Western Front: Campaign of 1917 Cam brai, N ov. 20 Dec. 4

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1 30 THE LEGION IN GEORGIA L Warrant Officer... M Warrant Officer, Army mine planter service... N Cadet O Nurses, Army Corps... P (a) Sergeant Major, Regimental... Sergeant Major, C. A. C. Senior Grade... (b) Quartermaster Sergeant, Senior Grade, Q. M. C.,..~ Master Hospital Sergeant, Medical Corps... Master Engineer, Senior Grade, Corps, Engineers... Master Electrician, Coast Artillery Corps..._. Master Electrician, Air Service... Master Signal Electrician... Bandleader... (c) Hospital Sergeant, Medical Corps... Master Engineer, Junior Grade, Corps of Engineers... Engineer, Coast Artillery Corps... Q Ordnance Sergeant, Squad and Battalion...1 Quartermaster Sergeant, Quartermaster Corps... > Supply Sergeant, Regimental...) R Sergeant Major, Squad and Battalion... Sergeant Major, Junior Grade, Coast Artillery Corps Supply Sergeant, Battalion... Three Chevrons and an Arc of Three Bar Three Chevrons and an Arc of Two Bars Three Chevrons and an Arc of Two Bars V Lozenge in the Angle S (a) First Sergeant... (b) 1 Sergeant, 1st Class, Medical Corps... 2 Sergeant, 1st Class, Quartermaster Corps... 3 Sergeant 1st Class, Corps of Engineers Sergeant, 1st Class, Air Service... 5 Sergeant, 1st Class, Signal Corps... 6 Electrician Sergeant, 1st Class, C. A. C... 7 Electrician Sergeant, 1st Class, Arty. Det. U.S.M.A... 8 Assistant Engineer, Coast Artillery Corps _ (c) Master Gunner, Coast Artillery Corps... Master Gunner, Artillery Det., U. S. Military Three Chevrons and an Arc of One Bar Academy... Band Sergeant and Assistant leader, Military Academy... Assistant Band Leader... Sergeant Bugler Electrician Sergeant, 2nd Class, Coast Artillery Corps... Electrician Sergeant, 2nd Class, U. S. Military Academy... Radio Sergeant T Color Sergeant... U Sergeant, Supply Company... Mess Sergeant.... Stable Sergeant... Fireman, Coast Artillery Corps V Corporal... - Corporal Bugler... W Private, First class... X Private,... Y Recruit... } } * Three Chevrons Two Chevrons One Chevron T w o H u n d r e d D ays o f Ba t t l e Tw o of every three Americans who reached France took p art in battle. O f the 2,084,0 France, 1,390,000 saw service a t the front. T h e thirteen m ajo r operations w ere: O perations Western Front: Campaign of 1917 Cam brai, N ov. 20 Dec. 4 Approxim ate number of A m ericans engaged 2,500

2 GEORGIA IN THE WORLD WAR 31 W estern F ront: Campaigns o f 1918 German offensives o f M arch 21 July 18 Somme, M arch 21 A pril 6 2,200 Lys, A pril Aisne, M ay 27 June 5 27,500 N oyon-m ontdidier, June ,000 Cham pagne-m arne, July ,000 A llied offensives, July 18 N o v. n A isne-m arne, July 18 A ug ,000 Somme, Aug. 8 N ov ,000 Oise-Aisne, Aug. 18 N ov ,000 Ypres-Lys, Aug. 19 N ov ,000 St. M ihiel, Sept ,000 M euse Argonne, Sept. 20 N ov. 11 1,200,000 Italian F ront: Campaigns o f 1918 V ittorio-v eneto Oct. 24 N ov. 4 1,200 O f the 42 divisions th a t reached France 29 took p art in active com bat service. Seven of these were Regulars, eleven were organized from the N ational G uards and eleven made up of N ational A rm y troops. American divisions were in battle 200 days and engaged in 13 m ajor operations. From the middle of August until the end of the war, Am erican divisions held, during the greater p a rt of the time, a longer line in the fro n t than the British. In O ctober 101 miles, or 23 per cent of the entire w estern fro n t was held by A m erican troops. In the first of April, the Germans held a superiority of 324,000 in rifle strength, but due to American arrivals, the Allied strength exceeded th at of the Germans in June, and was more than 600,000 above it in Novem ber. U N IT E D S T A T E S A R M Y April 1, 1917 STRENGTH Regular Army ,588 National Guards...164,292 Total... November 11, 1918 Increments Commissioned Enlisted Regular Army ,874 National Guards ,978 Reserve Corps and National Army , ,458 Inducted , ,458 2,810, ,880 3,891,540 3,891,540 Total strength of the Army... 4,173,420 AMERICAN ARMY CASUALTIES IN WORLD WAR A. E. F. France A. E. F. Siberia Grand Total Battle Officers Nurses Enlisted Total Officers Nurses Enlisted Total Total Deaths Killed in action...1, ,886 37, ,568 50,510 Died of wounds re ceived in action ,375 12, ,942 Wounded not mortally , , , ,673 T otal , , , ,183

3 32 THE LEGION IN GEORGIA Diseases and other causes Died of disease... Died of accidents... Drowned... Suicide... Murder or homicide... Executed... Other causes... Total GEORGIANS SERVING IN THE UNITED STATES ARMY, DURING THE WORLD WAR Commissioned... No figures available Enlisted personnel: Voluntary enlistments, men... 26,501 Voluntary enlistments, Women (Army Nurse Corps Inducted or drafted 68,820 T otal... 93,559* *War Department attributed to Georgia, enlisted personnel only, Army, Navy, and Marine Corps inclusive, a total of 103,288. CASUALTIES SUFFERED BY GEORGIANS SERVING IN THE UNITED STATES ARMY DURING THE WORLD WAR BATTLE DEATHS Killed in Action and Died of Wounds Received in Action White: Officers, 69; Enlisted men, 434; Total, 503. Colored: Officers, 2; Enlisted men, 35; Total, 37. Grand total, 540. Wounded in Action White: Officers, 200; Enlisted men, 1,619; Total, 1819, AEF CEMETERY Officers and Enlisted A E. F. and U. S , , , ,466 Colored: Officers. 4; Enlisted men, 84; Total, 88; Grand total, 1,907. Gassed During Conflict White: Officers, none; Enlisted men, 27; total, 27. Colored: Officers, none, Enlisted men, 2; total, 2. Grand total, 29. Grand total, white and colored, 1,936. DEATHS FROM DISEASE AND OTHER CAUSES (White Only) Officers Enlisted Tot; Lost at sea-otranto Disease in France, England, etc., **Disease in United States Accidents, etc., France, England ^Accidents in United States Total ,028 1,092 **Statistics published by the War Department gives Georgia s loss by disease and other causes in the A E. F. and in the U. S. during the World War as 2,366 men, white and colored. Most of the casualties suffered by the colored troops of Georgia were froir disease, (pneumonia or complications). *Dates within which these losses occurred are fron: April 6, 1917 to December 1st, 1918.

4 GEORGIA IN THE WORLD WAR 33 MESVES, FRANCE Georgia's Dead O f all the resources of Georgia, the m ost precious contribution which the State made was her men, m ost of whom were youths in age and experience, and no history of G eorgia s participation in the W orld W a r would be complete w ithout a roster of Georgians who made the supreme sacrifice, or who were wounded. T he lists of Georgians, which follow, who died in b a ttle ; from disease or accident, while serving in the Army, and the M arine Corps, during W orld W ar, are taken from the records found in the M ilitary D e p a rtment, State of Georgia. U sing the utm ost care and diligence, even rechecking the roster, there still exists a discrepancy of fifteen names. T he total secured from the records in Georgia is 540, while official W ashington gives G eorgia a total battle death of 525. It is granted that the inform ation contained on these cards, in many cases, is as indefinite as it is incomplete. This, however, is n o t the fault of, nor is it intended to be a reflection upon the M ilitary D epartm ent, State of G eorgia, as it only accepted w h a t was re ceived from higher and original sources. T he list of battle deaths, and deaths from natural or accidental causes of Georgians serving in the N avy, was taken from an official publication of the N avy D epartm ent, published In a section devoted to the negroes of Georgia will be found a roster of colored G eorgians who made the supreme sacrifice, or were wounded. N o list was compiled of those who died of diseases in France or in the U nited States, or those who perished in accidents, or from other causes. T he greater numb er of negroes in G eorgia were inducted into service and the m ajority of deaths in this race were from pneum onia or its complications. T he lists of wounded, Army, white and colored, and the M arine Corps, are taken from the records in the M ilitary D epartm ent, State of G eorgia. T he list of Georgians, dying of disease or accidents in the Am erican Expeditionary Forces, embraces th at period from A pril 6, 1917 until the return of the Am erican forces to the U nited States. Definite dates, how ever, were necessary fo r the com pilation of

5 34 THE LEGION IN GEORGIA a list of Am erican soldiers who died while being trained in the various camps in the U nited States. These dates being from A pril 6, 1917 to Decem ber 1, I t is readily acknowledged th at many Georgians who served, have died since their return to civil life, whose deaths could be traced to wounds or diseases contracted while in the service o f the N ation. A nd there are m any G eorgians now suffering physical handicaps the result of their service in the W orld W ar. A ll these men too, rightfully, should be num bered among those who have contributed all or much upon the altar of patriotism. P A L M A M Q U I M E R U IT F E R R A T (L et him bear the palm who has deserved it). Georgia's Dead H igh on the mountain s granite cloud-rests, carve T he record o f our boys o seas; tell how Though fa r away fro m hom e s fam iliar scenes They fo u g h t fo r freedom s hearth-stone fires, To make the world safe fo r democracy. Tell how above the conflict s roar they heard A voice and, on the m idnight sky o f France, They saw a face, both o f which spoke o f one W ho, on her knees, in fa r America, W as lifting battlefields to God. Tell how They fo u g h t at St.M ihiel; how undismayed They fell d the A rgonne fo rest: how unblanch d They stood mid the trenches; how they pierc d H indenberg s line, suppos d to be, till then, Im pregnable, now but a spider s web They won because they were A m ericans! H ell-gate itself could not withstand the fires T hat volley d fro m the guns o f Pershing s m en! Then tell, in so fte r cadence, how today, Beneath the lilies o f that distant land, In many a silent battle-mound, they sleep W h o fell besides the M arne, in Belleau W oods, A n d at Verdun. Twas the same hero-strain That, up the stony steeps o f G ettysburg, U rg d Pickett s men to im m ortality: T hat flushed in Pelham s cheek; that glorified Our Conquer d Banner on a thousand fields O f victory. H ig h upon the m ountain brow, Up there, in golden star-land s m ystic mist, W h e re our sym bolic eagle builds his nest, Carve every name let not a name be lost Carve them where crystal sunbeams love to play, W here loftiest lamps are lit, where dawn distils H e r holiest dews, and where untrodden snows A re w hitest, in the all-seeing eyes o f God W here, on the summit, sighs the morning breeze, T here carve them all, and carve them close to L e e s! Lucian L am ar Knight, a Georgian, Arm stice D ay

6 GEORGIA IN THE WORLD WAR 35 Georgians Who Made the Supreme Sacrifice on the Field of Battle in France W hile Serving in the United States Army K IL L E D IN A C T IO N or D IE D O F W O U N D R E C E IV E D IN A C T IO N O f fic e r s ALLEN, Charles B., Res., Fulton; Born, Fulton; Rank, 1st Lieut.; Org., Co. C, 4th Inf., 3rd Div.; Died, , KIA Meuse-Argonne. ANDERSON, James A., Res., Emanuel; Rank, 1st Lieut.; Org., Co. F, 28th Inf., 1st Div.; Died, , KIA (2) Cantigny. ANDERSON, John Wilcox, Res., Fulton; Born, Bibb; Rank, 2nd Lieut.; Org., 327th Inf., 82nd Div.; Died, , KIA Sommerance. BARRETT, Blanton, Res., Fulton; Born, Wilkes; Rank, Captain; Org., Co. B, 307th Inf., 77th Div.; Died, , KIA near Badonville. BATTEY, Louis LeGarde, Res., Richmond; Born, Richmond; Rank, Captain; Org., Co. A, 325th Inf., 82nd Div.; Died, , KIA Argonne. BAUER, Roy L., Res., Fulton; Born, Fulton; Rank, 2nd Lieut.; Org., Btry. B, 17th F. A., 2nd Div.; Died, , KIA Sommepy. BEASLEY, Tom Reed, Res., Tattnall; Born, Tattnall; Rank, 1st Lieut.; Org., Co. D, 4th Inf., 3rd Div.; Died, WRIA Argonne. BELL, Virgil T., Res., Cherokee; Born, Cherokee; Rank, 2nd Lieut.; Org., MG Co., 326th Inf., 82nd Div.; Died, , WRIA (2) Argonne. BREWSTER, Eldon Foote, Res., Fulton; Born, Coweta; Rank, 2nd Lieut.; Org., Co. F, 58th Inf., 4th Div.; Died, , BREWSTER, Joseph Spurgeon, Res., Polk; Born, Polk; Rank, 2nd Lieut.; Org., Co. F, 59th Inf., 4th Div.; Died, , KIA Chiezzy. BYRD, George Harold, Res., Gwinnett; Bom, Gwinnett; Rank, 1st Lieut.; Org., 327th Inf., 82nd Div.; Died, , KIA (2) Argonne. CLAXTON, James H., Res., Macon; Born, Macon; Rank, 1st Lieut.; Org., 307th Eng., 82nd Div.; Died, , KIA St. Juvin. COCHRAN, Robert J., Res., Mitchell; Rank, 1st Lieut.; Org., 8th Aero. Sq. Air Service; Died, , KIA Fayeens. CONKLING, Joseph W., Res., Fblton; Born, (Texas) ; Rank, Captain; Org., 327th Inf., 82nd Div.; Died , WRIA (1) Sommerance. CRITTENDEN, Charles G., Res., Thomas; Born, (Va.) ; Rank, 2nd Lieut.; Org., 7th F. A., 1st Div.; Died , KIA (2). DESAUSSURE, Edward C., Res., (Fla.) ; Born, Fulton; Rank, 1st Lieut.; Org., 328th Inf., 82nd Div.; Died, , KIA (1) Sommerance. ENGLISH, Math L., Res., (Washington) ; Born, Glascock; Rank, Captain; Org., 344th Bn. Tk. Cps.; Died, , KIA (1-2-7) Cheppy. EVANS, Beverley D., Jr., Res., Chatham; Born, Washington; Rank, 1st Lieut.; Org., 20th MG Bn., 56th Inf;, 6th Div.; Died, , KIA Ste Marie Ferme. FORRESTER, Robert R., Res., Fulton; Born, Fulton; Rank, 1st Lieut.; Org., Co. L, 327th Inf., 82nd Div.; Died, , WRIA (1) Pont-a-Mousson. GEORGE, Calvin, Res., Fulton; Born, Bibb; Rank, 2nd Lieut.; Org., Co. F, 28th Inf., 1st Div.; Died, , KIA (2) Soissons. GILLESPIE, Henry T., Res., Banks; Born, Banks; Rank, 2nd Lieut.; Org., Co. H, 168th Inf., 42nd Div.; Died, , KIA Argonne. GOLDSMITH, Carl, Res., Fulton; Bom, Fulton; Rank, 2nd Lieut.; Org., Co. M, 328th Inf., 82nd Div.; Died, , KIA (2) Argonne. HALL, Asbury J., Res., Emanuel; Born, Emanuel; Rank, 2nd Lieut.; Org., Co. H, 23rd Inf., 2nd Div.; Died, , KIA St. Mihiel. HANELY, Harry Edward, Res., Chatham; Born, (Mass.); Rank, 1st Lieut.; Org., Co. A, 101st Inf., 26th Div.; Died, , WRIA Meuse-Argonne. HARRIS, Charles Dashiell, Res., Regular Army, Entered U. S. Mil. Academy from Ga.; Born, (N. Y.) ; Rank, Captain; Org., 6th Eng., 3rd Div.; Died, , KIA (1-7) Clairs Chenes Woods. HARRISON, Charles Stuart, Res., Muscogee; Born, Muscogee; Rank, 1st Lieut.; Org., Co. F, 328th Inf., 82nd Div.; Died, , KIA Pont-a-Mousson. HENRY, Dickson Robert, Res., Fulton; Born, Bibb; Rank, Captain; Org.; 3rd AM TN, 7th Inf., 3rd Div.; Died, , KIA Ciergeries. HERRINGTON, William Gordon, Res., Emanuel; Born, Bibb; Rank, 1st Lieut.; Org., Med. Cps., 23rd Inf., 2nd Div.; Died, , KIA Aisne. HUMPHREYS, Ralph Wilbur, Res., Lincoln; Born, Lincoln; Rank, Captain; Org., Med. Cps., 16th F. Amb. Co., 2nd Div.; Died, , WRIA Somme. JEWEL, John M., Res., Fulton; Rank, 2nd Lieut.; Org., Inf.; Died, , JOEL, Lyons Y., Res., Fulton; Born, Fulton; Rank, 1st Lieut.; Org., Co. H, 328th Inf., 82nd Div.; Died, , WRIA Argonne. JONES, Persival Connally, Res., Jenkins; Born, Jenkins; Rank, 1st Lieut.; Org., 11th Inf., 5th Div.; Died, , KIA Meuse-Argonne. KINGERY, James Rountree, Res., Emanuel; Born, Emanuel, Rank, 1st Lieut.; Org., Co. B, 30th Inf., 3rd Div.; Died, , WRIA Marne. KROEGER, Harry Augustus, Res., Fulton; Born, (Tenn.) ; Rank, 2nd Lieut.; Org., 58th Inf., 4th Div.; Died, , KIA Villieura Savoy. LAUGHLIN, Ralph W., Res., Muscogee; Rank, 1st Lieut.; Died, , LAWRENCE, James J., Res., Fulton; Rank, 1st Lieut.; Died, , LeCONTE, William Louis, Res., Fulton; Born, Bartow; Rank, 2nd Lieut.; Org., Co. I, 59th Inf., 4th Div.; Died, , WRIA Aisne-Marne. LEVIE, Walter Hill, Res., Macon; Born, (Ala.) ; Rank, 1st Lieut.; Org., 327th Inf., 82nd Div.; Died, , KIA Cornay. LITTLE, Walter Michael, Res., Bibb; Born, Monroe; Rank, 2nd) Lieut.; Org., Supply Co., 328th Inf., 82nd Div.; Died, , WRIA (2) Meuse-Argonne. MADDOX, Joe Glenn, Res., Pike; Born, Monroe; Rank, 2nd Lieut.; Org., Co. I, 125th Inf., 32nd Div.; Died, , KIA Oise-Aisne. MARKS, Willoughby R Res., (Fla.) ; Born, Muscogee; Rank, 1st Lieut.; Org., 61st Inf., 5th Div.; Died, , KIA (1) Cunel. MATHIS, John Dawkins, Res., Sumter; Bom, Marion; Rank, 1st Lieut.; Org., 23rd Inf., 2nd Div.; Died, , KIA (1-7) Chateau-Thierry. MONTGOMERY, Charles D., Jr., Res., Fulton; Bom, Fulton; Rank, 1st Lieut.; Org., 9th MG Bn., 3rd Div.; Died, , WRIA (2) Meuse-Argonne. MONROE, George N., Res., Marion; Born, Marion;

