_. 1P fris te tt R.o e. rant. ;i_. gaff. ..,.\ThW.1/4.,.. .., in , J. G. VAN DER MERWE, Provincial Secretary.

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1 I _ TIM PROVINCE OF TRANWAAI MENKO UP trittat (I a 3 et tr in PROVINSIE TRANSVAAL P fris te tt Ro e rant gaff ;i_ \ThW/4!Registered at the Post Office as a Newspaper) (As In Nutt sblaci by die Poskantrar Geregistrewt PRICE: SA _ 0c OVERSEAS 5c PAYS: SA; 0c OORSEE 5c VOL 27 PRETORIA 5 MAY 5 MEI in IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT BELANGRIKE AANKONDIGING CLOSING TIME FOR NOTICES IN THE SLUITINGSTYE VIR; ICENNISGEWINGS DI DIE PROVINCIAL GAZETTE PROVINSIA LE KOERAIVT As the 23rd and 3st May 974 are public holidays Aangesien 23 en 3 Mel 974 openbare vakansiedae the closing time for acceptance of Administrators No : tsf_salkinitisgewinis vir plasing in die Provinsiale Koe lices for publication in the Provincial Gazette will be ac ram aanvaar word tot om 2uur middag op die volcepted until 2 oclock noon on the following dates: gende the: _ Closing date Date of Publication I Sluitingsdaturn Publikasiedatum NB Late notices will be published in the subse : LW Laat kennisgewings sal in die daaropvolgende quent issues uitgawcs geplaas word J G VAN DER MERWE J G VAN DER MERWE Provincial Secretary Provinsiale Sekretaris i Administrators Notice May 974 i Administrateurskennisgewing Mei 974 i II " 4 The following Draft Ordinance is published for gene rat information: 3 inligung A DRAFT ORDINANCE : Onderstaande Ontwerpordonnansie word vir _ algemone gepubliseer: i:ontwerpordonnansie Tot wysiging van die Onderwysordonnansie 953 ten opsigte I % tiniebd the Education" Ordinance 953 In respect of the di i van die indeling daarvan In artikel vervat; ten plea vision thereof contained In section ; In respect of deft& van woordomsktywings In artikel 2 vervat; ten opsigte van nark contained in section 2; in respect of the establish I die hastening en funksies van die Onderwysdepartement In ment and junctions of the Education Department referred artikel 3 genoem; ten opsigte van die algemene bevocgd to in section 3; in respect of the general powers of the hide van die kninistrateur in artikel 6 genoem; ten op Administrator referred to in :section 6; in respect of the i slate van die algemene bevoegdhede en pligte van die read general powers and duties of boards referred to In section in artikel 39 genoem; ten opsigte van die raadpersoneel in 39; in respect of the board staff referred to in section 46; : artikel 46 genoem; ten opsigte van die instelling van skool in respect of the establishment of school committees re kamitees in artikel 48 genoem; ten opsigte van die instal fervid to in:section 49; id respect of the establishment of I ling van plaaslike liggame vir sekero provinsiale onderwys :local bodies :for certain provincial educational institutions inrigtings in artikel 52 gamin; ten opsigte van sekero ult referred to in section 52; in respect of certain expressions _ drukkings in die Afrilcaanse teks gebruik; on die bepalings used in the Afrikaans text; by deleting the provisions of : vaixenitikel 68 te skrap; ten opsigte van die aanstclling van section 68; in respect of the appointment of a teacher in n onderwyser in a tydelike hoedanigheid in artikel 78 gea temporary capacity referred to in section 78; in respect Aaiun; ten opsigte van die indeling van provinsiale onder of the classification of provincial educational institutions wysinrigtings en gradering van pristb is artikel 80 genoem; and grading of posts referred to in section 80; in respect I ten opsigte :van die vasstelling van salarisse en aftrelckings of the determination of salaries and deductions therefrom : iliiiivan in artikel 8 genoem; ten opsigte van die bedindi eferred : to in section 8; in respect of the termination of : ging van diens van a onderwyser wat In n Permanent ::"service of r a teacher appointed in a permanent capacity hoedanigheid aangestel word in artikel 87 genoem; om in _ referred to in section 87; by converting the reference in i angel :0 die Nerwysing an ponde in wind om to sit; ow section 9 to pounds into rand; in order to correct the die Afrilcainse teks van artikel 92 te verbeter; ten opsigte AfrikaaaS text of section 92; in respect of the right of a van die reg van n onderwyser wat aan wangedrag skuldig teacher found guilty of misconduct to note an appeal re verklaar is _on Appel aan to _token in artikel 94 genoem; (erred to in section 94; to convert the reference in section om die vex Wising in artikel 97 an ponde in rand om te 97 to" pounds into rand; in respect of school attendance sit; ten opsigte van skoolbesoekbeamptes In artikel" 98 get: Officers: referred to iii section 98; in respect of the pro noem; ten opsigte van die kostelose verskaffing van ondervision of free education as contemplated in section 03; Wyssoos Warlike! 03 heoog; om die Afrikaanse telis van in order to alter the Afrikaans text of section 05; and _ prlikel 05 te Treader; en oni vir nangeleenthede in verto provide for matters incidental thereto band daarmee voorsiening te maak Introduced by THE ADMINISTRATOR RE IT ENACTED by the Provincial Council of Trans Provinsiale Raad van Transvaal VERORDEN AS vaal as follows: LI VOLG: nm Ingedien deur DIE ADMINISTRATEUR

2 252 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 5 MAY 974 Amend wysiging Section of the Education Ordinance 953 Artikel van die van Onderwysordonnansie ment of artikel I section (hereinafter referred to as the principal Ordi Ivan 953 (hierna die Hoofordonnansie genoein) word n lnance nanee ) is hereby amended onordo nsie hierby gewysig 29 on 953f as (a) by the substitution in the Afrikaans text un va sons (a) deur onder die opskrif "Hoofstuk V" die by amended der the heading "Hoofstuk V" for the word fig by woord "Onderwyserspersoneel" deur die "Onderwyserspersoneel" of the word "On seofction IOrdon vanwoord "Onderwyspersoneel" te vervang; en Ordinance derwyspersoneel"; and tonic 7 of (b) deur die opskrifte "Hoofstuk XI" en "Hoof 7 van 969 (b) by the substitution for the headings "CHAP 969 stuk XII" en die beskrywing van die inhoud TER XI" and "CHAPTER XII" and the daarvan deur die volgende opskrif en beskry description of the contents thereof; of the ; wing van die inhoud daarvan te vervang; following heading and description of the contents thereof; "HOOFSTUK XI "CHAPTER XL Algemeen en Diverse: Artikels 3 tot 24" General and miscellaneous: Sections 3 to wysiging van artikel 2 Artikel 2 van die HootordOnnansie word hier 24" 2 van by gewysig m Ordon end n of 2 Section 2 of the principal Ordinance is 29 (a) deur die woordemskrywing van "Pensioen section hereby amended 953 stns 2 of gewysig by ordonnansie" te skrap; artikel 29 (a) by the deletion of the definition of "Pensions Oran (b) deur die woordomskrywing van "beroep 953 as Ordinance": orlon_ amended mantle skool" te skrap; en by 2 van section (b) by the deletion of the definition of "voca 955 (c) deur in die woordomskrywing van "loop 4 Ordinance tional school"; and van afstand" die woorde "twee myl" deur die 2 of Ordon 95 (c) by the substitution in the definition of woorde "drie kilometers" te vervang section rsvine of "walking distance" for the words "two 960 en Ordinance artikel 30 of miles" of the words "three kilometres" 3 van 960 and Orden Section tonic 3 of 7 van Ordinance of 969 WYstnibe 3 Artikel van 3 van die Hoofordonnansie word artikelamend Amer of 3 Section 3 of the principal Ordinance is 3 van hierby gewysig deur paragraaf (e) van subartikel Onion Section hereby amended by the substitution for pars mink (I) deur die volgende paragraaf te vervang: 3 of Ordinance graph (e) of subsection () of the following 29 van 953 soos n(e) Ten einde gevolg te gee aan die bepalings 29 of gewystg by paragraph: artikel van paragrawe(c) en (d) kan die Direkteur amended Ordon van tyd tot tyd by "(e) For the purpose of giving effect to the pro I Vall section (i) vir her en sekondere onderwys n op I of visions of paragraphs (c) and (d) the Di Tv% Ordinance voedings en 957 onderrigprogram voorskryf 3 of rector may from time to time prescribe artikel 957 waardeur leerlinge die basiese onderwys I van section (i) for primary and secondary education a onion vaardighede effektief sal aanleer die of Ordinance program of education and tuition is nodige spesifieke en van algemene kennis 8 of sal opdoen 958 and whereby pupils will effectively acquire ally die nodige belangstellings section the basic skills of education gain the 3 van en gesindhede sal ontwikkel en voor 3 of Ordon Ordinance necessary specific berei sal word vir voile en verantwoor and general know nansie di 7 of delike deelname 969 ledge develop the necessary interests aan die ;6?" Volwasse lower I and attitudes and be prepared for full en and responsible participation in adult ` (ii) kursusse voorskryf vir die opleidirig of life; and verdere opleiding van die by subartikel (ii) courses for the training or further train (2)(iii) bedoelde onderwysers of voorneing of the teachers or prospective mende onderwysers" teachers referred to in subsection (2) %sizing (iii)" van artikel 4 Artikel 6 van die Hoofordonnansie word 6 van Am hierby gewysig en d ment of 4 Section 6 of the principal Ordinance is ` Insection hereby amended Lan (a) deur in paragraaf (b) die woorde "Wet op 6 of 953 soos gewysig by Spesiale Skole 948" deur die woorde "Or 209rdoifnance (a) by the substitution in paragraph (3) for the artikel donnansie op Spesiale Onderwys 968 (Or 953 as amended words "Special Schools Act 948" of the Iron donnansie 20 van 968)" te vervang; en by words "Special Education Ordinance 968 mantle section Ilwall (b) of (Ordinance 20 of 968)"; and deur in paragraaf (c)(iii) die woorde "Wet op 956 Ordinance artikel Spesiale Skole 948" deur die woorde "Or 956f (b) by the substitution in paragraph (c) (iii)?li: donnansie op Spesiale OnderWys 968" te section for the words "Special Schools Act 948" nansie vervang 3 of 8 van Ordinance of the words "Special Education Ordinance of 968" Indira van section Ordon 8 of nansie Ordinance 4 van 4 of 96 en 96 and artikel I section I van lof Ordan Ordinance nansie 5 of 5 van

3 ; amended section Alrif2inc _ I Pir6tikkieill legfirselitt c5%:mt Atianait"ili 5:Ersdciidfini9iibt :tfieliāikipailiorainaneext I vivnaginiartatattikel;;394anaidedieoforkionnansie*ord 6 6/59" dtileiltied<fisp the tieldtibtif:kit talbsectriag: A"/2A vialitirbylgeivisii: deur 390; ShbartikelateiskrapZi Ordectirailt (3) J r rr i Irr5 ;trlt )"0 r7 VTh44i i: nift2240 ;n j rt f if nr f fi if 2 fr / &II " Littt rr I! 39 van ft yab0`e42:4ji:cisidp" ; II :4M Li _a 7 / 953 as rrv:rerv en` 953 soos amended e st gewysig by I by artikel f section ;is g van 8 of I Ordon Ordinance nansie 2 r ri ri lint rn hi :iirn Eli i ; flit Cirri ii:n i:! Or : :s;:t2:: ?civr jrjrp:)9 iii jrii:!;:nt edh:if :55 :2;st5i: "": liniidaihi: iii lif iii [roast* 40 "" it`: t t W ` ;;:": itllf il"2;; : 3; 6Attigel46tVan:diellithOfordortiriatiste Word Amendment of 6 Section 46 of the principaladrdinapet iti: :6anvan"ailtenSietreU $ :aiike (3) a6litt die vol section hereby amended by the substitution for subseea main! getideiithattikell tevervafig: " jur 6 of r; rrrr name : r:i 0 dinanm tion (3) of the following subsection: 29 van 29rof 4ae" 953 sons "(3) gewysig Die Administrateur kan van tyd tot tyd 953 as by "(3) amendd The Administrator may from time to e num by time r4 3 van (a) die salarisse en salarisskale van die raadpevi section r van a soneel voorskryf; of nan ; Ordindncer (40:fprescribetlici sejerits Lancl is of sala ry scales:ni:dif 958 the board staff; (b) die gradering van die poste deur sodanige per 958 i soneel beldee voorskryf; en rj (b) prescribe: the ] gcading of ;posts occupied:3i ed r:( ir tr c_ i )!rr iy lai:ii Isr Lsti h " taff i land t : te) regautasiel inknk iyaa4enig :ftle cahder diens Z it);iiriit " en aanstellingsvoorwaardes teh die PligteIiie; (c)qiiakeiegtilatiotgipieseribing any othelconl i itlhfu 0ditithis eviippoiritinetteatid?tetiiice and gene voeadhede en It4P: funksies van sodanige Pefutil i tdeelin sdiealletheen ; v orbigmelikrytit Werd: " : I rally theidiniesli POWersizttitthifunctionsly! arvinn44 ni:ah I vta c 4 i ian:lioaoun " it73v AX rc rstr s Te5):7Y: v:(pu9alsrig fb2fiin _ill rn5 (of ft; e 74 indikit 4"ei4in thetl:iokorilannanthie J?04 :5 CV) :(:w ggit i? ingkx:texity ilsigerr 449kFtie ()00 4 Amend 7 Section 48 of the principal Ordinance:S: nansie woorde "laer en ment of sek6ii406 ico6" deur section hereby amended by the substitution in subset:: Rt woorde "kleuterskool in artikelilb() gentieint es or aiii ordinance tion ()(a) for the words "primary and secon annoy leer skool en sekond8re skool" te vervang: Li trt li;t ton:t:) dary school" of the words "nursery school;*?jan f Ill) rcry ferred to in section 0() primary and seep* rdope by ; n2 van dary school" trli 9 of orifice! NM Ordinance 2 van : Ordon ioi 955 wt ait:rw section At nansie 2 of 8 van rm L 959 en Ordinance ty 44 nr artikel 80f r van n ( 959 and j Ordon It sa tr ti section Y nansie of 7 van Ordinance of rill eiv?4ii404 0"") e 40 it tr i0 74Th min graftlitiiiii) Artittir52nWintdicAPPf9K4(35ebWa;Ch ltiicr%( risigniii fe 52 van hierby gewysti LIkvira " ;r bthltc::r ir"0: Ordon Ansend 8 Section 52 of the principal Ordinance is) i Tectent hereby amended Ire (a) deur paragraaf (a) van subartikel (5) aeur : 52 of osaranna die volgende paragraaf te vervang: Ordinance i gewysig by 29 of VI) by substitution for paragraph (a) cof attikql rrr t rt icraanitrety 953 as su bsectionthe (5) of the following paragraph: "(a)4dieledelyan nbeheerrilad streeldcletnis II0 amended r rt e c rt srj; Hann& 2 tee E adviesraadrin olgelierche arn: : scctionrr r ( 7 (a) Themembersof agtverpinwbodwtre 7; %Ian IL" :4 kel ingesieh::beklbe!hulle!ramii viz thinflice or advisory body artikel nitt" It tydperk VidIdriejaatf filet"iingang van Or74 _ rei7; 07 ingsegailiiliedfin : r termstof 0 thissittion _ shall n datiltripidetirntilicitriminisitateuriin section remain in office for a period Ire die Provinsiale Koerant vasgestelte 2 of Ordinance years as from a date to be determined lit word: Met then verstande dat as na ver of by the Administrator by notice inalie ivan s stryking van die ampstyd van n beheer 956 section Provincial Gazette: Provided that:lf Ordn2 mad streekkomitee of adviesraad nit: 5 of dinance Or at the expiration of the period of Office gesonderd deur ontbinding ingevolge 8 of 25var of a governing body regional committee araacei paragraaf (c) n nuwe behecrraad semon ri:r: 6 w ;;; orladtiserrbodyi0therwith than drap e " t nastree ranee a m viesraa I e snaln:` Ordinance dissolution Mtentisititpdragraphkili lit gestel is soos inthierdieprdoimansie5ht 8 of 959 a new governing body regional cam_ 959 peal me besit die aftredende belicer7 sectionvrwtt "?r(j :initteeporrrativiscity body has i rke27: icaica:ita raaaantgeagaitce of adviessaad voile: I of Ordinntien:: Iirt4ttitconstitutect:ashprovided:fer in this aora 05 9 erattio tarbevoegdheidiep gositg epbly die Ilede: 96 dinance the outgoing governing body 20 rat ;"2CZr7dclarYalY ille 4 4MP nanctntdat n Iln*ti section regional committee or advisory holy airliti beheerraad streekkomitee of aclyies 3 of ntio! O 3 vpn rdinance rinr shalircontnue to havefull power And hia: : tu L i44:404saapestebisriftn i : s ILI :Turr4hrbr_344Cihele344t4eteof iliall ; int section reinain in OffiCē until a new governing Igo 64634kertgP8 tri6s4(3) SkFa3)%4 8 of Ordinanm body regional committee or advisory :rtvir _ C0: ilipd h dbeelitecnistithter4 rind otawiart flrit:truth 5alit 0irlr4 Mil er;: d vil nalaitikci 4 ififr: Nii āta L 4 ( ) van n( (8) ` 969 dwillfs: ac Min( k Iii (b) by the deletion of subsectio7 :% e

4 256 TROWNCIA4GA7ATIT5MAY7974; Amend 20 Section 77 of the principal _Ordinance is WYtizeiHg0 Artikel 77 :yen die Hoofordonnansie word 4 section ;; j:iliereby )antended f byl;the stihstitutionjp ticelaf rig ThiPrbYgglSg dcur in subartikel (2) die p r 77 rif Penance) rikaansc:textfrof subsectier ;<2) forthe word 22t; ci!rconderwyserspos"depr lc vy00rclipriderwys 29 if "van 953 as `onderwyserspos" Of therword;:ttortderwysposlff; s posn ieveiyang : amended by artikel section 22 of ; Ordon Ordinance 8 of = 8 van 958 and : 958 en section ; artikel 6 of l6 van Ordinance 7 of :::; gewysig by Substitu lion of 2 The following section is hereby substituted t Ver : vansing 2 Artikel 78 van die Hoofordonnansie word section for section 78 of the principal Ordinance: "": 78 of van artikel hierby deur die volgende artikel vervang: Ordinance 78 van Orden as PP99 of If a teacher a sent from his Inns r 0/hist 78 As n onderwyser: om watter amen "teacher in pest or any reason Whatsoever or: if_ k ermykr 357: 7;rede ook al a0vesigis van syoos Oras : e section P martny leachingpoktis not gewystirep ; fillettiiiiermanelit 77a:t in onderwyspos om waiter; rede ook al oftlai capacity for any reasonwhatsoever the 20viiiin: niglididt nie mn pernanen e hoedanigheid aan 7 o 963f and Director may appoint a person tot fill gev4wordlmie kan ;die Direkteur n Ordosine section such post in a temporary capacityfor 7 an persoon aanstel om sodanige pos inn 7 of 963 en Ordinance such period and against such a gra& of artikel tydelike hoedanigheid aan te yul via f teaching post as he may deem fit :!""7 ; Y;:: sodanige tydperk en teen sodanige; II : nansie graad van onderwyspos as wat hy ger 7 van Amend 22 Section 79 of the principal Ordinance As : 969 rade mag ag" MCIlt of wysiging section hereby amended by the substitution in the:m 22 Artikel 79 van die 79 of Hoofordonnansie Ward Ordinance rikaans text for the word "onderwyserspost 77;nvalke"i hierby gewysig deur die woord "onderwyserspoi" 29 of the word "onderwyspos" : rt Orden 953 as ::: nail= deur die woord "onderwyspos" te vervang e: amended by 29 van 953 sons Ordinance?; I I ii t e:; ci; 7; i t" ::iii : : 8van I : = 7 of I Amend "I " Id 23 irt;rj Section lo theis principalordinance is t :: I : / 4 t ie: ment of r g e Y i r i " section hereby amended W IgIng 23 Artikel 80 van rdie HeiefordoMiariSie word so of + van ;alike! Ordinance : n 80 van hierby gewysig 29 of (a) by the substitution in the Āfrikaans tett:px got 953 as subsection () for the word nanse amended "onderwyser0; (a) deur in subartikel () die woord laailielor: h 29 van by pos" wherever it appears of the word ort ; 953 soon wyserspos" waar dit ook al voorkomixleijr section igewysig by i 9 of derwyspos" ; and anikel die woord "onderwyspos" te vervang; Ordinance i ; 9 van 7 of (b) by the substitution for subsection (2) xftign 69 7 of (b) deur subartikel (2) deur die volgende sub ar 9 nansie the following subsection: 7 van ;96 tikel te vervang: : rrt"(2) The:glialifidaiianSi MAiiired for alit the ; " 7/t?(3) X6kwalifilasies vereis viren die ar4 cgalay ands any allowance to:iny I * tit er!enige toldeveirbmide Eittnenige catier: 7 4 { i "teaching post and Mb Molifritiehl thereof > 4 wsrspos eh die b kleer ary n i oos deur shall be as dikeimiiited bytrthe Acciminiiri i : " die Allinnistiatenegepaal" : tor" 2" : virsighg 24 Artikel 8 van diehoofordennatitie Word! _ Amend Ivan artdrel 24 Section 8 of the principal Ordinanecism isi van hierby gewysig ment of section hereby amended ; i OnerrInn_ ordinance ":? : 29rrsalen (a) deur subartikel () deur die volgende SUbat 29 of (a) by the substitution for subsection () ottlie 953 sees tikel te vervang: getvyng by 953 as following subsection: i artikel amended 23 van "() Behoudens die bepalings van artike78 section "() Subject to the provisions of seem:m78: ipqnsie word die salaris van n onderwyser bejihal 23 of Ordinance the salary of a teacher shall be determined "Man deur die graad van die onderwyspos wat deur iby the trade of the teaching post heldrhy manila horn beklee word of waarin hy aangestel 958 and section Th him of Icy; whichrithe is"appointed: and; iejy!=;55 rfi I word en deue die kkwalifilcasies Wat hy besit: t Oianee 02qUallfCatf0S zpossessed by him: l vit nafig :i: z Met dmv ieerstande datdiedirokteur 7 an bydie of vided that the Director; mi4: in fixing Ike 969 et v :Lvasselling vanaie aanvangsalaris%vaa soda commencing salary of such teacher take in ":rremigetondetiwysen:alle of enigegedeelte van die to account all or any portion according:as vorige onderwys of ander ondervinding van he may in each case recognize of the pitc" sodanige onderwyser na gelang hy in iedere vious teaching or other experience of such geval erken in aanmerking kan neem";en teacher"; (b) deur subartikel (3) deur die volgende subai (b) by the substitution for subsection (3) :`of tikel te vervang: i the following subsection: "(3) Benewens sodanige bedrae as wat by "(3) In addition to such amounts as are wet vereis word om van die salaris van n by law required to be deducted from the : onderwyser afgetrek te word word sodanige salary of a teacher such other amounts is ander bedrae i as wat die Direkteur op ver

5 8 I Amend PROVINSIALE KOERANTI 5 MEI the Director may from time to time approve shall at the request of such teacher be de ducted from the salary of such teacher" onderwyser afgetrolc" sock van sodanige onderwyser van tyd tot tyd goedkeur van die salaris van sodanige 25 Artikel 82 van die Hoofordonnansie word 82 van hierby gewysig deur die woord "onderwyserspos" Amend 25 Section ment of 82 of the principal Ordinance is n anrdsit waar dit ookal voorkom deur die woord "onsection hereby amended by the substitution in the Afri 82 of derwyspos" te vervang 2995v3an woiging van artikel Ordinance kaans text for the word "ondenvysprspos" geydeig by 29 of artigel : wherever it appears of the word "onderwyspos" 953 as 24 van amended Monby nansie section i 8 van 24 of 958 Ordinance artikel 8 of 2 van 958 Ordensection nansie 2 of 7 van Ordinance of arnica van Tf "ging section Ordon 2 of nansie Ordinance 7 van 7 of 969 ea 969 and artikel section 2 van 2 of Ordon Ordinance nansie 4 van van artikel 26 Artikel 85 van die Hoofordonnansie word Amen d f 26 Section 85 of the principal Ordinance is ss van hierby gewysig deur in subartikel ()(b) die woord meat o Wonsection hereby amended by the substitution in the Afri nansie "onderwyserspos" deur die woord "onderwyspos" 29 van Ordnance kaans text of subsection ()(b) for the word "on 9535 te vervang n3i as derwyserspos" of the word "onderwyspos gewysiga by amended 25 van by Ordensection nansie 25 of i _ 8 van Ordinance 958 of artikel van section Ordon 3 of nansie Ordinance 3 van 3 of 959en 959 and artikel Faction 24 van of 24rdin O ance Ordsie nan en 7 of 7 van * I "iging 27 Artikel 87 van die Hoofordotinansie word van artikel 27 Section 87 of the principal Ordinance is 87 van hierby gewysig reaktoonf hereby amended Onion 87 old nansie Ordinance 29 van (a) deur paragraaf (a) deur die volgende pare 29 of 953 soos isss as (a) by the substitution forparagraph (a) of the gewysig by graaf te vervang: amended artileel by following paragtaph: 25 van "(a) deur sodanige onderwyser deur die Di Ordon nansie rekteur skriftelik dertig dae vooraf kenof Ordina25 nce "(a) by such teacher by giving the Director nis van die beeindiging van sy diens te 7 of 969n 969 written notice thirty days in advance of gee: Met dien verstande dat n onder the termination of his service: Provided wyser met die goedkeuring van die Di that a teacher may with the approval of rekteur sy diens met korter kennisge the Director terminate his services at Wing met ingang van n datum deur die shorter notice With effect from a date Direkteur bepaal te word kan beeindig: to be fixed by the Director: Provided Met dien verstande voorts dat wanner further that when a woman teacher n onderwyseres in die huwelik tree marries she shall be deemed to have re word sy geag vrywillig te bedank het signed voluntarily with effect from the Met ingang van die datum date (f) van die huwelik indien sy so ver kies en sodanige keuse nie later (i) of the marriage if she so elects nie as die eerste skool of kollege and exercises such election not later dag wat volg op sodanige huwelik than the first school or college day uitoefen; of following upon such marriage; or (ii) waarop sy deur die Direkteur in (ii) on which she is notified by the kennis gestel word dat sy na die Director that in his opinion she mening van die Direkteur as ge cannot by reason of such marriage volg van sodanige huvvelik nie in remain in the teaching post occupied die onderwyspos wat sy in n perby her in a permanent capacity;"; manente hoedanigheid beklee kan and aanbly nie;"; en

6 260 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 5 MAY 974 generally northwards along the boundaries of the follow noordwaarts langs die grense van die volgende gedeeltes 4 irig portions of the farm Hartbeestpoort 482JQ so as to vac die plaas" Hartbeestpoort 482Q sodat; hulle bit exclude ilmm from this area: Portion 28 (Diagram SG hierdiflebied uitgesluit word; Gedeelte 28 (Kaart LG A750/7) Gedeelte 3 A750/7) Portion 3 (Diagram SG A753/7) Portion (Kaart lig A753/7) Gedeelte 30 (Kaart LG A752/7) en die genoemde Gedeelte (Diagram SG A752/7) and the said Portion 28 to tot by baken DIO op die kaart van die laasgenoemde beacon DIO on the"diagram of the lastnamed portion gedeelte; die beginpunt the place of beginning II Begin by die noordwestelike baken van Gedeelte 33 Beginning at the north western beacon of Portion 33 (Kaart LG A3254/2) van die plaas Hartbeestpoort 482 (Diagram SG A3254/2) of the farm Hartbeestpoort JQ; daarvandaan noordooswaarts langs die noordwestelike thence north eastwards along the northwestern grease van die volgendd gedeeltes van die genoemde plaas boundaries of the following portions of the said farm Hartbeestpoort 48240: die genoemde Gedeelte 33 Ge Hartbeestpoort 482JQ the said Portion 33 Portion 34 deelte 34 (Kaart LG A3246/2) Gedeelte 35 (Kaart (Diagram SG A3246/2) Portion _35 (Diagram SG LG A3247/2) Gedeelte 36 (Kaart LG A3248 / 2); A3247/2) Portionq6 (Diagram SG A3248/2) Por Gedeelte 37 (Kaart LG A3249/2) Gedeelte 38 (Kaart tion 37 (Diagram SG A3249/2) Portion 38 (Diagram LG A :3250/2) Gedeelte 39 (Kaart LG A325/2) en SG A3250/2) Portion 39 (Diagram SG A325/2) die Restant van Gedeelte 32 groot vierkante meter and the Remainder of Portion 32 in extent square (Kaart LG A3244/2) tot by die noordoostelike baken metres (Diagram SG A3244/2): to the north eastern van laasgenoemde gedeelte daarvandaan algemeen suidbeacon of the last:named portion thence generally south weswaarts langs die grease van die volgende gedeeltes westwards along the bdundaries of the following portions van die plaas Hartbeestpoort sodat hulle in hier of the farm Hartbeestpoort 482JQ so to include them die gabled ingesluit word: die genoemde Restant van Geinto this area: the said Remainder of Portion 32 Portion deelte 32 Gedeelte 40 (Kaart LG A3252/2)Gedeelte 40 (Diagram SG A3252/2) Portion 39 (Diagram SG 39 (Kaart LG A325/2) Gedeelte 38 (Kaart LG A325/2) Portion 38 (Diagram SG A3250/2) Por A3250/2) Gedeelte 37 (Kaart LG A3249/2) Ge tion 37 (Diagram SG A3249/2) Portion 36 (Diagram deelte 36 (Kurt LG A3248/2) Gedeelte 35 (Kaart SG A3248/2) Portion 35 (Diagram SG A3247/2) LG A3247/2) Gedeelte 34 (Kaart LG A3246/2) Portion 34 (Diagram SG A3246/2) and Portion 33 en Gedeelte 33 (Kant LG A3245/2) tot by die suid (Diagram SG A:3245/2) to the south western beacon of westelike baken van die laasgenoemde gedeelte; daarvanthe last named portion; thence north eastwards along the daan noordooswaarts langs die noordwestelike grens van north western boundary of the last named Portion 33 to die laasgenoemde Gedeelte 33 tot by die noordwestelike beacon thereof the place of beginning baken daarvan die beginpunt 4 J Nc98 (Administrators) 974 No 98 (Administrateurs) 974! : PROCLAMATION PROKLAMASIE i i by the Honourable the Administrator of the deur Sy Edele die Administrateur van die Province Transvaal Provinsie Transvaal Under the Powers vested in me by section 2(3) of the Kragieds die bevoegdheid aan my verleen by artikel Transynl Board for the Development bf Peri Urban Areas 2(3) van die Ordonnansie op die Transvaalse Raad vir die Ordinance 943 (Ordinance 20 of 943) I do hereby ap Ontwikkeling van Buitestedelike Gebiede 943 (Ordonply the Regulations governing the Election of Members nansie 20 van 943) maak ek hierby die Regulasies betrefof Local Area Committees published under Proclamation fende die Verkiesing van Lede van Plaaslike Gebiedsko 23 (Administrators) 958 to the De Deur Local Area mitees afgekondig by Proklamasie 23 (Administrateurs) Committee by the addition of thename of the said Com 958 op die Plaaslike Gebiedskomitee van De Deur van inittee to Schedule B of the said proclamation toepassing dew die " toevoeging van die naam van ge _ noemde Komitee tot Bylae B van genoemde proklamasie Given at Pretoria my Handon this 30th day of under April One thousand Nine hundred and Seventyfour Gegee onder my Hand to Pretoria op hede die 30ste dag van April Eenduiserid Negehonderd Vierensewentig S G J VAN NIEKERK S G J VAN NIEKERK Administrator of the Province Transvaal Administrateur_ van die Provinsie Transvaal PB PB No 99 (AdMinistrators) 974 No 99 (Administrateurs) 974: PROCLAMATION PROKLAMASIE Id terms of section 49() of the Deeds Registries Act Ingevolge artikel 49() van die Registrasie van Aktes 937 (Act 47 of 937) read with section 82 of the Town Wet 937 (Wet 47 van 937); gelees met artikel 82 planning and Townships Ordinance 965 (Ordinance 25 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanaing en Dorpe of 965) hereby declare that the boundaries of Jupiter 965 (Ordonnansie 25 van 965) verklaar ek hierby dat Township shall be extended to include Portion 774 of die grense van die dorp Jupiter uitgebrei word deur the farm Elandsfonteia No 90IR district of Johannes Gedeelte 774 Van;die plaas Elandsfontein No 90IR burg subject to the conditions set out in the Schedule distrik Johannesburg daarin op to neem onderworpe hereto aan die voorwaardes uiteengesit in die bygaande Bylae 4 I

7 hereby township PROVINSIALE KOERANT 5 MEI _ III Given under my Hand at Pretoria on this 6th day of Gegee ander my Hand to Pretoria op hede die 6de May One thousand Nine hundred and Seventyfour dag van Mei Fehduisend Negehondeid Vier en sewentig " S G J VAN NIEKERK " S G VAN NIEKERK Administrator of the Province Transvaal Administrateur van die Provinsi&Transvaal PB PB SCHEDULE BYLAE Conditions of Incorporation t Vbonvaardesvati lnlywing Upon incorporation the applicant shall: y inlywing moet de i applikant: () at its own expense cause the erf to be consolidated () op the koste die erf met Ed 27 dorp jupitcr laat with Ed 27 Jupiter Township konsolideer (2) pay to the local authority within a period of six (2) as begiftiging in bedrag gelykstaande met 64% van months after proclamation of the incorporation a die grondwaarde van die ingelyfde gedeelte binne sum of money equal to 64% of the_ land value of n tydperk van ses maande na proklamasie van die the incorporated portion as an endowment inlywing aan die plaaslike bestuur betaal 2 Conditions of Title " " 2 Titelvoorwaardes " hi Upon incorporation the elf shall be subject to existing r conditions and servitudes if any aan bestaande Voorwaardes en serwitute indien enige! By inlywing moet die erf onderworpe gemaak word No 00 (Administrators) 974 PROCLAMATION NO 00 (Administrateurs) 974 : : PROKLAMASIE In terms of section 20(4) of the townships and Town Ingevolge artikel 20(4) van die Dotpe eii Dorpsaan planning Ordinance 93 (Ordinance of 93) I legordonnansie 93 (Ordonnansie van 93) ver declare Montana Township to be an approved klaar elhierby die dorp Montana tot n goedgekeurde subject to the conditions Contained in the dorp onderworpe aan die volgcnde vervat in die by Schedule hereto gaande BYlae : Given under my Hand at Pretoria on this 23rd day Gegee ender my Hand to Pretoria op hede die 23ste of April One thousand Nine hundred and Seventyfour dig van April Eendliisend N* 0(65 Vieren sewentig I S G L VAN NIEKERK S G J VAN NIEKERK r Administrator of the Province Transvaal P Administrateur van die Provinsie Transvaal Pt SCHEDULE BYLAE CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH THE APPLICATION VOORWAARDES WAAROP DIE AANSOEK GE MADE BYAZANZA TRUST (EIENDOMS) BEPERK DOEN DEUR AZANZA TRUST (EIENDOMS) UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE TOWNSHIPS SEPERK INGEVOLGE DIE BEPALINGS VAN DIE AND TOWNPLANNING ORDINANCE 93 FOR DORPE EN DORPSAANLEGORDONNANSIE 93 PERMISSION TO ESTABLISH A TOWNSHIP OM OM TOESTEMMING OM N DORP TE STIG OP THE REMAINDER OF PORTION 5 OF THE FARM DIE RESTANT VAN GEDEELTE 5 VAN DIE HARTEBEESTFONTEIN NO 324JR DISTRICT PLAAS HARTEBEESTFONTEIN NO 324R DIS PRETORIA WAS GRANTED TRIK:PRETORIA; TOEGESTAAN IS A CONDITIONS OF ESTABLISHMENT Name A STIGTINGSVOORWAARDES The name of the township shall be Montana: Die naam van die dorp is Montana c 2 Design of Township " 2 Ontnierpplan van die Dorp The township shall consist of erven and streets as Die dorp bestaan uit erwe en strath soon aangedui op indicated on General Plan SG No A40/72 Algemene Plan LG No A40/72 / i 3 Water : 3: Water The applicant shall lodge with the Adminiifrator; for Die applikant moet n sertifikaat van die plaaslike his approval a certificate from the local authority to the bestuur aan die Administrateur vir sy goedkeuring voorle effect that waarin vermeld word dat:

8 _ 244 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 5 MAY; 974 being disposed of after such promulgationt and to be kohdiging van die proklamasie indien die erwe voor 4 determined in the Manner Set out in the Said section sodanige afkondiging van die hand gesit is of sods op die datum waarop dit aldus van die hand gesit word; Quarterly audited detailed statements shall be rendered indien dic erwe na sodanige afkondiging van die hand by the applicant to the local authorityand shall be gesii word en vasgestel te word op die wyse tiiteengesit accompanied by a remittanceof the amount shown to he in genoemde artikel dneio the local authority i Die applikant moet geouditeerde gedetailleerdo kwar taalstate saam met die bedrag wat daarep aangewys The local authority or any official duly authorised word as verskuldig aan die plaaslike bestuur aan die thereto by it shall have the right to inspect and audit plaaslike bestuur verstrek the applicants books at all reasonable times relative to the disposal of erven in the township If so required by Die plaaslike bestuur of enige beampte deur horn bethe said local authority or official the applicant shall hoorlikdaartoe gemagtig besit die reg om op alle produce all such books and papers as may be necessary redelike Lye die applikant se boeke betreffende die ver for such: inspection and audit ll no such moneys have vreemdina van erwe in die dorp te inspekteer en te been received during any quarterly period the local ouditedrop versoek van genoemde plaaslike bestuur of authority may; in :lieu of an audited statement[accept a beampte moet die applikant alle boeke en stukke; wat statement to that effect vir so II inspeksie en ouditeringmodig is; voorld Indien geen sodanige gelde sedurende n tydperk van drie rnaande ontvang is nie kari die plaaslike bestuur n ver7 Repositioning or Replacement of Circuits klaring waarin melding daaivan gemaak word in plaas rd eoudite g aa t aanneem If by reason of the establishment of the township it van should become necessary to reposition or to replace any existing circuits of the City Council of Pretoria then the Ili Verwydering of Vervanging van Kraglyn cog thereof shall be borne by the applicant Indieit dit te eniger tyd as gevolg van die stigting van die dorp nodig blyk te wees em` die bestaande kraglyne Van die Stadsraad van Pretoria te verwyder of te vervang Z Restriction on the Transfer of Erven dan nioet isodanige koste deur die applikant gedra word The applicant shall at its own cost cause the servitude : registered in terms of Notarial DeedNo555/57S to be 2 iteperking op Oordrag van Erwe; cancelled and Erven Nos and 83 may not be sold before the Die abovernentioned servitude is cancelled applikant moet op ere koste die serwituut gere gistreer kragtens Notariele Akte No 555/57S laat kart " selleer en Erwe Nos en 83 mag nie verkoop word 3: Disposal of ExistingConditions of Title nie ioordat ovoormeide serwituut gekanselleer is nie All erven shall be made subject to existing conditions add servitudeslf any including the reservation of rights 3 Beskikking our Bestaande Titelvoorwaardes to minerals but excluding: falle erwe meet onderworpe gemaak word aan " bestaande voorwaardes en serwitute indien enige met (a) the servitude registered in terms of Notarial Deed inbegrip van die voorbehoud van mineraalregte maar No 555/57 S which affects Erven Nos and uitgesonderd: 83 and streets in the township only (The above (a) die serwituut geregistteer kragtens Notariele Akte mentioned erven shall not be transferred unless the aforesaid servitude No 555i/57 S wat slegserwe Nos has been cancelled) 78; 79 en 83 en strate in die dorp raak (bie bogemelde 4 erwe mag nie oorgedra word voordat die serwituut gekansel (b) the following servitude which does not affect the leer is me) township area and rights which will not be passed Onto erven in the township: (b) die volgende serwitute wat nie die dorpsgebied raak the en regte wat nie aan erwe in die dorp oorgedra `;Gedeelte c van die plaas Hartebeestfontein voor : : word Me: meld (Waarvan die eiendom hierby getransporteer "Gedeelte C van die pleas Hartebeestfontein voormeld _ndeel uitmaak) is: " " I (waarvan die eieadom hierby getransporteer 4 deel tiitmaak) is: (i): `Onderworken aan het servitnut van deldam die gelegen is op de lijn van dit Gedeelte "D" (i) Onderworpen aan het servitupt van" de dam die gehouden order:verdelings Cettifikaat daarin gelegen is op de lijn van dit Gedeelte "D" ge gesanientlik gebruik zal warden door de eige houden under Verdelings Certifikaat daarin naren van dit Gedeelte "C" en f Gedeelte "D" gesamentlik gebruik zal warden door de eigenaren van dit Gedeelte "C" en Gedeelte "D" (ii) Gerechtigd tot leen Servituut van water van de ; :;(ii) Gerechtigd tot een servituut van water van de fonteinen watervoor en twee dammen op Ge fonteinen watervoor en twee dammen op Ger deelte D" voormeld ee i deelte "D" voormeld Het water uit de gemelde fonteinen word[ aho Lid water uit de gemelde fonteinen wordy alzo " verdeeld dat verdeeld dat de eigenarernan dit Gedeelte "C" de eigenaren van dit Gedeelte "C: en de eigenaren vam voormeld en de eigenaren Geideelte "D" van voormelde Gedeelte "D" beurtelings het water eke thee :dageg krijgen beurtelings het water elke twee dagen krijgen (Zondag water vrij in de dam te lopen): " : (Zondag Water vrij in de darn te lopen) it 4

9 drinkwater I 0 PROVINSIALE KOERANT 5 MEI : de eigenaar van dit Gedeelte "C" en de eigenaar geven en zulke eigenaar kart clan besluiten of kennis vooraf geven en zulke eigenaar kan dan wil helpen bi slechts de din bestaande water b:sluiten of hij wil helpen of slechts de dan hij gebruiken in welke geval de eigenaar die de bestaande ;water gebruiken in welke geval de verbetering aanbrengt gerechtigd zal zijn tot eigenaardie de verbetering aanbrengt gereehtigd alle verdere water die door hem alzo veroor zal zijn tot alle verdere water die door hem zaakt word De ander eigenaar Aran echter delen alzo veroorzaakt wordt De ander eigenaar kan in zulk vermeerderd water zodra hij zijn deel echter delen in zulk vermeerderd water zodra " van de kosten betaalt hij :zijn deel van de " kosten betaalt 4 Amendment of Town planning Scheme: 4 Wyiiging van Dorpsaanlegsketna ; The applicant shall take the necessary steps to amend Die applikant moet die nodige siappe doen om die tht relevant townplanning scheme immediately after the betrokke clorpsaanlegskema telaat wysig township has been proclaimed onmiddellik nadatdie dorp geproklameer is 5 Enforcement of C(Mditions 5 Nak and ng yanvoorwaardes The applicant shall observe the conditionsof establish Die applikait inoet die stigtingsvborwaardes nakom ment and shall take the necessary steps to secure the ea moet die nodige stapp6 dot om to sorg clatdie titelenforcement of the conditions of title and any other con voorwaardes en enige ander votirwitatdes genoem ditions imposed in terms of section 56bis of Ordinance: in artikel 56bis van Ordonnansie Van 93 dagekom iof 93: Provided that the Administrator shall have i word: Met Alen Verstande dat die AdthinistrateUr die the power to relieve the applicant of all or any of the beyoegdheid besirom die applikant van almal of errigeen obligations and to vest these in anyother person or body van die verpligtings to onthef eri om sodanige Verpligtings I of persons by enigeanderpersoonof lignain maregspersoonlilcherd te laat berus B CONDITIONS OF TITLE / B TTELVOORWAARDES : The Erven with Certain Exeeptions I Die Erwe met Sekere Uitionderings The erven with the exception of (i) such erven as May be aequirectfor State pur Dieerwe met uitsondering van:: poses; and 0) erwe wat deur die Staat verkry niag word; en (ii) erwe wat vir munisipale doeleindes:verkiy mag purposes provided the Adniinistrator has word nits die Administrateur die doeleindes approved the purposes for which such erven are waarvoor sodanige erwe nodig is goedgekeur (ii) Such erven as may lie acquired for municipal required; het shall be subject to the further conditions hereinafter set isordierwolpe aan die voorwaardeshiema genoem opgele fdrth imposed by the Administiatoi under the provisions deur die Administrateur kragtehs die bepalings van die of the Townships and Town planning Ordinance of Dowe en Dorpsaanlegordonnansie van 93 i 93 " (A) (A) GENERAL CONDITIONS ALGEMENENOORWAARDES _ (a) The applicant and any other person or body of per (a) Dieapplilcant en enige ander persoon of liggaam van sons so authorised in writing by the Administrator person wat skriftelik deur die Administrateur dam shall for the purpose of securing the enforcement toe gemagtig is het; met die doel om to sorg dat of these conditions and any other conditions referral hierdie voorwaardes en enige tinder voorwaardes to in section 56bis of Ordinance II of 93 have genoem in artikel 56bis van Ordonnansie Van the right and power to enter into and upon the erf ;93; *eked& word die Tog en bevoegclheid run at all reasonable times for the purpose of such opalleredelika tye die erf to betree ten eindesoda

10 266 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 5 MAY 974 inspection or inquiry to be made as may be neces :nige inspeksie te doen of ondersoek in te stel of sary for the abovemetitidned purpose wat vir bovertitelde doel ingestel moet word (b) Neither theowner nor any other person shall have ) Nog die eienaar nog enigiemand an ers besit die the right to make or permit to be made upon the erf for lea om Vir enige doel hoegenaamd bakstene any teels purpose whatsoever any bricks tiles or ofe rdepype of ander artikels van earthenware n soortgelyke pipes or other articles of a like nature aard op die erf te vervaardig of te bat vervaardig (c) Neither the owner nor any other person shall have the right save and except to prepare the erf (c) Nog die eienaar nog enigiemand anders besit die for building purposes to excavate therefrom any reg om behalwe mu die erf vir boudoeleindes in material or to carry on any existing use thereon gweedheid te bring enige materiaal daarop uit te without the written consent of the local authority grawe of enige bestaande gebruik voort te sit sonder (d) ExcePt With the consent of the local authority no die skriftelike toestemming van die plaaslike bestuur animal as defined in the Local Authorities Pounds (d) Behalwe met die toestemming van die plaaslike Regulations as published under Administrators bestuur mag geen dier soos omskryf in die Skutregu " Notice No 2 of 929 shall be kept or stabled on the lasies van Plaaslike Besture sons afgekondig by erf Administrateurskennisgewing No 2 van 929 op die 4 (c) Eicept withthe written consent of the local authority : erf aangehou word Me no wood and/or iron buildings or buildings of un burnt clay brick shall be erected on the erf (e) Belialwe met die skriftelike toestemming van die (f) Except with the written approval of the localplaaslike bestuur mag geen gebou van bout en/of s sink of geboue van roustene op die erf opgerig wont authority and subject to such conditions as the local nie authority may impose neither the owner nor any occupant of the erf shall sink any wells or boreholes (f) Behalwe met die skriftelike toestemming van die 4 thereon or extract any subterranean water there plaaslike bestuur en onderworpe aan sodanige voor from waardes as wat die plaaslike bestuur ople mag nog (g) Where in the opinion of the local authority it is die eienaar nog enige bewoner van die erf putte of impracticable for stormwater to be drained from boorgate op die erf sink of enige ondergrondse higher lying erven direct to a public street the owner water daaruit put nie of the erf shall be obliged to accept and/or permit (g) Waar dit volgens die ironing van die plaaslike the passage over the erf of such stormwater: Pro vided that the owners of any higher lying erven bestuur ondoenlik is om neerslagwater van erwe met the hoer ligging regstreeks na n openbare street toe stormwater from which is discharged over any lower of te voer Is die eienaar van die erf verplig om fe lying erf shall be liable to pay a proportionate share aanvaar dat sodanige neerslagwater op sy erf vloi e of the cost of any pipeline or drain which the owner en/of toe te laat dat die waterdaaroor loop: Met of such lower lying erf may find necessary to lay dien verstande dat die eienaars van erwe met n Or construct kir the purpose of conducting the water hoot Egging vanwaar dieneerslagwatet oorn erf met : so discharged over the erf n laer ligging loop aanspreeklik isom n eweredige (h) Upon the submission to the Registrar of Deeds of aandeel van die koste ie betaal van enige pyplyn of : a certificate by the local authority to the affect that afleivoor wat die eienaar van sodanige erf met n : the township has been included in a Town planning laer ligging nodig mag vind om aan te8 of te bou Scheme and that the scheme contains conditions : out die water wat aldus00r die erf loop of te voer corresponding to the titletonditionscontained herein (h) By die indiening n sertifikaat by die Registth such title conditions shall lapse van teur (B) SPECIAL PURPOSE ERVEN van Aktes effekte deur die plaaslike bestuur te dien dat die (Imp in n goedgekeurde skema op 4 In addition to theconditions set Out in subclause (A) i geneem is en dat die skema voorwaardes bevat wat hereof the undermentioned erven shall be subject to the; in ooreenstemming is met die titelvoorwaardes hierin following conditions: vervat kan sodanige titelvoorwaardes verve] Erven Nos 5 to to 7 and 73 The erf shall be used solely:for such purposes as may : (B) Eitwg VIR SPESIALE D9EIPNDES be permitted and subject to requirements as may Benewens die voorwaardes uiteengesit in subklousule be imposed by the Administrator after reference to the (A) hiervan is die ondergenoemde erwe aan die vol TownshipsBoard and the localauthority ; gende voorwaardes 04cl warp!: (C) SPECIAL RESIDENTIAL ERVEN Erwe Nos; 5 tot tot 7 en 73 The erven with the exception of those refeired to in Die erf mag slegs gebruik word vir sedan* doeleindes subclause (B) shall in addition to the conditions set _soos toegelaat en onderworpe aan sodanige vereistes as out in subclause (A) hereof; alio be subject to the follow wat die Administrateur mag bepail IA oorlegpleging met mg conditions: : 7 :die Dorperaad en die plaaslike bestuur (a) The erf Shall be Used for the erection of a: &telling house only: Provided that with the consent of the (C) SPESIALE WOONERWE Administrator after reference to the Townships Board and the local authority a place of public Benewens die voorwaardes uiteengesit in subklousule :v Worship br :placeof instruction; social halt institu (A) hiervan is die erwe met die uitsondering :van die tion or other buildings appertaining: to a residential in:subklousule (B) genoem obk aan die volgende voon area may be erected onwaardes the onderworpe: erf (b) NOConethore than o dwelling house together with (ardietertmag:stegs gebruik wordam daarop4woon such" outbuildings as areordinarilyytequired to be :"_ huis pp te rig; Met dien verstande dat met die toe " Pied in connection therewith shall be erected ;on the " Stemming: van: die Administrateur na; thadpleging I

11 IPerf: I PROVINSIALE KOERANT 5 MEI Provided that if the erf is subdivided or if such met die Dorperaad en die plaaslike bestuur n pick erf or any portion thereof is consolidated with any van openbare godsdiensoefening of n plek van on other erf or portion of an erf this condition may derrig n gemeenskapsaal n inrigting of ander gewith the consent of the Administrator be applied to boue wat in n woongebied tuishoort op die erf each resulting portion or consolidated area opgerig mag word (c) The main building which shall be a complete build (b) Op die erf mag nie meer as een woonhuis met sodaing and not one partly erected and intended for nige buitegeboue as wat gewoonlik vir gebruik in completion at a later date shall be erected simul verband daarmee nodig is opgerig word nie: Met taneously with or before the erection of the out dien verstande dat as die erf onderverdeel word of buildings as sodanige erf of enige gedeelte daarvan gekonso lideer word met enige ander erf of gedeelte van n (d) Buildings including outbuildings hereafter erected erf hierdie voorwaarde met die toestemming van on the erf shall be located not less than 5 metres die Administrateur van toepassing gemaak mag word from the boundary thereof abutting on a street (This op elke gevolglike gedeelte of gekonsolideerde gebied condition is not applicable to Erven Nos 43 to 50 (c) Die hoofgebou wat n voltooide gebou moet wees en and 78 to 83) nie eon wat gedeeltelik opgerig is en eers later vol tooi sal word nie moet gelyktydig met of voor die (e) If the erf is fenced or otherwise enclosed the fencing buitegeboue opgerig word or other enclosing device shall be erected and main (d) Geboue met inbegrip van buitegeboue wat hierna tamed to the satisfaction of the local authority op die erf opgerig word moet minstens 5 meter van die straatgrens daarvan gelee wees (Hierdie voor waarde is nie van toepassing op Erwe Nos 43 tot 2 Erven Subject to Special Conditions 50 en 78 tot 83 nie) (a) Erven Nos 44 to 49 (e) Indien die erf omhein of op n ander wyse toegemaak word moet die heining of ander omheinings materiaal opgerig en onderhou word tot bevrediging (i) Ingress to and egress from the erf shall be van dic plaaslike bestuur restricted to the northern boundary thereof (ii) Buildings including outbuildings hereafter 2 Erive Ondenvorpe aan Spesiale Voorwaardes erected on the erf shall be located at least 6 (a) Erwe Nos 44 tot 49 metres front the southern boundary and at least () Ingang tot en uitgang vanaf die erf word beperk 5 metres from any other street boundary thereof tot die noordelike grens daarvan (b) Erf No (ii) 43 Geboue met inbegrip van buitegeboue wat hier na op die erf opgerig word moet minstens 6 meter vanaf die suidelike grens daarvan gelee (i) Ingress to and egress front the erf shall be en minstens 5 meter vanaf enige ander restricted to the northern and northwestern straatgrens boundaries thereof (ii) Buildings including outbuildings hereafter (b) Ed No 43 (I) Ingang tot en uitgang vanaf die erf word beperk Ierected on the erf shall be located at least 6 tot die noordelike en noordwestelike grense metres from the south western boundary and at daarvan least 5 metres from any other street boundary (H) Geboue met inbegrip van buitegeboue wat thereof hierna op die erf opgerig word moet minstens 6 meter vanaf die suidwestelike grens en mill (c) Erf No 50 stens 5 meter vanaf enige ander straatgrens geled woes (i) Ingress to and egress from the erf shall be (c) Erf No 50 restricted to the northern and north eastern boundary (i) thereof Ingang tot en uitgang vanaf die ed word beperk tot die noordelike en noordoostelike grense (ii) Buildings including outbuildings hereafter erect daarvan ed on the erf shall be located at least 6 metres (ii) Geboue met inbegrip van buitegeboue wat from the southern boundary and at leasts me hierna op die erf opgerig word moet minstens tres from any other street boundary thereof 6 meter vanaf die suidelike grens en minstens 5 meter vanaf enige ander straatgrens gelee (d) Erven Nos 78 and 79 wees (d) Erwe Nos 78 en 79 (i) Ingress to and egress from the erf shall be (i) Ingang tot en uitgang vanaf die ed word beperk restricted to the south western boundary thereof tot die suidwestelike grens daarvan 0 (ii) Buildings including outbuildings hereafter 00 Geboue met inbegrip van buitegeboue wat erected on the erf shall be located at least 6 hierna op die erf opgerig word moet minstens metres from the northeastern boundary and at 6 meter vanaf die noordoostelike en minstens

12 : (i) 268 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 5 MAY 974 least 5 metres from any other street boundary 5 meter vanaf enige ander straatgrens geleh thereof wees 4 (e) Erven Nos 80 and 8 (e) Erwe Nos 80 en 8 (i) Ingress to and egress from the erf shall be (i) Ingang tot en uitgang vanaf die erf word beperk restricted to the western boundary thereof tot die westelike grens daarvan (ii) Geboue met inbegrip van buitegeboue wat (ii) Buildings including outbuildings hereafter hierna op die erf opgerig word moet minstens erected on the erf shall be located at least 6 metres from the eastern boundary and at least 5 metres from any other street boundary thereof 6 meter vanaf die oostelike grens en minstens 5 meter vanaf enige ander straatgrens gele8 woes (I) Erven Nos 82 and 83 (f) Erwe Nos 82 en 83 (i) Ingress to and egress from the erf shall be twang tot en uitgang vanaf die erf word beperk restricted to the northern boundary thereof tot die noordelike grens daarvan (ii) Buildings including outbuildings hereafter (ii) Geboue met inbegrip van buitegeboue wat hierna erected on the erf shall be located at least 6 op die erf opgerig word moet minstens 6 meter! metres from the south eastern boundary dnd at vanaf die suidoostelike grens en minstens 5 meter least 5 metres from any other street boundary vanaf enige ander straatgrens daarvan gelee thereof weer (g) Erwe Nos en 50 (g) Erven Nos and 50 4 Die erf is onderworpe aan n serwituut vir munisi The erf is subject to a servitude for municipal pur! pale doeleindes ten gunste van die plaaslike bestuur poses in favour of the local authority as shown on soos aangedui op die algemene plan the general plan i : 3 Serwituut vir Riolerings en Ander Munisipale 3 Servitude for Sewerage and Other Municipal Purposes Doeleindes (a) The erf shall be subject to a servitude for sewerage I (a) Die erf is onderworpe aan n serwituut vir riolerings and other municipal purposes 2 metres wide along! en ander munisipale doeleindes ten gunste van die one only of its boundaries excluding a street boun plaaslike bestuur twee meter breed langs net een dary as shown on the general plan in favour of the van sy grense uitgesonderd n straatgrens soos bepaal local authority deur die plaaslike bestuur (b) No building or other structure shall be erected with : (b) Geen gebou of ander struktuur mag binne die voor in the aforesaid servitude area and no large rooted genoemde serwituutgebicd opgerig word nie en geen trees may be planted within the area of such ser grootwortelbome mag binne die gebied van sodanige vitude or within two metres thereof serwituut of binne n afstand van twee meter daar van geplant word nie (c) The local authority shall be entitled to deposit tern (c) Die plaaslike bestuur is geregtig om enige materiaal porarily on the land adjoining the aforesaid servitude wat deur horn uitgegrawe word tydens die aan]eg such material as may be excavated by it during the onderhoud of verwydering van sodanige rioolhoof : course of the construction maintenance or removal pypleiding en ander werke wat by volgens goeddunke A of such sewerage mains and other works as it in its noodsaaklik ag tydelik to plans op die grond wat II discretion may deem necessary and shall further be aan die voornoemde serwituut grens en voorts is die entitled to reasonable access to the said land for plaaslike bestuur geregtig tot redelike toegang tot the aforesaid purpose subject to any damage done genoemde grond vir die voornoemde doel wider during the process of the construction maintenance worpe daaraan dat die plaaslike bestuur enige skade or removal of such sewerage mains and other works vergoed wat gedurende die aanieg onderhoud of being made good by the local authority verwydering van sodanige rioolhoofpypleiding en ander werke veroorsaak word 4 Definitions 4 Woordomskrywing Jn the aforegoing conditions the following terms shall; have the meaning assigned to them: In voormelde voorwaardes het onderstaande uitdruk kings die betekenisse wat aan hulle geheg Word: (i) "Applicant" means Azanza Trust (Eiendoms) Beperk and its successors in title to the town (i) "Applikant" beteken Azanza Trust (Eiendoms) ship Beperk en sy opvolgers tot die eiendomsreg van die dorp (ii) "Dwelling house" means a house designed for (H) "Woonhuis" beteken n huis wat ontwerp is use as a dwelling for a single family vir gebruik as n woning deur een gesin 5 State and Municipal Erven 5 Staats en Munisipale Erwe Should any erf referred to in Clause ill (i) and (ii) be As enige erf verkry sons beoog in Klousule B (i) en registered in the name of any person other than the (ii) hiervan geregistreer word in die naam van enige I State or the local authority such erf shall thereupon be ander persoon as die Staat of die plaaslike bestuur dan subject to such conditions as may be determined by the is so n erf daarop onderworpe aan sodanige voorwaar Administrator des as wat die Administrateur bepaal

