CALA Newsletter No. 114, Spring 2016 CHAPTER HI GHLI GHTS

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2 45 Chapter Highlights 2016 CALA M idw est Annual Conference Innovate! Advocate! Integrate! Reinvigorating Your Library in a Digital Age Subm itted by Yan He on behalf of CALA M W Chapter Executive Boar d On Fr iday, M ay 13, 2015, the 2016 CALA M idw est Annual Confer ence w as held at the Indiana Univer sity South Bend. The confer ence adopted a hybr id for m at, both onsite and online, to facilitate the m em ber par ticipation. A total of tw enty CALA m em ber s joined the confer ence, including thr ee libr ar y school students and tw o visiting scholar s fr om the Univer sity of Illinois at Ur bana-cham paign, and eleven pr esentations w er e deliver ed, on-site and vir tually. The pr esentations w er e w ell r eceived and the par ticipants w er e engaged in active discussions and exchanged ideas on a w ide var iety of libr ar y topics. The confer ence featur ed the keynote speaker M iguel Figuer oa, w ho is the Dir ector of the Center for the Futur e of Libr ar ies The keynote speaker (w w w.ala.or g/libr ar yofthefutur e), a new initiative fr om the Am er ican Libr ar y Association that w or ks to identify tr ends r elevant to libr ar ies and the com m unities they ser ve. M iguel has pr eviously held positions at the Am er ican Theological Libr ar y Association; the Am er ican Libr ar y Association?s Office for Diver sity and Office for Liter acy and Outr each Ser vices; New Yor k Univer sity?s Ehr m an M edical Libr ar y; and Neal-Schum an Publisher s. M iguel pr esented on the tr ends and signals for the libr ar y of futur e and aim ed to help the audience find a pr oductive r ole in building libr ar ies of the futur e. The br eakout sessions cover ed innovative ideas in a w ide ar r ay of libr ar y ser vices including r esear ch and r efer ence, instr uction, outr each, car eer, and technical ser vice. Below ar e br ief notes on those pr esentations. Fu Zhou, Lear ning and Resear ch Libr ar ian fr om the Univer sity of M issour i-kansas City, pr esented on a new?academ ic liter atur e suite? Fu w ith UIUC students and visiting Docear that can scholar s help r esear cher s sear ch, or ganize, and cr eate academ ic liter atur e. Fu intr oduced its gener al concept and special featur es and jum p-star ted the lear ning for those w ho ar e inter ested. Kate W illiam, Associate Pr ofessor fr om the Univer sity of Illinois at Ur bana-cham paign, pr esented on m easur ing and conceptualizing the little fr ee libr ar y m ovem ent and led a discussion on w hat the globe pr ofession can lear n fr om this sur ging m ovem ent. Wen-ling Liu, Libr ar ian for East Asian and Tibetan Studies fr om the Indiana Univer sity, and Jian Anna Xiong, Gover nm ent Infor m ation Libr ar ian fr om Souther n Illinois Univer sity, shar ed an analysis r epor t of 2014 CALA self-assessm ent sur vey and m any of the findings can ser ve as a valuable r efer ence for futur e str ategic planning and for car r ying out CALA?s long ter m goals. M ingyan Li, Resour ce Access Libr ar ian and Clinical Assistant Pr ofessor fr om the Univer sity of Illinois at Chicago, pr esented on how to use OPAC sear ch box builder to cr eate and custom ize your ow n sear ch box to ser ve specific gr oup of audience or specific infor m ation needs. This appr oach w ill im pr ove the accur acy and efficiency of infor m ation r etr ieval especially for libr ar ies w ith lar ge collection of var ious for m ats of m ater ials. (Continue on Page 46)

