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-.-p-- VMDIE REPUBLUCK VAN SW-A'IFRIMA REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA VOL. 105) -- -- p PRYS 20c PRICE rizloor Gercgistreer OORSEE 3oe OVHRSE4S Registered at the Post Ofice as a Newspaper PROKLAMASIES van die Staotspre~idcrit varz die Replrbliek van S~rid-A frika POSVRY - POST FREE 29 MAART 1974' PRETORIA, 29 MARCH. [NO. 4237 - p No. 57, 1974 VERKLARJNG VAN 'N GROEPSGEBJED INGE- VOLGE DIE WET OP GROEPSGEBJEDE, 1966, TE PHILJPPI, DJSTRIK WYNBERG, PROVINSIE DIE KAAP DIE GOEIE HOOP -,:. Kragtens die bevoegdheid my yerleeii by artikel 23 van die Wet op Groepsgebiede, 1966 $Wet 36 van 1966), verklaar ek hicrby dat die gebied.omskryf in die Bylae hiervan, vanaf die datum van publikasie hiervan, 'n gebied is vir okkupasie en grondbeslt deur 1We van die Blanke groep. Gegee onder my Hand en die S&l van die Republiek van Suici-Afrika te Pretoria, op hde -die Veertiende dag van Edaart Eknduisend Negehonde~d'Viet-en-sewentig. 8 :;,t 9 J. J. FOUCHf;, Staatspresident....-:., - OF las van die Staat~~resident-in-radk J. J. LOOTS. BYLAE BLAME GROEP Vanaf die pirnt waar die verlenging*~at! die noordoostekant van die 9.45-meter bree pad ten weste van Erl 468, %letton. dle m--ldel van J,ansdowneweg+ kruis, noordoos langs die midkl viln gct;?oe!-~de Lansdowneweg en die verlenging daaivar;. tot by die puntwaar dit die oostekant vaa I-fcinzwcg hruis; dan noordwes 'langs die grmse van ErF 40301, Kaapstad. cn Erf 40371, kodal hulk by hierdie gebie.i ingesluit word, tot by die fioordoostelike baken van laasg-.ilocmcle erf; dan suidoos fangs die grcnse van Err 4Q4-72. det dit van hierdie gemed uitgesluit word, tot bji die suidoostelike baken daarvan; dan suidoos reguit tot by die punt waar die verlenging van die noordwestclik.: Crcm van Gedee!:e 2 van Plaas 562, Kaap, die mid&! mn ge:?oernde 1,ansdowneweg kruis; dan suidoos langs dig m;;1.!21 van gcxxrnde Laastlowneweg tot by die p~~rit wa:-!ii die s:~idwesie!ike grens van Plaas 601 his; da,: :, lvngs die grense van. genoemde Plaas 601 en F!ax 693 en (07, codat!wile $an hierdie gebied ~itg~>lilit word, :G[ ty ili noordoostelike bake11 van Phas 674; dan ooi ~?gu;t tot by die westdikstz bake11 vali Plaas 678: dan aoordwe~ lmgs die -grensc van genoemde P!aas 678 en Plaas 679, sodat huue by hierdie gebied l ' PROCLAMATIONS by tire State President of the Republic of Sorith Africa No. 57, 1974 DECLARATI~N OF A GROTJP AREA IN TERhilS 3F THE GRCUP AREAS ACT, 1966, AT PHILIPPI, DISTRICT OF WYNBERG, PROVINCE OF THE CAPE OF GOOD HOPE Under the ;powers vested in me by section 23 of the Group Areas Act, 1966 (Act 36 of 19661, I hereby declare that the area defined in the Schedule hereto shall, as from the date of publication hereof, be an area for occupation and ownership by members of the White group.. &,, Given unde; rngs*hand and the Seal of the Republic of South Africa at Pretoria, this Fourteenih day of March, One thousand Nine hundred and Seventy-four. J. J. I;OUCHe, State President. Ey Order of the State President-in-Council: J. J. LOOTS. SCHEDULE WHITE GROUP From the point uihere the prolongation of the north: eastern e8ge:gf the 9,45-metre wide road to the \v&f of Ed 468,,Wetton, intersects the middle of Lansdowne Road, north-east along the middle of the said Lansdowne Road and the prolongation thereof, to the point where it iiltersects the eastern edge of Heinz Road; thence north-west along the boufidarics of Erf 40301. Cape Town, and Erf 40371, so as to include them in this area, to the northestern beacon of the last-mentioned erf; thence south-east along the boundaries oi Erf 40372, so as to exclude it from this area, to Lhe south-eastern beacon thereof; thence south-east in a straight line to the point where the prolongation of the north-western boundary of Portion 2 of Farm 562, Cape, intersects the middle 03: the said Lansdowne Road; thence southcast alonr the middle of the said Lansdowne Road to the point where it intersects the south-western boundary of Farm 601; thsnce south-east along the boundaries of the said Farm 601 and Farm 603 and 602, so as to cxild~: them frc'3i till; are;i, to the north-eastern beacon o!' ",iri;r 676; thence eait in a straigkt line to the wesiernn?lj.sf beacon of Farm 678; thence north-west along the boundaries of the said Farm 678 and Farm 679, so as

2 No. 4237 STAATSROER -- ingesluit word, tot by die noordoostelike baken van laasgenoemde plaas; dan noordoos langs die verlenging van die noordelike grens van genoemde Plaas 679 tot by die punt waar dit die middel van die nuwe Eislebenweg his; dan suidoos la!:gs die middel van genoemde Eislebenweg tot by die punt war dit die noordelike grens van Gedeelte 2 van die p!aaj: Mitchells Plains 796 kruis; dan noordoos langs die noordelike grens van genoemde Gedeel!e 2 van di~, plaas Mitchells Plains 796, tot by die noordix,ielike baken daarvan; dan suidoos langs die grense \,an Gdecltss 3, 12, 4 en 7, almal gdxltes van die plans Mitche!/s P!ains 796, sodat hulle van hierdie gebied :iitgcsluit word, tot by die suidonstelike baken van Gdeelte 5 van gcnoemde plaas Mitchells Plains 796; dan suidwes langs die gscnie van genoemde Gedeelte 5, die plaas Rondevki 398 en Rase 643, 644 en 646, sodat hul!r, by hlerdie gebicd ingesluit word, tot by die suidoosielike baken vaa laasgenoemde eiendom; dan suidwes langs die grense van Plase 830, 831 (Lukannon), 835 (Lot Road) en genoemde 831 (Lukannon), sodat hulle van hierdie gebied uitgesluit word, tot by die punt waar die middel van Strandfonteinweg die noordelike grens van laasgenoemde eiendom kniis; dan noordwes langs die middel van genoemdz Strandfonteinweg tot by die punt waar dit gekruis word deur die verlenging van die noordelike grens van Gedcelte 1 van die plaas Ohlhoff 738; dan noordoos langs laasgenoemde verlenging en die noordelike grens van genoemde Gdeelte 1 tot by die punt waar dit gekruis word deur die verlenging van die noordoostelike grens van Plaas 640: dan noordwes langs laasgenoemde verlenging en die grense van genoemde Plaas 640 en Gedeelte 4 van Plaas 639, sodat hulle van hierdie gebied uitgesluit word, tot by die noordoostelike baken van laasgenoemde eiendorn; dan noordwes reguit tot by die suidwestelike baken van Gedeelte 8 van Plaas 639; dan noordwes langs die grense van genoemde Gedeelte 8 en Gedeeltes 5 en 2, albei van genoemde Plaas 639, sodat hulle by hierdie gebied ingesluit word, tot by die noordwestelike baken van laasgenoemde eiendom; dan noordoos reguit tot by die suidwestelike baken van Er 538, Wetton; dan noordwes langs die noordoostekant van genoemde 9,45-meter b e pad en die verlenging daarvan tot by eersgenoemde punt..* -. 29 MAART 1974 o include them in this area, to the north-eastem beacon I the last-mentioned farm; thence north-east along the rolongation of the northern boundary of the said Farm 179 to the point where it intersects the middle of the lew Eisleben Road; thence south-east along the middle,f the said Eisleben Road to the point where it interects the northern boundary of Portion 2 of the farm ditchells Plains 796; thence north-east along the ~orthern boundary of the said Portion 2 of the farm diitchells Plains 796 to the north-eastern beacon thereof; hence south-east along the boundaries of Portions 3, 12. l and 7, all portions of the farm Mitchells Plains 796, o as to exciude them from this area, to ihe south- :astern beacon of Portion 5 of the said farm Mitclzells Yains 794; thence south-west along the boundaries of he said Portion 5, the farm Rondevlei 808 and Farpis i43, 644 and 646, so as to include them in this area, to he south-eastern beacon of the last-mentionzd property; hence soath-west along the boundaries gf Farms 830, 331 (Lukannon), 835 (Lot Road) and thz said 831 Lukannon), so as to exclude them from this area, to he point where the middle of Strandfontein Road interiects the northern boundary of the last-mentioned xoperty; thence north-west along the middle of the said Strandfontein Road to the point where it is intersected yj the prololigation of the northern boundary of Portion I of the farm Ohlhoff 738: thence north-east along the ast-mentioned prolongation and the northern boundary >f the said Portion 1 to the point where it is intersected >y the prolongation of the north-eastern boundary of Farm 640; thence north-west along the last-mentioned xolongation and the boundaries of the said Farm 640 md Portion 4 of Farm 639, so as to exclude them from this area, to the north-eastem beacon of the lastmentioned property; thence north-west in a straight line to the south-western beacon of Portion 8 of Farm 639; thence north-west along the boundaries of the said Portion S and Portions 5 and 2, both of the said Farm 639. so as to include them in this area, to the north-western beacon of the last-mentioned property; thence north-east in a straight line to the south-western beacon of Er 538, Wetton; thence north-west along the north-eastem edge of the said 9,45-metre wide road and the prolongation thereof to the point first named. No. 58. 1974 TOEPASSING VAN SEKERE BEPALINGS VAN DIE WET QP GEMEENSKAPSONTWIKKELING, 1966, IN 'N GEBIED TE PHILIPPI, DISTRIK WYNBERG, PROVIYSE DIE KAAP DIE WEIE HOOP Kragtens die bevoegdheid my verleen by artikel 51 van die Wet op Gemeenskapsontwikkeling. 1966 (Wet 3 van 1966). verklaar ek hierby dat die bepalings van artikels 16 tot en met 23 en 29 tot en met 37 van genoernde Wet. vanaf die datum van publikasie hiervan, van toepassing is in die gebied omskryf in die Bylae hiervan. Gegee onder my Hand en die Sdl van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika te Pretoria, op hede die Veertiende dag van Maart Eenduisend Negehonderd Vier-en-sewentig. J. J. FOUCHB, Staakpresident Op las van die Staatspresident-in-rade: A. H. DU PLESSIS. BYLAE Vanaf die punt waar die verlenging van die noord. oosteka!?t van die 9,45 meter bre& pad ten weste van Erl 468, ta,',-rm, die middel van Lansdowneweg kruis, noord oos Lr~gs die middel van genoemde Lansdowneweg er No. 58. 1974 APPLICATION OF CERTAIN PROVISIONS OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACT, 1966, IN AN AREA AT PHTLIPPT, DISTRICT OF WYNBERG. PROVINCE OF THE CAPE OF GOOD HOPE Under the powers vested in me by section 51 of the Community Development Act, 1966 (Act 3 of 1966). I hereby declare that the provisions of sections 16 to 23 inclusive and 29 to 37 inclusive, of the said Act shall, as from the date of publication hereof, apply in the area defined in the Schedule hereto. Given under my Hand and the Seal of the Republic d South Africa at Pretoria this Fourteenth day of March, One thousand Nine hundred and Seventy-four. J. J. FOUCHl3, State President. By Order of the State President-in-Council: A. M. DU PLESSIS. SCHEDULE From the point where the prolongation of the northeastern edge of the?. 45 metre wide road to the west of Erf 468, Wetton, intersecls the middle of Lansdowne Road. north-east along the middle of the said Lansdowne Road

GOVERKMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 1974 No. 4237 3 die verlenging daarvan, tot by die punt waar dit die oostekant van Heinzweg kruis; dan coordwes langs die grcme van Erf 40301, Kaapstad, en Erf 40371, sodat hulle by hierdie gebied ingesluit word, tot by die noordoustelihe baken van laasgenoernde er1; dan suidoos langs die greixe van Erf 40372. mdat dit van hierdie gebied uitgesluit word, tot by die suidoostelike baken daarvan; dan suidoos reguit tot by die punt viaar die verlenging van die noordwstelike grens van Gdeelte 2 van Raas 562, ICaap, die middel van ge~iinemde Lansdowneweg kmis; dan suidaos langs die n;iddel van genoemde Lansdowneveg tot by die punt waar dit die suidwestelike @ens van Plaas 601 kruis; clan suidoos Iangs die grense van genoemde Piaas 601 en Plase 603 en 602, sodat hulle van hierdie gebied uitgesluit word, tot by die noordoostelike Oaken van Plaas 676: dan oos reguit tot by die westelikste baken van Plaas 678; dan noordwes langs die grense van genoemde Plaas 678 en Plaas 679, sodat hulk by hierdie gebied ingesluit word, tot by die noordoostelike baken van laasgenoemde plaas: dan ~ O O ~ ~ Olangs O S die verlenging van die noordelike grens van genoemde Plaas 679 tot by die punt waar dit die rniddel van die nuwe Eislebenweg his; dan suidoos langs die middel van genoenlde Eislebenweg tot by die punt waar dit die noordelike grens van Gedeelte 2 van die plaas Mitchells Plains 796 his; dan noordoos langs die noordelike grens van genoemde Gedeelte 2 van die plaas Mitchells Plains 796, tot by die noordoostelike bakem; daarvan; dan suidoos langs die grense van GedeeItes 3. 12, 4 en 7, alnxl gedeeltes van die plaas Mitcl~ells Plains 796, sodat hulk van hierdie gebied uitgesluit word, tot by die suidoostelike baken Gedeelte 5 van genoemde plaas Mitchells Plains 79G; dan suidwes langs die grense van genoemde Gedeelte 5, die plaas Rondevlei 808 en Plase 643, 644 en 646, sodat hulle by hierdie gebied ingesluit word, tot by die suidoostelike baken van laasgenoemde eiendom; dan sujdwes langs die grense van Plase 830, 831 (Lukannon), 835 (Lot Road) en genoemde 831 (Lukannon), sodat hulie van hierdie gebied uitgesluii word, tot by die punt waar dic middel van Strandfonteinweg die noordelike grens van laasgmoenide eiendom kriis: dan noordwes langs die middel van genoemde Strandfonteinweg tot by die punt txfaar dit gekruis word deur die verknging van die noordelikd gens van Gedeeltc l van die plaas Ohlhoff 738; dan poordoos langs laas- genoemde verlenging en die noorddike ens van genoemdc Gedeelte 1 tot by die punt waar djt ge g is word deur die verlenging van die noordoostelike grens van Plaas 640; dan noordwes langs laasgenoemde.vblengir,g en die grense van genoemde PIaas 640 en Gedeelte 4 van Plazs 639, sodat hulk van hierdie gebiedxitgesluit word, tot by die noordoostelike baken van laasgenmnde eiendom; dan noordwes reguit tot by die sriidwcstelike baken var, Gedeelte 8 van PIaas 639: dan noordwe~ langs die gense van genoemde Gedeelte 8 en Gedeeltes 5 efi 2, albe: 1 van genoemde PIaas 639, sodat hude by hierdie gebid ingesluit word, tot by die noordwestelike bakcn van laasgenoemde eiendom; dan noordoos reguit tot by die suidwestelike baken van Erf 538, Wetton; dan noordwes langs dis noordoostekant van genoen~de 9,45 meter breg pad en die verlenging daarvan tot by eersgenoemde punt. a d the prolongation thereof, tc; the point where it &ersects the eastern edge of Heinz Road; thence north-west ::long t!~e boundaries of Erf 403G1. Cape Town, arid Erf i0371, so as to include then? in this are:, to the rorlh- Eastern beacon of the last-mer.'&med err: thenc:: awrth- =st along the boundaries of Erf 40372, so as to exclude if from this ares, to the south-ewern beaco:~ ihereof; tilcnce south-east i~? a straight h e to tix pint where the prolo~~gation of the nob-uestcrn boiltvlarj of Portion 2 of [;arm 562, Cape, intersects the ~viddle of the said 1.andowne Road; t!ience souk-east along the nziddie of :!?c said Lansdswie Road to tlie poici where it intxsects the south-western boundary of Farm 601; thence southeast along the boundaries of the said Fsrm 601 and Farms 503 and 602, so as to excrude them from this area. to the northeastern beacon of Farm 676; theme east in a straight he to the westernmost beacon of Farm 678; thence northwest along the boundaries of thc said Farm 678 and Farm 679, so as to include them in this 2.e2, to the north-eastern beacon of the last-mentioned farm; thence norh-east along the prolongation of the northern boundary of the said Fzrm 679 to the point where it intcrxcts the xiddle of the new EisIeben Road; thence south-east along the middie of the said Eisleben Road to the point where it intersects the northern boundary of Portion 2 of the farm 1Aiichells Plains 796; thence north-east along the northern boundary of the said Portion 2 of the farm Mitchells Plains 796 to the north-eastern bacon thereof; thence southeast along the boundaries of Portions 3, 12, 4 2nd 7, all portions of the farm Mitchells Plains 796. so as to exclude them from this area. to the south-eastern beacon of Portion 5 of the said farm Mitchel!., Plains 796; thence south-west along the boundaries of the said Portion 5. the farm Rondevlei 808 and Fariiis 643, 644 and 646, so as to include them in this area, 10 the southeastern beacon of the last-mentioned property; thence south-west along the boundaries of Farms 830, 831 (Lukannon), 835 (Lot Road) and the said 832 (Lulcamon), so as to exclude them from this area, to the point where the middle of Strandfontein Road intersects the nor-them boundary of the last-mentioned property; thence north-west along the middle of the said Strandfontein Road to the point where it is intersected by the prolongation of the northern boundary of Portion 1 of the farm Ohlhoff 738; thence north-east along the last-mentioned prolongation and the northern boundary of the said Portion 1 to the point where it is intersected by the prolongation of the north-eastern bouadary of Farm 640; thence north-west along the Iastm~ntioned prolongation aod the boundaries of the said Farm 640 and Portion 4 of Farm 639, so as to cxclude them from this area, to the north-eastern beacon of the last-mentioned property thence north-west in a straight line to the South-western bezcsn of Portion 8 of Farm 639: thence northwest along the boundaries of the said Portion 8 and Portions 5 and 2, both of the said Farm 639, so include them in this area, to the northwestern beacon of the Iast-mentioned property; thence north-east in a straight line to the south-western beacon of Erf 538, Wetton; thence north-west along the northeastan edge of the said 9,45 metre wide road and the prolongation thereof to the point first named. No. 61, 1974 VERKLARING VAN GROND EN SEE TOT 'N DEEL VAN DIE TSPTSKAMABOS EN -SEEKUS- NASIO- NALE PAN<, IN DIE AFDELmCS IXJMAPJS- WRP EN KNYSNA, PROVRqSIE DIE KAAP DIE GOEIE HOOP Kragtenf die bcvoegdheid my verleen by artil-?l 2 (2) @) van die!vet on r'.'ac;ionals Pzrkc. I962 (V!zt 42 ;am 13621. verklaar ek hikrby, vanaf van, die gebied omskryf die datum van pubiihsie hierin die Bylae hiervan tot deel -- No. 61, 1974 INCLUSION OF LAND AND SEA M THE TSITSI- KAMA FOREST AND CoASTAL NATIONAL PARK, R\J THE DMSIONS OF H"c7Pt4AMDORP AND KNYSNA, PROVINCE OF TFE CAPE OF GOQD EOPE of L!;e powers vested in me by Under 2nd by ~ d l i l ~. ~ I.:::ion 2 (2)!h) Q:' t k 1Vatior.d Parks Act, 1962 (Act 42.I:' I962), I l~erc:by, as irum f11z date of publication llereof, idude the area defined in the Schedule hereto in the j

4 No. 4237 STAATSKOERAN - -- - - van die Tsitsikamabos en -seekus- Nasionale Park, en wysig ek ook die Eerste Bylae van genoemde Wet dienooreenkomstig. Gegee onder my Hand en die Sdl van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika te Kaapstad, op hede die Dertiende dag van Junie Eeilduiscnd Negehonderd Drie-en-sewentig. J. J. FOUCHB, Staatspresident. Op las van die Staatqxsident-in-rade: H. SCHOEMAN. BYLAE TSITSTKAMABOS EN -SEEKUS- NASIONALE PARK Gebiedsomshrywing Die volgende kusgebied in die administratiewe distrikte Humansdorp en Knysna: Begin by 'n pnt op die laagwaterinerk van die see en ten suide van die baken gcmerk E op Kaart 282211964 van Gedeelte 1 van die plaas Blaauw Krantz, administratiewe distrik Knysna; daarvandaan noordwaarts in 'n reguit lyn deur die genoemde baken gemerk E tot by die hoogwatermerk van die see; daarvandaan ooswaarts met die hoogwatermerlc van die see langs en suidwaarts met die grens gemerk d-d op die genoemde kaart van Gedeelte 1 van die plaas Blaauw Krantz langs tot by laasgenoemde baken; daarvandaan algemeen ooswaarts in 'n reeks reguit lyne deur die bakens gemerk E, F, 1, 2 oor die Blaauw Krantzrivier, deur die bakens in die administratiewe distrik Humansdorp gemerk 3, 5, 6, 7. 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 13A, 14, 15, 16, 16A, 17, 18, 18A, 19, 20, 21, 22, 22A en 23 (die koordinate vir hierdie bakens word bewaar as Meetstuk E153811967 in die kantoor van die Landmeter-generaal, Kaapstad) tot by die westelikste baken \an die Stormsrivierkampeerterrein (Kaart 265011964); daarvandaan suidwaarts in 'n reguit lyn tot by die hoogwatermerk van die see; daarvandaan algemeen ooswaarts met die genoemde hoogwatermerk van die see langs tot by die oostelikste punt van genoemde Stormsrivierkampeerterrein; daarvan suidooswaarts in 'n reguit lyn tot by die baken gemerk L (genoemde E15381 1967); daarvandaan algemeen ooswaarts in 'n reeks reguit lyne deur die brkens gemerk 25, 27 en 28 (genoemde E153811967) tot by die suidwestelike baken van Perseel 49 (Hu.Q. 10-7); daarvandaan algemeen ooswaarts met die suidelike grense van die volgende eiendomme langs soda1 hulle uit hierdie gebied uitgesluit word: Genoemde Perseel 49, Perseel 46 (Hu.Q. 14-4), Perseel 47 en Perseel 48 (Hu.Q. 9-2), tot by die suidwestelike baken van laasgenoemde eiendom; daarvandaan ooswaarts in 'n reguit lyn tot by die baken gemerk 39A (genoemde E15381 1967); daarvandaan ooswaarts in 'n reguit lyn tot by die westelikste baken van Gedeelte 2 (Kaart 10717/1964: van Perseel 40: daarvandaan algemeen ooswaarts met dic suidelike grense van die volgende eiendomme langs, on liulle uit hierdie gebied uit te sluit: Genoemde Gedeelte 2 van Perseel 40, Perseel 40 (Ht1.Q. 7-16) en Gedeelte I (Kaart 295111950) van Perseel 40, tot by die oostelikstt punt daarvan; daarvandaan suidwaarts in 'n reguit lyr tot by die baken gemerk 43 (genoemde E153811967) daarvandaan algemeen ooswa-arts in 'n reeks reguit lync dew die bakens gem& 44, 45, 45A, 45B, 45C, 45D 46, 46A, 46B, 47, 47A, 47B, 48A, 49 en 50 (genoerndc E153811967); daarvandaan algemeen ooswaarts met dic suidelike grense van die volgende eiendomme langs on hulle uit hierdic gebied uit te sluit: Gedeelte 6 (Kaar 177011944) van Perseel 117, Gedeelte A (Kaart A4621, 1926) van Pesseel 117, Perseel 117 (Kaart 28311893) Gedeelte 5 (Kaart l769/19+!) van Perseel 117, Gedeeltc R (Kaart A4620/1926) van Perscel 117 en genoemdc Perseel 117, tot by dic: ooctelkte baken daarvan; daar vandaan algemeeil ooswaarts in 'n reeks reguit lyne de~u die bakens gemerk 55, 56, 56A, 56B, 57, 58 en 51 29 MAART 1974 rsitsikama Forcst and Coastal National Park, and also lmend the First Schedule to the said Act accordingly. Given under my Hand and the Seal of the Republic d South Africa at Cape Town this Thirteenth day of une, One thousand Nine hundred and Seventy-three.. J. FOUCHB, State President. 3y Order of the State President-in-Council: 3. SCIiOEMAN. SCHEDULE I'SITSIKAMA FOREST AND COASTAL NATIONAL PARK Definitiorl of Area.The following coastal area in the Admioisirative Districts of Humansdorp and Knysna: Beginning at a point on the low-water mark of the sea and to the south of the beacon marked E on Diagram 282211964 of Portion 1 of the farm 131artuw Krantz, 4dministrative District of Knysna; thence nortliwards in 1 straight line through the said beacon marked E to the high-water mark of the sea; thence eastwards along the high-water mark of the sea and southwards along the boundary marked d-d on the said diagram oi Portion 1 3f the farm Blaauw Krantz to the last-mentioned beacon; thence generally eastwards in a series of straight lines through the beacons marked E, F, 1, 2, crossing the Blaauw Krantz River, through the beacons in the Administrative District of Humansdorp marked 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 13A, 14, 15, 16, 16A. 17. 18, IltA, 19, 20, 21, 22, 22A and 23 (the co-ordinates for these beacons are filed as Survey Record E153811967 in the Office of the Surveyor-General, Cape Town) to thc westernmost beacon of the Storms River Camping Site (Diagram 26501 1964); thence southwards in a straight line to the highwater mark of the sea; thence generally eastwards along the said high-water mark of the sea to the easternmost point of the said Storms River Camping Site; thence south-eastwards in a straight line to the beacon marked L (said E153811967); thence generally eastwards in a series of straight lines through the beacons marked 25, 27 and 28 (said E153811967) to the south-western beacon of Lot 49 (Hu.Q. 10-7); thence generally eastwards along the southern boundaries of the following properties so as to exclude them from this area: The said Lot 49, Lot 46 (13u.Q. 14-4). Lot 47 and Lot 48 (HLLQ. 9-2), to the south-western beacon of the last-mentioned property; thence eastwards in a straight line to the beacon marked 39A (said E153811967); thence eastwards in a straight line to the westernmost beacon of Portion 2 (Diagram 107171 1964) of Lot 40; thence generally eastwards along the southern boundaries of the following properties so as to exclude them from this area: The said Portion 2 of Lot 40, Lot 40 (Hu.Q. 7-16) and Portion 1 (Diagram 295111950) of Lot 40, to the easternmost point thereof; thence southwards in a straight line to the beacon marked 43 (said E153811967); thence penerally eastwards in a series of straight lines through beacons marked 44, 45, 45A, 45B, 45C, 45D, 46, 46A, 46B, 47, 47A, 47B, 48A, 49 and 50 (said E153811967); thence generally eastwards along the southern boundaries of the iollowing properties so as to exclude them from this area: Portion G (Diagram 177011944) of Lot 117, Portion A (Diagram A4621 11926) of Lot 117, Lor 117 (Diagram 283/1893), Portion 5 (Diagram 176911944) of Lot 117, Portion B (Diagram A462011926) of Lot 117 and the said Lot 117, to the easternmost beacon thereof; thence generally eastwards in a series of st~aight lines through the beacons marked 55, 56, 56A, 56B, 57, 58 and 59 (said E153811967);

GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 1974 No.4237 5 -- (gmoemde F I 53311967); daarvandaan algemeen oos- tlic~~ce gencrajly eastwards along the wuthern boundaries waarts met diz sakielike grense van die volgende eien- of the following properties so as 10 exclude than from dornrne hngs llulle uit hierdie gebied uit te sluit: this area: Lot i22 (Hu.Q. 10-171, Portion 5 (Diagram 572911966) of Lot 123, Portion 4 (Giagrarn 5728/ 1966) of L,ot 123, Portion 3 (Diagram 572711966) of Lot 123, Portion 1 (Diagram 54-91/1344) of Lot 124, Lot 125 (Hu.Q. 10-23), Lot 126 (Hu.Q. 10-21), Lot 127 (Hu.Q. i0-25) and Lot A (Diagram A217111928) of Lot 127, to the south-wcs~ern beacon of Lot 128 (Hu.Q. 10-19); thence southwards to the point where the extemion of tlie western boundary of the said Lot 128 intersects the right bank of he Groot River; thence southwards along the said right bank of the Groot River to the lowerwater mark of the sea; thence generally westwards along the low-water rnhrk of the sea to the point of beginning. Per,eel 122 (T1u.Q. 10-1 7), Gedeelte 5 (Kaart 57291 1966) van Perseel 123, Gdeelte 4 (Kaart 572811966) van Perseel 123, Gecieelte 3 (Kaart 5727/1966) van Perseel 123, Gedeelfe : (Kaart 5491/1344) 6van Perseel 124, Perseel 125 (MLI.Q. 10-23), Perseel 126 (Hu.Q. 10-21), Perseel 127 (1-1u.Q. 10-25) en Perseel A (Kaart A2171 / 1928) van Perseel 127, tot by die suidwestelike baken van Perseel 128 (Hu.Q. 10-1 9); daarvandaan suidwaarts tot by die punt waar die verlenging van die westelike grens van geaoemde Perseel 128 die regteroewer van die Grootrivier kruis; daarvandaan suidwaarts met genoemde regteroewer van die Grootrivier langs tot by die laagwatermerk van die see; daarvandaan algemeen weswaarls met die laagwatermerk van die see langs tot by die beginpunt. Die volgende gedeelte van die see 0,8 kilometer seewaarts vanaf die laagnaterrnerk van die see: Begin by 'n punt op die laagwatermerk en ten wide van die baken gemerk E op Kaart 282211964 van Gedeelte l van die plaas Blaauw Krantz, administratiewe distrik Knysna; daarvandaan algemeen ooswaarts met die laagwatermerk langs tot by die regteroewer van die Grootrivier, administratiewe distrik Humansdorp; daarvandaan suidwaarts in 'n reguit lyn tot by 'n punt 0,8 kilometer vanzf die laagwatermerk; daarvarldaan algemeen weswaarts met '11 lyn 0,s kilorneter vanaf en ewewydig aan die laagwatermerk langs tot by 'n punt 0,8 kilometer ten wide van die beginpunt; daarvandaan noordwaarts in 'n reguit lyn tot by die beginpunt. The following portion of the sea 0,8 kilometre to seaward of the low-water mark of the sea: Beginning at a point on the low-water mark and to the south of beacon marked E on Diagram 282211964 of Portion 1 of the farm Blaauw Krantz, Administrative District of Knysna; thence generally eastwards along the low-water Inark to the right bank of the Groot River, Administrative District of Humansdorp; thence southwards in a straight line to a point 0,8 kilometre from the low-water mark; thence generally westwards along a line 0,8 kilometre from and parallel to the low-water mark to a point O,8 kilometre to the south of the point of beginning; thence northwards in a straight line to the point of beginning. No. 62, 1974 TNTREKKTNG VAN PROKLAMASIE 71 VAN 1969 TEN OPSIGTE VAN DIE GEBIED TE CLOETES- VILLE, STELLENBOSCH, DISTRIK STELLEN- BOSCI-I, PROVINSIE DIE KAAP DIE GOEIE HOOP Kragtens die bevoegdheid my verleen by artikel 17 (5) (a) van die Wet op Gemeenskapsontwikkeling, 1966 (Wet 3 van 1966)- (a) trek ek hicrby Proklamasier71 van 1969 in met ingang 1 April 1974; en (b) kpaa! ek hierby kragtens die bevoegdheid my verleen by artikel 17 (5) (h) van genoemde Wet dat die bevoegdheid, werksaamheid, plig of ander handeling deur die Gemeenskapsontwikkelingsraad ingevolge gemelde Proklamasie uitgeoefen of verrig, met inbegrip van finanside verpligtinge aangegaan of opgeloop deur die Raad, ten opsigte van die betrokke gebied in die Proklamasie vermeld. vanaf 1 April 1974, geag word uitgeoefen, verrig of aangegaan,te gewees het deur die plaaslike bestuur binne wie se regdgebied die belrokke gebied geresrorteer hct en dat bedoeldc plaaslike bestuur geag word in verband daarmee aan allc voorgeskrewe vere1:tos te voldoen het waaraan 'n plaaslike bestuur in verband met die uitoefening deur hom van so 'n bevoegdheid of die verrigting deur horn van so 'n werksaamheid, plig of ander handeling moet voldoen, dat vanaf bedoelde datum volle verantwoordelilj~eid vir en ten opsigte va!l bdoelde uitoefening of verrigting van so 'n hs;oegdheid, werksaamheid, piig of andx handeling delir die Raad, met inbegrip van voile verantwoordelihheid vir en ten opsigte van 'n fi~anside verpljgting aangegaan of opgeloop deur dk Rmd, op bedoelde plaasiike bestuur oorgaan in alle opsigte asof die betrokke bevoegdheid, werksaamheid, plig of ander handeling deur bedoelde plaaslike bestuur uitgeoefen, verrig of aangegaan was en dat bedoelde plaaslike kstuur verpiig is on1 alle uitgawes deur die Raad, No. 62, 1974 WJTHDRAWAL OF PROCLAMATION 71 OF 1969 IN RESPECT OF THE AREA AT CLOETESVILLE, STELLENBOSCH, DISTRICT OF STELLENBOSCH, PROVINCE OF THE CAPE OF GOOD HOPE Under the powers vested in me by section 17 (5) (a) of the Community Development Act, 1966 (Act 3 of 1966)- (a) I hereby withdraw Proclamation 71 of 1969; and (b) proiride hereby, under the powers vested in me by section 17 (5) (b) of the Act in question, that any power, function, duly or other act exercised or performed by the Community Development Board in terms of such Proclamation, including any financial obligation entered into or incurred by the Board, in respect of the area referred to in the Proclamation shall as from 1 April 1974, be deen~ed to have been exercised, performed, entered into or incurred by the local authority in whose area of jurisdiction the said area fell prior to such first-mentioned Proclamation and that the said local authority shall in relation thereto be deenied to have complied with all prescribed requirements with which a local authority is required to comply in connection with the exercise by it of any such power or the performance by it of any such function, duty or other act, that as from the said date full responsibility for and in respect of the said exercise or performance of any such powzr, function, duty or olher act by the Board, including full responsibility for and in respect of any financial obligation entered into or incurred by the Board, shall vest in the said lilcal authority in all respects as if the power, function, duty or oth~r act in question had been exercised, performed or entered into by the said local authority, and that the said local author it)^ shall be liable to refulld to the Roard all expenditure of the Board,

P- 29 MAART I974 met rente daarop, aan die R ad tc vergozd, en 'n sertifikaat van die Sekretaris van Gemeenskapsbou aangaande die bcdrag van sodanige uitgawes is afdoende bewys var. bdocldc uitgawcs. Gegee onder Jliy Hand en die SeJl var? die P.epubIiek qan Suid-Afi-il:a tc Pretoria, op hede die Twee-en-twintigste dag van Maart Eenduisend lu'egehonderd Vier-en-sewentig. I. J. FOUCW@,, Staatspreciient, Gp las van die Staatspresid~ni-in-rade: A. H. DU PLESSIS. No. 63, 1971 SNWERTZINGTREDING VAN DIE WATERNAVOR- SINGSWYSIGINGSWET, 1974 (WEiT 16 VAN 1974 Kragtens die bevoegdheid my verleen by artikel 6 van die Waternavorsingswysigingswet, 1974 (Wet 16 van 1974), verklaar ek hierby dat genoemde Wet op die Eerste dag van April Eenduisend Negehcnderd Vier-en-sewentig in werking tree. Gegee onder my Hand en die S&l van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika te Pretoria, op hede die,.pjegentiende dag van Maart Eenduisend Negehonderd Vier-Cn-sewentig. J. J. FOUCXfB, Staatspresident. Op las van die Staatspresident-in-rade: S. P. BOTHA. No. 64, 1974. INWERKINGTREDING VAN SEEERE BEPALINGS VAN DIE WYSIGINGSWET OP D!E PENSIOEN- WETTE, 1974 (WET 15 VAN 1974) Kragtens die bevoegdheid my verleen by artikel 6 van die Wysigingswet op die Pensioenwette. 1974 (Wet 15 van 1974L verklaar ek hierby dat genoemde Wet, behalwe artikel 1 daarvan, op 1 April 1974 in werking tree. Gegee onder my Hand en die See1 van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika te Pretoria, op hede die 22ste dag van Maart Eenduisend Negehonderd Vier-en-sewentig. J. J. FOUCHB, Staatspresident. Op las van die Staatspresldent-in-rade: J. P. VAN DER SPUY. together with interest thereon, snd a certificate by the Secretary of Community Development as to the amount of such expenditure shall be sufficient proof of such expenditure. Given under my Hand and the Seal of the Republic of Socth Africa at Pretoria this Twenty-second day of March, One thousand Nine hundred and Seventy-four. J. J. FQIJCHB, State President. By Order of the State President-in-Co~mcil. A. H. DU PT&.SSIS. No. 63, 1974 COMING JNTO OPERATION OF TFHE WATER RESEARCH AMENDMENT ACT, 1974 (ACT 16 OF 1974) Under the powers vested in me by section 6 of the Wakr Research Amendment Act, 1974 (Act 16 of 1974), I hereby dedare that the said Act shall come into Operation on the First day of April, Ox thousand Nine imndred and Seventy-four. Given under my Hand and the Seal of the Republic of South Afrih at Pretoria this Nineteenth day of March, One thousand Nine hundred and Sevmty-four. J. J. FOUCH52, State President By Order of the State President-in-Council: S. P. BOTXA. * No. 64, 1974. COMMFNCEMENT OF CERTAIN PROVISIONS OF THE PENSION LAWS AMENDrV.3ENT ACT, 1974 (ACT 15 OF 1974) Under the powers vested' id me by section G of the Pension Laws Amendment Act, 1974 (Act 15 of 1974). I hereby declare that the said Act, except section 1 thereof, shall corn& into operaiion on 1 April 1974. Given under my Hand and the Seal of the Republic of South Africa at Pretoria this 22nd day of March, One thousand Nine hundred and Seventy-four. J. J. FOUCHfi, State President. By Order of the State President-in-Council: J. P. VAN DER SPUY. -- DEPARTEMENT VAN ARBEID No. 434 29 Maart 1974 LOONWET, 1957 LOONRAADONDERSOEK-VERVERSINGS- BEDRYF, SEKERE GEBTEDE Die Loonraad het 'n opdrag in verband met bovermelde bedryf ontvang en gee hierby kragtens artikel 9 van die Loonwet, 1957, kennis dat die ondersoek begin het en dat die Raad te gelegener tyd 'n verslag en 'n aanbeveling by die Minister van Arbeid sal indien oor die Verversingsbedry, Sekere Gebiede. Belanghebbende persone word hierby die geleentheid gebied om skriftelike vertu: tot die Raad te rig. Sodanige vertoe saam met be;%: afkrifte daarvan, moet dic Sekretaris, Loonraad, Privaaisak X108. Pretoria, 0001 nie later nie as 26 April 1974 bereik. GOVERNMENT NOTICES --.p-- DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR WO. 494 29 March 1974 WAGE ACT, 1957 WAGE BOARD INVESTIGATION.-CATERING TRADE, CERTAIN AREAS The Wage Board haas received a reference in respect of the above-mentioned trade and hereby gives notice in terms of section 9 of the Wage Act, 1957, that the investigation has commenced and that the Board will in due course submit a report and rec~mmendation to the Minister of Labour concerning the Catering Trade, Certain Areas. Interested persons are hereby given the opportunity of making written representations to the Board. Such representations, accompanied by seven copies t!lereof, shoilid reach the Secretary, Wage Board, Private Bag X108, Pretoria, 0001, not later than 26 April 1974.

.- Die opdrag lu; soos volg: "Die Minister van Arbeid versoek die Looni.=d ooreenkomstig artikei 4 van die Loonwet, 1957, om ondersoek in te stel na en aan horn verslag te doen oor die Verversingsbedryf in die volgende gebiede: Kaapprovinsie.-Die munisipale :?@bide Beaconbaai, Bellville, Kaapstad (met inbegrip van die Strandgebied soos omskryf by Goewermentskennisgewing 152 van 5 Februarie 1960). 00s-Londen {soos dit bestaan het voordat Proklamasie 33 van 1970 van die Administrateur van die provinsie Die Kaap die Goeie Hoop in werking getree het), Vishock. Goodwood, Kimberley, Milnerton. Pzrow, Pinelands, Port Elizabeth en Simonstad; Na!al.-Die munisipale gebiede Durban, Pieiermaritzburg, Pinetown, Qzeznsburgh en WestviIle; Ormje-Vrystuat.-Die munisipale gebiede Bloemfontein, Sasolburg en V!elkom; Transvaaf-Die munisipale gebiede Carletonville, Nigel, Klerksdor-p, Orkney, Stilfontein, Vanderbijlpark en Vereeniging. Vir die doe1 van hierdie ondersoek gee die Minister oplrag dat die on.lerscek ten opsigte van aue klasse werknenxrs in Inierdk Bedryf i~gestel word. Ooreenkomstig artikel 6 (1) van die Wet gee die Minister voorts a:ln die Raad opdiag on1 'o aanbeveling aar?!iom voor te 12. 111 hierdie opirag betekei 'Verversingsbedryf' die Redryf waarin KC!-lgwers en werknemers met mekaar geassosieer is uit~lrrjtlk of hoofsaaklik met 6ie doe1 om etes of verversing., (hetsy in die vorm van vlo-,istovi\<e of in ander VO~~T) of kide sodanige etes en verversings te berei in of dit te bedien of te verskaf in of vanuit eniy bedryfsinrigting of gedeelte daarvan, hetsy perrnane.1:. tydelik, binnens- of buitenshuis, en dit sluit sodanigc bdrywighede in wanneer uitgeoefen in of valiuit een of nleer klasse persele of gedeeltes daarviln- (2) wat as openbare restourante, kafees of icebamers gebr~iic word ; (b) waar etes of alkoholvrye dranke bdieii word vir vcrbruik op die perseel of verskaf word vir verbruik weg van die perseel; (C) waar spit- of mineraalwater in drinkglase of ander houers vir verbrrlik op die perseel verskaf word; (d) waa: bogenoemde bedrywigbede uitgcoefen word in of in verband met enige teater, bioskoop, bioskoopleekamer of andei onthaal of funksie; en hit ook in die verskaffing v& alkoholiese drank in al sulke Mryfsi~~r-igtings of op sulke persele ooreenkomstig 'n dranklisensie wat ingevolge die Dnnkwet, 1928, deur suke werkgewers gellou word, maar dit sluit nie in nie liotelle, bedryfsinrigtings wat uitsiuitlik kragtens 'n wyn- en bierliserisie handel dryf, losieshuise, huisvestingsinrigtings, bedrylsinrigtings waarin etes of verversings aan ander persone as I3lankes vir verbruik op die perseel verkoop of verskaf word of bedryfsinrigtings wat uitsluitlik etes of verversings aan Nie-Blankes verskaf; en omvat dit alle werksaamhedd wat met enigeen van voormelde bedrywighede in verband staan of daaruit voortspruit.". GOVERN34ENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 1974 No. 43-37 7 The reference reads as foyn\~;s: 'The Minister of Labour rcquests the Wage Board in.crrns of section 4 of the '??age Act, 1957, to investigate md report to him concerning the Catering Trade in the Following areas: Cape Province.-The municipal areas of Beacon Bay, Bel:ville, Cape Town (including the Foreshore as defined,n Government Notice 152 of 5 February 1960), East London (as it existed prior to the coming mio force of Proclanation 33 of 1970 by the Administrator of the Province of the Cape of Good Hope), Fish Hoek, Goodwood, KihMrley, Milnerton, P~row, Pinclands, Port Eiizabeth atrd Simonstown: Natal.-Thearnunicipal areas of Durban, Pietermaritzburg, Pinetdutn, Queensburgh and Westville; Ormtge- Free State.--The mrrnicipal areas of Bloemfontein, Sasdburg and Welkom; ~m~i.war;l.--the municipal areas of Carleto~iville, Itlerksdorp, Nigel, Orkney, Stiliontein, Vanderbijlpark and Vereeniging. For the purpose of this investigation the Minister directs!hat the investigation be in respect of all classes of employees in this trade. In terms of section 6 (1) of the Act, t!!e Minister further dlrects the Board to submii to him a recsmmendation. In this reference, 'Catering Trade7 means the Trade in v.ihich employers and employees are associate5 wholly or mainly for the purpose of preparing, serving or providing meals or refreshments (wkther liquid or otherwise) or both such mcals and reiresbments in or from any establishlnent or portion tkereof, whether permznent, temporary, indoors or in tiie open air, and this indudes such activities when carried cn in or from one or more classes of premises or portions thereof- (a) which ere used as pr:b!ic restaurants, cafis or tea-rooms; (b) vhere fiieals or non-n!co!~olic: drinks are served for consumption on the prcmises or provided for consumption away from the premises; (C) where aerated or minzral waters are supplied in glasses or other containers for consumplion on the premises; (d) where the abovementioned activities are carried on in or in connection v:ith any theatre, bioscope. bioscope-tearoom or any other entertainment or function; and also includes the supply of liquor in any such establishments or on any such premises in terms of a liquor licence under the Liquor Act, 1928, held by suc!~ employers, but it does not include hotels, establishment: trading exclusively under a wine and malt Iiquor licence, boarding-houses, accommodation establishments, establishments in which n-reals or refreshments are sold or supplied to persons other than Whites for consumption on tlx premises or establifhments which cater solely for the supply of meals or refreshments to Non-Whites; and includes a11 operations incidental to or consequcn; on any of the aforesaid activities.". No. 501 29 Maart 1974 WET 01 FABWEKE, MASJTNERLE 1941 BOUVJERK, ONAFGBBROKEWEBK Ek, Marais Viijoen, Minister van Arbzid, vzrklaar hierby, ingcvolgt: die eerste vmbehoudst.epaling van artikel 19 (1) (a) van die Wet op Fabrieke, Masjinerie en No. 501 29 March 1974 FACI'ORIIXS, MACHINERY AND BUILDING WORI- ACT, 1941 CONTJNUO! 'S ;%QRKING I. h5arais Vlijoa~. Mi:;!sfc!- :,P Labour, hereby, in tcrt 1 of thc first proviso to section 19 (l) (a) of the Factortzr- Machinery and Building Work Act, 1941, declare it,

--P -- ' 8 No. 4237 STAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 1974 Bouwerk, 1941, dat die bewerking van die sentrale verkoelingstasie by die Carltonsenturm in die munisipale gebied Johannesburg deur Carlton Centre Limited 'n bedrywigheid is waarin onafgebroke werk deur drie skofte per dag noodsaaklik is. M. VILJOEN, Minister van Arbeid. M. VILJOEN, Minister of Labour. minding of the central refrigerating plant at the ~arlton Centre in the municipal area of Johannesburg by Carlton Centre Limited to be an activity in which continuous working by means of three shifts per day is necessary. -I -p--- DEPARTEMENT VAN BINNELANDSE SAKE DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR No. 483 29 Maart 1974 No. 483 29 March 1974 WET OP PUBLIKASIES EN VERMAAKLIKHEDE, PUBLICATIONS AND ENTERTAINMENTS ACT. No. 26 VAN 1963, SOOS GEWYSIG No. 26 OF 1963, AS AMENDED In terms of subsection (2) of section 9 of the Publications and Entertainments Act, No. 26 of 1963, as amended, exemption is hereby granted from the provisions of subsection (1) of section 9 of the said Act to The Ilirector, Films, Sentraalhuis Youth for Christ Films, 103 Centld House, Central Street, ia, ten opsigte van die volgende Pretoria, in respect of the following 16-mm cinematograph films: The Accuser. Atlgry Jungle. Appointment. Carnival of Pretence. Centerviile Awakening. Centerviile Awakening. Clockmaker's Secret. The Fanlily thaf Changed the World. Flight Plan. Flip Side.. Forgotten Valley. Goal to Go. Going Steady. The Crms Gels Hurt. The Grass Gets Hurt. The Harvester. The Harvester. Haunted Churchbell. Haunted Churchbell. Highest Mountain. I Hear a New Song. Inhale the Incense. In His Steps. In Times Like These. In Times Like These. I So Move. Journey to the Sky. Man of Steel. Monkey Business. Prescription for Doc. The Restless Ones. Seventeen. Silent Witness. Silent Witness. Something to Die For. Tashi from Tibet. Teenage Rock. Teens Telling Teens. Tony Fontane Story. Visitors Only. Walk the Tightrope. Wild Country. Without Onion. Worlds Apart. Of Books and Sloths. Glass Eyes That See. Signposts Aloft. Spider Engineers. Experiences with an Eel. Dust or Drst in y. Dust or Destiny. The Prior Claim. The Prior Claim. Time and Eternity. Time and Eternity. Red Ri\?er of Life. Red River of Life. Hidden Treasures. Hidden Treasures. God of Creation. God of Creation. God van die Skepping. God van die Skepping. Windows of the Soiri. Windows of the Soul. Mystery of Three Clucks. Mystery of Three Clocks. God of the Atom. God of the Atom.

Facts of Faith. Voice of the Deep. City of the Bees. A True Fish Story. Growing Like a Grasshopper. A Bat Named Benny. Jewels from Heaven. Living Temples. Mystery in the Back Yard. Water of Life. Wonders Above. Devils Elbow. Flight 107. God Loves People. Like a Mighty Army. Four training films: (a) Part l-the Challenge. (b) Part 2-The Presentation. (c) Part 3 4 n the lob Training. (d) Part 4-Follow up. Though I Walk Throu,oh the Valley. The Price. Troubled Waters. Sonlethirig to Die For. Prinritilxe Man. The Peacemakers. The Return. The Littlest Apostle. Ultimate Adventure. Churches of the Revelation. So Lorig Joey. Sound of the Tr~tmpet. Changing Faces. 666. Yorieko. The Rapture. Iri rhr Pmeizce of h4ine Eilemies. Onderhewig aan die vo!gendc vccmvaardes: 1. Da! gem van die bogemelde rolprente bedoel vir openbzi-e vertoning enige aansiootljke stol bevat of enjgiets op 'n asn:tootlike wyx sal voorslel of op so 'n wyse dat dii bcskou kan vord as aanstootlik kragtens artikel 10 van voorlnzlde Wet nie. 2. Dat cnige van die bogemelde rolprente waaroor daar 'n reddike twyfel bestaan of dit gewens is of nie, eers aan die Raad van Beheer oor Publikasies voorgelg word alvorens dit in die Republiek vah*:suid-afrika vertoon word., I F J. J. ICRUGER, Voorsitter, Raad van Beheer oor Publilcasies. No. 487 29 Maart 1974 WET OP DIE REELING VAN DIE TOELATING VAN PERSONE TOT DIE REPmLIEK, 1972 (WET 59 VAN 1972) Die Miaister van Binnelandse Sake het ondervermelde amptenare kragtens subartikel (2) van artikel 53 van die Wet op die Reeling van die Toelating van Persone tot die Republiek, 1973 Wet 59 van 1972), gemagtig om orders, Iasbriewe, perrnitte. sertifikate-of ander dokumente wat ingevolge die voorrneide Wet uitgereik word, in hul hoedanigheid van Paspoortbeheerbeamptes, te onderteken : GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 29 MARCH 1974 No. 4237 9 Fmcts of Faith. Voice of the Deep. City of the Bees. A True Fish Story. Growing Like a Grasshopper. A Bat Named Benny. lewels from Heaven. Living Temples. Mystery in the Back Yard. Water of Life. Wonders Above. Devils Elbow. Flight 107. God Loves People. Like a Mighty Army. Four training films: (a) Part l-the Challenge. (b) Part 2-The Presentation. (c) Part 3 4 n the lob Training. (d) Part 4-Follow up. Though I Walk Through the Valley. The Price. Troubled Waters. Something to Die For. Primitive Man. Thc Peacemakers. The Return. The Littlest Apostle. Ulti~nate Adventure. Chirrches of the Revelation. So Long loey. Soiozd of the Trumpet. Char~ging Faces. 666. Yorieko. 2'h~ Rapture. In the Pr~sence of Mine Enemies. Subject toithe following conditions: I. That none of the above-mentioned films intended for public exhibition shall contain any olfensive matter or depict any matter in an offensive manner or in a manner which could be regarded as offensive in terms of section 10 of the said Act. 2. That any of the above-mentioned films about which a reasonable ;doubt exists as to its desirability, be first submitted to the Publications Control Board befors exhibition thereof in the Republic of South Africa. - J. J. KRUGER, Chairman, Publications Control Board No. 487,,< p 29 March 1974 ADMISSION OF PERSONS TO THE REPUBLIC REGULATION ACT, 1972 (ACT 59 OF 1972) The Minister of the Interior, has, in terms of subsection (2) of section 53 of the Admission of Persons to the Republic Regulation Act, 1972 (Act 59 of 1972). a:-~thorised the undermentioned officers to sign, in their capacity as Passport Control Officers, orders. warrants permits and certificates or other documents which may b.: issued under the Act : Met ir~gi!:~,~ Lkporfement vnn/ With Departnierrt effectfi0/11 M. Boon..... Bantoe-adr.iinisliasie en -ontuib kelrng/bantu Administration and Development..... 3/1/74 P. J. Fourie..... Rantoc-adminislrasie en -onl*a~ikl\el~ng/bantu Administration and Develcpmenl..... 1/3/74 H. 0. NothnagA..... Binnelznrlse Sai,e/Interior..... 1/3/74 S. J. J. Pienaar..... Polisie/Pollce...*-... 15/2/74 A. W, Stein... Polisie/Police..... 21/2/74 J. 11. van Asnegen... Polisie/PoIice..... 13/2/74

10 No. 4237 STAATSKOEI~A~T 29 MAART 1974.- - - p-- No. 4% 29 Maart 1974 WET OP PUBLIKASPES EN VERMAAKLIKHEDE, Xo. 26 VAN 1953, SOOS GEWYSIG Kragiens subastikel (2) van artikel 9 van die Wet op Publika~i~s en Vertnaaklikhede, No. 26 van 1963, soos gewysig, word vryslellii~g hiermee verleen van die bepalings van subariikel (!) van artikel 9 van die voormelde Wet aail Die Pilblisiteil- m Rcisdepartement van die Suid- Afrikaacse Spoorwe?, Paul Krugergebou, Wolmaransstraat, Johannesburg, ten opsigte van die volgende srolprentc : (a) Film; cor toerisle-aantreklikhede, plaaslik en oorsee, gekoppe! aan dim.-tz van die Publisiteits- en Reisdepartement van dle Suid-hfrjkzmse Spoorwee. (b) Werwings- en op~eidingslilms vir die Spoorwegadmin~htrasiz vervaardig. (c) Films oor iicriste-aantreklikhede verskaf deur "Britijh Tourist Arrthcri!~/". (d) Oplzldingsfilms aangekoop in die buiteland vir die opleiding van syocr vzgpxsoiiezl. Ondrrhewlg am die v~;g;nde voorwaardes : 1. Dat gem van die b~ge:ilelde rolprente Woe1 Gr openbare vertoning e:ii,oe aanstootlike stof bevat of enigiets op '11 aanstootlike wjse sal voorstel of op so 'n wyse dat dit beskou kan woid as amstootlik kragtens artikel 10 van voormelde Wet nie. 2. Dat enige van die bogemelde rolprente waaroor daar 'n redelike twyfel bestaan of dit gewens is of nie, eers aan die Raad van Eeheer oor Publikasies voorgel2 word alvorens dit in die Republiek van Suid-Afrika vertoon word. J. J. KRUGER. Voorsitter, Raad van Beheer oor Publikasies. No. 495 29 March 1974 PUBLICATIONS AND ENTERTAINMENTS ACT, No. 26 OF 1963, AS AMENDED In terms of subsection (2) of section ~9 of the Publications and Entertainments Act, No. 26 of 1963, as amended. exemption is hereby granted from the provisions of subsection (1) or section 9 of the said Act to The Publicity and Travel Department of the South African Railways, Paul Kruger Buildings, Wolmarans Street, Johannesburg. in respect of the undermentioned films: (a) Films h respect of tourist attractions locally and overseas, coupied with services rendered by the Publicity and Travel Deparlinent of the South African Railways. (b) Films produced for recruiting and training purposes of t l Railway ~ Administration. (c) Films in connection with tourist attrarticns supp!ied by the "Briiish Tourist Authority". (d) Training lilms obtained from overseas for the trainkg of Railway staff. Subject to thz following conditions : 1. That mnr, of the above-mentioned films intended for public exhibition shall con!ain any offensive matter or depict any natter in an offensive manner or in a manner which could be regarded as offensive in tcrms of section 10 of the said Act. 2. That any of the abovementioned films about which a reasonable doubt exists as to its desirability. be first submitted to the Publications Control Board before exhibition thereof in the Republic of South Africa. J. J. XRUGER. Chairman, Publications Control Board. No. 514 29 Maart 1974 WET OP VREEMDELINGE. 1937.-VANSVER- ANDERING-ADAM IN FIRFIRAY Dit het die Staatspresident behaag om kragtens die bepalings van artikel 9 van die Wet op Vreemdelinge. 1937 (Wet l van 1937). Alimia Latief Adam. sy vrou Khairunnisa Alimia, gebore AKe, en sy kinders Hidayatullah Alimia, Alawooddin Alimia, Dilshad Banu, Abdulwahab Alimia en Husain Alimia, woonagtig te hoek van Harvey- en Princestraat, Claremont. Kaap. te magtig orn die van Firfiray aan te neem. No. 515 29 Maart 1974 WET OP VREEMDELINGE, 1937.-VANSVER- ANDERING MOWSOWIT2 IN MOSS Dit het die Staatspresident behaag om kragtens die bepalings van artikel 9 van die Wet op Vreemdelinge. 1937 (Wet 1 van 1937). Clive Philmorc Mowsowitz, sy vrou Luba, gebore Beder, en sy kinders Desmond Mervyn en Paul Cyril, woonagtig te Australweg 44, Selcourt. Springs, te magtig om die van Moss aan te neem. No. 514 29 March 1974 ALIENS ACT. 1937.-CHANGE OF SURNAME- ADAM TO FIRFIRAY The State President has been pleased, under the provisions of section 9 of the Aliens Act, 1937 (Act 1 of 1937), to authorise Alimia Latief Adam, his wife Khairunnisa Alimia, born Allie, and his children Hidayatullah Alimia, Alawooddin Alimia, Dilshad Banu, Abdulwahab Alimia and Husain Alimia, residing at corner of Harvey and Prince's Roads, Claremont, Cape, to assume the surname of Firfiray. No. 515 29 March 1974 ALIENS ACT, 1937.--CHANGE OF SURNAME-- RlOWSOWITZ TO MOSS The State President has been pleased, under the provisions of section 9 of the Aliens Act, 1937 (Act 1 of 1937). to a~thorise Clive Philmore Mowsowitz, his wife Luba, born Beder, and his children Dcsmond Mervyn and Paul Cyril, residing at 44 Austral Road. Selcourt, Springs, to assume the surname of Moss. No. 516 29 Maart 1974 WET OP VREEMDELINGE. 1937.-VANSVER- ANDERING-NOVEMBER IN CUPTDO Dit het die Staatspresident behaag om kragtens die bepalings van artiel 9 van die Wet op Vreemdelinge, 1937 (Wet 1 van 1937), Neville George November, sy vrou Barbara Joan, gebore Morkel, en sy kind Marcia Carla, woonagtig te Cecilweg 27, Soutrivier, Gap, te magtig om die van Cupido aan te neem No. 516 W March 1974 ALIENS ACT, 1937.-CHANGE OF SURNAME- NOVEMBER TO CUPID0 The State President has been pleased, under the provisions of section 9 of the A!iens Act. 1937 (Act 1 of 1937). to authorise Neville George November, his wife Barbara Joan, born Morkel, and his child Marcia Carla, residing at 27 Ceeil Road, Salt River, Cape, to assume the surname of Cupido.

GOVERI.s':dENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 1974 NO. 4337 11 No. 517 29 Maart 1974 WET OP VREEMDELINGE. 1937.-VAh'SiER- ANDERING-GRAY M STEELE-GRAY Dit het die Staa~spresidcn~ behazg om kragte- >.S die beprings varl a:tikel 9 van die Wei cp Vrzeniticiinge, 1937 (Wet 1 van 1937), Nor;aai~ Steele Gray en sq. vrott s'oyce Sibjr!, &ore Gage, woonagtig le i'hcrrywood, Pk. Kentoii-on-Sea, disirik Baihurst, te inqii~ om die van Steeie-Gray can :e neem. ALIENS ACT, 1937.-CHASGE OF SURIqAME- GRAY TO STEELE-GRAY The State President has been!jl:ased, u~xler tlx pio~i- <ions of section 9 of thc A!ic,is Act, 1937 (Act I of 1737). to authorise Norman Sle-Ie Gray and his wife joyce Sibql, barn Gagc, residing at Ch~i'~~~i.ood. P.O. :\~;~tcm-on-sea. District of L.II!IULS~, to zssrrme ihe sur- 2.1n.e of Stecle-Gray. No. 518 29 F4aart 1974 WET OP VREEMDELINGE, 1937.-VPi'JSWRAN- DERITJG-VAN DER MERIVE JW LOF*%BAARD Dit het die Staatspresldcr;t behaag 0111 lcragtens die bepalings van artikel 9 van die Wet op Vreemdejioge, 1937 (Wet 1 van 1937), Antoon Johances van der Meme. woonr?giig te Worcesterstraat 3, Grabouw, te magtig orn die van Lolilbaard aan te neem. No. 518 29 March 1974 ALIENS ACT, 1937.-CHANGE OF SUIIPJAMG- VAN DER MERWE 70 LOMBAARD The State President has been pleased, under the provisions of section 9 of the Alieris Act. 1937 (Act 1 of 1937), to authorise Antoon Johannes van cier Merwe, residing at 3 Worcester Strcel, Grabouw, to assume the surname of Lombaard. NO. 519 29 Maari 1971 \\'ET OP VREEMDLTNGE, 1937.-VltNSVER- ANDERING-VICTOR IN PROFZTT nit hci die Staatspresident behazlg om krag!ei~s die bepalings van artikel 9 van die Wet op Vreemdelinge, 1937 (Wet 1 van 1937), John William Profitt Victor, sy vrou ReneC Suzannc Liliane Lea Ghislaine. gebore Lefevre, en sy kind Louise, woonagtig te Tweede Straat 212, Walvisbaai, te magtig om die van Profitt aan te neem. NO. 519 29 Ivllri~I~ 1974 ALIENS ACT. 1937.-CHANGE GF SURNAME- VICTOR TO PROFITT The State. President has been plcased, under tlx provisions of section 9 of the Aliens Act, 1917 (Act 1 of 1937), to authcrise John William Profitt Victor, his wife Rei1e6 Suzanne Lilisne Lea Ghis!?inc. born Lefevre, and his child Louise, residing at 2!2 Second Stieet. Walvisbaai, to assume the surname of Profkt. No. 520 29 3faz-t 1974 WET OP VREEMDELINGE. 1937.-VANSVERAW- DERIIVC-WRJFORD IN WHITPTINGTON-WRIFORD Dit het die Staatspresident behaag om hagtens die bepalings van artikel 9 van die Wet op Vreemdelinge, 1937 (Wet 1 van 1937), Gcorge Lawrence St. John Wriford. sy vrou Henrkite Helene, gebore De Roche. en sy kinders Lynne Treves,.Michael St. John en Jacqueline Treves, woonagtig te Muis 4, Dvmacol, Natal, te magtig orn die van Whittington-Wriford zian te neem. No. 520 29 Mxch 1974 AI,TENS ACT, 1937.--CHANGE OF SURNAME- WRIFORD TO W3ITTTFIC;TObI-WRTFQRD The State President has been pklsed. under the provisions of section 9 of the Aliens Act, 1937 (Act 1 of 1937). to authorise George Lawrence St John Wriford, his wife Henriette Helene, born De Roche, and his children Lynne Treves, Michael S! John and Jarqueline Treves, residing at House 4, Dwnacol, Natal, to assume the surname of Whittington-Wriford. No. 521 29 Maart 1974 WET OP VREEMDELINGE, 1937.-VANSVER- ANDERING--GRAY IN STEELE-GRAY Dit het die Staatspresident behsag mi kragtens die bepalings Tail artikel 9 van die Wet op Vreeindehge, 1937 (Wet 1 van 1937), Alastair Bruce Sic.e!e Gray en sy v r Phiiippa ~ ~ AM Haydcn, gebore Lewis, woonagtig te Victoriahof 2, Trafalgarstraat, Queenstown. te magtig 0111 die van Steele-Gray aan te rmeem. No. 522,,. 29 h4azrt 1974 WET OF VREEMDELINGE. 2937.-VANSVER-.'l?<DEIZII.IG-CXJEL IN CEDRO Dit bet die Staatspresideni behaag om kragtem die bepalings van artikd 9 vsn die Wet op Vreemdelingc, 1937 (Wet 1 van 1937), 1Cari:i Margaret Erie], woonagtig te Cadton Towers 192, Sonilseuweg, Durban, te magtig om die van Cedro aan te neem. No. 521 29 March 1974 ALIENS ACT, 1937.--CISkFtTGE OF SURIJAPE- GR'AY TO STEELE-GRAY The State President has been @eased, under the provision~ of section 9 of the Aliens Act, 1937 (Act 1 of 1937), to authorise Alastair Brute Steele Gray and his wif~ P21jlipphcJAcn Haydon, born Lewis, residing at 2 Victoria Court, Trafalgar Street, Queenstown, to assume the surname of %&-Gray. - ~- No. 522 29 March 1974 ALIENS Am, 1937.--CHANGE OF SURNAME- BRIEL TO CEDXO The State President has been pleased, under the provisions of seciion 9 of the Alielx Aci, 1937 (Act l of 1937)- to zuthorise Karin Margaret Rriel, residing at 192 Carlton Towers, Somtseu Road, Durban, to assume the surname of Cedro.

12 No. 4237 NO. 523 29 Maart 1974 WET OP VREEMDELINGE, 1937.-VANSVERAN- DERING-HERWMANN IN HERRMANN-BAJNER Dit het die Staatspresident behaag om kragtens die bepalings van artikel 9 van die Wet op Vreemdelinge, 1937 (Wet 1 van 1937), Woland Clive Herrmann en Michad Hails Herrmann, woonagtig re Gedeelte 153, Wilgespruit, dislrik Roodepoort, te magtig om die van Herrmmn-Bajner aan le neem. No. 521 29 Maart 1974 WET OP VREEMDELINGE, 1937.-VANSVER- ANDERINC-FOK IN FORD Dit het die Staatspresident behaag om kragtens die bepalings van artikel 9 van die Wet op Vreemdelinge, 1937 (Wet l van 1937), Samson Fok, sy vrou Shirley Chan, gebore Shan, en sy seun Kevin Mark, woonagtig te Norseweg 4, Overport, Durban, te magtig om die van Ford aan te neem. No. 525 29 Maart 1974 WET OP VREEMDELWGE, 1937.-VANSVER- ANDERING-AHMED IN ALLIE Dit het die Staatspresident behaag om kragtens die bepalings van artikel 9 van die Wet op Vreemdelinge, 1937 (Wet 1 van 1937), Kariem Ahmed, woonagtig te Huis 2, hoek van 18de Straat en Eppinglaan, Elsiesrivier, Kaap, te magtig om die van Allie aan te neem. No. 526 29 Maart 1974 WET OP VREEMDELINGE, 1937.-VANSVER- ANDERING-MASANGO IN SIBISI Dit het die Staatspresident behaag om kragtens die bepalings van artikel 9 van die Wet op Vreemdelinge, 1937 (Wet 1 van 1937), Ndoli Alpheus Masango, sy vrou Pauline, gebore Lekganyane, en sy kinders Sybil Margaret Gugu. Shadrack Bongani, Sylvia Nokuthula, Samson Dumisani en Solomon Bhekithemba, woonagtig te B691, Umlazi New Township. Umlazi, Durban, te magtig om die van Sibisi aan te neem. No. 527 29 Maart 1974 WET OP VREEMDELINGE, 1937.-VANSVER- ANDERING-GREEFF IN COOKE Dit het die Staatspresident behaag om kragtens die bepalings van artikel 9 van die Wet op Vreemdelinge, 1937 (Wet 1 van 1937), Alan Charles Greeff en sy vrou Marie Marcellt Georgina, gebore Bax, woonagtig te Althamweg 87, Robertsham, Johannesburg, te magtig om die van Cooke aan te neem. No. 528 29 Maart 1974 WET OP VREEMDEIJNGE, 1937.-VANSVER- ANDERING-SMITH IN HAIG-SMITH Dit het die Staatspresident behaag om kragtens dic bepalings van artikel 9 van die Wet op Vreemdelinge 1937 (Wet 1 van 1937), Douglas Haig Smith en sy vrol Theha Joyce, gebore Gibbens, woonagtig te Reservoir, weg 16, Queenstown, te magtig om die van Haig-Smitk aan te neem. 40. 523 29 March 1974 iliens ACT. 1937.-CHANGE OF SURNAME- HERRMANN TO HERRMANN-BAJNER The State President has been pleased, under the proviions of section 9 of thc Alicns Act, 1937 (Act 1 of 937), to authorise Roland Clive Herrnlann and dichael Hans Herrmann, rcsiding at Portion 153, Wilgepruit, District of Roodepoort, to assume the surname,f Nerrmann-Bajner. $0. 524 29 March 1974 4LIENS ACT, 1937.-CHANGE OF SURNAME- FOK TO FORD The State President has been pleased, undcr the provi-,ions of section 9 of the Aliens Act, 1937 (Act 1 of 937), to authorise Samson Fok, his wife Shirley Chan, jorn Shan, and his son Kevin Mark, residing at 4 Vorse Road, Overport, Durban, to assume the surname )f Ford. Vo. 525 29 March 1974 \LIENS ACT, 1937.--CHANGE OF SURNAME- AHMED TO ALLIE The State President has been pleased, under the provisions of section 9 of the Aliens Act, 1937 (Act 1 of 1937), to authorise Kariem Ahmed, residing at House 2, :orner of 18th Street and Epping Avenue, Elsie's River, Zape, to assume the surname of Allie. No. 526 29 March 1974 ALIENS ACT, 1937.-CHANGE OF SURNAME- MASANGO TO SIBISI The State President has been pleased, under the provisions of section 9 of the Aliens Act, 1937 (Act 1 of 1937), to authorise Ndoli Alpheus Masango, his wife Pauline, born Lekganyane, and his childrcn Sybil Margaret Gugu, Shadrack Bongani, Sylvia Nol:u~Bula, Samson Dumisani and Solomon Bhekithemba, residing at B691 Urnlazi New Township, Umlazi, Durban, to assume the surname of Sibisi. NO. 527 29 March 1974 ALIENS ACT. 1937.-CHANGE OF SURNAME-- GREEFF TO COOKE The State President has been pleased, under the provb sions of section 9 of the Aliens Act, 1937 (Act 1 of 1937). to authorise Alan Charles Greeff and his wife Marie Marcellt Georgina, born Bax, residing at 87 Altham Road, Robertsham, Johannesburg, to assume the surname of Cooke. No. 528 29 March 1974 ALIENS ACT, 1937.-CHANGE OF SURNAME- SMITH TO HAIG-SMITH The State President has been pleased, under the provisions of sectio:~ 9 of the Aliens Act, 1937 (Act 1 of 1937), to zuthorise Doughs Haig Snlilh and his wife Thelma Jcyce, born Gibbens, residing at 16 Reservoir Road, Queenstown, to assume the surname of Haigh- Smith.

GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 1974 No.4237 13 No. 546 29 Maari 1971 WET OP PUBLIKASIES EN VERMAAKLIKIEDE, NO. 26 VAN 1963, GELEES SAAM MET DOEANE- EN AKSYNSWET. No. 91 VAN 1964.4NGEWENSTE PUBLIKASIES EN/OF VOORWERPE-LYS R334 Die Raad van Beheer oor Publikasies het kragtens die bevoegdheid hom verleen by artikel 8 van die Wet op Publikasies en Verrnaaklikhede, N0.r 26 van 1963, gelees saam met subartikel(3) van artikel 113 van die Doeane- en Aksynswet, No. 91 van 1964, beslis dat die onderstaande publikasies en/of voorwerpe ongewens is: Pu blikasies/pu blicafions 1. Edward, Edward-Lolah Burford. Gepubliseer dew; Published by Cassell & Co. Ltd., London. 2. 11 HarrowRouse-Gerald A. Browne. Gepubliseer deur/published by Dell Books, New York. 3. Essential Lemy Bruce, The--Edited by John Cohen. Gepubliseer deur/published by Open Gate Books with MacMillan London Ltd. 4. In-Between Time, The-Alexander Baron (Slegs omslag/cover only) (Panther Book 586 03799 3). Gepubliseer deur/published by Panther Books, London. 5. In the Fog of the Seasons' End-Alex La Guma. Gepubliseer deur/published by Efeinemann Educational Books Ltd., London. DEPARTEMENT VAN DIE EERSTE MINISTER No. 484. 29 Maart 1974 AANSTELLING VAN WAARNEMENDE MINISTER Hierby word bekendgemaak dat die Staatspresident sy goedkewing geheg het aan die aanstelling, met ingang van 11 Maart 1974, van Sy Edele B. J. Vorster as Waarnemende Minister van Buitelandse Sake, gedurende die afwesigheid uit Suid-Afrika van Sy Edele dr. H. Muller. No. 485 DEPARTEMENT VAN FlNANSlES 29Maart1974 LENINGS TOEGESTAAN UIT : DIE PLAASLIKE LENINGSFONDS INGESTEL BY *,WET 19 VAN 1926 IHierby word bekendgemaak dat -.die Staatskuldkommissarisse die rentekoers op alle lenings uit die Plaaslike Leningsfonds, ingestel kragtens Wet 19 van 1926, toegestaan op of na 1 April 1974 van. 8% (agt persent) per jaar tot 84% (agt en 'n half persent) per jaar verhoog het. Die rentekoers betaalbaar op bestaande lenings bly onveranderd. No. 546 29 March 1974 PUBLICATIONS AND EN'I'CRTAIIWENTS ACT, No. 26 OF 1963, READ WITH CUSTOh4S AND EXCISE ACT, No. 91 OF 1964.-UNGESIRABLE PUBLICATIONS AND/OR OBJECTS-LIST B334 The Publications Control Board has by virtue of the powers vested in it by section 8 of the Publications and Enter!ainments Act, No. 26 of 1963, read with subsection (3) of section 113 of the Custon~s and Excise Act, No. 91 of 1964, declared that the undermentioned publications andtor objects are undesirable: 6. Sweet Sam-David Morgan. Gepubliseer dew/ Published by Dcll Books, New York. 7. Swingers, The, Cartoons from Playboy. Gepubliseer deur/published by Playboy Press, Chicago. 8. Vostell Munia. Galerie van de Loo Miinchen 21.9-15.11.73. Kaler~derlCalendar 9. Girls 1974 Calendar, The. Gepubliseer dew/ Published by Sirkay Publishing Co., Los Angeles, California. Plakkaat/Poster 10. True Love 4860. Photography: Frans Louridsen. GepuMiseer deur/published by Poster Verkerke Reprodukties BV, Bennekom, Holland. Gedruk in Nederland/ Printed in the Netherlands. DEPARTMENT OF THE PRIME MINISTER No. 484 " 29 March 1974 APPOINTMENT OF ACTING MINISTER It is hereby notified that the State President has approved of the appointment, with effect from l1 March 1974, of the Honourable B. J. Vorster as Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs, during the absence from South Africa of Dr the Honourable H. Muller. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE No. 485 29 March 1974 LOANS GRANTED FROM THE LOCAL LOANS FUND UNDER ACT 19 OF 1926 It is hereby notified that the Public Debt Cornmissioners have increased the rate of interest from 8% (eight per cent) per annum to 8)% (eight and a half per cent) per annum on all loans granted, on or after 1 April 1974, from the Local Loans Fund established under Act 19 of 1926. The rate,,of interest payable on existing loans will remain unchanged. No. 511 29 Maart 1974 Hierby word bekend gemaak dat die Minister van Finansies, kragtens artikel 1 (1) van die Fina~iciele Regelingswet, 1917 (Wet 42 van 1917), die rentekocrs van toepassing op sekere soorte lenings en voorskotte op agt en 'n half persent (S;%) per jaar vasgestel het ten opsigre van trekkings tzer! die betrokke lenings en voorsltotte of dele daarvan, wa: op en na 1 April 1974 gemaak word. Wanneer in die toekoms 'n hersiene rentekoers aangekondjg word, sal dit slegs van toepassing wees op trekkings wat op en na die effektiewe datum soos aangekondig, gemaak word. Die soorte lenjngs en voorskotte is soos volg: Byvoegings tot fondse van die Land- en Landboubank ingevolge artike! 19 (1) (d) van Wet 13 van 1944. Eenings aan pioviilsiale administrasies vir 1~apitaalt;itgawes ingevolge artikel 11 (1) van Wet 38 van 1945. No. 511 29 March 1971 It is hereby notified that the Minister of Finance has, under section 1 (1) of the Financial Adjustments Act, 1917 (Act 42 of 1917), fixed the rate of interest applicable to certain clasw of loans and advances at eight and onehaif per cent (84%) per annum in respect of drawing5 against the reiative loans and advances or por!ici!is thereof ;vhich are made on and after 1 April 1974. When in future a revised interest rate is announced, it will apply only to drawings which are made on and after the effective date as announced. The classes of loans and advances are the following: Additions to funds of the Land and Agricultraul Bank in terms of section 19 (1) (d) of Act 13 of 1944. Loans to provincial adminis! rations for capital expenditure under section 11 (1) of Act 38 of 1945.

IT, 29 MA~.RT 1974 Lenii-12: aan universiteik r,~? kolleges iilgevolge artikel 20 va? Wet 61 van 1955 en artikel 11 van Wet 30 van 1923. Lenings am lto!kges rlr gevdc:rde tcmiese ondcrwys i~gevolge artikel 19 van Wet 40 van 1367. Lenings nan onder5ter;nde skole ingzvoige artikel 5 (4) v312 Wet 41 van 1967. Byvoeginzs tot die lta@taal van die Nasionalc Behuisingsfonds i~igevolge artikel 3 (b) van Wet 4 van 1966. Lenings aan die Geneenskapsontwiitkclir7gsf~~ds ingevolge artikel 12 (1) (a) vm Wet 3 van 1966. Lenings en voorskotte dcur die De~ark~nent van L,an:',- bou-e!;onornie en -bemarking. Lenings vir die oprigting van besproeii~gswerke ingevolge artikel 157 van Wet 54 van 1955. Lenings aan die Posadministrasie vir kapitaaluitgawes ingevolge artikel52 A van Wet 23 van 1956. Me ander lenings en voorskotte uit staatsgelde, uitgesonderd lenings en voorskotte ten opsigte waarvan ander rentekoerse spesifiek dew die Minister van Finansies gemagtig is. No. 510 29 Maart 1974 BEPERKING OP SEKERE SBORTE VOORSKOTTE DEUR BOUVERENIGINGS (1) Kragtens artikel44 van die Bodverenigingswet, 1965 (Wet 24 van 1969, skryf ek, Nicolaas DiedericJ~s, Minister van Finansies, ten opsigte van voorskotte of hervoorskotte van 'n soort soos in 'n item in die eerste kolom van onderstaande tabel uiteengesit, die perseniasie soos in die tweede kolom van die tabel teenoor bedoelde item uiteengesit, as maksimum voor: Aard van voors!;ot/hervoorskot Persentasie van otale bedrag van voorskotte/hetd voorskotte gelurende boekjaar toegestaan (a) Teen sekuriteit van verband op vaste eiendom waarop 'n woonhuis opgerig is of staan te word en waar die verskuldigde bedrag agtienduisend rand oorskry..... (b) Teen sc!curiteit van verband op vaste eiendom waarop woonstelle opgerig is of staan te word (C) Teen sekuriteit van verbmd op vaste eieridom wat vir besigheidsdoeleindes gebruik word of staan te word..... - I (2) Voorgaande bepaling geld mutatis mutandis ten opsigte van die ses-maande-tydperk 1 Oktober 1973 tot 31 Maart 1974 asof gemelde tydperk 'n boekjaar is. (3) In die geval van 'n voorskot ter vervanging van 'n bestaande voorskot by dieselfde bouvereniging by die verwisseling van eienaar van die verhipotekeerde eiendom moet slegs die bedrag waarmee die nuwe voorskot die bestaande een oorskry in berekening gebring word vir doeleindes van die voorgeskrewe persentasies en moet did bedrag ingedeel word onder die kategorie voorskotte ooreenkomstig die totale bedrag van die nuwe voorskot. (4) In die geval waar 'n hervoorskot of 'n verdere voorskot die verskuldigde bedrag van 'n lening teen sekuriteit van 'n verband op vaste eiendom waarop, 'n woonhuis opgerig is of staan te word, verhoog tot bo R18 000 mod die bedrag van die verdere voorskot of hervoorskot in l berekening gebring word onder die kategorie voorskotte : teen sekuriteit van verband op vaste eiendom waarop 'n I woonhuis opgerig is of staan te word en waar die verskuldigde bedrag R18 000 oorskry. Loans to universities acd colleges wider scction 20 of Act 61 of 1955, and section l l of Act 30 of 1923. Loans to colleges for zdvanced technical educalim in terms of seciion 19 of Act 40 of 1967. Loam to subsidised schods in tcrms of section 5 (3) t of Act 41 of 1967. Additions to the capital of the National Housing Fund l in terms of section 3 (b) of Act 4 of 1966. Loans to the Community Development Fund in terms l of section 12 (1) (a) of Atc 3 of 1966. Loans and advances made by the Departnlent of Agri-, cultural Ecclnomics and Marketing. Loans for the construction of irrigation works under section 157 of Act 54 of 1956. Loans to the Postal Administration for capital exgendi- Lure in tmns cif section 52 A of Act 23 of 1956. All other loans and advances from State Funds, excluding such loans and advances in respect of which orticr rates of interest have been spccifically aulhorised by the Minister of Finance. No. 510 29 March 1971 LIMITATION ON CERTAIN KINDS OF ADVANCES BY BUILDING SCCIETIES (l) In terms of section 44 of the Building Societies Act. 1965 (Act 24 of 1965), I, Nicolaas Diede~ichs, Minister of Finance, prescribe in respect of advances or re-advances of a kind as set out in an item in the first column of the following table, the percentage 3s set out in the second column of the able against the said itzm as the maximum: '- TABLE (a) Against the security of the mortgage of immovable property on which a dwelling house has been or is to be erected and where..the outstahding amount exceeds eightem thousand rand.... :... (b) Against the security of the mortgage of immovable property on which flats have bcen or are to be erected..... (c) Against the security of the mortgage of immovable property which is or is to be used for businas purposes..... Percentage of total amount of advances / re- ~dvances granted during the financial year - (2) The aforegoing provision shall apply mutatis mutandis in respect of the six-month period 1 October 1973 to 31 March 1974 as if the said period were a financial year. (3) In the case of an advance in silbstitution for an existing advance from the same b~lilding society on the change of owner of the hypothecated property, only the amount by which the new advance exceeds the existing advance shall be taken into acco~mt for purposes of the prescribed percentages and this amount shall be classified under the category of advances according to the total amount of the new advance. (4) In the case where a re-advance or a further advance increases the outstanding amount of a loan against the security of a mortgage of immovable property on which a dwelling-house has been or is to be erected to an amount in excess of R18 000, the amount of the further advance or re-advance shall be brought into account under the category advances zgainst the =urity of a mortgage of imnlovable property on which a dwelling-house has been or is to be erected and where the outstanding amount exceeds R18 000.

p- - P- p- GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 1974 No. 4237 15 (5) Goewermentskennisgewing 1667 wat in Staatskoerant 4022 van 14 September 1973 verskyn het, word hierby ingetrek. N. DIEDERICHS, Minister van Enansies. DEPARTEMENT VAN GE'S~NDHEID No. 490, 29 Maart 1974 AANSTELLING. - HOSPITAAlLRAAD VAN UMGENI WATERFALL-INRIGTING, MOWICK Die Minister van Gesondheid het kragtens die bevoegdheid horn verleen by artikel 54 van die Wet op Geestesgebreken, 1916 (Wet 38 van 1916), ds. A. G. Koen as lid van die Hospitaalraad van die Umgeni,Waterfall-inrigting, Howick, aangestel vir die onverstrekcy gedeelte van die huidige Raad se ampstermyn wat op 31 Desember 1974 verstryk. No. 491 29 h4aart 1974 Ar4J4STELLING. - HOSPITAALRAAD, VALKEN- BERGHOSPITAAL, OBSERVATORY, KAAP Die Minister van Gesondheid het hagtens die bcvoegdheid hom verleen by artikel 54 van die Wet op Geestesgebreken, 1916 (Wet 38 van 1916), ondergenoemde persone met ingang van 30 Januarie 1974 as Iede van die Hospitaah-aad, Valkenberghospitaal, aangeste! vir 'n tydperk van drie jaar: Dr. F. I'I. Kooy (Voorsitter). Mev. M. E. L. Andrag. Dr. J. D. Vorster. No. 492 29 Maart 1474 AANSTELLTI.JG.-MADADENIHOSPITAALR A AD. NEWCASTLE Die Minister van Gesondheid het kragtens die bz>oeg:lheid horn verleen by artikel 54 van die Wet op Gcestcsgebreken, 1916 (Wet 38 van 1916), onderstaande persone met ingang van 1 Maart 1974 as lede van die hlad~,!cnihospitaalraad zangstel vir 'n tydperk vau dsie jaar: Mcr. H. J. Klopper (Voorsitter). Dr. L. J. J. Visser. Dr. P. Wait..--.p - DEPARTEMENT VAN. JUSTISIE No. 502 29 Maart i972 VERANDERTT-IG VAN DE N ~ M VAN FIE DISTRIK M.4RAISBURG NA HOFMEYR Kragtens die bevoegdheid my 'serleen by artitikzl 2 (1) (a) en (I) van die Wet op Landdroshowe, 1944 (Wet 32 van 1944), bepaal ek, Jam& Thomas Kruger, Adjunk-minister van Justisie, hierby 3Kofmeyr as die nan. waaronder die distrik Maraisburg voortaan bekend >~li staan en wysig ek Proklamasie 181 '$an 1911 di, 91-oorecn- A komstig. J. T. KRUGER, Adjunk-minister?an Justisie. - - P- DEPARTEMENT VAN KLEURLINGBETWEKK[:dGE EN REHOBQTH-AANGELEENTHEDE No. 489 29 Maart 1974 WET OP ONDERWYS VIR KLEURLINGE, 1963.- WYSIGING VAN REGULASIES Kragtens artikel 34 van die Wet op Ondemys vir Kleurlinge, 1963 (Wet 47 van 1963), wysig ek, Schalk Willem van der Merwe, Minister van Weurlingbetrekkinge (5) Govenlment Notice 1667 which appeared in Governnzent Guzerte 4022 of 14 September 1973, is hereby wj thdrawn. N. DIEDERICIJS, Minister of Finance. p. -- DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH No. 490 29 March 1974 APPOINTMENT.-HOSPITAL BOARD, UMGENI WATERFALL INSTITUTION. HOWICK The ~ini'ster of Health has, under the powers vested in him by section 54 of the Menial Disorders Act, 1916 (Act 38 of 1916), appointed the Reverend A. G. Koen to be a inember of the Umgeni Waterfall Institution, Howiclc. for the unexpired portion of the present Board's term of office which expires on 31 December 1974. No. 491 29 March 1974 APPOINTMENT.-HOSPITAL BOARD, VALKEN- RERG HOSPITAL, OBSERVATORY, CAPE The Minister of Health has, under the powers vested in him by section 54 of the Mental Disorders Act, 1916 (Act 38 of 1916), appointed the following persons to be members of the Hospital Ecard. Valkenberg Hospital, for a period af thee years as from 30 January 1974: Dr F. H. Kooy (Chairman). h4rs M. E. L: Andrag. Dr J. D. Vorster. No. 492 29 March 1974 APPOJNTh4ENT.-MADADENI HOSPITAL BOARD, NEWCASTLE The Minister of Health has, under the powers vested in him by section 54 o? the hiental Disorders Act, 1916 (Act 38 of 1916), appointed the followiiig persons to bc memb~lrs of the Madadeni Ifospiral Board for a period of tbree years as from 1 March 1973: Mr H. J. Klopper (Chairman). Dr L. L. J. Visser. Dr P. Wait. pp- --- DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE No. 502 29 March 1974 CHANGE OF THE NAME OF THE DIS?T.ICT OF MARAISBURG TO HOFMEYR Under And by virtue of the powers vested in me by \ection 2 (1) (a) and (1) of the Magistrates' Courts Act, 1934 (Act 32 of 1944), I, James Thomas Kruger, Depty?Ainister of Justice, hereby determine Hofineyr as the.lame under which the District of Maraisburg wi!l hencehacon of the last-merltioned prcperty; hence south-west ::rcordingly. i. 7. KRUGER, Deputy Minister of Justice. L DEPARTMENT OF COLOURED RELATiQNS AND REHOBOTH AFFAIRS Nc. 489 29 March 1974 COLOURED PERSONS EDUCATION ACT, 1963.- AMENDMENT OF REGULATIONS IJilder section 34 of the Coloured Persons Educaticn Act, 1963 (Act 47 of 1963), 1, Schalk Willem van der Merwe, Minister of Coloured Relations and Rehoboth

16 No. 4237 STAATSKOER AN en Rehoboth-aangeleenthede, hierby die regulasies uitgevaardig kragtens genoemde artikel 34 en afgekondig by Goewerinentskennisgewing R. l898 van 21 November 1963, soos gewysig, deur die invoeging, na regulasie T.4,.van regulasie T.5 vervat in die Bylae hiervan. S. W. VAN DER MERWE, Ministcr van Kleurlingbetrekkinge en Rehoboth-aangeleenthede. 14 Januarie 1974. BYLAE VERDIENSTELIKHEIDSBEURSE T.5.1 Aan 'n leerling wat minstens 'n A-simbool, gelykstaande met 80 persent of meer van die puntetotaal, in die seniorsertifikaateksamen van die Departement behaal het, kan 'n verdienstelikheidsbeurs van R200 per jaar vir 'n tydperk van drie jaar tocgeken word om 'n kursus te volg aan 'n opleidingskollege of kollege vir gevorderde tegniese onderwys of aan 'n universiteit wat by of kragtens 'n wet ingestel is. T.5.2 Sodanige verdienstelikheidsbeurs word op die volgende voorwaardes toegeken : (i) Aansoek daarom moet op 'n vorm goedgekeur deur Sekretaris voor of op 'n datum deur die Sekretaris bepaal by die Departement ingedien word. (ii) Die kursus van minstens drie jaar wat die aansoeker wil volg, word nie deur die Sekretaris bepaal nie. (iii) Die beurs word vir die eerste jaar betaal na ontvangs van 'n amptelike verklaring van die hoof van die betrokke opleidingskollege of kollege vir gevcrderde tegniese onderwys of universiteit dat die aansoeker ingeskryf is en die betrokke opleidingskollege of kollege vir gevorderde tegniese onderwys of universiteit werklik bywoon. (iv) Vir elk van die daaropvolgende jare word die beurs betaal slegs by ontvangs van bewys dat die ontvanger van die beurs in die voorafgaande jaar suksesvol in sy studies was. (v) Geen betaling van die kurs word gemaak in 'n jaar waarin die kursus herhaal word nie. (vi) Toekenning van die beurs sal die ontvanger daarvan nie diskwalifiseer vir die toekenning van 'n studiebeurs ingevolge regulasie T.3 nie. T.5.3 Aan 'n persoon wat 'n verdienstelikhcidsbeurs ontvang, kan, by bewys van suksesvolle voltooiing van die driejarige kursus. 'n verdere bedrag van R200 toegeken word, mits die Departement oortuig is dat die kursus wat in die vierde jaar gevolg gaan word, van 'n verdienstelike aard is. DEPARTEMENT VAN LANDBOUKREDIET EN GRONDBESIT No. 509 29 Maart 1974 WET OP SEEVISSERYE, 1940 NIE VAN TOEPASSING IN DIE TSITSIKAMABOS EN SEEKUS- NASIONALE PARK NIE Kragtens die bevoegdheid my verleen by artikel 28bis (2) van die Wet op Nasionale Parke, 1962 (Wet 42 van 1962), verklaar ek, Hendrik Stephanus Johan Schoeman, Minister van Landbou, hierby dat, bamf datum van publikasie hiervan, die Wet op Seeilisser>.e, 1940 (Wet i 0 van 1940), nie van toepassing is nie ill nf tcn opsigte \an die gedeelte van die see soos in die Bylac 1:icrvan bepanl aangesien daardie gedeclte deel van 'ii nasional park uiimaak. H. S. J. SCI-IOEMAN, Minister van Landbou. 29 MAART 1974 Affairs, hereby amend the regulations made under the said section 34 and published by Government Notice R. 1898, dated 21 November 1963, as amended by the insertion after regulation T.4 of regulation T.5 set forth in the Schedule hereto. S. W. VAN DER MERWE, Minister of Coloured Relations and Rehoboth Affairs. 14 January 1974. SCHEDULE MERIT BURSARIES T.5.1 A merit bursary of R200 per annum for three years may be granted to a pupil who obtained an A symbol, equal to 80 per cent or more of the total marks, in the senior certificate examination of the Department, to take a course at a training collcge or college for advanced technical education or at a university establi3hed by or under any law. T.5.2 Any such merit bursary shall be granted subject to the following conditions, namely : (i) Application therefor shall be submitted on a form approved by the Secretary to the Department on or before a date determined by the Secretary. (ii) The course, of at least three pears' duration, which the applicant ;~ishes to take, shall not be determined by the Secretary. (iii) The bursary shall be paid for the first year after receipt of an official statement from the head of the training college or college for advanced tcchfiical education or university concerned that th:: applicant has enrolled and is in fact attending the training college or college for advanced technical educaiion or university. (iv) Payment of the bursary for each of the subsequent years shall be made only on receipt of proof that the recipient of the bursary was successful in his studies during the preceding year. (v) No payment of the bursary shall be made in any year in which a course is repeated. (vi) The grant of the bursary shall not disqualify the recipient thereof from being granted a study bursary in terms of regulation T.3. T.5.3 A person in receipt of a merit bursary may, on proof of successful completion of the three-year course. be granted a further amount of R200, provided the Department is satisfied that the course to be followed in the fcurth year is of a deserving nature. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL CREDIT AND LAND TENURE No. 509 29 March 1974 SEA FISHERIES ACT, 1940 NOT APPLICABLE IN THE TSITSIKAMA FOREST AND COASTAL NATIONAL PARK Undzr the powers vested in me by section 28bk (2) of the National Parks Act, 1952 (Act 42 of 1962). I EIendrik SLeph,:nrrs Johan Schoeman, Miliistct of ilgricu!ture, hereby declare that, as from the date of publication hereof. tl:e Sea Fisheries Act, 1940 (Act :O oi 1930), shall lzot apply in or in respect of the pxtion of the sea &:ermined in the Schedule hereto, becmse the said portion foi1-n~ part of a national park. H. S. J. SCHOEMAN, Minister of Agriculture.

GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 29 MARCH 1974 No. 4237 17 BYLAE Die volgende gedeelte van die see: Begin by 'n punt op die laagwatermerk en ten wide van die baken gemerk E op Kaart 282211964 van Gedeelte 1 van die plaas Blaauw Krantz, administratiewe distrik ICnysna; daarvandaan algemeen.ooswaarts met die laagwatermerk langs tot by die regteroewer van die Grootrivier, administratiewe distrik Humansdorp; daarvandaan suidwaarts in 'n reguit lyn tot by 'p punt 0,8 kitonleter vanaf die laagwatermerk; daarvandaan algemeen weswaarts met 'n lyn 0,8 kilometer varraf en ewewydig aan die laagwatermerk langs tot by 'n punt 0,8 kilometer ten suide van die beginpunt; daarvandaan noordwaarts in 'n reguit lyn tot by die beginpunt. DEPARTEMENT VAN NASIONALE OPVOEDING No. 542 29 Maart 1974 KENNISGEWING DAT 'N REGISTRASIE VAN 'N HERALDIESE VOORSTELLING, NAAM, SPESIALE NAAM OF UNIFORM GEDOEN IS HERALDIEKWET, No. 18 VAN 1962 Ondergemelde heraldiese voorstelliags, name, spesiale name of uniforms is ingevolge artikel 8 (3), 8A (5) of 9 (3) van die Heraldiekwet, No. 18 van 1962, by die Buro vir Heraldiek, Privaatsak X236, Pretoria, geregistrecr of gew ysig: H4/3/1/1752-Die wapen van die Land- en Landbobank van Suid-Afrika, soos by Goewermentskennisgewing 2457 van 21 Desember 1973 gepubliseer. H4/3/2/229-Die wapen van die munisipaliteit Bedford. soos by Goewermentskennisgewing 2457 van 21 Desember 1973 gepubliseer. H4/3/2/231-Die wapen van die munisipaliteit Leslie, soos by Goewermentskennisgewing 2457 van 21 Desember 1973. H4/3/1/2350--Die kenteken van Wild Life Protection and Conservation Society of South Africa, soos by Goewermentskennisgewing 2457 van 21 Desember 1973 gepubliseer. H41 31112351-Die wapen van die Laerskool Cradock. soos by Goewermentskennisgewing 2457 van 21 Desember 1973 gepubliseer. H4/3/2/230-Die wapen van die munisipaliteit Ceres, soos by Goewermentskennisgewing 2457 van 21 Desember 1973 gepubliseer. H4/3/4/90--Die wapen van Petrus Johannes Cornelissea soos by Goewermentskennisgewing 2457 van 21 Desember 1973 gepubliseer. H4/3/4/87-Die wapen van Gunther Harri Lochaumden, soos by Goewermentskennisgewing 2457 van 21 Desernber 1973 gepubliseer. H4/3/1/2357-Die wapen van die Viljoen-feeskomitee, soos by Goewermentskennisgewing 2457 van 21 Desember 1973 gepubliser. H41 3 / 112355-Die kenteken van die Pentecostal Zion Faith Mission, soos by Goewermentskennisgewing 1780 van 28 September 1973 gepubliseer. H4/3/2/226-Die wapen van die munisipaliteit Greylingstad, soos by Goewermentskennisgewing 2457 van 21 Desember 1973 gepubliseer. H413 /4/ 84-Die wapen van Jonathan Piers Waller, soos by Goewermentskennisgewing 10 van 4 January 1974 gepubliseer. Beginning,atra point on the low-water mark and to the south of beacon marked E on Diagram 282211964 of Portion 1 of the farm Blaauw Krantz, Administrative District of Ihysna; thence generally eastwards along the low-water the right bank of the Groot River, Administrative District of Humansdorp; thence southwards in a straight line to a point 0,8 kilometre from the lowwater mark; thence generally westwards along a line 0,8 kilometre from and parallel to the low-water mark to a point 0,8 kilometre to the south of thc point of beginning; thence northwards in a straight line to the point of beginning. L DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL EDUCATION No. 542 29 March 1974 NOTICE OF THE REGISTRATION OF A HERALDIC REPRESENTATION, NAME, SPECIAL NAME OR CJNTFORM HERALDRY ACT, No. I8 OF 1962 Thc undermentioned heraldic representations, names. special names or uniforms have been registered or amended with the Bureau of Heraldry, Private Bag X236, Pretoria, in terms of section 8 (3), 8A (5) or 9 (3) of the Heraldry Act, No. 18 uf 1962: H4131 111752-The arms of the Land and Agricultural Bank of South Africa, pubiished under Government Notice 2457 of 21 December 1973. H4/3/2/229-The arms of the Municipality of Bedford, published under Government Notice 2457 of 21 December 1973. H413 121231-The arms of the Municipality of Leslie, published undcr Government Notice 2457 of 21 December 1973. H4/3/1/2350--The badge of the Wild Life Protection and Conservation Society of South Africa, published under Government Notice 2457 of 21 December 1973. H4121 112351-The arms of the Laerskool Cradock, published under Government Notice 2457 of 21 December 1973. H4/3/2/230--The arms of the Municipality of Ceres, published under Government Notice 2457 of 21 December 1973. H4/3/4/90-The arms of Petrus Johannes Cornelissen. published under Government Notice 2457 of 21 December 1973. H4/3/4/87-The arms of Gunlher Harri Lochaumden, published under Government Notice 2457 of 21 December 1973. H4/3/1/2357-The arms of the Viljoen-feeskomitee, published under Government Notice 2457 of 21 December 1973. H4/3/1/2355-The badge of- the Pentecostal Zic~? Faith Mission, published under Government Notice 1780 of 22, September 1973. 134/3/2/226-The arms of the Municipality of Greylingstad, pu6lished under Government Notice 2457 of 2! December 1973. H413 /4/84--The arms of Jonathan Piers Waller published under Government Notice 10 of 4 January 1974

--P I8 No. 4237 STAATSKOERANT,'*29 MAART 1974 DEPARHEMENH VAN VERVOER No. 545 29 Maart 1974 WET OP VERPLIGTE MOTORVOERTUIG- VERSEKERING, 1972 (WET 56 VAN 1972) Ek, Barend Jacobus Schoeman, Minister van Vervoer, maak hierby bekend, ingevolge artikel 9 (2) van die Wet op Verpligte Motorvoertuigversekeribg; 1972 (Wet 56 van 1972), dat ek die Bylae van Goewermehtskennis'gC$ving 109 van 28 Januarie 1972, soos gewysig by Goetvemenntskennisgewings 141 van 2 Februarie 1973 en 2079 van 2 November 1973, met ingang van 1 April 1974 vetder soos volg gewysig het: Grocps~~envy.~igiiigs~~o~~~n~er 2.-Deur in koloa 2 die bestaande beskrywing tot paragraaf "(a)" te nommer die volgende in kolomme 2, 3 en 4 by te voeg: 2 3 4 "(b) Private voertuic (motorkarre) W; gebruil: word vir beide prlvaatdoeleindes en vir die doeleindes van 'n saamryklub soos omskryf in die Motorvoertaigversekeringsregulasies, 1972, afgekondig by Goewermentskennisgewing R. 1710 van 29 September 1972, soos gewysig... 17 17". B. 3. SCHOEMAN, Miixister van Vervoer. - -- ALGEPAENE MENNIsG WINGS....-p -....p-. KENNISGEWING 199 VAN 1974 VAALK0PWATERRAAD.-AANSTELLJNG VAN LEDE Hierby word bekendgemaak dat die Minister van Waterwese kragms die bepalings van artikel l09 (1) van die Watemei, 195G (Wet 51 van 1956), mnre. T. Eloff, D. A. Christie, J. H. McDonald, J. G. du Plessis en J. J. van der Westhuizen aangrstel het om vir 'n tydperk van vier jaar vnnaf die datum van publikasie hiei-van as lede van die Vaalkopwatei~aad te dien. (29 Maart 1974) KENNISGEWTNG 204 VAN 1974 RWIKLOOFRESPROEInqGSRAAD, A F D E L I N G C E R E S, KAAPPRO\'INSIE.-TOEWSmG VAN WERKSAAMHEDE, BEVOEGDIEDE EN PLIGTE Kragtens die bevoegheid aan my oorgedra by Goewermentskermisgewing 1'738 v;i!l 1 Oktober 1971 wys ek, Christ0 Markus Audie, in my hodanigheid van alderselrretaris (Finanside Bystand) van die Departement van. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT No. 545 29 March 1974 COMPULSORY MOTOR VEHICLE INSURANCE ACT, 1972 (ACT 56 OF 1972) I, Barend Jacobus Schoeman, Minister of Transport, hereby, in terms of section 9 (2) of the Compulsory Motor Vehicle Insurance Act, 1972 (Act 56 of 1972), notify that I have further amended the Schedule to Government Notice 109 of 28 January 1972, as amended by Government Notices 141 of 2 February 1973 and 2079 of 2 November 1973, as follows, with effect from 1 April 1974: Grorcp Reference 2.-By numbering the existing description in column 2 as paragraph (a) and by the insertiob in columns 2, 3 and 4 of the following: 2 3 4 "(b) Private vehicles (motor-cars) used both for private purposes and for the purposcs of a lift club as defined in the Motor Vehic!c Insurance Regulations, 1972, promulgated under Government Notice R. 1710 of 29 September 1972, as amended.. 17 17".... B. J. SCMOEMAN, Minister of Transport. GENERAL NOTICES KENNJSGEWING l98 VAN 1974 NOTICE 198 OF 1974 DEPARTEMENT VAN WATERWESE DEPARTMENT OF WATER AFFAIRS HUISRMER - BESPROETITqGSRAAD,, AFDELING HUES RIVER IRRIGATION BOARD. DIVTSJON OF LADISMITH, KAAPPROVTFJSIE. - 'JBEWYSING LADISMITH, CAPE PRW1NCE.-ASSIGNMENT OF VAN WERKSAMHEDE, BEVOEGDHEDE EN FUNCTIONS, POWERS AND DUTIES PLIGTE By virtue of the powers delegated to me by Govern- Kragtens die bevoegdhcid am my oorgedra by Goewermentskennisgewing 1738 van 1 Oktober 1971 wys ek, ment Notice 17300 of 1 October 1971, I, Clrristo Marlcus Christo Markus Aildie. in my hoedanigheid van Ondsr- Audie, in my capacitjl as Under-Secretary (Financial sekretaris (Finanside Bystand) van die Departement van Assistance) of the Department of Water Affairs, hereby Waterwese. Ilicrby die werlsaamhede, bevoegdhede en assign to the ISuis River Irrigaiio;: Board the functions. pligte soos omsk:ye in paragrawe (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), powers and duties as defined'in pxagraphs (a), (b), (c), (g) en (h) van artikel 89 (1) van die Waterwet, 1956 (Wet 54 van 1956). aan die Huistivier-besproeiingsraad (d), (e), (Q,(g) and (h) of section 89 (1) of the Water Act, toe. 1956 (Act 54 of 1956). C. M. AUDIE. Ondersekretaris. C. M. AUDIE, Under-Secretary. (29 Maart 1974) (29 March 1974) - ----------p-- NOTICE 199 OF 1974 VAALKOP WATER BOARD.-APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS It is hereby notified that the Minister of Water Affairs has, in terms of section 109 (l) of the Water Act. 1956 (Act 54 of 1956), appointed Mcssrs T. Eloi'f. D, A. Christie, J. H. McDonald, J. G. ceu Plcs~;is and J. J. van der Westhuizen to serve as members of the Vaalkop Water Board for a period of four years as from the date of publication hereof. (29 March 1974) - NOTICE 204 OF 1974 RCXlIKLOd3F IRRIGATION BOARD, DIVISTON OF C E R E S, CAPE PROVINCE.-ASSIGNMENT OF FUNCTIONS, IWWZRS AND DUTIE By virtue of the pox7 ers delepted to me by Govemment Notice 173E of l October 1971, I, Christo Marhs Audie. in my capacity as Under-Secretary (Fhancial Assistance) of the Department of Water Affairs, hereby

-- p- GOWRNIMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 1974 NO. $337 19 Watemvese, hierby die werksaarnhede, bevoegdlicde en pliete soos omskryl in paragrawe (a), (I>), (c), (d), (c), (9, @)en (h) van arrikel 89 (1) van die Waterwet, 1956 (Wet 54 van 1956). aan die Rooikloofbesproeiings~aad to:. C. M. A'tiGIE, Ond~rsehetaris. Depa?tement van Wakiwese.,,' (29 Maart 1974) KENNISGEWING 201 VAN 1974 WET OP NYWERHEIDSVERSOENINC, 1956 II.JTREKKING VAN REGISTRASIE VAN 'N WERK- GEWEWSORGANISAS1E.-FUNERAL DIRECTORS' ASSOCIATION Ek. Francois Sebastlaan Pierre de Villiers, Nywerhzidsregistrateur, maak hierby, kragtens artikel 14 (2) van die Wet op Nywerheidsversoening, 1956, bekend dat ek die registrasie van die Funeral Directors" Association met ingang van 14 Maart 1974 ingetrek het, F. S. P. DE VILI-IERS, Nywerheidsregistrateur. (29 14aart 1974) assign to the Rooikl~of Irrigaticn Bead the functions, powa-s a d duties as defined iir: para;rsphs (a), CD), (c), (J), (e), (f), (g) and (h) of seztion 89 (1) of tiic Water Act,! 956 (Act 54 of 1956). C.?.,/l. AUDIE; Under-Secretary, Dzl;nr!ment of Wnter Affairs. (29 March 1971) - p- p- NOTICE 291 OF 1971 II,:DUSTRIAL CONCILIATION ACT, 1956 CANCELLATION OF REGISTRATION OF AN EMPLOYERS' ORGANLSATIOFJ. - F UN E R A L DIRECTORS' ASSOCIATION I. Francois Sebastiaan Pierre de Viiliers, Industrial Registrar, hereby notify, in teims of section 14 (2) of the Industrial Conciliation Act, 1956, that I have cancelled the registration of the Funeral Directcrs' Association with effect from 14 March 1974. F. S. P. DE VILLIER-S, Industrial Registrar. (29 March 1974) -. ICENNISGEWING 203 VAN 1974,.,. SUID-AFRIKAAWSE RESLRWEBANK Staat van=bates en Iaste oo die 15de dag van Maart 1974 -. ' K 2 - Kapitaal.....:...,,. _. 2 000 000,00 Reserwefonds... 15 785 332,72 Note in omloop....: 681 992 110.00 Deposito's: Regermg..... 687 339 763,76 Provinsiale administrasies..... 44 261 704,39 Eankiers..... 249 579 015.37 Andere..... 22 303 252; 47 Ander laste..... 220 736 191,Ol Bates I. Goud......l..... 545 563 586,43 Buitelandse: Wisselr... 61 697 218,91 Relegglngs..... 14736773,93 Ander bales..... 219 864 207,88 Totaal aan goud en buitelandse bates..... 842 261 787,20 B1nne1md;e: Gediskon teerde wissels... 88 950 000,OO ILminzj - en voorskotle: Rcgering -... hdere..... 380 566 654,40 Sekuriteite: l.-- Regering..... 371 879 738,97 Andere. a.... 4 653 023,81 Ander bates....,... 235 986 225,34 Verhouding van goudreservie tot vzrpligtings teenoor die publiek min buitelandse bates 38,O persent. Pretoria, 20 Maart 1973. H. 'VAN DER WESTI-IUIZEN, Hoofbestuurder. Liabilities NOTICE 203 OF 1974 SOUTH AFRICAN RESERVE BA- Statement of assets and liabilities on the 15th day of March 1974 R Capilal..... 2 0@0 000,OO Gold..... 545 963 586,43 Reserve Fund..... 15 755 392,72 Foreign: Notes in cixulation..... 681 992 110,OO Bills....,... 61 697 218,91 Deposits: Tnvestmenls... 14 736 773-98 Government..... 687 339 763,76 Other assets..... 219 864 37,88... Bankers.... 249 879 013,37 Total gold and foreign assets..... 842 261 787.20 Ot!ler.... 22 303 152,47 Domestic: Othe: liab~lities... 220 736 191,01 Bi!ls discounted..... 88 950 000,OO Loans and advances: Government.... Other..... 380 566 654,40 Securities: Government.... 371 879 738,97 Other... 4 653 023,81 Other assets..... 235 936 225,34 Provincial administralions.. 44 261 704,39 ----p Assets R -- - -- -- Ralio of gold reserve td liabihties to the public less foreign assets 38.0 per cent. Pretoria, 20 March 1974. N. VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, General Manager. (W Maart l974)/(29 March 1974)

20 No. 4237 STAATSKOERANT, -29 MAART 1974 KENNISGEWING 205 VAN 1974-NOTICE 205 OF 1974 DEPARTEMENT VAN DOEANE EN AICSYNS-DEPARTMENT OF CUSTOMS AND EXCISE VOORLOPIGE OPGAWE VAN HANDELSTATISTIEK VAN DIE REPUBLIEK VAN SUID-AFRIKA (P5.01) PRELIMINARY STATEMENT OF TRADE STATISTICS OF THE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRiCA 0pmer.Icirrg: Syfers i.v.m. fisiese beweging van staafgoud is nie by die handelstatistiek ingesluit nie. Remark: Figures relating to the physical movement of gold bullion are not included in the trade statistics. TYDPERK: JANUARIE-FEERUARIE 1974-PERIOD: JANUARY-FEBRUARY 1974 TABEL A: TOTALE IN MILJOEN RAND VOLGENS ~ERELDSTREKE, SKEEPS- EN VLIEGTUIGVOORRADE EN ONGEKLASSI- FISEERDE GOEDERE TABLE A: TOTALS IN hlillion RAND ACCORDING TO WORLD ZONES, SHIPS' AND AIRCRAFT STORES AND UNCLASSI- FIED GOODS i i, Invoere-Imports Uitvoere-Exports Wsreldstreke-World Zones 1974 I 1973 1974 1973 -- Afrika-Africa... 37,s 28,9 65,s 443 1 Europa-Europe..... 357,O 262,7 216.1 178,4 Amerika-America..... 110,l 102,s 1 34,s 44,l.. Asle-Asia..... 110,3 74,7 65,6 59,6 1 OseaniE-Oceania..... 10,s 16,8 4,3 4,O Ander ongeklassifiseerde goedere-other unclassif~d goods..... 3,3 3,s 0,4 0,4 Skeeps-/vliegtuigvoorrade-Ships'laircraft stores.... - -... l Groottotaal-Grand Total.. 629,O 489,4 389,9 333,4 395 TABEL B.-TOTALE TABLE B.-TOTALS IN MILJOEN RAND VOLGENS AFDELINGS VAN DIE BTN IN MILLION RAND'ACCORDING TO SECTIONS OF THE BTN I Invoere-Imports 1 Uitvoere-Exports Afdelings-Sections 1974 I. Lewende diere; dierlike produkte Live animals; animal products.. 6,7... IT. Plantaardige produkte Vegetable products.. 19,9... III. Dierlike en plantaardige vette en olies en splitsprodukte daarvan; voorbereide spysvette; dierlike en plantaardige wasse Animal and vegetable fats and oils and their cleavage products; prepared edible fats; animal and vegetable waxes.. 4,9... W. Voorbereide voedsel; dranke, spiritus en asyn; tabak Prepared foodstuffs; beverages, spirits and vinegar; tobacco..... 11,7 V. Mineraalprodukte (uitgesonderd sekere rnineraalolies) Mineral products (excluding certain mineral oils).... 8,6 VI. Produkte van die chemiese en verwante nywerhede Products of the cheinical and allied industries..... 43,9 VII. Kunsharse en -plastiekstowwe, selluloseesters en -eters, en artilcels daanran; rubber, sintetiese rubber, faktis, en artikels daarvan Artificial resins and plastic materials, cellulose esters and ethers, and articles thereof; rubber, synthetic rubber, factice, and articles thereof..... VIII. Ongelooide huide en velle, leer, pelsvelle en artikels daarvan: sad- en tuiemakersware; reisartikels, handsakke en dergelike houers; artikels van derm (uitgesonderd sywurmsnaar) Raw hides and skins, leather, furskins and articles thereof; saddlery and barness; travel goods, handbags and the like; articles of gut (other than silkwormgut) 3,7... K. Hout en artikels van hout; houtskool; kurk en artikels van kurk; fabrikate van strooi, van esparto en van ander vlegwerkstowwe; mandjiewei-k en vlegwerk Wood and articles of wood; wood charcoal; cork and articles of cork; manufactures of straw, of esparto and of other plaiting materials; basketware and wickerwork... X. Stowwe vir die vervaardiging van papier; papier en papierbord en artikels daarvan Paper-mzking material; paper and paperboard and artic!es thereof..... XI. Tekstiele en tekstielartikels Textiles and textile articles..... 1 74,7 2,6

----p --- -- - - -.-,=%.p GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 19 MARCH 1974 No. 4137 21. TABEL B.-TOTALE IN MTLJOEN R.BND 'b'qlgens AFDZLINGS VAN DIE BTN (~arvolg) TABLE B.-TOTALS IN MILLION RAND ACCORDING TO SECTIONS OF THE BTN (continued) Afdelings-Sections XII. SI:oeijel, hoofdeltseis, sambrele, sonsambrele, swepe, ryswepe en onderdele tiaalxm: heieidc vere en artikels daarvan gemaak; kunsb1o:unx; artikeis van mensehzar; waaiers Footwear, headgear, umbrellas, s~nsliades, whips, riding-crops and park thereof; prepared feathers and articles -niade therewith; artificial flowers; articles of human hair; fans..... XIIT. Ariikels van Hip, van gips, van sement, van asbes, van mika cn van dergelike stowwe; kerainicse produkte: glas en glasware Articles of stonc, of plaster, of cement, of asbestos, of mica and of similar materials; ceramic products; glass and glassware..... XIV. P&rels, edel- en halfedelstene, edelmetaie, gewalste edelmetale, en artiltels daarvan; nagemaalde juwcliersware; muntstukke Pearls, precious and semi-precious stones, precious metals, rolled precious melals, and articles thereof; imitation jewellery; coin.... XV. Onedelmetale en artike!~ daarvan Base metals and articles of base metal..... 1 67,3 XVIII. Optiese, fotografirse, kinematografiese, meet-, kontrole-, presisie-, mediesc en chirurgiese instrumente en apparaat; uurwerke en horlosies; musiekinstrumente; telerisiebeeld- en klankopnemers en -weergewers, magneties; onderdelc daarvan Optical, photographic, cinematographic, measuring, checking, precision, medical and surgical instruments and apparatus; clocks and watches; musical instruments, sound recorders and reproducers; parts thereof.... 1 32,Il 62,6 1 56,s XVI. Masjinerie en meganiese toestelle; elektriese toerusting; ocderdcle daarvan... Machinery and mechanical appliances; electrical equipment; parts thereof... 1 1 1 2 I5/,5 1 17,O / 13.2 XVII. Voertuie, vliegtuie en onderdele daarvan; vaartuie en sekere verwante vervoerloer~lsting Vehicles, aircraft and parts thereof; vessels and certain associated transport equipment.... XX. Diverse vervaardigde artikels Miscellaneous manufactured articles..... XXI. Kunswerke, versainelaarsstukke en antieke Works of art, collectors' pieces, and antiques..... Ander ongeidassifiseerde goedere Other uriclassified goods..... Groottotaal (29 Maart 1974)/(29 March 1974) GrandTotal... KENNISGEWING 206 VAN 1974 - - P-- VOORGESTELDE RIVIERSONDERENDBESPROEI- INGSDISTRIK, AFDELINGS CALEDON EN SWELLENDAM, KAAPPROVINSIE. - BY WET VOORGESKREWE ONDERSQEK Ooreenkomstig artikel 72 (1) van, die Waterwet, 1956 (Wet 54 van 1956), word hierby bekendgemaak dat 'n versoekskrif onderteken deur mnr. J. Viljoen en andere, eienaars van oewerplase aan die Riviersonderend in die afdelings Caledon en Swellendam, Kaapprovinsie, aan die Minisier van Waterwest: gerig is, waarin vermeld word dnt dit na die mening van die petisionarisse wenslik is dat 'n gekombineerde stelsel van watenverke vir die besproeiing van grond gelee aan die Riviersonderend gebou word, dat bestaande waterwake wat vir die besproeiing van sodanige grond en die distribusie van water gebruik word, spesiaal beheer word, dat sodanige werke uitgebrei of vergroot of andersins verbeter word, dat die gebruik van die water van die Riviersonderend spesiaal beheer word en dat daar 'n gesamentlike dreineringstelsel vir sodanige grond behoort te wees en dat 'n gebied van ongeveer 68 523 hektaar, bestaandc uit ocderslaande eiendomme, kraglens artikel 74 van genoerude Wet tot 'n besproeiingsdistrik verklaar word. 102,8 87,7 8,2 1 1 4.2 32,5, 5.4 1 629,O 1 --- 489.4 -- 1 389.9 --- 1-333,4 p - P-.--. - NOTICE 206 OF 1971 P R 0 P 0 S E D RIVIERSONDEREND IRRIGATION DISTRr(;T, DIVISIONS OF CALEDON ANr) SWELLENDAM, CAPE PROVINCE.-STATUTORY lnquiry It is hereby notified in terms of section 72 (1) of the Water Act. 1956 (Act 54 of 1956), that a pelition signed by Mr J. Viljoen and others, owners of farms riparian to the Riviersonderend in the divisions of Caledon and Swellendam, Cape Province, has been presented to the Minister of Water Affairs, stating hat in the opinion of the petitions it is desirable that a combined system of water works be constructed for the purpose or irrigating land riparian to the Riviersonderend, that any existing walcr works used for the irrigation of such land and for thc, distribution of water be specially controlled and that sud~ works be extended or enlarged or otheruise improved, that the use of the water of the Riviersonderend b-. specially controlled and that there be a conlbined sqslen. I 1 of drainage for such land and that an area of appruninmtely 68 523 hec~ares, comprising the following properties, F3 declared an irrigation district under section 74 of the said 1 Act

p - 22 No. 4237 STAATSKOERA~, 29 MAART 1954 Onderstdar~de onderverdehgs van die piaas Physartte Kraal 122: Restant Gedeelte, Restant Gedeelte 1, Gedeelle 3. Gedeelte 4, GedecIte 6 (liclder Strocm), Gedeelte 7 en Gcdeelte S. Onderstaalide or,derverd,l~ngs van die phas Rrak- Fontein 123: Restant Gcdceke. Geddte 2, Gedselte 3 Gedeelte 7, Gedeelte X (Vol~rzocd). Gedeclte 5 (gcdedk VC!] Ciedeelte 3, Gedeeltc 4 (gcde~lk van Gedeeite 2) en Ccdeelte 6. Onderstaande onderverdeliiigs van Pias 124: Lot CA en Gedeelte 2. Ondersteande ondrverdelin~s van Plaas 125: Restant Gedeeltz, ReJiailt GedeeIte I en Restani Gedeelte 4. Ondessiaande onderver-deiii~gs van die plaas Kleine Ezeljagt 53: Resterende Gedeelte. Gedeelte 4, Gedezlie 7, Gedeelte 10 en IPestant Gedeelte l 1 (Oak Dene). Onderstaande ouderverdclings van PIaas 136: Restant Gedeclte (Zand\#lakte), Gedeelte 1 (Mcer!ust) en Gedeelte 2 (De Wild). Onderstaande onderverddings van die plaas Matjes Gatt 140: Gedeelte I, Gedeelte 2, Restant Gedeelte 4, Restant Gedeelte 5 en Gedeelte 6. Onderstaande onderverdelings van die piaas Hartebeest Kraal 146: Gedeel~e 1, Reslant GedecI~e 2, Restant Gedeelte 3. Restant Gedeeite 5 en Gededte 6. Onderstaande onden crdeiings van Plaas 21 2: Restant Gedeelle, Gedeelle 5 ea Gedeelte 3. Ondersiaande onderverdezngs van plaas Sc!iuitsbel.g 210: Restant Gedeelte, Gedeeite 1 en Gedeelte 2. Onderstaande onderverdelings van die plaas Doillicrhoek 64: Restant Gedeelte en restant van Gedeelte 1. Onderstaande onderverdeiings van die piaas Elands- I,loof 59: Restant Gedeel!e, resknt gedeelte van Gedeelte l. restant gedeelte van Gedeelte 2, restznt gedeelte va'n Gedeelte 3, restant gededte van Gedeelte 4, restant pklte van Gedeelte 5 en restmt gde~jte vzn Gedeelte 6. Onderstaande ondervcrdclings van die plaas Nooitgedacht 58: Restant Gedeelte, restant gedeelte van Gedeelte 1, Gedeelte 2, Gedeclte 3 en Gedeelte 4. Onderslaande onderverdelings van Plaas 56: Restant Gedeelte en Geddte 2. Chderslaande ondemerdehgs van die plaas Modderrasrivier 55: Restant Gedeelte en Restant Gdeelte 1. Onderstaande onderverdelings van die plaas Soetrnelksv14 150: Restant Gedeelte, Gedeelte 4. Gedeelte 5 en Gedeelte 8. Ond~staande onderverdelings van die plaas Soetmell.;svlei 154: Restant GdeelLe, reslant gedelte van Gedeelte 2, restant gedeelte van Gedeelte 3, Gedeelte 4 en Gedeelte 1 (Brandenburg). The EoIlowing subdivisions of the farm Physante Kraal 122: Remaining Portion, Remaining Portion 1, Portion 3, Portion 4, Portion 6 (I-Ielder Strcom), Por~ion 7 and Portion 8. The follow in^ subdivisions of the farm BreI-;l'oi~i=ii; 123: Fcemaiizing Poriion, Portion 2, Portion 3. Portion 7, Poriion 8 (Volmoed), Portion 5 (portion or' Portior. 2). Portion 4 (portion of Portion 2) and Portion 6. The following subdivisions of Farm 124: Lot CA and Portion 2. Thz folloning subdivisions of Farm 125: Remaining Portion, Remainiilg Portion 1 and Remaining Portion 4. The following subdivisions of the farm Kleine Ezeljagt c2. JJ. Remaining Portion, Portion 4, Poriion 7, Portion 10 and Remai~ing Portion 11 (Oak Dale). The following subdivisions of Farm 136: Remaining Portion (Zandvlzkte). Portion 1 (Meerlust) and Portion 2 (DC Wild). The foilowing subdivisions of the farm Matjes Gatt 140: Portion 1, Portion 2, Remaining Portion 4, Remaining Portion 5 and Portion 6. The following subdivisions of the farm Hartebeest K raal 146: Portion I, Remaining Portion 2, Remaking Portion 3, R cinaining Portion 5 and Portion 6. The followi:~g subdivisions of Farm 212: Remainiiig Portion, Portion 5 and Portion 3. The following subdivisions of farm Schuitsberg 210: Remaining Portion, Portion 1 and Portion 2. The following subdivisions of the farm Donker!:oeE 64: Renlaining Portion and Remaining Portion 1. The followi~g subdivisions of thc farm Ehndskloof 59: Remaining Portion, remaining poriion of Portion 1, remaining portion of Portion 2, remaining portion of Portion 3, remaining portion of Portion 4, remaining portion of Portion 5 and rcmai1:ing portion of Portion 6. The following subdivisions of the farm Nooit~zclacht 58: Remaining Portion, remaining portion of Portion 1. Portion 2, Portion 3 and Portion 4. The following subdivisions of Farm 56: Etemaiding Portion and Portion 2. The following subdivisions of the farm Modderrasrivier 55: Remaining Portion and Remaining Portion 1. The following subdivisions of the fann Soetlnelksvlei 150: Remaining Portion, Portion 4, Portion 5 and Portion 8. The following subdivisions of the farm Scelmelksvlei 154: Remaining.. Portion, reimining portion of Portion 2, remamng portion of Portion 3, Portion 4 and Portion 1 (Bi-andenburg).

GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 1971 No. 4237 23 Onderstaande onderverdeling van die plaas Oudekraal 201 : Gedeelte 2. Onderstaande onderverdelings van plaas Leeuwkraal 155: Restant Gedeelie en Gedeelte l., Onderstaande onderverdelings van die plaas Lindeshof 167: Rcstant Gedeelte, restant gedeelte van Gedeelte 2 en Gedee!te 3. Onderstamde onderverdelings van die plaas Annex Ganskraal i98: Restant Gedeelte ell Gedeelte 1. Onderstaande onder\rrdelings van die plaas 3agersbo:ch 54: Restazt Gddte, Rcdant Gedeelte 1, Gedeelte 2, GeOed!c 3 c11 Gedeelk 4. Onderstaande oiiderverdelings van die plaas The Oaks 145: Redant Gedeelte en Gecleclk 1. Or,derstax& ondzixrdelings van.die plaas Ekenkloof 142: Restant Gedeelte, Gedeelte 4 (gedeelte van Gd~eli: 3), Restant Gedeelte 6 (gedeelte van Galeelte 2). Gedeelle 7 (gedeelte van Gedeelte 6) en Gedeelte 8 (gededle van Gedeelte 6). Onderstaande onderverdelings van die plaas Helderfontein 179: Reslant Gedeelte en Gedeelte l. Onderstaande onderverdelings van die plaas Helderfontein 150: Gedeelte 1, Restant Gedeelte 2 (Soetfontein). Gedeelte 9 (gedeelte van Gdedte 2). Restant Gedeelte 3 (Good Hope), Gedeelte 7 (gedeelte van Gedee1te 2)- Gedeelte 10 (gedeelle van Gedeelte 3) en Gedeelte 11 (gedeelte van Gedeelte 3). Onderstaande onderverdelings van die plaas Langverwacht 197: Restant Weelte, Restant Gedeelte 1. Weelte 6. Gedeelte 7 en Gedeelte 11. Onderstaande onderverdelings van die plaas Langvemacht 145: Gedeelte 4 (Jackals ICloof). Restant Gedeelte 3 (Lang en Naauw). Gedeelte 5 (Jackals Kop), Gedeelte 9 (Brak Pan) Gedeelte 10 QTwee Vley) en Gededte Outspan. Onderstaande onderverdeling van Plaas 180: Restant Gedeelte 2, Gedeelte 9 en Gedeelte 8 (Poplier- W- Onderstaande ondemerdelings van Pdaas 194: Gdeelte 4, Gedeelte 5, Restant Gedeelte 6. Gedeelte 10. Restant Gedeelte 13, Gdeelte 14. Gedeelte 16 en Gedeelte 18. Onderstaande on derv er del in^ wn die plaas Twistwyk 182: Restant Gedeelte, Gedeelte 1, Geddte 2. Gedeelte 3 en Gedeelte 4. Onderstaande onderverdelings van die plaas Big Tigerbag 184: Restant Gedeelte. Gdmlte 1. Gedeelte 2, Gedeelte 3, Gedeelte 5, GedeeIte 6 en Gedeelte 7. Onderstaande onderverdelings van die plaas Tygerhoek 186: Restant Gedeelte. Gdeelte 1 en Gedeelte 5. The following subdivisions of the farm Oudekraal 201: Portion 2. The following subdivisions of the farm Lecu;vkraal 155: Remaining Portion and Portion 1. The following subdivisions of the farm Lindeshof 167: Remaining Partion, reniaising portion of Porbion 2 and?ohon 3. The lollowiiig subdivisior;~ of the farm Annex Ganskraal 198: Remaining Portion and Portion 1. The following subdivisio~s of the iarm Jagesbosch 54: Remainiilg Portion. Remainins Poriion 1, Fortion 2, Porti~n 3 and Portion 4. The followkg subdivisions of the farm The Oake 145: Remini::g Portion a d Portion 1. The fo!lo\cilig srrbdivisions of thz farm Elsenkloof 142: Remaining Portion, Portion 1 (portion of Portion 3), Remaining Portion 6 (portion of Portion 21, Portion 7 (portion of Portion 5) ar,d Portion 8 (portion of Portion 6). The following subdivisioos of the farm Helderfontein 179: Remaining Portion and Portion 1. The following subdivisions of the farm Helderfontein 150: Portion 1, Remaining Portion 2 (Soetfontein). Portion 9 (porlion of Portion 2), Remaining Portion 3 (Good Hope), Portion 7 (poflion of Portion 2), Portion 10 (portion of Portion 3) and Portion 11 (portion of Portion 3). The following subdivisions of the farm Langverwacl~t 197: Remaining +Portion. Remaining Portion l, Portion 6. Portion 7 and Portion 11. The following subdivisions of the farm Langverwacht 195: Portion 4 (Jackals Kloof), Remaining Portion 3 (Lang and Naauw). Portion 5 (Jackals Kop). Portion 9 (BraL Pan). Portion 10 (Twee Vley) and Portion Outspan. The following sulkvisions of Farm 180: Remaining ~ k o 2. n Portion 9 and Portion 8 (Poplierbos). The following subdivisions of Farm 194: Portion 4. Portion 5, Remaining Portion 6. Portion 10, Remaining Portion 13. Portion 14, Portion 16 and Portio.1 18. The fo!lowing subdivisions of the farm Twistwyk 182. Remaining Portion. Portion 1. Portion 2. Portion 3 and Portion 4. The following subdivisions of the farm Big 'Egerber? 184: Remaining Portion, Portion 1. Portion 2, Portion 3, Portion 5, Portion 6 and Portion 7. The following subdivisions of the farm Tygerhoek IS:,: Remaining Portion, Portion l and Portion S.

24 No. 4237 STAATSKOER[A~, 29 MAART 1974 Onderstaande onderverdelings van die plaas Blydskap 189: Restant Lot B en Gedeelte 2. Onderstaande onderverdelings van die plaas Olifantskloof IFS: Restant Gedeelte ell Gedeelte I. Onderstaande onderverdelings van die plaas Appelskraal 406: Restant Gedcel te, Res tant Gedeelte, Reslant Gedeelte 4, Gedeelte 7, Gedeelte 8 en Gedeelte 3 (Kleinlaagte). Onderstaande onderverdelings van die plaas Treinskraal A417: Reslant Gedezlte en Gedeelte l. Onderstaande onderverdelings van die plaas St. Helena Bay Outspan 409: Lot A (407) er? Lot B (405). Onderstaande onderverdelings van die plaas St. Helena Bay 404: Gedeelte van plaas, Restant Gedeelte, Gedeelte Meulkloof en Gedeelte De Oude Opstal. Onderstaande onderverdelings van die plaas Rustenburg 413: Restant Gedeelte en Gedeelte 1. Onderstaande ondcrverddings van Plaas 411 : Restant vai; Ongegen en Gedeelte Tevrede van Ongegen. Onderslaande onderverdelings van die plaas Van der Wattskraal A399: Restant Gedeelte en Gdeelte 1. Onderstaande onderverdelings van die plaas Van der Wattskraal A394: Gedeelte 2 en Gedeelte 3. Onderstaande onderverdelings van die plaas Avontuur 238: Restant Gedcelte, Gedeelte The Tall House, Gedeelte 17, Gedeelte 3, Gdeelte 5, Gedeelte Stormsvlei F, Gedeelte SK, Gedeelte Stormsviei E, Gedeelte Stmsvlei, Gedeelte Stormsvlei h, Gedeelte 18, Gedeklte 19 en Gedeelte 15 (gedeelte van Geddte 8). Onderstaande onderverdelings van die plaas Avontuur A241 : Restant Ciedeeltc en Gedeelte 1. Onderstaande onderverdelings van Plaas 240: Restant gedeelle van Lot 2, restant gedeelte van ~edkelte 3 en Gededte 4. Onderstaande onderverdelings van die plaas Reenen Vlei 379: Restant Gedeelte, restant van Gedeelte Brandvlei en Lot P. Onderstaande onderverdeli~igs van Plaas 380: Gedeelte van Lot IV en Annex Avontuur. Onderstaandc onderverdelings van die plaas Bromberg 383: Restant Gedeelte, Restant Gedeelte I, Gedeelte 3, Restant Gedeelte 4, Gedeelte 11, Gedeejte 2, Restant GedeeIte 5, Gedeelte 6, Gedeelte 7, Restant Gedeelte 8, Gedeelte 9 (Rooidam) en Gedeelte 10. Chderstaande onderverdelings van die plaas Reenen 372: Restant Gededte, Reenen A, Restant Gedeelte 2 (Reenen B) en GcdeeIte 3 (Reenen Ba). Onderstaande onderverdelings van Plaas 375: Gedeelte A en Gedeelte B. The following.subdi"visions of the farm Blydskap 189: Remaining Lot B and Portion 2. The following subdivisions of the farm Olifantskloof 185: Remaining Portion and Portion 1. The following subdivisions of the farm Appelskraal406: Remaining Portion. Remaining Portion, Remaining Portion 4, Portion 7, Portion 8 and Portion 3 (Kleinlaagte). The following subdivisions of the farm Treinskraal A417: Remaining Portion and Portion 1. The following subdivisions of the farm St Helena Bay Outspan 409: Lot A (407) and Lot B (405). The following subdivisions of the farm St Helena Bay 404: Portion of farm. Remaining Portion, Portion Meulkloof and Portion De Oude Opstal. The following subdivisions of the farm Rustenburg 413: Remaining Portion and Portion 1. The following subdivisions of Farm 41 1 : Remaining of Ongegen and Portion Tevrede of Ongegen. The following subdivisions of the farm Van der Wattskraal A399: Remaining Portion and Portion 1. The following subdivisions of the farm Van der Wattskraal A394: Portion 2 and Portion 3. Thc following subdivisions of the farm Avontuur 238: Remaining Portion, Portion The Tall House, Portion 17, Portion 3, Portion 5, Portion Stormsvlei F, Portion SK, Portion Stormsvlei E, Portion Elormsvlei, Portion Slormsvlei Ea, Portion 18, Portion 19 and Portion 15 (portion of Portion 8). The following subdivisions of the farm Avontuur A241: Remaining Portion and Portion 1 The following subdivisions of Farm 240: Remaining portion of Lot 2, remaining portion of Portion 3 and Portion 4. The folloaing subdivisions of the farm Reenen Vlei 379: Remaining Pmtion, ~enaining of Portion Brandvlei and Lot P. The following subdivisions of Farm 380: Portion of Lot IV and Annex Avontuur. The following subdivisions of the farm Eromberg 383: Remaining Porlion, Remaining Portion 1, Portion 3. Remaining Portion 4, Portion 11, Portion 2, Remaining Portion 5, Portion 6, Portion 7, Remaining Portion 8, Portion 9 (Rooidam) and Portion 10. The following subdivisions of the farm Reenen 372: Remaining Portion, Reenen A, Remaining Portiorl 2 (Reenen B) and Portion 3 (Reenen Ba). The following subdivisions of Farm 375: Portion A and Portion B.

