ISSN newsletter 08/11. DIGITAL EDITION Nr Mai 2011

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1 ISSN ISSN newsletter 08/11 DIGITAL EDITION Nr Mai 2011 Michael J. Fox Christopher Lloyd LASER HOTLINE - Inh. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Wolfram Hannemann, MBKS - Talstr K o r n t a l Fon: Fax: - Web:

2 Hallo Laserdisc- und DVD-Fans, liebe Filmfreunde! Die Wellen schlagen momentan sehr hoch in Fankreisen. Grund dafür sind die angekündigten Blu-ray Erstveröffentlichungen von zwei der erfolgreichsten Serien der Kinogeschichte. STAR WARS und HERR DER RINGE. Erst vor ein paar Tagen wurden die Details zum Fox-Release der STAR WARS SAGA bekanntgegeben. Und die wollen wir Ihnen natürlich nicht vorenthalten. Die Pressemitteilung mitsamt Cover-Abbildungen gibt es ab Seite 15 in diesem Newsletter. Preise für die drei erscheinenden Varianten wurden seitens Fox leider noch nicht kommuniziert. Was die Informationen zum Warner-Release der HERR DER RINGE TRILOGIE angeht, so hält man sich hier noch etwas bedeckt mit Details. Nur eines ist gewiss: es handelt sich um die Extended Versions und nicht um die Kinofassungen. Alles was uns Warner Home Video bisher verraten hat, finden Sie auf Seite 11. Die Monate Juli und September sollten Sie also bereits jetzt in ihrem Heimkino für diese zeitlosen Blockbuster-Packages freihalten! Doch was tun bis es soweit ist? Einen Vorschlag hätten wir gleich parat: wie wäre es mit einem Ausflug nach Karlsruhe? Dort findet in der Zeit vom bis ein Event der ganz besonderen Art statt. Und das sogar in der dritten Dimension! BEYOND 3DAYS OF DIMENSION nennt sich die erste Veranstaltung dieser Art, in der es um alle Aspekte dreidimensionaler Medien geht. Die Mitteilung des Veranstalters im Wortlaut: Neben aktuellen Produktionen und Trends des stereoskopischen Films in Kino und Fernsehen sowie des 3D-Gaming, zeigt BEYOND Innovationen in den Bereichen der raumprojizierenden Medien, künstlerische Installationen und Performances. Durch die Verknüpfung mit akustischen Projektionen im Raum wird dies mit allen Sinnen erfahrbar gemacht. BEYOND präsentiert in 3 DAYS OF DIMENSIONS die Geschichte stereoskopischer Verfahren und deren Darstellungspotenzial. Auch 360 -Projektion, Holographie und Lasertechnologie sind Bestandteil des breiten Spektrums dieses Festivals, das editorial Technologien, Disziplinen und Menschen gleichermaßen zusammenführt. Das Publikum kann sich darüber hinaus über aktuelle Entwicklungen im Consumerbereich informieren und Zukunftsvisionen in den Bereichen Entertainment, Engineering und Education bestaunen.. Partner bei diesem Großevent ist natürlich auch die Schauburg, die an diesem Wochenende tief in die Filmkiste greift und ein paar dreidimensionale Schmankerl präsentieren wird. Besondere Beachtung verdienen dabei Alfred Hitchcocks Thriller BEI ANRUF MORD (1954) und Roy Ward Bakers Western INFERNO (1953), die jeweils als nagelneue DCPs zur Aufführung kommen werden. Ergänzt wird das Programm durch Screenings von RAPUNZEL (in der englischen Originalfassung inklusive Dolby Surround 7.1 Tonmischung!), CORALINE, CAVE OF FORGOTTEN DREAMS sowie dem ersten Ballettfilm in 3D, GISELLE. Informationen zu allen Veranstaltungen finden Sie im Internet unter und Also man sieht sich in der dritten Dimension! Ihr Laser Hotline Team LASER HOTLINE Seite 2

3 Lehramt Hollywood Es wird oft behauptet, Hollywood trage zur Verdummung der Menschheit bei. In einigen Fällen trifft das auch zu. Z.B. wenn man bedenkt, wie viele Männer es für völlig normal halten, dass ihre Liebschaft morgens wie aus dem Ei gepellt das Bett verlässt. Perfektes Make-up, die Haare sexy und sanft verwuschelt. Als ob wir, wenn der Wecker klingelt, nur noch den Satz I m ready for my close-up sagen müssten. Andererseits glauben viele Frauen Ethan Hunt und James Bond sei Dank jeder Mann, dem man einen Schraubenzieher und eine Zange in die Hand drückt, mutiert sofort zum MacGyver. Ja, so ist das. Zum Kopfschütteln. Dabei können wir so viel von Hollywood lernen! Hier sind die wichtigsten Lektionen im Hollywood-Grundkurs zum (Über)Leben. Lektion 1: Ohren auf! Geräusche sind niemals nur Geräusche. Wer seiner Umgebung aufmerksam zuhört, hat ungleich höhere Überlebenschancen als die Ist nur der Wind -Sager. Die Basics zuerst: Hört man ein ungewohntes Geräusch, immer gleich den Baseballschläger zücken und sich auf die Pirsch nach der Quelle begeben. Starr vor Angst im Bett liegenzubleiben ist keine Option, da wird man nur etwas gemütlicher liegend abgestochen. Hat man sich auf die Pirsch gemacht und es stellt sich heraus, die Quelle war die Katze, die im Müll wühlt, sollte man sich keinesfalls in Sicherheit wähnen. Jetzt wird es erst recht kritisch! Denn das nächste Geräusch, auch wenn es genau wie die Müllkatze klingt, wird lebensbedrohend. Also: Weiterhin auf der Lauer liegen und alles, was sich bewegt, sofort erschlagen. Wenn es eine zweite Müllkatze war, dann hat die eben Pech gehabt. Für Fortgeschrittene gilt außerdem, der Versuchung zu widerstehen, lauthals Fragen oder Befehle zu rufen. Ist da jemand?! Komm raus! und Zeig dich! sind absolut tabu. Wir wollen schließlich unseren Standort nicht preisgeben. Denn egal wie die Antwort auf diese Rufe ausfällt, es endet immer gleich: Man ist tot. Deshalb Ohren auf, Klappe zu und möglichst in einen stählernen Baseballschläger investieren. Dann klappt es auch mit dem Überleben. Lektion 2: Respektiere den Dresscode! Mit dem richtigen Outfit erreicht man alles. Aber Vorsicht! Die Regeln für Männer und Frauen sind genau entgegengesetzt! Will Frau im Job was erreichen, muss sie sich ultra-stylish anziehen. So etwas wie nicht-grade-aus-der-vogue-gefallen sollte es grundsätzlich nicht bis vor die Haustüre schaffen. High Heels sind zwingend. Als Mann darf man anhaben, was man will, aber es ist wichtig, zumindest ein peppiges Accessoire zu tragen, damit alle sehen, wie individualistisch man ist. Ein bunter Schal, ein ausgefallenes Lederarmband, eine hippe Gürtelschnalle. Schon ist der Erfolg in Sicht! Bei Männern gilt Kontinuität: IMMER dieses Accessoire tragen! Bei Frauen gilt es, einen großen Mülleimer sein eigen zu nennen. Jedes Outfit darf nur EIN EINZIGES MAL getragen werden. Sonst kann man gleich bei Aldi kassieren gehen. Beide Geschlechter müssen sich bewusst sein, dass die Menge des Stoffes in direktem Verhältnis zu den Überlebenschancen in heiklen Situationen steht. Männer sollten so schnell wie möglich den Oberkörper freimachen, denn damit ist Unverwundbarkeit quasi garantiert. Sie werden einige Blessuren erhalten, meine Herren, aber keine Sorge. Diese tun im Kampf nicht weh. Es sei denn, Sie begehen die Dummheit, einer Frau die Versorgung zu überlassen, anstatt sich selbst zu nähen. Außerdem hinterlassen diese Verletzungen sexy Narben, über die in absehbarer Zeit eine schöne Frau mit ihren langen Fingern sanft streichen wird. Win-win! Ladies hingegen sollten, sobald es brenzlig wird, die langen Hosen und festen Jacken anlegen (aber High Heels anlassen, sonst gilt es nicht!), denn je weniger frau anhat, desto schneller schwingt der Tod die Sense. Überleben in warmer Kleidung: Eigentlich eine freudige Nachricht! Lektion 3: Immer weiterreden! Hören Sie nicht auf Stimmen, die Ihnen sagen Sie seien schwerverletzt und schweigen täte da gut. Sind Sie tatsächlich schwerverletzt: Reden! Geben Sie wichtige Informationen weiter, bekennen Sie ihre Liebe (ob zu demjenigen, der neben Ihnen kniet, oder zu Ihrem Welpen ist egal) oder enthüllen Sie einfach das Rezept für Ihren preisgekrönten Apfelkuchen. Wie man es auch dreht, wenn Sie reden passiert auf jeden Fall Gutes. Entweder Sie retten jemandes Leben, Herz oder Kuchenwettbewerb oder Sie gewinnen die nötige Zeit, bis die Sanitäter zur Stelle sind. Reden hilft auch, wenn Sie der Retter sind. Sprechen Sie mit den Komapatienten und bescheren Sie ihnen wichtige Träume und Missionen für den Augenblick des Erwachens. Komapatienten wachen nämlich früher oder später immer auf, wenn man mit ihnen Sie ahnen es geredet hat. Machen Sie nicht nur die Herzmassage, sondern genau reden Sie auch auf den Verletzen ein. Sie werden sehen, in Nullkommanix wird Ihr Sorgenkind aufrecht sitzen und in Ihren Armen dankbar nach Luft schnappen. Hurra! Auch in Situationen, in denen es primär ums Gewinnen geht, ist Reden Gold wert. Sie haben ein Team oder eine Armee zu motivieren? Wenn Sie eine lange, metaphernreiche Rede vorbereitet haben, wird Ihre Seite gewinnen. Wieso? Weil die Konkurrenten eben nicht mit ihren Leuten geredet haben! Wir halten fest: Je mehr Gerede, desto höher die Gewinnchancen, im Leben wie beim Baseball. Also üben Sie! Da ich gerade ein kratzendes Geräusch an meinem Fensterladen gehört habe und nur Unterwäsche trage, muss ich mich an dieser Stelle von Ihnen verabschieden. Mein Dank geht an Prof. Dr. Holly Wood von der University of Tinseltown für ihre Hilfe bei dieser Kolumne! *zückt Jagdmesser* Anna Rudschies Anna freut sich über Ihr Feedback! LASER HOTLINE Seite 3

4 Montag, 02. Mai 2011 Eine walisische Erfolgsgeschichte Es gibt Geschichten, die sind so unglaublich, dass sie eigentlich nur wahr sein können. Eine dieser Geschichten gab es heute. MR. NICE (1:1.85, DD 5.1) OT: Mr. Nice Verleih: Koch Media (Neue Visionen) Land/Jahr: Großbritannien 2010 Regie: Bernard Rose Darsteller: Rhys Ifans, Chloë Sevigny, David Thewlis Kinostart: Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Nachdem die Anfangstitel auf einen Bühnenvorhang projiziert wurden, öffnet sich dieser und gibt den Blick frei auf einen halbwegs gefüllten Saal. Ein älterer Herr betritt die Bühne und spricht zum Publikum: Sind hier heute zufälligerweise Polizisten in Zivil anwesend? Bei dem Herrn, der jetzt seine Lebensgeschichte zum Besten gibt, handelt es sich um Howard Marks, dessen Autobiographie zum Bestseller geworden ist. Und das nicht ohne Grund. Der Oxford-Student aus einfachen Verhältnissen steigt zum internationalen Drogenboss auf. Dabei kam er zu den Drogen so wie die Jungfrau zum Kind. Nach ersten Berührungen mit Hasch in studentischen Kreisen in Oxford muss er für einen Kumpel, der als Drogenkurier arbeitet, einspringen. Und er findet großen Gefallen daran. Nicht nur an den Drogen selbst, sondern auch an dem Adrenalinkick, den er als Drogenkurier erfährt. Ich hätte alles am liebsten selber geraucht aber es gab einfach zuviel. Deshalb habe ich begonnen, es zu verkaufen!, so Marks. Rhys Ifans spielt den charismatischen, aber auch etwas naiv wirkenden Drogendealer mit einer solch liebenswerten Lässigkeit, dass man ihn einfach mögen muss. Seine schier unglaubliche Karriere, die er mit Hilfe eines IRA-Anführers sowie als Agent des MI-6 antritt, verläuft alles anderes als nach Plan. So stürzt Marks immer wieder in Katastrophen, kann sich aber dank seiner Verbindungen fast immer wie Münchhausen an seinem eigen Schopf aus dem Schlamassel ziehen. Ein Film, der mit englischem (oder genauer: walisischem) Witz klarmacht, wo richtig Geld verdient werden kann! Dienstag, 03. Mai 2011 Der Weg ist das Ziel Zwei Filme ein Motto. Während es im ersten Film tatsächlich noch um eine Art Pilgerreise ging, wartete der zweite Film mit einer altbekannten Story auf, bei der man als Zuschauer das Ziel kennt und auf den Weg gespannt sein sollte. In beiden Fällen aber war der Weg einfach zu lang. DER MANN DER ÜBER AUTOS SPRANG (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Verleih: Arsenal (Filmagentinnen) Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2010 Regie: Nick Baker-Monteys Darsteller: Robert Stadlober, Jessica Schwarz, Martin Feifel Kinostart: Julian, ein charismatischer junger Mann, macht sich eines Tages auf den Weg von Berlin ins Schwabenland zu Fuß. Er hofft, dass durch die durch sein Gehen freigesetzte Energie der schwerkranke Vater seines besten Freundes geheilt wird. Auf seinem Weg trifft er ein paar Menschen, die von ihm fasziniert sind und die sich ihm aus unterschiedlichen Gründen anschließen. Da ist Ju, eine Ärztin, die vor lauter Arbeit ihr Herz verloren zu haben scheint. Und Ruth, die von ihrem Ehemann unterdrückt wird. Was Julians Weggefährten allerdings nicht wissen: der sensible junge Mann ist aus einer psychiatrischen Anstalt ausgebrochen. So kommt Jan ins Spiel, der Polizist, der Julian wieder finden soll. Doch Jan hat selber Ärger im Beruf und auch im Privatleben. Bald gehört auch er der wandernden Clique an... Der Regisseur über seinen Film: Die Menschen, die Julian trifft, glauben nicht unbedingt, dass Julian die Macht hat, einen Menschen durch die Kraft des Gehens zu heilen. Vielmehr ist es so, dass sie in ihm jemanden erkennen, der an etwas glaubt. Oder noch besser: jemand, der an die Fähigkeiten der Menschen glaubt. So wird der Film zu einem spirituellen Roadmovie, an dessen Ende die Protagonisten wieder beginnen, an sich selber zu glauben, um so ihr festgefahrenes Leben ändern zu können. Mit einer Ausnahme sind die Charaktere der Protagonuisten recht glaubhaft angelegt die des Polizisten Jan. Sein Verhaltensmuster passt leider ganz und gar nicht zu einem Polizisten private Probleme hin oder her. Eingefangen wird das alles in teilweise mystisch wirkenden CinemaScope-Bildern (Kamera: Eeva Fleig). Der Weg ist das Ziel aber der Weg ist ein bisschen zu lang. FREMD FISCHEN (1:1.85, DD 5.1) OT: Something Borrowed Verleih: Tobis Land/Jahr: USA 2011 Regie: Luke Greenfield Darsteller: Ginnifer Goodwin, Kate Hudson, John Krasinski Kinostart: Man kann Regisseur Luke Greenfield nur dazu beglückwünschen, dass er einen Film von gefühlten drei Stunden Spielzeit und einer effektiven Lauflänge von gerade einmal 110 Minuten abgeliefert hat. Da bekommen seine Produzenten wirklich mehr für ihr investiertes Geld als was sie bestellt hatten! Aber Scherz beiseite: FREMD FISCHEN ist mindestens eine halbe Stunde zu lange geraten. Das liegt leider an dem total einfallslosen Drehbuch, dessen Grundstory sicherlich schon ein halbes Dutzend mal verfilmt wurde. Seit sie Kinder waren sind Rachel und ihre beste Freundin Darcy unzertrennlich. Jetzt steht Darcys Hochzeit kurz bevor. Ihr zukünftiger Gatte soll ausgerechnet der smarte Dex werden, mit dem Rachel während ihres Jurastudiums dick befreundet war. Was Dex nicht ahnt: die gute Rachel war schon immer in ihn verliebt, hat es ihm aber nie gestanden. Als sich Rachel und Dex nach Rachels wilder 30er-Geburtstagsfeier treffen, funkt es endlich zwischen den beiden. Mit unausweichlichen Folgen... Was jetzt alles passieren wird, dürfte jedem Romantik-Komödien-Fan ganz klar sein. Und das macht ja auch gar nichts. Dumm nur, dass der Film keinerlei Überraschungen zu bieten hat und die Geschichte sich wie Kaugummi hinzieht. Das können leider auch nicht die Schauspieler wieder wett machen. Den LASER HOTLINE Seite 4

5 richtigen Schock gibt s dann noch während den Endtiteln. Denn da gibt es noch eine Bonusszene, die mit dem Schriftzug Fortsetzung folgt endet. Da bleibt nur zu hoffen, dass das ein Scherz ist... Mittwoch, 04. Mai 2011 Wenn Blut an der Linse klebt Einmal mehr gab es heute etwas auf der Leinwand zu sehen, was sich so tatsächlich zugetragen hat. THE BANG BANG CLUB (1:2.35, DD 5.1) OT: The Bang Bang Club Verleih: Senator Land/Jahr: Kanada, Südafrika 2010 Regie: Steven Silver Darsteller: Malin Akerman, Ryan Phillippe, Taylor Kitsch Kinostart: Im Jahre 1990 kommt der Fotojournalist Greg Marinovich nach Südafrika, um dort für Associated Press Bilder von den Unruhen in Soweto zu liefern. Bei seiner gefährlichen Arbeit lernt er drei weitere Fotoreporter kennen. Zusammen würden die vier bald in die Annalen des Fotojournalismus eingehen. Marinovichs Foto, das einen Unterstützer des ANC (African National Congress) dabei zeigt, wie er auf einen brennenden Mann der IFP (Inkatha Freedom Party) mit der Machete einschlägt, gewinnt den Pulitzer- Preis. Doch die vier Fotohelden sehen sich auch mit einem großen Dilemma konfrontiert: wie weit darf man gehen, um ein gutes Foto zu schießen? The Bang Bang Club nannten sich die vier Unerschrockenen, deren Bilder es zu verdanken ist, dass die Welt über die Greueltaten in Südafrika informiert wurde. Südafrika war in jener Zeit gerade im Umbruch die Apartheid endete Steven Silver zeigt in seinem Film, den er nach dem Buch zweier der überlebenden Fotografen inszenierte, welchen Konflikten die Kriegsfotografen Greg Marinovich, Kevin Carter, Ken Oosterbroek und Joao Silva ausgesetzt waren. Während Marinovich anfangs noch zögerlich mit seiner Kamera auf sterbende Menschen hielt, lässt ihn sein Pulitzer-Preis das Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Leid schnell vergessen und führt zu seiner Abstumpfung. Sein Freund und Kollege Carter versucht die inneren Konflikte mit Drogen zu überwinden begeht er Selbstmord. Kurz zuvor erhält auch er den Pulitzer-Preis für ein Bild, das um die Welt ging. Es zeigt ein verhungerndes Mädchen im Sudan, hinter dem bereits ein Aasgeier Platz genommen hat. Das Bild wirft viele Fragen auf, die Carter schließlich zu seiner folgenschweren Entscheidung veranlassen. Seine Figur ist die interessanteste im ganzen Film und wird von Taylor Kitsch hervorragend gespielt. Auch wenn es nach außen hin den Anschein hat, so ist THE BANG BANG CLUB kein Mainstream-Kino, sondern durchaus diskussionswürdig. Donnerstag, 05. Mai 2011 Kino mit Sogwirkung Es gibt sie tatsächlich noch, die richtig guten Filme, die einen nicht mehr loslassen. Der erste Film heute war ein solcher und dürfte einer der besten Filme sein, die ich in diesem Jahr sehen werde! DIE FRAU DIE SINGT (1:1.85, DD 5.1) OT: Incendies Verleih: Arsenal Land/Jahr: Kanada 2010 Regie: Denis Villeneuve Darsteller: Lubna Azabal, Mélissa Désormeaux-Poulin, Maxim Gaudette Kinostart: Bei der Verlesung des Testaments ihrer Mutter werden die Zwillinge Jeanne und Simon mit einer Überraschung konfrontiert. Sie erhalten zwei versiegelte Briefe. Einen sollen sie ihrem Vater übergeben, den sie nie kennenlernten, weil sie ihn für tot hielten. Ein weiterer ist an ihren Bruder adressiert, von dessen Existenz sie keine Ahnung hatten. Weil Simon mit der Sache nichts zu tun haben möchte, macht sich Jeanne alleine auf den Weg in die Heimat ihrer Mutter in den Nahen Osten. Nach und nach lüftet sie das Geheimnis, das ihre Mutter fast zwanzig Jahre lang gut gehütet hatte... Denis Villeneuves für den Auslands-Oscar nominierter Film entfaltet hat eine ganz eigenartig hypnotische Sogwirkung, der man sich als Betrachter nicht entziehen kann. Auf zwei ineinander verschachtelten Zeitebenen erzählt er zum einen die tragische Geschichte von Nawal Marwan, die nach der Entbindung ihres unehelichen Sohnes aus ihrem Heimatdorf vertrieben wird und ihren Sohn zurücklassen muss. Zum anderen ist es die Spurensuche ihrer Kinder, deren Weg sie von Kanada in den Libanon führen und an deren Ende eine große Tragödie aufgedeckt wird eine Tragödie über das Grauen des Krieges, der die Narben der Gewalt hinterlässt und auch über die unbezwingbare Kraft des Überlebenswillens. Der im Original INCENDIES (was soviel bedeutet wie Brandkatastrophe oder Großfeuer) betitelte Film ist emotional wuchtiges Kino, das tief unter die Haut geht. Ein exzellentes Ensemble, bemerkenswerte Kameraarbeit und sparsam platzierte Filmmusik machen den Film zu einem der Höhepunkte des Jahres und beweisen aufs Neue, dass Denis Villeneuve (POLYTECHNIQUE) einer der begabtesten kanadischen Filmemacher ist. LIFE IN A DAY EIN TAG AUF UNSE- RER ERDE (1:1.85, 5.1) OT: Life In A Day Verleih: Rapid Eye Movies HE Land/Jahr: Großbritannien 2010 Regie: Kevin Macdonald LASER HOTLINE Seite 5

6 Darsteller: Cindy Baer, Matthew T. Irving, Caryn Waechter Kinostart: Der Film, der als Experiment begann, kommt jetzt in die Kinos. Regisseur Kevin Macdonald und seine Produzenten hatten über das Internet Menschen in aller Welt dazu aufgerufen, einen Film über einen Tag in ihrem Leben zu machen und ein paar Fragen zu beantworten. Der Tag war der 24. Juli Zu ihrem Erstaunen erhielten die Macdonald und sein Team Zusendungen aus 192 Ländern und mussten über 4000 Stunden an Material sichten eine Mammutaufgabe. Unter Mcdonalds Aufsicht wurden die besten Clips herausgepickt, in einen Kontext gestellt und mit einem Score ausgestattet. Das Ergebnis ist höchst originell. Da sieht man Menschen aus aller Welt bei Alltäglichem ob beim morgendlichen Aufstehen, beim Zähneputzen, beim Arbeiten, beim Heiraten. Und es sind Menschen aus allen Bevölkerungsschichten arm und reich. Viele der Bilder animieren zum Nachdenken, manche zum Schmunzeln, andere zum Weinen. Zu letzteren Bildern gehören mit Sicherheit jene der tragischen Love Parade in Duisburg. Damit auch authentisch bleibt was authentisch ist, wird der Experimentalfilm im Original mit deutschen Untertiteln in die Kinos gebracht. Freitag, 06. Mai 2011 Wenn das Fragezeichen über dem Kopf schwebt Wochenausklang mit verstörender und leichter Kost. Aber ganz ehrlich: nach dem tollen Film von gestern konnte es heute nur schlechter werden. BROWNIAN MOVEMENT (1:2.35, DD 5.1) OT: Brownian Movement Verleih: Filmlichter Land/Jahr: Niederlande, Belgien, Deutschland 2010 Regie: Nanouk Leopold Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Darsteller: Sandra Hüller, Dragan Bakema, Sabine Timoteo Kinostart: Charlotte, gutsituiert mit Mann und Kind, führt ein Doppelleben. Wenn sie nicht als Ärztin an einer medizinischen Universität arbeitet oder mit Mann Max und Sohn Benjamin schöne Stunden verbringt, hat sie Sex mit unattraktiven Männern in einer speziell dafür angemieteten Wohnung. Als ihr Doppelleben auffliegt, muss sie sich einer Therapie unterziehen. Gleichzeitig verliert sie ihre Approbation. Der berufliche Umzug nach Indien soll dem Paar einen Neuanfang bereiten... BROWNIAN MOVEMENT ist einer jener Filme, für die ich nicht intelligent genug bin und die ich daher sehr gerne als Kunstkino deklariere. Ob ich damit richtig liege, das überlasse ich der Beurteilung meiner Kolleginnen und Kollegen. Mir jedenfalls hat sich dieses Drama nicht erschlossen. Warum der Film endlos lange Einstellungen beinhaltet oder warum sich Charlotte weigert, über ihre sexuellen Obsessionen zu sprechen, versucht die Regisseurin zwar im Presseheft zu erläutern, doch auch beim Lesen dieses Textes klingelt es bei mir leider noch immer nicht. Wenigstens nutz der Film das CinemaScope- Format richtig aus, indem es oft Personen nur am äußersten Bildrand erscheinen lässt und so eine Distanz zwischen den Personen und den sie umgebenden Raum schafft. Auch die Darsteller sind gut ausgewählt. Trotzdem bleibt es für mich persönlich vergebene Liebesmühe. DIE RELATIVITÄTSTHEORIE DER LIEBE (1:1.85, DD 5.1) Verleih: Universal Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2011 Regie: Otto Alexander Jahrreiss Darsteller: Katja Riemann, Olli Dittrich, Leonard Carow Kinostart: Fünf Frauen, fünf Männer, fünf Geschichten über die Liebe. Da gibt es den Agenturchef Frieder, dessen Frau sich längst schon einem Yogi verschrieben hat und der seit langem eine Affäre mit seiner Schwägerin hat. Da ist der libanesische Gastwirt Youssef, mit dem die graue Maus Peggy von der Gesundheitsbehörde anbandelt. Dann ist da noch Fahrlehrer Paul, der seit 35 Jahren mit der feurigen Südamerikanerin Gabriela verheiratet ist und ihrer eigentlich längst überdrüssig ist. Und schließlich ist da noch TV-Star Alexa, die Tochter von Paul und Gabriela, die sich nach Schwangerschaft sehnt und mit dem Tausendsassa Stevie zusammenprallt. Alle leben im Mikrokosmos Berlins und machen ihre ganz eigenen Erfahrungen mit der Liebe. Otto Alexander Jahrreiss Film ist eine nette kleine Komödie inklusive melancholischer Einlagen, die jedoch leider ohne richtige Höhepunkte zwischen den verschiedenen Geschichten hin und her pendelt. Was den Film allerdings wirklich sehenswert macht, sind die beiden Hauptdarsteller Katja Riemann und Olli Dittrich. Denn beide sind in jeweils fünf unterschiedlichen Rollen zu sehen. Dank der perfekten Arbeit der Make-Up-Künstler verwandeln sich die beiden in die unterschiedlichsten Typen. Ob die einsame graue Maus Peggy oder die temperamentvolle Gabriela es ist kaum zu glauben, dass beide Personen von derselben Schauspielerin gemimt werden. Oder der bierbäuchige Fahrlehrer und der aalglatte Werbefachmann unterschiedlicher könnten die Charaktere nicht sein und werden dennoch vom selben Schauspieler gespielt. Wenn jetzt nur noch das Drehbuch nur halb so gut wäre wie die Darsteller, dann hätte das einen richtig schönen Film ergeben. Immer aktuell: der Filmblog im Netz: LASER HOTLINE Seite 6


8 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD Animation Beyblade Metal Fusion - Volume 5 (Folgen 19-22) Metaru Faito Beibureedo Dir. Kunihisa Sugishima Trickfilm/Action min. Edel Germany(Panini) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Beyblade Metal Fusion - Volume 6 (Folgen 23-26) Metaru Faito Beibureedo Dir. Kunihisa Sugishima Trickfilm/Action min. Edel Germany(Panini) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Caillou 22 - Caillou lernt Rollschuhfahren und weitere Geschichten Caillou Dir. Jean Pilotte Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2000 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 72min. Universum Film(Universum Kids) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Herr Rossi sucht das Glück, Folge 1 Signor Rossi Dir. Bruno Bozzetto Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1976 (D) 81min. KSM(NewKSM) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Das Schloss im Himmel (Blu-ray) Tenkû No Shiro Rapyuta Dir. Hayao Miyazaki Storyboards, Featurette, Trailer, TV-Spots Zeichentrick/Fantasy 1986 Ltbx DTS-HD 2.0 MA (D) DTS-HD 2.0 MA (Jap) 125min. Universum Film(Universum Animé) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Tristan & Isolde - Im Land der Riesen und Feen Tristan Et Iseut Dir. Thierry Schiel Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2002 FF DD 2.0 (D) 80min. Koch Media tba BestellNr.: Film 13 Assassins - Das Original (OmU) Jûsan-Nin No Shikaku Chiezo Kataoka, Ko Nishimura, Ryohei Uchida, Isao Natsuyagi, Kanjuro Arashi, Kotaro Satomi - Dir. Eiichi Kudo Trailer Abenteuer/Action 1963 Ltbx DD 1.0 (Jap) 121min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: aussergewöhnliche Frauen Four Extraordinary Women Lindsay Wagner, Laura Harris, Katie Boland, Joely Collins, George Stults, Serge Houde - Dir. Gail Harvey Drama 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 90min. da music(great Movies) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Anatema - Albanian War (k.j.) Anatema Lumnie Sopi, Doug Barron, Blerim Gjoci, Enver Petrovci, Blerta Syla, Arta Muçaj, Çun Lajçi, Kushtrim Sheremeti, Bislim Muçaj - Dir. Agim Sopi Drama/Kriegsfilm 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 109min. Infopictures ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Auf Liebe und Tod Vivement Dimanche! Fanny Ardant, Jean-Louis Trintignant, Philippe Laudenbach, Caroline Sihol, Philippe Morier-Genoud, Jean-Pierre Kalfon - Dir. François Truffaut Intro, Trailer, Wendecover Kriminalfilm/Drama 1983 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (F) 97min. Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) tba BestellNr.: Barfuß auf Nacktschnecken Pieds Nus Sur Les Limaces Diane Kruger, Ludivine Sagnier, Denis Menochet, Brigitte Catillon, Jacques Spiesser, Anne Benoît, Jean-Pierre Martins, Gaëtan Gallier, Reda Kateb, Côme Levin - Dir. Fabienne Berthaud Making of, Interviews, Trailer Drama 2010 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (F) 99min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Alamode) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Barfuß auf Nacktschnecken (Bluray) Pieds Nus Sur Les Limaces Diane Kruger, Ludivine Sagnier, Denis Menochet, Brigitte Catillon, Jacques Spiesser, Anne Benoît, Jean-Pierre Martins, Gaëtan Gallier, Reda Kateb, Côme Levin - Dir. Fabienne Berthaud Making of, Interviews, Trailer Drama 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS- HD 5.1 MA (F) 103min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Alamode) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Bauernprinzessin 1-3 (3 Discs) Sissi Wolf, Roman Knizka, Krista Posch, Erni Mangold, Günther Maria Halmer, Toni Böhm, Roswitha Szyszkowitz, Manuel Witting, Katharina Winkler, Dietrich Siegl, Harald Posch, Peter Matic - Dir. Susanne Zanke Drama/Heimatfilm min. KNM Home Entertainment(Telepool) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Bitch Slap (Doppel-D Edition, 2 Discs) (k.j.) Bitch Slap Julia Voth, Michael Hurst, William Gregory Lee, America Olivo, Ron Melendez, Minae Noji, Erin Cummings, Kevin Sorbo - Dir. Rick Jacobson Featurette Action/Kriminalfilm 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 102min. Splendid Film ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Black Zombies from Sugar Hill Sugar Hill Marki Bey, Robert Quarry, Don Pedro Colley, Betty Anne Rees, Richard Lawson, Charles Robinson, Larry Johnson, Rick Hagood - Dir. Paul Maslansky Action/Horror 1974 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) 87min. KNM Home Entertainment(Cine Plus) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Blood Splattered (k.j.) Knock Knock Kim Taggart, Sal Sirchia, Antonio Mastrantonio, Lou Savarese, Stephanie Finochio, Joli Julianna - Dir. Joseph Ariola Horror/Thriller 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 2.0 (E) 90min. Intergroove Media(Starlight Film) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Blue Mountain State - Season One (2 Discs) Blue Mountain State Darin Brooks, Alan Ritchson, Chris Romano Komödie 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 390min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Tellyvision) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Brooklyn Streets (k.j.) Bomb The System Mark Webber, Gano Grills, Jade Yorker, Jaclyn DeSantis, Joey Dedio, Al Sapienza, Bonz Malone, Donna Mitchell - Dir. Adam Bhala Lough Entfallene Szenen, Interviews, Behind the Scenes, Trailer Action/Drama 2002 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 91min. Intergroove Media(Pasadena Pictures) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Cartagena - Finde dein Leben. Finde die Liebe. L Homme De Chevet Sophie Marceau, Christopher Lambert, Linett Hernandez Valdes, Rodolfo de Souza, Margarita Rosa de Francisco - Dir. Alain Monne Drama/Komödie 2009 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (F) 90min. KNM Home Entertainment(More2C) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Cartagena - Finde dein Leben. Finde die Liebe. (Blu-ray) L Homme De Chevet Sophie Marceau, Christopher Lambert, LASER HOTLINE Seite 8

