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1 1 : [ il b 1 ttle h 1 1 li 237/3 ts ( all v lio cni&wi3 "V f 1 \jvieylk 0 2 th B1/ X32 / DE" PROVNSFE :TRANSVAAL f =2 TiE BROVNCE OF TAM \r i\frx) \):: 1 ) `(t sckta f ti Pe i 4 flittat 3 t if?) (As n Nuusblad by die Poskantoor Geregistreer) tz ; (Registered at the Post Office as a Newspaper) 44 fisifie: Abereint \ tr Jii 0% 14: a et e Vol CLXXX\ ] PRYS 5c PRETORA 17 JULE17 JULY 1963 P2CF Sc N 3042 NHOUD AGTERN CONTENTS ON BACK PAGES 1963] PROKLAMASE PROCLAMATON DEUR SY EDELE DE ADMNSTRATEUR VAN DE BY THE HONOURABLE THE ADMNSTRATOR OF THE PROVNSE TRANSVAAL PROVNCE OF TRANSVAAL Nademaal dit wenslik geag word om die grense van Whereas it is deemed expedient to alter the boundaries die dorp Selcourt te verander deur gedeelte J van die of SeleOurt Pawl Olio by the inclusion therein of portion plaas Rietfontein No 128 Registrasieafdeling R distrik J of the farm Rielfontein No 128 Registration Division Springs daarin op te neem; LR District of Springs; So is dit dat ek kragtens en ingevolge die bevoegdhede Now therefore under and by virtue of the powers vested wat by subartikel (1) van artikel negeenveertig van die in me by subsection (1) of section forty nine of the Deeds Registrasie van Aktes Wet 1937 gelees met artikel Registries Act 1937 read with section twenty bis of the D rivintig bis van die Dorpe en Dorpsaanleg Ordonnansie 1931 Townships and Town aan my verleen word hierby verklaar dat die grense Planning Ordinance 1931 hereby declare that the boundaries of the said township are van genoemde dorp uitgebrei is soda( die genoemde extended to include the said portion subject to the condi gedeelte daarin opgeneem word onderworpe aan die lions set out in the Schedule hereto attached voorwaardes uiteengesit in die bygaande bylaag Gegee onder my Hand te Pretoria op Bede die Eerste Given under my Hand at Pretoria on this First day of dag van Julie Eenduisend Negehonderd Drieensestig July One Thousand Nine Huridred and Sixty three F H ODENDAAL F H ODENDAAL Administrateur van die Provinsie Transvaal Administrator of the Province of Transvaal TAD 6/141 TAD 6/141 BYLAAG SCHEDULE TTELVOORWAARDES CONDTONS OF TTLE Die grond is by inlywing onderworpe aan bestaande The land shall upon incorporation be subject to the voorwaardes en serwitute existingsondicons and servitudes ADMNSTRATEURSKEDNGEWNGS ADMNSTRATORS NOTCES Administrateurskennisgewing No 442] [ 17 Julie 1963 Administrators Notice No 4421 f17 July 1963 itermnderng EN AFBAKENNG VAN UT REDUCTONAND DEMARCATON OF OUTSPAN SPANSERWTUUT OP DE PLAAS WTFON SERVTUDE ON THE FARM WTFONTEN TEN No 301 1R DSTRK PRETORA No 301 JR DSTRCT OF PRETORA Met betrekking tot Administrateurskennisgewing No With reference to Administrators Notice No 805 of the 805 van 4 November 1960 word hierby vii algemene inlig 4th November 1960 it is hereby notified for general ting bekendgemaak dat dit die Administrateur behaag om information that the Administrator is pleased under the ooreenkomstig paragraaf (iv) van subartikel (1) en pars provisions of paragraph (iv) of sub section () and para graaf (i) van subartikel (7) van artikel sesenvyftig van die graph (i) of subsection (7) of section fifty six of the Roads Padordonnansie 1957 (Ordounansie No 22 van 1957) Ordinance 1957 (Ordinance No 22 of 1957) to approve goed te keur dat die serwituut ten opsigte van die algemene that the servitude in respect of the general outspan in uitspanning 5 morg groot waaraan die resterende gedeelte extent 5 morgen to which the remaining extent of Portion van Gedeelte B van die plaas Witfontein No 3017R n of the farm Witfontein No 301 JR District of distrik Pretoria onderworpe is verminder word na 1 morg Pretoria is subject be reduced to 1 morgen and the en die verminderde "uitsparming afgebaken word in die reduced outspan be demarcated in the position as indicated ligging stios aangetoon op bygaande sketsplan on the subjoined sketch plan 1 DP 01012:37/3/W17 DP /3/W17 4 A k3 411D?4": 1 : 133 tizentartf= eatt rtg ;15 E QNDERSTEP0ORT Zoo Sli: ; e Cest Res Ge a i" 301 JR ill 0 FONTEN Th PP 0/ Oa Mit W /7 VORWYS/A16 REFERENCE ihmewurears REM ll/xwannng azatatand 047SPAN

2 ) 90 PRBVNSAL111COBBANT 17 JULE 1963 Administrateurskennisgewing No Julie 1963 Administrators Notice No 441] [ 17 July1963 PADREELNGS OP DE PLASE VAALBANK No ROAD ADJUSTMENTS ON THE FARMS VAAL 94P EN CYFERPONTEN No BANK No 94L P AND CYFERFONTEN Na DSTRK LCHTENBURG 99 LP DSTRCT OF LCHTENBURG Met betrekking tot Administrateurskennisgewing No 334 van 22 Mei 1963 word hiermee vir algemene inligting With reference to Administrators Notice No 334 of the bekendgemaak dat dit die Administrateur behaag om 22nd May 1963 it is hereby notified for general inforniaooreenkomstig subartikel (6) van artikel negeentwintig tion that the Administrator is pleased under the provisions van die Padordonnafisie 1957 (Ordonnansie No 22 van of subsection (6) of section twentynine of the Roads goedkeuring te heg aan die padreelings soos aange Ordinance 1957 (Ordinance No 22 of 1957) to approve toon op bygaande sketsplan the road adjustments shown on the subjoined sketch plan DP /24/C2 DP /24/C2 4 " A" rrn1o9t/ccd: ONHHOPPAOC z c 4111 V B a N K8 4 0 r /24/ C2 QEFEQENcE VERwrsiNa exst3 roads Bestaande paste Road closed = a a a s Plaid saskesfr Administrateurskennisgewing No 443] [ 17 Julie 1963 Administrators Notice No 4431 [ 17 July 1963 PADREELNGS OOR BANTOE R E S E R V A A T ROAD ADJUSTMENTS ON BANTU RESERVE VANAF SKLPAD TOT LOBATS DSTRK FROM SKLPAD TO LOBATS DSTRCT OF MARCO MARCO Met die oog op n aansoek ontvang van die bestuurder van Gopani Myn om die verlegging van grootpad No 05 n view of an application having been made by the oor Bantoe Reservaat vanaf Skilpad tot Lobatsi distrik Manager of the Gopani Mine for the deviation of main Marico is die Administrateur voornemens om ooreen road No 05 on Bantu Reserve from Skilpad to Lobatsi komstig artikel agtentwintig van die Padordonnansie District of Marico it is the Administrators intention to 1957 (Ordonnansie No 22 van 1957) op te tree take action in terms of section twentyeight of the Roads Ordinance 957 (Ordinance No 22 of 1957) Alle belanghebbende persone is bevoegd om binne dertig dae vanaf die datum van verskyning van hierdie kennis t is competent for any person interested to lodge his gewing in die Provinsiale Koerant hulle besware by die objections in writing with the Regional Officer Transvaal Streelcsbeampte Transvaalse Paaiedepartement Privaat Roads Department Private Bag 2063 Rustenburg within sak 2063 Rustenburg skriftelik in te then thirty days of the date of publication of this notice in the Provincial Gazette Ookeenkornstig subartikel (3) van artikel negeentwintig van genoemde Ordonnansie word dit vir algemene inligting n terms of subsection (3) of section twenty nine of the bekendgemaak dat indien enige beswaar gemaak word said Ordinance it is notified for general* information that maar daarna van die hand gewys word die beswaar if any objection to the said application is taken but is maker aanspreeklik gehou kan word vir die bedrag van thereafter dismissed the objector may be held liable for R10 ten opsigte van die koste van n kommissie wat aan the amount of RO in respect of the costs of a commission gestel word ooreenkomstig artikel dertig as gevolg van appointed in terms of section thirty as a result of such sulke besware 0 t objections 2 DP: /22/05 t : 2 DP /22/

3 tis/ot/ezzzo 1Fcria u s/oz/ezzzo nca ism amutpioop puu siit turutpm ol na weidsmats op el 0N HY/Kg upluosormo tra utamojstuunto "W LEZ or 10N 1041:!N falph "W9 Z ON utamolrappoint 0N n on inoupalght veld notans pautofqns ant no pacnipsop pug pamptput su nuasq do gotsaq uoota2uru soos ouutspq [Es cs2upds aupdg jo mtusta alp ora upjuopappow on utatuojtoh on inpupastpm suuej att3 mno lspcaltels spew apnns asejd atp aoo oturdsuatp ua pudiaquas u ua salpazoq pue puo1 Aug E gpm snippet snolmn jo puar mum apuatasstmm lour pediooz anquado u 3Ep ion inmpepaofi oncind u yelp `C561 Jo zz tra apurutpi0 speon Oqj 30 `LA6 1111A ZZ tra atsuruuopopud am wen am) jalpir pang uoppos pue any uopoas Jo (t) uoppasqns Jo (a) pue na gn plum uun tapurnes urn (a) no (q) amtituard (q) soduigund jo slant ut panourdu sett aoreastugups nun s2uttedaq alp gosinoluaamo inamuslunupv W) 0114 veto moult:sop! tunua2 pappou Aqamit st 3 3Fetuagpuplaq flutrilitur auautalu nn = main puce t!g sonnrcis AO toruisra SAVOR gpinugs SONMS 332LSQ `aivwsnrc CNV 311\111 twos NVW avcrignvms `avamouo ETVENgd0 ONN2d0 061 AN Gil ref& en apeon saleoqueupv " 961 otlef Ll [ int am 9upaa2spuaisinalciNu:upv (v:70s HC/A S311 Otfet1) (P71 rts ZG:7Ra ZAWSC YHA/3a MTA a /1/rce019 Odd rfvou 171 so teo 10 Oted gurnineigag 9Ng VW97A 4 11N 2?S Ang1A10: W31ner 072/731d/ E7 bcti Pt Weensivay br :11/11/c/CN0091/2V Lit /VESANOSS79 1z a/n/ez 0co cm zja/n/cz E 0co tialaq pdupiqns uutd npla)15 ag1 uo rapeptput su teldstans apuuulfq do uoop2uu1 soos uumsaq jus isrussataistoc! jo lopista fl tqg tra joop(slamng tom ssalapod Amstp flu x tig on joopistagna sueld an) ant uo spca Huns tptm lap) adua og `puoa m!ostp 2 imp do pang mon asdeux og pedsvistp u Sep an mala2 `(LSO! JO ZZ on aouuup10) LS6 faaueuquo speua am pao2 USG! URA tt "on atsueuuol110) Lg6 alstmuuopio jo aadq; uopaas pur any uoipas jo (j) uopaas gas Jo (q) pea uun app javpu ua feca!mom nen () p3to13qns udualtred jo slunl ut srusnlaptod jo paeog peug alp Aq uun (q) Jura wed agionout `slusiamt23od uun peuiprd podai puu uopagsanut nue spanoiddu seq Jomostupopv a!!! map 2BS3A U0 3FOROUU0 EU "mamospounpv all) vet) ant mitt uopuuuojin tumua2 10) poollou Aqamq Si 3 lueurapua)taq 2ut1alint Pumate Jin oatunut plom tta SMS) a snlistianialoa JO MUSC "CVON DTErld TONNad0 31LLSCE 311VEN3d0 ONN3d KP L11 ("Sit OM Muhl MORTRTTV : 961 alinf L] (cn or/ SuytioasTaumismaiell silqupv V L!a u teto ivoriiron

4 92 PROVNSALE KOERANT 17 JULE 1963 WELGEDACHT 74 6b00Y R DLFONTEN 71R 5 ^V D35 pp 0 p 0 58 OA M g 7 14 i M 19 ThaTh cal p 175G ft HOLFONTE1N 71 1R v w v b c 00 Al to 2 C r3i Ffi $2 CR 71r88 4 t opt P Si V v 4 8(14 NOLFoNTE A7 rl3li *N MODDEREONT Cal& R?WA 13 Qi 35 0 li 54 T ; Y Gail la vs Us ss Z be R3 as J a tstsly aji71 1E 1 K 4 flea Ps Os Ns Ks 85 t v 4: 153 "a8 As A s st y 111r5 4 % Gad ; 159 / Ln ttk 4 4 Se 4 METKOL ^ * " 114/ Aii i A a 4 a t / 23 0 TO is Cr it 192 \ #15 9 la z to > <tt " A ko A " to it4 1 CH 110 : ) : CT 2 gz "nra Sn " a " n ellinatilent Kt 4" RETKL 23 1Etaill i 5 n f r jit 242 as 16 t6 A a 12 * " t OLFANTSFONTEM Ea AT < 1\ V A : 1 ; vs% v \ //9 v RETKOL al ea Etc N1 237 R Si z s " 24 %t ; e 00 2 Ms M M X 15:6:2DR 16 ( OA el " 95 c D a n Es t Naa s ntia oi es 0 SO 16N op o3 Ss Te rt A Oa *W 11141V at ii& 134 iloli: AV% v4 S tct at?co k\ % ws 36 k L F NT5FON TON 19 R /24 "" a N499\ p; n g /MS\ F1 Oa H 3 0 /1240 Ka )74 5 ii 9 GA 41 E Ti/4 1 i S 12A D4244)4 C 4 at cy 4/6 it2 7 b44:40 64 SKAAL: t C1 N2 24 yfra SG 117)\11:13/25 Si li 4 0 \ S2 DP H 022/ SCALE: : as oo0 ALHOEWEL DE KOORDNAAT WAARDES SO ALTHOUGH THE CO ORDNATE VALuES ARE AKKURAAT MOONTLK AANGEGEE S WORD GVEN AS ACCURATELY AS POSSBLE THE DE AKKURAAT HE D NE GENAARBORG WE ACCURACY CANNOT BE GUARANTEED s \9 4

5 PROVNCAL GAZaTF 17 A/U196i 93 0A Q ehel voor n sedeelhz van die skakepad 0 A Q represenls a section of the link road tussen paaie N8 512 en P29 1 (baskaand between roads N 512 % P 29 1 (oushog) op We 19edacyhl 114 en Holfontein 71R on Welgadachf A A: Holfonlein 71 R 0 Die figuur geleltor: 0 The figure lettered : : A Q R st L V VVXV Z Air Hi lizi As Ha31 ZaA3K33 5 ZsA4 H414 Za As Kss Zs; 0 As Hs 76 K6 stet voor Spesiale Pad NB 5 12 op presents Special Road N on Hollontein 71 R Modderiontein 236 R Rietkol 237R & Olifanblontein 96 1R Die liquor gelelter : /2ab cd cf Ba Ofhe &gum Jell aced Az ab cd e 1 82 and en F2g114klmnop4rG2 ski voor F29hjaklni nbp5ir G2 represents Dienspaaie op Modderfonleln 236 R en Service roads on Modderfontein no R & Rie t kol 237 1R RicEkol 237R i KOORDNAAT LYS Lo 29 COORDNATE LST Fog Vt Konstantes/ Constants t X Eng Ft X V % PONT ttion N X A + 65 S Lai Ea W kla ph c Nat Xa D E Pa telg 7525 ZA F eal * Rai el 5089 Bs sa Cs J Ds K iloz ES / 5 L :4 Vs Fs N Kt /33 + G 716\0 des N n et 648s iis /14 37 toeu s P + 65" e tat 36 84/0:5 a 81 ia 1 9 Ks t AA ; et ii#1fty Li 41ga92 A R Bit el Ns * C Ns V ` OS ti t PS : i :6 Fs QS W Rs X Kit s + SA " :4 : Kit Us ; A L Vs P! Mt Ws 1: pi Nat Xs Os t 2S OVA r S Es Pa Zs +S * " F Qs At G Rs * H Ca Jr Ts D K : Ea Vs F / Le M Ws Go 4 s wi (1 Xs Q a Nit P Ea t 76 69% 0 Kg a R Da+ 24 elm b ; Cat C T / Da d Ea c V F F t Vil t fiat B Xi tit t ty514140licka WA N J ; K t al 7818 ( ay 7786 A ; La a Mat n Ca 4 C D A E P /3 t P Ft i B a Rat r lit a S :8 Ta Kit ; e 5 c 14

6 94 PROVNSALE KOERANT 17 JULE 1963 Administrateurskennisgewing No 446] [17 Julie 1963 Administrators Notice No 446] (17 July1963 PADREELNGS OP DE PLAAS BULHOEK No 75 ROAD ADJUSTMENTS ON THEFARMBULHOEK REGSTRASE AFDELNG JQ: DSTRK RUS No 75 REGSTRATON DVSON Q DS TENBURG TRCT OF RUSTENBURG Met die oog op n aansoek ontvang van min% G L van n view of an application having been made by Mr Staden om die sluiting van n openbare Old op die plaas G J van Staden for the closing of a public road on the Bulhoek No 75 Registrasie afdeling JQ distrik Rusten farm Bulhoek No 75 Registration Division JQ District burg is die Administrateur voornemens om ooreenkom of Rustenburg it is the Administrators intention to take stig artikel ag4en twinligvan die Padordonnansie 1957 action in terms of section twentyeight of the Roads (Ordonnansie No 22 van 1957) op te tree Ordinance 1957 (Ordinance No 22 of 1957) Alle belanghebbende persone is bevoegd om binne dertig t is competent for any person interested to lodge his dae vanaf die datum van verskyning van hierdie kennis objections in writing with the Regional Officer Transvaal gewing in die Provinsiale Koerant hulle besware by die Roads Department Private Bag 2063 Rustenburg within Streekbeampte Transvaalse Paaiedepartement Privaatsak thirty days of the date of publication of this notice in the 2063 Rustenburg skriftelik in te dien Provincial Gazette Ooreenkomstig subartikel (3) van artikel negeentivintig n termsof subsection (3) of section twentynine of van genoemde Ordonnansie word dit vir algemene Wigthe said Ordinance it is notified for general information ting bekendgemaak dat indien enige beswaar gemaak that if any objection to the said application is taken but word maar daarna van die hand gewys word die beswaar is thereafter dismissed the objector may be held liable maker aanspreeklik gehou kan word vir die bedrag van for the amount of RO in respect of the costs of a com RO ten opsigte van die koste van n kommissie wat aan mission appointed in terms of section thirty as a result of gestel word ooreenkomstig artikel dertig as gevolg van such objections sulke besware DP / 24/B/ 12 DP /24/B/ a Administrateurskennisgewing No 447] [17 Julie 1963 Administrators Notice No 447] [ 17 July 1963 PADREELNGS OP DE PLAAS CARDOVLLE No ROAD ADJUSTMENTS ON THE FARM CARDO 364 Q DSTRK VANDERBJLPARK VLLE No 364Q DSTRCT OF VANDER BJLPARK i Met betrekking tot Administrateurskennisgewing No With reference to Administrators Notice No 819 of 819 van 28 November 1962 word hiermee vir algemene 28th November 1962 it is hereby 9idtified for general inligting bekendgemaak dat dit die Administrateur behaag i information that the Administrator is pleased under the om oereenkomstig subartikel (1) van artikel eenendectig iprcivisiciiii:of lubsection h(1)of section thirty one of the van die Padordonnansie 1957 (Ordonnansie No22 van RnadirOrilirialiOefl19571(Orditifince;JNo: 22 of 1957)y to 1957) goedkeuring te hegaan die padreelings soos aan approve the road adjustments shown on the getoon opbygaande sketsplan: subldined sketch plan h1 4 i/y t DP /24/C1 / ss" :1:50000 a / 0 (56 R T 1 DP: /24/C 0P /24/C1 VERWYSNG PAD GESLUT 8ESTAANDE PAAE REFERENCE ROAD CLOSED EilST40 ROADS a 0 e 2 i C RAND\ MEN T 1" A a 5 CAROL v ii 362 a ii413 15i 83C A V " 1 L E : 364Q ft r70 RAD 3$7 ; Admigistrateurskennisgewing No 448] [ 17 Julie 1963 Administrators Notice No 448] [ 17 July 1963 MUNSPALTET ROODEPOORT1VARASBURG NAAMSVERANDERNG ROODEPOORTMARASBURG MUNCPALTY ALTERATON OF NAME Dit word hierby bekendgemaak dat dit die Administra t is hereby notified that the Administrator has been tenr behaag bet on ingevolge artikel nege (8) van die pleased in terms of section nine (8) of the Local Govern Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur 1939 die naam van die ment Ordinance 1939 to alter the name of the Munici Nfunisipaliteit van Roodepoort Maraisburg te verander tot pality of RoodepoortMaraisburg to that of Roodepoort die van ROodepoort : TAAa 3/1/30 r TALG 3/1/ i

7 PROVNCAL GALh t 17 JULY 1963 % " t AdMiiiistrateurskennisgewing No4491: : [17 Julie 1961 Administrators Notice NO 4491 [ 17 July 1%3 MUNSPALTET WTRVER VOORGESTELDE WHTE RVER MUNCPALTY PROPOSED VERANDERNG VAN GRENSE ALTERATON OF BOUNDARES thedual Notice is hereby given in terms of section ten ngevolge artikel tiers van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike of Government Ordinance 1939 that the Bestuur 1939 word hierby bekendgemaak dat die eienaars owners of a van n sekere gedeelte van die plaas Witrivier No 64 U certain portion of the farm White River No 64 JUDistrict of Yelspruit have petitioned the Administrator distrik Nelspruit die Administrateur versoek het dat by praying that he may in the exercise of the powers condie bevbegdhede aan horn verleen by subartikel (7) van ef rred on him by subsection (7) of section nine of the said artikel nege van genoemde Ordonnansie uitoefen deur die Ordinance alter the boundaries of the White River grense van die Munisipaliteit Witrivier te verinder deur Municipality by the excision therefrom of the property die eiendom in die bygaande Bylae omskryf daarvan nit te described in the Schedule hereto: say t shall be competent for all persons interested within Alle belanghebbencie persone is bevoeg om binne days of the first publication hereof in the Provincial dae na die eerste publikasie hiervan in die Provinsiale Gazette to present to the Administrator a counterpetition Koerant aan die Administrateur n teenversoekskrif voor setting forth the grounds of opposition to the above pro te le met vermelding van die gronde van beswaar teen posals genoemde voorstelle " TA:LG 3/2/74 TALG 312/74 (SCHEDULE BYLAE WHTE RVER MUNCPALTY PORTON N RESPECT o OF WHCH EXCSON S APPLED MUNSPALTET W1TRVER GEDEELTE WAAROM AANSOEK GEDOEN S OM UTSNYDNG Portion 124 of the farm White River No 64 U Gedeelte 124 van die pleas White River No 64 JU District of White River in extent morgen as represented distrik Witrivier groat morg soos voorgestel deur by Diagram SG No A5526/52 (formal known as Consolidated Ed No 18 in the township ofy Kaart LG No A5526(52 (voorheen bekend as Gekon White River) solideerde Erf No 18 Dorp White River) Administrateurskennisgewing No 450] [ 17 Julie 1963 Administrators Notice No 450] [17 July 1963 MUNSPALTET LYDENBURG WYSGNG VAN LYDENBURG MUNCPALTY AMENDMENT TO VERORDENNGE NSAKE VENTERS EN HAWKERS AND PEDLARS BY LAWS MARSKRAMERS : The Administrator hereby in terms of section one Die Adrninistrateur publiseer: hierby; ingevolge artikel hundred and one of the Local Government Ordinance thonderdeneen vandie:ordonnansief op Plaaslike Bestuur 1939 publishes the following bylaws which have been 1939; die volgende verordeninge wat deur horn ingevolge approved by him in terms of section fifteen of the Finan artikel vyftien van die Konsolidasie en Wysigingswetop cial Relations Consolidation and Amendment Act Finansitle Verhoudings; 1945 goedgekeur is: 1945: MUNSPALTET LYDENBURG WYSGNG VAN VER LYDENBURG MUNCPALTY AMENDMENT TO HAWKERS ORDENNGE NSAKE VENTERS ENMARSKRAMERS AND PEDLARS BYLAWS Ole Vprordeninge insake Venters en Mankramers van Amend the Hawkers ant Pedlars Bylaws of the Lyden die Munisipaliteit Lyden13urg afgekondig by Administra burg Municipality published under Administrators teurskennisgewing No 30 van 15 Januarie 1958 soos Notice No 30 dated the15th January 1958 as amended gewysig word hierby verder gewysildetir subartikels (a) by the deletion of sub sections (a) and (b) of section 6 en (b) van artikel 6 te skrap en dit deur die volgende te and the substitution therefor of the following: vervang: "(a) ; (a) Die hele dorpsgeble d ten ooste van De Clerq The whole of the township to the east of De Clerq Street and to the north of Sterkspruit straat en ten floor& van Sterkspruit insluitende including all streets but excluding Square No alle strafe maar uitsluitende Plein No (b) De Clerq Viljoen Voortrekkerstrate en Voor (b) The whole of De Clerq Vil 3 Voortrekker Streets and in geheel" Voortrekker Road?! trekkerweg TALG 5/47/42 ;tetalg 5/47/42 Administrateurskennisgewing No 4513 [17 Julie 1963 Administrators Notice No 451) [ 17 July 1963 MUNSPALTET JOHANNESBURG WYSGNG JOHANNESBURG MUNCPALTY AMENDMENT VAN PUBLEKE GESONDHEDSVERORDENNGE TO PUBLC HEALTH BYLAWS P Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel honderd eneen van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur The Administrator hereby in terms of section one 1939 die volgende verordeninge wat deur horn ingevolge hundred and one of the Local Government Ordinance artikel negeennegentig van genoemde Ordonnansie goed 1939 publishes the following bylaws which have been gekeur is: approved by him in terms of section ninetynine of the said MUNSPALTET Ordinance: JOHANNESBURG WYSGNG VAN PUBLEKE GESONDHEDSVERORDENNGE JOHANNESBURG MUNCPALTY AMENDMENT TO Die Sanitere Tarief soos uiteengesit in Bylae 1 van PUBLC HEALTH BYLAWS Hoofstuk 1 van Deel V van die Publieke Gesondheids Amend the Sanitary Tariff as set forth in Schedule 1 of verordeninge van die Munisipaliteit Johannesburg afge Chapter of Part V of the Public Health Bylaws of the kondig by Administrateurskennisgewing No11 van 12 Johannesburg Municipality published under Adminis Januarie 1949 soos gewysig word hierby Verderas volg tutors Notice No 11 dated the 12th January 1949 as gewys18: amended as follows: 1 Deur die woorde Nag vidleinmerdienth drie keer per 1 By the dektion of the words "TriWeekly service " week "in item (3) te skrap en dit deur die woorde in item (3) and the substitution therefor of the " Nagvui en afvalwaterdiens drie keer per week en words "Nightsoil and wastewater service thrice n vullisverwyderingsdiens minstens twee keer per a week and a refuse service not less than twice a week " te vervang; week " 7

8 96 PROVNSALE KOERANT TML1E Deur die woorde Nagvuildiens drie keel per week" 2 By the deletion of the words " Triweekly service; in item (5) te skrap en dit deur die woorde Nag in item (5) and the substitution therefor of the vuildiens drie keer per week en n vullisverwyde words "Nightsoil service thrice a week and a ringsdiens minstens twee keer per week te refuse service not less than twice a week " vervang: 3: Deur die woorde Drieweeklikse of daaglikse 3 By the deletion of the words "Tr]weekly or daily" verwydering van besigheidsafval " aan die begin in the first line of paragraph (i) of subitem (a) of van paragraaf (i) van subitem (a) van item (6) te item (6) and the addition of the words " thrice a skrap en dit deur de woorde Die verwydering week twice a week or daily " after the word van besigheidsafval drie keer of twee keer per " thereof " in the third line thereof week of daagliks " te vervang TALG 5/77/2 TALG 5/77/2 4 AdrninistrateurskennEsgewing No 452] [ 17 Julie 1963 Administrators Notice No 452] [ 17 July 1963 MUNSPALTET JOHANNESBURG WYSGNG JOHANNESBURG MUNCPALTYrAMENDMENT VAN VERORDENNGE EN REGULASES TO BYLAWS AND REGULATONS GOVERN BETREFFENDE DE LEWERNG EN GEBRUK NG THE SUPPLY AND USE OF ELECTRC VAN ELEKTRESE STROOM ENERGY % Die" Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel The Administrator hereby in terms of section one honderdeneen van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur hundred and one of the Local Government Ordinance die volgende verordeninge wat deur horn ingevolge 1939 publishes the following by laws which have been artikel negeen negentig van genoemde Ordonnansie goedapproved by him in terms of Section ninetynine of the gekeur is: said Ordinance: MUNSPALTET JOHANNESBURG WYSGNG VAN VER ORDENNGE EN REGULASES BETREFFENDE DE LEWE JOHANNESBURG MUNCPALTY AMENDMENT TO By LAWS RNG EN GEBRU1K VAN ELEKTRESE STROOM AND REGULATONS GOVERNNG THE SUPPLY AND USE Die Tarief vir did Lewering van Elektrisiteit by die OF ELECTRC ENERGY Raacl se Veroideninge en Regulasies Betreffende die /undid the Electricity Supply Tariffs scheduled to the Lesxiering en Gebruik van Elektriese Stroom afgekondig Bylaws and Regulations Governing the Supply and Use by Administrateurskennisgewing No 87 van 8 Maart of Electric Energy of the Johannesburg Municipality 1944 soos gewysig Nord hieiby verder as volg gewysig: published under Administrators Notice No 87 dated the 8th March 1944 as amended as follow: 7" 1 Deur die woorde tussen die opslcrif Skaal 3" en paragraaf (a) van die skaal te skiap en dit deur die vol 1 By the deletion of the words between the heading gende te vervang: " Scale 3 " and paragraph (a) of the scale and the sub stitution therefor of the following: \ Die lewering van elektrisiteit butte spitsure Hierdie skaalgeld vir die lewering van elektrisiteit "Off peak Supplies buite spitsure dit wil se vir did elektrisiteit wat This scale is applicable to electricity off peak gelewer word gedurende ntydperk van 12 uur wat supplies being Supplies provided during a period of begin op n tydstip tussen die ure 6 nm en 9 nm 12 hours beginning at such time between the hours wat die Hoofbestuurder van die Elektrisiteitsafdeling of 6 pm and 9 pm as the General Manager of the na goeddunke en met inagneming van die betrokke Electricity Department may in his discretion decide belasting van die nette in die verskillende gebiede having regard to the particular network loading in bepaal" various areas" 2 Deur reel r van die Reels vir Skaal 3 " te skrap en dit deur die volgende te vervang: 2 By the deletion of rule 6 of the " Rules Applicable to Scale 3 " and the substitution therefor of the following: 6: ndien die getal eenhede wat ooreenkomstig "6 f the number of units consumed under Scale Skaal 3 gedurende n mei erafieesmaand verbruik word minder is as 10 persent van die getal eenhede wat 3 during a meterreading month is less than 10 per gedurende daardie maand volgens die meters van al cent of the units consumed during that month as die ander skate verbruik is dan word die verbruiker registered by meters under allother scales then the op wie Skaal 3 van toepassing is ooreenkomstig Skaal consumer to whom Scale 3 is applicable shall be 3 aangeslaan asof by 10 persent van die genoemde charged in terms of Scale 3 as if he had consumed getal eenhede verbruik het" 10 per cent of the said units" 3 Deur reel 8 van die Reels vir Skaal 3 " te skrap en 3 By the deletion of rule 8 of the " Rules Applicable to dit deur die volgende te vervang : Scale 3 " and the substitution therefor of the following: " 8 Hierdie skaal is nie bedoel vir verbruikers wat 8 Charges in accordance with this scale are not ooreenkomstig Skaal 1 vir elektrisiteit betaal nie: applicable to consumers charged in accordance with Met dien verstande dat n verbruiker op wie Gedeelte Scale 1: Provided that a consumer to whom Part A A van Skaal 1 van toepassing is daarop geregtig i% of Scale 1 is applicable shall be entitled to be charged om ooreenkomstig hierdie skaal te betaal vir elektri under this scale in respect of electricity used for a siteit wat verbruik word vir n grootmaatwaterver bulk water heater the capacity of which is at least warmer wat minstens 100 gellings kan hou en waar 100 gallons and the maximum heater rating of which van die verwarmingsvermoe hoogsens 6 kw vir is 4 kw for every 100 gallons of its waterstorage a iedere 100 gellings van sy inhoudsvermoe is:" capaciir : TALG 5/36/2 8 TALG 5736/2: L

9 i 1 a PROVNCAL GAZETTE 17 JULY : AdiiiiiiiitirifEuiskennisgeWing*Nci Mlle 1963: Administrators Notice No 4531 MUNSPALTET PRETORA WYSGNG VAN PRETORA MUNCPALTY AMENDMENT TO v VERORDENNGE ;BETREFFENDE UNVERS UNVERSTY STUDY LOAN BY LAWS TETSTUDELENNGS [ 17 July 1963 Die Administrateur pbbliseer hierby ingevolge artikel The Administrator hereby in terms of section one honderdeneen Van die Ordormansie op Plaaslike &stunt ntudred and one of the Local Government Ordinance 1939 die irolgende verordeninge wat deur hom ingevolge 1939 publishes the following by laws which have been artikel negeennegentig van genoemde Ordobnansie goed approved by him in terms of section ninety nine of the gekeur is: said Ordinance: MUNSPALTET PRETORA WYSGNG VAN VERORDE NNGE BETREFFENDE UNVERSTETSTUDELENNGS PRETORA MUNCPALTY AMENDMENT TO UNVERSTY STUDY LOAN BYLAWS Die Verordeninge betreffende Universiteitstudielenings Amend the University Study Loan By laws of the afgekondig by Administrateurskennisgewing No 897 van Pretoria Municipality published under Administrators 0 20 Oktober 1954 sobs gewysig word hierby verder Notice No 897 dated the 20th October 1954 as amended gewysig deur die woord " onafgebroke" in subartikel (a) by the deletion in sub section (a) of section 3 of the word van artikel 3 te skrap en dit deur die woord " totale " te " continuous " and the substitution therefor of the word vervang: TALG " 5/121/3 total " TALG 5/121/3 s : i Administrateurskennisgewing No 454] [ 17 Julie 1963 Administritors Notice Na 454] [ 17 July 1963 MUNSPALTET KOSTER WYSGNG VAN KOSTER MUNCPALTY AMENDMENT TO ABATTORVERORDENNGE ABATTOR BY LAWS Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel The Administrator hereby in terms of section one honderdeneen van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur hundred and one of the Local Government Ordinance 1939 die volgende verordeninge wat deur horn ingevolge 1939 publishes the following by laws which have been artikel negeennegentig van genoemde Ordolnansie goed approved by him in terms of section ninetynine of the gekeur is: said Ordinance: MUNSPALTET KOSTER WYSGNG VAN ABATTOR KOSTER MUNCPALTY AMENDMENT TO VERORDENNGE ABATTOR BYLAWS Die Abattoiryerordeninge van die Munisipaliteit Koster Amend the Abattoir By:laws of the Koster Munici afgekondig by Administrateurskennisgewing No 240 van pality published under Administrates Notice No April 1959 word hierby as volg gewysig: :: dated the 8th April 1959 as follows: 1 By the deletion of the tariff of Part 1 of the Annexure 1 Debi die taride Vail Deer vat: die Aiarthange1 te and the substitution therefor of the following: skrap en dit deur die volgende te vervang: : R c Rc " For every bull ox cow heifer or bullock 1 35 Vir elke bul Os koei vets of jongbul 1 35 For every calf 0 60 Vir elke kalf 0 60 For every sheep; lamb or goat 0 30 Vir elke skaap lam of bok 0 30 For every pig two months and older 0 82 Vir elke vark twee maande en ouer 0 82 For every pig under two months 0 30 " Vir elke vark onder twee maande 0 30" 2 By the deletion of the tariff of Part of the 2 Deur die Mild van Deel ti van die Aanhangsel te Annexure and the substitution therefor of the follow skrap en dit deur die volgende te vervang: Mg: R e R c Een beeskarkas 0 75 " One bovine carcass 075 Half ri beeskarkas 0 45 Half of a bovine carcass : 0 45 Skaap lam of bok 0 15 Sheep lamb and goat 0 15 Vark 0 50" Pi : 3 This amendment has effect as from 1st August Hierdie wysiging tree in werking van 1 Augustus 1963 af TALG 5/2/61 TALG 5/2/61 Administrateurskentusgewi: ng No 455] [17 Julie 1963 Administrators Notice No 455] [ 17 July 1963 MUNSPALTE1T KRUGERSDORP WYSGNG KRUGERSDORP MUNCPALTY AMENDMENT VAN ROLERNGS EN LOODGETERSVER TO DRANAGE AND PLUMBERS BY LAWS ORDENNGE Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel The Administrator hereby in terms of section one honderdeneen van die Ordounansie op Plaaslike Bestuur hundred and one of the Local Governnient Ordinance 1939 die volgende verordeninge wat deur hom ingevolge 1939 publishes the following Bylaws which have been artikel nege ennegentig van genoemde Ordonnansie goed approved by him in terms of section ninety nine of the gekeur is: said Ordinance: Muikuswitrama KRUGERSDORP WYSGNG VAN KRUGERSDORP MUNCPALTY AMENDMENT TO DRANAGE ROLERNGS EN LOODGETERSVERORDENNGE AND PLUMBERS BYLAWS Die Riolerings en Loodgietersverordeninge van die Amend the Drainage and Plumbers Bylaws of the Munisipaliteit Krugersdorp afgekondig by Administra Krugersdorp Municipality published under Administra teurskennisgewing No 202 van 1 April 1936 soos gewysig tors Notice No: 202 dated the 1st Apri11936 as amended 9

10 98 MOV111SA1 E KOEtANT 17 ALL1E 1963 word hierby verder gewysig dew item (1) van Skedule by the deletion of tem (1)of Schedule and the substitute skrap en dit deur die volgende to vervang: lion therefor of the fallowing : 1 Tenet koste vir Vakuumtenkverwyderings "1 Tariff of Charges for Yacuum Tank Removals A Die eienaars van alle persele meet die volgende gelde The owners of all premises shall pay to the Council 41 aan die Raad betaal: the following charges: (1) Vir die verwydering deur middel van n vakuumtenk (1) For the removal of soil Water only by means Of a van nagvuilwater alleen per maand vacuum tank at per month: R c (a) Vir die eerste 1000 gellings per 100 (a) For the first 1000 gallons per 100 (b) Vir die volgende 1000 gellings per (5) for the next 1000 gallons per gellings 0 25 R c (c) Daarna per 100 gellings 0 15 (c) Thereafter per 100 gallons 0 15 (d) Minimum vordering per maand 2 00 (d) Minimum charge per month 2 00 (2) Vir die verwydering van nagvuil en arval (2) For the removal of soil and waste water water gesamentlik deur middel van n combined by means of a vacuum tank at vakuumtenk per maand: per monthi R c R c Per 100 gellings0 15 (a) Per100 gallons 0 15 Minimum vordering per maand 2 00 (b) Minimum charge per Month 2 00 (3) Die koste onder subitems (1) en (2) word verdrievoudig ten opsigte van alle persele wat onder die gerioleerde gebied gebring word en wat nie by n munisipale riool aangesluit word nie binne n tydperk van drie maande nodal kennis deur die stads ingenieur gegee is dat sodanige persele ingevolge artikel 8 (a) aldus aangesluit meet word" (3) The charges under subitems (1) and (2) shall be trebled in respect of all premises which are brought into the reticulated sewerage area and which are not connected to a municipal sewer within a period of three months after notice has been given by the town engineer in terms of section 8 (a) that such premises must be so connected" TALG 5/34/18 TALG 5/34/18: 4 Administrateurskennisgewing No 456] (17 Julie 1963 Administrators Notice No 4563 [ 17 July 1963 MUNSPALTET KLERKSDORP WYSGNG KLERKSDORP MUNCPALTY AMENDMENT VAN PARKEERMETERVERORDENNGE TO PARKNG METER BYLAWS Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel The Administrator hereby in terms of section one honderdeneen van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur hundred and one of the Local Government Ordinance 1939 die volgende wysigingsverordeninge wat ingevolge 1939 publishes the following amending by laws which artikel honderd drieensestig van die Padverkeersordon have been made in terms of section one hundred and sixtynansie 1957 opgestel is: three of the Road Traffic Ordinance 1957: MUNSPALTET KLERKSDORP WYSGNG VAN PARKEER KLERKSDORP MUNCPALTY AMENDMENT TO PARKNG METERVERORDENNGE METER BYLAWS Die ParkeermeterverOrdeninge van die Munisipaliteit Amend the Parking Meter Bylaws of the Klerksdorp Klerksdorp afgekondig by Administrateurskennisgewing Municipality published under Administrators Notice No No 694 van 9 Oktober 1962 word hierby as volg 694 dated the 9th October 1962 as follows: gewysig: 1 1 Deur in artikel 10 die woorde van By the insertion in section 10 of the words " of die Verkeersverordeninge "" " na die woord the Traffic Bylaws after the word "seventeen sewentien in te voeg 2 By the deletion of the words " this section " in section 13 and the substitution 2 Deur die woord ; artikel" in artikel therefor of 13 te skrap words " the these by laws " en dit deurdie woord verordeninge " te vervang TALG 5/132/17 TALG 5/132/17 Administrateurskennisgewing No 457] [ 17 Julie 1963 Administrators Notice No 457] 117 July 1963 LANDELKE LSENSERAAD LCHTENBURG RURAL LCENSNG BOARD LCHTENBURG TRANSVAAL BENOEMNG VAN LD TRANSVAAL APPONTMENT OF MEMBER Hierby benoem die Adminisirateur kragtens en idge The Administrator hereby under and by virtue of the volge die bevoegdhede horn verleen by subregulasie (4) van powers vested in him by sub regulation (4) of regulation regulasie 7 van die regulasies gemaak ingevolge artikel 7 of the regulations made in terms of section eighteen of agtien van die Lisensie (Kontrole) Ordonnansie 1931 the Licences (Control) Ordinance 1931 (Ordinance No 3 of (Ordonnansie No 3 van 1932) en afgekondig by Admini 1932) and published by Administrators Notice No 267 strateurskennisgewing No 267 van 8 Junie 1932 (soos dated 8th June 1932 (as amended by Administrators gewysig by Administrateurskennisgewines Nos 460 van Notices Nos 460 of of of of van van van van of of of of van van van 1952en 703 and 703 of 1954) appoints Mr D J Steyn a member of the ;van 1954)mnr 1D J Steyn tot lid van die Landelllce Rural Licensing Board for the Magisterial District of Lisensieraad vir die landdrosdistrik van Lichtenburg met Lichtenburg with turn of office until the 30th November ampstermyn tot 30 November 1964 in die plek van wyle 1964 vice the late Mr D F Crafforti mnr D F Crafford TAA 7/2/24 TAA 7/2/24 to 411

