrceht Henry, 61 EKing IJuncnstcr Onn~ J4oren~, Church n Church nl

247 nusini';ss niuectory \Iohn rijiinm, S Queen cor Conestoga 1\Iyers Christinn, ' Oran~e cor Mulberry 1>001 Joseph, N Queen ab Lemon Stauffer &, Heistand 1\1oore Daniel Fry Samuel Keller J. Royer Jacob Metzgar A. II. Grover &, Knfroth Ressler WiJliam Whitson Thomas IJushong Amos Ronk &J.,andis Stauffer }>etcr King I.IOvi Houston Benjamin F. Newbauser John Groff Daniel Flickinger \Yilliam 1\letzger Andrew, I~ine Valley Miller John Witmer Jacob n. Miller Jacob, Uea,'cr Creck Reider J oscph MisseUler Jacob Brose Daniel Krebel J noob Schock Abraham Stauffer John Docrstler Adam Kauffman John Kauffm.lln Samuel Landis J. K. ImAR OAnnIEJJ, Market trackman Abraham S., ft Main ltlyjin lrrnncis Ammon George Bechtol \VilIinm Strebig Jncob J~anca8ter 'r LnndisviJle UnwIinsville RothsvilJe Schoeneck Slackwnter \\'est Earl Flour Mills. esee also Grz'st J.llills.) Binckley's Bridge Christiana Enterprise Gap Groff's Store Intercourse I~ampeter.l\Ianor u MartinsviJle 1\1astersonviJIo u l\iaytown u 1\1illersviJJe u H l\it. Joy H Now Providenco Uci nboldsvillo Safo Harbor

248 224 LANOASTER COUNTY ltintzger Abraham, Pet()rsville HERR HENRY, Locust Valley Stauffer Benjamin 1\1. Forges. Ringwood (Baldwin & Clemson) Sadsbury (James Goodman) Upper 'Vindsor (Blight & Co.) Blackwater Strasbur~ 'Vhite Oak Ohristiana Churchtown Forwarding and Transportation. Walker & Co. Cooper Joseph Lytle William Pugh Elijah, agent J.,eeho David H. Hopton Edwin Albright & Co., R R r Chestnut Longnecker & Baker, N Prince n R R Calder George & Co., Graff's Landing :McComsey Levi, Chestnut bel N Queen WIT~IER A. K. :l\iusselman, HERR & CO. Fruits, &0. Keyes Joseph J., centre sq n the P. O. Landis David Fulling Mill. Furnaoes. (See also Forgu.) Chikiswalungo. E. & Co. llaldej1mn Cordelia. Kauffman &Shaeffer Grubb Clement n., West Hempfield Township KNOTWELL llenlty, agent Geiger Christopher, S Princo Donegal. Eckert & 1\Iyors }~aglo. Eagle, JJeaver & Co.?tlusselmnn & 'Vatts Grub }1. & n. neeves, Abbott &Co. Christiana Enterprise Bellvue Gnp Gordonsville Kinzer's Lancaster Paradise Stl'asburg Lancaster Groff's Store Chickccs Columbia II u Jancastcr?tlarictla II u Mount Hopo Sufe Harbor

249 nusiness DIREOTORY Furniture Dealers. (See also OaMnet.mal~ers.) BIetz Frederick, Locust c Front near Jacob, 72 N Queen Brubach Friederich, \V King n N 'Yater Garr John, E Kin~ ab Duke Christ Jacob, 'V King n S 'Vater lake Anton, High n Strawberry Ketcham Jared, 40 N Queen 1\Iay John, 20 S Queen l\iilier Mary, wid., \Y King n Mulberry Rote G. F., 47 S Queen Vansohoick Benjamin H., 13 W King Weidler John, 76 N Queen Widmycr Christian, 41 EKing MYERS RENnY-S., Main l\iyers Jacob jr., Marietta. Roth David Witmer A. K. Gas Fitter and Plumber. Gable Jacob, jr.) 29 EKing Grain Dealers. (Sec also Flour) Grain, and Feed.) Ellmnkcr N. Walker Joseph C. ' Wenger MIU'k G. Grist Mills. Y.;bersole Samuel l~nglo J. 1tI. J4Chman Samuel Wiley John Groff Abraham Amnon George Grupo Jacob Hartzler John Martin John Martin J)avi<l Sundor John (See also Flour ~!l'lls.) Columbia. Lancaster u Ie H H H H H H a H H l\it. Joy Marietta. Pnradise J.Jnncastcr Gap Leacock Bainbridge u tc Dareville Bcartown u it H Dluc Unll H

250 226 LANOASTER OOUNTY Good PCt<;f Shober Reuben E Van Nieda Henry Van Nieda Tillinm!tessler 'VilJiam Long 'V. & H. Pennock Hndley, heirs of Penrose J. & B. Rogers I~aao Hoops Jesso Ammon George Blight & Co., Windsor Upper Forge liatzlor John Martin John Hanway S. J. Whit.son Thomas Wiest Joel Davis William Holmes John Morrison Samuel Paterson & Hayse Worth Samuel A. Eberly Henry Erb Hiram Pannnbccker Jesse Humt\chcr D,miol Hoffman Johu U. ncntz Petor Bucher Monroe Fahnestock John Fry John Greaver John Keller Honry Kempo Samuel G. Sohriner Adam Bitzer John Brison James Durkboldcr Isane Kaforth Samuel 'Volf Jacob Smedly J. &Son 'Vood Samuel Hershey J Boob F. HOyRton n. Ii'. Bowmansville lc Brinkley's Bridge Duck u Cambridge Churcbtown u Christiana Cocalico Colerain II Durlnch East Hempfield lwzabethtown Ephratnh H U (( It H Farmersvillo Fulton Houso Gnp

251 nuslness DIRECTORY. King Levi Newhauser John Cooper J. Heyberger Jacob Kunkel William Groff Daniel Landis J. H. J.J. Lannon Jacob Stanton Stephen Docstler Adam Herr C. H. Lander Jobn Miller John & Co. Schreiner Adam Bowman Reuben Shenck Henry Bushong John Becher Henry Burkfolder C. HesR S. H. KeUer S. E Kllffrotb 1\1. Kreider & Heiss Landis Henry Young Samuel Hostetter John Schock A. &; J., Schock's Station Reynolds Patrick, Greentreo Schultz Christian, Bcavor Mills Bruoker Peter Sherer Samuel Snavely_,Hershy Jacob F. Birks Tunis King James Oldfield David Worth S. A. JrcssJohn MiHcr John DruB Samuel Eshleman Jacob Rohrer Christian & I~aao Wingor ]~Ii Stubbs OilJlen 227 Gap Gcorgtltown H Groff's Store Hempfield II rt lligbviho H tt Rinckleton l.jandis\'ille LcncoC'k IJi liz Manheim Marietta Martinsvillo ~r88torsonvilje MilJersvUle New Milltown Oak Shado It It Oregon Paradiso H Petels Creck

252 228 LANCASTER COUN'rY 'Vood D. Groff J. Snavely J obn Wentz Thomas r Bucber Benedick King Samuel Shirk Henry H. Stauffer Philip Buchter John Shanck Rudolph Decker Henry Erb Epbraim Shaffer Jacob Good Christian Hess Benjamin, ab Cascado run :Miller Adam & Son Shenk Henry Lutz Daniel Oberlin Adam Ruchter J obn Garber. Reuben Moore :M. H. SeUers S. Zook Abraham Pet~rs Jacob G. Bre~man Christian STROHM JOHN Jr., Hoover's Mills Townsend's Rambo Nathan Dellinger Henry Grubb Bat~s Hostetter J ahn Nisslir Jacob SqUers Peter Bra:ckbill Magdelana, White Hall BiDc~If)Y Christian Bershy Jacob II. Bradley Isaao Smedley Thomas Weaver John Graybill H. B. 'Volf Jacob Erb Isaae Hauenstein Johu Pleasant Grove Uawlinsvillo Reamstown ReinholJsville Uockville Uotbsville Safe Harbor Schoeneck. Silver Spring Slackwater Smitbsvillo Smyrna South Hermitago Sporting Hill Strasburg Swarr's Milb 'II 'Vakcfield,VcaVH?llill,ycst };arl II White Oak II

253 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 229 Grocers. (Sec also (Jountry Stores.) Smith & Kurtz Dainbridge Bishop T. Jo, Cherry c Fourth Columbia BIetz Benjamin, Locust c Ii'ront Dearbeok t,:eorge, Union bet Fourth and Fifth Grap Fft}titJrick, Fifth 0 Cherry KllYS :Morgnn, Cherry bet l1~onrth and Fifth U Hepperly George, Fourth c Union Herr Daniel, Walnut bet ~'ront nnd Second U Muller David, Cherry c Fourth Mentzer David,Locust bet Prince andfourth Pellen Augustus, Third (} Locust H l'ollock John G., Fifth bet Union and Cberry It Rambo Ao 111o, Locust bet Second and Third H Sebelest John, Union bet Third and Fourth Smith l'iartin, Front 0PP the Basin SUYDA~I DENRY, }i~ront 0 Union Tille George, Union 0 Fifth Welsh & Uhler, High, over the Bridgo West Burgess, Ii'ront n the Bridge Clinton James Elizabethtown Aaron Moser, Locust () Freibnrg J.J:mcastcr Albright Frederick Ao, 'Vo King n Strawberry Beahm John Do, \V King U Bender Christian, 'V King n ~Iary u Bitner Catharine Eo, N Queen ab Chestnut Blickenderf6; Edward, N Queen ab 'Valnut Boas William jro, Manor bet 'V King and the Bridge Bowers J noob, 189 S Queen Campbell Jeremiah, 'V King (} Dorwart Carr Alice, 66 }] King Carson Isaac, N Quecn bel IJCmon Daisz Christopher, 221 S Queen Dellct Peter, N Queen ab Ohestnut It Doerr Charles, Vine n Duke H Dorwurt }]manuel, 'V James n Water H Edgerlcy Charlcs, EKing 0 Church H IMwnrds Charles, 228 S Qllccn H.~sbclman Emanuel Po, 248 Middle II Fairer 'f., (} lluko and Chestnut Finger Adam, Orange 0 Charlotte 20

254 230 I,ANCASTER COUNTY Finger Philip, Lemon c Mulberry I?ondersmith John, 116 EKing Gable HenrJ A., 141 S Queen Gara Hugh S., 55 EKing Ginder Philip, 160 EKing Gougl er Rebecca, wid. Jacob, Manor c al Gundaker George, 'V Chestnut n N 'Vater HI\fman Daniel, W King n N 'Vater Hartman John I., 75 N Queen Heleinll John P., 60 Ohnreh Hofman Mary, Middle n S Queen Holt Thomas, S Queen c Hazel Hone Michael, Beaver n Andrew Hubley J. 'V., northeast 0 Queen and Centre Sfl James Timothy, 126 EKing Jennings Sarah, N Queen opp Frederick Kepner John, N Water ab Orange King David, 67 EKing King Samuell\I., Orange c Prince Kopp John P., 262 Middle lang John, 'V Orange bet Charlotte and Mulberry l.jorenz John, N Queen c Frederick Mcl~adden Hobert, 40 8 Duke Markley Hcnry, 'V 'Valnut n Mulberry Martin B. B. & Co., 'V King c Prince Metzger Henry, S Queen n Conestoga Miller llenjamin I) 'V King 0 N 'Vater Miller ]~rdest, 'V IieIDon 0 Mulberry Miller \Valson H., 'V King 0 Market Morrison Samuol J., Duke 0 Churoh Miller Casper, Middle n S Queen Niehaus Joseph, 289 S Queen Palmer Henry, Manor n Columbia T'cnnock George 1\1., Conestoga 0 Heaver Peters Charles, Factory rd e Middle nemley George J 'V King 0 Manor. Ringwalt Adam Z'l 41 EKing. Schewrcnbrnnd Johu A., James 0 N Queen Schicdel Jncob, Manor opr ])orwnrt Schleich.Johu, lih l~ King Sohneider 'Vilbelminn, N Quecn n ralnut Schum l)hilip, S Water 0 German Schwebel Charles, Fl'ciburg c IJOW Lancaster H

255 .. nusiness muec'l'ory. 231 Seisert George, 269 S Queen Sheaffer Martin, N Prince n Lemon Shindel George, 'V King n Charlotte Skiles John D., 18 J~ King Smeltz Jacob R, N Quecn c 1,;emon Smeych Mary, Manor n 'V King Snyder Carl, N Queen u Walnut Spath Louisa, Walnut n Mulberry Stahl Ii'rank, 63 Chestnut Steer George, High bet I,;()vo la and Strawberry Steiger Henry, 'V King c 'Vater Stc\vnrt Edward, 35 S Qucen Vandersaal Samuel, 'V Chestnut c Prince Widmyer Joseph, Church n Washington Zcisctz George, S Queen n Columbia Garden Kauffman Abraham H., 'Ynshington i Martin Ohristian D., ' ashington I 1\1ayers & Son, 'Vashington ~ Aufcr John UUl1hanan Joseph, 91 Mnrket Flctcher Henry, opp 'Vinding Dridge Grosh William n., Front Inhoff Joseph,.Market Mundorf George, Ii'ront Reisinger Isaao, Second Roth John,.Market Trainor & Summy, Front I IJightner Harman i Markley John ~ G1assley John, Springvillo i Hackman John 1\1., Main Smith WilJiam 1\1. I LANTZ DENJA~IIN W. Gunsmiths. Drcppcrd John, WRing c 1\1nlberry.J<;ichbollz & ljrother, 59 N Queen Fordnoy Jacob, N Prince n Orange Gibbs Henry, 22 Princo Lancaster H H H H H 1\1anor l\inriettll. H H It H H Maytown Mt. Joy New Honan,) Safo Illubor J~nl1CnfitCl' H H Hair Dressers, Ricl1ardson John CLEaaET rill1al\1, Front 0 'Yalnnt }Jilek COIUlll bh

256 I,ANCASTER COUNTY Jackson \Villhlln (col'd), Front ab Talnut Columbia Jones 'WilIiam (col'd), Locust bet Seoond and Third Harris George J. Elizabethtown Irvin Hiram ];jphrlltah King II. G. Fulton House noston J~lijah, \V King n Market squaro Lancaster Boston Uobert, N E cor Centre sq Cross James, [) N Queen Draper \Villiam, EKing ab Queen il Harris George J., nl back N Queen ab W Walnut Hart John, 84 N Queen Heckler Charles, 35 EKing Hoffman Auguatus R, 66 N Duko Le Bar Joseph, SOl N Queen JJiHer Christopher, N Queen ab Chestnut Martain D., \V King c }'rince l'nden John B., 20 S Queen Rosh Mathias, N Queen bel Walnut Williams C. D., 84 N Queen 'Villiams John, 'Valnut n Mulberry 'VilJinma Samuel J., 18 \V King Yeagor John, Market Manheim Grear SInter A., Market Marietta Singor J~dward, I'-ront 'Valkor \Villinm IJll Bar John 1\1. l'iijjersvillo 'Volligo John, Main!tIt. Joy Henry Thaddeus New Holland Tucker Daniel UawliLilville llogors John Reamstown Daer John G. Safe Harbor Stober Jacob. Schoeneck Handscrew Maker. Drunner CnElper, N Queen nb Chestnut J~nncastcr Hard,vare and Cutlery. Cottrell J. 'V., J~ocust opp Columbin Dank Columbia }>fnhlcr Henry, IJooust orr tho 1Jank II Rumple Jonas, IJocust het ll'ront and Second H ljrynn & Kuhns Elizabethtown Dyer Jacob U

257 IJuchQlil1er Robert, 51 N Qu':!en Marke)' J. u., 47 N Queen nusiness DIRECTORY. 233 IJancaster Mayer George, 22 N Queen H Uussel A. W. & J. R, 8 EKing H Sprecher & Co., 29 N Queen Steinman G. ~I. &Co., W King bet Prince nnd Centre sq Deyer John, Murket.l\fllubeirn!)atferson & Stcrritt, ~Iarket n Elbow 1/\ Marietta. Roth David, Market Myers John, Main J>orter George 'V., Uain ~rt. Joy BRUBAKER & SMITH, Mentzer Jaeob New Holland liadley James RawJinsvillc Dyer Jobn ]JOWEU & HOLL Sporting Hill Strasburg Harness, Saddlen, and Trunks. Eshleman David BOHNERT JOHN C. JJCwis Henry Striokler Samuel Dubree John JJuUman Goorge P., IJooust bet Seoond and Third ]'fhaler Jacob C., IJoeust bet l11'out and Seoond Snyder Isanc, Walnut bet li'rollt and Second Cochran David II. Kinsey William Uoyer Joseph It. 1%er801e John S. Harmony Samuel ljauman Albert Williams Lot It ljrown Samuel Nolt J. Zook A. 1\1. Bainey J obn n. Kilefner John S. ]Jaker Henry UOJ'er ]Mward E. OURIJEY JOHN J;~berman Edward H. 20* H Bainbridge 13arevillo Blue Ball Brickcrsville Buck ColumbilL u Colerain Conestoga Centre l~ast IIempfield Ji}lizabeth town ]i'armersville Gap Georgetown Goodville HempfieJd HinokJeton Intercourse l~nm peter

258 J,ANCAsTER COUNTY Krcckel Edward, High n JJove b Martin Xavier, S Queen n Columbia Miley Amos, 78 N Queen })inkerton Henry, 'V King c Centre sfj Saddler John, 273 S Queen Schaeffer E. & Son, EKing c Centre sq Yeeker JJlaiaius, 28 N Queen Keller Edward Kreider Daniel Ueynolds 1'heodoro Fasig Aaron N., N Prllssi:lll Yeager Godfried, S I)russian Dellinger S. I~., l\larket Garman Benjamin, Market Kline John II., Front. Drubalmr Alums DEIDLl~It B. 'V., Main 0 Manheim Hoffman IJevi M., Marietta and l\luill Martin Christian l\i., Main Uhrich Jacob, Main Dowers Abraham, Front n the P. O. Styer John Teaver Iticbnrd IJurkins John T. }'ond{lrsmith Georgo :Mcl\Iiehael Daniel Musser 'Villiam IIeiller Charles l\i. Roye.r Reuben It. Mentzer J. & J. IJowers Abraham S. 13ridgo ]'rcdcriek Brubaker Henry M. FllSi Anron l\lc)hail James Hoffman Henry Duchman.John, ]I\lirvillo 'Vidman Philip II. IJrowll Sumuel It Hats, CapsJ &0. Griffith James D., Front bet I.ooust and 'alnut liess Jacob, Pront n Walnut IJuneastcr H It. IJ)'lo Manheim Marietta It Millersville l\it. Joy Mountville New Holland (I Oak Shade })arndiso Rawlinsvillo Ueamstown u Uoth<,,,ilto Scboellcck Ril vcr Spl-inK Sporting Hill Strasburg Swarr's Mill 'l'cl'ro Bill V ognnsvillc 'Vest ]';llrl Columhia II

259 BUSINESS mrl';01urv. 235 I i i,i I t TREDENICK I~I~WIS, Locust bet I?ront nn(l Second Amer Charles n., N Queen Amer John, 12 B King Heitshu 'Villinm A., 14 N Queon Torr T. n., 10 N Queen Shuitz & Brother, 20! N Queen and 23 EKing SmW, Frederick, 1H 'V Kin~ Miller Adam, Prussian Crull John Meckley Georgo 'V., 92 Market Eshleman Samuel Uicksockcr Levi, Main Dlcnsinger David Hide and Leather Dealers. (See also Leallter and Pincll'llgs.) Sniith Abram Illig Jacob Reed Georgo Thomas Joseph Weaver n. F. & A. Mears Christian Lorimor John H. F~xclll\Dge, J. D. IIem Unic'n, John Filbert Washington, H. ISMes Dareville, Samuel It. Myers IIAI~F.'VAY Woidlor Amos llcl\rtown, IJebcr California, Oyrus Weiler Hotels. HOUSE, Ann M. 'Vcidler Spread l~aglc, George Ax. Wushington, John Myers llinkloy's Bridge, n. Lumncy Cross Keys, Groff &, Shreiner EDl~N, HBNJAMIN IIl~RSII, Eden Ulue BaU, William Coleman Sorrel Horse, John Cox ~~sbelman SamuQI Messner Isaao llrickervillc, F. & 1. Helitz Oolumbia J~ancaster (C H l\ianbeim 1\1arietta l\iarticvijle 1\1t. Joy Reamstown Bainbridgo Durlach Farmersville Fulton Houso Gap Highvillo Safo Harbor Uainbri(Jgo < H Unrcvillo u llcnrtown u Binkley's TIridge u H Jlluc Ihll Bowmansville u Drickcrvillo

260 236 LANCASTER COUNTY Eaat n..ickervilje, 'Villiam Illeg Drickervillo UNION, Samuel H. Miller Kemp S. G. Brownstown nuck, 8. & G.,V. JIurbison Duck Centreville, J. D. Malono Cross Keys, Henry Rush II Fairfield, Bmanuel C. \Vatera Fair View, Edward Surgcl t Spring Grove, E. Gnnot lc Swigert Felix Ammon J obn Cambridge Spread Eagle, S. Lemon Marshall R. A. Christiana Red Lion, 1\1. Rowland Ell~lo, George Ax Churchtowll \VASHING'fON HOUSE, J ohu Myers II Flickinger Riohard Cocalico Al\UJRICAN, Jacob \Vall, Front bot Locust and Walnut Columbia DEIJLEVUE HOUSE, Front 0 Wnlnut J3Inck's, Joseph H. Black, Ii'ront opp the brid~e IC Columbia, JJydia Brown, Front. bet Mill and }>orry COLUMBIA, JOSI~PII ULMER, JJoeust 0 Third CROSS KEYS, JOIIN LIST, Ii'ront 0PP the Dasin J~aglo, John Kramer, l~ront n tho bridge Franklin, J. S. Miller, Locust bet Front nnd Second FUIJTON HOUSE, ANDREW ZELIJEU, Front n \Valnut Green Tree, A. Dickinson, Front n \Valnut Jefferson Houso, Martin J~rwing, Front bet I,oeust and Union Lamb, Vatience Slack, IJooust bet Second and Third Mount Vcrnon, Isaoo Uinle, I~ront opp the Ilnsiu H National, Gerhard Brandt, IJocust 0 8ccond National Exchange, lienry 1\1. 'Vilis, Looust c Second Pine Creok, C. Tyson, Front n!)erry l( Uising Sun, \V. O. Duttcuhofcr, nb l~jfth n Cherry Sevon Stars, John MoDonald; Front n Porry Susquehanna, Elizabeth Wolf, Ii'ront atthe It R. Depot Swan, Robecca l%crloin, JJocust bet Second nnd 'l'hird U \VASHING'fON I10USN, J)ANINIJ HlnU, F.'ont c 'Vnhmt Black Dcar, Jucob Gall Conestoga Centre,.John G. })I'iCR Conestoga Centro u

261 nusiness DIRECTORY. 1 i!~ I I; Western Hotel, Elizabeth Eckman Conestoga Centre Clay Township Union House, Absalom 'Volf Dudnch Forney G. 13. ]~arlville near Henry!I. East HcmpficlJ Swarr Jacob Anchor, Martin Kling Elizabethtown Black Horse, G. 'V. lloyer H Golden Star, H. Shitz U Greenwalt A. U ltaijroad House, Jame9 J.Jyneh Wasbington, Mrs. Foltz U W. 'Donegal House, n. Sheaffer U IHRD IN HAND, Wendeillall Enterprise Uird in Hand. John Itowe Kcncagy Henry U RJack Horse, Chambers Yundt Epbratah l~agjje, John 'V. Gross U Greenville, John l~nck, Greenville U Ilabnstown, Mrs. Dreneman l\iountain Springs, J. Konigmaehcr l\ft.. Vernon House, Martin Gross N. Berlin, Jacob'Vcnge U N. l~phratah, John G. Hacker Washingt,Qn, B.F. Hull Cockley Jacob!l'nrmersvillo nellevul~, O. T. 'Wa))nce, Bellevue Gap }jmbree J. Gap Grade, Jas. Embreo Uising Sun, J. I>. Knight, Rising Sun White Horse, John ~l\fason Foiles l\lnrtin 1\1. Georgetown Garret l~dwin Hurst John S. GOItDONBVIIJLE, IJ. R, Rhoades Gordonsville nutter Samuel S.,!lonterey Groff's Store Cross Keys, Poter Deny Hompfield Hough, John Davis Campboll 'V. ' JIighvillo Cross Koys, Stoner &, Howes Green Tree, Jacob.l\fann Hcss l~dward HotTman A. C. lllaek Horse,.Chambers Yundt IIinclcJctown II

