Reading Lists for the pre-1877 American History Major Graduate Field, Department of History, Ohio State University

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1 Reading Lists for the pre-1877 American History Major Graduate Field, Department of History, Ohio State University June 13, 2003 Candidates for the General exam in U.S. History, pre-1877, should plan on developing exam lists of 120 books, plus articles, using the following list as a point of departure. The final list for each exam is to be determined by the candidate in consultation with field advisors. Sixty-six fundamental interpretive studies, chosen by OSU Faculty in American History to 1877, June, Appleby, Joyce. Capitalism and New Social Order: The Republican Vision of the 1790s. New York: New York University Press, Bailyn, Bernard. The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, Blight, David. Race and Reunion: The Civil War in American Memory. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Belknap, Boyer, Paul, and Stephen Nissenbaum. Salem Possessed: The Social Origins of Witchcraft. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, Bushman, Richard. The Refinement of America: Persons, Houses, Cities. New York: Knopf, Bynum, Victoria. Unruly Women: The Politics of Social and Sexual Control in the Old South. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, Cott, Nancy. The Bonds of Womenhood: Women s Sphere in New England, New Haven: Yale University Press, Cronon, William. Changes in the Land: Indians, Colonists, and the Ecology of New England. New York: Hill and Wang, Crosby, Alfred, Jr. The Columbian Exchange; Biological and Cultural Consequences of 1492 Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Pub. Co., Demos, John Putnam. Entertaining Satan: Witchcraft and the Culture of Early New England. New York: Oxford University Press, Deloria, Philip J. Playing Indian. New Haven: Yale University Press,

2 Edmunds, R. David. The Shawnee Prophet. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, Escott, Paul D. After Secession: Jefferson Davis and the Failure of Confederate Nationalism. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, Fehrenbacher, Donald. The Slaveholder's Republic: An Account of the United States Government's Relation to Slavery, Ward M. McAfee, ed. New York: Oxford University Press, Fogel, Robert William, and Stanley L. Engerman. Time on the Cross: The Economics of American Negro Slavery. Boston: Little, Brown, Foner, Eric. Free Soil, Free Labor, Free Men: The Ideology of the Republican Party before the Civil War. New York: Oxford University Press, Foner, Eric. Reconstruction: America s Unfinished Revolution, New York: Harper and Row, Foster, Stephen. The Long Argument: English Puritanism and the Shaping of New England Culture, Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, Frey, Sylvia. Water from the Rock: Black Resistance in a Revolutionary Age. Princeton: Princeton University Press, Genovese, Eugene. Roll, Jordan, Roll: The World the Slaves Made. New York: Random House, Gomez, Michael. Exchanging Our Country Marks: The Transformation of African Identities in the Colonial and Antebellum South. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, Greene, Jack P. Peripheries and Center: Constitutional Development in the Extended Polities of the British Empire and the United States, Athens: University of Georgia Press, Gutierez, Ramon. When Jesus Came, the Corn Mothers Went Away: Marriage, Sexuality, and Power in New Mexico, Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, Harris, William. Plain Folk and Gentry in a Slave Society: White Liberty and Black Slavery in Augusta's Hinterlands. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press, Hatch, Nathan O. The Democratization of American Christianity. New Haven: Yale University Press, Heyrman, Christine Leigh. Southern Cross: The Beginnings of the Bible Belt. New York: A. A. 2

3 Knopf, Hurst, William J. Law and the Conditions of Freedom in the Nineteenth-Century United States. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, [Ch 1 or 2] Horowitz, Morton J. The Transformation of American Law, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, Hurtado, Albert L. Indian Survival on the California Frontier. New Haven: Yale University Press, Isaac, Rhys. The Transformation of Virginia, Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, Jordan, Winthrop. White over Black: American Attitudes towards the Negro, Baltimore: Penguin Books, Kammen, Michael. People of Paradox: An Inquiry Concerning the Origins of American Civilization. New York: Random House, Kerber, Linda. Women of the Republic: Intellect and Ideology in Revolutionary America. Chapel Hill: IEAHC and the University of North Carolina Press, Karlsen, Carol F. The Devil in the Shape of a Woman: Witchcraft in Colonial New England. New York: Random, Kolchin, Peter. Unfree Labor: American Slavery and Russian Serfdom. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, Kraditor, Aileen. Means and Ends in American Abolitionism: Garrison and his Critics on Strategy and Tactics, New York: Pantheon, Litwack, Leon F. Been in the Storm so Long: The Aftermath of Slavery. New York: Knopf, Lockridge, Kenneth A. A New England Town, The First One Hundred Years: Dedham, Massachusetts, New York: Norton, Maier, Pauline. From Resistance to Revolution: Colonial Radicals and the Development of American Opposition to Britain, New York: Random House, McCusker, John J., and Russell R. Menard. The economy of British America, Chapel Hill: IEAHC and University of North Carolina Press, 1985 McLoughlin, William G. Cherokees and Missionaries, Norman: University of Oklahoma Press,