11 "n1: 7t MSCELLANEOUS: :1410VlisidlAt GAZETTES 17 JULY1%St 99 ` 2 DVERSE i KENNSGEWNG No 100 VAN 1963 NOTCE No 100 OF 1963 VOORGESTELDE STGTNG VAN DORP MARBLE PROPOSED ESTABLSHMENT OF MARBLE HALL HALL UTBREDNG No 2 EXTENSON No 2 TOWNSHP t is hereby notified in ternis of section eleven of the bigevolge artikel l elf van die Dorpe en Dorpsaanleg Townships and Town planning Ordinance 1931 that Ordonnansie 1931 word hierby bekendgemaak dat application has been made by The Health Committee Die Gesondheidskomitee Marble Hall aansoek gedoen Marble Hall for permission to lay out a township on the het om n dorp te stig op die plaas Loskop Noord No farm Loskop Noord No 121S District Groblersdal 12 JS distrik Groblersdal wat bekend sal wees as to be known as Marble Hall Extension No 2 Marble Hall Uitbreiding No 2 The proposed township is situated west of and abuts Die voorgestelde dorp 18 wes van en grens aan Marble Marble Hall Township Hall dorp The application together with therelative plans docu Die aansoek met die betrokke plane dokumente en meats and information is open for inspection at the 1 inligting 18 ter insae op die kantoor van die Sekretaris office of the Secretary Townships Board Room No van die Dorperaad Kamer No B221 Tweede Vloer 8221 Second Floor Block B Provincial Building Pretoria Blok B Provinsialegebou Pretoria vir n tydperk van for a period of two months from the date hereof twee maande na datum hiervan terms of section eleven (4) of the said Ordinance any ngevolge artikel elf (4) van genoemde Ordonnansie personln meet iedereen wat beswaar wil maak teen die toestaan van who is desirous of being beard or of making representadie aansoek of wat verlang om in die saak gehoor to word tions in the matter shall communicate with the Secretary of vend in verband daarmee wil indien binne twee maande na die datum hiervan met die Sekietaris van die hereof Raad in verbinding tree n terms of section eleven (6) of the Ordinance any ngevolge artikel elf (6) van die Ordonnansie kan person who objects to the granting of the application or iedereen wat beswaar wil maak teen die toestaan van n who is desirous of being heard or of making representsaansoek of wat verlang om in die saak gehoor to word of tions in the matter may communicate in writing with the : vertoe in verband daarmee wil indien skriftelik met die Secretary of the Board or may give evidence in person Sekretaris van die Raad in verbinding tree of persoonlik before the Board on the date and at the place of inspecgetuienis voor die Raad de op die datum en plek van tion or on such other date and at such place as the inspeksie of op sodanige ander datum en plek as wat die Board may appoint: Provided that such written com Raad bepaal: Met dien verstanne dat hierdie skrywe die munication shall be in the hands of the Secretary of the Sekretaris van die Raad nie later as een maand na die Board not later than one month from the date hereof datum hiervan meet bereik nie All objections must be lodged in duplicate and Alle beswore moet in duplo ingedien word en gerig addressed to the Secretary Townships Board PO Bois word aan die Sekretaris Dorperaad Posbus 892 Pretoria 89/ Pretoria H MATTHEE H MATNEE Sekretaris Dorperaad Secretary Townships Board Pretoria 3 Julie 1963 Pretoria 3rd July P KENNSGEWNG No 101 VAN 1963 NOTCE No 101 OF 1963 VOORGESTELDE STGTNG VAN DORP PROPOSED ESTABLSHMENT OF SANDOWN SANDOWN UTBREDNG No 7 EXTENSON No 7 TOWNSHP ngevolge artikel elf van die Dorpe en Dorpsaanleg t is hereby notified in terms of section eleven of the Ordonnansie 1931 word hierby bekendgemaak dat Townships and Town planning Ordinance 1931 that H J P A van der Linde & Seun (Edms) Bpk aansoek application has been made by H J P A van der Linde gedoen het om n dorp te stig op die plaas Zandfontein & Son (Pty) Ltd for permission to lay out a township No 42 R distrik Johannesburg wat bekend sal wees on the farm Zandfontein No 421R District Johannesas Sandown Uitbreiding No 7 burg to be known as Sandown Extension No 7 Die voorgestelde dorp 18 oos van Webberweg en suid The proposed township is situate east of Webber Road van Northweg op Hoewe No 4 Strathaven Landbod and south of North Road in Holding No 4 Strathaven hoewes Agricultural Holdings P Die aansoek met die betrokke plane dokumente en The application together with the relative plans docu inligting AO ter insae op die kantoor van die Sekretaris ments and information is open for inspection at the van die Dorperaad Kamer No Tweede Vloer office of the Secretary Townships Board Room No Bldk B Prownsialegebon; Pretoria vir n tydperk van Second Floor Block B Provincial Building twee maande na datum hiervan Pretoria for a Period of two rnonthsfrom the date hereof ngevolge artikel elf (4) van genoemde ordonnansie n terms orsection eleven (4) of the said Ordinance any moet iedereen wat beswaar wil maak teen die toestaan person who objects to the granting of the application or van die aansoek of wat verlang om in die saak gehoor te who is desirous being heard or of making representa of word of vertod in verband daarmee wil indien binne twee tions in the matter shall communicate with the Secretary maande na die datum hiervan met die Sekretaris van die of the Board within s period of two months:from the date Raad in verbinding tree hereof 11

12 200 PROVNSALE KOER4NT 17 JULE 1963 ngevolge artikel elf (6) van die Ordonnansie kan n terth CorsectiOn efayciz(6)orth e Orditiance any iedereen wat beswaar wil maak teen die toestaan van a person who otijectslothe granting of the application or aansoek of wat verlang om in die saak gehoor te word of who is desirous of being heard or of making representa; vertoe in vcrband daarmee wil indien skriftelik met die tions in thesmattermay communicate in writing with the Sekretaris van die Raad in verbinding tree of persoonlik Secretary of the Board or may give evidence in person getuienis voor die Raad afle op die datum en plek van before theboard on the date and at the place of ins* inspeksie of op sodanige ander datum en plek as wat die tion or on such other date and at such place as the Raad bepaal : Met dien verstande dat hierdie skrywe Board /nay appoint: Provided that such written coindie Sekretaris van die Raad nfe later as een maand na die munication shall be in the hands of the Secretary of the datum hiervan moetbereik nie Board not later than one month from the date hereof All objections must be lodged in duplicate Alle beware moet in duplo ingedien word and en gerig addressed to the Secretary Townships Board PO Box word aan die Sekretaris Dorperaad Posbus 892 Pretoria 892 Pretoria H MATTHEE H MATHEE Sekretaris Dorperaad Secretary Townships Board Pretoria 3 Julie 1963 Pretoria 3rd July CENNSGEWNG No 102 VAN 1963 t" NOTCE No 102 OF 1963 PROPOSED ESTABLSHMENT OF LESLE ; VOORGESTELDE STGTNG VAN DORP EXTENSON No 4 TOWNSHP LESLE UTBREDNG No 4 t is hereby notified in terms of section eleven of the Townships and Town planning Ordinance 1931 that ngevolge artikel elf van die Dorpe en Dorpsaanleg application has been made by Leslie Town Couhcil for Ordonnansie 1931 word hierby bekendgemaak dat Leslie permission to lay out a township on the farm Brakfontein: Dorpsraad aansoek gedoen het om n dorp te stig op die No 310 R District Bethel to be known as Leslie plaas Brakfontein No 310 R distrik Bethel wat Extension No 4 bekend sal woes as Leslie Uitbreiding No 4 The proposed township is situate southwest of and Die voorgestelne dorp 18 suidwes van en grens aan die abuts Leslie Extension No 2 Township dorpleslie Uitbreiding No 2 The application together with the relative :plans;tdocu Dierdansoek met die bettokke plane dokitniente en ments and information is open for inspection atthe office inligting 18 ter insae op die kantoor van die Sekretaris of the Secretary Townships Board Room No B221 van die Dorperaad Kamer No B221 Tweede Vloer Second Floor Block B Provincial Building Pretoria for Blok B Provinsialegebou Pretoria vir n tydperk van a period of two months from the date hereof twee maande na datum hiervan n terms of section eleven (4) of the said Ordinance any ngevolge artikel elf (4) van genoemde Ordonninsie persons who objects to the granting of the application or moetiedereen wat beswaar wil maak teen die:toestaan who is desirous of being heard or of making representa van die aansoek of wat verlang omin die saak gehoor" lions in the matter shall communicate with the; Secretary te word of vertoe in verband daarmee wit indien binne of the Board within a period of two months froth the twee maande na die datum hiervan met die Sekretaris date hereof cr van die Raad in verbinding tree n terms of section eleveit (6) of the Ordinance any ngevolge artikel elf (6) van die Ordonnansie kan person who objects to the granting of the application or iedereen wat beswaar wil maak teen die toestaan van who is desirous of being heard or of making representa aansoek of wat verlang om in die saak gehoor te word tions in the matter may communicate in writing with the of vertoe in verband daarmee wit indien skriftelik met Secretary of the Board or may give evidence in person die Sekretaris van die Raad in verbinding tree of before the Board or may give evidence in person before persoonlik getuienis voor die Raad afle op die datum en the Board on the date and at the place of inspeb plek van inspeksie; of op sodanige ander datuth en plek now or on such other date and at such place as the Board as wat die Raad bepaal : Met dien verstande[dat hierdie` may appoint: Provided that such written communication skrywe die Sekretaris varndies Raadnielater as een maand shall tie in the hands of the Secretary of the Board not na die datum hiervan moet bereik nie later than one month from the date hereof Aire bekararr inoet in duplo ingedien word en gerig All objections must be lodged in fluplicate and word aan die Sekretaris Dorperaad Posbus 892 Pretoria addressedotoffiesecretary Townships B6art PO Box 892 Pretoria H MATTHEE H MATTHEE Sekretaris Dorperaad Secretary Townships Board Pretoria 10 Julie 1963 Pretoria 10th July KENNSGEWNG No 103 VAN 1963 NOTCE No 103 OF 1963 VOORGESTELDE WYSGNG VAN DE TTEL PROPOSED AMENDMENT OF THE CONDTONS VOORWAARDES VAN ERE No 63 DORP OF: TTLEOF 63SAN)ERBJLPARK VANDERBULPARC TOWNSHP Hierby word ; bekendgemaak dm Michael pebson t is hereby notified that applicthien has been` made by Liebson on behalf of isteelpark Centre (PrOpriedie bepalings van artikel een van die Wet Opheffing tar0 Limited in tetinsof section of therenithat of namens Steelpark ;Centre (Eiendorns) JBeperktingeyoge: 1 12

13 101 PROVNCAL GAZETTE 17 JULY 1963 van Beperkings in Dorpe 1946 aansoek gedoen het om die wysiging van die titelvocirwaardes van Ed NO 63 Restrictions in Townships Act 1946 for the amendmenta of the conditions of title of Erf No 63 Vanderbijlpark dorp Vanderbijlpark ten einde dit moontlik te Muir dat Township to permit the erf being used for i die erf gebruik kan word vir (0 stir:ts:offices business premises dwelling houses (i) winkels kantore besigheidspersele woonhuise cafés; residential buildings on all floors except the kafees woongeboue op alle vloere behilwe die ground floor; and grondvloer; en (ii) with the special consent of the Town Council for (ii) met die spesiale toestemming van die plaaslike special buildings fish frying and retail sale of fish bestuur vir spesiale geboue visbakkery en die and industrial buildings kleinhandel verkoop van vis en industriele geboue The application and the relative documents are open for Die aansoek en die betrokke dokumente 16 ter insac in inspection at the office of the Secretary of the Townships die kantoor van die Sekretaris van die Dorperaad Kamer Board Room No B222 Block B Provincial Building No :B222 Blok B Provinsialegebou Pretoriusstraat Pretorius Street Pretoria for a period of two months Pretoria vir n tydperk van twee maande na datum bier from the date hereof van Any person who objects to the granting of the applica edereen wat teen die toestaan van die aansoek beswaar Lion or who is desirous of being heard or of making wil maak of wat verlang om in die saak gehoor te word representations in the matter shall communicate in writing of vertoe in verband daarmee wil ndic% moet binnetwee with the Secretary of the Townships Board at the above maande na die datum hiervan skriftelik met die Sekretaris address or PO Box 892 Pretoria within a period of two van die Dorperaad by bovermelde adres of Posbus 892 months from the date hereof Pretoria in verbinding tree H MATTHEE H MATTHEE Secretary Townships Board Sekretaris Dorperaad Pretoria 10 Julie 1963 Pretoria 10th July KENNSGEWNG No 104 VAN 1963 a NOTCE No 104 OF 1963 VOORGESTELDE WYSGNG VAN DE TTEL PROPOSED AMENDMENT OF THE CONDTONS VOORWAARDES VAN ERF No 1597 DORP OF TTLE OF ERF No 1597 BENON TOWNSHP BENON e 4 4 woonstelle Die aansoek en die betrokke dokumente 18 ter insa: in die kantoor van die Sekretaris van die Dorperaad Kamer No B222 Blok B Provinsiale Gebou Pretoriusstraat Pretoria vir n tydperk van twee maande na datum hiervan address edereen wat teen die toestaan van die aansoek beswaar wil maak of wat verlang om in die saak gehoor te word of verton d ieverbandaarmee wil inca di moet blunt twee maande na die datum hiervan skriftelik met die Sekretaris van die Dorperaad by bovermelde adres of Posbus 892 ltlt is hereby notified that application has been made by Hierby word bekendgemaak dat George Peter Zackey AlecPeter Zackey Freddie Zackey Anthony Zackey and Christie Peter Zackey ingevolge die bepalings van artikel ten van die Wet op Opheffing van beperkings in Dorpe 1946 aansoek gedoen het om die wysiging van die titel voorwaardes van Ed No 1597 Dorf Benoni ten einde being dit moontlik te maak dat die erf vir die oprigting van gebruik kan word George Peter Zackey Alec Peter Zackey Freddie Zackey Anthony Zackey and Christie Peter Zackey in terms of section one of the Removal of Restrictions in Townships Act 1946 for the amendment of the conditions of title of Ed No 1597 Benoni Township to permit the erf used for the erection of flats The application and the relative documents are open for inspection at the office of the Secretary of the Townships Board Room No B222 Block B Provincial Building Pretorius Street Pretoria for ( period of two months from the date hereof Any person who objects to the granting of the applica tion or who is desirous of being heard or Of making in the matter shall in writing representatiocommunicate with the Secretaryof the Townships Board at the above or PO Box 892 Pretoria within a period of two months from the date hereof Pretoria in verbinding tree a MATHEZ H MA THEE Secretary Townships Board Sekretaris Dorperaad Preto ria 10th July Pretoria 10 Julie 1963 "KENNSGEWNG No 105 VAN 1963 NOTCE NO 105 OF 1963 PRETORA DORPSAANLEGSKEMA No 2/8 PRETORA TOWN PLANNNG SCHEME No 2/8 0 Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van sub t is hereby notified in terms of sub section () of artikel (1) van artikel negeendertig van die Dorpe en section thirtyrnine of the Townships and Town planning Dorpsaanleg Ordonnansie 1931 bekendgemaak dat die Ordinance 1931 that the City Council of Pretoria has Stadsraad van Pretoria aansoek gedoen het om Pretoria applied for Pretoria Town planning Scheme No dorpsaanlegskema No te wysig deur die her to be amended by the rezoning of the western half of indeling van die westelike gedeelte van Erf No: 3 dorp Ed No 3 Hermanstad Township and Tryon Nos 377 Hermanstad en Erwe Nos 377 en 379 doll) Pretoria and 379 Pretoria GardenS Township from "Special Thine Van ;Spesiale Woon " na Speliale Besigheid " Residential " to " Special Business " 13

14 102 PROVNSALE KOERANT 17 JULE 1963 Verdere besonderhede van hierdie skema (wat Pretoria ; This amendment will be known as Pretoria Town dorpsaanlegskema No 2/8 genoem sal word) 16 in die planning Scheme No 2/8 Further particulars of the kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Pretoria en in die kantoor scheme are lying for inspection at the office of the Town van die Sekretaris van die Dorperaad Kamer No B222 Clerk Pretoria and at the office of the Secretary of the Provinsialegebou Pretoriusstraat Pretoria ter insae Townships Board Room No B222 Provincial Building Street; Pretoria Alle eienaars of bewoners van onroerende eiendom wat Pretorius owner gelee is binne die or occupier gebied ten opsigte waarvan die skema of immovable property situate within the area to van toepassing is het die reg om beswaar teen die skema which the scheme applies shall have the right of objection to the scheme aan te teken en kan and may notify te eniger tyd binne n maand na die laaste the Secretary of the Townships publikasie van Herdic kennisgewing in die Offisiele Board in writing at the Koerant van die Provinsie dws op of voor 23 Augustus above address or PO Box 892 Pretoria of such objection and of the grounds thereof at any time within 1963 die Sekretaris van die Dorperaad by bovermelde one month after the last publication of this notice adres of Posbus 892 Pretoria in the skriftelik in kennis stel van Provincial Gazette ie on or before the 23rd August so n beswaar en die redes daarvoor 1963 H MATTHEE H MATTHEE Secretary Townships Board Sekretaris Dorperaad Pretoria 10th July 1963 Pretoria 10 Julie CENNSGEWNG No 106 VAN 1963 NOTCE No 106 OF 1963 VEREENGNG DORPSAANLEGSKEMA No 1/24 VEREENGNG TOWN PLANNNG SCHEME No 1/24 Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van subartikel (1) van artikel nege en dertig van die Dorpe en Dorpsaan t is hereby notified in terms of sub section (1) of secleg Ordonnansie 1931 bekendgemaak dat die Stadsraad tion thirtynine of the Townships and Town planning van Vereeniging aansoek gedoen het om Vereeniging Ordinance 1931 that the Town Council of Vereeniging dorpsaanlegskema No te wysig om die oprigting has applied for Vereeniging Town planning Scheme No van n tienyerdiepinggebou vir kantoordoeleindes op to be amended to permit the erection of a ten Gedeelte 124 van die plaas Klipplaatdrift storey building for office purposes on Portion 124 of the distrik Vereeniging toe te laat farm Klipplaatdrift No; 601 Q District Vereeniging Verdere besonderhede van hierdie skema (wat Vet This amendment will be known as Vereeniging Town eeniging dorpsaanlegskema No 1/24 genoem sal word) planning Scheme No 1/24 Further particulars of the 16 in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Vereeniging en scheme are lying for inspection at the office of the Town in die kantoor van die Sekretaris van die Dorperaad Clerk Vereenigmg and at the office of the Secretary of Kamer No 8222 ProvirrsialegehouPretorittsstraat the Townships Board Room No B222 Provincial Pretoria ter insae Building Pretorius Street Pretorii Alle eienaars of bewoners van onroerende eiendom wat Every owner or occupier of immovable property situate Bela is binne die gebied ten opsigte waarvan die skema within the area to which the scheme applies shall have the van toepassing is bet die reg om beswaar teen die skema right of objection to the scheme and may notify the Secaan te teken en kan te eniger tyd binne n maand na die retary of the Townships Board in writing at the above laasm publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing in die Offisiele address or PO Box 892 Pretoria of such objection and Koerdnt van die Provinsie dws op cif voor 23 Augustus the grounds thereof at any time within one month after 1963 die Sekretaris van die Dorperaad by bovermelde the last publication of the notice in the Provincial Gazette adres of Posbus 892 Pretoria skriftelik in kennis te std ie on or before the 23rd August 1963 van so n beswaar en die redes daarvoor H MATTHEE H MATTHEE Secretary Townships Board: Sekretaris Dorperaad Pretoria 10th July 1963 Pretoria 10 Julie KENNSGEWNG No 107 VAN 1963 NOTCE No 107 OF 1963 JOHANNESBURG DORPSAANLEGSCEMA No 1/98 JOHANNESBURG TOWN PLANNNG SCHEME " Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van subartikel No 1/98 (1) van artikel negeendertig van die Dorpe en Dorpsaanleg Ordonnansie 1931 bekendgemaak dat die Stads t is hereby notified in terms of snbseetion () of secraad van Johannesburg aansoek gedoen het om Johannes tion thirtynine of the Townships and Townplanning burgdorpsaanlegskema No te wysig deur die Ordinance 1931 that the City Council of Johannesburg indeling van die noordelike gedeelte van Standplaas No has applied for JohannesburgTown planning Scheme No 172 RG Rosebank na Spesiaar" te verander soder to be amended by rezoning the northern portion daar op sekere voorwaardes n openbare garage opgerig of Stand No 172 RE Rosebank "Special" permitting kan word theerection of a public garage on certain conditions Verdere besonderhede van hierdie skema (wat Johan This amendment will be known as JohannesburgTownnesburg dorpsaanlegskema No 1/98 genoem sal word) planning Scheme No 1/98 Further particulars of the 16 in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Johannesburg en scheme are lying for inspection at the office of the Town in die kantoor van die Sekretaris van die Dorperaad Clerk Johannesburg and at the office of the Secretary of Kamer No B222 Provinsialegebou Pretoriusstraat the Townships Board Room No B222 Provincial Pretoria ter insae Building Pretorius Street Pretoria Alle eienaars of bewoners van onroerende eiendom wat Every owner or occupier of immovable property situate gelth is binne die gebied ten opsigte waarvan die skema within the area to which the scheme applied shall have the van toepassing is het die reg om beswaar teen die skema right of objection to the scheme and may notify the Secaan te teken en kan te eniger tyd binne n maand na die retary of the Townships Board in writing at the above laaste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing in die Ofi7siele address or PO Box 892 Pretoria of such objection Koerant van die Provinsie dws op ofvoor 23 Augustus and of the grounds thereof at any time within one month 1963 die Sekretaris van die Dorperaad by bovermelde after the last publication of this notice in the Provincial adres of Posbus 892 Pretoria skriftelik in kennis stel van Gazette ieon or before the 23rd August 1963 so n beswaar en die redes daarvoor H MATTHEE; H MATTHEE Secretary Townships Board Sekretaris Dorperaad Pretoria 10th July 1963 Pretoria 10 Julie

15 s "PROVNCAL GAZETTE 17 JULY 1963 KENNSGEWNG No 108 VAN 1963 NOTCE No 108 OF 1963 VOORGESTELDE WYSGNG VAN DE TTEL PROPOSED AMENDMENT OF THE CONDTONS VOORWAARDES VAN EftWE Nos 703 EN OF TTLE OF ERVEN Nos AND 705 DOR? KEMPTON PARK UTBREDNG No 2 KEMPTON PARK EXTENSON No 2 TOWN SHP 103 Hierby word bekend geniaak dat Dervck Percival t is hereby notified that application has been made by Dugmore namens die Methodistekerk van Suid Afrika Deryck Percival Dugmore on behalf of the Methodist ingevolge die bepalings van artikel ten van die Wet op Church of South Africa in terms of section one of the Opheffing van beperkings in Dorpe 1946 aansoek gedoen Removal of Restrictions in Townships Act 1946 for the het om die wysiging van die titelvoorwaardes van Erwe amendment of the conditions of title of Erven Nos 703 Nos: 703 en 705 dorp Kempton Park Uitbreiding No 2 and 705 Kempton Park Extension No 2 Township to ten einde dit moontlik te maak dat die erwe yir Noon permit the erven being used for dwellinghouses and huise en met die toestemming van die Stadsraad van with the consent of the Town Council of Kempton Park Kempton Park vir plekke van openbare godsdiens for places of public worship places of instruction social oefening plekke van onderrig gemeenskapsale inrigtings halls institutions and special buildings en spesiale geboue gebruik kan word The application and the relative documents are open for inspection at the office of Die aansoek en die the betrokke dokumente le ter insae in Secretary of the Town die kantoor van die Sekretaris van die Dorperaad Kamer shins Board Room 6222 Block B Provincial Building Pretorius Street Pretoria for a B222 Blok B Provinsialegebou Pretoriusstraat Pretoria period of two months 0 vir n tydperk van twee maande na datum hiervan from the date hereof Any Person who objects to the granting of the applica edereen wat teen die toestaan van die aansoek beswaar tiolf or who is desirous of being heard or of making wil maak of wat verlang om in die soak gehoor te word representations in the matter shall communicate in writing of vertoe in verband daarmee wil indien moet binne twee with the Secretary of the Townships Board at the above maande na die datum hiervan skriftelik met die Sekretaris address or PO Box 892 Pretoria within a period of two van die Dorperaad by bovermelde adres of Posbus 892 months from the date hereof Pretoria in verbinding tree H MATTHEE H MATTHEE Secretary Townships Board Sekretaris Dorperaad Pretoria 10th July 1963 Pretoria 10 Julie KENNSGEWNG No 109 VAN 1963 NOTCE No 109 0? 1963 P 0 No KEMPTON PARK DORPSAANLEGSKEMA 1/6 KEMPTON PARK TOWNPLANNNG SCHEME Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van sub No 1/6 artikel () van artikel nege endertig van die Dorpe en Dorpsaanleg ordonnansie 1931 bekendgemaak dat die Stadsraacl van Kempton Park aansoek gedoen bet om Kempton Park dorpsaanlegskema No coos voli t is hereby notified in terms of subsection (1) of te wysig: section thirtynine of the Townships and Town planning 1 Klousuie 6 Deur die skrapping vin die bestaande Ordinance 1931 that the Town Council of Kempton Park subklousule (e) en die vervanging daarvan soos volg: has applied for Kempton Townplanning Scheme No L 1952Park to be amended as follows: (e) Die eienaar van enige voorgestelde nuwe dorp binne die gebied van die sketna moet die 1 Clause 6 By the deletion of existing sub volgende minimunigedeelte van die dorpsgebied clause (e) and the substitution therefor of the following: as openbare oop ruimte verskaf: 01morg per erf wat as terrein vir n woonhuis "(e) The owner of any new proposed township within gebruik gaan word the area of the scheme shall provide for the :06 morg per erf wat as terrein vir besigheids purposes of public open space the following geboue gebruik gaan word minimum: proportion of the proposed town 12 morg per erf wat as terrein vir n woon ship: gebou gebruik gaan word 01 morgen per site for a dwelling:house Met dien verstande dat in die geva van order 06 morgen per site for a business verdeling van n bestaande erf bogenoemde 12 morgen per site for a residential building : vereistes alleenlik van toepassing sal wets op : addisionele terreine wat gevorm word; verder met dien verstande eclat aan die Dorperaad die Provided that in the case of the subdivision of mag voorbehou word om hierdie vereistes te an existing erf the above requirements shall only wysig of daarvan of te sien en dat die Raad mag apply to additional sites created; provided eis dat die eienaar in intuit in pleas van grond further that the Board shall have the right to &teal? depart from this requirement and that the Council may require the owner to make a pay 2 Klousule 13 Die omskrywing "Gebou vir Hinder :went in mentn money in lieu of land" like Bedrywe" volgende byvoeging: Verder met dien verstande dat die Raad sy toe 2 Clause 13 The definition "Noxious ndustrial stemming tot die* oprigdng en gebruik van sulks Brtildifig by the addition of the following: nywerhede in Gebruikstreke V en V van Tabel : C kan verleen nuts die ruediese gesondheids "Provided further that upon the production of a beampte na raadpleging met die inspekteur van certificate by the Medical Officer of Health in consulfabrieke n sertifikaat uitreik ciat die proses wat met y tation with the nspector of Factories that the 15 t

16 104 PROVNSALE KOMEANt 1i:it:lilt 1941 die cliyf Vadenige van die voorgestelde nywerhede of process it is proposed to employ in the: conduct of fabrieke voorgestel word enige ergemis of gevaar iir any of the aforegoing industries or factories will gesondheid in naburige eiendomme voortspruitend eliminate nuisance or danger to health in neighbourwt ing premises arising from 4 7 (a) dampe en retike; (a) vapour or effluvia; (b) afvalvloeistof wat nit die gebciue afvloei; en (b) fluids or liquid waste matters to be discharged indien dit die voorneme is om hierdie stowwe from the premises and it land treatment deur middel van grondbehandeling te suiwer of such matters is proposed the mature slope die geaardheid helling en grootte van die and area of the land and its position in relation grond en die ligging van die grond met betrek to dwellings streams or water courses; king tot woonhuise strome en waterlope; (c) vastedvalstowwe; (c) solid waste matters; sal uitskakel" the Council may consent to the erection and use of buildings for such industries in Use Zone V and 3 Klousule 15 (a) Dear die weglating van die woorde :" V Table C Spesiaal " Algmene nywerheidsgeboue" en Beperkte nywerheidsgeboue " in Tabel C " Gebruikstreek 3 Clause 15 W Table " C" Use Zone by the kolom (5) omission in column (5) of the words " Special " " General 4 Klousule 16 (b) Deur die skrapping van die hele ndustrial Buildings " and " Restricted ndustrial Buildsubklousule en die vervanging daat van coos volg: ings " (b) teen grond wat in enige gebruikstreek geled is 4:Clause 16 (b) By the deletion of the whole submag vir die doel van die storting van vullis of clause and the: substitution therefor of the following: klipafval van" enige snort rioolverwydering rommelwerf opslagwerf motorrommelhoop of "(b) No land in any use zone shall be used for the vir begraafplase gebruik word nie; ook sal die purpose of the tipping of refuse or rubble of any yerwydering van grond sand of gruis op enige description Storeyard motor graveyard scraperf of erwe in n dorp of landbouhoewe sonder yard sewagedisposal or cemeteries nor shall die toestemming van die Raad toegelaat word the removal of soil sand Or gravel from any erf nie Did parkering an motorvoertuie pp oop or erven initownship or agricultural holdings be persele sal nie toegelaat word tensy die toestem permitted without the consent of the Cciuffeil ming van die Raad verkry word nie" The parking of motor vehicles on vacant lots shall not be allowed except by consent of the 5 Klousule 17 (a) Dear die skrapping van die woord Council" en" na die syfer X en die byvoeging van die woord en syfer en XV " na die syfer X 5 Clause 17 (a) By the deletion of the word and " 6 &motile 18 (e) Deur die brioeging ;Van die after the figure Wand the inclusion of the word and volgende bepalings: figure and my " after the figtite X: ii (v) die okkupeerder n werknemer in verband met 6 Claule 118 (e) By the addition of the following die professie of beroep in diens neem nie; met provisos dien verstande dat die okkupeerder sodanige n: i ric;:t i i ; i if: i i werknemer in diens kan neem mits by die Stads "" Kate employment by" the occupant of any raad se toestemming verkry; employee in the; practice of the profession or (vi) sodanige woonhuis of gebou of grond wat die Occupation; Provided that the occupant niay : terrein uitmaak waarop sodanige huis of gebou employ such employee with the Councils permis staan gebruik mord om n voeituig waarmee sion :r gdedere of passasiersrof albei teen n huurgeld (vi) the use of such dwelling house or building or of teen n vergoeding vervoer word of om enig any land forming the site of such lets van matter acrd ook al house wat die Stadsraad or building for storing or keeping therein or Met behoorlilce inagneming van die aantreklik thereon any vehicle used for the transporta heid van die buurt afsigtelik of onwenslik ag tion of goods or passengers or both for hire or en die Raad die okkupeerder skriftelik aangese reward or any other thing of whatever nature or het om dit daar te verwyder of bm dit nie in kind which the Council with due regard to the sodanige huisof gebou te hou te huisves of op amenities of the neighbourhood considers te berg nie of op sodanige terrein le hou of op unsightly or undesirable therein or thereon and te berg nie; met dien verstande dat die okku has by written notice required the occupant to 111 peerder mits by die Stadsraad se skriftelike remove from or not store or keep in such house toestemming verkry het enige sodanige voertuig or building or on such site provided that the of ander sodanige goedere daarin of daarop mag occupant may with the Councils written permis aanhou op bedinge en voorwaardes wat die sioh store or keep therein or thereon any such Stadsraad kan bepdal wanneer daar aansoek vehicle or other such thing on such terms and gedoen word: conditions as the Council may on application ]ay Met dien verstande dat in verband met enige toe down: stemming wat onder (v) of (vi) bogemeld verleen is Provided that in respect of a permission given under enige persoon of persone wat daardeur veronreg voel (v) or (vi) above any person or persons aggrieved kan appelleer" thereby shall have the right of appeal" 7 Klouside 19 (b) (v) Deur die byvoeging van 7 Clause 19 (b) (v) By the addition of Met dien verstande oat nieteenstaande die digt " Provided that notwithstanding the held wat in die skema neergele is erwe wat voor die density laid down in the scheme bogemelde datum nicer erven containing more than one as een woonhuis bevat kan dwellinghouse prior to the above date deur die toestemming van die Raad en nie aan may by consent of the Council and not subject to clause 17 klousule 17 onderworpe nie onderverdeel word sodat he subdivided to allow each subdivision created to elke onderverdeling wat geskep word een bestaande gebou bevat" contain one existing dwelling? Verdere besonderhede van hierdie skema (wat Kempton This amendment will be known as Kempton Park Parkdorpsaanlegskema No 1/6 genoem sal word) le in Townplanning Scheme No 1/6 Further particulars of die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Kempton Park en in the scheme are lying for inspection at the office of the die kantoor van die Sekretaris van die Dorperaad Kamer Town Clerk Kempton Park and at the office of the 1 No B222 Provinsialegebou Pretoriusstraat Pretoria ter Secretary of the Townships Board Room No B222 insae Provincial Building Pretorius Street Pretoria 16

17 PROVNCAL WETTE17JULY Alle eienaars of bewoners san onroerende eiendom wat : Every owner or occupier of immovable property situate gelee is binne die gebieck ten orisigtewaaryan die skema within the area towhich the scheme applies shall have the van toepassing is het die reg om beswaar teen die skema right of objection to the sdieme and may notify the aan te teken en kan te eniger tyd binne p maand na die Secretary of the Townships Board in writing at the above laaste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing in die Offisiele address or PO Box 892 Pretoria of such objection and Koerant van die Provinsie dws op of voor 23 Augustus of the grounds thereof at any time within one month after 1963; die Sekretaris van die Dorperaad by bovermelde the last publication of this notice in the Provincial Gazette idres of Posbus 892 Pretoria skriftelik in kennis std van Le On or before the 23rd August 1963 so n beswaar en die reties daarvoor 11 MATTHEE : H MATTHEE Sekretaris Dorperaad Secretaiy Townships Board! Pretoria 10 Julie 1963 Pretoria 10th July i KENNSGEWNG No 110 VAN 1963 PARKVOORGESTELDE STGTNG VAN DORPC No 110 oil 1963 NOTCE PROPOSED ESTABLSHMENT OF MARL TOWNSHP MARL PARK : t is hereby notified in terms of section eleven of the Townships and Town planning Ordinance 1931 that ngevolge artikel elf van die Dorpe en Dorpsaanleg application has been made by Johannes Joachim Alberts Ordonnansie 1931 word hierby bekendgemaak dat for permission to lay out a township on the farm Harte Johannes Joachim Alberts aansoek gedoen het om n dorp ees 328 JR District Pretoria to be known te stig op die plaas Hartebeestpoort No 3281R absmtaproloirptarnko distrik Pretoria wat bekend sal wees as Marli Park The proposed township is situate south of Rabie Street Die voorgestelde dorp 18 suid van Rabiestraat in in Meyers Park Township Meyers Park Dorp The application together with the relative plans docu Die aansoek met die betrokke planne dokumente en Mutts and information is open for inipection at the inligting ie ter insae op die kantoor van the Sekretaris office of the Secretary Townships Board Room No B221 van die Dorperaad Kamer No 8221 Tweede Vloer Second Floor Block B Provincial Building Pretoria for Blok B Provinsialegebou Pretoria vir n tydperk van a period of two months from the date hereof twee maande nv datum hiervan n terms of section eleven (4) of the said Ordinance ngevolge artikel any person who objects to the gr anting Of thg application moet iedereen wat beswaar wil maak teen die toestaan of who is desirous of being hiatte Wolltbaktrinepresenvan die aansoek of wat verlang om in die saak gehoor tations in the matter shall communicate With the Seero: te word of Verta in verband daarmeewiltindien binne tary of the Board: within a period of tvici months from twee maande na die datum hiervan met die Sekretaris the date hereof yap die Raad in verbinding tree n terms of section eleven (6) of the Ordinance any ngevolge artikel elf (6) van die OrdonnanSie kan Person who objects to the grantingof the application or ledereen wat beswaar wil maak teen die toeitaan van n who is desirous of being heard: or of makingrepresenta aansoek of wat verlang otn in die soak gehoor te word tions in the matter may communicate in writing with the of verta in verband daarmee wil indien skriftelik met Secretary of the Board or may give evidence in person die Sekretaris van die Raad in verbinding tree of persoon before the Board on the date and at the place of lik getuienis voor die Raad afle op die datum en plek van inspection or On Such other date and at stich place as inspeksie of op sodanige ander datum en plek as watdie the Board may appoint: Provided that such written Raad bepaal: Met dien verstande dat hierdie skrywe die communication shall be in the hands of the Secretary of Sekretaris van did Read nie later as een [nand na die the Board not later than one month from the date hereof datum hiervan met bereik nie All objections must be lodged in duplicate and A lle beswate woe: in duplo ingedien word en gerig addressed to the Secretary Townships Board PO Box Word aan die Sekretaris Dorperaad Posbus 892 Pretoria 892 Pretoria H MATTHEE H MATTHEE Secretary Townships Board P Sekretaris Dorperaad ;r Pretoria17 lithe 1963 Pretoria 17th July KENNSGEWNG No yak 1963 No 111 OF 1963 NOTCE yoorgestelde WYSGNG VAN DE TTEL VOORWAARDES VAN ERF No 3568 (VOOR PROPOSED AMENDMENT OF THE CONDTONS HEEN No 5227 HLLBROW) DORP JOHAN OF TTLE OF ERF No 3568 (FORMERLY NESBURG No 5227 HLLBROW) JOHANNESBURG TOWNSHP Hierby word bekendgemaak dat Harry Hiain Galgut namens Lirhobern (Edms) Beperk ingevolge die t is hereby notified that application has been made by bepalings van artikel een van die Wet op Opheffing van Harry Hiam Galgut on behalf of Lirhobern (Pty) Ltd Beperkings in Dorpe 1946 aansoek gedoen het om die in terms of section one of the Removal of Restrictions in wysiging van die titelvoorwaardes van Ed No3568 (voor Townships Act 1946 for the amendment of the condi heen No 5227 Hillbrow) dorp Johannesburg ten einde tions of title of Ed No 3568(formerly No 5227 Hilldit moontlik te maak dat die erf vir winkels besigheids brow) Johannesburg Township to permit the erf being persele woonhuise woongeboue plekke van openbare used for shops business premises dwellinghouses godsdiensoefening plekke van onderrig en gemeenskapsale residential buildings places of public worship places of gebruik kan word instruction and social halls Die aansoek en die betrokke dokumente 18 ter insae in The application and the relative documents are open for die kantoor van die Sekretaris van die Dorperaad Kamer inspection at the office of the Secretary of the Townships No B222 BlOk B Provinsialegebou Pretoriusstraat Board; Room No B222 Block B Provincial Building Pretoria vir n tydperk van twee maamde na datum Pretorius Street Pretoria for a period of two months from hiervan the date hereof 17