9 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD Linett Hernandez Valdes, Rodolfo de Souza, Margarita Rosa de Francisco - Dir. Alain Monne Drama/Komödie 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 (D) DTS (F) 94min. KNM Home Entertainment(More2C) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Classic Western Collection Vol. 4 (3 Discs) Barquero / Tote brauchen keine Dollars / Vier Vögel am Galgen Western 257min. Koch Media ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Clean, Shaven (Special Edition, OmU) Clean, Shaven Peter Greene, Robert Albert, Megan Owen, Molly Castelloe, Jennifer MacDonald - Dir. Lodge H. Kerrigan Audiokommentar, Booklet Drama 1993 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (E) 75min. Bildstörung ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Clean, Shaven (Special Edition, OmU) (Blu-ray) Clean, Shaven Peter Greene, Robert Albert, Megan Owen, Molly Castelloe, Jennifer MacDonald - Dir. Lodge H. Kerrigan Audiokommentar, Booklet Drama 1993 Ltbx DD 2.0 (E) 79min. Bildstörung ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Create to Die Embryo Rock Hudson, Diane Ladd, Barbara Carrera, Roddy McDowall, John Elerick, Jack Colvin, Anne Schedeen, Vincent Baggetta - Dir. Ralph Nelson Science Fiction/Thriller min. da music(great Movies) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Dark Angel - Tochter des Satans (k.j.) Dark Angel Daniel Markel, Angela Featherstone, Charlotte Stewart, Nicholas Worth, Michael Genovese, Michael C. Mahon, Milton James - Dir. Linda Hassani Horror 1994 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 87min. KNM Home Entertainment(HDMV) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Darkness Rises (k.j.) The Absence Of Light Richard Conant, Eric Thornsberry, Tom Savini, David A. Hess, Tony Todd, Caroline Munro, Rick Scarry, Michael Berryman, Tony Todd - Dir. Patrick Desmond Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Behind the Scenes, Interviews, Featurette, Audiokommentar Horror/Action 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 80min. Intergroove Media(Pasadena Pictures) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Deadly Attraction To Have And To Hold Justine Bateman, Sebastian Spence, Jessica Lowndes, William MacDonald, Derek Hamilton, Colin Lawrence, William Stewart, Derek Green, Debra Donohue, Christine Willes, Kendall Cross, Steve Archer, Michael Mitchell, Marsha Regis, Donna Yamamoto, Michael Daingerfield - Dir. Terry Ingram Thriller/Drama 2006 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 90min. da music(great Movies) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Double Dragon Double Dragon Robert Patrick, Mark Dacascos, Scott Wolf, Kristina Malandro Wagner, Julia Nickson- Soul, Alyssa Milano, Nils Allen Stewart, Henry Kingi - Dir. James Yukich Fantasy/Action 1994 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 92min. KNM Home Entertainment(HDMV) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Double Dragon (Extended Version, Metalpack) Double Dragon Robert Patrick, Mark Dacascos, Scott Wolf, Kristina Malandro Wagner, Julia Nickson- Soul, Alyssa Milano, Nils Allen Stewart, Henry Kingi - Dir. James Yukich Fantasy/Action 1994 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 92min. KNM Home Entertainment(HDMV) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: El Alamein Die Hölle des Wüstenkrieges El Alamein: La Linea Del Fuoco Paolo Briguglia, Pierfrancesco Favino, Luciano Scarpa, Emilio Solfrizzi, Thomas Trabacchi, Piero Maggio, Antonio Petrocelli, Giuseppe Cederna, Roberto Citran, Silvio Orlando - Dir. Enzo Monteleone Drama/Kriegsfilm 2002 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (Sp) 114min. Pandastorm Pictures(Pandastorm) tba BestellNr.: El Alamein Die Hölle des Wüstenkrieges (Blu-ray) El Alamein: La Linea Del Fuoco Paolo Briguglia, Pierfrancesco Favino, Luciano Scarpa, Emilio Solfrizzi, Thomas Trabacchi, Piero Maggio, Antonio Petrocelli, Giuseppe Cederna, Roberto Citran, Silvio Orlando - Dir. Enzo Monteleone Drama/Kriegsfilm 2002 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (Sp) 119min. Pandastorm Pictures(Pandastorm) tba BestellNr.: Enter the Void (k.j.) Enter The Void Nathaniel Brown, Paz de la Huerta, Cyril Roy, Emily Alyn Lind, Jesse Kuhn, Olly Alexander, Masato Tanno, Cary Hayes, Sara Stockbridge, Sakiko Fukuhara, Nobu Imai, Emi Takeuchi, Janice Sicotte-Beliveau, Simon Chamberland - Dir. Gaspar Noé Trailer Drama/Experimentalfilm 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 155min. Capelight Pictures ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Evil Bong 2 - King Bong Evil Bong II: King Bong Brett Chukerman, Mitch Eakins, Robin Sydney, Sonny Carl Davis, John Patrick Jordan, Brian Lloyd, Amy Paffrath, Jacob Witkin - Dir. Charles Band Making of Komödie/Horror 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 2.0 (E) 80min. KNM Home Entertainment(Movie Power) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: FC Venus - Fussball ist Frauensache FC Venus Minna Haapkyla, Petteri Summanen, Laura Malmivaara, Lotta Lehtikari, Taneli Makela, Diana Anttila, Hannu-Pekka Björkman, Mikael Forssell, Elina Hagelin, Olli Halonen, Juha Junttu, Harri Kettumäki, Joona Majurinen, Eija Mikkonen-Budsko, Miia Nuutila, Noora Peltokukka, Jukka Rasila, Juha Rastas, Aki Riihilahti, Irma Tervahartiala, Jenni Toivonen, Eero Tommila, Sanna Valkonen, Puntti Valtonen, Janne Virtanen, Rami Virtanen, Jerry Wahlforss - Dir. Joona Tena Komödie 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (Finn) 103min. Koch Media(Atlas Film Home Ent.) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Five Minutes To Live Door-To-Door Maniac Johnny Cash, Donald Woods, Pamela Mason, Cay Forrester, Midge Ware, Vic Tayback - Dir. Bill Karn Kriminalfilm min. Bear Family Records ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Fluch der Piraten II L Uomo Mascherato Contro I Pirati George Hilton, Claude Dantes - Dir. Vertunnio De Angelis Abenteuer 1964 min. MCP Sound & Media ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Franzi (2. Staffel, 7 Folgen) Jule Ronstedt, Gisela Schneeberger, Sebastian Bezzel, Kathrin von Steinburg, Stephan Zinner, Erkan Karacayli, Anton Algrang, Sarah Camp, Maria Peschek, Sonja Beck, Erich Hallhuber sen., Stefan Betz, Heide Ackermann, Cristina Andrione, Fritz Wepper, Corinna Binzer, Felix Hellmann, Jörg Hube - Dir. Matthias Kiefersauer Komödie min. KNM Home Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Die Frau nebenan La Femme D à Côté Gérard Depardieu, Fanny Ardant, Henri Garcin, Michèle Baumgartner, Véronique LASER HOTLINE Seite 9

10 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD Silver, Roger Van Hool, Philippe Morier- Genoud - Dir. François Truffaut Intro, Trailer, Wendecover Drama 1981 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (F) 102min. Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) tba BestellNr.: Freundschaft Plus No Strings Attached Natalie Portman, Ashton Kutcher, Cary Elwes, Kevin Kline, Greta Gerwig, Lake Bell, Olivia Thirlby, Ludacris, Ludacris, Mindy Kaling, Ophelia Lovibond - Dir. Ivan Reitman Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes, Audiokommentar Komödie 2011 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (Türk) 104min. Paramount Home Entertainment tba BestellNr.: Freundschaft Plus (Blu-ray) No Strings Attached Natalie Portman, Ashton Kutcher, Cary Elwes, Kevin Kline, Greta Gerwig, Lake Bell, Olivia Thirlby, Ludacris, Ludacris, Mindy Kaling, Ophelia Lovibond - Dir. Ivan Reitman Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes, Audiokommentar Komödie 2011 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) DD 5.1 (It) DD 5.1 (F) 108min. Paramount Home Entertainment tba BestellNr.: Das Geheimnis der Geisha Inju, La Bête Dans L Ombre Benoît Magimel, Shun Sugata, Lika Minamoto, Maurice Bénichou, Ryo Ishibashi - Dir. Barbet Schroeder Making of Thriller 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (F) 100min. Sunfilm Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Das Geheimnis der Geisha (Bluray) Inju, La Bête Dans L Ombre Benoît Magimel, Shun Sugata, Lika Minamoto, Maurice Bénichou, Ryo Ishibashi - Dir. Barbet Schroeder Making of Thriller 2008 Ltbx DTS-HD 7.1 MA (D) DTS- HD 5.1 MA (F) 104min. Sunfilm Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Das Geheimnis von Santa Vittoria The Secret Of Santa Vittoria Anthony Quinn, Anna Magnani, Virna Lisi, Hardy Krüger, Sergio Franchi, Giancarlo Giannini, Valentina Cortese - Dir. Stanley Kramer Kriegsfilm 1969 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) 134min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Mediawith) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Das Geheimnis von Santa Vittoria (Blu-ray) The Secret Of Santa Vittoria Anthony Quinn, Anna Magnani, Virna Lisi, Hardy Krüger, Sergio Franchi, Giancarlo Giannini, Valentina Cortese - Dir. Stanley Kramer Kriegsfilm 1969 Ltbx DTS-HD 2.0 MA (D) DTS-HD 2.0 MA (E) 134min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Mediawith) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: George Gently (Staffel 03) (3 Discs) Inspector George Gently Martin Shaw, Lee Ingleby - Dir. Euros Lyn, Ciaran Donnelly Kriminalfilm Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 270min. Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Gold in den Wolken Overland Stage Raiders John Wayne - Dir. George Sherman Western 1938 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) 128min. KSM(Magic Movie) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Gun for Hire (k.j.) The Butcher Eric Roberts, Robert Davi, Geoffrey Lewis, Irina Björklund, Paul Dillon, Jerry Trimble, Michael Ironside, Bokeem Woodbine - Dir. Jesse V. Johnson Bildergalerie, Trailer,, Behind the Scenes Thriller/Action 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 2.0 (E) 109min. Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Heisskalte Teens in Amerika Revenge Of The Cheerleaders John Sterling, Eddra Gale, Regine Gleason, Jerry Woods, Rainbeaux Smith, Helen Lang - Dir. Richard Lerner Erotik/Komödie 1976 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) 85min. KNM Home Entertainment(Movie Power) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Heldenkampf in Stalingrad Svoi Konstantin Khabenskij, Bogdan Stupka, Ben Perino, Sergej Garmash, Mikhail Ewlanow, Natalja Surkowa, Anna Mikhalkowa, Fjodor Bondarchuk, Jurij Zajtsew - Dir. Dimitri Meskhiyew Drama/Kriegsfilm 2004 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (Russ) DD 2.0 (Russ) 111min. MIG Filmgroup ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Herrin der toten Stadt Yellow Sky Lamar Trotti, Gregory Peck, Anne Baxter, Richard Widmark, Robert Arthur, John Russell, James Barton - Dir. William A. Wellman Western 1948 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) 94min. Koch Media ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Herz über Kopf - Liebe kennt kein Alter Tim Piper Laurie, Mel Gibson, Alwyn Kurts, Pat Evison, Peter Gwynne, Deborah Kennedy - Dir. Michael Pate Drama 1981 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) 102min. KNM Home Entertainment(More2C) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Herz über Kopf - Liebe kennt kein Alter (Blu-ray) Tim Piper Laurie, Mel Gibson, Alwyn Kurts, Pat Evison, Peter Gwynne, Deborah Kennedy - Dir. Michael Pate Drama 1981 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 106min. KNM Home Entertainment(More2C) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Charlton Heston Collection # 1 (3 DVDs) Die Normannen kommen / Zwei Minuten Warnung / U-Boot in Not Charlton Heston Abenteuer/Thriller 337min. Koch Media ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Terence Hill & Bud Spencer Collection #1 (4 Discs) Verflucht, verdammt und Halleluja / Mister Billion / Auch die Engel essen Bohnen Bud Spencer, Terence Hill Bildergalerie, Alternatives Ende Action 331min. Koch Media ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Die Hochzeitsplaner - Band Baaja Baaraat Band Baaja Baaraat Anushka Sharma, Ranveer Singh, Manmeet Singh, Neeraj Sood, Revant Shergill - Dir. Maneesh Sharma Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Featurette, Trailer Komödie 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (Hindi) 137min. Rapid Eye Movies HE ,90 EUR BestellNr.: The Hole - Wovor hast du Angst? (Blu-ray) The Hole Teri Polo, Haley Bennett, Chris Massoglia, Nathan Gamble, John DeSantis, Quinn Lord, Bruce Dern, Paul Hooson - Dir. Joe Dante Making of, Interviews, Featurette, Trailer Fantasy/Horror 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 92min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: In aller Stille Nina Kunzendorf, Michael Fitz, Maximilian Brückner, Michael A. Grimm, Sarah Lavinia Schmidbauer, Jakob Tiger Brendel, Lola Dockhorn, Jannik Brengel, Hildegard Schmahl, Johanna Bittenbinder, Rita Russek, Heinz-Josef Braun, Johann von Bülow, Veronika Fitz, Bettina Mittendorfer - Dir. Rainer Kaufmann Drama 2009 DD 2.0 (D) 90min. Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) LASER HOTLINE Seite 10

11 Das wohl magischste und spektakulärste Abenteuerepos der Filmgeschichte erwacht zu neuem Leben mit den erweiterten Editionen in unübertroffener HD-Bild- und Tonqualität. Jetzt kann die Trilogie in höchster Qualität erlebt werden: auf Blu-ray in HD! Aufgrund der Länge der einzelnen erweiterten Filmeditionen und der hohen Bildqualität, wird jeder Film auf zwei Blu-ray-Discs präsentiert. Die mit Spannung erwartete Extended Edition erscheint auf Deutsch und Englisch im 6.1 DTSHD MA-Ton und enthält eine neue Abtastung von Der Herr der Ringe: Die Gefährten, remastered unter Verwendung der ursprünglichen 2k-Digital-Dateien. Die Collection enthält über 26 Stunden Specials, wobei die Hinter-den-Kulissen Dokumentationen von Costa Botes die Highlights bilden: Dieser Filmemacher erhielt von Peter Jackson die Genehmigung, die Dreharbeiten aller drei Filme zu begleiten. So gelang es Costa Botes, unmittelbare, mitreißende Eindrücke am Set mit der Kamera festzuhalten. Seine besondere Erzähltechnik er lässt die Bilder für sich selbst sprechen ergibt einen intimen und offenherzigen Backstage-Report mit all den Problemen, Vorbereitungen und sich formenden Freundschaften während der Produktion eines der größten Kinoabenteuer aller Zeiten. Die abendfüllenden Dokumentarfilme sind insgesamt über 4 ½ Stunden lang und konzentrieren sich auf komplexe Probleme und Situationen, mit denen die Filmemacher, Darsteller und Teammitglieder während der Dreharbeiten umgehen mussten. Aber auch besondere Situationen und persönliche Eindrücke am Set kommen nicht zu kurz. Costa Botes Dokus ergänzen die gefeierten Specials von Michael Pellerin, die bereits im Rahmen der ursprünglichen Veröffentlichungen der erweiterten Fassungen zu sehen waren. Dadurch ist dies die umfassendste Der Herr der Ringe-Zusammenstellung überhaupt. Jetzt vorbestellen! EUR 99,90 LASER HOTLINE Seite 11

12 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: Inspector Barnaby, Vol. 12 (4 Discs) Midsomer Murders John Nettles Fotogalerie Kriminalfilm Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 384min. Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Johnny Mad Dog (Blu-ray) (k.j.) Johnny Mad Dog Christophe Minie - Dir. Jean-Stéphane Sauvaire Making of, Trailer Drama/Kriegsfilm 2008 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (F) 100min. Koch Media ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Johnny Mad Dog (k.j.) Johnny Mad Dog Christophe Minie - Dir. Jean-Stéphane Sauvaire Making of, Trailer Drama/Kriegsfilm 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (F) 96min. Koch Media ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Jules und Jim Jules Et Jim Jeanne Moreau, Oskar Werner, Henri Serre, Marie Dubois, Vanna Urbino, Boris Bassiak - Dir. François Truffaut Trailer, Wendecover Drama 1961 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (F) 101min. Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) tba BestellNr.: Kimberley Jim (+ Audio Songbook) Kimberly Jim Jim Reeves, Madeleine Usher - Dir. Emil Nofal Musikfilm/Komödie min. Bear Family Records ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Die Kinder von Paris La Rafle Jean Reno, Mélanie Laurent, Gad Elmaleh, Raphaëlle Agogué, Hugo Leverdez, Olivier Cywie, Mathieu Do Concetto, Romain Do Concetto, Rebecca Marder, Anne Brochet, Isabelle Gélinas, Thierry Frémont, Cathérine Allegret, Sylvie Testud - Dir. Roselyne Bosch Drama 2010 min. Highlight Communications (Deutschland)(Constantin) tba BestellNr.: Die Kinder von Paris (Blu-ray) La Rafle Jean Reno, Mélanie Laurent, Gad Elmaleh, Raphaëlle Agogué, Hugo Leverdez, Olivier Cywie, Mathieu Do Concetto, Romain Do Concetto, Rebecca Marder, Anne Brochet, Isabelle Gélinas, Thierry Frémont, Cathérine Allegret, Sylvie Testud - Dir. Roselyne Bosch Drama 2010 min. Highlight Communications (Deutschland)(Constantin) tba BestellNr.: Kopf über Wasser (Blu-ray) Head Above Water Harvey Keitel, Cameron Diaz, Craig Sheffer, Billy Zane, Shay Duffin - Dir. Jim Wilson Thriller/Komödie 1996 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 92min. da music(great Movies) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Kuss der Spinnenfrau O Beijo Da Mulher Aranha William Hurt, Raul Julia, Sonia Braga, José Lewgoy, Milton Gonçalves - Dir. Hector Babenco Making of, Featurette, Trailer Thriller 1985 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) 119min. Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Classic Selection) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Kuss der Spinnenfrau (Blu-ray) O Beijo Da Mulher Aranha William Hurt, Raul Julia, Sonia Braga, José Lewgoy, Milton Gonçalves - Dir. Hector Babenco Making of, Featurette, Trailer Thriller 1985 Ltbx DTS-HD 1.0 (D) DTS-HD 1.0 (E) 124min. Concorde Home Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Küstenwache - Die komplette elfte Staffel (5 Discs) Rüdiger Joswig, Stefanie Schmid, Aline Hochscheid, Rainer Basedow, Elmar Gehlen, Michael Kind, Andreas Arnstedt, Ralph Kretschmar - Dir. Dagmar von Chappuis, Ed Ehrenberg, Zbynek Cerven Drama min. Edel Germany(Aviator) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Land der Zukunft The Lawless Nineties John Wayne - Dir. Joseph Kane Western 1936 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) 104min. KSM(Magic Movie) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Die Legende Zorro Zorro Alain Delon, Stanley Baker, Ottavia Piccolo, Adriana Asti, Giacomo Rossi-Stuart, Enzo Cerusico, Moustache - Dir. Duccio Tessari Bildergalerie Abenteuer 1974 (D) (E) min. Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Die letzte Metro Le Dernier Métro Catherine Deneuve, Gérard Depardieu, Heinz Bennent, Jean Poiret, Andréa Ferréol, Paulette Dubost, Sabine Haudepin, Jean-Louis Richard, Maurice Risch, René Dupré, Pierre Belot, Alain Tasma - Dir. François Truffaut Intro, Entfallene Szene, Trailer, Wendecover Drama 1980 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (F) 126min. Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) tba BestellNr.: Liebe auf der Flucht L Amour En Fuite Jean-Pierre Léaud, Marie-France Pisier, Claude Jade, Rosy Varte, Julien Bertheau, Daniel Mesguich - Dir. François Truffaut Intro, Trailer, Wendecover Drama Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (F) 89min. Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) tba BestellNr.: Der Mann in den Bergen - Season 3 (Folgen 17-24) (4 Discs) The Life And Times Of Grizzly Adams Dan Haggerty, Denver Pyle, Don Shanks, John Bishop - Dir. Jack B. Hively, Richard Friedenberg Abenteuer FF DD 2.0 (D) 385min. M.TWO entertainment Verlag ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Ein Mann wird zur Bestie Death Hunt Lee Marvin, Charles Bronson, Angie Dickinson, Andrew Stevens, Carl Weathers, Ed Lauter - Dir. Peter R. Hunt Abenteuer 1981 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) 90min. Koch Media ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Männerhass The Secrets Of Comfort House Sheryl Lee, Yannick Bisson, John Novak, John Tench, Jillian Fargey, Jody Thompson - Dir. Timothy Bond Kriminalfilm/Drama 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 90min. da music(great Movies) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Middle Men Middle Men Luke Wilson, Giovanni Ribisi, Gabriel Macht, James Caan, Jacinda Barrrett, Kevin Pollak, Laura Ramsey, Terry Crews, Stacey Alysson, Kelsey Grammer, Diane Sorrentino - Dir. George Gallo Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Montage Komödie/Drama 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (Türk) 108min. Paramount Home Entertainment tba BestellNr.: Mit Herz und Handschellen - Alle Folgen der Staffel (4 Discs) Henning Baum, Elena Uhlig Kriminalfilm min. Sony Music Entertainment & New Business Division(Spassgesellschaft) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Nashville Rebel Nashville Rebel Waylon Jennings, Mary Frann - Dir. Jay Sheridan Musikfilm min. LASER HOTLINE Seite 12

13 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD Bear Family Records ,90 EUR BestellNr.: New Kids Turbo New Kids Turbo Huub Smit, Tim Haars, Steffen Haars, Wesley van Gaalen, Flip Van der Kuil, Bart de Rijk, Nicole van Nierop, Ruud Matthijssen - Dir. Steffen Haars, Flip Van der Kuil Komödie 2011 min. Highlight Communications (Deutschland)(Constantin) tba BestellNr.: New Kids Turbo (Blu-ray) New Kids Turbo Huub Smit, Tim Haars, Steffen Haars, Wesley van Gaalen, Flip Van der Kuil, Bart de Rijk, Nicole van Nierop, Ruud Matthijssen - Dir. Steffen Haars, Flip Van der Kuil Komödie 2011 min. Highlight Communications (Deutschland)(Constantin) tba BestellNr.: The Night Rider The Night Rider Johnny Cash, Johnny Western, Merle Travis, Eddie Dean - Dir. Michael Hinn Western 1962 min. Bear Family Records ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Nosedive - Die Ghetto Gang Zuhanórepülés Zsolt Nagy, Vera Baranyai, Levente Törköly, Dorka Gryllus, Peter Kokics, Nóra Parti, Andor Lukáts, Andrea Tallós, Gábor Nagypál, Simon Szabó - Dir. Erik Novák Action/Kriminalfilm 2007 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (Ungar) DD 2.0 (Ungar) 90min. MIG Filmgroup ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Nosedive - Die Ghetto Gang (Bluray) Zuhanórepülés Zsolt Nagy, Vera Baranyai, Levente Törköly, Dorka Gryllus, Peter Kokics, Nóra Parti, Andor Lukáts, Andrea Tallós, Gábor Nagypál, Simon Szabó - Dir. Erik Novák Action/Kriminalfilm 2007 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (Ungar) DD 2.0 (Ungar) 94min. MIG Filmgroup ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Das Orakel (k.j.) The Oracle Caroline Capers Powers, Roger Neil, Victoria Dryden, Pam La Testa, Chris Maria de Koron - Dir. Roberta Findlay Originaltrailer, Bildergalerie Horror 1985 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 89min. Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: The Other Side of Heaven The Other Side Of Heaven Christopher Gorham, Anne Hathaway, Joe Folau, Miriama Smith, Nathaniel Lees, Whetu Fala, Al Fitisemanu, Peter Brown, April McKinley - Dir. Mitch Davis Trailer, Bildergalerie Abenteuer/Drama 2001 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 108min. Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Paper Man - Zeit erwachsen zu werden Paper Man Ryan Reynolds, Emma Stone, Lisa Kudrow, Jeff Daniels - Dir. Kieran Mulroney, Michele Mulroney Making of, Trailer Drama/Komödie 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 106min. Koch Media ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Paper Man - Zeit erwachsen zu werden (Blu-ray) Paper Man Ryan Reynolds, Emma Stone, Lisa Kudrow, Jeff Daniels - Dir. Kieran Mulroney, Michele Mulroney Making of, Trailer Drama/Komödie 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 110min. Koch Media ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Parasomnia (Blu-ray) (k.j.) Parasomnia Cherilyn Wilson, Timothy Bottoms, Dylan Purcell, Patrick Kilpatrick, Jeffrey Combs, Kathryn Leigh Scott, Brennan Bailey (Danny), Dov Tiefenbach - Dir. William Malone Bildergalerie Horror/Thriller 2008 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 104min. Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Parasomnia (k.j.) Parasomnia Cherilyn Wilson, Timothy Bottoms, Dylan Purcell, Patrick Kilpatrick, Jeffrey Combs, Kathryn Leigh Scott, Brennan Bailey (Danny), Dov Tiefenbach - Dir. William Malone Bildergalerie Horror/Thriller 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 100min. Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Piraten der Karibik L Île Aux Trésors Gérard Jugnot, Alice Taglioni, Jean-Paul Rouve, Vincent Rottiers, Michael Culkin, Cyrille Eldin - Dir. Alain Berberian Making of, Trailer Abenteuer 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (F) 95min. Sunfilm Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Piraten der Karibik (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) L Île Aux Trésors Gérard Jugnot, Alice Taglioni, Jean-Paul Rouve, Vincent Rottiers, Michael Culkin, Cyrille Eldin - Dir. Alain Berberian Making of, Trailer Abenteuer 2007 Ltbx DTS-HD 7.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 7.1 MA (F) 99min. Sunfilm Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Piraten der Karibik (Blu-ray) L Île Aux Trésors Gérard Jugnot, Alice Taglioni, Jean-Paul Rouve, Vincent Rottiers, Michael Culkin, Cyrille Eldin - Dir. Alain Berberian Making of, Trailer Abenteuer 2007 Ltbx DTS-HD 7.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 7.1 MA (F) 99min. Sunfilm Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Platoon des Todes - Flammen über Vietnam My Lai Four Beau Ballinger, Joe Suba, Andrew Joseph, Riccardo Flammini, Yvette Yzon, Alvin Anson, Yves Matthew Dimao, Alessio Cherubini, Gianluca Baldari, James Crawford, Ronnie Boos - Dir. Paolo Bertola Behind the Scenes, Interview, Featurette, Trailer, Bildergalerie Drama/Kriegsfilm 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 101min. KSM(NewKSM) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Platoon des Todes - Flammen über Vietnam (Blu-ray) My Lai Four Beau Ballinger, Joe Suba, Andrew Joseph, Riccardo Flammini, Yvette Yzon, Alvin Anson, Yves Matthew Dimao, Alessio Cherubini, Gianluca Baldari, James Crawford, Ronnie Boos - Dir. Paolo Bertola Behind the Scenes, Interview, Featurette, Trailer, Bildergalerie Drama/Kriegsfilm 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 105min. KSM(NewKSM) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Polanski - Unauthorized Polanski Unauthorized Damian Chapa, Leah Grimsson, Brienne De Beau, Tom Druilhet, Silvia Suvadova, Christian Serritiello, Nasia Aissaoui, Kathleen Gregory - Dir. Damian Chapa Drama/Biographie 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 89min. Infopictures ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Primeval: Rückkehr der Urzeitmonster - Staffel 4, Teil 2 (2 Discs) Primeval Douglas Henshall, Lucy Brown, Andrew Lee Potts, Hannah Spearritt, Juliet Aubrey, James Murray, Ben Miller, Mark Wakeling, Jake Curran, James Bradshaw - Dir. Jamie Payne, Cilla Ware Science Fiction/Abenteuer Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 270min. polyband Medien GmbH ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Quartett D Amour - Liebe, wen du willst LASER HOTLINE Seite 13

14 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD Happy Few Marina Foïs, Élodie Bouchez, Roschdy Zem, Nicolas Duvauchelle, Jean-François Stévenin, Alexia Stresi, Geneviève Mnich, Philippe Paimblanc - Dir. Antony Cordier Trailer Drama/Erotik 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (F) 100min. Atlas Film Home Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: The Reeds (Blu-ray) (k.j.) The Reeds (Blu-ray) Scarlett Alice Johnson, Geoff Bell, Emma Catherwood, Karl Ashman, Anna Brewster, Daniel Caltagirone, Reece Chapman, O.T. Fagbenle - Dir. Nick Cohen Horror 2009 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 2.0 (E) 89min. MIG Filmgroup ,90 EUR BestellNr.: The Reeds (k.j.) The Reeds Scarlett Alice Johnson, Geoff Bell, Emma Catherwood, Karl Ashman, Anna Brewster, Daniel Caltagirone, Reece Chapman, O.T. Fagbenle - Dir. Nick Cohen Horror 2009 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 2.0 (E) 86min. MIG Filmgroup ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Der rote Tempelritter - Red Knight Rencontre Avec Le Dragon Daniel Auteuil, Nicolas Nollet, Sergi Lopez, Emmanuelle Devos, Titoff, Gilbert Melki, Maurice Garel, Claude Perron, Fred Proust, Jean-François Gallotte - Dir. Hélène Angel Abenteuer 2003 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (F) DD 2.0 (F) 110min. MIG Filmgroup ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Der rote Tempelritter - Red Knight (Blu-ray) Rencontre Avec Le Dragon Daniel Auteuil, Nicolas Nollet, Sergi Lopez, Emmanuelle Devos, Titoff, Gilbert Melki, Maurice Garel, Claude Perron, Fred Proust, Jean-François Gallotte - Dir. Hélène Angel Abenteuer 2003 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (F) DD 2.0 (F) 115min. MIG Filmgroup ,90 EUR BestellNr.: James Cameron s Sanctum 3D Sanctum Richard Roxburgh, Rhys Wakefield, Alice Parkinson, Daniel Wyllie, Ioan Gruffudd, John Garvin, Christopher Baker, Nicole Downs, Allison Cratchley - Dir. Alister Grierson Abenteuer/Drama 2011 min. Highlight Communications (Deutschland)(Constantin) tba BestellNr.: James Cameron s Sanctum 3D (+ DVD) (Blu-ray) Sanctum Richard Roxburgh, Rhys Wakefield, Alice Parkinson, Daniel Wyllie, Ioan Gruffudd, John Garvin, Christopher Baker, Nicole Downs, Allison Cratchley - Dir. Alister Grierson Abenteuer/Drama 2011 min. Highlight Communications (Deutschland)(Constantin) tba BestellNr.: James Cameron s Sanctum 3D (Blu-ray) Sanctum Richard Roxburgh, Rhys Wakefield, Alice Parkinson, Daniel Wyllie, Ioan Gruffudd, John Garvin, Christopher Baker, Nicole Downs, Allison Cratchley - Dir. Alister Grierson Abenteuer/Drama 2011 min. Highlight Communications (Deutschland)(Constantin) tba BestellNr.: Scars of War - Kriegsnarben sind tief The Mark Of Cain Matthew McNulty, Gerard Kearns, Leo Gregory, Shaun Dooley, Naomi Bentley, Brendan Coyle, Heather Craney, Shaun Dingwall - Dir. Marc Munden Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Trailer, Bildergalerie Drama/Kriegsfilm 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 91min. KSM(NewKSM) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Scars of War - Kriegsnarben sind tief (Blu-ray) The Mark Of Cain Matthew McNulty, Gerard Kearns, Leo Gregory, Shaun Dooley, Naomi Bentley, Brendan Coyle, Heather Craney, Shaun Dingwall - Dir. Marc Munden Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Trailer, Bildergalerie Drama/Kriegsfilm 2007 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 95min. KSM(NewKSM) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Ein schönes Mädchen wie ich Une Belle Fille Comme Moi Bernadette Lafont, Claude Brasseur, Charles Denner, André Dussollier, Guy Marchand, Anne Kreis, Philippe Léotard, Gilberte Géniat, Michel Delahaye, Danièle Girard - Dir. François Truffaut Trailer, Wendecover Komödie/Drama 1972 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (F) 101min. Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) tba BestellNr.: Die schwarze Maske Black Bart Yvonne De Carlo, Dan Duryea, Jeffrey Lynn, Percy Kilbride, Lloyd Gough, Frank Lovejoy, John McIntire, Don Beddoe - Dir. George Sherman Action/Western 1948 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) 77min. Koch Media ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Science Fiction Box Set (Blu-ray) Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus / Alien vs. Hunter / Transmorphers Dir. Scott Harper, Jack Perez, Leigh Scott Science Fiction min. Intergroove Media(Starlight Film) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Snoop Dogs Randale - Straße der Gewalt (k.j.) The L.A. Riot Spectacular Snoop Dogg, T. K. Carter, Charles S. Dutton, Emilio Estevez, George Hamilton, Charles Durning, Christopher McDonald, Jonathan Lipnicki, Ted Levine, William Forsythe, Ronny Cox, John Shin, Satya Lee, David Rasche, Anne Marie Johnson - Dir. Marc Klasfeld Behind the Scenes, Interview, Entfallene Szenen Satire 2005 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 80min. Intergroove Media(Pasadena Pictures) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Ein Sommer in... (3 Discs) Komödie/Lovestory min. Edel Germany(Aviator) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Ein Sommer in Kapstadt Rebecca Immanuel, Teresa Weißbach, Ray Fearon, Philipp Moog, David Berton, Janina Fautz, Desmond Lai Lan, Sabine Palfi, Nicola Kress, Clare Verstraete, Michelle Scott, Simone Meier - Dir. Imogen Kimmel Melodram min. Edel Germany(Aviator) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Ein Sommer in Long Island Petra Schmidt-Schaller, Max von Thun, Marc Hosemann, Eloise Cupido, Horst Sachtleben, Matthias Komm, Lucy Holgate, Sinalo Jantjies, Aidan Omar - Dir. Sibylle Tafel Melodram/Lovestory min. Edel Germany(Aviator) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Ein Sommer in Marrakesch Jutta Speidel, Peter Sattmann, Luise Helm, Wladimir Tarasjanz, Mehdi Moinzadeh, Adriana Altaras, Christoph Gaugler, Adil Abdelwahab, Fadila Ben Moussa - Dir. Gero Weinreuter Komödie/Lovestory min. Edel Germany(Aviator) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Space Rangers: Fort Hope (3 Discs) Space Rangers Jeff Kaake, Linda Hunt, Gottfried John Trailer Science Fiction 1993 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 300min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Fernsehjuwelen) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Space Wars - Der Kopfgeldjäger Hunter Prey Isaac C. Singleton Jr., Clark Bartram, Damion Poitier, Simon Potter - Dir. Sandy Collora Audiokommentar, Behind the Scenes, Trailer, Bildergalerie Science Fiction/Abenteuer 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 85min. LASER HOTLINE Seite 14


