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L-10 ta Jannar, 2018 253 PROĊESS SĦIĦ Applikazzjonijiet għal Żvilupp Sħiħ Din hija lista sħiħa ta applikazzjonijiet li waslu għand l-awtorità tal-ippjanar. L-applikazzjonijiet huma mqassmin bil-lokalità. Rappreżentazzjonijiet fuq dawn l-applikazzjonijiet għandhom isiru bil-miktub u jintbagħtu fl-uffiċini tal-awtorità tal-ippjanar jew fl-indirizz elettroniku (representations@pa.org. mt) fil-perjodu ta żmien speċifikat hawn taħt, u għandu jiġi kkwotat in-numru ta referenza. Rappreżentazzjonijiet jistgħu jkunu sottomessi anonimament. Is-sottomissjonijiet kollha lill-awtorità tal-ippjanar, sottomessi fiż-żmien speċifikat, jiġu kkunsidrati u magħmula pubbliċi. L-avviżi li ġejjin qed jiġu ppubblikati skont Regolamenti 6(1), 11(1), 11(2)(a) u 11(3) tar-regolamenti dwar l-ippjanar tal-iżvilupp, 2016 (Proċedura ta Applikazzjonijiet u d-deċiżjoni Relattiva) (A.L.162 tal-2016). Rappreżentazzjonijiet fuq l-applikazzjonijiet li ġejjin għandhom isiru sad-09 ta Frar, 2018. Wieħed jista jara online dettalji u pjanti ta dawn l-applikazzjonijiet fuq (www.mepa.gov.mt) (għal min juża l-eid) u fl-uffiċini tal-awtorità tal-ippjanar fil-furjana jew Triq Sir Luigi Camilleri, Ir-Rabat (Għawdex). *Applikazzjonijiet b tipa grassa/korsiva huma għal Site Notices li jinħarġu mill-ġdid. FULL PROCESS Full Development Applications This is a list of complete applications received by the Planning Authority. The applications are set out by locality. Any representations on these applications should be sent in writing and received at the Planning Authority offices or through e-mail address (representations@pa.org.mt) within the period specified below, quoting the reference number. Representations may also be submitted anonymously. All submissions to the Planning Authority, submitted within the specified period, will be taken into consideration and will be made public. The following notices are being published in accordance with Regulations 6(1), 11(1), 11(2)(a), and 11(3) of the Development Planning (Procedure for Applications and their Determination) Regulations, 2016 (L.N.162 of 2016). Any representations on the following applications should be made by the 09th February, 2018. Details and drawings of these applications can be viewed online at (www.mepa.gov.mt) (to eid users) and at the offices of the Planning Authority in Floriana or Triq Sir Luigi Camilleri, Victoria (Gozo). *Applications typed in bold/italics are for re-issued Site Notices. BELT VALLETTA PA/08895/17 To sanction internal alterations - shifting of walls and change of materials in facade. Emmanuel Scicluna - Deputy Manager officer, Binja Laparelli (Formerly known as ex-police Social Club), St James Counterguard, St James Bastion, Belt Valletta, Malta BIRKIRKARA PA/10609/17 Change of use from Approved Class 4A office as in PA 4148/10, to apartment, including internal alterations, shifting of walls and external alterations to openings. Anthony Busuttil, No. 7, Triq il-ferrovija L-Qadima c/w, Triq PP Castagna, Birkirkara, Malta GĦASRI PA/10639/17 To sanction extension of water reservoir approved in DN 92/08, proposed pump room and reinstatement of rubble walls and ramp. Daniel Cachia, Lands k/a Ta Gerita, Triq Wied il-ghasri, Ghasri, Gozo KALKARA PA/10901/17 Internal alterations including extension at back of property and roof level, and restoration to facade. Sarah Galea, 14, Triq ir-rinella, Kalkara, Malta

254 Gazzetta tal-gvern ta Malta 19,933 KERĊEM PA/10902/17 Biex tinbena karma ghall-skop agrikolu u ghall-pompi, 2. Biex tinbena giebja ghall-hazna ta l-ilma tax-xita, 3. Biex tinbena stalla u kamra ghat-trobbija tan-nghag. Michael Fava, Fil-Kuntrada tal-hawli, Sqaq il-wardija, Il-Hawli, Kercem, Gozo MARSASKALA PA/10572/17 Conversion of existing wine bar and bottega to Class 4D restaurant and Class 4C wine bar. Application includes change of use from existing residence to apart-hotel at upper floors, and alterations and additions to the existing building. Eric Abela, No. 2/No. 3, Pjazza Dun Tarcis Agius, Marsascala, Malta MĠARR PA/10605/17 PA/10633/17 Construction of basement garage with 5 overlying residential units. Maverick Fenech, Site at, Triq il-fuhhar l-ahmar, Mgarr, Malta Alterations to existing terraced house including construction of recessed space at roof level and dismantling of existing washroom Francis Vella, No. 222, Triq iz-zebbiegh, Mgarr, Malta MOSTA PA/10765/17 Construction of water reservoir. Saviour Bonnici, Ghalqa Durumblat, Triq Duramblat, Mosta, Malta MSIDA PA/09291/17 To demolish existing terraced house, and erect 12 one bedroom apartments, plus 2 one bedroom penthouses. Louis Borg, 40, 42, Triq Ta Bieb It-Torri, Msida, Malta PA/10761/17 To construct full additional floor and receded floor above approved PA 3014/17 Curt Gauci, (Airspace) Jona Flats, Triq Testaferrata c/w, Triq D Argens, Msida, Malta NAXXAR PA/09387/17 PA/10610/17 Removal of soil for archaeological investigation John Mary Micallef, Site at, Triq Seneskalk, San Pawl tat-targa, Naxxar, Malta Internal and external alterations to existing flatted dwellings, (including; further excavation at semi-basement level, formation of common entrance at semi-basement level, creation of central, vertical circulation, demolition and construction of internal wall sand rearrangement of front garden entrance area); addition of washroom and splash pool at roof level and allocation of solar panels to proposed topmost roof level. Alexia Busuttil obo Sealex Holdings Co Ltd., La Playa and Liliana, Triq il-wirt Naturali, Naxxar, Malta RABAT PA/09511/17 To sanction dwelling as-built Michael Charles Barbara, Florida, 50, Triq Tat-Tabija, Rabat, Malta RABAT (GOZO) PA/10601/17 To amend development approved in PA 1431/17; changes consist of change of use of two flats and garage into three (3) offices class 4A; having separate access; alterations to facade and other minor internal alterations. Francesco Grima, City Code, Triq Il-Belliegha c/w, Triq Francesco Masini, Rabat (Gozo), Gozo