18 106 PROVNSALE KOERANT 17 JULE 1963 edereen wat teen die toestaan van die aansoek beswaar Any person who objects to the granting of the applicawil maak of wat verlang om in die saak gehoor te word don or who is desirous of being heard or of making of vertoe in verband daarmee wil indien moet binne twee representations in the matter shall communicate in writing maande na die datum hiervan skriftelik met die Sekretaris with the Secretary of the Townships Board at the above van die Dorperaad by bovermelde adres of Posbus 892 address Or PO Box 892 Pretoria within a period of two Pretoria in verbinding tree months from the date hereof H MATTHEE H MATTHEE Sekretaris Dorperaad Secretary Townships Board Pretoria 17 Julie 1963 Pretoria 17th July KENNSGEWNG No 112 VAN 1963 NOTCE No 112 OF 1963 VOORGESTELDE WYSGNG VAN DE TTEL PROPOSED AMENDMENT OF THE CONDTONS VOORWAARDES VAN ERWE Nos OF TTLE OF ERVEN Nos AND EN 200 DORP BORDEAUX DSTRK JOHAN 200 BORDE A U X TOWNSHP; DSTRCT NESBURG JOHANNESBURG Hierby word bekendgemaak dat "Randburg nvest t is hereby notified that application has been made by ments (Proprietary) Limited " ingevolge die bepalings van Randburg nvestments (Proprietary) Limited in terms artikel een van die Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings in of section one of the Removal of Restrictions in Town Dorpe 1946 aansoek gedoen het om die wysiging van die ships Act 1946 for the amendment of the conditions of titelvoorwaardes van Erwe Nos en 200 tide of Erven No and 200 Bordeaux Towndorp Bordeaux distrik Johannesburg ten eindedit moont ship district of Johannesburg to permit the erven being lik to maak dat die erwe vir Spesiale Besigheidsdoeleindes used for Special Business Purposes shops; residential winkels woongeboue (insluitend woonstelle) kantore en buildings (including flats) offices and professional apart professionele kaniers plekke van onderrig inrigtings en ments places of instruction institutions and social halls gemeenskapsale gebruik kan word en verder dat Ed No and further that Erf No 129 may also be used for the 129 ook vir die oprigting van n bakkery gebruik kan erection of a bakery word The application and the relative documents are open for Die aansoek en die betrokke dokumente TOter insae in inspection at the office of the Secretary of the Townships die kantoorvan dip Sekretaris van die Dorperiad Kamer Board Room No B222 Block B Provincial Building No: B222 Blok B Provinsialegebou Pretoriusstraat Pretorius Street Pretoria fora period of two months from Pretoria vir n tydperk van twee maande na datum hier the date hereof van Any person who objects to the granting of the applica edereen wat teen die toestaan van die aansoek beswaar lion or who is desirous of being heard or of making wil maak of wat verlang om in die saak gehoor te word representations in the matter shall communicate in writing of verto8 in verband daarmee wil indien moet binne twee with the Secretary of the Townships Board at the above maande na die datum hiervanskriftelik met die Sekretaris address or PO Box 892 Pretoria within a period of two van die Dorperaad by bovermelde adres ofposbus 892 months from the date hereof Pretoria in verbinding tree H MATTHEE H MATTHEE Secretary Townships Board Sekretaris Dorperaad Pretoria 17th July 1963 Pretoria 17 Julie KENNSGEWNG No 113 VAN 1963 NOTCE No 113 OF 1963 VEREENGNG DORPSAANLEGSKEMA No 1/23 VEREENGNG TOWNPLANNNG SCHEME No 1/23 Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van subartikel (1) van artikel nege endertig van die Dorpe en t is hereby notified in terms of subsection (1) of sec Dorpsaanleg:Ordonnansie 1931 bekendgemaak dat die tion thirtynine of the Townships and Townplanning Stadsraad van Vereeniging aansoek gedoen het om Ver Ordinance 1931 that the Town Council of Vereeniging eeniging dorpsaanlegskema No soos volg te has applied for Vereeniging Town planning Scheme No wysig: to be amended as follows: " (1) Deur die herindeling van Gedeelte 1 van Ed No () By the rezoning of Portion of Ed No 2372 Three 2372 dorp Three Rivers Uitbreiding No 2 van Rivers Extension No 2 Township from "Public Openbare Oopruimte " na nrigtings "; Open Space " to " nstitutional "; (2) deur die herindeling van Gedeelte A Van "Ed No (2) by the rezoning of Portion A of Ed No 354 Ver 354 dorp Vereeniging van massasone 3 tot massa eeniging Township from Bulk Zone 3 to Bulk Zone sone 2; 2; (3) om voorsiening te maak in die massa en dekkings (3) to provide for an increase in bulk and coverage facfaktore vir woonstelle in massasone 1 n verhoging tors for flats in Bulk Zone 1 an increase in the in die massafaktore vir woonstelle in massasone 2 bulk factor for flats inbulk Zones 2 and 3 and an en 3 en n verhoging in die dekkingsfaktor vir increase in the coverage factor for residential woongeboue in massasone 1 en 2 buildings in Bulk Zones 1 and 2 Verdere besonderhede van hierdie skema (wat Ver This amendment will be known as Vereeniging Towneenigingdorpsaanlegskema No 1/23 genoem sal word) planning Scheme No 1/23 Further particulars of the 18 in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Vereeniging en scheme are lying for inspection; at the office of the Town in die kantoor van die Sekretaris van die Dorperaad Clerk Vereeniging and at the office of the Secretary of the Kamer No B222 Provinsialegebou Pretoriusstraat Townships Board Room NoB222 Provincial Building Pretoria ter insae Pretorius Street Pretoria 18

19 1 nesburgdorpsaanlegskema il PROVNCAL GAZETTE 17 JULY Alle eienaars of bewoners van onroerendesiendom wat ; Every:owner or occupier of Unmovable property situate gelee is binne die gebied ten opsigte waarvan die skema withinthe area to which the scheme applies shall have the van toepassing is het die reg om beswaar teen die skema right of objection to the schethe and may notify the Seeaan te teken en kan te enigertyd biting 711 maand na die retary of the Townships Board in writing at the above haste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing in die (AP& address or PO Box 892 Pretoria of such objection and Koerant van die Provinsie dws op of voor 30 Augustus of the grounds thereof at any time within one month after 1963 die Sekretaris van die Dorperaad by bovertnelde the last publication of this notice in the Provincial Gazette adres of Posbus 892 Pretoria skriftelik in kennis stel ie on or before the 30th August 1963 van so n beswaar en die redes daarvoor H MATTHEE H MATTHEE Secretary Townships Board Sekretaris Dorperaad Pretoria 17th July 1963 Pretoria 17 Julie KENNSGEWNGNo 114 VAN 1963 NOTCE No 114 o ) JOHANNESBURG DORPSAANLEGSKEMA No 1/96 JOHANNESBURG TOWN PLANNNG SCHEME No 1/96 Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van subartikel (1) van artikel negeendertig van die Dorpe en t is hereby notified in terms of sub section () of Dorpsaanleg Ordonnansie 1931 bekendgemaak dat die section thirtynine of the Townships and Town planning Stadsraad van Johannesburg aansoek gedoen het om Ordinance Johannesburg 1931 that the City Council of Johannesburg dorpsaanlegskema No: te wysig has applied for Johannesburg Townplanning Scheme No deur die indeling van Gedeelte 300 en die resterende to be amended by the rezoning of Portion 300 and gedeelte van Gedeelte 90 van die pleas Braamfontein No remaining extent of Portion 90 of the farm Braamfontein 53 (voorheen gedeelte Aucklandpark renbaan) wat tans No 53 (formerly portiod of Auckland Park RaceCourse) spesiale woondoeleindes " is 9p *ere voorwaardes na from "Special Residential" to " Special! for broad spes4aal " te verander sodat dit vit ulisaaidoeleindess casting purposes including the erection of offices studios gebruik kan word en daar kantore ateljees werkwiekels workshops stores and other buildings incidental thereto pakhuise en ander geboue wat daarmee in verband staan on certain conditions opgerig mag word Verdere besonderhede van hierdie skema (wat Johan This amendment will be known as Johannesburg Town No 1/96 genoem sal word) planning Scheme No 1/96 Further particulars of the 18 in die kantoor van die Stadsklerkvan Johannesburg scheme are lying terinspectionat the otbdepfithe Town en in die kantoor van die Sekretaris van die Dorperaad Clerk; Jbhannesburg and at theoffice of the Secretaryof Kamer No B222 Provinsialegebou Pretoriusstraat the Townships Board Room No ProvinCial Pretoria ter insae " : ;: : : Alle eienaars of bewoners van onroerende eiendom wat Building Pretorius Street Pretoria Eiiery owner or occupier of immovable property situate gelee is binne die gebied ten opsiste waarvan die skema within the area to which the scheme applies shall van toepassing is het die reg om beswaar have teen die skema the right of objection to the scheme and may notify the amt te teken en kan te enigertyd binne n maand na die Secretary of the Townships Board n Writing at theabove laaste publikasie van hierdiekennisgewing in die Offisiele address or PO Box 892 Pretoria of such Koerant van die Provinsie objection and dws op of voor 30 Augustus of the grounds 1963;rdie thereof at any time within Sekretaris van die Dorperaad by bovermelde one month after the last publication of this notice in the Provincial adres of Posbus 892 Pretoria skriftelik in kennis stel van Gazette ie on or before the 30th August 1963 so n beswaar en die redes daarvoor H MATTHEE H MATTHEE P Sekretaris Dorperaad Secretary Townships Board Pretoria 17 Julie 1963 Pretoria 17th July KENNSGEWNG No 115 VAN 1963 NOTCE No 115 OF 1963 SCHEME:POTGETERSRUS POTGETERSRUS DORPSAANLEGSKEMA WYSGENDE SKEMA No 1 TOWNPLANNNG AMENDNG SCHEME No 1 Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van subartikel (1) van artikel negeendertig van die Dorpe en DorpsaanlegOrdonnansie 1931 bekendgemaak dat die Stads t is hereby notified in terms of sub section (1) of section mad van Potgietersrus aansoek gedoen bet om Potgieters tinnynine of the Townships and Town planning Potgietersrusrus dorpsaanlegskema 1962 soon volg te wysig: Ordinance 1931 that the Town Council of has applied for Potgietersrus Town planning Scheme Klousule 15 Tabel D": Deur die tapping van al 1962 to be amended as follows : die woorde under kolom 3 gebruilcstreke Spesiale Besigheid en V Algemene Besigheid en die vervanging Clause 15 Table " D ": By the deletion of all the words daarvan met die volgende woorde : in column 3 use zones Special Business and V General 0) (2) (3) Business and the substitution of the following words : SPesiale Besigheid Woonhuise woongeboue onderrig (1) (2) (3) plekke uitgesonderd visbraaiery en Special Business Dwellinghouses residential buildings die kleinhandel verkoop van vis places of instruction and except winkels kafees en besigheidsgeboue fish frying and retail trade in fish V Algemene Besig Woonhuise woongeboue hotelle shops cafés and business premises held plekke vir openbare Godsdiens V General Business Dwellinghouses residential buildings oefening onderrigpleldce gesellig hotels places of worship places of : heidsale publieke garages en airy? instruction social halls public sonderd visbraaiery en die ;dein garages and except fish frying and handel verluaop van vis winkels ci retail trade in fish shops cafes and kafees en besiplacidsinbone business premises 19 il:

20 108 PROVNSALE KOERANT 17 JULE 1963 Verdere besonderhede van hierdie skema (wat Pot This amendment will be known as Potgietersrus Towngietersrus dorpsaanlegskema : Wysigende Skema No 1 planning Scheme: Amending Scheme No 1 Further genoem sal word) le in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van particulars of the scheme are lying for inspection at the Potgietersrus en in die kantoor van die Sekretaris van die office of the Town Clerk Potgietersrus and at the office Dorperaad Kamer No B222 Provinsialegebou Pretorius of the Secretary of the Townships Board Room No B222 straat Pretoria ter insae Provincial Building: Pretorius Street Pretoria Alle eienaars of bewoners van onroerende eiendom wat gelee is binne die gebied ten opsigte waarvan die skema Every owner or occupier of immovable property situate van toepassing is het die reg om beswaar teen die skema within the area to which the scheme applies shall have the aan te teken en kan te eniger tyd binne n maand na die right of objection to the scheme and may notify the laaste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing in die Offisiele Secretary of the Townships Board in writing at the above address van die Koerant Provinsie dws op of voor 30 Augustus or PO Box 892 Pretoria of such objection and 1963 die Sekretaris van die Dorperaad by bovermelde of the grounds thereof at any time within one month after adresof Pdsbus 892 Pretoria skriftelik in kennis stel van the last publication of this notice in the Provincial Gazette so n beswaar en die redes daarvoor ie on or before the 30th August 1963 H MATTHEE : H MATTHEE Sekretaris Dorperaad Secretary Townships Board Pretoria 17 Julie 1963 Pretoria 17th July KENNSGEWNG No 116 VAN 1963 NOTCE No 116 OF 1963 GERMSTON DORPSAANLEGSCEMA No 1/20 GERMSTON TOWN PLANNNG SCHEME No 1/20 Hierby word ooreenhinstig die bepalings van sub artikel (1) van artikel negeendertig van die Dorpe en t is hereby notified n terms of subsection (1) of Dorpsaanleg Ordotualinsie 1931 bekendgemaak dat die section thirtynine of the Townships and Townplanning Stadsraad van Germiston aansoek gedoen het om Ordinance 1931 that the Town Council of Germistop has Germiston dorpsaanlegskema No te wysig deur applied for Germiston Townplanning Scheme NO 1; the verandering van die digtheidsindeling van Gedeeltes 1945 to be amended by the altering of the density zoning E G H L M N en 0 van Gedeelte A van die plaas of Portions E G H J L M N and 0 of Portion A of Driefontein No 87 van " een woonhuis per Kaapse the farm Driefontein No 87 from " one: dwelling house vierkante 1/27ciet " na een woonhuis per Kaapse per Cape square feet " to " one dwellinghouse per vierkante voetr Cape square feet " Verdere besonderhede van hierdie skema (wat Germiston dorpsaanlegskema No 1/20 genoem sal word) This amendment will be known as Germiston Town 18 in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Germiston enin Planning Scheme No 1 / 20 Further particulars of the die kantoor van die Sekretaris van die Dorperaad Kamer scheme are lying for inspection at the office of the Town No B222 Provinsialegebou Pretoriusstraat Pretoria ter Clerk Germiston and at the office of the Secretary of the ` insae Townships Board Room No B222 Provincial Building Pretorius Street Pretoria Me eienaars of bewoners van onroerende eiendom wat gelee is binne die gebiedten opsigte waarvan die skema Every owner or occupier of immovable property situate van toepassing is het die reg om beswaar teen die skema within the area to which the scheme applies shall have the aan te teken en kan le eniger tyd binne n maand na die right of objection to the scheme and may notify the Secrelaaste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing in die nside tary of the Townships Board in writing at the above Koerant van die Provinsie dws op of voor 30 Augustus address or PO Box 892 Pretoria of such objection and 1963 die Sekretaris van die Dorperaad by bovermelde of the grounds thereof at any time within one month after adres of Posbus 892 Pretoria skriftelikin kennis stel van the last publication of this notice in the Provincial Gazette so n beswaar en die redes diarvoor ie on or before the 30th August 1963 H MATTHEE H MATTHEE Sekretaris Dorperaad Secretary Townships Board Pretoria 17 Julie 1963 Pretoria 17th July TENDERS: TENDERS Alle Tenders ivat vir die ante meal gepubliseer word s in die All tenders published for the first lime are indicated by a * linkerbohaek met a * gemerk in the left hand upper corner = TRANSVAALSE PROVNSALE ADMNSTRASE TRANSVAAL PROVNCAL ADMNSTRATON KENNSGEWNG VAN TENDERS TENDER NOTCE Die Transvaalse Provinsiale Administrasie vra tenders vir die volgende: The Transvaal ProvinCial Administration invites tenders for the following Tenders op die voorgeskrewe vorm in verseelde Tenders on the prescribed form in sealed envelopes koeverte waarop die tendernommer vermeld is moet gerig superscribed with the tender number must be addressed wofdt aai die Voorsitter van die Transvaal= Provinsiale Tenderraad Posbus 1040 Pretoria en moet in sy besir to the Chairman of the Transvaal Provincial fender Board PO Box 1040 Pretoria and must Nees om 11uur vm op die sluitingsdatum be in his hands by 11 oclock am on the closingdate: "! i: Tenderdokumente is op aanvraag verkrygbaar by hierdie Tender documents can be obtained upon applicatkin to adres this address 20 41

21 PROVNCAL GAZETTE 17 JULY : 4 Ft:zt r? Afsonderliktaanvraag moet gedoen word ten opsigte Separate application should be made in respect of each van elke tender tender Tender No 9Artilcel Sluitingsdalum Tender No Article Closing Date RFT Wipbalcvragnmtors (10ton) 26 Julie 1963 RFT 10ton tip trucks 26th July /63 LET Driagbare motorvoertuigweeg 26 Julie 1961 LET Portable automobile scales 26thJuly /63 skale i 461/63 RET Lqgbandverdigters (30ton) (trek 26 Julie 1963 RFT 462/63 ripe) 30tom pneumatic compactors 26th July /63 (drawn type) LET Swairdiensskroefdraadsnymasjien 26 Julie 1963 L ET Heavy duty thread cutting machine 26th July /63 463/63 MP:464/63 Antibiotika 26 Julie 1963 HA 464/63 Antibiotics 26th July A 465/63 :Hegniateriaal en bande 26 Julie 1963 HA 465/63 Sutures and ligatures 26th July 1963 EL 466/63 4 tonstasiewa 26 Julie 1963 BB 466/63 4ton stationwagon 26th July 1963 Germiston pr HB 467/63 Passasiersmotorvoertuig vir Julie 1963 ER 467/63 Passenger motor vehicle lor 12 26th July 1963 passasiers passengers ED 468/63 Buisstaalgemakstoele 26 Julie 1963 HD 468/63 Tubular steel easy chairs 26th July 1963 HD 488/63 ilinneveermatrasse 26 Julie 1963 HD 488/63 nnerspring mattresses 26th July 1963 LA 491/63 Oor neus en keelinstrumente 26 Julie 1963 t EA1491/63 Ear nose and throat instruments26th July 1963 Johannesburghospitaal Johannesburg Hospital HA 492/63 Oor neus en keelinstrumente 26 Julie 1963 HA 492/63 Ear nose and throat instruments 26th July 1963 Baragwanathhospitaal Paraswanath Hospital NA 493/63 Oor neus 111 keethistnimente 261ulie 1963: Klerksdorphospitaal HA 493/63 Ear nose and throat instruments 26th July 1963 Klerksdorp Hospital HA 494/63 Oor neus en keelinstrumente 26 Julie 1963 HA 494/63 Ear nose and throat instruments 26th July 1963 Germistonhospitaal Hospital TOD Draaibanke en bybehore 26 Julie 1963 TOD Lathes and accessories 26th July /63 TOD Houtwerkmasjiene 26 Julie 1963 TOD52/63 Woodwork machines 26th July /63 TOD522/6 Mctaalwerkmasjiene en sweis 26 Julie 1963 TOD Metalwork machines and welding 26th July /63 transformators HP 4195/63 Yerndering van as; Natalspruit 523/63 transformers " 26 Julie 1961 hospitaal HD 495/63 Removal or ash: Natalspruit 26th July; 9161 ND 496/63 Klerksdorphospitaal: Wassery 26 Julie 1963 Hospital dienste HD 496/63 Kierksdorp Hospital: Laundering 26thJuly1963 TED Elektriese oonde vir verwartning 26 Julie 1963 service TED509/63 van plastiese materiaal Electric ovens for plastics beating 26th July 1963 TED Ertaprielskillers elektries 26Jitlie /63 510/63 TED Patato peelers electric 26th July 1963 TED Tafels tiksters hoerskool ripe 26 Julie /63 511/63 opstapelbaar TED Tables typing high school stack 26th July 1963 TED Mandfies rottang 26 Julie 1963 nr: 511/63 in type 4 512/63 TED Wicker skip 26th hily1963 pft 1Tonligtealleweringswa roegerus :2AUg 1963: 5!2/6? 1 513/63" menlmadmaaskap : : f FT 1 Ton delivery van equipped with 2nd Aug 1961 " HAi525/63 "Drukverligtingtoestel 9 Aug /63 wire mesh canopy H A 526/63 Rentgenstraaluitrusting Johannes 26 Julie 1963 Mk 525/63 Decompression apparatus9; h Aug 1963 burghospitaal HA 526/63 XRay equipment Johannesburg 26th July; 1963 " HA 539/63 Gaasdeppers 91 C 26 Julie 1963 Hospital ND 514/63 Wasserywaentjics 9 Augustus 1963 EA 539/63 Gauze swabs 11P0 26th July 1963 MD 515/63 Tapyte en ondermatte 9 Augustus 1963 HD 514/63 Laundry trolleys 9th August 1963 HD 1516/63 BabaWiegies 9 Augustus 1963 }La 515/63 Carpets and underfelts 9th August 1963 Hp 317[ 63 Yettand medisyne instrumente 9 Augustus 1963 Baby cradles it/ Rib August 1963 en narkosewaentjies 516/631 Dressing medicine instrument and 9th August 1963 ED 518/63 Buisstaalstoele (besoekers) 9 Augustus 1963 a naesthetic trolleys; HD 519/63 Wielbospitaaluitrusting 9 Augustus 1963: HD 518/63 Tubular steel stools (visitors) 9th August 1963 aa 520/63 Dubbeldoelstoele 9 Augustus 1963 ED 519/63 Wheeled hospitalequipment 9th August 1963 RFT Krigoordraendatatkas : 9 Augustus 1963 HD Dual purpose chairs 9th August /63 RFT Powerslaift transmission 9th August 1961 RFT Roosterrollers 9 Augustus /63 535/63 : : RFT Grid rollers 9th August 1963 RFT Yervocrbare draailugperspomp 9 Augustus /63 536/63 rotary RFT Portable air compressors 9th August FT Hidrouliese domkragte 9 Augustus /63 537/63 RFT Hydrauli5 jacks 9th August; 1963 RFT Stoomskoonmaker 9 Augustus /63 538/63 RFT Steam cleaners :;: 9th Augusti1963 RD 562/63 nvalidestoele 9 Augustus /63 HD 563/63 BoksburgBendni hospithal ver 9 Augustus 1961 HD 562/63 invalid chairs":;:: 902 August 1963 voer van steenkool HD 563/63 BoksburgBenoni Hospital car 9th August : 564/63 Verskeie haspitaaluitrustingitems ; 9 Augustus 1963 tage of coal van staal i MD 564/63 Various items of steel hospital 9th August 1961 EA 577/63 Tablette 9 Aug 1963 equipment LET Werkswinkelhyskraan 5 ton 23 Aug 1963 HA 577/63 Tablets 9th Aug /63 R FT Workshop crane 5 ton 23rd Aug 1963 RFT Woonwaens 23 Aug /63 567/63 LET Caravans 23rd Aug 1963 RFT Skottelee 23 Aug 1963 " 568/63 567/63 RFT Disc harrows 23rd Aug 1963 HB 576/63 Wasmasjien vir n wassery 23 Aug /63 : LLB 576/63 Laundry washing machine 23rd Aug 1962 Die Proyinsiale Administrasie behou die reg om slegs The Provincial Administration reserves the right of )oigegeel!! van n tender aan te neem en verbind hom Me om enige tender aan te neeth Me : accepting any portion of a tender without the whole and does not" bind itself to accept any tender L DU RAND " Voorsitter Transvaalse ProVinsiale Tenderraad L DU RAND t ChairmanTransvaal Provincial Tender:Board " AdministrateurscahOor PretoriaPretoria ir Administrators spt : 21

22 110 PROVNSALE KOERANT 17 JULE 1963 KENNS AN Tenders word biermee gevra vir die onderstiande diens in die Transvaal Provinsie nt: (i) (2) (3) : (4) (5) (6) 0 Dokumente Beskikbare dokumente Datum Kontrakvoonvaardes en Tenders beskikbaar vir is verkrygbaar waarop beskikbare dokumente moet in Diens en Distrik dokuniente uitreiking aan by en moet le ter insae op wees om kontrakteurs teruggestuur word aan Verkinbaar onderstaande is kantore of vor 11uuroven Goudstadse Onderwyskol Tendervorms Kamer CM 7 Tussenver 3 Julie Kamer CM 7 Tussenver 19 Julie legejohannesburg:elektriese tekeninge en dieping Piovinsiale Gebou dieping Provinsiale Gebou installasie spesifikasies (P/Sak 228) (Foon (P/Sak 228) (Foon en ) Pretoria en ) Pretoria Laerskool Rietiontein Rus Tendervorms Kamer CM 7 Tussehver 3 Julie tenburg: Elektrieseinstallasie tekeninge en dieping Provinsiale Gebou Kam& CM 7 Tussenverdieping Provinsiale Gebou 19 Julie spesifikasies (P/Sak 228) (Foon (P/Sak 228) (Foon en ) Pretoria en ) Pretoria Pretoriase Hoer Seunskool: Tendervorrns Kamer CM 7 TussenVer 3 Julie Kamer CM 7 Tussenver 19 Julie Reparasies en opknapping tekeninge en dieping Provinsiale Gebou li dieping Provinsiale Gebou spesifikasies (P/Sak 228) (Foon (P/Sak 228) (Foon en ) Pretoria en ) Pretoria Pretoriase Onderwyskollege: Tendervorms Kamer CM 7 Tussenver 3 Julie Kamer CM 7 Tussenver 19 Julie Verskeie klein werke tekeninge en dieping Provinsiale Gebou dieping Provinsiale Gebou spesifikasies (P/Sak 228) (Foon (P/Sak 228) (Foon en ) Pretoria en ) Pretoria Jeppe Boys High School: Tendervorms Kamer CM 7 Tussenver 3 Julie Kamer CM 7 Tussenver 19 Julie Reparasies en opknapping tekeninge en dieping Provinsiale Gebou dieping Provinsiale Gebou spesifikasies (P/Sak 228) (Foon (P/Sak 228) (Foon en 80307) Pretoria en ) Pretoria Barbertonse Laerskool: Elek Tendervorms Kamer CM 7 Tussenver 3 Julie Kamer CM 7 Tussenver 19 Julie trlese installasie tekeninge en dieping Provinsiale Gabor] dieping Provinsiale Gebou spesifikasies (P/Sak 228) (Foon (P/Salc 228) (Foon po 305 en ) Pretoria en ) Pretoria Hope Home School: Repa Tendervortin Kerner CM 7 Tussenver 3 Julie Kamer CM 7 Tussenver 19 Julie rases en opknapping tekeninge en dieping Provinsiale Gebou dieping Provinsiale Gebou spesifikasies (P/Sak 228) (Foon (P/Sak 228) (Foon en ) Pretoria en ) Pretoria Lawleyse Laerskool: Repa Tendervorms Earner CM 7 Tussenver 3 Julie Kamer CM 7 Tussenver 19 Julie rasies en opknapping tekeninge en dieping Provinsiale Gebou dieping Provinsiale Gebou spesifikasies (P/Sak 228) (Foon (P/Sak 228) (Foon en 80307) Pretoria en ) Pretoria Spesiale Stool nspan Rand Tendervorms Kamer CM 7 Tussenver 3 Julie Kamer CM 7 Tussenver 19 Julie Wes: Stormwaterdremering tekeninge en dieping Provinsiale Gebou dieping Provinsiale Gebou spesifikasies (P/Sak 228) (Foot) (P/Sak 228) (Foon en 80307) Pretoria en ) Pretoria Laerskool Maria van me Tendervorms Kamer CM 7 Tussenver 3 Julie Kamer CM 77 Tussenver 19 Julio beeck: Oprigting van stoor tekeninge en dieping Provinsiale Gebou dieping Provinsiale Gebou kamer ens spesifikasies (P/Sak 228) (Foon (P/Sak 228) (Foon en ) Pretoria en ) Pretoria Vereenigingse Blanke Hos Tendervorms Kamer CM 7 Tussenver 3 Julie Kamer CM 7Tussenver 19 Julie plural: Outoklawe en water tekeninge en dieping Provinsiale Gebou dieping Provinsiale Gebou r sterilisators spesifikasies (P/Sak 228) (Foon (P/Sak 228) (Foon en ) Pretoria en ) Pretoria Floridase Hoerskool: Oprig Tendervorms Kamer CM 7 Tussenver 3 Julie Kamer CM 7Tussenver 19 Julie ting van skoorsteen en kola tekeninge en dieping Provinsiale Gebou dieping Provinsiale Gebou bak spesifikasies (P/Sak 228) (Foon (P/Sak 228) (Foon en ) Pretoria en ) Pretoria Barbertonse Laerskoolkos Tendervorms Kamer CM 7 Tussenver 3 Julie Earner CM 7 Tussenver 19 Julie huis: Verskeie klein werke tekeninge en dieping Provinsiale Gebou dieping Provinsiale Gebou spesifikasies (P/Sak 228) (Foon (P/Sak 228) (Foon en ) Pretoria en ) Pretoria Laerskool Die Eendrag: Tendervorms Kamer CM 7 Tussenver 3 Julie Kamer CM 7 Tussenver 19 Julie Vervanging van dakke ens tekeninge en dieping Provinsiale Gebou dieping Provinsiale Gebou spesifikasies (P/Sak 228) (Foon (P/Sak 228) (Foon en 80307) Pretoria cn ) Pretoria Colin Mann Primary School: Tendervorms Earner CM 7 Tussenver 3 Julie Kamer CM 7 Tussenver 19 Julie Verskeie klein werke tckeninge en dieping Provinsiale Gebou dieping Provinsiale Gebou spesifikasies (P/Sak 228) (Foon (P/Salc 228) (Foon en ) Pretoria en ) Pretoria Hoerskool Voortrekker: lion Tendervorms Kamer CM 7 Tussenver 3 Julie Kerner CM 7 TussenVer 19 Julie van betonpad tekeninge en dieping Provinsiale Gebou dieping Provinsiale Gebou spesifikasies (P/Sak 228) (Foon (P/Sak 228) (Foon en 80307) Pretoria en ) Pretoria Hope Home School: Elck Tendervorms Kamer CM 7 Tussenver 3 Julie Kamer CM 7 Tussenver 19 Julie tnese installasie tekeninge en dieping Provinsiale Gebou dieping Provinsiale Gebou spesifikasies (P/Sak 228) (Foon (P/Sak 228) (Foon en ) Pretoria en ) Pretoria Laerskool De Grootboom: Tendervorms Kamer CM 7 Tussenver 3 Julie Earner CM 7 Tussenver 19 Julie Opknapping ens tekeninge en dieping Provinsiale Gebou dieping Provinsiale Gebou spesiftkasies (P/Sak 228) (Foon (P/Sak 228) (Foon en ) Pretoria en ) Pretoria Witbank High School: Op Tendervorms en Earner CM 7 Tussienver 3 Julie Kerner CM 7 Tussenver 2 Aug rigting lyste van hoe dieping Prownsiale Gebou dieping Provinsiale Gebot veelhede (P/Sat 228) (Foon (P/Sak 228) (Foon en 80z307) Pretoria en ) Pretoria Hoerskool Langenhoven: Tendervorms en Kamer CM 7 Tussenver 3 Julie Kamer CM 7 Tussenver 2 Aug Aanbouings lyste van hoe dieping Provinsiale Gebou dieping Provinsiale Gebou veelhede (P/Sak 228) (Foon (P/Sak 228) (Foon en ) Pretoria en ) Pretoria Hoer LandbouskoOl Kuselk Tendervorms en Kamer CM 7 Tussenver 3 Julie Earner CM 7 Tussenver 2 Aug ke: Oprigting vankoshuis lyste van hoe dieping Provinsiale Gebou dieping Provinsiale Gebou veelhede (P/Sak 228) (Foon (P/Sak 228) (Foon en ) Pretoria en ) Pretoria

23 0 PROVNCAL GAZETTE 17 JULY i :9 f As N ;1 V 1; te (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Dims en Distil Dokumente Bakikbare dokumente Datum r beskikbaar vir waarb Kontrakvoorwaardes en * is verkrygbaar P dolcumente beskikbare dokumente uitreiking aan by en mom le ter insae op kontrakteurs teruggestuur word aan vericlabair onderstaande kantore is Tenders moo in vvecs ont of voor 1uur vm 1963 Rivonia Primary School: Tendervorms en" Kanner CM 7 Tussenver 3 Julie Kamer CM 7 Tussenver 2 Aug Aanbouings lyste van hoe dieping; Provinsiale Gebou dieping Provinsiale Gebou veelhede (P/Sale 228) (Foon (P/Sak 228) (Foon en ) Pretoria en 80307); Pretoria Discovery Primary School: Tendervorms Kamer CM 7 Tussenver 10 Julie Kamer CM 7 Tussenver 16 Aug Oprigting van saal en lyste van dieping Provinsiale Gebou dieping Provinsiale Gebou hoeveelhede (P/Sak 228) (Foon (P/Sak 228) (Foon en ) Pretoria en ) Pretoria Witbank High School: Op Tendervorms Kamer CM 7 Tussenver 10 Julie Kamer CM 7 Tussenver 16 Aug rigting van koshuis en lyste van dieping Provinsiale Gebou dieping Provinsiale Gebou hoeveelhede (P/Sak 228) (Foon (P/Sak 228) (Foon en ) Pretoria en ) Pretoria Pretoria se Peale Streeks Tendervorms Kamer CM 7 Tussenver 10 Julie Kamer CM 7 Tussenver 16 Aug kantore Koedoespoort: en lyste van dieping Provinsiale Gebou dieping Provinsiale Gebou Aanbouings hoeveelhede (P/Sak 228) (Foon (P/Sak 228) (Foon en ) Pretoria en ) Pretoria Yeoville Boys Priinary Tendervorms Kamer CM 7 Tussenver 10 Julie Kamer CM 7 Tussenver 2 Aug School: Elektriese installasie tekeninge en dieping Provinsiale Gebou dieping Provinsiale Gebou spesifikasies (P/Sak 228) (Foon (P/Sak 228) (Foon en ) Pretoria en ) Pretoria Kemptonparkse Derde Laer Tendervorms Kamer CM 7 Tuskenver 10 Julie Kamer CM 7 Tussenver 2 Aug skool: Gelykmaak van ter tekeninge en dieping Provinsiale Gebou dieping Provinsiale Gebou rein spesifikasies (P/Sak 228) (Foon (P/Sak 228) (Foon en ) Pretoria en ) Pretoria Hoerskool Staatspresident Tendervorms Kamer CM 7 Tussenver 10 Julie Kamer CM 7 Tussenver 2 Aug C R Swart: Elektriese in tekeninge en dieping Provinsiale Gebou dieping Provinsiale Gebou stallasie spesifikasies (P/Sak 228) (Foon (P/Sak 228) (Foon en ) Pretbria en ) Pretoria Pretoriase Onderwyskollege Tendervorms Kamer CM 7 Tussenver 10 Julie Kamer CM 7 Tussenver 2 Aug Van Heerdenkoshuis: Ver tekeninge en dieping Provinsiale Gebou dieping Provinsiale Gebou skeie klein werk spesifikasies (P/Sak 228) (Foon (P/Sak 228) (Foon en 80307) Pretoria en ) Pretoria *HD 565/63 Venkaffing Tendervorms Kamer 411 Vierde Ver 17 Julie Kamer 411 Vierde Ver 9 Aug en aflewering van hooflaag tekeninge en dieping Alphengebou Skin dieping Alphengebou Skinspanningsverdeelbord en sub spesitikasies nerstraat (Foon nerstraat Pretoria verdeelbord vir Blanke sale Bylyn 51) Pretoria by Boksburg Benonihospi tad Tenders moot geadresscer word aan: Die Voorsitter Transvaalse Provinsiale Tendetraad Posbus 1040 Pretoria Geen tender sal deur die Read oorweeg word nie tensy dit ontvang is deur die Posbus (Posbus 1040 Pretoria) van die Read of deur die Tenderraad bus wat vir die doel verskaf is bulk Kamer 54 Ou Goewermentspbou Pretoria Vir elke diens moet n beds van R4 of n kwitaniie vir kontantbetaling of tick deur die bank geparafeer gedeponeer word wat terugbetaal sal word mits"n bona fide tender ingestuur of tekeninge en spesifilcames terugbesorg word aan die adres vermeld in kolom (3) nie later as 14 dae na die sluitingsdatum nie Afsonderlike tenders word verwag vir elke werk en op die koevert moet die naam en adres van die tenderaar sowel as die Tender nommer en die naam van die diens waarop die tender betrckking het vermeld word Alle tenders meet op die tendervorm van die Departement woes en moot behoorlik elk besonderhede bevel Die Tenderraad verbind hom rile om die laagste of enige tender aan to oeem nie NOTCE TO CONTRACTORS Tenders are hereby invited for the following services in the Transvaal Province namely: P () (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Service and District 1963Goudstad Date on Documents Mailable for Available Documents which Conditions or Contract and Tenders Available Documents may due at are ssue to obtainable from and 1Documents be nspected at the or before Contractorsfollowing Returnable to are Offices 11 am Available 1963 College of Educa Tender forms Room CM 7 Mezzanine 3rd July Room CM 7 Mezzanine 19th July don Johannesburg: Electri drawings and Floor Provincial Building Floor Provincial Building cal installation specifications (P/Bag 228) (Phone (P/Bag 228) (Phone and ) Pretoria and ) Pretoria Laerskool Rietfontein Rus Tender forms Room CM 7 Mezzanine 3rd July Room CM 7 Mezzanine 19th July tenburg: Electrical installa drawings and Floor Provincial Building Floor Provincial Building tion specifications (P/Bag 228) (Phone (P/Bag 228) (Phone and ) Pretoria and ) Pretoria Pretoriase Hoer Seunskool: Tender forms Room CM 7 Mezzanine 3rd July Room CM 7 Mezzanine 19th July Repairs and renovations drawings and Floor Provincial Building Floor Provincial Building specifications (P/Bag 228) (Phone (P/Bag 228) (Phone and ) Pretoria and ) Pretoria Pretoria College of Educa Tender forms Room CM 7 Mezzanine 3rd July Room CM 7 Mezzanine 19th July don: Various minor works drawings and Floor Provincial Building Floor Provincial Building \ specifications (P/Bag 228) (Phone (P/Bag 228) (Phone and 80307) Pretoria 1 and ) Pretoria Jeppe Boys High School: Tender fcirms Room CM 7; Mezzanine 3rd July Room CM 7 Mezzanine 19th July Repairs and renovations drawings and Floor Provincial Building Floor Provincial Building specifications (P/Bag 228) (Phcine (P/Bag 228) (Phone and 80307) Pretoria and ) Pretoria Barbertonse Laerskool: Elec Tender forms Room CM 7 Mezzanine 3rd July Room CM 7 Mezzanine 19th July tricot installation drawingsd and Floor Provincial Building Flobr Provincial Building specifications (P/Bag 228) (Phone (P/Bag 228) (Phone and 80307) Pretoria L and ) Pretoria 23

