$2, ] NAVAL. REGISTER FOR THE YEAR , Surgeons' mates if not passed,

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1 24] NAVAL REGSTER FOR THE YEAR G RANK Annual reduced pay H Annual furlough pay 'Vice admiral, Rear admiral, Commodore, Captains, first fourth on the list, Captains, second fourth on the list, Captains, third fourth on the list, Captains, last fourth, Masters commandant, first half on the list, Masters commandant second half on the list, Lieutenants, first hall on the list, Lieutenants, second half on the list, Sublieutenants, Masters, first half on the list, Masters, second half on the list, Second masters, Midshipmen, if passed for lieutenants, Midshipmen if not passed, Surgeons, if less than two years at sea as such, Surgeons, if over two and under four years, Surgeons, if over four and under six years, Surgeons, if over six and under eight years, Surgeons, if over eight and under ten years, Surgeons, if over ten years at sea as such, Surgeons' mates, if passed for surgeons, Surgeons' mates if not passed, Pursers, first half on the list Pursers, second half on the fist, Chaplains, if they have been three years at sea as Chaplains, if less than threo years at sea as such, Boatswains, gunners, carpenters, and sailmakers, such, the first half ton the list, Boatswains, gunners, carpenters, and sailinakers, such, the second halt on the list, 0 such, if they have been seven years at sea as if they have been seven years at sea as $2,760 2,260 1,900 1,650 1, , , $1, , h CONGRESS] No 237 1st SEGRON NAVAL REGSTER FOR '1'HE YEAR 24 COMMUNCATED TO THE SENATE, FERUARY 2, 24 SR: NAVY DEPARTMENT, February 1, 24 have the honor to transmit to you, for the use of the honorable members of the Senate, sixty copies of the Naval Register for the year 24, prepared in obedience to a resolution of the Senate, passed on the 13th (lay of December, 15 have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant, SAMUEL L SOUTHARD The Ho)n the PRESDENT of tice Senale 115 n

2 Table: REGSTER OF THE NAVY OF THE UNTED STATES FOR 24 r: 9 NAVAL AFFARS [ M (1 NAVAL 8 9 tres'1'elt OF 'THE NAVY OF '1'E U'N'TED) STT''ES FOR 24 CA PTA NS 77 _ : Natnci John lt(lners, James arron, W'illiamft)lainblrizltt, 'i'liomas Tingey, Charles Steheart, saac Hul11, saac Chaumicey )aviul Porter, Samuel Evans, Jacol) Joiies, Charles Morris, Arthur Sinclair, 'llomas Mc)onozlugh, Lewis Warringto), Joseph ain ritlge, Wilialn Nif ('rn'le, Jame4 'T Leonlard, James Biddle, Charles (i tidgely, Robert ''rail Spence, Daniel ' P'attersoni, Samuel AnguA Melanclthon 1 Woolsey, John 0 Cretightonn, Edward renchard, John l)ownes, John 1) Henley Jesse 1) Elliot, l Date of commission Where born Mardi 5, 1799, Alay 22, 4 Vrilrinili, May 20, 00, N^J~'llffierVUZ cvi6 l imt 23, i soi, 1,1,, g,10:11 it, :\)i'il 00) 06;, Penni 4 April 2:, (it'uii, i April 21, (oii ii July 2, 1 ), Mass July, March 3, 1:1, elsls a re, March 5, July '21, September 11, 81 ', D~elalware, Noveilber 22, November '23, 1, N ersey November '24, ebrualry 4, February 28, P'ennl February 29, Aavyland, February '28, Newv flamp February 28, Newv York, April 27, 16, April 27, New loik April 27, W nd(fies, March 5, 17, N Jerwsy, March N, Malss March f, irginlia, March 27, lmaryhln11d, Whierc statione( Navy Commissioner Norfolk, Navy yard, Viriinia Charlestown, Massaclhuiett Navy rd(l, WVashington Frankii'n 74, Pacific ocean liigate Uniteil States, Pacific oceali Navy Conmmissioner C ommanding NN'eat nldia siquath'ot Navy yard, B1rooklyn, Frigatq Constitution, Aeiditerraillen Navy Commnissioner Command in at Norlolk, Virginia Ohio 74, at Necv York Navy yard, Gosport, Virginia Steam frigate Fulton, W% hitch Hlail, Lake Champlain Frigate Congress, West n( ia station Frigate Constellation, Commanding at Baltimore Commanding at New Orleins New Yoik station Commanding at Sackett's8arbor Navyard, Portsmouth, New Hlampshire Corvette Cyane, Mediterraneanl Frigate Guerriere, Norfolk Frigate Macedonian, NorlolL Norfolk station MASTERS COMMANDANT Robert Henley, Stephen Cassin, Jaines Rensalaw, )avil D)eacon, Lewis Alexi, Sidney Smnith, ''liumnas Brown, Samuel Woodlifouse, Charles C 13 ''lonimpson, Alexander S Wadsworth, George WV tudgers, eorgo (C Read, htenry 1 Ballarl, Willialn Carter Joeph J Nicholsoll, 'olcott Chauncey, Edmund P Kennedy Alexander J D)allas, John 11 Nicholok, Beckman V fotirmain, Jesse Wilkinson, George Budd, 'l19omas A p Catesby 3oneg, Jose S clherson, Johnl Porter Williaml Oltoil F'inch, l~ilham 11 Shu~brick, Benjmin W Booth, Alexander Claxton, Charles V Mrllrga, August 12, September, D~ecenilm 10, December 10, December 10, February 28, March 1, Alpil 27, r ḷ Mlarcn Mad28 4 5s, April, Aprlil 15, 1 4, it 16, & 17,, 20, lb6 virginia, 'cn) 'enll France, )el aware, lcnn Virginia 1atame, N C arolina, Conn Penn1 Virginia Rendezvous, Norfolk Sloop Hornet, WCest ndia station Navy yard, Gosport, Virginia Sloop r rie M(iterranean On1 furlough Philadelphia rendezvous Rendezvous, Boston Navy yar(d, Washington Navy yard, Brooklyn, New Y1ork station Rtendlezvous, Nev York Sloop Peacock1 Pacific ocean Navy yard, Philadelphia Sloop Ontario, Mediterranean Nortolk station, Virginia Corvette John Adanms, Washingtoin 74, Ohio 74, WVest ndia station Commanding at Erie, Pennsylvania nspector of ordnance for the navy Navy yard, Portsmouth, New Hlaimpslhire West ndia squadron Navy ard(l, Charlestown New Yoi'k station Rtendlczvouis, Blaltimore

