POND. Minneapolis, Minn. SHEET MUSIC YICTOR YICTROLAS PIANOS FOR RENT. Cor. Nicollet Avenue and Eighth Street

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2 IVERS &- POND Uprightl and Grand Pianos IN the centers of music and art throughout America and even abroad the remarkable pianos shown above are en hancing the prestige of the Iue,s 4- Pond. In its respective size and type Iuers 4- Pond represents the highest development piano building has reached. 400 LeadingJEducational:Institutions and over discriminating homes now use Iue,s 4- Pond Pianos. Their distinguished reputation originated in and is maintain<d by intrinsi< merit aud a rigid adherence to the high. est standards of Quality. Whatever Y01(T piano.problem. O1(r Bplindidlll,quipped Metropolitan war<tooms. buttressed bll the prod1(ct. of the world's large.t piano faclon,.: o.der il8 8011<tion. Send for our catalod. CorTe Tlondence im'ited. Minneapolis, Minn. SHEET MUSIC YICTOR YICTROLAS PIANOS FOR RENT.PA U L A SCHMITT. DEALER In MUSIC and MUSICAL GOODS Cor. Nicollet Avenue and Eighth Street My large, carefully selected stock of Musical Instruments. and Music, will meet the requirements of all musical people. Prompt Attention always given to all Mail Orders. WILLIAM H. PONTIUS. Director Department of Mu sic. Phones T. S N. W. Main 2688 CHARLES M. HOLT. Director Department of Oratory and Dramatic Art. MINNEAPOLIS SCHOOL OF MUSIC ORA TORY AND DRAMATIC ART Eighth Street South Minneapolis School open all the year. Largest and Most Reliable School in the Northwest Pupil. may enter at any time. l.omplde courses in Piano. Voice. Violin. Pipe Organ. Musical Composition. Public School Music. Oratory. D ramatic Art. Acting. English Literature and Physical Culture. Unsurpassed faculty of forty-lour. Diplomas and teachers certilicates granted by authority of State. School occupies its own building. with splendid recital hall. T wo.manual Pedal Pipe Organ and fully equipped stage for acting and opera.

3 We olicit your patronage when in the market for building material, with the a surance that the smallest order will receive our mo t careful attention SHEVLIN-CARPENTER LUMBER CO. G e ner al Office: KENNETH P. G REGG. Manaa:er. Suite 112 Lumber Exchange. U. ofm. 'OS. EXAMPLES OF TH E APPL ICATION S OF THE REFLEX GAS LAMP BYTHE MINNEAPOLIS GAS LIGHT COMPANY

4 Are Y ou Planning to Build? Do Not Fail to Provide for Electric Service The slight additional cost for wiring will be more than repaid if you should rent or sell the house later. Many people still hold to the idea that electric light is only for the rich man's home. While this may have been more or less true in p~t years great improvements, such as water power, better lamps, etc., have now reduced the cost to such an extent as to be actually cheaper, all things considered, than old fashioned methods of lighting. Our best satisfied customers are those in the homes where every dollar must be made effective, and where the electric light is appreciated, because it makes house work easier. Phone: N. W. Main 189 or T. S and ask for SALES DEPT. The Minneapolis General Electric Co. 15 SOUTH FIFTH STREET Charles L. Pillsbury Company ENGINEERS DESIGNERS OF Complete Mechanical Equipments HEATING---VENTILATION SANITATION---LIGHTING Etc- for The :: :: :: :: :: NEW UNIVERSITY BUILDINGS Millard Hall - Institute of Anatomy - Main Engineering - Experimental Engineering Pharmacy - Dentistry - Chemistry.

5 w. O. Hartig Electric Co. General Electrical Contractors 816 Hennepin Ave. e carry a large line of new electrical appliances suitable Wfor CHRISTMAS.-Something for everybody in the family. Your inspection is invited. ELECTRIC MACHINERY CO Janney, Semple, Hill q-. Co. WHOLESALE HARDWARE MERCHANTS MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA The KETTLE RIVER CO. BUILDING TONE CURBING-SANDSTONE PAVING ND CREOSOTED WOOD BLOCK PAVING 1111 Plymouth BId. lviinneapolis

6 With the Compliments of HORACE LOWRY, '00 Business Correspondence SlaJionery The Business and Professional man necessarily writes a great many letters. Each letter takes the place of a direct personal visit hence becomes a proxy. The proxy being your direct representative should represent and not misrepresent you. For Business and Professional corresponden e paper and envelopes we recommend LESLIE'S BOND The fine grade quality bond supplied by all pri nters. Will be pleased to mail samples on request. The JOHN LESLIE PAPER CO. MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA -'

7 SALISBURY & SA TIERLEE CO. Exclusive Manufacturers of METAL BEDSTEADS AND HIGH GRADE BEDDING For those who DEMAND QUALITY ask your furniture dealer for our goods Offices and Factories MINNEAPOLIS Main Street S. E Second Avenue S. E. THE "W AY SAGLESS!" SPRING OCCUPANTS. tho;'gh of greatly varying weights. do Dot roll toward. the cedter. IT has Stiff Cable EdKe. equal in re.istanee to the Spring dire on the best Box Springs_ IT i. Absolutely Noiseleu. T haa Shield protecting the,harp end. of all angle thereby making it Impossible to Cut or Tear the I Bedding. I T baa No OpeD Link. to come unhooked or catch in the bed clothes. THE housewife can easily reach every part of the spring when dusting. IT is Absolutely Sanitary. HE Strand. ue Flexible Hollow Coil. with Abundant Elasticity conforming to tbe shape and every T movement of the body. WING to the principle of construction. "Way Saglen" Springs. while elastic and resilient, cannot be O made to permanently Sng. THERE is a Twenty.five year Guaranty accompanying every HWay Saglent] Spring.old. ASK YOUR DEALER Made by MINNEAPOLIS BEDDING COMPANY

8 The EVERETT PIANOS are to be found in hundreds of our BES T Minneapolis homes. BROOKS-EVANS PIANO CO. Sole N. W. Agents 111 South 11th Street Everett Booklet sent upon request. Edmund D. Brooks Bookseller and Importer Standard and Rare Books, Library Sets and Singl e Volumes in Fi ne Bindings Sui table for Presentation. Origina l Drawings. Water-Colors and Etcbing, by Famous Artists 89 Tenth Street South MINNEAPOLIS

9 Minneapolis Steel and Machinery Co. Minneapolis, Minnesota. The Structural Department are builders of st~uctural steel buildings, bridges, tanks and water towers, steel elevators and ornamental street lamp posts. The Mechanical Department manufactures the famous Twin City Gas Tractor for plowing, threshing, hauling and all other work requiring power on the farm. The Company also manufacture Twin City Corliss Engines, Muenzel Gas Engines, Transmission Machinery and are equipped to do general machine and foundry work. The plant of the Company is located at Lake Street and Minnehaha Avenue and is one of the largest manufacturing plants in the West, employing 1200 men and occupying over 20 acres of ground. Branches 0/ the Company are located at Helena, Mont. Spokane, Wash. Salt Lake City, Utah. Denver, Colo. lei Paso, Texas. Fargo, N. D. Regina, Saskatchewan.

10 lhsq~tw~ Minnea polis take pleasure in calling the attention of University students and Alumni to Some Especially distinctive features of their Store of Quality and Service. ~ N umerous American and foreign Connections make continuously possible the presentation of the highest grade products of the world in almost every conceivable line of merchandise ever found in a first class department store. The high standard of Donaldson Quality is the particular pride of every one connected with the institution in any capacity: Their concern over the maintenance of this standard reaches to every transaction. ~ If you are not a resident of the Twin City region, this high class of service in best Quality Merchandise is none the less truly yours to command. The Latest Catalog gives you the complete data of offerings, and your order by mail will be filled so conscientiously, subject to your approval, that you could scarcely more than equal it in first-hand purchasing. ~ The special attention of Student and Alumni bodies is invited to the exceptional facilities in the Famous Tea Rooms for entertaining. small or large gatherings at luncheons or banquets.

11 Vol. XII. Nvoember 11, No.7. Published b y the General Alumn I Association of the University of Minnesota. Entered at the postoffice In Minneapolis as second class mali matter. A life subscription to the Weekly, $25 paid at one time. SUbscription price $2 per year. A discount ot %5 cents Is allowed for payment before October 16 of each year. Loose money sent in payment ot subscriptions Is at the sender's risk. Address all communications to the Minnesota Alumni Weekly 202 Library Building The University of Minnesota, Mlnneapolls. E. B. JOHNSON, '88 Editor, EOWARD D. ANDERSON, ' 13 Advertising. OUR FRONT COVER. The,Vee k I y is glad to be able to present lls readers with so fine a picture of Dr.,Yilliam Watts Folwell, first president of tbe University of Minnesota. On the directory of 1910 appeared President Northrop's favorite photograph of himself; on the inaugural number was a fine likeness of President Vincent. This piclure of Dr. Folwell completes the series. THE DIRECTORY. This ulrectory is placed in your hands as a sp cial number of the Minnesota Alumni,\Ve e k I y. The editorial and clerical worll: on this number has be n done as a part of the regular routine work of the association. If thi euitorlal and clerical worl, had been Ilarged against the directory, the expense of issuing the number would have been almost $3400, that is $1.10 for every subscriber to the Wee Ie I r, for this Single number. Remember that our adve rt isers have made It possible to f urnish you this number at no extra charge.. When you want anything our advertisers have to sell, buy of them and let them know that you saw their a dvertisement In the Wee k I y. The cost of Issui ng this directory Is Increa - Ing so rapidly, due to the increasing number of a lumni, that the Wee I, 1 y does not expect to Issue anolher. In most Institutions such directories are Issued by the Institution. No other alumni publication In the country issues such a directory as a regular number of Its official publications. The greatest care has been taken to make this directory complete and correct, but, of the 9, 000 return post cards sent out, only half were returned. This does not mean t hat we have had information concerning only balf of the alumni-a large amount of information has been furnished by friends. Doubtless there are many who are n ot corr ectly listed, but we have done Our best to reduce this Ust to the lowest possible mlnimum. We must ask your co-operation in still furtiler reducing this list-if YOU will send in AT ONCE, corrections which you know should be made, we will publish such corrections in the Wee k I y, and l,eep a record of tbe same so that the next directorl', whoever issues it, may be more nearly complete and correct, than this issue. YOUR cg-operation is needed. Will you not join us in tile attempt to locate every living alulunus of the University. NOT THE ANNUAL BANQUET. The alumni banquet to be beld in St. Paul on tile evening of December 6tb, does not take tbe place of t he usual annual banquet beld in February. The February banquet wili be held as usual this year, on or near tbe 18th of that montl1. The program of the banquet to be beld at HOtel St. Paul on the evening of December 6 til, will probably include Mr. Thaxton, tbe U. S. commissioner of education, Suemas MacManus, v,-hose name is a household word, Mrs. Moore, and President Yincent. Dr. J ames will preside as toastmaster. THE GENERAL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION. This as ociation is an organization of alumni and former students of the University of Minnesota; members and former members of t he faculty and regents are entitled to become honorary members. Its object is to unite the alumni In the service of tile University-business ratiler than social. The management of the affairs of tbe Association is vested In a board of directors, consisting of t,, o directors chosen by each college alumni association. The Board of Directors is, at present, made up as follows: College of SCience, Litemture and Arts- Fred B. Snyder, ' 1, Gratia A. Countryman, '89. College of Engineering and the Mechanic Arts Wm. 1. Gray, ' 9~, James B. Gilman, '94. 'l'he Department of Agriculture-- D. A. Gaumnitz, '04, John A. Hummel, '99. The College of Law- Hugh V. liiercer, '94, Kay Todd, '00. The College of Medicine and Surgery- SOl' en P. Rees, '97 (Acad. '95), Charles W. Bray, '95 (Acad. '91). The ollege of Homeopathic MediCine and Surgery-