7 36 THE LEGION IN GEORGIA Rank, Captain; Org., Co., B, 5th Tn. Hdqtrs., M. P.; Died, , KIA (1-2) Meuse-Argonne. NEEL, Joseph N., Jr., Res., Bibb; Born, Bibb; Rank, 1st Lieut.; Org., 327th Inf., 82nd Div.; Died, , WRIA St. Mihiel. OWENS, Justus Erwin, Res., Cobb; Born, Franklin; Rank, 1st Lieut.; Org., 326th Inf., 82nd Div.; Died, , KIA Chatel Chehery. PARHAM, Albert Whitfield, Res., Spalding; Born, (N. C.) ; Rank, 2nd Lieut.; Org., 308th Inf., 77th Div.; Died, KIA Meuse-Argonne. PHILLIPS, Mercer Marion, Res., Cobb; Bom, Cobb; Rank, 1st Lieut.; Org., 28th Inf., 1st Div.; Died, , WRIA Champagne-Marne. RAMBO, Benjamin Miller, Res., Fdlton; Rank, 2nd Lieut.; Org., 127th Inf., 32nd Div.; Died, , ROBERTS, Jaburs Bridges, Res., Jasper; Born, Monroe; Rank, 2nd Lieut.; Org., Co. F, 9th Inf., 2nd Div.; Died, , KIA (2-7) Medeah. ROSS, Henry Thomas, Res., Glynn; Born, Monroe; Rank, 1st Lieut.; Org., 101st F, Sig. Bn., 26th Div.; Died, , KIA Loraine. SETTLES, Paul Thomas, Res., Dooly; Born, Gwinnett; Rank, 2nd Lieut.; Org., 120th MG Co., 32nd Div.; Died, , WRIA Meuse-Argonne. SEWELL, Wilbur Stuart, Res., Washington; Born, Polk; Rank, 1st Lieut., Chaplain; Org., 30th Inf., 3rd Div.; Died, , KIA Champagne. SHANKLIN, Almeron Walton, Res., Floyd; Born, Floyd; Rank, 1st Lieut.; Org., 11th Inf., 5th Div.; Died, , KIA (1-7) Cunel. SIMPSON, Albert Bartow, Res., Fulton; Born, Chattahoochee; Rank, 1st Lieut.; Org., 11th MG Bn., 4th Div.; Died, , KIA (1) Nantillois. SMITH, Hamilton A., Res., Jenkins; Born, (Fla.); Rank, Colonel; Org., 26th Inf., 1st Div.; Died, , KIA (1-2-7) Soissons. SMITH, ROBERT D., Jr., Res., Fulton; Born, Douglas; Rank, 2nd Lieut.; Org., Co. L, 9th Inf., 2nd Div.; Died, , KIA Meuse-Argonne. SUTTON, Willie Clement, Res., Fulton; Born, Muscogee; Rank, 2nd Lieut.; Org., 3rd MG Bn., 1st Div.; Died , KIA (2) Meuse-Argonne. TATE, Edmund Brewer, Res., Elbert; Born, Elbert; Rank, 2nd Lieut.; Org., MG Co., 326th Inf., 82nd Div.; Died , KIA (2) St. Juvin. WALLACE. Robert Owens, Jr., Res., Fulton; Born. Fulton; Rank, 1st Lieut.; Org., 325th Inf., 82nd Div.; Died, , KIA Port sur Seille. WILLIAMS, James Earl, Res., Chatham; Born, Stewart; Rank, 2nd Lieut.; Org., Co. L, 325th Inf., 82nd Div.; Died , KIA St. Mihiel. WILLIAMS, Jewett, Res., Clarke; Born. Bibb; Rank, Captain; Org., 326th Inf., 82nd Div.; Died, , KIA Albert. WOOLEY, Basil Monroe, Res., Fulton; Born, Fulton; Rank, 1st Lieut.; Org., 59th Inf., 4th Div.; Died, , KIA Meuse-Argonne. NOTES (1) Distinguished Service Cross. (2) Citations. (4) Distinguished Service Medal. (5) Navy Cross. (7) Croix de Guerre. (8) Italian War Cross. KIA Killed in Action. WRIA Died of Wounds Received in Action. ENLISTED ADAMS, James W., Res., Jefferson; Born, Jefferson; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. E, 28th Inf.; Died, , KIA (2) Amiens. ADAMS, Thomas J., Res.. Franklin; Born, Hart; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. C, 327th Inf.; Died, , WRIA Sommerance. ADCOX, Cyrus, Res., Fulton; Born, (N. C.) ; Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., Co. C, 3rd MG Bn.; Died, , KIA (2). ALEXANDER, Calvin E., Res., Gordon; Born, Cherokee; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. H, 9th Inf.; Died, , KIA Champagne. ALLEGOOD, Olgiel, Res., Thomas; Born, Thomas; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. A, 13th MG Bn.; Died, , ALLEN, Dexter, Res., Bullock; Born, Bullock; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. D, 23rd Inf.; Died, , ALLISON, Fred M., Res., Chatham; Born, Chatham; Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., Co. A, 2nd Eng.; Died, , ARTHUR, Joel T., Res., Morgan; Born, Greene; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. E, 11th Inf.; Died, , AUSTIN, Albert, Res., Walton; Born, Walton; Rank, Pvt., 1st CL; Org., Hdqtrs Co., 30th Inf.; Died, , AUTRY, Archie C., Res., Floyd; Born, Clarke; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. D, 38th Inf.; Died, , WRIA St. Mihiel. AYERS, Thomas W., Res., Franklin; Born, Franklin; Rank, CorpL; Org., Co. C, 28th Inf.; Died, , KIA Marne. BAILES, James T., Res., Hall; Born, Clarice; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. E, 131st Inf.; Died, , WRIA Mort Homme. BAGGETT, Joseph B., Res., Thomas; Born, (A la.); Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. A, 164th Inf., 1st Div.; Died, , KIA (2). BANKSTON, William E., Res., Spalding; Born, Pike; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. M, 18th Inf.; Died, , BARNETT, Troy D Res., Spalding; Born, Spalding; Rank, Sergt.; Org., Co. C, 151st MG Bn.; Died, , KIA Verdun. BASS, Robert A., Res., Bibb; Born, Pulaski; Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., Co. B, 221st MG Bn.; Died, , KIA Sommerance. BAUGH, John Gordon, Res., Hancock; Born, Hancock; Rank, Sergt.; Org., Co. B, 7th Inf.; Died, , KIA Argonne. BAXTER, Jack, Res., Fulton; Born, Pauling; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. D, 55th Inf.; Died, , BENNETT, Dudley M., Res., Gordon; Born, Gordon; Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., Co. C, 30th Inf.; Died, , KIA Argonne. BEVERLY, William J., Res., Coffee; Born, Coffee; Rank, Pvt.; Hdqtrs. Co., 327th Inf.; Died, , WRIA Argonne. BLACK, Marvin B., Res., Madison; Born, Banks; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. G, 165th Inf.; Died, , KIA Argonne. BLAIR, Lonnie C., Res., Fulton; Born, (Fla.); Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. A, 3rd MG Bn.; Died, , BLANKENSHIP, Delma F Res., Bibb; Born, Henry; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. F, 167th Inf.; Died, , BLASINGAME, Joe J., Res., Crawford; Born, Crawford; Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., Co. M, 121st Inf.; Died, , BLISSITT, Thomas II., Res., Monroe; Born, Monroe; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. A, 151st MG Bn.; Died, , BOHANNON, Joel M., Res., Troup; Born. (Ala.) ; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. I, 167th Inf.; Died, BOSS, Otis, Res., Muscogee; Born, Wayne; Rank, Pvt.; Org.. Co. D, 14th MG Bn.; Died , BOSTICK, Lenton, Res., Laurens; Born, Laurens; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. H, 167th Inf.; Died, , BOYDSTON, Gaines Arvil, Res., Dade; Born,

8 GEORGIA IN THE WORLD WAR 37 (Ala.); Rank, Pvt.; Org., M. G. Co., 23rd Inf.; Died, , KIA (2) Verdun. BOYETT, Isaae R., Res., Berrien; Born, Berrien; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. C, 328th Inf.; Died, , BRAMBLETT, Charley M., Res., Murray; Born, Murray; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. A, 18th Inf.; Died, , KIA Aisne-Marne. BRAMBLET, John E., Res., Rabun; Born, Rabun; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. E, 26th Inf.; Died, , BRIDGES, Jesse D., Res., Sumter; Bom, Schley; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. A, 151st M. G. Bn.; Died, KIA BRITTAIN, Aulton D., Res., Douglas; Born, Douglas; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. C, 307th Inf.; Died, , BROADNAX, Samuel I., Res., Stewart; Born, Muscogee; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. E, 316th Eng.; Died, , WRIA Argonne. BROCK, Robert M., Res., Coweta; Born, Berrien; Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., Co. G, 9th Inf.; Died, , BROOKS, Homer D., Res., Gwinnett; Born, Gwinnett; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. L, 102nd Inf.; Died, , KIA Bois de Ormont. BROWN, Ben F., Res., Madison; Born, Clarke; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. B, 102nd MG Bn.; Died, , KIA Marcheville. BROWN, Feedor Milton, Res., Fulton; Born, Meriwether; Rank, Sergt.; Org., MG Co., 325th Inf.; Died, , KIA (2) Meuse-Argonne. BROWN, Francis E., Res., Rabun; Born, (N.C.) ; Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., Co. E, 116th Inf.; Died, , BROWN, James F., Res., Oconee; Bom, Oconee; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. I, 165th Inf.; Died, , KIA Meuse-Argonne. BROWNE, Jennings B., Res., Muscogee; Born, Newton; Rank, Bugler; Org., MG Co., 7th Inf.; Died, , KIA (1-7) Marne. BROWN, Leven, Res., Toombs; Born, Johnson; Rank, Pvt., 1st CL; Org., Co. F, 148th Inf.; Died, , KIA Heurne, Belgium. BROWN, Thomas M Res., Murray; Born, Gilmer; Rank, Corpl.; Org., Co. M, 325th Inf.; Died, , KIA Argonne. BROWN, Willis E. C., Res., Screven; Bom, Burke; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. B, 327th Inf.; Died, , WRIA Argonne. BRYANY, Lawson, Res., Grady; Born, Grady; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. C, 325th Inf.; Died, , WRIA Argonne. BUGG, Eddie H., Res., Oglethorpe; Born, Oglethorpe; Rank, Corpl.; Org., Co. M, 23rd Inf.; Died, , BUNTING, Chambers L., Jr., Res., Bibb; Born, (Va.) ; Rank, Corpl.; Org., Co. B, 151st M. G. Bn.; Died, , BURGESS, George G., Res., Emanuel; Born, (Mass.); Rank, Corpl.; Org., Co. D, 1st Bn., 18th Inf.; Died, , KIA Cantigny. BURK, Ira L., Res., Floyd; Bom, (Ala.) ; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. E, 23rd Inf.; Died, , KIA Meuse-Argonne. BURNS, Joe, Res., Wheeler; Born, Montgomery; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. G, 9th Inf.; Died, , BUTLER, James W., Res., Bartow; Born, Bartow; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. D, 165th Inf.; Died, , CALHOUN, Grover W., Res., Calhoun; Born, Calhoun; Rank, Cook; Org., Co. B, 3rd MG Bn.; Died, , KIA (1-7) Soissons. CANNON, John H., Res., Troup; Bom, (Ala.); Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. G, 28th Inf.; Died, , KIA (2) Soissons. CAMPBELL, Walter A., Res., Evans; Born, Dodge; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. C, 23rd Inf.; Died , CARNES, Laurence M., Res., Wilcox; Born, (Fla.); Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. 1, 166th Inf.; Died, , CARTER, Albert L., Res., Schley; Born, Schley; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. D, 18th Inf.; Died between , CARTER, Hermane, Res., Carroll; Bom, Carroll; Rank, Corpl.; Org., Co. D, 60th Inf.; Died, , CARTER, Preston B., Res., Hart; Born, Hart; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. K, 326th Inf.; Died, , WRIA Marcq. CARTER, Tea, Res., Miller; Born, Terrell; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. H, 148th Inf.; Died, , KIA Huerne, Belgium. CARTER, William B., Res., Fannin; Born, (N.C.); Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., Co. B, 26th Inf.; Died, , CARTER, William L., Res., Appling; Born, Appling; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. L, 165th Inf.; Died, , KIA Champagne-Marne. CASTLEBERRY, David L., Res., Fulton; Born, Fulton; Rank, Sergt.; Died, , CASTLEBERRf, Isaac, R., Res., Brooks; Born, Brooks; Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., Co. F, 167th Inf.; Died, , CASTLEBERRY, James F., Res., Dade; Born, Dade; Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., Co. F, 38th Inf.; Died, , CAVIN, Robert C., Res., Fulton; Born, Fulton; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. A, 23rd Inf.; Died, , WRIA Aisne Front. CAYLOR, Clifford, Res., Murray; Born, Murray; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. E, 166th Inf.; Died, , CHAMPION, William F., Res., Pickens; Born, Pickens; Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., Co. D, 23rd Inf.; Died, , KIA St. Mihiel. CHANDLER, James T., Res., Hall; Born, Hall; Rank, Corpl.; Org., Co. A, 327th Inf.; Died, , CHARLES, Robert H., Res., Murray; Bom, Gilmer; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. L, 61st Inf.; Died, , WRIA Bois de Mamaumont. CHERRY, Claude E., Res., Chatham; Born, Chatham; Rank, Sergt.; Org., Co. B, 11th MG Bn.; Died, , KIA (1) St. Thibeaut (Vesle River). CLARK, Emory S., Res., Jones; Born, Jones; Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., Co. E, 26th Inf.; Died, , WRIA Soissons. CLAXTON, Orlie F., Res., Jefferson; Born, Jefferson; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. K, 326th Inf.; Died, , CLEMENTS, Charles Gaston, Res., Habersham; Born, (N. C.) ; Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., Hdqtrs. Co., 328th Inf.; Died, , KIA (2). CLEMENTS, James A., Res., Telfair; Born, Montgomery; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. E, 9th Inf.; Died, , KIA Argonne. CLIETT, Earl I., Res., Grady; Born, Grady; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. I, 28th Inf.; Died, , CLIMER, Calvin C Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. B, 151st MG Bn.; Died, , COBB. Jesse J., Res., Dodge; Born, Dodge; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. M, 328th Inf.; Died, , COBB, Thomas, Res., Tattnall; Born, Tattnall; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. I, 166th Inf.; Died, , ' COCHRAN, Grady M., Res., Wilkes; Born, Lumpkin; Rank, Pvt.; Org. Co. E, 28th Inf.; Died, , COCHRAN, Ira D., Res., Gilmer; Born, Gilmer;