13 PROVINSIALE KOERANT 5 MEI ADMINISTRATORS NOTICES ADMINISTRATEURSKENNISGEWINGS ; ; Administrators Notice May 974 Administrateurskennisgewing Mei 974 ROAD TRAFFIC REGULATIONS AMENDMENT PADVERKEERSREGULASIES WYSIGING VAN OF REGULATION 4 REGULASE 4 The Administrator hereby in terms of section 65 of Die Administrateur wysig hierby ingevolge die bethe Road Traffic Ordinance 966 (Ordinance No 2of palings van artikel 65 van die Ordonnansie op Pad 966) read with item 9 of Part IV of Schedule 2 to that verkeer 966 (Ordonnarisie No 2 van 966) gelees met item 9 van Deel IV van Bylae 2 by daardie Ordonnan Ordinance amends regulation 4 of the Road Traffic regulasie 4 van die Padverkeersregulasies deur die Regulations by the addition thereto of the following ondergenoemde paragraaf daaraan toe te voeg: pa ragraph: "(37) Warmbad Rusoord" "(37) Warmbad Rusoord" TW TW Administrators Notice May 974 Administrateurskennisgewing Mei 974 NATURE CONSERVATION ORDINANCE 967 ORDONNANSIE OP NATUURBEWARING 967 DECLARATION OF AREAS AS NATURE RE VERKLARING VAN GEBIEDE TOT NATUUR SERVES RESERVATE In terms of the provisions of section 3 of the Nature Ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 3 van die Orden Conservation Ordinance 967 (Ordinance 7 of 967) nansie op Natuurbewaring 967 (Ordonnansie 7 van the Administrator hereby declares the areas defined in 967) verklaar die Admmistrateur die gebiede in die the Schedule hereto as nature reserves as from 5 May Bylae hierby omskryf tot natuurreservate met ingang Mei 974 SCHEDULE BYLAE THE LEANA NATURE RESERVE DISTRICT OF DIE LEANA NATUURRESERVAAT DISTRIK THA THABAZIMBI (EXTENT HECTARE) BAZIMBI (GROOTTE HEKTAAR) The Leana Nature Reserve comprising: Remaining Die Leananatuurreservaat bestaande nit: Resterende Extent (SG Diagram A4533/26) and Portion 4 (SG Gedeelte (LG Kaart A4533/26) en Gedeelte 4 (LG Diagram A559/36) of the farm Haakdoorndrift 373 Kaart A559/36) van die plaas Haakdoorndrift 373 KQ KQ P THE VAN HEERDEN NATURE RESERVE DIS DIE VAN HEERDEN NATUURRESERVAAT DIS TRICT OF WATERBERG (EXTENT HEC TRIK WATERBERG (GROOTTE HEK TARE) TAAR) The Van Heerden Nature Reserve comprising: Portion Die Van Heerden natuurreservaat bestaande uit: Ge 7 (SG Diagram A8629/69) of the farm Boekenhout deelte 7 (LG Kaart A8629/69) van die plaas Boeken 706KR hout 706 KR THE GYS VLOK NATURE RESERVE DISTRICT DIE GYS VLOKNATUURRESERVAAT DISTRIK OF WATERBERG (EXTENT 0883 HECTARE) WATERBERG (GROOTTE 0883 HEKTAAR) The Gys Vlok Nature Reserve comprising: Remaining Die Gys Vloknatuurreservaat bestaande uit: Reste Extent (SG Diagram A78/09) and Portion (SG rende Gedeelte (LG Kaart A78/09) en Gedeelte Diagram A2999/62) of the farm Cradock 534LQ (LG Kaart A2999/62) van die plaas Cradock 534 LQ THE CHRIWILMA NATURE RESERVE DISTRICT DIE CHRIWILMA NATUURRESERVAAT DISTRIK OF WATERBERG (EXTENT HECTARE) WATERBERG (GROOTTE HEKTAAR) The Chriwilma Nature Reserve comprising: The farm Die Chriwilmanatuurreservaat bestaande uit: Die Smithfield 536 LQ plaas Smithfield 536LQ Administrators Notice May 974 Administrateurskennisgewing Mei 974 PADVERKEERSREGULASIES WYSIGING \ ROAD TRAFFIC REGULATIONS AMENDMENT k The Administrator in terms of section 65 of the Die Administrateur wysig hierby ingevolge artikel 65 p Road Traffic Ordinance 966 (Ordinance 2 of 966) van die Ordonnansie op Padverkeer 966 (Ordonnansie hereby amends regulation 80() by the deletion of the 2 van 966) regulasie 80() deur die uitdrukking expression "92(c)" "92(c)" te skrap TW 22 TO 0 TW 22 TO 0

14 270 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 5 MAY 974 Administrators Notice May 974 Administrateurskennisgewing Mei DELAREYVILLE MUNICIPALITY: AMENDMENT MUNISIPALITEIT DELAREYVILLE: WYSIGING TO SWIMMING BATH BYLAWS VAN SWEMBADVERORDENINGE The Administrator hereby in terms of section 0 of Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel the Local Government Ordinance 939 publishes the 0 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur 939 die by:laws set forth hereinafter which have been approved verordeninge hierna uiteengesit wat deur hom ingevolge by him in terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance artikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur is The Swimming Bath Bylaws of the Delareyville Muni Die Swembadverordeninge van die Munisipaliteit van cipality published under Administrators Notice 2240 Delareyville afgekondig by Administrateurskennisgewing dated 3 December 972 are hereby amended by the 2240 van 3 Desember 972 word hierby gewysig deur substitution for the Schedule of the following: die Bylae deur die volgende te vervang: "SCHEDULE "BYLAE The tariff of charges for the use of the bath shall be Die tarief van gelde vir die gebruik van die bad is as follows: soos volg: Season Tickets Seisoenkaartjies R () Adult R (2) Scholars and children not yet attending (2) Skoliere en voorskoolse kinders Monthly Tickets 2 Maandelikse Kaartjies 4 (2) Scholars and children not yet attending 3 Daily Tickets (2) Skoliere en voorskoolse kinders Daaglikse Kaartjies (I) Adult 00 (2) Skoliere cn voorskoolse kinders 005 (2) Scholars and children not yet attending 4 Duplikaat Kaartjies 4 Duplicate Tickets Charge for a duplicate monthly or season ticket 025" PB Geld vir n duplikaat maandelikse of seisocn PB Administrators Notice May 974 Administrateurskennisgewing Mei 974 REIDELBERG MUNICIPALITY: AMENDMENT TO MUNISIPALITEIT HEIDELBERG: WYSIGING VAN WATER SUPPLY BY LAWS WATERVOORSIENINGSVERORDENINGE The Administrator hereby in terms of section 0 of Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel I the Local Government Ordinance 939 publishes the 0 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur 939 die by laws set forth hereinafter which have been approved verordeninge hierna uiteengesit wat deur hom ingevolge by him in terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance artikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur is The Water Supply By laws of the Heidelberg Muni Die Watervoorsieningsverordeninge van die Munisipa cipality published under Administrators Notice 044 liteit Heidelberg afgekondig by Administrateurskennis dated 9 November 952 as amended are hereby further gewing 044 van 9 November 952 soos gewysig word amended by the substitution in item (a)(iii) of the hierby verder gewysig deur in item (a)(iii) van die Water Tariff under Annexure XX of Schedule to Watertarief onder Aanhangsel XX van Bylae by Hoof Chapter 3 for the expression "5%" of the expression stuk 3 die uitdrukking "570" deur die uitdrukking "2%" "2%" te vervang PB PB Administrators Notice May 974 Administrateurskennisgewing Mei 974 REDUCTION IN WIDTH OF THE ROAD RESERVE VERMINDERING VAN DIE BREEDTE VAN DIE OF A PUBLIC ROAD (SERVICE ROAD TO PRO PADRESERWE VAN N OPENBARE PAD (DIENS VINCIAL THROUGHWAY P57/2) AND CLOSING PAD TOT PROVINSIALE DEURPAD P57/2) EN OF AN ENTRANCE THERETO/EXIT THEREFROM SLUITING VAN N INGANG DAARTOE/UITGANG WITFIIN THE MUNICIPAL AREA OF KEMPTON DAARVAN BINNE DIE MUNISPALE GEBIED VAN PARK KEMPTONPARK The Administrator in terms of section 3 of the Roads Die Administrateur verminder hierby ingevolge artikel Ordinance 957 hereby reduces the width of the road 3 van die Padordonnansie 957 die breedte van die

15 P PROVINSIALE KOERANT 5 MEI ) Enna I 56 : KO ORDINATE VAN PADRESERWE ROAD RESERVE "CO ORDINATES* _ ststeem/system Lo299 Y Eng FL/Xt X *I cp < WI P " 03 ist* rot 0 / Or bc; GE d\ DIE FIGURE v / a_ /" P THE FIGURES NUMBERED 4 / D se 4: Zit c)\ > /it la) eD46ci _ I dD29e029c 0 " 4:: ce / / 0 i STD VOOR DIE VERMINDERNG VAN / ii V DIE PADRESERWE VAN ONGENOMMERDE 7 ; \ / \0 s 7 OPENBARE PAD Get i "/ \S c444 /* REPRESENT THE REDUCED RESERVE 444 IP / OF *UNNUMBERED PUBLIC ROAD ok9? tr; LEGENDE LEGEND 4 / 4 / 4 Bestaande Toegang Existing Access Toegang eesluit Si Access Closed A / r" E tin / ct I : II ; < o/ ; 3/422 a (/4 i I8 / o Ni ; I Exist Access \ ; : 23 CD : I 6294 a\ 00 N *Best Toegang t t 6% LI \ Y \ :li I a I te 5 : cc < cc r b %a OA 0 NI 4 I0!ti Best Toegang : Exist Access 0 029a $ 98 (4 i *" IZ tfl 4/ O J / l_ 4 99 ce 3 br 85 Cr 4 0 o /4 k )6: 0 5 Z 0? r n CL T 86 " Ica : ZOO I ca ; Q I F0 _ Isel /it 4 > Punt Al " \\ Point 020 9e "V 9 Cons[ a AP c "sor d > _ D29 e i /""a : 4 D % 0 046c 4 q2 r : D 46b s d t th 04 6 c 49 72/ tea` i : " n r44/ i* In y_ 4 i % : **** ci cp : 0 iu c MI " 87 : a Z : i t el iss * CC I i : 4 LEER No D P H 022 4/9/6 Vol a PLAN No PRS 6/360 FILE No :

16 272 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 5 MAY 974 reserve of the public road within the Municipal area of padreserwe van die openbare pad binne die Munisipale 4 Kempton Park as indicated and described on the sub gebied van Kemptonpark soos aangedui en omskrywe joined sketch plan PRS 68/360 with co ordinate list and op bygaande sketsplan PRS 68/360 met koordinate lys in terms of section 5(2)(c) of the said Ordinance hereby en sluit hierby ingevolge artikel 5(2)(c) van genoemde closes the entrance thereto/exit therefrom as indicated Ordonnansie die ingang daartoe/uitgang daarvan soos on the said sketch plan aangedui op gemelde sketsplan DPH 0224/9/6 Vol 8 DPH 0224 /9 / 6 Vol 8 Administrators Notice 78 5 May 974 Administrateurskennisgewing 78 5 Mei 974 KEMPTON PARK MUNICIPALITY: ADOPTION MUNISIPALITEIT KEMPTONPARK: AANNAME OF STANDARD STREET AND MISCELLANEOUS VAN STANDAARD STRAAT EN DIVERSE VER BY LAWS ORDENINGE Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel The Administrator hereby in terms of section 0 of 0 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur 939 the Local Government Ordinance 939 publishes that dat die Stadsraad van Kemptonpark die Standaard Straat the Town Council of Kempton Park has in terms of en Diverse Verordeninge afgekondig by Administrateurs section 96bis(2) of the said Ordinance adopted without kennisgewing 368 van 4 Maart 973 ingevolge artikel amendment the Standard Street and Miscellaneous By 96bis(2) van genoemde Ordonnansie sonder wysiging laws published under Administrators Notice 368 dated aangeneem het as verordeninge wat deur genoemde 4 March 973 as by laws made by the said Council Road 0 pgytel is PB ; PB Administrators Notice May 974 Administrateurskennisgewing Mel 974 PRETORIA MUNICIPALITY: DETERMINATION MUNISIPALITEIT PRETORIA: BEPALING VAN OF POLLING DISTRICTS STEMDISTRIKTE The Administrator has in terms of section 20) of Die Administrateur het ingevolge artikel 2() van die the Municipal Elections Ordinance 970 (Ordinance 6 Ordonnansie op Munisipale Verkiesings 970 (Ordonof 970) divided Ward 20 of the Pretoria Municipality nansie 6 van 970) Wyk 20 van die Munisipaliteit Pretoria in twee stemdistrikte verdeel sops into two polling districts omskryf in as described in the Schedule hereto die bygaande Bylae PB PB SCHEDULE BYLAE PRETORIA MUNICIPALITY MUNISIPALITEIT PRETORIA WARD 20 WYK 20 POLLING DISTRICT STEMDISTRIK 4 Commencing at the north western beacon of Waverley Township; thence eastwards along the northern boundary Met aanvangspunt die noordwestelike baken van die of the aforesaid township to the northeastern beacon of dorp Waverley; vandaar ooswaarts langs die noordelike the aforesaid township; thence southwards along the grens van gemelde dorp tot by die noordoostelike baken eastern boundary of the aforesaid township to the northvan gemelde dorp; vandaar suidwaarts Tangs die oostelike western beacon of East Lynne Township; thence east grens van gemelde dorp tot by die noordwestelike baken wards along the northern boundaries of the lastnamed van die dorp East Lynne; vandaar ooswaarts langs die township and Portion 249 of the farm Derdepoort No noordelike grense van laasgenoemde dorp en Gedeelte 326JR to the Pretoria Municipal boundary thence 249 van die plaas Derdepoort No 326R tot by die southwards along the municipal boundary to the south Pretoriase Munisipale grens; vandaar suidwaarts langs western beacon of the F H Odendaal Secondary School die munisipale grens tot by die suidwestelike baken van thence generally south westwards along the centre line die F H Odendaal Hoerskool; vandaar algemeen suid of Baviaanspoort Road to a point where the lastnamed weswaarts bags die middellyn van Baviaanspoortweg tot road links up with Collins Avenue Waverley Township; by die aansluitingspunt van laasgenoemde weg en Collins thence westwards along the centre line of Collins Avenue Iaan; vandaar weswaarts langs die middellyn van Collins to the intersection of the westward extension of the centre laan en die oostelike grens van Erf No 02 in die dorp line of Collins Avenue and the eastern boundary of Erf Waverley; vandaar suidwaarts en weswaarts langs die 02 Waverley Township; thence southwards and west oostelike en suidelike grense van voormelde erf tot by wards along the eastern and southern boundaries of the die suidwestelike baken van gemelde erf; vandaar noord said erf to the southwestern beacon of the said erf; waarts langs die westelike grens van die dorp Waverley thence northwards along the western boundary of Wavertot by die noordwestelike baken van die dorp Waverley ley Township to the north western beacon of Waverley die aanvangspunt 4 Township the point of commencement POLLING DISTRICT 2 STEMDISTRIK 2 Commencing at the municipal boundary on the south Met aanvangspunt die munisipale grens op die suid

17 PROVINSIALE KOERANT 5 MET Dwestern beacon of the F H Odendaal Secondary School; westelike baken van die F H Odendaal Ploerskook thence generally eastwards along the municipal boundary vandaar algemeen ooswaarts langs die munisipale grens to the north western beacon of the farm Vlakfontein tot by die noordwestelike baken van die plaas Vlak No 329JR; thence southwards along the western boun fontein No 329JR; vandaar suidwaarts langs die wesdary of the lastnamed farm to the intersection of the telike grens van laasgenoemde plaas tot by die kruispunt lastnamed boundary and the centre line of the Pretoria van laasgenoemde grens en die middellyn van die Pre Eerstefabrieke railway line; thence generally westwards toria Eerstefabrieke spoorlyn; vandaar algemeen wes along the centre line of the said railway line to the inter waarts tangs die middellyn van gemelde spoorlyn tot by section of the centre line of the said railway line and die kruispunt van die middellyn van gemelde spoorlyn the southern boundary of Eersterust Township; thence en die suidelike grens van die dorp Eersterust; vandaar generally westwards along the southern boundary of the algemeen weswaarts langs die suidelike grens van laaslastnamed township and the extension of the lastnamed genoemde dorp en uitbreiding van laasgenoemde dorp tot township to the south western beacon of the lastnamed by die suidwestelike baken van laasgenoemde dorp; township; thence westwards along an imaginary straight vandaar verder algemeen weswaarts langs n denkbeeldige line which joins the southern boundary of Jan Niemand reguit lyn wat aansluit by die suidelike grens van die Park Township; thence further westwards along the dorp Jan Niemandpark; vandaar verder algemeen wessouthern boundary of the lastnamed township to the waarts tangs die suidelike grens van laasgenoemde dorp north western beacon of Portion 78 of the farm Harte tot by die noordwestelike baken van Gedeelte 78 van die beestpoort No 328JR; thence southwards along the plaas Hartebeestpoort No 328JR; vandaar suidwaarts eastern boundary of Portion 55 of the farm Koedoespoort tangs die oostelike grens van Gedeelte 55 van die pleas No 325 AR (Koedoespoort Workshops) to the inter Koedoespoort No 325JR (Koedoespoortwerkwinkels) section of the lastnamed boundary and the centre line of tot by die kruispunt van laasgenoemde grens en die mid / the KoedoespoortCapital Park railway line; thence west dellyn van die Koedoespoort Capital Parkspoorlyn; wards along the centre line of the said railway line to vandaar weswaarts langs die middellyn van gemelde the intersection of the centre line of the said railway spoorlyn tot by die kruispunt van die middellyn van line and the western boundary of Portion 55 of the last gemelde spoorlyn en die westelike grens van Gedeelte 55 named farm; thence northwards along the western boun van laasgenoemde pleas; vandaar noordwaarts langs die dary of the lastnamed portion to the intersection of the westelike grens van laasgenoemde gedeelte tot by die northward extension of the western boundary of the kruispunt van die noordwaartse verlenging van die waste lastnamed portion and the centre line of Collins Avenue like grens van laasgenoemde gedeelte en die middellyn Waverley Township; thence generally north eastwards van Collinslaan in die dorp Waverley; vandaar algemeen noordooswaarts langs die middellyn van Baviaanspoort along the centre line of Baviaanspoort Road to the moor weg tot by die munisipale grens op die suidwestelike cipal boundary on the south western beacon of the F H baken van die F H Odendaal Hoerskool die aanvangs Odendaal Secondary School the point of commencement punt Administrators Notice May 974 Administrateurskennisgewing Mei 974 PRETORIA MUNICIPALITY: AMENDMENT TO MUNISIPALITEIT VAN PRETORIA: WYSIGING CEMETERY AND CREMATORIUM VAN BEGRAAFPLAAS EN KREMATORIUM BYLAWS VERORDENINGE The Administrator hereby in terms of section 0 of Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel the Local Government Ordinance 939 publishes the 0 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur 939 die by laws set forth hereinafter which have been approved verordeninge hierna uiteengesit wat deur horn ingevolge by him in terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance artikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur is The Cemetery and Crematorium By laws of the Pre Die Begraafplaas en Krernatoriumverordeninge van toria Municipality published under Administrators Nodie Munisipaliteit Pretoria afgekondig by Administra tice 82 dated 30 January 957 as amended are hereby teurskennisgewing 82 van 30 Januarie 957 soos gewy further amended by the substitution for item 5 of the sig word hierby verder gewysig deur item 5 van die Fourth Schedule of the following: Vierde Bylae deur die volgende to vervang: "5 Erection fees for a memorial "5 Oprigtingsgelde vir n gedenkteken Fees for permission to erect any memorial on a Gelde vir toestemming orn n gedenkteken op n graf arave: op te rig: (I) Whites () Blankes (a) Adult: R25 (a) Volwassene: R25 (5) Child: R5 (b) Kind: R5 (2) Coloureds (2) Kleurlinge (a) Adult: RI5 (a) Volwassene: R5 (b) Child: R7 (b) Kind: R7 (3) Bantu (3) Bantoes (a) Adult: R9 (a) Volwassene: R9 (b) Child: R5" (b) Kind: R5 PB PB

18 274 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 5 MAY 974 Administrators Notice May 974 Administrateurskennisgewing Mei 974 MESSINA MUNICIPALITY: AMENDMENT TO MUNISIPALITEIT MESSINA: WYSIGING VAN ELECTRICITY BY LAWS AND ELECTRICITY ELEKTRISITEITSVERORDENINGE EN ELEKTRI SUPPLY TARIFF SITEITVOORSIENINGSTARIEF The Administrator hereby in terms of section 0 of Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel the Local Government Ordinance 939 publishes the 0 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur 939 die by laws set forth hereinafter which have been approved verordeninge hierna uiteengesit wat deur horn ingevolge by him in terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance artikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur is The Electricity Bylaws of the Messina Municipali Die Elektrisiteitsverordeninge van die Munisipaliteit ty adopted by the Council under Administrators Notice Messina deur die Raad aangeneem by Administrateurs 960 dated 4 June 972 are hereby amended by the in kennisgewing 960 van 4 Junie 972 word hierby gewy sertion after section 8(2) of the following: sig deur na artikel 8(2) die volgende in te voeg: "(3) If it becomes evident during any month that a "(3) Indien dit blyk dat daar te enige maand n me meter reading taking into account the consumption of teraflesing to voorskyn kom wat uit die aard van die electricity during the previous twelve months appears to elektrisiteitsverbruik gedurende die vorige twaalf maanbe abnormal the Council may calculate the average de abnormaal skyn te wees kan die Raad n berekening monthly consumption of electricity during the preceeding maak van die gemiddelde maandelikse elektrisiteitsver A three months and such average consumption shall then bruik gedurende die voorafgaande drie maande en soserve as the correct meter reading in place of the abnor danige gemiddelde verbruik then dan as die korrekte II mal reading" meteraflesing in plek van die abnormale aflesing" 2 The Electricity Supply Tariff of the Messina Muni 2 Die Elektrisiteitvoorsieningstarief van die Muni cipality published under Administrators Notice 633 sipaliteit Messina afgekondig by Administrateurskennis dated 5 October 949 as amended is hereby further gewing 633 van 5 Oktober 949 soos gewysig word hier amended as follows: by verder soos volg gewysig: () By the insertion in item 3()(a) of Part A after (I) Deur in item 3()(a) van Deel A na die woord the word "hotels" of the words "and motels" "hotelle" die woorde "en motelle" in te voeg (2) By the substitution for subitem () of item I of (2) Deur subitem () van item van Deel B deur die Part B of the following: volgende te vervang: "() The charge for an approved electrical connec "(I) Die geld vir n goedgekeurde elektriese aansluition which shall be payable in advance shall be as fol ling wat vooruitbetaalbaar is is soos volg: lows: (a) Enkelfasig: R00 (a) Single phase: R00 (b) Driefasig: RI25: (b) Three phase: R25: Met dien verstande dat indien die werklike koste Provided that should the actual costs of the connec van die aansluiting die genoemde aansluitingsgeld I tion exceed the said charge the applicant for the oorskry die aansoeker om die aansluiting vir soda connection shall be liable for such excess" nige saldo aanspreeklik is" (3) By the substitution in item 4(2)(a) and (b) of (3) Deur in item 4(2){a) en (b) van Deel B die syfer Part B for the figure "50c" of the figure "RI" "50e" deur die syfer "RI" te vervang (4) By the substitution in item 7 of Part B for the fi (4) Deur in item 7 van Deel B die syfer "50c" deur gum "50c" of the figure "R3" die syfer "R3" te vervang PB PB Administrators Notice May 974 Administrateurskennisgewing Mei 974 JOHANNESBURG MUNICIPALITY: REVOCATION MUNISIPALITEIT JOHANNESBURG: HERROE OF NURSING HOME BY LAWS PING VAN VERPLEEGINRIGTINGVERORDE NINGE The Administrator hereby in terms of section 0 of Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel the Local Government Ordinance 939 publishes that 0 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur 939 dat he has in terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance ap by ingevolge artikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie sy proved of the revocation of the Nursing Home Bylaws goedkeuring geheg het aan die herroeping van die vetpieeginrigtingverordeninge van die Munisipaliteit Johannesburg afgekondig by Administrateurskennisgewing 89 ministrators Notice 89 dated 27 September 967 van 27 September 967 PB PB

19 PROVINSIALE KOERANT 5 MEI Notice May 974 Administrateurskennisgewing Mei 974 7/ *Administrators JOHANNESBURG MUNICIPALITY: AMENDMENT MUNISIPALITEIT JOHANNESBURG: WYSIGING OF BY LAWS AND REGULATIONS RELATING TO VAN VERORDENINGE EN REGULASIES BE LICENCES AND BUSINESS CONTROL TREFFENDE LISENSIES EN BEHEER OOR BESIGHEDE The Administrator hereby in terms of section 0 of Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel the Local Government Ordinance 939 publishes the 0 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur 939 die bylaws set forth hereinafter which have been approved verordeninge hierna uiteengesit wat deur horn inge by him in terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance volge artikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur is The By laws and Regulations relating to Licences and Business Control of the Johannesburg Municipality pu Die Verordcninge en Regulasies betreffende Lisensies blished under Administrators Notice 394 dated 27 May en die Beheer oor Besighede van die Munisipaliteit Jo 953hannesburg afgekondig by Administrateurskennisgewing as amended are hereby further amended by the 394 van 27 Mei 953 soos gewysig word hierby verder deletion of item 20 of Schedule to Chapter under gewysig deur item 20 van Bylac by Hoofstuk onder Part III Deel III to skrap PB PB Administrators Notice May 974 Administrateurskennisgewing Mei 974 RANDBURG MUNICIPALITY: TARIFF OF MUNISIPALITEIT RANDBURG: TARIEF VAN CHARGES FOR AMBULANCE SERVICES GELDE VIR AMBULANSDIENSTE The Administrator hereby in terms of section 0 of Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel the Local Government Ordinance 939 publishes the 0 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur 939 die by laws set forth hereinafter which have been approved vcrordeninge hierna uiteengesit wat deur horn ingevolge by him in terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance artikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur is Tariff of Charges for Ambulance Services Tarte( van Gelde vir Anzbulansdienste The following charges shall be payable for the use of Die volgende gelde is betaalbaar vir die gebruik van the ambulance service of the Town Council of Rand die ambulansdiens van die Stadsraad van Randburg: burg: R R Vir die vervoer van Blanke persone wat For the conveyance of White persons resi binne die munisipale gebied woonagtig is dent within the municipal area per patient per pasient per rit Vir die vervoer van Blanke persone wat 2 For the conveyance of White persons not buite die munisipale gebied woonagtig is resident within the municipal area per pa per pasient per IA 000 tient per trip Vir die vervoer van Nic Blanke persone per 3 For the conveyance of NonWhite per pasient per rit 400 sons per patient per trip Vir die vervoer van ouderdomspensiona 4 For the conveyance of old age pensioners risse oorlogspensionarisse of hulpbehoewen war veterans or indigent persons certified des soos gesertifiscer deur n landdros of by a magistrate or authorised State official gemagtigde beampte van die Staat gratis as such gratis 5 Slagoffers van ongelukke en aanrandings gratis 5 Victims of accidents or assaults gratis 6 Vir die ontsrnetting van n ambulans wan 6 For the disinfection of an ambulance when neer n pasient wat aan n besmetlike of a patient suffering from an infectious or aansteeklike siekte ly vervoer is 200 contagious disease has been conveyed Vir die Mediening van suurstof of entonox 7 For the administering of oxygen or entonox gas 200 gas 200 Die Tarief van Gelde vir Ambulansdienste van die The Tariff of Charges for Ambulance Services of Munisipaliteit Randburg afgekondig by Administra the Randburg Municipality published under Administra teurskennisgewing 2 van I Maart 967 word hierby tors Notice 2 dated March 967 is hereby revoked herroep PB PB

20 276 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 5 MAY 974 Administrators Notice May 974 Administrateurskennisgewing Mei BETHAL MUNICIPALITY: AMENDMENT TO BY MUNISIPALITEIT BETHAL: WYSIGING VAN LAWS FOR THE REGULATION OF BURSARY VERORDENINGE VIR DIE REGULERING VAN LOANS BEURSLENINGS The Administrator hereby in terms of section 0 of the Local Government Ordinance 939 publishes the by laws set forth hereinafter which have been ap proved by him in terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel 0 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur 939 die verordeninge hierna uiteengesit wat deur horn ingevolge Artikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur is The By laws for the Regulation of Bursary Loans of Die Verordeninge virdie Regulering van Beurslethe Bethal Municipality published under Administra nings van die Munisipaliteit Bethal afgekondig by Admitors Notice 4 dated 7 April 965 are hereby amend nistrateurskennisgewing 24 van 7 April 965 word hier ed by the substitution in section 4 for the figure "R200" by gewysig deur in artikel 4 die syfer "R200" deur die of the figure "R500" syfer "R500" te vervang PB PB Administrators Notice May 974 Administrateurskennisgewing Mei 974 BOKSBURG MUNICIPALITY: AMENDMENT TO MUNISIPALITEIT BOKSBURG: WYSIGING VAN 4 BY LAWS FOR FIXING OF FEES FOR THE ISSUE VERORDENINGE VIR DIE VASSTELLING VAN OF CERTIFICATES AND FURNISHING OF GELDE VIR DIE UITREIKING VAN SERTIFIKATE INFORMATION EN DIE VERSKAFFING VAN INLIGTING The Administrator hereby in terms of section 0 of Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel the Local Government Ordinance 939 publishes the 0 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur 939 die by laws set forth hereinafter which have been approved verordeninge hierna uiteengesit wat deur horn ingevolge by him in terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance artikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur is The By laws for Fixing of Fees for the Issue of Certi Die Verordeninge vir die Vasstelling van Gelde vir die ficates and Furnishing of Information of the Boksburg Uitreiking van Sertifikate en die Verskaffing van Inlig tin van die Munisipaliteit Boksburg afgekondig by Municipality published under Administrators Notice Administrateurskennisgewing 42 van 6 Junie dated 6 June 965 as amended are hereby fur soos gewysig word hierby verder gewysig deur in die ther amended by the substitution in the Schedule Bylae (a) in item (4) for the word "Purchaser" of the word (a) in item (4) die woord "Koper" deur die woord "Seller"; and "Verkoper" te vervang; en (b) in item (7) for the figure " 00" of the figure (b) in item (7) die syfer " 00" deur die syfer "200" "2 00" te vervang PB PB Administrators Notice May 974 Administrateurskennisgewing Mei 974 KEMPTON PARK MUNICIPALITY: AMENDMENT MUNISIPALITEIT KEMPTONPARK: WYSIGING TO TRAFFIC BY LAWS VAN VERKEERSVERORDENINGE i The Administrator hereby in terms of section 0 of Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel the Local Government Ordinance 939 read with sec 0 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur 939 getion 66 of the Road Traffic Ordinance 966 publishes lees met artikel 66 van die Ordonnansie op Padverkeer the by laws set forth hereinafter which have been ap 966 die verordeninge hierna uiteengesit wat deur horn proved by him in terms of section 99 of the firstmen ingevolge artikel 99 van eersgenoemde Ordonnansie tioned Ordinance goedgekeur is The Traffic By laws of the Kempton Park Municipali Die Verkeersverordeninge van die Munisipaliteit van ty published under Administrators Notice 352 dated 6 Kemptonpark afgekondig by Administrateurskennisge Septeraber 944 as amended are hereby further amend wing 352 van 6 September 944 soos gewysig word ed by the deletion of sections hierby verder gewysig deur artikels and en 85 te skrap PB PB Administrators Notice 79 5 May 974 Administrateurskennisgewing 79 5 Mei 974 BENONI MUNICIPALITY: AMENDMENT TO MUNISIPALTET BENONI: WYSIGING VAN TRAFFIC BY LAWS VERKEERSVERORDENINGE The Administrator hereby in terms of section 0 of Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel I

21 PROVINSIALE KOERANT 5 MEI the Local Government Ordinance 939 read with sec 0 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur 939 getion 66 of the Road Traffic Ordinance 966 publishes lees met artikel 66 van die Ordonnansie op Padverkeer the bylaws set forth hereinafter which have been ap 966 die verordeninge hierna uiteengesit wat deur horn proved by him in terms of section 99 of the firstmention ingevolge artikel 99 van eersgenoemde Ordonnansie goed cd Ordinance gekeur is The Traffic By laws of the Benoni Municipality pu Die Verkeersverordeninge van die Munisipaliteit Be blished under Administrators Notice 597 dated 24 Denoni afgekondig by Administrateurskennisgewing 597 cember 94 as amended are hereby further amended van 24 December 94 soos gewysig word hierby verder by the addition to Schedule L under Annexure I of the gewysig deur in Skedule L ender Aanhangsel I die vol following: gende by to voeg: "Ampthill Avenue east to west from its intersection with Main Reef Road in the east up to its intersec "Ampthilllaan oos na wes vanaf sy aansluiting tion with Main Reef Road west of Russel Street met Hoofrifweg in die ooste tot by sy aansluiting met Main Reef Road west to east from its intersec Hoofrifweg wes van Russelstraat tion with Ampthill Avenue up to Russel Street and Hoofrifweg wes na oos vanaf sy aansluiting met from the intersection of Wilstead Street and Princes Ampthilllaan tot by Russelstraat en vanaf die kruising Avenue up to the intersection of Main Reef Road and van Wilsteadstraat en Prinslaan tot by die aansluiting Ampthill Avenue van Hoofrifweg en Ampthill laan Princes Avenue west to east from its intersection with Russel Street up to its intersection with Wilstead Prinslaan wes na oos vanaf sy kruising met Rus Street" selstraat tot by sy kruising met Wilsteadstraat" PB PB Administrators Notice May 974 Administrateurskennisgewing Mei 974 TRANSVAAL BOARD FOR THE DEVELOPMENT TRANSVAALSE RAAD VIR DIE ONTWIKKELING OF PERI URBAN AREAS: AMENDMENT TO SA VAN BUTESTEDELIKE GEBIEDE: WYSIGING NITARY CONVENIENCES AND NIGHTSOIL AND VAN SANITERE GEMAKKE EN NAGVUIL EN REFUSE REMOVAL BY LAWS VUILGOEDVERWYDERINGSVERORDENINGE The Administrator hereby in terms of section 0 of Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel 0 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur 939 gethe Local Government Ordinance 939 read with seclees met artikel 6(3) van die Ordonnansie op die Trans tion 6(3) of the Transvaal Board for the Development vaalse Raad vir die Ontwikkeling van Buitestedelike Ge of Peri Urban Areas Ordinance 943 and Proclamation biede 943 en Proklamasie 6 (Administrateurs) van 6 (Administrators) of 945 publishes the by laws set 945 die verordeninge hierna uiteengesit wat deur horn forth hereinafter which have been approved by him in ingevolge artikel 99 van eersgenoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur is terms of section 99 of the firstmentioned Ordinance Die Sanitere Gemakke en Nagvuil en Vuilgoedverwy The Sanitary Conveniences and Nightsoil and Refuse deringsverordeninge van die Transvaalse Raad vir die Removal Bylaws of the Transvaal Board for the Deve Ontwikkeling van Buitestedelike Gebiede afgekondig by lopment of Peri Urban Areas published under Admi AdministrateurskennisgewMg 28 van 25 Maart 953 nistrators Notice 28 dated 25 March 953 as amend soos gewysig word hierby verder gewysig deur na item ed are hereby further amended by the insertion 5 van Bylae A die volgende in to voeg: after 5 of Schedule item A of the following: "6 Fees payable for Refuse Removal Services with "6 Gelde Betaalbaar vir Vuilgoedverwyderingsdiensin the Areas to Mane die of the gebiede van die Parksig Plaaslike and Noordvaal Local Area Gebiedskomitees van Parksig Committees Noordvaal Services to all Premises Dienste atm elle Persele (I) () Removal of refuse from first bin twice weekly Verwydering van vuilgoed van eerste blik twee per year: R6 maal per week per jaar: R6 (2) Removal of refuse from each additional bin (2) Verwydering van vuilgoed van elke addisionelc twice weekly per year: RI6" blik twee maal per week per jaar: RI6" PB 2428 PB Administrators Notice May 974 Administrateurskennisgewing Mei 974 STILFONTEIN MUNICIPALITY: AMENDMENT TO TARIFF OF CHARGES FOR SANITARY SERVICE MUNISIPALITEIT STILFONTEIN: WYSIGING VAN TARIEF VAN GELDE VIR SANITERE DIENS The Administrator hereby in terms of section 0 of Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel the Local Government Ordinance 939 publishes the 0 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur 939 die by laws set forth hereinafter which have been approved verordeninge hierna uiteengesit wat deur horn ingevolge by him in terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance artikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur is The Tariff of Charges for Sanitary Service of the Die Tarief van Gelde vir Sanit8re Diens van die Mu Stilfontein Municipality published under Administra nisipaliteit Stilfontein afgekondig by Administrateurs

22 278 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 5 MAY 974 tors Notice 247 dated 28 March 956 as amended is kennisgewing 247 van 28 Maart 956 soos gewysig 4 ; hereby further amended by ;Void hierby verdergewysig deur (a) the substitution in item (a) (i) for the figure (a) in item (a) (i) die syfer "0 2 6" deur die syfer "0 2 6" of the figure "R200"; "R200" te vervang; (b) the substitution for item 2 of the following: (b) itdm 2 deur dievolgende te vervang: "2 Refuse Removal R " "2 Vullisvenvydering () For the removal of household or domestic () Vir die verwydering van huishoudelike of refuse twice per week per bin per month huisvullis; twee maal per week per blik or portion thereof 30 per maand of gedeelte daarvan 30 (2) For the removal of refuse from business (2) Vir die verwydering van vullis van besig premises thrice per week per bin per heidspersele drie maal per week per blik month or portion thereof 80 per maand of gedeelte; daarvan 80 (3) For the daily removal of refuse per bin (3) Vir die daaglikse verwydering van vullis per month or portion thereof 260 per blik per maand of gedeelte daarvan 260 (4) (i) For the removal of garden refuse (4) 0) Vir die verwydering van tuinvullis I R namely only plant material excluding naamlik legs plantemateriaal uitge tree stumps and tree branches per load sonderd boomstompe en boomtakke or part of a load 50 per vrag of gedeelte van n vrag 50 4 (ii) For the removal of motorcar wrecks (ii) Vir die verwydering van motorwrakke The provisions in this notice contained shall come in Die bepalings in hierdie kennisgewing vervat tree op to operation on July 974 I Julie 974 in werking PB PB ; Administrators Notice May 974 Administrateurskennisgewing 794 5; Mei 974 SANDTON MUNICIPALITY: BY LAWS FOR THE MUNISIPALITEIT SANDTON: VERORDENINGE FIXING OF FEES FOR THE ISSUE OF CERTIFI INSAKE DIE VASSTELLING VAN GELDE VIR DIE UITREIKING VAN: SERTIFIKATE EN DIE CATES AND FURNISHING OF INFORMATION VERSTREKKING VAN INLIGTING The Administrator hereby in terms of section 0 of Die Administriteur ipubliseer hierby ingevolge artikel the Local Government Ordinance 939 publishes the 0 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur 939 die by laws set forth hereinafter which have been approved verordeninge hierna uiteengesit wat deur hom ingevolge by him in terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance artikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur is Definitions ifoordomskrywing 4 I In these bylaws unless the context otherwise indi I In hierdie verordeninge tensy uit die samehang cates anders blyk beteken "Council" means the Town Council of Sandton and "Raad" die Stadsraad van Sandton en omvat die includes the management committee of that Council ;bestuunkomitee van daardie Raad of enige beampte or any officer employed by the Council acting by deur die Raad jric diens geneem handelende uit virtue of any power vested in the Council in con hoofde van enige bevoegdheid wat in verband met nection with these by laws and delegated to him in hierdie verordeninge aan die Raad verleen is en wat terms of section 58 of the Local Government (Ad ingevolge artikel 58 van die Ordonnansie op Plaas ministration and Elections) Ordinance 960 (Ordin like Bestuur (Administrasie en Verkiesings) 960 ance 40 of 960) (Ordonhansie 40 van 960) aan horn gedelegeer is Fees for Furnishing of Information ; Gelde vir die Verstrekking van Inligting 2 The Council may upon application by any person 2 Die Raad kan by aansoek deur enigiemand en na and upon payment of the fees prescribed in the betaling van die gelde wat in die Bylae hierby voorgeslcryf is enige sertifikaat plan Schedulehereto kaart of ander supply such person with any cerinligtingskriftelik of mondelings wat in voormelde tificate plan map or other information [written or Bylae genoem word "aan sodanige persobn verstrek: verbal mentioned in the said Schedule: Provided Met dial verstande dat geen bepalings hierin vervat that nothing herein contained shall oblige the Coun die Raad verplig orn behourlens die bepalings van cil subject to the provisions of section 330) of the: artikel 33() van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Be stuur 939 sodanige inligting te verstrek me: Voorts Local Government Ordinance 939 to furnish any met dien verstande dat inligting wat vervang word such information: Provided further that information; deur die Regering of enige Provinsiale owerheid of required by the Government or by any Provincial plaaslike bestuur Of deur enige persoon of liggaam

23 PROVINSIALE KOERANT IS MEI Administration or local authority or by any person vir statistiese doeleindes in die openbare belang of or body for statisticalpurposes in the public interest deur enige persoon of sy gevolmagtigde ten opsigte or by any person or his proxy in respect of property van eiendom wat op sy eie naam geregistreer is met registered in his own name for the purposes of die nog op die betaling van enige belasting of gelde effecting payment of any rates or fees which may be wat verskuldig en betaalbaar is kosteloos verstrek due and payable shall be furnished free of charge word BYLAE R SCHEDULE I Afskrifte van die kieserslys van enige wyk R vir iedere afskrif 00 I Copies the voters list of any ward for 2 Enige sertifikaat ingevolge die Ordonnansie each co P 00 op Plaaslike Bestuur 939 of enige ander 2 Any certificate under the Local Govern Ordonnansie wat op die Raad van toement Ordinance 939 or under any other passing is (uitgesonderd sertifikate ingevolge Ordinance applicable to the Council (except die Lisensie (Kontrole) Ordbnnansie 93) certificates under the Licences (Control) 020 Ordinance 93) each 020 : 3 Een Afrikaanse of een Engelse afskrif van : 3 One Afrikaans or one English copy of a n Dorpsbeplanningskema 200 Town planning scheme Die verstrekking volgens die rekords van die Raad van enige inligting ivat bettek 4 The furnishing in accordance with the king bet op eiendomme gelet bins die Irecords of the Council of any information munisipaliteit met inbegrip van die soek relating to properties situated within the na die naam of adres of beide van die municipality including the search for the eienaar ingevolge skriftelike navraag op name or address or both of the owner die wyse soos van tyd tot tyd deur die according to written enquiry in the manner Stadsklerk bepaal elk 0;50: determined by the Town Clerk from time to time each : 050: Met diet! verstande dat inligting wat betrekking het op meer as tien agtereenvol Provided that information relating to more gend genommerde eiendonane met inbegrip than ten consecutive numbered stands in van die soek na die naam of adres of beide Van die eienaar elk die volgende is 020 eluding the name or address br both of the owner shall be each Die insae van enige akte dokument dia gram of desbetreffende besonderhede Inspection of any deed document or dia t gram or any such like particulars each Uitreiking van enige waardasiesertifikaat 6 Issue of any valuation certificate each 025 7: Endossemente op verklafing van koper se 7 Endorsements on declaration by purchaser forms each i00 8 Insae in bouplanne wat deur die Raad goedgekeur is; per leer planne : Inspection of building plans approved by the Council per file of plans : Eksemplare van die maandelikse boustatis tiek en skedule van goedgekeurde planne 9 Copies of the monthly building statistics 050 and schedule of approved plans for each 0 Lettere afskrif van n ongeluksverslag wat deur n lid van die Raad se Verkeersafdeling opgestel is Every copy of an:accident report made by a member of the Councils Traffic Division 600 Verstrekking van inligting betreffende die naam en adres van enige persoon in n Information relating to the name and ad ongeluk betrokke of getuies en die naam dress of any person involved in an accident adres en kenteken nommer van die betrok or witnesses and the name address and ke Derdeparty Versekeringsmaatskappy elk 075 token number of the Third Party Insurance 2 Vir iedere voortdurende opsoek van Mlig Company concerned eacb 075!in: () eerste uur of gedeelte daarvan 00 2 For any continuous search for information: () the first hour or part thereof 00 (2) elke bykomende uur of gedeelte daar 050 (2) each additional hour or part thereof 050 : 3 3 In respect of written information: In addi Met betrekking tot skriftelike inligting: Benewens die gelde onder item 5 vir iedere lion to the fees under item 5 for every folio van 50 woorde of gedeelte daarvan 0 25 folio of 50 words or part thereof 025 ; 4 Die gelde vir kopiee wat van oorspronk 4 Copies reproduced from originals or mas likes of hoofkopiee van planne tekeninge ter copies of plans drawings diagrams or diagramme of ander dokumente gemaak is

24 ] 280 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 5 MAY 974 other documents shall be charged for ac word bereken ooreenkomstig die grootte cording to the size of the copy and the van die kopie en die materiaal daarvan material of which it is made as shown in ooreenkomstig die volgende tabel: the following table: Materiaal Grootte Prys Material Size Price R (a) (i) Papier (kleurlyn) AO 00 (a) (i) Paper (dyeline) AO 00 (ii) Papier (kleurlyn) Al en kleiner 050 (ii) Paper (dyeline) Al and smaller 050 (b) (i) Linne (kleurlyn) AO 250 (b) (i) Linen (dyeline) AO 250 (ii) Linne (kleurlyn) Al en kleiner 50 (ii) Linen (dyeline) Al and smaller 50 (c) () Reproduseerbare poliester film (c) (i) Reproducable Polyester Film (dye (kleurlyn) AO 700 (ii) Reproduseerbare poliester film (ii) Reproducable Polyester Film (dye (kleurlyn) Al en kleiner 350 line) Al and smaller 350 (d) Fotostatiese kopiee Alle groottes 00 (d) Photocopies All sizes 00 5 For a certificate any information an 5 Vir n sertifikaat enige inligting n uittrekextract from or set uit of insae perusal of a document or in n dokument of rekord record for which no explicit provision has waarvoor nie uitdruklik in hierdie verorde been made in these by laws for every such ninge voorsiening gemaak word nie vir certificate information extraction or pe iedere sodanige sertifikaat inligting uit 025 treksel of insae 025 Herroeping van Verordeninge Revocation of Bylaws Die Verordeninge Insake die Vasstelling van Gelde The By laws Fixing Fees for the Issue of Certificates vir die Uitreiking van Sertifikate en Verstrekking van and Furnishing of Information published under Admini Inligting afgekondig by Administrateurskennisgewing strators Notice 594 dated 27 June 95 and which 594 van 27 Junie 95 en wat ingevolge Proklamasic in terms of Proclamation 57 (Administrators) (Administrateurs ) 969 gelees met artikel 59bis read with section 59bis()(c) of the Local Govern ()(c) van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur 939 ment Ordinance 939 became the bylaws of the Town die verordeninge van die Stadsraad van Sandton geword Council of Sandton are hereby revoked het word hierby herroep P PB Administrators Notice May 974 Administrateurskennisgewing Mei 974 SANDTON MUNICIPALITY: BURSARY LOAN MUNISIPALITEIT SANDTON: BEURSLENINGS FUND BY LAWS FONDSVERORDENINGE The Administrator hereby in terms of section 0 of Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel the Local Government Ordinance 939 publishes the 0 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur 939 bylaws set forth hereinafter which have been approved die verordeninge hierna uiteengesit wat deur horn inge by him in terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance volge artikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur I is Definitions Woordomskryiving In these by laws unless the context otherwise In hierdie verordeninge tensy uit die samehang indicates anders blyk beteken "bursary" means the grant of a bursary by the Council "beurs" die toekenning deur die Raad van n bedrag of an amount from the bursary loan fund to a person uit die beursleningsfonds aan n persoon vir die doel for full time study in a course at an educational instituchides van voltydse studie in n kursus aan n opvoed tion; kundige inrigting; "bursary holder" means the person to whom a bursary "beurshouer" n persoon aan wie n beurs toegeken is; has been granted; "beursleningsfonds" die fonds deur die Raad gestig "bursary loan fund" means the fund established by ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 79(5) van die Orthe Council under the provisions of section 79(5) of donnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur 939 (Ordonnansie 7 the Local Government Ordinance 939 (Ordinance 7 van 939); of 939); "kursus" n deur die Raad goedgekeurde graad of "Council" means the Town Council of Sandton and diplomakursus wat aan n opvoedkundige inrigting aan includes the Management Committee of that Council gebied word en wat deur die Raad voorgeskryf word as or any officer employed by the Council acting by virtue vereiste vir n betrekking in sy diens; of any power vested in the Council in connection with "opvoedkundige opvoeclkundige inrigting" n inrigting waarna verwys these by laws and delegated to him in terms of section word in artikel 7907) van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike 58 of the Local Government (Administration and Elec Bestuur 939 (Ordonnansie 7 van 939); Lions) Ordinance 960 (Ordinance 40 of 960); "course" means a degree or diploma course approved "Raad" die Stadsraad van Sandton en omvat die be by the Council which is presented by an educational stuurskomitee van daardie Raad of enige beampte deur 4

25 I I (vi) PROVNSIALE KOERANT 5 MEI institution and which is prescribed by the Council as a die Raad in diens geneem handelende uit hoofde van requirement for a post in its service; enige bevoegdheid wat in verband met hierdie verorde ninge aan die Raad verleen is en "educational institution" wat ingevolge artikel means an institution referred 58 van die Ordonnansie op Pleas like Bestuur (Admini to in section 79(7) of the Local Government Ordinance strasie en Verkiesings) 960 (Ordonnansie 40 van 960) 939 (Ordinance 7 of 939) aan horn gedelegeer is Objectives of By laws 2 The objectives of these by laws are to enable the Council to grant bursaries to persons for courses and to regulate relative matters Bursary Loan Fund 3 The Council may establish a bursary loan fund and deposit therein such sums of money as the Council may from timeto time decide Doel van Verordeninge 2 Die doel van hierdie verordeninge is om die Rand in staat te stel om beurse aan persone toe te ken vir kursusse en om verwante aangeleenthede te reel Beursleningsfonds 3 Die Raad kan n beursleningsfonds stig en sodanige bedrae geld waartoe die Raad van tyd tot tyd besluit daarin stort Allocation of a Bursary Toekenning van n Beurs 4 The Council may (a) grant a bursary for full time study ib\ person II who \ () is a South African citizen; (a) 4 Die Raad kan n beurs vir voltydse studie toeken aan n persons wat (i) n SuidAfrikaanse burger is; (ii) preferably resides in the Councils area of (ii) by voorkeur in die Raad se regsgebied worm jurisdiction; agtig is; (iii) is not a holder of any other bursary except (iii) nie die honer van enige antler beurs uitgenome a bursary granted on merit; n merietebeurs is nie; (iv) has the necessary qualifications and complies (iv) beskik nor die vereiste kwalifikasies en voldoen with the requirements laid down by the cduca aan die vereistes wat deur die opvoedkundige tional institution for admission to the course; inrigting gestel word vir toelating tot die kursus; (v) complies with the requirements to hold a per manent post in the service of the Council; and (v) aan die vereistes voldoen om n permanente be trekking in diens van die Raad te beklee; en applies on the official application form of the (vi) voor of op n datum deur die Raad vasgestel op Council on or before a date stipulated by the die Raad se amptelike aansoekvorm aansoek Council doen Amount pf Bursary Grant and Payment Thereof Bedrag van Beurstoekenning en Betaling Daarvan 5 The Council may grant a bursary not exceeding 5 Die Raad kan n beurs van hoogstens R800 per R800 per annum and in total not exceeding R4 800 for jaar en in totaal nie meer as R4 800 nie toeken vir die I the full duration of the course which shall not exceed voile duur van n kursus wat nie ses jaar te bowe mag 6 years gaan nie 6 The amount of the annual bursary grant shall be 6 Die bedrag van die jaarlikse beurstoekenning word paid in 2 equal instalments during the months of March in twee gelyke paaiemente gedurende die maande Maart and August by the Council to the educational institution en Augustus deur die Raad aan die opvoedkundige in which shall after deduction of any amounts owing to rigting oorbetaal wat na aftrekking van enige gelde it by the bursary holder pay any balance to the bursary deur die beurshouer aan die inrigting verskuldig enige i holder balans aan die beurshouer oorbetaal 7() Payment of the first instalment in terms of 7() Betaling van die eerste paaiemente ingevolge sectionn6 Shall only bemade if artikel 6 geskied slegs indien (a) the prescribed agreement set out hi the Schedule hereto has been properly completed; and (a) die voorgeskrewe ooreenkoms soon in die Bylae hierby uiteengesit behoorlik voltooi is; en (b) the bursary holder has submitted proof to the satis faction of the Council that he is enrolled at an (b) die beurshouer ter bevrediging van die Raad bewys educational institution; gelewer bet dat hy vir die kursus by die opvoed kundige inrigting ingeskryf het; (c) the bursary holder (or his parent or guardian on his behalf if he is a minor) has taken out and ceded to (c) die beurshouer (of sy ouer of voog namens hom the Council an acceptable life insurance policy in indien hy minderjarig is) n aanvaarbare lewensver respect of the total amount of the loan which shall sekeringspolis uitgeneem en aan die Raad sedeer remain in force until the period referred to in section 8()(g) has expired or until the full het welke polis van krag moet bly totdat die tyd / amount perk waarna in artikel 8()(g) verwys word verstryk of the bursary has been repaid to the Council het of totdat die voile bedrag van die beurs aan whichever date is the later The premiums on such die Raad terugbetaal is welke datum ookal die policy shall be paid by the Council and shall be haste is Die premies op sodanige polis word deur

26 28 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 5 MAY 974 deducted in advance from the amounts referred to die Raad betaal en vooruit afgetrek van die bedrae in section 6: Provided that should no further in artikel 6 vermeld: Met dien verstande dat indien amounts be payable by the Council the bursary geen verdere bedrae deur die Raad betaalbaar is holder shall pay the amount of the premium to nie die beurshouer die bedrag van die premie op the Council on demand aanvraag aan die Raad moet betaal (2) Payment of the second instalment in terms of section 6 shall only be made after receipt by the Council (2) Betaling van die tweede paaiement ingevolge artikel of a report by 6 the educational institution that the bur geskied slegs na ontvangs deur die Raad van n ver sary holders studies are progressing satisfactorily slag deur die opvoedkundige inrigting dat die beurshouer se studie in allc opsigte bevredigend vorder Obligations of Bursary Holder Verpligtinge van Beurshouer 8() A bursary holder shall 8() n Beurshouer moet (a) attend the course at an educational institution; (a) die kursus aan n opvoedkundige inrigting volg; (h) inform the Council immediately of any change of address; (b) die Raad onmiddellik in kennis stel van enige adres verandering; (c) complete the course within the prescribed period: Provided that if (c) the bursary holder shall not be die kursus binne die voorgeskreiwe tydperk voltooi: successful in any one year of study he may at his Met then verstande dat indien die beurshouer in own enige studiejaar nie expense repeat such year and on its successful shag nie daardie studiejaar op completion the Council may again make the bursary sy kosie herhaal kan word by die suksesvolle afleg 4 available to the bursary holder; ging waarvan die Raad weer die beurs aan die beurshouer beskikbaar kan stel; (d) if he abandons the course immediately inform the (e) Council in writing accordingly; (d) sodra by die kursus staak die Raad onmiddellik skriftclik daarvan in kennis stel; for the duration of the course each year during the summer or winter vacation of the educational institu (e) vir die duur van die kursus clke jaar gedurende die tion enter the service of the Council for a period opvoedkundige inrigting se somer of wintervakan of at least 8 weeks of which at least 5 weeks shall sie by die Raad in diens tree vir n tydperk van be continuous at a remuneration approved by the minstens 8 weke waarvan minstens 5 weke aaneen Council for students; lopend moet wees teen vergoeding deur die Raad vir studente goedgekeur; (f) at the end of each year of study furnish the Council with an official certificate of examination results (0 aan die einde van elke studiejaar die Raad van n issued by the educational institution; and amptelike simbolestaat uitgereik deur die opvoed kundige inrigting voorsien; en (g) enter the Councils service within one month after (g) binne maand nadat hy amptelik kennis gekry het he has been notified that he has successfully passed dat hy die finale eksamen in die kursus met octet the final examination of the course and remain in the service of the Council in a position the Council gevolg afgele het tot die permanente diens van die finds suitable for an uninterrupted period equal to Raad toetree en in diens van die Raad bly in n the period in respect of which a bursary was granted betrekking wat die Raad geskik ag vir n ononder to him broke tydperk gelykstaande aan die tydperk waarvoor die beurs aan hom toegeken is (2) A bursary holder shall not (2) n Beurshouer mag nie (a) without the prior obtained written permission of the (a) sonder die voorafverkree skriftelike toestemming van Council change the course for which or the educa die Raad van kursus waarvoor of opvoedkundige tional institution where he is enrolled; or inrigting waar hy ingeskryf is verander nie; of (h) during the duration of the course be the holder of (b) gedurende die duur van so n kursus die honer van any other bursary except a bursary granted on enige ander beurs uitgesonderd n meriete beurs merit wees nie I 4 Non Compliance with Obligations by Bursary Holder Nienako»zing van Verpligtinge deur Beurshouer 9() Should the bursary holder 9() Indien die beurshouer (a) after completion of the course fail to enter or re (a) versuim om na die voltooiing van die kursus tot die main in the service of the Council as stipulated in diens van die Raad toe to tree of aan te bly soos section 8()(g); in artikel 8()(g) bepaal; (b) abandon the course for which he is enrolled; (b) die kursus waarvoor hy ingeskryf is staak; (c) uit die diens van die Raad bedank of ontslaan word (c) resign or be dismissed from the Councils service voordat hy die helfte van die verpligte tydperk van before half of the compulsory period of service as diens soos bepaal in artikel 8(I)(g) voltooi het; stipulated in section 8()(g) has been completed; (d) om wetter redo ook al deur die opvoedkundige in (d) for any reason whatsoever be prohibited by the rigting verbied word om met die kursus voort te educational institution from continuing the course; gaan;