24 112 PROVNSALE KOERANT 17 JUDE 1963 () (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Date on Documents Available Documents Conditions of Contract Tenders which Available are obtainable and Available Documents due at Service and District Documents far ssue to from and may be nspected at the or before % are Contractors Returnable to following Offices 11 am Available Hope Home School: Repairs Tender forms Room CM 7 Mezzanine 3rd July Room CM 7 Mezzanine 19th July and renovations drawings and Floor Provincial Building Floor Provincial Building specifications (P/Bag 228) (Phone (P/Bag 228) (Phone and 80307) Pretoria and ) Pretoria i Lawleyse Laerskool: Repairs Tender forms Room CM 7 Mezzanine 3rd July Room CM 7 Mezzanine 19th July and renovations drawings and Floor Provincial Building Floor Provincial Building specifications (P/Bag 228) (Phone (P/Bag 228) (Phone and ) Pretoria and ) Pretoria Spesiale Skool nspan Rand Tender forms Room CM 7 Mezzanine 3rd July Room CM 7 Mezzanine 19th July West: Stormwater drainage drawings and Floor Provincial Building Floor Provincial Building : : specification& (P/Bag 228) (Phone (P/Bag 228) (Phone and 80307) Pretoria and ) Pretoria Laerskool Maria van Rie Tender forms Room CM 7 Mezzanine 3rd July Room CM 7 Mezzanine 19th July beeck: Erection of store drawings and Floor Provincial Building Floor Pfovincial Building room etc specifications (P/Bag 228) (Phone (P/Bag 228) (Phone and 80307) Pretoria and80 307) Pretoria Vereeniging European Has Tender forms Room CM 7 Mezzanine 3rd July Room CM 7 Mezzanine 19th July pital: Autoclaves and water drawings and Floor Provincial Building Floor Provincial Building sterilizers specifications (P/Bag 228) (Phone (P/Bag 228) (Phone and 80307) Pretoria and ) Pretoria Floridase HoErskool: Erec Tender farms Room CM 7 Mezzanine 3rd July Room CM 7 Mezzanine 19th July tion of chimney and coal drawings and Floor Provincial Building Floor Provincial Building scuttle specifications (P/Bag 228) (Phone (P/Bag 228) (Phone and ) Pretoria and ) Pretoria 4 Barbettonse Laerskool Has Tender foes Room CM 7 Mezzanine 3rd July Room CM 7 Mezzanine 19th July tel; Various minor works drawings and / Floor Provincial Building Floor Provincial Building specifications (P/Bag 228) (Phone (P/Bag 228) (Phone and ) Pretoria and ) Pretoria Laerskool Die Eendrag: Re Tenderforms Room CM :7 Mezzanine 3rd July Room CM 7 Mezzanine 19th July placement of roofs etc drawings and Floor Provincial Building Fldor Provincial Building specifications (P/Bag 228) (Phone (P/Bag 228) (Phone and ) Pretoria and ) Pretoria Colin Mann Primary School: Tender forms Room CM 7; Mezzanine 3rd July Room CM 7 Mezzanine 19th July Various minor works drawings and Floor Provincial Building Floor Provincial Building rl to ;r: specifications (P/Bag 228) (Phone 80 0c2 Ej 306 (P/Bag 228) (Phone 80:306 and ) Pretoria and ) Pretoria Hoerskool Wditreldrer: Tenderfore; lltdoit CM 7; Mezzanine 3rd July Room CM: 7 Mezzanine 19th July Construction of concrete drawings and Floor Provincial Building Floor Provincial Building mild specifications (P/Bag 228) (Phone 80 * 306 (P/Bag 228) (Phone and ) Pretoria and ) Pretoria Hope Home School: Electri Tender forms Room CM 7 Mezzanine 3rd July Room CM 7 Mezzanine 19th July cal installation drawings and Floor Provincial Building Floor Provincial Building specifications (P/Bag 228) (Phone (P/Bag 228) (Phone and 80407) Pretoria and 80307)Pretoria Laerskool De Orootboom: Tender forms Room CM 7 Mezzanine 3rd July Room CM 7 Mezzanine 19th July Renovations etc drawings and Floor Provincial Building Floor Provincial Building specifications (P/Bag 228) (Phone (P/Bag 228) (Phone and ) Pretoria and ) Pretoria Witbank High School: Erect Tender forms Room CM 7 Mezzanine 3rd July Room CM 7 Mezzanine 2nd Aug lion and bill of Floor Provincial Building Floor Provincial Building quantitied (P/Bag 228) (Phone (P/Bag 228) (Phone and ) Pretoria and ) Pretoria Hoerskool Langenhoven: Tender forms Room CM 7 Mezzanine 3rd July Room CM 7 Mezzanine 2nd Aug Additions and bill of Boor Provincial Building Floor Provincial Building quantities (P/Bag 228) (Phone (P/Bag 228) (Phone and ) Pretoria and ) Pretoria Hoer Landbouskool Kusch Tender forms Room CM 7 Mezzanine 3rd July Room CM 7 Mezzanine 2nd Aug ke: Erection of hostel and bill of Floor Provincial Building Floor Provincial Building T quantities (P/Bag 228) (Phone (P/Bag 228) (Phone and ) Pretoria and 80307) Pretoria Rivoaia Primary School: Tender forms Room CM 7 Mezzanine 3rd July Room CM 7 Mezzanine 2nd Aug Additions and bill of Floor Provincial Building Floor Provincial Building quantities (P/Bag 228) (Phone (P/Bag 228) (Phone and 80307j Pretoria and 80307) Pretoria Discovery Primary School: Tender forms Room CM 7 Mezzanine 10th July Room CM 7 Mezzanine 16thaug Erection of hall and bill of floor Provincial Building Floor Provincial Building quantities (P/Bag 228) (Phone (P/Bag 228) (Phone and ) Pretoria and ) Pretoria Witbank High School: floe Tender forms Room CM 7 Mezzanine 10th July Room CM 7 Mezzanine 16th Aug tion of hostel and bill of Floor Provincial Building Floor Provincial Building quantities (P/Bag 228) (Phone (P/Bag 228) (Phone and 80307) Pretoria and ) Pretoria Floor Provincial Building Pretoria Regional Roads Tender forms Room CM 7 Mezzanine 10th July Room CM 7 Mezzanine 16th Aug Offices Koedoespoort: Ad and bill of Floor Provincial Building ditions quantities (P/Bag 228) (Phone (P/Bag 228) (Phone and 80307) Pretoria and ) Pretoria Yeoville Boys Primary Tender forms Room CM 7 Mezzanine 10th July Room CM 7 Mezzanine 2nd Aug School: Electrical installa drawings and Floor Provincial Building Floor Provincial Building lion specifications (P/Bag 228) (Phone (P/Bag 228) (Phone and ) Pretoria and 80307) Pretoria Kemptonparkse Derde Laer Tender forms Room CM 7 Mezzanine 10th July Room CM 7 Mezzanine 2nd Aug skool: Levelling of grounds drawings and Floor Provincial Building Floor Provincial Building 4 specifications (P/Bag 228) (Phone (P/Bag 228) (Phone and 80307) Pretoria and ) Pretoria Hoerskool Staatspresident Tender forms Room CM 7 Mezzanine 10th July Room CM 7 Mezzanine 2nd Aug C R Swart: Electrical in drawings and Floor Provincial Building Floor Provincial Building stallation specifications (P/Bag 2213j(Phone (P/Bag 228) (Phone and 80307) Pretoria and ) Pretoria 41 24

25 PROVNCAL GAZETTE 17 JULY (1) (2) (1) (4) (5) (6) a Documents Date on Available Documents Conditions of Contract and Tenders Available for whichavailable Documents may due at Service and District are obtainable from and ssue to Documents be nspected at the t o are or before Contractors Returnabletollowmg Offices 11 Available am Pretorlase College of Educe Tender forms Room CM 7 Mezzanine 10th July Room CM 7 Mezzanine 2nd Aug lion Van Heerden hostel: drawings and Floor Provincial Building Floor Provincial Building Various minor works specifications (P/Bag 228) (Phone (P/Bag 228) (Phone and 80307) Pretoria and ) Pretoria *RD 565/63 Supply and Tender forms Room 411 Fourth Floor 17th July Room 411 Fourth Floor 9th Aug delivery of low tension main drawings and Alphen Building Skinner Alphen Building Skinner board and submainboard specifications Street (Phone Ext Street Pretoria for European ward block for 51) Pretoria Boksburg Benoni Hospital Tenders are to be addressed to: The Chairman Transvaal Provincial Tender Board PO Box 1040 Pretoria No tender will be considered by the Board unless received through the Post Office Box (PO Box 1040 Pretoria) of the Board or through the Tender Board Box provided for the purpose outside Room 54 Old Government Buildings Pretoria A deposit of R4 either in cash deposit receipt or bankinitialed cheque must be paid on each service which will be refunded Provided abona fide tender is submitted or plins and specifications returned to the address shown in column (3) not ater than within 14 days after the closing date A separate tender must be submitted for each service and the envelope containing the tender must be superscribed with the name and address of the tenderer as well as with Tender Number and the name of the service to which the tender refers All tenders should be on the Departmental tender form which must be duly filled in and completed in all particulars The Board does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender DEPARTEMENT VAN VERVOER DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT MOTORTRANSPORT MOTOR CARRER TRANSPORTATON The undermentioned applications for motor carrier certificates are publishedin terms of section thirteen () of the Motor Carrier Die onderstaande annioeke om motortransportsertifikate word Transportation Act and regulation 5 of Motor Carrier Transpor kragtens artikel datien (1) van die Motortrapsportwet en regulasie tation Regulations 1956 " i 5 van die Motortiansportregulasies1956 gepubliseer Writiercrepresenthtions (in duplicate) in support of or in oppo Skriftelike vertoe lin duplikaat) tot ondersteuning of bestryding sitioo [ ix such applications must be made to the National Trans van Menthe aansoeke moet binne tien dae van die datum van port Conimission or deal board concerned within ten days front hierdie publikasie aan die Nasionale Vervoerkommissie of the date of this application betrokke plaaslike raad gerig word X =No of application and name of applicant X = NO van aansoeren naam van applikant Y = Nature of proposed motor carrier transportation and number Y =Aard van voorgestelde motortransport en getal voertuie of vehicles Zia 12 lekke waartussen en roetes waaroor of die gebied Wastia 1 = Points between and routes over or area within which the die vourgestelde motortrsnsport gedryf sal word proposed motor carrier transportation is to be effected PLAASLKE PADVERVOERRAAD JOHANNESBURO LOCAL ROAD TRANSPORTATON BOAC; JOHANNESBURG X M 387 B & B Furniture Removers (Pty) Ltd Krugersdorp (Een dubbeldoel meubelwa meet nog aangekoop word/one dual purpose pantechnicon to be purchased) Y Kunstenanrs musikante en akteurs (Blank en nieblank) met die nodige verhoogstelle soekligte dekot musiekinstrumente en bagasie/ Stage artists musicians and actors (European and noneuropean) with the necessary stage sets spotlights decor musical nstruments and luggage Z Blanc die Republiek van SuidAfrikal Within the Republic of South Africa X M 434 (A 7630) B H Meek Benoni (Bykomende voertuiftjadditiottal vehicle) Y (1) Motorbrandstof ten behoewe van Vacuum Oil Co uitsluitlik/motor fuel on behalf of Vacuum Oil Co exclusively Z (1) Binne n omtrek van 30 myl van Vacuum Oil depot by Benoni/ Within a radius of 30 miler front Vacuum Oil depot at Benoni Y (2) Goedernen behoewe van Vacuum Oil Co uitsluitlik (een LAW)1Goods on behalf of Vacuum Oil Co exclusively (one LDV) Z p(2) Binne die Rand en Pretoria se Vrygestelde Gebied/ Within the Reef and Pretoria Exempted Area X M 433 (A G D Rossouw Mine Transport Corporation (Pty) Ltd Florida (Bykomende ;toertuigladditional vehicle) Y (1) Mynsand en mynklip/mine sand and mine stone Z (1) Binne die Randse Karweigebied/Within the Reef Cartage Area Y (2) Gouddraende erts (cen vragmotor)/golḏbearing ore (one lorry) Z (2) Tussen WesDriefontein en Doornfonteinmyn/Berween West Driefontein and Doornfontein Mine X M 436 (A 13019) P Meese Parkhurst (Nuwe aansoek/new application) Y Goedere alle soorte (een trok)/goods all classes (one truck) Z Binne die Randse Kanveigebied/ Within the Reef Cartage Area X M 449 (A 7483) G S Smith Primrose (Bykomende voertuigladdirional vehicle) Y (1) Huistrekke (pro forma)/household removals (pro forma) Z (t) Binne die Republiek van SuidAfrika/ Within the Republic of South Africa Y (2) Goedere alle soorte (een meubehva)/goods all classes (one pantechnicon) Z (2) Binne die Randse Kanveigebied/Within the Reef Cartage Area X M 432 (A 13015) H S van Wyngaard Johannesburg (Nuwe aansoek/new application) Y Sand klip stene au gietyster (een vragmotor)/sand stone bricks and castiron (one lorry) Z Binne n omtrek van 55 myl van Springsposkantoor/Wirhin a radius of 55 miles from Springs Post Office X M 148 (A 9781) J C Nel Morgenzon Bykomende magtigingladditional authority) Y Vats room (een vragmcitor)/fresh cream (one lorry) Z Binne n omtrek van 60 myl van Ermeloposlcantoor/Within a radius of 60 miles front Ermeto Post Office X M 431 (A 13014) R M Orton Casseldale (Nuwe aansoek/new application) Y Boumateriaal (twee vragmotors)/building material (two lorries) Z Blanc n omtrek van 50 myl van Springsposkantoor/Within a radius of 50 miles from Springs Post Office X M 422 (A 13016) D N Lourens Roodepoort (Nuwe aapsock/new application) Y Goedere vir droogskoonmaakdoeleindes (een motorkar)/goods for dry cleaning purposes (one motor car) Z Carletonville Fochville RoodepoortCarletonville Fochville Roodepoort X M 418 (A 5255) RoodepoortMaraisburg Munisipaliteitahmicipality (Bykomende voertuie en bykomende magtigingladditional vehicles and additional authority) Y () Blanks passasiers en hul persoonlike besittings/european passengers and their personal effects Z () Blanke kerk piekniek en sportgeselskappe op Saterdae Sporlae en Publicke Vakansiedae met die voorwaarde dat die terugrcis aanvaar word binne 24 our na voltooiing van die becnrcisleuropean chards; picnic and sports parties on Saturday; Sundays and Public Holidays subject to the condition that the return journey be bommenced within 24 hours after completion of the forward journey Y (2) Oot bestaande en goedgekeurde roetes in oorcenstemming met bestaande tydtafels cn taricwe (twee busse)/over existing and approved routes in accordance with existing timetables and scale of charge (two buses) 7 (2) Binne n omtrek van 100 myl van RoodepoortposkantoodWithin a radius of 100 miles from Roodepoort Post Office 25

26 114 PROVNSALE KOERANT 17 JULE 1963 t X M 3244 (A 13002) Johannesburg Stadsraad/City Council nieblanke Sake Aideling/NonEuropean Affairs Department (Nuwe aansoek/new application) Y Blanke passasiers (twee busse)1european passengers (two buses) Z Vertrek Albertstraat 80 Marshallsdorp gaan oar Von Wielligh en Wolmaransstraat na Westelilre Naturelb Dorpsgebied dan oor Floofrifweg na die SuidWestelike Naturelle Dorpsgebiede Hier word die kenmerk van die roete bepaal deur die soon roete Uitgang oor Moroka op die ou Potchefstroompad keer terug nastad oor Booysens/Leares 80 Albert Street Marshalltown goes via Von Wielligh and Walmarans Streets to western Native Township then via Main Reef Road to the South Western Bantu Townships Here the route taken depends on nature of the tour Exit via Moroka on old Potchefstroom Road returning to city via Booysens TydtafellTitne table Afhanklik op aanvraag Vertrek om 9 vm119ependant on demandleaves at 9 am Tariewe/Scale of charges VolwassenestAdidts 25c Skoliere en studente/schohet and students 10c X M 446 (A 13023) Hume Pipe Co (SA) Ltd Germiston (Nuwe aansock/new application) Y (1) Eie goedcre/own goods Z (1) Binne die Rand en Pretoria se Vrygcstelde Gebied/Within the Reef and Pretoria Exempted Area Y (2) Eie voorafvervaardigde duiker sementpype en takelgery (twee mepniese perde en vier sleepwaens)/own precast box culverts cement pipes and rigging equipment (two ntedianicaphorses and four trailers) Z (2) Binne n omtrek van 150 myl van fabriek in Germiiton regstreeks na padduikers of pyplyn terreine/within a radhis of 150 miles from factory at Germiston to road culvert or pipeline sites direct X M 442/3 (A 5966) Fidelity Guards (Pty) Ltd Johannesburg (Bykomende voertuie/additional vehicles) Y Soos per bestaande goedgekeurde magtiging (twee paneelwaens)/as per existing approved authority (two panel vans) Z Soos per bestaande goedgekeurde magtiging/as per existing approved authority X M 379 (A 13001) Abednego Nkobi ( ) Johannesburg Pordrag van/transfer from J Rampa (RS Bus Service) A Y Nie13anke passasiers alleenlik (een bu$)non Eurpean passengers only (one hus) Z (1) Tussen Kameelkraal en Benoni oor Onbekend Bapsfontein Skool Vlakfontein Zesfontein Pretoriaweg Tiende Laan Sewende Laan Voortrekkerstraat Princesslaan na hock van Winstead en Atupthilllaan BenonilBetween Kameelkraal and Bening via Onbekend Bapsfontein School Vlakfontein Zesfontein Pretoria Road Tenth Avenue Seventh Avenue yoartrekker Street Princess Avenue to comer of Winstead and Ampthlll Avenues Benoni (2) Tussen Bapsfontein Shoo( en hock van Winstead en Ampthillban Benoni oor Vlakfontein Zesfontein Pretoriaweg Tiende Laan na hock van Willsteadlaan en Ampthillban onderhewig non die voorwaarde dat op die heenreis na Bapsfontein geen passasiers afgelnai word en op die terugrcis na Benoni geenpassasiers opgelaai word tussen punte binne die Munisipale Gebied/Between Bapsfontein School and corner of Winstead and Ampthlll Avenues Benoni via Vlakfontein Zesfontein Pretoria Road TeMb Avenue to corner of Winstead Avenue and Ampthlll Avenue subject to the condition that on the outward journey to Bapsfonteln no passengers be set down and on the inivard journey to Benoni no passengers to be picked up at points within the Municipal Area TydtafellTimetable No Maandae Vrydae Satetdae Sundae en Pubtieke Vakansiedae/Mondays Fridays Saturdays Sundays and Public Holidays Vertrek/Depart Bapsfontein Vertrek/Depart Benoni 500 vm/am (Maandae alleenlik/mondays only) 700 vmlam (Maandae alleenliklmondays only) " "" 700 vmlam 900 vm/am 1230 ma/pm 330 nntipm 500 nraipm r 730 nmlprn 700 vmlanr: 900 vmlant 1230 nn/ m 330 nmlpnt 500 nmlpm 730 nm/pm Tydtaferintetable No 2 Vertrek/Depart Kameelkraal Vertrek/Depart Benoni DinsdaelTuesdays 7 vat/am Dinsdae/Tuesdayr 430 nut/pm SaterdaelSaturdays 7 vat/am SaterdaelSaturdays 3 nrnlpm SaterdaelSatardays 12 nm/pm SaterdaelSotardays 430 nrnlpm TatiewelScale of charges No 1 i " /lamed:kraal na/to Benoni 3* EnkellSingle Bapsfontein na/to Benoni 15e EnkellSingk Vlakfontein na/to Benoni The Enkel/Singda Zesfontein na/to Northmead 121c EnkeijSingle Northmead na/to Benoni 5c EnktlSingle Tariewe/Scale of eharies No 2 Bapsfontein na/to Benoni 15c EnkellSingle Benoni na/to Vlakfontein 71c EnkellSingk f Zesfontein na/to Northmead 124c EnkellSingk Northmead natio Benoni 5c EnkeljSingle Ki nders halfprys/children half price X M 450 (A 9043) Hermes Transport (Pty) Ltd Johannesburg (Bykomende voextuigladdalonal vehicle) Y (1) Goedere alle snore/goods all classes J Z (1) Binne die Randse Karweigebied/Within the Reef Cartage Area Y (2) Goedere alle scone (een trekker en een sleepwa)/coodr all classes (one tractor and one trailer) Z (2)Binne die Randse Karweigebied insluitende Vereeniging en Vanderbijpark/Within the Reef Cartage Area including Vereeniging and Vanderbijlpark t X M 445 (A 6001) Ross Transport (Pty) Ltd Germiston (Bykomende voettuieladditional vehicles) Y Soos per bestaande goedgekeurde magtiging (drie sleepwaens)/as per existing approved authority (three trailers) Z Soos per bestaande goedgekeurde magtiging/as per existing approved authority X M 441 (A 13021) S 1 Nyashengo Boksburg (Nuwe aansoek/new application) Y Nie Blanke begralnisgangers wat n lyk vergesel van Scottys Begrafnisondememers Stirtonvillelokasie direk na begrarplase (een paneelwa)noneuropean funeral parties accompanying a corpse from Scottys Funeral Parlour Stirtonville Location direct t; funeral sites (one panel van) Z Binne die Rand en Pretoria se Vrygestelde Gebied en terog/within the Reef and Pretoria Exempted Area and return X M 440 (A 13022) E C Eustace Johannesburg (Nuwe aansoek/new application) Y Goedere alle soorte (een vragmotor)/goods all classes (one lorry) Z Binne die Randsc Karweigebied/ Within the Reef Cartage Area X M (A 13008) M Dendar Ermelo (Nuwe aansoek/new application) Y Handelsware ten behoewe van Dendar Bros en Meubels " en Wendar Meubels " (een motorkar en een paneelwa)/genend merchandise on behalf of Dendar Bros and Furniture and Wmular Furniture (one motor car and one panel sun) Z Binne n omtrek van 100 myl van Ermeloposkantoor/Within a radius of 100 milesfrom Ermelo Post i Office X M 407 (A 13012) F F E W Wiese Krugersdorp (Nuwe aansoek/new application) Y Koper en geelkoperdraad en ingelegde vleis en groente (twee trokke)/copper and brass wire and canned meats and vegetables (two trucks) Z Binne die Randse Karweigebied en Vereeniging/Within the Reef Cartage Area and Vereeniging X K 375 (H 4373) Seth Rakoatsi (342537) Benoni (Nuwe aansoek/new application) (Voertuig moet nog aangekoop word/ Vehicle to be purchased) Y NieBlanke huurmotorpassasiers/non4nropeaa taxipaliengers Z (1) Binne die Landdrosdistrik Benoni/Within the Magisterial District of Hemel (2) Toevallige bona fide huurmotorritte na punte unite gebied (1)/Casual bona fide taxi trips to points oittsidearea (1): 111 X K 273 (H 5498) Stanley Nthoba Johannesburg (Nuwe aansoek/new application) (Voertuig moet nog aangekoop word/vehicle to be purchased) Y NieBlanke huurmotorpassasiers/noneuropean taxi passengers Z () Binne die Landdrosdistrik Johannesburg/ Within the Magisterial District of Johannesburg (2) Toevallige bona fide huurmotorritte na punte buite gebied (1)/Casual bona fide taxi trips to points outside area (1) 26

27 1 X Y PROVNCAL GAZETTE 17 DLY 1963 S i X K 351 (H 4853) Maizen Nhlapo (288664) Vereeniging (Nuwe aansoek/new application) Y Y NieBlanke huurmotorpassasiers (Chetrolet 1950)Thron:faropeantaxi passengers ((hevrolet 1950) Z (1) Binne die Landdrosdistrik Vereeniging/Withtb the Magisterial District of Vereeniging (2) Toevallige bona fide huurmotorritte na punt buite gebied (Wawa! bona fide taxi trips to points outside area () X K 336 (H 5369) Constance Haddon ( C) Edenvale (Nuwe aansoek/new application) Y NieBlanke huurmotorpassasiers (Ford 1960)/NonEuropean taxi passengers (Ford 1960) Z (1) Binne n = trek van 10 my/ van Edenvaleposkantoor/Wthin a radius of 10 miles from Edenvale Posi Office (2) Toevallige bona fide huurmotorritte na punte buite gabled (1)/Casual bona fide taxi trips to points outside area () X K 367 (H 4629) Gideon Gumbi (201571) Johannesburg (Bykomende voutuigjadditional vehicle) (Voertuig inoa nog aangekoop word/vehicle to be purchased) Y NieBlanke huurmotorpassasiers/non Ettropemt taxi passengers Z () Binne die Landdrosdistrik Johannesburg/ Within the Magisterial District of Johannesburg (2) Toevallige bona fide huurmotorritte na punte butte gabled (1)Casual bona fide taxi trips to points outside area (1) X K 373 (H 5529) Peter Pasha Vereeniging (Nuwe aansoek/new application) Y NieBlanke huurmotorpasēasiets (Chevrolet 1952)/NonEuropean taxi passengers (Chevrolet; 1952) Z () Binne die Landdrosdistrik Vereeniging/ Within the Magisterial District of Vereeniging (2) Toevallige boo fide huurmotorritte na punte buite gebied (1)/Casual bona fide taxi trips to points outside area (1) X K 369 (H 5528) Michael Mokoteli ( ) Vereeniging (Nuwe aansoek/new application) NieBlanke huurmotorpassasiers (Ford 1950)/NovEuropean taxi passengers (Ford 1950) Z () Binne die Landdrosdistrik Vereenigihg/Within the Magisterial District of Vereeniging (2) Toevallige bona fide huurmotorritte na punte buite gebied (1)!Casual bona fide taxi trips to points outside area () X K 368 (H 5527) Stuurman Marcus Germiston (Nuwe aansoek/new application) (Voertuigmoet nog aangekoop word/ Vehicle to he purchased) y NieBlanke huurmotorpassasiers (Chevrolet 1946)/NonEuropean taxi passengers Whevrolet 1946) Z () Binne die Landdrosdistrik Johannesburg/Within the Magisterial District of ttaluinnesbure (2) Toevallige bona fide huurmotorritte na punte buite gebied (1)/Casual bona fide taxi trips to points outside area (1): K 348 (H 5523) Robert Mabele (316376) Johannesburg (Nuwe aansoek/new application) Y Nie Blanke huurmotorpassasiers (Chevrolet 1946)/NonEuropean taxi passengers (Chevrolet 1946) Z () Binne die Landdrosdistrik Johannesburg/Within the Magisterial District of Johannesburg (2) Toevallige bona fide huurmotorritte na punte buite gebied (1)1Casual bona fide taxi trips to points outside area (1) X K 377 (H 4453) William Selebogo Johannesburg (Nuwe aansoek/new application) NieBlanke huurmotorpassasiers (Dodge 1955)/NonEuropean taxi passengers (Dodge 1955) Y 0 Z () Binne die Landdrosdistrik Johannesburg/Within the Magisterial District of Johannesburg (2) Toevallige bona fide huurmotorritte ha punte buite gabled (1)Casual bona fide taxi trips to points outside area (1) X K 353 (H 5525) Moji Elias flap (282923) Vereeniging (Nuwe aansoek/new application) (Voertuig meet nog aangekoop word/ Ver)tcle to be purchased) Y Nie Blanke huurmotorpassasiers/noneuropean taxi passengers Z (1) Diane die Landdrosdistrik Vereeniging/Within the Magisterial District of Vereaziging (2) Toevallige bona fide huurmotorritte na punte buite gebied (1)/Casual bona fide taxi trips to points outside area (1) X K 349 ( ) Morris Lepuru (463641) Krugersdorp (Nuwe aansoek/new application) (Voertuig moat nog aangekoop word/ Vehicle to be purchased) Y NieBlanke huurmotorpassasiers/nan European taxi passengers Z (1) Binne die Landdrosdistrik Krugersdorp/Within the Magisterial District of Rrugersdorp (2) Toevallige bona fide huurmotorritte na punte buite gabled (1)/Casual bona fide taxi trips to points outside area (1) X M 419 (A 10885) siah Hlongwane Johannesburg (Bykomende voertuigladditionekvehicle) ::: : Y Padboumateriaal en bournateriaal ten behoewe van Johannesburg Stadsraad (een trok)1roadbuilding material and building inwerlal on behalf of the City Council of Johannesburg (one truck) Z Binne die Landdrosdistrik Johannesburg/Within the Magisterial District of Johannesburg X M 435 (A 13018) J de Bruyn Roodepocit (Nuwe aansoek/new application) 4 C 1 Y As (een vragmotor)/ash (one lorry) Z Van Randfontein Kragstasie na Mazista Brick Works Roodepoort (ongeveer 12 myl)/from Randfiintein Power Stalinn to Mazista Brick Works Roodepoort (about 12 miles) waarde X M 324 (A 12996) Litegreen (Pty) Ltd Carolina loordrag van/transfer from G Wvd Sehyff (A112393)1 1 Y (1) Sand klip en eie handelsware/sanc/ stone and own merchandise Z (1) Blanc die Landdrosdistrik Carolina onderhewig aan dietepaling dat gees( goedere ow die Swazilandse grans vervoer word nie/ Within the Magisterial District of Carolina subject to the restriction that no goods be conveyed over the Swaidland border Y (2) Goedere alle soorte/coods all classes Z (2) Binne a omtrek van 25 myl van Waterval Bo (pro forma)/within a radius of 25 miles front Watervalt (pro forma) Y (3) Goedere ten behoewe van Stolzburg Asbestos Bpk/Goods on beta)/ of Stolzburg Asbestos Ltd Z (3) Tussen Stolzburg en Barberton/Between Stolzburg and Barberton Y (4) Bona fide huistrekke (pro forma)/bona fide household removals (pro forma) Z (4) Binne tt omtrek van 150 myl van Carolinaposkantood Within a radius of 150 miles front Carolina Post Office Y (5) Ruwe ongesaagde unsown timber Z (5) Van Francinasrus en lout/rough Vlakfonteinbossaermen Stoltzburg en Bartertonmyne asook na CarolinalFrom Francinasna and Vlakfontein bush saws and Stoltzburg and Barberton Mines as well as Carolina Y (6)OraanmeellGrain meal \ Z (6) Oka na bona fide boere alleenlik vir hul eiegebruik binne n omtrek van $0 myl van Carolinaposkantoor onderhewig aan die roar dat die genoemde goedere nie afgelewer sal word na punte Fume n omtrek van 5 myl van enige spoorweg onto( padmotordiens goedereloods nie/direct to bona fide farmers only for own use within a radius of 50 miles from Carolina Post Office subject to the condition that the mentioned goods not be delivered within points within a radius of 5 miles from anyrailway and/or road motor service goods shed Y (7) Melk en teruggestuurde d houers uitsluiilik ten behoewe van Carolite (Edms) BpkMilk and emptzreturnsexclusively on behalf of Camille (Pry) Ltd Z (7) Binne n omtrek van 50 myl van Carolite (Edms) Bpk se plek van besigheid to Carolina/ Within a radius of 50 miles from odrolite (Pty) Ltd Place of business at Carolina Y (8) Veevoer (tien voertuie)/forrage (ten vehicles) Z (8) Van Carolina direk na bona fide boere slogs vii bilk eie gebrunc na plasebinne n omtrek van 50 myl van Carolinaposkantoor ondcrworpe aan die voorwaarde dat die gemelde goedere nie na punte binnen omtrek van 5 myl van enige spoorweg en/ofyadmotor diensgoedereloods of na plase gelee Nine n omtrek van 20 myl van Carolinaposkantoor vervoer mug word nie/from Carolina direct to bona fide farmers for their own use only to farms within a radius of 50 miles from Carolina Post Office subject to the condition that the mentioned goody not be conveyed to points within a radius of 5 miles from any railway and/or road motor service goods shed or to farms situated within a radius of 20 miles front Carolina Post Office X M 362 (A 12428) Shell (SA) (BO) Ltd (Braamfontein) (Bykomende voertuig/additional vehicle) y Soos per bestaande goedgekeurde magtiging bylaag X" (eta motor)/as per existing approved authority annexure " X " (one motorcar) Z Soos per bestaande goedgekeurde magtiging bylaag X "Ms per existing approved authority annexure " X" X M 376 (A 12428) Shell (SA) (Pty ) Ltd (Braamfontein) (Bykomende voertuiel Additional vehicles) Y Soos per bestaande magtiging bylae X " en Y " (tviee LAWs/As per existing authority annexure " X" and " Y " (two LD Vs) Z Soos per bestaande magtiging bylaes X" en Y "Ms per existing authority annexures " X" and " " X M 453 (A 10210) M J Schwirzer (Standerton) (Bykomende vocrtuigladditional vehicle) Y Padmaakmateriaal (pro forma) (een troloroadmaking material(pro forma) (onetruch) Z Binne die Provinsie Transvaal/Within the Transvaal Province X M 346 (A 4700) Greyhotind Bus Lines (Pty): Ltd (Johannesburg) (Wysiging van magtiginglamendment of authority) Y Nie Blanke passasiers en hulle persoonlike bagasie (vier busse)/nonwhite passengers and their personal effects (four buses) Z Oor bestaande Nancdeld Johannesburgroete vir Blankes/Over existing NancefieldJohannesburg route for Whites t 4 M 437 (A 6333) El Al srael Airlines Ltd (Johannesburg) (Nuwe aansoek/new application) Y Lugpos bagasie en onderhottdende benodigdhede (een easiewa)/aidreighl luggage and maintenance equipment (one stationwcwom) Z Tussen Johannesburg en Jan Smuts lughawel Between Johdnnesburg and Jan Smuts Airport 27 )C

28 116 1PṞOVNSALErKbERANT 17 JULE 1963 Y Y X M 464 (A 13030) W S Pretorius (Johannesburg) (Nuwe aansoek/new application) Y Klip sand sement en grond (en wagmotor)/stone sand; cement and soil (one lorry) Z Binne n omtrek van 50 myl van Johannesburghoofposkantoor (pro forma)/within a radius of 50 miles from Johannesburg Genera/Post Office (pro forma) X M 460 (A 13027) N Q Bryant (Boksburg) (Nuwe aansoek/new application) Goedere allesoorte (een trok)/goods all classes (one truck) Z Binne die Randse Karweigebied/ Within the Reef Cartage Area X M 462 (A 12779) Roadmasters Transport (Pty) Ltd (Boksburg) (Bykomende voertuieladditional vehicles) Y (1) Goedere alle soorte/goods all classes Z (1) Binne die Randse Kanveigebied/ Within the Reef Cartage Area Y (2) Huistrekke (prb forma) (twee sleepwaens)household removals (pro forma) (two trailers) Z (2) Binne n omtrek van 150 myl van Edenvaleposcantoor/Within a radius of 150 miles from Edenvale Post Office X M 467 (A 13031) H P S J van Nieuwenhuizen (Honeydew) (Nuwe aansoek/new application) Y Goedere alle soorte (een vragtrolor)/goods all classes (one lorry) Z Binne die Randse Karweigebied/ Within the Reef Cartage Area X M 456 (A 13028) J S van den Berg (Springs) (Nuwe aansoek/new application) Y Padmaalanateriaal (pro forma) (een vragmotor)1roadbuilding material (pro forma) (one lorry) Z Manz die Provinsie Transvaal/ Within the Province Transvaal X M 470 (A 13034) Central Management Co (SC)(Ply) Ltd (Germiston) (Nuwe aansoek/new application) Y (1) Eie goedere/own goods Z (1) Binne die Landdrosdistrik Germiston/ Within the Magisterial District of Germiston (2) Eie werknemers (gratis) (ten paneelwa)/own employees (free of charge) (one panel van) Z (2) Tussen Germistonstasie oor Lambton Rand Airportweg en die renbaankantore te Gasforth Park (ongevecr drie myl)/between Germiston Station via Lambton Rand Airport Road and the racecourse offices at Gasforth Park (approximately three miles) Tydtafel Twee ritte daagliks/time TableTwo trips daily i X M 471 (A 13033) A Koekemoer (Honeydeit) (Nuwe aansoek/new application) Y Sand (eon vragmotor)/sand (one lorry) Z Binne n omtrek van 50 myl van Johannesburgposkantoor (pio forma)/ Within a radius of 50 miles from Johannesburg Post Office (pro forma) X M 412 (A 13036) Peck Bros (Pty) Ltd (Welverdiend) (Bykomende voirtuigladditional vehicle) Y Goedere alle soorte (een trok)/goods all classes (one truck) Z Binne n omtrek van 30 myl van Welverdiendposkantoor (pro forma)/ Within a radius of 30miles from Welverdiend Post Office (Pro foram) X M 483 (A 6555[E) (Stadsraad van Benoni/Town Council of Benont) (Benoni) (Bykomende toeteladditlonal route) Y Blanke Passasiers en hul persoonlike besittings (een bus)/ White passengers and their personal effects (one bus) Z Tussen BenoniSentraal en Commissionerstraat oor bestaande roetes met bykomende magtiging om tangs Bmkpanweg van Dykweg na hock van van Dykweg en Commissionerstraat diens te fewer ea keer terug na Benoni Sentraal mar bestaande roetes/between Bettoni Central and Commissioner Street over existing routes with additional authority to operate along Brakpan Road van Dyk Road to corner of van Dyk Road and Comndssiotier Street and returndo Benoni Central over existing routes Tycltafe1177metable: 2 Maandae lot Vrydae/Mondays to Fridays: BoksburgOos/ BoksburgOos/ Benoni Sentraal/ StyxweglRoad East: East: Styxweg/Road BenoniSentraal/ Central Nywerheidspersele/ Nywcrheidspersele/ Central ndustrial Sites ndustrial Sites A 635vmlam 650 vmlam 700 vm/am 700 vm/am 705 vm/am 720 vm/ant C 800 vm/am 815 vlat/am 825 vm/am 825 vm/am S30 vm/am 845 vm/am B 815 vm/am 835 vm/am 835 vin/am 850 vm/alm D D 435 om/pm 445 nmpm 505 nmlpm Publieke Vakansiedae/Pubile Holidays A 635 vmlam 650 vm/am 700 vm/am 700 vm/am 705 vm/am 720 vm/am D D 435 nm/pm 445 nm/em 505 nm/pm Goeie Vrydag Kersdag en Dingaansdag uitgesluit/good Friday Christmas Day and Day of Covenant excepted Tariewe/Scale of Charges: Heenreisl Ounvard: A" Roete/" A" Route Skoliere Afstand Volwassenes Kinders kocpons / Distance Adults Children Scholars Coupons Myl/Mites c c c sle/st Trek/Stage Spoorwegstasie/Railway Station de/nd Hoek van Moorelaan en ndustrialweg/cor of Moore Avenue and ndustrial Road de/rd Dunswart Benoni Boksburgweg/Road de/th Hoek van Commissionerstraat en Van Dykweg/ Car of Commissioner Street and Van Dyk Road Terugreis/Thward: Skoliere Afstand *Volwassenes Kinders koepons Distance Adults Children Scholars Coupons MyllMiles c c c lste/st Trek/Stage Dunsvrart BenoniBolcsburgweg/Road de/nd Hoek van ndustrialweg en Moorelaan/Cor of ndustrial Road and Moore Avenue de/rd Spoorwegstasie/Railway Station de/th BenoniSentraal/Centra/ X M 384 (A 12996) Litegreen (Pty) Ltd (Carolina) (Bykoniende voertuig en bykomende magtiging/additional vehicle and additional authority) Y (1) Melk/Milk Z (1) Vah Modelite na Manzini en room van Carolite na Manzini/From Modelite to Manzini and cream from Carolite to Manzini Y (2) Better (een vragmotor)/butter (one lorry) Z (2) Van Manzini na Carolinaspoorwegstasie/From Margin! to Carolina Railway Station X M 457: (A 13025) 11 S Ratclif (Johannesburg) (Nuwe aansoek/new application) Y DrukmMeriale (een stasiewa)1piiiiting matter (one Widionagon) Z Mime die Randse Karweigebied/ Within the Reef Cartage Area 24 28