9 38 THE LEGION IN GEORGIA Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. L, 28th Inf.; Died, , KIA Ansonville. COLE, Stern C., Res., Chatham; Born, (N.Y.) ; Rank, Mechanic; Org., Btry. 124 F. A.; Died, , KIA Argonne. COLEMAN, Rufus E., Res., Grady; Born, Irwin; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. A, 3rd MG Bn.; Died, , WRIA (2). COLLINS, Robert D., Res., Houston; Born, Bibb; Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., Co. A, 151st MG Bn.; Died, , COLLINS, Thomas B., Res., Bibb; Born, Wilkinson; Rank, Pvt. 1st Cl.; Org., Co. I, 166th Inf.; Died, , COLLINS, Willie H., Res., Grady; Born, Grady; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. I, 28th Inf.; Died, , CONNER, Roy W., Res., Catoosa; Born, Catoosa; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. A, 308th Inf.; Died, , COOK, Charley B., Res., Campbell; Born, Campbell; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. A, 165th Inf.; Died, , COOK, Lonnie, Res., DeKalb; Born, Coffee; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Btry. E, 149th F. A.; Died, , COOK, Otis E., Res., Spalding; Born, Spalding; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. B, 151st M. G. Bn.; Died, , COOTS, Edgar, Res., Muscogee; Born, Paulding; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. A, 151st M. G. Bn.; Died, , COOPAGE, Joe B., Res., Lowndes; Born, Berrien; Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., Co. M, 325th Inf.; Died, , KIA Argonne. COWART, Riley J., Res., Coffee; Born, Coffee; Rank, Corpl.; Org., Co. G, 26th Inf.; Died, , CRONAN, Tom C., Res., Coffee; Born, Muscogee; Rank, Corpl.; Org., MG Co., 18th Inf.; Died, , KIA Hournelle. CROOKS, James O., Res., Bibb; Born, (S. C.) ; Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., Co. K, 9th Inf.; Died, , KIA Soissons. CUPP, George M., Res., Whitfield; Born, Catoosa; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. G, 166th Inf.; Died, , KIA Argonne. DANIELS, Henry P., Res., Dodge; Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., Co. F, 28th Inf.; Died, , KIA Cam tigny. DAVENPORT, Ernest W., Res., Cobb; Born, Cobb; Rank, Sergt.; Org., Co. A, 325th Inf.; Died, , KIA Argonne. DAVIS, Carl, Res., Floyd; Born, Union; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. E, 9th Inf.; Died1, , KIA Argonne. DAVIS, Coley M., Res., Berrien; Born, Telfair; Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., Co. D, 30th Inf.; Died, , KIA Joulgone. DAVIS, Herman K., Res., Pike; Born, Pike; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. A, 151st MG Bn.; Died, , DEAL, Claude L., Res., Johnson; Born, Telfair; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. G, 18th Inf.; Died, , WRIA Argonne. DELK, Onas C., Res., Pierce; Born, (Fla.) ; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. A, 30th Inf.; Died, , DINGLER, William L., Res., Haralson; Born, (Ala.) ; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. D, 26th Inf.; Died, , DIXON, Jesse L., Res., Pierce; Born, Pierce; Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., Co. D, 26th Inf.; Died, , DOBBS, William M., Res., Dawson; Born, Forsyth; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. L, 117th Inf.; Died, , DODSON, Walter C., Res., Decatur; Born, Echols; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. G, 327th Inf.; Died, , DOSTER, Allen C., Res., Barrow; Born, Barrow; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. G, 30th Inf.; Died, , DOZIER, Roy C., Res., Taliaferro; Born, Taliaferro; Rank, Corpl.; Org., Co. C, 16th Inf.; Died, , KIA (1-2-7) Argonne. DUNAGAN, Silas, Res., Hall; Born, Hall; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. A, 65th Inf.; Died, , KIA Verdun. DUNCAN, Tinney J., Res., Barrow; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. G, 9th Inf.; Died, , DUNN, Aubrey, Res., Troup; Born, (Ala.) ; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. H, 168th Inf.; Died, , KIA St. Mihiel. DUNN, Frank, Res., Murray; Born, (Tenn.) ; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. C, 165th Inf.; Died, , KIA Ourcq Heights. DUNNAHOO, Newton B., Res., Banks; Bom, Banks; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. B, 326th Inf.; Died, , DURHAM, Estes, Res., Greene; Born, Greene; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. F, 148th Inf.; Died, , DUBOSE, Harvey, Res., Pierce; Born, Berrien; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. I, 21st Inf.; Died, , EARLY, Joe, Res., Warren; Born, (N.C.) ; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. H, 51st Inf.; Died, KIA (2). EAVES, John B., Res., Haralson; Born, Haralson; Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., MG Co., 28th Inf.; Died, , KIA Cantigny, EDWARDS, John C., Res., Muscogee; Born, (Ala.) ; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. B, 167th Inf.; Died, , WRIA La Croix Reuge. ELLER, Jessie, Res., Harris; Born, Walker; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. B, 102nd Inf.; Died, , ELLIOT, Judge D., Res., Cherokee; Born, Cherokee; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. C, 26th Inf.; , KIA Verdun. ELROD, Frank, Res., Pickens; Born, Cherokee; Rank, Corpl.; Org., Co. E, 47th Inf.; Died, , ENTERS, Frank, Res., Monroe; Born, (S. C.) ; Rank, Corpl.; Org., Co., A, 151st M. G. Bn.; Died, , ESKEW, Willard J., Res., Walker; Born, (S. C.) ; Rank, Pvt., 1st CL; Org., Co. D, 324th Inf.; Died, , ESLINGER, Roy L., Res., Whitfield; Born, Whitfield; Rank, Corpl.; Org., Co. K, 9th Inf.; Died, , KIA Meuse-Argonne. ETCHISON, William G., Res., Crawford; Bom, Walton; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Hdqtrs. Co., 23rd Inf.; Died, , WRIA St. Mihiel. EVEANS, William R., Res., Gordon; Born, White; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. E, 28th Inf.; Died, , FALKNER, Elmo, Res., Pike; Born, Pike; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. D, 11th Inf.; Died, , KIA Meuse-Argonne. FARLEY, James M., Res., Spalding; Born, Spalding; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. M, 327th Inf.; Died, , KIA Fleville. FIELDING, Jesse N., Res., Thomas; Born, Thomas; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. F, 167th Inf.; Died, , FIELDS, Henry J., Res., Glynn; Born, Bibb; Rank, Sergt.; Org., Co. F, 60th Inf.; Died, , WRIA Bonvaux Woods. FIELDS, Lewis F Res., Muscogee; Born, (Ala.) ; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. E, 11th Inf.; Died, , KIA St. Mihiel. FIELDS, Luther Franklin, Res., Muscogee; Born, (S. C.) ; Rank, Pvt.; Org.. M. G. Co., 7th Inf.; Died, , KIA 2nd Battle Mame.

10 GEORGIA IN THE WORLD WAR 39 FINCHER, Homer, Res., Muscogee; Born, (Ala.) ; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. I, 167th Inf.; Died, , FINLEY, Jim William, Res., Butts; Born, Butts; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. K, 4th Inf.; Died, , FORTNER, James R., Res., Murray; Born, Murray; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. M, 325th Inf.; Died, , KIA Argonne. FORDHAM, Clarence D., Res., Laurens; Born, Laurens; Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., Co. C, 151st M. G. Bn.; Died, , FOWLER, William A., Res., Fulton; Born, Fulton; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. A, 167th Inf.; Died, , FRADY, Charles B., Res., Walker; Born, Walker; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. L, 328th Inf.; Died, , FRASIER, Hoke, Res., Troup; Born, Coweta; Rank, Supply Sergt.; Org., M. G. Co., 325th Inf.; Died, , KIA Argonne. FRIEDMAN, David, Res., Chatham; Born, Chatham; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. B, 103rd Eng.; Died, , KIA Bois de Rougis. FUNDERBURK, Willford, Res., Meriwether; Born, Meriwether; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. E, 26th Inf.; Died, , KIA Broyes. GARDNER, Tom E., Res., Clayton; Born, Fayette; Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., Co. A, 18th Inf.; Died, , KIA Chateau-Thierry. GASKIEN, Joe. F., Res., Coffee; Born, Coffee; Rank, Pvt.; Co. A, 328th Inf.; Died, , GARLAND, Grady L., Res., Habersham; Bom, (N. C.) ; Rank Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., Co. L, 16th Inf.; Died, , GARRETT, Guy T., Res., Dodge; Born, (Ala.); Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. D, 11th Inf.; Died, , GEESLIN, Frank, Res., Randolph; Born, Randolph; Rank, Corpl.; Org., Co. B, 167th Inf.; Died, , WRIA Clost Rouge Fme. GIDDENS, Thomas B., Res., Dodge; Born, Dodge; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. A, 319th M. G. Bn.; Died, , GILBERT, Floyd J., Res., Morgan; Born, Walton; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. B, 102nd Inf.; Died, , GILLIS, Marvin, Res., Montgomery; Born, Montgomery; Rank, Sergt.; Org., Co. B, 11th M. G. Bn.; Died , WRIA Argonne. GODBOLD, John M., Res., Chatham; Born, Bullock; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. A, 1st Gas Regt.; Died, IB WRIA Vesges. GRANGER, Charies D., Res., Rockdale; Born, Rockdale; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. E, 9th Inf.; Died, , KIA Meacah Ferue. GRANT, Charles C., Res., Whitfield; Bom, Murray; Rank, Corpl.; Org., Co. K, 325th Inf.; Died, , WRIA Argonne. GRANTHAM, Willie, Res., Irwin; Born, Irwin; Rank, Pvt.; Org., M. G. Co., 30th Inf.; Died, , KIA Argonne. GRAVES, Charles, Res., (Tenn.) ; Born, Georgia; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. M, 117th Inf., 30th Div.; Died, , KIA Nuroy. GREEN, Bernard F., Res., Jones; Born, Jones; Rank, Mch. Sergt.; Org., Co. A, 151st M. G. Bn.; Died, , GREER, William Henry, Res,, Miller; Born, Heard; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. I, 166th Inf.; Died, , KIA Sedan. GRIFFIN, Charles S., Res., Fannin; Bom, Fannin; Rank, Corpl.; Org., Co. A, 117th Inf.; Died, , GRIFFIN, Thomas J., Res., Decatur; Born, Decatur; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. K, 166th Inf.; Died, , WRIA Serringes. GROGAN, Dawlman C., Res., DeKalb; Born, Milton; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. A, 13th M. G. Bn.; Died, , GROSS, Charles J., Jr., Res., Heard; Born, Heard; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. I, 325th Inf.; Died, , GUERRY, James W., Res., Bibb; Born, Sumter; Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., Co. B, 151st M. G. Bn.; Died, , KIA Chateau-Thierry. GUNNELLS, Grover C., Res., Madison; Bom, Madison; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. F, 125th Inf.; Died, , WRIA Verdun. GUNTER, William T., Res., Elbert; Bom, Elbert; Rank, Corpl.; Org., Co. B, 118th Inf.; Died, , GUY, William J., Res., Turner; Bom, Webster; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. K, 326th Inf.; Died, , HAGOOD, Luther D., Res., Milton; Bom, Milton; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. C, 163rd Inf.; Died, , HAMER, Ferrell L., Res., Troup; Born, Troup; Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., MD., Field Hospital No. 5; Died, , HAMRICK, Dells R., Res., Dade; Born, (Ala.); Rank, Pvt.; Org., MG Co., 9th Inf.; Died, , HARDEMAN, Oliver R., Res., Richmond; Born, Richmond; Rank, Corpl.; Org., Co. A, 9th Inf.; Died, , HARDIN, Amos, Res., Whitfield; Bom Whitfield; Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., Co. H, 26th Inf.; Died, , HARELSON, Reuben D., Res., Telfair; Born, Turner; Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., Supply Co., 16th Inf.; Died, , HARPER, Claude Roy, Res., Walton; Bom, Morgan; Rank, Corpl.; Org., Co. B, 7th Inf.; Died, , KIA Bois de Belleau. HARRISON, Forest H., Res., Richmond; Born, Mc Duffie; Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., Co. G, 18th Inf.; Died, , KIA Oise. HARRISON, Joe N., Res., Murray; Born, Murray; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. B, 102nd Inf.; Died, , HATCHER, Ollie Ralph, Res., Thomas; Bom, Ware; Rank, Corpl; Org., Co. C, 7th Inf.; Died, , WRIA Bois de Belleau. HAWKINS, Willie M., Res., Crisp; Born, Crisp; Rank, Sergt.; Org., Bty. B, 13th FA.; Died , HAWTHORNE, Charles E., Res,, Gwinnett; Born, Gwinnett; Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., Co. B, 30th Inf.; Died, , KIA Meuse-Argonne. HAYES, Eugene E., Res., Terrell; Born, Randolph; Rank, Pvt., 1st CL; Org., Co. K, 326th Inf.; Died, , HAYES, Quillian V., Res., Floyd; Born, Gordon; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. B, 23rd Inf.; Died, , WRIA Chateau-Thierry. HAYNES, Henry, Res., Morgan; Born, Heard; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. H, 325th Inf.; Died, , KIA Meuse-Argonne. HAYNES, Ezra B., Res., Jackson; Born, Ga.; Rank, Pvt., 1st CL; Org., Co. C, 354th Inf.; Died, , KIA Chateau-Thierry. HAYNIE, Louis A., Res., Coweta; Born, Cobb; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Hdqtrs. Co., 309th Inf.; Died, , HEAD, Ben D., Res., Douglas; Bom, Paulding; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. B, 148th Inf.; Died, , HEAD, Elijah L., Res., Fannin; Bom, Fannin; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. F, 9th Inf.; Died, , KIA Blanc Mont Ridge. HEARN, Paul, Res., Bibb; Born, Bibb; Rank, Pvt.,

11 40 THE LEGION IN GEORGIA 1st CL; Org., Co. A, 151st MG Bn.; Died, , HEFNER, Henry F., Res., Bartow; Born, (N. C.) ; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. B, 102nd Inf.; Died, , HELTON, George, Res., Haralson; Born, Haralson; Rank, Corpl.; Org., Co. A, 67th Inf.; Died, , HELTON, James H., Res., Chattooga; Born, Chattooga; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. C, 11th Inf.; Died, , KIA St. Mihiel. HENSON, Wiley J., Res., Gilmer; Born, Gilmer; Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., Co. B, 26th Inf.; Died, , HERREN, William A., Res., Fulton; Born, Fulton; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. M, 327th Inf.; Died, , HICKS, Green B., Res., Grady; Born, (Fla.) ; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. H, 38th Inf.; Died, , KIA Argonne. HIGGENBOTHAM, James L., Res., Newton; Born, Newton; Rank, Pvt.; Org., MG Co., 305th Inf.; Died, , HILLIARD, John K., Jr., Res., Dodge; Born, Dodge; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. G, 7th Inf.; Died, , WRIA Argonne. HOGAN, William A., Res., Campbell; Born, Campbell; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. B, 102nd Inf.; Died, , KIA Chateau-Thierry. HOLDER, John J., Res., Dodge; Born, Dodge; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. B, 30th Inf.; Died, ', HOLLAND, Henry, Res., Thomas; Born, Colquitt; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. A, 28th Inf.; Died, , HOLLAND, James C., Res., Carroll; Born, Carroll; Rank, Wagoner; Org., Sup. Co., 16th Inf.; Died, , KIA Morey. HOLLIS, Tom W., Res., Monroe; Born, Monroe; Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., Co. A, 151st MG Bn.; Died, , HOLLOWAY, Bennie F., Res., Putnam; Born, Jasper; Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., Co. G, 165th Inf.; Died, , WRIA Sedan. HOLT, Waron O., Res., Ware; Born, Ware; Rank, Pvt., 1st CL; Org., Co. C, 59th Inf.; Died, , KIA Marne. HOLT, John W., Res., Dodge; Born, Dodge; Rank, Pvt.: Org.. 328th Amb. Co., 307th San. T r.; Died, , HONE A, John T., Res., Cherokee; Born, Cherokee; Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., Co. D, 9th Inf.; Died, , HORTON. Thomas C., Res., Fulton; Born, Flovd; Rank, Pvt.. 1st CL; Org., Btry. F, 320th FA.; Died, , HOWARD, Delmar M., Res., Laurens; Born, Laurens; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. C, 151st MG Bn.; Died, , KIA Suippes. HUBBARD, Robert L., Res.. Greene; Born. Oglethorpe; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Hdqtrs Co., 327th Inf.; Died, , HUDSON, Daniel P., Res., Laurens; Born. Laurens; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. B, 151st MG Bn.; Died, , HUDSON, John W., Res., Calhoun; Born. Webster; Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., Co. I, 167th Inf.; Died, , HUGHS. Comar J., Res., Chatham; Born, Wilkinson; Rank, Pvt.: Org., Co. G, 328th Inf.; Died, , HULZY, Admiral Dewey. Res., Turner: Born, Stephens: Rank. Pvt., 1st CL; Org.1, Co. F, 26th Inf.; Died, , HUNT, Frank M., Res., Bibb; Bom. Butts: Rank, Pvt.: Ore.. Co. A. 151st MG Bn.; Died KTA. HUTCHIN, O. Bee, Res., Colquitt; Born, Colquitt; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. I, 166th Inf.; Died, , KIA Sedan. HYMAN, Samuel Hart, Res., Warren; Born, Wilkes; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. I, 327th Inf.; Died, , WRIA Fleville. IVESTER, Loyd, Res., Habersham; Born, Habersham; Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org,, Co. L, 327th Inf.; Died, , WRIA Fleville. JACKSON, Bruster, Res., Fulton; Born, Fayette; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. L, 128th Inf.; Died, , KIA Champagne. JOHNSON, Abbie Lee, Res., Washington; Born, Washington; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. B, 327th Inf.; Died, 1U-6-18, KIA Apremont. JOHNSON, Henry F., Res., Troup; Born, Meriwether; Rank, Corpl.; Org., Co. 1, 167th Inf.; Died, , JOHNSON, Rubie, Res., Gwinnett; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. E, 17th Inf.; Died, , KIA Meuse-Argonne. JONES, Ben H., Res., Carroll; Born, Carroll; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Hdqtrs Det., 10th MG Bn.; Died, , KIA Argonne. JONES, Searcy E., Res., Fayette; Born, Fayette; Rank, Pvt., 1st CL; Org., MG Co., 9th Inf.; Died, , JORDAN, Shepherd, Res., Richmond; Born, (S. C.) ; Rank, Corpl.; Org., Co. D, 328th Inf.; Died, , JORDAN, Thedore, Res., Fulton; Born, (Ala.) ; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. M, 38th Inf.; Died, , WRIA Marne. JUDGE, Laurence R., Res., Fulton; Born, Lowndes; Rank, Corpl.; Org., Co. L, 26th Inf.; Died, , KIA (2). KEIGANS, William, Res., Coffee; Born, Coffee; Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., Co. B, 328th Inf.; Died, , KIA (2). KEITH, Eunist, Res., Polk; Born, Carroll; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. I, 165th Inf.; Died, , KIA Meuse-Argonne. KELLY, Dan B., Res., Wilcox; Born, Banks; Rank, Pvt., 1st CL; Org., Co. K, 325th Inf.; Died, , KELLEY, Harvey L., Res., Decatur; Born, Decatur; Rank, Pvt., Mch.; Org., Co. M, 166th Inf.; Died, , WRIA 2nd Battle Marne. KELLY, Samuel, Res., Jones; Born, Bibb; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. E, 165th Inf.; Died, , KIA Sedan. KELLY, William J., Res., Pierce; Born, (S. C.) ; Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., Co. M, 165th Inf.; Died, , WRIA Meuse-Argonne. KENNEDY, Robert C., Res., Lee; Born, Terrell; Rank, Corporal; Org., Co. B, 328th Inf.; Died, , KICKLIGHTER, Charley, Res., Wayne; Born, Screven; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. C, 107th F Sig Bn.; Died, , KIA Verdun. KINNETT, Millard, N., Res., Newton; Born, Newton; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. B, 102nd Inf.; Died, , KIA Verdun. KIRK, Pank, Res., Haralson; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. B, 9th Inf.; Died, , KNIGHT, Otis, Res., Bibb; Born, Bibb; Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., Co. A, 151st MG Bn.; Died, , KNOX, Samuel P., Res., Stephens; Bom, Stephens; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. M, 28th Inf.; Died, , WRIA (1) Argonne. KYATT, Homer, Res., Muscogee; Born, (Ala.) ; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. L, 26th Inf.; Died, , WRIA Marne. LAKE, Eldridge, Res., Muscogee; Born (Ala.); Rank, Pvt., 1st CL; Org., Co. H, 148th Inf.; Died, , WRIA Heume, Belgium.