L-10 ta Jannar, 2018 255 San Ġwann PA/10613/17 Amended application to PA 7737/06. Proposed two levels basement garages, 2 Class 4A Offices and 72 overlying apartments Mr. David Camilleri obo Dalco Ltd, Fedele, Esmeralda, Block H, Triq Bella Vista, San Gwann, Malta SIĠĠIEWI PA/09048/17 Internal alteration including partial demolition of internal walls, demolition of ground floor spiral staircase, demolition of external staircase inside internal yard and construction of covered passageway in same location over ground floor and over first floor. Construction of parapet wall over service roof. Paul Attard, 104, Triq San Gakbu, Siggiewi, Malta SLIEMA PA/10658/17 Demolition of existing washroom. Construction of a full floor on third level and a penthouse floor. John Cassar, No 9, Triq San Pietru, Sliema, Malta TARXIEN PA/08348/17 Proposed construction of 3 garages at ground floor level, 2 units each at first, second, third & fourth floor levels, and 1 unit at receded floor level. B&B Property development company limited Attn: Adrian Balzan, Site at, Triq Dun Karm Sant c/w, Triq Biagio Galea, Tarxien, Malta ŻABBAR PA/10894/17 Sanctioning of amendments to PA 5627/08 (Terrace House) Duncan Attard, 41, Triq il-kappuccini, Zabbar, Malta ŻEJTUN PA/10098/17 Erection of Billboard Rosette Thake, Site at, (Billboards), Triq Tal-Barrani, Ghaxaq, Malta ŻURRIEQ PA/10583/17 PA/10584/17 PA/11113/17 To sanction alterations, additions & signage to approved snack bar (Class 4D) & take-away shop PA/5894/02 Dennis Briffa, 32, Vjal il-blue Grotto, Zurrieq, Malta Proposed change of residential garage at semi-basement level to public service garage. Anthony Abela, 20, Triq Goswalda Calleja, Bubaqra, Zurrieq, Malta Proposed demolition of existing deteriorated pre-67 building & excavation of basement, construction of single dwelling unit with garage. Mario Agius, 5 & 7, Triq San Gorg, Zurrieq, Malta Rappreżentazzjonijiet fuq l-applikazzjonijiet li ġejjin għandhom isiru sas-17 ta Jannar, 2018. Any representations on the following applications should be made by the 17th January, 2018. Msida PA/00036/18 Il-Gardina New Serenity Garden at Sir Anthony Mamo Oncology Centre Ivan Falzon, Mater Dei Hospital, Sir Anthony Mamo Oncology Centre, Block V Level 9, Triq San Giljan/Triq Sir Anthony Mamo/, Triq Dun Karm, Msida, Malta

256 Gazzetta tal-gvern ta Malta 19,933 PROĊESS SOMMARJU Applikazzjonijiet għal Żvilupp Sħiħ L-avviżi li ġejjin qed jiġu ppubblikati skont Regolamenti 6(1), 11(1), 11(2)(b) u 11(3) tar-regolamenti dwar l-ippjanar tal-iżvilupp, 2016 (Proċedura ta Applikazzjonijiet u d-deċiżjoni Relattiva) (A.L.162 tal-2016). Rappreżentazzjonijiet fuq l-applikazzjonijiet li ġejjin għandhom isiru sal-25 ta Jannar, 2018. Wieħed jista jara online dettalji u pjanti ta dawn l-applikazzjonijiet fuq (www.mepa.gov.mt) (għal min juża l-eid) u fl-uffiċini tal-awtorità tal-ippjanar fil-furjana jew Triq Sir Luigi Camilleri, Ir-Rabat (Għawdex). SUMMARY PROCESS Full Development Applications The following notices are being published in accordance with Regulations 6(1), 11(1), 11(2)(b), and 11(3) of the Development Planning (Procedure for Applications and their Determination) Regulations, 2016 (L.N.162 of 2016). Any representations on the following applications should be made by the 25th January, 2018. Details and drawings of these applications can be viewed online at (www.mepa.gov.mt) (to eid users) and at the offices of the Planning Authority in Floriana or Triq Sir Luigi Camilleri, Victoria (Gozo). ATTARD PA/10570/17 PA/10606/17 Addition of fence over existing front garden wall, and structure at the back of side garden. Calum Joseph Muscat, Apple Orchard, Maisonette 2D, Triq L-Imdina &, Triq il-qarsajja, Attard, Malta To sanction alterations to PAPB 4445/66, including garage, pool and minor modifications to existing extension Antoinette Coppola, 10, St Albans, Triq il-gonna, Attard, Malta FGURA PA/10878/17 To sanction property as built; including store at the backyard at ground floor level, layout configuration at ground and first floor level, and roof structures including washroom at roof level. Paul D Amato, 70, Casa D Amato, Triq il-velleran, Fgura, Malta IKLIN PA/10547/17 Renewal of PA 2032/13 - Construction of two semi detached bungalows Keith Attard Portughes, Site at, N/S accessible from, Triq it-timu, Iklin, Malta KIRKOP PA/10757/17 Internal and external alterations to existing dwelling unit including the widening of door on façade and modification of existing window. Proposal also includes the construction of an additional room at ground floor. Simon Debono, 4, Triq Santu Rokku, Kirkop, Malta MARSASKALA PA/09780/17 To sanction the opening up of bedroom wall to form part of kitchen/living dining, closing off of part of the bedroom to form a box room as well as opening up a door to the terrace and closing off of door in favour of a window. Ms. Rita Cousins, Re Dun, Triq il-kavetti, Marsascala, Malta PEMBROKE PA/00046/18 To demolish existing washroom and construct additional residential units at second and third floor plus overlying penthouse including other additions and alterations. Oliver Zammit, 1, Reverie, Triq Camillo Sceberras c/w, Triq Madre Margherita Debrincat, Pembroke, Malta

L-10 ta Jannar, 2018 257 QORMI PA/10608/17 To sanction ground floor garage as built Anna Sultana, 20, Tony Garage, Triq L-Gharghar 1979, Qormi, Malta SAN ĠWANN PA/10568/17 Proposed internal and external alterations to approved PA/05866/16, including the extension of existing stairwell and lift, and the construction of washroom at roof level. Josanne Attard, 5, L-Ankra, Triq il-gibjun, San Gwann, Malta SENGLEA (ISLA) PA/10892/17 Alteration to facade - changing of existing door to a window. Mr. Owen Falzon obo San Filippu Pharma Ltd., 168-170, Triq il-vitorja, Senglea (Isla), Malta SLIEMA PA/10607/17 Sanctioning of stairwell and lift at roof level, including proposed removal of part parapeth wall over site covered by PA 4068/90. D Condominium Ltd. Attn: Franco Gové, Caledonia Towers, Ix-Xatt ta Qui Si Sana, Triq il-ponta Ta Dragut c/w, Triq Mac Iver, Sliema, Malta XEWKIJA PA/10636/17 Proposed 140m 3 underground agricultural reservoir, small overlying pump room, installation of restored wind-driven pump & irrigation tank, and restoration of deteriorated rubble walls. Joseph Spiteri, Site at, Triq Tal-Lewz, Xewkija, Gozo