27 PROVINSIALE KOERANT 5 MEI he shall within month after he has been requested mod by binne een maand nadat die Raad hom skrifte thereto in writing by the Council repay the full amount lik daartoe versoek het die voile bedrag van die beurs of the bursary together with 7 per cent interest per year tesame met 7 persent rente per jaar bereken vanaf die thereon calculated from the date of payment of the datum van betaling van die onderskeie paaiemente aan respective instalments to the educational institution in die opvoedkundige inrigting in bedrag aan die Raad one amount to the Council terugbetaal (2) Should the bursary holder resign or be dismissed (2) Indien die beurshouer nit die diens van die Raad from the Councils service before completion of the corn bedank of ontslaan word voordat hy die verpligte tyd pulsory period of service as stipulated in section 80)(g) perk van diens sons bepaal in artikel 8()(g) voltooi het but after having completed half thereof he shall after maar nadat hy die helfte daarvan voltooi het met hy he has been requested thereto in writing by the Council nadat hy deur die Raad skriftelik daartoe versoek is repay the full amount of the bursary together with 3 die voile bedrag van die beurs tesame met 3 persent per cent interest per year calculated from the date of rente per jaar bereken vanaf die datum van betaling payment of the respective instalments to the educational van die onderskeie paaiemente aan die opvoedkundige institution in 24 equal monthly instalments to the Coun inrigting in 24 gelyke maandelikse paaiemente aan die cil Should any instalment not be paid promptly on the Raad terugbetaal Indien enige paaiement nie stiptelik date stipulated by the Council the outstanding balance op die datum deur die Raad bepaal betaal word nie is shall immediately become payable die uitstaande balans onmiddellik betaalbaar (3) The provisions of subsections ()(c) and (2) are (3) Die bepalings van subartikels (0(c) en (2) is subject thereto that any period of service which a bur onderworpe daaraan dat cnige tydperk van diens wat sary holder has rendered in terms of section 8()(8) shall n beurshouer ingevolge artikel 8()(g) gelewer het in be offset against the amount repayable in terms of the verrckening gebring moet word teen die bedrag wat Inge said subsections on the basis of one months service so volge gemelde subartikels terugbetaalbaar is op die basis rendered being equivalent to one twelfth of the amount dat maand diens aldus gelewer gelyk is aan een twaalf of the annual bursary grant together with interest: Pro de van die bedrag van die jaarlikse beurstoekenning tevided that should the bursary holder be suspended from same met rente: Met dien verstande dat indien die beursthe service of the Council the period of such suspension houer uit die Raad se diens geskors word sodanige tyd shall not be brought into account: Provided further that perk van skorsing nie in berekening gebring moet word if different amounts are granted to a bursary holder in me: Voorts met dien verstande dat indien verskillende consecutive years it shall be deemed for purposes of bedrae in opeenvolgende jare deur die Raad aan n subsections () and (2) that the sequence of the years of beurshouer beskikbaar gestel is vir doeleindes van subservice which the bursary holder has to render in terms artikels (I) en (2) word geag dat die jare diens wat die of section 8()(g) shall be the same as that of the years beurshouer ingevolge artikel 8()(g) moet lewer dieselfde for which a bursary was granted to the bursary holder orde volg as die jare waarvoor n beurs aan die beurs houer beskikbaar gestel is Revocation of Bursary by the Council Herroeping wan Bears dew die Raad 0 Should the bursary holder 0 Die Raad Iran te eniger tyd indien die beurs () according to progress reports of the educational ver In institution not make satisfactory progress; or () volgens vorderinasverslae (2) fail to comply with any of the provisions of these c van die opvoedkundige inrigting nie bevrecligende vordering mask nie; of bylaws; (2) versuim om enige van bepalings van the Council may at any time suspend the bursary fora hierdieverordeninge na te kom; period stipulated by it or revoke it in which event it shall be deemed that the bursary holder has completed die beurs opskort vir n tydperk deur horn bepaal of dit his course and the provisions of section 8()(g) shall herroep in welke geval dit geag word dat die beurshouer entails mutandis apply sy kursus voltooi het en is die bepalings van 8(I)(g) artikel entails nuetatedis van toepassing General Provisions Algemene Bepalings Should a bursary holder after the completion of his course be called up for compulsory military training Indien n beurshouer na die voltooiing van sy kurand he has before the date of commencement of such sus opgeroep word vir verpligte militere opleiding enhy training entered into the Councils service the period of voor die datum waarop sodanige opleiding n aanvang such training shall not be deemed part of the period neem tot die Raad se diens toegetree het word die tyd that he has to remain in the service of the Council in perk van sodanige opleiding nie geag n gedeelte te wees terms of section 8()(g) van die tydperk wat hy in diens van die Raad moet bly nieaaartikel 8()(g) 2 Should a bursary holder be called upon to under ingevolge go compulsory military training during the summer or n2 Indien n beurshouer gedurende sourer of winterwinter vacations of the educational institution the Coun vakansies van die opvoedkundige inrigting verpligte milt cil shall on submission to it of satisfactory written proof tore opleiding moet ondergaan verminder die Raad by of such compulsory military training reduce the period voorlegging van bevredigende skriftelilce bewys van soda which the bursary holder is obliged to serve in the nige verpligte militere opleiding die tydperk wat die Councils service in terms of the provisions of section beurshouer ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 8()(e) 8()(e) with a period equal to the duration of such verplig is cm by die Raad diens te fewer met n tydperk training gelykstaande aan die duur van sodanige opleiding 3 Should the bursary holder fail to comply with the 3 Indien die beurshouer versuim our die bepalings

28 284 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 5 MAY 974 provisions of section 8()(d) the date of abandonment van artikel 8(I)(d) na te kom word die datum van 4 of the course shall be regarded as the date indicated staking van die kursus beskou as die datum wat die by the educational institution as the date of abandon opvoedkundige inrigting as datum van staking aandui of ment or the date if known on which the bursary holder die datum waarop die beurshouer die opvoedkundige left the educational institution whichever date is the inrigting verlaat het indien dit bekend is welke datum earlier ook al die vroegste is f4 The Council may postpone the commencement of 4 Die Raad kan onderworpe aan sodanige voor the provisions of section 8()(g) to enable the bursary waardes as wat die Raad mag nodig ag die inwerking holder to follow a post graduate course subject to such stellinff van die bepalings van artikel 8()(g) uitstel ten conditions as the Council may deem fit einde die beurshouer in staat te stel om n nagraadse kursus te volg 5 Should the bursary holder report for duty in terms of section 8(I)(g) and the Council has no post in 5 Indien n beurshouer homself ingevolge artikel its service available for which the course is a require 8()(g) vir diens aanmeld ea die Raad nie n betrekking ment the bursary holder shall be exempted from re in sy diens beskikbaar het waarvoor die kursus n kwali payment of the bursary fikasievereiste is nie word die beurshouer van die terugbetaling van die beurs kwytgeskeld Revocation of Bylaws 6 The Bursary Loan Fund By Herroeping van Yerordeninge laws published under Administrators Notice 543 dated 27 July 966 and q6 Die Beursleningsverordeninge afgekondig by Ad which in terms of Proclamation 57 (Administrators) ministrateurskennisgewing 543 van 27 Julie 966 en wat 969 read with section 59bis()(c) of the Local Govern ingevolge Proklamasie 57 (Administrateurs ) 969 gement Ordinance 939 (Ordinance 7 of 939) became lees met artikel 59bs()(c) van die Ordonnansie op the bylaws of the Town Council of Sandton are hereby Plaaslike Bestuur 939 (Ordonnansie 7 van 939) (lie revoked verordeninge van die Stadsraad van Sandton geword het PB word hierby herroep PB SCHEDULE BYLAE TOWN COUNCIL OF SANDTON STADSRAAD VAN SANDTON MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT MADE AND OOREENKOMS AANGEGAAN DEUR EN TUSSEN ENTERED INTO BY AND BETWEEN THE TOWN DIE STADSRAAD VAN SANDTON COUNCIL OF SANDTON (hierna die Raad genoem) en hierin verteenwoordig deur (hereinafter referred to as the Council) and herein in sy represented by hoedanigheid as STADSKLERK synde behoorlik daar in his capacity as TOWN CLERK being duly authorised thereto by resolution of the Council dated toe gemagtig by n Raadsbesluit gedateer 4 en and (hierna die beurshouer genoem) (hereinafter referred to as the bursary holder) GETUIG DAT: WITNESSETH THAT: Nademaal artikel 79(5) van die Ordonnansie op Pleas Whereas section 79(5) of the local Government Ordin like Bestuur 939 (Ordonnansie 7 van 939) die Raad ante 939 (Ordinance 7 of 939) empowers the Coun magtig om n beurslening toe te staan om n persoon in cil to grant a bursary loan to a person to enable him sleet to stel om n kursus aan n opvoedkundige inrigting to enroll in a course at an educational institution subject to volg op sodanige bedinge en voorwaardes as wat die to such terms and conditions as the Council may deter Raad by verordening mag bepaal; mine by by law; En nademaal die Administrateur by Administrateurs And whereas the Administrator by Administrators kennisgewing No gedateer Notice No dated verordeninge goedgekeur het wat sodanige bedinge en has approved by laws which determine the terms and voorwaardes ingevolge waarvan n beurs toegestaan mag conditions in accordance with which a bursary may be word bepaal; granted; En nademaal die Raad besluit het dat by ondenworpe And whereas the Council has resolved that subject to aan die voorwaardes van die Beursleningsfondsverorde the conditions of the Bursary Loan Fund Bylaws it ninge beurse sal toestaan met die doel om person in would grant bursaries to enable persons to enroll for staat to stel om vir goedgekeurde kursusse aan opvoed approved courses at educational institutions and to pay kundige inrigtings in te skryf en om die jaarlikse beurs the annual bursary monies to the educational institution gelde aan die betrokke opvoedkundige inrigting te bepaal; concerned; And whereas the bursary holder is desirous of receiv En nademaal die beurshouer begerig is om n beurs ing a bursary subject to the conditions as set out in the to ontvang onderworpe aan die voorwaardes soon in die Councils Bursary Loan Fund By laws; Raad se Beursleningsfondsverordeninge uiteengesit; And whereas the Council is prepared to grant a bur En nademaal die Raad bereid is om n beurs aan die sary to the bursary holder beurshouer toe te staan 4 A I

29 PROVINSIALE KOERANT 5 MEI ) NOW THEREFORE THE PARTIES AGREE AS DERHALWE KOM DIE PARTYE SODS VOW 00R FOLLOWS: EEN: The Council undertakes to pay on behalf of the bur Die Raad onderneem om ten behoewe van die beurssary holder to the honer aan die an amount of R Rand) rt bedrag van R Rand) in respect of the te betaal ten opsigte van die and 9 academic years and further subject to all 9 9 en 9 akademiese jare en verder on terms and conditions as stipulated in the aforementioned detworpe aan al die bedinge en voorwaardes soos bepaal Bursary Loan Fund By laws which bylaws are attached in die voormelde Beursleningsfondsverordeninge welke hereto and forms an integral part of this agreement verordeninge wat hierby aangeheg is en n integrate deel van hierdie ooreenkoms vorm 2 2 The bursary holder hereby acknowledges that he has perused the Bursary Loan Fund Bylaws of the Council Die beurshouer erken hiermee dat hy die Beurslenings that he understands the contents thereof and that he fondsverordeninge van die Raad gelees het dat hy die accepts the bursary subject to the terms and conditions inhoud daarvan verstaan en dat hy die beurs aanvaar as set out therein onderworpe aan die bedinge en voorwaardes soos daarin uiteengesit 3 3 The bursary holder chooses as his dornicilium citandi et executandi for purposes of any notice or for the serv Die beurshouer kies hiermee as sy domicilitan citandi ing of any process which may emanate from this agree et executandi ert vir doeleindes van enige kennisgewing of vir die bestelling van enige prosesstuk wat spruit uit ment the following address hierdie ooreenkoms die volgende adres Thus done and signed at this the day of 9 AS WITNESS: on Aldus geteken te hede die dag van 9 AS GETUIE: op Address: Town Clerk Adres Stadsklerk AS WITNESSES: AS GETUIES: Address: Bursary Holder Adres Beurshouer 2 2 Address: Adres (In the case of a minor) ASSISTED BY AS WITNESSES: Parent/Guardian (Indien minderjarig) BYGESTAAN DEUR AS GETUIES: 2 2 Address: Address: Adres Adres: Ouer/Voog

30 286 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 5 MAY 974 I Administrators Notice May 974 Administrateurskennisgewing 796 " 5 Mei NIGEL MUNICIPALITY: ADOPTION OF STAN MUNISIPALITEIT NIGEL: AANNAME VAN STAN DARD STREET AND MISCELLANEOUS BYLAWS DAARD STRAAT EN DIVERSE VERORDENINGE ` The Administrator hereby in terms of section 0 Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel of IheLocal Gal/ern/ant Ordinance 939 publishes that 0 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur 939 dat the Town Council of _Nigel has in terms Of section 96bs(2) die Stadsraad van Nigel die Standaard Straat en Diverse of the said Ordinance adopted without amendment the Verordeninge afgekondig by Administrateurskennisgewing StandarcIStreet and Miscellaneous BylawS published un 368 van 4 Maart 973 ingevolge artikel 96bis(2) van geder Administrators Netice 368 dated 4 March 973 as noemde Ordonnansie sunder wysiging aangeneem het as by: JaWsmailebythe said council verordeninge watdeur genoemde Raad opgestel is Tlie Traffic Bylaws of the Nigel Municipality pub 2 Die "Traffic By laws" van die Munisipaliteit Nigel under AdainistratOriar Notice 592; dated 9 Sep afgekondig by Administrateurskennisgewing 592 van 9 I tember 928 as amended are hereby revoked September 928 soos gewysig word hierby herroep PB PB Administrators Notice May 974 Administrateurskennisgewing Mei 974 TRANSVAAL BOARD FOR THE DEVELOPMENT TRANSVAALSE RAAD VIR DIE ONTWIKKELING A OF PERIURBAN AREAS: AMENDMENT TO VAN BUITESTEDELIKE GEBIEDE: WYSIGING WATER SUPPLY BYLAWS VAN WATERVOORSIENINGSVERORDENINGE :TheAdministratortherebyii ill/terra of section 0 of Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel the Local Government Ordinance 939; read With section 0 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur 939 gelees 6(3) of the Transvaal Board for the Development of Peri met artikel 6(3) van die Ordonnansie op die Transvaalse Urban Areas Ordihancen943;andPfociamatibil 6 (Adz Ran vir die Ontwikkeling van Buitestedelike Gebiede ministrators)of 945 DuNishcOhebylawsset forth here 943 en Proklamasie 6 (Administrateurs) van 945 die halter which have been approved by him in terms of sec verordeninge hierna uiteengesit wat deur hom ingevolge tion 99 of the firstmentioned Ordinance: artikel 99 van eersgenoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur ; The Water Supply By Laws of the Transvaal Board for Die Watervoorsleningsverordeninge van die Transvaalse the Development of PeriUrban Areas published under Read vir die Ontwikkeling van Buitestedelike Gebiede af Aciministrntors NOtioe 240 dated 8 September 97 as gekondig by Administrateurskennisgewing 240 van 8 amended are hereby further amended by the substitution September 97 soos gewysig word hierby verder gewy for subitems () and (2) of item 2 of Part III of the Tariff sig deur subitems () en (2) van item 2 van Deel III van of Charges under Schedule of tlie die Tarief van Gelde onder Bylae deur die volgende to vervang: "() Basic Charge z!`() Bate Hefting Where ari Cif is or in the opinion of the Board can be Waar n erf by enige hoofwatcrleiding onder die beheer connected to any water main Under the control of the van die Raad aangesluit is of na die mening van die Read Board the owner of that erf shall pay to the Board a basic daarby aangesluit kan word betaal die eienaar van daardie d charge for each such erf whether water is consumed or erf aan die Raad n basiese heffing vir elke sodanige erf not per year: R27 of water verbruik word al dan nie per jaar: R27 (2) Consumers in Eloff Township per month (2) Verbruikers in Eloff Dorpsgebied per maand (a) For every kl or part thereof taken throughl one (a) Vir elke Id of gedeelte daarvan geneem deur een meter:d2c r meter: 2c: (b) Minimum charge: R0" " " (b) Minimum vordering: R0" PB PB Administrators Notice May 974 Administrateurskennisgewing Mei I974 TRANSVAAL BOARD FOR THE DEVELOPMENT TRANSVAALSE RAAD VIR DIE ONTWIKKELING OF PERIURBAN AREAS: AMENDMENT TO THE VAN BUITESTEDELIKE GEBIEDE: WYSIGING TARIFF OF CHARGES FOR THE SUPPLY OF VAN TARIEF VAN GELDE VIR DIE LEWERING VAN ELEKTRISITEIT ELECTRICITY Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel The Administrator hereby in terms of section 0 of the 0 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur 939 ge Local Government Ordinance 939 read with section 6(3) lees met artikel 6(3) van die Ordonnansie op die Transof the Transvaal Board for the Development of PeriUr vaalse Raad vir die Ontwikkeling van Buitestedelike Ge = A ban Areas Ordinance 943 and Proclamation 6 (Ad biede 943 en Proklamasie 6 (Administrateurs) van 945 miniitrators) of 945: publishes the bylaws set forth die verordeninge hierna uiteengesit wat deur horn ingehereinafter which have been approved by him in terms volge artikel 99 van eersgenoemde Ordonnansie goedge of section 99 of the first mentioned Ordinance keur is

31 PlIOVINSIALE KOERANT 5 MEI _ ri The Tariff of Charges for the supply of electiicity of the : Die Tarief van Gel& vir die lewerinc Vamelektrisiteit Transvaal Board for the Divelopment of Peri Urban Areas van die TratisvaalsecRaad4fir die OntWiaelinge yan Buite published under Schedule 2 of Administrators Notice 88 stedelike Gebiede afgekondig onder Bylae 2 Van Ad dated 8 March 959 as amended is hereby further ministrateurskennisgewing 88 van :8 Maart 959 soos amended by the substitution for Part 7 of the following: gewysig word hierby verder gewysig deur Deel J deur die volgende to vervang: : "J CHARGES PAYABLE FOR THE SUPPLY OF ELECTRICITY TO PREMISES SITUATED WITHIN "7 GELDE BETAALBAAR VIA DIE LEWERING THE AREA OF THE MIGDOL LOCAL AREA COM VAN ELEKTRISITEIT AAN PERSELFGELEE BIN MI I lee NE DIE GEBIED VAN DIE MIGDOL PLAASLIKE GEBIEDSKOMITEE Domestic Consumers Huishoudelike! () This tariff shall be applicable in respect of elec Verbruikers tricity supplied or made available to () Hierdie tarief is variltoepassing ten opsigte van elekl trisiteit gelewer of beskikbahr gestel nail (a) a dwelling; (a) n Woriiihtiit (b) a flat or a block of flats; (b) n woonstel of n woonstelgebou; ; " : (c) a home run by a charitable institution; (d) a nursing home or a (c) n tehuis van n liefdadigheidsinrigting; hospital; (d) n verpleeginrigting of n hospitaal; (e) a private hotel; (e) n privaathotel; (0 a boarding house; (f) n losieshuis; ; (g) a residential club; : \ (g) n ivoopklub:st; ( (h) a hostel : " y r 3; ;iv (h)n koshuis; (i) a church or a church hall; () n kerk of n kerksaal; (j) a club; and : (j) n ldub; en (k) a public hall 7 t (k) n : openbare Sal (2) The following charges shall be payable per month: (2) Die volgende geldeis betaalbaar per maand: (a) Fixed charge whether eledtricity is consumed or not per connection point: RIO (a) Vaste hefting of elektrisiteit verbruik word of "nie per (b) Consumption charge per unit: 25c aansluitingspunt: RIO (b) Verbruilcsheffing per "eenheid: 25c 2 Business Industrial and General Consumers 2 Haridelk Nywerheids en Algetneie Perbruikers: () This tariff shall be applicable in respect of elec () Hierdie tarief is van toepassing ten opsigte van ;elek tricky supplied or made available to trisiteit gelewer of beskikbaar gestel aan 7 : (a) a licensed hotel; (a) n gelisensieerde hotel (b) a shop of commercial house; (c) an office building; (d) a café tea room or restaurant: (e) a combined shop and tea room; () an industrial or factory undertaking; (g) a School or educational institution; and ; " r (b) n Winkel of haridelshuis; " (c) n kantoorgeb4a; t : (d) n kafee teekgmer of restaurantīt); ;; ; (e) n gekombineerde Winkel en teelcamer; : ffy: n nyvieirheids:of fahrielcsondernetning; (6 a skool ofonderwysinrigting; en I : id; : (h) any other consumer not listed under items 3 or 4 (h) enige ander verbinikef vat Me onder :lien& 3 of 4 (2) The following charges shall be payable per! ress9rteer e;:: : v ; month:! (2) Die volgende gelde is betaalbaari per inaand: (a) Fixed Charge; whether electricityis consumed or not I (a) Vaste Sling:of elektrisiteit verbruik word of nie per connection point per month: R2 (b) Consumption charge per unit: 5c 3 Bulk Consumers I ;Comprises a consumer whose demand of electricity ex ceeds 40 kva kva per 00 aansluitingspunt: R2 Verbruik:s: heffing per eenheidf ;5e: "; t? : 3: Grootrnoatverl;ruikers r?; t = :i : OmVat "n verhruiker wie se aaitvradg vir elekirilteit40 t oorskry "I () Fixed charge whether electricity is consumed not per metering point per month: R20 or fly Vaste hefting; of elektrisiteit ieibritikwonf Of ;nle per aansliiitingspiiitt; per imathith (20

32 288 PROVINCIAL GAZEL E 5 MAY 974 (2) Demand charge whether electricity is consumed or (2) Aanvraagheffing of clektrisiteit verbruik word of not per kva of half hourly maximum demand: R250 nie per kva van halfuurlikse maksimum aanvraag: R250; with a minimum charge per month: R00 met n minimum heffing per maand: R00 4 (3) Consumption charge per unit: 04c (3) Verbruiksheffing per eenheid: 04c 4 7emporary Consumers 4 Tydelike Verbruikers () Connection charge: R20 () Aansluitingsgelde: R20 (2) Consumption charge per unit: 2c (2) Verbruiksheffing per eenheid: 2c 5 5 Connection Aar:shillings (I) Only underground cable connections shall be made () Slegs ondergrondsc kabelaansluitines word gemaak (2) A charge of R20 shall n Vorderinci van ti20 be is payable for a betaalbaar vir n enkelsingle phase 840 for fasige a two phase and R60 for aansluiting brl4o vir n a three phase tweefasige aansluiting cn connection to the supply R60 mains vir n driefasige aansluiting by die hooftoevoerlei ding (3) The connection shall be made on the premises in a meter box (3) Die supplied by the consumer of which aansluiting word the gemaak con op die perscel in it struction and position shall meterkas be approved by verskaf deur the engineer die verbruiker waarvan die kon struksie en posisie deur die ingenieur goedgekeur is Per connection: R5 6 Reconnection Per aansluiting: R5 6 Heraansluiting 7 Testing of meter 7 Toots van meter Per meter: R7: Provided that this amount shall be re Per meter: R7: Met dies verstande dat hierdie bedrag funded to a consumer if the meter is found to register terugbetaal moet word aan n verbruiker indiell bbvind more than 5 per cent fast or slow word dat n meter nicer as 5 persent te vinnig of te stadig registreer 8 inspection and Testing of Electrical Installation 8 lnspeksie en In circumstances Teets van Elektriese Installasie as laid down in section 7(8)(b) payable in advance: R5 In omstandighede sons omskryf in artikel 7(8)(b) vooruit betaalbaar: R5 9 Deposit 9 Deposito For each application for supply minimum: R25": Vir elke aansoek om toevoer minimum: R25" PB P Administrators Notice May 974 Administrateurskennisgewing Mei 974 OPENBAREPAD PROPOSED DEVIATION OF A PUBLIC ROAD ON BEOOGDE VERLEGGING VAN N OOR DIE PLAAS ThE FARM DOVEDALE DOVEDALE 56MS DIS 56MS DISTRICT OF TRIK MESSINA MESSINA Met die oog op n aansoek wat van With innre a view to an Kellerman application received from Messrs Bros (Edms) Bpk ontvang is vir die verlegging van n Kellerman Bros (Pty) Ltd for the deviation of a public openbare pad wat oor die pleas Dovedale 56MS dis road which runs on the farm Dovedale 56MS district trik Messina loop is die Administrateur van voornerne of Messina the Administrator intends taking action in om ingevolge artikel 29 van die Padordonnansie 957 terms of section 29 of the op to tree Roads Ordinance 957 Enigiemand wat enige beswaar teen die verlegging het Any person who has any objections to the deviation word aangese om binne 30 dae na die publikasiedatum is called upon to show cause in writing within 30 days van hierdie kennisgewing sy cedes waarom by beswaar of the date of publication of this notice of the reasons maak skriftelik by die Streeksbeampte Transvaalse for his objections to the Regional Officer Transvaal Paaiedepartement Privaatsak X9378 Pietersburg aan te Roads Department Private Bag X9378 Pietersburg The gee Die aandag van elke beswaarmaker word op die attention of every objector is drawn to the provisions of bepalings van artikel 29(3) van die genoemde Ordonnan section 29(3) of the said Ordinance sic gevestig DR /24/D 23 DP /24/D 23 Administrators Notice May 974 Administrateurskennisgewing Mei 974 CANCELLATION WHOLLY OR PARTIALLY OF KANSELLERING IN SY GEHEEL OF GEDEELTE THE SERVITUDE OF OUTSPAN ON THE FARM LIT{ VAN DIE UITSPANSERWITUUT OP DIE VAARWATERKRANS 260 JR DISTRICT OF PLAAS VAARWATERKRANS 260 JR DISTRIK BRONKHORSTSPRUIT BRONKHORSTSPRUIT 4 With a view to an application received from the owner Met die oog op n aansoek wat van die grondeienaar of land for the cancellation wholly or partially of the ontvang is vir die kansellering in sy geheel of gedeeltelik

33 PROVINSIALE KOERANT; IS MEI servitude of outspan in extent 4283 hectares and to van die uitspanserwituut wat 4283 hektaar groot is en which Portion 0 of the farm Vaarwaterkrans waaraan Gedeelte 0 van die plaas Vaarwaterkrans 260 district of Bronkhorstspruit is subject the Administrator JR distrik Bronkhorstspruit onderhewig is is die Adintends taking action in terms of section 56 of the Roads ministrateur van voorneme om ingevolge artikel 56 van Ordinance 957 die Padordonnansie 957 op te tree Any person may lodge his objections to the cancella Enige persoon kan binne 6 maande vanaf die datum tion in writing with the Regional Officer Transvaal van publikasie van hierdic kennisgewing sy redes vir sy Roads Department Private Bag X2 Moregloed within beswaar teen die kansellasie by die Streekbeampte 6 months from the date of publication of this notice Transvaalse Paaiedepartement Privaatsak X2 More gloed skriftelik indien DP /3/V DP /3/V Administrators Notice 80 5 May 974 Administrateurskennisgewing 80 5 Mei 974 REDUCTION OF THE SERVITUDE OF OUTSPAN VERMINDERING VAN DIE UTSPANSERWITUUT ON THE FARM \VELGEGUND 69HP DISTRICT OP DIE PLAAS WELGEGUND 69HP DISTRIK OF WOLMARANSSTAD WOLMARANSSTAD Met die oog op n aansoek wat van die grondeienaar With a view to an application received from the owner ontvang is vir die vermindering van die uitspanserwituut of land for the reduction of the servitude of outspan wat /75ste van hektaar groot is en waaraan die in extent /75th of hectares and to which the plaas Welgegund 69HP distrik Wolmaransstad onderfarm Welgegund 69 P district of Wolmaransstad is hewig is is die Administrateur van voorneme om inge subject the Administrator intends taking action in terms volge artikel 56 van die Padordonnansie 957 op te of section 56 of the Roads Ordinance 957 tree Any person may lodge his objections to the reduction Enige persoon kan binne 6 maande vanaf die datum in writing with the Regional Officer Transvaal Roads van publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing sy redes vir sy Department Private Bag X928 Potchefstroom within beswaar teen die vermindering by die Streeksbeampte Transvaalse Paaiedepartement Privaatsak X928 Potchefstroom skriftelik indien 6 months from the date of publication of this notice DP /3/W0 DP /3/W0 Administrators Notice May 974 Administrateurskennisgewing Mei 974 PROPOSED CLOSING OF TWO PUBLIC ROADS BEOOGDE SLUITING VAN TWEE OPENBARE ON THE FARM TWEEFONTEIN DISTRICT PAAIE OOR DIE PLAAS TWEEFONTEIN 479S OF ERMELO DISTRIK ERMELO With a view to an application received front Mr M Met die oog op n aansoek wat van mnr M J van J van Dyk for the closing of two public roads which Dyk ontvang is vir die shilling van twee openbare paaie runs on the farm Twcefontein 4794S district of Ermelo wat oor die plaas Tweefontein 4794S distrik Ermelo the Administrator intends taking action in terms of sec loop is die Administrateur van voorneme om ingevolge Von 29 of the Roads Ordinance 957 artikel 29 van die Padordonnansie 957 op te tree Any person who has any objection to the closing is Enigiemand wat cnige beswaar teen die dulling het called upon to show cause in writing within 30 days word aangese om binne 30 dae na die publikasiedatum of the date of publication of this notice of the reasons van hierdie kennisgewing sy redes waarom by beswaar for his objections to the Regional Officer Transvaal maak skriftelik by die Streckbeampte Transvaalse Paaie Roads Department Private Bag X34 Ermelo The atten departement Privaatsak X34 Ermelo aan te gee Die tion of every objector is drawn to the provisions of sec aandag van elke beswaarmaker word op die bepalings tion 29(3) of the said Ordinance van artikel 29(3) van die genoemde Ordonnansie gevestig DP /24/20/5 DP /24/20/5 Administrators Notice May 974 Administrateurskennisgewing Mei 974 PROPOSED CLOSING OF A PUBLIC ROAD ON BEOOGDE SLUITING VAN N OPENBARE PAD THE FARM DOORNPAN 22HP DISTRICT OF OOR DIE PLAAS DOORNPAN 22HP DISTRIK WOLMARANSSTAD WOLMARANSSTAD With a view to an application received from Messrs Met die oog op n aansoek wat van mnre C J H C J H van Heerden and J B Rheeder for the closing van Heerden en J B Rheeder ontvang is vir die sluicing of a public road which runs on the farm Doornpan van n openbare pad wat oor die plaas Doornpan 22 22HP district of Wolmaransstad the Administrator HP distrik Wolmaransstad loop is die Administrateur intends taking action in terms of section 29 of the Roads van voorneme om ingevolge artikel 29 van die Padordon Ordinance 957 nansie 957 op te tree

34 290 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 5 MAY 974 Any person who has any objection to the closing is Enigiemand wat enige beswaar teen die sluiting het d called upon to show cause in writing within 30 days of word aangese om binne 30 dae na die publikasiedatum the date of publication of this notice of the reasons for van hierdie kennisgewing sy redes waarom hy beswaar his objections to the Regional Officer Transvaal Roads maak skriftelik by die Streeksbeampte Transvaalse Department Private Bag X928 Potchefstroom The Paaiedepartenient Privaatsak X928 Potchefstroom aan attention of every objector is drawn to the provisions of to gee Die aandag van elke beswaarmaker word op die section 29(3) of the said Ordinance bepalings van artikel 29(3) van die genoemde Ordon DP /24/D8 nansie gevestig DP /24/D8 Administrators Notice May 974 Administrateurskennisgewing Mei 974 CANCELLATION WHOLLY OF SERVITUDE OF KANSELLERING N SY GEHEEL VAN UITSPAN OUTSPAN ON THE FARM ZEEKOEWATER 3 SERWITUUT OP DIE PLAAS ZEEKOEWATER JS DISTRICT OF WITBANK 345 DISTRIK WITBANK With reference to Administrators Notice 833 of 30 Met betrekking tot Administrateurskennisgewing 833 May 973 the Administrator in terms of section van 30 Mei 973 het die Administrateur ingevolge 56()(iv) of the Roads Ordinance 957 has caused the artikel 56()(iv) van die Padordonnansie 957 die uitservitude of outspan in extent /50th of spanserwituut wat /50ste van hektaar groot hectares and to which the Remaining Portion of Portion is en waaraan die Resterende Gedeelte van Gedeelte B B of the farm Zeekoewater 345 district of Witbank van die plaas Zeekoewater 345 distrik Witbank on id is subject to be cancelled wholly derhewig is in sy geheel gekanselleer DP 005W37/3/Z5 DP 005W 37/3/Z5 EC Resolution 783(3) of 7474 UK Besluit 783(3) van Administrators Notice May 974 Administrateurskennisgewing Mei 974 PROPOSED CLOSING OF A PUBLIC ROAD ON BEOOGDE SLUITING VAN N OPENBARE PAD THE FARM DOORNBULT 2384P DISTRICT OF OOR DIE PLAAS DOORNBULT 2384P DISTRIK LICHTENBURG LICHTENBURG With a view to an application received front Mr 0 Met die oog op n aansoek wat van mnr 0 H Was H Wasserman for the closing of a public road which serman ontvang is vir die sluiting van n openbare pad runs on the farm Doornbult 238LP district of Lichten wat oor die plaas Doombult 2384P distrik Lichtenburg the Administrator intends taking action in terms burg loop is die Administrateur van voorneme om inge of section 29 of the Roads Ordinance 957 volge artikel 29 van die Padordonnansie 957 op te tree Any person who has any objection to the closing is called upon to show cause in writing within 30 days of Enigiemand wat enige beswaar teen die sluiting het the date of publication of this notice of the reasons for word aangese oat binne 30 dae na die publikasiedatum van hierdie kennisgewing sy redes waarom his objections to the Regional Officer Transvaal hy Roads beswaarnmak skriftelik by die Streeksbeampte Transvaalse 4 Department Private Bag X928 Potchefstroom The Paaiedepartement Privaatsak X928 Potchefstroom aan attention of every objector is drawn to the provisions of te gee Die aandag van elke beswaarmaker word op die section 29(3) of the said Ordinance bepalings van artikel 29(3) van die genoemde Ordon DP nansie /24/D8 gevestig DP /24/D8 Administrators Notice May 974 Administrateurskennisgewing Mei 974 CANCELLATION WHOLLY OR PARTIALLY OF KANSELLERING IN SY GEHEEL OF GEDEELTE THE SERVITUDE OF OUTSPAN ON THE FARM LIK VAN DIE UITSPANSERWITUUT OP DIE KRANSKLOOF 554KT DISTRICT OF LYDEN PLAAS KRANSKLOOF 554KT DISTRIK LYDEN BURG BURG With Met die a view to oog op n aansoek wat van an application received from die grondeienaar the owner of land ontvang is vir die kansellering in sy geheel for the cancellation wholly or partially of of gedeeltelik the van die uits panserwnuut wat /75ste van servitude of hek outspan in extent I/75th of 95;243 hec taar groot is en waaraan Gedeelte 3 tares and to which Portion van die plaas Krans 3 of the farm Kranskloof 554KT Mod 554KT distrik Lydenburg onderhewig is district of Lydenburg is is die subject the " Admini Administrateur van voorneme om ingevolge artikel 56 strator intends taking action in terms of section 56 of the Roads Ordinance van die Padordonnansie 957 op te tree 957 Any person may lodge his objections to the cancella Enige persoon kan binne 6 maande vanaf die datum tion in writing with the Regional Officer Transvaal van publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing sy redes vir sy

35 action PROVINSIALE KOERANT 5 MEI Roads Department Private Bag X089 Lydenburg beswaar teen die kansellasie by die Streekbeampte within 6 months from the date of publication of this Transvaalse Paaiedepartement Privaatsak X089 Lydennotice burg skriftelik indien DP /3/K8 DP /3/K 8 Administrators Notice May 974 Administrateurskennisgewing Mei 974 PROPOSED CLOSING OF A PUBLIC ROAD ON BEOOGDE SLUITING VAN N OPENBARE PAD THE FARM WOLVENFONTEIN 652IR DISTRICT OOR DIE PLAAS WOLVENFONTEIN 652IR DIS OF HEIDELBERG TRIK HEIDELBERG Met die oog op n aansoek wat van mnr F L Botha With a view to an application received from Mr F ontvang is vir die sluiting van n openbare pad wat oor L Botha for the closing of a public road which runs die plaas Wolvenfontein 652LR distrik Heidelberg loop on the farm Wolvenfontein 652IR district of Heidelis die Administrateur van voorneme om ingevolge artikel berg the Administrator intends taking action in terms 29 van die Padordonnansie 957 op te tree of section 29 of the Roads Ordinance 957 Enigiemand wat enige beswaar teen die sluiting het Any person who has any objection to the closing is word aangese cm binne 30 dae im die publikasiedatum called upon to show cause in writing within 30 days of van hierdie kennisgewing sy redes waarom by beswaar the date of publication of this notice of the reasons for maak skriftelik by die Streekbeampte Transvaalse h his objections to the Regional Officer Transvaal Roads Paaiedepartement Privaatsak X00 Benoni aan te gee P Department Private Bag X00 Benoni The attention Die aandag van elke beswaarmaker word op die beof every objector is drawn to the provisions of section palings van artikel 29(3) van die genoemde Ordonnansie 29(3) of the said Ordinance gevestig DP /24/W6 DP /24/W6 Administrators Notice May 974 Administrateurskennisgewing Mci 974 CANCELLATION WHOLLY OR PARTIALLY OF KANSELLERING IN SY GEHEEL OF GEDEELTE THE SERVITUDE OF OUTSPAN ON THE FARM LIK VAN DIE UITSPANSERWITUUT OP DIE LEEUWFONTEIN 466TR DISTRICT OF BRONK PLAAS LEEUWFONTEIN J R DISTRIK HORSTSPRUIT BRONKHORSTSPRUIT Met die oog op n aansoek wat van die grondeienaar ontvang is vir die kansellering in sy geheel of gedeeltelik van die uitspanserwituut wat /75ste van hektaar groot is en waaraan Gedeelte 9 (n gedeelte van Gedeelte 8) van die plaas Leeuwfontein 466 R distrik Bronkhorstspruit onderhewig is is die Administrateur van voorneme om ingevolge artikel 56 van die Pad ordonnansie 957 op te tree With a view to an application received from the owner of land for the cancellation wholly or partially of the servitude of outspan in extent /75th of hec tares and to which Portion 9 (a portion of Portion 8) of the farm Leeuwfontein 466TR district of Bronkhorstspruit is subject the Administrator intends taking in terms of section 56 of the Roads Ordinance 957 Any person may lodge his objections to the cancellalion in writing with the Regional Officer Transvaal Roads Department Private Bag X2 Moregloed within 6 months from the date of publication of this notice DP 00537/3/L8 Enige persoon kan binne 6 maande vanaf die datum van publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing sy redes vir sy beswaar teen die kansellasie by die Streekbeampte Transvaalse Paaiedepartement Privaatsak X2 Wore gloed skriftelik indien DP /3/L8 Administrators Notice May 974 Administrateurskennisgewing Mei 974 RANDBURG AMENDMENT SCHEME NO 90 RANDBURG WYSIGINGSKEMA NO 90 It is hereby notified in terms of section 36() of the Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel Town planning and Townships Ordinance 965 that the 36() van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe Administrator has approved of the amendment of Rand 965 bekend gemaak dat die Administrateur goedgekeur burg Town planning Scheme 954 by the rezoning of het dat Randburgdorpsaanlegskema 954 gewysig Avord Portion 3 of Lot 699 Fontainebleau Township from deur die hersonering van Gedeelte 3 van Erf 699 dorp "Special Residential" with a density of "One dwelling Fontainebleau van "Spesiale Woon" met n digtheid van per erf" to Special" with a density of "One dwelling per "Een woonhuis per en " tot "Spesiaal" met n digtheid erf" solely for the storage of new motor vehicles subject van "Een woonhuis per erf" alleenlik vir die berging to certain conditions and Portion 5 of Lot 699 Fon van nuwe motorvoertuie onderworpe aan sekere voorwaardes en Gedeelte 5 van En 699 dorp Fontainebleau i tainebleau Township from "Special Business" "General van "S IF e Besigheld" "Algemene Woon" en "Spesiale Residential" and "Special Residential" to "General Woon" tot "Algemene Besigheid" met n digtheid van Business" with a density of "One dwelling per erf" sub "Een woonhuis per erf" onderworpe aan sekere voor ject to certain conditions waardes

36 292 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 5 MAY 974 Map No 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment! Kaart No 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysiging 4 scheme are filed with the Director of Local Government skema word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Pretoria and the Town Clerk Randburg and are open I Plaaslike Bestuur Pretoria en die Stadsklerk Randburg for inspection at all reasonable times en is beskikbaar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye This amendment is known as Randburg Amendment Hierdic wysiging staan bekend as Scheme No 90 skema No 90 Randburg wysiging PB PB Administrators Notice 80 5 May 974 Administrateurskennisgewing 80 5 Mei 974 JOHANNESBURG AMENDMENT SCHEME JOHANNESBURG WYSIGINGSKEMA NO /587 NO /587 Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel It is hereby notified in terms of section 360) of the 36() van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe Town planning and Townships Ordinance 965 that the 965 bekend gemaak dat die Administrateur goedgekeur Administrator has approved of the amendment of Johan het dat Johannesburg dorpsaanlegskema No I 946 nesburg Townplanning Scheme No 946 by the gewysig word deur die Verdere wysiging van Klousule further amendment of Clause 29(c)(v)(c) 29(c)(v)(c) Map No 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment Kaart No 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysiging scheme are filed with the Director of Local Government skema word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Pretoria and the Town Clerk Johannesburg (Room 75 Plaaslike Bestuur Pretoria en die Stadsklerk Johannes d Civic Centre Braamfontein) and are open for inspection burg (Kamer 75 Burgersentrum Braamfontein) en is at all reasonable times beskikbaar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye This amendment is known as Johannesburg Amend Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Johannesburg ;vent Scheme No /587 wysigingskema No /587 PB PB Administrators Notice 8 5 May 974 Administrateurskennisgewing 8 5 Mei 974 GERMISTON AMENDMENT SCHEME NO /23 GERMISTON WYSIGINGSKEMA NO /23 It is hereby notified in terms of section 36() of the Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel Town planning and Townships Ordinance 965 that the 360) van die Ordonnansic op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe Administrator has approved of the amendment of Ger 965 bekend gemaak dat die Administrateur goedgekeur miston Town planning Scheme No 945 by the re het dat Germiston dorpsaanlegskema No 945; ge zoning of Remainder of Erf No 6 Klippoortje Agricul wysig word deur die hersonering van Restant van Erf tural Lots Township from "Special Residential" with a No 6 dorp Klippoortje Landboulotte van "Spesiale density of "One dwelling per sq ft" to "Special Woon" met n digtheid van "Een woonhuis per Residential" with a density of "One dwelling per vk vt" tot "Spesiale Woon" met n digtheid van "Een sq ft" woonhuis per vk vt" Map No 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment Kaart No 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysiging scheme are filed with the Director of Local Government skema word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Pretoria and the Town Clerk Germiston and are open Plaaslike Bestuur Pretoria en die Stadsklerk Germiston for inspection at all reasonable times en is beskikbaar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye This amendment is known as Germiston Amendment Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Germiston wysiging Scheme No /23 skema No /23? B 492 PB Administrators Notice 82 5 May 974 Administrateurskennisgewing 82 5 Mei 974 WITBANK AMENDMENT SCHEME NO /34 WLTBANK WYSIGINGSKEMA NO /34 It is hereby notified in terms of section 36() of the Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel Town planning and Townships Ordinance 965 that the 360) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe Administrator has approved of the amendment of Wit 965 bekend gemaak dat die Administrateur goedgekeur bank Town planning Scheme No 948 by the reran het dat Witbankdorpsaanlegskema No I 948 gewysig ing of Portions 3 and 4 of Portion d of Portion 6 of word deur die hersonering van Gedeeltes 3 en 4 van the Farm Blesboklaagte No 296 JS from "Special Gedeelte d van Gedeelte 6 van die Plans Blesboklaagte Residential" with a density of "One dwelling per No 296JS van "Spesiale Woon" met n digtheid van sq ft" to "Special" "Een woonhuis per vk vt" tot "Spesiaal" Map No 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment Kaart No 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysiging I scheme are filed with the Director of Local Government skema word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Pretoria and the Town Clerk Witbank and are open Plaaslike Bestuur Pretoria en die Stadsklerk Witbank for inspection at all reasonable times en is beskikbaar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye

37 PROVINSIALE KOERANT 5 MEI This amendment is known as Witbank Amendment Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Withank:wysiging Scheme No /34 skema No /34 PB PB: Administrators Notice 83 5 May 974 Administrateurskennisgewing 83 5 Mei 974 PRETORIA REGION AMENDMENT SCHEME PRETORIASTREEK WYSIGINGSKEMA NO 468 NO 468 Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel It is hereby notified in terms of section 36() of the 36() van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe Townplanning and Townships Ordinance 965 that the 965 bekend gemaak dat die Administrateur goedgekeur Administrator has approved of the amendment of Pre het dat Pretoriastreek dorpsaanlegskema 960 gewysig toria Region Town planning Scheme 960 by the rezon word deur die hersonering van Erf No 523 dorp Water ing of Erf No 523 Waterkloof Ridge Township; from kloof Ridge van "Spesiale Worm" met n digtheid van "Special Residential" with a density of "One dwelling "Een woonhuis per erf" tot "Spesiale Woon" met n digt per erf" to "SpecialResidential" with a density of "One heid van "Een woonhuis per vk vt" dwelling per sq ft" Kaart No 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysiging Map No 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment skema word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van scheme arc filed with the Director of Local Government Plaaslike Bestuur Pretoria en die Stadsklerk Pretoria en Pretoria and the Town Clerk Pretoria and are open for is beskikbaar vir ifispeksie op alle redelike tye: inspection at all reasonable times Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Pretoriastreek This amendment is known as Pretoria Region Amend wysigingskema No 468 ment Scheme No 468 PB PB Administrators Notice 84 5 May 974 Administrateurskennisgewing 84 5 Mei 974 NORTHERN JOHANNESBURG REGION AMEND NOORDELIKE JOHANNESBURGSTREEK MENT SCHEME NO 53 WYSIGINGSKEMA NO 53 It is hereby notified in terms of section 36() of the Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel Town planning and Townships Ordinance 965 that the 36(I) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe Administrator has approved of the amendment of North 965 bekend gemaak dat die Administrateur goeclgekeur em Johannegburg Region Townplanning Scheme 958 het dat Noordelike Johannesburgstreek dorpsaanlegskema by the rezoning of Portion 2 of Lot No 20 Kew Town 958 gewysig word deur die hersonering van Gedeelte 2 ship front "General Business" to "Special Residential" with a density of "One dwelling per erf" Kaart No 3 eu die skemaklousules van die wysiging skema word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Pretoria en die Stadsklerk Johannes burg (Kamer 75 Burgersentrum Braamfontein) en is beskikbaar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye Map No 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment scheme are filed with the Director of Local Government Pretoria and the Town Clerk Johannesburg (Room 75 Civic Centre Braamfontein) and are open for inspection at all reasonable times van Lot No 20; dorp Kew van "Algemene Besigheid" tot "Spesiale Woon" met n digtheid van "Een woonhuis per erf" This amendment is known as Northern Johannesburg Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Noordelike Johan Region Amendment Scheme No 53 nesburgstreekwysigingskema No 53 PB PB Administrators Notice 85 5 May 974 Administrateurskennisgewing 85 5 Mei:974 0 RANDBURG MUNICIPALITY: HALL BYLAWS MUNISIPALITEIT RANDBURG: SAALVERORDE NINGE The Administrator hereby in terms of section 0 of Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel the Local Government Ordinance 939 publishes the by 0 van Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur 939 laws set forth hereinafter which have been approved dieverordeninge hierna uiteengesit wat deur horn ingevolge by him in terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance artikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur is Definitions Woordomskrywing In these by laws unless the context otherwise I In hierdie verordeninge tensy uit die samehang an indicates ders blyk betoken "bazaar" means any public function arranged con "basaar" enige openbare byeenkoms wat gedryf ducted and managed by any church or association of of bestuur word deur enige kerk of vereniging van persone met die doel ont fondle van die publiek in to samel deur persons in order to raise funds from the public by means middel van speletjies kompetisies die verkoop van goeof ganies competitions the sale of goods collected for dere wat vir die doel versamel is en die verskaffing van that purpose and the supplying of refreshments; verversings;

38 294 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 5 MAI? 974 "caretaker" means any officer of the Council appointed "opsigter" enigtbeampte van die Raad wat aangestel is 4 as a caretaker and includes any person acting in his as n opsigter met inbegrip van die persoon wat namens stead for the time being; hour optree; "Council" means the Town Council of Randburg and "Raad" die Stadsraad van Randburg en omvat die be includes the management committee of that Council or stuurskomitee:van daardie Raad of enige beamptedeur die any officer employed by the Council acting by virtue Raad in diens geneem handelende uit hoofde van enige of any power vested in the Council in connection with bevoegdheid wat in verband met hierdie verordeninge aan these by laws and delegated to him in terms of section die Raad verleen is en wat ingevolge artikel 58 van die 58 of the Local Government (Administration and Elea Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur (Administrasie en Versions) Ordinance 960 (Ordinance 40 of 960); Idesings) 960 (Ordonnansie 40 van 960) aan horn ge delegeer is; "hall" means the hall or room thereof for the hire of which charges are prescribed in Schedule I hereto Letting of Hall "sail" enige saal of vertrek daarvan vir die huur waarvan die tariewe in Bylae I hierby voorgeskryf is Yerhuur vansaal 2() Die Raad behou horn die alleenreg voor on te weier om die saal te verhuur en ook om bespreking daarvan te kanselleer cm enige van die volgende redes: (a) 2() The Council reserves the absolute right to refuse to let the hall and also to cancel any engagement for any of the following reasons: (a) If the entertainment or purpose for which the hall is required is in the discretion of the Council un desirable or in any other respects contrary to public morals interest or decency Indien die vermaaklikheid of duel waarvoor die saal benodig word na goeddunke van die Raad ongewens of in enige ander aspek teenstrydig is met openbare sedes belang of fatsoenlikheid (b) If the hall is required for purposes which in the opinion (b) of the Council should take precedence over Indien die saal benodig word vir doeleindes wat die existing reservation mening van die Raad voorkeur bo enige bestaande be or booking in which case of plekbespreking behoort te genet in welke theany Council shall not be liable for any expense in spreking die Raad nie aanspreeklik is curred or vir enige uitgawes loss or damage suffered by the hirer save wat aangegaan that of verlies of skade wat gely is deur the Council shall refund any charges paid by die huurder nie behalwe dat die Raad enige gelde the hirer to the Council in respect of such cancelled wat deur die huurder aan die Raad ten opsigte van reservation or booking sodanige gekanselleerde bespreking of plekbespreking (c) If damage may reasonably be expected to the betaal is terugbetaal building or its furniture as a result of or incidental to any proposed function Indien beskadiging aan die gebou of sy meubels ten gevolge van of meegebring deur enige voorgestelde (2) All concerns and persons wishing to hire the ball byeenkoms redelikerwys verwag kan word shall cause an application form as prescribed in Schedule (2) Alle ondernemings en person wat die saal wil huur II hereto to be completed and the person by whom such moet n aansoekvorm laat voltooi soos form voorgeskryf in By is signed shall be deemed to be the hirer Applica lae tions shall be dealt with in the order in which they are IIhierby en die persoon deur wie sodanige vorm on derteken is word as die huurder beskou Aansoeke word received behandel in die volgorde waarin dit ontvang word Payment of Charges 3() No reservation shall be made unless payment is made as hereinafter stated and no tickets shall be dis tributed or any public announcement made until the reservation has been accepted Betaling van Gelde 4 3() Geen bespreking word gedoen nie tensy betaling geskied soos hierna uiteengesit en geen kaartjies word ver sprei of enige openbare aankondiging gedoen alvorens die bespreking aanvaar is nie _ (2) The hiring of the hall includes the stage and (2) Die huur van die saal sluit die verhoog en verhoogartists rooms bar projector room paybox cloakroom ldeedkamers lcroeg projektorkamer kaartjieskantoor befoyer courtyard usual lighting seating accommodation waarkainer voorportaal binnehof gewone beligting sitand toilets appurtenant to such hall as well as the selling pleklce en gemakhuise in wat by sodanige saal behoort asof sweets tobacco cigars; cigarettes or any other goods ook die verkoop van lekkergoed tabak sigare sigarette on the premises but excludes the kitchen and all facilities of ander goedere op die perseel maar sluit die kombuis en for which special charges are prescribed in Schedule I alle geriewe uit waarvoor tariewe spesiaal in Bylae I hierhereto by voorgeskryf is (3) Application for the reservation of the accommo ; (3) Aansoek om besprekinabvan gehuurde ruimte moet cation hired shall be accompanied by the total amount vergesel word van die totale bedrag betaalbaar Indien die payable If the hirer does not make use of the accommo I huurder nie gebruik maak Van die gehuurde ruimte nie dation reserved such charges paid to the Council shall word sodanige gelde wat aan die Raad betaal is verbeur be forfeited unless ifi the opinion of the Council the behalwe as die rede waarom daar nie van die ruimte gereason for not making use of the accommodation justifies bruik gemaak is nie na die Raad se mening n terugbe a refund of the charges taling van die gelde regverdig (4) If the purpose of the hiring is such as to require (4) Indien die doel van die huur sodanig is dat dit die I extra work to be undertaken by Council employees such) verrigting van ekstia werk deur Raadsamptenare vereis as without derogating the generality of the aforegoing soos sender om die algemeenheid van die voornoemde in the erection of platforms boxing rings provision of te kort die oprigting van platforms bokskryte voorsiening 4

39 I PROVINSIALE KOERANT 5 MEI _ special lighting or any other extra work the hirer shall 0 van spesiale beligting of enige ander ekstrawerk word daar be required to pay in advance a sum sufficient to cover van die huurder vereis om n bedrag vooruit te betaal wat the extra expenditure Such payment shall be for an voldoende is om die ekstra uitgawes te dek Sodanige be amount as shall be specified by the Town Clerk and Wing moet vir sodanige bedrag wees as wat bepaal word shall be paid to the recreation officer deur die Stadsklerk en moet aan die ontspanningsbeampte r (5) The hirer betaal shall be responsible for payments in word respect of any extras whatsoever incurred by the hirers (5) Die huurder is aanspreeklik vir betalings met be caterer during any hiring: Provided that the Council trekking tot enige ekstras hoegenaamd wat aangegaan word shall not be under any obligation to do the extra Work deur die verversingsondernemer van die huurder tydens or to supply any such extras n huur: Met dien verstande dat die Raad geensins verplig is om ekstrawerkte doen of om enige sodanige ekstras te verskaf nie Postponement of:reservation Uitstel van Bespreking 4 Any hirer of accommodation in the hall shall be 4 Enige huurder van akkommodasie in die saal word permitted to postpone a reservation once without forfeit toegelaat om it bespreking een keer uit te stel sonder om ing the deposit but should the second reservation not be die deposito te verbeur maar indien van die tweede be used and the engagement cancelled the deposit shall be spreking nie gebruik gemaak word nie en die huurkontrak forfeited If the hirer desires to postpone a date previous gekanselleer word word die deposito verbeur Indien die ly reserved written notice to that effect shall be given huurder verlang om n datum wat vroeer bespreek is uit by the hirer to the Town Clerk not later than 2 noon te stel word geskrewe kennis te dien effekte deur die on the third day prior to such reserved date murder nn die Stadsklerk gegee nie later nie as twaalf van die middag derde dag voor sodanige bespreekte datum Admission of Public and Sale of Tickets Toelating van Publiek en Verkoop van Kaartjies 5 The hirer shall be responsible for all arrangements 5Die huurder is in connection with the admission of the public the pro aanspreeklik vir alle reelingi hi ver band vision of met die toelating van die publiek die ushers police and such staff verskaffing as may be necesvan plekaanwysers polisie en sodanige personeel as sary wat to control the admission and!conduct of persons nodig is om die toelating en gedrag van persone op die on the premises and the sale of tickets perstel en die verkoop van kaartjies te beheer Provision of Furniture and Cleaning of Premises V erskaffitzgvan Ameublement en Skoonmaak van Perseel 6 The reasonable provision and arrangement of tables for the purpose of any function and the clearing and 6 Die redelike verskaffing en reeling van tafels vir die cleaning of the premises after such function shall be doel van enige byeenkoms en die opruiming en skoon undektalcen by the Council if specifically agreed at the maak van dic perseel na sodanige byeenkoms word deur time of hiring and such work shall be carried out under die Raad onderneem indien ten tyevan die huur spesifiek the supervision of the caretaker so ooreengekom en sodanige werlc word onder toesig van die opsigter uitgevoer The Council not Responsible for Loss Accidents or Raad nie Anspreeklik nie vir Verlies Ongelukke of Defect or Faults in the Lighting Installation or Gebrek of Ionise in Beligtingsinstallasie of Uitrusting Equipment; II) 7 Die Raad is nie verantwoordelik of aanspreeklik in 7 The Council shall not be responsible or liable in enige opsig of op enige wyse vir enige verlies of skade van any way or manner for any loss or damage of whatso watter and ook al en ongeagof dit direk of voortvloeiend ever nature and whether direct or consequential caused is wat aan die huurder of enigeonderneming of persoon to the hirer or any concern or person claiming from or wat van of deur die huurder cis veroorsaak is insluitende through the hirer including without limiting the gene sonder om die algemeenheid van die voornoemde te: be rality of the aforegoing any employee agent guest perk enige werknemer agent gas genooide of kaartjieinvitee or ticket holder of the hirer or any trespasser in; houer van die huurder of enige oortreder in op of by die on or about the hired premises: from any cause whatso gehuurde perseel as gevolg van enige oorsaak hoegenaamd ever including but not limited to the failure or defect insluitende maar nie beperk nie tot die onderbreking of I of any machinery equipment lighting or scenery or any gebrek van enige masjinerie toerusting beligting of to defect whether latent or patent in any part of the hired neeldekorasie of enige gebrek ongeag of dit verborge of premises or grounds sigbaar is in enige deel van die gehuurde perseel of gronde Use of Heating Apparatus in Kitchen and Electric Gebruik van Venvarmingsapparaat in Kombuis en 0 Appliances in Hall Elektriese Toestelle in SO 8(l) Only electrical installations provided by the 8() Alleenlik elektriese installasies wat deur die Raad Council shall be used The use of portable appliances or verskaf is word gebruik Die gebruik van draagbare toethe use of inflammable liquids in any part of the hall stelle of die gebruilc van vlambare vloeistowwe in enige clod other than the kitchen shall be strictly prohibited Any van die saal behalwe die kombuis word ten strengste ver person committing a breach of this section shall be bled Enigiemand wat hierdie artikel oortree is skuldig aan guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a fine n misdryf en is by skuldigbevinding strafbaar met n boete not exceeding R50 van hoogstens R50 (2) Electric lighting loudspeaker systems projector (2) Elektriese beligting luidspreker projektor en derge