16 Star Wars: Complete Saga I-VI in High Definition ab 16. September auf Blu-ray Randvoll mit nie gesehenen Extras bietet das 9-Disc Box-Set einen unvergleichlichen Einblick in eine weit, weit entfernte Galaxis Frankfurt, 04. Mai 2011 Das Star Wars Highlight für Fans und die ganze Familie: Star Wars: Complete Saga I-VI von Lucasfilm und Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment erscheint am 16. September auf Blu-ray. Das 9-Disc Box-Set bringt die vollständige Saga direkt in die Wohnzimmer der Fans. So können alle ihre Star Wars -Lieblingsszenen immer und immer wieder ansehen in großartigem HD-Bild und mit tadellosem 5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio Sound. Mehr als 40 Stunden Bonusmaterial führen tiefer und tiefer in das Star Wars -Universum, besonders durch niemals zuvor gesehenes Material aus den Lucasfilm-Archiven. Das umfangreiche Box-Set bietet jede Menge entfallene, erweiterte und alternative Szenen, neue Dokumentationen und einen Querschnitt der zahlreichen Star Wars -Parodien, die in den letzten drei Jahrzehnten die Popkultur bereichert haben. Zum ersten Mal wird die komplette Saga in einem Box-Set erhältlich sein. Star Wars: Complete Saga I-VI auf Blu-ray bietet auch einen begehrten Einblick in die Entstehung der Saga mit klassischen Dokumentationen, Audiokommentaren, Blicken hinter die Kulissen, Interviews, interaktiven Sammlungen mit Requisiten, Modellfiguren und Kostümen, Retrospektiven und vielem mehr. Neben der Star Wars: Complete Saga I VI erscheinen auch die Blu-ray Box-Sets Star Wars: Trilogie I-III Der Anfang und Star Wars: Trilogie IV-VI. Bonusmaterial Star Wars: Complete Saga I-VI wird auf Blu-ray in 16:9 Widescreen (2.35:1) mit 5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio in der deutschen Fassung und 6.1 DTS in der englischen Originalfassung präsentiert. Eine Übersicht der Extras: Disc Eins Star Wars: Episode I Die dunkle Bedrohung Audiokommentar von George Lucas, Rick McCallum, Ben Burtt, Rob Coleman, John Knoll, Dennis Muren und Scott Squires (OmU) Audiokommentar aus Interviews mit Schauspielern und Filmcrew (OmU) Disc Zwei Star Wars: Episode II Angriff der Klonkrieger Audiokommentar mit George Lucas, Rick McCallum, Ben Burtt, Rob Coleman, Pablo Helman, John Knoll und Ben Snow (OmU) Audiokommentar aus Interviews mit Schauspielern und Filmcrew (OmU) Disc Drei Star Wars: Episode III Die Rache der Sith Audiokommentar mit George Lucas, Rick McCallum, Rob Coleman, John Knoll und Roger Guyett (OmU) Audiokommentar aus Interviews mit Schauspielern und Filmcrew (OmU) LASER HOTLINE Seite 16

17 Disc Vier Star Wars: Episode IV Eine neue Hoffnung Audiokommentar mit George Lucas, Carrie Fisher, Ben Burtt und Dennis Muren (OmU) Audiokommentar aus Interviews mit Schauspielern und Filmcrew (OmU) Disc Fünf Star Wars: Episode V Das Imperium schlägt zurück Audiokommentar mit George Lucas, Irvin Kershner, Carrie Fisher, Ben Burtt und Dennis Muren (OmU) Audiokommentar aus Interviews mit Schauspielern und Filmcrew (OmU) Disc Sechs Star Wars: Episode VI Die Rückkehr der Jedi-Ritter Audiokommentar mit George Lucas, Carrie Fisher, Ben Burtt und Dennis Muren (OmU) Audiokommentar aus Interviews mit Schauspielern und Filmcrew (OmU) Disc Sieben (Neu!) Star Wars Archiv: Episoden I-III Entfallene und erweiterte Szenen; Interaktive Sammlung mit Requisiten, Modellfiguren und Kostümen; Konzeptzeichnungen; zusätzliche Interviews mit Schauspielern und Filmcrew; einen Rundgang durch die Lucasfilm Archive und vieles mehr Disc Acht (Neu!) Star Wars Archiv: Episoden IV-VI Entfallene und erweiterte Szenen; Interaktive Sammlung mit Requisiten, Modellfiguren und Kostümen; Konzeptzeichnungen; zusätzliche Interviews mit Schauspielern und Filmcrew; einen Rundgang durch die Lucasfilm Archive und vieles mehr Disc Neun Die Star Wars Dokumentationen Neu! Sternenkrieger gesucht (2007, Farbe, ca. 84 Minuten) Manche Star Wars -Fans möchten Action Figuren sammeln diese Fans möchten Action Figuren sein! Ein Tribut an die 501st Legion, eine weltweite Organisation von Star Wars Kostüm- Fans. Diese aufschlussreiche Dokumentation zeigt wie der Super-Fanklub die Filme durch seinen ehrenamtlichen und wohltätigen Einsatz bei Benefizveranstaltungen und bei sehr prominenten und besonderen Events auf der ganzen Welt unterstützt. Neu! 30 Jahre Das Imperium schlägt zurück : Ein Gespräch mit den Schöpfern (2010, Farbe, ca. 25 Minuten) George Lucas, Irvin Kershner, Lawrence Kasdan und John Williams schauen zurück auf die Dreharbeiten von Das Imperium schlägt zurück. Diese in die Tiefe gehende Retrospektive von Lucasfilm wurde anlässlich des 30. Jahrestages des Films produziert. Die Macher diskutieren und erinnern sich an einen der beliebtesten Filme aller Zeiten. Neu! Star Wars Parodien (2011, Farbe, ca. 91 Minuten) Möge die Satire mit dir sein! Über die Jahre wurde eine urkomische Sammlung von Star Wars Parodien geschaffen, inklusive ausgefallener Clips aus Family Guy, Die Simpsons, How I Met your Mother und viele mehr. Auf keinen Fall zu verpassen Weird Al Yankovics einzigartiges Musikvideo-Hommage an Die dunkle Bedrohung. Die Entstehung von Star Wars Krieg der Sterne (1977, Farbe, ca. 49 Minuten) In diesem eindrucksvollen Making-Of präsentieren C-3PO und R2-D2, wie der erste Star Wars Film damals unter dem Titel Krieg der Sterne auf die Leinwand kam. Inklusive Interviews mit George Lucas und Auftritten von Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford und Carrie Fisher. LASER HOTLINE Seite 17

18 Die Spezialeffekte aus Das Imperium schlägt zurück (1980, Farbe, ca. 48 Minuten) Die Geheimnisse des Filmemachens in einer weit, weit entfernten Galaxis. Präsentiert von Mark Hamill gibt diese enthüllende Dokumentation einen Einblick in die unglaublichen Spezialeffekte, die George Lucas Vision für Episode IV Eine neue Hoffnung und Episode V - Das Imperium schlägt zurück Realität werden ließen. Die Kreaturen aus Die Rückkehr der Jedi-Ritter (1983, Farbe, ca. 48 Minuten) Ein Blick auf die Kostümgestaltung, bei dem Produktionsmaterial aus Die Rückkehr der Jedi-Ritter mit Ausschnitten aus klassischen Monsterfilmen vermischt wird. So wird ausführlich erkundet, welche akribischen Methoden George Lucas benutzte, um diese Kreaturen und Charaktere zu erschaffen. Präsentiert und erzählt von Carrie Fisher und Billie Dee Williams. Star Wars Special Edition : Entstehung der Taurücken-Szene (1997, Farbe, ca. 26 Minuten) Die Spezialeffekte von Star Wars wurden zwei Jahrzehnte später noch spezieller. George Lucas zeigt wie sein Team die original Taurücken-Kreaturen (Dewbacks) von unbeweglichen Gummifiguren (im Original von 1977) für die Star Wars 1997 Special Edition in scheinbar lebende, atmende Kreaturen verwandelte. Star Wars Technik: Fiktion & Wirklichkeit (2007, Farbe, ca. 46 Minuten) Auf Entdeckungsreise in die technischen Aspekte der Star Wars Fahrzeuge, Waffen und Geräte. Führende Wissenschaftler in den Feldern Physik, Prothesen, Laser, Maschinenbau und Astronomie geben Auskunft über die Plausibilität der Star Wars Technologie nach dem heutigen Stand der Wissenschaft. LASER HOTLINE Seite 18

19 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD KSM(NewKSM) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Space Wars - Der Kopfgeldjäger (Blu-ray) Hunter Prey Isaac C. Singleton Jr., Clark Bartram, Damion Poitier, Simon Potter - Dir. Sandy Collora Audiokommentar, Behind the Scenes, Trailer, Bildergalerie Science Fiction/Abenteuer 2010 Ltbx DTS- HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 88min. KSM(NewKSM) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Bud Spencer ist Jack Clementi Box 1 (3 Discs) Bud Spencer Action 272min. Koch Media ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Bud Spencer ist Jack Clementi Box 2 (3 Discs) Bud Spencer Action 272min. Koch Media ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Spion zwischen zwei Fronten Triple Cross Christopher Plummer, Romy Schneider, Yul Brynner, Gert Fröbe, Trevor Howard, Claudine Auger, Harry Meyen - Dir. Terence Young Thriller 1966 Ltbx (D) (E) 134min. Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Star Trek - Raumschiff Enterprise: Staffel 1-3 (20 Discs) (Blu-ray) Star Trek William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, DeForest Kelley, Nichelle Nichols, George Takei, James Doohan Trailer, Featurettes Science Fiction min. Paramount Home Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Star Trek - Raumschiff Enterprise: Staffel 1-3 (23 Discs) Star Trek William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, DeForest Kelley, Nichelle Nichols, George Takei, James Doohan Trailer, Featurettes Science Fiction min. Paramount Home Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Tarzan - Der Furchtlose Tarzan The Fearless Buster Crabbe, Julie Bishop - Dir. Robert F. Hill Abenteuer 1933 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) 85min. da music(great Movies) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Tiger, Löwe, Panther Natja Brunckhorst, Martina Gedeck, Thomas Winkler, Oliver Stokowski, Peter Lohmeyer, Heinz Hoenig, Michael Maertens, Heinrich Schafmeister - Dir. Dominik Graf Drama 1989 DD 2.0 (D) 97min. Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Todeskommando Russland 5 - Die Heldenkompanie (k.j.) Jeleznay Sotny Mykola Boklan, Oleh Prymahenow, Ihor Pisnyi, Manfred Schreiner, Dieter Göde - Dir. Oles Yanchuk Making of Action/Kriegsfilm 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (Russ) DD 2.0 (Russ) 95min. KNM Home Entertainment(Movie Power) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: UV - Tödliche Verführung UV Marthe Keller, Jacques Dutronc, Anne Caillon, Nicolas Cazalé, Laura Smet, Pascal Elbé, Alexis Loret, Jean-François Gallotte - Dir. Gilles Paquet-Brenner Making of, Trailer Drama/Thriller 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (F) 93min. Koch Media ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Vergessene Western Vol Für eine Handvoll Geld The Big Trees Kirk Douglas, Eve Miller, Patrice Wymore, Edgar Buchanan - Dir. Felix Feist Western 1952 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) 85min. Intergroove Media(Voulez Vous Film) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Zombie 2 - Day of the Dead (Bluray) (k.j.) Day Of The Dead Lori Cardille, Terry Alexander, Richard Liberty, Josef Pilato, Sherman Howard, Jarlath Conroy - Dir. George A. Romero Trailer Horror 1985 Ltbx DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 99min. Intergroove Media(Starlight Film) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Zombie 2 - Day of the Dead (k.j.) Day Of The Dead Lori Cardille, Terry Alexander, Richard Liberty, Josef Pilato, Sherman Howard, Jarlath Conroy - Dir. George A. Romero Trailer Horror 1985 Ltbx DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 95min. Intergroove Media(Starlight Film) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Special Interest Restrepo - Die blutige Wahrheit des Krieges (OmU) Restrepo Dir. Tim Hetherington, Sebastian Junger Dokumentarfilm/Militär 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (E) 89min. Kinowelt Home Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Restrepo - Die blutige Wahrheit des Krieges (OmU) (Blu-ray) Restrepo Dir. Tim Hetherington, Sebastian Junger Interviews, Trailer Dokumentarfilm/Militär 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 93min. Kinowelt Home Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Seen On IMAX: Bears (Blu-ray) Bears Dokumentation DD 5.1 (D) 101min. KSM(NewKSM) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: LASER HOTLINE Seite 19


21 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA Animation Barney: 1, 2, 3 Learn Come along with Barney and his friends for a Tee-riffic adventure filled with shapes, numbers and letters! Join Baby Bop as she discovers that counting can lead to hidden treasures and that there s a carnival of shapes and colors for all to enjoy. And BJ uses the alphabet to help Riff get ready for his music concert in the park. Barney can t wait to show you that shapes, numbers and letters are the ticket to fun and friendship! Family, Preschool min. Lionsgate ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Bravestarr: The Complete Series Pat Fraley Now own and relive the entire 65 episodes of Bravestarr: The Series on DVD. This groundbreaking syndicated hit from the American animators of Filmation has all the mysticism, humor, futuristic fantasy and pulse-pounding action that you remember. Bravestarr is a space-aged Western that will take you to a new frontier! Family, Action, Western 1320min. Mill Creek Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Bravestarr: Volume 1 Pat Fraley His name is Marshall Bravestarr and he s come to the roughand-tumble planet of New Texas to bring some law to its anarchy. Aided by the shape-changing techno horse Thirty- Thirty and the beautiful Judge J.B., Bravestarr protects the settlers and miners from the motley villains that want to steal the valuable mineral Kerium. The outlaw Tex Hex and his gang have lots of technological weapons at their command - and occasional assists by the powerful phantom Stampede - but they re no match for Bravestarr s own powers: the strength of the bear, the speed of the puma, the eyes of the hawk, and the ears of the wolf! Family, Action, Western min. Mill Creek Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Bravestarr: Volume 2 Pat Fraley The Planet of New Texas needs a thousand lawmen... they got one!. His name is Marshall BraveStarr and he s come to the rough-and-tumble planet of New Texas to bring some law to its anarchy. Aided by the shape-changing techno horse, Thirty-Thirty, and the beautiful Judge J.B., BraveStarr protects the settlers and miners from the motley villains who want to steal the valuable mineral, Kerium. The outlaw, Tex Hex, and his gang have lots of technological weapons at their command - and occasional assists by the powerful phantom, Stampede - but they re no match for BraveStarr s own powers: the strength of the bear, the speed of the puma, the eyes of the hawk, and the ears of the wolf! Family, Action, Western min. Mill Creek Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Clifford: Dog Days Of Summer Every summer day, Clifford? sets out on fun-filled adventures with his friends and learns big lessons about friendship, loyalty, and other ways to be big! In these five playful stories, Clifford discovers that one of the best ways to be big is to always be truthful. From Emily Elizabeth teaching Clifford that it doesn t help to hide things, to T-Bone learning to do the right thing, to Cleo learning a lesson when she plays tricks on her friends, cuddly Clifford leads the way for neighbors and friends around Birdwell Island to learn how to be big by always being kind to each other and being truthful! Includes five stories: Special Delivery, Welcome to Birdwell Island, Doing the Right Thing, The Dog Who Cried Woof, and Jetta s Sweater. Family, Animated Animals 60min. Lionsgate ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Dora The Explorer: Dora Party Pack You re invited to some of Dora s biggest fiestas ever in this festive three-dvd box set! Kick things off with Dora s double-length birthday adventure! Laugh it up at the Super Silly Fiesta! Celebrate Dora s cousin s special 15th birthday party! Plus a Birthday Wizzle adventure, a pinata party, a surprise party for Boots, and more! It s a non-stop fiesta... in a box! Nickelodeon 2011 FF 293min. Nickelodeon ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Dumbo 70th Anniversary Edition Animated Animals, Disney, Family 64min. Disney / Buena Vista ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Dumbo 70th Anniversary Edition (Blu-Ray +DVD) (Blu-ray) For the first time ever, in celebration of this landmark film s 70th anniversary, experience the daring adventures of the world s only flying elephant with a dazzling all-new digital restoration and brilliant Disney Enhanced High Definition Theater Mix Sound. The inspirational tale of Dumbo, the courageous baby elephant who uses his sensational ears to soar to fame with the help of his clever best friend Timothy Q. Mouse, will thrill and delight audiences of all ages. And now, the award-winning music and empowering messages about friendship and belief in yourself reach new heights in this must-have Blu-ray high definition presentation of Walt Disney s animated classic, DUMBO! Animated Animals, Boxed Sets, Disney, Family 64min. Disney / Buena Vista ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Dumbo 70th Anniversary Edition (DVD+ Blu-Ray) Animated Animals, Boxed Sets, Disney, Family 64min. Disney / Buena Vista ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Go, Diego, Go!: Fiercest Animal Rescues! Fierce animals need rescuing too! Join Diego for a doublelength adventure recalling some of the fiercest animals he s ever rescued! Gorillas and grizzly bears, hippos and lions, even an octopus in Australia! And when a big jaguar is lost in a nearby village, Diego, Baby Jaguar, his team, and YOU need to save the day! Plus, help Diego rescue a Pampas cat and her kittens and a cotton-top tamarin lost in a cave! Educational, Nickelodeon min. Nickelodeon ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Gordon The Garden Gnome Family min. Millennium Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Gordon The Garden Gnome - Limited Edition Family min. Millennium Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Leap Frog: Sing And Learn With Us! Discover reading fun with 12 sing-along stories starring the Us band! Let reading take center stage with Al, Og, Meg, Izzy and Gus! Sing, laugh and learn about vowels with these animated tales Us - and you! Family 32min. Lionsgate tba BestellNr.: Madeline And Her Friends min. Shout Factory ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Pokemon Collector s Set Anime, Foreign, Japanese 330min ,90 EUR BestellNr.: The Scooby-Doo Collection (3 Pack) Three spooky Scooby mysteries at one low price! This 3-pack includes Scooby-Doo s Creepiest Capers, Scooby-Doo s Original Mysteries, and Scooby-Doo s Spookiest Tales. Animated Animals, Comedy, Family, Mystery min. Warner Bros ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Thomas & Friends: Thomas In Charge Clickity-Clack, Thomas is back in exciting, engine-packed adventures! Thomas and his friends are preparing for the Railway Inspector s visit to Knapford Station. But when the coal trucks crash, covering Gordon in soot, can Thomas take charge and help straighten out the mess? Find out as Thomas charges full steam ahead into fun! Family 50min. Lionsgate ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Tom And Jerry & The Wizard Of Oz Laraine Newman, Kath Soucie, Michael Gough, Grey Delisle, Rob Paulsen, Todd Stashwick Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Animated Animals, Animated Feature Films 2011 min. Warner Bros ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Tom And Jerry & The Wizard Of Oz (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) Laraine Newman, Kath Soucie, Michael Gough, Grey Delisle, Rob Paulsen, Todd Stashwick Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Animated Animals, Animated Feature Films 2011 min. Warner Bros ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Transformers: More Than Meets the Eye - The Complete Series Four million years after crash-landing on an unfamiliar planet, sentient robots with the ability to disguise themselves as common vehicles awaken on present-day Earth. Engaged in a crucial race to find a new energy source for their home planet of Cybertron, Optimus Prime and the heroic Autobots must defend the innocent people of Earth against their archnemeses, Megatron and the power-hungry Decepticons. Action, Boxed Sets, Giant Robots, Robots / Androids, Science Fiction min. Shout Factory ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Young Justice: Volume One Bruce Greenwood, Jesse McCartney, Danica McKellar, Khary Payton, Stephanie Lemelin, Nolan North Based On Comic Book, Cartoon Network, Superheroes, Action 2010 min. Warner Bros ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Film 10 Violent Women Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem Persönlichen Importservice -Vertrag ** LASER HOTLINE Seite 21

22 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA Melodie Belle, Dixie Lauren, Georgia Morgan, Lyle Peskin, Sherri Vernon Good girls turn bad and end up in a women s prison with a sadistic warden. Action, Classics, Drama 1979 min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: Assassins (Blu-ray + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) Cult director Takeshi Miike (Ichi the Killer, Audition) delivers a bravado action film set at the end of Japan s feudal era in which a brave group of elite samurai are enlisted to bring down a sadistic lord and his army to prevent him from ascending to the throne and plunging the country into a war torn future. Historical / Period Piece, Action min. Magnolia Home Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Assassins (DVD + Digital Copy) Cult director Takeshi Miike (Ichi the Killer, Audition) delivers a bravado action film set at the end of Japan s feudal era in which a brave group of elite samurai are enlisted to bring down a sadistic lord and his army to prevent him from ascending to the throne and plunging the country into a war torn future. Action, Historical / Period Piece 125min. Magnolia Home Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: About Adam / Down To You (Double Feature) Freddie Prinze Jr., Rosario Dawson, Selma Blair, Julia Stiles, Kate Hudson, Lucie Arnaz, Charlotte Bradley, Cathleen Bradley, Rosaleen Linehan, Ashton Kutcher, Shawn Hatosy, Stuart Townsend, Zak Orth, Tommy Tiernan, Alan Maher Academy Award nominee Kate Hudson (Almost Famous, Best Supporting Actress, 2000; Dr. T And The Women) shines in this sexy comedy about three sisters and the one guy who offers them everything they ve been looking for! When carefree Lucy (Hudson) finally meets her perfect man, Adam (Stuart Townsend - 24 Hours, Wonderland), she s ready to give up her wild ways and settle down for good...with a trip to the altar. But while Lucy is busy making plans for her wedding, Adam is busy charming the rest of her family! The only question is: does anyone really know the truth about Adam? Also featuring Frances O Connor (A.I. Artificial Intelligence, Mansfield Park) in an outstanding cast - critics everywhere are raving about this witty, sophisticated and uncommonly entertaining comedy treat - and so will you! Hot screen favorites Freddie Prinze Jr. (She s All That, I Know What You Did Last Summer) and Julia Stiles (10 Things I Hate About You) sizzle in a fun and sexy comedy where the magic of first love collides with the challenges of real life! From the moment they meet amid the chaos of college in New York Ci Romance, Comedy, Drama, Dysfunctional Families min ,90 EUR BestellNr.: The Adjustment Bureau Thrillers, Action 106min. Universal Studios ,90 EUR BestellNr.: The Adjustment Bureau (Blu-ray) Thrillers, Boxed Sets, Action 106min. Universal Studios ,90 EUR BestellNr.: After Image Louise Fletcher, Terrylene, John Mellencamp, Billy Burke, Michael Twaine The Killer Is Closer Than You Think. Grammy winner John Mellencamp (Falling From Grace) stars with Academy Award winner Louise Fletcher (One Flew Over The Cuckoo s Nest, Best Actress, 1975; Cruel Intentions) in an intense, psychological crime story that delivers thrills in the must-see tradition of Insomnia and One Hour Photo! Burned out after seeing one too many homicides, crime scene photographer Joe McCormack (Mellencamp) takes a leave of absence and returns to his childhood home. There he finds the aunt who raised him (Fletcher) ailing and being cared for by Laura, a young deaf woman (Terrylene, Natural Born Killers). Joe and Laura ignite an instant attraction, but their romance is thrown off course when Laura experiences visions of upcoming murders! Together, they begin to slowly unravel clues about the gruesome crimes! Stylish, suspenseful and highly entertaining - you can t look away from After Image as Joe and Laura learn that the killer is closer to them than they could have ever imagined! Serial Killers, Horror min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: Albino Alligator Matt Dillon, Gary Sinise, Faye Dunaway, Joe Mantegna, William Fichtner, Viggo Mortensen, Skeet Ulrich, John Spencer, Emmet M. Walsh They Planned The Perfect Crime Until It All Went Perfectly Wrong!. An intense, all-star action-thriller, Albino Alligator is directed by Academy Award winner Kevin Spacey (1995 Best Supporting Actor - The Usual Suspects). Matt Dillon and Emmy winner Gary Sinise play brothers Dova and Milo... a couple of small-time crooks suddenly in war over their heads! When a holdup goes terribly wrong, the robbers flee to a local bar, desperately taking everyone inside hostage! With nowhere to run and time running out, it s a deadly situation where every second counts! Also starring Golden Globe winner Faye Dunaway (1999 Best Supporting Actress, Gia) - expect unexpected twists and turns, all leading to an incredibly explosive climax! Thrillers, Crime, Drama min ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Alice: Season 1 Drama, Foreign, HBO, Portuguese min. Maya Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Another Stakeout (Blu-ray) Richard Dreyfuss, Emilio Estevez, Dennis Farina, Cathy Moriarty, Marcia Strassman Academy Award winner Richard Dreyfuss (1977 Best Actor - Goodbye Girl, What About Bob?, Mr. Holland s Opus) and Emilio Estevez (Stakeout, Young Guns, The Mighty Ducks) are back as the hilarious hard charging Seattle detectives - this time forced to go undercover with an inexperienced Assistant D.A. (comedian Rosie O Donnell - A League of their Own, Sleepless in Seattle, Beautiful Girls). With Dreyfuss and O Donnell posing as husband and wife and Estevez charading as their grown son, chaos and calamity prevail as they spy on neighbors suspected of hiding an escaped Mafia witness on the run from the Feds and a mob hit man! This crowd pleasing favorite delivers edge-of-your-seat excitement and nonstop laughs - you ll love it! Comedy, Cops, Crime, Action min. Mill Creek Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Apt Pupil (Blu-ray) Ian McKellen, Brad Renfro If You Don t Believe In The Existence Of Evil, You ve Got A Lot To Learn.. Ian McKellen and Brad Rentro star in a dark drama about a sixteen-year-old honor student who recognizes an old man living in his hometown as a hunted Nazi. Compelled to reveal the secrets of his death camp pat to earn the boy s silence, the German fugitive derives a sinister scheme to implicate the teenager in a dangerous psychological game. Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Stephen King, Teachers, Thrillers min. Image Ent ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Bajo La Sal / Backyard (Double Feature) Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Thrillers, Crime, Drama, Foreign, Mexican min. Maya Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Baran Hosein Mahjoob, Mohammad Amir Naji, Hossein Abedini, Zahra Bahrami, Hossein Rahimi From the Director of The Oscar Nominated Children of Heaven!. Winner for Best Film at the Montreal Film Festival, this wonderfully romantic and uplifting story is from the acclaimed director of the Academy Award nominee Children of Heaven! In a Tehran building site, a 17-year-old Iranian named Lateef is known more for his playful antics than his hard work. Then things take an unexpected turn when an Afghan coworker falls from the building and the worker s son, Rahmat, enters the scene to become the new provider for his family. But even as Lateef finds himself irresistibly drawn to Rahmat, it s not until the revelation of Rahmat s secret (that he is actually a young woman, posing as a man) that both of their lives are forever changed! A humorous and moving love story of the most romantic kind - critics everywhere have declared this delightfully entertaining motion picture as one not to be missed! Romance, Adventure, Drama, Foreign, Iranian min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: The Barbarian Invasions Stephane Rousseau, Remy Girard, Roy Dupuis, Markita Boies, Dorothee Berryman, Marina Hands, Dominique Michel, Louise Portal, Johanne Marie Tremblay, Isabelle Blais, Toni Cecchinato, Yves Jacques, Pierre Curzi, Mitsou Gelinas, Denys Arcand, Denise Robert, Daniel Louis, Denys Arcand A Funny Look At All The Things That Invade Our Lives.. Academy Award winner for Best Foreign Language Film, The Barbarian Invasions is a provocative look at the many ties that bind a group of friends and lovers! It s not easy for a narrow-minded professor (Rémy Girard) to reconcile with his equally stubborn son. But soon, father and son find themselves gathering with their wide and colorful circle of family and friends to confront their differences, confess their secrets and celebrate life! Winner of the Best Actress (Marie-Josée Croze) and Best Screenplay awards at the prestigious Cannes Film Festival, this outstanding motion picture has been hailed by critics everywhere as one of the years best! Romance, Academy Award Winners, Art House, Canadian, Comedy, Drama, Foreign min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: Batman / Batman Returns (Double Feature) Danny DeVito, Michelle Pfeiffer, Kim Basinger, Christopher Walken, Jack Nicholson, Michael Keaton The world rediscovered one of its greatest superheroes and filmmaker Tim Burton (Alice in Wonderland) found a subject to match his dark stylings in the Academy Award -winning* Batman, a thrilling tale of origins and inevitable clash that has Bruce Wayne (Michael Keaton) becoming the Caped Crusader and the cackling, vile Joker (Jack Nicholson) emerging from an acid vat to terrorize Gotham City. Kim Basinger co-stars as Vicki Vale. The director, the star, the excitement - all return for Batman Returns as the caped hero swoops into action against scheming tycoon Max Shreck (Christopher Walken) and that diabolical denizen of Winter Underland, the Penguin (Danny DeVito). Adding to the mayhem: mysterious Catwoman (Michelle Pfeiffer) has her claws out, but for whom? Superheroes, Academy Award Winners, Action, Adventure, Based On Comic Book, Double Features 252min. Warner Bros ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Batman Forever / Batman & Robin (Double Feature) Uma Thurman, Nicole Kidman, George Clooney, Val Kilmer, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jim Carrey, Tommy Lee Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem Persönlichen Importservice -Vertrag ** LASER HOTLINE Seite 22