258 Gazzetta tal-gvern ta Malta 19,933 Applikazzjonijiet ta Regolarizzazzjoni Regularisation Applications L-Awtorità tal-ippjanar tgħarraf lill-pubbliku ġenerali illi rċeviet l-applikazzjonijiet ta regolarizzazzjoni li ġejjin. L-Awtorità tilqa kummenti bil-miktub mill-pubbliku ġenerali fl-uffiċini tal-awtorità tal-ippjanar jew fl-indirizz elettroniku (rgcomments@pa.org.mt) mibgħuta sad-09 ta Frar, 2018. Għandu jiġi kkwotat in-numru ta referenza. The Planning Authority notifies the general public that it has received the following regularisation applications. The Authority will accept written comments from the general public at the Planning Authority offices or through e-mail address (rgcomments@pa.org.mt) sent by 09th February, 2018. The reference number should always be quoted. BIRŻEBBUGIA RG/04527/17 To regularise existing maisonette Ronnie Galea, 180, Cynthclaire, Triq San Filippu, Birzebbugia, Malta MARSASKALA RG/04240/17 RG/04243/17 To regularise apartments as built, internal height,internal yard and backyard. Carmel Camilleri, Flat 6, Marclau Flats, Triq il-munxar, Marsascala, Malta To regularise apartment as built. Carmel Camilleri, Flat 3, Marclau Flats, Triq il-munxar, Marsascala, Malta RABAT RG/04228/17 Original permit found was does not cover building as built. Garage seems larger than it is actually, thus property is not covered by a permit. Ivan Sammut, 12, Triq il-hobbejza, Rabat, Malta SAN PAWL IL-BAĦAR RG/04023/17 To regularise existing flat as built including facade specifically backyard and internal yard Mr Leo Grech O.b.o. A.i.l. Ltd., Flat 8, Bayline, Triq San Gelardu, San Pawl il-bahar, Malta RG/04024/17 To regularise existing penthouse as built including facade specifically encroachment of front terrace, backyard, internal yard as well as, internal height Mr Leo Grech O.b.o. A.i.l. Ltd., Flat 9, Bayline, Triq San Gelardu, San Pawl il-bahar, Malta RG/04192/17 This application involves the regularisation of an existing garage for private car and is situated in an existing block of flats and garages. The construction of this garage was not included in the original application and so it requires full regularisation. Joseph Magro, Garage no. 5, Millenium Court, Triq il-hgejjeg, Bugibba San Pawl il-bahar, Malta SLIEMA RG/04103/17 To regularise residential unit as built Perit Alan Galea, 13/14, The Elms, Triq Gorg Borg Olivier, Sliema, Malta ŻEBBUĠ (GOZO) RG/03499/17 To regularise existing second floor Flat 6 Mr Raymond Formosa Rose Formosa, Flat 6, Dreamtime, Triq il-lifurna, Marsalforn Zebbug (Gozo), Gozo RG/04211/17 To regularise dwelling as built Emanuel Zammit, 29, Triq il-mungbell, Marsalforn Zebbug (Gozo), Gozo

L-10 ta Jannar, 2018 259 Lista ta Deċiżjonijiet għal Applikazzjonijiet għall-permess ta Żvilupp Din hija lista ta applikazzjonijiet fejn nħarġet notifika ta deċiżjoni mill-awtorità tal-ippjanar. L-applikazzjonijiet huma mqassmin bil-lokalità. Fejn applikabbli, appelli minn dawn id-deċiżjonijiet għandhom jiġu sottomessi lit-tribunal ta Reviżjoni tal-ambjent u l-ippjanar skont Artiklu 13 tal- Att dwar it-tribunal ta Reviżjoni tal-ambjent u l-ippjanar, tal-2016 sa 30 ġurnata mid-data ta dan l-avviż. Kull rikonsiderazzjoni fuq kundizzjonijiet, fejn applikabbli, għandha tiġi sottomessa lill-awtorità tal-ippjanar skont Regolament 14 tar-regolamenti dwar l-ippjanar tal-iżvilupp (Proċedura ta Applikazzjonijiet u d-deċiżjoni Relattiva), 2016 sa 30 ġurnata mid-data ta dan l-avviż. L-avviżi li ġejjin qed jiġu ppubblikati skont Regolamenti 6(6) u 18(6) tar-regolamenti dwar l-ippjanar tal-iżvilupp, 2016 (Proċedura ta Applikazzjonijiet u d-deċiżjoni Relattiva) (A.L.162 tal-2016). Wieħed jista jara online id-deċiżjoni flimkien maddokumentazzjoni relatata fuq (www.mepa.gov.mt) (għal min juża l-eid) u fl-uffiċċji tal-awtorità tal-ippjanar fil- Furjana jew Triq Sir Luigi Camilleri, ir-rabat (Għawdex). GTD - Granted; REF - Refused; UPH - Upheld; DIS - Dismissed; MO77 - Modified as per Article 77; RV77 - Revoked as per Article 77; AMD - Conditions or Reasons amended at appeal; ABD - Appeal against Bank Guarantee dismissed; RVK - Revoked; CDIS - Reconsideration of Condition Dismissed; STI - Dismissed - Non Compliance to Requirements; CUPH - Reconsideration of Condition Upheld; DSM - Dismissed following non compliance with post decision requirements List of Decision Notifications for Development Permission Applications This is a list of applications where a decision notification has been issued by the Planning Authority. The applications are set out by locality. Where applicable, any appeal on these decisions should be submitted to the Environment and Planning Review Tribunal as per Article 13 of the Environment and Planning Review Tribunal Act, 2016 within 30 days from the date of this notice. Any reconsideration on conditions, where applicable, should be submitted to the Planning Authority as per Regulation 14 of the Development Planning (Procedure for Applications and their Determination) Regulations, 2016 within 30 days from the date of this notice. The following notices are being published in accordance with Regulations 6(6) and 18(6) of the Development Planning (Procedure for Applications and their Determination) Regulations, 2016 (L.N.162 of 2016). The decision notice and supporting documentation may be viewed online at (www.mepa.gov.mt) (to eid users)and at the offices of the Planning Authority in Floriana or Triq Sir Luigi Camilleri, Victoria (Gozo). GTD - Granted; REF - Refused; UPH - Upheld; DIS - Dismissed; MO77 - Modified as per Article 77; RV77 - Revoked as per Article 77; AMD - Conditions or Reasons amended at appeal; ABD - Appeal against Bank Guarantee dismissed; RVK - Revoked; CDIS - Reconsideration of Condition Dismissed; STI - Dismissed - Non Compliance to Requirements; CUPH - Reconsideration of Condition Upheld; DSM - Dismissed following non compliance with post decision requirements ATTARD PA/01200/17 REF To sanction animal enclosures. Mr. Jimmy Fsadni, Site at, Triq Dun Mikiel Xerri, Attard, Malta PA/02087/17 GTD Proposal entails the demolition of an existing garage, and the construction of a new garage and domestic store at a lower level. This application also includes the sanctioning and proposal of minor internal and external alterations. Ms Nadia Carabott, 54, Villa Mabruka, Triq Il-Muskatell, Attard, Malta PA/04302/17 GTD Demolition of existing 2 garages and construction of 3 garages, 1 maisonette, 3 apartments and one receded floor (penthouse), including an extension at the back of the receded floor level and an extension of a bathroom over approved receded apartment and over site partly covered by PA 4239/16. Raygine Developers Ltd Attn: Raymond Briffa, The Vines, 3/7, Triq il-mosta, 7, 8, 9, 10 and Manly in, Triq A Caruana Gatto, Attard, Malta PA/06160/17 GTD Alterations and additions to house and construction of pool Mr Martin Camilleri, Fairlane, 209, Triq Il-Linja, Attard, Malta

