Editor.. Associate Edito r Business Manager. Winyss R. Acto n Joyc e MacMullen Arden Bennet t THE DOLPHIN

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4 Editor Associate Edito r Business Manager Winyss R Acto n Joyc e MacMullen Arden Bennet t THE DOLPHIN 1950

5 CONTENTS Forewor d Dedicatio n Administratio n Facult y Memorie s Senior s Activitie s Sport s Fraternities

6 Forewor d W HAT IS A YEARBOOK? Faces of friends, pictures of places, stories of share d efforts and experiences which not only build a record of a college year, but also for m a means for preserving all the intangible things which give our College its distinctiv e flavor for presenting the spirit of Pennsylvania As a glance through our old paper s may help to recall the wonderful wealth of knowledge the University has offered, so leafing through a yearbook will recall to us the individuals with whom we have share d our education and our social life, our enthusiasms, and our discouragements, ou r ideals, and our pet projects The theme of the 1950 Dolphin is Pennsylvania traditions Not traditions in a n antiquated sense of living in the past : but traditions of high scholarship and of service to others, of maturity, and a sense of responsibility, of enjoying life fully, and yet o f maintaining a perspective, of realizing that tolerance involves charity and patienc e rather than a sacrifice of principle In short the ivy as a symbol of the age of th e institution stands for our heritage of ideals, principles, and perspectives from the past Yet, it is ever green 5 even as this heritage is ever living to give us the means by whic h we can best adapt to the present and help to formulate the future The little Quaker maid running through our pages looks very modern, becaus e she is not typifying outworn conventions, she is typifying the Penn coed, past an d present As we follow her through the book we will hope to see that ivy-covered wall s do not mean ivory towers, but that the new involves the old, and that the Pennsylvani a woman is using the traditions of her past to improve herself today

7 6 MARGARET M BLACKERB Y Vice-Dean of Wome n

8 Dedicatio n During her three years in 114 Margaret M Blackerby, Vice-Dean of Wom en has won our nsel sincere friendship and admiration both through her sympatheti c cou and through her enthusiastic sponsoring o f new and traditional activities for all wome n students Feeling that extracurricular work is a vital part of college life, she has helpe d us with such new ideas as the "Activities Carnival," aimed at letting all the student s learn about all that goes on around the Campus She has helped to revive traditiona l "Skit Night," and has devoted herself to maintaining our other special functions aime d at increasing the spirit of loyalty and friendliness among the women at Pennsylvania Miss Blackerby not only works on projects for students as a whole, however Sh e is equally helpful to each of us as an individual, being always ready to give us practica l advice as well as sympathy when our persona! problems seem overwhelming to us And whenever were in a dither about arrangements for a tea, publicity for a program, finances for a publication, or about anything connected with the multitudinous studen t activities she advises, we drop in to see " Miss B" Somehow she manages to make u s feel that our problem is her chief concern, reminding us of details that we have let slip, yet ever bringing up new ideas She has that rare quality called tact which enables he r to push us when we need prodding console us when we feel completely depressed, and make us smile when we are taking our troubles too seriously Thus Miss Blackerby has helped us immeasurably to take advantage of the oppo University for growing both as individuals and as a group rtunities offered by our There are many qualities she possesses for which we are grateful her efficiency, e nthusiasm, tact and friendliness, her imagination tempered by her practicality but it is especially Blackerby for herself that we dedicate the 1950 Dolphin to Margaret We think "you-all is just wonderful " 7

9 HOTTEL Administrator s DR ALTHEA K Dean o f Women A sunny " hello" from Miss Englerth and the smiles of the other secretaries are the coed' s introduction 114 Hall Here Bennett our wond to erful Dean fine of Women, Dr Althea K Hottel, and he r staff are busy with the thousand problems and of the coed 's existence complications Miss Anne Spiers, Assistant to the Dean, i s adviser to the Freshman and Sophomore classes a activities directly concerning them Vice-Dea n Women, Miss Margaret Blackerby, advises mos t the undergraduate activities, as well as the Ju nior and Senior classes Both of them have wo n affection and respect But we take an especial pride in ou r nationally prominent Dean Dr Hottel For the past few years she has been President of the Americ an Association of University Women, and last sum mer she made a world tour with the Town Meeting of t he Air Her experiences here have helped immeasu to broaden the coed's view of life, for her rably main interest has been the women of Pennsylvania Her warmth and friendliness have brought her ver y close to us and many a coed has left her presenc e determined that she too will seek "the living room o f life"' In Bennett Hal l MISS ANNE SPIER S Assistant to the Dean of Wome n MISS MARGARE Vice-Dean of T BLACKERBY Women

10 CHARLES LON G Acting Chaplain of the University PAUL H MUSSE R Provost of the University In College Hal l Although the administrators in College H all often seem far removed from most of us, we realiz e the debt we owe to them for their service to th e University as a whole The women students apprec the work of men like Dr Paul Musser, our Pr iate George W McClelland, chairman ovost, and Dr f the Board of Trustees, and those who serve wit h them We appreciated the work of Reverend Long, who served as Chaplain until Dr Harris could tak e this position over in April We are especially proud of having a man like Dr Harold E Stassen for our President, a man wh o can point out to us the importance of higher education in a democracy, and who can set us a n example of an active role in the world scene Thu s the women students appreciate the work of their to p administrators not only for such tangible things a s the new campus on which the work will soon begi n, but for the leadership which these men have shown HAROLD E STASSE N President of the University 9

11 Academic Dean s COLLEGE FOR WOME N The College for Women is the most recent addition to the Unde Already, ho rgraduate Schools Kar wever, its energetic Dean, Dr l G Miller, has done much to expand the educational opportunities for women in this liberal art s school Friendly Personnel Officer Dr R Jean Brownlee, also works in th e administrative office, where sh e has given invaluable advice to al l CW women puzzling over rosters and other problems Under he r guidance the CW Student A Board, which was recentldvisory y reorganized to include elected a s well as appointed members, ha s met to discuss the merit of courses in relation to women 's vocationa l opportunities DR JEAN BROWNLE E Personnel Officer CW Student Advisor y Board : Standing A- Farquhar, C Labrun C Bornstein M Tolan J Shand Sittinq S Joyce J Musser, Dr Brownlee, J Shaw, M Harmon, Dean Mille r, C Orr, D Altman Missing B Neely, E Green DR KARL G MILLE R Dean of the Collage for Wome n 1 0

12 Harr THE SCHOOL OF FINE ART S The School of Fine Arts prepares students t o enter the fields of music, architecture, and the fin e arts There, under the leadership of Dean Koy l and a distinguished faculty, students receive no t only the necessary technical training in thei r chosen profession but also a broad education in th e liberal arts In addition, they may work in coordinated programs with other art schools The coed must meet high standards of craftmanship and cr eativeness to qualify for her diploma from Fine Arts DR E DUNCAN GRIZZEL L Dean of the School of Education DR GEORGE S KOY L Dean of the School of Fine Arts THE SCHOOL OF EDUCATIO N The grey mansion on Walnut Street is w e known to all our potential teachers, for it house s the School of Education and the many friends w e have gained through our contact with it The Schoo l of Education sponsors the Five-year Plan for se condary teachers, the Illman-Carter Unit, the Depart ment of Nursing Education, and the Graduate Div ision The Student Advisory Board, composed o f representatives from all the departments of th e school, is elected by the students It has met monthly with faculty representatives to discuss th e affairs and problems of students in the School o f Education e School of Education's Student Advisory M Brown, ell, R Collon, M Fenimore Board E

13 The Facult y A Few of Our Favorite s Dr Marshal l Dill History Dr A R Da y Chemistr y Dr F A Lau rie English Dr ng A C Bin ni History Dr A C Gor r German Dr A H Hobb s Sociology

14 Dr E F Flower, Philosoph y Guy Music Dr P E Jacob s Marriner Political Science Dr F W Irwi n Psycholog y Dr E S Englis h Bradle y Dr Alexander Brownlee, Miss Burdick, Miss Straub, Mss Collins, and Mis s Dr A P Watt s History all enjoying Pirates Ball

15 Penn's in rclassmen The wheels that started school year rolling Underg rad Camp chairmen Wetherstine, Fen Food tastes so good at Green Lane Here, after breakfast the Rec The weekend was hectic Here, a song is born : "Seniors and Soph s" imore and Hoffman The these girls helped a l ot Juniors had to write more songs than anyon e But some of us found time to relax! Witness Ni s inson and Gladfelter And then came the Frosh! Her e, Archer and Chocoran board the bus at the C A Joanie Williams was fabulous a s "Frannie Frosh" in the uppe ' s skit So many new impressions! Talkin g it over in tent two

16 them around at the annual Big Sister Party Best - prize Babies winners of all! DOLPHI N won second place - (in a very close rac e, it says here) Heller, Vasaluro, and Borden, signed up lots of future thespians Furlong, Musgrave, and Perry told prospective counsellors the pros and cons of this work We were soon i in the whirl of activities nvolved

17 Another sort of ball - Pirates! Equally exhausting on Frosh, t'would seem But the Frosh could join the pirates bold to sing of Penn, Pirates on Parade : The "Pittsburgh Pirates" were voted most original Nail polish, books, or an ice cream sandwich - we found them in Bennett Shop Easy! As the pressure of work increased, some of us wanted to run in here But nothing like a milkshake at Mom's to soothe the nerves

18 Those Some "Once wonderful Upon us a really time" dances "got - of Bowling the down" Austrian Green to students our took studies us - we to were as fairyland worn exams out this approached just year watching! Hey New Caps Day officers and - Day Gowns! replace of awards the At Here old last Dr "I Hottel comes do solemnly presents graduation one promise to Tommy -"

19 As th e graduates of the class of leave the campus to find their places in the world they leave behind them contributions o f leadership, scholarship and service which wil l enrich our tradition for others But they tak e with them the spirit of the Pennsylvania traditio n to serve them in every walk of life


21 Mortar Boarder s Senior Class Counci l The blue and silver class of 1950 leaves Pen n with fond memories of good times and of th e friendships they have shared together From Green Lane Camp in September through to Ivy Day i n May, they have bound themselves together unde r their leaders on rendered servic class council and e to their university nifies The small back mortar n sig board pi certain qualities which all wearer s have common : service, scholarshi p, an d leadership The seniors who ar e privileged to wear this emblem have been recognize d for excellence in these qualities in thei r election to Mortar Board The 1950 graduates have attempted to fulfill their purposes of promotin g college loyalty, advancing the spirit of servic e and fellowship among university women, maintaining a high standard of scholarship, hip and recognizing and encouragin g leaders They have tried to serve at Penn, through giving such projects as teas an d skits for freshman and transfer students, an d by their special project of sending info rmation on student governments to the Sitting ;: Farquhar, Rhodes Fenimore, Nakano, Markley standing Daniel, Farrell, Musser (President), P T JM AC women students in Japan 20

22 or dean, L "History 5 0" n Lane, we etime ecoming with that pink admission (silk, rayon?) Field : we huddled cheerless i SC, But upper our enthusiasm Deck soared hig as we welcomed our first president, Jane Davis eceived the Mortar Board cup for C a W hen the buses reached Gree of fifty (ready nifty!) stepped into a peac campus program, frosh weekend at Universit y Cam p Cabin Three's skit commemorated our b Pennsylvanians slip Franklin fumble n h Traditions came tumbling at us We rang in eth new with the Irvine Carillionic Chimes, and rang out the old, as the last class to witness a rowbottoṁ (Down in Dallas that April, AAUW elected Dea n Hottel its national president ) At Hey Day we cast aside green for blue and silver; Teru Nakano r As Sophomores, we found something new th e look had been added The paper went to press a s 'Pennsylvania News" WSGA voted unanimously for USNSA The expanded program f women brought Misses Blackerby, Straub, and Speir s to 114 Bennett There were academic innovations : W, curriculum including 54 group credits Duncan Grizzell ; for Education, a new and senior conference courses

23 ition The New Look controversy raged Quoth Patsy n white he Megargee, "I wear them long because that's the way they come in the stores" With president Teru Nakano, we celeb rated sophomore status i blazers Eighteen wore the gold l eaf of Camp Committee chaired by Margaret Gorry Hey Da y saw 14 elected to Sphinx and Key Official recogn of upperclass leadership In September 1948 we joined the capacit y crowd in Irvine to hear President Stassen sound t year ' s keynote I look forward with enthusias m to join with you in carrying on the superb traditio n of the University " Undergraduates attended the first campu s Chest Carnival and joined Activities Annie a t WSGA'S Activities Carnival Political clubs swung into the climax of the presidential election On the student governmen t scene, PN blithely headlined an aftermath of the Lowney case WSGA Elects Two Coeds to Sit o n Discipline Group " The impending $32,000,000 d evelopment program with 38th Street a Chines e Wall, revived the coeducation question Pele Mele the juniors rushed with Janet Musse r enroute to "Afghanistan Pretty Soon" in a reviva l of class skit night We braved the Delaware an d Public Service No 9 for a day at Linda Nelson 's in

24 Edgewater Park We glimpsed fairyland as dete r mined Bowling Green sprites willed away the thre e- year mists from Morris Arboretum When Jane Davis accepted the WSGA gavel, at Hey Day, the class of the mid-century had com e of age We followed Dusty Rhodes into our senio r year "Senior class you've got to stick together" The cold nights of undergrad camp kindled our e m and we returned to Green Lane for senior nthusias weekend in November "Seniors Serve" was 1 the theme when volunteers waited on the banquet table s at the CA ' s '49 Bonanza Days On Franklin Field a modern Willie Quaker i n historic costume roused the Penn spirit to ne w heights Though the electronic scoreboar d registered 14 13, favor West Point, the Munger Me n had gained a moral victory while the cheerin g sections Army chanted, "Fight Back, Penn, and Dump " The century rounded the halfway mark We invaded the select stronghold of scholarl y studies, the seminar room, as we frantically co s mpleted our conference course paper Senior dinner Hey Day and valedictory Iv y Day the class of 'fifty donned, cap, gown, and hood to join the ranks of Pennsylvania alumnae

25 JANET MUSSE R T he first half of the twentieth century ha s been completed We have moved from the Vi ctorian to the Atomic Age in the most turbulen t half-century in the history of the world We hav e seen the advent of television, the atom bomb, and penicillin The lives of our families hav e been lengthened by twenty years We have heard heated discussions on the ideas of Roos Freud, and Einstein We have seen skirt evelt s go up then down, and even start up again W e remember a war It has been a rapid, startling half-century, and we have lived through a fra of it Much of it we were too young to ction understand most of it still lacks dear perspe ctive We, as college women, have lived in relatively sheltered little worlds Most of us hav e not had to worry about how we are getting ever y meal we eat The war did not cause much of a n eruption in our lives Our four years in the university have been four years of great value, it i s true but, nevertheless, cloistered years The test of these years is yet to come We have bee n given theory we have learned how to think intelligently But can we apply our theories? Ca n we apply our methods of thinking and our theoretical approach to life? The challenge is bigge r than we think We are inclined to feel that w e are pretty much on the top of the world Bu t our four years here have not yet been tested b y very strong blows The application of knowledg e involves much more than the ability to pass examinations The half-century just completed is a monument to both the power, and the failure of man There has been a tremendous spread of education in this first half of the century Th e value of it in leading to the understanding an d brotherhood of man has been severely que The challenge rests with us, and I thinstioned k we can meet it We have had the opportunity in college to obtain a tremendous breadth of knowledge Bu t wisdom we must obtain for ourselves Wisdo m is the living application of knowledge and mus t come with living Knowledge without wisdom i s like a beautiful reflection in a pond that disa Knowledge withouppears the first ripple t ; wisdom may allow you to shine on quiz program s but wisdom is the basis of a worthwhile life, an d is a mark of true maturity Benjamin Franklin once said Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of " However, time spent i n thought, in the development of wisdom fro m knowledge, is not time squandered This century has become a hurried, bustling one, and th e tendency in youth to haste has often made us fee l that time spent in less obvious activity is tim e wasted It is indeed far from it We have bee n given the opportunity to obtain knowledge, bu t we must be careful that, in the haste of thi s period of change, we can meet the frequen t criticism that our years here do not teach us t o meet the problems of our age Let us show i n the years ahead that our education has been worth the time and effort we and those wh o have instructed us have expended 2 4

26 s Carni f Acad ident 4 WINYSS R ACTO N Alden Road Bryn Athyn Pa C- W History Feb 1950 CHI OMEG A Transferred from College o emy of the New Church Dolphin, Subeditor 3, Editor 4 : Bowlin g Green 2, Script Ch'man 4 : Penn Player s 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 4 : French Club 2 : Youn Mortar Board g Republicans 2, 3, 4 : Phi Alpha Theta 3, 4 : Fraternity Rushin g Ch'man 4 : Senate 3 4 : Gov't Coun 6; 3 : Elections Corn Ch'man 3 : Con titutional Revisions Com 2, 3 : Or i entation Com 3,4:Ac tivitie val C h'ma n 3 : Campus Chest 3 : Ph i Beta Kappa 4 : Who's Who 4 RUTH BAL L 4212 Woodland Avenue Drexe l Pa C W Microbiolog y June 1950 A Capel l a Choir 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Choral Society 1, 2, 3, 4 : Gamma Chi 3, 4 : Education Com 1, 2 GLORIA ANN BALSE R 6655 McCallum Street Philadel phia Pa C- W Ma t hematics Feb 1950 Apprentice Dance Group 3 : C W S t udent Advisory Board 2 MARILYN AUERBAC H lphia, 1337 East Barringe r Street, Philade Pa Ed English June 1950 DELTA PHI EPSILON Dolphin 4 : Phi Beta Kappa 4 : Fraternity Socia l Ch'man 4 : Settlement House 1 : C A Hillel Drive 2:Hillel,2, 4:Re 3, 1 d Cross 2, 3 ; Allied Jewish Appeal 3 MAXINE AUERBAC H JEAN BARKA S 5907 Kemble Avenu e, Philadelphia Po C W Economics June 1950 DELTA PHI EPSILON Dolphin 4 C A HiIIeI Drive 2 : HiIIeI 1, 2, 3,4:Social Com 1,2 : Music Com Secretory 3 : Red Cross 2, North Park Avenue Philadel phia, Pa Illman-Carter Jun e 1950 French Club 2, 3 4 : P i Lamba Theta 4 : Settlement House 1 ; Hillel 4 ARDEN BENNETT MARION AYRE S 123 Powell Road, Spr i ngfield, Pa Ed Science June 1950 A C a pella Choir 1, 2, 3, 4 : Choral Society 1, 2, -Manager 4:Gamma Co Ch 3, i Edu3, - 4 : Freshman Commission 1 : cation Com 1 : Library Undergradu ate Com 3 n- Locksley Farms, Glen Mills, Pa C W Psychology June 1950 KAPPA ALPHA THETA Dolphin Circulation Manager 2, 3 Business Manager 4 : Sphinx and Key 3 : Pa helienic Rep 2, 3, 4 : Fraternity Pres : Freshman Com Ch'man 1 : Settlement House : Uni v Women' s Cabinet 2 : Gov't Board 3 : Senate 3 : Campus Corn 2 : F i nance Com 3, 4 : Orientation Com 4 Big Sister Part y Ch'man 3 : Freshman Week Ch'man 4 SALLY ANNE BALDWI N 536 North Duke Street Lancaste r Pa Ed English June 1950 Riflery 3 4 : B r azilian Club 3, Trea s urer 4 ; French Club 1 : Pi Lamb s Theta 3, 4 ; Settlement House 1 BEVERLY BENNET T w,25 Ha r wi c h Roa d, Longmeado Mass C W Eng l ish Jun e 1950 Campus Chest 3 : Sergean t Hal' Board 4 2 5

27 tati nager EILEEN A SLAK E 4318 Walnut Street Philadelphia Pa Ed Science June 1950 KAPPA DELTA Pennsylvania New s 4 : Fraternity, Social Ch'man 3 Pres 4 : Newman Club : Teac hident ers of Tomorrow Nursing Education Assoc 2 3 : Alpha Psi Omega ARDITHANNE G BOYL E Box 2543, Cristobal, Panama Canal Z one C W Chemistry June 1950 American Chemical Society 4 : International House : C : Span i s h Club 1 aducean Society : C A Bazaar 3 : Newman Club 4 Campus Chest 3 4 : Red Cross 2 3: Sergeant Hall Council 3 CLAIRE BRENE R BARBARA GREENSTEIN BLU M 7015 Garrett Road Upper Darby Pa C W English June 1950 Hillel Christian Street, Philadelphia, Pa C W LUCILLE BRETHERIC K JEAN BLUMENFEL D e Street, Philadelphia, Pa el 526 Spruc C W Psychology Augus t 1950 Hillel Herald Staff 1 : Hill 4 Street, Philadelphia, Vice 7438 Palmetto Pa Ed Physical Education June 1950 CHI OMEGA Athlon 3 4 : WAA Exec Council : WAA Vice-President 4 : Modern Dance Group : JV Archery 2 : JV Baseball 2 : C A Advocate 3 : Pi Lamba Theta 3, 4; Mortar Boar d 4: Fraternity Activ i ties Ch'man 4 : Westminster - Cabinet President 4 : Class Cheerleader 2 BARBARA A BODE K 36 L ake Stree t, Bridgeton N J C W Mus c June 1950 DELTA PHI EPSILON Choral So c i e ty 1 : Orchestra 1 2 : Hillel MARGERY BRETTL E 3830 Locust Street Philadelphia, P a C W Psychology June 1950 C A Bazaar : Methodist Student Cabinet MARION F BRUC E BERNICE BOORSTEI N 2821 Mickle Street, Camden N J Ed Kindergarten-Primary June 1950 Teachers of Tomorrow : H i llel, June : Fraternity n Club 7166 Cottage Street, Philadelphi a Pa C W Journalism Bowling 1950 KAPPA DELTA 3 4 : Dolphin 2 3 Circulation Ma 4 : Spanish Club 1 2 Social Chairman 4 : C A Bazaar 1 2 : Settlement House 1 : Newma : Activities Com 1 ; Orien Com on 4 26

28 Bazaa Philadelphia delphia nt tor rman THELMA A BUCKWALTE R Watson Avenue Lancaster Pa C W English June 1950 ALPHA CHI OMEGA C A r 3 : Sergeant Hall Council 4 PAIGE CAMPBEL L 506 Nor t h Jackson Street Media Pa C W Journalism Jun e CHI OMEGA Red an d Blue Associate Editor 3 Editor 4 : C- A- Advocate 3 4 : Fra t ernity Pro 4 : Senate 4 : Pub l ications Union Board 4 JOANNE M BUR G 112 Stock Street Hanover Pa 1950 C W Chemistry June CHI OMEGA Choral Societ y : Fraternity House Manager 4 : Sergeant Hall Council 3 MARIE J CAPOZZOL I 5458 Willows Avenue Philadelphia Pa F A Co-ordinated Pai ing June 1950 Italian Club ; Newman Club 3 4 BEATA J BUTZE R 37 West Fulton Street Ephrata, Pa - Ed Nursing Education Feb CALISTA Nursing Education Assoc 2 HELYN CARTE R 734 Winton Street Philadelphia Pa Ed Elementary Education June 1950 ALPHA KAPPA ALPH A C A Bazaar : C A Settlemen t House : Fraternity Dean o f Pledges and Publi city Manager 4 CATHERINE G BUT Z 8421 Fayute Street- Philadelphia Pa Ed Nursing Education Feb 1950 Nursing Education Assoc 4 RUTH SHATX CHAMLI N 5974 Woodbine Avenue Phila Pa C W Psychology August 1950 Hillel IDA BYCE R 7 South 5th Street Darby Pa C W Sociology June 1950 Transferred from Rittenhouse College Callista Corresponding Secretary 2 Social Ch'man 3 President 4 : Hillel 3 4 ; Senate 4 nsylvania News 1 JEAN ROWEN CHEATLE Y :6 East Tulpehocken Street Pa C W Economics June 1950 ZETA TAU ALPHA French Club 1 : Bennett Club Pe ent Com Member 3 4 : Pen : Fraternity Publicity Com 2

29 rater sident MARY ANN CHRISTIA N 29 Van Ettan Avenue Sheffield Pa Ed,Nursing Education June 1950 ZETA TAU ALPHA Be Club Arts and Crafts 3 Pe nnett Com Member 4 : Fraternity rmanent Standards Ch ' man 3 Pres ident 4 : Penn Christian Fellowship 2-3 : Cam p us Chest 3 : Nursing Education Assoc 2 3 Treasurer 4 ALTHEA CONWELL COONEY 437 Newbold Road Jenkintown Pa C W American Civilizatio n June 1950 KAPPA ALPH A THETA Apprentice Dance Grou p 4 : Bennett Club 3 Exec Board 4 Permanent Com Member 3 Pre 4 : Bowling Green Business Manage r 4 Music Ch'ma n 4 : Fraternity Recording Secretary 4 : O r ientation Com 4 : Senate 4 MARIANNA ELVIRA CUR A DAGNY CHRISTIAN S 311 Overhill Road Wayne Pd C W Sociology June 1950 DELTA DELTA DELTA :Campus Chest 10 East Holl y Avenue Oaklyn- N J Ed Music June 1950 CALLISTA French Club 1 : Delt a Omicron 2 3 Vice President 4 : Choral Society 1 : Women's Glee Club :Orchestra 34Newma n 4 : Teacher s of Tomorr o w 3 4 ZOE HELEN COCOSI S 512 Kings Highway Haddonfield N - J C W Economics Ju ne 1950 DELTA DELTA DELT A Fraternity, Treasurer 3, Honor Hos t ess 4 MARGARET E DAL Y 601 Cliveden Street Philadelphia Pa C W Econom ics Feb 1950 CHI OMEGA Bowling Gree n 3 Assistant Make-Up Ch'man 4 : Fraternity Treasurer 4 : Newman Clu b Publicity Com 1 2 MARY TODD DANIE L JUNE COHE N 139 South 20th Street Philadelphia Pa C W Economics Jun e 1950 SIGMA DELTA TAU Pennsylvania News 2 : Cheerleader 3 : Fraternity Torch Editor 2 : WXPN 1, 5940 Overbrook Avenue Philade l phia Pa C W English Jun e 1950 DELTA DELTA DELTA Bennett Club Board 4 : Pennsylvan i a News 1 2 : Bowling Green 1 : F nity Recording Secretary : C A Bazaar 1 2 3: Settl ement House 1 : Gov't Council : Class Council 3 4 : Orientation Com Secretary 4 MARY GASS DAVI D CAROLYN A COMERFOR D 3 Che w Lane Radnor Pa C W 2223 Chest nut Street Phil adelphia Pa C W DELTA DELT A DEL T A 2 8

30 Settle acrosse 1 ociety 1 Philadelphi ucea JANE DAVI S The Harvard- Swarthmore Pa C W English June 1950 ALPH A CHI OMEGA JV Hockey 1 : L 2: JV Swimming 1 2 : Bowling Green 1, 2 : Sphinx and Ke y 3 : A Capella Choir 1 Choral S - 2 : Fraternity Chaplain 2 Pledge Trainer 3 : C A- Settlemen t House 2 : Freshman Commission; Univ Camp Counsel lor ' WSGA Recording Sec 3 : President 4 : Gov't Board 3 4 : Gov't Council 1 2 : Sena t e : E l ections Com 1 2 : Class President 1 : Class Counci l 2: Undergrad Camp Ch'man 2 : Campus Chest 4 : Who's Who 4 RITA PETILLO DiMASS A 1479 West Oln ey Avenue P Pa C W hiladelphia CLARA J DRAK E 715 North 2 nd Avenue Jacksonv ille Beach Fla C- W Journalism June 1950 A rchery 3 : C A Advocate 3 4 : Outing Club 1 : Se 4 : Campus C h es t 4 : Sergean nate t Hall Social Chairman 3 President : 4 Pennsylvania News 1 JEAN DAWSO N 3246 West 6th Street, Philadelphia Pa- Ed Enqlish June 1950 B razili an Club 3 4 : French Club 1 2 : C A Bazaar 1 : Settlement House 1 RYDA DWARY S MARTHA DEA M 2601 Parkway - Philadelphia Pa C W Fine A r ts June 1950 ALPHA XI DELTA App Danc e Group 2 : Modern Dance Group 3 ; Bennett Club Exec Board 4 Pe Com Member 2 3 : Dolphi rmanent n 3 4 Bowling Green 2 : Fraternit y Social Ch'man 3 Chaplain 4 : C A Bazaar 3 4 : Canterbury Club 1 2 : Freshman Commission : Settle men t House 1 : Senate 4 : Govt Council 3 : Elections Com Ch' man 4 : Calenda r Com 1 : Campus Com 2 : Nominatin g Com 3 : Class Council 3 : Campu s Chest SHIRLEY JOHNSON decan I 3439 Walnut S tr eet Philadelphia Pa Ed Soc & Studies June 1950 CALLISTA Callista Dance Chai 3 : Social Chairman 4 : rman ment House 1 : Red Cross Leba n on Avenue Philadelphia Pa C W Zoology June 1950 SIGMA DELTA TAU Modern Dance Group 3 4 : Cad n Society 1 : French Cub 1 : Hille l JANE DYC H 1030 Ea st Col umbia Avenue a- Pa C W Chemist ry Feb 1950 KAPPA DELTA Caducean Society 2 3 : French Cu b 1 2 : Fraternity Publicit y Ch' man 4 : Newman Club : Pennsylvani a News 1 FLORENCE DiANTONI O 1642 South 24th Street Philadelphia Pa Ed English June 1950 Ita lian C l ub : Newma n Club 1 2 : Teachers of Tomorrow 4 EVELYN ROTHFELD EDEIKE N 4625 Larchwood Avenue Philade l p h ia Pa Ed Social Studies Feb 1950 DELTA PHI EPSILO N Fraternity Pledga Trainer 4 : Hille l : Red Cross

