Gazzetta tal-gvern ta Malta The Malta Government Gazette

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1 Il-Ħamis, 17 ta Jannar, 2013 Thursday, 17th January, 2013 Nru./No. 19,019 Prezz/Price 1.08 Gazzetta tal-gvern ta Malta The Malta Government Gazette Pubblikata b Awtorità Published by Authority SOMMARJU SUMMARY Notifikazzjonijiet tal-gvern Government Notices Avviżi tal-qorti Court Notices


3 Is-17 ta Jannar, 2013 VERŻJONI ONLINE 401 NOTIFIKAZZJONIJIET TAL-GVERN Nru. 33 AKKWIST TA ART DIN id-dikjarazzjoni li ġejja, magħmula mill-president ta Malta bis-saħħa tal-artikolu 3 tal-ordinanza dwar l-akkwist tal- Artijiet għal Skopijiet Pubbliċi (Kapitolu 88) hija ppubblikata skont u għall-finijiet tal-artikolu 9(1) ta dik l-ordinanza. Is-17 ta Jannar, 2013 (File No. L 1041/87/1) Plots 1D-1F GOVERNMENT NOTICES No. 33 ACQUISITION OF LAND THE following declaration made by the President of Malta under section 3 of the Land Acquisition (Public Purposes) Ordinance (Chapter 88) is published in terms and for the purposes of section 9(1) thereof. 17th January, 2013 Dikjarazzjoni tal-president ta Malta Illi b dikjarazzjoni tal-aġent President ta Malta tas-26 ta Frar, 1988, l-art hawn taħt imsemmija kienet dikjarata meħtiega mill-awtorità kompetenti għal skop pubbliku skont id-dispożizzjonijiet tal-ordinanza dwar l-akkwist ta Artijiet għal Skopijiet Pubbliċi (Kapitolu 88) u illi l-akkwist tagħha kellu jkun b xiri assolut. L-art li ġejja fil-mosta:- Deskrizzjoni tal-art Biċċa art tal-kejl ta madwar 12,600 metru kwadru, li tmiss min-nofsinhar ma proprjetà tal-gvern u mit-tramuntana u mil- Lvant ma proprjetà tal-familja Ganado jew irjieħ verjuri. Biċċa art tal-kejl ta madwar 105 metri kwadri, li tmiss mit- Tramuntana ma proprjetà tal-familja Ganado, min-nofsinhar ma proprjetà tal-gvern u mil-lvant ma triq pubblika jew irjieħ verjuri. Il-biċċtejn art hawn fuq imsemmija jidhru murija bil-kulur aħmar u mmarkati bħala plots 1D u 1F fuq il-pjanta P.D. Nru. 52_88_3, li wieħed jista jara fuq talba fid-dipartiment tal-artijiet, Auberge de Baviere, Valletta. Illi d-dikjarazzjoni tal-president ta Malta odjerna qiegħda tiġi ppubblikata għall-fini tal-att I tal Il-kumpens offrut a bażi tal-1 ta Jannar 2005 huwa ta mija u sbatax-il elf, erba mija u tmienja u tmenin Ewro u sebgħa u erbgħin ċenteżmu ( 117,488.47) għall-plot 1D u tmienja u sittin elf, erba mija u tlieta u tmenin Ewro u tmienja u ħamsin ċenteżmu ( 68,483.58) għall-plot 1F skont l-istima tal-perit Duncan Mifsud, A.&C.E., li kopja tagħha qed tiġi ppubblikata ma din id-dikjarazzjoni. Ma din id-dikjarazzjoni qegħdin jiġu ppubblikati site plans li juru l-immobbli msemmija. (Iff.) George Abela A/President 10/1/2013 Declaration by the President of Malta Whereas by declaration by the Acting President of Malta dated 26th February, 1988, the undermentioned land was declared to be required by the competent authority for a public purpose in accordance with the provisions of the Land Acquisition (Public Purposes) Ordinance (Cap. 88) and that the acquisition thereof should have been by absolute purchase. Description of the Land The following land in Mosta:- Plot of land measuring about 12,600 square metres, bounded on the South by Government property and on the North and East by property of the Ganado Family or more precise boundaries. Plot of land measuring about 105 square metres, bounded on the North by property of the Ganado Family, on the South by Government property and on the East by a public road or more precise boundaries. The abovementioned two plots of land are shown in red and marked as plots 1D and 1F on plan P.D. No. 52_88_3, which may be viewed on demand at the Land Department, Auberge de Baviere, Valletta. Whereas by the present Declaration by the President of Malta is being published for the purpose of Act I of The compensation offered as on 1st January 2005 is of one hundred and seventeen thousand, four hundred and eightyeight Euro and forty-seven cents ( 117,488.47) for plot 1D and sixty-eight thousand, four hundred and eighty-three Euro and fifty-eight cents ( 68,483.58) for plot 1F according to the valuation as made by Perit Duncan Mifsud, A.&C.E., a copy of which is being published with this declaration. Site plans showing the mentioned immovable property are being published with this declaration. (Sgd) George Abela President 10/1/2013