12 10 THE MINNESOTA Asa J. I-lammond, '96 (Acad. '91), Alfred E. Booth, '99. The College of Dentistry- Thomas B. Hartzell, '93 (Med. '97), Franl, E. Moody, '96. The ollege of Pharmacy- Arthur G. Erkel, '02, Manley Haynes, '12. The College of Educatlon- Conrad G. Selvig, '07, Paul C. Higbie, '07. The School of Chemistry- Frank W. Emmons, '99, Edw. J. Gufsche, '04. School of Mlnes- M. S. Kingston, '04, A. Y. Peterson, '08. Ex-officio- Henry F. Nachtrleb, '82; E. Bird Johnson, '88; Charles F. Keyes, '96 (Law '99); Horace Lowry. '00. The officers of the Association are Henry F. Nachtrieb, president; Horace Lowry, vicepresident; Charles F. Keyes, treasurer; E. Bird Johnson, secretary. The Association has but one annu:l.i meeting -the date of this meeting is fixed at or near charter day, the 18th of February, each year. The board of directors meets on the first Tu sday of each mon tl1 for the transaction of the Association's business.. The board of directors represents the Association, and, in order to insure the greatest efficiency for every effort put forth, the board has employed a secretary to give his whole time to the worle The board directs its activities with two main objects in view- (a) To I,eeping the alumni Informed as to University affairs, through the Wee k I y, and, (b) To I,eeplng in touch with the alumni in order to be able to secure, when occasion al'ises, concerted action of the alumni, in behalf of the University. The Association is supported by funds derived from three main sources- 1) The net income of the Wee k I y. 2) The income from the Invested lite membership payments. 3) The contribution of the University toward 1< eplng up the alumni records. The secretary of the Association is a lways available for any service the University may desire of him. During the past biennial period tile Association has placed in Folwell Hal1 a tablet in honor of Dr. Folwell, first president of the University: it planned and carried through the torchli ght procession at the time of the inauguration of President Vincent: it has issued one alumni directory. Two annual mc'ctings hav be n hew and one picnic on the campus and a dinnel' at the department ot agriculture.. Tile Association has published the Minnesota.'\Iumnl VV e e 1< I y during the past two years. This publication is now in its twelfth year and is recognized as ranking well with similar pub U alions in oth(>r 111stltutJons. The Wee I, 1 Y has tl11'p thollsand subscribers and Is read \)y twice that many alumni and by members of their families. As soon as the Association can meet the expense, it is planned to either mati the Wee k I y to aij the newspapers In the state, or, to Issue a news letter containing the more important items of information. of general interest, to the people of the state. Table of Graduates. Complete statement, by colleges, including the class of The Graduat School The College of Science, Literature, and the Arts... 3,624 The allege of Engineering and the Mechanic Arts The School of Chemistry The School of Mines The ollege of Agriculture The College of Law... 2,133 The ColJege of Medicine and Surgery ~9 The College of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery Th ollege pi Dentistry The oll ege of Pharmacy The ollege of Education Graul/ates in Nursing 'rota I degrees granted... 9,654 Living Alumni. While it is impossible to give these figures with absolule exactness, the University has conferred uegrees upon 6907 men and 2334 women. As nearly as can be determined there are 6700 men and 2230 wom n, living, who hav recelv d degrees from the University. THE CLASS DIRECTORY. Under the leadership of Its president, Sidney De'Vitt Adams, and largely due to his loyalty to the Unlv rsity and his unllrlng energy, the class of 1901 has set a standard which other classes will find it difficult to surpass. 'l.'he class h. s Issued-Mr. Adams being the "G orge" of the class-a "1912 edltlon of th Gopher of 1901." The pamphlet is printed on a page 6~lx9% in. page-uniform with the last alumni directory. (ee sample page following.) It fills I G pages and has a heavy paper cover. It Includ s a complete dlr ctory of the aca Il 'mic, agricultural. mining and engineering sections of the class of Under each name is given information upon the following pointsso far as the Information oulll be obtalnedand the complier has been wonderfully success ful In g tting the desired information.-name, perman nt address, pl'esent address, occupation, occupation since gralluatloll, degrees secured, where born. where prepared for call ge, whether married. and, if so, na.me of husband or wife, numl er of children, names and ages, honors and a hi vements of note, publication, etc.. tc. A full page Is devotell to "facls" about the cla8s-that Is, statistics. Some ot these are exc edingly inl rosting and valunble, from whi h w quote the following: The {'lass of IPOI comprised. on ornmrncement day, 110 members, of whom 71 W I'e m n and G~ women. or this number, 7 mpn and 2 " 'om narc lll' easad. Forly meml err of lhe class were of foreign parpnlage, inc'lulling 13 NOl',, pglans. 9 Cprmnns, 7 Sw d s, 5 Irish, 3 anadlans, 2 English and

13 ALU 1NI WEEKLY II A COMPLETE DIRECTORY -of the- MEMBERS OF 'THE CLASS OF UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Compiled by Sidney D. Adams 7 Fargo, N. Dak. Abbreviations employed: b. barn: p rep. preparatory schools; d. degrees; m. married; c. children. \Vhcre name of town or county is used without gjvin~ name of, Ute, M innesota shall be. understood. THE COLLEGE OF SCIENCE, LITERATURE AND THE ARTS Aaber~,ArneO. Prep. Glenwood Academy. d. Ph. B. * teaching Montivideo; in Arizona for hi. health. Died,1909. (Every effort has been made. to secure further data. with reference to ~ir. Aaberg but without success). Adams, Carn May. Lisbon, No. Oak. Gen. Seey. Y. W. C. A. b. Racine, Wis., 27 Ma Yl '77. * prep. Central h.., Minne.apoli. * d. B. S. *.«y. Soplt'omore CIa.. ; pres. Y. W. C. A. teaching, R u.h ord. 2 yes.. Fargo, N. 0., 2 yrs.: Nat. Y. W. C. A. Traininj: School, Chitag", I yr.: gen,eey. Y. W. C. A., Newark, N. L '07-.Present address: 14 E. Park St., ewark,. J. Adams, Sidney DeWitt th St., So., Farllo, o. Oak. Law and Rcal Estate. * b. Racine, Wi., 10 Oct. '77. prep. Li,bon (N. D) and Minneapolis Central h. s. * d. B.S. LL.B. (George Washing ton) '04. Man. ed. "Gopher. Minnesota Daily" * law student. \ ashington. D. C, '02-'04. la"yer, Li~bon, N. D. '04-'10; la\\ and re.1 estate, Fargo, N. D. '10- m.5 Aug. '05; EliZ3buh D. Barstow, B. A.; '02. * c John Barstow, 26 June '06. Ahnfeldt, Alfred N., T~acher b. Lund, Sweden, 2 July '72. * prep. Sweden; C.-rlelcn College. * d. B. A. * teacher. North Park College, Chicago.,. m. Hulda Ahlstrom. * c, Wallace (deceased) I Apr. '03; Marjorie (d«easedr 17 No,'., '04: Arn old,3 Mar., '07. Died, hieago, 21 Dec. 'OS: widow, ~rrs. Hulda Abnfcldt, orth Park College, Chicago, III. Alcott, Mary Elizabeth, c. o. Robt. Alcott, 535 Palace Bld~., Minneapolis, Minn.. * b. Gowanda, N. Y. * p'rep. Kalamazoo (Mich.) h. s. * d. Ph. B. hono" in Engll.h; Wilson P~i7.e, Short Slory Contcst;.. \ oman's Dally," '01. * teaching English. Elgin. III.; Ypsilanti, :\[kh.; Tacoma, \Vash., '09-.* Present address, o. 26th St. Tacoma, Wash. Boker, Gertrude Whittier. uperlor, Wisconsin. Mrs. Claude Z. Luse. * b. Camden, N. J., '78. * prep. St. Paul h. s. d. B. 1.. * Asst. P nn. Lake Benton h. s. ' 02 '03 * m. 20 Sept. 'Oi, CI.ude 7.. Luse, B. L. '01. * c. Russell Kossuth, 30 Au~. 'II. Bartleson, Maude Muller. 929 W. 13th A,' e., pokane, Wash. Mrs. W. S. Frost. * b. Minneapolis, '77 prep. Hardy Hall, Duluth; Central h. s., Minneapolis. d. B. L * Lily. S. D.: London, I yr.: Minneapolis; Willmar; Spokane Wash., 'OS-. * m. 26 June, '06, William S. Fro", B. S. ' 01 ; M. D. '04. * c. Harriet Marion, 8 J an. 'OS. * Barton, Bertha May.. * b. Naples, Me., 28 Aug. '67. * prep. Portland (Me.) h.~. d. B. L. * teaching, Cloquet, '01-'03; North h. s. Minneapqlis, '03-'05. Died, 23?vI.roh, '05, Minneapolis. Brother: E. R. Barton, Ex. '96, Frazee, Minn., Bell, Jomes Ford. Milling. * b. Phil.ddphia, Pa.,. prep. Lawrenceville, N. J.,. d. B. S. * m. Charle, H., 'OS; Samuel H" '10. c. o. Washburn-Crosby Co., Mlnneapoli, finn. * c. James Ford, Jr., '04; Beroha~en, John Fred. 717 Plymouth Bld~., MinneaPolis, ~llnn..,. b. Waseca, 19.1an. '78. * prep. Pill sb ury Academy. * d. B. A.,. Football Team, '98; Track Team; Cadet Capt.: _del 1o.'hjor, lhttalion. $: practising law, hlinneolpolili. '03- i 5 yrs. Asst. Co. At~., Hennepin o. m. 8 Aug. '07, H arriet J. Hutchinson, '03; M. A. '07. * c. John Thomas, 10 May, 'OS, James Douglas, 13 IIlay, J09; Bc-;llrice Mary, 24 Sept. '10. Biedermann, Jacob. ArQ.yle, Mlnn, Physician. * b. Star Pr.irie, Wi. prep. Stillwater h. s. * d. B. S.; M. D. '04... medical student, '01-'04; : * m. 12 June, to" priscilla interne. Stale P rison H08pjtal. Stillwaler~ '04-'05; practising medicine, Argylt, '05- Provencher.,. c. Robert Edw:n, 8 July 11

14 12 THE MINNESOTA 1 Dane. Of these 4 Swedes, 3 Norwegians, 3 Canadians, 2 Germans and 1 Dane were foreign born. One member of the class was born In Italy. Sixty-nine, or 49'70, of the class were born in Minnesota; 16 in Wis., 8 in N. Y., 3 each in Ill., Iowa, j\faine, Mich., and Pa.; 2 ea. in N. R., N. J., and Ohio; and 1 each In Mass., Mo., S. C., T ex. and Vt. Sixty-eight, or 49 %, of the members of th(\ class now reside in Minn.; 10 In Wash.; 8 in N. Dak.; 6 in Ca\.; 5 each In N. Y., S. Dak., and Wis.; 4 each in Iowa and Mont.; 3 In Ore. ; 2 each in Ariz., TIl., Mass. and N. J.; and 1 each in Ala., Colo., Conn., D. C., Idaho, Kan.. Maine, Tex., Utah and Vt.; 1 each in China and Peru. Ninety, or 64 % of the class are married; 54, or 76% of the men, and 36, or 52% of the women. Twenty-seven men and 22 women married In the first 5-year period after graduation; 24 man and 14 women In the second 5-year period after graduation. Twenty-one men and 24 women married college graduates; 6 men and 1 woman married women or men with some college education ; 12 m en and 4 women married high school graduates, and 4 men married normal school graduates. Seven women married classmates, and, strange as it may seem, seven men did IIke,vise. Of those of foreign parentage, 5 Norwegians married Norwegians; 4 Germans married Amer Icans; 3 Swedes married Swedes; 2 Norwegians married Germans; 2 Norwegians married Americans; 1 Dane married an American; 1 Swede married an American ; 1 German married a Frenchman; 1 German married an Irishman; 4 Americans married Scandinavians and 2 married Germans. One hundred twenly children have been born to members of the class, Including 65 boys and 55 girls. Eighty-three families are represented, of which 17 are without children. There is a n average of 1.44 children to each family and 1.81 children to familles having children. Of the various occupations agriculture has claimed 5 members of the class; domestic science 36 (the married women); education 39 (18 men, 21 women); engineering 2; finance 5; government service 1; law 15; llteralure (including Journalism) 3; manufacturing 2; medic ine 8; mercantile pursuits 4; ministry 3; real estate 2; specialized science 2; transportation 3; Y. W. C. A. 1; unspecified G. Eighteen members of the class ha\'e tal<en graduate degrees at Minnesota. The average annual Income of 41 men Is $ , the highest income reported being $10,000; and the average annual Income of 2" women is $1182, the highest being $2,000. One page Is devoted to a list of persons who entered with the class but did not graduate. Information concerning these persons Is asked a nd It Is expected to Include Information concerning th se persons In later editions of the directory. Two pages, of special Interest to the members of the class, are the reports of the Individual members in answer to the questions: What is the most valuable thing ) "OU got out of your college course? "What Is your most notable achievement since gradl1atlon? Not a few answer "my wife" Or "my husband" and "my children." Th members of the class owe 1I1r. Adams a debt of gratitude which they will be prompt to acknowledge and the whole alumni body is beholde,,! to Mr. Adams and the class for having set a precedent that many other classes will be glad to follow In years to come. WHY? V.' hy should not YOU R class do the same thing. or, improve on the record made hy If po sible? THE ALUMNI CLASS ORGANIZATION. There Is one decided weakn ss In the alumni organization of this University-that Is, the class organization. This natural unit has been greatly n eglected. Not more than ten per cent of the classes have anything like an effective organization. The posslblll tles of class organizations for the mutual pleasure and benefit of its members can hardly be overestimated and It Is the purpose of this stat ment to call attention to the desirabillty of pushing such organizations. 1. The permanent secretary. One of the first requirements for an ITectl,'e class organization is a permanent offic I' who shall be responsible to the class for I<eeplng Its members in tonch with each other. In every class there is to be found some one ho will gladly undertake this task for the sal' of do Ing something worth while. The first task In effecting the class organization, Is th n, to fin{\ the member who can and will give lime to the work of keeping l1p the class organization a nd spirit. Such an offic r would be the natural one to look after news items concerning membcrs of the ('lass and to send them to the Wee It I y for publication. The Wee k I Y Is the natural means of /'ommunlcatlon between the all1mnl and s hould be more generall y used than it Is by th classes. At least half of the alumni see the "r e e 1< I y regularly and l<eep in touch with the University through the news contained In it. II. The class d irectory. The class of 1901 has made a class directory WE'll worth while. Read what is said abol1t this dlr tory, in another olumn of this Isgu. You wlli surely agrc with us thnt It is "orth the effort. III. The class reunion. Class reunions are events In the Ii" ~ of the men and women who al'e members of classc8 that never let a y ar go by without getting together. There arc seveml classes that havp n ever missed a reunion date In all the years since graduation, notable among these class s a re 1892 and the law class of 190 I. M mbers of th se t"la~aes look forward 10 the-se occasions