29 X PROVNCAL GAZETTE 17 JULY X ^ K398 (FL 4948): Joseph Kodibe/ (Alberton) (Nuwe ainscieklnew application) Y Nie blanke huurmotorpassasiers (Morris Oxford 1952)/NanEuropean taxi passengers (Morris Oxford 1952) Z (1) Binne n omtrek van 10 myl van Albeitonposcantoor/Within a radius of 10 miles from Albertan Post Office: Nt (2);Toeva Big bona fide huurmotorritte na punte buite gebied (1)1Calual bona fide taxitrips to points outside area (1) X K 397 (H 5460) Daniel Losaha (Johannesburg) (Nuwe aansoek/arew application) Y NieBlanke huutmotorpassasiers (Chev 1947)/NonEuropean taxi passengers (Chev 1947) Z (1) Binne die Landdrosdistrik Johannesburg/Within the Magisterial District of Johannesburg (2) Toevallige bona fide huurmotorritte na punte butte gebied (1)/Casual bona fide taxi trips to points outside area () X K 276 (H 5394) Stephen Matli/ (Vereeniging) (Nuwe aansoek/new application) Y NieBlanke huurmotorpassasiers (Chev1952)/NonEuropean taxi passengers (Chev 1952) Z () Thane die Landdrosdistrik Vereeniging/ Within the Magisterial District of Vereeniging (2) Toevallige bona fide huurmotorritte na punte buite gebied (1)/Casual bona fide taxi trips to points outside area (1) X K 379 ( ) Samson Ngozi/ (Johannesburg) (Nuwe aansoek/new application) Y Nie Blanke huurmotdrpassasiers (Pontiac 1947)/NonEuropean taxi passengers (Pontiac 1947) Z (1) Binne die Landdrosdistrik Johannesburg/Within the Magisterial District of Johannesburg (2) Toevallige bona Me huurrnotorritte na pante butte gebied ( )/Casual bona fide taxi trips to points outside area (1) X K 384 (H 4741) David Thafeng/ (Vereeniging) (Bykomende voertuid Additional vehicle) (Voertuig moet nog aangekoop word/ Vehicle to be purchased) Y Nie Blanke huurmotorpassasiers/noneuropean taxi passengers Z () Binne die Landdrosdistrik Vereeriiging/ Within the Magisterial District of Vereeniging (2) Toevallige bona fide huurmotorritte na punte buite gebicd (1)/Casualbona fide taxi trips topoints outside area (1) X K 383 (H 4711) Johannes Mabaso/ (Vanderbifipark) (Bykomende voertuigl Additional vehicle) Y Nie Blanke huurmoterpassasiers (Vauxhall 1955)/NonEuropean taxi passengers (Vauxhall 1955)1 Z (1) Binne die Landdrosdistrik Vanderbijparkl Within the Magisterial District of Vanders!:fipark (2) Toevallige bona fide huurmotorritte na punte buite gebied (])/Casual bona fide taxi trips to points outside area (1) X K 385 (L 5404) Enoch Simelane/ (Johannesburg) (Nuwe aansaek/new application) Y NieBlanke huurmotorpassasiers (Pontiac 1947)/NonEuropean taxi passengers (Pontiac 1947) Z (1) Binne die Landdrosdistrik Johannesburg/Within the Magisterial District of Johannesburg (2) Toevallige bona fide huurmotorritte na punte butte gebied (1)/Casual bona fide taxi trips to points outside area () X K 394 (H 5534) David Ntjepela (Vereeniging) (Nuwe aansoek/new application) Y t NieBlanke huurmotorpassasiers (Ford 1955)/NonEuropean taxi passengers (Ford 1955) Z Tussen Vereeniging spoorwegstasie Brick & Tile en Sharpevillclokasie/Between Vereeniging Railway Station Brick and Tile and Sharpeville Location X K 395 (H 5533) Lydia Yassine (Vereeniging) (14uwe aansoekmew application) Y "NieBlanke huurmotorpassasiers (Buick 1953)/NonEuropean taxi passengers (Buick 1953) Z () Binne die Landdrosdistrik Vereeniging/ Withal the Magisterial District of Vereeniging (2) Toevallige bona fide huurmotorritte na punte buite gebied (1)/Casual bona fide taxi trips to points outside area () X K 378 (H 5530) John Alec Dirkson (Johannesburg) (Nuwe aansoek/new application) (Voertuig mod nog aangekoop word/ Vehicle to be purchased) Y Kleurling hummotorpassasiers/coloured taxi passengers Z () Binne die Landdrosdistrik Johannesburg Within the Magisterial District of Johannesburg (2) Toevallige bona fide huurmotorritte na punte butte gebied (1)/Casual bona fide taxi trips to points outside area (0 X K 270 "(H05499)" Annah Lange (Krugersdoip) (Nun aansoek/netv application) Y Nie Blanke huurmotorpassasiers (Chevrolet; 1957)/NonEuropean taxi passetterrs (qtergoletiiipm Z () Binne die Landdrosdistrik Krugersdorp/ Within the Magisterial District of Krugersdorp (2) Toevallige bona fide huurmotorritte an punts butte gebicd (1)/Casual bona fide taxi trips to points outside area (1) K 402 (H 4920) Louis Johannes Coetzer (Johannesburg? (Bykomende voertuigladditional vehicle) Y Blanke huurmotorpassasiers(peugeot)1 European taxi passengers (Peugeot) Z () Binne die Landdrosdistrik Johannesburg/Within the Magisterial District of Johannesburg 12)70evallige bona Me huurmotorritte na punte buite gebied (1)/Casual bona fide taxi trips to pointioutside area () t X M 469 (A 13035) t Rabinawitz (Johatinesburg:) 114thiteaansoe1 (ein wa)/nent application (one van))) Y Goedere vervaardig deur Rabro & Sturdy Products (Pty) Ltd (een wa)/goods manufactured by Rabro sb Sturdy Products (Pty) Ltd One Z van) Bigne n omtrek van 150 myl van Johannesburghoofposkantoor/ Within a radius of 150 mills from Johannesburg Gineral Post Office X M 326(A 4242) PUTCO (Johannesburg) (Bykomende voetfifig en bykotnende magtigingladditional vehicle and additional authoilty) Y Nie Blanke passasiers en Mille persoonlike besittings (een bus)/nonwhile passengers and their personal effects (one bits) Z Rode No 51 nhlazanestasie Moroka Central oor naamlose strate/route No 51 nhlarane Station Moroka Central via unnamed streets Wystglng Verlenging van roete na Nancefield stasie oor Moroka Central Nangenistraat Pherastraat Moroka Nancefield weg na Nancefieldstasie en vice versa met permissie om dienstc to ewer van en na intermediate punte na en van beide terminisse wanneer deur verkeer verlang/amendment Extension of route to Nancefield Station via Moroka Central Nlangeni Street Phera Street Moroka Nancefield Road to Nance/i& Station and vice versa with permission to operate services to and from intermediate points ; to either termini when traffic demands!and ylafstandebestqan6e from magtiging 230 myl bykomende magtiging 220 myl/mileages Existing authority 230 miles additional authority 2:20 miles T shall Sues en wanneer benodig/time TableAs and when requested X M 472 (A 3823) J H Bezuidenhout (Breyten) (Nuwe aansoek/new application) Y Padmaakmatcilaal (pro forma) (een vragmotor)/roadbaihinw material (pro farina) (one lorry) Z " Provinsie Transvaal Transvaal Province X M 476 (A113040) J Z Moolman (Johannesburg) (Ninii " aansoele/new application) Y Goedere alle soorte (een mammal"! Goods all classes (one lorry": i ( i Z Binne die Randse Kanveigebied/ Within the Reel Cartage Area X M 477 (A 13039) P J G Ludick (Johannesburg) (Num aaniciek/newappilcation) Y 1(1) Klip en sand/stone and sand Z(1) Binne n omtrek van 50 myl van Johannesburghoofposlcantoor/ Within a radius of 50 miles from Jorranacs5urg General Post Office Y (2)Padmaalanateriaal (pro forma) ante vragmotors)/roidbuilding material (pro forma)(two lorries) Z: (2) Binne die Provinsie Transvaal/ Within the Transvaal Province X M 478 (A 13038) J B Bruyns (Klerksdorp) (Nuwe aansoek/new application) Y Padrnaakmateriaa/ (pro forma)/ (een vragmoter)/roadbuilding material(prolormaj (one lorry) Z Binne die Provinsie Transvaal/Within the Transvaal Province X M 658 (A 13037) National Die Casting Co (Pty) Ltd (Johannesburg) (Nuwe aansoek/new vindication) Y Eie Blanke werknemers (gratis) (een bus)/own White employees (freeofcharge)(one bus) Z Vertrek van Gallaghers Corner tangs Louis Bothalaan Williestraat Wolmaransstraat Rissilcstraat Markstraat Broadwaylaan K0 ehenerlaan Milner Crescent Lange rmanrylaan Queenstraat Pandoraweg Millingsstraat Hoofrifweg Johan Rissilcstraat Victoriaiveg Lacr Boksburgweg na fabrielildeparts from Gallagizers Corner along Louis Botha Avenue Whale Street Wolmarans Street Rissik Street Market Street Broadway Avenue Kitchener Avenue Milner Crescent Langerman Drive Queen Street Pandora Road Millings Street Main Reef Road Johan Rissik Street Victoria Road Lower Boksburg Road to factory Tydtafet Vertrek van Louis Bothalaan om 600 via Vertrek Van fabric* in Germiston om 500 nailtimetable Departs from Louis Botha Avenue at 600 am Departs from factory in Germiston at 500 pm : (Nuwe X M 475 (A 13041) R B Griffin & K M Lapping (Swaziland)aansoelsMew application") Y Wattelbas en hotit (een trok)/ Wattle barkand timber lone truck) Z Tussen Goedgegun en Commondalerlswepe en Piet Relief/Between Goedgegdn mid Or:mandate swepq and Piei Relief: z `1 "" 29 "

30 118 DE NASONALE VERVOERCOMMSSW PitETORA NSRNAL TRANSPORT CotharssON PiETORA; X D 18/6/13 Springbok Safaris (Edms) fteperk/(p130 ad Johannesburg (Een bykomende vyfsitplekmotor/one additional fivesealer vehicle) : Y Blanke toeristeen Z Toere hul van bagasieleuropean Kaapstad/Tours fromtourists Cape Town: and their luggage re Roete No l Vyfdaagse Tuinroete trier oor Oudtshoorn die Wildernis Knysna en Caledon/Tour No 1Me day Garden Route Tour via Oudtshoorn Wilderness Knysna and Catalan Rowe No 2 Sewedaagse toer na Durban; oor Oudtshoorn die Wildernis Knysna Port Elizabeth Umtata verlenging na Johannesburg oor El Mirador/Tour No 2 Sevenday Tour to Durban via Oudtshoorn Wilderness Knysna Port Elizabeth Umtata Extension to Johannesburg via El Mirador Roete No 3 Plaaslike dagtoer oor Gordonsbaai Steenbras Rooi Els en Sir Lowrys Pass/Tour No 3 Local Day Tour via Gordons Bay Steenbras Rooi Els and Sir Lowrys Pass Roete No 4 Plaaslike dagtoer oor Seepunt Houtbaai Chapmans Peak Kaappunt Simonstad Muizenberg en Suidelikevoorstederfour No 4 Local Day Tour via Sea Point How Bay Chapmans Peak Cape Point Simonstown Muizenberg and Southern Suburbs Roete No 5 Plaaslike dagtoer oor Seepunt Houtbaai Constantianek en De Waalrylaan/Tour No 5 Local Day Tour via Sea Point Haul Bay Constantia Nek and De Waal Drive Roete No 6 Plaaslike dagtoer oor Faure Stellenbosch Pearl en Bellville/Tour No 6 Local Day Tour via Faure Stellenbosch Paarl and Ravine Rowe No 7 Plaaslike dagtoer oor Gordonsbaai Steenbras Sir Lowrys Pass Viljoens Pm Franschhoek Pearl en Denville/ Tour No 7Loail Day Tour via Gordons Bay Steenbras Sir Lowrys Pass Viljoens Pass Fransch Hoek Pearl and &Mille Rowe No 8Plaaslike dagtoer oor Wynberg Simonstad Red Hill Chapmans Peak Constantianek en De Waalrylaan/Tour No 8 Local Day Tour via Wynberg Simonstown Red Hill Chapmans Peak Constantia Nek and De Wad Drive Roete No 9 Plaaslike dagtoer oor Tafelbergweg Seinheuwel en Kampsbaai/Tour No 9 Local Day Tour via Tafelberg Road Signal Hill and Camps Bay Rowe No 10Plaaslike dagtoer oor Paarl Bainskloof Worcester Du Toitskloof en Paarl/Tour No 10 Local Day Tour via Paarl Bains Kloof Worcester Du Toits K!oof and Pearl Roete No 11 Europese toeriste van Kaapstad na alle dele in die Republiek van SuidAfrika en omliggende gebiedeffour No 11 European tourists from Cape Town to all pans within the Republic of South Africa and the neighbouring territories PLAASLKE PADVERVOERRAAD PRETORA LOCAL ROAD TRANSPORTATON BOARD PRETORA X 6981 W F Visser Sandfontein Diftrik/District of Pretoria (Nuwe aansoek/neiv application) TP Y Goedere alle soorte/goods all classes Z Binne n omtrek van 15 myi van Kerkplcin Pretoria/Within a radius of 15 idles from Church Square Pretoria X 6957 P C Badenhorst Zoutpansberg (Nuwe aansoek/new application) TA) 769 Y (1) Huistrekke (pro forum)/household removals (pro forma) Z i (1 Binne die Provinsie Transvaal/Within the Transvaal Province Y (2 Sand gruis en klip vir padmaakdoeleindes (pro forma)/sand grovel and stone for roadmaking purposes (pro forma) Z (2 Bin= die Landdrosdistnk Zoutpansberg/ Within the Magisterial District of Zoutpansberg X Henry Ngema Ogles (Nuwe aansoek/new application) Y NieBlanke passasiers alleenlik (een voertuig)thloneuropean passengers only (one vehicle) Z Van Kendal na Delmas oor Kromdraai/From Kendal to Delmas via Kromclraai TydtafellTitnetable Maandae tot Saterdae/Mondays to Saturdays Vertrek/Depart Aankoms/ Arrive Kendal 700 vm/am Brakfontein Colliery 745 vm/am Brakfontein Colliery 815 vm/am Deft= 915 vmlaan Delmas 230 omlpm Brakfontein Colliery 330 ninlpsn Bmkfontein 340 nm/pm Kendal 425 nmlpm TarieflTarffs VanFrom Kendal na/to Brakfontein Colliery 30c enkellsingle Van/From Brakfontein na/to Delmas 40c enkellsingle X A Brown en SeunlSon Sable (Wysiging van tydtafel Roete 2 en 31Amenthaent of timetable Route 2 and 3) Bus/Bus: TBS 1224 Y NieBlanke passasiers en hul persoonlike bagasie/noneuropean passengers and their personal effects Z () Roete 2 Sabie na Acomhoek oor Pelgrimsrus Graskop Richmond en Sandford onderhewig aan die bepaling dat geen passasiers opgelaai of afgelaai word tussen Sabie en Graskop/Route 2 Sable to Acornhoek via Pilgrims Rest Graskop Richmond and Sandford subject to the proviso that no passengers be picked up or set down between Sable and Graskop Bestaande tydtafel/existing!bactable SondaelStadays VertreklDepart AankomslArrive Acomhoek 930 vmdam Sable 215 nmlpm Maandae/Mondays Sabie Vertrek/Depart Aankoms/Arrive 4 00 vrniam iqornhoek 1000 vmlam Acornhoek 1030 vm/am Gewysigdc tydtafel aangevra/amendment of rimetable Bushbuckridge 1200 mid/anon41 MaandaelMandays Graskop Na aankoms van trein/ Acornhoek 530 nmlpm After arrival of train Dinsdae Donderdae en Saterdae/Tiresr/ays Thursdays and Saturdays VertrekDepart Aankoms/Arrive Acornhoek 900 vmfam Graskop 1115 vmlam Graskop 200 nm2pm Acomhoek 530 nun/pm Woensdae en Vrydae/ Wednesdays and Fridays VertreklDepart Aankoms/Arrive Acornhoek 900 vm/ajn Graskop 1115 vmlam Graskop Na aankoms van trein/ Acornhoek 530 nmlpm After arrival of train SondaelSundays Vertrek/Depart AankomslArrive Acornhoek 300 nmlpm Sable 600 nmlpm (2) Roete 3/Route 3 Tussen Grootfontein No 29 en Busehbuckridge oor Elandsdrift Spitzkop en Newington/Between Grootfontein No 28 and Bushbuckridge via Elandsdrift Spiakop and Newington Bestaande tydtafel/existing time table SondaelSund ays 11 tit Vertqc/Depart Aankons/Arrive 9130 Newington vm/am Grootfontein 330 nn/pm SaterdaelSaturdnys veriekwepat Aankoms/Arrive Grootfontein 100 nmlpm Newington 730 nmlpm 30

31 PROVNCAL GAZETTE 17 JULY VeVriagde tidtiferiii ē Via/Atileildeil ilniirtibte Sabie Bushbuckridge Maandal en WdeindaelMondays taid Wediteiika 1230 nmjpm Bushbuckridge 230 nmbushbuckridgenewington Dinsdae en Donderdae/Tuesdays and Thursdays / AankomslArrive 200 nmjpm 4:30 nmlpnn VertrekDepart Aankoms/Arrive Newington 1230 nm/pm Bushbiickridge 200 nm/pn Bushbuckridge 230 nmjpin Sable 430 run/pm Vrydae/Fridays Vertrek/Depart Aankoms/Arrive Sable 330 tun/pm Bushbuckridge 500 nmjpm Bushbuckridge 530 nmjpm Newington 700 nmpm SaterdaelSaturdays VertreklDepart Aankoms/Arrive Newington 600 vnakon Bushbuckridge 715 vni/am Bushbuckridge 730 vm/am Sabie 1130 vm/am X Jackson Risaba Risaba WinkellStore Pk1PO Risaba (Bykomende magtigingladditional authority) TBC 3195" Y Z Bestaande magtiging/existing authority () Nie Blanke passasiersnoneuropean passengers () Tussen Letsitelespoonvegstasie en Dumeri oor MamitwasMetween Letsitele Raihvay Station and Damerie via Manthwas Tydtafel/ Timetable Maandae en Donderdae/Mondays and Thursdays VertreklDepart Letsitelespoorwegstasic/Railway Station 415 nmjpm Dumeri Aankoms/Arrive 715 nmjpm Dinsdae en Vrydae/Tuesdays and Fridays Dumeri Vertrek/Deparr AankomslArrive 600 vmlam Letsitele 900 vm/am 110 SaterdaelSaturdays Vertrek/Depart 200 nmlpnt Aankomsl Arrive 500nmlpm Letsitele spoorvegstasie/rabway Station Dumeri SondaelSundays Vertrek Depart Aankoms/Arrive Dumeri 200 nrnlpm latsilelespoonvegstasie/rallway Station 500 nm/pan TaliewelTariffs Stopplek/Hak Stopplek/Hafr Y Z c 5 35c 2 20c 6 40e 3 25c 7 45e " 4 30c 8 50e Bykomende magtigingladditiolial aathortty (2) NieBlanke passasierslvoneuropean passengers (2) Van Letsitele na Shiluvane oor Novingilla Berlyn Keulen na Thabina in Mohlabalokasie oor Burgersdorp Sedan na Shiluvane/ From Leshele to Shiluvane via Novingilla Berlyn Keulen to Thabina in Afoldaba Location via Burgersdorp Sedan to Shiluvane TydtafellTintetable Maandae en Donderdae/Mondays and Thursdays Vertrek/Depart Aankomsl Arrive Tarief/Tatle Letsitele 200 nmjpm Thabina 230 nm/pm 15c Shiluvane 245 nin/pm 20c Shiluvane 315 nmfpm Thabina 330 nm/pan Sc Letsitele 400 urn/pm 20c P Dinsdae en WydaelTuesdays and Fridays Letsitele TatiellTarlff Thabina 150 Vertrek/Depart; 1100 vm/am Aankoms/Arrive 1130 vm/am Shiluvane 4 Shiluvane 1145 vin/am 20c 1215 nmjpm Thabina 1230 nmlpant Sc Letsitele 100 umlaut 20c SaterdaelSaturdays VertreklDepart Aankoms/Arrive TarieflTanif Letsitele 1100 vm/am Thabina 1130 vm/am Shiluvane 1145 vm/am 20c Shiluvane 1200 mid/noon Thabina 1215 nni/pm Sc Letsitele 1245 nmjpm 20c X 175A SA SpoorweElliailways Pretoria (Bykomende voertnigladditional vehicle) MT Y Blanke en nicblanke passasiersleuropean and noneuropean passengers Z Oor goedgekeurde metes bit= die Oostelike Transvaalse Afdeling wat reeds deur die Administrasie bedien word/over approved routes within the Eastern Transvaal Section already served by the Administration X 175A SA SpoorweelRailways Pretoria (Ses bykomende vocrtuie/six additional vehicles) Y Goedere alle soorte/goads all classes Z Oor goedgekeurde roetes binne die Oostelike Transvaalse Afdeling wat reeds deur die Administrasie bedien word/over approved routes within the Eastern Transvaal Section already served by the Administration X 8797 J C Heyneke Sable [Sabie Transport & Timber Co (Pty) Ltd] (Bykomende vragmotorladditional truck) TBS 1351 Y Sagte pulphout ten behoewe van SA Pulp en ndustriee/saft pulp timber en behalf of SA Pulp ndustries Z Binne n omtrek van 30 myl van Sabieposkantoor en van plantasies na die naaste spoorweghalte of stasie/ Within a radius of 30 miles from Sable Post Office and from plantations to the nearest railway halt or station X 58 L M Mothle (Pty) Ltd Pretoria (Bykomende bus/additional bus) TP Y Bantoe passasiers/bantu passengers Z Oor goedgekeurde metes volgeas bestaande tydtafels tariewe en beperkings/over approved routes subject to the existing timetables tariffs and restrictions / X 5309 R V Scott Queenswood Pretoria (Bykomende skoolbusladdirional school bus) TP Y Blanke skoliere van Piemeef Laerskool en President C L Swart Hoerskool vir sport opyoedkundige en godsdienstige doeleindes/ European scholars of Pierneef Primary School and President C R Swart High School sport educational and religious purposes Z Van genoernde skole na punte binne n omtrek van 100 myl van Kerkplein Pretoria en terug onderhewig aan die bepaling dat die terug reis binne 24 uur na tyd van aankoms aanvaar word en verder dat Been ritte neplinte binne die Pretoria Munisipale Gebied ondemeem word nielfrom abovementioned schools to points Within a radius of 100 miles from Church Square Pretoria and back subject to the proviso that the return journey be commenced within 24 hours after time of arrival and that no trips be undertaken to points within the Pietaria Municipal Area 31

32 Wile 120 PROVNSALE KOERANT 17 JULE 1963 X Jackson Risaba Pk/F b Letsitele (Bykomende voertuig met nuwe magtiging/additional vehicle with new authority) Y NieBlanke passasiersthioneuropean passengers Z Van Tzaneen na NkowaKowa oor Pusela No 555 LT Hamawash No 557 LT Yamorim No 558 LT Ledzee No 559 LT Siyur" rabli No 560 LT/From Tzaneen to NkowaKowa via Pusela No 555 LT Hamawash No 857 LT Yamorna No 558 LT Ledzee No 559 LT and Siyurahli No 560 LE TydtafellTime table Maandae tot Saterdae/Mondays to Saturdays Vertrek/Depart NkowaKowa Vertrek/Depart Tzaneen 500 vmjam 545 wnlam 630 vm/am 1000 vmjam 1130 valam 100 nmjpm 200 nm/pm 515 nmlpnr 600 nm/pm 830 nm/pm Tule fltariffs 5c enkel/single K 6943 M J C van der Merwe Arnot (Nuwe aansoek/new application) TM 2564 Y GraanGrain Z Van place in omtrek van Wonderfontein en Amot na die naaste spoonvegstasie of graansuier/from farms within the area of Wonderfontein and Arnot to the nearest railway station or grain elevator X 3608 Laudium Buidiens(Edms) Bpk/Bus Service (Pty) Ltd Asiatic Bazaar Pretoria (Nuwe aansoek/new application) Y Vyf nieblanke huurmotorpassasiers (een voertuig)/five non European taxi passengers (one vehicle) Z Binne n omtrek van 15 myl van Laudium/ Within a radius of 15 miles front Laudium X Ahmed E Ebrahim Asiatic Bazaar Pretoria (Oordmg van Huurmotorsertifikaat van A A Rossenbcrg voertuig TP 8523 ingesluit/transfer of Taxi Certificate front A A Rossenberg vehicle TP 8523 included) Y Vyf nieblanke huurmotorpassasiers/five noneuropean taxi passengers Z Binne n omtrek van 15 myl van Kerkplein Pretoria/Within a radius of 15 miles from Church Square Pretoria X 3176 Alfred Mndaweni Vlakfontein Pretoria (Nuwe aansoek/new application) Y V3cf nie Blanke huurmotorpassasiers (een voertuig)/five noneuropean taxi passengers (one vehicle) Z (1) Op ritte binne Mamelodi Dorpsgebied/On trips within Mamelodi Township (2) Tussen Mamelodi Dorpsgebied en Eerste Fabrieke en Denneboomstasies/Berween Mamelodi Township and Eerste Fabrieke and Denneboom Stations X 2701 P Leslie Coverdale Eersterus Pretoria (Bykomende vocrtuic met nuwe magtigingjadditional vehicles with new authority) 411 Y Z Begrafnisgeselskappe en lyke/funeral parties and accompanying corpse for burlel Van persele van Mnre E J Grobbelaar en Sean (Edms:) Bpk Bcgrafnisversorgers nieblanke Afdeling KerkstraatWee 73 Pretoria alleenlik na begraafplekke binne die Landdrosd:strik Pretoria en terug met dieselfde mete From premises of Messrs E J Grobbelaar and Son (Pty) Ltd Funeral Supporters noneuropean Department 73 Church Street West Pretoria only to condoles within the Magis terial District of Pretoria and return loom/ X 6750 Baba S Mafoane Witbank (Nuwe aansoek/new application) TW 1666 Y Vyf Bantoehuurmotorpassasiers/Five Bantu taxi passengers Z Thane die landdrosdistrik Witbank/Within the Magisterial District Of Witbank X 6996 Jotham Sibiya Saulsville Pretoria (NuWe aansoeke/new applications) Y Vyf nieillanke huurmotorpassasiers (twee voertuie)/five noneuropean taxi passengers (two vehicles) Z (1) Beginpunt van Saulsvillelokasie na nuwe mark in Von Wiellighstraat vandaar na Marabastadlokasie en terug na Saulsville (een voertuig)/commencing point ofjourney from Sendai& Location to new market in Von Wielligh Streetfrom there to Marabastad Location and back to Saulsville (one vehicle) (2) Van Saulsville na Yskor vandaar na Atteridgevillestasie en terug na Saulsville (ten voertuig)/from Saulsville to!scar then to Atteridge Station and back to Saulsville (one vehicle) PLAASLKE PADVERVOERRAAD POTCHEFSTROOM LOCAL ROAD TRANSPORTATON BOARD PDTCHEFSTROOM X M 2494 J Malikila Parys (Aansoek om wysiging van bestaande magtiginglapplication for amendment of existing authority) Bestaande magtiginglexisting authority Y (1) NieBlanke piekniek sport en kerkgeselskappe op Sondac Saterdae en publiekp vakansiedae mits die terugreis aanvaar word binne 24 uur na tyd van aankomsnonteuropean picnic church and sports parties on Saturdays Sundays and public holidays subject to the condition that the return journey be commenced within 24 hours after time of Z arrival (1) Van Parys Ea die volgende plekke: Vredefort Koppies Heilbron Sasolburg Vereeniging Fochville Potchefstroom en Viljoenskroon asook bone die distrikte van genoemde dorpe en teruglfrom Pero to the folio wing places: Vredefort Nappies Hebron Sasolburg Vereeniging Fochville Potchefstroom and Viljoenskroon as well as within the districts of the abovementioned towns and back Y (2) NieBlanke begrafnisgeselskappe mits die terugreis aanvaar word binne 24 uur na tyd van aankoms (ten LAW)NonEuropean fimeral parties subject lb the condition that the return journey be undertaken within 24 hours after completion ofthe forward journey (one LDV) Z (2) Ttissen Parys en die volgende pleltket Vredefort Koppies Heilbron Sasolburg Vereeniging Fochville Potchefstroom en Viljoenskroon asook binne die distrikte van genoemde dorpe en terug/between Parys and the following places: Vredefort Koppies Heilbron Sasolburg Yemeni:Mg Fochville Potchefstroom and Viljoenskroon as well as within the districts of the abovementioned towns and back WysiginglAmendment Y (1) NieBlanke kerk piekniek en sportgeselskappe op Sondae Saterdae en publieke vakansiedae mits die terugreis aanvaar word binne 0 24 uur na tyd van aankoms/non European church picnic and sports parties on Saturdays Sundays and public holidays subject to the condition that the return journey be commenced within 24 hours after completion of the forward journey Z () Thane n omtrek van 100 myl van ParysHoofposkantoor/ Within a radius of100 miles front Parys General Post Office Y (2) NieBlanke begrafnisgeselskappe mits die terugreis aanvaar word binne 24 our na tyd van aankorns/noneuropean funeral parties subject to the condition that the return journey be commenced within 24 hours after completion of the forward journey Z (2) Binne n omtrek van 100 myl van ParysHoofposkantoor/Within a radius of 100 miles from Parys General Post Office X M 1069 B P J Nortje Roodekop (Aansoek om bykomende magtiginglapplication for additional authority) Bestaande magtiginglexisting authority Y Padmaatunateriaal (pro forma)/road making material (pro forma) Z Binne die Provinsies Transvaal en OVS/Within the Transvaal en OFS Provinces Bykomende magtiging/additional authority Y Graan ten behoewe van Sentraal Westelike Kobp (Mpy) Bpk uitsluitlik (can vtagmotool Cretin on behalf of Sentraal Westelike Kodp (Mpy) Bpk exclusively (one lorry) Z Van depots van Sentraal Westelike!Coop (Mpy) Bpk na stasies in die WesTransvaal enovsfrom depots ofsentraal Westelike Kodp (Mpy) Bpk to stations in the Western Transvaal and OFS X M W C Theron Parys (Nuwe aansoek/new application) Y (1) Sand hout stene en gond/ Woodsand bricks and earth Z (1) Binne n omtrek van 30 myl van :ParysHoofposkantoori Within a re:dialof 30 miles from PqrysrGeneratiPost Office Y (2) Mides/Mealies Z (2) Binne n omtrek van 30 my van ParysHoofposkantoor/Within a radius of30 milesfrom Parys cstreratpost Office Y (3) Bona fidehuistrekke (een vragmotor)/bona fide household removals (one lorry) Z (3) Binne n omtrek van 150 myl van ParysHoofposkantoor/ Within a radius of 150 Miles front Parys General Post Office X M 1707 C Keppel Parys (Nuwe aansoek/new application) Y () Eie goedere (pro forma)/ Own goods (pro forma) Z (1) Binne n amuck van 30 myl van plek van besigheid to Parys/ Within a radius of 30 miles from place of business at Parys Y (2) Sand stene klip en huisraad (een vragmotor)/sand bricks stone and household removals (one lorry) Z (2) Diane n omtrek van 30 myl van ParysHoofposkantoor/ Within a radius of 30 miles front Parys General Post Office 32

33 PROVNCAL GAZETTE 17 JULY X M 240: S J Mogoera Klerksdorp: (Nuwe aansoek/new application) Y Vroedvroue (een kombi)/midwives (one combi) Z Binne die Munisipale Gebied van Klerksdorp/Within the Municipal AreaofKlerksdorp X M 1808 J H Peens Klerksdorp (Nuwe aansoek/new application) Y Padmaalanateriaal (pro forma) (een vragmotor)/roadmaking material (pro forma) (one lorry) Z Blame die Provinsie Transvaal/Within the Transvaal Province X M 1800 W J Milligan Ventersdorp (Nuwe aansoek/new application) Y Goedere (een vragmotori/goads (one lorry) Z Binne n omtrek van 30 myl van Klippen No 112 Distill Ventersdorp/Within a radius of 30 miles from Klippen No: 112 District of Ventersdorp X M:8881 L G Pretorius Potchefstrobm (Aansoek om wysiging van magtiginglapplication for amendment of authority) Bestaandomagtiging/Existing authority Y Goedere vir droogskoonniaakdoeleindes ten behoewe van Bult Droogskoonmakers uitsluitlik (pro forma)/goodsfor drycleaning purposes an behalfof Bult Dry Cleaners exclusively (pro forma) Z Binne n omtrek van 50 myl van pick Van besigheid van Huh Droogskoonmakers te Potchefstroom/Within a radius of50mi1esfrom place of business ofbalt Dry Clearners at Potchefstroont WysiginglAmendment Y Klerasie vir droogskoonmaakdoeleincles en droogskoongemaakte klerasie (twee motorkarre)lanhing for dry cleaningpurposes and dry cleaned clothing (two motorcars) Z Binne die Munisipale Gebied van Potchefstroom/Withinthe Municipal Area ofpotchefstroom X M 4046 S Potgieter Makwassie (Aansoek om bykomende voertuig/application for additional vehicle) Y () Goedere (pro fortna)/goods (pro forma) Z () Binne n omtrek van 30 my1 van Makwassiefloofposkantoor/Wit/drt a radius of30 milesfrom Makwassie General Post Office Y (2) Bona fidehuistrekke (een vragmotor)/bona fide household removals (one lorry) Z (2) Binne:n omtrek vin 150 myl van Vlalcwassie Hoofposkantoor/ Within a radius of 150 miles front Vlakwassre General Post Office X M 879/3 Noord Westelike Koiip Landboumpy Epic Lichtenberg (Aansoek om bykomende voertuie met auwe = gaging/apo& catkin for additional vehicles with new authority) Y Eie nieblanke werknemers venal verblyfp/ek na werkplek (gratis) (twee vragmotors en twee sleepwaens)/own noneuropean employees from residence to place of work (free of charge) (two lorries and two trailers) Z Tussen Setlagoli Bantoereservaat en aansoeker se depot to Delareyvillestasie/Between Setlagole Baniu Reserve and applicants depot at Delareyville Station X M 1953 Thorntons Transportation Ltd 10erksdorp (Aansoek oat bykomende magtiginglapplcation for additional authority) Y Z magtiginglexisting authority Soos per bestaande rnagtiginglels per existing owbestizon de Mynbenodigdhede en boorbenodigdhede vanaf en na die nanste spoorwegstasie waar die nodige fasiliteite beskikbaar is en tussen boor:" terrain in die Landdrosdistrikte Potchefstroom eti Klerksdorp/Mining requirements and drilling supplies front and to the nearest railway station Where the necessary facilities are available and between drilling sites in the Magisterial Districts of Potchefstroom and Klerskdorp Bykomende magtigingkidditiona/ authority y (1) Goedere elle soorte/goods all classes Z (1) Binne a omtrek van 20 my1 van KlerksdorpHoolposkantoorlWithin a radius of20 miles from Klerskdorp General Post Office Y (2) Sterte/Bricks Z (2) Van Golden Brown Brick and Tile Co Koekemoer na Potchefstroom/From Golden Brown Brick and Tile Co Koeketnoer to Pot ^ chefstroom Y (3) Boormasjiene en toerusting (uitsluitend brandstoo/dribing plant and equipment (excludingfuel) Z (3) Blunt en tussen die Provinsies Transvaal en OVS/Within and between die Transvaal and 015 Provinces Y (4) Brandstof vir boordoeleindes/fuelfot drilling purposes Z (4) Van die nanste spoorwegstasie sylyn of bushalte wat ook al die naaste is en waar die nodige fasiliteite beskikbaar is na boorterreine binno dio Provinsies Transvaal en OVSWrom the nearest railway station siding or bushalt whichever is the nearest and where the necessary facilities are available to boring sites within the Transvaal and OFS Provinces Y (5)Brandstof vir onmiddellike behoeftes vergesel van boorbenodighede/fue/ for immediate needs accompanied by drilling equipment Z (5) Tussen boorterreine binne die Provinsies Transvaal en ON51Between boring sites Within the Transvaal and OFS Provinces Y (6) Goedere wat weans huh grootte Me in spoorwegtrokke gelaai kart word nie en mynmasjinerie en toerusting wat dringende herstel benodig/goods which owing to their bulk cannot be accommodated in railway trucks and mining machinery and equipment requiring urgent repairs Z (6) Tussen plekke binne die Klersdorpse Myngebied en plekke binne die Randse Vrygestelde Gebied beskryf deur Regulasie 51 (a) (iii) op voorwaarde van die ndian van opgawes/between places within the Klerksdorp Mining Areas and places within the Reef Exempted Area described in Regulation 31 (a) (iii) subject to the condition that a special return in addition to the ordinary monthly return shall \ be rendered at the end of each month reflecting the following particulars: (a) Date ofconveyance; (b) registration number of vehicle; (c) name of sender; (d) a full description of the goods conveyed; (e) name of consigner; (f) weight ofgoods; (g) ntiledge; (it) reason Y Z Y why goods could not be conveyed by rail (7) Gemonteerde skakelgerei en oliegevulde transformators vervaardig in die Republiek van SA vie nstalleringlassembled switehgear and Wiled transformers manufactured in the Republic ofsa for installation (7) Binne n omtrek van 350 myl van KlerksdorpsHoofposkantoor/ Within a radius of 350 miles from faerksdorp General Post Office (8) Skakelgerei en transformators vir en na reparasies slegs vir in gevalle van dringendheid en oponthoudlswitchgear and transformersfor and after repair solely in cases of emergency and breakdowns ppz (8) Binne n omtrek van 350 myl van KlerksdorpHoofposkantoor/ Within a radius of 350 miles front Klerksdorp General Post Office Y (9) Uitgrawingsmasjinerie van een uitgrawing na n anderlexcavation plant front one excavation to another Z Y (9) Binne n omtrek van 300 myl van KlerksdorpHoofposkantoor/ Within a radius of 300 miles from Klerksdorp General Post Office (10) Masjinerie of gedeeltes van masjinerie vir dringende herstel in gevalle van oponthoud en die terugbring van items na herstel (een meganiese perd)machinery or parts ofmachineryfor urgent repair in cases ofbreak downs and the return ofthe abovementioned items after repairs (one mechanical horse) Z (10) Tussen die Klerksdorpse Goudvelde OVS Goudvelde en Randse Karweigebied op voorwaarde dat Been masjinerie of gedeeltes van masjinerie bestem vir die OVS Goudvelde of die Klerksdorpse Goudvelde vervoer word tussen laasgenoemde punte nie/ Between the Xlerksdorp Goldfields 015 Goldfields and the Reef Cartage Area provided that no machinery or parts of machinery destinedfor the ORS Goldfields or the Klerksdorp Goldfields be transported between the latter points X M 1953 Thorntons Transportation Ltd Klerksdorp (Aansoek oat bykomende voertuielapplication for additional vehicles) Y (1) Goedere alle soorte/goods all classes Z (1) Binne n omtrek van 20 myl van KlerksdorpHoofposkantoor/Within a radius of20 miles front Klerksdorp General Post Office Y (2) StenelBricks Z (2) Van Golden Brown Brick and Tile Co Koekemoer na Potchefstroom/From Golden Brown Brick and Tile Co Koekenwer to Potchefstroont Y (3) Boormasjinerie en toerusting (uitsluitende lilandstof)drilling plant and equipment (excluding fuel ) Z (3) Binne en tussen die Provinsies Transvaal en OVS/Within and between the Transvaal and OFS Provinces Y (4) Brandstof vir beordoeleindes/fue/for drilling purposes Z (4) Van die naaste spoonvegstasie sylyn of bushalte wat ook al die nanste is en waar die nodige fasiliteite beskikbaar is na boorterreine binne die Provinsies Transvaal en OVS/From the nearest railway station siding or bushalt whichever is the nearest and where the necessary facilities are available to boring sites within the Transvaal and OFS Provinces P Y (5) Brandstof vir onmiddellike behoeftes vergesel van boorbenodighedeguel for immediate needs accompanied by drilling equipment Z (5) Tussen boorterreine binne die Provinsies Transvaal en 0VSBetween boring sites within the Transvaal and OFS Provinces Y (6) Goedere wat weens huh grootte nie in spoorwegtrokke gelaai kart word nie en mynmasjinerie en toerusting wat dringend herstel moot wordlgoods which owing to their bulk cannot be accommodated in railway trucks and mining machinery and equipment requiring urgent repairs Z (6) Tussen plekke binne die Klerksdorpse Myngebied en plekke binne die Randse Vrygestelde Gebied beskryf deur Regulasie 51 (a) (id) op voorwaarde van die indica van opgawestbetween places within the Klerksdorp Mining Areas and places within the Reef Exemptid Area described in Regulation 51 (a) (iii) subject to the condition that a special return in addition to the ordinary monthly return shall be rendered at the end of eat% month reflecting the following particulars: (a) Date of conveyance; (b) registration number of vehicle; (c) name ofsender; (d)a fall description ofthe goods conveyed; (e) name ofconsigner; (f) weight ofgoods; (g) mileage; (it) reasons why goods could not be conveyed by rail