23 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA Jones, Joel Schumacher Joel Schumacher (The Lost Boys) directs the exciting third and fourth hit movies in the quadrilogy that rejuvenated the Batman franchise. Riddle me this, riddle me that... Val Kilmer puts on the hero s cape and Two-Face (Tommy Lee Jones) and the Riddler (Jim Carrey) join forces, in Batman Forever. Nicole Kidman as Dr. Chase Meridian and Chris O Donnell as Robin also star. The threat of eternal winter in Gotham City can t keep the action from heating up in Batman & Robin. Mr. Freeze (Arnold Schwarzenegger) aims to put the world on ice, making Batman (George Clooney) and Robin (O Donnell) his anti-polar opposites. Uma Thurman as Poison Ivy and Alicia Silverstone as Batgirl also star. Chill out with this dazzling doubleheader of star-packed spectaculars. Superheroes, Action, Adventure, Based On Comic Book, Double Features 247min. Warner Bros ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Battle: Los Angeles Aaron Eckhart, Ramon Rodriguez Y Su..., Michelle Rodriguez, Bridget Moynahan, Michael Pena Science Fiction, Thrillers, Action, Alien Invasions, Aliens, Military min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Battle: Los Angeles (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Aaron Eckhart, Ramon Rodriguez Y Su..., Michelle Rodriguez, Bridget Moynahan, Michael Pena Military, Action, Alien Invasions, Aliens, Science Fiction, Thrillers min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Battle: Los Angeles (Blu-ray) Aaron Eckhart, Ramon Rodriguez Y Su..., Michelle Rodriguez, Bridget Moynahan, Michael Pena Military, Action, Alien Invasions, Aliens, Science Fiction, Thrillers min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Beastly Vanessa Hudgens, Alex Pettyfer, Daniel Barnz, Daniel Barnz Seventeen-year-old Kyle (Alex Pettyfer) is the spoiled, shallow and incredibly popular prince of his high school kingdom. Kyle foolishly chooses Kendra (Mary-Kate Olsen), a witch masquerading as a high school student, as his latest target for humiliation. In order to teach Kyle a lesson, Kendra transforms him into someone as unattractive on the outside as he is on the inside. Now he has one year to find someone to love him, or he will remain Beastly forever. A quiet classmate he never noticed named Lindy (Vanessa Hudgens) may be his best chance to prove that love is never ugly. Romance, Drama, Fantasy, High School min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Beastly (Blu-ray) Vanessa Hudgens, Alex Pettyfer, Daniel Barnz, Daniel Barnz Seventeen-year-old Kyle (Alex Pettyfer) is the spoiled, shallow and incredibly popular prince of his high school kingdom. Kyle foolishly chooses Kendra (Mary-Kate Olsen), a witch masquerading as a high school student, as his latest target for humiliation. In order to teach Kyle a lesson, Kendra transforms him into someone as unattractive on the outside as he is on the inside. Now he has one year to find someone to love him, or he will remain Beastly forever. A quiet classmate he never noticed named Lindy (Vanessa Hudgens) may be his best chance to prove that love is never ugly. Drama, Fantasy, High School, Romance min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Beautiful Girls Natalie Portman, Matt Dillon, Timothy Hutton, Uma Thurman, Michael Rapaport, Mira Sorvino, Martha Plimpton An all-star cast sparks this captivating comedy about a group of old friends whose 10-year high school reunion creates some hilariously unexpected surprises. Willie, Tommy, and Paul may have lost a bit of their youth, but they re still ready to party with Uma Thurman, Rosie O Donnell, Lauren Holly and Mira Sorvino - the beautiful girls who ve turned their world upside down! Also featuring a hot soundtrack, Beautiful Girls, is a must-see comic delight that s sure to entertain you! Romance, Comedy, Drama min ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Beneath Loch Ness Lysette Anthony, Lysa Apostle, Adria Dawn, Patrick Bergin, Vernon Wells, Brian Wimmer, David Andriole, Christopher Taaffe Descend into fear!. In this edge-of-your-seat thriller, some of the world s top scientific researchers learn why no one has lived to solve the age-old mystery of what lies Beneath Loch Ness! When a renowned paleontologist is killed while attempting to prove his theories about Loch Ness, it s up to his protégé, Case Howell, to lead a second expedition into the murky depths of the Loch! There, trapped amid a series of uncharted labyrinths, Case makes a deadly discovery: a terrifying giant creature thought extinct for millions of years! Directed by the special effects master behind Rush Hour, Dungeons & Dragons, Blade, and Mortal Kombat: Annihilation- get ready for a pulse-pounding adventure as Case is forced to use every high-tech weapon at his disposal to make it back to the surface alive! Thrillers, Action, Horror min ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Beowulf Christopher Lambert, Rhona Mitra, Patricia Velasquez, Layla Roberts, Oliver Cotton, Gotz Otto A Fortress At The Edge Of Darkness. An Enemy Within That Only One Man Can Conquer!. Christopher Lambert (Mortal Kombat, Highlander) stars in this futuristic update of the classic poem written in 900 AD and set in a world of supernatural evil and inexplicable danger! Torn from a legend whose roots are buried in the mists of time, Beowulf is half man - half god. Living in a techno-futile world of the future, a medieval land where technology s secrets are locked away in a mute past, Beowulf fights his way through a besieging army and into a mysterious ominous castle on the edge of nowhere to face and evil within...a beastly spawn of man and demon named Grendel. Now he must fight to the death in order to quell the raging violence hidden deep in his own bedeviled soul! Science Fiction, Dark Ages, Fantasy min ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Best Of Collection: Here s Lucy Lucille Ball, Gale Gordon, Lucie Arnaz The legendary queen of television comedy, Lucille Ball, is joined by her real-life children, Lucie Arnaz and Desi Arnaz Jr., in her third long-running sitcom success. Ball plays Lucille Carter, widowed mother of teenagers Kim and Craig. Lucy works for her brother-in-law Harry, played by Gale Gordon, who owns Carter s Unique Employment Agency, leading Lucy into endless predicaments and hilarious hijinks. Featured episodes: Lucy & The Great Airport Chase Lucy Meets The Burtons Lucy & Mannix Are Held Hostage Lucy Goes On Her Last Blind Date Lucy & Joan Rivers Do Jury Duty Lucy Is N.G. As An R.N. Lucy & Joe Namath Comedy min. MPI ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Best Of Collection: The Color Honeymooners Jackie Gleason, Jane Kean, Sheila MacRae, Art Carney The Color Honerymooners. Joining the cast are singeractresses Sheila MacRae as Ralph s wife Alice and Jane Kean as Ed s wife Trixie. The Color Honeymooners. Comedy, Musical min. MPI ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Best Of Collection: The Honeymooners Lost Episodes Jackie Gleason, Audrey Meadows, Joyce Randolph, Art Carney From the moment they first appeared on the Dumont Network s Calvacade Of Stars variety show in 1951,The Honeymooners became an American television treasure. When star Jackie Gleason was given his own show the following year on CBS-TV, he took his creation of The Honeymooners with him. Through 1957, dozens of classic comedy sketches followed, featuring beleaguered Brooklyn bus driver Ralph Kramden, his suffering wife Alice and their best friends, sewer worker Ed Norton and ex-dancer Trixie. The Honeymooners: The Lost Episodes are a selection of rare sketches that originally aired only once on the live telecasts of The Jackie Gleason Show from and were preserved only as kinescope films. These historic programs remain as hilarious now as when they were first seen over half-a-century ago. Featured Episodes: Stand In For Murder Principle of the Thing A Weighty Problem A Little Man Who Wasn t There Songwriters Comedy 1952 min. MPI ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Best Of Lucy And Friends (Collector s Tin) Lucille Ball The Lucy Show ( , CBS). Originally, Lucy worked for the First National Bank in Danfield, Connecticut, clashing often with her boss, the cantankerous Mr. Barnsdahl. But when he was replaced by Theodore Mooney (played by Gale Gordon) the show really took off, creating one of television s most memorable friendly feuds, with Carmichael-created chaos causing Mr. Mooney endless distress. Throughout the series - also known as The Lucille Ball Show - name guest stars appeared to give the show added allure, including Jack Benny, Carol Burnett and John Wayne. This set includes six Bonus Episodes of Life With Elizabeth. Disc 1 Lucy and Viv Put in a Shower Lucy s Barbershop Quartet Lucy with George Burns Lucy and the Submarine Lucy the Bean Queen Lucy and Paul Winchell Lucy and the Ring-A-Ding Ring Lucy Flies to London Lucy Gets a Roommate Lucy and Carol in Palm Springs Disc 2 Lucy Gets Caught Up in the Draft Lucy and John Wayne Lucy and Pat Collins Lucy and the Monkey Lucy and the Efficiency Expert Lucy s Substitute Secretary Viv Visits Lucy Lucy the Babysitter Main Street U.S.A. Lucy Meets the Law Disc 3 Classics, Collections, Comedy, Senior Interest 1015min. Mill Creek Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Betsy s Wedding (Blu-ray) Burt Young, Molly Ringwald, Ally Sheedy, Madeline Kahn, Alan Alda, Joe Pesci, Joey Bishop Sometimes the wedding picture doesn t tell the real story!. Like Parenthood and Moonstruck, Betsy s Wedding is a funny, feel good movie about a wonderfully eccentric family and their hilarious trials and tribulations - it s about everything but their daughter s wedding! Anything can and does happen when the funky bride-to-be casually announces her engagement, setting off a series of crazy events, including accidental meetings with the mob, oddball romances, and riotous revenge schemes! Betsy s Wedding is the perfect comedy hit, featuring an all-star cast and an irreverent story filled with all the warmth, wackiness, and humor you won t want to miss! Comedy, Family Relationships, Romance min. Mill Creek Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem Persönlichen Importservice -Vertrag ** LASER HOTLINE Seite 23

24 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA Big Business (Blu-ray) Bette Midler, Lily Tomlin Mixed up at birth, two sets of twins finally meet their match.. Bette Midler (The First Wives Club, Beaches) and Lily Tomlin (Disney s The Kid, All of Me, 9 to 5)- the first ladies of laughter - star in this critically acclaimed box office hit about two sets of identical twins who are mismatched at birth. Forty years later, their paths cross amid the hustle and bustle of Manhattan, and the result is unrestrained pandemonium. New York s opulent Plaza Hotel is the setting for a wildly hilarious, classic case of mistaken identities, split personalities, and double trouble! With the unparalleled comedic talents of Midler and Tomlin, two s company - four s a riot! Comedy, On The Job min. Mill Creek Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Blow Dry Alan Rickman, Rachael Leigh Cook, Rachel Griffiths, Natasha Richardson, Rosemary Harris, Heidi Klum, Bill Nighy, Josh Hartnett, Warren Clarke An outrageous new comedy for anyone who s ever had hair.. Starring Rachel Leigh Cook (She s All That), Josh Hartnett (Pearl Harbor) and Alan Rickman (Galaxy Quest) in a great ensemble cast - the Academy Award -nominated writer of The Full Monty has crafted a hilarious story about the things everyone wants in life: love, happiness and great hair! As the National Hair Championships descend upon a small town in England, the country s top stylists aren t expecting much from the local talent. But they didn t count on Phil Allen (Rickman), the retired golden boy of the competition circuit, entering the fray! Also starring Natasha Richardson (The Parent Trap), Rachel Griffiths (My Best Friend s Wedding) and supermodel Heidi Klum - laugh along as the locals dazzle the out-oftowners with some hair do s... and don ts! Romance, Comedy, Drama 1997 min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: Blues Ari Graynor, Sydney Tamiia Poitier, Marcus Folmar, Henry G. Sanders Ty Hodges (TV s Even Stevens) and Steve Connell (The Beat) star in this riviting and explosive crime thriller from Sundance Film Festival alum Brandon Sonnier (The Beat). Co-starring Sydney Tamiia Poitier (Quentin Tarantino s Death Proof), Ari Graynor (Nick & Norah s Infinite Playlist), Henry G. Sanders (Rocky Balboa) and Peter Gail (JarHead). Chile (Hodges) and Head (Connell), two wannabe thugs, get more than they bargained for when they duck into a Blues joint while on the run from the cops. The seventy-year-old owner of the club and his staff, each societal misfits in their own right, become hostages and bear witness to an intense journey of self discovery as Chile and Head move down vastly divergent paths. When the situation explodes into violence, each person must look deep inside himself to discover what they are truly made of. A hero can be found in each of us...but so can a villain. Thrillers, Crime 2008 min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: Bond Of Silence Kim Raver, Rebecca Jenkins, Magda Apanowicz, Haley Ramm, Nicole Oliver, Greg Grunberg, Jesse Moss, David Cubitt, Rob LaBelle, Charlie McDermott In Bond of Silence, Kim Raver stars as Katy McIntosh, a woman whose husband, Bob (David Cubitt), is mysteriously murdered while trying to quell a wild teenage house party on New Year s Eve. Searching for answers about her husband s death, Katy faces a shroud of secrecy from the teens and their protective parents as they attempt to prevent her from finding out the truth. Greg Grunberg stars as Paul Jackson, the detective helping Katy uncover the secrets behind what really happened. TV Movies, Drama min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Born Innocent Mary Murphy, Kim Hunter, Linda Blair, Tina Andrews, Joanna Miles, Allyn Ann McLerie, Janit Baldwin, Sandra Ego, Richard Jaeckal, Nora Heflin, Mitch Vogel Linda Blair delivers a flawless performance as Chris Parker, a 14-year-old repeat runaway who has been detained by police. When her father refuses to take her back, Chris is made a ward of the court and sent to the State Home for Girls. There, she falls victim to an indifferent juvenile justice system that cannot help the troubled teens it merely warehouses. Critics called Born Innocent raw and uncompromising. This DVD edition includes a graphic rape scene considered so shocking on its initial NBC network broadcast that it was cut from subsequent syndication prints. NBC, Drama, Troubled Youth, TV Movies min. Hen s Tooth ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Bounty Hunters Michael Dudlkoff, Lisa Howard, Ashanti Williams, Benjamin Ratner, Freddy Andreuici They Want Him Alive But The Mob Wants Him Dead!. Loaded with nonstop action - this thrilling, high-powered motion picture stars Michael Dudikoff (Ringmaster, American Ninja 2)! Dudikoff is a bounty hunter who forms an uneasy partnership with a rival to capture a fugitive. But the hunters soon discover that the crook is also the man the mob most wants dead! Ready to battle anyone in their way, these hardhitting Bounty Hunters won t quit until they ve brought in their man... and brought down the mob! Action, Bounty Hunters, Drama 1997 min ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Buffalo Bill Jr: Volume 3 Young western hero rides the range with his kid sister Calamity is four episodes of the vintage TV series. Western, Drama 1955 min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: Burn Notice: The Fall Of Sam Axe Bruce Campbell Bruce Campbell stars in this explosive, feature-length adventure from the secret files of Burn Notice! On his final mission as a Navy Seal, Commander Sam Axe (Campbell) is sent deep into the jungles of South America, where a deadly terrorist organization threatens innocent lives. But when Sam discovers that he is merely a pawn in a far-reaching and diabolical plot, he must fight to stay alive long enough to stop the real terrorists - at any cost. Packed with gritty thrills and wry humor, this never-before-seen extended cut of The Fall of Sam Axe is action on the cutting edge! Action, Adventure 2011 Ltbx DD min. 20th Century Fox ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Burn Notice: The Fall Of Sam Axe (Blu-ray) Bruce Campbell Bruce Campbell stars in this explosive, feature-length adventure from the secret files of Burn Notice! On his final mission as a Navy Seal, Commander Sam Axe (Campbell) is sent deep into the jungles of South America, where a deadly terrorist organization threatens innocent lives. But when Sam discovers that he is merely a pawn in a far-reaching and diabolical plot, he must fight to stay alive long enough to stop the real terrorists - at any cost. Packed with gritty thrills and wry humor, this never-before-seen extended cut of The Fall of Sam Axe is action on the cutting edge! Action, Adventure 2011 Ltbx DTS 108min. 20th Century Fox ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Butterfly Uxia Blanco, Alexis De Los Santos, Guillermo Toledo, Manuel Lozano, Fernando Fernan Gomez, Gonzalo Martin Uriarte A powerful tale about growing up in a country growing apart.. Acclaimed by critics and featuring legendary star Fernando Fernan Gomez (All About My Mother), Butterfly is a heartwarming tale about a young boy growing up in a small Spanish town. Moncho is timid and fearful as he starts school for the first time. But with the nurturing guidance of his kind and devoted teacher, Don Gregorio (Fernan Gomez), a world of possibilities begins to open up for young Moncho. As the school year comes to a close, however, civil war begins sweeping across the country, forcing the boy s family and community to choose between the fight for freedom and the threat of persecution! An amazing story of family and friendship during a time of extreme conflict you re sure to enjoy this magical motion picture! Spanish, Drama, Foreign 1999 min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: Cafe Jennifer Love Hewitt, Jamie Kennedy Art House, Drama min. Maya Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Capadocia: Un Lugar Sin Perdon Ana de la Reguera, Cecilia Suarez, Dolores Heredia To restore order in the prisons of Mexico City it will become necessary to undertake urgent reform. Such reform will come at great cost to those unfortunate prisoners forced to serve as test subjects in a new prison privately referred to as the place without forgiveness. Devised by a group of greedy businessmen who bribe the government with the promise of cheap forced labor, this experimental prison soon attracts unwanted attention, particularly from social activists. One activist in particular, Teresa Lagos, struggles to outsmart Federico Marquez, a lawyer hired to ensure the commercial viability of the new prison. This forces the Mayor of Mexico City, Santiago Marin (Teresa s former husband), to immediately open the doors of Capadocia. And thus begins a journey into a hell that knows no bounds, and has no exits. Crime, Drama, HBO min. Maya Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Ceremony Sam (Angarano) convinces a best friend to spend a weekend with him at a beachside estate owned by a famous filmmaker (Pace). Unbeknownst to the friend, Sam has ulterior motives to woo the filmmaker s fiancée, Zoe (Thurman), and thwart her upcoming nuptials. Romance, Comedy 90min. Magnolia Home Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Ceremony (Blu-ray) Sam (Angarano) convinces a best friend to spend a weekend with him at a beachside estate owned by a famous filmmaker (Pace). Unbeknownst to the friend, Sam has ulterior motives to woo the filmmaker s fiancée, Zoe (Thurman), and thwart her upcoming nuptials. Romance, Comedy 90min. Magnolia Home Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Chained Heat / Red Heat / Jungle Warriors (Women In Prison Triple Feature) Mr. Skin and Panik House Entertainment Present the Unholy Trinity of Women in Prison Films! Chained Heat, widely regarded as the greatest women-in-prison film of all time, finally comes to DVD in a totally uncut, re-mastered version. This triple-pack of boobs behind bars mid-80s exploitation classics will only be in print for a limited time. Linda Blair (The Exorcist) stars as Carol Henderson, a woman sentenced to 18 months in federal prison after accidentally killing a man. With the perverted warden (John Vernon, Animal House) seducing the inmates and two rival gangs fighting a race war, Carol struggles to survive her remaining days in the sleazy slammer. Also stars cult film favorites Sybil Danning, Tamara Dobson and Stella Stevens. Newly re-mastered in anamorphic widescreen and presented totally uncut for the first time in North America! Linda Blair heads back to prison as American tourist Christine Carlson, a woman wrongly sentenced to three years in a brutal East German penitentiary after being forced to admit to false charges of espionage. Tormented by the evil prisoner Sofia (Sylvia Kris Prison, Triple Feature, Action, Crime, Cult Film / TV, Erotica 295min. CAV ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Chasing Amy: The Criterion Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem Persönlichen Importservice -Vertrag ** LASER HOTLINE Seite 24


26 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA Collection Jason Lee, Joey Lauren Adams, Kevin Smith, Ben Affleck, Jason Mewes, Dwight Ewell Romance, Art House, Comedy, Criterion Collection, Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: Children Of The Corn 7: Revelation Michael Ironside, Kyle Cassie, Claudette Mink The All-New Terror-Filled Chapter!. Based on the chilling story Children Of The Corn by Stephen King, Revelation is the next shocking chapter in this ever-popular series of suspense thrillers! When calls to her eccentric grandmother go unanswered, Jamie Lowell is shocked to discover that her grandmother s last known address is a condemned tenement building overrun by uncontrolled children! But as Jamie slowly uncovers the truth behind her grandmother s mysterious disappearance, she merely disturbs a powerful evil that now seeks to destroy Jamie as well! Thrillers, Horror min ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Children Of The Revolution Geoffrey Rush, Judy Davis, Rachel Griffiths, Sam Neill, F. Murray Abraham, Richard Roxburgh A Comedy about the ultimate Party Animals!. This outrageous comedy won outstanding critical acclaim for its wild humor and award-winning cast of stars! After a mad, passionate fling on a whirlwind trip to Moscow, party girl Joan Fraser (Judy Davis - Celebrity) returns home pregnant. And when little Joe is born, everyone wonders who Daddy is! Soon, the ball starts rolling on a hilarious sequence of events that includes a clueless husband (Academy Award Winner Geoffrey Rush, Best Actor - Shine; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, Frida), a lovesick double agent (Sam Neill - Jurassic Park Trilogy), a kinky cop (Rachel Griffiths - TV s Six Feet Under) and even Joseph Stalin himself (Academy Award winner F. Murray Abraham, Best Actor - Amadeus, Finding Forrester)! Get ready for nonstop laughs in the madcap, all-star comedy that takes a wild look at... the ultimate party animals! Art House, Australian, Comedy, Drama, Foreign min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: The Chorus Marie Bunel, Christophe Barratier, Jacques Perrin, Arthur Cohn, Nicolas Mauvernay, Christophe Barratier An inspirational story in the rich tradition of Music Of The Heart and Mr. Holland s Opus, The Chorus has moved critics everywhere to declare it one of the year s very best films! When he takes a job teaching music at a school for troubled boys, Clement Mathieu is unprepared for its harsh discipline and depressing atmosphere. But with passion and unconventional teaching methods, he s able to spark his students interest in music and bring them a newfound joy! It also puts him at odds with the school s overbearing headmaster, however, locking Mathieu in a battle between politics and the determination to change his pupils lives! On The Job, Teachers, Drama min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: Chump Change Tim Matheson, Traci Lords, Anne Meara, Amy Stiller, Fred Willard, Clancy Brown, Jerry Stiller, Abe Vigoda, A.J. Benza The movie Hollywood doesn t want you to see!. Funnyman Jerry Stiller (Zoolander, TV s The King of Queens), Tim Matheson (Van Wilder, Animal House), Traci Lords (Blade) and Fred Willard (American Wedding, A Mighty Wind) poke merciless fun at the overblown culture of Hollywood in this award-winning comedy (Winner Audience Award - Best Feature and Best Actress - HBO U.S. Comedy Arts Festival 2001). When TV s Merv Griffin sues him, a frustrated commercial actor called Milwaukee Steve (Stephen Burrows) unwittingly stumbles into the notoriety he s longed for! As he rides the wave of undeserved popularity, Steve discovers that life in Hollywood s fleeting limelight can be just as maddening as rejection! But even though a return to his childhood home of Milwaukee doesn t give him what he s looking for... it might just get him what he needs! In the irreverent tradition of Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back, you ll laugh out loud as this hilarious comedy dares to compare the insane business of Hollywood with the equally insane, but completely mundane, Comedy, Film About Film min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: Classic Westerns Collector s Set V. 2 George Kennedy, Clint Walker, John Carradine, Richard Boone, Patrick Wayne, Barry Sullivan, Dale Robertson Four classic western titles featuring stories of weaponry, rebellion and lawless territories. Includes: U.S. Marshal Dave Harmon has been appointed by the Governor to bring order to the Yuma Territory - an area known for running off any lawman who dares to bring the rowdies to heel. Includes three bonus films. When a small band of cavalry - transporting the newfangled gun to their fort - cross hostile territory, they find themselves in a battle with a tribe of Apache Indians hellbent on confiscating the weapon. Includes three bonus films. General George A. Custer - spurred on by anti-indian hatred - engages the proud Chief Sitting Bull in the climactic and illfated Battle of the Little Big Horn. Native Americans, Action, Drama, TV Movies, War, Western 374min ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Classic Westerns Collector s Set V. 3 Slim Pickens, Lee Van Cleef, Burt Lancaster Four classic Westerns featuring stories of seeking revenge, righting wrongs and forming unlikely partnerships. Starring Lee Van Cleef, Slim Pickens, Burt Lancaster and more. Includes: Bill- a witness to the robbery and murder of his parents when he was just a boy - embarks on a quest to hunt down the gang responsible. In an ironic twist of events, he teams up with one of the outlaws he is searching for him who is also in pursuit of vengeance. Includes three bonus films. A quick-witted gunslinger flees his own hanging and poses as a traveling preacher he discovers dead in the desert. Includes three bonus films. Distraught by the murder of his parents and the kidnapping of his sister, a teenaged boy enlists the help of a gunslinger to seek revenge. Includes three bonus films. Jealousy between brothers leads to lies, confrontation and an abundance of plot twists and turns - including an illegitimate child and attempted murder - before a righteous resolution is reached. Includes three bonus films. Western min ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Consenting Adults (Blu-ray) Kevin Kline, David Permut, Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio, Kevin Spacey, E.G. Marshall How Much Would You Risk for Passion!. Academy Award winner Kevin Kline (1988 Best Supporting Actor - A Fish Called Wanda), Mary Elizabeth Mastroantonio (The Perfect Storm) and Academy Award winner Kevin Spacey (1999 Best Actor - American Beauty) heat up the screen in Consenting Adults, the spine-tingling sexy thriller that seduced audiences and critics alike. When two couples living next door to each other grow too close, one of the husbands risks everything for a passion he can t resist - his neighbor s wife. His temptation traps the foursome in a shocking web of betrayal and murder. And now accused of a crime he didn t commit, he must race against time to save his family from a shocking fate. Directed by master of suspense Alan J. Pakula (Presumed Innocent), this erotic thriller twists and turns as tension builds to a sensational heart-stopping climax! Drama, Romance, Thrillers min. Mill Creek Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Copycat (Blu-ray) Holly Hunter, J.E. Freeman, Sigourney Weaver, Will Patton, Dermot Mulroney, Harry Connick Jr., William McNamara, John Rothman One man is copying the most notorious killers in history. One at a time. Together, two women must stop him from killing again. Or they re next.. One of the best-reviewed thrillers of recent years is Copycat, an adrenaline pumper about the desperate hunt for a mass murderer who copies serial killers of the recent past. An ambitious San Francisco homicide detective and a noted criminal psychologist piece together a jigsaw puzzle of crime as they close in on a friend with a knack for staying a step ahead...and leaving a body behind. Cops, Action, Serial Killers, Stalkers, Thrillers min. Warner Bros ,90 EUR BestellNr.: The Corner On the front lines of America s drug war, one family is living in the crossfire.. Every city in America has a corner. To parents, it s a place their children should avoid. To cops, it s the front line on what has become known as the war on drugs. But to the addicts who go there, it s the most vital piece of real estate in their desperate day-to-day lives. Acclaimed actor Charles S. Dutton, who grew up on the same East Baltimore streets, directs the miniseries, which chronicles the cycle of a year at the corner through the lives of 15-year-old DeAndre McCullough, his mother Fran, and father Gary, along with the lives of their friends, their enemies, and their neighbors. Often at the forefront, sometimes in the background, but always present in their lives is the world of illicit drugs - heroin and cocaine - the need that fuels the business, and the Drama, HBO min. HBO Home Video ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Cowboy G-Men: Volume 5 Brave lawmen of the Old West confront criminals in four episodes from television s Golden Age. Western, Classics 1952 min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: Damages: The Complete Third Season Campbell Scott, Martin Short, Glenn Close, Rose Byrne, Tate Donovan Inspired by recent worldwide economic events, the acclaimed third season of the award-winning legal thriller stars two-time Emmy -winner Glenn Close as litigator Patty Hewes. Conftonting the most challenging case of her illustrious career, Patty and trusted lieutenant Tom Shayes (Tate Donovan) meet their match against the manipulative Tobin family empire, matriarch Marilyn (Lily Tomlin), son Joe (Campbell Scott) and the clan s loyal attorney Leonard Winstone (Martin Short). When former protégée Ellen Parsons (Rose Byrne) is also pulled into the maelstrom, she discovers she hasn t escaped Patty Hewes after all. Thrillers, Drama, FX, Lawyers / Legal Issues, Mystery min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Deadly Dolls Bonus: When Puppets And Dolls Attack Jessica Morris, Hannah Marks, Leslie Jordan, Ian Abercrombie, Jared Kusnitz Devils And Demons, Horror 416min ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Deadly Dolls Triple Features Jessica Morris, Hannah Marks, Leslie Jordan, Jared Kusnitz Triple Feature, Devils And Demons 236min ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Death Rides A Horse Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem Persönlichen Importservice -Vertrag ** LASER HOTLINE Seite 26

27 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA Lee Van Cleef Bill- a witness to the robbery and murder of his parents when he was just a boy - embarks on a quest to hunt down the gang responsible. In an ironic twist of events, he teams up with one of the outlaws he is searching for him who is also in pursuit of vengeance. Includes three bonus films. Western, Action 1967 min ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Defcon 2012 Thrillers, Apocalyptic Future, Disasters, End Of The World min. Green Apple Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Diary Of A Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules Steve Zahn, Rachael Harris, Devon Bostick, Robert Capron, Zachary Gordon Welcome to the next grade.. Greg Heffley, the kid who made wimpy cool, is back in this sidesplitting sequel based on the second installment of the best-selling book series! Having rid himself of the Cheese Touch, Greg enters the next grade with his confidence and friendships intact, and an eye on the new girl in town, Holly Hills. But at home, Greg is still at war with his older brother, Rodrick, so their parents have handed down the toughest punishment imaginable - forcing the boys to spend quality time with each other. Comedy 2011 Ltbx DD min. 20th Century Fox ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Diary Of A Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules (Blu-ray) Steve Zahn, Rachael Harris, Devon Bostick, Robert Capron, Zachary Gordon Welcome to the next grade.. Greg Heffley, the kid who made wimpy cool, is back in this sidesplitting sequel based on the second installment of the best-selling book series! Having rid himself of the Cheese Touch, Greg enters the next grade with his confidence and friendships intact, and an eye on the new girl in town, Holly Hills. But at home, Greg is still at war with his older brother, Rodrick, so their parents have handed down the toughest punishment imaginable - forcing the boys to spend quality time with each other. Comedy 2011 Ltbx DD min. 20th Century Fox ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Diary Of A Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules Special Edition Steve Zahn, Rachael Harris, Devon Bostick, Robert Capron, Zachary Gordon Welcome to the next grade.. Greg Heffley, the kid who made wimpy cool, is back in this sidesplitting sequel based on the second installment of the best-selling book series! Having rid himself of the Cheese Touch, Greg enters the next grade with his confidence and friendships intact, and an eye on the new girl in town, Holly Hills. But at home, Greg is still at war with his older brother, Rodrick, so their parents have handed down the toughest punishment imaginable - forcing the boys to spend quality time with each other. Comedy 2011 Ltbx DD min. 20th Century Fox ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Ding Dong Dead Julie Rose, Tara Cardinal, Nicole Sienna Doug, a thirty-something who has just lost his job, goes off the deep end when he is terrorized by a group of young girls who call themselves the Ding Dong Ditchers. The D.D.D. has made an art of ringing doorbells in the night and running away leaving the person answering the door all alone and dumbfounded. This is the straw the breaks Doug s back. Doug fights back and takes no prisoners. Comedy, Horror min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: Dirty Pretty Things Audrey Tautou, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Sergi Lopez, Sophie Okonedo, Benedict Wong Some Things Are Too Dangerous To Keep Secret.. From Stephen Frears, the Oscar-nominated director of The Grifters (Best Director, 1990) and Dangerous Liaisons, Dirty Pretty Things stars Audrey Tautou (Amelie) in a harrowing tale of struggle and survival for two immigrants who learn that everything is for sale in London s secret underworld! Part of an invisible working class, Nigerian exile Okwe (Chiwetel Ejiofor) and Turkish chambermaid Senay (Tautou) toil at a west London hotel that is full of illegal activity. Then late one night Okwe makes a shocking discovery, which creates an impossible dilemma and tests the limits of all they know! Honored with numerous European film awards and nominations - including wins at the London Critics Circle Film Awards and the Venice Film Festival - you ll find this gritty urban thriller to be thoroughly engrossing and impossible to forget! Thrillers, Art House, British, Drama, Foreign min ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Discarded Lovers Natalie Moorhead, Jason Robards A beautiful movie star is found dead in her car and a resourceful reporter goes on a hunt to uncover the killer. Mystery, Thrillers, Classics 1932 min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: The Diving Bell And The Butterfly Max Von Sydow, Niels Arestrup, Olatz Lopez Garmendia, Anne Consigny, Marina Hands, Mathieu Amalric, Emmanuelle Seigner, Isaach De Bankole, Patrick Chesnais From Miramax Films, acclaimed director Julian Schnabel, and the screenwriter of The Pianist comes a remarkable and inspiring true story about the awesome power of imagination. Experience the triumphant tale of renowned editor Jean- Dominique Bauby, a man whose love of life and soaring vision shaped his will to achieve a life without boundaries. You ll soon discover why David Benby of The New Yorker calls The Diving Bell And The Butterfly nothing less than the rebirth of the cinema. Art House, Biography, Biopics, Drama, Foreign, French 2007 min ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Doctor Who: Series Six - Part One Matt Smith, Karen Gillan Matt Smith and Karen Gillan make their triumphant return as the Doctor and his companion in an all-new series of Doctor Who! The new series will split in two parts, with DVD/Bluray release dates in July and in early November, closely following their premiere runs on BBC America, and then a complete series gift set just in time for the holidays. In Part 1, the Doctor, Amy and Rory find themselves in Sixties America, battling the invasion the world forgot, then journey on the high seas of 1696 aboard a pirate ship, to solve the mystery of the Siren. In a bubble universe at the very edge of reality, the Doctor meets an old friend with a new face, and in a monastery on a remote island in the near future, an industrial accident takes on a terrible human shape. And waiting for them, at the end of all this, is the battle of Demon s Run, and the Doctor s darkest hour. Can even the truth about River Song save the Time Lord s soul? Only two things are certain. Silence will fall. And a good man is going to die... Time Travel, BBC, British, Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, Science Fiction min. BBC Home Video ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Doctor Who: Series Six - Part One (Blu-ray) Matt Smith, Karen Gillan Matt Smith and Karen Gillan make their triumphant return as the Doctor and his companion in an all-new series of Doctor Who! The new series will split in two parts, with DVD/Bluray release dates in July and in early November, closely following their premiere runs on BBC America, and then a complete series gift set just in time for the holidays. In Part 1, the Doctor, Amy and Rory find themselves in Sixties America, battling the invasion the world forgot, then journey on the high seas of 1696 aboard a pirate ship, to solve the mystery of the Siren. In a bubble universe at the very edge of reality, the Doctor meets an old friend with a new face, and in a monastery on a remote island in the near future, an industrial accident takes on a terrible human shape. And waiting for them, at the end of all this, is the battle of Demon s Run, and the Doctor s darkest hour. Can even the truth about River Song save the Time Lord s soul? Only two things are certain. Silence will fall. And a good man is going to die... Time Travel, British, Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, Science Fiction, BBC min. BBC Home Video ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Dog Tails Collection Paul Winfield, Cicely Tyson, David Bowe This hand-picked collection of inspiring stories of loyalty are a delight for families and lovers of our best friends with four legs. A Dog Of Flanders Finn On The Fly A Dog s Tale Drama, Family, Friendships 394min. Mill Creek Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Donnie Darko 10th Anniversary Edition (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Jake Gyllenhaal, Drew Barrymore, Jena Malone, Noah Wyle In the tradition of Urban Legends and Final Destination, Donnie Darko is an edgy, psychological thriller about a suburban teen coming face-to-face with his dark destiny. Jake Gyllenhaal leads a star-filled cast (including Drew Barrymore, Noah Wyle, Jena Malone, Patrick Swayze and Mary McDonnell) as a delusional high-school student visited by a demonic rabbit with eerie visions of the past - and deadly predictions for the future. This excitingly original (Entertainment Weekly) nail-biter will keep you on the edge of your seat until the mind-bending climax. Drama, Thrillers, Time Travel 2001 Ltbx DD min. 20th Century Fox ,90 EUR BestellNr.: The Dry Land / Garcia Girls (Double Feature) Comedy, Double Features, Drama 2010 min. Maya Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Elvis Four-Movie Collection Volume 1 Elvis Presley Celebrate Elvis with four of his greatest films of all time! The year was Teens twist at the Peppermint Lounge. John Glenn orbits Earth. Wilt Chamberlain scores 100 points in a single game. And Elvis digs the possibilities of Girls! Girls! Girls! This time he s a charter-boat skipper who helps tourists land the big ones. Of course, plenty of beautiful girls (including Stella Stevens) want to land Elvis. But there s something Elvis likes almost as much as romance - a boat! He yearns for a sleek sailboat with a $10,000 price tag. Let s see, that makes him about $9,999 short. Elvis Presley stars as Mike Windgren, a former trapeze artist who s suffered from vertigo ever since accidentally dropping his partner during a performance. Working as a lifeguard/entertainer at an Acapulco resort, Mike falls in love with social director Margarita Dauphine (Ursula Andress). With her help, he overcomes his fear of heights in a spectacular high-dive finale. Presley songs featured include Vino, Dinero y Amor, Marguerita, Bossa Nova Baby and the title tune. Elvis adopts an on-screen persona he knows well in re Music, Musical, Drama 1964 min. Paramount Pictures ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Epitafios: Season 2 Leonardo Sbaraglia, Julio Chavez Renzo Marquez ( Julio Chavez) and Marina Segal ( Cecilia Roth) join forces again to solve yet another logic-defying homicide case. With the help of XL (Alejandro Awada), a psychiatric patient suffering from low brain activity, they Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem Persönlichen Importservice -Vertrag ** LASER HOTLINE Seite 27