15 ALUMNI WEEKLY 13 (or months a n d remember them with a sense of satisfaction for months afterward. There are no classes among all that have graduated who could n ot have similar organizations and r e unions If they would. Certainly the members of th se classes find It well worth while. Next June the class s of ~ and 1908 w!l1 naturaljy plan tor reunions-begin at once to make your plansthe time Is none too long for proper preparation. LOCAL AL UMN I ASSOCIATIO NS. Alumni and former students of the Unh'ersity have more or less formal organizations In various parts o( the country. Whenever an alumnus may chance to settle where there Is such an organization, he should make the fact known to the other alumni Ii\'ing in the neighborhood. While the following list Is not complete. It may prove helpful to alumni who are tra\ elling. As the officers are frequently changing, in the associations, we have simply given a list oc the places where such organizations are maintained. If you chance to bel in a part of the country where you would like to get In touch with any ot these associations, makc yourself known to any alumnus living in the city and you wul be able to secure the informat!on you desire. Minnesota-St. Paul, Duluth, Crookston, Missabe Rang4?, Hibbing, Virginia, ew Ulm., tearns county, Melrose and Sauk Center, Lac Qui Parle county, Madison, Montevideo, 'Winona, Grand Rapids, East Grand Forks. North Dakota-Fargo and,,'llllston. S ou th Da kot a-pierre. Id aho- 0 lit' d'alene. California-Berkeley and Los Ang les, Stanford University. IllInol5- hlcago. District of Columbia-Washington. New York-N \\' York City, chenecta(ly. Oregon- Portland. Washl ngton- pokane and Seattle. MO NTI CELLO ALUMNI MEET. The Minnesota Alumni living at Monticello, Minn., gave a dinner Saturday evening. October 29th, in honor of President Ylncent who was in that city that evening. There werc present at this meeting, Ruth M. Sherwin. '16; Arthur L. Hill, '96; Grace P. Trench, '11; Ray S. Thom 'on, Eng. '08; James F. TrenCh. '03; Esther A, Johnson, Ag '12; Lester H. Knapp, Eng '12; Eva R. Sherwin, '11; E. H. Wels, Eng Ex '09; Lou Klossner, '11; Laura B. Paddock, '10; Han 1\I. fon k, Ag '13; V. H. Kingsbury, School of agriculture, '05; T. II. Brown, '83. The following representatives from other institutions were present:-"i rs, A. L. Hill, Hamlin ; G. D. Haq;ra\"C', Hamllne: Mrs. G. D. Hargrav. Manl,ato normal and Mrs. Ray Thompson, Iowa. SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES, T his partia l list of successful a lumni andldates will be supplemented as returns are received. Congressmen. James ~lanaban, Law '89, congressman-atlarge; George R. Smith, Law '93, from the Minneapolis district: Clarence B. Mlller, '95. Law '00, from tbe Duluth district; Sidney Anderson, from the first district. State T ic ket..j. A. A. Burnqulst, Law '05, lieutenant go\' ernor and Charles Elmquist, Law '98, railroad and warehouse commissioner. T he H ennepin County T icket. John A. Dahl, '92, Law '93, judge ot probate; W. C. Leary, '92, Law '94, ("Bill" of football fame) district judge; Harry S. Swensen, Law '99, made a close run for county attorney; Henry R. Chase. '89, commissioner from the first district; Peter _ :\eil on, Law '96, clerk of the district court. Willis I. Norton, '07, Law '06, will, witb Frank L. Palmer, represent the University district in the legislature. C. L. Sawyer, Law '97, will represent the 41st district; E. C. A. Lundeen. the 42nd and L. A. LydiaI'd, ' Law '92, tbe 43d district, in the legislature. E. W. Hawley, Law '93, won out against,-ery hi tter opposi tlon, by a majori ty of 135. D. P. Jones, ' 3, was elected to the Park board. David F. Swenson, '9, failed of election to the school board. We have commented. elsewhere in this i sue, upon the case of Charles D. Gould, candidate for mayor. George M. Young, Law '94, was elected to congress from the second (listrict of 'orth Dakota. AN HO NOR TO HIS ALMA MATER. In order to understand the action of Charles D. Gould, law '91, In retiring from the race for the mayoralty of this city, it is necessary to say a few words as to the situation here. Mr. Gould was second man in the primary, he and "Ir. elover running neck and neck clo e up to the leader in the race, Mr. :\ye, "II'. Gould and Mr. Selover both appealed to the same cia s of voters and had either one been out of the race, the other would have WOn by a hand'ome plurality. The socialist candidate, taking advantage of an oversight in the law. lletermined to mal<e sure of a di\-ided opposition and came into the race later, by petition. It was seen that there was danger of the election of a ociallst, if both Mr. Gould and 1\fr. Nye shouiu remain in the field, and both men consented to submit the matter to a group of citizens for advicf'. The advice of thi group was that Mr. GOu ld should retire from the race, in ord l' that there might be a cleancut issue to be decided b tween ociallsm and those opposed to socialism. This action ha aroused the mo t bitter attacks on Mr. Gould by the soclo.llsts and some of his fonner supporters. In consenting to eliminate himself, M r. Gould has 5110\\'11 sturdy qunjitle of patriotism and manhood that hav brought him greater honor than the \\'inning oc the election would have

16 THE MINNESOTA brought. Though intensely disappointed, more largely On account of his family and friends than On his own account, Mr. Gould made no half-way work of his action and has thrown all his influence in favor of his former and only legitimate opponent. The following statement, signed by five hundred of the leading citizens of this city, shows how his action has been received. Only the lack of time prevented the securing of ten times as many signatures. In signing this statement, President Northrop. who heads the list said- "I am glad and proud to sign it." "''''e, the undersigned, hereby express to Mr. Charles D. Gould our gratitude for his manly, generous patriotic consent to retire from active participation in the mayorallty race In order that the citizens of Minneapolis may be able to make a decision on the Issues presented without complications which three candidates would make inevitable. "In taking this action. voluntarily giving up a cherished ambition, Mr. Gould has shown rare patriotism and public spirit and deserves the everlasting gratitude of every citizen of the city who has its highest interests at heart. ' We realize the great sacrifice he has made in giving up the contest; his friends may misunderstand him. and his enemies will CjU stion his motives. and he will be severely crt ti isec1 by those whos parti anship blinds them to the higher good of the community as a whole. "We are proud of 1\1[.. Gould's record as an alderman. He has given of his time and energy in unstinted degree for the public service. The City owes him a debt of gratllude for such service; yet, we do not hesitate to say that we believe that no act of his public llfe demonstrates such unselfish devotion to the public welfare as this act. He has shown himseh a man who holcls his duty to the public above his personal inter st and ambition. MINNESOTA 13-ILLI N OIS O. Last Saturday Minnesota won a decisive victory over the IlIinl In one of the hardest contested battles fought on Northrop field in several years. The visitors started out with a rush that threatened to wipe Minnesota defense ofc the field. After carrying the bajj back slxty-tlve yards. Minn sota took a brace and held on her own lo-yard l!ile. An incompieted forward pass over the goal line gave Minnesota the bali on her own 20-yard line. Minnesota then started on a march to Illinois' goal when a I enalty of fifteen yards stopped them and Illinois had another opportunitv to show its off nse. In the meantime MInnesota bad partially solved the plays of the IIIi nl and the... got an attempted drop kick on her own 5-yard line. Then followed some football that was faultless- for ninety five yards Minnesota took tb~ ball in twenty three plays straight over for a touchdown. After the next kickoff by Iliinois, Minnesota started in another march for the visitors' goal, gaining ground in big gains on every pial'. The interruption of the quarter seemed to checlt the effectiveness of Minnesota s plays and the ball see-sawed back and forth in Illinois territor~'. Finaliy Illinois attempted to 1{lck out from close to h r own goal line and the bali went straight up In the air. An Illinois man captured it, illegally, and the ball was given to Minnesota on Illinois' 8-yard line. Three plays put it over for a second touchdown. The remainder of the game was without a score. I llinois, at all times dangerous, liiinneota piaying great offensive work and bracing up on defensive worlc Nlther side could make con tinued gains against the other. For the most part Minnesota had the better in every department except punting. and here she was notably weal{, her ioss coming mainly on exchanges of punts. Illinois used the forward pass frequently and much more effectively than did Minnesota and often made good gains. Minnesota captured a number Of these passes and several times made long gains on such intercepted passes. The plat of the playing shows that Minnesota had clearly the better of the game. but it shows also that Illinois was very dangerous at ali times. Twice Minnesota had the bau on Illinois' 5-yd line and twice she failed to make a touchdown. Minnesota's d tense never showed to better advantage than when. late in the gam, she held Illinois on her one yard line for downs and then took the bali out of the danger zone. The worlc reminded one of that famous stan,l against Wisconsin, on the old Northrop field, when the score stood 6 to 5 for Minnesota and the ball,, as stopped six Incites from Minnesota's goal. 1I1any of the spectators COl11men ted on the fact that Mlnn sota's firsl touchdown came as a r suit of football that resembled the oldfashioned variety, more than any se n on North/ op field in the past three years. The loss of Toll efson was a heavy blow to Minnesota. He was by all odds the s trongest