4 Meyers, Marvin. The Jacksonian Persuasion: Politics and Belief. Stanford: Stanford University Press, Miller, Perry. The New England Mind: From Colony to Province. Boston: Beacon Press, Miller, Perry. Errand into the Wilderness. Cambridge Mass.: Harvard University Press /Belknap, Morgan, Edmund S. American Slavery, American Freedom: The Ordeal of Colonial Virginia. New York: Norton, Morgan, Edmund S. Inventing the People: the Rise of Popular Sovereignty in England and America. New York: Norton, Morgan, Philip D. Slave Counterpoint: Black Culture in the Eighteenth-Century Chesapeake & Lowcountry. OIEAHC and University of North Carolina Press, Nash, Gary. The Urban Crucible: Social Change, Political Consciousness, and the Origins of the American Revolution. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, Novak, William J. The People's Welfare Law and Regulation in Nineteenth-Century America. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, O'Brien, Jean. Dispossession by Degrees: Indian Land and Identity in Natick, Massachusetts, New York: Cambridge University Press, Paludan, Phillip S. A People's Contest: The Union and Civil War, New York: Harper & Row, Potter, David. People of Plenty: Economic Abundance and the American Character. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, Potter, David. The Impending Crisis, New York: Harper & Row, Purdue, Theda. Cherokee Women: Gender and Culture Change, Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, Royster, Charles. A Revolutionary People at War: The Continental Army and American Character, IEAHC and University of North Carolina Press, Slotkin, Richard. Regeneration through Violence: The Mythology of the American Frontier, Middletown: Wesleyan University Press, Stuckey, Sterling. Slave Culture: Nationalist Theory and the Foundations of Black America. New York: Oxford University Press, [First half.] 4

5 Thornton, John. Africa and the Africans in the Making of the Atlantic World, , 2nd ed.. New York: Cambridge University Press, Ulrich, Laurel. Good Wives: Image and Reality in the Lives of Women in Northern New England, New York: Oxford University Press, Usner, Daniel. Indians, Settlers, and Slaves in a Frontier Exchange Economy: The Lower Mississippi Valley before Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, White, Richard. The Middle Ground: Indians, Empires, and Republics in the Great Lakes Region, New York: Cambridge University Press, Wilentz, Sean. Chants Democratic: New York City and the Rise of the American Working Class, New York: Oxford University Press, Wood, Gordon S. Creation of the American Republic: Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, Wood, Gordon S. The Radicalism of the American Revolution. New York: Knopf, Wood, Peter. Black Majority: Negroes in Colonial South Carolina from 1670 to the Stono Rebellion. New York: Norton, Wyatt-Brown, Bertram. Southern Honor: Ethics & Behavior in the Old South. New York: Oxford University Press,

6 The following lists are recommended by the faculty as you develop your understanding of the discipline and build your reading lists: Some bibliographical resources: Norton, Mary Beth, and Pamela Gerardi, eds. The American Historical Association's Guide to Historical Literature. Third edition. New York: Oxford University Press, Ammerman, David L. and Philip D. Morgan, comps. Books about Early America: 2001 Titles. Williamsburg: IEAHC, [Though this book is almost fifteen years old, it remains useful as a broad list of titles dated before 1990.] The ACLS History E-Book Project [ ] allows electronic access to several hundred titles. This site provides the book lists; OSU is a subscriber, and you can get access through OSCAR. Mark Grimsley and John Brooke have developed extensive additional bibliographical lists, which can be found on their department web-pages. Works in American historiography: Cunliffe, Marcus, and Robin Winks, eds. Past Masters: Some Essays on American Historians. New York: Harper & Row, Foner, Eric, ed. The New American History. rev. and expanded ed. Philadelphia: AHA and Temple University Press, Gaddis, John. The Landscape of History: How Historians Map the Past. New York: Oxford University Press, Higham, John. History: Professional Scholarship in America, 2d Ed. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, Hofstadter, Richard. The Progressive Historians: Turner, Beard, Parrington. New York: Knopf, Molho, Anthony, and Gordon S. Wood, eds. Imagined Histories: American Historians Interpret the Past. Princeton: Princeton University Press, Noble, David W. The End of American History: Democracy, Capitalism, and the Metaphor of Two Worlds in Anglo-American Historical Writing, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, Novick, Peter. That Noble Dream: The Objectivity Question and the American Historical 6