3 46 Chapter Highlights 2016 CALA M idw est Annual Conference Innovate! Advocate! Integrate! Reinvigorating Your Library in a Digital Age Qi Chen, Libr ar y Dir ector fr om the Calum et College of St. Joseph talked about how to define your ow n dr eam job and m ake your dr eam com e tr ue. The pr esentation focused on how to sear ch for your ideal job and put together an attr active r esum e and cover letter. She also discussed inter view skills both online, by phone and in per son. As a seasoned libr ar y dir ector, Qi has a r ich exper ience in hir ing. Those str ategies and skills ar e ver y helpful and pr actical for libr ar y pr ofessionals to land new dr eam jobs. Gar y Br ow ning, Lead Secur ity Analyst fr om the Indiana Univer sity, pr ovided a br ief intr oduction about infor m ation secur ity and w hat r ole w e all have in keeping infor m ation safe. Fu Zhuo, the pr esident of CALA M idw est Chapter, w r apped up the confer ence by acknow ledging the confer ence planner s. We w ould like to thank all the pr esenter s and attendees for joining us for the 2016 CALA M idw est Annual Confer ence and shar ing innovative ideas. We appr eciate the hospitality of our local host, Indiana Univer sity South Bend, Yan He, Infor m ation Liter acy for pr oviding the confer ence Libr ar ian fr om the Indiana r oom and cater ing ser vice. Univer sity Kokom o, shar ed her Special thanks to Vicky Bloom, faculty-libr ar ian collabor ation Dean of the Indiana Univer sity exper ience on designing flipped South Bend Libr ar y, w ho gave a infor m ation liter acy sessions w ar m w elcom e speech to w ith the assessm ent m odel. The confer ence attendees and Gr oup pictur e tw o flipped sessions on r eading show ed her suppor t for CALA and finding pr im ar y liter atur e and the confer ence, and Vincci w er e pr oved to enhance students? lear ning Kw ong w ho coor dinated all the local exper ience. ar r angem ents plus the vir tual confer ence set-up to m ake sur e that the confer ence r un sm oothly. M inhao Jiang, Softw ar e Developm ent Libr ar ian fr om the Wayne State Univer sity, explor ed We also appr eciate the har d w or k of the Tensor Flow and its im plications to libr ar ies. He pr ofessional developm ent com m ittee on deciding on the confer ence them e, inviting the keynote pr ovided intr oduction and dem onstr ation on Tensor Flow and explained how it can potentially speaker, r eview ing the confer ence pr oposals, cr eating the confer ence pr ogr am, and m ar keting benefit existing libr ar y system s. the confer ence to the CALA com m unity. It is Thom as Bur ns, Lear ning and Resear ch Libr ar ian notew or thy to m ention that Lijun Xue (co-chair of fr om the Univer sity of M issour i Kansas City, Pr ofessional Developm ent Com m ittee) m ade r eview ed the r esear ch and conver sation on per sistent effor t on inviting the keynote speaker help-seeking in the academ ic libr ar y in the digital and the featur ed keynote pr esentation tur ned out age. He also discussed str ategies to encour age and to fit per fectly into our confer ence them e and facilitate the help seeking. r eceived ver y positive feedback fr om the Vincci Kw ong, Head of Libr ar y Web Ser vices and audience. We also appr eciate the suppor t fr om the Associate Libr ar ian fr om the Indiana Univer sity CALA M idw est Executive Boar d, especially Fu South Bend, pr esented the?tur ning outw ar d? Zhou, w ho pr ovided m uch gr eat specific advice on appr oach and discussed the steps on how to use the confer ence planning. this appr oach to engage com m unity thr ough Last but not least, w e thank Shuyong Jiang for her conver sations and how to cr eate conditions for diligent fund r aising effor t and w e ar e tr uly change and sustainability. gr ateful for Wanfang Data?s gener ous financial suppor t for our confer ence.