262 238 LANCASTER COUNTY J~ngle, Henry Schmikey Hinckletown Stur, John 'Vickel Cross Keys, Samuel M. Knox Intercourso TRAVl~IJr~Elt'S REST, John Sbeaffer Kinzer's, Edwin Hopton Kinzer's Smith John S., 'Villiamstown Lytle Franois Kirkwood Eagle, Henry Mill Lampeter u Metzger Michael, Bridgeport l>otts-, Bridgeport Sheaf of 'Vbeat, John C. Buldwin Dlack Bear, G. L. MeHsonkop, 9 I~ King IJnncnstcr Rlack Horse, R. n. Johns, 23 N Queen Colu.robia Garden, Samuel COrlllen, h 283 S Queen CONESTOGA ni~1'neat, Dau'llIurtmnn, Graff's., Landing Conewngo, Thomas Cox, Prince ab Chestnut CrosB Keys, John Urban, 7,V King l~agle, Emanuel Shober, 35 N Queen Eastern, 79 EKing Exchango, Ohristian Sbenck, 17 EKing li'airmount Inn. John ~'ymonoy, 157.l<J King Ji'armers' and JJa'overs' Inn, 1.'. G. Bach, N Queen 0 'V IJOmon li'ountain Inn, Jacob Huber, S Queen bet Contro sq and Vino Franklin House, n. H. Kauffman, 45 N Queen li'ulton liouso, Harvey U. Varn8, N Queen 0 It It General Scott, C. J.!>)jtt, S Queen 0 Middlo General Taylor, Jacob 'Voolfor, 140 EKing Genoral Taylor, Jas. Donnelly, N Queen ab Ohestnut Globe, Samuol C. '1'ny10r, N Queen 0 Chestnut (C Golden Horso, Il'ritz & Killian, 65 EKing Grape Hotel, John Michael, 17 N Queen Oreat \\'estorn, 1'. O. Greider, N Queen 0 \Vnlrmt Grcen 'l'rco liouso, 'V King n Chnrlotto Jnckson House, Geo. SanlCold, 133 ]~ King }{cystono, Schlott &. Schnuer, N Queen ab 'Chostnut King of Prussia, l.'rcd'k Hess, 47 'V King IJamb, Henry h Kaufman, 'V King r. Centro sq IJllmb Tavern, 81 S QllCen., J.J1ITlCllst{)r Cit)' ]~xchnnge, Owcn Hopple, N Queen c Chestnut u

263 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 230 Lancaster County House, 42 EKing,Manor House, 'V King n N rat~r l\iaurer l>eter Swan, John WittHnger, 30 S Queen Merrimac House, N Prince n 'V Omll~o National House, George Horting, 29 N Queen North American, Henry J~. nu~ Northern Inn, N Prince c James People's Head Quarttws, S Queen 0.Middle Plough Hot~l, 'V Kin{( c Charlotte Darnet N Queen c Chest. Red Lion, Frederiok C,1oper, 'V King n ~Iarket nees's, J. & D. Roes, 77 N Queen Resh Sampson, Fish mkt, S Queen n E Vine Rising Sun, 'V King n Mulberry Schwarzen Ross, Martin Rudi, 222 Middle Sorrel Horse, Jacob IJemon, 'V King n I'rince Sprecher's, EKing nb Duko Star Houso, 'Vm. Richardson, N Queen bel Lemon Swan, HOllry S. Shenek, Centre sq Travellers' Inn, 200 EKing Tremont, John R. Watkins, '78 N Queen Union, John DiUow, l~ King n Court.houso Union, Gottlieb Young, 8 Chestnut United States, Martin Brice, 33 S Queen Washington, N Queen 0 'V 'Vnlnut Western, W Orango 0 N 'ater White Horse, 07 N Queen Youart's, 17 EKing JJandisville, J ncob Landis Minich Simon Mechanicsburg, Michael Roland, Mechanicsburg Lancaster H H. H IJ:mdisviIJo IAlllCOck Spread Eagle, Michael Dender, ~Ieclmuicsburg Lexington, G. Sohlott JJiliz LITIZ SPRINGS, S. Liehtcnthllelor NEW HAVl~N, A. 'V. Shobor nomo Inn, John nendor Warwiok, Thomas Sands Bckmnn H. JJylo HIack Horso, Jncob G. IJcbcr, S Prussi:lIl.Manheim li'cttcr Jllcob G., N!'rllssioll II Globe, Henry Ritter, N Prussinn

264 LANCASTER COUNTY VIASHINGTON HOUSE, Abm. II. Heist, Market o Charlotte Manheim Cbarleston Inn, 'Yoshington Manor 'Vasbington House, C. D. Martin 'Vashington Inn, Ben. Kauffman Break of Day House, C. Haur Marietta Canal House, David Cassel Cross Keys, Jacob l?unk Donegal House, S. G. l\iiller Eagle House, George Peters Steam Boat, l\irs. Flury JJower Station Houso, 1\1rs. Stono Lyndon House, P. Deitrick Old Ferry Houso, B. Taylor H Porry House, J. R. Evans Upper R. R. Houso, S. S. Nagle 'Vhito Swnn Houso, G. IIcekrotb 'Vliito 11011, Alice Harkins Eshleman Henry. l\inrtievillo Leesburg, Martin lierr, IJCesburg GREEN TREE, 1\1. & I. Groff, Greentrco l\iartinsvillo Franklin Houso, Ann Houseal Maytown Washington House, George l\iurrny Cl BIJACK HORS}), George Hornberger Millersvillo FRANKLIN nouse, John Bittz ltliljorsvil!o, John Brady l\iihvillo S\VAN, Jacob Immel Cross Keys, Henry Sherhahn, Main l\lt. Joy Exchange, Henry Shaffner, Main Hiestand Jaoob, Springville Northern Liberty, Abm. Reiff Red Lion, J os. S. Porter, Main Washington House, Benjamin Flory, l\lain Black near, Jacob!{lug Mountvillo Farmers' and Drovers' Swan, D. A. Weiser, Front 'Vest Hcmpfiold, Abm. Herr, Front NEFJfSVILLE, Charles H. }{ryder Neffsville SHANGHIE, J)aniel Hoffman New Danville, Samuel Shroad New Danville 'Vushington, Michael Zercher l~nglc, J obn 'Yinger New Holland!I'urmcrs' and Drovers', John St,yer

265 nusiness DIRECTORY. 241 Black A. Centre Square New Holland House, Benjamin Hersbey New Holland Bcd Lion, David T. Bear H Western, George Dear PBOVIDENOE, A. lv. Baldwin, jun. New Providence Barton James Ii'. Oak Shade l\fijler Lydia H Town n. Cl BeBsler Square, Peter K. BeBsler, Ressler sq Old Line plack Horse, n. Long }>aradise Kcneagy J neob II J,JEIUON PLACE, N. Trout, I..,cUlon pi ti.pjijnnville, Eli S. ],Jichtenbergcr, PennviJJe Penn Woodward JiJdwin. Peter's Creck Fairview, F. n. GrofT RawJinBviJ)o l'iccall's Ferry, 1\1rs. Reese UcCue John If l\iidway, Je88e Engles If Bobinson George If Hahne It. ReamFJtown.Iteam Andrew ti Roth Henry Blaok HorBo, IfenryKegercis Reinholdsville nlue BaJJ,?tIrs. l\fuma ti Eagle, Samuel n. FJiokinger ReinholdBviUe Inn, Jncob JiJbJing It Keystone House, S. Hallaoher RotbsviJJo l\liuport, P. KofrQth (j Rothsvme, J. HaJJachcr It Travellers' llome, George Geyer It Fisherman'sand Watermau's,'ViUiam Campbell Safe Harbor FRANKLIN HOUSE, Edward HeBs II ~IANSION HOUSE, George H. ReBs H Mount Laurel, John Kolp It i,.,. Susquehanna and Oonestoga InD, Peter Campbell ti Western, l\frs. Eckman H, ~fentzer JOHN lv. Schoeneck : l\iountville, A. Herr Silver Spring 1\lusso1' Joseph (j Shawnee, D. Zeager It Silver Spring, John Kindig It Swan, D. A. 'Veiser Cl }(auftman Jaeob SJackwat(Jr 21

266 242 ]>ctersville Inn, Jacob Kauffman, l'ctcrsville Rockhill Inn, Jncob n. ~~rb, Uockhill ljlue Bell, Mrl!. Miller Sprend ~~aglc, J obn C. Smith Fox Hunt., S. D. Smoker Bell, Jesse McMullen Black lior80, J. IJehcr Cross Keys, })ot01' K. Hesler Grube Martin }leiet Abraham SUMN}4~Y J AeOn l'anoa8tf.r COUNTY 'Vaebington, S. Fry CUOSS KJ~YS, 'Villiam l ~chtornoch lloil noad, Levi Summy Swan, J amos Curran 'Vashington House, Henry IJeor }?oirville, John Frocht, Vllirvillo 'Mansion, Charles Uonm Vo#(ans\'ille, Knight })rice Cros8 Keys, Joseph l'hillip3 llonediol G. I? Black Adam Brown D. n. Bus~er J ncob Forney Gabriel n. Kemper S. G. Mt. Alto, l~rcdcrick Genlboch, Mt. Alto Hlnok Horsc, Henry Gull S~~VEN S'l'ARS, Joscph Gochennucr 'Voshington Houso, 11. M. Kreider 'Villow Streot, Dcnjnmin Rowe Huckster. LOCKARD SAMUEL, Fourth bot Tnlnut nnd Locust Ioe Dealer, HartOlan Jacob, N Prince U!Jcmon Companies, InGurano'~ (lye Apl'(1Idi.t.) Slackwater Smithville Smyrna Sportiug Hill Strll8bur~ 'ferro Hill Vognnsvillo 'Vukefiohl 'Vost l~l\rl Whito Oak 'Villow Street Columbia Lancaster

267 njight Isaao O. Hornberger & Co. Potts Josoph JJnldwing Ringwood Goodman James UUSINES8 TlRECTORl'. Iron li'orges. 243 Rcarlown H, Christiana Iron Founders. Hopkins James M. Buck }Juah I... &Co. Cllrilltiann Wolf WiJliam, Front ColumLh Kirkpatriok WiJJinm, Orange n f-ihippc'n J.nnclllltel' Matshbank & McConkey, CheBtnl~t on.~uko Urunner P. & D. JJiti~ Grubb A. Dates Mount Hope Urady Ohristian II., ~rbin Mt. Joy MAHSn nrotlil~hs, BaRt cn,) Main SNYDER S. & J. t UnrLllra 0PP tlto AClldemy H nnuar SAM UgrJ M., PnradiRo neeves, Abbott ~ Co. Safo Hnrbor Grubb O. H. Silver Hprin~ IInldemnu B. & Co. l( Kauffman & Shnofl'cr II l\iccormick Henry II Iron Manufb.oturers. Shawnee Iron 'Yorks Cartor 'Villinm J.J. O'llryen B. Iron Ore Mines. Clark Jobn, n Maytown rond Schullz-, on l\it. Joy piko )Johrer & Bruchart Chestnut Hill Iron Oro Co. Coponheff H. Grubb O. n. Haldeman E. &, Co. lioagondnhl- Shirk John Smith & Iloagondabl Columbia Marietta 1\Iariet ta u SiI\'cr Spring If l( Ii H (j II II

268 24i LANOASTER COUNTY Justioes of the Peaoe. (See Appendix.) Junk Dealers. Eckstein Joseph, Prince n James 'Velsh John, Diller's al n S'Vater Lancll8ter Lager Beer Saloons. Kieffer John, Union bet 11~ourth nnd Filth Columbia ANTHONY, Front bet \Valnnt anj. the bridge Vog~le Ulrich, Locust bet Third and Fourth Zeller Andrew, Front n \Valnut?tIcOardle Washington Concstog!1 Centre Cop'cll1nd John, 82 Middle Lancaster Delker John,?tlanor cor Dorwart Dietrioh Henry, N Quecn ndj. Engine house D08tman John P., 11 and 12 CbClstnut Ducsohor Samucl, Manor n \V King Cl Elias Christian G. M., Lemon al 0 Churoh al Cl Erisman Jacob, Strnwbcrry n St. Joseph Fischor J ncob, N Queen ab 'VnlDut Gars John C., 10-1 S Queen IInag Jacob, S Prince n Hnzel Cl Harder Hcroncmus, Strawberry 0 Joseph JIeigcr Mathius, 141 }~ King Heilman Ernst, 147 S Queen Herzog Jacob, Mulberry 0 \Vnlnut lc Homann John A., \V Vine n Strawberry lc Hughes Delilab, German 0 Heaver Cl Kaufman Ifranklin n., 42 S Duke Kuhns William, \Valnut n 'Vater Cl :l\iattern John, 341 S Queen Millor Conrad, N Queen c 'Valnut l\lillcr Fricderi(:h, S \V cor Centre sq U ~Iorsbach Richard, n Cemetery gate Rothweiler Charles, Manor n 'V King (l Schoenberger August, 54 N Queen Scbwilko Gottlieb, Church n Vine (l Sheid Henry, \V King n Mulberr,. H Strobcl Henry, N 'Vater 0 \V Orango (I

269 nusinesh DIRKCTOlty. Stultz Louis, 83 EKing Suter Lawrence, Orange n Charlotte Wachter l\iiohael, 'V King n ~Iary Young GOttlieb, E Chestnut 0PP Depot Zaepfel Hilarius, 3 N Duke noes Charlee, Market Cane Barbaro, 'Vashington Hauer Christoph, Front ~Iaulick Frederick, li'ront Vml(enderfer Anna, Ii'ront n Gay Yost George, lfront t n~rdtcnschlagcr Johan n&rr Jacob It Hegcnmue)Jer 'Vilhelm Westanberger George C. 245 J~ancaster H H Manheim Manor Marietta H l\liileraville Snfe Harbor Strasburg Lawyers. Foreman T. liull DaiubrhJgc Haldeman A. Dinkloy's Bridge Holston 'Villiam R. Buck l?isher J. 'V., Locust bet Front and Second Columbia NORTH H. M., Locust c Front Wade H. A. Eliznhethtown Amwake J. B., 4 S Queen J~nncastcr Amweg John M., S Queen n Centre s<] H Amweg William S., 24 S Duko H Atlee 'VilliaDl A., 45 I~ King Bacr Benjamin Ii' 19 N Duke Baker Daniel G., 24 N Duko Black Jar:es, B King ab Duke Breneman George F., 6 N Duke Urown 'V. 'V., 21 N Duko Urubaker George, 18 N Duke Burrowes Thomas H., N Queen 0 'Yulnut Cbampneys B., 14 J1~ King Cbampneys E., 14 }1~ King Dickey Oliver J., S Queen n J11 Vine Eby Simon P., 38 N Duke H Ellmaker A., 42 N Duke Ellmaker Nathaniel, 42 N Duke }1;gbleman David G., 36 N Duke H Fordney 'Vitliam B., Centre 8<] n S Queen 21*

270 246 LANCASTER COUNTY Franklin l~mlen, 3 S Duke Franklin Thomas E., 26 EKing Harris Alexonder, 25 8 Queen lierr Benjamin, 168 Queen Hiester & Eby, 38 N Duke Hood Alexander H., 20 N Duke Kaufm!ln Junius B., 2 S Duke Keenan Francis, 9 'V Orango Kinzer Uoland, 58 }l~ King Kline Gcorge l\i., 12 N Duke Landis Jesse, 48 EKing LiKhtner Newton, 28 N Duke JJivingston John n., 42 N Duke JJOng Reuben H., 52 ~~ King.MoElroy George 'V., Orange n N Queen l\lcoovcrn Edward, S Que\1n n Centre sq McPhail 'Villiam T., 11 N Duke Neff Aldus J., 80uthwest cor Centre sq l'attcrson David 'V., 27 ~ 'V!{ing Price Samuel II., 50 EKing Pyfer Ii'rederick S., 11 N Duke RoiUy Edward, S Queen n E Vine Reynolds James L., 6 S Queen Reynolds Samuel II., 14 N Duke Shaeffer ljartram A., southwest cor Centre 8lJ Shank Abram 14'., 36 N Duke Slaymaker A., 8 S Queen Smith A. Herr, 8 S Queen Stevens Simon, 44 ~~ King Stevens Thaddeus, S Queen n E Vine Swarr H. D., 46 N Duke Swope Zuriol, 52 E Kin~ 'Vbitcaide 'Villiam, 31 'V King 'Vilson 'illiam n,n Duke n.n King 'Vind Henry A., \V Orange n Mulberry Brua S. 1\1. Gibson 'William N. Leather Belting. IJancnster I( I(, /1( I( I( cc u u fl II II ParadillC Rawlinsvillo Konigmachcr & Bauman, N Princo and the R. It Lancaster

271 nusinei)l:! l>iriwroity. 247 Leather- and FIndings. (See also limes (wel Daveler John, W King bel Prince Locher D. P., 19 W King llocber Michael II., 24 N Queen Kurtz IIenry, Main at Lime Kilns. In~RR DANIJ1jT.. (Pequea) Oohn Andrew,. n the Shawnee Iron 'Yorks Miller & Kendrig IA1ncllster u u Mt. Joy LnnctLQter Sporting Hill H Livery Stables. Hershey Christian, Third bel Locust Colurnbia liogentogier Joseph, 'Valnut bet l?ront nnd Com. merce Blanks John S., r 45 'V I(ing Lancaster Hatz Samuel, 43 N Queen u Mowory George D., 50 EKing u nee8 J. & D., 77 N Queen U Shober J1;mnnuel, Orange n N Queen Suter Lewis, 78 N Queen tc Bicking James I...itiz Cushmas Jamol', Gny 0 l?ront Marietta lc Whitehill J. M. Gornor Jacob Mn)'town Looomotive Builders. Lancaster Locomotive 'Yorks, on It R. n Plum Jancnster Lumber Yards. Dean George & ljro. Bainbridge Campton George 'V. neartown Swigert J1~dward Huck llogl}!~ OJi;OUGE, Front bet Locust nnd Union Columbia Bruner A., l?ront n l)erry cc Cooper Joseph, }!'ront 0 Union U Given William I?, Front bet Union nnd Locust Smith E. K., Front nt the Canal Basin Righ~er Washington, Pront 0 Union ce Vaughcn.,. &, Co., J,oclist n tho CnllnI ce

272 J,ANCA!iTElt COUNTY Uruner Ab'm ]~ntcrrrisc Cooper Joseph Gillespie Natbaniel U rugh E. Gap 'VaJkt'r J. C. II Smoker Amos D. Gordonsville BrcuamllD A. n, HighviJIe Hertzler C II Albright &, Erisman, Prince and W'alnut J.lanctlster Bowman Joseph, 232 J~ Kin~ II Gorreoht 'Villiam, Lemon D N 'Vater U Hartman David, N 'Vat.or c Lemon U J.IOng R. II.) 90 N Duke U }>icklcs Denry U Sener G. & Son8, Prince 0 'Walnut U 'VHITE & NBAVLING, Charlotte Munheim Brush John A. 'Vushingh>n Manor Shuman & House Cl188el A. N Second epp Linden houso 1\Iarietln Grosh J. & Son, Front II Erisman J. 1\1. Ettla & Hipple, Pront U Hiestand S, & n. Ii'., Second opp Linden house U Mehaffey, Duffy & Co. Schaffer Calvin A' I!1'ront D Gay U Sehook A. H. & J.) l?ront nb Upper Station (( Stahl.Jacob & Son, Ii'ront (( Summy A. & A. H., Front U J.lintner J()hn 1\1 ijlers\'iiic Greider Benjumin 1\1., Manheim road 1\It. Joy 'VIT1\IER A. K. }>arnljisc HippIes Lawrence Peter's Creek Flickinger Samuel n. UcinboJdsvillo Habbecker & Hhodes Sdt) Harhor Miller Adam & Son Arndt }'hilip Sporting Hill Nowling Jaoob 'Vhi~ Micbael Beecher & Harnish Uradley Caleb Bush 11', & Co. Maohiuists. Binkley's Bridge Huck Christil\ua

273 nusiness DIRECTORY. 249 DENNEY JOHN Q., Front opp tllo DaRin Columbia SUPPLEJij & DRO., Second bel 'Union H Strenge George East Howpfield Diller 'VilJillm, 'nl bet N 'Vater and Mulberry n Chestnut IJCuthy Frank X., N Queen ab Chestnut Ander Valentino Becker Christian B., New Haven Brunner P. & D., Whitehall ltiill~jr MO~gS G. SNYDER S. &J., Barbara 0PP the Academy Brua S. M. Riddlo Jacob Tan~ert George Burkholder C. Miller Moses Sherer Jacob Marble Yards. Seocenich David H. Seorcnioh David H. KNOX DONALDSON, Third 0 'ValDut Wolf Elill8 liarrouf Amos Zeigler Louis lialdy Lewis, l' 691 N Queen liowell Charles M., 66 N Queen Sheaff' Philip T., EKing 0 I.Jime Rickert F. D..' Gable Michael, 'Valnut 0 Elbow In srorn THEODORE 1\1. Dentz Christian Erisminger William Masons and Plasterers. Ream John Patten John Smith William Watson D. R. Troop Henry Benediot Samuel, Shippen n E Kin~ Druckmery Jacob, Gorman n Church Lancaster H Leacock Litiz H Manheim l\it. Joy Paradise H Rawlinsville Schoeneok Sportiing Hill H Deartown Churchtown Columbia Durlach Elizabethtown Ephratah Lancaster II Litiz Marietta New Holland Reamstown Sporting Hill Bearlown H Fulton House Intercourse Lancaster H

274 250 J,ANCA8TER COUNTY Jeffries ~li1ton, 7 S })rinco McDonnell Sam..tcl t 180 Middle Hess Adam, 'Vashington Strawbridger Jacob Jeffries John Hinckley }1}lias Fassnacht John Goodhart Daniel?tIuma Jeremiah Leisey Daniel Snyder John Sweigert \VieHand Georgo lienry John jr. IJancastcr l\illllor Maytown UeinholJ8\'ilIo It It It It H Rockhill Matoh Manufaoturers. Schneider F. &Co., E Chestnut n the Depot Ma1.~.Aes8 Manufiloturer. Hersh Henry, JlJ.King n tho Prison Lancaster Milliners and Millinery G~ods. Galbraith K F. l\irs. nninbrij~o Holcomb J. Mrs. Colerain nichllrdson Mary H Arms B. A. t IJocust n tho Hank Columbia lhrrack A. Mrs., Walnut bet Third and Fourth Caldwell Catharine, Locust bet Sccona and Third Entrcken Misseo t JJOcust bot Second and Third Kain Amanda M. Mrs. t Locust bet Third and Fourth (( JJindsay 1\Iargnrot, Front bot Locust and 'Ve.inut (( nockin~ 1\Irs. lwzabethtown 'Voaland Mrs. cc Ycaglo Harriet Epbratah 'Vaggoncr Sarah J. Georgetown nard & Son, 27 N Queen Lancaster Unum L., 31 N Queen H Danner 1\bry B., wid. Samuel, 17 W King It Demuth Caroline, EKing Eberly ~r8rgaret J. t 80l N Queen It JiJdwards 1\1. A., 221 S King 0 Churoh «

275 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 251 Fisher S. A. D., 14 N Queen Keller Catharine, 18 W King Kerfoot ~~liza, S Queen n Centro sq Kurtz Mary, 64 N Queen Macdonough!>hilip, 38 N Queen Marine Mary E., 53 B King Metzger Sarah 1\1., N Prince ab Chestnut Rannin~er 1\1ary A 16 N Queen ltough John, 50 N Queen Witmiro Sarah A., 30 N Queen I~tHer Rebecca, Market White Mary A., N Charlotte c ~rarkct Libhart Mrs. & Daughter, Market e BILow la Trainer Margaret, Market Young Amanda MycrB Eliza, Main opp Marictta Clendcnan H. Kidd E. Fettee Laura L. Pbincger Kato Cre.amcr Nancy Kline Harriet Charles Harriet )[iss Crnmer Catharine })icrce Jane K I \.. \ ~,.,.,,' / Mills, Cotton. ConcFtogll No.1, F. dhroder & Co., S Prince e German. Conestoga No.2, Still & Brown, S Prince bel. German Conestoga No.3, Shenk, Bausman, Carpenter &, Co., S Prince c. Conestoga Spichlman Henry Carpenter Ephraim Millwrights. IJflDC'A!ster Manheim Ie Marietta MnytoWll l\lt. Joy Oak ~hndo nawji nsvi 110 Sporting Hill Stl'UsLur~ Lancllster H Strasburg VogansviJI<J Mineral Water. Chamberlin Mary E., wid. WiJliam C., 'V King c Mu~berry IJuncllstcr Kiehl & 'Vacker, r 77 }~ King II

276 252 J,ANCA8TER COUNTY Morocco Faotory. IJochcr H. C., 'Yater c German, '- Music ~nd Musioal Instruments. IIeinitsh John F., jr., 3 Kramph's Buildings, B Orall~e LanMstcr rind Dorothy, 36 N Queen II Nail Maker. Sengle Simon, 'Yashington n JJcmon al IJancaster Navigation Company. IJllDcnster & Susquehanna Slackwater, E Orange n Queen IJancastcr Notaries PUblic. Hamilton J. W., Front ab Talnut Columbia Bvans 'V. G., 5 S Duke IJanefistcr Hiestand John A. McClery C. (. Hoffer J. R. Mt. Joy Nurserymen, Beedsmen, and Florists. I>Jainfield Nursery, rm. P. Brinton Christiana Vogel Joseph, HarrisburK turnpike road IJallcnstcr Zimmerman John, 74 N Queen Oyster Saloons. Albright Henry, Front n.o 'Valnut Goodman William, Front n 'VaJnut Weaver Andrew, 11'ront opp tho bridgo Urintner Joseph, Chestnut n N Queen Frick Joseph, 23 N Queen Heiss Deitrich, N Queen bel 'Valnut Kautz Gabriel, 80uthwest c Centro sq Kautz Israel, S \V c Centre sq Kautz Witliam, 80utheast c Centro sq Kisiner Samuel, 'V King under market house Kriner George, W King n 'Wator Kuehne Albert T., under Union Hotel, EKing Okeson Daniel, Chestnut ab N Queen Cas8el Abraham, Front Columbia H Marietta