28 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA manage to anticipate a serial killer s next move. This time, the murderer is a tormented man who views killing as an art form and, as such, thinks each homicide deserves to be immortalized in a series of photographs. Homicide detectives embark on a race against time to catch him, even as Renze and Marina are burdened by the ghosts of their own pasts. Thrillers, Argentinian, Crime, Drama, Foreign, HBO, Serial Killers min. Maya Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Everybody Loves Raymond: The Complete Series Doris Roberts, Patricia Heaton, Madylin Sweeten, Peter Boyle, Ray Romano, Brad Garrett, Sawyer Sweeten, Sullivan Sweeten Standup comedian Ray Romano stars as Ray Barone, a successful sportswriter who deals with his brother and parents, who happen to live across the street. Patricia Heaton ((The Goodbye Girl), Peter Boyle (While You Were Sleeping), Doris Roberts (Remington Steele), and Brad Garrett (Gleason) round out the stellar cast. CBS, Comedy, Family, Family Relationships 4620min. HBO Home Video ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Face Of The Screaming Werewolf No One Is Safe With A Screaming Werewolf On The Loose In The Big City!. Experimenting in hypnotic regression to past lives, Dr. Edmund Redding has discovered that Ann Taylor is a reincarnated Aztec woman. Via her recovered memories, she is able to lead Redding and his associates to a hidden chamber in the Great Pyramid of Yucatan, where they hope to find the lost treasure of the Aztecs. Instead, they find two mummified bodies - one of a modern man and the other of an ancient Aztec mummy/werewolf and only one is still alive. The supernatural creature escapes and menaces the city that night min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: Fighting Mad / Moving Violation Action, Double Features, Drama min. Shout Factory ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Filhos Do Carnaval Seasons One & Two Cao Hamburger Hijos de Carnaval is the story of Anesio Gebara, the owner of a samba school and of a network of an illegal lottery game called animal lottery. The story focuses on Anesio and his four children: Anesinho - his confidant, Caludinho - a 33- year-old businessman, Brown - a master drummer, and Nilo - his eternal bodyguard. Anesio Gebara receives the worst blow of his life when Anesinho, his beloved son, commits suicide with a bullet to the heart. From this event, Hijos del Carnaval follows the paths of the three bastard sons who seek to fill the shoes of the favorite son, their agreements and their misunderstandings, until they can find their own place in the world. Drama, HBO min. Maya Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: The Final Destination: 3-D (Bluray 3D) (Blu-ray) Mykelti Williamson, Krista Allen, Shantel Vansanten, Haley Webb, Nick Zano, Bobby Campo The movie series that taps into your deepest fears returns with a new and imaginative chapter that delivers the expected - in so many keep-you-guessing, unexpected ways! A strange premonition causes friends to abandon their day at the speedway, just before a crushing pileup hurtles cars into the bleachers with fiery consequences. They have cheated Death. But Death is only getting started. From the director of Snakes On A Plane comes the eerie, innovative tale of the friends fierce fight to keep themselves and others alive. Horror, Thrillers min. New Line Home Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: The Fish Child Ines Efron, Carlos Bardem, Arnaldo Andre, Pep Munne Celebrated Argentine director Lucia Puenzo (XXY) returns with a gripping tale of forbidden lesbian romance and a crime heist gone awry that boasts beautiful cinematography and electrifying performances from its two female leads. Lala (Ines Efron), a teenager from the most exclusive suburban neighborhood in Argentina, is in love with Guayi, the family s 20-year-old maid. They hatch a plan to rob Lala s family to fund their dream of living together in Paraguay at the shores of Lake Ypoá. Unexpectedly, however, Guayi is arrested and put in a minors institute near Buenos Aires for a crime she committed long ago. Desperate to be with her girlfriend, Lala hatches a dangerous rescue plan to get her back. XXY, Argentine pop star turned actress, Mariela Vitale - aka Emme - winner of multiple awards for her role in The Fish Child. Romance, Spanish, Thrillers, Drama, Foreign, Gay / Lesbian Interest 2009 S 96min. Wolfe Video ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Fortress / Total Recall 2070 (Double Feature) Kurtwood Smith, Cynthia Preston, Judith Krant, Loryn Locklin, Christopher Lambert, Karl Pruner, Mathew Bennett, Michael Easton, Michael Anthony Rawlins, Lincoln Kilpatrick After losing their first baby, John and Karen Brennick dare to have another child in a futuristic world that does not allow it. The couple is sentenced to a sadistic prison buried 33 stories beneath the Earth-a place no one has escaped alive. Total Recall Robots / Androids, Science Fiction, Technology, Double Features 178min ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Four Days In September Caroline Kava, Claudia Abreu, Fernanda Torres, Alan Arkin, Fisher Stevens, Pedro Cardoso, Fernando Guimaraes The true story about justice at any price.. This captivating thriller-based on extraordinary true-life events-was honored with an Academy Award nomination! Political terrorists, in a desperate bid to focus the world s attention on their fight for freedom, kidnap an American Ambassador (Alan Arkin- America s Sweethearts). Now, the diplomat s life hangs in the balance...helplessly caught between a government unwilling to cooperate...and his fear of the captors themselves! Directed by Bruno Barreto (A View From the Top) and acclaimed by critics as one of the year s best films, Four Days in September is an explosively charged motion picture that delivers edge-of-your-seat excitement! Thrillers, Hostage Crisis min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: Four Rooms Bruce Willis, Quentin Tarantino, Madonna, Marisa Tomei, Jennifer Beals, Antonio Banderas, Tim Roth It s Ted the Bellhop s first night on the job...and the hotel s very unusual guests are about to place him in some outrageous predicaments! It seems that this evening s room service is serving up one unbelievable happening...after another! Anthologies, Comedy, Cult Film / TV min ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Full Frontal Julia Roberts, Catherine Keener, David Duchovny, Mary McCormack, Nicky Katt, Blair Underwood, David Hyde Pierce Chance Meetings. Steamy Interludes. Sizzling Secrets.. Academy Award winner Julia Roberts (Best Actress, Erin Brockovich), David Duchovny (The X-Files) and Blair Underwood (Rules Of Engagement) star in another acclaimed triumph from Oscar-winning director Steven Soderbergh (Best Director, Traffic). It s a chaotic day for seven strangers from Hollywood who end up at the birthday party of a mutual friend. Before the night is over, relationships are tested, hearts are broken and passions are renewed! Also starring David Hyde Pierce (TV s Frasier), Catherine Keener (Being John Malkovich), Mary McCormack (K-Pax) and Nicky Katt (Insomnia). Romance, Art House, Comedy, Drama, Friendships min ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Gangland: Season 6 (Blu-ray) They rob, kill, and terrorize, and they ve left their violent mark on our nation s history. Delve deep into the rich and often brutal bloodlines of gangs across America, from Atlanta to Oklahoma City, Detroit to San Diego, as Season Six of Gangland paints a violently accurate and compelling portrait of gang life in America. Exclusive interviews, rarely seen footage, and unique access to the lives of gangsters provide a solid insight into why gangs exist, how they operate, their increasingly destructive methods, and the alarming rate at which they re spreading to suburban and rural areas. Crime, Gangs, History Channel min. A&E ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Gatling Gun John Carradine, Patrick Wayne When a small band of cavalry - transporting the newfangled gun to their fort - cross hostile territory, they find themselves in a battle with a tribe of Apache Indians hell-bent on confiscating the weapon. Includes three bonus films. Action, Drama, Western min ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Georgia Jennifer Jason Leigh, Marie Winningham, Ted Levine, Max Perlich, John C. Reilly, John Doe, Tom Bower The Toughest Act To Follow Was Their Dreams.. Critics everywhere raved about this motion picture and its outstanding stars, Jennifer Jason Leigh (A Thousand Acres, Single White Female) and Academy Award Nominee Mare Winningham (1995 Best Supporting Actress - Georgia). It s the story of two sisters - one talented, the other passionate - and the rivalry that binds them together. Sadie (Leigh) is a rebel who aspires to rock stardom while her sister, Georgia (Winningham), is a gifted and already successful musician. Sadie - unwilling to give up her dreams - struggles to make a name for herself in the shadow of her talented sister. Acclaimed as one of the year s 10 best films - you ll find this powerful story of ambition and rock n roll dreams absolutely riveting! Music, Substance Abuse, Country Music, Drama, Family Relationships min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: Ghastly Grabs: Vol. IX KILLER STORY. Boxed Sets, Horror min. Brain Damage Films ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Ghost From The Machine A young man named Cody plunges himself into the murky science of the supernatural, inventing a machine he intends to be a conduit to the other side. In his pursuit to build the device he befriends an affable electrial engieneer named Tom who has his own tale of love and loss. Cody eventually reaches an unintended level of success that not only threatens his safety, but also the well-being of his younger brother James and hsi new friend Tom. He quickly learns that the supernatural isn t all that super and human nature can even be worse. Science Fiction, Ghosts min. Screen Media Films ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem Persönlichen Importservice -Vertrag ** LASER HOTLINE Seite 28

29 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA Ghost Stories Collector s Set Dan T. Hall Ghosts, Horror 236min ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Gross Anatomy (Blu-ray) Daphne Zuniga, Christine Lahti, Matthew Modine It Takes Hard Work, Discipline And Commitment To Get Through Med School. But Joe s Never Done Anything By The Book.. Matthew Modine stars as Joe Slovak, a brilliant firstyear med student whose casual, nonconforming approach to life gets tested when he enrolls in Gross Anatomy, the toughest course in med school. Joe s freewheeling, independent style creates funny moments in the classroom, but puts him at odds with his demanding professor (Christine Lahti, Hideaway), who questions whether her class rebel has what it takes to be a doctor. On top of that, Joe falls in love with his no-nonsense lab partner (Daphen Zuniga, The Sure Thing, TV s Melrose Place), who won t let anything, especially romance, interfere with her plans. And while Joe s never done anything by the book, he proves he does have what it takes to succeed - without changing his ways! Comedy, Romance min. Mill Creek Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: The Gun And The Pulpit Slim Pickens, Bud Spencer, Mickey Rooney A quick-witted gunslinger flees his own hanging and poses as a traveling preacher he discovers dead in the desert. Includes three bonus films. TV Movies, Western min ,90 EUR BestellNr.: The Gun In Betty Lou s Handbag (Blu-ray) Alfre Woodard, Penelope Ann Miller, Cathy Moriarty, William Forsythe, Eric Thal She was a nobody until someone found... The Gun in Bett Lou s Handbag!. Here s the hilariously outrageous comedy aimed at entertaining everyone! No one ever paid any attention to shy librarian Betty Lou Perkins, until someone found The Gun in Betty Lou s Handbag! And when Betty Lou confesses to a crime she didn t commit, her world turns upside down! The bogus confession launches a series of uproariously funny events as a new, sexy Betty Lou captures headlines, rocks out in nightclubs, outwits the mob and wins cheers from the townspeople! Starring a truly exceptional cast including Penelope Ann Miller (Kindergarten Cop) and Cathy Moriarty (Soapdish) - get ready for a fun-filled adventure that s loaded with laughs from beginning to end! Comedy, Crime min. Mill Creek Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Hall Pass Owen Wilson, Jason Sudeikis, Christina Applegate, Jenna Fischer, Richard Jenkins One week. No rules.. From the Farrelly Brothers (There s Something About Mary, Dumb & Dumber) comes your ticket to fool around! Rick (Owen Wilson) and Fred (Jason Sudeikis) are best friends, each married many years. With the guys showing signs of restlessness at home, their wives (Jenna Fischer and Christina Applegate) take a bold approach to revitalizing their respective marriages: granting them a hall pass, one week of freedom to do whatever they want... no questions asked. At first a dream come true, it s not long before Rick and Fred find that their expectations of the single life - and themselves - are completely and hilariously out of sync with reality. Buddy Pictures, Comedy, Marriage Woes min. New Line Home Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Hall Pass (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) Owen Wilson, Jason Sudeikis, Christina Applegate, Jenna Fischer, Richard Jenkins One week. No rules.. From the Farrelly Brothers (There s Something About Mary, Dumb & Dumber) comes your ticket to fool around! Rick (Owen Wilson) and Fred (Jason Sudeikis) are best friends, each married many years. With the guys showing signs of restlessness at home, their wives (Jenna Fischer and Christina Applegate) take a bold approach to revitalizing their respective marriages: granting them a hall pass, one week of freedom to do whatever they want... no questions asked. At first a dream come true, it s not long before Rick and Fred find that their expectations of the single life - and themselves - are completely and hilariously out of sync with reality. Buddy Pictures, Comedy, Marriage Woes min. New Line Home Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Heartbeats It s hipster sexual politics filtered through the French New Wave in Xavier Dolan s critically acclaimed Heartbeats. When Francis (Dolan) and his best friend Marie (Monia Chokri) both fall for the same guy, all bets are off as they attempt to out-maneuver one another to win his affections. Or at least figure out what his sexual preferences are and who s got a shot. Writer-director Dolan was only twenty-one when he completed Heartbeats, his heartfelt and tender second feature. Romance, Art House, Drama, Foreign, French min. MPI ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Hellraiser: Deader Kari Wuhrer, Doug Bradley, Paul Rhys, Simon Kunz The Latest, Most Terrifying Evil.. Hellraiser: Deader is the latest, most terrifying chapter in the wildly frightening Hellraiser legacy! Once again, the ultimate evil - the dreaded Pinhead (Doug Bradley, Hellraiser franchise) - leads an army of the dead who come back to life with a bloodthirsty vengeance! For an undercover reporter (Kari Wuhrer, Prophecy: Uprising. Devils And Demons, Hellraiser, Horror, Horror Series min ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Hellraiser: Hellworld Lance Henriksen, Katheryn Winnick, Doug Bradley, Christopher Jacot Evil Goes Online. Experience a real-life nightmare in this allnew and totally unique chapter in the terrifying and insanely popular series created by horror master Clive Barker! Starring Lance Henriksen (Alien, Scream 3) - and once again Doug Bradley as the infamous Pinhead! When five hardcore internet gamers are invited to a special party thrown by the web site Hellworld, they are about to endure a night of unspeakable terror they believe only existed in cyber space! Fresh, entertaining and crawling with amazing special effects - don t miss the chilling return of Pinhead in this awesom thriller from Dimension Home Video! Devils And Demons, Hellraiser, Horror, Horror Series min ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Hobo With A Shotgun A train pulls into the station, it s the end of the line. A hobo jumps from a freight car hoping for a fresh start in a new city. Instead, he finds himself trapped in an urban hell. This is a world where criminals rule the streets and Drake, the city s crime boss, reigns supreme alongside his sadistic murderous sons, Slick & Ivan. Amidst the chaos, the hobo comes across a pawn shop window displaying a second hand lawn mower. He dreams of making the city a beautiful place and starting a new life for himself. But as the brutality continues to rage around him, he notices a shotgun hanging above the lawn mower... Quickly, he realizes the only way to make a difference in this town is with that gun in his hand and two shells in its chamber. Thrillers, Action 86min. Magnolia Home Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Hobo With A Shotgun 2-Disc Collector s Edition (DVD + Digital Copy) A train pulls into the station, it s the end of the line. A hobo jumps from a freight car hoping for a fresh start in a new city. Instead, he finds himself trapped in an urban hell. This is a world where criminals rule the streets and Drake, the city s crime boss, reigns supreme alongside his sadistic murderous sons, Slick & Ivan. Amidst the chaos, the hobo comes across a pawn shop window displaying a second hand lawn mower. He dreams of making the city a beautiful place and starting a new life for himself. But as the brutality continues to rage around him, he notices a shotgun hanging above the lawn mower... Quickly, he realizes the only way to make a difference in this town is with that gun in his hand and two shells in its chamber. Thrillers, Action 86min. Magnolia Home Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Hobo With A Shotgun Collector s Edition (Blu-ray + Digital Copy) A train pulls into the station - it s the end of the line. A hobo jumps from a freight car hoping for a fresh start in a new city. Instead, he finds himself trapped in an urban hell. This is a world where criminals rule the streets and Drake, the city s crime boss, reigns supreme alongside his sadistic murderous sons, Slick & Ivan. Amidst the chaos, the hobo comes across a pawn shop window displaying a second hand lawn mower. He dreams of making the city a beautiful place and starting a new life for himself. But as the brutality continues to rage around him, he notices a shotgun hanging above the lawn mower... Quickly, he realizes the only way to make a difference in this town is with that gun in his hand and two shells in its chamber. Thrillers, Action 86min. Magnolia Home Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: The Horse Soldiers (Blu-ray) John Wayne, William Holden, Constance Towers, Althea Gibson A sabre-rattling good picture. -Los Angeles Times. John Wayne teams with William Holden and eminent western director John Ford for the frontier actioner packed with laughter, romance and thrills (The Hollywood Reporter)! Written by John Lee Mahin and Martin Rackin, this faithful representation of one of the most daring cavalry exploits in history is both a moving tribute to the men who fought and died in that bloody war, and a powerful, action-packed drama. Based on an actual Civil War incident, The Horse Soldiers tells the rousing tale of a troop of Union Soldiers who force their way deep into Southern territory to destroy a rebel stronghold at Newton Station. In command is hardbitten Colonel Marlowe (Wayne), a man who is strikingly contrasted by the company s gentle surgeon (Holden) and the beautiful but crafty Southern belle (Constance Towers) who s forced to accompany the Union raiders on perhaps the most harrowing mission in the war. Classics, Western min. MGM / UA ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Horse Tales Collection Tim Matheson, Matt McCoy, Mel Harris This hand-picked collection of inspiring stories of loyalty are a delight for families of lovers of our best friends with four legs. Wildfire: The Arabian Heart Mary White Wind Dancer Drama, Family, Horses 360min. Mill Creek Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Bob Hoskins Collection Bob Hoskins, Maggie Smith, Helen Mirren, Cathy Tyson, Sammi Davis, Michael Caine, Robbie Coltrane, Dexter Fletcher Mystery, Romance, Thrillers, Art House, British, Crime, Drama, Family Relationships, Foreign 436min. Image Ent ,90 EUR BestellNr.: House Of The Rising Sun Ray, an ex-cop, is starting a new life and looking to stay out of trouble. One evening, on Ray s watch, the nightclub he Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem Persönlichen Importservice -Vertrag ** LASER HOTLINE Seite 29


31 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA works for is robbed and the owner s son is shot dead. As his criminal past is exposed, Ray hunts for the person responsible for this crime in an effort to clear his own name. Ray must get to the bottom of this as both the mob and the cops start to close in on him as their target suspect. Thrillers, Action, Crime 90min. Lionsgate ,90 EUR BestellNr.: House Of The Rising Sun (Bluray) Ray, an ex-cop, is starting a new life and looking to stay out of trouble. One evening, on Ray s watch, the nightclub he works for is robbed and the owner s son is shot dead. As his criminal past is exposed, Ray hunts for the person responsible for this crime in an effort to clear his own name. Ray must get to the bottom of this as both the mob and the cops start to close in on him as their target suspect. Thrillers, Crime, Action 90min. Lionsgate ,90 EUR BestellNr.: The Ron Howard Action Pack Ron Howard Road Trips, Action, Actor / Actress Box Sets, Chases, Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Double Features min. Shout Factory ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Human Traffic Nicola Reynolds, Lorraine Pilkington, Danny Dyer, John Simm, Shaun Parkes, Dean Davies No Rules. No Limits. And No Saying No Ever!. Here s the hip, adrenaline-pumped comedy about one wild weekend in the lives of five young friends...and how their latest raved-up adventure just might change their outlook before the next weekend arrives! For Jip, Lulu, Koop, Nina and Moff, workdays are merely the dreary downtime between frenetic 48-hour binges of clubbing, pubbing and partying without rules or limits! But when these friends spend a wild weekend in search of some meaning and real connections, they ll see things in ways they ve never imagined! Fast, funny and excitingly original discover for yourself this widely acclaimed hit! Music, British, Comedy, Dancing, Drama, Foreign min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: Hunter Prey / Sleep Dealer (Double Feature) Science Fiction, Thrillers, Double Features 2008 min. Maya Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: The Hustle Bai Ling, Tamala Jones, Charlie Murphy, Tony Cox, David Alan Grier, John Witherspoon Falling upon a large sum of mob money, Freddie Manning (Al Shearer) and his cynical, nay saying best friend, Junior (Charlie Murphy), lose it in a crazy chase through the city. Freddie and Junior are left owing Asian crime boss Toshiba Ohara and his spicy daughter, Han, $10,000 in seven days! With fresh, exhilarating performances by a top-notch comedy cast - including Al Shearer, Charlie Murphy, Tamala Jones, Brigitte Nielsen, David Alan Grier and others - The Hustle will warm your soul and have you rolling on the floor, mobbed by laughter. Action, Comedy min. Screen Media Films ,90 EUR BestellNr.: I Got The Hook-Up Master P, Anthony Johnson, Helen Martin, Mia X, Gretchen Palmer, John Witherspoon, Mystikal, Silkk The Shocker, Anthony Boswell, Carrie Mingo, Master P, Leroy Douglas, Jonathan Heuer, Michael Martin A truckload of cell phones...turns into a boatload of cash!. This outrageously out-of-control comedy adventure teams chart-busting hip hop sensation Master P (Gone In 60 Seconds with the hilarious A.J. Johnson (Friday). They re a pair of small-time hucksters who go mobile - upwardly mobile - when they turn a scammed truckload of cellular phones into more money and beautiful, sexy girls than they ever thought possible! But when this booming bootleg business gets its wires crossed, angry customers, mad-as-hell crooks and the ever-so-clumsy FBI are all out to have these offbeat operators permanently disconnected! Also starring John Witherspoon (The Ladies Man, Next Friday) and Tommy Tiny Lister, Jr. (Little Nicky, Next Friday) special appearances by Ice Cube and Snoop Dogg. On The Job, Comedy min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: I Love You, I Love You Not Claire Danes, Jeanne Moreau, Jude Law An Unforgettable Journey Of Discovery.. Hot young stars Claire Danes (Les Miserables, William Shakespeare s Romeo + Juliet) and Jude Law (Gattaca, The Talented Mr. Ripley) heat up the screen in this passionate story about fitting in...and falling in love! Head turning cute, but painfully shy and self-conscious, Daisy (Danes) feels like a complete outsidern at her stuffy New York prep school. So when she catches the eye of the coolest guy in the school, daisy is totally psyched...but afraid that opening up too much might blow it for her. Also starring legendary Jeanne Moreau (Ever After, The Summer House), I Love You, I Love You Not is the film that proves dreams worth having are definetley worth wishing for! Romance, Drama min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: icarly: The I <3 icarly Collection Three smashing icarly DVD sets in one collection! Relive over 15 episodes including the fierce yet hilarious exhibition match with guest star Victoria Justice as Shelby Marx, the sweet yet short-lived love story of Carly and Freddie, and the outer space event that was, well, out of this world! Nickelodeon min. Nickelodeon ,90 EUR BestellNr.: An Ideal Husband Rupert Everett, Minnie Driver, Jeremy Northam, Julianne Moore, Cate Blanchett, John Wood, Lindsay Duncan, Jeroen Krabbe, Peter Vaughan He just doesn t know it yet.. Sexy leading man Rupert Everett (Shakespeare In Love, My Best Friend s Wedding) heads an acclaimed all-star cast in this wonderfully witty story of decadence, romance and scandal! Sir Robert (Jeremy Northam - Happy, Texas, Mimic), is a highly respected politician whose spotless reputation is the pride of his beautiful wife (Cate Blanchett - Elizabeth) and adoring sister (Minnie Driver - Good Will Hunting, Grosse Pointe Blank). But when an old acquaintance (Julianne Moore - Boogie Nights, The Lost World: Jurassic Park) threatens to reveal a dark secret from Robert s past, only his womanizing, partyloving best friend Goring (Everett) is scheming and dishonest enough to come to his aid! Overwhelmingly acclaimed by critics - you ll love this fresh, funny motion picture and its stellar ensemble as they elevate the art of blackmail to an elegant game of wit and passion! British, Comedy, Gay / Lesbian Interest min ,90 EUR BestellNr.: I m Not Scared Mattia Di Pierro, Giulia Matturro, Adriana Conserva, Antonella Stefanucci, Diego Abatantuono, Dino Abbrescia, Fabio Antonacci, Stefano Biase, Giorgio Careccia, Giuseppe Cristiano, Fabio Tetta, Riccardo Zinna Secrets. Betrayal. Murder.. The award-winning thriller that shocked America! No on can be trusted and everyone s s a suspect when a shocking secret is revealed in this hypnotic suspense thriller from the acclaimed director of the Academy Award-winning Mediterraneo (Best Foreign Language Film, 1991). For 10-year-old Michele, the familiar routines of childhood in his idyllic southern Italian village are about to be shattered by his chance discovery of an unspeakable crime! Soon beyond the point of no return, Michele will risk everything to expose the truth...only to learn that those he depends on the most may have the most to hide! Hailed by critics everywhere, this award-winning story of innocence and evil will have you riveted throughout...culminating in its stunning conclusion! Mystery, Crime, Drama, Foreign, Italian min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: Impostor / Final Encounter Gary Sinise, Michelle Krusiec, Jodi Bianca Wise, Tony Shalhoub, Dean Cain, Mekhi Phifer, Justin Whalin, Thomas Ian Griffith, Stephen Ramsey, Trae Thomas At a time when the Earth has been at war with an alien force for over a decade, the latest work of lauded governmental scientist Spencer Olham promises to save the planet. But suddenly, Olham himself is accused of being an alien spy and is thrown headlong into a disorienting nightmare as a fugitive from the law. This action packed sci-fi thriller sends Hollywood favorites Dean Cain (Rat Race, Firetrap, TV s Superman) and Thomas Ian Griffith (XXX, Time Cop 2, Avalanche) into a do or die battle for survival as mankind faces a showdown with its own worst enemy! On a distant planet, two human colonies were founded as a civilized outpost far removed from the devestating wars on Earth. But it was a dream that didn t last long. Locked in a brutal hundred year war, the colonies now battle each other amidst the rubble of their once great cities. With only remnants of their immense technologies and their vast armies reduced to a few, a group of brave soldiers decides it s time to step up and end the fighting before both sides are pushed into extinction! Science Fiction, Thrillers, Action min ,90 EUR BestellNr.: In The Bedroom Sissy Spacek, Marisa Tomei, Tom Wilkinson, Nick Stahl, Celia Weston, William Mapother, William Wise The Best Picture Of The Year! -The New York Times. Nominated for 5 Academy Awards including Best Picture, this universally acclaimed film features Academy Award winners Sissy Spacek and Marisa Tomei and Academy Award nominee Tom Wilkinson. When young Frank Fowler (Nick Stahl) becomes romantically involved with an older single mother (Tomei), his parents (Spacek and Wilkinson) are concerned. But when the relationship takes a sudden and tragic turn, the Fowlers are forced to confront the harsh reality of their situation and the inescapable consequences of their actions. An uncommonly suspenseful and disturbing film powered by a remarkable cast, In the Bedroom has been hailed by critics everywhere as one of the year s finest motion pictures. Revenge, Art House, Drama, Family Relationships min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: An Innocent Man (Blu-ray) Tom Selleck, F. Murray Abraham Two cops on the take just made the biggest mistake of their lives... Tom Selleck (Three Men and a Baby) turns in a riveting performance as Jimmie Rainwood, an average citizen whose life becomes a living nightmare when he s framed by a pair of crooked cops and sent to prison for a crime he did not commit. With his life torn apart, Rainwood swears revenge, vowing to fight back and deliver justice to the dishonest cops who set him up-no matter what the price! Ultimately, Rainwood risks everything to recapture his normal life, and prove once and for all, that he is An Innocent Man! Classics, Cops, Crooked Cops, Cult Film / TV, Action, Prison, Revenge min. Mill Creek Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Johnny Thunders: What About Me - Special Edition Richard Edson, Dee Dee Ramone, Gregory Corso, Rachel Amodeo, Judy Carne, Richard Hell, Nick Zedd, Johnny Thunders, Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem Persönlichen Importservice -Vertrag ** LASER HOTLINE Seite 31