-p-- -- GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 MARCH-1974 No. 4237 25 Onderstaande onderverdelings van die plaas Klipfontein 242: Restant Gedeelte, Gedeelte 1, Restant van Gedeelte 2, Gedeelte 3, Gedeelte 4 en Gedeelte 5. Ondcrstaande onderverdelings van Plaas 243 (Vmndrigtsdrift): Restant Gedeelte, Lot A, Lot B, ~ede&e 3 van Lot B en Gedeelte 4. Ondmtaande onderverdelings van die plaas Jubileerskraal 246: Restant Gedeelte, Gedeelte 1 en Gedeelte 2. Onderstaande onderverdelings van die plaas Potjeskraal 244 : Restant Gedeelte (Pleasant View) en Gedeelte 5. Onderstaande plase met alle onderverdelings: Uitkyk 121, Plaas 63, plaas Gedeelte 1 van 61, Plaas 126, Plaas 138 (Ontevrede). Plaas 141 (Hugosdal), Plaas 211 (Riverside), Plaas 202 (Blomkloof), Plaas 181, Appelskraal Annex, Wilowdale 402, De Poort 408, Lowlands 414, Korlandskloof 397, Haelkraal 398, Geminag 217, Genadendal 39. Plaas 133 (Zeekoejagt), die Plaas 239 (Boschheuwel 239) en die plaaslike bestuursgebied van Greyton. Voorts word ooreenkomstig artikel72 (2) bekendgemaak dat 'n openbare vergadering van persone wat by die onderwerp van genoemde versoekskrif ' belang het, om 9 vm., op 16 Mei 1974 in die N.G. Kerksaal te Riviersonderend gehou sal word onder voorsitterskap van 'n beampte van die Departement van Waterwese ten einde ondersoek na die onderwerp van die versoekskrif in te ski en getuienis ten gunste van of teen die voorstel te hoor. Alle belanghebbendes word hierby in kennis gestel dat die vergadering ook gehou sal word met die doe1 om stemme ten gunste van of teen die voorstel op te neem, aangcsien artikel 72 (3) bepaal dat die versoek toegestaan kan word indien minstens hvee-derdes van die eienaars van gond gelee in die gebied in die betrokke versoekskrif vermeld, wat tesame minstens twee-derdes van die grond in eiendom het wat in daardie gebied besproei word en volgens voorneme besproei gaan word, ten gunste is van die voorstel. Iemand wat nie die vergadering kan bywoon nie, kan iemand anders deur middel van 'n prokurasie of volmag magtig om namens hom by die ondersoek te stem. (29 Maart 1974).-- KENNISGEWING 207 VAN 1974 VOORGESTELDE OPZOEK BESPROEIINGSDISTRIK, AFDELING LADISMITH, KAAPPROVINS1E.-BY WET VOORGESKREWE ONDERSOEK Hierby word ooreenkomstig artikel 72 (1) van die Waterwet, 1956 (Wet 54 van 1956), bekendgemaak dat 'n versoekskrif onderteken deur mnr. E. D. Ellis en andere, eienaars van oewerplase aan die Boplaasrivier en Vaartwelrivier, in die afdeling Ladismith, Kaapprovinsie, aan die Minister van Waterwese voorgelg is waarin verklaar word dat hulle dit wenslik ag dat 'n gekombineerde stelsel van waterwerke vir die besproeiing van grond geld aan die Boplaasrivier en Vaartwelrivier gebou behoort te word, dat die gebmik van die water van die Boplaasrivier en Vaariwelrivier spesiaal beheer behoort te word en dat 'n gebied van ongevecr 2467 hektaar, bestaande uit die volgende eiendomme, kragtens artikel 74 van genoemde Wet tot 'n besproeiingsdistrik verklaar word. Die volge~de onderverdelings van die plaas Opzoek: Lot 22 van Van Tonders Opzoek, gedeelte van Lot G van Lot K. Lot 12 van Van Tonders Opzoek. Lot 10 van Van Tonders Opzoek, gedeelte van Lot L. The following subdivisions of the (arm Klipfontein 242: Remaining Portion, Portion I, Remaining Portion 2. Portion 3, Portion 4 and Portion 5. The following subdivisions of 1-arm 243 (Vaandrigtsdrift): Remaining Portion, Lot A, Lot B, Portion 3 of Lot E and Portion 4. The following subdivisions of the farm Jubileerskraal 246: Remaining Portion, Portion 1 and Portion 2. The following subdivisions of the farm Potjeskraal 244: Remaining ~okion (Pleasant View) and Portion 5. The following farms with all stlbdivisions: Uitkyk 121, Farm 63, Farm Portion l of 61, Farm 126, Farm 138 (Ontevrede), Farm 141 (Hugoqdal), Farm 2I 1 (Riverside), Farm 202 (Blomkloof), Farm 181, Appelskraal Annex, Willowdale 402, De Poort 408, Lowlands 411, Korlandskloof 397, Haelkraal 398, Geminag 21 7, Genadedal 39, Farm 133 (Zeekoejagt), the Farm 239 (Boschheuwel 239) and the management area of the local authority of Greyton. It is further notified in accordance with section 72 (3) that a public meeting of persons interested in the subject of the said petition will be held in the hall of the Dutch Reformed Church, Riviersonderend, at 9 a.m., on I6 May 1974, under the chairmanship of an officer of the Department of Water Affairs, to inquire into the subject-matter of the petition and to hear evidencc lor or against thc proposal. All persons interested are hereby notified that the meeting will also be held for the purpose of recording voles for or against the proposal, since section 72 (3) proviclcs that the petition may be granted if not Icss than two-tllirds of the owners of land situated witl~in the area specified Iti the petition in.question, who togcther own not less than two-thirds of the land irrigated and proposed to be irrigated within such area are in favour of the proposal. Any person who cannot be present at the meeting may. by proxy or power of attorney, delegate any other person to vote on his behalf at the inquiry. (29 March 1974) -- - NOTICE 207 OF 1974 PROPOSED OPZOEK IRRIGATION DISTRICT, DIVISION OF LADISMITFI, CAPE PROVINCE.- STATUTORY INQUIRY In terms of section 72 (1) of the Watcr Act, 1956 (Act 54 of 1956), it is hereby notified that a petition signed by Mr E. D. Ellis and others, owners of farms riparian to the Boplaas and Vaartwel Rivers in the Division of Ladismith, Cape Province, has been submitted to thc Minister of Water Affairs, stating that they consider it desirable that a combined system of water works be constructed for the purpose of irrigating land riparian to the Boplaas and Vaartwel Rivers, that the use of the water of the Boplaas and Vaartwel Rivers be specially controlled and that an area of approximately 2467 hectares, comprising the following properties, be dcclared an irrigation district in terms of section 74 of the said Act. The following subdivisions of the farm Opzoek: Lot 22 of Van Tonders Op~oek, portion of Lot G ~i Lot K. Lot 12 of Van Tonders Opzoek. Lot 10 of Van Tonders Opzoek, portion of Lot L.

26 No. 4237 STAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 1974 Lot 33 van Van Tonders Opzoek, gedeelte van Lot J van Lot K. Lot 38 van Van Tonders Opzoek, gedeelte van Lot 1 van Lot K. Lot 34 van Van Tonders Opzoek, gedeelte van Lot J van Lot K. Lot 36 van Van Tonders Opzoek, gedeelte van Lot J van Lot K. Lot 17 van Van Tonders Opzoek, gedeelte van Lot G van Lot K. Lot 7 van Van Tonders Opzoek, gedeelte van Lot M. Lot 6 van Van Tonders Opzoek, gedeelte van Lot M. Lot 30 van Van Tonders Opzoek, - gedeelte van Lotte H en K. Lot 23 van Van Tonders Opzoek, gedeelte vm Lot G van Lot K. Lot a van Lot 14 van Van Tonders Opzoek, gedeelte van Lot K. Lot 28 van Van Tonders Opzoek, gedeelte van Lot K. Lot 8 van Van Tonders Opzoek, gdeelte van Ldt M. Lot 13 van Van Tonders Opzoek, gedeelte van Lot K. Lot 14 van Van Tonders Opzoek, gedeelte vm Lot K. Lot 27 van Van Tonders Opzoek, gdeelte van Lot K. Lot 31 van Van Tonders Opzoek, gedeelte van Lot H. Lot 29 van Van Tonders Opzoek. Lot 1 van Van Tonders Opzoek, gedeelte van Lot M. Lot 3 van Van Tonders Opzcek. Lot 9 van Van Tonders Opzoek, gedeelte van Lot L. Lot 11 van Van Tonders Opzoek. Lot 19 van Van Tonders Opzoek. Lot 25 van Van Tonders Opzoek, gedeelte van Lot G van Lot K. Lot 16 van Van Tonders Opzoek, gedeelte van Lot G van Lot I<. Lot 26 van Van Tonders Opzoek, gedeelte van Lot K. Lot 37 van Van Tonders Opzoek, gedeelte van Lot J van Lot K. Lot 35 van Van Tonders Opzoek, gedeelte van Lot J - van Lot K. Lot 32 van Van Tonders Opzoek, gedeelte van Lot H. Lot 2 van Van Tonders Opzoek, gedeelte van Lot L. Lot 5 van Van Tonders Opzoek, gedeelte van Lot L. Lot 10a, gedeelte van Lot 10 van Van Tonders Opzoek. Lot 20 van Van Tonders Opzoek. Lot 21 van Van Tonders Opzoek, gedeelte van Lot G van Lotte I< en P. Lot 24 van Van Tonders Opzoek, gedeelte van Lot G van Lot K. Lot 4 van Van Tondcrs Opzoek, gedeelte van Opzoek. Lot 15 van Van Tonders Opzoek. Lot 18 van Van Tonders Opzoek, gedeelte van Lot G van Lot K. Lot T. Lot B Lot M. Lot S. Lot 2 van Lot L van Lot D van Lot M. Lot 3 van Lot D van Lot M. Lot A, gedeelte van Lot M. Lot C, gedeelte van Lot M. Lot 18 van Lot A. Lot 3 van Lot A. Lot 2 van Lot R van Restantgedeelte. Lot 1 van Lot E. Restantgededte van Lot A. Lot 1 van Lot G. Lot 17A, gedeelte van Lotte 4, 5 en 17 van Lot A. Lot 20, gedeelte van Lot A. Lot 17B, gedezlte van Lottz 4, 5 en 17 van Lot A. Lot 4A, gedeeite van Lotte 4, 5 en 17 van Lot A. Lot 23, gedeelte van Lot A., Lot 33 of Van Tonders Opzoek, portion of Lot I of Lot K. Lot 38 of Van Tonders Opmek, portion of Lot J of Lot K. Lot 34 of Van Tonders Opzoek, portion of Lot J of Lot K. Lot 36 of Van Tonders Opzoek, portion of Lot J of Lot K. Lot 17 of Van Tonders Opzoek, portion of Lot G of Lclt K. Lot 7 of Van Tonders Opzoek, portion of Lot M. Lot G of Van Tonders Opzoek. porlion ol Lot M. Lot 30 of Van Tonders Opzoek, portion of Lots H and K. Lot 23 of Van Tonders Opzoek, portion of Lot G of Lot K. Lot a of Lot 14 of Van Tonders Opzoek, portion of Lot I\'. Lot 28 of Van.Tonders Opzoek, portion of Lot K. Lot 8 of Van Tonders Opzoek, portion of Lot M. Lot 13 of Van Tonders Opzoek, portion of Lot K. Lot 14 of Van Tor~ders Opioek, portion of kot K. Lot 27 of Van Tonders Opzo?ic, portion of Lot K. Lot 31 of Van Tonders Opzoek, portion of Lo: FT. Lot 29 of Van Tonders Opzoek. Lot 1 of Van Tondcrs Opzoek. portion of Lot M. Lot 3 of Van To:lders Opzoel:. Lot 9 of Van Tonders Opzoe!:. portion of Lot L. Lot 11 of Van Tonders Opzoek. Lot 19 of Van Tonders Opzoek. Lot 25 of Van Tonders Opzoek, portion of Lot G of Lot I<. Lot 16 of Van Tonders Opzoek, portion of Lot G of Lot K. Lot 26 of Van Tonders Opzoek, portion of Lot K. Lot 37 of Van Tonders Opzoek, portion of Lot J of Lot K. Lot 35 of Van Tonders Opzoek, portion of Lot f of Lot K. Lot 32 of Van Tonders Opzoek, portion of Lot H. Lot 2 of Van Tonders Opzoek, portion of Lot L. Lot 5 of Van Toilders Opzoek, portion of Cot L. Lot 10a, portion of Lot 10 of Van Tonders Opzoek. Lot 20 of Van Tonders Opzoek. Lot 21 of Vsil Tonders Opzoek, portion of Lot G of Lots K and P. Lot 24 of Vsn Tonders Opzoek, portion of Lot G of Lot K. Lot 4 of Van Tonders Opzoek. piiion of Opmek. Lot 15 of Van Tonders Opzoek. Lot 18 of Van Tonders Opzoek, portion of Lot G of Lot K. Lot T. Lot B of Lot RT. Lot S. Lot 2 of Lot L of Lot D of Lot M. Lot 3 of Lot D of Lot M. Lot A, portion of Lot M. Lot C, portion of Lot M. Lot 18 of Lot A. Lot 3 of Lot A. Lot 2 of Iot R of ~ernainin~ Portion. Lot 1 of Lot E. Remaining portion of Lot A. Lot 1 of Lot G. Lot 17A, portion of Lots 4, 5 and 17 of Lot A. Lot 20, portion of Lot A. Lot 17B, portion of Lots 4, 5 and 17 of Lot A. Lot 4.4, portion of Lots 4, 5 and 17 ~f Lot A Lot 23, portion of Lot A.

GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 1974 No. 11-57 27 h1 5B, gedeeltc van Lotte 4, 5 efi 17 van Lot A. Lot S van Lot R van Reslantgedeelte. Gedeelte 47. Lot I van Lot A. Lottc 6 en 7 van Lctte 53 en G. Lot J. Lot N. Lot 13 van Lot A. Lot 2 van Lot A. Lot 8 van Lot A. Lot b, gedeelte van Lot 2 van Lotte D, 13 en G. Lot 14 van Lot A. Lot IG van Lot A. Lot R, gedeelte van R~star,tgedeelte. Lot 2 van Lotte D, PI en G. Restant Lot 10 van Lotte G en 10 van Lot A. Lot IOB, gedeelte van Lot 10 van Lot A. Lot IOD, gedeelte van Lot 10 van Lot A: Lot 10E, gedeelte van Lot 10 van Lot A. Lot ]OF, gedeelte van Lot 10 van Lot A. Lot GC, gedeelte van Lotte G en 10 van Lot A. Lot 10C, gedeelte van Lotte 6 en 10 van Lot A. Lot 10G, gedeelte van Lotte G en 10 van Lot A. Lot 10H. gedeelte var, Lot 10 van Ltrt A. Lot 4 van Lot R var, Restantgedeeite. Lot 3 van Lot K. Lot E, gedeelte van Restafitgedeelte., Lot 3 van Lot B. _, *l Lot K. ' i Gedeelte 2, gedeelte ran Lot 2. Lot E. Lot F. Lot 1 van Lot R van Restantgedeelte: Lot 1 van Lotte B, D en H. Lot 21, gedeelte van Lot A. A s Lot 22, gedeelte van Lot A. I, Lot 24, gedeelte van Lot A. Lot 17C, gedeelte van Lot 17. Lot F.I.A., gedeelte van F.I. van van Lot L. Lot 4 van Lot A. Lot 5 van Lot A. Lot 17 van Lot A. Lot 4 van Lot L. Lot 5 van Lot L. Lotte 7, 9 en 19 van Lot A. Lot 1 I A, gdeelte van Lot 11. Lot 11 van Lot A. Lot 10A, gedeelte van Lotte G en 10 van Lot A. Lot GB, gedeelte van Lot G van Lot A. Lot GD, gedeelte van Lot 6 van Lot A. Lotte 12 en 13 van Lot A. Lot GA, gedeelte van Lotte 6 en 10 van Lot A. Lot 5 van Lot R van Restantgedeelte. Lot F, gedeelte van Gedeelte. Lot F1, gedeelte van Lot F van Lot L. Lot 28A, gedeelte van Lot 28. Lot a van Lot 1 van Lotte L, D en M. Lot 8 van Lot B en Lot 2 van Lot B. Lot 6 van Lot R. Lot 2 van Lot B. Gedeelte 48. Lot 1 van Lot L van Lot D van Lot M Restantgedeelte. Lot Q. Lot M. Lot D, gdzelte van Lot M. Lot L. Lot a van Lot 5, qdci$e van A. Vo~sts v~ortl ooremlmrn.;tig artikel 72 (2) bekendgemaak dat 'n opmbzre v.r,-sdering van persone wat by die ondeiwerp van genoemde versoekskrif belang het, om 513, portion of Lots 4, 5 znd 17 ~f Lot A. Lot 3 of Lot R of Reii;::;ning Portion. Pur!kn 47. Loi l of Lot A. Lots G and 7 of Lots B3 and G. Lot 9 Lot N. Lot 13 or* Lot A. Lot 2 of Lot A. Lot 8 of Lot A. Lot b, portion of Lot 2 of Lots D, H and G. Lot 14 of Lot A. Lot 16 of Lot A. Lot W, portion of Remaining Portion. Lot 2 of Lots D, H and G. Remaining Lot 10 of Lots 6 and 10 of Lot A. Lol JOB, portion of Lot 10 of Lot A. Lot 10D. portion of Lot 10 of Lot A. Lot 1OE. portion of Lot 10 of Lot A. Lot IOF, portion of Lot 10 of Lot A. Lol 6C, portion of Lots G and 10 of Lot A. Lot IOC, portion of Lots 6 and 10 of Lot A Lot 13G, pottiod 6f Lots 6 and I0 of Lot A Lot 1015, portion of Lot 10 of Lot A. Lot 4 of Lot R of Remaining Portion. Lot 3 of Lot H. Lot E, portidn" of Remaining Portion. Lot 3 of Lot B. Lot K. Portion 2, portion of Lot Z Lot E. Lot F. Lot 1 of Lot R of Remaining Portion. Lot 1 of Loti B, D and H. Lot 21, portion of Lot A. Lot 22, portion of Lot A. Lot 24. pdrtioa of Lot A. Lot 17C, portion of Lot 17. Lot F.I.A., Nrtion of F.I. of Lot F of Lot L ' Lot 4 of Lot A Lot 5 of Lot A. Lot 17 of Lat A Lot 4 of Lot L. Lot 5 of Lot L. Lots 7, 9 and 19 'of Lot A Lot I la, portidn of Lot 11. Lot 11 of Lot A. Lot 10A, portioa of Lots 6 and 10 of Lot A Lot 6B, portion' bf Lot 6 of Lot A. Lot 6D, portion of Lot 6 of Lot A. Lots 12 and 13'of Lot A. Lot GA, portion of Lots 6 and 10 of Lot A Lot 5 of Lot R of Remaining Portion. Lot F, portion of Portion. Lot H, portion of Lot F of Lot L. Lot 28A, portion of Lot 28. Lot a of Lot 1 of Lots L, D and M. Lot 8 of Lot B and Lot 2 of Lot B. Lot G of Lot R Lot 2 of Lot B. Portion 48. Lot 1 of Lot L of Lot D of Lot M. Remaining Portion. Lot Q. Lot M. Lot D, portion of Lot M. Lot L. Lot a of Lot 5, portion of A. It is f~~rther notified in accordance with section 72 (2) hat a public meeting ol persons interested in the subj~xt )f the said petition will be held in the residence of

26 No. 4237 STAATSICOERANT, 29 MAART 1974 10 vm., op 1-1 hlei 1974, in die woning van mev. A. J. van den Berg, Opzoek, gehou sal word onder voorsitterskap van 'n beampie van die Departeinent van Waterwese ten eindc ondersoek na die onderwerp van die versocl-.skrif in te stel en gctuienis ten gunsie van of teen die voorstel te hoor. Allc belanghebbendes word hierby in kennis gestel dat die vergadering ook gehm sal word met die doe1 om stemme ten gumte van of teen die voorstel op te neem, aangesien artikel 72 (3) bepaal dat die versoek toegestaan kan word indien minstens twee derdes van die eienaars van grond gelee in die gebied in die betrolcke versoekskrif vermeld, wat tesame nlinstens twee derdes van die grond in eiendom het wat in daardie gebied besproei word.en volgens voorneme besproei gaan word, ten gunste is van die voorstel. Enigiemand wat nie die vergadering kan bywoon flie, kan iemand anders deur middel van 'n prokurasie of volmag magtig on1 namens hom by die ondersoek te stem. (29 March 1974) -p-- --.P KENNISGEWING 208 VAN 1974 KONINGSRIVIERBESPROEIMGSDISTRIK Die Minister van Waterwese het kragtens artikel S0 (1) van die Waterwet, 1956, goedgekeur dat die Koningsrivierbesproeiingsraad se ledetal van drie tot vyf vermeerder word. Daar is gevolgljk kragtens artikel 80 (2) van genoemde Wet goedgekeur dat die dienende raadslede hulle ampte op 14 Mei 1974 ontruim en dat 'n nuwe besproeiingsraad op 15 Mei 1974 verkies word. Mm. C. M. Audie, Ondersekretaris (Finansiele Bystand) van die Departelllent van Waterwese, is ingevolge artikel 84 van genoemde Wet aangestel as kiesbeampte vir die verkiesing van lede van die Besproeiingsraad vir die Koningsrivierbesproeiingsdistrik. 'n Nominasievergadering vir die verkiesing van vyf sodanige lede sal gehou word om 3 nm., op 15 Mei 1974, in die kantore van mnr. S. H. Beneke te Kerkstraat 73, Robertson. Die kieserslys word hieronder gepubliseer. Persone wie se naam op die kieserslys voorkom, is slegs geregtig om persoonlik te stem en verteenwoordigers van geregistreerde maatskappye moet bewys lewer van magtiging om sodanige maatskappye te verteenwoordig. In gevalle waar eienaars 'n gesamentlike stemreg het, moet hulle een uit hulle midde skriftelik aanwys om namens hulle te stem. Die kieserslys sal hersien word voardat nonlinasies geskied. Mrs A. J. van den Berg, Opzoek, at 10 a.m., on 14 May 1974, under chairmanship of an officer of the Department of Water Affairs, to inquire into the subject-matter of the petition and to hear evidence for or against the proposal. All persons interested are hcreby notified that the meeting will a!so be held for the purpose of recording votes for or against the proposal, since section 72 (3) provides that the petition may be granted if not less than two thirds of the owners of land situated within the area specified in the petition in question, who together own not less than two thirds of the land irrigated and proposed to be irrigated within such area, are in favour of the proposal. Any person who cannot be present at the meeting may, by proxy or power of attorney, delegate any other p" krson to vote on his behalf at the inquiry. (29 hfaart 1974) NOTICE 208 OF 1974 KONINGS RIVER IRRIGATION DISTRICT The Minister of Water Affairs has, in terms of section 80 (1) of the Water Act, 1956, approved that the number of members of the Konings River Irrigation Board be increased from three to five. Accordingly, in terms of section 80 (2) of the said Act, it has been approved that the serving board members vacate their posts on 14 May 1974, and that a new irrigation board be elected on 15 May 1974. Mr. C. M. Audie, Under-Secretary (Financial Assistance) of the Department of Water Affairs, has, in terms of section 84 of the said Act, been appointed returning officer for the election of members of the Irrigation Board for the Konings River Irrigation District. A nomination meeting for the election of five such members will be held at 3 p.m., on 15 May 1974, in the offices of Mr S. H. Beneke, 73 Church Street, Robertson. The voters' list is published below. Persons whose names appear on the voters' list are entitled to vote in person only, and representatives of registered companies must produce proof of authority to represent such con~panies. In cases where owners have a joint vote, they shall designate, in writing, one of their number to vote on their behalf. The voters' list will be revised before nominations are made. -, KTESERSLYS/VOTERS' LIST Naam Name Colyo,D.P... Colyn, J. W.....,... Colyn, P. H. (bcedel/estate)... Combrinck, R. D......;... De Wet, H. L..... De Wet, P. D..... De Wet, J. L..... Marais,E... Marais,J.S... Marias,W... Ooslhuizen, E. J..... 0osthuizen.J... Waveren Makelaars (Edim.) Bpk./(Pty) Ltd..... (29 Maart 1974) /(29 March 1974) Ingelyste opperilakte in hektaa~ Scheduled area in hectares 20,6 10.3 10,3-52,l 35,3 42,l 41,55 41.55 20,6 18,4?6,0 39,O Getal stemme Number of votes

KENNISGLlWING 209 VAN 1971 ouklodf-be~spxoeiingsdistrit~ Sy Edele die h4i/lini:jkr van Watcrwese het kragkns artikel 80 (1) van die Waterwet, 1956, goedgc!teur dat die Oukioof-besprcziingsraltd X iedetal van ses tot drie verminder word. Daar is gev~lgiik 1,ragicns artikel 80 (2) van genoccde Wet pedgekeur dar die dienende Raadslede hulle amplc op 12 Mei 1974 ontruim en dat 'n nuwe besproeiingsraad op 13 Mei 1974 verkies cord....? Mar. C. M. A~!die, Ondersekretaris (Fin,~ns~c~e, Plystand) van die Depnrtement van Waterwesc, is ingevolgc artikel 84 van 3enocmde Wet aangestel as kiesbeampte vir die verkiiwng van lede van die bcsproeiingsraad vir die Oultlooi-besprociingsdistrik. 'n Nominasievergadcring vir die verkiesing van drie sodanige lede sal gekou word om 4 nm., op 13 Mei 1974, in die kantore van mnr. T. A. van der Walt, Kerkstraat 37, Prince Albert. Die kiescrslys word hizronder gepubliseer. Persone wie se name op die kieserslys voorkom, is slegs geregtig om persoonlik te stem en verteenwoordigers van geregistreerde maatskappye moet bewys lewer van magtiging om sodanige maatskappye te verteenwoordig. In gevalle waar cieiiaars 'n gesamentlike stemreg het, moet hulle een nit hulle midde skriftelik aanwys om nan~ens hulle te stcm. Die kieserslys sal hersien word ybordat nominasies geskied. GOVERNMENT GAZSTKE, 29 MARCH 1974 No. 47-37 29 NOTICE 209 OF 1974 O:;KLOOF IRRIGATION DISTRICT?'he Korourable the Minister of Waicr Arfairs has, in terius of section 80 (1) oe the Water Act. 1956, approved :ii-li the nti.lioer of mem:er5 of!he O!dtlooE Irrigation 5o;rd be riduced from six to th-ee. ~~c3rci;~:gy. in te!ms of :CCL:C~I~ 80 (2) oi :he said Act, it has been approved thal iite re:.ving Bonrd n~embers vacate iheir posts on 12 ithy i'174. acd l!lat a rev/ irrigation board bc elected on 13 May 1974. Mr C. M. Audie, Under-Secretary (Financial Assistance) of the Departmeiit of Water Aftairs, has, in terms of section 84 of the said Act, becn appointed as returning officer for the e!ection of members of the Irrigation Board for the OuklooE Irrigatioi~ District. A ~lomination meeting for the election of three such member% will be held at 4 pm., on 13 May 1974, in the offices of Mr T. A. van der Walt, 37 Church Street, Princc Albert. The voters' list is published be!ow. Persons whose names appear on the voters' list are entitled to vote on:y in person, and representatives of registered companies must pr3duc.e proof of authority to represent such companies. In cases where owners have a joint vote, they shall designate, in writing, one of their number to vote on their behalf. The voters' list will be revised before ~lominations are made. KIESERSLYS-VOTERS' LIST Naam Name Alberts,C.J... Rasson, M. D. H. (Mev./Mis) (boedel/estate)... Bothma, A. J..... Gouws,W.J... Gouws,C.F... Luttig, S. P. S..... Prins Albert Estates (Edms.) Bpk..... Jngelyste opper- vlakte in hektaar! Scheduled area / in hectares Getal stemme Number of votes (29 Maart 1974)/(29 March 1974) KENNISGEWING 210 VAX 1974 NONNARIVIER-BESPROEIINGSDISTRIK- KIESERSLY S Die ltiescrslys vir die Nonnarivier-besproeiingsdistrik, afdeling Worcester, Kaapprovinsie, soos opgestel deur die Seltretaris van Waterwese ingevolge artikel 83 van die Waterwet, 1956 (Wet 54 van 1956). word hieronder sepubliseer. Mnr. C. M. Audie. Ondersekretaris van die Departement van Waterwese, is ingevolge artiltel 84 van genoemde Wet aangestel as kiesbeampte vir die verkicsing van lede van die Besproeiingsraad vir die Nonnarivier-besproeiingsdistrik. '11 Nominasievcrgadering vir die verkiesing van ses soddnige lede, sal om 10 vm., op 17 Mei 1974, in die saal van die 1C.W.V.-kantore, Worcester. gehou word. Pzrsone wie se came op die 1tiesersIys voorkom. is gcrcgtig on1 slegs persoonli!c te stem en verteenwoordigers van geregistreerde maatskappye moet bewys lewer van magtiging om sodanige maztskappye te verteznwoordig. In gevalle waar eienaars gesamentlik stemreg het, moet hul!e een uit hi11 midde skrifte!ik aanwys om namens hulle te stem. Die lcieserslys sal hersien word voordat nominasie gesked. NOTICE 210 OF 1971 NONNA RIVER IRRIGATION DISTRICT- VOTERS' LIST The voters' list for the Nonna Rivzr Irrigation District, Division of Worcester, Cape Province, as prepared by the Secretary for Water Affairs in terms of section 83 of the Water Act, 1956 (Act 54 of 1956), is published below. Mr C. M. Audie, Under-Secretary of the Department of Water Affairs, has, in terms of section 84 of the said Act, been appointed returning officer for the election of members of the Irrigation Board for the Nonna River Irrigation District. A nomination meeting for the election of six such members will be held in the hall of the K.W.V. Offices, Worcester, at 10 a.m., on 17 May 1974. Persons whose names appear on the voters' list shall be entitled to vote in person only and representatives of registered companies must produce proof of authority to represent such companies. In cases where owners have a joint vote, they shali designate, in writing, one of their iiuinber to vote on thei~ behalf. The voters' list will be revised belore nominations are made.

30 No. 4237 STAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 1974 KIESERSLYSjVOTERS'LIST Ingclyste opper- Naam vlakte in hektaar Gctal stcmme Name Scheduled area Number of votes in hectares Du Toit, M. M. N.................... 60,20 10 Hamman, T. I.................... 37,50 9 Kloppers, B............................ 94,20 10 Kloppers, Char! Petrus..................... 84,20 10 Kloppcrs, Christiaan Petrus......................... 68,60 10 Kloppers, S. T. (boedel/estate)........ "........... 68,60 10 Moller, C. K.......................... 60,00 10 Moller, P. du T... 17,10 4 Moller, P. van B............................ 17,10 4 Naude, L. G............................ 12,90 4 Rabie, C. K................................ 45,50 10 Rabie, F. D......................... 0 0 " '0, o 0 " 0 99,90 10 Rabie, W. de Vo 0 0... 0... 00 0' 0 0 0... 0.0 0.... 68,60 10 (29 ){aart 1974)/(29 March 1974) KENNISGEWlNG 211 VAN 1974 NOTICE 211 OF 1974 BADENBESPROEIlNGSDISTRlK. BADEN IRRIGATION DISTRICT. KlESERSLYS VOTERS' LIST Die kieserslys vir die Badenbesproeiingsdistrik, distrik The voters' list for the Baden Irrigation District, Dis Montagu. Kaapprovinsie, soos opgestel deur die Sekreta trict of Montagu, Cape Province, as prepared by the Secreris van Waterwese ingevolge artikel 83 van die Waterwet, tarv for Water Affairs in terms of section 83 of the Water 1956 (Wet 54 van 1956), word hieronder gepubliseer.. 1956 (Act 54 of 1956), is published hereunder. Mnr. C. M. Audie, Ondcrsckretaris van die Departe Mr C. M. Audie, Under-Secretary of the Department ment van Waterwese, is ingevolge artikel 84 yun genoemde of Water Affairs, has, in terms of section 84 of the said Wet aangestel as kiesbeampte vir die verkiesing van lede Act, been appointed returning officer for the election of van die Besproeiingsraad vir die Badenbesproeiingsdis members of the Irrigation Board for the Baden Irrigation trik. 'n Nominasievergadering vir die verkiesing van drie District. A nomination meeting for the election of three sodanige lede sal om 9.30 vm., op 15 Mei 1974, in die such members will be held at 9.30 a.m., on 15 May 1974. woning van mnr. P. B. Iordaan. Bordeaux, Montagu. in the residence of Mr P. B. Iordaan, Bordeaux, Montagu. gehou word. Persone wie se name op die kieserslys voorkom. is slegs Persons whose names appear on the voters' list shall geregtig om persoonlik te stem en verteenwoordigers van be entitled to vote in person only, and representatives of geregistreerde maatskappye moet bewys lewer van magrepresent such companies. registered companies must produce proof of authority to tiging om sodanige maatskappye te verteenwoordig. In gevalle waar eienaars 'n gesamentlike stemreg het. In cases where owners have a joint vote, they shall moet hulle een uit hul midde skriftelik aanwys om namens designate. in writing. one of their number to vote on thea hulle te stem. behalf. Die kieserslys sal hersien word voordat nominasies The voters' list will be revised before nominations are geskied. made. KIESERSL YS/VOTERS' LIST Ingclyste opper-i Naam vlakte in hektaar Getal stemme Name Scheduled area Number of votes in hectares ' Bruwer, John Conroy......................... Bruwer. Paul Jordaan........................ Bussell. Williatn..... 12,848 79,658 40,257 Jordaan, Etienne Jozua... 25,696 6 Jordaatl, Pieter Brink................. 12,848 3 Jordaan, Wilhelm............. 43,683 10 Joubert, Abrahatn Johannes... _... 15,417 4 Joubert, Abraham loharmes (Jr.)... 0..._.. Joubert, Abrahatn Joharmes (Sr.)..._, Knipe, John Whitehead... _ (29 Maart 1974)/(29 March 1974) 16,274 30,835 10,278 KENNISGEWING 213 VAN 1974 NOTICE 213 OF 1974 KENNISGEWING VAN STAATSGROND BESKIK NOTICE OF STATE-OWNED LAND A V AlLABLB BAAR IN VERSKEIE DISTR1KTE IN DIE REPU IN VARIOUS DISTRICfS IN THE REPUBLIC BLIEK Applications are invited for the purchase of Holdings Aansoeke 8 om d die ld aankoop I van d' Hoewes h 1. 2, H 3, 5, 7 1 ' 2, 3, 5, 7 an d 8 f th d. d f d f 0 e un ermentione arms an or en van on ergeme e p ase en Ie uur van oewes th I f I'T ld' 4 d 6 'th th ti' t h 50 4 en 6 met die opsie om dit later aan te koop kragtens e ease 0 ~o logs. an Wl e op.on 0 purc a die bepalings van die Wet op Landboukrediet, 1966, word I' them at a later date. 10 terms of the Agncultural Credit ingewag. Act, 1966. 3 10 10 4 8 3

GOVERNMENT GAZETI'E, 29 MARCH 1974 No. 4237 31 Die Staat hehon hom die reg voor am enigeen van die The State reserves the right to withdraw at any tim hoewes wat hierby aangebied word. te eniger tyd terug any of the holdings hereby offered. tc trek. The rent, which will be payable in advance, will b Die huurgeld, wat vooruitbetaalbaar sal wees, sal bepaal determined and details thereof furnished to successf en besonderhede daarvan verstrek word aan suksesvolle applicants, who will have the right to accept or refu applikante, wat die reg sal die a~nbod van die the offer. On the allocation of holdings, successful app hand te wys of te aanyaar. By die t~ek7n~g van hoewes I cants will be fully advised of the exact improvemen sal.suksesvolle applik!lnte volledlg mgehg word oar which they will take over. The costs of survey will presies watt~r verbetenngs hulle oorneem. Opmeetkoste added afterwards to the purchase price. sal later by die koopprys gevoeg.word. '.. Application forms (LKG 86) are obtainable at a Aansoekvorms ~KG 86) IS.verkrygbaar by emge magistrates' offices except the Magistrate's Office, Pr I " 48-2781, Bylyn 23.2, Kamer 940, Poyntonsentrum, Kerk- Centre Church Street West Pretoria.) landdr.oskantoor, U1t~esonderd. die landdroskanto?r te toria, as well as from the Secretary for Agricultural Cred Pretona, ~sook. by die Sekretans van. Landboukredlet en and Land Tenure, Private Bag X1l8, Pretoria, 000 Grondbeslt" Pnvaatsak X118, Pretona, 0001. (relefoon (Telephone 48-2781, Extension 232, Room 940, Poynton straat-wes, Pretona.) '...'... Applikante moet in hul aansoeke duidelik aandui om Applicants should mdicate clearly m their applicatio watter hoewes hulle aansoek doen. the holdings for which they are applying. AIle aansoeke moet aan die Sekretaris van Landbou- All applications should be forwarded to the Secreta krediet en Grondbesit gestuur word, sodat dit hom nie for Agricultural Credit and Land Tenure to reach hi later as 10 Mei 1974 bereik me. Aansoeke moet nie by not later than 10 May 1974. Applications should not landdroskantore ingedien word nie. handed in at magistrates' offices. Hoeweno. I Beskrywing Holding No., Description I-------------------------------P-R-O-V-I-N-:S-IE-/-PR--O-V-IN-C-E--N-A-T-A-L---------------------------------------- DistrikfD;strict of Ngotshe 'n Gedeelte van die gekonsolideerde pjaas Lelieshoek 213, genoem Leiieshoek 1, soos getoon op die sketskaart wat hiema vo A portion (if the consolidated farm Lelieshoek 213. called Lelieshoek I, as shown on the skeieh map hereunder. 2 'n Gedeelte van die gekonsolideerde plaas Lelieshoc!,: 2i 3, genoem Lc!ieshoek 2, soos getoon op die sketskaart/a portion the consolidated farm Lelieshoek 213, called Lelieshoek 2, as show" on the sketch map. 3 'n Gedeelte van die piaas Koodoosberg 671, genoem Koodoosberg, soos getoon op die sketskaart/ A portion of the farm Koodoo berg 671, called Koodoosberg, as shown on the sketch map. 4 Gedeeltes van die plase Uitsicht 624, Erfenis 621 en Welverdiend 104, genoem Uitsicht op die sketskaart/portions of the far Uitsicht 624, Erfenis 621 and Welverdiend 104, e"lled Uitsicht on the sketch map. 5 Gedeeltes van die plase Koodoosberg 671 en Doom bosch 157, genoem Doombosch op die sketskaartfportions of the farm Koodoosberg 671 and Doombosch 157, called Doombosch on the sketch map. 6 Gedeeltes van die plase Doombosch 157 en Oasis 237, genoem Oasis op die sketskaart/portions of the farms Doombosch 1 and Oasis 237. called Oasis on the sketch map. 7 'n Gedeelte van die plaas Vergeval 644, genoem Vergeval2 op die sketskaart/ A portion of the fann Vergeval 644, called Verge 2 on the sketch map... 8 Gedeeltes van die plase Vergeval 644 en Magut 12436, genoem Vergeval I op die sketskaartfportlons of the farms Vergeval ~ and Magut 12436. called Vergeval 1 on the sketch map. SKETSKAART/SKETCH MAP

32 No. 4237 STAATSKOERANT. 29 MAART 1974 > 2 Die eieudomme soos geadverteer is nog onopgenlcet en die finale 1;oopp:yse en groottes sal eers na opmeting finaal bereken word. Die eiendomme sal egter elkeen ongeveer 1560 hektaar groot wees, en die kooppryse sal wissel tussen R50 000 en R75 000. 7 tot 15 kiloineter suidoos \!an Pongola. Areas cmd Purchase Prices The holdings as advertised have not yet been surveyeh and the precise purchase prices and areas will only be finally calculated after survey. Each of the holdings will be approximately 1500 hectares in extent, and the purchase prices will vary between R50 000 and E75 000. Sifualiorl 7 to 15 kilometres south-east of Pongola. Daar is woon1:uise asook ander plaasgeboue op Hoewes 3 en 5. Wafer~~onr.~ienirlg Hoewes 2. 3, 5 en 7 sal deel in die bestaande waterskema op gemelde eiendomme. Die kopers van IIoewes 1 en 8 sal geregtig wees on1 'n waterpypleiding vir huishoudelike en veesuipingsdoeleindes uit die Staatsbesproeiingskema aan te 12. Hoewes 4 en 6 beskik oor boorgate, waarvan die!ewering nie bepaal is nie. Om hierdie rede word die hoewes verhuur, en finale toekenning sal geskied sodra die waterposisie opgeklaar is. Dralrrng v m Weiding 5 hektaar pcr grootvee-eenhcid op alle hoewes. Spesiale Voorwaardes 1. Suksesvolle applikante sal huurkontrakte enlof koopaktes met die Departement van Landboukrediet en Grondbesit moet aangaan. 2. Suksesvolle applikante sal nie daarop geregtig we& om die eiendomme binne 10 jaar na die aankoopdaturn te verkoop nie. 3. Die bedrag wat elke suksesvolle applikant in kontant tot die koopprys van die hoewe moet bydra, die voorwaardes waarop die res betaal moet word, en die huurgeld, waar toepaslik, sal deur die Landboukredietraad bepazl word. 4. Die suksesvolle appli!cante sal die lmevfes persoanlilc moet bewoon. (5) (a) Alle regk op dclgesteentes. delinetale. onedele ~ninerale en aardo!ie, soos in dic mincraalv~ette omskryf. op of onder die hoewes word uitdrliklik aan die Staat voorbehou. (b) Eien=rs van hierdie eiendomme besit nie die uit-- sluitende reg 0112 na edelme!alc of onedele minerale daarop te prospckteer nie en is nie te eniger tj~d geregtig op 'n prospekteciiisensie kragtcns artikel 12 van Wet 20 \an 1967 ten opsigte van die eiendomine nie. (c) Enige bearilpie cf vrc4memer van die Staat of enige persoon (en sy \~~erlcne~ile~-~) wat ingevolge die mineraal- v~eite geregtig is om pros~el~teer-. myn- of daarmee in verband staande werksaamhedc op hierdie eiendomme te vcrrig, kan te eniger tyd die eiendomme betree ten einde sodanige werksaamhede daarop uit te voer. (d) Enige beample of wcrknemer van die Staat of enige persoon in besit van die nodige magtiging ingevolge d~e mimraalwette is g~regtig om sodanige oppervlakte van hieidie eiendomme vir prosp.-kteer-, myn- of daarmee in \ erband staandc dl~eleindp,s te gebruik as wat in sodanige ma~ti$:g vermeld word. (e) 17ir die gebruik van enige sodanige oppervlakte van die eiei?dornme vii prospcltf-er-, myn- of daarinec in vsrband staawl: cloe!eind :S word veigocdinq?legs oorecnkomstig die beplingc van die m;neraal:vette bdaal. 6. Die Iiocwc~ is orix-twrpe nfn \corvizardcs vcrvsl in die lite!bevi)sc va:l die o~rsprmkli!:e phse cn die ;~oorwaa& dai <fie Suid-ATiil,a:lr;sc, Fr-c,orwcZ die 1.q szl hi 0171 5ie pt;,:j v al Iqy r::et!<, op tik p1,l.e gebruik of ~kkill)e;; 1: iei c>!;,i;&~ yfi:a;rvdli c?~dei-?iai;dplings rceds plaasvind soi~der betalir?g van vergoeding te oateien. There are dwellings as well as otlicr farin buildings on Holdings 3 and 5. Wafer Supply Holdings 2, 3, 5 and 7 will participate in the cxisting water sclicme on the said holdings. The purc!zzsm of Holdings 1 and 8 will be entitled to pipe water for household and stock watering purposes from the State irrigation scheme. Holdings 4 and 6 have borehclcs. tlie yield of which has not been determined. For this reason the holdings are being leased, and the final allotnimt will be made as soon as the water position has been clarified. Carrying Capacity of Grazir:g 5 hectares per unit of large stock on all ho!dings. Special Co~difiorts 1. Successful applicants will be required to enter into deeds of lease andlor deeds of sale with the Department of Agricultural Credit and Land Tenure. ' 2. Sdccessful applitants will not be entitled to sell the properties within I0 years of the date of purchase. 3. The amount that each successful applicant will be required,to pay in cash -tovrards tlie purcl~ase pricc of the,holding, the codditions on which the balancc is to be paid, and the rental, where applicable, will be determined by the Agricultural Credit Goard. 4. The successful applicants will be required to occupy the holdings personally. 5.'(a) "All rights to precious stones, precious metals, base minerals and natural oils, as described in the laws relating to minerals, on or under tlle holdings are express!^ reserved to the State. (b) Owners of these propcri'es sh!l not have [he exclusive right to prospect for preciovs metals or bsse minerals thereon and shall not at my time be en!ir!cd to a prospecting licence in terms of section 12 of Act 20 of 1967 in respect of tl:ese properties. (c) Any officer or employee of the State or any person (and his emp!oyees) who in terms of the laws rchting to minerals is cntitled to prosvect. mine or con2i;ct ot,era- A tions appertaining thereto on these properties may at any time enter. upoil tllc properties to conduct suc!~ operations thereon. (d) Any officer or empioyee of the Stare or ariy person in possession of the necessary authority in terms of the laws relatin~ to minera!~ sha!l be entitled to usc such arm of these properties for prospecting, n~ining cl- purposes appertaining thereto as may be specified in slich authority. (e) For the use of anji such arca of the prc?l;crhies for prospcctinp:mining or lmrposes appertaining thcreto compens,tjon shall be paid only as providcd for in the laws relating to minerals. 6. The!.loldirigs are subject!o the coildiriim xi forth in the title deeds of the origind.farms alld 1.11~ coidiiion that the South??fric:in Raib;i.a!;s will hav:: the rig!]: to expropriate thc property v;i:ich i!!!ri:ad;~ cc~i.lpies or uses or in respect of which. ixgutiatim:; are already uzder way, without payment of any coispensation.

GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 1974 No. 4237 33 7. Koopaktes wat uitgereik sal word, sal sodanige verdere voonvaardes bevat as wat gewoonlik in transaksies van hierdie aard gestel word. 8. Enige koste wat die Staat tcn o&igte van verbeterings op 'n hocwe aangaan, asook opmeetkoste, sal by die koopprys daarvan gevoeg word. * 9. Die Departement he: alle pogings aangewend on1 dc inligting hierbo so korrek moontlik te verstrek, nlaar is nie aanspreeklik vir moontlike onjuisthede hierin nie. Die eiendomme sal voetstoots verhuur en verkoop word. Van applikante word verwag dat liulle die hoewes persoonlik sal inspek~eer. (29 Maart 1974) KENNISGEWJNG 212 VAN 1974 VERKOPING VAN ONAFGEHAALDE ARTIKELS, MAITLAND Op pesag van die Posmeester-generaal sal 'n verskeidenheid onafgehaaldz cn onafgelewerde artikels wat dew die pos gestuur is om 10 vm. op Donderdag, 25 April 1974, deur die firma Gibraltar Afslaers en Eiendomsagente by Spencer House (Eerste Verdieping), Voortrekkerweg 255, Maitland. per openbare veiling verkoop word. 'n Lys van die artikels wat verkoop sal word, 12 ter insae by die kantoor van die afslaer, Langstraat 156, Kaapstad. (29 Maart 1974) --p-. - ---------P- KENNISGEWING 214 VAN 1974 KENNISGEWING VAN AANBOD VAN VERGOE- DING KRAGTENS ARTIKEL 6A VAN DIE ONT- EIENINGSWET, 1965 (WET 55 VAN 1965) Aarz: WILLIAM ROBERT FROOMBERG Ek, die ondergetekende, in my hoedanigheid van Ondersekrelaris in die Departement van Landboukrediet en Grondbesit, handelende onder en kragtens 'n Spesiale Algemene Volmag, geregistreer in die Kantoor van die Registrateur van Aktes, Pietermaritzburg, onder GPA3/ 1973 op 2 Januarie 1973, aan my verlecn deur die Minister van Landbou van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika, bied U hierby aan kragtens artikel 6A vahdie Onteieningswet, 1965, die bedrag van R2500 (tweeduisend vyflionderd rand) as vergocding vir die goed wat van U onteien is soos beskryf in die Kennisgewing van Onteiening, gdateer 8 November 1973, gepubliseer'as 'i(ennisgewing 19 van 1974 in Stmtskoerant 4137 vaht'll Januarie 1974, welk goed uit- Persee1 109. die dorp Melmoth. gel& in die dorpsbestuursgebied Melmoth, county ZoeloeIand, provinsie Natal, groot 4 017 vierkante meter. My adres vir die doeleindes van hierdie aanbod van vergoeding is Privaatsak X1 18, Pretorid, 0001. Geteken te Pretoria op hede die 15de dag van Maart 1974. E. A. ENDER, q.q. Minister van Landbou. As getuies: 1. 3. A. de Kock 2 J. H. Kok. (AT227-0003 3) (29 Maart 1974) 2-20121 7. Deeds of sale to be issued will contain such further conditions as are generally imposed in transactions of this nature. 8. Any costs incurred by the State in respect of improvements on a holding, as well as surveying costs, will be added to the purchase price thereof. 9. The Department has made every endeavour to furnish the above information as accurately as possible, but does not hold itself respoiisible for any inaccuracies that may be contained herein. The properties will be leased and sold voetstoots. Applicants are expected to inspect the holdings personally. (29 March 1974) NOTICE 212 OF 1974 SALE OF UNCLAIMED ARTICLES, MAITLAND An assortment of undelivered and unclaimed articles sent through the post will, on the authority of the Postmaster General, be sold by public auction by hlessrs Gibraltar Auctioneers and Estate Agents at Spencer House (First Floor), 255 Voortrekker Road, Maitland, at 10 a.m., on Thursday, 25 April 1974. A list of the articles to be sold can be inspected at the office of the Auctioneer. 156 Long Street, Cape Town. (29 March 1974) p------ --- NOTICE 214 OF 1974 NOTICE OF OFFER OF COMPENSATION IN TERMS OF SECTION 6A OF THE EXPROPRIA- TION ACT, 1965 (ACT 55 OF 1965) To: WILLIAM ROBERT FROOMBERG I, the undersigned, in my capacity as Under-Secretary in the Department of Agricultural Credit and Land Tenure, acting under and by virtue of a Special General Power of Attorney, registered in the office of the Registrar of Deeds, Piekrmaritzburg. on 2 January 1973, under GPA3/1973, granted to me by the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of South Africa, hereby offer you in terms of section 6A of the Expropriation Act, 1965, the amount of R2 500 (two thousand five hundred rand) as compensation for thk property expropriated from you and described in-the Notice of Expropriation, dated 8 November 1473, published as Notice 19 of 1974 in Goverrzmeni Gazette 4137, datd 11 January 1974, which property consists of- Lot 109, Melmoth Township, situate in the Melmoth Town Board Area, County of Zululand, Province of Natal, in extent 4 047 square metres. My addresk for the purposes of this offer of compensation is Private Bag X1 18, Pretoria, 0001. Signed at Pretoria this 15th day of March 1974. E A. ENDER, q.q. Minister of AgricuIture. h witnesses: 1. J. A. de Kock. 2. J. H. Kok. (29 March 1974) 2-4237

31 No. 4237 STAATSKOERAN KENNISGEWING 21 5 VAN 1974 KENNISGEWING VAN AANBOD VAN ' VERGOE- DLNG KRAGTENS ARTIKEL 6A VAN DIE ONT- ElENINGSWET, 1965 (WET 55 VAN 1965),4an: HAJEE MAHOMED HAJEE DADA & KIE. Ek, die ondergetekende, in my hoedanigheid van Ondersekrctaris in die Departement van Landboukrediet en Grondbesit, hancle!ende onder en kragtens 'n spesiale Algemene Volmag, geregistreer in die ksntoor van die Registrateur van Aktes, Pieiermaritzburg, onder GPA3/ 1973 op 2 Januarie 1973, aan my verleen deur die Minister van Landbou van dic Republiek van Suid- Afrika, bid u hierby aan kragtens ariikel 6A van die Onteieningswet, 1965, die bedrag van R1 500 (eenduisend vyfhonderd rand) as vergocding vir die goed wat van LI nnteien is soos beskryf in die Kennisgewing van Onteiening, gedateer 8 November 1973, gepubliseer as Kennisgewing 830 van 1973 in Sfflatskoerant 4098 van 7 Desember 1973, welke goed bestaan uit- Perseei 142, die dorp Melmoih, geld in die dorpsbestuursgebied Melmoth, county Zoeloeland, provinsie Natal, groot 4 047 vierkante meter. Mj adres vir die doeleindes van hierdie aanbod van vergoeding is Privaatsak X1 18, Pretoria, 0001. Geteken te Pretoria op liede die 15de dag van Maart 1974. E. A. ENDER, pp. Minister van Landboil. As getuies: 1. J. A. de Kock. 2. J. H. Kok. (29 Maart 1954) NOTICE 215 OF 1974 NOTICE OF OFFER OF COMPENSATION IN TERMS OF SECTION 6A OF THE EXPROPRIA- TION ACT, 1965 (ACT 55 OF 1965) TO: HAJEE MAHOMED HAJEE DADA & COM- PANY I, the undersigned, in my capacity as Under-Secretary in the Department of Agricultural Credit and Land Tenure, acting under and by virtue of a special General Power of Attorney, registered in the office of the Registrar of Deeds, Pietermaritzburg, on 2 January 1973, under GPA311973, granted to mc by the Minister of Agric~ilture of the Republic of South Africa, hzreby offer you in terms of section 6A of the Expropriation Act, 1965, the amount of R1 508 (one thousand five hundred rand) as compensation for the property expropriated from jrou and described in the Notice of Expropriation dated 8 November 1973, published as Notice 530 of 1973 in Government Gazette 4098, dated 7 December 1973, which property consists of- Lot 142, Melxoth T~wnship, situatc in :he Melrnoth Town Board Area, County of ZuIuland, Rovince of Natal, in extent 4 047 square metres. My address for the purposes of this offer of compensation is Pri-fate Rag X1 13, Pretoria, 0001. Signed at Pretoria this 15th day of March 1974. E. A. ENDER, p.p. Minister of Agriculture. As witnesses: 1. J. A. de Kock. 2. J. H. Kok. (AT227-00024) (29 March 1974) Useful Hints- I. Ad resseer alle posstukke volledig, duidelik en sonder misleidende afkortings. 2. Plaas U eis adres agterop die koevert df omslag. 3. Moenie muntstukke of ander harde artikels in briewe insluit nie. 4. Gebruik posorders of poswissels wanneer geld deur die pos gestuur word. 5. Verpak pakkette behoorlik. Gebruik sterk houers en dik papier en bind dit stewig vas. 6. Maak seker dat die posgeld ten volle* vooruitbetaal is. 7. Plak die posseels in die boonste regterhock van die koevert of omslag. 8. Verseker u pakkette en registreer waardevolle briewe. Dokumente wat slegs teen hoe koste vervang kan word, moet verkieslik verseker word. 9. Pos vroegtydig en dikwels gedurende die dag. Posstukke wat tot op die laaste oomblik teruggehou word kan vertraging veroorsaak. 10. Verstrek u volledige posadres aan U korrespondente asook U posbusnommer waar van toepassing. I 1. Address all mail fully, clearly and without misleading abbreviations. 2. Place your own address on the back of the erwelope or wrapper. 3. Do not enclose coins or other hard objects in letters. 4. Send remittances by Postal Order or Money Order. 5. Pack parcels properly, using streng containers and heavy paper. Tie securely. 6. Prepay postage fully. 7. Place postage stamps in the upper right hand corner of the envelope or wrapper. $. Insure your parcels and register valuable letters. Documents which can only be replaced at considerable cost should preferably be insured. 9. Post earl and often during :he day. Mail he1 d until the last moment may cause delay. 10. Give your correspondents your correct post office address including your box number where applicable.

GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 29 MARCH 1974 No. 4237 35 I AANSOEKE OM MOTORT RANSPORTSERTl FlKATE Die onderstaande aansoeke om mctortfansportsertifikate, met aanduiding van eerstebs verv,~ysingsnommer, (2) naam van applikani en aard van aansoek, (3) getal en fipe voertuie, (4) aard van voorgestelde motortransport, en (5) plekke waartussen en rwtes waaroor, of gebied wharin die voorgestelde vervoer sal plaasvind, word kragtens die bepalmgs van artikel 13 (1)van die Motortransportwet, 1930 (Wet 39 van 1930). soos gewysig, er? regulasie 5 van die Motortransportregulasies, 1964, soos gewysig, gepubliseer. Skriftelike vertoe, in duplik=t, ter ondersteuning cf kstrydingvan hie~die aansoeke moet b1nr.c tien (10) dae vanaf die datum van hierdie publikarie aan die aangeduide adres gerig word. The undermentioned ap~!icat!cns for motor wirier cel-t~ficates indicating fibliy ~eference number, (2) name of applicant and nature of application, (3) number and type of vehicles, (4) nature of proposed motor carrler t~ansportation, and (5) points between and routes over or arsa within which the proposed motor carrier transportat~oil IS to be eflected, are published in terms of section 13 (1) of the Motor Carrier Trarlsportation Act, 19'0 (Act 39 of 1930), as amended, arld reguiation 5 of the Motor Camer Transpnrtatlon Reg~lations, 1964, as amended. \a//ntten rcpreserit~tk~s, in d~~p!icate, supporting or opposing these app1icri:ions must be suhrnlttcd to the address indicated within ten (10) days from the date of tl~s publication. PORT ELIZABETH A1789-MNYSNA. (2) E. Stofberg. Knysna; nuwe aansoek. (3) Cen 1 180-kg-ligte afleweringswa. (4) Goedere nameus Buf- Adres war:rlwer~ vertoe gerig rnoer ~vord: Die Scltrrtaris. Piaas- felsbaai Restaurant. (5) Binne 'n radius van 50 km vanaf Knysna like Pad~eriozrrznd, Pri:antcak X3909, Port Elizabeth asook tussen punte gelee binne die La~ddrosdistrikte Knysna, Address to u4rrch rrpresenrarior~s mrtst be submrtred: The George, Mosselbaai en Oudtshoorn. Secretary, Local Road Transporrarron Board. Pridare Bag A1803-JOUBERTINA. (2) D. en P. 11. Ferreira, Joabertina; X3909, Port Elrzaberh. uuwe aansozk. (3) Een 9 318-kg-vragrnotor. (4) Vrugte. groente A1S37-PORT ELTZACETH. (2) E. Mangale, Port Elizabeth; en lewende hawe namens boere. (5) Vanaf plase gelce binnc new application. (2) Orle panel van. (4) Dry-cleaning and laundry die landdrosdistrik Joubcrtina na Port Elizabeth en George. on behalf of Gelvandale Dry Cleaners. (5) Betmven polnts s~tuated vf~thin he munic~pnl area of Port Elizabeth. A16lh-PORT ELIZABETH. (S) J. \Villiams, Port El~zabeth; nuwe aansoek. (3) Een stasiewa. (3) Goedere uitsiuitlik ten behoeac van Korsten Fish and Chlps. (5) Tussen punte gelee binne die Port Elizabethse vrygestelde gebied. A1824-PORT ELIZABETH. (2) S. Bosch Cartage Contractor (Pty) Ltd, Port Elizabeth; replacement of vehicle with a carrying capacity of more than 20 per cent and amendment of authority. (3) One 7 256-66 lorry (4) Goods. (5) Within a radius of 25 km of htew Law Courts. Port Elizabeth, including the whole of the municipal area of U~tenhage. A1833-PORT ELIZABETH. (2) R. H. Wait, Port Elizabeth; nuwe aansoek. (3) Een ligte aflewermgswa. (4) Tweedehandse meubels namens Blankes (5) Bmne n radius van 40 km vanaf Nuwe Geregshof, Port Elizabeth. RI831-PORT ELIZABETH. (2) D. E. Mack, Port Elizabeth; ncw appl~cation. (3) One &seater motor-car. (4) Small parcels of prrntlng and cardboard boxes exclusively on behalf of Bud Packaging Corp. (Pty) Ltd. (5) Within a radius of 100 Lm of Porl Elizabeth. A1825-UITENJIAGE. 121 4. T. Landule. Uitenl?aae; new application. (3) One 27-seaier bus. (4) Bantu scho!ar< of the Sandfontein School, Uitenhage and their personal effects and supervising teachers on education tours and to sports nieetings. (5).From the Sandfontein School to points situated within a radius of 320 km of the Sandfontein School and return.,41807-port EIJZABETH. (2) S. H. Mange. Port Elizabeth; new application. (3) One station wagon. (4) Fmii and vegetzbles on behalf of Non-Whites. (5) Within the Port Elizabeth exempted hl809-willowmore. (2) S. Plaatjies, Willowmore; bykomende voertuig. (3) Een 12-sitplek ligte afleweringswa. (4) Kleurling georganiseerde geselskappe (pro formz). (5) Vmaf Poskantoor. Studtis, na punte gelee binlie 'n radius van 240 km vanaf Poskantoor, Studtis. en terug. A18 1 1-GRAAFF-REINET. (2) \V. George. Graalf-Reinet; nuwe aansoek. (3) Een rnotorkar. (4) Nie-Elanhe taxipassasiers en hul persoonlik bagasie. (5) Vanaf Bantoelokasie le Graaff- Rcinet en GraalE-Reinct na punte gelee binne 'n radlus van 160 km, en ism%..41819-desp4tctt (2).4. T. en 7. Victor, Despatch; bykomendc voelt\!ig. (3) Fen \ragmotor. (4) Eie sand. gcbreekte klip. klippe, grond en eie klipg~oefbenodigdhede. (5) Binne die I'or: Elizabetlise vrygesleldz gebied. A1815-PORT ELIZABETII. (2) W. Thompson. Port Elizabeth; new application. (3) One panel van. (4) (a) Goods exclusively on behalf of Ijurnorama (Pty) Ltd. (5) (a) Within the Port Elizabeth exempted area. (4) (b) Furniture (specified press statemeat) exclusively on behalf of Furnoran~a (Pty) Ltd. (5) (b) Within a radius of 430 hrn OF New Law Courts. Port Elizabeth. A1818-GRAHAMSTOWN. (2) Diocesan School for Girls, Graharnstown; amendment authority. (3) One 14-seater microbus. (4) White scholars- of the Diocesan School for Girls and their supervising teachers and boys ol the St Andrews College who are ~ttending classes at the Diocesan School for Girls, on edumtional tours and to sports gathering. (5) From Grahamstown to points situated within a radius of 240 km of Grahamstown. and return. A1834-HUMANSDORP. (2) l3 Fortuin, Mumansdorp; iluwe A1619-PORT ELIZABETH. I?) R. Plllay, Port Elizabeth; aansoek. laat hernuwing. (3) Een 12-sitplek ligte afl~wemgswa. new applicatiofi. (3) One 1067-kg combi. (4) Freth fruit and (4) (a) Goedere. (5) (a) Tussen punte gelee binne die landdros- veget~h!es on behalf of S. Pilay. (5) Withm the Magisterial distrlk IIumansdorp. (4) (b) Nle-Bhke georganiseerde gesel- District of Port Elizabeth. skappe (pro forma) (5) (b) Binne.n radius van 160 km vanaf Pos!:antoor, Humansdorp, en temg (pro forma). A1840-PORT ELIZABETH. (2) A. Abdulla, Port Elizabeth; Alg2l-PORT ELJ~ABE~II. (2) J. CJ. ~ ~ port E]iza- ~ new b appl~cation. ~ ~ (3) One ~ -seater, motorcar. (4) Non-White taxi beth; nuwe aansoek. (3) Een 17S6-kg-panee]wa. (4) (a) ~ ~ Passengers ~ and d thir ~ personal ~ luggage. ~ (5) ~lthln. a radius of (5) fa) Binne 'n radius ran 50 km vanaf Nuwe Gerershof. km of Port ink $Art' ~lizabeth. (4) (b) Bona fide-huistrekke. (5) (b) radius van 240 km vanaf Nuwe Gefegshof; Port Elizai?eth. (4) (F) Kleurling georganiseerde geselskappe van die Volle E\w~gelie herk. (5) (c) Vanaf Veeplaas en Kleiilskocl na punte gelee binne 'n radius van 240 km vanaf Nuwe Geregshof, Port Elizabeth. (4) (d) Vars vrugte en groente vir smousdoeleindes. (5) Id) Binile 'n radius van 160 km vanzf Nuwe Geregshof, Port Elizabetii. (4) (e) Vuurmaakhout; planke en steenkool. (5) (e) 2iu::e 'n radius van 50 km vanaf Nuwe Geregshof, Port Elizabet!;. -. Al832-GRAHAMSTOWN. (2) Set:lers Inn Motel, Grahamstown; new application. (3) One 12-seater van (4) (a) Goods in terms of section 9 (3) (a). (5) (a) Within a radius of 50 km of Settlers Inn Motel, Gr;rhamstow~i. (4) (b) Bantu staff (free of char&,:). (5) (b) (i) From bus terminal, market square, Grahams- [own tc. Srttlers Inn Motcl. Grahamvown; (11) from Settler, Inn Kvfolcl, Grahamsloa7n to location situated withm the rnunlcipzl bred ce Gr~hamstoivn. - 8. 11;1?2-IG#.iiC A1822-KAREEDOW. (2) A. J. ds Jager, Kareedovw: r;i!;ve aansoek. (3) Een 189C-kg-bakkie. (4) Vars ge:;!~i!;t: I)l:,:*,;ne Depari Dcpnut namens A. J. de Jager, J. van dcr Ivlerwe de Jager: I!. Lxrnp- EM i~r;ni!7nl, J.fmkP! Sq:rar-e Seit!evs?:m Motel recht en T. de Sager. (5) (i) Vznd plase gelee bi~i!ie i;!e land- 6.30 drosdistrik Uniondale en Huinansdorp na Kareedouw; (ii) vanaf 7.30 Kareedouw na Port Elizabeth. >,..

36 No. 4237 SAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 1974 KIMBERLEY Adres waarl~een vertoe gerig moet word: Die Sekretaris. Plnaslike Padvervoerraad, Privaatsak 5019, Kimberley. Address to which ~epresentations mrrst be submitted: The Secretary, Local Road Transportatiorz Board, Private Bag 5019, Kimberley. P572/A1679--KI\4BEI<LEY. (2) J. Ratna, Kimberley; new application. (3) Onc light dclivery van-cc 10363. (4) Fresh fruit and frcsl: vegetable5 (no1 tinned or canned) on behalf of D. Dewa (S) Wltl~ln a rad~us of 50 kfil of General Post Office, Kimberiey. P573 /A 1681-UPlNGTON. (2) W. H. Luwes, Upington; oordrag vanaf W. J. Ol~vier. (3) Een motorkar-cay 4009. (4) Blankc huurmoto~p~issasiers en hul persoonlike bagasie. (5) Binne 'n radius van 50 km vanaf Hoolposkantoor, Upington. P5741Al685-MAXliJTLA. (2) H. Wkev~u, Mamutla; additional authority. (3) Two motor-cars-cfn 986 and CFN 1026. Additionai authority: (4) (a) Bantu taxi pa5sengers. (5) fa) Wihin a rad~us of 160 km of Mamutla. Existing author~ty. (4) (b) Bantu taw1 passengers 2nd their personal effects. (5) (b) W~thin a radius of 50 km of Post Office. Mamuthln. on condltion that the vehicie be stationed at and operhted from Marnutla. P575'AIb86-KERTZi)GVBB,LE. (2) W. 1% J. Goosen, Hert- zoaville: nuwe aansork. (3) Twee vranmotors-odb 2646 en ODR 2647. (4) Vars mclk. (5) Vpnaf binne 'n radius van 80 km vanlf Hertzogvi!le na kaasfabriek te Veertiensrome. P576/Al699-KOFFIEFONTEIN. (2) I. B. J. van Rensburg, IZoffiefontein; nuue axnsock. (3) Twee ligte afleweringswaens- OFD 278 en OFD 1042. (4) (a) Goedere (droogskoonmaak pro forma). ten behoewe van Koffiefontein Droogskoonmakers Bpk. (5) (a) Binne 'n radius van 80 km vanaf plek van besigheid te Koffiefontein. (4) (b) Ei;: hu~de, vellc, wol en bene. (5) (b) Vanaf plekke van aankoop blnne 'n lndius van 160 km vanai plek van besigheid te Koffiefontein na die naaste spoorwegstasie, sylyn of spoorweghalt waar dic nod~ge hanieringsfasiliteite beskikbaar is. Vervoer gedoen te word met voertuie behorende aan Koffiefontein Droogskoonmakers Bpk. BLQEMFONTEIM Adres waarkeen vertoi; gerig rnoet ibord: Die Sekretaris, Plaaslike Pndvervoerraad, Privantsnk X20579, Bloemfontein, 9300 Address to which representations mu35 be submitted: The Secretary, Local Road, Transportation Board, Private Bag X20579, Bloe~nforttei~z. 9300. (A2581)-BLOEMFONTEIN. (2) M. J. van Vuuren, Jagersfontem; oordrag vanaf J. P. 0. J Ileyl. (3) Een vragmotor- OFB 468 (4) (a) Sand, klip en gruis vir padmaakdoeleindes narnens die Oranje-Vrvstaatse Provinsiale Administrasie. (5) (a) Binne d~e ~;rovinsie Oranje-Vrystaat. (4) (b) Padmaakmateriaal namens d~e Oranje-Vrystsatse Provinsiale Administrasie. (5) (b) Tussen die naaste spoorwegstasie, -sylyn of padwerkersdepot binne d~e provinsie Oranje-Vrystaat. (4) (c) Werknemers ten behoewe van die Provmsiale Administrasie gratis in die -loop van hulle diens en terwyl in diens van die Oranje-Vrystaatse Provinsiale Administrasie en m~ls geen redelike geleentheid bestaan cm hulle deur middel van 'n spoorwegdiens te vervoer nie. (5) (c) Tussen I,onstruksieperscle binne die provinsie Oranje- Vrystaat. (4) (d) Eie karavaan, eie sleepwa en kamptoerusting vir eie gebruik en eie werknemers gratis in die loop van hulle diens en wanneer aan diens, mits geen redelike geleentheid bestaan om hulle deur middel van spoorwegdiens te vervoer nie. (5) (d) Binne die provinsie Oranje-Vrystaat. (4) (c) Eie onderde!e (pro forma). (5) (e) Binne die provinsie Oranje-Vrystaat. (4) (f) Eie 4 X 45 gelling brandstof, een drom smeerolie, 25-lb ghries en eie dieselliar vir eie gebruik tussen konstruksie persele (5) (Q Binne die provinsie Oranje-Vrystaat. (4) (g) Eie goedere. (5) (g) Birlrie 'n radius van 50 km vanaf bona fide konstruksie persele bmne die provinsie Oranje-Vrystaat. (A2603)-BLOEMFONTEIN. (2) John Mogoere. Bloemfontein; new application. (3) One motor-car--ob 58301. (4) Bantu taxi pasbeilgers. (5) Within the nilagisterial District of Bloemfontein. (A2610)-THABA NCHU. (2) S. I. du Plessis, Thaba Nchu; nuwe aansoek. (3) Een ligte afleweringswa. (4) Algemene goedere. (5) Vanaf Thaba Nclludorp en Thaba Nchuspoonvegstasie na kafec tc Wi!geboomnekplesieroord, distrik Thaba Nchu. (A2612)-BLOEMFONTEIN. (2) J. P. Mokhonoana, Bloemfontein; new application. (3) Two small buses--ob 58731 (12- seater) and OR 25602 (12-seater). (4) Bantu football teams and church parties. (9 Within a radius of 70 km of General Post Office. Bloemfontein. (A2CI4)-BLOEMFONTEIN. (2) Harding Tooth & Parker (Pty) TAd, Excelsior; nuwe aanscek. (3) Een stasicwa--0xg 2556, hehorende aan V. R. Tooth. (4) (a) Eic 77ars vleis en vars \is, koue vjeis en jckookte of gcrookte vis!rise ingemaak nie), hotter. margarine 1;aas en eirrs. (5) (a) (i) iranai' Bloemfontein na Excelsior; jii) binne 'n radius van 50 km vanaf die applikant se plek van besigheid te Excelsior. (4) (b) Eie van vrugte en vars groente (nie ingemaak nie). (5) (b) (i) Vanaf Bloemfontein na Excelsior; jii) binne 'n radius van 50 km vanaf die applikant se plek van besigheid te Excelsior. (A2615)-BLOEMFONTEIN. (2) Firestone South Africa (Pty) Ltd, Bloemfontein; amended authority. (3) One double cab truck-ob 41491. (4) Own White staff (free of charge). (5) Between lhc General Post Office in Maitland Street, BloemContcin and the applicants place of business at Blzckwood Road, Ham~lton via Groenedal Street, Maitland Street, Hamnielberg Street, St Andrews Street, Church Street and Rlacknood Road. Distance: Five 141. 'Time-table: Mondays to Frldays except public holidays: Depart General Post Office, Bloemfontein, 8 a m,, depart Blackwood Road, 12.45 pm., depart General Post Off~ce, 1.50 pm., depart Blackwood Road. 5 pm. (A2617)-nLOEMFONTEIN (2) Benjmi~n Grobbiei. Blormfontein; nuwe aansoek. (3) Een motorkar-ob 77601. (4) ICleurlingtaxipassas~ers. (S) Binne die mu~~isrpalc gcb~ed Blcemfontein. (A2620:-FICI<SBURG. (2) L. V. Thclane. Leilbe; nuve &ansoek. (3) Een vragmotor-lc 1208. (4) Algemcne gocdere ten behoewe van Nie-Blankes. (5) Tussen F~cksburg~pooiwegstasien Ficksburgbrug (Lesothogrens). (A2621)-BLOEMFONTEIN. (2) Willen V170:iter Coetzee, Bloemfontein; nuwe aansoek. (3) Ecn ligie aileac~ingswa-ob 53227. (4) Vullis, stene, klip en sand. (5) Bmnc die landdrosdislrik Blocmf ontein. (A2623)-WINBURG. (2) B Adam, Winburg; b) komende voertuig en bykomende magtiging (3) Twee vragmotors-00 2546 en OB 30470. (4) (a) Sand, kllp cn gn~is vir padmaahdoeleindcs. (5) (a) Binne die provlnsie Oranje-Vrvstaai. (4) (b) Padmaakmateriaal tussed die naaste spoorwegstasie, -sylyn en die padwerkersdepot en die naaste konstruhsicperseel. (5) (b) Bmne die provinsie Oranje-VrysLaat. (4) (c) Eie 4 X 45 gallon brandstof, 25-Ib ghlics en 1 X 45 gallon olie vir cie gebruik. (5) (c) Tuesen konstiuksiepersele gelee binne die provinsie Oranje-Vrystaat. (4) (d) Eie Itaravaan, eie sleepwa. eie dieselkar toerusting en gereedskap vir eie gebruik en eie werknemers gratis In die loop van hulle d~ens en wanneer op diens. (5) (d) Binne die provinsie Oranje-Vrystaat. (4) (e) Eie onderdele benodig vir bona fide dringende herstcl van eie masjinerie (uitsluitende aflewering na enige besigheidsperseel ter aanvulling van voorrade) (5) (e) Binne die provinsie Oranje-Vrystaat. (4) (f) Eie goedere. (5) (f) Binne 'n radius van 50 km vanaf bona fide knnstruksicpcrsele gelee binne die provinsie Oranje-Vrystaat. (4) (g) Ele werkmanshutte vir cie gebruik. (5) (g) Tussen konstruksiepersele gele& binne die provinsie Oranje-Vrystaat, (A2624)-BLOEMFONTEIN. (2) W. M. Sikweyiya, Bloemfontein; nuwe aansoek. (3) Voertuig nog aangekoop te word. (4) Bantoetax~passasiers. (5) Binnc die munisipale gebied Bloemfontein. (A2626)-PETRUSBURG. (2) Jacobus Johannes Vorster, Petrusburg; nuwe aansoek. (3) Een vragmotor-ofii 1774. (4) Caltex tenks en toerusting en olie produkte. (5) Binne h radius van 80 km vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Petrusburg. (A2628)-BLOEMFONTEIN. (2) Awerbuchs Bzrgain House (Pty) Ltd. Bloemfontein; new application. (3) One station wagon -OB 77581. (4) Own general goods in the course of the applicants business as general dealer. (5) Within a radius of 12 km of the applicant's place of business at Fichard Street, Bloemfontein. (A2630)-BLOEMFONTEIN. (2) Gideon van Niekerk, Bloenfontein; oordrzg vanaf C. A. Poolman. (3) Een vragmotor-oxg 1471. (4) (a) Sand, klip en gruis vir padmaakdoeleindes nainens die Oranjc-Vrystaatse Prcvinsiale Administrasie. (5) (a) Binnc die provinsie Oranje-Vrystaat. (4) (b) Pndmaakmateriaal namens die Oranje-Vrystaatse Provinsialc Administrasie tussen die nnaste spoorwegstasie, -sylyn, padwerkersdepot en konstruksiepersele. (5) (b) Binne die provinsie Oranje-Vrystaat. (4) (c) Eie 4 X 45 gallon brandstof, 25 lb ghries en 1 X 45 gallon olie vir eie gebruik. (5) (c) Tussen konstruksiepersele gelee binne die provinsie Oranje- Vrystaat. (4) (d) Eie karavaan, eie slecpwa, eie dicselkar toerusting en gereedskap vir eie gebmik en eie werknemers gratis in die loop van hulk diens en wanneer op diens. (5) (d) Binne die provinsie Oranje-Vrystaat. (4) (e) Ee onderdele benodig vir bona iide dringende herstel van eie rnasjinerie (uitsluitendc aflewering na enige besigheidsperseel ter aanvulling van voorrade). (5) (c) Binne die provinsie Oranje-Vrystaat. (4) (i) Eie goedere. (5) (f) Binne 'n radius van 50 km vanaf bona fide konstn~ksiepersele gele5 binne die provinsie Oranje-Vrystaat. (4) (g) klle soorte goedere. (5) (g) Binne 'n radius van 50 km vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Jagersfontein (pro forma). (4) (h) Eie werkmanshutte vir eie gebruik. (5) (h) Tussen konstri~ksiepcrselc gele& binne die provinsie Oranje-Vrystaat. (4) (i) Eie rotstuinklip. (5) (i) Binne 'n radius van 50 km vanaf Koofposkantoor, Jagersfontein. (A2631)-WEPENER. 12) JTerbirt Dal id TIobbs, Morija K.esotho; new application. (3) Two li~ht delivery vans-la 848 and LA 58. (4) General merchandise. (5) Between Wepener Railway Station and Van Rooyen's Gate.

.-!h2633)-sultfonteip4t. (2) Pieler Jacobns Bci~jamin Eotcs, Buitfontein; bykomende voertuig. (3) Een vragmotor-oke 5645. (4) (a) Sand, kiip en gruis vir padmaakdoelcindcs nan:cl:s die Oranje-Vrystzatse Provinsiale Administrasie. (5) (3) Biiine dic prcvinsie Oranje-Vrystaat. (4) (b) Padmaakmiteriaal nalnet:s die Oranje-Vrysta~tss Provinsiale Administr die naacte spoorwegstasie, -oylyn, padwerkersdepot ksie persele. (5) (h) Binnz die pro~insie Oranje-Vrystaat. Adr-cs waarheoz Ipcrtne gcrig mnct word: Die SeLrcraris, Picnriihe Paciver-voerr-ad, P~.ivanfsalc ::925, Po?chef~tr-oar,:. /tddiess to wlrich represerztatior~s must be sub;i?;rted: Tile Se;rftcql, Lncal Roflil Tramportation Board, Privarc Sag X9Zj. PotclreJstrooir~. M (A2077)-FOCHVILLE. (2) L. N. G. Etsebeth, Fechville; nuwc aansoek. (3) Een vragmotor-tau 1765 en ccn s!eepw;l- TAU 1937. (4) GeSreekte klip en sand. (5) Dinne 'n radius van 209 km vanaf Posl.anioor Fcr,hv~lle. M (A2072&ITSOSENG, DISTRICT OF LICNTENBURG. (2) S. N. Lebele, Itsoseng, District of Lichtenburg; new application. (3) One motor-car to be acquired. (4) Bantu taxi passcngrrs (5) Wiftin a radius 01 50 km of Post Ofiice, Itsoseng, District of Lichtenburq. M (A2071&ITSOSENG, DISTRICT OF LICHTENBirRG. (2) M. A. Maleka, Itsoseng, District of Lichtenburg. (3) One moiorcar to be acquired. (4) Bantu taxi passengers. (5) Within a radius of 50 km of Post Office, Itsoseng, District of Lichtenburg. M (A2M4)-LICHTENBURG. (2) W. J. H. Jacobs. Lichtenburg: nuwe aansoek. (3) Veertien sleepwaens-tad 14930, TAD 18375. TAD 18376. TAD 18377. TAD 18378, TAD 18391. TAD 18392. TAT) 18393, TAD 18'394, TAD 18395, TAn 18'396. TAT? 18397, TAD 18398, TAD 18399, vier trekkers-tad 1840, TAD 18430, TAD 18429, TAD 18428, en een vragmotor-tad 8984. (4) Algemene pakkette. (5) Binne die munisipalc gebied Lichtenburp. M (A2061)-ODENDAALSRUS. (2) A. P. Lo~genberg, Kroonstad; nuwe aansoek. (3) Twee vragmotors-om 9056 en OM 7627. (4) Gruis en sand ten behoewe van Friccies (Irus!lers, Odendaalsrus. (5) Vanaf Friccics Crushers, Odendaalsrus, na punte gelee hinne die lmddrosdistrik Oderidaalsnts M, (A2074)-POTCHEFSTROOhI/BEIT BRTDGE. (2) Tanker Servlces (Pty) Ltd, Germiston; new appllcatlon. (3) Fourteen mechanical horses and 14 trailers. (4) Concentrated sulphuric acid in bulk. (5) From Triom:. Potchefstroorn. direct to Beit Bridge. en ~oute to Messina Ccvelopment Company Lcaching Plant at Mangula, Rhodesia. M (A2042)-WELl<OM. (2) E. Letsitsa, Welkom; additional vehicle with new authority. (3) One light deliverv van to be acqllired (4) Bantu beer. (5) Within a radius oi 50 km oi Post Office. Welkon. A4 (A2056)-KLE.RKSXRAAL/ICRUGERSDORP/VENTERS- DORP IPOT(INFFSTROr)?d/DERRY. (2) Crrvhound Rlls Llnes (Piy) Ltd, Oberhober; increase of fares. (3) Four buses. (4) No?-White passcngcrs and thr pcrconai cffects. (5) 0 the following approved routes: (I) Klerkskraal-Krugers~lorp. (ii) Klerkskraal-Potcheistroom. (iii) Rlerkskraal-Ventcrsdorp. (iv) Klerkskraal-Derby. Existlng fares: Exisiin~ fares are open to inspection at f e offices of the Local Road Transportation Board, Pcrichefstroom. Proposed increased fares: 1ncre:lse ol adtilt cingle fares. (a) All existing single fares up to and including 19c to be increased by lc. (b) The following existing iares: 21c to 24c. 2hc to 29c. 31c to 34c, 3Fc to 39c. 41c to 44c, 46c to 49c. 51c to 54c. 56c to 59, 61c to 64c, 65c to 69c, 71c to 74c. to be iccreased to nearest 5c above. (c) All evisling single iales of 55c and above to be increased by 10c. Children fares to be?diiisted In accor2ance with increase to a~lu!t si:;ple farcs Indi\;d:lal details oi proposcd fare structure may be seen at the offlccs of the Lnral Road Transportation Bozrd, Potcbefslroorn. M (A2048)-PROVTWSIE TRANSVAAL. 12) F. T. Oodhuivn, Otkileji: hvltc.mer,rie voe;tu~g. (3) Een leunwa-toy 6332. (4) (a) Sand, hl:p en gruis vx padnaakdodeindcs. (5) (a) Rinne dic prclvlnsie Transwal. (4) (b) Padmaxkmateriaal tuzscn dle zaactc snoorwc$asie en padwer!cersdcpot. (5) (b) Bii,x die prcvinge Tranwaal. (4) (c) Go.;dere. (5) (c) Binne 'n radics \an 35 km vanaf I-Ioofpos!tantoor. Klerksdorp. M (AIO.52)-WCLMOh/i. (2) M. Selwanc; Wclkcm; emended a~:h~ity. (?) C):,- mctsr-ca!--oke 11836. Existiili. a.uihcriiv: (4) (a) $?on-~hite pass-np-s and their pers~ilal clgch. (5) (:!l C'n trips bctween Tilaboi?:: Loca!iw, Welkom, and V,'clkoin. hiended anthori::!: (-1)!b) Non-White.-pzss~n~ers and thcir p!-:xon?l eifcc!s. (5) (h) Withi;? a radius of 50 Irm of General Post Oifice: Welkorn. (5) (c) Casual trips'aeyond area (5) (b). M (X 1975)-Tf7 I7'0NTh. DISTRIR TI3EUNISSEPJ. (2) N. A. 13onthuya. Thcuiiiscen; vrysiging, iiitbreiding van gebied ten opsigie van item (a) en byhmcnde magtiging. (3) Ecn \:ragmotor-oxd 2294. B~shandc magtiging: (4) -(a) Gcedere. (5) (a) GOVERNMENT G hzette, 29 5IARCH 1974 No. 4237 37 ~,.. -.p- A-- Bmne 'n radius van 50 km vanaf Poskantoor, Tritonia, distrik Theunisvm (pro form-) Gewysigde magtjging: (4) (b) Aigemene goedere. (5) (b) Binne 'n radius van 8C km vanaf Poskantoor, Triton;;., dqs:l-ik Theunisscn. magtiging: (4) (c) Vars grocrrk 0:) i l hcenreis ~ en lee houers op die terugreis. (5) R~nne 'n ra:iius van 320 km vanaf Poskantoor, Tritonia, distri T i hcunissen. M (A2055)-REPUBLIETC VAN S'JID-AFRIKA EN SUID- \\'ES-AFI<TKA. (2) J. J Swanepoel. I'o!chefstroom; cordrag vamt J P Bloff. (3) Brtien voertuie-'m 3963, TS 15930, Tk: 17411, TX 2059, TX i234'3. TX 1114' TY 13346. TY 11694, TX 17412, TX 17469, TX 17411, TX 13888 en TX 3762, TX 12343. TX 2C59. TX 1?93(1. TX 17413. 1X 3762, TX 17469, TX 13588 TY 17411 en TY 13145. (4) f-\ Goedere. aile soorte. (5) (a) Tusmi punte gelee tinne 'n radius van 50 km vanaf I5srofposh:~ floor, Potc: erstrooin (pro forma). (4) (b) Bona L~dehuistrekL.3 ~maf een v~oonhuis na 'n andcr of vanaf 'n wconhuis na 'n stoa;piek oi vanaf 'n stoorplek na 'n woonhuis oi vanaf een stclorgl& na 'n znder. (5) (b) Binw die Reputlkk van Suil-ATrlka (4) (c) Eetkamerstelle, sitkamerstelle, stoele, tafels, portrett? liasscerkabinettc lessenaars, kantoorstoele. kantoorrakke. si:hzill:e. bcddens. rna:rasse. laaihaste, bedkassies, trousseauhiste, stoepbanke, kombuiskaste, teetrollies, rnedisynekaste, hangkaste, spietlkaste, strykplanke, staalklcresluitkaste, kantoor- Laste. I~oulskryl'behoeitesrakke. briewebakhies, registerrakkies en klerehangcrs (voormelde items moet volledig gemonteer wees en nie :n eeksies nie). (5) Ic) Binnc die Reoublielt van Suid-Afrika. (4)(d) Prcekstoele. toonbanke, kerkbanke, gfamradio's, kabinette vrr gramradlo's, elektriese verwarmels, naalmasjlene, kandelare, sp-ccls, glzswarc (maar nie vensterglas IYC) i;orseiemwaie (maar nie wasbahke. toiletspoelbakke en gemak,r,nnne nie). glasvertoonkaste, snaarmusiekinstrumente, pypmusiekinstrumente, radio's, elektriese skakelgerei en skakelhorde (voormelde items moet volledig gemonteer wees en nie in seksies nie). (5) (d) Binne 'n radlus tan 480 km vanaf IIoofposkalltoor. Potcheistroom. (4) (e) Yskaste. stowe, wasmasiiene, orrels en klaviere. (5) (e) Binne die Rcpbliek van Suid-Afrika eq Suidwes-Afrika. (4) (f) Radio's, huishddelike lupreelaars en televisiestelle. (5) (f) Binne 'n radius vm 480 km vanaf Hooiposkantoor, Potchefstroom. TX 17412. TX 3963, 7)( 11691 en TX 13346: (4) (g) Goedere, alle sooite (5) (g) Tussen punte gelee binne 'n radius van 50 km ran:f Jloo~noskantoor. Pntchefstroom 'nro forma) (4) (h) Meubels en/of matrasse (uitsluitende sloffeermateriaal), tapyte, vloermatle. gordyne. hu~slngs en ander ~agte mzubiement, behalwe waar sodanige uitgeeonderde itcms deel vorm v;rn of bestem is vir gebruik en oorspronklik saam met die meubclstukke verkoop is asook uitduitende preekstoele. toonbanke, kerkbanke, gramradlo's. klaviere. kabinette vir gramradio's. eiektriese venvarrncre. naaimasjiene. kandelare, spiccls, glasware, porseleinware, glasvertoonkaste, sna3rmusiekinstrumente, pypmusiehstrumente, stowe. koelkaste. radio's en wasrnasiiene. (5) (h) Binne die Reoobliek van Suid-Ailika. (4) (1) Preekstoele. tooabanke, kerkbankc, gr?mr?dio's. kabinette vir gramradio's, elehtricse verwarmers, naalmasyene, kandelare, spieels, glasware (maar nie vensterglas nie), porseleinware (rnaar nie wasbakke. baddens, toiletspoelbabke en gemakpanne nic). glasvertoonkaste. snaarrnusiekrnstrumente, pyprnusiekinstrumente. radio's. e!ehtriese sh'te7gerei cn skakelborde. (5) (i) Binne 'n radius van 480 km vanaf Hoofposkantoor. Fotchefstroom. (4) (j) Eona Lide-huistrekke \mac ern woon!mis na 'n ander of vanaf 'n woonhuis na 'n stoorplek of vanaf 'n stoorplek na 'n woonhuis oi vanaf een sioorpltk m 'n ander. (5) (j) Rime die., Republiek van Suid-kfr~ba (4).&) yskssie. stowe. wa-maspene, orrels en hlaviere. (5) fk) Blnne dle Republiek van Suid-Afrika en Sidwes- A frika (G) (I). Radio's, hu;shoudel~he I~greelaars en televisiestelle (5) (l) Blnne 'n radius van 480 km tanaf Hooiposkantoor, Potchefst~oo EI?SBURG/JIENFEMAN. (2) Rremer V~lls Il'ty) Ltd. Hennema~: additional vehicles w:h new aut!~ori?;. (3) One tractor-oxm 2417 and one trailer-oxh 2526 (4) Own Bantu cmoloyees to and from work (free of charge). (5) From Venterslwrg Location (terminus) to Bremer Mills (Piy) Ltd, p!ace of buziness at Henneman along the Ventersburg/Hcnneman Provincial Road and return over same rante. Tirnc-table: Monclays to Saturdan. Depart: Ventersburg Location 6 am. Eepart: Biemcr Mills Eenneman, between 5 p m. cnd 12 midnight. M (P.1912)-IENNEhCA414. (2) Bremcr "A-ulens (Edms) Bpk., iienlena.1. \,\sieinn. bvkornende rnaztie:nz en bvkolnend- voer- -, - - -- - -. -. - - - 'f581, OXE 3024. OXH 3025; ~ x H 1236, OX13 2540, OX! 3036, OXH 355s C!XI 2726. 0x12 1786, OXU 1304, OXEl 3145, OXH 1754, 0x1~12417, OX14 2027, OXH 1398, OXH 3115, OXI-3 1891. OXH 1594, OK 3369, 'B'DK 13907, TDK 10755, TCK 15876, OB 3365. OR 43191. OX 69320 en CCS 834. Bestaande magtiging: Voeituig OXIS 2540: (4) (a) Veerneel ten bchccwe vm Probreln (Cdnis) Bpk. (5) (a) Vanai Probrem (Edm~) Ei;k. se plek van bzsigheid te Hememan na puilte gele& b i ~ 'n ~ ~ r-dius e?an 240 km vanaf gemelde plek van besigheid 934, 0 k ~

@ad pro forma). Voertuie OXR 3024, OXH 1236, OXIi 3025, se p!ek:van besigh5id vanaf Hennman na Alrode, Arlinglon, OX13 934. CXH 2672. OXR 2726 en OXH 3068: (4) (b) Veemtel Blocmhof, Brmdfoit, Christisna: Edcwiile, Excelsior, Hourizsten behoevc van Probrem (Cdmn.) Bpk. (5) (b) ~ar,af Probrem burg, Franki'ort, Ikilbron. M~,rlzogville, Hoopstad: Koppies, (Edms.) Bpk. sc plek van be~igheid te Ilenneman, na punte Kioonstnd, Lcmdo:ingst;id. Mirldclburg, Paul R~oux, Petrus gelee binne 'n radius van?43 km vanaf ~~melde plck van bssig- Steyc, Reitz, Rosendal, Smoii:~1rg. Sclsveizer-Reneke, TuJceiing, heid @ad pro forma). (4) (c) Goedere uits!uitlik ten behoewa van Tweespruii, Vi!joensdrif, Vi!.jom:krom, Vredciort, Vryburg, eie filiaa!maatskappy Pro~i~rn (Edms.) C,;i.. (5) (c) Mime 'n Wesselsbron, Winburg. R'oirnaranssiad, en lee houe:s ay die radius van 50 km variaf die applikant se plek van bcsigheid te terugreis. (4) (71) Mieliemee! lot 'n rnaksimum van 1000 kg. Iienneman. en binoc die landdrosdistrikte TVelkom, Kroonstad, (5) (V) Vxnf apqlikant se ~lek van h-jig!:~id te Hznneman, Odendaaisrus, V~rginia, Ventersburg en Henneman. (4) (d) Vee- direk na plnse gate 1ii.l~~ 'n radius ;.xa 2"; km vanat plzk meel, kalfmeel en p:uirn\eerneel ten behoewe van ele iilizal- van besigh~id cn lee houers op die terugeis. maatskappv Probrem (krlms) Npk (5) (d) Vanaf plek van bsrigheid te Iienneman, na nunle gelee binne 'n radius van 160 km vanaf Po~k;~atoor. Ii,-'r, i,ll:: (pad pro forrn~). (A) (e: \Vlt en geel rn~e~ieprodukte asook suiker namens Henneman Meubels ad re^ ~vaclrhce~~ verroe gcrig moet word Die Schetaris. Plaas- (Edrns.) fli;k. (5) (e) i31nile '11 rad~us van 50 km vmat plek like Prrdv<rvoerrnad, Prrvnotsnk X9021, Kcapstn.r. van bearphi.! te Producta. Hcrlneman. Voertuie OX13 2581 en Adrlr~ss ro ~vliicl~ tcprcsc~r!atlotis m,rsl be r[rhc::tted. The OXR 3090. (4) (f) Veenie4 ten behocwe van frobrem (Edms.) Secretary, Local Road Trcimporiario,~ Board, Private Bnz Rpk. (5) (f) Vanaf Probrem (Edms) Bpk. se plek van besigheid X9021. Cope Town. te Hennenian, na punte gelcc binne 'n radius van 240 km wnaf gemelde plek van besighad (pad pro forma). (4) (p) Veemeel, A / JMS-7XC-CAPE PENINSULA CARTAGE AREA (2) kalfmeel en pluimvcernccl ten behoewe van eie filiaalmaatgkappy Fidel~ty guards (Pty) Ltd, Parden Eiland; additional ve!ii:!e. (3) Probrem (Edms.) Bpk. (5) (g) Vanaf plek van besigheid te One pand van-ca 212-417, carrying ca?lcity 1 G16 hg six Henneman. ca punte gelee bmne 'n rad~us vatl 160 km vanaf seater. (3) Cash. bank and currency nctes, chcques and travellers Poskantoor. Henneman (pad pro iorrna). Voertuig OXH 594: cheques, postal orders. moi-cy o~ders, U l.f stamps, secur!ties (4) (h) Wit en geel mielieprodukte asoolc suiker narnens Henne- for money and or anv,o?hcr negotiable documents, precious man Meulens (Edms.) Bpk. (5) (h) Binne 'n radius van 50 km metals, precious and seml-pizclous stoncs and!,an!, c;r Ixsiness vanaf plek vzn besigkeid te Producta, Hennemsn. Vcertuie OXW officials accompanying thcsc items. (5) (a) Within the Cape 1801 en OXH 1786: (4) (I) Goedere uitsluitlik ten behoewe van Peninsula cartage area. (b) Irom points :.iithln the M-iystzr~al eie filiaalmaatskappy Prohm (Edms.) Bpk. (5) (i) Binne 'n Districts of Bcllville, Cape, Simonstown and Wynberg ai:d the radius van 50 km vanaf die applilcant se piek van besigheid te area faliing under the jurisdiction of the dztached Magkrates Henneman, en binne die landdrosdistrikte Welkom, Kroonstad, Office. Kuds River, to points within the municipal areas of Odendaalsrus, Virgin~a. V:sntersbilrg en Henneman. (4) (j) Vce- Krazifonteln. Paarl. Son!l:rset West, Stellenbosch, Strand and meel, kalfmeel en pluimvecrneel ten behoewe van eie filiaal- Wellington and return. maatskappy Probrem (Edms.) Bpk. (5) (j) Vanaf plek van besig- A/YM5552-VREDENCURC (2) J. H. du Preez, Vredcnburg; heid te Henneman, na punte gelee binne 'n radius van 160 km bykomende voertuig mct bykomende magtig'~ (3) Drie vanaf Poskanloor, Henncman (pad pro forma). (4) (k) Wt en gee1 bestaande lcunwaens-cfg 3521, CTG 3457 en'?jcg 3459 en mielieprodukte asook sulker namens Hennernan Meulcns (Edtns.) een bykonicnde leunwa-cfg 3519. dra?gverrnoc 12000 kg, Bpk. (5) (k) Rinne 'n radius van 50 km vmaf plek van bcsigheid 12000 kg. 7 780 hp cn 19600 kg. Bcstaaadc rna~tlging: te Producta, Henneman. Geviysigde en nuwe magtiging: (4) (1) (4) (a) Goedere uitsluitlik ten'.behoewe van hlanie Burger Eie goedere in die loo van die houer se bedryf, handel of (Edms) Bpk., Vredenburg en Hopefield. (5) (a) Blnne "n radius besigheid (I) deur die vc~koper daarvan vir aflewering aan die van 50 km vanzf plekke van besighe~d van bogenocmde rnaatkoper daarvan of deur die eienaar dsarvan na 'n plek waar hy skappy tc Vredenburg en Hopefield. (4) (b) Asl~essementgeute, voornemens is om dit tc verkoop of vir verkoop op te berg; asbesplate, vensterglas, glaswinkeluitrusting en winkel:.ensters, (ii) deur die koper daarvan by verwydering van die plek waar houtvensters, houtdeurrame, houtrame, houttraliewerk, portrethy dit gekoop het; (iii) deur die eienaar daarvan na 'n plek waar raamlyswcrk, asbes cn heulveselbord, ho!l.roon!yste, inarmerhy voornemens is om dit te gebruik of vir 'n ander doe1 as blaaie, gcute en afleipype, houtlyswerk, porselein en vererde saniverkoop op te berg. (5) 0) Binne 'n radius van 50 km vanai die tsreware (uitsluitende baddens. wasbakie, toilctspoelbakkc en applikant se plek van besigheid te Iienneman, en binne die gemakpannc). terrazzoware. erdepype, erde- en daktedls ten landdrosd~strikte Hennaman. Kroonstad, Virginia. Welkom. behoere ran Manie Burger (Edrns) Bpk., Vradenburg en Hope- Odendaalsrus en Ventersburg. (4) (m) Sakkc (op versoek van *die field. (5) (b) Vanaf Vredenburg en Hopefield regstresks na b0ueienaar daarvan) deur nliddel van die voertuig soos romskryf, persele binnc '11 radius van 160 km \and geaocmd~ maatskappy (5) (m) Vanaf enige punt gelce binne 'n radius van 80 km vanaf se plekke van besigheid te liredenburg en Hopefield Bykomstige die applikant se bona fidc piek van besigheid te Hennenan, na magtiging: (4) (c) Sement In sakkies u~tsluitl~k ten behccwe van daardie p!ek van besizheid om dcur dic applikant herstel te word Manie Eurger (Edms.) Bpk (5) (c) Direk vanaf De Hoek na pmte en daarna na 'n punt bmne die bogemelde radius soos deur die binne 'il rad~us van 25 km vanaf Hoofposiiailtoor. Vredcnborg. eienaar van gemelde gocdere bepaal. (4) (R) Sakke (op versoek A/JMSS51--CAPE PEWlNSULA CART4GE AREA. (2) M. van die eienaar daarvnn) dcur middd van die voertuig soos S. Sasman, Grassypsrk; additional vehiclcs 2nd acidit~o!~al authomskryf. (5) (n) Vanaf d~e besigheidsplek van die eienaar van ority. (3) Nine existing and seven add~tional trucks. Existing gemelde goedere te Leeudoringstad en Bultfontein. na die authority: (4) (a) Goods. a!l classes. (5) (a) W~thin the Cape applikant se plek van besigheid te I-Ienneman, om deur die Peninsula cartaee area. AGdil~onal authority: (4) (b) Sand, stone, applikant herstel te word en daarna terug na die besigheidsp!ek gravel and bricks. (5) (b) W~thin a radius of 80 km of General van die eienaar van gernelde gocdere tr: Lceudoringslad en Rult- Post Ofilce. Grassy Park. fontein. wasr dit oorspronklik opgelaai is 14) (0) Eie meel en A/JMSEOi-CALEDON. (2) Hermanus Cement \?/orbs 1Pty) meelblom. (5) (0) Vanaf die applikant se plek van besigheid te Ltd, Hermanus; new application. (3) One combi-cem 2979, Henneman, na Ficksburg. Marquard. Vilint,urg. Theunissen. Bult- seating capacity. 12. (4) Non-White employees in the emp!oyment fontein. Bothavil!e, Sasolburg. Wo!marmsstad, Wesselsbron, of the applicant. (5) From their homes at the farms Karweiers- Bloemhof. Schweizer-Reneke, Senekal. Parys, Bethlehem, Vil- kraal at Taquaskloof and Ertjiesvlei, District of Caledon, to place joenskroon. Bloemfontein. Roadside, Warden en Cornelia. en of business at Hermanus and return, free of charge. lee houers op die terwgeis. (4) (D) Eie veemeel, kalfrncel en pluimveemeel In massa (losmaat). (5) (p) Vanaf die applikint A/YM5534-CAPE TOWN. (2) City Tmmwa~s Ltd. Cape se plek van besigheid te Henneman, direk na plase gclce binne Town; additional vehicles. (3) Four light delive~y van?--ca die landdrosdislrik Kimbe:ley. en lee hollers op d~c terugreis. 197-514, CA 197-604. CA 197-616 and CA 197-545. carrying capacity, (4) (q) Veeineel ten behoewe van Probrem (,Edms.) Bpk. (5) (q) each 1 100 kg (4) As per attached.4nnexure. Vanaf Probrcm (Edrns ) Bpk. se plek van bcsqhe~d te Henneman, na punte gelee binnz 'n radius van 240 Em vanaf gemelde plek ANI-:EXURE van brrighcid (pad pro forrna). (4) (r) Goedere uitsluitlik,ten (a) Own goods and own employees, iree of charge and in behoe\\.: inn eie filiilalmaatsbappy Probrem (Edms.) Bpk. (5).(r) the course of their employnient as vieil as goods and employzes, Einne 'n rdius van 50 km vanaf die applikant se plek van free of charge and in the course of their employment on behalf besigh-~d tc Henneman, en binne die landdrosdistrikte Vr.Telkom, of associatcdcornpanies: Kroonstarl, Odendaalsrus. Virginia, Ventersburg en Iknneman. (l) City Tramways Ltd. (4) (S) Vcemeel. kalimeel cn pluimveemeel ten behoewe van eie (2) Nyanga Passenger Transport Ltd. iiliaalmaatskappy Probre~i; (Edms.) Bpk. (5) (sj Vanaf plck van (3) Simonstovin Passenger Transport Lld. besigheid te Hcnneman. na punte gelee binne 'n radius van (4) Paarl Passenger Transport Ltd. 160 km vanaf Poskantoor, Hennernan (pad pro forma). (4) (t) (5) Boland Passenger Transport Ltd. Wit en geel mielieprodukte asook suiker namens Ilenneman (6) He!derberg Passenger Transport Ltd. Mc:ilcns (Edmz.) Rpk. (5) (tj i3inr?e 'n radius van 50 km vanaf (7) Worce~ter Passcnger Transport Ltd. (8) IvZarnrc Passenger Transport f,td. plek van bcsigheid tc P!-n;ii~sia~ Hsnneman. cn 1eE houeis op die (9) Port Elizabeth Passcnger Transport Ltd,?or1 Clizabetliterugrcis. (1) (U) Eic meel cn meelblom. (5) (U) Vamf applikant (10) Baakens Fnssenger Transport Ltd, Port Elizabeth,

(15) Cape Cc>::cii TO:I'S (T'ty) Lid; Cape Town. :ii) I;o~?;i-,cr~~ Cap:: Passenger Transport Ltd. Gcorg.2. Chdts- 1:~c.:-n rnd Xctsel Ray, within ths Tilagis:erial Districts (1:' Bell-.. *it.<,. li- ihpe. P;::ilvivier. Sirnorsia:~~: Wynberg. Stellcnlsosch, P;:::!, :Vr;jiic;;-n: S:jmcrset West, Strand. Malmesbury, Tulbagh end ibe ::X; Iy-ig te!\veen ihe hc7~nciaries of the National Road h!?. bctwee:~ Caoe Toa-n and Worcester frml l!ie point - P-nrl :c>!l: point wi~crc it intcriects the boundzry of the ::mnici- ~ n arc::! 3f Woxester and tlie wliolc of the last-rnzntioned area. (h) Tools axi TpXe parts required for +h- irnncdiaie bona fid; r-pairs io i.e!~ici;s rvhich have broken down and which on accocrt of must tie rep2ired e;ipeditioi~sly and emplo)lees for self end zssociated compnies meiltioi~ed in (a) above within the Rcpul;:ic of Souih-Africa. A/J.';1541<-IIE!<MANUS. {I) A. J., C. D. en D. B. dli Plessis: Hcrmanu; ti:vkon;e>dc voeriuig. (3) Een bus-cem 2167, sitp:ekruimte, 45 sitterde. 1-0 r!aznde. s per aangehegte Bylzag: EY LAAG l. Blznke-, Wic-CInnl::s- en Bantocpzssa Roete 1 Vanar' 4io1irt?le,isar,t via munisipale stc:c Degoedestraat Albertynstraat. Jndcberb, Markplein, Marine Botcl, Bekken. I?ay\iev, I-Ioie!, gclfkluh Kraal Rock, Kwaaiwaier 1, K\vaa:water 2. Iiomeste~d Brohen!lill hiotors, poskantoor, 15de Lam. Kmpfiherstoor, lode Jxm, Ri\ ;era Hotel en l5de Laan tot by De hfond. Keer krug oor d~eselfde roete. J?o-,:e 2: Vanaf IIanston \!a kllniek, shool, Lounge, Medina TCaFrr, Vermont Douglacztraat. Onrust Carape. Roblnson Crusoe. Snyderc. Mount Fieasant munis~pale store. D::foedestraat, AIbzir;l~straat en iociehcrh to? by Markplein. Keer terug oor dleselide roete. Roete 3: Vanaf Swel~hle via Mount Pleasant, mnnisfpzle store, Degoedestraat. Aibertynstraat en Jodekerk tot hy Markplein Keer terug oor dleselfde roete 2. Vlsserinanne ~usscn Hdwsion cn Ilermanus. 3 'n Gcselshap van H!znkr leerlinge of studente van ccn of ander onderu>~ln~igimg oi Boy Scouts, Voortrekkers of lede van een of ander ge!jrhsoorf:gc oi<anisasle wat gesamentlk 'n reis oilderrlecm of 'n Icamp. piekniek of ander samekoms by\ioon of 'n gesclskap l3l:nhe persone uat een of ander plek besoek om.n god:dienstlge Syeer.karr,s by ts woon; of om dccl te necm aan 'n pieknlek kcxeri of ander vennaaklikheid; of orn gesamentl~h aan cm ol anr'cr wcdstrpd of spel deel te necnl vanaf I:e-rnai1.1~ na punte birlr~e 'n radius van 100 my1 vanaf EToofpo:k.ntoor. Kermanus, np Woewdae, Saterdae, Sondae en openbale takansiedas oiic'.crhe\wg aan die voorwaarde dat dle tcrugrels biane 24 uur rla aenkoms aankaar word. 4. 'n Ges~lslap van Nle-Blanlte Ieerlinge of stxdente van een of ander onderwysinrigting oi Eoy Scouts, Voorirekkers of iede van een of ander gel;ksoortrgc organisasie wai gesarl;entlik 'n re:s onderneem of 'n kamp pickniek of andcr samekoms bywoon of 'n pselskap Nie-Blanke pcrsons wat een of ander pleh besock om 'n godsdienstigc byeenlrorns by te woon; of om deel te neem aan 'n piekniek, Lozsert cr' andsr ~crrnaaklikl~eid; of orn gesamcrtla a2n een of arder medztryc! of spel desl tc neem iussen p~lnte binne 'n ra:iius \an 10 my1 vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Rermanus, na punie b1nr.c 'n iacliuc van 103 my1 vamf Hoofpcskantcor Hermanus, op, Y/ocnsdac. Satcrdae, Sondae en openbare ~akarsiedae onder!mm;; aan die voorwaarde dat die terugreis binlla 24 uur ob aankoms aaiivav word. 5. Nie-Blank geor.ganisccrde gt.selckappe,hssen Hermanus en sfraride in dic crngewirig van Green House. _ In ooreenstemming met bedaande goedgckeurde tydtafels en tariekx, e. A / JM.5541--TlrOE @ESTER. (2) J P. Eksteen, Rawsonville; bykomende rn~gtigmg. (3) Twee bestaande vragmotors-cw 19163 en CW X446, 6x~~ilcrr~oz 9 S70 kg en 20446 (4) Padboumateriaal \ir Pro.,insiale AdminisiraGe, voorlcpige projek, nuwe pad by Erand~leidan~ (5) Binne die landdrosd~.tilk Worcester. A/J;ii5547-33~TI.!iF,lrkT-E. (2) F. J. Cillicre, Swcllenc!am; kyicoiilendc magtiging. (3) Een besiaende vragnotor-cck 4976, draagvermoe S 890 kg (4) Stockwyn (5) Variaf Mrnvespont Kooperatiewe Wyilkdrlcrs. Bomiavalr, na K.W.V.. Rrjbsrtson. A/JM5570-GKORGE. (2) N. vzn Rensburg. Elanw; nuwe aanscek (3) Een vrzgnotor-cxw 11261, draagwnnoe 2770 k? (4) hielk u;t-luitlik ten behce.~e van Presmil!~ P-cdukte, Owl srmsrn. (5) Tuss-n landdrosdistrikte Gcorge en Budtshorn. A IX~~~GO-CALEDOM. (2: H.Scx.enich, Caledrn; n*~c: aansce l... (3) Eefi bal:kie-cam 6ZQ2. c'-a~gvernm.: 950 1.5 (A) Opgcmpakte pakxctte \.!c13 vir atlsn-:;ng aan l-1,enlc utf.1u1tl.k ten behoewe van S. Erov~er (Edms.) IIpk., Caledon. (5) Binne 'n radius vzn 115 km I acaf plek van besigbe~d te Caledon. pozkantoor, Vredenburg. AI1 L31S 189-OUDTSHOOBN. (2j?!:ykijsju (Zbms.) Bpk.. 9naxhocrn; nuwe aansoek. (31 Vier ~sneeb~aens. aanaekoon Lt v cxl4 (4) P,pekCr~%ar en alg~m,nc L~-d;re i.5) I 0;dts I:oo:n, IZeautort-Wes, Moscell.aa~. La~I.srn:th, Un~ondale, Knysn: cn Piril~ Albert. h /JPvli533-CAPE PENINSULA CARTAGE AREA (2 Do&> Slllypln~ Co (Pty) Ltd Capt Tonn, new a?l;licatiol~ (3 T%c c:ml;~s-ca 230-788 and CA 7';rd c-!,king capacity nc ava:iab!e. (4) Goods in the courae of [he z,ppilcant's busii~ess a! sh~ppng and clearmg agents (5) \2 ~ihn Lilt C~yc 1'~nmsul. cal tap area. A,'Tp,4554S-REDELINGI3UYS (2) D A P Coctze, Rede Ilnghuys; nuwe aansoek. (3) Een vragmotor-<by 68, draag Lerrnw 617 kg (4) Vats vrdgte eli ~ars g,oente cn!~eggeinaaktt housri in gebruik cn leweilde hawc. (5) 17anaf Redelrnghuys ne ICaapsladmark, en slagpale te Eppiiig en hfa~tland. AlJM5128-DE HOEIC. (2) I C. Wllliams, fires: nume aan soek (3) Een bakbie--ct 2225, diaagveimot 10 (4) Nie-Blankc rned~v.a.~s,rners van C. Jlarris. (5) Vaiiaf hi11 wonings te Cere na Dc Boek langs Piketberg en terug Tydtafel: Maandag to Sdte~ dag. A/JM5578-EERSERIVIER. (2) E. Ochhuis, Eerstcrivier IJLW applmtion. (3) One truck-ccp 1957, carrylqg capacity no a\ ailable. (4) Bricks, iertilieers, fresh frult and fresh vegetable and empty containers in use. (5) Within a radlus of 500 km o Gcneral Post Office. Eersterlvier. A / JM5600-CAPE PENINSULA CARTAGE AREA (2) A Rosencial, Woodstock; new appllcat~on. (3) One panel van-c'i 77804, seating capacity 12. (4) Goods aad canvassers exclusivei! on behalf of Fashionette (Pty) Ltd, Woodstock (free of charge) (5) Wlthm the Cap Peninsula cartage area. 4lSRI5654-CAPE PENINSULA CARTAGE AREA. (2) N Flanders. Wocdst~clr; new appl~cxrwn. (3) One van-ca 201,!I' -, 1, carrymg capac~ly 700 kg (4) Gcods for dry-cleaning anc dry-clwncd goads on behalf of Go!d R~bOon Dry Cleaners C:;\vtorci (5) Within the Cape Peninsula cartage area. A/JM5577--MAITLAND (2) Veionica Ewart. Woltemade ILLW applicat~on. (3) One truck and one trn~ler to be purchased (4) (a) Br~cks. (5) (a) Wlthin a rad~us of 250 km of Genera Pmt CfTicc, hla~tland (4) (5) Fresh fruit and fresh vegetable (cuceyt canned) a~id empty conta~aers in use (road pro forms) (5) (L) Wlthin a radius of 243 1.1~ of General Post Office, Mait Ianc!. A/JM5535-MOSSELBAAI. (2) Westlt (S A ) (Pty) Ltd, Mos dba) ; additional authority. (3) Two existmg veh~cles-cb: 3957 and CBS 5457, seating capacity 12 and 9. (4) Non-Whit einp1o)ees In the employment of the m~l~cant. (5) Between the1 residences at Moswlbay and factory at Voorbaai, iree of charge. H/Jhl5313-STRAND (2) D Zokoto, Strand; nuwe aansoes (3) El-n motorkar aangekoop te word (4) Bantoetaxipassasiers (5) (a) Blnne 'n radius van 50 km vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Strand (b) Toevallige ritte. FT/J:45531-mIDELBERG, Kmpprovinsie (2) J Hop, He. delbcrg; nuwe aansoek. (3) e n rnotorkar--ceg 1250, sitplek ruimie vier. (4) Nie-Dlanke tau~passes~ers. (5) (a) Binne 'n radiu van 50 hm vanaf Hoofposkantoor. ITeidclbcrg, ICaapprovin& (b) Toe\ aillge ritte H/JQ5569-WYI\iBERG. (2) I. T. Weuvel, Wynberg; additions vrhiclc with new author~ty. (3) One motor-car to be purchasec (4) Wh~te taxi passengers. (5) (a) Within a rad~as of 35 km Q Wynbcrg White Taxi Rank. (b) Casual tr~ps. H,'JM~~~~-FACRETON E TATE. (2) H. F. Zoutenberg ICensmgton; change of place oi opraiion from 12 Farehan Strs:t. Wocdstbck. (3) One motor-car-ca 131-832. eeztin capacity five. (4) Idon-K7hite taxi passengers. (5) (a) Within : radius of 35 km of 64 14th Avenue, Pacreton Estate, Kensington (h) Casual trips. R/ JMS6 I 8-EERS'ERFmR. Q A Dreycr, Eersterivier bykomende voertuig. (3) Een rnozorkar-cpr 50,33, sitpkkruimt qf. (4) Nic-Blanks taxipazszsiers. (5) (a) Binne )I rndll~s van 5' >.m vanaf Rmfpaskantoor. Eersterivicr. (b) Toeval!!~e ritte. &/JTVZ5501--BELL~~~E.(2) K. Fiskel?:llvil!- Sonth; trav r ~ from r T. Badcroen (3) Three motor-ars--cy 67101. CS '292' z'i:~ CY 5895 sc~~trng ~paciiy r a 3 2 tlve (4) Non-Whiti [a-i!-.smlgers. (S) (a) Within a radim of 35 Irm of Belldl :Q 1?'~;cal Non-%kite Taxi Rank, Sou~h Street, at station anr lciodderdam Road, Bellville Sonth. @) Casual trips

40 No.4237 STAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 1974 A/JM5048-MALMESBURY. (2) J. Jacobs, Darling; nuwe landdrosdistrik ~redenburg (pro forma). (4) (b) Mcubels en huisaansoek, hat hernuwing. (3) Em motorkar--cic 7281, draag- trekke (pro forma). (5) (b) Binne 'n radius van 240 km vanaf vermoe 1 050 lb. (4) (a) Koerante, (S) (a) Binne die distrikte Hoofposkantoor, Saldanha. (4) (b) ICraalmis en stalmis. (5) (b) Malmesbury, Philadelphia, Darling en Hopefield. (4) (b) Vars Binne 'n radius van 15 km vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Saldanha @ad vrugte ell vars groentc en lee houers in gebruik @ad pro forma). pro forma). (4) (c) Sand, gruis, klip en stene. (5) (c) Binnc 'n (5) @) Binne 'n radius van 160 km vanaf Hoofposkantoor, radius van 50 kn vanaf Hoofposltantoor, Saldanha. Darlmg. Hcrpublikasie van aansoek iuutiewelik gepubliscer op 22/3/74 A/JM:!05--PORT NOLL07W. (2) M. S. Hein, Port Nolloth; A/JM5529-MOORKEESI%URG. (2) W. A. Curnpsty, Moorbykomcnde voertule. (3),,Een vra~motor cn twee bakkies-cu reesburg; cordrag vanaf J. C. van Nickerk, met weglating van 1139, CU 302 en CU 2006, draagvermoc 3 500 kg, elk 10 passa- item D. (3) Een stasiewa-cea 2988: drxgverrno5 en/of sitsicrs en 500 kg: (4) (a) GC-Blanke georganiseerde gcselsliape. plekruimte agt. (4) (a) Gozdere in die loop van dic holler se (5) (a) V::naf Lckkersing na punie binnc 'n radius van 169 km bedryf, handel of besigheid as algem-ne handzlaar. (5) (a) l3inne vanaf IIuofposkantoor, Izkkcrsing. cn lemg @ro forma). (4) 'n radius van 50 km vanaf sy plcic \-an bedryf, handel of besigheid (b) Nir-i3ia:lke pzssasiers er guedex. (5) (bj (i) 'Tucsen Ksboes te Moolmcsburg en binne di,; Kaapse vrygestelde gcbicd. (4) (b) en Port Nolioih; (ii) ICubo-s en Alexanderbaai, mits geen passa- Eie vars vleis en vars vis, koue vieis en gekooktc of gerookte siers en godere vanaf Port Nolloth bcstem vir Alexanderbaai vis (mar nie ingemaak nie), val-s m-lk. ~:~b~l?i'ij!~c~d2, gegeurde en geen passasiers ol godere bestem vir Port Nolloth vanaf afgeroomde mclk, room (nie ingemaak njej, roomys, bot:er, kaas Alexandzrbaai gelaai \;,2:.d nie; (ii) tussc~~ Lekkersing, en Port en eiers. (5) (b) Cinne 'n radius van 2Q0 km vamf Hoofpos- Nollolh; cn (iv) tussen kek!ierzing en Alexanderbaai, nits geen kantoor, Moorrecsburg. (4.) (c) I<oeranle. (5) (c) Vanaf Moorreesgoedere en passasiers vmai Port No!!r~ih beslem vir Alexander- burg na Sald~nha en op punie lm:s dic roets. (4) (d) Blanke baa~ van Port I\Tollo~h (~'i..>i word nle. georga~iserrde gcselskappe. (5) (d) Vanaf Iiioorreisburg na punte AIJM5539-VELDRII;. (2) F. Scholtz, Tiervlei; bykomende binne.'n radius van 160 km vanaf Hoolposk;;:rtoor, hioo---.i G~.- L ~ voertulg met bykomcridc mzgtiglng. (3) Een \I agmo:or-cy brrrg, cn teru:: (pro forma). 49980, draagvermoc 6 888 kg. Bestaailde magtiging: (4) (a) Sand, P.IJh15649--SWELI,EP-iD.i.h.1, (2) P. J. Roodman: Swellcadam; gruis, klip. baksienc en w2t.r. (5) (a) Binne 'n rad~us van 160 bykon~~rtde voer;.ulg. (3) Ec-n vra~rnotoi-cck 3859, drar~gwrkm vanaf Hoofpositantcot, Vcldnf. J;gkomstige magtiging: (A) moe 17 700 lb. (4) (a) GocJere in dic 1009 van die hier se (b) Algemene goedere (5) (b) Bmnc n radius van 160 km vanaf bedryf, handel of besigheid as kznveier. (5) (a) Rime 'n radius Hoofpcskantoor, VeXrif. van 50 km vanaf sy plek van bcdryr, hacdcl ol I,e.;igh+ri re A/JM5617-GROOT BRAKRIVIER. (2) J. Jansen. Groot Smellendam. (4) (b) Gocdere. (5) (11) Tusscn pl~ntc bin:;.: die!z~id- Brakrivicr; bgkomende qxig';g~:ig. (I) Een kcmbi-cbs 5827, drosdistrilc Swellendam (pro forma). (4) (c) Eie vars vr:.rgte sitaleltruimie 10. (4) Nie-Elanke taxmssa~iers. (5) Vanaf Groot en vars groente cn lee llcuers in gc'u:-uik. {S; [c) i;:r.i;e '13 :~di:is Brakrivi~r na punte b!me r! r~~h~lc, va7 160 km venar hoo!pos- van 740 km vanaf ~12% wn I-csighwd te Swcll,::daz? kantoor. Groot Brakrivicr. A/JM~S~I--ER~DASDGR?. (2). Suidhoek Verbruikers (Koijp.) AlJM5548-WORCESTER. (2) G. J. Fcrtuin. Worcester; Dpk., Brcdasc!orp; nuwe aamwk, ia:?i I:e:nuwil-~g. (3j :,cn hi.h:e bykomendc voertulg. (3) Een vragmo~.or-cw 2444, drxgvcrn~oe --CS 4760, clraagvcrmoe 1500!b. (4) Goederc trn behccwc van 2 800 kg. (6) (a) Eie psdere In d:e!oop van dle honer se bedryf. Ficsta Ktifee: %r~isbaai, Bslar~llla Kafee, Strilisl-jaai; 3rujsbaai handel of besigheid as v:r~oerltontral.ieur. (S) (a) Rime 'n radius Motel, Struisbaai, Schonbcrgwin!ie!, S:r?~l:.b:-ai, hfonte Vista van 50 km vanaf plclr van besighcid ie Worcester cn bmne die Kafee, L'Ag~llhas cn L'Agullias el1 L'Agz!llc: F1o:ei te L'A:;ulhas. Kaapse Shiereilandvervcergebied. (4) (bj Gocderc. (5) (b) Binne (5) Tussen Struisbaai, L'Agulhas en Rrcdasd~rp en al:e punte op die landdrosdistrik Woicester (pro forma). (4) (c) Mcubels en die roete. huistrekke (pro foma) (5) (c) Bmnc 'n radius van 240 km vamf 14!JE,15562-ELANDSRPPAI, (2) R. C)k!o!?er, Elai~dsbasi; nuwe Hoofposkantoor, Worxstcr. annsoek. (3) Een $-tonvr;l.gmoior-cry 3W8: sii:?li-kruiri::~ 12. A/JM5575-VJO!:CES7CR. (2) E. Zantsi. P,'arcester; new (4) Nie-B!nnke georpniszcrde geselskapp::. (5) Vanaf E1andsb:tai application. (3) One bus to be purchased. (4) (a) tjon-wkite na punk binne 'n radix$ van 253 km vanal Eociposkantoor, organised p-rties (5) (7) From Vcrcestcr to points within the Elxndsbaai, cc temg. radius of 160 lm of General Post Office, \T70rccsie:, 2nd back, Ii/JM5537-STRAND. (2) J. PJdzube, Strand; new applicabut excldlng trips between poxnts w~thin the municipd area of tion. (3) Oilc n~otor-car to be purckased. (4) B::?:LI txci passcil- Worccstcr. (4) (b) ban!;^ contiact labourers. (5) (11) From points pers. (5) (a) Wiihin a radk.: of km nf G\rl:r;l Post Office, within a radius cf 80 hm of Gcneral Post Office, Worcester, to Somerset West, but morp pariicul-rly from Lwandle b'ostel to points within the Cishci and to the boundary of the Transkei for the Sirand, Somerset W.:a? anri t!ls Africxi ij.p;o:i%ves and cantracts oiganisat~on purposcs only. Chemical Jnrl~islrics Lid, Comoound. (b) Casual trips. A/JM5541-EPPINDUST. (2) Rnbbish Removers S.A.. (Ptjr) H/JM~S~~-VREDEN~UR'G. (2) A. G. Col;?-iticxo, Vreden- Ltd, Ep~irdust: additional vehicle. (3) One truck-ca 233-916, burg; nuwe aansoek. (3) Een motorkar-cfg 443, siipickr:li.mte carrying capacity not ava~lable. (4) (a) Industrial wsie and vier. (4) Blanke iaxipnssasi-rs. f5j!a) Vwnf Wclromc. Kni'cc, builders rubble. (5) (a) Wlihln the Czre Peninsula cartage area Hoofstraat Vreclcnbnrg. na lnnddrosdistrikt:: Iiop:ficld, La?il;:ek? and Stellenbosch, Faarl, Somerset West and Strand. Piketberg, Moorreeslx~rg, hta:mesbilrg, U11:icesies. Kaapstad, A/JM5555-TIERVL'cI. (2) H. M. Koegelenbrrg. Bothasig; Vredenhr,q. Pasrl. Wellln.ltcr! en laru:. (l:) Tosdii~c ritic. bykomende voertuie. (3) Twee vra~rilotors-cy 65652 en CY I</JTJ5561-SPRlPlGBOX. (2) P. C. Titus, Leiiefonicin; n:lwe 32985, draagvermoe 18000 Ib elk. (4) Sacd, erus. klip en aansoek. (3) Ecn motorkar-cru 595. ziipl~!cr~i:nl!c v-?i. (4) Fziewarm 10s premix. (5) Binne 'n radius van 80 km vanaf Hoofpos- Rlanke taxipassasiers. (5) (a) Binne 'n rxdir.:? van lg0 km :,anaf kantoor, Tiervlei. Hoofposkanioor; J-elicfontein, op Lc!ie:os~tein-Kli.urlii~greser\r,e A/JM5442-CAPE TC,\'JhI. (Q) Spear Truck Hire (Pty) Lid, ('g) ToevaIliec riite. Capc Town; additional vehicle and add:tional authority. (3) One H/JR.15582--PORTERVILLE. (2) G. PJ. Dtto, Pnrtcr\,il!e; truck-ca 82116, carrylng capacity not available. Existing autho- bykomendp, voertuig. (1) E.:n mocorcar--!':?:c l'..?s. si!p!rkrity: (4) (a) Goods. (5) (a) Within the Capc Penmsula cartage ruimie vyf. (4) Nic-Blan!te taxipassasiers. (5) (2) Eixc 'n radius area. (41 (l11 Sand. stone. eravel ard bricks. IS1 (1;) Within a van 50 km vanaf Iloofposkanloor, Portci-\;iiic. (b) Torvailige radius'df kd km of Generai Post Office, ~thlone. 14) (c) Fresh ritte. fruit and fresh vegcrables and empty containers in use. (5) (c) Within a radius of 800 km of General Post Office, Cape H/JM5349-SC31ERSET-xAIES. (2) R. Sakobs, Somrrsct-Wes; Town (road pro forma). (4) Id) Wet skins and hidcs. (5) (d) nuwe aanso-k. (3) Een n?oiorkxrlcfm 9773. sitplzkruim!e v:& From Somerset West. Strand, Wellington. Kuils River, Malmes- (4) Nie-R!a~!te ta-ti>nssas?i.,i-s (5) (2) Vanaf Snmers&-W:s -2 die bury and Stcllenbosch to S. M. D. Epping. (4) (e) Fresh fish, Strand, Macassai, Stellecbosch, Firgrow en Sir Lowry's Pass heen rock-lobsters and abalme. (5) (e) Within a radius of 240 km en teru.3 (b) Toevallige ri:?~. of General Post Officc, Athlone. Additional authority: (4) AIJM5595-CAPE TOWN. (2) Unicorn Eq~o:s!Pty) Ltd, (f) Scaffolding in usc and not to be sold or offered for sale. Paardenciland; new appka~ion: late rcncval. (3) Two trucks (5) (f) To and from building sites and between building sites and one trailcr-ca 233-499. CA 222-433 2nd CA 200-576, within a radius of 243 km of General Post Office, Cape Town. carrying capecity 15 560 k?. h 9% kg and 4.1'1 I::. (4.) (2) Gmds AIJM5583-ROBERTSGN. (2) Cape Line Company Ltd, in the course of the h01d:r's inr!os(ry> ir;:rlc or bt!;iness as Roberison; additional vehicle. (3) Gne light delivexy van-c%' warehouscmcn 2nd dicir.ih:::nrs. (5) (I!\) Y;!:iii:i i: radius CT 50 8609, seating capacity six. (4) White cmp!oyees (pro foima). (5) km from his place of ifidustry, trade oi!; at Cap Town, Prom aoints within thc municipal area of Robertscn to Langvlei - and within the Cape exw~pted xe,a. (4) (h) (;notis consigner! to and reiurn. the applicant's dcpot 5:) nrigcip.7ls For war::l:ousi~? andior drpot A/JMSS90-CAPE PENINSULA CARTAGE AREA. (2) J. re-distribution to principals' ciients. (5) (b) Within the Cape L. Morris. observatory; new application. (3) One station-wagon- Pensinsulx cnriagc aca. CA 202-468. carrying capacity 740 kg. (4) Goods cn behalf of A/JM5535-WOODSTCC'i(. (2) Sleivnr.1: S!: 1.!1:yds of S.A. Hospital Pharmacy (Pty) Ltd. (5) Within the Cape Peninsula Ltd, \Voadsioi-k; additional vchklcs. (3) Tvo :~a& and two cartage area. light delivery vans-ca 192-G?%* CA YG2. CA 105-245 sld CA AIJFA5593-VXEDENBURG. (2) W. D. Laubucher, Saldanha; 156-624, carr-yicg capacity no! a;::,iid;lo. (4) (a) Goods in t!\e byltomecd:: voertuig en Spkornendc magtiging. (3) Een vrag- course of the holder's industry. iradc cr Iw?inc~s as merchants motor-cfg 4153. draagvmnoe nie beyirikbnar. Bestaande mag- and irrigatior: enginecrs. (5) (a) Within a radius ol' 50 ltm oi his tiging: (4) (a) Gocdere. (5) (a) Tussen punte gciee binne die placc of industry, trade or b~rsiness at Womlstock and within the

GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 1974 No 41-37 41 Cape exempted cartage area. (4) (b) Goods on behalf of associated companies: Baldwins Ltd and J..H. Vivian & Co. Ltd. (5) <b) Within a radius of 50 km of place of industry, trade or busmess at Woodstock and wlthin the Cape exempted area. PI ETERMARITZBURG Adres waarheen vertol.' gerig moet word: Die Sekrefaris, Plaaslike Padvervoerraad, Privaafsak X9015, Pieferrnori~zhurg. Address to which representations must be submitted: The Secretnrp, Local Road Transportatior~ Board, Private Bag X9015, Pieter mar itzhlrrg. RAB1209 (AG3153tPAULPIETERSBURG.(2) T. Potgieter, Piet Retief: nuwe aansoek. (3) Een vragmotor-nv 4630. (4) Hout vanaf plantasies na H.L.H. Mining Timber (Edms.) Epk. Saagmeule. (5) (a) Binne 'n radius van 50 km vanaf Paulpietersburg. (b) Vanaf Paulpietersburg na Piet Retief. RA01210 (AG3152)-PIET RETTEF. (2) C. P. Badenhorst. Piet Retief; nuwe aansoek. (3) Twee vragmotors-nut 2915 en NUT 3047. (4) Hout vanaf plantasies na HL.H. Mining Timber (Edms.) Bpk., Saagmeule. (5) (a) Binne 'n radius van 50 km vanaf Paulpietersburg. (b) Vanaf Paulpietersburg na Piet Retief. RAB 1211 (AG3149)-PIETERMARITZBURG. (2) 0. H. W. Hedder. Pietermaritzburg; application for additional vehicle. (3) One truck-np 52594. (4) Bantu beer in containers. (5) Within a radius of 150 km of Pietermaritzburg excluding Transkei. RAB1212 (AP3150)-BERGVILLE. (2) Asmals Bus Service Ltd. Bergville: app!ication for additional vehicle. (3) One bus to be acquired. (4) (a) Non-White passengers as per Annexure A. (5) (a) Over routes as per Annexure B. (4) (b) Non-White organised parties. (5) (b) Within a radius of 240 km of Post Office, Bergville. Time-table and scale of charges as per Annexure C: ANNEXURE A ' * l. Non-White passengers, their personal effects, goats and sheep between the following points: (a) National Park Hotel to Bergville via Ebusingatlia School Meya's Store, Oliviershoek Police Station, Dube's Store. at Moyeni. Dukuza and Rookdale, subject to the condition that on trips to Bergville no passengers be picked up between the junction of Dukuza-Rookdale Road with the National Park- Bergville Main Road at Rookdale and on trips to National Park. no passengers be set down between Bergville and the aforesaid junction at Rookdale 65,4 km. (b) Okombe to Bergv~!le via Groot ~elu~: Oliviershoek Police Station, Olivia Trust Farm, Moyeni, Dukuza and Rookdalc subject to the condition that, on trips to BergJille, no passengers be picked up between hlanzini's Store at DUkuza and Bergville and on trips from Bergville, no passengers be set down before the aforementioned points, 53 km. 2. Non-White sports, wedding, church and other organised parties. between points situated within a radius of 240 km of Post Office, Bergville, on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays provided that the return journey is undertaken wthin 24 hours after arrival at destination. ANNEXURE B Time-tables ROUTE A: NATIONAL PARK-EBUSINGATHA, MIYA'S STORE, OLIVIERSHOEK, DUBE'S STORE, DUKUZA Depart Arriie km National Park..... 7.30 Bergvi!le..... 9 50 65,4 Bergville..... 11.30 Dube's Store... 12 30 23,9 Dube's Store... 12 30 Bergville..... 1[3O 23,9 Bergville..... 2130 National Park..... 5130 65,4 ROUTE B: OKOMBE-GROOT GELUK-OLNIERSHOEK- OLIVIA-MOYENI-DUKUZA-ROOKDALE-BERGVILLE SERVICE I Depart Arrive km Okombe..... 5.00 Bergville..... 6.40 53,O Bergville..... 7.10 Oliviershoek..... 8.10 27,8 Oliviershoek..... 8.20 Bergville.. 9.30 27,8... Bergville..... 1 10 Oliviershoek... 2110 27,8 Oliviershoek..... 2120 Bergville..... 3 20 27.8 Bergville..... 5 20 Okombe..... 7100 53,O SERVICE 11 Depart Arrive km Okombe... 7.30 Bergvills... : Bergville..... 12 10 Olivia..... 1 20 31,O Olivia.,... 1130 Bergville..... 2130 31.0 Bergville..... 3 10 Okombe..... 5 30 53,O Additional serivces may be operated on any orthe above routes. The above time-table need not apply cases of imdassible road, flooded rivers, breakdowns or other causes beyond otx,watrol. Scule of charges on all routes (a) Passengers, goats and sheep, lc per km or part thrreof. (b) Personal effects, and goods, all classes, 5c per 20 kg or part thereok per 15 kin or part thereof. The vehicle referred to on the certif:ca:e may be used on any of the routes, subjcct to the condition that nor more than one bus is used on any route at the same time. All afternocn buses to await closilre of court when necessary. RAB1213 (AG3155+MOOI RIVER. (2) J. I. Porter and P. If. Verrnaak, Moroi Riirer; new apprlziiiion. (3) l ~ trucks o to be acquired. '(4) Goods, all classes. (5) Within the Magisieriai District of Mooi River, point to point. lzab1214 (AP2151)-LADYSMITH. (2) A. A. Kader, Ladysmith; application for certificate no: rencwed for 1973174. (3) One bus-nkr 7211. (4) Non-White organised parties. (5) Within a radius of 80 km of Post Office. 12zdyxnith. RAB1215 (T3145)-RICHMOND. (2) V. Nzimande. l'hatheni B.C. School; application for transfer from W. N. Hlongwa. (3) One motor'-car-nk 3347. (4) Ijantu p3sse:lgers aiid their personal effects. (5) Within a radius of 5U km of B.C. School Winks Ri\.er. District of Richmond, Na!n! RAB1216 (T3157tPETERS STATION. (2) B. Dlamini, Post Office, Sieadville; application for adc!:~innal vehicle. i.5) One motor-car to. be acquired. (4) Bantu p:issengers and their personal effects. (5) (a) within a radius of 50 km of Pekrs Station, District of Ladysmith. (b) On casual trips outside area (5) (a) above. RAB1217 (~304'2)-MHALAKAHLE. (2) M. Zondi. hlhlurnba B.C. School; new application. (3) One motor-car-num 887. (4) Bantu passengers and their personal effects. (5) (a) Within a radius of 50 km of Mhalakahle Chid Sinakadade Mcunu's Kraal, District of Msinga. (b) Casual trips outside area (a) above... RAB1218 (T3160)-PIETERMARITZDURG. (2) D. Smith, Pietermaritzburg; new application. (3) One motor-car-np 37793. (4) White passengcrs and their personal eflecls. (5) (a) Within a radius of 50 km of Pieterrnaritzburg. (b) Casual trips outside area (a) above. RAB 1219 (T3052)-MVULAZI SCHOOL, NONGOMA. (2) E. Mtshali, Vryheid; new appl~cat~on. (-3) One vehicle to be acquired. (4) Bantu passengers and their personal cffects..,(5) Within a radius of 50 km of Mvulazi School. Nengoma. RAB1220 (T3038)-TOWNSHIP OF I?dBLT. (2) K. Mchunu, Township of Imbali; new application. (3) One vehicle to be acquired. (4) Bantu passengers and their personal cffects. (5) (a) Within a radius of 50 km of the Bser Hall, Mt11,ombeths Road, Township of Imbali. (b) Casual trips outside area (a) above. RAB1231 (AG3158)-INDIJMENT COAL MIPJES, (2) Indumeni Coal Mines, Wasbank; application for additional vehicle and additional ai~lhority. (3) (1st ruck-nde 2182. (4) (a) Own goods. (5) (a) Within a radius of 50 km of Indumeni Coal Mines. (4) (b) Own Non-White employees free of charge. (5) (b) From oyn mine and compound at Indumeni to No. 7 Shaft and,t'o'siding at Wasbank. (4) (c) Own Non-White sport teams. (S).'(c) Within a rzdius of 150 km of Indumeni Coal Mines free of charge on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, provided that the return journey is undertaken within 24 hours aiier arrival ai destination. RAB!222 (AG3165)-PIETERMARITZBURG. (2) L. Makhaye, Pietermaritzburg: new applicaiion. (3) One panelvan- NP 25021. (4) "Dqkleariing and launder goods on behalf of Super Dry Cleaners. (5) Within a radius of 50 km of Super Dry Cleaners, Pietermaritzburg. RAB1223 (T3037)-OSIZWENI, (2) E. Ndlozi, Madadeni; new application. (3) One motor-car to be acquired. (4) Bantu passengers arid their personal effects. (5) Within a radius of 50 km of Post Office, Osizweni. RAB1224 (AP3122) - DANNHAUSER / NEWCASTLE. (2) Tram Tugela Transport. Newcastle: aansoek om n.vsigii1.r van magtiging entydtaiel. (3) Vyf busse--nn 9144, NN 5799, NN 7235, NN 7221 en NN 8610. (4) Bantoepassasiers en hulle p-rsoonlike besittings. (5) Soos per aangehegte Bylaag: TRANS TUGCLA TRANSPORT (PTY) LTD M-ADADENI-BANTOEDORP, NEWCASTLE 1. Roete-omskrywings. tariewe, acstand: cn tydtafels. 2. Addisionele ritle soos en wanneer bcnodig. 3. Kinders reis teen halitarief en oi die volgende kaartjle denomlnasie indien die half tarief op 'n fc bereken word mci 'n minimum van 5c per enkelrit. Tydtafcl en tariewe soos per aangelieztc Rylaag: Roete 1 (a; Greenock na Newcastle rn ierug. Roeie 1 (h): Hilltop nn Newcastle en terug. Roete l (c): Osizweni na Dandhauser oor Surrey en terug. Roete 1 (d): Dannhauser na Newcastle en terug

42 No. 4237 STAATS~OE&, B*~AART 1974 ' Rneteomskrywing.-Vanaf Dannhauser terminus na ~ewcastld terminus en terug oor Hiiltcbp, Annietr;ile, Kilkeel, Fairbreeze, Blackbank, ~pnngbokiaagte, Greenock, Surrey, Naas, Paddaskool, Roseless, Mountain View, Blaaubosch, Steildriftpad, Joostestraat, OU Staldrtftpad, Hardwlckstraat, Klrklandstraat, Voortrekkerstraat, Kerkstraat'na mnus. Tariewe en afitande in km Dannhauser 9,6 5c Hilltop (Cambrian) 15,8 15c 6,2 10c Annievale 18.7 io.3 9,l 10c 2,9 10c Kilkeel 23,7 i5c 14,l 15c 7,9 10c 5,O 5c Fairbreeze 28,6 25c 19,O i0c 12,8 15c 9,9 10c 4,9 5c Springboklaagte 33,l 30c 23,5 20c 17,3 15c 14,4 10c 9,4 10c 4,5 10c Greenock 39,7?5c 30,l 25c 23,9 20c 21,O 15c 16.0 10c 11,l 10c 15,6 10c Mountainview 44,6 40c 35,O 30c 28,8 25c 25,9 20c 20,9 15c 16,O.10c 20,5 15c 4,9 5c Blaaubosch 63,3 60c 53,7 50c 47,5 45c 44,6 30c 39,6 35c 34,7 25c 39,2 35c 23,9 30c 18,7 15c Newcastle Tydtafel Daagliks Verirek Aankoms Vertrek Aai!koms * 4.30 (0) 4.45 (G) 5.00 (D) 5.00 (H) ' 5.30 (0) 7.15 (H) " 8,m (0) * 8.45 (0) 5.45 @) 6.15 (N) 6.45 (N) 6.30 (N) 6.45 (D) 8.45 (N) 9.15 (D) 10.00 @) 3 30 (D) 4 15 (NI 4 I 30 (N) # ROETE 2 Annievale na Newcastle en terug. Roeteomskrywing.-Annievale, Cloneen, Mbabane Skool, Ka'alvlakte, Struisvogelkop, Cavan, Blaauhoscl~, On Steildriftpad, Hardwickstraat, Kirklandstraat, Voortrekkerstraat, Kerkstraat na terminus, Newcastle. Tmiewe en afitande in km Annievale 5c 2,9 Kilkeel 1Dc 7,8 5c 4,9 Kaalvlakte (Mbabane SkooI) 15c 14,l 10c 11.2 5c 6,3 Struisvogelkop 20c 18,7 15c 15.8 10c 10.9 5c 4.6 Cavan 25c 25,9 20c 23,O 15c 18,l 1Dc 11,s 5c 7 45c 44,6 30c 41.7 25c 36,s 3012 30.5 25c 25, Ddtafel Vertrek Aankoms Vcrtrek Armievale Newcastle Newcastle 5.00 6.15 2 00 *5.0 6.15 5130 '5 45 *=Van en na Mbabane. Aankoms Annievalc Joostestraat, ETB 3 Vanaf Osizweni na Newcasfle oor Dicks. Roeteomkrywing.-Osi~ Jakelspan, Dicks, JobStown, Massondela, Madadenl, ~teildiift~tpad, ~ooi(estraat, Ou SteildriRBaq Hardwickstraat, Kirklandstraat, Voortrekkerstraat, Kerkstraat na terminus, Newcastle. Taniewe en afstande in km Dicks 5c 7,l Jobstown 10c 10,2 5c 3.1 Massondela 15c 15,3 1Dc 8,2 5c 5.1 Madadeni 2Oc 21,l 15c 14,O 1Dc 10.9 5c 5.8 Veka 2% 22,6 20c 15,5 15c 12,4 8c 7,3 5c 1,5 25c 29,7 20c 22,6 20c 19,5 15c 14,4 10c 8,6 Tydta feel Vertrek Dicks Aankoms Newcastle Amwr & 7,l Kerkstraat Vertrek Newcasfle Aankom Dicks *=Vanaf Massondela. RAB1225 (AG3183)-ESTCOURT. (2) Estcourt Cartage (Pty) Ltd, Estcourt; application for additional vehicle, new authority. (3) One lorry. (4) Sand and building material. (5) Within a radius of 100 km of General Post Office, EstcourL RN31226 (AG3086jPOST OFFICE, Rorkes Drik (2) Elc Art and Craft Centre, Rorkes Drift; application for new motor carrier certificate. (3) One combi-nde 4178 and one pick-up -BA 1315. (4) (a) General supplies for boarding school and workshops (food, teaching aid, raw wool, clay, ch'emicals, looms, spinning wheels, finished articles for sale at agents or for exhibition, ceramics eria and weavinp. (5) (4 Within the Republic of South Afnca. (4) (b) Study tours for staff and students. (5) (b) Within the RepubIic of South A f b - RAB1227 (AG3166)-LADYSMITH. (2) C. Cotton, Ladysmith; application for new id place of certiiicates not renewed fob 1973174. (3) Two lomes-nkr 436 and NKR 4913. (4) (a) Own tools of trade, spare parts, d petrol pumps, tools, as well as not more than 790 km in weight per single trips, of material which is required for the erection of petrol pumps. (5) (a) Within the Province of Natal. (4) (b) Petrol pumps and petrol pump panels, belonging to petrol companies for direct installation (exclmding deliveria to replenish stoclrs). (5) (b) Within the Province of Natal. (4) (c) Petrol tanks for installation purposes only. (5) (c) Between polnts situated within a radius of 240 km of tbs Post Office, Ladysmith aa well as from the nearest railway station or siding to instaiiation sites riautted within the Pmvince of Natat. (4) (d) Petrol tanks for

A GOVERNMENT GAZE TIE, 29 MARCH '1974 No.4237 43 installation purposes only. (5) (d) Between points situated within a radius of 480 km of General Post Office, Ladysmith in cases of emergency only. RAU1228 (AG2655)-PIETERMARITZBURG. (2) B. N. Chetty, Pietermaritzburg; new application in place of certificates not renewed for 1973. (3) Six lorries. (4) (a) Sand, stone, soil and rubble. (5) (a) Within a radius of of General Post Office, Pietermaritzburg. (4) (b) Sand on behalf of M. Stone. (5) (b) Between points within a radius of 25 km of General Post Off~ce, Fictermaritzburg. (4) (c) Own wood. coal. sand, sio:le and wattle bark. (5) (c) Wi!hin a radius of 25 km of own place of busincss at Raisethorpe, Pietermaritzburg. (4) (d) Quarry products from Willowfountain Quarry. (5) (d) Within a radius ol 25 km of General Post Office, Pietermaritzburg. E AB1229 (AG3169)-EDEhrDALE. (2) P. J. Malape, Gdendde: application for nzw motor carrier certificate. (3) One truck-?!p 17112. (4) (aj Goods, all classes on hehalf of Bantn. (5) (a) Within a radius of 50 km of Post Office, Edendale. (4) (b) Bantu hut removais. (5) (b) Vi'ilhin- a radius of 240 Icm of General Post Office. Edendale. RL4B 1230 (A53177)-WASEAKK. C!) Jhdumeni Coal Mines Ltd, Wasbank; app!ica!ion fcr additional.vehicle with additional authority. (3) One 7-ton truck-nce 2785. (4) (a) Own goods. (5) (a) Within a radius of 50 km of Jndurceni Coal Mines. (4) (b) 0a.n No;;-Whit- cmpioyees free of charge. (5) (b) From own mine and c:ornpound at Jndumeni to No. 7 Shalt and to siding at VI'~sbl;nk. (4) (c) Own Non-White employees sport teams. (5) (c) Within a radius of I50 km of Tndilmeni Coal Mines free of charge on Saturdays,' Sundays and pablic Iiolida~,s, provided that the return journey is undertaken within 23 hours after arriva! at destination. RARI 231 (T3008)-THOXNVILLE. (2) Moses Ngcoho, Thornville; new application for motor carrier certificate. (3) Ons motor-car to be acquired. (4) Bantu pass'edgkrs and their personal eflects. (5) (a) Within a radius of 50 km of Hopewell School, Thornville Junction; and (b) on casual trips. RAB1239 (AP3023)-HOWICK. (2) Impendhle Services (Pty) Ltd, Howick; application for increase in fares and amendment of time-tables. (3) Nine buses. (4) Non-White passengers and personal effects and goods as presently authorised by?he Board. (5) Over routes as presently authorised by the Board. Amended time-table for inspection at the Board's Offices. Scale of charges Roiire Existirrg Proposed fore fare knr R Hlatikulu to Tendele..... 29,s 0,40 Tendele to Xosetta..... 38,O. 0,50 Tendele to Nottingham Road... 44,4 0;60 Teiidele to Mooi River.... 59,2 0,65 Tendele to Howick.. 85,O 1,10... Dargle Rail to Howick.... 15,6 0.20 Dargle Police to Howick..... 27,6 0,30 Impendhle to Howick.... 51,O 0,60 Chief Kraal to Howick..... 80,2 0,90 Maswazini to Howick..... 28;6 0,25 ElandskoptoHowick... 31,l 0,30 Boston to Howick. 39,4 0,35... New Fansett to FIowick.... 45,5 0,40 Jmpendhle to Howick.... 62,2 0,60 Broteni to Howick..... 91,2 0;90 Mpophomeni to Howick..... 14,s 0,10 Curries Post to Howick..... 20,4 0,25 Nottin&am Road to How ick..... 40,6 0,50 Upper Jnzenga to Hmick..... 81,l l,m Bucltlands to Howick..... 111,O 1,40 Buck!ands to Underberg..... 27,O 0> 35 Underberg to Sani Pass..... 19,5 0.25 Underberg to Makhalthe..... 23,5 0,30 Enadi to Howiclt.... 25,O 0,30 Bulwer to Howick.... 109,2 1,75 JOHANNESBURG Adres r!~aari~ren ;.er:ol! gerig moet word: Die Sekreraris, Plnaslike Pad\,ervoerrand, Privaatsok X12, Johannesburg, 2000. Addres 10 ~vhfclt r~preset~tations ITiust - Be submitted: The Secretary, Locn! Road 'I'ransportaricr: Eoard, Private Bag X12, lohamesburg, 2000. JH5545-CAROLTNA. (1) lohannes Sithole, Kromkrans 208, Carolina: new appiication. (3) One vehicle.,.(4) Bantu taxi passe~ycrs. (5) Within a radius of 50 km of Kromkrans 208: District of Carolina. Vehide to be oper&ed from Kromkrans 208, Districi of Carolina. JE7iC2/H4845-J0FAN5?E>iEURRG. (2) Jcthro Mi;wanazi, Phirima; additional vehicle. (3) One vehicle-tj 3!8,334. (4) Bantu r:c:;i passr;ngers. (5) Within the E;ilaglstenal District of 4 -- Johamesburg. JH7159/H13139-JOHANNESBURG. (2) Joseph Rabotopi, Iketlo; additional vehicle. (3) One vehicle. (4) Bantu taxi passengers. (5) Within the Magisterial District of Johannesburg. JH7212-JOHANNESBURG. (2) PIaron Tabane; Dube; additional vehicle. (3) One vehicle. (4) Dantu taxi passengers. (5) M7ithin the Magisterial District of Johannesburg. JH7264/H4974-JOITANNESBURG. (S) Elliot D. Dutclezi, Dube; additional vehicle. (3) One vehicle-tj 16681. (4) Dantu taxi passengers. (5) Within the Magisterial District of Johannesburg. JI+553l/I-I!932-JOHANNESBURG. (2) Simon Lenyai, Dube; addi:ioilal vehicle. (3) One vehicle. (4) Bantu, nsiatic acd Cc!oured taxi pnssengers. (5) Within the Magisteriai District of Juhannesbur~. JH7540--SPRTNGS. (S) Moirf D. MrJ,hudu. Kwa-Thcma; new application. (3) One vehicle. (4) Caniu taxi pasengers. (5) Within the boundzries of Munici1:ality of Springs. JH7.541-SPRINGS. (2) Siloma P. Qltombeni. Kwa-Thema; new application. (3) One vehicle. (4).CL<II~LI Inxi passengers. (5) Within the boundaries of thc Municipality of Springs. JK5542-SPRINGS. (2) Shadrack Mbonani, Kv;a-Thema; new agpiication. (3) One r;ehic!e. (4) Bantu laxi passengers. (5) Within the municipal area of Springs. ln7536-springs. (2) Andrias Mo!:oung. Kwa-Thema; new app1ic~:ior~. (3) One vel?ic:c-ts 9031. (4) Bxtu taxi passengers. (5i VJilhi:r the municipal area of Snrinrrs. JH7537-SPRINGS. (2) Alfred Mabena, Kwa-Thema; nuuje aansoek. (3) Een voer!uig. (4) Bantoetaxipassasiers. (5) Binne dic Frense \an die mui:wlnaie aebied Sn:.inzt:. JH753S/H12685-SPRINGS. (2) Thomas Mhlambi, Kwa- Thema; bykonende magtiging. (3) Ern voertvig-ts 15620. (4) Eantoetaxipassasiers. (5) Binne die Ianddrosdistr~k Springs. JN753S-SPRINGS. (2) Jonas Msira, Kiva-'l hcma; nave aansoek. (3) Een voertuig. (4) Bantce[axipassasiers. (5) Binne die landdrosdistrik Springs. JH7547--KWA-THEMA. (2) Masoabi J. Kapare, Kwa-Thcma; new application. (3) One vehicle. (4) Batu paxi passengers. (5) Within the boundaries of Kwa-Thema. JJJ:7548 /B11331-SPRINGS. (2) Cieorgc l Iosief: KM-a-Therna; addit~onal vehicle. (3) One vehicle. (4) Rantu taxi passengers. (5) Within the boundaries of the Municipality of Springs. JH7549-SOWETO. (2) Lucas Lubisi, Kwa-Xuma; new application. (3) One vehicle. (4) Bantu taxi passengers. (5) Within a radius of five km of 2488 B. Zola South, Soweto. JH75.50-SAhTDTON. (2) Ray Lazarus Fontein, Sandton: new application. (3) One vehicle. (4) Bantu. Asiatic and Coloured taxi passengers. (5) Within the boundxies oi' the Municipality of Sandton. JH7551-BRERETON. (2) Mbuti P Mngonlezulu, Piet Rct~ef: new a~vlication. (31 One vehicle. (41 Banfu ixi passengers. (5).. ~ilhing radius of'.fi km of Post Office: Hrereton. IH7552-SOWETO. (2) longi L. A. Mbolhini, Tembisa: new application. (3) One vehicle. (4) Bantu taxi passengers. (5) Within the boundaries of Soweto. JH7553-SOWETO. (2) Mabona S. Hlangothi, Kwa-Xuma: new application. (3) One vehicle. (4) Rantu taxi passengers. (5) Within the boundaries of Emdeni, Nalcdi. Tladi. Zola. lahniani and Moletsane only. Vehicle to be stationed at 55 Emdeni Township. JH7554--MEADOWLANDS. (2) Jabulani S. Mxumalo,,Meadswiands; new application. (3) One vehicle. (4) Dantu ;ax~ passengers. (5) Within a radius of five km of applica~~t's addrcs:. at I42a Zone 4, Meadowlands. JH7555-KWk-THEMA. (2) Korong D. Sehume. Kwa-Thema: new appiication. '(3) One vehicle. (4) Rantu taxi pas:engcrs (5) Within a radius of four km of Post Office, Kwa-Thema. JH7.556-KWh-THEMA. (2) Thomas hfal~l~onjwa~ Kwa-Then;; new application. (3) One vehicle. (4) Eanlu taxi passengers. (5j Within the boundarics of Kwa-Thema. 11x7557-KWA-TF-IEMA. (2) Mthambn W. Nkosi, Kwa-Themn: new application. (3) Oce vehicle-ts 24840. (4) Bantu taxi passengers. (5) Within a radius of four km of Post Office, Kwa- Thema. JK7558-ROODEPOORT. (2) Reke E. Mthuri, DobsoilxGlie. new app!ication. (3) One vehicle. (4) Bantu taxi passengers. (c' Within the boundaries@ the municipal area of Roodepoort. JH7461-ROODEPOORT. (2) Hope Mogorosi, Dob~0~1vill::. transfer from S. Mogorosi H867. (3) Two vehicles-tu 40OO!? and TlJ 29385. (4) Bantu, Asiatic and Co!onred taxi pasvn:er- (5) (a) TU 29385: Non-Whites: On trips within the District oi F.oodepoort. (b) Casual trips outside xea (a). (c) TU 490'29: Dantu: Beiviezn points :iithir, the h4ngis:rrial District of Rood:- poort (subject to the condition that the vehicle is statio:ixi nt Dobsonvilic Bantu Township only). JFT5559- h4eadowlands. (2) Josep!i Maioi, Meadowlands; ncw application. (3) One :-e!~lds-tj SCIG?. (4) Bantu taxi pas sengers. (5) YGthin a radius of lour kn; of home addrcss at Zone 3, 6a Vlncent Road, Meadowlands.

44 No. 4237 STAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 1974 JH7560/H6511-KWA-THEMA. (2) John M6koena, Kwa- JH7604/H12098-ROODEPOORT. (2) P. P. Geinisa, Dobsom Thema; additional veh~cle. (3) One vehicle. (4) Bantu taxi pas- ville; additional vehicle. (3) One vehicle. (4) Bantu tax1 pm sengers (5) Within a rad~us of 12 km of New Erg. sengers. (5) Between points within the municipal area of Roode- JH6820-BENONI. (2) Solomon Mahuba, Wattville; new appli- poort. cation. (31 One velllcle. (4) Bantu taxi passengers. (5) Within JH7605-ERMELO. (2) M. ~~h~~~~~ ~ ~ k E ~ ~ l ~ ~ new ~, ~ J ~ ; the Mag~sterlal Distr~ct of Benoni. application. (3) One vehicle. (4) Bantu taxi passengers. (5) JH756i lh1688-so~'ieto. (2) Henry Tabane, Meadowlands; Between points within [lle ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ t of ~ t ~ i ~ i ~ t ~ l ~ ~ additional iehicle, (3) One vehicle-tj 52408. (4) Bantu taxi passengers. (5) Within the boundar~es of Soweto. JH7606-ROODEPOORT. (2) Gert P. Ndlovu. Doh~onv~lle; JH7568, H1 1974-hlAi7E12AP\JDS/KHUTSONG. (2) Isaac new application. (3) One vehdc. (4) Bantu taxi passengcrs (5) Maseka, Carletonv!lle; nev apphcation. (3) One vehicle. (4) Bantu Between points within the municipal area of ~oode~oort. taxi passengers. (5) Fronl Maizclands to Khutsong Location. JH7609-ROODEPOORT. (2) Bere W. Moiloa, Dobsonville; JH7567-SPRINGS. (2) Daniel Mahlangu, Kwa-Thema; new new application. (3) One vehicle. (4) Bantu taxi passengers. (5) applicat~on (3) One 1 eh~cle-ts 22571 (4) Bantu taxi passengers. Between points within the n~unicipal area of Roodepoort. (5) Be(v,eerl Kwa-Thcmd and Spr~ligs JH7615-SOWETO. (2) Washington Ntshudu. Jabavu; new JH75G9-KWA-XLJh'A (2) Thornas MO1etsane; new dppi~cdtlon. (3) Olle vchiclc-tj 205-328. (4) Bantu taxi appllcation. (3) One vehicle. (4) Banlu tax1 passengcrs. (5) Within the boundaries ol Soweto. passangcl% (5) W~thin a rad~us of 25 km of Post Off~ce, Kwa- Xuma. JH7616-RENONI. (2) Ioris A. S. Ismail, Renoai; new appli- JH7j70-i(WA.)rUMz\. (2) Godfrep Luthuli, K]ipspruit; new cation. (3) One vehicle. (4) Bantu, Asiatic and Coloured taxi application, (7) One \ehicle-tj 157-446 (4) Bantu lax1 pas- passengers. (5) Wlthln the Magisterial District of Benoni. sengers. (5j IVithln a radlu, of 25 km of Post Office, Kwa-Xuma. JI+7621-PiIGEL. (2) Mev. M. de Vries, &igel: nll\\e annsoek. JH7575-GERMlS10'1 (2) Stephell htntambo. I<atlehong; (3) Ecn v~cr.tu;g- TDG 5628 (4) Klcurling-, ~ a ~ en c ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ new a~~llcation (3) one \ehicle. (4) Dantll taxi PassenZers (5) taxipassas~ers. (5) Vanaf Cerutvllle, Nigeldorp (Eerste Laan), Between pomts within tl?~ manicipal area of Germiston. Nigelbtasie en te~ug. JH7577--SOWETO (L) Mohalc I. Ralcphenya, Sowcto; new applicatlan. (3) One vellicle. (4) Bantu taxi passengers. (5) Within JII7622/H13448-JOHANNESBURG. (2) Stanley Godwin, a radi~ls of 10 km of Tladi Townsh~p (within Soweto). additional velllcle, (3) One vehicle-tj 45643. (4) JH757911f1 1014-JC~I-fhNNESRUPPG, (2) Johannes Magopa, White taxi passengers. (5) (a) Within the Mvlagisterial District of Moroka additional ~ ~ h (3) ~ One ~ vehicle, l ~.(4) ~ a taxi ~ pas- t Johannesburg ~ (h) Ca~llal trips irom polnls utlthin the Mag~sterial sengers (5) Between Jchannesburg 2nd Soweto District of Johannesburg, to points outade (h~s area and return. JH75PO-RANDFONTEIN. (2) Piet Duma Duma, Randfon- JI37628--IOHA.NNESBURG. (2) Phillip Y+fatomela, Moroka: tein; new application 17) One vehicle (1) Bantu taxi passengers. new appllcat~on. (3) Onc ve!licle. (4) Bantu tax1 passengers. (5) (5) Within a rad:us c: ssu km ot Post Office; Mohlakcng, -in Between pomts within thc Magisterial Distrlct of Johannesburg. the municipal area of Randfontein. JH7627-DOESONVILLE. (2) Kenneth Maphengo, Dobson- JH7583-IKVJEZI Sj'ATION (2) Augustine X L. Dwane, ville: new application. (3) OiX vehicle. (A) Gantu tax1 passengers. Mozonda; new applic'itlon (3) One vehicle. (4) Bantu taxi pas- (5) Within a rarllus of 10 km of S~~pci~ntcndent's Office, Dobsengers. (7) Within a rxrllu~ of eight km of Ikwezi Stat~on. sonv~lle. JH7584-JOHAMhFSRURG. (2) Rnnald Mcebisi, Cube; addi- JH69~5/H~0844-GERMTSTON, (2) R, p, ~ ~ primrose; ~ h ~, tional vehicle. (3) Onc %chick. (4) Bantu taxi Passengers. (5) wysiglng van tariewe. (3) Een voertuig-tg 67702. (4) Gewy- (a) W~thin the Masisteiial District of Johannesburg. (h) Outside slgde tariewc, (5) (a) vlagval 4sc; (h) "ir elke een-vyfde km the Mag~sterial Di~trict OF Johannesb~~rg. of gcdeelte daarvan: 5c; en (c) vir elke 1 minnut qagtyd: 5c. JH7586-BEWON1 (2) George Makhanya. Wattville; new appli- Kinders van drie jaar oud cn ender, tocslg van volcation. (3) One whislc-ta 4615. (4) Bantu taxi passengers. wasse pelsnon: ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~. (5) Wilhin the Maqlcterial District cf Ecnon~. JH7588-ROODEPOORT. (2) Molatlhegi D Legcale. Dohson- JH7016iId5675-GERMISTON. (2) N. F. ~od~e. Primrose; ville; new applicatiop (?\ One vehicle (4) Rantu taxi passengers, w~siging van tarinwe. (3) Fen voe~tuig-tg 37029 (4) Gewy- (5) Between points within thc mun~cipal area of Roodepoort. sigde tarlewe. (5) (a) Vlagval: 45c; (b) vlr clhe een-vyidz km JH7587~~OODFPOOR7 (2) Petro? Boikanyo, ~ o b ~ ~ ~ of ~ igedeeltc l ] ~ ; dzarvan: 5c; (C) vir eke cen m~nl~ut waglyd. 5c; new application. (3) 0~1e \elncle. (4) Bantu taxi passengers. (5) en (d) van drie jaar Oud en ondel', toesie van Between points within the municipal area of Roodepoort. n volwasse pcrsoon: Gratis. JH7500IHQ450-SPRIIUGS. (2) David Nzimande, Kwa-Thema; JH7017/H8804-GERh'lIISTON. (2) L Meyer, Delvil!e; wysiadditional vehicle. (3) One vehicle-ts 14788. (4) Bantu taxi ging van tariewe. (3) Ecn ~oertuig-tg 65164. (4) Cewvsigde passeny-s. (5) Wlthm the Magisterial District of Springs. tariewe. (5) (a) Vlagval: 4%; (h) vlr elke een-~yfde km of JH~~~]/H]~(~~~-KAGISO (2) Sibilon Tsholetsane, I(agiso; gedeelte daarvan: 5c: (C) ~ i r elke een IXiIIuut waptyd: 5c; new application (3) One vehicle-tk 21135, (4) Bantu taxi en (d) hinders van drie jaar oud en onder. onder toesig van 'n passengers (5) \Vithn a radius of seven km of Post Office, volwasse Frsoon: Gratis. Kagiso JH7018/13ll143--GERMISTON. (2) D. J. P Bosman. Prim- JH7591--JOH4NILTES!3URG. (2) Joseph Dishego. Dube; new rosc; wysigi~g van tariewe (3) Eel1 voelt~llg-tg 48811. (4) applicatkm. (3) One vehicle-tj 31212. (4) Bantu taxi passengers. Gewysigde tariewe. (5) (a) Vlagval: 45c; (h) vir elke een-vyfde (5) With the Magisterial District of Johannesburg. km of gedeelte daarvan: <c: (c) vir elkc cen m~nuut wp~lvd: -. JH7593IH13629-JOYIAWMESBUIgC. (2) Evangclos Galanis. 5c: en (;d) kinders van drie izar en onder, onder toeaiz van 'n ~illbrow'new application. (3) One \,ahicle--'~~ 2341457. (4) white voiwasse pcrsoon: Gratis. taxi passengers. (5) (a) Within the Magisterial District of Johannesburz. (h) Casual tril:~ from points within the above area to JH7019,/H13803-GERP~'11560N. (2) S. Wigdorowltz, kambton; points oxtside that arca and rc!urn. wysigin_s,ran tariewe, (3) Een voertuig-tg 39644, (4) G ~ ~ ~ sigde taricwe. (5) (a) Vlagval: 45c: (h) 7:ir elke een-vyfde km of JH7590-KEMPTON PARK. (2) P. Ce~enda, Ternbisa; new gedeelte daar~~an: 5c; (c) vir ell:e ecn minuut wagtyd: 5c; en application. (3) One vc!lic!e. (4) Rantu taxi rassengers. (5) Within (d) kinders van drie jaar en ender, onder toesig van 'n volwasse the boundaries of Tcinhlsa and within the Magisterial District persoon: ~ ~ ~ ~ t i ~. of T<en:pton Park. JR~:;~L;.-KEMPToN?ARK. (2) T~~~~ ~t~li. ~ ~ ~ new b i fi37483!ir9073-gerh4tsx70n. ~ ~ ; (2) E. L. van dcr Coiff, Primapplicst;ol, (3) ole.,,,.;;iclz-t~~ 17013, (4) ~~~t~ taxi pas- mse; wysiging van tariwx. (3) Cm vo~:il~ig-tg 311 12. (4) sengers, KJ within i?.711ndaries of ~ ~ and \,Jithin ~ tile ~ Gewy~igde b i tariewe. ~ (5) ~ (a) Vlagval: 45~; (h) vir clke e:n-y~yfde Magisteii:ll District of Kempton Fark. km of gedeeltc (c) vir elkc cm minililt xagtyd: 5c; en (d) kinclas van drie jaar cn o3dzr, onder toesig \an '11 JH7599-EEWONI. (2) Arthur Thcm!,a. Davcyto:~; new applicalion. volwasse persoon: Gratis. (3) Sne vehii!il. (.c!) Banlu. Asiatic and Cclolired taxi passcngcrs. (5) (a) Within tile Ma~isterial Distl-ict of Eenoni. JH7424/F18912-GERP~4iSTOEJ. (2) N. M. Snyman, Primrose; (b) Casual trips ou:sids arcs (a). wysiging van tariewc. (3) Twee voertuic--tg 33090 en TG JI37i;3l-~OO~Epr)T)sT. (2) AnriTew hfafiri, Dobsonville; 58356. (4) C-ewy-sigde taricwe. (5) (3) V!:?g\'al: 4Yc: (11) vir elke new application, (3) One (4) Bantit taxi I;assene;ers. (5) em-vyfde kn~ of gecieeite daarvan: jc; (C) rir clk~ een minuut Withi17 the municipal arca of P.oodepoort. wagtyd: 5c; en (d) hinders van dl-ie jaar cn onder, iinder toesig JH7K--ROODEP00RT. (2) Mayeng H. Masizane. Dobson- Van '" vo1wasse persoon: Gratis' villc; ncn- app1icati.m. (3) One vehicle-tj 20403. (4) Bantu taxi JH7574/Hl298:-ALBt;RTON. (2) J. N. R. 3d~i:ller, P.1berton; passeno::r.?. (5) Bcln-.:en points within a r2div.s of 15 km of v~ysigin~ vat1 tprie\\re. (3) Een voertuig-'rg 12298. v) vjysiging Roodepori Railway Ctslion. van taricive. (5) (a) V!agva!: 45c; (b) \rir elk een-vyfdc km of JId76Oi-- SPRJ'*JGq :?,l N. Jix M2dawu TCma-7::-ma: new gedeeltc daarvan: 5c; (c) vir elke een min~nlut \vagijrd: 5c; en applic~tinn. (3) Onte vcliicls. (4) Bantu taxi pa~~cngers. (5) Between (d) kindcrs wn diie jaar en ondcr, ondcr icssig van 'n volpoints i\i:l~in thc Magislcrial Dislrict of Springs. wassc perscion: Gratis.

W.-. - Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998 48 No. 4237 STAATSKOERAPTT. 23 MP~ART -. 1974 -. - JM5734/A23555-YANDTON. (2) J. C. van Har::lelen. Sand- Halt, and Piit ~etiei Location direct. (4) (c) Own go6ds. (5) (c) ton: nwre aansozk. (3) Een vragrnotor-tsn 15884. (4) Petrol- From Piet Retiei Town and station to Paper Mill at ICepp, and oomoe cn ~etrc~ltcilks terl behoe::e \an SW! en B.F. Oliemaat- return. - 1 *,!.appye, t&mc mzt die nodige toebchore. (5) Binnc 'n radius JM4930/AZ32e9-ELANDSFOrdTEIN. (2) Iludratronics (Pty) :a:] 150 my1 varaf Poskantoor. Sandlon. Ltd, Elandslonteir?; new application. (3) One panel van-tg JM5312/A23496-:'R.3VPNCE OF THE TRANSVAAL. (2) 32232. (4) Electric31 and/or electronic equipment. is well as Macro Transpcrt (Idly) Ltd, Ermelo; ncvi application. (3) TWO employees in the course of their employment, free of charge. (5)!rucks-IG 31 39 and TE 6125. (4) Sand, s?one, building matcriah (a) From Elandsfontein to Potc1:efstroom; return via same route: Lor br:d~cs and roads. (5) Within the Province of (b) From Elendsfontein to Klerksdorp; return via sane route. (c) tr,c,~~i From Elandsfoniein to Jan Snuts; rziurn via same route. (d) JRi4.L-6 'A 1 6557-,i!.BZP 1 3N. (2) Transvaal Heavy Transport From Elandsjontein to Waltloo via Pretoria; return via same ipty) L:d. A!bzrton; byliomeiidc voertuig. (3) Een vragmotor- route. LDK!!l742 (4) CrocGt re (5) Soos per bestaande magtiging. JM5655/A22988-'JOLKSRUST. (2) P. J. Uys, Volksrust: byko- JM4280/Al6557-,~.L3EPTON. (2) Transvaal Heavy Transport mende magtiging. (3) Een vrapnotor-oub 46. (4) Vervoer van Pt\) itd h!bcrton b-ikoincnde \oertuie. (3) Een voorspanua- graan. wol, kunsrnis. veevoer er, algcmene boerdery benodigdrd;c 10632: (4) COG^&'^. (5) So~s p-r bestdande magtigini hede, vervoer van vee na veilings en var, veeveilings af wep. Jh14057. 4!M7 /AI?~S~-ALBFI!TON. (2) Swalices Cartage (5) Binne 'n rad~us van 160 km vanai plaas K!ciclontein :Pty) Ltd, Alberlon; addihnal vehicles. (3) One trailer, one horse JM554h/A37664AROLIPJA. (2) A. J. J1n.1. Carolina; ad- 2nd one semi-trailer. (4) Goods. [S) As per existing authority. ditional vehicles. (3) Two buses to be acquired. (4) Non-White JM%t 1 IA.1-3454-MiYGALIESBURG. (2) A. M. J. Mever.' passengers. (5) As per existing authority. klagaliesb~i;; nmve na~sock (3) Een slccpka en een vraydor. JM5726iA22755-ROODbi'OORT. (2) J. R H he1ller. Roode- (4) Lewencie hav:e (5) Vanaf vcrdusies bince 'n radius van 160 poort: additional vehicle pnd additional author:iv (3) One truck. km vanaf Pcskantoor, Magaliesbilrg, direk na plasc en/of slag- (4) Bricks, on behalf of Roodepoort Brick Works. (5) Within a pale gclee tiinne gemelde gebizd, asoo'h vanat plase gelcc binne radius of IUO km ol Roodepoo!~ RI ick Wor!<s 'n r2d1us \an 160 km wnai Pos!ian!oor Magallesburg. direk na JM5l3l laj8877-vanderbijlpaiik (2) G. J. Kruger, Vanvendu~iekralc, gelee binne gelne!de gebied. derbijlpark; gcwysigde magtiging (3) Ses busse. (+) (a) Passa- JM5777/Al8620-PROVIPiSIE TRANSVAAL. (2) G.. G. & siers. (5) (a) Soos per bcstaandc magtiging. (4) (b) Dlanke skoliere J. C. Malan (Edms) Spk., Lothair; bykonende vocrtule met en toesighoudende onderwysers v;r sport, kerk- pielmiek- en bykomende magtiging (3) Drie vragmotors (4) (a) Goedere. (5) opvoedkundige ritte van die laer-, hobr-, tegniese- en handelskole, (a) Soos per bestaande magtiging. (4) (b) Padboumateriaal. (5 (b) gelee binne 'die landdrosdistrikte Vanderbiilpark. Meyerton en Binne d~e provinsie Transvaal. Verccniging (5) Ma punte binne 'n radius van 240 km vanaf JM5432;A8367-EDEr';VALE. (2) Star Transport (PtY) Ltd, Vanderbijlpark en terug na punte uaar opgelaai by die betrokke Cleveland; additional authority. (3) Four semi-trailers. (4) (a) skole. Goods. (5) (a) As per existing authority. (4) (b)'defective machi- JM5595/A8999--KINROSS. (2) Kicross Bus Ser\icc (PLY) Ltd, nery and defeetivc machine parts for urgent repair and ret~lrn of ICinrocs; additional vehicles and additional authority. (3) Nineteen machinery or mai11;~e parts after repair. (5) (b) From points misting bmes and bne bus to be acqu~red. (4) Non-White passensituated within a ra-lius of 400 km of Post Office, Edenvale, to gers (5) (A) As per existing authority. (4) (b) Non-White passengers point: within the Reei cnrtage area. and rcturn. and their personal effects. (5) (b) Between Kinross and Springs :W5753/X2357h-JOIIAldNFSJ3URG. (2) R. Reddy, Lenasia; via Voortrekker Street, Zondagskraal 125. U~tmalkaar 126, Grootnew applicat!on. (3) One motor-car-tj 287-584. (4) Dry-cleaninp laagte 311, Goedehoop 305, Eeslie, Brakfontein 310, Rietfontern clothes. (5) Between Coloured townships within the Magiqterial 313, Eendrag. Winterhoek 314. Leewkop 299, Devon, Nooit- D~strlcl of Johannesburg. gedacht 294. Bo5manskop 293, Nooitgedacht 286. Vi~chkuil 274. JM5731 /A13006--SPRIPIG';. (2) G. Parb~n Sorings; additional Endicoit, Rietfonteifi 276, Palmietkuiien 24 1, Grootvlei 124, vehicle? (3) One trulcr and one horse (4) Goods. (5) As per Largo, Erme!o Road and Th~rd Street, Sp~mgs, return1 cxisting authority. same route. 7. JM5738/A21142--ELSRURG. (2) 0. Breedt, Elsburg; additional r rn~+!nble vehicle. (3) One truck-teb 4358. (4) Goods. (5) As per existing A4onduys to Fridays authority. Depart JM54961..121048-FCWA-I'HEAIA. (2) M J Kope, KWa- Thcna: arnendcd authority. (3) One combi-ts 18696. (A) Bahtu ICinross.... 5.40 Springs..... 7.35 educational. qmri pxtics 2nd their per~onal efiects. (5) From Springs... 5145 Kinross... 7130 Kwa-Thema to points within a radius of 480 km of Post Office, Sa!utdaj)s Kwa-Thcma, and rctuln. providcd that the return journey be Kinross..... 8.00 Springs..... 9.55 nndcrtaken within 24 llours after completion of journey. lime- Springs..... 1130 Kinross..... 3115 table: As and when required. Tariff: As per agreement. JM5631 /A2957-JOHANNESBURG. (2) Thorntons ~ranspor- Su~days talion Ltd Johannesburg; additional vehicle. (3) One horse. (4) Kinross..... 6.30 Springs..... 8.30. Coods (5) As pcr Annexure T. Springs.....-... 5100 K~nross... 6145 JM5735tA23559-REEF CARTP-GE AREA. (2) J. F. 'don- Additional trips a~s and when required. calves, Johannesburg: new appl~cation. (3) One truck-tj 431-373. (4) Sand and stone for building purposes on behalf of Summit Increase of fares as follows: Constiuct~on Co. (5j Wlthln the R d cartage area. Kinross to Evander: 9c up to llc. JM5742/A23558-REEF EXEMPTED AREA. (2) New African Kinross to Dricfontein: 9c up to llc. Christian Apostolic Church in Zion. Benoni: new application. (3) 01:e ~TIICI~TI 33984. (4) Bzctu pjssengers in organised parties, New Afr~can Christian Apo~toltc Church in Zion. trzvellinr: together as a religious group only whilst engaged in church acti- Adres waarlreen vertol; gerig rliofr rt9or.d: Die ScA selaris, Plaasvities. rind personal effects of passenpxs. (5) Fioin Ilcnoni to like Padvervoerrand. Privaatsak X155, Preloria. points sitcated within the Reef exempted area, and return Time- Address ro whiclr represen!a!ions tnust be slrhtni!teii: The table: As and when required. Tariff: Free of charge. Secretafy, Local Road Transportatiorl Board, Privale Bag X155, Pretoria. JM5639. 5784/A172-JOHANNESBURG. (2) Cohen Goldman & Co. (Pty) Lid, Johannesburg; additional vehicles. (3) One truck-tj 312-573 and one Panel van-tj 168-553. (4) Goods (5) As per zxi?tin:, aut!?ority. T V 7608. 7478/A! 9051-ALRFRTON. (2') C. F Maxsburp. Alberton; additional vehicles. (3) Two trucks-tdk 20738 and TDK 20860 (4) Goods. (5) As per existing authority. Jhli656/A23 107-JOFIAPJNESRUKG. (2) Afcol Transport (Pty) Ztd. Johanne~b-~rg; additional vehicles (3) Two trucks. (4) Fnrnilure. (5) As pcr existing authority. JM5770/A23478-JOHANmEURG. (2) S. (Pat) Vandeyar, Lcnasia; new application. (3) One tmck-tj 357-774 (4) Dryclesnlng goods only (clothes) (5) Rctwecn Coloured townships within the Magisterial District of Johannesburg. Jnif5n0!/A235P3-;'!ET RETXEF. (2) PTgoye Paper Mills Ltd, Plct Retief Xlill. P;ct Ret~ef; ne:v application. (?) Fovr buses. (4) (a) White, frcz of charge. (5) (a) Betwee.1 Priper Mill (Kempj. and r-sidences in Plet Retiel. (4) (b) Non-White ernployszs, free oi charge. (5) (5) Betnzcn Paper h4ill at Kemp N1134/4046-MOOIPLAAS, (2) A. Nda!n; Mooiplaas, distrik Pretoria; nuwe aansoek. (3) Een motorkar aacgekoop te word; (4) Bantoepassasiers en hul persooniike bagasie. (5) Rinrie 'n radius van 25 km vanaf Mooiplaas, distrik Pretoria. L809/A404.8-PROVPNSIE TRANSVAAL. 12) T. C. J, Laidlaw, Warmbad; bestaande voertuig met bykomende rnagtiging. (3) Een meganiesc pcrd-twz 9367 en cen leu~is~.a--i WU 9309. (4) Padmaalrmateriaal (pro forma). (5) Binne die provinsie Transvaal; W641/Ai041-MIDDELBURG. (2) G. E. White, Middelburg, Transvaal: nuwe aansoek. (3) Een panecl\.ia-tb4 11670. (4) Karkassc. (5) Vanai Middclhurg na V~vi:r~13gh~is.?vfiddclburpscntrurn, Protealaan, I'vfiddeiburg en Bankeslaghuis gelee op die plaas Doornkop 216, distrik hliddelburg, Trans~aai. S186?/A3428-1-(RO?4ICU:L. (2) S. Fkosana. Prrloria: hykomende voertuie mst bykomcnde i;i?gtie:n. (3) Twee rnikrobusse aangekoop te word. (4) Georganiseerde Bantoe-, kerk-, begrafnisse- en spnr!pw4skappe. (5) Vanat Kmnhu~i 99. tii~ti'ik Pretoria, na punte 1)inne 'n radius van 50 km vanaf Rromkuil 99. distrik Pretoria en terug na Kromkuil, distrik Pretoria.

P Ma., 1A70., Vr. 1 Di., Sa. 3 -.., Carolina (Sla)... 2 '' Carolina (Pk).... 14. Kcclvlei..... 16 : Tuiprand...,... 24 :'. Heuwe!kruiii.....,... 31 : Grensbnken... 32 : Restant... Sllwerlcop... Radplaas (Pk)... 58 ': Kzmpoord... 60 Keesdorings.....;.... 61.:. Gruisbrug... 63.. Vi!olsak.... 66 :- Rarnrnondsrus.... 69. Kalltkloof... 71 New Farm..... 72 Komatiwal.....:..'I..... 72... Aansluiting.... - 76 Kiewietsvallei... 72. Aansluiiing.....l..... 74 Reisiesloop... 77 Baanloop... 30..,Gemakstroom..... 82... Bobtejaangroet..... 85.... Dos!oop... 97. Vanngdal..... 102 :.'l 'Krugersoord..... 112 ~eldkornet... 113 1 Machadodorp (Sta).. K1020/A4058-LETABA. (2) ~rusen l.konstruksic (Edms.) hagasie. (5) Vmaf Klein Jantjiestad. gelc& op die plans Tlirffon- Bpk., Phalaborwa; nuwe aansoelc. (3) Drie:vragrnotors. (4) Fos- tein; dislrilc Rustefiburgz na punk Lime 'n radius \:an 25 km faatkonsentraat ten behoewe van Fosfaat- Ontginningskorporasie vanaf Mlein Jintjiebtad, en temg. Bpk. (5) Vanaf Fosfazt Ontginningsliorporasie gclee op die plaas B18231A4033-PROVINSTE TR hnsvk AL. (2) P. S. van den Wegsteek 30: distrik Letaba, na Bosveld Kunsmis (Edms.) Bpk., E,erg, Grooi Marico; oordrag van Motortransportserti'ikaat gelec op die piaas IVegsteek 30, distrik Eetaba. C@l?66 vmaf G.P. J. van den Derg. (3) Een vragrnocor. (4) L26 1 /A4@60-PROVINSID TR AWSVAAC. ~ (2) H. J. L.uus, Pacinaalrmnteriaal "(pro forma). (5) Einne die provinsie Trms- Warmbad; hgkomende ~.oertuig met bestaande magtiging. (3) Een V-' 'LI. " vragmotor. (4) Padmaakmateriaal bra fotma). (5) Binne die pro-.c:, J428/h4040-RTlSTENBURG. (2) M. F. de Jesus, Rustenburg; vinsie Transvaal. existing vehicles,with addiiional anlhority. (:l: Glic c;z&anical P832lA4063-THAJ3ANE. (2) 3. ~e1ang: 'Thzbane: Rustznburg; horse-trr 23266 and one traiiei--t!?.e 21267. (4) P.avr, nuwe aansoek. (3) Een motorkar azngekoo$ite word. (43.,antoeunireated platinum and chrome ore on behalf of Impala Platinum passasiers en hul persocnlike bzgzsie. (5).Binne '11 radius van Mix. (5) Within the Magisterial District (1: Kus[cnburg. 15 h vanaf Thlabane-Bantoedoi-p, distrik Rustenburg. M!954/A4042-MANELODI. (2) S. Mathebula, Mamelodi; M5479/A4064-WLTEVREDE1J. (2) T.':J., Mzh!angu, Weltc- additioaai vehicle Will) additional authority.,(3j One combi to be vreden 158, distrik Moutse. (3),&n motorka'i'aangekoap te word. purchased. (4) Organised Bantu church partlcs. (5) From Mame- (4) Bantoepassasiers en hul persoonlike baghdie. (5) Vannf Welte- lodi, to points within a radius of 480 km of hlamelodi, and return vreden 158: distrik Montse, na punte binne 'n radius van 40 km to Pdamelodi. va.naf Weltevreden 158, distrik hlontse, eli'terbg.. M4486/A?691-TAFELKOP. (2) D. M. Mahlala, Keho; byko- J502jA4.345-PROVINSIE TRANSVAAL. (2) J. G. 1. S. mende yoertuig mct bylxmende mngtiging. (3) Een motorkar Joubert, Verwocrdhurg: nua7e aansoek. (3) Twee vragmntors. (4) aangekoop te word. (4) Bantoepzssasiers efihul persoonlike baga- (a) Padmaakmateriaal @ro forma). (5) Biilne die provinsie Transsic. (5) Binne 'n radius 2: km.:%r,af.tafe!kop 120- disrrik vaal. (4) (bj Sand, Hip, grond en gruis. (5) (h) Binne die jxovinsie Ncbo. Voertuig gest-sioncer te word by hooffian se kraal. Tranwaal... Sl89?!P_4065-MOGTFGNTEIN. (2) 3. hd. Se?ala, Mocifoi?tein, Rii12j44.057-PRETORIA. (2) C. rob er!^: Danville: Pretoria; disrrik Groblcrsdal; bykonende voertuig met bestmr!dc n;a:i,c,i!;=. nuvc aansoek. (3) Een vrngnotor. (4) (a) Qndercici:: w::t benodig (3) Een m~torkrrni aangekoop re wcrd. (4) Bantcrpnwriers :.i1!?ul word vir die ohmiddellike bona fide-herstel van masjinerie of persoodilie bagasie. (5) Vanaf Mocifontein 806, distrik Groblers- wcrlrtuigkundige :instailask \vat tielak geraak Ii~i (;ii i:;:~ weens aal, na p:l!,te Linns 'n radius van 25 km vai~af L!ooifon;.t:i!? 805, dringcnde omstandighede spoedeise~ld herstel moet wnrd (uitsluidistrik Grohlersdal en terug na MooXontein GM, distrik Groblers- tende aflewering :na enige koper ter aanvulling van voorrade) ten dzl. be!;oe:iic van Van Opstal Mssjieiie (Edms.) i3pk. (5) <a) Vanaf, $ K955 :A4066-EZNSSE\7ONDEPI. (2) 'L. P. K~omoga~:~, Eensp1rnLb: birme die-pretoria- en It~~~dkar~~iiigeilicd na pni;te binne gcroiiden 119, distrik Wc'so; n~mc aansoek. (3) Eej~ w.:~:orkar ciie Rcpubliek van :%id-afrika. (Q), (b) Eie vnkmansgerezdskap a?ngclcocy, te word. (41 Bactoepzsszriers en hn! psrsooi?like bagaen vakmansgereedskap behorende aan Van Opstal Masjiene sle. (5) I3inr.e 'n rzdius van 2.5!km vanaf - Een:gevondcn 119; ('EGnis.j U$. (s!cgs vir eie gebriiik dew app!ikatt cn nie cm te \.i';i;3cp XC.) distrik Nebo. (5) (5) Einnz die Xcp~LIiek van 3ui.d--il,irii..a. TT?!l l 85/A?672-GiZ.-R1~~\rl<U~UxJX. (2) J. TJlj,i~; C.a.Rnr?k:?via, VJL>~/A~~~~-BURGERSFORT. -- (2) D. P. A. Waterson, Bur- Pr?!oii?.; :XTV application. 0) Onc motor-car--7p 7333. (4) gersiort; addition21 vehicies with existing authority. (3) Two buses Banta passengers and?hr:ir!:ersonal rliccts. (5) Fmn (4).!icn-White passengss and their persum1 eifects. (5) Over...;,.:.I.,.-.S 7.G approved routes with exisiing approved!i;::c-tzbles, Cia-War;ku:va T;:xi Ra&. Zoii~ 1. Co Pittt;;.cn Taxi Rani:. via Rossiyn, Frrioria North, Parktcwn and Capital Park, and back to TariSs and restrictions. Ga-R-enkuwa... S2620/A40SS-DENEsEBOOFA. (2) M. Shitiba, hlarnelodi, Pre- B!172/A?665---RUETEi.:Z7,TRGC; W. Eogoy;a:;e. K:,% :an-!aria: new application. (3) One notor-car. (4) Bantu passengers tjieztad. distri!.: Xuste~~iJurg; iiw;e aarlsoek. (?) Een G;;~CIT!;R~ ar.d i!:zir personal effects. (5) From Dcmeboom Railway Station aangekoop te word. (4) Ban:oepzssasicrs -eh. hdl persoonlilcc to Nnindodi East, and return.

48 No. 4237 STAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 1974 M784/A4054-MAHWELERENG. (2) P. Matlala, Mahwele- M5228/A4110-BLOEMFONTEIN. (2) S. P. Mashishi; Silverreng, District of Potgietersrus; new application. (3) One motor- ton, Pretoria; new application. (3) One motor-car to be purchased. hic!e. (<) Organised B.2.ntu church, sport, educational and funeral (4) Bantu passengers and their personal effects. (5) From Bloedrties. (5) Prom Mahwel-reng Banlu Township, District of Pot- fontein 153, District of Moretele 2, to points within a radius of to be staticxd at Pretoria IF.zi!may Staticn. of Middclburg, to points within a radius of 60 km of Hhogotlou H359//-~?068-I'IZETO;i:A. (2) G. M. den Newer. Pretoria- Baiitu Towcstlip, and return. materiaal (pro forma). (5) Binne die provinsie Transvaal. S2143/4069-RTJSTEF?3URG. (2) L. D. Stopfoth, Naboomspruit; bcs~zaccie vozr!aiy met 'oqikorncnde magtigins, (3) En M3061 /A4115-POLEAR LOCATION. (2) A. Mhlaba, white vraginoloi, (4, sand, klip en grkis. (5) ~i~~~ 'n radius van 30 River; additional vehicle with additional authority. (3) One motorkm vanar?ssk2ntc?or. Rwstenburg. car. (4) Dzntu passengers and their personal effects. (5) From S660/A40q9-WITBr&,.,T:r,. (2) S.,\. coal E~~~~~~ pjilbank) ~~d. Pollar Location, District of White River, to points within a radius Witbanlc; ncw apg!i~a(;~~. (3) One bus. (4) (8) whit; of 35 km of Pollar Location, District of White River, and return employees ar;d their families (free of chargs). (5) (a) ~i~~ to Po!lar Location. Vehicle to be stationed at Foilar Lscation. Office Lanileu 3 to Old Sc!loongezicht and Clewer Mine Villages 951/A4112-PRETORIA: (2) P. J. J. van Rensburg, Danville. and return. (b) From Old $-.ho~ngzzicht and Clewer Mine Villnges Pretoria; bestaande voertuig met bykonende magliging. (3) Een to Witba:lk and return. p) From Mine Office Landau 3 to Wit- vragmotor. (4) Huistrekke (pro forma). (5) Vanaf Pretoria na bank and return. Time-taok: As and when required. punte binne 'n radius xan 240 lun vanaf Kerkplein, Pretoria;-en N156/Ar!W75-I'XETOi~IA. (2) G. Ntlatlmg, Mame!odi, Preto- temgm Pretoria. ria; addctioun1 vehicle with new authority. (3) One motor-car to M~~~~/A~~~~-KoOK~ONTEIN. (2) S,, Mogapi, Phokeng, be p~~rchased. (4) Rant11 passenrrers and their personal effects. Rustenburg; nuwe aansoek. (3) Een motorkar aangckoop te word. (5) Within a radius of 10 km of Pretoria Railway Station. Vehide (4) Bantoepassasiers en hul persoonlike bagasie. (5) Vanaf KO&- to be stationed at Pi2txia Railway Station. fontein 256, distrik Rustenburg, na punte binne 'n radius van 20 M5756lA4Q52-TAvELKOP. (2) S. A. Masemola, Tafelkop, k, vanaf Kookfontein 256, en terug na Kookfontein 256, distrik Grob1ersd:ll; nuwe aansoek. (3) Een motorkar aangekoop te word. Rustenburg. (4) Bantozpassasiers cn 1;ul persoonlike bagasie. (5) Vanaf Tafelkop 120. distrik Chhlcrsdal. na Grohler~drl via Varschwater 23, N1202/A4033--ALBATROSS. (2) P. Nyathi, Cottondale, Pelgrimsms; nuwe aansoek. (3) Een motorkar aangekoop te word; Welverdiend 24, Loskop suid 53 en 26 en lerug dieselfde rorte., (4) Bantoepassasiers en hul persoonlike bagasie. (5) Binne 'n radius M157h/4070-TTJJ;X\T/i\DzA. (2) 'P, A, Musetha, Sibasa; addi- Van 30 km vanai Nml, distrik Pelgrimsrus' tional vehicie with existing authority. (3) One combi. (4) Bantu L871/A4059SwARTFONTEIN- (2) J. Ledwaba, Potgieterspassengers and their personal effects. (5) Between Tshirnvadza in ms; nuwe aansoek. (3) Em bus aangekoop ie word. (4) Rambuda Localion and Sibasa, sul,jcct to the proviso that the Bantoepassasiers en hul persoonlike bagasie. (5) Tussen Moshivehicle does not depart from Tshixwadza one hour before or budi; gelee op die plaas Swartfontein 818, distrik Mokerong, en after departure of the bus of Lukotos Bus Service. Vehicle to be Pot~ietersrW been en terug oar Vaalko~ 60, Sandsloot 236, stationcci at Tshixmaden. Tweefontein 238, Toitspruit 241 en Macalacaskop 243. W686/.44073-PRETORIA. (2) M. West, Valhalla, Pretoria; Tydtafel oordrag van M0tortran:portsertifihat C103158 vanaf S. J. du Manndng tot Vrydag Plessis. (3) Ecn motorkar. (4) (a) Blanke passasiers en hul per- Vertrek Arriveer soonlike Sagasic. (5) (a) Binne die landdrosdistrik Pretoria. (b) Op toevaliize ritte van binne die gebied omskryf in (a) na enige Moshibudi........... 2.00 Potgietersmsstasie..... 2.30 punt buite daar,die g~bied of vanaf enige punt buite daardie Potgietersrusstasie..... 9.45 Moshibudi........... 10.15 gebied na et?ige pu3t ulr,nl: daardie gebied. Moshibudi........... 3 00 Potgietersrusstasie..... 3 30 M5211 /A3077-PPL?2TORT.4. (2) S. Mahloele, Mamelodi, Pretoria; new application. (3) Oile motor-car to be purchased. (4) Potgietersrusstasie..... 4100 Mosbibudi........... 4130 Saterdog Bantu passengers and thcir personal effects. (5) Within a radius Moshibudi........... 6.00 Potgietersrusstasie..... 6.30 of 10 km of Prcto~ia Railway Station. Vehicle to be stationed Potgietersrusstasie..... 7.00 Moshi budi........... 7.30 at Pretoria Railway Shtion. Moshibudi........... 7.30 Potgietersrusstasie..... 8.00 M5759iA4078-NEBQ. (2) J. Magolego, Moroka, Johannes- Potgietersrusstasie..... 2130 Moshibudi...... 2130 burg; new application. (?) One motor-car to be pwchased. (4) Bantu passengers and their personal effects. (5) Within a radius of 35 km of Goedgedaclit 878, District of Nebo. M5676/A3559--PRETORrA, (2) T. G. Mgidi, Walmansdal, ~~~hib~di,, Kameeldiiit; nuwe aansork (3) Een rnotorkar aangekoop te ~otgiet~r~rusrtasie.,. word. (4) 3rlntoepassasiers en hul persoonlike bagasie. (5) Vanaf Pick-%Pay. Lynnwoodweg, Pretoria, na punte binne n radius Tarief van 10 h, en terug. 2c per passasier per km Sondag Moshibudi...,,... 9,00 Potgietersrusstasie... 9.30 Potgietersrusstasie..... 10.00 R'loshbudi..... 10.30.. 9130 Moshibudi........... 10100,,..,.... g 00 Poigietersrusstasie..... 9.30

I R1 1 :4:"44105-VJILDE3EESI?;OKTF,IN. (2) E. Reineclce, Marnogalies!traal, Brits; nuwe aansoek. (3) Een vragmotor. (4) (a) Ru- en onbewerkte platinaerts ten behoewe van Impala Flatinamyn, Kusknburg, vanaf skagte van lmpala Platinamyn, Rustenburg, na neule van Impaia Platinamyn, Rustenburg. (b) Sand, klip en &,road ten behoeiw van Impab Platinamyn; Rustdmrg. (5) (a) B:nile 'n radius van i5 km vanaf Impala Platiaamyn se plek van bcsigheid, gde@ te Wi!debeestfontein 274, distrik Daiokeng. L872/A4194-WILDEEEESTPOhTTEI?7. (2) D. J. Lorrn, Mamoga!esicranl, Brits; nrwe aansoek. (3) Een vragmotor. (4) (a) Ru- en onbe\:i;rl;tc piai~~rts ten L;choewe van i:lqx~i.f. P~atiridmyn, Ii~~kiib~i~g, na die mcule van Impala Platinainyn, Rustcnburg. (h) %!id, klip err 3r-ond ten behoewe van Jmpala Platiri?.- myn, Rus:.znbnr~. (5) (a) Eime 'n radius van 15 lm ~~ailaf jrnpala Platinam)m sc pick van bzsighcid, gelce te Wildebeestion!e::l 274, distrik R:ifoL-ng. B18371A41CrI?-PRO5II:iSIE TRAPTSVAAL. (2) P. Eicr. Pyramid, Pretoria; ruwe za~~ssek. (3) Vyt ;ragmotors. (4) Padmaakmateriaai (pro forma). (5) Binne die provimie Transvaa!. M5765/A41094ULLIPJAN. (2) E. Masilela. Mamelnli, Pretoria; new apyl~cation. (3) O x mota-c-ir (4) Bantu paszzagers and their persona! cifects. (5) Within a of 27 km of TSneeroatein 288, D~st~~ct of Cul!injn Vc!,!cle to b: stationed at Tvieefontcrn 285 Ihat;:ct G[ Cilll 1-n A175/~L~1?8-00S-TRA>.JS\~P?AL. (2) S.A. Spoorwee, Pretoria; liy*;omeade \otdrr: c, CIA L:staa:ic~r: napt:pino, (>) Fen b1,'~ (4) Goedeie, alle soortc, en,blaiike passasiers. (5) Volgens bestaande godgekeur2e nagiiginz van die Oos-Tra?sv?alse Spoorwegaf3elicg. Tyft~ftl: Volgns ainptelike tydtaiel. Tariewe: Volgen: OiEk~ele Spcorv~cgrariefboek. M576 -,,l4103-w~l t b \/REDEN. (2) H. Mahlanqu. Dennilton; ne.v application. (3) Gne motor-car to te purchascd. (4) Bniv. mrwngers and thenr persona! efiects. (5) From \'I:;i~vrtd:-i 158, Dis!rict of Moutse, to points within a radins of 40 km of TVc!lc~~cfJ.x 1". Di:f~:-t of Mou'se, a:xl rsturn to \:'rl.evrcden 158, D:??ri-: of P*loutx V;h;rle to be stztioncd at Wekevrcden R58':lA3457-L7fT1CLrON STATION. 12) A. h4. Pamphisa, Atteridge;ir!e, Pretaria. (3) One motcr-car to be pilrchaszd. (4) Bantu pa-scligeis aqd tli::,r pzrsonal effects. (5) Prom Lqttelton RaiLway Station to KPI,-#',?g Wa;;.~tal via Nepier Rord, Crrdcr!: Ave., T;;chardt Road, I3en Sci~oen~an Road, Potgieter Sireet, Visngic Srreet, P/lalA;aii Street, Chmch Strtet, Wert~fjrc 110-dr!al and back sxne route. Kl l i3/p-4079-ekits. (2) H. Id. S. le Roux. Brit?; Nuwe aansoek. (3) Een vraymoio:. (4) (a) Sand, klip, steenkool, stene en graan. (5) (a) Emnz die landdrasdistrik Brits. (4) (b) Vars groente (n:e ingemaak ilk) 15) (b) Vanaf punte b:nnc die Landdrosdistrlk Brits, na d:c munisipalz markte van Pretoria, Johanne*bui g, Spr ngs en KLrkcdorp. PI32 'Ac@56-PR5TOIIIA. (2) J. P. Pieterse, Irene; Nuwe aansoek (3) Een vrsgmo~or (4) Algemene goedere ten bate van nie-blanks. (5) Sinne 'n radius va3 50 km vanaf Kerkple~n, Pretoria. M25 1/A 1559-RUSTENBUKG. (2) D. (i. S. Wolmarans, Rustenburg; Bykomende voertuie met nuwe magtiging. (3) Sewe vragmotors, drie trekkers.?es sleepwsenq en een I;@ aflewerings- wa.!4) G~edere volg~ns kcntrak met die S.A.S. (5) Binne die mums~pale gzbied. Rustcaburg. S?-355iA3542-KKOptfKUIL. (2) Rose A. Skosana, Mabopane. Pretoria; nuwe aansock. (3) Twee motorkarre aangckoop te wnrd. (4) Rantoepasc-asiers en ~ LI! persoonli!:~ Eagas~e. (5) Binne 'n radius van 20 km vanaf Kromkuil 99, distrik Pretoria. Vocrtuig gcstasiofieer t- word bv Krnn1kil:l. M2961/A3497-ELANDSDOoflN. (2) S. Matebela, Dennilton; new apriication (3) Onc combi to be purchased. (4) 0rgan:sed Bantu church, sport, edxational and funeral parties. (5) From Elandsdoorn Bantu Township to points witliin a radius of 100 km of Elarldsdoorn, District of Groblersdal, and return. M2052/A3236-VALSFONTEIN. (2) P. Mothwa. Valsfontcin, Pk. Gruisbank. (3) Een motorkar. (4) Bantoepassasiers ee hul persoonlike basasie. (5) Binne 'n radius van 40 km van Mapbotomaskraal, gelee op Valsfontein 83, distrilc Groblersdo!. M2187/A4082-'WITXIVIER. (2) S. Mthornbothi, Nelspruit; nuwe aansoek. (3) Een vragmotor aangekoop te word. (4) A!gemene goedere ten behocwe van Bantoes. (5) Binne 'n radius van 35 km vanaf die kraal van kaptein Aaron Nkosi, gelee in die Nzikazi-Bantoegebied, disirik VJitrivier. T355 IA4IOl-HAZYVIEW. (2) L. Theledi, Hazyview; new applicatio?. (3),One motor-car to be purchascd. (4) Bantu passengers and thelr personal effects. (5) From Hazyview Railway Station, to points within a radius of 35 km of Hazyview Railway Station, and return to Hazyview Railway Station. Vchicle to be stationed at Hazyview Railway Station. M2033/A4087-PvfABOPANE. (2) P. Mogotsi, Mabopane, distrik Odi; bykornende voertuig met bykomende magtiging. (3) Een motorkar aangekoop te word. (5) Vanaf Mabopanckliniek na punte binne 'n radius van 25 km vanaf MabopaneX1in:ek en temg na Mabopanckliniek. Voertuig geslasioneer te word te Mabopane kliniek. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 1974 No. 4237 49 fi42631/a4090-groblersdal. (2) P. Mothupi, Vleesboom, Groblersdal; bykomende voertuig met bestsande magtiging. (3) Een motorkar aangekoop te word. (4) Bantoepassasiers en hul persoonlike bagasie. (5) Vanaf Malaita, gelee op die plaas Vleesboom 869. distrik Groblersdal. na punte blnne 'n radius van 35 km lrarai Malaita, en terug na Xvl:~laita, onderworpe aan een uu: @ro forma) beperking. A189/AdO-13-MARABASTAD. (2) African Bus Service (Pta) Tty Ltd, Hercillcs, Pretoria; smendsd authori!.p. (3) One bus-tp i45-660. (4) Non-White paszengers 2nd their persona! cifects and jiost bags. (5) Amendrncnt of existing Marabastad, Walnanstlial Route as foilows: From Fdamhasiad to Wn:m::usil.,al (i4a Rooiwal and Vae:Fo~l!ei:~), via Boom Street, Paul Krl~ger Strzet, Wonderboom 307, Wzrmbaths Main R024 Pxtoria North: De Bnderste- gmrt 320: Hqningnestkrsris 259: Rooi~*?.l 270, Vastfontein 271, Kilppcrshos end Waterval 253 to WaEmanzthal, return via Waterval 273, ICloppersbos, Vastlon!e?n 271, Rooiwal 270, I-foni::gnesi!;xins 269, De Onderstepoori 350, Pretoria North, iti..vdrrnhihs Main Road, Woncicrboom 302, P;iiil Kruger Street, Dcom Strezt. Andries Street, aloed Street, Polgieter Street and Doom Street to Marabastad. 7ui.ig 1,O cmt (ox cat) per pas~wgci kilometre. Tiim-table Afixltrys to Tlirii~days FrkJays Wal!manstI13l.... 6.09 VJa!!mambsl.... 6.0 Rooiwal... 6.30 Rooiwal. :... 6.30 h4arabastnd..... 7.10 h4arabastad..... 7.10 darabasiad..... 4 45 Merabastad... 3 kooiwal... 5130 Rooiwal... 4 Wa!!mansthal.... 6,CO Wallmaiisthal... 4 Ad5it10:ul journey$ as and v~!?en required. Sq;itr.&7ys, Su;:rlays and PdAc kolidilys No service. 01561 /PI~C.~~-PROVINSE F,TRAT;3VI';AL (2) A. J. P. Lessi ig, v,: harldel dry as Gabar,o,o Vclvcx. igr-,!oria; bykomende vocrt~:i=, met bestaande mag,!ging. (3) Een siecpwa. (4) (a) Gocdzre. (5) (a) Einne Prc:or:a- ell Rnadksrweigetied. (4) @) Ssnd.!;11~, stem, grond en ",ks. (5) (l?) Binne die psovins~e Transvaal. (4) (c) Steenkcol. (5) (c) Vanaf sieenl.oolmyne binne dic landdrcsdistrikte h!iddeldurg en Witbank, na punte binne die D..,, I, doria- en Randkarweigbied. h1576gi?,4102--pretoria. (2) C. Mmiscalco. Wiifontein 91, Pretoria N~lti~; new application. (3) One lorry (4) Sand, stone and g~o-lr L!. (5) Within a radius of 30!,m of Church Sqcarc, Pretoria. B1838/Ml~)5-WILDEBEESTFONTEIN (2) R. F. Dotha, hdamogal;esbraal. Brits; nuwe aansoek. (3) Cea vragmotor. (4) (a) Ru- en onbewetkte pletillaerts ten behoeive van Irnpala Platinamyn, Euslen'uurg, vanaf ~kagte van Impala Platinamyn, Rustenburg, na die meule van Impa!a Platinarnyq. Rustenburg. (b) Sand. kllp cn grond ten behocve van Impala Piaiinamyn. Ruslenburg. (5) (a) EIrine 'n radius van 15 km vanaf Impala Platinamyn sc pick van besigheid, gdc& te Wi!debeestfontejn Baiokcng 274, distrik E538/114086--LOUIS TKICI-IARDT. (2) J. 4. A. Erasmus, Louis Trichardt; nuwe aansozk. (3) Een vragmotor. (4) Padmaakmateriaal (pro forma). (5) Binnsc die provins~e Transvaal. S2360/A3601-WATERVAL. (2) A. L. Sebnthoma, Mamelodi, Pretoria; nnwe aansoek. (3) Een kombi. (4) Bantoepassasiers en I:ul persoonli1:e bagasie. (5) Vanaf Waterval 34, distrik Groblersdnl, na S~i~~erton, via Klipplaatdrift 193. Houtenbek 194, Kwag- gaiontciil 196. Witnek, Vlaklaagte 221 T~-.~--fc~;.iein 220. Enkeldoornocg 219, Graslaagte 232, Zustershoek x246, Sybrandskraal 24, Kii;:snnt 245, S~ltsr,-,nd 4, \/sr(l.~k.piu:t 431, Kliprontrin 429, Onverwacht 424, Doornkraal 420, Louwbaken 476, Cullinan 53, Elandsfontein 480, Nooitgedacht 333, Franspoort 322, Eerste Fabrieke 329 en Dcnneboom 326 en terug oor dieselfde roete. T114/AlGO2-PRETORIA. (2) Taxis and %faris (Pty) Ltd, Pretoria; bestaande voertuie met bykomende magtiging. (3) Vyftien moioikarre. (4) Indierwerknemers van die Standard Bank. (5) Vanaf Standard Banke, gelee binne die munisipale gebied Prctoria, na Marabastad en Laudium. Voertuie gestasioneer te word te Vcrmeulenstraat, SA Lugdienskantore te Bosmanstraat, Hellenichotel, Kerksiraat en eie plek van besigheid te Paul K.rugersil aat 6. T430/A4098-TJAVIAAP.ISPOORT. (2) A. Tsebe, Mamelodi, Pretoria; additional vehicle with additional authority. (3) One motor-car to be purchased. (4) Rantu passengers and their personal el'fects. (5) From Baviaanspnoit to points within a radius of W5 km of Baviaanspoort, District of Pretoria, and return to Baviaana poort l I

50 No. 4237 STII F.TSPGERANT, 29 RAART 1974 M*l- - - T841 /A4099-VALTYN MACLJ'A A1.X (2) hcirriern Tsebe, Satrtrdnys,lahwelereng, Potgletcrsrus; ne:/ ~r jlir~tion. (3) Tvio motor- ~ ~ b 5 25 ~ Ferrow ~ Crushers. ~... 7.15 ~ ~... cars (4) Eantu passengers and 111-1:?c-sond effecrs. (5) From pan Accnl-d..... 6.14 Bcrl 4-ccord..... 7.51 Valtyn Macapaans Location 242. Dktrict of Fotgietersrtls, to Fend!$, Cr~sll~r~.... 6.50 Mahopane..... 8?O points within a radiuq of l5 hm of Valtyn Macapaans Location Mabopfine..... 2 Fe] row Crushers.... 4 F ' 5 242, District of Pot~ietersrus, arci reiutn to Va!tyn Macapaans Ban 4,ccord... 3 Dori kccord..... 4f51 Locat~c,~ Ferrow Crushers.... 3 hfipopane..... 523'3 R502//,4107-iV?iTL00. (2) Rzcal Elecirmics S.A. Ltd, he-,c:~o-vs a,fd Pub!ic /,(,rid~ys toria; new cxj::~!~c,t~on i ) G:,c 1121~~ ddivcr!~ van and four panel No service. 22ns. (4) (2) Own Cr<.]ia overtiale ivorlters (free of char-e). (5) 3) Prom c.-jp ri-r or l-c<i~-z.-, 3; 316 T<,lil Zir-pt \-' 1.P to Tmff 'damelod~, Eersterus. Marabastad and Atteridgevilk. (I)(b) Own lc (one cent) per passenger per 1,i;o.yc're. roods. (5) (b) As pcr e~tsi,ng a~~p,o*ed zutt~orlty. T766/3699-EFRSTERUS. (2) L. Ti eqc:r. Bcrstcrus. Pretoria; A537/A4095-i*i?EKIrSIA (2) hlra Romeo SA ia'cn) Ltd. nuwe aansoek. (3) Een motork,ar aallgck~op te,.told. (4) ljie- Pretor~a: new app!icailo~ (7) Two mini-i~uscs-ta~ 5978 and Blanke passasierz en 1.1~1 persooqllhe 1;agcsie. (S) 'n TAZ 8728. (4) (R! F.- n Vhlte e-qhyece (he of civ;i~~). From van 15 km van7f ~ ~ cjistllk ~ ~ t ~ ~ Pretoria to h'fa FT-,? F?c!cr\ Eir:~ (5) (R) I L.:e ccmw of church and ~ ~ ~ streets ~ 6 i 30, l Tlirough ~ ~ Pretoria,, ~ following T812/3569-T~th',:ELODI. (2) M J fjtim?nc. r\l~irirlcd~ new!ile following :cute Ham,ltci! S:rc;l Eszcien Street. visa@le Street, "~plication.(7) One bus. (4) Orgeniied Cantu, Tort and cl1~1;cll van der 6?qalt stvcet. ~ l ~ s+,.~~~, ~, p.tul j lcruger street. ~ ~ de ~ part~es. h (5) ~ Within [ a radius of 580 km of Mamelodj. drld bd~k Rcer Street, West Stieet. Brils Rodd and National Road to Brits. Pretoria Nclth :o A?Fa Rorneo rxto:~,. Brits. past 11:~ follovhg DURBAN farms (taken f l c ~ 70170 Cad.~~i~,i! f?art0 2528 C4 ai-d 2527 DB): FJitfontein 301 JR. I-fartbeeshoek 303 JR. Strydfontein 306 Adres waarhccn llcrtn? :er!: r910pr lanrd Die Yth~efaris, Phs- JR, Wildebeeslioek 309 JR. Kleinfonieintjie, Wrldebeeshoek 310!ike Padvarvoerroad, Pribaatsak X4305, Durban. JR, ~iddelniater 436 JQ Visser~hoek JQ, Schietfouteln 437 JP, Address lchrcll teprcsenraria,~~ /:lrtsr be ~rlbn~itted: The Zilkaatsnck 439 '0. P! 11 445 IQ D? Krom 30 yecrcfary, L ~ ~ ~ o Trfinsporfa(lolt ~ ~! d ~ ~ ~ l ~ d i Bag, ~ X4307, $ ~ : ~ and Icrokod~ldrif 446 IQ. Arrive: Alfa Romeo Factory 7.30. (b) Durban. Leave Alfa Romeo Factory 16 45 Froin Alfa Komeo Factory. Brits, to Pretor~a North, past the following farms Krokodildrif AR/'676 (6218)-Ub'ZXNKULU/Pmr (2) 4/t5 Zilkaats- South African Quarry Industries Ltd. Port Shepsione; additional nek 439 JQ. Schietfontein 437 JO Vissersrloek 435 JC). 7,4idd+ vehicles. (3) TWO buses-nps 14238 and WPS 14391. (S) 0w11 aiater 436 JQ, Trdildebeeslhoek?]C) IR l<lelnfootcln;~lc. wilde- White staff only (free of charge). (5) ~etween port ~he~slone beeshoek 309 JR, Strpdfontein 306 JR, Hartbeeshock 312 JR, and Umzjnkulu Hartbeeshock 302 JR and Witlo~~tcir, 301 JR. Throdqh Pretoria AR/1677 (586d)-WARTRURG. (2) The Fl\inc, Lotus (Ply) via the following streets National Road to Riits. Bnts Road Ltd, Tongaat; amended authority. (3) One bus-nt 4083. (4) West, Rachel de Beer Paul Icruger. Eloed. Van dcr P7alt. Vis~gie. Non-White passei7gers ai:d their personal effecis (5) I:rom Esselcn and Hamilton Streets. Arrive corner of Church and Hamil- Bamshella Tea Room to Wartburg Bus Rank along Noodsberg ton Streets 17.45. Road. via Montobello IJospitnl. Glcn\id.: Store Lin:o~:rg Police A189/A4095-AlAROPANE. (2) African Bus Szrvice (Pia) Post, adjoining Wartburg Road, along Wartburg ~oad, turn off (pty) ~ td, ~ ~ pretoria; ~ anlendd ~ zutllority. ~ (7) one l bus- ~ at Old ~ Dutch, Church, along 11;stnct I.oad, to Ltlon DES Rxk, ~p 169-937. (4) and their personal effe&. Cool Air (proposed) Indim Toa~n-17ip and rel~lrlr,h- wme roote (5) ~ ~ of existing ~ ~ ~ ~ F~~~~~ d crushers b ~~~t~ ~ with ~ ~ interchangeability. ~ ~ ~ t Time-tables ~ may ~ be inspcted, by inas follows: ~~b~~~~~ to F~~~~~ crushers terested part~cs at the offlces of thc L 1. 7 B.. DurL.n. Accord), via Boekenhoutfontein Road. Onderstepoort 266. Rooi- AR/1678 (5718)-NKONTANENI (2) B~yase, W.. Umlazi; wal 4079 and Honingnestkrms 269 tlwn via the r4.lq.m-d road new motor carrier certificates. (3) One motor-car-nuz 472 to Sphinx, Bon Accord, Meersig, Sinoville, Montana Plots and and orle to be 2cqni~ed (G) Bantu pa4:pnrerq and therr personal Ferrow Crushers Return via the same route. effects. (5) From points within a radius of five km of Nkonjaneni (Magister~al D~strlct of Umbcmbulu) Slore to FOlriis w~thrn a Time-table 446 JQ. lcroon 444 3Q, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ b ~ ~ ~ f ~ ~ ~ ~ i radius of 50 km of Nlronjansni Store and return.,tfouda>~ to FU~~VT 11679 (5332)-KRANFJ<LOOF. (2) D!amir,i, If Clcrna- Mabopane... 5 25 Mabopane... 5 additional vchicles. (3) Txo motor-czi? to be acquired. Eon Accord.... G 14 Bon Accord...-... 6 on-white passengers and their pcrsonal effects. (5) From Ferrow Crushers.... 6.50 Ferrow Crushers.... 6 Hoof Taxi Rank to points withiii a radius ol 25 km iherc- Ferrow Crushers.... 7.15 Ferrow Crushers..... 7!?on Accord..... 7.51 Ron Accord..... 7 Mabopane... 8.30 Mabopane... 8 AR/.l680 (5716)-PORT SHEPSTGPJE. (2) Gca'nz4e. hl J., Urnlazl; new motor carrier certificate. (3) One motor-car to be So turda jls acquired. (4) Eantu passengers and their personal effects. (5) hlabopane..... 5.25 F~~~~~~ ~rllshers..... 7-15 From the Main General TZXI Rnnk in Poit Sheponc to h'rpapai Bon Accord..... 6.14 Ron Accord.... 7.51 beation and Ferrow Crushers.... 6 TAabopane..... 8.30 AR/1681 (5789)-UMLAZJ. (2) Kliumalo, S, P4Tto!.oz\veni; 'Aabopane... 2 Ferrow Crushers.... new motor carrler certificate (3) One motor-car to be ccc,n~:.ed. Bon Accord..... 3 Eon Accord..... (4) Bantu passecgers 'and their personal effects. (5) Frcm G557 Ferrow Crushers..... 3 Mabopane..... to points within Umlazi Towmhip. Sundays and Pub12 holidays AR/1682 (5810)-VERULAM. (2) Mzpumulo. E. Kwa-Machu; No service. additional vehicles. (3) Two vehicles to be ac~j~rcd (4) Non- Tariff White passengers and their personal effects. (5) From Kwa-Mashu Junction on Inanda poad, including CpcLr~ct of Verulam (within Ic (one cent) px passenger per I.i!o~etre. a radius of 50 km thcreof) excluding Kwa-Mashu Location. A189/A4074-:YIADOPP.?E. (2) African Bus Scnke AR/1683 (5617)-MAGABEPdI (2) Mawso. I D. R., Uml:o- (Pty) Ltd, Hercules, Pretoria; amended authority. (3) One bus- maas; new motor cerrier certificate. (3) One vehicle to be acquired. TP 169-939 (I) I( ;i-whit.: rassenperf and thcir perzonal eftects. (4) Bantu pass?r,prs and their personal effects. (S) From poina (5) Amend~A of e.%isting Iidabopsne. Ferraw Crushers Route as within a radius of 10 km of hlagabeni Townslip GCfice to points fohows: From Mabopane, to Ferrow Crushers. Boekenhout- within a radius of 40 h and retitrn empty or with same fontein Road, Ovderstepoort 266, Haakdoringboom 267 and passengers conveyed on the relative forward journey. Honingncstkrans 269. then via the unnamed road from Honing- AR/IG84 (5618)-IcRANSeLOQF. (2) itvffe.ka, hf. clernont; neetkrans ~oad to Sphinx, Bon Accord, Meeisig, Sinoville, Mm- new motor carper certlflcatc (3) vehicle (0 bc 2csoired. fana Plot: and Ferrow Crushers, and return viz the same route. (4) Bantu passeng~~s and the~r persari21 effects (5) From points T'rire-tabke from Kranskloof Cemetery within a radius of 20 km and return Mondo~~s 20 FrfJoys empty or with szmc psszengers cmleyed on the :cl:ove tommd jcurney. Mabopnne..... 5.25 Mabopaoe... 5 Bon Accord..... 6.14 Bon Accord... 6 AFtl1685 (5777)-KKANSKLOW. (2) Mssdi. A. Durban; Fcrrow Crushers.... 6.50 Ferrow Crushers.... 6 new motor carricr certificzte. (3) One motor-car to be acquired. Ferrcw Crushers.... 7.15 Fcrrow Crusliers.... 7 (4) Dantu passenpcrs and their pcrsonal effec:s. (5) From ICracs- P011 Accord..... 7.51 Eon Accord..... 7 kloof Bantu Men's Hostel to all points within the Magisterial Mabopane... 8.30 Mapomne... 8 District of Pinetown.

AR/1686 (5720)-DURBAN. (2) Subitree, Overport; iiansfer from L. Naidoo. (3) I,W :~o:or-cars-nd 10550 an3 PJD 152-587. (4) Non-Whte nasscnzers and thcir wrsoml rt1,:cii (5) Within a radius of 59 km of Grey Street Taxi Rank, Durban, and c,xi~-,l ii,ps ARJ1687 (:8?0cFINETOVJN. (2) Ngcobo, S. A., Dslbridgs amendcl huihority. (3) Two motor-cars-kc 7583 and KC 660. (4) B lniu passengers s ~ their d personal eftects. (5) From the Maglstmal Di~trict of Pinetown to poinislwthin a radius of 50 km. AR / is88 (5614)-MAGAGENI. (2) Njapha, A. D., Umkonaas; add:l:om! ~ehicle. (3) One vehicle to be acquired. (4). Bantu passengers and their personal effects. (5),From points wthm a radias of 10 km of Magabcni Township.Office to points within a rad~os of 40 km and :e;urn empty or with same passengers conveyed on the relati;e forward journey. A!</ 1689 (5645)-PINETOWN. (2) Nxumalo, B., Clzrmaville; new motor carrier czrtlr~cate. (3) One motor-car to be accylired. (4) Bzntu plssengcrs a!?3 their pcrsonal effects. (5) From Kranskloof Bantu Men's Towiihip to points within the?.lagicterial District OE Pirictown. AP.11690 15807)-DUR3:iN. I?-! Pillav. B. N.. Darb:~: additional authority. 13) Three motor-cnrs-nd 60820, NI3 107-766 and ND 204-252. (4) Non-While passengers and their personal effects. (5) Casual trips outside the radius of 50 km of General Post Ofhcc, Durban. AR/1691 (5797)-BANGABOZ. (2) Sengane, S. E, Hibberdene; add~tional vehcle (3) One vehicle to be acquired (4) Banlu passzngsrs and thar personal effects. (5) Withln a radius of 40 km of Bangab~zo Location 3, South Coast (veh~cle to be stationed at Bantu Administration Office. Bangabizo Location 3) via Mtwa1:lnie. AR i 1692 (5713)-h1 4LiGAZI. (2) Siihole, L. M., Ntokorwenl: additional vchrcle. (3) One motor-cd to be acqu~rcd. (4) Bantu passccgers and their personal effects. (5) Within a rad!us of 50 lrm of Unit B, ttmlazi New Township. AR/1693 (6158)-PROVINCE OF NATAL. (2) Xaido?, P., trading as Alta Transport, Chatsworth; removal of restrlctlon. (3) Two trucks-nx 8432 and NX 6468. x4) Goods, as precentlp authorised. (5) Within presently authorised ateas: removal of restriction-excluding any conveyance north of the Tugtla River. S hr/ 1691 (6168)-DURBAN/DONNYBROOK. (2) Globe & Somnus Manufacturers Ltd, Durban; additional authority. (3) Two trailers-nd 97630 and ND!X772 and one mechanical horse-nd 182-672. (4) (a) Goods, as preskntly authorised. (5) (a) Within presently authorised areas. (4) Plastic laminates, panelyte timberit and other fibre boards -and blockboards (5) (b) From Durban to Donnybrook and return. > AR/1695 (6155)-JACOBS. (2) Hargovan,, M., Jacobs; new motor carrier certificate. (3) One panel,van-pisd 179-191. (4) Dry-cleaning and laundry. (5) Within a radius of 80 km of City Steam Laundry (Pty) Ltci, 17 Milner Street; Jacobs. ARl1696 (6171)-TUGELA VILLAGE. (2) Naidoo, A., Tueela: new motor carrier cert~ficate. (31 ' One ~ick-w-nt 106c3. (4) Goods, all classes (pro forma). (5j withi; a rsdius of 50 km of Tugela Village. AR 11697 (5654)-LOWER UMFOLOZI. (2) Ximba, S. M., Fcliiton: additional vehicles. (31 Two motor-cars-nuf 11254 and NUF 14045. (4) (a) ~aniu passengers and their pcrsond effects. (51 (a) Within a r'idius of 15 km of Qhubandaba School. Reserve 7B, Magisterial District of Lower Umfolozi. (4) (b) Bantu hosp~tal patients. (5) (b) Within a-radius of 50 km of Qhubandaba School, Reservc 7B, Magisterial District of 1.owe1 Unfo!ozi. AR/1698 (5613CUMBUMBULU. (2) shabalala, G., Isipingo; add~t~onal authority. 13) Tan moior-cars-nuz 3532 and KUZ 3647. (4) Bantu passengels and their perscnal effects (5) From po!i;ts u,ithn a radius of 10 km of Duma's Store, Magisterial D~str~ct of IJmbumbulu, to points within a radius of 30 km thercof and return empty or with same passengers conveyed on thz rc!atli,e forward journey. A17 ':6W (6147FPROVINCE OF NATAL. (2) Pillay, R A., Port Shepstone; additional vehicle. (3) One truck-nd 225-438. (4) (a) As per existmg authority (items 1-5). (5) (a) Within presently authorised areas. (4) (b) Sand and stone. (5) (b) Within a rnci:~~s o: 40 hm of Gencrxl Post Office. Durban. (4) (c) Sand, stow and rubble exclusively on behalf of Canonby Quarriex, Umkonn~s. (5) (c) VJrthm the Pro\ince of Natal. AH 11700-DURBAI'i/NEWLANDS (2) All New1nr:ds Bus Opcldiors as?at out?.:low, Durban; increase of fares. (3) On all Newlands buses. (4) Non-White passengers and their pcrsonal effects (5) Between Durban and Newlands as presently authorised by thn Board: NAMES OF OPERATORS AND BUSES (6177): R Toolsec, Darban, one bus-p-jd 169-952. (6178): D Ra!soo~ar, Sea CGW Lake. two buses-fid 5988 and VD 140-525. (6179): R. Govender, Sa Cow Lake, one bus-nd 82% (GiXij:: D. Rugnath, Sez Cow LnLe; tt%o bxes-ne 186-985 aild NI4 135-784. (6181): 11. Dilsook, Sea Cow Lake, one bao-nd 171-433. (6132 a d 6176): G. Hurdeen Clare Zs,a!c, two buses-wd 153-331 an.! ND 8371. (6183): R. Somzru, Durban, two buses--ni) 55113 and ND 198-939. (GlP4)! PK B Orie. Durban one bas-nd 110-326. (h1 3;) 5' Wugnath (Pt:.) PL~. Durban, onc bus-r.1d 127-434. (6186): K. Baiinath, Da, odi:, oae bus-nd 142-630. (6187): Cliffdate Bus Co. (Ply) Ltd. Dx:b,4n. one bus-nd 153-198. (6188). D Naiker, Parlork. one 78864. (6189): L. Ganpath. Sca Cow Lake, one bus-nd 141-383. (61Nj: F. Laloo & R Beemscn, Durban, one bus-nd 6564. (6191): R. Ramdhial (Pty) Ltd, Durban, two buses-ne 109-593 and ND 76153. (6192). J. Mungroo, Durban, two buszs-?u3 49128 and ND 50212. (61933. Dadan Transport (Pty) Ltd, Parlock, two buses- ND 172-47 and ND 151-475. (6194): P. Dooken, Durban, one bus-nd 161-088. (6195): P. Naidoo, Shallcross. oce bus-npn 32178. (639676213): NewlanCs Motor Services (Pty) Ltd, Sea Cow Lake, three buses-nd 65335, ND 78938 and ND 21200. (6199): A. T. Ralph, Rzd Hill, one bus-nd 183-268. (6200). G. Rugnath, Durban, two buses-nd 158-472 and ND 181-646. (6201): V. M. Govender. Durban. one bus-nd 10652 Scale of' chargex (Durban to ~ewlinds) From points: Existin,? Cents Hdlm's Stare, Umgeni..... 5 Proposed Cents 5, 10 'Temple Road.....:... 6 P.iylii!l Road..... 7 10 PlRold Service Station... 7 13 Peter P. oad Rank... 8 13 Clty Boundry... 8 13 Garden Cresccnt.. :.... 8 13 PZa~cker's Store..... 9 13 Anicd's Store..... 8 13 Bishop Place..!'.... 10 15 Dirgameni... 10 15 - Beliarie's Store.... 10 15 Romaney... 9;.... 10 13 Emacobeni..... 15 20 A11 passenzers passing Beharie's Store will pay full fare of 20c Emacobem to N/Store.... 5 7 Emacobe~i to Bell'arie's Store... 5 7 Emaiobeni to Peter Road..... 8 10 En~acobeni to Durban..... 15 20 Beliarie's Store jo Peter Road.... 5 10 Beharie's Store'td Durban.... 10 15 Naicker's Store to Peter Road..... 5 10 Naicltcr's Store'to Lhundry.... 5 10 Naicker's Store to Durban... 9 13 Du~aneni lo Peter Road..... 7 10 Diignneni to Dafban.... 10 15 Romc~ii to Peter Road..... 7 10 Romeni to Durban... 10 13 Bishop Place to Peter Road..... 7 10 Bishop Place to Durban..... 10 15 Garden Crescent to Peter Road..... 4 5 Garden Crescent-to Laundry.... 5 l0 Garden Crescent to Durban..... 8 13 City Eondry to Peter Road..... 4 5 City Dondry to Uundry... 5 l0 City Rondry to Durban..... 8 13 Peter Road Rank to Laundry... 7 10 Peter Road Rank to Durban..... 8 13 Niza~nia Temple Road to Durban..... 6 10 Scholars 5c single on school days only and during school hours. All passengers before Beharie's Store Rauk will pay lull iare of 20c (direct) from outer terminal to Durban. to Durban..... 8 13 AR/1701 (6202cDURBAN/KENVILLE. (2) B. Jeram & Sons, Dorban; increase of fares (3) Four buses-nd 43094, NUL 251, NUL 311 and NIX G'iQ. (4) Non-White passenger5 and thcir perscnal erfects (5) Between Durban (Lorne Street BUS Rank) to KenviUe as presently authorised. Scale o/ charges Existing Proposed Cents Cents Durban to: Keuvik....,:.... 7 9 Johaw~ Road... 7 9 Bailinis... 5 Corner of Sea Cow Lake Road and 5 Ke~iville Road

52 No. 4237 STAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 1974 AR/ 1704 (5104)-PROVINCE OF NATAL. (2) Natal Inter- Tinze-table Depart AI r.iw School Services (Pty) Ltd, Pinetown; additional vehicle. (3) One bus-npn 18785. (4) White scholars, training college students, Doornkop..... 6.40 Stanger..... 7.15 instructors, teachers and their personal efiects. (5) From points Stanger... 10.30 Doornkop... 11.15 within the Province of Natal to points within the Province of Dobrkop.. 11.30 Stanger..... 12 15... Natal. Stanger..... 5115 Doornlcop.... 6 180 f ici BLOU BOEBE Verslag van die IControleur en Ouditeur-generaal oor die Rekenings van die Suid-Afrikaanse Spoonvegadministrasie vir die Boekiaar 1972-73. (R.P. 7011973.) Prys R15,90, oorsee R19,90, dosvy. Drie-en-sestigste Verslag van die Staatskuldkommissarisse vir die Boekiaar geeindig 31 Maart 1973. (RP. 8411973.) Prys R4,65, oorsee RS posvg. Verslag van die Kommissie van Ondersoek insake die Diamantbedryf van die Republiek van Sus-Afrika en die gebied Suidwes-Afrika. (R.P. 85/197?.) Prys R4,85, oorsee K6,10, posvry. Verslag van die Kontroleur en Ouditeur-generaal oor die Rekeninge van die Raad van Beheer oor die Vee- en Vleisnywerheid en die Vecsiekte-Navorsingsfonds vir die Boekjanr 1 Julie 1971 tot 30 Junie 1972 en die Balansstate soos op 30 Junie 1972. (R.P. 8711973.) Prys R2,15, oorsee R2,70, posvry. Verslag van die Kontroleur en Ouditeur-generaal oor die Rekeninge van die Sitrusraad vir die Boekjaar 1 Februarie 1971 tot 31 Januarie 1972 en die Balansstaat soos op 31 Januarie 1972. (R.P. 8911973.) Prys R1.25, oorsee R1,60, posvry. Denartement van Bantoe-Ondenvys Jaarverslag, 1972. (R.P. 93/1$73.) Prys R2.30, oorsee ~2,90; posvry. Verslag van die IControleur en Ouditeur-generaal oor die Rekeninge van die Karakoelraad vir die Boekjaar 1 Julie 1971 tot 30 Junie 1072 en d:e Balans~aat soos op 30 Junie 1972 (R.P. 9411973.) Prys R0,95, oorsee R1,20, posvry. Verslag van d~e Ko:~troleur en Ouditeurdgeneraal oor die Rekeninge van die Sagtevrugte~aad vir die Boekjaar 1 Gktober 1971 tot 30 September 1972 en die Balansstaat soos op 30 September 1972. (R.P. 9511973.) Prys R1,40, oorsee R1,75, POSvry. Registrateur van Pen~ioeniondse Dertiende Jaarverslag. (R.P. 9611973.) Prys R1,05. ocrsee, R1,35, posvry. Jaanvxslag-Staatsdienskonimissie (197211973). (B.P. 9711973.) Prys R1,95, oorsee R2.45, posvry. Begrol~n:: van die Addis~onde Uitgawes wat bestry moet wofd uit Inkomste-, Lening~- en Suidwes-Afrikarelcenings gedurende die iaar wat OD 31 Maart 1974 eindi~. (R.P. 111974.) Prvs R2.40. \,... oorske R3.00.~~osvry. B~groting van die Addisionele Uitgawe wat bestry meet word uit Jnkomsteiondre gedurende die jaar wat op 31 Maart 1974 eindig. (R.P. 711974.) Prys R0 3, oorsee R0,3O, posvry. Begioimg van Addisio1:ele Uitgawe 2an Kapitaal- en Veibeteringswerke vir die jaar wat op 31 Maart 1974 eindig. (RP. 811974.) Frys R1, l 5, oorsee R 1,45, posvry. Departement van Pos- en Telekornmunikasiewese. Begrotinks van AddisioneIe Gedryfsuitgawe en Eegroting van Addisionele Kapitaaluitgawe vir die jaar wat op 31 Maart 1974 eindig. (RP. 1211974.) Prys RO,?O, oorsee R0,40, posvry. Verslag mn die Kontrolenr en Onditeur%ene~al oor &e Rekenings van die Posadrnini.;trasie vir die Boekjaar 1972/73. (RP. 1611974.) Frys R3.80. oorsee R4.75, posvry. Verslag van die Kornrnisoie van Oodersoek insake die Wysi- gings!ce!snn!...ierpr op Puhl~kzasies en Vernlaalrlikhede W.W. 6111973). (RP. 17/1974.) Prys K8,80, oorsffi R1l.OO, posvry. BLUE BOOKS Report of the Controller and Auditor-Geneial on the Accounts of the South African Railways Administration for the Financial Year 1972-73. (RP. 7011973.) Price Rl5,9O, overseas Rl9,9O, post free. Sixty-third Report of the Public Debt Commissioners for the Financial Year ended 31 March 1973. (R.P. 8411973.) Prim R4,65, overseas R5,85, post free. Report oi the Controller and Auditor-General on the Accounts of the Livestock and Meat Industries Control Board and the Stock Diseases Research Fund for the Financial Year 1 July 1971 to 30 Jdne 1972 and the Balance Sheets as at 30 June 1972. (RP. 8711973.) Price R2,15, overseas R2,70, post free. Report of the Controller and Auditor-General on the Accounts of the Citrus Board for the Financial Year 1 February 1971 to 31 January 1972 and the Balance Sheet as at 31 January 1972 (RP. 8911973.) Price R1,25, overseas Rl,GO, post free. Department of Bantu Education Annual Report, 1972. (R.P. 9311973.) Price R2,30, overseas K2,90, post free. Report of the Controller and Auditor-General on the Accounts of the Karakul Board for the Financial Year 1 July 1971 to 30 June 1972 and the Balance Sheet as at 30 June 1972. (R.P. 9411973.) Price R0,95, overseas R1,20. post free. Report of the Controller and Auditor-General on the Accounts Of the Deciduous Fruit Board for the Financial Year 1 October '1971 to 30 September 1972 and the nzlance Sheet as at 30 September 1972. (R.P. 9511973.) Price R1,40, overseas R1,75, post free. Registrar of Pension Fupd~ Thirteenth Afinual Report, year ended 31 Decemher 1971. (RP. 9611973.) Price R1,05, overseas R1.35. nost free Anhi2 ~e5ort Public Service Commi~cion (1 972/1973). (R.P. 9711973.) Prlce R1.95, overseas R2,45. po: ct free. Estimate of the Additional Expenditure to be defraved... from Revenue. Loan and South-West Africa Accounts during the year ending 31 March 1974. (RP. 111974.) Price R2,40, overseas R3.00. ~ sfree. t South- African Railways and Harbours. Estimates of the Additional Expenditrlre to be defrayed frrrn Revenue Funds during the year ending 31 March 1974. (R.P. 711974.) Price R0,25, overseas R0,30, post free. *South Mrican Railways cnd Harbours. Estimates of Additional Expenditure on Capital and Betterment Works for the year ending 31 March 1974. (R.P. 811974.) Price R1,IS, overseas R1.45, post irk Department of Posts and Te!ecornmunications. &timates of Additional Operating Expenditure and Estimates of Additional Capital Expenditure for the year ending 31 March 1974. (R.P. 1211974.) Price RO,3O, overseas RO,4O, pst free. Report of the Controller and Auditor-Gemral on ihc Accilunts of the Postal Adrninistrztlon for the Financial Year 1972-73. @.P. 1611974.) Price R3,80, overseas P.4,75, post free. Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Publicztions and Entertaiawrtnts Arnenr',,:ent R~il (A.R. 6111973). (U. 1711974.) Price R8,SO, overseas R1 1,00, post free.

GOVERNMENT GAZE= 29 MARCH 1974 No. 4237 53 i DEPARTEMENT VAN SXATISTIEK Verslag 0441-15-Sensus van Groot- en Kleinhandel, 196667. Dcel I-Groothandelaars-Opsomming. Prys R2,75, oorsee R3,75, posvry. Verslag 0444-06-Sensus van Eksekuteurskamers en Trustmaatskauuye, --- 1970-71 en 1971-72. P m R2,75, oorsee R3,75, posvry. Verslag 07-01-01-Verslag mr Geboortes, l964 tot 1971, Suid- Afrika. Prys R2,75, oorsee R3,75, posvry. Verslag 10-21-24--Sensus van Fabriekswese. 1967168. Materiaal Aangekoop en Vervaardigde Artikels Verkoop, Hooigroepe: ChemiLalieE tot Diverse Vervaard~gii~gsnywerhede. Prys R2,75, oorsee R3,75, posvry. Bu~telandse Handelstatistieke, Boekdeel I-Invoer en Uitvoer. Kalenderjaar 1972. Prys R7,25, oorsee R9,10, posvry. KAARTE (Prys R0,60, Oorsee R0,75, Posvry) SA. 1 50 000 Topo: 2625 DITICareekuil. 2627 DB-Veree~liging (2de uitgawe). 3018 BA-Norabees. 3018 BR-Julie se Vlei. 3126 AITMolteno (2de uitgawe). 3221 AC-Kromkolk. 3221 BB-Layton. S.A. 1.250000 Topo Reelcs: 3017-Garies (2de uitgawe). 3220-Sutherland (2de uitgawe). DIVERSE Verdag van die Bantoe-appblhoue, 1970 (gebinde deel). Prys R5,OO corsee R6,25. posvry. Verslag van die Rantoe-app&llione. 1971 (gebinde deel). Prys R5,09. ool see R6,25, posvry. Kos en Kookkum (eerste gemetriserde uitgawe). Prys R6,00, oorsee R7.50, posvry. -. VERKRYGBAAR BY DIE STAATSDRUKKERY, PRETORIA EN KAAPSTAD DEPARTMENT OF STATISTICS Report 04-41-151--densus of Wholesale and Retail Trade. 1966-67, Part 1, WholesalersSummary. Price R2,75, overseas R3,75, post free. Report 0444-06--Census of Boards of Executors and Trust Companies, 1970-71 and 1971-72 Price R2,75, overseas R3,75, post free. Report 07-01-01-Report on Births, 1964 to 1971, South Africa. Price R2,75, overseas R3,75, post free. Report 10-21-24---Census of Manufacturing, 1967-68. Materials Purchased and Manufactures Sold, Major Croups: Chemicals to Misceilaneous Manufacturing Industries. Price R2,75, overseas R3,75, post free. Fore~gn Trade Statistics, Volume 1, 1972. Imports and Exports. Price R7,25, overseas R9,10, post free. MAPS (Price R0,60, Overseas R0,75, Post Free) S.A. 150000 Topo Series: 2625 DSKareekuil. 2627 DB-Vereeniging (2nd edition). 3018 RA-Norabees. 3018 BB-Julie se Vlei. 3126 AD-Molteno (2nd edition). 3221 AC-Kromkolk. 3221 BB-Layton. SA. 1 :250 000 Topo Series: 3017-Caries (2nd edition). 3220-Sutherlarid (2nd edition). MISCELLANEOUS Reports of tlfe 'Bantu Appeal Courts, 1970. Price R5,0O, overseas R6,25, post free (bound). Reports of the Bantu Appeal Courts, 1971. Price R5,00, overseas R6.25. post free (bound volume>). Kos en Kookkuns (eerste gemetriseerde uitgawe). Price R6,00, overseas R7,50, post free. OBTAINABLE FROM THE GOVERNMENT PRINTER, PRETORIA AND CAPE TOWN I I Sluitirigstye vir PORTANT AN QUMCEBAENT Closing Times far Le WYSIGING VAN SLUITINGSTYE VIR WETLIKE KENNISGEWINGS EN GQEWERMENTSKENNIS- GEWINGS Aangesien 12, 15 April 1974 en 23, 31 Mei 1974 openbare vakansiedae is, sal die sluitingstye vir die aannams van Wetlike Keanisgewings en Goewermentskennisgewings. ens., as volg wees: 3 Em., op Donderdag, 4 April 1974 vir die uitgawe van Donderdag, l l April 1974. 3 Em., op Woensdag, 10 April 1974 vir die uitgawe van Vryd~~, 19 April 1974. 3 cm., op Donderdag, 16 Mei 1974 vir die uitgawe van Vrydsg. 24 Mei 1974. 3 nu.. op Woeiisda!z, 22 hiei 1974 vir die ujlgawe van Dondx!ag, 30 Mei 1974. Lant kennisgewings sal in die daaropvolgende uitgawes geplnas word. J. DE EEER. Staatsdrukker. AMENDMENT OF CLOSING TIMES FOR LEGAL NOTICES AND GOVERNMENT NOTICES As 12. 15 April 1974 and 23, 3 1 May 1974, are public holidays, the closing times for acceptance of Legal Notices, Government Notices, etc., will be as follows: 3 pm., on Thursday. 4 April 1974 for the issue of Thursday, 11 April 1974. 3 pm., on Wednesday, 10 April 1974 for the issue of Friday, 19 April 1974. 3 pm., on Thursday, 16 May 1974 for the issue of Friday, 24 May 1974. 3 pm., on Wednesday, 22 May 1974 for the issue of Thursday, 30 May 1974. Late notices will be published in the subsequent issues. J. DE BEER, Government Printer.

..,-?" -,, STAATS~OEM&, 29 ~AX/RT cl974 54 No. 4231 m.,- VAN DIE IPEPUBLIEK VAH Sum-AFm L' OF THE REPUBLIC OF SOU'FII AFRICA Intekengeld: Plaaslik-R20 per jaar Subscription Rates: Loc91-RZO per annum Oorse+R25 per jaar Overseas-R25 per annum VOORWAARQES V%W DIE PUBLIKASIE VAN WETLEHCE KENNESGEW~GS I. Die Sraarskoerant word elke week op Vrydag gepublfseer en die sluitingstyd vir die aanname van kennisgewings wat op 'n bepaalde Vrydag in die Staarskoerant moet verskyn: is 3 nm. op die voorafgaande Vrydag. Kopie van kennisgewings na sluitingslyd ontvang, sal oorgehou word vir plasing in die eersvolgendc Stnursl.o(~rmr. In geval van openbare vakansiedae word die sluitingsdatum vervroe? socs van tyd tot tyd in die Staarskoerunt aangekondig. 2. S!egs wetlike hennisgzwings word vir publikasie in die StaatsXocr.a!rt aangrncem en hulle is ondenvorpe aan die goedkeuring \an die Staatsdrukker wat kan weier om enige hennis. gewing aan te neem of verder te publiseer. 3. Die Staatsdrukker hehou hom die reg voor om die kopie CONDITIONS FOR THE PUELICATIB~ OF LEGAL NOTICES I. The Gover~~rr~ent Gaze!re is published every week. on Friday, and the closing time for the acceptance of notices which are to appear in the Governrnenr Gazet~e on any particular Friday is 3 pm. on the preceding Frid,ly. Any copy received after the zlasing time wili be held over for publication in the next Goverrtnwnt Gazette. In the event of public holidays the dosing lates are advanced as announced In the Gover.~mer~t Gnzerfe from time to tine. 2. Only legal rct~ces are accepted for publication in the Govcriimer~t Gaze!;e, ar,d they are sublzct to the zlpprmal of the Government Printer who can rduze acceptance or further pubhcation of any nowe te redigeer, tc hersien en oortollige bcsonderhede weg te laat 3. The Governmx~t Pri13ti.r reserves the right to edit and 4. Geen aansprceidaheid word aenvaar vir enige vertraging revise copy and to dcleie Ihe~cSrom zny superiluo~~s d;tail. in die publisermg van '11 kennisgwiing of vir die pnblisering daarvan op 'n ander datum as d~e dew dic insender bepaal. 4. No liability is assumed for any delay in publishing a notice Dr ior publishing it on any dale cthzr than that stipulated by Insgelyks word geen aanspreel.l~lrhcid aanvaar ten opsigte van enige redigcring, hersiening, weglatmgs, tipografiese foute ea :lie advertiser. Similarly no liability is assumed in respect of any foute wat weens dowwe oi onduidel~ke kopie mag ontstaan nie, editing, revision, onlission, typographical crrors or errors resulting from faint or indistinct copy. 5. Die insender word aanspreeklik gehou vir enige skadevergoeding en koste wat mag voortvloei uit enige aksie wat weens die publisering, hetsy met of sonder enige weglating, foute, otlduidelikhede of in watter vorm ook al, van 'n kennisgewing teen die Staatsdrukker ingestcl rnag word. 6. Die Staatsdrukkcr behou hom die reg voor om kendsgewings onder 'n algemene opskrif sonder afxonderlike hoofde te publiseer en is nie aanspreeklik vir die foutiewe klassifiseridg van sodanige kennisgewings in die Stnatskoemr of vir enigiets wat daaruit mag voortvloei nie. 7. Die kopic van kennisgewings rnag nie deel van edge bgeleidende brief oi dokument wees nie en moet slegs op eea kant van die papier geskryf of getik wees. Alle eiename moet duidelik leesbaar wees en indien 'n naam verkeerd gedruk word as gevolg van onduidelike skrif, sal die kennisgewing aileen na betaling van d:e koqle van 'n tweede plasing weer gepubliseer word. 8. Geen kennisgewing sal in die Staarskoerant geplaas wbrd nie, tensy die kos!e van die plasing daarvan vooruitbetaal is, d die insender oor 'n rekening by die Staatsdrukker beskik. 9. Rekenings kan by die Staatsdrukker gwpen word en die voorwaardes waerup sodanige rekenings geopen word, sal op aanvraag verstrek word. 10. Alle tjeks, bankwissels, posorders of poswissels moet gelrruis en betaalbaar gemaak word aan die "Staaisdrukker". Pos&ls is nie aanvaarbaar nie en ewemin, behalwe vir kennisgewings van bestorwe boedsls, ook inkomsteseels. 11. Ekxmpiarc van die Staa!skoeronr wat nodig mag wees ter bewys van pubhkave van die betrokke kennisgewing word hie grat~s verskaf nie. Ekseinptare van die betrokkc Srantskocrmt kan teen 20c per ekscaplaar verkry word. Geen aanspreeklikheid word aanvaar vu die versum om sodanige Staatskoerant af te stuur of vertraging in die aisending daarvan. 12. Taricwe vir die plasing vafi Wetlike Kennisgewings-- Tarief Aard vnrt kennisgrrving PS p!as~ng R (1) Aanrtelling as tdssieor-per Lennisgewing... 6 00 Naturalisasieper kennisgewing en met inbegrip van koste vir verskaffing van een eksemplaar van die betrokke Stan~sXoeranr... 2 60...... Motorvoe~nigassor;1nsie~'et (Ebe)-per kennisgewing 3 00 Yemloee Ecwensvcrsckcriny~olisse-~er kennisgewing 2 50 Iasolvenniewet (Voms J26, $29, I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 en 7)- per kennisgewing... 4 00 (I<ennisgevings moet op die regte vorm en in die rcgte uitleg soos dew die Insolvensiewet voorgeskryf ingedien word.) aansoek... 6 00 Dran'~:isensieza~soeke-~.r (340~: pp diz vcor~e;!;rsne Iorrns ing-diin word en sal b 'n spcsde Srau!sAueraizt gepubhsee~ word.) 5. The advertiser will be held liable ior all compensation and cost arising from any action which may be instituted against the Government Printer as a result or tllc publication of a notice with Dr without any omiss~on, errors, lack of clarity or in any form whatsoever. 6. The Government Printer reserves the right to publish notice3 under a general heading without separate titles, and is not liable Eor the erroneous classiiication of such notices in the Governmerit Gazefte or for anything that may result thereirom. 7. The copy of noticcs must not be part of any covering letter Dr document, and must be written or typed on 0r.e side of the paper only. All propcr names must be clearly iegihlc. and in thc went of a name being inccrrectly printed as a rcx~lt of indistinct writing, the notice will be republished only on payment of the cos? of second insertion. 8. 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Naturalizatian-per notice and including cost of supply of one copy of the relative Goverr~nlent Gazette... 2 60 Motor Vehicle lns~~rnnce Act (Claims)-per notice... 3 00 Lost Life Insurance Policies-~er notice... 2 50 Insolvency Ad (??"ems J28: 129, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7)- per notice... 4 G0 (Notices to be submitted on the correct iorms and in the correct lay-out as prescribed by the Insolvency Act.) Application far Liquor Licences-per applicatior~... 6 00 (ML's~ hc sub!nit;~:d <:;l li:c prescribxi r'vrms and will be published in a special Guveritntmr iic;.;erre.)

Tarid Aard van kennisgeiving F plonng R -- Besigheidskennispewings, d.i. adresvefandering, staking van besigheid, verkope, oordragte en verandering van vennote-per kennisgewing... 6 00 Kennisgewings soos deur die Raad van Behcer oor die Vce- en Vieisnyverheid voorgeskryf-per kennisgewing 7 00 [kloet op vorms V91 (a) (I) of V91 (a) (ii) of V91 (a) (hi) inqedien word.] Veslox Dokurnente (uitgesrsnderd lewerlsversekering-... polisse per kennisgewing GOVERNMENT G AZm. 29 MARCH,1974 No. 4237 55 Rate. Kind of notice >I ', per, inserrron R -- Bosiness N0ticeg.i.e. change of address, abandonment of business, sales, thnsfers and change of part~ershipper notice... 6 00 Notices prescribed by the Livestock and Meat lodw tries Control Board-per notice... 7 00 [Must be submitted on forms V91 (a) (i) or V91 (a) (ii) or V91 (a) (i~i).] Lost Docmetlts (other than Life Insurance Po1icies)- per notice... 7 00 7 CO Kennisqewings, in tabelvom oor 3 kolomrne- Notices, in tables of 3 columns- (i)ljis!e van onopgezlste gelde (naam, adres en (i) Lists cl unclaimed moneys (name, addrsss and bedrag)-per red... 50 amount)-per line... 0 50 (ii) Aader (naam, adres en bedrag)-per reel... 0 50 (ii) Other (name, address and amount)-per line... 0 50 Naamsverandering-pzr kennisgewing vir,her plasings 30,00 Clrrrrae of Nameper notice for four insertions... 30 00 (2) Beetome Bocdels-Kennisgewings moet op die voorgrskrewe (2) peceased Estates-Notices must be submitted on the ~0m.q ingedien word met ongerojeerde inkobmtesdls ter waarde prescrrbed forms with oncancelled revenue stamps to the val van R2 per kennisgewing in die regle pleb Qaarop geplak. R2 p:r notice gummed down iwto the proper space. (3),indea wetiike icei~nisgewings, bv. n~aatskappykenn;sgew~ngs, (3) Other Legal Notices, e.g. company notices, orde beveie \a,7 die hof, geregtelike verkope en ander wetli!;e kennis- courts. sales in execut~on and notices other than those mentioned gewings as di6 in paragrawe (l) en (2) h~erbo vermeld: on paragraphs (1) and (2) above: --p p_. ---- - - pp -- t -- Getal jikings Number of insertions Getal Number woorde of words Een Twee / i~rie Vier One Two Three Four -- -- R F. R R 6,W 18,W 10,00 14,00 9,oo 27,W 15,OO 21,Q0 12,oo 36,00 20,OO 28,00 15,W 45,00 25,W 35,oo 18,W 54,W 30,00 42,QO 21,oo 63,OO 35,00 49.00 29,W 72,W 4'J,@J 56,W 27,OO 81,OO 45,W 63,W 30,m OG, 00 50,OO 70.00 9O,OO 33,W 99,BC) 55,OO 77,m 108,OO 99.00 36,00 60,OO 54,OO 108,00 39,oo 117,OO 65,00 91,OO 117,OO. 42,OO 126,OO 70,00 98,00 126,OO 45,m 135,W 55,00 105,OO 135,OO 48,W 144,OO 80,OO 112,OO 144,OO 51,OO l53,oo 85,OO 119,oO 153,OO 54,OO 162,W 90,OO 126,oO 162,OO 57,00 171,W 95,OO 133,OO l71,oo 60,00 180,OO 1oo,Oo 140,OO 180,oo P. J DE BEER. Staatsdrukker. J. DF, BEER, Government Printer. DEIX J, II, / Deel een, twee, drie, we 1 kaanse Woordekk bevattende die letters A,B,C; D,E,F; G; M,I; en J,K; respektiewelik, is van die StaaMr~rkker, Pretoria ell Kaapstad teen die volgende pryse verkrygbaar : VOLUMES I, 11, PHI, IIV and V Copies bf ihe $irst, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth 'btolin$es of ' "Die Afrikaanse Woordeboek" containing the letters A,B,C; D,E,F; G; H,I; and J,#; respectively, are Obtainable from the Government Printer, Pretoria and Cape Town at the following prices: Gewone Leerband. Linen..Leather I~i~eband. I Bound. Bound. I\ Deel I..... R7, Volunqe L.... i... R7,OQ Volume II... R7,00...

Wetlike Advertensies-Legal Advertisements BESIGHEIDSKENNISGEWINGS- BUSlNlESS NOTICES Adresveranderings, Staking van e, Verkope, Oordragte, Verandering Sales, Transfers, Change o erships, Removal of Businesses, Abandonment of Businesses TRANSVAAL Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 of Act 24 d 1936, as amended, that the business heretolore carried on by CHANGE OF PARTNERSHIP ANGELI~I TSERPES under the style of ANTENE LADIES Notice is hereby dven that the partnership of ZICOS HAIRDRESSERS at 6 Driehoek Road, Germiston, has been sold STA~IOS, MARKOS MAVROMARAS, ~1~~m-l-1~ GA~- and will, thirty (30) days after the final publication hereof, be m and m KALov~RNAS. carrvine on business as transferred to ANDRONIKI TSOKAS who will carry on the ATLAS SCALES AND CASH REGIS~RS >t 340 Bree Street, Johannesburg, has been changed by the admission of ELEFTagRlOS STRYFTOMBOLAS as a partner in the said business. -A Vranas, c/o Max Goodman, Attorney for the Parties, 11th Fhr, Sarb House, 80 Commissioner Street, Johannesburg. 6835-22-29-5 SALE OF BUSINESS Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 of Act 24 of 1936, as amended, that it is the intention of NICHOLAS KAZAZIS, carrying on the business of a restaurant and confecdonerg at 24 Polleys Arcade, Pretorius Street, Pretoria, under Ihe style of POLLEY'S RESTAURANT AND CONFEC- TIONERY. to dis~ose of the said business. toeether with all tk assets 'thereof,l after expiration of a pehodu of 30 (thirty) days from 29 March 1974, to VICTOR RODRIGUES ahd MANUEL GONCALVES. who will thereafter carry on the said bushess at the same address under thc same style or their own account and benefit.-p. B. Angelopulo & Company, Attorneys far the Parties. 308 Savelkoul Buildines. -. P.O. Box 589. Pretoria. 7177-29 SALE OF BUS- Notia is hereby given in terms of section 34 of Act 24 of 1936, as amended. that the business conducted by MEERHOF REST CAMP ( Pw LTD, under the style of MEERHOF REST CAMP at Meerhof. District of Brits. toeether with all the assets thereof, save for the book debts and-the Autovend cigarette machine, has been sold to E. E. BERGH and Mrs C. W. SZABBERT, who will carry an the said business at the same address and under the same style, for their own account and benefit, with effect from 14 March 1974. Dated at Pretoria this 18th day of March 1974.-Friedland, Hart & Partners, Attom'eys for the Parties, 212 Van der Stcl Buildings, 179 Pretorius Street, Pretoria 7213-29 Kennisgewing geskied hiermee ingevolge artikel 34 van Wet 24 van 1936, soos gewysig, dat V.R.N. BELEGGINGS (EDMS.) BPK. die besigheid bekend as LANTERN IIOTEL, geke te Noordstraat 1, Klerksdorp, verkoop het as 'n lopende handelsaak aan JOHANNES CHRISTOFEEL VAN SCHALKWYK wat &er die besigheid sal voortsit vir sy eie rekening op dieselfde lek van besigheid en onder dieselfde naam vanaf 1 April 1974.- L eyer, Van Sittert & Kroprnan, Prokureurs vir die Partye, Permanente Gebou, Boomstraat, Posbus 91. Klerksdorp. Nofice is hereby given in team3 of section 34 of Act 24 of 1936, as amended, that VRN. BELEGGINGS (PTY) LTD bas d d the business known as LANTERN HOTEL?&ate 1 Noord Street, Klerksdorp, as a going concern to JOHANNES CHRISTOFFEL VAN SCHALKWl?K who will carry on the business for his own account and benefit mder the same name and style and at the same address with effect from 1 April 1974.-Meyer, Van Sittert & Kroprnan, Attorneys for the Parties. Permanent Buildings, Boom Street, P.O. Box 91. Klerksdorp. 7128-29 VERKOOP VAN BESIGHEID Kennis word hierby gegee hagtens artikel 34 van die Insolvensiewet, No. 24 van 1936, 600s gewysig, dat LUCAS COR- NELIUS VILJOEN wat handel gedry hat onder die naam NAMAKGALE MEUBELS te die plaas DroEbult, Phalaborwa, distrik Letaba, genoemde besigheid as lopende saak vervreem het aan NAMAKGALE MEUBELS (EDMS.) BPK. wat die besiaeid by dieselfde adres en onder dieselfde naam, vir eie rekening sal voortsit met effek 1 Maart 1974. Gedagteken te Phalaborwa op hede die 13de dag van Maart 1974.-1. S. Coetzee, vir Coetzee, Van der Menve & Wessels, Prokureur,yir Partye, Medim Sentrumgebou 16, Posbus 217, Phalabonva, 1390. 7060--29 business under the same name and style. Dated at Germiston this 6th day of March 1974.-Max Levine, Attorney for the Parties, 2061210 United Buildings, 177 President Street, P.O. Box 289, Germiston. 7058-29 Notice is hereby given, in terms of section 34 (1) of Act 24 of 1936, as amended, that it is the intention of JAN JOHAN- NES JACOB MARITZ, carrying on business on the remaining portion of Portion 11 (a portion of Portion 3) of the farm Rooidraai 85, situate in the Registration Division IQ. District of Ventersdorp, under the style or firm of J.M. SUPERMARKET and RYSMIERBULT MOTORS, respectively, to dispose of the said businesses together with all the assets thereof after the expiration of a period of thirty (30) days from the 29th day of March 1974, to GERT JAN ABRAHAM VAN DER WALT, who will thereafter carry on the said businesses at the same address under the same style or firm for his own account and benefit.-fleischack. Freysen. Holton & Wadge, Fleischack Buildings, corner of Annan and Flint Streets, P.O. Box 140, Carletonville, 2500. 7010-29 SALE OF BUSINESS Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 of Act 24 d 1936, as amended, that it is the intention of IIMMY VAN DRUTENS SCRAP (PTY) LTD carrying on business in the name and style of JOE'S MOTOR PARTS at 4 First Street, Geduld, Springs, Tvl, to dispose of the said business together with all the assets thereof as from 1 Mary 1974, to GEORGE CHARLES HODGSON, who will thereafter carry on the said business at the same address for his own account and benefit, under the same style and at the same address. Dated at Springs this 14th day of March 1974.-Ivan Davies, Theunissen & Partners, Attorneys for the Parties. 7016-29 VERKOOP VAN BESiGHEID Kennisgewing geskied hiermee kragtens die bepalings.:an adkel 34 van Wet 24 van 1936, soos gewysig, dat FREDERICH WILHELM LOURENS die besigheid bekend as RANDFON- TEIN STOFFEERDERS EN MOTORBEKLEBRS, relee te Hoofweg 18, Randfontein, verkoop het aan ABRAHAM SmPHANUS ERASMUS, JOHANNES RUDOLPH ERASMUS en JOHANNES VAN HEERDEN, wat die besigheid onder dieselfde naam by gemelde adres d voortsit vanaf 'n datum 30 (dertig) dae na die laaste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing; Gedateer te Randfontein op hede die 14de dag van Maart 1974.-Jan van Deventer.& Kie, Prokureurs vir die Partye, Villagcstraat 49. Randfontem. 7006-29 Ken& word hierby gegee ingevolge artikel 34 (1) van die Ibsolvensiewet, 800s gewysig, dat die besigheid gedryf dew ANDRIES VAN ROOYEN POTGIETER onder die naam PROTEAPARK SUPPLIERS te Wildevylaan, Proteapark, Rustew burg, verkoop is en oorgedra sal word aan CHRYSANTHOS CHARALAMBOUS en PLASTIRAS CHRISTOFOROU 30 dae na die laaste verskyning hienran wat gesegde besigheid by die selfde adres en onder dieselfde naam vir sy eie rekeninp sal vo0rtsit.-d. F. Lamprecht, vir Jac H. Smit Lampretht & Albertse. Drosdvaebon. - - Boomstraat, Posbus 75, Rustenburg. 6990-29 Kennisgewing geskied hiermee kragtens artikel 34 van Wet 24 van 1936, soos gewysig, dat ALFRED HENRlCO wat handel dry as MOOIRIVIER SLAGHUIS te Bismillagebou, hoek vaa Dlplooy- en Kcrkstraat, Potchefstroom. van voornemens is om genoemde besigheid te verkoop aan OCKERT JACOBUS =N. TER wat dit vir sy eie rekening sal voortdryf te dieselfde adres onder dieselfde naam.-i. F. Waks & Williams, Prokureur vir die Partye, Barclays Bankgebou, Kerkstrazt, Potchefstroom. 6939-29

GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCII 1974 No.4237 57 Kennis word hierbv nenee ingevolge artikel 34 van Wet 24 van 1936, soos gevycg, h$ die Sesighhid tot dusver gedryf deur JOHANNA PETROPJELLA BEESLAAR, getroud buitc gemeenskap van giiedere met Jacol:us Stcpkmus Johanncs beesi:iar, onder die naanl van ROWITAS DAMES HAARKAPPERS, gelee in die Trust Bankgebou, Voortrekkenveg 72, Polgietcrsius, verkoop is en op die?isle dag na die laaste publihie iiizivm oorgedra word aan AE9L.F HERMANUS NAYES wat sal voortgaan 0111 onder dieselfde naan en by dieselfde adres vir sy eie reken;i?g handsi tc dl-yf. Gedaleer te Potgietersrus ep hede die 13de dng van Maart 1974.-Louis Botha & Van Onselen, Prokurcu;s vir Belanohebbendes. Voorlrekkerweg g3; Posbus 98, -- I<c!:r:ir,g:~.ving geskied iiicrmee in terme van artikel 34 van die Insol;.~:~sev!ct, KO. 24 van 1936, sue gewysig, dat JAMES NICIIL'LSON BR.YI\/IER en MARTHA JACOMIFJA BRYhER, gebore Coetzee; die besiglleid wat hulle gedryf het onder die naam T1l"TMYNE KONIANI WINKEL, distrik Potgic'tcrsrus, verkoop het aan die m.tatskappy DE BOT AGENTSKAPPE (EDivlS.; EPK. tesaxe met al!e bates, voorraad op hande en toerusting welke maatskappy die genoernde besighcid vanaf 29 April 1914 vir hulle eie voordeel en rckening by dieselfde adres sal voortsit.-naude & Dames, Prokureurs vir die Partye, Sanlarngebou, Retiefstraat, Posbus 405, Potgietersrus. - 6971-29 VERKS3P VAN BESIGXIEID Kcr,:;iszewing geskied hiermez ingevolge die bepa!ings van artiltel 34 van Wet 24 van 1936, soos gewysig, dat EIENDRIK PETIlUS COETZEE KI?OS van voorneme is om sy slagtersbesighcid bekend as CX1TS VLEIS BAZAAR, wat gedryf word te Milrrnylaan 46d, Brits. as 'n lopende saak aan JACOBUS CHRTSTOFFEL PRINSLCIO en DAVIU JACOBUS PIETERSE te ve~koop en oor te dia na verstryking van 'n periodz van dertiz, (30) dae vanai d.i:un van pub1ikasie'-tiiervan. Gedateer te brits op h& die 23% dng van Maart 1974.-Smuts, Ras & Dretorius, Prokurcurs vir Partye, Murraylaan 37a, Posbus 32; i3ii:s. VERKDOP VAi'I CSSIGHEID Ken~isgewing geskied hicrince ingevol$e die bepalings van artikel 34 vail dic Iasoirensie %et, No. 24 van 1936, soos gcwysig, da: :ShCDLLE SUSANNA FOUCHEE,. die verkoper, voorncmcx is om haar besigheid bekend as LEBOMBG SLAGHUIS wat te i(issik3traat 16a: Komatipoort, Tvl.,. gedryf word as 'n lopencie szak na aiioop van die iydperk van 30 dae na die laas?c p.ib;lkasic van hicrdie advcrtcnsie t& verkoop aan JAM DA,?4IEL Bi~.EEDT vnt d2.arna die saak by dieselfde ndres cn onder diesclide naam vir sy eie rekcning sal dryf.-oiivier & Van Vuuren. VERKOBP VAN RESIGHEID Kcnnis mcrd hierby gcgce ingcvolge artilrel 34 van Wet 24 van 1936, soos gewysig, dat SUSANNA ADRIANA VAN WYK hmr besigheid bekend as SALON SUZETTE te Kroghstraat, Louis T~ichardt, tesarne met genoemde besigheid se klandisiewaaide. wrkoop het aan SUSARA MAdDALENA WALKEN- SHAU' wit sal voortgxin on die be.iigheid vir eie rekening te dryf on(!.-r die naam Salon Suzette by dieselfde adres.-dc Vaal Pr. Spod%:a, Prokureurs vir d~e Partye, Posbus 246, Louis Tr~charrit. 8491-29-5 Be deased to take notice that LOURENS COLLIN DE WET. has sold his business situated at Potgieter Street, Albcrton, 2nd know as LETXER KOS. to PETRUS IOHANNES ZOTHA and FRANCOIS DOMINICUS JACOBUS LAMBRECHTS, who will as and from 30 (thirty) days Prom the last publication of this nstice. trade for thsir own acconnt at the same address and undcr tb.9 same name or style of Lekker 1Cos.-Jack Sherman, Attcrn-, [or Seller. Alberton. 8504-29 Not~ce is hercby given in terms of section 34 of Act 24 of 1935, 3s amended, that it is the intention of MICHAEL KOUP- PAS carrylng on business as a tea-room and grocery at 56 Buckngham A-~enue Craiphall Park, Johannesburg, undcr the stylc: of 0 K. SUPPLY STORES. to dispose of the said business towther with the goodwill and 211 the assets thereof after the ewyira!;on of the statutory penod. to ANDREW STAVROU who wil! thereafter carry on the said business at the same address under the same style for his own account and benefit.-routledge L MacCallums. DISPOSITION OF ASSETS Noticc is hereby given in terms of section 34 of Act 24 of 1936, as amended, that DAVRON PACKAGlNG (PTY) LTD have dispossd of the assets of the business formerly carried on by it at 73 Lake hrenue, Lknoni, to BRXAN LCBOS, acting as trus:ee for a company to be fornie:, as Davrcn Packaging (Pty) kld is no longer continuing trading. Th:: company to be formed wil!, accordingly, be the solc OWICT of tl2 assets within 33 (thirty) days of the final pub!ication ol this ncltice.-s. Lipscl?itz, for Stan!ey Lipschitz c": Co., Atiorncys; Notaries and Conre;.aniers, 1101 Iu'orih Salt, Kruis and $larket Slrects, Notice is hzreby given in tcms of sectio;i 34 of Act 24 of 1935, as amended, that JOSE ANDRE: A612E1J DE SOIJSA, c;~rrvina oc business as a aeneral dzaler at 230 Bree Srcet. johannisburg, under the name and style of GOLDPI;,$ FRUTTER: ERS, has dlsposcd of the sad b~;:il-ess toxclhzr vnth all the assets, to EDWARDO GEORCE PAMENTA DA SILVA, with effect from the date being 30 '(thirty) days from the date of l!~c last advertisement hercof, who wi:l from that date carry on the said busicess at the same addrebs for his own account.- Norrnsn Isscrow & Slom, Seller's Attorneys, 234 Maritime House, 26 Lovedhjr Street, Johannesburg. 8563-29 Notice is hereby given that the aszcts only of take-away food business, fish and chips and gencral dealer heretofore carried on by EVANTHEA CONSTANTINIDES and EURIPIDES CHE1STODOL.OU undcr the style of LUI-JCH CORNER at corner of Main and End Streets, City and Suburban, Johannesbure. has been sold and is intended to be translcrred to JOAS FEKNANBES and GEOFFREY MAISNEK after the expiry of 30 (thirty) days after the date of the last publication hereof; wllereafte: the said business will be carried on by the said Joas Fernandes and Geoffrey Maisnch at the same address and 11ndzr tile [ame nme a::d st.i!e far tl-eir c m bmefit and account Sasto & Louis, Attorneys for Parties, 28th Floor, Trust Bank Centre, corner ol Fox and Eloif Strec:~. Johannesburg. Notice is hereby given that the asse!s only of business of geccral dealer in drapery and clotl~hg heretofore carried on by GERBERS STORES (PTI) LTD under the name of GER- EERS STORES has been sold and is intcnded to be trensfcrred to IN AND OUT JOBBERS (PTO LTD dter the expiry of 20 (thirty) days from the last publication ol ibis notice; whereafter the said business will be conducted by thc said IQ and Out 30h':)er~ (Pty) Ltd at the same address under the same name, for his wvn benefit and account.-sasto & L cuis. Attcrnc~ s for Parties. 28th Floor, Trust Baak Centre, Fov and E?ofF Streets, Johanncsbuig. 8563-29 DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSIIIP I\!otice is herebv eiven that the ~nrtneizhin between EDWXRDG GEORGE FA~ENTA D-4 ST~,VA and JOASINTO ABREU DE SOUSA, which partnership carri~d on business ucder the nainc and style of SARATCGA SUP5llMARKET, at 31 Saratoga Avenue,.Berm, Johannesburg. and LORENTZVILLE FRUTTERERS, at 66 Derby Road, Bcrtrarns, Johannesburg, will be dissolved with effect from the date being 30 (thirty) days from the date of the last advertisement hereof, and fro31 that date the aforesaid bminesses will be carried on in oartnership between JOASTNTO ABREU DE SOUSA and JOSE ANDXE ABREU DE SOUSA, who will from that datz carry on tl-e \aid businesses for their own acco7;;it --Norm~n isserom L Slam, Attorneys for the Parties, 234 hlaritime House, Loveday Stret, ~ohannksburg. SALE OF BUSINESS Notice is hercby,given that the business conducted by DIN0 DIN1 under the style of BIRNAM PAINT AND HARDWARE at 81 Corlett ~ rivd Birnam, has been so!d and will be transferred to ITALO A. TARANTO and PETER J. VAN VUUREN 33 days after the last publication hereof.-dizo Cini, P.O. Box 144, Mondeor. 8563-29 SALE OF BUSINESS Notice is hereby giben that the buziness conducted by SAhJ RIVAL RJTXAURANT (PTY) LTD under the style of MAXThl RESTATJRANT at Lcuis Rotha h- er le. Cresswold, Johann?cbuq. has been sold and will 1.2 trt:~~cerrecl to TERENZIO RICCARDO BASILE 30 days after th~, last mblication hereof.- Louis H. Garb & Raymond Joife, National Building Socic' Buikhes. Commissioner and \Ton Brandis Streets, Johannesburr.