40 296 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 5 MAY 974 and similar appliances shall be manipulated only by the like toestelle word slegs deur die opsigter of ander be 4 caretaker or other officer authorised thereto by the ampte wat deur die Raad daartoe gemagtig is gehantecr Council Kleedkamers Cloak rooms 9 Die klecdkamers is vir die tydperk van die huur 9 The cloakrooms shall for the period of the hire die verantwoordelikheid van die huurder wat sy eie op be the responsibility of the hirer who shall provide his own attendants and be responsible for any mistake or passers verskaf en aanspreeklik is vir enige fout of ver lies wat voorkom loss that may occur Right of Admission and Conduct of Functions Reg van Toegang en Hou van Yerrigtinge 0(l) Die huurder word die reg gegee om toegang tot 0() The hirer shall have the right to reserve admisdie saal sion to the hall vat deur horn gehuur is voor te behou en is aan hired by him and shall be held respons van ible spreeklik vir die behoorlike nakoming en uitvoering for the due observance and carrying out of the foldie volgende bepalings: lowing stipulations viz: (a) (a) No person shall be admitted to the hall or having Niemand bekend as n persoon van swak karakter of wat beskonke of onpaslik aangetrek is mag tot die gained admission be permitted to remain therein saal toegelaat word of indien hy wel toegang verkry who is of known bad character or who is intoxicated het toegelaat om daarbinne te vertoef nie or who is unsuitably clad (b) Niemand wat nie betaal het vir toegang (b) tot n byeen No person who has not paid for admission to a koms ten opsigte waarvan vereis word dat toegangs function in respect of which an admission fee is 4 geld betaal word vir die doeleindes waarvoor die ak required to be paid for the purposes for which the kommodasie verhuur is mag deur die huurder se accommodation has has been hired shall be supplied versingsondernemer van bedwelmende drank of ander with intoxicating liquor or other refreshment by the verversings voorsien word nie hirers caterer (c) (c) No person shall be permitted to dance in the hall Niemand word toegelaat om in die saal te dans sonder dat by behoorlik is nie om so unless properly shod for dancing to prevent damage doende beskadiging dawn van die vloere te voorkom to the floor surface (2) Die saal word aan die huurder verhuur op die voor (2) The hall shall be let to the hirer on the underwaarde dat geen verdringing daarin mag plaasvind nie en standing that no overcrowding thereof shall take place dat die aantal persone wat in die saal toegelaat word tot and that the number of persons allowed in the hall shall die beskikbare sitplekruinite beperk word Niemand word be limited to the seating accommodation available No toegelaat om in die gauge paadjies of deuropeninge wat person shall be allowed to congregate in the passages na sodanige saal saam te drom nie Sodra alle beaisles or doorways leading to such hall When the availskikbare sitplekruimte in beslag geneem is meet die huur able seating accommodation has been occupied the hirer der die toegang van alle persone verbied ten einde te ver shall prevent the admittance of any persons in excess of hoed dat sodanige sitplekruimte oorskry word such seating capacity (3) Die reg word voorbehou aan enige lid van die Raad (3) The right shall be reserved to any member of the die Stadsklerk Direkteur van Parke en Ontspanning op Council the Town Clerk Director of Parks and Recreasigter of ander behoorlik gemagtigde bcampte van die tion caretaker or other duly authorised officer of the Raad om te alit tye die gehuurde perseel vir doeleindes Council at all times to enter the premises hired for the purposes of inspection Responsibility of Hirer for Damage to Councils Property van inspeksie te betree Aanspreeklikheid van Thunder vir Beskadiging van Raad se Eiendotn () The hirer shall be responsible for and shall 0) Die huurder is aanspreeklik en moot vergoed vir make good any loss occasioned by missing articles or enige verlies veroorsaak deur vermiste artikels of breek breakage as well as damage or loss of any other descrip skade sowel as vir beskadiging of verlies van enige ander tion to the buildings furniture fittings or any other aard aan die gebou meubels toebehore of enige ander property of the Council that has occurred during the eiendom van die Raad wat tydens die huurtydperk plaas period of hiring gevind het (2) The Town Clerk may whenever it may reasonably (2) Die Stadsklerk kan wanneer dit billik verwag word be expected that damage may result to the hall or dat skade aan die saal of munisipale vertrekke of meubels municipal rooms or furniture fixtures and fittings therein vaste toebehore of toebehore daarin aangerig kan word ty at any function for which the hall was hired require the dens enige byeenkoms waarvoor die saal verhuur is vooraf hirer beforehand to make a deposit of or provide a van die huurder vereis om n deposit te stort of n ban bankers guarantee for an amount not exceeding R200 kiersgaransie vir n bedrag van hoogstens 8200 te verskaf to cover any possible damage or loss In the event of om enige moontlike skade of verlies te dek Ingeval die the damage exceeding the said amount the hirer shall skade groter is as die voormelde bedrag is die huurder vir be liable for such excess Should any defect appear to sodanige oorskryding aanspreeklik Indien dit bevind word exist in the accommodation hired or its appurtenances dat enige gebrek in die gehuurde akkommodasie of toebe the same shall before use be pointed out to the care!tore voorkom maak hy die opsigter daarop attent voordat taker failing which everything shall be deemed to be hy dit gebruik; by gebreke hiervan word daar geag dat in proper order and it shall be the responsibility of the alles in goeie orde is en dit is die verantwoordelikheid van hirer to leave the property after the engagement in the die huurder om die eiendom na die bcspreking in dieselfde same condition toestand te laat 4 4

41 I I ilown R 5 MEI (3) No furniture or article of any PdelV IALrINiptSionE KOERANTwha (3) Geen meubels of artikel van watter aard ook al wat soever being the property of the Council shall be re die eiendom van die Raad is mag deur die huurder nit die moved front the hall by the hirer saar verwyder word nie The Council not Responsible for Damage or LOSS of Hirers Property Raad nie Aanspreeklik vir enige Beskadiging of Verlies van Huurder se Eiendom rue Ih 2 The Council shall not in any circumstances 2 DieRaad aanvaar onder geen omstandighede enige accept responsibility or liability in respect of any dam aanspreeklikheid of verantwoordelikheid met betrekking age to or loss of any property articles or things what tot enige beskadiging van of verlies aan cnige eiendom ever placed or left upon the premises by the hirer or artikels of dinge wat ook al wat deur die huurder op die to any persons or clothing of such persons entering the perseel geplaas of gelaat is nie of vir beskadigingvan of premises or making use of the equipment on the pre verlies aan enige persone of die klere van sodanige persone miser hired and it shall be a condition of hire that the wat die gehuurde perseel binnegan of gebruik maak van hirer shall indemnify and hold the Council harmless die toerusting daarop en dit is n voorwaarde van die huur against any claim made by any person on any ground dat die huurder die Raad vrywaar en skadeloos stel vir whatsoever enige eis wat deur enige persoon op watter grond ook al ingestel word The Council shall not be Obliged to Provide Places Raad nie Verplig om Bewaarplekke te Voorsien tile) for Storage 3 Die Raad is nie verplig om middele tot of plekke vir 3 The Council shall not be obliged to provide means die bewaring vangoedere drank of ander eiendom van of or places for the storage of goods liquor or other die huurder of sy gaste ondersteuners bediendes of agente property of the hirer or his guests patrons servants or voor gedurende of na die hou van die byeenkoms waaragents prior to during or after the holding of the funs voor die perseel gehuur is tevoorsien nie tion for which the premises are hired Huurder Aanspreeklik vir Verversingsondernemingsrei lings op en yfr Netheid van Perseel Hirer Responsible for Catering Arrangements on and Tidiness of Premises 4 Die huurder is ten voile aanspreeklik vir alle verver 4 The hirer shall be fully responsible for all catering singsondernemingsreelings op of by die gehuurde perseel arrangements on or about the premises hired and shall en moet verseker dat die verversingsondernemers sodanige ensure that the caterers keep such premises clean and perseel tealle tye skoon en netjies en yry van yullis hou tidy and free front refuse at all times Dekorasies en Aanplakbiljette Decorations and Posters 5() Geen kennisgewings plakkate vlae embleme of 5() No notices posters flags emblems or other ander hegstukke word aan die binne of buitekant van die attachments shall gehuurde perseel be placed or erected geplaas upon the insideor of cipgerig deur enige persoon sonder outside of the premises hired by any person without die the voorafverkree goedkeuring van die Raad nie sanction of the Council first had and obtained Any ledereen wat hierdie artikel oortree is skuldig aan n mis person committing a breach of this section shall beguilty dryf en by skuldigbevinding strafbaar met n boete van stens of an offence and liable on conviction to a fine not hooa R50 exceeding R50 (2) Die huurder word nie toegelaat om die saal wat ge (2) The hirer shall not be permitted in any way to huur is op enige mauler te versier nie behalwe met die decorate the hall hired except with the sanction of the goedkeuring van die Stadsklerk of ander behoorlik gemag Town Clerk or the duly authorised officer and no nails tigde beampte en geen spykers of skroewe word in die or screws shall be driven into the walls floors or fittings inure vloere of toebehore ingeslaan of gedraai en ook nor any attachment made thereto except at points where word niks daaraan vasgemaak nie behalwe by punte waar provision therefor hat been made by the Council voorsiening deur die Raad daarvoor gemaak is Repetisies Rehearsals and Preparation of Hall en Voorbereiding van Saul 6 Persons desiring the use of the hall for rehearsals 6 Person wat die gebruik van die saal vir repetisies shall so state on the application for the use thereof and verlang maak melding hiervan op die aansoek om die ge shall pay therefor in accordance with the tariff laid bruik daarvan en betaal daarvoor ooreenkomstig die your: Reasonable facilities for preparation for any geskrewe tarief Redelike fasiliteite vir voorbereiding vir function shalt be afforded on the day of the engagement enige byeenkoms word op die dag van bespreking lcostel free of charge provided no lights are used and that there loos toegestaan mits geen ligte gebruik of inbreuk op ander is no interference withother engagements Arrangements besprekings gemaak word nie Reelings vir sodanige toe for such access must be made with the caretaker or other gang moet met die opsigter of ander behoorlik gemagtigde duly authorised officer The manufacture or painting of beampte geiref word Die vervaardiging of verf van to scenery and stage sets in any part of the hall premises neeldekorasie en decor in enige dethl van die saalperseel shall be prohibited word verbied 7 Broadcasting of Performances outsiderpremixes Uftsaai van Opvoeringi buite Perseel The broadcasting of any performance by means 7:: Die uitsaai van enige opvoering deur middel van n

42 298 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE; 5 MAY; 974 of a public address system loudspeakers or recorders openbare luidsprekerstelsel luidsprekers of opnemers 4 buite outside the premises hired shall not be permitted with die gehuurde perseel word nie sonder die voorafverkree out the consent in writing of the Town Clerk first had skriftelike toestemming van die Stadsklerk toegelaat nie and obtained Aamvesigheid van Brandweerman Attendance of Fireman 8 Waar die aard van n verrigting of byeenkoms in 8 Where in the opinion of the Chief Fire Officer die saal na die mening van die Hoofbrandweerbeampte die the nature of a function or assemblage in the hall ren aanwesigheid van n brandweerman of brandweermanne ders it desirable for a fireman or firemen to be present wenslilc maak is sodanige bywoning verpligtend en die such attendance shall be compulsory and the charge per vordering per brandweerman vir sodanige bywoning is fireman for such attendance shall be as laid down in coos voorgeskryf in hierdie verordeninge these by laws Deure word nie Geopen tensy Betaling gedoen is nie Doors shall not be Opened unless Payment has been made 9 Alle gelde word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van 9 All charges shall be payable in accordance with artikels 3 6 en 8 betaal en die deure word nie geopen the provisions of sections 3 6 and 8 and the doors of di e saal gebruik tensy sodanige betaling gedoen is nie shall not be opened or the hall be used unless such pay: ment has been made Inspeksie van Seal 20 Na elke byeenkoms word die saal deur die opsigter Inspection of Hall en die huurder ondersoek en van enige skade word on 20 After every function the hall shall be inspected middellilc kennis geneem Tyd kan na goeddunke van die 4 by the caretaker and the hirer and any damage then add opsigter toegestaan word vir opruiming die volgende dag there noted Time may be allowed in the discretion of sonder benadeling van enige daaropvolgende bespreking the caretaker for clearing up on the next day without prejudice to any following engagement Bepalings vir die Regulering van "/ertonings Provisional& vthe Regulation 2() Ingeval die saal vir n filmof skynlewefilm Performances of kiriematograafvertoning gehuur word voldoen die huurder 2() In the event of the hall being engaged fora aan die bepalings van die verordeninge van die Raad befilm show animated picture or cinematograph perform treffende sodanige vertonings wat in die munisipaliteit ance the hirer shall comply with the provisions of the va hag is en indien enige uitvoering prent rolprent of Councils by laws in force in the municipality relating voorstelling wat vertoon word volgens die mening van die to such performances and if in the opinion of the Raad;as ongewens vir openbare vertoning beskou Word Council any performance picture film or representation het by die reg om enige herhaling van sodanige uitvoering shown shall be considered to be undesirable for public prent rolprent of voorstelling te verbied of om die ooreenexhibition it shall have the right to forbid any repetition koms met die huurder te kanselleer al na by goedvind en of such performance picture film or presentation or to die huurder mod insodanige besliiit berus en is nie geregcancel the agreement with the hirer as it may deem fit liga op enige vergoecling as gevolg van die optrede van die and the hirer shall abide by such decision and shall not Raad nie Die Raad het ook die reg om voordat enige be entitled to any compensation by reason of the Coun prent uitvoering rolprent of voorstelling aan die publiek cils action The Council shall also have the right before vertoon word n voorvertoning van sodanige prent nitany picture performance film or presentation is shown voering rolprent of voorstelling te eis wat vir alle raads to the public to demand a preview open to all coun lede toeganklik is en ingeval sodanige eis gestel word laat cillors of such picture performance film or presentation die huurder nie toe dat sodanige prent uitvoering rolprent and in the event of such demand being made the hirer of voorstelling aan die publiek gewys of vertoon word nie shall not permit such picture performance film or tensy en totdat sodanige voorvertoning gegee is en die presentation to be shown or exhibited to the public Raad toegestem het tot die publieke vertoning van sodanige unless and until such preview hasbeen so given and the prent uitvoering rolprent of voorstelling Council has assented to the public exhibition of such picture performance film or presentation (2) Binne die betekenis van hierdie artikel word eis (2) A demand by the Town Clerk shall be deemed van die Stadsklerk beskou as n eis van die Raad to be a demand by the Council within the meaning of this section Verkoop van Alkoholiese Drank of ander Bedweltnende Drank Sale of Spirituous Liquor or other Intoxicating Liquors 22 Geen kroeg vir die verkoop van alkoholiese drank 22 No bar for the sale of spirituous liquor or other of ander bedwelmende drank word gedryf tydens enige intoxicating liquors shall be carried on at any function byeenkoms nie tensy dit onder beheer is van n honer van unless the same is under the control Of the holder of a n dranklisensie vir die verkoop van sodanige drank liquor licence for the sale of such liquors Rook T erbode Smoking Prohibited 23 Smoking shall be strictly prohibited on the stages 23: Rook word strengverbied op die verhoe en onmid their precincts and in the hall where a notice is displayed dellilce omgewing indie saal waar n kennisgewing ver enn that smoking is prohibited and the hirer shall ensure sk dat rook rde is en die huurder moet toesien dat that this prohibition is enforced hierdie verbod toegepas Word 4 Attendance of Caretaker Teenwoordigheid van opsigter 244) The attendance at the hall of the caretaker 24() Die opsigter se teenwoordigheid by diesaal is om 4

43 PROVINSIALE KOERANT 5 MEI shall be for attending to the Councils interest and his na die belange van die Raad ont te sien en sy dienste is nie services shall not be at the hirers disposal whether for tot die beskikking van die huurder vir die voorbereiding of enige ander doeleindes preparation or any other verband met die byeenkoms purposes connected with any me function (2) Die opsigter het die reg om enige persoon wat enige (2) The caretaker shall have the right to request any van hierdie verordeninge oortree te versoek om die saal on person who is contravening any of these bylaws to re middellik te verlaat en indien by versuim om dit te doen move himself immediately front the hall and on his kan die opsigter hom met geweld That verwyder Enige failure to do so may cause such person to be forcibly persoon wat na sodanige versoek of uitwerping weer eens removed Any person who after such request or eject terugkeer na die gebou gedurende dieselfde byeenkoms is ment again returns to the building during the same skuldig aan n misdryf en by skuldigbevinding strafbaar met n boete van hoogstens R50 function shall be guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding R50 Toestenuning van Eienaar van Kopiereg word Vereis vir U Consent of Owner of Copyright shall be Required foritvoering of Vertoning van enige Mustkale of ander Werke Performance or Exhibition of any Musical or other Works 250) Die huur van akkommodasie na aansoek deur die 25() The letting of accommodation upon the hirers huurder word nie beskou as n verlening van enige toe stemming deur die Raad tot enige uitvoering of vertoning poapplication shall not be deemed to convey any sanction van enige musikale of ander werk nie sonder die toestem by the Council for the performance or exhibition of any ming van die eienaar van die kopiereg daarvan in enige musical or other work without the consent of the owner vorm met inbegrip van die reg van uitvoering Die huurder is verplig om die toestemming van enige sodanige eie naar te verkry in sodanige mate as wat wettiglik forming right The hirer shall be bound to procure the vereis word en rndien dit versoek word deur die Stads consent of any such owner to such an extent as may klerk of ander amptenaar van die Raad moet die huurder lawfully be required and if so required by the Town op aanvraag tot voldoening van die Stadsklerk of ander Clerk amptenaar van die Raad bewys lewer van or other officer of the Council shall die verlening produce on van sodanige toestemming voor sodanige uitvoering of demand proof to his satisfaction of the grant of such vertoning; by ontstentenis van die lewering van sodanige consent prior to any such performance or exhibition; bewys is die Raad geregtig om tensy sodanige werk on failure so to produce such proof shall entitle the Council middellik op sy versoek aan sodanige uitvoering of verunless such work be immediately withdrawn on its de toning onttrek word die bespreking van die aldus gehuur : mandde perseel summier te kanselleer en by skriftelike kennisfrom such performance or exhibition summarily gewing te dien effekte word die reg van die huurder op to cancel the engagement of the premises so hired and die gebruik of verdere gebruik van die saal onmiddellik on written notice to that effect the right of the hirer to beeindig en gestaak en die Raad kan die huurder en sy the use or continued use of the hall shall at once deter bediendes of vergunninghouers daarvan uitsluit en weier mine and cease and the Council may exclude the hirer om toegang daartoe te verleen en is voorts nie aanspreek and his servants or licencees therefrom and decline to lik vir die terugbetaling of vergoeding van enige huurgeld wat vir die gebruik van die saal vooruit of andersins begive access thereto and Shall not be liable to restore taal is nie or refund any rent or hire paid in advance or otherwise for the use of the hall (2) Die huurder vrywaar die Raad van en stel horn skadeloos teen enige vordering vir n geregtelike bevel skade (2) The hirer shall indemnify and hold harmless the vergoeding of anddrsins en vir koste met inbegrip van Council from and against any claim for an injunction koste tussen prokureur en klient wat teen die Raad ingedamages or otherwise and for costs including costs stel kan word as gevolg van enige oortreding deur die between attorney and client that may be made against huurder en deur enige agent werknemer kaartjiesagent of it by reason of any infringement by the hirer and any bediende van die huurder tydens die gebruik van die saal agent employee booking agent or servant of the hirer waardeur afbreuk gedoen word aan die kopiereg in enige whilst using the hall of the copyright in any form of vorm van enige persoon of maatskappy en in die hou van any person or company and in the conduct (including enige uitvoering werk of handeling daarin (met inbegrip external advertisement and broadcasting) of any per van buitcreklame en uitsaai) formance work or act therein (3) Wanneer programme van musiek of werke wat (3) Where programmes of music or works to be per gevoer moet word voor die uitvoering gedruk word moet formed are printed prior to performance two copies of twee eksemplare van sodanige gedrukte programme deur such printed programmes shall be handed to the care die huurder aan die end van sodanige uitvoering aan die taker by the hirer at the conclusion of such performance opsigter oorhandig word tesame met n lys in tweevoud together with a list in duplicate of the encores rendered van die gelewerde ekstra nommers Waar daar n afwy Where the printed programme has not been adhered king van die gedrukte program is moet die huurder sodato the hirer shall make the relevant alterations in writing nige afwyking op sodanige program skriftelik aanbring ten to such programme so as to show the actual music or einde die werklike musiek of werke aan te dui wat uitgework performed Where no programme of music or voer word Waar daar geen program van musiek of werke

44 300 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 5 MAY 974 works to be performed is printed a complete list in wat uitgevoer moet word gedruk word niemoet ri volle 4 duplicate of the music or works rendered shall be dige lys van die gelewerde musiek of werke in tweevoud handed to the caretaker by the hirer at the conclusion deur die huurder na afloop van die uitvoering aan did op of the performance : sigter oorhandig word (a) Such lists shall show titles of works performed; Sodanige lyste meet aantoon (a) die fuels van werke wat uitgevoer is; (b) number of times performed; (b) hoeveel maal dit uitgevoer is; (c) a description thereof; (c) n beskrywing daarvan; (d) the author; (d) die outeur; (e) die komponis; (e) the composer; (f) (f) the arranger; and die arrangeerder; en (g) the (g) die uitgeer w publisher Nakoming vanverordeninge Compliance with By Laws gebreke 260) Failure bly by om enige van 26() As die huurder in the hirer to observe any of these ge conditions shall entitle the Council to cancel any engage noemde voorwaardes na te korn is die Raad geregtig om ment forthwith Such cancellation shall be conveyed to the enige bespreking onverwyld te kanselleer Sodanige kan hirer the huurder by the Town oorgedra deur die Studs Clerk or his duly authorised sellaste word aan repro klerk of sy behoorlik gemagtigde verteenwoordiger en sentative and all amounts paid by the hirer shall in such alle event be forfeited bedrae wat deur die huurder betaal is word iii so n geval verbeur 4 (2) Any person contravening or failing to comply with any of the provisions of these bylaws shall be guilty of an offence and save where otherwise specially provided shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding R50 (2) Enige persoon wat enige van die bepalings van ]tier die verordeninge oortree of versuim om daaraan to vol doen is skuldig aann misdryf en behalwewaar dit ander sins spesiaal bepaal word is so n persoon by skuldigbe vinding strafbaar met n boete van hoogstens R50 Application of_tariff of Charges Toepassing van Tariewe to iwhich tariff of charges shall apply to any particular dation is to be hired the decision of the Council shall akkommodasie gehuur moet word bents die eindbeslissing be final by die Raad 27 In the event of any dispute or doubt arising as 27 Ingeval daar enige geskil of twyiel ontstaan Elangaande die skaal van gelde watvan toepassing is op enige class of function for which the hall or other accommo bcsondere soort byeenkoms waarvoor die saal of antler : Skaal van Gelde: Tariff of Charges 28 Die skaal van gelde uiteengesit in Bylae:Ihietby I 28 The tariff of charges set out in Schedule I hereto is van toepassing op die hour van die saal of enige go shall be applicable to the hire of the hall or any of the riewe in verband daarmee en sodanige gelde is vooruit facilities in connection therewith and shall be payable in betaalbaar: Net dien verstande dat die gemelde gelde op advance: Provided that the said charges shall be payable die volaende basis betaalbaar is: on the following basis: (I) Voile tarief vir persoonlike en konamersiele doelcip (I) Full charge for personal and commercial purposes des en vir politieke vergaderings cn byelenkomste; and for political meetings and functions; (2) 75% of the normal charge for noncommercial en (2) 75% van die gewone tarief vir nielcommersiele vet tertainment; mask; (3) 50% of the normal charge for civic and educational (3) 50% van die gewone tarief vir burgerlike en opvocd groups or organizations and for sporting bodies and kundige liggame of organisasies en vir spertliggame clubs; en klubs; a (4) 25% of the normal charge for charitable or religious; (4) 25% van die gewone tarief vir liefdadigheids of gods groups or organizations for functions organized for: dienstige liggame of organisasies virthyeenkomste ae charitable purposes for meetings of local Rate reel vir liefdadigheidsdoeleincles vir vergaderings Van payers Associations and for animal general meetings; plaaslike:belastingbetalersverenigings en vir algemene of SAAME (Ranclburg Branch): Provided further: : _Jaarvergaderings: van SAMWV (RandburgTak): A : that in the case of political meetings and functions! : Voorts met" dien yerstandetdat In *dieltreval van poll II the half shall be available for such purposes subject tieke vergaderings en byeenkoritsre die saal vir soda to the concurrence of the = Management Cominitteel nice doeleindes beskikbaar sal wees oriderhewig aan of the Council t die instemming van die Bestuurskothireeven die:raad

45 PROVINSIALE KOERANT 5 MEL D SCHEDULE I Tariff of Charges ler h00 l8h Hour to to to to 300 8h00 24h00 24h00 R R R R R Elections (Parliament and Provincial Council) _ All other uses: ;() Mondays to Thursdays i (2) Fridaysand Saturdays Sundays and Public Holidays Kitchen cSicle room or bar Piano: R5 7 Fire Protection: Presence of fireman per hour or part thereof: R250 8 Dimmer board: Operator to control dimmer board: () Weekdays per hour: R4 D(2) Sundays per session: R40 I 9 Additional lighting: For use of additional lighting per hour: R2 0 Hall bboking plan: 25c Use of loudspeaker system: For each period of hire of the premises where the loudspeaker system is used: R8 2 Tables each: 20c 3 Free use of hall and all facilities and services: () Mayoral at homes (2) Civic Mayoral receptions (3) Functions and meetings held by the Council (4) Municipal Eledtions (5) Functions specially approved by the Council 4 Overlapping of charges: All hirers must in every case pay one or more of the basic charges applicable in respect of the period during which the hall is hired plus the ad ditional hourly charge where overlapping of one charge and another occurs I " I

46 302 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 5 MAY 974 BYLAE I 4 08h00 3h00 08h00 08h00 Per tot tot tot tot i Tarief van Gelde Uur 3h00 8h00 24h00 24h00 R R R R R Verkiesings (Volkstiaad en Proidnsiale Raad) _ Me andergebruike: () Maandae tot Donderdae (2) Vi ydae en Saterdae _ Sondae en Qpenbare Vhkansiedae Kombuis Sylokaal of Ictbeg Klavier: R5 7 Brandbeskerming: AanweSigheid van brandweerman per uur of gedeelte daarvan: R250 8 Verdofplank: Operateur om verdofplank to be heer: () Weeksdae per uur: R4 (2) Sondae per sessie: R Bykoniende beligting: Vir gebruik van bykomende beligting per uur: R2 0 Saalbeaprelcingsplan: 25c Gebruik van luidsprekerstelsel: Vir iedere tydperk van huur van die persele waar die luidsprekerstelsel gebruik word: R8 2 Tafels elk: 20c 3 Gratis; gebruik van saal en alle geriewe en dienste: () BUrgemeesterlike onthale (2) B4rgerlike ontvangste de* die Burgemees (3) ter Byeenkoniste en vergaderings deur die Raad gereel (4) Munisipale Verkiesings (5) FOnksies spesiaal deur die Raad goedgekeur 4 Oorvleueling van tariewe: Alle huurders moet in elk gevd een of meer van _ die batiese tariewebetaal ten opsigte van die tydperk van toepassing waarop die saal gehuur word plus die addisionele uurtarief wanneer oorvleueling van een tarief en n ander voorkom 4 I

47 C Engagement I PROVINSIALE KOERANT 5 MEI Ill SCHEDULE H BYLAE II TOWN COUNCIL OF RANDBURG APPLICATION FOR HIRE OF HALL AND FACILI TIES RANDBURG STADSRAAD VAN RANDBURG AANSOEK OM HUUR VAN SAAL EN GERIEWE RANDBURG Die Stadsklerk Privaatsak RANDBURG The Town Clerk Private Bag RANDBURG Sir Meneer I/We the undersigned hereby make application for the Ek/Ons die ondergetekende(s) doen hiermee aansoek om hire of the Hall and facilities as mentioned hereunder die huur van die Saal en die geriewe soos hieronder ver on 9 from am/pm to meld op 9 vanaf vm/dm tot am/pm for the purpose of vm /nm vir die doel van BYKOMENDE GERIEWE BENODIG: ADDITIONAL FACILITIES REQUIRED: (i) (ii) (ii) (iii) (ill`) (iv) (v) (v) (vi) (vi) Ek/Ons onderneem hierby om die voorwaardes en ta I/We hereby agree to accept and abide by the conditions rid met betrekking tot die huur van die and tariff relating to the hire of the te aanvaar en my/ons daarby neer te I& Yours faithfully Die awe Signature: Handtekening: On behalf of: Namens: Address: Adres: IP NOTE: LW: () The person by whom this form is signed shall be re () Die persoon deur wie hierdie aansoek onderteken is garded as the "Hirer" word as die "Huurder" beskou (2) Die koste is vooruitbetaalbaar Die totale bedrag be (2) The charges are payable in advance The total amount taalbaar moet die aansoek vergesel payable must accompany this application (3) Na voltooiing moet hierdie vorm aan die Stadsklerk (3) This form when completed should be returned to the Privaatsak Randburg teruggestuur word en dit moet Town Clerk Private Bag Randburg accompanied in elke geval van die totale bedrag betaalbaar verge by the total amount payable in each ease otherwise sel wees anders kan rt vaste bespreldng nie gereel a definite booking cannot be arranged word nie (4) It is a condition of this agreement that the caretaker (4) Dit is n voorwaarde van hierdie ooreenkoms dat die shall have the right and power to eject any person/ opsigter die reg en maa het om enige persoon/persone persons who is/are in a state of intoxication or who wat in n beskonke toestand verkeer of wat hom/haar/ behave(s) in an unseemly or obnoxious manner hul op n onbetaamlike of aanstootlike manier gedra te verwyder accepted (Yes or No) 9 TOWN CLERK van die persele Bespreking aanvaar (Ja of Nee) STADSKLERK Tariff Group Nos Total Cost: R Tariefgroep Nos Totale Koste: K FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY SLEGS VIR DEPARTEMENTELE GEBRUIK To the Town Treasurer Aan die Stadstesourier The booking fee payable in connection with this application amounts to It die aansoek beloop It Die besprekingskoste betaalbaar in verband met hierl Amount paid Signature Miscellaneous Receipt No Bedrag betaal It Handtekening Diverse Kwitansie No Cashier Date Stamp Kassier Datumstempel PB PB

48 304 iprovincalgazeite; 5 MAY 974 Administrators Notice 86 5 May 974 Administrateurskennisgewing 86 5 Mei 974 MORGENZON MUNICIPALITY: AMENDMENT TO PUBLIC HEALTH BY LAWS MUNISIPALITEIT MORGENZON: WYSIGING VAN PUBLIEKE GESONDHEIDSVERORDENINGE The Administrator hereby in terms of section 0 of Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel the Local Government Ordinance 939 publishes the by 0 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur 939 die laws set forth hereinafter which have been approved by verordeninge hierna uiteengesit wat deur hom ingevolge him in terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance artikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur is The Public Health By laws of the Morgenzon Municipa Die Publieke Gesondheidsverordeninge van die Muni lity published under Administrators Notice 48 dated sipaliteit Morgenzon afgekondig by Administrateursken 2 February 95 as amended are hereby further amen nisgewing 48 van 2 Februaric 95 soos gewysig word ded as follows: hierby verder soos volg gewysig: By the deletion in the Index opposite the figures Deur in die Inhoudsopgawe die volgende uitdrukking "2" under the heading "Chapter" of the following teenoor die syfers "2" onder die opskrif "Hoofstuk" te expression: skrap: "Dairies Milkshops Purveyors of Milk and "Melkery Melkwinkels Melkleweransiers en Cowsheds Koeistalle Schedule Personal Card of Authority" Bylae Persoonlike Magtigingskaart" 2 By the deletion in Chapter 2 under Part IV 2 Deur in Hoofstuk 2 onder Deel IV (a) of the heading; (a) die opskrif te skrap; (b) of sections 350 to 377 inclusive; and (b) artikels 350 tot en met 377 te skrap; en (c) Schedules and 2 (c) Bylaes en 2 te skrap PB PB Administrators Notice 87 5 May 974 Administrateurskennisgewing 87 5 Mei 974 MORGENZON MUNICIPALITY: ADOPTION: OF MUNISIPALTEIT MORGENZON: AANNAME VAN STANDARD MILK BY LAWS STANDAARDMELKVERORDENINGE The Administrator hereby in terms of section 0 of Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel the Local Government Ordinance 939 publishes that the 0 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur 939 dal Village Council of Morgenzon has in terms of section die Dorpsraact van Morgenzon die Standaardmelkverorde 96bis(2) of the said Ordinance adopted without amendment ninge afgckondig by Administrateurskennisgewing 024 the Standard Milk By laws published under Administra van I t Augustus 97 soos gewysig by Administrateurs tors Notice 024 dated August 97 asamended by kennisgewing 569 van 26 April 972 ingevolge artikel Administrators Notice 569 dated 26 April 972 as by 96bis(2) van genoemde Ordonnansie sonder wysiging aan laws made by the said Council geneem het as verordeninge wat deur genoemde Raad op gestel is PB PB Administrators Notice 88 5 May 974 Administrateurskennisgewing 88 5 Mei 974 SPRINGS AMENDMENT SCHEME NO 66 SPRINGS WYSIGINGSKEMA NO 66 It is hereby notified in terms of section 89() of the Hierby word oorecnkomstig die bepalings van artikel Town planning and Townships Ordinance 965 that the 89() van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe; Administrator has approved of the amendment of Springs 965 bekend gemaak dat die Administrateur goedkeuring Town planning Scheme No 948 to conform with the verleen het om Sprhigs dorpsaanlegskema No 948; te conditions of establishment and the general plan of wysig om ooreen te stem met die stigtingsvoorwaardes en Lodeyko Township die algemcne plan van die dorp Lodeyko Map No 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment Kaart No 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysigingske scheme are filed with the Director of Local Government ma word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Plaas Pretoria: and the Town Clerk PO Box 45 Springs and like Bestuur Pretoria en die Stadsklerk Posbus 45 are open for inspection at all reasonable times Springs en is beskikbaar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tyc This amendment is known as Springs Amendment Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Springs wysiging Scheme No 66 skema No 66 PB _ PB

49 PROVINSIALE KOERANT 5 MEI Administrators Notice89 5 May 974 Administrateurskennisgewing 89 5 Mei 974 GERMISTON AMENDMENT SCHEME NO 2/3 GERMISTON WYSIGINGSKEMA NO 2/3 It is hereby notified in terms of section 890) of the Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel Town planning and Townships Ordinance 965 that the 89() van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe Administrator has approved of the amendment of Germis 965 bekend gemaak dat die Administrateur goedkeuring ton Town planning Scheme No to conform with verleen het om Germiston dorpsaanlegskema No the conditions of establishment and the general plan of te wysig om ooreen te stem met die stigtingsvoorwaardes Meadowbrook Extension Township en die algemene plan van die dorp Meadowbrook Uitbrei ding Map No 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment Kaart No 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysigingske scheme are filed with the Director of Local Government ma word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Plans Pretoria and the Town Clerk PO Box 45 Germiston like Bestuur Pretoria en die Stadsklerk Posbus 45 Ger and arc open for inspection at all reasonable times f miston en is beskikbaar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye This amendment is known as Germiston Amendment Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Germiston wysiging Scheme No 2/3! skema No 2/3 PB : PB Administrators Notice May 974 Administrateurskennisgewing Mei 974 PRETORIA REGION AMENDMENT SCHEME NO i PRETORIASTREEK WYSIGINGSKEMA NO Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel It is hereby notified in terms of section 890) of the! 89 () van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Town planning and Townships Ordinance 965 that the i Dorpe 965 bekend gemaak dat die Administrateur Administrator has approved of the amendment of Pre goedkeuring verleen het om Pretoriastreek dorpsaanleg :: toria Region Town planning Scheme 960 to conform : skema 960 te wysig om ooreen te stem met die stig with the conditions of establishment and the general plan : tingsvoorwaardes en die algemene plan van die dorp of Brummeria Extension 2 Township Brummeria Uitbreiding 2 Map No: 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment Kaart No 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysiging scheme are filed with the Director of Local Government skema word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Pretoria and the Town Clerk PO Box 440 Pretoria and!plaaslike Bestuur Pretoria en die Stadsklerk Posbus 440 arc open for inspection at all reasonable times ; Pretoria en is beskikbaar vir inspeksie op allpredelike tyc This amendment is known as Pretoria Region Amend ; Hicrdie wysiging staan bekend as Pretoriastreek wysi nient Scheme N6 489 i gingskema No 489 PB ; PB p i 5 May 974 I Administrateurskennisgewing 82 5 Mei 974 DECLARATION OF APPROVED TOWNSHIP : VERKLARING VAN GOEDGEKEURDE DORP In terms of section 69 of the Town planning and Town Ingevolge artikel 69 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbe ships Ordinance 965 (Ordinance 25 of 965) the Ad ;planning en Dorpe 965 (Ordonnansie 25 van 965) verministrator hereby declares Heidelberg Extension klaar die Administrateurhierby die dorp Heidelberg Uit Township to be an approved township subjectito the con tbreiding tot a goedgekeurde dorp onderworpe aan die ditions setout in the Schedule hereto ;voorwaardes uiteengesit in die bygaande Bylae : SCHEDULE BYLAE PB CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH THE APPLICATION!VOORWAARDES WAAROP DIE AANSOEK GE MADE BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF HEIDELBERG!DOEN DEUR DIE STADSRAAD VAN HEIDELBERG UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE TOWNPLAN :INGEVOLGE DIE BEPALINGS VAN DIE ORDON NING AND TOWNSHIPS ORDINANCE 965 FOR NANSIE OP DORPSBEPLANNING EN DORPE 965 PERMISSION TO ESTABLISH A TOWNSHIP ON!OM TOESTEMMING OM N DORP TE STIG OP PORTION 65 (A PORTION OF PORTION 5) OF THE GEDEELTE 65 (N GEDEELTE VAN GEDEELTE FARM LANGLAAGTE NO 86IIL DISTRICT HEI i5) VAN DIE PLAAS LANGLAAGTE NO 86IR DELBERG WAS GRANTED DISTRIK HEIDELBERG; TOEGESTAAN IS 0 A CONDITIONS OF ESTABLISHMENT A STIGTINGSVOORWAARDES I Name Naatn The name of the township shall be Heidelberg Extenlion : _Die naaintvan die dorp is Heidelberg Uitbreiding

50 306 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 5 MAY Design of Township 2 Onhverpplan van die Dorp The township shall consist of erven and a street as indicated on General Plan SG No A554/73 Die dorp bestaan uit erwe en n straat soos aangedui op Algemene Plan LG No A554/73 3 Disposal of Existing Conditions of Title 3 Beskikking oor Bestaande Titelvoorwaardes All erven shall be made subject to existing conditions Alle erwe moet onderworpe gemaak word aan bestaande and servitudes if any including the reservation of rights voorwaardes en serwitute as daar is met inbegrip van die to minerals but excluding: voorbehoud van mineraalregte maar uitgesonderd: (a) the following servitude which does not affect the (a) die volgende serwituut wat nie die dorpsgebied raak township area: nie: "Kragtens Notariele Akte 386/964 is die reg aan Escom verleen om elektrisiteit oor die hierinvermelde eiendom te vervoer tesame met bykomende regte en onderhewig aan kondisies soos meet volledig sal blyk uit gesegde Akte en Kaart afskrifte waarvan hieraan geheg is" "Kragtens Notariele Akte 386/964 is die reg aan Escom verleen om elektrisiteit oor die hierinvermelde eiendom te vervoer tesame met bykomende regte en onderhewig aan kondisies soos meer volledig sal blyk uit gesegde Akte en kaart afskrifte waarvan hieraan geheg is" (b) the servitude registered in terms of Notarial Deed of (b) die serwituut geregistreer kragtens Notariele Akte Servitude No K295/974 which affects Erf No 545 van Serwituut No K295/974 wat slegs Erf No 545 only raak 4 Installation of Protective Devices 4 Oprigting van Yeiligheidstoestelle If at any time in the opinion of the Electricity Supply Indien dit te eniger tyd na die mening van die Elektrisi Commission or in terms of statutory regulation it should teitsvoorsieningskommissie of ingevolge statutere regulasie be found necessary by reason of the establishment of the nodig geag word om vanwee die stigting van die dorp enige township to install any protective devices in respect of veiligheidstoestelle in verband met die Elektrisiteitsvoor the Electricity Supply Commissions overhead power lines sieningskommissie se bogrondse kraglyne en/of onder and/or underground cables or to carry out alterations to grondse kabels te installeer of om veranderings aan wearsuch overhead power lines and/or underground cables noemde bogrondse kraglyne en/of ondergrondse kabels then the cost of installing such protective devices and/or aan te bring moet die dorpseienaar die installeerkoste van carrying out such alterations shall be borne by the town sodanige veiligheidstoestelle en/of die koste van sodanige ship owner veranderings dra 5 Enforcement of Conditions 5 Nakoming van Voorwaardes The township owner shall observe the conditions of establishment and shall take the necessary steps to secure the enforcement of the conditions of title and any other conditions imposed in terms of section 62 of Ordinance 25 of 965: Provided that the Administrator shall have the power to relieve the township owner of all or any of the obligations and to vest these in any other person or body of persons Die dorpseienaar moet die stigtingsvoorwaardes nakorn en die nodige stappe doen om te sorg dat die titelvoorwaar des en enige ander voorwaardes opgele kragtens artikel 62 van Ordonnansie 25 van 965 nagekom word: Met dien verstande dat die Administrateur die bevoegdheid besit om die dorpseienaar van almal of enigeen van die verpligtings te onthef en om sodanige verpligtings by enige ander persoon of liggaarn met regspersoonlikheid te laat berus B CONDITIONS OF TITLE B TITELVOORWAARDES The Erven with Certain Exceptions Die Erwe met Sekere Uitsonderings The erven with the exception of: Die erwe met uitsondering van: (i) erven acquired by the State; and (i) erwe wat deur die Staat verkry word; en (ii) erven required or re acquired for municipal (ii) erwe wat vir munisipale doeleindes benodig of purposes provided the Administrator has herverkry word mits die Administrateur die doel approved the purposes for which such erven eindes waarvoor sodanige enve nodig is goedge are required keur het shall be subject to the conditions hereinafter set forth int is onderworpe aan die voorwaardes hierna genoem op posed by the Administrator under the provisions of the gele deur die Administrateur kragtens die bepalings van Town planning and Townships Ordinance 965 die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe 965: (a) The erf is subject to a servitude two metres wide in (a) Die erf is onderworpe aan n serwituut vir riolerings en ander munisipale doeleindes ten gunste van die favour of the local authority for sewerage and other plaaslike bestuur twee meter breed langs enige twee municipal purposes along any two boundaries other grense uitgesonderd n straatgrens soos deur die than a street boundary as determined by the local plaaslike bestuur bepaal authority (b) Geen gebou of ander struktuur mag binne die voor (b) No building or other structure shall be erected within noemde serwituutsgebied opgerig word nie en geen the aforesaid servitude area and no large rooted trees grootwortelbome mag binne die gebied van sodanige 4

51 PROVINSIALE KOERANT 5 MEI shall be planted within the area of such servitude or within two metres thereof serwituut of binne n afstand van twee meter daarvan geplant word nie (c) The local authority shall be entitled to deposit tem (c) Die plaaslike bestuur is geregtig om enige materiaal porarily on the land adjoining the aforesaid servitude wat deur horn uitgegrawe word tydens die aanleg on such material as may be excavated by it during the derhoud of verwydering van sodanige rioolhoof course of the construction maintenance or removal of pypleidings en ander werke wat by volgens goeddunke such sewerage mains and other works as it in its dis noodsaaklik ag tydelik te plaas op die grond wat aan cretion may deem necessary and shall further be en die voornoemde serwituut geens en voorts is die plaas titled to reasonable access to the said land for the like bestuur geregtig tot redelike toegang tot genoemaforesaid purpose subject to any damage done during de grond vir die voornoemde doel onderworpe daarthe process of the construction maintenance or re aan dat die plaaslike bestuur enige skade vergoed wat moval of such sewerage mains and other works being gedurende die aanleg onderhoud of verwydering van made good by the local authority sodanige rioolhoofpypleidings en ander werke veroorsaak word 2 Erf Subject to Special Conditions 2 Erf Onderworpe aan Spesiale Voorwaardes In addition to the conditions set out above Erf 545 is Benewens die voorwaardes hierbo uiteengesit is Erf subject to the following condition: 545 aan die volgende voorwaarde onderworpe: The erf is subject to a servitude for municipal purposes Die erf is onderworpe aan n serwituut vir munisipale in favour of the local authority as indicated on the genedoeleindes ten gunste van die plaaslike bestuur soos aan ral plan gedui op die algemene plan II3 State and Municipal Erven 3 Staats en Munisipale Erwe Should any erf be required or re acquired as contem As enige erf verkry soos beoog in Klousule B(i) of plated in Clause Bl(i) and (ii) hereof be registered in the benodig of herverkry word soos beoog in Klousule BL(ii) name of any person other than the State or the local hiervan geregistreer word op naam van enige ander per authority such ell shall be subject to such conditions as soon as die Staat of die plaaslike bestuur dan is so may be determined by the Administrator erf daarop onderworpe aan sodanige voorwaardes as wat die Administrateur bepaal Administrators Notice May 974 Administrateurskennisgewing Mei 974 HEIDELBERG AMENDMENT SCHEME NO /4 HEIDELBERG WYSIGNGSKEMA NO /4 It is hereby notified in terms of section 89() of the Hietby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel Town planning and Townships Ordinance 965 that 89() van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorthe Administrator has approved of the amendment of pe 965 bekend gemaak dat die Administrateur goed Heidelberg Townplanning Scheme No 956 to con keuring verleen het om Heidelberg dorpsaanlegskema form with the conditions of establishment and the gene No 956 te wysig om ooreen te stem met die stig ral plan of Heidelberg Extension Township tingsvoorwaardes en die algemene plan van die dorp Map No 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment Heidelberg Uitbreiding scheme are filed with the Director of Local Govern Kaart No 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysiging ment Pretoria and the Town Clerk PO Box 20 Heiskema word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van delberg and are open for inspection at all reasonable Plaaslike Bestuur Pretoria en die Stadsklerk Posbus times 20 Heidelberg en is beskikbaar vir inspeksie op elle This amendment is known as Heidelberg Amendment redelike tye Scheme No /4 Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Heidelbergwysiging PB skema No /4 PB Administrators Notice May 974 DECLARATION OF APPROVED TOWNSHIP Administrateurskennisgewing Mei 974 VERKLARING VAN GOEDGEKEURDE DORP In terms of section 69 of the Townplanning and Ingevolge artikel 69 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbe Townships Ordinance 965 (Ordinance 25 of 965) the planning en Dorpe 965 (Ordonnansie 25 van 965) Administrator hereby declares Olivedale Extension verklaar die Administrateur hierby die dorp Olivedale Township to be an approved township subject to the Uitbreiding tot n goedgekeurde dorp onderworpe aan conditions set out in the Schedule hereto die voorwaardes uiteengesit in die bygaande Bylae PB PB SCHEDULE BYLAE Ilk CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH THE APPLICATION VOORWAARDES WAAROP DIE AANSOEK GE / MADE BY UDET (PROPRIETARY) LIIVIITED DOEN DEUR UDET (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE TOWN PLAN INGEVOLGE DIE BEPALINGS VAN DIE ORDON NINO AND TOWNSHIPS ORDINANCE 965 FOR NANSIE OP DORPSBEPLANNING EN DORPE 965 PERMISSION TO ESTABLISH A TOWNSHIP ON OM TOESTEMMING OM N DORP TE STIG OP

52 308 PROVINCIACGAZEITE 5 MAY 974 PORTION` 6 OF THE FARM OLIVEDALE NO GEDEELTE 6 VAN DM PLAAS OLIVEDALE I 97IQ DISTRICT JOHANNESBURG WAS NO 970 DISTRIK JOHANNESBURG TOE GRANTED GESTAAN IS A CONDITIONS OF ESTABLISHMENT Name The name of the township shall be Olivedale Exten sion A STIGTINGSVOORWAARDES Naam Die naam van die dorp is Olivedale Uitbreiding 2 Ontwerpplan van die Dorp Die dorp bestaan uit erwe en strate soos aangedui op 2 Design of Township Algemene Plan LG No A4922/73 The township shall consist of erven and streets as indicated on General Plan SG No A4922/73 3 Strate (a) Die dorpseienaar moet die strate in die dorp vorm 3 Streets skraap en onderhou tot bevrediging van die plaas like bestuur totdat die aanspreeklikheid deur die (a) The township owner shall form grade and maintain plaaslike bestuur oorgeneem word: Met dien ver the streets in the township to the satisfaction of the stande dat die Administrateur geregtig is om die local authority until such time as this responsibility dorpseienaar van tyd tot tyd gedeeltelik of geheel is taken over by the local authority: Provided that van die aanspreeklikheid to onthef na raadpleging the Administrator shall from time to time be entitled met die plaaslike bestuur to relieve the township owner wholly or partially from this obligation after reference to the local authority (b) Die dorpseienaar meet op eie koste alle hindernisse in die straatreserwes tot bevrediging van die plaas (b) The township owner shall at its own expense remove all obstacles from the street reserves to the like bestuur verwyder satisfaction of the local authority 4 Begiftiging 4 Endowment (a) Betaalbaar aan die plaaslike bestuur (a) Payable to the local authority: Die dorpseienaar moet as begiftiging aan die plaas like bestuur bedrae geld betaal gelykstaande met The township owner shall pay to the local authority 5% van die grondwaarde van erwe in die dorp ai endowment sums of money equal to 5% of the welke bedrag deur die plaaslike bestuur aangewend land value of erven in the township which amount moet word vir die bou van strate en stormwater shall be used by the local authority for the construe dreinering in of vir die dorp Lion of streets and/or stormwater drainage in or for the township Sodanige begiftiging is ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel 74 van die bedoelde Ordonnansie be Such endowment shall be paid in accordance with taalbaar the provisions of section 74 of the aforesaid Ordi nance (b) Betaalbaar aan die Transvaalse Onderwysdeparte ment: (b) Payable to the Transvaal Education Department: Die dorpseienaar moet n begiftiging in n globale; The township owner shall pay a lump sum endow bedrag aan die Transvaalse Onderwysdepartemerit mein to the Transvaal Education Department on the op die grondwaarde van spesiale woonerwe in die land value of special residential erven in the town dorp betaal vir onderwysdoeleindes ship for educational purposes Die waarde van die grond word bepaal kragtens die The value of the land shall be determined in terms ibepalings van artikel 74(3) en sodanige begiftiging of the provisions of section 74(3) and such endow is betaalbaar kragtens die bepalings van artikel 73 ment shall be payable in terms of the provisions of van genoemde Ordonnansie _ section 73 of the said Ordinance 5 Beskikking oor Bestaande Thelvoorwaardes 5: Disposal of Existing Conditions of Title Alle erwe moet onderworpe gemaak word aan be All erven shall be made subject to existing conditions staande voorwaardes en serwitute as daar is met inbe and servitudes if any including the reservation of rights :grip van die voorbehoud van mineraalregte maar uitge to minerals but excluding the following right which sonderddie voluende reg wat nie aan die erwe in die dorp will not be passed on to the erven in the township: oorgedra sal word nie "Entitled to a perpetual servitude of right of way 20 "Entitled to a perpetual servitude of right of way 20 feer wide along the south western boundary of the Refraining Extent of Portion of the said farm measuring feet wide along the south western boundary of the Re maining Extent of Portion of the said farm measuring as such morgen and held under Deed of Trans as such morgen and held under Deed of Trans fer No 9903/950 dated 3 October 950 being from fer No 9903/950 dated 3 October 950 being from the point "F" along the line "F" to "E" for a distance the point "F" along the line "F" to "E" for a distance of 367 feet all as indicated on diagram framed by Sur of 367 feet all as indicated on diagram framed by Sur veyor F T Withers in May 942 and approved by the veyor F T Withers in May 942 and approved by the Surveyor General on the 20th day of November 942: Surveyor General_ on the 20th day of November 942_ I I I

53 ! PROVINSIALE KOERANT 5 MEI under No A282/942 which belongs to Certificate of under No: A:282/942 which belongs to Certificate of Registered Title No 26632/943 and made in favour Registered Title No 26632/943 and made in favour of Francis David Thomas Hulley and others and as will of Francis David Thomas Holley and others and as will more fully appear from Notarial Deed of Servitude No more fully appear from Notarial Deed of Servitude No I276/955 S dated 24 October 955 and registered on 276/955S dated 24 October 955 and registered on the 2 December 955" the 2 December 955" 6 Demolition of Buildings 6 Sloping van Geboue The township owner shall at its own expense cause all Dic dorpseienaar moet op eie koste alle geboue gelee buildings situated within the building line reserves side binne die boulynreserwes kantruimtes of oor gemeen spaces or over common boundaries to be demolished to skaplike grense laat sloop tot voldoening van die plaas the satisfaction of the local authority when acquired to like bestuur wanneer die plaaslike bestuur dit vereis do so by the local authority 7 Grond vir Stoats en Ander Doeleindes 7 Land for State and Other Purposes Die dorpseienaar moet op tie koste die volgende er The following erven as shown on the general plan we soos op die algemene plan aangewys aan die bevoeg shall be transferred to the proper authorities by and at de owerheid oordra: the expense of the township owner (a) Vir Staatsdoeleindes: (a) For State purposes: Poskantoor: Erf 37 Post Office: Erf 37 (b) Vir munisipale doeleindes: (b) For municipal purposes: (i) As park: Erf 48 (i) Park: Erf 48 (ii) As transformatorterrein: Erf 6 (ii) Transformer site: Erf 6 8 Toegang 8 Access (a) Ingang van distrikspad No 860 tot die dorp ;en (a) Ingress from district road No 860 to the town uitgang uit die dorp tot distrikspad 860 word beship egress and to district road 860 from the perk tot die aansluiting van die street suidwes van township shall be restricted to the junction of the Erf No 46 met sodanige pad street southwest of Erf No 46 with the said road (b) Die dorpseienaar moot ingevolgc Regulasic 93 van (b) The township owner shall at its own expense sub die Padordonnansie 957 aan die Direkteur Trans mit to the Director Transvaal Roads Department vaalse Paaiedepartement n behoorlike geometriese in terms of Regulation 93 of the Roads Ordinance uitlegontwerp (skaal :500) van die ingangs en uit 957 a proper geometric design layout (scale :500) gangspunte venoem in (a) hierbo vir sy gotdkeu in respect of the ingress and egress points referred to in (a) above for approval The township owner aanvaarbaar is vir die Direkteur Transvaalse Paaie shall submit specifications acceptable to the Director departement voor6 wanneer hy dit vereis en: moet Transvaal Roads Department when required by him die genoemde in en uitgangspunte op eie koste bou to do so and shall construct the said ingress and tot bevrediging van die Direkteur :Transvaalse egress points at its own expense and to the satisfac Paaiedepartement tion of the Director Transvaal Roads Department 9 Oprigting van Heining of Ander Fisiese Versperring 9 Erection of Fence or Other Physical Barrier Die dorpseienaar moet op eie koste n heining of an The township owner shall at its own expense erect a der fisiese versperring oprig tot bevrediging van die Di fence or other physical barrier to the satisfaction of the rekteur Transvaalse Paaiedepartement wanneer hy deur horn versoek word om dit te doen en Director die dorpseienaar Transvaal Roads Department as and when required by him to do so and the township owner shall moet sodanige heining of fisiese versperring in n goeie maintain such fence or physical barrier in good order toestand onderhou tot tyd en wyl hierdie verantwoorde and repair until such time as this responsibility is taken likheid deur die plaaslike bestuur oorgeneem word: Met over by the local authority: Provided that the township dien verstande dat die dorpseicnaar se verantwoorclelik Owners responsibility for the maintenance thereof shall held vir die instandhouding daarvan verval sods die cease when the local authority takes over the responsi plaaslike bestuur die verantwoordelikheid vir in di ring voorle pie dorpseienaar moet spesifikasies wat die di bility for the maintenance of the dhoung streets in the township strafestan vane in die dorp oorneem of the Requirements of the Controlling Betreffende Padresenves Authority Regarding Road Reserves Die dorpseienaar moet die Direkteur Transvaalse The township owner shall satisfy the Director Trans Paaiedepartement tevrede stel betreffende die nakoming ithal Rbads Department regarding the enforcement of van sy voorwaardes his conditions H Nalcoming van Voorwuardes Enforcement of Conditions Die dorpseienaar moet die stigtinosvoorwaardes na The township owner shall observe the conditions of kom en moet die nodige steppe doen Om te sorg dat die establishment and shall take the necessary steps to secure titelvoorwaardes en enige ander voorwaardes opgel6 the: enforcement of the conditions of title and any other kragtens artikel 62 van OrdonnansiQ 25 van 965 nage 0 Enforcement0 Nakonzing van Vereistes van die Beherende Gesag