17 _ ~ 0 a 0 """. ~ t , so L M A. N "-0 DIt..t..QIV ~ M'I-H1.e ~"" r E:~ ''-' I '..... v"1ll """"CA~ I IliKOI S ~ < - ~",.,g,!:. ~"_~C.!i.f.e.1(.s ko-r <1 t... ~il " ~?-~ )I.]<.. x)< ~ NOllew. :>e.-r';;"~ IqP ~ 'i'u( M... tt.,,-c:.nr~ I (~ ~.' :... CA/I ")'k.c..-/ltr, - f )&", TIU: LDo"Etn'...,,- _u_... I.E. Bolhlu M~ ~... c.. Cbf...,.. ]< x"-_"-" ~ '" E"...tA.II... ~ M_!>'tr'-~ , LY -. trxx >(;<;<- m...~... u L.1"-... L.O. w._ B.._"'" aomdtl"..&oi L. A\d_.rill L. H"'I... ~ IU>''''' -- Q.,., u LH DU", >I<AJ.- I. Ii.... M To-" ICapt.. r 8 Wool.$~n fca,lt..)... Lta taaaou. - JU,-.004 flu IalNl. U Wltt for EnliU. &Ad lay.-ruie. flu en om ~o~-&:jto"uj..u fot wu.on.... liotft for D~... ~ rot" BocK Mi""'... ba' G", ct...,. S..J w -----( 'j,;;~ ~-..., ",,~.. u.t- IIi.."., ~ o t ~b"" <t i... <.. y 1 ~ ItA,... O"'f-c... (~ , ~- ----~ ~~b~ ~d;-~~ <1 n. I-----Q~ -.;;;:::::: Ir., : = ~~ LA w... ~ ~, ~""'" Of 3 Q~, "'... c.q,,~ ~ ~ ';0' I...,~......, rt: j; - -":1 -==' ~ ~flo_ Ro~ '/,.-... t. IU,... ei s..., ~ -fo~"'- ~ ~v - H ~ ~~:.." ~.-ce f'-k d t-~,,~ ~.J ~- ~ l..."" " "' '' I" ;:" X... ~r 4rJ.M Ma>-- t>..,+~';~~c(. v "'"M"1(::!'.:. It""."-~ KL'1: I... do..,... 0-:.,...,e. ~o""""- 0 ~ci..» t>... t-t.. F ~ " ~V IV b.r III~ Fr ~ ~-IA...c. o... ""'~" fo.. ""-f'ds1 ov~ ~ ~.t..: '-'-" )(....,..,... )(.., d s -~~ I~ /"" I>'- - - ~K,,,l cr,.."... " - : r I ~.fro. J.t\.\ j ~~.so off ~ II/ik o ".c k. off ) " J\\. ' ~ H"'5 ' S< "'-'- ~ ~ (~<:o~ fa ll.\ V\. e.s ( f-<>- 1"3,)o\te,..-c fo r., &1 ~ fo->~ f'.s:; F,kO \ II: Ill' "'-0 I

18 16 THE 1"lNNESO'fA punter on the team, a good field general, and a heady all-round player. Hayward showed himself a worthy substitute but Minnesota is left weak in punting. A strong punter would have enabled Minnesota to have doubled the score. Minnesota made 18 first downs to n for Illinois; she gained more than 129 yards more than lllinois from snap back plays-about 300 yards against 176; Minnesota suffered heavily from p naltles, a total of 60 yards to 30 yards for Illinois. On punts Minnesota aye raged 30 yards on 7 punts, while Illinois averaged 34 yards on 4 punts, including the one that went straight up in the air without gaining distance. Both sides tried forward passes many times, Minnesota m ade 3 successful passes for 20 yards gain; Illinois 6 passes for 89 yards gain. Several times Minnesota was takled for loss before passing the bali on attempted forward passes. Minnesota made some fine gains on interceptd forward passes-hayward 30 yards, Lawler 18 yards and Shaughnessy 45 yards. Minnesota failed on an attempted drop kick and Illinois on an attempted place kick. McAlmon made both touchdowns. The lllini were watching for liicalmon all through the game. THE TOLLEFSON CASE. Tollefson, the star quarter back has been s uspended for the semester for cribbing in an examination. The evidence is circumstantial, but two independent committees of the faculty have pronounced It to be conclusive. Tollefson, who bears an excellent reputation for Integrity, insists that he did not crib. Principal W. F. Webster, of the east high school, says that he would take Tollefson's word against any circumstantial evidence-he knows the man. In this statement, many of '1'ol1efson's Instructors, in the University, concur. The students who have been with him In his classes, both in the high school and the University, unite in saying that they cannot believe him gu!lly. His r cord up to the present has certainly been clean. THE NEW SONG. The 'Varsity band is delighting the rooters these days with a new song, which runs, as follows: They say that Doc Williams aint got no style Aint got no style, Aint got no style, Thev say that Doc W!11 iams aint got no s tyle, BUT-he's there all the whll, All the while. "THAT MINNESOTA THING." The November number of the American magazine contains a story in which the "Minnesota shltt" figures prominently. The story shows how su h an intangible thing as.. ollege spirit" gl'lps, even a hardheaded, tight-fisted, business man. It is an enjoyable story with some real coli ge flavor. THAT WISCONSIN GAME. Every alumnus who has a ny interest In football is asldng himself and others, What will be the outcome of the Wisconsin game-can Mlnnesota win? Minnesota has the making of a strong team; the Illinois game showed that It Is developing along safe lines and that It Is making real progress. Its offense is powerful and Its defense Is fairly strong. We have s en Minnesota go into games with Wisconsin when it was practfcally sure to win-and get gloriously licked. We feel that if the men go Into the Wisconsin game this year with the feeling that they must play to their limit to make a good showing-they have a. good chance to win. Two we I{s is a long time when the sea SOn is at its height-and Dr. Williams can do wonders in that time. LETTER FROM SMYRNA. John W. Dye, '04, vice counsel general of the niled tates to Smyrna writes, '"I find Smyrna a charming place. The country about is rich, beautiful and full of historical Interest. Th 'Ity jtself is a combination of the Orient and the Occident. The bazaars are most attractive. The population of over 300,000 Is made up of Gre ks, Ottoman Greeks, Armenians, Jews and Turks, with p rhaps 2000 Europeans and Americans. The Turks, though the rulers, are In the minority and all business is carried on by Greeks and othel' EUI opeans. The members of the European-American olony are most hospitable and pie. sant so that I felt quite at home within a few w eks after my arrival. "Few American or English bachelol'>l get away from Smyrna. and I am no exception to the rule. 1I1y enga~em nt to liiiss Margherita Pellegl'inl-Tibaldi has been announced for Borne time and we are to be married early in November. We are going to Gre CEl and Egypt ir not prevented by war, and n ext Bummer we hop to \"islt the United States. "Since my arrival myrna has been threatened with blocl,ades, hoi ra, earthquak sand massacre but nothing serious has yet happened and probably won't. At present we are just between two wars. It is asserted that peace has been signed with Italy and that fighting has b gun on the Bulgarian frontier. Our Consular worl, here is quite unique on account of extraterritorial jurisdiction and characteristics o[ the ruling Turks. W11r Wllmr : rlloo1 for iboys A" Endo,,,.d Preparatory School Its unusunl results are due to the best fncully which can be secured : To the carefu I supervision of the lives of the students. To the most generous provision for their health and comfort. H insists upon thorough and efficient teaching and offers an unusually extensive curriculum. '\[ It is known ns the most heavi ly endowed school in America. It claims recognition 8S a ~choo where the highest standards of scholnrsh,p nnd characterare maintained. A completely cq uipped Lower Scl&ool for little BOllB. fllubtrated Pro.pectus on RCQ,,.Bt Thomas Stockham Bnker, Ph. D., Port Deposit. Md.

19 Special Directory Issue- Advertising Section A Tn-State North We.terD 2672 R. M. L A I R D nd Avenue South Minneapolis, Minn. Electrical Manufacturing Agent... of everything electric.... "Thor" Laundry Machinery "Acme" Electric Irons "Hughes" Electric Stoves "F ederal" lighting specialties C'(;he :J«.inneapolis electric equipment Co. EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL Prices 1(ight. --Qualify and Service Unexcelled 227 South 5th Street MINNEAPOLIS The Electric Construction Company.J/RTHUR L ABBOTT, '97, c7«.anager_ Ga.t 4th Street, SAINT PAUL Contractors for all branches of Electrical Construction Work. Complete Designs and Installations furnished for Modern Illumination Systems for all purposes. \ Electrical Engineeril1g Company ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES MAZDfl LAMPS 21 North Sixth Street. lvlinneapolis, l\iinn. Please menlion the \VEEr-LY when writing to auvertisec

20 B Special Directory I s ue-adverti II1g ection a!i~~~ lffi.tfi ~I~~\.il.'~~ A PLACING AGENCY FOR TEACH ERS A TEACHERS S UPPLY STATION FOR SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES T wentieth Year UNIVERSITY ALUMNI have often made use of our services in obtaining a position or teachers to fill vacancies. We invite your continued patronage.. ':J" 8' ~ [_ y~ Suite 414 Century Building, Minneapolis, Minn. J. D. ENGLE, Manager... :- Able Depar tment A.. is tant& Phone Office Hours, Main ;. Residence. East 221 Long Distance and Local THE McCULLOUGH TEACHERS' AGENCY J. F. McCullough A Successful School and College Bureau SIO. T. 'almlr P lacin\!, the right te.a~her in the rigbt place is our business. When in need of teacbers write us. There.s a good pos.llon for ever~ competent teacber. We can find that position for you. Enroll witb us d we w.ll render you adequate servlce or refund your money. Registration fee $1.00. an 10 EAST JACKSON BOULEVAIID, CHICAGO, ILL. TEACHERS in Demand In South Dakota The South Dakota s' Bureau is in a position to be of great assistance in the securing of a good position for next year. Write for Registration Blank :md Bulletin giving valuable information regarding the schools of the state. Address The Capital Supply Co., Pierre, S. D. The only Specialis ts Agency in the Great Northwest. Graduates of the University will fin d that this Agency can place them in the best posi tio ns West of the Rockies, and in Alaska. Write for registration forms. FREE ENROLLMENT Midland Specialists' Agency Station A. Spokane, Wash. S. KIERSKI, Photographer An Agency!s val uable i n,l>roportion to its.nbuence. If.t merely hears of vacancies and tells that is sometbing, but if it Sixteen Years on tbe East Side you about them is asked to recommend a teacher and recom- N. W. Tel. East 542 mend. you, that is more, Ours Recommends STUDIO s. E. Cor. 5th St. and Central Ave. Minneapolis C. W. BARDEEN, Syracuse, N.Y. IF YOU WANT A TEACHING POSITION WRITE OR CALL ON THE MINNEAPOLIS TEACHERS' AGENCY Good openings every week in the year W e have assisted hundreds of University of Minnesota graduates to good positions. W e can help you. THE MINNEAPOLIS TEACHERS' AGENCY 327 Fourteenth Ave. S. E. Minneapolis, Minne.ota e. W. G. HYDE, Pres. I. A. T HORSON, Treas. S. j. RACE, Mgr. ELLA K. SMITH, Ant. Mgr. Please mention the WEEKLY when writing to adverti ers

21 pecial Directory I sue-adverti ing Section c STEVENS, CHAPMAN 6- CO. 417 Second Avenue South 1\11 TNEAPOLIS INVESTMENT SECURITIES Government, Municipal, Railroad and Corporation BONDS LISTS OJ'" APPLICATIO.\' State Savings Bank Bldg. ST. PAUL COM lercial PAPERS LOCAL BANK STOCKS THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK I N MINNEA POL IS was Established in 1864 and now a Capital and Surplus of Four Million Dollars and assets of Twenty. seven Millions It has the ability and desire to handle You ra e C 0 U n t I nterest p aid in Savings Depar tment FIR S T FIRST AVE NATIONAL BAN K UE SOUTH AND FIFTH eslablished 1878 Capital and Surplus $750,000 WE OW and OFFER FOR INVESTMENT BONDS of municipalities and establi hed corporations FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS on Impro,-ed Farm Property ~Vrile or call on u. for au r lal.. 1 lis I WELLS & DICKEY COMPANY McKnight Bldg. Minneapolis Pioneer Bldg. St. PaUl The Security National Bank Invites Checking Accounts l'iease mention the \YEEKL Y \\"h~n \\Titing" ll) adyerti~er"

22 D Special Directory Issue-Advertising Section AMERICAN SECTIONAL FURNITURE CO. HENRY S. LOVETT, '02 PRES. AND GENERAL MANAGER. SECTIONAL FILING CABINETS SECTIONAL BOOK CASES, SPECIAL OFFICE EQUIPMENT FIRST AVE. N. E. MINNEAPOLIS. BEMIS BROS. BAG CO. I MINNEAPOLIS, BAGS Fourth Street South MINNESOTA HEYWOOD MANUFACTURING CO. cp A PER :BOXES ENVELOPES PRINTING 420 to 428 Third Street North, Minneapolis, Minn., I KLEARKllT Gardner Hardware Company Manu/aclurer3 0/ WOOD ST AINS ALL SHADES Furnished the hardware for the new engmeering buildings. Let us figure on your wants Hennepin Avenue Minneapolis, Minn. EST AIjLlSHED 1878 / Selden Roofing and ~anufacturing Co. Manufaclurera of FIRE PROOF WINDOWS AND DOORS Approved and Labeled by the National Board of Underwriters Asphalt, Pitch and Gravel ROOFING Iron, Tin, Slate and Tile Galvanized Iron and Copper Cornice, Skylights, Ventilatora, Ceiling. 76 Weltern Avenue, Cor. Eleventh Street MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. P lease mention the WEEKLY when writing to advertisers