--P ------p. %C_ '1. ~*;.o 1s., teby given in terms of zection 34 (1) of Act 24 of 1936, its zmcndzd, by MANOLYA CSNEIXTIONERY (PTY) LTD of its intentioa to aiicnntc the whole,of its busicess togcther with a!l tllc ass-is ;uid goodmiil cwrisc! oil by it under thc sty!e of FTanoIya Coaiectionery (P!?) Ltd at 25 Geziii.deilhci~t Street, T~,q%~~iiIr, doliannesburg, to CEARALAM- BOS GlhN?dOi!129POLriOS.--I. P~1i;ndelow & Brcvide, Attorneys for t!x Ssllers, Fsur!!~ FIoor, Inncs Chambers, Pritchard Street, Sohanriesb:!rg. SAL): OF BTJ5TI~JESS. vency Act of 1 K iill;;t GEL~LD C;EOFFP.EY WRIGIJT intcrcds selling his busi:? known 2s C0:'JTIWBNTAT- DESIGNS, 22 Ge;?erel Smuts Goad, Vereeniging Extension 1, to ITOPIA KQNSTRUIiSTti (EDSiS.) BPX who wi:! be doing business as COiL'TINEWTAi, FlSRE GLASS DEZIGIdS for its own account at the same cdd=:-, within 30 (thirty) days aiter publication of thi; noti~e.-~v?ijls & Grobler. Attorneys to the Parties. 1 Donne Chceseborough Euildiilgs. IXcr~imin Avenue, Vereeniging 7281-29 VER?TUl?P?G VAN BESICHEID Kennis word brclhv rrczee., i:~eevolse artikel 30 van Wet 24 van 1936, soos geayig. dnt J~AM-ANNE HADLEY vo&- ncncns is cm d~e zlgemene handelsarsbesighede bekend 2s KALKBAFIIC TRADING STORE asook UNCLE WILLIES ONTSPhr~NLI4GS00RD, gelee te Pk. ICalkbank, te verhuflr ;an J0HAPJI.J GODFREY VAN TOIYDER wat na verstrvkina van 30 (dertip,) dac mnaf die laaste aublikasie hieman dii gcmelde Gesig&de by dieselfde adres, onder dieselfde cams, vir sy rekcning cn rocrdecl sal voortsit.--lategan & Cspag. PrbkureUrs vir die Partye. Elzeiagebou, Vorsterstraat, Posbus 387, Pietersburg. 7252-29 OGRDRAG VAN EEETGHEID Kennisgewing gzsliietl hiernlee ingevolgc artikel 36 (1) van Wet 24 van 19%. sons gcvyfsig, dat CATHARINA ELT'ZABCTX BREYTF,hTBA6)IT vs7 Loanerne is om die besieheid nat belcend is as CATH 4 RrNA PfiELKERY (EDMS.) BPK. \vat gedryf word te Reitzlaan 15. Gedtlld-uitbreiding, Springs. 2an PETER I<ONALD JOREI oor tc dra na v-rstryking van dcrtlg (30) dae vanaf d!e laasle publikasic Illervan. Gedateer op liede die l8de dag \an Maert 1974.-A. J. BURGER. vir J. R. du Plessis & Burger, Prokurwrs vir d~e Parlyc, Ecrste Verdieping, Alliedgebou, Vyide Lam, Posbus 880. Spriiys. - 7250-29 Notice is hereby g;\-en that the partnership heretofore ratrid o;l by ANDRE45 M4VP.OXATIS and DEMETRIOS HAD- TIOhNPTQU nl~d~r t1:e name and style of HYDE PARK SUPER4AARTCET. 335 Pan Smuts Avenue, Craighdl Park, Jo!:annesbnrg (wh~ch address was previously known as 48 Old Pretoria Road. Craighdi Park. Johannesburg), has bccn dissolved by mutual consent with effect as and from the close of business on 28 February 1974. The said bwiness will, from such date. be carr~ed on by Dcmetrios Hadjioannbu for his sole benefit znd account at the same address and under the same name and 5:ylc-Ber~arc! ITertiberg Q Stupel, Attorneys for the Patties, P.O. BOY 436. Gelmiston. 7244-29 Notice is hereby given that in terms of section 34 of Act 24 of 1936. as amended. that MEYER SIMON RCICHENBEKG has sold the business carried on bv him at 10 Prcddv Street, Germiston, under the firm and style of R.T. PANELB~ATCRS to FRANK CGRREIA who will carry on the business at the same address and under!he seme style ior his sole benefit and account on the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date of the last ~;dblicatio!: of this notice.-cramer R: Cramer, 702 Corporat~on Buildings, 105 Commissioner Street, Johannesburg. 'et%fjcoop VAN BESIGIIEID Ker?nisgewin,o gcskied hiermee in terme van artikel 34 van. Wet 24 x n 1936. 593s eewysig. dat JGSUAIT JOACElM FRANCOLS M,~R~~~ETV~C~- van voojneme is om S): besigheid te ve~koag bekend as SONO? MONT/;NTYfT"!KEL., vvat gcdryi wcrd te Hertzogstra~t 901:'ont:in; Pi-zloria. us 'n lopende bcsigheid met effe.k soos vawf 30 (dertig) dxe na die iaaste publikasie van. hierdie adverknsie, aan:somannes NICOLAAS VAN DER EERGZ, viai ilizrm die besiglleid by dicselfdc adres cn onder diese1f-j~ naam vir sy cic reke~iing sal dryf. Gedatekr te Pretoria op litde die ZCste dag van Maart ' 1974.-l2ubscher & Du Buissor~, Rei~tmceweigebou 710; Bosmanstraat 210; Pretoria. KAAP-CAPE j'. SALE OF BTjSlNCSS Notice is 11crel:y giver. in terins ce section 34 (1) of Act 24 of 1935, as amended. that Rti12hND GEORGE. PHILIP RRO- EDELET and CYNTIEl h ELXZhDETH HARRIET BROEI35 LET intend c!isposjns vi ~!i:ir buslncs ki~omn as the KENNA- WAY C(iWFUI?E, sit:!:lie a; l';en:i<:\i'ay.13uild;nrs,.escianade, Eeet I.c:ntlvn, to and in fr!vo~ir c[ P*T;",ICfA (',:G': h.4,qg- ZWIS. v!ho will co~tinu:: to trac!.? i-;r hcr owr: ::ccoimt md beiteiit at the samc address and mdrr the sax:: styic, with erfrxt iron? 1 May 1971.-J. A. Yazbck 62 Co., Attc;rn~ys foi the Pa!.iies. Sterlirg 1lou::c; 3-1- Giadstane SLrc-et. Ez-t L~;idcli. 68U4--22-29 SALE OF BUSINESS Notice is hereby pivcn in tcrms of cectioc 34 nf,'.:lt?4. of 1936, as amended. tl-:xt LOUIS GCI.i>.'.:Ahi carryi~:: on twsi- ness at Shop A, Pa1-1rxii; i3uildirg:. %rand Street. Csne T.\vn, under the name and si;:le of PARICADE JEWEZLEF% intefids to dispose of the said business as ;i going conccrn :o CYRX REILES wiih effect as ar?d fro21 t!;ir:v 130) rl.j.: aft.?:. pulsiicr~- tion hereof frcm which date the said C!--il Bciies!-;!I!hereafter carry on the said business at the same edciress unc!.:r the same style for his own xcount 2nd benefit Fated at Cnjie Tcwn this 5th day of March 1974.-Buirski. Iirrt?:.tein Ipp. A-ttorncys for.the Parties, 134 Adcierlcy Sircet. Ca:x Town. 7 l3o--?9 SALE OF BUSIF:GSS Nntice is her+ gi~len in terms of ecction 7d of Act 21 of 1916. thst ALETTA h4aria 17AN NTEKERK. trad~ii~ as LETTIES SUPERMARX. Main Strect. Kamoes has sold the busineps to CORNELJUS GERMARCUS CiBh,D~~~IiUYS who will conduct the said business uder [he sanx name inr his own account.-c. R. Sch~ilz & Co., Atlorncys for [lie Parties, P.O. Box 7, Kenhardt. - 72 i 8..-.29 SALE O$ ~~!S!?~CSS Notice is hereby :riven in terms CC sccticn 34 cc Act 2.3 of 1936, that the Eilsiims of a hairdressing :n!on :lit! ge~cral r!cal:r carried on by h4orna ROIXY OJEMER e! 102 (:!mbridgc Road. Icing Wi!liam's Town. under the style of FAIR- LADY HAIRDRESSING SALOPJ has been sold and will 'be transferred to CAROL JONES.thir?y (30) days aftcr the last pnl?lication hereof fro= which date the purchaser shall co- ~.t:nue ' with the said businss for her exclusive benefit.-barnes & Ross, Attorneys for'seller, 126 Alezandra Road, King Wiliiam's Town. 7062-29 SALE OF D'JSTPJESS - Notice is hereby given in terms 0.' section 34. i?) of.4ct 24 of 1936, as amended. that th.: brrsis--r c;,ri-;ed r:r: by Fh'!lMA MOOS trading as P.4OXOWc'RRA C.'+':if 5TQXE rt F:;wt!l Aventre: Sherwood Park i'i:i!ippi. l i x!:i-? c.iil.! :c T\ZC)fii72&ETP AMOE and AISAA AMOD, whc. rl.iir..r ihe rs!?i:! 30 days from, tlie last piublieztion hci-ci: n.j:l cxry on :!;c..'ii busi:~ess in parinership at the Eame address for?ii?:r or:n -:~c~u!i!, tinder the :,style or firm of. IJJGHLANTX SUPZRM 'r!p KET. Dated at Cape Towa this 14th day of March 1974.--1. X. Snitcher, Cohen & Snitcher; Attorneys for the IYnriics, 10 1:io:;tert Street, Cape Town. 767 1-29 -~ ~ VERKOOP VAN EESIGIEID mene handebarsbe~i~heid bekend cs CAS'r END CAIGI-i STC~E,. Greystraat 35, Aberdeen. verkoop het aan HE?;I-IRIK LEDE- WYK VAN DER MERVJE VAN ZYL: wat genoc!ndc bzsigheid onder dieselfde naam en by diesellde adres sal d-!f ~ i sy r eie rekenins met effek varaf 1 Maart 1974.-J. Gruss & Eie., Prokureurs-vir die Partve,.. Grevstraat. IG, Aberdeen. ^"C ii>,4-29 SALE OF BUSINESS Xotice is hzreliy given ir. terns of sectioi: :X Act 24 of 1936. as amendod, :!?at CGRNELIUS GERHARD! :C; GELDBN- HUYS carrying m 51,xii;css 2s FOFJTEIN VTS$.ERY on Erf 819, VJellington. kncv:n as l 1 Foilntain Street, Vv'ellington, has disposed of the sai5 h~~sines lngether with all the assets thereof andwill, vqii.liin 30 (thirty) days from thr, date of last puhlication of this notice transfcr tl~e said busi~xss and assets to EVERT IJELPERUS VAN RCSOYFN, id10 will continue carrying on tha said-busincss under the same name 2nd at the same address for his own account wicl benefit. Dated at We!lington this 8th day of March i974.--philii: Parties, 17 Church L;::&, Sarembock S( Lewis, Attorccys for the P.O. Box 33, Wellington. 7392-29

--p 5955-29 SS-lTE OF BTJSlVESS Take notice that!t is tile intent102 of JOCOVOS MTCTIALL JACO! IDES carrying o~ business as AVENIDA SlJPER PrlAIZkET at Su;nnne?:.reet, Mango!d Park, Port Elizabe:h to d~spow oc the sad bilsiness to GEORGE PATRELLIS afier thirty (30) days after publ~cation hereof -Ward Able W Gib30n, Attorneyd for the Parrles. 153 Main Street. Port El~zabeth 722-29 SALE OF BZSINESS Notice is hereby given in terms of zection 34 of Act 21 of 1936. as zmendcd, that the business carried on by WILLT441 HENRY JOOSTE the business lcnonn as ICINCS SC'PER- MARKET. 103 Regent Road. Sea Point, has been wid to PETRUS KAREL MULDER who will conduct the busmss for his oivr? account at 103 Regent Rozd. Sea Point, undzr the same name and stvle-inveeta Estates (Ptv) Ltd, Ninth Floor, Bree-Casile House, 68 Bree Street, Cape l own. 8438--29 VERKOOP VAN BESIGHEID Kennls word hierby gegee ooreenkomstlg artikel 34 van Wet 24 van 1936, soos gewysig, dat dit die voorneme is van CI-IARL PETCLIS MARAIS. hat handel dry as 'n apteek, ondcr die naam \an JAN ICEMP APTEEK te Jan Kempdorp, om 30 (dertig'l h,-, na die laa5tc publikzs~e va,l hierdie kcn,l's~r\, die genoemde besigheid met die bates daaraan verbonde te :e:koop aan CAROIXJS JOHANNES LUUS. wat die 'besighad sal vcmrtsit vir sy eie relcening bq d~eselfdc adres -0livier & Le Cr~ange, Prokureurs vir die Partye, Uysstraat, Posbus 48, Warrenton 7335-29 NATAL Notice is hereby givzn in terms of the.provisions of section 34 (1) of the Jnsol\e~c\ 4ct, No 24 of 1936, of the intcndsd sale of t'le business. goodw~ll. goods and property formin: part of the hs~ness trading :!S ZONDO STORE to VICTOR SIMP- SON M 4DIKIZA. 7133-29 SALE OF BUSINESS Notice is hereby gi~e31!hat in tcrnms of section 34 of Act 24 of 1936, as amended, the business conducted by RORERT DAWD FQSTER under the style PI; PWIJXA RESTALSAYT. 148 Foreshore Drive, Brighton Reach. Durban. has been sold and will be transferred to ILA MAR'I WARRENER ~;lio will carrv on the said businzss under the same style and name and at the same address for her own account and benel~t w~lh effett from 1 rdarch 1974. D1:eJ at Durban th~s 8th day of March 1974-De Jager & Van der Merwe. Attorneys for the Parties, 201 Denor House, 356 m~th Street, Durban. 6951-29 SALE OF BUSINESS Notice is hereby giwn in terms of section 34 of Act 24 of 1936. ay amended, that STRANDLOPER (PT13 LTD hds sold the business known as TATMOSA BUTCHERY, coirductcd on Subdi~1sion 2 of Lot K33 12988. s,tuate in the Richerd's Bay To\\n Board Area, Ndtal, to ORCHID FOODS (PTY) LTD. the szle 12 be effective altcr expry of a period of 31 days from the last publication of this nutice. Thereafter the Said Orch~d Foods (Pty) Ltd will carry on the b~:s~ncss for its own assount in the same style and at the same addrcss. Dated at Empsn~,cni this 13th day of March 1974.-F. P. Behrmann & Sm:th. P:ttorneys for Seller. 5Q73--29 SALE OF BUSINESS ' Notice is hereby given in terms of section '34 of Act 24 of 1936, that the tea-room business c:.rricd on by KAXOLY LUDANYl under the name of lvioefl DELICACY STORE at 138 Berea Road, Dur:)an, has been so:d 2nd wijl b- trnnsferred 30 days after the last jjgljliea!io? of this notice to JUl i,?'xria MONOICY and JULT *IP*?TR ZSUZSUNNA STEVFP-'S07': : ho will thereafter carry on :he said business undx the n::xc of Modcl Delicacy Store at tile same ~~ddress for thcir o:bn :jc~ou!~t and beneiit.-livingstori, Doull $i Winterton, Attor-ncys i'x t11c Partics, 10th Floor, Enrclays Bank Buildings, corner of Sinit!, and Field Streets, Durban. 7230-29 SALE OF BUSIFESS ii5:i.x is!::reby given in tcrms of siiziian 34 of Act 24 of 1935. :L,: amended, that :!!c bliiiixx? hrctofore carried on by KOGS SrOKES: (PTY) L;l-D under l!:? name or style of KOOS STCi!? E. 3.' East Streel. Pit.te1-:n-,: i!ri!:jie. bas been sold and \cil! be transferred to?pi.fl!')xz:,d RA'WAT togcther with the?;-c!? thcrein conta::~cd who ~.ri!l conduct!he said l?i~si~!ess at thc same address ior his ovm benefit and accnunt. The sal$ shal! be drsnicd to have taf.en place ii-irty (3) days after the date of thi: lsst publication or' this noticc. Xoticc is farther given that the fixturc; and fittings contnincd in thc said business h2.x also been di'rposcd of to Mahomed Rawat urlder the suspnsive sal-: agri:emcnt.-cecil Nathan, Beattie & Company, Att~ri~eys for the Parties. M:;in City Building, 206 Longmarket Street, Pietermaritzb~q. SALE OF BUSINESS Notice is hereby given irl terms of scc!ion 31 (l) of Act 24 of 1936, as amendyd: that FLORTS JOHP.V KIZUGER intends disposing of his business 1,rown as SEA PARK SUPERMARKET at 1-0: 273. Sea Park, aftx thc expir:ttion of thirty (30) days Prom date of publication hsreof to JdSEPf1 EDVJARD SAMUFZ CHENEY who will thereafter trzde under thc same name at ihe same address for his own account. Catcd ot Port Shepstone :his 12th day of?/larch 1974.-Trevor Rogcrs. Attori?ey. Notary and Conveyancer. R.S.H. Fiuildings, 51 hikcn Sircct, P.O. Box 528, Port Shepsionc, -1240. 7082-29 SALE OF BUSIXESS Fotice Is hcreby givea in tcrm- of section 34 of Act 24 of i936. as amended, that it is t5e intention of JOAhT LESLYE LAWRESCE carrying c?n business as ph!;r%:al cultuie and,'or hea!th ccrtre'at 45 St Kilda P.venuc. Ellis P:lri:. Darban. 11nd~:j. the stylc cf JOAPJ LATi?E>JCE INTERNATTONAL SIIIM- MTXG??WC BEAUTY SALON t.2 disp::se or the said buslncss together ;vitll,ail '(!:c as!zt-, thereof a-. from the 1st day of Fcbr;~.?;.y i974.i. to' LAP.ICER7rUS PI-!ll_Lir-'LiC; VAN DEN BERC. v;ho. will tkrzxrte:. cai-ry on t!?c sa;d business at the snm:: a~!dr',:sj for.his own arcmmrt a;?d Fenc:it -Lioncl M~slcin~ Levy & 3rink, 15th Flscr. Escol;-a1 House. 437 Smith Street: Durban... 7313-29 : SALE OF OUSTNZSS FJotice is!?ere!$ :;jgivcn in terms of section 34 of the Insol- T.e;:c.; Ac;. 1936. t!~ni- PT!3EK jacod AUCCIMP, trading as IXO?C) hlgtors. i\.l:y3r~-! Street. Txcpo. has sold ihc busin!:ss to IlON,'\T il REID hl.:t(enzie a d creditors of the business art: lodge their c;airx :iih the undersigned n~illlii! iiliirl; (30) days from date of last publicziion. Daied at Pietermari:zburg'lhis 8th day fo Marc!i 1974.-D. L. McGil~ levie 8: Co., Atiorneys [or Parlies, 176 LOOP Street, Pi2tcr.- maritrburg. p.. 7224-23 DISSOLUSION OF PA RT>:ERS!-! IP \T,x,:o...,...L :?. hercby given :bat t!:e n;iii!?ir:.i1iq existing between R!JCKR!OYF,Y SIJBROYZJ and SLIC;V?A?I MTTHIJLAL carryiii-i: *on!il~c.iii=ss as m?i:i:i.\ciiirer dt 2:::: Lxnc Strset. Durban, nndzr :'X slylc or Grr, nsne A?PLTS?,UE CT20TIIING MhDIU!:ACTLJRERS. has bxn dissolved Erorn 1 August 1955. from \ii..ich dnte Ruckr.!orieY SuSroyen tcnk ox;cr the assets of the business and wi11 be responsible for ail debts due by tip: above-rneniioned partnership. Dated at D!~:ihan this 15th day.of March 1974.-LibndMzskin. Levy & Brink. Attorneys for t'.c Partic;, lcih Floor, Escoir-:;i Housz, 437 Sxith Street. Durban 7533-29 SALE OF BUSINESS Noiicc is here% given in terms of scriior; 34 of Act 24 of 1936. as amended, that it is th-, inkntion of GEORGE SPANOS to dicpose of the busiilecs conducted by him under the style and naiil- of STANGER TEA RODM at io3 Smith Strcct. DwSan. a.; a going cancern. Dated a: Dl!~-ban this 22nd d::.. of?;i:~rch 1974.-L. J. Paola, Wright & Wilkirson, Attorncyr for t!?e Parties, 1000 Mailsion Iloi~se, 12 Field Street, Durban. - 5436-29 SALE OF RUSII-JESS btotire is hcrebv giren in terms s?f >~:(:ti<~il 34 of Act 24.' 1936, as amended, that DEMEl'R': :!r;d PETER DRANlA'l who carry on business under the si)-!c or TAiO RES'rAURA\-7- at 77 Xnrding Strcet. Eskoi~ri. iritxl d;~;p!x'n~z A - of the said buclness togcther with a!! (h: ~E:':IL th.::::,: in.\lexandrc; REBOl:T,C;iTCAS and P.??J:iYOTI; PETIRTOES who will cair: on t! sx~d ~ lmsiness a? G:- sanle address 21?r! under the sciiiie namc fcr?heir o\s:il nic>?u:zt and bene!'it with effect fron: 1 hria:; 1~74--Dtxyer & Joojte; Attorneys for?he Psrties, P.O. Eox 202, Es!~oart. -.--p p 8463-29

GO No. 4227 STAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 1974 TRANSVAAL THF FINANCE COMPANY FOR 1NDUSTP.Y HOLDINGS LT33 (Formerly Pioneer Motors Holdings Ltd) (Zncorporated in the Re~ubllc of Soulh Africa) INTERIM REPDIcT TO SHAREHOLDERS FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED?l DECELtBER 1973 The c,rofits far iilc abosr: ceriod, together with commrisons as sl~own, are swiniarised as follows: 1 Unaudited for Unaudi:cd for Audited for six months to six moi?ths to year cndcd / 1 I 31/12/1973 31/12/1972 30/6/l973 Profits bcfi'rctax... 185 183 314 168 Tax... 1 99 779 182 607 298 107 Attriburable to irinolity sh7reholders.. 5495 Profit attributable to ordinary sharel:olders.. 94 284 1 I 182 607 1 238 107 ---- I Earnings per share.. 5,lOc I 9,Wc 16,13c Prolit after km.....:...:... 1 1137 254 190 011 1 313 057 Preference d~wdencl... 7 475 14 950............ Divide~~ds I 3c I 4c l 9c I I I R 530 435 217 349 The changes whii-!~ were made to enable your Company to concentrate its activities in finance and land development have been satisfactor:ly accomolished. The major portlon of th? asrets formerly employed in the motor industry have ken converted into cash and township land. Ycur Company is no- in a good position to pursue a sound t:ading policy with improved security in the fields of leasing, - hire purchase, deed of sale finance and property sales. Cash at hand and on cali has increased substantially to R1 219 965 whereas bank overdrafts have been reduced to a total of R17 990 representing an ir;lorovcmcnt of Ri 043,524 in cash liquidrty. The total of the accounts receivof~le is similar to the figure at the end of the last financial year, when only 25 per cent was secured and revenue producing. Changes have resulted in 81 per cent of the book fallifig into this category and it is estimated that t!lis figure wlll cxcecd 90 per cent at the end of the current trading year. Township lad acquisitions have increased the number of unsold stands available to nearly one thousand. The profits in the firct hzlf vere affected by the changes in the Company's activities and reflect a marked decrease when compared with the previous year. It is not pcsslble to predict the future profitability in the short term but shou!d the proclamntions of township land materialise as enticipaied, the Company will benefit handsomely during the remainder of the current financial year. We comider the long term prospects of the Company to be extremely good. The Directors have decided to declare an inlerim ordinary dividend of 3 cents (19734 cents) per share and vdl be paid on or zbout the 26 April 1974. I,. B. TUCKETT, Chairman A. P. O'CON!iOR, Director DECLARATION OF INTERIM ORDINARY DIVIDEND 34 Notice is hereby given thet an interim dividend of 3 cents (19734 cents) per ordinary share has been declared payable to shareholders registered in the bocks of the Company as at the close of business on Thursdsy, 11 April 1974. Dlvidend warrants will be dspatched to shareholders on or zbout 26 April 1974. In terms of the T~ccme Tax Act, 1962, as amended, Non-Resident Shareholders' Tax at the rate of 15 per cevt will be deducted from dividends payable to sharehoiders whose addresses in the register of membm are outside the Republic of South Africa. By Order of the Board, A. P. O'CONNOR, A.C.I.S., Secretary. Registered ofice : Share Transfer Secretaries: 425 Amcor House African Consolidated Investment Corporation Ltd 88 Marshall Street 222 Smit Street Johznnesburg Braamfontein P.O. Box 61434, Marskalltown Johannesburg Ti ansvaal P.O. Box 1182, Johannesburg 28 March 1974. Directors: L. R. TLlckett (Chairman and Managing Director), A. P. O'Connor, H. H. Schwarz, T. Toft. -29 GOLD FIELD GROUP COMPANIES CLOSING OF REGISTERS OF MEMBERS For the purposcs of the annual general meetings of the undermentioned companies, the rcgistcrs of members will, in each case, be closed for the periods shown. Date Company and time of Regi~trrs closcd meeting (borh ~LJJ~T itzclusive) 1974 East Driefontein Gold Mining Conlpany Ltd... 11 April, 9 a.m. 4 to 11 April. Vlakfontem Goid Mining Company Ltd..... 11 April, 10 a.m. 4 to 11 April. Apex Mines Ltd... 18 April, 10 a.m. 11 to 18 April. Vog~ls!rukbu:t Metal IPoidmgs Ltd..... 18 April, 11 a.m. 11 to 18 April. By Order of the Boards, Head 02%~~. Go!d Reld Buildings 75 Fox Street GOLD FIELDS OF SCIJTW AFRICA LTD, Secretsriss. per D. C. DYKES. 23 March 1574.

GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 2974 No.4237 61 ANGLO AMERICAN CORPORATION GROUP CLOSING OF REGISTERS For the purposes of the annual general meetings of the undermentioned companies to be held at 44 Main Street, Johannesburg, on Tuesday, 30 April 1974, at the times stated below, the transfer registers and registers of nienlbers of these companies will be closed from 24 April to 30 April 1974, both days incl:ls~ve: Name of Compcmies Time.. Southvaal Holdings Limited.....,... 10.OO a.m. Vaal Reefs Exploration and Mining Company Limited..... 11.OO am.,'. Western Deep Levels Lin;ited..... 12 noon The South African Lard and Exploration Company Limited..... 2.15 pm. East Daggafontein Mines Limited.... 3.15 p.m. Daggafontein Mines Limited.... 4.15 pm. Ry Ordcr of the Boards, ANGLO AMERICAN CORPORATION OF SOIJTIi AFRICA LTMITEI), Secretarics. J. E. TOWNSEND, Di.~isional Secretary. Registered czce: Transrer Secretaries: 44 Main Street Consolidatcd Share Kcgislrars Linlitcd Johannesburg 62 Marshall Street Johannesburg 2001 (P.O. Box 61051 Marshalltown 2107) 29 March 1974. ADCOCK-INGRAM (CHEMISTS) LIMITED (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa) INTERIM REPORT FOR THE SIX MONTH PERIOD ENDED 3 1 DLCEMBER 1973 Thc Board of D~lecto: s of Adcock-Ingram (Chemists) Limited announce the Unaud~ted Consolidated Group Profits for the s;x months ended 31 Decembcl 1973, as compared with those of the prcvious year. kctirai results Unnrrdi!ed 6 rnontlir for j enr ended 31 Oeceriihar mdwi 30 I June er.- >,.- (R 000) (R 000) (R 000) Group trading profit (excluding French).... 2 242 l 945 4 464 French losses.. " 158 90 448...... 2 084 Taxation 884 Profit after tax... 1 200 Capital profit..... - 1 200 Minority interests..... 142 Profit attributable to shareholders of this company..... R1 058- R1 232 R2 431 - Issued ordinary shares: p- Fully paid..... 1 800 000 1 830 000 1 800 COO Flve per cent paid..... 55 000 - - C C C Earnings per share excluding capital profits..... 58,5 48,7 103,6 Earnings per share excluding capital profits and French losses..... 67,3 53,7 136,7 Dividends per share..... 18 18 45 NOTES 1. The comparative figures have been adiusted so as to eliminate the profits of a foreign subsidiary no loazer consol~dated in group profits. 2. No account has been taken of. nor pr6vision made for the non-recurrent loss sustained by thc group arising from the disposal of the stocks and fixed assets of the French trading outlets as arlaounced on 21 January 1974. The exact amount of the loss has not yet been determinrd, but is expected to be approxin~ately R800 000. Afier deducting this amo~lnt from the current year's croup trading profit it is estimated thit the earnings per ordinary share will be l00 cents. 3 rl!e co~lsiructio~~ cf the new factory complex at Industria for the manufacture of pharmaceutical and consumsi- products is proceed:~~; according to plarl and no further material capital conlrnitments have bee3 entered into over and above those dessrhed m the Annual Rep01 i for the ycar ended 30 June 1973. DECLARATION OF IMTER.IM ORDINARY DMDEND 49 P;oi'cc Is hereby given that an interim dividend on the ordinary shares at the'rate of 36 per cent, equivalent to 18 cents per sharc..izs declared by Ihc dircctors, in respect of the year ending 30 June 1974, payable in the currency of thc P.ep~:hlic of South Africa to holders of ordiliary shares registered as such in the books of the company at the close of buslncss (5 pm.) on Friday, 26 A~ri! 1974. For the purpose cf determining the holdersof the ordinary shares entitlcd to the above dividend, tl:c transfer joarnal and register of members, in respect of the ordinary shsres, will be closed from 27 April to 17 May 1974, both days inclusive; and iivi6zr.d warrants will be posted on or aboilt 30 May 1974. La the case of ordiilary shareholdes. whose registered addresses arc c:!:sidc the Republic of South Africa, the dividend is euhject to the deduction therefrom of Non-Resident Shareholders' Tax at the rate ol l5 per cent (Gfteen per re~!tunz). By 9rcier of the Board, E. M. JANKEBOW!'rZ, B.Com., CA. (S./,.), Secretary. 4 March 1374. Transfer Secretaries: Pollack, Josset Sr. Co., Fourth Flcor, Adcock-Ingram House, 105 Quartz Street, H~llbrow, Johannesburg. 8563-29

P -- 62 No. 4237 STAATSK'OI~RA~~~, 29 M AART 1974 ANNUAL GENERAL MEE~GS OF GRoUP'COMPANTES AND CLOSING OF TRANSFER REGISTERS The annual general meetings of the undermentioned companies will be held in the Boardroom, Consolidated Buildings, cor. of Fox and Harrison Streets, Johannesburg, on 3 May 1974 at the times listed below. The transfer books and registe~s of rncmbers of these ccmpsnies will be closed from 29 April to 3 May 1974, both days inclusive Nanre of company (end1 inrorporated in the Republic of South Africa) Time of meeting Western Areas Gold Milling Company Ltd... 9 15 am. El~burg Gold Mlning Company Ltd... 11.l 5 am. The Randfontein Estates Gold Minmg Company, Witwatersrand Ltd... 2.15 p.m. In respect of each of these mce:mgs, any member of the company concelned is entitled to appoint a prox) to attend and to speak and to vote in his skad A proxy need not be a member of the company. Bv Order of the Eoards, JOHANNESBURG CONSOLJ9kTED INVESTMENT COhWANY LTD, Secretaries, per D. F. R. BRUMAGE. Consol~anted B~~~lu~rtgs Co;. of Fox and Harnson Streets P.O. Gox 590 Johannesburg 2000 28 hlalct~ 1974. 8661-29 - ANGLOVAAL GROUP GlPOLJP COMPANIES CLOSING OF TRANSFER BOOKS AN3 REGISTERS OF h4emeers Notice is hereby given that the transfer books and registers of members of thc fdlow Ing companies will be closcd for tlie j-criods stated for the purpose of determining those persons entitled to attend the annual general meetings of members thereof. Date of closing fi'.m$:jii. ~OO/~S Natne of conipany old registers Q/ tnotibers (both days incltrsiw) Consoliciared Murchison Ltd..... 16 to 22 April Middle Witwatersrand (Western Areas) Ltd... 17 tot 23 April The Asmclatrd Manganese Mines of South Africa Ltd... 4 to 10 May By Order of the Boards, ANGLO-TRANSVAAL CONSOLIDATED INVESTMENT COMPANY LTD, Secretaries, Registered office : Anglovaal House 56 Main Street Johannesburg 29 March 1974..-p PA'17MENT OF DIVIDENDS AND COLLECTION OF CONTRIBUTlOl'JS IN SEQUESTRATED ESTATES OR COMPANIES EEING WOUND UP Tll86/72-PROCI ON INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD. in voluntary liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. 5/3/74. Dividend being paid.-h. Belitzky, P.O. Box 5766, Johannesburg. -- 7127-29 STAD JOHANNESBURG SE PLAASLIK GEREGlSTREERDE 9;-PERSENTEFEEKTE, 1996 (LENING 65); STAD JOHAN- NESBURG SE PLAASLIK GEREGISTREERDE 8)-PERSENT- EFFEKTE, 1996 (LENING 66) Hierby word kennis gegee dat die nominale registers en oordragboeke van bagcnoemde efiekte van 16 April 1974 tot en met 30 April 1974, gesluit sal wees en dat die rente wat op 30 April 1974 betaalbaar is, betaal sal word aan effektehouers wat op die sluitingsdaturn \an bogenoemde registers e11 oordragboeke geregistreer is.-e. M. Penrose, Stadstesourler. CITY OF JOHANNESBURG 9; PER CENT LOCAL REGIS- TERED STOCK, 195'6 (LOAN 65'1; CITY OF JOHANNES- BURG 8f PER CENT LOCAL REGISTERED STOCK, 1996 (LOAN 65) Notice is hereby given that the nominal registers and transfer books of the above-rnentioned stock: will be closed from 16 April 1974 to, 30 April 1974. both days inclusive. and that the interest payable on 30 April 1974 will be paid to stockholders registered at the date of closing of the above-mentioned registers and transier books.-e. M. Penrose, City Treasurer. 6976-29 THE LWPERIAL COLD SORAGE AND SUPPLY COMPANY, LTD FINAL DIVIDEND 78 ON ORDINARY SHARES Notice is hereby given that the ordinary share transfer books and register of members of the Company will be closed irom 4 May 1974 to 24 Map 1974, both days inclusive. for the purpose of payment of Final D:vidend 78 which lias hen declz-er! payable to ordhary share!lo:dxs registered IR the books of tllc Coillpany at the close of bcsi.ius on 3 May 1974. Ry Order of the Board. -1. P. Enslin, 171 Jaccb Mart Street, Pretoria, 13 IvIarcli 1974. per E. G. D. GORDON. STAD JOHANNESBURG SE PLAASLIK GEREGISTREERDE 5-PERSENTEFFEKTE, 1983 (LENING 44) Hierby word kennis gegee dat die nominale register en oordragboeke van bogenoemde efiekte van 16 April 1974 tot en met 29 April 1974, gesluit sal wees en dat die rente wat op 30 April 1974 betaalbaar is, betaal sal word aan efiektehouers wat op die sluitingsdatum van bogenoemde register en oordragboek geregistreer is.-e. M. Penrose, Stadstesourier. CITY OF JOHANNESBURG 5 PER CENT LOCAL REGIS TERED STOCK, 1983 (LOAN 44) Notice is hereby given that the nominal register and transfer book oi the above-mentioned stock will be closed from 16 April 1974 to 29 April 1974, both days inclusive, and that the interest payable on 30 April 1974 will be paid to stockholders registered at the dale of closing of tile above-mentioned register and transfer book.-e. M. Penrose, City Treasurer. 6978-29 STAD JOHANNESBURG SE PLAASLTK GEREGISTREERDE 54-PERSENTEFFEKTE. 1975 (LENING 38): STAD JOHAN- Hierby word kennis gegee dat die noninale registers en oordragboeke van bogenoemde effekte \an 16 April 1974 tot en met 30 April 1974, gesluit sal wees en dat die rente wat op 1 Mei 1974 betaalbaar is, betaal sal word aan effektehouers wat op die sluitingsdatum van bogenoemde registers en oordragboeke geregistreer is.-e. M. Penrose, Stadstesourier. CITY OF JOHANNESBURG PER CENT LOCAL REGIS- TERED STOCK, 1975 (LOAN 38); CITY OF JOTIANNES- BURG 5% PER CENT LCICAI, REGISTERED STGCK, 1981 (LOAN 39; CITY OF JOHANNESBURG 5-l PER CENT LOCAL RdGISTERED a "TOCK, 1986 (LOAN 40) Nolice is hereby given that the nominal registers imd transfer books of the above-mentioned stocks wi!l be ciosed {'mm 16 April 1974 to 30 April 1971, both dzys ins!asivc: and that the, interest payable on 1 bin? 1974 wii! be i~aid tn stock!;c!ders registered at the date cl cicsing of the a5ni,-c-rnentioned registers and transfer books.-e. M. Penrose, City Treasurer. 6977-29

GOVERNMENT GAZE.TIE, 29 MARCH -1974 No, 4237 63 STAD JOHANNESBURG SE PLAASLIK GEREGISTREERDE 8;-PERSENTEFFEKTE, 1398 (LENING 73); STAD JOHAN- NESRURG SE PLAASLIK GEREGISTREERDE 8-PERSENT- EFFEKTE, 1998 (LENMG 74) Hierby word kennis gegee dat die nominale registers en oordrag!~oeke van bogenoemde effekte van 17 April 1974 tot en met 3'1 April 1974, gesiult sal wees en dat die rente wat op 30 April 1974 betaalbaar IS, betaal sal word aan efiektehouers wat op die sluit~ngsdatum vair bogenoemde registers en oordragboeke geregistreer is.-e. M. Penrose, Stadstesourier. CITY OF JOHANNESBURG 8+ PER CENT LOCAL REGIS- TERED STOCK. 1998 (LOAN 73); CITY OF JOHANNES- EURG X PER CENT LOCAL REGISTERED STOCK, 1398 (LOAN 74) Wotlzz IS hzreby givcn that the nominal registers and transfer books of the above-mentioned stocks will be closed from 17 April 1974 to 30 April 1974, both days inclusive, and that the interest payablz on 3C April 1974, will be paid to stoclcholders registered at the date of closing of the above-mentioned registers and transfer books.-e. M Penrose, City Treasurer. 7149-29 K. & L. TIMBERS LTD (Incorporated in the Republ~c of South Africa) [Directors N. 0 Sand (Chairman and Joint Managing Director), E. L Sand (Jo~nt Managing Director), A. Bosworth-Smith, J. N. I. Richter, N. Werksman, D. A. T. Goodey] INTERIM ORDINARY DIVIDEND 56 Notice is hereby given that an interim dividend of S per cent (8 per cer:~wn) equal to 4c per share has been declared payable to ordinsry shareholders registered in the bdoks of the Company at the close of business on Friday, 19 April 1974, and the divgend is payable in the currency of the Republic of South Afr~ca. In terms of the Income Tax Act, 1962, as amended, the Non-Resident Shareholders' Tax of 15 per cent will be deducted by the Company from dividends payable to shareholders whose addresses in the register of members are outside the Republic of South Africa. The ordinary share transfer books and register of members will be closed from 20 April 26 April 1974, both days inclusive, and dividend warrants wdl be posted to shareholders on or about 24 May 1974. By Order of the Board.-Sand Consolidated Investments Ltd, Transfer Sectetziries, per J. N. J. Richter. Transfer office: 14th Floor, Mobil House, Rissik Street, P.O. Box 5162, Johannesburg, 13 March 1974. 7023-29 AFC INVESTMENTS ~m (Incorporated with limited liab~lity in South Africa) PREFERENCE DIVIDEND 56 Notice is hereby given that the transfer books and register of members in respect of preference shares will be closed from 30 March to 5 A ril 1974, both days inclusive, in coanection with the payment of the above dividend. By Order of the Board.- African Finance Corporation Ltd, Secretaries, per G. L. Talbot. Registered office: 86 Main Street, Johannesburg, 14 March 1974. 7129-29 THE GENERAL TIRE AND RUBBER COMPANY (SOUTH AFRICA) LTD (Incorporated in South Africa) NOTICE TO SHAREHOL~~RS FINAL ORDINARY DIVIDEND 34 Notice is hereby given that Final Oriddary Dividend 34 of 13:c per share has been declared for the financial year ended 31 December 1973. making a total ordinary dividend for the year of 21c per share (1972 16c per share). This dicidend becomes due and is payable to all ordinary shar egistered at the CIOSC of business on 29 March 1974. The dividend is payable in the currency of the Republic of South Africa and, in accordance with the terms of the Income Tax Act, Won-Resident SAareho!ders' Tax of 15 per cent will be deducted irom the dividend due to shareholders whose addresses are outside the Republic. The transfer books and share register of ordinary shareholders will be closed from 30 March 1974 to 12 Apfil 1974, both dates inclusive. Dividend cheques will be posted on or about 23 April 197A -,... The unaudited operating profit of the group before taxation for the year ended 31 December 1973, amounted to R3 896 000 (1972 R1 637000) an increase of 77 per cent and after providing for normal and deferred taxation and the- interest of minority shareholders in subsidiarv companies the net profit amounted to R1 766 000 (1972 R956 000) an increase of 85 per cent. These excellent results have been achieved by improved manufac~uring efficiency following a period of plant reconstruction and relocation and the utilisation of lower priced raw material inventories which we were fortunate in having combined with the increased publlc demand for our high quality product. There has also been a very much greater contribution from the Industrial Rubber Products section ot the group. In the lelter to shareholders issued in October concerning the rights issue a final dividend of 12tc per share was forecast, but in view ol the incressed profit the directbors have pleasure in declar~ng a final dividend of 13fc. By Order ol the Board.- P. Wilde, SecretaryiTrcasurer, Johannesburg, 15 March 1974. 7338-29 PALABORA MINING COR4PANY LTD (In die Republiek van Suid-Afrika geinkorporeer) AGTIENDE ALGEMENE JAARVERGADERING Tn verband met die Agtiende Algemene Jaarvergadering, word hierby kennis gegee dat die oordragboeke en lederegister van die Maatslcappy vanaf 17 April tot en met 23 April 1974. gesluit sal wees. Op las van die Direksie.--Rio Tinto Management Services South Africa (Pty) Ltd, Sekretarisse, per G. H.Edwards. Geregistreerde kantoor: 13de Verdiepizg. Unicorn House, Marshallstrzat 70, Johannesburg, 14 Maart 1974. PALABORA MINING COMPANY LTD (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa) EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING In connection with the Eighteenth Annual General Meeting, notice is hereby given that the transfer books and register of members of the Company will be closed from 17 April to 23 April 1974, both days inclusive. By Order of the Board.-Rio Tinto Management Services South Africa (Pty) Ltd, Secretaries, per G. H. Edward~.jRegistered office: Thirteenth Floor. Unicorn House, 70 Marshall Street, Johannesburg, 14 March 1974. 7156-29 ANGLO AMER~CAN CORPORATION GROUP OF COMPANIES DECLARATION OF DIVIDENDS CLOSING OF REGISTERS Notice is hereby given that for the purpose of the dividends which have been declared payable to members registered in the books of the undermentioned Companies at the close of business on 5 April 1974, the transfer registers and registers of members will be closed from 6 to 19 April 1974, both days inclusive: Free State ~eduid Mines Ltd. President Brand Gold Mining Company Ltd. President Steyn Gold Mining Company Ltd. Welkom Gold Mining Company Ltd. Western Holdings Ltd. By Order of the Boards.-Anglo American Corporation of South Atria Ud, Secretaries, per J. E. Townsend, Divisional Secretary. Registered office: 44 Main Street, Johannesburg. Transfer Secretaries: Consolidated Share Registrars Ltd, 62 Marshal1 Street, Johannesburg, I4 March 1974. 7009-29 PLATE GLASS AND ST-TATTERPRUFE INDUSTRIES LTD (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa) NOTICE TO 8$ PER CENT PREFERENCE SHAREHOLDERS PREFERENCE DIVIDEND 1 htotice is hereby giben that a preference dlvidend at the rate of 8+ per cent per annum for the half-year ending 31 March 1974, has been declared payab!e to all preference shareholders registered at the close bf business on 22 March 1974. The preference share transfer books of the Company will be closed from 23 March to 30 March 1974, both days inclusive. Dividend warrants will be posted to shareholders on 30 March 1974. In terns oe the Income Tax Act, 1962, as amended, a Non- Resident Shareholders' Tax of IS per cent has been imposed on dividends payable to- (a) persons other than companies not ordinarily resident nor carrying on business in South Africa; (b) companies not registered nor carrying on business in South Africa. The Company ~ l accordingly l deduct the tax dividends payable to shareholders whose addresses in ihe share register arc outside South Africa. By Order of the Board-R. P. Pemicott, Secretary Transfer secretaries: Hill Samuel Registrars (SA.) Ltd, Corner House, Fox Street, P.O. Box 62318, Marshallstown, Johannesburg, IS March 1974. 7339--29

... 64 No. 4237 STAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 1974 GAYDON SOUTHERN HOLDINGS LTD (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa) DIVIDEND 10 Notice is hereby given that the register of members and transfer books of the Company will be closed from the close of business on Friday, 29 March 1974 to Friday, 5 April 1974. inclusive fof the purpose of determining those members entitled to participate In the Company's Dividcnd 10 of?:c per ordinary share. --- 7099-29 '" QUINTON HAZELL SUPERITE HOLDINGS LTD (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa) DIVIDEND 11 Notice is hereby given that the register of members and transfer books of the Company will be closed from the close of business on Friday, 29 March 1974 to Friday, 5 April 1974, inclusive for the purpose of determining those members entitled to participate in the Company's Dividend 11 of 32c per ordinary share. 7 100-29 NEW KLEINFONTEIN PROPERTIES LTD (Incorporated with limited liability in the Republic of South Africa) DECLARATION OF DIVIDEND 73 Notice is hereby given that the share transfer books and register of members of the Company will be closed from 12 to 19 April 1974, both days inclusive, in order to determine those shareholders entitled to participate in the above dividend. By Order of the Board.-African Finance Corporation Ltd. Secretaries, per J. A. F. White. Registered office: 86 Main Street, Johannesburg, 27 March 1974. 7237-29 AFRICAN OXYGEN LTD 8t PER CENT DEBENTURE STOCK, 1981 195 - I " ANGLO AMERICAN INVESTMENT TRUS~ LTD, (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa) NOTICE TO MEMBERS CLOSING OF SHARE TRANSFER REGISTERS AND REGISTERS OF MEMBERS FINAL DIVIDEND 68 In connection with Final Dividend 68, which has been declared payable to members registered in the books of the Company at the close of business on 29 March 1974, the share transfer registers and registers of members will be closed from 30 March 1974 to 12 April 1974, both days inclusive. By Order of the Board.-Anglo American Corporation of South Africa Ltd, Secretaries, per D. M. Davidson, Divisional Secretary, 44 Main Street, Johannesburg, 2001, 18 March 1974. 8473-29 LARITA (PTY) LTD (Registration 5312426) NOTICE OF VOLUNTARY WINDING UP Notice is hereby given in terms of section 356 (2) (b) of the Companies Act, No. 61 of 1973, that at a general meeting of shareholders held on the 20th day of March 1974, the following resolution was passed as a special resolution: That the Company be and is hereby placed in voluntary winding up. Edward Nathan, Friedland, Mansell & Lewis, Attorneys for Company, Innes Chambers, Pritchard Street, Johannesburg. ANGLO AMERICAN GOLD INVESTMENT COMPANY LTD NOTICE TO MEMBERS For the purpose of the Thirty-seventh Annual General Meeting of members of Anglo American Gold Investment Company Ltd, to be held on Friday, 19 April 1974, at 11.30 am., the share transfer registers and registers of members of the Company will be closed from 12 to 19 April 1974, both days inclusive. By Order of the Board.-Anglo American Corporation of South Africa Ltd, Secretaries, per D. M. Davidson, Divisional Secretary. Registered office: 44 Main Street, Johannesburg. 2001, P.O. Box 61587, Marshalltown, 2107. Transfer Lecretaries: Consolidated Share Registrars Ltd, 62 Marshal1 Street, Johannesburg, 2001, P.O. Bo$ 61051, Marshalltown, 2107. INTEREST PAYMENT 9 Notice is hereby given that the register of debenture holders will be closed from 23 to 29 March 1974, both days inclusive. -P. Gane, Group Secretary. Transfer office: Hill Samuel Registrars (S.A.) Ltd, The Ground Floor, The Corner House, 63 Fox Street, Johannesburg, 2001, 15 March 1974. 7019-29 BASINGHALL INVESTMENTS LTD Take notice that it is the intention of the above Company to convert itself from a public company to a private company. The general meeting of the Company to be held for the BARLOW RAND LTD purpose of passing the required special resolution will be held at Notice is hereby given that for the purpose of the 15th Floor, New Zealand Insurance House, corner of Harrison of a preference dividend, the 'transfer books and registers of and Anderson Streets, Johannesburg, on 22 April 1974, at 10.45 prefcrence shareholders will be closed from 12 to 19 April 1974, am.-werksmans, Attorneys to the Company, Avril Malan both days inclusive. By Order of the Board.-R. A. Lambert, Buildings, Commissioner Street, Johannesburg. Secretary, Johannesburg, 29 March 1974. 7345-29 DURBAN ABC CHAMBERS LTD KEITH MARR INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD Take notice that it is the intention of the above Company to convert itself from a public company to a private cornpanfr. NOTICE OF SPECIAL RESOLUTION TO WIND UP VOLUN- The general meeting of the Company to be held for the TARILY PURSUANT TO SECTION 356 (2) (b) OF THE purposes of passing the required special resolution will be held COMPANIES ACT, 1973 at 15th Floor, New Zealand Insurance House, corner of Notice is hereby given that at an extraordinary general meeting Harrison and Anderson Streets, Johannesburg, on 22 April 1974, oi shareholders held at Johannesburg on 5 February 1974, it at 10.30 am.-werksmans. Attorneys to the Company, Avril was resolved that the Company be wound up volunta~ily, such Malan Buildings. Commissioner Street, Johannesburg. liquidation to take the forms of a members' voluntary winding 7345-29 up, effective from that date and that Mrs Sonia Adele Sack be appointed as liquidator of the Company. AmAS MINING CORPORATION LTD The liquidator was absolved irom the necessity of iurnishing Take notice that it is the intent& of the above Company to security.-mrs S. A. Sacks. Liquidator, P.O. Box 2730, Johanconvert itself from a public company to a private company. nesburg, 2000, 12 March 1974. The gkneral meeting of the Company to be held for the purposes of passing the required special resolution will be held at 15th Floor, New Zealand Insurance House, corner of Hamson and Anderson Streets, Johannesburg, on 22 April 1974, at 10.15 M.J.J. FINANCE CORPORATION (PTY) LTD am.-werksmans, Attorneys to the Company, Avril Malan NOTICE OF SPECIAL RESOLUTION TO WIND UP VOLUN- Buildings, Commissioner Street, Johannesburg. TARILY PURSUANT TO SECTION 356 (2) (b) OF THE 7345-29 COMPA- ACT, 1973 ATLAS FINANCE AND TRUST CORPORATJON LTD Notice is hereby given that at an extraordinary geneial meeta Take notice that it is the intention of the above Company to ing of shareholders held at Johannesburg on 18 February 1% it was resolved that the Company be wand up voluntarily, such convert itself from a public company to a private company. liquidation b take the form of a members' vo:untary winding The general meeting of the Company to be held for the up effective from that date and that Edward Neville Swirsky purposes of passing the required special resolution will be held be appointed as liquidator. at LSfh Floor, New Zealand Insuracne House, corner of Harrison a d hndeson Streets, Johannesburg, on 22 April 1974. at 10 a.m. The liquidator was absolved from the necessity of furnishing -Wekksmans, Attorneys to the Company, Avril Malan Build- security.-e. N. Swirsky, Liquidator, P.O. BOX 2730, Johannesingq Commissioner Street, Johannesburg. burg, 200, 12 March 1974. 7345-29 8593-29 2-4237

-p---- 8593-29 -P------ - GOVERNTVTENT GAZLTTE, 29 MARCH 1974 No.41-37 65 GUARDIAN FINANCE CORPORATION (PTY) LTD NOTICE OF SPECIAL RESOLUTION TO WIND UP VOLUN- TARILY PURSUANT TO SECTION 356 (2) (L.) OF THE COMPANIES ACT. 1973 Notice is hereby given that at an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders held at Johannesburg on 18 February 1974, ~t was resohed that the Company be wound up voiunta~ily, such liquidation to take the form of a members' voluntary winding up effective from that date an& that Edward Nevrlle Swirsky be appanted as liqu~dator. The Iiquldaior was absohed from the neccssity ol furnishing secur~tji-e. N. Smirsky, Liquidator, P.O. Box 2730. Johanncsburg, 200, 12 March 1974. KENNISGEVJjhG IN GET-iOLGE ARTIKEL 512 VAN DIE IVIAA l :>n kljp Y VV1l: 1 No 61 VAN 1973, SOOS GEVU'YSIG..: 1 In die.a& van VIUCI-I!jSR!LDXS.) BPK. (in voorlopige likwidasiej (Mecsier se Verwysing T1273/73) Kragtens 'n bmel van d~e IIooggeregshof van Suid-Afr~ka (Transvaalsc Provivsia!,: Afdel~ng) gcdateer 20 Februarie 1974, geskred hximee!lciin~s dat.n bqcenkoms vrh boverncldc Maatskappy se i.onkurrentc h:~d~tcure op Donderdag 2 hlei 1974, te Kaap-taal Trust Cpk., Volkskasgebou 305, Markstraat 76. Johannesburg. gehou sal word en we1 as volg: Konkurrente kreditcure, 8.30.:m. Die doe1 van die hyeenkorns sal wees om 'n kompl-ornic-aanbud \vat kragtens paragraaf 1 van die Hofbevel deur die Maatskappy voorgeli iz, te oorweeg en an dit, indien gesitik geag, met of sonder wysiging te aznvaar. Die gemelde byeenkoms is belt ingevolge artikel 311 van die Maatskappywct, No. 61 van 1973, soos.bepaa! in paragraaf 1 van die I-Iofbevcl, gedateer 20 Fzbruarie 1974. Kennisgewing geskied voorts dat die volgknde dokumente enige tyd voor die genoernde byeenkoms gedurende normale kantoorure by die Voorsitter \-an die byeenkomk: Volkskasgebou 305, Markstrazt 76, Johannesburg: ter insae 1 (a) Afskrif van die Hofbevel. (b),aiskrif van die kompromie-aan van d ~e voorwaardes cn bepalings daarv (c) Lys van die Maatskappy se kredit (d) Staat van die Maatskappy se hulle beraamdc waarde. Volle beso~iderhcde ban dlc liornprom~e-aanbod en 'n afskrif van die Siaat wat liragten: aitilcel 312 van die Mzatskappywct van!973. coos gewysiy. voorgei6 moet wdrd, is vir enige krediteur wat danrop geregtig is om ~ccoemde 'byeenkoms by te woon. gratis verkrygbaar op skriftel~ke aansoek by.ondergetekende; wat as Vncrsittcr :zr7n gcnoclnil- bycenkoms aangestel is.-uarend Gert Steyn d.: Wet; Voorsiller van die ~Rycenkoms, Kaap-Vaal Trust Bpk., Volkskasgebou 305, Markstraat 76, Posbus 2851, Johannesburg. - 8455-29 GROUP AGENCIES LTD (Registration 51 / 173) Notice is hcreby given that an extraordinary general meeting of the Company will be held at Suite E705, 27th Floor, Carlton Centre, Cominis~icner Street, Johannesburg, at 10 am., on Wednesday 1 May 1974, for the purpose of considering, and if thought fit 01 passing, with or without modification a special resolution for the purpose of converting the Company from a public company having a share capital to a private company having a share capital. Dated at Johannesburg this 1511 day of March 1974. By Order of the Board -E. J. H. V. Ceiaer, Director. 8442-29 GOUCR COOPER LTD Notice is hereby given that the share transfer books oi the Company will be closed from 30 March 1974 to 11 April 1974. both days inclusive, for the purpose of payment of the final dividend to sharci:c!d~rs registered on 29 March 1974. By Order of the Boxd --M. ) Armstrong. Secretary. Registered office: 2 Bordeaux Drne, Randburg. Tvl. 18 March 1974. ~ KAAP-CAPE ALWYNE LTD (C287/53) (in voluntary 1iquida:ion) Notice is hereby given in terms of section 139 (2) of the Companies Act, 1926, that the first and final liquidation a!ld distribution account in the above Company was confirmcd 1:y:thc Master of the Supreme Court, Cap- Town, on 20 March 1974, acd a dividend is now in the coursc of payment in terms thcreof. -Allen Cerald Wolman; of M701rnan Pc Co., Liquidators, Woodstock, Capc Town. NATAL NOTiCE TO CREDITORS A?-,ID SNAREI-IOLDERS In l!le matter of MEDINA ESTATES (P'I'Y) LTD (under judicial management) (Master's Reierence N104/72/2) Noiice is hereby given that the Judicial Managers' Fourth Meetiilg of creditors and shareholders. in terms of section -196 (I) (b! oc the Companies Act, No. 46 oc 1926, as amended, will be he13 in the Glebe Anglican Church Hail, Murchison Street, L:tdpsmith. Natal, at 11 am., on Thursday. 18 April 1974,. to receive Judicial i74anagers' Fourth Report, and to give such direcliolis as may be necessary tor the continuance of the judi- cial management.--j. A. Bruce, P.O. Uox 1050, Durban, and 13. J. van Zuydam, 3 King Street, Winterion, Joint Judicial Mailayers. 7335-29 NQTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 356 (2) (b) OF THE COMPANIES ACT, 1973 Not~ce is hereby given that ROBTAY IIIOTOR SPARES (PTY) LT'D ha^, by special resolution passed in terms of section 351 of he Companies Act, 1973, recoked that it be wound up. Dated at Pis~ermaritzburg this 20th day of March 1974.-Robtay Motor Spares (Pty) Ltd, pcr R. J. Taylor, Director. 8595-29 GOODHOPE CONCRETE PIPES LTD (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa) DECLARATION OF INTER Thf DIVIDEND Koticc 1s hcreby given that an Interim Ordinary Dividend 38 at a mie of 10c per share haa been declared by thc directors lur tbc half year ended 31 Dcccmber 1973, and payable to sl:a~shold~s registered in the books of the Compzny at the close of b~isiness on 11 Apri! 1974. The share transfer book and share reg~stcrs of the Company \rill be closed from the close of businegs on 11 April 1974. until 28 April 1974, and dividend cheques us111 be ponted on or about W April 1974. The_ dividci~d is declarcd in t!w culrency oi the Republic of South Africa and Non-Resident Sharel:oldcrs' Tax of 15 per ccut will be deducted from diwdends payable to shareholders wiiosc acldiesses in the reginter are outside the Republic of South Africa. Ry Order of thc Board-Jas. Craib, VU'intcrion & Turner. Secretaries. Registered off~ce: 169 Longinarket Street, I'ietermaritzburg. Transfer secretaries: Rand Share Transfer RegiGran (Pty) Ltd, 409 Netherlands Rank Bu~ldhgs. 80 Fox Street. P 0. Box 2800, Johannesburg, 18 March 1974. 7388-29 GRAYNOR INVESTMENTS LTD Xotice is hereby given in terms of section 26 (1) of the Companies Act, 1973. that an e-,lraordinary general meeting of the Conipany will be hcld at I p.m. on 22 April 1974. at the ofrices of Meumann 62 White, First Floor. Harfield House, Field Slreet. Ul~rban, in order to pass a spcc~a! resolution- (a) to convert the Company from a public to a private company; (b) to adopt new articles of association to comply with the provisions of section 20 of the said Act. XTeumann & White, Attorneys for the Company. P.O. Rou 3755. Durban. PHOEX IX COLLIERY LTD (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa) Notice is hereby given thst the transfer books anti rcgisters of members will be closed from I April 1974 to 30 April 1974, both days inclr~sivc. Ry Order of the.board.-johannesburg Cuii<olidakd Tfivestrxnt Company Ltd,. Secretaries, per S. 5. IClass, Cons~iidatcd Buildings. corner of Fox and Harrison Sticets, Jokdrlncsbui.:, 29 March 1974. Cq kliorral Savings Certificates

G No. 4237 STAATSKOERANT. 29 MAART 1974 VEWLOWE DOKUMENTE-LOST DOCUMENTS Alle pcrsone wat teen d~e uitreiking van 'n gesertifiseerde afskrif van die genoemde dokument Ocswaar maak, word hierme verso& am dit skriftelik in te dien by die Registrateur van Aktes te genoemde plek, binne d~ic weke (en binne vyf weke in die geval van S.W.A.) na die 1aas:e publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing. All persons having objection to the issue of a certified copy of the, document named are hereby reqacsted to lodge the same, In wntlng, with the Registrar of Dcds at the place mentioned, within three weeks (and within five weeks in thc case of S.W.A.) from the last publication of this notice. TRANSVAAL htoilcc 1s helzby gtx2sn :ha! application wli! be made for a cert~fied copy of the folloir~ng Deed of Transic~ Deed of Transfer 23973/3953, dated 22 Ocrobe~ 1953, passed by Cornelia Susanna vail Wjk. born Grobler on the 7th day of February 1873, in favow of Gerhardus Phil~ppus Leonardus van der Linde, born on the 3rd day OF February 1916, in respect of- (1) ertain Erf 332, 5ituate in Brink Street in the Township of Sheepmoor, District ot Ermdo, measuring 1983 square metres; and (2) certain Erf 394, situate in Brink Street, in the Township of Sheep:noor, Cistrici of Ermelo, measuring 1983 square metres. Dated at 3oksburg this "'2nd day of February 1974.-P,Qxscl. Massel, imart & Green. 23 Leeuwpoort Street; P.O. Box 141, Roksburg. Registrar of Deeds, Pretoria. 6337-22-29 Hierby word kennis gq:e dat ons voornemcns is om aansoek te dom om 'n gesertifiseerde afskrif van Akte vzn Transport 562145, gcdateer 4 Januarie 1945, ten gunste van Nicolaas Marthinus Breedt, gebore op 22 September 19i0, ten opcigte van Erwe 562 cn 563. gelee in die dorp Rodeon-uitbreiding. Registrasieaideling JP, Tran \ aa!. Gedateer te Swartruggens op hede die 25ste dag van Febrnarie 1974.-Van der Merwe Si. Louw, Jan Vanriebeeckstraat 7, Posbus 1. Swartrnggens. Registrateur van ALtes, Pretoria. 7221-29 Notice is hereby given thzt we intend applying for a certified copy of Surety Second Mortgage Bond 248011941, dated 7 March 1941, passcd by Mitchell Mtshalie, a Rantu, over Lot 1396 Townsl~ip of Alexandra. District of Johannesburg, measuring 77 square roods 112 square feet, as held under Deed of Transfer 16510/1939, dated 16 September 3939, in favour of Willy's Trust (Pty) Ltd. to secure the indebtedness of a certain Raphael Mlambo. a Eaniu, under Mortgage Bond 2478/19dI, over Lot 1417, Alexandra. Dated at Pretoria this 20th day of March 1974.-Janover Botha. Attorneys for Mortgagee, P.O. Box 1066, Pretoria. Registrar of Deeds, Pretoria. 7212-29 Notice is bereby giy~en that we intend applying ior a certified copy of Deed of Transfer 313511971, dated 1 February 1971, passed in.favour of Raymond Colin Pook, horn on 21 May 1912, in respect of certain PPd 296, situate in the Towfiship of Protea T'nrk, District of Xustenburp, measuring 1 864 square metre: D>!?<; at Prctoria this 12th day of March 1974.-Solomon & Nicnlson, Attorneys for Applicanl, 206 N.B.S. Buildings, 2-53 Pretorius Street. Pretoria. Registr2.r of Dceds, Pretoria. 7203-29 Notice is h~reby given that we intend applying for a certified copy of Eeed of Transfer 11383/1970, dated the 18th day of May 1970; in favour of Tcncr Johan Karl Adolf E~nswick, born on 19 Derembrr 19IZ. in respect of remaining extent nf Portion A, of Erf 1641, situate in the City of Pretoria, Registiation Division JR, 'Frans~aal, measuring 711 (seven hundred r d fourteznl sql:drs metres. Dated at Pretoria this 18th day of '.larch 1974.-P. R Annelo~alo & Com~anv. P-ttornevs for Amlicant. 308 Savcllcoul ~ddin~s. Paul ~ruker Street. P.O: Box 589. Pretoria. ~e~i;rar oi ~eedi, Pretoria. 7158-29 Notice is hereby given that I intend applying ior a certified copy of Titlc Dzed 782172, dam 11 January 1972, in favour of Real Estate Renovations (Pty) Ltd, Company No. 72111196, in respect of certain Err 3. qituate in the Township of Lavershurg, Registrat'on Division IR, Transvaal measuring 555 (five hum dred and fifty-five) square metres. Dated at Wigel this 14th day of March 1974.-Milstein, & Pa:k P.O. Box 21, Nigel. I?:glstrar of Deeds Pretoria & Cooper 7059-29 Hierby word kennis gegec dst ons voornemens i3 om aansoek te dam vir 'n gcsertifiseerd- aiskrif van Verbandakte 135401 1972, gedatccr 14 Junie 1972, passeer deur Johannes Hendrik Steyn, gebore op 6 Janurrr~c 1931, ten gunste van Prudential Equity Bnntereniging, ~ i tiie r som van elfduiscnd tweehorideiden-vyftig rand (R11 250), sor die volgende eie:ldam: Erf 171, glee in die dorp Middelburg, Regisirasieafdcling JS, Transvaal, groot vierduisend vierhonderd ccn-cn-sestig (4 461) vierkante meter. Geteken tc Pietoria op hcde die 1Zde dag van Xaart 1974.- 0. B. Rascl~er, Prokurcur vir Applikant, Sa~~elkciu!sgcbou 208, Paul Krugcrstraat, Pretoria. Registrateur van Aktes, Pretoria. 7165-23 Hierby word kennis gegee dat ek voornemers is om aanwc!: te docil om.n gesertifiseeldc afskrif van Akte van Verband 15639/19'72 gedatecr 28 S w ~ s 1952, gegee deur Maria Petronella ITcl,..uorheen Marec zebore op 4 Aqustus 1913 (ians oorlede), \.r d,e bedrag varl R2400. ten ~LIPT~S van Jobanna Catharina M-t~dalena Wcntzel, gebore op 23 April 1889, weduwee. Gedatezr fe Swartruggens op hcde die!5d(: d a van ~ Februarie 1974.-Van cler Merwe & Lcuw, Jan V~nriebcech~traat 7, Posbus 4. Swartr:lor.-ns. ' ~e~islrai&r van Aktes, Pretoria. 7147-29 Notice is hereby given that I intend applying for a cert:iied copy of DxJ oi Transfer 8922173, dated 20 March 1973. passed in favour of Brian Dennis Lawrence D~~cson. in respect of certain Erf 266. situate in the Township of Duncanville, Distr~st of Vereeniging, Registration Division IQ. Dated at Vereeniging this 13th day of March 1974.-D. J. Malan, for D. I. Malan fk Street, P.O. Roa 415, Vercmiging. Registrar of Deeds, Prctoria. Malan, Cicero Buildm_cs, 14 Leslie 7047-29 Notice is hereby given that we intend applying for a certiiied copy of Deed of Transkr 2702411967, dated the 29th day of June 1967, passed in favour of Euphan May Blades, born Lewis on 7 December 1907, widow, in respect of- (a) one-half share of Erf 157, Townstip of Ohenimuri, Registration Division I0 Trarwaal, measuring 714 (seven hundred and trrrnty-four) sqwre metres; (h) one-hall share of Erf 153, Towaship of Ohenim~r~. Registratio? Division IQ Transvaal, ine~suting 724 (se~en hundred 3nd 'wenty-four) square metres; (C) one-half share of Er 159, Touriship of Ohenin;u+, Registratror; Division IQ. Transvaal, meazlll:ng 655 (six hundred and f~fty-eisht) qriare metres; (d) one-half share of Crf 160, Townsh~p of Ohenrm:~ri, Reg~stration D~vision IQ, Transvaal, meazu~ing 656 (six hundred and fifty-eight) square metres: (e) one-half share of Eri 161, Tov:n?'::p of Ohcn;xuri, Registration Division IQ. Transvaal. mexu;ill~ 658 (six hundred and fifty-eight) square metres; (f) one half share of ErE 162, Township cf Ohenimuri, Registratinn Division IQ, Transvaal. msasurine 658 (six hundrd and fifiy-eight) squire mcires. Dated at.yohannesburg this 13th day of %xi-h :W+.-Deneys Reitz, aidsdale &L Guinsberg. Applicant's Attorneys, Third Floor, Corner House. Commissioner Street, Johannesburg. Registrar of Deeds, Pretoria. 7021-23 Hierby word kennis gegee dat ons voornemens is 0.n aansoek te doen orn 'n gesertiiiseerds afskrif van Sessie van Rlineraleregtz 19511951 RIM, geregistreer on die 29sti: d a ~ van Maart I9il. ten gunstc van Tan Harm Jnnze \an Vurer;. Jan Harm van Vuuren en Stephanus Fztrcis Iansen 17an Vllurcn, ten opsigtc van Gedeelte 32 ('n gedecltc v2n die Suid-Westelike gedeclte) van die daas Deelkraal 63, Jistrik Potchzfstroom, groot 78. 516 4 hektaar. A Gedateer te J~hanneshurg op hedc die 12de dag van rdasrt 1974.-E. A. Nieuwondt. vir Van Wyk de Vries, Malan 8r Steyn, Eerste Verdieping. Saambou-Nasionale Gcbou, Commissionerstraat 130, Johannesburg. Registrateur van Aktes, Pretoria. 7015-29

-pp- --p 5315-29 --p - Notice is hereby given that \VC intend applyin:, lor a certified copy of Deed of Transler 1916111948, dated the i4:h day of June 1948, passed in favour of Adriaan Mattli).s ;..cots, oorn oil 17 February 1904, in respect of-!a) one-half share of Erf 157: Township al' Ohenimuri, Registration Division IQ, Transvaal, measuring 724 (seven hundred and twenty-four) square metres; (b) one-!;all share of Erf 158, Township, of Ohenimuri, Registration Division IQ, Transvaal, measuring 724 (seven kundrod 2nd twenty-four) square metres; (c) one-halr share of Erf 159, Township OF Ohenimuri, Regislration Division IQ; Transvaal, measuring 65C (six hundred and fifty-cight) square metres; [d) one-half share of Erf 160, Township of Ohenimuri, Kzgistratian Eivision IQ? Transvaal, :measuring 651: (.ix hundred and fifty-eight) square metres; (e) one-half share of Erf 161, Township of Ohenimuri, Rzgistration Division IQ, Transvaal, measuring 658 (six hurltired and fifty-eight) square metres; (f) one-half share of ErP 162, Township of Ohenirnuri, Registration Division IQ: Transw.a!, mea-suring 653 (six hun- Lire6 and lifty-eight) square metres. Dated at Joha:!~eshur:, this 13th :h\; of March 1974.--Deneys Reitz, Ridsdale & Guinsberg, Applicant's Attorneys, Third Floor, Coruer Kcnse, Coxmissimcr Stiect: Johannesburg. Registrar of Deeds, Pretoria. 7021-29 Hierby word 1;ennis gegee dat ck vookemens is orn aansoek te doen vir '11 gexrtifisezrde afskrif van Akte van Transport 364551 i 946, gedateer 5 Junie 1946. in die naam van Die Pro?rinsie leier cn Pro1rin;ic-Sekrctaris-Penningmeester van die Voortrekkers in die Tracs~aal, in ha1 hoedanightid as trustee vir die Distriksbestuur van riie Vaortreklters van Standertor; (Piet Retief Komnando): tm opsigte van Gedeelte 30 (h gcdeelte van gcdeelte (nou bekend as Standertondorp,en Dorpsgronde van daardie gedeelte) can die piaas Grootverlangen 409. Registrasieafdeling IS. ge!ee in die distrik Shndcrton, groot 4 803 vier- Eante meter. Gedateer te Pretoria op hede die 8ste 'dag van hiaart 1974.- Peens, Smit & Oelofse, N.B.S.-gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria. Registrateur van Aktes, Pretoria. - 6974-29 Hicrby word kennis gegee dat ons vobiemens is on, aansoek te doen on1 gescitifiseerde afskrifte van,aktes van Transport 6338132, gedateer 20 September 1932en 22643136. gedateer 11 D-sc~nber 1936. tcn gunste van Ockeri Oosthuizen?,ouw, gebore op 3 Augusfu: 1899, ten opsigte van die,volgende eiendomme ondcrskeidel ik: l. Die restercndc gedeelte van die plaas Bcschkopje 198, Peqistrasieaideling 10. Transvaal, &root 529:336 8 hcktaar. 2. Gedeelte 8 \Tan die plaas Boschkopje 198, gelee in die Rcgistrasiezfdeling 10. Transvaal, groot 168,736 8 hektaar. Gedateer te Pretoria op hede die 19de dag van Maart 1974.- Ross & Jacobsz, Aktcvervaardigers, Posbus 46, Kerkplein, Pietcria, 0001., Registraleur van Aktes, Pretoria..J * 7343-29 Kennis word hierbv gegee dat ons vod~rie~bns is orn aansoek te doen \fir 'n pese;tifiseerde afskrif van' Akte van Transport 352311963. gedzteer l8 Februarie 1963, ten 'gunste van Frederick I~lichael Er-ptenhach: gebore a? 12 Maart 1911, ten opslgte van sekerc Erf 912, gelee aari Roetsstraat:h die dorp Rmsburg, distrik I.Ieide:b:r?> gioot 83 (dric-en-tagtig) vierkante roede 48 (a$-en-1:eertig) vierkante voet (1 190 vierkante meter). Geteken te Pretoria op hede die llde dag van Desernber 1973.-AfzcRobert, De \Mliers C!? Ilitge;.Prolcureurs vir Aanvraer, Unitedgebuu, Pretoria.,... i'cegis!rateur van Aktes, Pretoria.... 7336-29 Hierby word kenzis gegee dat ens voornemens is om aansoek tc dcen vir 'n geseriifiseerde afskrif +an Akte can Verband lw05/1963. ::epasscer deur Heiene Jesina,'de Wet, gebore Meyer op?5 0I::ohcr i9i2, wed~wee, ter; gunste van Gideon Benjamin van der Wait. geborc op 2 Jucie 1912, gedateer IS Augustus 1953. ten aaczicn \,an- (I) rcslant ;-m gcdceitc van dic plaas Hartbecsifcntein 473: Rcgislrasicafdcling IR: Trans\aal, groot as s:!ii;s 342,6128 1:ektaar; fi) Gedeeltc 9 ('E gedcelt- 17an gedeel.te van zedeelte) van die plus 1-Zirtbeestfontein 473. Repistrasieafdcling IR: Trans-,..,.,I, prozt 335.273 1 bc1::aar. Gciekn te Pretoria op hedc dic 19dc dag van fi4zart 1974.- W; S. Coetzee Sc F~iirie, Pra!;ixreurs vir Applilrant, Vanerkomgcruu 230. Pretoiiussstr-aa~ 217, Pretoria. Re~istrateur can Akies: Pretoria. 7224--29 Notice is hereby given that I intr;~d nppi~ing for a certii'ied copy cl' Deed of Transfer 2663911963, cwed 3 Octobcr 1963, in i'mour of Ian hfuir, born on 9 Dtcember 1948, Ksrin Muir: ilorn on 18 September 1948 and Zai~dra ifluir, born on 25 Octobcr 1952, in respect of Portion 54 of the farm Wales 250; K&tration Division KU (formeriy 3o. 365, former;^!.to. 320), Tr'mvaal, measuring 2997;005 5 (tivo thousand nine hundred iu;d ninety-seven comma noughi ncught live fi1.e) hectares. r'r:ted at Preioria.-Savage, Joo~i!: B Adairis, kiorney for.4ppiicant, 210 Permanent Buildings. l-':iiii Krrrgcr,Stiec:, Pretoria. Kcgistrar of Deeds, Preior~a. Mznnisgwing geslcied hiermee dat ons voorncmens is on: aansc!cic te doen vir 'n geserlifiseerdc akkrlf van Akte van Vcrband 12725/1971 el; gildateer 13 Mei 1971. gegee deur Tollan Hendri1.w Earnzrd, ;rebore op 8 Janurrric 1946, ten gunste van M:ir:hinus Hermaxis van der Westhulzen, gebore op 11 Februa- I-ie 1917, 'n Blanke man en we1 ten opsigte van Gedeelte 18, 'n gedeelte van dic noordelike hel!'tc) van die plaas Doornbiilt 621, Registrasieafdeling LS, distrii; Pietersburg, grcot 8,565 3 hcktaar. Du Toit 8.. Swanepoel, Tmecde Verdieping, N.B.S.-gebou, Marestraat, Posbus,181, Pietersburg. Registrateur van Aktes, Pretoria. -- 7307-29 Hierby word kennis gegee dat ek voornrmens is orn aansoek tc doen om gesertifisccrdc afskrif van Transportakte 19010/1969, gidateer 14 Mei 1969, gegee deur Stznley Ewart Alistoun, gebore op 23 April 1932; ten gunste van Kevin Bxrton, getore op 1 April 1939, tcn aansier? van Hoejve 92. gelee in End~cottlandbouhoewes, Registrasieafdeling IR; Transvaal, graot 2,3239 (tv;ee komma drie twee drie nege) hekh~ar. Geteken te.pretoria op hede die 19de dag van R4aart 1974.- A. Gildenhuys, vir Van der Merwe & Cildenhuys, Homes Trustgebou, Pretoriusstraat 224, Pretoril. Registrateur van Aktes, Pretoria. 5291-29 Hicrby word kennis gegee dat ek \oornemens is om aansoek te doen vir 'n gssertifiseerde alskrif van Akte van Transport 250411958, gedatepr 31 Januarie 1958, in die naam van die Voorsitter van die Provinsiale Eesluur In sj7 hoedanigheid as Provinsieleier cn die Provinsie Sehrelaris Penningmeester van die nrovinsie Transvaal. in hulle hoedanigheid as trustees van die D;striksbestuur van die Voortrekkers te Ventersdorp, ten opsigte van Gedeelte 1 van Plein 310, Ventersdorp, groot 1963 vier- 1,ante meter. Geddteer te Pretoria op hedc die 12de dag van Maart 1974.- Peens, Smit & Oelofse, N.B.S.-gehou. Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria. Registrateur van Aktes, Pretoria. 6973-29 Ifierby word kennis gegee dat ek voornemens is om aansoek te dnen vir 'n gesertifiseerde afskrif van Akte van Transport 1284/1959, gedateer 18 Februarie 1959. in die naam van Christianase Voortrekkers, ten opsigte \an Gedeelte 15 (gedeelte van gedeelte) van die plaas Christianadorp en Dorpsgronde 325, Rcgistrasieafdeling 130, distrik Christiana, grool 8 008 vierkante meter. Gedateer te Pietoria op hede die llde dag van Maart 1974.- l'eens. Smit & Oelofse, NJ3.S.-gebou, Fretoriusslraat, Pretdria. Registrateur van Aktes, Pretoria. 6973-29 Notice is hereby given that r7e intend applying for a certified col;:.' of Deed Of Transfer 29288/1971. dated 24 August 1971, passed by Frederick Abraham Jacobus Maiais, born on 30 May 1915. in favour of Cynthia Beulah Sinclair. born Selkon on 5 October 1931, married out of community of property to Thomas I3ancroft Sinclair, with the exclusion ol the marital power (A.N.C. So 1947153). in respect of certain Holding 74, situate in Rynfield Agricultural Holdings Seclion 1. District of Benoni, measuring 2,087 8 (two comma nought eight seven eight) hecrares. Werksmans; Attorneys for Applicant, Avril hlalan Buildings, 57 Commissioner Street. Johannesburg. Registrar of Dccds, Pretoria. 6970-29 Ce!iewe kennis te neem dat ons van voorneme is om aanswi; te doen vir 'n gesertifiseerde afskrif van Akte van Transport 21340156: gedatecr op die lode dag van September 1956, g:~nzak deur Pretoria Consolidated Investment Company (Ptp) Lld. ten gunste van George Mar:hi:ius Rotha, ten aansien van,,-lo i~~.ihowe 68, ' Rosahoflandb~uhoe~~es. distrik Vanderbijlpaik, p.oot 2,500 0 norg, onder Akte van Transport 21340156, geda- ICS~ die lode dag van September 1956. Gedaher te Pretoria op hede die 12de dag van Maart 1974.- L :;,non & Tindall, Standard Rankgebou 510, ICerkplein, Pretoria. Rcgistrateur van Aktes, Pretoria. 6969-29

-- p-- 7386-29 Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998 G$ No. 4237 STAATSIC.OERANT, 29 MAART 1974,.. istmr of Minin: T!!cLI, Johanacsburg. Notice is hcrehy given that mc intend appl>iq for a certified copy of Dced of Transfer F37$>:;/1973. dated the 8th day of march 1973, passcd in favour oc Colin Jdougharn Hudson, born on 4 May!972. in respect oc GrP 131, in thc Towiship of Morehill, Registratiou Division 1R. Tial;svaal, mcaswing 14.58 (one t11ousanc.l r'oitr llundrcd and filly-eight) square metres. Datcd at Renoni this 19th day of March 1974.-A. C. Cook, Cook & Falcancr, Attorneys for Applicrint, Third Floor; Permanent Building:. 47 Princes A~refiue, Del:oili, Rand Townships Registrar, Joliarnesburg. 7375-29 Hierby word kcimis gegec dat ek voornemens is om aansoek te doen vir '11 gcscrtifiseerde afskrii van Akte van Tramport F2055145; gcdrrtzer 7 Ahart 1945, gepassecr deur die hsedel van wple Dirk Jacobus Coetzce. tcn gunste van Anna Maria aatharina Cu~Lzse, weduyee, tcn aansien van Erf 12. South Germiston Dorpsgebied, Rcgistrasieafdding IR, Tran~vaal, groot 991 vierkante meter.. Gedateer te Germiston op hede die 7de dag van Maart 1974.- A. J. Viljoen, vir A. J. Viljoen & Kic., Volkskasgcbou, Presidcntstraat, Posbus 385, Germiston. Registrateur van Randdorpe, Johannesburg. Hierby word kennis gegee dat voorncmens is om aansock te doen on1 kanscllasic van Verbandakte 27101/1967, gedateer Dated at Pretoria.-Slcgmanns, Attorneys for the Applicant, 15 September 1957, gepasseer dcur Jan Pctrus Hoinann, gebore etherlands Bank B~~ildings, Andrics Street, Pretoria. op 2 Junie 1917, ten gunstc van David Maree, gebore op 5,. Registrar of Deeds, Pretoria. April 1926, vir die som van R? 200 (vierduisend tweehondcrd 8462-29 rand), oor Hoewe 17, Witpoort Estates Small Holdings, Rcgistrasieafdeling IR, Transvaal. groot 2.022 9 hektaar. Frank le Roux &.Van der Westhuizen, Prokureurs vir Applikant, Posbus 116: Brakpan. Registrateur van Aktes, Pretoria. 8432-29 Notice is hereby given that we intend applying for the cancellation of Collateral Mortgage Bond 34/1967, dated 15 September 1967, passed by Jan Pctrus Homa~ln, in favour of David Maree, for thc sum of four thousand two hundred rand (R4 ZOO), over Surface Right Permit A85/1958, granted under the provisions of section 72 of Act 35 of 1908 (Transvaal), for the 8442-29 purpose of agriculture, tree planting with fencing, situate upon the farm Witpoortje 117 IR; Magisterial District of Brakpan, Notice is hcrcby given that we intend applying for a certified Mining District of Johannesburg. registered in the Office of the copy of Mortgage Bond F5062161, dated the 21st day of July Registrar of Mining Titles on the loth day of November 1958, 1961, passed hy the Anglo-Allied Investments (Pty) Ltd, in and more fully described by Plan RMT 4932. favour of the South African Mutual Life Assurance Society, Frank le Roux & Van der Westhuizen, Attorneys for Applifor the sum of R12600 (twelve thousand six hundred rand), cant, P.O. Box 116, Brakpan. in respect of the following properties, namely: Registrar of Mining Titles, Johannesburg. 8432-29 Hicrby word ken& gegee &t ek voornemens js om aansoek te doen om 'n gesertifiseerde afskrif van Akte van Transport 14251/1949, gedateer 21 -Junie 1949, gegee ten gmste van Ross Trebble, gebore op 29 Augustus 1916, ten aanslen van- (1) Gedeelte 15 ('n gedeelte van Gedcelte 14) van die phas Goedehoop 169, Registrasieafdeling HT, Transvaal, groot 18,636 5 (agtien komma ses drie ses vyf) hektaar; (2) Gedeelte 16 ('n gcdceltc van Gedeelte 1) van die plaas Goedehoop 169, Registrasieafdcling HT, Transvaal, groot 11,944 5 (elf komma nege vier vier vyf) hektaar. Gedateer te Piet ~ Retief op hede die 29ste dag van Maart 8442-29 1974.-Dietlof Olmesdahl & Pienaar, Posbus 29, Piet Retief, 2380. Notice is hereby given that we intend applying for a certified copy of Deed of Transfer 788411956, dated the 29th day of Registrateur van Aktes' Pretoria' 8574-29 March 1956, in favour of Theodorus Cornelius Johannes Baden- Hierby word kennis gegee dat ek voornemens is om aansoek te doen om 'n gesertifiseerde afskril van Akte van Transport 1351511965, gedateer 20 April 1965, @gee ten gunste van Louis Egmont Kohrs, ten aansien van resterendc gedeelte van die plaas Uitgevallen 175, Registrasieafdeling HT, Transvaal. groot as sulks l 669,128 2 (eenduisend sesho~lderd nege-en-scslig komma een twee agt twee) hcktaar. Gedateer te Pretoria op hedc die 29ste dag van Maart 1974.- Dietlof Olmesdahl & Pienaar, Posbus 29, Pict Retief. Registrateur van Aktes, Pretoria. 1. Lot 1266, situate in thc Township of Rensburg, Registration 8573-29 Division IR, Transvaal, measuring 1 190 square metres. Notice is hereby given that we intend applying for a certified 2. Lat 1283, situate in the Township of Rensburg, Registration copy of ~~~d of ~~~~~i~~ 5004/1971, dated the day of Division IR; Transvaal, measuring 1 190 square metres. February 1971, passed by Willem Hendrik ran Niekerk, born 3. Lot 1284, situate in the Township of Rensburg. Registration on the 20th day of December 1300, in favour of I(enne!h Divi~ion IR, Transvaal, measuring 1 190 square metres. William Schultz, born on the 21st day of Fcbri~ary 1925, m 4. Lot 1265, situate in the Township of Rensburg, Registration respect of certain Holding 193, situate in Idorncstead Apple Division IR, Transvaal, rne:lsuring 1 190 square metres. Orchards Agricultural Holdings, District of \ie~.zenigtng, measur- Dated at Tohannesburg this I lth day of March, 974,-Tocl ing 4,045 1 (four comma nolight lour seven one) hcciares. h.lclamed Pc JJ,urwitz, Attorneys for Applicant, 13th Floor, His Dated at.johannesburg this 19th day of Mai.*;n 1974.-Cirota, Majesty's Buildings, Eloff Strcel, Johannesburg. Cirota & Levisohn, Attorneys for Applicant, 801 Volkskas Ruildings, 76 Market Street, Johannesburg. Registrar ol Decds, Pretoria. Registrar of Deeds, Preroria. 8312-29 8563-29

p----p 8539-29 -p--- 8534-29 ---p-- 8537-29 t- -pp-- 8467-29 -P--- 7079--29 -p--p -P- Idotice is hereby gii-cl: that ire intend'applying ior a certified copy of Dccd of Transfer F17250/1973, dated 21 Scptcrnber i97.7. pased in ia.;our of Martha Magdalena Mark xui Niekcrk, forixriy I.ichenberp, bcrn Cronje on 22 June 190, widow. in respect or Lot 663, Township of Parkhurst, Registration Division IR: Trnr!svaal, measuring 495 square metres. Dalcd at Jdxnnesburg this 25th day of hlarcli 1974.-Moss- Morris, Attorneys ior Applicant, Meischke's Buildings, corncr of Harrison and Market Strcets, Johannesburg. Rand Townships Registrar, Johannesburg., - -- 8564-29 Notice is hereby given that it is our intention to apply ior a certified copy OF Deed of Transfcr 9175/1946, dated 4 November 1946. passed in favour of Mary Gladys Leonne Smart, born on 27 Dccember 1919, insrespect of Lot 538. Port Edward (Eutznsion 2). sltuate in the Port Edward Health Committte Arca and In the Lower South Coast Regional Water Services Arca. Coantji of Alfred. Province of Natal, in extent one thousand ilve ilundred (l 500) square metres. Sliiirstein, Shapiro & Pohroy, Attorneys for App!icant, 48 Tudor Chainbers, P.O. Rox 196, Pretoria. Registrar of Deeds, Pietermaritzburg. Notice is hereby given that we intend applying ior the issuc of a certified copy oi Ccrtiiicate of Cofisolidatcd Title 1930' 197G. dated 23 J3~l:ary 1970 issued in favour of Mahomed Moolla. born on 26 February 1935, in respect of certain Err 233. situate in the Tovin of Sakhrol, Registration Division 11'. T~ansvaal. measuring l 487 square metres. Dated at Pretoria th~s 22nd day of March 1974-Stcgmanns Attmxvs ior Applicmt P.0 Box 344, Pretoria. Reglstlnr of Deeds. Pretoria. Hierby word kcnnis gegee dal ek voornernens is on aansoek te docn om 'n :resertifisecrde sfskrif van Sertiiiiaat van Vcr- enigrie Tile1 33996/66. gedatecr 4 November 1966: geregistreer in die naanl.:an S'tzdsraad van D-ustenburg, ter, aansien van Erf 1889. gelee aan Rzitz-, I-Iugo-, Vygie- en ETu_=uenootstrnat, groot 2,474 5 h2ktaar. Gcdateer te Rc~stenburg op hede die 22ste d q van hlaart 1974.-Van Vcldcn & Lategan, Prokureur vir die Applikant, Posbus 71, Rustenburg. Registiateur van Aktes. Pretoria. - -p-. - 8535-29 Hierby word kennis gcgee dat ek voorncmcns is oin aansoek te doen vir 'n geser!iiiseerde afskrif van h!inerale Hu~xkontrak 2Gl/i969 RM. gedirtccr 7 Mei 1969..aangegaan dc~~r David Jacobus Fictcrsr en P~emicr Kiln ProduciY(Edms.) Bpk. Gedateer te Oiiosdal or:!xde die 18dc dag van Maxt 1971.- JT. T. Otto, PrcLureur ~ ~ Aansoeker, i r Voortrckkcrstraat, Poshs l, Ottosdal. Rcgisirateur van Altlcs, Pretoria. KAAP-C Hierby word ken.nis gcgee dat 011s voornernens is om aansnck te doen om 'n gewnxmerl..te afskrif van Trxnsgnl.laktc ii9; gedatccr 15 Sanunrie 1962. {cn gnilste van Roelcf Pi-::m Mredcn-. kainp, geborc op 13 i m? ~ 1292: ten opig:c vzli wkcr SIU:: opgehefte erfpagzrond: gclc: in die mtanisipaiitei: \-a:: KIS:>mend, afdeling Calednn. synde die 1,estant van Erf 4422, IT(!einmend, groot 595 (vyihoncierd vyf-en-negentig) vierkante meter. GC-&.:c-r tc KanpsLad op hc:!c cl:,: S& $a:; ::in :dcl;~rt 1974.- \'a.i tler Spuy & Vennote, Proku;.c-ilrs vir Aaiivraer, Laer Burg- Lrraa~ 18: Kaapstnc!. Kegistrai;.:!i van Aktes, Kaapsiad. -. -- -- -- -- 7222-29 Hierby word kennis gegee dat on:; voorneniem IS cm aansoek [c tlwr! vir 'n pieriii'iseerdc aiz!<:ii van kkk Van Tral~spoi-i L773j 1'95, geihtcer 18 Februarie 1955. tcn sunste van Jacohuc; Ki.i~ger Cronjc, gebore op i6 Janzirie 1928 en Dailiel Fredcric:,,.,. i2roli,z: &ore nl: 23 Okto'o-r 191.5. ten aansicn van seke:,. ;~l::isk:sft~ crrpagyond. gelee in die afdeling Aliwal-Noord. syn;ie Gdccltc c: van die plaas Lelie Kloof, groot tviee hontlrrd sewc-en-twiiltig kornnla agt sewe vyf scs (227,875 6) I~ektar. Geciatccr re Aliwal-Noord op heck die 14dc ciag van Maart Q Rotha, Pmkurcfirs vir dic Appiikantc. Somer- 1974.-Dougiae scmraal 11113: I'n.:bus 66, Aljwal-Noord. Rcgis:rateur van Aktes, Kaapstad. 7078-29 Hierby word kcnnis gegce dat ons van voornerne is om aansod< te dom vir 'n, gcser:ifis-,crde 'lskrif van Transportakte 5306. pdatcer 29, Jul~e 1910: ten gunste van die Munisipaliteit C'alvinl?, ten opslgte van scker s:uk grond, synde die restant van Eri 421, Calvinia, geld iil die munisipaliteit en afdeling Calvinia, grooi 4 020 vierkante meter. Gedalecr te Calvir~ia op hcde die ISde dag van Maart 1974.- Grocnewald Rr Groenewald, Prokureurs vir Applikant, Saamstaangcbcu; Calvinia. licgistrateur van Aktcs, Kaapstad. Noticc is hereby given that I intend applying for a certified ccpy ot Deed of Transfer 1805/1938, in favour of Ismail Rasool in rcspcct of certain Lot 438, Township of Greytomn, situate in the Rorougli of Greytown, County oe Urnvoti. Province of Natal. in cxtznt onc (1) acre. Dated at Greytown thls 15th day of March 1974.-Van Rooyen & Porder. Applicant's Atiorneys. l?? Pine Strect, Greytown. Regist~ar of Deeds. Pictermaritzburg. -- 7063-29 Hierby v:ord kennis gcgee dat elc Alice Croucamp, in my ho-danighe~d as eksekutr~sc in die bcedel van wyle Jan Mattheus Crcuramp. 1.andclende kragtens Eksckuteursbrief 555173, uitgereik dcur d e Meester van die Hooggcregshof te Kimberley op 1 Julie 1973. van voorneme is on aansoek te doen orn 'n gesertrl~seerde aiskrif van Transportakte 1129/1950, gedateer 8 Desemllcr 1950. geregistreer ten gurlste van nou wyle Jan Matthcm Croucamp, ten opsigte van seker resterende gedeelte van d~e plaas Nlckcrks Rust 243, gelee rn die afdeling Mafeking grcot as sulks sewehondcrd drie-en-tagtig kornma vyf nu1 vyf een (733.505 l) hektaar, gedateer te Vryburg op hede die 15de d? ~ \an 14azrt 1974 -Eu Plessis. Viviers & Kie.. Prokureurs \.ir AppilLant, tinik*traat 86. Vryhurg. Registrateur van Aktes, Vryburg 703k29 Hierby word hennis gegee dat ons voomemens is om aansoek le do~n cm 'n ~e~ertiiiseerdc afskr~f van Akte van Trampor( 175~3/1966. gcdatecr 25 Augustus 1366, ten gunste van Jacobuc \an der Vy-;er, gebore op 23 htaart 1913. ten aansicn van die \01~ci!de eicndomme: 1 SAer stuk afbetaalde erfpaggrmd. gelee in die munisipalitell Tsuvmivier. afdeling Worcester, synde Erf 528, Touwsrivier grool 5 000 vicrkante voet.? Seker stuk acbetaaldc erfpaggrond, gelee soos hierbo. syndc Eri' 529. Toil -ml\i:r. groot 5 000 i,:ii.antc voet... Hierby viilrd kcnnis gegee dat ondergetckende voorncrnecs is Gedatce! tc \5iorccs!er op llcde die 13de dag van Maart 1974-- on aar:so& te docn orn 'n gesertifiseerde afskrif van Akte van Whitehorn, Wilson & KotzB, Aansocker se Prokureurs, Add-i Trawprt 7726169. zcdalccr S8 Samiarie 1969, gcrcgistreer ten laydr~at 34, Posbus 25, Worcester. g:-~r;:lc vam hl;+yn Jacobus du Toit, geborc op 17 Februar~c Rc3is::atcur van Aktes. Kaapstad. 1933. te:i n;~~;sier, vzn Erl' 39, ge!cc in die dor:x:rebied Lynn- -- 7008-29 iviror! Glcn. Xegist;~:sici~i'dcling 3R. Transvaal, groot!03s (cmciuls.--,~! ne,gciio!idc~d ngt-en-veertig) vierkantc meter. Kennis v ord hierby gegee dat ons voorncrnens is om aansocl.,-,6.c1,...- *..,S K'xnoton Par!~ op hcde die 20ste daa wn Maart :e doen by die Registratelir van Aktes te Kaapstad om.- ly,?+.-scl:ui;ia;~ \'zn dei~ Hecver 8 Yiljoen, S.A. Permanente gescrtiflscrrde afslcrif ~ a n Transpcrrlakte 1361, gedateer 22 Gel.wu. Ce:~iral!aari. P~sbus 67, Kempton Park. Jqnuarie 1974. ten gunste van R~chard Searle, gebore op 1 Rcgistrstclrr \,an Aktcs, Prctoria. Maart 1930. ten opslgte van- (l) sekcr stuk afbetnalde erfpaggrond, gel@ in die Tergnic~ F!aaslke Gebied, aidcling Mosselbaai, synde Erf 186. Terjoict. groot 431 vicrkante meter; (2) sckcr stak afbetaa!dp erfn'~:vgrorid, gclee ~oos bo syn? El; 187, Tergniet, groot 492 vlcrkante meter. Gedatccr tc Kaa~stad op hedc dle 12de &R van Maart 197l Fililcr. Kloore & Seun, Prokcreuis \Ir Applikant. N.B.S-gekc; Groentemarkplcin. Kaapstad. Rsg~strateur van hktes. Kaapsiad. 6965-2'1

70 No. 4237 STAATSKOERANT, 29 NAAET 1974 treet, East London. ar of Deeds, King William's Town. dated 19 May 1969, passed jn chula, born on 13 July 1917, In otlght eight three six (301,083 6) 7254-29 Notice is hereby given that we intend to apply for a certified py of Deed of Transfer 3630, dated 19 Tune 1896, in favour Tan Jiiric Albertus Wessels (now deceased), in respect of am piece of freehold!and, being the remainder of Erf Napier (formerly the iemainder of Lot 23), in the Municity of Napier, Division of Biedasdorp, measuring 4 334 square metres. Dated at Cape Town 111;s 4th day of March 1974.-Prisman & Wilson, Atlorneys for the Executors. Registrar ot Deeds, Cape Town. 7298-29 Notice is hereby ghen that we intend applying for certified copies of- (a) Decd of Transfer 161, dated 14 January 1952, passed by Leah Berelowitz, born Groll, married in Lithuania to Solomon Berelowitz, born on 25 May 1896, the laws of Lithuania governing the said marriage, and assisted therein as far as need be by the said Solomon Rere!ouritz, in favour of Yudal Danilewitz. born on 15 May 1892, in respect of one-half share of the Following property: I. The remaining evicnt of tlv: subdividzd Lots 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16, near Observatory Road Station, in the City of Cape Town, Cape Division (now described as remainder Erf 26244. Cape Toun at Observatory). measuring four hundred and four (434) squarc metres; 2. certain piece of land. situate at Observatory Road in ihe City of Cape Town, Cape Division, beiilg Lot A, consistin2 of Lot A of Lot 5, Lot A of Lots 2 and 3 and Lot 1 (mw described as Er 26241, Cap- Town at Observatory, measuring four hundred and twenty-sevcn (427) square metros; (b) Deed of Transfer 7553. dated l1 August 1936, passed by Solomon Rornain and Abraham Spclitor, trading under the style of Soi Rornain & Spektor, in equal shares, in favour of Yudal Danilowitz and Zxah Berelowitz, born Groll, married in Litliuanra to Solomon Berelowitz, the laws of Lithuania governing the said marriage, in equal shares, the following properties: 1. The rcmiiining extent of the subdivided Lots 11, 12. 13 14, 15 2nd 16, near Observatory Road Station in the City of Capc Town, Cape D~vision (now describcd as remainder Erf 26233. Cape Town at Obser\atory), measuring four hundred and four (404) square metres; 2. ccrtain piece of land, situate at Observatory Road in the City of Cape Town, Cape Division, being Lot A, consisting of Lot A of Lot 5, Lot A of Lots 2 and 3 and Lot 1 (now described as Erf 26241, Cape Town at Observatory), measuring fonr hundred and twentyseven (427) square metres. Dated at Cape Town this 15th day of March 1974.-Luck, Saremboc!~ & Liebenberg, 85 St Ge~rge's Street, Cape Town. Registrar of Deeds, Cape Town. 7325-29 Notice is hereby given that we intend to apply for a certified copy of Dced oe Transfer 15529, dated 6 November 1944, in favour of Mariam Bapoo Nackwa Khalpe, formerly married by Mohammedan Rites to Bapoo Nackwa by a person other than a duly aot1:orised marriage officer, in respect of certain piece of land, situate in the City of Cape Town, Cape Divisian, being Erf 2911, Cape Town at Cape Town (formerly descrihed as Portion B of Lots 27 to 36, Block D, measuring 14 square roods 79 square feet (208 square metres). Dated at Cape Town Ibis 14th day of March 1974.-Prisman & Wilson, Attorneys for Applicant. Registrar of Deeds, Cape Town. 7327-29 Notice is hereby given that I, Joan Olive Nurok, born Willcocks on 10 August 1923, married out of community of property to Robert Nurok, intend applyicg for a certified copy of Deed of Transfer 4649, dated 4 April 1955, passcd by Garden Cities, in my favour, in respect of certain piece of land, situate in the Municipality of Piaviano's, Cape Division, being Crf 31i9, Pinelands. measuring onc thousand two hundred and twentyone (1 221) square metres. Dated at Cape Town this 19th day of Ma:~h 1971.-L. Madish & Company, Attorneys ior Applicant, Rubi,lr,r House, corner of Victoria Road and Douglas Place, Woodstock. Registrar of Deeds, Cape Town. 7324-29 Notice is hereby given that we intend 2jy1123 for a ce:tilicd copy of Deed of Transfer 6721, dated 12 hl;rci~ 1971, pasd in iavour of IIadjie Moegamat Arnieil AI.I:o!~, born on 14 November 1936, and Ayesha Arno!d, born Ahmcd on 6 Augtist 1931, married out of community CC propcriy 10 Hndjie Moep~at Amien Arnold, in respect of ccr;ain pica of rrd~emixl qultrcnt iand, situate in the Local Arca oi Elslc'; F.i:.:r: Ca2.r Divisic:i, being ErE 13334, portion of Erf 11637, Gwx~~voo~ mmzasuiii:g five hundrcd arid seventy (570) square metres. Dated at Goodwood this 22x3 day oi M:lrch 1374.-5. M. Kessler, Lazarus & Bordk, Attorneys for thc Applicant, Guulbum Centre, Voortrekker Road, Goodwood, Cape. Registrar of Deeds, Cape Town. 8440-29 Notice is hereby given that we intend app!ql~g for a ceriii~ed copy of Deed of Transfer 5803, dated 6 IAziih 1970, passed ~n favour oe Disa Konstruksie Maatskappy (Ednls.) Bpk. (No. 641 2261), in rcspect of certain piece of land, s;t~.ate in the Municipal~ty of Parcw, Cape Division, being Lots 576 and 577, Block S, a portion of Lots 572, 573 and 576 to 581, Block J, measuring nine hundred and ninety-one (991) squarc mctrcs. Dzted at Goodwood this 22nd day of %larch 1973.-S M. Ressler, Lazarus & Borok, Attorneys for t?:: burn Centre, Voortrekker Road, Goodwood, Cape. Registrar of Deeds, Cape Town. Applicant, Goul- 8441--29 Notice is hereby given that we intend appi:,iilg for a certified copy of Certificate of Registered Title 6249, dated 7 May 1963, made in favour of Ismail Hoosain Banderher, born on 19 March 1920, in rcspcct of- (a) one-hali share in certain piece of iand, qituate in t5e City of Cape Town, Cape Division, being the remaindcr 01 Erf 33918, Cape Town at Athlone, measuiiq three hundrcd and thirty-six (336) square metres; (b) one-half share in certain land, situate in the City of Cape Town, Cape Division, being the rernmlder of Erf 33568, Cape Town at Athlone, measuring fi~e hwdred and thirtythree (533) square metres. Dated z? Athlone this 15th day of blalch!97?-0. A. Karjieker 6c Ccrnpzny, App1ic:lnt's Attorneys, hwjgcr House, Aden Avenue,.4$ tllonc. Regictiar of Deeds, Cape Town. 8439-29 IJicrby word kennis gegee dat ons voorn~mc~is om aansock te doen om 'n gesertifiseerde afskrif van Ahte van Transport 19678, gedateer 28 Augustus 1967, gepasseer ten gunstc van Matthys Jacobus Terblanchc, gebore op 2 hid-, t 1890, ten am- slen van seker stuk grond, gelee In die n~uir*pn'!~eit en afddmg Mo!tono, synde die restant van Erf 466 Molteno (vonrheen restant van Erf 561, Molteno), groot t\+ectondcrd agt-ensestig (268) vierkante meter. Gedateer te Kimberley op kede die 18de dag >an hlaart 1974.- Elliott Maris Wilmans & Hay, Apphkant se Probureurs, Western Bankgebou, Markplein, Kimberley. Registrateur van Aktes, Kaapstad. 8505-29 NATAL ATotice is hereby given that we intend for a certified copy of Decd of Transfcr 478511943, drtteci the 25th day of August 1943, in favour of Kandasamy Arrhary, Indian immigrant, No. 82228, New Hanover, Natal, biackmith, in respect of the propcrty described as Lot 6, in thc Tciwnship ol' Nciv Hanover, situate in the New Hanover I-Iealiii Committee Arca, in the County of Pietemaritzburg, Province of' Natal, in cstent four thousand and forty-seven (4 047) square nirlres. Dated at Pietermaritzburg this 12th day of March 1974.- F. H. Lo\ve 8( Company, Applicmt's Attorneys. Registrar of Deeds, Pietermaritzburg. 7011-29 Notice is hereby given that we intend appjying for a certicicd copy of Deed of Transier 2024/1950, d:i!cd 30 March 1950, in favour of Wmlfson's Holdi~igs Ltd, IJ.C.!'!!I. 19601, in respect of the property described as Su'Jdivision 4 cl Lot 57, Longmarket Street, situate in the City and Count? of Pieternmaritz~ burg, Province of Natal, in extzn; five 1:;:iidred and twelve (512) square metres. Dated at Pietermaritzburg this 12th day of March 1974.- F. H. Lowe & Company, Applicant's Attorrieys. Registrar of Deeds, Pietermaritzburg. 6959-29

Notice is hereby given that we intend applying for a certified copy of Deed of Transfer 276911923, dated 28 July 1923, in favour of Ayesha Ebrahim Vaid. in respect of the remainder of Lot 804, situate in the Borough of Ladysmith, County of Klip River, Province of Natal, in extent 1012 square metres. Dated at Ladysmith this 13th day Of March 1973.-Macaulay & Riddell, Attorneys for Applicant, 126 Murchison Street, P.O. Box 107, Ladysmith. Registrar of Deeds, Pietermaritzburg. 7080-29 Notice is hereby given that I intend applying for a certified copy of Deed of Partition Transfer 10127/1964, dated 14 August 1964, in iavour of hlanilal Mathura Ghazi, born on 17 October 1930, in respect of certain property being Subdivision 1 of Lot 990. Township of Newcastle, sltuate in the Borough of Newcastle. County of Klip River. Province of Natal, in ex!ent two thousand and tv,en,y (2 020) square metres. Dated at Sianger this 13th day oi March 1974.-JAY Pundit 6r Company. Applicant's Attorneys, 151 Rood Street, Stangcr. Registrar of Decds, Pietermaritzburg. - -- 7320-29 Notice is hereby given that we intend applying for a certified copy of Deed of Transfer 291511971, dated the 15th day of February 1971, in favour of Balbay (Pty) Ltd, in respect of Lot A0, Township of Richards Bay (Extension 2), situate in the Town Board Area of Richards Bay, County of Zululand, Province of Natal, in cxtent two thousadd and sixty-five (2 065) sqliare metres. Dated at Emy7r:~cni this 13th day of March 1974.-F. P. Rclxrnann & Sm:::?. Applicant's Attorneys, 8-11 Arthurps Buildings. Union Strect. P G. Box 175. Empangeni, 3880. Registrar of Deeds. Pietermaritzburg. 7321-29 Yotice is hereby giwen that we intend applyi~?g to the Registrar of Eked3 at Pietermaritzburg, Natal, for the cancellntlon of Notarial Bond 11018/1963, dated 28 Nolcmber 1963. passed by Johannes Hendrik Botha, born on 12 April 1934, In favour of Western Credit Ltd, which snbsequenily changed ~ts name to Weqtcln Bank Ltd. in an amount of one thousand two hundred and scren'ly-two rand (R1 272) plus two hundred rand (R200) cokts ~lause, which aforementioned notarial bond has been lost. Dated at La:?ysinith this 18th day of March 1974.-Marce, Pace & Van dcr Merwe, Attorneys, Notaries & Conveyancers, First Floor. N.B S. Ruildicps. 174 Murchison Street. P.O. BOX 200, Ladysmith. Natal. Registrar of Decds, Pietermzritzburg. 7257-29 Notice is hereby given that 1 intend applying fcr a certified copy of Deed of Transfer 6502/1950, dated 13 Septcmbcr 1950, passed by Johannes Michael van Helsdingen Brink acting under and by virt~e oe a resolution passed on 18 January 1937, by the dircctors of the CI~rmont Township (Pty) Ltd, a Company dulv registered with jimted liability under the laws of the Republic of South Africa in iavour of Elda Mzondwase Tshabalala, in respect of the undermentioned properties described as: Erf 3254, To\;nship of Clermont. situate in the Public Health A~ea of CLermoot. County of Durban, Province of Natal, in extent ten thousand (10 COO) square feet. Erf 3255, Townkhip 01 Clermont, situate in the Public Health Area of Clerrnon'. County ol Durban, Province of Natal, in cxtent ten thousand (10 WO) sqaure feet Dated at Durban this 14th day of March 1974.-V. P. R. Xaidoo, for A. I. Gumedc & Company, Applicant's Attorneys, 70 C.N.R. House, 22 Cross Street, Durban. Registrar of Deeds, Pieterrnaritzburg. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE: 29 MARCH 1974 No. 4237 71 Notice is herzby given that I int.:iid applying for a certified copy of Deed of Transfer 243011361. dated 14 April 1961, passed in favour of Ethan Arthur Mayiseh born on 20 February 1922, in respect of certain piece of land being Erf 1493. Towaship of Clermont, situate in the Public J-Iealill Area of Clermont and in thz Pinetown Regional Water Services Area, County of Durban, Province of Natal, in extent four hundred and sixty-eight (468) square metres. Dated at Durban.-H. 501 Lodson House, 118 Grey Street, Durban. Registrar of Deeds, Pieterrnaritzburg. J. Bhengu & Co., Applicant's Attorney, 8436-29 0.V.S.-0.F S. Hierby word kcnnis gegee dat ek voornemens is om aansoek te doen vir 'n gesertifiseerde afskr~f van Akte van Transport 332911370. geregistreer op 27 Mei 1970, ten gunste van Jan Gcorge van Niekerk, gcborc op 10 Desember 1894, oor sekere Erf 185, gelee in die dorp tn distrik Wcpener, groot 4473 vierkante meter. Naude & Naude, Prokureurs vir Applikant, Sanlamgebou, Maitlandstraat, Posbus 153. Bloernfontein. Registrateur van Aktes, Bloemfontein. 7217-29 Hierby word kennis gegee dat 011s voornemens is om aansoek tz doen vir 'n gesertifiseerde aiskrif van Akte van Transport 239911943, geregistreer op 2 Junie 1943, tcn gunste van die Stadsraad van die hfunisipaliteir Paul Roux, oor sekere Er 187. gelee in die dorp Paul Rouu. distrik Senekal. groot 208 vierkante roede 48 vierkante voet [3974 vierkante meter (tweeduiscnd negehonderd vier-ell-sewentig vierkante meter)]. Pdaude & Naude, Prohrcurs vir Applikant, Sanlamgebou, Vaitlnndstraat 71, Posbus 153, Blocmfonlein. Rc.$strateur van Aktes, Blocmlontcin. 7131-29 liierby word kennis gegce dat ox voornemens is om aansoek te doen vir 'n gesertifiseerde afskrif van Akte van Transport Y21511952, geregistreer op 4 Desernber 1962. ten gunste van Elias Jacobus Bekker, gebore op 17 Julie 1931, ten opsigte van seker plaas Kareepan 315, distrik Jacobsdal, groot 30O.6I 1 8 hektaar. Naude & Naude. Prokureurs vir Applikant. Sanlxngebou, Maitlandstraat 71, Posbus 153. Bloernfontein. Registrateur van kktcs, Bloemfoniein. 8494-29 Eennis word hierby gegee dat ons van voorneme is om aansock te doen vir die uitreiking van 'n gcseriifiscc;de afskrif van Sertifikaat van Gewysigde Titel 310811921, geregistre~r op 1 September 1921. ten gunste van hlhertus Jacobus Mcinties, ten opsigte van sekcr resterende gedcelle van die plaas Witdam 468, g&& in die distrik Bosl~ef. goat as sulks 885 morg 427 vierkanle roede. 3. A. van Zyl, Applikant se Prokureur, Trustfonteingebou, St. Andrewstraat 151, Bloernfontein. Registrateur van Aktes, Bloemfontein. 8499-29 S.W.A. Hierby word kennis gegee dat ons voornernens is orn aansoek te doen orn 'n gesertifiseerde afskrif van NotarZle Spesiale Verband 1828165, gedateer 22 Pqovcmber 1965, geregistreer 1 Descrnber 1965, verleen deur Westies Minerale (Edms.) Bpk., vir 'n bedrag van R15 960 (vyftiendu~send negehonderd-en-sestig rand), ten gunste van Sarusas Ontwikkelingskorporasie (Edms.) Bpk. Gedateer te Windhoek op hede die llde dag van Maart 1974.-Schoeman & Lombard, Posbus 2195, Wmdhosk. Registrateur van Aktes, Windhoek. 7148-29 - 0 10 esti

p-p- 8575-29 Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998 -p--- 8565--29 ORDERS VAN HOF, ENS.-ORDERS OF COURT, ETC. TRANSVAAL Case M579174 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Witwatersrand Local Division) Before the Honourable Mr Justice Snynlan Johannesbure. Tuesday, 12 March 1974 h the matter between WTLLIE AUGUSTIN CLEMENT RENIERS. Amlicant. and SPEAR ENGIKEERING COM- ZANY (PTY)'LTD, having its registered office at c/o Kessel, Feinstein, Torch & Company, Second Floor, Annan House, 86 lommissioner Street, Johannesburg, and having its principal slace of business at 20719 Main Reef Road, Wcstgate, Johansburg, Respondent Having heard Miss Kuper, Counsel for the Applicant, and ving read the application; Tt is Ordered: 1. That the above-mentioned Respondent Company be and hereby placcd under provisional winding-up orcler in the nds of thc Master; 2. That a rule nisi do isme calling upoh ail persons cbnrned to appear and to show cause, if any, to this Court on April 1974, at 10 am., why the said Respondent Company hould not bc placed under final winding-up order; 3. That a copy of this rule nisi be served on the Respondent cmpany at its registered office and be published forthwith once the Governrncnt Gazefte and in a Johannesburg daily newsaper. By Order of the Court.-D. F. Joubert, Assistant Registrar. (Munro, McHarry, c10 Bester & Heckroodt.) -- 8594-29 Case M32174 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SOTJTH AFRICA (Transvaal Provincial Division) Before the Honourable Mr Justice Theron Pretoria, Tuesday, 19 March 1974 atter between LEWIS KLQPPER, in his capacity as of Ringkop Beleggings (Edms.) Bpk., in liquidation,, and MALUTI 1IOTEI.S (PTY) LTD, having its office at 423 Schocman Street, Pretoria, Respondent heard Mr Goldstein, of Counsel for the Applicant, g read the petition filed; The Court Orders: above-mentioned Respondent Company be and in provisional liquidation; t a rule nisi do issue calling upon all persons cono appear and show cause if any, to this Court at., on 16 April 1974, why the Respondent Company should placed under final winding-up order; hat service of this rule nisi be effected upon the Respont Company at its regisicred office and by publication forthth once in each of the Government Gazette and Pretoria ews newspaper. By the Court.-I. F. R. du Preez, Acting 8482-29 Case M582174 IN TIE SUPREME COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Transvaal Provincial Division) Before the Honourable Mr Justice Theron Pretoria, Tucsday. the 19th day of March 1974 In the matter between ADOLF WILHELM KUSCHKE, Applicant, and A. W. KUSCHKE MOTORS (PTY) LTD. tradmg. Kuschke Motors and Soekmckaar Boeredicnstc, with off~c>\ at c/o P. D'Arcy. Tzanecn, Tvl, Rcspond:nt Having heard Mr Goldstein, of Counsel Ior the Applicant, and having rcad the petition filed; The Court Ordcrs: 1. That the above-mentioned Respondent Company be, and hereby placed In provisional liquidation: 2. That a rule nisi do hereby lssue calling upon nll persons coscerned to appear and show cause ~f anv. to this Court at 10 a.m., on the 9th day of April 1074, whj!he Rcspondent Company should not be placed under find1 wrnding-up order; 3. That seivlce of th~s rulc nisi be eflected on the Re pmdent Company at ics regictcred oifice and upon all bnown creditcrs of the Rrspondent Compdny by reg~slc;ed j:o"i nlid he published forthwith onx in each of the Govrrfiment Gazefte and The Srm n-wspapzr. By the Court.-I. 1:. R. r!u Prs:,z. Acting Registrar. Case M509174 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Transvaal Provincial Division) Before the Honourable Mr Justice Theron Pretoria, Tuesday, the 19th day of March 1974 In the matter between PLATEGLASS AND SHATTERPRUFE 1NDUSTRIES LTD. Applicant, and L.G.L. HOUTPRODU#TE (EDMS.) BPK., ca;rying on business as wood product merchants with its reeistered office at 4 Elmadal, Eerstegoud, ~ietersburg, ~es~onaent Having heard Mr Joffe, of Counsel for the Applicant, and having read the petition filed; The Court Orders: 1. That the above-mentioned Rcspondent Company be and is hereby placed in provisional liquidation; 2. That a rule nisi do issue calling upon all persons concerned to appear and show cause if any, to this Court at 10 a.m., on 9 A ril 1974, why the Rcspondent Company shou!d not be placefunder final winding-up order; 3. That service of this rule nisi be effected upon tile P.espondent Company at its registered oflice, and by publirztion forthwith once in each of the Governrncrzt Gazette and The Star newspaper. By the Court.--T. Registrar. (Carson H. & Co.) F. R. du Preez, Acting Case M518,'74 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Witwatersrand Local Division) Before the Honourable Mr Justice Snymnn Johannesburg, Tuesday. 12 March 1974 In the matter between VIANINI PIPES (SALES) (PTY) LTD, Applicant, and INDUSTRIAL ROAD AND CONCRETE (PTY) LTD, having its registered offices at 33 Dam Road, Boksburg North, Transvaal, and carrying cn busine5s as civd engineering contractors at 33 Dam Road. Uoirsburg North, I'rarisvaal, Respondent Having heard Mr Katz, Counscl for the App!icant. and having read the application; It is Ordered: 1. That the above-n~entioned Respondent Compariy be and is hereby placed under provisional winding-up older in the hands of the Master; 2. That a rule nisi do issue calling upon all persons concerned to appear and to show cause, if any, to this Court on 9 April 1974, at 10 a.m., why the said Respondent Company should not be placed under final winding-up order; 3. That a copy of this rule nisi be served on the Rzspondent Company at its registered office and be publrshcd forthwith once in the Government Gazette and in a Johannesburg dlily newspaper. By Order of the Court.-D. Registrar. (Aaron Oshry & Oshry.) F. Jcubert, Assisiant Case M444174 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Transvaal Provincial Division) Before thc Honourable Mr Justice Theron Pretoria, Tuesday, the 19th day of March 1974 In the matter between AIRCONDI REFRIGERATION (PTY) LTD, Applicant, and HEARTEIKING PRODUCTS (PTY) LTD. having its registered offices at Sixth Floor, S:a!?tl.vd General Housc, 12 Harrison Street. Johannesburg, Respondent Having heard Mr Pickard, of Counsel for the Appli.;an[. and having read thc petition filed: The Court Orc!crs: 1. That the above-mentioned Respondent Company be and is hereby placed in provisional liquidation; 2. That a rule nisi do issue celiing upon all pzrsons con- cerned to appear and show cause if any. to this Court at 10 am., on 23 April 1974, why the Respodcnt Ctimpany should not be placed under final ~vinding-u!? oorrler; 3. That service of this rule nisi be cffxte? upon t!ls Rcspondent Company at iis re~istered offizi: afid h\, p;:',licntion!'oriliwith cncc in each cf the Goi.i~r~!ixc:~t Ga;:,ttr zi:d The Sfnr newspaper. By thc Co?~i.t.-I. 1:. R. du Picx, Actiiig l? egistrar. (It is recom:r,endcd that t!ie Master appoist a provisional liquidatar forthwith.) (Sapirskin S. & P.) -29

-p--- 859G-29 ----pp 8442-29 GOVLRNlMENT GXZLlTE, 29 MARCH 1974? r No.4237 73 Saak M553174 IN DIE HOOGGEREGSROF VAN SUID-AFRIKA (Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling) Voor Sy Edele Regter Theron Pretoria, Dinsdag, die 19de dag van Maart 19'74 In die es pcrrte aansoek van BESTERS STERDES ONTWTK- KELINGSMAATSKAPPY (EDMS.) BPK., Applikant Na aanhoor van advokaat Snlit, namens die Applikant, en na deurlees van die dokumente gcliassecr; Gelas die Hof: 1. Dat 'n bevel nisi hierby uitgereik word wat alle bclanghcbbendes oproep orn redes, indien enige, voor hierdie Hof aan te voer om 10 \m,, op dic 9de dag van April 1974, waaroin die Rcgistrateur van Aktes nie gemagtig sal word onl- (a) Voormaardes IA (i). (ii) en B, soos vervat in Akte van Transport 4553911969, gedateer 21 Oktober 1969, te 1;ansellcer me; 2. Dat bctekezii~g van I~iei-die bevel nisi geskied aan dic Adminisiratcur \ml Transvaal, Transvaalse Dorpcraad cn die Pretoria Stadsraad en moet onvenvyld gepubliseer word eenmaal elk van dic Staatskoerartt, Hoofsrod en Pretoria I\rm~s- nuusblaaie. Deur die Hof.-1. F. R. du Precz, \Yaaincmende Griffier. (G. C. Germishuinx & Kie.) - 8539-29 Saak M516174 IN DIE HOOGGEKEGSHOF VAN SUID-AFRIKA (Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdelins) Voor Sy Edcle Regter Theron Pretoria. D~nsdag, die 19de dag van Maart 1974 Jn die saak tussen BAhTTOE-BELEGGI?<GSICC:XPORASIE VAN l - A F R I BPK., Applikant, en TEMKRAG (EDMS) Br'JK.. met geregistreerde kantore te Kamer 709, Presidentsentrum, Pretoriusstraat 265. Pretor~a, Respondent Na aanhoor \an ad~okaat \'an den Heever, namens d~e Appl~hant. en na deurlees van d~e versoekskrif; Gelas die Kof: 1 Dai dlc hcge~ioemde Respondent Maatskappy hierby m voorlop~ge likwidas~e geplaas word; 2. Dat 'n bcvcl nisi u~tgere~l, word wat alle belanghcbbende persone oprcep om redes ~nd~en enige, voor hierdie Hof aan te voer orn 10-uur vm., op 9 April 1974, waarom d~e Respondent Maatskappy nle In finale likwidasie gepiaas sal word me; 3 D,;t betekening van h~erdie bevel ni~i gcskizd aan die Reiponcimi Vlaats1:appy by sy geregistreerdc kantoor, en onverwyld gepubliseer word eeninaal in elk van dle Staardcocrarit en Houfs!crlnuusblad Deur d~e Hof.-I. F. K. du Preez, Assistent-gr~if~er. (Ross & J.) IN DIE HOOGGEREGSIJOF VAN SUTD-AFRIKA (Transvaalse Provinsiale Aideling) In die saak tussen BANTOE-BELEGGINGSKORPOI<ASIE VAN SUID-AFRIKA BPIC.. Applihant, en FACTORIA CLEANING MATERIALS (EDMS.) BPK., met geregistreerde hoofkantoor te Fabriekstei C4, Bebelegi Industriele Gebied. Hammanskraal, distrik Pretoria, P.esp6ndent Kennisgewing gcskied hiermee dat die voorlopige bevel van likwidasie uitgereik in hierdie peval op die 4de dzg van Desernber 1953, deur die I-Iooggcregshof van Suid-Afri1.a (Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling), tersyde gestel is, en d~e aansoek afgewys is deur '11 bevel van gesegde Hooggeregshof. gedateer die 26ste dag van Februarie 1974.-A. P. J. Bouwer, h4eester van die Hooggeregshof. 7426-29 Saab T682/73 IN DIE HOOGGEREGSHOF VAN SUID-AFRIKA (Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling) In die sza!, tucsc~ MEESTER VAN DIE KOOGGFREGSHOF, Applikant. cn ADOLF J(?HANNES GOUWS. 'n verlioopsn~an van p/a Cr~ter!on SuzuLi Dieder~cksstraat, Wii!xinh, Respondent Kennisgevice geskied hicrinsc dat die voorlopigc hc;~cl van sek\:~estrarieili~\~;id;~r,ie uitge-ei!; ii?!~ierdic. gevn! 0:: die :'%L: dag van Me1 197.1. d~ur dlc Hcoggcregsno; \zn Sl~id-ACrikn (Transvzdsc Pro\:inaiale Afilciingj? ~ersydc gcstel is. ea die aan- soek afgwys is deur 'n bc.d \-an gesezdr: Hoo,q::ere~shoI; gedateer die 5de da_s van F-kruarie 1974.-A. P. J. Bouwer, Meester van die Xooggcregshof. 7426-29 IN-THE SUPREME COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Transvaal Provmc~al Ih~sion) In rhe matter between ISMAIL MOHMEDY & SONS (PTY) LTD, Appiicant, and community chest SAREL DANIEL HER- MANUS VAN BILJON and SUSANNA CATHARINA VAN BILJON, Respondents Notice is hereby given that thc provisional order or sequeshdtlon/liquidation glanted in this case on the 18th day of September 1973, by the Supreme Court oi South Africa (Trans- \sal Provincizl Division), has been superseded, and the petit~on discharged by Order of the said Court, dated the 13th day of :<a\en:ber 1973 -Master of the Supreme Court. 7426-29 Saak T1235173 IN DIE TiOOGGEREGSWOF VAN SUID-AFRIKA (Transvaalse Provins~ale Afdeling) In d~e sask tussen NOORDELiKE KOOPERATIEWE PLUIS- MEULENS BPK.. Appiikant, en JACOU WILLEM VAN KEENEN, '11 boer van die plaas Driehoek, distr~l, Pelgrimsrus, Tv1, Respondent JCen~?isgewing geskied hiermcc u'at dic voorlopige bevel van sekwestrasie u~tgereik in hierd~e ge~~al op d~e 16de dag van Ok~cber 1973. deur die I~coggeregzhof \an Suid-Afrika (Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling), ters)de gestel is, en d~e aansoek argewys is dear 'n bevcl van gcse4e Hooggeregshof, gedateer die 12de dag van Februarie 1974 -%~eester \an dlc Iiooggeregshoi. 7426-29 Case M553174 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SOUTlI AFRICA (Witwatersrand Local Divis~on) Before the Honourable Mr Justice Eloff Johannesburg, Friday, 8 Mnrch 1974 11; the maller between RIETFONTEIN WINERIES (PTY) LTD, Applicant, and JANUNG (PTY) LTD. t~ading as Hotel Maxime, Ilaving its regis;ered office at Eighth Floor, Heerengracht, 87 De Korte Street, Johan:lesburg. Respondent Having heard Mr Shakenovsky. Counsel ior the Applicant, and ha\ lng read the application; It is Ordered: 1 'Tht the above-mentioned Respondent Company be and 1s hereby piaced under pro\isonal winding-up order in the hands of the Master; 2. That a rule nisi do issue calllng upon all persons con- ce,ncd tc; a:,fxr ~nd to S~O\L' C~L,CC, if any, to this Court on 9 April 1974. at 10 a m,, why the said Respondent Compacy sh.~uld no! be placed under final wmd:ng-up order; 3. That a copy of this rule nisi be served on the Rcspondent Company at its registered ol'f~ce and be published forthwith once in the Go~.ernrnent Gozette and in a Johannesburg daily n-,wspaper. By Order of the Court.-D. F. Joubert, Assistant Registrar. (The Master is requested to consider thc appointment of a liquidator as a matter of urgency.) (Max Goodman.) IN DIE HOOGGEREGSFIOF vara SUID-AFRIKA (Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling) WILDCAT (EDMS.) BPK. (onder voorlopige geregtelike bestuur) (Meester cc Vcniysing T258i74) KEKNlSGEWING AAN SKULDEJSERS. LEDE EN SKULD- RRIEFHOUERS lngevolge artikel 429 (1) (b) (11) van die Maatskappywet, 1973. word hiermee kennis gegee dat afsonderiike vergaderings van skuldeisers. die lede en skuldbriefhouers gehou sal word op Woensdag, 10 April 1974, orn 9 vrn., voor die Landdros van Schann::sburg rir die doeleinde, u~teengesit in artikel 431 (2) van genoemde Wct.-Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. Transvaal. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Transvaal Provincial Division) WILDCAT (PTY) LTD (undcr pro\~sional judicial management) (Master's Reference T2.58174) IU'OTICE TO CREDITORS. MEMBERS AND DEBENTURE HOLDERS Noticc IS liereby given pursumt to section 429 (1) (b) (11) cf the C ornpanie? Act, 1970, thai sepalate meetings of til~ creditors, the members and debenture holders will be held on Wednesday, 10 April 1974, at 9 am., for the purpose set out In section 431 (2) of the said Act.-Master of the Supremc Court, Master's Office, Pretoria. 7426-29