4 402 VERŻJONI ONLINE Gazzetta tal-gvern ta Malta 19,019 Dawn is-site plans qed jiġu ppubblikati f paġni 403 u 404. Stima tal-perit (oriġinali bl-ingliż) Deskrizzjoni tal-proprjetà: Akkwist ta plots 1D u 1F f Tad-Dib, Il-Mosta Fuq struzzjonijiet tal-kummissarju tal-artijiet, għamilt ixxogħol meħtieġ u kkunsidrajt bir-reqqa s-siti ta hawn fuq sabiex nagħti l-fehma tiegħi għall-valur ġust u raġonevoli għall-artijiet fil-kwistjoni skont is-suq liberu. L-artijiet imsemmija huma murija delineati bl-aħmar u mmarkati bħala plots 1D u 1F fuq il- Pjanta PD 52_88_03. Plot 1D huwa tal-kejl ta madwar 12,600 metru kwadru, u plot 1F huwa tal-kejl ta 105 metri kwadri. Skont l-ordinanza dwar l-akkwist ta Artijiet (Kapitolu 88), l-ewwel biċċa art hija kkunsidrata bħala art agrikola, u l-biċċa art l-oħra hija kkunsidrata bħala sit fabbrikabbli. Dawn li ġejjin huma uħud mill-fatturi relevanti li ġew ikkunsidrati biex sar ir-rapport tal-istima: a) kunsiderazzjonijiet fiżiċi bħad-daqs, livell, faċċata u sura tas-siti; b) kunsiderazzjonijiet ambjentali bħall-madwar, aċċess għall-proprjetà u l-fatt li wieħed mis-siti huwa kkunsidrat bħala sit fabbrikabbli, waqt li l-biċċa art l-oħra hija art agrikola skont l-ordinanza dwar l-akkwist ta Artijiet (Kapitolu 88); ċ) kunsiderazzjonijiet ekonomiċi bħad-domanda għallproprjetà fl-inħawi u l-valur liberu ta proprjetajiet adjaċenti jew simili; d) il-potenzjal kontrastat ma restrizzjonijiet għal aktar żvilupp kif soġġett għall-policies prevalenti tal-ippjanar mill-mepa. Ibbażati fuq ir-rapport ta stima magħmul mill-perit Fred Valentino f nota red 25 fil-file, l-assignment kellu jistma, fuq l-istess bażi, l-istima tal-plots 1D u 1F kif muri fuq Pjanta PD_052_88_03. Wara li kkunsidrajt il-fatturi kollha msemmija hawn fuq, qiegħed hawn nistma b mod ġust u raġonevoli l-valur fis-suq tal-plots fl-1 ta Jannar, 2005 imsemmija kif ġej: Plot 1D għal mija u sbatax-il elf, erba mija u tmienja u tmenin Ewro u sebgħa u erbgħin ċenteżmu ( 117,488.47); u Plot 1F għal tmienja u sittin elf, erba mija u tlieta u tmenin Ewro u tmienja u ħamsin ċenteżmu ( 68,483.58). (Iff.) Perit Duncan Mifsud, B.E.&A.(Hons); A.&C.E. Senior Architect and Civil Engineer Dipartiment Proprjetà tal-gvern Id-19 ta Diċembru, 2012 These site plans are being published on pages 403 and 404. Architect s Valuation (original in English) Description of property: Acquisition of plots 1D and 1F at Tad-Dib, Mosta As directed by the Commissioner of Lands, I have carried out the necessary workings and carefully considered the above sites in order to provide my opinion as to a fair and reasonable open market value of the lands in question. The said lands are shown edged in red colour and marked as plots 1D and 1F on plan PD 52_88_03. Plot 1D has an area of c. 12,600 sq m, whereas plot 1F has an area of c. 105 sq. m. In terms of the Land Acquisition Ordinance (Chapter 88), the former land is considered as an agricultural land, whereas the latter land is considered as a building site. The following are some of the relevant factors taken into consideration in drawing up this valuation report: a) physical considerations such as the size, level, frontage and configuration of the sites; b) environmental considerations such as the surroundings, property access and the fact that one of the sites is considered as a building site, whereas the other land is an agricultural land in terms of the Land Acquisition Ordinance (Chapter 88); c) economical considerations such as the demand for property in the area and the freehold value of adjacent or similar properties; d) potential vs restrictions for further development as subject to prevalent MEPA planning policies. Based on the valuation report drawn up by Perit Fred Valentino at red 25 in file, the assignment was to evaluate, on the same basis, the valuation of plots 1D and 1F as shown on plan PD_052_88_03. After having taking into consideration all the abovementioned assumptions, I estimate a fair and reasonable market value of the said plots on the 1st January, 2005 as follows: Plot 1D at one hundred and seventeen thousand, four hundred eighty-eight Euro and forty-seven Euro cents 117,488.47); and Plot 1F at sixty-eight thousand, four hundred and eightythree Euro and fifty-eight Euro cents ( 68,483.58). (Sgd) Perit Duncan Mifsud, B.E.&A.(Hons); A.&C.E. Senior Architect and Civil Engineer Government Property Department 19th December, 2012