12 GEORGIA IN TEIE WORLD WAR 41 LAMBERT, John W., Res., Coweta; Born, Campbell; Rank, Pvt., Org., Co. K, 23rd Inf.; Died, ,,vuj LANEY, Estille Henry, Res., Fulton; Bom, Clayton; Rank, Pvt., 1st CL; Org., Btry D, 320th F. A.'; Died, , LEACH, Charlton Samuel, Res., Coweta; Born, Coweta; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. H, 9th Inf.; Died, , LEDFORD, Hubert, Res., Hall; Born, White; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. E, 6th Inf.; Died, , LEDDON, William E., Res., Crisp; Born, Crisp; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. A, 104th Inf.; Died, , LINDSEY, Broadus B., Res., Walton; Born, Walton; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 328th Inf.; Died, , LITTLE, James Franklin, Res., Baldwin; Born, Baldwin; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Hdqtrs Co., 327th Inf.; Died , LIVELY, Andey E., Res., Houston; Born, Haralson; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. G, 9th Inf.; Died, , KIA (2L LIVINGSTON, Cornelius, Res., Dodge; Born, Dodge; Rank, Sergt.; Org., MG Co., 310th Inf.; Died, , LONG, Charles V., Res., Bibb; Born, (Minn.) ; Rank, Corpl.; Org., Co. B, 151st M. G. Bn.; Died, , LONG, Joseph A., Res., Haralson; Born, Haralson; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. D, 23rd Inf.; Died, , WRIA Mont Blanc Ridge. LOVETT, Richmond L., Res., Tift; Born, Tift; Rank, 1st CL; Org., Co. E, 11th Inf.; Died, , LUNSFORD, Bedford B., Res., (Tenn.) ; Born, Union; Rank, Corpl.; Org., Co. M, 117th Inf.; Died, , KIA (1) Bellieourt. LUCK, Gaston L., Res., Campbell; Born, Campbell; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. E, 23rd Inf.; Died, , McCAULEY. Wylie V.. Res., Chattooga: Born, Dade; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Hdqtrs Co., 26th Inf.; Died, , WRIA Cantigny. McCLAIN, Robert J., Res.. Floyd: Bom, Floyd; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. B, 150th MG Bn.; Died, , McCORKLE, Archie J., Res., Richmond; Born, Richmond; Rank, Mechanic; Org., Co. G, 326th Inf.; Died, , McDONALD, James D., Res.. Early; Born, Earlv; Rank. Pvt.; Org., Co. B, 15th MG Bn.; Died, , KIA Frapelle. McDOUGAL, James E., Res., Whitfield; Bom, (Tenn.); Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. L, 6th Inf.; Died, McGINNIS, George, Res., Floyd: Born, Floyd- Rank, Pvt.; Ore-., Co. B, 102nd Inf.; Died, , McKENNEY. Daniel C., Res., Hall; Bom, Hall; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. M, 327th Inf.; Died, , McWILLIAMS, Ernest P.. Res., Bibb: Born, Paulding: Rank. Pvt.; Org., Co. A, 151st MG Bn.; Died, McWHORTER, Hal Beniamin. Res.. Clarke: Born, Greene: Rank, Sergt.; Org., MG Co., 325th Inf.; Died , KIA Argonne. MAHAFFEY, Emory, Res.. Fulton; Born. Gwinnett; Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., MD Det., 28th Inf.; Died, KIA (71 (U Cantigny. MANN. Arthur Y., Res.. Haralson: Born. Haralson; Rank. Pvt.: Org., Co. D, 11th Inf.; Died, , KIA St. Mihiel. 1 MANNING. Homer H.. Res., DeKalb: Born. (Texas) : Rank. Pvt.. 1st CL: Org., Co. A, 110th Inf.; Died KIA Bois de Harevalliers. MARCHMAN, Hyram H., Res., Meriwether; Born, Meriwether; Rank, Pvt., 1st CL; Org., MG Co., 166th Inf.; Died, , MARCHMAN, Paul H., Res. Gwinnett; Bom, Hancock; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. G, 165th Inf.; Died, , KIA Aubrive. MARS, John H., Res., Ben Hill; Born, Baker; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. H, 101st Inf.; Died, , WRIA Huppy Bois-Behen Rois. MARTIN, Cecil, Res., Muscogee; Born, (A la.); Rank, Corpl.; Org., Co. A, 11th Inf.; Died, , KIA St. Mihiel. MARTIN, James F., Res., Cobb; Born, (Ala.); Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., MG Co., 30th Inf.; Died, , MARTIN, Emmett L., Res., Pike; Born, Mitchell; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. B, 151st MG B.; Died, , KIA Chateau-Thierry. MASHBURN, William B., Res., Dooly; Born, Dooly; Rank, Corpl.; Org., Co. K, 18th Inf.; Died, , WRIA (2) Noyen. MASON, James, Res., Laurens; Born, Laurens; Rank, Pvt., 1st CL; Org., Co. B, 151st MG Bn.; Died, , KIA Sergy. MASSEY, Clarence L., Res., Muscogee; Born, Muscogee; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. L, 26th Inf.; Died, , MATHEWS, Ward, Res., Muscogee; Born, (Miss.) ; Rank, Corpl.; Org., Co. F, 18th Inf.; Died, , MAYO. William D., Res., Henry; Born, Henry; Rank, Pvt., Org., Hdqtrs Co., 58th Inf.; Died, , KIA Aisne-Mame. MILLER, Maudie K., Res., Hall; Born, Hall; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Btry C, 320th F. A.; Died, , WRIA Argonne. MIMMS, Oscar, Res., Miller; Born, Calhoun; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. B, 167th Inf.; Died, , MINTER, Paul B., Res.. Jasper; Born, Jasper; Rank, Sergt.; Org., Co. B, 151st MG Bn.; Died, KIA (1-71 Sergy. MOORE, Jarvis W., Res., Bibb; Bom, (N. C.) ; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. C, 151st MG Bn.; Died, , MORRIS, William S.. Res., Baldwin: Born, Baldwin; Rank, Sergt.; Org., Co. F, 38th Inf.; Died, , KIA Marne. MOSS, Claude L., Res.. Pickens; Born, Pickens; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. E, 9th Inf.; Died, KIA Mediah Farnie. MURPHY, Dellbert L., Res.. Bartow; Bom. Floyd; Rank, Pvt.; Org.. Co. B, 9th Inf.; Died, MURRAY, Willie C., Res., Dooly: Born, Dooly; Rank, Corpl.; Org., Co. B, 151st MG Bn.; Died, WRIA Sergy. NEAL, Manard, C.. Res.. Floyd: Born. Gordon; Rank, Pvt.: Org., Co. G, 26th Inf.; Died, , ICTAu Aisne-Marne NEBLETT, William. Res., Muscogee; Born, (Ala.); Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. G, 148th Inf.; Died, , WRIA Verdtm. NETTLES, Fred L., Res., Clinch; Born, Clinch; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. H, 166th Inf.; Died, , KIA Seringes. NEW, Thomas F., Res., Emanuel: Born. Harrison; Rank. Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., Btry. D, 119th F. A.; Died, NEWBERRY, Lester, Res., Gilmer; Born. Gilmer; Rank, Mechanic; Org., Co. A, 117th Inf.; Died, NICKOLSON. Miles G., Res.. Towns; Born, Towns: Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. I, 61st Inf.; Died, , KIA Argonne. NIX, Clyde Y.. Res.. Gwinnett; Born, Gwinnett: Rank, Corn!.; Org., M. G. Co., 327th Inf.; Died, NORTON, Daniel G., Res., Spalding; Born Cobb;

13 42 THE LEGION IN GEORGIA Rank, Corpl.; Org., Co. F, 47th Inf.; Died, , NUNNALLY, William O., Res., Banks; Born, Banks; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. A, 168th Inf.; Died, , KIA Argonne. NUCKOLLS, Byrant E., Res., Forsyth; Born, Forsyth; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. B, 102nd Inf.; Died, , Marchville. OLIVER, James M., Res., Pike; Born, Pike; Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., Co. C, 151st MG Bn.; Died, , KIA Suippes. O KELLEY, Russell G., Res., Hall; Born, Hall; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. H, 166th Inf.; Died, , KIA Marne. ODOM, Burcheall, Res., Early; Born, Early; Rank, Corpl.; Org., Co. E, 54th Inf.; Died, , O NEAL, Rufus C., Res., Meriwether; Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., Co. C, 321st M. G. Bn.; Died, , ORR, William Horace, Res., Cobb; Born, Cobb; Rank, Sergt.; Org., Co. A, 325th Inf.; Died, , KIA Argonne. PALMER, Leonard, Res., Carroll; Born, Carroll; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. I, 26th Inf.; Died, , WRIA (2) Soissons. PARKER, Ossie P., Res., Murray; Born, Murray; Rank, Pvt., 1st CL; Org., Btry. B, 42nd Arty.; Died, , PARKS, Richard, Res., Gilmer; Born, Fulton; Rank, Sergt.; Org., Co. L> 9th Inf.; Died, , WRIA Soissons. PARKS, Charles T., Res., Troup; Born, (Ala.); Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. F, 167th Inf.; Died, , PARSON, Giles, Res., Banks; Born, Banks; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. B, 9th Inf.; Died, , KIA Argonne. PATTERSON, James H., Res., Fannin; Born, Fannin: Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. D, 1st Eng.; Died, , WRIA (2) St. Mihiel. PAYNE, Amous, Res., Troup; Born, Troup; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. I, 148th Inf.; Died, , KIA Meuse-Argonne. PELFREY, William D., Res., Fannin; Born, Fannin; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. H, 9th Inf.; Died, PERRY, Cecil P Res., Laurens; Born, Laurens; Rank. Pvt.; Org., Co. D, 23rd Inf.; Died , PERKNER, Samuel J Res.. Fulton; Born, (N.Y.) ; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Hdqtrs Co., 327th Inf.; Died, PIERCE, James B., Res., Turner; Born, (Ala.) ; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. K, 326th Inf.; Died, , PIERCE, Ralph J., Res., Dougherty: Born, (Mass.); Rank, Pvt.; Org., M. G. Co., 167th Inf.; Died, PINKARD, William C., Res., Fulton; Born, (Fla.) ; Rank. Pvt.; Org., Co. A, 103rd Eng.; Died, , WRIA Bois de Rougis. PITTMAN, George T., Res., Fulton; Born, Richmond; Rank, Pvt., 1st CL; Org., Co. K, 166th Inf.; Died KIA Argonne. POMEROY, Albert R., Res., Effingham: Born, Bullock: Rank. Corpl.; Org., Btry. A, 118th F. A.; Died, Sinking of U. S. S. America. PORTER, Henry B.. Res., Barrow; Born. Jackson; Rank, Sergt.; Org., Co. G, 30th Inf.; Died, , KIA Argonne. POWELL Jesse D., Res., Jenkins: Born, (S.C.l ; Rank. Pvt.. 1st CL; Org., Co. K, 11th Inf.; Died, KIA Bois de Rapes. POWELL, Ira, Res., Habersham: Born. Habersham; Rank. Pvt.. 1st CL; Org., Co. K, 118th Inf.; Died, , KIA Bois de Rapes. QUINN, James Jackson, Res., Wilkinson; Born, Baldwin; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. E, 168th Inf.; Died, , KIA Foret de Fere. RABUN, Ransom S., Res., Jefferson, Born, Jefferson; Rank, Sergt.; Org., Co. M, 28th Inf.; Died, , RANEY, Everett L., Res., Habersham; Born, Rabun; Rank, Corpl.; Org., Hdqtrs Co., 28th Inf.; Died, , RATLEY, Roy S., Res., Sumter; Born, Sumter; Rank, Corpl.; Org., Co. C, 151st M. G. Bn.; Died, , KIA Suippes. RAYLE, James T., Res., Oglethorpe; Born, Oglethorpe; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. G, 38th Inf.; Died, , REAGAN, Thomas E., Res., Henry; Born, Rockdale; Rank, Corpl.; Org., Co. A, 9th Inf.; Died, , WRIA Mont Blanc Ridge. REEVES, John C., Res., Gwinnett; Born, Gwinnett; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. B, 47th Inf.; Died, , REGISTER, Lorton W., Res., Ray City, Ga.; Born, Halura, Ga.; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. I, 18th Inf.; Died, , RICHARDS, Robert P., Res., Union; Born, Fannin; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. I, 26th Inf.; Died, , WRIA (2) Monsard. RICKS, Osborne G., Res., Emanuel; Born, Emanuel; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. E, 165th Inf.; Died, , WRIA Argonne. RINER, Youstus H., Res., Chatham; Born, Emanuel; Rank, Pvt., 1st CL; Org., Hdqtrs Det., 103rd Eng.; Died, , WRIA Hendicourt. ROBERTS, Robert L., Res., Gwinnett; Born, Gwinnett; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. B, 15th M. G. Bn.; Died, , KIA St. Mihiel. ROBERTSON, Archie D., Res., Richmond; Born, (S. C.) ; Rank, Pvt.; Org., M. G. Co., 30th Inf.; Died, , KIA Argonne. ROBINSON, James A., Res., Carroll; Born, Ben Hill; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. M, 111th Inf.; Died, , WRIA Argonne. ROLAND, Arthur, L. Res., Pickens; Born, Pickens; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. L, 11th Inf.; Died, , KIA Marne River. ROOKS, Samuel I., Res., Carroll; Born, Carroll; Rank, Pvt.; Org., M.D. Det., 9th Inf.; Died, , ROPER, Beura R.. Res., Dawson; Born. Walker; Rank, PVt.; Org., Co. A, 15th M. G. Bn.; Died, ROPER, Tarley F.. Res., Fannin; Born, Fannin; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. K. 26th Inf.; Died, , WRIA Argonne. ROPER, William D.. Res., Dawson; Bom. Dawson; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. F', 9th Inf.; Died, , WRIA Blanc Mont Ridge. ROSS, Ernest C Res., Pike: Born, Pike; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. E, 28th Inf.; Died, , RUSSUM, Charles C., Res., Wilcox; Born, Franklin; Rank. Pvt.; Org., Co. K, 165th Inf.; Died, , KIA Chateau-Thierry. SAMMONS, Hall, Res., Glascock; Born, Glascock; Rank, Pvt.: Org., Co. I, 26th Inf.; Died, , KIA (2) Soissons. SAMPLEY, Ransom E., Res.. Floyd; Bom, (Tenn.) ; Rank, Pvt.. 1st CL; Org., Co. M, 26th Inf.; Died, WRIA (2) Meuse. SAMPLES, James P., Res., Gwinnett; Born, Forsvth; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. D, 39th Inf.; Died, SANDERS, Emmett J., Res., Bibb; Bom. Twiggs; Rank. Corpl.; Org., Co. A, 307th Am. T r.; Died SANDERS, John H Res., Laurens: Bom, Laurens; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. B. 15th M. G. Bn.; Died, , WRIA Bois de Rappes.