54 30 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE() 5 MAY 974 conditions imposed in terms of section 62 of Ordinance kom word: Met dien verstande dat die Administrateur 4 25 of 965: Provided that the Administrator shall have die bevoegdheid besit om die dorpseienaar van almal of the power to relieve the township owner of all or any enigeen van die verpligtings te onthef en om sodanige of the obligations and to vest these in any other person verpligtings by enige ander persoon of liggaam met or body of persons regspersoonlikheid te laat berus B CONDITIONS OF TITLE B TITELVOORWAARDES Die Erwe met Sekere Uitsonderings The Erven with Certain Exceptions Die erwe met uitsondering van: The erven with the exception of: (i) Die erwe genoem in Klousule A7 hiervan; (ii) erwe wat deur die Staat verkry word; en (i) The erven mentioned in Clause A7 hereof; (iii) erwe wat vir munisipale doeleindes verkry mag (ii) erven acquired by the State; and word mits die Administrateur die doeleindes waarvoor sodanige erwe nodig is goedgekeur (iii) erven acquired for municipal purposes provided het; the Administrator has approved the purposes for which such erven are required is onderworpe aan die voorwaardes hierna genoem op geld deur die Administrateur kragtens die bepalings van shall be subject to the conditions hereinafter set forth die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe 965: imposed by the Administrator under the provisions of the Townplanning and Townships Ordinance 965 (a) Die erf is onderworpe aan n serwituut vir riolerings en ander munisipale doeleindes ten gunste van die 4 (a) The erf is subject to a servitude two metres wide plaaslike bestuur twee meter breed langs enige twee in favour of the local authority for sewerage and grense uitgesonderd n straatgrens soos bepaal other municipal purposes along any two boundaries deur die plaaslike bestuur other than a street boundary as determined by the local authority (b) Geen gebou of ander struktuur mag binne die voorgenoemde serwituutgebied opgerig word nie en geen (b) No building or other structure shall be erected with grootwortelbome mag binne die gebied van sodanige in the aforesaid servitude area and no largerooted serwituut of binne n afstand van twee meter daar trees shall be planted within the area of such servi van geplant word the tude or within two metres thereof (c) Die plaaslike bestuur is geregtig om enige materiaal (c) The local authority shall be entitled to deposit tern wat deur horn uitgegrawe word tydens die aanleg porarily on the land adjoining the aforesaid servitude onderhoud of verwydering van sodanige rioolhoofsuch material as may be excavated by it during the pypleiding en ander werke wat by volgens goeddunke course of the construction maintenance or removal noodsaaklik ag tydelik te plaas op die grond wat aan of such sewerage mains and other works as it in its die voornoemde serwituut grens en voorts is die discretion may deem necessary and shall further be plaaslike bestuur geregtig tot redelike toegang tot geentitled to reasonable access to the said land for the noemde grond vir die voornoemde doel; onderworpe aforesaid purpose subject to any damage done dur daaraan dat die plaaslike bestuur enige skade ver ing the process of the construction maintenance or goed wat gedurende die aanleg onderhoud of ver removal of such sewerage mains and other works wydering van sodanige rioolhoofpypleiding en ander being made good by the local authority werke veroorsaak word 2 Erf Subject to Special Condition 2 Erf Ondenvorpe eat: Spesiale Voonvaarde In addition to the condition set out above Erf No 45 Benewens die voorwaarde hierbo uiteengesit is Erf No is subject to the following condition: 45 aan die volgende voonvaarde onderworpe: "The erf is subject to a servitude for municipal pur "Die erf is onderworpe aan n serwituut vir munisi poses in favour of the local authority as indicated on pale doeleindes ten gunste van die plaaslike be the general plan" stuur soos aangedui op die algemene plan" 3 State and Municipal Erven 3 Staats en Munisipale Erwe Should any erf referred to in Clause A7 or any erf As enige erf waarvan melding in Klousule A7 gemaak acquired as contemplated in Clause Bl (ii) and (iii) word of enige erf verkry soos beoog in Klousule B (ii) thereof be registered in the name of any person other en (iii) hiervan geregistreer word op naam van enige than the State or the local authority such erf shall be ander persoon as die Staat of die plaaslike bestuur dan subject to such conditions as may be determined by the is so n erf onderworpe aan sodanige voorwaardes as Administrator wat die Administrateur bepaal 4 Administrators Notice May 974 Administrateurskennisgewing Mei 974 NORTHERN JOHANNESBURG REGION NOORDELIKE JOHANNES3URGSTREEK AMENDMENT SCHEME NO 533 WYSIGINGSKEMA NO 533 It is hereby notified in terms of section 89() of the Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel Town planning and Townships Ordinance 965 that the 890) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dor Administrator has approved of the amendment of North pe 965 bekend gemaak dat die Administrateur goed 4

55 PROVINSIALE KOERANT 5 MEI era Johannesburg Region Town planning scheme; 958 keuring verleen het om Noordelike Johannesburgstreek to conform with the conditions of establishment and the dorpsaanlegskema 958 te wysig am ooreen te stem met die stigtingsvoorwaardes en die algemene plan van general plan of Olivedale Extension I Township die dorp Olivedale Uitbreiding Map No 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment Kaart No 3 ert die skemaklousules van die wysigingscheme are filed with the Director of Local Government skema word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Pretoria and the Town Clerk Private Bag Randburg Plaaslike Bestuur Pretoria en die Stadsklerk Privaatsak Randburg en is beskikbaar and are open for vir inspeksie op alle redelike inspection at all reasonable times tye This amendment is known as Northern Johannesburg Therdie wysiging staan bekend as Noordelike Johan Region Amendment Scheme No 533 nesburgstreek wysigingskema No 533 PB PB Administrators Notice May 974 Administrateurskennisgewing Mei 974 DECLARATION OF APPROVED TOWNSHIP VERKLARING VAN GOEDGEKEURDE DORP In terms of section 69 of the Townplanning and Ingevolge artikel 69 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbe Townships Ordinance 965 (Ordinance 25 of 965) the planning en Dorpe 965 (Ordonnansie 25 van 965) Administrator hereby declares Denlee Extension 9 Town verklaar die Administrateur hierby die dorp Denlee Uitship to be an approved township subject to the conditions breiding 9 tot n goedgekeurde dorp onderworpe aan die set out in the Schedule hereto voorwaardes uiteengesit in die bygaande Bylae PB PB SCHEDULE BYLAE CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH THE APPLICATION VOORWAARDES WAAROP DIE AANSOEK GE MADE BY VITTORIO MENEGHELLI UNDER THE DOEN DEUR VITTORIO MENEGHELLI INGEVOL PROVISIONS OF THE TOWN PLANNING AND GE DIE BEPALINGS VAN DIE ORDONNANSIE OP TOWNSHIPS ORDINANCE 965 FOR PERMISSION DORPSBEPLANNING EN DORPE 965 OM TOE TO ESTABLISH A TOWNSHIP ON PORTION 8 STEMMING OM N DORP TE STIG OP GEDEELTE (A PORTION OF PORTION 2) OF THE FARM 8 (N GEDEELTE VAN GEDEELTE 2) VAN DIE DRIEFONTEIN NO 87IR DISTRICT GERMIS PLAAS DRIEFONTEIN NO 87IR DISTRIK GER TON WAS GRANTED MISTON TOEGESTAAN IS A CONDITIONS OF ESTABLISHMENT A STIGTINGSVOORWAARDES Name Naanz The name of the township shall be Denlee Extension 9 Die naam van die dorp is Denlee Uitbreiding 9 2 Design of Township 2 Ontwerpplan van die Dorp The township shall consist of erven and streets as Die dorp bestaan uit erwe en strate soos aangedui op indicated on General Plan SG No A2937/7 Algemene Plan LG No A2937/7 3 Streets 3 Strate (a) The township owner shall form grade and maintain (a) Die dorpseienaar moet die strate in die dorp vorm the streets in ithe township to the satisfaction of the skraap en onderhou tot bevrediging van die plaaslocal authority until such time as this responsibility like bestuur totdat die aanspreeklilcheid deur die is taken over by the local authority: Provided that plaaslike bestuur oorgeneem word: Met lien ver the Administrator shall from time to time be entitled stande dat die Administrateur geregtig is Gm die to relieve the township owner wholly or partially dorpseienaar van tyd tot tyd gedeeltelik of geheel from this Obligation after reference to the local van die aanspreeklikheid te onthef na raadpleging authority met die plaaslike bestuur (b) The township owner shall at his own expense remove (b) Die dorpseienaar moet op eie koste alle hindernisse all obstacles from the street reserves to the satisfac in die straatreserwes tot ibevrediging van die plaas tion of the local authortiy like bestuur verwyder 4 Endowment 4 Begiftiging (a) Payable to the local authority: (a) Betaalbaar aan die plaaslike bestuur The township owner shall in terms of section 63() Die dorpseienaar moet ingevolge die bepalings van of the Town planning and Townships Ordinance artikel 63() van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplan 965 pay to the local authority as endowment sums ning en Dorpe 965 as begiftiging aan die plaasof money equal to: like bestuurbedrae geld betaal gelykstaande met: (i) 75% of the land value of men in the town (i) 75% van die grondwaarde van erwe in die ship which amount shall te used by the local dorp welke bedrag deur die plaaslike bestuur authority for the construction of streets and/or aangewend meet word vir die bou van strata stormwater drainage in orfor the township; and: enstormwaterdreinering in of vir die dorp; en

56 I 32 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 5 MAY 974 (ii) 5% of the land value of erven in the township (ii) 5% van die grondwaarde van erwe in die 4 which amount shall be used by the local dorp welke bedrag deur die plaaslike bestuur authority for the acquisition and/or develop aangewend moet word vir die verkryging en/of ment of parks within its area of jurisdiction ontwikkeling van parke binne sy regsgebied Such endowment shall be paid in accordance with Sodanige begiftiging is ooreenkomstig die bepalings the provisions of section 74 of the aforesaid Ordin van artikel 74 van die bedoelde Ordonnansie be ance taalbaar (b) Payable to the Transvaal Education Department: (b) Betaalbaar aan die Transvaalse Onderwysdeparte ment: The township owner shall in terms of the provisions of sections 62 and 63()(a) of the Town planning Die dorpseienaar moet kragtens die bepalings van and Townships Ordinance 965 pay a lump sum artikels 62 en 63() (a) van die Ordonnansie op endowment to the Transvaal Education Depart Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe 965 n begiftiging in ment on the land value of special residential erven n globale bedrag aan die Transvaalse Onderwysde in the township for educational purposes: partement op die grondwaarde van spesiale woon erwe in die dorp bctaal vir onderwysdoeleindes: (i) In respect of special residential erven: (i) Ten opsigte van spesiale woonerwe The area of the land shall be calculated by multiplying 4808 square metres by the number Die grootte van hierdie grond word bereken deur 4808 vierkante meter te vermenigvuldig of erven in the township (ii) In met die getal erwe in die dorp respect of the general residential erf: (ii) Ten opsigte van algemene woonerf 4 The area of the land shall be calculated by multiplying 586 square metres by the number Die grootte van hierdie grond word bereken of flat units which can be erected in the town deur 586 vierkante meter te vermenigvuldig ship Each flat unit to be taken as 99 square met die getal woonsteleenhede wat in die dorp metres in extent gebou kan word; elke woonsteleenheid moet beskou word as grout 99 vierkante meter The value of the land shall be determined in terms of the provisions of section 74(3) and such endow Die waarde van die grond word bepaal kragtens die merit is payable in terms of the provisions of sec bepalings van artikel 74(3) en sodanige begiftiging is tion 73 of the said Ordinance betaalbaar kragtens die bepalings van artikel 73 van genoemde Ordonnansie 5 Demolition of Buildings 5 Sloping van Geboue The township owner shall at his own expense cause all buildings situated within building line reserves side Die dorpseienaar moet op eie koste alle geboue gele8 spaces or over common boundaries to be demolished binne die boulynreserwe kantruimte of oor n gemeento the satisfaction of the local authority when required skaplike grens laat sloop tot voldoening van die pleas to do so by the local authority like bestuur wanneer die plaaslike bestuur dit vereis 6 Disposal of Existing Conditions of Title 6 Beskikking oor Bestaande Titelvoorwaardes Alle erwe moet onderworpe gemaak word aan bestaande grip as daar is met inbe van die voorbehoud van mineraalregte maar uitge All erven shall be made subject to existing conditions and servitudes if any including the reservation of rights to minerals but excluding: sonderd: 4 (a) the following rights which will not be passed on to (a) die volgende regte wat nie aan die erwe in die dorp the erven in the township: oorgedra sal word nie: "That the Transferee shall have the use as a right "That the Transferee shall have the use as a right of way of portion of the aforesaid Portion A of the of way of portion of the aforesaid Portion A of farm Driefontein No 2 in extent morgen 6 the farm Driefontein No 2 in extent morgen 6 square roods as shown on Diagram SG No square roods as shown on Diagram SG No A95/ A95/3 framed by Surveyor W K Tucker in 3 framed by Surveyor W K Tucker in November November 92" 92" (b) the following servitude which affects a street in the (b) die volgende township only: dorp mak: serwituut writ slegs n straat in die "By virtue of Notarial Deed of Servitude No 498/ "By virtue of Notarial Deed of Servitude No 498/ 66S dated 8 March 966 the withinmentioned 66S dated 8 March 966 the withinmentioned property is subject to a perpetual right of way in property is subject to a perpetual right of way in favour of the City Council of Germiston as will favour of the City Council of Germiston as will more fully appear from the said Notarial Deed" more fully appear from the said Notarial Deed" ; 7 Enforcement of Conditions 7 Nakorning van Voonvaardes The applicant shall observe the conditions of establish Die dorpseienaar moet die stigtingsvoorwaardes nakom 4 ment and shall take the necessary steps to secure the en die nodige stappe doen om tesorg dat die titelvoor en(oreement of the conditions of title and any other! waardes en enige ander voorwaardes opgele kragtens ar conditions imposed in terms of section 62 of Ordinance tikel 62 van Ordonnansie 25 van 965 nagekom word:

57 PROVINSIALE KOBRANT 5 MEI of 965: Provided that the Administrator shall have Met dien verstande dat the die Administrateur die power to relieve bevoegd the applicant of all or any of the held besit om die applikant van almal obligations and of enigeen van to vest these in any other person or body dieverpligtings te onthef en om sodanige Of verpligtings by persons enige ander persoon of liggaam met regspersoonlikheid to laat berus B CONDITIONS OF TITLE t : B TITELVOORWAARDES The Erven with Certain Exceptions The erven with the exception of: Enve met Sekere Uitsonderings Die erwe met uitsondering van: (i) Erven acquired by the State; and (i) erwe wat deur die Staat verkry word; en r (ii) erwe wat vir munisipale doeleindes verkry (ii) Erven acquired for municipal purposes provided word mits die Administrateur die doeleindes the Administrator has approved the purposes waarvoor sodanige erwe nodig is goedgekeur for which such erven are required; het shall be subject to the conditions hereinafter set forth is onderworpe aan die voorwaardes hierna genoem op imposed by the Administrator under the provisions of gele deur die Administrateur kragtens die bepalings van the Town planning and Townships Ordinance 965 die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe 965: (a) Die erf is onderworpe aan n serwituut (a) vir The erf dole is subject to a servitude two metres wide rings en ander munisipale doeleindes ten gunste in favour of the local authority for sewerage and van die plaaslike bestuur twee meter breed langs other municipal purposes along one only of its slegs een van sy grease uitgesonderd n straatgrens boundaries other than a street boundary as deter soos deur die plaaslike bestuur bepaal milled by the local authority (b) Geen gebou of ander struktuur mag binne die :(b) No voornoemde en building or other structure shall be erected with serwituutgebied opgerig word the hi the aforesaid servitude area geen and grootwortelbome no largerooted mag binne die gebied van so trees shall be planted within the danige serwituut area of such serter daarvan geplant word of binne n afstand van twee me "vitude or within two metres thereof nie (c) Die plaaslike bestuur is geregtig om enige materiaal (c) :The load authority shall be entitled to deposit tern wat deur horn uitgegrawe word tydens die aanleg porarily on the land adjoining the aforesaid ser onderhoud of verwydering van sodanige rioolhool vitude such material as may be excavated by it pypleidings en ander werke wat by volgens goedduring the course of the construction maintenance dunke noodsaaklik ag tydelik teplaas op die grond or removal of such sewerage mains and other works wat aan die voornoemde serwituut grens en voorts as it in its discretion may deem necessary and shall is die plaaslike bestuur geregtig tot redelike toegang further be entitled to reasonable access to the said tot genoemde grand vir die voornoemde doel: Met " land for the aforesaid purposes subject to any damage dien verstande dat die plaaslike bestuur enige skade done during the process of the construction main vergoed wat gedurende die aanleg onderhoud of ver ; tenance or removal of such sewerage mains and wydering van sodanige rioolhoofpypleidings en an ; other works being made good by the local authority der werke veroorsaak word 2 State and Municipal Erven 2 ;Slants en Munisipale Enve Should any erf acquired as contemplated in Clause As enige erf verkry soos beoog in Klousule B (i) en BI (i) and (ii) hereof be registered in the name of any (ii) hiervan geregistreer word op naam van enige ander person other than the State or the local authority such persoon as die Staat of die plaaslike bestuur dan is so erf shall thereupon be subject to such conditions as may n erf onderworpe aan sodanige voorwaardes as wat die be determined by the Adrhinistrator Administrateur bepaal Administrators Notice May 974 Administrateurskennisgewing Mel 974 GERMISTON AMENDMENT SCHEME NO /29 GERMISTON WYSIGINGSKEMA NO /29: / It is hereby notified Hierby in terms of word section ooreenkomstig 89() of die bepalings van the artike ] van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Townplanning and Townships Ordinance 965 that the Dorpe 965 bekend gemaak dat die Administrateur Adthinistrator has approved of the amendment of Ger goedkeuring verleen het om Germiston dorpsaanlegskema miston Town planning Scheme No 945 to conform No I 945 te wysig om ooreen te stem met die stig with the conditions of establishment and the general : tingsvoorwaardes en die algemene plan van die dorp plan of Denlee Extension Denlee Uitbreiding 9: 9 Township _ Kaart No 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysiging Map No 3 arid the scheme clauses of the amendment; skema word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van : scheme are filed with the Director of Local Government Plaaslike Bestuur Pretoria en die Stadsklerk Posbus 45 ;Pretoria and the Town Clerk PO Box 45GermiStoni _Germiston en is beskikbaar vir inspeksie op alle:redelike jand are open for inspection at all reasonable times t tye" _

58 34 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 5 MAY 974 This amendment is known as Germiston Amendment flierdie wysiging staan bekend as Germistonwysiging Scheme No /29 skema No /29 PB PB Administrators Notice May 974 Administrateurskennisgewing Mei 974 NORTHERN JOHANNESBURG REGION AMEND NOORDELIKE JOHANNESBURGSTREEK WYSI MENT SCHEME NO 575 GINGSKEMA NO 575 artikel89() It is hereby notified in terms of section 89() of the Town planning and Townships Ordinance 965 that the Administrator has approved of the amendment of North Johannesburg Region Town planning Scheme 958 to conform with the conditions of establishment and the general plan of Wendywood Extension 4 Township Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe 965 bekend gemaak dad die Administrateur coedkeuring verleen het om Noordelike Johannesburg streexdorpsaanlegskema 958 te wysig om ooreen te stem met die stigtingsvoorwaardes en die algemene plan van die dorp Wendywood Uitbreiding 4 Map No 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment Kaart No 3 en die sketuaklousules van die wysiging scheme are filed with the Director of Local Government skema word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Pretoria and the Town Clerk PO Box 7800 Sandton Plaaslike Bestuur Pretoria en die Stadsklerk Posbus and are open for inspection at all reasonable times 7800 Sandton en is beskikbaar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye This amendment is known as Northern Johannesburg Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Noordelike Johan Region Amendment Scheme No 575 nesburgstreekwysigingskema No 575 PB PB Administrators Notice May 974 Administrateurskennisgewing Mei 974 DECLARATION OF APPROVED TOWNSHIP VERKLARING VAN GOEDGEKEURDE DORP In terms of section 69 of the Townplanning and Ingevolge artikel 69 van die Ordonnansie op Dorps Townships Ordinance 965 (Ordinance 25 of 965) the beplanning en Dorpe 965 (Ordonnansie 25 van 965) Administrator hereby declares Wendywood Extension 4 verklaar die Administrateur hierby die dorp Wendy Township to be an approved township subject to the wood Uitbreiding 4 tot n goedgekeurde dorp onderworpe conditions set out in the Schedule hereto aan die voorwaardes uiteengesit in die bygaande Bylae PB PB SCHEDULE BYLAE CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH THE APPLICATION VOORWAARDES WAAROP DIE AANSOEK GE MADE BY BROADACRES INVESTMENTS LIMITED DOEN DEUR BROADACRES INVESTMENTS LI UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE TOWN PLAN MITED INGEVOLGE DIE BEPALINGS VAN DIE NING AND TOWNSHIPS ORDINANCE 965 FOR ORDONNANSIE OP DORPSBEPLANNING EN PERMISSION TO ESTABLISH A TOWNSHIP ON DORPE 965 OM TOESTEMMING OM N DORP PORTION 572 OF THE FARM ZANDFONTEIN TE STIG OP GEDEELTE 572 VAN DIE PLAAS NO 42IR DISTRICT JOHANNESBURG WAS ZANDFONTEIN NO 42 IR DISTRIK JOHANNES GRANTED BURG TOEGESTAAN IS A CONDITIONS OF ESTABLISHMENT A STIGUNGSVOORWAARDES Name Naam The name of the township shall be Wendywood Exten Die naam van die dorp is Wendywood Uitbreiding 4 sion 4 2 Design of Township 2 Ontwerpplan van die Dorp The township shall consist of erven and streets as Die dorp bestaan uit erwe en strate soos aangedui op indicated on General Plan SG No A607/73 Algemene Plan LG No A607/73 3 Storinwater Drainage and Street Construction 3 Stortmvaterdreinering en Straatbou (a) The township owner shall when required by the local authority to do so submit to such authority (a) Die dorpseienaar moet wanneer deur die plaaslike for its approval a detailed scheme complete with bestuur verlang aan sodanige bestuur n gedetailleerde plans sections and specifications prepared by a skema volledig met plane deursned en spesifikasies civil engineer approved by the local authority for opgestel deur n siviele ingenieur wat deur die plaaslike the collection and disposal of stormwater throughout bestuur goedgekeur is vir die opgaar en afvoer van the township by means of properly constructed works stormwater deur die hele dorp deur middel van A and for the construction tarmacadamising kerbing behoorlik aangelegde werke en vir die aanle teer and channelling of the streets therein together with macadaraisering beranding en kanaliserhig van die the provision of such retaining walls as may be strate daarin tesame met die verskaffing van sodaconsidered necessary by the local authority Further nige keermure as wat die plaaslike bestuur nodig

59 I PROVNSIALE KOERANT 5 MET more the scheme shall indicate the route and ag vir goedkeuring voorle Verder moet die skema gradient by which each erf gains access to the street die roete en belling aandui deur middel waarvan I on which it abuts elke erf toegang tot die aarigrensende straat verkry (b) The township owner shall immediately after the (b) Die dorpseienaar moet onmiddellik nadat die skema scheme has been approved by the local authority deur die plaaslike bestuur goedgekeur is die skema carry out the scheme at its own expense on behalf op eie koste namens en tot voldoening van die and to the satisfaction of the local authority under plaaslike bestuur onder toesig van a siviele ingethe supervision of a civil engineer approved by the nieur deur die plaaslike bestuur goedgekeur uitvoer local authority (c) Die dorpseienaar is verantwoordelik vir die instand (c) The township owner shall be responsible for the houding van die strate tot bevrediging van die maintenance of the streets to the satisfaction of the plaaslike bestuur totdat die strate ooreenkomstig local authority until the streets have been constructed subklousule (b) gehou is as set out in subclause (b) 4 Beskikking nor Bestaande 4 Disposal of Existing Conditions of Title Ti4elvoorwaardes Alle erwe moet onderworpe gemaak word aan All erven shall be made subject to existing conditions bestaande voorwaardes en serwitute as daar is met in and servitudes if any including the reservation of rights [ begrip van die voorbehoud van die regte op minerale to minerals but excluding: maar sonder inbegrip van: (a) The following servitudes which affect streets in the (a) Die volgende serwitute wat slegs strate in die dorp township only and rights which will not be passed raak en regte wat nie op die erwe in die dorp sal on to erven in the township oorgaan nie: (i) In respect of Portion 53 (i) Met betrekking tot Gedeelte 53 (aa) "That the property hereby transferred shall (aa) "That the property hereby transferred shall be subject and entitled to a right of way be subject and entitled to a right of way along the "roads" or "rights of way" as along the "roads" or "rights of way" as shown on the Sketch Plan SG No A3644/ shown on the Sketch Plan SG No A3644/ 92 of a portion of the said farm Zand 92 of a portion of the said farm Zand fontein (filed in the Deeds Registry in font= (filed in the Deeds Registry in Pretoria with Deed of Transfer No 6778/ Pretoria with Deed of Transfer No 6778/ 93) together with the owner or owners 93) together with the owner or owners of Lots "Q" "E" "C" "R" and "D" of Lots "Q" "E" "C" "R" and "D" of the aforesaid portion of the said farm of the aforesaid portion of the said farm respectively transferred by Deeds of Trans respectively transferred by Deeds of Trans fer Nos 6778/93 784/95 745/99 fer Nos 6778/93 784/95 745/ /922 and 3666/922 dated 3 August 3668/922 and 3666/922 dated 3 August 93; 29 December 95 February 93; 29 December 95 February " 99 8 April 922 and 8 April April 922 and 8 April 922 respectively and the Remaining Extent respectively and the Remaining Extent comprising with the said Lots "Q" "E" comprising with the said Lots "Q" "E" "C" "R "D" "r and "I" the whole "C" "R "D" "H" and "J" the whole of certain portion one)hectares" of the said farm in extent (ninety of eight comma eight certain portion of the d farm in said extent (ninety eight comma eight nought eight nought eight one) hectares" (bb) "That the owner of certain portion of the (bb) "That the owner of certain portion of the said farm Zandfontein in extent 0509 said farm Zandfontein in extent 0509 (one hundred and one comma five nought (one hundred and one comma five nought one nine) hectares and held under Deed one nine) hectares and held under Deed of Transfer No 4838/905 dated 22 of Transfer No 4838/905 dated 22 June 905 shall be entitled to water from Tune 905 shall be entitled to water from the streams forming the boundary between the streams forming the boundary between his portion and the aforesaid portion in his portion and the aforesaid portion in extent (ninety eight comma eight extent (ninety eight comma eight nought eight one) hectares below the nought eight one) hectares below the "Kalk dam" situate in the said stream up "Kalk dam" situate in the said stream up to onehalf of the water flowing in such to onehalf of the water flowing in such " stream and shall have the right to construct stream and shall have the right to construct a storage dam in the said stream below the a storage dam in the said stream below the Kalk dam; but the owner of the erf hereby Kalk dam; but the owner of the erf hereby transferred shall not have the right to use transferred shall not have the right to use any water from such storage dam; and any water from such storage dam; and provided the right of the owner of a provided the right of the owner of a por tion of the said farm in extent tion of the said farm in extent (throe hundred and seven comma nought por (three hundred and seven comma nought seven seven five) hectares and held under seven seven five) hectares and held under Deed of Transfer No 566/88 dated 5 Deed of Transfer No 566/88 dated 5 88 to an eight days turn or December December 88 to an eight days turn or right to water from the said stream shall right to water from the said stream shall

60 36 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 5 MAY 974 not be interfered with all of which is more not be interfered with all of which is more A fully described in Deed of Transfer No fully described in Deed of Transfer No 4838/905" 4838/905" (ii) In respect of Portion 54 : (ii) Met betrekking tot Gedeelte 54 "That the portion hereby transferred and Por "That the portion hereby transferred and Por tions 56 (a portion of Portion 3) and 57 (a lions 56 (a portion of Portion 3) and 57 (a portion of Portion 3) of the said farm Zand portion of Portion 3) of the said farm Zand fontein shall be subject and entitled to a right fontein shall be subject and entitled to a right of way along the "roads" or "rights of way" of way along the "roads" or "rights of way" as shown on the Sketch Plan SG No A3644/ as shown on the Sketch Plan SG No A3644/ 92 of a portion of the said farm Zandfontein 92 of a portion of the said farm Zandfontein (filed in the Deeds Registry in Pretoria with (filed in the Deeds Registry in Pretoria with Deed of Transfer No 6778/93) together with Deed of Transfer No 6778/93) together with the owner or owners of Portions "Q""E" the owner or owners of Portions "Q" "E" 0 and "P" of the said farm respectively "0" and "P" of the said farm respectively transferred by Deeds of Transfer Nos 6778/ transferred by Deeds of Transfer Nos 6778/ /95; 745/ / / /95 745/ / / /922 79/925850/ /922 79/ / / /928 and 6643/928 comprising the /928 and 6643/928 comprising the whole of certain portion of the said farm in whole of certain portion of the said farm in extent (ninety eight comma eight extent (ninety eight comma eight nought eight one) hectares formerly held under nought eight one) hectares formerly held under Deed of Transfer No 2842/902" Deed of Transfer No 2842/902" (iii) In respect of Portion 55 (iii) Met betrekking tot Gedeelte 55 "That the portion hereby transferred and Por "That the portion hereby transferred and Portions 56 (a portion of Portion 3) and 57 (a tions 56 (a portion of Portion 3) and 57 (a portion of Portion 3) of the said farm Zandfon portion of Portion 3) of the said farm Zandfon tein shall be subject and entitled to a right of tein shall be subject and entitled to a right of way along the "roads" or "rights of way" as way along the "roads" or "rights of way" as shown on the Sketch Plan SG No A3644/92 of a portion of the said farm Zandfontein (filed shown on the Sketch Plan SG No A3644/92 of a portion of the said farm Zandfontein (filed in the Deeds Registry in Pretoria with Deed in the Deeds Registry in Pretoria with Deed of Transfer No 6778/93) together with the of Transfer No 6778/93) together with the owner or owners of Portions "Q" "E" "C" owner or owners of Portions `Q" "E" "C" "II" "D" "H" "J" "G" "F" "N" "0" "R" "IP "H" "J" "G" "F" "N" "0" " and "P" of the said farm respectively transfer and "P" of the said farm respectively transfer red by Deeds of Transfer Nos 6778/93 red by Deeds of Transfer Nos 6778/93 784/95 745/ / / /95 745/ / / /922 79/ / / /922 79/ / / /928 and 6643/928 comprising the whole 6643/928 and 6643/928 comprising the whole of certain portion of the said farm in extent of certain portion of the said farm in extent (ninety eight comma eight nought eight (ninety eight comma eight nought eight one) hectares formerly held under Deed of one) hectares formerly held under Deed of Transfer No 2842/902" Transfer No 2842/902" (iv) In respect of Portion 56 (iv) Met betrekking tot Gedeelte 56 "That the portion hereby transferred and Por "That the portion hereby transferred and Por tions 56 (a portion of Portion 3) and 57 (a tions 56 (a portion of Portion 3) and 57 (a portion of Portion 3) of the said farm Zand portion of Portion 3) of the said farm Zand fontein shall be subject and entitled to a right fontein shall be subject and entitled to a right of way along the "roads" or "rights of way" of way along the "roads" or "rights of way" as shown on the Sketch Plan SG No A3644/ as shown on the Sketch Plan SG No A3644/ 92 of a portion of the said farm Zandfon 92 of a portion of the said farm Zandfon tein (filed in the Deeds Registry in Pretoria tein (filed in the Deeds Registry in Pretoria with Deed of Transfer No 6778/93) together with Deed of Transfer No 6778/93) together with the owner or owners of Portions "Q" "E" with the owner or owners of Portions "0" "E" "0" and "P! of the said farm respectively 0" and "P" of the said farm respectively transferred by Deeds of Transfer Nos 6778/ transferred by Deeds of Transfer Nos 6778/ /95 745/ / / /95 745/ / / /922 79/ / / : /922 79/ / / ] /928 and 6643/928 comprising the /928 and 6643/928 comprising the whole of certain portion of the said farm in whole of certain portion of the said farm in extent (ninety eight comma eight i extent (ninety eight comma eight nought eight one) hectares formerly held under nought eight one) hectares formerly held under Deed of Transfer No 2842/9022 Deed of Transfer No 2842/902"

61 PROVINSIALE KODRANT 5 MET k (b) The following servitudes which affects Erf 749 only: (b) Die volgende serwitute wat slegs Erf 749 raak: () In respect of Portions 53 and 54 "By Notarial Deed No 99/60 S dated 7 August (i) Met betrekking tot Gedeeltes 53 en the said Portion 54 (a portion of Portion "By Notarial Deed No 99/60 S dated 7 August 3) of the farm Zandfontein is subject to a per 959 the said Portion 54 (a portion of Portion petual right of way and use for sewer services 3) of the farm Zandfontein is subject to a per with Ancillary Rights in favour of the City petual right of way and use for sewer services Council of Johannesburg" with Ancillary Rights in favour of the City Council of Johannesburg" (ii) In respect of Portions 55 and 56 "The property hereby transferred is subject to a Servitude in favour of the City Council of "The property hereby transferred is subject to Johannesburg for sewer services as will more a Servitude in favour of the City Council of fully appear from reference to Notarial Deed Johannesburg for sewer services as will more No 590/57 S registered on 8 June 957" fully appear from reference to Notarial Deed No 590/57S registered on 8 June 957" 5 Endowment L 5 Begiftiging Payable to the Transvaal Education Department Betaalbaar aan die Transvaalse Onderwysdepartement The township owner shall in terms of the provisions of sections 62 and 63()(a) of the Townplanning and Die dorpseienaar moet ingevolge die bepalings van Townships Ordinance 965 pay a lump sum endowment artikels 62 en 63() (a) van die Ordonnansie op Dorps to the Transvaal Education Department on the land beplanning en Dorpe 965 n begiftiging in a globale value of special residential erven in the township for bedrag vir onderwysdoeleindes aan die Transvaalse Oneducational purposes derwysdepartement op die grondwaarde van spesiale The area of the land shall be calculated by multiplying woonerwe in die dorp betaal 4808 in by the number of special residential erven Die grootte van hierdie grond word bereken deur in the township 4808 m2 met die getal spesiale woonerwe in die dorp The value of the land shall be determined in terms of te vermenigvulchg the provisions of section 74(3) of the Town planning Die waarde van die grond moet ingevolge die bepalings and Townships Ordinance 965 and the endowment van artikel 74(3) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanshall be payable in terms of the provisions of section 73 ning en Dorpe 965 bepaal word en die begiftiging of the said Ordinance moet ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 73 van die gemelde Ordonnansie betaal word (ii) Met betrekking tot Gedeeltes 55 en 56 ko 6 Deviation of Circuits If by reason of the establishment of the township it 6 Verskuiwing van Kraglyne should become necessary to reposition any existing eir Indict dit as gevolg van die stigting van die dorp nodig cuits of the Electricity Supply Commission then the cost word om enige bestaande kraglyne van die Elektrisiteits thereof shall be borne by the township owner voorsieningskommissie te verskuif moet die koste dearvan deur die dorpseienaar gedra word 7 Land for Municipal Purposes 7 Grond vir MunisipalJe Doeleitides Ed 749 is shown on the general plan shall be transferred to the local authority by and at the expense of the Erf 749 soos op die algemene plan aangedui moet township owner as a park deur en op koste van die dorpseienaar aan die plaaslike bestuur as n park oorgedra word _ 8 Access 8 Toegang (a) Ingress from Provincial Road P080 to the township L and egress to Provincial Road P080 from the (a) Ingang van Provinsiale Pad P080 tot die dorp township shall be restricted to the junction of the en uitgang tot Provinsiale Pad P080 van die street between Erven Nos 748 and 623 with the dorp moet beperk word tot die aansluiting van die said road straat tussen Erwe Nos 748 en 623 met sodanige pad (b) The township owner shall at its own expense submit to the Director Transvaal Roads Department in (b) Die dorpseienaar moct ingevolge Regulasie 93 van tarns of Regulation 93 of the Roads Ordinance die Padordonnansie 957 op eie koste n behoor _ 957 a proper geometric design layout (scale :500) like geometriese uitlegontwerp (skaal :500) van in respect of the ingress and egress point referred die ingangs en uitgangspunt genoem in (a) hierbo to in (a) above for approval The township owner aan die Direkteur Transvaalse Paaiedepartement shall submit :specifications acceptable to the Direc vir sy goedkeuring voorle Die dorpseienaar inoet tor Transvaal Roads Department when required spesifikasies wat aanvaarbaar is vir die Direkteur IL by him to do so and shall construct the said ingress Transvaalse Paaiedepartement voorle wanneer by and egress point at its own expense and to the dit vereis en moet die genoemde in en uitgangs L satisfactioti of:the Director Transvaal Roads Depart 7 punt op eie koste tot bevrediging van die Direkteur meat : Transvaalse Paaiedepartentent bout

62 favour 38 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 5 MAY Erection of Fence or Other Physical Barrier 9 Oprigting van Heining of Ander Fisiese Versperring The township owner shall at its own expense erect Die dorpseienaar moet op eie koste n heining of ander a fence or other physical barrier to the satisfaction of fisiese versperring oprig tot bevrediging van die Direkteur T the Director Transvaal Roads Department as and whenransvaalse Paaiedepartement soos en wanneer hy deur horn verlang word om dit te doen en die dorpseienaar required by him to do so and the township owner mod sodanige heining of fisiese versperring in n gocie shall maintain such fence or physical barrier in good toestand hou tot tyd en wyl hierdie verantwoordelikheid order and repair until such time as this responsibility is deur die plaaslike bestuur oorgeneem word: Met dien taken over by the local authority: Provided that the verstande dat die dorpseienaar se verantwoordelikheid township owners responsibility for the maintenance there vir die instandhouding daarvan verval sodra die plaaslike die verantwoordelikheid vir die instandhouding of shall cease when the local authority takes over the van die strafe in die dorp oorneem responsibility for the maintenance of the streets in the township 0 Nakoming van Vereistes van die Beherende Gesag 0 Betreffende Padresenves Enforcement of the Requirements of the Controlling Die dorpseienaar moet die Direkteur Transvaalse Authority Regarding Road Reserves Paaiedepartement tevred6 stbl betreffende die nakoming The township owner shall satisfy the Director Trans van sy voorwaardes vaal Roads Department regarding the enforcement of his conditions Nakonzing van Voorwaardes I Die dorpseienaar moet die stigtingsvoonvaardes nakom Enforcement of Conditions en die nodige stappe doen om te sorg dat die titelvoor The township owner shall observe the conditions of waardes en enige ander voorwaardes opgele kragtens establishment and shall take the necessary steps to secure artikel 62 van Ordonnansie 25 van 965 nagekom word: the enforcement of the conditions of title and any other Met dien verstande dat die Administrateur die bevoegd conditions imposed in terms of section 62 of Ordinance held besit om die dorpseienaar van almal of enigeen van 25 of 965: Provided that the Administrator shall have die verpligtings te onthef en om sodanige verpligtings by the;p6wer to relieve the township owner of all or any enige ander persoon of liggaam met regspersoonlikheid Of the obligations and to vest these in any other person te last berus or body of persons B TITELVOORWAARDES i B CONDITIONS OF TITLE Die Enve met Sekere Uitsohderings The Erven with Certain Exceptions Die erwe met uitsondering van: The erven with the exception of: (i) Die erf genoem in Klousule A7 hiervan; (i) The erf mentioned in Clause A7 hereof; (ii) erwe wat deur die Staat verkry word; en (ii) erven acquired by the State; and (iii) erwe wat vir munisipale doeleindes verkry word (iii) erven acquired for municipal purposes pro mite die Administrateur die doeleindes waarvoor vided the Administrator has approved the pur sodanige erwe nodig is goedgekeur het poses for which such erven are required is onderworpe aan die voorwaardes hierna genoem opgele deur die Administrateur kragtens die bepalings van die shall be subject to the coriditions hereinafter set forth Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe 965: imposed by the Administrator under the provisions of the Town planning and Townships Ordinance 965 (a) Die erf is onderworpe aan n serwituut vir rioleringsen ander munisipale doeleindes ten gunste van die (a) The erf is subject to a servitude 2 metres wide in plaaslike bestuur 2 meter breed langs enige twee of the local authority for sewerage and other grense uitgesonderd n straatgrens sops deur die municipal purposes along any two boundaries other plaaslike bestuur bepaal than a street boundary as determined by the local authority (b) teen gebou of ander struktuur mag binne die voor noemde serwituutgebied opgerig word nie en geen (b) No building or other structure shall be erected grootwortelbome mag binne die gebied van sodanige within the aforesaid servitude area and no large serwituut of binne n afstand van twee meter daar rooted trees shall be planted within the area of such van geplant word nie servitude or within 2 metres thereof (c) Die plaaslike bestuur is geregtig om enige materiaal (c) The local authority shall be entitled to deposit tem wat deur horn uitgegrawe word tydens die aanleg porarily on the land adjoining the aforesaid ser onderhoud of verwydering van sodanige rioolhoof vitude such material as may be excavated by it pypleidings en ander werke wat hy volgens goedduring the course of the construction maintenance dunke noodsaaklik ag tydelik te plaas op die removal grond of such sewerage or mains and other works wat aan die voornoemde serwituut grens en voorts as it in its discretion may deem necessary and shall is die plaaslike bestuur geregtig tot redelike toegang further be entitled to reasonable access to the said tot genoemde grond vir die voornoemde doel enderland for the aforesaid purpose subject to any damage worpe daaraan dat die plaaslike bestuur enige skade done during the process of the construction main vergoed wat gedurende die aanleg onderhoud of tenance or removal of such sewerage mains and verwydering van sodanige rioolhoofpypleidings en other works being made good by the local authority ander werke veroorsaak word 0

63 PROVINSIALE KOERANT 5 MEI by 2 Erven Subject to Special Conditions 2 Erwe Onderworpe aan Spesiale Voorwaardes In addition to the conditions set out above the under Benewens die voorwaardes hierbo uiteengesit is on mentioned erven shall he subject to the following con dergenoemde erwe aan die volgende voorwaardes ander ditions: worpe: (a) Erven and 737 (a) Erwe en 737 The erf is subject to a servitude for transformer Die erf is onderworpe aan n serwituut vir transfer purposes in favour of the local authority as indicated matorcloeleindes ten gunste van die plaaslike bestuur on the general plan soos op die algemene plan aangedui: (b) Erven to 662 and 665 (b) Erwe tot 662 en 665 The erf is subject to a servitude for municipal purposes in favour of the local authority as indicated on the general plan Die erf is onderworpe aan n serwituut vir munisipale doeleindes ten gunste van die plaaslike bestuur soos op die algemene plan aangedui 3 State and Municipal Erven 3 Slants en Munisipale Erwe Administrators Notice May 974 Administrateurskennisgewing Mei 974 PRETORIA REGION AMENDMENT SCHEME PRETORIASTREEK WYSIGINGSKEMA NO 38 NO 38 Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel It is hereby notified in terms of section 89() of the 89() van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Town planning and Townships Ordinance 965 that the Dorpe 965 bekend gemaak dat die Administrateur Administrator has approved of the amendment of Pre goedkeuring verleen het om Pretoriastreek dorpsaanleg toria Region Townplanning Scheme 960 to conform skema 960 to wysig om ooreen to stem met die stig with the conditions of establishment and the general tingsvoorwaardes en die algemene plan van die dorp plan of Garsfontein Extension 7 Township Garsfontein Uitbreiding 7 Map No 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment Kaart No 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysiging scheme are filed with the Director of Local Government skema word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Pretoria and the Town Clerk PO Plaaslike Bestuur Pretoria en die Stadsklerk Posbus Box 440 Pretoria and 440 Pretoria en is beskikbaar vir inspeksie op alle rede are open for inspection at all reasonable times like tye This amendment is known as Pretoria Region Amend Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Pretoriastreek wysi ment Scheme No 38 gingskema No 38 PB ?B Administrators Notice May 974 Administrateurskennisgewing Mei 974 DECLARATION OF APPROVED TOWNSHIP VERKLARING VAN GOEDGEKEURDE DORP Should the erf referred to in Clause A7 or any erf As die erf waarvan melding in Klousule A7 gemaak acquired as contemplated in Clause Bl(ii) and (iii) word of enige erf verkry soos beoog in Klousule Bl (ii) hereof be registered in the name of any person other en (iii) hiervan geregistreer word op naam van enige than the State or the local authority such erf shall there ander persoon as die Staat of die plaaslike bestuur dan upon be subject to such conditions as may be determined is so n erf daarop onderworpe aan sodanige voorwaarthe Administrator des as wat die Administrateur bepaal Ingevolge artikel 69 van die Ordonnansie op Dorps In terms of section 69 of the Townplanning and Townships Ordinance 965 (Ordinance 25 of 965) beplanning en Dorpe 965 (Ordonnansie 25 van 965) verklaar die Administrateur hierby die dorp Garsfontein the Administrator hereby declares Garsfontein Extension Uitbreidin* g 7 tot 3 goedgekeurde dorp onderworpe aan 7 Township to be an approved township subject to the we voorwaardes utteengesit in die bygaande Bylae conditions set out in the Schedule hereto PB PB SCHEDULE BYLAE CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH THE APPLICATION VOORWAARDES WAAROP DIE AANSOEK GE MADE BY (i) HIGHSTREAM PROPERTIES (PRO DOEN DEUR (i) HIGHSTREAM PROPERTIES PRIETARY) LIMITED (ii) D AND E ENTER (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED (ii) D AND E ENTER PRISES (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED AND (iii) PRISES (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED; EN (iii) HELM HELM INVESTMENT (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED INVESTMENT (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED INGE UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE TOWN PLAN VOLGE DIE BEPALINGS VAN DIE ORDONNANSIE NING AND TOWNSHIPS ORDINANCE 965 FOR OP DORPSBEPLANNING EN DORPE 965 OM al PERMISSION TO ESTABLISH A TOWNSHIP ON TOESTEMMEIG OM N DORP TE STIG OP GE PORTION 283 OF THE FARM GARSTFONTEIN DEELTE 283 VAN DIE PLAAS GARSTFONTEIN NO 374IR DISTRICT PRETORIA WAS NO 374JR DISTRIK PRETORIA TOEGE GRANTED STAAN IS

64 320 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 5 MAY f974 A CONDITIONS OF ESTABLISHMENT A STIGTINGSVOORWA:ARDESc Name : J Naanz 4 The name of the township shall be Garsfontein Exten Die naam van die dorp is Garsfontein IJitbrecding 7 sion 7 :: 2 Design of Township 2 Ontwerpplan van die Dorp The township shall consist of erven and streets as in Die dorp bestaan uit erwe en strate was aangedui op dicated on General Plan SG No A2908/69 Algemene Plan LG No A2908/69 i: : : : t 3 Stormwater Drainage and Street Construction 3 Stormwaterdreineting en Streathew; :c (d) (a) The township owners shall carry out the approved (a) Die dorpseienaars moet die goedgekeuiderskerna op scheme relating to stormwater drainage and street eie koste namens en tot voldoening vari die plaas construction at (heir own expense on behalf anti to like bestuur onder toesig van:w siviele ingenieur the satisfaction of the local authority under the su deur die plaaslike bestuur goedgekeur uitvoer pervision of a civil engineer approved by the local (b) Die dorpseienaars is verantwoordelilc vir die instand authority libudingvan: die strate tot bevrediging van die pleas (l)) :the township owners shall be responsible for the like bestuur totdat die strafe ooreenkomstig sub; maintenance of the streets to the satisfaction of the klousule (a) gbou is local authority until such time as the township owners have constructed the streets as set out in 4 Begiftiging subclause (a) hereof Betaalbaar aan die Transvaalse Onderwysdepartement 4 Endowntent Die dorpseienaars moet n begiftiging vir tonderwysdoel? Payable to the Transvaal Education Department: eindes aan die Direkteur Transvaalse Onderwysdeparte: merit betaal Die bedrag van sodanige begiftiging moet The township owners shall pay an endowment for gelykstaande wees met die grand waarde van spesiale educational purposes to the Director Transvaal Educa woongrond in die dorp die grootte waarvan soos volg tion Department The amount of such endowment shall bepaal moet word: be equal to the land value of spebial residential land in the township the extent of which shall be determined as (i) Ten opsigte van algemene woonerwe: " follows: Deur 586 in2 met die getal woonsteleenhede wat in die dorp opgerig kart word te vermenigr (i) In respect of general residential erven: vuldig; en vir hierdie doel word elke woonstelr By multiplying 586 m2 by the number of flat eenheid geag 99 rig groat to wees units which can be erected in the township and for this purpose each flat unit shall be con (ii) Ten opsigte van spesiale woonerwer sidered as being 99 m2 in extent z Deur 4808 m2 met die getal spesiale woonerwe (ii) In respect of special residential erven: in die (tarp te vernienigvuldig By multiplying 4808 m2 by the number of spe Die waarde van die grand moet ingevolge die bepalings cial residential ervenin the township van artikel 74(3) van die Ordonnansie bp Dol4dsbeplan The value of the land shall be determined in terms of ning en Dorpe 965 bepaal word tel die begiftiging the provisicin& of section 74(3) of the Townplanning moet ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 73 van die and Townships Ordinance 965 and the endowment gemelde Ordonnansie betaal word shall be payable in terms of the provisions of section 73 " of the said Ordinance 5 Erwe vir MunisiPale DoeleindeS 5 Land for Municipal Purposes Enve 36 en 37 soos op die algemene plan ;aangedui moot deur en op koste van die dorpseienaars aan die Erven 36 and 37 on the general plan shall be plaaslike bestuur as parke oorgedra word transferred to the local authority by and at the expense of the township owners as parks 6 Sloping van GebOue n 6 i r al i Dezolition of Buildings Die dorpseienaars moet op eie koste alle geboue gele8 The township owners shall at their own expense cause binne boulynreserwes kantruinites of oor gemeenskaplike allbuildings situated within the building line reserves grense laat sloop tot voldoening van die plaaslike bestuur side spaces or over common boundaries to be demo wanner die plaaslike bestuur dit vereis ; tithed to the satisfaction of the local authority as and when required to do so by the local authority 7 Beperking op die Vervreemding van Erf No 38 7 Restriction Against the Disposal of Erf No 38 Die dorpseienaars mag nie Erf 38 vervreem voordat die plaaslike bestuur tevrede gestel is dat die damwal The township owners shall not dispose of Erf 38 unaesloon is nie til the local authority has been satisfied that the dam wall has been demolished 8 Beskikking oor Bestaande Titelvoorwaardes 8 Disposal of Existing Conditions of Title a Me erwe moot onderworpe geniaak word aan le All erven shall be made subject to existing conditions bestaande voorwaardes en serwitute as daar is met and servitudes if any including the reservation of rights inbegrip van die voorbehoud van die regte op minerale to minerals but excluding: maar sonder inbegrip van:

65 PROVINSIALE KOERANT 5 MET k (a) the following servitudes which affects Erf 38 in the (a) die volgende serwitute wat slegs Erf 38 in die township only: dorp raak: "By virtue of Notarial Deed No 399/957S dated "By virtue of Notarial Deed No 399/957 S dated 3 January 957 and registered on 25 April January 957 and registered on 25 April 957 the property hereby transferred is subject to a ser the property hereby transerred is subject to a servitude of right of way reservoir and aqueduct in vitude of right of way reservoir and aqueduct in favour of the Remaining Extent of Portion 85 of favour of the Remaining Extent of Portion 85 of the said farm measuring as such morgen the said farm measuring as such morgen held by virtue of Certificate of Consolidated Title held by virtue of Certificate of Consolidated Title No 30 84/ 95 dated 5 December 95 and subject No 3084/95 dated 5 December 95 and subject to such conditions as will more fully appear from to such conditions as will more fully appear from the said Notarial Deed" the said Notarial Deed" (b) The following servitudes which do not affect the (b) die volgende serwitute wat nie die dorpsgebied raak township area and rights which will not be passed nie en regte wat nie aan erwe in die dorp oorgedra on to the erven in the township: word nie: (i) "Especially subject to the servitude of a water (i) "Especially subject to the servitude of a water right in favour of the northern Portion of the right in favour of the northern Portion of the said farm as will more fully appear from Deed said farm as will more fully appear from Deed of Servitude No 43/894 and further entitled of Servitude No 43/894 and further entitled to water from the fountain known as "Losfon to water from the fountain known as "Losfon tam" situate within the portion of the aforesaid tein" situate within the portion of the aforesaid farm now owned by Johan Coenraad Marne farm now owned by Johan Coenraad Marne week and with the full right to enlarge open week and with the full right to enlarge open up and use the water of the said fountain and up and use the water of the said fotintain and to make the necessary water furrow to lead to make the necessary water furrow to lead such water over the said portion as pointed out such water over the said portion as pointed out on the diagram thereof framed by Surveyor on the diagram thereof framed by Surveyor M B Walker in August and September 902 M H Walker in August and September 902 subject however to the following conditions subject however to the following conditions namely that the owner of the dominant tenement namely that the owner of the dominant tenement shall not have the right to impound the cattle shall not have the right to impound the cattle of the owner of the servient tenement for any of the owner of the servient tenement for any damage done to the said water furrow unless damage done to the said water furrow unless the same shall have been properly protected by the same shall have been properly protected by a barbed wire fence for which purpose three a barbed wire fence for which purpose three feet of ground on either side of the furrow is feet of ground on either side of the furrow is granted him and where it is necessary near the granted him and where it is necessary near the fountain to dig the water furrow deeper nine fountain to dig the water furrow deeper nine feet of ground on either side is granted for feet of ground on either side is granted for fencing in the same fencing in the same (ii) Specially subject to a servitude of a water right (ii) Specially subject to a servitude of a water right in favour of the northern Portion of the said in favour of the northern Portion of the said farm as will more fully appear from Deed of farm as will more fully appear from Deed of Servitude No 43/894 Servitude No 43/894 (iii) And subject further to the servitude in favour (iii) And subject further to the servitude in favour of Jochemus Johannes Petrus Erasmus as owner of Jochemus Johannes Petrus Erasmus as owner of a certain portion measuring 2 morgen 200 of a certain portion measuring 2 morgen 200 square roods of the said farm Garstfontein his square roods of the said farm Garstfontein his heirs executors administrators or assigns of heirs executors administrators or assigns of the right to water from the fountain known as the right to water from the fountain known as Losfontein situate on this portion and with the Losfontein situate on this portion and with the full right to enlarge open and use the water of full right to enlarge open and use the water of _ the said fountain and to make the necessary the said fountain and to make the necessary water furrow over this portion to lead such water furrow over this portion to lead such _water as is shown on the diagram of this por water as is shown on the diagram of this pot tion framed by Surveyor M H Walker in tion framed by Surveyor M H Walker in August and September 902 subject however August and September 902 subject hdwever to the following conditions namely: to the following conditions namely: That the owner of the dominant tenement shall That the owner of the dominant tenement shall not have the right to impound the cattle of the not have the right to impound the cattle of the owner of the servient tenement for any damages owner of the servient tenement for any damages done to the said water furrow unless the done to the said water furrow unless the same shall have been properly protected by a : same shall have been properly protected y a b barbed wire fence for which purpose three feet barbed wire fence for which purpose three feet of ground on either side of the furrow is granted I of ground on either side of the furrow is granted him and where it is necessary near the fountain I him and where it is necessary near the fountain to dig the furrow deeper nine feet of ground I to dig the furrow deeper nine feet Of ground