5 Is-17 ta Jannar, 2013 VERŻJONI ONLINE M

6 404 VERŻJONI ONLINE Gazzetta tal-gvern ta Malta 19, M

7 Is-17 ta Jannar, 2013 VERŻJONI ONLINE 405 Nru. 34 No. 34 AKKWIST TA ART ACQUISITION OF LAND DIN id-dikjarazzjoni li ġejja, magħmula mill-president ta Malta bis-saħħa tal-artikolu 3 tal-ordinanza dwar l-akkwist tal- Artijiet għal Skopijiet Pubbliċi (Kapitolu 88) hija ppubblikata skont u għall-finijiet tal-artikolu 9(1) ta dik l-ordinanza. THE following declaration made by the President of Malta under section 3 of the Land Acquisition (Public Purposes) Ordinance (Chapter 88) is published in terms and for the purposes of section 9(1) thereof. Is-17 ta Jannar, th January, 2013 (File No. L 25/2011/XI) Dikjarazzjoni tal-president ta Malta Declaration by the President of Malta Jien hawnhekk niddikjara illi l-art hawn taħt imsemmija hija meħtiega mill-awtorità kompetenti għal skop pubbliku skont id-dispożizzjonijiet tal-ordinanza dwar l-akkwist ta Artijiet għal Skopijiet Pubbliċi (Kapitolu 88) u illi l-akkwist tagħha għandu jkun għal pussess u użu għal perjodu ta tliet snin mid-data tal-pubblikazzjoni ta dan l-avviż. I hereby declare that the undermentioned land is required by the competent authority for a public purpose in accordance with the provisions of the Land Acquisition (Public Purposes) Ordinance (Cap. 88) and that the acquisition thereof is to be by way of possession and use for a period of three years from the date of publication of this Notice. Deskrizzjoni tal-art Description of the Land L-art li ġejja f Ħ Attard:- The following land in Ħ Attard:- Biċċa art tal-kejl ta madwar 2,708 metri kwadri, li tmiss min-nofsinhar ma triq pubblika u mill-punent u mil-lvant ma proprjetà ta Mario Grima u oħrajn jew irjieħ verjuri. A plot of land measuring about 2,708 square metres, bounded on the South by a public road and on the West and on the East by property of Mario Grima and others or more precise boundaries. L-art hawn fuq imsemmija tidher murija bil-kulur aħmar fuq il-pjanta P.D. Nru. 2011_364A, li wieħed jista jara fuq talba fid-dipartiment tal-artijiet, Auberge de Baviere, Valletta. The abovementioned land is shown in red on plan P.D. No. 2011_364A, which may be viewed on demand at the Land Department, Auberge de Baviere, Valletta. Il-kera ta akkwist għall-proprjetà hawn fuq imsemmija hija ta tlett elef u tmien mitt Ewro ( 3,800) fis-sena, skont The acquisition rent for the abovementioned property is three thousand and eight hundred Euro ( 3,800) per annum,

8 406 VERŻJONI ONLINE Gazzetta tal-gvern ta Malta 19,019 l-istima li hawn ma din id-dikjarazzjoni kif din saret mill-perit arkitett John Schembri, A.&C.E. according to the valuation published with this declaration as made by architect John Schembri, A.&C.E. Ma din id-dikjarazzjoni qed tiġi ppubblikata site plan li turi l-immobbli msemmija. A site plan showing the mentioned immovable property is being published with this declaration. (Iff.) George Abela President 8/1/2013 (Sgd) George Abela President 8/1/2013 Din is-site plan qed tiġi ppubblikata f paġna 407. This site plan is being published on page 407. Stima tal-perit (oriġinali bl-ingliż) Architect s Valuation (original in English) Suġġett: Art fil-ħofor/taċ-ċawla, Ħ Attard Subject: Land at Il-Ħofor/Taċ-Ċawla, Ħ Attard Fuq struzzjonijiet tal-kummissarju tal-artijiet, wara li kkunsidrajt il-fatturi relevanti kollha, nistma l-valur tal-kera għal pussess u użu tas-sit imsemmi, muri delineat bl-aħmar fuq Pjanta P.D. Nru. 2011_364A, tal-kejl totali ta madwar 2,708 metru kwadru, għal perjodu ta 3 snin għal tlett elef u tmien mitt Ewro fis-sena ( 3,800 p.a.). As directed by the Commissioner of Land, after considering all relevant factors, I estimate the rental value for possession and use of the site in caption, shown edged in red on Plan P.D. No. 2011_364A, having a total area of circa 2,708 square metres, for a period of 3 years for three thousand eight hundred Euro per annum ( 3,800 p.a.). Fost il-fatturi kkunsidrati hemm dawn li ġejjin: Amongst the factors considered are the following: Id-daqs tas-sit fil-kwistjoni. The dimensions of the site in question. Il-fatt li se tintuża a perjodu massimu ta tliet snin biex tipprovdu aċċess għall-vetturi u impjanti ta kostruzzjoni rigward il-proġett Nazzjonali biex Itaffi l-għargħar. The fact that its going to be used for a maximum period of three years for provision of access for construction vehicles and plant in connection with the National Flood Relief Project. Kirjiet simili li saru qabel. Similar previous leases. (Iff.) John Schembri, A.&C.E. (Sgd) John Schembri, A.&C.E. L-24 ta Novembru, th November, 2012

9 Is-17 ta Jannar, 2013 VERŻJONI ONLINE M

10 408 VERŻJONI ONLINE Gazzetta tal-gvern ta Malta 19,019 Nru. 35 No. 35 AKKWIST TA ART ACQUISITION OF LAND DIN id-dikjarazzjoni li ġejja, magħmula mill-president ta Malta bis-saħħa tal-artikolu 3 tal-ordinanza dwar l-akkwist tal- Artijiet għal Skopijiet Pubbliċi (Kapitolu 88) hija ppubblikata skont u għall-finijiet tal-artikolu 9(1) ta dik l-ordinanza. THE following declaration made by the President of Malta under section 3 of the Land Acquisition (Public Purposes) Ordinance (Chapter 88) is published in terms and for the purposes of section 9(1) thereof. Is-17 ta Jannar, th January, 2013 (File No. L 18/2010/I) Plot 1 Dikjarazzjoni tal-president ta Malta Declaration by the President of Malta Jien hawnhekk niddikjara illi l-art hawn taħt imsemmija hija dikjarata meħtiega mill-awtorità kompetenti għal skop pubbliku skont id-dispożizzjonijiet tal-ordinanza dwar l-akkwist ta Artijiet għal Skopijiet Pubbliċi (Kapitolu 88) u illi l-akkwist tagħha għandu jkun b xiri assolut. I hereby declare that the undermentioned land is required by the competent authority for a public purpose in accordance with the privsions of the Land Acquisition (Public Purposes) Ordinance (Cap. 88) and that the acquisition thereof is to be by absolute purchase. Deskrizzjoni tal-art Description of the Land L-art li ġejja f Ħal Safi:- The following land in Ħal Safi:- Biċċa art tal-kejl ta madwar 5,197 metru kwadru, li tmiss mit-tramuntana u mil-lbiċ ma proprjetà tal-gvern u min- Nofsinhar ma proprjetà ta sidien mhux magħrufa jew irjieħ verjuri. A plot of land measuring about 5,197 square metres, bounded on the North and South West by Government property and on the South by property of unknown owners or more precise boundaries. L-art hawn fuq imsemmija tidher murija bil-kulur aħmar u mmarkata bħala plot numru 1 fuq il-pjanta P.D. Nru. 2012_601 li wieħed jista jara fuq talba fid-dipartiment tal-artijiet, Auberge de Baviere, Valletta. The abovementioned land is showin in red and marked as plot number 1 on plan P.D. No. 2012_601 which may be viewed on demand at the Land Department, Auberge de Baviere, Valletta. Il-kumpens offrut għall-biċċa art hawn fuq imsemmija hu ta tmenin elf, mija u sitta u tletin Ewro u sebgħa u għoxrin ċenteżmu ( 80,136.27) skont l-istima tal-perit Fred H. Valentino, A.&C.E, li kopja tagħha qed tiġi ppubblikata ma din id-dikjarazzjoni. The compensation offered for the abovementioned plot of land is eighty thousand, one hundred and thirty-six Euro and twenty-seven cents ( 80,136.27) according to the valuation published with this declaration as made by architect Fred H. Valentino, A.&C.E.