7 Profession. New York: Cambridge University Press, Wise, Gene. American Historical Explanations: A Strategy for Grounded Inquiry, 2 nd ed. Rev. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, Woodward, C. Vann. Thinking Back: The Perils of Writing History. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press,

8 Important works of interpretation and synthesis. These are titles that are invaluable for understanding the field and for teaching purposes. Students should try to be familiar with as many of these titles as possible within the first year of graduate study. Ahlstrom, Sydney E. A Religious History of the American People. New Haven, Yale University Press, Berkin, Carol. First Generations: Women in Colonial America. New York: Hill and Wang, Berlin, Ira. Many Thousands Gone: The First Two Centuries of Slavery in North America. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press /Belknap, Berlin, Ira. Generations of Captivity: A History of African-American Slaves. Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, Berthoff, Rowland. An Unsettled People: Social Order and Disorder in American History. New York: Harper & Row, Bonomi, Patricia. Religion, Society, and Politics in Colonial America. New York: Oxford University Press, Bremer, Francis J. The Puritan Experiment: New England Society from Bradford to Edwards. Hanover, N.H.: University Press of New England, Brown, Richard D. Modernization: The Transformation of American Life, New York: Hill and Wang, Butler, Jon. Awash in a Sea of Faith: Christianizing the American People. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, Butler, Jon. Becoming America: The Revolution before Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, Calloway, Colin G. New Worlds for All: Indians Europeans, and the Remaking of Early America. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, Countryman, Edward. The American Revolution, rev. ed. New York: Hill and Wang, Fischer, David H. Albion's Seed: Four British Folkways in America. New York: Oxford University Press, Franklin, John Hope and Alfred A. Moss. From Slavery to Freedom: A History of African Americans, 8 th ed. New York: Alfred A. Knopf,

9 Greene, Jack. Pursuits of Happiness: The Social Development of Early Modern British Colonies and the Formation of American Culture. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, Henretta, James A., and Gregory H. Nobles. Evolution and Revolution: American Society, Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath, Hofstadter, Richard. The Paranoid Style in American Politics, and Other Essays. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Horton, James O. and Lois E. Horton, In Hope of Liberty: Culture, Community, and Protest among Northern Free Blacks, New York: Oxford University Press, Kelley, Robert. The Cultural Pattern in American Politics: The First Century. New York: A.A.Knopf, Kolchin, Peter. American Slavery, New York: Hill and Wang, Laurie, Bruce. Artisans into Workers: Labor in Nineteenth-Century America. New York: Noonday Press, Levine, Bruce. Half Slave and Half Free: The Origins of the Civil War. New York: Hill and Wang, Limerick, Patricia N. Legacy of Conquest: The Unbroken Past of the American West. New York: Norton, McPherson, James M. Battle Cry of Freedom: The Civil War Era. New York: Oxford University Press, Meinig, Donald. The Shaping of America. Vol. I: Atlantic America, New Haven: Yale University Press, Nash, Gary B. Red, White, and Black: The Peoples of Early North America. 4 th ed. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall, Noll, Mark. America's God: From Jonathan Edwards to Abraham Lincoln. New York: Oxford University Press, Richter, Daniel K. Facing East from Indian Country: A Native History of Early America. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, Sellers, Charles. The Market Revolution: Jacksonian America, New York: Oxford University Press, Simmons, R. C. The American Colonies: From Settlement to Independence. New York: 9