31 sid Dan rn ELLEN EDVA R JEAN ANN FINLAYSO N 657 Roxborough Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa English C W - ce Group ; 3 ; Pennsylvania News 1, 2, 3, 4 ; French Club 1, 2; Pi Delta Phi 3, 4 C A- Bazaar 3, 4; Lutheran Student Assoc- 1, 2 ; Univ Camp Counsello r 4 ; C A Women's Cabinet 3 ; Pre ; ent 4 ; Senate 4; Elections Com 3 WXP N 2 ; Cam pus Chest 3 ; Who' s Who 4 June 1950 Mode 97 Popl ar Street Penns Grove, N J C- W Psychology June ; CHI OMEGA Baseball 3, 4 Fraternity Assistant Rush : ng Ch'ma n 4 ; Caducean Society 1; : French Club 1 SUZANNE W EVAN S 820 Merion Squa re Road, Gladwyne Pa- C W - Fine A r ts Jun e 1950 DELTA GAMMA JV Te n Spanish 2 ; Club 4 ; Canterbu r y C l ub 4 ; Inte r national Affairs Assoc 4 GLORIA E FISHBON E 1321 Boshkill Street, Easton, Pa C W Sociology June 1950 DELTA PHI EPSILON Transferre d ;from Elmira College Hillel 3, 4 Honor Sys tem Co m 3 PATRICIA ANNE FARREL L 11 5 Summit Lane, Cynwyd, Pa C- WJournalism June Pennsylvania KAPPA ALPH A THET A - ; News 3; Fraternity Edito r 4 ; Ne wman Club 3, 4; Class Council, 4 ; C Honor W Adviso r y Board 3 System Com 3, 4 MARGARET V FENIMOR E 525 Primos Avenue, Folcroft, Pa Ed Latin June 1950 KAPP A DELTA Dolphin 2, 3 ; Associate ; Editor 4 ; Panhellenic Council 3, 4 Fraternity Vice- Pr esident 4 ; C- A ; Bazaar 1, 2, 3; Dinner Ch'man 4 Friends ; G r oup ; Freshman Commission ; Se ttlement Hou se 1, 2, 3, 4 ; C A Social Service Com 3, 4 Pirates Ball Com- 2; Univ Camp Counsello r 1, 2, 3 -; C A Wo r ship ; Com Undergrad 2 ; Gov't Council 4 Camp Ch'man 4; Red C ross 1; Co responding Secretar y 2; Ch'ma n 3 ; Ed Advisory Board 2, 4; T reasurer 3 ; Publications Union Exec Board SUSAN B FRANT Z b 1, ll 11 W First Stree t Clearfield, Pa C W Enqlish June 1950 Bowling Green 1 : German Clu ; 4; Delta Phi Alpha 4; Bazaar 4 Campus Chest 1; Sergeant Ha Council 4; Q D Board 1 ; Activitie s Committee1 JACQUELINE FRATKI N Hillel 6110 Christian Street Philadelphia, Pa C- W Political Science June 1950 Pi Gamma Mu ; Foundation MARGARET T FENTO N 5 20 East Centre Street, Mahanoy Ed eball 1, Com phinx and Hall City, Pa Elementary Education June DeltaWAA 1950Delta Exec Delta 3; W A A- Secretary Council 3 ; 2, Bas 2; Ben n e t t Club, Permanent Member 3; Dolphin 2; S ; Key 3 ; Fraternity Vice-President 4 ;C A Women's Cabinet T r easurer 3 Campus Chest 3; Sergeant Cou ncil I, 2 GRACE EVELYN FREE D 7024 Chew Avenue Philadelphia, Pa C W Classics June 1950 ALPHA OMICRON PI Phi ; Beta Kappa 30

32 EVELYN FREIBER G 128 E Baltimo re Avenue Clift on Heights, Pa C W P olitical Science June 1950 SIGM A DELTA TAU Bennett Club 2 3 Hillel 4 : Fraternity Vice-President 3 : ; 1 2; Activities Com Secretary 2 Red Cross 2 ; Orientation Leader 3, 4 MARCIA GEE R 2824 West Girard Avenue Phila delphia Pa C W Psychology Feb 1950 DELTA PHI EPSILO N Hillel Herald 1; Hillel Freshman Council 1; Campus Chest 3 JEAN GEMMIL L MARCIA FRIEDE N 1220 Spotswood Avenue, Norfolk, Va C W Psychology June PHI SIGMA SIGMA Fraternity House Manage r 3 ; President 4 ; Hill el 4; Girl Scout Service Organization Thay er Road Swarthmore Pa C W International Relation s June 1950 Transferred fro m Carlton College, Minnesota JEANNE M FRISHMUT H 3443 Reach Street, Phil adelphia, Pa, Ed E l ementary Education June 1950 Choral Society 4 ; Pen n Christian Fellowship 2, 3, 4; Campu s Chest 2; Teachers of Tomorrow 3 JEANNE GENETT I Pottsville, P a Ed Elementar y Ed Aug 1950 DELTA GAMM A Bennett Club Com Permanent Member 3 ; Exec Board 4 : Red Cros s SOIESETTE ELAINE FURLONG E P O Box 36 Smithfield, N C C W Sociology June 1950 ALPHA KAPPA ALPHA Fraternit y sellor President 3; University Camp Cou n 3 LOIS GIMM I 7018 Ardleigh S t reet Philadelphia, Pa C W Psychology Jun e 1950 DELTA GAMMA A C apella Choir 3, 4; Choral Society 3, ; Vice-president 4; Fraternity Treasurer 3 4 ; Campus Committee 2 RUTH VIOLA GEBHAR D 306 East Broadway Red Lion Pa C W Psychology June 1950 Spanish Club 1, 2, 4 ; Choral Society 4 : Bazaar I 2-4 : Penn Chris tian Fell owship 1, 2, 4 MARY LOU GINSBUR G 336 South 42nd Street Philadelphia, Pa Ed Elementary Educatio n - Feb 1950 SIGMA DELTA TA U Fraternity Secretary 2; Hillel Foundation 1, 2, 3, 4 3 1

33 om WINIFRED JOYCE GOLDBERG 432 Gl en Echo Road, Phiiadelp hia, Pa C W Mathematics June 1950 DELTA PHI EPSILO N Apprentice Dance Group 4; Pan n Players 1, 3, 4; Fraternity Secretary 3, 4 ; Hillel 1, 2, 3, 4 EVA M GRES S 126 South 49th Street, Philadelphia, Pa Ed Nursing Education Feb 1950 Nursing Education Association MARION JANET GRIE R DOROTHY GOLDSTEI N 533 West Master Stree t, Philadelphia Pa C W History June 1950 CALLISTA Clip board ; Sub-Editor 3 ; Italian Cub 3, 4 Activities Committee Wilmingto, West 24th Stree t, Del Fine Arts Music June 1950 Transferred from West Ches ter State Teachers College Dalt a Omicron 3 ; President 4; A Cappell a Choir 2; Cho r al Society 2 ; Women ' s Glee Club 4 ; Orchestra, Manage r and Accompanist ; All University St u Council; dent Presser Foundation Scholarship 3, 4; Michael Hurley Award in Music 3 ELIZABETH ANNE GORDO N 510 Carpenter Lane, Philadelphia Pa Ed- Occupational Therap y June 1950 BETTY HADLE R Philadelphia, 1626 South 57th Street, Pa Ed Elementary Educatio n June 1950 SIGMA DELTA TA U Fraternity Vice -P resident 4;Hill el ; Cheerleading 1, 2, 3, 4 MARCIA OLEVE HALBERT ADELE MILDRED GOS S 3226 West Montgomery A v e n ue, Philadelphia Pa C W Mat Feb 1950 Hillel Found hmatics on ati 921 East Rittenhouse Street, Phil adelphia, El ementar y Pa Ed Education June 1950 SIGM A DELTA TAU Bennett Club 2 : C ; A Bazaar 1, 2, 3; Hillel 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Activities Com Secretary 2, 3 WXPN 1, 2; Red Cross 2 NANCY J HAMILTO N ELEANOR I GREE N 60 East Levering Mill Road, Cynwy d, Pa C W Journalism Feb 1950 ALPHA CHI OMEGA Transferred from Stephens College Student Advisory Board; Red Cross th Street, Chester, West Pa retary Ed Elementary Education June 1950 CHI OMEGA Frenc h Club 1, 2; Fraternity Activitie s Chairman 3 ; Corresponding Sec 4 ; Bazaar 1; Freshman C mission ; Settlement House 3 ; C A Dinner Com 2; C A Worship Com 2 : Red Cross 1 3 2

34 JOANNE HAMSTRO M 6353 Ross Street, Philadelphia, Pa- C W Psychology June 1950 DELTA GAMMA Pennsylvani a News Sta ff Member 2, Sub-Editor 3, ;Fraternity 4 ; Mortar Board, President 4 " Anchora" Correspondent 3, Corresponding Sec 4 ; Settlem ent House 2 ; Penn Christi an Fellowship 4; Campus Chest 3; Red Cross 3 BARBARA JEANNE HILYE R 5118 Pulaski Avenue, Germantown, Pa Social Studies Ju n e 1950 KAPPA DELTA Pen n Player ing 3, 4; Bowling Green 3; Ou t ;Activities Club3; Fencing 4 Com 3 ; Canterbury C l ub RUTH E HOR N BARBARA M HANDLE R phia, 2825 North Second Street Philadel Pa C W American Li t erature June 1950 SIGM A DELTA TAU French Club 1; Pen n Mike Club 1; Spanish Club 1 ; Morta r Board 4; Sphinx and Key 3; Pa nhellenic Delegate 2, 3, 4; Panhelleni c President 4; Hillel Foundation 4 ; Gov't Board 3; Senate 4 ; C W S t u dent Advisory Board 2; Who' s Who 4 ROSE HART L Akron, Michigan Ed Nursin g Education Transferred June 1950 from Mercy College Nur sing Education Association ucation sing Palmerton, PaEd Nursing Ed Feb 1950 ALPH A OMICRON PI A Cappella Cho i r 2; Choral Society 2; Women's Glee Club 1; Women's Sex t ette 1; Nur Education Association 2 JEANNE I HOUNSEL L 312 Owen Avenue, Lan sdow ne, Pa C W Psychology Jun e 1950 DELTA DELTA DELTA Badminton; Bennett Club, Exec Boar d 4, Perm Comm Member 3, Pe r m ; Com Ch ' m an 4; May Court 3 Fra t ernity Librarian-Custodian; C- A Bazaar 2: Gov't Council 2; Clas s Council 2 MARIE I HOWAR D ELAINE F HAYFLIC K 5734 Florence Avenue, Philadelphi a, Pa Ed Elementary Educatio n June 1950 Hillel Foundation ; Echo Lake Road, Bu tler, N J Ed Nursing Educatio n ALPH A OMICRON PI Nursng Educatio n -Hellen ic Pan Association 2, 3, 4 Council 4; Spanish Club 4 MIRIAM McCONKEY HUNSBERGE R JOSEPHINE HIGBE E 105 East Park Road- - C- W r Chemistry June 1950 DELT A Pennsylvania DELTA DELTA News Publications Staff Membe r 1; Christian Association ; Freshma n Commission 622 Twickenham Road, Gl e n side, Pa Ed Occupational Therapy BennJune et 1950 CHI OMEGA Club Permanent Comm Member 3, 4 ; Art s and Crafts 2, 3; Bo wling Green 2; Fraternity P l e dg e Trainer 3, Vice-President 4; C A Bazaar 1, 3 ; Westminster Cabine t 1, ; 2, 3, Corresponding Secretary 3 Frosh - Soph Supper Ch' man, 2; Cam p us Chest 2; Red Cross 1, 2, 3; Ta g Day 2 ; Red and Blue Business Staff 1, 2 33

35 sident 3 ations na rtar CATHERINE HUNSICKE R 444 Main Street, Collegeville, Pa C W Fine Arts June 1950 ; - CALLISTA Sphinx and Ke y Callista, President 3; C A Bazaa r 3, 4; Denominational Work 1, 2, 3, ; 4; Women's Cabinet 4 ; Senate 3, 4 Class Council 4; Campus Chest 4 LUCY RAE JONE S wling 222 Sylvan Street Rutherford, N J Ed Occupational Therapy June 1950 CHI OMEGA Bo Green Com Member 2 : Frenc h Cl ub 2 : Fraternity, Ch'man of Voc Com 3; Ch ' man of Ways and Means Com 4; Worship Com; Red C r oss 3 BARBARA HUROWIT Z 5338 Gainor Road Philadelphia, Pa Ed Social Studies June 1950 DELTA PHI EPSILON FR A TERNITY, Corresponding Secretar y ; 3, 4 ; Pan-Hellenic Council 3, 4 ; Hillel Foundation; Gov't Board 4 Campus Chest 3, 4 MARIE JULIANELL E 50 North Broadway, White Plain s, N Y CW Engl ish Jun e 1950 KAPPA ALPHA THET A Fraternity, Co-Social Ch'man GERTRUDE S KATZ ROSE A IANNOTTA R D 2 West Chester, Pa Public Health June 1950 Newman Club 3; Nursi ng Educa tion Association 4 Philadelphia, News 3, Editor 1229 Hellerman Street Pa CW Phil osophy June ; 1950 CALLISTA Basketball 2 Hockey 1, 2 ; Swimming 2, 3; Pen 4; Monsylyania Board 4 : Hillel Foundation, Chai r man of Social Welfare Com 2; Se te 3, 4 ; Constitution Revisions Com 3 re JOAN INMA N 314 Sagamore Road, Havertown, Pa C W Enqlish Literatu June 1950 ALPHA CHI OMEG A Fraternity Steward 4, Vice-Pre MARJORIE D KATZ 5065 Wynnefield Ayenue, Philadelphia, Pa C W English June 1950 SIGMA DELTA TA U French Club 1, 2; Pi Delta Phi MARGARET E JENNING S 337 West Mt Airy Avenue, Mt Airy Pa C W Enqlish June 1950 KAP PA KAPPA GAMMA Pen n Players 3, 4; Fraternity, Key Co 4 rrespondent CAROL KATZE N Elkin's Court, Elkins Park, Pa C W Political Science Jun e ; 1950 Hockey 1; Debate Society 4 Inter-Collegiate Conference on G ; Foreign Affairs Council overnment 34

36 y Treasurer 3, Clipboar blicit ALICE C KESTE R 232 South Chancell or Street, Newtown, Pa C W Microbiology ; June 1950 Athlon 4 ; Baseball 2 R iflery 2 ; Swimm i ng 3 MARILYN JUNE KNODE L 515 Brighton Road Wilmington, Del F A Music June 1950 Choral Society 2, 3 ; Omicro Delta n 2, 3, Sec r eta ry 3 MURIEL KRISCHE R GERTRUDE KIN G t Chester n Civics State Teachers College Wes Pa C W America June 1950 DELTA GAMMA ; French Club 1; WXPN 1, 2, 3 Campus Com 2 ; Fraternity Hi s torian Philadelphia,Pa Euclid Avenue, CWPsychology June Hillel Foundation CLAIRE KRUSE N ORRA JEAN KICHE N 327 South 43rd Street, Philadelphia, Pa C W English June 1950 KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA Outing Club 1, 2, 3; Sphinx an d Key; Pi Delta Phi ; Fraternit Vice-President 4; C A B azaar 1, 2, 3, 4 ; C A Square Danc e Group 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Gov't Board ; Clas s Council 2, 3 60 North Girard Street Woodbury, N J Ed Mathematics J une ; 1950 Pennsylvania News 1, 2, 3, 4 Sub-Editor 3; Dolphin 1, 2; Span i s h Club 1, 2; C A- Bazaar 4 : Gree n Lane Counsellor 4 ; Elections Com 3 4; Educat i on Com 2 : Callista d Editor 3; Ed Student Adviso ry Board 3, 4 AUDREY LANDE S BARBARA E KLEI N 6302 Carnation Street Philadelphia Pa Ed Elementary Educatio n June 1950 field St reet, Philadelphia, 192 Pa C W Zooology Jun e 1950 ALPHA CHI OMEGA Pennsylvania News 1, 2; Bowl Pan-Green 2, 3, 4 : Penn Playe r hellenic Association 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Fr a ternity Asst Rushing C h' ma n 3 ; Pu y Ch'man 2 Treasure r 3 Presiden t 4 C A Freshman Com; Gov' t Board 4: Campus Committee 2 ELIZABETH LEE KLIM M 4642 Locust Street, Philadelphia, Pa C W Political Sc ience ; June 1950 Archery 1; Baseball 2 Basketball 2, 3; Freshman Ch'ma n Big Sister Party 1; Gov 't Counci l 1, 2 ; Class Council 1, 2 ; Newman Clu b 1, 2 ; I C G 2, 3 ELIZABETH LATTEL L ; Newman Club 2, duc 115 Fifth Ave, Phoenixville,P a Ed Nu r sing Education Jun e ZETA TAU ALPHA Ca ; ean Society 4 ;Nurs ing Fraternity Ritual Chairman 4 3 Educational Assoc i at ion 2, 3, 4 ; Cho ral Socie t y 4 35

37 German olun Phila C W er hairman Chairma cholarship aternity 95 JOYCE E LEEPAR D 1118 West Cheltenham Avenue, Philadelphia Psychology Pa June 1950 CALLISTA Club 2, 3, 4 Ger m a n Glee Club 2, 3 Spanish Cl ub 1; Gov't Board 4 ; Clipboar d Editor 4 ; WX PN 3, 4 : C A S ettleme nt Ca mp Counsellor 1; Luth eran Studen t s Asso n ciatio BOBBE JEAN LITTLETO N 307 Chandler Street Philadelphi a, PaC W Microbiologẏ June 1950 ZETA TAU ALPHA Transferred from Temple Universit y Bennett Club Permanent Com Member 3, 4 ; Ar t s and Crafts 3; C A Westminster Denominational Wor k 3, 4; Girl Scout Service Organization GRACE LEISTE R Glenn Ashton Farms Croyden, Pa C- W Journalism June 1950 CHI OMEGA Red and Blu e 3, 4; C A Advocate 3 VIRGINIA ANNE LITTO 910 Christian St reet, Philadelphia, Pq Ed Social Studies Jun e 1950 ALPHA CHI OMEGA Apprentice Dance Group 3; C A Lane Counsellor 3; Newma n Club Ch 3, 4; 3WXPN 2, 3, 4; Fr Recording Secretar y 4; S BEATRICE S LEVINSO N 6125 Nassau Street, Philadelphia, Pa C W- Economi cs June 1950 PHI SIGMA SIGMA - Hillell Foundation 1, 2, 3, 4; Freshman A d visor Cabi ne t Member 2; I Z F A 3; Frate r nit y Bur sar 2, Vice-Presiden t 1; WXPN 1 June 1950A MARY LORIME R 895 Glenbrook Avenue, Bryn Mawr, Pa E d Nursi nq Education ssociation Education Nursing ROBERTA GOLDNER LUBE R RITA LEVENTHA L 1461 Baird J Avenue, Camden, N C W - - Psychology - June DELTA PHI E P SILON Hillel Foundation 1, 2, 3, 4; Frat nity ng ; Secretary Recordi V3 teer Work at U ni versity Hospital; C W Student Advi sory Boa rd 3, 4 rtown, Pa 408 Hastings Avenue, Have 0 FebIllman-Carter 1Ed Penn ; Players; Fraternity Social C Hillel Foundation SALLY LEVI T 4705 Conshohocken Avenue delphia, Pa C W- Economic s ; Feb Hillel Foundati on WXPN : Pi Gamma Mu KAREN LUNDEGAAR D Spring ne r 1 cil Southampton Drive, Silver Md - C W - Chemistru Ju 1950 KAPPA ALPHA TH ETA Modern Dance Group 4; Bennet t Club Executive Boa r d 4; Permanen t Com Member 3 Permanent ; n Music Com A Cappella Choi ; Choral Society 1; Class Coun Orientation Com 3, Chairman 4 36

38 Club Bazaar, 3: RUTH SYLVIA LURI E 1219 Belmont Avenue, Philadelphia Pa Ed Primary Educatio n June 1950 CALLISTA H illel Foundation ; Teachers of Tomorrow CAROLYN M MARKLE Y ; 3, of ba e 1, 1955 Fairview Avenue, Easton, Pa Ed Illma n Carter June 1950 Bowling CHI OMEGA Dolphin 3 ; Green Production Manager 4 ClubMember 4Member Cas t 1, 2, 3, 4; French Club 1;Pi Lam ;Theta 3, 4 ; Choral Society 2, 3, 4 Fraternity Pan- Hellenic Delegat 2, 3, 4 House Proc tor 3; C A 3; Class Sec retary 4; Pele Mel e Night Ch'man 4 Orientation Com 3, 4; Ch'man Fashion Show 4 ; Pan- Hellenic Ball Ch'man 4; Rus hing Reg i strat i on Ch' man 4 CHARLOTTE LYON S 23 Woodland Avenue, Penndel, Pa C W Philosophy June 1950 KAPPA DELTA Choral Society 3, 4 : Fraternity Treasurer 4 ; Ac Com 3, 4 tivities FELICE SCHREIBMAN MARK S Sheldrake Apartments, 49th and Sp r uce Streets, Philadelphia, Pa C W Political Science June 1950 SIGMA DELTA TAU Hillel 2 PATRICIA ANITA MacKEY 619 Sedgwick Street, Philadelphia, Pa ' C W International R elations June 1950 ALPHA OMICRO N ; PI German Club ; ta Phi Del Alph a Campus Chest MARCELLA MARTI N Philadelphia 5921 Belmar Terrace, Pa Ed Nursing Education June 1950 Nursing Education Associati on, NANETTE JACOUELINE MANGELS Horse Trail Manor, Phoenixville, Pa C W Journalism June 1950 CHI OMEGA Swimming (Auxiliary ) 4 ; Penn Players 4 ELIZABETH MATTHEW S 60 E Pen n Street, Norristown, Pa C W Journalism June 1950 JANET M MAR K 330 Turnpike Road, South River, N J C- W English June ; Sergeant Newman Hall Council LYDIA C MAXMA N C W English June KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA Tennis 372, 3; Arts and Crafts 4 Pa

39 mber tvill raternity sident hman udent SAVERIA MAZZEO 309 W Pleasant Avenue Pleasan e N J Ed French Ju ne 1950 French Club; Italian Club BETTY EVANGELINE MESSERSMIT H Manchester, N Y Ed Jun e 1950 NATALIE MON G CATHERINE McCLARRE N 6376 Columbia Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa C W Journalism J une 1950 DELTA DELTA DELTA - Bennett Club Permanent Com Me 3; Dolphin 3; Fraternity House Chairman 4 ; Newman Club 1 P O B ox 361 Somerset, Pa C W Microbiology June 1950 DELTA DELTA DELTA F Proctor 3, 4 ; Newman Clu b 1, 2, 4 ; Campus Chest 3 ; Sergean t Hall Council 1 LEAH MOSKOWITZ ELIZABETH McDONOUG H 1205 Belfield Avenue, Drexel Hill, Pa C W Mathematics Jun e 1950 Choral Society 3, South 46th Street, Phi ladelphi a, Pa Ed Elementary Education June 1950 Bowling 1; Arts an d Crafts 3 ; Red and Blue 3, 4 ; Frenc h Club 1, 2; Hillel 1, 2, 3, 4 DORIS MOZENTE R KATHRYN McGOUG H or Choral Society 119 Powell Avenue, Pa Cresson, F A Music June 1950 Transferred from Mt Aloysius Juni College Delta Omicron 2; A Cappella ; Choir 3;: 3 Gamma Chi 1; Newman Club South Ruby Street, Philad elphia, Pa Ed Social Studies Jun e 1950 CALLISTA Political Clu b ; 4; Pi Lamba Theta ; Hillel 1, 2, 3, 4 T eachers of Tomorrow 3, 4 JANET ANNE MUSSE R 730 S Latches Lane, Merion, Pa C- W Psychology June 1950 DELTA DELTA DELTA JV Ba 1, ; 2, 3; Lacrosse 1, 2, dminton 3 P ennsylvania News 1, Copy Editor 2 PATRICIA MEGARGE E Bryn Mawr, Pa ;: 1, rresponding Rock Creek Road, C- W Journalism June 1950 DELTA DELTA DELTA Swi m ming ; 2 Cappella Choir 2, A 3 Choral Society 1, 2, 3 ; Women's Glee Club 1; Gamma Chi; Fraternity Co Secretary 4 Make-up Editor ; Bowling Green 1 3 ; Phi Beta Kappa 3, 4 ; Who' s Who 3, ; 4 : Treasurer of Mortar Board 4 S phinx and Key 3; Fraternity Pre 4; C A Bazaar 1; Women' s Cabinet 3, 4; Senate 3 ; Gov't Cou n 1, cil 2, 3, 4 ; C l ass Council 1, 4, President 3, Vice-Preside nt 2; Fres Camp Ch'man 4; C W St Advisory Board 3, 4 ; Panhellenic Council 1, 2, 3, Secretary 4 38

40 Class aint ennsylvania Fello or hman presentative e-president Chemistry, Philadelphia, binet 3, Council S 4 La A 4 ; Girl 3,, 3 9 TERU M NAKAN O 109 Park Street Ridley Park, Pa C W International Re lations June 1950 ALPHA OMICRON PI App Dance Group 3; Mod ern Dance Group 4 ; Hockey 1; P ; News 1, Sub-Editor 2, 3 4 Bowling Green 1, 2, C lub Memb er ; 3, Director 4; Phi Beta Kappa 3, 4 ; Who's Who 3, 4 ; Mo r tar Board 4 ; Sphinx and Key 3; Pi Gamma Mu 4 Delta Phi Alpha 2, 3, 4; Fraternit y Pres i den t Fraternity Vice-Pre 4; C A Bazaar 1, 2, 3 ; Fres sident Commission 1; Settlement House 1; Senate 2 ; Gov't Council 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Class President 2; Class Cou ncil 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Undergrad Camp Ch'ma n ; 3; Mortar Board Freshman Cu p 1 ; International Affairs Council 4 WXPN 4 MARGARET OGLIARULO 6928 Harvey Avenue, Merchantville, N J- C- W Latin Feb CALLISTA Callista Treasure r Corresponding ; Gov't Secretary 4 Board 4; Settlemen t House 1 SHIRLEY M OSTROF F 943 Penn J Street, Camden, N C W Psychology Feb Apprentice Dance ; G roup 2, 3 BARBARA ALICE NEELY Drexel h'man ncil 57 Revere Road Apa r tment 6 Hill, Pa C W Zoology June 1950 ALPHA XI DELTA ;Phi Beta Kapp a 4 ; Mortar Board 4 Sphinx and Key 3; Panhellenic Re 1, 2, 3, 4; Ball C Vice-President 3: 4: 5: 6: 4; WSGA Vic 4; Gov' t Board 4 ; Senate 4; Gov't Council 1, 2, 3; Campu s Com 2 ; Orientation Com 3 ; Secre ta ry-treasurer 1; Class Cou ;2, 3 ; Chairman of Pirates Ball 3 Student Discip li nary Committee 4 RUTH PANZE R 2840 West Stil es Street Pa- - C June W- - ; 1950 University - Camp Phi Beta Kappa 3, 4 Pi Gamma Mu: Hillel; WXPN 1 LINDA NELSO N Park Avenue, Edgewate r Park N J Ed Home Economics Feb 1950 Pi Lamba Theta 3, 4; C responding Secretary of M o r t a r Board 4 ; C A Bazaar 1, 2, Boot h ; Ch'man 3, 4 ; Freshman Commissio n ; Upperclass Commission 2, 3, 4 Settlement House 1; Camp Counse or 4; Women's Cabinet 4; Clasll s Council 3; Senate 4 ; Activities Com 2, 3, Ch'man, 4; Who's Who 4 NAOMI NISSLE Y Malvern, Pa F A Easel P ing June 1950 Tennis 4 ; Art s ; and Crafts 4; Dolphin Art Staff 4 ; Penn Players 4; Tau Sigma Delta 4 Choral Society 4; Penn Christian wship 4; Inte r nationa l House 4 SHIRLEY PARSON S Counsellor 1 ncaster, Pa ; Bowling Group 2, 13; JV Swimming Green 1, 3, Club Cast Membe r 4; nsociet y ; Clu Caducea German 1 b 1; ABazaa r4;presbyteria nca C Class ; cout Service EILEEN P NOON E Philadelphia, une erv 5708 Willow s Avenue, Pa Ed- Social Stud i es J 1950 KAPPA DELTA Frenc h ; Club 1; Newman C lub 1, 2, 3, 4 Fraternity Historian 2, 3; Social S ice Chairman 4 ; O ri en tation Leade r 4 ELIZABETH K PAVLETIC H 2413 Clearfield St reet, Philadelphia Pa Education - Ed Eleme ntary June CALLIS TA C A Bazaar 2, 3; ettlement SHouse 1; ; Newman Club 1, 2, 3; S A 1 Campus Chest 1

41 German raternity Campu nnett 4 Com June ptain LOIS JEAN PEBLE Y Johnstown, Pa Ed June 1950 ZET A T AU ALPH A CLARA CATHERINE PEC K Grantville, Pa, June 1950 CHI OMEG A JOAN REDLAN D 745 N orth Pennsylvania A v e n u e, Philadelphia, Pa Ed Physi c al Education June 1950 ALPH A XI DELTA Athlon 3, 4; WAA Exec Council 2; WAA President 4; AWA Treasurer 3; Varsity Baseball 2; Ca 3, 4 ; JV Basketball 1; JV Hockey 3; Red and Blue 2 ; Sphinx and Key 3: 4: Fraternity Pledge Trainer 3, R e cording Secreta r y 4 ; Senate 4 ; Gov't Council 2, Co-Ch'man Activitie s Com 2 ; Class Council 2 ; Red Cros s Vice-Ch'man 3 ELENA REINSC H MARION A PLOS S, Pa y- ; ty Social Ch'man 3, tminster ocial n 1 ce 1021 Drexel Avenue, Drexel Hill Ed Elementary Education June 1950 CHI OMEG A Be Club, Exec Board 4, Sec r etar Treasurer 4; Perm Com Membe r 3, 4; Choral Society; Women's Gle e ; Club Fraterni 4 C A Bazaar 1, 2, 3; Wes Cabinet 1, 2, Secreta ry 3, S Ch'man ; 2, Assis t ant Social Ch'ma Settlement House 1; WSGA Finan Com 4 ; Bowling Green, Make-u p Com 2, North 52nd Street, Philadelp hia, Pa Ed French June 1950 French Cub 1, 2, 3, Vice-Presiden t 4; Spanish Club 1, 2; Pi Delta P hi 4 ; Hillel 1, 2, 3 ; Teachers of Tomo rrow 4 CARYL REISGE N 200 Garden Ridge Road, Baltimor e, Md C W Psychology Jun e 1950 Bennett Club Permanen t Com ; Member 3, Vice-Ch'man 4 Campus Com 2 : Settlement House 4; Red Cross 3 ANN M QUALE Y 4512 Chestnut St reet, Philadelphia, Pa Ed Mathematics June 1950 KAPPA DELTA F Schola rship Ch'man, Sec r e ta r y 4; C A Bazaa r 2, 3 ; Newman Club 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Orientation Com 4 CONSTANCE REITHAA R 1618 Pine Street, Philadelp hia, Pa C W French Feb 1950 CH I OMEGA Bennett Club Permanen t Com Member 3, 4 ; Red an d Bl ue 2, 3, Bus Manager 4; Pi Delta Phi 3, 4 ; Fraternity President 4; Wes tminster Foundation 2, 3; WSGA Financ e ROSEMERI K RAUFE R North Fairhill Street, Philadelphia, C W Pa June 1950 Bennett Club Permanent Publicity 2; Delta Phi Ch'man Alpha 4; 3, Spanish Treasurer Club 4; 1, Choral society 4; Newman Club 1, Com Club Member 1, 4; German 4; French Club, 1, 2, 3; 2 ; Campu s Com 2 WXPN 1; s Chest 2 MARY RENZULL I 15 Chatham Road, Club Upper Darby, Pa C W Economics CALLISTA Newman 4 40