32 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA Jerry Nolan What About Me portrays the gradual deteriorations of Lisa Napolitano (Rachel Amodeo) a young women forced to exist on the streets, intermingling with the outcasts of soceity. Along the way she encounters a shell-shocked Vietnam veteran, Nick (Richard Edson); a nihilistic East Villager, Tom (Niz Zedd); and a symapthetic good samaritan, Paul (Richard Hell.) What About Me. Art House, Drama min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: Just Write Wallace Shawn, Costas Mandylor, JoBeth Williams, Alex Rocco, Holland Taylor, Sherilyn Fenn, Yeardley Smith, Nancy McKeon, Anita Barone, Stephanie Miller, Jeremy Piven, Ed McMahon, Jeffery D. Sams In this 1997 comedy Harold (Jeremy Piven) is a tour bus driver. While visiting a good friend in a cafe, Harold spots his favorite actress, Amanda Clark (Sherilyn Fenn). When Harold sees Amanda sitting alone, he decides to introduce himself. Harold doesn t correct Amanda when she mistakenly assumes he is a writer. When she asks who his agent is, Harold innocently throws out the name of super-agent Arthur Blake. Amanda is impressed and charmed, and to Harold s amazement she proposes a date to discuss her next movie with him. He proposes a script rewrite and convinces Arthur Blake to represent him. With a rewrite looming, an actress swooning and his whole world rocking, Harold must Just Write. Romance, Comedy min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: Kid Vengeance Lee Van Cleef, Jim Brown, Leif Garrett Distraught by the murder of his parents and the kidnapping of his sister, a teenaged boy enlists the help of a gunslinger to seek revenge. Includes three bonus films. Action, Western min ,90 EUR BestellNr.: The Kid Rod Steiger, Jane Wheeler, Mark Camacho, Ray Aranha, Tod Fennell, Jeff Saumier In the tradition of Hollywood s Rocky and Raging Bull, The Kid is an inspirational story of a dedicated young man who fights for his dream... in and out of the ring! Skilled and possessing unlimited potential, Jimmy Albright has trained and fought his way up the ranks of his division. There s only one thing that could KO his ambitions: the disapproval of Jimmy s parents who are unaware of their son s boxing activities! When a rival plans to eliminate Jimmy from competition by revealing his double life, it unleashes a series of events that climax in an exciting championship bout! Featuring legendary Rod Steiger (End Of Days, The Hurricane) - fans of classic big-screen fight films won t want to miss a minute of the action in this outstanding motion picture! Sports, Boxing, Drama min ,90 EUR BestellNr.: The Kid: Chamaco / Amexicano (Double Feature) Sofia Espinoza, Danny Perea, Jennifer Pena, Michael Madsen, Kirk Harris, Carmine Famiglietti, Gustavo Sanchez Parra, Manny Perez, Alex Perea, Michael Aronov Includes: In the tradition of Rocky and City of God, The Kid: Chamaco is a contemporary boxing tale of father and son overcoming vast differences to help train a young Mexican fighter plucked from the streets of Mexico City. The father (Martin Sheen), a U.S. doctor, and his son, a burned-out boxing pro, unite to shape the young Mexican teenager into his country s new boxing idol. Along the way, all three men discover hidden strengths, and embrace unforeseen destinies. Bruno, an unemployed Italian American, is offered a job doing repairs for his landlord, who also suggests that he hires a Hispanic day laborer: Ignacio. Bruno ends up loving and admiring both Ignacio and his wife, but the specter of deportation continues to loom large. Drama, Family Relationships min. Maya Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Kids 10 Film Pack James Earl Jones, John Savage, Slim Pickens, Clint Howard, Clint Walker, Jonathan Lipnicki, Matt McCoy, Diane Baker, Micah Shane Ballinger, Maureen McCormick, Yasmine Bleeth, Molly Hall, Lee Montgomery, Lorraine Ansell, Debby Boone, Eric Stoltz, Tom Bosley, Burl Ives, Stephen Furst, Dean Winters, Henry Wilcoxon, Zachery Ty Bryan, Buck Taylor, Michael Fishman, Stewart Petersen, Ted Jan Roberts Family 910min ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Kingdom Of War Part 1 An epic historical action film about King Naresuan the Great, who liberated the Siamese from the control of Burma, changing the destiny of a nation. Part 1 depicts Naresuan s boyhood when he was taken hostage by Burmese King Bayinnaung to keep the vassal Ayutthaya Kingdom subservient. During this time, he was a novice Buddhist monk under the tutelage of the wise father-figure monk Sorapong Chatree. Action, Historical / Period Piece 167min. Magnolia Home Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Kingdom Of War Part 1 (Blu-ray) An epic historical action film about King Naresuan the Great, who liberated the Siamese from the control of Burma, changing the destiny of a nation. Part 1 depicts Naresuan s boyhood when he was taken hostage by Burmese King Bayinnaung to keep the vassal Ayutthaya Kingdom subservient. During this time, he was a novice Buddhist monk under the tutelage of the wise father-figure monk Sorapong Chatree. Historical / Period Piece, Action 167min. Magnolia Home Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Kingdom Of War Part 1 And Part 2 (Blu-ray) An epic historical action film about King Naresuan the Great, who liberated the Siamese from the control of Burma, changing the destiny of a nation. Part 1 depicts Naresuan s boyhood when he was taken hostage by Burmese King Bayinnaung to keep the vassal Ayutthaya Kingdom subservient. During this time, he was a novice Buddhist monk under the tutelage of the wise father-figure monk Sorapong Chatree. Part 2 portrays Naresuan as a young adult prince, already a formidable military strategist, as he leads his army on exploits against breakaway kingdoms for King Bayinnaung s successor, King Nonthabureng, and eventually breaks away to declare sovereignty for Siam. Historical / Period Piece, Action 332min. Magnolia Home Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Kingdom Of War Part 2 Part 2 portrays Naresuan as a young adult prince, already a formidable military strategist, as he leads his army on exploits against breakaway kingdoms for King Bayinnaung s successor, King Nonthabureng, and eventually breaks away to declare sovereignty for Siam. Action, Historical / Period Piece 165min. Magnolia Home Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Kingdom Of War Part 2 (Blu-ray) Part 2 portrays Naresuan as a young adult prince, already a formidable military strategist, as he leads his army on exploits against breakaway kingdoms for King Bayinnaung s successor, King Nonthabureng, and eventually breaks away to declare sovereignty for Siam. Historical / Period Piece, Action 165min. Magnolia Home Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Kolya Irina Livanova, Sylvia Suva, Zdenek Sverak, Andrej Chalimon, Libuse Safrankova, Ladislav Smoljak The ultimate bachelor has finally met his match!. Winner of the Academy Award and Golden Globe as Best Foreign Language Film, this irresistible comedy treat was embraced by critics and audiences everywhere! A confirmed bachelor is in for the surprise of his life when a get-rich-quick scheme backfires... setting off a wild set of circumstances- and leaving him with a pint-sized new roommate! Now, with a mischievous five-year-old named Koyla suddenly in his care... life in this once carefree playboy s tiny apartment changes faster than he could ever imagine! Uplifting and endlessly funny, Koyla is delightful motion picture entertainment you ll want to take home! Music, Art House, Comedy, Czech / Slovakian, Drama, Foreign min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: The Last Kiss Love. Sex. Surrender.. With its breezy look at the battle of the sexes, this stylish comedy has generated critical acclaim everywhere! A wife, a child, a all seems like too much responsibility for a guy who s afraid to grow up! But Carlo is not alone. All of his buddies are suffering with their own growing pains and none of them seem to be ready to settle down without a fight! As the romantic entanglements tighten, this amusingly self-centered group of guys will keep you entertained as they struggle to learn the complicated lessons of life and love! Romance, Comedy, Drama, Foreign, Italian min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: Lie Down With Dogs Wally White, Randy Becker, Darren Dryden, Bash Halow, James Sexton On your mark. Get set. Party.. Here s the outrageous, goodtime comedy for anyone who s ever wanted to get away from it all and have some fun! Tommie s a recent college graduate who s broke and fed up with life in Manhattan. But when Tommie, who s gay, decides to drop everything and head for the ultimate seaside party town-he finally starts to bust loose! For one wild and glorious summer in the sun, Tommie finds exactly what he needs in this fun-loving beach resort: love,, friendship...and a chance to party down! Widely acclaimed by critics for its fresh and wickedly funny humor, Lie Down With Dogs is a high-spirited comedy that s sure to make everyone laugh! Romance, Comedy, Gay / Lesbian Interest min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: Lies In Plain Sight Rosie Perez, Martha Higareda, Chad Michael Murray, Benito Martinez, Yul Vazquez Sometimes the most shocking truths lie right in front of us... though they remain unseen. In Lies In Plain Sight, blind college student Sofia Delgado (Martha Higareda) returns home after the unexpected suicide of her cousin Eva. Left with no easy answers, Sofia must unravel the mystery of Eva s complex relationship with boyfriend Ethan McAllister (Chad Michael Murray, TV s One Tree Hill) and confront dark family secrets long denied by Eva s mother Marisol (Rosie Perez, Pineapple Express, Do the Right Thing). Risking everything, even her own life, Sofia will dare to uncover the hidden truth that drove Eva to her death. TV Movies, Drama min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Like Water For Chocolate Lumi Cavazos, Regina Torne, Marco Leonardi, Yareli Arizmendi, Ada Carrasco, Claudette Maille, Mario Ivan Martinez The Passionate Tale Of Forbidden Love!. Based on the bestselling book now, experience for yourself the erotic tale of forbidden love that seduced both critics and audience nationwide! Tita and Pedro are passionately in love. But their love is forbidden by an ancient family tradition. To be near Tita, Pedro marries her sister. And Tita, as the family cook, expresses her passion for Pedro through preparing delectable Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem Persönlichen Importservice -Vertrag ** LASER HOTLINE Seite 32

33 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA dishes. Now, in Tita s kitchen, ordinary spices become a recipe for passion. Her creations bring on tears of longing, heated desire or chronic pain while Tita and Pedro wait for the moment to fulfill their most hidden pleasures! Romance, Spanish, Art House, Drama, Foreign min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: The Line / Chasing 3000 (Double Feature) Action, Crime, Double Features, Drama 2009 min. Maya Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Little Buddha Keanu Reeves, Bridget Fonda, Chris Isaak, Ying Ruocheng, Alex Wiesendanger Keanu Reeves and Bridget Fonda star in this motion picture spectacular from Academy Award-winning director Bernardo Bertolucci. In a big American city, a boy and his family (Fonda and Chris Isaak) discover a story about a prince in a land of miracles. But the miracle becomes real when Tibetan monks appear, searching for their leader s reincarnation - who they believe has been reborn in the boy. Suddenly, their worlds meet, leading the Americans on an extraordinary adventure! Religion/Spirituality, Buddhist, Drama min ,90 EUR BestellNr.: The Lookout / The Yards (Double Feature) Mark Wahlberg, Charlize Theron, Bruce McGill, Carla Gugino, Ellen Burstyn, Faye Dunaway, Alex Borstein, Isla Fisher, Jeff Daniels, James Caan, Joaquin Phoenix, Matthew Goode Acclaimed screenwriter Scott Frank (Minority Report) makes a mind-blowing directorial debut in The Lookout, a gritty, hightension crime thriller starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt (TV s Third Rock From The Sun, Brick), Jeff Daniels (The Squid And The Whale) and Isla Fisher (Wedding Crashers). Chris Slapshot Pratt (Gordon-Levitt), whose once-bright future has been dimmed by a head injury, is a night janitor at a bank. Lonely and frustrated, Chris falls prey to a con man s seductive promise of romance and a better life, and agrees to help rob the bank where he works. Filled with heart-pounding action, edge-of-your-seat suspense and a twist you ll never see coming, The Lookout will grip you and never let go... It s immensely satisfying. A blast of suspense. Hot young stars Mark Wahlberg (The Perfect Storm), Joaquin Phoenix (Gladiator, Return To Paradise) and Charlize Theron (Men Of Honor, The Cider House Rules) power this riveting crime thriller! Released from prison after taking the fall for a group of his friends, Leo Handler (Wahlberg) just wants to get his life back on track. But when he takes a Thieves, Thrillers, Caper, Crime, Drama min ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Lou Emily Barclay, John Hurt Best friends can show up in the strangest of places.. Lou. Drama, Family Relationships, Friendships min. Monarch Home Video ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Mandrake: Season 1 & 2 Dare to know Mandrake ( Marcos Palmeira), an exciting detective series that follows the life of Paulo Mandrake, the alluring and attractive criminal lawyer from Rio de Janeiro. Specializing in resolving cases of blackmail and extortion, Mandrake is the primary liaison between the lower class of Rio de Janeiro and high society. When Mandrake is not in a bar to seduce a woman, or around the city chasing an enemy, we can find him in the law firm with Wexler (Luis Carlos Miele), a cynic philosopher, and lawyer of 70 years, whom Mandrake regards as a father figure. Crime, Drama, Foreign, HBO min. Maya Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Mansfield Park Alessandro Nivola, Embeth Davidtz, Jonny Lee Miller, Harold Pinter, Lindsay Duncan, Justine Waddell, Victoria Hamilton, Shelia Gish, James Purefoy, Hugh Bonneville A Witty, Entertaining Film Thumbs Up! - Roger Ebert. This fun and sexy comedy tells a timelessly entertaining story where wealth, secret passions and mischievous women put love to the test...with delightfully surprising results! When a spirited young woman, Fanny Price, is sent away to live on the great country estate of her rich cousins, she s meant to learn the ways of proper society. But while Fanny learns their ways, she also enlightens them with a wit and sparkle all her own! Featuring an exciting ensemble cast of young stars you ll join critics everywhere in their overwhelming praise of this smart, playful and funny hit! Romance, Royalty, Art House, British, Comedy, Drama, Foreign min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: The Marrying Man (Blu-ray) Kim Basinger, Alec Baldwin About to marry the perfect girl, suddenly he meets the girl of his dreams.. Millionaire playboy Charley Pearl has got it all. Charm, looks, style and he s about to marry the daughter of the most powerful man in Hollywood. But a funny thing happens on his way to the altar...he meets sultry Las Vegas lounge singer Vicki Anderson. And it s lust at first sight! Charley discovers the hard way that his attraction to Vicki is going to get him into trouble over and over again! Handsome Alec Baldwin (The Hunt For Red October) and sexy Kim Basinger (Batman) heat up the screen in one of the most sizzling and funny romances in modern courtship history! See for yourself what all the heat s about! Comedy, Romance min. Mill Creek Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: McMillan & Wife: Season Five Susan Saint James, Nancy Walker, Rock Hudson, John Schuck San Fransisco Police Commissioner Stewart Mac McMillan and Sally - Mac s zany, but discerning wife - form a one-of-akind crime-fighting duo that solves some of the city s most baffling and peculiar cases. Action, Crime, Drama min. Millennium Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: McMillan & Wife: Season Four Susan Saint James, Nancy Walker, Rock Hudson, John Schuck San Fransisco Plice Commissioner Stewart Mac McMillan and Sally - Mac s zany, but discerning wife - form a one-of-akind crime-fighting duo that solves some of the city s most baffling and peculiar cases. Action, Crime, Drama min. Millennium Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: McMillan & Wife: Season Six Rock Hudson Action, Crime, Drama min. Millennium Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Melissa & Joey: Season 1 - Part 1 Melissa Joan Hart, Joey Lawrence Mel (Melissa Joan Hart) is a local politician from a political family. When a family scandal leaves her niece, Lennox, and nephew, Ryder, without their parents, Mel takes them in. Meanwhile, Joe (Joey Lawrence) is a former commodities trader left bankrupt after a Ponzi scheme who is searching for a job. So when Mel finds it hard to handle an instant family and her own life, she hires Joe to become the family s new male nanny, or manny. ABC, Comedy 2010 min. Vivendi Visual Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Melrose Place: The Sixth Season - 2-Pack Heather Locklear, Linden Ashby, Alyssa Milano, Lisa Rinna, Kelly Rutherford, Jamie Luner, Brooke Langton, Thomas Calabro, Andrew Shue, Jack Wagner, Rob Estes, David Charvet A nighttime soap opera about the lives, careers, trials and tribulations of a group of young people living in a trendy apartment complex called Melrose Place. Drama 2011 min. Paramount Pictures ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Melrose Place: The Sixth Season - Volume 2 Heather Locklear, Linden Ashby, Alyssa Milano, Lisa Rinna, Kelly Rutherford, Jamie Luner, Brooke Langton, Thomas Calabro, Andrew Shue, Jack Wagner, Rob Estes, David Charvet A nighttime soap opera about the lives, careers, trials and tribulations of a group of young people living in a trendy apartment complex called Melrose Place. Drama min. Paramount Pictures ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Mimic Giancarlo Giannini, Mira Sorvino, Jeremy Northam, Charles Dutton, Josh Brolin, F. Murray Abraham A Bold Experiment!... A Deadly Mistake!. This electrifying thriller features sexy Academy Award winner Mira Sorvino and screen favorite Charles S. Dutton! A team of scientists discover a miracle cure that stops the spread of a deadly disease... only to find three years later that something has gone terribly wrong! Their creation has taken on a horrifying life of its own... able to mimic and destroy its every predator - even man! And now, it threatens to wipe out an entire city... unless they stop it in time! A stylish, acclaimed hit featuring riveting performances from a superb cast, Mimic delivers heart-pounding thrills that never let up! Science Fiction, Bugs, Horror, Killer Animals min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: Mimic 2 Jon Polito, Edward Albert, Bruno Campos, Alix Koromzay, Gaven Eugene Lucas They Thought The Terror Was Over This Time, Nothing Can Stop It!. Four years ago, a cockroach-spread plague threatened to decimate the child population of New York City. Then research biologists developed a species of Judas bugs engineered to mimic and overrun the diseased roaches in their grubby habitat. The plan worked until the creatures evolved to mimic their next prey...humans! They were all thought to be dead...but the mutated cockroaches have now undergone another unimaginable metamorphosis and are once again threatening to take over! Bursting with amazing special effects and loaded with unstoppable excitement - you ll thrill to every moment of this pulse-pounding crowd pleaser! Science Fiction, Bugs, Horror min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: The Ministers / Hotel California (Double Feature) Crime, Double Features, Drama min. Maya Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: The Minority Billoah Greene One man s quest to find his identity in a changing world.. The Minority. Action, Comedy, Drama min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem Persönlichen Importservice -Vertrag ** LASER HOTLINE Seite 33

34 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA Miramax Triple Feature Classics Diane Keaton, Judi Dench, Meryl Streep, Julianne Moore, Cate Blanchett, Angela Bassett, Gloria Estefan, Robert De Niro, Kevin Spacey, Leonardo DiCaprio, Aidan Quinn, Michael Angarano Triple Feature, Drama 333min ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Miramax Triple Feature Crime John Cusack, Mark Wahlberg, Charlize Theron, Matt Dillon, Gary Sinise, Anjelica Huston, William Fichtner, Viggo Mortensen, Skeet Ulrich, Ellen Burstyn, Faye Dunaway, Annette Bening, James Caan, Joaquin Phoenix Thrillers, Crime 231min ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Miramax Triple Feature Suspense Liam Neeson, Al Pacino, Anjelica Huston, Viggo Mortensen, Andie MacDowell, David Morse, Kim Basinger, Robin Wright Penn, Tea Leoni, Jack Nicholson Thrillers, Triple Feature, Action 301min ,90 EUR BestellNr.: The Misfits (Blu-ray) Clark Gable, Marilyn Monroe, Montgomery Clift, Thelma Ritter, Eli Wallach Gable and Monroe in their last screen roles!. Expertly directed by John Huston (The Maltese Falcon) from a screenplay by Pulitzer Prize winner Arthur Miler, The Misfits is a probing, exciting drama (Film Daily) of honesty, intensity and sheer poetic brilliance. Divorced and disillusioned, Roslyn Tabor (Marilyn Monroe) befriends a group of misfits, including an aging cowboy (Clark Gable), a heartbroken mechanic (Eli Wallach) and a worn-out rodeo rider (Montgomery Clift). Through their live-for-the-moment lifestyle, Roslyn experiences her first taste of freedom, exhilaration and passion. But when her innocent idealism clashes with their hard-edged practicality, Roslyn must risk losing their friendship... and the only true love she s ever known. Classics, Drama, Epics, Romance, Western min. MGM / UA ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Money For Nothing (Blu-ray) John Cusack, Michael Madsen There were a million reasons to give the money back. But Joey Coyle couldn t think of one.. Screen favorite John Cusack (The Grifters, Say Anything) stars in the hilarious comedy for everyone who s ever dreamt of instant millions! After finding a bagful of unmarked $100 bills, there were a million reasons for unemployed dockworker Joey Coyle to give the money back, but he couldn t think of one! And when he decides to keep it, oh what a price he pays! The lucky discovery launches a buying spree and a series of uproarious events leading to Joey s outrageous attempt at sneaking out of the country past the media, the mob and the cops! If you re looking for a comedy packed with priceless laughs, pick up Money for Nothing! Comedy, Cops min. Mill Creek Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Monster Wolf Jason London, Robert Picardo, Griff Furst A creature of ancient legend manifest, bound to protect the ecological balance of the land and killing anyone that threatens it. This elusive guardian in initially both feared and celebrated by the locals, but when a deadly curse that affects them all, they must unite and recapture the monster wolf s spirit or face their ultimate doom. Science Fiction, TV Movies, Werewolves, Action, Horror 2010 min. Screen Media Films ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Moonlight: The Complete Series Shannyn Sossamon, Sophia Myles, Jason Dohring, Trevor Munson, Ron Koslow When darkness falls, a hero will rise.. Bringing fresh blood to the vampire legend. Any private eye knows a lot about other people s secrets. L.A. private eye Mick St. John (Alex O Loughlin) has a secret of his own. He s a vampire, dwelling in a covert netherworld complicated by friendship with an undead finance honcho (Jason Dohring), memories of the alluring ex-wife (Shannyn Sossamon) who turned him into a vampire and a relationship with a human (Sophia Myles) he feels drawn to protect - and maybe to love. But no matter how tempting, Mick knows a vampire-human romance is eternally dangerous. This 16-episode, 4-disc set of the series voted the 2008 People s Choice Award for Favorite New TV Drama is a sure entertainment bet for all who like their vampire stories sleek, intense and passionate. Thrillers, Vampires, CBS, Detectives, Drama, Fantasy, Horror min. Warner Bros ,90 EUR BestellNr.: My Father The Hero (Blu-ray) Gerard Depardieu, Katherine Heigl, Lauren Hutton, Faith Prince, Dalton James Fathers have just one problem with raising their daughters. They grow up.. Gerard Depardieu (Green Card) stars as an overprotective father who lands in hot water when his overactive teenage daughter gets in over her head at a tropical vacation resort! Soon, the mischievous teen is getting dad in big trouble-hurling him into one madcap misadventure after another. Combining uproarious comedy and a beautiful island setting, My Father The Hero simply overflows with nonstop fun in the sun. Discover for yourself the comedy hit that left critics and audiences alike drowning with laughter. Comedy, Family Relationships, Romance min. Mill Creek Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: The Name Of The Rose (Blu-ray) Sean Connery, F. Murray Abraham, Ron Perlman, Michael Lonsdale, Valentina Vargas, Elya Baskin, Christian Slater, William Hickey, Leopoldo Trieste, Peter Berling They Believed In God But Traded With The Devil.. It s the work of the Devil. That s what some say when a bizarre series of deaths strikes a 14th-century monastery. Others find links between the deaths and the book of Revelation. But Brother William of Baskerville thinks otherwise. He intends to find a murderer by using fact and reason - the tools of heresy. Best Actor British Academy Award winner Sean Connery is wily William in this compelling adaptation of Umberto Eco s bestseller. Christian Slater plays Adso, aide to the sleuthing cleric and a youth on the verge of sexual and intellectual awakening. F. Murray Abraham is arrogance incarnate as the Inquisitor. Director Jean-Jacques Annaud filmed this moody mystery at an actual 12th-century monastery where hooded faces loom like gargoyles. Drama, Medieval Times, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Thrillers min. Warner Bros ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Of Love And Shadows Jennifer Connelly, Stefania Sandrelli, Antonio Banderas, Patricio Contreras, Diego Wallraff, Camilo Gallardo Surrounded by danger, they ll risk everything for freedom!. Hot Hollywood star Antonio Banderas (Spy Kids 1 & 2, The 13th Warrior) and Academy Award -winning Jennifer Connelly (Best Supporting Actress, A Beautiful Mind) heat up this sexy and intriguing thriller! Francisco Leal (Banderas) is an on-the-edge photographer whose work with a beautiful magazine reporter (Connelly) uncovers a government s nightmare; a secret so deadly, the military will stop at nothing to eliminate them! Now, as they are thrown together into danger... and drawn closer by passion... they must risk everything for a chance at freedom! It s an exciting story of courage and compassion that s captivated critics and moviegoers everywhere! Thrillers, Drama min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: On The Buses: The Ultimate Collection Reg Varney, Bob Grant, Stephen Lewis This double-decker Britcom classic stars Reg Varney, Bob Grant, and Stephen Lewis. London bus driver Stan Butler (Varney) and his conductor, Jack Harper (Grant), go about the working week to make a living, but the overbearing Inspector Blake (Lewis) is always there to trouble the boys. British, Comedy min. Millennium Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Ordinary Decent Criminal / Bravo Two Zero (Double Feature) Linda Fiorentino, Gerard McSorley, Helen Baxendale, Jamie Bartlett, Sean Bean, Kevin Spacey, Stephen Dillane, Kevin Collins, Patrick Malahide, David Hayman, Peter Mullan, Rick Warden, Robert Hobbs, Ian Curtis, Richard Graham, Steve Nicholson Academy Award winner Kevin Spacey (Best Actor, American Beauty) leads an all-star cast in this fast, fun and suspenseful story of a clever crime boss and the lost art of the heist! Michael Lynch (Spacey) is Dublin s most notorious criminal, known for brazen robberies that perplex the police and inspire his fellow working-class Northsiders. When he s not playing family man with his children and two wives-sisters Christine (Linda Fiorentino-Men In Black) and Lisa (Helen Baxendale)-Lynch is busy plotting elaborate larcenies that are as much about style and showmanship as the loot involved! But when the one cop (Stephen Dillane-Spy Game) sharp enough to catch Lynch gets on his case, our fun-loving criminal gets a run for his money! Also featuring Colin Farrell (Minority Report) as Lynch s loyal sidekick-you re sure to get your money s worth from this highly original and endlessly entertaining movie treat! Starring action favorite Sean Bean (The Lord of the Rings, Don t Say A Word, Essex Boys) and based on a captivating true story written by best-selling author Andy McNab, Bravo Two Zero explores the tra Music, Action, Double Features, Drama, Military 1999 min ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Michael Palin Collection Michael Palin, Ian Holm, Maggie Smith, Shelley Duvall, John Cleese, Sean Connery, David Warner, Trevor Howard An ambitious couple and a V.I.P. (Very Important Pig) collide in his outrageous comedy of manners! During a time of extreme food rationing in England following World War II, one town s upper class bends the rules by illegally fattening a prize pig for a feast to celebrate the upcoming royal wedding. When a timid foot doctor (Michael Palin, A Fish Called Wanda) and his bossy wife (two-time Academy Award winner Maggie Smith, A Room With A View) get wind of the plan, they seize the chance to climb the social ladder by kidnapping the pig...who has a few unpleasant surprises of its own in store. One of the most hilarious, critically-acclaimed British cult comedies of all time, this star-packed satire proves some people will truly do anything to get ahead! (1984, 92 min). Monty Python s Flying Circus) heads an all-star cast in this irresistible British comedy treat! In the early 20th Century, devout Reverend Charles Fortesque returns to England from his missionary work in Africa and, despite plans to marry his childhood sweetheart, receives a most unusual assignment: minister to the local prostitutes, located Religion/Spirituality, Science Fiction, Time Travel, Adventure, British, Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Fantasy, Foreign, Historical / Period Piece 286min. Image Ent ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Paramedics 3-Pack Boxed Sets, Drama 180min. Brain Damage Films ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem Persönlichen Importservice -Vertrag ** LASER HOTLINE Seite 34


36 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA Park Benches Catherine Deneuve, Chiara Mastroianni, Florence Muller, Mathieu Amalric, Olivier Gourmet As she does every morning, Lucie (Florence Muller, Private Fears in Public Places) joins her colleagues at the office with a smile. It s a working day just like any other. Then suddenly, all activity in the office stops and attention turns toward a window of the building across the way and a banner reading: Man Alone. Is it a hoax? A cry for help? Everyone has their own interpretation, and will try to discover what lies behind this mysterious message. With nearly 90 speaking parts and an all-star cast including the iconic Catherine Deneuve, Mathieu Amalric (Quantum of Solace) and Chiara Mastroianni (Persepolis), Park Benches is a treat for anyone who delights in unraveling the mysteries of everyday life. Art House, Comedy, Foreign, French min. MPI ,90 EUR BestellNr.: The Passion Of Darkly Noon Raised in a hyper-religious cult, a sheltered young man moves into a new town and falls in love with a mysterious beauty, who may or may not be a witch. He ultimately turns to violence as his obsession grows unbearable. Romance, Thrillers, Drama 101min. Lionsgate ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Passion Play Mickey Rourke, Megan Fox, Bill Murray, Kelly Lynch, Rhys Ifans, Chuck Liddell Love is stronger than death. A terrific cast will hold you spellbound in this one of a kind seductive thriller from the screenwriter of The Recruit. The last thing washed-up jazz musician Nate Pool (Academy Award-nominee Mickey Rourke, The Wrestler) wanted to do was betray sinister gangster Happy Shannon (Academy-Award-nominee Bill Murray, Lost In Translation). But it may be the last thing he does unless he can deliver Lily (Megan Fox, Transformers), a beautiful and mysterious carnival sideshow attraction. The stakes can t get any higher for the two lovers as they try to elude the merciless killer who will stop at nothing to keep Lily for himself. Kelly Lynch (Drugstore Cowboy) and Rhys Ifans (Notting Hill) costar in this gritty and unpredictable tale of redemption in the hard-boiled tradition of classic film noir. Mystery, Thrillers, Crime, Drama min. Image Ent ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Passion Play (Blu-ray) Mickey Rourke, Megan Fox, Bill Murray, Kelly Lynch, Rhys Ifans, Chuck Liddell Love is stronger than death. A terrific cast will hold you spellbound in this one of a kind seductive thriller from the screenwriter of The Recruit. The last thing washed-up jazz musician Nate Pool (Academy Award-nominee Mickey Rourke, The Wrestler) wanted to do was betray sinister gangster Happy Shannon (Academy-Award-nominee Bill Murray, Lost In Translation). But it may be the last thing he does unless he can deliver Lily (Megan Fox, Transformers), a beautiful and mysterious carnival sideshow attraction. The stakes can t get any higher for the two lovers as they try to elude the merciless killer who will stop at nothing to keep Lily for himself. Kelly Lynch (Drugstore Cowboy) and Rhys Ifans (Notting Hill) costar in this gritty and unpredictable tale of redemption in the hard-boiled tradition of classic film noir. Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thrillers min. Image Ent ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Playing House In order to afford their dream house, newlyweds Jen and Mitch Mckenzie ask their best friend Danny to move in with them. The plan works beautifully until Danny brings home Blair, a stunning temptress who decides she likes what the young couple has and never wants to leave. The seductive stranger turns the friends against each other and exploits unspoken desires to achieve her own unique version of the American Dream. Thrillers, Aerial Action min. Maya Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: The Prime Time (1959) / Flaming Teenager (1956) Noel Reyburn, Karen Black Cult Film / TV, Drama min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: Project Greenlight: The Complete Second Season William Sadler, Kathleen Quinlan, Amy Smart, Shia LaBeouf, Elden Henson An In-Depth Look At Hollywood s Moviemaking Process!. Miramax Home Entertainment along with Ben Affleck, Matt Damon and Chris Moore present Project Greenlight...a unique, behind-the-scenes look at the Hollywood filmmaking process that documents all the hurdles and pitfalls encountered by first-time filmmakers as they bring their labor of love to the big screen! This special three-disc collection includes the complete second season of the acclaimed HBO series, extensive bonus material, and the finished theatrically released project The Battle Of Shaker Heights - starring Shia Labeouf and Amy Smart. Boxed Sets, Film About Film, HBO, Reality 2003 min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: Project Greenlight s Stolen Summer: The Movie Brian Dennehy, Bonnie Hunt, Kevin Pollak, Aidan Quinn, Adi Stein, Eddie Kaye Thomas, Mike Weinberg Millions Saw The HBO Series. Now See The Full-Length Final Cut.. Here s the big-screen motion picture that fans of HBO s hit series Project Greenlight eagerly waited to see! From producers Ben Affleck, Matt Damon and Chris Moore, Stolen Summer is the touching story of a young Catholic boy, Pete O Malley, who s on a quest to help a dying Jewish friend, Danny Jacobsen, get into heaven. On an unforgettable adventure marked by conflict and discovery, Pete and Danny will together learn the true meaning of hope and friendship! With Aidan Quinn (Legends Of The Fall) and Kevin Pollak (The Usual Suspects) portraying the families patriarchs, this critically acclaimed feature also stars Brian Dennehy (Tommy Boy), Bonnie Hunt (The Green Mile) and Eddie Kaye Thomas (American Pie 1 & 2) in an outstanding all-star cast! Drama, Friendships min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: The Prophecy: Forsaken Tony Todd, Jason London, Kari Wuhrer, Jason Scott Lee, John Light Sometimes the interests of heaven and hell are not so far apart.. With hot stars Jason Scott Lee (Dracula II: Ascension, Dracula III: Legacy), Kari Wuhrer (The Prophecy: Uprising, Hellraiser: Deader) and Doug Bradley (The Prophecy: Uprising, Hellraiser franchise) back for more supernatural thrills, The Prophecy: Forsaken is the newest electrifying feature in The Prophecy saga! As an ancient religious text - the Lexicon - continues to write itself and reveal eternal mysteries of the universe, it is now believed to contain the exact time when the Antichrist will arrive! With control of the Lexicon and its enormous power at stake, a group of fallen angels will stop at nothing to capture it and the young woman (Wuhrer) who possesses it! Devils And Demons, Horror min ,90 EUR BestellNr.: The Prophecy: Uprising Jason London, Kari Wuhrer, Sean Pertwee, Doug Bradley, John Light Into The War Between Heaven And Hell Comes a Brand-New Enemy.. The next chapter in the wildly popular Prophecy series, The Prophecy: Uprising is a spine-tingling supernatural thriller starring Kari Wuhrer (Eight Legged Freaks, Hellraiser: Deader), Sean Pertwee (Equilibrium, Formula 51) and Doug Bradley (Hellraiser franchise)! Not all prophecies have already been written. The Lexicon is an ancient religious manuscript that continues to write itself and reveal the mysteries of the future. When it lands in the hands of an unsuspecting young woman, she is suddenly thrust into the center of an epic battle between ruthless fallen angels who will move heaven and hell to learn the secrets contained in the Lexicon! With its sexy young cast and loads of incredible bonus material, this must-have addition to your collection will thrill you to your soul! Devils And Demons, Horror 2005 min ,90 EUR BestellNr.: The Proposal Jennifer Esposito, Nick Moran, Stephen Lang, William B. Davis Their Mistake Was Trusting Her.. Hot stars Jennifer Esposito (Dracula 2000, Summer Of Sam, TV s Spin City) and Nick Moran (Lock, Stock And Two Smoking Barrels) shine in a sexy suspense thriller about two undercover cops who let their job get personal! While assigned to take down a dangerous crime boss (Stephen Lang - TV s The Fugitive, Fire Down Below), Terry Martin (Moran) agrees to let a new partner, Susan Reese (Esposito), pose as his wife. Then, with the seductive allure of the underworld blurring the lines of reality for them both, Reese becomes the object of her partner s affection...and the target of the crime boss s desire! As the authorities begin to close in, you ll thrill as Martin and Reese must decide who to trust - with their lives on the line! Thrillers, Drama min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: The Proud And Damned Cesar Romero, Gary Cooper, Chuck Connors Five Confederate veterans- shaped by their experiences in the Civil War - have discovered that their only skills are mercenary. After heading south to ply their trade, they find themselves engaged in a struggle between a military dictator and the people of a small village. Includes three bonus films. Adventure, Western min ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Rage At Dawn Randolph Scott, Edgar Buchanan After infiltrating the Reno brother s gang, detective James Barlow must try his best to bring the infamous outlaws to justice. Includes three bonus films. Drama, Western min ,90 EUR BestellNr.: A Rage In Harlem Forest Whitaker, Gregory Hines, Zakes Mokae, Robin Givens, Danny Glover In the next 24 hours they ll have to outrun the law, outsmart the mob and outshoot the competition.. Sultry Robin Givens (Head of State) heats up the screen with Forest Whitaker (Phone Booth), Gregory Hines (Once in the Life) and Danny Glover (The Royal Tenenbaums) in this cool, sexy thriller about a gangster s girlfriend and the trouble she stirs for the fellas mixed up in her life! When Imabelle (Givens) hits Harlem with a trunkload of stolen gold, she s on the run and looking for a place to hide. So when shy and naive Jackson (Whitaker) appears, Imabelle thinks she s met the perfect patsy... but she forgets to protect her heart! As the chase again takes off and the intrigue mounts, you ll find that unexpected twists are all th Music, Comedy, Crime, Drama min ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Red Riding Hood Gary Oldman, Shiloh Fernandez, Julie Christie, Amanda Seyfried, Billy Burke Romance, Drama, Fairy Tales, Fantasy, Killer Animals min. Warner Bros ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Red Riding Hood (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem Persönlichen Importservice -Vertrag ** LASER HOTLINE Seite 36