10 W.W.Norton, Spicer, Edward. Cycles of Conquest: The Impact of Spain, Mexico, and the United States on the Indians of the Southwest, Tucson: University of Arizona Press, Steele, Ian K. Warpaths: Invasions of North America. New York: Oxford University Press, Taylor, Alan. American Colonies. New York: Viking Press, Walters, Ronald. American Reformers, New York: Hill and Wang, Watson, Harry L. Liberty and Power: The Politics of Jacksonian America. New York: Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux, Webb, Walter Prescott. The Great Plains. Boston: Ginn and Co., Weber, Donald J. The Spanish Frontier in North America. New Haven: Yale University Press, Wiebe, Robert. The Opening of American Society: From the Adoption of the Constitution to the Eve of Disunion. New York: Random House, Hofstadter, Richard. The Paranoid Style in American Politics, and Other Essays. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Williams, William Appleman. The Contours of American History. Cleveland: World Publishing Co., Wood, Betty. The Origins of American Slavery: Freedom and Bondage in the English Colonies. New York: Hill and Wang,

11 Recommended Influential Essays. Baker, Paula. "The Domestication of American Politics, ," American Historical Review 89 (1984), Berlin, Ira. Time, Space, and the Evolution of Afro-American Society in British Mainland North America. American Historical Review, 85 (1980), Burrows, Edwin G., and Michael Wallace, "The American Revolution: The Ideology and Psychology of National Liberation," Perspectives in American History 6 (1972), Butte, Francis T. The Myth of Perry Miller, AHR 87 (1981), Cline, John, and Bernard Bailyn. England s Cultural Provinces: Scotland and America, WMQ 3 rd ser., 11 (1954), Davis, David B. The Emergence of Immediatism in British and American Antislavery Thought, Mississippi Valley Historical Review [now the JAH] 49 (1962), Duberman, Martin. "Introduction," in Duberman, ed., The Antislavery Vanguard: New Essays on the Abolitionists. Princeton: Princeton University Press, Egnal, Marc, and Joseph A. Ernst. "An Economic Interpretation of the American Revolution," WMQ 3 rd ser., 29 (1972), Fields, Barbara J. "Ideology and Race in American History," in J. Morgan Kousser and James M. McPherson (eds.), Region, Race, and Reconstruction: Essays in Honor of C. Vann Woodward. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, Genovese, Eugene. "The Origins of Slavery Expansionism," in Genovese, The Political Economy of Slavery: Studies in the Economy and Society of the Slave South. New York: Random House, Greene, Jack P. "Introduction," in Greene, ed., The Reinterpretation of the American Revolution, New York: Harper and Row, Greene, Jack P. The Search of Identity: An Interpretation of Selected Patterns of Social Response in Eighteenth Century America, Journal of Social History 3 (1970), Greene, Jack P. "An Uneasy Connection: An Analysis of the Preconditions of the American Revolution," in Stephen G. Kurtz and James H. Hutson, eds., Essays on the American Revolution. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, Hatch, Nathan. The Origins of Civil Millennialism in America: New England Clergymen, War with France, and the Revolution. William and Mary Quarterly (3):

12 Howe, Daniel Walker. The Evangelical Movement and Political Culture in the North during the Second Party System, Journal of American History (4): Kidwell, Clara Sue. "Indian Women as Cultural Mediators," Ethnohistory 39 (1992) Kornblith, Gary J. Rethinking the Coming of the Civil War: A Counterfactual Exercise, JAH 90 (2003), Kramnick, Isaac. Republican Revisionism Revisited, AHR 87 (1981), Lemisch, Jesse. The American Revolution as Seen from the Bottom Up, Barton J. Bernstein, ed. Toward a New Past: Dissenting Essays in American History (New York: Random, 1967), Mathews, Donald. "The Second Great Awakening as an Organizing Process, ," American Quarterly 21 (1969), McPherson, James M. "Antebellum Southern Exceptionalism: A New Look at an Old Question," Civil War History 29 (1983), Merrell, James H. Some Thoughts on Colonial Historians and American Indians, WMQ 46 (1989) Miller, Perry. From Covenant to Revival, in James W. Smith and A. J. Jameson, eds., The Shaping of American Religion. (Princeton: Princeton University Press: 1961), 1: Murrin, John M. Review Essay, [New England town studies], History and Theory 9 (1972), Murrin, John M. The Irrelevance and Relevance of Colonial New England. Reviews in American History 18 (1990), Murrin, John M. The French and Indian War, the American Revolution, and the Counterfactual Hypothesis: Reflections on Lawrence Henry Gipson and John Shy, Reviews in American History, 1 (1973), pp Murrin, John M. No Awakening, No Revolution? More Counterfactual Speculations. Reviews in American History 11 (1983): Murrin, John M. Pluralism and Predatory Power: Early New York as a Social Failure. Reviews in American History 6 (1978): Norton, Mary Beth, "The Evolution of White Women's Experience in Early America," AHR 89 (1984), Philips, U. B. "The Central Themes of Southern History" 12