42 Association ubli om si,penn Players Fraternity ; Teachers of 4 Tomorrow 2, 3 PRISCILLA RHODE S 400 East Glenside Avenue, Gle nside, Pa C W Sociology June 1950 DELTA DELTA DELTA ; Who's Who 4; Sphinx and Key 3 Fraternity House Manager 2, Cha p l ain 3; C A Bazaar Ch'man 3, P city Co -Ch'man 4; Freshman C 1; mission U ni v Counsellor 3, 4 ; Univ Women's Cabinet 2, 3, 4 ;WSGA Corresponding Secretary 3 Gov ' t Board 3 ; Senate 3, 4 ; Gov't ;Council 1, 2, 3, 4; Elections Com 2 Fi nance Com 2; ClassSecretar y- Treasurer 2, Vice-President 3, Pre dent 4 ; Class Council 1, 2, 3, 4 JANICE WARSHAW ROSENTHA L 6 Philadelphia, 212 Webster S tree t, Ed Primary Pa Education 0 DELTA June Apprentice Pledge 3, President of Sec PHI Tomorrow of 195 EPSILON Trainer; of Freshman Dance Social Group Com 1, Council Hillel 1; 2 2; Fraternity Teachers 1, 1, Vice- 2; JUDITH ROTHBER G ANN G ROB B Righters Mill Road, Gladwyne, Pa C W English June of Tomorrow ; Hillel; Teachers 1319 Ed Pine Primary Street, Education Philadelphia, June Pa ETHEL THORP SACHS CATHERINE B ROBERTSO N 458 Mo n ume nt Avenue, Wy oming, Pa - Ed Pubic Health June 1950 Nursing Education 53 East Moreland Avenue, Hatboro, Historian, Commission Modern Dance Education Group 1; Ch'man; Freshman GLORIA ROGAC H 319 Bala Avenue, Bala Cynwyd, Pa C W - Chemi stry June ALPHA XI DELTA Appren tice Da ; nce Grou p 1; Spani sh Clu b 1 F r a ter ni t y Social Ch'man 4, E SALBINGE R 13 N 1950 Brazilian 3; Doloman J Hillel Club SIGMA C Street, W 3,4 ; 3, Spanish Fraternity DELTA New 4 Brunswick, Treasurer June TAU E MARILYN ROHRE R 306 College Avenue, Elizabethtown, Pa June C W Chemistr y 1950 Caducean So ciety 1, 2, 3, 4 ; 3, French Club 1; Phi Beta Kappa 4 ; Orchestra 1, 3; C W Student Advisory Board 3 DORIS SANDLER 5902 Christian Street, Philadelphia Apprentice Dance Group 3 ; Hillel WXPN; 1, 2, 3, 4 4 1

43 rat elphia, Pa elphi HELENE WOLDORF SAVA R Ed Duncan Elementary Avenue, Education Yeadon, Pa June 1950 Hillel 1, 2, 3, 4 MYRNA SCHREIBMA N lphia, Hillel 5706 Woodbin e Avenue, PhiIade Pa C W Economics Jun e 1950 SIGMA DELTA TAU ;Fraternity Rushi ng Ch'man 4; WXPN MARGARET SAVIDG E Highway 5-41 and Collings Avenu e, Berlin, N J Ed Physical Education June 1950 ALPHA X I ; DELT A Athlon 3, President 4 ; WAA Exec Council 1, 2, 3, 4 Basketball 1, 2, 4; JV Hocke y 1, Varsit y 2, 3, Captain 4; JV Lacrosse ; 2, 3, 4 Swi mming Ma nager 1, 2, 3 Caducean Society 1; German Clu b 1; Sphinx and Key 3; Choral Society 1 ; Wo men's Glee Club 1; F ernity Vice- President ; Settlemen t House 3, 4; Campus Com 2 CLAIRE SCHUBER T 5830 Washington Avenue, Philad a, Pa Ed Elementary Ed ucation June 1950 CALLIST A Pennsylvania News 4 ; Orchestra 2, 3, 4; Hillel 1, 2, 3, 4; Teachers of Tomorrow 1, 2, 3, 4 ANNE E SCHACHT 604 West Olney Avenue, Philad C W Sociology June ALPHA OMICRO N PI Chi Omega Sociology Awar d 3; Fraterni ty Co rresponding Secr ;ary 3, Treasurer 4 ; C A Bazaar et 4 Settlement House 2 LUBA KAUFMAN SCHWA B 5220 Lebanon Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa C W June 1950 ELIZABETH SCHAD E 407 Chester Avenue, Moorestown, N J C W - Fine Arts June 1950 KAPPA KAPPA GAMM A - -Transferr ed from Mount Holyok e College Badmint on 3; Benn et t Social Club Chairman Arts and Crafts 3, 4; Frat ernit y GERALDINE K SELTZE R Philadelphia, 7133 Oxford Avenue Pa C W Psychology Jun e 1950 DELTA PHI EPSILON Hillel 1, 2, 3, 4 DAVIDA SCHLAN K 6 2 Pa 0 West C Godfrey Avenue, Philadelphia, W Psychology June 1950 DELTA PHI EPSILON Red Hillel 1, 2, 3, 4; W XPN Cross VIRGINIA L SHAR P 706 Braeburn Lane, Penn Valley, Narberth, Pa C W Sociology August 1950 ALPHA XI DELT A Red Cross 4 2

44 orresponding enn nt ec ctivities adelphia, adelphia, rman ssistant 43 BEVERLY SHE R 4030 Parkside Avenue, Philadel phia, Pa Ed Elementary Education June 1950 CALLISTA P i Lamba Thata : Choral Society ; Hillel ; Teachers of Tomorrow LILA B SMILOWITZ 52nd & Montgomery Streets, Phil Pa Ed Social Studie s, June 1950 PHI SIGMA SIGM A Fraternity Social Ch'man 4 ;:Hille l 1, 2, 3, 4; Education Com 3 ; Youn g Democratic Club 4 MARGARET M SHERIDA N 1118 South 48th Street, Philadelphi a, Pa C W Journalism Jun e 1950 DELTA DELTA DELTA ; Debate Society 1; Who's Who 3 ; Campus Com 2; May Court 2 Freshman Week Ch'man 3 ; Newma n Club 1; Red and Blue Associate- Editor 2, 3, Editor 4; Fraternity C Secretary 2, Rushin g Ch'man 3, Social Ch'man 4 MURIEL SNYDE R 4 ; 3 2, 3, 239 Grandview Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa C W Chemistry Jun e 1950 PHI Fraternity SIGMA Social Ch'man SIGMȦ Hillel 1, 2, 3, 4;Ge ; Club 4;Phi BetaKappa 4 3, Fraternity Recording Secretary : Panhellenic lcouncil 4:Hille 1, 2, 3, 4; Student Senate 3 PHYLLIS SHERI N 11 Milburn Street, Rockville Cen ter, N Y F A Architecture Feb 1951 SIGMA DELTA TAU Settlement House 1, 3; HiIIe I 1, 2, 3, 4 JANE M SPROU L 292 Green Avenue, Lansdowne, Pa Ed Elementary Education, June 1950 DELTA DELTA DELT A Cheerleader; Bowling Green 1, 2, 3, Secretary 4 ELIZABETH M STEEL E LYDIA M L SHIPLEY 26 Smith Street, Warrensburg, N Y Ed Nursing February 1950 Nursing Education Association 1813 Mano r Road, Havertown, Pa Ed Spanish June 1950 KAPPA DELTA Fraternity A Treasurer 2, Editor 4 ; C A Bazaar 2, 3; Lutheran Group 2 ; Ed u cation Com 2; Campus Com 2 ; Orientation Com 3, 4 JOYCE F SHULT Z 154 West Champlost Avenue, Phil Pa Ed English Feb 1950 CHI OMEGA B ett Club Exec 4;Parmane Board Com ; Member 3; Red and Blue 3 C A Advocate 3, 4; Fraternity S retary 4 ; Presbyterian Cabinet; A Com 2 RAE STON E 548 West Wyoming Avenue, Phi ladelphia, Pa C W P syc ho logy Feb 1950 DELTA PHI EPSILO N Phi Beta Kappa 3, 4; Pi Gamm a Mu; Fraternity Pledge Trainer; Hi ; Campus Chest 3, Red Cross llel

45 uncil 4 Philadelphia, Social Ch'man ws wman all SIMONE SHEERR SUCKL E Pelham Park Apartments, Phi l adelphia, Pa C W Hi story June 1950 SIGMA DELTA TA U Transferred from Cornell Univ Phi Alpha Theta 3, 4 ersity JANICE WALKE R Warner Road, Meadowbrook, Pa C W Psychology June Riflery 3, 4 ; Choral Society 1 BARBARA THOMA S 3936 Grant Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa C W Latin American Studie s June 1950 ALPHA XI DELT A Braz i lian Club 4 ; Choral Socie t y 1; ; Fraternity Rush ing Co-Ch'man 3 Canterbury Club 1, 2; Gov't Co ; 3, 4; Class Secretary- Treasurer 3 Class Council 4 ; Pirates Ball Hazin g Ch'man 3 HELENE WALTMA N 5431 Woodcrest Avenue Pa F A Painting Aug 1950 Swimming 2; Hillel 2, 3, 4 SYLVIA McCUTCHEON WAR D MARJORIE THORP E Hill dale Road, Villanova, Pa C W French June 1950 KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA Transferred from Pine Manor Junior College Arc h ery 3; Swimming 3; Choral Societ y 3, 4: C A Social Committee 3, Mole Road, Secane, Pa Ed Music June 1950 Dolphi n Business Staff 1; Choral Society 2, 4 ; A Cappella Choir 4; Women ' s Glee Club 4; Penn Christian Fello 1, h ip2, 3, 4 DOLORES A WEBE R JULIA A THORSTE N 3502 York Road, Philadel phia, Pa Ed Nursing Education Jun e 1950 Nursing Education Associ ation 502 Ridge Avenue, All entown, Pa Ed Social Studies June 1950 DELTA GAMMA Ne Club; Senate2; Sergeant H ROWENA WEISS JOANNE VENES S 107 Virginia Street, Wate rloo, N Y C W Soci ology June 1950 JV Lacrosse 3 ; German Club 1, 2, 3 ; Se r geant Hall Council 1, 2, 4 ; House Com Ch'man, Berks Street, Philadelphia, Pa 0DELTA PHI EPSILON ident Ed Primary Education Jun e 195 Dolphin Staff 4; Fraternity Vice-Pres 3, 4 ; Alumnae Representative ; 3; Hillel Foundation 1, 2, 43, Social Com 1; C A Hillel Drive 2 44

46 sing DEBORAH K WELS H Lima, De l aware Co, Pa C W A m erican li terature June 1950 ; DELTA GAMMA Athlon 3, 4 WAA Exec Council 4 ; Badminton 3, Captain 4; Basketball 3, 4; Hockey ; 2, 3, 4; Tennis 1, 2, 3, Captain 4 Fraternity Rushing Ch'man 3, Recor Secretary 4; WXPN 2, 3 ding ALICE A WILSO N 407 Residence Park, Palmerton, Pa C W Microbiology Jun e 1950 ALPHA XI DELTA Tran from Lasell Junior College sferred MARIAN W WINTE R RUTH WES T 390 Wakeside Road, Ardmore, Pa C W Sociol ogy Feb 1950 DELTA DELTA DELTA Ridge Pike, Conshohocken, Pa Ed Occupational Therapy June 1950 ALPHA XI DELTA MARY C WIACE K 3100 Richmond Street, Philadelphia, Pa C W Latin America n Studies June 1950 ALPHA X I DELTA Bowling 1, 2, 3 Captai n 4 ; Activities Com ; Campus Chest ; WAA Counci l : Pi Gamma Mu JUNE WOEHRL E 132 George Avenue, Wilkes-Barre, Pa C W English Lit Jun e 1950 ; German Club 1, 2, 3, 4 Del ta Alpha 4;Campus Ches Phi 3, t 3, 4 ELIZABETH WILE Y 3253 Potter Street, Philadelphia, Pa Ed Nursing Education June 1950 CALLISTA Calli sta Membership Com C h ' man 4; Nur Education Association 2, 3, 4 JOSEPHINE WOODWAR D Hamilton Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa Ed Occupational Therapy June 1950 URSULA WILHEL M 345 Windemer Avenue, Lan sdowne, Pa E d Social Studi es June 1950 ALPHA XI DELTA A Capella Choir 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Chora l ;Society 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Gamma Chi 3, 4 Fraternity Ma rshall 4 ; C A Bazaa r 1, 2; Worship Com 1 ; Orientation Com 3, 4; Campus Chest 3 RUTH M WORTHINGTO N 212 North 34th Street, Philadelphi a, Ed Elementary Educatio n Jun e 1950 CHI OMEGA Bennett Club Exec Bd 4, Permanen t Com Member 3; Bowli ng Gr ee n Make- up Com 3, 4 ; Caducean So ciety 1; Settlement House 3 43

47 viar ; Lutheran upied ssage JOAN ZAR R Bloomsburg, Pa Ed Art June 1950 Appr entice Danc e Group; Modern Dance Group; Art s and Crafts; Choral Society; C A Freshmen Commission; Editor o f Group Lutherdolphian PATRICIA LOWDEN EVAN S 646 Edmonds Avenue, Drexel Hill, Pa C W Socioiogy Jun e 1950 KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA ; Badminton ; Tenni s; Bowling Green Panhellenic Counc il 2 ; Fraternit y Pledge Captain 3, President 4; Ca n ; terbury Club Vestry 2 ; Gov't Board Class Council 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Class Chee eader 1 rl ANN FARQUHA R 3727 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, Pa C W June 1950 KAPPA ALPHA THETA Bowlingn 1, Gree 2, 3, President 4; Class Council 2, 3, Vice-president 4 ; Who's Who 4 MARION LOUISE LOH R Hooversvill e, Pa Ed Nur sing Education June 1950 Nursin g Education Association VERNER PETERSON MACALLISTE R Arden Shore Lane, Lake Buff, Ill F A Architecture Feb KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA Architectural Society 4; Fraternit y Recording Secretary 4 LOUISE MARY STEI N West Pittston, Pa Ed Nursin Education June 1950 Nursin g Education Association 1, 2, 3, Pres i dent 4 In Fifty's Futur e By 1960 we'll show our wort h We'llstage the biggest show on earth A circus-carnival and no surprise For we have girls who can organize! LINDA NELSON, serving as caterer for U N banquets, tilted, by chance, a dish of ca on BETTE KLIMM, U S ambassador to Russia Yelling an "Ay-yukh-nyem" at seeing an old classmate, Bette called over the first ambassa dress from Shangri-la, TERU NAKANO, and a s always happened when two or more '50's ex - changed brain waves, an idea creaked into being (In order to draw '50 grads within patting-on-theback distance) they'd organize a mammoth carnival Linda, as Activities Coordinator wired GINNY LITTO (recreational worker in Hawaii ) and JAN MUSSER (compiling Who ' s Who) to act as assistants Using psychic thought waves she drew DUSTY RHODES from the midst of an African expedition studying the Bushman to tak e charge of amusements MARY WIACEK and BEATRICE LEVINSON handled finances (BAR- BARA'S NEELY and HANDLER, having earned their first million, made substantial donations t o the cause), and COLLIS CAMPBELL was occ painting murals in the fun house and th e tunnel of love In order to advertise this centur y spectacle, LOIS GIMMI (equipped with a ha m license) proclaimed it over her home-made radi o sets, while RONNIE RAUFER translated the me for foreign broadcasts Ann Farquhar use d poster paint appropriately, splashing paint o n assistants NANETTE MANGELS and PAIG E CAMPBELL 46

48 The opening day with trumpet loud Was broadcast to the madding crowd ; And then our tel-a-ray could focu s On old friends 'mid the hocus-pocus HINGTON, y, NSICKER ofessors STIANS m, rence gnificant itude CONNIE REITHAAR and RUTH WORT back from Europe for the event, dragged unwilling JOANNE BURG and PEG DAILY onto the musicales merry-go-round (merr perhaps not, but it did go round traveling faster than music or sound) KATHY HU had a booth drawing caricatures o f passersby She got a terrific cartoon of ID A BYCER and ANN SCACHT, who were standing nearby discussing exciting news in sociology wit h JODY VENESS Treating their tribes of school children were teachers, ROWENA WEISS and JEAN GENETTI; joined by ETHEL SACHS wit h a hereditary kindergarten, they were heading to - word the refreshment bar where DOTTIE GOLD - STEIN was concocting atomic pop Startled b y the explosion, we trained our tel-a-ray on th e continually throughout the day DEBB Y shooting gallery JANICE WALKER, primed by WELSH, new coach of Penn's football team, wa s Penn's Serge Hamer, manned the booth KIK I rubbing biceps with JOAN REDLAND who ha d REISGEN, in charge of a correction school tha t taken over the Brooklyn Dodgers Behind the m was acclaimed by Sociological exports PATT Y in the grandstand LU BRETHERICK, head of th e VANS and SHIRLEY OSTROFF as a sociologica l former Martha Graham's dancing team, was tr y miracle, was shooting at wooden images of pr ing to convince TODDY DANIELS that she shoul d An aura of incense emerged from a train her six girls into a modern dancing group, plastic tent, and there we found DAGNY CHRI not a basketball team The last exhibition w e with Golden earrings telling the fortune s saw was a huge aquarium enclosed by magnifyin g of RITA LEVINTHAL, RAE STONE, ARDE N glass to display a disarming collection of newly - BENNETT, and CAROLYN COMMERFORD, isolated microbes and bacteria, now medicall y who were trying to convince her that there wer e controlled Credit for this triumph goes to more useful devices in Psychological techniques CLAIRE BRENER, KAREN LUNDEGAARD AU- Seeing a stream of people elbowing toward a DREY LANDES, TOMMY MULROONEY, MURlucite caravan we discovered JEAN HOUNSEL L IEL SNYDER and PAT ROCHFORD (whose patient research has reduced the death rate unbe- whose charm school had pushed the Dubarry su c cess course into oblivion WINNY ACTON, r e lievably) We trained our ray in vain lookin g nowned Washington hostess, was lauding JEAN' S among the booths for ZOE COCOSIS, NANC Y school to the audience while PEG SHERIDAN, HAMILTON, JOAN INMAN, and CHARLOTT E editor of "Mademoiselle" was on the platfor LYONS, but telegrams from same showed the y discussing with ELLIE GREEN the latest thing i n weightless clothing were so muddled with "home" economics tha t There seemed to be a bloc k they couldn't go to the fair Statistics worked in the tunnel of love ; we saw DOLLY WEBER and hubby filling all four boats with their offspring out by JOYCE LEEPARD show that the diffe in success, both financially and numericall y Dolly had done a tremendous child raising jo b using the latest psych book by JANE DYCH between the class of '50's carnival and any fai r and ever given buying the "JANE DAVIS" children's library fo r before, proved to be statistically si bed-time reading She pledges undying grat also to PAT MEGARGEE and CLAR A This is no portrait of "Vanity Fair " DRAKE, co-editors of ' Parents' Magazine" fo r A world that is all make-believe their experienced gems of wisdom Nearby, th e house-of-mirrors (where one can see in the fourt h dimension, thanks to WINNIE GOLDBERG'S di s In a style somewhat drasti c I've shown the fantasti c Acclaim we are bound to receive covery, was a huge athletic field, contests scheduled JOANNE HAMSTROM 47

49 dent government, specialty clubs, publications tu, and religious organizations, Pennsylvania wome n have found ample opportunity to build up thei r traditions They have received from former co - eds the spark of aims and ideals, the spirit of th e tradition Yet they have added something wit h their own fresh ideas and talents which will ma ke it possible for those that follow to carry on stil l further M MacELWE E


51 rous Orientation Committee - Standing (left to right): C Markley, J Davis, E Freiburg, T Nakano, A Qualey, A Coone y, W Acton, A Farquhar, M Bruce Sitting: M Fenimore, J Redlan d, K L undegaard, Chairman; M Daniel, J Mus ser, (Missing) E Noone Elections Committee Standing ( Ieft to right): C D J Kitchen, B Hopkins, Sitting : M Fenimore, D Bicke ougherty, rt, M Deam, Chairman ; S Lande r s M Musgrave (Missing ) J Davis J Taylor C Krusen Finance Committee (left to right ) C Reithaar, P Shook, V Matzke, Chairman; M Ploss, M Atkinson, C Markley (Missing) E Tobachnick, M Winters, A Bennett, F Caran s, K McCough, P Bell woa r What does the Women 's Student Governmen t Association mean to the women of Penn- The off of W SGA took time out from their nume icers duties this year to evaluate themselves as lea the offices they were filling, and the organization ders, as a whole Their inquiries revealed both strong an d weak points, but most of all the student body be - came conscious of W SGA as a live organization, anxious to know its weaknesses, anxious to refor m and revise when this is needed The Activities Carnival began a year that sa w projects such as Course Evaluation become a reality, revisions in our constitution, and reorganization o n a national as well as a local scale It was a year i n which W SGA took another step in realizing it s full importance, Governing Board (left to right) B Hurowitz R Woll J Williams (Rec Secretary) V Matzke (Treasurer), (Cor Secretary) B Neeley (V President) J Davis (President) A Landes (Missing) S Wol k, P Oglavulo

52 Par Ben Franklin Committee Sitting (left to r ight) : I Stalbe rg, N Horlacher, Chairman; M Molitch Standing : D Oshtry, (Missing) R Shein, S Slotnick Activities Committee Standing (left to right) : J Loeb M ;McDanieI, J Irwin Sitting : J Block, LNelson, Chairma n D Elder, A Luongo (Missing) E Bruce, C Lyons, C mentor, D Elder, A Buvinger WSG A : o, : B J Honor System Committee - Sitting (left to right) Cavall D J Block, J Sha w, Chairman Standin MacAdoo, g Cleela nd, C Shoults (Miss ing) P Farrell, E Rabb Senate Standing : B Handler, C Hoi s, K Lundergaar d, I Bycer, P Campbell, M Stewart, V Merritt, W Acto n, P Rhodes, C Hunsiker, C Dougherty, M Minnick, L Nelso n, Sitting : M Deam, C Anderson, J Redland, E Pritchard, V J President ; Williams, Matzke, Neeley, Davis, WB J R oll, N Horlacher, E McKaig, A Cooney On Floor : N Bec k, J Auritt, J Sha w

53 for Junior Cl ass Council - Standin g : N Horlacher, J Todd, G M eachem, Seated: J Keilholz, L Mertz, E McKaig (President), J Shand, J Gladfelter, J Auritt Missing: P Shook JThompson Junior s The dbig Sisters capably directed bewildere them through the fuss and flurry of Freshman Wee k and royally entertained their little sisters at the Baby Party At the rap of Betty McKaig's gavel the first Junior Class Meeting came to order wher e plans were made for selling class seals The Pirat e Ship "'51," led by Captain Tyke Smith, landed a large crew at Pirates Ball At Christmas the Juniors attended the Freshman-Junior Luncheon, and then, at the beginning of the second term, spent lon g hours of practice on their Pele Mele skit, direc te d by Teena Janeway The fun-packed agenda Junior Weekend, with supper at McKaig's, clim axed the planning of a hard-working Class Council Pirates J Williams, E McKaig, and C Ande rson Sphinx and Key Junior Service Hono Society Standing : N Horlacher, B rary McKaig Seated : R Woll, J Gladfelte r, President J Keilholz, C Orr, M Brown, P Hoffman, D Cherksey : Missing D Smith, V Matzke, J Williams

54 (Chairman), Dr mphrey, rson, Ande Carans, C President, N Lennox, N Beck t, Sophomore s Chief Pirate Charlotte "Andy" Anderson led the fierce buccaneers of '52 in their traditiona l freshmen hazing to start off a big year The Sophs tried something new when they gave a card party as their part of Senior Weekend Campus Commi Sophomore Service Society, spent a busy year ttee, The Sophs joined with their sister class of 1950 to give a tea for the Frosh and added to the hilarity o f Pele Mele night with their skit But their own week - end in the Spring was the highlight of the year fo r the Solid Sophs e from the senior Hottel snaps a scen winning skit at Pele Mele Night PS the sophs copped second place CAMPUS COMMITTEE Third row : E Harrell, T Cairns, A Buvinger, D Hu C Labrum Second row : Joann e Thompson, J Irwin, M Stewart A Luongo, Jeanne Thomson Firs t row : J Sha w, G Barclay, D Bartlett

55 Slotnick, A Entertaining at the Big Sister Party Left to right: C Dougherty, C Hinds, M Heap, H Mitchell, M Kante r, J Clarke Calendar Committ ee Standing : C Dougherty M Mo litch, V Merritt, I Stahlberg, L Stevenson Sitting : M Tolan, C Ho is (Chair man), A Crumrine, J Cohen, D Oshtry (o n the floor) Missing : J Brown, A Bowman, F Gorn, N Hall, R Jones, J Krajeski, E Lintzmeyer, B Patterson, S Spiedel Freshme n After a rousing sendoff at Freshman Cam p approximately two hundred twenty freshmen wer e ready to start their first year at Penn Freshma n Week, Big Sister Party, Pirates ' Ball, Activitie s Carnival, Class Elections, and Soph Supper were soon nothing but memories as rushing got under - way Frosh-Junior Luncheon, Christmas vacation, finals, and their first term at Penn was over The second term saw Frosh aiding the Februar y freshmen, shining at Pele Mele Night, entertai their sister class, and initiating a Freshmaning n Weekend Then, with June finals rolling aroun d the freshmen could begin to dream about th e superior Pirate roles they would be playing a s hosts at the Pirates Ball to the unsuspecting clas s of '54 : C Dougherty, R Nachmansohn, D Petty, N Ginrich, A Crumine Si J Meltzer, M Tolan, V Me ttin ṙ

56 right, sta Soci zym, ety ndin dance Zelson udents Teachers of Tomorrow - l eft to right: E Sh ocket, B Sher, R Lurie, D Mozent er, SmiIowitz, C L Reinsch, E Rutberg, J Bornstein, B TOT Teachers of tomorrow offers ed majors both a practical and a social oucation Twice a month this group has met i rganizationn Bennett Lounge to exchange views on the pro of their future profession, as well as to enjoblems y themselves over refreshments and music, dancin g or other entertainment They have listened to addresses from spea in the various fields of education in theikers r effort to broaden their vision on teaching, an d to see how what they have learned as student s of today must be applied when they are teacher s tomorrow Teachers of Tomorro w Nursing Education Associatio n Successfully combining the applied with th e academic work is an achievement of the Nursin g Education Society Its program provides specia l classes for those students under the two-yea r course for academic degrees It is chiefly a gui organization, and aids the student who ha s her R N in selecting a particular branch o f nursing Night meetings are held featuring outstan speakers from the nursing profession Thuding s this organization offers contacts between st and graduates in the field, and an unli source of guidance and friendship mited Nursing Education :J Nolt, M (President ), Board Left to g:e Martin, CMarcinis H Desmoine, M Mills, M Lohr Sitting Christian, L Stein R Raft, S McAlarney

57 udents iety Phi Alpha Theta, the honorary history soc requires high academic standards of its me Meetings are held once a month Left mberst o right W Acton, S Landers (Vice-President) and S Joyce Delta Phi Alpha, the German honorary soc for students with 85 averages, holds meetingiety s at which time the German language and mode o f life is reviewed and probed Undergraduat e members include from left to right K Shupp T Nakano M Fisher (President) R Raufer, and missing I Woehrle, P MacKay, H Ballin, S Frantz, and H Kaser All math majors with high standings in mat h and other subjects are eligible for membershi p in Pi Mu Epsilon Members include R Burstein, A Goss, E McDonough Membership in Pi Delta Phi is open to st who have taken advanced French courses This group discusses the many facets of Frenc h culture From left to right L Esposito, S Joyc e, E Reinsch, E Edvar N Nissley, the first woman member of Ta u Sigma Delta, the Architectural Honor Society, i n the School of Fine Arts

58 ajors llence rsonality, rbach Members of Delta Omicron are music m who have maintained B averages in th e schools of Fine Arts and Education This year' s membership includes from left to right D Da M Giggliotti, P Brouse, I McNabb, wson, J Grier (President), K McGough, M Cura, M Knodel, M Jervis and missing A Collyer Students in th e School of Education ar e eligible to become members of Pi Lambda Theta, the education honorary society, upon reco of the department and group apprommendation Members include from left to right L Neval B Sher, D Mozenter, L Bretherick, M Aue lson C Markley and missing S Baldwin and P Lieberman Honor Societie s Phi Beta Kappa, national honor society, fo r liberal arts majors, has as its requirements exce in scholarship, principals of leadership, pe and promise of future ability Show n above are J Musser, T Nakano, S Frantz W Acton and A Schacht Missing are R Panze r, E M Rohrer, M Snyder, R Stone, R DiMassa, G Freed, J Hamstrom, B Handler, J Kitch en, E Matthews, E McDonough, B Neely, S Ostrof f, J Volk 57

59 BENNETT CLUB BOARD Standing, left to right : J Genetti, K Lundegaar d, M Daniel, R Worthington, J Hounsell, J Mitzii Sitting : M Dean M Plo ss, J Schultz C Relsqen, A Cooney ( Chairman), M Atkinson, H Klein Bennett Clu b Four Flights Up! That means Bennett Club home on campus for all Penn coeds It means bridge, snacks, ping-pong, and music It means teas, d movies, and dances And it also means Be ebates, Club's very own newspaper which gives th nnett e gossip and news of the organization itself Led thi s year by Althea Cooney, the Executive Board pr an extensive program of varied entertaiesented for all women students nment Left : Miss Alexander, Directress of Bennett Club Lower left : Bennett' s Soda Fountain, specializing in between-class snacks Lower right: Knitting and bridge are synonymous with Bennett Cub J Leepard, O Regot and L Nelson finish a rubber as B Weile knits and watches

60 Drake (President), C Campbell, C Simon, Missing : D Weber, P Brouse Sergeant Hal l Monday night Council Meetings, fire drills, an d Miss Straub's famous house meetings will never b e forgotten by the girls living at Sergeant Hall Th e Resident Council, under the leadership of Clar a Drake, planned the traditional Christmas Banque t and a party for settlement house children Othe r red-letter dates on the social calendar included th e Mixer Dance with the men 's dormitory, the Navy Tea Dance, a hay ride, and the Spring Formal At right : Miss Straub, Directress of Residence Lower right : Sergeant Hall, the women's dorm Lower left : Re laxing in the lobby are left to right : M Siskin, Y Haller, J Came ron, S Whiting, P Kimmel, E Grosse, L Koethen, and S Wolk

61 y's e Universit : J R Skell y, N McCarthy, P McIlroy Rochford Standing : C Quinn, R Vega-Gomez, M Ordille Newman Clu b A favorite entrance for th Catholics Sant wa at our year s really in good form Christmas part y this Father Donnelly Newman Club Chaplai n 60 In an effort to fulfill its purpose of providing for a Catholic students a religious, intellectual and social program, Newman Cub has, this year carrie d out an extensive number of activities Working under the guidance of Fathe r Donnely, the Club has sponsored movies, discussion groups and weekly socials Newman sent representatives to the National Convention of the Newma n Federation and attempted to form closer relations with the fraternities o n campus by means of fraternity representatives Highlights of the year wer e the Christmas Party with Don De Torre acting as Santa Claus and the newl y initiated Newman Weekend which consisted of a formal dance, forty hour s devotion, and a communion breakfast Another new phase of the organization was the social work which was carried on by members in various Catholi c orphanages, hospitals and settlement house

62 ti nda er (Presi umberg Shuster, - N xander, There was fun and fellowship this yea r at the Hillel Foundation, the Jewish students ' association on campus Students could just r after classes in the lounges where dancelax s were held twice a week The Kosher dinin g room was open every day at noontime an d services were conducted Friday evenings an d holidays in the chapel Classes were offere d in Hebrew and forums presenting Jewish cu and problems were scheduled regularly stoms An excellent collection of Hebrew literatur e and records was available to all Hillel me in the new library Claire Brenner prmbers esided Above Loui s Marshall Hall Right - One of the two lounges i n the Fou buildin g Hillel Foundatio n Rabbi Gordan Women's Cabinet Left to right : F Levin, B Levinson, C Brenn dent), Bl J eckman, Missing B E Ale I