23 Special Directory Issue-Advertising Section E A Good Business Opportunity Th e Min n e a p 0 Ii s fi genc:y of THE ST A TE MUTUAL LIFE A S SURANCE COMPANY OF WORCESTE1(, ~ASS., DJants a few first-class men in c%cinnesota. Gxperienced agents will be given an unequaled opportunity, new agents a careful training for the work without charge; and all c%cinneapolis agents have exceptional office facilities, including stenographer and both telephones. Our commission and renewal agency contrael is much better than a salaried position, making :you practically a general agent; and our agency system includes s:ystematic provision for assisting agents to secure business in praelical and helpful wa:ys. c. W. VAN TU)7L, G~~it"iL Loan & Trust Bldg. MINNEAPOLIS Telephones: Tri-State Center N. W. Main CHAS. H. CORBETT, Superintendent of Agents Loan & Trust Building. Please mention the WEEKLY when writing to advertisers

24 F Special Directory Issue-Advertising Section Two lu edicine CaTnp~ Glacier N ational Park I "SEE AMERICA FIRST" Glacier National Park N OVY is t l~e time.to make your plans for your next summer s,-acatlon. <[Glacier National Park, in Northwestern Montana, on the main line of the Great Northern Railway, is Uncle Sam's ne"west national pla)"ground and offers the vacationist and tourist something wonderful and new. Some of Nature's most beautiful scenic wonders are to be found In this new Park. Send for Descriptive Booklets <1I.A complete tour of the Park can be made in from ten days to two weeks. vvrite for detailed information and booklets regarding the Parle l\lake your plans now.. V. D. JONES City Pass. and Ticket Agent 313 Nicollet Ave. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. W. J. DUTcn District Passenger Agen t 4th " ltd Robert Streets ST. PAUL, MINN. H. A. NOBLE, Gener al Passen ger Agent, ST. PAUL, MINN. S. S. Mimtesoia ""ils from Swillp, Wash.. for JOPlIN, China and ihe Philippines ona1aj 1 ch 2-1. June 23. SepkmDcl' 2~ and Drcembey POllama-Parijic-lnlernatiol1al EXPDS;iI'OIl. San Francisco, 1915 l'lease mention the \ VEEKL Y when writing to advertisers

25 Special Directory Issue-Advertising Section G To turn 1he\Vhee~~ ~. ~ r'-- orth e~~l ~reatest Flour I Mills i ofthe ---\ World PilIsbury~s Daily Capacity Bar rels. Please mention the \VEEKLY when writing to advertisers

26 H Special Directory Issue-Advertising Section Central Supply Company Manufacturers and Wholesalers PLUMBING and HEA TING SUPPLIES '. N. W. Main Tri State Center South Third Street MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. The Leamington Hotel Cafe WI TH IT'S EL EGANT ---., 60c LUNCHEONS.Jl:N:.1) $/.00 DINNERS I cninners, Luncheons, cninner cnances, and :Banquets Fraternity Parties STUDENTS PRIVATE CAR PARTIES ON THE DAN PATCH ELECTRIC LINE BETWEEN MINNEAPOLIS, NORTHFIELD and FARIBAULT Lowest Student's party rates:-$1.00 Round Trip to Northfield in $25,000 Palace Electric Cars. Leave when you want to. Return when you get ready. Sing as much as you please. Between June 1st and September 1st, Visit ANT L E, R S IP ARK The gem of all Minnesota picnic and outing resorts... Beautiful dancing pavilion. First class restaurant. Boatmg, Bathmg. Free Baseball grounds. Free daily orchestra concerts, etc. Address DOW. S. SMITH, ( U. of M. Class 'SS.) General Manager, International Bldg., Minneapolis. N. W. Phone East Tri Stat e SPruce 567. I Please mention the \iveekl Y wben writing to adverti ers

27 A COMPLETE DIRECTORY OF THE ALUMNI of the UNIVERSITY of MINNESOTA Compiled by E, B. JOHNSON, '88 and ij.u~d by THE GENERAL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION When a name appears in bold type- type like this- it means that the person named has either paid for a life membership or has agreed to take out the same at some definite time, The College of Science, Literature, and the Arts Eustis. "Warren Clark O,,"atonna PhysicIan and surgeon *Johnson, Edward M (Ex) deceased Willia mson, Henry Martyn ecretary of the State Board of Horticul~ure. Henry bldg Portlan d are Ch a tfield Edwa rd "Ricker, George Edwin K imball, Eldward J (Ex) died J an died Sept ~ "Willow st ass, Andrew Ru seli Brainerd Malket gardiner and specialist Ely, Helen Marl' (Mrs H M Williamson 1~0 E 26 st Portland are MI ner, Julius E lliott 3022 So Dupont Lawrer- curity Bank Bldg Rank, Samuel Add ison Central City 0 10 Mlnin!,: engineer ", tarrilt, Simon Peter died Jan Stewa rt, J. Clark 61G Syndicate Bldg Surgeon 1876 Butler, Martha Appleton OUrs J N hnus) ChamberlaIn, F r a ncis A (Ex) R R No ~ Stacy ecurlty Bank Bldg l're"'ldent of Security Dank Cl a rk. John SInclair av se Prores.or of Lat in, Universily Crafts, Robert Hen. y liiounll Mlnn GIllette, Lew is S Inger 40 royeland Terrae Pr siden t of the Electric Steel Ele\'ator 0 Ha ll, Abbie WhIte (1I1rs,y II B t) ru ay Pargo N D "nendricl(son, Eugene Aidn died,\ prll HutchI nson, John Corrin 3 Oli Blaisdell, I rofe~snr of Greel<, Un Iversity Leona rd, W illi a m E dwin ~ t4g ranu av P h ysiclan anu surgeon, Don aluson b l d~ La k. '''" \I am HerOd mboy III Pasto.' of Meth Odist hurch Sweat..John Aiken Gl"at Falls Mont rhy5icilln a nd surgeon ' Young, Howell W (Ex) D ceast'u June 1st 19D Ca mpbell, Graham Cox Burkeville Ya President of Ingleside Seminary Ca mpbell, Mat ilda Jane (llis G F 'Wilkin) Assistant professor of German 601 6th st s e Childs, Joel Nathaniel Rout e no 2 Stacy Superintendent of schools Currie, E benezer Abraham El Cajon Calif "Eusti, Frank died June ~ E ustis, F red st av s o Real Estate and Loans E ustis, John B (Ex) Guaranty Bldg Real e tate and loans "Fuller. Yiola (Mrs J E Miner) died May ~5, "Hendrickson, Albert Pre lon Deceased May 1911 *Kas ube, John harles died Nov 1 1!l Mahoney, Stephen 923 :\let Life B ldg Lawver "Perkin. 'John Waldo Pribble. Edwin BUl'llham "Rollitt, Charlotte Adelaide, deceased, Jun e 1910 Xortb Yakima Wash died liich ~~~ Maple Omaha N e D Savidge. harles 'Wilbur liiinl ter Welle. Albert McClure Sauk enter Publisher Sauk enter Herald 1878 Bryant J ulia n Cl arence 4H Clinton av Saint Paul Couillard, Fred Leslie R R 1 S tauon F Farmer etcheil, Netlie 537 Mapl a\' Los Angeles Cali! 'l"acher Howell, Judson Torn' 1.7nkn own Leonard, Henry Clay.\.itJ'ln Physl ian LewiE, John Hamilton OntarIo Cali! Fruit grow r ~nd pac\(er McCombs, Chas E (Ex) Duluth Physician and "urge-on lilae, Mary Anna (:11rs '" S randall) (lilts Bouton) He W S st Long Bl'aeh lair Newton. Thom a s Rogers ~6!l7 Elliott av lilon y order lerl< post office Pritchard, EYan Rollanu ~OO '\\" 4 t Aberd en W ash Pa lor of Presbyterian church Ra nd, Rufus R (Ex ALlnneapolis Gas 0 bldg Y i<:e-pre ident JlllnnNtpoli Gas 0 Robinson, Mary ' V :\11's William,,'alford, " 10 s t s o ~milh Haryev Jay Ta Y lo ~ Myro n DeVere ~t nknown 100.d Minn J udge-7th judi Ini distri t

28 18 THE MINNESOT A ALUMNI WEEKLY "-arren, " 'illiam John First Creek L a leeside,vash Physician Williams, Daniel torm Lake Ia Presbyterian clergyman Willis, John W (Ex) 932 Summit av t Paul Wood, George Albert aratoga alif Lumb I' and Tllal estate 1879 Aldrich, Henry C (Ex) Physi ian a nd surgeon "Barrett, " 'alter Scott Basse tt, " ' iiliam Linco'in Lumberman Bowman, Fred Capln Physician and surgeon Burns, Catherine Amelia Physician Byrnes, Timothy Edward 401 Donaldson bldg died Jan Lumber Ex hange Palladio bldg Duluth Hopkins South Slation Boston Mass V P, N Y, N H & H Ry Champlin, Evelyn May (Mrs \V S Barrett) Prlvale tutor av no Collom, J o hn Franklin 2705 Ridge Road, Berkeley Calif Elliott, Etta Medora (Mrs E P Adams) 36 Emery st Tufts College Mass -Gage, Addison, Jr died Sept Goodnow, John Finley died Dec Goodrich, Caillin, G (Ex) T CRT Bldg President T CRT Co -Greer, Allen J ay deceased Hildreth. Alliin Barnesll1l1e Lodging house proprietor and writer Keysor, William Winchester Kirkwood Mo "'ashington Umve,'sity Law School-St Louis 1110 ProCessor of law Linton, Laura Alberta Rochesler Asst physicia n state hospital Cor Insane Loring, Albert C (Ex) Guaranty bldg Recei ver for Pillsbury-Washburn o McKean, Frank mith Lakeland Superintendent of schools Partridge, George Henry 1 Groveland Terrace Wholesale dry goods, Wyman, Parlridge & Co Rha m es. RobE:rt Willia m Batesville Ark Clergyman Rockwood, Chelsea Joseph 1700 Thomas Place, Roe. Marion Hooker Centralia Wash Rollltt, Caroline (Mrs G A Wood) Saratoga Calif Thompson, Etta (Mrs 0 B Gould 2000 Penn av so Thompson, George Burt Medford Mass V\Thol~sal e Oour, C of C, Boston Tonka Bay West high school Grand Rapids West, Martha Isabel Teache r of mathema tics, West, Willis Mason Farming Berry, FrederIc Gerald Bryant, J a m es Francis Clergyman Greeley. Horace Burnham Farmer - H errick, Iarence Luther Holt, Andrew Judge of s upreme court Horton, J seph Elisba died Mar 20, 1883 Ida Grove l a Mapleton rll I'd Sept Chicago av 312 Lindell e Blk Spokane Wash Banker and real estate H ouse, Eliza b eth Augusta 1529 Unl, rslty av se Lawrence, Bessie S (Mrs Geo McGregor) 3120 Portland av Lind John (Ex) N w York Life Blag, -President of Board of R gents d -Nix, Rohert P ter A ndrew. decease R eynolds Minnie Aurora (Mrs G B Ell,s) I C II! ' 2128 Western av Los Ange es a Rank' n Albert William st 8e ' Professor of pedagogy, Unlverslct y t. II W h Roe, Alva Lucius en la a as I III Smith. Gilman Walter 72 w Adams s t Ch cago Dh'lslon er cling manager Am Bridge C Smith, Harlley Page 505 Lonsdale bldg Duluth 'Wlth Franklin ' V 'mlth & 0, mining engine rs Todd, LIllian anborn (Mrs G H Remelp) 56 IrvIng l '" Medford JIlass Williams. 'VllIlam " 'adsworth Lim Springs Ia Farmer 1881 Alton, George Briggs tate Inspector of high -Anderson. Samuel Gilmore Baldwin, Otway \\'llklnson 'Lawver Bardwell, 'Fred Leslie 1601 'nl\'erslly av se schools <.lied 0 t pruce Place 1886 E 101 St leveland Ohio As~t. Professor Chemistry ase School Applied clence Bonnlwell, Harlow Horar.e Hutchinson "Broughton. Herbert John died May Bryant, " 'lliiam ull n died Oct ~ Burns, Diana (Mrs S a mphell) Hopkins Campbell, Agnes M. 313 Columbia Bldg Duluth Real e lale Zenith Realty Co Chowen, Herbert Oscar Gr at Falls Mont Manag I' American apphire Co Crafts, Lettie May 1303 Yale Place Memb I' city library board Goodman, Allen D (Ex) Flour mill Grimes, Emma Elizabeth Grimes, George Sutherland 506 Board of Trade Duluth av so Beard Harrington, William Edmund Hutchinson Presld nl of Itizens Bnnk Hough, Emily Louise (Mrs W II Ravldge) ity clerk 908 Fort st Boise Idaho Jennison, James e24 so Fremont hief cll'rk, PIllsbury-,Vashburn 0 Kent, Chari s Edward died Mar 2~ 1 9~ King, William Lpslle, H yd rabad Deccan IndIa Mlssi nary, Methodist church. Locke. David Albert 20~7 Emerson av no PhysiCian and surgeon Locke. Samuel Allen Minneapolis Shade lolh Maes, Emma Ernestine 418 W P a lmer, Sarah Ellen Phillips, Bradley, Jr Heating contraclol' Rowley, Quentin John 313~ Oakland av co st Long Beach allf Unknown ~431 Pleasant av 709 Slory b ldg Los Ang I s allf PhysiCian and surgeon Savidge. William I-TInes 908 Fort st Boise ldaho. promotcr of min S Snyder, Fred Beal e urlly Bank bldg LU"'ver WillIams, ' Lilla Ruth, (Mrs Bradley Phillips Jr) ~431 Pleasant av 1882 Backus, GeOl'ge J oseph Lumb l'man -Bonnlwell, Agn s Virginia Clark, William Wyckoff Stuart Fla died Feh :! 311 Nicollet a" Curtis, Grace 'Webster (MIS E A Go".,.an POI' tag Wis Demmon, Alice Elizabeth 913 W Copp r s t Butte Mont Sup r\'lr(lr of domesti c Bclen e Dickerman, Arthur Edwin apilal Bank Bldg t Paul Dlckprman lnvestment 0 Fletcher, Carrie Del an la (Mrs ~ J Gould,.Tamf's Benn It Physl Ian and surgeon Hall, Albert (Ex) Healy, Frank Hendrickson. Emma Laura ( rrs Ro Inyood) 1700 Thomas av 3:l17 Nicollet av N Y LICe Bldg 1800 So IIumholdt harl s C L yford) st so Henry, Mary Louise (Mrs Frank Healy) ld 1800 So Humbo l Hillyer, Andrew Frankd~52 6 sl nw Washington D C