11 Is-17 ta Jannar, 2013 VERŻJONI ONLINE 409 Ma din id-dikjarazzjoni qed tiġi ppubblikata site plan li turi l-immobbli msemmija. A site plan showing the mentioned immovable property is being published with this declaration. (Iff.) George Abela President 3/1/2013 (Sgd) George Abela President 3/1/2013 Din is-site plan qed tiġi ppubblikata f paġna 410. This site plan is being published on page 410. Stima tal-perit (oriġinali bil-malti) Architect s Valuation (original in Maltese) Dwar: Art fil-limiti ta Ħal Safi Regarding: Land in the limits of Ħal Safi Fuq struzzjonijiet tal-kummissarju tal-artijiet, skont l-ordinanza dwar l-akkwist ta Artijiet (għal Skopijiet Pubbliċi), qiegħed niffissa l-valur liberu u frank tal-proprjetà hawn taħt deskritta f Tal-Karwija, limiti ta Ħal Safi, li hija meħtieġa mill-gvern għal skop pubbliku, u dan wara li ħadt in konsiderazzjoni l-lokalità, il-qies, il-konfigurazzjoni, l-istat u l-potenzjal, skont il-pjanijiet u l-konfini taż-żona tal-iżvilupp kif maħruġa uffiċjalment mill-awtorità Maltija għall-ambjent u l-ippjanar (MEPA), kif ukoll il-valur ta proprjetajiet oħra viċini jew simili u ħwejjeġ oħra li jista jkollhom effett fuq il-valur tal-istess proprjetà. The Commissioner of Land, in terms of the Land Acquisition (Public Purposes) Ordinance, has instructed the undersigned architect, to value the free and unencumbered price of the undermentioned property at Tal-Karwija, limits of Ħal Safi, which is required by Government for a public purpose, and this after having taken into consideration the locality, size, contours, state and potential, according to the plans and development zone boundaries as officially published by the Malta Environment and Planning Authority (MEPA), as well as the value of other nearby or similar properties and other matters which which may affect the value of the same property. Biċċa art tal-kejl ta madwar 5,197 metru kwadru, li tmiss mit-tramuntana u mil-lbiċ ma proprjetà tal-gvern u min- Nofsinhar ma proprjetà ta sidien mhux magħrufa jew irjieħ verjuri, liema art hija meqjusa bħala art agrikola fit-termini tal-ordinanza dwar l-akkwist ta Artijiet u hija murija blaħmar u mmarkata bħala plot nru. 1 fuq il-pjanta P.D. Nru. 2012_601, hija stmata għall-valur ta tmenin elf, mija u sitta u tletin Ewro u sebgħa u għoxrin ċenteżmu ( 80,136.27). A plot of land measuring about 5,197 square metres, bounded on the North and South West by Government property and on the South by property of unknown owners or more precise boundaries, which land is considered as agricultural land in terms of the Land Acquisition Ordinance and is shown in red and marked as plot No. 1 on plan P.D. Nru. 2012_601, is valued for the price of eighty thousand, one hundred and thirty-six Euro and twenty-seven cents ( 80,136.27). Din l-art tinsab fil-konfini barra ż-żona tal-iżvilupp; u hija meħtieġa għall-estensjoni tal-aviation Park. This land lies within the boundaries of the development zone; and is required for the extension of the Aviation Park. (Iff.) Perit Fred H. Valentino, A.& C.E. (Sgd) Perit Fred H. Valentino, A.& C.E. It-23 ta Novembru, rd November, 2012