4 47 Chapter Highlights CALA M W Chapter Life M ember Ning Zou Wins ALA Election by Fu Zhuo ALA Election Office just r eleased its 2016 annual election r esults. M s. Ning Zou, Instr uction Coor dinator at Rebecca Cr ow n Libr ar y of Dom inican Univer sity, w on Vice-Pr esident/pr esident-elect (For thr ee-year ter m ) in LIBRARY INSTRUCTION ROUND TABLE SECTION. Her r esults show ed that she w on 99% of votes and clear ly w as the choice of other libr ar ians in her field. M s. Zou joined CALA in 2003 and she?s cur r ently a life m em ber in the M W chapter. She has been ver y active in ser ving CALA M idw est Chapter as w ell as on the national CALA com m ittees. She is also a fr equent pr esenter in pr ofessional confer ences. Please join us fr om M W Chapter to congr atulate her for her w inning of Vice-Pr esident/pr esident-elect in LIBRARY INSTRUCTION ROUND TABLE SECTION in the 2016 ALA Election. The CALA M W Chapter Celebrate the Chinese New Year at Dr. Tze-chung Li?s Home Repor ted by Shuyong Jiang, CALA M W Public Relation Com m ittee The CALA M idw est Chapter had a holiday gather ing on Feb. 13, 2016 at Dr. Tze-Chung Li?s hom e in Chicago. A gr oup of five UIUC GSLIS students and som e Chapter m em ber s fr om the Chicago ar ea got together to celebr ate the Chinese New Year. M r s. Li or der ed Chinese food for the gr oup. The gr oup had a pleasant tim e at Dr. Li?s hom e. Bathed in br ight sunshine, w e enjoyed the delicious food, the gr eat view of Chicago and the Lake M ichigan, but m ostly a good conver sation w ith tw o of the m ost r espected m em ber s of CALA.

5 48 Chapter Highlights NCA Chapter?s Spring Activity Hualing Wan CALA NCA Chapter visited San Fr ancisco Chinatow n on Apr il 30, We had 17 people attend. The tour star ted at the Chinese Histor ical Society of Am er ica (CHSA). The building w as or iginally a Chinatow n YWCA designed by Julia M or gan ( ), an ar chitect w ho integr ated Chinese m otifs w ith the fr am ew or k of w ester n ar chitectur e. CHSA is the oldest and lar gest ar chive and histor y center docum enting the Chinese Am er ican exper ience in the United States. After a delicious dim sum lunch br eak at the Saint M ar y?s Squar e par k, w e headed to the Pacific Her itage M useum. The M useum is housed in the histor ic US Subtr easur y Building, dating fr om 1875 and built on the site of the fir st US Br anch M int. The building is r ecognized as a histor ical landm ar k by both the state of Califor nia and the city of San Fr ancisco. In 1984 the building w as r estor ed in or der to house the Pacific Her itage M useum. The M useum celebr ates the her itage and achievem ents of the people living along the Pacific Rim. We saw a r eplica of a bank vault used dur ing the buildings oper ation as a par t of the Tr easur y Depar tm ent. Ther e is also a display of a collection of 40 year s silver coins. After that w e w ent to the Chinese Cultur e Center of San Fr ancisco. The Center has a galler y, book shop, classr oom and offices. It w as established in 1965 to foster the under standing and appr eciation of Chinese and Chinese Am er ican ar t, histor y, and cultur e in the United States. At the galler y w e saw a docum entar y show ing the life of ear ly Chinese im m igr ants and a couple inter esting m oder n Chinese ar tw or ks. We also stopped by the For tune Cookie Factor y. The Factor y opened on August 5, 1962 and r em ains one of the only places you can still find handm ade for tune cookies in the countr y. Ther e w er e 2 w om en placing for tunes in the hot cookies, then folding the cookies befor e they har den. You get a sam ple w hen you go in and the cookie is still w ar m, couldn?t be fr esher. Lastly w e visited the San Fr ancisco Cable Car M useum. It contains histor ical and explanator y exhibits on the San Fr ancisco cable car system. The m useum is par t of the com plex that also houses the cable car pow er house, w hich dr ives the cable car s. It is fascinating to see how the cable car s ar e oper ated. The m useum is r egar ded as a w or king m useum. The tour ended w ith ever yone lear ning som ething fr om the past. It w as tr uly an educational and infor m ational visit.