14 GEORGIA IN THE WORLD WAR 43 SANDMAN, Leon L., Res., Crisp; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. F, 353rd Inf.; Died, , KIA (3-7) Bois de Barricourt. SCOTT, Albert E., Res., Stephens; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. H, 101th Inf.; Died, , KIA (3-7) Aisne- Marne. SCOTT, Albert N., Res., Muscogee; Born, (Tenn.) ; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. F, 131st Inf.; Died, , WRIA Meuse River. SEAY, Newel, Res., Banks; Born, Banks; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. I, 128th Inf.; Died, , KIA Meuse. SELF, Solon S., Res., Meriwether; Born, Meriwether; Rank, Pvt.; Org., M. G. Co., 30th Inf.; Died, , KIA Vesle. SHEDD, Charles Lucurie, Res., Spalding; Born, Spalding; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Btry. F, 44th Art. CAC; Died, , KIA Bois de Vignuelles. SHIR AH, George C., Res., Macon; Born, Macon; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. K, 165th Inf.; Died, , WRIA Argonne. SHELTON, Wesley U., Res., Jackson; Born, Jackson; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. E, 327th Inf.; Died, , KIA Bellaire Farm. SHOEMAKER, Jethro, Res., Carroll; Born, (Ala.); Rank, Corpl.; Org., Co. K, 28th Inf.; Died, , KIA Cantigny. SIDDONS, John D Res., Fulton; Born, (W. Va.) ; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. B, 13 M. G. Bn.; Died, , KIA Bois de Cunel. SIMPSON, Walter S., Res., Stephens; Born, (S.C.) ; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. M, 28th Inf.; Died, , KIA (2). SLATON, John F., Res., Whitfield; Born, (Tenn.) ; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. G, 9th Inf.; Died, , SMITH, Corbin Wesley, Res., Mitchell; Born, Dooly; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. B, 4th Inf.- Died, , KIA Verdun. SMITH. Edgar D., Res., DeKalb; Born, DeKalb; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. C, 51st Inf.; Died, , SMITH, Gordon A., Res., Lowndes; Bora, Thomas; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. M, 327th Inf.; Died, , SMITH, Hascal C., Res., Elbert; Born, Elbert; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. G, 38th Inf.; Died, , SMITH, Hoyt W., Res., Bartow; Born, Bartow; Rank, Pvt., 1st CL; Org., Co. B, 121st Inf.; Died, SMITH, James, Res., Coweta; Born, Coweta; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. A, 28th Inf.; Died, , WRIA Cantigny. SMITH, John W., Res., Elbert; Born, Elbert; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. D, 23rd Inf.; Died, , KIA Mont Blanc Ridge. SMITH, John W., Res., Douglas; Born, Elbert; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. B, 18th Inf.; Died, , SMITH, Rufus L., Res., Gordon; Born, (N. C.); Rank, Pvt.; Org., 328th F. H. Co., 307th San Tn.; Died , KIA Dieulourd. SMITH, Samuel M., Res., Forsyth; Born, Forsyth; Rank, Pvt.; Org., M. G. Co., 60th Inf.; Died, SMITHWICK. Floyd L Res., Colquitt; Bom, Colquitt; Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., Co. E, 327th Inf.; Died , SNIPES, Austin, Res.. Mitchell; Born. Mitchell; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. H, 61st Inf.; Died, , KIA Meuse. SOUTHERLAND, Thomas O., Res,, Polk; Born, (Ala.); Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. H, 9th Inf.; Died, WRIA Argonne. SPALDING, John, Res., Ware; Bom, (Ala.) ; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. L, 167th Inf.; Died, , SPANN, Pennie, Res., Floyd; Born, Floyd; Rank, Sergt.; Org., Co. I, 30th Inf.; Died, , SPEER, Abner T., Res., Fulton; Born, Newton; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Btry. A, 128th F. A.; Died, , WRIA Verdun. SPENCE, William L., Res., Mitchell; Bom, Mitchell; Rank, Corpl.; Org., Co. L, 6th Inf.; Died, , SPENCER, William L., Res., Telfair; Born, Wilcox; Rank, Pvt., Mch.; Org., Co. E, 47th Inf.; Died, , SPIVA, Ira C., Res., Union; Born, Towns; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. A, 9th Inf.; Died, , SPRATLIN, Harry L., Res., Madison; Bora, Oglethorpe; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. B, 30th Inf.; Died, , KIA Argonne. STAGER, Lonzo L., Res., Floyd; Born, Floyd; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. B, 102nd Inf.; Died, , KIA Chateau-Thierry. STARRETT, James W., Res., Barrow; Born, Franklin; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. M, 166th Inf.; Died, , WRIA 2nd Battle Marne. STEPHENS, Harvie W Res., Cobb; Born, Forsyth; Rank, Pvt., 1st CL; Org., Co. B, 102nd Inf.; Died, , KIA Chateau-Thierry. STEPHENS, Ferd L., Res., Union; Born, Union; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. D, 26th Inf.; Died, , STINCHCOMB, Paul, Res., Barrow; Bom, Barrow; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. K, 23rd Inf.; Died, , STRATHAM, George B., Res., Crisp; Born, (Ala.) ; Rank, Pvt., 1st CL; Org., M. G. Co., 9th Inf.; Died, , KIA (1-7). STROM, Jefferson D., Res., Thomas; Bom, Mitchell; Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., Co. G, 9th Inf.; Died, , KIA Argonne. SUMNER, William H., Res., Washington; Born, Washington; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. F, 131st Inf.; Died, , KIA Warville. SWANCY, Thurmon L., Res., Richmond; Born, (S. C.) ; Rank, Corpl.; Org., Co. E, 56th Inf.; Died, , TAYLOR, Cyrus S., Res., Chatham; Born, (Fla.) ; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Btry. B, 320th F. A.; Died, , KIA Argonne. TAYLOR, Joel, Res., Troup; Bom, (Ala.); Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. I, 167th Inf.; Died, , TAYLOR, Lester, Res., Floyd; Born, Gilmer; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. K, 6th Inf.; Died, , TEELE, Grover, Res., Lee; Born, Sumter; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. M, 327th Inf.; Died, , WRIA Meuse-Argonne. TEEM, Virgil Clinton, Res^AppHng^r fborn7 Whitfield; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. E, 327th Inf.; Died, , TEMPLES, Albert C., Res., Jefferson; Born, (S.C.) ; Rank, Corpl.; Org., Co. B, 328th Inf.; Died, , WRIA Vandieres (2). TEMPLES, Guerry J Res., Early; Born, Early; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. B, 151st M. G. Bn.; Died, , TERRY, Claude B., Res., Fulton; Born, (S. C.) ; Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., Co. M, 9th Inf.; Died, , THEABEAUT, Thomas S., Res., Colquitt; Bom, Stewart; Rank, Pvt., 1st CL; Org., Hdqtrs. Co., 328th Inf.; Died, , KIA (4). THOMAS, Thomas P., Res., Campbell; Bora, Douglas; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. D, 9th Inf.; Died, , KIA Argonne. THOMPSON, Carl, Res., Muscogee; Born, Muscogee: Rank. Pvt.; Org., Co. C, 151st M. G. Bn.; Died, ,

15 44 THE LEGION IN GEORGIA THOMPSON, Knox Freeman, Res., Troup; Born, (A la.); Rank, Pvt.; Org., Ord. Det., 5th F. A.; Died, , WRIA Argonne. THOMPSON, Gilbert, Res., Hart; Born, Elbert; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. C, 307th F. Sig. Corps.; Died, , THOMPSON, Lewis, Res., Glascock; Bom, Glascock; Rank, Corpl.; Org., Co. E, 23rd Inf.; Died, , WRIA Vierzy. THOMPSON, Louis M., Res., Laurens; Born, Jasper; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. D, 9th Inf.; Died, , TIDWELL, Harvey J., Res., Meriwether; Born, Meriwether; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. M, 120th Inf.; Died, , TODD, Hiram B., Res., Fulton; Born, Meriwether; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. D, 9th Inf.; Died, , TODD, John I., Res., Warren; Born, Meriwether; Rank, Pvt.; Org., MD Det., 355th Inf.; Died, , TURNER, Alfred Wiley, Res., Coffee; Born, Ware; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Btry. C, 18th F. A.; Died, , TUTT, Benjamin B., Res., Fulton; Born, (Ala.) ; Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., Co. C, 28th Inf.; Died, , UPTON, James O., Res., Polk; Born, Paulding; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. B, 102nd Inf.; Died, , KIA Chateau-Thierry. VAUGHAN, Jesse, Res., Berrien; Born, Berrien; Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., Co. F, 167th Inf.; Died, , KIA Ourcq. VEAL, Robert, Res., Washington; Born, Clay; Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., Co. K, 28th Inf.; Died, , KIA (2) Cantigny. WADSWORTH, Earl S., Res., Bibb; Born, Spalding; Rank, Supply Sergt.; Org., Co. C, 151st MG Bn.; Died, , KIA Canys. WALKER, Joseph G., Res., Milton; Born, Milton; Rank, Corpl.; Org., Co. F, 167th Inf.; Died, , KIA Ourcq. WALLACE, Robert Y., Res., Fulton; Born, Newton; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. B, 165th Inf.; Died, , KIA Argonne. WARE. Madie R., Res., Wilcox; Born, Pulaski; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. B, 151st MG Bn.; Died, , WEAR, William L., Res., Floyd; Born, Whitfield; Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., Co. F, 28th Inf.; Died, , KIA (2) Cantigny. WEEKS, George L., Res., Bibb; Bom, Dodge; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. C, 151st MG Bn.; WHITAKER, Thomas S., Res., Miller; Bom, Miller; Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., Co. B, 151st MG Bn.; Died, WHITE, Paul E., Res., Thomas; Bom, Thomas; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. I, 167th Inf.; Died, ; WILDER, James C., Res., Decatur; Born, Mitchell; Rank, Corpl.; Org., Co. I, 9th Inf.; Died, ; KIA Soissons. WILKES, Milton, Res., Chatham; Born, Emanuel; Rank, Cook; Org., Amb. Co., 31st Div.; Died, , WRIA (2). WILKINSON, Ira A., Res., Bibb; Bom, Baldwin; Rank, Pvt.. 1st Cl.; Org., Co. C, 151st MG Bn.; Died, , WILLIAMS, Elijah, Res., Telfair; Born, Habersham; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. L, 60th Inf.; Died, , WRIA Verdun. WILLIAMS, LaFavette, Res., Dooly; Born, Dooly; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. M, 327th Inf.; Died, , KIA Argonne. WILLIAMS, Louis R., Res., Muscogee; Born, Muscogee; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Hdqtrs. Co., 167th Inf.; Died, , WILLIAMS, Robert D., Res., Clinch; Bom, Clinch; Rank, Pvt.; Org., MG Co., 305th Inf.; Died, , WILLIAMS, Thomas C., Res., Cattoosa; Born, Catoosa; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. B, 9th Inf.; Died, , WILLIS, Paul, Res., (Texas); Born, Whitfield; Rank, Sergt.; Org., Co. K, 141st Inf.; Died, , KIA (1) St. Etienne. WILSON, James B., Res., Upson; Bom, Crawford; Rank, Pvt., 1st CL; Org., Co. C, 38th Inf.; Died, , WRIA Argonne. WILSON, Yancy J., Res., Hart; Born, Hart; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. H, 167th Inf.; Died, , KIA 2nd Battle Marne. WOODY, A. P., Res., Cobb; Born, Fannin; Rank, Corpl.; Org., Co. B., 328th Inf.; Died, WOOD, Hurshel C., Res., Tattnall; Born, Tattnall; Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., Co. E, 28th Inf.; Died, , WOODWARD, Ivy W., Res., Gwinnett; Born, Gwinnett; Rank, Clerk; Org., Co. B, 6th Inf.; Died, , KIA St. Mihiel. WOOTEN, Robert Julius, Res., Chattooga; Bom, Chattooga; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. C, 11th Inf.; Died, , WRIA St. Mihiel. WYLIE, Arthur C., Res., Gwinnett; Born, Fors-th; Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., Co. E, 163rd Inf.; Died, , WYNN, Frank C., Res., Muscogee; Bom, Muscogee; Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., Co. C, 16th MG Bn.; Died, , WYNN, Aubry A. R., Res., Spalding; Born, Pike; Rank, Mechanic; Org., Co. F, 16th Inf.; Died, , YOUNG, James F., Res., Chattooga; Bom, Walker; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. E, 38th Inf.; Died, , NOTES (1) Distinguished Service Cross. (2) Citations from Brigade upward. (7) Croix de Guerre. KIA Killed in Action. WRIA Died of Wounds Received in Action. GEORGIANS WHO DIED OF ACCIDENTS AND OTHER CAUSES WHILE ON DUTY IN FOREIGN LANDS DURING THE WORLD WAR. OFFICERS BLEVENS, Charles E., Res., Fulton; Born, (Ky.) ; Rank, 2nd Lieut.; Org., Co. L, 55th Inf.; Died, , England. COLEMAN, William B., Res., Fulton; Born, Sumter; Rank, 1st Lieut.; Org., Air Service; Died, , France. FULGHUM, Henry E., Res., Fulton; Bom, Fulton; Rank, 2nd Lieut.; Org., Air Service; Died, , France. GRIFFITH, Robert J., Res., Fulton; Born, Sumter; Rank, 1st Lieut.; Org., Air Service; Died, , France. RIOUX, Henry E., Res., Chatham; Bom, (Canada) ; Rank, Captain; Org., Quartermaster Corps; Died, France. SPENCE, Thomas L., Res., Thomas; Bom, Thomas; Rank, 2nd Lieut.; Org., Air Service, S. C.; Died, , France. STEWART, Kimsy L., Res., Cherokee; Bom, Pickens; Rank, 1st Lieut.; Org., Air Service, S. C.; Died, , France.

16 4 WHITNER, Richard H Res., Fulton; Born, (Fla.) ; Rank, 2nd Lieut.; Org., Coast Artly Corps; Died, , France. WILLIAMS, Bill Nay, Res., Gordon; Born, Gordon; Rank, 2nd Lieut.; Org., Field Artillery; Died', , France. ENLISTED PERSONNEL BARROW, Columbus Eugene, Res., Glynn; Born, Pulaski; Rank, Wagoner; Org., 38th Co., 20th Eng.; Died, BLAND, Earl S., Res., Toombs; Born, Toombs; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Hdqtrs. Co., 64th CAC; Died, BURKE, Frank, Res., Jenkins; Born, Screven; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Btry A, 119th F. A.; Died, BRAWNER, Alton, Res., Harris; Born, Harris; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. F, 304 Am. Tn.; Died, CARROLL, Lon, Res., Fulton; Born, Fulton; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. F, 31st Inf.; Died, CRAWFORD, George N., Res., Screven; Bom, Screven; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Btry B, 44th Artry., CAC; Died, DAY, Thomas C., Jr., Res., Oglethorpe; Born, Oglethorpe; Rank, Pvt.; Org., San. Det., 327th Inf.; Died, FREEMAN, William L., Res., Walker; Born, Walker; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. C, 307th F. Sig. Bn.; Died, GOLDEN, Morea, Res., Mitchell; Born, Thomas; Rank, Bugler; Org., MG Co., 56th Inf.; Died, GOODWIN, Russell Allen, Res., Bibb; Born, Richmond; Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., Co. F, 54th Inf.; Died, HOLLINS, Henry, Res., Chatham; Born, Chatham; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. 850, 813 Stev. Bn. Tc.; Died, HODGES, Syl P., Res., Laurens; Bom, Washington; Rank, Ck. Mch.; Org., Co. C, 8 F. Sig. Bn.; Died, JONES, Henry L., Res., Rabun; Born, Towns; Rank, Pvt.; Co. 2, Prison of War Escort; Died, JONES, Willie E., Res., Richmond; Born, Terrell; Rank, Sergt.; Org., Unit 308, Graves Reg. Serv.; Died, JORDAN, Howard C., Res., Fulton; Born, Banks; Rank, Pvt., 1st CL; Org., Co. H, 1st Pioneer Inf.; Died, JORDAN, Paul, Res., Franklin; Born, Franklin; Rank, Sergt.; Org., MT Co. 101, QMC; Died, LYLE, Douglass Connally, Res., Fulton; Born, Fulton; Rank, Sergt.; Org., 307th AM. Tn.; Died, MILLS, Herman R., Res., Fulton; Born, Lumpkin; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. A, 47th Eng.; Died, MINSHEW, David, Res., Colquitt; Born, Ben Hill; Rank, Corpl.; Org., Co. M, 328th Inf.; Died, PALMER, Joe B., Res., Mitchell; Bom, Mitchell; Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., Co. L, 128th Inf.; Died, PARKER, Albert, Res., Jenkins; Bora, Jenkins; Rank, Wagoner; Org., Co. B, Hdqtrs Bn Gen. Hosp.; Died POUND, Truman E., Res., Upson; Born, Upson; Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., Co. C, 26th Inf.; Died, * REID, Jewell, Res., Troup; Born, Haralson; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. B, 5th M. P.; Died, SKIPPER, Ezekial N., Res., Thomas; Born, Coffee; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. D, 106th Eng.; Died, TALBOT, John A., Res., Muscogee; Born, Muscogee; Rank, Sergt.; Org., Co. D, 61st Inf.; Died, TERRY, Homer G., Res., Newton; Born, Fulton; GEORGIA IN THE WORLD WAR 45 Cited G. O. 2, 2nd Brig. H dqtrs. France, , page 28. G allantry in action a t Soissons. Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. B, 151st MG Bn.; Died, WILLIAMS, Thomas L., Res., Floyd; Bom, Polk; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. G, 34th Eng.; Died', WILLIAMS, Porter, Res., Floyd; Bom, Floyd; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. L, 324th Inf.; Died, GEORGIA OFFICERS WHO DIED FROM DISEASE IN FRANCE AND IN THE UNITED STATES DURING THE WORLD WAR ATKINSON, Henry M., Res., Fulton; Bom, Fulton; Rank, Captain; Org., 71st Arty., C.A.C.; Died, , France. BOYD, Carl, Res., Bartow; Born, Gordon; Rank, Lieut.-Colonel; Org., General Staff ACD; Died, , France. BRADLEY, Butler P., Res., Bartow; Born, Bartow; Rank, 1st Lieut.; Org., M. C. Field Hosp. 347; Died, , France. BRADY, Thomas M., Res., Cherokee; Born, (Mass) ; Rank, 1st Lieut.; Org., Inf., 39th Div.; Died, , U. S. BROWN, Carter N., Res., Fulton; Rank, 1st Lieut.; Org., Inf.; Died, , U. S. BURKHALTER, Francis M., Res., Berrien; Born, (Ga.) ; Rank, 1st Lieut.; Org., M.C.; Died, , France. CLARK, Rufus B., Res., Hall; Bora, Hall; Rank, Lieutenant-Colonel; Org., Quartermaster Corps; Died, , U. S. COGDILL, Benjamin J., Res., Whitfield; Rank, 1st Lieut.; Org., M.C.; Camp Lee, Va.; Died, , U. S. FORNEY, Adrian K., Res., McDuffie; Born (N. C.); Rank, 2nd Lieut.; Org., A. S., 317th Aero Sq.; Died, , England. FOSTER, Robert E., Res., Carroll; Born, (Tenn.); Rank, 1st Lieut.; Org., M. C., Camp Gordon, Ga.; Died, , U. S. FRASER, Harry L., Res., Fulton; Born, Cobb; Rank, 1st Lieut.; Org., Quartermaster Corps; Died, , U. S. HALL, Percy M., Res., Berrien; Rank, 1st Lieut.; Org., 107th Inf.; Died, , France. HAZLEHURST, James N., Res., Fulton; Bom, Hancock; Rank, Major; Org., Corps of Engineers; Died, , France. HILL, Fred H., Res., Stephens; Born, Stephens; Rank, Captain; Org., 33rd Inf., Hdqtrs. Det., 3rd Div.; Died , France. HILLIARD, Cuyler A., Res., Toombs; Born, Toombs; Rank, 2nd Lieut.; Org., QMC, 334 Labor Bn.; Died, France. HODGSON, Fredrick G., Res., Clarke; Born, Clarke; Rank, Colonel; Org., Quartermaster Corps; Died, , U. S. HOLMAN, Jesse W., Res., Randolph; Bom, Randolph; Rank, Captain; Org., Div. Trns., 5th Div.; Died, , U. S. HOYLE, Eli D., Res., (Ala.) ; Born, Cherokee; Rank, Brigadier General, U. S. Army; Died, , U. S. JOHNSON, Edward H., Res., Clarke; Bom, (N. C.); Rank, Major; Org., 112th Inf., Hdqtrs. 4th Army Corps; Died, , Germany. KANE, Vincent I., Res., Fulton; Born, (Tenn.); Rank, 1st Lieut.; Org., 156th Inf.; Died, , U. S. KILLIAN, Lewis M., Res., Pike; Born, Dade; Rank, 2nd Lieut.; Org., 4th Inf., Repl. Regmt.; Died, U S LANHAM, Roy E., Res.. Floyd: Born, Floyd; Rank, 2nd Lieut.; Org., Field Artillery; Died, , France. LAUGHLIN, Aubrey H., Res., Chatham; Born,