29 ALUMNI DIRECTORY SLA lerk, U S treasury department Holt, Carrie Warner (Mrs R W Jamison) 1102 w 14 st Sioux City 10. Holt, Lydia Rossiter died Feb 1885 Holt, Mary Eliza died Nov Hughes, Mary Nancy (Mrs, C E Sinelair) 1815 So Humboldt JQhnson, Richard Hartwell Dickinson N D Banker Kilbourn, Louie Lillian 5404 Kimbark av Chicago, president Board of Trustees of s' pensions and Retirement Fund Knox, Frances Ada Leavens, Frank Nichols Linton, William Beans Physician and surgeon IIIcMilian. Em1ly Dana Artist Syl\-an. Wash 503., Hennepin av av se Nachtrleb Henry Francis 905 6th st se Professor of animal biology-unh'erslty Nunn, Alexander Hamilton Law~ pr 518 Olympia Place Seattle Wash.Pickett. Eli Milton Sldff died Nov Pillsbury, Ada Eva (1\1rs C 1\1 Webster) Prosser. Ras'elas Hamlin Reynolds, Fred (Ex) Shumway Herbert P ai ne Ret(red luml ermall and farmer Strong. Harrv Amy Wlth Wyman Partridge Co.Webster, Charles Myron Whitne}. Edward Duffield Neill WilCOX, Asa S (Ex) Physician and surgeon -WIlson. J sse raig Pr('suyterinn elergyman Young, Edward T (Ex) 1883 "Baldwin. Euwanl P 8ell, Robert Mowry Instructor in Princeton Catherwood, Samuel Doak Clark, Frederick Henry Fay, William Eastman 366 Commonwealth PhY8irian Gaylord. Edson Starr Lawver Hall, perl " M ( Ex ) Physician. Cily Health Hollister, Louise Elma ~10G died April SO Humboldt Torry Bldg Duluth Wakefield Neb st se died May ~0 E 17 st Raymond Neb St Paul died 1895 Princeton N J University Austin Minn Unknown av Boston Mass 805 Palace bldg Court 'House Commissioner Central st EYanston III National J cturer and organizer, " C T U Jones, David Percy ~OO;; 3 av so Real estate and in\-estment banker McKnight bldg "Jones. Edwar(\ Coryilen died Sept ~ JIO-fferson, Anna H (Mrs Louis H Pinkham) av ""est Spol,ane Wash Kennedy, Kate Louise (Mrs J H Barr) Euclid Hali 5 Broadway York City Locke. Joseph Henry 1\1inac:1 hihuallua l\iex Ranch r and hanker "Mc "air. Sarah P died 1 85 Mal-ston, Anna Calista ClIIrs Dougla~ Ayres) Fort Plain N Y Nunn. Janet Lewi 1 & Clari, H S Spolmne "'ash Pierce. Helen Loui e (Mrs Daniel F Smith) Great Falls Mont Sheldon, l\iarlha Alms- Khela P 0 Almora Disl Bhot India S If-supporting medical misslonar~' 1\1 E church Salisbury. George N"lson 348 H1 av S attle "'"a h Dil-ector of 'Washington ection U S \"eather Bur au S idener, Charles Frederick Unlversit~' ProressOl' of chemistry. University *Truss"ll, Enlma F (Mrs \\" F) Truss"l1, Samuel Lincoln Deputy collector Ware, Emma Jane (Mrs F A Wintel-er, Herman (Ex) Lt1.wyel' S di,1 190~ 1500 H nn \lin ay internal revenue Livingston Mont cheuber) J~ivingslon Jlront Valley City N D 1884 Adams_ Elmer Ellsworth Fergus Falls Banker Baker, Nathan Morton Jr Physician 524 Old Nat Bk Bldg Spokane Wash B onfoy, Anna Helen (Mrs Vaughn) Palo Alto Cali! Tutor BradfOTd. Belle Marlon 2641 Garfield Av' Butler, Patrick Joseph Chaska Donahue Jeremiah Ignatius St Cloud Firkins, Oscar st se lnstructor in English-Universitv :Hendrickson, George Lorenzo, die-d Feb HutchJnson, Joseph Henry Capper died Nov "~ohnson, Anthony died June Kmgsbury. Adalyna (Mrs R S Pigott) ~ ~lepper, G~orge Horace 124 W Grant st Larson. Eh died July ~ Lay the, Bessie (llfrs Scovell) av se Lecturer :\lanchester. James Eugene 4.05 Oak st se Rowell, Henry Hastings S ibley box H Lewiston Idaho,Publisher and fruit grower Sch=dt, Charles Christian Uni\-ersity of N D Professor in education ewall. Hannah Robie Forest Glen IIrd Sewall, usan " ' inifred (Urs Wal tel' Chapin) 631 Ashland av St Paul 307 E Jeffer on Boise Idaho Yaughn. Zenas Newton Civil engineer Wilcox, F rank B (Ex) Zwlnggi, Emma ~117 Kenwood Pkwy R F D No 1 box 57 Traverse 1885 Abbott, Howard Strickland st se Baldwin. Albert li1elancthon Cooperstown N D Benton_ Mary Lathrop 39 West st Northampton 1\Iass Profe sor of Latin, Smith College Brown, Bertl1a l\1innie (Mrs F 0 Getchell) ~3~0 "estern av Folwell, Mary Heywood 10~O 5 st se Gray. James 421~ Sheridan av so Editor Minneapolis Journal Greenwood, CUI-tis Langdon Hotchkiss Colo Civil and mining engineering In-ing, M<lry Eliza Mrs C 1. Greenwood) Langland, Samuel Solfest La~yer ~~3:! K Locl<e, Ca sius Marciu The Minneapolis Shade :\1ann_ Ida Yictoria Hotchkiss Colo Haryard ~eatt1e "-ash 2~11 Emerson av no Cloth Co 623 E Franklin av Moulton_ harles William Poughkeepsie N Y Profe_sor of chemistry. Ya sat college Smith, Mabel Lorrain Knoxville Tenn Way, Charles M le.:") a\- se President liiinneapoiis BedUing Co 1886 Adams, John William, 4611 Springfield av Philadelphia '''eterlnury ur~eol' Amy_ Jennie l\lay (Mrs E R nickinney) 924 Prospect t Appleton " -i Bennett, John W illiam DI patch Blcl'7 St Paul and new-spaper man Craft. Leo Melville st se Ph)'sician and surgeon Crane, Fremont are of Public " orks Dept Navy yard Portsmouth Ya Civil en!,:"ineer Elwell. 1I1ary "hitmol-e (JIll'S T N Spaulding) 371 Clarmont Drive Pasad",na Calif Grannis, HenlY J a mes 1st Tatl Bank Bldg Duluth Lawver Johnson,. Frank Amos 2~ 1\1orris st J l-sey City N J Patent altol'ney