260 Gazzetta tal-gvern ta Malta 19,933 ATTARD PA/06295/17 GTD Proposed construction of pool in backyard. Mr. Franco Muscat, 7, Sqaq Nru. 4, Triq Hal Qormi, Attard, Malta PA/06593/17 GTD Proposed canopy with retractable canvas over approved tables and chairs by PA 1650/15 and proposed signs. Mr. Pierre Cachia, La Siciliana, Triq L-Imdina, Attard, Malta PA/06805/17 GTD To demolish existing structures on site and construct terraced house Mr. Nazzareno (sive Reno) Saliba, No.8, Triq in-nutar Zarb c/w, Triq Zebbug, Attard, Malta PA/08154/17 GTD Shifting of internal walls and opening of façade to create garage, and extending kitchen into surrounding circulation space. Mr. Carmel Borg, Block A2, Flat 1, Wesghat il-plajja off, Triq L-Isptar, Attard, Malta PA/08329/17 GTD To sanction changes to basement, internal layout at ground first and roof level and façade of terraced house from those approved in PB 1289/70 Mr. Anthony Grima, 127, Astrid, Triq Hal Warda c/w, Triq Tumas Chetcuti, Attard, Malta PA/08563/17 GTD To sanction changes to footprint of site as at PA5265/04, to sanction minor internal and external alterations and propose the installation of platform at ground floor level over part of backyard Mariella Marinkovic, 70, Mamo Court, 5, Triq il-kappella tal-mirakli, Attard, Malta PA/08861/17 GTD Minor internal alterations and minor alterations to the facade. Set back of the wall to the back yard to enlarge the back yard, demolition of internal wall in kitchen/dining/sitting to create open plan, enlarging the internal shaft at ground floor, opening/closing of internal doors, construction of 1m high parapet wall on washroom (for services), change of use from study to bedroom at first floor, removal of bronze aluminium gate on facade and replacement of all bronze apertures on facade with white PVC, widening of window on facade at first floor, lowering the slab level of the main entrance and replacing the front door. Mr. Charlton Aquilina, 23, Mulberry, Triq Il-Palm, Attard, Malta PA/08991/17 GTD Minor internal works at ground floor, to open walls and to open door onto side terrace. Anna Diehl, 4, Triq Il-Midra, Attard, Malta PA/09209/17 GTD Minor alterations to two of the facades and new internal layout at ground floor level only to create an open plan design for a combined kitchen/dining/living area. Mr Antoine Galea Salomone, 17, Triq Il-Konti R Barbaro, Attard, Malta PA/09218/17 GTD To sanction slight variations from approved PB/4103/87 Mr. Vince Curmi, 27, Glorvin, Triq Il-Kappar, Attard, Malta BALZAN PA/00200/17 GTD To sanction layout of maisonette and extension to same. Mr. Charles Ciantar, 4, Triq San Rokku, Balzan, Malta PA/06549/17 GTD Minor internal and external alterations and sanctioning to an existing dwelling covered by previous permit PB/04184/87. Proposal also includes the demolition of a structure at the rear and a horizontal extension to an existing roof structure. Mr John Schembri, 5, Bukuria, Triq Dun Spiru Sammut, Balzan, Malta PA/06600/17 GTD Demolition of existing terraced house and construction of 8 garages, maisonette, 6 apartments and setback floor Mr. Daniel Tonna obo Towzone, 202, Triq Il-Ferrovija L-Qadima, Balzan, Malta PA/09171/17 GTD Proposed facade restoration and replacement of apertures at ground floor Ms Janella Camilleri, 17, Triq Idmejda, Balzan, Malta BELT VALLETTA PA/05207/16 UPH Replacement of dangerous beams, staircase and deteriorated external timber closed balcony, and cleaning of facade. Ms Nadine Cuschieri Grech, 123, Triq Ir-Repubblika, Belt Valletta, Malta

L-10 ta Jannar, 2018 261 BELT VALLETTA PA/07408/17 GTD To sanction Pastizzeria and retractable canopy. Mr James Zammit, 57, Triq Il-Merkanti, Belt Valletta, Malta PA/08292/17 GTD Change of use of vacant premises to a Class 4B outlet [Massage Parlour]. Mr. Alfred Attard, 142, Triq L-Arcisqof, Belt Valletta, Malta PA/09695/17 GTD To sanction minor internal and external alterations to approved Boutique Hotel. 66 St. Paul s Ltd Attn: Pietro Vernacchia, 66, Triq San Pawl, Belt Valletta, Malta BIRKIRKARA PA/03169/17 GTD To demolish existing tyre garage and construct semi-basement Class 5A tyre service garage including advertisement sign with underlying basement store and overlying three apartments and penthouse. Mr. Salmenio Buhagiar, 203, Triq San Giljan, Birkirkara, Malta PA/03340/17 GTD Demolition of existing terraced house and construction of a semi-basement garages at ground floor, three floors and penthouse. Mr. Ray Mifsud, Jahweh, 48, Triq K.Galea c/w, Triq F Zahra, Birkirkara, Malta PA/03861/17 REF Change of use from General Industry Class VB (as per PA 1193/94) to Class IVB retail with ancillary storage/offices at ground floor and to erect an exhibition centre (which might include Classic Motors) at first, second and receded third and fourth floor with internal and external alterations. Mr. Mark Sammut, Gloriosa, 55, Triq Borg, Birkirkara, Malta PA/05341/17 GTD Proposed additions and alterations to existing town house Mr. Chris Xerri, 80, Triq Vittorio Cassar, Birkirkara, Malta PA/05490/17 GTD Proposed alterations to existing 2 units and proposed additional 2 units on second floor and third floor level. This application also includes demolition of existing walls and part of roof Mr. David Grech, 39, 37, Triq San Lawrenz c/w, Triq Dun Xand Cortis, Birkirkara, Malta PA/06422/17 GTD Demolition of existing first floor maisonette and construction of 3 apartments. Mr. Alan Scerri, 153, Triq FS Caruana, Birkirkara, Malta PA/06638/17 REF Replacement of timber balcony in timber-like aluminium Ms Doreen Saliba, 93, Grazzi Mulej, Triq Tal-Herba, Birkirkara, Malta PA/06775/17 GTD Sanctioning of size of internal yard at 2nd floor level. Mr. Pasquale Cilia, 28 Flt/2, Jean Franco, Triq Dun Karm, Birkirkara, Malta PA/06903/17 GTD To sanction extension of approved PA/00680/08 with adjacent property, including sanctioning of signage. Mr Joseph Borg, 135, Rihanna, Triq FS Caruana, Birkirkara, Malta PA/08659/17 GTD Alterations to existing garage consisting of replacing a dangerous slab, removal of toilet and stairs, and roofing back yard. Mr. Aldo Pace, 84, Triq L-Isqof Labini, Birkirkara, Malta PA/08705/17 GTD Demolition of existing terraced house and construction of 3 garages at basement level, 5 apartments and 2 duplex penthouses. Mohib Abouzidan, 118, Thanks God, Triq l-akwedott, Birkirkara, Malta PA/08889/17 GTD Renewal of PA1764/12 - Proposed penthouse at roof level Mr Charles Schembri, Regent Place, Triq Tumas Fenech c/w, Triq Il-Venerabbli Nazju Falzon, Birkirkara, Malta PA/08919/17 GTD Change of use from Class 4B to a residential unit, including minor internal alterations Ms. Laura Calleja, No. 47, Triq Guzeppi Xuereb Ix-Xudi, Birkirkara, Malta PA/09123/17 GTD Extension to existing Class 4A Office at 2nd floor, including alterations on façade and installation of signage. Diana Camilleri, 45, Triq F.S.Caruana c/w, Triq Il-Fuhharin, Birkirkara, Malta