17 46 THE LEGION IN GEORGIA (Tenn.) : Rank, 2nd Lieut.; Org\, 117th MG Bn.; Died, , U. S. MATTOX, George W., Res., Elbert; Born, Elbert; Rank, 1st Lieut.; Org., D.C., 122nd Inf.; Died, , France. MOORE, James S., Res., Fulton; Born, Fulton; Rank, Captain; Org., Co. D, 6th Inf.; Died, , France. NIXON, Farisco P., Res., Floyd; Born, Gordon; Rank, 2nd Lieut.; Org., Inf., Unassigned; Died, , U. S. OGLESBY, Wilbur, Res., Brooks; Born, Haralson; Rank, 1st Lieut.; Org., Co. A, 35th Engineers; Died, , France. PARKER, Arnold B., Res., Fulton; Born, Fulton; Rank, Captain; Org., 122nd Inf.; Died, , At Sea. PARLIAMENT, David H., Res., Newton; Born, (N. J.) ; Rank, 1st Lieut.; Org., M. C., 811th Pioneer Inf.; Died, , U. S. PATTERSON, Thomas M., Res., Catoosa; Born, Georgia; Rank, 2nd Lieut.; Org., Inf., Camp Jackson, S. C.; Died, , U. S. PENDLEY, Charles, Res., Pickens; Born, Pickens; Rank, Captain; Org., 5th Artillery; Died, , France. RAINES, Thomas H., Res., Fulton; Rank, 1st Lieut.; Org., M. C., Cavalry; Died, , U. S. RAMSEY, Samuel W., Res., Habersham; Born, (Ala.) ; Rank, 2nd Lieut.; Org., Co. M, 54th Pioneer Inf.; Died, , France. ROBINSON, William C., Res., Fulton; Born, (Wis.) ; Rank, 2nd Lieut.; Org., Sig C., 10th Dep Bn Sig Corps; Died, , England. SLATON, Waldo M., Res., Fulton; Rank, 1st Lieut.; Org., Engineer Corps; Died, , U. S. SPRINGER, Walter K Res., Fulton; Born, Fulton; Rank, 2nd Lieut.; Org., Inf.; Cornell University; Died, , U. S. STATHAM, Gordon L., Res., Fulton; Born, Cobb; Rank, 2nd Lieut.; Org., Sig. Corps, Aviation Section; Died, , U. S. THOMAS, James A., Res.. Bibb; Born, Laurens; Rank, Lieutenant Colonel; Org., 121st Inf.; N. G.; Died, , At Sea. VINSON, Morris, Res., Baldwin; Rank, Captain; Org., Unassigned; Died, , U. S. WILLIAMSON, Ryan McC,, Res., Sumter; Born, (S. C.) ; Rank, 2nd Lieut.; Org., V. C., Embalming Center V.C.A.; Died, , France. WILLIAMSON, Selwyn B., Res., Bibb; Born, Columbia; Rank, 2nd Lieut.; Org., Tank Corps, Co. A, 303rd Bn T.C.; Died, , England. WILLIFORD, Gordon G.. Res., Berrien; Born, Tift; Rank, 1st Lieut.; Org., M. C.; Died, , U. S. ENLISTED DIED OF DISEASE IN FRANCE AARON, Charlie Floyd, Res., Newton; Born, Newton; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. M, 15th Inf.; Repl. Bn.; Died, ABNER, Lewis Felton, Res., Polk; Born, Bartow; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Tng. School, San. Trps. Greenleaf, Ga.; Died ADAIR, Chester P., Res., Clarke;, Born, Clarke; Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org;., Commissary Unit 17; Died, ADAMS, Joe K., Res., Fulton; Born, Newton; Rank, Pvt.; Org., MD. Base Hospital, 103; Died, ADDINGTON, Will, Res., Stephens; Born, Jackson; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. M, 9th Inf., Repl. Tr. Bn.; Died ADKINS, Frank L., Res., Dooly; Born, Dooly; Rank. Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., Co. B, i51st MG Bn.; Died, AKRIDGE, John D., Res., Mitchell; Born, Mitchell; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Evas. Amb. 15th, Camp Greenleaf; Died, ALDAY, Edward, Res., Decatur; Born, Decatur; Rank, Pvt.; Base Hospital, 105th M.D.; Died, ANDERSON, Lewis N., Res., Wayne; Born, Montgomery; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 4th Inf., Repl. Regmt.; Died, ANDERSON, Robert I., Res., Jefferson; Born, Jefferson; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 2nd Dep., 83rd Div.; Died, ANDERSON, Robert L., Res., Worth; Born, Polk; Rank, Pvt.; 1st Co.; SARD Camp Gordon; Died, ASBELL, Farrell J., Res., Dodge; Born, Dodge; Rank, Pvt.; Org-., Supply Co., 305th QMC.; Died, ATTAWAY, George L., Res., Laurens; Born, Laurens; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Btry F, 74th Artv., CAC.; Died, BALDWIN, Harvey C., Res., Polk; Born, Polk; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. 12, OARD, Camp Gordon; Died, BARBER, Cranford, Res., Randolph; Born, Randolph; Rank, Pvt.; Org., MG Co., 2nd Bn., 9th Inf.; Died, BARBER, Claude J., Res., Ware; Born, Ware; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. B, 101st Inf.; Died, BARLOW, Harlie, Res., Wilcox; Born, Pulaski; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. A, 302nd MG Bn.; Died, BARNETT, Samuel H., Res., Wilkes; Born, Wilkes; Rank, Wagoner; Org., Co. A, 41st Eng.; Died, BARRETT, John W. A., Res., Pickens; Born, Pickens; Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., Co. D, 163rd Inf.; Died, BASS, John, Res., Telfair; Born, Greene; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 20th Co., JnARD, Camp Gordon; Died, BELL, Harvey A., Res., Haralson; Born, Carroll; Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., Co. A, 304th AM. Tn.; Died, BENNETT, Walter G Res., Wayne; Born, Wayne; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. D, 17th Eng.; Died, BIVENS, Barney C., Res., Columbia; Born, Lincoln; Rank, Corpl.; Org., Hdqtrs. GRS, Unit 313, QMC.; Died, BLACKSHEAR, Alexander, Res., Wheeler; Born, Wheeler; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. C, 315th Labor Bn.; Died, BOATRIGHT, Ruben L., Res., Candler; Born, Emanuel; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. 6, SARD, Cp., Gordon; Died, BOEN, William C Res., Gilmer; Born, Gilmer; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. C, 106th Eng.; Died, BOOKER, Titus B., Res., Lincoln; Born, Lincoln; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 18th C., SARD, Cp., Gordon; Died, BOOTH, Samuel L., Res., Toombs; Born, Jefferson; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. B, 304th Inf.; Died, BOWER, John L., Res., Newton; Born, Newton; Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., Hdqtrs. Ot. Post Co., 307th FS Det.: Died, BRANNON, Leon, Res., Laurens; Born, Pike; Rank, Corpl.; Org., 802 Aero. Rep. Sodn.; Died, BRANTLEY, Dean W., Res., Chatham; Born, Washington; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. 20, SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, BRANAN, Maury Edward, Res.. Colquitt; Born, Wilkinson; Rank, Cook; Org., Supply Co., 321st OMC.: Died, BROCK, Earnest, Res., Gordon; Born, Gordon; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 18th Co., SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, BROOKS, Ollie Van, Res., Wilkes; Born, Ogle-

18 GEORGIA IN THE WORLD WAR 47 thorpe; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 17th Co., SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, BROWN, Robert A., Res., Fulton; Born, (S.C.) ; Rank, Pvt., 1st CL; Org., Co. B, 165th Inf.; Died, I BROWNE, Allsey O., Jr., Res., Fulton; Born, Fulton; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Btry. F, 150th F. A.; Died, BUNN, Claude, Res., Emanuel; Born, Emanuel; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. D, 156th Inf.; Died, BUTTRAM, Virgilio, Res., Polk; Born, (Ala.) ; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 6th Co., SARD; Died, CARPENTER, Grover, Res., Habersham; Born, Habersham; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. 19, SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, CARTER, Dennie J., Res., Toombs; Born, (Tenn.) ; Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., M. T. Co., 480; Died, CASTON, Jesse, Res., Butts; Born, Butts; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. G, 148th Inf.; Died, CHAMBERS. George O., Res., Lowndes; Born, Baldwin; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 18th MG Bn.; Died, CHANCY, Edward J., Res., Pierce; Born, Pierce; Rank, Pvt.; Org.. Co. H, 9th Inf.; Died, CHARLES, William T., Res., Murray; Born, Gilmer; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 38th Co., JARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, CLACK, Charley, Res., Gwinnett; Born, Gwinnett; Rank, Pvt.: Org., Co. 17, OARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, II CLEMENTS, Levi D., Res., Berrien; Born, Berrien; Rank, Sergt.; Org., Btry. A, 64th Arty., CAC; Died, CLINE, Cecil R., Res., Bartow; Born, Walker; Rank, Cook; Org., Co. M, 122nd Inf.; Died CLODFELTER, Otis C., Res., Stephens; Born, Stephens; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 20th Co., SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, COE, Robert L., Res., Stephens; Born, (N.C.) ; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 20th Co., SARD; Died, COLEMAN, James Ray, Res., Tattnall; Born, (Texas); Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. B, 118th Eng.; Died, COLLINS, Ashley D., Res., Laurens; Born, Laurens; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 15th MD Unit, Repl. Drft., Greenleaf; Died, COLQUITT, John M., Res., Pike; Born, Pike; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 12th Co., SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, COTHRAN, John E., Res., DeKalb; Born, Stephens; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. M, 101st Inf.; Died, COOPER, Son, Res., Mitchell; Born, Mitchell; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. M, 137th Inf.; Died, CORNWELL, Jessie E., Res., Butts; Born, Butts; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 13th Co., AARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, COWART, Grover S., Res., Cherokee; Born, Dawson; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 16th Co., AARD, Cp. Gordon; Died CREECH, Kemp, Res., Candler; Born, (S.C.) ; Rank, Pvt.; Ore;., 20th Co., SARD; Died, CROSBY, Ivy V.. Res., Wilkinson; Born, Wilkinson; Rank, Pvt.; 1st Co.; Org., SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, CROW, Spartan Bell, Res., Whitfield; Born, Whitfield; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. M, 4th Repl Regt., Camp Gordon: Died CRUTCHFIELD, Pope, Res.. Walton; Born, Greene; Rank, Pvt., 1st CL; Org., Co. B, 314th Lab. Bn.; Died DANIEL, John W., Res.. Terrell; Born, Terrell; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. 6, SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, DANIEL, Norman E., Res., Ware: Born, Ware; Rank. Pvt.: Org., Co. D. 52nd Inf.; Died, DAVIDSON, James E., Res., Gordon; Born, Pickens; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. 9, SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, DAVIS, James A., Res., Crisp; Born, Muscogee; Rank, Corpl.; Org., Co. D, 161st Inf.; Died, DAVIS, Nathaniel, Res., Jefferson; Born, Jefferson; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. A, 314th Labor Bn.; Di^d, DAVIS, Sam H., Res., Jasper; Born, Jasper; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. 6, SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, DEAN, Robert Lee, Res., Tift: Born, Upson; Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., Butchery Co., 337th; Died, DELK, Thomas H., Res., Ben Hill; Born, Dodge; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 15th Co., SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, DERISO, Willie R., Res., Jefferson; Born, Jefferson; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 17th Co., SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, DIAL, Albert C., Res., Haralson; Born, Haralson; Rank, Sergt.; Org., Co. E, 122nd Inf.; Died, DICKSON, Earl S., Res., Stephens; Born, Franklin; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 20th Co., SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, DINoMORE, Herman, Res., Forsyth; Born, Forsyth; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. C, 329th Inf.; Died, DODGEN, John R., Res., Cobb; Born, Cobb; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. 6, SARD. Cp. Gordon; Died, DOZIER, Frank, Res., Clinch; Born, Cook; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 12th Co., SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, DUGGAR, John B., Res., Bryan; Born, Bryan; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 12th Co., SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, DURHAM, Jesse M., Res., Walker; Born, (A la.); Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. F, 305th Inf.; Died, DYE, Benjamin A., Res., Jefferson; Born, Jefferson; Rank, Pvt.; 1st Co., SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, DYKE, Andrew M., Res., Thomas; Born, Thomas; Rank, Pvt.; Org., MD Det., Unit 15, Camp Greenleaf; Died, EARNEST, Marion J., Res., Decatur; Born, Decatur; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Supply Co., 28th Inf.; Died, EDENFIELD, Hardy R., Res., Screven; Born, Screven; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Unit 2, SARD, CAC, Screven; Died, EDWARDS, Robert H., Res., Twiggs; Born, (Fla.) ; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 20th Co., 7th Tng. Bn., 157th Dep. Brig.; Died, EDISON, Albert Minton, Res., Carroll; Born, Carroll; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Eng. Repl. Dep., Camp Forrest; Died, ELLIOTT, Jimmie D., Res., Gilmer; Born, Gilmer; Rank. Pvt.; Org., Co., 330th Inf.; Died, ELROD, George W., Res., Habersham; Born, Habersham; Rank, Pvt., 1st CL; Org., Co. D, 52nd Inf.; Died, ELROD, James H.. Res., Stephens; Born, White; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. 1, SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, EVERETT, Thomas; Res., Bartow; Born, Union; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. E, 161st Inf.; Died, FAIRCLOTH, Edgar, Res., Decatur; Born, Decatu r; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Unit No. 42, Sales Commission : Died, FENDLEY, Lenard J., Res., Gilmer; Born, Gilmer; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 13th Co. SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, FENNELL, Grover C., Res., Telfair; Born, Telfair; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. D, 329th Inf.; Died, FLEETWOOD, Thomas W., Res., Thomas; Born, Thomas; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Hdqtrs. Printing Co., SOS Army Ser. Corps; Died,