63 nster heran ssady, : J Dillman, P Rhodes, L Nelson, t to right E Peterson, E Edvar (Pres ident), B Wetherstin e, J MacMullen, J Gl adfelt er, Front row : C Hunsicker, M Remaley, M Ono, G Evans, D McCabe Missing : J Davis, B Case, J Muse r, R Frede r ick, E Batiste During the Women's Division o f the Christian Association with Ellen Edvar a s president and Mrs Cassady as a new directres s enjoyed a varied schedule Emphasizing spiritual development, " Dr Bob" Gearhart taught Bible classes, while info discussions were conducted by students Thrmal e six major denominations under the guidance o f their respective chaplains held chapel service s and weekly luncheon meetings at which time ou t standing speakers were presented The wide scope of the C A program gave volunteers opportunities to serve as workers i n neighboring settlement houses and as counselor s at the Green Lane Camps Socially the C A sponsored dances and traditional dinners R e verberations from pick and shovel resounded everywhere at the Gold Rush bazaar, " '4 9 Bonanza Days," chaired by Cathy Hunsicker C A Advocate Staff E Pike, G Leiste r, E Punchard, P Campbell, P Hoaglan d, Mi ssing G Evans, A Gruber, J Irwin Decoration Beckenbaugh, Chairman C and Publ icity Chairman P Rhodes o f '49 Bonanza Days Mrs Maynard L Cas sady Directress of Women ' s Di visi on Center : Student Christian Movemen t Representatives Sitting : Mrs M Ca ladfelter, Ellen Edvar Standing : J G J MacMullen Missing : J Davis D McCabe C Krusen, M Fenimore Clock wise from top : F G H I Sloane, new co-director of Westmi luncheon Foundation, presides at the weekl y G Evans listens to classroom anecdot e of fellow member of the student Lut Association A Kern looks thoughtful at the Monda y Canterbury C l ub meeting Rev Helmick discusses plans for future Evangelical and Reformed meetings R Fredericks and Rev Brettle listen to p l ans proposed by student president o f the Wesley Foundation A Miller Dr Igler collects luncheon money from D McCabe at the weekly Baptist m ee ting t, Planning Commit tee for the Foreig n Students Christmas Dinner B Neustad M MacElwee, M Ono (Chairman), an d F Nassir

64 63 Christian Association

65 t to right MARILYN KY NA AT xpanded Associate Editor TERU NAKAN O News Editor PATRICIA LYN N Feature Editor JOANNE H AMSTRO M Make-up E ditor JEAN VAN ES Copy Editor JANICE AURITT Art Editor JANE NISENSO N Office Manage r JEAN CHEA TLEY Staf, MAE G, ARILYN ESTHER ELSIE JOSE ACE TO, SHIRLEY ALPEN, ANITA APPELSTE IN, B ARBARA B ALDWIN, MURIEL B ICKERT, IRENE BL OCK, C ONNIE BORNSTEIN, SYLVIA CANN, ELLEN EDVAR EISENBERG, MARTHA ESCOLL, MARGARET FISHER, JOA N FREEDMAN, CLAIRE GELLER, SARISA HIMMELS TEIN, P HOFFMAN, KRUSEN, RICIA BARBARA JACOBSON, PHYLLIS KRIM, CLAIRE KRUSEN, HEDV AH LAN BARBAR A LAVIN, NANETTE LEHMAN, DOROTHY LEO RD, PAULA LIPPINCOTT, ANGELINE LUONGO, MARIA N MAZIS, RENEE OPPENHEIMER, RUTH P ANZER, M S ANDERS, BARBARA SCHWARTZ, ELAINE SHOCKET, SHORE, GRACE VE RRATTI, SHULAMITH WE CHTER, WEIG AND BUSINESS BOAR D Business Manager PAT BELLWOA R Advertising SZCZUROWSKI Manager A DELE Credit Manag er MARY JANE TOBIN C i rculation Manager MURIEL RE MALEY Assistant Advertising Manager HILDA KLINEFELTE R DORIS ROSE RBY Business Staff EILEEN BL AKE, GLORIA CAMPBELL, JANE DYCH, FIRTH, ROMAYNE LIEBER, B ARBARA SIMONS, PETERSON Graduate Manage r MARGARET BL ACKE Z Pennsylvania New s THE PENNSYLVANIA NEWS is the weekl y publication serving the women students as bot h spokesman and informer It strives to give co coverage of campus activities and has emplete its feature department to include review s and articles representing both majority and minorit y viewpoints on pertinent questions The PN has pu r sued an active editorial policy, presenting not onl y controversial issues concerning problems at Pen but vital issues of national and intern nsylvania, significance as well In this way the studentational s responsibility as a citizen in his community and i n his country is grea s y stressed Business P Bellwoar (manager), : R Staff A Szxzurowski, Lieber, - Lef H Klinefelter B J Editorial Staff Standing : E Edvar, A Appelstei dwin, E Aceto, Bal Weigand, R Oppenheimer Sitting : S, n,

66 ni DOLPHIN EDITORIAL STAFF : Standing M Peniston MacMullen, C Beckenbaugh, M MacElwee, A Stadt le r, Mattler, E Allen Sitting B Hopkins, J Willia ms, M Fe more, W Acton, editor, R Woll The Dolphi n STAFF FOR THE 1950 DOLPHI N Editor-in-Chief WINYSS R ACTO N Associate Editor JOYCE MacMULLE N Copy Editor MARGARET FENIMOR E Senior Section Editor RUTH WOL L Photography Editor ELINORE ALLE N Sports Section Editor BETTY HOPKIN S Frat Section Ed MARY LOU PENNISTO N Editorial and Photography Staff Members : J Selby, C Finston (Secretary), A Lennox, J Irwin, eiss, N BENNETT J Mateer, S MacDanie l, C Dougherty, C Hois, C Hinds, A Hayes, A Szczurowski, M Rogers, R W J Loeb, P Reign, M Heap Business Manager ARDE Circulation Manager MARION BRUC E Advertising Manager LOUISE MERT Z Picture Sales Mgr CYNTHIA JOHNSO N Business StaffMembers : D Koff, F Levin, J Herzog, C Parmenter, M A Hespe, C Shoults, J Walsh, R Vega-Gomez, J Brown, C Johnson, B Shearer, M Rosenbloom M Molitch, L Kunkle, E Fine, A Keyser Art Editor JOAN WILLIAM S Art Staff : C Beckenbaugh, M Deam, M MacElwee, N C Partain Ni ssley, DOLPHIN BUSINESS STAFF : left t o right - F Levine, L Mertz, M Bruce, A Bennett, C Johnson

67 Clap ditor airman), hmen pbell RED AND BLUE BUSINESS STAFF Standing : J pier, T Thoms B Stevens Sitting : J Williams (Art E ), M J Callahan, P Campbell, M Kielor, H Cook Red and Blu e Staff members of the RED AND BLUE hav e already made preparations to welcome the fres of '54 Working along with Editor Paig e Campbell, they collected official data for th e handbook to acquaint new women students wit h the Pennsylvania traditions and activities A map of the University buildings and a cor index were featured in the book responding RED AND BLUE EDITORIAL STAFF Standing : P Ca m (Editor) Sitting : G Leister, P Lynn Missing : C Bornstein, J Van Esky, L Moskowitz Publications Unio n This fall the girls of PN, DOLPHIN, an d RED AND BLUE put their brand new Publications Union's Constitution into effect Presiden t Pat Hoffman led the controversial discussion o n the proposed literary magazine and work o n such projects as a style book and a unified cu t system Thus in its first year the Union ha s sought to make the women of Penn's publication s aware of their common aims and interests, an d the advantages of cooperation PUBLICATIONS UNION BOARD P Hoff m a n (Ch M Fenimore, W Acton, A Szczurowski, J Va n Esky, P Bellwoar ANOTHER SHOT OF THE BOARD Standing : G Lieste r, W Acton Sitting : P BelIwoar, P Fenimore, P Camp bell, G Katz Still Missing : A Bennett J Clappier 66

68 oll ntennial Musician s A CAPPELLA CHOIR Front to back : J R R Ball (Co-Man age r ), G MacMullen, obinson, V Jasso, I Zessinger, A Heine, M Ayres (Man and B Raney Missing: T Barab, F C ager), ye r, S Green, F Henry, H Hoskin, C Long K McGough, J Winston, R Fredericks, M Hoecckle y, M Jervis, M Kendig, J Peg gs, L Peters, B Waltner, S Ward, U D Wilhelm, Hillenbrand, J Lundy, R Jacobs, J Jung Pennsylvania's musical organizations hav e gained recognition in Irvine Auditorium as well a s in churches and the Academy of Music The Chora l Club was featured on radio broadcasts and mad e recordings during the Christmas and Easter seasons The A Cappella Choir, under the direction o f Robert Elmore, participated in the Goethe Bice Celebration at the Academy of Music an d presented an all-bach program in one of the larg e Philadelphia churches This group provided the music for Penn Players' production of Dickens ' 'Christmas Carol, ' and, along with the Choral Clu b, gave a spring concert Recently reorganized, the Women ' s Glee Clu b entertained at teas and meetings The orchestra with William Happich as conductor presented a spring concert in addition to supplying acco mpaniment for choral concerts Women who have had two years of activ e service in two musical organizations are eligible fo r membership in Gamma Chi Members included Marian Ayres (President) R Ball, T Barab, E Lan g, K McGough, B Moore, and U Wilhelm Orchestra Practice

69 oductions, nnings, Mary, Queen of Scotland (B Littma n), meets Lord Boothwell (Saurs) and he r ladies-in-waiting (M Jennings, W A c ton, J Bor den), h er secretary, Rizzi o (Sandler) stands by Gloria Preis, Harry Kelsey, and Judy Block trying out bef ore Miss Quinn and ' Betty King The Pennsylvania Players, whose activity centers in that overflowing office in Irvine, have followed an unusually ambitious program thi s year In December, under their new director Miss Kathline Quinn, they put on their smas h hit, Mary of Scotland They set a new precedent in putting on two major productions in the sprin g term In addition to their regular workshop pr they staged a revival series of scene s from three early American and three Elizabetha n plays, all of which were student-directed Thus, in the season, a large an d energetic bunch of club members and heeler s have attempted to continue the Players tradition s of trying for professional standards in their work, of providing an outlet for the many creativ e talents of Penn students which the lack of a dram a department might otherwise stifle, and of contributing to the entertainment and the theate r education of the student body Election to the club is based on intensive heeling under a point system Women Clu b Members this year have included J Borde n, W Acton, V Day, N Curran, H Folz, M Je M MacCarthy, C Mamourian, M E Musser, E Tabatchnic, and R Vasaturo ' Day (Queen Elizabeth) and - V (Oueen Mary) Littman 68

70 e" amatic udents This spring, Bowling Green, the women's dr organization, again presented their ann ual May Day production in the lovely setting of Morri s Arboretum The crowning of a May Queen, chose n from the senior class, was the climax of this colorfu l spectacle in which a cast of over seventy, with th e narration of Guy Marriner, brought to life th e Scottish ballad, "Thomas the Rhymer ' This pa n tomime production offered unlimited opportunitie s for creative work in dance, characterization an d pageantry Michele Levin as the Princess in las t year's production, "The Golden Goos Dramatics BOWLING GREEN Cooney, HONORARY J SOCIE TY Standing: J Keilholz, T Todd, W Acton, A Landes Seated : C Ma rkley, A Farquhar (President), J Sprou l, T Nakano, S Parsons Missing : C Mam ourien, M Winter, M McCarthy, N McCracken C Parmenter, Burstein, P Left to right: S Wolk, R Lynn Left to riqh t: C Schraffer, P Lynn, C Rosenblum, R Mecca, S Wolk WXPN, the University radio station, has giv en opportunity for creative ability to many Penn st Programs have been broadcast from the beautiful new studios replete with soundproofing new microphones, and console, on Houston Hall' s third floor As part of the Philadelphia Collegiat e network, WXPN carries programs from n e arb y schools Broadcasts have been made ten hour s daily to points in the vicinity of the campus Penn Mike, the honorary radio club, this yea r elected Pat Lynn secretary and Barbara Rivke n, Susanne Weil, Peggy Ann Joyce, and Claire Gelle r to its membership 69

71 ganized Gre: A Luongo, en Lane Counsellors - Standing D Elder, M : Perri, E Schwarz, C Krusen, S Furlonge Seat ed P Rhodes, J MacMullen, J Davis (Hea d Counsell or), J Gladfelter, G Litto, P Fenimore, J Supplee, J Nisenson, A Appelstein, L Nelson, M Musgrave Serving Other s For students who desire to serve those les s fortunate than themselves Pennsylvania offers a wide variety of activities The Red Cross Clu b this year has done work in the University Hospita l and made clothing Under the sponsorship of the C A the University's four settlement houses have been staffed largely by student volunteers An outgrowth of this settlement house wor k is the camp for underprivi eged children or each summer by a group of girls known a s the Green Lane Counsellors During the winte r this group held regular meetings and sponsored special children's activities Those who have worked on these projects have found that i n giving a little they have received much rman), Settlement House Workers - Standing: B Reynolds, D Aronoff Seated: R O'Toole, J MacMullen (Chai B Baldwin, D Cavallo Red Cross Standing : F Levin, J Loeb, Sitting : D Kni pe, D Cherksey, V Merritt

72 German Club Standing : M Shook, C Shupp Sitting: I Woehrle, H Reisne r, H Klinefelter (President), R Paufer, S Frantz French Club L Guala, L Esposito, S Joyce, H Daly, E Reinsch, E Edvar Language Club s Italian Club -Standing: S Mazzey, G Ferratti, H Daly, A Lelii, M Ordille Si tting : R DiMassa (President), Dr Domenco Vittorini ( Adviser), L Guala To fill out both historically an d culturally the details of language tha t are not presented in the class room, the foreign language clubs have bee n organized These clubs are opened t o all students who are interested i n improving both their ability to spea k the language and their knowledge o f the customs and culture of the countries themselves At their monthl y meetings the clubs feature program s including films, speakers singing, dancing and refreshments A hig of the year for most of them hlighti s a gala Christmas Party Thus throug h their various activities these club s aim to prove that learning a languag e is not just a chore, but a lot of fu n, too 7 1

73 Quinn, Wiley, C pboard," rman Mariotti, B Organized to give the non-affiliated women on campus opportunity for social activities and fellowship Callista ha s become an important part of University life Wearing their new pins with the ionic columns Callist a members planned dances, teas, picnics, hikes, musicals, an d luncheons They published their own newspaper "Cli which was distributed to independent women Callista also participated in W SGA and entered teams in th e intro-mural volleyball basketball, and swimming tournaments A social service project was inaugurated this yea r whereby members corresponded and sent supplies to Ge students During the Campus Chest and Red Cros s Fund Drives they staffed booths and served as solicitors For the first time Callista celebrated its own weeken d with a full program which included an informal dance, picnic, danceand open house and which was climaxed by a forma l dinner- Roasting marshmallows on the picnic at Cathy's Collegeville Callista N Snead, R Mazzatenta, P Lynn Sitting - H Tomar, J Leepard, C Hunsicker, I Bycer (President), R Gomez, P Oglarulo, S Johnson Missing - D Aranoff, V ega- Standing, left to right - R G Barnduniak, D Cafeo, A Capolupo, M Cura, D Goldstein, E Harrell, L Holowa ty, C Krusen, M Kurzenski, R Lur e, D Mozinter, C Sha w, J Sha w, B Sher, V Simmons, A Smith, A Spiedel, A Wentz, B Zepeda 72

74 mpaign ival eational ltural International House played host to foreign student s from 84 different countries this year This unique organi provided opportunity for an interchange of cuzation ideas by sponsoring special programs of art and customs and language clubs for both the foreign and American students In addition to serving as a recr and social center, IH has helped visiting student s to obtain living accommodations and has arranged visit s in American homes Thus International House has give n to the foreign student envoy a clearer picture of American life and has helped immeasurably to tie the bond o f friendship with his homeland I H Inter-Collegiate Council On Government met monthl y to discuss views on approaching legislation and consider bot h state and federal problems of government Participatin g members include J Hiffman, D Mozenter, M A Chri s tian, A Manno I C G Campus Ches t Campus Chest combined th e charitable money raising drives fo r eight organizations into one big ca This year's drive featured a beauty contest, a Gay Nineties Ev of Fun, and the Campus Carnening Workers included Standing : M Wiasek, B Pavletich, C Hunsicker, Sitting : C Drake, B Hurowitz, P Lynn (Chairman), I Edelson Miss ing : M Pemston, J Davis, M M rooney, J Dill ul

75 Women's fraternities have their own spe - cial traditions here at Penn not only those o f ceremonies and songs, but of good fellowshi p creditable scholarship, gay social life, the worth - while experience of living and working with others But as a group they have also contributed to th e tradition of the University as a whole in workin g towards the aims of thei r college M MacElwee


77 Mea WAA Left to : A Kester, D Welsh, L Bretherick, J Redland, right cham The Bosse s The Women's Athletic Association, led by Prexy Joan Redland, is th e governing b ody of the sport world here at Penn Something ne w was added to the intramural contests when WA A sponsored the volleyball contest in Decembe r, in addition to the usual basketball and swimming contests later in the year At the Activitie s Carnival the council decorated a booth wit h athletic equipment Some constitutional r were made to provide awards for thevisions e dance group And last, but far from least, the lounge was completed in all its elegance! d in sports at Penn gage To every girl en Athlon, the sports honorary so goal It s mate memb ers are chosen ciety, is the ulti on a b asis of the points accumulated by parti cipat io n in sports in their years at the University But ther e is more than merely a point selection Athlon' s members are also judged on their enthusiasm for the world of sports and their showing of true sportsmanship in playing the game This yea r led by Peg Savidge, Athlon has served on th e WAA council and has undertaken amendment s to their constitution ATHLON Back: D Welsh, M Savidge, J Redland Front: L Bretherick, A Kester 76

78 Ball, ball, wh ere ' s the ball? Betty and Squeaky l ove it Hockettes Hold Honor s Captained by Peg Savidge, All - Colleg e goalie for the second consecutive year, the hockey team did not have a very lucrative scorin g season The major difficulty was an inexperienced forward line, plus the fact that there were onl y three girls remaining from last year's varsity The defense, however, was strong, as was prove n by two tie scores against superior teams SCHEDUL E Penn Beaver 2 Bryn Mawr 3 Ursinus 0 Chestnut Hill 7 Temp le 2 Swarthmore Opp I 4 HOCKEY TEAM Back : Mrs Farquhar, M Smythe, E Nelson, M Brown, A Harvey, Ė McKaig, R Funk Front: C Labrum, M Savidge, M Musgrave 77

79 as First row: M Smythe, M Brown, D Scott, G Meacham, C Johnson, C Labrum, N Horlacher Second row: M Jackson, L Pasqua riell o, A Har vey, E Nelson, C Anderson, D Welsh, D Humphrey First row : M Savidge, T Walters, E McKaig, M Bierly, J Selby Hoopster s SCHEDUL E Swarthmore February 1 6 Ursinus February 2 5 Beaver March 4 Chestnut Hill March 9 Immaculate March 1 4 Temple March 2 1 Comprised mainly of sophomores and juniors the b ketball team does not lark the material for a successfu l season, despite the loss of five of last year's six starters Th e combination of Mickey Hawk's sharp eye, Cynny Johnson' s height, and Debbie Welsh's steadying influence and tric k shots, plus the dependable guarding of Captain Bett y McKaig "Squeaky" Brown, and Esther Nelson, indicate grea t possibilities for this season

80 fas t start "The S wan" Water babes Dorie Dannenhirsh was in there plugging all the way with her Mermaids A lot of the old swimmer s were gone, and in their place came a team of not too experienced girls They went through thei r paces two or three times a week, perfecting dive s, strokes, and turns Competition in the first meet with Beaver was strong, but Beaver turned the tric k and finished with a lead As the season wor e on, however, experience was incorporated wit h "know how" and the team went on fighting to dow n all rivals SWIMMING Left to right: P Reign, B Kling, I Supplee, J Taylor, A Buvinge r, P Haviland L Cohen Kneeling Mrs Dannenhirsh

81 ition MODERN DANCE GROUP Standing, left to right : K Lundegaard, A Murphy, C Ba d enhausen, L Bretherick, T Nakano Knee ling : M Deam, P Fitterman, A MacDonal d, E Bid well, J Brodsky Dancing On The Diamon d SOFTBALL SCHEDUL E Penn Opp Chestnut Hill 16 3 Temple 2 9 Beaver 7 8 Swarthmore I 4 Bryn Mawr 16 7 Ursinus 4 8 Coached in the finer points of dance by Mrs Taiz, the modern dance group composed a danc e on the death of Socrates presented first at th e Faculty Wives' Tea This is the first year that th e boys and girls have combined their talents i n the group, and according to Mrs Taiz it works out ver y well The 1949 season was a tough one for the sof team They were up against some stiff oppostball in Temple, Ursinus, Swarthmore, and Beav er They came through however, to defeat decisivel y Chestnut Hill and Bryn Mawr An excellent tea m was expected this year because of the multitudes of underclassmen out last season SOFTBALL TEAM E Standing : E Nel son, C Anderson, Williamson, F Karastoff, M Brown, J Musgrave, Taylor, M Kneeling : J Finlayson, J Redland, M Hawk, D Humphrey, M Rice J Selby 80

82 Dill SCHEDUL E Penn Opp Rosemont 5 0 Temple 4 1 Chestnut Hill 2 3 Swarthmore 4 I Ursinus 5 0 Racketeers TENNIS TEAM Rear: N Groseclose, A Savage, J man, D Welsh,A EMcKaig, R Adams, Day Ri A egel, Front : P Evans, B Gree r, J Austin, L Harshaw, I Lev ein, N Lee The 1949 lacrosse team, coached by Rache l Funk, remained undefeated throughout the entir e season During one of the practices, Miss Kat Haydock, vice-captain of the All-Englanhleen d Ladies' Lacrosse Touring Team, gave a two-hou r coaching session to our team on Museum Field Co-captains of the team were Ellen Fitts an d Phebe Lukens Betty Cook, Phebe Lukens and Gayle Meacham were members of the All-Phil Team The 1950 squad, captained by adelphia Gayle Meacham, is looking forward to a su season ccessful Put that ball across this time! They did The 1949 tennis team, coached by Miss Burdic k, came fighting through a hard season to fin d themselves "on top of the heap," having los t but one game, the only one in four years There were other honors, too, as Jane Austin won the Eastern Intercollegiate Championship for th e third time This year 's team will undoubtedl y feel the loss of Jane Austin, Anne Day, Nanc y Lee, and Babs Greer, but if rain doesn ' t hampe r practices, the Racqueteers should come through LACROSSE TEAM Rear : A Harvey, M Smythe, G Meacham, B Hopkins, R Funk, coach Front : M Savidg e, C Labrum, J Shelley, N Horlacher SCHEDUL E Penn Opp Swarthmore 8 5 Bryn Mawr 10 2 Swarthmore I I 3 Beaver

83 omores hmore's lthough Wiacek Budd BADMINTON: Missing: Left A to Savage, right:; D R Welsh, Nelson, A Adams, M Brown, P Evans S The 1950 badminton team had all indication s of having a successful season, having defeate d Drexel in their first match with a clean sweep Led by Debbie Welsh the varsity singles tea m is fortified by three members of the tennis team Since the team is comprised mainly of soph and juniors, the coming season shoul d also prove successful GOLF Rear: M Hunsberger, C Johnson, J Harpeṙ Front : S Katzenbach, C C onnolly Balls & Birdie s BOWLING Left to right: Mrs Farquhar, M Under its coach Miss Lysle, the golf tea m has been running in high gear Last spring, the y met Llanerch Womens and Beaver in two terrifi c bouts In their battle with Swarthmore this fall, the team was forced to acknowledge Swart putters as the victors In the spring th e team got out early getting in a few extra whac k in preparation for the fall season Mrs Farquhar's bowling team has reall y been on the ball Their first and second matches were way back in February and March wit h Drexel Temple came along early in the spring and Ryder showed up for a return match A the number of bowling teams in th e colleges is limited, the team managed to have a fairly full schedule 8 2

84 um esented RIFLE TEAM Back : C Partain, Sergean t Hamme r, S Baldwin Front : R O'Tool e, E Nelson, P Shook, J Walker, P Kern Rifle s Arrow s Saber s d his topnotch rifle team tele e to Sergeant Hammer an graphicplanned a busy season with many matches and also some shoulder- to- shoulder meets In their first two matches, they dropped on Cornell, , and won one from Colorado Polly Shook, a junior, was among the consisten t high scorers on the team Archery is in a transition period from a sprin g to a fall sport, though some matches may still b e held in the spring During the fall season Pen n "shot" against Chestnut Hill and Rosemont, cha l k- ing up a victory against Chestnut Hill and a los s to Rosemont Among the teams competing at a n invitation meet at Swarthmore December 3, Pen n placed fifth ARCHERY TEAM Left to right : C Shoults, E Nelson, M Brown, D H phrey En garde! Our fencers are off to a sharp star t their meets with other colleges Julie Thayer, Tina Janeway, Marian Erty, and Lois Benson repr Penn during the season at a program spo n sored by the Philadelphia Division of the Amateu r Fencing League of America Although there is no team as yet, Coach Lajos Csiszar hopes to for m one in the near future PENN Left to right : L Mertz, D Scott, J Giambalvo (Captain), H Allan, A Manno

85 MacElwee T raditions of good health, good fun, an d good sportsmanship are those most cherishe d by the girls who go out for sports As wome n have entered many new fields of sports the y have continually set themselves new goals o f achievement, and have greatly enriched thei r spirit in sports which is playing hard, playin g fairly, and playing to win


87 ident, dman Second row : J Keilholz, M Hemphill, C Markley, D McCabe, B Neeley, B Handler, B Hurowitz, J Musser, J Surman, Ė Mills, M Feni more Third row: M Snyder, E Stephens, M Sheridan, N Schneider, M Hill, N Lennox, A Bredt, E Galvin, ssi ng:h Bennett, Allen, Caran Mi FA s, P L Korn, M Krewson, M Mulrooney, M Musser, V Purvi s M Remal ey, A Sallom, M Shook, E Tabachnick, G Wei P, Wetherstine Panhellenic Associatio n During the past year, the Panhellenic Ass with Barbara Handler as President, haociation, s been extremely busy The revision of the rushin g rules, the work towards the adoption of a quot a system in taking pledges into fraternities, an d the formation of a Junior Panhellenic Associatio n are some of this year's innovations The latter, under Barbara Hurowitz, the second Vice-Pres is composed of two pledges from each o f the thirteen fraternities, who plan the variou s pledge teas and the mass pledge meeting, an d learn the Panhellenic Constitution and Robert' s ' Rules of Order ' Packages are still being sent to Simon Christiaanse, a little Dutch boy, once a month A tea for the Freshmen was held in the fall in order that their questions about fratern might be answered by the Panhellenic me ities The Panhellenic Ball was held at the Bellmbers Hotel, and as usual, the Interfraternity Son evue took place in the Spring Besides the Inter gfest - fraternity Basketball Contest and Swimmin g Meet, a Volleyball Tournament was held provin g to be very popular All these activities and man y others help to strengthen the link among all th e fraternities on campus

88 omantic F (on floor ) : J Williams, C Long, C Beck enbaugh, L Myers, E Green, M Kanter, J Shand, P Joyce, J Clarke, B Hopkins Second Row : C Hind, M Donis, V Litto, M McCarthy, R Skelly, A Landes, C Kauffman, L Borcher s, F Denby, E Pritchard Third Ro w : D Mac ri e, C Doughert y, N Davidson, M Miller, N Curran, J Borden, D Scott, M ourth Kretz, M Smith, J Tobin, J Thompson, P Ameisen Row : C Hois, B Pedratty, A Cannon, B Gunter, M Muss er, L Smith, N L ennox, G Moshoviti s, N McCracken, J I nman, J Davis, Missi ng:b Buckwalter, Cleeland, S de B Co ux, P Kern, E Lintzmeyer, A Yengling With the Alpha Chi Omega National Treasure r as guest speaker we commenced our social seaso n by feting local alumnae at a tea After rushin g, with its hustle and bustle, we pinned the scarlet an d olive green on thirteen terrific girls Christmas and Spring vacations and exams pr but brief interludes in the rush of campuovided s life, and then the whirl of dances, parties, and e dinners with men's fraternities continued xchange Date nights throughout the year were enjoyed b y all The pitter-patter of little feet, the sticky fi and shrill voices of little children, announce ngers d the arrival of our annual orphan's party Beaming fathers nodded approvingly while watching the tr a ditional Varga show during Parents Night Pledge s from all over campus helped celebrate informall y their approaching initiation, which was followed b y a successful banquet We brought our best beaus to share the r Christmas and Spring formals The tea r marred singing for seniors was followed by exam s and then by that carefree house party in Ocea n City House Party

89 Row : P Bellwoar, F Richardson, A Schact, M H arri s, T Nakano, M Krewson, M Sanders Second row : J Ber g, A Sallom, M Howa r d, M Tobin, N Bucher, E Choate, E Bi dwell, C Taylor, R O'Toole Third Row : V Beaumont, A Ulrich, N Ehrhardt, E Thompson, G Slaven, M B r o w n, E Nelson, P Haviland Missing : R Aronson, D Elder, H Erdman, B Felter, G Freid,P Galvin, Horn, Macke R P y, G Radzievich, M Rice This college year which holds the mid-century turning point has been a truly wonderful one for Ps i Chapter of Alpha Omnicron Pi We returned fro m a summer memorable for our biennial conventio n held at Swampscott, Massachusetts, for a gay house party weekend, for trips and gay vacationing, to find our house redecorated and painted, thanks to th e diligent efforts of those who had been in or nea r the city The year was highlighted by parties starsprinkled Christmas formal in honor of the new pledges spring time waltz dream, a tea dance fo r those Middies! and those Cadets even in the he midst of rushing and many gay evenings of opectic n house We welcomed our pledges into it all And how they have worked at so many different pr but especially with our Frontier Nursing Ser ojects, social service secretary in Kentucky of whose vice achievements Alpha Omicron Pi is justly proud With it all, new friendships have been made and old ties strengthened We are indeed colleg e women, bound by a purpose which each will fulfil l as an individual in this new half-century