30 20 T HE MINNE SOTA ALUMNI WEEKLY Kennedy, Joseph 11l~ Univ av Grand Forks N D Dean of s' College and professor of philosophy of education, U of N D K iehle, Ada May (Mrs J C EKing) ~~7 S 60 st Portland are King, J a mes Char les Ell iott 814 Corbett bldg Portland are Physician Lyall, Maud Julia (Mrs G T W Patrick) Iowa City Ia 6~3 E FranklIn av Mann, Ida Victoria, North high Marris, Josephine :B' (1111's school Preston King) ~4UO tevens av Powell, Ma ry Alden (Mrs,y F Webster) st se Sewall, Elizabeth Quincy (Mrs P G Wright) 1443 E Knox st Galesburg III Ware, L lliian Lincoln (Mrs J M Boles) Sunset Webster, W illiam Fran k lin 10~5 5 Principal of the East high school Wilcox, Fra n ces (Ex) (Mrs F L Washburn) 1l1~ Mont st se st se Bassett, Franklin Harley Snohomish Wash Fruit rancher B rewster, Henry W e bb MI hlgan City I nd Loans and r a l estate Burnell, George Edwin 1436 So Flowe'r $t Los Angeles Calif and writer Cross, Norton Murdoch New York Life B ldg Croswell, Thomas Henry Brainard Dinsmoor, Adelb rt Olsman Austin S tock farmer Emery, Elwood All e n GU man, Joshua Ethan 27 uditorium bldg Chicago noyalton Superintendent of schools Gould, Albert Burt Mazeppa Clergyman Graham, Christopher Rochester PhysiCian and surg on Hammond, Georg lienry Lake City Hawlev, John Blacl<stock Fort Worth Texas 'ity engineer Hinshaw, Jesse Doddridge 30~ Boston Block Mer hant tailor Hinsh a w, Millard Eve rett Merchant tailor Lamorea ux, Lowell Andrew 39 Seymour av se Architect-L ng, Lamoreaux and Long, Lamoreaux, Milton Sprague 553 W 67 st Chicago Lumber dealer, McKenzie, Ralph Murdoch,Vashll1gton n C with Bureau of Labor Interstate ommerce om "McKinney, Edwin Arthur died 1908 I\I cki n ney, Everson Ryder Clergyman 924 Prospect sl Appleton WISI M il iken, William Patton 3858 How St Oaldand Calif Physician and SUl'geon Olsen, Ingerval M Sic py Eye J udge, 9th ju(l\cial district Rosselo w, Joseph Henr Y 5H Hyde B ldg Spol,ane Wash Lawye.'. Smlth Mary Isadore (I\1rs '.r IT roswell), died March 2r., 1907 W lnterer, Ed ~% d Orang Dril'c Los Angel s allf Lawy r, 'VIiC'ox Bldg., Los Angeles 1888 Adams, Alice Anna (Mrs,V A 8ggleslon ) 1777 S Dupont ()29 8 st ~e of the Minneapolis Anders o n, Josiah M (Ex) Vlce-pl'E'sident and manag,',. B dd ing 0 BakC'r, Lucy L loyd Benson, Percival Hams y '''ishart 10 Author Blerba ue r, Bruno 19hyslclan 47 Pie... ep"nt st Bl'ool<lyn N Y Blanchard, Mary LIzzie (Mrs G P l\iurnh~') Kenosha,Vis Cook. Edna (Mrs C H McCaslin) 214 W 27 st F illmore, A lbert Ernest Fairmont Clergyman, rector ot St Martin's church Finch, Albert Ames Unknown Firkins, Ina st s Refer nce LIbrarian-UnIversity Gale, Isa bel (Ex) (Mrs i:l J 'l'r~'on) ~115 Girard av so "Genno, ::;evert tiled ::.ept ~ 1 ~{ Gideon, Florence Ellen (I\1rs C II Webst r) No. th high schuol 2211 Em Ison av no Gra be r, A lbert 141 5th av ne 'hlef engineer-dan Patch line Gra nt, Ul y sses Sherma n 2530 Orrington av Evanston III Professor of geology Northwestern UniverSit y. Hobbs, F red Ezra died May 20, 1910 Holmes,,Val tel' Benjamin Ada. I hysician and Burgeon 59 Seymour av se General Alumni Association Boston Block Johnson, Elwin Bi rd Secretary of the Kennedy, E r nest (Ex) Architect Ma nn, A,rth u r Tea ll Surgeon Matteson, Sumner Accountant Morse, Bertha Alden (Mrs W W Donaldson bldg W arren, Jr ol,e and Gas Co Milwaukee Wls Morse) 119 Bedford se 401 w 116 New York City Olmstead, S usan H a wley ollege secretary P ill s bury, S ara h (Mrs E C Gale) Porter, Ol iv ia Ca nby (Mrs A M Soule) 846 Milledge av st se Athens Ga Reed, Melville Emerson 414 Lewis Bldg Portland Ore Consulting Englneel' Rowell, W a rren Cogswell 116 E ~8 st N w York City Vice-president and eastern representative or II W Wilson 0 Shillock, Anna, East high Rehool Slwrdals\'old, Johannes Jens Journalist, teacher and farme'r Smith, Dow S a muel Manager Dan Pat h Llnp Sm ith, Frank R Ex) Local manag r, Mutual Stacy, F ra ncis Newton Public examiner Thompson, harles A Thompson, Helmus W e ll s Torrens, John Lucius Sup,'rlnt ' ndent of S hool8 Twic hell, Luther (Ex) 12 4 st se nn 21 av ave se Phoenix bldg Life Insurance st se Amboy Eugene are ivabasso 50ti ',n-age-scofield bldg Ta omn.,ya Ii Archltpct W ill ard, Willi a m Dodsworth Mankato BAnkeI' \\'lnch('ii, 1m, at'ollne (Mrs l~ N tacy) st se 1839 Abernethy, Franl, Slwrman 2219 N Dupont 'Vholesale gro cry hrol, l' Alden, Cha rles H (Ex) G07 rary B ldg Seattle, Vash Architect Babcock, Earl Ja\' Grand Fori,s N D J)pan of Co llege of Mining Engineering U or N 0 Dahrocl" K ndl'lck harll'r Bureau of Education "\VU'1hington D Sp(' ialisl in higher education Rnl<pr, Rebecca Yll'glnla (Mrs C '.r Moffett) Wayzata Brohough, Guslave 0 ned Wing Tcat'h l' & I I' s 1st Nall Bk Chase, He n ry R (Ex) av s e l\1erchant henpy,,villiam Whittlesey Physicln n n nd surgeon Falls It~' W ash Countryman, Grati a Alta 1721 so Fremont Librarian of t h Ily librar)' Elwell, Ma tti e Lau r a (Mrs W A Noy s) Urbana III F a r ies, Johll Cuthbert 130 W l1s St New Yori( Ity ('Ierg)'man, F olsom, John A ~ 16 l\[cknlght BId!; Heal state and loans

31 ALUMNI DIRECTORY 21 SLA Giddings, Arthur Eugene Anoka J udge, 18th judicial district Go ode, J ohn P a ul G~27 Klmbark av Chicago III Asst professor of geography University of Chicago Johnso n, H e nry 620 W 116 st New York City Professor of history, s' College Columbia University "Jones, Frank Dumars died Nov Ladue, William Baker care chjet Engrs, War Dept Washington D C USA-Major corps of engineers Lind, Alfred 812 Andrus bldg Physician and surgeon Mcl\lillo.n, JessIe (Mrs \V J Marcley) t se "Meacham, Henry George, rued Jan Meeds, Alonzo Draper 2424 Harriet av Inspector of gas Moffett, Robert Leslie La, yer 471 Park av New York City S acre, Bu rt (Ex) 6~9 San Fernando Bldg Los Angeles Calif Savage, Charles A lbert (Ex) Professor Greek Sewa ll, Ma rgaret Lou isa Libraria n Smith, Ada Emily (Mrs Alfred Stockwell, W a lter Li ncoln UnIversity Forest Glen liid L Rist) Algona Ia Bismarck N D Grand ecr tary and recorder of :;IIasonic and Templar bodies of N D Strohmeier, Lydia Kathrina 3~3 6 av se ThOmPson, Maud (Mrs J H C Engle) ~103 E 15 st Duluth Triggs, Oscar Lovell Point Loma Calif Waters, Helen E (liirs M F Gates) Washington D care of Dr l\i F Gates USN Navy Department 1890 A bbott, H oiwa rd T (Ex) Lonsdale bldg Duluth Abernethy, Antoinette J 1\1rs 1\1 S Lamoreaux) 453 W 67 st Chicago Andr ws, Hattie Louise 140 'Yorcester av P asadena Calif Bally, Henry Patterson 203 New York Life bldg Beach, Will1am Artemus Mankato Physicinn and surgeon Brabec, Fra n k J oseph Perham PhysicIan and surgeon Christianson, hristian II R F D 3 Sioux FalJs S D Poul try farmer ChrIstianson, P eter ~17 Union st se Professor of M etallurgy, Uni,'ersity Clark, Victor S elde n HonolulLl, Hawaii ExecutIve Officer Board of Immigration Comfort, S ara h Ca t heri ne Peoria III Bradley Polytechnic In titute Conger, Charles Thompson Ontario Calif 'Cotton, Henry died Jan 2:l 1901 Countryman, Lana Mariah (Mrs C T Conger) Principal of high schools Ontario Call! COY ell, Frank Edwal'd ~504 W 40 St -Publi ber "Cutts, Rollin Edwa,'d died liiar Dodge, W arren Ma ynard Farmington PhysicIan and surgeon Frost, F lora Joy Jackson Fryberger, H a rrison Earl 1050 Security Bank bldg Gran t, olfax 513 N W BanI, bldg Gro S, tis Carsley Jackson, Charles William M 1'chant Kennedy, Harry 1\1artin Manager of flour mills Kennelly, Lewis Henry Law~ ' er Kennedy, Patrick Sup rlntendent of schools Bl'ool(lyn Center 143 s 3 Phoenix ArIz LangfOrd S D Fairmont Lu'1'l, Burt Fra nk Met LIfe bldg Mills, Ma ry (Mrs Max,Vestl 1 ;l~ Summit PIa e 'Washington D C Buren u of child labor Montgomery, Lou ise 4630 Gross a " hicago SI) inl sett le111en t wo,'l,,,,r NIcol, Jessie Ma y (Mrs II Hoyt) 313 S ~1 ay E Duluth Petri, Gustave Axel 330 T emple Ct Phillips, Ed ith V iola (Mrs G H Selover) 1717 Knox av so P Ike, Joseph Brown av se Professor of Latin, Univer sit y "Rex, Milton died Oct Richardson, Herbert Gilman Soo L ine Boildin g Attorney Claim department of the Soo Ry R ichardson, Oscar Kelsey died December 1909 "Rutherford, William Henry A died Dec Serumgard, Siver Devils L ake N D Shaw, Alb rt Woodward 64 Stewart av Mansfield 0 Jobber of wall paper Sommers, Cha r les Lyesrlng 6th & Wacouta St Paul Wholesale merchant-regent of the University Spauldmg, Edward Martin Missoula Mont Pbysician and surgeon Thom a s, Na thaniel Seymour Cheyenne Wyo Bi hop of Wyoming "'aite, Frederick Cogswell Unknown Weber,!\Iary Louise st so -South high *West, Max died Jan 'Vllson, Ie Knute Milestone Sask Canada Grain merchant Winslow, " 'aiter Edwin 500 s 10 s t Insurance 1891 Ankeny, Martha Yirginia (::III'S N M Cross) Bebb, Rose Ann PhYSician Bestor, May TacheI' Blethen, Alde n J oseph Jr Publisber 'Boyum, igurd JohnSOn Bray, Ch a rles W il li am PhYSician and surgeon "Chapman, Grace, Chapple, Benjamin Philip 2019 ~nd av s Rochester Fargo N D The Times Seattle W a sh died Jan 1 r 95 Biwabik deceased Bathgate N D Supt of N D School for the Blind Chase. Charles Lincoln 1710 S Colfa.-,: Shoe merchant Church, A rt hur Bli ss Long Prairie Clark, George A rchiba ld tan ford Uni ~yersity California Secretary of Leland Stanford Junior Universit,' Connor, l\1~ttle, (1\1rs C L hase) 1710 Co](a.-,: av so Cross, Nellie Malura (!\Irs T :\f Knappen) 2'36 Birch t Vancouver B Dodge. Alb~rt Ames PhYSician and surgeon F rye, Nora Great Falls Mont av Spokane W ash Gardin r, Edward Brown 5510 Cates av st Louis Mo Advertising manager Wm Barr Co Guthrie C harles E,Cobb Bldg Seattle W ash Physician and snrcreon "Guthrie, Dora May (l\irs Hammond, Asa John PhYsician and urgeon Hanft, Frank PrinCipal of high school Harmon, W il liam Webb Banker E Huntington ) rued Feb So AldrIch MarInette Wis Menomonee M ich Jackson,,,'jJlIam Augnstus 414 Equitable bldg Dem'er Colo Jorgen, Joseph 0 n st Principal of South high school "Kemp, Mary Emma (1\1rs B H Timberlake) Deceased Kn a ppen, Theodore McFarlane 3 36 Birch st Y ancouver, B C Leach, Harlan Edward Owntonna. Lawver Lommen,. hristian Peter on Vermillion S D Professol' of Biolog)' Dean of t he College of Medicine Un iv<,rsity of S D Martin, Ll11ie :;\lay (:;Ilr s T G Soares) 5541 Lexington av Chicago [E'rri1l, John Ernest Aintab Turke~',in - A ia Pre ident of Central Turk y nege Montgome ry, F rances (!ill's J G Cros ) 4~~ Ridge~'ood Morin, Margaret Bel1e (Mrs M D PUrdy 3706 Lake of Isles Bvld