3 i824j NAVAL REGSTER FOR THlE YEAR LEUTENANTS Names D)atc of' commission Whcre bor Where stationed Francis J Mitchell, Raymond H Perry, Ljawrence Kearney, Foxhall A P'arker, Edward A McCall, Daniel 'Furner, David Conner, John Gallagher, Thomas Holdup Stevens, hienry S Newcomb, James P Sellers, William M Hunter, John D Sloat, Mattliew C Perry, Charles NV Skinner, Joseph Wragg, Samuel NV Adams, Frederick W Smith, Otho Norris, John Newton, Samuel Henley, 4 Joseph Smith, Lawrence Rousseau, George W; Storer, Joseplh Cassin, Robert M Rose, Beverley Kennon, le'dward U Shubrick, October 9, Charles A Budd, June, Francis H Gregory, June 28, John H Clack, 1)ecemnber '3, Philip F Vorhees, Benjamin Wiliam 1 Cooper, Gordon, Silas Duncan, James Ranmage, Dulany Forrest, )avid Geissinger, Robert F Stockton, Thomas S Cuniinghain, saac AMcKeever2 Jolin Paul Zantzinger, Charles E Crowley, William D Salter, Charles S McCawley, Johni H Bell, Thomas M Newell, Elie A F Vallette, William A Spencer, Francis B Gamble, William Laughton, Nelson Webster, Thomas T Webb, John Percival, John 1 Aulick, William V 'T'aylor, Mervine P AMix, 1l1aden Dulany, Janme McGowall, Silas H Stringham, Nathaniel L Montgomery, William A C Farragut, George B McCulloh, Stephen Champlin, William Lowe, Richard G Edwards, saac Mayo, William K Latimer, William Mervine, Thomas Crabb, Edward B Babbitt, TrhomasPaisio, Jun James Armstrong,, Joseph Smoot, Robert B Randolph, William Berry, Samuel L Breeze, John Evans, Benjamin Page, Jun John T Ritchie, John A Wish, John Gwinn, William A Weaver, Thomas W Wyman, James L Morris Andrew Fitzhugli, February, March 5, Manrchl March 9, March 11, March 12, July 24, March 24, _ 6, it it 44 ; F'ebruary 4, December 1, April a7, 6 09,, 46 4, '5 Vil it sland, ginial, Not on duty N Jersey,Awa iting ordlers ai, Phiiadelphlia station vilginia, S Ca(rolln 1 sland, S Crtolillla, N laimp New York t sland, Maine, S Carolin: N Hump Virg!nia, Louisiana, Maine, S Carolinga, Conn Virlifia, V1ir5i11ia, N erseyl relandt, Miarylanld, England, Pell" Sloop Ontario, Mediterranuean N Carolina Georgia, Newv York, New Hamp it snn(l, Conti N York, * Louisiana, 1 * * N Carolina, Mlaryland, R sland, Kentucky, England, S C:arolina Frioate &uiostitution, Mediterranean Schooner Nonesuch, Medliterranean Schooner Dolphini, Pacific ocean iten(lezvous, Baltimore Schooner Shark, Newport, Rhode sland Schooner Jackall, SSchooner Gramptims, West ndia, station Receiving ship, Norfolk station a, Nortolk stationi Sackett's harbor Onl florlough Receiving vessel, Baltimore Brig Spark, Baltimore station Boston station XWest n(lia station Frigate Constitution, Mediterranieani Ren(lczvous, Norfol, Virginia Norfolk, Virginia Norfolk station White H all, Lake Champlain Awaiting or(lers, M edited }allean Washington 74, Navy yardl, Brooklyn, Frigate Congress, tirst lieutenant Schooner Ferret; W'Vest ndia station Schooner Porpoise, surveying Sloop l'encock, P'acific ocean, first liuet Frigate ConstitUtion, Mediterranean Newv Orleans station Frigate Constitution, Me(literranean Schooner Weasel, WVest ndlia station On lurlough Sloop Erie, Mediterranean, first licut Navy yard, Washington New York station, commaniading Store ship Decoy, YVest ndia station Frigate Constellation, n(dependence 71, Boston Sloop Alert, Norfolk Frigate United States, Pacific ocean, st t Sloop Ontario, Mediterranean New port, Rhode sland Ohio 74 Frigate Guerriere, Norfolk Schooner Greyhound, WVest ndia station Corvette C ane, Mediterranean Newport, Rhode sland Oil furlough Not on duty Schooner Dolphin, Pacific ocean Pacific ocean Sloop Hornet, Columbus 74, Boston Frigate United States, Charleston, South Carolina Portsmouth, New lampshire, station Sloop Erie Mediterranean Schooner fox, Charleston, South Carolina Navy yard, Charlestown Portsmouth, New am pshire, station Washington 74,

4 920 NAVAL AFFARS [24 Names William M Caldwell, John K (Carter, Joseph Cross Abraham S rren Mick, Thomas S laininersley, John White, William M Robins, Hiram Paulding, Jonathan l) Williamson, t Uriah P Levy, Enoch H J(ohns, Charles Charles Lacy, Boarman, French Forrest, E'tdgar Freeman, Wlllinam E MicKenney, William J Bielt, Charles Caldwell, William Jameson, James NV H1 Ray, William Boeruin, Charles Williainson, Charles Gauntt, William WV tanmsay, Ralph Vorheep, Alexander Eskridge, Ebenezer Ridgeway, Thomas A Conover, Archibald S Campbell, William 'raylor, John C Long, Henry L ' arner, John H Graham, Henry Ward, Henry Henry, Samuel W )owning, Richard S Hunter, William Pottenger, Henry W Ogden, 'ohn Lee, Walter Abbot James M Mcfntosh, J(siah Tatnall, William 1 Temple, George McCawley, Hfugh N Page, John A Cook, William lnm1ani, Joel Abbot, Lewis E Simonds, John M Dale, Harrison Cocke, William J McCluney, Albert G Wall, Ephraim D Whitlock, James V Curtis, James Goodrum, John B Montgomery, Horace B Sawyer Cornelius K Stribling, James E Legare, Joshua R Sands, Allen Griffin, John L Cummings, Frederick S Gibbon, John J Young Charles Bell, Abrahat Bigelow, Otho Stallings Zachariah W Nixon, Henry C Newtou, Frank B~llery, Frederick Varnum, Frederick G Wolbert, Joseph t Jarvis, Thomas W Freclon, Pardon M Whipple, James Williams, Samuel W Lecompte, Charles T Platt, Wm M Armstrong, William F Shield*, Garret J Pendergrast, William C Nicholson, James B Cooper, J W Sherburne, acting, 1 )ate ocommission _April 27, 16, 6 6 March 5, 6 6 * April 1,, Marchl 28, $6 6 6 March 3, April 22, July LEUTENANTSContinued 6; 17, 6, ~ *6 *6 O, 6 91, Where bor Boston station New Yorlk, Rendezvous, Maryland1, Schooner Beagle New Yorlk, Sloop Ontario Niediterranean Maryland1, Columbus 74, Boston Maryland 1, Sackett's Harbor New Yorl, N Jersey Penni Mediterranean Mayland, Baltimore station N Jersey Erie, Pennsylvania Navy yard, W\ashlington Sloop flornet, rest ndia station N Jersey ric, Pennsylvania New Yor k, New York N fallap Vermont, * * * (Georgia, *Georgia, Pell"n Dist Col Penn, rn Where stationed Onf1,urlough Phi a(lelphia station Frigate Constellation, New Ydrk S gal Sea Gull, Sloop Peacock Sloop Erie, Mediterranean Navy yard, Gosport, V'irginia Boston station Rendezvous, Receiving ship, Boston Philadelphia rendezvous Navy yard, Washington Corvette J Adams, U station, 1st t Schooner Shark, WVest n(lia station Sloop Peacock Baltimore station Washington 74, Sailed for two years, from May 15, 22 ndependence 74, Boston Schooner Nonesuch, Mediterranean Schooner Dolphin, Pacific ocean Noriolk station Onl furlough Sloop Brie, Mediterranean Vermont, Schooner Dolphin, Pacific ocean S it Sloop Hornet, W\est ndia station S Carolina West ndia station, brig Spark Brig Spark, West ndia stations Not onl duty New Yurk, Washinigton 74 Sloop Ontario, Mediterranean M~ass Sloop Ontario, Mediterranean Baltimore station Virinia, Sloop Ontario, Mediterranean t JSlandl, Schooner Nonesuch, Mediterranean Alass Corvette John Adams Schooner Wild Cat, M ass igate Constitution, Mediterranean New Y'ork ntependence 74, Boston Mediterranean Norfolk station Sloop Eric, Mediterranean White Hall, Lake Champlain Kentucky, Frigate Congress Georgia, Mediterranean Menucky, N jersey, N Hamp Survey ing coast of Florida