34 122 PROVNSALE KOERANT 17 JULE(1963 Y (7) Gemonteerde skakelgerei en oliegevulde transformators vervaardig in die Republiek van SA vir installeringmssetnbled switchgear and oil filled transformers manufactured in the Republic ofsa for installation Z (7) Binne n omtrek van 350 myl van KlerksdorpHoofpostantoor/Within a radius of 350 miles from Klerskdorp General Post Office Y (8) Skakelgerei en transformators vir en na herstel alleenlik in gevalle van nood en oponthoud/switchgear and transformersfor and after repair solely in cases of emergency and breakdowns Z (8) Binne n omtrek van 350 myl van KlerksdorpHoofposkantoor/Within a radius of 350 mites from Klerskdorp General Post Office Y (9) Uitgrawingsmasjinerie van eon uitgrawing na n anderlexcaration plant from one excavation to another Z (9) Binne n omtrek van 300 myl van KlerksdorpHoofposkantoor/Within a radius of 300 miles from Klerksdorp General Post Office Y (10) Mynbenodighede en boorbenodigdhede/mining requirements and drilling supplies Z (0) Van en na die naaste spoorwegstasie waar die nodige fasiliteite beskikbaar is en tussen boorterreine in die Magistraatsdistrikte Potchefstroom en Klerksdorp/From and to the nearest railway station where the necessary facilities are available and between drilling sites in the Magisterial Districts of Klerksdorp and Potchefstroom Y (11) Masjincrie of gedeeltes van masjinerie vir dringende reparasies in gevalle van oponthoud en die terugbring van bogemelde items na herstel (een vragmotor twee meganiese perde een sleepwa en een trok)/machinery or parts of machinery for urgent repair in cases of breakdown and the return of the abovementioned items after repairs (one lorry two mechanical horses one trailer and one truck) Z () Tussen die Klerksdorpse Goudvelde OVS Goudvelde en die Randse Karweigebied op voorwaarde dat geen masjinerie of gedeeltes van masjinerie bestem vir die OVS Goudvelde of die Klerksdorpse Goudvelde vervoer sal word tussen die laasgenoemde punte me/ Between Klerksdorp Goldfields OFS Goldfields and the Reef Cartage Area provided that no machinery or parts ofmachinery destined for the OFS Goldfields or the Klerksdorp Goldfields be transported between the latter points PLAASL/KE PADVERVOERRAAD DURRAN LOCAL ROAD TRANSPORTATON BOARD DURBAN X KE/9779 AR/192 Naudesia Logging & Transport Co (Pty) Ltd (B A Naude en/and G J J Wolfaardt) (Aansoek om wysiging van vier MotortransportsertifilcateMppfication for amendment of four Motor Carrier Certificates) (Uitbreiding van gebiedlextension of area) Y Rowwe ongesaagde timmerhout in blokke (twee trokke een voorspanmotor en een sleepwa)/rough unsawn timber in logs (two trucks one mechanical horse and one trailer) Z Van Goewerment en privaatwoude binne die Provinsies Natal Keep en Transvaal direk na die naaste spoorwegstasie sylyn of halte waar die nodige hanteringfasiliteite beskikbaar islfrom Government and private forests within the Natal Cape and Transvaal Provinces direct to the nearest railway station siding or halt where the necessary handling facilities are available PLAASLKE PADVERYOBRRAAD RDMERLEY LOCAL ROAD TRANSPORTATON BOARD KMBERLEY 41 X 1258 M 3 Williamse (Kimberley) (Nuwe aansoek/new application) Goedere alto soorte (5ton vragmotor)/goods all classes (5 Ton lorry) Y Z Binne n omtrek van 150 my! van Kimberley/Within a radius of 150 miles from Kimberley SKUTVERKOPNGS SANDSPRUT Skut Distrik Krugers RANDFONTEN Municipal Pound on dorp op 7 Augustus 1963 om 11 vm 3rd August 1963 at 1030 am 1 Cow 1 di re ersklf afriesland maande swart en red years Tansy left ear slit voor die tyd gelos sal die e V18t5 wit; 1 verskalf Friesland 12 maande swarthieronder beskryf verkoop word soos law RESDENSA City Council Pound on gedui bulkalf Friesland 12 maande ati40bout;1nt inv Persona wat navraag iver to dotaan UTKVC Skut Distrik Soutpansberg op gelding brown " Spot on forehead ±10 pande die hieronder qmskrewe diere moet 14 Augustus 1963 om L vm 1 Mull years* in die geval van there in munisipale skutte reun 15 jaar bruin die Stadsklerk = der en wat diere in REWARD Pound District Potgletersrus VYFHOEK Skut Distrik Potchefstroom distrikskutte betref die betrokke Landdros on 14th August; 19630r 11 am1 Ox op 7 Augustus 1963 om 11 V 1 OS 3 years black left ear cropped and slit; 2 jaar swan ten oor swaelstert en half 1 AMSTERDAM Dorpsraadskut heifer Africander type 3 years red P 24 mean tagter 11 skaap hamel 3 jaar wit Julie 1963 om 1030 vm 1 Os root ±3 branded W2S right ear slit regteroor swaelstert jaar; 1 vers tool ±3 jaar RUSTENBURG Municipal Pound on HENDRNA Dorpsraadskut op 24 Julie 31st July 1963 at 2 pm 1 Cow dark 1963 om 10 vm 1 Koei swan Jerseytipe POUND SALES brown ±5 years left ear halfmoon right ±6 jar regteroor gemerk ear jukskei mark; 1 heifer red ±4 years KLPDRFT Skut Distrik Pretoria op Unless previously released the animals left ear halfmoon right ear jukskei mark; 7 Augustus 1963 om 11 vm 1 Os 4 jaar described hereunder will be sold as 1 ox red ±2 years left ear halfmoon rooi poenskop; 1 koei 5 jaar rooibruin indicated right ear jukskei mark; 1 ox black ±2 regteroor slip linkeroor stomp CRUSFONTEN Skut Distrik Pretoria Persons desiring to make inquiries years right ear cropped op 7 Augustus 1963 om 11 vin 1 Koei respecting the animals described hereunder SANDSPRUT Pound District Krugers Afrikaner 10 jaar rooi altwee ore stomp; in the case of animals in municipal pounds dorp on 7th August 1963 at 11 am 1 should address the Town Clerk; for those 1 vers 3 jaar geel linkeroor swaelstert; Heifercalf Fresian 18 months black and 1 vers 4 jaar bruin altwee ore stomp; 1 in district po unds the Magistrate of the white; 1 heifer calf Fresian 12 months vers district concerned 3 jaar roof; 1 vers 2 jaar root black and white; 1 bullcalf Fresian 12 LEEUWVALLE Skut Distrik Lyden months black and white burg op 7 Augustus 1963 om 11 vm AMSTERDAM Village Council Pound UTKYK Pound District Soutpansberg 1 But Jersey 3 jaar donkerbruin on 24th July 1963 at 1030 am 1 Ox on 14th August 1963 at 11am1 Mule LTH Skut Distrik Waterberg op 7 red ±3 Years; 1 heifer red ±3 years 2!ding 15 years brown Augustus Augustus 1963 om 11 vm 1 Vers31 jar HENDRNA Village Council Pound on e " roof brandmerk WM8 regteroor slip 24th July 1963 at 10 am 1 Cow black VYFHOEK Pound District Potcheflinkeraor swaelstert; 1 os Afrikaner 4 jaar Jersey type ±6 years right ear marked stroom on 7th August 1963 at 11 am rooi regteroor slip en swaelstert KL1PDRFT Pound District Pretoria on 1 Ox 2 years black or ear sivallowtail NOUWPOORT Skut Distrik Witbank 7th August 1963 at 11 am1 Ox 4 and half moon behind; sheep wether 3 op 7 Augpstus 1963 om 11 vm 1 Perd years red hornless; 1 cow 5 years red years white right ear swallowtail reun 3 jaar donkerbruin wit kol voor kop and brown right ear slit left ear cropped OLEVENHOUTHOEK Skut Distrik C R U S F 0 N T E N Pound District KENNSGEWNG Waterberg op 7 Augustus 1963 om 11 WM Pretoria on 7th August 1963 at 11 am 1 Os 3 jaar swart poenskop 1 Cow Africander 10 years red both ears RANDFONTEN Munisipale Skirt op 3 cropped; 1 heifer 3 years yellow left ear Augustus 1963 om 1030 vm 1 Koei swallowtail; heifer 4 years brown both Thermee word verklaar dat n aansoek rooi 5 jaar linkeroor slip ears cropped; 1 heifer 3 years red; 1 by die Sekretaris Dorperaad Pretoria inge RESDENSA Dorpsraadskut op 26 heifer 2 years red dien is om verdeling van restant van Julie 1963 om 11 vm 1 Perd reun bruin LEEUWVALLE Pound District Lyden Gedeelte van die pleas Broederstroom No kol voor kop ±10 jaar burg on 7th August 1963 at 11 am 481 gelee in die Registrasieafdeling JQ REWARD Skut Distrik Potgietersrus op Bull Jersey 3 years dark brown Distrik Pretoria 14 Augustus 1963 om 11 vim 1 Os 3 jaar LTH Pound District Waterberg on 7th Die houers van die mineraleregte nor swart linkeroor stomp en slip; vers August 1963 at 11 am 1 Heifer 31 3 jaar rooi brandmerk W2S years red branded WM8 right ear slit left bogenoemde eiendom word hiermee aangese slip ear swallowtail; 1 ox Africander 4 years om indien hulle beswaar wit indien die regteroor Munisipale Skut op 31 red right ear slit and swallowtail skriftelik by die Sekretaris Dorperaad Pos Julie 1963 om 2 ern1 Koei donkerbruin NOUWPOORT Pound District Witbank bus 892 Pretoria nane n tydperk van ±5 jaar linkeroorighalfmaan regteroor on 7th August 1963 at 11 am 1 Horse twee maande na die eerste afkondiging hierjukskeitnerk;111 vets rooi ±4 jar linker gelding 3 years "dark brosth white spot on van inn to diem oor halfmaan regteroor jukskeimerk; 1 os frelidad J M RABE & KE rooi ±2 jar linkeroor halfirtaan regter OLEVENHOUTOEK Pound District " oor jukskeimerk; 19s swan ±2 jar Watarbeig On thauguak 1963; at 11 iim Constantiagebou 720 ; : : regteroor stomp 1 Ox 3 years black hornlesi Pretoria q

35 i PROVNCAL GAZETTE 17 JULY MUNSPALTET POTGETERSRUS TOWN COUNCL OF LYDENBURG STAD JOHANNESBURG KENNSGEWNG No 20/1963: AMENDMENT OF DRANAGE AND PLUMBNG BYLAWS VOORGESTELDEPERMANENTE SLUTNG VAN &TRATE WAARDEBELASTNG 1963/64 Notice is hereby given in terms of (Kennisgewing ingevolge die bepalings van Kennisgewing geskied hiermee erten Section 96 of the Local Government Ordi Artikel 66 van die Ordonnansie op komstig die bepalings van die Pliaslike nance 1939 that the Town Council of Plaaslike Bestuur 1939) BestuurBelastingordonnansie No 20 van Lydenburg proposes to amend its Drainage 1933 dat die Stadsraad die volgende and Plumbing Bylaws to provide for Die Raad is voornemens om mils die belasting gehef het vir die jaar eindigehde sewerage tariffs 30 Junie 1964 en dit sal verskuldig en Copies of the proposed amendment win Administrateur dit goedkeur sekere betaalbaar wees op 1 Julie 1963 maar be open for inspection at the Councils gedeeltcs van Bo Railwayweg en Onderbetaling sal toegelaat word tot en met 31 Offices during normal office hours for a Railwayweg NicuDoornfontein permanent Oktober 1963 Rente teen 7 persent per period of 21 days from date of publication vir elle voertuigverkeer te sluit jaar sal bereken word op alle sulke bedrae hereof n Plan waarop die straatgedeeltes wat die wat na 31 Oktober 1963 nog nie betaal is Any person desiring to lodge an objection Raad voornemens is om te sluit aangetoon nie: to the proposed amendment must submit word 18 gedurende gewone kantoorure in such objection in writing with the Town Kamer No 207 Stadhuis Johannesburg ter (1) n Oorspronkfike belasting van is in Clerk Municipal Offices Lydenburg on or insae die rand (R) op liggingswaarde van before the 7th August 1963 ROSS BLANE grond (2) n Bykomstige belasting van 24 c in J P BARNHOORN Klerk van die Raad Town Clerk Stadhuis die rand (R) op liggingswaarde van Johannesburg 17 Julie 1963 Office of the Town Clerk grond PO Box 61 (3) n Belasting van fc in die rand (R1) CTY OF JOHANNESBURG Lydenburg 5th July 1963 op waarde van verbeterings (Notice No 35/1963) PROPOSED PERMANENT CLOSNG Geregtelike steppe sal geneem word vir OF STREETS die vordering van alle bedrae wat nie op MUNSPALTET LYTTELTON (Notice in terms of Section 66 of the betaaldatum betaal is nie Local Government Ordinance 1939) J J C J VAN RENSBURG KENNSGEWNG No 14/1963 Stadsklerk t is hereby notified that it is the CouncilsEENDOMSBELASTNG Potgietersrus 5 Julie /64 intention subject to the Administrators approval to close permanently to vehicular (32/3) Kennis word hiermee gegee ingevolge die traffic certain portions of Upper Railway bepalings van die PlaaslikeBestuurBelas Road and Lower Railway Road New MUNCPALTY OF POTGETERSRUS tingordonnansie No 20 van 1933 soos Doornfontein gewysig dal die Stadsraad van Lyttelton A plan showing the portions of the streets NOTCE No 20/1963 besluit het om die volgende belasting vir closed can be inspected at Room No 1964 die boekjaar Julie 1963 tot 30 Junk 207 Municipal Offices Johannesburg ASSESSMENT RATES 1963/64 te lief op die terreinwaarde van alle betasbare eiendom soos dit voorkom in die during normal office hours Notice is hereby given in terms of the is OSS Waarderingslys binne die beheergebied van BLANE provisions of the Local Government Rating "" Clerk of the Council die Read: Ordinance No 20 of 1933 that the Town MunickalOffices Council has levied the following rates for (a) n Oorspronklike belasting van n Johannesburg; 171fili the year ending 30th June 1964 which will halwe sent (Sc) in die land (R) be due and payable oft 1st ti1963 but (b) n Addisionele belasting Nan twee en : r payment will beallowed up to abdincluding lialwe sent (25c) in die rand (R) STADSRAAD VAN ERMELO payment October 31st 1963 nterest at the rate of Die bogemelde belasting sib verskuldig 7 per cent per annum will be charged on en betaalbaar wees op 31 Desember 1963 WYSGNG VAN VERORDENNGE all amounts unpaid after 31st October na welke datum rente teen 7 persent per Ooreenkomstig die bepalings van Artikel 1963: jaar gehef sal word op alit agterstalliges 96 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike (1) An original rate o( }e in the rand (R) Die nie ontvan4s van rekenings onthef Bestuur 1939 soos gewysig word hiermee on site value niemand van die aanspreeklikheid vir kennis gegee dat die Stadsraad van Ermelo (2) An additional rate of 24c in the rand betaling nie cn belastingbctalers wat nie van voorneme is om die SanitOre Verwyde (R) on site value rekenings ontvang Die word versoek om ringsverordeninge te wysig met betrekking (3) A rate of lc in the rand (R) on the onverwyld met die Stadstesourier in ver tot asblikke by woonstelle binding te tree Afskrifte van die voorgestelde wysiging value of improvements P H T STRYDOM le ter insae beskikbaar indie kantoor van Legal proceedings will be instituted for Stadsklerk die ondergetekende vir n tydperk van eenthe recovery of all such amounts not paid Kantoor van die Stadsklerk entwinti (21) dae vanaf die datum van on due date Stadsaal eerste putlikasie hiervan " J J C T VAN RENSBURG Lyttelton 4 Julie 1963 Enige besware meet skriftelik by die Town Clerk kantoor van die ondergetekende ingedien MUNCPALTY OF LYTT ELTON word binne die tydperk genoem in die Potgietersrus 5th July 1963 voorafgaande paragraaf (32/3) NOTCE No 14/1963 J VAN TONDER Waarnemende Stadsklerk STADSRAAD VAN LYDENBURG ASSESSMENT RATES 1963/64 Stadshuis : Notieeli hereby given in terms of the Ermelo 9 Julie 1963 WYSGNG VAN ROLERNGS EN Local Authorities Rating Ordinance No 20 (Kennisgewing No 32/63) LOODGETERSVERORDENNGE of 1933 as amended that the Town Council of Lyttelton resolved that the following rates for the financial year 1st July 1963 to TOWN COUNCL OF ERMELO 30th June 1964 be imposed on Kennisgewing geskied hiermee ooreen the site komstig Artikel 96 van die Ordonnansie op value of all rateable property within the AMENDMENT OF BYLAWS Plaaslike Bestuur 1939 dat die Stadsraad area of jurisdiction of the Council as it voornemens is om die appears in the Valuation Roll Notice is hereby given in terms of Secvan Lydenburg en Loodgietersverordeninge te lion 96 of the Local Government Ordinance wysig om voorsiening te mask vir noel (a) An original rate of a half cent ( 5c) 1939 as amended that the Town Council in the rand (R) of Ermelo intends to amend the Sanitary tariewe (b) An additional rate of two and a half Removal By laws in regard to refuse bins Afskrifte van die voorgestelde wysiging cents (2 5c) in the rand (R) at flats le by die Raad se Kantoor ter insae vir n tydperk van 21 dae met ingang vanaf datum The abovementioned rates will be due Copies of the proposed amendments are and payable on 31st December 1963 after open for inspection at the office of the hiervan which date interest at the rate of 7 per cent undersigned for a period of twentyone (21) Enige persoon wat beswaar wil aanteken will be levied on all arrears days from the date of the first publication teen die voorgestelde wysiging meet sodanige besware skriftelik by die Stadsklerk The nonreceipt of accounts does not hereof relieve anybody from Any objections to the proposed amendtmust reach the undersigned in the responsibility of Munisipale Kantore Lydenburg indica voor payment of op 7 Augustus 1963 and ratepayers who do not receive men any accounts should contact the Town writing within the period mentioned in the J P BARNHOORN Treasurer withont delay preceding paragraph 1 l :: k 1 : LJVAN TONDER; P H T STRtDOM: Kantoor van die Stadsklerk t tin Acting Town Clerk Town Clerk Posbui 61 Officekfthe Town Clerk 5 Julie 1963: :" Town S;;:d:sklerl 7 " Hair Ael zi :t Ermelo 9th July 1963: Tovm lia11 : No 35/1963) Lyttelton 4thnly; 196k (Notice No 32/63) (Kennisgewing;iLydenburg

36 124 PROVNSALE KOERANT 17 JULE 1963 GESONDHEDSKOMTEE VAN CTY OF JOHANNESBURG STADSRAAD VAN ZEERUST PHALABORWA PROPOSED PERMANENT CLOSNG KESERSLVS VYFJAARLKSE WAARDERNGSLYS OF STREETS (Notice in terms of Section 66 of the Die aandag word hierby gevestig op die Local Government Ordinance 1939) Kennisgewing geskied hiermee ingevolge bepalings van Artikel 19 van die Munisi Artikel 12 van die PlaaslikeBestuur Belas t is pale Verkiesingsordonnansie No 4 van hereby notified that it is the Councils tingordonnansie No 20 van 1933 soos intention subject to the Administrators 1927 soos gewysig en kennis word gegee gewysig dat die Vyfjaarakse Waaderingslys dat enigeen wie se naam op die parlemenapproval to close permanently to all van belasbare eiendomme binne die Munisi tere kieserslys vehicular traffic portions of SL John St van enige verkiesingsafdeling pale Gebied van Phalaborwa nou opgcstel in Transvaal verskyn en wat die geregt Andrew and St Patrick Roads Houghton is en gedurende gewone kantoorure in die streerde eienaar van belasbare eiendom Kantoor van die Gesondheidskomitee ter A plan showing the portions of the binne die Zeerustse Munisipale Gebied is insae sal 16 tot 20 Augustus 1963 streets to be closed can be inspected at persoonlik by die ondergetekende aansoek Alle belanghebbendes word versoek om Room No 207 Municipal Offices Johannes kan doen om op die munisipale kieserslys enige besware teen die waardering van burg during normal office hours geplaas te word Sodanige aansoek moet eiendomme in die Waardasielys of ten ROSS BLANE op die voorgeskrewe vorm wees opsigte van die weglating daaruit van eien Clerk of the Council Niemand mag by meet as een munisipalidom wat na bewering belasbaar is hetsy dit Municipal Offices teit as kieser geregistreerwees nie: 4 Pan die eienaar wat beswaar mask of aan Johannesburg 17th July iemand enders behcon 3 C DE BEER enige ander font orin:ledigheirr of ver StadSklerk keerde omskrywing op die voorgeskrewe DORPSRAAD VAN NABOOMSPRUT Munisipale Kantore vorms wat van die Gesondheidskomitee Zeerust; 9 Julie 1963 verkrygbaar is by ondergetekende in te Bien EENDOMSBELASTNG 1963/64 (Kennisgewing No 14/1963) voor of op bogenoemde datum Geen persoon sal geregtig wees om enige Kennisgewing geskied hiermee ingevolge besware veer die Waarderingshof wat later die bepalings van die PlaaslikeBestuur TOWN COUNCL OF ZEERUST saamgestel sal word te opper nie tensy by Belastiegordonnansie No 20 van 1933 soos sodarage besware op die voorgeskrewe wyse gewysig dat die Dorpsraad van Naboom VOTERS ROLL ingedien het spruit die volgende belasting op die waarde N J VAN DER WESTHUZEN van ille belasbare ciendom binne die Munisipale Gebied van Naboomspruit soos The attention of all persons concerned is 4 aangedui op die Waardasielys vir die boek drawn to the provisions of Section 19 of Sekretaris 67 Fosbus Phalaborwa 17 Julie 1963 l jaar Julie 1963 tot 30 Junte 1964 gehef the Municipal Elections Ordinance No 4 het: of 1927 as amended Any person who (a) n Oorspronklike belasting an inn in does not reside within the Municipal Area HEALTH COMMTTEE OF die rand (R) op die terreinwaarde but who is the registered owner of rateable PHALABORWA van grond property within the Municipal Area of Zee (b) n Addisionele belasting van 2"/ c in rust and whose name appears on the Par QUNQUENNAL VALUATON ROLL die rand (R) op die terreinwaarde liamentary Roll of an Electoral Division in van grond the Transvaal outside a Municipality may Notice is hereby/41 given in terms of (c) n Belasting van n is in die rand (R) apply to the Town Clerk for his/her name leetion42 of the Local:Authpitides Rating opdie waarde van verbeterings to be enrolled as a voter Ordinanee: Nose 20 or tie amended (A Onderhewis aan die goedkeuring van; Forms of application may be obtained that the Quinquennial Valuation Roll of die Atmmigtrateurin;:verdere by fromithe undersigned : rateable property within the Municipal Municipal komende belasting Van 2/ c in die J urea pf Phalabbitia hisnowliein prepared C DE BEER rand (R1) op die terrcinwaardevan to rw ni Woo i ; its lit: TOM CCt and that it Wine open for inspection at giond the Office of the Health Committee during Muriieipal Offices Small Eeo helfte no office hours until the 20th August *die bedrag van bogenoemde Zeertist/ 9th July 1963 belasting is verskuldig en betaalbaar op September 1963 en die ander helfte op 31 (Notice No 14 / 1963) All interested parties are batch} called Maart 1964 upon to lodge their objections if any *ewe persent (7%) rente sal betaalbaar STAD JOHANNESBURG against the valuation of any property in the wees op aeteritallige belastings Valuation Roll or in respect of the omis ton therefrom of property alleged to be VOORGESTELDE PERMANENTE J C SHANDOSS rateable property whether held by the party Stadsklerk SLUTNG VAN 4TRAAT objecting or by others or in respect of any Munisipale Kantoor (Kennisgewing ingevolge die bepalings van other error omission or misdescription Naboomspruit 4 Julie 1963 Artikel 66 van die Ordonnansie op Objections must be in writing in the form Plaaslike Bestuur 1939) set forth in the Schedule to the said VLLAGE COUNCL OF NABOOM Ordinance and must be lodged with the SPRUT Die Raad is voornemens om mits die undersigned on or before the above Administrateur dit goedkeur n gedeelte van mentioned date ASSMMENT RATES 1963/64 Highweg Burghersdorp permanent vir alle No person will be entitled to urge any voertuigverkeer te sluit objection before the Valuation Court to be Notice is hereby given in terms of the n Plan waarop die straatgedeeltes wat dit hereafter constituted unless he shall first provisions of the Local Authorities Rating die voorneme is om te sluit aangetoon 4 have lodged a notice of objection as afore Ordinanci No 20 of 1933 as amended word le gedurende gewonc kantoorure in said! i 4c"01 hit: i that thee Village Council of Naboomspruit Kamer No 207 Stadhuis Johannesburg ter N VAN DER WESTHUZEN has imposed the following"faies on the insae Secretary value of all rateable property within theross BLANE PO Box 67 Municipal Area of Naboomspruit as Klerk van die Raad Phalaborwa 17th July appeanng on the Valuation Roll for the Stadhuis financial year 1st July 1963 to 30th June Johannesintig 17 Julie 1963 STAD JOHANNESBURG 1964: (a) An original rate of `nc in the rand VOORGESTELDE PERMANENTE (R) on the site value of land CTY OF JOHANNESBURG SLUTNG VAN STRATE (10 An additional rate of in the rand (R1) on the site value of PROPOSED PERMANENT CLOSNG land (Kennisgewing ingevolge die bepalings van OF STREET Artikel 66 van die Ordonnansie op (c) A rate of it in the rand (R) on the in Plaaslike Bestuur value of improvements (Notice terms of Section 66 of the (d) Subject to the approval of the Local Government Ordinance 1939) Die Raad is voornemens om mits die Administrator an extra additional Administrateur dit goedkeur gedeeltes van rate of 27 e in the rand (R) on the t is hereby notified that it is the CounciTs St John St Andrew en St Patrickweg site value of land intention subject to the Administrators Houghton permanent vir alle voertuig One half of the amount of the above rates approval to close permanently to vehicular verkeer te sluff shall become due and payable on the 30th traffic portions of High Road Burghersdorp n Plan waarop die straatgedeeltes wat chi September 1963 and the remaining half on A plan showing the portions of the street die voorneme is om te sluit aangetoon the 31st March 1964 to be closed may be inspected at Room word la gedurendegewone kantoorure in nterest at the rate of seven per cent (7%) No "207 Municipal Offices Johannesburg ; Kamer No 207 StadhuiClohannesburgiter per = win ivill be charged on all unpaid during normal office hours insae : : rates 1 ROSS BLANE J C SHANDOSS i ROSS BLANE ll Klerk van die Raad : A Town Clerk Clerk of the Council Stadhuis Municipal Office; 1 Municipal Offices " " 4 Johannesburg 17 Julie 1963 Nabooritspruit 4thJuly Johanneibuig; 171lltar1961 i 45117

37 i ii PROVNCAL GAZETTE 17 JULY MUNSPALTET SABLE Afskrifte van die voorgestelde nuwe Ver Besonderhede en planne van hierdie voorordenjnge le ter insae beskikbaar in die gestelde wysiging 18 ses weke vanaf datum TUSSENTYDSE WAARDERNGSLYS kantoor van die ondergetekende viz n tyd van hierdie kennisgewing by die Rand se perk van eenentwintig (21) the vanaf die Hoofkantoor Kamer No A73 H B datum van eerste publikasie hiervan Phillipsgebou Bosmanstraat 320 Pretoria Hierby word ooreenkomstig Artikel 12 Enige besware meet skriftelik by die en by sy Takkantoor Kamer No 501 van die Plaaslike BestuurBelastingordon kantoor van die ondergetekende ingedien Armadalegebou Ereestraat 261 Johannes nansie No 20 van 1933 soos gewysig word binne die tydperk genoem in vooraf burg ter insae bekendgemaak dat bogenoemde lys van gaande paragraaf Beware teen of vertoe in verband met die belasbare ciendomme binne die grense van J VAN TONDER wysigings kan ter enige tyd skriftelik aan die die Munisipaliteit nod voltooi is en tot om Waanacmende Stadsklerk ondergetekende prig word maar nie later as 4 rim op 16 Augustus 1963 gcdurende Stadshuis Vrydag 30 Augustus 1963 nie kantoorure ten kantore van die ander Ermelo 9 Julie 1963 getekende ter insae le (Kennisgewing No 34/63) H B PHLLPS Belanghebbende persone word opgeroep Sekretaris/Tesourier om voor of op genoemde datum skriftelik TOWN COUNCL OFERMELO Posbus 1341 op die voorgeskrewe vorm (wat by die Pretoria 17 Julie 1963 ondergetekende verkrygbaar is) kennis te BYLAWS: FURNSHNG OF 1NFOR (Kennisgewing No 121/1963) gee van enige besware teen die waardering MATON; LEVYNG OF SERVCE of teen dic weglating uit die Lys van eien FEE donune writ bewerr word belasbaar te wees : en wat die ciendom van die beswaarmaker Notice is hereby given in terms of PER URBAN AREAS HEALTH of van n ander persoon isof ken 1n ander Section 80 (119) Ns of the Local Govern BOARD font of onvolledige of verkeerde em meat Ordinance 1939 as amended that the skrywing Niemand het die reg om besware Town Council of Ermelo intends to adopt PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE voor die Waarderingshof te opper tensy by new Bylaws in regard to the Furnishing of SOUTHERN 1 0 A NN E S B U t G n kennisgewing van beswaar sacs voor nformation and the Levying of Service R E G ON A TOWN PLANNNG noemvooraf skriftelik ingedien het nie Fees SCHEME (AMENDNG SCHEME No Voorts word hierby ingevolge die Copies of the proposed new Bylaws are 1) bepalings van Artikel 13 van die Plaaslike open for inspection at the office of the Bestuur Bclastingordonnansie No 20 van undersigned for a period of twentyone ( bekendgemaak dot die eerste ver days from the date of the first publication n terms of the regulations framed under gadering van die Waarderingshof om 7uur hereof the Townships and Town planning Ordi nm op Woensdag 21 Augustas 1963 in Any objections to the proposed new Bymince No 11 of 1931 as amended it is die Raadsaal gehou sal word ten einde laws must reach the undersigned in writing hereby notified for general information that besware wat teen die Waarderingslys within the period mentioned in the preingedien is to oorweeg ceding paragraph Urban Areas Health Board the Pen proposes to amend its Southern Johannes J VAN TONDER P VAN RENSBURG burg Regional Town Planning Scheme as Acting Town Clerk Stadsklerk follows: Town Hall Munisipalc Kantore Ermelo 9th July 1963 A (a) The remaining extent of Consoli Sabie 4 Julie 1963 dated Portion 108 of Rietfontein (Notice No 34/63) No 3014 Qc Distriet Johanfies MUNCPALTY OF SABLE: burg s(soutlerof Me National rdad GESONDHEDSRAAD Vfilf:13U1TE linking Lenrisia ExtensicuP No 1 NTERM VALUATON ROLL 1963/64 STEDELKE GEBEDE Township With Van Wyksrust Agricultural Holdingi) to be Notice ls hereby given in terms of VothidESTELDE4YSGNGVAN DE rezoned from undetermined:" to Section 12 of the Local Authorities Rating SUD JOHANNESBURG STREEK "special residential" with a Ordinance No 20 of 1933 as amended DORPSAANLEGSKEMA (WYSGEN density zoning of "one dwelling that the nterim Valuation Roll for 1963/64 DE SKEMA No: ) house per 3000 square feet " of rateable properties within the Municipal Area has been compiled and will lie open (b) Lonasia and Extension No 1 and for inspection during office hours at the Kragtens die regulaties wat ingevolge die Toms Vile Township to be offices of the undersigned until 4 pm on Dorpe en DorpsaanlegOrdonnansie No 11 inserted on the relevant Town Friday 16th August 1963 van 1931 soos gewysig uitgevaard:g is planning Scheme Maps and the nterested parties are hereby called inaccordance with the Conditions Tin word hierrnee bekendgemaak dat die use zoning of the erven be done to lodge with the undersigned on or Gesondheidsraad vii Buitestedelike Gebiede the above mentioned date in the presd aforeor van voornerne is om sy SuidJohannesburg of Establishment of the townships form obtainable at the office of the under Streekdorpsaanlegskema soos volg te B Sub clause (c) of clause 17 of the signed notice of any objection they might wysigr relevant Scheme clauses be subhave against any valuation of any rateable A (a) Die gebruiksbestemming van die stituted by the following subproperty any omission from the roll of any resterende gedeelte van gekonsoli clause property alleged to be rateable or in respect derde Gedeelte 108 van Rietfontein "(c) The decision of the Local of any other error om:ssion or misdescrip No 301 1Q Distrik Johannes Authority given in respect of Lion burg (suid van die nasionale pad an application against which No person shall be entitled to urge any wat Lenasia Uitbreiding No met an objection or objections objections before the Valuation Court Van Wyksrust Landbouhoewes verz have been lodged shall not hereinafter referred to unless he shall have bind) van onbepaild" na take effect until the expire first lodged in writing such notice of spesiale woongebied" met n Lion of twentyeight (28) days digtheid van een woonhuis per objection as aforesaid" from the date on which the 3000 vierkante veer gewysig te NOtice is hereby further given in terms applicant and the objector or word of Section 13 of the Local Authorities objectors are notified thereof (b) Lenasia en Uitbreiding No 1 en Rating Ordinance No 20 of 1933 as or if an appeal has been Toms Valedorp op die betrokke amended that the first meeting of the made under the provisions of Dorpsaanlegskemakaarte aangetoon Valuation Court will be held in the Council word en die bestemming van die this clause until such an Chamber on Wednesday 21st August 1963 appeal has been disposed erwe aangeriui word in ooreenstem at 7 pm to consider any objections lodged of" ming met die betrokke dorpe se against the Valuation Roll siigtingsymorwaardes Particulars and plans of these proposed P VAN RENSBURGi B Subklousule (c) van klousule 17 van amendments are open for inspection at the Town Clerk die betrokke Skemaklousules te ver Boards Head Office Room No A713 Municipal Offices yang met die volgende wave sub H B Phillips Building 320 Bosman Street Sable 4th July klousule: Pretoria and at its Branch Office Room (e) Die beslissing van die Plaaslike No 501 Armadalc House 261 Brec Street STADSRAAD VAN ERMELO Bestuur ten opsigte van n Johannesburg for a period of six weeks aansoek waarteen n beswaar from the date hereof in DENSFOOL VERORDENNGE: VERSKAFFNG ingedien is sal Me van krag con VAN NLGTNG; HEFFNG VAN wets voordat n tydperk van ections to or representations Objn with the amendments may be sub agt entwintig (28) dae verloop nection het vanaf die datum waarop muted to the undersigned in writing at Ooreenkomstig die bepalings van Artikel die applikant en die beswaar any time but not later than Fridayt the 30th 80 (119) his van die Ordonnansk op Plans maker of ifeswaarmakers daar August 1963 like Bestuur 1939 soos gewysig word bier van in kennis gestel is nie; of H B PHLLPS mee kennikrgegee dat die Stadsraad van " ladled daar ingevolge die Secretary/Treasurer " Ermelo voornemens is om nuwe Verordcbepalings van hierdie klousule PO Box 1341 ;hinge te feat afkondig met betrekking tot awe! aangeteken is; voordat Pretoria 17th July 1963 die Verskaffing van nligthig en die Heffing sorlanige apperafgehandel is nit" (Notice No 121/1963) van n Diensfooi 5

38 26 PROVNSALE T KOEAN 17 JULE 1963 r MUNSPALTET CHRSTANA Een helfte van die eiendrinisbelastiiig is " verskuldig en voile betaalbaar veer of DORPSRAAD"WAN LESLE op 31 Oktober 1963 en die ander hate EENDOMSBELASTNG1963/64: EENDOMSBELASTNG 1963/64 verskuldig en ten voile betaalbaar voor of op 31 Wart 1964 Kennisgewing geskied hiermee ingevolge 4 Kennisgewing geskied hiermee ingevolge P L VAN RENSBURG die bepalings van Ordonnansie No 20 van die bepalings van Ordonnansie No 20 van Stadsklerk 1933 soos gewysig dat die volgende eien 1933 sons gewysig dat die Read besluit het Munisipale Kantore domsbelasting op die waarde van alle om die volgende belasting op die waarde Fochville 3 Julie 1963 belasbare eiendomme binne die Munisipale van belasbare eiendom binne die Munisipale (Kennisgewing No Gebied van Leslie volgens die Waarderings 19/633 Gebied van Christiana soos dit in die lys gehef is vir die boekjaar 1 Julie 1963 Waarderingslys voorkom te hef vir die tyd tot 30 Junie 1964: perk 1 Julie 1963 tot 30 Junie 1964: VLLAGE COUNCL OF FOCHVLLE (a) n Oorspronklike belasting van een: (a) n Oorspronklike belasting van 0417c halwe sent (fc) in die rand (R1) op (/de sent) in die rand (R) op die NOTCE OF ASSESSMENT RATES die terreinwaarde van grond liggingswaarde van grond (b) n Addisionele belasting van een en (b) n Addisionele belasting van 25c Notice is hereby given that the following n kwart sent (1c) in die rand (R) (21 sent) rates as in die rand (R) appearing op die in the Valuation Roll op die terreinwaarde van grond have been imposed by the Village liggingswaarde van grand Council of Fochville Bogemelde belastings is nou verskuldig (c) Onderhewig aan die goedkeuring in terms of /the Local vanten Authorities Rating Ordinance No 20 of en voile betaalbaar op 31 Maart 1964 die Administrateur n verdere 1933 as amended xente teen 7 for the persent per jaar sal gehef addisionele belasting van financial year 0 083c 1st July 1963 to 30th lone 1964: word op alle agterstallige bedrae (7desent) in die rand (R1) op die liggingswaarde van grond () An original rate of fivetwelfths of a G J VAN EEDEN (d) n Retesting van 02c Wade sent) in cent (1c) in the rand (R) on the Stadsklerk die rand (R) op die waarde van ver site value of land Munisipale Kantore beterings (2) An additional rate of two and a half Leslie 10 Julie 1963 cents (21e) in the rand (R) on the Bogenoemde belastings is verskuldig en site value of land VLLAGE COUNCL OF LESLE betaalbaar op die 30ste dag van September (3) Subject to the approval of the persent rente sal gevra word op alle Administrator an extra additional ASSESSMENT RATES 1963/64 agterstallige belastings gereken vanaf 1 rate of seventwelfths of a cent (/jc) Oktober 1963 in the rand (R1) on the site value of Notice is hereby given in terms of the H J MOUNTJOY land provisions of Ordinance No 20 of 1933 as Stadsklerk amended that the following assessment Stadskantoor One half of the assessment rates become rates on the value of all rateable property Christiana 4 Julie 1963 due and payable in full on or before the within the Municipal Area of Leslie as 31st of October 1963 and the other half appearing on the Valuation Roll have been of the assessment rates become due and imposed fthefinancial year 1st July MUNCPALTY OF CHRSTANA payable in full on or before the 31st of 1963to 30th ju June 1964: March 1964 ASSESSMENT RATE (a) An Original rate of one 1963/64 P L J VAN RENSBURG half cent (lc) in the rand (R1) on the site value Town Clerk of land Notice is hereby given in terms of Ordi Municipal Offices (b) An additional rate or one and a nance No 20 of 1933 that the Council has Fochville 3rd July 1963 quarter cents (11c) in the rand (R) decided to impose the following rates on all (Notice No219/63) on the site value of land rateable properties in the Municipal Area The bove rates are now due and are of Christiana as reflected by the Valuation MUNSPA LTET CHRSTANA payable in full on the 31st March 1964 Roll for the period 1st July 1963 to 30th nterest at therate of 7 per cent per annum June 1964: will be charged on all arrears (a) An original rate of 0417c (/ the WYSGNG VAN VERORDENNGE G J VAN EEDEN cent) in the rand (R) on the site Town Clerk value of land Kennisgewing geskied hiermee ingevolge MunicipalOffices (b) An additional rate of 25c (f cents) Artikel 96 van die PlaaslikeBestuur Leslie 10th July in the rand (R1) on the site value of land Ordonnansie 1939 dat dit die voorneme % is van die Raad om die Eenvormige (c) Subject to the approval of the Gesonerorennge di KENNSGEWNG dh d idsve i e Administrator t wysig deur e a further additional rate vereistes van sta; ll krale en kampe voor te of 0083c einth cent) in the rand BOOKMAKERSLSENSE (R) on the site value of skryf en land om die verkoop van melk te A rate (d) of 02e (/th cent) in the rand beheer Ek RCHARD PAUL LOUS JACOBS (R1) oa the value of improvements Afskrifte van die voorgestelde wysiging van Kokstraat 10 St Helena Welkom gee sal ter insae wees by die kantoor van die hierby kennis dat ek van voorneme is om die The above mentioned rates are due payable on the 30th day of September1963 and ondergetekende Transvaalse BOokmakerslisensiekomitee aan 7 per cent interest will be charged on all Enige besware teen die voorgenorne soak te doen om n Sertifikaat waarby die tutreiking van n 3ookmakerslisensie ngearrear assessment rates as from the 1st wysiging moet slcriftelik by die ondervolge Ordonnansie 26 van 1925 gemagtig October 1963 getekende ingedien word nie later dan word H J MOUNTJOY Woensdag 21 Augustus 1963 nie edereen wat beswaar wit maak teen die Town Clerk Town Office 1 : H J MOUNTJOY toestaan van so n sertifikaat of wat enige Stadsklerk feit of inligting in verband daarmee aan die Christiana 4th July " e yowl& Stadskantoor ken dit skriftelik aan die Sekretads van die Christiana Transvaalie 6 Julie 1963 BOok DORPSRAAD VAN FOCHVLLE makerslisensiekomitee Posbus 383 Pretoria doen om horn voor of op 7 Augustus 1963 KENNSGEWNG VAN EENDOMS MUNCPALTY OF CHRSTANA te bereik ledere sodanige persoon meet sy BELASTNG vollenaam beroep en posadres verstrek AMENDMENT OF BY LAWS Kennisgewing geskied hiermee dat die NOTCE Dorpsraad van Fochville kragtens die bepalings van die PlaaslikeBestuur Belas Notice is hereby given in terms of BOOKMAKERS LCENCE tingordonnansie No 20 van 1933 sous Section 96 of the Local Government Ordi gewysig die volgende belastings op waarde name 1939 as amended that it is the RCHARD PAUL LOUS JACOBS of volgens die Waarderingslys van belasbare intention of the Council to amend its 10 Kok Street St Helena Welkom do eiendomme binne die Munisipale Gebied Uniform Public Health Bylaws by hereby give notice that it is my intention gehef het vir die finansiele jaar Julie Prescribing the requirements for stables to apply to the Transvaal Bookmakers 1963 tot 30 Junie 1964: kraals and camps and to control the sale of Licensing Committee for a Certificate milk Copies of the proposed amendment authorizing the issue of a Bookmakers () n Oorspronklike belasting van nf will lie for inspection at the office of the Licence in terms of Ordinance No 26 of twaalfdes van n sent (l c) in die undersigned 1925 rand (R1) op die terreinwaarde van g rond Any objections against the proposed Any person who wishes to object to the granting of such a Certificate or who wishes ;(2) pi Addisionele belasting van twee en amendment mustbe lodged it writing with nhalird Crit (no in die rand al) the undersigned not later than Wednesday to lay before the Committee any fact or information in connection therewith may do = op die terreinuiearde van grond the 2litAugust 1963 g " so in writing to the Secretary of the Trans (3) Onderhewig aan die goedkeuring ven 41 L MuurilOY mat Bookmakers Licensingtommittee PO dieradininistrateur n verdere addid Town Clerk: Box383Pretoda toreachhimon orbefore sionele belasting van sewetwaalfdei 2 4;:6 el the 7th; August 1963 Every ssuch person s van nsent (/nc) in didrand (R1) bpi Town Office required to state hisfultmame; occupation die terreinwaarde van grond : Christiana; 6thtJuly : 449= l7 and postaltaddressil ofpf : 6 1 : : : 9y e (19u); }; :tt 41