277 BUSINESS njrectom'. 253 Goodman ucorge V, Front Hoth Bernhard Shcftzer Joseph, Front Holl Isaac Painters, Coaoh and ROLAND ISAAC S. Hharman Heuben 1Iutz 1'1. CA)IPBELL DAYIn R Marietta New Holland Carriage. ljarcville Drickerville lluek l\iillersvillc,, ; i Painters, House and Sign. Gr.mLcrling dharles ~[aljn John,,,. Richwine Joseph SebSamnn Albert Richie Hugh Tumbleson IWsha McMinn William Loomis li'rancis Grossgomskcnskie Henry Grooh John Gardner George 'V. Wilson James Nagle Henry It. prautz John :K Stehman Christian ReclJlsn.rder J. McMinn S. Snydcr Sampson A. Winters Isaac Bateman & McCullon, 29 EKing Brown George 'V., N Queer n Michael's hotel Carter'Edward, 13 E Orange Frane David.M., Manor n r King Guthrie Allen, N Queen lib tho It. H. lieinitsh 'Villinm Eo, 13 i N Queen John Charles A., 'V King n Mulberry Saladin & Seiling, N Duke n B King Taylor Samuel 'V., 18 r OrangtJ Willc Cbarles K & Co., 2 N Queen, up stairs Albright It O. 22 Buillbridgo Hart Ilrickcrville Buck Christiana. Coleraiu Conestoga Centro East IIempfield Elizabetbtown ]~phratah FilrIllCrS\ j 110 Gnp liighvillo liinckleton Lancaster II H H et et H.Litiz

278 254 LANCASTER COUNTY Hall 'V. II. Zcutmyer n. Flcehardy Ashton Miller Samuel D., N Charlotto NccfI George, Prussian Cochrane David, Chestnut n Second }>nrker L. Greenawalt Daniel Mentzer John Hood J. G. Hammond Joseph 'V. Frank Samuel Bernthusal John 'V. DenliD~er J. A. Grum Frederick Grum Jacob Kauffman John Brenneman John B. Miller Samuel D. Nasa George Painter, Landsoape. Dysart Thomas J., 6 B Orango Painter, Oriental. Metzler Joseph n. Painter, Portrait. Dysart Thomas J., 6 B Orango Rusk G. Paint Manufaoturer. Paper Box Maker. Eckstein Joscph, Prince ab James Paper Hangings., I,itiz IJJlc Manheim Marietta Millere-villo Ncw Holland }>aradisc Rawliu8\'illc Hcamstown Silver Spring Sportin~ II CI CI Hill l,ancastcr Sporting Hill Lancaster Hawlin8\'iIlc J,allcastcr Camargo Manufacturing Co., 20 EKing JJancastcr I Paper Manufaoturers. Shober Emanuel Binkley's Bridge Grcen E. P. Hawlin:,\'illc

279 : BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Paper Warehouses. Rahill J. M., 64 EKing Camargo Manufacturing Co., 20 EKing Patent Medioines. Hackcnberger S. & Son Carpenter Sarah S., wid. E. 'Y., 78 S Queen Kaufman & Co., 1 E Orango 255 J~aJlcastcr Dainbridgc L'\nC118ter Periodioal and News Dealers. Thackam J. G., 3 Chestnut Lnncaster Hinkle F. & Co. Marietta Hoover D. 'V. Paradiso Gibson,Y. N. Ruwlinsvillo Physioians. I Jones R. H. llaiubrhlgo West Horace! Daro Adam S. Darevillo I Martin John Dart i Bunn Benjamin F. Dearwwn I Ringwalt Levi Z. r Martin Elijah. llowmnnsvillo!, Martin Samuel, botanio D~aver Joshua M. Duck Raub Henry H Sides Uenjamin F. Albright F. G. Christiana Patterson A. P.. Bunn Benjamin F. Churchtown Ringwalt Levi Z., l\iulberry Hill Andrews J. P. Colerain Dare G. T. ARMOR S., Second bet ljocust and Walnut Columbia BUDNER D. I., Second n Cherry Hottenstein Cyrus, Locust ab Ii'ront IC McCorkle 'VilJiam R, ljocust 0 Second noiirer B., IMlust n Franklin house Clingcr Peter S. Conestoga Centro Kendig Benjamin S. ce Kendig Johu

280 256 J.ANCASTER COUNTY l>arker Samuel East IIempficld Bauman Isaao Elizabethtown Gish S. H. II Keller Sebastian II Gibbon Joseph Enterprise Miller A. II., nird in Hand II 1\1usser J aeob Il Reemsnydl1r Henry H. Ephratah Shirk Daniel K II 'Yenger OcrsholU Garber C. Farmersville Groff O. If, Sterley S. Guder M. R. Fulton House Swift D. D. It Iloone'V. H. Gf.p }1~ckert J. N.'1Raac Goodville Ueam John Hempfield Sample Samuel R. Intercourso Smith H. A. II ~liiler George,Yo IJampder Atlee John IJ., 43 I~ Oran~o Lancaster Atlee John IJ., jun., 74 B King II llaker J. T., 69 I~ King llarr Benjamin, S Ornnge n IJime IJrinton IIannah 'V., 34 N Queen Carpenter A. Jackson, S Queen next Fountain hotel I( Carpenter Henry, S Queen next Fountain hotd I( Cassidy Patrick, 30 S Queen Compton William, 6-l ])uko };hler J. Augustus, 25 N Duko ]Wmaker 'l'homas, 'V King n Mnrket Ii'nhnestock William. u., 26 'V Killg Heigel Mathius, 141 EKing IIci~8 John J., 62 S Queen I( Uuber John I?, under 11'ountain inn, S Queen II Kinzer 1~sain8, N Limo 2d ab l~ King Kurtz J. II., N Queen n 'Valnut IJeonnrd John, Orango n ShippeD J.lCvergood John, 19 E Orango IJong Jacob, Orango n Mulberry Markley George II., 60 ]~ King

281 llusiness DIRECTORY. McCormick D., W' King n 'Vater Millar John, 9 N Queen Muhlenberg J( A., 8 S Queen Muhlenberg H. E., Orange n Prince Uogers James, 33 N Duke Stehman Jacob G., N Prince n Orango Witmor 'V. II. 34 l>rinco Groff G. W., eclectio Weidler CarpeD ter, )[cchan icsburg Weidler Isaao C., Mechunicsburg Hull Levi Shelly,V. A. DUNLAP JOIIN ~I., N Prussia SNAVj<~LY C. J., S J>russia Ritner Hoffman II., 'Vashington Burg George 0., 'Vashingtou Grove John II.,.Market Hinkle l!~., Market n Elbow In. Huston John, Market n Gay Huston Samuel, Ma. ket.1l Gay Uushllrenemnn Abraham Brady John CASSIDY ALEXANDER ~I. Hartman Samuel n. Herr K D. Withers M. A. Heistand A. M., Main Meredith S., Main Oaks Samuel, Main c Fairview Sheller A., Main n Barbarn Ziegler J. J.1., Main n High Uohrer A. K., Pront n the Tollgate Bowman E. J. Luther John Ringwalt Samuel Hauh John K. };ckert John Hoover George J. Lefever Joseph II. Strawn J. J. StuHs J. B. Wood G. 22* 257 J-Janeaster H H H Landisvillo Leacock If Manheim II 1\1anor Marietta Martieville Maytown Millersvillo I( )[t. Joy tt H Mountvillo Ncfisvill0 New Bolland Now Providence Paradiso H Peter's Creek Pleasant Grove

282 258 LANOASTER COUNTY Rawlins J. 'V. Ream R. Sergcr C. Uombergcr C. Clinger P. S., botanio Kendig Benjamin II'. Kendig John Wicst Samuel 'Vicst S. S. Bohrcr A. Ie Williams S. C. Brown John,V. Dunlap John M. Sroith Amos Snavely Cyrus Groff Jacob JiJ. Kenengy Samuel Musse' IJenjamin Garber Christian Stealey J. B. Frick Benjamin 1\1. })ulterson JaUles n. Piano Forte Maker. Steinhauser-Nicholas, 'V James bel Queen pioture Frames and Looking Glass. IIeinitsh 'Villiam B., 13! N Queen IJattcn R YO\ter William Plane Maker. Carpentcr Sarah S., wid. E. 'V., 73 S Queen Planing Mills. DIetz l~rcderick, Front n tho Gas 'Yorks l'u8ey Joseph, Front n Union LllHIAH'f J. & SO~, Biddle n Market Plasterers. (See also Masolls.) Rawlinsvillc RCllUlstown Rothsville Safe Harbor Schoeneck Silver Spring II Sporting Hill II Strasburg 'Vest Earl,Villow Strect Lancaster I,ancastcr J.Janeaster Columbia II Marietta Uarevillc IJcartowll

283 DUSINESS DIRECTORY. 259 Eichelberger Joseph j1'rymer Isano Fischel Emanuel, 'Wasllington Kremer H. Gookin Henry Gookin John Hertzog SllDluel McQuaid WilJialU Stuber Cbarles Stuber John Young WilJiam Roberts Joseph Plumbers. (Sec also Gas }Yuers.) Gable Jacob jr., 29 EKing Kendrick &, Biggs, 32 N Queen n Orange Weitzel Jobn, llcaver 0 Vino Porter Houses. (Sec Restaurants.) Ephrntah H Manor I..ellcock UeinholJs\'ilJo H H H H StJUsburg Lancaster Potteries. JOlIN GEORGE Ilnreville Allmnndenger Enoch GroWs Storo Rock Daniel Intercourso Pritz Jobn, Ueavcr n Andrew JAlncaster Gansc Henry 'V., 'V King n Dorwart H Gast Conrad, Jamcs c N Water H Gast Henry & Son, Manor n \V King H Harrison John, Church n Duk~ H Scbnnufer Hl'inrich, 150 S Queen n tho Cemetery H Swope A. S., Mechanicsburg J..eacock Sangle Christian, N Charlolt~ Manheim Sangle Joban, N Charlotte H Klug Catharino Mnytown Powder Horns. Porrest Casper, :\Innor c W King Pcusch Frederick, Mary n 'V 1< ing Lancaster H

284 260 LANOA8TEtt COUNTY Printers, Book and Job. Nissby Samuel Keller Sebastian jr. l?ry l>cter H. Kemper Jaeob I'fautz John B. Chambers Reuben, Dcthcnia llaer's John Sons, 12 N Queen Cochrane Jobn, Centre sq n N Queen Hiest8nd Jobn A. & Co., 3H N Queen Kuhn Rudolph, B Chestnut c Duke Markley Samuel B., N. K c Centro sq }>carson & Geist, 15 S Queen Sanderson George & Son, 8 N Duko 'Viley William u., 10 Duke 'Vylic S. A. & Co., 21 N Queen \\'eidman Joel, Market st Uaker F. IJ. Stauffer I( II., Main Ream Richard 'VickIe Henry j.~n8ulinger John M. 'Veidman Joel W. Kauffman rm. J. Uixler Clement R., Fairville Hoffman C. S. Pump Makers. Shaub Jaeob n. Miller George, Strawberry c Jack nl Schwartz John, N Prusllinn }'ark James, 'Vnlnut n!i'ront Hoth Gernrd, \Valnut c Gay Miller George 13uckwnlt{lr Jacob Railroad Office. Pennsylvania R. R, Chestnut n N Queen JJl~TNER JOlIN Reotifiers. (Sec also Dl8tillen) Durlach I~lizabcthtowll }~phratah Oap J,an<.'ustcr II (t (t.( Manheim l\inrictta l\it. Joy Reamstown (t Sporting liiil Stratlburl( 'rerro Hill Vogansvillo Conestoga Centro IJancaster Manheim Marietta II :M illersvillo Strasburg Lancaster l\iijlcr~\'ijjc

285 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 261 Restaurants. Effinger Jacob, W King n Dorwart Duchman John H., 69~ N Quccn McDonnel Jacob, Concert Hall Oudinot Anthony, N Qucen c Chcstnut IJancastcr Rifle Barrel Manufacturers. JJutz Daniel ~t. (Boring Mills) Hcinhoh.l!l l( JJutz J e!'se, I. Panbecker Daniel, Rifle Manufacturer. IJemun Henry Eo, 'Valnut ab Duke Rolling Mills. Reeyes, Abbott &, Co. Roofer, Gravel. Pancoast D., 'V Chestnut n Charlotte Rope Makers. Martin George, W King n Charlotte Schulmaier George, N Queen 11 Frederick Saw Mills. Safe Harbor Lancaster Sashes, Blinds, and Doors. Stnmm & Bowman, Illnm bet Chestnut nnd Orange J.Jancnster Swartzwelder &, Morrow, Plum south of IJocomoti,'e Works Childs Thomas MILJ.J~JR HENRY Rngle Joseph Smith J. H. Cooper Jeremiah lieybergcr J. Kunkel William Whitson M. Ammond Oeorgo Hartzler John Marietta lhrevillo Bainbridge,Bart Dcnrtown II

286 262 Martin John Kurtz 1Ienry.Martin Henry 'Veidler George Good I>cter Van Nicda II &,Yo Hunsecker C. L. Ressler William Darnes 'Villiam, heirs of Long 'V. & H. Penrose J. & B. Pinnocks Hadley, heirs of l\ioderwclls Thomas Rogers Isaac Rutgers, widow Largo A. B. & Co., ChickiRwalungo Mills Hanway S. J. J ohosoo Thomas Ammon George I1atzler John Martin John Schoeider l\lichnol Yoho Peter Coats Truman Holmes John Morrison Samuel Paterson & llayso 'Vorth Samuel A. GREEN AMOS S. Front n IJ:lwrenco Ershey Ephraim, Fairview I~lscr Samuel Erb Hiram Rutt Peter Dushong Amos Stauffer Peter Bentz Peter Bucher Monroo Keller Henry Grabill Henry Schaffer Benjamin Drown J. Smedley T. Smedley & Son J,ANCASTER COUNTY Deartown Ulue Ball II llowmansvillo Dinkley's Bridge Buck II II II Marietta Christiano. Church town Cl II Colerain Columbia Durlach.1 Elizabeth town Enterprise Ephratah Farmersville Fulton Houso

287 nusiness DIRECTORY. 263 Woods Samuel ]<'ulton llouse JIouston H. T. Gap King Levi Newhausen John Groff Daniel GrofT's Store Bartholomew David D., S Prince n Geiger's Furnace patent GABL]~, SCHAEFFER, REINIIOI.lD & CO., Conestoga Mill at the 1st Lock, office ~1 N Queen I~shleDlan John, Graff's IJanding Stoner Henry K., New Providence roati Recker II. Kaffl'ot h 1\f. Keller S. E. Kreider & Hess Young Samuel Hess John, Oregon Manheim (( Hostetter John Stllman & Stoner l\ianor Duffy J. & Co. l\iarictta Eagle Stephen F., Chickees Erisman J. 1\1. LIBHAH'f J. & SON., IJiddlc n Market Mehaffey, Houtz & Co., Fr~)Dt, Miller & Musser, li'ront ab npper station King James Worth Samuel A. Cully Thomas Graft J. Moore Daniel Snavely Juhn Walton Amos Wentz Thomas Bucher Samuel jr. Stauffers I). Ammon Georgo Butcher John Kurtz John Becker Henry I ~lry Samu<ll! Kaufman Michael Young Samuel I Brenneman Abraham B., Cascade -rull upper station Oak Hill llnwlinsvillc (( UeullIstowll Uciuholdsville. ]{oths\'iiic Safe Harhor I., ~.!

288 264 J,ANCASTElt COUNTY 130wer3 Andre,v G. IIAl3ECKER &. luiodes Malhoro Cbarles Hacker John. lieinicky Benjamin Bowers Andrew G., Uoekvillo I>etcrs J llcob G., I)etcrsvillo lloyi~hs CYUUS, Mill Vallcy Snavely David Marpel Benjamin l\iartons W. Eby Jacob Shoemaker Christian 'Vel\ver Johu York John H. Stauffer Benjamin l\i. Safc HarLor Shocncck Slackwatcr Smithville South Hermitage Sporting liiil 'caver's Mills West Earl 'Vbitc Oak Sohools. (St'C also Ac<!dcmifs.) Martin, Licht.}' & Stauffer Christiana Institute, II. C. Herr, pro. nnd prin. Allison Mary, III B Kin~ Jhyson Susan M., ' King nb S Wllter I)ibblc ]i~mula, 'V King n ])orwart Hillen lwzabeth; 89 S Queen Ma)'er Sarah N., 'V Chestnut n N 'YateT 1tJaxwall Mary C., E llculon n N Queen Mulford Jane & Henrietta Hoffmeier, basement German Uefo:omed Church Yates Institute, nov. T. A. Hopkins, principal, S Lime n E King Beartown Christiana Lancaster Evans Mary Litiz Kneider Eo Dorsen Jame:; T. Pleasant Grove Hackett Lizzie J. Uawlinsville Caughey Mary J. :Miss Strasburg II Segar Dealers. IJackenberger George Ballen Amos llrubakcr Perr)' Bainbridge ljarcvi lie llcnrtowd

289 IHJ~J~I::SS lhllecrohy. (( (( If ( ( «I.itiz If Marietta H Maytown Oak Shade Ucamstown (( Hothsville u Hot hs\'ille u 265 Fcntlrich &Brothel', Front bet ljocust and ralout Columbia. Shormnir John, Front bet I.ocust and Ullion (C Young & Eckinger Elizabethtown I.tllldis Samuel M. Ephratah Huch Reuben Farmers\'illc Huser,Tacob H Steffy Jacob Goodville Auman Johll IIcmpfield Hershey Johu I-lighvilIe Boas William jr., Manor bet W King and the bridge Brillhart Joseph, 1\r King n ~Iary ]~berlllan Peter G., 11 W King ]<'rey Jacob L., 'V King n N 'Vater Ii'rick Charles S., 68 N Queen Goodman Jacob G., Conestoga n S Queen Kriner Michael, 125 S Quccn Kuhns John, 25 N Qneen Markley J. ll., 47 N Queen Patterson Samuel, 35 I~ King Hock Henry, N Queen bel Walnut Scheid Charles, 138.N King. Sieber John G., 69 N Queen Sieber Peter, 166 }i~ King Frederick 1.1. Sour)ers J. Strauk Samuel CarroH Robert CarroH Thos. J., Market Close John.K, Ii'ront WISNER JACOB A., ralnut c Second ReidJinger Frederick Barr Francis A. ncchtle Christian Gorman Isaao Killian J. S. Raushornc Jesse ~'ry Jacob Geyer Jacob JIichacJs John Shrim:) George Ii', %wally H. Ie & N. 23 Lancaster /(

290 266 Kendry Adam :Miller Frederick Yentzer Jacob IJtmdcs J ncob D. Nailor John Habn Jcrcminh Moyer Georgo 'Vnltz Jonns LE)IAN DANIEL J. McQuaid Israel Duck R. Dus!!y J neob McQuaid Israel 'uttles John B. I,ANCA8TER COUNTY Segar Manufaoturers. ~afc Tclchnns & 1\lcNnughtnn, r Chestnut bel N Quc('1\ 'Vhitson 'Micah Scbundcr Michnel Yhon 'Peter Shingle Mills. Silver Platers. Blanks John S., 15,,' King Pool Hamucl.J., N Prince 11 Orange Slate Yards. Sprce.hef George D., 29 N Queen '''right 'Villiulll, 11 H Prince IInrh0r II Slackwntcl' Sporting TIill II :-;trnshur;.: Vogans\,ilh Wcst Earl Soap and Candle Manufaoturers. Cox J osiab, Mulberry n Wnluut Jianca~tN Bart ljcnrt OW11 Lancn~lcr J.iallca:-.It'r Lanca!'lcr ~Ii11cr Herman, N Queen 11 r J.iCmon 1'nylo1' 'Yimam, 49 S Queen Stove and Range Warehouses. Grabam &,nllinms Kieffer C. J 7 E Kin~ Ihrl Jinnca~tcr

291 I, t FUSINE~3 OIRECTORY. 267 SurvE'yors. (Sec also UiLlt'/ Engineers.) Ferree William S. Dart Whilson Mercer Eb)' Samuel Elizabethtown ~cltlolllridgc.john rnlercoul'so C:lrpclltCI'.Jumes, JO X Duke I_uneaster Hauch Christian n. I_itiz Hoffl'r.Jacob H, 3Iaill 31t. Joy KURTZ HENRY H. Ncffs\'ille liewis.john C. Oak Shude l~o\\cr Samuel P. Smelting Works. ~ ~llicl ting,rorks, copper i I J\shton John ~lulchorn 3liehat'1 DUnlvoodJ' Levi Myers John Alexander HeuLen Tailors. (Sec also C/(l!ldcrs.) Slrashur~ I.iRurc1 Hill Bainbridge JJarcvillc ~JcAlister.I(1s~e I Williams Syln~81('\' ~Ic('o1'IlIiek Harl George 8lJifli.1f John Bearlown milo Ball Mosemun Ilhilip }lowiil:ln,s\'i 110 )Iu5sclman.T. W. II UingCl'mun Dau it'! Briekel'villo Kettel George Sncnrer John l( ~IcColgau James }'hillips John ljuck II Wells John llroisus R II. Polls John Christiana )JeCol'lllick Georgo & Anrrus Uichardson James Churchtown n Colerain Ihngcrt John A., Front n tho bl'idgo Columbia )fillcr Jacob, Front bet Iloclist and,ralnut II

292 268 Nowlen,V. K., LOCURt bet }~ront and Second Reuss Edward, Locust bet Second and Third Riemer John S., Union bet Fourth nnd Fifth Scbolefield 'imam, l~ront n W'alnut 'VAGNER JOlIN, 'Valnut bet l~ront nod 8CC{l1ll1 Columbia 'Vorrd l'~dwin, IJocust het Front lind Second I)llrlnch Furlow 'illinm K. Jacoby.Je!'~c En!'>t licmpfie1d 13e11 Henry Zimmerman IIenry Elizl\uethlown.Knin & Vmis Shultz Henry Enterprise liunsecker Adam, Bird in Ihml Ephratnh Fry Isrnel Hammell Bernhard lieisel' John S. Rudy John 'Vinters Henry Ze11 Martin l~nrmers\'ille u Ackelbnrger JlCyi Hteinrnetz J. Fulton 110\180 II Dougherty,T. C. Mclnsen J. Gap II liendry J obn l>owel's 'Villiam Moore Snmlwith Gordonsville IJnw Thomas R Groff's Store Cooper John, Monterey }>orte1' V{ashin~ton I utcrco\it~c.1 l~\'erts J neob R. Doyle John 'V. Kinzer':'! }~alk John, 'Villiamstown lio'lmpclcr MoAllistm' J olm 1cncr Samuel IJ:lncnstH Brown J. G. L., 19 N Queen Coleman Thomas, 41 ~ N Queen Donnelly F. I>., 56 N Queen Gorrccht 'Villinm, N Charlotte 11 'ater Gumpf William, 43 E Kin~ IJichty Beujamin, 104 EKing Metzger Joho, 4 EKing Pctzclt & 1\Ic}~voy, 6 N Queen llnthfon Jacob, 20 N Queen II II II

293 IHJ:-;INt:~S JI1R}:CTORY. 269 I nathon ~ill\on S, N Queen c Orange Haub Simon 'V., 8 N Queen Ue!tig Gottlieb, 'V Chestnut c ~[ulb('rry Hoyer :Michael, N Queen nb 'Valnut Shiudel ~Iichl\c1 'V., 57 N Queen Spurrier George, 13 N Queen Stoner Philip, W King n Mulberry Wind 'Yilliam II., 'V King n Priuce Wiseman Herman, \V Kin~ n Mary SNYDBH JOlIN B., MechanicsLurg 13irkenbine --, New lja\'en Buck Isaao Sturgis Charles 'V. Eb)' Andrew J., :Market )JOG ENDOBLglt ne~hy 0., ~brkcl )lcqucney 'Yilliam, N Charlotte )leixel lienry, ~Iarket )IiIler G. D., Prussian Ml\ntl William, Wnshington nell.john, ~larkct Dyer Nathan Kremer Geol'ge, Front Miller ~amuel D., )farket Plu IIIb C. & Co. Hookman Samuel )JerI' Martin, Lc('sbur~ Hen lilcrdcrfcr (I eor~c )1 iller Cyrus Kiug Georgo Koscht Augustus Hode Louis l,ync Peter II. Hooncy Joseph C. SLATER.JOJIN h Culp John )1., Main Ferguson Joseph n., IJ.ll' opp tho A<::Hlt.'IllY Griner Jacob H., Main l/jlig George, SpringiIle Johu It, Spring\'ilIo Hess John B. Colm Henry, Front n Post Offi\Jc Houser Abraham M('ntz('r Cyrus ')Q ;,...ij Lancaster L~ncock 1.,itiz H CI It Manor Mariett:t. H tl it /C H If It /C It U Manheim Marticvillc Mllrtins\'ilIc Mostcrsonvi IIe H Maytowll.M ilh'rs\'iile H H.\1' ~It. Nebo Mount\'illc New Holland