13 Potter, David M. The Historians Use of Nationalism and Vice Versa, History and American Society: Essays of David M. Potter, ed. Don E. Fehrenbacher. New York: Oxford University Press, Rodgers, Daniel T. "Republicanism: The Career of a Concept," JAH 79 (1992), Shalhope, Robert E. "Toward a Republican Synthesis: The Emergence of an Understanding of Republicanism in American Historiography," WMQ 3 rd ser., 29 (1972), Shalhope, Robert E. "Republicanism and Early American Historiography," WMQ, 3 rd ser., 39 (1982), Smith, Daniel Scott, and Michael Hindus. Premarital Pregnancy in America, : An Interpretation, Journal of Interdisciplinary History 5 (1975), Smith, Timothy L. Congregationalism, State, and Denomination: The Forming of American Religious Structure, WMQ, 3 rd ser., 25 (1968), Stampp, Kenneth. "The Irrepressible Conflict," in Stampp, The Imperiled Union, Turner, Frederick Jackson. The Significance of the Frontier in American History," in Turner, History, Frontier, and Section: Three Essays, introduction by Martin Ridge. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, (esp. Tyrell, Ian. American Exceptionalism in an Age of International History, [with comments by Michael McGerr], AHR 96 (1991), Webb/Murrin Exchange on 1676, WMQ Wood, Gordon S. "Rhetoric and Reality in the American Revolution." WMQ, 3d ser., 23 (1966), Woodward, C. Vann. The Irony of Southern History in Woodward, The Burden of Southern History, 3 rd ed. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, Young, Alfred. "Introduction," to Young, ed., Beyond the American Revolution, Young, Alfred. American Historians Confront the Transforming Hand of Revolution" in Hoffman, et al., eds., The Transforming Hand of Revolution, Zuckerman, Michael. The Fabrication of Identity in Early America, WMQ 3 rd ser., 36 (1977),

14 Essays republished in In Search of Early America: The William and Mary Quarterly, Williamsburg: Institute of Early American History and Culture, [Eleven essays voted by the membership to be the most significant in the 3 rd Series of the WMQ.] Deference or Defiance in Eighteenth-Century America? A Round Table, The Journal of American History, 85 (1998). Forum: Early American Literature: Looking Ahead, WMQ 3 rd ser., 57 (2000) Forum: "Why the West is Lost" WMQ 3 rd ser., 51 (1994) Forum: The Future of Early American History, WMQ 3 rd ser., 50 (1993) Forum: Explaining the Law in Early American History, WMQ 3 rd ser., 50 (1993) Forum: American Law and the American Revolution, WMQ 3 rd ser., 50 (1993) Forum: Albion and the Critics: Further Evidence and Reflection, WMQ 3 rd ser., 48 (1991). Forum: Beyond Roles, Beyond Spheres: Thinking about Gender in the Early Republic, WMQ 3 rd ser., 46 (1989). Forum: Reflections on the Founding: Constitutional Historiography in Bicentennial Perspective, WMQ 3 rd ser., 46 (1989) Forum: The Transition to Capitalism in Rural America, WMQ 3 rd ser., 46 (1989). Forum: Toward a History of the Standard of Living in British North America, WMQ 3 rd ser., 45 (1988). Forum: The Creation of the American Republic, : A Symposium of Views and Reviews, WMQ 3 rd ser., 44 (1987). Forum: The Making of a Slave Conspiracy, Parts 1 and 2, WMQ 3 rd ser., ( ). Forum: Historians and Guns, WMQ, 3 rd ser., 59 (2002). 14