Case M442174 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Witwatersrand Local Division) Before the Honourable Mr Justice Snyman Johannesburg, Tuesday, 12 March 1974 In the matter between STAWLEY SELWYN BENNETT, Applicant, and BASTAN PRODUCTS (PTY) LTD, having its rcsstered liead ofiice at c10 Philip Posner & Company, Suite 2121214a. Sccond Floor, National Building Societv Buildings. -. 130'~omrnissioncr Street, Johannesburg, ~es~:ndent Having heard?.4r Lev, 13, Councel for the Appicant, and having read the applc~rion; It is Ordered: 1. That the above-me;~tioned Respondent Company be and is hereby placed under prdvisional winding-up order in the hands of the Master; 2. That a :u!e r?l.ri do issix calling upon all persons conceii~cd to nppear and io show cause, if any, to this Court on 9 April 1974; at il) a.m.. wh:i lhe said Respondent Company shou!d not be plnced nrder linal winding-up order; 3. That a copy of this ruiz rlisi be served on the Rcspondmt Company at its regkte:ed dl'ice and be published forthwith once in the Governnwzt Gazccrc and in a Johannesburg daily newspper; 4. That a copy of $hi; ;ilk!!i;i b- served on all known credi- tors by rezisiered post. By Order of thc Court.-D. Assistant Rcgiskar. (Regenbaum, Rapeport; Fm;!ofi S( Partncrs.) STAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 1974 F. Jouberi, 8443-29 Saak M538171 1N DIE IIOOGGEREGSHOF VAN SUID-AFRIKA (Transvaalse Provicsiale Afdeling) Vaor Sy Edcle Regter Myburgh Pretoria, Dinsdag. die 12de dag van hlaart 1974 In die saak tussen MKLIWG AND TRADING @ELMAS) LTD, Applicant, and KROKODIL BOERDERY AGENT- SKAPPE (EDMS.) BPK.. mzt geregistreerde kantoor te Santamgebou 207, Bestersiraat, Gabus 358, Nelspnfit, en wat handel dryf ondsr die naam van C.B.A. te Erf 2, Rlssikslraat, Komatlpoort, distrik Barberton, Td, Respondent Na aanhoor van advoknat Van der Merwe, namens die Applikante, en na deurlees van di: versoekskrif; Gelas die IIof: 1. Dat die Respondent Maatskappy hierby in voorlopige likwidasie geplaas word; 2. Dat 'n bevel nisi uiipereib word wat alle belanghebbendes oproep orn redcs, inciien enige. voor hierdie Hof aan te voer om 10 voormiddag op die i6de dag van April 1974, waarom die Respondent Maatskappy nie onder finale likwidasie geylaas sal word nie; 3. Dat betehening van 1:ieid;e bevel nisi gsskied op die Respondent Maatskappy by sy geregistreerde kantoor en onverwyld gepubliseer wwd cenmaal in elk van die Staatskoerant en Die Tra~:svirler-nuusblad. D~ur die 1lof.-I. Assistent-grirfier. (Haasbroek & B.) P. R. du Preez, 6992-29 M DIE HOOGGEREE;SHOF VAN ST!ID-AFREKA (Kaap die Goeie jioop Frovinsiale Afdeling) In die saak tussen SF.P.1 rha1 RANK, Applikant, en WIhTI- FEED MARGARET I3 4i PTPTXISCH, gebore Hauptfleisch, geskeide mou, Ri~rersdzl, ICaap. Vemeerder ICennisgewing geskied hie~mee dat die voorlopige bevel van sekvmtrasie mtgereik in hicrtile geval op die 17de d3g van Januarie 1473, deur die PIooggeregshof van Sud-Afrika (Rzap die Gocia Hoop Provinsi e Afdeling) terayde gestel is, en die aansoc!c ostslaan is deur 'b bevel van die gesegde Hooggersgshof. gcdateer die 6de darr van Maart 1974.-J. J. de ICoker. (d) that while!he ju6icial nlmagernent ordcr is in force all actions and the execution of a!] writs, summonses and other processes against the Respondent Company be stayed and not be proceeded without the leave of the Court first bcing obtained: Meescr van die lioogg&egshof, Meesterskantoor, ~aa~stad; 2. Thai the aforegoing rule operate as a provisional judicial 14 Maart 1974. management order with and sabject to the directions set out in subparagraphs (a), (b). (c) and (d) of paragraph 1 above; IN THE SUPREhZE COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Cap., of Good Hope Provincial Division) In the matter between SAPJTAM BANK, Applicant, and WINI- FRED MARGARET I'IAUPTFLEISCH. born Hauptfleisch, divorced woman, Riversdaic, Cape, ~espondent Notice is hereby gi~~en hat the provisional order of sequestration g~anted in this ca5c on the 17th day of January 1973, by the Suprcme Court of South Africa (Cape of Good Hope Provincial Division), has Keen superseded and the petition discharged by Order of the said Court, dated the 6th day of March 1974.-1. 1. de Koker, Master of the Supreme Court, Master's Office, Cape Town, 14 March 1974. 7 i61-29 IN DIE HOOGGEREGSHOF VAN SUID-AFRIKA (00s-Kaapse Afdeling) In die saak tussen JAMES LEONARD MacKENZIE en FRED BENJAMIN ROGEL, Applikante, en COLCAR (PTY) LTD, met gercgistreerde kantore by Parliamentstraat 93. Port Elizabeth. Respondent Kenni?gcwing geskied hicrmee dat die voorlo~ige bevel ran likwidae~e urtgereik in hierdie geval op die 2de dag van Olctober 1973, deur die Ilooggeregshof \an Suid-Airiba (Port Elizdbethse Plaaslike Rondgaande Afdeling). ter syde gestcl is deur 'n bevel van die gesegde Nooggeregshof, gedateer die 19de dag ban Februarie 1974.-S. E. Rose-Innes, Mecster van die Hoozgeregshof, MeestzrsLantoor, Graharnstad, 4 F4aart 1974. P- IN THE SUPRBXIE COURT OF SOLIS H AFRICA (Zastern Cape Division) in the xattei between JAMES LEONARD MacKEYZIE and FRED REWJAMIIN ROGEL. A~plicnnts, arid CCfLCAR (PTY) LTD. having its rcyist-red o:,rcx at 93 kari;anlr,~;t Street. Port Elizabe:h Respo~deiit Notice IS hereby gire,; fi~zthe proxisional ord~r of lquidation granted on the 2nd day of Oc!ober 1971. by the Supreme Court of South Alrica (Port Elizabeth Circuit Local Division). has becn set aside by Order of the said Court, d~ted the 19th day of February 1974.-S. E. Rose-Tnnes, Ma.iter of the Supreme Court, Master's Office, Grahamsiown, 4 March 1974. 6966-29 NATAL Case FA20-4/74 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Durban and Coast Local Divisioil) Before the Honourable Mr Justice James (JP.) (ill chambers) Durban, Monday, 11 March 1971 Tn the mat:ei between DAYA VALJI GOVAW RATAN, Applicant, and RAVEN SUPERMARKET (PIT) LTD. 2 Bezch Road, Isipingo Beach, Province of Natal, Respondent Upon the motion of Mr Lotz, Counsel for the Applicant, and upon readillg the petition and the other documents filed of record; It is Ordered: 1. That Raven Supermarket (Ry) Ltd (hereinafter called the Rapondent Company) and all other persons concerned be ar.d they are hereby called upon to show cause. if any, to this Court on Friday, 5 April 1374, at 10 am., w l ~ an ~ order should not be made placing the Respondent Company under judicial managemcnt in terms of scction 427 of Act 51 of 1973, and why that Order should not be made with and subject to the following directions, namely: (a) That the Respondent Company shall be under the management subject to the supervision of this Court, of a jndicial manager to be appointed in terms 01 scction 429 of the said Act, and that thc directors and other pcrsons vcrstcd with the management at Ihc date of the making oi the Order be divcsted thereof; (b) that upon thc grant of thc Grd~r!he judicial manager.shall proceed forthwith to ta!e over the mznagement of the Respondent Company and shall thereafter carry out the duties referrecl to in section 430 and the duties imposcd qon judic~al managers by the other pro~isions of the said Act; (c) that the remuneration or the judic;al manager shall be such amount as may be fixed by the Master G: the Supreme Court; and 3. That this Ordsr be served forthwith Gn the Respondent Company at its rcgistered oefice at 2 Beach Road, Isipicgo Beach, Natal, and be published on or before 29 March 1974, once in the Govcrnmc,nt G~irt:c and twice at an interval of not less than three or more than 10 dais in a dnily newspaper published and circulating in Durban. By Order of the Court.- D. J. P. Scholtz, Assistan: Registrar. (Alec M. Edelson & Partners.) 7317-29

p--- 7005-29 0.V.S.-O.F.S. IN DIE HOOGGEREGSHOF VAN SUID-AFRlKA (Oranje-Vrystaatse Provinsiale Afdeling) In die saak tussen L. SUZMAN (RAND) LTD en LESLIE COHEN, Applikante, en GEORGE YAMOYANJ, werksaam te Virginiasupermark, Alpha House, Allyssum Crescent, Virginia, O.V.S., Respondent Kennis word hierby gegee dat die voor1op;ge bevel van sekwestrasie in die saak vcrleen op die 20ste dag van Desember 1973. deur die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika (Oianie-'Jryslaatse Provinsiale Afdeling), tersyde gcstel is en die petisic gcweier deur bevel van die gesegde Ilol; gedateer dic 7cic dag van hlaart 1?74.-Fileester van die Hooggeregshof, Mecstcrsbantoor. Privaatsak X20584. B!oemfontein. 12 hlaart 1974. GOVERNMENT GAZEITE, 29 MARCH 1974 No. 4237 75 IN DIE HOOGGEREGSHOF VAK SUID-AFRWA (OranpVrystaatse Pro\ inslale Ardeling) T.1 d!e saak tussen J.J. ONDEKiJEitlWGS (EDMS) EPIC., wat bandel dryf as Elcktra Haus, Apphl ant, en BENNiE OLIVIER, 11 sakcman wat handel dryf ondel d c naam van Benme Ohvler Loodgleters, as loodgieter te Watkeystraat, Bloemfontcil~, 0 VS., l? espondent Kennis word hierby gegee dat tile \oor!opige bevel.>an sekwest~dsie in die sazk verleen op dic 15de dag \an hoven~ber 1973, deur die Hooegelegshof van Suld-Al'r:lLa (Oral-~c-\7rystaatse Pror~nslzle Afdeling), tersyde gcsi-i is en die peus~e gevieier wur bevel van die gesegde h':,: gedalecr die 7ble dag van 'La~t 1974.-Meester van die Il~ogg~regshof, Meesterskantoor. PrL.aatsak X20584. Bloenlfontein, 14 Maart 1974. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA IN TEE SUPREA4E COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Orange Free State Proviricial Division) (Orange Free State Provincial Division) I? the matter between J J ONDERNEMINGS (EDMS) Jn the malter between L. SUZMAW (RAND) LTD and 13?1<., trading as Elektra Haus. Applicant, and BENNIE LESLIE COHEN, Applicants, and GEORGE YAMOYANJ, m OLIVIER, a businessman carrying on bus~ness as a carpenter the employ of Virginia Supermarket, Alpha Hcnse, Allyssum by Olivier Loodgieters, WatLey Street, GLoemfontem, O.F.S., Crcscent, Virginia, O.F.S., Respondent Respondent Notice is hereby given that the provisional order of sequestra- Notice is hereby given that the ;xovisional order of sequetion granted in t111s case on the 20th day of December 1973, stration grantcd in this case on the 15th day of November 1973, by the Supreme Court of South Africa (Orange Free State by the Supremc Court of South Africa (Orange Free State Provincial Divis~on). has been supsrseded, and the petition dis- Provincial Division). has been superseded, and the petition discharged by Order of the said Court, dated the 7th day of chsrged by Order of the said Court. dated the 7th day of March 1974.-Master of the Suprcme Court. Ma~ter's OfE~ce. Wiarch 1974.-Master of the Supreme Court. blaster's Office, Private Rag X20584, Bloenlfontein. 12 March 1974. Private Bag X20584, Bloemfontein. 14 March 1974. 7005-29 GEREGVELIKE VERKOPE-SALES IN EXECUTION TRANSVAAL and which conditions may be :ri'peaed at the offices of the Deputy Sheriff, Johannesburg plor L<. :be wlc (shoit descr~ptlor Case I3691 172 of property, its situation and street n~mbc~. II any): 13 THE SUPREME COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA Certain Ffeehold Er 17, situate in the Township of Evans (Transvaal Provincial Division) Park, District of Johannesburg, meaculmg 833 squwe metres. In the matter between ALETTA CATHERTNA KLAASSEN. known as 239 Kimberley Road, Evans Park, Johannesburg. ~lai&ff, and TUIOHAMED~I(AJEE,-E~~S~ ~efendant, FA~MA The following information is furnished rc the improvements, JSMAIL, born Kajee. Second Defendant. WJSUF KAJEE, Third though in this respect nothing is guaranteed: Defendant, and HOOSEIN KAJEE, Fourth Defendant The improvements on the property consist 01- Pursuant to a judgment of the above Court and writ of execution. dated the 3rd day of October 1973, the vndermen- a house under tiled roof, comprising lounge. diningroom, tioned propelties will be sold in erecution by the Deputy Sheriff three bedrooms, bathroom as also ser\ant's quarters and carfor the District of Vandzrbijlpark, on Friday, the 13th day of port. April 1974, at 8.30 a.m, in the main entrance hall oi the Terms.-l0 per cent of the purchase price and 2+ per cent Magistrate's Court. Vanderbijlpark, Transvaal, to the highest auctioneer's charges (minimum P.20) in cash on the day of bidder: the sale, the balance against transfer Lo be secured by a bank 1. Certain ren~a;:iing extent of Portion 3 of the farm Vyfor building society or other acccpta'ole guarantee to be furnished fontein 592 IQ. District of Vereeniging (formeriy rcrnaining i:hin 14 days from the date of sale. extent of port~on of thc falm Vrffolitein 3. UicL~~ct of Van- Dated the 27th day of February 1954.-M. S. Schneider, for %:h.. Berman 6; derbijlpark), measurin~ as suc!~ 20,189 3 morgen; Schneider. Plaintiff's Attorneys, First Floor, Vorenberg House, 8 New Street Sout!~. Johamesburg. 2. certain Erf 2105, situate on Frpath Road East in the Town- 6340-29 ship of Evaton. District of Vanderbijlpark, rneasurmg 283 square roods 48 square fee:; Case 11206173 both held by the Defendants under Deed of Transler 67581 IN TIIE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF 1960, dated 14 March 1950. JOHANNESBURG, HELD AT RANDBURG The following improvements are situate on the property In the mabter,between ALLIED BUILDING SOCIETY, Plaindescribed as No. 1 above, but in this respect nothing is tiff. and RAYMOND ROBER? DUNBAR, Defendant guaranteed: I In persuance of a judgment in the Court of the Magistrate ot Randburg, and writ of executioa. dated 18 December 1973, the following wll be sold in execution on Wednesday. 17 April 1974, at 10 am., on the steps of the Court House, Jan Smuts A\ enue, Bordeaux, Randburg, to the hghcst bidder: TWO buildings in poor condition which are used as shops and dwelling houses. The property described as No. 2 above is vacant land. The conditions of sale, which will be read immedia:ely prior to the sale are lying for inspestion at the office of the Depnty Sheriff, 105 B. & W. Buildings, Van Rhyn Street, Vanderbijlpark. Signed at Pretoria this 25th day of February 1974.-E. R. de Villiers, for Findlay & lu'xmeyer. Plaintiff's Attorney. 335 Permanent Buildings, Paul Krugei Street, Pretoria. - 7 184-29 Case 60172 In the matter between WESTERN BAI?K LTD. Plaintiff, and JOHANNES JACOBUS BUITENDACH, Defendant In execution of a judgment of the Supreme Court of South Africa (Witwatersrand Local Di+ion), in the above-mentioned suit. a sale with a reserve price of R11 500 will be hcld at the offices of the Deputy Sheriff. First Floor, Delvers Square. corner of Delvers znd Kerk Strc~ets, Johannesburr, cn Tuesday, tlle 15th day oi April 1974, at 11 o'clock in ihe formoon, of the undermentioned property of the Defendant on the conditions to be read out by the auctioneer at the time of the sale Certain Er 14, situate on Nporni SLrest and ROLIX Avenue. in the Township of Beverley Gardens, District of Johannesburg, measuring 1,983 (one thousand nine hundred and eightythree) square metres, as held by Raymond Robert Dunbar under Dced of Transfer 523171, dated 11 January 1971. Conditions of Sale l. The property shall be sold without reserve and to the highest bidder, and shall be subject to the terms and conditions of the Magistrate's Court Act and the rules made thereunder and of the title deeds, in so far as these are applicable. 2. Terms.-The purchase price shall be paid as to 2570 (twenty- f~ve per cent) thereof, in cash upon the day of the sale and the unpaid balance within 14 days shall be paid or secured by a bank or a building society guarantee. 3. Conditions.-The full condiiions of sale may be inspected ai the office of the R4essenger of the Court, Randburg. Fhus done and signed at Randburg his 12th day oi March 1974.-J. D. L. Kruger & Mzrx, Plaintiff's Attorneys, 2 Nedbank Centre, 1 Paris Avenue, Bordeaux, Randburg. 7134-29

-P 8563-29 76 No.4237 STAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 1974 Case 12875173 Termq.-l0 pcrsent van die koopprys en 2; persent (minimum IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF R20) in kontant op die dag van die verkopmg en die balans JOHANNESEURG. HELD AT RANDBURG teen registrasie van transport. Ten opsigte van die balans moet 'n bank- of bougenootskap of ander aanneembarc waarborg In the matter between ALLIED EUILDING SOCIETY, Plain- binne 14 dae vanaf datum van verkoping verskaf word. tiff, and KOENIG & DE MARTGNY (PTY) LTD. Defendant Gcdzteer op hede die 2lste dag van Januaiie 1974.-Hof- In persuancc of a judgiienl ~n :he Court of the Magi~trate meyr, Van der Merwe & Bothz. Sewende Verdieping, Santarnof Randbuig, and writ of cuecutioi~, dated 16 January 1974, gebou, hoek van Rissik- en Plei!ti!raat. Johannesburg. the following w~il be sold in cxecu:ion on Wedaesday, 17 April 1973. at 1'3 am., on the steps ot the Court House, Jan Smuis 6941-29 Avenue, Bordeaux, Randburg. to (lie hi~hcst bidder: Certain rieehold recidential lot marked No. 267, situate in the Tofi~nship of Parkwood Dmrict of Johannesburg. measuring 1003 (one thousand and thrce square metres), extending as Deed of Transfer F410311926. made in fabour of Appearer's principal on 26 October 1926. and the general plan of the said township therein referred to will more fully point out. Conrlitio,ls of Salc 1. The property shall be sold without reserve and to the highest b~ddcr, and shall be subject to the terns and conditions of the Magistrate's Court Act and the rules made thcreunder and of the title deeds, in so far as these are applicable. 2. Terms.-The purchase price shall be paid as to 2501, (twenty-five per cent) thereof, in cash upon the day of the sale and the unpaid balance within 14 days shall be paid or secured by a bank or a building society guarantee. 3. Conr1irions.-The full conditions of sale may be inspected at the office 01 the Messenger of the Court, Randburg. Thus done and signed at Randburg this 11th day of March 1974.-N. H. van der Walt, for J. D. L. Kruger Sr Marx. Plaintiff's Attorneys, 2 htedbank Centre, 1 Paris Avenue, Bordeaux, Randburg. 7133-29 Case 3849173 In the matter between MENFRED PROPERTIES (PTY) LTD, Plaintiff, and NASSEY SIMAAN, Defendant In execution of a judgment of the Supreme Court 01 South Africa (Wrtwatersrand Local Division), in the above-mentioned suit, a sale with a reserve price of R30 000 will be held at the offices of the Deputy Sheriff, First Floor, Delvers Square, corner of Delvers and Kerk Streets, Johannesburg. on Tuesday, the 30th day of April 1974, at 11 o'clock in the iorenoon, of the undermentioned property of the Defendant on the conditions to be read out by the auctioneer at the time of the sale and which conditions may be inspected at the offices of the Deputy Sheriff, Johannesburg, prior to the sale (short description of property, its situation and street number, if any): Certain Erf 115, situate in Denise Road, in the Township of Buccleuch, District of Johannesburg. The following information is furnished re the improvements, though in this respect nothing is guaranteed: A burnt brick house under tiled roof comprising lounge, diningroorn, two bathrooms, five bedrooms, study, kitchen and pantry as also four garages, swimming pool, bowling green and servant's quarters. Terms.-l0 per cent of the purchase price and 2% per cent auctioneer's charges (minimum R20) in cash on the day of the sale, the balance against transfer to be secured by a bank or building society or other acceptable guarantee to be furnished within 14 days from the date of sale. Dated this 13th day of March 1974.-Brian Lebos, Plaintiff's Attorneys, Seventh Floor, Lippert House, 104 Pritchard Street, Johannesburg. Saak 7210173 In die saak tussen EASTERN PROVINCE BOUVERENIGING, Eiser, en CATHARINA HENDRINA MYBURGH, Venveerder Ter uitwinning van 'n vonnis van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Mrika (Witwatersrandse P1,aaslike Afdeling), in bogemelde saak, sal 'n verkoping sonder n resemepqs gehou word ten kantore van die Adjunk-Balju, Lochielhuis, Dcrde Straat, Springs, op Vrydag, 19 April 1974. om 11 voormiddag, van die ondervermelde eiendom van die Venveerder op die voorwaardes wat deur die venduafslaer gelees sal word ten tye van die verkoping en welke voonvaardes by die kantore van die Adjunk- Balju, Johannesburg, voor die verkoping ter insae sal l& (kort beskrywing van eiendom, ligging, straatnomrner, ens.): Sekere Residensiele Erf 238, Geduld-uitbreiding, Springs (Escombestraat 8, Geduld-uitbreiding, Springs), groot vier-endertig (34) vierkante roede, honderd-en-vier (104) vierkante voet. Die volgende inligting word verskaf ils verbcteringe alhoewel geen waarborg in v'erband daarrnee gegee kan word nie: Woonhuis met buiteseboue. Saak 6137173 IN DIE I-ANDDROSHOF VIR DIE DISTRIK VAN RRAK- PAN, GEHOU TE BRAKPAN In die saak tuszen STADSRAAD VAN BRAKI'AN, Eiser, en E. C. SMIT, Verweerder Kennisgewing geshied hiermee dat ingevolge 'n lasbrief uitgercik in boverrnelde Agbare Hof op 6 Februarie 1974, die onderstaande e~endorn, te wete: Erf 1969, Brakpan, gelce aan Gerrnainslaan 45, Brakpan, groot 1982 lierkante meter, bestaande uit drie slaapkarners, eetkamer, sitkamer, studeerkarner, sonkamer. kombuis, stoorkarner, badkarncr, opwaskarner, werkswinkel, kolckamer, garage en twee bedicndebaners; in eksekusie verkoop sal word op 19 April 1974, orn 11 vm., voor die Landdroshoi, Brakpan. 1. Die eiendorn word voctstools verkonp en niks word gewaarborg nie. 2. Dic koopprys sal betaal word by wyse van 'n deposit0 van 10 persent plus verkoopskomniissie op die dag van die verkoping. Die balans tesarne met rente teen 91 per sent per jaar tot datum van betaling, sal betaal of verseker word by wyse van 'n bank- 01 bougenootskapswaarborg, bmne 14 (icertien) dae na datum van verkoping. Die gemelde rente sat betaalbaar mees vanaf die datum van die verkoping. 3. Die I<~per sal alle bedrae betaal orn transporl te ilecm, insluitende hereregte, belastings, sanit5rc fooic, rente, ensovoorts. 4. Dic eiendorn sal verkoop word, onderhcwig aan enige bestaande huurkontrak, maar as die bedrag wat serkry word, onvoldoende is orn die skuld p!us koste van die eksekusieskuldeiser te betaal, dan sal die eizndom vry van enige huurkonfrak verkoop word. 5. Die verkoopvooiwaardcs sal ter insae l& by die kantoor van die Geregsbode, Brakpan. Gedateer te Brakpan.-1. P. v. d. Westhuizen, vir Frank le Roux & V. d. Westhuizen, Elser se Prokureurs, Sheffreelgebou 108, Prince Georgelaan, Brakpan. 7246-29 Saak 913173 IN DIE LANDDROSHOF VIR DIE DISTRIR VAN WOL- MARANSSTAD, GEHOU TE WOLMARANSSTAD Tussen JAKARANDABOEKWINKEL; Eiser, en CECIL CHAT- WIND, Venveerder Kragtens uitspraak in die Hof van die Landdros van Wolmaransstad en lasbrief van eksekusie, gedateer 11 Desember 1973, sal die volgende op Vrydag, die 19de dag van April 1974, om 10 vm., voor die Landdroskantoor te Wolrnaransstad. in eksekusie vcrkoop word aan die hoogste bieder, naamlik: Sekere Er 558, gel& te Vredestraat, in die dorp Wolmaransstad. Verkoopvoor~varrrdes 1. Die eiendorn word sonder voorbehoud en aan die hoogste bieder verkoop en sal onderhewig wees aan die voorwaardes en bedinge van die Wet op die Landdroshowc cn die reels daarkragtens uitgereik en aan die transportaktes vir sover dit van toepassing is. 2. Voorwaardes.-Die koopprys sal as volg betaalbaar wees: Tien persent daarvan op die dag ran verkoping tensy andersins ooreengekorn deur die eksekusiekrediteur en die gcregsbode en die res, tesame met rente daarop tot datum van registrasie van oordrag teen die koers van 8f pcrsent per jaar moet binne 14 dae betaal of verseker word by wpse van 'n bankof bouvercnigingwaarborg met dien verstande dat indien die Eiser die Koper is, is gecn depasito of waarborg nodig nie. 3. Bedinge.-A1 die verkoopsbedinge wat net voor die veiling deur die Geregsbode van Wolmaransstad voorg~:lees sal word, is in sy kantoor te insae bes6ikbaar.-d. M. Tallaard, vir D. J. Pretorius & Taljaard, Eiser se Prokureurs, Krugerstraat, Posbus 287, Wolrnaransstad.

--P--- GOT,XR::;.:ZP-;T GAZETTE. 29 MARCH 1974 No. 4237 77 KAAP-CAPE Saah 863173 IN DIE LAKUEYGSHOF VIR DIE DISTRIK VAN MALhlESBURY, GEHOU TE MALMESBURY In die saak tussen MOTOR ELECTRODIESEL PTY) LTD; Eiser, en AUTO AND AUTO ELECTRIC, I. l<. Wainelie, Verweerder Gelievre kennis te neem dat ~ngevolge 'n vonnk gegee op 17 Julie 1973, in bogcrnelde Agbare Ilof 'n verkoop in elcsekusie gehou sal word op die 20ste dag van April 1974, om 10 voormiddag. voor die Landdroskantoor, Malmesbury, an die ondergemelde goedere: 'Jaste eiendom--restant van Erf 710, gelee te Kortstraat, Malmesbury. Gedateer te Malmesbury op hede die lzde dag van Maart 1974.-Lionel Frank & Seun. Prokureurs vir Eiser, Voortrekkerweg, Malmesbury. -- 7190-29 Case 856173 Certain piece of land situate in the municipality of Brackenfell, Division ol Stdlenbosch, being the remainder of Portion 48 of the Farm 936. (Now known as the remainder of Brackenfell Township Extension 16.) Extent not available. 7155-29 Case P69173 In the matter belween THE GRAHAMSTOWN BUILDING SOCIETY, Plain~iff, and DONOVAN JOHN CHARLES WATSON, Delcndant 5 In execution of a judgment of the' Supreme Court of South Africa (Eastern Cape Division), in the above-mentioned suit. a sale. without rcserve. will be held at the front entrance of the New Law Courts. North End. Port Elizabeth, on Friday. the 26th day cf April 1974, at 2.15 o'clock in the afternoon, of the undermentioned property of the Defendant on the conditions to be read out by the Deputy Sheriff at thc time of the sale, and which conditions may be inspected at the offices of the Deputy Sheriff. at 7 Harmonie Buildings, First Flcor, North End, Port Elizabeth. prior to the sale, namely: Certain piece of redeemed quitrent land situate in Westering Township Extension 7. in the municipality of the City of Port Elizabeth, Division of Port Elizabeth, being Erf 974, Westering, mexuring seven hundred and twenty-five (725) square metres, as per Deed of Transfer 1777111972, dated 27 Julv 1972, in favour of Donovan John Charles Watson, the address of the property being 29 Fourie Street, Westering, Port Elizabeth. The following information is furnished, though iil this respect nothing is guaranteed: There is a dwelling-house and outbuildings on the property. Terms 10 per cent of the purc!i~<c price and 2; per cent Del~uty Sheriif's (auctioneer's charge--) In cash on the day oi sale, the balance against transier to be secured by a bank or bulldin!: society. or other acceptable guarantee, to bc furnished to the Deputy Sheriif. within 14 days from the dale of the :ale.-dold & Slone, Plaint~ff's Attorneys, l00 ii~gh Street, Grahamstown. 5035-29 NATAL Cax 0231217: Ih THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF PORT SHEPSTONE. FIELD 13-1 PORT SHEPSTONE Between SOUTH AFRICAN PERMANEhTT BUILDING SOCIETY,'Plaintiff. and KEITH BUYS, Defendant In pursuance of a judgment in the Court of the Magistrate of Port Shepstone, and the \%arrant of execution issued pursuant thereto. the immovable property described as- Lot 467, Glenmore, situate in the Munster Health Committee Area and in the Lower So3th Coast Regional Water Services Area, County of Alfred, Province of Natal, in extent one thousand three hundred and eighty-six (1 386) square metres; ndl be sold in execution on F~iday, the 19th day of April 1974, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, in front of the Court House. Port Shepstone, on terms and conditions which mill be read out at the time of the sale and which may in the meantime be inspected at the office of thc Messenger of the Court, Wooley Street, Port Shepstone. or at the offices of E. V. Franz B W. S. Redpath. the Plaintifl's Attorneys, 49 Aiken Street: Port Shepstone. The material terms and conditions of the sale are as follows: 1. The Purchaser shall pay IQ0/, (ten per centurn) of the purchase price immediately after the sale and furnish a bank or building society guarantee acceptabie to the Plaintiff's Attorneys securing the balance plus the intcrest referred to below within 14 days aftcr the sale. 2. In addition to the purchase price, the Purchaser shall pay all transfer costs. all arrear rates and penalties and collection charges (if,any) thereon and interest to the Plaintiff at the rate of 9+% (nine and one-quarter per centum) on R2583,58 (two thousand five hundred and eighty-three rand and fiftyeight cents) from the date oi the sale to the date cn which the transfer of the property into Lhe name of the Purchaser is registered. The following information in rehpect of the property is furnished, although nothing is guaranteed in this regard: The property is vacant land fronting onto Munro Drive Glenmore. E. V. Franz 8: W. S. Redpath, Plaintiff's Attornejs, 49 Aiken Street, Port Shepstone. -- 6943-24 NAAMSVERANDERING-CHANGE OF NAME DIE F T OP VREEMDELINGE, 1937-THE ALIENS ACT, 1937 Die onderstaande kennisgewing(s) van voorneme om ingevolge artikel 9 van Wet 1 van 1937 by die Staztspresident aansoek te doen om 'n ander van aan te neem, word vir algemene inligting gepubliseer. Enigeen wat daarteen beswaar het dat die genoemde van aangeneem word, moet sy/haar beswaar met vermelding van redes daarvoor, so gou moontlik skriftelilc by die Landdros genoein In die betrokke kermlsgewing, indien. The undermentioned notice(s) of intention to apply to the State President in tefms of section 9 of Act 1 of 1937, to assume a different surname is publ~shed for geneial information. Any person who otiects to the assumution of the said surname should lodge his/her objection, in writing, stating full reasons therefor, to the ~agistrate mentioned in the relevah notice. TRANSVAAL" J: ABDUL!-TAY MIMED MIA ISMAJL, residiag at 3883 Violet Street, Extension 3, Lenasia,.employed as a salesman for hdark-nu Wholesalers (Ptyj Lld, 167 Market Street, coiner af Nugget Street. Johannesburg, intend to%pply to the Siaie President for authority, under section 9~0f the Aliens Act, 1937, to azsume the surnnmz of MAYET for the reasons that I am very well publicl,. Icnomn as R4ayet and I have becn known by the surname oi I.layet since childhood. 1 prc\:ious!y b,!1..-!lit naix Abdul Hay Ahnlcd Mia Ismail. 1 also intend in apply for :tutliority to changc tilt xi:ini~:c of i ~ y wife Fallrna Bibi Ahdul Hay Ismail to F;i?iii~.~ Bibi Abdul Hay h'layei and minor children Abdul Azca i'.i!diil liay to Abdul Azcez Abci~!i Hay Mayet, Muhammcd Am11 Abdu! Hay to Muhammcd Arnin Abdul Hay Mayet and Yahya Abdul Hay to Yahya Abdul Hay Mayet. A. M. Ismail, 6 March 1974. hlagistrate, Johanaesburg. 6267-- 15-22-29-5 I, CAROLYN SCI-IROEDER, residing at 114 Vistaero, Mitchell Street, Berea. Johannesburg, and employed as a bank clerk Standard Bank Financial Services, First Floor, Standard Banb Centre, 78 Fox Street, Johannesburg, intend to apply to the State President for authority, under section 9 of the Aliens Act, 1937 10 assume the surname of BASSETT. for the reasons that m) mother has re-married and I wish to be known by the surnam: of my stepfather. hlagistrate, Johannetburg. 6375-22-29-5- l? I, MERILYN SCI-IROEDER. residing at 114 Vistaero, Mit. chcil Street, Berea, Johannesburg, employed as a bank clerk Standard Bank Financial Services. First Floor, Standard Bank Centre, 78 Fox Street, Johannesburg, intend to apply to the Statc President for authority, undcr section 9 of the Aliens Act, 1937 to assume the surname of BASSETT, for the reasons tha! ~uy mother has re-married and I wish to be known by the sur name of my stepfather. Magistrate. Johannesburg. 6399-12-29-5-12

78 No.4237 STAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 1974 I, MITCIELL SIIIIT: residing at 8 15th Street, Men10 Park, husband :rn3 I at 1 Athlone Street, Maie!ting, and attend ~cliool rctoria, and carrying on bilsiness as estate agent; intend to in Mafeking. They find it a s0ui.e of emb~rracsncnt thai their pply io!he State President for authority: under section 9 of surname differs from mine and since their father has not cc-mmu- Aliens Act, 1937, to assume the surname of RICHARD nicated with them 'since 1971, they have litt!e cause to remember HAEE LEWEN, for the reasons that I have been living him and have of their own accord assumed the surnaine Ncl.- my legal foster parents siilce the age of six years old; my G. R. Nel, 7 Feburav 1974. ates in buslness Itnow my by thc proposrd name; my real ~ ~ ~ f ~ k i ~ i ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ts are both deceased; I Intcild to bc married this year; and 4107-22-1-81-5 my childhood I!XI\ e been lcnovin as Levien. reviously bore the r:~,ac Milcliell Smi:.-h, Smit, 8 rk$arch I, PARSOTAM F'JARSHI RFIANPA: residing at 40 2uth Road, Rylands Estate, Athlone, and employed as a manager by Iiollywood Film, Albert Road, Lansdovine. intend to apply to the hlagi5trate, Pretoria. State President for authority, under seclion 9 of the Aliens Act, 6275-15-23-29-j 1936, to asslime the surname of VALODIA for the reasons I, RONALD JOHN CORDON KEYI,OCK, residing at 127 that since 1048, I have been known by a!l my fri-wds and hartwell, Witkoppen, and carrying on bu~iness as computer business nssocintes under the surr:ame of Valsbia. ns~iliant, intend to apply to the State President for authority, 1 prcvio~isly bore the names Parsotam Narsh Ehsm dcr seciion 9 of the Aliens Act, 1937, to assume the m- I also intend to apply for zutbority to chmge the surnnme me of CORDON-KEYLOCK, for the reason to carry on the of my wire Devi Morar Bhana and minor children Praneet mily name of Gordon. Bhana and Iiircn Bhana to Va1odia.-P. N. Bhana, 8 March I also intend to apply for authority to change the surname 1974. my wife Evlyn Theresix and minor children Thersia hlary roline and Fiona Veronica Margaret. Magistrate, Wynberg. 6914-22-?9-5- 12 Magistrate, Johannesburg I, CATERIMA MARIA ROXANA CRETTEN, nce PRETO- RIUS, residing at 114 Chnmpgnc Castle. 16 Jager Street, Hillbrow, Johannesburg, 2001, and employed as lady buyer at Electricity Supply Commission, 204 Smit Street, P.O. Box 1091, Braamfontein, Johannesburg, intend to apply to the State Pre3idcnt for authority, under section 9 of the Aliens Act. 1935, to assl!me the surname of PIlTAEUCA for the reasons that I mish to assume my mother's maiden name. I previously bore the names (nce) Fretorins and Mrs Crettcn.- C. M. R. Cretten, 14 March 1974. Magistrate, Johannesburg. 6918-22-29-5-12 I, LAURIAN ESAKOWITZ, residing at Witberg, Olivia Road, Berea, Johannesburg, and carrying on business as Tcchnical Oliiccr in Modderfontein Dynamite Factory, Modderfontein, intend to apply 20 the Sate President For authority, under section 9 of the Aliens Act, 1937, to assume the surname of EDAN, for the reasons that both my mother and my sistcr, now resident in Israel. have changed their surname to Edan and I wish my surname to be the same as thein. I previonsly bore the name Eaurian Esdkowitz.-L. witz, 20 March 1974. Magistratc, Johannesburg. I CIER'fL LYN GODRICFI. married nnme was Gent-White, residing a1 541 Frcre Road. Glenwood, Durban, and carrylug on busincss as w~rter for Republican Publ~cations. Durban. infeud to apply to the State President for autho,.ity, ulidcr scction 9 of the Aiiens Act, 1937, for my minor ciauu,hter hlison-anne 'Gent-Vhitc to assume the surname GODRICII for the rcason that (a) Dnorce Order grantcd me sole custody and gnsrdi~nship of thc child; (b) I harc reverted to my maiden nsme; (c) I mould like to change the child's name to my famrly nam5, Godrich. Magistrate. Durban. I: JENNIFER MARY RASSZTT, residing at 93 Frend!ccn, coner of Point Road and Smith Street, Durban, K2ta1, a 1:o~isz- Wife, intend to apply to the State President for alrihority. under Section 9 of the Aliens Act. 1937, for my minor son B.~rry Stephcn Glasscock, to assume the sarname BASSETT, for the reason that the child's stepfather's namc is Basselt, lie is known by tlie name Bassett and has regictered at school under the namc Bassett. Esako- He previously bore the name Barry Steplien Glasscock.-- J. M. Bassctt, 20 February 1974. 5452-8-15-22-29 8563-29-5-1 2-19 I. JPJCOBTJS IIENDRIK M ARAIS, a minor child residin: at 18 Ciarke Road, Pietermaritzburg. intend to applv to the State KAAP-CAPE President f ~ authority, r unda seclion 9 of the Aliens Act. 1937, to assume the surname of WAITE, for the rcason ;hat I hne I, HUMPHREY GROOTBOOM, 73d Vszekraal Road, hlanen- been ado?t-d by Wl!l'ln Feist White. y,hom I re:2rd 1s burg, ~tlllone, 7700, and carrying on bustncss as E. Sacks Rite- my father and 1 have beell gcfi:r.lj]y kilowil by tile surnhfrle ran, 15 hitenkant Street. P.O. Box 770, Cape Town, mtend mite. z+ndrik l ~ ~ ~ ~, i ~ of the Aliens Act, 1937. to assume the surname of SAMODIEN, I am being assisted in th.s ap~r~c~t~cin by In! lcgpl xu;!rlj2n for the reasons that all niy Friends know me as Samodien ns I ~ ~ d ~~i~~ f whit5,-~ ~ H ~ ~~~~i~ ~ 12 ~~~~h 1974. have been estranged from my family from the age of six years and grew up with Muslicms and my father who was a Muslicm Pietermaritzbur~. also had the name of Ssmodien although he was not married 7373-29-5-1 9-26 to my mother. I prevrcusly bore the name Huniphrey Grootboom, according 0.V.S -0.F S to apply to the State President for authority, under section 9 I prevjously bore the name ~ ~ : ~ ~ s ~ ~ to Islam religion I am known as Shahied. Magistrate, Wynberg. Take notice that it is :he intention of me, GHRRIEDA RENE, NEL, formerly janse van Vuuren, born Du Raod, in my capacity as sole custodian and guardian to make application to the State President in terms of section 9 of the Aliens Act, No. 1 of 1937, for authority for nip two minor children. MARIUS GER- HARDUS JANSE VAN WUREN and MARE LOUISE JANSE VAN VUUREN to assume the surname Nel. Mv reasons for doinz so are that since mv marriaee to Peter Will~am Nel, both my-children aforesaid ha$e residgd with my Ek, VESTA HAYWARD, eebore Dotha, gcskeide vrou, wat woonagti~ is tc Brandstnat 50, Kroonstad, er1 besighad dr;l as 6125-15-22-29-5 ontvanssd~me en huisvrou, is voomemens om by die Staatspresidth aansock te doen om magtiging kraatens a-tikel 9 van die Wet op Vr~emdelinge, 1937, om die van KPUCIER aan te!!can om dle volgende redes, naamlik dat ek d:e sfgeiope m:nsier.s 12 jaar die vau Kruger in die omgang gebruik as niy van. Ek het voorheen die naam ecdia van my geboortenaam Vesta Botha. toe gctroud as Vesta Brink cn na die ocriye van nly man weer gztroud as Vesta Hayward en daarna gesbei.-v. Haywar d, 15 Maart 1974. Landdros, Kroonstad.

GOVERNhKNT GAZETTE. 29 MARCH 1574 No. 4237 79 SLAGTERSKEN CSGEWINGS-BUTCHERS' NOTICES RAG YAN BEHEEK OOR DIE VEE- EN VLEISNYWERHEDE Edge persoon wat beswaar het die oprigting van die voorgenome besigheid of die kanx4asie van penoemde registrasic kan beswaar indien in die vorrn van 'n eedsverklaring, In drievoud, by dre Raad se kantoor soos in die kennisgewing aangedui is en bmne die tydperk soos daarin vermeld word. LmSTOCK AND MEAT INDUSTRIES CONTROL BOARD Any person who has any objectionsagainst the estabiishment of the proposed business or the cancellation of the said rest ratio^, may lodge such objection in the form of an &davit, in triplicate, with the Board's office as indated m the notlce and within the period stated therein. TRANSVAAL Kennis word hierby gegce dat c!:. PHILEMON MODISE SENABE, voornemc~ls is om by dic Raad van Behcer oor die Kennls word hirxrby gegee dat ek, WILLEM HERMANUS Vee- en Vleisnywerhcde aansoek te docn om rcgistrasie as h CORNELIUS GROBLER, voornemens is orn by d~e Raad van lifelnhandelslagter ten opsigte van 'I; besigheid wat ek voorne- Beheer oor die Vee- en Vleisnywerhede aansoek t~ doen om mens is om te E14819, Marnelodi-00s. Pretoria, Tvl.. Le dryf. registrasie as 'n kleinhandelslagter ten opsigte van n besigheid Besware aan die Raad se Takbestuurder, Posbus 2314, Pretowat ek voornemens is om te Lanhamstraat 20, Erf 226, Eras- ria: binne 30 dae. mus, Bronkhorstspruit, Tvl., te dryf. Kennis word ook h~erby gegee dat BOHAN CHRISTIAAN 8586-29 VOGEL WOEST. voornemens is om tegelykertyd hy genoemdc ICennis word hicrby gegee dat ck. P. EBERSOHN, namens Raad aansoek te doen cm die registrasib wat by ten opsrgte ran Brooklyn Slagtery (Edms.) Bpk., voormnens is om by die Raad die plek hierbo genoem hou. te kanselleer indien my aansoek van Beheer oor die Vee- en Vleisnyxerhede aansoek te doen hierbo goedgekeur word om registrasie as 'n groothandelslagter/kleinhandelslagter/ver- Besware aan d~e Raad se Hoofbestuurder, Fobs 1357. vaxdiger van vleisprcdukte ten opsigte van 'n besigheid wat ek Pretoria. binne 14 dae. vuorncmens is om ie Angvickweg 10; Valhalla, te dryf. >A Neswarc aan die Raad se Takbestuurder, Posbus 2314, Pretora, binnc 30 dae. Icennis word hicrby gegee dpt ek, JACOBUS JOliANhES ERiTZ, voornemms 1s om by dre Raad van Bchccr.oar d!c 8583-29 Vee- en Vle~sny-y.ei;:edc aansozl. te doen om rcgi~lr~ts~e as n Kennis word hierby gegee dat ck. JBHANNES OOSTHUIklerrlhandelslagter ten opsrgie \an 'n besigheid nat ek Loor- ZEX. voornemens is cm by die Ra.r.:l van Beheer oor die Vee nemens is om te Plot 51, E!andsfonteinlandbouhce\fes, dlsfr~ cl? Vleisnywerhcde zansoek!c doen om registrasie as 'n klein- Pretoria. te dryf. hdndc!4agter ter, opzigle \-an 'n bcsighcid wat ek vcornemens Iiennrs word 0:):. hicrl:? geeee dat CAREL IKRCULES is m; :e Kameelkop 17, distrik Gr05iersda1, provinzie Tvl., te JACOBUS VAN ASWEGEN, wornemens is 01-11 ierelyber~yd i!rys. by genoemde Raad aaasoek te doen oln die reyctrasie vat Keimis word ook hiermee gegec dat FRIICKIE TRUTER hy ten opsigte van die plck h.erbo gendem hou te kansellecr ERASMUS, voorncrnens is om tegc!;.kcrtyd by geccemde Raad indien my aansoek hicrbo ~oed~~keur word. aansoek te doen orii die registrasic vial hy ten opsigtc vari die Besware aan die Raad se TS.liesturirder, Posbus 2314, Preto- plc; hierbo genocm hou, tc kanse~lccr indien my aaasccl; hierbo ria, binne 14 dae. gnedgekeur W oid. 8587-29 Resware aan die Raad se I-loofbcstuu;der, Posbus 1357: Pretoria, Kennis word hierby pepee dat PmTERSBURG LOELKAbime 14 dae. MERS BPK. [Direbteure. J P du Toit (L.V.); J,. I-' De!cort; 7226-29 S. P. Bckker; P. I Pretorlus; P. 13. M. du Plessis; M. H. A. Tt is hereby notified that WC. 1IE:MAN & SACKS LTD Prins; J A. J Pickard. T B Xood], voornemens 1s or; l i ~ d~e ~ id;r;ctors: I. J. D. Wentzcl. Dr F. 5. van Biljon, C. D. Went- Raad van Beheer oor die Vcc- en Vleisnywerhcde a:,.lsoek!e zrl) (Alternate Directors: H. C. W. d:; Toit, H. V. 1-ombard), doen om registrasie as kleinbandelslagter ten opsiptc van n ii~tend to apply to the Livestock an:! Meat Industries Control Board for registration as a rclail butchcr in respect of a busirlr:ss which we praposc to conduct cirhin the be opened at the Colosseum Centre. situated at the corner formed by Ddius and Chopin SLreets, SWS, 1:anderbijlpark. Objections with the Bcard's General Manager, P.O. Box 1357, l>;.-toria, within 30 days. 7368-29 besigheid wat ons Loolnernens IS om te Erf 267, Behstraat 101 Pietersburg. te dryf. Kennis word ook hicrby gcgce dat ons voorncixens 1s om tcgelykertyd geroemde registraw \vat ons ten opslzte \an 'n besigheid gelec te Erf 271 Exe!s~orstraat 7, P~rrcisudrg hou te Lnselleer, indien ons aansoek I-iierbo gbedgekehr wcl? Bes1;iare aan d~e Raad sc Hoofbestuurder, Pcsbus 1357. Pretoria. binne 14 dae., > ---, - 8592-29 It is hereby notified that we. JOSE MARZA CUMI-I 4 QUEIROS and TOAO CARLOS VIVEIROS DE GOUVEIA, ir, ecd to apply to the Livestock aad Ideat Jndustries Control Board for registration as a retail butcher in respect of a business which we propos4 to conduct at 11 Berea Slreet, City and Suburban, Jol~anhesburg. Notice is also given hereby that d0ao ENCP,RNAChO ANDRADE, inknds to app!y simultanemsly to the sard Board for the registration u hich he holds in respect of tllc piaie rcferred to zbove to b~- cancelled if ihe above -applicatio:l I: granted Objections with the Board's Branch Manager, P.0 Eox 4357, Jo!:annesburg. within 14 days. 7 8442-29 Jt is hereby notified that I. MAMJEL CARLCS MENEZB, tlic undersigned. intend to apply to the Livestock and Meat Industries Contic1 Board for reg~stration as a retail butcher in respect of a business which I propose to conduct at Erf 321, 94 hroord Street, Idrg~!. Notice IS also gwen hereby that, BAPSND JACOBUS EXGELBRECIIT. ~ntcnds to apply simultaneously to tbe said Board for the registration v:hicl~ he holds in respect of the place rcferred to above to be cancded if the above opplicatlon is granted. Objectinns with the Board's Branch Manager, P O Rox 4357. Johannesburg. U i~hin 14 days. Kcnn~s word hierby gegee dat ek. JOZJANNES JACOBUS ANDRIES BARNARD. voornc~nens is om by die Kaad van cr oor d~e \'ea. en Vleisnyae~hcde aansoek tc doea on1 rep,strasle as.:n ki hhandelslagter ten qsigte van 'n bcslgheid wal ek voornemcns rs om te Pe~sccl A van Warmv~atcr, distril. Calitzdorp. K.P. te dqf. Krnms word oak hierby gegee dat RBZIP-dA ELIZABETH TERBLANCHE. \ oorheen Terblmc!~, gebore Potgietcr, gctroud buitc gemeefl~1;np ban goedere ~nct Gert Johannes Tcrblanche, voorncrnens is G12 iegelykeriyd by gcummde Raad aansoek te doen om die registrcsie wat hy ter, opsigte van die plck hlerbo genoem hou. te kmsellecr indien my aansoek hierbo goedgehew word. Deware aan die Raad se Hoofbestuurder, Posbus 1357, Pretoria biane 14 dae. 7064-29 Tt is hereby notified that I. AMAT-GAMATED FISHERIES COMPANY (PTY) LTD. P.O. Box 4234, Cape Town. intend to arr!?, to the Livestock and Weant lrdusrries Control Board for registration as a wholesale butcher manufacturer of meat prodmts in respect of a business which I propose to conduct at Yorke Foint. Hout Bay. C P. Obiestions with t;x Board's Branch/General Manager, P.O. Ro-b. 4234, Cape Town, within 30 days. 7154-29

86 No. 4237 STAATSICOERANT, 2'9 MAART 1974, NATAL It is hereby notified that VENICETROYP.LU trading under the style of S. M. Naicker & Son, intends applying to the It is hcreby notified that I, GOOLAM HOOSEN SULEMAN Livestock and Meat Industries Control Board for registration KADWA, intend to apply to the Livestock and Meat Industries as a retail butcher in respect of a business which he proposes Control Board for registration as a retail butcher in respect to conduct at 185 Sirdar Road. Clairwood. Durban. and described ' of a business which I propose to conduct at Lot 33, Braemar, as Lot 59 of Y. Clairmont. District of Urnzinto, ~afal. Notice is a& hereby given that the said VENI<ETROYALU Notice is also hereby given that MOONSAMY intends to intends to apply simultaneously to the said Board for the apply simultaneously to the said Board for thc registration which registration which he holds in resdect of the retail butcherv he holds in respect of the place referred to above to be can- situated at 303 Sirdar Road. clairwood. Durban. to be cancelled if the above application is granted. celled if the above application is granted. Objections with the Board's General Manager, P.0. BOX 1357, Objections with the Board's Branch Manager, p.0. Box 2246, Pretoria, within 14 days. Durban, within fourteen (14) days. 7202-29 8436-29 ALGEMEEN-GENERAL TRANSVAAL KENNISGEWING VAN VOORNEME OM BOEDEL VRY- WILLIG OOR TE GEE AS INSOLVENT KRAGTENS ARTIKEL 41 VAN DIE INSOLVENSIEWET. No. 24 VAN 1936, SOOS GEWYSIG Kennis word hierby verleen dat aansoek gedoen sal word by die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika (Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeliig). op Dinsdag, die 30ste dag van April 1974, om 10-uur in die voormiddag. of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die aansoek gehoor kan word. vir die aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van MANOEL PAULOS JARDIM (gebore op 12 Februarie 1929): as insolvent en tans woonagtig te Plot 25, Palmietfontein, Pietersburg; en dat sy vermoestaat ter insae sal l& by die kantoor van die Meester ran die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria, en die Landdros, Pietersburg. vir 'n periode van 14 (veertien) dae vanaf Vrydag, 29 April 1974. 8562-29 ABATTOIR COMRlISSION NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF AN ABATTOIR IN TERMS OF SECTION 16 (1) OF THE ABATTOIR COMMISSION ACT, 1967 (No. 86 OF 1967) It is hereby made known in terms of section 16 (1) of the Abattoir Commission Act. 1967 (No. 86 of 1967), that ALBERT NEALE SPEAR, Private Bag 504, Hectorspruit, has applied to the Abattoir Commission for registration of an abattoir, situated at One Tree Hill 393 JU, District of Barberton, Tvl. If registration is granted the abattoir will be used for providing in the public meat requirements of Malelane and environment, District of Barberton, Tvl. Any person intending to submit representations or objections in regard to the above-mentioned application, shall direct such representations or objections to the Chairman, Abattoir Commission, Private Bag X272, Pretoria, within a period of 35 days from the date of publication of this notice and in the manner set out in the regulations published in terms of the said Act.-- M. J. C. Jamneck, Chairman, Abattoir Commission. Note.-The regulations require that- (a) objections shall be affirmed under oath and submitted to the Commission in triplicate; and (b) a copy of the document in which objections are set out must be served on the Applicant by the objcctor. 8480-29 IN DIE TRANSVAALSE WATERIiOF In die saak van KOPPIESFONTEIN DORPSEIENAARS (EDMS.) BPK., Applikant, teen MINISTER VAN WATER- WE, Respondent, vir die vergoeding vir die onteiening van- (a) Gedeelte 229 van die plaas Vyfhoek 428 IQ, distrik Potchefstroom, gehou kragtens Akte van Transport 41150/71, groot 7,387 6 hektaar; (b) Gedeelte 231 van die gemelde plaas. gchou kragtens Akte van Transport 37055/71, groot 7,187 8 hektaar; (c) Gedeelte 233 van die gemelde plaas, gehou kragtens Akte van Transport 37056171, groot 7,624 6 hektaar; en (d) Gedeelte 235 van gemelde plaas, gehou kragtens Akte van Transport 18039171, groot 8,432 6 hektaar. Kennis word hierby gegee dat bogenoemdc aansoek geliasseer is in die Transvaalse Waterhof te Pretoria, en dat dit gehoor sal word te Pretoria, op 'n tyd en datum wat deur die Griffier gereel sal word. Neem verder kennis dat enige belanghebbende party of partye wie meen dat hulle aangeraak is daardeur en wie 'n eksepsie, pleit of teeneis teen die aansoek wil liasseer, word verlang om hulle eksepsie, pleit of teeneis skriftclik binne 30 dae van die datnrn van publikasie van hierdie kcnnisgcwing deur liassering van die oorspronklilce en vier afskrifie by die Grifr'ier te Pretoria, te liasscer eo terselfdertyd 'n afskrif daarvan op die Applikant of sy prokureur te bestel. Neem verder kennis dat 'n k'ennisgewing van ter rolle plasing waarin die tyd en datum van verlimr gemeld word, sal op alle partye wie eksepsie, pleit of teeneis geliasseer hct vvaarvoor daar voorsiening gernaak is hierbo. hestel word. rnaar dat gcen sodanige kennisgewing op enige party wie versuirn om sodanige eksepsie. pleit of teeneis te liasseer bestel sal word nie. Gedateer te Pretoria op hede die 2lste dag van Maart 1974.- Dyason, Applikant se Prokureur, Saambougcb~ou, Andriesstraat, Pretoria. IN THE TRANSVAAL WATER COURT In the matter of KOPPIESFONTEIN UORPSEIENAARS (EDMS.) BPK., Applicant, and MINISTER OF WATER AFFAIRS. Respondent, for compensation for the expropriation of- (a) Portion 229 of the farm VyIhock 428 IQ. District of Potchefstmom, held in terms of Deed of Transfer 41150/71, measuring 7,387 6 hectare; (b) Portion 231 of the said faim, held in terms of Deed of Transfer 3705517 1, measuring 7,187 8 hectare; (c) Portion 233 of the said farm, held in tcrms of Deed of Transfer 37056171, measuring 7,624 6 hectarc; and (d) Portion 235 of the said farm, held in terms of Deed of Transfer 18039171, measuring 8,432 G hectare. Notice is hereby given that the above-mcntioned application has been lodged in the Transvaal Water Court. at Pretoria, and that it will be heard at Pretoria, at a time and on a date to be arranged with the Registrar. Further take notice that any interested party or parties who coilsidcr themselves affected and who wish to except, plead or file a counter-claim to the application are required to file their exception, plea or counter-claim, in writing, within 30 days from date of publication of this notice, by lodging the original and four copies thereof with the Registrar at I'reior~a, and at the same time to serve a copy thereof on the Applicant or his attorney..further take notice that a notice of set down stating the time and date of the hearing will be served on all parties who file their exception, plea or counter-claim as provided above. but that no such notice will be served on any party who omits to file such exception, plea or counter-claim. Dated at Pretoria this 21st day of March 1974.-Dyason, Applicant's Attorney, Saambou National Buildings, Andries Street, Pretoria. 8536-29 ENERGY SREET INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD Notice is hereby given that on 25 February 1974, the following special resolution was passed: 1. The Company be wound up voluntarily. 2. Rupert Cyril Hoffman be appointed liquidator. 3. The liquidator shall not be required to furnish any sccurity in connection with the winding up of the Company. 4. Tlie liquidator be authorised to dcstroy the books and records of the Company six months after the date of confirmation of the final account by the Master of the Supreme Co~rrt. 8594-29 SUCCESS INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD Notice is hereby given that on 25 February 1374. the following special resolution was passed: 1. The Company be wound up voluntarily. 2. Rupert Cyril Hoffman be appointed liquidator. 3. The liquidator shall not be rcquircd to furnish any security in connection with the winding up of the C'ompny. 4. The liquidator be authorised to dcstroy the books and records of the Company six months hf'ici tile dale of confirmation of the final account by the Master of the Supreme Court. 8594-29

G07/ERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 1974 No.4237 81 RELIABLE AUCTIONEERING CO.'S SALES (Sam Rumbak, Auctioneer) INSOLVENT ESTATE 25 PER CENT ISSUED SHARE. CAPITAL ROWHUN PROPERTIES (PTY) LTD Duly instructed by the trustee- of the insolvent estate of SOLOMON JULIUS DAVIDOWITZ (Master's Reference T675/72), we shall sell, without reserve, but subject to confirmation by the trustee, one share, repregmting 25 per cent of the entire lssued share capital in a company known as ROWHUN PROPERTIES (PTY) LTD. The Company owns Stands 776 and 777, situate corner of Harrow Road and Hunter Street, in the Township of Berea, District of Johannesburg. on which is erected a modern block of 20 flats, known as Hunters Hill, consisting of eight bachelor flats, eight t&*ebedroom flats, four three-bedroom flats nlth main bedroom ensuite. two lifts. 15 garages and 12 servant rooms. 25 PER CENT INTEREST ARCADIAN FLATS (PTY) LTD Included in the above estate, we shall sell, without reserve, but subject to confirmation by the trustee, 2500 shares of the 10 000 iss~ed share capital of a company known as ARCADTAN FLATS (PTY) LTD. balance sheets, etc., available Tor ~nspcction at our offices during normal business hours. Note.-Sale takes place in our mart, 231 Commissioner Street (off End Street), Johannesburg, on Tuesday, 9 April 1974, at 11 a.m. Tert11s.-Cash or bank-initialled cheques only. Reliable Auctioneerkng Co. (Pty) Ltd. Auctioneers arzd Stock Liquidators. 231 Comm~ssioner Street (off End Street), P 8. Box 8986.. Johannesburg. Telephones 22-69161718. Telegrams "Losamor', Johannesburg. 8563-29 Boedel LOUTS VENTER (No. T1225/73) AANSTELLTNG VAN BEREDDERAAR Geliewe kennis te neen dat SIMON TERBURGH THERON van L.V.K. Trust (Edms ) Bpk., Posbus 1990, Pretoria, aailgestel is as bercdderaar in bopsmelde boedel kragtens artikel 27 van dle Landboukredietwet. No. 28 van 1966, op 2 Februarie 1974.- S. T. Theron, Posbus 1990, Pretoria. 8530-29 RELIABLE AUCTIONEERING CO.'S SALES (Sam Rumbak, Auctioneer) INSOLVENT ESTATE ROSETTENVILLE RESIDENCE Duly instructed by the trustee of the insolvent estate of G. K. KEARNS (Master's Iieference T1369/73), we shall sell, without reserve, but subject to confirmation by the trustee, certain Freehold Lot 8581 (formerly Lot 1832), situate 1 Prairie Street, in the Township of Rosettenville, District of Johannesburg. on which is erected a modern three-bedroom face brick res~dence, comprising, entrance hall, passage, lounge, dining-room, edge-toedge carpeting, kitchen, bathroom, toilet and usual outbuildings. Note.-Sale takes place in our mart, 231 Commissioner Street (off End Street), Johannesburg, on Tuesday, 9 April 1974, at 11 am. Terms.-Ten per cent of the purchase price in cash, as deposit, on the fall of the hammer. Reliable Auctioneering Co. (Pty) Ltd, Auctioneers and Stock Liquidators, 231 Commissioner Street (off End Street), P.O. Box 8986, Johannesburg. Telephones 22-69161718. Telegrams "Losamor". Johannesburg. 8563-29 UNITED AUCTIONEERING CO.'S SALES Insolvent estate DIRK CORNELIUS BADENHORST (No. T1098173) Duly instructed by the trustee in the above matter, we will sell by public auction; on the spot, 133 Ridge Road, Bartlett, Boksburg. on Tuesday, 16 April 1974, at l1 a.m., the following: Modern doubk-storey residence of unique design with large illuminatcd (spira flo) filtered swimming-pool. Certain Holding 133, Rartlett Agricultural Holdings Extension 2, situate 133 Ridge Road, in the Township of Bartlett, District of Boksburg, measuring approximately 2,0234 hectares? upon which is erected a inodern double-storey residence with swimming-pool, outbuildings and other improvements. For further particulars and vicwing please apply to thc auctioneers. Sale takes place on the sp~t, 133 Ridge Road, Bartlctt. Bo!tsburg. on 'Tuesday, 16 April 1974, at 11 a.m.-united Auctioceering Conipany, Auctioacers aid Stock Liquidators, 127 Market Street, Johannesburg. Telephone 22-7858/9. 8563-29 UNITED AUCTIONEERING CO.'S SALES ANDY'S WIIOLE~ALERS (BRAKPAN) (PTY) LTD (in liquidation) (No. T128/74), Afro House, 74a Station St:eet, Brakpan, Tvl Duiy instructed by the provisional liqwda~or In the above matter, we will sell by public auction, on the bpot. 74a Station Street, Brakpan, on Tuesday, 9 April 1974, at 9.30 am., the following: Men's, boys',,ladies1 and girls' wearing apparal, shoes, takkics, blankets, rugs, *afro wigs, cosme!ics, wat~hes, jewellery, etc., fixtures and fittings (will be sold at 2.30 pm.). On view Monday, 8 April 1974. Sale takes place on the spot, Airo House, 74a Slation Street, Brakpan, on Tuesday, 9 April 1974. at 9.30 a.m.- United Auctioneering Company, Auctionzcrs and Stock Liquidators, 127 Market Street, Johannesburg Telephone 22-785819. 8563-29 Notice is hereby given that application vidl be made to the Witwatersrand Local Division oi the Suprcmc Court, on 23 April 1974, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, or as.son thereafter as the matter can be heard, for the acceptance oi the surrender of the estate of HENDRIK JOSEPHUS KRUGEK. a plant operator, 35 Newlands Road, Newlands, Johannesburg; and that a statement of his affairs will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the Supreme Court at Pretoria, and at the office of the Magistrale for the District of Johannesburg, for a period of fourteen (14) days as from 1 April 1974.-K. M. Whitaker. for Bester, Heckroodt & Naude, Ninth Floor, Old Arcade. 100 Market Strzet, Johannesburg. -- 8563-29 RELIABLE AUCTIONEERING CO 'S SALES (Sam Rumbak, Auctioneer) INSOLVENT ESTATE RIDGEWAY RESIDENCE Duly instructed by the trustee of the insolvent estate of H. L. KEARNS (Master's Reference T1368173). v<c shall sell, without reserve, but subject to confirmation by the trustee, certain Crf 148, situate 19 Shannon Road, in the Township of Ridgeway, District of Johannesburg, on which is erecicd a modern threebedroom home (main bedroom en-suilc), entrance hall, lounge, dining-room, study, bathroom, shower, separate toilet, modcrn American kitchen, edge-to-cdge carpeting thvonghout, two servant's rooms, garage, well kept grounds, completely fenced. Note.-Sale takes place in our mart, 231 Conirnissiocer Street (off End Street), Johannesburg, on Tuesday, 9 April 1974, at 11 a.m. Terms.-Ten per cent of the purchase price in cash, as dcposit, on the fall of the hammer. Reliable Auctioneering Co. (Pty) Ltd. A~~ctioneers and Stock Liquidators, 231 Commissioner Street (off End Street), P.O. Box 8986, Johannesburg. Telephones 22-6916/7/8. Telegrams "Losarnor", Johannesburg. 8563-29 THE0 JORDAAN & DAVID FOURIE (PTY) LTD'S PROPERTY AUCTIONS LYNNWOOD MANOR RESIDENCE INSOLVENT ESTATE Favoured with instructions by the trustee oi the insolvent estate J. T. JORDAAN (Master's Ref. T1374/73), we will sell by public auction, entirely without reserve, but subject to tho confirmation of the trustee in our mart, 9 Ne:!bank Plaza, corner of Church and Beatrix Streets, ArcadLa. on Saturday, 30 March 1974, at 10 a.m., the undermentioned property: Erf 229, i.e. 59 Ringwood Road, Lynnwood Manor, in extent 1 983 sq metres, i.e. (20 000 sq it), on which is erected a modern home comprising four bedrooms, sewing room, study, two lounges, dining-room, kitchen. pantry, scullcry, servant's room and double garage. Te, per cent cash on day of sale and the balance within 30 days of confirmation of the sale. An existing building society bond of approximately R25 000 can be taken over by an approved buyer. Vieivi~~g.-From 4 to 6 pm. daily by appointment only. Anctioneer's note.-this is an exceptional home with many interesting features, and must be seen to be appiecinted. If you are looking for something difierent ;his is :'our opportunity. For iurther particulars wniact the auc:lo-ecrs.-theo Jordaan & David Fourie (Pty) Ltd, Estates Agcli!~. Auctioneers and Appraisers. 7a Nedbank Plaza. corner of Church and Beatrix Streets, P.O. Box 26345. Arcadia. Telephones 2-7971, 2-4651 and 3-5134; and/or W. Van Heerden v. d. \Va:t. Trus!ee, Security Executor and Trust Co. Etd, Eurlingto:; Eouse, Burlington Arcade, Church Street, Pretoria. Telephoilc 48-5340. 8566-29

82 No. 4237 STAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 1974 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Transvaal Provincial Division) CERTIFICATE OF APPOINTMENT OF PROVISIONAL LIQUIDATOR (No. T198174) The company known as RHYN ROSSOUW WONINGS (PTY) LTD, having been placed in provisional liquidation by Order of the Supreme Court of South Africa (Transvaal Provincial Division), dated the 26th day of February 1974. These are to certify that JOHAN MARTHINUS JANSEN VAN VUUREN having found security to my satisfaction,.has been appointcd provisional liquidator of the said Company with the powers contained in section 386. subsection (1) (a), (b), (c), (e) and 4 (Q of the Companies Act. 1973. Given under my hand in the Master's Office, Pretoria, this 15th day of March 1974.-Assistant Master of the Supreme court. - 8576-29 AUCOR (PTY) LTD SALES Insolvenl estate E. LABUSCHAGNE (Master's Ref. T1478173) Certain Portion 11, Lot 10, Deysel Street, 1216 Booysens, Pretoria, with improvements thereon, to be sold on the spot, on Monday, 1 April 1974, at 10.30 am. Duly instructed by the trustee in the above matter, we will sell as above. Terms.-Ten pcr cent deposit on day of sale, balance to be secured by budding society, bank or similar guarantee, within 30 days from date of confirmation. For further partic!!!ars, please contact the auctjoneers.-aucor (Pty) Ltd, 125 Kcrk Street, Johan~icsbuig. Phone 23-3709. AIICOR (PW) LTD SALES NnVERKOI: LTD (in liquidation) (Master's Ref. Tili7173) Two industrial sitcs, Rt~stenburg. Siacds 1689 and 1693. Extension Rustenburg. measuring 72GO sq ft each, to be sold on the spot, 3 and 5 Wulfse Street, Rustenburg, on Friday, 5 April 1974, at 10.30 am. Duly instructed by the liquidator in the above rnattcr, we will sell as above. Terms.-Ten per ccnt deposit on day of sale, balznce to be secured by building society, bank or similar guarantee within 30 days from daic of confirmation. For iurther pait~culars please coc!act the auctioneers.-aucor (Fty) Lld, 125 Kcik Strcet. Johannesburg. Phone 23-3709. 8466-29 KENNISGEWTNG VAN AANSTCLEIMG VAN VOOGDE INGEVOLGE ARTISEL 55 VAU WET 66 VAN 1965. IN DPE BOEDEL VAN W'17LE IRMGAlED DORA MARE PRIGGE (No. 6291172) Ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 75 van Wet 66 van 1965, word dit hierby bekcndgemaak dat blykens 'n voogdybr~ef wat op 27 November 1973 te Pretoria deur die Meester van die Ilooggeregsbof van Suid-Afrika (Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling), uitgereik is aan ERICH RGINHARD PRIGGE. Posbus 203, Piet Retief. bedoelde perso011 aangestel is as voog om die goedere te administreer van LOUIS HEINZ PRIGGE. geborc op 1 Junk 1955, diesellde adres, synde die minderjarige kind van wyle IRMGARD DORA MARIE PRIGGB (Boedel 6291/72), en haar voo~oorlede cggenoot wyle GUSTAV ADOLF WILHELM PRIGGE (Boedel 11124/71).-Volkskas Bpk., Boedelafdeling (00s-Tvl.). Trans-Cranjegebou, Pretoriusstraat 273, Posbus 383, I'retoiia. Teleioon 48-6758, Bylyn 121. Re: Notice of ~mluntary surrender of estate by B. HOLLAND Notice is Ilercby given in terms of section 4 (1) of the Insolvency Acl, that application will be made for the surrender of the cstate of BOYD HOLLAND, born on 23 August 1926, residing at 28 Boshoff Street, Rustenburg, and employed as foreman boilermaker by Impala Platinum Ltd, P.O. Box 363, Rnstenburg, to the Supreme Court, Transvaal Provincial Division, Pretoria. on Tuesday, 23 April 1974, at 10 a.m., or soon thereafter as the matter may be heard; and that his statement of aifairs will lie for inspection at the offices of the Magistrate. Rustenburg. and at the offices of the Master of the Supreme Court at Pretoria. during a period of 14 days reckoned from 29 March 1974.-13. D. Kriiger, for Duffey, Kriiger & Potgieter. Attorneys for Applicant, 37 Steen Street, Private Bag 82052, Rnstenburg. TENDER, SHORT NOTICE FOR SALE High quality gents' outiitting businesses in heart of Cape Town, in the matter of PUBLIX (P LTD (in liquidation), at the corner of Plein and DarlingTtreets. Cape Town (Master% Reference T3 174) Tenders are hereby invited for the purchase of the above businesaes as a going concern or, alternatively, for the individual assets of the estate, namely: (a) Stock consisting of men's top quality clothing, including suites. slacks, jackets. sportswear, knitwear, etc. (b) Fixtures and fittings. (c) Goodwill and tenancy. The highest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted: A lease of the premises could be negotizted for an approved purchaser. Tenders, in duplicate. in sealed envelopes marked "Tenders- Publix (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation) (No. T3/74)", should be lodged with the Master of the Supreme Court, Private Bag X60, or 310 Munlochy Buildings, corner of Van der Walt and Schoeman Streets, Pretoria, by not later than noon on Tuesday, 16 April 1974. It is a condition of this notice that 311 offers received will be deemed irrcvocat!e and open for acceptance for a period of twenty-one (21) days from the closing date, namely 7 hfay 1974. The business has been tenlporarily closed but the premises will be open' for inspcction by interes!ed purchasers between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. on Friday: 29 March 1974, Friday, 5 April 1974, and Wednesday, 10 April 1974; at the above addrcss. The inventories are available for inspcction at the offices of the undersigned, irom whom further particulars may be obtained. -Charles Lipschitz, Provisional Liq~idzitor. Western Trust (Pty) Ltd; Eighth Floor, Schlesinger Centre, 222 Smit Strcet, Eraamfontein; P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg. Telephone 725-3461. 7341-29 ENDER, SHCRT NQTICE FOR SA1.E Eigh quality gentry ontfit'ing busineswr in heart of Cape Town, in the m:ltter of RAND STOCK SALES (Pm LTD (in liquidation) (Master's Referencc TR/74) Tenders are hereby invited for the purc!~ase of the stock consisting of men's top quality clothing, including suits, slacks, jackets, sportswear, knitwear, etc. The highest or any tender will not necessarily be zccepted~ Tenders, in duplicate: in sealed en-~~eelopes marked "Tenders- Rand Stock Sales (Pty) J-td (in liquidation) (No. T8IT4)": should be lodgied with thc Master of the Supreme Court: Private Bag X60: or 310 Munlocby Buildings, corner of Van der Walt and Schocrnan Streets, Pretoria, by not kiter than noon on Tussday, 16 April 1974. It is a condition of this notice that all offers receired will be deemed irrevocable and open for acccptence for s period of twenty-one (21) days from the closing date, namely 7 May 1974. The business has been closed and the stock may be inspected at Publix (Pty) Ltd, corner of Plein and Darling Streets, Cape Town. The premises will be open for inspection by interested purchasers betwcen 10 a.m. and 4 pm. on Friday, 29 March 1974, Friday, 5 April 1974, and Wednesday; 10 April 1974, at the above address. The inventories are available for inspection at the offices of the undersigned, from whom further particulars may be obtained. -Charles Lipdiitz, Prqvisional Liquidator. Western Trust (Ply) Ltd, Eighth Floor.ScHesinger Centre: 2'22 Smit Street, Braamfontein; P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg. Teicphone 725-3464. 7340-29 CURRIE'S 6 TRAKMAN'S AUCTION SAJ,ES Insolvent estate R. L. GE JAGER (Master's Reference T1153173) Plettenberg Ray Residence, Monday. 8 April 1974, at 11 am. Duly instructed by the trustee, we wiil sell subject to confirmation, within seven days at our marl, The h'ome of Auctions, 5 First Street. New Doornfontein, Johannesburg, on Monday, 8 April 1974, at 11 am., certain Stand 449, Flettcnberg Ray, C.P.. situated at 9 Roxane Street, upon which is erected a threebedroomed dwelling-house. Terms.-Ten per cent cash immediatciy and the balance within 30 days of confirmation by bank or building society guararitee. Richard R. Currie & Trakman';, huctioncers (f'ty) Ltd, Auctioneers, Stock Liquidators. Macnvmy and Plant Disposal Experts, P.O. Box 66267, Brozdqn~ajr. Phorlcs 24-9332, 24-6939 and 24-9151. 7157-29

SAKKIE 1;IARB VEILINGS Insol~e~it Estate Public Auction Sale, Without Reserve, of High-.veld Farm, apprommately 5 km of Leslie, Tvl Duly instructed thereto by the trustee in the insolvext eut.tle J. P. I'RIiWLOO (Master's Ref. T1040/73), we shall sell rhe above lann, cnrireiy nithout reserve, to the highest bidder Lut subject to confirmztion by the trustee. on Thursday, 4 hpll 1974, at 13 30 a m., i e. farm called Vergenoeg, bcing por~ion of the iaim Srakfontein 310, Dxtrict of Bethal, in extent 300 morgea, oi which 130 mcrgen being lands and 170 morgeri heng graylng Improvements conzists of a four-bcdroom house. lounge, b~tchen, br:tbroorn and usua outbu~ldings, as well as a m~lhsticd for 24 cows and dairy rooms. The :a!- will take placz on the iarm Versenoeg. Lora!ity -Two miles from Lcslie on the Leslie-Delmas tarred Road Ter?a-Ten per cent of purchase price on day of <ale and the bslctice to be secured by bank or building society gualantee withln 11 days of date of confirmation of sale. For furthcr information please contact thc auctionecrs -Sal\hie Maie Ve:hngs, Auctioneers and Stock Liquidators. 319 Prinslco Street Pretoria. Tei. 45-51 13. 8577-19 CURRIE'S & TR.4KMAN1S AUCTION SALES Insolvent estate N. GEORGIADES, tradng as CYCLE FARE (Master's Rcference T1294/73) R6 500 stocks of bicycles and toys, Tuesday, -9 April 1974, at 10.30 a.m.. Duly instructed by the liquidator in,:the abovc-meniioncd matter. v;.: a 4 sell at our mart, The Home of Auctions. 5 First Street. Yew Doornfontein, Johannesbilrg. at 10.30 a.m., the assets in the :ib3:;cmentioned matter comprising new bicycles, spares and a larne range of quality toys including cars. guns, dolls, mod::ls. guiiars, hairdrycrs, se~vjng machines, matchbox toys and hundreds G: items of interest. Terr!rs.-Cxh or ban!,:-iilitialled cheq~~e only. Richarc! R. Currie & Trakman's Auctioneers (Pty) La!, Acclioneers. Stock Liquidators. Machinery and P!ar:t Dispcsal Espr::?5. 7.9. Box 66267, Broadway. Phones 24-9332, 24-69j9 and 2:-3151. -- 7157-29 In,elms of section 53 of the Administiation of Estates Act. No. 65 ot 1955.. I.. /!,r3:-'i', IN MARTIIJNUS GERICKE. the eaecv.ror in varions estaxs. advise th3t with. the consent cf thc Master of the Supreme CrJurt, Provincial Dil>sion, I sha!l be absent from :he Repub!ic for the period 18 April I974 to 16 May 1974. During my absence my notarial general power of attorney wii! be held!;y HUGHSON CHARLES MhRATCJ: who will attend to all matters arising during my absence in the cstates concerncd. 7151-29 CURRE'S AUCTION SALE Unreserved Liquidation Caie oi High Qnslity, Brand Ncw Furniture, Carpets, Caracan Fridge, Amplifier and Motor-car Duly instructed tlmeto by the liquidator of MEBEL BELEG- GINGS (PTY) LTD (Master's Reference T1402/73), we wi!l sell. entirely S-ithout reservc, at our mart, Polley's Arcade. 231 Pretorius Street, Pretoria. on Thursday, 4 April 1974, at 10 a,m.: the undermentioned items: Three-piece loungc suite with foam rubber cushions, four-piece lounge suite, three-piccs {!oral designed!ounge suite, dark wood spanish-style bar wit.11 thr-ee matching bar stools, contcmpcxary style bar with three matching stoo!~, modern orange co!ocred bar vgith three matching stools, dark wood spanish-style chair, attraciive liquor cabinei, two occasional tables of steel and glass, four i~blcs, writing desk and three chairs, modern breakfast room suite of round table and iour chairs, two-piece white pcgamoid suite, tl!rec-piece bedroom mite of double bed, dressing table and stool, three-piece white bedroom suite of double bed, dressing table asd stool, oval shaped bed with two matching pzdestals. attractive antique-type bedroom chair, chandeliers and four sets of bed-sidc lamps, shades, etc, and eight carpets, 12 by 9. Insolvent cstate P. N. VAN DER MERWE (Master's Ref. T831/73) Astras gzs fridge, President amplifier sad 1965 Ford Fairlane. Auctio:;ecr's 1iote.-~4s the above furniture is brand new and of very good quality, menbers of the public are urged not to miss this urgent sale. Terms.-Cash or bank-guaranteed cheques. For further particulais contact the auctioneers.-richard R. Currie (Pta) (Pty) Ltd. 37 Polley's Arcade, 231 Pretorius Street, P.O. Box 254, Pretoria. Teicphone 3-5394. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 19 hirlrcii. 1974 No,I137 53 --- PUBLIEKE VEILING Dshoorirk daartoe gela: c'cur die el.sel~::cur h die boedcl van v,y!c h!ev. M. E. PRI~TGRICS, sal om publieke vciiing op Vrydsg, 5 April 1954, om 9-uur vm., i!.~~pitaa.lstraat 11, Ot!osdal, die volgende verloo;~. 1. Go~i!geboude drieslaap!iamerwoo~!~!~is c1.2 buitcgekoue, g-ice op Erf 727, 0Lto:dal (Kospitaalstraa! 11). 2. Los gocdcre zbestaande uit moderce siii:ai~~!~;.sfel, kcrnbuisste!, vloer~:a;.te, yskas, taie!~. diie slaapkameistcllc met hangkaste, 'ucddei~: met binneveermatrasse, vertoonkas, wxmssjicn, cm. Al hixdis goedere is in 'n gocic toestand. AI die zoedere word voefstools verkoop en allcenlik teen kontant met verkoping, belialwe die woonhuis, waarvoor die verkoopv,cmrwaardes by die afslaers enlof by die eksekutew nagegaar: km word. Besigtiging word venvelkom. Vir verdere besonderhede, tree in verbi~iding met Ottosdal Aislaers, Afslaets, Posbus 132, Ottosdal. TcleEoon 115; H. T. Otto. Eksckuteur, pia Van der Wal & Otto, Posbus l, Ottosdal. Telcfoon 36. 7057-29 I~solvent cstate E. DE VET (Master's Reference T1120/72) Duly instructed by the trustee, we will sd! the modern residence b:~ auctjon to the highest bidder (subject to col~iirmalion by the trustee). at l l am., on Tuesday, 26 March 1974, at ourfrqperly s?lerooms, 101 Pox Street. Johannesburg, beiiig Erf 55 s~tuate at 22 51!1ih Street, corner oi Spriow Street, Elspark, Germiston, on w!iicl-i IS erected a modem double storey house under tiles, cornpils1.g sevcn rooms, two bathrooms, ucual outbuildings, etc. Estab!~-hed garden with filtered pool. Fu:iher psrticnlars from the auctioneers.-grthur Meikle & Co. (P!y) Ltd, l01 Fox Street, Johannesbulg?hone 834-2961. 7001-29 KAAP-CAPE AFDELLNGSRAAD VAN KEY isardt STAAT VAN ONOTGEEISTE GELDE I?c,ilrai van R20 er, meer: Klcur1ir:ge en Blnnkes Tnsc~aige artikel 22 (1)..:an die Bocdelwct. 1913, word hierby iienr?~s %:gee dat die ondergenoen~dc Ixdrae wat vanaf 1 Ja!iur,ric 1754 tot 31 Desember 1968, in die bcsit van die Afde-!iii;irand van Kenhardt. of van enige ages: namcns horn was, vir 'n tydperk van vyf jaar of lnnger nie deur die reghcbbendes opgceis is nie. Indien die bedrae nie binne dric maande na die datum van publikasie hiervail opgeejs word nie, sal dit na aftrckking van die koste van pubhkasie in dic voogdyfonds vir rckcnng van die reghebbendes gestort word. Naam, jongsbeken&s adres va!z reghebberzde eri bedrag R. G. Louw, Afdelingsrazd, Kenhardt: R20,55. Dawid Horing, Afdelingsraad, Kenhardt: R23,92. Brdrae van R1 of tneer nzaar minder as R29: Kleurlinge erz Blankes K!ass Sasson, Afdelingsraad, Renhardt: R4,01. Joi?annes Beukes, Afdelingsraad, Kenhardt: R?,21; Jan Links, Afdelingsraad, Kcnhardt: R3,60. Petrus Rooi, Mdelingsraad. Kcnhardt: R2.80. Piet Jop. Afdelingsraad, Kenhardt: R2,Oi. Jan Cloete, Afdelingsraad, Kenhardt: RI, 32. Petrus. Afdelingsraad, Kenhardt: R2,82. Japic Rooi, Afdelingsraad. Kcnhardt: R5.81. Jan Jaer. Afdelingsraad. Kenhardt: R2,18. Piet Rooi. Afdelingsraad, Kenhardt: RI, 18. Thomas Jcaks, Afdelingsraad. Kenhardt: R1 :62. Jan Manc!lu, Afdelingsraad. Kenhardt: R4,80. Danie Snel, Afdelingsraad: Kcnhardt: R1,62. Willein Jacobs, Afdelingsraad, Kenhardt: R2.21. Klaas 'J~sson, Afdelingsraad, Kenhardt: R3 :61. Pdicolaas Sakkels, Afdelingsraad, Kenhardt: R2,40, Kasel ran Wyk, Afdelingsraad, Kenhardt: R3,71. Salman, Afdelingsraad, Kenhardt: R2,24. Sam, Afdelingsraad, Menhardt: R1,80. Martiens Brown, Afdelingsraad, Kenhardt: R3,44. Hendrik Jaar;Afdelingsraad, Kenhardt: R1,64. Gert Blom, Afdelingsraad. Kenhardt: R2; 24. Stcfaans Bostaander, Afdelingsraad, Kenhardt: R4,- Andries Rooi, Afdelingsraad, Kenhardt: R1,63. Wiilcm Kok, Afdelingsraad, Kenhardt: R1 $63. TCoos Marks, Afdelingsraad, Kenhardt: R4,38. Willem Stevens, Afdelingsraad, Kenhardt: R7,63. Simon Rasson, Afdelingsraad, Kenhardt: R3,74. Piet Cloete, Afdelingsraad, Kenhardt: R3,74. Jacobus Titus, Afdelingsraad, Kenhardt: RI, 14. Adam Mok, Afdelingsraad, Menhardt: RI, 14. Jan Brand, Afdelingsraad, Kenhardt: R1,79. :g Stoffel Jood, Afdelingsraad, Kenhardt: R3,74i

84 htc 4237 STAATSICOERANT, 29 h.ia AP.T 1974 --p---- iclaas Dra.lierr, i:c:e;ingsraad, Kenliardt: R3,74. Matheus IvIatheues. Afdelingsraad, Kenhardt: R1,29. Koos van Wyk, hfdclingsraad, ICenhardt: R3,74. Jacob Olyn, Afdelingsraad. Kenhardt: R1,29. Gert Aiidrez?, AiJ:hngsraad, Kcilhardt: R16,70. M. A. van Hecrden, Afdelingsraad, Kenhardt: R1,59. krrje II~lil3li, Afdckngsraad, IZenhardi: R3,73. PJicolaas Isaks, Afdelinpsraad, Kenhardt: R1,98. D. van dcr IV'./r\th~~izen, kfdel:lgs:aad, Kenhardt: R7,62. Nicohas Coetzee. Aidchasraad. Kenhardt: R1.95. Jan Strys. Afdciingsraad, Kcnhardt' RI, 14. Jan Raats, ~fde!ingsraad,-~enhardt: R3,25. ' Jan Rcn4rlkse. Afdclinnsraad. Kenhardt: R5,03. Jan Micn,es. ~f,ielings'aad. Kenhardt: Rl,79. Robert Isa1.s. AiJeli~gsraad, Kenhardt: RI, 14. Willem TI:I-:. Ai3eiing~aad. Keahardt: R1,29. Petrus Kordxn. ATdcl~ngsraad, IZenhardt: R3,89. Frikkie Louw. Afdelingsraad. Kenhardt: R13,61. Abrarn, Ardelingsraad. Kenhard:: R14,26. Jacob Horn. Afdel~ngsraad, Kenhardt: R4,53. Stoffel Minnaar Afdelinesraad. Kenhardt: R4,53. John Milo, Aidelrng.;raad. Kenhardt: R3,24. Koos Afrika, Afdeiingsraad. Kenhardt: R1,94. Johannes Tlties. Afdclingsraad, Kenhardt: R1,29. Stcfaans Bostander. Afdelingsraad. Kenhardt: R3,89. Jan Aprll. kfdeiingsraad, Kenhardt: R1,29. Gert Bantam. Afdellngsraad, Kenhardt: R2.59. Stoffel Swarts, Afdclingsraad, Kenhardt: R1,29. Sarel Tessie, Afdelingsraad, Kenhardt: R4,53. Niklaas Bocr, Afdelingsraad, Kenhardt: R2,59. Hendrik Isaks, Afdelingsraad, Kenhardt: R2,59. Johannes Witbooi, Afdelingsraad, Kenhardt: R3,88. Johannes Meyer. Afdelingsraad, Kenhardt: R1,29. Floors Abrams, Afdelingsraad, Kenhardt: R1,94. Dawid Marks, Afdellngsraad, Kenhardt: R1,59. Gert Pofadder Afdelingsraad, Kenhardt: R3,89. Gert Blaauw. Afdelingsraad, Kenhardt: R1,29. Petrus Prins, Ai'delingsraad, Kenhardt: R3,49. Jan Elderman, Afdelingsraad, Kenhardt: R3,89. Abram August. Afdelingsraad Kenhardt: R3,89. Jan April, Afdclingsraad, Kenhardt: R3.89. Jakops Jullie, Afdelingsraad. ICenhardt: R8,42. D, van der Westhuysen, Afdelingsraad, Kenhardt: R2,79. Maans Mei, Afddingsraad, Kenhardt: R1,29. Piet Cloete. Aidtlingsraad, Kenliardt: R5.83. J. A. Rossouw. Afdelingsraad. Kcnhardt: R5,18. Hendrik Thys. Afdelingsraad, Kenhardt: R3,24. Jacobus Cloete. Afdelingsraad, Kenhardt: R3,24. Willem Shefiers, Aidelingsraad, Kenliardt: RI,95. Isak Haas, Afdelingsraad, Kenhardt: R1,95. Hendrik Niekerh, Afdelingsraad, Kenhardt: R1,94. Gert Job, Afdelingsraad. Kenhardt: R1,94. J. Snyders, Aidelinpsrsad, Kenhardt: R7,13. Willem Smit. Aidelingsraad, Kenhardt: R3,23. Gys Drawer. Afdcl~ngsraad, Kenhardt: R1,94. Hendrik Jaar. Afdellngsraad, Kenhardt: R6,16. Johannes van Wyk, Afdelingsraad, Kenhardt: R1.29. Stoffcl van Wqb. Afdelingsraad. Kenhardt: R1,29. Frans van Rooi. Afdelingsrald, Kenhardt: R2,59. Jan Witbooi, Afdclingsraad. Kenhardt: R4,54. Mattys Green. Afdelingsraad. Kenhardt: R1,29. Jzak Tieties, Afdclingsraad, Kenhardt: R1,29. J-Tendrik Jaer.,4fdelingsraad, Kenhardt: R 1,20. Elias Meintjles. Aidelingsraad, Kenhardt: R1,95. Piet Cloete. Afdclingsraad, Kenhardt: R1,94. Thomas Smith, Afdelingsraad, Kenhardt: R1,29. Gert Jochims, Afdelingsraad, Kenhardt: R1,94. Koos Rooi. Ardelingsraad. Kenhardt: R1,94. Saul Basson. Afdelingsraad, Kenhardt: R1,60. Jail Eldermzn, Afdelingsraad, Kenhardt: R5,56. Barend September. Afdelingsraad. Kenhardt: R1,29. Abraham Poiadder. Afdelingsraad, Kenhardt: R18,34. Piet Tities. Aidclingsraad. Kcnhardt: R3,24. Jurnie IIayes, Afdelingsraad, Kenhardt: R1,94. Tom Stevcns. Afdclingsraad. ICcnhardt: R3,24. Sarel Jonk~rs Afdelingsraad. Kenhardt: R3,18. VJi)lcm Olyn. Afdelingsraad. Kenhardt: R1,29. Arric Bc~ornan. Afdelingsraad, Kenhardt: R1,29. Piet T~eties. Afdclingsraad. Kenhardt: R4,78. Willem Jacobs. Afdelingsraad, Icenhardt: R4,78. Wlllem Kok. A;dclingsraad. Kenhardt: R5,08. Neels Titics. Afdziingsraad. Kcnhardt: R 1,30. Dar~iel Snell,.ArJ:lingsraad, Kenhardt: R2,54. Willem Bok Aideli:lgsraad, Kenhardt: R2,39. l-icndrik Lospw. Aidelmgsr aad, Kenhardt: R2,54. Jan Tities. Afdcltngsraad, ICcnhardt: R1,99. Cicrt Iaer, Afd&n;;sraad. Menlzardt: R2,39. Ilendrik Preslcy. Aldelingsraad, Kenhardt: R5,59. P~eter van Rooqcn, Afdelingsraad, Kenhardt: R1,94. Rcbert Isaks. Aidelingsraad. Kenhardt: R2,09. Alrrarn Springbok, Afdel~ngsrsad, Kenhardt: R3,98. Hendril: l-ier. Aidelingsraad, Kenhardt: R3,99. Gert Jantj~es. Afd,.lingsraad, ICenllardt: R1,58. Saumel, Afdc!~ngsraad, IZen1:ai df : R4,78. Gert Lings. Afdelingsraad, Kenhardt: R3,98. Nikklas Fil%rs, Afdelingsraad, Kenhardt: R1,29. Jan Tieties, Afdelingsraad, Kenhardt: Ia.1.29. Jacobus Cloete, Afddingsraad, Kenhardt: R4,78. 1-udas Williams, Afdclingsraad, Kcnhardt: R4,78. Sam May. Afdelingsraad. Kenhardt: R2,38. Abraham Pieters, Afdclingsraad, Kenhardt: R2.39. TVdlem Staal. Afdelingsraad, Kenhardt: R2,39. Paul Cloete. Aldelingsraad. Kenhardt: R2,99. Perccy Thoinas, Afdelingsraad, Kcnhardt: R1 l,&. Hendrlk Engelbrecllt, Afdelingsraad, Kenhardt: R3,24. Gert Basson. Afdclingsraad, Kenhardl: R3,24. N. Strauss. Afdelingsraad, Kenhardt: R3.24. Johailnes Rooi, Afdelingsraad, Kenhd-rdt: R3,89. Jacob Green. Afdelingsraad, Kenhardt: R3,89. Saul Jonkers, Afdclingsraad, Kenhardt: R2,59. Jan Warmberg, Afdelingsraad, Kenhardt: RI, 94. Arrie Louw, Afdelingsraad, Kenhardt: R7,13. Sanou April, Afdelingsraad. Kenhardt: R1,29. King Maravo. Afdelingsraad, Kenhardt: R1.6l. Robert Isaks. Afdelingsraad. Kenhardt: R2,58. Gert Olivier, Aldelingsraad, Kenhardt: R1,29. Jan Neels, Aldelingsraad, Kenhardt: R1,61. E. J. Pool, Afdelingsraad, Kenhardt: R6,47. Jan Tities, Afdelingsraad, Kenliardt: R3,89. C. dc Bruin, Afdellngsraad, Kenhardt: R1,29. Jan Raats, Afdelingsraad, Kenhardt: R2.59. D. van dcr Westhuizen. Afdelingsraad. Kenhardt: R3,24. Jakop Horing, Afdelingsraad, Kenhardt: R3,56. Sameuel van Rooyen, Afdelingsraad, Kenhardt: R7,71. Dawid Kmger, Afdelingsraad. Kenhardt: R2.39. Mathys Green, Afdelingsraad. Kenhardt: R3,24. Pjet Matroos, Afdelingsraad, Kenhardt: R6,38. Willem Barends, Afdclingsraad, Kenhardt: R7,12. Krisjan Januarie, Afdelingsraad, Kenhardt: R1,29. Andries Verwant, Aidelingsraad. Kcnhardt: R1,29. Moses Venvant, Aidelingsraad, Kenhardt: R1,29. Alwyn Smit. Afdelingsraad. Kenhardt: R3,19. Paul Jonkcrs, Afdelingsraad, Kenhardt: R3.19. Hcndrik Mienjes. Aidelingsraad, Kcnhardt R4,78. Piet Afrikaner, Afdejiogsraad, Kerhardt: R1.20. Johannes Witbooi, Afdelingsraad. Kenllardt: R1,20. Aidelingsraad van Kenhardt. Privaatsak 3, ICenhardt. - 7295-29 NOTICE OF SURRENDER OF DEBTOR'S ESTATE Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the Cape Provincial Division of the Supreme Court of South Africa, on the 30th day of April 1974, at 10 30 am., or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, for the acceptance of the surrender of the eslate of EVELYN TOHN BARRATT, trading as BARRATT'S AERATED WATERWORKS,. Spring Street, Knysna; and that a statement of his affalrs wlll lie for inspection at the officc of the Master of the Supreme Court at Cape Town, and at the office of the Magistrate at Knysna, for a period of fourteen (14) days as from the 1st day of April 1974.-G. F. Strydom, Rose-Innes & Wrentmore, Attorneys for Applicant, 42 Main Strcet, Knysna. 7135-29 ROODEBLOEh4 EUTCI-IERIES (PTY) LTD (in liquidation) (Master's Reference C21 174) It is hereby ncltified that we. NORBERT LOEWENSTEIN and ZWI STEINBERG. intend to apply to the Livestock and Meat Industry Control Board, for regictration as a retail butcher, in resncct of a business which vie. ptopose - to conduct at 213 victoria Road. Vloodstosk. C.P. Notice is also hereby given that BOODEBLOEI~4 BUTCHE- RTES (PTY) LTD (in liquidation), intends to apply simultaneously to the said Board for thc registration which it holds in respect of the place reperred to abovc to be cancelled ii the above-application is granted. Any person who has any objection against the establishment of the proposcd business or the cai?ccl:ation of the said rcgistration mzy lodgc such objections in the form of an affidavit, in triplicate, with the Branch Manager, P.O. Bex 96; hli!nerton, within 14 days of thc publicatioil of this noticc. 51-':7-29 NOTICE OF SUEKENDER OF A DEBTOR'S BST.STE [Sxtion 4 (1) of Act 24 o? 1336. as nmendcd] j'.jo!ise is hrrcby give;] that aij;?!k!ion will bz n!atle to :he South Eastern Cape Local Divisio!; of lhc Supr-emc Court. on Tuesday, 23 -April 1974, 51 9.30 o'clock in the forenoon, or as soon therealter as the rnaitzr can bz heard, for the acr-eptzfice of thc surrender of thc estate of JOIlANNES STEPHANUS

--p--p 7037-29 p----- 8180-29 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 1974 No.4237 85 VAN RQOYEN, Lelah Stud, Rocklands, Disirict of U~tenliagc; and that a statement of his affairs will lie for inspection at the oflice of the Master of the Supreme Court at Grahamstoun, and at the office of the Magistrate, Uitenhage, for a per~od of 14 days from 29 March 1974.-1. A. Arderne, Applicant's Attorney. Southern Hosse. 29 Main Street, Port Elirabeth. NOTICE OF SURRENDER OF A DEBTOR'S ESTATE Not~ce IS hereby given that application will be made to the Eest London C~rcult Local Division of the Supreme Court of Socl11 Africa, on Tucsda;, 23 April 1974, at 10 o'clock In the foreno~n. or as saon thereafter as the matter can be heard. Por the acceptance of the surrender of the estate of JACOD ANDREAS CORNELICS VAN HEERDEN,, presently residing on the farm known as Pandamsfonteln, District of Boshof. but prev~ously reud:ng on the farm in the District op East London, known as Richn~ond, and at which address he carried on business as Richmond Stores; and that a statement of his affairs will lie for inspect~on at the office of the Master of the Supreme Court at Grahamstown, and at the office of the Magistrate. East London, and at the office of the Magistrate, Boshol, for a period of fourteen (14) days as from 1 April 1974.-Whitnall & Bradfield, Attorncys for Applicant, P.O. Box 43, East London. 6956-29 ABATTOIR COMMISSION NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF AN ABATTOIR IN TERMS OF SECTION 16 (1) OF THE ABAT- TOIR COMMISSION ACT, 1967 (No. 86'OF 1967) It is herebv made known in terms of 'section 16 (1) of the Abattoir ~okmission Act, 1%7 (No. 86 of 1967), that NATIO- NAL MAhTGANESE MINES ( P m LTD. P.O. Box 6839. Johannesburg. has applied to the ~battoir Com~nission for registration of an abattoir situated at the Annex Langdon Mine, Hotazel, District of Kuruman, C.P. If registration is granted the abattoir w3ll be used for providinp in the meat requirements of employees at the mine of National Manganese Mines (Pty) Ltd at Hotazel, District of Kuruvan, C.P. Any person intending to submit representations or objections in regard to the above-mentioned application, sl~all direct such representations or objections to the Chairman. Abattoir Conmission, Private Bag X272 Pretoria, within a period of 35 days from the date of publication of this notice and in the manner set out in the regulations published in terms of the said Act.- M. J. C. Jamneck, Chairman, Abattoir Commission. Notc.-The regulations require that- ' (a) objections shall be affirmed under oath and submitted to the Con~mission in triplicate; and (b) a copy of the document in which objections are set out, shall be served on rhe applicant. --- 8480-29 NATAL J. H. ISAACS, GESKEN & CO. PROPERTY AUCTION SALES IG I. H. ISAACS. GESNEN B CO. (PTY) LTD, duly instructed by the trustee, F. D. Muller, will olfer for sale by public auction, at their sale rooms, Realty House, 375 Smith Street, Durban, on Thursday, 4 Aoril 1974. at 11 a.m., h the insolvent estate A. A. DE LIMA (Master's Reference N200/73). without reserve (subject to confirmation by the trustee within 14 days), an attractive home at Redhill. enjoying extensive inland views, being 200 Eastview Road, in a pretty garden and offered with early occupation. The residence is single storey and constructed of brick under tile roof and comprises front verandah, lounge, dining-room, three bedrooms. two of which have built-in cupboards. tiled bathroom. separate toilet, tiled kitchen, back porch ~ ~ stainless t h steel laundry troughs. The outbuildings comprise garage and servant's room. Thc land is freehold, being described as Subdivision B of 12 of U3 of Duikerfontein 785, in extent 934 sq m. For further particulars and arrangements to view, apply to the auctioneers.--j. H. Isaacs, Geshen & Co. (Pty) Ltd, Realty House, 375 Smith Street, D~lrban. Phone 31-9251. 7018-29 ELECTION OF ADMINISTRATOR'S In puisuance of an order of court, granted by the Natal Provincial Division of the Supreme Court. on 20 February 1974, beneiiciar~es of the tnist creaied in the will of the late SHEIK AMEER. who died at lot 8 of farm Palmietfontein, Dannhauser. on 12 May 1142, are invited to attend before me at 10 a.m, on 2 April 1974, and recommend through me to Court, a person or specified number o: persoa:, for appinlment as adm~nlstrator/s.-1%. G. Rainier. h4 aster of the: Supieme Court (Natal Pror mcia! Division), Pieterma;l;iburg, S Mxrh 1974. 8129-29 ABATTOIR CORI %IISSION It is heby made known in t,;r:-,is oi recti~ir L6 (lj of the.4battoir Cornrn;~sic?n Act. 1967 (;.;,:. $6 or 1967). Lliat PAUL ARTKUR ROEERT SINGERY aiid J!:ENE S1 NGE W. Private Bag 523, Eshowc, Natal, has applicd to the Abaiii~ir Cornrniszion for registration of an allrattoir situni+:d nt I.lorserr?ouat 11547, Lot 80, Amatikuiu, Di::trict of Eslio\\ c I.! If regisir~tion is grnnted thc ab~!:oii will be ilsed for providing in thc public meat requirements or iyorscmo~~nt and environmcnt, District op Eshowe, Natal. Any person intending to submit representations or objections in regard to the above-mentioned ap12iication: shall direct such representations or objections to the Chairman, Abattoir Commission, Private Bag X272, Pret,oria. 6091. withir~ a period of 35 days from thc date of publication of this notice and in the manner set out in the regulations published in terms of the said Act.- M. J. C. Jamneck, Chairman, Abattoir Commissiou. Note..-The regulations require that- (a) objections shall be affirmed uilder oath and submitted to the Commission in triplicate: and (b) a copy of the document in which objections are set out must be scrvcd on the applicant hy the oblector. STOCK OWNERS AGENCIES (PTY) LTD PUBLIC AUCTION In collaboration with Mcasured Farming S A. (Pty) Ltd and duly Instructed by the trustee, insol-vent estatc NICO VAN ROOYEN (Master's Reference N189173). be will offer on Friday, 5 April 1974. at 19 30 a m on the farm Rrushaood (23 km of Pietermaritzburg on the Wartburg Road, farm on right). 1. The farm commonly Lnown a5 Brushwood. in exten!!97,36 ha l~n?rovrrrr-nts-large modern four-bedroomed homestead of brick and iron with two bathrooms, laundry, etc.. ampie servant's quarters and compound for labour with storeroom, shed and silo. Arable.-Approximately 50 ha arable apart from canelands. Five ha undcr spray irrigation from river on prope~ty uscd for market gardening. Veld.-Thornveld grazlng over balance of alea. W-ater.-Pumped to reservoir and tanks for house and outbuildings from borehole. Carte.-Thirty-eight ha regrstered quota land planted. Basic quota 136 metric tons sucrose. Suppl) to Jaagbaan Mill. 2. 1111plerncr1ts.-Massejr-Ferguso~~ thrce-point subso~lcr, Fordson three-pint cultivator. Massc)-Ferguson thrce-point large rake, two-furrow three-point d-sc plough. Fordson three-point dam scoop, John Deere 1010 tractor, Massey-Ferguson unit planter. Lister diesel engine and alternator; irrigation plant: Wright rain pump with 62 by 2 inchcs aluminium pipes and 14 sprinklers (sale subject to confirmation). electric motor, water pump, quantity corrugated iron and sundry items, too numerous to mention. 3. Furnitrire.-Three steel divans and mattresses, Hoover polisher, side board, five bar stools. table and six chairs, garden table and five chairs, paraffin heater, desk, electric fan, reading lamp, children's table and four chairs, Allison piano. chest, work bench, ironing board, two gas water heaters and numcrous sundry items. For further particulars and arrangements contact the auctioneers.-stock Owners Agencies (Ptd Ltd. 169 Chpel Street, P.O. Box 181, Pietermaritzburg. T-lcphone 2-8751. 7256-29 0.V.S -0 F.S KENNISGE'YJNG IN TERME VAN ARTTKEL 7 (2) VAS DIE INSOLVENSIEWET Met dic toestcmming van die Mcester van die Hooggeregshof, Suid-Afr~ha (Oranje-Vrystaat Provinsiale Afdeling), word hierby kennis gegee dat die kennisgewing van boedeloorgawe van DANlEL NJCOLAAS JANSE VAN VUUREN, Kellnerstraat 51, Rloemfontein, tans 'n werk~bestuurder. gepublisecr in die Stanlsknerant van 31 Augustus 1973, m in die Volksblad vat1 31 Augustus 1973. hierby ingctrek word.-s. & V. A. Rosendorrf Venter & Riink. Tweede Verdieping, Doricgebou, Elizabcthsstraat, Posbus 41, Bloemfontein. 7369-19

86 No. 4237 STAATSKOERm, 29 MAART 1974 PUBLIEKE VEILING Behoorlik daartoe gelas deur die voorlopige kurator in die insolvente boedei van J. F. WIESEWAAR (No. B12/74), sal ons aanbied op 30 Maart 1974. om 8.30 voormiddag. by die befigheid bekend as SANETTE SUPERMARK, 3oeu.e 155, Shannon, die vol~ende: 1. Kruideniersware. 2. Klerasie. 3. Meublemen1.- (i) gondolas; (ii) toonbznk; (iii) vriesl.zste; (iv) skaie; (v) kasregister, ens. Terme.-Kontant op die veiling. Vir verdere besonderhede tree in verbinding met.-ksn OndernenGngs, Afslaers, Bloemfontein. Telefoon 79461; G. F. Wessels, p/a Symington & De Kok, Voorlopige Kurator, N.B.S.- gebou, Elizabethstraat 2, Nloemfontein. Telefoon 89305. 737G-23 INSOLVENTE BOEDELVEILJNG Boedel F. J. P. DE LANGE (Boedel B83173) Geliewe kennis te neem dat die hiernavermelde goedere per publieke veiling te koop aangebied sal word te d~e plaas Helpman, distrik Hoopstad, op Donderdag, 11 April 1974, om 10 vm. Los goedere.-twee P-tonsleepwaens, vyf ploez (drie tweeskaar, een vyfslcaar en een vierskaar). grondboneplukker (feitlik nuut), twce John Deere Rippers. mielieplaoter, tviee tillers, twee egge en stronkekapper. Voonvmrde.~.-Die goederc word voetstoots vir kontant verkoop. Navrac.-J. N. Coetzer, Kurator, Posbus 1, Hoopstad. Telefoon 9. 8496-29 S.W.A. HANDELSMERKE IN SUIDWES-AFRIKA TRADE MARKS IN SOUTH WEST AFRICA DE WET OP S.W.A. PATENTE, No. 17 VAN 1923 AANSOEK OM DIE HERSIEL VAN 'N VERVALLE PATENT MRAGTENS ARTIKEL 5 VAN ARTIKEL 52 VAN WET 9 VAN 1916 Mennisgewing geskied hiemee dat EVELINE MARIE MORILLION, Bereastraat 115, Muckleneuk, Pretol ia, provinaie Transvaal, Republiek van Suid-Afrika, aansoek gedoen het om die herstel van 'n patent aan genoemde Eveline Marie Morillion, tcegaken vir 'n uitvinding getitel WIND MACHINES. genommer SWA70/0013, en gedateer 2 Februarie 1970. wat 07 27 Augustus 1973 verval het omdat die hernuwingsgeld nie betaal is nie. Enige persoon mag binne twee maande na die verskyning van die advcrtensie hiervan beswaar indien op Patentvorrn 19. THE S.W.A. PATENTS ACT, No. 17 OF I923 APPLICATION FOR THE RESTORATION OF A LAPSED PATENT UNDER SECTION 5 READ WITH SECTION 52 OF ACT 9 OF 1916 Noticc is hereby given that EVELINE MARIE MORILLJON, 155 Berea Street, Muckleneuk. Pretoria, Province of the Transvaal. Republic of South Africa, has made application for the restoration of the patent granted to the said E~dine Marie Morillion, for an invention entitled WIND MACHINES, numbered SWA70/0013, and dated 2 February 1970, which became void on 27 August 1973, owing to the non-pqment of the prescribed renewal fee. Any person may give notice on Pytent From 19 of opposition to the restoration of the patent with two months of the advertisement hereof. 7290-29

Vorm/Pom J 297 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 1974 No. 4237 87 VERKlESlNG VAN EKSEKUTEURS, KURATORS EN VQOGDE Aangesien die bdels van die persone hjeronder vermeld nie verteeuwoordig 1s uie word hierby dew meesters van die Hooggerephowe van Suid-Afrika aan belanghebbendes kennis gegee dat byeenkornste ten opsigte van die verskillende boedels op die plekke, daturns en tye vermeld, gehou sal word, met die doe1 om 'n persoon of persone te kies vir goedkeuring deur d ~e onderskeie meesters as geskik en bekwaam on1 dew hulle aangestel te word as eksekuteurs of voogde, na gelang van omstandighede, met aanduiding van die besonderhede in die volgorde: Boedelnornmer, familienaam en voorname van oorlede pcrsoon en beroep; datum van oorlye; piek, datum en tyd van byeenkoms In n stad waarin 'n kantoor van 'n meester is, word die byeenkoms voor die msester gehou eo m ander plekke voor die landdros. L. W.-Items aau die linkerkant met 'o sterretjie (*) gemerk. dui aan die veikresin~ van 'n voog of kurator; andersins word 'n eltsekuteur gek~es. ELECTION OF EXECUTORS, CURATORS AND TUTORS The estates of the persons mentioned below being unrepreseritcd, laterested parties are hereby grven noke by masters of the Supreme Courts of Sou:h Africa, tin! meetings will be hzld rn the several estates at the places dates and times specified, for the purpose of select in^ som; person or persons for ap?roval by the respective masters as rif and proper to be appo~nted by thzm as executors or tutors, as the case may b-, dicaticg tfe n~rtlculars as follows: Estate nunib-r, surjltwe and cimstlan names of dseased, and occupation: date of death; place date and time of meetgnx!.:cet~q.p in a town ia :%n:ch therz is a master's ofilce, wtil be Wd oefore rhz ln:s*er; elsewhere they w~ll bz held beforc rhs magistrate. h i3 -items ~ndicated iby aan asterisk (*) on the left-hand s~tk d~m,e the cie~ii~ci of a tutor or curator, otlicrw~se an executor is to be 1150 7J-LOUIS, Joi.l;,:r,z, fisherman. 3/ 1/74. Cape Town, 2/4/74, i.3 X a m. 52'35/53-'JAUDE, Gdbrcl, farmer. 3018/53 Barkley East, 3/4/74 10 a ~11 993 '74-;'!ETEWE,?fdrl!ia Maria, afgetrcde ondent yscrcs. 311174 Clir!strana, 19/4174. 10 vm. 49/7311-RL%XTER, Frcderick Anderson, general dealer. l / l l 73. Iildwe. 1 14174. 10 am. 1180 '74-THORESEN rrzderick Dudley Gilbert, Colourcd Affairs D:partment employee. 22/12/73. Geoge, 10 5/4/74. 10 a.m. 1192174-SCHAFER, Fredxick Kingswood, foreman. Cape Town. Z/4/74, 10.30 a m 5621.59-VAN DER COLT?, Maria Johama. 22/1/59. Strand. 3/4/74 10 \m 599,7411-XIOOLMAV, J~obus Johannes, boer. 1/3/72. Somercc.-Oos. 5/4/74. 10 \m. 1159 I 74-SWANO, Petrus Alexander. 29111173. Stellenbosch 3/4/74, 10 m 7997/73-SCJJPCON. Ian R16hard Wallon. pxrs~oner. 3017173. Sumistor?, i Q 4/74. 9 30 am. 2437174-JACOBSZ, Andries Pellus, pciisioinaris. 24/2/74. l'~s!ersbui:, i9/4/74. 13 vm. 1587/74-'v'OSLOO, Andries Ikydenrich. :audarts. 19/2/74. Silitnes. 19/4/74. 10 vm. &~~I?/~~-JANsEN YAX VUUXEN. Stephanus Petrus, penstoenaris. 26/6/72. Germisto?, 19/4/54, 9 30 vm. 2664174-HkTTINGl-1. Sarel Gerhardus.. ~ensioenaris. 26121 74. Middelburg. 1914174. 10 vm. 2654/74-~h~idih~' Dirk Pelrus Stephanus, boer. 6\3/74. Be!fasi, 9/4/74. 10 vm. 2514i74--ShfITII, Iohanncs Antoni, welder. 3/3/74. Pretoria, 11/3/71. 9 a.m. 7240173-JANSEN, Daisy Grace, nidow. 815172... lohannesburn. - 19/4/74, 9 a.m. 2424173-SZAKINOVSXY, Zelig Jacob: battery distributor. 22/2/74. Klerksdoru. 1014174. 10 am. 19/4/74, 19 4.m. 7554/74-H47TMGH, Jolixmes Frederik. plaasbestuurdrr. 133'3 i7s- PETERSEN. Chrihlian. mental aatient. 41. 1. i74 Be3-2/12/73, Pretoria. 11/4/74. 9 vm. vil!e: 2/4/74, 10 a.m. ' ~ ~?~/~~--BAIZKI~U~ZEN. Sxan Maedalena. huisvrou. 30171,, 2801 /62-MOSTERT. Ca:hdrina (Katrina). Maria, housewile. 73. Pretoria, 11/4/74, 9 vm. 4/6/62. Cape Town, 26/3/74, 10.30 am. 2361/74-GOODWIN, Lloyed George, rstired. 22/2\74. 1146/74-ELLIS, Johannes Nikolaas 18/8/73. Cape Town, 2/41 Pretoria, 1114/74, 9 a.m. 74. 10.39 am. 2560174-ROUX. Johannes Christiaan Tl~eodorus, sweiser. l l95 j74-lancaster. Frederik StanIey, mechanical engi- 4/11/73. Pretoria. 1114/74, 9 vm. neer. 30 / 1/74 Cape Town, 214/74. 10.30 am. 2476/7LICRIEL, Rudolph Phrllupis, passer en draaier, 28/21 1206174-VAN DIX, Jacobus Johannes. electrical fitter. 11 I21 74. Johannesburg, 19,74/74, 9 vm. 74 Caps Tmn, 2/4/74, 1C 30 a.m. 7636/74-SCOTT. Gtvendoline Ireme, bookkeeper. 22/2/74, 633174-E4VES, Hclen Varina, nurse. 4/3/74. Cathcart, 5/11! :,~l.anaesburg, 19/4/74, 9 am. 74, 10 a m. 3316/74--Li13ICl<, Sarel Johannzs, pensioenaris. 17/12/73. 2951173-JEFFEREYS, Elizabeth Johanna Hendrina, formerly Randfontein. 19/4/74, 10 vm. Van Staden. born Buvs. Post Office emalovee. 25110173. 1814/74-FINEAY. Phillips, investments. 1517 i72. Pretoria,,, Grahamstown, 5/4/74, 10.j0 h m. 4/4/74, 9 a m. 1185174-SCOTT. Mar- :osephins, widow, retired. 28/10/73 TRANSVAAL Cape Towr?. 16/4/74, 10.30 am. 2196174-PIETERSE, blxl.ha Catharina Frcdrika Petronella. 2002 /747-IvfITCHELL. Benjamin Efram, pensionaris. 9/2/74. huisvrou. 911 174 Cullinan. 13/4/74, 10 vm. Randfonleln. 19/4/74. 9 30 rm. i985/74-queit, Leah. honsewite. 15j 11173. Roodepoort. 220017-l-SlEBEREISEIi. W. A.. retired. 1912174. Pretoria. 19/4/54, 9.30 am. 10/4/74. 9 a m. 2595174-IW-UGER, Jasper Martin. hysmasjinis. 13/2/74 242C 174-OMAR, Haw5 a housewife. 1011/74. Pretoria, 1014 / Klerlrsdorp, 10/4/14. 10 vrn. 74, 9 p m. 2584174- POTGIBTER. Herrnarxu Jacobus, pensioenaris. 1133,'74-VANMALI, Uttnrnial, shopkeeper. 1312/74. Durban, 11/2/74. Pretoria, 11/4/74, 9 vm. 41417.1. 9 a m. 2684174-COUSE, Tames, rctired. 6/2/74. Johannesburg, 1914,' 264174-XIIEEBER, Joh m Paul, pensioenaris. 13 / 11 /73. PIencasfie. 8 '4174. 10 a m ll24/71-x4?sipear, ret*red farmer. 22/10/73. Scottburgl~, 3/4/74. 10 a m. I144 i74-rtjngasamy (Rungasamy Moonsamy), f~rrer. 1611174. Verulam, 4/4/74. 10 R m. 133: '74-IEYNEICE, Ra-end Petms, pmsioenaris. 10/l j74 Pretoria 5/$/74, 9 am. 7768173-KOTZEE, Geribrecht Cornelia, huisvrou. 28/7/73. Schn crx-rc~ie!ce,! 9 /4174, 10 vm. 2518171-VJHITELOCR, Roger Miles, management trainze. 23,'2/74 Johannesburg. 19\4/74, 9 am: 2478 174-R09ENBAUM. Samuel. retired. 3111173. Johannesburg. 19/4/54, 9 a.m. 2588 174-ZEEMAN, Irene, housewife. 16\2/74. I<mgersdorp, 1914174. 9 am - 6379173-ROWE, Michael William, pensioner. 20/6/73. Vereeniging, 19\4/74, 10 am. 6349173-DE VAAL. Jo!ian Ds Villiers, bocr. 7/5/73. Preloria, 5/4/74. 9 vm. 927174-MOOLOO, liarrichand, meter reader. 24/10/73. Pretoria, 5/4/74, 9 a.m... burg, 19/4/74, 9.30 a.m. 12241 172-VAN NEKERIC. C~therina Elizabeth, huisvrou 221 11 17%. Vanderbijlpark, 10/4/74, 2 nm. 7561 174-ROBINSON, Darid Herman, retired. 23/2/74, Johannesburg, 13/4/74, 9 a.m. 2593174 -F?SACR, Ebrahim, retired. 18/5p2. Pretoria, 1014,'..,,...~. 1692174-GOOSEN, Magdalena Eerndina, housewife. 9/2/74, Johani~esburg, 19/4/74, 9 a.m. 7883169-<HAIFTEE. Rawama. housewife. 8/7/69. Bethal. 19/4/74. 10 am. 2352174-MOONSAMMY, Gabriel Eazasus, clerk. 10/8/73. Bcnoni, 91/4/74, 10 a.m. 1403174-VAN DEN BROM, Catherina Akke. Johannesburg. 19/4/74, 9 vm. 2492174-JANSEN VAN RENSSURG, Petrus Gerlmrdus, polisiebeampte. 11/2/74. Benoni, 19/4/74, 10 vm.

88 No. 4237 STAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 1974 ' - - 1061174-DE PAOLO. Cjulscl~~c Vittoria, retired. 20/11/73. 196174 -.IORDPIAN, Ferdinand Chr isioffel, afgetrcde boer. ~ru~er'sdorp, 19/4/74, 10 am. 21 /10/73. Theuniscn, 3/4/74, 10 vm. 475i74-VAN DER WALT, Jacobus, onderwyser, N.P.A. 7/11 405174-ROTMA, Cornelis Chr~stof:el, boa. 19,'2171 Vil- 74. Krugersdorp, 4/4/74, 10 vm. joenskroon. 2/4/74, 2nm. 1005174--RUTI-INASAMY, winc steward 9/1/64. Dur- 394174-DE KLERIC, Susanna Susara Jncoba, huisvrou. 15/21 ban. 28/3/74. 74. Clocolan, 3/4/74, 10.30 vm. 1046174-VENTER. Ama El~zabelh, huisvrou/onder!vjs.js-,res. 338174--LESSWG, Johannes Hendrik. 31/1/74. Blocmfontdn, 21 12/74. Empangeni. 23/3/74. 5/4/74, 10 vm. 2037173-DE WET. Johanna Maria. huisvrou. 31 /lf/73. Hoop- NATAL slad. 3/4/74. 19 \m 2207173-BURGER, Christina Catharina, ~ ~ I S I ~ O L8/12/73. I 2507/69-FATHIhlA r ) Esscp, hcusewife. 16/51 Fauresmith, 19/4/74, l0 vm. 63. Durban, 4/4/74. 9 am. 389174-VAN NIEKERK. Jan CI:risioTfel, pensioc:?aris. 13/21 1076174- EDRAIIIM. She:h. hawker. 2Ji1j71. Durban. 4/4/74. 74. Hooostad. 1014174. 10 vm. 9 am. 321 172-JANSEN 'VAN RENSBIJRG. Tobias Johannes, 4901 167-ISJ-UBJ, Ashcr Makdi (Ashere Hlubi). 11 /3/58. afgk Le. 8/2/74 wesselsbron, 10/4/71. 10 vm. Ne,v Castle, 1/4/74, 10 a m. 405174-IIUGO, Johanna Helena El~zabelh, grhore Roihma, 2448173-RAMRALLY, M~hangoo. chef. -112143. Durban, huisvrou. 20/5/73. Ladybrand, 10/4/74, 11 vm. 4/4/74. 9 a m. 157174-3 i-ia\'ar.4hir;a housewife. 14,'8,7.! D(-rl-an, 4/4/74, 9 a.m. 932174-P1411 IPS, Stanley Alired (Alfred Stmely Phillips), NOORD-KAAQ-NORTHERN CAPE retired. 1/2/74. Scoitburgh. 3/4/74. 10 a m. 158/74-BEii!.IES, Jasper Johannes, onde~u qse~. 12/2/74. 998174-EHLERS. Isoldc, apteher 17/2/74. PL~uIpielersburg, Groi)lershoop. 1014/74, 10 vm. 4/4/74, 10 vm. 159174-FERRARIS, AIice MauJ. retlrcd 29,'1,/3. kimbcrley, 1007/74--SII~TC;N. Ahibaran. driver. 16/2/74. Durban, 4/4/74, 9/4/74, 10 a m S a.m. 172174-WO1 "JIARANS, Ddel Cocnraad, bocr. 22/2/74. 1108/74-MANART, Cowrie, hou3ewife. 24/2/61. Ladysmith, Upington, 11 /4/ 71. 10 vm. 1/4/74, 10 am. 568/69-NKONTWANE (Nhontwana), Hosca. unemployed. 5/3/68. Durban. 4'4174, 9 a.m. OQS-KAAP-EhSTEEN CAPE 630174-FIGG, Mur~el hlildred, homedutiss 13/9/73. Durban, 4/4/74, 9 am. 60717413-OELOFSEN. Hci~drik Andries. seismt SAP. 24/21 780174-CANNON, Catherinc Maric, pensioner. 8/1/74. Dur- 73. ~itenhage, 3 '4174. 10 vrn. ban, 4/4/74. 9 am. 3374173-GOUWS, Frederick Jacobus, pcnsioncr. 26111173. 790174-VAN ZYL. Loui5 Cornelrs, draaier. 3/1/74. Frank- EasL London. 5/4/74. l0 am. fort, 4/4/74, 10 vm. 21 1617312C-KARELS. Asa, hnnker. 13 /6/73. Port Elizabeth, 940/74-VAN WYK. Iohn Peter. messenger. 15/12/73, Pieter- 514 174; 2 ni maritzburg, 3 /4174, l0 a n 1475/60-TURNER, Emma Louisa, born Smith. pcnsioner. 1130174-SUBRANANY. Munsarny Pillay (Subrananay), busi- 25/7/60. Gmhnnstoi~n 5/4/74, 10.30 a m. nessman. 27/2/74.. Durban. 4,?/74. 9-a.m. BRANJE-VRYSTAAT--0RAtdGE FREE STATE 226174-COETZEE, Car1 Dawld. pensiocal is. 1617174 BC:- I~uIie, 3/4/74. 9.30 vrn. Dit word.tir dgeaene idigting beltepndgemaak dat betaling ten opsigte van bestorwe boede8kennisgewings, bestem vir plasing in die Stautskoerant op die volgende wyse moef geskied: In alle gcvaile moet 'n ongckansellieerde R2 inkomstesee1 op die boedelsom wat vir pnblikasie ingeslwr word, vasgeplak word. SUIDWES-AFRIICA-SOUTH-WEST AFRiCA 437173-SCHULZ, Elizsbeth Maria. pcnsiocna: is. 19/2/73. \37indhoek. 5/4/74. 10 vm. NOTICE It is hereby notified for general information that payment in resped of deceased estate notices intended for p~blicatioam in, the Goverrzmerzt Gazetre should be effected as fol!aws: In evcry instance an uncenrelled R2 revenue stamp should be affixed to the relative estate notice which is submitted for pumicatian in the Government Gwettc. L.%'.--Betalings by wyse van tjeks, posarders of kontaat NB.-Cheques, postal orders cpr cash canmt be sal nie meer sanvaar word nie. accepted as pagmcnt. MENNlSGEWlWG AAN KREDITEURE IN BESBQRWE BOEDELS Alle persone wal vo~de~ inge het teen die boedels hieronder vermeld, word hicl-by vcrsoek om hul vordz~ in.:j by die bet1 oklte clrsckuteurs en binne '11 tydperk van 30 dae (of andersins soos aangedui) gereken vanaf die datum van publikasie hiervan in tc lewer. Die inl~g:~ng word soos volg verstrek: Boedelno~nmer, familienaam en voorname, geboortedatum, persoonsnommer, laasle adres, datum oorlcilc; nagelate eggenoot(note) se nanic, familienaam, geboortedatum en persoonsnommer; naam en adres van eksekuteurs of geniagtigde age~t, tydperk toegelaat vir lewering van vorderrngs indierr artders as 30 due. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ln DECEASED ESTATES Ail persons having claim against the estates mentioned below arc hereby called upon to lodge their claims with the executors concerned, within 30 days (or otherwise as indicated) calculated from the date of publicatioii hereof. The information is given in the fol!owing order: Estate number, surname and christian names, date of birth, identity number, last address, date of death; surwving spocrsc's names, surname, dat; of birth and identity number; name and address of executor or authorised agent, period allowd for lodgement of claims if other tlian 30 days. KAAP-CAPE l06/74-vivjers, Johannes P.fn~-iilinus Iiendrik, S/7 j02, 1441 360174-NAPIER, Edward hlaurice, 33/8/02. 022/541286. DUT- Road. Mowbray, 31/12/73; Flora Alice Napicr, borr, Cheesman. 13/8/13. 022/541287. Flora Nice Napier, cjo Jan S. de V~lliers B Son, P.O. Box 1474, C?pe Town. 5957/73-TdANDSDOV+7PJ, Arthur Cliarles. 15,110,109. Braesidc,!?r,icside Road. Kenilwerth. 7800, 28/10/73 J io>c! G Tvlurray Pr ( o., 214 French Bank Raildings, 4 Ciurcl: Square, Cape Town, Cool. 3354FlW, Kangkatjes: distrik Vryhurg, 13/12/73. We::s&;, De Mock & Van Rooyen, Posbus 82: Vryhurg. 'i82/74-vlenl'zei.. Corneiis Johznnes. 29,3122, 0141 510197W, 36 De Wet Street, Vryzce, Goodwood, 2211!74; Margarelha Catharinx Wentz.el, born Cronje, l i l l#h7(.%2w. Marga- - - retha Catharina Wentzel, born Crocje, 36 De Wct Sii-cci. Vi-~zee, Goodwond. 6808/7?--OUENDAI., Elsic Wilhclmina; 9/2/47; 3441763708, Menvesponl. Eonnicvalc, 5/10/73. Va.n Xickerk 8: Linde, Hoofweg 79, Posbus 49, Bonnievak.

-- GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,, 29 M.U?CFI 1974 No 4237 89 760174-GELDENHUYS, P e t ~ Gerhardus, 7/6/06. 060607 769174-NOCHAMSON, Mar, 18/3/1897. 101, 172538, 14 High 5008 07 4, Justinstraat 67, Ysterplaat, 30/1/74; Johanna Carolina Street, Oudtshoorn, 26/1/74. Kaplan & Oates. 117 Church Street, Francina Geldenhuys, gebcre Kruger. Marais; Pienaar & Venilote, P.O. Box 152, Oudtshoorn. Volkskasgebou 704, Adderleystraat, Kaapstad. 614174-JONES, Robert Walker, 22/8/06, 060522 5007 00 4, 1007/74-SMIT, Johannes Petrus, 16/11/1891. 9111 16 5001 00 Joubertweg 47, Groenpunt, 27/1/74; Magriclha Elizabeth Jones. 5, Keuromstraat 3, Piketberg, 19/1/74. Bolaild~Bank Bpk., Posbus Die Trust Bank van hfrika Bpk., Trust- en Eoedclafdeling, Dle 1. Piketberg. Trust Banksentmm, Heerengracht, Posbus 4682, Kaapstad. 800174-LAMBRECHTS, Margaretha Gertuida De Villiers, 429174-VAN ROOYEN. Cornelius Johannes, 1/4/50. 3711 gebore Brink, 3/5/30, 300503 0010 00 9, Groenfontein, Sauer, 151683W, Plettenbergbaai Karakaanpark. Plcttcnbergbaai, 7/11 2811/74; Arnos Daniel Larnbrechts, 3/l 121, 210103 501100 0. 74; Hanah Elizabeth van Rooyen. 314/54. 054 '099346W. Bar- Boland Bank Bpk., Posbus l, Piketberg. Bpk., Wcstclihe K:~apir!l\tt.etak, Posbus 4, 764/74--HOLT, Mattie, 11/1/1889, 022/131816W. spinster, Kaapstad. Nederberg, Talana Road, Claremont, 3/2/74. The Standard Bank 6584173-DU P~EEZ. Hendrik (Henry) Robert, 1/12/1894, of S.A. Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trustee Branch, P.O. 941201 5001 00 9. Gras Rug, Swellendam. 20111/73. Barclays- Box 54, Cape Town. Nasionale Bank Bpk., Westelike Kaaptrusteciak, Posbus 4. Kaap- 6105173-PETERSEN. Marthinus Louis, 2/8/18, 115/295071K, stad. Abbotsdale, distrik Malrnesbury, 2019173; Johanna Rosina Wil- 985174-STON~, Hendrik Albertus, 1918 i21. 2408 19 5003 00 2, helmina Petersen, gebore Thyssen. Pierre du Plessis tk Mostert, Beckerstraat 21, Ladismith, 8/2/74; Johanna Mostert Stone, 8/41 Voortrekkerweg 60, Posbus 5, Malrnesbury. 19. 090/615374W. Barclays-Nasionale Bank Bpk.. Westelike Kaap- 3738/73-TOEFY, Tofa, 007/075139M. 67 fburns Road, Salt t~usteetak, Posbus 4, Kaapstad. R e 21/5/73. Watkin, Asherson, Manuel-Kahn & Kaplan, 390174-SMITH, Dudley Malvern, 8/10/1898. 118/938551W, Telian Buildings, Maynard Road, Wynberg. Stellenbosch. 1611174; Hendrika Lourenna Suwiina Smith. gcbore 263174-EVENDEN, Erna Harriet. 261111886, 019/580658W, Van Wyh, 13/6117, 1 l8/939552w. Barclay:-Narionale Bank Rpk., Robarl, Gordons Road. Gordons Bay, Somerset West, 27/12/73. Westelike Kaaptrusteetak, Posbus 4, Kaapstad David Wilson & Company, 7 Victoria Street, Somerset West. 6938173-IKEN,- Louis Johannes 12/8/01. 042/963889W, 493174-DE UTET, Cornelia Christina, 1/2/1885, 125/130735W. Eilandsiraat 18. George. 2111 1/73; Jacoba Tsabella Koen. 15/71 Huis A.A. Tomlinson. Swellendam, 26/12/73. Louw ei Steyn, 09, 042/963890. ~arcla~s- as ion ale Bank Rpk.. Westelrke Iiaap Voort rekstraat, Posbus 11. Swellendam. trusteetak, Posbus 4, Kaapstad. 1000174-LOUBSER. Marie Mavis. 15/4/21. 210415 0007 00 1. 7026173-DE VILLIERS. Hans Heinrich Wicht 12/5/1891 Dennesigstraat 4, Stellenbasch, 12/2/74. ~bl&d'bank Bpk, Meul- 4041 l li)866w, Sesdenne, Leisure Tsle. Knysna. 8/ 11173: G. F: plein 5, Stellenbosch. Strydom. Rose-Tnnes & Wrentmore. P.O. Box 6. Knysna. 1037/74-NEL, Hendrina Johanna Elizabeth, gebore Voll- 1158/71-SMUTS, Alphontius Marius. 15/12/45, 133/176305W, graaff, 19/4/1885, 850419DOOl00 1, Klomn Borne. N~euwoudiville. Cave Portland Cement, Riebeeck-Wes. 16/2/74: Johanna Adriana?0/8/73. Groenewald & Groenewald, ~aarnstaangebou. Posbus ~aiharina Smuts, voorheen ~ossouw, gebbre' koetzee,,213141, 33. Calvinia. 410302 0004 00 6. Boland Bank Bpk., Posbus 32. Moorreesburg. 583174-ESTERHUYSE, Hester Johanna. gcbore Prins, 251 1 / 1044174-RENTZKE, George Adriaan, 15/8/15: 014/929406W, 1894. 149/380939W, Warrenstraat 5, Robertson, 2211/74; Jacobus Stasiestraat 16, Moorreesburg, '20111173; A!elta Maria Rentzke, Gerhardus Esterhuyse, 24/5/1900, 5002 00 0. J. G. Esterhuyse. gebore Carstens,.27/5/20, 014/929407W. Roland Bank Bpk., Pos- Warrenstraat 5, Robertson bus 32. Moorreesburg. 836174--COMBRThTCK, Johannes Jacobus, 818/07, 1251 1033174-LAMBRECI-ITS, Daniel Mathys nu Toit, 10/2/1899, 126672W. Baesmanspad, Bonnievale, 3/2/74; Anna Martha Huis Mnorrces~ Moorreesburg, 9/2/74: Cina Helena Lambrechts, Marais Conkrinck, gebore Conradie, 21 17/19, 125/126673W. Van geborc Kotzc, 2/12/1898. Bo!and Bank Rpk., Posbus 32, Moor- Niekerk & Linde, Hoofst~aat 79. Bonnievale. reesburg. 313174-DIPPENAAR, Alwyn Benhardus Jacobus. 14/411893, 1023174-CARSTENS, Alwyn Jacobus Nicolaas, 1/5117, 0531 080/526225W. Skoonspruit, Moorrcesburg, 6/1/74; Dina Elrzabeth 239799W, Rergs~gstraat, Koringberg. 14/12/73: Jacoba Maria Dipp~mar. gehore Visser, 23/4/1892. A. W. I.. de Kock. vir Belia Carstens. gebore Carstens. 20/3/32, 053/239800W. Bu!and Santam Bank Bpk., Posbus 14, Moorreesburg. Bank Bpk.: Posbus 32, Moorrec.i'Jurg. 1077iS4-LOCHNER, Susanna Maria Jacoba, 13/9/1890. 0801 KAVALDIEN, Asa (Aisa), approximately 1890, 7 Q~ecn 497257, Huis Moorrees, Moorreesburg, 14/2/74. A. W. L de Street;?\"io,bray, 17/4/64. Findlay & Tait. P.O. Eox 248, Cape Kock. vlr Santam Bank Bpk.. Posbus 14. hlooireesburg. Town, 8000. 932174-BESTER. Frederick Christoffel Johannes, 9/7/01, 053 / 1676/62--KAMALDIEN, Omar. 1896, 7 Queen Street, Mow- 236201W, Heuwelstraat 12, Moorreesburg, 1711174; Martha bray. 7/8/61, Findlay %. Tait, P.O. Box 248; Cape Town, 8000. Antoicettc Rester, gebore Smit, 27/12/03. A. W. L. de Kock. vir 6516/73-I-IARVEY, Bruce Carleton. 3/1/55? 655/063341, Santarn Rank Bpk., Posbus 14. Moorreesburg. Louterwater, distrik Joubertina? 8111173. Theron & Retief, Hoof- 875174--KOTZE, Catharina Hendrina Elizabeth. 317 / 1898, straat, Posbus 54. Joubertina. 080/496562W, Huis Moorrees, Moorreesburg, 4/2/74 A. W. L. 1119/74-COETZEE, Augusta Mercia. gebore Booysen, 3/91 de Kock. vir Santam Eank Bpk., Posbus 14; Moorreesburg. 24. 3311443705W. Blvthstraat 16, Reauiort-Wes. 21. 12/74,. John 1063/74-ICRTEL, Helmanus Theodorus, 4/ 1/22, 220104 5014 D. rawf ford & ~eun. ~osbus 25. Beaufort-Web. 000, Vryheid, Piketberg, 28/1/74; Johanna Abramina Kriel. gebore Truter. 2/11/23, 231102000200 1. Volkskas Rpk. (geregistreerde handelsbank), Boedel- en Trustafdeling, Adderleystraat 134. Posbus 3981. Kaapstad. 857174-RIGBY, Ethel Florence, 24/9/1885, 022/271907W, Princes Christian Home, Rhodes Avenue, Mowbray. 10/2/74. Klosser. Saunders Pr Oldroyd, 52 St George's Street, Cape Tmn. 283174-BOTHA, Magdalena Sophia, gebore De Swardt, 1/91 1891,.093/672344. Nooitgedacht, Kango, distrilc Oudtshoorn. 31 112173. S. A. van der Westhuizen, Takbestuurder. Santani Rank Bpk. Hcogstraat. Posbus 208, Oudtshoorn. 6620. 957174-THORNE, William Robert Britannicus, 9/9/1896, 0441 956714W, Skoolstraat 63, Vredenburg, 12/2/74; Anna Maria Thorne, gebore Kcyser, 1 / 11102. Swemmer & Levin, Posbus 23, Vredcnburg. 1005/74-RUPERTI. Edward Rainier Herman, 2911 107, 070129 5018 00 9, 47 Bergzicht Strect, Malmesbury, 15/2/74. Santam Bank Ltd, P.0 Box 15, Malmesbury. 1024174-CARSTENS, Catharim Susanna Margaretha. 1.5191 1898. 118/946421\V, Killarneystraat 48, Bellville, 10/2/74; Mishiel Johannes Carsters. 1181868437W. Marais, Pienaar KC Vennote, Posbvs 50, Bellville. 1143174-CH RISTIE. Charles Lawrence (Lawrence Charles), 14/10/12, 15 Plitchard Srreef Beaufort West, 21/2/74. John D. Crnwford & Son, P.O. Box 25, Beaufort West. 1240/74-SMITH. Susanne Petronella, 1/311883, 022!501966W, Aleussidra Road, Muizenberg, 4/3/74. Fairbridge, Ardcrm & Lawtan. 45 St George's Street, Cape Town. 438171-WOODS. George Leslie, 21 /l/ 11, 022/355484W, 68 Bree Strcet. Ca~c Tqwn, 19/1/74; Mice Bertha Woods, born Brand. 022/355435W, Fairbridge, Arderne & Lawton, 46 St George's Street, Cape Town. 1178174-SCHREUDER, Andries Nicolaas E~erhardus, 5 /2/ 12, 120205 5007 00 0, Hermania. Vredendal. 2012174; Sarah Sophia Schreuder, 3/7/22, 1371244392. Bolaad Bank Bpk., Posbus 40. Vrcdendal. 776174-COETZEE, Isak (Tzak) Johannes. 1515127, 270515 5005 00 4, Clarendonstraat 55, Ysterplaat. 2611 174. H. J. Fourie, Takbestnurder, Santam Bank Bpk., Posbus 61. Bellkille. 7530. 400174-JACOBS. Jan Johannes. 31 112109 0071159358K. 26/31 70; ~agel Jacobs, gebore De Wee, 15/9/06. 0211'663384~. ~ e& i Laurence. Posbus 5, Calvinia. l1 10/74-VISAGIE. Christina Susanna Helena. voorheen Badenhorst. gebore Loots. 29/3/1894, 103/837133W. Huis Luckhoff. Rosebank. 3/2/74. Hermanus Johannes Fourie,, Takbestuur- der. Santam Rank BIJ~., Posbus 61. Bellrille. 7530. 1108 174-SCHULZE Franz Rudolf Hermann. 1 l1 111899. 991 101 7004 10 3, FrahGslaan, Kalbaskraal. l6 12/74 H J Fourie; Takbest~lurder, Santam Bank Bpk.. Posbus 61. Bellville. 7530. 632174-AGENBAG. C~rnelius Phillipus. 7/11/08, 7111/08, 0901 634774W. Esclskop, JCamieskroon. 11110172; Maria iria Jacoba Agen-,,.. - - busf47. Springbok, 8240. 12!1/74-,MEYER, Francois 3oha:lnes. 10/8/12, 149/ 352477W, StockenstrGmstraat 65, Worcester. 26/2/74; Maria Hcndrika Meyer, gebore Fouche, 24/4/10, 149/35247Ix1. Boland Bank Bpk.. Posbus 34, Worcester. 1210174-DE KOCK, Marthinus Steyn. 2/ 10/02, 149/350715, Siardcrwocn~telle 1, Adderleysiraat 61, Worcester, 23!2174; Renske Johnna de Kosk, gebore Bates, 17/6/17, 149/3:0716. Eoland Dnilk Dpk., Posbus 34, Worcester. h406/71--sandham, Alllie: 14jl%/i900, i7 Poulton Strect, Flt~ii\~~od, Lancashire: England. 2 j 11171. Bisset, Boehmke & McLllain, 140 St George's Strect, Cape Town

90 No. 4237 STAATSTCOERANT, 29 MAART 1974 1086/74-GOLIATW, Abobakcr (Aboubaker) 21 / l1 105. 0221 153675M, 137 Lavis Avenue, Sidceyvale, Bishop Lnvis, 9/2/74. Syfret, Godlonton & Low, 15th Floor, Cartwright's Corner, Adderley Street. Cape Town. 4158/73-THOMAS. William Kemp, 5/2/26, 77 Rinwood Close, Crawlg, Snssex. England, 2014173. 1. A. Duminy, Secretary, The Board or Executots, 4 Wale Street, Cape Town. 6320/73-METCALFE, Bertie, 022/737206W, 4 Huising Street, Bothasig. Mrs Pearl Metcalfe, 4 HuiSing Street, Bothasig. 943174-DB JAGER, Christiaan Jacobus, 1614106. 0221 561816W, Belmontiaan 33, Oranjezicht, 4/2/74. Die Trust Bank van Afrika Bpk.. Trust- en Eoedclafdeling, Die Trust Banksentrum, Heerengracht. Posbus 4682. Kaapstad. 6573173-STEENKAMP, Elizabeth Christina. geljore Prins, 4/6/04, 012/4284921<, Hooyville Park. Beaufort-Wes, 12/11/73. Gird & Dercksen. Uonkinstraat 136. Posbus 6, Beaufort-Wes. 1124174-GOOSEN, Helena hdargaretha Johanna, 15 /l111897, 014/508178W, Huis Martina, Frederickstraat, Tiervlei, 9/2/74. M. M. C. Symingfo~~ p/a Die Landdros, Wynberg. SMJT, Sebastioa Catharina Maria. gcbore Engelbrecht, 30/5/ 1893, 137/24758TQ.'. Onderhoek. Vredendal, 19/2/74; David Erasmus Smit. 30i1/1689. Smit d Kie., Hoofstraat, Posbus 8, Clanwilliam. 710/74-DU Pi ESSIS, Izak David, 16/8113, 1308365019 007, Die Ihuis, Pk. Windmeul, Paarl, 24/1/74. Mev. E. du Plessis, Die Kruis, Pk. W~ndmeul. Paarl. 106/74-REYCRS. David Otto Kellner, 23/4/09, 4041 899507W. 5 Stcwart Crescent, L'loemfontein, 1411 /74. Iames Achibald Slanford Laubscher, Secretary, Syfret's Trust and Executor (Northern Cap) Ltd. P.O. Box 334, Brnberley. 1040/74-PRINCE, Dampie. 12/9/27, 007/664869K, Pentz- straat 9, Wellingtcn. 21/10/73: Bea!rice Rose Prince, gebore Matthews, 6/19/23. 007/668552K. Philip Sarembozk & Lewis, Kerkstraat 17, Fcsbus 30; Wellington. 7645. 752174--BR0M71a'. Harold Douglas. 24/10/1885, 331 /302411W, Kinclune and Rosedale Nursing Home, Salisbury Road, Kenil- ~orth, 30/12/73. Berclays National Rank Ltd (registered commercial bank), Cope Town Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 512, Cape Tmm. 995174-FEYT. nernardus Chlistian. 28/9/07, 100/799208W, kangstraat, Pil.siberg, 4/1/74. Boland Bank Bpk., Posbus 1, Piketberg. 6598173-COSCIA. Francesco. 19/7/1897, 5 Da Gama Court, Malan Street, Cape Town, 28/11/73; Lina Coscia, born Biara. Sirnon Abel & Son, 206 Standard General House, Church Street, Cape Town. 1036174-MULLER. Christina Fredericka. 181911896. 1491 352212~, vrygescllm. Nuwems, ~usselstraat,' whrc'ester,' 13\21 74. J. E. Krige 6: %uns, Posbus 14, Worcester. 4673173-WEST, Kathlsen Doris. born Hosking. 29111 / 1897,?x!isle Lodge, Komrnetje Road, Fish Hoek, 30/7/73. William Gnrnabas West. 4! Clovellv Road. Clovellv. 7975. %1/74-VF,P,RY. Christcffelina Johanna Adriana. 2/8/1893, X2/967756W. non Accord, 9 Washington Road, Claremont, 39/2/74. Die Trust Cank van hf~~ka Epk., Trust- cn Boedelaidcling, Die Trust Banksentrum. Heerennracht, - Posbus 4682, l: aapstad. 976174-VAN DBR MERWE. Maria Aletta. 19/12/1Sk!5. 100/809048~. Tnylorstraat 7. ~t&enbosch, 5/2/74. G: S'.-va; der Merwc, Dromrnedarislaan 5, Stellenbosch. 820174-\ERSTEP.. Henrietta Ecther Anna, 2018 / 1894. 0221 736402W. lode Straat. VoSklia. 1/2/74. Jan S. -.,, de Villiew C Ssun, Posbus 1474. ~aa~stad. 7351167-KOTZE, Edith Mildrcd. 29/5/08, 4 Stanley Avenue, ',:~lisbury. Rhodesia. 20/6/05. Davict L. Russell & Lindsay, P.O. Uox 1092, East London. 5200. 811174-MOSTERT. Emmerentia Margaretha, 28/611900, 0141 348601W, Dasvlei, Ph~iadelplua. afdeling Malmesbury, 12112/73. noland Bank Rpk., Posbus 16, Malmesbury. 767174-LW. Bcnjamin Sinon. 21/5/05, 0221326575, c/o!%ighlands House, Vredehoek, 9/2/74. Jacob ZeIler, c/o Kenneth Pcnkin Trust (Pty) Ltd. Atkinson House, 47 Strand Street: Cape Town. 540/74-KIPUYIdE, Hulda, born Nathan, 3 /5/1881. :022/ 76?269W, 14 St Luhes Road, Newland.;, 7/1/74. Herold, Gie & Cioadhead, P.O. 130.: 105. Cape Town. 3738173-TOEPY. Tofa. Cape Town, 21/5/73. Wathin, Manuel ICali*~ Sr Ka~lan, Telian Buildings, Maynard Road, Vy nberg. 5823/73-ZIi41<, Henry, 022/4975087<, Seventh krenue, Grassy!'.rlc, 9/6/73; Jolianna Zink. born Koopman. Van der Bijl & 11- Villiers, 6 Church Square, Cape Town. J7.5174-TITUS, Hermanus, 24/6/1899, 022/439235$, La rlaine, Chichester Road, Clarernont, 19/9/72; Maria Titus, 0221 j9236k. 0'Sullr.s:: & Compzvjr, United Buildings, Main Road, C'17re17ont. 6414173-BERGER, Rashel Leah. 18/7/1889. 022/328226W, hlzonda, 15 Areilue, Alexandra, Sea Point. 19110173. Israel Abc Eerger (Solly Gerger), 9 Bellwood Road, Sea Point. 336174-TALBERG, Joseph, 6/10/06, 022/767620W, 4 Athol Road South, Camps Eay, Cape Town, 7/1/74. Bloomberg & Company,.Uniswa House, 56 Shortmarket Street, Cape Town. 3975173-PRICE, Stephen Trevor, 2517 / 1895, 950725 5006 00 4, 3 Pitt Street, Plumstead, 11 / 1/73. Reginald Kennith (Kemeth) Bassett. l Pitt Street. Plumstead. 6824173-WRIGHT, Kenneth Herbcrt Conolly, 6/11/24, 0221 227415W, 127 Belvedere Road, Claremont, 8/12/73. Mallinick, Ress, Richman & Co., Seventh Floor, AJobil House, Hans Strijdom Avenue, Cape Town. 5771173-COERT, Rendrick (Hcndrih), 5/3/15, 022/5408561(, 19 Rust Street, Belthorne Estate, Crawford, 7/9/73; Ed~th Grace Coert, 1/10/21, 022/5400857K. b4rs E. G. Cocrt, 19 Rust Strcet, Belthorne Estate, Crawford. SADIE. Dirk Ryk, 16/5/15. 14051650i0 00 0, Crngstraat, Montagu, 2/3/74. Die Bestuurder, Boland Bank Bpk.. Posbus 13, Montagu. BURGER, Alewyn Pieter, 20/4/1880. 900420 5002 00 2, Dem: perstraat. Onrustrivier, 10/2/74. Die Bolandse Eksekutcurskamer (Montagu) Rpk., Posbus 13, Montagu. 5526166-VAN BILJON. Jan Jakob, 5/7/13, Vierde Laan 13, Parow. Heyns, Strauss & Visagie, Posbus 18, Goodwood. 2751173-KASHELHOFFER, James De Villiers. 30/9/27, Rileystraat 114, Tiervlei. Heyns, Strauss & Visagie, Po5bus 18, Goodn ood. 1113174-VAN ZYL. Gert Johannes. 19/911885. 111 /89YJ1)2W, Hopeheld, Riversdal, 22/2/74. Die Standard Rank \an Suid- Afrika Bpk. (gcregistreerde handelsbnck), Trusteetak, Derde Verdieping, Matadorsentrum, Strandstrmt 62. Kaapstad. 1008/74-SNYMAN. Johnnes Lavras Christian, 1/2/22. 1491 365820W. Aloeweg 1, Worcester, 10/2/74; Magdalena Chiistina Snyman. geborc Van der Westhuizeri. Conradie & Bolha. Saarnbou-Nasionale Gebou 201 Worcester. 1096/74-SCHREUDER. Andries IJicolaas Evenhardus 19111 24, 240119 5005 00 2. Eerste Laan 2322, Nababeep 812/74; Johanm Elizabeth Scl~reudcr, 341224 CN.5 00 3. Schrzhrlcr &L Schreuder, Posbus 15, Springbok. 6803173-LESCH, Johennes Jacohw, 16/5/49, 01;!458798, Joubertstraat 94, Vasco, 9111/73. Mev. h$. M. M. Lesc!l. Ioubertstraat 94, Vasco. 735/74-NIEUWOTJDT, Mathys Mxhielse, 27/6/14. 14627 5004 00 5, Dabiedas, Eitterfontein, 27/1/74 Schreuder B Scirreuder, Posbus 15, Springbok. 907174--0PPEL. Frederik Samuel, 12/12/06, 090;117808K, Steinkopf, 24/12/73; Magdalena Johanca Oppel, geboie W~lhelm, 007/050904K. Schreuder EL Schreuder, Pocbus 15, Springbok. 1167/74-GOUS, Andries Steianis Faculyn, 10/1/1898. 950110 5006 00 3, Hoofstraat, Graafwater. 5/2/74; Martha Christina Jchanna Gcus, 16/9/10, 014/517386 Webex Ekseku:enrskamcr en Trustmaatskappy Bpk., Posbus 206. Kaapstad. 1177/74-VAN SCHOOR, Izak Ds Villiers, 5/ 1,'C3. 9961 72156CW, Waterkantstraat 40, Paarl. 38/11/73. Neahr-k Bpk. (geregistreerde handelsbank), Trustafdcling. Posbus 2CC, Kaapstad. 1096/74-HUNTER, Salomina Magdalena, 6/12/1887. S71206 0001 00 7, Kerkstraat, Herbertsdale, 27/2/74. Boland Ba!ii. Bp!;., Posbus 5, Albertinia. 998174-HEUGH, Samuel Benjamin, 30/9/1890, Keu!straat, Saron. 8/8/72; sedertdien oorlede Sofia Salome Heugh. P. A. Z. Burger & Kie., Vanderstelstraat 63, Posbus 6, Tulbagh. 1884/73-SEEEER, Alfred Johacnes Nicolaas, l$??, 1001 793187IC, Plein Street, Szron, District of Tulbagb, 29/4/72; Magdalma Margaretha Sebeer, born Pietcrsen, 1926. Mardalena Margaretha Sebeer, Plein Street, Saron, District of Tulbngh, for Minitzer, Shortman & Co.. P.O. 284, Paarl. 385/7&DYER, Joan Lardner, born Allison, 8/10/16. 3311 538024W, 29 Dunvegan Gardens, Hope Road, Rosebank, 18/1/74. Rarclays National Bank Ltd (registcred commercial back). Cape Town Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 512. Cspe Town. 433/74SOLOMON, Beatrice, born Gledhill, 26/12/1584, 9561 016711W, Helen Keller Hostel, Links Drive, Pinelands, 19/1/74. Barclays National Bank Ltd (registered commercial bank). Cape Town Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 512, Cape Town. 5305173-RYAN, John, 6/8/1896, 022/567048W, 128 Chester Road, Woodstock, 16/9/73; Marjory Ij-yan, born Lyons. Barclays National Bank Ltd (registered commercial bank), Cape Town Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 512, Cape Town. 705174-KNIGHT, Edward Henry, 25/311888, 107 /809619W. 4 Tudor House, Simonstown Road, T~sh Hoek, 30/1/74. The Standard Bank of SA. Ltd (registered ccmmcrcial bank), Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 54. Capc Town. A93 173-SIEGER, Helm Florence. Le Eermuda. 49 Avenue Hector Oito, Monte Cailo. Principzlity of hlonaco. 24/7/73. The Stand~rd Bank of S.A. Ltd (registered mnimerc~al bank), Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 54, Cape Town.

gm Xoad, ' Greymont, ~ohan'nes'surg. 24/1/74, Zdelstein, 'Kahn & 13!?71-SEHUhfF &4.kram, 1908. 1 13-16339-4, 3 Voye S!r%t. Connack: P.O. Box 243, Beno!~i. Kwa-T!~ena. Springs :,, 112/73; Mar opiet Schume, for l ~ r l y 10?.65/73-RAVENGA, P-Tzndrik Lukas.?./l 09,?24/885G65W, Thobe,ane, born Nan:mc, 6/6/10, ~1~3371618. HammersJ1ng, Baul!mlwz 4. Delville. Gemiston. 24/3/73. D. J. de Viiliers. Frank Stoldf & G~sl::r~. Second Floor 1.frica Ilouse, cclh-r of Scholiz B -7an'der,wait; Posbus 738; ~ekisicn. Thd 6t:cet and Fourth,?X enue, P 0 Bo- 184. Springs. 1365/74--NKOSI, Bhotso Gbcd, ap2roximatei:j 1877, 1017118, 9655, 73-TK4YMAPJ ;Joolf, 29/2/ 1849, 331/263136-21, Wlt- VIakphns. Amersfoort, 19/7/73; Nqmba:iyni:n Betty Nkosi, v.atcr--a-d Jewish ha.l Home, 25/7/73. Eionel Goldo? and gebors lih~ln~alo... Rossouw. Van dcr Bzak c"c Kie., Laingsiick- Manfrcd Hayman, c/o Faphady, Wemer, Rosin Rr Trersman. straat 1. l. l'odms 86, Volksrust. Alhecl i3u1ldmgs, corncr of Cranbourne Avenue and Tom Jones 21SSi74-LABUSCHAGWE, Casper Jer~:i::i.~. 3/8/08, 080803 Street. Bennni. 5018 CO 7. ~laas Koaaieskrzal 56. Amersinfir!. 12/2/74: Cor~elia 1799 t7<-30nnek. Wi!!iarn Walter Muir, 2213 11899. 331 / Hester ~;buschagnk: gebnrr: Human, 7iq'19 300/44056713. 23313?W 12 Memcrial Flats, Krugcrsdorp, 31 / 1/74. P,driaan D C. Croner. Posbus 86. A:ncrslmrt. Marthinus Gericke, c/o The Standard Bank of S.A. Ltd, P.O. 7442173-BURTON, Johacna Margare:i,a 11 /8/ 1883, 3541 Box 406. Krugersdorp. 486731 W 10 Coborn Road Blaireov~r~e Johannesburg. 31151 lw44'73-jordan Ronald Jamcs, 14/6/20, 331/307820W, 73. John F Burton, 10 Cob01 n ~oa& Blalrgo\r rie, ~oha&csburg, 1 N~rfolk Road, Icens~ngton, Johannesburg, 29/9/73. P J 200 1. 14 dnys. Knowlcs. P.O. Box 772, Gcrmiston. 1 :9t /7J-LIEBENBERG. Jacobus Petruc. 22/2/03, 030222 5509173-STRYDOM Johannes btarthinus, 3011117. 3701 500200 5. Smitstraat 218, Rustenburg, 18/1/74; Jacoba Johanna 95007.5'vS' Faraday BouJr~ard 165, Vande~bijlpark, 3/6/73 Nico- Liebenbcre Jac. 13. Smit. Lami-irecht & A1ber:se. Eerste Verdielaas Ja;o!?us ICemp, HG-we!8,.Larnontnark. Vanderbijlpark. ping, 5rosdygebou. Boomstraat,'Posbus 75, Rustenburg. 1731,74-MARSH, ida;]one, 2: 1101 lw0, 3311174744 507 6703173-4TT0, Coenraad Daniel, 2718 122, 360/917582W, Talons Mice Lane. S,ir~down, Dictrict of Randbnrg, 7/3/74. Liema~stmat 1, Princess, R~odepoort, 1716/73 Louw & I-leyl, A. G. Gray, P.O. Box 27. Tsaxdo. Protcaqentrum 1, Vanwykstraat 18a, Posbus 360. Roodepoort. l?(rf;}< 173-GROELEQ. Susanna Gcrtmida Berendina, 191121 1900.../cduwee, Doornhwk, distrik Marico, 30/9/73, Coulson 1812 '71-MINNAAR, Ph~lippus Andrcas, 5/4/1890, 900405 & J~cobsz, Posbus 83, Zeerust. 5002 00 3, Elandsfontein, distrik Waterberg. 1411174; Agncs Hilda 56h,'?4-DE WAAL, Alctta Elizabeth, 7/5/1889, 3431743245, Minnaar. gebcre Sephton, 2/5/1895, 375,'208797W. Mathew, Grootnoort. distrik Marico, 19/11/73. Van der Menve & Calitz, Lanscr e2 Wiiliams, Posbus 18. Warmbad. ~osbui 53, Zeerust 11258/73-POTGETER, judith Magrietha. 24/9/1890, 900324 1403! 51-LOUBSER, Frederick Christoffel Truter, 4/9/13, 002 00 8. Plot 12, Dunbar Estates, Witbank, 9/8/73. Cornclis 365/111373W, bachelor. 5 Walwyn Court, 11th Street, Springs, Dirk Potgieter, p/a lac. H. Srnit, Lamprecht 2 Albertse, Posbus 181 1374 Hammerschl3g Frank, Stoloff & Gishen, Second Floor, 75, P u~tenhrg. Africa!louse, corner cf Third Street and Fourth Avenue, P.O. 436'74-V.4N WYNGAAIID, D.aniel Afitonlus Strauss, 21 / 1711 Box 184. Springs. 13, 377/980883, Zeekoewater, Witbank. 25/9/73; Catharina 6470 73-KEESE, Hernan Frederick, 17/9/1890, 9631 Johanna?daria van Wyngaard, gebore hleintje, 377/980884. Har- 073351W Ofcolaco, di&k Letaba, 22/6/73. A. M. Theron & vey, Dlostert Jonker & Kie., Mutualgebou. Posbus 61, Witbank. Viac, Uy~!agebou, Danic Joubertstraat 26, Posbus 720, Tzaneen. 1167/74-AMOS, Jessie Maud, 14/10/1889, 365/134072W, h 5.19 7-1 -GRIFFITHS Susarah Johanna Catharina, 1713136, Jennings Road. Orkney, 26/1/74. Wessels, Van Drryn, L'Ange h 324/888?'7? 1005 Roya! York Flats, Alberton, 8/1/74. Pieter De Wad, Fenlm House, 22 Kock Street, P 0. Box 59, Klerks- Jacob~l~ Biisl, Gallowaystrzat 3. Meyerton. dorp 2847 72-ANDREWS. George Henry. 5/7/35, 3601957971 W, 2085 15-:--CROWHER. Peter, 1411136. 3311552227, 4 Cann Bcnpl~is, distrik Phalahurvta, Q7/2/72. B. R. du Plessis, Posbus Anneu 2. 418 Van der Wa't Weet, Pretaria, 30/1/74. Solomon & 495. Feixsburg. Nicobcrl?Q6 N.B S. Bu:lJ::,s, 2.59 Pre!orics Street, Pretoria 77517-q-PARIC, IIeh M-tcfarlanc, 19/2/07, 348/790363'#. 16 527174---IiIcKENZIE!hug!as Robert 25 15/22, 3561160040'V. Ursulz $'reet, Glenva~ln4 p<igel, 711 174; George Farquhar Park, 601 Flam-tr!an, 137 Jrubeic Slrect. Sunnydc. Pretoria, 7/1/74; 7/5/02. 3-18/790362. T odctt & De Beer, The Bank House, 35 Gwcrdoiine McKenzie, 23110125, 356/16OO41 W. Lurmon & Tin- Second Avenue, P.O. Box 99, Nigel. clall. P.0 Box 404 Pretoria.

GO\.'ERNhIENT G.SZC TTE. 29 hlarch 1974 No. 4237 93 3474i73-RICHES, Frmk '4Lexander. Leiman, Teeger: Caddin, Sifris & Conlpany, P.O. Eox 4504, Johannesburg. 1303 is4-msgowapl'. Margaret Euphemia, l i 1311888. 331 / 6!2775W, 402 Do~~ble Stirrcy, ERPM, Boksbur:?. 17/1i74. The Standard Rank of S.A. Ltd (1,cgistered commercial bark), T!vstre Era~?c!i, P.O. Box 933, JoLiannesburg. 1 739/'7C-~ X!T,Liiil is ti. T'homas Hill, 12/8/1909, 308!461535W, 146 Langerman!3riT:e, Gnsington, Johannesburg. 27/1/74. Ths Standard Dank of S.A. L:cl rregisteied commercial bank), Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 933, Johannesburg. 2071174-NICHOLLS. Frederick, 9/ 1 / 1884. 370/926174W, P.0 BOX 356, Flcrida. 2/2/71. The Standard Bank of S.A. Ltd (regist-red commercial ban!;); Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 933; Johannesburg. 12789!73-MTENE, Edie, 10111/37> 331/212817~, 18 Snipe Strcei? Horison Extension!. Roodepoort,,8/12/73. Joacubean Frederick Mile: 18 Snip Street, Hor~son Extension 1, Itoociepoort. 2040/74-DAVIDSOPJ. William, 15 jll1882, 820415 5001 10 0. 9 Venui Street, Mclros; Estate. Johannesburg, 23/2/74. Joh Davidson. 9 Venus Street. Mclrose Estate, Johannesburg. l(i33i74--robinson, James Gordon, 3'14106, 034/89947W. widower, 14 Karcn Road. I!!iondale, Edenvale. 2811/74. D. A. S. Djx-Pce!;, 23 Annie Road. Fontainebleau, Randburg. 1924174-RTSSCHOFF, Elsie Cecilia, 24/2/31. 3391545158W; Barnstableweg 14: Lynnwood Manor, Pretoria,,2711174. Odendaal. Van Eeden & Dn Plessis, Merinogebou, Pretoriusstra;:t, Posbus 2103, Pretoria. 2120174-DE VJLLJCRS, Vincent ~ekival, 8/ 1/05> 331 / 436900W, 5 Melrose Gal-dens? North Street, Illovo, Johannesburg, 7/1/74. Mitchley. Squire & Meldrhm, 305-315 National h4utual Life Buildings. 41 Rissik Street, Johannesburg. 2094174-WRIGHT, Edith Margaret, 26/311886, 331 /464789W, 5 Evelyn Court, 82 Philio Street, Rosettenvillc, Johannesburg, 181?./74. Syfrets Trust and Executor (Transvaal) Ltd, P.O. Box 7419. Johannesburg. 22 17174-HERRER, Johanna Susanna;.born ~rylinck, 3: 10/ 06, 331/371569W, 703 Ncw Ridge Heights, Banket Street, Hillbrow, Johannesburg: 12/2/71. Rowens, P.O. Box 6434, Johannesburg. 12249i73-SCOTT, Dcnne Dennis, l 1/8/20, 239/091613IJ!. 2 Inter Court. Wepener Street. Forest Hill: Johannesburg, 23/10/ 73; Phoebe Hendrik Hcrrosn Scott. Langstaffe Bird & Company, Traduna House; 58 Frederick Street, Johannesburg. 2009/74-PEARCE. Elhel Maud, 25/8/1891, 3561200439, Pumulani? Muldersdrift Road, Honeydew, 13/2/74. Webber, Wentzel & Co.. P.O. Box 61571: hlarshalltown. -.' 12736173-MAHOMED. Khatiga, 1905, 800/024421A. widow, 4 Ninth Street. South Lenasia. Johannesburg, 9/12/73 H. L. Magid, Second Floor. 539 West Street, Durban. 237174-DRY, Jan Johannes, 6/511889. 890506 5001 00 2, 16 Chris Street, Dinwiddic, Gcrmkton, 5/12/73. Maria Carinvs Grewar. c/o Sloot, Rroido, Hesselson & Liknaitzky, P.O. Box 1793. Johannesburg. 12528173-BALKWILL. Dorothy Silver, 3/2/1887, Jabula House. Rivonia. 17/6/73. Bowman, Gilfillan & Blacklock. P.O. Box 1397, Johannesburg. 1380/74-ALLAN, Agnes Mary, 20/7/01. 331 /935680W, Bramley House. Bramley. Jol~annesburg, 29/1/74. Syfrets Trust and Executor (Transvaal) Ltd, P.O. Box 7419, Johannesburg. 218/74-MELVILL. Winifred Scott, 20/4/1898, 302 Douglas Court. hroord Street, Jol~annesburg, 30/12/73. Syfrets Trust and Executor (Transvaal) Ltd. P.O. Box 7419, Johannesburg. 1647174-KOEKEMOER, Mattheus Johannes, 13/2/26, 2451 034741, 10 Van Zyl Strcet, Malanshof, Randburg, 30/1/74; Stephney Barbara Koehemoer. Syfrets Trust and Executor (Transvaal) Ltd, P 0. Box 7419. Johannesburg. 247:74-LEVY. Rohert. Max Mayers, Julian Mayers & Co., Fourth Floor, New Plaza Centre, corner of Jcppe and Risbik Streets. Johannesburg 1448/74-TEITELB.41,'hl. Siiom, Geo, Isserow & T. L. Frictlman, 546 Jules Street, Mal..ern, Johannesburg. (P.O. Box 40088, Cleveland.) 1*%/74-SMITH. C!urlcs. 5/5/16, 331 1180352W. 19 West Street. Houghton, Johannesburg. 28/1/74. Tvan Morris & Stan Abrams 601 Bosman Euildings. 99 Eloff Street. Johannesburg. 2; 48174-GREENSTEIV. Max, 28/4/02. 331/165246W, 107 Rrettonwcods, Third Street. Killarney, Johannesburg. 13/2/74. Sch~nitz, Fme, Abmhar?;. Gorvy & Kane, P.O. Box 5069, Johm>>esburg. 12126 i 73-McCOURT. James Patrick. 24 / 3/ 36. East Daggafontein, Springs, 30/1/73. Ian John Robert Wood, P.O. Box 8, Johannesburg. 2225174-STONES, Walter Bermid, 13/5!09. 331/350800W, 181 Risi Avcnue, Linmeyer, Johannesburg, 12/2/74. Mrs Cassie Stones, c/u N. h4endelow; %iimrr;ian & Jan Ml!ler, 14th Floor, Longsbank I:uildings, corner of Bree and Eissik Streets, P.O. Box 6120, Johanncsburg. 8985173-PATEL, Santy hlanilal, l?/ 12/30, 300/673731, 5 Brec Strwi Pordsburg, 7j 11 172; Manilal Daya Patel, 26/6/25> 800/042000. Manilal Daya Patel, c/o Raphae!y, Weiner, Rosin &l Treisman, Se~cnth Floor, J.B.S. Buildings, 107 Commissioner Street; Johai~nrsburg. 1902/74-BONIFACE, Clarn Eli:~~beih, 25,'h/ 1898; 980625 0006 00 5, 14 Marina Court, Dci,e Sf-reet, Krugcrsdorp, 4/2/74. S. J. Geffen & Belnick, 517 ioxrno House, Loveday Street, Johanncsburg, 1431174-JOUnERT, Paul Joh;:nnes, 7/ 1011 1, 1211/74. Frank Munnik &l %u!berg, 705 C.N.A. Buildings, I l!) Commissioner Street. Johannesburg. 2183174--CARTER, Trcvor Csppleslone, 6/9/01, 9561 014626W. 60 Hendrik Vcrwoerd Drive, Blairzowrie, Randburg, 4/1/74. Frank Munnik & Zulberg: 708 C.N.A. Buildings, 110 Commissioner Street, Johannesburg. 1792/74-TEWSON, Geoffrey Bernard, 519/06: 3311640109, 15 Geranium Street, Rosettenuille, 1511174: Maraaret Maedaline Tewson. 29/12/17, 331/640110. Frank Munnik & ~ulber~, 708 C.N.A. Buildings. 110 Commissioner Street, Johannesburg. 2932173 /C-GREENBERG. Sarah, 23/1111892. 3311373121, 31 York Towers, 70 Hillbrow Street, Berea, Johannesburg, 17/1/73. Mendelow & Browde, Foulth Floor, Inncs Chambers, Pritchard Street, Johannesburg. 1837174-IYTENAND, Jess~c May. 22/10/ 1896, 324/896506W, RandjesIaagCe, Highlands North Johannesburg. 3/2/74. Barclays National B-mlc Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trustee Branch. P.O. Box 2036. Johannesburg. 1545174-VISSER, Flossie. 23 '7114, 331 /451012W, 132 Eighth Avenue, Rfayfair, Johanneebura. 17/12/73. Barclays National Bank Ltd (registered cornmerc~al bank), Trustee Branch, P.0 Box 2036. Johannesburg. 10853/73-VAN WK. Petrus Jacobus, 6/10/21. 100/806348. 68 Inver Avenue, Crosby. Johannesburg. 13/10/73. Barclays National Bank Ltd (registered eonmcrcial bank), Trustee Branch, P 0 Box 2036 Johamesburg. 1728174-LEVENSTON. Morris Victor. 7/5/1895, 9561 018206W, 204 La Fayette. 11 Corlett Drive. Jllovo. Johannesburg 31 / 1/74. Rarclays National Rank Ltd (registercd commercial bank). Tru>tw Rranch. P.0 Box 2036. Johannesburg. 1712/74-RCECE, Bucklry Frances Madeline 221 lo/74. 9671 021622, h03 Stresand Court. Melle Street. Braamfontein, Johannesbur~ 30/1/74. Barclays National Rank Lid (registered commercial bqvk). Trustee Branch. P.O. Box 2026. Johannesburg. 2174174-VOLSCHENIC. Louisa Sophia. 30/9/03, 030430 007008 Dverstraat 15. Balfnur. 2/2/74: Thcunis Johannes Volschenk. 26 /l 111890, 901 l26 5003 00 2 KotzC & Pienaar, Stuartstraat 12. Posbus 72. Balfour. 1220174-VILJOEN, Susann? Johanna, 9/9/1892, 3661167498, Tin Vanriebepckstraat 21. hlfour. 22/11/73; Gerrit Johannes Viljoen. 20'5/1890, 3661167497. A P. Kotz6, p/a Kotzb & Pienaar. Stunrfstraat 12, Posbus 72. Balfour. 1121/74-NOREL. Ypeus Evbert Hermanus, 23/6/13, 3601 935690, 271 Outlook Terrace. Blackheath. Johannesburg, 2311174 E. Vogel. Nominee, Nedbank Ltd, Trust Department, P.O. Box 1144. Johannesburg. 1974/7?-COOPER, Clive Eric. 2818 112, 324/879814W, 105 La Vegan, Duhvegan Avenue. Dunvegan, Edenvale, 17/2/74: Mervienne Revis Cooper. Van Jmrsveld. Vickers & Rootenberg P.O. Box 149, Roodepoort. 11977167-ALCHM. Maud. A H Salovy, Sixth Floor, His Majesty's Buildings, corner of Eloff & Commissioner Streets. P.O. Box 7988. Johannesburg 810/74-MORRIS, Percy, 31 1 O/O6. 061003 5009 00 6, 6 Reeal Court. 1 h Central Avenue. Mayfair, Johannesburg, 26111/73: Hester Susanna Francina Morris Security Executor and Trust Company Ltd P.O. Box 2103. Johannesburg. 10533173-SACKS, Daniel Morris. 12111/1900, 31 France< Street. Yeoville, Johannesburg, 12/8/73; Tilly Sacks, l0/7/07 331 1527865 ~4alcolm Lyons. McCarthy & Robroff, 1006 Gloucester House, 66 Rissik Street, Tohannesburg. l861 174-LASTRUCCI. Gino. 8/4/1899, 331/179565W, 5 Fir-' Avenue. Orange Grove, Johannesburg, 4/1/74. De Klerk & T - Roux, Sanlamgebou 710, Commissionerstraat 63. Johannesburg. 818/7A-\'ENABLES, Alan James. 18/1/12, 3311131491W 17/20 Strc-! Parkhurst. Johannesburg. 20/12/73 I,. I Venablec 52 Crornatle Ro;ld. Hurlingharn Jnhaonesburg. 5979172-VJR4RT, Dulcic J aula Lochtle. 4/5/19. 321 17290ITN. corner of Delarey Road and 11th Avenue, Rivoni~ Sandton, Johannesburg, 28/5/72. E. F. K. Tucker, P.O. Box 9 Johannesburg.

94 No. 4237 STAATSKOERANI 1540/74-SUT'TON, Arthur Frank Seagrave; 11 /g/ 17, 331 / 383634W, 8 Danfield Street: Robertsham. 4/2/74; JAizebeth Ellen Sutton. Edrrar Salmon. 801 Kelhol, 112 Pritchard Street, P.O. Box 4199, ~ihannesburg. 21 days. 12416/73-ICEEtfNC, John Denys; 26/3/16, 2 Maxson Court, Selous Avenue, Salisbury, Rhodesia, 26/9/73. Secilrily Executor and Trust Compatij. Lid, P.O. Cos 2!0?, Johan~~esburg. 1675174-HAiI., Karl Gerald. ii/8/35; 30 Do\ Road, Greendale, Salisbury, Rhodesia, 13 / lo/?3. Security Executor and Trust Company Ltd. 7796173-VAN YONDER; Ichn,?4/8/ 18, 351 /455217W, Louw Geldenhuys Hostel, Main Road, 1~:giaagte: 18/7/73, Iiadley A4. Kavin, Suite 405, Snissco House, 7 Rissik Street, Johannesburg. 5694/71-ROODT, Jan Gabriel, 23/4/07, 3311437792, 109a Seventh Avenue, Mayfair, Johanwsburg, 5/4/71; \sjilhelmina Catrina Roodt, 23/6/11, 331/437593W. E. F. R. Tucker, P.O. Box 9, Johannesb~~rg. 830174-DALEY. Stanlcy. 15:5,'17. 314/578869W. 31 Sheba Road, Darbcrton, 10112/73; Sarah Dalcy, 25110120, 314/578870. Samuel Milstein, P.O. Box 253. Barb-rton. 1598174-YERRLAXCHE. Johanna Aletta, 8/5118, 180508 0001 00 2, 26ste Jaan 543, Villieria, Pretoria, 2,' 1/74; Peter Edward Terblanche. 4/5/15. 150504 5001 00 2. Afihe Odendaal. Erasmus & Ferreira, Posbus 772. Pretoria. 2039174-CHRISTIE. Marthinus iixnanus, 3/10/1898, 981003 5005 00 1, Waterval X1009, Rustenburg, 6/ 11173; Ilelcna Levina Hermina Christie, 3/5/03, 030503 0001 00 5. A. G. van Oordt. 1796174-YOON, Hau, 10/10/01, 800/005309A, 851 Voortrekker Road. Wonderboom South. Pretoria, 2211174: Cheung Yuet Ying, 15/5/22, 800/095306A. 1%. IIau-Yoon and C. Y. Ying, 851 Voortrekker Rozd, Wondcrboorn South, Pretoria. 2785/74-SMIT. Pleter Wilhel~iius. 20/10/05, 335/695472, Concordiawoonstel 1, Manserstraat. Meyerspark, 30/1/74; Maria Elizabeth Catharina Smit, 3351695472. Voll~skas Bpk. (geregistreerde handelsbanh), Boedelafdeling (Noord-Tvl.), Posbus 1730, Pretoria. 2320174-MULLER, Johannes Jacobus Philippus, 17/8/33, 330817 5017 00 7, Presidenlstraat 13, Cllverton, Pretoria. 1/2/74; Margrietha Janetta Muller, 28/9/36, 361/405324. Volkskas Bpk. (geregistreerde hande!sbank), Boedelafdeling (Noord-Tvl.), Posbus 1730, Pretoria. 2238 174-SCMOEM AN, llendrik Christoffel, 2816/06, 060628 5007 00 5, Plot 46. Rietgat, 2911174; Jacoba Carolina Schoeman, 8110120. 201008 0039 00 1. Volkskas BD~. (eere~istreerde handelsbank), ~oedelafdelin~ (Noord-Tvl.): Posbus'i736 Pretoria. 2324174-POTGIETER, Thomas Ignatius, 2/7118. 347 / 775538W, Ikeromstraat 580, Ilcrcules, Pretoria, 14/2/74. Volkskas Bpk. (geregistreerde handelsbank), Boedelaideiing (Noord- Tvl.). Poshus 1730, Pretoria. 552/74-BOTI-IA. Christoffel Johannes, 27/11/24.?54/827352, Morrisweg 27. Orkney, 29/11/73; Christina Martina Botha. I. J. le Roux, Ben de Wet & Kie., Spes-Bonagebou, Posbus 33, Klerksdorp. 253/74-VAN NIEKERK, Annr: Catharina Wilhelmina Hendrika, gebore Appelgryn, 4/4/1892, Carstenstraat 79. Elandsheuwel, Klerksdorp. 11/12/73. J. J. le Roux, p/a Ben de Wet & Mie., Spes-Ronagchu, Posbus 33. Klerksdorp. 1037/73-CHAPMAN, William Licmel. 3/4/03, 377/976617W, 84 Rietfontein, P.O. Muldersdrift, 29/12/72. H. Loock, P.O. BOX 914. Kn~gersdorp. GROBLER, Rcitha Johanna, gebore Van Schak~~yk, 6161251, 0791482120. Frank Townsendstraat 27. Witriviet. 14 11 i74: Pieter ~ndries Hendrik Grobler, 13/3/21, 210313 5015 DO G.' ~otha & Van Rensburg, Auxiliumgebou. Icruger Parkslraat 31e, Posbus 3 12, Witrivier. 1947 /74-BEZUID9NIIOUT, Jacobus Melgeorg. 231 11 115, 151123 5005 00 1. Axholmlaan 1. Old Cornation. Withank. 1911 1 74; Susanna Josina Bezuidenhoxt. 11 17/30. 3007 11 0005 06 8. Van Reerden 6 Marais, Sanlam~chou, Presidentlaan. Posbus 6, Witbank. 17474-VAN DBR MERWE, Hendrik Adriaan. 23/4/06, 050423 5012 00 1. 50 Wit Deep. Knights. 18/12/73; Flaria Jacoba Hedrina van der Merwe, 1811104, 331155997W. S. Ben~cl, Rubens & Hirschowitz, P.O. BOX 185, ~oksburg. 1701 174-DE RA.ADT. Theodorus Arnoldus, S/ 11 13, 90i l 527686W, Tomstraat 24. Potchefstroom, 9/8/73. Thiel, Theron & Le Grange, Posbus 200: Potchefstroom. 225&/74-VLOTZ. Jan Wynand Willem, 7/3/04, 040307 5012 001, Plot 109, Nooitgedacht. distrik Rrugersdorp; 30/1/74. Volkskas Bpk., Posbm 383, Prctoria. 11769/7?4LAASSENS, Kermanus Johannes Hendrlk: 2/10/ 25. 1 17 /924035VJ!"1, Hozwe 47, Richardsryweg, Halfuleghuis, 25/10/73. Volkskas Bpk., Posbus 363, Pretoria. 1019/74-CUTER. Clifford Estcourt, 23/8/33, lg7/852521, Ailetcourt 22, Ha!l~y Road, Witpcurtjie, 24/12/73. VoIXsbs Bpk., Posbus 383, Pretoria. 2267174-BOTH.4. Louisa Petrcrnclla, 5/ 12/10.??l/435784, Meplunestraat 37, Soibeim, Germis:on, 14/2/74; Fredcrik Ger- hard~~s Wo!narans notha, 10/7/12, 331/435783. VoIhskas Bpk., Posbus 383, Pretoria. 2286/74-WKLLEtvfSE, Martha Jacoba Aletta, 1/4/1898, 264/ 054655W, Die Boord, Heidelberg, 14/2/74. Volkskas Rpk. (geregk streerde handelsbank), Doedelafdeiing (00s-Tvl.), Posbus 383, Preioria. 2226/74-TWALA, Nellie, during 1908, Portion 8. Le: 61, E~alon Slnall Farms, 27/10/73. Rom gl Rum, 503-5 Locarno House, 20 Loveday Street, Johannesburg. 12512/73-RODERTS, Hendrik Petrus, 21 / 12/04, 04i221 5010 00 7: Bushmanbend, Iswepe, Piet Re$iei, 3/7/73; Anna Elizabeth Robcrts, gebore Conway, 7/7/11, 3521537738W. Dietlof, Olmesi dahl Es Pienaar, Transvaal Wattelkwekersgebou, Dewetstraat, Posbus 29, Piet Retief. 1993174-VAN DER WESTHUIZEN: Jeanelte Petroilella, gebcrz Pretorius, 10111/07, 339/723(,37\V, Varkfontein: dktrik Co!igny, 13/2/74. Barclays-Nasionale Bank Rpk. (ge~egistreerde handelsbank); Brcs-Tv1.-trusteetal:, Posbus 1365, Pretoriz. 1198174-VAN DEVENTER, Willem Abrahain. 2, /3129, 3241 770iO7\V, 127 Van Riebecck Avenue, Edcnvale, 1610. 56/7/71. Lorna Sneech & Broide, 78 Van Ric'cccck Avenue, Edcnvalc, 1610. 626/74-STEYN, Petronella Johannz, voorheen Van der \Bzlt, 3/8/05, 381/238554\V, Nebohof 106, Troystraat 35. Suilnyside, Pretoria, 26/6/73. Hendrik Willem van der Wall,?/a Dr. De Beer & Van der Walt, Nylsakesentrum, Posbus 600, PJylstrocm, 0510. 12691173-LEVY, Leah (Lily), 151 lo/!894; 354/853580, Witwatersrznd Jewish Aged Home, Georgc Avenue, Sandringham, 14/12/73. A. Z. Levy, P.O. Box 25290: Ferreirasdorp. 431174-TURTON, Clarence.Stzn!eji. 21 /l 121. 425 /144899W, Riehrallei, Muldersdrift, 31/12/73. Johanncs Bernurdus Hugo, Poshns 115, Krugersdorp. 1 1990/73-NATHAN, Emanuel Philip,?!2/02: 3311360317, 20 Dentick Avenue, Uryanston, Sandton, 17/11/73. Henry Ginsberg. Lieberthal 6: Abrahams, 601 E.P. Centre, 36 Keik Street, P.O. Box 5766, Jo!:annesburg, 2000. 342/74-COETSEE, Catharina Magdnlena, 14/12/1883. 3781 214150W,.Oersonskraal, Pk. Makwzssie, distrik Wolrnarznsstad, 9/10/73. Barciays-Nasionale Rank Bpk. (geregistrecrdc handelsbank). Wes-Tv1.-tmsteetak. Posbus 1355, Pretoria. 2102/74-VAN BILJON, Marthiil~rs Rernaidt~s. 28/8/1893, 930828 5003 00 8. Sleynspan, Posbus 297, Ottosdal. 28 i l 174; Ann Elizabeth van Blljon, gebore Oosthuizen. 20!5/08. 0805200007 00 5. Barclays-Nasionale Bank Bpk. (geregistreerde hande~sba~k), Wes-Tv1.-trusteetak. Posbus 1365, Pretoria. 1833174-VAN DER LITH, David Hcndrik Jeremiah (1-Jerimiah), l3 13/19, 1909135032 00 2, Rondehosch, Louis Trichardt, 23/1/74; Johanna Catherina van der Lith, gebore Van Zyl, 26/1/24, 381/231489W. Barclays-Nasiunzle Bank Rpk. (geregistrccrde handelsbankl Tmsteeafdelinz. 00s-TV].-tak. Posbus 27033, Sunnyside. ~reidria. 1281174-BRONKHORST, Hendrik 1-aml-ert JoEanncs. 1 C / 12 / 1889. 891215 500200 7. Zandfontein. Pk. Vlakdrift. l? '12 173. Barclays-Nasionnle Rank Bpk. (geregisticcrde Ixandekl-an?). Wes- Tvl.-trusteetak. Por-bus 1365, Pretoria. 5815/73-FOIJRIE, Dorothea Regi~ia hfaria, lz/2/ixrfi. 221 / 611704. S.A.V.F.-tcl~uis, Fouriestraat. Ermeio. 91C.i??. H. J. TemaeI. p/a Bekkcr. Brink & Brink, Pos;?us 53, Ein~elo. 2244174-FRONEhJAN. Antoinette Theresia. gebcre Koch, 25/9/1885: 356/226026FV, Perseel D?. 7vc;oitgdach:. diutrik Grijblersdal, 4/2/74. Volkskas Bpk. (g2rcgistrcerde handslsbsnk), Rocdelafdeling moord-tvl.), Posbas 1 i 30. Prctoria. 2305/74-BESTER., Gideon Christiriari. 12/3;C6. 050:: 7 5013 00 4. Pontdrift, J2cuis Tncha.rdt, 4/2/73, T701i:skas R;';. Iferegistreerde handelsbank), Boedelafdeling (Nod-Tvl.), Posb:rs 1730, Pretoria. l9t2/74-van IZENEN, Pieter Enc1i:as. ;Oi3!02. 0303i0 5011 00 1. Naudelaan, Marble.Hall, 4/3/74: Ch~istina G!.zl:dim van R~enen. 21 /3/ 10. 1003210090 00 0. \'niks!:.;s Rpk. (gcrcistrrcrde handdsbank), Roedelaideling (Noorcl.-TT.!.), P ~~ti~is 1730. l'retoria. 988 174--ESCH. R~achel Johanna, c?,'? ; IPW, 999711.'!;CO7 00 3, Ricii:nondlaan 70. Aucliland Park, Sohnnnesburg. 6:: '54. Van Wvk de Vries, hlalan & Steyn, Posbus -5892. Johanncsbmg. 2361173-KILIAN, Gabriel Johanncs, 30!5/1@.. 131 291 l7i W, 7 Aandrus Flats. Maritz Street, Elsburg. 5/3/73; I'eironclla MagdxIena Kilian, 1011277411W. Wright, Rose-Jnnes; Louv 6 Wise, 401 Allicd Buildings, 170 Mejrer Streci: Germiston. 2053/74-FREE51.W, Arthur Dcnalti; 311 /22. 33!,933r;lO. 11 Hr~i-!yvale Avenue, Hurly7rale, Eden7,aic. l i2/74; JLi:iixe~trl~ Florin? Catzrina rie:mln, 29/5/26. \i7;;giit. :;'C~se-?:ii?c;. Ls::.G & Wisc. 401 A!lied I?iiiIdings, 170 Meye; 5!, Gcr1;-~islo~;. 12l69/?3-V!i'..' OEP, LINDE:.?~.~!-x~r:!:a C~(~?:~iii:a. ::&ore Eore.;, 4/6/25, 334!648226, Wilkenstraa; ;5. Meiring:,pr;rlr lilerksdc:p. 17/10/73: Ciert Johannes Ahyi I-;.:? dei LIZU~.. :;13jiS48, 334!648225W. Ger! Johannes Alwyn van der Linde: il:&cistraat 35, Meiringspark, Klerlsdorp,

GOVERhTMENT GAZE.TTE, 29 MARCH 1974 No.4237 95 12433/73-COLLIP,!o:~annes Joseph, 12/9/23, 905/55?94W, 50 Devdish Avenue, Dinwiddie, Germiston; 29\6/73. Henry Tucker & Partners, 101 Pcrmancnt Buildings, 159 Meyer Stree!, P.O. Box 507; Ciermiston. 284174-DE SWARDT. Corneleus ~tefahs, 22/7/07. 070727-5003 00 3, Chris 1iouga:lrdtstraat 127, Wierda Park, 2/1/74: :+.nna Maria Elizabeth dc Yv;ardi: geborc Jordarin: Mev. H. J. Srn?l, Ver\vcsrZb~rrgsentrum Dh. Cantonmentsweg, Posbus 14026, V-rwoerdhurg. 28!4/74-1LGE:JFRITZ. Johann I'dab, 17112/14, 35hl 283668W, Phyllis Robbcrtsonl~uis, Dr. Savageweg 8: Piinshc:, Pret:.)ria. 212 13/74. Haasbroek O Boezaart, Posbns 2205, Pretoria. 2470!74--PETERS, I.xobus Hendrik. 23/5/07, 07052.7013 004, And:izsstraat 47. 3berholzer, 23/2/74: Wilhelrnina :-!,mdrina Pieters. gebore Hu!we: 22/8/07, 354/839208W. Die Standard Bank van S.A. Bpk. (e?r.epis:reerde handklsbank), Trus~xtak: Posbus! i30, Pretor~a 10765173-NIEUWOT 'PT Dorothy Elitabeth, gcbore lordmn. Z918122. 405/2768:1\"1. Vanroovlaan 28. B1oemfcn:c:n. 21 / l0/73.' bie' Standexi Bank van S~A. R~F. (geregislrzerde handelsban'i). Trusleetak. Pr?shos 1330, Pretoria. 1832174-L6TTER; Sarie Johanna Susanna, 1418137. 371 / 180512%'. Pcrdeknp, 4!2/54; Johan Herinanus Cronje J~ijtler. 3111 133. Die Standard 2ank van S.A. Bpk. (geregistreerde hsndelsbanl;), Tr:~steetak, PO-bus 1330, Pretoria. 1959i71-IWHN. IA+: Doroth'ea Bertha (Lnnise C,o;o:hea Ryde ~l,ic:. 'axl~an'~orlil: Bertha). 3,'6/0?. 020603 C0 0, Piet Retief, 8/2/74. Die Standard B3r.k \.an S.A. Epk. (geregistreerde handelsbank), Trustcetak, Pojbus 1330, Pretoria. 2390!7,1--KOTZE. Maria Maedalena. eebore Olivier. 27:4120. Die Staadard Rank 'an SA. Bpk. (geregistreerdz handelsb-nk). Trusteetak. Ijosbus 1330, Pre1or:a. 2436 /74-HOLLOWAY. Johanna Maria "Elizabeth, 26110 'i3, 131026 C01 3 00 0, p/a H J. Kiibn, Driekop, Privaatsak Crras1;op: 26/2/74. Die Standard Sank van S.A. (geregistreerde hnn- delsbank). Trusteetak. PDS!.~XY 1?30, Pretoria. 2307174-BREYTEW13AZII, Carel Stephanus Seth, 9;cJ 1 i 895, 950609 5006 09 0; J..ouis Tilchardtstraat 4.0., >701ksrust, 20 '2 '74: Corndia Philippina Breytenhach, gebore Pptgieter, 14/1/12. Zie Standard Bank van S..4. Bpk. (geregistreerde hande1sbai:k). Trusteetak. Posbus 1330. Pretoria. 385174-BLAKEWAY. 6311arles Stanley', Murison: 11/2/ 1883. 1731364236W. 162 Cradock Avenue, Lyitelton,. Yerwoerdb~xg, 3/1/74. Zeria Janc Mu!ison Booker, 162 -,Cradoclc Avci~ue, Lyttelton. Verv~oerdburg. 1503!54-ViniADE. W3;t-r Anderson, 8/811892, 331 /25488-;W. 123 Herbeit Baker Strrct. Groenkloof, Pretoria? 27/1/74. Tke -Standard Sank of S.A. Ltd (registered commercial bai?k), Trusiee Branch, P.O. Tlou 1330, Pretoria. 2326174-.5TJAERSTR.I. Johan Leendert. ; 2813 / 14. 3561 358257W. Mcultonlaan 16. Waverley, Pretoria, 15/2/74: Joey Swierstra. gzbore Schmzxn. The Standard' Qank of S.A. Lid (registered commercial baqk). Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 1330, Pretaria. 1771I74-VAN DEP, WALT, Izak David,. 15/11/1891. 911'!!5 5001007. Arcadiastraat 941. Pretoria.,712174. Die Stariinrd Bank van S.A. Bpk. (gercgistreerde hsndelshank), Truste:;ak, Posbus 1730. Pretoria. 1352/74-ENShPN. TVil!cm Jzcobus Smit, 301111896. 960130 5001 00 6. Vierde Straai 47. Roksburg-Noord. -28/1/74. Diz Tnl:: Bank ran Afrika Bpk., Trust- en Boedelafdeling, Essclenstiaat 113. Posbus 27029, Sunnyside. 1122?,'73-KOI-LER. Hubcrt. Moodie Pr Rubertson, P.Q. Ro:i 4685. Johannesburg.!. 733 /74-ALDER.. iisrbert John, 18/5/05. 370/598917 29 1-imp0y.o Sircet: Three Rivers, Vereeniging. -22/12/73; Cat.!~crine Susan A1di.r. 17010/09. 370/.598918. Barclays~ PJational Rank Ltd (registered commercial bank), Reef Trustec Branch, P.O. Box 8003. Johannesburg. 1536/74-POTGJET8R Andries Sarel ~arthunis, 4/3/20. 21 l/ 53918?. l? Mirno~a Sti.eet. Northmead. Benoni, 22/1/71; Gesina Helena Potgizter, born :Qeyer, 18/12/20, 211/599!84. Baxlavs Nationa! Rank Ltd ir~9i:tcred, Reef Trustee Branch.?.O. Box 8C00, Jokannesburg... 1724/7,+-JONES. Fredcrisk. 17/3/08, 0803'17501200 1, 31 Lisbon Court. Woburn i?ve~il:e, Benoni, 4/2/74;. Jessie Elien Joncs. born Trzh-me, 6/7/11,?49/523206W. Batclays Nationa; Bank Ltd!regis!ered commerciai bank), Reef Trustee Branch, P,@. 804 8000. Tohanncsbnrg. 1! 37j7.1-VAN DER WIJK. Sytsko, 23/6/08, 901 /S766!V;. 91 Bllckingham Avenue. Craighall Park, Johannesburg. 17.' 121 73: Ethe! Ross van der Wijk, born Hendry, 28/6/22. WO/ 020801W. Cliffe, Belcker 3: Todd, Fourth Floor, Allied Ilnwe, 29 Rissik Street, Johannesburg. 9603173-MASSECI', Henry Krohn, 21/9/i890, 331/292460W, Rand Aid Association Old Age Home, Wedge Farm, Sandton, 21/6/73. Ci~fle, Dekker & Todd. Allied House. 29 Rissik Street. Box 3382, Johannesburg. 776174-SiLVERLOCK, Alice Janet, 29j5iCS. 022/212778W, 56 Weli~ngton Avenue, Wynl:erg, 7/2/74. Barclays National Bank Ltd (registcicti commercial bank), Cape Town Trustee Branch, P.0 Ro;, 512. Cane Town?032:74-~i~fb~~, Keanel!~ George, 14/5/i0, 1005145014 00 5: h'a:;!<ar Farm, Kruidm::A, Magaliesburs, 21 / 1/74. Van Wyk dc Viies, Maian O Steyi~, Posbus 5592. Johannesburg. 1743i7-I-TAIT,.;Rhona E!ai:?c, 1/4/11: 1104010001005, 12 Eclwil Cowi, Kovie Krigie Sircet, Krugersdoip, 28/1/74. Van Wyk de Vries, Malan EL Stcyn, Posbus 5892, Joharlnesburg. 310/74-McKENZTE, Jxnes Frank, 11 / 12/07? 905/541100, 46 hlain Avcaus, Springs Extensisn, Springs, 1 / 1/74; Thelma Enid RfcICenzic. Bnnett & MrNaughton, 206 Grnbro Arcade, 31 Third Skeet. P.O. Box 668, Springs. 2013174--C:HISLETT, George Francls, 31/1/03, 080131 5014 03 2, 401 honne Court, Firs: Avenue, Springs, 13/2/74; Louisa Mary Cl~is!e!t. Bennett B hlci"iau&ton, 206 Girnbro Arcade, 31 Third S~rezt, P.O. Box 668; Springs. U,,,., - 25/1/74; John S:x!don usse sell; 5/ 6j4.3, 96;,;i:is'0?41V.... Cox, Ycais & Partner.;, P.O. Box 3032, Durban. 5263173-EANGLEY, TVilfred Lawrence, 10/2/19, 173/361706, 33 Erewihl Road, Estcourt,?O,i9/73. P. R. Dreyer & Company, P.O. Dos SS. Estcourt. 529174-DRBYER, Iviariha Elizabeth, 17/4/30, 226/017459, Elands Garage, Elandslaagtc, 15/12/73. Vol!tsi:as Bplc. (geregistrezrde i-~aade!shank), Boede!afdeling (Natal), Posbus 918, Pietermarilzburg. 85117'4-2STERHUYSEP.J. Adriana Jacoc:;i?a. 31211878, 231 / 055060B, i'k. Muden, 15:1/7<. Volkskas Dpk. (.gbregistreerde handels;;i:iikj. Doedelafdeling (Natal), Posbus 918, Pietermaritzburg. 958174 -VAN HEERDEN. Jan Daniel: 1 1 / 11 / 10, 305/762148, Departstnefit van' Bosbou. Dukuduku, 9/2/74: Thyzina Gerrnina Clasina v2n Hccrden, 16/12!1 I. 305/762149. Vo1k:kas Epk. (geregistrcerde handelsbank), Buedoel-fdeling (Nntai), Posbus 918, Pictermariizblirg. 4841 /73-MAEADI: Abdu!a. 2/3/36. 800!OR1313P.. Howe 25, Road 013. Chatsworth. D~rban, 23/5/73, Cowley & Cowley, Third How. Founders House. 15 Parry Road, Durban. 4538/7?-GRIFFIN, Ajfred Francis, 1016/05, 211 /492777C, 21 Butcher Place, Sydenham. Durban, 28/9/73; Thelma Griffin, born Joliaron. 10/6/15, 2i 1 /491778C. N. Mendelow, Zimerman & Ian hi;!l:r. 14th Floor. 1m::sba~k Buildings. corner of Bree and Rissii; S!rects, P.O. Box 5IW. Johannesbure. 31 89/73--,iPdDREVYS, Gertrude Amy. 25/12/1895. 211/878180. 508 ivi~idcr~ncre Road. D:lrban. 2616173. Solin D. ICnox. Eiehth Floor. Wee! Walk, West Street. Durban 133151-XTJNGAPPAH. -111103. 800 '1S10SSA. 185 Temale ~oad,' S-a Cow Lake. ~whm: 21 i 11173; n hen gamma Pillay, 8CO/326861,<. Lawrence Charles Ciarkson. or Ciarkson Rc Driver* 24 Parr:\.- Ewd. Durban. 4-CO 1. 546?/7?---~!?JI/ESTFJ?OOD. Vaierie?day, fornlerly Little. born Dickie. i/4!23, 305/46145!: Shadv T.anc: Jnchanga, Natal, 181 12/73.,C1xn;nan. Dyer & Pxtners. P.O. Box 81: Durban..557/74 P AMDASS, 5/7/11. F)r)!300959, IZisspn Road. Cttawa, 27/10!'?3; Tholsi. 800/430322. Meer & Siagn, P.O. Box 61. Verula!~. 342,'7?---K:+ZACK. Abdool: 7/3110. 800/340239A: Tongaat, District 1r:snda. 1117/73: iait!:oon Bee. 10,:9i22., Y. S. Chinsamy. 43 Yfoss S&, BOX 138, Verdam. P.6. 4184 17'--HARIPERSAD (Ha~iperead Bsiiarie and Beharie ~lari~crszd). 3/9/12, 200/331374~,-79 Wc:.iville Road, Reservoir Hills, D1.1riian: 1/8/73; Sornaria.?7/3jl6. 8001337807A. D. R. Singli. Po~valingam & Vahed. P.O. Box 2645, Zllrban. 67/74-VT.I.i?NI, E.zio. 7-11 1113, 3661160416, 296 Roland Chapmaa Drive, Montclair, Dl~rban. 21/12/73. Barclays National Rank L:d (1-qistered commeicial bank). Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 3409. Dt!r!>an. 589!7!.-DYKES, Robert Swid Steel (Rohert David Dykes): 2313 i :8O:. 96.5 /O59257. Thc h;tonastry. P.O. Mariannhill, 6/21 74. Bai-c;:~),s Yaiiona! Eank Ltd; 'Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 3409, Durhan. 678i74---F:EX!RAJ, 22/2/33. 8901?:5891A. Road 117, House 21. C!?nts:vr)rth. Durbzn. l? 11174; Lilawnlheo. 18/12/33, 800/ 328548A. Mxrriott Rr Brodic. P.O. B5x 1465, Durban; 1086!7.1-D4LY. Euphie Ailem. 6,!6!@8, 2;1/665016W, 22 Manhaitan Court, Broad Street, Dniban,?.4/2/74; Francis Daiy!F'ran?r Daly), 3/10/08, 211/665015W. Marriott & Brodie, P.Q. Bc.c 1455, Durban.

96 No. 4237 - STAATSKOERANT. 29 MAART 1974,- : 977174-LINDSAY, Cecilia Emily St. Clair. 17/1/15, 2561 097542W, Park Rynie, 21/2/74. Barclays National Bank Ltd (registered commercial bank), Tr~lstee Branch, P.0. Box 3409, Durban. 373174-BECKER. Indwe Gladys. 10/3/ 1882, 2481048067, Margate, 20/1/74. Barclays Nat~onnl Bank Ltd (registered commercial bank). Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 3409, Durbzn. 859174-MELVILLE, Philip Scolt. 11 /8/04, 907 1540415, 3 Ann.4rbour Road, Scottburgh South. 1/2/74. Barclays Nat:onal Bank Ltd (regiskrcd commercial bank). Trustee B~anch, P.O. Box 3409, Durban. 352174-NAIDOO. Lutchman. during 1906, 800/373098A, 68 Buldana Road, Meiebank, Durhn, 26/8/73; Muthamma. M. C. Moodliar & Compnny, Second Floor. C.N.R. Mouse, Cross arld Prince Edward Straets. Durban. 1077/74-MERCER, Stanley Cyril Albert, 713 / 16, 0071973887, 30 Cloete Place. Woodlands, Darban. 2911 174; Margaret Dorothy Valeric Mcrcer, 4/10/30. 007/973888. Sagit Board of Executors Ltd, P.O. Box 3912. Durban. 895174-DHARMA, 13/411894. 800/429735A, Lot 11, Stanger, 5/2/74. Eaurte C. Smith & Co.. 22 Jackson Strcet, P.O. Box 46, Stanger. 244174-1?LOOh!. Benjamin 1Isnry. 28/1/1895. 211,'447906W. 31 Ainsdale. Springlield Road. Durban, 29/12/73. M. C. Smithers & Company. 10th Flooi, N.B.S Buildings, 300 Smith Street, Durban. 1015 174-D'OLIVEIRA, Vincent Victor, 2/5/03, 324182841 5, 402 Tenbury. South Beach Durban. 25/2/74; Bllen D'Oliveira, born De Kock. 28/8/10, 324/828116W. The Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd (registered coinmercial bank), Trustee Branch. P.O. Box 2743, Durbarl. 970174-CASBY, Anqie Pauline, born Middleton. 6/5/1892, 211/645805, 20 Quecnsburgh Haven, Ridley Park Road, Malvern, Queensburgh. 2/2/74. The Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd (registered commercial bank). Trustee Rranch. P.O. Box 2743, Durban. 666174-REED, Lconard Charles Newell. 13 /9 '1897. 21 1 / 479368. 12 Acacia Road, Congclla, Durban. 2911 174 The Standard Bank of SA. Ltd (registered commercial bank). Trustee Branch, P.O. Rox 2743, Durban. 451 174-PUGSLEY, Wilhelmina Barbara Margaret. 25/6/1800. 211 1617436'11'. 3 Levburn. 7 Newton Place. Durban. 1/1/74. he Standard Bank bf South Airica Ltd (registered coame&d bank), Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 27d3. Durban. 1018/74-HARDTNG. Margaret (Margaret Elizabeth), 17/12/ 17, 211/448099W. 101 Robson Place, Ross Street, Amanzimtoti, 18/2/74. The Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trustee Branch. P.O. Box 2743. Dnrban. 765174-WA1NMA.N. Edwi:~. 26/8/1891. 3241822194W, 6 San Remo, Snell Parade, Durbal~. 6/2/54. The Stand~rd Bank of S.A. Ltd (registered commcrcial bank). Trustee Branch, P.O:Box 2743. Durban 866174-RENT'JIE. Walter Ilarold, 22/8/1894, 331 /245357W. 19 Newlands. 396 Musgrave Road. Durban, 23 / 1/74. Syfret's Trust and Executor Company Natal Ltd, P.O. Box 287. Durban. 755/74--SFIARD. Charles Bradshaw. 23/7/1894. 940723 5003 00 9. 12 Milner Street. UmLosnaas. 30/1/74. Rarclays National Bank Ltd (rcgistered commercial bank), Trustee l3ranc11, P.O. Box 3409, Durbar; 594174-HENRY. John P.lexander, 10 l8 l 1895, 21 11659748. 4 Beckenham Place. Durban North. 2711 174. Browne. Brodie & Co., '201 United Buildings. 291 Smith ~t;e&, Durban. 5289173-RTJSSELL. Archibald Tames, 3018 / 10. 331 /129963W. 402 Carillon Prince Street Durban. 20 111173: A 4 Russell. formerly Riley. born Short. 1314/79. 331/1'29959 Garlicke & Bou~field, P.0 Rox 223, Darban. 4000. 739174-RICHARDSON. Ioh Scott. 718105. 2! I I719542W. Umvoti Drive. Rlythedale Jkacl?. P.O. Stanger. 25/12/73, Syfret's Tnist and Execstor Company Natal Ltd, P.O. Box 257. Durban. 929174-O'WETI L. I-Telen, born Day, 7111/01. 21 1/418447W. 3 Dowse Road. Glcnash!ey. 18/2/74: Gerald Aubrey O'Ncill. Syfret's Trust a?d Exccutor Company Nztal Ltd, PO. Box 287. Durban 21 8174-McLEOD Mary Forbes. horn Hoge. 10 /5104, 211 / 534752W. Braem lr Nursing Tlomc, Pinetown, A l l 174. Syfret's Trust and Exccutor Comp-ianj Natal Ltd, P.0 Rox 287, Durban 926/74-LAW, John Erwin. 116/05. 21 1 /4l?.?6iW 4 Meycr Gardens. Umbilo. Dnrban. 1012174. Syfret's Trust and Executor Company Natal 1,td. P 0. Boy 587. Durhan. 799174-KRAWEHL, B2atri:-e Emily 22/5/1892. 331 1292859W. Braemar Nursii- Homc. Pinetmm 2911174 Pdmcr's Trust Jfivestments and Fsts'c Administmtors Ltd, Sccond Floor, Syfret Rouse, 36 Gard;ver clreet. Dlirl-an 307174-DRAKE, Marv Ann. '-ern Youn~,, 16 11 11886, 21 1 / 642467W, Tafta Housc. Prince Street. Durban. 1311/74 Palmer's '~-ntst Jnvestments and Estatc hdmin~strators Ltd. P.O. Box 287, Durhan. 921174-DE :LANGB, Jasper John, 24/11/03, 2111610204, 1 Apslcy Court, 451 Musgrave Road, Durban. 1/2/74. Syfret's Trust and Executor Company Natal Ltd, P.O. Box 287, Durban. 849/74--CLOETE, Schalk Willem, 21/5/39, 04916079203, 14 Gregory Place, Brighton Beach, Durban, 1/2/74. Syfret's Trust and Executor Co. Natal Ltd, Second Floor, Syl'ret House, 36 Gard~ner Street. Durban. 1075174-JOHNSON, Lindsay Cuthbert, 8/8/11, 21 1 /550274W, 33 P~geon Drive, Yellowwood Park, 6/2/74. W. B. l'homas & Co., Seventh Floor, United Buildings. 291 Smith Street, Durban. 5087/73-WELLMANN, Rose Ursula, born Rcichc. 5 11136, 261/072391, 45 Mitchell Street, Eshowe, 4/10/73. W. E. White, P.O. Box 131, Eshowe. 79174-Vv71LSON. Peter, 21/8/12. 21 11622520W. 3006 fdaritle Drive. Fynnlands, Durban, 15112/73; Dnlcie Cecil~c W31 ;on, l~orn Walker, 28/5115, 211 /622521W. h4rs Dulc~e Cech Wirson, 3006 Marine Drivc. Fynnlands, Durban. 936174-THOMSOW, William Er~c Fraser. 17/9!01. 9641 020370, Thc Towers, 103 Musgrave Road. Durban, 16/2,74. Barclavs National Bank Ltd Ireeistercd comrnerc~al bank). ~rustee Branch. P.O. Box.3409, ~;~rbyan. 289174-ARUMUGAM, Valayuthan?, 2'12122, 800/31352M, 4 PJaa~ur Place, Merebank. Durban. 1317 I 73: Muniama. 1512127, 8007384183~. A4. C. Moodliar $ Cornpan), Szeond Floor. L N.R. House, Cross Slrect. Durban. 949174-BOY LE, John, 18/8114. 967 102IC24. C Surtees Place, North Shepstone. Umtentweni, 18/2/74, Ha~clays National Bank J-td (registered commercial bank), T~ustee Branch, P.O Box 3409, Durban. 322174-ROUX. Siebert Roos, 17 /A/ 1899, 21 1 /5877465VJ. Mercentile House. St Andrew Street. Rloemfontein. 31 11174: Phvllis May Roux, born Eutler. 2/4/02, 2111604521W. Briiz'& ~dnamour, P.O. Box 1861. Durban. 1029I7211-ITANIEFF. Yacoob Mahomcd. 800/50091iA, Road 201. Housc 130. Chatsworth. krlian. 2111 172. P. Buzwandeen, Secclat & Sunddr, 85 Leopold Street, Durban. 4260173-KHAN. Farid. l91 l0 / 1896, 8001'431370. Urnzinto ~ownshi~, 26/9/73. Parsons & Perguson, P.O. Box 106, Urnkomans, 4170. 3925173-ABRAHAMS. Josepb. 21 110134. 007/731716M, Flat 3. Joosab's Butldings, Overport, Durban. 25/8/73; Mona Abrahams, 0221569099. Enver Motala 6 Company, 32 C.N.R. House, 22 Cross Street, Durban. 983174-THISELTON. Annie Kathlec~, 13/9/1891. 9021 513686W, St Andrew's Hotel, Umkomaas. 26/2/74. F H Lowe 8: Company, 196 Loop Street, Pietermaritzburg. 166174-BHAROSE. approximate!^ 1900, 5001326036. Cane- Inndz, Verularn, 10111/73; Parvath~. 28/10/13, 800/610194. B. Sine, 10 Moss Street. Verulam. 440174-VAN COLLER, Adolph Johannes. 21 /311893. 3651 l04891 W. 13 Marine Drive, Umhlanga Rockq. 19/10/73. Barclays National Rank Ltd (registered commercial bank) Trustee R;aneh, P.0. Box 3409. Durban. 271174--UPTON, Phyllis Rcca, 2iPl10. 21 1 'h61198w. Dill Buchanan Park, Goodwin Drive, Durban. 27/32/73 W R. P. Southby, 11 Knoll Place (off Kndl Road), Westville, 1630 21 days. 1095174-BARKHISIZEN, Soph~a Winifred, 19/7/34. 0961 726760W, I-Touse 3. Botha's Hill, 14/1/74; Kasper Jercmia Barkkuizen, 3/12/21. 324/884146W. Security Executor and Trust Company Ltd, First Floor. Whyt~cl. House. 3971399 Smith Street, Durban. 827174-HARPER. Charles, I 1611882, 211146731 SW. 22 Innes h4ansions, 151 Innes Road, Durbsn. 8/1/74. Security Evecutor and Trust Company Ltd. First Floor, Whytock House, 397i399 Smith Street, Durban. 63.5174--GOUNOEPd, Munsamy. 30/6/17, 800/399338A, Road 502, House 124. Chatsworth, 19/6/68; Mariamm? Gounden, 29/7/31, 800/ 398lO6A. Hcnwood. Rritter & Caney, Ninth Floor, Cennewa I-Ionse. 347 West Street, P.O. Box 862, Durban 733174-KING, Dorothy Franccs, 16/9/1396. c/o J B James, Sangweni Nurseries, Vemlam. 612174 Barclays Nat~onal Rank Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trustec Branch. P.0 Sou 3409, Dirban. 1068/74-CALRIEYER. Jean McTciyrc. 13/1/20, 360 Q47055W, 1201 Exeter Hnll. Sol Harris Crcsceut, Durban. 28/2/71. Rarclays Naiiondl Rank Ltd (rcgisted cornrncrclai bank) Trmtee Sranch, P.O. Box 3409. Durban. 195174-PSATDOO, Chinnakanu Snth1)a Murthi, 1F17/1.?, 800/ 492833A. widower. Flat 17, Mount Etna. IVarrick Aveme. Dur- bdn, 3\12/73. Lawrence Charlcs rla~h~n Clarkson Rr Driver, Lex Chamber5. 24 Parry Road. Durbz? 4OOf. X63 174--P 4RKER Amelia Sorh::~ (Pm;11,1 Cvo':;a' frlrmerly Roviec. born Vom Hapcn, 24/61?k8?. 375 2"17il w:dow. 15 Crateford Ccari. 180 Berca Road, twrba;l, 4/1/74 Gorixan, Snyman & Barnard. P.O. Box 42: Potgrelersrus

~ -- GOVERNMENT GAZE TTE. 29 MARCH 1974 No. 4237 97 541154--MEANWELL. Jonathan. 21 / 12/45. 245/034150W. 36 Durban Road, P~eterrnaritzburg. 3201. 1811 174. Cecil Nathan, Beattie & Company, P.O. Box 68. Pietermaritzburg. 3200. 3169172-BRATTHWAITE, Natalie Boyes, born Saulez. 20/12/ 1895. Haartebeestfontein, Seven Oaks. 3/8/72. Nel & Stcvens. P 0. Box 60. Greytown. 5232173-POHL, Ruby Viola. 24/12/1890, 186/375175\V. 318 Tafta House. Prince Street. Durban. 25/11/73. Leandy. Laroque & Partners, P.O. Box 35, urban: 4000.,. 5374173-NANABHAY, Arnina, 13/10/43, 800/62672. 70 Lyell Street, Ladysmith, 16/9/73: Ebrahinl Mahorned Motala. M. M. Singh & T. M. Singh, P.O. Eox 419. Iadysrnith. 689174-DU PLESSIS, Jan. Christoffel, 4/6/1893, 356/304989W. p/a Universiteit van Zoeloeland, Ernpangeni; 12/1/54; Susanna Christina Frederika du Plessis, gebre Rothrnan. 356/3049'90W. G. A. Hill McHardy R: De Bruyn. Vierde Verdieping, Atriumgebou. Elizabethstraat 10. Posbus 367, Blmmfontein. VAN COLLER: Adolph Johannes; 21 /3/1893, 3651104891 W, 13 Marine Drive. Umhlanga Rocks, 18/10/73. Barclays National Bank Ltd (regislered cornercial bank),,trustee Branch: P.O. Box 2036, Johannesburg. 457174-VAN DEN BERG: Abraham Jacobus, 9/3118, 180309 5003006, Barrackstraat 26, Ladysmith, 18/1/74. Michael John Doidge, Bestuurder vir Santam Bank Bpk., Kerkstraat 136, Pietermaritzburg. 4298/73-GALGAN: Mihaly, 1017122, 957/052850, 3 Van Schalkwyk Street. Newcastle, 22/7/73. Joubert & Landrnan. P.O. Box 41 1. Newcastle. 776174-PEPPER, Robert Steven, 911 1/51, 51 1109 5015 00 4, hlandini, Zululand, 312174. Randles. &vis & Wood. Tende Chambers. Carlyle Arcade. Pietermaritzburg. 3551172-NAIDOO, Vcerasamy Subbiah, 0 l 8001 350376A. L,oop Street. P,etermaritzburg. 18/7/72. S. Brrdgernohan 8r CO, P.O. Box 2679. Durban. 5369173-MUNIEN. 1885. 800/382672. 5 Lantanna Place, Asherville. Durban, 14/9/69; Imam Bee, 1909. 8001376965A. Lionel Meskin, Levy & Brink, 15th Floor, Escohal House. 437 Smith Street, Durban. 831174-WAITE, John Cecil. 1/9/05. 050901 5014 00 4, 1 Cowrie Court Bisset Street. Port Shenstone. 1012174. Barclavs National Bank Ltd (registered comercih bank), i'rbstee ranch, P 0 Rox 3409. Durhan. 79fi74-~00~~~. Denjarxin Frederick, 24/11117. 171124 5060 02 0. Lot 63 Assepai Road. Hillcrest. 3011154. Dle rrust : Bank van Afrika Bph, Trust- en Boedelafdeling, Smithstraat 417, - Poshus 1938 Durba~l 508/74--BIRD. Reuben Edward James, 8/5/19. 2511292534W.. Ba\-nesfield 10 I1 174: ITester Johanna Bmd. born Delno] t 311'21 28:The ~rhst ~ank br Africa Ltd, Trust and~state dcpartrient, 417 Smith Street, P.O. Eox 1938, Durban. 931174-PAINE. Edith Mary. 15/7/04; 9021541347W. Cornerways. ccrner of Dee and Hobbens Roads. Uvonpo. 29/2/74. ' William Stuart Mortirner Redpath. P.O. Box 32, Port Shepstone. 4516/73--COLLINS, C'omelia Gertruida A!etta, born Colyn (Colijn), 2/10/1898. 331 i413555w, 62 St Regis Flats, Smith Street, Durhan. 9/10/7?. Cornzlia Gertruida Aletta van ZyI. and Fr-dcrick Daniel Collins. 8 Tugela Street. Farrarmerc. Be::onr. rli9 '7LADAMS. Kate, 22/8/1879, 245/899390, 15 PJirnrno Road. Durban. 20/1/74. Bale & Grerne and Morcorn Pc CO, 23 Chnccry Lane. Pietcrmaritzburg. 521 i.'53-meyers, David Woolf. 20/10/1897. 3351651334. P.O. R3x 134. Nl!lhluvie, Zululand. 27/1/73. c/o J. J. Glicl: & CO: Sixth Floor; S.!,. Permanent Buildings, 55 Hout Street. Cape Town. 896:'74-VTCKERS. Piiyllis Isabcl!a Phyllis Vicers and Phyllis B.el!:r Vickers). 26/91 l%$. 2111461368W. Seabreeze Ho~el. Gillespe Strect, Eurban, 7/11!72. Berkowitz. Jacbbs, Kirkel L Cohen, for Moss-Morris & Greenbere. Seventh Floor, Sout!lz\ri: Life Builrlinss, 313 Smith Street; Durban. SS! 174-SACORS. h4zria Magdzlena Elizabeth, 11112145. 371 / 177039167. Kernpstraat 4. Newcastle: 31 /12/73; Johannes Jacobus Jacobs. 9/1/40. 371!1RO591W. Michael John Doidge, Bestuurder, Smtem Rank, Kerksiraat 136. Pieterrnaritzburg. P20,74-BROWN. Dxniel, 22/7/02. 014/1017218. 5 Wr-izht I?o;:d. J-adysni:h 14/2/74; Maria RIagdelena Brown. born GroS!er. Macaulav & Ridddl. 126 hlurchison Street. P.O. Ikx 107. Talysmith. I51 174-VAN DEN RERG. Varia Alttta. 2511 12n a141 61 i74-kennedy, Michael Francis, 2/8/02, 976;050417, 1 Brarnley Lodge, Arbuthnot Streetl Szottburgh. 201 11173. The Standard Bank of S.A. Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trust& Branch: P.O. Box 917. Pieterrnaritzburg. 956/74-THORROLD. Donovan Wssl MacPhail, 2/5/1897, 970502 5002 00 2: Tendele, Craigieburn, Dundee, 19/2/74. The Stanclard Flank of S.A. Ltd (registered commercial bank). Trustee Branch. P.O. Box 917. Pietermaritzburg. 403174--STANSFIELD, Eric Charles. 7/8/08, 080807 5006 00 3: Sccttburgh, 12/1/74. The Standard Bank of S.A. Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 917, Pietermaritzburg. 41 G6/72/3-AMAS, Frederick Sidney, 27/9117, 211/33224W: P.O. Thornville, 24/9/72; Ellen Gumdoline Amas, 15/5/22, 2141 033225W. Frederick Alexander Arnas, 23 Salt River, Pinetown. 914174-WRIGHT? George Henry, 5/511900, 2451045724W; 348 Loop Street, Pictermaritzburg. 20/2/74.,Smythe & Company, P.O. Box 104. Pietermaritzbure. 3474173-RICHES. Frank hexander. Leiman, Teeger, Gaddin. Sffris & Company. P.O. Box 4504. Johannesburg. 984174-VAN HEERDEN, Gideon George Cronje. 5/6/01. Oi0605 5001 007. Kingstraat 3, Winterton. 23/2/74; Hester Irene van Heerden. eebore Thureood. 2811102. P. R. Drever & Kie.. Posbus 62, ~stkurt. 334174-4ODFREY. Frederick John. 20/9/1887, 248/02!X120W. 5 Valley Road. Southport, 14/1/74. Denn~s Nathan Levitt. United Buildings, 96 Marine Drive. P.O. Box 25. Margate. 3693173--CHENEY, William Lelyveld, 22/3/12, 0462/112/ 2012. 53 Tabora Flats, Park Street. Durban, 6/6/73. Gerald L. Houzet, First Floor, Three Bears Centre, Aiken Street, Port Shepstone. ORANJE-VRYSTAAT-ORANGE FREE STATE 260174-KASSELMAN. Daniel Mathys Johannes. 16111108 406/282007. Lammenting. Bothaville. 16/2/74; Maria Catharina Ka~selmm. gebore Boshoff. 4/4/08, 406/282008. Carey & Botha. Pcsbus 7. Bothaville. 1C6174--0OSTHUYSEN. Pieter Cornelius De Koning. 4/51 1885. 4641438267, Brabanl-Noord, Hennenman, 31 / 1/74: Johanna Uagaretha Oosthuysen, 10/10/1893, 4641438268. Grunow & Grunow. Posbus 23. Hennenman. 335i74-JANSE VAN RENSBUKG. Catharina Mandalena 5/9/14. 4561420866, Eindelikgevonden. distrik Senekal, f3/1/74. J. H. Berning. Zuiderstraat, Posbus 49, Senekal. 225174-JANSE VAN RENSBURG. Sarah Susan. 151411888. 4561415024, Concordia. Senekal, l/ 1/74. J. H. ~erning, vir Visser Pr Kie., Posbus 49. Senekal. 375174-SCHJCKERLING: Edward Allan, 2/7/07, 404, 105413W, 9 Elbo Heights, Crornwell Road, Bloemfontein. 2012; 74. 1.q Susara Gertmida Schickerling, born Combrinck, c/o Davidson &. Marais, P.O. Box 277. Eloemfontein. XOI74-THERON. Elizabeth Catharina Johanna Magdaiena, 14!! 11885. 404/123460W. Rosenhofwoonstelle 202, Zastronstraat. Blocmfontejn, 25/2/74. Van cie Viai! 8: Vennote, P~sbus 260, Rloemfonicln. 316,i7+-OLIVER; Herbert The~dnre, 20/3/11, 110320 5011 G? 1: 17 Pctronett Court. 68 Andries Pietorius Street, Blnernfonte:n, 19/2/74; Patricia OTiver, born Fourie, 6/5/30, 4641 li66!0 Claud- Reid & Haylett. P.O. Box 1105, Bloemfontein. 215R 173-ARANGIE: Lucas Jacobus Lawrence, 13 / 10/20 201013 5006 00 2, Extonweg 128a, Eloemfontein, 13/11173; Elsic Nelen~ hrrngie, gebore Du Plessis. 2?0303 0001 000. Xaude d Naude. Maitlandstraat 71, Posbus 153. Blocmfontein. 231174--LOUPOS. Maria (Demilr-io), born Lekka. 12/2/07. 4O4! 123633, 3 Athlone Avenue. Eloernfontein, 1611/74. G. A Hill. krchardy & De Bruyn, P.O. Box 367: Bloemfontein. 159/74--HOLDER, I-lciletje Maria. 10/9/19, 1909130315 00 3 Slarnzt. dist~ik Kroonstad: 18/1/74; Walter Joseph Holder 24 13 / 14, 140324 5007 00 5. Lourens R. Botha, Posbus l I: Kroonstad. 309174-KRUGER. Willern Nicholas, 21/10/1884, 841021 SO01 00 2, Pretoriastraat 27, BcLLulie. 7/2/74. Scl~oeman E Smiih. Jsubcrtstraat 46, Posbus 3. Bethulie. 1 i I /74-VAN DER IDJDE. Christian Abra1:am Jacobu' 36/7/1895. 070/43884F, Voortrekiicrstraat 43, Bethulie. 28/11173,--~- ~~ -- $29/74--STAFFORD, Edvxd Richaid Hicknan, 5 / l2/ 1883. siraafi, PosbJs 323, ~!oe&fontein. 200i003132W: widower, 25 Balance Street. Harding: 29/1/74. 342j'i.l--COETZET<, Johannes Jacobus. 15112131. 311215501! Trci-or Rogers, 51 Aiken Street, P.O. Box 528, Port Shepstone. 00 0. Rlcemhof;.Dcwetsdorp, 5/2/74; Hester Sophia Coetze! 512174-SPRTGGS, Gu! Clarencc, 12/1/34, 211 /470190W. 11 gebore Steenkzmps 3011132, 4511399532. Volkskas Bpk. (gereg Neil Armstrong Drive, Bmpangeni, 15/1/74. G. Turney; P.C. streerdi: handelsbank), Volksltasgebou, lioek van Aliwal- en Malt Box 13, Ernpangeni. Iandstraat. Posbus 323, Bloemfontein. 928/74-k~0, Oscar Adolf Thmdotus, 12/9/!RqI. 21 1 / 358/73-BOTHA, Daniel Bosch. 7/8/07. 404/105612W. Jan. 564910W, District of Marburg, Pori Shepatone, 16/2/74. Eriks- Vanrensburgstraat 19. Bloemfontein. 24/2/74. Naude & Nautlc son & McConnell, 50 Bisset Street, P 0. Box 479, Port Shepstone. Maitlandstraat 71, Posbus 153, Blo-,miontein. 4-201 2.1 4-4237

98 No. 4237 STAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 1974 300/7+-13RETZ, Joiianncs fidaihys Earl, 1115/28, 250511 5011 00 9, Voortrekkerstraai, Fauresmith: 5/2\74: Dina Johanna Magdalena iirilz. 27/4/31,.. 473/467101W. Victor Kotz6 O Steyn, Posbus 48, \Vir:burg. HARRIS, James Will~an. 7/2/20. 4(31!133133\V. Gladsloneweg 27. Blocmicnte~n: Lcuisa Catharina Wilhelmina Harris. nebore Hoiiistraat 140, Posbus 290, Purl: Elizabeth. 184/74/2-SANSON (JAFJSE) VAN VIJUREEI, hlatys Jaco- B&&, 13/9/27, 45'4, l33i34w. I%;.rc!aps Nasiona!~ ~nnk-~pk., bus,. 18/9/05, 003/925654W, Bosmanslr-aat, Sieytleriiile, 23/11/ (geregisirccrde handclseanli), Trusteeafdeling, Po:ibus 1714, 73; Alcita Pransma Janscn v:+n Vuuron. roo:.hcen Eosman, Bloemfonkin. gebore Ei~slin, 16111105, 005/947063W. Andrics J. Buys, Posbus 201/54--W4ESE,?etrus Benjamin, 15111/05, 448139931 1, 7. Stevtlcrville. Tobie Mulierstrzat. Phi1 ippoiis, h/ 1/74. Barclays-Nas~ciiale Bank ' ~"z/~~,'~--jaftha. Clarence Tran!~ (Francis). 8/5/14, 191 / Bpk.. Pcs!:us 1714. Gi~:::x!"outein. 152/74-S1.RYDC)?f. Dar~iel Christi~an Frans, 27\3/14, 140327 501200 8. Exbcl, distrik Rouxville, 12/1/74; Paulina Susanna Carolina S,trydon. gcborc Smith, 6/10/32. Custav van Stralen, Posbus 54, Rouxville. 334174-STEENRERG. Louisa Dorothea; 2/9/04, 3561 194028W. Derde Laan 22b: Pomona. Parys, 18/1/74; Hendrik Johannes Skenberg. Dyason; Posbus 793, Pretoria. 202173-BRITZ, Jacoba Maria Magdalena, vocrheen Wagner, gebore Du Plcssis, 31/5/10, 4691455605, Boskop; dis!rik Parys, 10/10/73. De Villiers Er Jcynt, Posbus 32, Parys, 21 dae. 274/74-?V1LSON. Maria Magdalena, gebore Van Staden; 121 1/19, l93112 0003 00 7, Nooitgetien, Hagesdam distrik Bloemfontein, 3/2/74; Frans.Hendrik Wilson, 1906045007 00 9. Die Standard Bank van Suld-Afrika Rpk. (geregistreerde handelsbank), Trusteetak, Posbus 17-48. Bloemfontein. 378 174-BUTLER. Thornas James, 218 / 1892, 920802 500100 9, Kuilfontein, Springfontein, O.F.S., 23/2/74. J. E. Cockcroft & Co., 68 President Steyn Strcet, P.O. Box 50, Springfontein, O.F.S. NOORD-KAAP-NORTHERN CAPE 1011173-THORPE. Jacobus Johannes, 11 / 10/50, 1021823493. Kleinbegin, Pk. Danielskuil, 10/10/73. Jan Fourie & Kie., Hoogstraat 18. Privaatsak 3045, Postmasburg. 95174-SEAWARD. David Steward. 14/911894, 940914 5004 002, Eensaamheid. Pk. Verplig, 17/12/73; Maria Hendrina Elizabeth Seaward, gebore Pr~nsloo. Wessels, De Kock & Van Rooyen, Posbus 82. Vryburg. 134174-SNYDERS..l channes Stephanus, 3 / 3 / 1887, 870303 5001 008, Slangheuwel, distrik Barkly-Wes, 18/1/74. H. S. van der Westhuizcn, Posbus 100, Barkly-Wes. 965173--CLAASE, Roderick Isaac, 30/9/55, 655/096708, 1% Berg River Street. Boetrand, Klerksdorp, formerly 42 Sydney Street. Kimberley, 9/8/73 Hertog, Moult, Horn. Kr~el & Co., N.B.S Buildings, 60164 Jonrs Street. Kimberley. 85174-TERBLANCHE, Hendrina Johanna. gebore Smit, 17/6/16, 044/925951W, Griesselstraat. Reivilo, 11/1/74; Johan Christ~an Gerecke Terblanche, 24 19/08, 044 /925950W. Wessels, De Kock & Van Rooyen, Posbus 82. Vryburg. 144174-VISSER, Francina Carolina. voorheen Dierks, gebore Jansen. 11 / 111884. 110!879854W, Springstraat 13. Richmond, 12/2/74. Volkskas Bpk. (geregistreerde handelsbank), Hoofkantoor, Boedclafdclmg (Noord-Kaap). Dutoitspanweg 42, pmberley, 8301, en Posbus 254. Kimberley, 8 300. 136174-AUGUSTYN, Jan Abraham, 1/7/1885. 850761 5001 00 7, Si~llcrus, Groblershoop, 17 / 1/74. J. H. Maritz, Posbus 25, Groblershoop. 672173-KNIGHT. John Christoffel. 7/10/1896, 110/879804W, Paulstraat 219, Richmond. 16/7/73; Margaretha Elizabeth Titout, 10/4/05, 110/879805\V. F. A. Paul & Kie., Kerkstraat, Posbus 28, Richmond. 104174--VAN DER SPUY, Jakob Daniel, l4]3/ 1892, 141/ 270214W, Plot 3 J 12, Hartswater, 31/1/74. The Standard Rank of South Africa Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trustee Branch. P.O. Box 288. ~~mbirley. 58174-HOWARD, Alice Cordelia. 22/211900, 0661130056, 105 Main Road, Walrner Port Elizabeth. 19/12/73. D. F. Hastings, Secretary of Griqualand West Loan, Trust and Agency Company Ltd, P.O. Bow 189. Kmberley. OOS-KAAP-EASTERN CAPE 254617312-REAEOW. Sydney Redvers (Redvcrsc), 22/7/02, 020722 5001 00 8. 24 Fourth Avenue. Gonubie, 16/9/73. Touyz & Sapire. Nedbank Chambers. Oxford Street, East London. 27/74,'3-BARNARDO, Johan Karel, 18/4/12, 101/208151W, 39 Normandy Court, Adcockvale. Port Elizabeth, 15/11/73; Martha Margrietha Rarnardo, 27/9/54, 101/208152W Martha Margrietha Barnardo, 39 Normandy Court. Adcockvale, Port Elizabcth. 37917413-DU PLESSIS, Johannes Petrus, 23/3/03, 3561 145239W, 68 St James Road, East London, 20/1/74; Paulina Maria Sheila du Plessis, 5/1/09, 356/220956W. P. M, S. du Plessis. 22617412-HARMSE. Catharine Margaret,. born Van Wyk, 19/5/1893. 101/322078K, widow, 3 Steenbok Street, Gelvandale, Port Elizabeth, 11/1/74. Joubert, Galpin & Searle, Natal Build- - ings, 30 Main Street, Port Elizabeth. 563 174 / 1-RCOUTON, Welhelm Herman; 23 /3 128, 9061 552174, Danielslraat 14, Deepatch, 11 12/74; Ivlaria Magdalena Magrieta R4outon, gebore Van Niclcerk, 3/9/28, 101/986690. N. J. A. Smit, Bestuurder. Santam Bank Epk., Sanlamgebou, 2784631<, 21n Zimdnlll Strect. Gclvandale. Fort Eli~al~eth, 14111 73: h4elda htagdalene JaTthcr (MslJa Jaftba), born Venturini, 2/10/26, 037/65l lo3ic. Marcus S. Jacobs & Fcldrnrrn, Lazmark House. 505a Msin Street. Port Glizabcth. 580/74/3-~0~~liVG: Thcresa Olirc. born O'Neil or O'Neill, 31/5/1895. 013/177275W, 5 Van Coller Avenue, Queenstown, 2911 174; Richard Percy Colding; 11 /10/1895; 0431 177274W. E. J. Nurse, P.O. BOX 470, Q:~eer?stown, 5320. 354174-DhNII.?LS, Ei!een Aug~~stine, born Jaftha: abcut 1914, 101/21;5599KI 17 Koedoe Street. Gelvandale, Po:t Elizabeth, 3/3/74. McWilliams & E!liott, Allied Euildings, 89 Main Street, P.O. Box 45. Port Elizabeth. 578 /74/j-.J0~A'~, Johznncs Jacobus, 26/8/08. 10 l /682162K, 8 Clare Street, Korsten, Port Elizabeth, 23/12/73; Dclina Louisa Jonas. A. W. Pudney & Son, 13 Grace Street, Port Elizabeth. 17417412-T-EENDRICKS: Christina Jlenriette, 14/5/03, 331 / 511684. 8 Lansdowne Road, Sunnyridge, East London, 12/1/74. Bate, Chubb & Dickson, Permanent Buildings, 42 Terminus Street, East London. 199/74/3-BOUWER, George, 14/10/20, 201014 5013 006, Endwell, District of Queenstown. 2/1/74. L. J. Moffett & Du Preez. P.O. Box 158. Queenstown. 461/74/1-MORRIS, 'dvonne, 31 18/26, 331 /61878lW. 18 Woodville Road, Millpark. Port Elizabeth. 18 /l 1/73; Arthur Wellesley Morris. N. J. A. Smit, Bestuurder Eantarn Bank Bpk., Santamgebou. Hoofstraat 140, Posbus 290. Port Elizabeth. 562/74/2-NOR'JAL, Bcn Oni. 16/2/1900, 000216 5009008, Sangirostraat 54. Despatch, 19/2/74; Sarah Maria Norval, gebore Boshoff, 2/8/03, 0308020003007. N. J. A. Smit, Bestuurder, Santam Bank Bpk., Saniamnebou, Hoofstraat 140. Posbus 290, Port Elizabeth. 250/74/1-HESS. Susannah (Susan) Elizabeth, born Senekal, 26 I8 110. 1011284500. widow. 704 Mutual Hot, Beach Road, Port ~lizabeth, 1911174. R. Loon & Loon, Sixth Floor. Trust Bank Centre, 57315 Main Street, North End, Port Elizabeth. 1453173 / 1-MOSTERT, Tersia, gebore Lombard. $713 153, 652/062419. Evkom, Bedford, 27{3/73. Dower & Vorster, Posbus 136, Quecnstown. 5320. 145117311-MOSTERT. Hendrik Jacobus, 23/10/50, 021 / 659266, Evkom. Bedford, 27/3/73. Dower & Vorster. Posbus 136. Queenstown, 5320. 58217412-CANNON, Sarah Agnes, born Hanley, 4/11/23, 005/952776. 2 Mill Street, Alexandria. 25/1/73; Henry John (Jarnes) Cannon, 6/10/13, 005/948560. A. P. van Wyb, P.O. BOX 18, Alexandria. 248 /74/ 3-McFARLANE, David Sunwer. 28 16/54, 6541 030485W. Fairlight, Maclear, 27/12/73. 9. R. Wade, P.0 Box 10, Maclear. 57917413-HEYMAN Abraham Daniel, 20110131, 1331 176152?V, Hans Strydomstraat 36. Despatch, 1112/74; Maria Alctta Sanc Heyman. gebore Terblanche, 18 14/36, N. 5. A Smit, Bestuurdcr Santam Banb BD~.. Hoofslraat 140. Posbus 290. Port Elizabeth. 58817413-VERMAAK, Jacobus Stephanus, l7/3/ 10, 100317 5014 00 3, Huis 17, Gamtooskanale. Patensie. 9/2/74: Johanna Elizabeth Vermaak,.,gebore Vosloo. 2/5/15, 055/323468W. Volkskas Bpk. (geregistreerde handelsbank), Boedel- en Trustafdeljng, Posbus 1493, Port Ehzabelh. 581174-DEYZEL, Antonie Christian (Christiaan). 20/3/11, 101 /24417W, 137 Water Road, Walmer, Port Elizabeth, 4 /2/74; Cornrha Ehzabeth Deyzel. born Victor. 29110118. 101 /264418W. Marcus S. Jacobs B Feldman, Lazmark House, 505a Mam Street, Port El~zabeth. 353/74/1-CRONJE, Hcndrik Oosthu~zen 29110/33. 11 l/ 882213W, Baskohuis 4, Towlerstraat. Sidwell. Port Etwalieth, 21 /l 174; MagJalena Sdlomina Cronje, gebore M~nnie, 1516/44, 1471316734. N. J. A. Smit, Bestuurder, Santam Bank Bpk., Posbus 290, Port Elizabeth. 33317411-KANNEMEYER, Lettie, born Vananmav.ay, 20161 10. 101/237179K, 13 Boston Street. Korsten. Port bl~zabeth, 11 /l2/73; Hcldred Herbert William Kannemzver. 13/f / 12 A W. Pudney 8; Son. 13 Grace Street. Port Elizabeth. 529!74/3-BURGEK. Bartholomeus. 6 /2/ 1889. 045 1979374W, Cradoekstraat 58, Graaff-Reinet, 8/2/74. Barclays-Nasionale Bank Bpk., Trusteetak, Posbus 164, Port Elizabeth. 3061173-ANDERSON, Robin Henry, 13111 /01, 0111135005 002, 81 Campbell Street, Fort Beaufort, 17/10/73. Hanesworth & Nienaber, 45 Durban Strcct, Fort Beaufort.

3+13/73;i-?;>4QS. 7uiiy Mary, born Webber.?O/Z/lllY7, 003/924072W, SctiIirs Close, Knight Street, <i;nhi:nciown, 12/12/73. b?d:l: Stose, lx3 High Street, Graharnst~~m. 495 174 / 1-PJEE, ;n!~eunrs Lodewickcs.(iodcwie!;us] Slcpliani??, 3/311890, 930305 ';QC4 00 1: Vogc!s!raat, Lac!;$ Cfrey, i2/2/ 74; Johanna C!-~risiina Nel, 9/5/1892, 9205c9 0G03 00 1. Dle!Standard Gael; it Suid-Afrika Bpk. (gercglstreer.':: iiz::dz!sbar,i:), Traste.:tak. ;"i35ij;ij 9;s; C.U.j-L~nd&n. -!65/74/2--1AiX: Lucy May, l4 /5/lZ97,!i8/%??FZ':V. 12a Jl;ll;l Lc.<:;-, 51 hljci.i3,;i'~ Paad, East load or^, f:;rr!l;;..jy 4.9 :-:Izt.~y Sircet. Giah;:x;!owr.:n, 29/1/73. JSialcc, F!c:I-LLIX, @rsr.;ovl $ Vermazk; i!ih Fioor, Murray and SLc,;#art Centre, -!.c;i-i:i:~us S~:c,ct, Ea~t lonrioil..-,a7 l 71-/:i-!<GE:ii!?,?-iiCj,5R. Jol!a:ir.cs Jergeils. 22 /$/(CS. W,/ (:,L~56W. 12 Evam Road, Miiner Estate, East London, 1/2/73. 7.z..-.;l;;li:,.h:;?.lc:in?:i P;~t~:.jl;:i: Ni;1!1i Floor, Trust Baiik Centre, ~;~;ti, : CL-.. Q. D : 5.3. Eas: London. 1283 /7?/;-I<OEKE~SIOCR: Susanfid, Johanna Aciriaca, 20. 1!/09, 004/939057W, 12 Evalis Road,' Milner Estate, East i,~i:lcn: 1/2/73, I<:we!h Normrrri Paterson, Ninth Floor; Trnst 13ank Centre,?ior!k Srreet:?.U. Sax 963; East London. 568/7L(I?-VAi4 - - F.ET7Eid. Hestcr.ixeornina., ~eborc Coctzee.?I,'8i1W$. ~.1-';/937327~~ Sintonstraat 4, Burgcl-dsrp, 25/2/74: Groch & Kie., Posbils 40. Burgcrsdorp. 552174-MGSS, Gric Lesiie, 17111/23? 231117 5018 00 0, 65 Kcnnington Road, Nahoon, East Loadon, 13/2/74. D. A. Kotz6, Manager, Smtsm Rank Ltd. P.C. Box 765. East London. 188~7413-~0~1<1~~. Michael Terrence (Terrance). 27111 / 27, 107/SC584iW. 4 iifigiles Stleet, East London, 9/1/74. Kng B Whitfield, P 0. BOY 271. East London. 2987/7313-KORTE. Frank Gustav. 3/10/1894, 0671377626\73, Flat 6 Lqnli3pz. Lilitcn Grange. Port Elizabeth. 26/9/73; Ahce Therese E!izabeth Korte. born Schultz, 13/6/10. 067/377627\V. Syfret's Trust & Executor (Border) Ltd, P.O. Box 447, East London. 478 171-13 -KRETSCIIMANN, Franz Herrnann, 22/911889, 890922 5005 00 2, Fairviekv, District of IComga, 9/2/74; Hclena Mathilda Kretschmann, born Bartosch, 6J9/1900. H. G. Harland Bell, Main Strcct. P.O. Box 10. Kornga. 61217412-SOICOLICH. William Georgt! Mark, 14 /2/ 10, 28 Market Street, King William's Town, 19/1/74. Barnes & Ross, P.0 Eox 29. King Wllilam's Town. 3015173-MINISH. Heriry John, 1 /;0/2S, l01 /188052K. 12 Rabie Street. Korsten, Port Elizabeth, 15/9/73; hlargret Martha Magdalene Minlsh, born Stephens. 101 / 188053K. Jack Levinthal & Leonard Cohen, Barclays Bank Buildihgs, 582 Main Street, Port Elizabeth 52017412-SAAYhIAN. Barend Martinus.'20/7/07, 070720 5008 00 6, Draaifontein. Greenbushes, Port Elizabeth, 4/2/74: I-Iester Catharina Saayrnan. gebore Strydom, 1/2/11, 110201 0003 00 5. G. J. Stulting. Posbus 3540, Port Elizabeth. ll49/73 13-JACOBS. Minnie, Y/4/1887, 101 /216407K, 19 Darnon Street. Korsten. Port Elizabeth, 26/6/71. Lawson Brown & Hutton, Fourth Floor, Allied Buildings, 93 Main Street, Port Elizabeth. 52617412-DEVLIN, Stanley Will iam. 3113/09. 090331 5001 00 3. 4 Little Beach Road. Port Alfred. 15/2/74. Barclaw National Bank Ltd. Port Elizabeth Trustee ~ran&j P.O. B O ~ 164. Port Elizabeth. 601174-BEZUIDENHOIJT. --- - - - -. - -., Jeanetta.- -.. %Aria. horn Johnstone. 15/7/06, 162/349195W, 10 Main Street, ~okstad, 30/12/73. Eagle & Barnes. 63 Main Street, Kokstad. 590/74/3-MATTHEUS, Dirkie Margaretha Aletta, gebore Kernp, 11/11 /l 897. 101/178854, Coegaskop, -Coega, 25/2/74. Die Rolandse Eksekuteurskamer (00s-Kaap) - Bpk., - PoSbus 55, Uitenhage. I 1/74/1-DE LANCE, Ellen Mary AanC, gebore Skinner, 7/ 12/05. 061/349390W, Crossstraat 15, Uitenhage, 22/2/74. Die Rolandse Eksekuteurskarner (00s-Kaap) Bpk., Posbus 55, Uitenhage. 559 17413-VAN TONDER. Cornelius Petrus Jacobus, 6/10/ 1893. 931006 5001 00 4, Rosa Munch Ouetehuis, Uitenhage, 17/12/ 73. Die Bolandse Eksekuteurskamer (00s-Kaap) Bpk., Posbus 55. Uitenhage. 600/7412-KEPPIE, John Bennett, l5/6/ 1897, l33/1709l IW, 39 Cuylcr Street, Uitenhage, 24/2/74. The Boland Board of Executors (East Cape) Ltd. 1 Church Street, P.O. Box 55, Uitenhage. 521 '74 i ]--RAY. Alvi Elizabeth Rhodes (Rosc). formerly Featherstone, born Barrett, 4/8/1896, 3311417962, Silver Crown Old Aqe Homc. Main Road, Amalinda, East London, 18/12/73. Addleson, Kirk & Moolman, Eighth Floor, Trust Bank Cen!re. North Street, East London. 622/74/7--KING. Dnreen Wilkinson. born Glas 25 / 11109, 0911250010004, 89 Vincent Road, Vincent. East London, 27/21 74 Edgar Glass & Duncan. Fifth Floor, United Du~ldings corner of Oxford and Gladstone Streets. East London. 626174:2-BROWN. Gordon Edward, 19/4/1891, 5101195002 002, 14 Jacob Street, Cathcart, 2/3/74; Ivy Eliza Brown, born Boucher. 12/1/1894, 024/703201, L. T. van Coller, 38a Fleischer Street, Cathcart... -.. - -. -. -. -. - -----------, 594174 12-BECKMANN> Hcinrich! I~rmann Micliacl, 15111 / 1899, 991 115 5035 00 1, 10 Pesrce Siret, East London, 9/2/74. Wakeficld, Wouzct & Gurmcister, P.O. h:: 66, East London. 570/74/1-FERREIRA, Jacoba Elizabeth, 27/2/1883, 1331 190312W, Gert Greeffcuetehuis. 'Yl~iswmore, 1 /l/74. Die Bc1and:e Eksekuteurskamer ((30s-Kaap) Cpk., Posbus 55, Uitenhaze. 54G/74!2--JCPtJDERT, Maria Elizabeth, gebore Grey!ing, 291 3/(?9: LL!Y!829 00i7 00 8. v,, Wo~:ri~~tcl 2; Or-rjcgebou, S;s!~h?traa!; h!ivial-koc;rd, 16/2/54.. Van Rooy Er Van Kooy, Pcsbas 142, Alli~al-Tdocrd. 624/74/:!-DEWCER!?.P'. Albert c :. 1313 / 12, 1071 866962VJ. 17 Dar!in~tcl Road; Vincent. East 1and.n. 28/21 74. Standxd Benk of South Africa Ltcl (registered ccmmercial bank), Trustee Eranch, P.a. Box 936, Ezst 1-o~don. 4.22/74/2-FENWICK. Sxcbus Eaniei, 23'11011930. 001025 5G07 00 6: I'rineess I\Iarprcis:raat 6: Alkval Wooid, 2911/74; Christina Elizabeth Magdalcna Fenwick: gebore Bek.ker. Die Standard Ban1c.van Suid-Afrika Bpk. (gere~isireerde l~andelsbank), Trusteetak, PoSbus 1248, Bloemiontein. 614174-DUGMORE. Carrie Frieda, 7/7/1887, 038/920625, Port Elizabeth,-6/3/74. The Standard Rank of South Africa Ltd (registcrcd commercial bank), Trustee Branch, P.O. Eox 329, Port Elizabeth. 6lO/7.l / l-vermaaig, Susanna Johanna, 3O/5/ 1PSB: 0421 175752W, Geluk: Pk. Klipplaat, Landdi-osdi~,irik, Jansenville, 1 l/ 2/74. Voikslras Bpk. (gercgistreerde hai?dclsbank), Boedcl- en Trustafdc!iiig, Posbus 1493, Port Elizabet!~. 2707/73/?--GAEMLER? Rodney NI:ululeko, 15/4/51, 4 Lomond Street. Cecil Lloyd Township, East London, 18/5/73. Victor John Butler, Marshall & Kaplan, 36 Union Street, East London. 457/74!3--HATTINGH. George Marthinus, 281 1211898. 101 / 191580W, Stllle'Rus, Rocky Ridge. distrik Port Elizabeth, 29/11 74. Comadie, Pieterse & Meyer, Kcrkstraat 28b, Posbus 142, Uitenhagc. 59817413-NORTJE. Nicolas Jacobus. 3/ 10/10, 011 /0035001, Fouriestraat 7, Uitenhage. 24/2/74. Conradie, Pieterse & Meyer, Kerkstraat 25b, Posbus 142. Uitenhage. 517174 / 3-SKINNER. Alms Madeline, born Gradwell, 17 /6/ 02, 043/177304W, 101 Van der Walt Street, Middelburg, 12/21 74. The Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 329, Port Elizabeth. 48417412-POTGIETER, Elvira Mary, born Gertenbach, 101 11 / 1900. 137/23OWOW, Glenmore D~strict of Uitenhage, 1911 / 74; Christoffel Alwyn Potgieter, 28112/02, l37/23oo69. M. H. Heyns, Poste Restante. Hankey, 6350. 609/74/ 3-LOUW, Gladys Olive, born Nicholas. 14/4/1899, 022/380423W, Cottage 10, Red Cross Home for the Aged, Walmer, Port Elizabeth, 5/3/74. Barclays National Bank Ltd, Trustee Branch. P.O. Box 164, Port Elizabeth. 2665173-GOLDSWAIN. Alfred Smith. 2511/46, 101 /305177W, 6 Colson Lane, Sidwell, Port Elizabeth. 26/8/73; Marilyn Coldswain. born Holt..Archibald Marock, Mycrs & Katz, Second Floor, Capitol Buildings, 547 Main Street, Port Elizabeth. 32717413-HARPER, Herbert Harry, 7/10/08, 211/598%7, 49 Darlington Road; East London, 1411/74. Abdo & Abdo. 40 Union Street, East London. sui~vbts-afrika-south-west AFRICA 91174-DRESCHER, Anna Maria Hedwig, 22/4/1883, weduwee, Ouetehuis, Otjiwarongo, 9/2/74. Die Standard Bank van Suid-Afrika (geregistreerde handelsbank), Trusteetak, Posbus 2164, Windhoek. 97174-MAIER, Ernestine Johanna Eva, 6/3/22, Windhoek, 25/12/73. Die Standard Bank van Suid-Afrika (geregistreerde handelsbank), Trusteetak. Posbus 2164, Windhoek. 63174-LOUW, Paul Kruger, 2/7/38. 380702 5011 00 3, Keetmanshoop. Hoeveld, Q2/1/74. Volkskas Bpk. (geregistreerde handelsbank), Boedelafdeling. Posbus 305, Windhoek. 103174-HORN, Iacobus Cornelius, 24/6113, 130624 5011 002, Marconiweg 55, Windhoek, 12/2/74; Aletha Maria Horn. gebore Swarts, 27/10/22. Volkskas BPk. (geregistreerde handelsbank), Boedelddeling, Posbus 305, Windhoek. 120 /~~-NE~THLING. Siebert Jacob, 1 / 10109, Bahnhofstraat 36, Otjiwarongo, 9/2/74; Ianetta Hendrika Petronella Neethling, voorheen Weyers. gebore Richter, 6/4/32. Volkskas Bpk (geregistreerde handelsbank), Boedelafdeling, Posbus 305, Windhoek. 86174-LOUW, Hester Elizabeth Wilhelmina, 24/6/1893 Mariental. 19/2/74. Volkskas Bfpk. (geregistreerde handelsbanl.). Boedclafdeling. Posb~~s 305. Windhoek. 856173-BASSON. Pieter Jacobus, 611111893, 931106 5004 00 C; Hegelstraat 17. Windhoek, 7/12/73. Die Trust Bank van Afriha Bpk., Trust- en Boedelafdeling, Kaiserstraat 311, Posbus 233, Windhoek.