294 270 J,ASCA~Tt'H COl':iTY Kreider D. 1 '. Ue5s1er Samuel, n New Pr('vidcncc MilJ~ Barr Francis A. JJu<hvig Charles llojcr John S. 'Wcinhold David De Hart Hiram Ii'cirstcin ljenjamin Schultz Joseph K. Shirk.Joseph McAlister k Co. Tripple &. 'Vnrfel Youn~.Jncob Colin Henry 1\1ark:,lolli, Smith Abraham ~I. Burns,Tfimes Eby Andrew.T. ljogcndohl('r Henry J(nufllnnll,John, jun. l\icquinney Willinm 1\1eixcl Jlenr)' Coehrnn Amos R (~lillmcl'r)',to:lnna Wnidley IJcvi 'Vaidle)' Normnn Wernt?.Tohn M. Garmnn Jeremiah, Fnirville Lutz John 7J. IJurbnke\' Abraham Steinmetz Jncoh Hnur Henry New Milltown New }lrovidence Oak Shade Paradise Hcnmstown Reinholdsville,, Hothsville Snfc linrl(lr Silver Spring H Bplll'lillg ]Jill H Strasburg H 'rerta Hill Vogntlsdllc Wcst ]~arl Tanners and Curriers. Smith A. Jlninbl'idgc SCDBnnieh George T. Renrtown :Eshelmnn Frederick Bowmansville Kyle Joseph ljuck 'Villiams William OOHN ANV}UnV, n the Shawnee Tron Torks ColumLi~ Myers Uudolph Conelltogn Centre Illig J ncob Dllrlncll

295 ~71 Dohner Juhn Elizabethtown It'ry Daniel Ephmtah Konigmachcl' Adam D. StaUlm David, ]Jrid~epol't IJampeler ]larclcr &, Musser, Watel' bel German Lanca9ter Konigmacher &, Bauman, N }>rince and the H. R. and 01 bet Mulberry &, Charlotte l\rll~ Geor~e H., 'V King c S Watel' 'l'oe11c William C., R Priuee II AIHlrCW Geitner 0. J.itiz Geitner.J. Arndt Jacob, Prl\~Siall 51 Kline John Sultzbach Henry Brubaker Dayi(i Kurtz Henry, Main :-t Miller!)ltilip, Now Pro\'illc!lco :'IJills Espenshade D. L. LeiJich Jonathan &. Son Fry George H. Mengle Georgo Ueinhold John ]JOose J aeoh Msers Uudolph Kauffman Jacob &. Son Heed George Teaohers, Music. SbcpplIr<t Z. Kerinsky John D., N Prince n 'V Orange Kevinsky Vincent, N Princo 11 W Oraugp. Keffer 'Vashington II., Orange N W.~',,- r ~'Illllhcil\l ~Illri('tta II ~Instcr:,on\'illc NI~w Thread and Needle SUJ,tOB. (See YUl'iet'y Stores.) Mt. Joy l'rovidcjlrc Paradise Uefilnslown HeinhoMsvillc HotlJsvillc Safo Hnrbor Silver Spring West ]l;al'l ljllrt T.~n('a8tcl It Threshing Maohines. SBNSENICII C. &; I. '. Goodville Hair Abrahnm I?, E King I' Markley's }.Jnncnstcr H Davish Josiah, Spring Garden n Mulberry Mullen 'Villinm '1\, nl het )JnIberry nnd Willer n W Lemon. II tt'

296 2;2 Andcs Valentine, Mechanicshurg Brunr David,ycber Samuel Lcacork Strasburg Vogansville Tin Plate and Sheet Iron Worker. ILling Samuel, 33 B King Lancaster Tinsmiths. Markley John Sensinich David II. Hinkel Samuel Laush It M. Sensenieh David II. names Samuel, Locust bet Fourth and Fifth Wilson Hirnm, IJocusl c Second Roeting J. 'V. Steiner Augustus Preston Bdward Gettle Lewis Kcmfci Jaeob Musser JO!Jli Rodgers Augustus Ackerman Geor~e, 'V King e Strawberry Cogley Andrew J., N Queen ab Chestnut FraneiBeus Adam, Vine n S Queen Gable Jacob, 29 B King Gemperling John, 18 N Queen Getz Peter, ~ Quccn ab Chestnut J...ipp Henry G., 'V King, adj. erms Ke)'s Hotel Schaum John 1>., In S Queen Vo~le George C., 'V King n )I1l1berl'y rcitzcl John, Beaver e Ville Micksh,J. Oehme John A. Ensminger Samuel A, Markel st Widmo)'er Frcdcl'ick, N Jlru~:li:lII nudisill George Huuisill Hces C. Ii'. & Son Huohl Christian, Main st ~hertzcr P.~ J.,.Main llninbridge ljeal'town Blue Ball Bowmllllsville Churehto\vn Columbia II Elizabethtown II }~lltcrprisc. Ephratah II Intercourse J~anenstcr II II I' II I, Liriz ~I alllll,j 111 II Murirtta.M illenwijlc 't..j 0)'

297 nusin~ss Davis Samuel Nagel Henry Hearn P. & Co.' lhrr,toel Wcidl~' IIenry liiukle Emanuel Hedin Andrew J. Varley Abraham Gctz ;John EU!imillgcr Samu<>l Witlll)'cr Frederick ljumphre\'illc Henry Bellullz Alexllndcr Cline Amos, Fairville Hclmdtlcr William JJ., Fllil'ville Heftlll Charles DIUECl'ORY. Tobaooonists. ncmuth Bmnnuel R, 49 J~ King Gable John S., 81 N Queen (wholesale) 273 New IIollnDll l'nrndise Rnwlinsvi1lc Heamstowll Safe Harbor SehoCllcrk Sporting Hill Cl i':'lrijsjmrg (I 'I'erra Hill VlDC!lster II Transportation Lines. Conestoga Transportation J.Jino, B Orango, 2d nb N Queen IJnncnster Bitner J. n. &, Jlrothcr, N Queen fib Chestnut (l Turners. J 'ncklor George, JJocust c ~I'hird Slaymaker A. F. Columhia Gnp Lcbzeltcr l)hilip, nlley bet Chestnut and 'Walnut nb N Queen IJ:mcnster Umbrella Makers. Olt Philip Spcring 'fhomns, 5 Orange Columbia J.nncnstor Pickel Jolin nomig ITl1eob notll,tncoh Undertakers. Ilnrt Durlnch }~pllrntnh

298 274 L..\NCASTEU COUNTY Anne Conrad jr., German n Duke Bear Jacob, 72 N Queen Hofmnn Mary, Middle n S Queen May John, 20 S Queen Miller Mary, 'V King n Mulberry Swentzel Henry, Market n Orange Appleton John Pierce Edw~rJ IJaDc38ter II (C (C TInwliDsville Schoeueck Upholsterers. Rubens Charles, 9 J;~ Orunge Variety Stores. lle\'crngc Eliza Columbia Crowder William II Mathiot 'Yilliam,( Murrny Frank II Strickey David II 'Vithcfa Mary S. llchm Christiann, 'V l(in~ c Charlotte ImlCtlstcr IJryson J)hocbe A., 71 EKing ]~Lcrwnn Agnes, 80 N Queen Greives 'fhomas, 65 N Qucen Ouest Eo, 71~ N Queen Guthrie P. N., 33 B Kin~ (C l)ay Sarah, S Prince c German Hurry William, N Queen n Frcdcl'il'k Hublcy Sarah, r wid. John A.: Fulton BlIiJlillg~, Princc II ull Mllry, King n NWater II l,eeds Haunah, N Queen n Lemon 'I Kauffman Edward 1\1., 75~ N Qlleon II Ncidich John, 2M EKing rricc Sarah, J.16 ]~ King Smith Angelica IJ., 18 ]~ King Strauss & Bro., 33 N Queen (C Spath Louis:l, Waluut r, l\lullcrry I( Stohler Sarah :M t. J0)' Va~niBh Makers. Reinoehl & lioatclter, 72~ N Queen neinoehl &. Potts, N Queen opr Ke)'stolle liotel IJHncnstcr

299 nusl:\t:ss I>Jnt:cnmr. Veterinary Surgeons. Hur.~t, Christian I'cck NicllOJas, ~lllycr ClJUrle~, E Vinc n I,clJ1on n1 SCo\'crn John G., N Queen n Wuluut & Bishop I1inC'k}eton Maytown I.ancastcr Sporting Hill Vinegar Manufaoturers. neibije neh~hahn, Front opp the Basin Oeigcr ~liehlle), 100 Chul'<:h IJilltllH Daniel II. Washing Maohinos. Stehman Henry II., JJCIIlOIl nlu Vine Columbi;l Luuc[lstrl' ~Jj licrsrillc J,aucustc I' I, i Watchmakors. Hartzler J osrph Ilear! OWII )Iillington hane B. Buck mtown A]JRERT B., Front Let Mill and Ptlny ColulIlbia (-,('lix John, Front liet LO<:ll~t nnd Wn}/lut II ~IIHEINEltP. &. SO~, 1 Bhl'cillcr's row, Front ab,c Wulllut Erb JO}JI) COuC'l'toga Cell Ire Itllusing<>I' M. l<:lizalcthtown I' Shcaffel' BeIJjaluin Frazer WilIilllll Epllratah ~cnllcrt F. L. Litit~ II Stracdo Charles Brown John, 30 N Queen D)Ml't James P. 10 'V King E~erllJnn C. F., 10 N Queell Jlirsh & Brothers, B N Quceu Shenk Henry, 9 N Queen Shreiner Martin, 23 N Queen Wolf Theodore, 2 Duke Zahlll II. IJ. & 'K J., Centre sq c N Queen Zahm G. M. & Co., EKing S g e Centre sq Zahm & Jackson, 15 N Queen Feddersen H. F. W., 22 ' King tby Jacob, Market at Kerner Nicholas, Market n Gay II II Manheim Marietta.

300 27<.l 1.MiCASn;1\ COUNTY Stichler John S., Front 'VoH Henry, Market IJisbop Rufus G., Main IIoclscbe Killian, Main Kj.~RN IUJRMAN C., Main 'VITWl~R Groff Amos }~rb John l~by Jacob Horst David ISAAC :'\Iarietta ~It. Toy,, New IIollaufl Hnwlinsville Safe Harbor Hporting liil1 H Weavers. Clauss Anthony, Union bet Fourth and Fifth Brown II. Wilkinson Anthony, Bethenil\ Ockle I~bcrhart, 50 Church (carpet) IIorpcl John, Charlotte 0 Chestnut (carpet.) Stroble Christian, S Queen n Plum (carpet) Schum Philip, Manor n the Bridge (co\'crlids) Thorwnrth John C., 143 l\iiddlo Batten Israol, Datton's Corner Doeble Joseph Shoenlioo J. Hrosey 'Yilliam, N Charlotte Bitner Daniel,,,'aahingtoll Rupley George «Hessler J abu, Leesburg Mayer John 'Yarner Benry Gcbrnrd John IJOWMAN n~jnry B. (co\'crlids) }?rishmuth John O. Brunner Henry Hcfnhold John }?nasnncht Daniel Gelsinger John IJcisey Petor,VnIter Peter Cusscl Joseph II. Wheelwrights. Vetter Peter, J~dcn ESHLE~IAN ABRABA~1 Columhia FurlUersville Kinzer's Lancllster IJCuco('k ]Jitiz Manheim Manor l\iarticril\c l\iastersodyillc Maytown Neflsdllc New Hollant! Heinholtlsrillc StrllslJur~ Binkley's Bri(lg'~ Blue Ihll

301 BUSISESI; DIHECTOIlY...I 1 I \ Rowe Heury Blue Dull Sausman Isaac &. John Ie llarmes Israel nrickerrille Ueinhold Daniel Gillespie Nathaniel Christiaull Sheeler Frederick Churehtown Simpson James Clonmdl Duttenbofer John G., Fifth bet Cherry and I~ocust Columbia Ying<'r Paul, Fifth bot Locust and Cherry GILES WII~LIAM Jr. Concstoga Centre Shaub Abraham Conard Isaac Elltcrpd:;o ~endt Henry Kratz David Ephrntnh fo;lliuck Jacob, Greenvillo Ballmer C. Jlarcfoot Samuel Farmersvillo Gilp Mceachern James Murr George GrofT's Store JJridcnbeck John B. lielllpfield Hagerty Franklin IJivcly Gotleib Cake Uriah J. IIiuckletown St('Cll Jordan IlltcreourRo Bcarfoot Samuel, Bethunia Kinzer';J Greer George Stcel Philip JJumpeler Amcr George, 'V I(in~ n Dorwart Lallcllster IJimlllelsbacb Landelin, 124 Middle Krauskropp 'Villinlll, 325 S Quecn C( Shcirieh Jacob, nb Millertown pike Anues Vnlcntillc, )lechnnicsburl{ Leacock )IOHRO'Y ISAAC Beck Peter Utiz )I<:tzger George S. Kreiter O. R. Swaling George, New Haven Dommy Abraham, Minich's lillie kiln Manheim DONAV}'~N ]n~nj AMIN, N Charlotto Krciter Christian, N Prussian Wl'nlI~Y EH SA:\I UgrJ, l'russian st Millinger Chris~ian Manor 21

302 !!78 I,ANCAsn:n COUNTY Stoner Fredcriek ENsrBILI~~R ABSALOM, Second c l~lbow la ~Iontgomery John Schlegelmilch Frank Myers George, Leesburg Greiner John MAver.. John Kendig George Hombough J obn Brenneman & Gamber Grissinger Stephen, Marietta pike 8chlegelmich John A., Springville Becker O. D., Klugh's pi Dreisch IJci Ellm)'cr John Heidel Charles F. GOOD ~IICHAEL R. Buckius Tilliam Helman-- Shanr Jolm Gansmcr Daniel Mann rillialll Hcinhold l~'rcdcrid\ CaNnAD DA~ IJ~IJ, Gnutner John 13aker e. D. Clark John reisner J Guiles William reber Samuel Suavely Abraham Hoekhill ~Ianor Marietta H Marticvillo )[ustersonvillo Maytown (( l\lillers,ilio l\[t. Joy (( Mountville Neffsville New Dauvillo (( Blackwater Sufe Harbor Silw..r Spring, I No\v Holland Oak Shade Old J,jno Hot hsyillc neinholds\'illo Strasburg Vogans\'illc WillO\v Strc~l Wine and Liquor Dealers. McGinnis P., Walnut bet Front ann Second KL~IN FRJ1JD. C., Walnut cor Commerco Gerz Alexander J., 104 S Queen Grccnewnld David, 52 Church Groff JJevi 'V., 62 N Queen Roin Henry, S IJime n Vine Horting George & Co., 12 EKing Mishler B. & Brother, N Queen n W lalnut Sherts Christian, 91 EKing Columbia II LaDcaster

303 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 279 Slaymaker Henry E., supt., EKing 0PP House Stephens Henry, 6 N Duke Bl<;NJAMIN H. D. &, CO., Front 0PP Gay KRYDEH CHARLES H. Court IJancaster Marietta Nctrs\'iIle Gottschall David Wire Worker. East IIempficld Wood Yards. BenI Charles G., S 'Vater cor Yine Urady James, Church n Vine Weidman John, S Queen n Conestoga Lancaster II Woollen Manufaoturers. landis David Enterprise Seibert J'olm Ncw Milltown Ho)'er Cyrus, Mill Yalley Smithville Varns, Batts, Wioks, and Warps. Uatten Israel llnreville Horst Christian )JcartowD Nelms Richard, {) E Or'nnge Lancaster JJ8ird R & Co. Rawlinsvillc Uillckle~ Benjamin K. Uei IIholdsville Brenneman & Bowker, Cascade Hun Safe Harbor Zook John It West.Earl

304 ~~o LA S('A~TEH ('OESTY Hl;~HO:!3S DlRECTOHY. NAMES TOO LATE FOR REGULAR INSER'1'ION.,rhitRon :\[erc'er 'illiuliis ~. II. Jhl1ghmnn.Tohn Jbughmnn Pch'r Chnlf.lllt Franklin Hnrbilt L. Hilton Lewis Cashner.To~erh Martin,T. D. Tcil Abner Flick lrcderick 'Wilson Tholllas Auctioneers. Blaoksmiths. Jhrt Ihrt Cains Cam bl'id,go Nine I)oinl~ ~nlisl)\\rj Boot and Shoo Makers. MiII<>r.Jl\me!l A. ])Hul James A. l l ogson George Becher J>hilip Glowncr JOIIll Stcfl)' Peter 'Vcllvcr Isaac Boot and Shoe Stores. Clorl, 'Yi)Jill~ K. Bart en 1Il111'i\Jge llarl Gap Mining roo Copper Mines. Gap

305 APPENDIX. GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES. The Bightcellth Presidential Term of foul' years Legan on tho 4th of March, 1857, nnd will expire 011 the 3d of March, Pres.-James 13uchannn, of Penn., salary Vice Pres.-John C. Breckenridge, of Ky., Sec. 0/ State-Lewis Cass, of Michigan, J~'ec. 0/ tile Trcas.-I1owell Cobb, of Ga., Sec. 0/ War-John B. FJoyd, of Ga., Sec. 0/ ti,e Jllal'!l-Isnnc 1'ouccy, of Conn.,, Sec. 0/ tile lllterior-jacob 1'hompson, of Miss., Postmaster. GCll.-Joseph Holt, of Kentucky, Au.- GCll.-Jercmiah S. Black, of I'eIlD., 8:25,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 STATE GOVERNMENT. (Joverllor-'Villiam F. l'acker. Secretary 0/ State-'Yilliam Hiester. SlIrvf'!l0r GClIeral-John Howe. Allditor Gelleral-Jacob Fry, jr. Treasurer-Eli Slifer. Judf}es-'V. B. J.Jowrie, Chief Justice; G. 1r. ' ooj. ward,.john )I. Head. COUNTY OFFIOERS. COURTS OF CO:'I:'ION PLEAS AND OYER AND 'reidilner. Presidellt Judge-Hon. Henry G. Long. LaIc A ssociate-hon. Alexander L. Hayes; Associate, Pcrreo Brill ton..district AUorlley-OJier J. Dickey. Prothollota ry-'villium Carpell ter. Clf'l'k~ 0/ do.-g. Clnrkson, Ch:lI'lt'!i n. Frailey. 2.*

306 AI'l'l:NIlI X. Re:Jista-John Johns. Deputy clo.-joseph Ehrenfried. SherfO-'13. F. Howe. ])(}>ut,'1 <7o.-S. T. Howe. Samuel Martin. Coro1ler-Le\'i Summy. (Any Aldermim can net as Coroner.) Recordcr-Anthony Good. Cler1.'s of<7o.-j. B. Good, B. Duuman. Cled of ~?/lart('i' IScMIUlls-Samuc1 l~\'nljs. CIeri.. of Orplwlls' COllri-C. IJ. Stoner. COIlIII!! 'l'reasurcr-dnnic1 Herr. Cieri,: ofdo.--'l'.,v. Herr. COllllly COlllllli~siullcrs-,Jacob F. Fry, Daniel Goou, Joseph Boyers. Uler1.: ofdo.-l l G. Ebermnn. ('0111I I!!' Slip. PIlUie SchoolJ$- David Evans. 1J,'reclors Ii Poor-Hobert IJuyers, President; J aeob Jloober, Lewb Sprecher, Christian It JJtlndis, John IIoouC'r, John Oberholtzer. Tilliam Gorrecht, 1'rcasurer j J. K. Alexander, So'icitor. Uler1. ofdo. -T. Taylor. Alldto;'s-Cbristian. Bentz, Jacob S. 'Vitmer, John Kirtz. COllllty SUrL ('!J.or-John C. IJcwi~. COURTS. QUAnTEH SESSIO.s-]fenry G. Long, PresidlI[j Jlld:/cj A. IJ. IInsc~, ].'errcl IJrinton, Assodatcs j Samuel E\'ans, Cler!.:. Held third Monduy in January, April, August, No\'cmber. OnpuA!'\s' COURT-Samc J ud~es as above. C. JJ. Stoner, Clak. Held same day as abo\'e. COURT CO:\IMON PI.EAS-IIcld fourth ~rondnys J nnuary, April, August, and November. Same Judges as ubo\'e. COMMISSIONERS OF DEEDS. J. Franklin Reigart, D. r. Patterson, A. II. Hood. NOTARIES PUBLIO. raltci'o. E\'llnR,JohnA. Hiestand, Carpenter 'lccleery.

307 API'F.N})JX..)~.. _f..ll LANCASTER CITY GOVERNMENT. A/a!l0r-George Sanderson. Clerl.-SeLastian G. ~Ju8scr. Aldcrmen-rilliam Ii'rick, John C. Van Camp, Michael Carpenter, 'Villiam JJconnrd, Frederick Voi~ht, Sebastian G. l'iusser, 'Villiam n. riley, J obn ~'. r.lcg on igloo Select UOIUlcil-Henry Carpenter, President; Godfricu Zahm, J.,Yo Jack, James II. Barnes, Dr. Henry Carpenter, Christian Zecher, Hobert A. E\'0I1S, Clwrlcs M. Howell, Daniel Harman, Junius n. Kauffman. J. C. Carpenter, Clerk; Jacob liubert, AJessengcr. Commoll COllncil-Hudolph F. lhugh, Pes/dcnt; Geo. Yiesley, John It nitner, Dann Graham, John Kuhns, Anthony Lechler, J. B. SWHl'lzwclJer, Jacob H. Smeltz, n. Fellcnhaulll, a. F. JJai~e, P. Clls;;jr!ay,.Jacoh Gable, Philip Fitzpatriek, 'Villiam Kautz, Frederick Coollle)'. George Jo'. lhcnncman, eta!..' j Jacob IIubcrt, Jh~ wl!.lf}'.. ~ f'ta~ni~(1 CO:\f:\IlTTHS. mila-george Sanders('m, Clwinnall; Christian ~ec'h('r,.lame:> II. BartH\S,.Tunius Jl. Kauffman, George Yieslcj', 1). Ca~siday, ]),wid Fcllenbaum. ElIyillC fllld ][OSC C01lljJ((lIirs-Hohcl't A. Eans, John Kuhns, David Pcll(lnLaum, Wiliiam Kautz, Daniel liarmnn,.tunius B. Kauffman. l)()ll,.~-christian ~echer,.t. B. Kauffman, Jo...hlla 'V.,}ark, Frederick Coonle.y, Jacob It Smeltz, Dalla Graham..J1~l/'Ih,t.~-Daniel Harman, Hobert A. Evans, Philip Fitzpatrick, Jacob n. Smeltz. Lamps-Daniel Harman, Hobert A. Eans, Jacob Gable, Anthony Lechler. SI/'cels-Charles M. Howell, Christian ~echcr, Anthony JJcehler, C. 11'. Laise. PillallCe-Oodfried ~ahtn, J. II. Barnes, J. D. Swartzwelder, Jobn R. Bitner. City Properf/l-O. M. Howell, Joshua,Yo Jack, Dana Graham, Jacob OaLle. Buchanan Donation Pwul-GoJfricd ~llhm, Chas. M. Howell, C. F. Laiso, John Kuhns. (Hon. James Buchanan donated to tho city the sum of t4000, the interest of which is to h(l ('xp(lnurd for the purchase of fuel for the poor.)

308 281 APPENDIX. City Treasurer alld Rccclrcr 0/ ']'a:rc~-john 'V. Jackson. Cit./f Solidtor-Renjamin F. Daer. Cit!} Recorder-J. Franklin Heigart. High Constable-John Myers. COllstaUes--}>hilip S. JJaker, J ncob Gundakcr, John Kuhns, 'V. 1\1. Gormley. Asscssnr-James 'Yiley. Street Oommissioner-Jacob }~ri!:'mnn. Superintendent Water Worl.s-Henry F. Benedict. Collector of Taxes, Oity and Coullty-Absalom J?aircr. Ulty Regulators-Charlcs R Hayes, Olticfi Henry Stei gerwalt, Albert A. l\ieserkop, Assistatlts..Afarl.:el Master-Christian Frailey. Court Orier-~Iathias Zaltm. To to 11 Criers-Jacob Snyder, :Mathins Zllhm, John El wines. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. McCaa James Valentine John K Bruner Dayics R, Odd Fellows' Hall, Second c IJocust l%ur F, If., Locust bet Front and Second HUNTER J A~I I~S, Second bel Locust 'Velsh Thomas, Front nb 'Ynlnut Slokom Samuel Mehaffey Hugh Bair John Kennedy Sylvester Carpentcr Michael, N. 'V. 'r. Frick 'Villinm, N. R 'V. I.Jeonard 'V. P., S. E. 'V. McGonigle John T., S..K T. l\ius8~r'sebastil\n G., N. 'V. 'V. Van Camp J. 0., S.,Yo,Yo Voigt F., S. T. 'V. 'Viley William n., N. K W. Groff Samuel K. AUKer John, Front Dunn Hobert, Market JJroWll Charles M. Churchtown Columbia (, Christiana Conestoga Ccutre Enterprise ORp L:ll1caster New Hollund ~I fil'ictta Maytown

309 Al)l't:~V1X. Barlow JlIllJeS, 2\fain Martin Christian M., Main Shay Samuel J., Main ljirich Jacob, Main ~cl\er John H., Springril'c SELDO)IHIDGg JOlI~ KUnTZ HENHY ll. 13rush John A., 'asllingtoll J)enuC's Cha rics l~mlllingcl' F., R Charlotte B!wffllcr GalJl icl, _'lnl'kct ~ug fo:amucl n. lja tt 1' iiiiaiii If. Dowcr SallJuel P. ~lr.pllail J ailles Samuel M., Front n the 1\)5t Olliee John, Lampcter Crouse William )1. l~ritlay ]~CUIJ) 2\1t. Joy H 111 tercol! rh~ Xcff~rille )lailoi' l\iillel's,illc l\i 11 II hei III l( ~Jastcr:'lon vi lie Sehocllcck Strasburg H Mountrille,,' LUIlIpeter llciuilohbrille PUBLIC BUILDINGS, &0. COURT liousf.--situateu in ]~ast King street, corner of Duke. COUNTY PRISON-East King strect, above Ann. Board ollil,~pcc(ors-r T. IIollston, Presl'dcnl j.tolm IJoug, Scaclary; Hugh S. Gara, 1'rcasurcI'j Hiralll ]<~\'lins, ])arid Brund!, and Jacob Seitz. Jay Cadwell, Kerper; Hudolph H()~sler, Edwin 'Yiegnll(l, ])r]>llty K('rj>rn; 1>1'. William Compton, }>/I.'/s/I'/rl1l; 1>. O. Baker, Solidtol'; John ~hcetz, m,tl'lollf(// j.j. L. Hoff meicr, Clr}'~. Ib;SERY01R~-IIl Enst King nhoro tile Prison. Henry F. l3enedict, Supt. mac/' Works. MASONIC IIAI.L-Over the old Market House, \Yest Kin~ street, entrance in Market square. This hnll was one of tho original borough buildings erected ill tho 18th century, nnd was granted to tho Order forever, 01' as long (tho grant reads) as tbey, the MnsonR, shall keep the roof of the building in good order. 'The was, until very recently, rathor unassuming in its appearance; but, by thg enterprise and liberality of the Fraternity, has been entirely remodelled untl beautifnlly ol'llalllcnted and fl1ruishcd, and..