5 241 NAVAL REGSTER FOR THE YEAR Names Edward Cutbusli, Samuel R Marshall, Lewis Heerman, Jonathan Cowdry, Samuel D Heap, Robert L T'horn, William P C Barton, George Lofan, Amos A E vans, Robert S Kearney, James ThomasP'age, l ris, William Turk, Hy1de VlleerRay, W Buchanall, Gerard Dayers, Robert t Blarton, Benjamin P Kissain, John A Kearney, Baily Washington, Walter W New Robert C Randofph, Charles B Hamilton, William Swift, Richard K Ho'fiman, Thomas B1 Salter, Peter Christie, Charles M Reese, Samuel Jackson Andrew B Cook, John 11 Gordon, Leonard Osborne, Thomas Williamson, George S Sproston, Einathan Judlson, _ D)ate of commission June 24, January 16, November 27, March 3, April 28, April 14, April 20, April 28, March 6, July 6, July 24, 6 October 6, April 15, July 26, May 22, April 27, March 27, 1799, 00, 04, 09, 10, 11, 121 2, it 4, 6 16, 1c, 4 6 SURGEONS Where born Germany, Alass Pennn reland, Flanders, reland, Virgin it, Alass S C'arolina, N Yoik, New Yoik, Plenn Mary land, Na ryllland, Mas; SURGEONS' MATES Where stationed Nnval hospital, Washington Naval hospital, Hospital, Newv Orleans Rendezvous, Norfolk Mediterranean Navy yard, Portsmouth, New lampshire (Charleston, South Carolina Not on duty Washington City (ill health) Awaiting orders, ( Baltimore rendezvous) Naval hospital, Philadelphi)a White Hall, Lake Champlain Fi'iaile Coligrezs Sackett's iiarbor Columbus 74, Boston Oin furlough, no pay Corvette Cyane Navy yard, Charlestown Rlendevous, Washington New Orleans West n1dia station Marine barracks, headiquarters Sloop Ontario Waslincmtoii 74, New orlk Frankliii 74,Pacilic ocean Oin furlough, no pay Sloop Erie, Mediterranean Naval hospital, Philadelphia rendezvous Hospital, 0ospiort, Virginia Frigate Constitution, M1editerr'anean Awaiting Or(lers ~~~~~ John Harrison, Manuel Philips, William Belt, John D Armstrong, Benjaminl Austin, Wilmot F Rodgers, John W Peaco, Alexander M Montgomery, Benjamin A Welles, William D Conway, James Norris, Benajah Tickner, Charles Chase, Thomas V Wiesenthal, William Birchmore, John S Wiley, James R Boyce, Richard Stevens John Fitzhugh, Jiun David S Edwards, Mordecai Morgan, Joseph Kenz, James Cornick, Robert F Dandridge, William Williamson, William D Babbit, Robert'r Falconer, Joseph B Stillman, Thomas J Boyd, George Terrill, F L Duberry, acting, Stephen Rapalje, acting, John Haslett, acting, Benjamin R Tinslar, acting, C i Van Brunt, acting, f W Bassett, acting, Thomas J Bradner, acting, saac Hulse, January 16, July, September 23, May 27, July 24, June 23, July 16, )ecenber 10, Sb '5 January 10, Decein ber 20, April 27, )ecemnber 28, 'S March 28, 'S June 30, February 1, December 24, December 23, May 12, 05, 09, 11, 12, 16, i8, 20, 'So 22, Mary land~, reland~, Marylanld, relall, Newv Hainp Vermont, Maine, Marylan(l, England, Conti Louisiana, Vinrinil;, N ersey, A N Carolina, Delaware, A Hospital, Washilngto West n(lia station Friate Constitution Philnadelphlia station Schooner Nonestich, Mediterranean Schooner trampus, West ndia statioti Philadelphia Schooner Slia'k, AVvest ndia station Baltimore station Navy yard, Charlestown, Massachusetts Naval hospital, Brig Spark, West lndia station Schooner Dolphin, Pacific ocean Sloop Erie, Medite:rranean Awalting orders, Philadelphia West ndia statio) Sloop Hornet, AwYaiting orders, Corvette John Adamis, WVest ndia station WVest ndia statioii Sloop Ontario Schooner Porpoise, surveying West ndlia station Frigate United States, Pacific oceaii lvest ndia station

6 922 NAVAL AFFARS l8!?4 PURSERS Names )ate of commission Where born Where stationc(l saac Garretson, Clement S Hunt, Gwinn Harris, John f Carr, Nathaniel Lyde, Samuel Hfambleton, Robert C Ludlow, John B Timberlake, Thomas 1 Chew, 'rhomnas Shields, Richard C Archer, Lewis D)eblois, George S WVise, Francis A Thiornton, James Al Halsey, Edward Fitzgerald, Alexander 1) D)arrali, William S Rogers, Sallitic} P Todd, George Beale, James H Clark, Joseph Wilson Juln B Josev)h Wilkinson, Wil iani Sinclair, John N To(ldl, ''imothy Vion, William M Sands, Joseph l ''erry, Thomas Bireese, Gardner rhomas, Ashton Y Humnplreys, John )ebree, Charles 0 Handy, Silas Butler, Edward N Cox, Nathaniel 11 Perry, J N Haml)leton, acting, Jose ph Watson, William1 McMultr, Garret t }arry, acting, ; _ Apr i1 25, 12, Febrra 26, Mar July Mar, ell 2G, Manr May r17, s t20, * May June Julye Jlily 44 July 2, Julyc 22, * Decelnber 29, 17, Marc :s ~8, 20, Alarc ]i 289, 20, Octollmr 21, 19, Septe ber 1,21, Novemiber~ 14l, Janurir ary 16, 21, M^1aryland, Mlaryland, Engiand,, alss )elawvare, Virgin in Nesv York,,)elaware, t sland, New )lork, Kentucky, t da id, Penr t sland, Newv York, R sland, Plenn Baltimore station Newport, Rhode sland Navy yard, Portsmouth; New Hampshire Frigate Con ress Navy yard, Vharlestown Schooner Shark, West nmlia station WaAlington 7/, New Orfeans Alert, store ship, Norfolkl On furlouh Navy yar(i, Brooklyii, Awvaiting orders Franklin 71, Placific ocean Navy yar(l, Gosport, Virginia ndependence 74, Boston Philadelphia navy yard an(l station Frigate Guerriere, Norfolk Awaitirig orders, Boston New Orleans navy yard antl station Charleston, South Carolina Sloop Ontario Navy yard, Washington Sackett's Harbor Sloop Hornet, Sloop P'eacock, Pacific ocean Frigate Macedonian, Norlolk Corvette John Adams Receiving ship, Sloop Erie, Mediterranean Schooner Nonesuch, Mediterranean Schooner l)olphin, Pacific ocean Brig Spark Scliocner Graimpus CHAPLANS John Cooke, May 19, 112, Cheever Fetch, May 12, * Nathaniel Amidrews, August 16, 16, James Brooks, * December 29, 1, li James Everett, December 29, '1 iaddison Searle, April 27, 162 0, Burgess Allison, Marchl 3, 223, Cave Jones, Acting, * June 3, 2a3, England, Not on (luty MAss Surveying coast of Florida England, Sacketts Harbor Mlass Navy yard, Charlestowvn N Hfamp Frigate Constitution New Jersey, Navy yardl, Washington Nei; York, Navy yard, Brooklyn, DSP'MEN PASSE) FOL P'ROMOTON 20 Daniel Mfackay, Edward W Carpenter, John L Saunders, Joseph B Hull,Jun Jott 8 Paine, John } Prentiss, John Al Sullivan, Joseph Moorhead, 21 Samiuel B Phelps, rvine Shubrick, Charles Ellery, Trhomas R Gerry, John Kell William WRice, flu~gh Dullln William'tliodgers, Edmund B3yrne, Edlward S Johnson, William f Gardner, Frederick Jarrett, David 0 Farru t, Richard S Pinc, ney, Stephen B Wilson, Edward C Rutledge, William S Harris, April 16, July 10 4 iaruclm 1, November 15, May 20, May 12, March 8, )ecember 6, February 1, February 1, )ecember 6, Match 8, December 17, August 3, 09, dli 10, 04 Conn Maine, Ollio, Co(nn, t sland, Maine, New York, enn L slandl, Tennesee, N Carolina, Kentucky, Awaiting or(lers Sloop Erie, Mediterranean Brig Spark Franlikin 71, Pacific ocean Navy yardl, Gosport, Virginia4 Stoop Peacock, Pacific ocean washington 74, Schooner Shark, O1n furlough Philadelptia station On furloquh West ndit station Washington 74,