12 410 VERŻJONI ONLINE Gazzetta tal-gvern ta Malta 19, M

13 Is-17 ta Jannar, 2013 VERŻJONI ONLINE 411 Nru. 36 No. 36 AKKWIST TA ART ACQUISITION OF LAND DIN id-dikjarazzjoni li ġejja, magħmula mill-president ta Malta bis-saħħa tal-artikolu 3 tal-ordinanza dwar l-akkwist tal- Artijiet għal Skopijiet Pubbliċi (Kapitolu 88) hija ppubblikata skont u għall-finijiet tal-artikolu 9(1) ta dik l-ordinanza. THE following declaration made by the President of Malta under section 3 of the Land Acquisition (Public Purposes) Ordinance (Chapter 88) is published in terms and for the purposes of section 9(1) thereof. Is-17 ta Jannar, th January, 2013 (File No. L 18/2010/I) Plot 2 Dikjarazzjoni tal-president ta Malta Declaration by the President of Malta Jien hawnhekk niddikjara illi l-art hawn taħt imsemmija hija dikjarata meħtiega mill-awtorità kompetenti għal skop pubbliku skont id-dispożizzjonijiet tal-ordinanza dwar l-akkwist ta Artijiet għal Skopijiet Pubbliċi (Kapitolu 88) u illi l-akkwist tagħha għandu jkun b xiri assolut. I hereby declare that the undermentioned land is required by the competent authority for a public purpose in accordance with the privsions of the Land Acquisition (Public Purposes) Ordinance (Cap. 88) and that the acquisition thereof is to be by absolute purchase. Deskrizzjoni tal-art Description of the Land L-art li ġejja f Ħal Safi:- The following land in Ħal Safi:- Biċċa art tal-kejl ta madwar 5,523 metru kwadru, li tmiss mit-tramuntana u mill-grigal ma proprjetà tal-gvern u min-nofsinhar ma proprjetà ta sidien mhux magħrufa jew irjieħ verjuri. A plot of land measuring about 5,523 square metres, bounded on the North and North East by Government property and on the South by property of unknown owners or more precise boundaries. L-art hawn fuq imsemmija tidher murija bil-kulur aħmar u mmarkata bħala plot numru 2 fuq il-pjanta P.D. Nru. 2012_601 li wieħed jista jara fuq talba fid-dipartiment tal-artijiet, Auberge de Baviere, Valletta. The abovementioned land is showin in red and marked as plot number 2 on plan P.D. No. 2012_601 which may be viewed on demand at the Land Department, Auberge de Baviere, Valletta. Il-kumpens offrut għall-biċċa art hawn fuq imsemmija hu ta ħamsa u tmenin elf, mija u wieħed u sittin Ewro u disgħa u tmenin ċenteżmu ( 85,161.89) skont l-istima tal-perit Fred H. Valentino, A.&C.E, li kopja tagħha qed tiġi ppubblikata ma din id-dikjarazzjoni. The compensation offered for the abovementioned plot of land is eighty-five thousand, one hundred and sixty-one Euro and eighty-nine cents ( 85,161.89) according to the valuation published with this declaration as made by architect Fred H. Valentino, A.&C.E.

14 412 VERŻJONI ONLINE Gazzetta tal-gvern ta Malta 19,019 Ma din id-dikjarazzjoni qed tiġi ppubblikata site plan li turi l-immobbli msemmija. A site plan showing the mentioned immovable property is being published with this declaration. (Iff.) George Abela President 3/1/2013 (Sgd) George Abela President 3/1/2013 Din is-site plan qed tiġi ppubblikata f paġna 413. This site plan is being published on page 413. Stima tal-perit (oriġinali bil-malti) Architect s Valuation (original in Maltese) Dwar: Art fil-limiti ta Ħal Safi Regarding: Land in the limits of Ħal Safi Fuq struzzjonijiet tal-kummissarju tal-artijiet, skont l-ordinanza dwar l-akkwist ta Artijiet (għal Skopijiet Pubbliċi), qiegħed niffissa l-valur liberu u frank tal-proprjetà hawn taħt deskritta f Tal-Karwija, limiti ta Ħal Safi, li hija meħtieġa mill-gvern għal skop pubbliku, u dan wara li ħadt in konsiderazzjoni l-lokalità, il-qies, il-konfigurazzjoni, l-istat u l-potenzjal, skont il-pjanijiet u l-konfini taż-żona tal-iżvilupp kif maħruġa uffiċjalment mill-awtorità Maltija għall-ambjent u l-ippjanar (MEPA), kif ukoll il-valur ta proprjetajiet oħra viċini jew simili u ħwejjeġ oħra li jista jkollhom effett fuq il-valur tal-istess proprjetà. The Commissioner of Land, in terms of the Land Acquisition (Public Purposes) Ordinance, has instructed the undersigned architect, to value the free and unencumbered price of the undermentioned property at Tal-Karwija, limits of Ħal Safi, which is required by Government for a public purpose, and this after having taken into consideration the locality, size, contours, state and potential, according to the plans and development zone boundaries as officially published by the Malta Environment and Planning Authority (MEPA), as well as the value of other nearby or similar properties and other matters which which may affect the value of the same property. Biċċa art tal-kejl ta madwar 5,523 metru kwadru, li tmiss mit-tramuntana u mill-grigal ma proprjetà tal-gvern u min- Nofsinhar ma proprjetà ta sidien mhux magħrufa jew irjieħ verjuri, liema art hija meqjusa bħala art agrikola fit-termini tal- Ordinanza dwar l-akkwist ta Artijiet u hija murija bl-aħmar u mmarkata bħala plot nru. 2 fuq il-pjanta P.D. Nru. 2012_601, hija stmata għall-valur ta ħamsa u tmenin elf, mija u wieħed u sittin Ewro u disgħa u tmenin ċenteżmu ( 85,161.89). A plot of land measuring about 5,523 square metres, bounded on the North and North East by Government property and on the South by property of unknown owners or more precise boundaries, which land is considered as agricultural land in terms of the Land Acquisition Ordinance and is shown in red and marked as plot No. 2 on plan P.D. Nru. 2012_601, is valued for the price of eighty-five thousand, one hundred and sixty-one Euro and eighty-nine cents ( 85,161.89). Din l-art tinsab fil-konfini barra ż-żona tal-iżvilupp; u hija meħtieġa għall-estensjoni tal-aviation Park. This land lies within the boundaries of the development zone; and is required for the extension of the Aviation Park. (Iff.) Perit Fred H. Valentino, A.& C.E. (Sgd) Perit Fred H. Valentino, A.& C.E. It-23 ta Novembru, rd November, 2012