37 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA Gary Oldman, Shiloh Fernandez, Julie Christie, Amanda Seyfried, Billy Burke Drama, Fairy Tales, Fantasy, Killer Animals, Romance min. Warner Bros ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Remembering 9/11 James Woods Rudy: The Rudy Giuliani Story. Emmy Award-winning actor James Woods was nominated for a Primetime Emmy for his role as Rudy Giuliani in this film chronicling the former New York mayor during the September 11th terrorist attacks. 9/11: The Firefighters Story. British filmmaker Paul Berriff was filming in the street below the South Tower when it collapsed on him and two other members of the New York Fire Department. All three of them escaped death by seconds. Following the tragedy, Berriff and Puzziferri worked together to produce this compelling and emotional film that examines the effects that tragic day had on the NYFD and their families. Let s Roll: The Story Of Flight 93. On Tuesday, September 11, at 9:28 a.m., four hijackers brutally took control of United Flight 93. Also on board were 43 mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, wives and husbands. The film reveals how 43 ordinary people came to be called the first American heroes of the 21st century. Brothers Lost: Stories Of 9/11. Award-winning filmmaker Sean McGinly lost his brother Mark on September 11, Overwhelmed with grief, Sean set out t Terrorism, TV Movies, USA Network, 9/11, Biopics, Documentary, Drama, Family Relationships, HBO min. Topics Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Reprise Anders Danielsen Lie, Henrik Elvestad, Epsen Klouman Hoiner, Pal Stokka, Viktoria Winge, Christian Rubeck, Odd Magnus Williamson From one of the producers of the Academy Award-winning No Country For Old Men (Best Picture, 2007), comes this critically acclaimed, postmodern Norwegian coming-of-age story. Reprise follows two aspiring novelists and lifelong friends journeying down different paths after one s first novel receives wild acclaim and the other a pile of rejection slips. Filled with infectious energy, filmed in French New Wave style and featuring a stellar up-and-coming young cast, Reprise is an extraordinary film you ll want to experience again and again. Norwegian, Art House, Drama, Foreign min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: Restoration Meg Ryan, Ian McKellen, David Thewlis, Hugh Grant, Polly Walker, Robert Downey Jr., Sam Neill Meg Ryan and Robert Downey Jr. head a superb cast of stars in this stylish and provocative story of love, power and seduction! Robert Merivel (Downey) is a young man who seems to have everything...until a passionate affair leads to scandal, suddenly leaving him heartbroken and penniless. But it s only after losing it all that merivel discovers who he really is and - becomes the man he never dreamed he could be! Also featuring Sam Neill and Hugh Grant, this critically acclaimed and entertaining motion picture won two 1995 Academy Awards for Best Achievement in Art Direction and Costume Design! Romance, Comedy Central, Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest 1995 min ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Ridicule Judith Godreche, Fanny Ardant, Charles Berling, Bernard Giraudeau Danger. Deception. Desire.. Nominated for an Academy Award (Best Foreign Language Film, 1996) and honored by critics as one of the Year s 10 Best Motion Pictures, Ridicule is an exceptionally entertaining tale of passion and deceit! In a desperate quest to save his hometown, a young man quickly learns that a sharp wit is the key to open any door in the Versailles court of Louis XVI! But his mission is complicated when he finds himself locked in a dangerous triangle with two very seductive ladies: a sophisticated older woman who can help him...and an innocent young beauty with nothing to offer but her love! Wickedly funny humor and outstanding performances highlight this must-see triumph! Romance, Art House, Comedy, Drama, Foreign, French, Historical / Period Piece min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: The Ridin Fool Bob Steele Western, Classics min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: Rubber Rubber is the story of Robert, an inanimate tire that has been abandoned in the desert and suddenly and inexplicably comes to life. As Robert roams the bleak landscape, he discovers that he possesses terrifying telepathic powers that give him the ability to destroy anything he wishes. At first content to prey on small desert creatures, his attention soon turns to humans, especially a beautiful and mysterious woman who crosses his path. Leaving a swath of destruction, Robert becomes a chaotic force to be reckoned with, and truly a movie villain for the ages. Directed by legendary electro musician Quentin Dupieux, Rubber. Horror 83min. Magnolia Home Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Rubber (Blu-ray) Rubber is the story of Robert, an inanimate tire that has been abandoned in the desert and suddenly and inexplicably comes to life. As Robert roams the bleak landscape, he discovers that he possesses terrifying telepathic powers that give him the ability to destroy anything he wishes. At first content to prey on small desert creatures, his attention soon turns to humans, especially a beautiful and mysterious woman who crosses his path. Leaving a swath of destruction, Robert becomes a chaotic force to be reckoned with, and truly a movie villain for the ages. Directed by legendary electro musician Quentin Dupieux, Rubber. Horror 83min. Magnolia Home Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: S. Darko: A Donnie Darko Tale (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Elizabeth Berkley, Briana Evigan, Jackson Rathbone, James Lafferty, Ed Westwick, Daveigh Chase It s time to travel forward.. Seven years after her brother s death, Samantha Darko is on the run...from her shattered home, from her bizarre past, and even from herself. But when she and her friend Corey (Evigan) are stranded in a desert town, they witness a meteorite crash that fractures time...and beings a countdown to the end of the world. Now Sam must rely on the frightening visions that plague her dreams to overcome her own dark destiny and set time back on course before everything she knows is destroyed! 2009 Ltbx DTS 103min. 20th Century Fox ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Secuestro Express Mia Maestro, Ruben Blades, Carlos Madera, Carlos Julio Molina, Pedro Perez, Dalila Colombo, Jean Paul Leroux From the producer of Sin City and Once Upon A Time in Mexico!. Sexy Mia Maestro (TV s Alias, Frida) stars in this gripping crime thriller where every second is life and death! In Caracas, the most dangerous city on earth, kidnapping is a profitable and thriving business where gangs target upperclass citizen whose families are able to pay ransoms quickly and quietly. But when Carla (Maestro) and her fiancé are snatched by three brutal thugs, nothing goes as planned in a deadly game where the players must make every move as if it s their last! Acclaimed by critics for its intense action and gritty realism - don t miss this riveting underworld adventure! Thrillers, Venezuelan, Action, Crime, Drama, Foreign min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: Shaolin Soccer Ng Man Tat, Vicki Zhao, Stephen Chow Get ready to kick some grass!. With tons of action, eyepopping special effects and nonstop laughs, here s a hilarious martial arts comedy about a team of misfits who take their best shot at winning a championship! Sing is a skilled Shaolin kung fu devotee whose amazing leg of steel catches the eye of a soccer coach! Together they assemble a squad of Sing s former Shaolin brothers inspired by the big-money prize in a national soccer competition! Using an unlikely mix of martial arts and newfound soccer skills, it seems an unbeatable combination...until they must face the dreaded Team Evil in the ultimate battle for the title! Soccer, Sports, Action, Chinese, Comedy, Foreign, Martial Arts 2004 min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: Sherlock Holmes: Greatest Mysteries (Collector s Tin) Basil Rathbone, Nigel Bruce Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Sherlock Holmes, Drama, Historical / Period Piece 1560min. Mill Creek Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Sitting Bull Richard Boone, Dale Robertson General George A. Custer - spurred on by anti-indian hatred - engages the proud Chief Sitting Bull in the climactic and illfated Battle of the Little Big Horn. Native Americans, War, Western min ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Sleepers (Blu-ray) Minnie Driver, Bruno Kirby, Robert De Niro, Brad Pitt, Kevin Bacon, Dustin Hoffman, Jason Patric, Brad Renfro Four friends have made a mistake that will change their lives forever.. The judicial system is supposed to protect them. But when a youthful prank in New York s Hell s Kitchen spins out of control, the punishment doesn t fit the crime. Sentenced to the Wilkinson School for Boys, four pals are mistreated at will by a cadre of sadistic guards. Now, 15 years later, they have an unexpected opportunity to use that system-for revenge. Friendship. Loyalty. Retribution. From its telltale opening lines to its stunning courtroom climax, Sleepers is spellbinding entertainment. With a vengeance. Crime, Cult Film / TV, Lawyers / Legal Issues, Action, Vigilante Justice min. Warner Bros ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Smoke Signals Tantoo Cardinal, Irene Bedard, Adam Beach, Gary Farmer, Evan Adams, Chris Eyre Celebrate The Comedy That Had Audiences And Critics Cheering!. Critaically acclaimed as one of the best films of the year, Smoke Signals was also a distinguished winner at the Sundance Film Festival! Though Victor and Thomas have lived their entire young lives in the same tiny town, they couldn t have less in common! But when Victor is urgently called away, it s Thomas who comes up with the money to pay for his trip. There s just one thing Victor has to do: take Thomas along for the ride! You re in for a rare and entertaining comic treat as this most unlikely pair of leave home on what becomes an unexpected unforgettable adventure of friendship and discovery! Comedy, Drama min ,90 EUR BestellNr.: The Snapper Colm Meaney, Tina Kellegher, Ruth McCabe She s got a little secret and a lot of explaining to do.. One little secret is about to cause a big, big commotion in this Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem Persönlichen Importservice -Vertrag ** LASER HOTLINE Seite 37

38 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA hilariously funny hit comedy that has everyone talking! When the oldest daughter of a riotous, close-knit family announces her unexpected pregnancy, everyone wants to know who fathered the snapper she s carrying. But the young woman s refusal to reveal anything about her predicament sends the entire town into a tizzy! Critics coast-to-coast praised The Snapper as one of the year s finest and funniest films - it s sure to deliver nonstop laughs to you! Art House, British, Comedy, Drama, Foreign min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: Some Like It Hot (Blu-ray) Jack Lemmon, Marilyn Monroe, Tony Curtis, George Raft, Joe E. Brown When Chicago musicians Joe (Tony Curtis) and Jerry (Jack Lemmon) accidentally witness a gangland shooting, they quickly board a southbound train to Florida, disguised as Josephine and Daphne, the two newest - and homeliest - members of an all-girl jazz band. Their cover is perfect... until a lovelorn singer (Marilyn Monroe) falls for Josephine, an ancient playboy (Joe E. Brown) falls for Daphne, and a mob boss (George Raft) refuses to fall for their hoax! Classics, Comedy, AFI Top 100, Music, National Film Registry, Romance min. MGM / UA ,90 EUR BestellNr.: The Stockard Channing Show Stockard Channing Comedy min. Millennium Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Straight Talk (Blu-ray) James Woods, Dolly Parton, Griffin Dunne, Michael Madsen When Shirlee enters the wrong door at the right time, she turns Chicago s hottest radio station upside down!. When down-on-her-luck country girl Shirlee Kenyon (Dolly Parton- Steel Magnolias) walks through the wrong door at the right time, she accidentally becomes Chicago s newest talk radio celebrity and turns the Windy City s hottest radio station upside down! With her homespun wit and down-home advice, Shirlee immediately wins listeners hearts-but causes hilarious confusion for her ratings-conscious boss (Griffin Dunne-My Girl) and comical havoc for the investigative reporter (James Woods-The Hard Way) trying to uncover her mysterious past! If you re looking for no-nonsense advice on what hit movie offers you pure entertainment-you ll love every comical minute of Straight Talk! Comedy, On The Job min. Mill Creek Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Supernatural: The Complete Seasons 1-5 Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles The CW, Thrillers, Boxed Sets, Drama, Horror, Mystery min. Warner Bros ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Switchblade Sisters Joanne Nail, Robbie Lee, Janice Karman, Marlene Clark, Monica Gayle, Asher Brauner, Kitty Bruce So Easy To Kill, So Hard To Love!. Jack Hill s Switchblade Sisters is the outlandish, action-packed story of a tough gang of teenage girls the all-female Dagger Debs who are looking for love and fighting for turf on the mean streets of the city! Bad girls to the core, these impossibly outrageous high school hoodlums go where they want...and create mayhem wherever they go! A riotously entertaining mix of sex, jealousy and massive firepower that critics loved don t miss your chance to see one of the wildest films ever made! Revenge, Action, Cult Film / TV, Exploitation, Gangs, Killer Beauties min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: Sympathy For Delicious Juliette Lewis, Laura Linney, Mark Ruffalo, Orlando Bloom A newly paralyzed DJ gets more than he bargained for when he seeks out the world of faith healing. Blessed, or cursed, depending on who you ask, with the power to heal, DJ Deliciuos contends with all of the glory and attention that comes with his newfound gift. Comedy, Drama 96min. Maya Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: The Tell-Tale Heart / The Oval Portrait (Double Feature) The Tell-Tale Heart Themes of voyeurism and unrequited love compliment Poe s superb tale of insanity and murder in this grim and supsnseful interpertation by Ernest Morris. Starring Laurence Payne and Adrienne Corri (Hammer s Vampire Circus), and written by Brian Clemens (The Avengers. The Oval Portrait: Poe s suspenseful and darkly romantic tale of an artist whose love for a portrait kills the sitter and is embellished into a generations-old curse set int he Civil War era. Featuring a score by Les Baxter (Cormon s Fall Of The House Of Usher. Double Features, Horror min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: The Tempest (Blu-ray) Helen Mirren, Djimon Hounsou, Felicity Jones, Chris Cooper, Alfred Molina, David Strathairn, Alan Cumming, Russell Brand, Ben Whishaw This modern retelling of William Shakespeare s final masterpiece is an exciting, mystical and magical fantasy with Academy Award-winner Helen Mirren (Best Actress, The Queen, 2006) leading a star-studded cast including Russell Brand (Get Him To The Greek) and Alfred Molina (The Sorcerer s Apprentice). Exiled to a magical island, the sorceress Prospera (Mirren) conjures up a storm that shipwrecks her enemies, and then unleashes her powers for revenge. Directed by the visionary Academy Award-nominated Julie Taymor (Best Director, Frida, 2002) - and complete with exclusive bonus features - The Tempest, with its innovative twist, is a supernatural dramedy filled with Shakespearian villains, lovers and fools that will leave you spellbound. Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Art House, Romance, Shakespeare min. Disney / Buena Vista ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Shirley Temple & Friends (Collector s Tin) Shirley Temple America s little princess is back for heartwarming family entertainment! The adorable and talented Shirley Temple delighted audiences with her song and dance in this collection of classics! From delightful family feature films to hilarious comedy shorts, this amazing collection showcases America s sweetheart in some of her most engaging performances. Travel back to a more innocent time when the nation was captivated by the talents and personality of one little girl! Short Film Collections, Comedy, Family 864min. Mill Creek Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Texas Cowboy (1929) / With WIth Sitting Bluee At The Spirit Lake Massacre (1927) (Silent) Bob Steele, Bryant Washburn, Chief Yowlachie Two rare silent westerns from the earliest days of the motion picture. Silent Film, Western, Classics min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: Unknown Liam Neeson, Frank Langella, January Jones, Diane Kruger, Aidan Quinn The star of Taken and The A-Team jumps back into action with brute force! Liam Neeson plays Dr. Martin Harris, who awakens after a car accident in Berlin to discover that his wife (January Jones) suddenly doesn t recognize him and another man (Aidan Quinn) has assumed his identity. Ignored by disbelieving authorities and hunted by mysterious assassins, he finds himself alone, tired and on the run. Aided by an unlikely ally (Diane Kruger), Harris plunges into a deadly mystery forcing him to question his sanity, his identity and just how far he s willing to go to uncover the truth. Mystery, Thrillers, Action, Drama min. Warner Bros ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Unknown (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) Liam Neeson, Frank Langella, January Jones, Diane Kruger, Aidan Quinn The star of Taken and The A-Team jumps back into action with brute force! Liam Neeson plays Dr. Martin Harris, who awakens after a car accident in Berlin to discover that his wife (January Jones) suddenly doesn t recognize him and another man (Aidan Quinn) has assumed his identity. Ignored by disbelieving authorities and hunted by mysterious assassins, he finds himself alone, tired and on the run. Aided by an unlikely ally (Diane Kruger), Harris plunges into a deadly mystery forcing him to question his sanity, his identity and just how far he s willing to go to uncover the truth. Drama, Action, Mystery, Thrillers min. Warner Bros ,90 EUR BestellNr.: V.I. Warshawski (Blu-ray) Kathleen Turner, Charles Durning, Jay O. Sanders Kathleen Turner (The War of the Roses, Romancing the Stone) stars as V.I. Warshawski, a tough-talking, sexy Chicago private eye who knows how to use her two most lethal weapons- powerful charm and all the right moves. When she s hired by the 13-year-old daughter of a murdered exhockey star, V.I. Gets caught up in an action packed thriller involving money, murder and the Windy City s most notorious hoods! This time it s going to take everything she s got to track down and out-fox the key suspects. Earning high praise for her electrifying performance, Kathleen Turner is simply irritable as the smart and sexy detective you ll find yourself cheering for! Comedy, Crime, Detectives, Murder Mysteries, Mystery min. Mill Creek Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Vengeance Valley Ronald Reagan, Jane Russell, Burt Lancaster Jealousy between brothers leads to lies, confrontation and an abundance of plot twists and turns - including an illegitimate child and attempted murder - before a righteous resolution is reached. Includes three bonus films. Action, Western 381min ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Venus Vanessa Redgrave, Leslie Phillips, Jodie Whittaker, Richard Griffiths Academy Award nominee Peter O Toole (2006 Best Actor) leads a powerful cast to deliver a charming and poignant portrayal of Maurice, an aging veteran actor who becomes absolutely taken with Jessie - the grandniece of his closest friend. When Maurice tries to soften the petulant and provincial young girl with the benefit of his wisdom and London culture, their give-and-take surprises both Maurice and Jessie as they discover what they don t know about themselves. Featuring brilliant performances from a superb supporting cast, Venus is a witty and wise celebration of how the greatest lessons in life can come from the most unlikely places. Odd Couples, Art House, British, Comedy, Drama, Foreign, Friendships min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: Vibrations Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem Persönlichen Importservice -Vertrag ** LASER HOTLINE Seite 38

39 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA Christina Applegate, James Marshall, Paige Turco, Faye Grant, Scott Cohen, Bruce Altman, David Burke, Shane Butterworth Her Passion. His Courage. Together...Redemption is the Best Revenge!. She dared to challenge his fears...and found a way to his heart! In this high-energy story of passionate love and personal redemption, Christina Applegate (View From the Top, The Sweetest Thing) stars as Anamika, a manager at the hottest dance club around! There, by chance, she meets T.J. (James Marshall-A Few Good Men, Gladiator), a down-andnearly-out young musician struggling in the aftermath of a brutal attack. As they develop a mutual respect that eventually grows into something deeper, you ll cheer as T.J.-with the love and support of Anamika and some great new friends-finds the inner strength to triumph over his tragic past and become a music legend! All set to a hot music soundtrack, Vibrations is uplifting, energetic entertainment you won t want to miss! Drama, Friendships min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: Water Rustlers Vince Barnett A beautiful cattle rancher encounters murderous thugs who have diverted water from her property. Bonus: An Annie Oakley television episode from Western, Classics 1939 min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: The Way Of The West A lone Mountie has come to town to clean up its crime and corruption after finding an innocent man dead. As he gets settled in his new home, he discovers endless amounts of illegal activity taking place behind closed doors. Once he uncovers the men behind the crimes, he prepares to take them down one by one in the most vicious showdown this town has ever seen. Western 83min. Lionsgate ,90 EUR BestellNr.: We Are What We Are Paulina Gaitan Life would be hard for anyone following the unexpected death of their father. But life is harder for young Adrian, Sheila and Alfredo. Because their family is not normal. There s is a family of cannibals and their father, you see, was the hunter. So not only do they have to cope with their grief, they also have to deal with the hunger. And one of them must learn to kill if any of them are going to survive. Balancing sincere emotion with horrifying violence, Jorge Michel Grau s We Are What We Are is one of the most striking debut films of recent times, a powerful and unique drama announcing the arrival of a major new talent. Spanish, Art House, Drama, Horror min. MPI ,90 EUR BestellNr.: The Wedding Gift Julie Walters, Thora Hird, Jim Broadbent, Sian Thomas Endearing and Uplifting! - Los Angeles Times. Critics across America loved The Wedding Gift, praising its wry wit and heartfelt performances. It s the inspirational story of a remarkable couple, Deric and Diana (Academy Award winner Jim Broadbent - Best Supporting Actor, Iris, 2001; Gangs of New York, Moulin Rouge and Julie Walters - Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets), who share their lives in perfect harmony, amusing each other as they face Diana s failing health. As a final act of affection for Deric, Diana orchestrates a gift of love in its purest and deepest form - by secretly setting him up with another woman! TV Movies, British, Comedy, Crime, Drama, Foreign min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: Welcome To Sarajevo Woody Harrelson, Emily Lloyd, Marisa Tomei, Kerry Fox, Emira Nusevic, Stephen Dillane, Goran Visnjic, James Nesbitt To Get the Story, They ll Risk Everything!. Woody Harrelson (Play It To The Bon), Academy Award winner Marisa Tomei (In the Bedroom) and Stephen Dillane (The Hours) team up and deliver powerhouse performances in this true story of courage and daring! Living on the edge amid the constant threat of attack, an offbeat band of TV journalists, led by hotshot Jimmy Flynn (Harrelson), report from a devastated war-torn country. The action intensifies when one of the journalists crosses the line and risks his life in a bold attempt to smuggle an orphaned girl to safety. Filling the screen with a jarring mix of passion and danger, Welcome to Sarajevo is a gritty, behind-the-scenes look at covering a war... head-on and on the run. Don t miss it! War, Action, Drama, Historical / Period Piece, Military min ,90 EUR BestellNr.: When Animals Strike Back!: Volume 1 They re hungry for murder... and you are the prey. Enjoy the campy, fun, horror films that everybody loves with 3 classic cult hits: They ve eluded heat-seeking missiles, gone eyeballto-eyeball with enraged 5,000-pound hippos, hacked through a jungle curtain. Still, the expedition continues. Amy, a gorilla who was part of a university learning experiment, is at last returning home. A professor (Dylan Walsh), electronics expert (Laura Linney), guide (Ernie Hudson), explorer (Tim Curry) and others follow the scampering ape. They know she will lead them to a place that s more than her home - it s the site of the fabled Lost City of Zinj and its diamond mines. But what they don t know can be fatal. Once they enter Zinj, they ll be the endangered species! The Big Apple is again besieged by the monstrous King Kong. Jeff Bridges and Jessica Lange star in this ambitious remake of the 1933 original, which adds a great deal of camp and good fun to the story. Again, the gargantuan ape battles attacking aircraft high above the streets of New York, this time plunging from the top of the World Trade Center to his de Thrillers, Action 2011 min. Paramount Pictures ,90 EUR BestellNr.: When Animals Strike Back!: Volume 2 Stephen King They re hungry... for murder.. They re hungry for murder... and this time Stephen King delivers the savage animals ready to attack... After moving to an idyllic home in the countryside, life seems perfect for the Creed family... but not for long. Louis and Rachel Creed and their two young children settle into a house that sits next door to a pet cemetery - built on an ancient Indian burial ground. Their mysterious new neighbor, Jud Crandall (Fred Gwynne), hides the cemetery s darkest secret... until a family tragedy brings the secret to life. Now, an unthinkable evil is about to be resurrected. From Stephen King, the Master of the Macabre, comes a journey that leads to hell and back. Through not everyone survives the trip. For the Creeds, home is where the horror is. From horror master Stephen King comes his most terror-filled tale yet... Gates Falls, Maine. When an abandoned textile mill is reopened, several employees meet mysterious deaths. The link between the killings: all occurred between the hours of 11 p.m. and 7 a.m. - the Graveyard Stephen King, Thrillers, Horror 1990 min. Paramount Pictures ,90 EUR BestellNr.: White Irish Drinkers Stephen Lang, Karen Allen A coming of age story set in 1975 working-class Brooklyn, in which two teenage brothers living with their abusive father and their well-meaning but ineffective mother are caught up in a life of petty crime. Older brother Danny concocts a daring scheme to steal enough money for the two to escape, time around the chaos of an upcoming Rolling Stones concert. The sensitive younger brother, Brian, ultimately has a choice: remain loyal to the brother with whom he shares a powerful love-hate bond, or use his hidden talent as an artist as his own ticket out of their dead-end existence. Crime, Drama, Family min. Screen Media Films ,90 EUR BestellNr.: White Irish Drinkers (Blu-ray) Stephen Lang, Karen Allen A coming of age story set in 1975 working-class Brooklyn, in which two teenage brothers living with their abusive father and their well-meaning but ineffective mother are caught up in a life of petty crime. Older brother Danny concocts a daring scheme to steal enough money for the two to escape, time around the chaos of an upcoming Rolling Stones concert. The sensitive younger brother, Brian, ultimately has a choice: remain loyal to the brother with whom he shares a powerful love-hate bond, or use his hidden talent as an artist as his own ticket out of their dead-end existence. Crime, Drama, Family min. Screen Media Films ,90 EUR BestellNr.: White Zombie Madge Bellamy, Bela Lugosi, Robert Frazer, Brandon Hurst, Joseph Cawthorn, John Harron Along a desolate road in the Haitian mountains, a carriage bearing Neil Parker and Madelaine Short encounters a funeral in which the body is being buried in the road. Further down the road, the coach stops at the sight of a man of satanic appearance: six human shapes step forth, and the horrified driver shouts Zombies!, signaling the first apperance of the living dead in American cinema. When first release White Zombie was given a cirtical scourging, but today occupies a deserved place beside Dracula and Frakenstein as one of the most eerie and interesting horror films of the 1930 s. Zombies, Classics, Horror min. Music Video Distribution tba BestellNr.: Without Men Maria Conchita Alonso, Eva Longoria, Kate del Castillo, Christian Slater, Oscar Nunez Romance, Comedy 2010 min. Maya Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Yuma George Kennedy, Clint Walker, Barry Sullivan U.S. Marshal Dave Harmon has been appointed by the Governor to bring order to the Yuma Territory - an area known for running off any lawman who dares to bring the rowdies to heel. Includes three bonus films. TV Movies, Western min ,90 EUR BestellNr.: , Teri Polo, Kevin Pollak, Mark Pellegrino, Mark Thompson, Dwight Yoakum Thrillers, Horror min ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Music The Art Of Piano From Ignaz Jan Paderewski in 1936 to Claudio Arrau in 1970, The Art Of Piano features some of the most fascinating material, historically and musically, from the world s film and television archives. Commentaries by Piotr Anderszewski, Daniel Barenboim, Schuyler Chapin, Sir Colin Davis, Gary Graffman, Evgeny Kissin, Zoltan Kocsis, Stephen Kovacevich, Paul Myers, Gennadi Rozhdestvensky, György Sandor and Tamás Vásáry. Classical Music, Documentary, Music, Piano 107min. Kultur ,90 EUR BestellNr.: The Art Of Singing Many illustrious opera stars of the twentieth century are featured in sound and vision in rare footage, much of it previously unavailable. Contributions from Kirk Browning, Schuyler Chapin, Thomas Hampson, Giovanni Martinelli, Magda Olivero, Nicola Rescigno, Risë Stevens and Jon Vickers. Classical Music, Documentary, Music, Opera 116min. Kultur ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem Persönlichen Importservice -Vertrag ** LASER HOTLINE Seite 39


41 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA Larry Carlton & The Sapphire Blues Band: The Paris Concert Larry Carlton Nineteen time Grammy nominee, four time Grammy winner and all time guitar great, Larry Carlton established himself from his first recording, A Little Help From My Friends. His studio credits include musicians and groups like Steely Dan, Joni Mitchell, Michael Jackson, Sammy Davis Jr., Herb Alpert, Quincy Jones, Bobby Bland, Dolly Parton, Linda Ronstadt and literally dozens of others. With 30 albums to his credit and having performed on over 100 albums that have gone Gold or Platinum, Larry Carlton has set a standard for artistry that spans three decades. Concerts, Music 115min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: Johnny Cash: The Great Lost Performance June Carter Cash, Johnny Cash On July 27, 1990, Johnny Cash took his revue to The Paramount Theatre in Asbury Park, New Jersey, and performed a truly unique and wonderful concert, captured on multi-tracks that lay dormant in producer Clark Enslin s Vault until recently mixed and edited for this near hour-long CD. Terrific performances of his greatest hits are here I Walk The Line, Ring Of Fire, etc. A wonderfully upbeat Cash and wife June Carter Cash s stories and introductions punctuate the music; June contributes a boisterous Jackson duet with Johnny; Recording Artist Lucy Clark duets on the first performance anywhere at the time of Johnny s What Is Man?; and Lucy Clark also adds her vocals on Forty Shades of Green, the singer performs the only recorded version anywhere of the classic gospel song Wonderful Time Up There. A great lost performance has been found. Produced by Clark Enslin and Johnny Cash. Concerts, Documentary, Music 1990 min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: Chicago: Live In Concert One of the most loved bands in rock history, as well as one of the most commercially successful-with 50 hit songs in the U.S. alone, 18 gold records, a Grammy, and a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame-Chicago have maintained the unflagging devotion of millions of devoted fans throughout their career.this DVD documents a live show that was broadcast on TV in 1993 where they play many of their hits from throughout their long career, including 25 or Six to Four, You re the Inspiration, Saturday in the Park, and Beginnings among many others. Concerts, Music 91min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: Sheryl Crow: Miles From Memphis Live At The Pantages Theatre Concerts, Music, Pop Music min. Eagle Rock ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Sheryl Crow: Miles From Memphis Live At The Pantages Theatre (Blu-ray) Concerts, Music, Pop Music min. Eagle Rock ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Donizetti: Don Pasquale Anna Netrebko, James Levine, John Del Carlo, Matthew Polenzani Classical Music, Music, Opera, Performing Arts min. Universal - Music ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Dizzy Gillespie: In Redondo Dizzy Gillespie Gary Keys 1986 film capturing Dizzy Gillespie and band live in Redondo Beach, CA. The trumpeter/bandleader is in great form, leading his crack band through classics from various parts of his career. Filmed in Gary Keys signature style, with lots of closeups of the players, capturing all of the impish comedy and good times of the elder statesman of jazz. 60min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: Jascha Heifetz: God s Fiddler Not since Paganini had there been such a magician on the violin. In this revealing documentary about the legendary musician we see vintage filmed performance clips of Jascha Heifetz and learn that he was the first truly modern violin virtuoso, the man about whom Itzhak Perlman said, When I spoke with him, I thought, I can t believe I m talking with God. This insightful film portrays an artist for whom only perfection would do, a musical wunderkind who went on to set the standards for nearly a century. We get to know Jascha Heifetz through home movies and personal family photos taken from , a prestigious concert artist so well known in popular culture, his name became shorthand for greatness, for everyone from Jack Benny to The Muppets to Woody Allen. This unique program includes interviews with the great violinists of his generation, and from many of his former students, telling how Heifetz was a legendary but mysterious figure whose story embodies the dual nature of artistic genius: the paradox of how a mortal man lives with immortal gifts - gifts he must honor, but which extract a lifelo Violin, Biography, Classical Music, Documentary, Jewish Heritage, Music 87min. Kultur ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Hip Hop s Power Couple: Jay Z & Beyonce Beyonce Knowles A two disc collection of Hip Hop s Power Couple, Beyonce & Jay Z. Beyonce - One third of the mega singing group Destiny s Child, a movie star, and now a successful solo artist, the multi-talented Beyonce Knowles is headed for supa dupa stardom. Jay Z - The life of Jay Z, a rap star and business mogul. It begins in his childhood, goes through the challenges of growing up without a father, dealing with drugs on the streets of New York. Documentary, Music min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: Rogelio Martinez: Tributo A Jose Alfredo Jimenez Concerts, Foreign, Latin Music, Music, Spanish min. Universal - Music ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Notorious B.I.G: Bigger Than Life / 2 Turntables And A Microphone (2 Pack) Notorious B.I.G., 50 Cent, Run DMC, Jam Master Jay The Notorious B.I.G. is no doubt on every Hip-Hop fan s short list of the greatest rappers of all time. Most importantly, B.I.G. was respected and revered by his peers in the game. Everyone from Jay Z to Tupac became captivated by his velvety flow and unparalleled rhyme style. He left behind a legacy that reached mythic status. Now for the first time the real Notorious B.I.G. is revealed in this fascinating film. Hear the stories firsthand from his closest friends and some of the biggest names in Hip-Hop Diddy, Method Man, Easy Mo Bee, Matty C, E-40, Raekwon and many more. See raw, uncut footage of B.I.G. freestyling on the streets of New York, rare home video footage, a never-before-seen interview done with Biggie shortly before his death and undisclosed footage from the night of his murder. Directed by renowned Hip-Hop documentary filmmaker Peter Spirer (the Beef series, Tupac Shakur: Thug Angel), this comprehensive film is definitive proof that the Notorious B.I.G will always be Bigger Than Life. October 30, Legendary hip-hop DJ Jason Mizell, aka Jam Master Jay, is gunned down in his Queens Documentary, Double Features, East Coast Rap, Music, Rap 195min. Image Ent ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Phish: Live In Utica Stoners, Concerts, Jam Bands, Music 2010 min. ADA ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Sun Ra: Jazz Session Sun Ra Arkestra Master quality French television broadcast from 1972, 31 minutes total. This black and white portrait of the Arkestra is startlingly beautiful, and is possibly the single finest film of the band ever seen. This even surpasses Space Is The Place in its details of how this tribe conjures the purest magic of costumes, percussion and joyous science fiction truth. Recorded on a momentary stop in France (Jan.8, 1972) on their way back to Oakland after the Autumn/Winter 1971 European and Egypt tours, this flawless video recording has never been seen by even the most hardcore Sun Ra collectors and discographers. Concerts, Jazz, Music min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: Radiohead: Arms & Legs - The Story So Far Radiohead Never a band to do what s expected, Radiohead remains the most challenging chart act in the world today. This two disc DVD documentary film set looks at the Radiohead story from different angles. The first film traces the development, recording, release and aftermath of their most influential and rewarding record to date, OK Computer. The second film looks at Radiohead s rise to glory, from their very earliest days together to the point at which they became a global phenomenon. Documentary, Music 109min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: Ride Rise Roar World Music, Alternative, Concerts, Experimental Rock, Music min. Eagle Rock ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Ride Rise Roar (Blu-ray) World Music, Concerts, Experimental Rock, Music, Alternative min. Eagle Rock ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Riverdance Live From Beijing It s been fifteen years since Riverdance first tapped its way onto the world stage thrilling millions of people around the globe. This unique show has been experienced live by over 22 million people; in over 10,000 performances in 350 cities in 40 countries spread across 4 continents. It is the first international show to tour China extensively. This new DVD was filmed live in the Beijing Exhibition Center to celebrate the show s 15th Anniversary as part of its 12 city tour of China in It showcases the incredible beauty, energy and skill of the dance combined with the captivating rhythms of the music. This program, which is the first since 2001, was filmed with state-of-the-art High Definition cameras. Every Riverdance fan will enjoy this superb DVD product with Dolby Digital Surround Sound. Dance does not often get so good. Riverdance is a celebration of Irish dance and culture, presented with sophistication and vibrancy. The Guardian Dancing, Folk Dance, Musicals On Stage, Performing Arts min. Kultur ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Screamadelica Live (Blu-ray With Classic Album) (Blu-ray) Alternative, Concerts, Indie Rock min. Eagle Rock ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Screamadelica Live (DVD + CD Combo) Alternative, Concerts, Indie Rock, Music min. Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem Persönlichen Importservice -Vertrag ** LASER HOTLINE Seite 41