66 322 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 5 MAY 974 on either side of such water furrow is granted on either side of such water furrow is granted 4 for fencing in the same" for fencing in the same" 9 Re routing of Power Line 9 Verskuiwing van Kraglyne Should it by reason of the establishment of the town Indica dit as gevolg van die stigting van die dorp ship become necessary to re route the power line of the nodig word om enige bestaande kraglyne van die Stads City Council of Pretoria (Notarial Deed 809/957S) raad van Pretoria (Notariele Akte 809/957 S) te ver then the sicuif cost of such rerouting shall be borne by the moet die koste daarvan deur die dorpseienaars township owners gads word 0 0 Nakonting van Voorwaardes Enforcement of Conditions Die dorpseienaars moet die stigtingsvoorwaardes nakom The township owners shall observe the conditions of en die nodige stappe doen om te sorg dat die titelvoor establishment and shall take the necessary steps to secure waardes en enige ander voorwaardes opgele kragtens the enforcement of the conditions of title and any other artikel 62 van Ordonnansie 25 van 965 nagekom word: conditions imposed in terms of section 62 of Ordinance Met dien verstande dat die Administrateur die bevoegd 25 of 965: Provided that the Administrator shall have heid besit om die dorpseienaars van almal of enigeen the power to relieve the township owners of all or any van die verpligtings to onthef en om sodanige verplig of the obligations and to vest these in any other person tings by enige ander persoon of liggaam met regsper or body of persons soonlikheid te laat berus B CONDITIONS OF TITLE B TITELVOORWAARDES I The Erven with Certain Exceptions It Die Erwe met Sekere Uitsonderings The erven with the exception of: Die erwe met uitsondering van: (i) The erven mentioned in Clause A5 hereof; (i) Die erwe genoem in Klousule A5 hiervan; (ii) such erven as may be acquired by the State; (ii) erwe wat deur die Staat verkry word; en and (iii) erwe wat vir munisipale daeleindes verkry word (iii) such erven as may be acquired for municipal &nits die Administrateur die doeleindes waarvoor purposes provided the Administrator has ap sodanige erwe nodig is goedgekeur het proved the purposes for which such erven are required is onderworpe aan die voorwaardes hierna genoem opgel8 deur die Administrateur kragtens die bepalings van die shall be subject to the conditions hereinafter set forth Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe 965: imposed by the Administrator under the provisions of the Town planning and Townships Ordinance 965 (a) Die erf is onderworpe aan n serwituut vir rioleringsen ander munisipale doeleindes ten gunste van die (a) The erf is subject to a servitude 2 metres wide in plaaslike bestuur 2 meter breed langs slegs een van favour of the local authority for sewerage and sy grense uitgesonderd n straatgrens soos deur die other municipal purposes along one only of its plaaslike bestuur bepaal boundaries other than a street boundary as determined by the local authority (b) Geen gebou of ander struktuur mag binne die voor noemde serwituutsgebied opgerig word nie en geen (b) No building or other structure shall be erected with mag binne die gebied van sodanige in the aforesaid servitude area and no largerooted serwituut of binne n afstand van twee meter daarvan trees shall be planted within the area of such servi geplant word nie tude or within 2 metres thereof (c) Die plaaslike bestuur is geregtig om enige materiaal (c) The local authority shall be entitled to deposit tem wat deur hom uitgegrawe word tydens die aanleg porarily on the land adjoining the aforesaid servi onderhoud of verwydering van sodanige rioolhooftude such material as may be excavated by it during pypleidings en ander werke wat by volgens goed the course of the construction maintenance or re dunke noodsaaklik ag tydelik te plaas op die grond moval of such sewerage mains and other works as wat aan die voornoemde serwituut grens en voorts it in its discretion may deem necessary and shall is die plaaslike bestuur geregtig tot redelike toegang further be entitled to reasonable access to the said tot genoemde grond vir die voomoemde doel; onder land for the aforesaid purpose subject to any damage worpe daaraan dat die plaaslike bestuur enige skade done during the process of the construction mainvergoed wat gedurende die aanleg onderhoud of tenance or removal of such sewerage mains and verwydering van sodanige rioolhoofpypleidings en other works being made good by the local authority ander werke veroorsaak word 2 State and Municipal Erven 2 Stoats en Mttnisipale Erwe Should any erf referred to in Clause A5 or any erf As enige erf waarvan melding in Klousule AS gemaak acquired as contemplated in Clause B(ii) and (iii) word of enige erf verkry soos beoog in Klousule Bl(ii) hereof be registered in the name of any person other en (iii) hiervan geregistreer word op naam van enige than the State or the local authority such erf shall ander persoon as die Staat of die plaaslike bestuur dan thereupon be subject to such conditions as may be de is so n erf onderworpe aan sodanige voorwaardes as termined by the Administrator wat die Administrateur bepaal

67 ii"? Administrators Notice 83 5 May 974 Administrateurskennisgewing 83 5 Mei 974 PROVINSIAIE KOERANT 5 MEI GERMISTON AMENDMENT SCHEME NO 63 GERMISTONWYSIGINGSKEMA NO /63 Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van It artikel is hereby notified in terms of section 89() of the 89() van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dor Town planning and Townships Ordinance 965 that the pe 965 bekend gemaak dat die Administrateur goed Administrator has approved of the amendment of Gerkeuring verleen het om Germiston dorpsaanlegskema No miston Town planning Scheme No 945 to conform 945 te wysig om ooreen te stem met die stigtings with the conditions of establishment and the general voorwaardes en die algemene plan van die dorp Jupiter plan of Jupiter Township Kaart No 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysiging Map No 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment skema word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van scheme are filed with the Director of Local Government Plaaslike Bestuur Pretoria en die Stadsklerk Posbus Pretoria and the Town Clerk PO Box 45 Germiston 45 Germiston en is beskikbaar vir inspeksie op alle re and are open for inspection at all reasonable times delike tye Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Germiston wysiging This amendment is known as Germiston Amendment skema No /63 Scheme No /63 PB PB Administrateurskennisgewing Mei Administrators Notice May 974 VERKLARING VAN GOEDGEKEURDE DORP DECLARATION OF APPROVED TOWNSHIP Ingevolge artikel 69 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbe In terms of section 69 of the Townplanning and planning en Dorpe 965 (Ordonnansie 25 van 965) Townships Ordinance 965 (Ordinance 25 of 965) verklaar die Administrateur hierby die dorp Dorandia the Administrator hereby declares Dorandia Extension Uitbreiding 8 tot n goedgekeurde dorp onderworpe aan 8 Township to be an approved township subject to the die voorwaardes uiteengesit in die bygaande Bylae conditions set out in the Shedule hereto PB PB BYLAE SCHEDULE VOORWAARDES WAAROP DIE AANSOEK GE CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH THE APPLICATION DOEN DEUR WILCOR EIENDOMME (EIENDOMS) MADE BY WILCOR EIENDOMME (EIENDOMS) BEPERK INGEVOLGE DIE BEPALINGS VAN BEPERK UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE DIE ORDONNANSIE OP DORPSBEPLANNING EN TOWN PLANNING AND TOWNSHIPS ORDINANCE DORPE 965 OM TOESTEMMING OM N DORP 965 FOR PERMISSION TO ESTABLISH A TOWN TE STIG OP GEDEELTE 73 VAN DIE PLAAS SHIP ON PORTION 73 OF THE FARM WONDER WONDERBOOM NO 302JR DISTRIK PRETORIA BOOM NO 302JR DISTRICT PRETORIA WAS TOEGESTAAN IS GRANTED A STIGTINGSVOORWAARDES A CONDITIONS OF ESTABLISHMENT 0 Naam Name Die naam van die dorp is Dorandia Uitbreiding 8 The name of the township shall be Dorandia Exten sion 8 2 Ontwerpplan van die Dorp 2 Design of Township Die dorp bestaan uit erwe en strate soos aangedui op The township shall consist of erven and streets as in Algemene Plan LG No A635I /72 dicated on General Plan SG No A635/72 3 Stonnwaterdreinering en Straatbou 3 Stormwater Drainage and Street Construction (a) Die goedgekeurde skema betreffende stormwaterdreinering en die aanleg van strate moet deur (a) The die township owner shall carry out the approved dorpseienaar op eie koste uitgevoer word namens en scheme relating to stormwater drainage and street tot voldoening van die plaaslike bestuur en onder construction at its own expense on behalf and to the toesig van n siviele ingenieur deur die plaaslike besatisfaction of the local authority and under the sustuur goedgekeur pervision of a civil engineer approved by the local (b) Die dorpseienaar is aanspreeklik vir die onderhoud authority van die strate tot bevrediging van die plaaslike be (b) The township owner shall be responsible for the stuur tot tyd en wyl die applikant die strate aangele maintenance of the streets to the satisfaction of the het soos uiteengesit in subklousule (a) hierbo local authority until the streets have been constructed as set out in subclause (a) above 4 Begiftiging D4 Endowment (a) Betaalbaar aan die Transvaalse Onderwysdeparte (a) Payable to the Transvaal Education Department: meat The Township owner shall in terms of the provisions Die dorpseienaar moet kragtens die bepalings van

68 324 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 5 MAY 974 of sections 62 and 63()(a) of the Townplanning artikels 62 en 63()(a) va die Ordonnansie op and Townships Ordinance 965 pay a lump sum en Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe 965 n begiftiging in n dowment for educational purposes to the Transvaal globale bedrag vir onderwysdoeleindes aan die Trans Education Department on the land value of special vaalse Onderwysdepartement op die grondwaarde residential erven in the township van spesiale woonerwe in die dorp betaal The extent of such land shall be determined by mul Die grootte van hierdie grond word betoken deur tiplying 4808 m2 by the number of special residen 4808 m2 te vermenigvuldig met die getal spesiale tial erven in the township woonerwe in die dorp The value of the land shall be determined in terms Die waarde van die grond word bepaal kragtens of the provisions of section 74(3) and the endowment die bepalings van artikel 74(3) en sodanige begif shall be payable in terms of the provisions of section tiging is betaalbaar kragtens die bepalings van ar 73 of the said Ordinance tikel 73 van genoemde Ordonnansie (b) Payable to the local authority: (b) Betaalbaar aan die plaaslike bestuur The township owner shall in terms of the pro Die dorpseienaar moot ingevolge die bepalings van visions of section 63() of the Townplan artikel 63(l) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplan ning and Townships Ordinance 965 pay to ning en Dorpe 965 as begiftiging aan die plaaslike the local authority as endowment sums of money bestuur bedrae geld betaal gelykstaande met 3% equal to 3% of the land value of erven in the town van die grondwaarde van erwe in die dorp welke ship which amount shall be used by the local au bedrag deur die plaaslike bestuur aangewend moot thority for the acquisition and/or development of word vir die verkryging en/of ontwikkeling van par parks within its area of jurisdiction ke binne sy regsgebied 4 Such endowment shall be paid in accordance with Sodanige begiftiging is ooreenkomstig die bepalings the provisions of section 74 of the aforesaid Ordi van artikel 74 van die bedoelde Ordonnansie be nance taalbaar 4 5 Disposal of Existing Conditions of Title 5 Beskikking oor Bestaande Titelvoonvaardes All ervcn shall be made subject to existing conditions Alle erwe mod onderworpe gemaak word aan bestaan and servitudes if any including the reservation of rights de voorwaardes en serwitute as daar is met inbegrip van to minerals die voorbchoud van mineraalregte 6 Demolition of Buildings 6 Sloping van Geboue The township owner shall at its own expense cause Die dorpseienaar moet op eie koste alle geboue binne all buildings Dituated within the building line reserves die boulynreserwes kantruimtes of oor gemeenskaplike side spaces or over common boundaries to be demo grense laat sloop tot bevrediging van die plaaslike belished to the satisfaction of the local authority when re stuur wanneer dit deur die plaaslike bestuur vereis word quired to do so by the local authority 7 Enve vir Munisipale Doeleindes 7 Land for Municipal Purposes Die dorpseienaar moet op eie koste Erwe 4 en 42 Erven 4 and 42 as shown on the general plan shall soos op die algemene plan aangedui aan die plaaslike be transferred to the local authority by and at the ex bestuur oordra as parke pcnse of the township owner as parks 8 Toegang 8 Access (a) Ingang van Proyinsiale Pad P76/ tot die dorp (a) Ingress to the township from Provincial Road P76/I en uitgang uit die dorp tot gemelde pad word be and egress from the township to the said road shall perk tot die aansluiting van die straat tussen Erwe be limited to the junction of the street between Er Nos 380 en 406 met sodanige pad von Nos 380 and 406 with the said road (b) Die Dorpseienaar moet ingevolge Rcgulasie 93 van (b) The township owner shall in terms of Regulation 93 die Padordonnansie 957 aan die Direkteur Trans of the Roads Ordinance 957 submit to the Direc vaalse Paaiedepartement n behoorlike geometriese tor Transvaal Roads Department a proper geo uitlegontwerp (skaal :500) van die ingangs en metric design layout (scale :500) in respect of the uitgangspunt genoem in (a) hierbo vir sy goed ingress and egress point referred to in (a) above for keuring voorle Die dorpseienaar moet spesifikasies approval The township owner shall submit specifi wat aanvaarbaar is vir die Direkteur Transvaalse cations acceptable to the Director Transvaal Roads Paaiedepartement voorle wanneer hy dit vereis en Department when required by him to do so and moet die genoemde in en uitgangspunt op eie koste shall construct the said ingress and egress points at bou tot bevrediging van die Direkteur Transvaalse its own expense and to the satisfaction of the Direc Paaiedepartement tor Transvaal Roads Department 9 Oprigting van Reining of Ander Fisiese Versperring 9 Erection of Fence or Other Physical Barrier Die dorpseienaar moat op eie koste n heining of an The township owner shall at its own expense erect a der fisiese versperring oprig tot bevrediging van die Di 4 fence or other physical barrier to the satisfaction of the rekteur Transvaalse Paaiedepartement wanneer hy deur Director Transvaal Roads Department as and when re hom versoek word om dit te doen en die dorpseienaar quired by him to do so and the township owner shall moet sodanige heining of fisiese versperring in n goeie

69 PROVI/s/SIAITEICOEliii4T 5 MEI 974 " 325 Maintainsuch Fenceor physical barrier hi good order and Meataiiithou tot tyd en wyl hierdie verantwoordelikheid repair until such lithe as this responsibility is taken over deur die plaaslike bestuur ciorgeneem word: Met dien by the local authority: Provided that the township verstande dat die dorpseienaar se verantwoordelikheid owners responsibility for the maintenance thereof shall vir die instandhouding daarvan verval sodra die plaas cease when the local authbrity takes over the responsibili like bestuur die verantwoordelikheid vir die instandhou ty for the maintenance of the streets in the township ding van die strate in die dorp oorneem 0 Enforcement of the Requirements of the Controlling 0 Nakoming van Vereistes van die Beherende Gesag Authority Regarding Road Reserves Betreff ende Paclreserwes The township owner shall satisfy the Director Trans Die dorpseienaar moet die Direkteur Transvaalse vaal Roads Department regarding the enforcement of Paaiedepartement tevrede stel betreffende die nakoming his conditions van sy voorwaardes Enforcement of Conditions Nakoming van Voorwaardes The township owner shall observe the conditions of Die dorpseienaar moet die stigtingsvoorwaardes nakom establishment and shall take the necessary steps to se en die nodige stappe doen om te sorg dat die titelvoor cure the enforcement of the conditions of title and any waardes en enige ander voorwaardes (weld kragtens artikel other conditions imposed in terms of section 62 of Ordi 62 van Ordonnansie 25 van 965 nagekom word: Met nance 25 of 965: Provided that the Administrator shall dien verstande dat die Administrateur die bevoegdheid have the power to relieve the township owner of all or besit om die dorpseienaar van almal of enigeen van die ver ki any of the obligations and to vest these in any other:pet pligtings te onthef en am sodanige verpligtings by enige son or body of persons ander persoon of liggaam met regspersoonlikheid te last bents B CONDITIONS OF TITLE B TITELVOORWAARDES The Erven with Certain Exceptions I Die Erwe met Sekere Uitsonderings The erven with the exception of: Die erwe met uitsondering van: (i) The erven mentioned in Clause A7 hereof; (i) Die erwe genocm in Klousule A7 hiervan; (ii) erven acquired by the State; and (ii) erwe wat deur die Staat verkry word; en (iii) erven acquired for municipal purposes provided (ii) erwe wat vir munisipare doeleindcs verkry the Administrator has approved the purposes word snits die Administrateur die docicindes forwhich such erven are required waarvoor sodanige erwe nodig is goedgekeur shall be subject to the conditions hereinafter set forth het imposed by the Administrator under the provisions of is onderworpe aan die voorwaardes hierna genoem op the Town planning and ToWnShips Ordinance 965 gele deur die Administrateur kragtens die bepalings van (a) :The erf is subject to a servitude 2 metres wide in dip Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe 965: favour of the local authority for sewerage and other (a) Die erf is onderworpe aan n serwituut 2 meter soos municipal purposes along any two boundaries other breed vir riolerings en ander munisipaledoeleindes than a street boundary as determined by the local ten gunste van die plaaslike bestuur fangs enige twee n deur die :authority giense uiteesonderd straatgrens plaaslike bestuur bepaal (b) No building or other structure shall be erected with Iiin the aforesaid servitude area and no large rooted (b) Geen gebou of ander struktuur mag binne die trees shall be planted within the area of such servi voornoemde serwituutgebied opgerig word nic en geen grootwortelbome mag binne die gebied van itncle or within 2 metres thereof sodanige serwituut of binne n afstand van twee (c) The local authority shall be entitled to deposit tem meter daarvan geplant word nie porarily on the land adjoining the aforesaid servitude (c) Die plaaslike bestuur is geregtig om enige niate such material as may be excavated by it during the riaal wat deur hom uitgegrawe word tydens die course of the construction maintenance or removal aanleg onderhoud of verwydering van sodanige of such sewerage mains and other works as it in rioolhoofpypleidings en ander werke wat by vol itsgcns goeddunke noodsaaklik ag tydelik te plaas au 2 Erf Subject to Special Condition the local 2 Erf Onderworpe aan Spesiale Voorwaarde In addition to the conditions set out above Erf No Benewens die voorwaardes hierbo uiteengesit is Erf 377 shall be Subject to the following condition: 377 aan die volgende voorwaarde onderworpe: discretion may deem necessary and shall further op die grond wat aan die voornoemde serwituut be entitled to reasonable access to the said land for! grens en voorts is die plaaslike bestuur geregtig the aforesaid purpose: Provided that any damage tot redelike toegang tot genoemde grond vir die done during the process of the construction main voornoemde doel: Met dien verstande dat die plaaslike bestuur enige skade vergoed wat gedu tenance or removal of such sewerage mains and rende die aanlea onderhoud of verwydering van works shall be made good by sodanige rioolhoofpypleidings en ander werke ver thor ity oorsaak word other

70 326 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 5 MAY 974 The erf is subject to a servitude for municipal pur Die erf is onderworpe aan n serwituut vir muni I poses in favour of the local authority as indicated sipale doeleindes ten gunste van die plaaslike be on the general plan stuur soos aangedui op die algemene plan 3 State and Municipal Erven 3 Staats en Munisipale Enve Should any erf referred to in Clause A7 or any erf As enige erf waarvan melding in Klousule A7 gemaak acquired as contemplated in Clause Bl(ii) and (iii) word of enige erf verkry soos beoog in Klousule Bl(ii) en hereof be registered in the name of any person other (iii) hiervan geregistreer word op naarn van enige ander than the State or the local authority such erf shall be persoon as die Staat of die plaaslike bestuur dan is so n subject to such conditions as may be determined by the erf daarop onderworpe aan sodanige voorwaardes as wat Administrator die Administrateur bepaal Administrators Notice May 974 Administrateurskennisgewing Mei 974 PRETORIASTREEK PRETORIA REGION AMENDMENT SCHEME WYSIGINGSKEMA NO 43 Hierby NO 43 word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel 89() van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe It is hereby notified in terms of section 89() of the 965 bekend gemaak dat die Administrateur goedkeuring Town planning and Townships Ordinance 965 that the verleen het em Pretoriastreek dorpsaanlegskema 960 Administrator has approved of the amendment of Pre te wysig om ooreen te stem met die stigtingsvoorwaardes toria Region Town planning Scheme 960 to conform en die algemene plan van die dorp Dorandia Uitbrei with the conditions of establishment and the general plan ding 8 of Dorandia Extension 8 Township Kaart No 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysiging Map No 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment skema word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van scheme are filed with the Director of Local Government Plaaslike Bestuur Pretoria en die Stadsklerk Posbus Pretoria and the Town Clerk PO Box 440 Pretoria 440 Pretoria en is beskikbaar vir inspeksie op alle redeand are open for inspection at all reasonable times like lye This amendment is known as Pretoria Region Amend Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Pretoriastreekment Scheme No 43 wysigingskema No 43 PB PB Administrators Notice May 974 Administrateurskennisgewing Mei 974 EDENVALE WYSIGINGSKEMA NO /98 EDENVALE AMENDMENT SCHEME NO /98 Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel It is hereby notified in terms of section 89() of the 89() van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dor Town planning and Townships Ordinance 965 that the pe; 965 bekend gemaak dat die Administrateur goed Administrator has approved of the amendment of Eden keuring verleen het om Edenvale dorpsaanlegskema No vale Town planning Scheme No 954 to conform 954 te wysig om ooreen te stem met die stigtings with the conditions of establishment and the general plan voorwaardes en die algemene plan van die dorp Eden of Eden Glen Extension 3 Township Glen Uitbreiding 3 Kaart No 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysiging Map No 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment skema word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van scheme are filed with the Director of Local Government Plaaslike Bestuur Pretoria en die Stadsklerk Posbus Pretoria and the Town Clerk PO Box 25 Edenvale 25 Edenvale en is beskikbaar vir inspeksie op alle rede and are open for inspection at all reasonable times like tye This amendment is known as Edenvale Amendment Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Edenvalewysiging Scheme No skema No /98 /98 PB PB Administrators Notice May 974 Administrateurskennisgewing Mei 974 KEMPTON PARK AMENDMENT SCHEME KEMPTONPARK WYSIGINGSKEMA NO /02 NO /02 Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel 89() van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dor It i hereby notified in terms of section 89() of the Townsgoed pe 965 bekend gemaak dat die Administrateur and Townships Ordinance 965 that the keuring verleen het om Kemptonpark dorpsaanlegskema Administrator has approved of the amendment of Kemp No 952 te wysig om ooreen te stem met die stig ton Park Town planning Scheme No 952 to contingsvoonvaarcles en die algemene plan van die dorp form with the conditions of establishment and the gene Kemptonpark Uitbreiding 6 ral plan of Kempton Park Extension 6 Township Kaart No 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysiging Map No 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment skema word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van scheme are filed with the Director of Local Government Plaaslike Bestuur Pretoria en die Stadsklerk Posbus 3 Pretoria and the Town Clerk PO Box 3 Kempton Kemptonpark en is beskikbaar vir inspeksie op alle rede Park and are open for inspection at all reasonable times like tye This amendment is known as Kempton Park Amend Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Kemptonpark wysi ment Scheme No /02 gingskema No /02 PB PB

71 PROVINSIALE KOERANT 5 MEI Administrators Notice May 974 Administrateurskennisgewing Mei 974 DECLARATION OF APPROVED TOWNSHIP VERKLARING VAN GOEDGEKEURDE DORP In terms of section 69 of the Townplanning and Town Ingevolge artikel 69 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbe ships Ordinance 965 (Ordinance 25 of 965) the Ad planning en Dorpe 965 (Ordonnansie 25 van 965) verministrator hereby declares Eden Glen Extension 3 Town klaar die Administratcur hierby die dorp Eden Glen Uit ship to be an approved township subject to the conditions breiding 3 tot n goedgekeurde dory onderworpe aan die set out in the Schedule hereto voorwaardes uiteengesit in die bygaande Bylae PB PB SCHEDULE BYLAE CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH THE APPLICATION VOORWAARDES WAAROP DIE AANSOEK GE MADE BY S AND L ZAMBON (PROPRIETARY) DOEN DEUR S AND L ZAMBON (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE LIMITED INGEVOLGE DIE BEPALINGS VAN DIE TOWNPLANNING AND TOWNSHIPS ORDINANCE ORDONNANSIE OP DORPSBEPLANNING EN DOR 965 FOR PERMISSION TO ESTABLISH A TOWN PE 965 OM TOESTEMMING OM N DORP TE STIG SHIP ON PORTION 54 (A PORTION OF PORTION OP GEDEELTE 54 (N GEDEELTE VAN GEDEEL 22) OF THE FARM RIETFONTEIN NO 63IR DIS TE 22) VAN DIE PLAAS RIETFONTEIN NO 63 IR TRICT GERMISTON WAS GRANTED DISTRK GERMISTON TOEGESTAAN IS A CONDITIONS OF ESTABLISHMENT A STIGTINGSVOORWAARDES Name Nam The name of the township shall be Eden Glen Extension Die naam van die dorp is Eden Glen Uitbreiding Ontwerpplan van die Dorp 2 Design of Township Die dorp bestaan uit erwe en strafe soon aangedui op The township shall consist of erven and streets as indi Algemene Plan LG No A6902/72 cated on General Plan SG No A6902/72 3 Strafe 3 Streets (a) Die dorpseienaar moet die strate in die dorp vorm (a) The township owner shall form grade and maintain skraap en onderhou tot bevrediging van die plaaslike the streets in the township to the satisfaction of the bestuur totdat did aanspreeklikheid deur die plaaslike local authority until such time as this responsibility is bestuur oorgeneem word: Met dien verstande dat die taken over by the local authority: Provided that the Administrateur geregtig is om die dorpseienaar van Administrator shall from time to time be entitled to tyd tot tyd gedeeltelik of geheel van die aanspreek relieve the township owner wholly or partially from likheid to onthef na raadpleging met die plaaslike bethis obligation after reference to the local authority stuur (b) The township owner shall at its own expense remove (b) Die dorpseienaar moet op eie koste alle hindernisse in all obstacles from the street reserves to the satisfaction die straatreserwes tot bevrediging van die plaaslike of the local authority bestuur verwyder 4 Endowment 4 Begiftiging (a) Payable to the local authority: (a) Betaalbaar aan die plaaslike bestuur The township owner shall in terms of section 63() Die dorpseienaar moet ingevolge die bepalings van of the Town planning and Townships Odinance 965 artikel 63() van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning pay to the local authority as endowment sums of en Dorpe 965 as begiftiginad aan die plaaslike bemoney equal to: stuur bedrae geld betaal gelykstaande met: (i) 5% of the land value of erven in the township (i) 5% van die grondwaarde van erwe in die dorp which amount shall be used by the local authori welke bedrag deur die plaaslike bestuur aangety for the construction of streets and/or storm wend moet word vir die bou van strate en/of water drainage in or for the township; and stormwaterdreinering in of vir die dorp; en k (ii) 3% van die grondwaarde van erwe in die dorp welke bedrag deur die plaaslike bestuur aange wend moet word vir die verkryging en/of ont wikkeling van parke binne sy regsgebied (ii) 3% of the land value of erven in the township which amount shall be used by the local authority for the acquisition and/or development of parks within its area of jurisdiction Such endowment shall be paid in accordance with the provisions of section 74 of the aforesaid Ordinante Sodanige begiftiging moet ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel 74 van die bedoelde Ordonnansie betaal word (b) Payable to the Transvaal Education Department: (b) Betaalbaar aan die Transvaalse Onderwysdeparte The township owner shall in terms of the provisions went

72 P328 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 5 MAY 974 of sections 62 and 63(I)(a) of the Town planning and Die dorpseienaar moet kragtens die bepalings van Townships Ordinance 965 pay a lump sum endow artikels 62 en 63()(a) van die Ordonnansie op Dorps ment to the Transvaal Education Department on the beplanning cn Dorpe 965 n begiftiging in n globale land value of special residential erven in the town bedrag aan die Transvaalse Onderwysdepartement op ship die grondwaarde van spesiale woonerwe in die dorp betaal (i) In respect of the general residential erf: (i) Ten opsigte van die algemene The area of the land shall be calculated by multiwoonerfdie grootte van die grond word bereken deur plying 586 m2 by the number of flat units which 586 ate te vermenigvuldig met die getal woon can be erected in the township Each flat unit to steleenhede wat in die dorp gebou kan word be taken as 99 m2 in extent Elke woonsteleenheid moet beskou word as grout (ii) In respect of special residential erven: 99 m2 The area of the land shall be calculated by multiplying 4808 m2 by the number of special residential erven in the township The value of the land shall be determined in terms of the provisions of section 74(3) and such endowment shall be payable in terms of the provisions of section 73 of the said Ordinance (ii) Ten opsigte van spesiale woonerwe: Die grootte van die grond word bereken deur 4808 m2 te vermenigvuldig met die getal spesiale woonerwe in die dorp Die waarde van die grond word bepaal kragtens die bepalings van artikel 74(3) en sodanige begiftiging is betaalbaar kragtens die bepalings van artikel 73 van genoemde Ordonnansie 5 Disposal of Existing Conditions of Title All erven shall be made subject to existing conditions 5 Deskikking oor Bestaande Titelvoorwaardes and servitudes if any including the reservation of rights Alle erwe moct onderworpe gemaak word aan bestaan to minerals but excluding: de voorwaardes en serwitute as dear is met inbegrip van (a) the following servitude which falls in a street in the die voorbehoud van die regte op minerale maar sender township: inbegrip van: "Subject to a servitude of right of way 945 metres (a) Die volgende serwituut wat in n straat in die dorp wide along the side AD as shown on the diagram val: abovementioned in favour of the General Public" "Subject to a servitude of right of way 945 metres (b) The following right which will not be passed onto wide along the side AD as shown on the diagram erven in the township: abovernentioned in favour of the General Public" "The Remaining Extent of Portion C of the eastern (b) Die volgende reg wat nie aan erwe in die dorp oar Portion of the farm Rietfontein No 63 of which the gedra sal word the: property hereby transferred forms a portion is en "The Remaining Extent of Portion C of the eastern titled to a right of way over Portion D of Portion C of Portion of the farm Rietfontein No 63 of which the eastern Portion of the farm Rietfontein No 63 the property hereby transferred forms a portion is transferred tinder Deed of Transfer No 2966/930" entitled to a right of way over Portion D of Portion C 6 Demolition of Buildings of the eastern Portion of the farm Rietfontein 63 transferred under Deed of Transfer No 2966/930" I The township owner shall at its own expense cause all buildings situated within the building line reserves side 6 Sloping van Geboue spaces or over common boundaries to be demolished to Die dorpseienaar moet op eie koste alle geboue gelee the satisfaction of the local authority when required to Mime boulynreserwes kantruimtes of oor gemeenskaplike do so by the local authority grense laat sloop tot voldoening van die plaaslike bestuur wanner die plaaslike bestuur dit vereis 7 Enforcementof Conditions The township owner shall observe the conditions of es 7 Nakotning van Voorwaardes tablishment and shall take the necessary steps to secure Die dorpseienaar moct die stigtingsvoorwaardes nakom the enforcement of the conditions of title and any other en die nodige stappe doen om te sorg dat die titelvoorwaar conditions imposed in terms of section 62 of Ordinance 25 des en enige ander voorwaardes opgele kragtens artikel 62 of 965: Provided that the Administrator shall have the van Ordonnansie 25 van 965 nagekom word: Met dien verstande power to relieve the township owner of all or dat die Administrateur die bevoegdheid besit any of the om die dorpseienaar van almal of enigeen van die verplig obligations and to vest these in any other person or body tings te onthef en om sodanige verpligtings by: enige ander of persons persoon of liaaaam met rcgspersoonlikheid te laat berus B CONDITIONS OF TITLE B TITELVOORWAARDES The Ewen with Certain Exceptions Die Erwe met Sekere Uilsonderings The erven with the exception of: (i) such erven as may be acquired by the State; and _ Die enve met uitsondering van: MP co erwe war deur die Staat verkry word; en As GO such erven as may be acquired for municipal Ljs jillerwe watyirmunisipale doeleindes verkry word

73 PROVINSIALE KOERANT 5 ME purposes provided the Administrator has ap mits die Administrateur die doeleindes waarvoor proved the purposes for which such erven are sodanige erwe nadir% goedgekeur het required is onderworpe aan die voorwaardes hierna genocm opgele shall be subject to the conditions hereinafter set forth imdeur die Administrateur kragtens die bepalings van die posed by the Administrator under the provisions of the Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe 965: Town planning and Townships Ordinance 965 (a) Die erf is onderworpe aan n serwituut vir riolerings (a) The erf is subject to a servitude 2 metres wide in en ander munisipale doeleindes ten gunste van die favour of the local authority for sewerage and other plaaslike bestuur 2 meter breed langs enige twee van municipal purposes along any two of its boundaries sy grease uitgesonderd n straaterens soos deur die other than a street boundary as determined by the plaaslike bestuur bepaal local authority (b) Geen gebou of ander struktuur marl binne die voor (b) No building or other structure shall be erected with noemde serwituutgebied opgerig word nie en geen in the aforesaid servitude area and no large rooted grootwortelbome mag binne die gebied van sodanige trees shall be planted within the area of such servi serwituut of binne n afstand van twee meter daarvan tude or within 2 metres thereof geplant word nie (c) The local authority shall be entitled to deposit tern (c) Die plaaslike bestuur is geregtig om enige materiaal porarily on the land adjoining the aforesaid servitude viat deur horn uitgegrawc word tydens die aanleg on such material as may be excavated by it during the derhoud of verwydering van sodanige rioolhoofpyp course of the construction maintenance or removal of leidings en ander werke wat by volgens goeddunke such sewerage mains and other works as it in its disnoodsaaklik ag tydelik to plans op die grond wat aan cretion may deem necessary and shall further be en die voornoemde serwituut grens en voorts is die plans titled to reasonable access to the said land for the like bestuur geregtig tot redelike toegang tot genoem aforesaid purpose subject to any damage done during de grond vir die voornoemde doel onderworpe dear the process of the construction maintenance or aan dat die plaaslike bestuur enige skade vergoed wat removal of such sewerage mains and other works gedurende die aanleg onderhoud of verwydering van being made good by the local authority sodanige rioolhoofpypteidings en under werke vetoorsaak word 2 Stale and Municipal Erven 2 Slants en Munisipale Enve Should any erf acquired as contemplated in Clause B() and (ii) hereof be registered in the name of any per As enige erf verkry soos beoog in Klousule BI(i) en (ii) hiervan son other than the State or the local authority such erf a geregistreer word op naam van enige ander per soons die Staat of die plaaslike bestuur dun is so n shall thereupon be subject to such conditions as may be erf daarop onderworpe aan sodanige voorwaardes as wat determined by the Administrator die Administrateur bepaal

74 330 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 5 MAY 974 GENERAL NOTICES ALGERAENE KENNIISGEWINGS A NOTICE 78 OF 974 KENNISGEWING 78 VAN 974 PROPOSED ESTABLISHMENT OF PARKHAVEN VOORGESTELDE STIGTING VAN DORP PARK EXTENSION TOWNSHIP HAVEN UITBREIDING NO By Notice No 668 of 972 the establishment of Park Onder Kennisgewing No 668 van 972 is aansoek haven Extension Township on the farm Witkoppie om die stigting van die dorp Parkhaven Uitbreiding No No 644R district Kempton Park was advertised op die plaas vitkoppie No 64IR distrik Kemptonpark Since then an amended plan has been received by geadverteer virtue of which the layout has been altered to make pro Sedertdien is n gewysigde plan ingedien waarkragtens vision for General Municipal en 3 Park erven die uitleg gewysig is om voorsiening te maak vir Algemene Water Tower 2 Churches Veterinary Consulting Room Munisipale erf 3 Parke Watertoring 2 Kerke I Business 2 Garage 2 School State 5 General Veearts spreekkamer Besigheid 2 Garage 2 Skool Residential 92 Special Residential Staat 5 Algemene Woonerwe 92 Spesiale Woonerwe The application together witht the relative plans Die aansoek met die betrokke planne dokumente en documents and information is open for inspection at inligting 8 ter insae by die kantoor van die Direkteur the office of the Director Room B206A 2nd Floor Kamer B206A 2de Vloer Blok B Provinsiale Gebou Block B Provincial Building Pretorius Street Pretoria for Pretoriusstraat Pretoria vir n tydperk van agt weke na _ a period of eight weeks from the date hereof datum hiervan In terms of section 58(5) of the Tawnplanning and Ingevolge artikel 58(5) van die Ordonnansie op Dorps Townships Ordinance 965 any person who wishes to beplanning en Dorpe 965 moet iedereen wat beswaar object to the granting of the application or who is wit maak teen die toestaan van die aansoek of wat begerig desirous of being heard or of making representations in is om in die saak gehoor te word of vertod te rig die the matter shall communicate in writing with the Direkteur skriftelik in kennis stet Director of Local Government Such communication shall Sodanige kennisgewing moet nie later nie as agt weke be received by the Director not later than eight weeks van die datum van sodanige eerste publikasie in die from the date of such first publication in the Provincial Provinsiale Koerant deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike Gazette Bestuur ontvang word All objections must be lodged in duplicate and Alle besware moet in duplikaat ingedien word en gerig addressed to the Director of Local Government Private word aan die Direkteur Departement van Plaaslike Bag X437 Pretoria Bestuur Privaatsak X437 Pretoria E UYS E UYS Director of Local Government Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Pretoria 8 May 974 Pretoria 8 Mei 974 PB PB NOTICE 79 OF 974 KENNISGEWING 79 VAN 974 BENONI AMENDMENT SCHEME NO /28 BENONI WYSIGINGSKEMA NO /28 It is hereby notified in terms of section 46 of the Town Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel planning and Townships Ordinance 965 (as amended) 46 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe that application has been made by the owner Mr S 965 (soos gewysig) bekend gemaak dat die eienaar mnr Govender 305 Fazel Street Actonville Benoni for the S Govender Fazelstraat 305 Actonville Benoni aan amendment of Benoni Town planning Scheme No sock gedoen het om Benoni dorpsaanlegskema No 947 by rezoning Erven Nos 82 and 83 situate corner 947 te wysig deur die hersonering van Erwe Nos 82 of Lowton and Surtee Streets Actonville Extension No 83 gelee hoek van Lawton en Surteestrate dorp Acton 3 Township from: ville Uitbreiding No 3 van: (a) Erf No 82 "Special" for trade and business pur (a) Erf No 82 "Spesiaal" vir besigheids en handels poses doeleindes (o) Erf No 83 "Special Residential" with a density (b) Erf No 83 "Spesiale Woon" met n digtheid van of "One dwelling per Ed" to "Special" (use zone "Een waning per Erf" tot "Spesiaal" (gebruikstreek XI) for: XI) vir: (i) Trade and business purposes including a licenc (i) Besigheids en handelsdoeleindes insluitende n ed restaurant and lounge on the ground and gelisensieerde restaurant en sitkamer op die first floors grand en eerste vloere (ii) Flats on the two upper floors subject to cer (ii) boonste twee vloere vir woonstelle onderworpe tain conditions aan sekere voorwaardes The amendment will be known as Benoni Amend Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat ment Scheme No /28 Further particulars of the Benoniwysigingskema No /28 genoem sal word) 8 Scheme are open for inspection at the office of the in die kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur 40 Town Clerk Benoni and at the office of the Director Kamer B206A Provinsiale Gebou Pretoriusstraat Pre of Local Government Room B206A Provincial Build toria en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Benoni ing Pretorius Street Pretoria ter insae lill

75 PROVINSIALE KOERANT 5 MEI Any objection or representations in regard to the Enige beswaar of veto teen die aansoek kan te eniger application shall be submitted to the Director of Local tyd binne n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van Government in writing at the above address or Private hierdie kennisgewinb aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Be Bag X437 Pretoria and the Town Clerk Private Bag stuur by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437 Pretoria X04 Benoni at any time within a period of four en die Stadsklerk Privaatsak X04 Benoni skriftelik weeks from the date of this notice voorgel8 word E UYS : : E UYS Director of Local Government Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Pretoria 8 May 974 Pretoria 8 Mei 974 PB PB NOTICE 80 OF 974 KENNISGEWING 80 VAN 974 PRETORIA REGION AMENDMENT SCHEME PRETORIASTREEK WYSIGINGSKEMA NO 57 NO 57 Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel It is hereby notified in terms of section 46 Of the 46 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning endorpe L Townplanning and Townships Ordinance 965 (as 965 (soos gewysig) bekend gemaak dat die eienares amended) that application has been made by the owner mev S E Goodman P/A mnre S L Fine en Barnes Mrs S E Goodman C/O Messri S L Fine and Libri Geboit 4 Kerkstraat Pretoria aansoek gedoen Barnes 4 Libri Building Church Street Pretoria for het om Pretoriastreek dorpsaanlegskema 960 te wysig the amendment of Pretoria Region Townplanning deur die hersonering van Erf No 780 gele8 aan Indus Scheme 960 by rezoning Erf No 780 situate on straat dorp Waterkloof Ridge van "Spesiale Woon" Indus Street Waterkloof Ridge from "Special Residen met n digtheid van "Een woonhuis per Erf" tot tial" with a density of "One dwelling per Err to "Spesiale Woon" met n digtheid van "Een Woonhuis "Special Residential" with a density of "One dwelling per yk vt" per sq ft" Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat The amendment will be known as Pretoria Region Pretoriastreek wysigingskema No 57 genoem sal word) Amendment Scheme No 57 Further particulars of le in die kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike the Scheme are open for inspection at the office of Bestuur ICatner 3206A ProvinsialeGebou Pretorius the Town Clerk Pretoria and at the Office of the straat Pretoria en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk Director of Local Government Room B206A Provincial van Pretoria ter insae Building Pretorius Street Pretoria Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te Any objection or representations in regard to the eniger tyd binne n tydperk van 4 iveke vanaf die datum application shall be submitted to the Director of Local van hierdie ikennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaas Government in writing at the obave address or Private like Bestuur by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437 Bag X437 Pretoria and the Town Clerk PO Box Pretoria en die Stadsklerk Posbus 440 Pretoria skrif 440 Pretoria at any time within a period of 4 weeks telik voorgele word from the date of this notice E UYS E UYS Director of Local Government Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Pretoria; 8 May 974 Pretoria 8 Mei 974 PB PB NOTICE 8 OF 974 KENNISGEWING 8 VAN 974 ko NORTHERN JOHANNESBURG REGION AMEND : NOORDELIKE JOHANNESBURGSTREEK MENT SCHEME NO 326 WYSIGINGSKEMA NO 326 The Director of Local Government hereby gives notice Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierhy kenin terms of section 3 of the Town planning and Town nig kra:gtens artikel 3 van die Ordonnansie op Dorps ships Ordinance 965 (Ordinance 25 of 965) that the beplanning en Dorpe 965 (Ordonnansie 25 van 965) Town Council of Sandton has submitted an interim dat die Stadsraad van Sandton n voorlopige skema wat scheme which is an amendment scheme to wit the n wysigingskema is to wete die Noordelike Johannes Northern Johannesburg Region Amendment Scheme No burgstreekwysigingskema No 326 voorgelo het om die 326 to amend the relevant townplanning scheme in betrokke dorpsbeplanningskema in werking te wete operation to wit the Northern Johannesburg Region die Noordelike Johannesburgstreek dorpsaanlegskema Town planning Scheme 958 in the following manner: 958 te wysig soos volg: (a) Clause 3: (a) Klounde 3: By the deletion of the expression "warehousea" Deur die verwydering van die uitdrukking "pakhuise" from the definition of "Business Premises" and the uit die omskrywing van "Besigheidsperseel" en die insertion of the following further definition: invoeging van die volgende verdere omskrywing:

76 332 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 5 MAY 974 _ "`Warehouse means _a building used for storage "Pakhuis beteken n gebou vir bergingsdoeleindes purposes and shall include ancillary office accom en sluit in aanvullende kantoorakkommodasie" modation (b) Klouside 5(a): Tabel D: l (b) Cause 5(a): Table D: _Deur By (i) die venwydering van die uitdrukking "Besig () the deletion of the expression "Business Pre heidsperseel" uit Kolom 3 van gebruiksones VII niises" from Column 3 of use zones VII and en VIII; VIII; (ii) die byvoeging van die uitdrukkina "Pakhuise" (ii) the addition of the expression "Warehouses" tot Kolom 3 van gebruiksones IV en VIII; en to Column 3 of use zones IV and VIII; and i (iii) die byvoeging van die woorde "en kantore aan (iii) the addition of the words "and offices ancil ; vullend tot die hoofgebruik" tot Kolom 3 van lary to the main use" to Column 3 of use gebruiksones VII en VIII zones VII and VIII Die voornoemde voorlopige skema is vir inspeksie The aforesaid interim scheme is open for inspection!beskikbaar op die kantoor van die Direkteur van at the office of the Director of Local Government Plaaslike Bestuur Kamer B206A Provinsiale Gebou Pre Room B206A Provincial Building Pretorius Street toriusstraat Pretoria en van die Stadsklerk van die Stads Pretoria: and at the office of the Town Clerk of the raad : van Sandton Town Council of Sandton Waar kragtens die bepalings van artikel 3 van Where in : terms of section 3 of the aforesaid Ordin voornoemde Ordonnansie enige eienaar of besitter van ance any owner or occupier of immovable property and onroerende eiendom en enige plaaslike bestuur die reg any local authority have the right to lodge an objection het om n beswaar in te dien of vertod te rig in verband or to make representations in respect of the said interim met sodanige voorlopige skema moet sodanige beswaar scheme such owner or occupier or local authority shall of sodanige vertoe binne 4 weke vanaf die eerste publi submit such objection pr may make such representations kasie van hierdie kennisgewing in die Provinsiale Koerant in writing to the Director of Local Government at the skriftelik aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur by above address or Private Bag X437 Pretoria within a bogemelde adres of Privaatsak X437 Pretoria voorgele period of 4 weeks from the date of the first publication word of this notice in the Provincial Gazette E UYS E UYS Director of Local Government Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Pretoria; 8 May 974 Pretoria 8 Mei :: : NOTICE 82 OF 974 KENNISGEWING 82 VAN 974 KEMPTON PARK AMENDMENT SCHEME KEMPTONPARK WYSIGINGSKEMA NO /35 NO /35 Hietby word: ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel It is hereby notified in terms of section 46 of the 46 van die Ordonnansie op D5rpsbeklanning en Dorpe TownPlanning and Townships Ordinance 965 (as 965 (soos gewysig) bekend gemaak dat die eienaar amended) that application has been made by the owner s mnre I C du Raan Beleggings (Edms) Bpk P/a mnre Mesirs L C du Raan Beleggings (Pty) Ltd C/o Messrs Van Zyl en Gemmell Posbus 555 Kemptonpark aan Van Zyl and Gemmel] PO Box 555 Kempton Park soek gedoen het om Kemptonpark dorpsaanleaskerna for the amendment of Kempton Park Townplanning No 952 te wysig deur die hersonering van Gedeelte Sclieme No 952 by rezoning Portion 20 of Ed No 20 van Erf No 25 geled aan Jubileestraat dorp Kemp 25; situate on Jubilee Street _Kempton Park Township tonpark van "Spesiale Woon" met n digtheid van "Een from "Special Residential" with a density of "One dwel waning per vk vt" tot "Algemene Woon" onder ling per sq ft" to "General Residential" subject worpe aan sekere voorwaardes to certain conditions The amendment will _be known as Kempton Park Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat : Kemptonparkwysigingskeina No /35 gcnoem sal Amendment Scheme No /35 Further particulars of word) 8 in die kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike the Scheme are open for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk Kempton Park and at the office of the Bestuur Kamer Gebou Pretorius B206An die kantoor van van Provinsiale ; straat Pretoria en i die Stadsklerk Director of Local Government Room B206A Provin ark ter insae cialkemptonpark Building Pretorius Street Pretoria Any objection or representations in regard to the ap l Emge beswaarof vertod teen die aansoek kan te eniaer i plication shall be submitted to the Director of Local [yd binne?n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van Government in writingat the above address or Plivate ; hierdie kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bag X437 Pretoria and the Town Clerk PO Box3 : Restuur by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437 Preto Kempton Park at any time within a period of 4 weeks ria en die StadsklerkposbuS 3 Kemptonpark skrif from the date of this notice telik voorgel8 word E UYS E UYS 0 Director of LoCal Government Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Pretoria 8 May 974 ; Pretoria 8 Mei I974 PB 4: L : _ ; : ; : PB!

77 PROVINSIAILE KOERANT 5 MEI h NOTICE 83 OF 974 KENNISGEWING 83 VAN 974 [ Amendment PRETORIA NORTH AMENDMENT SCHEME PRETORIANOORD WYSIGINGSKEMA NO /57 NO /57 Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel It is hereby notified in terms of section 46 of the 46 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe Town planning and Townships Ordinance 965 (as 965 (sects gewysig) bekend gemaak dat die eienaar mnr amended) that application has been made by the owner J F D Kriel3/a mnre Swart Olivier en Prinsen Pos Mr J F D Kriel C/o Messrs Swart Olivier and Prin bus 2405 Pretoria aansoek gedoen het om Pretoriasen PO Box 2405 Pretoria for the amendment of Noorddorpsaanlegskema No 950 te wysig deur die Pretoria North Town planning Scheme No 950 by hersonering van Erf No 376 gelee aan Generaal rezoning Erf No 376 situate on General Beyers Street Beyersstraat dorp PretoriaNoord van "Spesiale Woon" Pretoria North Township from "Special Residential" with met n digtheid van "Een Woonhuis per Erf" tot "Spe a density of "One dwelling per Erf" to "Special Real siale Woon" met n digtheid van "Een Woonhuis per dential" with a density of "One dwelling per vk vt" sq ft" Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat The amendment will be known as Pretoria North PretoriaNoordwysigingskema No /57 genoem sal Scheme No /57 Further particulars of word) le in die kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike the Scheme are open for inspection at the office of the Bestuur Kamer B206A Provinsiale Gebou Pretorius Town Clerk Pretoria and at the office of the Director straat Pretoria en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk of Lobel Government Room B206A Provincial Buildvan Pretoria ter insae ing Pretorius Street Pretoria of vertoo aansoek kan te eniger Any objection or representations in regard to the tydperkvanwe tydenbiignenebesnwaar 4teen diek e vane te datum van application shall be submitted to the Director of Local hierdie kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Government in writing at the above address or Private Bestuur by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437 Preto Bag X437 Pretoria and the Town Clerk PO Box 440 ria en die Stadsklerk PoSbus 440 Pretoria skriftelik Pretoria at any time within a period of 4 weeks from voorgele word: the date of this notice E UYS E UYS Director of Local Government Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Pretoria 8 May 974 Pretoria 8 Mei 974 PB PB lio NOTICE 84 OF 974* KENNISGEWING 84 VAN 974 PRETORIA REGION AMENDMENT SCHEME PRETORIASTREEK WYSIGINGSKEMA NO 572 NO 572 Hierby It word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel is hereby notified in terms of section 46 of the 46 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Town planning and Townships Ordinance 965 (as Dorpe 965 (soos amended) that application has been made by the owner gewysig) bekend gemaak dat die eienaar mnr A Storm 83 Polaris Avenue Waterkloof Ridge A Storm Polarislaan 83 Waterkloof Ridge aan Mrs ek gedoen et om Pretoria for Pretoriastreek the amendment of Pretoria Region Town dorpsaanlegskema 960 te wystg: deur die planning hersonering van Ed No 823 Scheme 960 by rezoning Erf No 823situate geed honk van Polarislaan en corner of Polaris Avenue and Neptune Street Waterkloof Neptiinestraat dorp Waterkloof w Ridge van "Spesiale Woon" met n Ridge Township from "Special Residential" with a den digtheid " " sity of "One dwelling per Erf" to "Special Residential Bent woonhuis van per Erf" tot Spesiale Woon" met n digtheid van "Een woonhuis per vk vt" with a density of "One dwelling per sq ft" t The amendment will be known as Pretoria Region Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat Amendment Scheme No 572 Further particulars of the Pretoriastreekwysigingskema No 572 genoem sal word) Scheme are open for inspection at the office of the le in die kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Be Town Clerk Pretoria and at the office of the Director stuur Kamer 3206A Provinsiale Gebou Pretoriusstraat of Local Government Room B206A Provincial Build Pretoria!en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van ing Pretorius Street Pretoria Pretoria ter insae Any objection or representations in regard to the ap Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te eniger plication shall be submitted to the Director of Local tyd binne n tydperk van 4 vieke vanaf die datum van Government in writing at the above addressor Pritate hierdie kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bag X437 Pretoria and the Town Clerk PO Box440 Bestuur by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437 Preto Pretoria at any time within a period of 4 weeks from ria en die Stadsklerk Posbus 440 Pretoria skriftelik the date of this notice voorgeta word E UYS E UYS z : Director of Local Government Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Pretoria 8 May 974 Pretoria 8 Mei:974 ; : :) i i PB : t 8 5

78 334 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 5 MAY 974 NOTICE 77 OF 974 person who wishes to object to the granting of the appli cation or who is desirous of being heard or of making PROPOSED ESTABLISHMENT OF TOWNSHIPS representations in the matter shall communicate in writing with the Director of Local Government Such communi It is hereby notified in terms of section 58() of the cation shall be received by the Director not later than TownPlanning and Townships Ordinance 965 that eight weeks from the date of such first publication in the application has been made for permission to establish the Provincial Gazette townships mentioned in the accompanying Annexure M objections must be lodged in duplicate and ad The application together with the relevant plans docu dressed to the Director of Local Government PO Box melds and information is open for inspection atthe office 892 Pretoria of the Director; Room B206A 2nd Floor Block B Pro E UYS vincial Building PretoriusStreet Pretoria for a period of Director of Local Government eight weeks from the date hereof Pretoria 8 May 974 In terms of section 58(6) of the said Ordinance any 8 5 ANNEXURE (a) Name of TownShip and Number of Erven Description of Land Situation Reference Number (b) Owner(s) (a): Randparkrif Special Portion 22 of the Northeast of and PB Extension 8 Residential : 25 farm Boschkop No abuts Dale Lace Ave (b) Monkor Trust General 990 district Roo nue and south west of Dorpsgebiede Residential : 2 depoort and abuts Randpark (Pty) Ltd and Special Offices : 2 rif Extension 8 Wiljay Investments Parks : 2 (Pty)Ltd (a) Eden Glen Special Holding 25 Riet Northeast of and PB Extension 9 Residential : 6 fontein Agricultural a b it t s Clarenspark (b) Rykwag Holdings district Township southwest (Pty) Ltd Edenvale of and abuts Smith Avenue (a) Kleine Weide Special Portion 29 (a portion East of and abuts Ad PB (b) Clara Meyburgh Residential : 78 of Portion 2) of the cock Street west of General farm Witpoortjie No and abuts Trezona (a) Dunsevern Residential : 245I0 district Kru Avenue Business : gersdorp Industrial : General Portion 8 (a portion Northeast of and PB :Extension 2 Residential : of Portion 66) of the abuts L y n d li u r s t (b)w L + 5 Business : I farm Syferfontein No Township north west : Investments 5LR district of and abuts Dorelan (Pty;) Ltd Johannesburg Township (a) Bedfordview Special Portion 7 of Holding South west of and PB Extension 232 Residential : Geldenhuis Es abuts the proposed (b) Neville Avory Payne tales Small Holdings township Bedfordview district Bedford view Extension 95 and south east of and abuts Van Buuren Road (a) RavinswOod Spegal Holdings 5 and 7 North of and abuts PB Extension 9 Residential : 36 of Ravenswood Agri Holding No 9 (b)lodiap Investments cultural H o I d in g s Ravenswood Agricul (Pty) Ltd Settlement Boksburg tural Holdings and west of and abuts Thirteenth Avenue (a) Oordonsview Special Remaining Portion of South west of and PB (b) Glen Anil Residential : 298 the northeastern Por abuts Knoppiesfontein Development Parks : 3 tion of the farm Put 23IR and southeast Corporation Ltd fontein No 26IR of and abuts Vark district Benoni fontein 25IR

79 Woon PROVINSIALE KOERANT 5 MEI I KENNISGEWING 77 VAN 974: moet iedereen wat beswaar wil maak teen die toestaan van die aansoeke of wat begerig is om in die saak gehoor VOORGESTELDE STIGTING VAN DORPE te word of vertoe te rig die Direkteur skriftelik in kennis stel Sodanige kennisgewing moet nie later nie as agt weke Ingevolge artikel 58() van die Ordonnansie op Dorps van die ciatuni Iiiii soclanige eerste publikasie in die Pro beplanning en Dorpe 965 word hiermee bekend gemaak viasiale Koerant deur die Direkteur van Plaasfike Bestuur dat aansoek gedoen is om toestemming om die dorpe onttabg word gemeld in meegaande Bylae te stig Alle besware moet in duplo ingedien word en gerig Die aansoek met die betrokke plane dokumente en word aan die DirekteUri Van Plaaslike Bestitut; Posbus inligting le ter insae by die kantoor van die Direkteur 892 Pretoria Kamer B206A 2de Vloer Blok B Provinsiale Gebou Pretoriusstraat Pretoria vir n tydperk van agt weke EUYS na detain hiervat Direkteur van Paaslike /3estuur Pretoria 8 Mei 974 Ingevolge artikel 58(6) van die genoemde Ordonnansie ; 8 5 BYLAE _ (a) Naam van Dorp en Aantal Erwe Beskrywing van Ligging Verwysingsnommer (b) Eienaar(s) Grond (a) Randparkrif Spesiale Gedeelte 22 van die NoortlOos :van e n P Uitbreiding 8 : 25 pleas BoscliCop No grens aan Dale Lace (b) Monkor Trust Algemene 99IQ distrik Roo lean en csuidwes van Dorpsgebiede Woon : 2 depoort en Otis aan Rand (Films) Bpken Spesiaal Parkrif Uitbreiding 8 Wiljay Investments Kantore : 2 (Edms) Bpk Parke : 2 i (a) Eden Glen Spesiale Hoewe 25 Rietfontein Noordoos v a n e n PB Uitbreiding 9 Woon : 6 Landbouhoewes dis grens aan Clarenspark (b) Rykwag trik Edenvale dorp suidwes van en (Edms) Bpk grens aan Smithlaan (a) Kleine Weide Spesiale Gedeelte 29 (n ge Oos van en grens aan PB (b) Clara Meyburgh Woon : 78 deelte van Gedeelte Adcockstraat wes van Algemene 2) van die pleas Wit en grens aan Trezona Woon : poortjie No 245 LO Ian Besigheid : distrik Krugersdorp Nywerheid : (a) Dunsevern Algemene Gedeelte 8 (n ge Noordoos v a n e n PB Uitbreiding 2 Woon : deelte van Gedeelte grens aan Lyndhurst (b) W L ± 5 Besigheid : 66) van die plaas Sy dorp noordwes van Investments ferfontein No 5R en grens aan die dorp (Edms) Bpk distrik Johannesburg Dorelan (a) Bedfordview Spesiale Gedeelte 7 van Hoewe Suidwes en grens aan PB Uitbreiding 232 Woon : Geldenhuis Es voorgestelde d o r p (b) Neville Avory Payne tate Kleinhoewes dis Bedfordview Uitbreitrik Bedfordview ding 95 en suidoos en grens aan Van Buurenweg (a) Ravenswood Spesiale Hoewes 5 en 7 Noord van en grens PB Uitbreiding 9 Woon : 36 van Ravenswood aan Hoewe No 9 (b) Lodian Investments Landbouhoewes dis van Raven s w o o d (Edms) Bpk trik Boksburg Landbouhoewes e n wes van en grens aan Dertiende Laan (a) Gordonsview Spesiale Resterende Gedeelte Suidwes van en grens (b) Glen Anil Woon : 298 van die noordoostelike aan Knoppiesfontein Development Parke : 3 Gedeelte van die plaas 23IR en suidoos van Corporation Bpk Putfontein No 26 en grens aan Varkfon Lk distrik Benoni tein 25 IR PB