15 Benchmark Collections of Essays: Amonry, Hugh, and David D. Hall., eds. A History of the Book in America. Vol. I: The Colonial Book in the Atlantic World. Worcester and New York: American Antiquarian Society and Cambridge University Press, Armitage, David, and Michael J. Braddick, eds. The British Atlantic World, New York: Palgrave MacMillan, Armitage, Susan and Elizabeth Jameson, eds., The Women s West. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1987 Axtell, James: five volumes of collected essays: Natives and Newcomers, The European and the Indian, The Invasion Within, After Columbus, Beyond Bailyn, Bernard, and Philip D. Morgan, eds., Strangers in the Realm: Cultural Margins of the First British Empire. Chapel Hill: OIEAHC and University North Carolina Press, Banning, Lance, ed. After the Constitution: Party Conflict in the Early Republic. Belmont, Ca.: Wadsworth, Barney, William L. ed. A Companion to 19 th -century America. Malden, Mass.: Beeman, Richard, Stephen Botein, and Edward C. Carter II, eds. Beyond Confederation: Origins of the Constitution and American National Identity. Chapel Hill: IEAHC and University North Carolina Press, Ben-Atar, Doron, and Barbara B. Oberg, eds. Federalists Reconsidered. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, Bender, Thomas, ed., The Antislavery Debate: Capitalism and Abolitionism in Historical Interpretation. Berkeley: University of California Press, Berlin, Ira, and Ronald Hoffman, eds. Slavery and Freedom in the Age of the American Revolution. Charlottesville: USCHS and University of Virginia Press, Boles, John B., ed. A Companion to the American South. Malden, Mass.: Boles, John B., and Evelyn Thomas Nolen, eds., Interpreting Southern History: Historiographical Essays in Honor of Sanford W. Higginbotham. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, Breen, T. H. Puritans and Adventurers: Change and Persistence in Early America New York: Oxford University Press, Bushman, Richard L., et al., eds. Uprooted Americans: Essays to Honor Oscar Handlin. Boston: 15

16 Little, Brown, Canny, Nicholas. ed. The Oxford History of the British Empire The Origins of Empire. Vol. I: British Overseas Enterprise to the Close of the Seventeenth Century,. New York: Oxford University Press, Carr, Lois G, Philip D. Morgan, Jean B. Russo, eds. Colonial Chesapeake Society. Chapel Hill: IEAHC and University North Carolina Press, Carson, Cary, Hoffman, Ronald and Peter J. Albert, eds. Of Consuming Interests: The Style of Life in the Eighteenth Century. Charlottesville: USCHS and University of Virginia Press, Cayton, Andrew R. L., and Fredrika J. Teute, eds. Contact Points: American Frontiers from the Mohawk Valley to the Mississippi, Chapel Hill: OIEAHC and University North Carolina Press, Cronon, William, George Miles, and Jay Gitlin, eds., Under an Open Sky: Rethinking America s Western Past. New York: W.W. Norton, Deloria, Philip J., and Neal Salisbury, eds. A Companion to American Indian History. Malden, Mass.: Duberman, Martin, ed., The Antislavery Vanguard: New Essays on the Abolitionists. Princeton: Princeton University Press, Earle, Carville. Geographical Inquiry and American Historical Problems. Stanford: Stanford University Press, Engerman Stanley L., and Robert E. Gallman. The Cambridge Economic History of the United States: Vol. 1: The Colonial Era. New York: Cambridge University Press, Fogel, Robert W., and Stanley L. Engerman, eds. Without Consent or Contract: The Rise and Fall of American Slavery. New York: Norton, Freehling, William W. The Reintegration of American History: Slavery and the Civil War. New York: Oxford University Press, Gray, Ralph D., and Michael A. Morrison, eds. New Perspectives on the Early Republic: Essays from the Journal of the Early Republic, Urbana: University of Illinois Press, Greene, Jack P., ed., The Reinterpretation of the American Revolution, New York: Harper and Row, Greene, Jack P., and J. R. Pole, eds. Colonial British America: Essays in the New History of the 16