15 Is-17 ta Jannar, 2013 VERŻJONI ONLINE (M)

16 414 VERŻJONI ONLINE Gazzetta tal-gvern ta Malta 19,019 Nru. 37 No. 37 AKKWIST TA ART ACQUISITION OF LAND DIN id-dikjarazzjoni li ġejja, magħmula mill-president ta Malta bis-saħħa tal-artikolu 3 tal-ordinanza dwar l-akkwist tal- Artijiet għal Skopijiet Pubbliċi (Kapitolu 88) hija ppubblikata skont u għall-finijiet tal-artikolu 9(1) ta dik l-ordinanza. THE following declaration made by the President of Malta under section 3 of the Land Acquisition (Public Purposes) Ordinance (Chapter 88) is published in terms and for the purposes of section 9(1) thereof. Is-17 ta Jannar, th January, 2013 (File No. L 166/2008/I Dikjarazzjoni tal-president ta Malta Declaration by the President of Malta Jien hawnhekk niddikjara illi l-art hawn taħt imsemmija hija meħtiega mill-awtorità kompetenti għal skop pubbliku skont id-dispożizzjonijiet tal-ordinanza dwar l-akkwist ta Artijiet għal Skopijiet Pubbliċi (Kapitolu 88) u illi l-akkwist tagħha għandu jkun għal pussess u użu għal dak iż-żmien li l-esiġenzi tal-iskop pubbliku jinħtieġu. I hereby declare that the undermentioned land is required by the competent authority for a public purpose in accordance with the privsions of the Land Acquisition (Public Purposes) Ordinance (Cap. 88) and that the acquisition thereof is to be by way of possession and use for such a period that the exigencies of the public purpose may require. Deskrizzjoni tal-art Description of the Land L-art li ġejja fir-rabat, Għawdex:- The following land in Rabat, Gozo:- Biċċa art tal-kejl ta madwar 1,668 metru kwadru, li tmiss mill-majjistral ma proprjetà tal-gvern u mill-punent u mil- Lvant ma proprjetà ta sidien mhux magħrufa jew irjieħ verjuri. A plot of land measuring about 1,668 square metres, bounded on the North West by Government property and on the West and East by property of unknown owners or more precise boundaries. L-art hawn fuq imsemmija tidher murija bil-kulur aħmar fuq il-pjanta P.D. Nru. 2008_391A, li wieħed jista jara fuq talba fid-dipartiment tal-artijiet, Auberge de Baviere, Valletta. The abovementioned land is showin in red on plan P.D. No. 2008_391A, which may be viewed on demand at the Land Department, Auberge de Baviere, Valletta. Il-kera ta akkwist għall-proprjetà hawn fuq imsemmija hija ta ħames mija u ħamsin Ewro ( 550) skont l-istima li The acquisition rent for the abovementioned property is five hundred and fifty Euro ( 550) according to the valuation

17 Is-17 ta Jannar, 2013 VERŻJONI ONLINE 415 hawn ma din id-dikjarazzjoni kif din saret mill-perit arkitett Michael Schembri, A.&C.E. published with this declaration as made by architect Michael Schembri, A.&C.E. Ma din id-dikjarazzjoni qed tiġi ppubblikata site plan li turi l-immobbli msemmija. A site plan showing the mentioned immovable property is being published with this declaration. (Iff.) George Abela President 21/11/2012 (Sgd) George Abela President 21/11/2012 Din is-site plan qed tiġi ppubblikata f paġna 416. This site plan is being published on page 416. Stima tal-perit (oriġinali bil-malti) Architect s Valuation (original in Maltese) Dwar: Art fir-rabat, Għawdex Regarding: Lands at Rabat, Gozo Fuq struzzjonijiet tal-kummissarju tal-artijiet, skont l-artikolu 25 (3A) tal-ordinanza dwar l-akkwist ta Artijiet (għal Skopijiet Pubbliċi), Kapitolu 88 tal-liġijiet ta Malta, qiegħed niffissa l-valur tal-kera ta akkwist għall-pussess u l-użu tal-proprjetà hawn taħt deskritta fir-rabat, Għawdex, li hija meħtieġa mill-gvern b konnessjoni ma xogħlijiet ta restawr tas-swar taċ-ċittadella, u dan wara li kkunsidrajt il-lokalità, il-qies, kif ukoll il-valur ta proprjetajiet simili u ħwejjeġ oħra li jista jkollhom effett fuq il-valur tal-istess proprjetà. The Commissioner of Land, in terms of section 25 (3A) of the Land Acquisition (Public Purposes) Ordinance, Chapter 88 of the Laws of Malta, has instructed the undersigned architect, to value the acquisition rent for the possession and use the undermentioned property at Rabat, Għawdex, which is required by Government in connection with restoration works of the Ċittadella bastions, and this after having taken into consideration the locality, size as well as the value of other similar properties and other matters which which may affect the value of the same property. Biċċa art tal-kejl ta madwar 1,668 metru kwadru, li tmiss mill-majjistral ma proprjetà tal-gvern u mill-punent u mil- Lvant ma proprjetà ta sidien mhux magħrufa jew irjieħ verjuri, liema art hija hija murija delineata bl-aħmar fuq ilpjanta P.D. Nru. 2008_391A, hija stmata għall-valur ta ħames mija u ħamsin Ewro fis-sena ( 550 p.a.). A plot of land measuring about 1,668 square metres, bounded on the North West by Government property and on the West and East by property of unknown owners or more precise boundaries, which land is shown edged in red on plan P.D. No. 2008_391A, is valued for the price of five hundred and fifty Euro ( 550). (Iff.) Perit Michael Schembri, A.& C.E. (Sgd) Perit Michael Schembri, A.& C.E. It-30 ta April, th April, 2012