310 286 API'ENDIX. now ranks second only, in the State, to the (/ Grand IJodgc rcom at Philadelphia, and reflects great credit UpOll tho Order. ODD 'ELLOWS' HALL-South Queen street ncar Vine, is a fine largo buildin~ purchased and altered in 1836 by IJancaster Lodf!e No. 67, for the use of and dedicated to tho Order in 1850; it contains sc eral rooms for the meet ings of the differer.t IJodges. United Ancient Order oc Druids, Jefferson Grove No. 22, Schiller JJodgo of Guod l?ellows No. 12. G. T. ~abm, Ji.l1litor. Cny HAI.Tr-Corner of 'Vest King and Centre square. POST OFFICt:-In the City Hall Buildin~. corner of Centre siluare and King stroet, open daily (Sundays ex cepted) from 7 A. M. to 8 P. 1\1.; on Sundays from 9 till 10 o'clock A. M. Hiram B. Swarr, Postmaster. li'ul'fon HA,LL:-Prinee street abovo 'Vest King. Offiee of the Association No.6 North Queen street. C. liager, President j G. K.!teed, Secretar!! and Treasurer. POOR HOUSE-Nonr Eo King street, beyond the Reser voirs, outside of the corporation limits. Drs. J. L. Atlee, jr., 'Yilliam Compton, George II. Markley, J. Levergood, P/I!!sid<lns; William 'I'aylor, Superintendent; Mary 'I'il) lor, NutrOll. 'I'OWN liau.-jjocust c Thid Columhia TOWN IIAT.Tr-'Valnut C Elbow la., used for public meetings and SOliS of 'I'cmporallce )Iaridla COLLEGE AND HIGH SCHOOL. FRANKLIN AND MARSHALL COU,l:or. is situnted on nn elevated plot of ground on the continuation of Chestnut street. Hev. K V. Gerhart, Presidc1!t alld Professor i W. 1\1. Neyin, 'I'ltOtn'lS C. Porter, Theodore Apple, Adolphug L. Kooppen, John L. Atlee, Profr.ssors. Franklin find Marshall High School is associated with the College. The President is Pdneipal, aided by the above I>rofcssors us in ~trnctors. It is designed to prepare young men for lldll\i~ sion into the College.

311 APl'J:NI>IX. S' - I PUBLIC SCHOOLS. CoulIly Supaintel/dcl/t.-Duvid B3ns. lju(1i'(! 0/ nireelors.-iion. Alex. IJ. Hayes, ]>N'st'd( 1/1)' William 13. 'Vile)', Scerclary j Peter )IcConomy, E~Cj., Treasllrer j John L. Atlee, M. D., 'm. Carpenter, Henry Carpenter, M. D., Patrick Cnssidy, l\i. D., Hev. 1. S. Demund,.Jonathan Dorwart, J. Aug. Ehler, l\i. D., 'fhea. l?enn, O. J. Dickey, David IInrlman, n.miel Heitshu, He\'. G. F. Krotel, Jo~hua 'V. Ja( k, John W. Ja('k~on, Geol'g'1 )1. Kline, Newton IJightncl',.Tohn B. Liringston, MielJal'l n. Locher, Hoht. II. I~oDg, F. A..MuhlC'nberg, ~L D., If..K Muhlenberg, 1\1. D., David W. Patterson, Hllllolph F. Ibllch, Amos Slaymaker, A. Herr Smith, George ~I. Hteinman, George Sanrlcl'wn, Henry)!. White, Willialll H. Wilson, William 'hiteside, Godfried Zahm. One third of the Board is electcr} annually, on tllc lirst 'l'ursdny of )Iay. The Hoard holds its regular stated meetings on the first Thursday in each month. MAU: IImn SCHooL-Corner Princo and 'V. Chestnut, William V. Davis, Pl'il/cljml; S()ymollr Preston, 1st Assistant; SalDuel C. Walker, 2d Assistanl j John 1). McCaskey, 3d Assislant. I~E~rALl: IlIOn SCHOOL--COrncr Prince and 'V. Chestnut, Miss C. Mus3cr, 1st Teacher j l\liss l\i. K Gill, '2d Teadler j Miss Mary Husset, 3el TeadlCr j Mary Davis, 4th ~J.'cachcr. PRINCIPAL OF SECONDARY AND Amos Row. PnnlARY SCIIOOLS MAr,E SECONDARY SCHOOf E. 'W.-Duke cor. German, I. N. Pierce, Prilldpal j Miss A. Mengle, l.~l Assistant j Miss K It. Kieffer, 2d ASSlslallt. r. MALE SECONDARY SCHOOL, 'Y.-l\lulberry abovo Orange', E. J. Erisman, Princl)}(l[ j 1\Irs. N. Mailey, 1st ASJdstallt; Miss D. 'Vbito, 2d Assistant. 1'EMAI,E SECONDARY SCHOOL, K '-Dllko cor. Wash. ington, Miss Sarah.Musser, Princljml; Miss Susan Smith, ht Assistant j Miss C. Steigerwalt, 2<1 Assstalll.

312 APl'ENDIX. II'DIAI.t; St:CONDAHY ~cnooj., W. T.-~luILcrry abote Orange, Miss ~I. Markee, PrillCljJal j Miss M. Hakestraw, 1st Asslstallt j Miss Ellen Gillespie, 2<1 Assistant. Tumll PROfARY Boys SCHOOfJ, E. W.-Duke bet Vine nnd Germau, Samuel Nourse, Pdlldpal. I'RDrARY SCHOOl,S, R 'V.-Duke street bet. Vine and German. 1st Primary, male and female, ~1isses Margie!\Iiller, Kate Flynn nnd Sarah Gerber. 2d, Male, l'irs C. Heinstein. 2d, Female, Miss Alice White. 3d, )liss )lul'j Andrews. Lemon strect bet Duke and I,jime. 1st })rimary, nla1e, Miss K SweTllzel. 2d, Male, Mis~ Kato renger. hi, Female, )Iiss Mary l'laxwell. 2d, ll'omale, )Iiss Margaret Samson. Orange street betwecn I'lum and Ann. 1st Primary, male, ~Ii:;s P. Rathvon. 2d, Male, l\liss F. R Andrews. 1st, I~elllale, Miss S. B. Kieffer. 2d, Female, Miss II. C. 'Vallier. PRIMARY ~C'IIOOI.S, T. 'V.-'V. Chestnut between )[ull,eny and Charlotto. 1st Primary, mule and female, ~[i8s n. McComsey, II. Kellnedy, nnd Miss C: )Iaxwell. 2d, Male, Miss M. Jefferies. 3d, )Iale, Miss l'inry Diller. 2d, Femalo, Miss Margaret 'Yhite. 3d, Female, Elizabeth It Samson. Ville street between \Yater and Mulberry. 1st Primary, male, ~1i8S Mary IJ. 100ro. 2d, Male, Jiss Delia liazzllrll. 1st, Female, IJizzie Suerer. 2d, Femalc, Mrs. I. W. Moore. Al'RICAN SCllooL-CornC'r Strawberry and JJow streets, Hos:\ Voight. ~T.,Lun:s PAROCIIJATJ SClloor.-N. Duke above Orang(', Bisbop Bowman, President; Esther Icyer, Supcr/ntclllltnl 1st department; A. D. Moore, 2d departmcnt; II. II. ljenjamin, Primary. EDEN SClfOOIJ HOUSE No. ll-charlcs B.!leed, 'Peacher Binklcjs Bridge PRDIAHY SClIooI,-.Miss Ublc, Tcaclur Chriotiau:l Two Schools open during the winter season Churchtowu IJunr lc SCllOOIJ No.2-Third Il Pcrry, G. )1. ClawgCB, PrillCljwI. t''j>(/ 1 Girl~, Mary K Green, Prill- Colllm hh

313 APPENDU 289 PUBJ,lC SCllooJ,-St'cond bet I,ocust and LJu.:'rrv Columbia NEW CEDAU GROVE SClIoor, B Earl WEAVr.U'S ScnoOI, HOUSE-H. A. Newphcr, 'l'cadl<'r 8clloor.- -)liss 1\1. A. Fenner, Bird in Hand Enterprise PUBU'J SCHooL-Sarah Herc, Teacher. J?nirriew W. Cf/NeOHD SCHOOL-C. n. Plean, Teacher J,cacork 3 Publio Schools open during tllo winter months, 2 schools during summer j II. Dasher, J. J. Cake, ' Tea chci's Manheim MARIETTA HWII SCIIOOL, ndjoinin~ Town Hall. High School, 'Walnut n Gay. 2 l)rimary Schools under the Town Hall j 2 Market 0 Gay; 2 cast end Market at. John J. Jlibhart., Prcsi<!mt j R D. Roath, Treasurer; C. A. Schaffer, Secretary j Samuel Huston, John 1<:' li'idler, J. 1\1. Larzelere, Directors. Marietta {) Publio Schools open during winter, and during sumlller they nrc private pay schools l\it. Joy 4 Publio Schools open during winter New IIo]]and l'uhi,ic SCHoOIr-Huber n tho toll gate, JJ. II.1<Jhman, 'l'eac1lcr Hempfield r PunLIc SCHooL-Road n Abm. Herr's hotel (l No. 1 SCHoor.-JJnmpeter, Thaddeus II. Herr, 'l'caeher 'V l,nlllpcter No.2 SCHooL-Herr's Schoo], IJevi M. 'Vilkinson, :I'cadter No. 3 Scnoor.-l\Jylan's School, JA1vi S. Crone, Teacher, Kenderg's No.4 ScnooL-Willow st. pike, Cath. K Schneider, Tea dl er No.5 SCIIOOL-BuckwnItcr' 8 School, Jas. Garvin, Teadler No. G Scnoor.-Houser's :School, John II. frclm, 'l',.aclier t, No.7 SCIIOOT,-J.locust Cho\'e, CllllS. H. l,'ahllcsloc){, Teadler 26

314 2UO Al'l'l:NIlIX. POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT. The l;ancaslel' City Post Offiee is situated in the City liall Building, Centre!'fJuare. Open daily from 7 o'dot'k A. )1., till 8 o'clock }>. M. (Sulltlaj's exc<,ptctl.) On Suudnys from D till 10 o'dock A. M. 'Hiram n. Swan, Pustmaster i 'illia1l1 A. Morton, II. n. Fahnestock, Claksi Jolin II. l{eigart, Lelia Currier. POST On IC~ AHnA~m:~IENTS.-ThcMails goin,g East will close at 6.45 o'clock A. M., and at 1.30 and 8 P.)1. To Harrisburg, l'ittsburg, Columbia, Baltimore, 'Vas!lingloll, D. C., nnd all other places South and Wcst, at 0.30 A. }1. 'fo Harrisburg nnd Columbia, 8 1'. l\i. MAILS BY STAOES.-To Reading, ia I;itiz, Ephratalt, &c., 8 A. l\i. 1'0 I~itiz, Netlsville, Strasburg, IJalllpetcr, Oregon, West Earl, IIinkletown, Farmers\'iJJe, J~andis Vnl ley, Greenland, Soudersburg, Paradise, Fcrtility, and Wheatland Milh;, 2 }>. M. ~ro Lebanon, via East Hempfield and Manheim, 10 A. M. To f'o:afc Harbor, )Iillel',;',-ille, Slack rater, Liberty Sqt.are, and Conestoga, 1 P. ~l. '1'0 New Holland, ChUl'cht~wn, and intermediate plaecs, Oil Tuesday, 1'hmsduy, and Saturday, 12 A. 1\1. To New Holland, via Blue Ball, ]~owmnns\,jj)e, nod 'Yc:lvcr's :Mills, Monday, Wcunesuay, and Friday, ~ I). 1\1. To }>ort Dc })Osit, Md., yin l~uck, Chestnut. IJc\'cl, &c., on Monuoy, WednesJay, and Friday, 6 A. M. To Colebrook, Swan's Mill~, Cnmpbellstown, Sporting Hill, &0., Monday, 'Vcr] ucsday, and Friday, at 12 P. 1\1. To IIcmpficld, Silver Springs, aud Marietta, daily 2 1'. 1\1. '1'0 New Dall\'iJIc, Wedncsday, 10 A. 1\1. To wmow Street, Hawlins\'illc, and 13cthcsda, Wcdnesdny and Saturday, nt 6.A. ~r. ~ The only mail East on Sunday leavcs at 8 o'clock A, l\i.-colulllbin and Harrisburg at 8 P. i'i. l>ostage to California and Oregon, 10 cents. Great Bri tain, 24 ceuts. Germnn States, ao ccnts. Letters must be prepaid by stamps. UST OF rost OFFIct;S 1:-1 I,ANCASTEn COUNTY. }>. O. Township. l>ostmnstcr. Adamstown, }<;ast Cocalico, Henry Stauffer. Biuklcy's lhidgc, :Mauheim, Daniel Summy. l~ainbridge, Conoy, l~liz[\ Galbraith.

315 P. o. Ihreilll', JJ:Jrt, Hartillr, ]~e:trtown, Bel mon to, Bet ht'srltl, ]~le Ball, J~1m IIIn IIf:\' ijle, Bri( kerrillc, Buck 5, (',aills, ' Camargo, Cam hri(lgc, Chestnut Level, (11 ', J Iw;tJ:wa, Church town, Clonmell's, Coealieo, Colerain, Columbia, Coleman rille, Conestoga, Hurlach, Kist IIempficl1l, Elizabethtown, ]',litnpnse, '. Ephratah, Fa rmcr:-;vi 11(', Falmouth, Frrlility. Fultoll I roil~c, Uap, (; nrclonf: rille, (; ood rille, UrCt'nland, (huff's Store, Green, IIcmpficll1, IIi(fhrille lo, IIillklelowll, I nlereourse, Kinzers, APPE~I)JX, Township, Uppl'r Leacoe:k, Jbrt, Carnarvon, East Earl, Bl'ccknock, Eliza bpt h, })rlllllorc, Sal ishul'y, Ellen, DrllmOfC', ~ad:,bul'.r, (Jarnan'on, 1Ycst Cocalieo, Colerain, COIIIIIlhia, M:ntiC', Conestoga, Clay, East HcmrfielJ, r e~t D'Hle~al, };ast JJampctef, ]':phratah, Conoy, Fulton, ~;di..;il\lry, East L~lillpctef, Ea r1, UPV'f Lracoek, ])rumore, East!lompficla, 1\Ianor, Earl, JJcaeoC'k, Paradise, 2fH Po;;lmas{er, M. B. \rei(lier, Elizabeth ~Tilkl'. Thomas Fergusoll..Martin Lchel'. Samucl Spindler, Thomas Lahnziu~. 'Yilliam Coleman, 8amllcl JhwmaJl. Jaeoh.'liIlef. W. ~ryel':i, Hflbert. Smith. 1I. II BI'Cnclll:lIl.,rm Bllelwnnn. Henry V. Fairlanu. M. r. Speakman, ljot! Hogel's, James B. Kennedy. HicIllml, Flickinger. A. D, Whitesides. A, ~..'fo(lerwell, Joseph II. Peler.i. John.'lartin..Tohn Elser..JacoL Swan',.Tohn A, Gros!l. I. Dunlnp..John W. Oros:::. C. F. Urofr. Ahraham (lnllin:i..tohn Dunlap,.Tames Swift. H. Kl'l'Ils..J'lIes Ql1i~lcy. )1 arlin E HlalifTer..~I (hofl', jl'. iell'l ~TtG()Il1ligle. ~amuel FlclIl. ~\lcsparl'ell,.tohn S('.1christ. Aaron IIllghe:i. John 'ViekeI. M. It KlIllple. H,>ucrt. Til'fNt..:)

316 1'. o. Kirk's Mills, Kirkwood, IJampcter, JJandis Yalley, IJundisvillr, JJaneaster City, TJcucock, JJibcrty ~quarc, IJiti z, I.Jylcs, Manheim, Manor, Marietta, Marticville, Martinsville, MastersoDville, May, Maytown, Mechanics' Grove, )Iillersville, ~loullt Joy, Mount H01)(~, 'l\iount Nebo, Mountville, Muddy Creek, Neff~ville, New Holland, New Milltown, New })rovidence, Nine }'oints, Oak liill, Oak Shade, Octorara, Oregon, Old JJine, l'aradise, Pequea, Pleasant Orove, l'de} 8 Creck, l)use)' vilie, Quarl'yvillc, Ibwlinsville, APPENDIX. Township. Little Britain, Colerain, 'Yest Lampeter, East I1empficld, IJancastrr, Lower Leacock, Drumore, Warwkk, RU1)ho, Manor, East Donegal, Martie, Strasburg, llaphg, }~Jcn, l'~ast Donegal, Drumore, 'Manor, East Donegal, Hapho, Martie, West liempfichl, Brecknock, Manheim, Earl, Lencoc1{, Providence, Bart, Little nritain, Httle l~ritain, Colerain, Manheim, llapho, l'aradiso, Salisbury, }'ulton, VultOil, Drumore, l'~dell, ~lartic, l'o~tma,;tl'r. Levi Kirk. 1. Swi~hrr. Hem)' ~l iller. Jacob LandiH. Simon ~linnich. 11. B. Swarr. :.'1ichael Bender. T. P. HuttOll. Daniel Kreider. II. Eckman. A. J. Eby. A. II. Kauffman. Charles Kelly. II. Huber. John Raub. J osoph :\lasterson. Hiram I~caver. Jacob Bow<'r. A. Hutz. l'eter II. Lync. Joshua Leader. A. nates Grubb. J oseph l~nglcs. ll. A. 'Vitmer. 13nac ~lcssnor. Daniel Hoffman. Peter Ileam. 'r. J. mngwnlt. John 'Tweed. Lewis Phipps. N. n. Wells..T. Sutton. J. II. Pennock. M. Keyser Samuel n. Fry. A. h Witmcr. A. It Hess..Jer. B. Haines. h Hipple. Mahloll l'u:;ry..tames C. Ewing. Wm. R Homsey.

317 P. O. H,'alllstown, Heill hnlds\'ille, Hoths\'iIIl', Safe Harbor, Rllli thville, :-:choencck, Hporting Hill, Strasburg, South Hermitage, Bali~bury, Hlack Water, filll)'rna, f.' Oll!1 errburg', ~wan's Mills, Swartz\'ille, 'I'erm IIill, Vognns\'ille, Wakefichl, Weavcr's i\iilis, Wpst Earl, Wheatland ~Iills, Willow Street, White Oak,.\rPE~IlIX. Towl1~hip. East COl'alieo, \\'()~t ('cl('alieo. '\'arwil'k, ' Concst nga, ~Jarti(', WC:it Coca!ico, Strashurg, fhlishury, ~alisbury, ~JaTlor, fia Ii~ 1mry, Ea:-t ltcmpficld, Earl, E:Il'I, Fulton, West Earl, West Lampeter, Hapho, ')(1.3 _. Po:; t lli~s tel'. Anllrew Hcnlll. George Heinhol\1..1cI. Hnth..Tohn Kolp..Tohn U. fimit h..r. w. ~Ientzer. Noah H. Y.ook..Tames Paul..John 'rallace. Henry Warst. Jacob Kauffman..Tohn 1[olHi:hcr, jr. II. Fl'cclnntl...Jacob Hershey..lohn Swartz. Jeremiah Garman. If. S. IToffman. J,cmuC'l Walkcnson..Tohn 'Vca~cI. Jacob Busser, jr..john Musselman. Jos. Gochenour. Jollll Stouffer. BANKING INSTITUTIONS. FAR~IERS' 13.\.:-\K OF L\:-\CAS'l'ER-East King, corner of South Duke street. C. liager,!'/'csid(,llf; Edwin II. Brown, ('ashin'. J)i,.('cfors-OI11'istopher linger, Hcub;,n A. Baer,.Jacob B. T:'lhuuYl Adam J(. Witmcr, Solomon Diller, ~amue! Fry, George Calder, Lewis Haines, John Hohl'er, Daniel IIeitshu, Abm. Petcr~, S,llllucl Bausman, John ~rus Felman. Discount days, 'J'uesdays. Incorporated IS l-t. Capital $lflo,ooo. Annual llieeting first illonday in November. Pur value of shares ~50. LANCASTER COUNTY BANK-22 East Kin~ Ftreet.. John L11Hlcll, Prsidcnl; 'Villiam IJ.!'eiper, ('mlt/rl'. Directors-John I.Jandes, neor~c c. Brush,.Tames Smith, Benjamin B. IIerr, Samuel H:mck,.John ~Jiller, Christian B.. Herr, Abraham Bauman, Harrey BraekLill, Christian n. Landis, Frederick Kellcr, Emanucl Swope, John Doner. Chartered 1811; re thartered Capital $2 10,000. 2:)* j;.'i it I II f

318 29-1 APPENDIX. Annual meeting first Tupsdny in November. Discount un)'s, TlnJrf,days. Dividends declared, first Tucstla) in l\iay nnd Novcmber. LANCASTER DANK-Horace Rathvon, Ass91ICC. (In liquidation.) COT.u~mIA BANK Co.-Darton ] jvnns, PresMcnf j Samuel Shock, Cashl'cr. Dreclors-Jamcs 'Whitehill, John W. Clark, David Tilson, Jaeob S. Mann, Henry Copenheffcr, 1\1. II. Moore, Samuel Truscott, Jacob C. }>fahl,cr, l\t m. l~. Given, Benjamin F. Appold, E. K. Smith, Thomas Lloj'd. Discount days, Tuesdll}'s. LAIWASTER SAVINGS INSTITUTlON-rcst King, corner Prince. B. Schaeffer, President j A. E. Roberts, Treasllrtr. (In liquidation.)?tit. JOY SAVINGS INSTITUTION-Main street, Mt. Joy. Incorporated Henry ]%crlc, President j Jacob n. I.Jong, '/'reas. nnd Scc j n. F. }~berle, Tt'ller. Henry J~bcrJo, Jacob Uhrich, J. L. Zicgler, I~manuel Cussel, John Shcrk, David Zook, A. II. SUUlmy, C. K. J.JOng, Joseph Ditwl'iJcr, David Brandt, Jacob Uciff, Henry ShaffnQr, John Brcncman, Dir«tors. INSURANCE COMPANIES. FARMERS' AND MECHANICS' MUTUAL INSURANCE Co. of Lancaster County, Elizabethtown. Incorporated John J.Jynch, Prest'clent j James Wilson, Vice-President j Georgo Byrod, Sccretar!! ; James 'Vilson, 1'reasurer j Charlcg Bbbccke, Philip Oldweiler and Amos IIerrauf, Directors. ElizabetLtown INLAND INSURANCE AND DEPOSIT COMPANy-COrner Centre square and South Queen. Charter perpetual. Capital $125,000. Dividends declared January and July. Dr. H. E. Muhlcnberg, Pretidcnt; Rudolph l~. Rauch, Secrclary and TJ'cm Itrer. DirC(:tors-Danicl G. Baker, David G. Esh. IcmlllJ, John St)lcr, S. W. P. Boyd, Jacob II. J~andis,John.. 'V. Jackson, Peter Martin, John Eshelman, David Hartman, Philip Arndt David Bcnder, Daniel Good. J.Jancastcr LANOASTER COUNTY 1\1UTUAL INSURANOE CO. Incorporat{ld?tIarch 19th,1841. Thomas S. 'Vood,

319 AJ>I'ESDIX. 295 Prrsic1f'nt; Nath:micl Eo SIa)'mnkel', Srrrctary nml Treasura; 'J'homu!4 S. Wood, Adam K. Witmer, 'l'jlollllls S. McIlvain, Geo. L. Eckert, John M. Rusres,.John Ronk, ~Ioses Eahy, Samuel Slokom, and N Slaymaker, Dircctors. WilliamstowD, Kinzer's P. O. Paradiso GAS COMPANY. W'orks situated lower end of 'Water street; offiee Centro square corner South Queen. C. Hager, Prcsident; J Ueynolds, Srcrctary; G. K. Reed, 'l'reasllrcr; C. linger,.james h Rcynolds, Henry Carpenter, B. A. Shaeffer, Hon. Henry G. IJong, and IJulher Hiehartl8, Directors. Lancastcr TELEGRAPH COMPANIES. NATIONAl F. X. Zeigler, operator, Black's Hotel, Columbia NATIONAL TF.I.I:ORAI'II Co., 4 Miller:) row, Eust Chestnut above Queen street JJuncaster. CORN EXCHANGE. Grain nnd Flour merchants' and speculators meet every Mouday, at {) o'clock A. ~I., nt the Black Horse Hotel, North Queen. Street. Lancaster ADA)IS. street. EXPRESS OFFICE. Offico Miller's row, East Chestnut abovo Queen Lancaster FIRE DEPARTMENT. LANOASTER. SUN ENOINE AND HOSE Co. East Vine above Duke street. Instituted 1'763. William F. Shuler, Prw'dent;' Dr. John L. Atlee, jr., Secretary; 'Villiam A. Atlee, Trcasurer j Robert L. ]~icholtz, Chief EI/gineer. Fnn~NDsHlP Hos}: Co. North Duke nbove Chestnut street. In8titutcd 1763; Ucorgallized John S. Gable, President j George,Y. Brown, Yire-President; Charles T. Gould, Secretaryi Godfricd ~ahm, 'j'reasu1'cr; William R. Burns, O!tirj A'lIgineer.