90 Kaig, sgueriello, nk, :D R B h, First Row, left to right : M Hespe, B J Godfrey N Fra J HeitzmanSecond Row Mc Peterson, Bilics M McDaniel, L Strain, C Orr, P Savidge, M Deam, U Wilhelm, M Winter Third Row : B Thomas L Hibberd D Bartlett, M Hawk, V Sharp, C Anderson, J Rogac V Krissay, A Vardaro, M Wiecek, A Wilson, H Klinefelter, J Ko r ns, B Shearer Fourth Row : E Intenzo, C Parmenter A Szczurowski, J Peggs, J Irwin, J Matee r, G Meacha m, E Buehl, F Lillibridge, J Stephens, L Esposito, E Frietag K Smith, H Reisner, B Case Missing : L Fruchtman, H Hoskins, L Mertz, E Mills, M Mi nnick, B Neely, L Pa J Redland, A Blaha, B Burkhardt, M Fearing, D Gulick, C Johnson, M Krizmanich, N Lehman, H Mitchel l, D Weber, F Woodburn, E Szalkows ki Every Alpha Xi girl has so much from the yea r to add to her book of memories Amidst the excited frenzy of football games and coffe e hours, come rushing which resulted in a wonderfu l group of pledges for Alpha Xi Delta Then there s that post game coffee hour with the Middies and even one with the Cadets!!! Then Christma s with Joan Redland as Santa our Alpha Xi Christmas Formal in honor of our new pledges engagement announcements with plenty of candy to g o around teas buffet suppers our annua l Pledge Show fraternity parties galore selling hot dogs and coke at the Campus Chest Carniva l our president, Carolee Orr a finalist for Campu s Chest Queen Founder's Day Banquet ou r unforgettable Spring Formal our farewell part y for the seniors with a surplus of tears and finall y as a climax to a wonderful year our house party at O C in June Many thanks go to our President, Carolee Orr, our Rushing Chairman, "Stevie" M cdaniel and our social chairman, "Jimmy" Rogac h for guiding us through a truly eventful year A welcome rest after finals

91 nl First Row: N Plos s, S Parsons, C Peck, H Cook, J Bu rg Second Row : R Jones D McCabe, T Thoms, C Mann, F Henry Third Row : C Markley, G Leister, N Hamilton, P Daly, C Reithaar, M McConkey, J Shultz, Mrs Moxley, B Waltner, J Gibson Fourth Row: L Schaffer, R Worthington, W Act on,lbretherick, R Fi Pangia, Berndt, D J ayson, M Keilar, M J Callahan Fifth Row : A Glaubit, A Bradley, E Stevens M Ploss, A Buvinger, J Knoblock, P Hogeland, P Campbell To give a season by season description of thi s Chi Omega year we This begin time with wa the fall s highlighted by our Middie Tea Dance after th e Navy game, our terrific pledge class, and ou r Mother-Daughter Dinner Christmas marked the time for the trimming of the tree and the appearance of Santa Claus This jolly creature was present to pass out gifts a t our Christmas Dance, our afternoon party for u children, and on the Tuesday nighnderprivileged t before vacation That night is to be remembere d because we joined the Alpha Sigs and the Sig Ep s to go caroling Spring found us busy with preparations for ou r annual Spring Formal and Eleusian Luncheon Min in with the various seasons were slumber parties gling, tea dances, luncheons, and bridge games With the approach of summer, we are all loo k ing forward to a week of sisterly fun at the shore At the Ocean City Houseparty

92 Sproul, D Smith, C Johnson, E Peters, M Perry, S Bernert, J Diehl, N Hall, M Oeschger Secon d Row : A Bowmen, J Thompson, D Troncelliti, F Carans, D Delta Delta Delta Knipe, N Mong, P Rhoades, K La brum, M Hemphill, N White Third Row : P Megargee, J Dill, M Fenton, J Musser, J Hounsell, M T Daniel, D Cherksey Fourth Row :\ J Thomson, N Davis, N Perry, N Horlacher, V Jakubowski, K McClaren J Carnevali, E Bell, R West, C Campbe ll, D Hetzel, J Higbee Fifth Row : I Suppl ee, M Stewart, H Sterling, J Dillman, R Le eder, M Li ttlefield, E Klimm, J Lawber, E Sachs, J Binns, D Christians, M Sheridan Miss ing : L Bauer, Z Cocosis, M Smythe, V Steele, S Henessy We came back in September to find the house newly painted, and complete with new furnishing s and drapes With such an auspicious start in th e term, we knew that 49-'50 would hold great thing s for us And we were right Fourteen wonderfu l pledges were wearing their shiny pins in November, and many of the actives were sparkling with diamonds and wedding plans We celebrated Christmas with a tree-trimmin g party at the house, and before vacation, held a dance at the Bala Golf Club When the excitemen t of midyear's exams died down, we found ourselve s playing hostess to our District President, who cam e to 212 S McAlpin for her annual visit Our Scholarship Fund Drive was a highlight o f the year, as was the Mother's Club bridge And, socially speaking, no one will ever forget the goo d times we had at the many tea dances held thi s year The term seemed to fly by and suddenly exa m time came around again And then, it was tim e to make plans for Shore House Party, which is alway s our official farewell to the school year Tri-Delt chorus Ii ne

93 ylor, ecially esides ldren, First Row, left t o righ t : J Suplee, S Burden, L Harsh a w, S Joyce, M Musgrave Second Row : J Hamstrom, J Ta A McDonald, L Gimmi, M Mulrooney, D Welsh, N Schneider S Launders :J Hayes, Third Genetti, Row A F Fli nt, S Evans, G Cairns, S Spedden, D Weber, J Selby, Fourth Ro w : M L Peniston, E M Bruce, J Herzog, I Zesinger, E Batiste, G King, A Stadtler, P Wetherstine Delta GammaMissing : D Humphrey, C Hofmann, E Williams Looking back over the year , it can wel l be said that the girls of 3726 Walnut Street have had a particularly successful year As a good start, the Delta Gammas were esp proud to be able to display both the P i Gamma Mu interfraternity scholastic improvemen t shield and the province cup for scholarship B trying to maintain our standards of scholarshi p and participating in campus activities, social lif e was by no means neglected Our calendar contained tea dances with the Midshipmen and various men' s fraternities, the Christmas praty at Sue Evans', the Panhellenic Ball and the Spring Formal, no t to mention all the coffee hours, teas, and our trad initiation banquet Lois Gimmi's father itional s Santa Claus was a welcome guest at our Christma s party for the Ferry Roads Settlement House chi at which we had more fun than ever With the farewell party for our graduating se and our house party at Ocean City, we camniors e to the end of another school year of fun and las memories ting Off to Libby's picnic

94 skow, First Row : (sitting) S Adelman, C Stein, G Kauffma n, J Freedman, R Sheinholtz, J Weintrob Second Row : B Bode k, C Wilford, W Goldberg, J Surman, R Weiss B Horowitz, F Wachsman, J Goldman Third Row : B Kane, B Stieg rod, S Lovitz, M Kochman, M Rubinstei n, S Sand l er, A Pla J Uberman, B Dashoff, H Cooper, D Sa n dler Fourt h Row : E Allen, E Gottlieb, G Fishbon e, M Auerbach, J Cohen, F Cooperman, C Gabor, G Mill er M Diamon d, R Weingrad Missing: L Allen, J Ba rkas, M Baylson, B Cohen, M Diamond, D Falkenstei n, J Kapl an, J Lopenso n, C Lubi n, R Merrow, D Schlank, D Taxin, P Ball, M Elgar t, S Friedman, T Frank, J Mitchell, V Nemez, R Nitzbe rg, A Pincus, J Sylk The Delta Phi Epsilon girls have enjoyed another happy, successful year working and having fun together Rushing began just as we were getting adjusted t o the new schoo : year and yielded us a wonderful pledge class The pledges have been a busy cooperative group adding much to life at Delta Ph i Epsilon As part of our charity work, we gave a party jus t before holiday-time for the children of a local da y nursery The pledges as their charity project raise d money for an orphans home, for a settlement house and for an old folks' home Our social season was a busy one Early in th e year we gave a tea for the members of the graduate fraternities Our Pledge Dance, held on November 19th at the Sheraton Hotel, was a gran d success Among the affairs held in the Spring were the initiation dance, the Spring formal ou r annual Mother's Day luncheon, a faculty tea, and fraternity teas "To D Phi ' E colors where'er they may be, Loud echoing praises will pledge loyalty " Some D Phi Es outside Bennett Hall

95 First Row : M McClintock, V, H Second Hogg Purvis Ro w D Bradley, B Jones, P Farrell,ACooney, Benett, A Farquhar, N Beane, J Keilholz, W Shafer Third Row : A Harvey, A Tinney, E Lang, B Acomb, V Matzke, K Lu ndegaard M Rector J Howarth, C Norris, J Bockle Fourth Row: T Walters, J Harper, M Jones, E Day, V Da y, C Johnson, M Edgerton, M Lessig, C Rink Missing : N Groseclose, S Green, V Harr A Livingstone, M Juli anelle, J Mattox, M Noel, D Spencer, A Webster After capturing the swimming cup for th e third consecutive year Kappa Alpha Theta ma y proudly display its trophy on the mantelpiece fo r keeps A highlighted feature from last spring was th e card party we gave at Gimbels, inviting mother s, alums and friends to attend, win prizes and gaz e at our fashion show presented by Thetas who wer e wearing creations from all over Philadelphia The fall season was eventful with tees, dance s, and exchange dinners with both men's and women' s fraternities We started off Christmas vacation i n the right spirit with our annual Orphans party Several of the girls took a few of the youngster s down town to see Santa Claus during vacation After caroling, we warmed up at the Theta hous e with hot chocolate We enjoyed an annual visit from our charming, new district president, Mrs Munz, who spent many leisure hours talking informally to the girls of Bet a Eta We look forward to our spring pledge formal the sophomore dinner for the seniors and June house party at Ocean City We pla yed the pages at Bowli ng Green

96 Aceto, E First Row : M Remaley, M, MFenimore, Atkinson, Blake E P Rochford, C L yons, M Ordile Second Row : B Hily er, A Perrone, J Smith, M Bruce, E Steele, E Punchard, E Pike, Noono A Qualey, Third Row: V Kronk, J J Dych, A Hansell Missing: M DiMauro, P Lippincott, B Kappa Patterson, Delta G Weidman, J Worthingt o n "I dream of Kappa Delt days that have flow n" of cheering lustily at Pirates' Ball and footbal l games, of pajama gatherings in the kitchen o r Chapter room on Tuesday nights, of the Middi e dance and those trips to Crabtown, of chattin g over bridge about those " snap" courses that wer e never quite so easy as expected We worked hard, too--getting ready for rus and sending things off to Simon and our crippled hing children's hospital The Christmas season was a succession of pa highlighted by our Christmas Formal At th rties, e Mothers' party we all had a chance to sit o n Santa's lap and ask for our heart's desire After Christmas there came in quick successio n final exams (and graduation for some) Panhelleni c Ball, the bridge party, tea dances, and Charlotte' s beautiful wedding Our Spring Formal was declared the best ever, and the mad whirl of those last few weeks an d exams were followed by our annual houseparty a t Ocean City Truly this year has provided memories and hopes that will make it a part of that "Kappa Delt a Garden of Dreams " On the Penn campus, by any chance?

97 nderful rsages, First Row : M Frazer, S Katzenback, H Allan, A Crumrin e, G Barclay, D Allman, A Robb, E McKeon Second Row : F Marindin, V MacAli ster, J Dickson, S Budd, J Kitchen, P Evans, E Peterson, E Kling, J Shelley, M Ellis Third Row : E West, E King, E Schade, E Raney, C Garlichs, S Co pe land, M T olan, C Shoults, E Thornton, S Kennedy, A Kappa Kappa Gamma Adams, R Ashton, M Kindig, E Appel Fourth Row : L Day, M Sheridan, P Vollmer, B Bossard, J MacAdoo, M Je n nin gs, M Thorpe, V Merritt, E Harkinds, M Campbell, E Morris, J Todd Missing : R Appel, S Ferguson, K Freema n, A Fox, M Hill, A Janeway, A Louis, L Maxam, A Savage September found all the Kappas ready for another terrific college year The fall term brough t football weekends and parties for Cadets and Mi resulting in many train journeys to Wesdshipmen, t Point and Annapolis After rushing we opened ou r doors to twenty grand pledges and introduced the m to our Alumnae at a festive Christmas party Just before vacation, we had our annual carolling part y complete with tree, hot cocoa, and plenty of yul spirit The end of the holidays found us fra etide preparing for the forboding exam period ntically The Panhellenic dance came and went all too quickly amidst a flurry of swirling skirts and co and the party before Our initiation banque t and dance was held late in March, just before sprin g vacation Then we concentrated hard on sunbathin g on our porch and even harder on passing finals i n May The year came to a close with the annua l houseparty at the shore Looking back on the wo times, and the number of engaged girls, no t to mention the weddings to come, we were lef t quite breathless! In the chapter room

98 dm nference epared y First Row : M Snyder, B Levenson, N Friedman, R Frie an, E Tabachnick, N Shuster Second row : N Mazis, S Weiss, L Smilowi tz, M Escoll, J Shiffman, S Schwartz, E Pack, M Kaiser, B Rivki n, E Jaffe M Rosenbloom, F Shamroth, Third Pineles, row: A Bredt, R Shein, J Richman, C M Stern, R Saltzman, C Geller, E Beckman, F L evin, L Hoffman Fourth Row : R Fineman, F Fruchter, P Hai sfield, D Kopf, R Ostrolenk, B Sh tei r, S Zeitli n Even before school started, eight chapters o f Phi Sig met for a glorious weekend at the Sherato n Hotel, where our bi-annual Eastern Divisional Co was held Then, hurrying to our new blu e and white dreamboat at 3915 Locust Street, we, o f Nu chapter, rolled down the rugs, polished the Scholarship Cup which we won for the highest sorority scholastic average on campus, and pr for another wonderful year With Marcie Frieden, our president, at th e helm, and our wonderful new pledges aboard, w e had a highly successful and fun-packed voyage, highlighted by Founders' Day dinner, where one of ; our original founders thrilled us with a speec h Winter Formal; a Penny-Pitching Booth at Campu s Chest Carnival with bubble gum prizes ; Charity Ball, the proceeds of which went to the Rheumati c Fever Fund ; fraternity socials and surprise birthda y parties We ended our cruise with Sprin g Formal, given during homecoming weekend for ou r terrific alums, and with fond farewells, we waved goodbye to our departing seniors

99 Korn, eissman, rtwig, I s, J mber's lman, S Slotnick First Row : E Weine r, J Heiklin, J Donner, E Goldenberg, C Goldberg, L J Baurse, H Shapiro Second Row : L Behrman, J Meye r s, E Hadler, G E M Kleinman, Mikelberg, Kessler, WL G Preis Third Row : F Davis, S Weil, B Handler, E Kaminsky, J Jasner, M Levin, P Wolf, E Fine, J Harris, M Schreibman, P Teig, S Bush Fourth Row : E Segal, R Nachmansohn, E Gottesman, Sherr, B Sherman, L Eisenberg Sigma Delta Tau S Fine, T Steerman, J Cohen, Goldberg, M Ha Lipschutz, M Molitch, A Messeloff Missing: C Aron Auritt, T Ba rab, R D warys, I Edelson, E Edelson, M Fischman, M Fratkin, E Frieberg, M Halbert, P Hoffma n, R Jacobs, E Jonas, H Klein, D Rivkin, E Rovner, P Shu I Stalberg, R Yaskin, E Saldinger, M Saldinger, P Sherin, J Sloan With the perennial flurry of paint brushes an d turpentine SDT began its 29th year at Pennsylvania The look on each girl's face told of her despair of ever freeing herself from the paint in her hair, eyes, and shoes, but the fiercely blazing determination i n those eyes bespoke her fraternity loyalty With the 9:00 tolling of the Irvine chimes, wor k really began in earnest, and soon, rushing, that i period in every fraternity me nsanity-producing life rapidly approached Committees here, committees there, each planning its strategy th e last minute jobs the sandwiches, the tea, the coo The result? A pledge class, your future members your new friends, and you're rather glad t o kies have them There's the pledge dance in Decembe r to look forward to, lunches at the house, more teas P-J parties, interfraternity volleyball and basketbal l and the pride and excitement that comes with a pa nice play, an afternoon of talk and giggles rticularly, a new term, initiation and the accompanying dinne r and dance And another year of fun and fello w ship has come and gone SDT - Initiation banquet

100 First Ro w : M J Shook, Loeb, A Manno, J Giambolvo, Seco nd Row : L Pebley, D Bickert, M Christian, C Dugan, I Gosnay, Dinnage B Third Littleton, Row: G Chirico, B Lattell, C Shup p, J Cheatley B Zeta Tau Alpha Upon returning in September, the Zetas hear d over and over Polly Shooks fascinating summer a in France During the fall we listed mandventures y social activities, including an open house for th e Midshipmen a party for the Pitt Zetas and thei r friends, and several tea dances After Thanksgiving, we had our annual Christmas party and Christma s dance, both complete with Santa Claus and little gifts A tea dance in January climaxed the first term's social activities, and then we took time o ut for finals Spring term brought the traditional sprin g formal The Zetas also had several picnics, including the traditional senior picnic in honor of th e graduating class Everyone is now looking forward to the National Convention to be held in June Too nice a day to be inside

101 Street,, Pa, Pa by, Pa Student Directory MARLENE JOAN AARON, 246 W Upsal Street, Phila Pa MARY ABERNATHY, Providence Roads, Media, Pa JEAN ABRAMS, 5728 N Camac Street, Phila, Pa JOSE Phila, ACETO, Pa 21 Tioga IRENE AHIMOFF, 3511 Hull Avenue, New York, N Y DOROTHY ACKERMAN, 249 N Franklin Street, Phila, Pa BARBARA ACOMB, 52 Beech tree Lane, Wayne, Pa WINYSS ACTON, Bryn Athyn, Pa ADRIENNE DAM, Glenview Road, Bryn Mawr, Pa RUTH ADAMS, 511 Devon Road Havertown, Pa SELMA ADELMAN, 5501 Windsor Avenue, Phila, Pa INA ALEXANDER, 1770 W 6 th Stre e t, Brookyn, N Y JOSEPHINE ALEXANDER, 32 Davis Road, Havertown, Pa LILLIAN ALEXANDER, 5 44 W Chew St reet, Phila, Pa ANN ALLEN, 1818 W Lindl ey Avenue, Phila, Pa ELINOR ALLEN, th S treet, Flushing, Long Island, N Y HELEN ALLEN, 345 New Street, Spring City, Pa LUBA ALLEN, 1818 W Lin dley St reet, PhiIa, Pa ANNE ALLEN, 3461 Mid vale Avenue, Phila, Pa ELIZABETH ALLMAN, 453 Roe Avenue, Toronto, Canad a SHIRLEY AL P ER, 839 S Al den, Phila, Pa PATRICIA AMEISEN, 7027 B oyer Street, Phila, Pa KATHRYN AMES, 4818 N 12th Street, Phila, Pa DEBORAH ANDERSON, 411 S 44th Street Phila, Pa JULIA F ANDREWS, 26 W Croydon Street, Boli var, N Y ANITA ANTINOPH, 32 South California Ave, Atlantic City, N J ELIZABETH A P PEL, 301 Kent Road, Wynnewood, Pa ROSALIND APPEL, 301 Kent Road, Wynnewood, Pa ANITA APPELSTEIN, 4837 Larchwood Avenue, Phila, Pa MARY ARCHER, South Daytona, RHODA ARMBRUSTER, 6226 Magnolia Avenue, Phila, Pa EDNA ARMSTRONG, 346 Atk ins Avenue, Lancaster, Pạ DOROTHY ARONOFF, 1619 Keystone Avenue, Upper Dar CHARLOTTE ARONS, 5126 Gainor Road, Phila, Pa RUTH ARONSON, 235 Essex Avenue, Narberth, Pa REBECCA ASHTON Delchester Farms, Edgmont, Pa JUNE ATEN Riverside, Pa MARY ATKINSON 4613 Fernhil I Road, Phila, Pa ELIZAVETH ATLEE 1912 S 5 7th Street, Phila, Pa MARILYN AUERBACH 1337 Barringe r Street, Phila, Pa MAXINE AUERBACH, 6517 N Park Avenue, Phila, Pa COLETTE AURITI, 539 E South Street, Kennett Square, Pa JAN I CE AURITT, 6047 Christian Street, Phil a, Pa JOAN AXILBUND, 6642 McCallum St reet, Pa a, PATRICIA AXILBUND, 335 S 63rd Street, Phila, Pa MARION AYRES, 123 Powell Road, Springfie Id, Pa FREDA AZOFF, 1323 Haddon Avenue, N J MARTHA BABYAR, 804 E Centre Street, Mahoney City, Pa ETHEL BAILY, 304 N Franklin Street, West Chester, Pa BARBARA BAKER 2011 Allen Street, Allentown, Pa RUTH BAKER Norristown, Pa BARBARA BALDWIN, 5 36 N Duke Street, Lancaster, Pa P HYLLIS BALL Cadwalader Road, Elkins Park, Pa RUTH BALL 4212 Woodl and Avenue, Drexel Hill,Pa HANNA BALLIN, 6058 N Marvine Street, Phila, Pa ĠLORIA BALSER, 6655 McCallum S treet, Phil a, Pa NICKI BANTOUVANIS, West Street, Naussau, Bahama s THELMA BARAB 51 North Bartram Avenue, Atlantic City, N J ANNE BARCA, 1215 Porter Street, Phila, Pa GEORGIA BARCLAY, 530 Ox f or d Road, Bala Cynwyd, Pa DORIS BARISH, 2414 S Orkney Street, Phila, Pa JEAN BARKAS, 5907 Kemble Avenue, Phila, Pa JOAN BARRON, 5008 Penn Street, Phila, Pa MARLENE BARSKY, 3 S 63 rd Street, Phila, Pa JOAN BARTLETT, 602 Meadow Lane, Oreland, Pa ELLA BATISTE, 712 W GIenwood Avenue, Phila, Pa ANNA BATSON, 3502 Hamilton S treet, Phila, Pa LYDIA BAUER, 4513 Sherwood Road, Phila, Pa MARIE BAUER, 1512 S 28th Street, Phila JOAN BAUMAN, 3079 N Potter Street, Phila GERTRUDE BAWDUNIAK, 408 Cherry Lane, Havertown, Pa MARY BAYLINSON, 4500 Pine Street, Phila, Pa MARJOR I E BAYLSON, 2201 Chestnut Street, Phila, Pa ESTHER B EAN, 4000 N Front Street, Phila, Pa NANCY BEANE, 427 Tregaron Road, Bala Cynwyd, Pa KATHRYN BEAUDET, 2200 De Iancy Plac e, Washington, D C PHYLLIS BEAUDET, 2200 Delancy Place, W as hing ton, D C VIRGINIA BEAUMONT, 7216 N 21st Street, Phila, Pa N A NC Y BECK, Folcroft Court Apartment s, Folcroft, Pa CAROLYN BECKENBAUGH, 730 Sh adelan d Ave, Drexel Hi II, Pa EUNICE BECKMAN, Spruce Street, Phila, Pa LEAH BEHRMANN, 5614 Diamond, Phila, Pa SELMA BEL F E R, 1015 Washington Avenue, Brooklyn, N Y ELIZABETH BELL, 55 East Surf Road, Ocean City, N J PATRICIA BELLWOAR, 715 Ormond Ave, Drexel HiII, Pa BEATRICE BENDALL, 143 N 21st Street, Phila, Pa ARDEN BENNETT, Locksley Farms, Glen Mil Is, Pa BEVERLY BENNETT, 25 Har wich Road, Longmeadow, Mass LOIS BENSON, 53 Waverly Road, Havertown, P a JOAN BERGEN, 7032 Chew Ave Phila Pa DOLORES BERNT, Ingomar Road, Ingomar, Pa SALLY BERNERT, 3335 W Q ueen Lane, Phila, Pa Street, Phila Pine Streets, Phila Pa,, Pa DOROTHY BICKERT, 34 Aberdale Road, Bala Cynwd, Pa JANNOR BIDWELL, 534 King's Highway, Swedesboro, N J MARTHA BIEMULLER, 4602 Tyson Street, Phil a, Pa MARION BIERLY, 13 Mansfield Road, Lansdowne, Pa DOLORES BILICS 521 Briant Place, Linden, N J JO ANN BINNS, 4903 Knox Street, Phila, Pa DOLORES BIROSH, 354 Juniper S t reet, Freel and, Pa ALICE BLAHA, 415 Ashme ad Road, Cheltenham, Pa EILEEN BLAKE, 4318 Walnut Street,Phila, Pa LYDIA SWENEY BLISS, 1237 Potter Street, Chester, Pa GLADYS KRIEGER BLOCH 1574 DeDevereaux Avenue, Phila, Pa BARBARA BLOCK,Town House, 19th & Spruce Streets, Phila, Pȧ IRENE BLOCK, 5727 N 20th Street, PhiIa, Pa JOYCE BLOOM, 39 Stratford Road, West Hartford, Conn BARBARA BLUM, 7007 Garrett Road, Upper Darby, Pa JEANETTE BLUMBERG, 1007 N 2nd Street, Phila, Pa JEAN BLUMENFELD 526 Spruce Street, Phila, Pa BERYL BOARDMAN 4039 Baltimore Avenue, Phila, Pa HELEN BOBUS, 3818 Locust Pa, DOROTHY BOCKEL, R D 2, Holisopple, Pa MARGARET BOCKER 339 Huntley Road, Upper Darby, Pa BARBARA BODEK, 36 Lake Street, Bridgeton, N J JOAN BOERNER, 3403 Huey Avenue, Drexel Hill, Pa, CECILE BOKSENBOM 4418 Spruc e Street, Phila, Pa GRACE BOLLINGER 3917 Lane Street, Phila, Pa BERNICE BOORSTEIN, 2812 Mickle S treet, Camden, N J JANET BORCHERS 24 Dayton Rd, Naugatuck, Conn LOUISE BORCHERS, 24 Dayton Road, Naugatuck, Conn JANE BORDEN, 220 Bushkill Street, Easton, Pa MARTHA BORING, Johnston, Pa ELIZABETH BORLAND, 416 Penn Street, Ch ester, Pa ROSLYN BCRNFRIEND 1233 Stirling Street, Phila, Pa CONSTANCE BORNSTEIN Garden City Apts, 47th and, Pa BARBARA BOSSARD, 28 Bailey Road, Lansdowne, Pa JOAN BOURSE, 3534 Englewood Street, Phila, Pa LOUISE BOWLAND, 188 Birch Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa ANN BOWMAN, 5109 Township Line, Drexel Hill, Pa SALLIE BOYER, 2513 W Oxford Street, Phila, Pa ARDITHANNE BOYLE B ox 2643, Cr i stobal, Canal Zone ALISON BRADLEY, 501 W Hortter Street, Phila, Pa DEBORAH BRADLEY, 501 W Hor tter Street, Phila DORIS BRAUN, 1314 Barnett Street, Phila, Pa ELEANOR BREIG, 1412 E Cheltenham Avenue, Phila, Pa CLAIRE BRENER, 6228 Ch ri stian Street, Phila, Pa JEANETTE BRENNER, 5465 Berks Street, Phila, Pa SHELBY BRENNER 5223 Berks Street, Phila, Pa LUCILLE BRETHERICK, 7438 Palmetto Stre e t, Phila, Pa MARGERY BRETTLE, 3830 Locust Street, Phila, Pa CHARLOTTE BRILL 325 Radcliffe Street, Bristol, N J WILHELMINA BRITSCH, 4244 Regent Street, Phila, Pa JANET BRODSKY 1529 N 6 th Street, Phila, Pa PATRICIA BROUSE, Meadowbrook Pl, R D 2, Phoenixville, Pa BARBARA BROWN, 20 Keystone Avenue, Upper Darby, Pa CLAIRE BROWN, 3437 Tilden Street, Phila, Pa JOAN BROWN, U S V A Hospital, Tuskegee, Ala MARILYN BROWN, 821 Alexander Avenue, Drexel Hill, Pa EMMA BRUCE, 2043 S 24th Street, Phila, Pa MARION BRUCE, 7166 Cottage S treet, Phila, Pa NANCY BUCHER, R D 2 Newtown, Pa BEVERLY BUCK, Wynnewood Plaza, Wynnewood, Pa, THELMA BUCKWALTER, 1115 Watson Avenue, Lancaster, Pa SUSAN BUDD, 500 Sun Valley Road, Merion, Pa ALLYN BUEHL, 527 Lindbergh Way, Lewistown, Pa DOROTHY BUFFALOE, 1728 Hwy 15A, Raleigh, N C AUDREY BUKEAVICH, Salem, N J SARAH BURDEN, 265 Hathaway Lane, Wynne wood, Pa JOAN BURG, A Roberts Road, Rosemont, Pa JOAANE BURG, 112 Stock Street, Hanover, Pa ELIZABETH BURGRESS, Windber, Pa BEVERLY BURKHARDT, 16 Hickory Street, Meri den, Conn RENEE BURSTEIN, 1128 A 54 th Street, Phila, SANDRA BUSH, 6214 Pine St re et, Phila, Pa BEATA BUTZER, Ephrata, Pa ANN BUXINGTON, 22 Main Street, Point Merion SARA BYLER, Harrisburg, Pa ANNE Pa BUXTON, 2601 Parkway, Phila IDA BYCER, 7 S 5th Street, Darby, Pa LORELIE CADE, 471 Lyceum Avenue, Phila, Pa DORIS CAFEO, 120 N Iowa Avenue, A tlantic Ci ty, N J GERTRUDE CAIRNS, 5 34 Orchard Avenue, Yeadon, Pa MARY CALLHAN, 6830 Kindre d S t reet, Phila, Pa DOROTHY CAMERLENGO, 1415 Bright on Street, Phila, Pa JEN CAMERON, 52 N Laurel Stree t, Bri dgeto n, N J COLLIS CAMPBELL, 5113 W Street N W, Washington, D C MARION CAMPBELL, 515 Cresheim Valle y Road, Phila, Pa P AIGE CAM P BELL, 6536 Redland Street, Phila, Pa DOLORES CAMPO, 1612 S 19th Street, Phila, P a ṠUSAN CAMPOPOANO, S 15th Street, Phila, ṠY LVA CANN, 6013 Delancey Street, Phila, Pa P a AGNES CANNON, 5113 N Broad Street, Phila, Pa BEATRICE CAPLAN, Spruce Street, Phila, Pa 1 0 0