18 416 VERŻJONI ONLINE Gazzetta tal-gvern ta Malta 19, (M)

19 Is-17 ta Jannar, 2013 VERŻJONI ONLINE 417 Nru. 38 No. 38 REVOKA REVOCATION DIN id-dikjarazzjoni li ġejja, magħmula mill-president ta Malta bis-saħħa tal-artikolu 3 tal-ordinanza dwar l-akkwist tal- Artijiet għal Skopijiet Pubbliċi (Kapitolu 88) hija ppubblikata skont u għall-finijiet tal-artikolu 9(1) ta dik l-ordinanza. THE following declaration made by the President of Malta under section 3 of the Land Acquisition (Public Purposes) Ordinance (Chapter 88) is published in terms and for the purposes of section 9(1) thereof. Is-17 ta Jannar, th January, 2013 (File No. L 291/2007/II) Dikjarazzjoni tal-president ta Malta Declaration by the President of Malta Jien hawnhekk niddikjara illi qiegħed nirrevoka d-dikjarazzjoni tal-president ta Malta ppubblikata fil-gazzetta tal-gvern tal-24 ta Ottubru, 2012, taħt in-notifikazzjoni tal- Gvern Nru I hereby declare that I am revoking the Declaration by the President of Malta published in the Government Gazette of the 24th October, 2012, under Government Notice No Deskrizzjoni tal-art Description of the Land L-art li ġejja fl-imdina:- The following land in Mdina:- Biċċa art tal-kejl ta madwar 3,218-il metru kwadru, li tmiss mit-tramuntana, mill-punent u mil-lvant ma proprjetà ta sidien mhux magħrufa jew irjieħ verjuri. A plot of land measuring about 3,218 square metres, bounded on the North, West and East by property of unknown owners or more precise boundaries. L-art hawn fuq imsemmija tidher murija bil-kulur aħmar fuq il-pjanta P.D. Nru. 2010_558 li wieħed jista jara fuq talba fid-dipartiment tal-artijiet, Auberge de Baviere, Valletta. The abovementioned land is showin in red on plan P.D. No. 2010_558 which may be viewed on demand at the Land Department, Auberge de Baviere, Valletta. Ma din id-dikjarazzjoni qed tiġi ppubblikata site plan li turi l-immobbli msemmija. A site plan showing the mentioned immovable property is being published with this declaration. (Iff.) George Abela President 3/1/2013 (Sgd) George Abela President 3/1/2013 Din is-site plan qed tiġi ppubblikata f paġna 418. This site plan is being published on page 418.

20 418 VERŻJONI ONLINE Gazzetta tal-gvern ta Malta 19, (M)

21 Is-17 ta Jannar, 2013 VERŻJONI ONLINE 419 AvviŻi tal-qorti Court Notices 86 B digriet mogħti fis-17 ta Novembru 2012 mill-bord Dwar il-kontroll ta Kiri tar-raba fl-atti tar-rikors numru 12/12 FDP, fl-ismijiet Anthony Bugeja et vs Leonard Balzan et, ġiet ordnata s-segwenti pubblikazzjoni biex isservi ta notifika fil-konfront tal-konvenuti, a tenur tal-artikolu 187(3) tal-kap. 12. Permezz ta Rikors ippreżentat fil-bord Dwar il-kontroll tal-kiri tar-raba, fl-ismijiet Anthony Bugeja, Nikolina Fava, Giovanna Farrugia, Catherine Abela u Mary Mifsud vs Leonard u Josephine spouses Balzan, fil-5 ta Novembru 2012, ir-rikorrenti Anthony Bugeja, Clementina Bugeja, Nikolina Fava, Giovanna Farrugia, Catherine Abela u Mary Mifsud, esponew bir-rispett: Illi r-rikorrenti huma l-proprjetarji tal-għalqa ta qies ta ċirka erbat itmiem li tinsab fil-limiti ta Bubaqara fiż-żurrieq, liema proprjetà hija mqabbla lill-intimat u dan versu l-qbiela ta ( 47.00) pagabbli, kull 15 ta Awwissu bil-quddiem. Illi r-rikorrenti jeħtieġu r-raba biex jiġi użat għal skopijiet agrikoli minnhom personalment. Illi l-intimati għandhom sors ieħor ta dħul. Illi di più l-intimat mhuwiex qed jaħdem l-għalqa skont l-arti u s-sengħa. Għaldaqstant ir-rikorrenti jitlob lil dan il-bord, sabiex prevja li jiffissa kumpens ġust pagabbli lill-intimat skont l-artikolu 4(4) tal-kap. 199 tal-liġijiet ta Malta, jittermina l-lokazzjoni tar-raba preċitati u jiffissa terminu perentorju għall-iżgumbrament tal-istess da parti tal-intimat, stante l-bżonn tar-rikorrenti. Rikorrenti: 36, Triq San Ġużepp, Luqa. Intimat: 20, Redentur, Triq l-artillerija, Kirkop. Ir-Rikors fl-ismijiet Bugeja Anthony et vs Balzan Leonard et, rikors numru 12/12 FDP, jinsab differit għas-smigħ għat- 28 ta Jannar 2013, fid-9.00 a.m. Reġistru tal-qrati Superjuri (Bord Dwar il-kontroll ta Kiri tar-raba) illum 14 ta Jannar Avv. Frank PortelLi, LL.D. Għar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u Tribunali By means of a decree given on the 17th November 2012, by the Rural Leases Control Board, in the Records of the Application number 12/12 FDP, in the names Anthony Bugeja et vs Leonard Balzan et, the following publication was ordered for the purpose of service of the defendants, in terms of Article 187( 3) of Cap. 12. By means of an Application filed in the Rural Leases Control Board, in the names Anthony Bugeja, Nikolina Fava, Giovanna Farrugia, Catherine Abela and Mary Mifsud vs Leonard and Josephine spouses Balzan, on the 5th November 2012, the applicants Anthony Bugeja, Clementina Bugeja, Nikolina Fava, Giovanna Farrugia, Catherine Abela and Mary Mifsud, respectfully pleaded: That the applicants are the owners of the field of the size of cirka four tumoli which is situated in the limits of Bubaqara, in Żurrieq, which property is granted on lease to the respondent, towards the agricultural rent of ( 47.00) payable every 15th August, in advance. That the applicants require the field to be used for agricultural purposes by them personally. That the respondents have another source of income. That furthermore the respondent is not making use of the land according to the art or trade. Thus the applicants ask this Board so that saving the fixing of a just compensation payable to the respondent according to Article 4(4) of Cap. 199 of the Laws of Malta, it terminates the lease of the above mentioned land and fix a short and peremtory period for the eviction of the respondent owing to the need of the applicants. Applicant: 36, Triq San Ġużepp, Luqa. Respondent: 20, Redentur, Triq l-artillerija, Kirkop. The Application in the names Bugeja Anthony et vs Balzan Leonard et, application number 12/12 FDP, has been put off for hearing to the 28th January 2013, at 9.00 a.m. Registry of the Superior Courts, (Rural Leases Control Board) today 14th January Adv. Frank Portelli, LL.D. For the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals

22 420 VERŻJONI ONLINE Gazzetta tal-gvern ta Malta 19, B digriet mogħti mill-prim Awla tal-qorti Ċivili fid- 19 ta Diċembru 2012, fl-atti tal-mandat ta Żgumbrament numru 1532/12, fl-ismijiet Malta Industrial Parks Limited (C 28965) vs Infratec Pro Limited (C 26290), ġiet ordnata s-segwenti pubblikazzjoni biex isservi ta notifika filkonfront tal-intimat, a tenur a tenur tal-artikolu 187(3) tal- Kap. 12. Permezz ta Rikors ippreżentat fil-prim Awla tal-qorti Ċivili fl-ismijiet (Rikorrenti) Malta Industrial Parks Limited (C 28965) vs (Intimat) Infratec Pro Limited (C 26290), fl-10 ta Ottubu 2012, ir-rikorrenti Malta Industrial Parks Limited, talbet bil-qima lil din l-onorabbli Qorti: tordna l-ħruġ ta Mandat ta Żgumbrament kontra l-intimat (mill-fond infraskritt) in eżekuzzjoni tas-sentenza infraskritta u billi l-intimat naqas li jagħmel dan sal-lum. Fond: MST 010 fil-mosta Technopark, Mosta. Sentenza: Lodi arbitrali mogħti fiċ-ċentru Malti tal- Arbitraġġ, nhar id-9 ta Diċembru 2011, fl-ismijiet fuq premessi (Arb. Nru. 2837/2011) kopja ta liema lodi tinsab annessa u mmarkata Dok. A liema lodi llum sar eżekuttiv kif jirriżulta miċ-ċertifikat anness u mmarkat Dok. B. Illum 10 ta Ottubru 2012, Ippreżentat minn PL Jean-Pierre Busuttil b żewġ dokumenti. Esponenti: Malta Industrial Parks, Gwardamanġa Hill, Pietà. Notifika u Ezekuzzjoni: (1) Mosta Techno Park, Mosta MST 010. Mandat ta Żgumbrament. Lill-Marixxall tal-qrati Repubblika ta Malta. Mandat tal-qorti. Mogħti mill-qorti Ċivili Prim Awla hawn fuq imsemmija bix-xhieda tal-onor. Joseph Zammit Mckeon, LL.D., Duttur tal-liġi, Imħallef tal-qorti hawn fuq imsemmija. Illum 11 ta Ottubru Reġistru tal-qrati Superjuri, illum 14 ta Jannar Avv. Frank Portelli, LL.D. By means of a decree given by the First Hall Civil Court, on the 19th December 2012, in the records of the Warrant of Eviction number 1532/12, in the names Malta Industrial Parks Limited (C 28965) vs Infratec Pro Limited (C 26290) the following publication was ordered for the purpose of service of the respondent, in terms of Article 18793) of Cap. 12. By means of an Application filed in the First Hall Civil Court in the names (Applicant) Malta Industrial Parks Limited (C 28965) vs (Respondent) Infratec Pro Limited (C 26290) on the 10th October 2012, the applicant Malta Industrial Parks Limited, respectfully asked this Honourable Court: to order the issuing of a Warrant of Eviction against the respondent, (from the under mentioned) premises in execution of the under mentioned judgement and the respondent failed to do this till this day. Premises: MST 010 in the Mosta Technopark, Mosta. Judgement: Arbitration Award given at the Malta Arbitration Centre on the 9th December 2011, in the names above premised (Arb. Number 2837/2011) copy of which award is attached and marked Doc A which award today has become executive as results from the attached certificate and marked Doc. B. Today 10th October Filed by PL Jean-Pierre Busuttil,with two documents. Applicant: Malta Industrial Parks, Gwardamanġa Hill, Pietà. Service and Execution: (1) Mosta Techno Park, MST 010, Mosta. Warrant of Eviction. To the Court Marshall Republic of Malta. Court Warrant. Given by the Civil Court First Hall, above mentioned with the witness of the Hon. Mr Justice Joseph Zammit Mckeon, LL.D., Doctor of Laws above mentioned. Today 11th October Registry of the Superior Courts, today 14th January Adv. Frank Portelli, LL.D. For the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals


24 Ippubblikat mid-dipartiment tal-informazzjoni ( Valletta Published by the Department of Information ( Valletta Mitbugħ fl-istamperija tal-gvern fuq karta riċiklata Printed at the Government Printing Press on recycled paper


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