39 " PROVNCAL GAZETTE 17 JULY il GESONDHEDSRAAD VR BUTTE Norms virdie indiening van beware is MUNCPALTY OF SCHWEZER STEDELKE BEBEDE op aanviang by die Stadsklerk Munisipali RENEKE telt Naboomspruit verkrygbaar VOORGESTELDE WYSGNG VAN DE Aandag word spesiaal gevestig op die felt NOTCE OF RATES PRETORA" STREEKDORPSAAN: dat niemafict geregtig sal wees om enige SKEMA (WYSGNG No 18) beiwaar voor die Waarderingshof wat hier Notice is hcrebygiven that the following na saarngestel sal word te opper nie tensy rates on the valuation of all rateable llermee word kragtens die Regulasies hy/sy vooraf genoemde kennisgewing van property within the Municipality as appearwat ingevolge die Dorpe en Dorpsaanleg beswaar ingedien het ing on the Valuation Roll have been im Ordonnansie 1931 uitgevaardig is bekend J C SHANDOSS posed by the Town Council of Schweizer gemaak dat die Gesondheidsraad virbuite Stadsklerk Reneke for the financial year 1st July Stedelike Gebiede voornemens is om sy Munisipale Kantore 1963 to 30th June 1964 in terms of the Pretoria Streekdorpsaanlegskema sates volg Posbus 34 Local Government Rating Ordinance No te wysig: Naboomspruit 11 Julie of 1933: (a) An original rate of five twelfths Noe) Waverley DorpsgebiedDie digtheids of a cent in the rand (R) on the site bestemming van restant van Ed No 53 VLLAGE COUNCL OF value of land Waverley verander word van een woon NABOOMSPRUT (h) An additional rate of two and a half huis per bestaande erf " na een woon cents (24c) in the rand (R) on the huis per vierkante voet " TRENNAL VALUATON ROLL sit& value of land Besonderhede van hierdie wysiging le ses (c) An extra additional rate of two and weke lank vanaf die datum van hierdie Notice is hereby given in terms of the onetwelfth cents (2/c1 in the rand kennisgewing by die Read se Hoofkantoor Local Authorities Rating Ordinance No 20 (R) on the site value of land sub Bosmanstraat 320 Pretoria ter insae of 1933 as amended that a Triennial ject to the consent of the Honour Besware teen of vertoe in verband met die Valuation Roll of all rateable property able the Administrator wysiging kan skriftelik aan die onder within the Municipal Area of Naboom The above rates shall become due and getekende gerig word op enige tydstip maar spruit has been prepared for the period payable as to one half of the amount on in elk geval nie later as 30 Augustus /66 and will be open for inspection the 31st October 1963 and as to the Me at the Municipal Offices during ordinary remaining half on the 31st March 1964 office hours unfit Monday 19th August n any case where the rates hereby im 1963 and Sekretaris/Tesourier all persons interested are called posed are not aid on the due date interest upon to lodge in writing with the Town Posbus 1341 will be charged at the rate of 7 per cent Pretoria Clerk in the form set forth in the Second 17 Julnie1B963PHLLPS per annum and summary legal proceedings Schedule to the said Ordinance before noon (Kennisgewing may be No 117/1963) taken against any defaulters on Monday 19th August 1963 notice of any objection they may have in respect of J C BUYS PERTURBANAREAS HEALTH BOARD any rateable property valued in the said Town Clerk Municipal Offices PROPOSED Valuation Roll or in respect of the omission AMENDMENTS TO THE therefrom of property alleged to be rateable Schweizer Reneke 10th July 1963 PRETORA REGON TOWNPLAN whether heldby the person objecting or by (Notice No 103/63) N1NG S C H E M E (AMENDNG others or in respect of any error omission SCHEME No 18) or misdescription MUNSPALTET PETERSBURG Forms of notice of objection may be n terms of the Regulations framed under obtained on application from the Town WYSGNG VAN VERORDENNGE the Townships and Townplanning Ordi Clerk Municipality Naboomspruit name 1931 it is hereby notified for general Attention is especially directed to the fact Daar word ingevolge die bepalings van information that the Peri Urban Areas thatnoperson will be entitled to urge any Artikel 96 van die Ordonnansie op Pleas Health Board bropbses to amend its objection before the Valuation Court to be like Bestuur No 17 van 1939 sods gewysig Pretoria RegioirTorrn plabdide Aherne as hereafter constituted tiniest he/she shall first bekendgemaak dat die Stadsraad van follows:: have lodged such notice of objection as Pietersburg van voorneme is om die aforesaid volgende Verordeninge te wysig : Waverley Township The density J C SHANDOSS ioning of remainder of Ed No 53 n Town (i) Waterverordeninge: Clerk Om addi Waverley to be amended from " one Municipal Offices sionele opslag van 5 persent te hef op dwelling per existing err " to one PO Box 34 alle rekenings van verbruikers van dwelling per square feet " Naboomspruit 11th July 1963 water Particulars of these amendments are open (ii) Elektrisiteitsverordeninge: Om n for inspection at the Boards Head Office tydelike addisionele opslag van Rosman StreetMUNSPALTET Pretoria fora period persent te hef op alle rekenings met VAN SCHWEZER die uitsondering van sodanige tariewe of six weeks from the date hereof RENEKE neergele in spesiale ooreenkomste met Objections to or representations in sekere verbruikers connection with the amendment may be KENNSGEWNG VAN BELASTNG Afskrifte van hierdie Verordeninge lb ter submitted in writing to the undersigned at insae by die Kantoor van die Stadsklerk vir any time but not later than 30th August Kennisgewing geskied hiermee dat die t (21) the met 1963 volgende n tydperkvan eenentwin tg belastings op alle belasbare eien in any valid die datum van publikasie H B PHLLPS domme binne die Munisipaliteit soos aan hitrvan Secretary/Treasurer geteken op die Waarderingslys gehef is deur Ji A BOTES PO Box 1341 die Munisipaliteit ScMveizer Reneke ten Stadsklerk Pretoria 17th July 1963 opsigte van die finansiele jaar 1 Julie 1963 Stadskantore (Notice No: 117/1963) tot 30 Junie 1964 ooreenkomstig die Pleas Posbus 111 D liki BestuurBelastingordonnansie No 20 Pietersburg 5 Julie 1961 i: " j;15011psraab :VAN NABOOSPRUT: (a) :1 Oorspronklike belasting van vyf 1 MUNCPALTY OF PETERSBURG: twaalfdes van n sent (1 c) in die DREJAARLKSE WAARDERNGSLYS rand (R) op die terreinwaarde van AMENDMENT OF BY LAWS (b) n Addisiimele belasting van twee en Notiee is hereby giytn interns of the Kennisgewing geskied hiermee dat our n halwe sent (2 fe) in die rand (R11 provisions of Section 96 of the Local eenkomstig die bepalings van die Plaaslike op die terreinwaarde van grond Government Qrdinance No 17 of 1939 as BestuurBelastingordonnansie No 20 van (c) n Verdere addisionele belasting van amended that it is the intention of the 1933 soos gelysig; a Driemarlikse Wear time en eentwaalfde sent (21c) in Town Council of Pietersburg to amend the deringslys van elle belasbare eiendomme die rand (R) op die terreinwaarde following Bylaws: binne die Munisipale Gebied van Naboom van grond onderhewig aan die goed (i) Water Bylaws: To levy a sureharge spruit opgestel is vir die tydperk 1963/66 keuring van Sy Edele die Administra of an additional 5 per cent on all en sal ter insae le by die Munisipale teur accounts of consumers Kantore gedurende geworte kantoorure tot of water ten helfte van die bedrag van bogemelde (ii) Electricity Bylaws: To levy a tem op c ktaandag 19 Augustus 1963 en alle belasting is verskuidig en betaalbaar op 31 porary surcharge of an additional 5 belanghebbende persone word hiermee ver Ok iober 1963 en die ander helfte op 31 per cent on all accounts with the sock om voorl2uur middag op Maandag Maart 1964 exception of tariffs laid down in 19 Augustus 1963 in die vorm soos yourspecial agreements with certain congeskrewe in die Tweede Skedule geheg aan n enige geval waar die belasting hierby genoemde Ordonnansie die Stadsklerk skrif comae nie op die vervaldatum beteg snipers is telik kennis te gee van enige beswaar wat me: word rente teen 7 persent per jaar in Copies of the Bylaws are open for hulle mag he ten opsigte van die waardering rekening gebring en wetlike stappe kani liiispection M the Officeof the Town Clerk van enige belasbare eiendom wat in sonder enige kenisgeivial teen ivarffiltajon for riot! of twenty one (21rdays from geiioernde Waarderingslys voorkom : of in gemjeln Vor/174 date bt riubheation hereof verband met die van *ht na : J C BUYS : f ; J A BOTYS beweringbelasbarel eiendom is hetsy in besi( Stadsklerk" ;% : Town Clerk rvettradivabeswaarthakenrle :persood of v Munisipale Kantore al: na! l Municipal Offices iandere cif in verband met enige rout; wet Schweizer Reneke l0 misq43 POtBox r Latino of verkeerde omskrywing (Kennisgewing No 103/63) Pietersburg 5th July

40 128 PROVNSALE KOERANT 17 JULE 1963 STADSRAADVAN BENON Belanghebbende persone word opgeroep MUNCPALTY OF LESLE om voor of op die genoemde datum skrif CENNTSGEWNG No 80 VAN 1963 telik kennis te gee op die voorgeskrewe TRENNAL VALUATON ROLL vorm by die ondergetekende verkrygbaar 1963/66 SLUMSWET 1934 SOOS GEWYSG van enige beswaar wat hulle het teen die 4 wandering of teen die weglating nit die lys Notice is hereby given that a new Trien ngvolge Artikel 6 () van die Slumswet van eiendomme wat bewcer word belasbaar nial Valuation Roll of all rateable propervan 1934 sons gewysig deur Wet No 24 van to wees en wat die eiendom van :n be ties within the MuniCipality of Leilic has 1937 word hiermee vir algemene inligting swaarmaker of van n ander persoon is of been prepared in terms of the Local bekendgemaak dat die Stadsraad van Benoni teen n ander lout Onvolledige of ver Authorities Rating Ordinance No 20 of op sy Vergadering van 27 Junie 1963 die keerde omskrywing Niemand bet die reg 1933 as amended and lie open for inspec onderstaande persele binne die Munisipali om besware teen die hierondergenoemde tion at the Municipal Offices during office teit Benoni tot slums verklaar het: Waarderingshof te opper nie tensy by voor hours Platdak gegolfde snkplaat kamers of bedoelde kennisgewing van henna soos zeta All persons interested are hereby called op Persele Nos 75 en 86 onderskeidelik genoem ingedien het nie upon to lodge in writing with the underte Vierde Straat 18 en Vyfde Straat 15 Kennisgewing geskied hiermee verder signed in the form set forth in the Second Benoni Asiatiese Seksie gemerk A tot R00reenkomstig Artikel 13 (8) van genoemde Schedule to the said Ordinance before 12 en emmer latrine gemerk S Ordonnansic dat die eerste sitting van die noon on Friday 16th August 1963 notice Hof op Donderdag die 22ste Augustus of any objections they may have in respect ngevolge Artikel 5 () van die genoemde 1963 om 330 nm in die Munisipale Kan of the valuation of any rateable `property Wet word kennis ook gegee dat die cienaars tore sal plaasvind valued as aforesaid or n respect of the van bogenoemde per ele versoek is om P T BOTHMA omission therefrom of property alleged to onderstaande persele te sloop en om met be rateable property and whether held by sodanige sloping te begin voor of op Stadsklerk 1 Augustus 1963 en sloping te voltooi nie Munisipale Kantore the person objecting or by others or in Belfast 12 Julie 1963 respect of any other error omission or later nie as 31 Oktober 1963: misdescription: Platdak gegolfde sinkplaat kamers gelee VLLAGE COUNCL OF ELFAST Printed forms of notice of objection may op Persele Nos 75 en 86 onderskeidelik be obtained on application at the Municipal te Vierde Straat 18 en Vyfde Straat 15 NTERM VALUATON ROLL 1962/63 Offices Benoni Asiatiese Seksie gemerk A tot R Attention is specially directed to the fact en emmer latrine gcmcrk S Notice is hereby given in terms of Sec that no person will be entitled to urge any Die genoemde persele word aangetoon op lion 12 of the Local Authorities Rating objections before the Valuation Court to kaarte wat ter insac le by die kantoor van Ordinance No 20 of 1933 as amended be hereafter constituted unless he shall first 41 die Stadsklerk Munisipale Kantoor Benoni that the above mentioned Roll for the year have lodged such notice of objection as F S TAYLOR 1962/63 of all rateable property within aforesaid Stadsklerk the Municipal Area has been compiled and G J VAN EEDEN will lie Munisipitle Kantore open for inspection during office Town Clerk Benoni 12 Julie 1963 hours until the 16th of August 1963 at Municipal Offices 12 noon Leslie 17th July TOWN COUNCL OF BENON nterested parties are hereby called upon to lodge with the undersigned on or before DORPSRAAD VAN NABOOMSPRUT the abovementioned date in the prescribed r ph NOTCE No 80 of 1963 form obtainable at the office of the under SKENKNG VAN N GEDEELTE VAN signed notice of any objections omission DE DORPSGRONDE AAN DE SLUMS ACT 1934 AS AMENDED from the Roll of propertyalleged to be REPUBLEK VAN SUDAFRKA rateable or in respect of any other error ror omission or misdescription Kenniggewing geskied hiermee; ingevolge Notice is hereby given for general infor Notice is hereby further given in terms die bepalings van Artikel 79 (18)van die mation in terms of Section 6 (1) of the of Section 13 (8) of the above Ordinance Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestunr No 17 Slums Act 1934 as amended by Act No that the first sitting of the Valuation Court van 1939 soos gewysig dat die lorpsraad 24 of 1937! that the Town Council of Benoni will commence on the 22nd August 1963 besluit het om onderhewig aan die goedat its meeting held on the 27th day of June at 330 pm in the Councils offices keuring van die Administrateur gedeelte 1963 declared the following premises within groot ongeveer 1002 morg van die Dorpsthe Municipality of Benoni to be slums: P T BOTHMA gronde van Naboomspruit aan die Repu Town Clerk bliek van SuidAfrika te skenk Flat roofed corrugated iron rooms Municipal Offices Volledige besonderhede en situated on Stands Nos 75 and 86 at 18 n sketskaart Fourth Street and 15 Fifth Street; Benoni Belfast 12th July 1963: wat die grond aandid le ter insae in die Asiatic Section and marked A to R and Kantoor van die Stadsklerk Naboomspruit pail latrine marked gedurende gewone S MUNSPALTET LESLE kantoorure Enige besware teen bogenoernde skenking Notice is also given that the owners of the aforesaid premises have been called DREJAARLKSE WAARDERNGS moet skriftelik by die ondergetekende in upon in terms of Section 5 (1) of the said LYS word 1963/66 your of op gedien Augustus Act to demolish and to commence such demolition on or before the 1st day of Kennisgewing geskied hiermee dat n C SHANDOSS August 1963 and to complete such demoli nuwe Driejaarlikse Waarderingslys van alle Stadsklerk tion not later than the 31st day of October belasbare eiendomme binne die Munisipale Munisipale Kantore 1963 of the following premises: Gebied van Leslie opgestel is kragtens die Naboomspruit 10 Julie 1963 PlaaslikeBestuurBelastingordonnansie No Flat roofed corrugated iron rooms van1933 soos gewysig sal en gela situated on Stands Nos 75 and 86 at :18 VLLAGE COUNCL OF NABOOM Fourth Street and:15 Fifth Street Benoni roc kantoorure vir die publick ter nipae SPRUT Asiatic Section and marked A to R and lepail latrine marked S Alle belanghebbende persone word bier wee versoe k om die onde!retekende voor GRANT OF PORTON OF TOWN The premises referred to are thoselands of op 12 middag op Vrydag 16 Augustus TO THE REPUBLC OF appearing on plans which can be seen onsouth AFRCA: 1963 inspection at the office of the Town Clerk in die vorm soos vermeld in die Municipal Offices Benoni Tweede Skedule van bogemelde Ordon nansie skriftelik in kennis te stel van enige Notice is hereby given in terms of F S TAYLOR besware wat hulleeteen die waardcring van Section 79 (18) of the Local Government Town Clerk belasbare eiendomme wat soos voormeld Ordinance No 17 of 1939 as amended Municipal Offices gewaardeer is het of teen die weglating that the Village Council has resolved Benoni 12th July uit die lys van eiendom wat volgens subject to the approval of the Administrabewering bclasbare eiendom en in besit van tor to grant approximately morgen die beswaarmaker of ander persone is of of the Town Lands to DORPSRAAD VAN BELFAST the Republic of teen n ander fout onvolledigheid of ver South Africa keerde omskrywing Full details and a sketch of the above TUSSENTYDSE WAARDERNGSLYS Gedrukte kennisgewingvomu vir besware mentioned ground will be open for ins pec 1962/63 is op aanvraag by die Munisipale Kantore tion in the Office of the Town Clerk verkrygbaar Naboomspruit during ordinary office Kennisgewing geskied hiermec careen Aandag word spesifiek gevestig op die hours komstig Artikel 12 van die Plaaslike felt dat geen persoon geregtig sal wees om Any objections against the a6ove men BestuurBelastingordonnansie No 20 van enige beswāre voor die Waardasiehot wat tioned grant must be lodged in writing 1933) soos sewysigdat bogenoemde lys vir hierna aangestel sal word te opper nie tensy with the undersigned on or before 21st die jaar 1962/63 van alle belasbare eien dit op die Wyse soos hierbo uiteengesit Atiguit " 1963 domme binne die grens van die Munisipali ingedien is J C SHANDOSS teit nou voltooi is en ter insae 18 in die G J VAN EEDEN ; town Clerk " kantoor van die ondergetekende gedurende " StadsklerkMunielpal Offiees : kantoorure tot Vrydag die 16de Augustus Munisipale Kantore i i pr csiri s Naboornsprnit 1611; Yilly 196ifi 1963 om 12 uur vm Leslie 17 Julie =

41 0 PROVNCAL GAZE Hi 17 JULY STADSRAAD VAN BOKSBURG 3 An additional rate of four A and seven MUNCPALTY OF ORKNEY twelfths cents (4/ c) in 4 the rand (R) reducible in terms of Section ASSESSMENT RATES AND SEWERAGE 0 0e KENNSGEWNG VAN 21 of the Local Authorities Rating FEES e ge EENDOMSBELASTNG Ordinance 1933 for the year lst July 1963 to 30th June 1964 on the Notice is hereby given that subject to for valueimprovements of used the approval of the Administrator the following wordkennis hiermee gegee dat die vol residential purposes or other par rates on the value of rateable gende belastings op die waarde van betasposes not incidental to mining property situated within the jurisdiction of bare eiendom binne die Munisipaliteit operations on land held under licence the Council as appearing in the Valuation Boksburg sons dit voorkom op die Waar or any other mining titles to dig or Roll for the time being in force have been deringslys deur die Raad van die Munisi prospect for precious metals precious imposed by the Council in terms of the paliteit kragtens die Plaaslike Bestuurstones or base metals as appearing Local Government Rating Ordinance of Belastingordonnansie 1933 opgele is: in the Valuation Roll 1933:as amended for and in respect of the 3 1 in Oorspronklikc belasting van vyf 4 n terms of Section 20 of the Local financial ear st July 1963; to 30th June twaalfdes van n sent ("/e) in die Authorities Rating Ordinance viz rand (R) vir die jaar 1 Julie 1963 an extra additional rate of three and (a) An original rate of Lac in the rand tot 30 Junie 1964 op die terrein ninetwelfths cents (3/ e) in the rand (R) on the site value of land situate waarde van die grond binne die (R) for the year 1st July 1963 to as aforesaid Munisipaliteit sons dit voorkom op 30th June 1964; on the site value of (b) An additional rate of 4/e in the die Waarderingslys land held byany Power Undertaking rand (R1) on she site value of land 2 n Addisionele belasting van vier en within the Municipality of Boksburg as aforesaid sewetwaalfdes sent (4/ c) in die as appearing in the Valuation Roll (c) A rate of fc in the rand (R) on the value rand (R) vir die jaar 1 Nile of improvements as 1963 All the above rates are due and payable aforesaid tot 30 Junie 1964 op die tereinwaarde in the following manner: The above rates will berothe due and van grond binne die Munisipaliteit payable as follows: Half of the total amount due to be soos dit voorkom op die Waar paid on Wednesday 25th September (a) As to one half on the 1st October deringslys the balance to be paid on Wednes (b) 3 n Addisionele belasting van vier en day 18th March As to the 1964 remaining half on the 1st sewetwaalfdes sent (47c) in die April 1964 rand (R1) herleibaar ingevolge Arti n any case where the rates hereby hillier annum Ratepayers desiring to do so may arrange posed are not paid on due dates interest at kel 21 van die Plaaslike Bcstuur the rate of seven per cent (7%) with the Town Treasurer for payment of Belastingordonnansie 1933 vir die rates and sewerage charges will be charged on overdue in quarterly or assessment jaar Julie 1963 tot 30 Junie monthly rates from due date if not paid instalments The last payment op die waarde van verbeterings ge to be due and payable on within thirty (30) days or before the 1st bruik vir woongoeleindes of vir duel April 1964 eindes wat nie betrekking het nie op P: RUDO NELL nterest at the rate of 7 per cent per mynbedrywighede op grond wat Town Clerk annum will be charged on all rates levied onder lisensie of enige ander myn Municipal Offices for the current year not paid an or before titel gehou word om te dell of te Boksburg 3rd July 1963 the 30th June 1964 prospekteer vir edele metale en edete (No 74) Notice is further given that sewerage gesteentes of onedcle metale soos dit charges in terms of the tariff of charges voorkom op die Waarderingslys promulgated under Administrators Notice MUNSPALTET ORKNEY No 785 dated the 6th November Kragtens artikel 20 van die Plaaslike are due and payable concurrently with Bestuur Belastingordonnansie 1933 n ekstra addisionele belasting"assessment rates on the above dates van EENDOMSBELASTNG EN R100L drie en nege twaalfdes sent (3/c) FOOE C E D OTTE in die rand (RD vir die Lear 1; Julie Acting Town Clerk 1963 hit 30 Judie 1964 op die Administrative Offices terreinwaarde van grond gehou dew Kennisgewing geskied hiermeeclat onder Orkney lth July 1963 worpeman Kragonderneming goedkeuring bidne die van die Administraenige (Notice No 25/1963) Munisipaliteit Boksburg soos dit tear die onderstaande belastings op die voorkom op die Waarderingslys waarde van belasbare eiendorn" binne die magsgebied van die Stadsraad soos in die STADSRAAD VAN ERMELO Al die bogenoemde belastings is verskul Waarderingslys nou van krag aangetoon dig REGLEMENT VAN ORbE en betaalbaar op die volgende wyse: deur die Raad gehef is in terme van die PlaaslikeBestuurBelastingordonnansieNo Helfte van die totale bedrag wat vir Ooreenk dieb r A soos gewysig ten opsige van omstig epa ings van rtikel skuldig is moet op Woensdag van 25 Sep die boekjaar 1 Julie 1963 tot 30 Junte van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike timber 1963 betaal word die balans : Besttiur 1939 soos gewyiig word hiermee moet op Woerlsdag 18 Maart 1964 naainnt kennis gegee dat die Stadsraad van Ermelo beard word (a) n Oorspronklike belasting van 1se in van voorneme is oat in Reglement van Orde die rand (R) op die terreinwaarde aan te ne n enige geval waar die belastings wat m van grond geleb sons hierbo vir hierinee opgele is nie voor dertig (30) daea Afskrifte van die voorgestelde nuwe Re van die vervaldag af betaal is nie sal rente meld: lement van Order le vir insae beskikbaar (b) nactoisionele belasting van 444:c in gehef word teen sewe persent (7%) per jeer by die kantoor van die ondergetekende vir die rand (R1) op die terreinwaarde op agterstallige eiendomsbelasting bereken ta tydperkvan eeden twintig (21)clae vanaf van grond geled sons hiertm vermeld van die vervaldatum af die datum van die eerste publikasie hiervan (c) n Belasting van lc in die rand (R) Enige besware mod skriftelik by die kantoor van die ondergetekende ingedienword P RUDO NELL op die waarde van verbeterings sons Stadsklerk hierbo vermeld binne die tydperk genoem in die vooraf Stadhuis 6 Bogenoemde belasting is as yolg betaal gaande paragraaf ; Boksburg 3 Julie 1963 baar: / 1 VAN JONDER L K AV (10 74) y r 141cc(016e / (a) Wat betref een helfte op 1 Oktober Waarnemende Stadsklerk 1963 Die Stadhuis 4 1 (b) Wat betref die orige helftc op Ermelo 9 Julie \0 TOWN COUNCL OF i30 aburo April 1964 UR ( (Kennisgewing No 33/63) Belastiubetalers wat verkies bm belas NOTCE OF ASSESSMB/ T RATE tings en riool fooie in kwartaalikse of TOWN COUNCL OF 9 ERMELO Ymaandelikse paaiernente te betaal kan aides met die Stadstesourier reel mits dat die STANDNG ORDERS Notice is hereby given that the following laaste bctaling verskuldig en betaalbaar sal rates on the value of rateable property wets op of voor 1 April 1964 Notice is hereby given in terms of Secwithin the Municipality of Boksburg as tion 96 of the Local Government Ordinance appearing on Abe Valuation Roll have been Recite bereken teen 7 persent per jaar 1939: as amended that the Town Council imposed by the Council of the Municipality word op alle belastings wat vir die huidige of Ermelo intends to adopt Standing Orders in terms of the Local Authorities Rating finansiele jaar gehef word en nie voor of Copies of the proposed new Standing Ordinance 1933 viz op 30 Junie 1964 betaal is nie geverg Orders are open for inspection at the office An oriainal rate of five twelfths of a Kenisgewing geskied hiermee verder dat of the undersigned for a period of twenty cent ( / c) in the rand (R) for the riool Mole in terme van die Tarief van one (21) days from the date of the first year 1st July 1963 to 30th June Fooie afgekondig onder Administrateurs publication hereof 1964 on site value of land within the kennisgewing No 785 gedateer 6 Novem Any objections to the proposed new Municipality as appearing in the ber 1957 verskuldig en betaalbaar is gelyk Standing Orders must reach the undersigned Valuation Roll tydig met eiendomsbelasting op bogemelde in writing within the period mentioned in datums the preeedingparagraph! i 2 An additional rate of four and raven : C:&13 OTTE ) = twelfths cents (47/ c)" in the fend VAN TONDEZ WaariemencleStadsklerk Acting Town Clerk (RH for the year 1st July 1963 to 30th June 1964 on the site value Administratiewe Kantoor Town Hall of land within the MuniciplilitY as Orkney 11 Julie 1963 Ermeld 9th July" appearing in the Valuation ROL (Kennisgewing No 25/ 1963J (Nritice N 33/63) "

42 1964 on the site value of land within used on erven in Use Zone No the Municipalitfas where objection to the amendment and may notify appearing on the such erven are situated io Height Zone No the Town Clerk in writing of such avaluationroll;:to Wee become due and has defined in Table B oficlausen24 of the payable tion and of the grounds thereof at any time as to one and a quarter said TownplanningScheme!L: : up to andincluding ffid 22nd Augirit cents (13c) on the th Octoberolg63: ithe effect of the proposed amendment : r1 and as : tothe remaining one and a would berto F:STAYLOR restrict the usei:of the ground 41 rip 4 J vs a 101JawnrClerk 1964 Municipal Offices 2; shops offices and professional apartments 4 Benoni 3rd July p :1 " 2 it i 1 1 :caz ksrxrvol9 PROVNSALEThERANT 17 JULE 1963 " 130 STADSRAAD VAN VANDERBJL (c) Subject to the approval of the Particulars of the proposed amendments PARK Administrator a further additional may be inspected at Rooth No 37 Muoicirate of one and seventwelfths Cents pal Offices Kempton Park for a period of KENNSGEWNG VAN BELASTNG (11 /c) in the rand (R) for the year six weeks from 3rd July st July 1963 to 30th June 1964 Riermee word kennis gegee dat die on the site value of Every land within the owner or occupier of immovable onderstaande belasting op die waarde vanmunicipality property as appearing on the situated within the area to which belasbare eiendom binne die Munisipali ValuatioeRoll to become this due and scheme applies shall have the right teit soos dit in die Waarderingslys of objecting voor payable as to nineteen twentyfourths to the proposed amendments and may : notify the Town Clerk in writing kom kragtens die Plaaslike BestuurBelas of a cent ("/ c) on the 15th October tingordonnansie of such objections and the 1933 soos gcwysig deur 1963 and as to the remaining rounds therefor die Stadsraad van Vanderbijlpark gehef is nineteen twentyfourths of a cent up to and including 16th Augustg 1963 naamlik: (/ c) on the 15th Apnl 1964 F W PETERS (a) n Oorspronklike belasting van vyf n any case where the rates hereby Town Clerk twaalfdes Municipal Office van n sent ( /c) in die imposed arc not paid on the due dates Pine rand (R) Avenue ten opsigte van die jaar 1 interest will be charged at the rate of seven (PO Box 13) Julie 1963 tot 30 Junie 1964 op die Per tun (7%) per annum terreinwaarde Kempton Park 28th June 1963 van grond binne die By Order of the Council (Notice No 37/1963) Munisipaliteit soos dit in die Waar 17 deringslys vo orkom waarvan vyf L S CAMPBELL vierentwintigstei van n sent (/ c) Acting Clerk TownSTADSRAAD VAN BENON op 15 Oktober 1963 en die orige PO Box 3 vyf vierentwintigstes van n sent Vanderbijlpark 11th July 1963 KENNSGEWNG No 74 VAN 1963 (/c) op 15 April 1964 verskuldig (Notice No 60/1963) en betaalbaar is DORPSAANLEGSKEMA: VOOR (b) n Addisioncle belasting van twee en STADSRAAD VAN KEMPTON GESTELDE PARK WYSGNG No 1/30 n halwe sent (21c) in die rand (R) ten opsigte van die jaar 1 Julie 1963 Daar word hierby vir algemene inligting tot 30 Junie 1964 op die terrein DORPSAANLEGWYSGNGSKEMA ingevolge die Regulasies opgestel kragtens waarde van grond binne die Munisi No 1/8 die Dorpe en Dorpsaanleg Ordonnansie paliteit soos dit in die Waarderings 1931 soos gewysig bekendgemaak dat die lys voorkom waarvan eon en n Stadsraad van Benoni voornemens is om n kwart sent (13c) op 15 Oktober Hierby word vir algemene inligting wysiging in die Benoni dormanlegskema 1963 en die singe een en n kwart ingevolge die bepalings van die Dorpe en No 1 van 1948 aan te bring deur die sent (tic) op 15 April 1964 vet Dorpsaanleg Ordonnansie No van 1931 restant van Erf No 2653 hoek van Hoof skuldig en betaalbaar is soos gewysig bekendgemaak dat die Stads rifwep en Russelstraat dorpsgebied Benoni (c) Onderhewig aan die goedkeuring van raad van Kempton Park voornemens is om her in te deel na spesiale " gebruik vir Sy Edele die Administrateur sy Dorpsaanlegskema No 1 van soos algemene woondoeleindes met voorsiening verdere addisionele belasting van gewysig verder to wysig deur die skema vir die oprigting van woonhuise in onafge eon en sewetwaalfdes sent (1712c) in klousules te vcrander met betrekking tot die bloke rye die rand (R) ten opsigte van die doeleines d waaroor geboue opgerig CO Besonderhede van hierdie wysiging sal jam Julie vir 1963 tot 30 Junie1964 gebruik mag word op erwe in Gebruik streek No waar sodanige erwe glee n tydperk van is ses weke met ingang 10 op die terreinwaarde van grond H Julie 1963 by die 1 atestreek No1 soos omskryf in Kantoor van die Stadsbinne die Munisipaliteit sobs dir in la ; mgenteur Munisipale din Tabel E van Klousule 24 van genoemde Kantor; Benoni Waarderingslys ter voorkoni waar Dorpsaanlegskema insae 18 van negentien vierentwintigstes van n sent ("/ c) op 15 Oktober 1963 Die uitwerking van die voorgestelde wysinom of eienaar van vasteelen a ederebewoner en die orige negentien gen% vieren ging is dal die gebruik van die grondvervan in die gebted want die Skema twintigstes van n sent ("/ c) op toepassing 15 dieping van geboue op sodanige erwe is het die reg om teen die w April ysiging 1964 verskuldig en betaalbaar opgerig beperk word tot winkels kantore oeswaar te maak en kan te eniger is en professioncle kantore tyd tot en met 22 Augustus 1963 die Stadsklerk skriftelik van sodanige besware en ndien die belasting wat hierby gehef Besonderbede van die voorgestelde wysi die monde daarvoor verwittig word nic op die vervaldatums betaal is pings sal gedurende normale kantoorure in ale sal dear rente teen sewe persent (7%) Kamer No 37 Munisipale Kantoor Kemp F S TAYLOR van jaar per gehef word ton Park ter insae li vir n tydperk Stadsklerk ses (6) weke van 3 Julie 1963 af Munisipale Kantore Op las van die Rand ledere eienaar Benoni 3 Julie 1963 of okkupeerder van vaste LS CAMPBELL : eicndom plea binne die gebied waarop die Waarnemende Stadsklerk skema van toepassing is het die reg om Posbus 3 beswaar te maak teen die voorgestelde TOWN COUNCL OF BENON Vanderbijlpark 11 Julie 1963 wysiging en kan lot en met 16 Augustus (Kennisgewing No 60/1963) 1963 die Stadsklerk skriftelik van sodanige fbesware en die redes daarvoor in kennis NOTCE No 74 OP 1963 TOWN COUNCL OF VANDERBUL stel Ataee ktopalk c i F W PETERS TOWN PLANNNG SCHEME: NOTCE OF RATE Munisipale Kantoor Pinelaan ` t Stadsklerk PROPOSED AMENDMENT No 1/30 ;4Niatiettieherebyt given that t e following (Posbus13) t is beteby notified for general iites informa on the Value of futeab e property : KemjnoliPark281Jultie 8963n oto tion in terms of :the tregulations: framed within the Municipality as appearing on (Kennisgewing No 37/1963) under the Townships and Townplanning the Valuation Roll have been imposed by Ordinance 1931 as amended that the the Town Council of Vanderbijlpark in Town Council of Benoni intends making an terms of the Local Authorities Rating TOWN COUNCLOF KEMPTON amendment to the Berioni Town planning Ordinance 1933 as amended: PARK Scheme No 1 of 1948 by rezoning the (a) An original rate for the year remaining extent 1st of Erf No: "" 2653 corner July 1963 to 30th of the June Main 1964 of Reef Road andrusselstreet five TOWN PLANNNG AMENDMENT Benoni Townshi to " Special " twelfths of a cent (3/ c) in the P p use for rand (R) on the site value SCHEME No 1/8 general of land residential purposes with provision within the Municipality as appearing for the erection of dwellinghouses in on the Valuation Roll to :" become continuous blocks t is hereby notified for general in 1 due and orma payable as to five twenty lion in terms of the provisions of the Particulars of this amendment may be fourths of a cent (tc)on the 15th Townships and Townplanning Ordinance inspected at the Office of the ToWn Engi October 1963 and as to the No 11 of 1931 as amended that the Town neer Municipal Offices Benoni for a remaining five twentyfourths of a Council of Kempton Park intends further period of six weeks from the 10th July cent (1 c) on the 15th April 1964 amending its Townplanning Scheme No 1963 (b) An additional rate of two and a half of 1952 as amended by revising the scheme Every occupier or owner of cents (240 hi immovable the rand (R1) for the clauses in so far as they affect the purposes property situated within the year area to which 1st July 1963 to 30th June for which buildings may be erected and the Scheme applies shall have the right of : quarter cents (+C) oiithe 15th April floor of buildings erected on suchaerven to 4 41

43 pi PROVNCAL CALM iii 17 JULY MUNSPAL1TET DELAREYVLLE BeSonderliede van lierdie wysiging le ses (b) An additional three and one third weke lank vanaf datum van hierdiekennis cents (Mc) in the rand (R) on site EENDOMSBELASTNG 1963/64 gewing by die Read se Hoofkantoor Boa value of land: manstraat 320 Pretoria ter insae Assessment Rates are payable on or before Kennisgewing geskied hiermee ingevolge Besware teen of vertob in verband met 31st October 1963 nterest at the rate bf die bepalings van die PlaaslikeBest die wysiging kan skriftehlt aan die onder 7 per cent per annum will be charged on Belastingordonnansie No 20 van 1933 sods getekende gerig word op enige tydstip man all unpaid rates after the mentioned date gewysig dat die onderstaande belastings op in elk geval nie later as 30 Augustus 1963 and legal proceedings may be instituted die waarde an belasbare eiendom binne nie against any defaulters die Munisipale Gebied van Delareyville H B PHLLPS By Order of the Council detir die Raad gehef is ten opsigte van die Sekretaris/Tesourier boekjaar 1 :Julie 1963 tot 30 Junie 1964: Posbus S ROELOFFZE (a) n Oorspronklike belasting van Pretoria 17 Julie 1963 Town Clerk Municipal sent in die rand (R1) op die (Kennisgewing No 118/1963) Breyten Officesuly 9th J 1963 liggingswaarde van grond (b) n Addisionele belasting van 25 sent (Advertisement No 25/56) in die rand (R) op die liggings PERURBAN AREAS HEALTH waarde van grand; BOARD (c) n Ekstra addisionele belasting van STADJOHANNESBURG sent in the rand (R) op die PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE liggings waarde van grond under BOARDS PRETORA REGON VOORGESTELDE WYSGNG VAN DE hewig aan die goedkeuring van die TOWN PLANNNG SCHEME DORPSAAN JOHANNESBURGSE Administrateur (AMENDNG SCHEME No 19) LEGSKEMA No (WYSGNG (d) n Belasting van 020 sent in die rand SKEMA No /108) (R) op die waarde van verbeterings n terms of the regulations framed under the Townships and Townplanning Ordi Mennisgcwing ingevolge die bepalings van Bogenoemde belasting is verskuldig en nance 1931 it is hereby notified for general Artikel 35 van die Dome en Dorpsbetaalbaar op 1 Julie 1963 en nie later den aanleg Ordorinansie 1931) information that the PeriUrban Areas 30 September 1963 nie Health Board proposes to amend its Alle eiendomsbelasting wat na did Pretoria Region Town planning Scheme as D Stadsraad van Johannesburg is vent datums onbetaald bly is onderworpe aan nemens om sy Dorpsaanlegskema follows: No1 to rente teen die koers van 7% (sewe persent) per jaar PENAARWaterkloof Ridge Township wysig deur voorbehoudsbcpaling (x) by The den klousule 16 (a) te wysig sity zoning of Erf No 190 Waterkloof crdie wysiging sal meebring dat Stadskierkopted Ridge to be amended from "one dwelling ie gedeelte van Gedeelte 1 van per sting erf " to "one dwelling per verenigde Delareyville 3 Julie sq ft" Erf No Riviera waarvan die indeling algemene woondocleindes" is n (Kennisgewing No 26/ 1963) Particulars of these amendments are sesverdiepingwoonstelgebou met n dekking open for inspection at the Boardi Head van 20 perseot in pleas van twee w000stel Office 320 Bosman Street Pretoria for a geboue van onderskeidelik drie en vier MUNCPALTY OF DELAREYVLLE period of six weeks from date hereof verdiepings met n dekking van 40 persent Objections to or representations in eon opgerif kan word en dat sekere boulyne nection with the amendment may be sub ook gewysig sal word ASSESSMENT RATES 1963/64 mitted in writing to the undersigned at any August time Besonderhede vans hierdie wysiging le ses but not later than 30th 1963 woke lank vanaf endergenoemde datum in Notice is hereby given in terms of the 1 H B PHLL1PS" Kamer No 423 Stadhuis Johanneiburg ter provisions of the Local Authorities Rating Secretary/Treasnrer nsae ledere bewoner of eienaar van vaste Ordinance No 20 of 1933 as amended PO Box 1341 eiendom wat in die gebied waarop die thatethe following rates have been imposed Pteteria17th July;1963 Skema van toceassintis gelee is het die on all rateable property in the Municipal (Notice No 118/1963) rag om teen die wysiging beswaar aan to Area of Dclareyville for the financial year token en kan te eniger tyd gedurende die 1st July 1963 to 30th June 1964: ses wake wat die besonderhede ter insae le MUNSPALTET VAN BREYTEN sy beswaar en die redes daarvoor skriftelik (a) An original rate of cent in by die Klerk van die Raad indica the rand (RE on the site value of EENDOMSBELASTNG 1963/64 land ROSS BLANE (b) An additional rate of 25 cents in Kennisgewing geskied hiermee ingevolge Klerk van die Read! the rand (R) on the site value of die bepalings van die PlaaslikeBestuur Stadhuis land Belastingordonnansie No 20 van 1933 Johannesburg 19 Junie 1963 (c) An extra aditional rate of coos gewysig dat die Dorpsraad van Breycent in the rand (R) on the site ten die volgende belastings op belasbare CTY OF JOHANNESBURG value of land subject to the Admi eiendom in die Munisipale Gebied van nistrators approval Breyten ache( het vir die finansiele jaar PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO JOHAN (d) A rate of 020 cent in the rand (R) 1963/64: NESBURG TOWN PLANN1NG on the value of improvements SCHEME No (AMENDNG (a) n Oorspronklike belasting van vyf The above mentioned rates are due and twaalfde sent (3/12e) in die rand (RE SCHEME No 1/108) payable on the 1st July 1963 but not later op verbeterings (Notice in terms of Section 35 of the than 30th September 1963 (b) n Bykomende belasting van drie en Townships and Townplanning Ordi All assessment rates remaining 11 unpaid derde sent (Mc) in dierand (RD Dance 1931) after the dates when they become payable op die liggingswaarde van grond The City Council of Johannesburg shall be subject to interest at the rate of Alle belastings is verskuldig en betaal in amend its Town planning 7% (seven per cent) per annum : 21 bear vooncof op731 Oktober ;1963 Rente proposes No by amending proviso (x) to 1 H J PENAAR teen 7 persent per teat is betaalbaar op alle clause 16 (a) Acting Town Clerk agterstallige bedrae wat nie op genoemde datum vereffen is nie en geregtelike steppe The effect of the amendment would be to Delareyville 3rd July1963 kan sunder meer teen wanbetalers ingestet permit on the " general residential" part of (Notice No 26/1963) word Portion of consolidated Lot No Riviera Township a six storey flat building Op las van die Raad at 20 per cent coverage instead of two flat GESONDHE1DSRAAD VA BUTTE H S ROELOFFZE buildings of respectively three and four STEDELECE GEBEDE Stadsklerk storeys at 40 per cent coverage and to Munisipale kantore amend certain buildinglines Breyten 9 Julie 1963 VOORGESTELDE WYSGNG VAN DE Particulars of this amendment are open ) 25/56 No PRETORA STREECDORPSAANLEG (Advertensiefor inspection at Room No 423 Municipal SKEMA (WYSGNG No 19): Offices Johannesburg for a period of six weeks from the undermentioned date MUNCPALTY OF BREYTEN Every occupier or owner of immovable iliermee word kragtens dieregulasies wat ASSESSMENT RATES property situate within the area to which 1963/64 ingevolge die Dome en Dorpsaanlegordon the Scheme applies has the right to object to nansie 1931 uitgevaardig is bekendgemaak the amendment and may inform the Clerk dat die Gesondheidsraad vir BuiteStedelike Notice is hereby given in terms of the of the Council in writing of such objection Gebiede voornemens is om sy Pretoria provisions of the Local Authorities Rating and the grounds thereof at any time during Streeksdorpsaanlegskema soon volg te Ordinancie No 20 of 1933 as amended the six weeks the particulars are open for wysig: that the Village Council of Breyten im!wph tiqn : f! 1 fraterkfoor Riilgu dorpsabie prises d= Dle the follovfingl rates on allr rateable; ni ew :top A 1 :ROSS!BLANE / digtheidsbestemming *an Erf No property within theryear1963/64maniely: 1900 Clerk of the Council WaterkloOf Ridge verander te word van (a)an original rate of fivetwelfths cent MuhicipaltOfhteS 5f " 41 ; ij 117 den wdbnhuis per bestaande ed " tarn: :ve/23o in7 the rand RE onlnrirove nhannesburg 19th June;; 1963 Fen woonhuis per vit% vt70 ii 17 enema: iv oes " if q` c " " ; u