Ingcvolge art~kel 35 (5) van Wet 66 van 1965, word hierby kennis gegee dat duplikate van die likwidasie- en d~stribusierekenings (eerste en finale, temy andcrs vemem) in d~e boedels hieronder vermeld, in die kantore van die rneeslers en landdroste soos vermeld en gedurende '11 tydperk van 21 dae (of korter of langer indfen spesiaal vermeld) vanaf gemelde datums of vanaf datum van pubiilcasie hiervan, as dit later is, ter insae 16 van alle persone wat daarby belang het. Indien binne gcnoe~nde tydperk gem besware daarteen by die betrokke meesters ingedien word nie, gaan die ekselcuteurs oor rot die u~tbetalings ingevolge pemelde rckenings. Die inligting word soos volg verstrek: Boedelnommer, familienaam, voornaam(name), persoonsnommer, laaste adres, beskrywing van rekening as dit anders as ecrstc en hale is; indien oorledene in gemeenskap van goedere getroud was die nagelate eggenool(no:c) se name, familienaam en persoonsnommer; tydperk van insae (indien korter of langer as 21 dae), landdroskantoor; naarn en adres van prokureur(s), eksekuteur(s) of gemagtigde agent(e). L~BUIDAT90N AND DISTRBBUTilON ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYBNG FOR lnspectbom In tertm of sectlon 35 (5) of Act 66 of 1965. notice IS hereby given that coples of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, ~inle~s otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the ~nspection of all persons ~nterested thcrein for a pe: ~od of 21 days (or shorier or longer if speclolly stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may bz!h2 later, and at the offices of the masters and magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. The mformatlon is gwen in the following order: Estate number, surname, christian narne(s), identity number, last address, description of account other than first and final; if deceased was married in community of propel iy the surviving spouse's names, surnamc and ~dent~ty number; per~od of inspectron (~f shorter or longer than 21 days), magistrate's office; narneand address of altorney(s), executor(s) or author~sed By die kantoor van die Meester, ICAAPSTAD. en ook van die landdros van die distrik wanneer dit tussen hakies gerneld word. At the office of the Master, CAPE TOVdN, and also of the magistrate of thc district when stated in parcuiheses. 6220150-OOSTHUIZEN. Wilhelmina Sophia; Kleinplaas, Albertinia. Vcrbelcrdc Eerste en Finale (Riversdal). Boland Bank Bpk., Posbus 12, Riversdal. 5981 /69/A-OOFHUIZEN. Lodewicus Theodorus, 111 / 891140W, Albertinla, Gewysigde Eerste en Finale (Riversdal). Boland Bank Bpk., Posbus 12, Riversdal. 3336172-DE WET, Hendrik (Henry) Christoffel, 019/584622d, Boontjieskraal, afdeling Caledon. Gewysigde Eerste (Caledon). Boland Bank Bpk., Posbus 34, Caledon. 1779173-ENGEL. Jan Iknnie Matthys, 015/832759K, Nuwerus, Napier: Augusta Engel (Bredasdorp). Pieter Christoffel Lutfig, pla Lultig Pc Seun, Dirkie Uysstraat 14, Bredasdorp. 1617173-ERICKSON, Douglas Gordon, 960328 5002 00 4. Plumstead (Wynberg). The Standard Bank of S.A. Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 54, Cape Town. * 98174-COMBRINCK, Ella Susanna, 403/274728W, Bergzkhistraat 69, Mal~nesbury (Malmesbury). Santam Bank Bpk., Posbus 15. Malmesbury. 6581173-LOUW, Catharina Elizabeth. gebore heron,,0261 735201. Paul De>dliersstraat. C~trusdal (Clanwllliam). N. L. Lbuw, Paul Devilliersstraat. C~trusdal. 180174-AMERICA, Car1 Johanne$ 022/880495K, 8 Perth Road, Grassy Park (Wynberg). Simon Abel &' Son, 206 Standatd General House, Church Street. Cape Town.. 4365173ID-BREYTENBACH. Hendrik Joharines Christiaan, 096/725360W, Roodtstraat 39, Malmesbury (Malrnesbury). VorstCr & Coetzee. Posbus 5, Parys., 5460170-EPSTEIN, Alec. 022/766936W, bachelor, 207 Victoria Road, Woodstock. Amended First and Final. L. Kadish 81 Comnanv. RuKdor Tiousc, corner of Vidtoria Road and.douglas lac;, ~oodstoclc. 172168-MATTHYS, ~acohina Hendrina, '063j40930~, ~ rahsrnstraat 15,Xnysna (Knysna). E. A. ~Meyer &\Martin, Hoofstraat 20. Knysna. 2071173-KLINKHAMER. Piet, 0141488413,. 3 6o;id;nt Street. Parow; Maria Suzanna Adriana Klinkhamer., '0141 488414W (Bellville). Walker, Lewis, Godley & Field, 1505 Pleinpark, Plein Street, Cape Town. 2059173-FRYLJNCK, Anna Johanna, 022/952'799w, Huis Luchhoff. Almaweg, Rosebank (Wynberg). Marri~s, Pienaat & Vennote, Volkskasgebou 704, Adderleystraat. Kaapstad. 3127173-LONG. Lconard Clarence, 022/841292W, 29 Fifzroy Street. Goodwood: Marv Lone, 022/841293W. ' Charles LRvltt.& ~orniany. P.O. Box 275; ellv vale. 1265173-DU PLESSIS, Jacoba MaYyna Antonetta, gebore Fourie, 014/470162W, weduwce, Middelstraat 30, Bellville (Bellville). Meyer. Nel & Van Breda, Posbus 132, Bellville. 6220172-DU PLESSIS, Pieter Jacobus, 1491347667, id delstraat 30. Bellville; Jacoba &fa1 yna Antonetta du Plessis, gebore Fourie. 014/470162 (Bellville) Rfeyer. Nel 81 Van Rreda, Posblis 132. Bellville. 4129173-77SOMSON. John. 022/280740W, 201 Korthof. Vrede Street. Bellville, 7530 (Bellv~lle). Meyer, Nel 81 Van Breda, 14 Coronation Avenue, P.O. BOY 132. Bellville, 7530. 5841173-KRIEL, Frederick Hendrik, 910815 5005.00 4, Onse Rust, Muburgstraat, Fraserburg; Else Helena lcr~el, gebore Smit, 0391926326W (Fraserburg). Strobos & Louw. Posbus 11, Fraserburg 7008173-NEWMAN, Adolf. 019/6030171<. Vlcimcg 102, Caledon (Caledon). Doland Bank Dpk., Posbus 34, Caledon. 4636172 -BRADE, Gustav Albert, 18 Branham Avenue. Devil's Peak, Cape Town. Wilhelm Heinrich Theodor Lanwcrs, P.O. Rox 95, Windhock, S.W.A. 65&2/73-VAN DER MERWE. Helena Johanna 1341211 ;29W, Silwerkmin. Well~ngton (TVellington). Die Wellrngtorise Eksekuteurslcamer Bpk (lid van die Santxngrozp), Posbus 1. Wcliington. 5754 '73-VISSER. Jacobus Gabriel. 921026 5002 00 2. Vrcderusouekhuis, Mullerstraat, Villiersdorp (Caledon). Boland Uank Bpk., Posbus 10, Villiersdorp. 6.4491731C-STEENKAMP, Jan Johannes. 02 1 /678269W, Ramskop. Calvinia (Calvin~a). Santam Bank Rpl. Posbus 138, calvinia: ' 4 173173-ENGELBRECIT. Cornelus Johannes. 091 104 5002 00 l, Langenhovenstraat 3, Stellenbosch; Eltzabeth Magritha Engelbrecht, gebore Louw, 011020 0001 00 7 (Stellenbosch). Boland Bank Bpk.. Posbus 13. Stellenbosch. 4697173-FREEMAN, Isadora Johanna De V~lliers. born MaraCs, 961 /073462W, 14 Rose Street, Paarl (Paarl). N. S. Freeman, c10 Syfrct's Trust Co. Ltd, 24 Wale Street, Cape Town. 1699173-POTGIETER, Salomm Theodorus. 093/662881W, Grootkruia, De Rust (Oudtshoorn). Kaplan & Oaks, Kerkstraat 117, Posbus 152, Oudtshoorn. 13917.4-LE,ROUX; Petrus Johannes, 010322 5002 00 7, Viljoehstraat 38, Uredasdorp: 'Catharina Dorothea Johanna Sophia le Roux. gebore Volschenk, 980905 0001 00 2 (Bredasdorp). Breda BafiK Bpk. (geregistreerde algemene bank), Posbus 19, Uredasdorp. 6383773-IMMELMAN,.Margaretha Wilhelmina. geborc Muller. 3101983243W. Aandskemering, Malmesbury (Malmesbury). Boland Rank Bpk., fosbus 16, Malnlesbury. ~~~~[~I-HuMAN, Christina lohanna, 134/207990K, JTaarlem; Stofrel Human, 134/207989K'(Jouberti1la). Theron & Ret~ef, Rooistraat, Posbus 54, Joubertina. ' 233173-STANDER, Margaretha Maria Elizabeth, voorheen Botha en Janwn van Rensburg, gcbnre Zeclie. 331 i244709w, Reserwestraat 8, Oudtshoorn; Hendrik Johannes Christoffel Stander,, 360/841831W (Oudtshoorn). Kaplan & Oates, Posbus -152, Serkslraat 117. Oudtshoorn. ' 4160/73/B-DE VR~ES, Nicolaas Akker, 149/351556W, Rooiwal. Pk. De Wet (Worcester). J. B. Krige - & Seuns. Posbfis '14, ~o'rcester. &~~/~~-E~oRowITz, ~ a x, 101 / 172530. Normandielaan 2, Seepunt, Kaapstad. Steyn, V. d. Vyver & De Jager, Posbus 10, Willowmore. 5425173-FRANKEN, Hendrik Hermanus. 019/620610W, Bezuidenhoutstraat, Stanford; Elizabeth Catharina Franken, gebore Srnal, 0191679849W (Hermanus). Breda Bank Bpk. (geregistreerde algemene banh), Posbus 19, Bredasdorp. 6270172-TRUTER, Christina. 01415511507, 107 23rd Avenue,.Elsie's River, Amended Fmt and Final (Goodwood). S. J. Sauls & Co., P.O. Box 27, Elsie's River. 6042173-SWARTZ, John William. 096174241913, Suikerbekhiestfaat 561, Paarl-00s; Chr~stina May Swartz, gebore Leonards, 0961742420K (Paarl). Mev. C. M. Swarlz, pla Syfrets Trustmaatskappy Bpk., Waalstraat 24, Kaapstdd. 5942173-UOTHA, Philip Rudolf. 073/445291W, Cedarlaan 19, Robertson (Robertson). Volkskas Rpk (geregistreerde handelsbank), Boedel- en Trustafdeling, Adderleystraa! 134, Posbus 3981, Kaapstad.

c,rj-.;.efc>:y,;l;,:'r <;~'~z,~:z-j -~=-==.~-.=..-rn.r.--m~ ->~=.-.*T~-r-.->-c.-.- 41 5;I5?-TRUTI3, C!ir;siir;a;-. Ch:istoffeI, J :7/3ZX590, Birdstr,,at 85, Stellei~bosch; Anna Catherina Gysberh Trtiter, gcbore ('arstens: 117!928591W ((Stelienbosch). Boland Bank Bpk.: 31euIpicin 5: Sicl!r:~Eosch. 4792173-JANSE VAN RENSBURG, Gi'deon Philippus (Philiippus), 012!430936W, Albertstraat 24, George; JacoSa Johanna.!arise van Rensburg, gebore Appel, '012i430937W (George). 1. N. F. O'K-nnedy, Takbestuurder: Bbland Bank IPpk., Posbus 373, George, en lacoba Johanna Janse van Rcnsburg, gebore.2ppcl, ~lbertstraat 21, Gecrge. 4022/72-TIRL4N, Susanna Isabella, gebore Swart, 0421 9563R7W. Kleinbos. distrik George, Gewysigdc Eerste en Finale; Artnu Walcott Tiran, 04219763PBW (George). J. N. F. O'ICennedv. Tahbestuurder, Boland Bank Bpk., Posbus 373, George, eii 'iritu Walcott Tiran, Kleinbos. ~eoige. 3574173-SALE. Xric Thomas W~llizm, Sdum Flats. Gabricl Roi~l, Plumsiead (W>nl.erg). Flndlay & Tait, P.O. Box 248, Cape Town. 3356/73/C-DI: KLERK. Maria ~ele'na, 140/161678'W. Gottlandhuis. Oudtshoorn (Oudtshoorn). Kempen & Kempen: Posbus 24. Victoria-Wes. 984173-PARROTT. George William, 100/798619W, Kerkstraat. Piketbxg: Frederika Wilhelrnina Parrott, gebore Van Zyl. 100/798620W (Pihetbcrg). Boiaiid Bank Bpk.: Posbus 1: Piketberg. 1178173-FARRELL. W~lliam. 901 /520310W. Fine Lake Marina. P.O. Box 8. Sedgzfield. Wright, Rose-Innes, Louw R. Wisc, 401 Allied Buildings. 170 Meyer Street, Germiston 2829173-WYNICK, Jane Amelia (Jen'nie). born Stodel. 3311 174 l66w, 4 Schcol Road. Claremont (Wynberg). Sonnenberg Boffmann & Galonbik. 54 Shortmarket Street, Cape Town. 864173--CORAIZIN. John Henery, 005/416573K. 55 Ostenley Road. Crawfcrd; Johanna Coraizm (Wynberg). Dichmont & Dichmont. 55 St George's Street, Cape Town. 6671173-SACKETT. Francina Johanna, '022/2527703W. 88 Fourth Avenue. Rondebosch East (Wynberg). Buirski. Berbstein & Ipp. 134 Adderley Street. Cape Town. 6108173-SPARDEL, Mau Hans ~ms{ 022/295602, 29 Pieke Road. Thornton; Ema Anna Spardel, ~2)'45lll2 (Goodwood). Bisset, Eoehmke 61 McBlain. 140 St George's Street. Cape Town. 5173173-DUNN, Harriet Gertrude, born Jrnpey. 0141945076, Main Road, Rosebank (Wynberg). A. T. B. Templeman, 22 Dun- Iuce Avenue. Claremont 3460173-GLADSTONE. Alexander. 505 Sunninghill Flats, Sunninghill Road. Wynberg (Wynberg). Bloofiberg & Company, 56 Shortmarket Street. Cape Town. 4420173 /B-ICOPELGWITZ. Jane. 022/151076, Oakroyd, Claremont Avenue. Kenilworth. Capc Town (Wynberg). Schwartz. Fine, Ablahams, Gorvy & Kane Eighth Floor, Eagle House, 18 Lower Burg Street, Cape Town '1259173-BRETTENNY. Alice May, 022/151249W, 73 Fairview Avcnut.,. Woodstock, Amended First and Final R Templeton &, Strong. Burleigh House. 24 Barrack Street, Cape Town. 1814173-FADDEL, Ellen Chambers.. orn Mathew, 0221 498633W, 17 Cleveland Road, Claremont &ynberg). O'Sullivan g: Company, United Buildings. Main Road, Claremont. 6608/73/B MOOPMAN. Marparet Elizabeth. 097/739577K. African Dawn. Lawrence Road. Crawford (Wynberg). Herold. Gie & Broadhead 8 Carling Street Cape Tom. 8001. 46 IT 173-KEEl\'h?d. James. 014 14798hlW, Nazareth House, Upper Mill Street. Cape Town. G F. Keenan, 5 Brays Court. Statlon Road, Mowbray. 5749173-SELDON. Lionel, 080720 500600 8. 401 Tristan Lodge. Beach Road. Moulllc Point. Mabel -Seldon, 401 Trustan Lodge. Beach Road. Mouille Point. 1128/73 -RGBTNSON. Florence h4ildred. 0221440630W. Hawthnrndene, Ncrschel Walk, Wynbzrg (Wynberg). Silberbauers. Uni!ed House. Heerengracht, Cape Town. 1347/73/C-FOR'JTJIN. h4aria Wilhelmiha, 022/356912C, 67 Thornton Road, Athlo~e. lsaac Volkwyn 81 Co., 3 George Street, Athlone. 5526/73/B-TAYIOR. Esther. 0221294714W 13 Kei Apple Road. Sea Point Arthur E Abrnhams & Gross, F 0. Box 1661. Cape Town. 5567173 GARDPIER, Harry Vivian Arthur, 100301 5008 00 9. Harry's Corner. 4 raure Mmne Dnve. Gordon's Bay; Phoebe Gardiner. born Van der 6.3uy, l3ww 0007 00 6 (Slrnndj. The Standard Bank of S.A. Ltd (i:gistcred commercial banl.). Trustee Pi,l~ch. P G Box 54 Cape Town. 3875 '73-?'b,YIJ3JR. Weakerley St John Creswell (Cressell), 907/0!4326 5omerset West (Someriet West). The Standard Bank d S b. Ltd. T-us!::e Ijranch, P.O. Bm 54. Cape Town. ~243/73-LEEl3lc'i. Loveday Ad,:!aide, born Randall. 0221 PR7702. 16 Rlif-dcq Street. East London (East London). The Stand~-? Znnk or S A. Ltd (rrpistercd commercial bani,). Trustee BIZ:.L~I. P.O. Bnu 54. Caps TG:P. 1 S/54-UPSHER. Stanley Clifford. 022/72'1036U'. 18 Disa Avcnue. Fish Hoek (Simonstownj Standard Bank of S.A. Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trustee Rranch.,P.G. Box 54. Cape Town. Street. Cape Town. 5501 173-KAFLAN, Ann. 027 '764580, 3 Gloucester Court. Three Anchor.Bay. Henri Oswald van Zyl, General Man~ger Syfret's Trust Co. Ltd. 24 Wale S'rzei. Cape Town. 5::3; 173-GRBLLIER. Helm Ouribi Joyce, born Ord-Brown 9071511577W. Stirling Lodce. Stirling. fist London (East Lon- dun). Syfrets Trust ~ ck~anf~td, 21 %ale Street. Cape Town. 1934173-ANDERSON, Henry Daniel Waltho L 151277875 3r!4 Frotea Place, Culrn Road Plumstead; Susanna X4agrieta Andcrmn, born Fuller, 1151277876 (Wynberg). Pincus. hfatz & 1 t~rrhzrg. Maynard House. Maynald Road, Wlnberg. 5905173-WALDECK, Nurnphrey, 151206 5015 00 3. 1 Fouleizl~ Court. Main Road, Rosebank. First (Wy~iberg). Bisset Bocknl,e & McBlain. 140 St George's S:rec:, C~pe Town. 6713173--CHAPMAN, Sara (Cissie). born Fr~edman. 0221 318399W, 604 thfarian Heigl-ts. Klcof Road Sea Point Sonnenbc;~ Hoffmarln & Galombik. 54 Slio~tmarket Street, Cape Town. 4299173-YOUNG. Doris Edna, born King. 014/491244W, 23 Surrey Street, Goodwood (Goodwood). H. 0 >an 7y1, General Manager. Syfrets Trust Compmy Ltd, 24 Wale Street, Cape ToWn. 3538/664ARNETT, Colleen Barry, born Orpen. l01 / 173493M7, Park Road, Rondebosch. Cape Town First Supplemen- tary (Wynberg). Syfrets Trust Company Ltd 24 Wale Street Cape Town 4890/73/B-COOPER, Frances Ellen, l01 1213994W. c/@ Homeleigh Rest House, 16 Pillans Road, Rosebank (Wynberg) Syiret's Trust Company Ltd, 24 Wale Street, Cpe Town 3768 /72/h-SERESMAN. Elias. 022 /294334W, 404 Wingate Marals Koad, Sea Point. First h4ilsikanth. Cohen & Fine, P.0 Box 2817, Cape Town. h51 173-GREENWAY. Edmund Georee, 0221822834, Blue Horizon. Zeekoevlei, First; Mavis May Booth Greenway, borr W~lson (Wynberg). Tedcx Trust Company (Pty) Ltd, 18 Keerolr Street, Cape Town. 2780172-SCHIVARZER. Gerhard, Panorama. Parow; Patricia May Schwarzer {Bellville). Syfrets Trust Company. Cape Town. 3102173/C4ORDON. Gerald Edwin, 0221131348K. 17 ~azeldene: Sandhurst Road. Wvnbere. - Esau ~haniio & Gall. 145 Main Road. Claremont. 4056173-GROENEWALD. Gertruida Etresia, gebore Nortje 0421911369V4, Langenhovenweg 135. Oudtshoorn (Oudtshoorn) S. A. van der Westhuizen. Takbestuurder, Santam Bank Bpk. Posb~is 208. Hoogstraat, Oudtshoorn. 2984173-WILLIA'MS, Peter John. 117/921078K. Noltestraat 23, Strand; Louisa Magdalena Williarns. gebore Dramat (Strand) S A. P. Dreyer, Posbus 39. Strand 0409/73iC-THORNE, Reginald, Valkenberg Hospital. Obser valory Cordon, Davis & Jaclson, 537 Grand Parade Centre, I Castle Street, Cape Town. 1925173--COTTON. Bernard (Rarnard) Benjamin, Haven Paradisewea, Simonstad, Gewvsiade Eerste en Finale (Simonstad) T~uter & ~Gmbard, Posbus 33.17,~aa~stad. 6616172-VILJOEN Daniel Tliomas du Plessis. 0221736413W Cemaren Woonstelle, Kusweg, Strand (Strand). Minnaar & D: Kock, l'osbus 19. htiddelburg 21 12173--CILTJERS, Elirabeth Johanna Cilliers. 019/600191W Plelnstraat 33. Parow (Bellville). Proctor, R Villiers & Kie Saambougebou, Kasteelstraat 45. Kapstad. 5578173-ROODMAN, Jan Johannn Paulus. 111 /903495VJ Vermadhlikheid, distrik R~versdal (Riversdal). Hofmeyr & Seua Posbus 16. Riversdal. '3i8171-VAN WK. Andries Jacobus 086/596953W, Ronde heuwel Ri;lndwacht. Mosselbaai; Sara Hendrina van Wyk. 086 596954W (Mosselbaai). Mlller Terblancllc & Zietsman, CuIlstraa 5. Mosselbaai 2790172-BARNARD. Dora Maria. 0121448829, Witkopskuil Willownore; Adam Barnard, 012144828 (Willowmore). Steyii Van d ~ Vyver r 6( De Jager. Knysnastraat 45. Posl-us 10 Willo\? more. 6680. 6824171-HILT,, Gertrude Eliza, 2021702756W. Cambridgr Nursing Homc, Plumstead, Second Tlqnidation and D~strlbutio. (W\ nberg). Desmond Back &l Co. P.O. Box 43, Constantia. 5P85/73/R-FOUCHE, Phihppus Jacobus. 020/642796W, Ja1 Fouriestraat. distr~k Calitzdorp [Calitzdorp). Die Standard Baii van S.A. Rpk (geregistreerde handelsbank), trusteetak, Posbus 54 Y aapstad 6215173-RENI'JZE, Thomas, 2111562183W. 32 Margare Avenue, Pinelands (Goodwood). The Standard Bank of S.A. Ltc (reg~stered commerciai bank) Trt~stee Branch. Third Floor, Mat: dor Centre, 62 Strand Street. Cape Town. 3736173-LE ROUX, Jacoba Fredrika, C96/722079W. Heur t' Lis, Franschoek (Paarl). Boland Bank Bpl. Posbus 56, Fransch hoek. 53<3'73-VAN RHEZDE VAN OUDTSHOORN, Johar~>. FII ~abeth, 0221792184. Huis Luckhoff, Rosehanlc (Wynberg) hfc E I.. v R. van Oudtshoorn, Devonshire 504, I-loofwcg, Groer. p:nt

102 No. 4237 STAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 1974 633174-DZCKSSN, Maria Magdalena, gebore Loubser, 100/ 798822. Dcloilshire 50.3. Nonfweg, Groenpunt. Mev. E. L. van R. van Oudlshoorn. De V~~shire 504, Hoofweg, Groenpunt. 6940173-J0RDAAI.J. hnna Maria, 022/345292W, President Brandst1a;ri 6, Epj:i?g; Stephznus Jordaan, 0221345291W (Bellville). A. T. B. Kellermnm, Goldenrnllesentrum 304, Hoofstraat 655, Podbus 3179, Port Elizabeth. 3442/S-BARKER, Eiancis James. Uitenhage, Amended First and Final (Ultcn!-age). Boldnd Board of Execators (East Cape) 1 id. P @ Rou 35. Uitenhage. 29221'73-VALDEK, Ivy Maudc, 36 Pillans Road. Rosebank. Syfret's 7';us! and Exccu!or (Eastern Cape) Lid, P.O. Box 466, Port E!isr~beth. 1334173-RADOWSKY, Samuel, 022/175245W, 26 Kenmain Gardcns, Main Road. Kenilworth (Wynberg). Jacob Zeller, c10 Kenneth Penkin Trust P(ty) Ltd, Ath~nson Ilouse, 47 Strand Street. Cape Town. 2779173-ZELLER, Louis 0221262858W. Atlantis Hotel, Marais Road, Sca Point. Jaco!, Zrller, c10 Kenneth Penkin Trust (Pty) Ltd. Atkinson House, 47 Strand Street, Cape Town. 3836/57--JANTJIES. Jacobus Johannes, Connaught Road, Elsie's River, Amended First and Final (Bcllville). Edward J. Windell N.B S. Buildi~gs. Parow. 5999172-MOWZER, LaticC Omar (Abdul Latif Omer Mowzer), 441 Halt Road, Elsies's River (Goodwood). S. M. Kessler, Lazams 8 Borok. First Floor. Goalbum Centre. Voortrekker Road. Goodwood. 2996173-KATZ, Mendel Leib (Julius), 1371222632, Reingold, 2 Rocklands Avenue, Highlands Estate, Cape Town. Sonnenberg, Hoffmann & Galoinbik, 54 Shortmarket Street, Cape Town. 350174-HELLEN. Sheila Mary Iosephine, 962/022890W, A736 St Martini Gardens, Qucen Victoria Street.' Cape Town. Barclays National Rank Ltd (registered commercial bank), Cape Town Trustee Branch, P 0. Box 512. Cape Town. 5379173-HARVEY, Ernest William Frcderick. 014/486059W, 25 Lociinerhof, Voortrekker Road. Gocdwood (Goodwood). Barclays National Bank Ltd (registered commercial bank), Cape Town Trustee Branch. P.O. Box 512. C2pe Town. 4267173-PUTZ. Hildegard Ida Paula, 090105 0010 10 6, 2 Eksteen Avenue, Bergvliet; Karel Arthur Willem Putz. 160902 5015 10 5 (Wynberg). Rarclays National Bank Ltd (registered commercial bank), Cape Town Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 512, Cape Town. 5423173-FALCK, John Henry (Johannes Hendrik), 211 / 501652W. 18 Sixth Avcnue. Fish Moek; Maria Susanna FaIck, 211/501653W (Simonstown). Barclays National Bank Ltd (registered commercial bank), Cape Town Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 512, Capc Town. 6092151--0LJVIER. Jan Harm Labuschagne, Wonderpoort, djstrik Albert, Gewysigde Eerste en Finale; Aletta Elizabeth Olivler, gebore Du Plcssis (Jamestown). Douglas & Botha, Posbus 66 Aliwal-Noord. 3270173-LUCAS. Anna Catharina Jacoba. gebore Lucas, i00/ 804833W, Dr. Malanstraat 7, Piketberp; Hendrik Johannes Lucas, 1001804832W (Pikctberg). Boland Bank Bpk., Posbus 1, Piketberg. 2999166-GROENETVALD, Hermanus Johannes Christoffel, Gewysigdc Eerste; Maria Magdalena Susanna Groenewald (Staaford). Jm S. de Villiers & Seun, Santamgebou, Burgstraat, Kaapstad. 5139173-BRODIE, William, 0221329476W, Dill Buchanan Park, Goodwm Drive, Durban (Durban). Findlay & Tait, P.O. Box 249, Cape Town. TRANSVAAL By die kantoor van die Meester, PRETORIA, en ook van die landdros van die distrik wanneer dit tussen hakies gemeld word. At the office of the Master, PRETORIA, and also of the magistrate of the dlstrict when stated in parentheses. 10606/72-ERASMUS, Annetta Christina, 022/360133W, Rhodeslaan 10, Witbank; Annetta Chr~stma Erasrnus (Witbank). Die Trust Bank van Afr~ka Bpk., Trust en Boedelafdeling. Trust Bank Sentrum, Eloffstraat. Posbus 7694, Johannesburg. 6000172-PIETERSE. Wilhelmus Johannes, 3101545419, Plot 987, Pk. Mamagalicskraal, distrik Brits, Tweede en Fjnale (Brits). T. J. Pieterse, Plot 987. Pk. Mamagaliesliraal, distrik Brits. 4191173-KASSOJEE, Amod Ebrahim. 8001017303, Erf 1744, Stasiestraat. Balfnur; Khetija Amod Kaesojee, 800/017343 (Balfour). P. V. D. M. Haarhoff & Seun. Posbus 33, Balfour. 1368,'70/B-MINNAAR, Karel Petrus Jacobus, 3131569410, Wolvcngatcn, distrik Bronkhorstspruit; Aletha Susanna Minnaar, gebore Prinsloo, 31 l/5692ll W (Bronkhorstspruit). mev. A. S. Minnaar, pla Frans E. van der Merwe en Kie., Krugerstraat 46a Posbus 378. Bronkhorstspruit. 6910173-VAN STADEN, Gert Lukas, C07/93447VJ, 7 Grassmereweg. Albemarle, Germiston; Anna Catharina varl Staden, 007193030W (Germiston). B. Hertzberg & Stupel, Posbus 436, Germiston. - 11083173-HARTLEY, Johanna Margaretha Jacoba, 3081 480101, Plot 40, Westwood, District of Boksburg (Boksburg). Lovell. hfiller & Dreyer, Elgin House, 36 Prince's Avenue, P.O. Box 175, Denoni, 1500. 9040172-QUARONI, Angclo, 331/293463W, Eerste Laan 60, Kew, Johannesburg; Rosa Quaroni (Johannesburg). Die Trust Bank van AfriBa Bpk., Trust en Boedelafdeling, Trust Bank Sentrum, Eloffstraat, Posbus 7694, Johannesburg. 512G/73--EOOYSEN, Maureen, 3311392335. Woonstel 63, Roe I-Iarnslanhof, Breestraat. lohanncsburg (Johannesburg). Die Trust Bank van Afrika Bpk., Trust cn Boedelafdeling, Trust Bank Sentrum. Eloffstraat, Posbus 7634, Johannesburg. 3932/73-VENTER, Martha Christina, 3311443908, Morcglas Ouctchuis, ICru~ersdorp (Krugersdorp). Die Trust Bank van Afrika Rpk., Trust en BoedelaCdeling, Trust Bank Sentrun, Eloffstraat, Posbus 7694, Johannesburg. 10575/72-VORSTER, Cornelia Anna Susanna Johanna. 4041 141555, Lurieswoonstelle 17. Kathicenstraat. Florida. distrik Roodepoort (Verceniging). De Klerk, Vermaak & Vennotc, Trust Bank Sentrum. Lesliestraat. Posbus 338. Vcreeniging. 12814172-SMITH. Jacoba Magdalena, 101/27705, Solhcimtehuis, Sunnyridge, Germiston (Germiston). Prlnsloo, Coetzee & Vermaas. 2059173-GELDEIrfHUYS, Burt, 309/531914W, Posbus 139, Kempton Park (Kempton Park). Botha, Massyn & McJCennie, Posbus 53. IZempton Park. 12306172lA-RAGOOLOO, Puckree, 8031023865, 6 Guinea Fowl Street, Lenasia; Pushparn Ragoolco. 800/0230?8A (Johannesburg). Ernest Beder & Friedland, 405 hlarlborough Ilouse, 60 Eloff Strect, P.O. Box 9689. Johannesbmg. 3782173-BOTHA, Aleita Catharina, roorheen Scheepcrs, gebore Du Plessis, 308/485786W, hliddelvlelplotte 72. Pk Koksvlei, distrik Randfontein (Randfontem). J. B. Hugo & Cronje, Alliedgebou, Hurnanstraat 43, Posbus 115, Krugersdorp. 11650/73-VAN ZYL, Nester Elizabeth Jacoba, 3781213127, Plot 170, hlullerstuinr,, Vanderbijlpark; Gidzon Pieter van Zyl, 3181589227 (Vanderbiilpark). Volkshas Dpk. (gercgistreerde handelsbank). Boedel- en Trustaideling, Voortrekkcrstraat 55, Posbus 970. Klerksdorp. 3301172-WIENAND. Sydney Eric, 6521139075W, 1 Satellite Radar Station S A D.F. Pilgrim's Rest (White River). Sutter, Strydarn & Van Drimmelen, P Q. Box 482, White River. 1026717~-JANEKE, Wessel Johanncs hlbertus, 6531006055, Mikrostraat G. Vandcrbijlpark (Vanderbijlpark). Daniel Christiaan Spics, Santm Bank Bpk., Posbus 801, Vereeniging. 3091/7?-PAUL, Hermann Albert Christoph, 348175223%. 44 Olga Road, Casscldale, Springs (Sprmgs). Platt, Fram & Lieberthal, First Floor, Birnam House, corner oi Fourth Street and Fifth Avenue, Springs. 6362173-JOWES, Charles Harry. 305/118230W, 7 Alaska Road, Selcourt, Springs (Springs). Hammerschlag, Frank, Stoloff 61 Gishen. P.O. Box 351, Springs. 10565/73-DE LANGE, Arthur James William. 365/103572, plaas Geigerle, distrik Springs; Sccielllja Magrieta de Lange, 3651 103573 (Springs). Pickard, ICustein & hfaree. Posbus 14, Delmas. 5211173-DE JAGER, Augusta, 1909160C50 06, 14 Lourens Road. I-Tazilldene, Germiston (Gcrmiston). Jierbert N. Krouse, P.O. Rox 112, Germiston. 10096172-GORDON, Richard Isaac, 3311523540, 62 Paramount Buildings, Kerk Strcct, Johannesburg (Johannesburg). L. Gordon, c/o C. A. Bruyns Trust CO, P.O. Box 684, Randburg. 6624173-GORDIMER, Hannah, 9021542570, 14 Shorborough Court. Seventh Street, Springs (Springs). Haarhofr* 8c Cohen, P.O. Box 170, Springs. 676173-VAN ROOYEN. Comelius Johannes, 890712 5000 06, Ottoshoop (Zccrust). Minchin & Kclly, P.O. Box 26. Mafeking. 7672164-PIETERSEN, Edward Osborne, Rhenosterfontein, Pk. Rayton, Veertiende Likwidasie- en Disiribusiere1:ening (Bronkhorstspruit). Couzyn, Mcrtzog & Horak, Posbus 125, Pretoria. 5750173-CARLYLE, Robcrt Davidson. 3651133314W. 72 Main kvenue. Springs Extension, Springs (~~itban'k). R. F.'~arlyle. c10 P.O. Box 913, Witbank. 3065173-DELPORT, Jacobus Johannes, 309/533244W, Queenslaan 4, Brakpan (Brakpan). p/a Truter Crous Wigg~ll & Vos, Posbus 134. Wesicnaria, 1780. 7529173--OYBRIEN, Robert Alfred, 309/501333W, 15 Cowper Road. Orkney (Klerksdorp). Meyer, Van Sitteri & Kropman, P.O. Box 91, Klerksdorp. 697 /71-MOTARA, Ahrned Abrahirn, 800/024245A, Stand 130 Asiatic Bazaar, Pot~hcfstroom (PotcheTstroom). I. F. Waks & Williarns, P.O. Box 208, 209 Kerk Street, Potchefsiro'orn. 11850/72-SMMAN, Mattheus Johannes, 3051775495. 1 Koen Britzstraat, Ecyerspark, Boksburg. Gewysigde Likwidasie en Distribusie; Johanna Christina Snyman, gebore Van Dyk, 3381 800519 (Boksburg). P. J. Badenhorst & ICie., Posbus 892, Icempton Park.

1664173-LUCK, Henry Ludwick (Hendrik Lodcwyh). 130829 5016 00 6, 52 Grace Crescent. Select~on Park, Spr~ngs; Jsabella Susanna Luck, born Erasmus. 365/123718W (Springs). Hammerschlag, Frank, Stoloff & Gishen, Afr~ca House, Second Floor, corner of Third Street and Fourlh Avenue, P.O. Box 184, Springs. 12196173-PEENZ. Daniel Christoffel. 221115 5010 01, 13de Laan 2, Northmead, Benoni; Johanna Petronella Peenz, born Nel (Benoni). Edelstein, Kahn & Connack, P,O. Box 243. Benoni. 10798173-VENTER. Wilhelmina Catharina Erensina, 3571 895439W. Blaauwildebeesput, Vermaas, distrik Lichtenburg; Chr~stlaan Rudolph Venter (Lichtenburg). - Van der Walt & Mare, Posbus 23. ~an&shoi. 5244173-KRUGER. Hendrik Jasper, 3701953258W. Westgate 209. Vanderbijlpark; Hazel Ruth Kruger, gebore Stone, 3701 953259W (Vanderbijlpark). Hazel Ruth Kruger, Westgale 209, Vanderbijlpark. 10136/73-WALLIS. Susama Elizabeth Margaretha. 3391 533161. Rietkuil. distrik Lichtenburg; Frederick Christoffel Wal- lis. 3391533160W (Lichtenbure). T. P. Taylor - & Vennote, Buchananstrit 36, ~osbus 139, ~ichienburg. 1674173-XOETZEE. Johannes Jacobus, 560204 5035 00 1, Liebenbergstraat 24, Sasolburg (Sasolburg). Daniel Christiaan Spies. Santam Bank Bpk., Posbus 801, Vcreeniging. 10189/72-COETZEE. Johannes Cornelius Jacobus, 6521 085489, 3 Meppenueg Gerdview, Primrose'(Germiston). Prinsloo, Goetzee & Vermaas. Samie Sentrum, Posbus 354, Germiston. 6707173-PRETORIUS, Jacobus Christiaan, 970/001346, Violetweg 69, Primrose, Germiston; Gertruida Magdalena Susanna Pretorius. 970/001231 (Germiston). Prinsloo, Coetzee & Vermaas, Samie Sentrum. Queenstraat. Posbus 354? Germiston. 889174-VAN NIEKERK, Wester Magdalena, 3781212918, Bosmanstraat 29. Wolmaransstad (Wolmaransstad). Volkskas Bpk. (geregistreerde handelsbank), Boedel- en Tmstafdeling, Voortrekkerstraat 65, Posbus 970, Klerksdorp: 4397173-HEYMANN. Abraham, 3241822351W, 48 Honey S:reet, Berea, Johanncsburg (Germiston). Shunn & Nijland, P.O. Box 91. Germiston. 8966173-ROSCH: Pieter Barend. 324/886984, Eeufeesstraat 21, Lydenburg; Johanna Susanna Petronella Bosch, 3241897413 (Lydenburg). Vollskas Bpk. (geregistreerde hzndelsbank), Boedelen Trustafdelinp, Voortrekkerstraat 65, Posbus 970, Klerksdorp. l27so/ 73-CLOETE, Nicolaas Gert Francois, 378 1220222, h4;iylaan 33, Adamayview, Klerksdorp (Klerksdorp). Volkskas Rpk. (geregistreerde handrlsbank), Boedel-.en Trustafdeling, Vmrtrekkerstraat 65. Posbus 970. Klerksdorp. 11075173-CLOETE, Wilhelmina Fredrilia Sophia, gebore Nel, 3781213040: Maylaan 3:. Adarn?:4ew. Klerksdorp; Nicolaas Gerl Francois Cloete. 378/220222 (Klerfidorp). Volkskas Bpk. (gcrczistreerde handclshank), Boedel- en Trustaf'dcling, Voortrekhcrsiraat 05. Posbus 970; Klerksdorp. ' ' 11299173-SPRTNGER: Winifred,.May. 365/128043W, vidow. 9 George Strect, Springs Extension, Springs (Springs). IIammerschlag. Frank, Stoloif 6i Gishen;'Africa House. Second Floor. corner of Third Street and Fourth Avenue, P.O. Box 184, 74 19173-REI'NECKE, Louis Joarhim,. 258/062485W, 18de Straat 2. Mal7:ern. Jolia~nesburg: Johanna Wilhelmina Reynocke, 25s,'0h2486UJ (Johannesburg). Klcpper & Jonker, Prudentialgebou; Voortrekkerweg. New Rsdrufh. Aiberton. - 1 R600/72-ERASMUS, Adiiaan Martinus, 414130088 1. Rhodeslaan 18, Witbank. Eerstc (Witba~k). Die Trust Bank van Afrika Rpi., Trust- en Boede!afdeling. Tn~st Banksentrum, Eloffstraat, Poc;hus 76%. Johmnesbilrg. 557!73-DE LACY. Oracz Craux. 324/828878W, 7 Ouklip Fond. Ha~eldene, Germiston. Arnenc!cd First and Final (Cermistc;;:!. Wri~ht. Rose-Innes. Louw P; Wise, 401 Allied Buildings, 170 Mqer St!'ect. Germiston. RC56/73-EOTI-IA. Sarah rohanna Susanna, Pretoriusstraat 18; Voiknrust: Jan I-Iendrik Both (Voll~sn~st). Kuit & Snymin, Vredz~iraal 18b; Volksrust.! 1530,!52-TUPPER. N?rold James: 0341861392; 1 Albert Coi~rt. Seco~d Avenue. Albertnn {Benoni). Gilchrist & Reid, Mzdical Centre, nolhsay Street, P.O. Box 356, Benoni.? i 73172-VAN TOWPER. Va!crlf: Dorothy, 079!479817W, 90 Boiilt Street? Belfast (Belfast). Kraat, Wagner, Hutshinson &: Mostert: Six111 Floor. Piudcntizl Euildings, -28 Church Square, P.C. Box 1317. Pretoria. 10374i73-PORTWIG. Johann IIeinrich,. 01 1625) 5006 00 8, Persecl 78. Rust de Winter; Catharina Elizabeth Periwig, gebore Venter. P. G. W. Grohler k 6rnenel:~aldt, Derdc Verdieping. l'ro5:incial House, Vandcrwa!tstraat. POS~US 3151, Pre~oria. 11189/73-VAN BEN RTJRG, Cerrit, 356/19246?W. Neho- I~of 3!2, Troycstraat 35, Sunnyside, Pretoria. Van dcn Bnrg Pc Bezuidenhout, Pozbus 1563. Pretoria. 2000 168-VAN STADEN, Willem Abraham, 3111569224, Znsterstroon:, distrik Bronkhorstspruit; Hester Susanna lohanna van Staden. 31 11569225 (Bronkhorstspruit). Metelerkamp & Ritson, Posbus 776. Pretoria. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 1974 No.4237 l03 9782173-COLLINS, Harry Olpherman, 3571891329. Hocwe 2. Elands, Randfontein; Christina Elizabeth Susanna Wilhelrnina Collins, 3571891330. Die Trust Bank van Afrika Bpk., Trust- en Boedelafdeling, Trust Banksentrum, Eloffstraat, Posbus 7694, Johannesburg. 45172-HAMEL, Valerie Norma. 404/106143, Roetsweg 23, Beyerspark, Boksburg; Stephanus Hamel, 1131956687 (Boksburg). Die Trust Bank van Afrika Bpk.. Trust- en Boedelafdeling, Trtist Banksentrum. Eloffstraat, Posbus 7694, Johannesburg. 5534173-VORSTER, Maria Christina Elizabeth, 344/765264W, Jubileeweg 32, Boksburg-Suid; Barend Johannes Vorster, 3441 765263W (Boksburg). Die Trust Bank van Afrika Bpk., Trusten Boedelafdeling, Trust Banksentrum, Eloffstraat, Posbus 7694. Johannesburg. 6117172-VENTER, Hendrik Johannes, 360/952862, Plot 12, Panorama, distrik Roodepoort; Elsle Fransiena Venter, 3601 952863 (Roodepoort). Die Trust Bank van Afrika Bpk., Trusten Boedelafdeling, Trust Banksentrum, Eloffstraat, Posbus 7694, Johannesburg. 4612173-POTGIETER, Jawbus Johannes, 370/913285W, Plot 139: De Deur; Tryna Magdalena Potgieter, gebore Engelbrecht (Vereeniging). Die Trust Bank \an Afrika Bpk., Trust- en Boedelafdeling, Trust Banksentrum, Eloifstraat: Posbus 7694, Johannesburg. 7444173-LE ROUX, James Johannes, 3661174855: Mulderstraat 27, hieyerville, Standerton; Johanna Maria Rebelina le Roux, gebore Jonker, 150412 0013 008 (Standerton). Van Heerden, Schoeman & De Ville, Posbus 39, Burgerslraat, Standerton, - 2470 -- 7822173-LOTHIAN, William Paterson, 3241817537, 12 Kraal Street, Tedstoneville, Germiston (Germiston). Herbert N. Krouse, 209 Rutland Place, Odendaal Street, Germiston. 9005173-VAN AMERSFOORT, Otillia, gebore Prinsloo. 380508 0005 100, l lde Laan 47a, Lichtenburg; Alfred Richard van Amersfoort, 390110 5008 10 2 (Lichtenburg). Conradie % Van Nickerk. Posbus 225, Lichtenburg. 3081 173-KING. George, 365 / l20968w. widower, 24 Newhouse Street, Rowhill, Springs (Springs). Hammerschlag, Frank. Stolofi & Gishen, Second Floor, Africa House, corner of Third Street and Fourth Avenue, P.O. Box 184, Springs. 12465173-WOEST. Benjamin Michael. 3311237433, Marestraat 41, I-Ieidelberg; lohanna Magrietha Woest, 3311237434 (Keidelberg). Von Geusau. Joubert & Ackermann: Posbus 25, Ueckerrnannstraat 44. Heidelberg, 2400. 6124173--COOPER, Hamilton Kotze, 001123 5004 00 6, Swart- kop 82, P.O. Muldersdirf, District of Krugersdorp (Krugersdorp). l. B Hugo & Cronje, Allied Buildings, Human Street 43, P.O. Box 115. Krugersdorp. 9449173-VAN DER h1ark. Cornells. 3351677246W. Morcglan~ouetchu!s hlarkstraat. Kr;gersilorp (~rd~crsilcrp). I. B Jlugo & C'roujc. Allicdgcbou. I!u~~ansrraat, Poshus 115, Krugersdorp. 6634173-DU TOIT, kgatha X4ariz. geborc Eotha, 3571903289, Brandvlei 261, Potbus 81, Randgate, distrik Randfontein; Johannes Jacobus du Toit, 3571903288W (Randfontein). I. B. Hugo 8 Crone. hl!iedgebou. Humanstraat 43. Posbus 115: ICrug'ersdorp. 10'745j73-CLOETE, Hendrik Lambert, 950830 5002 00 1: Eiamantstraat 16, Christiana; Magdalena Gcrtruida Cloetc, geborc Myburgh; 1021816686 (Christiana). Volkskas Bpk. (geregistreerde handdsbank), Boedeiafdeling (Noord-Kaap), Posbus 254, Kimberley. 4580173-ESTERHUYEEN, Daniel Peter, 33111182h?W Iknvcnweg 17, Blairgowrie (Johanncsburg). D. J, de ViiIkr: ~ch6ilz & Van der Wnlt, Saambau-Nasiona!cgebou, Commissirnsrstraat 130; Posbus 8218: Johannesbure. 2367172-SNYDER, Iohannes Wendrik, 381/239330W, Il.ciuir 'Frichardt en Barberton (huis Trichnrdt). Coxwell B SLeyp Trichartl!siraat 31a. Posbus 52, Louis Trichardt.?X l l i73-grobler, Renier Nicolaas Johannes, 36 1 /43221?: Umfo!osiestraat 6. Stilfontein: Stoffelina Johanna Grobler. 334 798314 (~~lerksdor~). Nebex Eksekuteurskarner en Trustmaat skappy. Posbus 210. Klerksdor~ 2029/73--BRENNER, J-ydia Sara. 351 /7%442W, 33a DC\(, nish Street, Pietersburg (Plctersburg). Meyer & Pratt, 203 Pc) manent Buildings, Mare Street. Pietersburg. 6457173-BOYCE, Susara Johanna. formerlv Mann, hrr- ~osihuizen, 3701583917, 11 Fresnel Strect, ~andcrbijl~ark, (Vtv- derbij!park). Rooth & Wessels, P.O. B,ox 21; Vanderbijlprrk. 1034173-GREYLING, Susanna Elizabeth. gebore Ern~;-~:i: 331 / 351505W, St heslaan 40: Mayfair-Wes, Johanllesburg (Juix!i! fiesbnrg). B. J. Greyling, p/a Venter & ICie., Frotea Seairu~;.: I-(igbstraat, Mayfair-Wrs. Johannmburg. 4465174-ERWEE, Joha~xles Andries Alberius, 357/903301\:/ Leeupan. dislrik Ventersdorp (Ventcrsdorp). W. S. Coetzsi: i Fouric; Van Erkomgebou, Pretuiiustraai 217, Pretoria. 6386172-SANTOS. CarIos JosC Da Costa, 964/0019.~.%\i/ 104 Grupels Court, Hamilton Street, Arc:~dia; Pretoria, Suplcm:;;, tary First and Final. N. P. Krogh & De Wet, Scvcnth F1or:r. Standard General Buildings, Proes Street, P.O. Box 979, Prc toria.

104 No. 4237 STAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 1974 11949 /73-SANDERSON, Anna Catharina, 3561133379, l l0 Court Strcct, Fretoria Wcst. Wcavind & W-crksmans, Allied Buildings, 250 Pietoril!~ Sires\. Prctoria. 6017i73-ANCERSC>7J, Vincent Sydney, 3441757160,ICrugerstraat 46, CroijEei-sdal (G?oblei~sdal). Dyason, Poshus 793, Pretoria. 71431?3-~ERA:SMUS, Kcridril; Jokanncs, 101/252890, Lidowoonste!le 2, Vanstadenstraat 60: Rustcnburg; Gcrtruida Johanna Erasncs. gcbore Fouric, 101/255891 (R.uttenburg). J. 0. H.. Sluiter, Sicznsiraat 35a. PosSus 135, Rustenburg. 2279/73-CAROTO. JOSC Alfonso, 356140169lW, Nazarethtehuis, Koningin Willielminalaan, Pretoria. Ackermann, Schilz &. Vennote, Tosbus 2732. Prctoria. 4107173-DOTES, Dii:a Johanna, 376/198030W. Nightingale- straa: 13. Greenhiiis. Randfonkin; Pieier \'Jillem Botes (Kandfoiitein). Jan van Devcntcr 2s Kic.. Villagcstraat 49, Randcontein. 5774 j7 1-TEMPLE. Karhleen $lee Coates), 040407-0002 00 6, 76 higel Koad. Selcctiou Park. Springs (S,prings). Campbell, Bode. Erotvn 22 Steuw:. P.O. Box 333. Springs... li635/72-groene',.'.!/\ld, Juric Hendrik,Wynansd, 4271 344949; IIsns Vanrensburgstraat 22, Pictersburg; Tsabella Susanna GroencvJaldl 4271344950 (Pictersburg). Naude, Janscn & Van der Walt, I'osbus 44. Pietersburg... 8120169-STONE. Ferdinand Will$m, 3561228336, Malherbestraat 108; Capital Park. Pretoria, Gcwysigdc (Witbank). Kraut, Wagner, Hutchinson & Mostert, Prudential Buildings, 26 Church Square. Prctoria. 3593172--JOUBERT. Johanna Francina, gebore - Jankowitz, weduwee, Princcsstraat. Breytcn, distrik Ermelo (Breyten). Adendorff & Adendorff. Posbus 674, Errnelo... 1679169-VILJOEN, Christoffel Johannes. Orkney Boarding House, Klerksdorp (Klerksdorp). Mitchley, Squire & Meldrum, 305-315 National Mutual Life Buildings, 41 Rissili Street,,Johannesburg. 8273173-TAFELSTEIN. Dorothy. 3751204131, Symfanny Hall. Vmrtrekker Road, Wdrmbaths (Warmbaths). Mathews, Lanser & Williams. P.O. Box IS. Warmbaths. 12315 173-GOUWrS. Pieter, 331 1102767W, 60 Agtste Straat, Vrededorp. Johannesburg: Anna Susanna Gouws, gebore De Bruin. 331/102768W (Johannesburg). Daniel Christlaan Spies. vir Santam Bank Bpk.. Posbus 801. Vereeniging. 2307171 /A-MBLLER. Christina Jacoba Hendrieka, gebore Scholtz, 324/870112W, Tclewarrenstraat 20, New Redruth, Alberton, Verbeterde Gewyslgdc Eerste en Finale (Albetton). Santam Bank Bpk., Posbus 6160. Johannesburg. 8882173-KRUGER. Adriaan Cornelius, 991169 5006 002, Plot 60. Culembeeck, distrik Roodepoort; Petronella Ktuger. 090104 0010 000 (Roodepoort). Bank van Johannesburg Bpk., Boedelafdeling. Posbus 62127, Marshalltown. 2107. 11402173-FASSER. Solly. 3561 l94673w, 141 Percy Street, Arcadia, Pretoria. Goldberg, Kuhn & Lanesman, P.O. Box 241, Pretoria. 10508/73-DE VILLTERS. Johanna Hendrika Magda-lsna, gebore Van Niekerk, 3811229911 W. weduwee, Driefontein. Pk. Soekmekaar, distrik Zoutspansberg (Louis Trichardt). Nedbank Bpk (geregistreerde handelsbank), Trustafdeling, Posbus 194, Pietersburg 9149/73-CAMPBEIL, James, 305/759315W, 119 Wooton Avenue. Benoni (Benoni) A. E. Cook. 'Cook & Falconer, Permanent Buildings, 47 Prince's Avenue, P.O. Box 52, Benoni. 7179/73-~~hZ0~~I?. Winnie Amelia, 365'/129535W, Q1 Logan Crescent, Bonaero Park. Kempton Park (Kernpton.Park). A. E. Cook, Cook & Falconer, Permanent Buildings, 47 Prince's Avenue, P.O. Box 52 Renoni. 76 17173-POTGIETER. Johannes ~urgens, 30717853VW, Zen- delmgsfontcin. dislrih Bloemhof: Mark Magd'alena Elizabeth Catharina Potgicter v-bore Scholt7. 3071785378W (Bloe'mhof). J. D. G Oberholster, P.O Box 47, Bloemhof. 2322173-TERBLANCHE. Burger Daniel, 070107 5002 00 9, Leeuwkuil Pk. Sannieshof, Eerste en Finale en Ooreenkoms van Hcrverdeling: Gertru~da Martha Terblanche, pebore Wessels, 3181 587943W (Delareyvilie). Barclays-Nasionale Bank Bpk. (geregistreerde IXandelsbankX Wes-T\I -trusteetak. Posbus 15. Pretoria. 9874168-TONES, Christina Beatrice, 3561180788, 331 Giovanetti Street, Muckleneuk, Pretoria, Second and Final; Barclays National Bank Ltd (registered commercial bank). Trustee Department. Wcslern Tvl Branch. P.0 Box 13G5, Pretoria. 8574173-LYON, Walter. 94 Buffels Road, Rietondale, Pretoria. Barclays National Rank Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trustee Department, Eaqtern Tvl Branch, PO. Box 27033, Sunnyside, Pretoria. 9462173-VAN DE VWER, Johannes Hendrik, 0706145011 00 5, Pozbus a5, Breyten; Christina Alida van de Vyver, gebore Van Staden, 191023 0007 006 (Ermelo). Barclays-Nasionale Bank Bpk. (gcrcgistreerde handelsbank), Tmsteeafdeling, 00s-Tv1.-tak, P0sbu.i 27033. Sunnys~de, Pretoria. 7839173-RICHTER, Johannes Marthinus Gysbert, 0 40322 5009006. Voortrekkcrstraat. Posbus 16. Trichardt (Bethal). Barclays-Nas~onale Bank Rpk. (gcregistreerde handelsbank), Trusteeafdelmg, 00s-TvLtak, Posbus 27033, Sunnyside, Pretoria. 190174-McICELLAR, Donald Whyte, 010718 5003 00 4, 67 Albcrt Strcet, Waterkloof, Pretoria. Barclays National Bank Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trustee Department, Eastcrn Tvl Branch, P.O. Box 27033, Sunnyside. Prctoria. 12373172-GRODLER. Theunis Chr~stoffel, 3561259875. 30ste Laan 381, Villieria, Prctoria. Couzyn Nertzog & Horak, Trust Banksentrum, Sentraalstraat. Posbus 125, Prctoria. 9335 1'73-VELDI-IUIZEN, Anna Cccilia, gebore DC Witt, 331 / 309772W, Fawcusstraat 264. Bclgravia, Johannesburg (Johannesburg). Couzyn, Hcrtzog & Horak, Posbus 2242, Johannesburg. 7265173-SAUER, John lames, 3751204509. Indole, Pk. Gravelotte. Eerste; Johanna Catharina Saucr. 3751204510 (Phalaborwa). Volkskas Bpk. (geregistreerde hsndclsbank), Boedelafdeling (Noord-Tvl.). Posbus 1730, Pretoria. 4272173-FERREIRA. Hendrk Johannes Cornelius, 356/ 25981SW, 29e Laan 400, Villi-r~a, Pretoria. Ehlers Sr. Vennote, Posbus 3248, Pretoria. 7689/73/C-TALJAARD, Matthys Johannes. 309149G506, Jonbertstraat 39, Brentliurst, Brakpan; Martha hkia laljaard, voorheen Kemp, voorheen Olivier, gcbore I3e Klerk, 2261 002095 (Brak~an). Santarn Bank Rok.. Posbxs 834. Snrines. 1 2 4 3 6 / 7 3 L ~ ~ Gert ~ ~ ~ourcns ~ ~ ~, ~arthinus~pct;us Sohannes. 335lG78548, Bultfontein, Posbus 155, Muldersdrif, Krugersdorp; Hester Johanna Erasmus (Krugersdoip) VolksLas Bpk. (gcregistreerde handelsbank). Bocdcl- en Trustafdeling, Voortrckkerstraat 65, Posbus 970, Klerksdorp. 3749172-BOTHA, Anna Mayrieta, gebore Rheeders, 3561 324587W, weduwee, Selbornelaan 53, Verwoerdburg. Mev. H. J. Smal, Venvocrdburgsentrurn D6, Cantonmentsweg, Posbus 14026, Verwoerdburg. 7357172-KLOPPER, Lewis McGregor, 066/125193W, 26 Nelson Rod, Sara Nome Estate. Kempton Park (Johannesburg). Brian Toms, 500 Surrcy House, corner of Commissioner and Rwik Streets, P.0 Box 5246 Johannesburg. 5586173-VAN SCHALKWYK. James Charles. 331/522041W, 123 Maud Strcct. Florida; Sophie Catherina Martha tan Schalkwyk, gebore Briel. 3311222042W (Roodepoort). Ronald Sack & Kie., 8 Investment House. Joubert Street, P.O. Box 751, Roodepoott. 8799/72-ROBBERTS. James Henry. 007/977031W, Pricestraat 31, Ill~ondale. Edenvale; Emmarentia Hester Robberts, 324886 (Germiston). Nebex Eksekuteurshamcr en Trust Mpy. Bpk., Posbus 1144. Johannesburg. 9402173-BOOYSEN. Anna Elizabeth. 331/122175W. Vierde Laan 41. Linden, Johannesburg (Johannesburg). Die Standard Bank van S.A. Rpk. (geregidtreerdc handelsbank). Trusteetak, Librarv Garden Charnberq. Presidentstraat, Posbus 933, Johannesburg. 11434173-SHAIN, Abram, 356/15664W, 796 Thornas Avenue, Arcad~a, Pretoria Rogaly & Co., 108 Southern Llfe Bulld~ngs E, Pretorius Street, P.O. Box 1231. Pretoria. 5'950/73-VAN ROOYEN. Martha Christina Johanna, 4681 448019. Orkleewoonstelle 3, Standerton (Standerton). Van Sittert, Leask, Adlarn & Rheeder, Posbus 1751. Pretoria. 11598168-PEENS. Louis. 356 /288828W, 182 Cobalt Street, Proclamation Hill.. Pretoria; Francis Elizabeth Peens, 3251 621035W. S. J. Friedlander & A. C. Heyman, Sixth Floor, His Majesty's Buildings. Eloif Street, Johannesburg. 9459173-STRUWIG. Charel Jacob, 941220 500200 7, Sesde Laan 62., Roodepoort-Noord, Roodepoort (Roodepoort]. Barclays-Nasionale Bank Rpk., Posbus 8000. Johannesburg 2814174-TLGENFRITZ. Johann Max. 3561283668W. Phyllis Robbertsonhuk, Dr. Savageweg 8, Prinshof, Pretoria. 30 dae Haasbroek & Doezaart, Posbus 2205 Pretoria. 1 l86 145-LAUNSPACH. Ferdinand Coenraad; Susanna Magdalena Johanna Launspach, gcborc Janse van Rensburg (Middclburg). Haasbroek & Boezaart. Posbus 2205. Pretoria. 7924173-SKUDDER. Ronald W~lfrid. 3701929727, "25 Vallcy Settlements 1. Daleside Estates, Dzleside, D~strict of Vereeniging, Eerste (Vereeniging). Haasbroek & Boezaart, Posbus 2205, Pretoria. 488174-WATTON, Clifton, 3561120848W. 117 Protea Avenue, Proclamation H111, Pretoria; Susara El~zabeth Ernsinus Watton, 356/120849W. Security Executor and Trust Co. Ltd. P.O. Box 3127, Pretoria. 7226171-VAN DER VWER, Minnarda Gertrrjida, born Botha, 4471321363. w~dow, Moreglansouetehuis, Klugcrsdorp (Krugersdorp) 0 R. M. Glen. P.O. Box 4043, Pretoria. 11205167-HARDTEN, Gasant, 331 /501573M. 15 Lomala Street, Riverlea, Johannesburg (Johannesburg) N Menddow, Zimerman & Ian Miller 14th Floor. Longsbank Buildings. corner of Bree and Rissik Streets. P 0. Box 6180, Johannesburg. 10357/70-DU PREEZ. Philippus Hermanus 3351701880, Kingdonstraat 108, Quellerriepark. Krugersdorp; Janctta Petronella Johanna du Preez, 3351701881 (Krugersdorp). Janetta Petronella Johanna du Prcez, p/a Ph~lip D. Wright, Stuartstraat. Posbus 126. I-Iarrismith. 6280173-OPIE, Margaret Johanna (Johannesburg). E. A. Opie, 81 Denys Reitz Road, Roosevelt Park, Johannesburg.

4657,/72-LEITAO. Jono Ferreira, 3311276441, io:iar,r;csburg, T-e Roux, Mathews & Du Plessis, 701 Ilollard Place, 71 Pox Street, Jol~annesburg. 6559173-HILL, Anrl~c:v, 331/449411W, 8 Paritl,zr Street, Kensinaton. Johanl~esbura (Johannesbur~). Lanwtaffe Bud & h, v. -, - Co., Tradutia House, 58 Frederick Street, Johannesbur~. 10934173-CARTHY, Jessie M;ira, 33114441.53, 12 7!iii!cslone, 240 Louis Dotha Avenue, Orallee Grove, Johannes~r;!-g; John Sydric Carthy, 331!444452 (lohacncsburg). Langsinffc Bird EL Company, Trxduna Mouse, Frederick Street, Johai11lesb::rg. 8311173-FORSMAN, George Her~ann, 331 /43/3:i! 31::. l41 I< I<o;.,d: DC Dzur; E!ni!y Florence Elizabeiii Forsman, 3311436C:iiW!Me.jcrtor;). Wcbber, Wentzel & Co., r.0. Box 6i771: Mxsha!!:own. 796Sj72-STOWE: Coroii~y Theresa, 961/072811. 261 Ontc!ek- I? izgk Sircet: Jo11an:xxbu:g. kers Rord, H9rison Eutensicn 1, District of Roodepocrt, First EO!O/S3-SWART. Dorct!ly, 324/950178. Rodgcr1::nn 3, Bet- (Roodcpnort). Werkr,ii~a~?~, P.O. Box 61113, Marshail;awi~. Idsts-ic; Di~k ~orhzji? $\?.art (Beih;.;i). Dic Tr:rsr i3a:ik van iti902/71-sadie, hlichael? 3311546239, 114 Caspr RoxI, Afrilca B&., Trust- en Docdciafdelii?:~. Esscienstraat 113. -, Posbus Fairland, Joliannesbuig, Sccol~d (Randburg). Rfcl~nari 8: 27029; ~Gnnyside, 0132. McCarthy, Suke 3505, 37th Floor, Carlton Centre, Jo~~I?!~cs- 8403173-DU PEEPsSIS, J~sephus Joi-iannesi 3561170505, burg. Devenishs!raat 74, Piz!:::sb:?ri: (Fietzrsbar-g!. Die Tr~!;t Bank van 1176%/73-BCGG. Jamcs, 331 /258952TV, 3 Raxjzsisa@, Ai'rika i3~k.~ Trust- en LaocCelafdeling, I5?sclenstrant 113. Posbus Highlands Nozth.!ohar?neshurg; heila Olive Begg, born Bas- 27029. Suimyside, 0131. rahal; 331 /416249W (Jo11annesi:urg). Earclays Natio~~al Bank 6134/73-ICfi',S?ER, Charles, 331!322:%3W. Wi;\~ia!.ersrancl Lld (registered com!nessial barik), Trustee Branch, P.O. Box Jewish Ay?d Home, George Avenue.!~ar.l, Johanncs- 2036, Johannesburg. bury (Johannesburg). Standard Bank oi Soutli Afric~ ifd. Trustee 81.85173-ROSSW*. Georgt: Pieter, :a31 /403398W, 55 Co!!ings kniiri~; Eox 933, ~!'.~!lllt:bilr~. Strcet, Erixton:!o!iannesburg; Dora Elizabeth Rosse!: horn i 1728i73/IC-RIJDOP.P!-I. Solornon Gerhardus Antonie. Stcyn, 331,'403397W ((Johannesburg). Earclays Nation:rl Bank 143324 591703 3, 2'7 ~lmiation Road. Eastleigh, r'denvalef Ltd (registered commerci;:l bank), Trustee Branch, P.O. Box Aim Eouisa Rudolph (Johannesburg). The Standard Bank of 2036, Jo!?ancesburg. S.A. Ltd (registered commercial bank)? Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 12435172-HALEY. Patrick Thomas. 524/835343W, 23 Miles 933. Joliunesbtmg. Sharpe Sticct, Rynfield. Zenoni. First (Benoni). 7112172-TALOCCHTNO, Francesco. 3311733232W f.0 Mor- %?00/73-COLLIER, Florence Helena, 331/287454W, 35 daunt Street, Jeppe. Johannesburg; Aurora Guglielnlinn Taloc- Louis Botlia Drlve, Florida Park. Johannesbr~rg (Jo'rnrnesburg) chino, 9021530785W (Johannesbure). Stabin. Gross & Shull. P.O. Rarclays National Bank Ltd (r~gistefi?d commernsl bank). Box 3774. Johannesbur~. Trustee Branch. P 0. Box 2036. Johannesbnrg. 7677173-LONG, Mary Emily Tienie, born De Wet, 3311 4403173-PTCKSTON. Percy Gatcliffe (Gattliff). 3311 517Z83. 303 m7estaid Mansions, Smit Strec:, Braamfontein (Johannesburg). Barclays National Bank Ltd (registered con~mercial 175448W, 14 Second Street. ParLl~urst, Johannesburg, F~rst (Johannesburg). 8965173-BENCINI. Orazio. 331/335746W, 165 Clo\clley Road. Greenside, Johannesburg (Johannesburg). Barclays National Bank Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 2036, Johannesburg. 11619172-SPARKS. Lillian Mary, 0347859138W. Plot 31217, Driefontein Road, P.0 Rivonia, Sandlon (Randburg). Barclays- Nasionale Bank Bpk. (geregistreerde handelsbank), Trusteetak, Posbus 2036, Johannesburg. 8134173-JAMES. Victor Clifton, 600607 5011 00 3. 6 Fuller Street. Georginia. Roodepoort (Roodepoort). Barclays National Bank Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 2036. Johannesburg. 7462/73/B-RANGER. Edward Charles, 331/454l80W. 7 Ardgillan Court, Oxford Street, Mayfair, Johannesburg; Violet Ranger, 3311454181W (Johannesburg). Barclays National Bank Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 2036, Johannesburg. 3227/73/B-JOYNERWOOD, Thomas John, 031209 5004 10 6, Erf 261. Hekpoort. District of Krugcrsdorp (Johannesburg). Reuhen Per & Company, P.O. Box 46002, Orange Grove. 6664173-FOURIE. Mitsianna. 324j882601, 14 Lords Avenue. Robindale Extension 1, Randburg (Johannesburg). Bernard Melman Ganz & Melman, Fourth Floo Pritchard Street, Johannesburg. 769173-BROWN, Anne Moira, 49 Street. Rrooklyn, Pretoria. Galgut, Cabttis & Munro, 106 I.B.M. Buildings, Paul Kruger Street. Pretoria. i 9091/73-REDDIN. Nellie Frances. formerly Evans. born Dods, 060902 0010 00 3, 67 President Street, Barberton (Barberton). The Standard Bank of S.A. Ltd 4regis:ered commercial bank), Trustee Branch, P.0 Box 1330, Pretoria. 2836172-OOSTHUTZEN, Pieter Cornelius, 3061796930, Malherbestraat 6. Bethal. Tweede en Finale (Bethal). Die Standard Bank van S.A. Bpk. (geregistreerde handelsbank), Trusteetak, Posbus 1330, Pretoria. 3044173-LANGE, Jacobus Johannes, I34/22O6 l9w. Schurveberg. distrik Pretoria; Maria Magdalena Lange, gebore De Bmyn, 3561245976W. Die Standard Bank van S.A. Bpk. (geregistreerde handelsbank). Trusteetak, Posbus 1330, Pretoria. 91.08173-DU TOIT, Daniel Jacobus. '303/445520~. 86 Nelmey, 6 Ameshof Street, Braamfontein. Johannesburg (Tohannesburg). Mrs M. D. Varney, 8 East Avenue, Irene Extension 2, Irene. 11719/73-WALKLEY. Alice Maud, '3561190963~. 92 Bourke Street, Sunnvside. Pretoria. The Standard Bank of S.A. Ltd (registered &onlmercial bank), Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 1330, Pretoria. bank), Trustee Branch. P.0: Box 2036. Johannesburg. 374174-BRAUDE. Mlrlarn, 331/235841W, 34 Bolton Road, Parhwood, Johannesburg (Johannesburg). The Standard Bank of S.A. Ltd (registered conlmercial bank). Trustee Branch. P.O. Box 933, Johannesburg. 3569173-HARRISON. Edwin Du Guesclin. 331155184OW. 51 Third Avenue, Illovo. Sandton (~oliannesbl~;~). The Standard Bank of S.Ar Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 933, Johannesburg. 12181/73-STRTDE, Mary Eleanor, 0341865632W. 16 Dovedale Road. Cheltondale, Johznnesburg (Johannesburg). The Standard Bank of S.A. Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trustee Branch. P.O. Box 933. Johannesburg. 11465/73-PRETORIUS. Jan Christoffel, 331 / l26872w, Plot 38, Glen Austin, P.O. Halfway House; Iris Catherine Pretorius, 240919 001100 8 (Randburg). The Standard Bank of S.A. Ltd (registercd commercial bank), Trustee Branch, Library Gardens Chamhers, President Street. P.O. Box 933, Johannesburg. 6026173-DTETZSCH. Margarietha Aletta, 3521532483W. Horel Elizabeth. Johannesburg; Floris Johannes Dietzsch. 3521 532482W (Johannesburg). F. J. Dietzsch. 6526168--GRIFFIN. Jo~eph Bertram. 3471778578. Malaga, Spain. Second; Monique Edmee Griffin (Nclspruit). Syfrets Trust and Executor (Transvaal) Ltd, P.O. Box 7419. Johannesburg. 6794/73-?ENDE~s0~, John David. 3571884037W. 60 Homstead Avenue, Homelake, Randfontcin (Randfontein). Syfrets Trust and Executor (Transvaal) Ltd, P.O. Box 7419, Johannesburg. 8942173-COOKE, Frederick Thomas, 331 /190981W, 89 Main Reef Road, tanglaagle; Lily Margaret Cooke, born Gradwell. 3311190982W (Johannesburg). Syfrets Trust and Executor (Transvaal) Ltd, P.O. Box 7419, Johannesburg. 7352173-EADE, John Alfred, 9641076449, 38 Reid Avenue, Linbro Park, Sandton (Randburg). Syfrets Trust and Executor (Transvaal) Ltd, P.O. Box 7419, Johanuesburg. 779/70/B--GREGOR, Reinhold Henry, 335/669400W, 52 Saxon Road, Hurlingham, Johannesburg, Supplementary First and Final (Johannesburg). Syfrds Trust and Executor (Transvaal) Ltd. P.O. Box 7419, Johannesburg. 12756172-JlVAN, Dalpat, 800/046233A, 6143 Extension 5. Lenasia, Johannesburg; Parvati Dalpat Jivan (Johannesburg). N. G. Patel, Cachalia & Loonat, P.O. Box 25105, Ferreirastown. Johannesburg. 1335173-AHMED (Nana), Mahomed, 800/050219A, 1545 Union Road, Residensia (Vereeniging). N. G. Patel, Cachalia &. Loonat, P 0. Box 251C5. Ferreirastown, Johannesburg. 11829/67/B-KARRIM. Amina (Bulbulia van Dyk), 331; 506065. 23 Crown Road, Fordsburg, Johannesburg (Johannesburg). N. G. Patel, Cachalia & Loonat, P.O. Box 25105, Ferreirastown, Johannesburg.

106 No. 4237 STAATSMOERANT. 29 MAART 1974.. 9500173-?HACKERAY, Linda Xiidred. 331 / 164585W. Jaca- 9552173-DE ICLERK, Willem Chrisliaan Jakobus. 3091509324, randa Rest Ilome, Flcet Strcet, Ferndale, Randburg (~andbur~). Duplessistraat 2, Boltsburg-00s; Gloria de Rlerk, 309/507513 Syfrets Trust :9d ErLecutor (Traiiss-ad) Ltd, P.0. Box 7419, (Boksburg). Trollip, Solomon 6( Joubert, 116 Kingsway Avenue, Johannesburg. P.O. Box 38, Brakpan. 4283173-I'ERETRA, Ailtnnio,Maria Dos anlost 9651030500, 543.CI73 /B-HESKE, Franz Jpseph, 356 /2789%W, Maders 65 Turf Club Street, Turffontcm Johannesburg; Maria Luisa Hotel, Paul ICruger Slreel, Pretoria. Earclays Idatiunal Bank Lid Tristani do Frcixo Pereira, 955/051175 (Johannesburg). Mrs (registered colnnercial bank). Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 381, M. L. T. do Frcixo Pcxira, P.O. Box 8. Johannesburg. Pieterrnaritzburg. 11553173-QUER1190. E:l;le. 331/596057W, Grand National Buildings, Rissik SLrccl. Johannesburg (Johannesburg). Abraham Isaac Broicio. ioi Sroid~, Hesscison & Liknaitzky, I1.O. Box 1793, Johannesbur:,. 3204173-R41RD. John (Jchannesliurg). Gerald I3orwitz & Partners. Fifth Floar, Century Insurance Buildings, corner of Kruis and Market Str-cts, doha:ii~esbilrg. 5030173--CESMAI\i> Louis. 967/0708091JJ, 405 Gravenhage, Rudd Road. Illovo, Jol:annes!~uig (Johannesburg). Mrs M. L. Cesmal?, 4C3 Ciiavcnhage, Rudd Road, Tilovo, Johannesburg. 11661/67--HA LL, Ar; hur, 194 Sixth Avenue,. Bezuidenhout Valley, Johannesburg; since deceased Helen Catherine Hall (Johannesburz!. Bowman. Gilfillan 8 B!acklocl;, P.O. Box 1397, Johannesburg. 2000. ~~~~/~~/A-'I'L'ARTEITG. Mabel Dorothy Smith, widow, Kyrenia, Cvnrus (Johanncsbure) Edward Nathan. Friedland. MacAI & ~kwis, FLth Floor, 1hes Chembcrs, Pritchard Street. Johannesburg. 2353171-BEZUIDENHOUT, Georgz Jzak, 331/531789W, 29 Rosetta Street. Regents Park, Johannesburg; Dzsire6 Alioe Be7uidenhout. 3311531790W (Tohannesburg). A. C. Fleischach & Company. P.O. Box 1746, Johannesburg. 10803/73-MJCHEL. Gaston, 110204 5013 10 2, Government Guest House, Waterkloof, Preloria; Jeanne Magdalena Michel, 210518 0003 10 0. Jeanne Magdalena Michel, c10 Sloot. Broido, Hesselson PE Liknaitzky, P 0. Box 1793, Johannesburg. 7221173-KAVONIC, Cabriel. 402/251821iW, 504 Camelot, Abel Road, Berea, Johannesburg; Allce IGivonic, born Bloom. 402/261827W (Johannesburg). BowenT, Seventh Floar, Hunts Corner, 45 Eloff Street. Jo!:annesburg. 8868155-hIacCREGOH, Deatrice. Bulawayo, Rhodesia. secodd and Supplcmentary (Johannesburg). Langstaffe Bird & Company, 58 Frederick Street, Johannesburg. 8467171-MOFFAT, John. Early Dawn 'Guest Farm. Krugersdorp. J. B Hugo & Cronje, 43 Human Street, Krugersdorp. 191174-MULDER, Johannrs Petrus, 090910 5008 00 9,.~liiabethweg 1, Florentia, Alberton; Jacamina Susanna Mulder, 3241 872340W (Alberton). Volkskas Bpk. (geregistreerde handelsbank), Boedel- en Trustafdeling, Posbus 383. Pretoria. 3951 /50/C-HYMAN. Marcus (Chamowitz), ~oksburg, Supplementary First and Final (Eoksburg). Massel, Massel. Mark & Green, P.0 Box 5092, Boksburg North l2565/73- JOUBERT. Isabella Magdalena Jacoba, 3hl 578009W, Vierde Ftraat 78. Northmead. Benoni; Barend Fornelis Joubert, 120925 5015 00 6 (Benoni). Volkskas Bpk. Igeregistreerde handelsbank), Boedel- en Trustafdeling, ;Posbus,383, Pretoria. 874174 -BREDENKAMP, Barend ~odfried, $6825 &l 6, Slmonstraat 42, Rynfield, Benoni; Susanna Elizabeth Bredenkamp, 960929 0008 00 J (Springs). Volkskas Bpk. (geregistreerde handelsbank). Boedel- en Trustafdefing, Posbus 383, Pretoria. - -: 1745173-PIETERSE, Ge7ina Wilhelmina, - 370/920588W, Malanstraat 11, Meyerton (Meyerton). Daniel Christiaan Spies. vir Santam Bank Bpk, Posbus 801. Vereeniging.., 7083172-K150ZA. Mjokwana John, 138254, 72 ~ifth street, Brakpan Locatlon (Brakpan). Trollip, Sdlomon 8r Joubert, 116 King's Way Avenue, P.O. Box 35, Brakpan. 7123171-MAITEY. John Edward. \Flol'ida'- (Johannesburg). A. C. Rabinowitz, P 0. Box 8136. Johannesburg. 123061721A-RAGOOLOO, Puckree, 8001023865; Pushram Ragooloo (Johannesburg). Ernest Beder & Friedland, P.O. Gox 9589, Johannesburg, 2000.,I 648172-ERASMUS, Hendrik Johhnes, 303'1445364~~. The Ranch. P.O. Plaston; Aletta Elizabeth Dordhea Erasmus, gebore Botha. 347/7X1000W (Wiirivier). Suttet, Strydom & Van Drimmelen, Posbus 482, Witrivier. 10998173-ROOS. Quintin, 331 1360608, 1 Ettrick Road, Forest Town, Johannesburg, First (Johannesburg). E. Vogel. Nominee. Nedbank Ltd, Trust Department. P.O. Box 1144, Johannesburg. 4159173-DANZiCi. Bertha, 022/502617W, 25 Northwhld Drive. Saxonwold, Johannesburg (Johannesburg). Raphaely, Weiner, Rosin & Trelsrndn. J.B.S. Buildings, 107 Commissioner Street. Johannesburg. 10344172-PUTLITZ, Walter Gustav Herbert, 331/292908W, 106 Flfth Avenue. Melville, Johannesburg; Elsa Maria Charlotte Putlitz, born Melchert, 3311292909W (Johannesburg). Elsa Maria Charlotte Putlilz, c10 E. F. K. Tucker, 64 Eloff Street, Johannesburg. 7278173-DUNN, Susanna Maria, 308/493937W, Sterkfontein Hospital (Johannesburg). N. Mendelow, Zirnerman & Ian Miller. 14th Floor, Longsbank Buildings, corner of Bree and Rissik Streets, P.O. Box 6180, Johannesburg. 4223173-DU PLESSXS, Lasea Christina, 3561189339, Troyeslraat 35, Sunnyside, Pretoria. W. L. du Plessis, Posbus 738, Pretoria. 11273173-EPJSLIY, Johan Christian, 4451166554, Plot 82, Karneeldrlft, Pretoria; Elizabelh Maria Bnslm, gebore Bornman, 4451366555. Volkshas Bpk. (geregistrecrde handelsbank), Boedelafdeling (Noord-Tvl.), Posbus 1730, Pretoria 8555173-NEL, Ellas Paulus, 1491349037W. V~clcrstraat 210, Danvllle, Pretoria. Santam Rank Bpk (gcregi~treerde algemene bank), hoek van Kerk- en Queenstraat. Pabus 1666. Pretoria. 7802173-BEZUTDENHOUT, Susanna Sophie ('hiatina, 3561 377801W. Vyfde Laan 988. Wonderboom-Suid. Santam Bank Epk.. Posbus 1666: Pretoria. 1155174-R01JX, Willem Lanlbert, 150525 5003 00 3. Burgerlaan 14. Delmas-Wes: Cornelia Zacharva Roux. 180918 0003 00 9 (Delnias). Volkskas Bpk. (gere~istreerdc iiandelsbank), Boedelafdeling (00s-Tvl ), Poslms 383, Pretoria. 6825173-SMIT, ;an Abmham,?OY/4S0494W. Doonelaan 25. Cornet, Boksburg, Eerste (Boksburg). Volkska~ flpk. (gercgistreerde handelsbank), Boedeiafdefing (Cos-TII.), Posbus 383, Pretoria. 11118/73-VENTER. Louwrens Matthys Johannes, 3111 563981W, Ellahof 112. EJamrltonstraat. Arcadia, Pretoria; Susara Johanna 31 11563981W. Vol1;skas Bpk. (geregistreerde handelsbank), Boedel- cn Trustafdehng, Posbus 383, Pretoria. 217170-BOSIHOFF, Glaudma Maria Cornelia, 051/221460W, Plot 135, l<at:erskraal, Klerksdorp (Klelksdorp). D. M. Kanlor & Phillp du Toit, Derde Verdiepinq. N.BS.-gebou. hoek van Kerk- en Boomstraat, Posbus 354. Klerksdorp. 6670/73/B-JONKER. Jacobus Cornei~us, 370/920460W, Plot 52a, Riversdale. Gewysigde Eerste en Finale: Barendina Jacoba Jonker, 370/9204hI W (Verecniping). Volhshas Bpk. (reregistreerde handelsbank), Boedelafdeling (00s-Tvl.), Posbus 383, Pretoria. 10301173-VAN DER MERWE, Andries Petru~ Stephanus, 3711183213, Vlakpoort, Amersfaort; Maria Margaretha Ignasina van der Merwe, gebore Schafcr, 371/183218 (Volksrust). Rossouw, Van der Bank & Kie., Laingsnekstraat 11, Posbus 86, Volksrust. 12560173-BESTER, Andrt5 Strydom, 3561157393W. Glynstraat 20, Colbyn. Pretoria; Ellen Bester, 3561141559W. Die Bestuurder, Boland Bank Bpk., Posbus 950, Pretoria. 464174--ROSSLEE, Cornelia Jacoba Johanna, 309/501243W, widow, 26 Derby AvBnue, Brakpan (Brakpan). Gerald Kalk, Gromer & Muntingh, 106 Victoria Avenue, Brakpan. 5022/73-SANSOM,i Hdrry Edmund, 309/508645W, 38 Gerrit Maritz Avenue. Dalview. Brakpan (Brakpan). Gerald Kalk, Grb'mer 81 Muhtingh, 106 Victoria Avenue, Brakpan.. 4781173-MATTHEE, Elizabeth Anna Petronella, 030408 0001 '007, Peacockstraat 3, 'Barberton (Barberton). Casper Jan Hendrlk du Preez. dr Rose-Innes &. Du Preez. Posbus 22, Barberton. 9527173-FOURIE, Wilhelmus Lodewikus. 071023 5004 00 3, DC Krans distrik, Belhal; Gertbrecht El~zabeth Fourie, 1307170002 #:00 8 $cihal). Yolkskas Dpk. (gerigistreerde handelsbank), Boctielafdeling (00s-Tvl.), Posbus 383, Pretoria. 10232173-JACOBS, CorneliuS Gtegorius. 3551244436. 12de Laan 566, Gezina, Pretdria; Alleta Elizabeth Jacobs. 3561352842. Volkskas, Bpk: (geregistreerde' handelsbank), Boedelafdeling (Naord-Tvl.), Posbus'l730, Pretoria: 10406/73-MUNDELL, Stanley, 331/364119W, 33 De Villiers Streeet, Turffontein. Johannesburg; Sarah Mundell, born Mclaghdani 3311364120W '(Johannesburg). Solomon Goss, 60115 Surrey House. Commissioner and Risslk Streets, Johannesburg. 5002/73/C-FOUCHE, Nicolaas Jacobus. 331 /519404W, Flat 2 Southgate, Ring Road. Robertsham, Johannesburg: Ruth gauche, born Smith, 3311529717W (Johannesburg). J. Meyer- sohn. 305 Lippert House. 104 Pritchard Street, Johannesburg. 2882173-BEGBE, Helen Gladys, Happy Autumn Nursing Home, Athlone Street, Bezuidenhout's Valley (Johannesburg), Routledge-MacCallums, Fourth Floor, St Andrew's Buildings, torner of Rissik and Commixsioner Streets, 39 Rissik Street, Johannesburg. 437173-JENKINSON. Maud Evelyn, 331 /131644W, 81 13th Street, Parkhurst, Johannesburg {Johannesburg. ) Raphaely Weiner Rosin & Treisman, 400 Surrey House, 35 Rissik Street, P.O. Box 2943, Johannesburg. 7612172-PECK, Per1 Bluma. 331/185332W. Wyntonjoy Hotel,. Nugget Street, Johannesburg (Johannesburg). Edviard Nathan, - Friedland, Mansell & Lewis, Fifth Floor, Jn~es Chambers, 84 Pritchard Street, Johannesburg. 3882173-LABUSCHAGNE. Johanna Hendrika Petronella, born Krugw, 035/911603W, 38 Brady Avenue, Klerksdorp; Jacobus Johannes Stephanus Labuschagne, 860620 5001 00 7 (JSlerksdorp) I. T Labuschagne, c10 H. J Knouwds, Suite 2815, 28th Floor, Carlton Centre, Johannesburg, 2001.

11168I73-DU PREEZ, Thornas Andries, 3611417654. Steenbol,fontcin, distrik Koster; Clasina Johanna Salomina dll Preez, :&ox Snyman, 3611417655 (Koster). Barclays-Nasionale Bank Epk. (geregistreerde hendelsbank), Wes-Tv1.-trusteeta!~, Posbus 1365. Pretoria. 10741173-ASTING. Marv Ellen., 3311010715W. 1115 Risi Avenue, Linmeyer. ~ohannesbur~ (~ohannesbur~). Eo+i:~an, Gilf:llaa $L Dlacklock, P.O. BOX 1397. Johannesburg 4411173-WI-PITWARt. Lawrence Hinchliffe, 335 /O68039W, 11 Dorofhv Court. Ruth Street. Florida. First (Roodepoort). The ~tandarh Bank of S.A. Ltd (registered'commercial barilc). ~rustee Braxh. Library Gardens Chambcrs, President Strcet, P.O. Box 933. Johannesburg. 8128/73/C-VAN DER MERWE, facob Rudolf. 3601 918779W, 2 Cronje Street. Discovery; M. C. van der Mcnve (Roodepoort). Mrs M. C. \.an der Merwe, 2 Cronie Strcct, Discovery. 2178167-STRUWIC, Andries Abraham. 331 /C?5209W. 14 Swinburne Road. South Hills. Johannesburg: Susanna Elizabeth Struwig, born Terblanche (Johannesburg). Goodie C% Robcrtson, P 0. Box 4685. Johannesburg. 3121168-LINDSAY, Jane Catherine, 3311591991C. 2293 Clack Street, Protea, P.0 Midway, Amended (Johannesburg). Webster, Dunbar 8.: SalTer. Fifth Floor. Saambou Bulldmgs, - 112 Commisslonzr Strect. Johannesburg. 527123-ENGELBRECHT. Solomon Pienaar. 3311315151W, 59 Broom Road. Casseldale. Springs. Supplementary First and Flnal; Cornclia Sophia Engelbrecht. 0071810369W (Springs). Cliffc. Dekker 8.c Todd, P.O. Box 3382. Johannesburg. 3590/7C-MARSHALL, J~onard John, 331/442978W, 4 Glcnvegan Court. Duniegan Avenue, Dunvegan, Supplementary Fmt and Final (Johannesburg). Cliffe, Dekker & Todd. P.C. Rox 3382. Johannesburg. 11 569/73--~l?~~~T, Eva West. 211 1767566. Sterkfonteinhospitaai. Krugersdorp (Johannesburg). Bowman, Gilfdlan B Rlacklock. P.O. Eox 1397. Johannesburg. 10656173-Sh4PTH, Jessie Bauldie, 3311528650. 9 Shirley Road. Revlatch Johanncsburg (Johannesbus'g). Bowman, G~lfillan & Blpckloch. P.0 Box 1397, Johannesbutg. 13131/70--RTUNES. Manuel Gomes, 901/532062W, Rua da Torrillha 44-a, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal. Mar~a De Jesus Das News Nunes, 9011532063W (Johannesburg). Kentridge 61 Stoloff. 201 Montrose House, 36 Pritchard Street. Johannesburg 9582173-EASTWOOD, Alfred Bailey, 3311116257C, 94 Maraisburg Road, Bosmont. Johannesburg: Doreen Cynthia Eastwood, born Colby, 331 / 1 l6258c (Johannesburg). Kentridge & Stoloff. 201 Montrose House, 36 Pritchatd Street, Johannesburg. 9948171-MAHOF.IED, Goolam Hoosein, 800/019384A, 38a Commercial Road. Fordsburg, Johannesburg (Johannesburg). A. 13. Mahorned, 4. R. h4ahomed, P.O.,Box 42247. Fordsburg. Jobarlnesburg. 11420/73%P,UKEh4A, Klazienz Tjebiena, 3351666107W. Klabur~hof 3. Oclersestraat, Krugersdorp (Krugersdorp). Peter Drayson, vir Barclays-Nasionale Bank Bpk., Posbus 8000. Johannesburg. 8029173-NEILSON, Victor Archibald, 3541823516. 16 Piet Retief Street, Oberholzer; Dorothy Neilson, 3541823517 (Carletonville). Barclays National Bank Ltd, P.O. Box 8000. Johannesburg. 7457173-KELLEN. Arthur. 370/605755W, 54 Umgerri Street. Three Rivers, Vereeniging (Vereeniging). Barclays National Banh Ltd (registered cornmcrcial bank), Reef Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 80C0, Johannesburg. 7620173-SILLICK. Jessie Bertha,,2481039501W. 96 Van Riebeeck Street, Potchefstroom, Secohd and Final (Potchei- stroom). Barclays National Bank Ltd (registered commercial bank), Reef Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 8000, Johannesburg. 8054173-ALLMAN, John Thomas Feorge, 120309 5001 00 3, 56 Jan Smuts Avenue. Vereeniging. Second and Final (Vereeniging). Barclays National Bank Ltd, P.O. Eox 8000, Johannesburg. 10116/71-VAN DEN HEWER, Johanna, Eikestraat 11, Wirldlloek, Tweede Verbeterde Eerste rn Finalc. Barclays- Nasiorrale Rank Bph. (geregistreerde handelsbank), Reeftrusteetalc Posbus 8090, Johannesburg. 8301 i73-dtppenaar, Cornelia Adriana, 3561205420. Fusionweg 16, Casseldale. Springs (Springs). Nedbank Bpk, Trustafdeiing, Posbus 1144, Johannesburg. NATAL By die kantcor van die Meester, PJETERMARITZBURG, en ook :UI cl:? Ir~~ddros van die distrik wanneer dit tusscn halties gcmc!d word A, t!,,.?ice of the Master. PIETERIMRITZEL'R7 and a!:o of ti;c 10%:; c(,:~te of the ci~rtrict \,hen stated in pax,;ti-vt-s 2b52/7'./ l-pennington. Winifred tedith, 223/086882W, 4 Chap~er Close. 6 Taunton Road, Pietcrmaritzburg. Smythe & CO, P 0. Box 104, Pieiermaritzburg. 2006/73/B--VENTER, :an Adriaa:~, 2 1!/502570W, Ficnemore- Oard 19; Elufi, DxrL-ail; Maria hlnghlena Jol?ai?na Venter, 2111502677W (Durban). Britz & Bonamour., Snntamgebou 301, Sinithstraat: Durban. 2639/73/2A-WILSON, Thornas, 211/41909W. 92 Cadogan Gardens, 298 'Musgrave Road, Durban (Llrrrhan). G. Vernon Essery, 1701 Eagle Buildings; 359 West Street; Durinn. 3968173-h4ARTMUTIIU (S. M. Govmdcr), 800j277817A; 33 Flower Road, Clairwood; Meenatchi: 300138266OP. (Darbac). A.. Lcslie Leon & Wilson, 307/?10 Perr.iane?.t I!uildiiigs, 34 Field Street, Durban. '. 3'290173-SITHLP.PERSAD. 800/305214; 54 Cen'awiile Road, Sydcnham, Durban; P4ahoori (Dnrbac). Livingston. Doull 1E Winterton, 10th Flooi; Barclays Bank Buildings, corner of Field and Smith Streets. Durban. 3731173-PAUL. Ina Morrison, 031/86?O62W. The Towers, Musgrave Road, Eurban, Supplementary (Durban). Livingston, Docl1 6r. Winterton, 10th Floor, Barclays 3nlk Buildings, corner of Field and Smith Strceis: Durban. 3523172-ICAHN, SoIonion, 21 11617861 W, 31 Las Vegas; Snell Parade, Durban (Durban). J. H. Pdicolson, Stil?er & Geshcn, Fifth Floor,Xridcnt Uuildings; 58 Ficld Street. Durban. 1'234173--GRAFTON, Walter Leonard. 9641076545, 64 Ridge Road. Umhlanga Rocks (Durban). Thc Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd (registered commcrcial bank), Tiustec Branch: P.O. Box 2743, Durban. 3142173-,WORMAN, Vivian Alfred, 2111696300, Mansions, 189 Florida Road. Durban (Durban). The Standard Bank of South Africa &td (registered commercial bank), Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 2743, Durban. 5Ee)!73--FULLER, Ellen Mahalah. 51 1 i489882w. Mitchell Park. Wimmo Road, Durban (Durban). Tihe Standard Bank of SA. Ltd (registered commercial bank), Tri~stee Eracch, P.O. Box 2743. Durban. 1286/73-~k0b~~~. Frederic Norman Neville, 030905 5009 (NO. Mariville. Park Rvnic. First (Umzinto). Palmer's Trust Investments and Estate ~dministrators Ltd. P 0 Box 287, Durban. 225317312-OWEN, Ivor Stanley, 2i1/4'72003W, 63 Roberts Road, Pietermaritzburg. Palmer's Trust Investments and Estate Administrators Ltd, P.O. Box 287. Durban. 4076173-JACKSON, Colin. 21 1 /521235W, 16 Bencorrum. Prince Street, Durban; Delcie Violet Jackson. born Scott, 2111 521236W @urban). Palmer's Trust Investments arld Estate P,dmioistrators Ltd. P.O. Box 287, Durban 4690/70/3-YELLAMA, 8001430522. Flat q. Warwick Avenue, Durban; Sheik Jbrahim, 800/459137 (Durban) T C. Mehta & Co. 201 Victoria Heights. 56/58 Victoria Streef Durban. 643173-FULLER. Graham Redben. 361108 5005 00 8, 7 Crecnshank Close, Woodhaven. Durban: Ray Marjorie Fuller, born Titmuss. 211 1695294W (Durban). P~lmer's Trust Investments and Ectatc Administrators Ltd. P O Box 2X7 D~irhan. 536169-BRATHWAITE. h4ary Emily. born Rzymond. 54 High Ridge., 193 Ridge Road. Durban. Second Supplement to the Second and Final (Durban). Palmer's Tr~rst Investments and Estate Administratorc Ltd, P.O. BOY 287. Durb2n. 63617313-SMITH, Francis James, 2111A15582W. 33 Shutcr Road. Glenwood. Durban (Durban). Errol Lindsay. 30114 Homes Trust Buildings, 391 Smith Street, Durban. 3506/72-VILJOEN. Jollannes Jacobu?, 402/267163W, Melmoth Road, Eshowe. First atid Final Liquidation and Distribut~on aiid Redistribution Agreement; Gesina Catharina Viljoen (Bshowe). Barclays Mati~nal Bank IAd (registered comrhcrcial bank), Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 3409. Durban. 83417312-RAJARAM (Rajram). 800/?55546A. 23 In\~~ahi Road. rsipingo Hills (Durban). Brett, Wills & Partners, Seven!h Floor, Permanent Buildings. 343 Smith Sireet. Durban. 2118173-KISThN *isten). 800/4512!2A, 26 Viola Road. P.sherville, Durban (Durban). D. K. Smgh. Poovalinpm Pr Vahed. Second Floor, Naran Chanibas, 175 Grey Street. Durban 4475/67/3-&~~~~7 (Szlickrani Ganpat Mzhraj). 8Dr) 243328A. 184 Noughton Road. Clairwood, Durbav; since decea~cd Sumantrep,, 8031305667.4 (Durban). P. R. Mah?.r~i B Co. 40 Short Street, Durban. 3212172-VAN DEN BERG. Magdalena Catharina. iormcrl: Van der Menve. born Els. 2451001376VJ. widow, 36 Third Asenu-. Asliley. Pinetown (Pinetown). McClung. Goudge & Mustard Drewbar House, 5 Windsor Road, P.0 Boxes 4 and 69, Pinetown. 138717314-IRELAND. Andrew Ernest, 6521009309W. 359 M2nnin.g Road, Durban (Durban). Byron & Long. 374 Smith Street Durban. 5415173-712URLET. hiarie Ililda Gerrn'iine. 21 1 /.5C4KC:':.' I63 Stella Road. Hillary; Louis Tommy Trublet. 21 1 icf?i7^ (Dxban). Palmer's Trust I!ivestment-, and Estctc L.drnl::ir(r>to-~ Lfd P.9. BOY 287. Durban. 5381 173-H/.YTER, Eertie. 211 /549! 37M. 33 Jtibilee Co~lr: Clarcfice Road. Durban (Durban) Pn!mer's Tri~st Invcstmen,, and Estate Administrators Ltd, P.O. Box 287, Durban.

10s NO. 4237 STAATSKOERAT 'JT, 29 MAART 1974 44173-VAN DER PYLL, Gerrit, 952/069674W, Ractsn 19, h Beachlaan, Durban; Maria Hendrih van der Pyll, 9631 93W (Durban). J. P. Groenewoud, vir Santam Bank Bpk., sbus 899, Durban. 4171 17311C-IPASSE'TT, Jarnes Elenncr, 399531 5036 00 4, 207 and View Road, Btuff, Durban; Xlaria Elizabeth Massett, ely Swanepoel, born \Vi!liams, OG6 j 136631 (Durban). Jan ip Grozilewoud, for Santam Banlc Ltd, P.O. Box 597, Durban. 70173-DAVlS, Milliccnt Clara, formerly Frost, born Miller, Q Ghff Road. Bluff. Durban (Durban). Princetor~hof 30, Hosp~tadweg. Durbaf~; Susanna Maria dc Beer, gebore Dclport, 211 /649(;70 (Durban). Jan Phillip Gromewoud, vir Santam Bank Rpk., Posbus 897. Durban. 275/73/3R-DALATS, Marie Eugenic Ge!le Rose Convent, auritius Laurie C. Smith d Co., 22 Jackson Street, P.O. Box s Cre-cmt, Northdme (Durban). The Standard 309 Floiida Rosd, Durban (Durban). The Soafh Africa Ltd (registered commercial h, P 0. Box 2743, Durban. 3681173-SVJART, Maltheus Hendrjkus, 041002 5008 00 5, Landdrosstraat 67. Vryheid; h4aria Magdalena Johanna Chrislina Swart, 050108 0003 00 4 (Vryheid) Volkskas Bpk. (geregistreerdc handclsbank), Boedelafdeling (Natal), Posbus 918, Pietermaritzburg. 529174-DREYER, Mlr!ha Elizabeth. 2261017459, Elands Garage. Elandslaagte (Kliprivier). Volkskas npk. (geregistreerde handelsbsnk), Bocdclafdcling (Natal), Posbus 918, Pieterrnaritzburg. 1571172-DENT, William Alfred. 464/441660W, 301 F~glernont, Acutt Street, Durban (Durban). Lmis Halse Havemann & Partners, First Floor, Goodricke's Euildicgs, hlasonic Grove, Durban. 1P0/74-WODGES, Herhcrt W~llian: Harold, 060408 00900 8, 36 Ainsdde. Springf~eld Road. Durban (Durban). Barclays National Dank Ltd, Trrstce Branch. P O Box 3409, Durbzn. 1669172-POYNTON Emma Florence. 211 /570064W, 23 Trematon Dri~e, Durban. 9ecmd and F?nal (Curban). Marriott & Brodie, P 0 Box 1465. Thrban. 4603172j2B-LANE, VJaltcr Freemantle, 0221750437, widower. 15 P.S.A. Pdansions, Alxandra Road, Pietermaritzburg, Second and Final Mason. Ruchan B Co., S.A. Permanent Buildings, 234 Church Slreet, Pieiermaritzburg. 586173-BRINK, Vlvian Andries Johannes, 404/105353, P.0. Felixton, Zuhland (Empan~eni). F. P. Behrmann & Smith, 8-11 Arthur's Euildings, Union Street, P.O. Box 175, Empangem, mnn J""". 2385173-WRIGHT. Ernest Holroyd, 9701015093, Siyayi Farm, Mtunzini: Mronne Wright. 970/015094 (Mtunzini). Mrs Y.!Vright. P.O. Box 39. Mlarl7ini. 4292/7?-DAYNIWG. Ivy Isabel (Ivy Jsobel). 211!537356W, Orchard Lca, Clyde Avtnue, Durban (Durban). Goodnckes, P.O. Rox 967. D~rban. 2540173-MOUTON. Picter Abrabam, 965 /O713SliV, Farm Gedult. P.O. Dannhauser (Dannhauser). Smith & Rohrs. 5221173-SCHMIDT. Jan Frederik, 090507 5012 00 5, Southridge Rod. Southbroom (Port Shepstone). Friedland, Hart & Partners, P.O. Box 1003. Pretoria. 2607172-I'IADEN, Joyce Esther, 245/039906W, 40 Queen ZTari P!ace, Pietermaritzburg. C. C. C. Raulstone & Geyser. 11 Gallwey Lane, PietermaritFburg. 4020/72/1B-BHUDU, Tlemlan, Klippoort, District of %nd-e. Fmt and Final and Redistribution: Eetty Bhudu (Dundee). Hellberg & Varl Rensburg. P.O. Box 230, Dundce. 5088173-BAYMAW. Lorraine Marienne, 3541838959. Lot 60. A~venue Sola, Uvonw, South Coast; Jack Lionel Bayman, 1302215011 007 (Port Shcpstone). Die Trust Bank van Afrika Bok.. Trust- en Boedrlsl'ddine, Smithstraat 417. Posbus 1938, 5254/73/2C-QUINN, Herbcrt Owen, 21 1 /496239W, widower. 211 Innes Road, Durban (Durban). Mason, Buchan Sr Co., S.A; Permanent Buildings, 234 Church Street, Pletermaritzburg. 24.2173-OLIVIER, Johannes Lodew~kus, 211 /533444W, 1 Findon Court, 41 Urnbilo Road, Dulban; Iris Doreen Olivier, 211/0029X7W. 14 days (Durban). The Trust Bank of Alrica Ltd, Trust and Estate Denartment. 417 Smith Street. P.O. Liox 1938. Durban. 3453173-TOWLER, Jarnes Eric, 239/087310W. Town Hill Hospita!, Pietcrmarilzburg. Mason, Buchan & Co., S.A. Perrnanent Ru~ldings, 234 Church Street, Pietermaritzburg. 3577173-VERMEULEN. Pieter Jacobus, 3511812305, Hibiscuslaan 42, Margatc; Jessamine Olive Poord Vermeulcn, 3511 812300 (Port Shepstone). Volkslcas Bpk. (geregistreerde handelsbank), Uoedrlafd.:lm: (Natal), Posbus 918, Picterrnaritzburg. 4193173-EYRIi,, Rhoda Augusta, Town Kill I-iospital, Pietermaritzburg. Talham, Wlikes & Company,.. P.O. Box 161, Pieterrnaritzburg. 4623/73/2B-ROSE, Frieda Gcrtrude He:v;ne, born Trede, 356/355661W, Sunnyside Park, Swartkops Road, Doughton, Pieterrnari:zbure: Gcoree Rose. 3561355666W. Hathorn Carneron & Co., 225 church!%re&. P.O. Box 3, Pietermaritzburg. 1199173-GROCLER, Judith Jacoba, gebore De Wet, 180725 000500 3. Verona, distrik Deweisdorp (Dewetsdo:p). E. J. v. Maltitz, Posbus 27. Dcmetsdorp. 5196173-VAN DER MERWE, Jan Hendrik. 070705 5002 000, Springfieldweg 15, Winterton (Estcourt). Volkshas Lipk. (geregistrecrde handelsbank), Boedelafdeling (Natal), Posbus 918, Pictermaritzhurg. 4423173-ELLTOTT, Jessie Rcse. 034/821025W, Garfield Nursing Eornc, Pietermaritzburg, Amended First and Final. Hutton e( Cook, 27 Taylor Street, King Wiliiarn's Town. 4969173-KOBN. Salmon Gerhardus. 2401096822W. Burgerstraat '525, Pictermaritzburg; Susanna ~hzabcth ~oen, 2201 096R23W. Boland Bank Bpk., Posbus 1280, Pietermaritzburg. 426174-GARSTANG, Tom, 248/028893, Pieterrnaritzburg; Ethel May Garstang, 248/(328804 (Port Shepstone). The Standard Bank of S.A. Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trustee Branch, P.O. Bcx 917, Pietermar~tzburg. 3230173-CAMPBELL, Jarnes Moffat, 963/013092VI', Muluka, Mellville. South Coast. First and Final and Supplementary (Port Shcpstone). Eriksson & McConnell, 50 Rissct Street, P.O. Box 479,- Port Shepstone. 4523j73-ROBINSON, William Thomas, 211/678399W, 65 Northwav. Durban North. 4016 (Durban). Sliepstone Pc Wylie, P.O. ~0x205, Durban, 4000. 4510/73-ELLIS, Lucy, 966/071444W3 83 Rirstenhosch, Playfair Road, Durban; Ronald Keith Ellis. 9661070546W (Durban). Security Executor and Trust Company Ltd, First Floor, Whytock House, 399 Smith Strezt, Durban. 327 /74/4C-JBNKINS, Danicl John, 901 /543796W, 1592 Marine Drive, Durban (Dul'oan). Cllapman, Dyer & Partners, P.O. Box &l, Durban. 4422173-ELLIOTT, Ioseph Martindell (Joseph Martindale), 331/220343VJ, 9 Wcodlmds Avenue, Wesidle (Prnetown). Barclays National Banlc Lld, Trust Branch, P.O. Eox 3409, Durban. 2436173-NOSSUM, Mary Elizabeth. 21 1/609663W, 11 Cranleigh Il4ansions, Mocre Road, Durban (Durban). R. A. F. Swart & Hayward. 4 Matnih Euildings, Westville Road, Westville. 4772173-SHEPSTONC, Marjorie Scrncrville, 21 1 /586593W, Garfield Nursing TTome, Oriel Road, Pie!crmaritzburg. Francis Becker, Forsyth & Co., P.O. Box 32, Pietermaritzburg. 95517313A-HAhfBROCK, Heinrich Adolph Hermann. 970205 5005 00 5. IIildeshcim, Paulpietersburg (Paulpietersburg) Rarclays National Bank Ltd (registeied commercial bank), Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 381, Pietermaritzburg. 3987/72/4-HESKETI-F, Albert William, 2451020850, First and Final (Second Accounts); Ellen Margaret Hesketh. Masson Harrison & Ik Villiers, Netlbank Buildings, Church Street, Pietermaritzburg. 2857173-VAN DER LINDE, Stephanus Hcndrick (Hendrik) Edward, 256/976946W, 52 Kantoor Street. Uitrecht (Uitrecht). Abrahams, Isracl, During & Kossuih. Rocklin House, P.O. Box 439, Roorlepnort. TvI. 3103173-THANGAVALU (Thangavalu Sarnynathan), Chetty, 800/487369A. 30 Lquna Road, Jacobs, Durban; Salatchee. 8001 487373A (Durban). D. K. Singh, Pcovalingarn 8 Vahed, Second Flosr. Naran Chambers. 175 Grey Strcet. Durban. 3316173-CARTER, Phyllls Evelin Opilvie, born Arbnlhnot, 2141036538, 3 Link Road, Estcourt (Estcourt). Lcnibard & Kitshoif. 59 ITardlng Street, P.O. Box 18, Estcouit 6350172-JOI-INSTONE, Thornas, 3311307983W. Tafta House, 15 Prince Street, Durban (Durban). M. Eocen. 4 '4.B S. Buildings, Bjorseth Crescent, Amanzimloti. 2794173-EAGLESHAM Jamcs Ernest 21 1/603092W. Flat 4, Burnage, Musgrave Road, Durban (Durban). Marcus Lewis & Son, 301 Union Clnb Buildings, 353 Smith Strset, Durban. 4335173-GOLDHILL, Louis, 3311275799W. San Francisco Flats, Prince Street, Durban (Durbm). Kcntridge & Stoloff, 201 Montrose House, 36 Pritchard Street, Johannesburg.

By die!-;antoor van die Meester, BLOEMFONTEJN, en cnk van die laxddros van die distrik wanneer dit tussen hakies gemeld word. At tlic office of the master, BLOEMFONTEIN. and also of the magistrate of the district when stated in parentheses. 1968173-KOK, Anna Elizabeth, La Gratitude 502. Unieiaan, Bloemfontein. G. F. Wessels, pla Symington & De Mok, Posbus 760, Bloen~tontein. 1833169-DE JAGER, Jacobus Hercules, 4681444654, Reitzstraat 40, Vrede, Aanvullende; Johanna Francina de Jager, 4681 444655 (Vrede). Pretorius & Bcsman, Kerkstraat 56a, Posbus 160. vrebe. ' 111 /73/C-UYS, Hester Cecilia, 245/012350W, 3 Athlone Court, Bethlehem (Bethlehem). Brand Wessels, Blignault & Grobler, Posbus 76, Bethlehem, 9700. 542173-HENNOP, Johannes Cornelius De la Rey, 4671 289599W, Barberspan, Vieriontein, distrik Viljoenskroon, Supp!ementsre (Viljoenskroon). Venter, Havemann & Mark, Posbus 2, Viljoenskroon. 1916173-VORSTER, Hendrina Cecilia, gebore Van Deventer, 404/147007W. Wesstraat 2, Petrusburg (Petrusburg). G. J. Hugo, Pretoriusstraat, Posbus 14, Petrusburg. 1437173-SWANEPOEL. Cornelia Dorothea, gebore Joubsrt, 3641256466. Louwstraat 34, Boshof; Petrus Andries Swanepoel. 3641256465 (Boshof). C. G. Marais & Kie., Swartstraat 1, Posbus 38, Boshoi. 2014173-MULLER, Judith Jacoba, @bore Claasen, 4231 3728664, Mara, Frankfort (Frankfort). V.d.,Meme & Claasen, Strydolnstraat 11, Posbus 7, Frankiort. 1702173-MULLER, Cornelius Johannes, 020617 5002 00 8, Parkstraat. Frankfort; Elizabeth Catharina9n4uller, gebore Muller. 060529 0005 00 4 (Frankfort). Van der Meme & Claasen, Strydornstraat 11, Posbus 7. Frankfort. 1724173-SCHOONWINKEL, Petrus Johannes Daniel, 4051 281894, Mleinplaas, distrik Boshof (Boshof). C. G. Marais & Kie.. Posbus 33, Boshof. 1422173-VAN WYK, Jacob Pieter,'d90225 500200 5, Ellenberger~traat 32, Bloemfontein; Doris Edna van Wyk, 1401180004 00 3 L. E. W. Krantz. vir Santam: Bank., Posbus 425, Bloemfontein. 68174-HARRTS, Susan Margaret. formerly Alexander, born Craven, 354/847779Vd, 43 Powrie Street, Viljoenskroon (Viljoenskroon). Williams, Gaisford & Steyn, P.O. Box 71, Potchefstroom. 1582173-ERASMUS, Philippus Lodewikus, 4381380321, Andersonstraat 60, Hobhouse; Susanna Elizabeth Erasmus, aebore De Wet (Hobhouse). J. J. Kleynhans & Kie., Posbus 108, Ladybrand. 909173-KAPLEN, Malil. 404/126700. farm Emden. District of Bioemfontein. Goodrick & Franklin, P.O. 'Box 213, Bloemfontein. 9300. 1292172-JACOBS. Petrus Jacobus. 6521001369, Nieuwoudstraat 22, Bloemfontein. Goodrick & Fhnklin, Aliwalstraat 20. Posbus 213, Bloemf onlein. 1673173-DU PLOOY, Hendrik Leonardus, 0961958489, Pellissierstraat 17, Bethulie (Bethulie). Schoeman & Smith, Joubertstraat 46. Posbus 3, Bethulie. 1805173C-MOSTERT. Frederick Coenraad. 4391389420. nnietrhud. -- Cilliersstraat. Lindlev (Lindlevl D. A. van der Bere: n---- 7 - <, Kerkstraat 22a, Posbus 107, ~indle~. 1735172-VON HIRSCHBERG, FranciS' Claude, 4021268991, 4 Loubser Street, Bethlehem, First (Bethlehem). Brand Wessels, Blienau!t & Grobler. P.O. Box 76, Bethlehem, 9700. fi90/73-g~a~ff, Hendrik Christiaan Johannes, 4351 576358PI. Dawd Malanstraat l, Kroonstad; Anna Susara Elizabeth Graaff. eebore De Wet. 4351576357W {Kroonstadl. Lou~ens R. Botha, ~;agdstraat 30a, Posbus'll, ~roonstad. 1800173-SPEEDIE, Thomas William,..l01/ 181207W, 1 Rose Court, k~dries Pretorius Street. Bloemfontein; Johanna Maria Speedie, Liorn Meyer, 101/181205W. Nedbank Ltd, P.O. Box 219, Bloemfontein. 1998173-POTAS, Hendrik Frederik Francois, 404/459106W, Roselam 43. Bloemfontein: Cornelia Gertruida Jacoba Potas, gebore Van den Hecver, 4041459107W. Nedbank Bpk., Posbus 219, Bloemfontein. 1345173-DRUMMER, Phyllis May, previously Andrew, born Weir. 034 655663W. 95a Kellner Street, Eloemfontein; Isaac John Bri~mmer, 0341855662W. Nedbank Ltd, P.O. Box 219, Bloemlontein. 65177-VAN RENSBURG, Georg Frederik Botha Janse, 4521 410081W. Prunuslazn 3, Reitz; Clasina Sophia Janse van Rens- burg, gebore Barnard. 452/410082W, [Reitz). Volks!ias Bpk. (geregisticcr de handclsbank), Volkskasgebou, hoek van Aliwalen Maiilandstraat, P~sblis 323, B!oemfontein. 2081/73-LEWIS. hndreas Pl~colaas Jan Danicl, 070514 5014 00 1. R-cc'tra,tt 85, Pxrys; Hp,i!tje Levina Cronjc, 361/39"012W (Parys). Volkskas Bph. (gcregistreerdc handelsbank), Volkskasgebou. hoek van Aliwal- en M raat, Posbus 323, Bloemiontein. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 1974 NO. 4237 109 564173-?JEYER, Hendrik Pctrus, 4391 39503, HUE Silwerkroon, Kroonstad (icroonstad). Volkslias Dpk. (geregistreerde Iiandelsb;.nl:.), Volkskasgebou, hoek vzn Al~mal- en Maitlandstraat, Posbus 323, Blocmfontein. 2195173-SLATER, Johama Marla. gcbore DIJ Rand. 4731 453447W. ueduwee, Voorcpncd. Privaaisak Westminster (Excelsior). Lombard & Van Roovcn, Commissicstraat, Posbus 29, Excelsior. 2006/7?-MARAIS, Johannes Pctrus Joubert, 1208315016 004. Dii-fontein, distrik Reddersburg; Anna Susanna Sophia Marais, gebore Marais, 1504150007 00 3 (Reddzrsbarg). Naude Er Naude. Maitlandstraat 71, Posbus 153. C!oeml'onte~n. 442173-NYEMBE, Oliver, 1956615: Mount Louisa, Swinburne (Harrismith). Nkunzi Oliver ~qyembe, c10 Philip D. Wright, Stuart Street, P.O. Box 126, JIarrjsmith. 1592172-VAN SCHALKWYK, Skianus Grobbelaar. 4041 155887W, 6 Cypress Avenue, Donegal, Mooiwater, Bloemfontein, Supplementary; Moira Kate Rhodes van Schalkwyk. born Palmer, 434/150103W. Barclays National Bank Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trustee Department, P.O. Box 1714. Bloemfontein. 2100173-VAN ZYL, John (I-Ienderik) Hendrik, 110212 5013 00 6, Pietersestraat 49, Springfontein; Susannx hlargaretha van Zyl, gebore Muller, 4031272005W (Springfontcin). Barclays- Nasionale Bank Bpk., Trusteeafdeling, Posbus 1714, Bloemfontein. 1798173-LEITH, Kate Jessup, born Crane, 101/172265W, 701 Via Quinta Flats. Fifth Street, Bloemfontein. E. G. Cooper, c10 E. G. Cooper & Sons, P.O. Box 1368. Bloemiontein. 2030173-STRAUSS, Gideon Jacobus, 427/346589W, Jacobsstraat 45, Boshof; Anna Jacoba Strauss, 4271346590W (Boshof). J. M. Sirauss, Posbus 1932, Bloemfontein. 9300. 1700173-GROBLER, Jacobus Edua~d Johaiines, 150128 5006 00 9, Eerste Laan 20, Parys; Jacoba Wilhelmina Petronella Grobler, 1908100001 00 9 (Viljoenskroon). Venter, Havemam & Mart, Posbus 2, Viljoenskroon. 1235173lB-A-MEIWTJIES, Miriam, gebore Ward. 3311262768, Vanreenenstraat, Frankfort; Petrus Johannes Lodewicus Meintjies, 331/262767LXJ prankfort). Van der Merwe Pc Claassen, t.rydomstraat 11, Po'sbus 7, Prankfort. 1906173-BOOYSEN, Petrus Johannes, 930907 5001 00 4, Zenashoop. Bainsvlei, distrik Bloemiontein. G. A. Hill, McHardy & De Bruyn, Posbus 367, Bloernfontein. 2189173 -DU PLESSIS, Jacobus Josephus. 1805035010 09, Rissikstraat 13, Dagbreek, Welkom; Barendina Christina du Plessis (Wclkom). Die Trust Bank van Airika Bpk., Trust- en Boedelafdcling, Maitlandstraat 71, Posbus 1051, Bloemfontein. 1758173-SCHOEMAN, Tielman Christiaan, 356/149227W, S.A.P.-woonstel 27, Welkom; Rita Nellie Schoeman. 3561263174W (Welkom). Die Trust Bank van Alriha Bpk., Trust- en Boedelafdeling, Maitlandstraat 71, Posbus 1051, Blocmfontein. 1711173-BARNARD, Johanres, 310502 50200 0. Charl Cilliersstraat 3, Sasolburg: Anna Maria Jacomina Brtrnard, czebore Van der Menve, 211/620484W (Sasolburg). De Beer & Claassen, Posbus 77, Sasolburg. 1194173-MAYS, Alexander, 4351744825, 2 Dorothy Street, Kroonstad; Violet Adelaide htays, born Marshall. 435/744826 (ICroonst3d) Du Randt & Louw, P.O. Dox 26, Kroonstad. 1452173-DU PLESSIS, Catharina Susannd, 4051281808, Uitsjg, Boshof. Joh'annes Stcfanus (Johannes Stephanus) du Plessls, 4051281807 (Boshof). Die Standard Bank van Suid-Afrika Bpk. (geregistreerde handelsbank), Trusteetak, Posbus 1248, Bloemlontein. l283 173-SMmH, Maureen Shirley. 2 l4 /O34856VJ, Protealaan 2, Parys; HeIldrik Jacobus Smith, 300106 5010 00 6 (Parys). Die Standard Bank van Suid-Afrilca BP~. (eereeistreerde handelsbank), Trusteetak, Posbus 1248, ~lo&f&teint 1294173-PERROW, Anne Eileen, gebore Angnew, 4271 345702W, 17 E.S.C. (Vaal), Viljoensdrift; Herbert George Albert Perrow, 4271345700W (Sasolburg). Daniel Christiaan Spies, vir Santam Bank Bpk., Posbus 801, Vereeniging. 1158/73-BRILL, Morris, 435/367782%,8 Charl Cilliers Street, Kroonstad (Kroonstad). Lourens R. Botha, P.O. Box 11, Kroonstad. 1571173lBA-JACOBS, Barend Marthinus Lourens, 090121 3010 00 9, Bergrivier-Noord, Pk. Luckhoff; Jacomina Stoffelina Jacobs, 4201309670 (Fauresmith). Ross & Ceronio, P.O. Box 88, Jagersfontein. N00RD-KAAP-NORYHEWN CAPE By die kantoor van die Meester, KIMBERLEY, en ook van die landdros van -die distrik wanneer dit tussen hakies gerneld word. At thc office of the Master, KIMBERLEY, and also of the magisrr::; of the district whcn stated in parentheses. 502173-DE KOKER, Fredrieka Elizabeth, 1031837676, Groblers!ran( 27, De Axr (De Aar). Barclays-Nasionale Bank Bpk., Westel~l,~ M::apirt;stectak, Posbus 4, Kaapstad. 60317;-DU PLOOY, Rornelis Willem, 950014 5001 00 5, Noustraat, Prieska (Prieska). B. le S. van der Riet, Posbus 37, Prieska. -*-

- 110 No. 4237 STA ATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 1974 400173-EilYS, Cornelia Ge~t,uiiia. 931014 0003 09 6. Victoria- ~traat, Priesha; Jacobus JIendrlh Euys, 920528 5001 00 0 (Prieska). 1: le S. van der Riet, Posbus 37. Piwka. 375173-JASPER, Andries, 049/2009531<, p/a Rlaauwkrans,.:rctrik Douglas; Eva Sophia Sesper, 049/2009541< (Douglas). L E. W. Krantz, pja Santam Eank Bpk., Posbus 425, Bloemforltein 221173-NOR'TJE, Fis~c Sop!?ia, 044/900301W, Pk. Keimoes (Keirnoes) Truter & P oarens. Pcsbus 39. Kcinoes, 8860 84172-KLEYNIfkNS. Willern Johannes. 010/975790W, Pit-. adily, distrik Poopmansfcrltein, Verbeterdc Ecrste en Finale; iusanna Marearetha Alida R!c)nl:ans, gebore Eeukcs, 010/ 975791W (EarLley-Ives). Die Standard Bank van Suid-Afrika Upk. (qreg~strecide handcisbznk) TrusLeehL, Ponbar X3. Kimnerley. 1009173-SCHOEMAN, Stephanus Johannes. 290626 5002 70 2. 15de Laan 13. Slshen!S~shen). Unrclays-Nasionale Bank Bpk., Posbn> 1714 B!oednnte~n. 570173-NEtL, Lxma F;uz~nna (Susanna). geborc Bemidenhout, 0791486469W. Witgatboom. oor Madibogo; IIendrik Johannes Nell. 079148642? (Mafel.~~~~). Barclays-Nasionale Bank Bpk. (geregistreerde handelsbank). Wes-TV].-Lrusteetak, Posbus 1365, Pretoria. 742173-EDEN. Graharn Sutton. 0661107239. 1 Walloon Street, Constantia (Wynberg). Howard Pin1 & Hardy, P.O. Box 338, Kimberley. 586173-STRUIS, Katrina Wilhelmina. gebore Fisher, 0541 261911, Kleurlinggebied, Hopetown; Willem Struis. 054/261910 (Hopetown). Engelsman. Benade & Joubert. Sesde Verdieping. Trust Bankzentrurn, Jonesstrzat. Posbus 609, Kimberley. BOS-KAAP-EASTERN CAPE By die kantoor van die Meester, GRAHAMSTAD, en ook van die landdros van die distrik wanneer dit tmsen hnkies gemeld word. At the office of the Master, GRAHAMSTOWN. and also of the magistrate of the district when stated in parentheses. 1110/73/1-VAN ROOYEN. Gert IghAius, 055/306340, Prankenburgstraat 13. Uitenhage; Gertruida Susanna van Rooyen, 1331173020 (L'itenhape). N. J. A. Skit, Restudfder, Santam Bank Bpk., Santarngehou, Hoofstraat 140, Posbus 290. Port Elizabeth. 1087/73/3-ANDERSON: John Barry, 101/182185W, 224 Main Road. Walmer. Port Elizabeth. First POT^ Elizabeth). Fidelity Bank and TNS~ Co. Ltd (registered bank), 60 Main Street, Port Eli7abeth. 65317313-LANGEVELD, Cornelius Johannes, Plot :55, Siebritz Road. Bethelsdorp, Port Elizabeth, Secorld and Final; Dorothv Lilian Laneeveld. born Von Ruchenroder Port Elizabeth). -Fidelity ~ank and Trust Compzny Ltd ' (registered general bank), 190 Main Street, Port Elizabeth. 174817211-RAMASAMY. Muniarnmal. born Radiyar, widow, 31 Salego Crescent, Malabar, Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabeth). Jassinowskv & Shear. Trust Bank Centre. 573 Main Street. Po*Elizabeth. 297517311C-SMITH, Johannes ~te~ianus, 116/339051, Royal Hotel, Humansdoru: Johanna Gustava Smith - (Ilumansdur~). A W. C. Malan B K&., Posbus 3, Hurnansdorp 300617312-TRAlJTMAN, Bertha Reeves, 960/061796, ~iere Hospital, Amalinda Drive. East London (East London). Gedrge ICenneth Bu~gesa, nominee oi Barclays National Bank Ltd, Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 471, East London. 2522169-KOEN. Anna Maria, 097/999716W, Hudsonsthat, Pearslon; Phillipis Johannes Kocn. 097/999715W (Pearston). W. J. Olchers & Seun, Posbus 268, Grahamstad. 273117311C-ANDERSON, Robroy JoSeph. 034/883176W, 39 Alexandra Road. King William's Town; Constance Joyce Anderson, born Kockjeu, 034/883177W (King William's Town). Hutton & Cmk. 27 Taylor Slreet. King Williarn's Town. 2255/731 I-MARSHALL. Charles Stanlev. 034 1883723W. 5 Tyrell '~oad, Berea, East London; ~argaret~~lizabkth Marshall, 0341883724W (East London). The Trust Bank of Africa Ltd, Trust and Estate Department, 575 Main Street, P.O. Box 3500, Port Elizabeth 2810/73/1B-WOON, Sarah, 10 Sm Remo. St George's Road, East London (East London). The Standard Bank oi South Africa Ltd (registered commercial Bank), Trustee Branch, P.O. Ilou 996, East London. 2100/73/ 1C-IIAIIZER, Edward Tenterden, 067 /386306W, 1 Radue Street, Ring William's Town (King William's Town). Hutton B Cook. 27 Taylor Street. King Williarn's Town. 203217312-TAYLOR, Gertruida Petronella. 027/764486W, D'Urban Row, Colesberg (Colesberg). Schutz & De Jager, P.O. Box 3, Colcsberg. 2155/73/1-ROOJ. David. 009/96409hK, 26 Fairview, Barkly East; Annie Rooi, 007/0i6128K (Barkly East). H. W. Smith, 10 Graharn Street. Barkly East. 195917313-TARR. Raymond Quail, 081210 5006 00 9. 18 Fitzroy Street, Graharnstown, Supplementary First and Fmal. Syfret's Trust and Exccutor Company (Graharnstown), P.0 Box 43, Grahamstown. 6517411-MARAIS, Louis Barend, 045/979381, Huis Vandzrgraaii, Graaff-Rcinet (Graaff-Remet). C. J. KolzC, vir Scir,:sm Bank Rpk.. Posbus 26. Graaff-Reinet. 309817313-WESTENRAAD, Christian Esaias Engcibeitus, 161108 5003 00 5, St. Patricksweg 86, Sentraal, Port Elizabeth; Mary Marjorle Westenraad, gebore Jdcltson, 101,'3151SX (I1ort Elizabeth). Delport & Delport, Posbus 3125, Port Elizabeth. 277617312-CARRYER, Thomas Waddington, 24 ~,falcolm Street, Blackburn, Victoria, Australia (Port Elizabetb). F~delity Bank and Trust CO Ltd, P.O. Eox 32. Port Eiizabeth 2082173-EL, Christiaan Philippus (Phill~pus) lacobuq. 3311 095891W. 63a St Gebrge's Road, East London: Johanna Christoifel~na Els. 055i382919W (East London). D. J. Coeci~ R: Ca., Hud;on House. 36 Ternlinus Street, P.O. Box 1569. East Lo!idon. 291717313-SLABBERT, Ilester Antoinet& Magdeiena. born Foutie. 1331177852, Repos Alleurs, Kruisriv~er, Uit~nhage; Petrus Paulus Slabherl, 1331177851 (Uitenhage). Selhch & McIntyre, Sellmac Chambers, 9 Church Street, Ultenha~c 218416712A-PILLAY, Nagarethrnan, 800/036245A, 83 liobinson Road. Queenstown. Fourth and Final (Queenstown). D. J. Malan de Kock, P.O. Box 209, Queenstown. 32731731 l-narshai, Oomia, born Dhanjee. 8OO/O362l8. 7 Hieh Street. Grahamstown: Kallan Govrnd Narshai. 8001035705. ' gen. Trutkr & Douglas, 9? High Street, Graharnstown. 1721/73/1-BEADON, Arthm Chichester, 970110 5001 00 4, Ettrick, Ida. District of Elliot (Elliot). E. J. Nurse. P.O. Box 470. Queenstown, 5320. 3014/73/2C-REYNOLDS, Margaret Gladys, horn Todd. 101/ 173486W. widow. Sunnyside, Bird Street, Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabeth). Fidehty Bank and Trust Company Lid, 190 Main Street, Port Elizabeth. 1741168/1-McCABE, H~lda Southey, born Rubidge. 0451 972632W, 101 Somerset St:eet. Graalf-Reinet. Supplementary First abd Final (Graaff-Reinet). Syfret's Trust and Executor (Cape Midlands) Ltd, P.O. Box 36. Grzaff-Reinet. 5/74/1-LE ROUX. Jacoba Van Heerden, voorhecn Siolt~, gebore Strydom, 101 /273499W, Limeplek 1. Stcytlerwoonbuurt, Port Elizabeth; Andries Ie Roux. 1011273498W. Volkskas Bpk. (geregistreerde handelsbznk), Boedel- en Tn~stafdelmg, Posbus 1493, Port Elizabeth. 803173-JACOBS. Frederik Antonia, 490/002007 Gariepwater, 3/9!73; Petronella Jambs, gebore Mynhardt. 360310 0010 00 6 (Upmgtcn). Lange, Joubert, Carr & Blaauw, Profess~onele Sentrum. Schroderstraat. Posbus 6. Upington. -1702/73/2B-OLIVER, Catherine MurieI, 034/889223\V, 51 Smart Road, East London (East London). F. W Cooper & Rein, P.O. Box 136, East London. 3421 /73/1-BRWNS, Tobias Johannes, 030429 5006 00 7, Millstraat 15. Uitenhage; Jasoba Petronella Bruyns, gebore Vermaak, 060603 0003 00 2 (Uitenhage). Volkskas Bpk. (geregistreerde handelsbank), Boedel- en Trustafdeling, Posbus 1493, Port Elizabeth. 290817313-LOWES. Hilary Vincent. 0341869957VJ. 39 First Avenue, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth (Port Eli7abeth). Pagden, Christian. Hanky & Parkin, Permanent Buildings, S1 Main Street, Port Elizabeth. 15173-MOOLIvlAN, Catharina Johanna, gebore De Beer, 0408030007 00 4, weduwee, p/a T. G. Vosloo, Ngaungushe, Lusikisiki (Urntata). 1De Beer Rr Van Z~jl. Posbus 20. Adelaide. 3186/73/2C-HOLMWOOD. Dudley Craham Southgate, 1151 280880W. 13 Carden Street, Redhouse, District of Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabeth). Ivan Wilke & Brough Smith. 408 Mar. tian House, Strand Street, Port Elizabeth. 312817313--CLOHESSY, Hector John. 096/743209, 16 Ata Strect, Uitenhage: Elfrida Theresa Little Clohessy. born Harri~ son, 096/743210W (Uitenhage). Barclays National Bank Ltd, Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 164. Port Elizabeth. 187917313-DE KOCK, Abraham Srnalltryk. 404/112070, 10 touisa Street, King Willjam's Tovm (King William's Town). Hutton & Cook, 27 Taylor Street, King William's Town 3115/73/1-VAN TONDER, Cecilia Elizabeth. geboie De Klerk, 1331184260W. Marlesville 13, Kerkstraat, Uitenhage (Uitenhage). Uarclays-Wasionale Bnnli Bpk, Trusteetak, Posbus 164, Port Elizabeth. 1 ls/74/ 1-MBYER. Gert Hendrik, 040819 5008 00 3, Russel Square 4. St. Jarnesweg, Southernwood, 00s-Londen; Sarah Johama Elizabeth Meyer. gebore Combrink. 0661127736W (00s- Londen). Volkskas Rpk. (geregistreerde handclsbnnk), Boedel- en Trustafdeling, Posbus 1493. Port Elizabeth. 3179/73/3-DU PISANPE. Louis Alnero. 10: '295?S4W, Patiencestraat 29, Sidwell. Port Eli+r?brth (Port ElizabeLh). Volkskas Bpk. (geregistrrerde handelsbank). Boedel- en Trustafdeling, Posbus 1493, Port Eli~abeth.

1839173 / 3-SAUTERLEUTE, Maria Nancini (Sister Maria Mancini): 3041850115W. Izcli Convent, District of King ;Nil!izm's Town (King William's Town). Squire Smith & Laurie, P.O. BOX l 1 1. Kin3 William's Tov;n. 3383j73/?-IiEIR, Frederick Ellis, 0341845637W. 2 Nahoon Road. East London; Do!-is Kathleen Meir, born Eicllorn, 0341 845638%' (East London). Syfret's Trust and Execwtor (Border) Ltd. P.O. Box 447. East 1.ondon. 1846/73 /2C-PRE7'13RIU3, Dirk Jacobus, 0581336 112W; Wode housc~iraat 31, Queenstown; Anna Francina Magdalena Pretorim. geborc De Beer, 0581335113W (Queenstown). Die Standard Bank van Suid-Afrika Rpk. (geregistreerde handelsbank), Trusteet2.k. Posus 996. 00s-Londen.- 2556172,'~- FORD. Vivian Wilfred Stransham, 0111425514, Wesley Wozd, 'l?athursl. Amended First Liquidation and Distribu!io:l and Re-Distribution Azreernent... The Standa:d Bank of South ~- -- Africa Ltd (reeijtercd c&nmercial bank), Trvstec Branch, P.O. Box 329, ~ort'i2gzabeth. 3285/73/1-WITTSTOCK, Oscar Ernest, 101 /275271W, 211 Walrner Road. Victoria Park, Fort Elizabeth; hlay Wiltstock. born Wasscriall, 1011275272W (Port Elizabeth). The Standard Bask of South Africa Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trustee Branch. P.O. Box 329, Port '~lizabeth. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 hf.\-iicii,1974 No. 4237 111 -- -p.. p- 319503W. 9 Stcbonheath Road, Sydenham, Port Elizabeth; Mabel Agnes van de Menve, 101 /873!3YW (Port Elizabeth). The Trust Bank of Africa Ltd. Trust and Estate Dcp;trtment, 575 Main Street, P.O. Box 3500, Port Elizabcth. W? 17711-RIJCHMAN. -,- --- Dawd. 050103 5001 00 4. 135 Cane 184917313-HARLEY. Peggy Esm-, formerly James. born Zie- ~oai, Fort Elizabeth, Amended First and Final (Port ~1i~xbe:h). Spilkin, Spilkin & Miltz, 629 Main Street, Port Elizabeth 3431 17311-STOCKS. Chald Restall, 01 1 /42L047. 7 Riverside Drivc. 'Port Alfred (Port Alfred). Brian Shelver, 3 Main Street, Port Alfred. 426/65/2C-BLOEM, Cornelius, St John's Strcet. Kokstad, Final Amended First and Final: subseauentlv deceased Rachel Blocm. born Smit, 162/348332K (~<okstad).- Eagle & Rarnes. 63 E.4ain Street. Kokstad. 1117/73/3,C-HEMPEL, Car1 Hermann. 067 1377812W. Gamelands. Distr~ct of Stuiterheim; Ernestine Mathilde Alwine Hempel. born Noft, 067 377813W (Stutterheim). Barnes & Ross, P.O. Box 29, King William's Town. 5026173-BUTLER. Iiendrina Cecilia,. 90221 l51 33941 W. 105 Ringwood Dr~ve, Pinelands; Harry George Butler. 022/451035. Die Trust Bank van Afrika Bpk.. Trust- en Boedelafdeling, Die Trust Banksentrum, lieercngracht. Posbus 4682. Kaapstad. 3923173-RUITERS, Ruiter, 014/773340K, Wilbeforceslraat 22, Scottville, Kraalfonte~n; Katie Ruiters (Bellville). Die Trust Rank van Afrika BD~.. Trust- en Roedelafdeline: Die Trust Banksentrum, ~cerenkac'ht, Posbus 4682, ~aa~stad: 183S/73/3--CUFF, Squire Alton, 321113 5014 60 9, Executivc Suites Rink Street, Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabeth). The Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd (registered commercial bank), Tmstee Branch P.O. Bow 329, Port E117abeth. 5717413-GOW, Janet Innes, 101 / l9w0d, victoria Memorial Home. Hirsch Avenue, Port Elizabeth- (Port Elizabeth) The Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trustee Brabch, P.O. Eox 329, Port Elizabeth: 2976/73/2-SMALE, William Hamilton Jrefusis, 6 Hoylake Road, East London (East London). Drake; Flemmer, Orsmond &L Vermaak. 11th Floor Murrav and Stewart Centre, P.O. Box 44. East London. _ L 11 222717313-VIEIRA, Mathilde, born :..Dar.Silva, 323763W,. widov. 9 Oak Road. Fairview, Port Elizabeth,(Port Elizabeth). Fidclity Bank and Trust Company Ltd (registered general bank), 190 Main Street, Port Elizabeth. 83417312-SMITH, George ~iderek,',~086/594353, 3 Glenwood Gately Street, East Loodon; Erica DorothJr Smith, born Barnes (East London). F. P. Dehrmann & Smith,,S-l1 Arthur's Buildings. Union Street, Empangeni, 3880.,,..7ir', 72/74/2C-Lo~TER, Louis Danieli 231017 5013 M) 3, Mangold5traat 6, Newton Park. Port ~lizabeth; Sophia Lbtler, gebore Strydom. 101/238125 (Port Elizabeth). Pelport & Delport, Posbus 3125, Port Elizabeth. 2555173 / 1-KEMP, Martha Johanna, born Roux, 0341856589, 18 Tccoma Street, Berea. East Imndon (East London). L. T. van Coller, 38a Fkischer Street, Cathcart. ; 3260/73,'2-SCHEEPERS, Johanna Mafia Cecilia, voorheen Els. gebore Els. 901 123 0002 00 6, Hoofstraat 9, Cathcart (Cathcart) L. T. van Coller. Fleischerstraat %a, Cathcart. 281217312-ANDERSON-MORSHEAD. Archer Elliot, 034 / 829861W. 20 Fourth Avenue, Gonubie; Dorothy Esther Anderson-klorshead. 0341829862W (East London). Wakefield, I-Iouzet & B:armeister, P.O. Box 66, East London. 65,7411-MARAIS, Louis Barend. 045/979381W, Huis van Degraaff. Graaff-Reinet (Graaff-Reinet).)Christiaan Jacobus Kotzt, p:a Santam Bank Bpk, Posbus 26, Graaff-Reinet. 256317311-GOUWS, Stephanus Isias. 121 / 115356. Louis Bothalaan 19, Uitenhage (Uitenhage). Oie Bolandse Eksekuteurskamer (00s-Kaap) Bpk., Posbus 55, Uitenhage. 2415173 /I-SWART, Adam Johannes, 170317 5001 00 5. Quintonmeg 2, Goldwater, Port Elizabtthf Emerencia Johanna Susanna Swart, gebore Serfontein (Port Elizabeth). Bolandse Eksekuteurskamer (00s-Kaap) Bpk., Posbus 55; Uitenhage. 97 17413-WILSON, Vera Evelyn, bori: Villingctr. 1011298783, 20 Dobson Street, Uitenhage f,ui!enhagc). Boland Board of Exccutors (East Cape) Ltd, 1 Church Street, P.O. Box 55, Uitcnhage. 129617312-VAN WYK, Stepi~ailus Joliannes. 0041937930, La Rochellestraat l I, Burgersdorp; Elizabeth Maria van Wyk, 0041 937901 (6~:rgcrsdorp). Groch & Kie., Posbus 40, I3ur~srsdorp. 506173 /2-VAN WYK, I-Iendrina Johanna: gcborc Van der Merwe, 067/380063W, Greystraat 34, Alivwa!-Noord; Petrus Iohannes van Wyk, 067/380:?621V (Aliwal-Xoord). Van Rooy & Van Rooy, Posbus 142, Aliwal-Koord. 145917313-MACDONALD. hllan, 331 /!612905%', 25 Alcock Road, Walncr, Port Eliza'ot;i (Port Elizd5eih! Bredell & Murray, 201 Mansion House, 132 Ma;kct Strec:. Johannesburg. 2688/73/3-?+400LMAN. Lilian hlaria, 034/835661W, 18 Middlesex Road, Amalinda, Enst London; Pztrils Jol:annes Moolman, 021216 5001 00 0 (East London). The Trust Bank of Africa Ltd. Trust and Estate Dzpnrtment, 575 Mam Street, P.O. Box 3500. Poi r Elizabeth. 2Y92/73/3-VAN DE?dER\VE, Jchanncs Christoffel. 1011 seniss. 21 11642828, Sandflats. P/B Franklin (Kokstad). Eagle & Barnes, 63 Main Street, Kokstad. 215317211-RERMAN, Bessle, 034/86751W, 17 Hudson Avenue, East London, Second and Fmal (East London). Segall & Pincus, P 0. Box 74. East London. 3174/73/2C-DIRKMAN, Jessie Eveline, born Seaman, 0341 819642W, widow, Newhaven Chronic Sick Home, 12 Cavendish Road, East London (East Londorl). B. S. Dirkman, 25 Pemberton Place. Chiselhurst Extension, East London. 1519/72/?B-BLAKE, George Henry. 013!452351, 7 Bridge Street, Queenstown, Supplementary Second and Final; Annie Jacoba Blake, born Kmger, 0131452352 (Queenstown). Marshall Sr Kaplan, Louston fiouse, 36 Union Street. East London. 1868173--VAN DER WALT, Voilet. born Gillings, 0821 546931W, 32 Van der Walt Street, Middelburg, Supplementary First and ~inai (htiddelburg). The Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd (registered commercial bank). rrustec Branch, P.O. BOX 329, Port Elizabeth. 2877 / ~~/~-BENN~E, Donald Colquhoun, 0671376874, 82 Saxilby Road. Amalinda, East London; Marjorie Betnice Bennie, born Smith JEast London) David L. Russell & Lindsay, P.O. Box 1092. East London. 3G9417312-ANDREWS. Michael, 1331 l647 12K, widower. 58 Steven Street. New Gubbs Location. Uitenhags (Uitenhage). Sellick & Mclntyre, P.0 Box 94, Uitenhage. 216717313-VAFJ RENSBURG, Gerrard, 4901714968, >Port E11zabe:h (Port E11zabetl-i). Theron & Retief, Hoofstraat, Posbus 54, Joubertina, 337617312~-$AN HEERDEW, Louis Casparus Jeknnc?, 0971 999646\17, 13 Short Market Street, Pearston; Florence Nilda van Heerden,.l01]316106W (Pearston). C. J. U. Conradie, Manager, Boland Bank,-f.O.- Box 163, Somerset East. 3517411 4-POSTHUMUS, Charl Jacob, 082154b828..Didwekop. Middelburg; Martha Wiihdmina Posthumas, gebore'smith, 0821540329 (Middelburg). Du P!esqis & Post, Po~bus 21, Middel- burg.,-?,. 1966/73/2&~~~$~, Clement Henry, 165 /215350~,' 23 Smith Street, Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabeth). Robertson. 'Wiley & King, P.O. Box 55, King William's Town. 738/66/3~-$~~~kJ~~, John Hendry (Henry). 101{319293, 118 Durban Street, Uitenhage, Sixth and Fmal, 14 days; Sasanna Johanna Salomina, Starbuck, born Steffens, 1011319294 'port Elizabeth).,Marcus'S. Jacobs & Feldman, Lazmark House, 505a Main Srteet Port Eiizabeth. 2848173 13-SMITH. Florence Maud.!X0201 0002 00 7, 7 Shuttleworth Lodge, Grahamstown. Bzrclays National Bank Ltd. Port Elizabcth Trustee Branch, P.O. Bbx 164, Port Elizabeth 534/74/2C-VAN ECK, Anna Christina, 9303240002005, Smidstraat 33. Middelbure -.(Middelburg). -, Du Plessis & Post, Posbus 21, ~iddelburg. SUIBWES-AFRIKA-SOUTH-WEST AFRICA By die kantbor van die Meester, WINDHOEIC, en ook van die landdros van die distrik wanneer dit tussen hakies gemeld word. At the office of the Master, WINDHOEK, and also of the magistrate of the district when stated in parentheses. 442173-GREEFF, lsabella Maria Cornelia, gebore Pretorius. plaas Goibeb, distrik Keetmanshoop, Eerste (Keetmanshooy;) Lentin, Botman & De Waal, Passanogebou, Kaiserstraat, Posbus 38, Keetmanshoop. 405169-ZENZILE, Bel!a, Staatshospitaal, Luderitz (Luderit7). F. M. Oehl, Posbus 3138, Windhoek. 29173-LANDMAW, Karel Andreas Pctrus, p/a Oamitemyn, Windhoek..F.tM. Oehl, Posbus 3138, Windhoek.