7 24 ] NAVAL REGSTER FOR THE YEAR MDSHPMENContinued Names )ate of warrant Where born, Where stationed Thomas Dornin, Thomas Pettigru, Benjanin S UVrinke, John P Tuttle, Robert B Cunningham, James Glynn, Joseph Myers, Wiilliam C Wetmore, William 1B Nicholson, Augustus Cutts Thomas t Gednoy, John Bubier, Victor M Randolph, John S Chauncey, Joseph Cuttst Jun Jacob Crowninshield, Fre(lerick Engle, Thoiiias S Brown, Alexander J Dallas Brown, Jesse Smith, John H Smith, AMerrit S Scott, Francis Sanderson, John tudd, 22 Duncan N ngraham, Henry Bruce, John Marston, Jun David Conyngham, William D Newman, Robert titchie, David t Stewart, Tho1loas Hayes, Alex B Pinkham, Willianm H Homer, James D Knight, Joseph Mattison, Wilfiani W McKean William S Walker, Alexander Slidell, James G Bouughan, Benjamin Tallmadge, Jun Hubbard H Hobbs, Samuel Mercer, Franklin Buchanan, Geore F Pearson, Cliarfcs Lowndes, 44 December 6, June, AMarch 17, June 11, December 6, March 11, December 6, December 17,,{ March 11, February 3, June, April 15; February 1, ' 1; June 0, June 17, June 30, January 11, January 24, M~archb 4, January 28, March 11, March, 12, 12, 16, 12, 10, ; 11, ; 12, Conn Virinla N Uanrolina, Maine, Virginina AMaine, Conn Conn Kentucky, Marylan(l, t slandl, New Jersey, Perin N Hamp Connecticut Virlinima N Hamp Sloop Hornet, Sloop Erie, Mediterrauean Corvette John Adamis Corvette John Adams West n(lia station Norfolk station Onl furlough Schooner Plorlpoisc, surveying WVest nldia station Frigate Java, Boston Boston station On fimrioug WVest ndia station WVest ndia station Vest ndia station Charleston, South Carolina on lvest turlough ndia station Baltimore station West 1d(1a station Friate United States, Pacific ocean On %urlough Sloop Erie, Mediterranean Boston station On West furlough ndia station Washington 71, Schooner Shlark, WVest ndia station Sloop Hornet, Schooner Porpoise, WVest ndia station MDSHlPMEN Albert A Alexander, Henry A Adams, George Adanms, Henry J Auchmuty, saac H Abbot, James W Abbot, Robert W Alden, John M Allen Guerdin C Ashton, Joseph Arnold, John Holmes Amory, Addison A Anderson, Samuel Barron, Russell Baldwin, John D Bird Timothy 0 henham, Lyttleton M Booth, Joseph Bowman, Archibald R Bogardus, Benjamin F Bache, Oscir Bullus, Abraham Bennett, Robert S Bullus, George S Blake, Joshua Barney Theodorus Baily, Jun Joseph R Blake, T McKean Buchanan, Edward B Boutwell, James Bradford, Joseph R Brown John 9 Adams Boyd, John E Bispham, September 1, March 14, May 10, May 10, February 1, A August 19, May 17, April 16, November 3, June 1, July 8, December 20, July 4, November 3, March 3, July 10, December 13, December 13, 11, 20, 22, 12, 17, ~6 19, 6 D Colum R sland, Mainie, Michigan, N Hamp Kentucky, Georgia, Tennessee, Delaware, Conn Delaware, virolnia, Louisiana, ndiana, New Jersey, West india station Webt ndia station WVest ndia station Boston station Norfolk station On furlou h Navy yard Washington Awaiting or(lers, n1o pay Washington 74, Franklin74, Pacific ocean Awvaiting orders, no pay On fbrloilgh Naiird, Gosport, Virginia Ne ork Fr nklin 74, Pacific ocean Frigate United States, Paicific ocean