320 296 APPF.~I)JX. UNION E:\01~r. AND IIo~E CO. )f:nket Rlrcrt. In!llitulpd Jil)O. Henry K Hla'ymaker, Ihs,'<!t'lIt; Ucol'ge K. Heed, Srert!m'!l alld Tr{'asurer; Thomas Thurlow, 0/1/'('/ } '. ~1I!J'IICCI'. WASIIIN<lTON )<;~OIN}; ANn ITO!'E Co. North Quccn above 'Ya'lnul street. Instituted 1820, incorporated Martin Schaffer, Presidelll; Henry M. White, Scrretary; Gottlieb Hener, Treasurer; Henry Nagle, OMf! Ellgillcer. A~IERICAN ENOIN.~ AND IIos.~ Co. Church street ncllr East Kinp;. Samuel II. Price, l'rm'dellt; Walter G. Evans, George 'V. Urcncmlln, Vce-l'rc.~idelltll j No D.,Yo 13reneman, Scerrtlll:lJ; William A. JJCwis, Trcasurer j William Jordan, Citil/ Ellgillcer. HUMANE IIos}~ Co. Manor ncar 'Yest I\ing. Instituted Davis ~J. Fr:lim, Presidellt j Henry Schaum, Vice. Presidellt j K K Snyder, Secretal'!! j John IJowrelltz, 2'rea.~u rcr. Snn'FJ,I-:R HosE Co. East Strawberry ncar South Queen. Thaddeus Steens, Pr(.~idellt j Alex. Harris, Vice-Presidellt j 11'rederiek Kempfer, Seaetcoy j O. J. Dickey, Treasllrer. HOOK AND LADnER Co. So'uth Duke ncnr Vine. In. stituted ~1. Howell, Presidtlllj '''m. A. Amer, r,'ce Pres,.t! 'llt; D. n. IIcitshu, Secretary j D. M Knufl' man, Assistallt Secretary j O. Whlm,}'cr, 'l'reasltrer. VIOH,ANT ENOINE AND HOSE Co. Second between 'Yulnut and Locust. Joseph IIog<'ntogler, Presidcllt j J.,Yo Hamilton, rice.presidellt. j R C. BClker, 'l'rc<l!mrer j J. D. Wright, Sec TrtO):,!; Daniel A. Golln, Old,.! nt'rec1or j Jos. n. Bosti(~k, G. W. Miles and Edward O. Brown, Assistalll Dt'l'cctors to }~ngine; Hcnry Humble, John J. IJong find ~Iichacl Co1lin~, Assistallt Directors to IIose Columhia SUSQUEIIANNA ENGINE AND HOSE Co. Front street between Union nnd IJocust. A. C. Urhan, President j James ~lcginjs, l'ice-]>i'cs,dcllt; \Yilli:Ull ll. li'vrsig, Secretar!! j A. Bruner, jr 'i'i'cas Itrcr COT.mIDIA ENOH\l; AND lios1-: Co. IJocust adjoining the 'Town Hall. John Sweeny, Prest'dclIt; Chatleg A. Hook, Yice Presldellt j B. Grifl~ J~'{'Crd(/ ly j Samuel Everly, 1'reasurr.r

321 A1'l E~nIX. :W7 PIO~i};F.R FIRE CO. John.T. Lillhnrt, Pl'ud<1c1I1; Abraham Ca~scl, 'l'/'«((slil'cr j William Child, jr, Secrcla I!J ~In ric tin MILITARY. JJANCASTER FDlCmr,Es. Armory, Fulton Hall Building, Prince strect. Ca{Jta;1I, John II. Duchman; 1st LiIl (('1/(mt, l~mlen Frank in; 2<1, Michael H. :Locher; 3d, Jamcs P. DJsart; 01'<1. Serg't, ~I. J. 'Ycaver; 2cl, Henry B. Slaymaker; 3d, 'V. H. Keffer; 4th, A. 'V. Shenk; lst Corporal, George l\insser, jr.; 2d, A. McGinnis; 3d, A. J. Shringer; 4tll, S. It Il'ahnestock; Quartermaster, C. It Fraile)'; SllIyeon, Dr. Henry Carpenter. Lancaster EAur, INFANTRY, 43 muskets. Captain, Isaac Hnn; 1st Licutenant, 'Villiam A. Schaeffer; 2d, John Winger. Lancaster EANDS. LANCASTEIl Ff:sCInr,ES' BUASS HAND. Leader.. George Ellinger, IJancmiter EARl, INFANTRY llhass nand, Jacob ~[entzer, Leader, Ne\v Holland INCORPORATED COMPANIES. Lmlcastn' and Sttsgllclt01l71a Slac!w:ater }rav;yall'on 00. E. Orange 2d door from N. Queen, Lancaster. Capital, $200,000. James JJ, Reynolds, I'res. ; George Calder, Sec. and Trcns.; J~cvi Hurford, Abraham Peters, John A. Sheaf llnd Denjamin Snavely, Managers. Columbia jj!ct1lujactur,'ll11 Co. Incorporated September 17, Cupital, 815,000. E. Hershey, Pres.; T. R. Suppl~e, Seo.; George Hogle, Hiram Wilson, Henry }lfuhlei', Z. Supplee, J. Slewellyn nnd T. R. Supplee, Manngers. Basi DOllegal.Pm mas, Gardellers, alld Fruit Gowers' &xie~lj, meets Second and Fourth Saturdays of each month at tho High School room, ~Iarietta. John J. IJibhnrt, Pres.; n. M. Engle llnd Ramucl Book, V. Prcsidents; John Musser, It S.; n. Spangler, C. S. Daniel Bogle, Treasurer. PI/lton Hall Association. C. Hager, Pres; George K. Heed, Sec. llud 'freas. I.Jancastcr

322 2!)8 API'E~nTX. CHARITABLE INSTlrUTIONS AND SOCIETIES. A~CIEXT A~J) IIOXOH.\BLE OIWEIl or ntl:e A~D ACCEPTED )IMWXS. OJ}iccrs 0/ tllc G'mlld Lodge 0/ tllc. Staff: 0/ PClIll'~!Jhl/II/(f. licll1'y)l. J>hilipR, It 'V. G. Mastcr; John 'rholllson, R. 'V. D. G. Master; Daviel C. Skerrdt, It W. R. G. 'Yarden; Lurius II. Scott, n. 'V. J. G. Warden; Pctrr 'Yilliamson, W. G. 'rreasurer; William n. Adams, R. W. O. Secretary; John Cbambers, Thomas S.,Johnson, Kin~ Rton Goddard, Williarn II. O,lenheimer, William ~ud (lards, Peter HURselJ, Daniel Wltshburne, \Yilliam II. Hecll, Samuel B. Babco( k, Grand Chaplains; Elhanall \Y. Kry. acr, S. G. Deacon; Joseph '1'. Tbomas, J. G. Deacon; \ViIlinm,Yo Thomson, Adam ~Inag, Grnnd Stewards; Jacob IJoudcnslager, Grand Marshal; Horace h Peterson, Grnnd Sword Bearer; George II. Ashton, Grand Pm sui vant; \Villiam n. Schnider, Grand Tyler. The stated Quarterly ~Ieetillgs of tho Grand fjodge arc held nt ~Iasonic ITall, Chestnut St., Philadelphia, on the }i'irst ~Ion<1ays in March, JUDO, September and Decembcr. The election (or officers is held 011 tho First Monday in Deeem ber. The Annual ~Iccting takes place on St. John the B,..m gelisl's Day. Charles 1\1. Howell, of IJancastcr District, Deputy Orand Master for Lancaster and York Counties..Culumbia })licampnl(,lit, K. '1'. No. 13.-Christian S. ](auffman, M. Be G. Commnnder; Francis ]1. Ebur, Generalil'simo; John A. 'Yolf, Captain General; C. ~L Howell,. Prelate; Joseph lhlchaunn, Senior Warden; John Herr, Junior Warden; Charles P. Schreiner, '1'reasurer;.T. M. WC8thnetTer, Her-order; P. H. Albright, Standartl llearer; Frallklin Hillkle, Sword Benrer; So 1'. Eberlinc, rard('r ; Jolin nee~j, J. Eckert, II. U1ickcnsdcrfer, Captains of the Gunrd; Gcor~c J..utz, Sentinel. Lancaster R. A. Chapter, J.Yo. 4a, Meels tho Fourth Wednes(lay in each month, at )Iasollic Hull. William A. Atlee, ~l. K II. P.;,Tolm h Allee,.ir., K. ;,John A. Wolf, S.; Chnrles Eo Wentz, Tren tl.; J. M. \\'esthacttcr, Heet. Lancaster Lod!/c No. 48 mects the Second Wednesday in each month at MaH:mic liall. Henry BaullIgardner, W. ~I.;

323 A 1'1'E~ III X. 2DD John II. Atlee, jr., S. '.; Geo. M. Kline,.J.,Y.; Henry L. Zahm, 'l'reasurer; J. ~I. 'csthaeffcr, SCtrctarj'. H. II. Jlong, S. D ; JoLn Haar, J. D.; Emanuel II. Gast, I S. ~I. U.; Charles M. Childs, 1. ~l. 0.;.John )1. Kelly, Pursui \'311 t; CLaries Wid myel', Charles B. Wen tz lind David U\,es, 'I'rustees; William A. Atlee, lienr.r GorrecL1. and Christian Gust, Com. of Charity. Lancaster Mount Parcnt (colored), No. 25, meets every Monday at the hall in the rear of the Afrienn Church. CLas. Williams, W. M.; Daniel Martin, J. W.; William Draper, S.,Y.; Elias Mathews, S. D.; Samuel Harley, J. D.; 'VilliaUl nutler, Seo.; Stephen Urown, 'I'rens.; Samuel ~Iathe\Vs, Tyler; Georgo Harris, ~l. C. Jlancaster Columbia Lodgc, No. 28G.-F. II. Ebur,,Yo ~r. ; P. A. Kimhurp't S.,Y.; J. A. 'Yolf, J.,Y.; S. F. J%erline, Secretary; 'I'homas Lloyd, 'freasurer. Columhia INDEP};~mENT ORDER OF ODD l'ej.i.ows.. Wasldngton.Encampment, No. 11, meets Seeolld and I~ourth Tuesday in each month, ut Odd IcHows' Hall. Samuel Killian, C. P.; C. F. liaise, II. P.; J (lim B. Mark Icy, S.,Y.; Ueuben II. liang, J.,Y.; Henry M. White, Treasurer; J. M. 'Yesthaeffer, Scribe. Jluneastar Lancaster IJOdgc, No. 67, meets every Thursday evenin~ at Odd Fellows' Hall. Ueubell II. Long, N. G.; Hiram Young, V. G.; J. M. WestLaeffer, Sect.; D. McCormick, Asst. Sect.; George Spurrier, 'I'reasurer. Lancaster NOlltercy Lodge, No. 2'J2, meets overy l?ridny erening at Odd Fellows' Hull. S J. J. Hiley, N. G.; John M. Kcmpf, V. G.; James M. Channell, Seo.; A. JJ. Kauff. man, Treasurer. Jlancaster Alarietlct Encampmcnt, No. IU, K Donegal, meets at Odd Fellows' Hall l,'irst and 'l'hird 'I'hursday of each month. I.cvi Uoughtcr, U.!).; WilIil'lll K Krater, II. P; W. A. Grosh, s. W.; M. Cable, J. W.; Eo D. Uouth, S.; A. n. Summy, 'I'reusurer. Marietta SIIsguclla1l1la otlflc, No. 80. II. Wilson, N. G.; George Boyle, V. G.; T. J. 'I(ueh, Sec.; J. S DellcH, 'I'reasurer. Columhia Earl Lodge, No 413, mects at Odd Fellows' Ball every Wednesday evening. Elias St0IH' N. G.; Stewnl't )liiler, V. G.; Elia:; G1au:icr, ~cc.; AlLert G. Sutton, Treosurer. New 1I,\lland

324 300 AP,.t:NVlX.!{orflt Star Lodye, No. 166, meets every Saturday evening. Lewis J.Jill\'illc, N. G. ; George Strause, V. G.; J. D. Hasson, Seo.; S. R. IJinmc, Treasurer. Kinzer's IJolll'gal Lodge, No. 1~O, meets in Odd Fellows' 1Iall ~'ery Tuesday. 'Varren It Grosh, N. G. ; C. R. Marks, V. G. ; David Harry, 'freas.; E. D. Hoath, Seo.; David Hoath, Ass. Seo. Marietta Peqlla Lodge, No. 161, meets every Saturday evening at Paradiso Hall. Jobn,Yo JJytlo, N. G.; Jacob Bruar, V. G.; Uobert Dougherty, Sec.; S. M. Uruar, Trens. Paradiso StraslAmJ Lot(qc, No. 361, meets at Massnsoit Dall. r~anc Holl, N. G.; FrnnkHn Clark, V. G.; R. M. Girvin, Seo. ; A. It Black, Ass. Sec.; Jacob Hildebrand, Treasurer. Strasburg Kosciusl. o Lodge, No. 374, meets at Rawlinsvillc. lndependent ORDEn OF GOOD TE~lPLAns. Lallcaster Lodge, No. 1017, meote every Friday evening in Mechanics' Hall, R King street. James Blaok, \V. C. 1'.; Miss Mary l..i. Miller, W. V. T.; Georgo \V. Ken. drick, 'V. S.; John Chamberlain, 'V. A. S.; Hev. D. Steck, W. C.; J. S. Stoner, 'V. T.; Jacob K. Darr, W. 1.'. S.; Harry 'V. Herman, W. M.; Miss' Alice Maxwell, \V. D. 1tI.; Miss Suc Miller, T. I. G.; Miohael Groff, W. O. G.; Miss Annie Rakestraw, R. II. S.; Miss Annie Lock wood, L. H. S.; John H. Pearsol, L. D. Lancaster. llopc Lodge, No. 45 D. R. Urubnker, W. C. T.; Jane Heisley, 'V. V. T. ; L. C. Oberlin, 'V. S.; E. 1\1. Shreiner, 'V. T.; T. J. Kuob, W. T. S.; L. S. Miles, W. A. S. j Annie Haldeman, 'V. D. 1\1.; Susan J.Jcmon, W. T. G.; George 'Valker, 'V. O. G.; G.M. Clauzer, 'V. C. Columbia. 8uMjuehallna Lodge, No L. L. Rogers,.V. C. T.; Henry Buchter, Sec.; Sally O'Dryon, V. T. ; Netty Grosh, Ass. SeQ.; \ViIliam Oirnd, P. C. T.; S. C. Child, Chap. lain; 'Villillm Nixon, Marshal; Anna 1\1. Glenn, A. M. j J.Jizzy Hipple, Treas. ; Sigmond \VisDer, n:s.; Mary Kline, I. G.; Samuel Sultzbach, O. G. Marietta ORDER OF UNITED A ~leluoan ~IEcnANICS. n~l/crford COlwdl, No. 72, meet'! nt Mechanics' nail cvery Monday ecning. Georgo Hudisill, jr., Counsellor i i..~

325 APPENDIX. 301 Samuol Thuma, V. C.; Amos 01'OYO, Soc.; Henry llo:;tic, F. S.; lienr)' Ockart., Trcns. l\ialietta SOCIETIES. lloil:ard Assocz'alL'on. Originally organized Dec. 30th, Thomas H. Uurrowcs, Pres.; P. l\icconomy nnd C. Yidmyer, V. Pres.; Horace llathvon, Treas.; J. K. Alexander, Reo. Sec. ; John 'Vise, Cor. Seo.; Georgo S. llrynn, N. :K 'Vard; Philip Pyle, N. 'V. 'Vard; George l\i. Klino, S. K 'Yard; George K. need, S. '. 'ard. J.Jancaster Harmony Beneficial Sodely. Capital, 81,500. A. N. Cassel, Pres.; Darr Spangler, Sec.; John J. Libhart, Troas. Marietta Plollcer Benrficz'al Associall'oll. Capital, 81,200. John J. Libhart, Pres.; 'Yilliam Child, jr., Seo.; Abraham Cassel, Tn'us. l\iarietta Lancaster Coun/y Agricultural and A1cclwlIl'cal Society. Incorporated, Hon. Joseph Konigmacher, Pres.; J. Franklin Rcigart and J. Shaffner, V. l'rcsidents; D. W. Patterson, Treas.; David Bshleman, Seo. Laneaster liistorl'cal, Agricultural, and Meclwnics' Institute 01Lallrasier. Chartered 23d Nov., Thaddeus Stevens, Pres.; l!~ereo Brinton, Jacob H. THhudy, Nathaniel llurt and Thomas H. Burrowes, V. I>residenta; ]30 P. Daor, Reo. Sec.; James Alexander, Trene.; E. D. Darlington, Cor. Sec.; George F. Breneman, Librarian. Lancaster UNITED ANCIENT ORDER OF DRUIDS. Jricrwn Grove, No. 22, meets every 'Vednesday eyenink at Odd l!~ellows' Hall. Allen Guthrio, N. A.; Samuel ]'ahcrson, V. A.; George Henig, I. G.; G. T. Zahm, Seo.; William Gorreeht, Treasurer. Lancaster Mount Moriah Grove, No. 16-Dyosius Staehle, N. A.; JJOuis Docthrecht, V. A.; Jonas Dostman, Seo.; l'hilip Ulassing, Treasurer; George Schwarz, I. G.; Conrad Gasser, Con.; Joseph 'Vittmaycr, O. G.; 'Yendel Koch, I>. A. Lancnst.~r ANCIENT ORDER OF GOOD FELLO'VS. Schiller Lodge, No. 12, meets every Tuesday evening at Odd Fellows' Hall. I. Jacob Springer, D. D. G. M. j lienry Dorr, 'V. G.; John J.JOng, '. V. G.; l>hilip Keller, 26

326 302,V. Chapter; J os. 'V:<1myer,,Yo It. Sec. ; Henry Oiltermycr, T. F. Sec.; John A. Schcul'enbrlllld, W. 'freas.; Hellry Keller, T. \V.; CI ristian Schaffer, 'V. J.,Y.; 'Yendel Koch, \V. TJler; A ndrens Koch,,Y. J. 'I'Jler. J.luncash;r Dll'ROYED ORDER OF ned MEN. Ec s'hah ko.ucc Tribe, No. 22, mects eyery Tuesday cyening, at Odd Fellows' nail. A. S. iliee, Sachem; IJ. Fuulk, Senior Sa~aDlorc; A. Knpp, Junior Sagamore; G. 'f. Zahm, Chief of Hecords; John )1. Johnson, Keeper of 'Yumpul1l. Lancaster.Metamora Tribe, No.2, meets evcry Wednesday, in Sprecher's Hall, North Queen street. Peter T. Gorrecht, Sachem; John Steigerwalt, Senior Sagamorc; Cnsper BUillncr, Junior Sagamoro; John II. Breneman, Chief of ne cords; l'lichncl noyer, Keeper of \Yumpum; ITenry!lock, ]>rophct. Lancaster JUr-;JOR SONS OF AMERICA. n~lsldllgton Camp, No. 13, meets eyery Thursday oycning, in the Odd Iellows' liall. James F. Downey, P. P.; John ]Jenediet, P.; John reaver, V. P.; John A. Ousley, It S.; John A. Overdeer, A. It S ; Henry O. Gusley, '1'.; Till. Marshbnnk, 1,'. S.; ~~dward Edgerly, ~I. of 10'. nnd C.; Kinzer J~uman, C.; It Marshballk, 1. G.; John 13uekius, O. G. Lancaster SONS OF TEMI'ERAr-;CE. Lancaster D,'vis,'on, No. 47, mcets every Tuesdny, at Sprechor's lluilding, N. Queen. Alexander Sherts, \V. 1). ; \Villiam L. Ilcarson, \V. A.; Henry F. Sprecher; It. S. i John It h Vogan, F. S.; Samuel Hcan, T. ; A. H. Bitner, Conductor; Jacob Miller, A~st. do.; Eo S. Speaker, 1. S.; A. J. Kafroth, O. S.; John Milley, Chaplain. Lancaster.Marietta Division, No. 68, meets at 'l.'emperance liall overy I?ridayevening. Jacob A. Wisner, \V. P.; \VilIiam Childs, 'V. A; \Vm. Chapman, R. F. S.; George J.leader, A. It S.; n. Spangler, 11'. S.; I. Heisinger, 'freas. l\iari('tta Cadets 0/ 1'emperonce meet every Saturday evening, in Sprecher's Building, N. Queen. David 1\1. Adams, W. A.; Uichard R. 'Vnters, W. P.; Stewart A. \Vylic, 2<1 1).; Samnel II. Holbrook, 3d P.; Jacob T. ~ellcr, Y. A.; Geo. 1\1. Hambright, Seo. j George W. Zecher, A. S. ; Jobn Hilum

327 APPENDIX. 303 grr4lner, Treas.; Adam Auxer, A. Trells. ; James Huydnm, O. W.; Hamuel Steiver, Chap.; Murcellue; Hambright, G. ; Tu)'lor Shuler, U.; Samuel Shreiner, I. 'V. IJaueaster U~ITED ORDER OF A~IERICAN ~IECfL\:-\ICS. COllestoga Council, No.8, meets every Monday evenin~, at their IIan in Geiger's 13uildin~, J~;\st King strcet..jacob Gardner, C.; John Clair, V. C.; L. Snyder, H. S.; K :K Su)'dcr, F. S.; T. II. )IiJlcr, Treas. IJoncaster IlIland (},'ty COllucil meets every Thursday cvcning at the somo place. Bellj. Fox, C.; John ~I. Kelly, V. C.; It S. Ostler, R. S.; Jacob Weitzel, l~. S.; S. J. J. niley, Trens. IJancaster Gcrman;r. Sclulltzcn Verdll meots every 'Wcdnesday, at Kircher's Hotel, '''cst King street. C. I. Hees,!'res.; George Kir:lber, V. Pres.; Lorentz Knapp, Sec. and Treas. IJl\ncaster LADIES' SOCIETIES. Pld1ozatlu'(l7ls mcet cvery 'Yedncsdny evenin~, in Oeiger's Bauk Building. Mar~arct,K Carmany, P. P.; Christiimtl Heckert, A!':'lOciato; Susan S. Hambright, It S.; Mat y Parvin, Ii'. S.; Mary I~rislUnn, T.; Hester Huber, Chaplain; Charlotte IWaR, Conductress. JJnncastcr Daughters 0/.A merica meet every Tuesday cvening, samo place as ab()'\'c. Margaret B. Carmany, C.; Elizabeth Hoy, Associate; Susan S. Hambright, H. S.; Mary Bl'ism:tn, li'. S,; Sar~h Saarfcld, T. pro tem. ]JalJcastcr DAUGHTERS OF Tf:~IPEIUNCE. LANCASTEH. Ladies' Wren til, l\tq. 4, Temple of ljollor, meets every Monday, nt the session room of the Moravian Church. K M. Zllhm, IJ. P.; Mary l~rislunn, R. S.; Susan Benm, T. LallcaMcr Unioll, No.7, meets Fridays, in tho session room of the Mornvian Church. Elizabeth Kendig, P. P. S. ; Mary Parvin, P. s.; Sarnh Helnley, A.; ~Jl\ry Erisman, R. H.; Susan Benn, F. S.; :K ~l. ~ahm, '1'. Orphans' As,lJlum of St. tjames' }1;piseopal Church, 5;1 North Dnke. Hannah K. Ucnjl\min, Huperintcndent.. LI!theran Dorcas Society meets every Wedne8day even Ing, III tho lecture room of the Lutheran 'l'rinity Church,