42 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA Eagle Rock ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Mike Stern: Band - Paris Concert For three decades, guitarist Mike Stern has astonished jazz audiences all over the world with his quest to push the envelope of what is possible on his instrument, the electric guitar. While his music is often labeled fusion by default, the fluidity and intensity of Stern s playing continue to impress listeners. Mike Stern is certainly one of the best electric guitarists of his generation. This has never been more obvious than in the extraordinary concert the 4 time Grammy nominee gave in the springtime of 2008 to a mesmerized New Morning audience. min. Inakustic (DVD) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Strokes: From Then Til Now A full decade on from their stunning debut and five years since their last record, The Strokes return in triumphant form with a new set of songs reminding us all just what it was that made the world fall in love with this extraordinary group in the first place. This two disc set, comprising a DVD documentary film charting The Strokes journey from their roots in NYC to the world class reputation they enjoy today, plus a CD interview disc containing over an hour of exclusive chat with the lads themselves. This limited edition set will delight every Strokes fan, new or old, across the globe. Concerts, Music 127min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: Thin Lizzy: Live In Concert 1983 For first time on DVD, the legendary Phil Lynott and Thin Lizzy in the phenomenally successful 1983 Thunder and Lightning Tour performed in his native Dublin. As an introduction to the programme, if any were needed, Phil s fellow band members Eric Bell and Brian Robertson reminisce about their years performing together; they are joined by Production man Nick Tauber and all three have their own special memories of the iconic driving force behind supergroup, Thin Lizzy. Concerts, Music min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: Veggie Tales Live!: Sing Yourself Silly Concerts, Music, Religion/Spirituality min. Big Idea ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Violent Femmes: Life At The Hacienda 1983/84 Concerts, Music 120min. Cherry Red ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Water On The Road Alternative, Concerts, Grunge, Music min. Universal - Music ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Yo Gabba Gabba: Party In A Box Collection You re invited to a Gabba Land Dance Party with DJ Lance Rock and the gang in this three-dvd box set! Tap your toes, stomp your feet, and dance along with Muno, Foofa, Toodee, Brobee, and Plex as you explore everything from animals to eating, from birthdays to sharing, from friends to dress-up... all in these 12 exciting episodes! Music, Nickelodeon min. Nickelodeon ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Neil Young: Here We Are In The Years Neil Young Despite remaining a hugely original singer, songwriter, performer and, let s face it, human being, across a career spanning almost fifty years, Neil Young has never been immune to the influence of others. This will be of no surprise to anyone with even a hint of interest in the man and his music, but only those who have studied their subject in depth will be aware of the enormous range of artists and genres Neil has both been affected by and drawn inspiration from, much of which, if one knows where to look, is apparent in Young s incredible catalogue. Concerts, Music 120min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: Special Interest 2006 US Open Men s Final: Federer Vs. Roddick Roger Federer The US Open began in 1881 as the U.S. Championships, a relatively small event held at The Casino in Newport, R.I. Today it has grown into the biggest tennis tournament in the world, with a long, rich tradition of attracting the best players from around the world to perform on the world s greatest stage: the USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center in New York City. As the last major of the calendar year, the US Open annually brings down the curtain on the Grand Slam season with some of the most unforgettable matches in tennis history. In 2006, it featured another stirring chapter in the growing rivalry between the winners of the last three US Open men s singles titles-two-time defending champion Roger Federer and 2003 champion Andy Roddick. The two met in the Wimbledon final in 2004 and 2005, with Federer emerging victorious both times, and the Swiss entered the 2006 US Open on one of the greatest runs in the annals of the sport. The tournament s top seed, Federer had won seven of the past 11 Grand Slam events and was attempting to become the first man in tennis history to sweep the Wimbledon and th Sports, Tennis min. Kultur ,90 EUR BestellNr.: nd Street: River To River Documentary min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: America: The Birth Of Freedom (Collector s Tin) An Important and relevant portrait of America s early years! Embark on an exciting, historical journey through the battles and victories surrounding America s pursuit for freedom. This poignant documentary series is comprehensively presented through narration, photographs and paintings to create a visual history of America s founding ideals of liberty and freedom. This ten-part documentary series examines the people and events that led up to our nation s battle for independence against the world s largest military power during the Revolutionary War through the presidencies of freedom fighters Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln who were forever dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. American Revolution, Documentary, Educational, Family 464min. Mill Creek Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: American History Of The Wild West (Collector s Tin) Western, Cowboy, Documentary 540min. Mill Creek Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Athens: Mother Of Western Civilization Athens is still one of the liveliest cities in Europe, an ancient city which has stayed young. At an early stage the Athenians adopted a questioning attitude toward life and began to develop new ideas. Thus, about 2,500 years ago, in this city there emerged the idea of democracy, which has exerted a decisive influence on modern history. In this cultural environment, literary forms such as the satire, the drama and the comedy were created. The fine arts of Central Europe are deeply indebted to the metropolis of Athens. Many of the surviving statues and temples which have been preserved are among the finest examples of classical art. Here the roots and the role models of Western culture are to be found. Ancient Greece / Rome, Documentary 60min. Kultur ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Battle History Of The United States Marine Corps: Korea The Battle History of the United States Marine Corps series presents a personal, unforgettable account of the US Marine Corps during the Vietnam War, Korean War, and in the Pacific Theater during WWII. Featuring exclusive veteran accounts, dramatic archival footage, and expert commentary, this series puts you in the field to experience the war through the eyes and words of the Marines who were there: the Marines who put their lives on the line for their country, and for the Corps. On June 25, 1950, eight divisions of the North Korean Peopl s Army crossed the 38th Parallel and invaded the Republic of Korea. Two days later, the United Nations Security Council proclaimed the North Korean attack a breach of world peace and requested member nations to assist the ROK. This was the beginning of a new, glorious chapter in the Corps long history. Traces the early history of conflict in the Korean peninsula from the mid-19th through the mid-20th century. Follows the advance of UN forces across the 38th parallel to the Yalu River and the subsequent intervention by China s People s Liberation Army. Follows the ret Vietnam War, World War II, Collections, Korean War, Military 2010 FF S 300min. Allegro Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Battle History Of The United States Marine Corps: Marines In The Pacific The Pacific Theater during WWII was one of the most difficult and brutal campaigns in military history. Here is where the Marines lived up to their reputation of being the first to fight. From Midway & Guam to Iwo Jima & Okinawa, this series details the string of island battles and subsequent victories across the Pacific. Highlights the decisive turning point of the Pacific war. Beginning with the victory at Midway and following the long and bloody battle for Guadalcanal, the Marines marched up the strategically important Solomon Islands chain and claimed their first victories in the Pacific. Continues the epic story of the battle history of the USMC on the road to Tokyo as they continued their island hopping campaign. In the fight to gain control of these strategic islands, the Marines experienced some of the most bloody & difficult battles in the entire Pacific war against a tenacious Japanese enemy. Covers some of the most intense and fiercest battles ever fought during the Pacific War. The courage and heroism displayed by the USMC on islands such as Iwo Jima & Okinawa are now legendary. Securing World War II, Collections 2010 FF S 300min. Allegro Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Bellydance Superstars: Killer Drillz With Zoe Jakes Zoe Jakes Bellydance, Dancing, Exotic Workouts, Fitness min. Vivendi Visual Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: The Best Of Bizarre: Volume 1-5 John Byner Comedy min. Millennium Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: The Best Of Bizarre: Volume 6-10 John Byner Comedy min. Millennium Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: The Best Of Cheaters: Uncensored - Volume 4 Unlike other reality shows that are on stage (and perhaps staged), Cheaters is on the street and shot with handheld Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem Persönlichen Importservice -Vertrag ** LASER HOTLINE Seite 42

43 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA cameras, giving all the pain and misery a more realistic feel. Cheaters literally catches people in the act of infidelity as they bust through motel doors with shocked spouse and camera crew in tow. Rich, poor, black, white, gay, straight...cheaters does not discriminate when it comes to illicit sex and manic screaming. It also does not turn cameras away from the real pain and grief that makes this show a guilty pleasure for so many avid viewers. Cheaters is compelling reality television molded in the fashion of prime time magazine programs such as 60 Minutes and 20/20 Cheaters incorporates the most riveting elements of oncamera investigations and delivers them to you. Collections, Drama, Reality 920min. Millennium Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Brainy Baby: Music - Deluxe Edition The Brainy Baby Music DVD. Brainy Baby has been a leader in preschool video development for more than a decade and this series has been the recipient of over 75 National Awards and, unlike our competitors, a university study has confirmed the educational value of the Brainy Baby DVD line. Created by educators and parents, this award-winning series uses a time-tested, proven teaching method that follows a lesson plan format and each DVD reinforces lessons through engaging real-life objects and fun sing-alongs to which kids can relate. Brainy Baby helps children discover a world of learning with quality products that children love and parents trust. Family 45min. BayView Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Brainy Baby: Spanish - Deluxe Edition The Brainy Baby Spanish DVD. Brainy Baby has been a leader in preschool video development for more than a decade and this series has been the recipient of over 75 National Awards and, unlike our competitors, a university study has confirmed the educational value of the Brainy Baby DVD line. Created by educators and parents, this award-winning series uses a time-tested, proven teaching method that follows a lesson plan format and each DVD reinforces lessons through engaging real-life objects and fun sing-alongs to which kids can relate. Brainy Baby helps children discover a world of learning with quality products that children love and parents trust. Family Relationships 45min. BayView Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Brainy Baby: Talking Hands - Deluxe Edition The Brainy Baby Talking Hands DVD. Brainy Baby has been a leader in preschool video development for more than a decade and this series has been the recipient of over 75 National Awards and, unlike our competitors, a university study has confirmed the educational value of the Brainy Baby DVD line. Created by educators and parents, this awardwinning series uses a time-tested, proven teaching method that follows a lesson plan format and each DVD reinforces lessons through engaging real-life objects and fun singalongs to which kids can relate. Brainy Baby helps children discover a world of learning with quality products that children love and parents trust. Family 45min. BayView Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Marc Bremart: Ju-jitsu - Art Of Combat This DVD presents defence techniques of Ju-Jitsu from Judo techniques, which are sometimes adapted and modified, to floor finishing techniques that come from effective methods of Sambo. Instructional, Martial Arts min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: Dorf: The Super Fan Collection (Collector s Tin) Tim Conway Tim Conway, the beloved comedian best known from his work on The Carol Burnett Show showcases his comedic genius with his portrayal of the diminutive, dark-haired Scandinavian known as Dorf. Prepare to laugh yourself silly as Dorf takes you around the world of sports through a series of instructional videos where things have a tendency to go awry and slapstick antics ensue. All of Dorf s greatest moments are included for the first time in this hilarious DVD collection! Sports, Comedy, Slapstick 305min. Mill Creek Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Dumbstruck Follow five ventriloquists as they showcase their hilarious talents and provide a behind the scenes glimpse into the world of ventriloquism. Comedy, Documentary 84min. Magnolia Home Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Bob Dylan: Revealed Bob Dylan When Bob Dylan turns 70 in May 2011, his iconic career will have spanned five decades. Yet, a true portrait of the reclusive voice of the generation has eluded Dylan fans. Through exclusive insider interviews, and never-before-seen photos and footage spanning Dylan s 50-year career, Bob Dylan Revealed offers an intimate biography of who Bob Dylan was, and who he is today. Biography, Documentary, Jazz 110min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: DysFunktional Family Eddie Griffin The Outrageous Comedy You Have To See To Believe!. The always outrageous comedian Eddie Griffin (Undercover Brother, Double Take) brings the funk to his thoroughly hilarious family reunion in this revealing and wildly entertaining comedy gem! The cameras are rolling and the laughs don t stop as we follow Griffin on his journey home to the Kansas City neighborhood he grew up in! There we meet his anything-but-average family-including two totally off-thewall uncles-and get to join in one very lively and interesting family gathering! If you ve ever wondered how your favorite comedians got so funny, don t miss this fascinating look at Eddie Griffin and the one-of-a-kind characters who shaped his life and inspired his comedy! Comedy min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: Extraordinary Minds: Jared Diamond Jared Diamond Jared Diamond is one of America s most celebrated scholars. A professor of Geography and Physiology at the University of California Los Angeles, he is equally renowned for his work in the fields of ecology and evolutionary biology and for his groundbreaking studies of the birds of Papua New Guinea. Author of eight books and numerous academic monographs, Diamond s best-selling The Rise And Fall Of The Third Chimpanzee won two science prizes in His 1997 book, Guns, Germs, And Steel: The Fates Of Human Societies, won the Pulitzer Prize and has been translated into 36 languages, selling millions of copies around the world. His follow-up book, Collapse: How Societies Choose To Fail Or Succeed, was published in December 2004 and quickly became a bestseller. The ease with which Diamond can encapsulate and explain major patterns in human history from such an original perspective has made him a popular draw for lecture audiences and the international media across the globe. Biography, Documentary, Science 52min. Kultur ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Alain Formaggio & Jean-Michel Lerho: Close Combat Vol. 2 New techniques always more extreme! This second volume on COS (Close-combat Operational System) will provide you new self defense technique against chokeholds, holds, punches&kicks, knife vs knife, gun, rifle, defense with a stick, the whole shot in the street. Educational, Fighting, Instructional, Martial Arts 64min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: Alain Formaggio: Krav Maga - Danger In The Street Alain Formaggio, expert in Krav Maga Self-defence, shows you how to counter attack in a urban environment facing all types of attacks: helping a person out, how to react facing different weapons (cutter, knife, gun...), surviving kicks, punches, knives, bat attacks, or defending yourself efficiently against surprise strangulation or violent grabs. Anticipate, analyse and counter attack in the street and its dangers is what this DVD offers in it s practice of Krav Maga Selfdefence. Instructional, Martial Arts min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: Alain Formaggio: Krav Maga - Street Fighting Simplicity and efficiency are the key words to the techniques of body-to-body Israeli close combat. And they are the bases of modern Krav Maga that you will find is this DVD. Instructional, Martial Arts min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: The Girls Next Door: Season 6 Hugh Hefner We Call It Fantasy. They Call It Home.. Season 6 features the final episodes with all the original favorite girls (Holly, Bridget and Kendra) as well as the introduction of Hugh Heffner s fiancé, Crystal Harris and twins Karissa and Kristina Shannon. Playboy, Reality 243min. MPI ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Gliding: For The Active Older Adult This multi level energy driven Gliding workout, designed especially for seniors of every ability, offers exercises to improve balance, coordination, strength, agility, stability and flexibility. Three complete workouts are included: Standing, Assisted, and Seated. Perfect for group exercise classes or for your personal workout at home. Most of all, you do not have to be a senior to enjoy this fun and exciting workout. Improve your agility, mobility, stability, flexibility, strength and balance. Take the challenge; you will be glad you did. Required equipment - gliding discs. Fitness, Health 46min. BayView Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Hell s Kitchen: Season 5 Raw & Uncensored (Blu-ray) Gordon Ramsay Drama min. Millennium Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Hell s Kitchen: Season 5 Raw & Uncut Gordon Ramsay World renowned chef Gordon Ramsay puts 12 aspiring young chefs through rigorous and devastating challenges at his restaurant in Hollywood, Hell s Kitchen, to determine which of them will win the restaurant of their dreams. Their dreams are quickly becoming nightmares. Drama, Reality min. Millennium Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Hell s Kitchen: Seasons 1-4 Gordon Ramsay Contains the uncensored version of the series, with all of Gordon Ramsay s infamous obscenities and curse words unbleeped. Volatile superstar Chef Gordon Ramsay cranks up the ovens in the tantalizing prime-time hit and one of world s most compelling guilty pleasures - Hell s Kitchen. Watch as aspiring chefs fight for survival once they are subjected to Chef Ramsay s rigorous culinary boot camp! Drama, Reality min. Millennium Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem Persönlichen Importservice -Vertrag ** LASER HOTLINE Seite 43

44 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA Nona Hendryx: What s On Your Plate? Documentary min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: Hitler: The Untold Story (Collector s Tin) Adolf Hitler has left an incomparable mark of evil on the pages of history...a horrifying legacy that still haunts millions of people around the world. This captivating documentary collection provides a brutal, honest and untold portrait of the life and events of history s most evil dictator. Chronicling his early years, his life as a corporal in the army, his dark rise to power and all the way through the downfall of the Third Reich, Hitler: The Untold Story exposes the terrifying truth throughout 3 poignant programs on 3 DVDS. War, World War II, Documentary, Historical / Period Piece min. Mill Creek Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: IMAX: Hubble (Blu-ray 3D) (Bluray) Change your view of our universe. In May 2009, the crew of the Space Shuttle Atlantis launched a mission to make vital repairs and upgrades to the Hubble Space Telescope, the world s first space-based optical telescope. An IMAX camera captured the stunning footage of the five intricate spacewalks required, as well as close-up images of the effort to grasp the orbiting telescope with the shuttle s mechanical arm at 17,000 MPH - and an unexpected problem that could sabotage the entire mission. Hubble. Documentary, IMAX, Science, Space min. Warner Bros ,90 EUR BestellNr.: IMAX: Legends Of Flight See how a century of aviation trial and error, and some of the seminal airplanes of the 20th century influenced the design of the Dreamliner. You ll thrill at the flight of a few of these legendary airplanes in some of the most breathtaking sequences ever seen. You will see the first public flight of the massive, but super efficient Airbus A380 at the 2007 Paris Air Show and the first flight of the smaller, even more efficient 787, the first-ever carbon fiber airliner that made its maiden flight in This unique cinematic experience shows how the 787 might affect the next 100 years of aeronautical design. Aerial Action, Documentary, IMAX, Military min. Image Ent ,90 EUR BestellNr.: IMAX: Legends Of Flight (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) See how a century of aviation trial and error, and some of the seminal airplanes of the 20th century influenced the design of the Dreamliner. You ll thrill at the flight of a few of these legendary airplanes in some of the most breathtaking sequences ever seen. You will see the first public flight of the massive, but super efficient Airbus A380 at the 2007 Paris Air Show and the first flight of the smaller, even more efficient 787, the first-ever carbon fiber airliner that made its maiden flight in This unique cinematic experience shows how the 787 might affect the next 100 years of aeronautical design. Aerial Action, Documentary, IMAX, Military min. Image Ent ,90 EUR BestellNr.: IMAX: Straight Up! Helicopters In Action (Blu-ray) Documentary, IMAX, Air Force, Technology 2002 min. CAV ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Korea: The Forgotten War (Collector s Tin) Amazing documentary footage brings this American conflict vividly to life in one multi-disc Collectors Set.. This gamechanging war still resonates today with the US troop presence in South Korea and the nascent nuclear threat from the North. This collection of documentary footage chronicles the roots of the conflict as it blossomed into a protracted war that took a heavy toll in American blood and treasure. The immediacy of combat and major conflicts are brought vividly to life capturing the impact of this war on a generation and an entire region. War, Documentary, Korean War min. Mill Creek Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Machete Maidens Unleashed Joe Dante, Jon Davison, Colleen Camp, Marlene Clark, Roger Corman, Allan Arkush, John Ashley, Carmen Argenziano, Steve Carver, Alan Birkinshaw Buxom beauties! Bizarre creatures! Gratuitous violence! To the exploitation filmmakers of the 1970s and 1980s there was no stunt too risky, no story too ridiculous, and no clothing that could not be removed in the name of mass entertainment. The name of the game was to move fast and cheap and to producers big and small the Philippines was the Promised Land, the Wild East of filmmaking where American producers were welcomed with open arms by an otherwise oppressive government and safety regulations were but a distant rumor from far off lands. With Machete Maidens Unleashed acclaimed filmmaker Mark Hartley (Not Quite Hollywood) dives head first into the hidden history of the American backed Filipino production boom. Filled with outrageous footage from this lost era and firsthand accounts from Roger Corman, Joe Dante, John Landis, Jack Hill and a host of others who experienced the madness live and in person Machete Maidens Unleashed is a delirious ride through one of the most exhilarating periods of film history. Documentary, Horror min. MPI ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Master Paulinho Sabia: Basic Techniques Of Capoeira Between martial art and dance, capoeira has a wide range of blows and acrobatics. Learn how to master the basic techniques like Ginga, kicks, cartwheels, dodges, blocks, feints and many more typical movements with the group Capoeira Brasil and master Paulinho Sabia. Instructional, Martial Arts min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: Master Paulinho Sabia: Capoeira - Advanced Techniques With this DVD, which comes as a sequel to the best-seller the technical bases of Capoeira, you will be able to do an indepth work on : circular and spinning kicks, straight kicks with feints and variations, takedowns, and also technical trainings and sequences to develop your roda game. You will also find the 7 toques of Mestre Bimba and more. Instructional, Martial Arts min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: Millennium Meltdown Has the countdown to doomsday begun? Rising crime rates; increased violence; mass suicides; man, animal, and nature gone horribly wrong! As chaos and disorder erupts around the globe, where will you be when the clock runs out and the world crashes and burns in a Millennium Meltdown? Disasters, Documentary, End Of The World 60min. Brain Damage Films ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Tracy Morgan: Black And Blue Tracy Morgan Emmy nominated comedian/actor Tracy Morgan - star of 30 Rock and a former cast regular on Saturday Night Live - stars in his first-ever HBO stand-up special, Black And Blue, an hour of adults-only humor told in the quirky, shocking, matterof-fact style that has earned Morgan a place in the upper echelon of today s most sought-after comedians. Taped before a live audience at the Apollo Theatre in New York City, the stand-up special will feature Morgan s comedic takes on politics (including meeting President Obama), the differences between white and black culture, celebrities, our Founding Fathers, sex, superheroes and more. Comedy, HBO 2010 min. HBO Home Video ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Muammar El Qaddafi: King Of Kings Muammar El-Qaddafi is one of the wealthiest and most powerful men in the world. In 1969, at the tender age of 27, he strategically became the ruler of Libya. His uncanny ability to organize, while simultaneously annihilating his enemies, has allowed him to reign over Libya for over 40 years. This is the riveting and controversial story of how a modest desert nomad transcended into a major power in the Middle East min. Music Video Distribution ,90 EUR BestellNr.: National Geographic Classics: Cats And Dogs Documentary, National Geographic min. Vivendi Visual Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: National Geographic: National Parks Collection - Expanded Edition Experience the wonders of our stunning National Parks in this ten-disc anthology showcasing their hidden beauty and amazing wildlife. From Grand Canyon and Canyonlands, to the extreme landscapes of Glacier National Park and Hawaii s Papaha-naumokua-kea Marine National Monument, this collection celebrates the most popular parks with neverbefore-seen perspectives. Trek to the high-altitude summit of Denali Park s Mount McKinley, kayak through the hidden secrets of the Everglades, and face the wild extremes of life in Death Valley. With stunning cinematography, Ultimate National Parks Collection travels off-road to reveal the real Yosemite and Yellowstone. It s an awe-inspiring collection you ll want to journey to again and again. Programs include Secret Yellowstone, Secret Yosemite, Extreme Alaska: Denali National Park, Everglades, Grand Canyon, Death Valley, Hidden Hawaii, Canyonlands, and Glacier National Park. Boxed Sets, Documentary, National Geographic min. Vivendi Visual Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Outlaws & Gunslingers (Collector s Tin) The nation s bloodiest conflict, the Civil War, had just ended. It tore the nation apart, into North and South, Republican and Democrat. It spawned a new generation of weapons designed only to kill men, and it trained a generation of men to kill other men. From this year forward for the next 35 years, the South and the North would continue the war in the Wild West. Out of the devastated South rode the most famous outlaw gangs, the James-Younger and the Daltons. From the North rode the most famous of the lawmen Wild Bill Hickok, Wyatt Earp and Bat Masterson. All of these characters would clash in the hills of Missouri...the cow towns of Kansas...and the mining towns of Arizona. Towns such as Northfield, Minnesota; Deadwood, South Dakota and Tombstone, Arizona would blaze into American folklore. Cowboy, Documentary 150min. Mill Creek Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Quickfix RX: KneeHab For Knee Health With Jill Miller Jill Miller Whether you re a triathlete in training or just starting rehab, Quickfix Rx: KneeHab will help unravel bad habits that lead to injuries and knee pain. Learn dozens of exercises with 4 specialized sequences based on the health level of your knees! Open up new ranges of motion and recondition your knees from the inside-out. Bonus: Knee Anatomy - learn how proper alignment in your hips and ankles affect your knees! After studying yoga, movement, and the human body for over twenty years, I created Yoga Tune Up as a simple way to restore my body and mind, keeping me balanced and free of pain. Using a specific and unique set of poses, movements and self massage tools, you too can live better in your body with Yoga Tune Up. Embodying more than 25 years of expertise in the movement arts and body therapy, Jill Miller brings her expertise to a worldwide audience through innovative workshops, retreats and teacher Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem Persönlichen Importservice -Vertrag ** LASER HOTLINE Seite 44

45 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA Fitness, Health 65min. BayView Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: R & B s Lost Souls: Aaliyah & Lisa Left Eye Lopes Lisa Lopes, Aaliyah A two DVD collection of R & B s lost souls, Aaliyah & Lisa Left Eye Lopes. Aaliyah made a permanent mark on the R & B and Hip-Hop music culture and its fans. This documentary film, without music, is a tribute to her and the years of joy that she brought to millions of people all over the world. Lisa Left Eye Lopes was the most flamboyant and outspoken member of the most successful girl group in American music history. The world lost one of its most unique talents on a winding road in Honduras just days before her 31st birthday. Documentary 120min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: Railroads: Tracks Across America (Collector s Tin) Documentary 725min. Mill Creek Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Return Of The Ghost Ship Transportation, Documentary, National Geographic min. Vivendi Visual Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Secret Service Files With unprecedented access, National Geographic goes behind the scenes with Secret Service agents as they work each day to protect the president, foreign leaders, and even our economy. In four programs, we ll go inside a counterfeit sting operation in Miami, search for a cyber theft mastermind in New York City, shadow undercover agents deep within the Bogota criminal underworld, and go where no cameras have gone before to reveal the extreme security measures taken to prepare for the Annual General Assembly of the United Nations Documentary, National Geographic min. Vivendi Visual Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Show Laura Dore In Italy Laura Dore min. Universal - Music ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Split Estate Emmy-award winning documentary on the oil and natural gas drilling boom in the Rocky Mountain West and the Northeast (32 states are targeted). Imagine discovering that you don t own the mineral rights under your land, and that an energy company plans to drill for natural gas two hundred feet from your front door. Imagine you have little or no recourse to protect your home or land from such development. Split Estate maps a tragedy in the making, as citizens in the path of a new drilling boom struggle against the erosion of their civil liberties, their communities and their health. Documentary min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: This Nude World: An Authentic Trip Through The World s Most Famous Nudist Colonies Early documentary that explores nudist colonies around the world Documentary 1933 min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: Top Gear USA: Season 1 Kid Rock, Michelle Rodriguez, Dominic Monaghan, Tony Hawk, Ty Burrell, Buzz Aldrin Join comedian Adam Ferrera, champion rally and drift racer Tanner Foust and racing analyst Rutledge Wood as they unleash Top Gear and explore the history of America, one lap at a time! Filled with wit and humor, Top Gear brings even more ambitious stunts, extreme challenges, humor and mischief in a series chock-full of high adrenaline action entertainment, car reviews and eccentric adventures. Top Gear challenges include travelling a moonshine run along a classic Prohibition route in the Deep South, teaching a blind man to drift a Nissan 370Z, racing a HALO jumper in a Ford Velociraptor across the Arizona desert, discovering America s toughest truck on an epic journey through the Alaskan wilderness, and evading a Cobra helicopter gunship in a Dodge Viper... through the middle of town. The Stig also appears, setting definitive Power Laps for performance cars featured on the show, and there s a host of celebrities taking the wheel in Big Star in a Small Car including astronaut Buzz Aldrin, Lost actor Dominic Monahan, Modern Family s Ty Burrel, musician Kid Rock, Avatar star Michelle Rodriguez and ska BBC, Documentary min. BBC Home Video ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Ultimate Factories Car Collection Transportation, Documentary, National Geographic min. Vivendi Visual Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: The Unknown War: World War II And The Epic Battles Of The Russian Front Burt Lancaster War, World War II, Documentary min. Shout Factory ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Victory By Air (Collector s Tin) War, World War II, Aerial Action, Documentary 259min. Mill Creek Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: War In The Pacific (Collector s Tin) Stories of Patriotism, Valor and Courage in the Midst of the Greatest Conflict of the 20th Century!. This amazing documentary chronicles the compelling events that led up to Japan s surprise bombing of the U.S. Naval base at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 and depicted the numerous air, land and sea battles that unfolded from 1942 until the fall of the Japanese empire in The priceless documentary footage compiled in this collection, sets you squarely in the center of the conflict and reveals the bravery, heroism and sacrifice that was the hallmark of the men and women of our armed forces during their service in World War II. This Collection includes 24 War In The Pacific episodes digitally re-mastered on 2 DVDs! War, World War II, Documentary, Military min. Mill Creek Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: World War I: The War To End All Wars (Collector s Tin) World War I: The War To End All Wars is a unique, 10-part, comprehensive look at the war that shaped the 20th century. Through rare, actual battle footage and rare veteran interviews, The War To End All Wars. This is more than a historical or military account of WWI, it is a riveting and personal account of a defining moment in the world history. Never before in this history of the world had so many countries fought on so many far-flung battlefields. Never had so many soldiers lost their lives. Never had there ever been such an unending hell on earth. Never has there been such a remarkable look at The War To End All Wars. War, World War I, Documentary 437min. Mill Creek Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: WWE: Extreme Rules 2011 WWE goes EXTREME in this high octane pay-per-view event. Each of the matches have special stipulations as WWE Superstars battle for high profile championships and pride. The 2010 edition featured Street Fights, Steel Cage Matches, Strap Matches and more extreme antics. Who knows what lengths the Superstars of Raw and SmackDown will go to in order to top last year s event? Sports, Sports Entertainment, WWE min. WWE Home Video ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Yo Gabba Gabba: Circus The circus is in town! Join the performance, be a clown, try some tricks, and more with your Yo Gabba Gabba friends! Not only will you get to sing and dance under the big top, but you ll get to ride in a hot air balloon, search Gabbaland for treasure, and groove along to a party in your tummy too! It s time for a day of play with your Gabbaland friends! Nickelodeon 2011 S 95min. Nickelodeon ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem Persönlichen Importservice -Vertrag ** LASER HOTLINE Seite 45

46 Telefonische Bestellannahme: Montags 16:00-18:00 Uhr Dienstags 16:00-18:00 Uhr Donnerstags 16:00-18:00 Uhr Freitags 16:00-18:00 Uhr Mittwochs, Samstags, Sonnund Feiertags (Baden- Württemberg) bleibt unser Verkauf geschlossen. Newsletter 08/11 (Nr. 291) ISSN Credits Redaktion: Wolfram Hannemann Design & Layout: Wolfram Hannemann Assistenz: Beate Hannemann Mitarbeit in dieser Ausgabe: Anna Rudschies (2011) by LASER HOTLINE ** Preisangabe in EURO gilt nur in Verbindung mit einem Persönlichen Importservice -Vertrag und beinhaltet den Warenpreis sowie alle anfallenden Importkosten inkl. unserer Vermittlungsprovision. * Dolby, Surround EX und das doppelte D-Symbol sind Warenzeichen der Dolby Laboratories Inc. Der NEWSLETTER ist die offizielle Informationsbroschüre für Kunden der Firma LASER HOTLINE. Alle in diesem Mailing enthaltenen Angaben zu Produkten, die im Ausland veröffentlicht werden, stellen kein Verkaufsangebot dar, sondern dienen nur zur Information. LASER HOTLINE ist autorisierter Dolby Merchandise Händler Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE Persönlichen Importservice -Vertrag ** Seite 46

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