8 924 NAVAL AFFARS [24 S1W1DHPENContinued Names Date of warrant Where born Where stationed Saimuel M Breckenridge, Edwuarl O Bllanchard, Augustus larnahouse, lrobert B Hell, fllae(mloric F Blland, Jun John C lunner, Patrick F Bradlee, John, 11,11 Gleorge lariard, Rotubert L Browning, Henry f Bell, E~dwardl Bonyd, Junlius, e, John 1tan lph Brlyal, Joseph S Cornwel 1, Enos t Childs Joseph Y Cannon, Charles B9 Childs Rtichardl Cochrane, James 11 Clinton, Williamn f Campbell, James E 'alhoun, Johi lediman Coxe, John Addijomn Carr, SXmuel B Cockp Charles Edward Cutts, John Cassin, John Calhoun, WVilliam 1 Capers, Thlomas T Craveim, Charles W C'hlanuncey, William C ('arrington, (oratio Nelson Caudy, Philander F Cantedy, Walter C Cutts, Jerome Callan, Jaines B Cooke, Saninuel F D)upont, Albi' rt E )owiies, Nathanicl WV )uke, Thollmouus D)inimock, Jolan D l)avay, Chlarlcs 1 )avis, Charles f )uryee, fenry Ettitig, fenry Eagle Juln Francis D Ellison, Thomas Evans, %Villiani H Everett, T'homas L Emerson, Alex 11 Edwards, Willinm F'oster, Lewis C F Fatio, Anidrew Foot, Ebenmezer Farrand, Archibald 1 lfairlax, Cathlil C Fithugh, acting, ewik4 M Goldslorough, l)alriel (G(dwill James 'T Gerry, William Green, Alexander G G(ordlon, William M Glendy, Charles W Gay, Sylvanus Godon John Graham, Samuel Gaillard, Farnefold Green, Alexander Gibson, John J Glasson, Guert Gansevoort, srael B Griffin, William F Orymes, T'ombigbee Gordon elmuth J Uaiedicke, James B (Glentworth, Levi N Harby, James 1110ge, * George N Hollins, Harry D Hunter William L Howard, John E Heron, W'lllitAin L Hudson, Lucius C leylin, Alexander H Hopkinson, December 16, May 10, May 10, August t, July 16, Septemaber 1, l)ecember '1, Marca 41, August 4, August 19, August 27, October 4, Julie, February 26, *January 28, February 7, April 24, May l 30, May 30, July 4, *July 4, November 3, May 10, January 25, March 27, May, 11 February 6, May 31, l)ecember 19, n Julne 17, August 12, *August 19, May 28, October 23 February 1, March 1, Marca 5, February 41, 822 March , 823, 44 August *1, MNarch 8, Deceinber 4, Julie, 812, 1 814, l)ecemnber 20, 1 816, 8,, October 27, Marcha 1, September 1, May 10, 1 1 Ju~ly 4, FUiebruary 1,,19, 20, 20, 21, 22, 12, 16, 17, 20, "1, :22, 22, 19, 19, 820, 823, itarch 4, June 3, August 19 Juite, E 813, February 1, E814, ' January 10, E116, 116, January 1 Jnuary 1, 10B17, September 25, : P ' Kentuckyt Schooner Dolphin, Pacific ocean Mississippi, Navy yard, Washington A Mediterranean Alass West ndia squadron N Lamp Washington 74, Kentucky, N Carolina, Sloop Erie, Mediterranean Sloop Erie, Mediterranean Georgia, A waiting orders D)elaware, Washington 74, West ndia squadron Norfolk station N lamp Sloop Erie, Mediterranean N Hamp Neuv York, Awaliting orders N Carolina, West n(lia station Newv Hainp Vermont, Nlaine, nidiiana N Carolina, Awaiting orders, New Jersey, Allass Kentucky, Sloop Erie, Mediterranean bass T'eniessee, NVest ndia station n(liana, Nfass Sloop Erie, Mediterranean Schooner Porpoise Sloop Erie, Mediterranean Frigate Constitution, Mediterraneau Sloop Ontario hlarylandl, Boston station Vermnont, blichligara S'ew York, Carolilna, NVest ndia squadron (in Jersey, West ndlia station Navy yard, Washington West nilia station (Colum faimle das Ohio 74, Newv York,irginia, Nortblk station ) Column Sloop Erie, Mediterranean N 1) N l aaryland, lass 0enn Baltimore station Columbus 74, Boston N 1 Colum Columbus 74, Boston )i Carolina, CCarolina, Corvette John Adams irginia, Washington 74, few York, lew York,!aryland, irginia, eorgia, Je P, Vest ndies lienn N ap qe,carolina, inn Navy yard Gosport 8 [aryland, On furlough qeenn Frigte United States Pacific ocean li ew York, Washington 74, New York; V irginia, N;el ew York, New York tation P enn (O furlough inn

9 NAVAL REGSTFER FOR THE YEAR ] 925 Nmnes Peyton T Henley, Stern Humphreys, Andrew A Harwood, Charles E Hawkins, John Hamilton, James T Homans, John W Hunter, Jun Cary [J Hansfor(d, Paul Hamilton Hayne, Jeflerson Hansford Thomas J Harris, William W Hunter, John W Hunt, Juln Samuel F Hazard, Edward Hoban, Neil M Howison, Edward M Hubbard, James A Hemphill, John E Holt, C P C Harrison, William C Holmes, William E Hunt, Oscar rvinig, George zard, Jonath'an ngesll, Richard A ones, Joshua H Justin, Robert Zachariah F Jones, Johnston, Charles H Jackson, Robert Jpnes, John r Jenkins, Stephen Johnston, Kinsey Johns acting, William H ennon, Stephen B1 Kingston, C H A H Kennedy, Edward A Kerr, James P Kid, Francis Kev, Lawrence Keeine, acting, Thomns J Leib, Arthur Lewis, Andrew K Long, John H Little, William F Lynch, James L Laridncr, Edward S Lewis Samuel Lockwood,,Sidney Smith dee, Nathaniel C Lawrence, William Leggett, James B Lardner, William B3 Jvne, William B McLean, Daniel S McCawley, Robert F Martin, Nicholas Marchand, Humphrey H Morris, Georg j= Maruder, '1 JefWerson Manning, John Marshall, Alexander M Mull, Charles V Morris, HenryVW Morris, John mannin, Richard D Millen, Richard R McMullin, John White Mooers, Richard Hunt Morris, John H Marshall, Francis Mallary, A H Mitchell Charles 11 Mcdllair William M A Moore, Samuel Evans Munin, Albert Mcl)aniel, Murray Mason, Robert H Nichols, John S iicholas, Josph M Nicholson, Frederick A Neville, Lloytd B Newell, Wi liain H Nolard, William S Ogden, )avid H Porter, 117 a Ml D8l111'M ENContinucd E ):Dte of x errant Where born January 1 'y 4, Decemnber 3, 19, May 1o, 20, )ecember 1, 21, MNlay 1, 22, January 1 February 1, June 4, August 25, October 28, '' Janimary 1, 17, C6 June, 12, March14, s & June 28, 17, 61 February 10, 19, June 1, 21, September 24, " May 15, September 1, 12, January 1, 17, January 1, 6 64 January i 26, 19, May 10, 20, May 10, " July 12, December 30, May 1, 22, December 4, January i 1 12, February 1, May 1 * November T 30, " January i 1, 17,,y 1 ( August 2 21, May p 10 19, 20, 64 May A 1, 22, Nblarch 4, August 19 August 27, pnovember 14, sieptember 1, 11, J1 lune 6, August 30, 16, NWay 10, 20, 46 1) )ecember 13, J1 lul' 426, 20, Aaugust 4, * New York1 S Carolina Louisiana, Kentucky, t sland, D) Columll Virlgcilnia, Maine, West nd(lie C onti * l)elaware, R sland, Georgia, Louisiana, Olio, Virgiria, D coluiin 1) Colmmll Marylaind, Vii'zm ma, Conn Conn lfillois, Penr N Carolina, Louisiana, Englanl(l, Virginia Maryland~, * N Cakrolina, Georlia, * Vermont, Virgirnia, N Carolina Marylanid, ) Columi * ) Column New Y'ork, Ohio, Georgia, * s W\'here stationed Corvette Cyarme, Mediterianeanii Brig Spark, W'est ndia station Sloop Peacock, Placific ocean Schooner Girampus Sloop Peacock, pacific oceian West ndlia squadlron Awaiting or(lers Corvette John Adams Sloop Peacock, Placific oceall F'rigate Co nstitutioin,iile(literranearm Frigate Constellation Franklin 74, Pacific ocean Schooner Dolphin, Pacific ocean Norflolk, Virginia Schooner Grainpus Frigate Congiress West n(lift station Sloop Peacock, Pacifi ocean West ndlia station West nudit station Schooner Dolphin, Pacific ocean Ohio 74, Franklin 74, Pacific occan Frigate Unite(l States, Pacific ocean Corvette Cyane, MNeediterranean Frigate CongreS Sloni Peacock, Pacific ocean Franklin 7Pacific oceall Sloop Ontario Franklin 74t Pacific ocean Sloop Onitario Washington 74, Coast of AB ica Awaiting ord(lers Frigate Constitution, Mediteiranean Norfblk station Brig Spark West 1nd(lia station Frigatte United Stat(es, Pacific occan Frigate United States, Pacific oceall, Awaiting or(lers receiving ship, New Y'ork O)n furlough Schooner Dolphin, Pac"iic ocwan Sloop Ontario Aw\aitint Frigmtlc 'onress orders Franiklin 74, Pacific ocean