328 30t APPENDIX. South Duke street, for the relief of the poor nttnelled to tllc chmch. Mrs. J. II'. I~ong; })residcntj.miss Eo Muhlcnberl!, Sec. and Trells. Clli01l ljor!'<i!1 Soddy meets every 'VerlnesJn'y, at Pullon Ill'll I. Mrs. Patterson, President; Miss Kute ~Iuthiot, Sec. nnd Treas. The object of this society is for the relief of the poor of tho city generally; it is supported by contributions from its members and donatiolls from the citizens. LIBRARIES AND LITERARY SOCIETIES. Medwnid f1lsll'tute Lr'brnry meets third Monday of evcry month, in McConomy's Building, 'Ycst King street. Peler O. Bbcrmnnf!)residcnt; C. Gillespie, Vice!>rcsident; Christinn Gast, Treasurer; Henry Pinkerton, Secretary; Petcr McCollomy, Librarian. Open every FridllY evcning. Lancaster Dz'oYllotlu'an Literary Sodet!! of Fralll.:Un and Marshall CollffJe meets at their new liall, Collego Grounds, every Saturdny morning at 8 ~ o'clock. I~ancastcr GoclllCan Literm,!! Society 0/.1}allldil and.afarshall Colfrye meets sarno timo and placo as the abovo. George II. Johnson, President; Georgo T. Shower, Vice I)residcnt; II. II.,V. Hibshman, Heo. Sec.; Spangler Kietf, Treas. ; C,)'rus Cort, IJibrarian. Lancaster.Afariclta SOl/II of Tl1nperallce Lao'ar!! Associall'on mecls at 'I'amplc HaH, first and third I?ridllY evening. Jacob A. Miner, President; 'Villiam Chapman, Seo.; I. Reisinger, Trolls; John Depler, Librarian. Young ~lfell'8 Chdstlan and IA'ternry Assocz'atz'on, Litiz. Paradise Literary Sodety Library. Pdcrsburgh Librm'Y Associail'on, East Ucmpfield. Lanccrstfr AtllCllrellm, organized August 11, Emanuel Reigart, President; Dr. F. A. Muhlenberg, V. P. j Jacob L. Hoffmeier, Seo.; Horaco Rathvon, 'rreas. j J. L. Hayes, Rev. Dr. E. V. Gerhart, Rev. H. Harbough, John Wise, James Black,.Geo. Sanderson, Directors. Ala1l11d'm. Literary Sociely, officers chango monthly..f.:literprise h!jceum, reorganized August 15, 1857, meets at Mrs. IJnmborn's, C\ery last Saturday in tho month. 'I'hoffins n. Howe, President; ll. D. Moyer and Isaac!{cnding, V. Presidents; Dr. A. M. Miller, Sec.; Mrs. P. B. Gibbons, Cor. Seo.; A. Long, Trells.. 1

329 APPENDIX. 805 Jllm'clta Literary Association meets during the winter cycry ~[onday evcning! at the High School rooms. B. Hpnngler, President ; John Clerk, ~ecrct3r)'; ~'hcophilus Hiestand, Treas. YOli1l!J Men's Literary Assodall'oll, l\h. Joy, foun,lrcl May 5, 1856; chartercd June 5, 1858.!>rcsidcnl, n. B. McNcal; Vice-President, ll. F. Mishy; Ueeording Secrelary, n. A. Urady; Registering Secretary, 11'. J. Bcnder; COrJ'csponding Secretary, F. II. Stauffer; Treasurer, WIll. Brady; Ronrd of l\ianogcril, H. II. Long, U. K. Burkholder, B. M. Greider, II. A. Buchmyer, J.?II. Brady, F. Homer nooth, A. F. Stauffer, Christian Shoil, nnj C. H. Brady. 'I'he officerr nrc e.t o..!licio mem bers of tho BClard. JllUII./ltville Literary IllSlI'tllt(', 'WCRt JIempficld. J..tC\'Y Myers, Prl!sidont; K II.,ritmer, Cor. Seo.; S. S. Clair, Bee. Seo.; II. G. Bruckart, 'l'reasurcr; John II. 'Yitmer, Ubrarian. l'<ad,'sc Litcrary Soddy, Paradise. P. 1. Nichols, President; J aoob IIunsecker, Secretary; ~oseph l!'. Tit_ mer, Treasurer.. Strasburg Literary and Sdentific Associail'on meets every Saturday evening, at Massasoit IIan. Dr. Bshleman, President ; John R. 'Varfel, Seo. nnd 'I'rcas.; Dr. Samuel Keneagy, Librarian. La1lcaster GilJl and (Jounty Jlfedical Society, instituted Februnry 14, 184-1, nnd incorporated April 15, 18 14, meets quarterly on tho first 'Vednesday following the third Monda)' in January, April, August, Bnd November, nt 11 o'clock A. ~r., nt their lin)), South Queen nenr Centro square. })rc8ent ooicers-president, Dr. Saml. Parker, Peterilbl1rg; Vice-Presidents, Drs. 'Vm. F. Boon, Gap; Benj. nohrer, Columbia; Reo. Seo., Dr. J. JJC\'crgood, Lancnster; Cor. ~ee Dr. II. Carpenter, J.lnneaster; Treasuror nnd I.librarinn, Dr. J. Aug. BIller,; Censol', Dr. }~Iy Parry. Tlte AssQdation (if tllf', Medical ntcltlt!j ojtlw Oity oj Lal/('mtcr meets monthly. Present officers-president, Dr. my Parry; Vice Prc8ident Dr. J. Aug. Ehlet, --; Secretary, Dr. J. JJcvergood; Censor, Dr. my Parry. }'Olil/.? JlJell'S OIIl'islt'm,'Assocz'l1tioll mcets at High street Manheim, crery evening..t. 1\1, Dunlap, President; C. 261'

330 300 APPENDIX.,V. Miller, nnd 8. S. Young, Yicc.Prcsident8; H. Arn~t, Trcns., n. N. Klinc, Seo. YOUllg.l/en's Cltristiml.As.~oci(l{ioll, Paradiso. ]hid J.cchc, President; Milton B. BsLlemnn, Sec.; J. Wesley II)'tlo, TrellB..T1l711j)Cr Grand Cabillet (/(Jll1lcilo/ Color, I.lnncastcr, meets every 'Vednesday, at tho Hall rear of the African Church. Saml. Denne, G. M. C. C.; Henry Foster, D. D. G. M.O. C.; ]~lias Mathews, jr., J. G. C. C.; John II. H. Butler, G. 'f. C. C.; John W. 'Vaters, G. S. C. C.; Daniel Clark, G. 'V. C. C. RAILROADS AND STAGES. PENNSYLVANIA RA1LROAD (EASTERN DIVI8ION). Trains leave Lancaster daily, cast and west J. gdgar Thompson,!>rcsidcnt; II. J. I...ombacrt, Superintendent. PUJI.AI>EU'IIJA AND Cor,UMJJJA UAILROAD.-Fic trains leave I.lllncllstcr duily and return. No truins on Sundays except tho express mail, cast and west. J. B. Baker, Superintendent. LANcAsTl:n AND!>IJlLADEL.PIJIA RAH.ROAD.--Four trnins leave daily cast nnd west, all of which connect with Harrisburg and Columbia. No trains but the express cast and wcst run on Sundny. llai,timone AND SUSQUEtIANNA RAn.nOAD S'rATIO~ AND TICKET OFFICE.-Front opp \Valnut Columbi:l. PENN8Y1NANIA HAILROAD STATION, AND l?newiit AND E. K. Doice, Agent, Co TICKET OFFICE.-Il'ront 0 Gay. lumbia. STRAsDuno.-I.lenvcs Strnsburg at i A. l\f.; returning, leaves Lemon Place at A. l\i. NOTE.-I?or information regarding time, fares, flt.ntiom, &c., seo Apple/()1ls' Raihooy and Steam NavI9atio,& Gru'de, n monthly publication, issued on the first nnd tcnth of carll month-under tho supervision of tho 8upcrintcndcnts-a reji:lble publication, by Messrs. D. Appleton & Co., 346 and 348 llroadwny, New York; sold on nil the railroads in the United State8; price 25 cents. neanj NO-:'Via Ncffsvi\lt>, tiz, Uhodcsvillc, Ephrntah, Rcamst()wn, Adamstown, and Hed Lion. J.JCuves Hees's daily at 9 A. 1\1. (Sundays excepted), returdin~ daily. Leaves Mil;hlcr'~, at Ucnding, at {) A. M. ~1i~bler &, HCC3, Proprietors.

331 APPENDIX. 301 LANCASTF.R AND STRA8UUllo-I,caves Rees's City Hotel daily (Suudu)'s excepted), at. 3 P. M.; returning, leaves lluer's Hotel nt 7 A. 1\1. Augustus Myers, Proprietor. I~EllANoN-Leave8 Ul.u;k Horso Hotel, daily (SundayR excepted), at IOl A. M.; returning, leaves 1\Irs. Hice's at 7 A. J\I. Hostetter & Myers, Proprietors. STRASBuRo-IJCaves Fremont Hotd, 78 N Queen, daily at 3 ~ P. 1\1.; returning, leaves Daer's Tavern. Lewis Suter, Proprietor. INTERCouRsE-Leaves Tremont Hotel dnily (Sundnys excepted). at 3~ P. 1\1.; returning, leaves Samuel Knox's Hotel at 7 A. 1\1. I..ewis Suter, Proprietor. IIINKLEToN-Lcaves Tremont Hotel daily (Sundays except~d), at 3 P. ~I.; returning at 6 A. 1\1. Lewis Suter, Proprietor. TERRA HILL-Via Barcsville and Vognnsville, leaves Franklin House, Mondays, Thursdays, nnd Saturdays, at 3 1). M.; leaves Terra Hill sume days at 6 A. M. Solomon Messner, I)roprietor. ANNVILLE AND COI,nnOOK -IJeavcs Tremont notel daily (Sundays excepted), at 1 P. M.; returning duily at 6 A. M. Shober & Suter, Proprietors. NEW HOI,I,AND, via Uaresville, leaves Frnnklin House, TuesdaYfl, Thursdays, and SaturdaYR at 3! P. 1\1.; returns MondaJs, Wednesdays, and Fridays II). M. John Crawford, Proprietor. PORT DEPOSIT, via Buck, Chestnut Level, I?llirfieIJ, Peach Bottom, Plcasant Grove, Rollinsville, leaves Fountain Inn, ]\[ondnjs, 'Vedoesdays, and!i'ridays, at 1 A. 1\1.; returning alternate days at 7 A. M..K 1>. 'Vaters, Proprietor. CnuRclITOwN, vin Raresvillo, New ITolland, Goodville, leaves New Hollnrl'd, from John Styer's, every Tuesdny, Thursday, and Saturday, at 4 P. 1\1.; returning altcrnato days: J obn Crawford, Proprietor. IJITIZ, vin Neffsville, leavcs I?ranklin House daily at 4 P. M. ; returning daily at 7i A. 1\1. James Becking, Proprietor. SCHOENECK, via Litiz, 'Vhitehnll, Reinholdsvillo, Schoeneck, Sinking SprioK, and Reading, leaves Ilitiz, IJichtell a thaler's Hotel, Tuesda)'s, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at!) A. 1\1.; returning alternate dajs, at {) A. M. Jacob 1\1Jcrs, Proprietor.

332 308 Arl'ENDlX. MANIIEDI AND IJEBANoN-Lcaves mack Horse II.)tel daily (Sund:'J8 excepted).. nt lo~ A. l\i.; leaves ]Jebanon at 8 A. l\i. Hostetter & Myers, Proprietors. MANlIt:DI-JJeaves Black Horse Hotel daily (Sundays c.~('epted), nt 3} P. ~I.; returning 7 A. l\f. Hostetter &, Myers, Proprietors. MANIIEDI, via Petersbur~, leaves Black Horse Hotel daily, 3t 3! P. M., (Sundnys excepted), returning at 7 A. ~I. Hostett~r & Dec~, Proprietor8. SLFE HARBoR-JJCllves Tremont Hotel daily (Sundays excepted), at 2 P. M., through Millersville; retnrning at 7 A. M. Shober & Suter,!)roprietors. Fare, 60 cents each way. IJANOAfTER AND PJo~AOII ROTTO:\I-JJcnves Tremont House, 'l'uesdnys, 'l'hurstlhys, ond SaturdaJs, nt 10 A. 1\1.; Ieturning, leavos Peach Bottom on Mondnys, 'Vednesuil)'!l, and Fridays, at U A. M. Faro, one dollar eneh way. LANOASTER AND l\iarie'm A-Leavos 'l'remont House daily at 3 P. M.; lea\'es Marietta, from Samuel Miller's, daily, at (H A. M. Fare, 60 cents each way. CnuRclIToWN Al'iD Pur.F.NIXVIJ,J,E-JJCaves l~ag)o liote), Churehtown, Montlnys, rednesdays, nnd Fridays, at 3 A. 1\1.; returning, lenves MeGuny's Hotel at 9 A. M., Tuosdays, Thursdnys, aud Saturdays. MALIIORN'S JJANCA8TER AND SAFE HArtnOR--IJCaves RE-cs's City Hotel daily (SuLldays excepted), at 3 P. ~J.; - re~urniur., ~eaves Mnmiun House at (\ A. M. NEWSPA PERS. D.\.lLY. The Daily ~vening Express, publishcd overy evenin~ (Sundays excel/ted) at No. 16 S Qucen Atrect. Penrsol &, OeiMt., ]1;ditors and l)roprietors. Terms, city Rubscl'ibcrs six ccnts weekly; mail sub8crib~rs $3 per Ilnnum, in advance. WREln,Y. A merican Prc~q and Repuhlican, 1Jnnenster. ljancn8tcr Intelligenccr, published overy Tuesday nt No. S North Dukc!itreet. Georgc Sanderson, Editor, A. San <Jordon, AS!lociatc. Teflll!~, 82 per annum. J~nneaslcr find JIarrisbll1'g Democrat (Oerman), ph b li!' evol'y Saturday, at ]~ Chestllut 0 Duke, by Uudolph Kuhn, Bllitor anu Proprietor. 'l'tmn~, 81 in ntl\'f\neo

333 APPENDIX. 30D c Saturday I~vening Express, published every Saturday, at No. 15 South Queen street, by Pearsol &, Gei8t, Editors and Proprietol s. Terms 82 a,year, or $L 50 if paid in ad\'ance. Single copies three cents. '1'he J.~xnmincr and Herald, published every 'Vcdnesday, lit No, 3H North Queen street. John A. Hiestaud & Co., Editors and Proprietors. Terms $2 per annum. Lancaster l~nquirer, every Saturday, over Sprecher's llurdware store, North Queen. S, A. 'Vylie & Co., Editors and Proprietora. Terms 81 per nnnum, in advance, '1'lIe LaG~nRter Union, every 'ednesday, in I.ongnecker's building, S. E. cor. Centro square. Terms $2 per nnnum. T~JOs. K & John J. Cochran, Editors. Thr. Peoplo's Friend, published every Snturday, at 35 K King. Speaker & Co., Editors and Proprietors. 'l.'erms 81 50, in advance. Volksfreund and Bcobacbter (German), established ]'ublishcd every Tueflday, at No. 12 North Queen atrect. J. Bacr'$ Sons, l~ditors and Peopl ietors. Tcrms $1 per alj1i 1';1Il, In advance. Culumbia Spy, Samuel \Yright, Proprietor. Front cor. I.JO('ust.. Oolum bia l\illulhjlll1 Sontinel, J. M. Ensminger, Editor and Pub lisher. 'forms $1, in advanco. Manheim Tho Marietta, ll're:deriek IJ. Haker, Editor and l'ublisher. rublishcd every Sat'lfday. Terms $1, in advance. Marietta ~It.. Joy H('rald, published every Saturday. 11\ H. Stauf fer, Editor and Publisher,.Main street. 'l'crms S1, in advanco. l\it. Jo'y Strasburg Herald, published at i\jnssusoit Hnll, evel'y Saturduy. Willium J. Knuffman, ]~ditor and l'ublisher. Terms $1, in advanco. Strasburg MAGA~INES. Pennsylvania SchoClI Journal, published the first of every month. Tho. n. llurrowes,bditorand Proprietor. Printed by W. n. 'Viley, No. 10 North DIJko Atrect. II:lucast{}, 'l.'ho Guardinn, publillhed by Pellrsol &, Geist, No. 15 S. Queen street. Hev. Henry IInl'ballgh, Etlitor. '1'erms $1 per annum. I,lllJrlll:ltel' Breudcr mau, n religious mngnzine dcvot,~d to Moravian Missiolls. nov. IJevin 'r. Ueecher, J~ditor. 'l'orms 81 pel' autlum. ]Jner's Sons, 12 ~orth Queen street. I.unenstor

334 310 APPENDIX. Keystone, n. II. Hershey, Publisher. A. IIiel5tand & Co., 3H N. Queen. Printed by John I.uncastcr CHUROHES AND OLERGYMEN. LANCASTER. St. James' Episcopal, NCl'th Duke, corner of Orange st. Or~nnized 1744; originally built 1153; rebuilt No fixed minister. George S. Boyle, sexton. St. John's Episcopal (free), North Mulberry, corner of Chestnut. Built 1854; consecrated Edward Appleton, minister ; James Marshall, sexton. First Germnn Reformed, l<iast Orange nbove Queen st. Originally built 1753; robuilt Rev. Henry Harbaugh, pastor; John Wirtz, sexton. St. I>nul's German Reformed, East Orange, corner of Duke street. Ereoted Rov. Isaao S. Demund, pastor; John Nixdorf, sexton. ]~\'nn~e1icnn J.utheran of the IIoly Trinity, So~th Duke, corner of Church nlley. Built 1761 ; dedicated nev, G. F. Krotol, pastor; John Donaghy, sexton. Germnn Lutheran, Zion's, East Vino ncar Duke street. Rev. D. \V. Schmauk, pastor; Adam Uplander, sexton. Sundn)' School adjoining. St.. John's I...uthcran, rest Orange ncnr Mulberry. Uuilt 185J; dedicated Uov. Dnniel Steck, pastor; John Shindel, Roxton. First Methodist Episcopal, North Duko bel \\Talnut st. Founded 1800; rebuilt]8jl. 'illinm II. EllioU, pastor; IIenry Nixdorf, sexton. St. Poul's Methodist J<ipiscopnl, 64 nnd 06 South Queen. ljuilt Hov. Cbristiull \ulters, pastor; Sumuel Swenk, sexton. African Methodist Episcopal, corner of Andrew nnd Strawberry strcets. nev, Josoph Smith, pastor; IIenry l?oster, sexton. J?irst J>resbytcrian, Bast Orange ncar J...ime street. TIc,'. \Ya: ter Powell, pastor; David Nelson, sexton. St. Mary's of tho ASfmmption (Catholic), Prince corner of Vine. Huilt Hov. Bernard Kccnnn, pastor; JIcnry C. Hnlfe, nssistant : John Carroll, sexton. St. Joseph, German (Catholio), St. ttobcph street ncar \Ycst Strawberry. nuilt nnd dedicated nov. Anthony Schwartz, pastor.

335 Al'!'ENDIX. 311 Synagogue of the Israelites, Deaver n Vine. African Union.Meeting House, in the alley between 1\lulberry and 'Vater streets, abovo 'Yalnut. l.jewis A. IIootl, pastor. Moravian, re8t Orange below Queen street. Rebuilt 1820; dedicated Hev. Joseph II. Kummer, pastor; Samuel 'r. Benm, sexton. New Jerusalem Society, I~ast Vine between Duke and South Queen. Salem of the Evangelical Association, North 'Vater nenr Chestnut street. Founded 1843; dedicated 18:19. John G. Marquardt, pastor; Jacob Helenn, scxton. United IJrethren, North Chestnut. abovo Queen street.. - Peters, pastor; John Hall, sexton. ~'his church for mcrly belonged to another denomination. Union Bethel Church of God, 'Vest Orange corner of l>rilleo street. Erected nnd dedicated, 18H. Edward II. 'j'/tomus, pastor; John G. 'orth, sexton. NUDlellist Meeting House, 10 EGerman. nean Thomas, Epis. Wheeler J. W., 1\1. B. Gingereh Christinn C., E\'ang. Mast John, Omish ~IcreJith -, 'csleyan Rbink Christian, Mcnnollist JJCfcver Clldstian, M. nutter IJilllllll)' C., P. Wallace John, P. Newoll George, W. nutter L. C., 1'. IJattia JOllies, Pres.. }~liiott J. B., M. B. Church Newell-, Carnarvon 1>re8. Church Stewart Henry 1\1., Dungor Epis. Church Steward C. 'V., P. Appleton S., Epis. Ashton T. Y., M. E. Church Gordner-, 1\. E, (col'd) Grimes J. S., Pres. English J~vangeliclll J.Juthoran, Second bet IJocust nnd Wnlnut GC~lllnn Ueformcd, Cherry corncr 1'hirJ. No stationary pnstor.' Bainbridgo Bcartown ljuck Camhridgo Cedar Grovo Chest nut IJ<!vel ClJristiulla Chul'c!ltown II CoICl'lli n Columbia

336 312 API'F.NDlX. Hood-, Union Methodist (col'd) Li~htner - Dr., Catholio Menges J. M., Lutheran Church l'ill Hobert, l~aptist (col'd) Sclllnnlze --, German Luth. German IleforIllcd Church, John V. Eckert Lutheran Church, - Methodist Churoh, - Stein Mauger Pnnnabeckcr Jesse, Meth. 'Weidman Gideon, Meth. Friends' Meeting IIosue, Bird in Hand 1\1. E. Church nrubaker Jacob, 1\1. Garlock David Gherhart-, R. D. Landis John l\ien~es J. 'V., IJuth. Heinhold Benjamin Roscnmillor D., LUlh. Gingench David, U. B. Hnmaker J., U. n. Laitzlo William G., Luth. McCnsker John, It C. Naille John, n D. Siegler George, 'V. Hertz Daniel, R. D. Konigmachcr T. C., S. D. n. Myers Israel, G. n. Pfonts Jacob Martin Abrahnm Uupp Christinn ~ern Jacob Sumpton Thomas, 1\1. Tamble Robort, }>re8. Kauffman Christian, P. 'ilmor Abraham, P. 'Vitmor Daniel, M. Doyer S. R., E\'no. IJuth., Mechanicsburg Killikelly-, Dr. Christ's l~pis. 'l'rumbowor Samuel, Luth. 13ecker Christian, l\iennonist. 13eckler J. S., Moravian Columhia II Conestoga Centre u Durlach u Enterprise Bphrntah Leacock East IIempfielJ u II Ie ]~lizabcthtown Ie u l?urmersvillo }'ulton liomo Gnp JIigl1\'iIIe

337 APPENDIX. 313 Romberger C., Mennonist JJitiz Reinke Samuel, Moravian Graeff-,German Reformed Manheim Fisher-, Wes. Methodist, Washington Manor Fleigel - Union Bethel, 'Vashington Stang-, United Brethren, Washington It Appleton-,E. Marietta Cook James, M. E. Timlow P. J., P. Cook-, 1\1. E. Church Maytown Lane-, German Reformed Church IJCtzel-, Lutheran Lehr-, l\i. Evang. Ass. Millersville German Reformed Church, - nofl'meier, pastor Lutheran Church, - ROBenmiller, pastor Lutheran Church, J. Kohler New Holland Gamble Robert, P. Paradiso Hershey Jacob, 1\1. Killikelly n. B., E Garillch David, Gorman Baptist Rapho Magee J., M. E. Rnwlinsville Harpel-, Lutheran Swamp Church Roinholdsvillo Lichty & Steigerwalt, United Brethren l( Bomberger,0., German Bap. RothsvilJe Netzly Henry H Brady Frederick l\i., 1\1. Safe Harbor Formosa 'Villiam n., 1\1. H Walters Christian, 1\1. Mauger-, 1\1. E. Church Easton William, P. Smyrna Uittcnhouse Joseph M., First Prelt. Strasburg Adams Jacob, German }~van. Terra Hill Brownstown --, 1\1. West }jarl Carpenter-, H. D. Martin Abraham Rupp Christian, n. Yern J., l\l. H Mennonite Church, Dr. Musser, prencher Lampeter Gamble-, Rev., Pres. IJcacock 'Jiivangelical, Z. Lehr Manhoim JJutbcran, - Roscnmillcr United Brethren in Christ, - Young 27