44 132 PROVNSALECOERANT 17 JULE 1963 DORPSRAAD VAN BEDFORDVEW Een helfte van bogenoemde belasting is STADSRAAD VAN BOKSBURG verskuldig en betaalbaar op 4 Oktober 1963 en die orige helfte op 4 April 1964 WAARDERNGSLYS VOORGESTELDE WYSGNG VAN Rente teen 6 peisent per jaar sal bern!bedfordvewse DORPSAANLEG DE baar wets op alle verskuldigde bedrae wat Kennis word hiermee gegee dat die SKEMA No 1/1948 op 4 Oktober 1963 en 4 April 1964 onbe Waarderingslys genoem in Kennisgewing mai is en geregtelike stappe kan sonder No 42 van 5 April 1963 ingevolge die WYSGNG SKEMA No 1/9 meet teen enige wanbetalers gedoen word bepalings van Plaaslike Bestuur Belasting J C DE BEER ordonnansie 1933 soos gewysig voltooi en Stadsklerk gesertifiseer is en dat dit vasgcstel en Kennisgewing gcskied hiermee ingevolge Munisipale Kan:ore bindend gemaak word sir alle betrokke Artikel 35 Van die Dorpe en Dorpsaan Zeerust 9 Julie 1963 partyc wat nie binne ten maand vanaf die legordonnansie No 11 van 1939 sons efinisgewing No 13/63) datum van die cerste publikasie van hierdie gewysig dat die Dorpsraad van Bedford kn kennisgewing teen die beslissing van die view voornemens is cm sy Dorpsaanleg TOWN COUNCL OF ZEERUST Waarderingshof appelleer nie op die wyse skema No 1/1948 te wysigsoos in die genoemde Ordonnansie bepaal Die doel van hierdie wysiging is om ASSESSMENT RATES 1963/64 Op las van die President van die Hof Artikel 22 (b) buigsaam te maak P RUDO NELL Besonderhede van hierdie wysiging sal Notice is hereby given in terms of Stadsklerk vir n tydperk van ses lecke vanaf ender Section 24 of the Local Authorities Rating Stadhuis gernelde datum in die kantoor van die Ordinance No 20 of 1933 as amended Boksburg 10 Julie 1963 Stadsklerk Bedfordview vir insae 16 that the following rates have been imposed (No 78) Leclerc bewoner of eienaar van vaste wat binne die gebied waarop die BOKSBURG f eiendom on rateable properties within the Munici l Area of Zcerust for the financial year Jul 1963 to 30th June 1964: tie skema van toepassing is geled is het die 1st y 4* ilytmcoonclof npas 6ZC4 reg om teen die voorgestelde wysiging (a) An original rate of 1 cent in the \ VALUATON ROLL 1 pi beswaar te maak en mag te enige tyd rand (R) on the site value of land \ gedurende die ses weke wat die besonder (b) An additional rate of 21 cents in the Notice is hereby given that the Valuationa hede vir insae 16 sy besware en cedes daar rand (R) on the site value of land Roll referred to in Notice No 42 of the1 voor skriftelik by die Stadsklerk indien (c) Subject to the approval of the 5th April 196} has been completed and H VAN N FOUCHEE Administrator a further additional certified in accordance with the provisions Stadsklerk rate of 31 cents in the rand (R) on of the Local Authorities Rating Ordinance the site value of land 1933 as amended and will become fixed Munisipale Kantore Bedfordview 3 Julie 1963 Onehalf of the above ratetbecomes due and binding upon all parties concerned who and payable on the 4th October 1963 and shall not within one month from the date the remaining half on the 4th April 1964 of the first publication of this notice appeal nterest at 6 per cent per annum will be against the decision of the Valuation Court VLLAGE COUNCL OF payable on all amounts which have become in the manner provided in the said BEDFORD VEW due but arc unpaid on the 4th October Ordinance 1963 and 4th April 1964 and summary By Order of the President of the Court PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE legal proceedings may be taken against any P RUDO NELL TOWN PLANNNG SCHEME i OF defaulters " Town J ODE BEER Clerk BEDFORDVEW Ng 1/1948 Municipal Offices Town Clerk Boksburg 10th July1963 Municipal Offices (No 78) 467 AMENDMENT SCHEME 1724 No 1/9 Zeerust9th July 1963 (Notice No 13/63) : " Notice is hereby given in terms 1 of Sec MUNSPALTE1T WTBANK tion 35 of the Townships and Town MUNSPALTET WOLMARANS TUSSENTYDSE WAARDERNGSLYSTE planning Ordinance No 11 of 1939 as STAD VR DE TYDPERK amended that the Village Council of Bed The purpose of this amendment is to Kragtans die bepalings van Arad 14 fordviaw intends to amend its Town WAARDERNGSLYS; 1963/66 DREJAARLKSE WAARDERNGSLYS planning Scheme No 1/1948 VR enable Section 22 (b) to become flexible van die PlaaslikeBestuurBelastingordon Kennisgewing geskied hiermee dat die nansie No 20 van 1933 word kennis Driejaarlikse Waarderingslys vir en Particulars of this amendment are open gegee dat die nuwe Waarderingslys 1963/ die Tussentydse Waardenngslyste vir die for inspection at the Town Clerks Office 66 van alle belasbare ciendom binne die Bedfordview for a period of six tydperk non voltool en gesertifiseer weeks Munisipale Gebied van Wolmaransstad from the undermentioned date: is ooreenkomstig die bepalings van die voltooi en ingevolge die bepalings van PlaaslikeBestuur Belastingordonnansiej No Every occupier or owner of immovable bogenoemde Ordonnansie gesertifiseer is 20 van 1933 soos gewysig en dat dit vasproperty situate within the area to which the Dit sal van toepassing en bbdend word op gestel en bindend sal Wees op alle betrokke scheme applies has the right to object to alle betrokkc party wat nie voor die 19de persone wat nie voor of op 20 Augustus the amendment and may inform the Town dag van Augustus 1963 op die wyse soos 1963 teen die beslissing van die Waardasie Clerk in writing of such objection and the bepaal deur die genoemde Ordonnansie hof in terme van die bepalings van die grounds thereof at any time during the six teen die beslissing van die Waarderingshof genoemde Ordonnaniie appelleer nie weeks the particulars are open for inspection appelleer nie J D B STERN H VAN N FOUCHEE Op las van die President van die Hof Klerk van die Hof Town Clerk J A ROMER Munisipale Kantore Municipal Offices Witbank 5 Julie 1963 Sta ledskrk Bedfordview 3rd July Julie 1963 (Kennisgewingnommer 20/1963) MUNCPALTY OF WOLMARANS MUNCPALTY OF WTBANK STADSRAAD VAN ZEERUST STAD NTERM VALUATON ROLLS FOR VALUATON ROLL THE PEROD /66 EENDOMSBELASTNG 1963/64 Notice is hereby given in terms of TRENNAL VALUATON ROLL FOR Section 14 of the Local Authorities Rating Kennisgewing geskied hiermee ooreen Ordinance No 20 of 1933 to all persons komstig Notice is hereby given die bepalings van that the Artikel 24 van Triennial interested that the new Valuation Roll Valuation Roll for and the die PlaaslikeBestuur Belastingordonnaosie nterim 1963/66 of all rateable pioperty situate No 20 Valuation Rolls for the period van 1933 soos gewysig dat die within the Municipal Area of Wolmarans have now been completed and certified onderstaande belasting op die waarde van in clad has been completed and certified in accordance with the provisions of the belasbare eiendomme binne die Munisipale Local accordance with the provisions of the Authorities Rating Ordinance No 20 Gebied van of Zeerust deur die Raad gehef Local Authorities Rating Ordinance No 1933 as amended and that it will become is ten opsigte van die boekjaar 1 Julie of 1933 and will become fixed and fixed and binding upon all parties concerned tot 30 Junie 1964: binding upon all parties concerned who who shall not on or before the 20th August (a) n Oorspronklike belasting van 1 sent shall not before the 19th day of August 1963 appeal against the decision of the in die rand (R) op terreinwaarde 1963 appeal against the decision of the Valuation Court in the manner provided (b) n Addisionale belasting: van 21 sent Valuation Court in the manner provided in the said Ordinance in die rand (R) op terreinwaarde by the said Ordinance J D B STEYN (c) Onderheivig aan die gbedkeuring van By Order of the President of the Court Clerk of the Court 411 die Administrateur n verdere addi J A BOUWER Municipal Offices sionele belasting van 31 sent in die Town Clerk Witbank 5th July ; 1968: rand (R1) op terreinwaarde 11th July (Notice No 20/1963) oci 4

45 verskyn i ltr;r 1Vt PROVNCAL GAZETTE 17 JULY 1963 \s / \0 MUNSPALTET WTRVER indeling van Standplaas No 5168 Gillwell :; MUNCPALTY OF PETERSBURG ); weg 6 Benodi Uitbreiding No 17 te wysig )1 a EENDOMSBELASTNG van spesiale woongebied" na algemene 1! ASSESSMENT RATES 1963/64 / \ woongebied" Besonderhede van hierdie wysiging sal vir Notice is hereby given that subject to Kennisgewing geskied hiermee ooreen n tydperk van ses weke met lupin 10 the approval of His Honourable the komstig die PlaaslikeBestuurBelasting Julie 1963 by die Kantoor van die Stads Administrator in terms of the provisions of ordonnansie No 20 van 1933 sons gewysig ingenieur Munisipale Kantore Benoni ter Section S (5) of the Local Authorities dat die Munisipaliteit Witrivier die volgende Rating Ordinance No 20 of 1933 as insae le belasting vir de boekjaar Julie 1963 tot 30 edere bewoner of eienaar van vaste amended the following assessment rates are runic 1964 gehef het op die waarde van eiendom gelea in die gebied waar die Skema levied on the site value of all rateable alle belasbare eiendomme binne die Munisi van toepassing is het die reg om teen die properties within the Municipal Area of pale Gebied van Witrivier volgens die wysiging beswaar te mask en kan te enigcr Pietersburg as appearing in the Valuation Waarderingslys: tyd tot en met 22 Augustus 1963 die Roll for the year 1st July 1963 to 30th (a) n Oorspronklike belasting van vyf Stadsklerk skriftelik van sodanige besware June 1964: twaalfdes van n sent (i c) in die en die gronde daarvoor verwittig (i) An original rate of 0417 cent in the rand (R) op alle liggingswaarde van F S TAYLOR rand (R) on the site value of land grond son dit op die Waardasielys Stadsklerk (ii) An additional rate of 25 cents in the verskyn Munisipale Kantore rand (R) on the site value of land (b) n Addisionele belasting van twee en Benoni 3 Julie 1963 (iii) A further additional sate of 1083 n halwe sent (23c) in die rand (R) cents in the sand (RDon411p site op alle liggings waarde van grond value of laiid soos dit op die Waardasielys verskyn TOWN COUNCL OF BENON The rates are due and payable an 1st (c) Onderhewig aan die goedkeuring van November 1963 and penalty interest at die Administrateur n verdere NOTCE No 73 oe 1963 addisionele belasting van twee en 7 per cent per annum will be charged in respect of all amounts not paid on this date eentwaalfde sent (2/ c) in die rand TOWN PLANNNG SCHEME: Ratepayers (R) op die liggingswaarde van die PROPOSED AMENDMENT No 1/29 in respect of the assessment rates referred grond sons dit op die Waardasielys to above are requested to communicate with t is hereby notified for general informa Treasureras the non receipt of Bogenoemde belasting; is verskuldig en lion in terms the Regulations framed of the Town betaalbaar op 15 Augustus 1963 Rente under the Townships and Townplanning accounts shall not exempt any person from liability for payment of such rates thatt teen 7 percent per jaar is betaalbaar op alle Ordinance 1931 as amended the own ill verskuldigde bedrae wat nie voor of op 31 Council of Benoni ntends making an J A BOTES Desember 1963 vereffen is nie en summiere amendment to the Benoni Townplanning Town Clerk geregtelike steppe kan solider meer teen Scheme No of 1948 by amending Stand Municipal Offices 1 0 No Gillwell Road Benoni Exten PO Box 111 wanbetalers ingestel "word sion No 17 Township froth "special Pietersburg 4th July H N LYNN residential" to " general residential Stadsklerk Particulars of this amendment may be Munisipale Cantore inspected at the Office of the Town DORPSRAAD VAN TZANEEN Witrivier 2 Julie 1963 Engineer Municipal Offices Benoni for a period of six weeks from the 10th July DREJAARLKSE WAARDERNGSLYS: 1963 TYDPERK JULE MUNCPALTY OF WHTE RVER TOT 40 Every occupier or owner of immovable JUNE 1966 s i A ` 1 property situated within the area to which 2P1 ; r o it: 7"7: VC154Cn"fig ( r: ASSESSMENT RATES the Scheme applies shall have the right of r objection to the amendment and May Kennisgewing ggskied hiermee ingeyolge t notify ;the Town dlett in writing of such die WePalings van Arlikel f14vali rdie Plans Notice is hereby given that the following objection anct of the grounds thereof at likebestuurbelastingordonnansie No 20 rates on the valuations of all rateable any time up to inirinchidirif the 22nd van 1933 soos gewysig dat bovermelde " Waarderingslys van alle belasbare eiendorn Property within the Municipal Area as August 1963 appearing in the Valuation Roll have been F S TAYLOR binne die regsgebiedvan die Dorpsraad van imposed by the Village Council of White Town Clerk Tzaneen deur die President van diewaar River in terms of the Local Authorities Municipal Offices deringshof gesertifiseer en onderteken is Rating Ordinance No 20 of 1933 as Benoni 3rd July Die oltooide waarderin s genoemde en vbindend gemaat virgslallye amended for the year 1st July 1963 to 30th word vasgestel betrokke partye wat nie voor 12 Augustus June; 1964: MUNSPALTE1T P1ETERSBURG (a) An original rate of five 1963 teen die beslissing van die Waardecent MA in the rand (R1) on all site EENDOMSBELASTNG 1963/64 ringshof op die wyse voorgeskryf deur twelfths of a 15 van gethoemde Ordormansie values of land as appearing in the appellee[ nie Valuation Roll Kennis word hiermee gegee dat behoudens 6 J VAN ROOVEN (b) An additional rate oftwo and a half die goedkeuring van Sy Edele die Admini Stadsklerk cents (21C) in the rand (RD on all straieur ingevolge die bepalings van Artikel site values of land as appearing in 18 (5) van die PlaaslikeBestuurBelasting Munisipale Kantore the Valuation Roll ordonnansie No 20 van 1933 soos gewystg Skirvingstraat (c) Subject to the approval of the die volgende eiendomsbelasting gehef word (Posbus 24) rate of two and one twelfth cents op die terreinwaardes van alle belasbare Tzaneen 1 Julie 1963 eiendomme gelea binne dip Munisipale Administrator a further additional 111 (212"c)n the rand (R) on the site Gebied van Pietersburg soos opgeneem in VLLAGE COUNCL OF TZANEEN value of land as appearing in the die Waarderingslys vir die boekjaar 1 Julie Valuation Roll 1 : 1963 wt30 Junie 1964: The above rates became due and payable (i) n Oorspronklike belastingvan 0417 TRENNAL VALUATON ROLL : on the 15th August 1963 nterest at the sent in die rand (R) op die terrein PEROD 1sr JULY 1963 TO 30Th rate mf 7 per cent per annum will be waarde van grond JUNE 1963 charged du all unpaid rates after 51st (ii) n Addisionele belasting van 2 5 sent December 1963 and summary legal in die rand (R) op die terrein Notice is hereby given in terms of the proceedings may be instituted against any waarde van grond provisiohs of Section 14 of the Local n Verdereiaddisionele belasting van Authorities Rating Ordinance No 20 of defaulters (iii) H N LYNN 1083 sent in die rand (R) op die 1933 as amended that the above mentioned Town Clerk terreinyraarde van grond Valuation Roll of all rateable property Municipal Offices Die belasting sal verskuldig en betaalbaar within the area of jurisdiction of the Village White River2nd July weer op 1 November 1963 en boeterente Council of Tzaneen have been certified and teen 7 percent per jaar sal gehef word op signed by the President of the Valuation bedrae wat op hierdie datum nog nie betaal Court The said completed Valuation Roll STADSRAAD VAN SEM/N will become fixed and binding upon all is nie concerned unless before the 12th es August KENN1SGEWNG No 73 VAN 4963 Belaitingbetakrs wat nie rekenings ten 1963 such parties appeal against opsigte van die belasting hierbo genoem the decision of the n Court in the DORPSA ANLEGSKEM A: VOOR ontvang nie word versoek om met die manner provided for by Section 15 of the GESTELDE WYSGNG No 1/29 Sladstesourier in verbinding te tree aansaid Ordinance gesien die nieontvangs van n rekening 0 J VAN ROOYEN Daar word hierby vir algemene int:fling niemand van aanspreeklikheid vir die ingevolge die Regblasies opgestel kragtens betaling van sodanige belasting vrywaar nie Town Clerk Municipal Offices 4 " " die Dorpc em DorpsaanlegOrdonnansie 0 J A AB0 ES ineing Street : 1931 soos gewysig bekendgemaak dat die tadisklerk Stadsraadvan Benoni vuornemens is om n Stadskantore (PO Box Beep 24) st July 1963 r wysiging in die Benoni t dorpsaanlegskema iposbps LL Tza No 1 van 1948man te bring" deur die ;:;Pietersburg 4 Julie

46 134 PROVTSALEKOERANT 17JULg V STADSRAAD VAN LCHTENBURG CTY OF JOHANNESBURG STADSRAAD VAN BOKSBURG EENDOMSBELASTNG 1963/1964 PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO VERORDENNGE: WYSGNG VAN JOHANNESBURG TOWN PLANNNG WATERTAREF Kennisgewing geskied hiermee dat onder SCHEME No 1 (AMENDNG hewig aan die goedkeuring van die SCHEME No 1/110) Daar word ingevolge die bepalings van Administrateur die Stadsraad van Lichten (Notice in terms of Section 35 of the Artikel 96 van die Ordonnansie op Pleasburg kragtens die bepalings van die Townships and Townplanning Ordi like Bestuur 1939 soos gewysig bekend PlaaslikeBestuurBelastingordonnansie No nance 1931) gemaak dat die Stadsraad van voornemens 20 van 1933 soos gewysig die volgende is om die Eenvormige Watervoorsieningseiendomsbelasting vir die jaar 1 Julie 1963 The City Council of Johannesburg verordeninge te wysig om voorsiening te tot 30 Junie 1964 gehef het: proses to amend its Townplanning maak vir n vermindering in die tarief van (a) n Oorspronklike belasting van 1c Scheme No 1 by rezoning Stands Nos 199 water wat vir huishoudelike doeleindes (eenhalwe sent) in die rand (R1) op and 200 Bellevue East from "general gebruik word die terreinwaarde van grand residential" to "general business" to permit Afskrifte van hierdie voorgestelde wysi (b) n Addisionele belasting van 21c the erection of six shops and two flats only Bing kennis (twee en n halfsent) in die rand (R1) on certain conditions gewn le vane( die datum van hierdie g 21 dac lank in Kamer No 7 op die terreinwaarde van grond Particulars of this amendment are open Eerste Verdieping Stadhuis Boksburg ter (c)nbelasting van lc (on seat) in die for inspection at Room No 207 Municipal insac en erligiemand wat teen die voorge rand (R1) op die waarde van vet Offices Johannesburg fair a period of six stclde wysiging beswanr wil opper moet sy l " beterings weeks from beswaar gedurende the die tydperk undermentioned date skriftelik by Bostaande my belasting indien is verskuldig en Every ()pannier or owner of immovable betaalbaar op 1 Julie 1963 en rente teen property "situate within the area to which P RUDO NELL sewe persent (7%) sal gevorder word op the Scheme applies has the right to object Stadsklerk allebedrae onbetaald op 15 November 1963 to the amendment and may inform the Clerk of the StadhuisBoksbu Boksburg 11 Council in writing of such Julie 1963 G F DU TOT objection and the grounds thereof at any (No 81) Stadskler Munisipale Kantore time during the six weeks the particulars Lichtenburg are TOWN COUNCL 10 Julie open for inspection OF 1963 BOKSBURG (Kennisgewingnornmer ) ROSS BLANE BYLAWS: Clerk of AMENDMENT TO the Council Municipal Offices WATER TARFF TOWN COUNCL OF LCHTENBURG Johannesburg 17th July 1963 t is hereby notified in terms of Section ASSESSMENT 96 RATES of the Local 1963/1964 Government Ordinance 1939 as amended that the Town Council Notice s hereby given that subject to GESONDHE1DSKOMTEE VAN proposes to amend the Uniform Water approval of the Administrator AMALA Supply By laws to make provision for a the Town Council of Lichtenburg has in terms reduction in the tariff of water used for of the provisions of the Local Government EENDOMSBE ASTNG L domestic purposes Rating Ordinance No 20 of 1933 as Copies of the proposed amendment will amended imposed the following assessment Kennisgewing geskied hiermee dat die be open for inspection at Room No 7 rates for the year 1st July volgendebelasting op 1963 die waardeflooroffices van alle First Municipal Boksburg the :30thune belasbare eiendomme binne die gebied van for 21 days from 1964: 1: tiii the date ef this notice and 14 un die Gesandheidskomitee van Amalia soos any person wishing to do so may (a) An oiiginal during rate of le (one hatf cect) dit voorkomc op die Waarderingslys deur this period lodge with the an objection in in the rand(121) on the site value of die Gesondheidskomitee opgele is kragtens writingt to the proposed land amendment Ordonnansie No 20 van 1933 vir die tyd (9) An additionsl rate of 23c (two and perk P 1 Julie 1962 tot 30 Junie1963: RUDO NELL; one half cent)ii the rand (R) on the Town :Clerk site value of land (40orspronklike belasting van 3/13 sent Municipal Offiaes (c) A rate of le (one cent) in die in rand (R) the rand [Andrei 18 (2)] Boksburg lth July ) on (R1) the value of improvements (b) Addisionele belasting van 23 sent in (No die Rand (R) [Artikel 18 (3)] The above rates are due and payable (c) Ekstra Addisionele belasting van lh on 1st July 1963 and interest at the /rate sent in die rand (Artikel 18 (5)) soos DORPSRAAD VAN FOCHVLLE of seven per roman (74) will be charged deur die Administrateur goedgekeur: on all amdunts outstanding on 15th Novem (d) Belasting van 3 sent in die rand (R) WYSGNG VAN VERORDENNGE ber 1963 op verbeterings [Artikel 18 (4)] G F DU TOT Elke persoon wat versuim om boge Kennisgewing geskied hicrmee ingevolge Municipal Town Clerk Artikel 96 die0 Offices noemde belasting te betaal op vervaldag rdonnansie op Plaaslike sal onderhewig wets aan Bestuur vanu wetlike vervolging No yea 1939 dat die Dorps Lichtenburg 10th July 1963 vir inhaling van die skuld Hierdie betas mad van voorneme is om die ondergemelde (Notice No 33/1963) ting is betaalbaar voor op op 30 Junk Verordeninge te herroep en te vervang met c 1963 nuwe Verordeninge: STAD JOHANNESBURG E KLOPPER Bouregulasies Sekretaresse Afskrifte van boonoemde le vir 21 dae VOORGESTELDE WYSGNG VAN DE Arnalia vanaf datum van hierdie kennisgewing by JOHANNESBURGSE DORPSAAN ondergetekende op kantoor ter insac en LEGSKEMA No 1 (WYSGNG HEALTH COMMTTEE OF AMALA moet besware daarteen indien enige SKEMA vow No 1/110) of op 16 Augustus 1963 skriftclik ingedien (CerinisgeWiiig iiig dyolgle diebelialingi vnri : ` word Artikel 35 van die Do ASSESSMENT RATES: me en Dorps P L J VAN RENSBURG aanleg Ordonnansie 1931) Sffidsklerk Kantore is hereby Notice given that the following Munisipale rates on the value of all rateable property Fochville 12 Julie 1963 Die Stadsraad van Johannesburg is voor within the area of the Health Committee (Kennisgewing No 22/63) nemens om sy Dorpsaaulegskema No te of Amalia as appearing on the wysig dour die indeling van Standplase Nos Valuation Roll have been levied by 199 en 200 the Health Com VLLAGE COUNCL OF FOCHVLLE BellevueOos op sekere voor mittee in terms of the Local waardes van algemene Government woondoeleindes" Ordinance No 20 of na 1933 for the period AMENDMENTS TO algemene BY besigheidsdoeieindes" te ver LAWS 1st July 1962 to ander 30th June 1963 soda: daar ses winkels en slegs twee Notice is hereby given in terms of Secwoonstelle opgerig kan word (a) An original rate of o cent in the rand (R) non 96 of [Section the Local Govertment 18 (11 Ordinance Besonderhede van hierdie wysiging le No 17 of 1939 that the ses (6) An additional rate of 2+ cents in the Council intends weke lank vanaf onderstaande to repeal datum in rand [Section 18 (3)] the following By laws and adopt Kamer No 207 Stadhuis Johannesburg ter the new By laws: (c) An extra additional rate of iv cents insae ledere bewoner of eienaar van vaste in the rand (R) [Section 18 (51 as Building Regulations eiendom wat in die gebied waarop die approved by the Administrator Copies of the abovenamed are open for Skema van toepassing is gelee is het die reg (d) A rate of } cent in the rand on im inspection at the om undersigned during teen die wysiging a beswaar aan te teken provements [Section 18 (4)] period of 21 days from en the date kan te eniger tyd of gedurende this die ses Assessment rates are payable on or before notice and objections if any against it weke wat die besonderhede ter insae le sy 30th June 1963 Every person neglecting must be lodged in writing beswaar on or en die before redes daarvoor skriftelik by to pay the abovementioned rates on day 16th August 1963 die Klerk van die Raad indic) ile7?bi/of payment wily be subject to ḻegal prose1 ; P L J VAN RENSBURG ROSS BLANE culion for redovery ofthe debt 1 i11: 1 : Klerk Town Clerk van die Raad E KLOPPER Municipal Office Stadhuis Secretary Fochville 12th July 1963: fla thannesburg 17 Julie 1963 Amalia (Notice No 22/63)

47 T 0 ) PROVNCAL GATETTE17 JULY STADSRAAD VAN VOLKSRUST verwys is in die kennisgewing in die Pro The above rates are payable in two equal Wad& Koerant van 15 Mei 1963 gehou instalments and must be paid on or before EENDOMSBELASTNG sal word in die Komitee Kamer Munisipale 30th September 1963 and 31st March d op Donderdag 25 Julie 1964 respectively Kennisgewing geskied hiermee dat die nterest at the rate of seven per cent Stadsraad van Volksrust kragtens die C19a6n3t00rem W43aormnbam (7%) per annum will be charged and shall J S VAN DER WALT bepalings van die Plaaslike Bestuur Belas be payable on all arrear amounts Stadsklerk tingordonnansie No 20 van 1933 soos Munisipale Kantor; P J CONRADE gewysig die volgende belastings op die Warmbad Tvl 9 Julie Town Clerk 1963 waardes volgens die Waarderingslys van (Notice No 41 of 1st July 1963) belasbare eiendomrne binne die Munisipale 429 MUNCPALTY OF WARMBATHS Gebied gehef het vir die finansiele jaar Julie 1963 tot 30 Junie 1964 naamlik : VALUATON COURT STADSRAAD VAN (1) n Oorspronklike belasting van 0417 WOLMARANSSTAD sent in die rand (R) op die liggings Notice is hereby given in terms of waarde van grond volgens die Section 13 of the Local Authorities Rating STANDAARD REGLEMENT VAN Waarderingslys Ordinance 1933 as amended that the First ORDE (2) n Addisionele belasting van 1458 Sitting of the Valuation Court to hear sent in die rand (R1) op die liggings objections against the nterim Valuation Kennis word hiermee gegee ingevolge die waarde van grand volgens die Roll referred to in the notice in theprovin bepalings van Artikel 96 van dieordonnan Waarderingslys dal Gazelle of the 15th May 1963 will be sie op Plaaslike Bestuur No 17 van 1939 (3) n Belasting van 0938 sent in die rand held in the Committee Room Municipal sops gewysig dat die Stadsraad van Wol (R) op die waarde van verbeterings offices Wermbaths on Thursday 25th maransstad van voornemens is om die volgens die Waarderingslys July 1963 at 430 pm Standaard Reglement van Orde soos by Administrateurskennisgewing No 357 van Een helfte van die bedrag van bogenoemde J S VAN DER WALT belasting is verskuldig en betaalbaar op 30 Town Clerk 29 Mei 1963 afgekondig aan te neem Municipal Offices J A BOUWER September 1963 en die ander helfte op 31 Maart 1964 Warmbaths 9th July Stadsklerk Rents teen 7 persent per jaar sal op alle Wolmaransstad 9 Julie 1963 agterstallige belastings betaalbaar weer MUNSPALTET NYLSTROOM TOWN COUNCL OF G BESTER WOLMARANSSTAD Stadsklerk EENDOMSBELASTNG STANDNG ORDERS Volksrust0 H Julie W19a6a3rnemcnde Hierby word ooreenkomstig die Plaaslike (No 11/1963) BestuurBelastingordonnansie No 20 van Notice is hereby given in terms of 1933 soos gewysig bekendgemaak dat die Section 96 of the Local Government Stadsraad van Nylsuoom onderhewig aan Ordinance No 17 of 1939 as amended; TOWN COUNCL OF VOLKSRUST die goedkeuring van die Administrateur die that the Town Councilof Wolmaransstad volgende belasting gehef het op die waarde ASSESSMENT RATES intends to adopt the Standing Orders van alle belasbare eiendomme binge die published under Administrators Notice No Munisipale Gebied van Nylstroom vir die 57 dated the 29th May 1963 Notice is hereby given that the following tydperk 1 Julie 1963 tot 30 Junie 1964: rates on the value of all rateable property (a) n Oorspronklike belasting van J A BOUWER 44 within the Municipality as appearing in the (0417) sent in die rand (R) OA Town C1 k F Wolmaransstad 9th July1963 ";46917 Valuation Roll have been imposed by the liggingswaardevanirond :: lir 1 TownCouncilof Volksrust in terms of the 0 (b) n Addisionele belastingvan 31(3333) STADSRAAD VAN PRETORA NOORD Local Authorities Rating Ordinance No 20 sent in die rand(r) op dieliggingsqf 1933 as amended for the financial year Waarde van grond 1st July 1963 to 30th June 1964 viz: (c) n Belasting van 1 (2) sent in die MUNSPALB KESERSLYS (1) An original rate of 0417 cent in the rand op die viaarde van tverbeterings Die aandag van persone wie se name nie rand (R) on the site value of land Genoemde belasting is betaalbaar in twee op die Munisipale Kieserslys verskyn nie as appearing in the Valuation Roll gelyke paaiemente en moet voor of op 30 word gevestig op die bepalings van Artikel (2) An additional rate of 1458 cents in September 1963 en 31 Maart 1964 onder 19 van die Munisipale Verkiesmgsordonnanthe rand (R) on the site value of skeidelik betaal word sie waarkragtens aansoek gedoen kan word land as appearing in the Valuation Rente teen sewe persent per laar by die ondergetekende op die voorgeskrewe word gehef en moet betaal word op alle vorms vir inskrywing op die Kieserslys Roll agterstallige bedrae Vorms is by die Klerk van die Read (3) A rate of 0938 cent in the rand (R) P CONRADE Stadsaal Vader Kestellpark Pretoria Noord on the value of all improvements as Stadsklerk verkrygbaar appearing in the Valuation Roll (Kennisgewing No 41 van Julie 1963) W H J BREYTENBACH 1 Stadsklerk The above rates will become due and payable as to one half of the amount on Munisipale Kantore the 30th September 1963 and as to the MUNCPALTY OF NYLSTROOM PretoriaNoord 28 Junie 1963 remaining half on 31st March 1964 (Kennisgewing 25/1963) nterest at die rate of 7 per cent per ASSESSMENT RATES TOWN COUNCL OF PRETORA annum will lie payable on all rates in ; NORTH arrear G H P BESTER Notice is hereby given in terms of the r Acting Town Clerk Local Authorities Rating Ordinance No 20 MUNCPAL VOTERS ROLL a of 1933 as amended that the Town Council yolksrust 5th July 1963 of Nylstroomm subject to the approval of Theattention of persons whose narnes do (No 11/1963) the Administrator has imposed the not appear on the Municipal Voters Roll following rates on the valuation of all is invited to the provisions of Section 19 Po rateable property within the MunicipalArea of the Municipal Elections Ordinance in MUNSPALTET WARMBAD of Nylstroom for the period 1st July 1963 terms of whic applicationundersigned prescribed forms WAARDERNGSHOF (a) An original rate of 1 (417) cent in Forms are obtainable from the Clerk of the rand (R) on the site value of the Council Town Hall Vader Kestell Park land Pretoria North Kennisgewing geskied hiermee ooreen (b) An additional rate of 34 (3333)cents W H J BREYTENBACH komstig die bepalings van Artikel 13 vanin the rand (R1) onthe site value of Town Clerk die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur 1933 land Municipal Offices soos gewysig dat die Eerste Sitting van die Waarderingshof om besware aan te hoot (c) A rate of ( 2) cent in the rand (R) Pretoria North 28th June 1963 teen die Tussentydse Waardasierol waama on the value of all improvements (Notice No 25/1963) KoopNasionale Spaarsertifikate : 4 rr Buy Nationa 1 g i " : Savin s 1 CeitificateSn""i Lv c 1 "110 n t ^; 1al

48 136 PROVNSALE KOERANT; 17 JULE 1963!N MUD CONTENTS No BLADS" No PAGE Proklarnasie Proclamation 135 Dorp Selcourt: Uitbreiding van Grense Selcourt Township: Extension of Boundaries 89 A 11 minis uiteursk c no kgewines Administrators Notices 441 Padreelings: Vaalbank No 94 1P en Cykdontein 441 Road Adjustments: Vaalbank No 94P and Cyferfontein No 99 LP Lichtenburg District 90 No 99LP Distrik Lichtenburg Uitspanserwituut: Witfontein No 301 R 442 Outspan Servitude: Witfontein No 301JR Pretoria Distrik Pretoria 89 District Padreelings nor Bantoe Reservaat vanaf Skilpad tot 441 Road Adjustments on Bantu Reserve from Skilpad to Lobatsi Distrik Marico 90 Lobatsi Marico District Opening: Onenbare Ginotpad Skakelpad en Diens 444 Opening: Public Main Road Link and Service Roads paaie Distrik Springs 91 Springs District Opening: Openbare Pad Distrik Potgietersrus Opening: Public Road Potgietersrus District Padreelings: Bullmek No 75Q Distrik Anima 446 Road Adjustments: Bulhoek No 75JQ Rusten 94 burg District Padreelings: Cardoville No 364 1Q Distrik Van 447 Road Adjustments: Cardoville No 364 1Q Vanderderbilipark bilipark 94 District Munisipaliteit Roodepoort Maraisburg: Naamsver 448 RoodepoortMaraisburg Municipality: "Alteration of andering Name a White Munisipaliteit Witrivier: Voorgestelde Verandering River Municipality: Proposed Alteration of van Grense Munisipaliteit Lydenburg: Wysiging Boundaries Lydenburg 450 van Verorde Municipality: AmeMiment to Hawkers and 95 ninge insake Venters en Marskramers Pedlars Bylaws Munisipaliteit 451 Johannesburg: Wysiging van Johannesburg Publieke Municipality i Amendment to Public Gesondheidsverordeninge Bylaws " Munisipaliteit 452 Johannesburg: Wysiging Johannesburg MunicipaHealth van Verordelity: Amercam ene to by laws Binge en Regulasies and Betreffende Regulations die Lewering Governing ea the Supply and Use of Gebruik van Elektriese Stroom Electric Energy :or e Munisipaliteit 453 Pretoria: Pretoria Municipality: Wysiging van Verordeninge Amendment to University Betreffende Study Loan Bylaws Universiteitstudielenings 97 : Munisipaliteit Koster: Wysiging van Abattoirverorde Koster Municipality: Amendment to Abattoir By7laws Krugersdorp Municipality: Amendment to Drainage and Plumbers Bylaws Munisipaliteit kugersdorp: Wysiging van Riolerings : l 456 Klerksdorp Municipality: Amendment to Parking "anloodgietersverordeninge Munisipaliteit Klerksdorp: Wysiging van larkeer 457 Rurale tlicensingw sboard 1:ichienburg: Appointment of 457 Landelike Lisensieraad Lichtenburg: Benoeming van General No 100 Proposed Township: Marble Hall Extension No 2 99 Algemene Kennlsgewings 101 Proposed Township: Sandown Extension No Voorgestelde Dorp: Marble Hall Uitbreiding No Voorgestelde Dorp: Sandown Uitbreiding No Proposed Township: Leslie Extension No Conditions of Title: Ed No 63 Vanderbijpark Voorgestelde Dorp: Leslie Uitbreiding 104 No Conditions of Title: Erf No 1597 Benoni Titelvoorwaardes: Erf No 63 Vanderbihpark Pretoria 100 Townplanning Scheme No 2/ Titelvoorwaardes: Ed No 1597 Benoni Vereeniging Town 101 planning Scheme No 1/ Pretoriadorpsaanlegskema 107 No 2/8 Johannesburg 101 Townplanning Scheme No 1/ Vereenigingdorpsaanlegskema No 1/ Conditions of Title: Erven Nos 703 and 705 Kemp 107 Johannesburg dorpsaanlegskema No ton 1/ Park Extension No Kempton Park Townplanning Scheme No 1/ TitelGoorwaardes: Erwe Nos 703 en 705 Kempton Park Uitbreiding No Proposed Township: 103 Marti Park Kempton Park dorpsaanlegskema No Conditions 1/6 103 of Title: Ed No 3568 Johannesburg Voorgestelde Dorp: Marti Park Conditions of Title: 105 Erven Nos rola ll Titelvoorwaardes: Erf No Johannesburg 105 Bordeatm Johannesburg District Vereeniging Town planning Scheme No 1/ Titelvoorwaardes: Erwe Nos en Johannesburg Town planning Scheme No 1/ Bordeaux Distrik Johannesburg Potgietersrus Townplanning Scheme: Amending 113 Vereeniging dorpsaanlegskema No 1/ Scheme No 114 Johannesburg dorpsaanlegskema No 1/ Germiston Townplanning Scheme No 1/ Potgietersrus dorpsaanlegskema: Wysigendc Skema No Germiston dorpsaanlegskema No 1/ Tenders 41 Aansoeke om Motortransportsertifikate 113 Skutverkope Applications for Motor Carrier Certificates 113 "" Plaaslike Bestuurskennisgewings 123 Notices by Local Authorities 123 Kccip NasiOnale Spaarsertifikate 16 sr Buy National Savings Certificates a Die Staatsdrukker Pretolia j The Government Printer Pretoria il

Provincial Gazette Provinsiale Koerant

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