10 92'6 NAVAL AFFARS U84 MDS811 'MENColitinued Name D)atc of warrant W'' herc 1h0 mi Where stationed John X''W V'alimer, William 1P Piercy, William L Pennock, E"divard C f'inkney Levzin N Nw)ell, Elishii Peck, John 'leasont(on, Rleutben t 11inkhain, WVilliami Pearson, [lugh Y lpurviance, Henry 'iuikney, Alexalinder F Porter, J3ames M Prevost, fenry Potter, Amusiat Pai ine, Jun Chairles WV Pickering, Lawre(nce Penningtoun, William D Porter, (;reory Purcell, lrenshaw, sallniiel Edint lid Al Russell, Charles C Russell, Samuel Rogers, Johnl Gt Rt(leis, Johlin M Riiller, ( 'ad Raladeiiinggold, fillary liholes, L Robert (; Robb, Daniel L Randolph Ebmnezer lieyner 9nintin llatclifme, Frederick Rlodgers, Willianm Rovan, Jamn ( S Rlowvanm, L E * Robinson, Richatr(d Stewvart, William Skiddy', John Swartwout, to,' Clxs Shaw, 10liamn L Van Rensselaer, lenry D Scott W illiaum Seton, 'Tlhomnas ( ) Sel fridlge, Albeit G Slaughter, alal( S Sterrett, 'T'homnpson 1) 811Shw Saimuel Swartwout, '0101MS,Said(ls, (liaileii F Shoemaker Joseph Stallings, Samuel W, Stockton, Sanford A Street, D)avid M Stokes, Francis Stone, Edwii d WVillia,, J Slifdell, Philip A Stockton, Arthiur Sinclair, Jiam Wi'illian) Schermnerhorn Smith, feiiry Skininer, (vray Skipivith Augustus t strong, Lloyd L Spillnman, J0o1) W Swift, Wil liai Sturgess, acting, '11'omnas 'T'i (lell, W illiaim G T'aylor, Alexander Tioinjsoiln, Richard Taylor, imii Johmi Leeds ''ltoinas, (4riffin T'urmpkins, Eh ias'jaylor, Roberlt ) ''horburn, (Charles C 'urner, Edlward J Tiltonl, Henry Krim 'Thatcher, Belejamin J Tot tel(, Charles A Trhompi)sar George P Upsher, Jamem K Vallette (Oershain J V41n Arunt, Alexanlder VandYke, Edward A Vail, Richard t ltsher, March 16, April 20, Noveinber 21, May 30, March 1, MNfarch 4, July 4, November 1, March 19, November 1i3, MNfay 10, November 2N2, March 1, July ', Julle, July 41, March 1, May 101 September 6, February 1, larch 4, August 19, March, November 15, May 9 November, November :3o, April 23, h ay 30, July 4, November 3, March 24, May 10, )ecemnber 1, *March 41, 1ay 1, January 1 February 1 June 20, August 19, iaugust 25, ' February 13, October 26, January i, July 11, March 30, May 10, lurch 4 Auguat 27 April 23, Julne 1, May 10, December 1 16, ' b 16, 11, 17, *1 19, 22, 05, 12, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 09, 17, 16, 17 19, 20, 'sn 21, 2'2, 22, 4 sk S 16, 19, 20, k6 122, 11 if 11 81, 1 if 20, 21, f f Conin Connect T) Coltllti N'r jjelrs ey, MJaiie, imeille, New Yor New Jerse, Nlaryllan P'enn Maiylfalld, 1) (Col nlill Newv York Vir~ginia, s8lan1d, t Nliarylandll, laryland, Ohio, New York Kentucky, New\ York, Alarylandf, Maylandll~, Newv York, Mtaryland, New Tersey Newv York, N Carolina New Jelrsey Kentucky, 'rennessee, (Ohio Virainia N Carolinn * N Carolina, Nest Jelre, Virginia Virinia Dela'Ware, Maine, Ohio, Martlnndl, New Jersey, Delaware Schoorner Nonesuch, Mediterranean West ndia squadron WVest ndia station arlarn l 1, Baltimore ;, Maine, ndlcpendence 71,,!Virgtinia, N est ndia station os)tonl cut Franklin 74, Pacifil oceali h1i)4 Slool) Erie, Meditcriranean Franklin 74, Pacific OCeflln Franklin 7f, Pacific oce'ai Frigate United States, Pacific ocelnll Norlfolk statio r,franklin 741, Pacific ocean N ina, New Carolii York station S'chooner Shark, WVest ndia station N}i lamlp Baltimore station Plenn F'riga te United States, Pacific ocean N Ss1lll Brig Spark l Rendezvous Philadelphia (in furlough!y, Schooner D)olphin, Pacific oceali Awaiting, o(lers )ia Schooner Porpoise, surveying Schooner D)olphin, Pacific ocean Schooner Grampus, Wrest ntlia station Awaiting or(lers WVest lindia Station on t 'rlough,sloo) Peacock, Pacific ocean Norllilk, Virginia Wvest ndia station West ndia station, Corvette Cyane, Mediterrainean Onl furlough Franklin 7,1, Pacific ocean Frigate Constitution, Me(literraneau Sloop Peacock, 'acific ocean 3Baltimore station Frigate Unitedl States, Pacific ocen:a On fnrlonh r Vest fn(da station s W\'est ndlia station Awaitinw orders Frigate frnited States, Pacilic ocea Corvette Cyanie Mediterrantcan Vest ndia station BoXstoni sisatioll Sloop Hornet, West Tndia station Columbus 74, Bostoni Norlolk, Virginia est n(lia squaolron Gosport navy yard Frigate United states, Pacific oean ( Frigate United States, Pacific 4ceai Frigate United Stntesg Pacific ocvan Co(r vette Cyane Mediterranean C'oluinbus 74, Boston Frigate (ongcs Sloop ()ntario