262 Gazzetta tal-gvern ta Malta 19,933 BIRKIRKARA PA/09317/17 GTD Restoration of Facade as per Irrestawra Darek Scheme application HPU 307/17 including the replacement of the apertures to timber Mr. Jurgen Gatt, No. 82, Triq il-kbira Has-Sajjied, Birkirkara, Malta BIRŻEBBUĠA PA/03240/15 GTD To sanction extension to existing baling plant, to include additional area for scrap mounds (in view of height limitation imposed on mounds), shifting of baling machine and relocation of HGVs parking to accommodate better circulation. Proposal includes also removal of fuel pump approved in PA 2453/10. Damian Whitehead, HHF 601 and 602, Hal Far, Qasam Industrijali, Birzebbugia, Malta PA/03733/17 GTD To propose change of use from existing machinery display area to equestrian retail outlet and to construct canopy and affix sign to facade. Mr. Mario Farrugia, 1, Triq Hal Far, Hal Far, Birzebbugia, Malta PA/04881/17 GTD Correction of site, to sanction works over PA/6669/01 and extend Class 4B shop. Ms. Marco Grixti, Shangrila, Misrah Is-Summit, Birzebbugia, Malta PA/04974/17 GTD To sanction as built reservoir and agricultural store to reduced size as approved PA01279/01. Mr. Mario Camilleri, Site at, Ta Salvun, Birzebbugia, Malta PA/05825/17 GTD To sanction internal and external differences from approved PB3592/86/1516/86 including shifting, additions and removal of walls, doors and windows. Application includes correction of site. Ms Doris Borg, 29, Triq Il-Hajja Ewlenija, Birzebbugia, Malta PA/05831/17 GTD Raising of party wall due to privacy issues Ms. Lourdes Aquilina, 75, Triq Id-Duluri, Birzebbugia, Malta PA/06412/17 GTD To construct 9 garages at basement level, 2 maisonettes at ground floor level, 9 apartments at first, second and third floor levels and 2 apartments at receded floor level. Application includes excavation. Mr. Paul Farrugia, Site at, Triq Dun Gorg Zammit c/w, Sqaq Il-Gurgier, Birzebbugia, Malta PA/06895/17 GTD To demolish existing garage and construct terraced house Mr. Carmel Zammit, 118, Triq San Filippu, Birzebbugia, Malta PA/07481/17 GTD Change of use from garage for private cars to public service garage (3 vehicles). Mr Silvio Attard, 101, Triq FM Ferretti, Birzebbugia, Malta PA/08394/17 REF Sanctioning residence as built including additional construction of bathroom at second floor level. Sanctioning to include additional ancillary store to approved ground floor class 4B shop and proposed fascia sign. Oman Brincat, 34, Triq San Frangisk Saverju c/w, Triq San Filippu, Birzebbugia, Malta PA/08708/17 GTD Demolition of existing dwelling and construct new house, consisting of a garage at ground floor, interconnected residence on 1st and 2nd floor level and a washroom on 3rd floor. Charles Camilleri, 15, Triq Il-Brolli, Birzebbugia, Malta PA/08916/17 GTD Internal alterations at ground and basement level including the following: at ground floor - removal of back staircase and replacing it with a spiral staircase, removal of archways in kitchen and hallway, replacing kitchen and part of hallway with 2 bedrooms and shifting kitchen/living in sitting room. At basement level - increasing internal height of part of garage to 2.6m, changing part of garage into a living room/entertainment area together with inclusion of pool in backyard. Ms. Oriana Calleja, 90, Premier House, Triq Il-Kartaginizi, Birzebbugia, Malta PA/09346/17 GTD To sanction variations from approved PA00198/15 at ground and first floor levels, convert approved penthouse into a full floor at third floor and construct overlying setback level to form a duplex unit. Proposal includes construction of lift-shaft plus other additions and alterations due to correction of site configuration. John Debattista, 56, Triq Santa Katarina, Birzebbugia, Malta

L-10 ta Jannar, 2018 263 BIRŻEBBUĠA PA/09666/17 GTD To sanction dimensions of garage. Dr. Owen Bonnici, Garage (St.George s Court), Triq Santa Marija, Birzebbugia, Malta COSPICUA (BORMLA) PA/00734/17 GTD To increase basement level for Class 4D kitchen, creation of Class 4D at ground floor level, apartments at first, second and third, extension at penthouse level and to construct minor internal and external alterations. Mr. Eike Michael Foerg, 123, 124, 125, Triq San Pawl, Cospicua (Bormla), Malta PA/06286/17 GTD Proposed additions to existing washroom at receded third floor level. Mr. Werner Wenk, 15 Flat 3, Triq San Pawl, Cospicua (Bormla), Malta PA/06682/17 GTD To extend property at first floor level and remove existing lightweight roofing on room at roof level and increase in height and replace with concrete roof. Ms. Romina Abela, 11, Triq L-Immakulata, Cospicua (Bormla), Malta PA/06758/17 GTD To extend roof structure approved in PA 3131/16 and minor internal alterations Mr. Joseph Attard, 25, Sqaq Srejdek, Cospicua (Bormla), Malta PA/07386/17 REF Proposed tables and chairs for Class 4A office Mr Douglas Salt, 38, Triq Santa Tereza, Cospicua (Bormla), Malta PA/09096/17 GTD Minor internal alterations and restoration of facade including balconies and fixtures according to Irrestawra Darek Grant Scheme Mr. Lorenzo De Ninno, 24, Triq Felic, Cospicua (Bormla), Malta PA/09167/17 GTD To sanction changes in internal layout of existing garage from approved permit PA4597/92. Mr John Spiteri, Garage 5 and 6, Triq Wigi Rosato/, Triq Il-Kuncizzjoni, Cospicua (Bormla), Malta DINGLI PA/03799/17 CUPH Part demolition and reconstruction of dwelling plus alterations Mr. Gino Borg, Site at, Ta Sabbat, Il-Buskett, Dingli, Malta PA/06524/17 GTD To demolish and to construct agricultural store with underlying basement and reservoir. Mr. Carmel Farrugia, Site at, Irdum Ta Gidem, Dingli, Malta PA/06710/17 GTD Amended Application to PA/04162/16, which includes internal and external alterations, construction of lift, proposed pool. Mr Alan Zahra, 31, Triq Il-Ghajn, Dingli, Malta PA/06876/17 REF Construction of stables and ancillary facilities. Proposal includes also the installation of PV panels and the sanctioning of a pump room Mr. Joe Cardona, Site at, Triq tal-kalkara, Ta Manduka, Dingli, Malta FGURA PA/06034/17 GTD Internal and external alterations, demolition of existing lift, construction of new lift, two floors and a penthouse Mr. David Dimech, Georann, 64, Triq Tal-Klerku, Fgura, Malta PA/06521/17 GTD Proposed ground floor garage, three apartments at first, second and third floor, and a receded floor at fourth floor. Mr. Philip Borg, Site at, Triq Il-Liedna, Fgura, Malta PA/07094/17 GTD Change of use from existing Store to Office (Class 4A) Including fixing of sign and external alterations. Mr. Luke Gregory, Site at, Triq Liedna c/w, Triq San Tumas, Fgura, Malta FLORIANA PA/09432/17 GTD To restore facade and interiors Mr Giovanni Battista Buttigieg, 46, Triq l-isqof Mauro Caruana, Floriana, Malta