80 336 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 5 MAY; 974 _ NOTICE 90 OF 974 person who wishes to object to the granting of the ap plication or who is desirous of being heard or of making PROPOSED ESTABLISHMENT OF TOWNSHIPS representations in the matter shall communicate in writ ing with the Director of Local Government Such corn : It is hereby notified in terms of section 58() of the munication shall be received by the Director not later Townplanning and Townships Ordinance 965 that :than eight weeks from the date of such first publication application has been made for permission to _establish in the Provincial Gazette the townships mentioned in the accompanying Annexure _ All objections must be lodged in duplicate and ad The application together with the relevant plans docu dressed to the Director of Local Government PO Box meths and information is open for inspection at the of 892 Pretoria fice of the Director Room B206A 2nd Floor Block B Provincial Building Pretorius Street Pretoria for a pe E UYS i riod of eight weeks from the date hereof Director of Local Government Pretoria 8 May 974 In terms of section 58(6) of the said Ordinance any 8 5 ANNEXURE (a) Name of Township and Number of Erven Description of Land Situation Reference Number (b) Owner(s) (a) Van der Hoff Park Special Portions South of and abuts Pa 422=3506 (b) Milan Landbou : Residential : and portion the Railway Reserve Ondernemings General (portion of Portion from Potchefstroom (Edms) Bpk Residential : 4) of the farm Vyf to Fochville south of Public Open hock No 428IQ and abuts the Re Space : 4 district Potchef mainder of Portion stroom 58 of the farm V3 r hock 428IQ : ; : : 3 4 ; _ r : _

81 PROVIN5IMIE KOERANT 5 MEI i KENNISGEWING 90 VAN 4974 sic moet iedereen wat beswaar wil maak teen die toe staan van die aansoeke of wat begerig is om in die saak VOORGESTELDE STIGTING VAN DORPE gehoor to word of verto8 to rig die Direkteur skriftelik in kennis stel Sodanige kennisgewing moet nie later Ingevolge artikel 58() van die Ordonnansie op Dorps nie as agt weke van die datum van sodanige eerste pu beplanning en Dorpe 965 word hiermee bekend ge blikasie in die Provinsiale Koerant deur die Direkteur maak dat aansoek gedoen is om toestemming om die van Plaaslike Bestuur ontvang word dorpe gemeld in meegaande Bylae to stig Alle besware moet in duplo ingedien word en gerig Die aansoek met die betrokke planne dokumente en word aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Posbus inligting le ter insae by die kantoor van die Direkteur 892 Pretoria Kamer B206A 2de Vloer Blok B Provinsiale Gebou Pretoriusstraat Pretoria vir n tydperk van agt weke na datum hiervan I Pretoria 8 Met 974 Ingevolge artikel 58(6) van die genoemde Ordonnan BYLAE E UYS Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur 8 5 (a) Naam van Dorp en Aantal Erwe Beskrywing van (b) Eienaar(s) r Hoff Park WoonGrond (a) Van de Spesiale Gedeeltes 270; 279 Suid van en grensi VePnvYB s4ii (b) Milan Landbou : en gedeelte aan die Spoorviegre Ondememings (Edms)Bpk Woon deelte 4): van die strooni na Fochville Openbare Oop ; plaas Vyfhoek No suid van en grens Rulmte : 4 428Q distrik Pot an Restant van Ge chefstroom deelte 58 van die Ligging nommer 2ḡ s23506 Algemene (n gedeelte van Ge: _SeIWC van Potdhef plus Vythoek 428 LQ 74: T _ 2 _ _ 0 : :

82 338 PROVINCINt GAZETTE 5 MAY 974 NOTICE 85 OF 974 KENNISGEWING 85 VAN 974 JOHANNESBURG AMENDMENT SCHEME JOHANNESBURG WYSIGINGSKEMA NO: /727 NO /727 Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel It is hereby notified in terms of section 46 of the 46 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe Town planning and Townships Ordinance 965 (as 965 (sons gewysig) bekend gemaak dat die eienaar amended) that application has been made by the owner mere Kelvin GroyeHotel (Edms) Bpk P/a mnre Dent Messd KelVin Grove Hotel (Pty) Ltd: C/o Messrs Course en Davey Posbus 3243 Johannesburg aansoek Dent Course and Davey PO Box 3243 Johannesburg gedoen lit 9m Johannesbiug dorpsaanlegskema No for the amendment of Johannesburg Townplanning 946; te wysig deur die hersonering van Restant van Ed Scheme No 946 by rezoning Remainder of Erf No No 28 gelee hoek van Cradock en Tyrwhittlane dorp 28 situate Corner of Cradock and Tyrwhitt Avenue Rosebank van "Algemene Woon" tot "Algemene Besig Rosebank Township from "General Residential" to held" onderworpe aan sekere voorwaardes General Business" subject to certain conditions The amendment will be known as Johannesburg Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat Amendment Scheme No /727 Further particulars of Johannesburgwysigingskema No 727 genoem sal word) le the Scheme are open for inspection at the office of the in die kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Be stuur Kamer B206A ProvinsialeGebou Pretoriusstraat Town Clerk at Room 75 Civic centre Braamfontein Pretoria en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk Kamer No and at the office of the Director of Local Government 75 Burgersentrum Braamfontein ter insae Room B206A; Provincial Building Pretorius Street Pretoria Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te Any objection or representations in regard to the enigerc tyd binne n tydperk van 4 weke; yanaf die datum application shall be submitted to the Director of Local van hierdiekennisgewing aan die Direkteur vanplaaslike Government in writing at the above address or Private Bestuur by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437 Pre Bag X437 Pretoria and the Town Clerk PO: Box itoria en die Stadsklerk Posbus 049 Johannesburg 049 Johannesburg at any time within a period of 4 skriftelik voorgele word weeks from the date ofdiii:notice E UYS E UYS ; Directoriof Local Government Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Pretoria S May 974 Pretoria 8 Mei 974 PB PB NOTICE 86 OF 974 KENNISGEWING 86 VAN 974 PRETORIA REGION AMENDMENT SCHEME PRETORIASTREEK WYSIGINGSKEMA NO 570 NO 570 Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel It is hereby notified in terms of section 46 of the 46 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe Townplanning and Townships Ordinance 965 (as 965 (soos gewysig) bekend gemaak dat die eienaar amended) that application has been made by the owner mnr J H Rossouw Breyerlaan 28 Waverley Pretoria Mr J H Rossouw 28 Breyer Avenue Waverley Pre aansoek gedoen het om Pretoriastreek dorpsaanlegskema toria for the amendment of Pretoria Region Town 960 to wysig deur die hersonering van Ed No 63 planning Scheme 960 by rezoning Erf No 63 situate gelee aan Breyerlaan dorp Waverley van "Spesiale on Breyer Avenue Waverley Township from "Special Woon" met n digtheid van "Een woonhuis per Ed" Residential" with a density of "One dwelling per Erf" tot "Spesiale Woon" met n digtheid van "Een woonhuis to "Special Residential" with a density of "One dwelling per vk vt" per sq ft" Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat The amendment will be known as Pretoria Region Pretoriastreekwysigingskema No 570 genoem sal word) Amendment Scheme No 570 Further particulars of the le in die kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Be Scheme are open for inspection at the office of the stuur Kamer B206A Provinsiale Gebou Pretoriusstraat Town Clerk Pretoria and at the office of the Director Pretoria en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Pre of Local Government Room B206A Provincial Build toria ter insae ing Pretorius Street Pretoria Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te eniger Any objection or representations in regard to the tyd binne n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van application shall be submitted to the Director of Local hierdie kennisgewmg aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Government in writing at the above address or Private Bestuur by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437 Pre Bag X437 Pretoria and the Town Clerk PO Box 440 toria en die Stadsklerk Posbus 440 Pretoria skriftelik Pretoria at any time within a period of 4 weeks from voorgele word the date of this notice E UYS E UYS Director of Local Government Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur 4 Pretoria 8 May 974 Pretoria 8 Mei 974 PB PB

83 PROVINSIALE KOERANT 5 MEI k NOTICE 87 OF 974 KENNISGEWING 87 VAN 974 VENTERSDORP AMENDMENT SCHEME NO /5 VENTERSDORPWYSIGINGSKEMA NO /5 The Director of Local Government hereby gives notice Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby kennis in terms of section 3 of the Town planning and Town kragtens artikel 3 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplan ships Ordinance 965 (Ordinance 25 of 965) that the ning en Dorpe 965 (Ordonnansie 25 van 965) dat die Town Council of Ventersdorp has submitted an interim Stadsraad van Ventersdorp n voorlopige skema wat n scheme which is an amendment scheme to wit the wysigingskema is te wete die Ventersdorp wysiging Ventersdorp Amendment Scheme No /5 to amend the skema No /5 voorgel8 het om die betrokke dorps relevant town planning scheme in operation to twit beplanningskema in working te wete die Ventersdorp the Ventersdorp Town planning Scheme No 955 dorpsaanlegskema No I 955 to wysig soos volg: in the following manner: Deur die hersonering van Erf No 303 omgrens deur By rezoning Ed No 303 bounded by Graaf Voor Graaf Voortrekker Plein en Markstrate dorp Ventrekker Plein and Mark Streets Ventersdorp Township tersdorp van "Munisipale Doeleindes" tot "Spesiale from "Municipal Purposes" to "Special Residential" with Woon" met n digtheid van "Een woonhuis per a density of "One dwelling per sq ft" and pro vk vt" en voorgestelde strate genommer posed streets numbered and en 38 L The aforesaid interim scheme is open for inspection Die voornoemde voorlopige skema is vir inspeksie at the office of the Director of Local Government Room beskikbaar op die kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaas B206A Provincial Building Pretorius Street Pretoria like Bestuur Kamer B206A Pretoriusstraat Pretoria and at the office of the Town Clerk of the Town Coun en van die Stadsklerk van die Stadsraad van Venters cil of Ventersdorp dorp Where in terms of section 32 of the aforesaid Ordin Waar kragtens die bepalings van artikel 32 van voorance any owner or occupier of immovable property noemde Ordonnansie enige eienaar of besitter van on and any local authority have the right to lodge an roerende eiendom en enige plaaslike bestuur die reg het objection or to make representations in respect of the om n beswaar in te dien of vertoe te rig in verband said interim scheme such owner or occupier or local met sodanige voorlopige skema moet sodanige beswaar authority shall submit such objection or may make such of sodanige vertoe binne 4 weke vanaf die eerste publikarepresentations in writing to the Director of Local sie van hierdie kennisgewing in die Provinsiale Koerant Government at the above address or Private Bag X437 skriftelik aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur by Pretoria within a period of 4 weeks from the date of the bogemelde adres of Privaatsak X437 Pretoria voorgele first publication of this notice in the Provincial Gazette word E IlYS E INS Director of Local Government Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Pretoria 8 May 974 Pretoria 8 Mei 974 PB PB NOTICE 88 OF 974 KENNISGEWING 88 VAN 974 POTCHEFSTROOM AMENDMENT SCHEME NO /69 POTCHEFSTROOM WYSIGINGSKEMA NO /69 It is hereby notified in terms of section 46 of the Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel Town planning and Townships Ordinance 965 (as 46 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe amended) that application has been made by the owner 965 (soos gewysig) bekend gemaak dat die eienaar Mr W H Coetsee PO Box 98 Orkney for the amend mnr W H Coetsee Posbus 98 Orkney aansoek gedoen ment of Potchefstroom Town planning Scheme No het om Potchefstroom dorpsaanlegskema No by rezoning Remainder of Erf No 97 situate on te wysig deur die hersonering van Restant van Erf No Wilgen Street Potchefstroom Township from "Special 97 gelee aan Wilgenstraat dorp Potchefstroom van Residential" with a density of "One dwelling per "Spesiak Woon" met a digtheid van "Een woonhuis sq ft" to "Special Residential" with a density per vk vt" tot "Spesiale Woon" met n digtheid of "One dwelling per sq ft" van "Een woonhuis per vk vt" The amendment will be known as Potchefstroom Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat Amendment Scheme No /69 Further particulars of Potchefstroomwysigingskema No /69 genoem sal word) the Scheme are open for inspection at the office of the 6 in die kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Be Town Clerk Potchefstroom and at the office of the stuur Kamer B206A Provinsiale Gebou Pretoriusstraat Director of Local Government Room B206A Provin Pretoria en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Pot cial Building Pretorius Street Pretoria chefstroom ter insae Any objection or representations in regard to the ap Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan to plication shall be submitted to the Director of Local eniger tyd binne n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum

84 340 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 5 MAY 974 Government in writing at the above address or Private van hierdie kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plans A Bag X437 Pretoria and the Town Clerk PO Box 3 like Bestuur by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437 Potchefstroom at any time within a period of 4 weeks Pretoria en die Stadsklerk Posbus 3 Potchefstroom from the date of this notice skriftelik voorgele word Pretoria 8 May 974 UYS E UYS Director of Local Government Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Pretoria 8 Mei 974 PB PB NOTICE 89 OF 974 KENNISGEWING 89 VAN 974 PRETORIASTREEK WYSIGINGSKEMA NO 569 NO 569 It is hereby notified in terms of section 46 of the Hicrby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel Town planning and Townships Ordinance (as van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe amended) that application has been 965 made by the owner (soon gewysig) bekend gemaak dot die cienares Mrs L C Wilding C/o Messrs S L Fine and Barnes mev L C Wilding P/a mnre S L Fine en Barnes PRETORIA REGION AMENDMENT SCHEME 4 Libri Building Church Street Pretoria for the amend Libri Gebou 4 Kerkstraat Pretoria aansoek gedoen het ment of Pretoria Region Town planning Scheme 960 om Pretoriastreek dorpsaanlegskema 960 te wysig deur by rezoning Erf No 43 h situate between 4th and 5thersonering van Erf No 43 gelee tussen 4de en 5de Streets Menlo Park Township from "Special Residendigtheid van "Een woonhuis pertot "Spesiale Strate dorp Menlo Park van "Spesiale Woon" met n tial" with a density of "One dwelling per Erf" to "Special Residential" with Woon" a density of "One dwelling per met n digtheid van "Een woonhuis per sq ft" vk vt" The amendment will be known as Pretoria Region Verdcre besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat Amendment Scheme No 569 Further particulars of Pretoriastreekwysigingskema No 569 genoem sal word)! the Scheme are open for inspection at the office of the to in die kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Be Town Clerk Pretoria and at the office of the Director stuur Kamer 8206A Provinsiale Gebou Pretoriusstraat of Local Government Room B206A Provincial Pretoria Build en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Pre Mg Pretorius Street Pretoria toria to insae Any objection or representations in regard to the ap Enige beswaar of vertoo teen die aansoek kan te eniger plication shall be submitted to the Director of Local tyd binne n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van Gdvernment in writing at the above address or Private hierdic kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bag X437 Pretoria and the Town Clerk PO Box 440 Bestuur by bovermelde i adres of Privaatsak X437 Pre Pretoria at any time :within a period of 4 weeks from toria en die Stadsklerk Posbus 440 Pretoria skriftelik the date of this notice voorgele word E UYS E UYS Director of Local Government Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Pretoria 8 May 974 Pretoria 8 Mei 974 PB PB r 8 5 NOTICE 9 OF 974 KENNISGEWING 9 VAN 974 PROPOSED ESTABLISHMENT OF BARDENE VOORGESTELDF STIGTING VAN DORP BAR EXTENSION 2 TOWNSHIP DENE UITBREIDING 2 By Notice No 266 of 97 the establishment of Ma Onder Kennisgewing No 266 van 97 is n aansoek deirapark Township on the farm Klipfontein No 83IR om die stigting van die dorp Madcirapark van die plans district Boksburg was advertised Klipfontein No 83IR distrik Boksburg geadverteer Since then an amended plan has been received by virtue Sedertdien is n gewysigdc plan ingcdien waarkragtens of which the layout die uitleg as volg gewysig is om has been altered to make voorsiening te maak provision vir Garage crf for Garage erf Die aansoek met die betrokke planne dokumente en The application together with the relative plans docuinligting meats and information le ter insae by is die kantoor van die Direkteur open for inspection at the office of the Director Room B206A 2nd Floor Block B Kamer B206A 2de Vloer Blok B Provinsiale Gebou Provincial Building Pretorius Street Pretoria for a period Pretoriusstraat Pretoria vir n tydperk van agt wcke na of eight weeks from the date hereof datum hiervan In terms of section 58(5) of the Townplanning and Ingevolge artikel 58(5) van die Ordonnansie op Dorps Townships Ordinance 965 any person who wishes to beplanning en Dorpe 965 mod iedereen wat beswaar

85 _ PROVII4SiAllE KOEnAICIT 5 MEI II object to th egranting of the application or who is desirous wil maak teen die toestaan van die aansoek of wat begerig of being heard or of making representations in the matter is om in die sank aehoor te word of verto6 te rig die shall communicate in writing with the Director of Local Direkteur skriftelik in kennis stet Government Such communication shall be received sodanige kennisgewing moot nie later nie as by agt wcke van die datum van sodanige eerste publikasie in die the Director not later than eight weeks from the date Provinsiale Koerant deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike of such first publication in the Provincial Gazette Bestuur ontvang word All objections must be lodged in duplicate and ad Alle besware moet in duplikaat ingedien word en gcrig :dressed: to the Direct& of Local Government Private word aan die Direkteur Departement van Plaaslike Bag X437 Pretoria Bestuur Privaatsak X437 Pretoria E UYS E UYS Director of Local Government Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Pretoria 8 May 974 Pretoria 8 Mei 974 PB PB L NOTICE 93 OF KENNISGEWING 93 VAN 974 _RANDBURGAMENDMENT974 SCHEME NO 59 RANDBURG WYSIGINGSKEMA NO 59 It is hereby notified in terms of section 46 of the Hie word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel ToWn;plahhing and ToWnships Ordinance 965 (as 46 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe amended) that application has been made by the owner 965 (sons gewysig) bekend gemaak dat die eieriaar Mr F Cohen City Engineers Department Civic Centre mnr F Cohen City Engineers Department Burgersen Johannesburg for the amendment of Randburg Town trum Johannesburg aansoek gedoen het om Randburg planning Scheme 954 by rezoning Ed 92 situate on dorpsaanlegskema 954 te wysig deur die hersoncring Pine Avenue Ferndale Township from "Special Resi van Erf 92 geled aan Pinelaan dorp Ferndale van dential" with a density of "One dwelling per Ed" to "Sp3siale Woon" met n digtheid van "Een woonhuis "Special Residential" ;with a density of "One dwelling per Ed" tot "Spesiale Woon" met n digtheid van "Een per sq ft" i Woonhuis per: vk vt" The amendment will be known as Randburg Amend Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat ment Scheme No 59i Further particulars of the ScheMe Randburg wysigingskema No 59 genoem sal word) 8 are open for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk in die kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Randburg and at the office of the Director of Local Kamer B206A Provinsiale Gebou Pretoriusstraat Pre Government Room B206A Provincial Building Preto toria en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Rand rius Street Pretoria burg ter insae Any objection or representations in regard to the ap Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te eni plication shall be submitted to the Director of Local ger tyd binne n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum Government in writing at the above address or Private van hierdie kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Pleas Bag X437 Pretoria and the Town Clerk Private Bag like Bestuur by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437 Xl Randburg at any time within a period of 4 weeks Pretoria en die Stadsklerk Privaatsak XI Randburg from the date of this notice skriftelik voorgele word E UYS E UYS Director of Local Government Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Pretoria 5 May 974 Pretoria 5 Mei 974 PB PB NOTICE 94 OF 974 KENNISGEWING 94 VAN 974 NOTICE BOOKMAKERS LICENCE KENNISGEWING BEROEPSWEDDERSLISENSIE kl I Michael Moritz of 54 Armadalc Street Sydenham Ek Michael Moritz van Arrnadalestraat 54 Sydenham Johannesburg do hereby give notice that it is my inten Johannesburg gee hiermee kennis dat ek van voorneme tion to apply to the Transvaal Bookmakers Licensing is om by die Transvaalse Beroepswedderslisensiekomitee Committee for a certificate authorizing the issue of a aansoek te doen om n sertifikaat waarby die uitreiking bookmakers licence in terms of Ordinance 26 of 925 var n beroepswedderslisensie ingevolze Ordonnansie 26 van 925 gemagtig word Any person who wishes to object to the granting of such a certificate or who wishes to lay before the Corn Iedereen wat beswaar wil maak teen die toestaan van mittee any fact or information in connection therewith so n sertifikaat of wat enige feit of inligting in verband may do so in writing to the Secretary of the Transvaal daarmee aan die Komitce wil voorle kan dit skriftelik Bookmakers Licensing Committee Private Bag X64 am die Sekretaris van die Transvaalse Beroepsweddcrs Pretoria to reach him on or before 5 June 974 Every liscnsiekomitee Privaatsak X64 Pretoria doen om horn such person is required to state his full name occupa voor of op 5 Junie 974 te bereik Iedere sodanige per tion and postal address soon moet sy voile naam beroep en posadres verstrek

86 342 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 5 MAY 974 NOTICE 205 OF 974 person who wishes to object to the granting of the ap plication or who is desirous of 4 being heard or of mak PROPOSED ESTABLISHMENT OF TOWNSHIPS Mg representations in the matter shall communicate in writing with the Director of Local Government Such It is hereby notified in terms of section 58() of the communication shall be received by the Director not Town planning and Townships Ordinance 965 that ap later than 8 weeks from the date of such first publi plication has been made for permission to establish the cation in the Provincial gazette townships mentioned in the accompanying Annexure All objections must be lodged in duplicate and ad The application together with the relevant plans docu dressed to the Director of Local Government PO Box ments and information is open for inspection at the of 892 Pretoria fice of the Director Room B206A 2nd :Moor Block B Provincial Building Pretorius Street Pretoria for a pe E UYS nod of eight weeks from the date hereof Director of Local Government Pretoria IS May 974 In terms of section 58(5) of the said Ordinance any 5 22 ANNEXURE (a) Name of Township and (b) Owner (s) Number of Erven I Description of Land I Situation Reference Number (a) Strathoven Number of Erven Holding 36 situated East of and abuts PB Extension 23 General on Helen Road in Helen Road and (b) Peggy Felicity Residential : 2 Strathoven Agricul northwest of and Oosthuizen tural Holdings dis abuts Lot 35 trict Johannesburg (a) Lone Hill Exten Special A certain Portion 7 West of and abuts PB sion 2 Residential : 32 of the farm Lonehill a Por t ion called (b) Daphne No IR district "Leeuwkop" of Riet Investments (Pty) Johannesburg fontein No 33 south Ltd east of the P7 Road from Pretoria to Johannesburg

87 PROVINSIALE KOERANT 5 MEI KENNISGEWING 205 VAN 974 sie meet iedereen wat beswaar wil maak teen die toestaan van die aansoeke of wat begerig is om in die sake VOORGESTELDE STIGTING VAN DORPE gehoor te word of vertoe te rig die Direkteur skriftelik Ingevolge artikel 58() van die Ordonnansie op in kennis stel Sodanige kennisgewing meet nie later Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe 965 word hiermee bekend me as agt weke van die datum van sodanige eerste pu gemaak dat aansoek gedoen is om toestenaming om die blikasie in die Provinsiale Koerant deur die Direkteur dorpe gemeld in meegaande Bylaete stig van Plaaslike Bestuur ontvang word Die aansoeke met die betrokke planne dokumente en Alle besware moet in duplo ingedien word en gerig inligting 8 ter insae by die kantoor van die Direkteur word aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Posbus Kamer B206A 2de Vloer Blok B Provinsiale Gebou 892 Pretoria Pretoriusstraat Pretoria vir n tydperk van 8 weke na E UYS datum hiervan Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Pretoria 5 Mei 974 Ingevolge artikel 58(5) van die genoemde Ordonnan 5 22 BYLAE (a) Naam van Dorp en Aantal Erwe Beskrywing van Liggin a (b) Eienaar(s) Grond Verwysingsnommer (a) Strathoven Algemene Hoewe 36 gelee op Dos van en grens aan PB Uitbreiding 23 Woon : 2 Helerbweg in Strath Helenweg en naord (b) Peggy Felicity oven Landbouhoewes wes van en grens aan Oosthuizen distrik Johannesburg Plot 35 (a) Lone Hill Spesiale n Sekere Gedeelte 7 Wes van en grens aan PB Uitbreiding 2 Woon : 32 van die pleas Lone n Gedeelte genoem (b) Daphne Investments hill No IR di "Leeuwkop" van (Pty) Ltd strik Johannesburg Rietfontein 33 suid oos van en grens aan Pad P7 van Pre toria na Johannes burg

88 344 PROVINCIAL! GAZETTE 5 MAY 974 NOTICE 95 OF 974 KENNISGEWING 95 VAN 974 NIGEL AMENDMENT SCHEME NO 4 NIGELWYSIGINGSKEMA NO 4 It is hereby notified in terms of section 46 of the Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel Town planning and Townships Ordinance 965 (as 46 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe; amended) that application has been made by the owner 965 (soos gewysig) bekend gemaak dat die eienaar Messrs Zamcas (Proprietary) Ltd c/o Messrs Lockett mnre Zamcas (Proprietary) Ltd p/a mnre Lockett en and De Beer PO Box 99 Nigel for the amendment of De Beer Posbus 99 Nigel aansoek gedoen het om Ni Nigel Townplanning Scheme 963 by rezoning Erf 655 gel dorpsaanlegskema 963 te wysig deur die hersone situate on Standard Street Nigel Township from "Spe ring van Ed 655 gelee aan Standardstraat dorp Nigel cial Residential" with a density of "One dwelling per van "Spesiale Woon" met n digtheid van "Fen Woon Erf" to "General Residential" huis per Ed" tot "Algemene Woon" The amendment will be known as Nigel Amendment Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat Scheme No 4 Further particulars of the Scheme are Nigelwysigingskema No 4 genoem sal word) le in die open for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk Ni kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Kamer gel and at the office of the Director of Local Govern B206A Provinsiale Gebou; Pretoriusstraat Pretoria Eti ment Room B206A Provincial Building Pretorius Street in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Nigel ter insac Pretoria Enige beswaar of vertoo teen die aansoek kan te eni Any objection or representations in regard to the ap ger tyd binne n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum plication shall be submitted to the Director of Local van Inerdie kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Government in writing at the above address or Private Bestuur by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437 Pre Bag X437 Pretoria and the Town Clerk PO Box 23 toria en die Stadsklerk Posbus 23 Nigel skriftelik Nigel at any time within a period of 4 weeks from the voorgele word date of this notice E UYS E UYS Director of Local Government Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Pretoria 5 May 974: Pretoria 5 Met 974 PB PB I NOTICE 96 OF 974 KENNISGEWING 96 VAN 974 NORTHERN JOHANNESBURG REGION AMEND NOORDELIKE JOHANNESBURGSTREEK MENT SCHEME NO 663 WYSIGINGSKEMA NO 663 It is hereby notified in terms of section 46 of the Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel Town planning and Townships Ordinance 965 (as 46 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe amended) that application has been made by the owner 965 (soos gewysig) bekend gemaak dat die eienaar Messrs Gando (Pty) Ltd c/o Messrs Swart Olivier mnre Gando (Pty) Ltd p/a mnre Swart Olivier en and Prinsen PO Box 2405 Pretoria for the amendment Prinsen Posbus 2405 Pretoria aansoek gedoen het om of Northern Johannesburg Region Town planning Scheme Noordelike Johannesburgstreek dorpsaanlegskema by rezoning of Erf 480 situate on Bryanston te wysig deur die hersonering van Erf 480 gelee aan Drive Bryanston from "Special" for parking to "Spe Bryanston Rylaan Bryanston van "Spesiaal" vir parke cial" for public garage and parking of motor vehicles ring tot "Spesiaal" vir openbare garage en parkering subject to certain conditions van motorvoertuie onderworpe aan sekere voorwaardes The amendment will be known as Northern Johan Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat nesburg Region Amendment Scheme No 663 Further Noordelike Johannesburgstreek wysigingskema No 663 particulars of the Scheme are open for inspection at the genoem sal word) le in die kantoor van die Direkteur office of the Town Clerk Sandton and at the office of van Plaaslike Bestuur Kamer B206A Provinsiale Ge the Director of Local Government Room B206A bou Pretoriusstraat Pretoria en in die kantoor van die Provincial Building Pretorius Street Pretoria Stadsklerk van Sandton ter insae Any objection or representations in regard to the ap Enige beswaar of vertob teen die aansoek kan te eni plication shall be submitted to the Director of Local ger tyd binne n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum Government in writing at the above address or Privan hierdie kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaas vate Bag X437 Pretoria and the Town Clerk PO Box like Bestuur by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X Sandton at any time within a period of 4 weeks Pretoria en die Stadsklerk Posbus 7800 Sandton from the date of this notice skriftelik voorgele word E UYS E UYS Director of Local Government Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur e Pretoria 5 May 974 Pretoria 5 Mei 974 PB PB I

89 PROVINSIALE KOERANT 5 MEI li _ NOTICE 97 OF 974 KENNISGEWING 97 VAN 974 JOHANNESBURG AMENDMENT SCHEME NO /733 JOHANNESBURG WYSIGINGSKEMA NO /733 It is hereby notified in terms of section 46 of the Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel Townplanning and Townships Ordinance 965 (as 46 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe amended) that applicatoin has been made by the owner 965 (soos gewysig) bekend gemaak dat die eienaar Messrs Parktown Mews (Pty) Ltd I Jan Smuts Avemnre Parktown Mews (Pty) Ltd Jan Smutslaan I nue corner of Empire Road Parktown for the amend /v Empireweg Parktown aansoek gedoen het om Jo ment of Johannesburg Town planning Scheme No hannesburgdorpsaanlegskema No 946 te wysig deur 946 by rezoning Portion A and the Remainder of Erf die hersonerinca van Gedeelte A en die Restant van Erf 569 situate on Jan Smuts Avenue Parktown Township 569 gelee aan Jan Smutslaan dorp Parktown van "Spe from "Special Residential" with a density of "One dwelsiale Woon" met n digtheid van "Een woonhuis per ling per Erf" to "General Residential" for boarding Erf tot "Algemene Woon" wat losieshuise insluitende houses including a restaurant and flats subject to cer n restourant en woonstelle toelaat onderworpe aan setain conditions kere voorwaardes The amendment will be known as Johannesburg Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat Amendment Scheme No /733 Further particulars of Johannesburg wysigingskema No /733 genoem sal the Scheme are open for inspection at the office of the word) 8 in die kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Town Clerk at Room 75 Civic Centre BraamfonteinBestuur Kamer B206A Provinsiale Gebou Pretorius and at the office of the Director of Local Government straat Pretoria en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk Room B206A Provincial Building Pretorius Street Pre Kamer 75 Burgersentrum Braamfontein ter insae toria Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te eni Any objection or representations in regard to the ap ger tyd binne n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum plication shall be submitted to the Director of Local van hierdie kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Government in writing at the above address or Private Bestuur by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437 Pre Bag X437 Pretoria and the Town Clerk PO Box toria en die Stadsklerk Posbus 049 Johannesburg 049 Johannesburg at any time within a period of 4 skriftelik voorgele word weeks from the date of this notice E UYS E UYS Director of Local Government Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Pretoria 5 May 974 Pretoria 5 Mei 974 PB PB L KENNISGEWING 98 VAN 974 NOTICE 98 OF 974 PRETORIASTREEK WYSIGINGSKEMA NO 339 PRETORIA REGION AMENDMENT SCHEME NO 339 Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby kennis kragtens artikel 3 van die Ordonnansic op Dorpsbe The Director of Local Government hereby gives no planning en Dorpe 965 (Ordonnansie 25 van 965) ticc in terms of section 3 of the Town planning and dat die Stadsraad van Verwoerdburg n voorlopige ske Townships Ordinance 965 (Ordinance 25 of 965) that ma wat n wysigingskema is te wete die Pretoriastreek the Town Council of Verwoerdburg has submitted an in wysigingskema No 339 voorgele het om die betrokke terim scheme which is an amendment scheme to wit dorpsbeplanningskema in werking te wete die Preto the Pretoria Region Amendment Scheme No 339 to riastreek dorpsaanlegskema 960 te wysig soos volg: amend the relevant town planning scheme in operation to wit the Pretoria Region Town planning Scheme 960 in the following manner: () Die wysiging van die bepalings ten opsigte van die voorsiening van parke in voorgestelde dorpe; en (I) The amendment of the existing conditions for the provision of parks in proposed townships; and (2) Die neerlegging van parkeervereistes in bestaande (2) The stipulation of paking requirements in existing sowel as voorgestelde dorpe as well as proposed townships Die voornoemde voorlopige skema is vir inspeksie The aforesaid interim scheme is open for inspection beskikbaar op die kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaas at the office of the Director of Local Government like Bestuur Kamer B206A Provinsiale Gebou Preto Room B206A Provincial Building Pretorius Street Pre riusstraat Pretoria en van die Stadsklerk van die Stads: toria and at the office of the Town Clerk of the Town mad van Verwoerdburg Council of Verwoerdburg Where in terms of section 32 of the aforesaid Ordi Waar kragtens die bepalings van artikel 32 van die nance any owner or occupier of immovable property Voorneemde Ordonnansie enige eienaar of besitter van and any local authority have the right to lodge an ob onroerende eiendom en enige plaaslike bestuur die reg jection or to make representations in respect of the said hci om n beswaar in te dien of vertoe te rig in ver interim scheme such owner or occupier or local authori band met sodanigc voorlopige skema moet sodanige ty shall submit such objection or may make such repre beswaar of sodanige vertoe binne vier weke vanaf die 5entations in writing to the Director of Local Govern eerste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing in die Pro ment at the above address or Private Bag X437 Preto

90 346 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 5 MAY 974 vinsiale Koerant skriftelik aan die Dierkteur van Plaas ria within a period of four weeks from the date of the like Bestuur by bogemelde adres of Privaatsak X437 first publication of this notice in the Provincial Gazette Pretoria voorgele word PB PB A NOTICE 99 OF 974 KENNISGEWING 99 VAN 974 VANGROND ORDONNANSIE OP DIE DIVISION OF LAND ORDINANCE VERDELING 973: APPLI 973: AANSOEK OM DIE VERDELING CATION FOR THE DIVISION OF LAND VAN GROND In accordance with the provisions of section 7() of Ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel 7() van die the Division of Lands Ordinance 973 (Ordinance 9 Ordonnansie op die Verdeling van Grond 973 (Ordon of 973) notice is hereby given that I have received an nansie 9 van 973) word hierby bekend gemaak dat application in terms of the provisions of section 5 of ek n aansoek ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 5 van the said Ordinance from the owner(s) Messrs C B genoemde Ordonnansie van die eienaar(s) mnre C B Allen and G P J Louw in respect of the area of land Allen en G P J Louw ten opsigte van die gebied grond namely the Remaining Extent of Portion 45 (portion of to wete die Resterende Gedeelte van Gedeelte 45 (ge Portion 25) of the farm Krokodildrift 446 JQ district deelte van Gedeelte 25) van die plaas Krokodildrift 446 Brits JQ distrik Brits ontvang het Such application together with the relevant plans and Sodanige aansoek tesame met die betrokke planne en information is open for inspection at the office of the inligting is vir inspeksie beskikbaar by die kantoor van Director of Local Government Room B206A Provincial die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Kamer B206A Pro Building Pretorius Street Pretoria for a period of 60 vinsiale Gebou Pretoriusstraat Pretoria vir n tydperk days from the date of the first publication hereof in the van 60 dac vanaf die datum van die eerste publikasie Provincial Gazette hiervan in die Provinsiale Koerant Any person who wishes to object to the granting of Iedereen wat beswaar wil maak teen die toestaan van such application or who is desirous of making represen die aansoek of wat begerig is om vertoe te rig moet die tations in the matter shall notify the Director in writing Direkteur skriftelik van sy redes daarvan binne genoem of his reasons therefor within the said period of 60 days de tydperk van 60 dae in kennis stel E UYS E UYS Director of Local Government Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Pretoria 5 May 974 Pretoria 5 Mei NOTICE 200 OF 974 KENNISGEWING 200 VAN 974 DIVISION OF LAND ORDINANCE 973: APPLICA ORDONNANSIE OP DIE VERDELING VAN TION FOR THE DIVISION OF LAND GROND 973: AANSOEK OM DIE VERDELING VAN GROND In accordance with the provisions of section 7() of the Division of Lands Ordinance 973 (Ordinance 9 Ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel 7() van die of 973) notice is hereby given that I have received an Ordonnansie op die Verdeling van Grond 973 (Ordon 9 application in terms of the van provisions of section 5 of nansie 973) word hierby bekend gemaak dat the said Ordinance from the owncr(s) Eland Quarries ek n aansoek ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 5 van (Pty) Ltd and Alexander Frans Adolf van Gordon genoemde Ordonnansie van die eienaar(s) Eland Quar Coldwells in respect of the area of land namely Portion ries (Pty) Ltd en Alexander Frans Adolf van Gordon 23 (a portion of Portion 7) and Portion 3 (a portion Coldwells ten opsigte van die gebied grand te wete Geof Portion 7) of the farm Elandsfontein 334IQ dis deelte 23 en gedeelte van Gedeelte 7) en Gedeelte 3 trict of Vereeniging (n gedeelte van Gedeelte 7) van die plaas Elandsfontein 334IQ distrik Vereeniging ontvang het Such application together with the relevant plans and Sodanige aansoek tesame met die betrokke planne en information is open for inspection at the office of the inligting is vir inspeksie beskikbaar by die kantoor van Director of Local Government Room B206A Provin die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Kamer B206A cial Building Pretorius Street Pretoria for a period of Provinsiale Gebou Pretoriusstraat Pretoria vir n tydperk 60 days from the date of the first publication hereof in van 60 dae vanaf die datum van die eerste publikasie the Provincial Gazette hiervan in die Provinsiale Koerant Any person who wishes to object to the granting of Iedereen wat beswaar wil maak teen die toestaan van such application or who is desirous of making represen die aansoek of wat begerig is om vertoe te rig tations in the matter moet die shall notify the Director in writing Direkteur skriftelik van sy redes daarvan binne genoem of his reasons therefor within the said period of 60 days de tydperk van 60 dae in kennis stel Pretoria 5 May 974 E UYS E UYS Director of I oral Government Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Pretoria 5 Mei 974

91 I I Ventersdorp inligting PROVINSIALE KOERANT 5 MEI _ I NOTICE 20 OF 974 KENNISGEWING 20 VAN 974 DIVISION OF LAND ORDINANCE 973: APPLI ORDONNANSIE OP DIE VERDELING VAN CATION FOR THE DIVISION OF LAND GROND 973: AANSOEIC OM DIE VERDELING In accordance with the provisions of section 7() of VAN GROND the Division of Lands Ordinance 973 (Ordinance 9 Ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel 7() van die of 973) notice is hereby given that I have received an Ordonnthisje op die Verdeling van Grond 973 (Or application in terms of the provisions of section 5 of the : ctonnansie 9 van 973) word hierby bekend gemaak said Ordinance from the owner(s) () Sentraal Weste dat I ek n aansoek ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 5 like Kotiperasie 3pk (2) Mr W G Groenewald and I van gencienide Ordonnansie van die eienaar(s) () (3) Mr Van Heerden in respect of the area of land ; Sentraal Wesielike Ko0perasie Beperk (2) Mnr W G namely Portions 75 and 22 and a portion of the Re Groenewald (3) Mnr Van Heerden ten opsigte van die maining Extent of the farm Roodepoort No 9IP i gebied grond to wete Gedeeltes en gedeelte van district of Ventersdorp die Restant van die plaas Roodepobrt I9 IP distrik j ontvang het Such application together with the relevant plans and information is open for inspection at the office of the Sodanige aansoek tesame met die betrokke planne en ; Director of Local Government Room B206A Provin is vir inspeksie beskikbaar by die kantoor van cial Building Pretorius Street Pretoria for a period of die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Kamer B206A 60 days from the date of the first publication hereof in ; Provinsiale Gebou Pretdriusstraat Pretoria vir n tydthe Provincial Gazette perk van 60 dae vanaf die datum van die eerste publi person who wishes!iiany to object to the granting of kasie hiervan in die Provinsiale Koerant such application or who is desirous of making represen Iedereen wat beswaar wil maak teen die toestaan van tations in the matter shall notify the Directof in writing die aansoek of wat begerig is om yertoe to rig moet die of his reasons therefor within the said period of 60 Direkteur skriftelile van sy redes daarvan binne genoem days de tydperk van 60 dae in kennis stel E UYS E UYS Director of Local Government Direkteur van Plaislike Bestuur Pretoria 5 May 974 Pretoria 5 Mei 974 NOTICE 202 OF 974 KENNISGEWING 202 VAN 974 DIVISION OF LAND ORDINANCE 973: APPLI ORDONNANSIE OP DIE VERDELING VAN CATION FOR THE DIVISION OF LAND GROND 973: AANSOEK OM DIE VERDELING VAN GROND In accordance with the provisions of section 7() of Ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel 7() van die the Division of Lands Ordinance 973 (Ordinance 9 Ordonnansie op die Verdeling van Grond 973 (Orcion of 973) notice is hereby given that I have received an nansie 9 van 973) word hierby bekend gemaak dat ek application in terms Of the provisioris of section 5 Of n aansoek ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 5 van ge the said Ordinance from the owner The Prefecture noemde Ordonnansie van the eienaar The Prefecture Apostolic of Rustenburg of the Roman Catholic Church Apostolic of Rustenburg of the Roman Catholic Church in respect of the area of land namely Portion 2 of the ten opsigte van: die gebied (Van gra/id to Wet& Getheelte farm Town and Townlands No 272 JQ district of 2 van die plaal Dorp en Dorpsgronde No Rustenburg distrilc vairrustertburg ontvang het Such application together with the relevant plans and Sodanige aansoek tesame met die betrokke planne en information is open for inspection at the office of the inligting is vir inspeksie beskikbaar by die kantoor van Director of Local Government Room B206A Provin die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Kamer 206A Pro cial Building Pretorius Street Pretoria for a period of vinsiale Gebou; freioriusstraat Pretoria vir n tydperk 60 days from the date of the first publication hered In van 60 dae vanaf die datum van die eerste publilcasie the Provincial Gazette hiervan In die Provinsiale Koerant Any person who wishes to object to the granting of such application or win) is desirous of making represen Iedeteen wat beswaar wil maak teen die toestaan van tations in the matter shall notify the Director in writ die aansoek of wat begerig is om vertoe te rig moet die ing of his reasons therefor within the said period of 60 Direkteur skriftelik van sy redes daarvan binne genoem de tydperk van 60 dae in kennis stel days E UYS E UYS Director of Local Government Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Pretoria 5 May Pretoria 5 Mei VAN 974 NOTICE 203 OF 974 kennisgewing ak DIVISION OF LAND ORDINANCE 973: APPLI ORDONNANSIE OP DIE VERDELING VAN GROND 973: AANSOEK OM DIE VERDELING CATION FOR THE DIVISION OF LAND VAN GROND In accordance with the provisions of section 7() of Ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel 7() van die the DivisiOn of Lands Ordinance 973 (Ordinance: 9 Oidonnaiisio op die Verdeling van Grond 973 (Ordon

92 348 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 5 MAY 974 of 973) notice is hereby given that I have received an nansie 9 van 973) word hierby bekend gemaak dat ek 4 application in terms of the provisions of section 5 of the n aansoek ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 5 van gesaid Ordinance from the owner Pretoria Diocesan noemde Ordonnansie van die eienaar Pretoria Diocesan trustees in respect of the area of land namely The Trustees ten opsigte van die gebied growl te wete Die Remainder of Portion 2 of the farm Hartebeestpoort No Restant van Gedeelte 2 van die plaas Hartebeestpoort 3624JR district of Pretoria No 362 JR distrik Pretoria ontvang het Such application together with the relevant plans and Sodanige aansoek tesame met die betrokke planne en information is open for inspection at the office of the inligting is vir inspeksie ibeskikbaar by die kantoor van Director of Local Government Room B206A Provin die Direkteur :van Plaaslike Bestuur Kamer B206A cial Building Pretorius Street Pretoria for a period of Provinsiale Gebou Preforiusstraat Pretoria vir n tyd 60 days froth the date of the first publication heieof in I perk van 60 dae vanaf die datum van die eerste publi the Provincial Gazette kasie hiervan in die Provinsiale Koerant Any person who wishes to object to the granting of Iedereen wat beswaar wil maak teen die toestaan van such application or who is desirous of making represent die aansoek of wat begerig is om vertoe te rig meet tations in the matter shall notify the Director in writ die Direkteur skriftelik van sy redes daarvan binne ge ing of his reasons therefor within the said period of 60 noemde tydperk van 60 dae in kennis stel days E UYS E UYS Director of Local Government Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Pretoria 5 May 974 Pretoria 5 Mei a III \ P \ P NOTICE 204 OF 974 PROPOSED ESTABLISHMENT OF LYNBRO PARK EXTENSION 2 TOWNSHIP KENNISGEWING 204 VAN 974 VOORGESTELDE STIGTING VAN DORP LYNBRO PARK UITBREIDING 2 By Notice No 692 of 97 the establishment of Onder Kennisgewing No 692 van 97 is n aansoek Lyribto Park Extension 2 Township on Lynbro Park om die stigting van die dorp Lynbro Park Uitbreiding 2 Agricultural Holdings district Kempton Park was ad van Lynbro Park Landbouhoewes distrik Kempton vertised park geadverteer Since then an amended plan has been received by Sedertdicrt is n gewysigde plan ingedien waarkragtens virtue of which the layout has been altered to make pro die uitleg gewysig is 0 voersiening te maak vir 5 Spevision for 5 Special Residential erven siale Woonerwe The application together with the relative plans docu Die aansoek met die betrokke planne dokumente en meets and information is open for inspection at the inligting 6 ter insae by die kantoor van die Direkteur office of the Director Room B206A 2nd floor Block Kamer B206A 2de Vloer Blok B Provinsiale Gebiau B Provincial Building Pretorius Street Pretoria for a Pretoriusstraat Pretoria vir n tydperk van 8 weke na period of eight weeks from the date hereof datum hiervan In terms of section 58(5) of the Townplanning and Ingevolge artikel 58(5) van die Ordonnansie op Dorps Townships Ordinance 965 any person who wishes to beplanning en Dorpe 965 moet iedereen :wat beswaar is object to the granting of the application orwho is de wil toestaanaak teen die van die aansoek of wat be Ill sirous of being heard or of making representations in gerig is om in die saak gehoor te word of vertot te rig the matter shall communicate in writing with the Di die Direkteur skriftelik in kennis stel rector of Local Government Such communication shall Sodanizi e kennisgewing moet nie later nie as agt weke be received by the Director not later than eight weeks van die datum van sodanige eerste publikasie in die from the date of such first publication in the Provincial Provinsiale Koerant deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike Gazette Bestuur ontvang word All objections must be lodged in duplicate and ad Alle besware moet in duplikaat ingedien word en gedressed to the Director of Local Government PO Box rig word aan die Direkteur Departement van Plaaslike 892 Pretoria Bestuur Privaatsak X437 Pretoria E INS E UYS Director of Local GOvernnient Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Pretoria 5 May 974 Pretoria 5 Mei 974 PB PB = _ NOTICE 206 OF 974 KENNISGEWING 206 VAN 974 REMOVAL OF RESTRICTIONS ACT 84 OF 967 WET OP OPHEFFINGINAN BEPERKINGS 84 " " LIt is hereby notified in terms of section 3(6) of! the IngevOlge aftileelf3(6) van bostaande Wet word bier above Act that the undermentioned applications have 4 mee kennis gegee dat onderstaande aansoeke deur die been received by the Director of Local Government and Direkteur_ van Plaaslike;Pestuur ontvang is en ter insae are open t6 inspection at Rooin B206A; Provincial ile by Karner:b206A Provinsiale Gebou; pretoriusstinatt

93 I PROVINSIALE KGERANT 5 MEI Building Street Pretoria and at the office of Pretoria en in die kantoor van die betrokke plaaslike the relevant local authority Any objections with full owerheid Enige beswaar met volledige redes daarvoor reasons therefor should be lodged in writing with the moet skriftelik by die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Director of Local Government at the above address or by bovermelde adres of Posbus 892 Pretoria ingedien PO Box 892 Pretoria on or before 2 June 974 word op of voor 2 ffunie 974 () Winifred Ethel Brinckman Lawrance () Winifred Ethel Brinckman Lawrance (I) The amendment of the conditions of title of Lot () Die wysiging van titelvoorwaardes van Lot Muckleneuk Township district Pretoria to dorp Muckleneuk distrik Pretoria ten einde dit permit subdivision and the erection of a second moontlik te maak dat die lot onderverdeel kan dwelling word en n tweede woonhuis opgerig kan word (2) The amendment of the Pretoria Townplanning (2) Die wysiging van die Pretoria dorpsaanlegskema Scheme by the rezoning of Lot 499 from "Special deur die hersonering van Lot 499 van "Spesiale Residential" with a density of "One dwelling per Woon" met n digtheid van "Een woonhuis per erf" to "Special Residential" with a density of erf" tot "Spesiale Woon" met n digtheid van "Een "One dwelling per sq ft" woonhuis per vk vt" This amendment scheme will be known as Pretoria Die wysigingskema sal bekend staan as Pretoria wysi Amendment Scheme No /39 gingskema No /39 PB PB (2) The trustees of The Dyer Trust (2) Die trustees van die Dyer Trust () The amendment of the conditions of title of Erven (I) Die wysiging van titelvoorwaardes van Erwe 83 en 83 and 84 Ashlea Gardens Township district Pre 84 dorp Ashlea Gardens distrik Pretoria ten eintoria to permit the erection of duplex flats or cluster de dit moontlik te maak dat die erwe vir duplex housing on the erven woonstelle of trosbehuising gebruik kan word (2) The amendment of Pretoria Townplanning Scheme (2) Die wysiging van die Pretoria dorpsaanlegskema by the rezoning of Erven 83 and 84 from "Special deur die hersonering van Erwe 83 en 84 van "Spe Residential" to "Special" for duplex flats and clus siale Woon" tot "Spesiaal" vir duplexwoonstelle ter housing en trosbehuising This amendment scheme will be known as Pretoria Die wysigingskema sal bekend staan as PretoriaWysi Amendment Scheme No /390 gingskema No /390 PB PB (3) G W H Motors (Proprietary) Limited (3) G W H Motors (Eiendoms) Beperk () The amendment of the conditions of title of Erven () Die wysiging van titelvoorwaardes van Erwe 353 en 353 and 374 Brits Township district Brits in order 374 dorp Brits distrik Brits ten einde dit moontto permit the erven being used for General Residen lik to maak am die erwe vir algemene woondoeltial purposes eindes to gebruik (2) The amendment of the Brits Townplanning Scheme i(2) Die wysiging van die Brits dorpsaanlegskema deur by the rezoning of Erven and 376 die hersonering van Erwe en 376 van from "Special Residential" to "General Residen "Spesiale Woon" tot "Algemene Woon" tial" Die wysigingskema sal bekend staan as Brits wysi This amendment scheme will be known as Brits gingskema No /35 Amendment Scheme No /35 PB PB (4) Die Boedel wyle David Keith Hepburn vir (4) Estate late David Keith Hepburn for the amend diewigng van titelvoorwaardes van Erf 37 dorp ment of the conditions of title of Erf 37 Atholl Exten Athol! Uitbreiding distrik Johannesburg ten einde sion Township district Johannesburg to permit sub dit moontlik te maak om die Glendon) te onderverdeel division of the property PB PB (5) Johannes Frederik du Plooy vir die wysiging van (5) Johannes Frederik du Plooy for the amendment die titelvoorwaardes van Erf 727 dorp The Hill Uitbrei of the conditions of title of Erf 727 The Hill Exten ding 5 Registrasie Afdeling R Transvaal ten einde sion 5 Township Registration Division IR Transvaal dit moontlik te maak dat beide die grond en boonste to permit both the ground and upper floors being used vloere vir woondoeleindes gebruik kan word for residential purposes PB PB (6) Electricity Supply Commission for the amend (6) Electricity Supply Commission vir die wysiging ment of the conditions of title of Portion 7 (a por van die titelvoorwaardes van Gedeelte 7 (n gedeelte tion of the Portion called Rocklands) of the farm Riet van die Gedeelte genoem Rocklands) van die plaas Riet fontein No 2 distrik Johannesburg ten einde oorecn fontein No 2 district Johannesburg in order to comply te stem met een van die voorwaardes opgele deur die with one of the conditions imposed by the Director of Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur met betrekking tot die Local Government to the proposed layout of a town voorgestelde uitlegging van n dorpsgebied op die elm ship on the property dom PB PB

94 engineer 350 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 5 MAY 934 I CONTRACT RFT 58/74 KONTRAK RFT 58/74 4 TAANsvAAL PROVINCIAL ADMINISIRATION TRANSVAALSE PROVINSIALE ADMINISTRASIE NOTICE TO TENDERERS KENNISGEWING AAN TENDERAARS TENDER RFT 58 OF 974 TENDER RFT 58 VAN 974 THE CONSTRUCTION OF ROAD OVER RAIL DIE KONSTRUKSIE VAN N PAD 00R SPOOR BIUDGE 50 ON ROAD P4 2 OVER: THE BRUG 50 OP BAL PAD P42 OM DIE BALFOUR FOUR VEREENIGING RAILWAY LINE BETWEEN VEREENIGING TREINSPO OR TUSSEN BLOEKOM BLOEKOMSPRUIT AND BOSRIVIER STATIONS SPRUIT EN BOSRIVIERSTASIES Tenders word hiermee van ervare kontrakteurs vir Tendeii are liefewith called for froth experienceddon bogenoemde diens gevra tractors for:the abovementioned service tenderdokumente insluitende n stel tekeninge is by Tender documents including a set of drawings may die Direkteur Transvaalse Paaiedepartement Kamer be obtained from the Director Transvaal Roads Depart 358 Provinsiale Gebou Kerkstraat Privaatsak X97 went Rooin D58 Provincial Buildings Church Street Pretoria verkrygbaar by betaling van n tydelike deposito Private Bag X97 Pretoria on payment of a temporary van R2000 (twintig rand) Hierdie bedrag sal terug depcisit of (twenty rand) This amount will be betaal word mits n harm fide tender ontvang word of alle refunded provided a bona fide tender is received or all such sodanige tenderdokumente binne 4 dae na die sluitings tender documents are returned to the office of issue datum van die tender na die uitreikingskantoor terug Within 4 days after the closing date of the tender a gestuur word An additional aopy of the schedule of quantities will n Addisionele afskrif van die hooveelheidapryslyste be provided free of charge sal gratis verskaf word An! will meet intending tenderers on 22 n Ingenieur sal voornemende tenderaars op 22 Mei May 974 at; 9 Litt at the Road Superintendents office 974 om 9 vm by die Paaiesuperintendent se kantoor at Heidelberg to inspect the site with them The engineer op Heidelberg ontmoet om saam met hulle die terrein will not be available for inspection purposes on any te gaan besigtig Die Ingenieur sal by geen ander geother (Decagon and tencleiers are therefore; requeged to leetitheid vir hesigtigingsdoeleinees beskikbaar wees nie en he present on the said date tenderaars word derhalwe versoek om op gemelde datum teenwoordig te wees Tenders completed in with the conditions in the tender documents "in sealed envelopes endorsed Tenders ooreenkomstig die voorwaardes in die tender "Tender 2:FT: 58/74" should reach the Chairman dblcumente voltpoi in verseelde koeverte waarop "Tender Trapavail Provincial Tender Board PO Box 040 RFT 58 van 974" geendossthr is moot die Voorsitter Pretoria before oclock a;m on Friday 4 June Transvaalse Provinsiale Tenderraad Posbus 040 Pre 974 when the tenders will be opened in public toria bereik voor li uur vm op Vrydag 4 junie 974 i wanner die tenders in die openbaar aopgemaak sal Should the tender documents be delivered by hand word they should beplaced inthe Formal Tender Box at the enquiry office in the foyer of the Provincial Building at Indien per hand afgelewer moet tenders voor uur the Pretorius Street main public entrance (near Bosman LL in die Formele Tenderraadbus by die navraagkantoot in die voorportaal van die Provinsiale Cobol] by Streetreorner) Pretoria by oclock am die Pretoriusstraatse hoof publieke ingang (naby die hoek van Bosmanstraat) Pretoria gedeponeer word The Transvaal Provincial Administration shall not ind itself to accebt the lowest or any "tender or to fur Die Transvaalse Provinsiale Administrasie verbind nish ally! reasoclor therejectibri Of a tendei hoin laic om die laagste of enige tender aan te neem Of om enige rode vii die afwysing van n tender te ver Tenders shall be binding for ninety (90) days strek nie Tenders is vir negentig (90) dae bindend " C NIV 62/40W; C W GRUNOW thairnian Voorsitter Trahavaal Provincial Tender Board Transvaalse Provinsiale Tenderraad r 4 t