102 , Pa enue Pa Pa Pa Pa,, Pa Pa ADELE CA P OLUPO, 5458 Willow s Avenue, Ph ila, Pa MARIE CAPPOZZOLI, 5458 Willows Avenue, Phila, Pa FRANCES CARANS, 25 S Church La ne, Lansdowne, MARGARET CAREY, Lebanon, Pa FLORENCE CARLISLE, 4015 C h arl es Street, Phila, P a JOAN CARNEVAL, Catamarca 3090 Olivos F C C A B uenos Aires, A rge ntin a CLAIRE CARR, 134 Union Avenue, Bala Cy nwyd, Pa CHARLOTTE CARROLL, 525 S WaInut Stree t, West Chester, Pa MIRIAM CARROLL, 297 Bouleva rd, Passaic, N J LOIS CARSON, 297 Woodbine Avenue, Phila, Pa HEL E N CARTER, 734 Winona Street, Phila, Pa THELMA CARTER, 19 Wiltshire Road, Phila BEVERLY CASE, 3723 Taylor Avenue, DrexeI Hill, Pa ALICE CASSADY, Mulli ca H ill, N J EMMA CAULK, 136 Kerlin Street, Chester, Pa DIANO CAVALLO 7271 Spruce S t reet, U ppe r Darby, Pa HELEN CHAIKEN, 418 E 9th St reet, Chester, Pa RUTH CHAMLIN, 5974 Woodbine Avenue, Phila, MARGERY CHANDLER, R D 3, Media, Pa JEAN CHEATL Y, 26 E Tulpeh ocken St ree t, Phila, Pa DORIS CHERKSEY, 1231 Wyngate Road, Wy nnewood Pa ANTOINETTE CHIMES, 2418 W Sergeant St reet, Phila, Pa DEMETRA CHIOS, 421 Conway Avenue, Narberth, Pa ANNE CHISUM, 821 N 46th Street, Phila, Pa ELAINE CHOATE, 411 Rodman Ave nue, Jenkintown, Pa MARYANN CHRISTIAN, 833 DeKalb Street Nor ristown, TERESA CHRISTIAN, 200 Pine St reet, Na nticoke, Pa DAGNY CHRISTIANS, 311 Overhill Road, Wayne, Pa JEAN CLAPPIER, 247 Congress Avenue, La nsdowne, Pa ETHEL CLARK, 125 W Jenkintown Road, Glenside, Pa EVELYN CLARK, 4 S YewdeII Street, Phila, Pa JOAN CLARKE, 4600 Fitler Street, Phila, Pa ELSIE CLAUSS, 1320 Spri ng Garden Street, Phila, HELEN CLAY, 36 Forrest Road, Springfield, Pa BARBARA CLEELAND, 447 E Mt Pleasant Ave nue, Phila, Pa MARILYN CLIMENSON, 5617 Angora Terrace, Phila, Pa MARYANNE CLYMER, 5639 N 20th Street, Phila, Pa RUTH COATES, R h odesdale, Md ELIZABETH COBB, Millington, Mich JEAN COBB, 4201 Chester Avenue, Phila, Pa HELEN COBOURN, 212 Church Road, Phila, Pa JEAN COCHRAN, 126 Helm Place, Daytona Beach, Fla ZOE COCOSIS, 1428 Baird Avenue, Camden, N J BERNICE COHEN, 3232 W Be rk s Street, Phila, Pa HELEN COHEN, 4913 Chest n ut Street, Phila, Pa JANET COHEN, 5510 Willows Avenue, Phi la Pa JOSEPHINE COHEN 1037 Chelten Avenue, Phila Pa JUNE COHEN, 139 S 20th Street, Phila, Pa LORNA COHEN, 1624 Lindley Avenue, Phila, Pa SALLY COHEN, 113 Maffet Street, Wilkes- Barre, Pa ELSA COHEN, 5210 Gainor Road, Phila, Pa LOUISE COHN, 284 Melrose Road, Merion, Pa ELIZABETH COLABRESE, 2314 S 17th Street, Phila, Pa FLORENCE COLCHER, 1901 Walnut Street, Phila, Pa RITA COLEMAN, 709 5th Avenue, Bethlehem, Pa FRANCES COLLYER, 1632 Blavis Street, Phila, Pa CAROLYN COMMERFORD, 3 Chew Lane, Radnor, Pa VIOLET CONN, 6233 Ogontz Avenue, Phila, Pa CAROL CONNELLY, 123 Market Street, Williamstown, Pa L Y DIA CONSANI, 2220 Morr is Stree t, Phila, Pa ANGELINE CONSOLO, 4744 Smick Street, Phila, Pa ANN COOK, Plains, Pa HANNAH COOK, R D 1, Wellsville, Pa ALTHEA COONEY, 437 Newbold Road, Jenkintown, Pa HARRIET COOPER, 5130 N 10th Street, Phila FRADA COOPERMAN, 7056 Germantown Avenue, Phila, Pa VIRGINIA CO P E, 64 W Ma r ket Street, Bethlehem, Pa SUZANNE COPELAND, 328 Woodlawn Avenue, Glenside, Pa SARITA CORDELL, 52 Mayflower Road, Chestnut Hill 6 7, Mass CAROLINE CORRELL, 216 Hillside Avenue, Jenkintown, Pa VIRGINIA COURTER, 6406 Montour S treet, Phila, Pa ALMA COURTWRIGHT, 303 Kenney Street, Ridley Park, Pa MADELINE COYNE, Scranton, Pa ELIZABETH CRANMER, Bay Avenue, Mamahawkin, N J JEAN CRAWFORD, 4945 Pul aski Avenue, Phila, Pa MARY CROSS, 180 Richfield Ave n ue, Upper Darby, Pa MARJORIE CROWTHER, 130 Broad Street, Mt Holly, N J ANN CRUMRINE, 7218 Lincoln Drive, Phila, Pa MARY CUPITT, 420 Paxson Avenue, GIenside, Pa MARIANNA CURA, 10 E Holly Avenue, Oaklyn, N J NANCY CURRAN, 5206 Roosevelt Boulevard, Phila, Pa MAUDE CUTLER Washington, N C MARGARET DALY, 601 W Cliveden Street, Phila, Pa IRENE DAMATO, 2113 S n yder Avenue, Phil MARY ANN DANA Apt 82-B, Park way Apts, Haddonfield, N J MARY TODD DANIEL, 5940 Overb rook Avenue, Phila, Pa RUTH DARREFF, 1217 Allengrove Street, Phila, Pa BARBARA DASHOFF, 726 Bullock Avenue, Yeadon, Pa MARY DAVID, 2223 Chestnut Street, Phila, Pa KATHERINE DAVIDSON, 405 Hillcrest Avenue, Wilmington, Del NANCY DAVIDSON, 1933 Chestnut S t reet, Phi la, Pa Pa Pa Pa, Pa Pa Pa Mawr, Pa Pa, DOROTHY DAVIS, 406 Evans Avenue, Wyomissing, ETHEL DAVIS, 6108 Nassau Road, Phila, Pa FLORENCE DAVIS, th Road, Forest Hills, N Y JANE DAVIS, The Harvard, Swarthmore, Pa JANET DAVIS, 324 W Lafayette Street, West Chester, Pa LILLIAN REED DAVIS, 1320 N 56th St, Phila, Pa MARGARET DAVIS, 645 N 57th Street, Phila, Pa NANCY DAVIS, Tionesta, Pa RUTH DAVIS, 4427 Chestnut Street, Phila, Pa ELIZABETH DAWES, Hamilton Ct Apts 39th & Chestnut Street PhiIa, Pa AVIS DAWSON, 320 S 34th Street, Phila, DOROTHY DAWSON, 3246 N 4th Street, Phila, JEAN DAWSON, 3246 N 46th Street, Phila, Pa ANNA LEA DAY, San Francisco, Calif ELAINE DAY 1103 Serril Avenue, Yeadon, Pa MILDRED DAY, th Avenue, Brook l yn, N Y VIRGINIA DAY 22 Edgewood Road, Summit, N J MARTHA DEAM, Apt S Parkway, Phila ELLA MAE DEANS, 864 N Markoe, Phila, SARAH decoux, 7049 Lincoln Drive, Phila, ANNE DELANY, Collingswood, N J ELINOR DEL BALSO, 1533 Leland Avenue, New York, N Y NATALIE DE MARCO, Pennswood & New Gulf Road, Br yn Mawr, Po FLORENCE DENBY, th Avenue, Phila, Pa KATHERINE DENSHAW, 1114 HamiIton Avenue, Trenton, N J HELEN DESIMONE, 5 01 Grove St, Bridgeport, Conn SYLVIA DESIMONE, 405 Preakness Avenue, Paterson, N J ELEANOR DEVINE, 1108 N Broad, Woodbury, N J MARLYN DIAMOND, 5707 Drexel Rd, Phila, Pa MARTHA DIAMOND, 1634 West End D rive, Phila, Pa FLORENCE DI ANTONIO, 1642 S 24th Street, Phila, Pa NANCY DE BONIFAZIO, Hazelton, Pa PEARL DICKINSON, 2625 N 4th St, Phila, Pa JUDITH DICKSON, 3 24 N Princeton Avenue, Swarthmore, Pa JOANNE DIEHL, 5203 Falls Road, Apt 3 Bal timore, Md ANN DIETRICH, 510 Strathmore Rd, Havertown, Pa ALICE DIETZ 2008 W Girard Avenue, Elkins Park, Pa CONSTANCE DILL, 4713 Windsor Avenue, Phila, Pa JANE DILLMAN, 2605 Hillcrest Road, Drexel Hill, Pa MILDRED DI MAURO, 4002 Westfield Avenue, Camden, N J LOIS DIMOCK, 3703 Hamilton Street, Scranton, Pa ISABEL DINNAGE, 8424 Shawnee Street, Phila, Pa HARRIET DOLFMAN, 1817 Rosely n, Phila, Pa MINNIE DOLINGER, Scranton, Pa MARU ANN DONIS, 4663 Horrocks Street, Phila, Pa JANET DONNER, 3044 S Bucha nan St reet, Arlington, Va MARY ALICE DOONER, 51 Ewi ng Street, Tronton, N J CAROL DOUGHER T Y, 319 Congress Avenue, Lansdowne, Pa JOAN DOUGLAS, 165 Houston Road, Lansdowne, Pa JANE WELLS DOUGLASS, 3 W Wi nona Avenue, Norwood, Pa ADELINE GEESAMAN DOUIE, 874 Lancaster Avenue, Byrn Pa CLARA DRAKE 215 N Second Avenue, Jacksonville Beach, Fla DEVORAH DRELL, 407 Franklin Ave, Collingswood, N J EUDORA CONNER DUCKETT 5413 Girard Avenue, Phi l a, Pa MARGARET DUDLEY, 1828 Alden Street, Phila, Pa CATHERINE DUGAN 1118 Ma n sfield Center, Bethlehem, Pa DOROTHY MAY DUGAN, 2827 Albert Street, Phila, LAURA DUNKLE, 704 Logan Avenue, Hollidaysburg, Pa HELEN DUNLAP, 1046 S 56th Street, Phila, Pa IONE DUSINBERRE, 3858 Girard Avenue, Phila, Pa RYD DWARYS, 5646 Leba non Avenue, Phila, Pa JANE DYCH, 1030 Columbia Avenue, Phila, Pa HELEN EATON, 252 S 44th Street, Phila, Pa ILSA EDELSON, 537 Elkins Ave nue, Elkins Park, Pa MARGERY EDGERTON, 235 Gypsy Lane, Wynnewood, Pa ELLEN EDVAR, 657 Roxborough Avenue, Phila, Pa KRISTIN EGGLESTON, 721 Wa r wi ck Road, Magnolia, N J ROSLYN EHRENHALT, 1638 Widener Place Phila, Pa NORMA EHRHARDT, 608 Oreland Mill Road, Oreland, Pa ENID EIDELSON, Parkwood Manor, State Road & Penarth Av, Uppe r Darby, Pa ESTELLE EISENBERG, 1108 Medary Avenue, Phila, Pa LIBBY EISENBERG, 1106 Meda ry Avenue, Phila, Pa MAE BELLE EISENBERG, 5001 C Street, P hila, RELLI EISENBERG, 8 71 Walnut La ne, Phila, DORRANCE ELDER, 515 S 45th Stree t, Phila Pa MOLLA ELGART, 5420 Woodcrest Ave nue, Phila, Pa GERTRUDE R ELIAS, M ays Landing, N J ADELINE ENGLE 4851 N 15th Street, Phila, Pa HELGA MAE ERDMAN, New York, N Y MARTHA ESCOLL, 8208 Br ookside Road, Elkins Park, Pa LORETTA ESPOSITO 1324 Reed Street, Phila, Pa WANDA ESTILOW, 5117 N 12th Street, Phila, Pa MARJORIE ETHRIDGE 114 S 40th Street, Phila, Pa GWENDOLYN EVANS 2632 N Front Street, Phila, Pa JEAN EVANS, 915 Strath Haven Avenue, Swarthmore, Pa PATRICIA EVANS, 444 Edmonds Avenue, Drexel HilI, Pa SUZANNE EVANS, 820 Merion Square Road, Gladwyne, Pa CAROLINE EWING, Orchard Way, Berwyn, Pa 1 0 1

103 Pa Pa New Conn DORIS FALKENSTEIN, 24 Win dsor Avenue, Melrose Park, Pa ANITA FALLER, R i ver Edge Manor, N J ANN FARQUHAR, 3727 Spruce Street, Phila, Pa PATRICIA FARRELL,115 Summ it Lane, Cynwyd, Pa PEARL FASICK, Harrisburg, Pa MARIAN FAUSET, 5141 Brown Street, Phila, Pa MADELINE FAZENBAKER, Cumberlan d, Md MARY FEARING, Belrose Lan e, Radnor, Pa SONIA FEINBERG, 5422 Woodres t Avenue, Phila, JOAN FELDGOISE, 417 E Allens Lane, Ph ila, SHIRLEY FELDMAN, 2230 Fairmoun t Avenue, Phila, Pa MARY CATHERINE FELTER, 5 7 E Bay Avenue, Barnegat, N J MARGARET FENIMORE, 525 Primos Avenue, Folcroft, Pa MARY FENN, Mt Cuba, Del MARGARET FENTON, 520 E Centre Street, Mahanoy City, Pa SALLY FERGUSON, 335 Brookway Avenue, Merion, Pa LILYAN FERTIG, th Avenue, Phila, Pa JEAN CLAIRE FIELD, 1436 Remington Road, Penn Wynne, Pa BARBARA FINE, 4652 N 10th Street, Phila, Pa EDNA FINE, 340 W 72nd S treet, New York, N Y SUSAN BARBARA FINE, 340 W 72nd Street, New York, N Y RENA FINEMAN, Ansonian Apts, Broadway and 73rd Street, Yor k, N Y BETTY FINK, 3712 Walnut Street, Phila, Pa JEAN ANN FINLAYSON, 97 Poplar Street, Penns Grove, N J CHARLOTTE FINSTON, 6139 N 17th Street, Phila, Pa GLORIA FIORI, Delaware Avenue, Portland, Pa JUNE DEE FISCHMAN, Latches Lane Apts, Merion, Pa MARJORAM FISCHMAN, 250 S 17th Street, Phila, Pa GLORIA FISHBONE, 1321 Bushk ill Street, Easton, Pa MARGARET FISHER, 13 Haws Avenue, Phila, Pa MARIAN FITZGERALD, 113 Elmwood Avenue, Narberth, Pa CAROLINE FLAHERTY, 623 University Place, Swar thmore, Pa MARILYN FLEMING, 102 Qua ker Road, Warren, Pa FRANCES FLINT, 24 St Pauls Road, A rdmore, Pa HELENE FOLZ, 7217 Wal ker St reet, Phila, Pa JOAN FOREMAN, Place, N W, Washington, D C LORRAINE FOURNIER, A- 105 C harter Oak Terrace, Hartford, d, HHavertown Pa Pa Pa ANNE FOX, Wyndham Hills, York, Pa LOUISE FRADKIN, 2624 N 29th S treet, Phila, Pa NANCY FRANK, 1437 Comly Stree t, Phila, Pa THELMA FRANK, 5724 Woodbine Avenue, Phil a, Pa SUSAN FRANTZ, 11 W First Street, Clearfield, Pa MARY ANN FRASER, 76 Ann St reet, Bradford, Pa JACQUELINE FRATKIN, Chri sti a n Street, Phi I a, Pa MARY ANN FRATKIN, 7141 Lincoln Drive Phila, Pa RUTH FREDERICKS, Mill and Coates Rds, Meadowbrook, Pa GRACE GRAVE FREED 7024 Chew Avenue, Phila, Pa MARCELLE FREED, 911 N Marsh aii Stree t, Phila, P a JOAN FREEDMAN, Malvern Avenue, Phila, Pa REINA FREEDMAN, 120 Ashby Road, U pper Darby, Pa KATHARYN FREEMAN, Youngsford & River Roads, G I adwyne, Pa MYRA FREEMAN, 1518 McKinley Street, PhiIa, Pa EVELYN FREIBERG, 1 28 E Ba ltimore Ave nue, CIifton Heigh ts, Pa EVELYN FREITAG, 5716 Howell Stree t, Phi l a, Pa MARCIA FRIEDEN, 1220 Spottswood Avenue, Norfolk, Va GIANE FRIEDMAN, 308 Pel h am Road, Phila, Pa PHYLLIS FRIEDMAN, 263 S 5 9th Street, Phila, Pa SON Y A FRIEDMAN, 2408 Golf Road, Phila, Pa JEANNE FRISHMUTH, 3443 Reach St r eet, Phila, Pa FELICE FRUCHTER, 5460 Diamond Street, PhiIa, Pa LYDIA FRUCHTMAS, 2020 Pratt Street, Phila, Pa HANNAH FRUMER, 95 2 Duncan Avenue, Yeadon, Pa MARY FULLERTON, B arberton, Ohio LUCILLE FUNK, Route 4, Lebanon, Pa BETTY JANE FURTNEY, 202 G reen St reet, ConnelsviIle, Pa CYRILLA LEE GABER, 229 W Upsal Street, Phila, Pa ANNA GALLAGHER, 3144 D Streit, Phila, Pa CONCETTA GALLO, 350 Moore Street, Norristown, Pa ELIZABETH JANE GALLOWAR Y, 16 Chelten Roa PATRICIA GALVIN, 251 S 13th Street, Phila, ALMA GAMBLE, 108 E Providence Rd, Alddan, MARY ELWYN GAMMELL, The Meadows, East G r eenwich, R I GERTRUDE GARGANI, 1635 S 24th S t reet, Phi l a, Pa CORINNE GARLICHS, 214 N Man oa Road, Havertown, Pa ALMA GARSIDE, 2027 Walnu t Street, Phila, Pa MARIE GARVIN, Mc Kean Avenue, Phila, Pa RUTH GEBHARD, 306 E B roadway, Red Lion, Pa NORM GECKLER, 509 York Road, Jenkintown, Pa MARCIA GEER, 2824 W Gir a rd Avenue, PhiIa, Pa ELAINE GEGLIURDI, 837 N 63 rd Street, Phila, Pa CLARA GEIST, 3 09 W Ruscomb Stree t, Phila, Pa ELAINE GEITZ, 118 Warner Street, Woodbury, N J CLAIRE GELLER, 1505 Spruce Street, PhiIa, Pa JEAN GEMMILL, 406 Th aye r Road, Swarthmore, Pa JEAN GENITTI, 8 West Chester Pike, LIanerch, Pa MARCIA GEOGHEGAN, 14 E McPherson Street, Phila, Pa VIRGINIA GEORGE, 3720 HamiIton St reet, Phila, Pa, JUDITH Pa GESELOWITZ, 1801 N 3Ist Street, Phil a KRAINA GHEN, 3103 W Page Street, Phila, Pa 9, Pa Pa Pa, Pa Pa North Wildwoo d,, Pa Pa JOAN GIAMBALVO, 818 N 63rd Street, Phila, Pa DENA GIBBS, 4504 N Carlisle Street, Phila, Pa JANE GIBSON, 24 Sy racuse Street, Sussex, N J MARGARET GIGLIOTTI, Ve r ree Road, Phila, Pa SHIRLEY GILLETTE, Quarter 87B, Fort Hamilton, Brooklyn N Y LOIS GIMMI, 7018 Ardleigh Street, PhiIa, Pa NANCY GINGRICH, 1215 Fillmore Street, Ph ila, Pa MARY LOUISE GINSBURG, n d Street, Phila, Pa DOLORES GIRARDINI, 225 South Oak Stree t, Mt Carmel, Pa JANE GLADFELTER, 1832 Church Lane, P h il a, Pa ANITA GLAUBIT, 171 Mil burn Avenue, BaIdwin, N Y SHIRLEY GLEANER, Robbinsville, N J BETTY JEN GODFREY, 7132 Chesheim Road, PhiIa, Pa CATHERINE GOFF, 6003 Jefferson Street, Phila, Pa CHARLOTTE GOLDBERG, 2983 Janne y Street, Phila, Pa ELAINE GOLDBERG, 5340 Leban on Avenu e, Phila, ELAINE GOLDBERG, 1313 E Barringer Street, PhiIa, Pa EVELYN GOLDBERG, 5755 Chestnut Street, Phila, Pa SELMA GOLDBERG, 5721 Florence St reet, Phila, Pa WINIFRED GOLDBERG, 432 Glen Echo Road, Phila, JEANNE GOLDEN, 1617 W Oxfor d Street, Phila, Pa ELLEN GOLDENBERG, th Avenue, Phila, Pa MONA GOLDENBERG, 3210 W Susquehann a Avenue, Phila, P a MARIAN GOLDFIELD, 5731 Chester Avenue, Phi la, Pa ARLENE GOODMAN, st Str ee t, Phila, Pa JUDITH GOLDMAN, 4937 Pine Str ee t, Phila, Pa HELEN GOLDNER, 329 Harrison Avenue, Elkins Park, Pa BEATRICE GOLDSTEIN, 8224 Cadwalader Avenue, Elkins Park, Pa DOROTHY GOLDSTEIN, 5 33 W Master Street, Phila, Pa SONDRA GOLOMB, 1525 Lardner Street, Phila, Pa SUZANNE GOODMAN, 4803 N 13th Stree t, Phila, Pa ELIZABETH GORDON, 5 01 Ca rpenter Lane, Phila, Pa LOIS GORDON, 227 S 41st Street, Phila, Pa HELEN GORE, Salem, Md MARGARET GORRY, Kingsley, Pa JUDITH GORSKI, 1017 East 30th Street, Erie, Pa ELIZABETH GOSNAY, 440 Preston Street, Phila, Pa ADELE GOSS, 3226 W Montgomery Avenue, Phila, Pa ELAINE GOTTESMAN, 5835 N 16th Street, Phila, Pa ELAINE GOTTLIEB, 9 West Broad Street, Paulsboro, N J NANCY GOUKER, 717 Third Street, Hanover, Pa CECELIA GOULD, 14 Lardner 's Point, Phila, Pa ERNA GOULDING, Trenton, N J PATRICIA GRADY, 2220 Spruce St, Phila, IRENE GRAHAM, Ardmore, Pa EDITH GREEBY, 2221 S Norwood Street, PhiIa ELEANOR GREEN, 60 Levering Mill Road, INEZ GREEN, 135 E Union St reet, West C hester, Pa SALLY ANN GREEN, Greenwyck, Kenn et t Square, Pa NANCY GREENE, 11 E Willow Grove Avenue, Phila, Pa MARGARET G GREENFIELD, 39 Schoolhouse Lane, Br oomaii, Pa JOAN GREENSTEIN 52nd & Montgomery Avenues, Phila, Pa ESTELLE GREENWALD, 2041 Spruce St r ee t, Phila, Pa ELIZABETH GREGER, 4560 Baker Street, PhiIa, Pa EVA GRESS, 126 S 49th Street, Phi l a, Pa MARION GRIER, 115 W 24th Street, Wilmington, Del MADELINE GRIFFIN, 1231 S 47th Street PhiIa, RUTH LOUISE GRIFFIN, Box 62, Ox f ord, N Y ELIZABETH GROFF, 19 W Stewart Avenue, L ansdowne, P a NANCY GROSECLOSE, 529 Moreno Road, Wynnewood, Pa ELEANORE GROSSE, 201 New JerseyAvenue, N J GENEVA GROSZ, 226 Henley Road, Ph ila, Pa AMELIA GRUBER, 3328 N 15 th Street, Phila, Pa LILLIAN GUALA, 1 5 S Robinson Street, Phila, Pa DORRIS GUERIN, 207 Wright Avenue, Da rby, Pa JANE GULICK, 33 Union Avenue, Bala Cynwyd, Pa ES T ELLE GUMERMAN, 1636 S 59th Street, Phila, Pa HELEN H UNTER, 1206 Knox Road, Wynnewood, Pa BETTY HADLER, 1626 S 57th Street, Phila, Pa PHYLLIS HAISFIELD, 902 Fi she r s Avenue, Ph i la, Pa MARY HALKIAS, 2435 Hillcrest Road, Upper Darby, Pa NANCY HALL, 7202 Hamilto Road, U p pe r Darby, Pa IRENE HALMI, 321 Lehi gh Avenue, Palmerton, Pa NANCY HAMILTON, 116 West 24th Stree t, Chester, Pa LINDA HAMM, Br yn A th y n, Pa OLIVE HAMMER, Mine rsville, Pa HELEN HAMMES, 509 E Jam estown Avenue, Phila MARION HAMMOND, 6018 Drexel Avenue, Ph ila, Pa JOANNE HAMSTROM, 6353 Ross St r eet, Phila, BARBARA HANDLER, 2825 North Second Street, Harrisburg, Pa PATRICIA HANN, Magnolia, N J ASTRID H ANSELL, 435 E L ancaste r Avenue, St Davids, Pa LISBET HANSELL, 435 E Lancaster Avenue, St Davids, Pa JEAN HASKELL, La rchwood Avenue, Phila, Pa WINIFRED HARBERT, 2123 Porter Street, Phila, Pa NANCY HARDIN, 3113 W Queen La ne, Phi l a, Pa IDA HARDING, 1921 Arch Street, Phila, Pa EMILY HARDWICK, 1631 Toronto Street, Phila, Pa 1 02

104 Phila, Pa Pa ane, Ill, Pa Pa EILEEN HARKINS, 6647 W ayne Avenue, P hila, Pa MARGARETTA HARMON, 4025 Walnut Street, Phila, Pa JANET HARPER, 236 Cheswold Lane, Haverford, Pa VIRGINIA HARR, 3101 W Penn Street, Phila, Pa ETHEL HARRELL, 1730 W Page Street, Phila, PHYLLIS HARRINGTON, Fal I River, Mass JOAN HARRIS, 601 W Cliveden Street, Phi la, Pa MARIANNE HARRIS, 3805 Spruce Street, Phila, Pa LOIS HARSHAW, 836 Ceredo Avenue, West Chester, Pa ROSE HARTL, Akron, Mich MARCIA HARTWIG, 140 E Springfield Road, Springfield, Pa ANN HARVEY, 105 Columbia Avenue, Swarthmore, Pa MAUDE HASTINGS, Church Lane Manor, 709 E Church L Ph i l a, Pa PAMELA HAVILAND, 130 W Johnson Street, MARILYN HAWK, Br andywine Road, Macedonia, Ohi o ANNE HAYES, P lu mt rees, Sunderland, Mass ELAINE HAYFLICK, 5734 Florence Avenue, Phila, Pa MARJORAM HEAP, 513 GIen Echo Road, Phila, Pa HAZEL HEARN, Ri sin g Sun Avenue, Phila, Pa ANITA HECSH, 3407 Walnut Street, Phila, Pa JANET HEICKLEN, 4240 No 12th Street, Phi la, Pa ASTRID HEINE, 317 Powell Road, Sprin gfield, Pa ELLEN HEINEMAN, 730 Walnut Street, Colu mbia, Pa MILDRED HEISMAN, Willow Grove, Pa JOAN HEITZMAN, 33 North Eastfield Avenue, Trenton, N J CAROL HELITZER, Adams Place, Harrison, N Y NATALIE HELLER, Brooklyn, N Y MELICE HEMPHILL, 6217 W ay n e Avenue, Phila, Pa ELAINE HEMSATH, 61 Stengel Avenue, Newark, N J SALLY HENNESSY, 1026 E 49th Street, Chicago, FRANCES HENRY, 213 W Broad St ree t, Tamaqua, Pa MARIANNE HESPE, 4628 Larchwood Avenu e, Phila JEANNE HESPE, 4628 Larchwood Avenue, Phila, Pa JEANNE HESS, 320 Louella Avenue, Wayne, Pa EDITH HETZEL, 414 Thayer Road, Swarthmore, Pa LOUISE HIBBERD, 57 E Eagel Road, Ha vertown, Pa JOSEPHINE HIGBEE, 105 E Park Road, Havertown, Pa GRACE HILL, 125 King S treet, Pottstown, Pa MARGARET HILL, 4 W Hampton Road Phila, DOROTHY HILLENBRAND, Catasaqua, Pa BARBARA HILYER, 5118 Pulask i Avenue, Phila, Pa MILLICENT HIMBER, 908 W 23rd Street, Wilmington, D el SARISA HIMMELSTEIN, 4735 Osage Avenue, Phila, Pa CAROLYN HINDS, 7340 Ru ral La n e, P h ila, Pa GRACE HINMN, 112 W Gale Phila, Pa CHARLENE HIRST, 111 E 80th Street, New York, N Y LILLIAN HODGSON, 1501 Van Buren Street, Wilmington, Del MARIE HOECKLEY, 203 Candee Avenue, Sayville, N Y LIBBY HOFFMAN, 48 Rose Avenue, S pring Valley, N Y PATRICIA HOFFMAN, 14 Saint George Road, Great Neck, N Y CATHERINE HOFMANN 440 Wigard Avenue, Phila, Pa ANNA HOGAN, 5034 Haverford Avenu e, Phila, Pa PHYLLIS HOGELAND, 7 Meredith Road, Overbrook Hills, Pa HELEN HOGG, 211 N Sproul Road, Broomall, Pa CAROLYN HOIS, 5538 Florence Avenue, Phila, Pa MARY HOLLAND, 5256 Walnut St r eet, Phila, Pa MARY HOLLERAN, 1114 Center St reet, Ash l and, Pa HELEN HOLMSTINE, 202 Ferguson Avenue, Hilton V iliage, Pa LUBA HOLOWATY, 329 W Girard Avenue, PhiIa, Pa ANNE HOMBACH, Westtown, Pa ANNETTE HONTZ, Be thlehem, Pa BETTY HOPKINS, 424 Book hurst Avenue, Narberth, Pa MARCIA HOPP, Carteret, N J MARIE HORGAN, 42 W Queen La n e, Phila, Pa NANCY HORLACHER, 524 Valley View Road, Merion, Pa RUTH HORN, Palmerton, Pa HELEN HOSKINS, 512 Merwyn Road, Na r be rth, Pa RUTH HOTCHKISS, 3917 Walnut Street, Phila, Pa JEANNE HOUNSELL, 312 Owen Avenue, La nsdowne, Pa JEAN HOUSEKNECHT, E mm aus, Pa ETHEL HOWARD, 1909 E Madison Street, Phila, Pa MARIE HOWARD, ButIer, N J JOAN HOWARTH, 1140 AlIengrove Street, Phila, Pa CLEO HUDSON, 2002 W Columbia Avenue, Phila, Pa DOROTHEA HUMPHREY, Cherryville, Pa MARY LOUISE HUNSBERGER, 121 Wi n demere Road, Grasmere, N Y CATHERINE HUNSICKER 444 Ma in St r eet, Co l legeville, Pa EILEEN HUNT, 4123 Vernon Road, Drexel Hill, Pa MARGARET HUNTER, 317 Krams Avenue, Phila, Pa BARBARA HUROWITZ, 5338 Gai n or Road, Phila, Pa ELIZABETH HUTCHINSON, 530 Abin gton Avenue, Glenside, Pa EDITH HYDE, 7200 Batt ersby Street, Lebanon, Pa EVELYN HYMOWITZ, 321 S 6th Street, Phila, Pa ROSE IANNOTTA, R D 2 West Chester, Pa ROSALEEN INGALLS, R F D No 1, Delevan, N Y JOAN INMAN, 3 14 Sagamore Road, Havertown, Pa EVELYN INTENZO, 1600 S 13th Street, Phila, Pa JEAN IRWIN, Conestoga and Roberts Road, Bryn Mawr, Pa MARION JACKSON, 1100 Edgewood Road, Havertown, Pa PHYLLIS JACKSON, 1413 E Darby Road, Havertown, Pa Minn RUTH JACOBS, 7139 Creshei m Road, Phila, Pa BARIARA JACOBSON, 8224 Cadwalader Road, Elkins Park, Pa DENA JACOBSON, 5I5 Westview Street, Phila, Pa ELAINE JAFFE, 322 5th Street, Philipsburg, Pa MARY JAHNKE, 8 Fisher Road, Jenkintown, Pa VALERIE JAKUBOWSKI, 4712 Grant Avenue, Phila, Pa VIRGINIA JAMIESON, 5136 Akron Street, Phila, Pa AUGUSTINE JANEWAY, Spring Mill Road, VilIanova, Pa JOYCE JASNER, HuII Drive, Phila, Pa ANN JASO, th Street, Donora, Pa DOROTHY JENKINS, Upper Darby, Pa MARGARET JENNINGS, 337 W Mount Airy Avenue, Phila, Pa MARGARET JERVIS, 938 County Li ne Road, B ryn Mawr, Pa MARGARET JOHN, Haddonfield N J IRENE JOHNSEN, 807 Spruce Street, Wyomissing, Pa CAROLE JOHNSON, 600 W Hortter Street, Phila, Pa CAROLYN JOHNSON, 2115 Porter S treet, Phila, Pa CYNTHIA JOHNSON, Valley Fords load, Phoenixville, Pa EDITH JOHNSON, Argyle, NINA JOHNSON, 2200 Delancey Street, Bradford, Pa SHIRLEY JOHNSON, 423 N Wilton Street, Phila, Pa ELLEN JONAS, 6500 N 7th S treet Phila, Pa HELEN JONES, 2213 Comegya Avenue, Scranton, Pa LUCY RAE JONES, 2200 Del ancey Place, Rutherford, N J MARGUERITE JONES, 385 Gowen Avenue, Phila, Pa PEGGY ANN JOYCE, 181 Main Street, D anbury, Conn STRUTHERS JOYCE, 376 Montgomery Ave nu e, Wy n newood, Pa LOUISE JUNG, 342 E Gorgas Lane, Phila, Pa MIRIAM KAISER, th Avenue, Phila, Pa BETTY KAMINSKY, 6 Wash ington Avenue, Savannah, Ga BEVERLEE KANE, 125 W Main Street, MiIIviIle, N J DORIS KANOFF, N 8 th Street, Phila, Pa MARGUERITY KANTER, 2044 S 59th Street, Phila, Pa JUDITH KAPLAN, 6227 Webster Street, Phila, Pa GERTRUDE KATZ, 1229 Heler man Street, Phila, Pa MARJORIE KATZ, 5065 Wy nn efie ld Avenue, Phila, Pa RHODA KATZ, 5I50 N 8th St reet, Phila, Pa RUTH KATZ, 5723 N 12th S t reet, Phila, Pa CAROL KATZEN, Elki n s Ct Ap t s, Elki n s P ar k, Pa SARA KATZENBACH, 1 W Montgomery Avenue, Ardmore, Pa CAROL Y N KAUFFM A N, 4109 Sommers Avenue, Drexel Hill, Pa FLORENCE KAUFFMAN, 1107 Serill Avenue, Yeadon, Pa GILDA KAUFFMAN, 3029 W Girard Ave nue, Phila, Pa EUNICE KAVJIAN, 1 S Cedar Lane, Upper D arby, Pa REGINA KELLER, Malvern, Pa VIRGINIA KELLNER, 5256 Glenwood Road, Merion, Pa MARION KELLNER, Tamaqua, Pa MARIE KELLY, Wilmington, Del SARAH KENNEDY, 268 Montgomery Avenue, Haverford, Pa ZENA KEROMAN, 7411 F ayette S treet, Phil a, Pa AUDREY KERN, 366 W Mount Airy Avenue, Phila, Pa ALUCE KEYSER, 2000 Washington Street, Wilmington Del DORIS KIEHL, 551 Kathmere Road, Havertown, Pa MARGARET KIELAR, 30 W Main Street, Glen Lyon, Pa MARY KINDIG, York, Pa CLAIRE KING, 1441 Germantown Avenue, Phila, Pa ELIZABETH KING, 8005 Navajo St reet, Phila, Pa GERTRUDE KING, State Teachers College, West Chester, Pa SALLY KING, 32 Peyser S t reet, Al bany, N Y ELIZABETH KINNEY, Or c h ard Lane, Daylesford, Pa LOIS KIRKPATRICK, 1151 E Court Street, Sunbury, Pa ORRA JEAN KITCHEN, 327 S 43rd Street, Phila, Pa ANNA KLAUDER, 4154 N B road Str ee t, Phila, Pa STEPHANIE KLAUS, 5801 N Park Avenue, Phila, Pa HARRIET KLEBANOFF, 5349 Diam ond Street, Phila, Pa CLARA KLEIN, 522 E Rosalie St reet, Phi l a, Pa HELEN ANN KLEIN, 6234 Webster Street, Phil a, Pa GLORIA KLEINMAN, 2728 N 6th Street, Harrisburg, Pa, ELIZABETH LEE KLIMM, 4642 L ocust Street, Phila, Pa HYLDA KLINEFELTER, Rural Route No 6, Gettysburg, Pa VIVIAN KLING, 235 Rex Avenue, Phila, Pa LOIS KNAUB, Trucksville, Pa BETH DIANE KNIPE, Lansdal e, Pa JEANNE KNOBLICH, N 4th Street, P h ila, Pa MARILYN KNODEL, 515 Brighton Road, Wilmington Del AGNES KOCHANSKA, 3260 Almond Street Phi Ia, Pa LOIS KOETHEN, 240 E Broadway, Louisville, Ky DOROTHY KOEUNE, 7500 N 20t h Street, Phi la, Pa DORIS KOFF, 4025 Cla ridge Street, Phila, Pa JANICE KOHL, 5235 N 14th Street, Phila, Pa MARGARET KO H LER, Eureka, Pa LEAH KORN, 6350 N 8th Street, Phila, Pa JEANNE KORNS, R D No 1, Boswe ll, Pa FLORENCE KOROSTOFF, 4325 Devereaux Avenue, Phila, Pa CONSTANCE KRAMER, 315 Central Pa rk West, New York, N Y MARION KRAUSS, 428 Parson Avenue, Glenside, Pa SALLY KRAVITCH, 518 E Victory D rive, S ava nnah, Ga ROBERTA KRAVITZ, 5876 Malvern Avenue, Phila, Pa MARILYN KRE T Z, Susque hanna Avenue, Selinsgrove, Pa MARILYN KREWSON, 136 Erden heim Road, Phila, Pa PHYLISS KRIM, 118 S 7th Street, L ebanon, Pa MURIEL KRISCHER, 5471 Euclid Avenue, Phila, Pa 1 03