6 49 Chapter Highlights CALA Southeast and CALA Southw est Chapters? joint online conference to be Held in June Pr ovided by Xiaojie Duan, CALA SE Chapter Pr esident, and Xiaoyu Duan, CALA SW Chapter Pr esident The CALA Southeast and Southw est Chapter s joint online confer ence w ill be held on Ju n e 13t h, Cur r ently w e ar e calling for speaker s to pr esent at the confer ence. The online platfor m w ill be Anym eeting. The topic of the joint confer ence is "New libr ar y technologies, pr actices and im pacts". Possible topics include: 1) How libr ar y technologies im pact the w or kflow s of libr ar y faculties and staff; 2)?Old? libr ar y technologies that ar e used in cr eative w ays; 3) Libr ar y technologies that im pr ove user exper iences and benefit ser ved com m unities; 4) Libr ar y technologies that enhance the discover y of libr ar y r esour ces (such as e-r esour ce); 5) Libr ar y technologies that offer better appr oaches and solutions in m anaging data such as stor ing, m igr ating and pr eser ving of data. The online confer ence w ill be open to the CALA com m unity and anyone w ho's inter ested in joining it. M or e infor m ation has been sent to the CALA listser v, w ebsite and CALA's Facebook page.


8 51 International Collaboration The 2015 Chinese Library Annual Conference by Qian Zeng Decem ber 16? 17, 2015, the Chinese Libr ar y Annual Confer ence w as held at the Guangzhou Baiyun Inter national Convention Center, hosting m or e than 2800 pr actitioner s in the libr ar y pr ofession fr om the U.S., Ger m any, South Kor ea, Russia, Hong Kong, M acao and M ainland China. Som e special guests include: M r. Yang Zhijin, Vice M inister of Cultur e in PRC, M r. Sheng Haixiong, the Deputy Head of Publicity Depar tm ent of the CPC Guangdong M s. Bar bar a Schleihage, pr esident of Pr ovince Com m ittee, and M r. Chen Jianhua, Ger m any Libr ar y Association, m akes M ayor of Guangzhou, and M s. Donna Scheeder, a speech Pr esident of the IFLA (Inter national Feder ation of Libr ar y Associations and Institutions), M r. Kw ack Dong Chul, Pr esident of South Kor ean Libr ar y Association, M s. Bar bar a Schleihage, pr esident of Ger m any Libr ar y Association and M s. LianRuan, pr esident of CALA (Chinese Am er ican Libr ar ians Association). Guangzhou Libr ar y w elcom es the honor ed guests M r. Chen Jianhua, M ayor of Guangzhou, w ho focuses specially on the libr ar y constr uction and pr ogr ess as a cr itical par t of m unicipality, pr esented a speech entitled?libr ar y Vocation, Conver ging Social M otivation?. M r. Chen told the audience, for the fir st tim e, that a 30,000-40,000 squar e m eter Tech Libr ar y w ill be set up in the m ost expensive CBD shopping ar ea, Tai GuHui, and that a total of 5,000,000 books w ill be added to the Guangzhou Libr ar y in 2016, w ith 2,000,000 books categor ized as technological and scientific books and the allocated fund for buying the books be estim ated as m or e than 10 m illion yuan.?as far as a city is concer ned, the libr ar ies ar e not just a cultur al sym bol of the city, but r epr esent the m ental pow er and spir itual identity?, said M r. Chen. M r. Chen Jianhua, M ayor of Guangzhou pr esents a speech entitled?libr ar y Vocation, Conver ging Social M otivation? The them e for this year?s confer ence is?libr ar y: Push for Social Pr ogr ess?. Ther e ar e four sym posium s and 21 panel m eetings at the confer ence, w ith the topics r anging fr om infor m ation technology?s im pact on libr ar ies, legal issues of public libr ar ies, kids? r eading pr om otion, antique copy pr otection, m