17 Early Modern Era. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, Greene, Jack P. Imperative Behaviors & Identities: Essays in Early American Cultural History. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, Greene, Jack P. Negotiated Authorities: Essays in Colonial Political and Constitutional History. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, Greene, Jack P., and J.R. Pole eds. A Companion to the American Revolution. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell Publishers, Gutman, Herbert G. Work, Culture, and Society in Industrializing America: Essays in American Working-Class and Social History. New York: Knopf, Gutman, Herbert G., and Donald H. Bell., eds. The New England Working Class and the New Labor History. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, Hall, David D., John M. Murrin, and Thad W. Tate, eds. Saints and Revolutionaries: Essays on Early American History. New York: Norton, Hahn, Stephen, and Jonathan Prude, eds. The Countryside in the Age of Capitalist Transformation: Essays in the Social History of Rural America. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1985). Henretta, James A., Michael Kammen, and Stanley N. Katz, eds. The Transformation of Early American History: Society, Authority, and Ideology. New York: A. A. Knopf, Hewitt, Nancy A., ed. A Companion to American Women s History. Malden, Mass.: Higham, John, and Paul K. Conkin, eds. New Directions in American Intellectual History. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, Hoffman, Ronald and Peter J. Albert, eds. Arms and Independence: The Military Character of the American Revolution. Charlottesville: USCHS and University of Virginia Press, Hoffman, Ronald and Peter J. Albert, eds. Women in the Age of the American Revolution. Charlottesville: USCHS and University of Virginia Press, Hoffman, Ronald and Peter J. Albert, eds. The Transforming Hand of Revolution: Reconsidering the American Revolution as a Social Movement. Charlottesville: USCHS and University of Virginia Press, Hoffman, Ronald and Peter J. Albert, eds. Religion in a Revolutionary Age. Charlottesville: USCHS and University of Virginia Press,

18 Hoffman, Ronald and Peter J. Albert, eds. Launching the Extended Republic : The Federalist Era. Charlottesville: USCHS and University of Virginia Press, Hoffman, Ronald, Mechel Sobel, and Fredrika J. Teute, eds. Through a Glass Darkly: Reflections on Personal Identity in Early America. Chapel Hill: OIEAHC and University North Carolina Press, Holt, Michael. Political Parties and American Political Development: From the Age of Jackson to the Age Lincoln. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, Innes, Stephen, ed. Work and Labor in Early America. Chapel Hill: IEAHC and University of North Carolina Press, Jameson, Elizabeth and Susan Armitage, eds., Writing the Range: Race, Class, and Culture in the Women s West. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, Katz, Stanley N., John M. Murrin, and Douglas Greenberg, eds. Colonial America: Essays in Politics and Social Development, 5 th ed.. New York: McGraw Hill, [see also the previous four editions.] Kousser, J. Morgan, and James M. McPherson (eds.), Region, Race, and Reconstruction: Essays in Honor of C. Vann Woodward. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, Kurtz, Stephen G., and James H. Hutson, eds., Essays on the American Revolution. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, Levy, Leonard W., ed. Essays on the Making of the Constitution, 2 nd ed.. New York: Oxford University Press, Limerick, Patricia Nelson, Clyde A. Milner II, and Charles E. Rankin, eds. Trails: Toward a New Western History. Lawrence, Kansas: University Press of Kansas, Marshall, P. J., ed. of The Oxford History of the British Empire. Vol. II: The Eighteenth Century,. New York: Oxford University Press, McPherson, James M., and William J. Cooper, eds. Writing the Civil War: The Quest to Understand. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, Mihesuah, Devon A. ed., Natives and Academics: Researching and Writing about American Indians. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, Nash, Gary B. Race, Class, and Politics: Essays on Colonial and Revolutionary Society. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, Peterson, Jacqueline, and Jennifer S.H. Brown, eds. The New Peoples: Being and Becoming Metis in North America. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press,