338 314 APPENDIX. Zion's Churel), free for all denominations, Market. nenr Town Hall Marietta African 1\1. E. Church, High Marietta Church of God, Elder J esso Haitleigh, Main Mt. Joy German Evangelical, Circuit Pastor, Now Havon Methodist Episcopal, Abel Howard, H (( IJuthernn, Circuit Pastor, St. Barbara fc l>resbyterian, James Splith, Main Newcomer John, Free Church, :Mountvill0 United Brethren. No stationary pastor (( Salem Churcb, New Haven Warwick Mennonite Church New Providence Garlaoh David, German Baptist Old Lino German Reformed Catholio Church, Safe Harbor. Pastor resides at IJancaster. Union Meeting, free for all Vo~ansville 'Vhitc Oak Church 'Vhite Oak CEMETERIES. 'VOODWARD llu,l. Godfried Zabm, President; J. Brim mer, Sccretnry; Charles A., Treasurer; Godfricd Zahm, William Carpenter, F. A. Muhlenberg, Geerge M. Steinman, Thomas }4). Franklin, J. Albright, Henry R Heed, H. E. Muhlenberg, C. Kieffer, William I>. Brooks, John I~hler, li'red. Sener, H. Rotbarmel, J. Brimmer, John Ii~. Shroder, Henry Carpenter, Jobn F. IJong, 'Vm. Gable, James Black, Charles A. Heinit,sh, David Bair, n. A. Shaef. for, Bcnj. ll~. Shenk, H. Ruthvon, P. Cassidy, Trustees. LANCASTER, New Holland Turnpike ncar Walnut. Emanuel Sohaeffer, President; P. K. Breneman, Seoretary; Adam 'Volf, Treasurer; Georgo IJutz, Superintendent; Dr. O. IIerbst, John 1\Iyer, Peter Long, P. K. Brenoman, Chri8tinn Zecher, Adam 'VoIC, Emanuol Sohaeffer, Daniel I1eitsbu, Trustees. CATIIOI.lO, New Holland Turnpike opposite Plum. CONCORD, 'Vest Chestnut street cornor of Mulberry. Mtlttin Shreener, Proprietor. HF.nRt;W Burying Ground, nt the hend of North Queen street. MORAVIAN Grave Yard, Prin.:o below Chostnut. MARIF.TTA, North of li'l\irvi.~w betwcen Bridge and Gay. Incol'porllted April 16, Capital, 84,000. Stephen P. ]~Ilglo, President.; n. Rpnn1;1cr, Hccrctllry; Samuel Pat-

339 APPENDIX. 315 terson,.treasnrer; John Kline, Henry Sultzhach, James ll. Clark, A. Gable, Jacob 1\1. }Jriaman, Directors. STREETS, OOURTS, ALLEYS, ETO. Ann at, from John st northerly Arch ai, from Charlotte st to Mulberry Beaver at, from Vine st southerly. Charlotto st, from W King to W James st Church ai, from S Quoen to Church a~. Church st, from S Queen to EKing st Conestoga at, from S Queen to S Prince st Dick's ai, from Church st to Goose al East Chestnut st, from N Queen at to Plum st } High st, from E Strawberry st to Rockland at }~ast James st, from N Quoen at easterly Bast King st, from N Queen st to the eastern boundary. East Lemon st, from N Queen st to tbo Cemetery East Orange st, from N Duke st to tbe Reservoir East Strawberry st, from S Queen st, southeasterly East Vine st, from S Queen st to IJimo st Bast Walnut at, from N Queen st to Now Holland piko Frederick at, from N Queen st to Litiz Turnpike Front st, from 'V Strawberry st to Dothel Run }1'ulton st, from Shippen at to 1>lum st German st, from Churoh st to W Strawberry Ooose ai, from Beaver st to S Queen at Harrisburg turnpike, from junction 'V James st and N Prince st northwesterly Hazel ai, from S Queen st to Beaver st Wcst J amos st, from N Queen st to Charlotte John st., from }) King st, soutbeastorly Lime st, from E Vine st to Now Holland pike JJitiz Turnpike, from W James to Reading rond IJocust 8t, from Rookland st to E Strawberry Love Lano, from S Queon st to southern city boundary IJOw st, from E Strawberry st to Rooklnnd Manor 8t, frow 'V King st, southwesterly Mary st, from Orange st, southerly Middlo st, from S Queen st to EKing st New Holland Turnpike, fro111 IJime st, northeasterly North 8t, from Rockland to E Strawberry st North Duke st, from EKing st to \V James ~orth l\f ulherry st, from 'V Vine st to Harrisbnrg turnpiko

340 816 APPENDIX, North Prinoo at, from W King st to W James North Queen st, from King at to northern boundary North Water st, from German st to HnrriBburg turnpike Orange Bt, sce East and West Orange Plom at, from E King at to New Holland pike Powers ai, from S Queen at to Deaver at Reading rd, from N Queen st, northeaswrly Rookland at from E Vine to Rockland St. Joseph's st, from W Strawberry, 80utliwcBwrIy Shippcn st, frolii EKing st to Now Holland pike South at, from E Strawberry st to Rockland South Duke st, from E King at to German st ~outh Prinoe st, from W King st to southern city boundary South Queen st, from King at to Love la South Water at, from W King at to German Stony' ai, from Goose al to Church st Strawberry at, see East and 'Vest Strawborry 'Vest Chestnut, from N Queen st to Charlotte st 'Vest High at, from W Strawberry at to Bothel Run West King st, from N Queen at to Columbia pike 'Vest Lemon at, from N Queen at to Oharlotte st and west West Orange st, from N Duke st to Columbia turnpike 'Vest Strawberry st, from 'V King st to German st 'Vcst Vine st, from S Queen st to Strawberry West Walnut st, from N Queen st'to Charlotte st and westerly


342 THE LARGEST COLLECTION OF DIRECTORIES IN THE WORLD I BOYD'S DIRECTORY OFFICE. ALL TilL CITY, BUSINESS AN}) GENERAL DIRECTORIES, NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, AND WEST. Z:tr DIRECTORIES OF ANY CITY FUR~I~)(ED AT PUBLISIIER'~ PRICES, }'ILES or :-;~W 101:' PIlIL\ny.l.t'II1. n.)fitol<. n'ltl)lnlt~ ~KW O&LItA~8. nnd other City l>irn'lnri..,.. dllllll:: many y;,u... I.. \;. -vv ::M:. :E3: ::a <> Y' :c>,,. Appletou!'I' Buildin;:, 3 16 &:: 3,18 Broada~', :N. Y. TilE FOI.LOWISa ARY.!SSCEI) PIW.lf TIllS Oft'PIef::...;:- ~...-. :..... e,.,.~.. r: 1) ~...;.;...:;. -. _0.:':;:' ~.-.,,;., -: ~: t:!.;: ~::::~ ;..~. c:~ c:::: ~.::::~.. -::< ~ ~ 5 ~ c: - _.~~.0 :;'., ~ ~ ~.~ 4.~. ~ : :--::s ~ ~.~,::. ~Q.:;. ~~ ~~.~ I/J.,..~ '= ' 4llr';'... ~ ~ _..-.::- ~... '==' '-., l::: '...,; -'......,...,...:: t::: ::,. rl ~ 4.~:- c..~.~ ~.~ ~ $ ::: ~::: III ~ l;' ~ 0 w.-:::...:... :- ~...,......~ e'::- ~ <' Q,. ~ <:: ~..,;:) ~ ~:.~::: r:: C ~.-..;...:::..::: 0...,~...;:;-.~..:::,-::~r; /1'.:-,... ~ ~.~ :?:;. ~~.~.... S.' ~ :;; ~..,.:... ~ ';'.. - c,.....?,.o~....~qj t:::'::::' ~ -.~':.<'~ t:::... ~.:;'~... '=' I: -~'~~ 7$ -.:~ :. fi:1,,::: ~ ~~ It'?<'~;'.::: ~~ ~ ~~4~~~~~~ ~~ ~~$~' -~~~ ~~~~~~$~ti..,cl 'e~~')f('.:;t C.l~~.~ ~.,... ~... -<:~;> q;- C ; -: ~ ~ ~::..~~ ~. c:. :::.~ ~ ~.~., ~. :::;;:~ ~ -:: ~ ~ ~ ~..:: $..'f-.:::~.:, O~.~~.l:::..., ~4,'i!,s~...,,::t~~ ~~::, ~!J-~-'::'-'''''~~ ~, : ~ ~~ 11.: ~ ~.~~: ~ SO ~ ~~ ~-<~.~. ~~ ~ ~ ~,., c:~,...;--;;...:- -. ':-' -... ~, =~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.$or ~ t::: ~ 4,,; :::... :6 4. <;-'.~ ~'''::... t:l...j:!... -~~..';.' >......s~ -. rf 0; ';:: ~..c:.,c::...:::: 'i! -:~...,:... ~...,... e<j<., ;-... ';\J') '' It.../--....,-:... THE LATEST GTATE DIRECTORIES. N. T. STATE EVSISESS DIP-'Y, If:l~!l, ':100 IIXnL\~.\ STATE!1TJSI~ESS DIR'Y'. 'Fl:a~, \ :'JICIIT~A~ ~TATE nrs. DIR'V l;19. 3.;1 \Vl::'oCON~I:'l M.... 1~;', 3.:>0 l'e~:\sy\.ya~la llluiols.... ll:l:lt:l, 2.OC I TE~SJo::-'~Jo:Jo:.... 1;;:.':', ~()(l MlSS0Cl~[..... NKW LNGl.A~D.. li!jg, 3.00 I ',(;,.~.00 ] ~ ~)!Jt (l5:i. 2,00 WJL ll BOYD, Appletons' Building, 346 and 348 Broadwa.y, N. Y.

343 TARRANT'S lwfervescen1' SELTZER APERIENTo This valuable and popular Medicine, prepared In cou(,)rmlty with Ihe anal)'816 of the waler of Ihe celebraled Seltzt'f Spring In German)', In a luoll con vcnlcnl nnd portable form, has unlver~ll\ly ret'clvcd tho most favorablo recommendations of the Medlt'Bl profession I\I\() a,ll~cernlug public, as tlio )IOST H}'FICIE:\T AND AOREEABLE SaUne A.per1en.t In oso, and as being ontltled to special preferenco over tho many Minerl\l Spring walers, 8ddlltz J>'lwdor~, nud olher ~lmil8r arllcle,~, bolh froln Its coldi1acloe88 I\nd greater elllcscy. It luay he ueed with Ihe host etreclln all BILIOUS AND jo'imrju: I>ISBASES, SiCK m:allaciih, I.OSS OF APPETITE, INDIGESTION, AND AI.T. SIMlJ..\Tt COMI'I.AINTS, l'lculiahly INCIDE~'r TO TllE Ill, particularly adartl'd 10 thl.' \vanls of Trl\voll(lr~ hr Sea nnd Ll\nd, Hesid('nls In IIoJl CIlJnnles, l'l'rronm or 81'donlaf\' Habits, In\'nll,IR, nnd GonvalcSfl,lnlR, Cal lalns of YI'$~OIM anel )'lanins will It 1\ vnlul\l.ji(\ addition 10 Ihplr Medlrlne :~h~18. With those who havo used It, It hl\8 high (anh, lull! 1M dccidcd, ludis l'en8llble. IN A TOTtPJD STATE OF TIlE 1.J\'EIt-It rclili('rll In r('storlng healthy action. IN GOUT AND RTlEU!tIATISM-1t gl'les Iho he~1,nll~rl\rtlon, 1\1Inying all In 1Iallltnatory S)'mploIll8, l\u\llu liiany (,I\~M effcclually curing tho~c ntlllcled. ITS StTCCF.SS IN CASES OF OHA\'\O:l., INDW!:>~rtON, JlEAHTBUHN, AND COSTl\'E~ES8-1'rove~It 101)01\ 1II.'\lIcino o( Ihl' grpnlp~t ntility. ACIDITY OF TJlR fltomac1l, A~)) Tin: 11lSTHESIN(J f;icknrs 80 {lsuai. DURING I'REGNAl'iCr - neh! spccdlly, and with lulhkl'd sncc('s!, IIndor Its hcaltbrullnnll(,llce. IT AFFOIWS TilE mm...n;st RELIEF TO TIIOSE AFFl.ICTE[) WITH OR BUBJl;CT TO TilE I'II.l ;S-A('tIIlH gl'ntly on Iho ho\nola, 1I1'lltraliling alllrrlll\t1og lecrellons, and Ihoroby rclllv\'lng IIl1lntlalllluatory h'ihll 1Jck~. IN FACT, IT IS INYAJ.tTAIlI.E IN ALT. CAS~:S wm:m: A GENTLE AI'EHIENT on I'UIWA'rl\'\o: IS HB<WIHIW. rt Is In th,) (orlll of 1\ PO\l'dor, ('lir(liliy plil III' In holt lea, 10 kc'('p In I\IIY rllmnlc, and muel)' rl'_i\llr('8 wilier 1'0nr..,1 III'0n II 10 I1N,lllCoJ 1\ dl'ught(ul ol(\'f\'('~nui!.>e\'0rllgt'. Taken In Ihe morning, It 110\'Or Inl(lrfor('A with lito avo('/llionll of tho day. I\cllng 8~ntly on the yrlplll, r('~lorlng Ihe dih6-~live \llnn-rll, exciting /I health)' 1\1111 vigoron~ tom of Iho slomll('h, I\utl cr('allug /In 0 1\~lldlv of 1II1nel IIl1d d(l\v of plrlts whtch 8'1\ l('st 10 ev('ry onjoyllwnl. It IIIRO enl\hfl'~ the Invalid 10 elljoy liiady Inxllrl('s,rllh Iml'lInlty, from which ho lllu~l othenrleo bo d(lbarre,i, and wllhont which lire l~ Irk~\llIll.' I\wl dl~lre~~llig, NIlIQl'rolls IC.tllllolllll18 from )lrof('sslonrl I\lhl otjlrr!:.'lil1pmrn of tllo highest.1.ndhik III roll.l:hollt t11ll collnit)', Ill! ~I(liIII\'llIcri1,h,,: 1'''1'll\rlly for n Ht'rlpS of yr:ull,.trnll!;i~' gllaranto'.' It,nlt-My :11,,1 \,,,inabl,' \'In,ral''''r, :111,1 cl)lillnend It, tb,' farmahlu nlltlro of lin 11I1lIle,'1I1 Jlul,II,', ' I'r~l o\trd Aud Rol.l, \\)11)1,0:11., (l'lllil, IJ) JOHN A. TARRANT & CO., Druggists, Nt ~'78 (:f'{lthlwi('h ~t ('or. (If 'arren, NtllV York. 317

344 MASONIC MARK 86 ENGRAVING DEPOT. ~ Id tjrtlllium ~bmr~tj) ~u 'be ~ml\hlin ~nsti'ute.' '!, r~ MARTIN LEANS, Manufuoturer of' MASONIC MARKS, PINS, EMBLEMS, &'0, 402 Chesnut Street, above 4th, South Side UNDER TIlE PJlILADELPJIlA DANK, PUlL!. ~~W ~ ~~ ][j\j~!!.. lr)~~3 li';]~~f)1!ij@ &'JJ&rFm~ And Tmnplul.'s' Medl\lB. OFFICE, CORPORATION, t LODGE SRlLS, Af., neatly Engrand, COLL~GE AND 'SOCIETIES' PINS AND DADGES JolANUFACTCBF.D AT SIIORT NOTlCll I8IUng, Wedding, and Profwlonal Cards }:ugrared and Printed. z. LOGl{:E & CO., No MA.RKET ST PIULADELPHIA. ~ (Estubliahed in. 1820,) )UNUFAf7lURr:R8 OF ATWOOD'S PATENT rune DEOD. ALCOHOL, Absolute, 95 per cent & Druggists' Alcohol, BUHNING Fl,UID AND PINE OH,. SLEEPERS',10th and MARKET STREETS. Kln,ln(\.~ t('lis on the h('arts of IMP, As w('11 M 1'1111 Wllmen ; To tiiak(' fll.rcuy pr(\&cllt th('n Is nothlll~ li1or~ than hllllllin. The rarll.\. gin that CAn bo IIlllll., 'fo ~tlr to lhllnks the hollrt, Is a pretty bjuptr SlJfI8h(/d~ UeAlltifulln ov'ry pari. SLEEPER'S ~ANU'FAOTO:R'Y or 'W& VJl:RY DEST. LAT,i;T, AlID )lost At'PROVED &TYLF.6 or PdRJ80LS, SU..S11.4DI-1S, II (r..,biiell.fs, loo~ ~Iarket Stretf, oue door abo,e 10th, rhlladtlj'bll,

345 ~ Paper! Paper! 1 Paper!!! ~ ~ AT TilE OlUGINAL AND ONLY RETAIL STAND IN TIlE OITY. ABM. J. VAN Wholesale and Retail WINKLE, TIlE GREATEST INDUCEMENTS No. 9 SPRUCE STREET. PAPER OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, IN ANY QUANTITY,lo'IWM t:rj o tf t:f o ~ H Q... ~ ~ t:'4 tod ~ ~ M tld Raving made lntge additions of STOCK recentlr purchased at the CLOSING SALE of l:)nnds ~ Paradise, (uc:\rly their entire Btock,) we have now the LARGEST, the CHEAPEST, and tho most VARIED 2t f('tllit nssortmcnt in this oity, which will be SQld nt UNPRECEDENT? EDLY LOW PHICES. We would respectfully inform (0 Printers, Hardwaro Dealtrs, Dr)' Goods and \fooled Mertllllnts, (12 a:ld tho publio in genernl, IN WANT 01~ PAPER, in any qunntity, ~ or of any qunlity, that we cnn 8upply them A't' PHICI'~ TO ~UlT j t:d and notwith!ltnuding tho closing up of tho Papcr Store, No. 15 Spruce ~ Str('ct, pnper may yet be had at tl10 C':t Old.and Only Betall Stoud, No. 9 Sl)rll~e St. ~ PAPER. prepnred expressly for WATER CLOSETS. (12 BILL-HEAD PAPER, RULED, 2,4 aud 6 on n eheot., alwnys on ~ hnnd or ruled t~ order. ~ PAPER RETAJI,ED nt WlIOJ,F...-;AI,E PRICES, nnd DELIYERED t:rj in any pnrt of tho oity l?lme 01<' EXPE~SE. llr Hcmeml)()r tho ()mgi~ AI. STAND, nthl tho only pineo to ~ nuy Y()U1~ PAPER CHEAP. is nt ~o. 9 SPRUCE STREET. t:rj

346 (SEE OPPOSITE PAGE.) TWINE HOUSE. 84 Maiden Lane and 17 Oedar Street, NEW... YORK. Importcl'lJ, MaDufacturel'lJ and Wholesale Dealers in FLJl.X, IIEMP,.&ND (}OTTON, TWH~LE~D LHl~lE~D AND ROPE. TilE LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTlIF.~'T OP SASH CORDS, BED CORDS, SKIRT CORDS, tl.otbell Jines, ~1o(U yillts, ~ltr~til Jines, & Jllltsons' ~ints. 'nip. MOST OOMPLET VARlrrY 01 STAPLE ANIJ FA~NOY TWINES, CAMPHENE, BURNING FI,UID AND CO)iMON CANDLE WICKING, CARPET WAUP AND COTTON YAHNS. &-300 rrs lroolrre rd ~ &IDID!1[E[R~? lruj31[e&{!)~ All numbcl'8 or common llnd pntcnt Cotton Ilnd I,illcn szzmb ~WZIlJZS, Fishing Lines & Gilling Threads, ltol' O~LY TIlE Ut:ST KISOS MAI).~l Special nlld pcculiaf Twinos Of Cordago mado Rnd put up accord Ing to oruefe. ALTJ AT TIlE I,OWEST PRICES }<'OR CASH.

347 ArrLRTONS' rudllsiilng ESTA1lC.ISIIMENT, D. AIlPLETON & co. 346 AND 348 BROADWAY, NBW YORK, Booksellers, Publishers, and Importers, IIMpretrUl1y IrwlUllllo a!lrnllon of J.ltcrftry lind Pr(lrc.~lonal Ocnl\rO!on, 11('1\,11 or l'ul,lle IIIS'I\'llIOll5, tho Trade, and thol'ubllo gonually, to tlll:lr ery o~t~ldve In,1 tho!c\! l'ulkcllull o! STANDARD WORKS, ENGLISn: AND AMERIOAN, l:1i0ka(1(no THY. nel>t J:DITloNS or Tnl BEaT Atrruor,Jl, TilEl R OWN I'lJlIT.TOATION8 comprlso 8(lme of tho m(l8t Important woru In ll.e EII;;Il h l..anguri{f'. TREIR SOHOOL BOOK PUBLIOATIONS, ('-\lv('r neff branch o! human JOIowlt'dgl\ O.lYALOOVr.a ruiiju8ued OBAT18 OK AP'LICAtION TO Tn. Pvnu~nu.. THEY I'UDLI81I APPLETONS' RAILWAY AND STEAM NAVIGATION GUIDE, Published monthlr, uncler the lup'ryllllon 01 the Rnllwar Oornpa. Illes. IIIu.tratod with ovllr.ixty map.. Prlco 26 centl

348 ::a::.a.b.dvv.a.b.:&: CHAS. S. LITTLE & 00., No BROADWAY, lllrortbra AND IOSIlXR8 Of SHELF AND 'REAVY Hardware, Cutlery, 0., Offer at ro<luoed prioo9, one of the most extensive nssortments In tho city. Particular attention is cnlled to their stock of TOOLS, Un8urpassed in quality nnd variety, cm~ncing the most npproved Foreign nnd Domestio Ml\nu(ncturc, and ndl\ptcd {or tho \l80 of Ooopert, HoU18 Carpenten, Ship CarpenteTll, Coach MakeR, Millwrights, KaMlnl., Foundel'l, SmiUll, )[inert, Tannen and Ourrien, Stone Cutten, &0., &0. IN IIO'EBIJIOOLI THEY rnallf...~ge tompetition I Haying malntalncd. tor many ycnrs, tho reputation otkeeplng tho best aesortcl1 &lock III tho country, which tlld cnable~ thcm to Cltccuto or,lers tor IIny part ot tho world. am' to lilly ('xlcnt, COOP(>rs' Tools ot th~lr own tilllnutactur(\, an bearing UUlir '... Blamp, II 0 B, J,ITTLF.,Iu Co... IIro (It very Bllporlof..., quality. and ordcrs tor them IIro &ollcilcd. ()OOPERS' enn be fllrni~hed at ahort notice, of any Ilitc, from 10 to 44 in ChC8, ronde with great Cl\ro and of the bclit wood, as rcqlliretl for the Coorcrago ll\lsi. UOS8 in nl parts of the TRllSS IIOOPS UnltcJ Stl\tes, Sout.h Am(ltica, tho West Indie!!., ctc., cto. Prico I,ista nn(l Cn tnlogu(i<\,, m bo 80ut to I\ny I\ddrc88, o -...::::===::::::::::::-_ plication,

349 J. W. ORR, BN6RAV~BR OK WOOD, 75 & 77 NASSAU ST., NEW YORK CITY The 8ubacrlber, bavlng tb, LARGEST ESTABLISHMENT of the kind in Americn, ia flllly prepared to execute oil ol'dere in his lillo, llowover large, with rnolll'ti'i} llnd IHllPATOlJ, oud on IlKASONADLK 'feilm8. DRAWING & ENGRAVING ALL KINDS OF Book and Magazine Dh:.8trIlUons, Portraits, Animals, Land. lioapea, Publio Buildings, Faotorlal, all Idnds of Maohinery, Large or Small Show.billa, plain or in colors, Ornamontal BUl and Newspapgr Heads, Outs for New8paper Advertisements, &0. Orders by Expreas, Telegraph, or Mail, promptly nttended to, The Subscriber tnkes this opportunity to return his g1'llteflll acknowledgmcllta for the YCl'y libernl patronnge ho hos r.eceived during the last tmn:tli:bn n:ai\.i that. he Ilns ueell in the Engrlwlllg busilleea, and hopes, by close attention, with the!'upcdor advaa' ~gc. that he no has, to merit a continurnce of the s(,mo, J. VV. ORR 76 Nassau Street, N. Y. I

350 , BOYD'S DIRECTORY OFFICE, (... AIJpletolls' Building.) 346 & 348 BB ()ADWAY, :N. y. rhe followiog Directories aro published at this office. Phlll\delphia (Bast DeY) and LaBUSter, PI' Oevel.Qd, Oblo. Baltimore, Md. WlhulDKtoD, Dtl. WIlsblngtoa and GeOrgetOWD, D. Co S,raeus Loekport, Albarn, Blugba.. tod, ~mlra, Rome, IUn~ten, &. BODdlat, N. Y. Newark, Paterson, TrtDt~D, F.ssn, BadAoll ud I1nlon (.eunues, N. J. 'Konrltb and Orlqe, port, ten. Newport~awtaeket, and tfotd80tkl't, B. I., ~e., ~e. ~t. TllLI'JORAPB MAP of the 17D1ted State, and Brltiah POllee. aiou, &om. materlala fufnllhed by the vartou. Oompanies. New York Oity Tax Book. The Subsoriber h1\8 tho largest collection or Direotories in the United Statea, among wltich I\ro: NEW YORK 8TAT~ nu81nes8 DlRROTORY, IB.'i~ Prll'o, til 00 Ollto II II It 18119,... h NOl8 II II If 1S~S,... 0; 9 00 INUlANA.. II ISM,...', 800 WIRCONBIN.. II.. 1(067,... 8 M TKNNIt~8Rgu 51 18:>7,... '4 i 00 NKW ENGLAND JdlCIIHlAN II.. 1~... II i 00 l'enn8ylvania, 185l'\, MIssoum, 18M, Deetdce,,11 tl10 City, DUllincss and (lcn('ral Directorlol', North, Routh, EaRt. Aud W( st. WM. H. BOYD, 346 Broadway, N. Y.


54 64 51 44 74 94 84 Pr Pla opo nt sed ing S (By truc Ot tur he e rs) 34 50 24 05 49 14 15 rp po P so al de nitn rts ( g tcu yb eru ehto )sr P F eto rutu tn lai oh e isu gn Fu Pot tu en re Ho tial us ing

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