Ingevolye dltlhai 17 (4) van d~e Insolvens~ewet, 1935, en artikel 119 (3) van d~e Evlaxskappywet, 1926, word h~erhy deur die hlse3txis van d~e i<oogpxegshor itennls gegee dat die boedcls of maatskappye h~eronder vermelcl voorlop~g op las van genozrnd!: Hcf gesel,\vc\treer of gellkw14ee1 IS. DIG bamder!lzda word In tnerdlc voigorde verstrek: Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; naam en bcskrywing van boedel/~~zaais!~~ppy; datum waarop en afdel~np van hof waardeur ordcr gcmaak is en op die aansoek van. ESTATES OR COMPANIES SEQUESf RATED OR BfOU%JD UP PROVBSlONALLY Pursuant to sect~on 17 (4) of the Insolvency Act, 1936, and section 119 (3) of thz Companies Act, 1926, notice 1s hereby given by the Masters of the Supreme Court that the estates or companies mentioned below have been sequestrlted or wound up provisionally by order of the said Court. The particulars are gven in the lollowing order: Number of estate/company; name and descrlptton of estate/compmy; dato upon which and d~vis~on of court by vhich order made and upon the application of. C74174-VERACHiA. Moharned Soaid, trading as Athlone T238/74--RHM. ENGINEERING (PTY) LTD. having its Wholesalers at 33 Lawrence Road, Athlone, Cape. 6/3/74, Cape registered office at c/o Conaaughton. hldler &L Snlili~. 305 of Good Hope Provincial. Salim Pdussen. United Buildings, Voortrekker Street, Vereeniging. 5/3/74. Trans- E35/74-ROBINSON, Aubrey Dennis, present whereabouts vaal Provincial. Denver Melal Works (PLY) Ltd. unknown, was a hotelier, c/o Midgeky's Hotel, Markct Square, T128/74-ANDY'S WHOLESALERS (Brakpan) (P:y) Ltd, Adelaide. 4/3/74, Eastern Cape. Douglas C. Wylde 8: Company. having its registered office at 3 Manbern Housc. Tii~rd Street, C65/74-B. DECI-I ELECTRICAL ENTERPRISES (PTY) Springs, being the offices of its auditors, Campbell, Bode, Rrown LTD, registered olfices at 114 Lower Main Road. Observatory, & Stcwart. 5/2/74. Witwatersrand Local. Cape. 6/3/74, Cape of Good Hope Provincial. African Electric T248/74-LOCHNER, John George Albertus, voorhcen 'n (Pty) Ltd. boukontraliteur en 'n serfkontrakteur wie vir sy eie wins handel 01174-RULE, William Benjamin, Derde Straat 11, Rusthof gedryf het en tans 'n klerk van Fontana\rreg 1270, Quecns\vood, Eandgoed. Strand, K.P. 6/3/74, Kaap die Goeie Hoop Provinsiale. Pretoria. 12/3/74. Transvaalse Provinsiale. Casper Hendrlk Cadcn- Munisipalitcit Strand. horst Lochner. N46/74A-BERNIK BUILDING SYNDICATE (S.IC.1. Enter- T207/74-ROOSHEUWEL TUNE-UP CENTRE (CDMS.) prises), 307 Arbour House, Crompton Street, Pinetown, Natal. BPK., having its registered offices at 91 Anderson Street. Klerks- 1/3/74, Durban and Coast Local. Saibot Enterprises (Pty) Ltd. dorp, and carrying on business as garage proprietors at 72 N46/74B-SZYNKARSKI, Niculas. 3 Churton Place, La Lucia, Roderick Campbell Street, Roosheuwel, ~lerksdorp. 27/2/74. Natal, 1/3/74. Durban and Coast Local. Saibot Enterprises (pty) Transvaal Provincial. Jeffrey Alien de Vrye. Ltd. T~~O/~~-CASELS~N, Denis, an outfitter. carrying on the N46/74C-SZCZWINSKI, WladysJaw Jozef, residing at 11 business of Townley Outfitters at 46 C~mmiSSioner Street, Peace Crescent. Sarnia, Durban, Natal. 1/3/74, Durban and Coast Johannesburg. 26/2/74. Witwatersrand Local. Unity Investment Local. Saibot Enterprises (Pty) Ltd., Company (Pty) Ltd. N35/74-TINSEV (PTY) LTD, Ninth Floor, J.B.S. Buildings, T237/74-DU PREEZ, Theunis Johannes, Voortrekkerstraat Field Street. Durban and trades as Tamco Beams at 136 Shepstone 168, Balfour, Tvl. 5/3/74. Transvaalse Provinsiale. Ruben Dun- Road, New Germany, Natal. 2012174, Durban and Coast Local. Can McC1aren. General Chemical Corporation (Coastal) Ltd. B29/74-VAN NIEKERK, Jacobus Izak Harm, 'n meerderjarige Blanke manspersoon en bootkontrakteur van beroep, woonagtig te Paverstraat 38, Reitz, O.V.S. 7/3/74, Oranje Vrystaatse Provinsiale. Grevline Broers CEdrns.) Bok. E~~/~~--CAMPHER; ~ d p ~ehs, h S;. 773174, Eastern Cape. Johannes Benjamin Rheeder. E34/74-BOONZAAIER, Jacobus Malan, carrying on business as Amalinda Hardware Store, Main Road, Arnalinda. East Lohdon. 7 /3174. Eastern Cape. J. A. Yazbek & Company. N42/74-NGCOBO, M. Joseph, formerly trading as Joseph Nacobo Store. 27/2/74. Natal Provincial. Willem Barend Gerhardus Roux. N51/74-LENBOU MOTORS (PTY) LTD, c10 Crockett, Wendt & Fletcher, 17th Floor, Escoval House, Smith Street, Durban. 8/3/74, Durban and Coast Local. Louise Johannes Nel Botes. N52/74-HAZAREE, Dawood Ebrahim. formerly trading as Club Outfitters. 93 Couper Street, Stanger, Natal. 8/3/74, Durban and Coast Local. Vonwill Creations (Pty) Ltd. N47/74-MAmHEWS, John Abraham, Albaden Flats, Foster Road, Uvongo, Natal. 1/3/74, Durban and Coast Local. William John Jolliffe. N48/74-HARRIPASDH, J, resides at 91 Chatsworth, Main Road, Umhlatuzana, Natal. 1/3/74, Durban and Coast Local. The Leyland Motor Corporation of South Africa Ltd. E37/74/3-CAMPHER, Roelof Petrus. Jr, carrying on business in CO-partnership as R. P. Campher & Son, general dealers at Main Street. Cathcart and at Tylden. 7/3/74, Eastern Cape. Johannes Benjamin Rheeder. E38/74/3--CAMPHER. Roelph Petrus, Sr. and Roelof Petrus Campher, Jr, carrying on bussiness as R. P. Campher & Son, eeneral dealers at Main Street. Cathcart and at Tvlden. 7/3/74,.. Eastern Cape. Johannes Benjamin Rheeder. C75/74-ISMAIL, Gaironisa, married by Mohammedan rites to Essack Seralker, carrying on business as a gcncral dealer as Revenna Trading Company at Landsdowne Road, Phillippi, C.P. 63/74, Cape of Good Hope Provincial. Habib Mohamed. T217/74-W. P. MOUTON & KRUGER (EDMS) BPK., carrying on business as a licensed hotel at 16 10th Street, Maraisburg, as a hotel off-sales bottle store in the Maeisterial Area of Roodepoort and having its registered office at Prudential House, 48 Village Street, Randfontcin. 1/3/74. W~twatersrand Local. The Legal Trust Corporation (Pty) Ltd. T~~~/~~--souTH AFRICAN RESTAURANT ASSOCIATES (PTY) LTD. trading as the Orient Restaurant, Esplanade. East, London and having its registered office at The Reliance.Centre, Heidelberg Road, City Deep, Johannesburg. 5/2/74. Witwatersrand Local. T249/74-~h~o~N, Christian Erasrnus, formerly of 28 Voortrekker Street, Ventersdorp. and now employed by the municipality of Pretoria. 12/3/74. Transvaal Provincial. Charlcs John Marray. T247/74-K R 0 K 0 D I L BOERDERY AGENTSKAPPE (EDMS.) BPK., met geregistreerde kantoor te Santarngebou 207, Besterstraat, Posbus 358, Nelspruit, wat handel dryf onder die naam van C.B.A., te Erf 2, Riss~kstraat, Komatipoort, distrik Barberton, Tvl. 12/3/74. Transvaalse Provinsiale. Milling and Trading (Delrnas) Ltd. T227/74-S. GUTNER.(PTY) LTD, having it: rcgistered office at 81 Security Bu~ldmgs, 95 Commlss~oner Street, Johannesburg, 5/3/74. Witwatersrand Local Division. Hcttc Gutner (Hettie Gutner), in her capacity as executrix in the estate of the late Solomon Gutner. T234/74-DU PLESSIS. Hendrik Louwrens Stephanus Daniel, a handyman in the employ of Atomic Energy Board. Pelindaba, and residing at Groot Plaas, P.O. Scheerpoort. District of Brits. 5/3/74. Transvaal Provincial. Johannes Hermanus du Plessis. T235/74-C. W. BROLI (PTY) LTD, having its rcgistered office at 1 Sanlam Buildings, Church Street, Klerksdorp. 5/31 74. Transvaal Provincial. Brolis' Enterprises (Pty) Ltd. T186/74-REANIX (PTY) LTD, carrying on b~~ciaess as estate agents having its registered addrcss at 26 First Street, Nigel, Tvl. 19/2/74. Witwatersrand Local. Slanley Smith.

GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 1974 Pio 4237 113 T225/74-VISSER, Nendrik Nicolaas, 'n volwasse Elanke T233/74-VAN ZYL, Samuel J-icabq e~qpioyed by Conman van Wolfaardstraat 2, Witfield, Boksburg. 5/3/74. Wit- solidated Glass Works, Pretor~a West. and redes at 988 Van watersrand Plaaslike. E. G. Visser. Den Heevcr Street, Daspoort, 1'reto:;a. 5/3/74. Transvaal T242/74-ONE FOUR FIVE SIX GREENHILLS (PTY) Provincial. Joosub Aboo Baker. LTD, met geregistreerde adres te Russel Wolpe 6% Kie., Ecrste C68/74-EXCLUSnTE MODEL JtOUSr (p~y) ~,TD, 1/3/74. ~erdle~mg, Investmel~t House, hoek van Vanuyk- en Cape of ~ood Hope Provincial. l;xclca~~e Model Hoi!:e (Pty) Joubertstraat; Roodepoort. 1213174. Witwatersrandse Plaaslike. Petrus Johannes Ernst Meintjies en Peter Donald Alexander, N.N.O. N58/74--S.E.G. INVESTMENTS (PYY) LTD. trading as R. ~231/74-0p~~ CANVAS AND WEBBING COMPANY Cadle 6i Co., 54 Melbourfie Road, Durban. I\Tntal. 8/3/74. Dur- (PTY) LTD, having its registered office at c/o Glaser Wassyng ban and Coast Local. Ship's Equipment C0 (P~Y) Ltd. & Company, Chartered Accountants, 403 Longsbank, corner of B28p+pdO&,fBELLI, ~~~~l~ r;rancesco. a ~ ; man ~ of ~ Bree and Rissik Streets, Johannesburg, and having its principal ~loem~oniein, and residing at 61 staleway plais, corner of ~lacr: of business at 15 Charles Street, New Do'Jrnfontein, President Brand and Zastron Streets, Bloenliontein. 0.F.S. Joha~n~sburg. 5/3/74. Witwatersrand Local. Siegfried Geldner. 7/3/74. orange state provincial, ~~~~i~~ G ~ ~ ~ TZ32/74-VENTER, D. J., a transport contractor presently of Elatldsl:raal, P.O. Mooinooi, District df Brits. 5/3/74. Trans- T242/74-STEENICAMP, Jan Harm Jacobus, werksaam as vaal Provincial. Philip Wulfsohn & Sons (Pty) Ltd. glassierder vir eie rekening te Plot 13, Eoskop. distrik Ver- NS7/74-KROG. William (Willem Krog). 13/3/74. Natal. eenlging. en vioonaglig te Plot 269, Nelsonia, distr~k Verecniging. Geolge Gwinnett Bornpas. 5/3/74. Transvaalse Provinsmle. Desmond Owen Brooks. W-,- -a EERSTE LCSYEENKOMSTE VAN SKULDEISERS, KBNTRBBIJANTE OF LEDE VAN GESEKWESTREERDE BOEDEBS. MAATSKAPPYE IN LIKWIDASIE OF ONDER GEREGTELf KE BESTUUW Nademaal die bocdels of maatskappye hieronder vermeld op las van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika geseltwestreer, gelikwideer of onder geregtelikc bestuur geplaas is, word hierby deur die meesters van d~e Hooggeregshof ingevolge artikels 17 (4) en 40 (1) van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, en artikels 119 (3), 125 (1) en 196bis (4) van die Maatskappyewet, 1926, kennis gegee dat 'n eerste byeenkoms van skuldeisers, kontribuante of lede van genoemde boedels of maalskappye op die datums, ure en plekke hieronder vermeld vir die bewys van vorderings teen die boedels of maatskappye - - en die verkiesing van kurators, lrkwidateurs of - geregtelike - bestuurders. na - gelaag - van die neval. v, gehou sd word. Die besonderhede word in hierdie volgorde verstrek: Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; naam en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy; datum van die voorlopige en datum van die finale bevel, en afdeling van hof waardeur order gemaak is, en datum, uur en plek van. - byeenkoms. In 'n stad waarin 'n kantoor van 'n meester is, word die byeenkoms voor die meester en op ander plekke voor die landdros gehou. FIRST MEETINGS OF CREDITORS, CONTRIBUTORIES AND MEMBERS OF SEQUESTRATED ESTATES, COMPANIES BEING WOUND UP OR PLACED UNDER JUDICIAL MANAGEMENT The estates or companies mentioned below having been placed under sequestration, being wound up or having been placed under judicial management by order of the Supreme Court of South Africa, masters of the Supreme Court hereby give notice, pursuant to sections 17 (4) and 40 (1) of the Insolvency Act, 1936, and sections 119 (3), 125 (1) and 196bis (4) of the Companies Act, 1926, that a first meeting of creditors, contributories or members of the said estates or companies will be held on the dates and at the times and places mentioned below, for proof of claims against the estates or companies and for the election of trustees, liquidators or judicial managers, as the case may be. The particulars are given in the following order: Number of estate/company; name and description of estate/company; date of the pro~isional and date of the final order, and d~vision of court by which order made, and date, hour and place of meeting. Meetings in a town in which there is a master's office, will be held before the master; elsewhere they will be held before the magistrate. C40/74-RONAASEN, John, a compajly director, residing at W28/73-BOTHA, Hendrik Petms. 8/3/74, Windhoek. 10/4/ 20 Clydebank Road. Green Polnt. 12/2/74, Cape of Good Hope 74, 10 vm., Windhoek. Provincial. 1114/74, 10 am., Cape Town. C34174-SELBY, Arthur, Flat 9, Steenblas Street. Parow, Cape. 13/2/74, Cape of Good Hope Provincial. 11/4/74, 10 a.m., Cape Town. -. C53/74-N. K. SMITH & STOPFORD (PTY) LTD, carrying on business at corner of Lower Ottery and Williston Roads, Ottery, Cape. 14/2/74, Cape of Good Hope Provincial. 11/4/ 74, 10 a.m.. Cape Town. K7/74-SJNDEN, John Henry. 8/3/74, Northern Cape. 9/41 74, 10 a.m., Philipstown. B5/74-ADNIKOR (EDIVIS.) BPK., 'n.maatskappy behoorlik geregistreer met beperkte verantwoofdelikheid ' ooreenkomstig die Wette van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika, met geregistreetde hoofkantoor te Autolachuis 106, hoek Van Henry- en Oos- Butgerstraat, Bloemfontein, O.V.S. 14/2/74, Oranje-Vrystaatse Provinsiale. 10/4/74. 10 vm. Bloemfonteiri. BI~I~~-V!'ESSELS. Anna Magdalena, voorheen Wilken, gebore Schlcbusch. weduwee, wat handel gedryf het as Rekwerk in Kits te Twee3e Laan 16b. Bloernfontein, O.V.S. 7/3/73, Oranje-Vrystaatre Provinsiale. 10/4/74. 10 vm., Bloemfontein. B I5 174-BARNARD. Simon Johannes Christoffel, 'n meerderjarige Blanke mansperson, Shifrenswonstel 1, Mullerstraat, Bethlehem, O.V.S. 14/2/74, Oranje Vrystaatse Provinsiale. 19/41 74. 9 30 xm., Bethlehem. Bic);?4-HATTING. J. G.. 'n meerderjarige Blanke man, Rietrivierbesproeiingskema, distrik Jacobsdal, O.V.S. 7/3/74, Oranje- Vrystastse Provinsiale. 10/4/74, 10 vm., Jacobsdal. C52i74-TERGOT BOUERS (EDMS.) BPK. 19/2/74, Kaap die Goe~e Hoop Provinsiale. 17/4/74, 10 vm, Worcester. C321 74-ZEKOEVLEI HOMES (PTY) LTD. 14/2/74, Cape of Good Hope Provincial. l 1/4/74, 10 am., ape Town. C58/74-L. G. FELL & SON (PTY) LTD, 12/2/74, Cape of Good Hope Provincial. 1114/74, 10 a.m., Cape Town. W27 173-STORBECK, Eduard Willem. 813/74, Windhoek. 10/4/74, 10 vrn., Windhoek. T30i74-KOK. Nermanus Johannes qessels, a businessman, 33 Poortsig Road, Waverley, Pretoria. 1511174-5/2/74, Transvaal Provincial. 1014174, 10 p.m., Pretoria. T102/74-NIKANET (EDMS.) BPK., met geregistreerde adres te Eerste Verdieping, Tmstfonteingebou, St. Andrewstraat 151, Bloemfontein. Die hoofbesigheid en as't ware enigste bedryf word beoefen te Commondale, Piet Retief. 512174-5/3/74, Transvaalse Provinsiale. 9/4/74. 9.30 vm.. Piet Retief. ~166174-STEENKAMP,' ~atthys Johannes (woonagtig te Naaupoort 353 JQ? distrik Rustenburg, en dryf besigheid as boukontrakteur, Villoenstraat 98, Krugersdorp. 1912174-5/ 3174, Transvaalse Provinsiale. 10/4/74, 9.30 vm., Rustenburg. T156/74-COSSADIANOUS, Alec, a major European male, trading as Alec,Plumbing Services, 60 Hoy Avenue, Brakpan, and residing at 668 Prince George Avenue, Brenthurst, Brakpan. 12/2/74-5 13/74, Witwatersrand Local. 19/4/74, 10 a.m., Brakpan. ~36174-NORTHMEAD FASHION CENTRE (PTY) LTD, trading as Northmead Fashlon Centre and having its principal place of business at Skth Avenue, Northmead, Benoni. 16/1/74-26/2/74, Transvaal Provincial. 10/4/74, 10 am. Benoni. T76/74-MAHOOD & VIAENE (P,TY) LTD, Alpho Printers and Lithographers. carrying on business as prmters at 134 Shenvell Street, Doornfontein, Johannesburg, which is its principal place of business and registered office. 2911174-26/2/74. Witwatersrand Local. 10/4/74, 9 am., Johannesburg. T140/74-DU PLESSIS, Solomon Peter, iormerly trading as Du Plessis Transport, presently employed as a handyman in the employ of the applicant company. 12/2/74-12/3/74, Transvaal Provincial. 10/4/74, 9 a.m., Johannesburg. T164/74--EVA, Winston Robert, a pharmacist, presently res~d~ng at 97 Shamrock Street, Florida. 19/2/74-5/3/74, Witwatersrand Local. 10/4/74, 9 a.m., Roodepoort. T128/74-ANDY'S WHOLESALERS (BRAKPAN) (PTY) LTD, having its registered office at 3 Maubern House, Third Street, Springs, being the offices of its auditors, Campbell, Bode, Brown & Stewart. 5/2/74, Witwatersrand Local. 19/4/74, 10 a.m., Brakpan. T88 174-INTERCONTINENTAL SYSTEMS (SOUTH AFRICA) (PTY) LTD, having its registered office at 101 New Plaza Centre, 150 Jeppe Street, Johannesburg. 2911/743;13/74, Witwatersrand LoeaL 17/4/74, 9 am., Johannesburg.

114 No. 4237 STAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 1974 T38/74---BLUE (XUNTO (PTW LTD, having its registered C25/74-LIZJO HOTELS (PTY) LTD. 12/2/74, Cape of office at Fourth Floor, Netherlands Insurance Centre, Eloff Good Hope Provincial. 22/4/74. 10 a.m., Swellendam. Street North, corner of Smit Street. Braamfontein, Johannes- T79/74-HYDRAR4CK HOLDINGS (PTY) LTD, carrying on burg, and carrying on business as a licensed. 17/1/74-12/2/74, business as a finance and investment company and ha\.ing its Witwatersrand Local. 17/4/74. 9 am., Johannesburg. registered offices at 90 Main Road, Eastleigh, Edenvale. 5/3/74, T80174-HYDRAMEK (PTY) LTD, carrying on business as Witwatersrand Local. 10/4/74, 9 a.m., Johannesburg. a sales, admmistration and finance company. and having its regis- ~1 METRO PHARMACY (PT- LTD. on tered offices at 90 Main ~oad, Eastleigh, Edenvale. 2911174-5/3/74, Witwatersrand Local. l0/4/74, 9 a.m.. Johannesburg. business as a pharmacy and general dealer under the style of Metro Pharmacy and having 11s principal place of buslness and T90174-TRE"ENNA (PTY) LTD1 having registered office at 71a Kruis Street, Johannesburg. 5/2/74-5/ its registered offrcc at 41 1 Charter House. 13 Rissik Street, 3/74, witwatersrand ~~~~l 10/4/74, at a.m., Johannesburg, Johannesburg. 291 l /7&26/2 174, Witwatersrand Local. 1014/74, T~O~~/~~-JEWASKIEWITZ, jamin peter, 'n handelsrei- 9 am., Johannesburg siger in diens van Maluti Meubels, Masero, Lesutu, en woonagtig T907/73-STANFORDS AND by kamer 6, Park Hotel. Bronh~rst~pruit. 1119173-26/2/74, HARDWARE (PTY) LTD. carrying On business as Transvaalse Provinsiale. 10/4/74, 10 vm., Bronkhorstspru&, hardware and mining materials and having ~ts registered office at President A~~nue. W1tbank, T~~~~/~~TSOUREKIS, Dimitrios. an adult male Blue TV1. 31/7//3-5/3/74, Transvaal Bird Tearoom, 2Sa Biccard street, ~ ~ ~ ~ johannesburg. Provincial. 19/4/74, 9.30 a.m., Witbank. ~ f ~ ~ t ~,T900/73-M EN B FURNISHING COMPANY (pty) LT-, 11/12/7&8/1/74, Witwatersrand Local. 1014174, 9 am., Johannesburg. carrying on business as furniture suppliers on its registered offices at President Avenue. Witbank. Td. 31/7/73-26/2/74, Transvaal T~~~/~~-MAHoMED, Moosa, trading as Popular Provincial. 19/4/74. 9.30 am., Witbank. business as general merchants at 74a Tom Street, N~/~~-LuN~ELL. ~ ~ ~ ~ h ~ 5/3/74, ~ ~, ~~~~l, i provin- ~, Brits, Tvl. 12/2/74-12/3/74. Transvaal Provincial. 10/4/74, 9.30 cial. 1114/74. 10 a.m., Jxopo. a.m., Brits. T1465/73-4ABRIEL. Polychronis. an adult male who was, N18174-G. R. BEZUIDENHOUT AND DECO- RATORS (PTY) LTD, business at c/o Levitt Dowdle & Titinger, prior to the 8th day of December 1973. trading as Jakaranda 3 Bears Centre. Port Shepstone. 1811174, Durban and Coast. at 31 Largo Road, Strubenvale, Springs. and whose 11/4/74, 10 am.. Port Shepstone. last known residential address was 43 El Alamein Court. Second B18/74-MARnN, Noel Stanley. a student, 209 Trafalgar Street. 19/12/73-29/1/74, Witwatersrznd ~ocal. 10/4/ Flats, Zastron Street, Bloemfontein, O.F.S. 14/2/74, Orange Free 74' 9.30 a.m., Springs. State Provincial. 10/4/74. 10 am.. Bloemfontein. T1455/73--CANDICE FASHIONS (PTY) LTD. having its B6/74-GEOLEN (PTY) LTD, company duly incorporated registered office at 303 Colonial Mutual Buildings. corner of according to the laws of the Republic of South Africa, carrying bveda~ and Fox Streets, Johannesburg. 18/12/73-29/1/74, on business and with registered head office nt 172 Church Strekt, 17/4/74, 9 a.m.3 Johannesburg. Bloemfontein, and trading as G.M. Supermarket. 24/1/74, Orange T92/74-MITRI, Alexander John. an adult White male hair- Free State Provincial. 10/4/74. 10 a m, Bloemfontein. dresser, Salon Mitri, 8 Bradfield Drive. Fairmount Eutcnsion, B20/74-APTEEK THE0 (EDMS) BPK.,.n maatskappy Johannesburg. 29/1/74-5/3/74, Witwatersrand Local 10/4/74. 9 behoorlik geregistreer met beperkte aanspreeklikheid in die a.m.> Republiek van Suid-Afrika. ooreenkomstig die Wctte van die T1286/73-JOE'S INGENIEURSWERKE (EDMS ) BPK., met Republiek van Suid-Airika, met geregistreerde hoofkantoor te geregistreerde kantore te p/a C. H. Fraser. Evans fg Kle. Vesco p/a Leith Freake & Cade, Maitlandstraat 75, Bloemfontein, House 201, F. W. Beyersstraat, Vanderbijlpark, Tvl. en \sat sake 0.V.S. 14/2/74. Orange Free State Provincial. 10/4/74, 10 vm., doen as algemene ingenieurs te Teliordstraat 12. Durrc~nville, Bloemfontein. Vereeniging. Tvl. G/ 11173-26/2/74. Transvaalse Provinsialc. 191 N27/74--CANDY'S SUPERMARKET (PTY) LTD, c/o busi- 4 174. 9.30 vm, Vanderbijlpark. ness at 66 Palm Road, Silverglen, Du~ban. Prov~nce of Natal. T81174-PJATER. Nefidrich Apolph woonagtig te ~ooibok- 5/2/74, Durban and Coast Local. 11/4/74, 10 a.m, Durban. straat 4. Suartklip. Northam. distrik Rustenhurg, en werksaam N22/74-BRJTZ. T A., trading as Op Art Building Material as '11 sl-oibaas in diens van Rustenburg platina myne Rpk. 291 Supplies. 5 Lindsay Avenue. 25/1/74, Durban and Coast Local. 1174-19/2/74, TransvaaIse Provinsiale. 19/4/74, 9 30 vn~. Rus- 1114/74. 10 am. Durban ten'uurg. T1437/73-ECIM (PTY) LTD. having it's registercd office at 1320173-BESTER, Willen~ A'uraharn. &oonagtig te Cnrlalaan c/o Kessel, Femstern Torch & Co. Second Floor, Annan House, 78, Mooinoo~, distrik Rustenlmrg, en werksaam le Western Plati- 86 Commissioner Street. Johmnesburg. 11112173-29/1/74, Wit- nampn, Mooinooi, di~trik Rustenburg 1311 l 173-1 1/12/73, watersrand Local. 10/4/54, 9 am., Johannesburg. Transvaalse Provinsiale. 10/4/74, 9.30 vm, Rustenburg car,,+-,g on Vorm/Form 1 AANS'BELLING VAN KURATQRS EN LlKWEDATEU&P,S EN BEV3YS VAN VORDERiNGS EN GE3EBG WESTREERDE BOEDEES OF MAATSKAPBYE IN LBKWIDASIE Ingevolge altllte!~ 40 (3j, 56 (3j en 77 van die Insolvensicwet, 1936, en artikels 129, 173 en 182 van die Maatshappyewet. 1926, word hierby kenm gegee dat die persone Iiieronder veimeld as hrators of likwidateurs aangestel is, na gelang van d~e gzval, en dsi p:r,one wat enlgiets aan die boedels of maatskappye versauldig 1s die skulde,zensy anders vermeld, onmiddell~k by genoemde kurators of I~kw d 3;zurs mwt betaal. 13yeenkoinsle van skuldcisers of kontribuante van genoemde boedels of maatskappye sal gehou word op dis datums, ure cn p ;l.;,; '1 eronder ~ermeld vir d ~e bewys van vorde~ings teen d ~e boedek of maatskappye, vlr die ontvangs van die verslae van die kurators of Ilhw.ti 1 ejrs oor die sake en toestand van dic bocdek of maatskappye, en om opdragte aan d ~e huralors of lilwidatcurs u ~t te relk betreffende d,e \a lkoop of opvordering van gedeelles van dic boedels of bates van die maatskappye of betre!t&de aangeleenthede raltende die b,-heer d~arvan. Die besol:derhede word in h~eldie volgoide verstrek: Nommer van boedel,/msatslcappy; naam en beskrywing van boxlcl/ms~is~a;~py; naam cn adres van ku~alor of liltin~ldateur, en datum, uur en plek vzn byeenkoms en tydperk waarin skuld betaal moet word, mdwn d ~t me onmiddellik moet geshl~d nie. In 'n stad waa~rn n kantoor van 'n meester is, word die byeenkoms voor d~e meester en op ander piekke voor die ianddros gehou. ABkOENTMENT QF TRUSTEES AND LIOLJIBATORS AND PROOF OF CLAGMS IN SEQUESTRATED ESTATES O R COMPANIES BEING WOUND UP T~ilsuanto sections 40 (3), 56 (3) and 77 of the Insolvency Act, 1936, and sections 129, 179 and 182 of the Compnw Act 1926, iitlce is lw&y given that the persons mentmned below have been appointed trustees or liqu~dators, as the case may be, and t:lat the persons indebted to the estates or companies are required to pay their debts to them forthw~th unless at!lerwise indicated. Meelings of cledltors or contributories of the said estates or companies will be held on the dates and at the times and places ~xent~oced bc!ow, for proof of clainls agamst the estates or companies, for the purpose of receiving the trustees' or liquidators' reports as to the affairs and conditions of the estates or companies and for giving the trustees or liquidators directions concerning the sale or recovery of any parts of the estates or assets of the companies or concerning any matter relating to the administration thereof. The particulars are given in the following order: Number of estatelcompany; name and descrlptlon of estatc/company;!lam and address of trustee or liquidator and date, hour and place of meeting and period within which debt must be paid, if this is not to b: done fol lhwllh. Mce~~ngs In a town,n nil& time is a master's ofice, will be held before the master; elsewhere th-y wdl be hcla be;orz the ms&:rale. T700/73-ERN HEAVY RECOVERY AND BREAKDOWN B105/73-DU TOIT, Anthony Hughic; H. J F. Steyn, c/o SERVICES (PTY) LTD, In liqu~dation; R. 3. Woodnutt, c/o Lovius, Block, Mcltz & Steyn, Second Floor, Colonial h'lutual Mctrust Ltd. P.O. Box 61517, Marshalltown, Tvl. 17/4/74, 9 am., Rdildings. P.O. Eox 59, Maitland Street, ~loemfontein, 10/4/74, Johannesburg. 10 a.m., Bloemfontein.

. A ~ ~ -~ GOVERNMENT GAZEITE, 29 MAP.CH 1974 No.437 115 T12i2/73-L4NDMAFJ, Micha-l; J. J. de Wet, c/o Bruyns de Wct Trust Co., P.O. Box 684, Randburg. 3/4/74, 10 am., Randburg. 3147/73-lIARDTNG. Ienny Doxen;.H. J. F. Steyn, clo Lo.<ius, Black. Meliz & Sicyn, Second Floor, Co!onial Mutual Bui!dings, P.O. Box 559, Maitland Street, Bloemfontein. 19/4/54, 10 a.m., 13loemfontcin. /73-PIEE, R. J., born 23/12/33,. l%/l 3l5OVd; ideyjiie R. R:~l:instein, c/o Cusiners Adrnii?.istrator's (Fly) htd: P.O. box 3951. Cap- Town. 10/4/74: 13 a.m., Paarl. C426/73-ADAMS, R., born 11/.9/45, 822/861373; XcviIle R. Rubinstein. Busiiless Administrators (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 3951; Cape Town. 1114/74, l0 am., Cape Town. C47-9!73-3U_R,GER, T. F., box 27/7/11, 022/303796W; Nevillz R. Rub;nstein, Business Adininistiators (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Rox 3351, Cape Town. 1114/74, 10 am., Cape Town. C328/7?-TALJAARD? W. J. J., born 2/11/47, 0151953671; Ne\;ilie R. P.ublnstciu, Eusiness Administrators (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 2951, Cape Town. 11/4/74. 10 a.m., Calcdon. C425/73-LEAF, M., born 14/4/29, 967/020463; Neville R. Rubimt-in. Business Administrators (Ptv) Ltd. P.O. Box 3951. Cape Town. 11/4/74, 10 a.m., Cape Tdwn'.' C412/73-CAVADIAS, B., 2814 119, 1 l5/2736olw; Neville R. Rubinstein. Busine~s Administrators (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Rox 3951, Cape Toan. 11/4/74. 10 a.m.. Cape Town. M275173-NEW SCOTTBURGII HOTEL (PTYI LTD: M. J. Ensor. c'o Securitv Excc~itor and Trust Comnanv. Ltd. P.O. BOX 1050. ~"rban. 17/i/74. 10 a.m. Scottburgh. B129/7?-T.4WSE VAN NOOFDWYK, Dirk Cornelis, c10 Sentraal-Wcs. Kro~ns!ad: Francls Joseph Err01 Paola. c/o Gersohn & Paola, Southern IIouse, 22 hill Street, Kroonstad. 1714 '7%. 7 30 a.m. Krooilstad. T1197152-COSh4ETJC AND PHARMACEUTICAL LABO- RATORIES (PTY) LTD. in liquidation; Elick Chesler, P.O. Box 347, Cdenvale, 3/4/74, 9 a.m., Johannesburg. C199172-LANZI. Antonio Siliio Luigi; L. P. Richards, 521 Matador Centre, 62 Strand Street, Cape own. 29/3/74. T1453/73-P A A R D E K R A A L NWERBEDE (EDMS) BPK., ir? liquidation; C. G. Foot, c/o Syi'ret's Trust and Executor ITvl', Ltd. 40th Floor. Carlton Centre. Johannesburz, 2001. \-.-, -. 19/4;74! 10 am., Krugersdorp. T1103/73-NEL, D. P,: W. V. H. van. dkr Wnlt. c10 Security Executor and Trust Comixiny, - P.O. Box 3127, Pretoria. 17/4/74, 10 am., Kempton Park. T6!9/73--KLETNJOR KONSTRLJKSIE (EDMS.) BPK., in ;ikv,id~sie; W. V. 11. van dcr Waltz p/a Sscurity Executor 1211 Trustmaaisliappy, Posbus 3127, Prc:oria. 19/4/54, 10 vm., Prctoi-in. T47?/73-FOUCFFEE, Rici~ard; W. V. H. van dcr 'LNdt, c/o kcurily E?:~cLI!o~ and Trust Cc)mp33j', P.9. DCX 3117, Pretoria. 24/4/74, 10 am., Folc!~c?stroo~n. B!3Ei7?-0RONI<I%O?.ST, J. J.; H. J. F. Sicyn, p/a Lovius, B)i;sk, kicltz & Stcyn, hqait!mds!i-aat 53, ros'uus 599, Biocmiontein. 10/4/74, 10 vm.? I3lccm;ontein. T1168/73-S.A. KERDIPiG AND I"!:ECASTIPdG (PTY] LTD, in liquidation; G. W. Lnmpzrt, P.O. Sox 3109, Johannesburg. 19/4/74, 10 an., benoni. T1038/73-BADENHCRST: Dirk Cornclius, fornerly residing at 133 Ridge Road, Ilartletts, Doksbivrg; Lollis David Drulrcr: c/o The Druker Trust Company (P&) Etd, P.O. Box 9251: Johanncsburg. 10/4./74, 9 am., Johanncsburg. T12G2/53-MOTOR SPARES EAST RAND (PTY) LTD, in liquidztim; Philip David Bernxn, c/o Albcrt Ruskin Trust Board (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 7956, JoliannesSurg. 10/4/74, 10 a.m., Benoni. T14?0/73-RAUTENBACH, Gabriel Stefanus, 37 Alexandria Avem~e, Dalview, Brakpan; Philip David Berman, c/o Albert Ruskin Trust Board (Pty) Ltd: P.O. i3ox 7970, Johanncsburg. 19/1/74, 10 a.m., Erakpan. T1379/73-PRETORIUS, Coenraad Christoffel: C. H. du Plooy, Posbus 1580, Pretoria. 10/4/74, 10 vn.: Pretoria. T958i74-PAMBMSKY, Leslie Joseph. rcsiding at 66 Ressemer Street, Wendywood, Sazdton; I. A. Mil!cr; Fourth Floor, Sarb TIoiise, 80 Commissioner %<et, Johanncsburg. 15/5/74, 9 a.m., Johannesburg. ~1265/73-~kN LILL BOTTLE STORES (PTY) LTD, with rcgiskred office at 104 Yorkshire Hause, h4arshall Street. Joha1;- ncslscrg; I. A. Tvliller, Fourth Floor. Sarb House, 80 Commissioncr Street,'J~h~finesburg. 15/5/74, 9 a.m., Johanncsburg. T1109/73-I-CC)ETZEE, J. h?., lormcrly trading as Aelco Building and Painting Construction, 38 Pandora Road, Kensington, Johannesburg; I. A. Miller, I'ouith Floor, Sarb House, 89 Commissioner Street, Johannesburg. 15/5/74, 9 a.m., Johannes. bzrg. Vorm/Form 2 EYEEPdKg3MS VAN SKU!-D~~%ET~S CN GESEKaJBP'ESTWEEP.DE BQEDELS OF MAATSKAPPYE IN LlKWIDASiE lngevolge artikels 41 en 42 van die Insolvensiewet. 1935, en arti!:els 179 en 182 van die Maatskappywct, 1926, word h~erby kennis gegee da! 'n byeenkonis van skoldeisers in die gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskqppye in likwidasie hicrondzr vernield, gehou sal word met aanduiding van die nomner van boedellmaatskappy; d~e naam en beskrywmg vln boedel/maatskappy; dic da!um, uur en plek van by- eenkoms en die doe1 van bycenkoms. In 'n siad waarin 'n kantoor van 'n meester is, word die byeenlioins v001 die meestcr en in ander plekke voor die 'anddros gehou. MEETING OF CEEDITBRS IN SEQUESTRATED ESTATES O R COMPANiES BEING WOUND UP Pursuant to sections 41 and 42 of the Insolvency Act, 1936, and sections 179 and 182 of the Companies Act, 1926, notice is hereby given that a meetiilg of creditors will be held in the sequestiated estates or companies being wound up mentioned below, ind~cating the nunibx of estate/company; the name and description of estatelio~naany; the dale, hour and place of meetin2 and the purpose of meeting. Meetings in a town in which there is a master's ofice, wlll be held beiore the master; elsewhere they will be held before the magistrate T608/73-CUISINE CORDON BLEU (PIT) LTD, in liqui- C330/72-LE ROUX, J. G., trading as Helpmekaar Rouers datio~. 17/4/74. 9 am.. Johannesburg. Further proof OE clalms Ceres. 19/4/74, 10 am., Worcester. Further proof of preferen. and examination of witnesses. claim. E101/73-PARBRA (PTY) LTD, with registered offices at 65a N105/73/3-FASHION FLAIR DRESS MANUFACTURERS Paterson Street, East London, 19/4/74, 9 a.m., East London. (PTY) LTD. 18/4/74, 10 a.m., Durban. Further prcof of claims Further proof of claims. N249/73-NATAL TELEVLSION CO. (PTY) LTD. 4/4/74. T759173-PRESSMAN, RI. T. J. 10/4/74, 10 vm., Kempton 10 am, Durban. Further proof of claims. Park. L ~at bewys van else. W34/72-VAN WYK, Coenraad FIendrik. 3/4/74, 10 a.m Tl54/73-STEYN, H. A. 10/4/74, 9.30 vm., Standerton Bewys ITl'lndhoek. Further proof of claims van eise. C~O~/~~-MULLER, J. W., a director ol companies, 26 Rem- K39!72-VAN RENSBURG, Christoffcl Johannes, 'n boukon- bracd Street, Delahzye, Bellville, Cape. 9/4/71, 10 a.m., Bellville trakteur en vervoerkontrakteur, Waltefieldwcg, Barkly-Wcs. IS/ Proof of claims. 4 174. 10 vm.. Earklv-Wes. Verdere bcwvs van eise. C275/73-KIEJDELMhNN, Yvonne, widow, who resides a! '~1'14~ ---.p,.- /~~--EIAT&DA --- - YNVESTME~TS iptw - LTD. in l inui- ~ ~, - -, ~~ 71 Camp Ground Road, Rondcbosch, Cape. 11/4/74, 10 a.m daiion. 17/4/74, 9 a.m., Johannesburg. Further proof of claims. Cape Town. Proof of claims. T902173-MOBILE FOOTWhAR DISTRIBUTORS (PTY) LTD. in liquidation. 17/4/74, 9 am., Johannesburg. Further C315/7?-COCKCROFT-SMJTZ-I, A. J., trading as a building proof of chins. and paint contractor, Palm Villa, corner of Lighthouse a:;(' T704/73-VJILLI14XIS, Ernest Vaughan. 17/4/74, 9 a.m., Dreyer Roads, Kommetjie, Cape. 9/4/74, 10 a.m., Simonstowz Johanncsbure. Proof of claims. - - Further uroof of claims. ~~ 2 i! 7 3 - - f CO~STRUC%ION ~ ~ ~ (PTY) LTD, in liquida- C369/71-LEGRENOR (EDhIS.) BPK., in likwidasie. 17/4/7< tion. 13/4/74. 10 am.: Randburg. Fiilal proof of claims. 10 vm., Oudtshoorn. Om die likwidateur te magtig om die huii:-- T20/73-TERM TRUST (PT\') LTD, in liquidation. 10/4/74, koapbate van die skuldeiser oor te ncem ken 'n bedrag gelyl:. 9 a.m.. Johannesburg. Fical proof of claims. staailde aan die volle eis van kreclitex (R60,93). R78/73-PTENAAR. ~arend Jacobus. 26/4/74, 10 a.m., Oden- C35173-V. & TV. MOTORS (PTY) J2TD, in liquidation. 19, daalsrus. Further proof of claims. 4/74, 10 a.m., Cape Town. For proof of claims.

116?To. 4237 STAATSICOERAWT, 29 MAART 1974 C336/71-DES CROWIE MOTORS (PTY) LTD. in liquidaticn. 31/4/74, 10 am.. Cap- To\wa. For proof of debt. N74/73-DAVORA (PTY) LTE 1114/74. 10 a.m., Durban. Prool of clni~ns I3153/73-ELRICRO (PTY) LTD, in liquldatlon. 3/4/74, 10.L G?., Vieikorn. Furlher prod of ciexms. 1<5/70-L<5TTER. Jacob Pztrus. 9/4/74..., 10 vm. Kuruman. Vir die beuiys van vcrdere eise. C157/70-TURNDlULL, R. S. I1 /4/74, 10 am., Cape Town. For proof of dcb:. T1045/73-LET,%RA PHARMACY (PTY) LTD. 16/4/74, 9.30 a.n~., Tzaneen. I. Furthcr proof of ciaims. 2. To csamine dlrcctors and othcr persons. T830/73-CAhIELGT FASHIONS (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. 10/4/74, 10 am., Pretoria. Latc prod of claims. Tl68173-SAIJERhiAN, Nicolrias. 19/4/74, 10 a.m.. Pretoria, 0001. Further prcof of claims. T1223/72-SNYMAN. Mrs C. M. 17/4/74, 9 a.m., Johanncsburg. Further proof of claims. C9/73-FROHBUS. Keith. t:ading as Frohbus Plumbers. George, C.P. 17/4/74, I0 a.m.: George, C.P. Further proof of cia~nis. N57/73-BROWN, Jonathan. Hillcrest Centre, 240 Old Main Road, Hillcrest, Natal. 18/4/74. 10 am., Pinetown. Proof of claims. N77/7?-ALEXANDER. Keith Alfred George: 65 Cotswold Drive, Westville, Natal. 1114/74, 10 am., Pinetown. Proof of ciaims. Qld*.rir N215/73-DU TOLT, Roger (business. 34 Redfords Dui!di,lgs, Parry Road. Durban). 1114/74. 10 a.m.. Durban. PIG^ of claims. N198/73-GIG1 DRESS SHOP, 04 West Strect, Dnrban. 25/4/74, 10 a m,. Durban. Proof of claims. N394/72/2-GLAMOUR GOTVNS (PT19 LTD. 11/4/74. 10 a m.. Durban. Proof of claims. N98/71/4A-ARCUTI-IPJOT. Fl~i bert (Hnbert) Eric 311 Vavse Road, Durban. 17/4/74, 9 a m. Jollannesburg. 1 Interrogailon of wii:~esscs. 2. To givc dircctions to the trustce on matters ari~lnrr out of such mterrotalions ~10h,3/73-~1-~ PURP~CB SPACE HEATING COMPANY (Pi?') LTD. in lieuidation. 10/4/74, 9 am.. Johannesburg. Proof of claims. T846/73-SHAIN, M. 10/4/74, 9 a.m, Johannesburg. Further proof of claims. 3-474173-CARLTOW STEAK RANCHES (PT\') LTD in liquidation. trading as Damon Rungon's Corned Beci Confuc~us. 17/4/74, 9 2.m, Johannesburg. Further prool of cla!ms. E7/73/3-DE LA MARE, Harold F.ona!d. fo:m?rly of 19 Rlakeway Road, Umtata, and who traded as U:te: hnge Flying Services. Uitenhage. 22/4/74, 10 am, Umtata. F~lriher proof of claims. T245 170-PREFABR ICATED DESIGNS (PTY) LTD. in liquidation. 10'4174. 9 30 Alberton. Further proof of claims. 33049172-SWANEPOEL, Johannes. 5/4/74, 10 a m, Rrakparl. For further proof of claims. T451/73-BUITENDAG, J. H 19/4/74. 9 30 a.m., Vereenigin&. Further proof of claims. Ingevolge artikel 109 (1) van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, en artikel 135 (I) (c) van die Maatskappywet, 1926. word hicrby I\cnnis gegee dat kurators of likwidateurs van die gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in likwidaqie, na gelang van die geval, hierondcr ;.crneld voornemens is on1 na afloop van 'n termyn van 14 dae vanaf die datum van publikasie hiervan, die betrokkemeestersom'~: vcrlenging van die ternlyne hieronder genoem, vir die indiening van likwidasie-, distribusic- of kontrlbusierekenmgs te versoek. Die besonderhede word in hierdie volgorde verstrek: Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; naam en bcskrywing van boedellrnaalskappy; naam en datum van aanstelling van kurator of likwidateur; datum waarop rekenmg ingedlen lnoet word; termyn van verlangdc verlenging en by wattx meestzr aansoek gedoen sal word. EXTENS~N OF BBME wiwew ws-aaeh ao LODGE LIQLJ~DATIBN ACCOUNTS AND PLANS OF DlCaTRFBUTllON OR G NTRIBUTk6N CN SEQUESTRATED ESTATES O R COMPANIES BEING WOUND UP Pu~suanL to scction 109 ( 1) oi the Insolvency Act, 1936. and section 135 (1) (c) of the Companieq Act. 1926, notice is hcreby given that after the expiralion of a period of 14 days as from the date of publication hereof, it is the intention of the trustees or liq~iidatols, as the case may be, of the qequestratrd estates or companies being wound up mentioned below, to apply to the respective master5 for an extenyion of time. as specified belcw, \+:thin which to lodge I~quidztion accounts and plans of distribution or cont:ib~~tion. The pnrt~culars arc: g1ven :n the follo\!k~g order. Number of estatc/company; name and description of cstateicompany. name and date of appointment of trustee or Ilquidator; date wi of extension required and to whlch master application will be made. C336/71&DES CROWXE P4COTORS (PW) LTD. I /I~-BROWI&? REFRIGERATION (PTY) LTD. in t~on: M T East. 2/5/72 28/12/73 Six months. Ca ion; B. Rulten. 8/2/74. Four rno:?lhs. T1482i72-FELEKIS, Anastaslos; R. J. Woodnutt, C/ 72-ESTO LEATWEP. WORKS (PTY) LTD..n igq~~lda- Ltd, 23/3/73 28/2/74. Six months J. Rousseau. 2311 1/72. 26/2/74 Six months. T1203172-TIIEODOROKOPOrJIJOS. Alec; R. 3. Woodnutt, C482/72-AUTOSPRAY (CAPE TOWId) (PI'?') LTD. in c/o Metrust Ltd. 1911173 1911174. Sly months iiqu~dation: J. J. Rousseau, 19/3/73. 19/3/74 Six months. T501/73-M'ITITTAL, John Laurence; M. J. Chipkin, 23/2/74. C49/70--7,ANO ICLETNHANDEL (PTY) LTD. in Iqurdntion; 23/8/74. Six months. Pretoria. J. R. Haddow, 3/6/70. 30/4/71. Six monlhs. Cape Town. 16017113-WESTERN CAPE FERRY SERVICES (PTY) LTD, C273/72-RAUTENBACH SLAGTERY (EDMS) DPK. in In liquidation; S. N. Colam and C. R. Lansdown, 1/7/71 2 liquidation; F. D. Glaum, 18/10/72. 18/4/74 Nine monihs, Cape 74. Three months Town N164/71/2--LOR4BARD VEHICLE TRANSPORT (PTY) C190/73-CROUSE. Daniel Christoffel; E B. m7aliace. 14/91 J,TD, in liquidation; S. N. -lam and C. R. Lansdown, 14/9/71. 73. 14/3/74. Three modths, Cape Town. 28/2/74. Three months. C11756-ABDULLAH, Hamed Dawood, trading as Tanbay N162/71/1-P D.S. WEST RAND (PTY) LTD, in liquidation; Quality Store, 16 Salmon Street, Woodstock, 7900; P. J. D. de S. N. Colam and C. R. Lansdown, 16/9/71. 28/2/74. Three Villiers. 10/9/64 31/3/74. Six months. Cape Town. months. C29/73-L.EP..P (PTY) LTD. in liquidation; D. F. Waters C158/73-PRETORIUS, Hendrik Johannes, private estate, a and J. J. Rousseau. 14/P/72 19 '4173. Six months. partner of the business known as Moderne Kaste, cabinet makers, T580/70-EREEDT RROTIIERS CLOTHJNG 4NR FUR- 20 Versa~lle.; Strect, Wellington. CP.; F. D Glaum, 15/10/73. NITURE MANUFACTURI3R.S AND WHOLESALER5 (PTY) l'i/4/7^l? Six inonths. Cape Toan LTD: Maurice Sclwartj. and B G. S. de Wet, l5 2 17i X/ 11 / C16>173--PRETORTUS, Izak Johannes. private estate. a part- 73. Nine months. ncr of the 1-~rsiness known as Moderne Kaste. cabinet makers, EZ6/73/2-GOSSAMrR IN-JESTMENTS (PTY) LTD, in 20 Versdl!es Strcet.!:id~ng:on CP.; F. D. Glaum. 29/9/73. liqnidation;.rohn ~ ~ ~ l ~ ~, 14/8/73. ~ h i l l ~ ~ 141217;, ~ six d 29/3/74. Sir months. Cape Town Cirahamqtowh, C P. Cl48/73-PRETORIUS, Izak t~~hnnnes. and Hendrik Johanncs Pretorills partpership trading as ~~d~~~~ Kaste, C283/7j--DT1C'OR TRUST (EDraS.) WK., in IL?uidation, cablnet nlak:cl <. 29 verza;llc,, s! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l~ l. C i ~ F, ~ D ~ wtli ~ regrstered ~. of:'ice at 601 Meerengracht Centre, Iieerenpracl~t, (;hum, 12/9/73. 12/3/74. Six months. Cape Town. Cap- Tom; Rnlph P.lillman and Cyril John Dally, 9/10/73. T375/73-SP,LUMERIk CTTERIO (PTY) LTD. in Iiqulda- 9/4/74 lxontl;s' Town' t~on; J. J. ds Wet. 1516173 15/12/73, Nlnc months. Pretoria. T9/73-FJAIJCOL12 HOLDINGS (PTY) LTD, in likwidasie; N?S1/72/1 Ai--F/\CTTT~5 NATAL (PTY) LTD, in Ircluidation: Leslie Cohen en 8 G. S de m7et, 29/3/73. 29/3/74. Ses R Rulten. 15112/73 Fmlr months. maance. Pretoria. W19/73-Wr)ODW/&E (PTY) LTD, in liquidation; B Rulten. 28/2/74. Three months. T279173-FRTJQ:' INVESTF'?E?JTS CO (PTF I f'd; D. A. Kahan and C. I<. Lansdown, 29/6/73. 29/3/74. Three months.

C116/72-HOFFMANN. M. S.; D. J. Rennie and A. Shore, P.O. Box i767. Cape Tonn. 28/3/74. Six months, Cape Town. CS~/~Z-ICX&L. H. J.; D. J. Rennie, P.O. Box 1767, Capi: 'Iown. 23/3/74. Six months. Cape Town. C22?/73-V05 FIFORD MOTORS (PTY) LTD. in liq~idation; D. J. Rennie, P.O. Box 1767, Cape Town. 26/3/74. SIX month>. Cane Town..,.. C451.- -,/~~LRAU~~GATRT!YER. - - E. H: D. J. Renn~e. P 0. Box -~ 1767. Cape Town. 23?1#7-1.!ji~ mn-ltl?s. Cape Town. Ci15/72-WALT, Sydney; D. J. Rennie and P,. Shore, P.O. Box 1767. Cape Town. 27/2/74. Six months! Cape T0n.n. C72!72-HOME FAYXE (SEA POINT) (Pn) LTD. in liquidition; D. J. Rennie, P.0: Box 1767, C& Town. 12/3/74. S% months. Cape Town. C70:72-HOME FAYRE (PAARL) (PTY) LTD; in Iiquidalion: D. J. Xennie. P.9. Box 1767.. Cape. Town. 8/2/74. SIX months, Cape Town. C320/7?-KASBOU (EDMS.) RPK.. in liquidation; D. J. Rennie, P.O. Box 1767, Cape Town. 15/2/74. Six months, Cape Town - -.. K35 177- DU TOIF, Charl Petrus; James Archibald StanFord Laubscher. P 0. Box 3;4, Kirnbcrley, 2/5/73. 2\2/71 Six months, K~rnberley. K1 9i73-HAMERSMA. :ohanncs Jacobus Pctrus: Iames Archtb~lcl Sianford Lauhschcr. P.0 Box 334, Kimberley, l2/9/ 73 i? '3/74. Siu morths Kimberley K271 72-GERRER. Frans Antonie; Jam& Archibald Stanford Laubscher P 0. Bol 334. Kimberlev, 1018173. 10/2/71. SIX months K~rnberley. E14/7312-134RMSE. Adam Johannes, a carpentcr of 22 Owl Strect. Ultenhage Gzrrit Johannes Burger Smit, 20/8/73 19/2/71 SIX months, Grahnmstown. Th38/73-CAELTC)N FLORIST (PTY) LTD, in I~qurdation; C. G Foot. 25\7/73 25 1/74 Four months. Pretor~a. TRC"7?-AMOURIE STRYDOM BELEGGINGS (EDMS) BPK. In liqurdatlon; D J. Miller, 27/9/73 27/3/74. S!\ months. Pretor~a. T67l]7i-KRIKOS (PTY) LTD, in liqddation; D J M111er 10/9/73 19/3/71. SLX morltlls, Pretoria T351/71-VAN BRED,\, F 0 ; P,. S. :P. Meyer. 14/6/71 1413174 Ses maande. T665/73-DIJ TOIT R R : A S P Mcyer, 2118/73 21 /2/ 74 Nege maande. T980172-LADSER PROJECTS (PTY) LTD, in likwrdasic; A S P tfcyer. 301-172 22 2 74 Nepe maande T11 19 72-SWART. Jol~nnnes Chr~st~aan: L. D Drukcr 301 l 1172. 22/3!7-1 Tweb e morlth~, Pretoria. R Id3 ;7 1-GOLDREEF WHOLESALER~'~PTY) LTD. in liquidatlon; L D Druher, 2611 /72 26/4/73.< Twenty-four months. Prctorla., '# T! li::71 FTETCTIEI?, Clil/e i?35er!; L. D. D'uksi: 29,6/71. 30/! i74. Nine months, Pietoria. T545/70--RlOKUIvI CIVIL EP.iGINEEKlNG CONTP.AC- TORS (PTYI LTD. in liauidation; P. T. C. 'l'torne and L. Druk!:r, 3,' l! i70. 7/9/73. ~ightccn rnon(hs, Pretoria. T:i)2,'7i--GOTHA, C. D.; P. 2. C. Thorn::. 3!8,171. 8/8/73. Six months: Pretoria. T869/7i-VEE & GEE ELECTRICAL (PTY) ETD, in liquidation; V. A. van Digge!en. In'l!73. 28/2/74. Three monlhs. T329:72-:ORINSLOO. J. h?.: T. C. Mullc~-, 7/9!7'1. 7/3/74. Twaalf niaa~de. Preto~ia. T148517i-VAN DER NEST G~dcon lo'~annes: I L. van D~gge!cn 26/7/73. 2611 174 S I mcn,hs ~ T1444172-VAN ROOYCN E D, T C. Xlulkr, 7/3/73. 7/91 73. Twaalf maande, Pretoria. N366173-LOVE, Howard. 21 Inverness C~tscent. Durban North. Natal, director of Race and Rally Shop (Pty) Ltd, 97 West Strcct, Durban; M J. Cnsor. 7/3\73. 7/3/74. Four months, Fictcrmaritzburg. N27/73-WILLIAM HARVEY ROOFING SPECIALISTS (PTY) LTD: M. J. Ensor. 9 5/73. 9'3 74 Four months, Pietermarltzburg. N 145/68/ 3-GOLDEN KRUST BAKERIES (PTY) LTD, Durban; M J. Evsor. 30/10/58. 28/2/74. Thice months, Pietermaritzburg. N69/71/3-NAN CAROL SPORTSWEAR (PTY) LTD; M. J. Ensor, 4/6/71 4/3/74. Six months. Pietermaritzburg. T543172-FIVE STAR TRANSPORT (PTY) LTD. in liquidztion; Philip David Rerman. c/o Albert Ruskin Trust Board (Pty) Ltd P 0. Box 7975, Johannesburg, 27/7/72. 10/4/74. Nine months Pretoria. K38/72-BOYIX'S SEWING CENTRE (PTY) LTD. in liquiddlion; Daniel de Witt, P.O. Box 334. K~nberlcy. 16/2/73. 31 / 11 /73. Eighth months. Kimberley. K24 177-BRANDSMA. Barend Johannes Stefanus; Jamcs ArchiL.a!d Stanford Laubscher. P.O. Bow 334, IGmberley. 4/4/71 Six month?. Rimberlcy. R86/73-PLATBERG KONSTRUKSIE. wat handel gedryl he1 as houkontrakteurs te Harrismith, Oranje-Vrystaat. waarvan Sarel Gahriel Petrus Morgen en Pietei Corneiius du Preez die vennotz was: Andrew ~&rits. 25/10/73. 25\4/74 Ses maande. Bloeml'ontein. N65/72,'3A--SIDAREL INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD, in Iquidation; K. S..\Burm and R Millman. 17/3/74 Four months. N259172-HOEbJIGSBERC. S.; R. Rullen. 13111172. 13/3/74. Two months.., ; T535l73-VAALPENS ~GJNEERJNG (PTY) LTD. in $1;- widasie; l3 G. S. de Wet. 5/7/73, 16/4/74. Ses maande, Pretor~a. T1183/72--HIGHR'LJRY ESTATES (PTY) LTD, in likwidasie; B G. S. de Wet, 23/3/73. 8/3/74. Se-, maande, Pretoria. ingevolge artikel 108 (2) van die Tnsolvensiewet, 1936, en a1 tlhel 136 (2) van d4e Maatskappywet, 1926, word hierby kenfils gegee date die Ititwiuas~e-, d~stribusie- ~f kontribusierehnings ~n die boedels of dic maatskappye, na gelang van d ~c gebal hieronder verrneld, ter insae Qan qkuldeisen of kantribuante sal 15 op dd kantore van dle meesters en landdroste daarin genoem, gedurende 'n tydperk vanl4 dae, of dle tvdpa k wat daarm vermeld is, vanaf die'datum hieronder vermeld of vanaf die dflufi Mn bublikasle hervan, viatter datum ook a1 die laasie Is. Die besonderhede word in hierdie vdldorde Verstreh: Nommer van boedeljmaatska$py; naam en beskrywing vafi boedel/maatskappy; beskrywing van rekening; rekening ter jrlsacjy meester- en lanadroskantoor, datum (indfeh later as publikasledatom), tydperk (indien langer as 14 dae)., * f, r,,j -5 r-* S*... ACCOUNTS ANDTLANS OF DISTRIBUTI($N OR~GOMTRIBtJTION IN SEQUE- STRAYED ESTATES OR COMPANIES BEING ;,~&unb UP Purs~~ant to section 108 (2) of the Insolvency Act, 1936, and section 136 (2) of the Companies Act, 1926, notice is hereby given that the li yudat~on account and plans of distribution or contribut~on in the estates or the companies mentioned below will he open for inspection bv creditors or cantribktorie7at the offi& of the masters and the magistrates stated therein, for a period of 14 days, or for such a period as ztated therein, from the dates mentiofied baowor from the date of publication heeq phichever may be the later date. The particulars are glven in the following order: Name of estate/company; name ~ n descripl~on d of estate/company; description of account; account for inspection, at master's and magistrate's office, date (if later thah aaf5'of publication hereof), period (if longer than 14 days)..?,,.-,. C323/7l /A-Z.B. KONSTRUKSIE (EDMS.) BPK., in 11kwi- ~56/73-MEDIQUICK (PTY) LTD. First and Final Liquida dasie. Sunp!ement&e Lihvi~dasie en Vefdelifigs. - Caledon, Kaap- tion and Distribution. Pietermaritzburg, Durban. stad. ', 11374-GAFFOOR, Ismail, a dealer, 99 Japie Fourie T914/il/A-FLYING CARPET (PTY)'%TD, in likwidasie. Street. Tiger Vdley, Cape. Third Liquidation add Distribation Eerste en Finale Likwtdasie en Plan van Distribusie en Konlri- Cape Town. busie. Johannesburg. C256/65/A6-LIEBENBERG, D. R. Tweede en Finale Likwi- C1 12171-OLIVIER, I., formerly trading as The Murraysbflrg dasie en Plan van Distribusie. Pretoria. Hotel. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Cape Town T864/70-HOLIDES, J., handeldryviende as Piet Retief Super- Murraysburg. market. Tweede en Finale Likwldasie en Plan van Distribusie. C500/72-VERUSHKA HEALTH STUDIOS (PTY) LTD, in Johannesburg liq~~idntion. Fmt and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Cape TY6172-\41DT FOOD PRODUCTS (PTY) LTD, in likwidasie Town. Eerste cn Flnale Llkwtdasle en Plan van DIstribasie Johmncs- E55 /72/ 1-GROBLER, Johannes Hermanus, Identity No. 101 ' burg. 312590. Maydene, in the District of Queenstown. Supplementar!, T970/72-GEORGIOU, A. First Liquidation and Distribution. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Grahamstown, Pretoria, Germiston. Q~~eenstown.

118 No. 4237 STAATSKOERANT, 23 MAPAT 1974 T285/73-MOHAMCD A. First and Final Liquidation, Dis- T1139/73/6-IWLAK JNVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD, in tribution and Contribrriion. i'retoria, johsnnesbur~. voluntary liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Distribu- T365/'73/A-JAQYS FE11 AND CHIPS (PT-S') LTD, in liqui- lion. Prctoria, Johannesburg. datisn. First and Fi:lal Liquic!zlio:l nr.d Distr.ibutio:i. Pretoria, B193/72---XAUEB, J. P. rerste en Fina!e Likwidasic en Dis- Johannesburg. trihusie. Blosmfontein. Win1xii.z. E54/72/2-I-JEiI.!E, D. W. E. J. Secoi;d ard Final Liquidation T489/73/h-BESTER. J. C: D. B. First and Fiml Liquidaand Dis1ribu:ion. Gr,ii~an!!,ic\?.n. i'iil:::i:;igz. tion and Dis~ribution. Prctoria. T581/73 /B-ATLAS 1MPOIiTEP.S DISTRJBUTORS (Pm) T238173-CARIPB3LE. D. D. Eers!e cn Fin~le Lik\.:ida~ie. LTD, in liquidation. First and Fin21 Liquidation and Contribution. Fretcria. Johar.r!csburg. C273/66;191El\:AAR, S. 9. Scir:l~h Liquidation and Distribu- Eerste bn Finale Likwidasie- er, kontribtkc. Creioria. tiotl. P~t~riri: J<!?I-!<S~:OI:>. T6G1 173-WICARB (EDKS.) BPK.; in likwidasie. Ecrste en TX1/7p-;4;{pL'iJgE jv.'ih,iw.ea: CO. (P'iY) LTD. Amen- Finale Likwidasie- en Ror;tri!xsie. Pretori:?. ded First and Fii;a! Llqulddtion and Contribution. Pretoria, - cc7 T_ruL.i72-PATJJA PAINTERS (EDMS.) BPK.. in li!twidasie. Jshar!ncsbuig. Eerste cn Finale Li!:wic'!a:ic- cn Kcntribusie. Pcioria,,P!c!sr~rnit. T91:/73-ECO!:T.FF',TGERATION (PTI') LTD, in liquida- N375/'72/?-GR.EU;I!LLE: SHIPPJPCG (IPTY) IL?D. in :i~lilntion. First Lic;uidaiion and Distribution. Pretoria, Johamesburg. tary liqu;c'!dic:n. First and Final Liquidatio!~ ancl Dis:ribi:!ion. T1248/7?/B--I-! JACOBSON (PTY) LTD. in,liquidntion. First T431/7.3-ERASMUS, C. E. First and Fii131 Liq~;ic!r.iioa and and Final Liquidation and Distribulion. Pretcria, Johannesburg. Distribu!~on. Pretoria, Joi~nnccsburg. N3 12/53/ 113-INVERYL (IJTY) LTD, in voluntary liquida- 172170-I.iEZEWARD 3NVESTh6EKTS (!IT) LT!), in tion. First and Final Liquidation. Pictermaritzburg, Durban. liquidation. First acd Fir1r;l Liquidation acd D~slrlb~~iioi~. Sasol- N336/72--MAIJOMED, A. (Abdool ICalir?), txding as bure. Blo~mfontein. Worldwide Factory Supplies. Fkst and Final Liquidation and T%u/~~--vAN ROOVEN, J. H., Posbus 13; Roec!lnn. 2crste Contribulion. Pictermaritzburg, Durban. Likwidasie- en DI~lribusie. Pretoria, Potgietersms. N72,/72-CARISBROOrcE QUAKRIES. S~~pplemcntsry First N312171-GREAVES. K. P. First Liqui'dation a d Bistriand Frnal Liquidation. Pietermaritzburg, Jxopo. bution. Pietermaritzburg, Durban. N 195172-PORTSDDVJN HOTEL (Pm) LTD, in voluntary N?54/72-CASSlAl, Abdul Haq, trading as Pinc Wholeliquidation. First and Final Liquidation 2nd Ccntribution. Pieter- salers. 143 'Pine Road. Clairwood. Durban. First arid Final maritzburg. Durban. Liqilidation a!:d Dstribution. Pictermari!zbcrg, Durban. B100/72-GEO RAIM VI SMITH (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. 677/72/4-NEV1LJ-E, Murcus Asticott, born 1211 /34, 3241 First and Final Liquidation and Distributior;. Bloernfontein. 852984W: and surviving spouse Gezina JCatrina Neuille. born Bekkcr, 32~!/855382W. First and Final Liquidatioa aud Distri- B115/72-J-0UCA.S. Phidias Georgios, who previously traded bution. Pietermaritzburg, Durban. as Iniversitas Cafe, Bloemlontein. Verbeterde Eerste en Finale N70/73-WELLS, M. C. First and Final Liquidation a-d Dis- Likwidasic en Distribusie. Bloernfontein. tribution. Pietermaritzburg, Durban. T789/73-BREDENKAM?, K. T. First and Final Liquidation N98 173 /4A-i'jf TSTER KELLY'S STEAKHOUSE (PTY) and Distribution. Pretoria, Johannesburg. LTD. First aild Final Liquidation and 13i:jtribution. Pictcrixmtz- E1/69/1-JACARANDA HARDWARE (PT33 LTD, in liqui- burg. Durban. dation. a company duly registered and incorporated with limi- N118/73/4h-T I3 E E BOTES CONSTRUCTION (PTY) ted liability carrying on bvsincss as General Hardware Merchants LTD. First Liquidation and Dis1ribut;on. Pietcrmai-itzburg, at 42 Uitenhage Road: Port Elizabeth. Supplementary Second Empangeni. and Final Distribution. Grahamstown, Port Elizabeth. C144/73-El. J. ZANDER 8r. SEUNS (EDMS.) BPK., in C328171 /A-VAN DEVENTER, Zacharias Blomerus, 'n direk- likwidasie. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie en Verdelings. Elcrmanus, teur van maatskappy en grand\-erskuiwingskontrakteur van Kaapstad. Riviersonderend. Supplement&re Likwidasie en Verdelingsrekeninp, B2:/71/A-VAN DER MERWE, Jan Abram, gebore 12/81 Caledon: Kaapstad. 26, 404/140116W. Tweede en Finale Likwidasie en Distribusie. T1206/72-SPOOLDER, Gerhardus Johannes. First and Bloemfontein, Hertzogville. Final Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Vanderbijlpark. T1162/72-PARKHURST PHARMACY (Pm) LTD, in T1126/71-STOLS, G. D. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie en Kon- likwidasie. Eerste Likwidasie- en Distribusie. Pretoria, Joha,nnestribusie. Pretoria. burg. T1354/72-VILJOEN, P. J. P. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie W1/73-SCHWAITMANN. C. K. Arncnded First and Final en Kontribusie. Pretoria. Liquidation and Distribution. Windhoek, Grootfontein. UITKEER VAN DlVlDENDE EN INSAMELING VAN hkqntribusies IN GESEKWESTRFERDE BOEDELS OF MAATSKAPPYE IN LlKWlDASlE Nademaal die likwidasierekenings en distribusie- of kontribusierekenings in die gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskappy in likwidasie, na gelang van die geval, hieronder vermeld op die datums daarin vermeld, bekragtig is, word hierby ingevolge artikel 113 (1) van dic Insolvensiewet, 1936, en artikel 139 (2) van die Maatskappywet, 1926, kermis gegee dat uitbetaling van dividende of ir~sameling van kont~~busies aan die gang is in genoemde boedels of rnaatskappye soos hieronder uiteengesit en dat elke kontribusiepligtiqe skuldeiser die bedrag deur horn verskuldig by die adres hieronder Benoem aan die kurator of likwidateur moet betaal. Die besonderhede word in hierdie volgorde verstrek: Nommer van boedellmaatskappy; naam en beskrywihg van boedel/maatskappy: datum waarop rekening bekragtig is; of 'n dividende uitgekeer of 'n kontribusie ingevorder word, of beide, en naam en adres van kurator of likwidateur. PAYMENT OF DIVIDENDS AND COLLECTION OF CONTMBUTIONS IN SEQUESTRATED ESTATES OR COMPANIES BEING WOUND UP The liquidation accounts and plans of distribution or contribution in the sequestrated estates or companies being wound up, as the case may be, mentioned below having been confirmed on the date therein menfioned, notice is herby given, purquant to section 113 (1) of the Insolvency Act, 1936, and section 139 (2) of the Companies Act, 1926, that dividends are in the course of payment or contribut~ons are in the course of collection in the said estates or companies as set forth below and that every creditor liable to contribution is required to pay to the trustee or liquidator the amount for which he is liable at the address mentioned below. The particulars are given in the following order: Name of estate/company; name and descripticn or estatelcompany; date when account confirmed; whether a dividend is being paid or contribution being collected or, both, and name and address of trustee or liquidator. BlO5/7&MYBURGH, Claude De Fresne McDonald. 4/3/74. Dividende uitbetaal. H. S. van der hlerwe, p/a Piet de Wet & Van der Merwe, Kerkstraat 26a, Posbus 21, Koppies. B94/69-G. KOTZE & VAN RENSBURG (GRONDWERKE) (EDMS.) BPK., in likwidasie, voorheen handeldrywende te Koppies. 1113/74. Dividend betaalbaar. P. R. Serfontein, Posbus 153, Bloemfontein. C257/73-A L W A R V 0 BELEGGINGS MAATSKAPPY (EDMS.) BPK., with registered office at Pasteur Buildings, 129 Voortrekker Road. Parow. C.P. 6/3/74. Dividend is beinc! aid. P. T. C. ~horne; for Cape ~rbstees and Executors Lth, 6 Church Square, Cape Town. T287/72-FILTRATION AND ALLIED INDUSTRIES (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. 5 / 3174. Dix idend to preferent I secured creditors only. C. A. Bruyns & L. Cohen, P.O. Box 684, Randburg, Tvl. N85/72/3A-DERMAH INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. 5/3/74. Dividend being paid. D. A. Cornell and R. Millman, c/o Syfrets Trust and Executor Co. Natal Ltd, P.O. Box 135, Durban. E15/72/1A-W. H. GAZE PROPERTY CO. (PTY) LTD. in liquidation. 1/3/74. A prefcrent award is being paid. Michael Terence East and Neil Fowler Mitchcll. c/o Syfrct's Trust and Executor (Eastern Cape) Ltd, 95 Main Street, Port Elizabeth.

GOVERPU'AIENT GAZETTE, 29 IvfARCR 1974 No. 4237 119 T643,i7I-R8LWAY ENTERI'XISES (PTY) LTrl), in liquiciation. 11/3/74.. Di:ilderti. A. R~lslrin & P. D. ibl:xar?tlcr. c/o Vaugiian-Key Trust Co. (Ply) Ltd, F.O. Box 6116'3, Marshalltown. Tb.1. T1169/72-IShlXT!~. A.. tradin~ as Corner Cash Store, Wynberg. 4/3/74. Dividend being pai'd. R. H. Virlgoc, P.0. Cox 5269. Johxnc:sburg.... E13j72,/1/-P.?,,. l3i.ay't HIRE (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. 27/12/74, A dividend is being paid. Michad Terence Eazi and Nel! Fo~vler-?,l:tche!!, c,'o, Fvfret's Trust and Execu:or (Eastern A Cape) Ltd. 35 kl:!in Sir:.::; Port Elizahc!!~. E28,'72/iii--POT 'N PAN (PTY) LTD, in liquidziion. 1/2/74. Di,;id:md being paid. J. R. Glanviile, c/o Syfrets-UAE (bat!:) Ltd, 94 S:i.ect. i'ort Zlizabcih. T?.75/73-PI.tOTEA ADVERTISING CONTRACTORS ipty) LTD. in Iicl~lidation. 21/2/74. Contribution being lc~icd. C:. A. Bra;.m>. c/o C. A. Brqvyns Trust Co., P.0.; Box 684, Randburg. C2?6/73-THE SO'JZ!iEl?i'J LIFE INVESI'?AENT CORPO- RAT!Olil (PTY) LTD, in i-oluntary liquidation by membei-s. 19i3/74. Firs: znd Final diyidend io shzreholders. J. P. M. Morris. Great Westerford. Rcndeboscli. Cane. 7-575j71-DU PLEGIS 8( ELLIS' (E~MS.) BPK. l1 13/74, Dividend. R. G. S. de Wet, Posbus 2851: Johannesburg. C147j70-KIRSTEN. C. M. 18/2/74. Dividend being paid. D. J. Rennie. P.O. Box 1767, Cape Town. B.!8/72--GOTTLIED 6i ROONEY (KIMBERLEY) (PTY) LTD. in liquidation. 6/3/74. Dividend. V. H. Nei~mann, c/o Daly & Ncumann. P.O J~GY 799. Wclkom. T548/72-MULTI-hlED!A (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. 11131 74. D1:idend bang paid. LOUIS David Druker. c/o I he Druker Trust Comaanv (Ptv) Ltd. P.O. Box 9251. Johannesbura. T~~Y~/~~--cATv~~~BELL. B. H.. trading as ~cott'; Paint and Hardware. 6/3/74. Dividend being paid. Louis David Druker, c10 The Druker Tru~i Company (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 9251, Johannesburg. T532/73/B-RISBURY TNVESTMENTS (PTY) ETD, in volunfary liquidation. 11/3/74. Dividend being paid. S. I. Wcitzer, P.0 BOX 1523, Johannesbrirg. T1503/72/B-WESTERN PROPERTIES (PTY) LTD, in voluntary liquidation. 6/3/74. Dividend being paid. H. B. Jofie, P.O. Box 5069 Johannesbur? T886/71-GROBLER. J. M. trading a$ Tinas Fashions and Joey D~stributors. Potchefstroorn. 12/4/74. Dividends being paid. V A van Dieeelefi, c10 Securitv Executor and Trust Companv, -. P.O. Box 312KP~etoria. T%9 1,'73-CULLIPJA N TRUST' LTD. in i~o!unl;xy liquid3tion. 20/3/73. Dividend being paid. H. X. 7i;ih, P15 Su~ixncr Hill, Salleys Aiky Kent View, Johannec'u~uig. ~682/7?--il~)~~~ TOURS LT>, in 1li:uid:i~iiin. 1113/74, dividends being paid. V. A. \an Diggc:cn. cjo Sczilrity Executor and T ~ xccxpny, t P.O. Cox 3127, I'l-ctol-ia. 7'37/73-KWIKWALL (PTY) tt9, in!.iqui&!ion. 19/3/74. Cont~ibuiion being i=vicd. V. A. van i3ipe:rlc-i:, c/o S-curity Excculor and Trust Company, P.O. Box 3127. Pretoria. T334173--SE. C0NSI'R;JC'lXOX (PTY) LT-D. in 1iqt:idaiion. 15 / 3/74. Cmtribution beinz ic~icd. J. M. Jansen van Vuuren, C ~ G Sccurily Executor and '['rust!cc.. P.3. d:~x 3i27. Pretoria. T730!72-LIFE IPd\'EXT'MZNTS (EDVS.) EYK., in likwi- Ja5ie.!5/3/74. Dividend. L. Kiopix~, \ir I. V.K. T:u.;t (Edm~.) i3pk.. Pssbus 1990, Pretoria. T624i72-VAN DBR SCHYFF, W. N. 14 / 3/74. Dividend. T. C'. Muller: vir L.V.K. Tnist (Edms.) Bpk., Pocbus 1990, Pretoria. 338K-RJVJERWALT-E RWEKZRY (EDMS.) BPK., in likwidasie. eerste likwidasie- en tiislrib~~sizrekenina. 13/3/74. Sividzndc v~ord uiibetaal. T. D. Po:gieler. Posbus 260, Bloemi'ontein. ~443/73-~kPbR~ (PTY) LSD. in voluntary liquidxtion. i'irst and final iiqiiidatioil and distribution account. 4/3/74,, No dividend beicg paid. R. C. Lloyd, P.O. Box 882, Fretor~a. T757/72-~~~10~ KELMAN ORGANISATION (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. 6.12174. Preferent credi~ors only. J. C. A. Leyds, P.O.!3ox 8707, Johannesburg. T1124/72-ATELIERS LUNA (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. 8/3/74. Contribution being - collected. J. G. A. kevds. P.O. Box 8707, Johannesburg. N29/73/1-DE BEERS MOTOR REPAIRS (PTY) LTD. in 1iouidat;on. 12/3/74. Dividend beine... aid. D. C. Gifford. P.O. B ~ 4478, X ~urbah. N347 172-TRINGHAM, R. D. 7 / 3174. Dividcnd being paid and contribution being collected D G. G~fford. P.O. Box 4478, Durban. B77/71-MONEYMAN INVESTMENTS (FTY) LTD. wat voorheen handel gedryf het as Ossewa Mafee te Petrusburg. 18/6/73. Gecn' diw~dend be!a~lbaar nle. Kontr~bus~e word gevorder. Michael Eden Barry. Posbus 2030.!3locmfontein. C18/71-DEFTY FURNITURE (PTY) LTD. in liquidation 11/3/74. Div~dcnd being paid. J. R. Haddow and B. K. S. van Zyl, both of Syfret's Tru~t Co Ltd 24 Wale St~ect, Cape Town. AANSQEM OM REHABILITASIE lngcvolge artikel 124 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, word hierby kennis gegce dat die insolvente persone hieronder genoem om hui rehnbilitasic aansoek sal doen op die datums, tye en plekke en om die redes wat daarin teenoor hulk onderskeie name aangedui is, met aanduiding van nornnler van boedel; volle naam en beskrywing van insolvent (met inbegrip van sy persoonsnornmer en geboortedatum) en plek van besigheid of woonplek; datum waarop boedel gesekmestreer is; afdeling van Hooggeregshof uaarby en datum en lyd wanneer aansoek gedoen sal word; rede van aansoek.. APPLICATION FOR RE WABILSTATION Pursuant to section 124 of the Insolvency Act, 1936, notice is hereby glven that the insolvents mentioned below will apply for their. rehnb~iltation on the dates, at the times and places and upon the grounds as therein set forth opposite their respective names, indicating number of estate; full name and description of insolvent (including his identity num6e-r atld date~f b~rth) and place of busmess or residence; date when estate sequestrated; divisioa ofsupr'eme Court to which and date and time on which applicat~on w~ll be made; ground of appl~cation. B69/7I7STELIOS (Stanlep). Voyatjes, 3013144, geen persoons- C66/69-BOURAS, Arthur. 29/6/15. 022/506056W. presently noamer me, voorheen kafee-eienaar en algemene liandelaar, employed as an agent, residing at 89 De IJ Hay Avenue. Kenwyn. Protca Kafee en Superrnark. Hoofdstraat. Zastron, tans bestuurder Cape Town, and at the time of sequestration a general dealer in d~zns van Remus Distributors Zastron (Edms.) Bpk., hoeh trading as Triangle Cafe, 61 Durban Road. Mowbray, Cap, van Iloofd- en Re~chenbe~gstraat, Zastion, en woonagtig te Town. 14/5/69., Cape of Good Hope Provincial. 22/5/74, 10.30 Matlieystraat, Zastron, provin~~e Oranje-Vrystaat. 22/7/71, am. Section,124 (2) (a) of Act 14 of 1936, as amended. Frst Orenje-Vrjstaatse Provinsiale. 16/5/74, 10-uur voormiddag. Liquidat~on Account confirmed on 17/9,70. Application vial1 also Kragtens art~kel 124 (2) (a) van Wet 24 van 1936. bc made at the same t~me tor an older declaring the follow~ng W!3~70-HITTERSAY. Edtvard Ceorge'Fowler (5r);-formerly prope~ty to vest in the ~nsolvent adberse to hls trustee afid trad ng as Rad~o TV, Stuebel Street, Windhoek. 24/11/28. c/o creditors and enabling the sa~d ~nwlvcnt to take transfer thereof Dave s I-urn~shers (Pty) Ltd, Kaiser Street, Wmdhoek. 3/7/70. T567167-FOUCHE, Jacobus Paul. 14/7/30. 970/5011225 'n South-IVcst Africa, W~ndhoek. 10/5/74, 10 a.m Account con- boer van dic plaas Koringiontem. Swartruggens. Tans 'n vervocrf~rn-d on 3 '6/71. Sect~on 124 (2) (a). kontlaktcur (Fouche's Transport). Drivcrstraat 9, Warmbad. 29: 711,5211SS9C-PASCWOS. Dlrnitrios, 9651056589, 'n winkelier, 8/67. Transvaalse Provinsiale. 14/5/74, 10 vm. Artikel 124 (1) en tnnr.n assistent-winkeller. woonagtig te Kerkstraat 42a, Stan- Finale rekening bekragtig op 22/I/69. dcrtui~. 1>13/7/69. 21/5/74, Artikel 124 (2) (a) van dle Insol- C164/69-SEGALLA, John George, 23/2/22, 2202235004 vensleviet. No. 24 van 1936, soos gcwysig. Die firste rekening 00 9, presently employed as a manager. resid~ng at 5 Fries13 is lieluaz~lg op 10/4/72. Mansions, 48 Drama Street, Somerset West. C.P., and at the C37dl72-DE LANGE, Andries Christoffel, 10/7/38, 0481 tlme of sequestration a company d~rector and manager 01 1'91696W, voorheen van (tentyde van sekwestrasie), Twaalfde Sevargo (Ply) Ltd, Barnett Strect, Cape Town. 31/10/69. Cape Laan 64, Boston. Bellville. voorheen in diens van Tronnees Meu- of Good Hope Provincial. 22/5/74 l0 30 a m. 28/12/71. bels (Farow) (Edms.) Rpk., Parow. as verkoopsman, tans in diens T157/69-NORTIER, Wynand Gerhardus, 6/2/40,, 0931 van Tronnees Meubels (Parow) (Edms.) Bpk., Parow, as takbe- 687795W, presently res~ding at 7 Robinson Road, Ken~lworth stuurder. tans woonagtig te Twaalfde Laan 62, Boston. Bellville. Cape Town, and at the date of his sequestration employed as a 1319,172. Kaap die Goeie Hoop Provinsiale. 15/5/74, 10.30 vm. salesman by Chemsalt (Pty) Ltd at Grootwitpan, District of Ingevolge art~kel 124 (3) van Wet 24 van 1936, soos gewysig Upington, and then residing at the same address. 8/4/69. Wit- Erf 60284, Cape Town, at Lansdowne in Rixton Township in watersrand Local. 21/5/74, 10 a.m. Section 124 (2) (a) of Act the City of Cape Town, Cape Division. 24 of 1936, as amended.

141 %'4Ox8--1/5/71, R3 000. VAN STADEN, M. J.; M. J. van Staden. 991828x5-1/4/63, R1 100. JANSEN, M. A. J.; Rf. A. J. Janvn 451380-1 /6/51, 12600. GREEN. L.; L. ~reen. 1276440x3-1/5/69, R2000. WENHOLD, M. H.; M. H. Wenhold.. 1%'0472x0-1 /l 1/70, R3 770. VENTER, H. F.; H. F. Venter. 1608094x7-1/3/72. R4 000. VAN WYK. F.; F. van Wyk. 1739708x4-1/4/73. R2000. GRADEWELL, A. E.; A. E. Grzdewcll. 340081-1/3/47, R2584 POTGIETER, G. J. op 11. W. F.; H W. F. Potgieter. 577622-1/6/54, R3000. POTGTETER. H. W. F.; H W. F. Potgieter. 1207255x9-1/12/66. R3 000. BOSMAN. W. J.; W. J. Bosman. 1379428x4-1/9/69, R3 000. VAN DER WALT, H. K.; H. K. van der Walt. 1720808x3-1/5/73, R5000. LAMPRECHT, P. L.; P. L. Larnprecht. 569988-1/7/54, R168. I-EILLERMANN, E. W. M. E. op E. E.; E. W. M. E. Hillermann. 1106436x7-115165. R3 680. GREYLING. S. S.: S. S. Grevline. - U 1144943~6-lj5j66: ~3 760. GREYLING: S. S.: S. S. Greyling. 1722345x4-1/5/73, R9 880. GREYLING. S. S.; S. S. Greyling. 1741584x5-1110173, R5000. KINGWILL, E. G. op B. A.; E. G. Kingwill. 1445544x8-1/6/70. R5000. HANEKOM'. A. S.: A. J. Hanekorn. 1458746x3-1/12/70. R3 000. VAN DER MERWE, A. P.; H. H. C. van der Merwe. 1663084x0-1/4/73, R3000. SCHUTIE: P. P.; P. P. Schutte. 1694508x1-22/11/72, R2 226. VAN ROOYEN, D. M.; D. M. van Rooyen. 1695288x9-1/8/73, R5000. MINNAAR, F. T. and R. M.; F. T. and R. M. Minnaar. 1021133x2-1/10/63, R1 000. PAULSEN. D. W.; D. W. Paulsen. R5 000. LOOCK, C. J.; C. J. Loock. R4 000. VORSTER, J.; J. Vorster. R2 000. MEINTJIES, h4. A ; M. A. Meintjies. 1620393x7-1/4/73, R1 000. SNYMAN. S. M.; S. M. Snyman. S.A. Mutual Life Assurance Society, P.O. Box 66, Cape Town 1556775-29/1/60. R2000. MOUSLEY, George Bennett Jr; George Bennett Mousley Sr. 1645718-16/2/61, R2 000. UDEMANS, Anthony James; Antholly James Udernans. 1939215-25/2/65. R2000. PIENAAR, Wiifem Johannes; Willem Johannes Pienzar. ' X 2184898-27 I11 168, R10 000. TROOST, Frederick Michiel; estate late Pieter Johannes Jacobus Troost. 2191999-2011 169. R1 200. ER ANTZ. Hehdrik Arthur Frans: Hendrik ~rthu; @rans Frantz. 1573588-30/3/60, R2 050. BROOKS, 'Hariy Leon; Harry Leon Brooks. 1735500-2/4/62. R2 140. BROOKS. Harry Leon; Harry Leon.-. Rrooks..- -. 1640894-25/1/61. R2 778. STRYDOM, late Andries Jonathan; Martha Maria Strydom. J 1734411-1 913162, R2 600. SCHOEMAN, Hermanus Johannes Steyn: Herrnanus Johannes Steyn Schoernan. :' 2033800-2817166, R1 000. LOOCK. Jahan Christiaan: Johan Christiaan Loock. 2484756-19/7/72, R2500. NORTJE. Cornelis 1.; Cornelis J. Nortje. 537578-31 / 1/46, R2 00. SUTHERLAND, Robert George; Rohert George Sutherland. 626133-1 14/48, R2 000. SUTHERLAND, Robert George; Robert George Sutherland. l395647--6/5/58, R1 000. COPPICR, Dawn 'Elizabeth; Dawn Elizabeth Coppick. 1653657-17 / 3161, R1 690. CROLE, Thomas Edward; Thornas Edward Crole. 2079898-51 5/67, R5 003. KRUGEL. Willem Frederik; Willem Frederik Krugel. 2250974-17/11/69, R9 025. COETZEE, Johannes Nicolaas Daniel; Johannes Nicolaas DanieI Coetzee. 2384948-21 16/71? R10 000.. COETZEE, Johannes Nicolaas Daniel: Johannes Nicolaas Dame1 Coetzee. 6446;6-5/8/48, R600 VAN NIERERK, Johannes Petrus Du Toit; Johannes Petrus Du Toit van Niekerk. 2000199-28/2166, -R1 000. ROSSITER, Graeme Norman; Graeme Norman Ross~ter. 2059964-31 / 1/67, R2 548. ROSSI~R,' : ~raeme Noman; Graeme Norman Rossiter. 5-201 21 2105982-20/9/67, R1 767. HUCO, Dnnie! Da;,id; Susanna hlaria Christina Hugo. 2218767-6/6/69. R1 500. JANSFN VAX VUUREN. Aletta Catherlna Martha: hletta Catherina Martha Jansen ran kuuren. 2586806-19/6/73, RIO 000. PRINSLOO. Ifendrik F.; 1:ei;drik F. Prinsloo. 1265650-18/12/56. R10 600. STEGWAN. Rernardus Zibee; Rernxdus Zibee Stegman. 1304032-15/5/57, R428. ARRANAMS, Patrick Annettc; Patricia Annette Abrahams. 2129560-13/2/68, R7000. SCHXIDT, Trevor Llopd; Trevor Lloyd Schmidt. 228 l43?-23/4/7o, R 1000. MOSES, Aubrey Joseph; Aubrey Joseph Moses. 1181983-5/3/56, E2 480. MOSES. Audrey Karanza; Aubrey Joseph Moses. 2439766-2711172, R2 167. VAN ZYL, Hendrik Schalk; Hendrik Schalk van Zyl. 1078452-10/2/55, R5 544. TERRLANCHE, Matthys Jgnatius; Salomon Ignatius Terblanche. 1149854-31 /lo/5s, R8 016. JANSE VAN RENSBURG, Jan Andries; Jan Andries Janse van Rensburg. 2157901-3/7/68. R1 000. BEZUIDENHOUT, Gert Hendrik; Gert Hendrik Rezuidenhout. 2294650-17/6/70, R1 500. SAPTOE. Slarnmert; Slammert Saptoe. 23311814/11/70, R1 000. MABOVULA, Naucisa Regina; Robert Deyi Ntamonde Mabovula. 469864-13/6/43, R1 000. CILLIERS. late Dirk Pieter; estate late Dirk Pieter Cilliers. 1130490-12/8/55, R1 000. COLMER, Robert; Robert Colmer. 2019713-12/5/66, R135. COLMER, Robert: Robert Colmer. 1803303-28/2/63, R5 000. LINGENFELDER, Andries Jacob Rudolph; Andries Jacob Rudolph Lingenfelder. 2261378-16/2/70, R2425. TRICKER. Dudley Francis Livingstone; Dudley Francis Livingstone Tr~cker. 2269234-3/3/70, R20 000. VISAGIE, Nicolaas Jacobus; Nicohas Jacobus Visagie. 476676--21/10/43, R26 160. BEYERS. Jacobus Nicholas Boshoff; Jacobus Nicholas Boshoff Reyers. 1493190-18/5/59. R600. PRINSLOO, Willem Nicolaas Henning: Willem Nicolaas Henning Prinsloo. 3427238-11/8/58, R1 000. PRINSLOO, W~llem Nicolaas Henning; Willem Nicolaas Henning Prinsloo 1616167-19/9/60, R1 000. COLLINS. Robert; Robert Collins. 2260636-13/1/70, R20000. RELXIAN. Peter Harold; Peter Harold Helman., 2384019-17/6/71, R3 018. ROODT, Johannes Petrus Jacobus; Johannes Petrus Jacobus Roodt. 2352822-14/6/71, R1 869. ROODT. Helena Adriana; Melena Adriana Roodt. 514262~-1/12/69, R2 000. HUDSON, Douglas Grahame; Douglas Grahame Hudson. 1547832-1 1 / 12/59. R1 000. OOSTHUIZEN. Philip Louwrens; Philip Louwrens Oosthuizen. 1118867-6/7/55. R2 876. SCI-IREUDER. Sacol: Johannes: Abraham Johannes Hendrik Schreuder. 1141894-27/9/55, R2480. FOX, Jessamy Margaret; Vincent Frederick Fox. 1141895-27/9/55, R2672. FOX, Pnmella Anne; Vincent Frederick Fox. 2335271-20/11/70, R2644. ERASMUS, Anlonie Carel; Antonie Carel Erasmus. 504525-9/ 11144; R2 208. REDECKER, Sieghardt Walter; Amanda Maria Augfste Redecker. 504526-91 11744. R2 300. REDECKER. Manfried Dieter: handa ~ a n~u~uste a Redecker. 1215834-19/6/55. R2300. VAN DEN HEEVER, Thomas Johannes; Theodorus Ignatius van den Heevcr. 1568689-14/3/60. R200. CORNELISSEN. Olive Veronica; Wilhelmina Gertruida Cornelissen. 2219561-3016169, R5000. GPEYLINGER, Barend Jacobus; Barend Jacobus Greylinger. 2436540-14/1/72. Ill l 002. GELDEhrHWS, Hendrik George; Hendrik George Geldenhuys. 1553815-31 /3160, R2 122. FISHER, Alexander Vincent; Alexander Vincent Fisher. 1733527-3014162, R1000. ERASMUS. Samuel Johannes; Samuel Johannes Erasmus. 1738528-30/4/62, R707. ERASMUS, Samuel Johannes; Elizabeth Maria Erasmus. 1950818-3014165, R4 000 CRAUSE, Daniel Christiaan; Daniel Christiaan Crause. 2370223-6/9/68, R5 OCO. BOTES. Pieter Jacobus; Pieter Jacobus Boles. 1761622-13/7/62, R4 000. BOTI-IA, Johannes Petrus; estate late Petrus Cornelis Botha. 2032672-33/3/66. R1 400. VAN DEN RERG: late John George; estate late John George van den Berg.

122 No. 4237 STAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 1974 2100392-31/8/67. R2517. OWGAN, late Terrence Robert; cstate latc Terrcncz Robert 0v:g:n. 2244673--16/10/63, R5 000. OPPERMAN, Phillippus Albertus: Phillipi~us Albertus Opperrnan. 24867717-27/7/72, R7 O0O. LE ROUX, Dawid B.; Dolores le Roux. 60231-1 / 9 / 10. R400 CARP-JONES, Harold Austin; Harold Austin Earp-Jones. 64017-71 9/11. R930. EAKP-JONES, IIarold Austin; Harold Austin 'arp-jones. 3780507-5/10/62. R71000. VAN SCIJRLRWYK, Gertruida Jacoba Elizabeth; Peirus Joiepl~us Cornelis van Veen. i7563;l--l8 /6/6? 122 000 VAN VEE1.J. Pctrus Josephus Cornelis; Gel truidn Jacoba Elizsbcth ran Schalkwyk. 22064h2-9/4/69. R5 703. VAN DEN XRG, Dirk Johannes; estate latc John Auzust van den Derg. 2255884-31 112169, R2 833. PKETORIUS, Bekker; Bekker Pretorins. 381 l30-6/1/39. R600. BRINK, Christiaan Van dcr Merwe; estate late ITilda Bosrnan Brink. 491772-2515144. R600. DU PLESSIS., Daniel Jacob and Maatje ~ohanna' Maria du Plessis; Daniel Jacob du Plessis and Maalie Johanna Maria du Plessis. 1327276--2617157. R4 000. DE KOCK, Gabriel Johannes; Gabriel Johannes de Kock. 1617670-27 / 9/60. R2 732. DU PLESSIS, Anna Elizabeth; Daniel Jacob du Plessis. 433985-718141. R200. ESAU. late John Prins: estate late John' 2509478-6/9/72, R5 000. CARELZEN, Jacob J.; Jacob J. Carelzen. The S.A. Trade Union Asj~irarfce Socirty Ltd, 58 Frederick Street, Johanrtesbnrg 162470-1/6/68, W2 000. CLAASSCN, Gert Johannes Danial; Gert Johannes Danial Claassen. 161309-1/8/68. R2057. DU TOIT, Jacobus Johaimes; Jacobus Johannes du Toit. The Stnr~dard Gerterrrl Ii~ruraiix Cornp~lny Ltd, P.O. Box 4352, -502&3--lq12/67. R1 000. KHOZA. Z. R.; Z. R. Khoza. 501531-1/7/67, R1 700. SELEKE, J. K.; J. R. Selekc. 810839-1 112173, P.10 000. CASILLO. G.: G. Casillo. The Sm~thern Lile Associaiiv.r~. Grcot TYe~terford. Rondebosch. C.P. 281233-5/3/53, R200. MORAPE, J.; J. Morape. 692510-19/9/69, R4000. CUSTERS, M. N. P,; M. 1-1. P. Custers. 715747-8/2/71, R5000. KOLOKOTRONIS, C. C.; C. C. Kolokotronis. 728378-1-17/3/72. R1 000. BUSSE. E.; E. Busse. 745911-7-17/5/73, R2622. HAQ, A. (A. H. Jabha; A. IJaq (A. H. Jzbha). 748797-3-13/7/73, R2436. BRITZ, W. D. P. D.; W. D. P. D. Britz. 629354-17112163, R10000. DU PLESSTS, J. N.; estate late J. N. du Pless~s. Prins Esau. Sun life Asruronce Company of Canado, P.O. Box 2013. l794'x8--3l/ 1/63 R1 840. O'NEIL, John Wesley; John Wes- ~ ~ h ~ ~, ~ ~ ~ b ~ ~ ~ ley O'Neil. 3,730,593-2/7/67, R10000. OTTO, Q. S.; Q. S. Otto. 2353180-12/2/71, R4 000. GEENS, Ludovica; Ludovica Geens. 2445340-16/2/72. R5000. DU PLESSIS, Louis Cornelius; 3,68735-28/11/63. R3000. STEPHENSON, W. H.; W. H. Louis Cornelius du Pless~s. Stephenson. 2503842-18/8/72, R6000. VERMAAK, salmon C.; Salmon 3,755,400-12/1/70, R4 000/R4000. M F.S.B. BERNICKOW, C. Vermzak. I. M. (I. M. Losper); I. M. Bernickow (I. M. Losper). VormlForm DIN 3 NATURALISASIEKENNISGEWINGS Kernis word hierby deur die ondervermelde persone gegee dat hulle van voorneme is om, ooreenkomstig artikel 10 van die Wet op Suid-Afrikaanse Burgerskap, 1949, by die Minister van Binnelandse Sake aansoek te doen om sertifikate van naturalisasie as Suid-Afrikaanse burgers, met aanduiding van naam, beroep, en woonadres. ' NATURALIZATION NOTICES Notice is hereby given by the undermentioned persons that they intend t~o apply to the Minister bf the Interior in terms of section 10 of the South African Citizenship Act, 1949, for certificates of naturalisation as South African citizens, indicating name, occupation, a d residential address. MILLER. Edith Winifred. dr. van Homeopatie/dr of homoeopathy, 108 Underwoodweg/Road, Pinetown, Natal. MILLER, David Robertson, dr. van homeopatie/dr of homoeopathy, 108 Underwoodweg/Road, Pinetown, Natal. VOGEL. Hermann. motorwerktuigkundige, - - Heimstfaat, Karibib. S.W.A. RASSOOL, Sugra Bibi, huisvrou/housewife, 27 Albatros Street, Lenasia, Johannesburg, Tvl. VAN DER WALT, Nelly Adriana, voorheen De Rouwe, tikstefltypist, 83 Commissionerstraat/Street, Kempton Park, 1620, 1 v1. LANDMAN, Bcnno, apteker/pharmacist, 6 Finsburylaanl Avenue, Nuweland/Newlands, 7700, K.P.1C.P. PINDER, Walter, afgesonder /Retired, 56 Tweede Laan /Second Avenue, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth, K.P.1C.P. PERES, Vasco Rodrigues, elektrisien/electrician, 24 Heemskerk Laan/Avenue, Eastleigh, Edenvale, Tvl. HUART, Rene Etieme, passer en draaier en motonverktuigkundigelfitter and turner and motor mechanick, Hoewe/Plot 37, Paryspoort, Tvl. KARAGEORGIOU, Konstantinos, sales representative, 11 Hendrina flats, 668 Voortrekker Road, Gezina, Tvl. MITCHELL, John, bestuurderlmanager, 97 Claimstraat/Street, Boksburg, Tvl. MATHER, Brian Patrick, patolooglpathologist, 46a Camngtonweg/Road, Kimberley, K.P. /C.P. BRUDNAK, Vasil, technician, 64 President Burger Street, Pre toria West, Tvl. PAULIK, Jiri, ontwerper/designer, 107 Unipark, 725 Arcadia Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, Tvl. STECK, Alfredo Henrique, assistent sekretarislassistant secretary, 126 Wilcocksweg/Road, Bloemfontein, O.V.S./O.F.S. GEORGOVLAS, John, Tvl. GEORGOVLAS, Marika, housewife, Tvl. RYAN, Gilbert Drury, accountant, 2 Palladiihof/Court, 9 Wepenerstraat /Street, Forest Hill, Joharukesburg, Tvl. NEWTON, Muriel, afgetredendelretired, 21 Springsidewegl Road, Hillcrest, Natal. CHARBONNIER, Emmanvella, clerk; Campufelice MW4 P.O. Box 571, Three Sisters, K.P.1C.P. STAMATIOU, Pana Grotis, director and shop owner, 204 Acropolos Flats, Esselen Street, Sunnyside, Pretoria, Tvl. WADDACOR, David John, opmeter/surveyor, 84 Kromboomweg/Road, Rondebosch-OosIEast, K.P.1C.P. HAUPT, Jovanka, voorheen/formerly Krsic, huisvrou/housewife, 259 Bunkarastraat/Street, Berrario, Tvl. ZACHARIOUDARUS, Johnny, Scholar, farm Witklipbank, P.O. Box 100, Delmas, Tvl. ZACHARIOUDAKIS, Eftichios, farmer, farm Witklipbank, Delmas, Tvl. - MOL, Peter Coenraad Jr. student, 3 19de Straatll9th Street, Parkhurst, Johannesburg, TV~. NISBET, Mary, huisvrou/housewife, 3 Malvernhof/Court, 65 St. Georgesweg/St George's Road, 00s-LondenlEast London, -- K.P. -./CP. NISBET, John, bankwaglbankguard, 3 Malvernhof/Court, 65 St. Georgesweg/St George's Road, 00s-LondenIEast Londoq K.P.1C.P. RAJKOVIC, Bogdan, direkteur /director, 52 Thameshuisl House, 42 Kotzestraat/Street, Hillbrow, Johannesburg Tvl. SCHMEISSER, Teodoro, teksteil tegnikusltextile technician, 33a Piet RetiefstraatIStreet, Standerton, Tvl. ANASTASSIOU. Teresa, chiropodist, 50 Honeystraat/Street. Berea, Johannesburg, Tvl. GARNElT, Caroline Mary, nonlnun, St. Petershuis/St Peter's Home, Somersetstraat/Street, Grahamstown, K-P./C.P. COHEN, Isaac, afgetrede sakemanlretired businessman, 212 Handsworth on the Hill. 169 Jan Smutshoofweg/Highway, Durban, Natal. ANASTASSIOU. George, dameshaarkapper/ladies hairdresser, 50 Honeystraat/Street, Berea, Johannesburg, Tvl. WIERS, Frederik Wlllem Rolf, radiotegnikuslradio technician. 403 Kimberley Heights, Storchstraat/Street, W~ndhoek, Suidwes- Afrikapouth-West Afrm. BOLL, Christian-Albrecht, hotelier, Hotel Continental, Kaiser- ~raatlstreet, Suidwes-Afrika/South-West Africa. GEUENS, Henri Willem Alfons, elektrisien/electrician, 4 Herculeslaan/Avenue, Impala Park, Boksburg, Tvl. SEDDON, Ronald, passer (vliegtuig)/fitter (aircraft), 3 Atlanticlaan!Avenue, Impala Park, Boksburg, 1460, TvL

p-p- LEITE. Albino Rodrigues, produksiebestuurder/production manager, 14 Derde LaanlThird Avenue, Marlands, Gcrmiston, Tvl. TOIVONEN, Arto Jouni, rekenoutomaatverkoopsman/computer salesman, 207 Barclaysplein/Square, RissikstraatIStreet, Pretoria, Tvl. CALLAGHAN. Rcrtram Louis, maatskappydirekteur/company director. Little Fallsplesieroord/Pleasure Resort, Roodepo&t, Tvl. CALLAGRAN. Eileen Veronica, huisvtou/housewile, Little Falls~lesieroord/Pleasure Resort, Posbus/P.O. Box 1, Roodepoort; Tvl. SCI-IOEMAN. Ockert, student, Huis GroenbergIGroenberg House, Wellington. I<.P./C.P. SPILIOTIS, Dlonisios, paneelklopperipanelbcater, 807 St. Luciagebou/Buildings, Bedford Gardens, Tvl. COUTSELINIS. Apostolos, bemarkingsbestuurder/marlceting manager, 136 Leicestenveg /Road, Kensington, Johannesburg, 2001. Tvl. DASKALAKIS, Atbanasics. restauranteienaar/restauranteur, 54 Hely Hutchinsonlaan/Avenue. Rontreelandgoed/Estate. Kampsbaai/Camp's Bay. K.P./C.P. ALIFANTIS. Constantini, sakemanltrader, 9 Andrewsstraatl Street. Empengeni. Natal. ALIFANTIS,.klarie. huisvrou/housewife, 9 Andrewsstraat/ Street. Empangcn~. Natal. DOS SANTOS, Manuel Ferreira, 20 Kerk Street, Zeerust, Western Tvl. COLDRON, William Kenneth, ho&lbestuurder/manager, Cumberland Hotel. Snell Parade, Durban, Natal. COLDRON, Patricia Edith, hotelbestuurderes/manageress. Cumberland Hotel, Snell Parade, Durban,,Natal. MONCEK, hlarian, verkoopsman/salesman, 25 Carling Street, Tamboershloof, Cape Town. NEGBI. Emanuel. direkteurldirector. 78 &uartlaanl~venue. Morningside Manor, Tvl. RAFTUPULOS, Maria, housewife, Flat 2, Heila Place, Randburg, Tvl. GUEST. Flederid, hotelbestuurder/manager, Moby Dick Noord-Beachaeg/North Bcach Road, Umdilotistrand/Beach. Natal. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 htarch 1974 No. 4237 123 GUEST, Yvonne Agnes Wilhclmina. 11otelbestuurderes/managercss, Moby Dick Noord-Beachwcg/North Beach Road, Umdilotistrand/Beach, Natal. ZAJIC, Bohumil, passer/fitter, Medwoodhof/Court, Acuttstraatl Street. DurRan, Natal. COEQUYT, Susanna Mathddc. huishoudster/housewife, 139 Sonjastraat /Street, Doringkloof. Verwoerdburg, Tvl. ROGER, Elias Hector, radiotegnikuslradio technician, 139 Sonjastraat/Street, Doringkloof, Venvoerdburg, Tvl. VLAH4KIS. George, bestuurderlmnnager, 8 Ac~opolisgebou/ Buildings. 107 Louis Bothalaan/Avenue, Orange Grove, Johanmsburg. Tvl. NORBERG, Car1 Olle Bertil, spjsenierlcaterer, Michael House, Natal... NORBERG, Audrey Nzncy, spysenierlcaterer, Michael House, Natal. JOHNSON, David Bernard, gereedskapmaker/toolmaker, 75a Lawnslraatlstreet, Rosettenville, Johannesburg, Tvl. SUTTON, Margaret Annie, afgetrede huisvrou/retired house- wife. 49 Gerald Fitzpatrick House, 51 Gordonweg/Road, Bertrams. Johannesburg, Tvl. VERMIJ, Eddy Martin, elektrisi&n/clectrician, 123 Kiewietstraat/Sireet, Kwaggasrand, Pretoria, Tvl. ARNULPHY, Louis Jacques Serge, sewing machine technician, 23 Chandler Crescent, Woodlands, Durban, Natal. DALMONTE. Ahtonio. skietbaaslblastin~ foreman. 190 Bar- STYLTANTDES, ~heodoulos Steliou, wetenskapiike/scientist, 1510 Zethushof, 620 ParkstraatlStreet. Pretoria, Tvl. DRUECKER,' Alfred, ingenieur/engineer, 20 Waltonlaan/ Avenue, Aucklandpafk, Johannesburg. VRONKA, MAria, huisvrou/housewife, 51 Las Vegas, 140 Mearstraal/Street, Pretoria, Tbl. VRONKA, Mikulas, toolmaker, 51 Las Vegas, 140 Mearstraal/Street, Pretoria, Tvl. VANMALI. Baloo, merchantlhandelaar, 3757 Suikerbos Street, Extension 3, Lenasia. KRUGER, Frahcina Clarodina, onderwysereslteacher, 2 Bootha Plot. Randlontein, Tvl. DT LEA. Nicola, bouer/builder, 55 Bothastraat/Street, Potchefstroom, Tvl. Vorrn/Form MVA 12 MOTORVOERTUIGASSURANSIEWET, 1972 (WET 56 VAN 1972), SOOS GEWYSIG WET OP VERPLIGTE MOTORVOERTUIGVERSEKERING,,1972 [WET 56 VAN 1972) KENNlSGEWlNG DEUR BEVOEGDE VERSEKERAAR VAN OOREENKOMS PEDOEL IN ARTIKEL 26 VAN DIE WET Die bevoegde versekeraar genoem in die Bylae hiervan, gee hierby ooreenkomstig arlikel 26 (4) van d~e Wet kennis- (a) dat hy 'n ooreenkoms soos in artikel 26 (3) (c) bedoel, aangegaan het om 'n kdrhh te betaal ten opsigte van 'n els om mdevergoeding ooreenkomstig artikel 21 van genoemde Wet, naarnlik vergoeding wat, indien genoemde versekeraar vir die betaling daarvan aanspreeltlik sou gewees het, kosle,ten opsigte van die akkommodasie, in :n 'hospital1 of verpleegintigting, van die persoon in die Rylae hie~van genoem of ten opsigte van enige behandeling van of dierls gelewer aan of goedere verskaf aan daard~e persoon, kon insluit; eil (b) dat genoemde versekeraar nle 06reenkomstrg artikel26 (4) van d ~e Wet verplig IS nle om enlge bedrag ren opslgte van sodanlge koste te betaal aan enigeen wat die akkommodasie of behandeling verskaf ot die diens gelewer of die goedere verskaf het en wat nie 'n skriftelike eis voor die verstryking van 'n tydperk van 60 dae na dre datum van hierdie kennisgewine by genoemde versekeraar ingedien het nie., S Die besonderhede word In h~erd~e volgorde verstrek: Naam van pe~soon/persone besky oi gedood; eisnommer; datum en plek van ongeluk; naam van hospitaal, verpleeginrigtjng of plek waar behandel (indien bekend); naam en adres van geregistreerde maatskappy. MOTOR VEHICLE INSURANCE ACT, 1972 (ACT 56 OF 1972), AS AMENDED COMPULSORY MOTOR VEHICLE INSURANCE ACT, 1672 (AC?. 56 OF 1972) NOTICE BY AUTHORISED IN$URER OF AGREEMENT CONTEMPLATED IN SECTION 26 OF THE A m The author~sed insurer named in the Schedule hereto, hereby gives notlce in terms of section 26 (4) of the Act- (a) that ~t has entered into an agreement contemplated in sectlon 26 (3) (c) to Make a payment in respect of a clam tor cornpensation under section 21 of the said Act, which compensation could. if the said insurer were liable for payment thereof, have included costs in respect of the accommodation of the person named in the Schedule hereto in a hospital or a nursing home or of any treatment of or service rendered or goods supplied to that person; and (b) that, in lerms of section 26 (4) of the Act, the said insurer shah not be obliged to pay any amount m respect of such coststo any person who provided the accommodation or treatment or rendered the service or suppiied the goods who has not lodged a claim, in writ~ng, with the said insurer firior to the expiration of a period of GO days after the date of this notice. Thy particulars aregiven in the follo&%~'6fder: Natne of person(s) mjured or lalled; claim number; date and place of accident; name of hospital, nulslng borne or place where tre'ated (if known); name and address of registered company. MACHAVA, Inacio Chinhana. Eis 3/001?0. 25/6/72. Germis- MAKHANYA. Violet, Claim MVA0480/23(A). 9/2/73. interton-boksburgpad. Natalspruithospitaal. President Vcrsekerings- section of Ilarrow Road and Saratoga Avenue, Johannesburg. maatskappy Bpk. Posbus 10162, Johannesburg, 2000. Johannesburg Non-European Hospital. Commercial Union Assur- VAN SCHAKKWYK. Raymond. Claim RIVA912674. 1412'69. ance Company 6f South Africa Ltd. 30 Simmonds Street, P.O. Main Road and Toby Street. Newlands. Jbhannesbury. Corona- Box 153, Johannesburg. tion I-Iospilal. The Marine and Trade Insufance Company Ltd, Harmam House, corner of Harrison and Main. Streets, Johannes- MBOLOA! Michael. Eis 3100165: 31/10/72, Kliptown. Baraburg.. E gwanathhosp~taai. President Versekmngsrnaatskappy Bpk., Posbus UYS. Mathys Johannes, Jane Katlileen' Uys and Susanna 10162, Johannesburg. 2000. Johanna Magdalena Elizabeth Uys. Claim"2/6/70661, G. N. Govender. 10/8/71. Durban Road, between Estcourt and Moci- MOFOKENO, Cornelius. Eis MVA2/M159. 20/4172, Natalrivier. Greys Hospital. Pie~emaritzburg:.&A, "Mutual Insurance spruif. Natalspruithospitaal. Rondalia Versekerings Rorporasie Association Ltd, P.O. Box 9595, Johannesburg. van S.A. Bpk., Posbus 2290, Pretoria.

l24 No. 4237 STAATSICOERANT:.~~ MAART I974 ENGELHARD. Ernst. Clzim ~~A0258/23(A), Mrs l.' du JORDAAN. W. A. Claim 2/6/30104, J. G. Smit. 22/11/71, ~less~s. 1/7/72, Muldendrift Road. J. G. Strydom Hospital and entrance to parking area at Agricultural.Buildings. 13. F. Ver- ~rinccss Nursing Home, Johannesburg. Commercial Union Assur- woerd Hospital. A.A. Mutual Tnsurance Assncia[ioll ~ td. ance Company of South Africa Ltd, 30 Simmonds Street, Johan- UYS, Susanna Gertruida. Claim 2/6/70635. H. Matthinusgn nesburg, 2001. & Co. 9/9/71, Bethal-Standerton Road. Bethal Hospital. A.A. SWART, Jolnnna aria, eebore Erasmlm. Eis 15/M1250. Mutual Insurance Association Ltd, P.O. Box 9595, Johannesburg, 5/3/73, Vereeniging. Vereeniginghospitaal. Santam Versekerings- 2000. maatskappy Bpk., Posbus 920. Germiston. UYS, Martha Maria. Claim 216170698, H. Marthinusen & SCI-XOEMAN, Johannes Jacobus. Eis 16/~/~0335. 2/9/71, Co. 9/9/71, Bethal-Standerton Road. Bethal Hospital. A.A.!ussen Sesde Straat cn 27ste Straat in Louis Bothalaan, Orange M~tual Insurance Association Ltd, P.O. Box 9595, Johannes- Grove, Johannesburg. Santan Versekeringsmaatskappy Bpk., hoek burg, 2000. ban Pleio- en Rissikstraat, Johannesburg, 2001. JOHNSON, Ronnie. Claim 683171. 22/2/71, Koeberg Road, TRY. Michael John. Eis 07 /K/00248. 9111/70, Ben Schoeman- ASilnerton. Federated Employers' Insurance Co. Ltd, P.O..Box hoofweg, Johannesburg. Santam Versekeringsmaatskappy Bpk., 2555, Cape Town. hoek van Plein- en Rissikstraat, Johannesburg, 2001. RAMOTSO, Samuel. Claim 216170664, Transvaal Box McCARTER, Miss Nancy Adair. Claim G/72/2118/l(P). 141 Manufacturers (Pty) Ltd. 28/7/71, loading bay at Transvaal 11172, Judith Road. Emmarentia. Johannesburg. Brenthurst Box Building. Johannesburg General and Baragwanath Hos- Clinic, Johannesburg. City Council of Johannesburg, c/o Clerk of pitals. A.A. Mutual Insurance Association Ltd, p.0. Box 9595, the Council's Department, Claims Branch, P.O. Box 1049, Johannesburg, 2000. Johannesburg. MAHARAJ. Nehru Dhanbir. Claim 5/L/0874. estate late A. ESTERHUIZEN, Christoffel Jacobus. Claim ~VA202b12. Kadir. 16/6/71, Wartvick Avenue, Durban. Santam Insurance 12/5/71, Ben Schoeman Highway. J. G. Strydom Hospital. SA. CO. Ltd. P.O. BOX 897, Durban. Mutual Fire and General Insurance Company Ltd, ~tanaatd PICKSTOCK, Dale. Claim MVA0608/23 (A), P. C. Petzer. Bank Buildings, 78 Fox Street, Johannesburg. 19/12/72, corner of Empire Road and Jan Smuts Avenue, ESTERHUIZEN, Hendrik Ernst. Claim MVA202072. 12/5/+l, Johannesburg. Johahnesburg Hospital. Commercial Union Assur- Ben Schoeman Highway. J. G. Strydom Hospital. S.A. Mutual,ante Company of South Africa Ltd, 30 Simmonds Street, Johan- Fire and General Insurance Company Ltd, Standard Bank nesburg, 2001. Centre, 78 Fox Street, Johannesburg. NTULI, Thami Jacob. Eis 07/M/00503. 9/12/72, Nancefield- BRUMMER, Mrs Marie Hickman. Claim ~~~0449/12~. Mbioka-Mncubelaan. Santam Versekeringsmaatskappy'Bpk., hoek 6/10/71, Bath Avenue, Rosebank. Rosebank Clinic. Commercial van Plein- en Rissikstfaat, Johannesburg, 2001. Union Assurance Company of South Africa Ltd, P.0. Box,153, MEDALIE, Rachel. Eis 7/L/242. 28/2/72, by ingang van Johannesburg. woonhuis, Hendrik Vemoerdburgweg 99, Randburg. Santarn CKAMANE, Mpangeni. Claim ~~~380201. 7/2/73, cornkr VersekeYinssli.laatskapp~ BP~., Santamgebou, hock van Rissikof Empire Road and Jan Smuts Avenue, Parktown, Johannes- en Pleinstraat, Johannesburg. burg. Baragwanath Hospital. Protea Assurance Company Ltd, TSKELI, Dt\via. Eis 6/L/122. 28/6/71, Zastron-Sterkspruitpad, 10th and 11th Floors, Bank of Lisbon Buildings, 37 Sauer Street: Zastron. Pezonomihospitaal. Bloemfontein. SanLam Versekerings- Johannesburg, and P.O. Box 61368, Marshalltown. maatskappy Bpk., Santamgebou. hoek van Rissik- en PleinsLraat, MAILA, William. Claim 2 /6/3OO2l,' P. R. Bisset. 7 /7/71,., in Johannesburg. Selborne Avenue, Lyttelton, Verwoerdburg, District of Pretoria. VAN DER LINDE, John Ah'n. Eis 7/M/452. 12/4/73, H. F. Verwoerd Hospital, Pretoria. A.A, Mutual Insurance ASSO- neithtraat,.'doornfontein, Johannesburg. Santam Versekeringsciation Ltd, 20 Wandcrers Street, Johannesburg. maatskappy Bpk., Santamgebou, hock van Rissik- en Plcinstraat, BROWN, Gabriel Frederick. Claim 311289. 22/2/73, Para'aise- jhafinesburg. Road, Newlands. Groote Schuur Hospital. Ur,ion and South- MASSIETO, N. A. Eis 7/M/133. 18/5/Y2, Orkne ad West West Africa Insurance Company Ltd, P.O. Box 2443. Cape Town, Vaalhos~ilaal, Orkney. Santam, Posbus 6160. ~011anne~~W' FORTUNE, Isgaak. 11 /7170, Black River Parkway, Maitland. MAKHANYA* *den. Claim 3/3/3725. 27/ /73. near Groote Schuur Hospital, Observatory. Union and South-West Umbumbulu Court House. King Edward Hospital. Union Africa Insurance Co. Ltd, Uniswa House, 56 Shortmarket Strett, National Sol~th British Insurance Co. Ltd. Cape Town. MAMABOLO, John. Eis 31418. 2/7/72, Ben Schocmanhoof- BREEDT, jan ~ ~ - ~i~ DP/b71. ~ 28/2/69, ~ ~ t weg. H. ~ F. Verwoerdhospitaal. ~. President Ver~ekeringsmaatskappy Springs-Welgedachthoofpad. Verre-Oosrandhosprtaal. bondalia Bpk.9 Renmeestergebou, Commissionerstraat, Johannesburg. Versekeringskorporasie van S.A. Bpk., Posbus 2290, fpretotfa. DE L'ANGE, Adriaan Dirk. Claim 2/6/3503O(H/O), A Brits. LUXFORD, Alfred Arthur. - ~i~?lva3/s012. 22/7/72, Wit- 13/8/71, 'Groat-Maric.0-Skuinsdrif Road. Zeerust. Hospital. A.A. rivier-bosbokrandpad. Nelspru~thosp~taal. Rdndalia VersCke- Mutual rfis11raiice Association Ltd, P.O. Box 9595, ~ohannesburg. ringskorporasie van S.A. Bpk., Visagiestraat 174, Pretoria. BADENHORST, Catharina Agatha. Claim MVA101588, D. B. TWALA, M. Eis ~~31-0156. 2/8/72, Standerton. Standard Diesel. 25/2/71, Zeekoewater. Witbank. S.A. Mutual Flre and General Insurance Company Ltd, 12 Harrison Street, Johannes- General,Insurance Company Ltd, Standard Bank Cenlre, 78 burg.,. Fox Street, Johannesburg. MTAMBO. Godfrey. Claim 1/1/1219. 14/6/70, in Koma MANDERS, ~ ~ C O ~ Johannes. U S Claim M~~101732. 19/4/71, street, Johannesburg. Baragwanath Hospital.,Union National at Or near or within Voortrekkcr and Padstow Strcets, Alberton. south British Insurance Company ~ d 11th, ~ l ~ African o ~, fife South African Mutual Fire and General Insurance Company Centre, Commissioner Street, Johannesburg. Ltd, Standard Bank Centre, 78 Fox Street, Johannesburg. XULU, Elias Mike Themba. Claim 21635. 23/10/71, ~dendal~' ' MGAYO,+ Xina.,Claim MV~2/00523. 6/3/72, ~ouis ~otha Main Road, Edendale, Pietemaritzburg. Edendale ~ ~ ~ ~ Avenue, i t ~ Johannesburg. l. Baragwanath Hospital. Netherlands Tnsur- Union and South-West Africa Insurance Companjr Ltd, c/o an* Co.'of SA. ud, P.0. Box 2% Johannesburg. J. H. Nicolson, Stiller & Geshen, P.O. Box 641,Durban. v LRVENGE, Elizabeth, and Josephine Christina Langrish. GOUGH, Susanna Johanna Magrieta. Claim 2/6/70309, J. Claim 1/1/1259. 19/1/71, Main Reef Road. Coronati@n Has- Goldsbrough. 19/11/71, Newclare n bad, Industria. Dr King, Pital. Union and National Insurance Co. Ltd, 11th Floor, Medical Centre.. Florida. A.A. Mutual Insurance Ass African Life Centre, Conimissioner Street. Johannesburg. P.O. Box 9595, Johannesburg. MOAGI, Steven:. Eis 0/00528. 12/4/70. Pretoriahcofweg. VAN JAARSVELD, Pieter Jacobus Cornelius. Eidenvalehospitaal. President Versekeringsmaatskappy Bpk., Rcnt- 13152, E L. van Blerk. 31/5/71, tornet. of Lothar meestergebou, Commissionerstraat 55, Johannesburg. Roads, Witfield; Roksburg.,AA. Mutlial Insurance Association MOGALE, John. Claim 216170545, Intercom Investment Corp. Ltd, First Floor, Samie Centre, corner of Queen and Spilsbury 21/8/71, Hmdrik Verwoerd Drive, Randburg. Baragwanath Streets, Germiston. Hospital. A.A. Mutual Insurance Association Ltd, P.O. Box MAHLANGU, Moses. Claim MVA2/00683. 11/3/72, Kwa- Johannesburg. rherna, Springs. Far East Rand Hospital. Netherlands Insurance MSOMI, Mthandeni Bitte. Claim MVA100025, Geen & Co. of S.A. Ltd, P.O. Box 290, Johannesburg. Richards. 30/7/70, Lnanda Main Road. Federated Employers VAN ROMBURGH, P. E. Claim 3/6/88015, Frank E. Blewett. Insurance Co. ud, P.0. Box 4293 Durban, 40 0. 14/12/72, corner of Wale and Loop Streets, Cape Town. A.A. YORK, Janet. Eis MVA3/A153. 17/12/72, Randburg. J. G. 'Jutual Insurance Association Ltd, P.O. Box 37, Bellville, Cape. Skijdomhospitaal. Rondalia Versekcringskorporasie van Suid- MOKALE, Paul. Claim MVA102047. 24/10/70, Emsa Yard, Afrh Bpk.3 Posbus 2290, Pretoria. Meyerton, Td. Vereeniging Hospital. S.A. Mutual Fire and DAVIES, Kathleen Mary Minnie. Claim MVAQ/908. 13/12/ General Insurance Company Ltd, Standard Bank Centre, Johan- 71, Camp G~ound Road, Rondebosch. Rondebosch Cottage -1:sburg. Hospital. Manne and Trade Insurance Company Ltd, P.O. Box UYS, Cornelius Janse. Claim 2/6/70698, H. Marthinusen & 10509, Johannesburg.. CO: 9/9'/71, Bethal-Standerton Road. -Bcthal Hospital. A.A. MBATHA, Zeblon. Claim MVA4/542. 12/9/73, unnamed Mutual Insurance Association Ltd, P.O. Box 9595, Johanneb- road, Urnlazi. King Edward V111 Hospital. Marine and Trade Surg, 2000. Insurance Company Ltd, P.O. Box 10509, Johannesburg.

VENTER, Kevin Eldrid. Claim MVA211856. 14/5/71, corner of Haupt and Neal Streets, Port Elizabeth. Provincial Hospital, Port Elizabeth. Marine and Trade Insurance Company Ltd, P.O. Box 10509, Johannesburg. SLOLEY. -- Larrv Graham. Claim MVA3 11282. 27 11 173. Sarnia Road. ~ddin~to; Hospital. Marine and i'rade insurance Company Ltd, P.O. Bow 10509, Johannesburg. HEWETT, Anthony John. Claim MVA2/1504. 15/4/72, S12 Highway, near Benoni. Princess Nursing Home. Marine and Trade Insurance Company Lt4 P.O. Box 10509, Johannesburg. DLAMIM. Jenifer. Claim MVA211027. 7 112171. Machibisa. ance Company Ltd, P.O. Box 10509, Johannesburg. BARNARD, Barend Lambertus Saaiman. Claim 0/6/36013 (H/O). 3014170, Witbank-Bethal Road. Witbank Hospital and Pretoria General Hospital. A.A. Mutual, Insurance Association Ltd. P.O. Box 9595, Johannesburg. SMITH. Johanncs Zacharias. Claim MVA201975. 2519171. on the Gravelotte Road. intersection of Mica Road. ~halabonva Hospital. S.A. Mutual Fire and General Insurance Company Ltd. P.O. Box 1120, Johannesburg. 12000. THOMPSON, L. J. Claim G/72/530/1 (P). 29/3/72, corner of Queens Road and Sam Hancock Street. Hillbrow. Johannesburg. City Council of Johannesburg, c/o Clerk of the Couficil's Department, Claims Branch. P.O. Box 1049. Johannesburg. KEKANE, J. P. Claim MAF13-0564, Nduli. 18/3/71, Umlazi New Township, A Section. King Edward VIII Hospital. Standard General Insurance Co., P.O. Box 4352, Durban. HUYGEN, Anna Maria Cornelia. Eis MVA2/B129. 12/41 72, Langstraat, Mamagalieskraal, Brits. H. F. Verwoerdhospitaal, Pretoria. Rondalia Versekeringskorporasie van S.A. Bpk.. Visagiestraat 174, Pretoria. NEL. Miss 2. M. Claim 2/6/30286 H/O, M. Michalik. 8/41 72, Een Schoeman Highway. 20 km from Pretoria. Magnolia Clinic. Pretoria. A.A. Mutual Insurance Assoc. Ltd, P.O. Box 9595, Johannesburg. DUMA, David. Claim l /l/ 1719. 31/10/70, Phomolong Station Bridge. Baragwanath Hospital. Union and National Jnsurance Co. Ltd, J.B.S. Buildings, Cornmissloner Street, Johannesburg. FINGER, Monyane Anna. Claim MVA4-00516. 31/8/73, Andries Pretorius Street. Bloemfontein. Pelonomi Hospital. S.A. Mutual Fire and General Jnsurance Company - - Ltd, P.O. Box 1120, Johannesburg. GREYLING, Gerrit Willem. Claim MVA3-01804. 11/12/72, Brits-Pretoria Road. H. F. Veraoerd Hosoital. S.A. Mutual Fire and General Jnsurance Company Ltd, P.o. Box 1120, Johannesburg. JACOBS, Aaron (Butch). Claim MVA2-00939. 17111171, Umhlatuzana Road. Clairwood, Durban. Shifa Hospital. Durban. S.A. Mutual Fire and General Insurance Company Ltd, P.O. Box 1120. Johannesburg. LANDMAN, John Christoffel. Claim MVA3-02028. 231121 72, Coega-Uitenhage Road. Uitenhage Hospital. S.A. Mutual Fire and General Insurance Company Ud, P.O. Box 1120, Johannesburg. VAN STADEN. Jgnatius Wilhelm. ~ l a MVA4-00380. h 3/71 73, National Road, George-Knysna. Cape. Oudtshoorn Hospital. S.A. Mutual Fire and General Insurance Company Ltd, P.O. Box 1120, Johannesburg. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 1974 No. 4237 125 KAULA, Andreas. Claim MVA3-02119. 29111172, Musgrave Road, Durban. King Edward VIII Hospital, Congella, Durban. S.A. Mutual Fire and General Insurance Companv - - Ltd, P.O. Box 1120, Johannesburg. VAN TONDER, Daniel Rudolph Petrus, and Hester Johanna Petronella van Tonder. Claim MVA3-02049. 1617172. national road from Brakpan to Alberton. Far East Rand Hospital. S.A. Mutual Fire and General Jnsurance Company Ltd, P.O. Box 1120. Johannesburg. NGQAKAYI,,Mahlubandile. Claim MVA2-02087. 8/12/71, Libode-Umtata Road. Sir Henry Elliot Hospital, Umtata. SA. Mutual Fire and General Jnsurance Company Ltd. P.O. Box 1120, Johannesburg. KOBOEKAE. Job. Claim MVA2-02081. 4/9/71, Wolmarans Street. Klerksdorp. Provincial Hospital. Klerksdorp. S.A. Mutual Fire and General Insurance Company Ltd. P.O. Box 1120. Johannesburg.. MUALAZI,-J~&SO~. Claim MVA2-01292. 8/1/72, Lynnwood Road, Pretoria. H. F. Verwoerd Hospital. Pretoria. S.A. Mutual - - Fire and General Insdrance Companv Ltd. P.O. Box 1120. Johannesburg. MTHT'MUNYE. Solomon. Claim MVA3/1227. 9/3/73. Main Road. Sandown. The Marine and Trade Insurance Company Ltd. IIarmain House. corner of Harrison and Main Streets, Johannesburg. NDCBELE. Johannes. CIzirn MVA3-0135O(B). 6 / 12/72, Alexandra Road, Lombardy East, Johannesburg. Baragwanath Hospital. SA. Mutual Fire and General Insurance Company Ltd, P.O. Box 1120. Johannesburg. MPETA, General. Claim 9/6/71023, A. Maila 1/11168. 18th Avenue. Alexandra Township. Johannesburg. Edenvale Ilospital. A.A. Mutual Insurance Association Lid, P.O. Box 9595, Johannesburg. J-OURENS, Magiel Casparus. Claim 210042. 9/ 11/71, m main road between Milnerton and Bothasig, Cape Town. Groote Sch~ur Hospital, Observatory, C.T. Protca Assurance Company Ltd, 40 Burg Street, Cape Town. MOKHELE, Adelaide. Claim MVA2/00622. 8/1/72. Modder Hill Road, Kempton Park, Tvl. Netherlands Jnsurance Compaby of South Africa Ltd, Netherlands Insurance Centre, Eloff Street North, between Smit and Wolmarans Streets, Braamfontein, Johannesburg. JOHNSON, ". R. Claim MVA5168/12. 1 / 1/72, National Road, Strand. Groote Schuur Hospital. Commercial Union Assurance Company of South Africa Ltd, P.O. Box 72, Cape Town. DYSON. John. Claim MVA5194123 6/1/73. 10th Avenue, Retreat. Victoria Hospital. Wynberg. Commercial Union Assurance Company of South Africa Ltd, P.O. Box 72, Cape Town. VAN DEK LINDE. Jellicoe Smuls Botha. Claim 5267112. 1/4/72, National Rbad, Rawsonville. Cape. Commercial Union Assurance of South Africa Ltd. P.O. Box 72, Cape Town. THOMPSON, Dorothy. Claim MVA5152/34. 26/9/73, Beaufort West. Commercial Union Assurance Company of South Africa Ltd, P.O. Box 72, Cape Town. DELE I, n, m, lv en V Deel een, twee, drie, vier en vyf van die Afrikaanse WMrdeboek bevattende die letters A;B,C; D,E,F; G; H,I; en J,K; respektiewelik, is van die Staatsdrukker, Pretoria en -Kaapstad teen die volgende pyse 'verkrygbaar: ' Gewone Limeband. Leerband. Deel I...P-.. R7,W R19,00 Ded PI....,.... R7,W DeelIII... R6,W Deel IV.......... R8,50 R11,W R 27,OO R2808 Decl V............ R11,40 R 19,05 cop& of the First, Second, mud, Fourth and Fifth Volumei,of "Die Afrikaanse Woordeboek" con'tainingthe letters A,B,C; D,E,F; G; H,I; and J,K; respectively, are obtainable from the Government ' Prirlter; Pretatia and Cape Town at the following prices: Linen. Bound. 'Leather Bound. Volume I... R7,W R19,00 Volume 11..... R7,W R1 1,50 Volume JH....., Volume IV,...... R8,50. R6,W R27,OO R28,OO Volume V........ ~11,40 R19,05