95 PROVINSIALE KOERANT 5 MEI TENDERS TENDERS NB Tenders previously published and where the closing dates LW Tenders wat voorheen gepubliseer is en waarvan die have not yet passed have not been repeated in this notice sluitingsdatum nog nie verstreke is nie word nie in hierdie ken Tenders are normally published 3 5 weeks before the closing nisgewing herhaal nie Tenders word normaalweg 35 woke voor date die sluitingsdatum gepubliseer TRANSVAAL PROVINCIAL ADM INTSTRATION TENDERS TRANSVAALSE PROVINSIALE ADMINISTRASIE TENDERS Tenders are invited for the following services / Tenders vir die volgende dienste / voorrade / verkope supplies / sales (Unless otherwise indicated in the word ingewag (Tensy dit in die uiteensetting antlers aan description tenders are for supplies): gegee word word tenders vir voorrade hedoel): i Description of Service Closing Date Tender No Beskrywing van Diem Sluitingsdatum WPTB 78/74 Afrikaanse Hoer Seunskool: Huis Frank le Roux Entire repairs and renovation/huis Frank le Roux Algehele herstelwerk en opknapping 7/6/974 WFTB 79/74 Baragwanath Hospital pathology laboratory: Installation of elevators(baragwanath hospitaal patologielaboratorium: Hyserinstallasie 2/6/974 WFTB 80/74 Laerskool David Brink: Entire repairs and renovation/algehele herstelwerk en opknapping 7/6/974 WFTB 48/74 Hoersisool Evander: Entire repairs and renovation/algehele herstelwerk en opknapping 2/6/974 WFTB 82/74 Laerskool Elandslaagte: Erection of toilets and alterations/oprigting van latrines en veranderings 2/6/974 WFTB 83/74 Hoer Landbouskool General Koos de la Rey Sannieshof: Erection of a new physics laboratory building/oprigting van nuwe fisikalaboratoriumgebou 2/6/974 WFTB 384/74 Laerskool Irene: Erection of four classrooms and toilets/oprigting van vier klaskamers en latrines 2/6/974 WFTB 85/74 Laerskool Katie de Haas: Erection of a school hall/oprigting van skoolsaal 2/6/974 WFTB 86/74 Hoer Landbouskool Merensky: Renovation of Boys and Girls Hostels/Opknapping van Seunsen Dogterskoshuise 2/6/974 WFTB 87/74 Milner High School Klerksdorp: Additions/Aanbouings 2/6/974 WFT3 88/74 Hoerskool Nelspruit: Entire renovation of school buildings/algehele opknapping van skoolgeboue 2/6/974 WFT3 89/74 Laerskool Perdekop: Entire repairs and renovation/algehele herstelwerk en opknapping 2/6/974 WFTB 90/74 Pietersburg Hospital: Extensions/Pietersburgse Hospitaal: Uitbreidings 2/6/974 WFTB 9/74 Pietersburg: Roads Department Regional Office: Additions and alterations/pietersburg: Pattiedepartement Streekkantoor: Aanbouings en veranderings 2/6/974 WPT34 92/74 Rob Ferreira Hospital: Installation of elevators/rob Ferreirahospitaal: Hyserinstallasie 2/6/974 WFTB 93/74 Rynfield Primary School: Erection of three dassrooms/oprigting van drie klaskamers 2/6/974 WFTB 94/74 Selcourt Primary School: Supply delivery and installation of a central heating system/verskaffing aflewering en installering van n sentrale verwarmingstelsel 7/6/974 WFTB 95/74 Hoer Seunskool Stoffberg Brakpan: Demolishing of buildings and fencing/sloping van geboue en omheining 2/6/974 WFTB 96/74 Sunnyridge Primary School: General repairs and renovation Algemene herstelwerk en opknap ping 2/6/974 RFT 62/74 River gabions/rivierskanskorwe 4/6/974 RFT 60/74 Diesel mechanical horse/dieselvoorhaker 4/6/974 RPT 63/74 Abrasion resistant high strength steel/slytwcrende trekvaste staal 4/6/974 TOD 8D/74 Mattresscs/Matrasse 4/6/974 TOD 8E/74 Villows/Kussings 4/6/974 PFT 6/74 Maintenance of Radio Communication equipmentanstandhouding van Radiokommunikasietoerusting 4/6/974 HA 2/50/74 Cardiac output recorder Baragwanath Hospital/Hartleweringopnemer Baragwanathhospitaal 4/6/974 BA 2/5/74 Cardiac Unit Baragwanath Hospital/Harteenheid Baragwanathhospitaal 4/6/974 HA 2/52/74 ECG monitors H F Verwoerd Hospital/EKGmonitors H F Verwoerdhospitaal 4/6/974 HA 2/53/74 Dual channel recording apparatus II F Verwoerd Hospital/Dubbelkanaalopnemerapparaat H F Verwoerdhospitaal 4/6/974 HA 2/54/74 Respirator J G Strijdom Hospital/Respirator J G Strijdomhospitaal 4/6/974 HA 2/55/74 Xray unit I G Strijdom Hospital/Rontgenstraaleenheid J G Strijdomhospitaal 4/6/974 HA 2/56/74 Densimeter J G Strijdom Hospital/Digtheidsmeter J G Strijdom hospitaal 4/6/974 HA 2/57/74 Servo ventilator Baragwanath Hospital/Servoventlator Baragwanath hospitaal 4/6/974 HA 2/58/74 Body test apparatus H F Verwoerd Hospital/Heelliggaampletismograaf H F Verwoerdhospitaal 4/6/974 HA 2/5974 Liquid scintillator Johannesburg Hospital/Vloeistorintillasieteller 7ohannesburgse Hospitaal 4/6/974 HA 2/60/74 Xray unit Klerksdorp Hospital/Rontgenstraaleenheid Klerksdorpse Hospitaal 4/6/974 HA 2/6/74 Xray unit Klerksdorp Hospital/Rtintgenstraaleenheid Klerksdorpse Hospitaal 4/6/974 HA 2/62/74 Xray unit Klerksdorp Hospital/Rontgenstraaleenheid Klerksdorpse Hospitaal 4/6/974 HA 2/63/74 X ray unit Klerksdorp Hospital/Rontgenstraaleenheid Klerksdorpse Hospitaal 4/6/974 HA 2/64/74 X ray unit Far East Rand Hospital/Rontgenstraaleenheid Verre Oos randse Hospitaal 4/6/974

96 552 :PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 5 MAY 974 IMPORTANT NOTES BELANGRIKE OPMERKINGS I The relative tender documents including the Administra I Die betrokke tenderdokumente met inbegrip van die _ tions official tender forms are obtainable on application from amptelike tendervorms van die Administrasie is op aanvraag the relative address indicated below Such documents and by am die onderstaande adresse verkrygbaar Sodanige dokumente asmede enige tender/kontrakvoorwaardes wat nie in die tendertender/contract conditions not embodied in the tender documents dokumente opgcneem is nie is ook by die genoemde adresse are also available for inspection at the said address: vir inspeksie verkrygbaar: Office in New Provincial Building Kantoor in Nuwe Provinsiale Tender Postal address Pretoria Tender Posadres te Gebou Pretoria Ref Pretoria Room Phone venvy Blok Pretoria Kamer Verdie Foon Block Floor No Pretoria sing No ping Pretoria HA Director of A739 A BA I Direkteur van A739 A Hospital Ser Hospitaalvices Private dienste Pri Bag X22 vaatsak X22 HA 2 Director of A739 A A 2 Direkteur van A739 A Hospital Ser Hospitaalvices Private dienste Pri Bag X22t vaatsak X22I HB Director of A723 A HB Direkteur van A723 A Hospitaal Hospital Services Private dienste Pri Bag X22 vaatsak X22 HC Director of A728 A HC Direkteur van A728 A Hospital Ser Efospitaal vices Private dienste Pri Bag X22 vaatsak X22I HD Director of A730 A HD Direkteur van A730 A Hospital Ser Efospitaalvices Private dienste Pri Bag X22I vaatsak X22 PFT Provincial Se AIII9 A II PFT Provinsiale Se A9 A I I cretary (Pur kretaris chases and (Aankope en Supplies) Pri Voorrade) vale Bag X64 Privaatsak RFT Director Trans D58 D 5 4:9I84 X64 vaal Roads REF Direkteur D5I8 D Transvaalse Department Private Bag Paaiedepar X97 tomcat Pri TED Director Tram A549 A vaatsak X97 vaal Educe rota Direkteur A549 A lion Departmeat Private Transvaalse Onderwys Beg X76 departement WFT Director CI I I C Privaatsak Transvaal X76 Department WFT Direkteur C C I of Works Transvaalse Private Bag Werkedepartcment Pri X228 WFTB Director C29 C vaatsak X228 Transvaal WFTB Direkteur C29 C Department Transvaalse of Works Werkedepar Private Rag cement Pri vaatsak X228 X228 2 The Administration is not bound to accept the lowest or 2 Die Administrasie is the daartoe verplig om die laagste of any tender and reserves the right to accept a portion of a enige tender aan te neem nie en behou horn die reg your om tender n gedeelte van n tender aan te neem 3 In the case of each WFTB tender the tenderer must pm 3 In die geval van iedere WFTBtender moet die tenderaar a deposit of R4 before he will be supplied with the tender a deposito van R4 stunt alvorens by van die tenderdokumente documents Such deposit must be in the form of cash a bank voorsien sal word Sodanige deposito most in kontantgeld wees initialled cheque or a department standing deposit receipt a tjek deur die bank geparafeer of n departementele legorder (RIO) The said deposit will be refunded if a bona Jide tender kwitansie (RIO) Genoemde depositobedrag sal terugbetaal word is received from the tenderer or if the tender documents as n bona fide inskrywing van die tenderaar ontvang word of including plans specifications and bills of quantitiesas die tenderdokumente met inbegrip van planne spesifikasies are returned by the tenderer within 4 days after the closing date of the en hoeveelheidslyste binne 4 dae na die sluitingsdatum van die tenderaar teruggestuur word na die betrokke adres in opmerking tender to the relative address shown in note above hierbo aangetoon 4 All tenders must be submitted on the Administrations 4 Alle tenders moot op die amptelike tendervorm van die official tender forms Administrasie voorgele word 5 Each tender must be submitted in a separate sealed 5 ledere inskrywing most in n afsonderlike verseelde koevert envelope addressed to the Chairman Transvaal Provincial ingedien word geadresseer aan die Voorsitter Die Transvaalse Tender Board PO Box 040 Prctriria and must be clean) Provinsiale Tendcrraad Posbus 040 Pretoria en moet duidelik superscribed to show the tenderers name and address as well van die opskrif voorsien wees ten einde die tenderaar se naam as the number description and closing date of the tender en adres aan te toon asook die nommer beskrywing en shillings Tenders must be in the hands of the Chairman by am on datum van die tender Inskrywings moet teen II vm op die the closing date indicated above sluitingsdatum hierbo aangetoon in die Voorsitter se hande wees 6 If tenders are delivered by band they must be deposited 6 lndien inskrywings per hand ingedien word moet hulle in the Formal Tender Box at the Enquiry Office in the foyer teen II vm op die sluitingsdatum in die Formele Tenderbus of the New Provincial Building at the Pretorius Street main geplaas wees by die navraagkantoor in die voorportaal van die entrance (near Rosman Street corner) Pretoria by II am on nuwe Provinsiale Gebou by die hoofingang aan Pretoriusstraat the closing date se kant (nahy die hock van Bnsmanstraat) Pretoria C W Grunow Chairman Transvaal Provincial Tender Board C W Grunow Voorsitter Transvaalse Provinsiale Tendcrraad (Tvl) Pretoria 8 May 974 (Tvd) Pretoria 8 Mei 974

97 : tion Ili PROVINSIALE KOERANT 5 MEI Noteces By Load Authorities Plaaslike Bestuurshena isgewings _ TOWN COUNCIL OF POTGIETERS wysigingsdorpsbeplanningskema opgestel 939 that the Council proposes to amend RUS wat bekend sal staan as Wysigingskema the following By laws: No /8 NOTICE WATER SUPPLY BYLAWS The Town Council of Potgietersrus has Hierdie geode vbors ontwerpskema bevat die vol Celle: prepared The general purport of this amendment a draft amendment Town plan is as follows: ning Scheme to be known as Amendment I Die gebied I van die skema word in Scheme No I /8 rid sones opgedeel vir die doeleindes van To increase the tariff related to the ;diewatere maksimum hoogte van geboue wat 0p_ Suppl y B y laws The draft scheme contains the follow ; gerig mag word ing proposals: Copies of this will be amendmentf open I (a) Sone I geboue met n maksimumor inspection at the office of the Count The area of the scheme will be di! hoogte van 0 verdiepings oil for a period of fourteen days from vided into three zones for the purpose of I date of publication hereof the maximum height of buildings that :(b) Sone 2 geboue met u maksimum may be erected I boogie van 6 verdiepings Any person who wishes to object to the proposed amendment must lodge his ob (a) Zone I buildings with a maximum (c) Sone 3 geboue met n maksimum jection in writing with the undersigned height of ten storeys hoogte van I 3 verdiepings within 4 days from date of publication hereof in the Official Gazette (b) Zone 2 buildings with a maximum i 2 Voorwaardes Met betrekking tot die height of six storeys stigting van dorpe binne die gebied van Q W VAN DER WALT (c) Zone Town Clerk 3 buildings with a maximum : height Town Hail Of three storeys 3 Metriscring van syfers in die skema Margaret Avenue 2 Conditions in connection with the i A Algemene beperkings in verband met PO Box 3 establishment of townships within the area :die gebmik van grond binne die gebied Kempton Park of the scheme NMn die skema 5 May 3974 Notice 33/974 3 Conversion of figures in the scheme 5 Dat in aie geval van die oprigting to the metric system Ivan nuwe geboue of die verandering aan :geboue parkeerruimte ooreenkomstig n STADSRAAD VAN KEMPTONPARK 4 General conditions in: connection Woorgeskrewe formule deur die eienaar with use of land within the area of IWYSG NG VAN WATER VOORSIE the Woorsien moetword scheme NINGSVERORDENINGE Besonderhede van hierdie skema le ter! 5 The provision Dear word hierby ingevolge artikel 96 of parking facilities insae ten kantoor van die Klerk van die in by owners the case of iv die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur the erection of!rand Munisipale Kantore Retiefstraat new buildings ;;39 bekend or gemaak dot die Raad van alteration to buildings Potgietersrus vir n tydperk van vier weaccording to ivoorneme is om die a vo gend e verorde determined formula he vanaf die datum van die eerste publi :Hinge to wysig: kasie van hierdie kennisgewing naardik l Particulars of this scheme are open for 8 Mei 974 t inspection at the office WATERVOORSIENINGS of the Clerk of 0 the Council Municipal VERORDENINGE Offices Retief idie Raad sal oorweeg of die skema Street Potgietersrus for a period of four I aangeneem word al don Die algemene nie strekking van hierdie wy: weeks from the date of the first publics :siging is sons volg: of this notice which is 8 May 974 Enige eienaar of okkupant van vaste : eiendom binne die gabled van bogemelde Om die watertariewe te verhoog The Council will consider whether or dorpsbeplanningskema of binne 2 km van t not the scheme should be adopted Afskrifte van hierdie wysiging le ter die grens daarvan het die reg om teen die insae by die kantoor van die Raad vir n Any owner or occupier of immovable ikema beswaar te maak of om vertoe ten tydperk van veertien dac vanaf die datum property within the area of the above opsigte Oman te rig en indien hy dit publikasie hiervan Yvan mentioned town planning scheme or with Wii doen moet by die Plaaslike Bestuur in 2 km of the boundary Enige persoon thereof wat beswaar teen has the bihne vier weke vanaf die eerste publika i get right to object to the scheme or to make sie van hierdie kennisgewing nl 8 Mei wsig te IcV em ibnign n wens 4 aciaalle representations in respect (hereof and if 974 skriftelik van sodanige beswaar of tskriftelikna telffdmtm aum he wishes to do so shall within four Vertoe in kennis stet en vermeld of hy van publikasie hiervane in die Provmstale weeks of the first publication of this deur die Plaaslike Bestuur gehoor wil by die ondergetekende doen: ikoerant notice which is 8 May 974 _ inform the word of nie QW VAN DER WALT local authority in writing of such ob I t jection or "Stadsklerk representation and shall state I J J C J VAN RENSBORG Stadhuis whether or not ; he wishes to be heard by Stadsklerk MargareCaan; c 7:7 the Local Authority Munisipale Ktore an posbus 3 LI C J VAN RENSBURG Potgietersrus Kemptonpark Town Clerk 849 Y 4 l5 Mei 974 Municipal Offices Kennisgewing No 8/974: Kennisgewing 33/974 Potgietersrus May 974 : Notice No 8/974 TOWN COUNCIL OF KEMPTON PARK TOWN COUNCIL OF BRAKPAN STADSRAAD VAN POTGIETERSRUS AMENDMENT TO WATER SUPPLY AMENDMENTS TO STANDARD LI BYLAWS BRARY BY LAWS AND BY LAWS KENNSGEWING FOR FIXING FEES FOR THE ISSUING It is hereby notified in terms of section OF CERTIFICATES AND FURNISHING Die Stadiraad van Potgietersrus het n 96 of the Local Government Ordinance OF INFORMATION i

98 354 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 5 MAY 974 _ It is hereby notified in terms of section TOWN COUNCIL OF LYDENBURG Die doel van die voorgestelde wysiging a 96 of the Local Government Ordinance skema is om Algemene Nywerheidsregte IN 939 that the Town Council intends PROPOSED AMENDMENT OF THE air bogenoemde eiendomme toe te ken amending the following BylaWs: LYDEN BURIG!TOWN PLANNING ten einde aan die behoeftes van sodanige SCHEME erwe te voorsien Standard Library By laws applicable to the Municipality of Brakpan published The Town Council of Lydenburg has Besonderhede van hierdie skema le ter under Administrators Notice No 828 of Prepared an Amendment Townplanning him by die Munisipale kantore Lyden 26 October 966; and Scheme knot as Lydenburg Aniendnient burg vir n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die Scheme /9 and includes the following datum van die eerste publikasie van hier Bylaws for Fixing Fees for the Issuing properties: die kennisgewing naamlik 5 Mei 974 of Certificates and Furnishing of InforniatiOir "published under Administrators Re/9 0; 6 63 Re/ Die Dorperaad sal oorweeg of die skema Notice No 690 of 25 June to 8 (partly) Re/24 A/24 23 aangeneom moltm word al dan nie Re/22 A/ and Re/9 The general purpbrt of these amend 72 Re/7 /7I 70; 2 3 and Re/69 Enige eienaar of okkupant van waste ments is to make provisions for increasing A/68 Re/68 2 and Re/67 2 and eiendom binne die alined van bogenoemfines in respect of overdue library books Re/IS Re/4 /4 A/3 Re/3 Re/2 de dorpsbcplanningskema of binne 2 km and fixing the fee to be paid in respect / and 9/ /64 a/ / vanaf die grens daarvan het die reg om of photocopies made at the library for Re/ /62 teen die skema beswaar te maak of om reference or study purposes verthe ten opsigte daarvan te rig en in The area affected by this scheme 4 dien by dit wil doen moet by die plans Copies of these amendments are open situaeldaesi of and abutting De Clerdl like bestuur binne 4 weke vanaf die eerste to inspection at the offices of the Corm Street between Potgieter and Ruhiman publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing naam cil for a period of fourteen (4) days as Streets and includes part of the properties Ilk 5 Mei 974 skriftelik man sodanige from the date of publication hereof situated west of and abutting onto Joubert beswaar of vertoe in kennis stel en meld greet of by deur die plaaslike bestuur gehoor Any person wishing to object to the wil word of nie proposed amendments must lodge such The purpose of this proposed Amendobjection in writing with the undersigned mint Scheme is to allocate General In J P BARNHOORN within fourteen (4) days of the date of dustrial rights to The abovementioned liven Stadsiderk 4 Publication of this notice in the Pro in order to provide in the need for "such Munisipale Kantore vincial Gazette erven Lydenburg JAMES LEACH 5 Mei May 974 Notice 45/5/5/974 Town Clerk Particulars of this Scheme are open for Kuurusgewing No 22/974 inspection at themuincipal Offices; Ly denburg for a period of 4 weeks from the date of the first publication of this notice which is 5 May974 TOWN COUNCIL OF VANDERBUL PARK The Board will consider whether or not STADSRAAD BRAKPAN the "scheme should he adopted AMENDMENT OF ELECTRICITY SUP WYSIGINGS VAN STANDAARD BI PLY BY LAWS Any owner or occupier of immovable 3LIOTEEKVERORDENINGE EN VER It is hereby notified in terms of the prope rt withinthe areaof theabove ORDENINGE VIR DIE VASSTELLING mentioned town:planning scheme or within provisions d section 96 of the Local VAN GEIJDE :VIA DIE UITREIKING Government Ordinance 939 as amended 2 km of the boundary thereof has the VAN INLIGTINGthat right to object to the the Town Council of Vanderbijlpark scheme or make proposes to amend the Electricity Supply Daar word hierby ingevolge artikel 96 representations in respectthereof and if he wishes to do provide for an increase in sohe shall within 4 weeks 33 laws to van die Ordonnasie op Plaaslike Bestuur 939 bekend gerianak dat die Raad boor of the first publication of This notide electricity tariffs nemens is om die volgende Verordeninge which is 5 May 04inferno the kcal Copies of the proposed amendments will to wysig: authority in writing of such objection or lie for inspection at the Office! of the representation and shall state whether or Clerk of the Council (Room 202) Muni Die Standaard Biblioteekverordeninge not hi Wishes tb be heard by the local cipal Offices Vanderbijlpark during nor van toepassing op die Munisipaliteit authority mal office hours for a period of 4 days Brakpan afgekondig by Administrateurs from the date of publication hereof kennisgewing No 828 wan 26 Oktober J P BARNHOORN 966; en Town Clerk Any person desirous of lodging any ob Municipal Offices 4 rectron to the proposed amendments must Verordeninge vir die Vasstelling van Lydenburg lodge such objection in writing with the y Gelde vir die Uitreiking van Inligting 5 May974 undersigned within the prescribed period afgekondig by Administrateuiskennisgewing Notice No 22/974 of 4 days No 690 van 25 Junie969 J Die algemene strekking van hierdie Wy DIE STADSRAAD VAN INDENBURG R DU PLESSIS Town Clerk sizings is om voorsiening te maak vir verhoogde boetes ten opsigte van biblio VOORGESTELDE WYSIGING VAN Bp Box 3 Vanderbijlpark teekboeke wat nie binne die tydperk ver DIE LYDENBURGDORPSAANLEG s4 74 meld terugbesorg word nie en vassteting SKEMA Notice No 25/974 van gelde betaalbaar ten opsigte van af skrifte geinitak dein middel van n opsigte Die Stadsraad van Lydenburg het n masjien by die biblioteek vii naslaan en Wysigingsdorpbeplanningskema opgestel studiedoeleindes wat bekend staan as Lydenburgwysiging STADSRAAt VAN VANDERBIMPARIC skema /9 en sluit die volgende eiendom n Afskrif van hierdie wysigings le ter me in: VVVSIGING VAN ELEKTRISITETS insae by die kantoor van die Itaad vir VOORSIENINGSVERORDENINGE n tydperk van veertien (4) dae vanaf Re/ Re/ die datum van publikasie hiervae tot 8 Islegs gedeeltelik) Re/24 A/24 Hierby word ingevolge die bepalings 23 Re/I22 A/ en van artikel 96 van die Ordonnansie op Enige persoon wat beswaar teen ge Re/9 72 Re/ en Plaaslike Bestuin 939 sons gewysig be noemde wysigings wens aan te teken mod Re/69 A/68 Re/ en Re/67 I 2 kind gni mak dat die Stadsraad van Van dit binne veertien (4) dee na die datum en Re/5 Re/4 4/4 A/3 Re/3 Re/2 derbijlpark voomemens is om die Elekvan publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing / en 9/ /64 a/ / Re/ trisiteitsvoorsieningsverordeninge te wysig in die Provinsiale Koerant by die onder /62 deur woorsiening te maak vir n verhoging getekende doen van die elektrisiteitstariewe Die gebied wat deur hierdie skema ge JAMES LEACH rank word is gelee wes van en aangren Afskrifte van die voorgestelde wysigings Stadsklerk send a aan De Cleraistraat tussen Potgieter le vir n tydperk van 4 dae vanaf datum 5 Mei 974 en Buhrmanstraat tot en insluitende die *an publikasie hiervan gedurende gewone Kennisgewing 45/5/5/974 hefte van die eiendomme wat wes van kantoorure by die kantoor van die Klerk en aangrensend aan Jouberstraat gelee is van die Raad (Kamer 202) Munisipale

99 PROVINSIALE KOERANT 5 MEI Kantoor Gebou Vanderbijlpark ter in (b) The Cemetery Bylaws: by amending (a) close permanently Erf 304 (park) sae Enige persoon wat beswaar wil aan certain definitions by providing for Flamwood Township approximately teken teen die voorgestelde wysigings moet metric measurements and amended m2 in extent in terms of the sodanige beswaar binne die voormelde tyd tariffs provisions of sections 67 and 68 of perk van 4 dae skriftelik by die under the Local Government Ordinance geteken de inch en (c) The Bylaws relating to Dogs: by 939; amending certain definitions and cer J H DU PLESSSIS tam tariffs and by regulating the keep (b) sell in terms of the provisions of sec Stadsklerk ing of dogs in kennels Lion 79(8) of the said Ordinance and Posbus 3 section 79 of the Town planning and Vanderbifipark (d) The Bylaws for the Prevention and Townships Ordinance 965 the north 5 Mei 974 Extinction of Fires: by amending the ern Portion of the erf approximately Kennisgewing No 25/974 definition of "Inflammable Liquids" m2 in extent after it has been Copies of these bylaws are open for closed and subdivided into two stands inspection at the office of the Clerk of for residential purposes; and the Council Civic Centre 6 Bologna TOWN COUNCIL OF NELSPRUIT Road Room 22 Evander from IS May (c) use the southern Portion approximately AMENDMENT TO ELECTRICITY SUP 0974 to 29 May m2 in extent of the said stand PLY BYLAWS after it has been closed and subdivided Any person desirous of objecting to for the purpose of the erection of a any of these bylaws shall submit his ob substation writin the Town Clerk Civic subject to the provisions of section 96 of Centre Centitre r6 Bologna Road Room 20 PO A copy of the the Local Government Ordinance Councils resolution and 939 Box 55 Evander on or before 30 May a plan showing the size and situation of as amended that the Town Council has 974 the erf to be decided to amend the ElectricitySupply closed and alienated will lie Bylaws promulgated under Administra J ONSELEN for inspection at Room 204 Municipal Town Clerk Offices during office hours tors Notice No 49 dated July 0 as amended further to increase the tariffs CivicCentre for the supply of electricity with Emnder Any person who has any objection to 74% 5 May 0974 the proposed closing or sale of the land The amendment lies open for inspection Municipal Notice No or who S 8 S may have any claim for compensation if such closing should be carried in the office of the Clerk of the Council out Town must lodge Hall Nelspruit and any objection his objection or claim as STADSRAAD VAN EVANDER the case against the may be in writing with Councils resolution the under should be signed not later than Tuesday 6 submitted July in writing before Thursday 30 Kennisgewing in terme van artikel lio Notice is hereby given in terms of andtransformer May 974 van Ordonnanste 7 van 939 J N JONKER Town Clerk WYSIGING VAN VERORDENINGE J C LOUW Town Clerk Town Hall PO Box 45 Die Stadsraad van Evander is van voor Municipal Offices Nelspruit neme om die volgende verordeninge te Klerksdorp 5 May 974 wysig 5 May 974 Notice Na 52/74 (a) Watervoorsieningsverordeninge: om ta Notice No 39/74 riewe vir heraansluitings aanbring wan STADSRAAD VAN NELSPRUIT staanpype spesiale aflesings en Wets Nan meters te wysig STADSRAAD WYSIGING VAN VAN ELEKTRISITEITS KLERKSDORP VOORSIENINGSVERORDENINGE (b) Begraafp:aasverordeninge: om woordomskrywings to wysig voorsiening te SLUITING VAN ERF 304 (PARK) Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge en maak vir metrieke mate en gewystgde FLAMWOOD DORPSGEBIED EN VERonderworpe aan die bepalings van artikel taricwe VREEMDING VAN N GEDEELTE 96 van die Ordonnansie op Pleas:lice!Be stuur c) Verordeninge betreffende Honde: om 939 soos gewysig dat die Stads DAARVAN road besluit het om die ElektriSiteitsvoortariewe te wysig en die aanhou van sekerc woordomskrywings en sekere sieningsverordeninge soos afgekondig by Administratcurskennisgewing No 49 van honde in n fiondebewaarplek to reel Hiermee word kennisge g ee dat die Stadsraad woornemens is om Julie 953 soos gewysig verder te wysig (d) Verordeninge vir die Voorkoming en deur die tariewe vir die lewering van Blus van Mande: om die woordom artitrisiteitelek (a) ooreenkomstig die bepalings met 7% to verhoog skrywing van "vlambare vloeistowwe" van 67 en kels 68 van die Ordonnansie te wysig op Plaaslike Bestuur 939 Erf 304 Die wysiging la ter insae in die kantoor wat as n park in Flamwood dorps van die Klerk van die Rand Stadhuis Afskrifte van die voorgestelde wysigings gebied uitgehou is ongeveer m2 Nelspruit en enige beswaar teen die Raad la ter insae in die kantoor van die Klerk groot permanent te sluit; se besluit moet skriftelik ingedien word van die Raad Burgersentrum Bolognaweg uiters op Donderdag 30 Mei Kamer 22 Evander wane 5 Mei 974 (b) ingevolge die bepalings van artikel tot 29 Mei (8) van voormelde Ordonnansie en I N JONKER artikel 79 van die Ordonnansie op Stadsklerk Enige persoon wat beswaar teen enige Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe 965 die Stadhuis van die wysigings wil aanteken meet sy noordelike Gedeelte van die erf onge Posbus 45 besware skriftelik by die Stadsklerk Bur veer m2 groot nadat dit behoor Nelspruit gersentrum Bolognaweg!6 Kamer 20 lik gesluit en in twee erwe verdeel is 5 Mei 974 Posbus 55 Evander indien Amor of op 30 vir woondceleindes te verkoop; en Kennisgewing No 52/74 Mei J S VAN ONSELEN (c) die suidelike Gedeelte van Erf 304 on Stadsklerkgaveer 038 m2 groot nadat dit geslant en onderverdeel is vir die oprig TOWN COUNCIL OF EVANDER Burgersentrum ling van n transformatorsubstasie te Evander Notice in terms of section 96 of Ordin gebruik 5 Mei 974 ace No 7 of 939 Munisipale Kennisgewing No 8/74 n Afskrif van die Stadsraad se besluit BY LAWS AMENDMENTS en n plan waarop die grootte en Jigging van die erf aangedui word sal gedurende It is the intention of the Town Council TOWN COUNCIL OF KLERKspoRp gcwone kantoortue by Kamer 204 Stadsof Evander to amend the following by kantoor ter insae le laws (PARK) ELAM WOOD TOWNSHIP AND ALIENATION Enigeen wat beswaar teen die voorge (a) The Water Supply Bylaws: by amend A PORTION OF THEREOF CLOSING OF ERF 304 stelde sluiting en verkoop van die grond ing tariffs for reconnections the sup het of wat enige eise om skadevergoeding ply of standpipes special readings and Notice is hereby given that it is the sal he indien die sluiting uitgevoer word testing of meters intention of the Town Council to moet sy beswaar of eis na gelang van die

100 356 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 5 MAY 974 geval nic later as Dinsdag 6 Ju:ie 974 Afskrifte van die voorgestelde wysiging cil of Pietersburg to amend its Fire 6 skriftelik by ondergetekende indien nie 8 ter insac by die kantoor van die Klerk Brigade By laws as promulgated by Admi van die Raad Munisipale Kantoor tot nistrators Notice No 358 dated 24 March 29 Mei 974 en enige beswaar daartecn 97 to: J C LOUW moat die ondergetekende skriftelik bereik Stadsklerk (a) Simplify the existing set of bylaws voor of op genoemde datum Stadskantoor and thus faci:itating the interpretation Klerksdorp thereof; 5 Mci 974 A R HECTOR Kennisgewing No 39/74 Waarn Stadsklerk (b) Revise the tariffs in the light of in 30 ;l5 Munisipale Kantoor creasing costs Posbus 3 Tel 2442 The proposed amendment will make provision for fire fighting outside the TOWN COUNCIL OF WITBANK Witbank 5 Mei municipal boundaries of Pietersburg and; 974 AMENDMENT TO TRAFFIC BY LAWS Kennisgewing No 25/974 for special fire services within and outside 3 5 the boundaries Notice is hereby given in terms of section 96 of the Local Government Ordin Copies of the proposed by laws will be ante No 7 of 939 that the Town ; VILLAGE COUNCIL OF GROBLERS available for inspection at Room 402 Council of Witbank intends amending the DAL Civic Centre Pietersburg during normal Traffic Bylaws as promulgated under office hours fourteen (4) days after Administrators Notice No 223 dated 9 REVOKING OF BYLAWS ;publication of this advertisement in the March 947 as amended as follows: It is hereby notifiedin terms ofsection ;Provincial Gazette until which date ob jections to the proposed bylaws in writing By the substitution of the tariffs as ;96 of the Local Government Ordinance stating reasons therefore will be received set out in Annexure VIII Schedule by ino 7 of 939 that the Council intends the following: to revoke its Leave Regulations as published under Administrators Notice P MATHEE (a) For the first kilometre or part thereof No 200 dated 7 March 95 Acting Town Clerk II per passenger R065; :Civic Centre Copies of this amendment is open to!pietersburg (b) For every additional kilometre or part `inspection at the office of the Council :5 May 974 thereof per passenger R020; )for a period of fourteen days from the date of publication hereof (c) Waiting time R00 for every two MUNISIPALITEIT PIETERSBURG minutes Any person who desires to record his objection to the proposed amendment WYSIGING ;VAN BRANDWEERVER 2 To make provision therefore that all must do so in writing to the undersigned! ORDENINGE taxi owners are compelled to install meters within fourteen days after the publication in their vehicles within ; a period of three Kennisgewing geskied of this notice hiermee ingevolge months as from date of promulgation of!clic bepalings van artikel 96 van die Or this amendment P C F VAN ANTWERPEN Idormansie op Plaaslike Bestuur 939 soos Town Clerk gewysig dat die Stadsraad van Pietersburg Copies of the proposed amendment arc Municipal Offices voornemens is om sy Brandwcerverorde open for inspection at the office of the PO Box 48 ninge soos afgekondig by Administrateurs C:erk of the Council Municipal Offices Grob!crsdal kennisgewing No 358 gedateer 24 Maart until 29 May 974 and any objections 5 May te wysig deur: against it must reach the undersigned in Notice No /974 writing before or on the said date (a) Die bestaande stel verordeninge le vereenvoudig en die vertolking dear DORPSRAAD VAN GROBLERSDAL van sodoende te vergemaklik; A R HECTOR Acting Town Clerk FIERROEPING VAN VERORDENINGE (b) In die fig van huidige kostestygings Municipal Offices die bestaande tariewe tc hersien PO Box 3 I Daar word hierby ingevolge artikel 96 Tel 2442 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur Die bcoogde verordeninge sal voorsie Witbank No 7 van 939 bckend gemaak dat die fling maak Al Brandbestryding buite die 5 May 974 Raad voornemens is om sy Verlofregula munisipale gebied en die lewering van a Notice No 25/974 sies afgekondigby Administrateurskennis spesiale Brandweerdienste binne en buite VI gewing No 200 van 7 Maart 95 in sy die munisipa:e gebied geheel to herroep STADSRAAD VAN WITBANK Afskrifte van die voorgestelde verordc ; Afskrifte van hierdie wysiging 8 ter hinge 8 ter insae by Kamer 402 Burger WYSIGNG VAN VERKEERSVEROR insae by die kantoor van die Raad vir n entrum Pietersburg gedurende die gewone DENINGE tydperk van veertien dae vanaf die datum kantoorure tot veertien (4) dae na publi Kennis geskicd hiermee ingevolge die publikasie hiervan kasie van hierdie advertensie in die Pro 7n Ansiale Koerant tot welke datum skriftelike bepalings van artikel 96 van die Ordon ; Enige persoon wat beswaar teen die besware met opgaaf van cedes ontuan g sal nansie op Plaaslike Bestuur No 7 van herroeping van genoemde verordeninge word 939 dat die Stadsraad van Witbank van wens aan te taken moot dit skrifte:ik binne I P MATHEE voorncmc is om die Verkeersverordeninge eertien dae na datum van publikasie van Waarn Stadsklerk soos afgekondig by Administrateurs hierdie kennisgewing by die ondergetc Burgersentrum kennisgewing No 223 ;van 9 Maart 947 kende doen Pietersburg soos gewysig verder soos vo:g te wysig: ; Dcur die vervanging van die tariewe P C F VAN ANTWERP EN 5 Mei 974 3p3 5 soos uitecngesit in Aanhangsel VI Bylae Stadsklerk deur die volgende: Munisipale Kantore ; Posbus 48 I TOWN COUNCIL OF ALBERTON (a) Vir die eerstc kilometer of gedecite Groblersdal daarvan per passasier R065; 5 Mei 974 AMENDMENT TO BY LAWS RELAT (b) Vir elke daaropvolgende kilometer of Kennisgewing No /974 ING TO LICENCES AND BUSINESS gedeelte daarvan per passasier 32 IS CONTROL R020; Notice is hereby given in terms of the PIETERSBURG MUNICIPALITY (e) Wagtyd R00 vir elke twee minute provisions of section 96 of the Local AMENDMENT OF pire BRIGADE Government Ordinance 939 as amended 2 Om daarvoor voorsicning te maak BYLAWS of the intention of the Town Council of dat ale huurmotoreienaars verplig sal Alberton to amend the Bylaws relating wees om hu:le vocrtuie binne n tydperk Notice is hereby given in terms of the to Licences and Business Control applicable van drie maande vanaf datum van afkon provisions of section 96 of the Local to the Municipality of Alberton published diging van hierdie wysiging van meters le Government Ordinace 939 as amended under Administrators Notice No 98 of voorsien that it is the intention of the Town Coun 3 March 957 as amended to pro II

101 II PROVINSIALE KOERANT 5 MEI vide fen an increase and the metrication STADSRAAD VAN MESSINA TOWN COUNCIL OF ROODEPOORT of the tariff of fares for first and second class motor cabs WAARDERINGSHOF: 4974 CLOSING AND ALIENATION OF LAND Copies of these amendments arc open Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge die for inspection at the Councils offices for mbepalings van artikel 4 wan die Plaaslike It is notified in terms of the provisions a period of fourteen days from the date Bestuur Belastingordonnansie No 20 van of the Local Government Ordinance 939 of publicationhereof 933 soos gewysig dat die Waardcringslys as amended that it is the intention of the vir die tydperk 3974/77 voltooi is en dat Town Council of Roodepoort subject to Any person who objects to the amend dit vasgestel en bindend gemaak word vir the necessary consent of the Administrator ments must lodge such objection in writing al die betrokke partye wat nie binne een to close permanently: with the Town Clerk Alberton within maand vanaf datum van die cerste publifourteen days after the date of publication kasie filet van nalmlik 5 Mei 974 teen (i) The portion of Lena Street beof this notice in the Provincial Gazette die beslissing vandie Waarderingsholap tween Meyer Street and the Town which will be 45 May 974 pelleer Me op die wyse voorgeskryf in Hall Roodepoort Township; artikel 5 van genoemde Ordonnansie A G LETTER (ii) the portion of Ninth Avenue Town Clerk C:ivf L SCHIMPER Maraisbur Township in front Municipal Offices President an die Waarderingshof of the Maraisburg Recreation Albertdn Privaatsak X6 Centre approgimately 2 m x 5 May Messina m in extent and utilize same Notice No 49/974 5 Mei 974 for park purposes Kennisgewing No 7/ Details of the proposed closures and alienations may be inspected during normal STADSRAAD VAN ALBERTON TOWN COUNCIL OF SPRINGS office hours at the office of the undersigned WYSIGING VAN VERORDENNGE BETREFFENDE LISENSIES EN TO THE BYLAWS RE Any owner less HEER OOR BESIGHEDE abutting the ee or occupier of land LATING TO BY portions to be closed and CliTZTENTRADING alienated or any other person aggrieved Ingcvolge die van artikelbe96 van die Ordonnansie bee op Plaasliko Bestuur Notice is hereby given in terms of sec and who objects to the proposed closing 939 soos gewysig word hiermce bekend don 96 of the Local Government Ordin and/or alienation of the said land or who gemaak dat die Stadsraad van Alberton an once 939 as amended that it is the will have any c:aim for compensation if van voorneme is om die Verordeninge intention of the Town Council of Springs such easing or alienation is carried out betreffende Lisensies en Scheer oar Be to its relatingn Street must must serve written notice upon the under sighede van toepassing op die Trading by children signed of any such objection or caim Munisipali for compensation within 60 (sixty) days tart Alberton afgekondig by Administra The amegnedneriat e general purport ofre gamtoend teurskennisgewing No 498 van 3 Maart from IS May 974 ie before or on 5 is to facilitate procedure when apt:vacation July soos gewysig verder te wysig ten is made under these b ylaws J S DU TOT chide voorsimung te maak vir die ver Town Clerk hoging on metrisering van die huurtarief Copies of these amendments are open Municipal Office di ten opsigte van aerate en twcedeklas for inspection at the office of the Council Roodepoort huurmotors for a period of fourteen days with effect 5 May 974 from the date of publication hereof Afskrifte van hierdie wysigings 6 ter Notice No 44/74 insae by die Read se kantoor int n tyd Any person who desires to record his perk van vcertien dae met ingang van objection to such amendment shall do so STADSRAAD VAN ROODEPOORT in writing to van publikasie hiervan the Town Clerk within fourdatumteen days after the date of publication SLUITING VAN GROND Enigiemand wat beswaar wil opper teen hereof die voorgenome wysigings meet sodanige H A DU PLESSIS beswaar skriftelik by die Stadsklerk Clerk of the Council Alberton indien binne veertien doe na die Town Hall datum van publikasie van hierdie kennis Springs gewing in die Provinsiale Koerant wat 5 5 May 974 Mei 974 sal wees Notice No 47 of 974 A G LOnER STADSRAAD VAN SPRINGS Stadsklerk Munisipale Kantoor Alberton 5 Mei 974 WYSIGING VAN DIE VERORDENIN GE OOR STRAATHANDEL DEUR KINDERS _ Kennis geskied ingevo:ge die bepalings van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur 939 soos gewysig dat die Stadsraad van Roodepoort voornemens is om onderhowig aan die goedkeuring van die Administra teur: (i) Die gedeelte van Lenastraat ins sen Meyerstraat en die Stadhuis dorp Roodepoort permanent te sluit; (ii) die gedeelte van Negende Laan Kennisgewing No 49/974 dorp MaraisburgNoor die Marais 34 5 Daar word hierby ingevolge artikel 96 burgontspanningsentrum greet van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur ongeveer 2 m x 6 m permanent 939 soos gewysig bekend gemaak dat te sluit en vir parkdoeleindes aan die Stadsraad van Springs voomemens is TOWN COUNCIL OF MESSINA le wend om die verordeninge oar straathandel deur VALUATION COURT: 974 kinders te wysig Besonderhede van die voorgestelde slui tings la gedurendc kantoorure ten kantoor Notice is hereby given in terms of the Die algemene strekking van die wystvan die ondergetekende ter insae provisions of section 4 of the Local gings is em die prosedure te vergemaklik Authorities Rating Ordinance No 20 of wanneer n aansoek ooreenkomstig hierdie Enige eienaar huurder of bewoner van 933 as amended that the General Valuaverordeninge gedoen word grand wat grens aan die gedeeltes wat tion Roll for the period 974/77 has been Afskrifte van hierdie wysigings la ter gesluit staan te word of enige ander per completed and will become fixed and soon wat horn benadeel ag en beswaar het insae by die kantoor Nan die Raad vir ri binding upon as parties concerned who teen die voorgestelde suiting van grond tvdperk van veertien dae met ingang van shad not within one month from the date die datum van publikasie hiervan of wat enige cis vir Ivergoeding sou he of the first publication hereof namely indien sodanige sluicing uitgevoer word 5 May 974 appeal against the decision Enige rpersoon wat beswaar teen die moat die ondergetekende binne 60 (sestig) of the Valuation Court in the manner voorgestelde wysiging wil aanteken meet the van 5 Mei 974 af dit wil sa your provided for in section 5 of the said dit skriftelik by die Stadsklerk binne veer of op 5 Julie 974 skriftelik verwittig Ordinance lien dae na publikasie hiervan indicn van sodanige beswaar of eis vir vergoeding C M L SCFIIMPrER H A DU?LESSS J S DU TOIT President of the Valuation Court Klerk van die Raad Stadsklerk Stadhuis Munisipale Kantoor Private Bag mu Springs Roodepoort Messina 5 Mei Mei May 974 Kennisgewing No47 van 974 Kennisgewing No 44/74 Notice No 7/ : 5

102 358 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 5 MAY 974 HEALTH COMMITTEE OF ROEDTAN unless he or she shall have first lodged van die publikasie hiervan ter insae sal such notice of objection as aforesaid le by die kantoor van die Sekretaris VALUATION ROLL 974/77 M J VER MAAK Vorms is verkrygbaar by die kantoor Notice is hereby given in terms of sec Secretary van die Sekretaris vir person wat betion 2 of the Local Authorities Rating Roedtan swaar wil mask teen enige inskrywings in Ordinance No 20 of 4933 as amended 5 May 974 of weglating uit die lys Sodanige vorms that the above Valuation Roll has been moet ingelewer word voor of op 3 Junie completed and shall be open for inspection GESONDHEIDSKOMITEE VAN 974 Niemand het die reg om beswarc for a period of 30 days from the date of ROEDTAN voor die Waarderingshof to opper nie publication hereof tensy by of sy Aroorbedoelde kennisgewing WAARDERINGSLYS All persons interested who intends 974/77 van beswaar soos voornoem ingedien het lodging objections to any entry in or omis Kennisgewing geskied hiermee ooreension from the said roll must do so on komstig die bepalings wan artikel 2 van M J VERMAAK the prescribed forms obtainable from the die Planslike Bestuur Belastingordonnansie Sekretaris Secretary on or before 3 June 974 No No 20 van 933 soos gewysig dat boge Roedtan person shall be entitled to urge any ob noemde waarderingslys nou voltooi is en 5 Mci 974 jection before the said Valuation Court vir n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf die datum

103 PROVINSIALE KOERANT 5 MEI I CONTENTS INHOUD Proclamations Proklamasies 97 Transvaal Board for the Development of Peri 97 Transvaalse Raad vir die Ontwikkeling van Buite Urban Areas: Alteration of Area of Jurisdiction 259 stedelike Gebiede: Verandering van Regsgebied Transvaal Board for the Development of Peri 98 Transvaalse Raad vir die Ontwikkeling van Buite Urban Areas: Election of Local Area Committee stedelike Gebiede: Verkiesing van Plaaslike Ge Members: De DeurLocal Area Committee 260 biedskomiteelede: De Deur Pleaslike Gebiedsko 99 Jupiter Township: Extension of Boundaries 260 mitee Dom Jupiter: Uitbreiding van Grense Montana Township: Proclamation of Township tiorp Montana: Proklamasie van Dorp 26 Administrators Notices Administrateurskennisgewings Education Amendment Draft Ordinance Ontwerpoodenvyswysigingsordonnansie Road Traffic Regulations Amendment of Re 775 Padverkeersregulasies Wysiging van Regulagulation sie Nature Conservation Ordinance Ordonnansie op Natuurbewaring 967 Verkla Diadem tion of ring Areas van gebiede tot natuurreservate 269 as Nature Reserves Padverkeersregulasies Wysiging of ha 7(777 Road Traffic Regulations Amendment 269 M Vcrmindering van die breedte van die padreserwe 778 Reduction in width of the road reserve of a public van n openbare pad (dienspad tot Provinsiale road (Service Road to Provincial Throughroad Deurpad P572) en sluicing van n ingang dear P572) and closing of an entrance thereto/exit van binne die munisipale gebied van Kemptontherefrom within the municipal area of Kempton park 270 Park Munisipaliteit Delareyville: Wysiging Swem 779 Delareyville Municipality: Amendment to Swimming Bath Bylaws 270 van Munisipaliteit 730 Heidelberg: Wysiging van Water 780 Heidelberg Municipality: Amendment to Water voorsieningsverordeninge 270 Supply Bylaws Munisipaliteit Kemptonpark: Aanname van Stan 78 Kempton Park Municipality: Adoption of Standaard Straat en Diverse Verordeninge 272 dard Street and Miscellaneous 782 Munisipaliteit Bylaws Pretoria: 272 3epaling van Stcmdis Pretoria Municipality: Determination of Polling 783 Munisipeitet Pretoria: Wysiging van Dogma plans en Kr Pretoria Municipality: Amendment to Cemetery 784 Munisipaliteit Messina; Wysiging van Elektrisiand Crematorium By laws 273 teitsvcrordeningc en Elektrisiteitvoorsienings 784 Messina Municipality: Amendment to Electricity tarief 274 Bylaws and Electricity Supply Tariff Munisipaliteit Johannesburg: Herrooping van 785 Johannesburg Municipality: Revocation of Nurs Verpleeginrigtingverordeninge 274 ing Home Bylaws Munisipaliteit Johannesburg: Wysiging van Verordeninge en Regulasies botreffende Lisensies cn Johannesburg Municipality: Amendment of By Scheer oor Besighede 275 laws and Regulations relating to licences and 787 Munisipaliteit Randburg: Tarief van Gelde vir Business Control 275 Ambulansdienstc 787 Randburg Municipality: Tariff of Charges for 788 Munisipaliteit Bethel: Wysiging van Verordeninge Ambulance Services 275 vir die Regulering van Beurslenings Bethel Municipality: Amendinent to Bylaws for 789 Munisipaliteit Boksburg: Wysiging van Verorde the Regulation of Bursary Loans 276 ninge vir die Vasstelling van Gelde vir die Uit $ Amendment to Bylaws reiking en die Verskaffing van BoksburgMuniceiepsalfityor: for Fixins Issue of Certificates In g " 276 and Furnishing offot thelacuna 790 Kempton Park Municipality: Amendment to Traf MunisipaliteitSeKrtifikate Kemptonpark; Wysiging van Vet keelirsgtin erorden fie Bylaws Munisipaliteit petit Benoni: Wysiging van Verkeersver Raad vir Buite 79 Benoni Municipality: Amendment to Traffic Bylaws Transvaalse ordeninge 792 Transvaal Board for the Development of die Ontwikkeling Gebiede: Wysiging van stedelike van Ge UrbanPeri Areas: Amendment to Sanitary Con Sanitere en Nagvuil en Vullisverwyderingsverorveniences and Nightsoil and Refuse Removal By deninge 277 makke laws Munisipaliteit Stilfontein: Wysiging van Tarief 793 Stilfontein Municipality: Amendment to Tariff van Gelde vir Sanitere Diens 277 of Charges for Sanitary Service Munisipaliteit Sandton: Verordeninge insake die 794 Sandton Municipality: Bylaws for the Fixing of Vasstelling vangelde vir die Uitreiking vawser Fees for the Issue of Certificates and Furnishing tifikate en Verstrekking van Inligting 278 of Information Munisipaliteit Sandton: Beurslemngsfondsveror 795 Sandton Municipality: Bursary Loan Fund By deninge 280 laws Munisipaliteit Nigel: Aanname van Standaard 796 Nigel Municipality: Adoption of Standard Street Straat en Diverse Verordeninge 286 and Miscellaneous Bylaws Transvaalse Raad vir die Ontwikkeling van Buite 797 Transvaal Board for the Development of Peri stedelike Gebicdc: Wysiging van Watervoor Urban Areas: Amendment to Water Supply By sieningsverordeninge 286 laws Transvaalse Read vir die Ontwikkeling van Butte 798 Transvaal Board for the Development of Peri stedelike Gebiede: Wysiging van Tarief van Urban Areas; Amendment to Tariff of charges Gelde vir die Lowering van Elektrisiteit 286 for the Supply of Electricity Beoogde verlegging van n openbare pad oor: die 799 Proposed deviation of a public road on thelarm plaas Dovedale 56MS: Distrik Messina 288 Dovedale 56MS: District of Messina Kansellering in sy geheel of gedeeltelik van die 800 Cancellation wholly or partially of the servitude uitspanserwituut op die pleas Vaarwaterkrans outspan on the farm Vaarwaterkrans 260JR: 260JR distrik Bronkhorstspruit 288 District of Bronkhorstspruit Vermindering van die uitspanserwituut op die 80 Reduction of the servitude of outspan on the farm plaas Welgegund 69HP: Distrik Wolraaransstad 289 Welgegund 69HP: District of Wcilmaransstad Beoogde stinting van twee openbare paaie oor die 802 Proposed closing of two public roads on the farm plaas Tweefontein 479LS: Distrik Ermelo 289 Tweefontein 474 LS: District of Ermelo Beoogde sluicing van n openbare pad oor die 803 Proposed closing of a public road on the farm plaas Doompan 22HP distrik Wolmarans Doornpan 22HP: District of Wolmaransstad 289 stad 289

104 360 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 5 MAY Cancellation wholly of servitude of outspan on 804 Kansellering in sy geheel van uitspansenvituut op 4 the farm Zeekoewater 3 8: District of Wit die plans Zeekoewater 345: Distrik Witbank 290 bank Beoogde sluiting van n openbare pad oor die 805 Proposed closing of a public road on the farm pleas Doombult 238IP: Distrik Lichtenburg 290 Doornbult 238P: District of Lichtenburg Kansellering in sy geheel of gedeeltelik van die 806 Cancellation wholly or partially of the servitude uitspanserwituut op die plaas Kranskloof of outspan on the farm Kranskloof 554KT: 554KT distrik Lydenburg 290 District of Lydenburg Propdsed closing of a public road on the farm 807 Beoogde sluiting van n openbare pad oor die Wolvenfontein 652IR: District of Heidelberg 29 plans Wolvenfontein 6522: Distrik Heidelberg Cancellation wholly or partially of the servitude 808 Kansellering in sy geheel of gedeeltelik van die of outspan on the farm Lceuwfontein 466R: uitspanserwituut op die plans Leeuwfontein 466 District of Bronkhorstspruit 29 JR distrik Bronkhorstspruit Randburg Amendment Scheme No Randburgwysigingskema No Johannesburg Amendment Scheme No / Johannesburgwysigingskema No / Germiston Amendment Scheme No / Witbank Amendment Scheme No / Germistonwysigingskema No / \ 83 Pretoria Region Amendment Scheme No Witbankwysigingskema No / Northern Johannesburg Region Amendment 83 Pretoriastreekwysigingskema No Scheme No Noordelike Johannesburgstreek wysigingskema 85 Randburg Municipality: Hall Bylaws 293 No Morgenzon Municipality: Amendment to Public 8 Munisipaliteit Randburg: Saalverordeninge : Munisipaltteit Morgenzon: Wysiging van Pu 87 Morgenzon Municipality: Adoption of Standard blieke Gesondheidsverordeninge 304 Milk By Munisipaliteit Morgenzon: Aanname van Stan 88 Springs Amendment Scheme No daardmelkverordeninge Germiston Amendment Scheme No 2/ Springswysigingskema No Pretoria Region Amendment Scheme No Germistonwysigingskema No 2/ Heidelberg Extension Township: Declaration 820 Pretoriastreekwysigingskema No of approved township Dorp Heidelberg Uitbreiding : Verklaring tot 822 Heidelberg Amendment Scheme No / Olivedale Extension No Township: Declaration 822 Heidelbergwysigingskema No /4 307 of approved township Dorp Olivedale Uitbreiding No : Verklaring tot 824 Northern Johannesburg Region Amendment 824 Noordelike Johannesburgstreekwysigingskema No 825 Denim Extension No 9 Township: Declaration of approved township Dorp Denlee Uittneiding No 9: Verklaring tot 826 Germiston Amendment Scheme No / Northern Johannesburg Region Amendment 826 Germistonwysigingskema No / Noordelike J ohannesburgstreekwysigingskema No 828 Wendywood Extension No 4 Township: Decla 575 ration of approved township Dorp Wendywood Uitbreiding No 4: Verklaring Pretoria Region Amendment Scheme No Garsfontein Extension No 7 Township: Declare 829 Pretoriastreek wysigingskema No Eon of approved township Dorp Garsfontein Uitbreiding No 7: Verklaring 83 Germiston Amendment Scheme No / tot goedgekeurde dorp Dorandia Extension No 8 Township: Declaration 83 Germistonwysigingskema No / of an approved township Dorp Dorandia Uitbreiding No 8: Verklaring tot 833 Pretoria Region Amendment Scheme No Eden Glen Extension No 3 Township: Declare 833 Pretoriastreekwysigingskema No tion of an approved township Dorp Eden Glen Uitbreiding No 3: Verklaring 835 Edenvale Amendment Scheme No / tot +n goedgekeurde dorp ; Kempton Park Amendment Scheme No / Edenvale wysigingskema No / Kemptonparkwysigingskema No /02 : 326 General Notices Algemene Kennisgewings 4 77 Proposed Townships: () Randparkrif Extension 8 (2) Eden Glen Extension 9 (3) Kleine 77 Voorgestelde Dorpe: () Randparkrif Litbrei Weide (4) Dunsevern (5) Bedfordmew Extending 8 (2) Eden Glen Uitbreiding 9 (3) sion 232 (6) Gordonsview (7) Ravenswood Kleine Weide (4) Dunsevern (5) Bedfordview Uitbreiding Extension (6) Gordonsview (7) Ravenswood Uitbreiding Proposed Township: Parkhaven Voorgestelde Dorp: Parkhaven Benoni Amendment Scheme No / Benoniwysigingskema No / Pretoria Region Amendment Scheme No Pretoriastreekwysigingskema No Northern Johannesburg Region Amendment 8 Noordelike Johannesburgstreekwysigingskema No Scheme No Kempton Park Amendment Scheme No / Kemptonparkwysigingskema No / Pretoria North Amendment Scheme No / PretoriaNoord wysigingskema No / :84 Pretoria Region Aniendment Scheme No Pretoriastreek wysigingskema No Johannesburg Amendment Scheme No / Johannesburgwysigingskema No / Pretoria Region Amendment Scheme No Pretoriastreekwksigingskema No 570 ( Ventersdorp Amendment Scheme No / Ventersdorpwysigingskema No / Potchefstroom Amendment Scheme No / :88 Potchefstroom wysigingskema No / Pretoria Region Amendment Scheme No Pretoriastreekwysigingskema No ; 90 Proposed township: Van der Hoff Park : Voorgestelde dorp: Van der Hoff Park Timposed township: Bardene Extension Voorgestelde dorp: Barden% Uitbreiding Randburg Amendment Scheme No Randburgwysigingskema No Bookmakers Licence Bookmakerslisensie Nigel Amendment Scheme No Nigelwysigingskema No Northern Johannesburg Region Amendment 96 Noordelike lohannesburgstieek wysigingskema Nd Scheme No Johannesburg Amendment Scheme No / Johannesburgwysigingskema No /733 : Pretoria Region Amendment Scheme No 339 : Pretoriastreekwysigingskema No 339 : 345 a 99 Division of Land Ordinance 973: Application 99 Ordonnansie op die verdeling van grond 973: for the Division of Land 346 t Aansoek om die verdeling van grond Division of Land Ordinance 973: Application 200 Ordonnansie op die verdeling van grond 973: for the Division of Land 346 ; Ainsoek om die verdeling van grond 346



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