11 Q41 NAVAJL REoGSTrElR FOR THE YEAR M)SH1'NENContintlcd Names Pedro Carrcra Valdes, Wvilliamn S J Washington, clem S Whittington, George F Weaver, James 1 Wilson William G Woolsey, Charles Wilkes, Jun Dudley Walker, John VT West, William Conwaiy Whittle, Hampton Westcott, Simon U Wnalsh, Edwvin Welsh, George J Willard, James H Watson, George B Wilkinson, James H Ward, William Whetcroft, acting John R 1 Yieser, Thomas t Yeatman, John Young, Junoe 17, February 5, Junie, August 3, D)ate of' warrant Alay 8, November 30 November 10D, February 15, Ailly 1, 4 February 1, March '1, '23, 12, 16, 17, 46 22, t '22, Where born Chlili, Marnyland, Mfass Pentim V'irgiaia, New Jersey, Miss Alabama, Ohlio, 1) Columbia Connecticut M aryland, Mss (J1io, WVherc stationed Frigate United States, Pacific oce"n W'cst n(lia station Navy yard, Washingtol Schooner Nonesuch, Mediterranean Franklin 74, Pacific oceali Onl furlough Franklin 71, Pacific ocean Frigate Convress Norfolk station Sloop Eric, Mediterranean Schooner Nonebuch, Ae(litorranean New Orleans New Orleans West ndia s(lifl(lroil West ndia (1ua(loln Weit n(lia station Corvette Cyan e, Mediterranca a Corvette Cyallne, Mediterranean SALNGMASTERS Edward Barry, Abraham Bloodgood, Copnelius Bennett, Salvadore Catalani, John Clough, Alex Cunninglham, John Carlton, Peter Carson, Briscoe S Doxey, Marmaduke Dove, Daniel Dobbins, George F (le a Roche, Shubael Dowrnes, Richard Dealy, S J Dusenberry, Francis H Ellison, Jonathan D Ferris, Augustus Ford James Ferguson, Samuel C lixon, Daniel Jones, William Knight, Simon Kingston, Robert Knox, Joseph Lindsay, William Lee, Jacob Mull, Francis Mallaby, William F Malbone, Philip S Meyeli, Willfiam Miller, Alex W Macomb, John Nantz, David Phivps, Lewis B Page, James B Pott8 William W Polk, N A Prentiss, acting, John Quinn, Thomas Rutter, John Robinson, William W Sheed, Nathaniel Stoodley, Daniel S Stellwagon, Robert S 'T'atem, James Tewksbury, William Vaughan, Charles Fadnldo, Joseph Williston, Nahum Warren, Henry Worthington, February 28, Junle 25, December 9, August 9, July 3, November 15, July 4, November 1, June 24, August 29, September 16, August 3, September 12, December 6, Julie 2, July 3, February 28, March 28, May 27, April 30, Ma y 8, October 23, June 29, July 20, Marchi 17, April 30, February 13, July 1, April 4, November, January 28, July 25, July 7, March 9, July 24, July, January 22 November 1, November 27, May 5, August 14, May 14, July 21, December 14, August 22, March 10, November 26, February 2, May 2, 09, 1 e, 09,, 1(;, 12, 21, 09, 10, 1, 1 1, 12, 1 799, 12, 09, 12, 01, 09, 112, 16, 12, reland, Sicily, Mlass ' l'enn Mlass New YOrk, S Carolinia, England, England, M ass 1L sland, Scotland, reland, Virgina, Eanglnd, N Hlamp i jn Lamp Navy yard, WVashington Navy yard, Brooklyn, Newport, Rhode sland Navy yald, Washington Receiving> ship, Noroilk Virginia Frigate Jnited States New Orleans Baltimore station ;Navyyard, AWashington Awaiting oldeirs ndependence 74, Boston On) fur1lough Ohio 71, Navy yaril, Brooklyn, New Orleans Sackett's Harbor Frigate Constitution Columbus 74, Boston Steam frigate Fulton, New Yorik Navy rard, Philadelpliia Pliila(?lphia station Navy yard Charlestown White Hall, Lake Champlain Frigate Java, Boston On T7rlough Frigate Constellation, Newy York Phia(lelphia station Sloop Ontario Receiving ship, Baltiniore Steam F'rigate Fulton, Navy yar(d, Gosport, Virginia Navy yard, Gosport, Virginin Navy yard, Brooklyn, Navy yard, Portsmouth, N Hampshire ndependence 74, Boston Navy yard, Portsmouth, N Hfampshi re Navy yard, Cosport, Virginia Brie, Pennsylvania Sackett's Harbor Navy yard, C harlestown Sloop Hornet, =

12 NAVAL AFFARS t24 BOATSWANS l3;irik;s e';phen G (lark, Dllillill, David E'litollx, "'dward1'( Liliscolstl James Mfenzies Samuel F Parker, 'llhonas t smilith, Willianm 8jitli, John Smith, John vo(ods, James ''hayer, David Wesley, John W\elsh, 1 D)atc of warrant s ihere born July 21, 17, June 25, January 1 19, August 8, 11, March 29, 09, December 5, 19, " 09, November 5, 19, )ecember 7, " July 8, April 1, 22, Junle8e " New 'York, Where stationed,, Navy yard, Charlestown Schooner Nonesuch, Mediterranean Navy yard, Gosport, Virginia Newv York, Navy yard, Washington Frigate Constitution, Mlediterianean Corvette Cyane Sloop Ontario Navy yard, Philadelphia Sloop Hornet Corvette John Adams (UNNEiRS J Andlrews, ''hollmas Barry James Bogman, John Blight, James Cosgrove, Samuel Doggett, John Fair, Jonathan Hubbard, George Jackson, Stephen Jones, Johni L lord, George Nalshall, ''honas Marshall, Elijah Merchant, Elijah Whitten, Satullel flebbard, Walker ('orcoran, November 24, July 2 December 14, afly 3, August 30, Sertember 20, July 8, July 10, February 2, Mtay 6, June, July 15, January 1 January 23, June, )3, 16, 21, 21, 10, 12, 1 809, 822, Penm Navy yard, Washington ' Navy yard, Brooklyn, New Orleans Steam Frigate Fulton, Newv York Washington 74 Navy Yar(, Gossport, Virginia Scl8hooner NonesuchAMediterranean StSlool) Peacock, Pacific ocean Colimectic't,! Sloop Erie, M editerranean Sloop hornet, West n(lia station CARPl'ENT'ERS SamullAel$lrow olg, llichard Berry Jolhn Deacon, 'Zacclceus t Fuller, john Fisher, John Justice, Richard Lowell, samluel Phlillips, Nellemniall Parker, Johni Snider, William E Sheffiel(d, lticharld ''llomnas, June 17, )ec embhe July 1, April 12), Marlchl 20 December May 24, January 1,Apiil H January 2 r, 12, 1, 22, 22, 16, 2:?, 20, 21 20, Ne wjeiersiey, Sloop Horinet, AN est ndlia station Corvett6 Cyane, Mediterranean Schooner Shark, Navy yard, tchiarlestowvn Erie station, Pennsylvania Navy yard, Brooklyn, Steam frigate Fulton, (Corvette John Adaams New Orleans SAlLMAKElS W'illiam L Baldwin, Samuel 1B Bannister, Benjamin B Brclisted, William B Billgley, James Chilks, Charles Cassell, William Flemming, Samuel Trr lbby, John T'rimble, saac Hall, Nathan S Angell, N B Peed, May 21, June 24, April 5, November 16, Julne 8, 17, 21, 82, Aplil 1, 22, i June 1, October 22, Ship Ontario Franklin 74, P'acific oceall Corvette John A ialns Sloop H1ornet, Navy yard, Washington Navy yard, Brooklyn, Norfolk, Virginia Washington 74, Navy yard, Gosport, Virginia

13 Table: UNTED STATES' MARNE CORPS t624j NAVAL REGSTER FOR THE YEAR UNTED STATES' MARNE CORPS LEUTENANT COLONEL COMMANDANT Names Brevet rank Lineal rank Where born, Where stationed Archibald Henderson, Oct 17, 20, Virginia Headquarters BREVET MAJORS Richard Smith, June, March 13, 12, Samuel Miller, Aug 24, ' June, Awaiting orders, hea(dquarters John M Gamble, Philadelphia trbert ) Wainr ight, March 3, Sept 29, 12, Boston CA'TANS Names Date of commission Where born Where stationed W\illiam Anderson, June, Norfolk, Virginia Francis B De Bellevue, November 7, Louisiana, Samuel B Watson, March 28, 20, Portsmouth, New Hampshire William H Freeman, July 17, 21, Conwecticut Awaiting orders, Boston Joseph L Kuhn, P M June 28, Headquarters FRST LEUTENANTS Charles 1R Broom, Benjamin Richardson, Levi Twigg, John Harris, Thomas A Linton, Richard ' Atichmuty, James Edelin, P G Hole, A &, ElijahJ Wee(l, Q M Joseph C flail, Wil ijam W )utlany, Thomas S English, Henry W Gardner, ''lhomas B Barton, George W Walker ChristopherC Floyd, Charles Grymes, George D rlewerton, W(r(l larston, Charles C ''llper, Augustus A Nicholson, James McCawley, Jr 13enjamin Macomber, Abratham N Brevoort, June, April, March 3, 14 Jline 19, August 11, September 30, October 17, March 3, March 24, Jily 20, September 17, October 30, January 21, Alay 27, October 6, April 2 September 25, 4 ' 4 17, i 19, 20, 21, ' 22a, ' Delaware, Georgia, Virgiila, D Colum Georgia, n(liana, t sland, Navy yar(l guar(l, 1) C Nortolk, Virginia Headquarters Headquarters Headquarters fleadquarters Portsmouth, New Hampshire Head quarters Norfolk, Virgi!nia Headquarters Philadelphia On sick furlough Philadelphia Philadelphia Sloop Erie, Mediterranean SEFCOND LEUTENANTS Samuel S Coejeman, Andrew Ross, William A Bloodgood, Rtichard D)ouglass, Job SWilliams2 Charles ) Spering, ANvin Edson, Marcellus M Little, Horatio N Crabb, Jobn Lowy, Henry B T'yler, Joseph Le C Hardy, George F Lindsay William A Randolph, William r Bourne, March 28, March 3, May 10, 6 ' 4 March 3, April 1, Jl30, 20, 21, 22, ' * Louisiana, Vermont, Kentucky, Miss Head quarters Head quarters Norfolk, Virginia Philadelphia Boston Boston Netv York Philadelphia Portsmouth, N H Frigate United States Headquarters