oder n technology and other s, all concer ning the cr itical issues facing libr ar ies in pr esent-day China. CALA hosted a panel m eeting, featur ing?function of Libr ar ies in Social Pr ogr ess: Latest Tr ends of Am er ican Univer sity Libr ar ies and Public Libr ar ies?, lending insight into the new developm ent of Univer sity Libr ar ies and the cr eative ser vice of the public libr ar ies in the U.S. (Continue on page 52) Session 21:?The Libr ar y's Role in Social Advancem ent: Cur r ent Tr ends in Academ ic and Public Libr ar ies in the United States? hosted by CALA

9 52 International Collaboration The 2015 Chinese Library Annual Conference And as the host of the confer ence, Guangzhou Libr ar y co-hosted an?after Confer ence? w ith the Libr ar y Society of China, and the?after Confer ence? ser ved as an inter national academ ic confer ence, w ith the them e as?the Public Libr ar y Ar chitectur e and Function as Social Public Space?. The The deputy accepts the pr ize for the 10 Fang Jiazhong, the dir ector of Guangzhou dir ector s fr om Los Angeles M ost Beautiful Gr assr oots Libr ar ies Libr ar y accepts the pr ize for 10 Pioneer Public Libr ar y, Seattle Centr al Libr ar ians Public libr ar y, the M ayakovsky Centr al City Public Libr ar y of St. Peter sbur g, Public Infor m ation Libr ar y of Fr ance Pom pidou and the National Libr ar y of Singapor e w er e invited to the discussion of the public libr ar ies? ar chitectur al building and its functions. This is a sign that public libr ar ies fr om m ainland China ar e now com ing to the agr eem ent that for ging the social public space is one of the m ain functions of public libr ar ies. The opening cer em ony of the confer ence star ts w ith the theatr ical per for m ance of Chinese classics The Book of Songs (????????), and the speeches and talks ar e connected by sever al theatr ical show s w ith tr aditional Chinese cultur al glam or and Souther n China touch. The confer ence featur ed 10 M ost Beautiful Gr assr oots Libr ar ies and 10 Pioneer Libr ar ians, and held an aw ar d cer em ony for the institutions and per sons. At the night of Decem ber 16th, Guangzhou Libr ar y pr epar ed a par ty called?night at Libr ar y?, w ith a view to com m unication and shar ing, and also or ganized an ar tistic show w ith poem r eading, m oder n dance and or chestr a for all the confer ence, ar tistically taking use of the spatial design of Guangzhou Libr ar y to cr eate a m ulti-dim ensional exper ience of the m ental jour ney as r elated to books and ar ts. At that tim e, at that location, r ight under the dom e of Guangzhou Libr ar y, the ar tists and the The m usic per for m ance in the The poet Xi Chuan tells his libr ar y audience co-built a novel and inter esting?night at Libr ar y? stor ies in the "Night at Libr ar y" sover eignty of cultur e. The people pr esent could feel the subtly changed and new r elationship betw een people and the envir onm ent, r eader s and the books, r eader s and r eading and, w ho know s, m ight even find new r elationships betw een people. It is the pur pose of the or ganizer s that the beauty of the libr ar y and the beauty of r eading could be found and fully em br aced. At the concluding cer em ony, M r. Wu Jianzhong, Dir ector of Shanghai Libr ar y deliver ed a speech on?seeing Now fr om Futur e: the Next Ten Year s of Libr ar ies ( )?. M r. Wu pr oposed that libr ar ies of 2025 w ill be the center s for know ledge, lear ning and com m unication, and also the enabler s of social, econom ic and cultur al developm ent w hich for m s a closer tie w ith the w hole society.