264 Gazzetta tal-gvern ta Malta 19,933 FLORIANA PA/09601/17 GTD Proposed photovoltaic panels on existing roof and construction of two course parapet wall Mr Nikhil P. Patil, Malta Properties Co. Plc, Triq Emvin Cremona, Floriana, Malta FONTANA PA/05567/17 REF Proposed ventilation grids beneath pavement Mr. George Sacco, No. 2, Triq Il-Kappillan Guzepp Hili, Fontana, Gozo GĦAJNSIELEM PA/00083/17 REF Biex tinbena stalla ghaz-ziemel Mr. Charlie Borg, Site at, Triq Borg Gharib, Ghajnsielem, Gozo PA/03006/17 GTD To construct 2 houses with pool instead of the one approved in PA 4802/09 Daniel Said, Site at, Triq Manuel Pinto de Fonseca, Ghajnsielem, Gozo PA/07557/17 GTD Proposed stables including paddock area, cesspit and manure clump Mr Joseph Galea, Site at, Ic-Cens Tal-Gharus, Ghajnsielem, Gozo PA/08698/17 GTD Proposed internal alterations including an additional bedroom with en-suite and external alterations including opening on façade to create larger opening and replacement of railing to front garden Mr. Mario Cordina, 7, Sunset Court, Triq Ix-Xatt L-Ahmar, Ghajnsielem, Gozo PA/08792/17 GTD Proposed minor internal alterations and subdivision of second-floor apartment into two residential units. The alteration include shifting of walls to create an additional bedroom, and to change size and access to bedrooms and bathrooms Mr Jeffrey Farrugia, No. 37, Apartment No. 3, Triq Ghajnsielem, Ghajnsielem, Gozo PA/08917/17 GTD To roof over part of drive way. Mr Anthony Curmi, Queensland House, Triq Guzeppi Cali, Ghajnsielem, Gozo GĦARB PA/06339/17 GTD To construct underground agricultural reservoir and pump room Mr Pasquale Cassar, Site at, Triq It-Trux, Gharb, Gozo PA/06529/17 GTD To construct basement garages, two apartments at ground and first floor level and washrooms at roof level Mr. Mario Saliba, Plot 7, Triq Thomas Cassar, Gharb, Gozo PA/06639/17 GTD Proposed maisonette, four flats and underlying garages. Frans Cassar, Site at, Triq Albert W Ketelby, Gharb, Gozo GĦARGĦUR PA/03339/17 CUPH To sanction the dismantling of a dilapidated agricultural room, its re-construction (same footprint), sanctioning of re-constructed rubble wall, sanctioning of installed timber gate at entrance to the field and re-construction of another stretch of rubble wall. Mr Anthony k/a Twanny Borg, Site at, Triq Gharghur, Gharghur, Malta PA/04901/17 GTD To sanction variations from approved plans Mr. George Agius, Perla, Triq In-Naxxar, Gharghur, Malta PA/05313/17 GTD To carry out removal of existing soil, deposit construction waste and re instate soil in a disused quarry. Mr Dennis Baldacchino, Site at (Disused Quarry), Triq San Gwann, Gharghur, Malta PA/06109/17 GTD Proposed demolition of existing structure, excavation for basement levels and construction of 9 basement garages, 2 maisonettes at ground floor, 6 overlying apartments (1st-3rd floor) and 1 setback apartment at 4th floor level including construction of pool RSL LTD Attn: Wigi Micallef, St. Mary, Triq Dun Salvatore Zarb c/w, Triq Zaghruna, Gharghur, Malta

L-10 ta Jannar, 2018 265 GĦARGĦUR PA/06881/17 REF Proposed demolition of disused livestock farm (that ceased operation in 2003) and construction of dwelling Angelo Azzopardi, Site at, Triq Ghaxqet l-ghajn, Gharghur, Malta PA/09006/17 GTD Proposed minor internal alterations including removal of walls and reducing the internal height to 2.6m at ground floor level. Christian Gauci, Vanhel, 20, Triq Ix-Xwieki, Gharghur, Malta PA/09056/17 GTD To demolish existing dwelling and construct basement garage (having 4 parking spaces and access to a garage on the adjacent site covered by PA/2996/14), ground floor maisonette and four overlying residential units. VBS Properties Ltd Attn: Antoine Vella, 168, Triq San Gwann, Gharghur, Malta PA/09406/17 GTD To sanction internal alterations to penthouse (setback third floor) as approved in PA7247/05. Works include minor shifting of internal walls and addition in internal yard setback in line with sanitary regulations. Roberto Pullicino, Orchard Place, No.28, Flat 3 (Penthouse), Triq Dun Salvatore Zarb, Gharghur, Malta GĦAXAQ PA/00711/17 GTD To sanction amendments to plans approved with PA 6913/05 dated 22/8/2012, as amended on the 15th June 2015 and to include:- 1) Changes to WC layouts and front elevations to garages G1 to G4 at Ground level, addition of office in G23 and of staff room in G26 and - 2) Changes to internal layout and parking arrangement, the relocation of the substation and addition of a generator room and slight extension at front and back of site at basement level and 3) the relocation of the reservoirs including the addition of a water treatment separator for the road runoff - 3) Slight variances in roof levels and other minor internal alterations. Five Star Developments Ltd Attn: Mr Carmel Falzon, Site at, Triq Il-Belt Valletta, Ghaxaq, Malta PA/03503/17 GTD To sanction garage as built, sanction changes to the internal layout and construct extension on rear of garage. Mr Godwin Micallef, Riwintagod, Triq Carmelo Rosario Dimech, Ghaxaq, Malta PA/07051/17 GTD Renewal of PA/00120/13 (Renewal of PA 1424/07 - Demolition of existing premises and construction of basement garage and overlying residences) Mr Charles Ellul, Site at, Triq Tas-Salib, Ghaxaq, Malta PA/09219/17 GTD To sanction overall changes in configuration of property and minor differences to facade Mr Ronnie Caruana, Flat 1, No. 41, Triq Dun Guzepp Demicoli, Ghaxaq, Malta GUDJA PA/00875/17 GTD Minor alterations in front elevation Mr. Philip Fenech, Site at, Triq Il-Gudja, Gudja, Malta PA/03052/17 GTD Alterations to existing terrace house to subdivide into two apartments and construction of second and third floor. Amendments to Garage and addition of lift. Mr. Jesmond Farrugia, Del Fiore, Triq Hal Resqun, Gudja, Malta PA/07267/17 GTD Alterations and extension to existing terraced house Mr. Matthew Xuereb, 42, Triq Il-Kbira, Gudja, Malta GŻIRA PA/05329/17 GTD To sanction change of use from Class 5A (Printing Press) to Class 3C (fitness Centre) and to sanction sign. Mr. Victor Bonavia, Carousel, 92, Triq Moroni, Gzira, Malta