14 Table: VESSELS OF WAR OF THE UNTED STATES' NAVY, NAVAL AFFARS [ 24 NAVAV AGENTS Names Enoch G Parrott, Amos Binney, Joseph Hull, James K Paulding, George Harrison, James Riddle, James Beatty, John Randall, Miles King, John P henry, Richard McCall, Baring, Brothers, & C'o Where born New Hlampshlire, Massachtisetts, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Georgia, Pennsylvania, E',ngland~, Where employed Portsmouth, New ampshire Boston 'Aiddletown, Connecticut Philadelphia Newcastle, Delaware Baltimore Annapolis, Maryland Norfblk, Virginia Savannah, Georgia Gibraltnr, Mediterranean ondo(lol NoTẋNaval agents receive "one per cent" on their expenditures, not to exceed two tholsall(1 dollars NAVAL STOREKEEPERS Names U'here born Where employed Compensation John P Decatur, Marylandl, Navyyard, Portsmoutl, Nf $1,500 George Bates, Massachusetts, Clharlestown, 1,700 Tunis Craven, New Jersey, Navy yard, Brooklyn, N Y 1,700 Robert Kennedy, Peznnsyl P vania, Philadelphia, * 1,200 David Brearly, Nev Jersey, Navy yard, Washington, 1,700 (abriel Gault, ^ Navy yard, Gosport, 1,700 Samuel '1 Anderson, New Orleans, T,700 NAVArL CONSTRUCTORS William Dowghty, John Floyd, Francis Urice, Pennsylvania, Washington City,, GoprVa $2,300 2,000 2,000 VESSELS OF WAR OF THlE UNTED) STATES' NAVY, 24 LNE OF ATTLE n(lepcndence, Washington, Franklin, Columbus, Ohio Norti Carolinu, Delaware, SHPS FR(ATFS OF THl, FRST CLAS6 (Constitution, United States, tluerriere, Java, Potomac, FRGATES OF THE SECOND CLASS Congress, 36 Constellation, 36 Macedonian, 36 Fulton steam frigate, 30 CORVEWrES John Adams, Cyane, SLOOPS OF Hornt, Ontario, Erie, Peacock, Alert, store ship, VAR Spark, Nonesuch, Porpoise, Dolphin, Shark, Grampus, Ferret, Weasel, Wild Cat, BRG 12 SC O ONERS 12 Beagle, 3 12 Jackall, 3 12 Fox, 3 12 Grey Hound, 3 12 Terrier, 3 3 Steam galliot 3 Sea Gull, 3 3 Decoy, store ship 6 GUNBOATS Nos, 95, 72, 76, 67, and 8, of one gun each, 5 Row GALLEYSSand Fly, Gallinipper, Midge, Mosquito, and Gnat 7 inc of battle ships 5 Frigates of first class 4 Frigates of second class 2 Corvettes 5 Sloops of war Brig Recapitulation Schooners Steam Galliot Store Ship (armed) Gunboats Row Galleys

15 Table: Pay and subsistence allowed in the Navy of the United States to officers and petty officers Table: Pay of the officers of the United States' Marine Corps Table: RECAPTULATON 241 EXTENSON OF THE PRVATEER PENSON FUND 951 Pay and subsistence allowed in the Navy of the United States to ofcers and petty officers Rank or station Captain of a vessel of 32 guns anil upwards, (Captain ofa vessel of 20,and under 32 guns, Master comtnnndant, Lieutenant commanding, Lieutenant, Chaplain, Surgeon, Surgeon's mate, Sailingnaster, Purser, Schoolmaster, Boatswain, Gunner, Sailinaker Pa" per month) o No of ratiolls pr(day Mids ena, Master s ateal, Captain's clerk, Boatswain's inate, Carpenter's mate, CoxswVain1, Qutartergunner, Quartermnaster, Masteratarnm, Armorer, Stew:ardl, Coonel, Rank oir station Pay of the officers of the United States' Marine Corps Lieutenant Colonel commandant, $75 j ; First Lieutenant, Captain, Second Lieutenant, 25 NOTE Whenever any officer shall be employed in the command of a squadron, on separate service, the allowance of ratiotis shall be doubic (luring the continuance of such command, and no longer, except in the case of the commanding officer of the nav), whose allowance while in service shall always be at the rate of sixteen rations per (lay, agreeably to an act of Congress passed 25tl February, 1799 N B The commandant of marines receives, in addition to his pay, eight Thc adjutant, qutartermaster, andl paymaster, thirty dollars per month extra Captains, Master Commandants, Lieutenants, Surgeons, Surgeons' mates, Pursers, Chaplains, Midshipmen, passed lor Midshipmen1 Sailingmasters, Bloatswvains, Gunners, Carpenters, Sailinakers, promotion, RECAPTULATON dollarss per month for the forage of three horses NoTs Lieutenant Rfichard D Edwards, deadmaking total number of licutlenants }ay No of per rations month prday 1 A il l h8thl CONGRESS] No 238 list SESSON Ei X T E N S 10 N OF THE PRVATEER COMMUNCATWD ro THlE SENATE, FEBRUARY 2, 24 PEN S ON F UN D Mr Lrovi), of Afassachusetts, firom the Committee oin Naval Affairs, to whom was referred a resolution relative to the Privateer Pension Fund, reported: 'hat, by a law of the United States, passed June 20, 12, entitled " An act concerining letters of marque, prizes, andt prize oods," it vas enacted thlattwo per centum on tile iett amount, anler deducting all charges a(l expenditures 0l tile prize money arising from captured vessels and cargoes, and on the fiett amount of the salvage of vessels and cargoes, recaptured by the private armed vessels of the United States, shall be secured and paid1 over to the collector, if such captured or recaptured vessel may arrive in tile United States, or to the consul or public agent of the United States, residing at the port or place not within the United States, at which such captured or recaptured vessels may arrive; and the money arising therefrom shall be held, and is hereby pledged, by the Government of thle United States as a fund low the support and maintenance of such persons as may be woundled or disabledd on board the private earned vessels of the nitee( States, in any engagement with the enemy, to be assigned arad distributedd in such manner as uamy, thereafter', be by law provided: that, by a lav of the United States passed February 13, entitled " An act regulating pensions to persons on board of' private armed ships," the Secretary of the Navy was required to place on the pension list, under the like regulations and restrictions as are used in relation to the

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