19 48 THE LEGION IN GEORGIA FLOYD, Frank, Res., Twiggs; Born, Twiggs; Rank, Pvt.; Org., SARD, Camp Gordon; Died, FLOYD, Rabon, Res., Twiggs; Born, Twiggs; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. L, 329th Inf.; Died, FOWLER, William A., Res., Fulton; Born, Fulton; Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., Co. C, 329th Inf.; Died, FRIERSON, David, Res., Chatham; Born, Chatham; Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., Btry. F, 61st Arty. CAC; Died, FURST, Arthur A., Res., Bibb; Born, (Md.) ; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 35th Serv. Co., Sig C.; Died, GARRETT, William G., Res., Walton; Born, Walton; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. M, 28th Inf.; Died, GAY, Thomas L., Res., Jefferson; Born, Jefferson; Rank, Pvt.; Org'., 2nd Co., OARD, Camp Gordon; Died GOODWIN, Dorsett G., Res., Bibb; Born, Bibb; Rank, Sergt.; Org., Bakery Co., 310; Died, GOOGE, Madison Lenier, Res., Wilcox; Born, Wilcox; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. D, 17th Eng.; Died, GOZA, Tom M., Res., DeKalb; Born, DeKalb; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. E, 165th Inf.; Died, GRAY, Charlie, Res., Berrien; Born, Berrien; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Btry C., 75th Arty., CAC; Died, GREEN, Henry F., Res., Milton; Born, Forsyth; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Btry C., 118th F. A.; Died, GREEN, John W., Res., Johnson;Born,Washington; Rank, Pvt.; Org., SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died GRIFFEN, Patrick H., Res., Thomas; Born, Thomas; Rank, Sergt.; Org., Co. B, 33rd Eng.; Died, GRIFFIN, Henry Clarence, Res., Calhoun; Born, Terrell; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. 18, SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, GRINDLE, William J., Res., Lumpkin; Born, Lumpkin; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. D, 49th Inf.; Died, GRINER, Herman Norman, Res., Screven; Born, Screven; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 29th Co., Pvo. Ord. Det., 2nd Regmt., Regt. Ord. Tr. Camp; Died, GRUB, Thomas H., Res., Appling; Born, Appling; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. A, 308th Inf.; Died, GUEST, John, Res., Echols; Born, Echols; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. L, 2nd Inf. Repl. Regmt., Camp Gordon; Died, GUFFIN, George N., Res., Cobb; Born, Cobb; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 18th Co., SARD, Camp Gordon; Died, HALL, George W., Res., Turner; Born, Dooly; Rank, Pvt.; Org., SARD, Camp Gordon; Died, HALL, Harvy V., Res., Appling; Born, Appling; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. 10th, SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, HALL, Joseph A., Res., Worth; Born, Crisp; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. I, 161st Inf.; Died, HALL, Joseph C., Res., Laurens; Bora, Wilkinson; Rank, Sergt.; Org., Co. B, 316th Labor Bn.; Died, HALL, Patrick H., Res., Elbert; Born, Elbert; Rank, Pyt.; Org., 3rd Dep. Div.; Died, HAMMETT, Leon C., Res., Grady; Born, Grady; Rank, Pvt.; Org., AARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, HANNAH, William I, Res., Gwinnett; Born, Gwinnett; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 2nd Co., SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, HARDY, Albert, Res., Crisp; Born, Crisp; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 16th Co., AARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, HARDY, John W., Res., Habersham; Born, Habersham; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. 8th, SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, HARDY, Wyall H., Res., Heard; Born, Heard; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 1st Co., SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, HARP, Sam G., Res., Walker; Born, Dade; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 22nd Co., AARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, HARRISON, Louie D., Res., Glynn; Born, Glynn; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. 8th, AARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, HART, Robert H., Res., Telfair; Born, Jenkins; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Hdqtrs. Co., 83rd Div., 2nd Dep. Inf.; Died, HARTLEY, Julius H., Res., Washington; Born, Washington; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 1st Co., SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, HAYNES, Elton C., Res., Fulton; Born, Carroll; Rank, Pvt.; Org., MT Co. 311, San. Train 40; Died, HARRIS, Lee J., Res., Tattnall; Born, Emanuel; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. 7th, SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, HARRIS, Walter, Res., Tattnall; Bom, Emanuel; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. 7th, SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, HENDLEY, Daniel W., Res., Jenkins; Born, Jenkins; Rank, Pvt.; Org., SARD, Camp Gordon; Died, HENRY, Paul, Res., Washington; Born, (Tenn.); Rank, Sergt.; Org., Co. 6th, 1st M. Mech. Regt., Signal Corps; Died, HENRY, William L., Res., Miller; Born, Miller; Rank, Pvt.; Org., AARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, HE WELL, Julius B., Res., Oconee; Born, Oconee; Rank, Pvt.; Org., AARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, HEWETT, Alvin, Res., Walker; Born, Walker; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Trp. Co., 15th Cavalry; Died, HIGHSMITH, James E Res., Bibb; Born, (Fla.) ; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Camp Hospital 52; Died, HILL, John D., Res., Muscogee; Born, Muscogee; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Btry F, 50th Arty. CAC; Died HINSON, Archie, Res., Laurens; Born, Laurens; Rank, Pvt.; Org., SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, HOLBROOK, James M. F., Res., Gwinnett; Born Fulton; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. K, AARD, Cp. Gordon Died, HOLDEN, Henry G., Res., Jackson; Born, Rabun Rank, Pvt.; Org., 2nd Dep., 83rd Div.; Died, HOPKINS, Fred C., Res., Cherokee; Born, Chero kee; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. D, 163rd Inf.; Died HOPKINS, Lewis H Res., Ware; Born, Bartow Rank, Sergt.; Org., Hdqtrs. Det., 106th Eng.; Died HORNE, Reece; Res., Marion; Born, Marion; Rank Pvt.; Org., 60th F. A. Brig.; Died, HOUZE, Hoyt S., Res., Milton; Born, Fulton; Rank Pvt.; Org., 20th Co., SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, HUDGINS, Harry B., Res., Fulton; Born, Decatur Rank, Pvt.; Org., MSTU, 411; Died, HUDSON, Thomas W., Res., Lowndes; Born, Bibb Rank, Pvt.; Org., MD Unassigned; Died, HUFF. Thomas H., Res., Baldwin; Born, Baldwin Rank, Pvt.; Org., SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, HUGHES, John, Res., Jackson: Born, Jackson Rank. Pvt.; Org., Co. D, 329th Inf.; Died, HUNTER, Charlie J.. Res., Floyd; Born, (Ala.) Rank, Pvt.: Org., OARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, HUTCHESON, Leland, Res., Johnson; Born. John son; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Base Ord. Dep.; Died, IRBY, Henry G., Res., Jefferson; Born, Jefferson

20 GEORGIA IN THE WORLD WAR 49 Rank, Pvt.; Org., 1st Co., SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, JACOBS, James B., Res., Morgan; Born, Rockdale; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Btry P, 74th Arty. CAC; Died, JANSEN, Doughty M., Res., Columbus; Born, Mc Duffie; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 18th Co., SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, JOSEY, Walter A., Res., Bibb; Born, Bibb; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. B, 150th Inf.; Died, JOHNSON, Daniel L., Res., Fulton; Born, Fulton; Rank, Corpl.; Org., Co. B, 17th Eng.; Died, JOHNSON, John, Res., Chattooga; Born, Chattooga; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Cas. Det., 150th Inf., 38th Div.; Died, JOHNSON, Onece L., Res., Glynn; Born, Floyd; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 3rd Cas Co., 1st Prov. Regt. Ord. Tng. Cp.; Died, JONES, John T., Res., Clinch; Born, Clinch; Rank, Supply Sergt.; Org., SARD, Ft. Screven; Died, JONES, Paul, Res., Decatur; Born, Decatur; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 295th Cas. Co., Camp Gordon; Died, JORDAN, Isaac, Res., Echols; Born, Lowndes; Rank, Pvt., 1st CL; Org., Co. C, 502nd Eng.; Died, JORDAN, William D., Res., Wayne; Born, Ware; Rank, Pvt.; Org., SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, KELLY, Lucius S., Res., Jasper; Born, Jasper; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. 8, OARD, Camp Gordon; Died, KEENEN, Marion Joseph, Res., Chatham; Born, (S.C.) ; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. A, 2nd Am. T r.; Died, KENNISON, Benjamin F., Res., Charlton; Born, Charlton; Rank, Pvt.; Org-., Co. 12th, SARD, Camp Gordon; Died, KILBEY, Amas V., Res., Gilmer; Born, (N. C.) ; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. I, 161st Inf.; Died, KILGORE, Joseph A., Res., Murray; Born, Murray; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. A, 2nd Inf. Repl. Regmt., Camp Gordon; Died, KIMBALL, Carl, Res., Bartow; Born, Cherokee; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. M, 122nd Inf.; Died, KING, Arthur, Res., Wilcox; Born, Wilcox; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. D, 327th Inf.; Died, KING, James B., Res., Jackson; Born, (Tenn.) ; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. F, 16th Inf.; Died, KING, James R., Res., Gwinnett; Born, Gwinnett; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. C, 163rd Inf.; Died, KING, Lovic B., Res., Fulton; Born, Spalding; Rank, AS Apr.; Org., Btry F., 80th F. A.; Died, KIRKLAND, Posey, Res., Mitchell; Born, (Ala.); Rank, Pvt.; Org., 17th Co. SARD; Died, LANGLEY, Louis F., Res., Haralson; Born, Haralson; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. H, 23rd Inf.; Died, LAVENDER, Glenn T., Res., Candler; Bom, Clarke; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 5th Co., SARD, Camp Gordon; Died, LAWSON, Lemmer J., Res., Cherokee; Born, Cherokee; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. E, 330th Inf.; Died, LEE, Tommie C., Res., Campbell; Born, Clayton; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Btry C, 161st F. A.; Died, LEE, Wieland D., Res., Fulton; Born, Fulton; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. G, 3rd Am. Tn.; Died, 2^ LIGHTFOOT, Ira B., Res., Bryan; Born, Tattnall; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 7th Co., SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, LOCK, John D., Res., Elbert; Born, Hart; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Hdqtrs. Tr. 2nd Army; Died, LOEHR, James L., Res., Clarke; Born, Elbert; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. I, Mech. Regt. Sig. C.; Died, LOGUE, Jesse W., Res., Hancock; Born, Hancock; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. B, 307th Am. Tn.; Died, LUNSFORD, Nelson, Res., Jackson; Born, Union; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Overseas Cas. Co. 400; Died, LUCAS, Tom, Res,, Twiggs; Born, Twiggs; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 2nd Prov. Co. SARD; Died, McALLISTER, Zachariah, Res., Troup; Born, Habersham; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. E, 52nd Inf.; Died, McBEE, William V., Res., Pickens; Born, Pickens; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. 35, P. of W. Escort; Died, McCLAIN, Fred L., Res., Franklin; Born, Franklin; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. 2, SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, McCRARY, Clifford, Res., Chattooga; Born, (Ala.) ; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Btry C, 75th CAC; Died McCURLEY, Oscar B., Res., Franklin; Born, Hart; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. B, 8th Prov. Ord. Bn., 2nd Rgt. of Tng. Cp.; Died, McGEE, Thomas, Res., Monroe; Born, Troup; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. H, 26th Inf.; Died, McKINNON, James H., Res., Randolph; Born, Randolph; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. 8th OARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, McLANAHAN, Walter, Res., Elbert; Born, Elbert; Rank, Sergt.; Org., Co. C, 518th Eng.; Died, MALCOM, Otis, Res., Walton; Born, Walton; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. D, 518th Eng.; Died, MALLORY, Willie L., Res., Spalding; Born, Upson; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. D, 18th Inf.; Died, MARTIN, James M., Res., Banks; Born, Banks; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. L, 128th Inf.; Died, MARTIN, Will, Res., Effingham; Born, (S. C.) ; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. A, 518th Eng.; Died, MARTIN, Mack, Res., Habersham; Born, Habersham; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. 19, SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, MAULDIN, Eldred A., Res., Upson; Born, Pike; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. A, 104th Inf.; Died, MEALER, Elijah, Res., Gilmer; Bom, Pickens; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 1st Cas. Co., 4th Prov. Tng. Regt.; Died, MILLER, Tom, Res., Bartow; Born, Bartow; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 806th Trans. Corps.; Died, MILLS, Grady, Res., Lee; Born, Sumter; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. M, 161st Inf.; Died, MILLS, Freeman C., Res,, Bibb; Born, Bibb; Rank, Bugler; Org., Co. C, 151st MG Bn..; Died, MILLS, James C., Res., Coffee; Born, Clinch; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 18th Co., 157th Dep. Brig.; Died, MINOR, George, Res., Telfair; Born, Telfair; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Ord. Det., 70th Arty. CAC; Died, MITCHELL, George R., Res., Morgan; Born, Morgan; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. G, 122nd Inf.; Died, MIXSON, Sammie, Res., Berrien; Born, Bibb; Rank, Pvt., 1st CL; Org., Co. I, 6th Inf.; Died, MIZE, James D., Res., Banks; Born, Banks; Rank, Pvt.; Org., MD Repl., Unit 64; Died, MIZELL, Isham, Res., Wayne; Born, Wayne; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. No. 1, ARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, ' MONCRIEF, Joe S., Res., Tift; Born, Thomas; Rank Pvt.; Org., 15th Co., SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, MOODY, Lorenzo D., Res., Ware; Born, (Fla.) ; Rank, Pvt.; Org.. Co. H, 161st Inf.; Died, MOORE, Addis E., Res., Floyd; Born, Floyd; Rank, Pvt.; Org., RR Art. Res., MD Det.; Died, MOORE, Joseph G., Res., Carroll; Born, Carroll; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 17th SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died,

21 50 THE LEGION IN GEORGIA MOORE, Oscar T., Res, Taylor; Born, Taylor; Rank, Pvt.; Org., SRD 157th Dep. Brig.; Died, MOORE, Ira M., Res., Richmond; Born, Burke; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. C, 46th Rgt. T. C.; Died, MORGAN, Clarence R., Res., Gwinnett; Born, Gwinnett; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 17th Co., ARD Cp. Gordon; Died, MORTON, John R., Res., Stewart; Born, Stewart; Rank, Pvt.; Org., MD Det., Base Hosp. 118; Died, MOSELEY, Paul A., Res., Cobb; Bom, Cobb; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. 13th SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, MUNCUS, John C Res., Chatham; Born, (N.C.); Rank, Cook; Org., Btry F, CAC; Died, NELMS, James 0., Res., White; Born, White; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. 7, SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, NELSON, Joseph H., Res., Grady; Born, Grady; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. M, 161st Inf.; Died, NEWSOM, Lewis C., Res., Washington; Born, Washington; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 1st Co. SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, O BRIEN, Joseph J., Res., Chatham; Born, Chatham; Rank, Sergt.; Org., Supply Co., 320th Inf.; Died, ODUM, John W., Res., Wayne; Born, Wayne; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Hdqtrs Inf. Repl. Unit; Died, O NEIL, Mathis, Res., Lee; Born, Lee; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. A, 330th Labor Bn.; Died, PADGETT, Parker I., Res., Fulton; Born, Campbell; Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., Co. D, 1st Eng.; Died, PADGETT, William R., Res., Fayette; Born, Fayette; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. I, Prov. Labor Bn.; Died, PASCHAL, George A., Res., Carroll; Born, Franklin; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 2nd Prov. Co., SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, PEEPLES, Zeffoe, Res., Johnson; Born, Emanuel; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. G, 304th Inf.; Died, PERKINS, Ruel H., Res., Dodge; Born, Dodge; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. C, 120th Inf.; Died, PERRY, James R., Res., Thomas; Born, (Fla.) ; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. D, 17th Eng.; Died, PERRY, Otis E., Res., Macon; Born, Marion; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. 16th SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, PIKE, Albert, Res., Heard; Born, Heard; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 2nd Prov. Co., SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, PITMAN, Henry S., Res., Chatham; Born, (Mo.) ; Rank, Supply Sergt.; Org., Sup. Co. 316, F. A.; Died, PONDER, Edward G., Res., Burke; Born, Jelferson; Rank, Corpl.; Org., 490 Aero Sq. Sig. C.; Died, POPE, Leslie E., Res., Bibb; Born, Muscogee; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. 17th OARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, POSEY, Albert, Res., Fayette; Born, Fayette; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 2nd Co. AARD, Cp. Johnston; Died, POWELL, Charlie, Res., Stewart; Born, Stewart; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 848 T. C.; Died, POWELL, Thomas M., Res., Carroll; Born, (Ala.) ; Rank, Sergt.; Org., Co. D, 26th Inf.; Died, PRICE, Ralph, Res., Fulton; Born, Cobb; Rank, Pvt., 1st CL; Org., Co. B, 102nd Inf.; Died, PRUITT, Walter Lee, Res., Lumpkin; Born, Lumpkin; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. D, 324th MG Bn.; Died, PRUITT, Abe L Res., Towns; Born, Towns; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. C, 329th Inf.; Died, PULLEN, Emory Lee, Res., Thomas; Bom, Thomas; Rank, Corpl.; Org-., Cas. Det. 311 Tank Center; Died, PULLEN, James T., Res., Murray; Born, Murray; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. L, 128th Inf.; Died, PURVIS, Thomas L., Res., Wheeler; Born, Wheeler; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. 21st SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, RAY, Ollie E., Res., Wilkes; Born, Oglethorpe; Rank, Pvt; Org., 1st Co., SARD; Died, REHBERG, John L., Res., Grady; Born, Grady; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. A, 329th Inf.; Died, REYNOLDS, Charlie S., Wilkinson; Born, Putnam; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. D, 330th Inf.; Died, RIMPH, Paul, Res., Houston; Born, Houston; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. D, 516th Eng.; Died, ROBERSON, Bob L., Res., Hancock; Born, Hancock; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 2nd Prov. Co., SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, ROBERSON, Jesse J., Res., Cattoosa; Born, Dade; Res., Pvt.; Org., Co. 14, SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, ROBINSON, Everstell, Res., Bibb; Bora, Bibb; Rank, Sergt.; Org., Co. A, 431st Ser. Bn.; Died, RODGERS, Joe C., Res., Taylor; Born, Taylor; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. I, 167th Inf.; Died, ROLAND, John H., Res., Dodge; Born, Dodge; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. M, 18th Inf.; Died, ROOKS, David T., Res., Crisp; Born, Turner; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. 19th SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, ROUNTREE, Willie J., Res., Lowndes; Born, Brooks; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. G, 161st Inf.; Died, SANDERS, Jesse H., Res., Bleckley; Born, Pulaski; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. I, 118th Inf.; Died, SANDERS, Theodus, Res., Bleckley; Born, Bleckley; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 7th Co. SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, SAPP, Laurence J., Res., Appling; Bom, Tattnall; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 9th Co., SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, SATTERFIELD, Mikel W Res., Floyd; Born, (Ala.); Rank, Corpl.; Org., Co. H, 7th Inf.; Died, SHARLEY, Sam A., Res., Randolph; Born, Randolph; Rank, Wagoner; Org., Co. B, 304th Am. Tn.; Died, SHAW, Herbert B., Res., Cook; Born, Cook; Rank, Sergt.; Org., F. RMT. Sq. 304th; Died, SHE AROUSE, Reginald N., Res., Chatham; Born, Effingham; Rank, Corpl.; Org., 30th Co., 15th Gd. Div., T. C.; Died, SHEFFIELD, Raymond M., Res., Barrow; Bom, Jackson; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 21st Co., AARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, SHEPHARD, Harvey L., Res., Turner; Born, Upson; Rank, PVt.; Org., Co. H, 326th Inf.; Died, SHIRLEY, Sam L., Res., Rabun; Born, Rabun; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 13th Co. SARD Cp. Gordon; Died, SIMPSON, Devereaux, Res., Stephens; Born, Stephens; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Btry B, 303rd F. A.; Died, SIMPSON, Henry W. G., Res., Cobb; Born, Clayton; Rank, Pvt.; Org., SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, SIMS, James T., Res., Dooly; Born, Dooly; Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., Hdqtrs Co. 6th F. A.; Died, SLADE, Vernon E., Res., Talbot; Born, Pike; Rank. Wagoner; Org., Det. 24th Co., 20th Eng.; Died, SMELLEY, John T., Res., Hall; Born, Hall; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 17th C., SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died,