266 Gazzetta tal-gvern ta Malta 19,933 GŻIRA PA/06968/17 GTD To construct an additional floor and to convert the existing duplex apartment at fourth and fifth floor into a two bedroom apartment at the fourth floor and combining the fifth and the sixth floor into a duplex apartment. Mr Salvatore Gulino, 132, Triq il-flotta and, Triq l-immakulata Kuncizzjoni, Gzira, Malta PA/07924/17 GTD Change of use from showroom at ground floor level to generic use class 4 b shop and fixing of sign to facade. Mr. Adrian Tabone, Fawwara Building, ground floor premises, Triq Testaferrata, Gzira, Malta PA/08806/17 GTD Minor interior amendments consisting of the demolition of staircases and shifting of doors in common area and construction of two extra floors at third and fourth level and another recessed floor at fifth level Mr. Simon Muscat, Lucy Flats, Triq Tal-Kubrit, Gzira, Malta ĦAMRUN PA/06497/17 GTD Demolition of existing dilapidated maisonette and construction of a garage and a domestic store Mr Carmelo Spiteri, 93, Triq Il-Vitorja, Hamrun, Malta PA/06532/17 GTD To sanction existing dwelling as built - including differences in layout at first floor and the addition of an extension at second floor from that approved in PAPB 834/91 and correction of site plan. Ms. Nancy Edwards, Edwards House, No. 79, Triq Joseph Abela Scolaro, Hamrun, Malta PA/06880/17 GTD To sanction structure and use of existing bakery and Class 4B shop, including shop sign and to propose two additional stores in the backyard. Mr Fabio Camilleri, 7/9, Premium Bakery, Triq Il-Fatati, Hamrun, Malta PA/07215/17 GTD Change of use from Class 4 B - retail to take away Mr. Walter Tanti, Tanti Palmier, Pjazza Kappillan Muscat, Hamrun, Malta PA/08223/17 GTD Full demolition of existing property and proposed construction of storage basement,1 shop class 4B at ground floor and 3 apartments on upper levels. Mr. Michael Ghigo, 758, Triq Il-Kbira San Guzepp, Hamrun, Malta PA/08531/17 GTD To sanction external alterations and change in apertures material from that approved. Ms. Charmaine Micallef, Maria Flats, Flat 2, Triq San Vincenz, Hamrun, Malta PA/08769/17 GTD Demolition of washroom and construction of apartment at third floor. Correction of site from that approved in PA/04139/09. Mr. Darren Dimech, 15, Triq Wenzu Mallia, Hamrun, Malta IKLIN PA/07246/17 GTD Proposed change of use from garage (private parking) to Public Service Garage for light passenger Transport Mr Felix Micallef, 37, Triq Anton Buttigieg, Iklin, Malta PA/09020/17 GTD Changes to PA 2169/10. Proposed works to existing property include reconfiguration of existing staircase, construction of lift shaft from first floor, extension of balcony at first floor and construction of front room, rear room and balcony at second floor. Works also include construction of duplex at third floor and setback floor. Mario Camilleri, 30, Amiga, Triq Richard Taylor, Iklin, Malta KALKARA PA/04494/17 GTD Install a static crane at Kalkara Wharf Mr. Emanuel Delceppo, Kalkara Boatyard, Triq Marina, Kalkara, Malta

L-10 ta Jannar, 2018 267 KERĊEM PA/01005/17 GTD To demolish existing structures, alterations and additions to existing dwelling and construction of a swimming pool. Carolyn King, 36, Triq Pejpu, Kercem, Gozo KIRKOP PA/04940/17 GTD Sanctioning of internal alterations and extension to approved Permit PAPB 3794/81/2767/81 with respect to the building footprint, room at backyard and washroom including staircase at roof level. Mr Vincent Mifsud, Honeysuckle, 37, Triq San Pietru, Kirkop, Malta PA/05856/17 GTD Demolition of existing derelict dwelling unit on two floors and construction of new dwelling unit on two floors including the construction of a dipping pool within the backyard. Ms. Jennifer Camilleri, Qalb ta Gesu, 17, Triq Santu Rokku, Kirkop, Malta PA/06070/17 GTD Proposed Class 3A boutique tourism accommodation retaining existing 1 storey façade; including construction of ground and first floor, room on roof and lift. Mr. Charles Ellul, 5, Madonna Ta Fatima, Misrah San Anard, Kirkop, Malta PA/06906/17 GTD Alterations to existing dwelling including the conversion of same into two dwellings. Ms. Maria Grech, 75/76, Triq San Leonardu, Kirkop, Malta LIJA PA/06454/17 GTD To sanction minor amendments from approved permit DN/00349/13. Proposal also includes the removal of an aluminium structure at roof level and the construction of a new washroom. Mr Joseph Matthew Fiteni, 5, Triq Il-Kuncizzjoni, Lija, Malta PA/07108/17 GTD It is proposed to carry out amendments to approved permit PA/1546/16 in the form of miscellaneous internal and external alterations, lowering of backyard to level -1 and extension of office (class use 4A) at the back of level +1. Bastion House Ltd Attn: Nicholas Zahra, Site at, Triq Il-Mosta, Lija, Malta LUQA PA/01368/17 REF To sanction stables and paddock and to proposed manure clamp. Mr. Joseph Bertrand Gatt, Josephine, 2, Vjal l-avjazzjoni/, Sqaq Tat-Tamla, Luqa, Malta PA/04566/17 GTD To demolish existing structure and construct.3no garages at basement level, 1no maisonette at ground floor level and 4 no apartments at first, second, third and receded floor level. Application includes excavation Mr. Natalino Pace, Atrium, Triq Il-Karmnu, Luqa, Malta PA/06864/17 GTD To sanction existing basement garage, back terraces and proposed new drying area and washroom at second floor George Ebejer, Notre Dame, 65, Triq Censu Decandia, Luqa, Malta PA/08837/17 GTD Internal alterations to an existing townhouse consisting of replacement of a roof, and widening of internal apertures. Proposal includes an extension at first floor to construct another bedroom and ensuite and replacement of external window from aluminium to timber. Ms Mary Jacono, 5, Sqaq nru.1, Triq San Pawl, Luqa, Malta PA/08860/17 GTD To sanction penthouse (minor configuration of internal and external walls) and proposed extension to built penthouse (extension of rooms over back terrace) Z enzet Company Limited Attn: Mario Grixti, Tac-Cawla Court, Block C, Penthouse 41, Privtae road off, Triq Kanonku Gwann Borg, Luqa, Malta MARSA PA/09015/17 GTD Alterations to existing duplex maisonette including internal alterations and re planning. Mr. Edward Mercieqa, 250, Triq Stiefnu Zerafa, Marsa, Malta