10 53 International Collaboration Jiangxi Provincial Public Library Expands Its Digital Presence Lianglei Qi Hom e page of "JIangxi Digital Libr ar y" The Jiangxi Pr ovincial Public Libr ar y, located at the capital city of Nanchang, is the lar gest public libr ar y of Jiangxi Pr ovince. Additionally, it is my m other libr ar y and spir itual hom e. Having not visited for a long tim e since I w ent over seas to study my M aster of Libr ar y Science (M LS) in 1999, I noticed that the libr ar y has exper ienced digital tr ansfor m ations over the past 15 year s. Racing w ith the Infor m ation Age of the 21st centur y, the libr ar y not only offer s physical libr ar y ser vices, but also vir tual libr ar y ser vices. The libr ar y has a par allel m edium of?jiangxi Digital Libr ar y? in com par ison w ith?jiangxi Pr ovincial Public Libr ar y? listed on its hom e w ebpage. Having had the chance to visit my fam ily and ser ve as the?sum m er Libr ar ian? for 3 m onths in the sum m er of 2014 for my local libr ar y, this shor t visiting ser vice gr eatly shar pened and deepened my under standing of those cutting edge tools and popular ser vices the libr ar y initiated to its local com m unity patr ons, scholar ly gr oups, inter national and national visitor s as w ell as senior and youth r esidents, etc. And w ithout any doubt, those innovative and diver sified ser vices have str ongly im pacted and influenced people?s r eading habits, hum an-com puter inter actions, infor m ation-seeking behavior s, data analytics, m ind settings, w or ld points of view s, etc. Her e I br iefly elabor ate a couple of digital highlights the libr ar y has im plem ented. DIGITAL LIBRARY EXPERIENCE CENTER As a r esult of the?digital Libr ar y Pr om otion Pr oject? allocated by the Chinese Centr al Gover nm ent, 12 m ajor public libr ar ies scatter ed acr oss the w hole Jiangxi Pr ovince w ithin the Jiangxi Public Libr ar y System w er e gr anted this special pr oject fund. All of those 12 libr ar ies have alr eady finished the equipm ent acquisition, installation and adjustm ent; they have alr eady connected to the Digital Libr ar y National Center and other levels of w eb nodes. Patr ons fr om those 12 libr ar ies can dir ectly access as m uch as 120TB digital r esour ces shar ed w ith the China National Libr ar y fr om var ious m ultim edia ter m inals. (Continue on page 54) Digital exper ience center and inter net café

11 54 International Collaboration Jiangxi Provincial Public Library Expands Its Digital Presence Along w ith this digital libr ar y pr om otion activity, Jiangxi Pr ovincial Public Libr ar y especially established and opened a?digital Libr ar y Exper ience Center? aim ing to educate patr ons to under stand the constr uction of the National Digital Libr ar y, to oper ate m ultim edia ter m inals and to im m er se them selves into m ultim edia pr esentations. This center also seeks to educate patr ons on utilizing its local and national digital libr ar y ser vices, including, but not lim ited to the follow ing: exper iencing the television libr ar y, the m obile r eading platfor m, the childr en?s digital libr ar ies, the digital libr ar ies w ith disabilities, the Libr ar y for the Blind, the Chinese gover nm ent public infor m ation ser vices platfor m, etc. By doing so, the libr ar y incr eases patr ons?r eading inter ests and pur sues?national r eading? pr om otion. DIGITAL NAVIGATORS AND ONLINE OPAC Inspir ed by em er ging and w ir eless technologies, the libr ar y decided to adopt the ideas of self-help and autom atic m achine-help ser vices. Six lar ge touch-scr een self-help m achine navigator s w er e set up at the hallw ay as w ell as side entr ies to the libr ar y. Eight com puter s w er e set up at the fr ont gate of the m ain entr y connected to Gigabyte w ir eless inter net spr ead ar ound the w hole libr ar y ar ea and r eady to ser ve patr ons. W ir eless sm ar t phones and tablets ar e encour aged inside of the libr ar y and patr ons can scan tw o-dim ensional codes fr om those touch scr een navigator s and be able to dow nload thousands of digital books including Chinese and m ulti-language collections at any tim e. Navigator s also offer voice pr om pts w hich can help patr ons to find the r ight libr ar y locations, per sons, depar tm ents and even the