105 VIVIENNE KRISSAY, 600 Central Avenue, Johnstown, Pa CLEORA KRIZMANICH, R D No 5, Kittanning, Pa ADELE KRONFELD, 200 E 22nd Street, Wilmington, Del VIRGINIA KRONK, 200 S Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa JOSEPHINE KRUISSELBRINK, Vineland, N J CLAIRE KRZYWICKI, Drums, Pa MERCIDES KUBEL, Mechanicsville Road, Phila, Pa ELEANORA KULCHYKY, 2231 Fairmount Avenue, Phila, Pa MARIE KUO, 33 S 50th Street, Phila, Pa SUE KUTNER, 211 N 5th Street, Camden, N J MARY KUTZ, 333 Eickinson Avenue, Swarthmore, Pa CAROLYN LABRUM, 133 Woodlawn Avenue, Upper Darby, Pa LOIS LAKE, 933 S 58th Street, Phila, Pa IRENE LA MARRA, 436 Mt Vernon Street, Camden, N J MARGARET LAND, Norristown, Pa BETTY LANDERS, Grampian, Pa SARAH LANDERS, 3419 Warden Drive, Phila, Pa AUDREY LANDES, 1920 Penfield Street, Phila, Pa FLORENCE LANE, Bethlehem, Pa ELISABETH LAND, 7212 Germantwon Avenue, Phila, Pa HEDVAH LANG, 6235 Washington Avenue, Phila, Pa ELIZABETH LATTELL, Phoenixville, Pa FRIEDA LAUBACH, Allentown, Pa JANETANNE LAUCKHARDT, 3813 Locust Street, Phila, Pa BLANCHE LAVEIN, Morris Plains, N J BARBARA LAVIN, 6619 N 13th Street, Phila, Pa JOYCE LAWBER, 18 W Union Street, Burlington, N J MILDRED LAWRENCE, Greenwood Hill, Pottsville, Pa CHARLOTTE LEARN, 822 Shore Road, Somers Point, N J ROSE LEEDER, Bank of Nova Scotia Bldg, Havana Cub a JOYCE LEEPARD, E Cheltenham Avenue, Phila, Pa ' LOANNE LEHMANN, 5420 Howland Street, Phila, Pa ANNA LEIBFREID, 251 W Rittenhouse Street, Phila, Pa GRACE LEISTER, Glenn Ashton Farms, Croydon, Pa ANNA LILII, 2222 Tasker Street, Phila, Pa MARY LENIHAN, Barberton, Ohi o ANNE LENNOX, 6427 Garmen Street, Phila, Pa DOROTHY LEONARD, 1415 Westwood Lane, Phila, Pa JOAN LIPOW, 401 S 50th Street, Phila, Pa DOLORES LESSERAUX, 113 Edgehill Road, Bala-Cynwyd, Pa MARGARET KESSIG, 312 Winding Way, Merion, Pa FLORENCE LEVIN, 3617 Indian Queen Place, Phila, Pa NANCEY LEVIN, 4601 Osage Avenue, Phila, Pa SALLY LEVINSON, 6125 Nassau Street, Phila, Pa RITA LEVINTHAL, 1461 Baird Avenue, Camden, N J SALLY LVEIT, 4705 Conshohocken Avenue, Phila, Pa ROSE LEVY, 824 N 7th Street, Phila, Pa ANNE LEWIS, 1916 Spruce Street, Phila, Pa EVELYN LEWIS, 3863 N 19th Street, Phila, Pa EVELYN LEX, 6311 Sherwood Road, Phila, Pa JEAN LI, c/o Methodist Church, Kunming, Chin a DOLORES LIBERATORE, 712 Clymer Street, Phila, Pa JANET LICHTENSTEIN, 5547 Florence Avenue, Phila, Pa JOAN LIEB, 41 Lupton Avenue, Woodbury, N J CAROL LIEBER, Scranton, Pa PAULA LIEBERMAN, 2127 N 58th Street, Phila, Pa FAITH LILLIBRIDGE, Compo Parkway, Westport, Conn ELINOR LINCHIS, 6336 Germantown Avenue, Phila, Pa ADRIENE LINEHAN, 854 Wynnewood Road, Phila, Pa JANE LINTON, 51 N 39th Street, Phila, Pa EDITH LINTZMEYER, 220 N Jackson Street, Media, Pa PAULA LIPPINCOTT, Lower State Road, Doylestown, Pa LOIS LIPSCHUTZ, 6620 Lincoln Drive, Phila, Pa WINIFRED KIPSKY, 5948 Cobbs Creek Parkway, Phila, Pa RHODA LITT, 438 Durfor Street, Phila, Pa EMILY LITTLEFIELD, 1900 Rittenhouse Square, Phila, Pa BOBBE-JEAN LITTLETON, 307 Chandler Street, Phila, Pa BARBARA LITTMAN, Winnington Road, London, Englan d LOUISE LITTMAN, 4632 Walnut Street, Phila, Pa VIRGINIA LITTO, 910 Christian Street, Phila, Pa BARBARA LIVINGSTON, 426 Hortter Street, Phila, Pa JOYCE LOEB, 518 S 46th Street, Phila, Pa GRACE LOFTHOUSE, 1605 W Allegheny Avenue, Phila, Pa MARION LOHR, Hooversville, Pa KATHRYN LONG, 464 Gerhard Street, Phila, Pa JOAN LOPINSON, 6870 N 19th Street, Phila, Pa MARY LORIMER, 895 Glenbrook Avenue, Bryn Mawr, Pa MARGARET LOUGHRAN, 4205 Chester Avenue, Phila, Pa SONDRA LOVITZ, 920 Montgomery Street, Brooklyn, N Y SHIRLEY LOWERY, 19 Elliott Avenue, Bryn Mawr, Pa RITA LUBER, 5608 Wyndale Avenue, Phila, Pa ROBERTA LUBER, 408 Hastings Avenue, Havertown, Pa CORINNE LUBIN, 80th Drive Jamaisa Est, Jamaica, N Y KAREN LUNDEGARD, 38th Street N W, Washington, D C JOYCE LUNDY, Merion Gardens, Wynnewood Road and Cit y Line, Merion, Pa ANGELINA LUONGO, 6815 S Greene Street, Phila, Pa RUTH LURIE, 1219 Belmont Avenue, Phila, Pa SUSAN LUTCAVAGE, Pittston, Pa MARY LYNCH, Steelton, Pa ROSEMARY LYNCH, Cross Roads, Merion, Pa EVELYN LYNN, 5644 Cedar Avenue, Phila, Pa PATRICIA LYNN, 2875 Jasper Street, Pa CAROLYN LYON, 624 Market Street, Sunbury, Pa CHARLOTTE LYONS, 23 Woodland Ave, Penndel, Pa VERNER MacALISTER, 1226 N Dearborn Street, Lake Bluff, III, JOAN ANN MACAULEY, 7228 Horrocks Street, Phi la, Pa MARGARET Pa MacELWEE, 619 Turner Avenue, Drexel Hill, MARY MACKEY, 824 Pine Street, Renovo, Pa PATRICIA MACKEY, 619 W Sedgwick Street, Phila, Pa MARGARET MacMILLAN, 1071 Granite Street, Phila, Pa GLORIA MacMULLEN, 120 Maplewood Avenue, Upper Darby, Pa JOYCE MacMULLEN, 120 Maplewood Avenue, Upper Darby, Pa DOROTHEA MACRIE, 311 W Hansberry Street, Phila, Pa MARIETTA MADDEN, Rahway, N J JACQUELINE MADONNA, 2925 N 24th Street, Phila, Pa PATRICIA MAGELANER, 600 Albany Avenue, Brooklyn, N Y ELLEN MAGILL, 2009 N 52nd Street, Phila, Pa ELIZABETH MAGUIRE, 4508 Senses Street, Phila, Pa CLAIRE MAMOURIAN, 232 S 51st Street, Phila, Pa NANETTE MANGELS, Horse Trail Manor, Box 86, Phoenixville, 'Pa, BINNIE MANGES, Johnstown, Pa CLAIRE MANN, 825 E Kerper Street, Phila, Pa ANGELO MANNO, 220 Old Forest Road, Carroll Park, Phila, Pa CASMIRA MARCINISZYN, 4243 N 16th Street, Phila, Pa MARGARET MARGETICH, 1123 Amplex Street, Bethlehem, Pa LINDA MARGOLIS, 840 Asbury Terrace, Phila, Pa RITA MARIOTT, 1216 Durfor Street, Phila, Pa JANET MARK, 330 Turnpike Road, South River, N J CAROLYN MARKLEY, 1955 Fairview Avenue, Easton, Pa FELICE MARKS, Sheldrake Apts, 49th and Spruce Streets, Phila, Pa PRISCILLA MARSH, 3715 Woodland Avenue, Phila, Pa ELEANOR MARSHALL, Yorklyn, Del ELIZABETH MARTIN, 4 Oak Avenue, Penndel, Pa MARCELLA MARTIN, 5921 Belmar Terrace, Phila, Pa RUTH MARTIN, 31 Meadowbrook Road, Havertown, Pa SARAH MASEL, 301 E Walnut Lane, Phila, Pa MARGARET MASON, Lewistown, Pa MILDRED MASON, 904 Carrcroft Boulevard, Carrcroft, Del JOANNE MATEER, Chestnut Road, Paoli, Pa REGINA MATELA, 4528 E Thompson Street, Phila, Pa JEAN MATHIAS, Waynesboro, Pa ELIZABETH MATTHEWS, 60 E Penn Street, Norristown, Pa JOAN MATTOX, 8366 Glen Road, Elkins Park, Pa GRACE MATTIS, 1715 Roselyn Street, Phila, Pa VIRGINIA MATZKE, 3029 Queen Lane, Phila, Pa LYDIA MAXAM, S Roberts Road, Rosemont, Pa HELGA MAYERS, 131 Grove Avenue, Woodbridge, N J MARIAN MAZIS, 1610 Stenton Avenue, Phila, Pa ROSEMARY MAZZATENTA, 1014 Dickinson Street, Phila, Pa SAVERIA MAZZEO, 7025 Elmwood Avenue, Pleasantville, N J JOAN McADOO, 1311 Hillside Road, Wynnewood, Pa BETTY McALEESE, 721 Alexander Avenue, Drexel Hill, Pa EILEEN McBRIDE, 5314 Upland Street, Phila, Pa DOROTHY McCABE, 348 Walnut Street, Jenkintown, Pa ELAINE McCABE, 5310 Wayne Avenue, Phila, Pa CATHERINE McCARRON, 732 Revere Road, Yeadon, Pa MOLLY McCARTHY, Rye, N Y EILEEN McKEON, 19 East Albemarle Avenue, Lansdowne, Pa JANE McKINLEY, 746 Cornell Avenue, Drexel Hill, Pa IMOGENE McNABB, 24 Sycamore Road, Havertown, Pa MARY McNABB, 24 Sycamore Road, Havertown, Pa JO ANN McNAMARA, 5220 Apache Lane, Drexel Hill, Pa HANNAH McNULTY, 4811 Baltimore Avenue, Phila, Pa JANET McPHILLIMY, 108 Jackson Avenue, Collingdale, N J MARY McSHAIN, Dingley Dell Apt, Paoli, Pa GAYLE MEACHAM, 518 Merwyn Road, Narberth, Pa BARBARA MEDOFF, 2138 N Natrona Street, Phila, Pa PATRICIA MEGARGEE, Rock Creek Road, Bryn Mawr, Pa GLORIA MELADA, 2014 Melrose Avenue, Chester, Pa MILLICENT MELAVER, 720 E 35th Street, Savannah, Ga JOANNE MELTZER, Sterner Mill Road, R D 3, Langhorne, Pa KATHRYNE MELWERT, 2540 S Bancroft Street, Phila, Pa LAURIE MEREDITH, 1928 Rittenhouse Square, Phila, Pa ROSALIND MEROW, 4627 N 12th Street, Phila, Pa VIRGINIA MERRITT, 727 Stadone Road, Bala-Cynwyd, Pa LOUISE MERTZ, 106 W Drexel Avenue, Lansdowne, Pa ALICE MESSELOFF, 1750 Grand Concourse, New York, N Y BETTY MESSERSMITH, Manchester, N Y CATHERINE McCLARREN, 6376, Columbia Avenue, Phila, Pa MARILYN McCLINTOCK, 7371 Woolston Road, Phila, Pa NANCY McCRACKEN, 606 N 17th Street, Harrisburg, Pa SARA JEAN McCULLOUGH, 537 E Tulpehocken Street,, Phila, Pa SYLVIA McCUTCHEON, 2410 Mole Road, Secane, Pa MILDRED McDANIEL, 706 W Mt Airy Avenue, Phila, Pa ANN McDONALD, 101 N 35th Street, Phila, Pa ELIZABETH McDONOUGH, 1205 Belfield Avenue, Drexel Hill, Pa MARGIE McGINLEY, 37 School House Lane, Broomall, Pa KATHRYN McGOUGH, 119 Powell Avenue, Cresson, Pa JOAN McGOWAN, South Dartmouth, Mass 1 0 4

106 dbury, N MARY McILROY, 339 E Oakdale Avenue, Glenside, Pa BETTY McKAIG, 125 E Providence Road, Alden, Pa MURIEL METLITZ, Nanuet, N Y JOY MEYERS, 23 W Broad Street, Bethlehem, Pa ELINOR MIKELBERG, 1709 Spruce Street, Phila, Pa HINDA MILGRAM, Ashbourne Road and West Avenue, Elkin s Park, Pa MARJORIE MILHAM, 1828 S Alden, Allentown, Pa ELINOR MILLER, Fox Chase Road, Jenkintown, Pa ISABEL MILLER, 1352 Main Street, Hellertown, Pa MARTHA MILLER, 214 N 26th Street, Camp Hill, Pa SHIRLEY MILLER, Percy and Oregon Avenues, Phi la, Pa EDNA MILLS, th Avenue, Prospect Park, Pa MADELINE MILLS, Los Angeles, Calif MARIE MINNICK, 236 W Walnut Street, Phila, Pa EDITH MITCHELL, Southampton Road and Roosevelt Boulevard HELENA MITCHELL, 1130 Morris Road, Wynnewood, Pa JOAN MITCHELL, 4745 Woodbine Avenue, Phila, Pa MARGARET MITCHELL, 590 W Sedgwick Street, Phila, Pa HELEN MITOCHER, 980 N 2nd Street, Phila, Pa GILDA MIZII, 6071 Drexel Road, Phila, Pa MIRIAM MOLITCH, 705 Pacific Avenue, Atlantic City, N J BEVERLY MONES, 2107 Melvin Street, Phila, Pa NATALIE MONG, Somerset, Pa NORMA MONTES de OCA, 5645 Frontenac Street, Phila, Pa LOIS MOORE, 306 Rodman Avenue, Jenkintown, Pa NAOMI MOORE, Atlantic City, N J DEBORAH MORRIS, 4721 Wa nut Street, Phila, Pa ELISE MORRIS, 425 W Wayne Avenue, Wayne, Pa LEAH MOSKOWITZ, 254 S 46th St, Phila, Pa MARGARET MULROONEY, 1600 Woodlawn Avenue, Wilmington, Del ANN MURPHY, 113 Welcome Lane, Ridley Park, Pa MARIAN MUSGRAVE, 847 Windermere Avenue, Drexel Hill, Pa MARY MUSSER, 3919 Locust Street, Lancaster, Pa RUTH NACHMANSOHN, 327 Central Park West, Lew York, N Y TERU NAKANO, 3707 Locust Street, Phila, Pa BARBARA NAUTA, Golf View Road, Ardmore, Pa GLADYS NAVE, 4624 Walnut Street, Phila, Pa MARTHA NAYLOR, 754 Haws Avenue, Norristown, Pa JOY NEFF, 6842 Carpenter Street, Phila, Pa ESTHER NELSON, 3707 Locust Street, Phila, Pa LINDA NELSON, Edgewater Park, N J VIOLET NEMEZ, 5411 Wynnefield Avenue, Phila, Pa ELLEN NEWBOLD, 71 Bethlehem Park, Phila, Pa BERNICE NEWMAN, 3065 N Front Street, Phila, Pa RUTH NEWSWANGER, 366 Valley Road, Coatesville, Pa JEANETTE NICHOLS, 168 Woodland Avenue, Bridgeport, Conn GENEVIEVE NIEDERERR, Hanover, Pa SONDRA NIPON, 244 S Rhode Island Avenue, Atlantic City, N J RITA NITZBERG, 1720 Ridge Avenue, Phila, Pa VIRGINIA NOBLE, Southampton, Pa MARTHA NOEL, 238 S 38th Street, Scarsdale, N Y SHIRLEY NOLLEY, 23 N 38th Street, Phila, Pa JEAN NOLT, 3911 Walnut Street, Lancaster, Pa DOLORES NOONE, 15 2nd Avenue, Haddon Heights, N J EILEEN NOONE, 3809 Walnut Street, Phila, Pa CONSTANCE NORRIS, 2419 Hol is Road, Havertown, Pa CONSTANCE NORTON, 105 S 36th St, Narberth, Pa DOROTHY NORTON, Alamokordo, New Mexic o MARION NORTON, 5629 Thomas Avenue, Phila, Pa MARTHA NULLET, 1740 Bainbridge Street, Phila Children' s Hospita l MARY LEE OAKLEY, 1933 Montrose Street, Phila, Pa RUBY OATMAN, 1410 Garfield Avenue, Pleasantville, N J NATALIE OBERHAUS, Farmington, Conn MARY OBERTHOLZER, Bethlehem, Pa KATHRYN O'BOYLE, Hanover, Pa AUDREY O'BRIEN, 120 N 34th Street, Phi la, Pa EILEEN O'BRIEN, West Quincy, Mass RITA O'BRIEN, 2529 S 19th Street, Phila, Pa MARTHA OCKSREIDER, 1124 W Lehigh Avenue, Phila, Pa ELEANOR O'CONNOR, 7203 Pine Street, Upper Darby, Pa MARY O'DONNELL, Moorestown, N J OLGA OEN, Route No 2, Box 12, Minot, N D MARY ANN OESCHGER, 4011 Ellenda'e Road, Drexel Rr GRACE O'GARA, Hazleton, Pa CAROL OGDEN, Hatboro, Pa MABEL OGDEN 513 Carpenter Lane, Philadelphia, Pa MILDRED OGLESBEY, 513 Edgemont Avenue, Chester, Pa MARGARET OGLIARULO, 6928 Harvey Avenue Merchantville, N J JULIE O'HALLORAN, 305 N 63rd Street, Phila, Pa GENEVIEVE OLESIEWICZ, 1146 Mechanic Street, Camden, N J MARY OLIVO, 36 N 30th Street, Camden, N J PATRICIA OLSEN, 23 S W 21st Avenue, Miami, Fla MARY ONDASH, 786 Market Street, Kingston, Pa MARTHA ONO, 1632 N 16th Street, Phila, Pa BETTY OPPENHEIM, 4740 Pine Street, Phila, Pa RENNEE OPPENHEIMER, 4626 Boudinot Street, Phila, Pa GRACE ORCHINIK, 1621 Nedro Avenue, Phila, Pa MARIE ORDILE, 40 N California Avenue, Atlantic City, N J EILEEN O'ROURKE, 51 N 39th Street, Phila, Pa MAE O'ROURKE, 626 Burmount Road, Drexel Hill, Pa CAROL ORR, 309 Grove Street, Montclair, N J NORMA JEAN OSBORNE, 2200 Delancey, Irwin, Pa DORIS OSHTRY, 3112 N 33rd St, Phila, Pa SHIRLEY OSTROFF, 943 Penn Street, Camden, N J MILDRED OSTROW, Mt Sinai Hospital, 5th and Reed Streets, Phila, Pa SADIE OSTROW, 1450 N Franklin Street, Phila, Pa RUTH O'Toole, 10 1st Ave, Haddon Heights, N J RUTH OWEN, 1024 Greenwood Avenue, Trenton, N J ELAINE PACK, 505 Seabury Avenue, Milford, Del DOROTHEA PANCOAST, 5035 Pulaski Avenue, Phila, Pa RITA PANGIA, White Horse Pike, Atco, N J RUBY PANTIS (Mrs ), Mercer Avenue, P O Box 384, Woo J RUTH PANZER, 2840 W Stiles Street, Phila, Pa CATHERINE PARHAM, 736 Chestnut Street, Camden, N J CAROLYN PARMENTER, 7825 St Martin's Lane, Phila, Pa MARJORIE PARSONS, Washington Street, Rocky Hill, N J SHIRLEY PARSONS, 712 3rd Street, Lanacster, Pa CAROLYN PARTAIN, 201 Greenway Lane, Merion Station, Pa ANITA PASCAL, 319 Parsons Street, Easton, Pa LUCILLE PASQUARIELLO, 2422 Allegheny Avenue, Phila, Pa ANNE PATTERSON, Apt 21-B, Lakeside Apts, Melrose Park, Pa BARBARA PATTERSON, 35 E Front Street, Media, Pa ISBEL PATTISON, 110 Montgomery Avenue, Erdenheim, Pa ELIZABETH PAVLETICH, 2413 E Clearfield Street, Phila, Pa MILDRED PAYNE, 826 Jefferson Street, Cape May, N J ALICE PEACOCK, 507 Delaware Avenue, Bethlehem, Pa LOIS PEBLEY, Johnstown, Pa CLARA PECK, R D I, Grantville, Pa ELIZABETH PEDROTTY, 911 Wynnewood Road, Phila, Pa JEANNE PEGGS, 406 E Wynnewood Road, Wynnewood, Pa MARY LOU PENISTON, "Woodsedge," Chester Springs, Pa NANCY PENNICK, 5719 Beechwood Street, Ambler, Pa CHARLOTTE PERILSTEIN, 2457 N 56th Street, Phila, Pa MARIE PERRI, 814 Federa l Street, Phila, Pa MARGARET PERRY, 6808 Cobbs Creek Parkway, Phila, Pa NANCY PERRY, 732 Sussex Road, Wynnewood, Pa CHARLOTTE PESSEL, 8204 Hull Drive, Phila, Pa EDITH PETERS, 1102 Allengrove Street, Phila, Pa LOUISE PETERS, 505½ Walnut Street, Catasauqua, Pa ELIZABETH PETERSON, Bryn Mawr Court, Bryn Mawr, Pa ROSE PETERSON, 4615 Tackawanna Avenue, Phila, Pa RITA PETILLO, 1429 W Olney Avenue, Phila, Pa JEANNE PETITO, 1927 S 19th Street, Phila, Pa DOVIE PETTY, 1310 Dugdale Street, Chattanooga, Tenn VALERIE PFEIFFER, Reading, Pa ELIZABETH PFRAMMER, Upper Darby, Pa ELIZABETH PIKE, th Avenue, Phila, Pa ARLENE PINCUS, 2409 Bryn Mawr Avenue, Phila, Pa CLAIRE PINELES, 634 Washington Street, Hoboken, N J ADELE PLASKOW 5707 Florence Avenue, Phila, Pa ANN PLOSS, 1021 Drexe l Avenue, Drexel Hill, Pa EDITH POLLARD, 710 Pine Street, Phila, Pa VALERIE PONS, 1530 Locust Street, Phila, Pa OLGA PONTIUS, Phila, Pa ANNA POPADINECZ, 1212 Mirsi Trail Street, Bethlehem, Pa FLORA PORTER, Gloucester N J JOY POWELL, 1877 Crump Street, Memphis, Tenn GLORIA PREIS, 221 Willard Avenue, Warren Ohi o PATRICIA PRESPER, 516 Enfield Road, Oreland, Pa GERTRUDE PRICE, West Pittston, Pa EMILY PRITCHARD, 206 Dickinson Avenue, Swarthmore, Pa MIRIAM PRITZERT, 1998 N 52nd Street, Phila, Pa LOIS PROSSER, 1 E 40th Street, Wilmington, Del RUBY PUGH, 305 W Earlham Terrace, Phila, Pa EVELYN PUNCHARD, 5526 Thomas Avenue, Phila, Pa FRANCES PURDY, 433 Forrest Avenue, Drexel Hil l, Pa VIRGINIA PURVIS, Mermont Plaza, Bryn Mawr, Pa HELEN PYNE, 1011 Marlyn Road, Phila, Pa ANN QUALEY, 4512 Chestnut Street, Phila, Pa AGNES QUINN, Mahanoy City, Pa CLAUDINE QUINN, Rye, N Y KARIN RADEMADER, 3627 Powelton Avenue, Phila, Pa GWENDOLYN RADZIEVICH, 305 Newcastle Street, Minersville, Pa ELIZABETH RAFF, 203 Glen Gary Drive, Havertown, Pa PATRICIA RAMBACH, 4000 Baltimore Avenue, Phila, Pa ELIZABETH RANEY, Apt B-3, Avon Apts, Narberth, Pa MILDRED RASCH, 3321 Englewood Street, Phila, Pa ROSEMERI RAUFER, 5407 N Fairhill Street, Phila, Pa MARY RAUFFENBART, Moorestown, N J KATHRYN REA, 5031 Spruce Street, Phi l a, Pa MARILYN ANN RECTOR, 534 Laurel Road, Yeadon, Pa JOAN HELEN REDLAND, 745 N Penna Avenue, Morrisvill e Pa OLGA YEYONNE REGNER, 116 S 4th Street, Darby, Pa LAURE ELIZABETH REICHENBACH, 722 High Street, William sport, Pa 1 0 5