19 Potter, David M. History and American Society: Essays of David M. Potter, ed. Don E. Fehrenbacher. New York: Oxford University Press, (especially The Historians Use of Nationalism and Vice Versa. ) Richter, Daniel K, and James H. Merrell., eds. Beyond the Covenant Chain: The Iroquois and Their Neighbors in Indian North America. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, Rutland, Robert Allan, ed. Clio s Favorites: Leading Historians of the United States, Columbia: University of Missouri Press, Shafer, Byron E., and Anthony J. Badger, eds. Contesting Democracy: Substance and Structure in American Political History, Lawrence, Ks.: University Press of Kansas, Shy, John W. A People Numerous and Armed: Reflections on the Military Struggle for American Independence. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, St. George, Robert B., ed. Material Life in America, Boston: Northeastern University Press, St. George, Robert B., ed. Possible Pasts: Becoming Colonial in Early America. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, Stampp, Kenneth M. The Imperiled Union: Essays on the Background of the Civil War. New York: Oxford University Press, Stampp, Kenneth M. The Causes of the Civil War. 3 rd rev. ed. New York: Simon and Schuster, Stokes, Melvyn, and Stephen Conway, eds. The Market Revolution in America: Social, Political, and Religious expression, Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, Sweet, David G., and Gary B. Nash, eds. Struggle and Survival in Colonial America. Berkeley: University of California Press, Tate, Thad W., and David L. Ammerman, eds. The Chesapeake in the Seventeenth Century. Chapel Hill: IEAHC and University North Carolina Press,1979. Thompson, E. P. Customs in Common: Studies in Traditional Popular Culture. New York: The New Press, Thornton, Russell, ed., Studying Native America: Problems and Prospects. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, Tomlins, Christopher, and Bruce H. Mann, eds. The Many Legalities of Early America. Chapel 19

20 Hill: OIEAHC and University North Carolina Press, Turner, Frederick Jackson. History, Frontier, and Section: Three Essays, introduction by Martin Ridge. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, Vickers, Daniel, ed. A Companion to Colonial America. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell, Woodward, C. Vann. The Burden of Southern History, 3 rd ed. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, (especially The Irony of Southern History. ) Woodworth, Steven E., ed. The American Civil War: A Handbook of Literature and Research. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, Yellin, Jean Fagan, and John C. Van Horne, eds. The Abolitionist Sisterhood: Women s Political Culture in Antebellum America. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, Young, Alfred F. ed. The American Revolution: Explorations in the History of American Radicalism. DeKalb: Northern Illinois University Press, Young, Alfred F. ed. Beyond the American Revolution: Explorations in the History of American Radicalism. DeKalb: Northern Illinois University Press, In Search of Early America: The William and Mary Quarterly, Williamsburg: Institute of Early American History and Culture, [Eleven essays voted by the membership to be the most significant in the 3 rd Series of the WMQ.] Two series of reprinted noted articles on Colonial America and the Early American Republic were published by Garland Publishers in 1988 and 1991, edited respectively by Peter Hoffer and Peter Onuf. These volumes [about twenty in total] can be found on Ohiolink via keyword searches on Garland and Hoffer and 1988 and Garland and Onuf and

21 Books by OSU historians with which you should be familiar: Benedict, Michael Les. The Impeachment and Trial of Andrew Johnson. New York: Norton, Benedict, Michael Les. The Blessings of Liberty: A Concise History of the Constitution of the United States. Lexington: Heath, Brooke, John L. The Heart of the Commonwealth: Society and Political Culture in Worcester County, Massachusetts, New York: Cambridge University Press, Brooke, John L. The Refiner s Fire: The Making of Mormon Cosmology, New York: Cambridge University Press, Cashin, Joan E. A Family Venture: Men and Women on the Southern Frontier. New York: Oxford University Press, Cashin, Joan E., ed. The War Was You and Me: Civilians in the American Civil War. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, Cornell, Saul. The Other Founders: Anti-Federalism and the Dissenting Tradition in America, Chapel Hill: OIEAHC and University of North Carolina Press, Cornell, Saul, ed. Whose Right to Bear Arms did the Second Amendment Protect. Boston: Bedford, Grimsley, Mark. The Hard Hand of War: Union Military Policy towards Southern Civilians, New York: Cambridge University Press, Grimsley, Mark, and Brooks D. Simpson, eds., The Collapse of the Confederacy (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2001). Ingersoll, Thomas N. Mammon and Manon in early New Orleans :The First Slave Society in the Deep South, Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, Murphy, Lucy E. A Gathering of Rivers: Indians, Metis, and Mining in the Western Great Lakes, Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, Newell, Margaret E. From Dependency to Independence: Economic Revolution in Colonial New England. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, Roth, Randolph A. The Democratic Dilemma: Religion, Reform, and the Social Order in the Connecticut River Valley of Vermont, New York: Cambridge University Press,

22 22

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