collections. Finally, patr ons can access the local online catalog (OPAC) and databases as w ell as the online databases thr ough those navigator s by utilizing vir tual keyboar ds popped up on the touch scr een. Touch scr een navigator s and online OPAC SELF-CIRCULATION AND LIBRARY CARD VENDING M ACHINES To m eet the national and inter national autom ation tr ends, and to im pr ove the efficiency of utilizing the libr ar y collections to r each the high libr ar y tur n-over r ates, tw o libr ar y car d vending m achines and four self-cir culating m achines w er e put into use and set up at the fr ont hallw ay of the m ain gate of the libr ar y. The cir culation depar tm ent w as canceled, the cir culation libr ar ian and staff w er e m er ged into the social science collections depar tm ent as w ell as the natur al science collections depar tm ent. (Continue on page 55) Libr ar y car d vending m achines and self-cir culation

12 55 International Collaboration Jiangxi Provincial Public Library Expands Its Digital Presence CUTTING EDGE LIBRARY SERVICES Com puter r oom, digital ser vices r oom s, childr en?s M ultim edia and cutting edge technologies ar e w idely r eading r oom and 24-hour libr ar y kiosks spr eading acr oss all depar tm ents of the libr ar y, High speed W I-FI cover s the w hole and even beyond the libr ar y r egion. Patr ons ar e encour aged to br ing their ow n m obile devices, or to utilize libr ar y?s equipm ent; Patr ons can sur f the Inter net individually, or can w or k on assignm ents as a team. Over 300 com puter s w er e installed into each libr ar y depar tm ent including the m ain com puter r oom w hich is opened to all libr ar y user s. Touch scr een full-text electr onic jour nal r eader s/devices ar e r eady for patr ons at the per iodical r eading r oom. LED TEXT Banner s w ith 3D pr ojector s as w ell as lar ge LED LCD TVs offer 180 degr ee angle panor am ic view s for Pow er Point pr esentations and videos inside of the public pr esentation/lectur e r oom. The childr en?s r eading r oom w as designed and r enovated w ith new book shelves and the m ost r ecently updated r eading m ater ials along w ith touch scr een electr onic childr en?s r eading devices. 24-hour self-help cir culating kiosks can be r eached at the m ain str eets of the w hole city. M Y LIBRARY PRESENTATONS IN 2008 AND 2011 By invitation of the Libr ar y Association of Jiangxi Pr ovince, an open academ ic sem inar on?intr oduction to US Libr ar y System s? w as offer ed and pr esented by m e in the sum m er of 2008 at the Jiangxi Pr ovincial Public Libr ar y public pr esentation/lectur e r oom. Hundr eds of peer libr ar ians fr om local and M y scheduled local libr ar y pr esentations in 2008 and 2011 sister libr ar y associations as w ell as libr ar y patr ons/user s attended my sem inar, asked num er ous challenging and inter esting questions and offer ed m e tr em endous valuable feedback, all of w hich helped m e a lot in my later libr ar y pr ofessional w or k. In the sum m er of 2011, I m ade another public academ ic sem inar on?intr oduction to Digital Libr ar y,? w hich initiated an active discussion on libr ar y digitization at our local libr ar y system and com m unity. SUM M ARY In r ecent year s, the INTERNET and com puter technologies have alr eady str ongly im pacted the developm ent of libr ar ianship. All libr ar ies w ithin the Jiangxi Public Libr ar y System ar e in the pr ocess of m igr ating fr om the?ser vice-based? to the?technology-based? libr ar y patter n and now ar e able to offer both pr inted collections and digital r esour ces. Digital libr ar y infr astr uctur e has been established and is able to accom m odate m or e electr onic devices and patr ons. This w ill enable the libr ar ies to develop m or e advanced digital collections and ser vices in the com ing year s. The libr ar y?s goal for the next 10 year s w ill be investing m or e hum an, capital and technology r esour ces to build up an?intelligent Libr ar y? envir onm ent; to per fect the WeChat libr ar y, m obile libr ar y ser vice platfor m s, etc.; to for m a distr ibuted digital libr ar y ser vice netw or k w hich is r esour ceful, fast-ser viced, technology advanced, stable and r eliable; and, ultim ately, to benefit all com m unity m em ber s, r esidents, user s, patr ons and visitor s.