22 GEORGIA IN THE WORLD WAR 51 SMITH, Prank I., Res., Thomas; Born, Thomas; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. B, 137th Inf.; Died, SMITH, Homer 0., Res., Jackson; Born, Madison; Rank, Mech; Org., Co. A, 121st Inf.; Died, SMITH, John E., Res., Rabun; Born, Rabun; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. 13, SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, SMITH, James 0., Res., Miller; Born, Bleckley; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. 9, SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, SMITH, Lonnie L., Res., Brooks; Born, Brooks; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Unit 2, CAC, SARD, Ft. Screven; Died, SMITH, Robert Simpson, Res., Wilkes; Born, Wilkes; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Supply Co. 304, QMC.; Died, SMITH, Thomas A., Res., Wilcox; Born, Wilcox; Rank, Wagoner; Org., Co. D, 106th Eng.; Died, SMITH, Travis W., Res., Bleckley; Born, Pike; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. K, 150th Inf.; Died, SOSEBEE, William A., Res., Stephens; Born, Habersham; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 17th Co., SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, SOWELL, Euler B., Res., Lowndes; Born, Lowndes; Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., Butchery Co. 355; Died, SPENCE, Thomas A., Res., Forsyth; Born, Forsyth; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. M, 329th Inf.; Died, STANFORD, Louis O., Res., Bullock; Born, Bullock; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Btry. 321 F. A.; Died, STANDRIDGE, Owen O., Res., Douglas; Born, Douglas; Rank, Pvt.; Org., SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, STARRETT, Homer L., Res., Franklin; Born, Franklin; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. F, 131st Inf.; Died, STEPHENS, William T., Res., Ben Hill; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 88th Aero Sq.; Died, STONE, Dave, Res., Whitfield; Born, Pickens; Rank, Corpl.; Org., Co. D, 1st Pioneer Inf.; Died, STRICKLAND, Henry G., Res., Fulton; Born, Oconee; Rank, Pvt.; Org., F RMT Sq. 333; Died, STRICKLAND, Toombs, Res., Madison; Born, Jackson; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. 22, SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, SULLINS, Joseph. Res., Bartow; Born, Bartow; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. 21, AARD C. Gordon; Died, SWYGERT, Albert M., Res., Coweta; Born, Meriwether; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. I, 120th Inf.; Died, TAYLOR, Arthur N., Res., Muscogee; Rank, Sergt.; Org., Co. L, 330th Inf.; Died, TAYLOR, Rand, Res., Coffee; Born, (Ala.); Rank, Pvt.; Org., MG Co., 325th Inf.; Died, THOMAS, Percila W., Res., Oconee; Born, Oconee; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. D, 518th Eng.; Died, THORNTON, Paul A., Res., Butts; Born, Monroe; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. 5, AARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, THOMAS, John B., Colquitt; Born, Colquitt; Rank, Wagoner; Org-., Co. B, 5th Am. Tn.; Died, THORNTON, Raymond R., Res., Wilkes; Born, Wilkes; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. 8th SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, THORNTON, Wallace, Res., Walker; Born, Whitfield; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. A, 3rd Pioneer Inf.; Died, TOMLINSON, Josiah, Res., Clinch; Born, Berrien; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. A, 309th Eng.; Died, TUCKER, Joseph E., Res., Decatur; Born, Early; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. C, 151st MG Bn.; Died, TUCKER, Lude, Res., Walker; Born, Chattooga; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. 9, SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, TUMLIN, Samuel W., Res., Oconee; Born, Hall; Rank, Pvt.; Org., SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, TURNER, William R., Res., Carroll; Born, Carroll; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. B, 329th Inf.; Died, TURPIN, James L., Res., Rabun; Born, Rabun; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. C, 10th Eng.: Died, TYE, Jefferson P., Res., Quitman; Born, Quitman; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 4th Co. Ord. Repl. Bn., 2nd Regt.; Died, TYSON, Isah J., Res., Turner; Born, Johnson; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. 1, SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, VARNER, Groves M., Res., Cobb; Born, Paulding; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 12th Co., SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, VAUGHN, Jesse J., Res., Coffee; Born, Telfair; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 20th Co., AARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, WADKINS, Walter, Res., Walker; Born, Murray; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. B, 162nd Inf.; Died, WALDRON, Luther M., Res, Lowndes; Born, (Fla.) ; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Btry E, 321st F. A.; Died, WALDROUP, Res., Lowndes; Bom, (S. C.) ; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. 14, SARD; Died, WALKER, Albert, Res., Jefferson; Born, Jefferson; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. B, 539th Eng.; Died, WALKER, Andrew C., Res., Fulton; Born, Putnam; Rank, Corpl.; Org., Co. L, 49th Inf.; Died, WALKER, Mercer A., Res., Toombs; Born, Laurens; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. 14, AARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, WALLACE, Joseph S., Res., Carroll; Born, Heard; Rank, Mech.; Org., Co. B, 11th MG Bn.; Died, WANSLEY, Fred C., Res., Elbert; Born, Elbert; Rank, Pvt., 1st CL; Org., Co. G, 9th Inf.; Died, WASHINGTON, Clifford D., Res., Floyd; Born, Floyd; Rank, Mech. Sergt.: Org., 15 Co., 3rd Regt. AS.; Died, WATSON, William E., Res., Worth; Born, Worth Rank, Pvt.; Org., 2nd Prov. Co., SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, WEATHERS, James R., Res., Walton; Born, Gwinnett; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Hdqtrs C., 26th Inf.; Died, WEAVER, Elbert F., Res., Gilmer; Born, Union; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. G, 148th Inf.; Died, WEBB, James Atkinson, Res., Lowndes; Born, Lowndes; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. B, 42nd Eng.; Died, WEBB, Lewis, Res., Gwinnett; Born, (Ala.) ; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 22nd Co., SARD; Died, WEEMS, James P., Res., Floyd; Born, Floyd; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. D, 137th Inf.; Died, WHITE, Parrick C'., Res., Florida; Born, Rockdale; Rank, Corpl.; Org., Btry E, 15th F. A.; Died, WHITTEN, Emmet R., Res., Muscogee; Bom, Harris; Rank, Hs.; Org., MG Co., 31st Inf.; Died, WILLIAMSON, Moses L., Res., Wilkes; Born, Richmond; Rank, Pvt., 1st CL; Org., Co. E, 54th Inf.; Died, WILSON, Clyde, Res., Fulton; Born, Hall; Rank, Pvt.; Org., M. Repair Shop, Unit 308 MTC.; Died, WILSON, Dunek C., Res., Oglethorpe; Born, Wilkes; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Supply Co., 72nd Arty., CAC; Died, WILSON, John D., Res., Oglethorpe; Born, (S. C.);

23 52 THE LEGION IN GEORGIA Rank, Pvt.; Org., 2nd Prov. Co., SARD; Died, WILSON, John N., Res., Brooks; Born, Brooks; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Btry F, 74th Arty., CAC; Died, WILSON, Joseph B., Res., McDuffie; Born, McDuffie; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 16th Co., SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, WILSON, Mack C., Res., Chatham; Born, (111.) ; Rank, Pvt.; Org., MD Repl., Unit, 35 Sn. Tn.; Died, WISENBAKER, Claude D., Res., Lowndes; Bom, Lowndes; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Evac. Amb. Co. 14; Died, WINGARD, Horace G., Res., Polk; Born, (Ala.) ; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Trp. C. 12 Cav.; Died, WILLIAMS, Arthur Key, Res., White; Born, White; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. M, 137th Inf.; Died, WILLIAMS, Fred, Res., Walker; Born, Walker; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 8th Co., SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, WILLIAMS, Gordon, Res., Berrien; Born, Clinch; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 22nd Co., AARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, WOOD, Joseph W., Res., Baldwin; Bom, Baldwin; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 2nd Prov. Co., SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, WOODALL, Lonnie R., Res., Cherokee; Born, Bartow; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. 9, SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, WOODRUFF, George W., Res., Wilkes; Bom, W arren; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 2nd Co. 6 Bn., 1st Reg. Ord. Tn. Cp.; Died, WRIGHT, Henry R., Res., Calhoun; Bom, Stewart; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. D, 118th MG Bn.; Died, WRIGHT, Mart C., Res., Hall; Born, (N. C.); Rank, Pvt.; Org., 8th Co., SARD; Died, WYATT, Jim, Res., Gordon; Born, Gordon; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 9th Co., SARD, Cp. Gordon; Died, YARBROUGH, Jerald, Res., Thomas; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. B, 321st F. Sig. Bn.; Died, YOUMANS, Felton L., Res., Emanuel; Born, Emanuel; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. A, 162nd Inf.; Died, YOUNGBLOOD, Alvin P., Res., Columbia; Born, Richmond; Rank, Pvt.; Org., QM Cas. Dep. Camp Johnson; Died, GEORGIANS WHO DIED FROM ACCIDENTS IN THE UNITED STATES OFFICERS BLOUNT, James H., Res., Bibb; Rank, Major; Org., Judge Advocate Generals Department; Died, , New York City. COFFEE, John A., Res., Macon; Born, Macon; Rank, 2nd Lieut.; Org., Air Service; Died, , Wpcf Point Miss CUMMINGS, Thomas W., Res., Richmond; Born, Richmond; Rank, 2nd Lieut.; Org., Air Service; Died, , Carlstrom Field, Fla. EVANS, Lawton B., Res., Richmond; Born, Richmond; Rank, 2nd Lieut.; Org., Air Service; Died, , Brooks Field, Texas., GREENE, Sidney C., Res., Cherokee; Born, Gordon; Rank, 2nd Lieut.; Org., Air Service; Died, , Barron Field, Texas. HILLHOUSE, John G., Res., Worth; Bom, Worth; Rank, 2nd Lieut.; Org., Air Service; Died, , Selfridge Field, Mich. LASCH, William G Res., Bibb; Born, (N. Y.) ; Rank, 1st Lieut.; Org., Field Artillery; Died, , Camp Wheeler, Ga. MILLER, Eralbert T., Res., Muscogee; Rank, 2nd Lieut.; Org., Air Service; Died, , St. Paul, Minn. PHARR, Marcus A., Res., Wilkes; Bom, Wilkes; Rank, 2nd Lieut.; Org., Coast Artillery Corps; Died, I- 2-18, Ft. Screven, Ga. RACHE, Albert S., Res., Fulton; Born, (Va.) ; Rank, Captain; Org., Quartermaster Corps; Died, , New Orleans, La. SLADE, William, Res., Muscogee; Born, Muscogee; Rank, 2nd Lieut., A. S.; Org., Air Service Signal Corps; Died, , Rantoul, 111. STAMPS, Lofton H., Res., Floyd; Born, Floyd; Rank, 2nd Lieut.; Org., F. A. 10th Training Bn.; Died, , Fort Sill, Okla. STEWART, John, Res., Walker; Born, (Scotland); Rank, Captain; Org., 322nd Inf., 81st Div.; Died, , Baltimore, Md. ENLISTED PERSONNEL ALLEN, Carl Newton, Res., Wilkinson; Born, Baldwin; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 11th Co. Tng. Gr., 1st Main Training Dep.; Died, CARTER, William B., Res., Putnam; Born, Putnam; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 7th Co., CAC, Boston; Died, CLAIBORNE, Richard W., Res., Fulton; Born, Fulton; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. C, 5th Inf., Ga. NG.; Died, COOK, George A., Res., Fulton; Born, Franklin; Rank, AS Corpl.; Org., 83rd Aero Sq.; Died, DAVIS, Wm. Harrison, Res., Hall; Born, Hall; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. G, 5th Regt., Ga. NG.; Died, ECKMAN, Larry, Res., Muscogee; Born, Muscogee; Rank, Corpl.; Org., Co. D, 2nd Inf., Ga. NG.; Died, FISHER, George M., Res., Floyd; Born, Floyd; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. E, 62nd Inf.; Died, GOODRICH, Charles F Res., Chatham; Born, Fulton; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. A, 117th MG Bn.; Died, II GRAY, Perry D., Res., Grady; Born, Grady; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. A, 23rd Inf.; Died, HATTON, Herbert H., Decatur; Born, Decatur; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Btry B, 118th F. A.; Died, HAYNES, Emory H., Res., Meriwether; Born, Troup; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. L, 2nd Inf., Ga. NG.; Died, HARRIS, Marvin S., Res., Coweta; Born, Coweta; Rank, Wagoner; Org., Sup. Co., 122nd Inf.; Died, HOCHNELL, Jesse P., Res., Fulton; Bora, Fulton; Rank, Mechanic; Org., 5th Co., Chesapeake Bay, Fortress Monroe, Va.; Died, JONES, Eunice C., Res., Fayette; Born. Fayette; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. D, 122nd Inf.; Died, MILLER, Zachariah F., Res., Fulton; Born, (Kentucky) ; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 1st Co. War Barracks Prison Gds., Fort McPherson; Died, REGISTER, Peddie D., Res., Berrien; Bom, Berrien; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 32nd Co., C.A.C., Fort Mc Arthur, Texas; Died, SHAULB, Baxter Lindsey, Res., Troup; Born, Troup; Rank, Sergt.; Org., Co. G, 121st Inf.; Died, SHARP, Wadley E., Res., Ware; Bom, Ware; Rank, Pvt., 1st CL; Org., Co. E, 26th Eng.; Died, SWANEY, Cloyed H., Res., Clayton; Born, Clayton; Rank, Pvt., 1st Cl.; Org., Pack Tn. No. 9, QMC.; Died, THOMPSON, Fred V., Res., Fulton; Bom, Fulton;

24 GEORGIA IN THE WORLD WAR 53 Rank, Corpl.; Org., Co. H, 5th Inf., Ga. NG.; Died, WARE, Carl W., Res., Wilcox; Born, Meriwether; Rank, Pvt.; Org., 23rd Co., 6th Tng. Bn., 157 Dep. Brig'.; Died, WAYNE, Frank J., Res., Hall; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Co. L, 122nd Inf.; Died, WEBB, James H., Res., Floyd; Born, Gwinnett; Rank, Pvt., 1st CL; Org., Sig. C., Aviation Sch., Parkfield, Tenn.; Died, WILSON, Marion F., Res., DeKalb; Born, Fulton; Rank, Pvt.; Org'., 327th Amb. Co., 307th San. Tn.; Died, YOUMANS, Perry, Res., Emanuel; Born, Emanuel; Rank, Pvt.; Org., Btry B, 118th F. A.; Died, Memorial to the American soldiers who perished in the Tuscania and Otranto disasters, erected on the Miull of Oa, Isle of Islay, Scotland.


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