107 PEGGY STONER REIGN, 2510 S 71st Street, Phila, Pa BEATRICE REINER, 2430 N 56th Street, Phila, Pa ELNA A REINSCH, 1255 N 52nd St, Phila, Pa CARYL JEANNE REISGEN, 200 Garden Ridge Road, Baltimore, Md HELEN ELIZABETH REISNER, 4506 Kutztown Road, Temple, Pa NORMA LOUISE REISS, 918 N 5th Street, Phila, Pa CONSTANCE ROSE REITHAAR, 1618 Pine Street, Phila, Pa MURIEL IRIS REMALEY, 46 E Fell Street, Summit Hill, Pa ELIZABETH RENNINGER, 141 S Easton Road, Glenside, Pa EDNA MECKE RENOUF, 4446 N 15th Street, Phila, Pa MARY JOSEP RENZULLI, 15 Chatham Road, Upper Darby, Pa BESS REYNOLDS, 7216 Hazel Avenue, Upper Darby, Pa KATHERINE ELLEN RHEA, 514 S 46th Street, Phila, Pa MURIEL ALOHA RHOADS, Long Beach, Calif EDITH PRISCILLA RHODES, 400 E Glenside Avenue, Glenside, Pa JEANNETTE I RHODES, Chester, Pa MARTHA ANN RICE, King of Prussia Road, King of Prussia, Pa FLORENCE MARIA RICHARDSON, 1307 S Divinity Place, Phila, Pa JUDITH ANN RICHMAN, 4639 Walnut Street, Phila, Pa JOAN GRAVENOR RIDER, Route 3, Laurel Del MARY SCHMECK RIESER, Reading, Pa LILIAN GRAHM RILEY, Dover, Del ELIZABETH CAROLINE RINK, West Valley Road, Strafford, Pa BARBARA JEANNE RIVKIN, 6453 Malvern Avenue, Phila, Pa DEBBY RIVKIN, Mayfair House, Lincoln Drive and Johnso n Street, Phila, Pa ROSE MARY RIZZUTO, 6952 Marsden Street, Phila, Pa ANN ROBB, Mill Creek and Righters Mill Roads, Gladwyne, Pa ELIXABETH ROBB, 3644 Chestnut Street, Phila, Pa CATHERINE ROBERTSON, 5139 Cedar Avenue, Phila, Pa ELIXABETH ROBINSON, West Collingswood, N J JANE ROBINSON, 2142 Rahwn Street, Phila, Pa SELMA ROBINSON, 7614 Sherwood Road, Phila, Pa PATRICIA ROCHFORD, 3719 Manayunk Avenue, Phila, Pa ALICE ROELOFS, East Aurora, N Y GLORIA ROGACH, 319 Bala Avenue, Bala-Cynwyd, Pa ELEANOR ROGERS, 5833 N Fairhil! Street, Phila, Pa MARGARET ROGERS, 3237 Fanshawe Street, Phila, Pa MARILYN ROHRER, 306 College Avenue, Elizabethtown ; Pa ROSALYN ROMANOFF, 1319 Menoher Highway, Johnstown, Pa NANCY ROSA, 332 E Magnolia Avenue, Aldan, Pa LOIS ANN ROSE, 901 Atwood' Road, Phila, Pa DOLORES ROSE, 1813 N 33rd Street, Phila, Pa ELEANOR ROSEMAN, 6043 Webster Street, Phila, Pa NAOMI ROSEN, 1321 Spruce Street, Phila, Pa LEONORE ROSENAU, 810 W Sedgwick Street, Phila, Pa EDITH ROSENBERG, 6128 Christian Street, Phila, Pa MIMI ROSENBLOOM, Gary, Ind RENEE ROSENKRANTZ, 4813 Woodland Avenue, Phila, Pa EVELYN ROTHFELD, 4625 Larchwood Avenue, Phila, Pa DORIS ROTKO, 916 Snyder Avenue, Phila, Pa DOLORES ROVIN, 1444 Grange Avenue, Phi'a, Pa ELAINE ROVNER, 406 Lodges Lane, Elkins Park, Pa ANNE ROWAN, 115 Iona Avenue, Narberth, Pa JANE ROWLANDS, Dinqley Dell Apts, Maple Avenue and Agnew Road, Paoli, Pa MARCIA RUBINSTEIN, 1056 Neilson Avenue, Far Rockaway, N Y KATHERINE RUSH, Moylan, Pa SHIRLEY RUSH, 1613 Gowan Avenue, Phila, Pa MARGUERITTA RUSSELL, 522 W Mt Pleasant Avenue, Phila, Pa JUDITH RUTBERG, 1319 Pine Street, Phila, Pa LILLIAN RYAN, 438 S 50th Street, Phila, Pa NINA C RYNEAR, Cochranvil'e, Pa BEATRICE SACHES, 5156 Nebus St, Phila, Pa ETHEL SACHS, 53 E Moreland Avenue, Hatboro, Pa RUBY SACKS, 3345 Ainslie Street, Phila, Pa SHIRLEY SAFTLAS, 5613 N 16th Street, Phila, Pa EDITH SALDINGER, 13 Delevant Street, New Brunswick, N J MITZI SALDINGER, 13 Delevan Street, New Brunswick, N J AILEEN SALLOM, 24 Oakley Road, Upper Darby, Pa ROSALIE SALTZMAN 5532 Warrington Avenue, Phila, Pa JOAN SAMUELS, 6221 N 17th Street, Phila, Pa MARILYN SANDERS, 5212 Osage Avenue, Phila, Pa JANE SANDFORD, 18 Bryn Mawr Avenue, Bryn Mawr, Pa DORIS SANDLER, 5902 Christian Street, Phila, Pa SARA SANDLER, 707 Beverly Road, Brooklyn, N Y ALVARETTA SARICKS, Freeland, Pa LYNN SARNER, 4752 N 10th Street, Phila, Pa ANNE SAVAGE, East Orange Lane, Phila, Pa JOSEPHINE SAVIAGE SAVIDGE, 2425 POPLAR Road, Havertown, Pa MARGARET SAVIDGE, Highway S-41, Collings Road, Berlin, N J ANNE ELIZABETH SCHACHT, 604 W Olney Avenue, Phila, Pa ELIZABETH SCHADE, 407 Chester Avenue, Moorestown, N J MARIE SCHAEFFER, 180 W Champlost Avenue, Phila, Pa FRANCINE SCHAMROTH, 160 Riverside Drive, New York, N Y CAROL SCHATZ, 1828 Pine Street, Phila, Pa ROSLYN SCHEINHOLZ, 407 E 4th Street, Brooklyn, N Y SELMA SCHIFFMAN, 6531 N 18th Street, Phila, Pa DAVIDA SCHLANK, 620 W Godfrey Avenue, Phila, Pa NANCY JANE SCHLICHTER, 5611 Thomas Ave, Phila, Pa ANNE SCHNEIDER,!002 Shcool Avenue, Sharon Hill, Pa NANCY SCHNEIDER, 536 W Rockland Street, Phila, Pa MYRNA SCHREIBMAN, 5706 Woodbine Avenue, Phila, Pa CLAIRE SCHUBERT, 5830 Washington Avenue, Phila, Pa CATHERINE K SCHULTZ, Salamanca, N Y MARCIA SCHULTZ, 1407 E Main Street, Millville, N J JUBA SCHWAB, 5220 Lebanon Avenue, Phila, Pa BARBARA SCHWARIZ, 935 Belmont Avenue, Phila, Pa BARBARA ROSALIE SCHWARIZ, 2110 N Wanamaker Avenue, Phila, Pa SYLVIA SCHWARTZ, 1527 W Chew Avenue, Phila, Pa ELIZABETH SCHWARZ, 204 Windsor Avenue, Upper Darby, Pa DORIS SCOTT, 6946 Sherwood Road, Phila, Pa JUDITH SEGAL, 367 Pelham Road, Phila, Pa ELAINE SEGAL, 6231 N 12th Street, Phila, Pa ELAINE SEIGLE, 7 S 34th Street, Camden, N J JANE SEILER, 105 Tunbridge Road, Baltimore, Md JEANETTE SELBY, 217 Cynwyd Rd, Cynwyd, Pa GERALDINE SELZER, 7133 Oxford Avenue, Phila, Pa LUCY SEMERJIAN, 1131 S 53rd Street, Phi a, Pa MILDRED SENATOR, 2519 N 29th Street, Phila, Pa HELEN SENYSHYN, 2624 N Franklin Street, Phila, Pa LILLIAN SHAFFER, 388 Avon Road, Upper Darby, Pa SONIA SHAHINIAN, 6128 Ellsworth Street, Phila, Pa JANET SHAND, 514 Lancaster Avenue, Wynnewood, Pa ESTELLE SHANES, Crafts Center, Salisbury, Vermon t HELEN SHAPIRO, 309 Orchard Way, Merion, Pa MARJORIE SHAPIRO, 1027 Lakeside Avenue, Phila, Pa VIRGINIA SHARP, 706 Braeburn Lane, Narberth, Pa MARGARET SHARPLESS, Catawissa, Pa MAIRE SHAUGHNESSY, 6830 Radbourne Road, Upper Darby, Pa BARBARA SHAW, 1823 S Allison Street, Phila, Pa JEAN SHAW, 7014 Forrest Avenue, Phila, Pa KATHRYN SHY, Altoona, Pa LEONA SHEAFFER, Liverpool, Pa ALICE Z SHEARER, 5542 Chester Avenue, Phila, Pa BARBARA SHEARER, 7120 Edmund Street, Phila, Pa ROSALIE SHEIN, 5817 N Front Street, Phila, Pa E MARION SHELHIMER, Harrisburg, Pa JANET SHELLEY, 223 Trent Road, Penn Wynne, Pa BEVERLY SHER, 4030 Parkside Avenue, Phila, Pa MARGARET SHERIDAN, 1118 S 48th Street, Phi'a, Pa MARQUERETTE SHERIDAN, Hilldale Road, Villanova, Pa PHYLLIS SHERIN, Rockville Centre, N Y ALENE SHERMAN, 5827 Walton Avenue, Phila, Pa BEVERLY SHERMAN, 205 Edgehill Road, Marion, Pa MARIE SHERMAN, A-300, 1931 Lombard St, Phila, Pa VARDA SHERMAN, 612 W 112 Street, New York, N Y EVELYN SHERR, 4840 Pine Street, Phila, Pa JOYCE SHIFFMAN, 680 West End Avenue, New York, N Y LYDIA SHIPLEY, Warrensburg, N Y EVELYN SHOBER, Kennedy Lane, Bryn Mawr, Pa ELAINE SHOCKET, 430 McKean Street, Phila, P6 MARGARET SHOOK, 162 Overhill Road, Upper Darby, Pa ESTHER SHORE, 4752 N 7th Street, Phila, Pa CYNTHIA SHOULTS, Montrose Road, Ba ltimore, Md BARBARA SHTEIR, 1227 Chambers Street, Trenton, N J CLAIRE SHTOFMAN, 5922 Washington Avenue, Phila, Pa MARJORIE SHULMAN, 6238 Washington Avenue, Phila, Pa JOYCE SHULTZ, 154 W Champlost Avenue, Phila, Pa MARION D SHUNK, Glendive, Mont KATHERINE SHUPP, 534 Tabor Road, Philadelphia, Pa BARBARA SHUSTER, 415 County Street, New Bedford, Mass BERNICE SHUSTER, Camac and Lindley Avenues, Phila, Pa NAOMI SHUSTER, 1840 E Allegheny Avenue, Phila, Pa FLORENCE SIANO, 210 Avon Road, Springfield, Pa DOROTHY SIDNER, 931 Lamokin Street, Chester, Pa ISABEL SIEGEL, 299 Jackson Street, Hempstead, N Y GERTRUDE SILVERSTEIN, 1978 Spencer Street, Phila, Pa VIOLET SIMMONS, 883 N 22nd Street, Phila, Pa CAROLYN SIMON, H Quarters, No I, Aberdeen Provin g Grounds, Aberdeen, Md BARBARA SIMONS, 21 Atterbury Avenue, Trenton, N J MARCIA SISKIND, 2219 Avenue I, Brooklyn, N Y ROSEMARY SKELLY, 17 Highland Avenue, Norristown, Pa MARGARET SKILLEN, 2542 S Rosewood Street, Phi'a, Pa DOLORES SKYLER, 2307 S Darien Street, Phila, Pa GERTRUDE SLAVEN, A-305, W'ynnewood Apts, Wynnewood, Pa BEVERLY JEAN SLICK, College Campus, Clarion, Pa JOYCE SLOAN, 182 Belmont Avenue, Paterson, N J SYLVIA, SLOTNICK, 2835 Prairie Avenne Miami Beach, Fla LILA SMILOWITZ, Kevon Arms, 52nd and Montgomery Avenue, Phila, Pa CL ARA SMITH, RD No 1, Hatfield, Pa DARTHEA SMITH, 225 W Gorges Lane, Phila, Pa JACQUELINE SMITH, 28 East Avenue, Mt Carmel, Pa JANET SMITH, th Street, St Albans, N Y KAY SMITH, P O 137, Mars, Pa LOUISE SMITH, 260 W Greenwood Avenue, Lansdowne, Pa MARIE SMITH, 100 E Madison Avenue, Collingswood, N J MARY EMMA SMITH, Allentown, Pa 1 06

108 tnut Streets MARY EMMA SMITH, Red Lion, Pa NANCY SMITH, Williamsport, Pa RUTH SMITH, 213 Hewett Road, Wyncote, Pa MARGARET SMYTHE, 120 Penarth Road, Cynwyd, Pa NANCY SNEAD, 600 S 48th Street, Phi la, Pa NANCY ANNE SNIDER, 115 Edgemont Road, Upper Montclair, N J DORIS SNYDER, 6952 Sherwood Road, Phila, Pa MARY JANE SNYDER, 5853 Springfield Avenue, Phila, Pa MURIEL SNYDER, 239 Grand View Ave, Charleroi, Pa BETTY J SOKOLOFF, 5636 Lansdowne Avenue, Phila, Pa SHIRLEY SOLL, 4218 Marple Avenue, Phila, Pa SARA SPEDDEN, 3121 Midvale Avenue, Phila, Pa ALVERTA SPEIDEL, 1720 S Avondale St, Phila, Pa JEAN SPICKLER, 1230 Seltzer Street, Phila, Pa JOSEPHINE SPIVACK, 5925 Carpenter Street, Phila, Pa JANE SPROUL, 292 Green Avenue, Lansdowne, Pa ANN STADTLER, 1114 W Wynnewood Road, Wynnewood, Pa IRMA STAHLBERG, 116 S Broad Street, Woodbury, N J ELIZABETH STEELE, 1813 Manor Road, Havertown, Pa VIRGINIA STEELE, 7015 Charles Street, Phila, Pa TAMARA STEERMAN, 609 W Cliveden Street, Phila, Pa CECILIA STEFANSKI, Shenandoah, Pa CHARLOTTE STEGEMANN, 241 S Marshall Street, Lancaster, P a BARBARA STEIGROD, 6123 Carpenter Street, Phila, Pa CHARLOTTE STEIN, 5903 Woodcrest Avenue, Phila, Pa LOUISE STEIN West Pittston, Pa JOAN STEPHENS, 210 Pelham Park Apts, 229 W Upsal Street, Phila, Pa HELEN STERLING, Buckingham Valley, Pa MARILYN STERN, 2375 Ocean Avenue, Brooklyn, N Y SONYA STERN, 4944 Wynnefield Avenue, Phila, Pa SYBIL STERN, 1921 Independence Street, Phila, Pa ELIZABETH STEVENS, Ft Monroe, Va LOIS STEVENSON, R D No I, Malvern, Pa MARGARET ANN STEWARD, 316 Summit Road, Springfield, Pa SUSAN STIMUS, 143 Wa lsh Road, Lansdowne, Pa SARAH STINE, Easton, Pa MARY ANNE STOCK, Trevose Rd, Trevose, Pa JANE STONE, Madeira and Cheltena Avenues, Jenkintown, Pa RAE STONE, 548 Wyoming Avenue, Phila, Pa VICKI STONE, 548 W Wyoming Avenue, Phila, Pa ROSE STOUGH, Lincoln Way West, New Oxford, Pa LORENA STRAIN, 95 Laurel Hill Road, Mountain Lakes, N J MARIE STROBEL, 5203 Chester Avenue, Phila, Pa PHYLLIS STRUBLE, 104 Miller Street, Sayre, Pa MARY STUEBING, Apt B, 1730 W Tioga Street, Phila, Pa ALMA LOUISE STUTZMAN, Shoemakersville, Pa SIMONE SUCKLE, Pelham Park Apts, 229 W Upsal Street, Phila, Pa MARGARET SULLIVAN, 2013 S 65th Street, Phila, Pa DOROTHY SUMNER, 626 N Frazier Street, Phi l adelphia, Pa JACQUELINE SUPLEE, 914 Whitby Avenue, Yeadon, Pa ISABELLE SUPPLEE, Hickory Road, Plymouth Meeting, Pa JANET SURMAN, 1300 Cheltent Avenue, Phila, Pa SALLY SWARTZ, Latches Lane Apts, Old Lancaster Road, Merion, Pa BARBARA SWEEDLER, Larchmont, N Y FANNIE SWINDELL, 2211 Walnut Street, Phila, Pa ANNA MAE SWOPE, Fredericksburg, Pa JOAN SYLK, Apt 21-E Rittenhouse Plaza, 1901 Walnut Street, Phila, Pa NORMA SYLK, 5117 Wynnefield Ave, Phila, Pa ELAINE SZALKOWSKI, 1199 Thurman Street, Camden, N J ADELE SZCZUROWSKI, 1724 W Hunting Park Ave, Phila, Pa EVELYNE TABACHNICK, 4424 Osabe Avenue, Phila, Pa RUTH TATE, 3450 Chestnut Street, Phila, Pa MARCIA TAUDER, 5115 Dakota Street, Phi la, Pa DOLERES TAXIN, 1759 Georges Lane, Phila, Pa EMMA TAYLOR, 608 Durham Street, Phila, Pa JACQUELINE TAYLOR, 2250 N Main Street, Bethlehem, Pa JANE TAYLOR, 316 E Broad Street, Quakertown, Pa PHYLLIS TEIG, th Street, Franklin, Pa ELIZABETH TETI, 1709 Mifflin St, Phila, Pa JULIE THAYER, Grays Lane, Haverford, Pa BARBARA THOMAS, 3936 Grant Avenue, Phila, Pa LISA THOMAS, St Davids Ct, St Davids, Pa LOIS DAMOUTH THOMAS, Danville, Iowa MARGERAT THOMAS, 627 Stanwood Ave, Phila, Pa ROSLYN THOMAS, 6000 C Street, Phila, Pa ELIZABETH LEE THOMPSON, 698 Beacom Lane, Merion, Pa JEAN THOMPSON, 920 E 16th Street, Chester, Pa THELMA THOMS, Lake Drive, City Park, New York, N Y JOANNE THOMSON, 412 McClenaghan Mill Road, Wynnewood, Pa JEANNE THOMSON, 412 McC l enaghan Mill Road, Wynnewood, Pa EMILIE THORNTON, 317 Airdale Road, Rosemont, Pa MARJORIE THORPE, Hilldale Road, Villanova, Pa ESTHER TIGUE, 3344 N 22nd Street, Phila, Pa ABIGAIL TINNEY, 314 Sycamore Avenue, Merion, Pa JOAN TOBIN, 1418 Comly Street, Phila, Pa MARY JANE TOBIN, 1927 Stokes Avenue, Collingswood, N J JOAN TODD, Church Road, Wyncote, Pa MARY-ELLEN TOLAN, 3443 Queen Lane, Phila, Pa HILDA TOMAR, 2600 N 23rd Street, Phila, Pa ILENE WELBER TOMBER, 619 Walnut Lane, Haverford, Pa ELLEN TOTTEN, 333 Saunders Street, Phi l a, Pa DELCIE TREBLOW, 257 S 16th Street, Phila, Pa CORINNE TRIMMER, Carlisle, Pa DORORES TRONCELLITI, 1522 Wynnewood Road, Ardmore, Pa KATHARINE TROWBRIDGE, 18 E Chestnut Avenue, Phila, Pa KATHERINE TRYON, 55 Terrace Road, Medford, Mass CHARLOTTE TURNER, Hempstead, N Y DORIS TURNER, 4362 Fleming Street, Phila, Pa JOAN ANN UBERMAN, 633 Malvern Road, Ardmore, Pa J UDITH ULLMAN 605 N 25th Street, Reading, Pa ANNAMAE ULRICH, Edgehill and Terwood Streets, Huntingto n Valley, Pa HANNA UNTERBERGER, 4734 N 11th Street, Phila, Pa MAY VanBUEREN, 96 Magnolia Terrace, Springfield, Mass ELIZABETH VANCE, Atlantic City, N J JEAN VanESKY, Box 192 N Water Avenue, Sharon, Pa PEGGY VANKA, Whitebridge Farms, Rush and, Pa ROSE VASATURO, 339 N Felton Street, Phila, Pa JAN E VASTI N E, 267 Kent Road Wynnewood, Pa EVE VATZ, 3915 Locust Street, Phila, Pa ROSANNAH VEGA GOMMEZ, Hamilton Court, 39th and Ches, Phila, Pa JOANNE V E NESS, 107 Virginia Street Water loo, N Y GRACE VERRATTI, 2814 Miller Street, Phila, Pa FAYE VILENSKY 612 Atlantic Ave, Atlantic City, N J : JEAN VINCENT, 7th and Delancey Streets, Phila, Pa NANCY VOGT, 1501 N 5th Street, Phila, Pa MARGARET VOLLMER, Airdale and Wyndon Rds, Rosemont, Pa FAITH WACHSMAN 459 E 34th Street, Paterson, N J ANN WAECKEL, 1767 Sorinqfield Avenue, Merchantville, N J J E AN WAGNER 4413 Walnut Street, Phila, Pa VERNA WAGNER, Frankford Avenue and Wakeling Street, Phila, Pa EDITH WALKER, Woodbury, N J JA N ICE WALKER, Warner Road Meadowbrook Pa JOAN WALSH 2056 Simon Street, Phila, Pa ELSIE WALTERS, Lebanon, Pa MARY JANE WALTERS, RD 1, Glen Mills, Pa MARY WALTERS, Logtown House, Wawa, Pa BARBARA W ALTNER, 303 Cortlandt Ave, Mamaroneck, N Y NEVADA WARD, 1229 N 12th Street, Phila, Pa JANICE WARSHAW, 6212 Webster Street, Phila, Pa ANN WATERHOUSE, 2332 University Avenue, New York, N Y JU N E WATLINGTON, Durham, Pembroke, Bermud a ELIZABETH ANN WATTS, 133 S 37th Street, Phila, Pa DORORES ANN WEBER, 502 Ridge Ave, Allentown, Pa ELIZABETH WEBER, Kinsgton, Pa MARGARET WEBER, 132 Rex Avenue, Phila, Pa A N N WEBSTER, 8004 Winston Road, Phi la, Pa BERNADETTE WEBSTER, 5230 Rodman Street, Phila, Pa ELAINE WEBSTER Wilmington, Del SHULAMITH WECHTER, th Avenue, Phila, Pa GERTRUDE WEIDMAN, 38 N Columbia Street, Woodbury, N J ELSIE WEIGAND, 1113 Dyre Street, Phila, Pa LULU BUSH WEIK,, Trenton, N J SUSANNE WEIL, 34 W Gowan Street, Phila, Pa KATHRYN WEIMAR, 63 W Plumstead Ave, Lansdowne, Pa EDITH ANN WEINER, 6224 N 12th Street, Phila, Pa ELLYN WEINSTEIN, 4935 Monument Road, Phila, Pa JOAN WEINTROB, Brooklyn, N Y MARYELLEN WEISMAN, 2417 N 52nd Street, Phila, Pa GAIL WEISS, 415 S 46th Street, Phila, Pa GRACE KURTZ WEISS, Wilmington, Del LOIS WEISS, 175 Upland Terrace, Ba la, Pa ROWENA WEISS, 6407 Berks Street, Phila, Pa SYDELLE WEISS, 908 Melrose Avenue, Melrose Park, Pa JOAN WELLS, New Hope Road, Aquetong, Pa DEBORAH WELSH, Lima, Pa ALICE WENTZ, 2838 N Bailey, Phila, Pa RUTH WERTS, 108 S 36th St, Renovo, Pa ELIZABETH WEST, Fort Washington, Pa PHEBE W ETHERSTINE, 518 Irvington Road, Drexel Hil, Pa RUTH WEST, 390 Lakeside Road, Ardmore, Pa BARBARA WEXLER, 917 N Franklin, Phila, Pa EDNA WHITE, 10 N Prospect Avenue, Norristown, Pa NANCY Ill WHITE, 399 Fullerton Parkway, Chicago, BARBARA WHITING, Box 93, Sterling Run, Pa MARY WIACEK, 3110 Richmond Avenue, Phila, Pa ALLISON WIEDORN, U S Naval Shipyard, Quarters A Leagu e Island, Phila, Pa RUTH WILENT, 2527 S 19th Street, Phila, Pa ELIZABETH WILEY, 3253 Potter, Phila, Pa CHARLOTTE WILFOND, 4802 Ventnor Avenue, Ventnor City, N J URSULA WILHELM, 345 Windemere Avenue, Lansdowne, Pa JOAN WILLIAMS, 1104 Childs Avenue, Drexel Hill, Pa MILDRED WILLS, 4605 Springfield Avenue, Phila, Pa 1 07

109 REMBRANDT STUDIOS INCORPORATED Official Photographers to th e 1950 Dolphin PORTRAITS WITH MODERN CHARM 1726 Chestnut Street Philadelphia 3, Pa RIttenhouse

110 Need Help in a Hurry? Call CONDIE'S Employment Service Helen Robeson, Lic * OFFICE PERSONNE L * MEDICA L * TECHNICAL * SALES Boulevard GRanite TH MEET THEATRE BUILDIN G UPPER DARBY, PA COSMETICS PATENTS WINTER' S 128 South 36th Stree t SCHOOL SUPPLIES GREETING CARD S STATIONER Y FOUNTAI N Flowers Telegraphed Everywher e EDGAR E HECSH BAring FLOWERS GIFT S 3407 Walnut Street Philadelphia, Pa VAN HORN & S ON Theatrical Costumer s Costumes to Rent for Plays, Operas, Pageants, Masquerades, etc Established WE SUPPLY THE COSTUMES FOR THE MASK AND WI G CLUB, PENN PLAYERS AND THE BOWLING GREEN 811 Chestnut Street Philadelphia 7, Penna 1 0 9

111 THE TOWNSEND Employment Service Under the Personal Supervision o f MARY A TOWNSEN D Owner * POSITIONS NOW OPEN FOR COLLEGE MEN AND WOMEN Interviews : Monday to Friday 9 A M to 4 P M Saturdays 9 A M to 1 P M * 1411 Walnut Street RIttenhouse JEWELERS SINCE Years in Philadelphia is your assurance of honest value and qualit y merchandise Send for Our Catalog Illustratin g Diamonds, Jewelry, Silverware, Watches and Stationery * DIVIDED PAYMENT PLA N AVAILABL E * S KIND & SONS Jewelers CHESTNUT STREET AT BROA D Philadelphia 7, Pa STATIONERY GIFT HEADQUARTER S CLASS RINGS AND JEWELRY LENDING LIBRARY GREETING CARD S * THE BENNETT SHOP RUTH'S YARN SHOPP E Full Line of Yarns and Needle s * Specializing in Minerva Yarn s and Nylon Sock Packs 3939 Sansom Street Philadelphia 4, Pa (University Owned and Operated ) * Compliments REPORT COVERS LATEST FICTION OFFICIAL UNIVERSITY TEXTBOOKS AND SUPPLIES COKE CORNER RING BINDERS o f A FRIEND Ho

112 rmits MIL Secretarial Training Typing, shorthand and offic e procedures are your entry pe into the business world Know them thoroughly and you're employable anywhere, with a wide choice of interesting jobs open to you Peirce School is a tradition with colle e women preparin for a business career Call, write, o r telephone PElRCE PEnnypacker for information on Peirce Secr Courses etarial SCHOOL O F BUSINESS ADMINISTRATIO N 1420 Fine Street Philadelphia 2, Pa Aristocrat DIRECTORY (Continued) ALICE WILSON, 407 Residence Park, Palmerton, Pa MARILYN WILSON, 10 Lougheed Ave, West Caldwell, N J MARIAN WINTER, Ridge Pike, RD 2, Conshohocken, Pa RUTH WISER, 6006 Cobbs Creek Parkway, Phila, Pa MARY WITTMER, 22 Moore Street, Princeton, N J IRENE WOEHRLE, 132 George Avenue, Wilkes Barre, Pa HELENE WOLDORF, 1002 Duncan Avenue, Yeadon, Pa PATRICIA WOLF, 290 West End Avenue, New York City, N Y LILA WOLFMAN, 1622 N 29 Street, Phila, Pa SALLY WOLD, 148 Plaza Avenue, Waterbury, Conn RUTH WOLL, 309 Bewly Road, Havertown, Pa SARA WOLL, 681 Meeting House Road, Elkins Park, Pa ANNETTE WOLOWITZ, 1455 W Olney Road, Phila, Pa CLAIRE WOMPIERJOI, 109 Catharine Street, Phila Pa JOSEPHINE WOODWARD, Woodstown, N J JOANNE WORTHINGTON, 144 N 32nd Street, Camden, N J RUTH WORTHINGTON, 212 S 4th Street, Phila, Pa EDNA YARNALL, Cochranville, Pa ROSALYN YASKIN, Garden City Apt, 47th and Pine Streets, Phila, Pa DORIS YELLENBERG, 5371 Hazelhurst, Phila, Pa ANN YENGLING, 3621 Stokly Avenue, Phila, Pa ANN YURKOVIC, 498 W High Street, Elizabethtown, Pa SELMA ZEITLIN, 943 N Wood Street, Linden, N J JOYCE ZELDIN, 251 S 52nd Street, Phila, Pa CORINNE ZELSON, 336 S 17th Street, Phila, Pa BLANCA ZEPEDA, Cello La, Tegucigalpa Hondura s SONDRE ZERULD, 763 Smylie Road, Phila, Pa IRENE ZESINGER, 118 Rex Avenue, Phila, Pa ELSIE ZIEGLER, Clementon, N J TYPEWRITERS! Repairing All Makes K is ALWAYS Your Best Food Buy! DAIR Y Aristocrat PHILADELPHIA DAIRY PRODUCTS CO MILK AND ICE CREAM * University Typewriter Co OPPOSITE CAMPU S BAring VICTOR V CLAD CO Manufacturers FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT and COOKING UTENSIL S China Glass Silverware * South 11th Stree t Philadelphia 7, Pa Phone : Kingsley


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