268 Gazzetta tal-gvern ta Malta 19,933 MARSA PA/09177/17 GTD To carry out internal alterations and extensions to existing dwelling. Mr. Saviour Calleja, 17, Telgha Tal-Gizwiti, Marsa, Malta MARSASKALA PA/00924/17 REF To sanction tools room instead of pre-1978 structures and proposed altered entrance gate Mr. Alfred Sacco, Site at, Il-Bidni, Marsascala, Malta PA/01835/16 GTD To construct agricultural room, greenhouse and underground reservoir. Raymond Azzopardi, Site at, Iz-Zebbug off, Tal-Munxar, Marsascala, Malta PA/06096/17 GTD Proposed additional floor above existing apartment block including substantial internal and external alterations and construction of lift Mr. Neil Desira, Alice Flats, Triq Il-Kappara, Marsascala, Malta PA/06319/17 GTD To demolish first floor and construct new house consisting of first, second and third floor and receded fourth floor. Mr Alfred R. Scicluna, 182, Triq Is-Salini, Marsascala, Malta PA/06846/17 GTD Construction of a basement 3 car garage, and 5 apartments spread out over 6 floors. Ms. Laura Bartolo, Plot No. 64, Triq L-Artillieri, Marsascala, Malta PA/08127/17 GTD Construction of external swimming pool Kevin Spiteri, 42, The Eclipse, Triq Il-Mahsel, Marsascala, Malta PA/08894/17 GTD Amendments to approved permit PA/04888/16 Changes due to increase in size of plot including the addition of a bedroom on 1st, 2nd and 3rd floor levels and the addition of ensuite bathroom/s on all residential levels. Mr. Edmond Vella, Nos. 13 and 15, St. Michael, Triq Vajrita, Marsascala, Malta PA/08931/17 GTD To sanction minor additions and alterations to existing penthouse (shift door/window, add small glazed-aluminium extension, add screen next to shaft and changes to stairwell) Donald Paul Ramsay, Les Olives, 10, Triq il-gemmugha c/w, Triq Il-Hortan, Marsascala, Malta PA/08993/17 GTD To sanction existing basement garages as built Ms Lorenza Spiteri, Lor s Flower, Garages 1, 2 and 3, Triq Is-Silla, Marsascala, Malta PA/09017/17 GTD Modifications to existing garage (including excavation works); changes to existing maisonettes (consisting of the construction of a shared entrance door, stairwell and lift); construction of three new apartments at second, third and fourth floor levels including an overlying roof terrace with washroom. Mr. Rayant Coleiro, 38 and 40, Triq Is-Silla, Marsascala, Malta MARSAXLOKK PA/08017/17 GTD Extension on second floor and roof to sub-standard dwelling unit replacement of dangerous roof and alterations to facade Mr. Anthony Fenech, 15, Triq Il-Kuncizzjoni, Marsaxlokk, Malta MELLIEĦA PA/00267/17 GTD To construct rooms for generator and electrical equipment. To install antennae for telemetry Mr. Carlo John Brincat, Selmun Waste Water Pumping Station, It-Telgha Ta Selmun, Mellieha, Malta PA/00421/17 GTD To demolish existing pre-1978 rural rooms and construct new rooms. Mr. Daniel Borg, Site at, Il-Mejjieli, Mellieha, Malta PA/02991/17 GTD Construction of sub station including excavation of trenches Agricentre Ltd Attn: Mr. Jean Paul Busuttil, Site at (Farm), l-ahrax Ta Gewwa, Mellieha, Malta PA/04292/17 GTD To sanction existing excavation and the demolition of a pre-existent building and to construct a ground floor garage, overlying residential apartments and a penthouse Mr. Patrick Muscat, Site off, Triq Il-Knisja l-qadima, Manikata, Mellieha, Malta

L-10 ta Jannar, 2018 269 MELLIEĦA PA/04613/17 GTD To sanction alterations and additions to existing boat house. Mr Rueben Farrugia, Boat House, Ix-Xatt Ta Santa Marija, Mellieha, Malta PA/06418/17 REF Construction of an end of scheme plot consisting of garages at ground floor, apartments at first, second and third floor plus overlying washrooms Mr. Charles Camilleri, Site at, Triq Dun Frangisk Sciberras, Mellieha, Malta PA/06676/17 GTD Amendments to PA 6424/16 - to convert two overlying apartments and a setback floor with three garages and Class 4B shop at ground floor into two houses with garages at ground floor and rooms at setback floor. Mr. Jason Parnis, C.105MK, Triq San Publiju c/w, Triq Il-Mithna l-gdida, Mellieha, Malta PA/06685/17 GTD Proposal of correction of site Mr Godfrey Cordina, Ashanti, Triq il-fortizza c/w, Triq Il-Barrieri, Mellieha, Malta PA/06722/17 GTD Proposed modifications to existing garage including replacement of roofing structure and parts of party walls, opening of windows and door on façade on Triq Snajjin and inclusion of lift together with the construction of additional floors on 4 levels. Mr Gilbert Fenech, Garage No. 49, Tarag Snajjin c/w, Triq Is-Snajjin, Mellieha, Malta PA/06783/17 GTD To sanction variations from plans approved in PA/1675/05 in the form of changes to the internal layout of dwelling, minor changes to elevation on Triq Salvinu Vella, and changes to washroom at roof level Ms. Carmen Vella, Paulmar, Triq Salvinu Vella/, Triq It-Tramuntana, Mellieha, Malta PA/06964/17 GTD To extend third floor residential units and construct two new residential units at setback floor. Mr Paul Mifsud, No 108, Ridge Court, Flat 5 and Flat 6, Triq Il-Fortizza, Mellieha, Malta PA/07123/17 GTD To carry out minor internal alterations at basement level (removal of wall and insertion of structural beams), and construct a washroom at roof level. Mr. Joseph Mifsud, 1, Triq Il-Fortizza c/w, Triq Halq ic-cawl, Mellieha, Malta PA/07686/17 GTD Proposal for correction of site plan Mr Brian Caruana, 111, Triq Il-Garni, Mellieha, Malta PA/07858/17 GTD To construct 13 garages at basement -2, 11 garages at basement -1, 3 garages and 3 Class 4B shops at semi-basement level, 12 apartments and 4 penthouses, in lieu of PA 3475/16. Colinrose Ltd Attn: Mr Nicholas Formosa, Site at, Triq Ta Masrija, Mellieha, Malta PA/09035/17 GTD To sanction conversion of two penthouses in to one unit, internal and external alterations to same. Sanctioning include conversion of part kitchen/dining to study room, changes to internal layout and modifications to setback elevation. Charles Downing, Vista Court B, Flat 6, Triq Dun Frangisk Sciberras, Mellieha, Malta PA/09377/17 GTD Renewal to PA1487/12[Proposed Villa (Maisonettes)] Mr Joe Xuereb, Site at, Triq il-qortin c/w, Triq Il-Birwina, Mellieha, Malta MĠARR PA/05668/17 REF Correction of site plan to property as Approved by PA 840/09 Mr. Frankie Calleja, Site at, It-Tafal, Mgarr, Malta MOSTA PA/03482/17 GTD Demolition of existing houses (no. 25, no. 29 and Camilleri Farmhouse) and construction of 2 levels underlying garages, 3 class 4B outlets and 3 maisonettes at Ground floor level, 19 apartments and 3 receded units. Mr. Alessio Vella, No 25, No 29 and Camilleri Farmhouse, Triq il-htajriet c/w, Triq Guzeppi Hyzler, Mosta, Malta PA/04567/17 GTD Alterations to and partial demolition of existing buildings, and construction of two dwelling units, including pool at the back of the site. Ms. Nadine Buhagiar, 87, Triq l-isperanza, Mosta, Malta