13 56 International Collaboration Every Chinese Child Ready to Read The State of Private Children?s Libraries in China John Jablonski In Novem ber of 2015, I attended the China Shanghai Inter national Book Fair ( w /) as par t of a continuing pr oject to obser ve and assist childr en?s libr ar ies oper ating as pr ivate businesses in China. I fir st lear ned of these libr ar ies in 2011, and have subsequently visited m or e than tw enty of these?pictur e book houses? (??? ) in five m ajor cities, inter view ing ow ner s and par ents about their m otivations and str ategies. At the book fair Li Na, the ow ner of Shanghai?s?????? (w hich she tr anslates as "Tiny Sw eet Kids Libr ar y"), and I pr esented an over view of the phenom enon aim ed at encour aging publisher s to r each out to this entr epr eneur ial com m unity. As so m any things in China do, these childr en?s libr ar ies have gr ow n r apidly. Fir st obser ved in 2006, by 2013 a m ap show s 1,700 pr ivate childr en?s libr ar ies acr oss the w hole countr y ( w /hbgm ap.asp). Ther e ar e a num ber of differ ent business m odels. Som e libr ar ies ar e subsidized by par ent businesses (Beijing?s Baby Cube and Nanchang?s Centur y Libr ar y), w hile other s ar e par ts of chains or fr anchises. M ost, how ever, ar e ow ned and oper ated by individuals. The entr ance to the Shanghai Wor ld Expo Exhibitions and Convention Center dur ing the China Shanghai Inter national Childr en's Book Fair. The author r eading 'Stinky Poop' to m em ber s of Shanghai libr ar ian, m other, and gr aduate student Li Na's pictur e book libr ar y, located in a housing com pound's r etail space south of Hongqiao Air por t. Libr ar ians and their em ployees tend to be self-conscious of their pr ogr am m ing abilities, and fr equently r equest advice on how to inspir e young r eader s, choose age-appr opr iate books (especially for English language lear ning), and keep par ents and kids engaged w ith the libr ar y. M any str uggle w ith lim ited r evenue sour ces and ask for business advice that I cannot give. Par ents expr ess fr ustr ation at China's r igid school system (and its high stakes high school and college entr ance exam s) w hile sim ultaneously asking how to best give their childr en a head star t w ith lear ning char acter s and English. Not only have I obser ved disagr eem ents over how to par ent, I have seen individuals str uggle w ith their ow n conflicted feelings about pushing their childr en to be com petitive w hile at the sam e tim e tr ying to give them r oom to be cr eative, playful, and w ell adjusted. M any libr ar ies have par enting m ater ials on hand or m other s' book clubs. One oper ation in Beijing has shifted its focus to teaching par enting sem inar s. The pictur e book libr ar ies ar e an exciting m icr ocosm of the contem por ar y Chinese m iddle class ur ban exper ience. I gr eatly appr eciate the openness that the libr ar ians and par ents have show n to m e the past sever al year s and hope that this industr y continues to develop, or ganize, and seek incr eased contact w ith the global libr ar y com m unity. M or e infor m ation about this w or k is available at w w w.r eadingever yw her e.or g. A Ger m an tr ade r epr esentative points out som e inter esting featur es of a pictur e book. (Jon Jablonski is a m em ber of CALA?s Souther n Califor nia Chapter and is Spatial Data Libr ar ian at the Univer sity of Califor nia Santa Bar bar a.)


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