32 22 THE MINNESOTA ALUMNI WEEKLY Morris, Henry Stephen Sisseton S D Banker Morris, Wm B av se Advertising manager N W Knitti C Nickerson, Ernest Arthur ng 0 Lumberman 2731 Bancroft Way Berkeley Cajit Peirson, Homer Francis Austin Physician and surgeon Purdy, Milton Dwight 2706 Lake of Isles Blvd S ardeson, Frederick William 414 Harvard st se Assistant professor dept of geology Sias, Edgar Daniel Harborview Florida Horticulturist Smith, George Arthur Laurel Soares, Theodore Geraldo 6541 Lexington av Chicago Professor of homiletics and religious!!ducatlon University of Chicago Stacy, Albert Wallace Luml er dealer Stearns, Victor Alonzo Stout, Thompson Welliver l\lethodist minister Douglas Ariz Lonsdale bldg Duluth 546 Newton av N Sweigle, urllss Deceased Timberlake, Byron Harvey st se Gen Rep Provident Life and Insur co Todd, Frank C (Ex) 606 Donaldson bldg pecialist-eye, ear Webster, Albert Martin 935 Hawthorne av Portland Ore Physician and surgeon 1892 Bailey, Clara Edill1 460 Shafter av Oakland Calif of Greek and Latin, High school, Baldwin, Clara Frances 605 Portland av St Paul Secretary of the Minnesota Publlc Library commission Belden, George Kimball 70J 5th st so ontractor Berkey, Charles P eter Palisade N J Asst Prof of geology Columbia University Best, R ista Nimmons Chamber of Commerce redit manager Washburn Crosby Co Bradford, James Everett Central bldg Seattle Wash orporalion council, city of Seattle Chapple, Chari s Loran Nachez Wash Physician Cheney, Ma ry Moulton 2239 Gordon av St Paul Consulting designer and Prln dept Design Minneapolis School of Fine Arts Cla1'I{e, Benjamin ~~~n;~inmadison av La Grange III Head of Dept of mathematics, Township high school. Covell, Arthur Eugene Died September 1908 Cross, John Grosvenor 424 Ridgewood av Phvslcian and surgeon Dahl, John Albin Temple Court Dewey Rupert Carthalo Marine Barrac~s Navr yards Captain U S Marine corps New): ork ('Ity Dittenho fer, Frank Herman Temple Court Elftma n, Arthur Hugo 416 Palace Bldg Mining engineer Farm r, John Frederi~67 no Lake av Pasadena Call! Physician Folln, Otto Knut400}J'~ckmlnster Professor of physiological Friedlander, Esther of Latin, Graves, John "<;Vesley road Brool<line Mass chemistry, Harvard av so South high school 413 Rookery bldg Spokan wasn Guthrie, Anna Lorral ne, 1101 Univ ave se Eultor of the Readers Guide Deephaven H a le Charles Sumner 'President KIlgore-P t eler Co Donaldson ljldg Head George Douglas 'Physician a~'i~ SU1'gif~n1 President Brool<lyn N Y HoltZ 'I:~~'~c t;l~pbrook l yn Training School [or Teach- H It G ei~frld Em a nuel Grand Forks N D u 'Pr~fess or of Grecl{, University ofcf,li1~arl{ Mass Hunt lp~'~~ci;~on a~dbedsutgeon-studylng in Vienna, Austria, in care o! A M A "Hurd, Bradford Coryelle Died July Keefer, George L enfesty 412 Currier bldg Los Angeles Call! Kenyon, Paul Emerson Wadena Physl Ian and surgeon Kirk, Everett Buell 446 Laurel av t Paul Krafft, Edwin James 1419 Harmon Place Farm mortgages and Savings Bonds Leary, William Connor Court House Judge Municipal court r.. ucy, Sarah Bird ommunity of St J ohn Baptist N Y City Madigan, James Edward :Maple Lake Mathes, Elizabeth H (Mrs W H Merriman) Nelson, Andrew O' Brien, James Edward La",'yer 20 Scott st Utica N Y 1st Nall Bank bldg Duluth Phoenix ljldg P ierce, Lyma n Love Penn & 7th sts Pittsburgh Pa Gen ral S cretary, Y M A Ranum, Arthur 113 Osman Place Ithaca N Y Asst Professor of mathematics Cornell University Rexford, Minnie Agnes (Mrs E A Nlcl<erson) ~731 Bancroft Way Berkeley Call! Robinson, Louise Florence (Mrs J E Rhodes) st so Rochford, Mrs Effie Ames (Mrs "<;V E) Rose, Florence J ulia Kin(1('I'gartner ammls, Evaline Van W Sikes, G org CUShing 311 Newspaper writer Smith, Carlt n Wilbert Profe_sor mal Stearns, Stella Burger TeachH 1940 James av so 2425 so Dupont (Mrs F Walkpr) 501 Rlugewood N entral av Chicago III 1907 Lamborn av Superior WIs of math matlcs Superior State Nor- Pocatello, ldaho Tombs, Helen Huntington (1\1I'S W L Stockwf'!1l Fargo N D Tun II, George G lon Ry Exch Rldg hicago CommlsHlonel' of Taxe -A T!'; F Ry Sy,t m Wallin, Madeleine (Mrs G Sikes) 311 N Central av hicago Zeleny, Anthony 613 Fulton st se Professor of physics, Unlv rsily Zeleny, John 71~ 10 av Be Professor of physics ancl acting dean of the Grauuate School niverslty 1893 Adams, Ada Editha (IIIrs S H Lockln) Red "'ing Allen, Emma Frances (~ll's J lilills) Preston Ang us, William Hannaford N D Bank cashier Austin, Mabel Fletcher (JIll'S E E Southard) Plwslclan 37 Trowhridge st 'amhrldge Mass Bassett, ' Mary Eliza beth (Mrs W Bray) Biwabik Bell, Gertrude Grosvenor (Mrs C N BUI~~~) Earth Berg Anna Naphthalia (Mrs E K Evens) Princeton "Ber~eth, Andrew M died August Birdsall, Albert Thornto S21 Clinton av Brool,lyn N Y Phyglcian anu Rurgcon Bonw(>Il, Radle L (~lrs F D Calkins) Sunn),,'ale, C~1i~. Borncamp, Edward Deceas<'d Aug 11, arel HlIhert harles Raymond & University St Paul 'President North rn Chemical assn Carsweil, Robert E (]<;x) 903 Andrus blllg Financier olgrove, Maud omfort (Mrs Fred Schilplin) av so Rt Cloud oller Mabel Augusta 811 Laurel av st Paul ire" her of history M A high school Cool ey Mart ha May 1n~5 Essex st San Diego Cali! Davis,'Wailacf' IT (Ex) ~3G McKnight Bldg Real estat and Investments Dresser Helen Alice (l\lrs F M Fling) I N b ' 1304 B st Llnco n e Elwell, J ssle II C (Mrs W n Fros t) Empy, Clnrence Roy La,,,yer.Ferree, hurles Wesley 310 No Bruen s t Madison Wis 910 Phoenix bldg Deceased

33 Flaten, Nils Northfield Professor of Latin, St. Olaf College Folsom, Mary Lou ise 914 E 19 st Teacber Folwell, Russell Heywood 1811 Fisher b ldg Chicago Engineer and contractor Frost, William Datlge 310 N Buren st Madison Wis Associate professor of bacteriology, U of Wis One year's leave of absence Harvard Medical School Boston Mass Fuller, Lillian CVrs John Gray) Manila P I Gibbs, Gertrude E thel (Mrs Frederick Meier) Lindsay, Cal1! Gjerset, Knut Decorah Ia Professo-r of Norwegian language, literature and hi tor;', Luther college Grotte, Anthony Plymouth bldg Hahn, Roland Bruce died July Hannum, Harry Ol iver 57 Pearl st Holyoke Mass Pastor of Congregational church Harris, E mily Ruth (Mrs J E Bell) Saratoga Cali! Hartley, Heber Lindon Duluth Mining and Investment Horner, Warren M (Ex) ecurlty Bank bldg Provident Life & Trust Co Huntington, Arthur Elon 5616 Montevista st Los Angeles Cali! Bnnl{er Huntington, George Lincoln 1916 Marshall av St Paul Osteopathic physician Jenson, Nels 2638 W University av St Paul With W &. F Co exp Johnson, Leila Pamelia 74 W 124 st N Y City Y 111 C A Secretary Kellogg, Clara N R F D 3 Tacoma Wash Knudson, Albert Cornelius ' ~2 Rockland av Malden Mass Professor In Boston University school of Theology Larson, Constant Alexandria La"'yer Lougee, Mary Holley (Mrs J C Sweet) av se Lunke, Richard Olaus Culbertson Mont.McCoy, Josephine died April { McCoy. Louise Algona Ia high school-english-german McGregor, J essie Clll'ford (NIrs J D Anderson) Robbinsdale R F D 2 McGregor, Sa idee (Mrs G C Landis) 2619 Garfield Massey, Freedom hester East Grand Forks -First Natl Bank bldg Merrill, George Plummer 2911 no Emerson Pastor Forestl Heights congregational church Mlchelet, Maren B H ~ av so, south high school Patterson, Eugene Lester 744 Osceola av t Paul Fa,'m r Perkins, Minnie Arabella ALUMNI DIRECTORY 23 SLA-94 3~~9 Harriet av Peters, Elizabeth A (Mrs H E Hodge) 211 Washington st Winchester Mass Peterson. George W St Paul Attorney St P M & 0 Ry Phillips. James Erastus Lake City Poehler, Fra nkl in Theodore 412 Reid corner Physician and surgeon Poehler, Henry C Ex) Le Sueur Center Superintendent of schools Potter, Franc Mur'ray 217 8th av se Assistant office of Registrar U of li1 Powell, John Walker Reiglous worl< director Pratt, Albert Fuller -county attorney.rhoades, Grace Meiita Saltsbury, Per y Pritcha"d "'itll Hardwood Mfg Co Selover, Art hur' William Lawver-.\1c1 rman Scherer. Rob rt Walter :liierchant Sethre. John Olaf Sigvaldson. Sigurdu,. *Smlth, Jessie p, in UniverSity Anoka Decea ed 107 3rd av s 6~0 E 17 st New Ulm arltsle St James P 0 Jllanitoba Can (]III'S A E Huntington) 'Died November Smith, Mary Comstock Mrs A L Rlst) Died August Sp ai', Genrge Hancocl< Grand Rapids Stack, George Franklin PhysiCian and surgeon Sterrett, Lillian Josepha of mathematics, Taylor, Benjamin Chandler Independence ~m 2309 So Glrar!l West high scbool J\iankatl) Walker, Edward David 1268 W Minnehaha St P aul Wallace, Thomas Freeman 1010 Security Bank bldg Walther, Louise Grace (IIIrs W H Davies) White, Harry Edgar Superintendent of City schools Young, Charles Elon 303 East av No Oak Park III Ely Wells Superintendent of schools Wilson, Halsey W (Ex) 1401 Univ av se Publisher 1894 Anderson, Frank Maloy Professor of history Anderson, Alex P Industrial chemistry Andrist, Charles M ProfeSSor of Romance Bagley, Horace E Judge, McHenry Co Ballard, Caswell A 1629 University av se 5553 Everett av Chicago & botany 706 Delaware st se Languages Towne r N D Moorhead Dept Biology State normal Barney, Frank H 207 Central av Real estate, insurance and loans Barto, William A Thompson Falls Mont Banker Bates, Lulu M (Mrs Wm Hardcastle) Iowa Falls Ia Bauer, George Neander 1115 East River Road Profe sor of mathematics Beebe, Inga (Mrs Charles Oliver) Station F, R F D No st se B isbee, Edgar C Vice-president :Midland Linseed Oil Co Bradford, J essie A (Mrs E J Veith) Bradford, Mary Grace 2082 Iglehart2 6~r ~~r1ji~lj Briggs, John G Owatonna Baptist minister Burgess, Georgia A st se, North high BurneS!, Clara T (Mrs D C Johnston) Stocl,ett Mont Byrnes, Agnes P (Mrs J T O'Brien) Crystal Bay Minnetonka Can er. " 'alter M Gaylord County superintendent of schools Cates. Alton ' Bradbury Bldg Los Angles Call! Atto-rney at Law Clark, Theodore died April ~nd 1909 Coe, William T 410 Kew York Life bldg Craig, Marion J (Mrs F H Wentworth) 8 Carpenter st Salem Mass Dramatic reader Cole, Eugenia L (Mrs A H Poehler) ~5~ W Franklin av Leeds Utall 939 Plymouth Bldg Crecelius, John A Dever, Charles S Law loans real estate Dewart, Harry McLean 1289 East 6 st n Portland Ore Kew paper man Everts, Katherine Jewell 11 Pinckney st Boston 1I1ass Drama tic r eader Fleming, Hattie E Foster, Eva (1111'S Edward Freeman. Emma Franl<enfield, Laura E 201 Harvard st se Borncamp) (Ex) Winon.. 50 E 5 st St Paul Shubert Theatre Mpls Actress G reen, Frank E Greenwood. Carl De F Fargo N D 330 Burl<e Bldg Seattle Wash Harding, Everhart P st se A st prof ssor of chemi try Hovland, Henry B 505 Lon dale bldg Duluth Mining, Member of b~..\'-rd of regents. Huntoon Ruth (;\It s Ro~er ::<later) Hudson W,s J acl< on.' Rol.ert L 1004 West st Wilmington Del Clergyman K lehle. F rederick A 8H Corbett bldg, Portland Ore Physician-Eye, ear, nose, throat. Larson Augustus T ew Yorl< Llfe Bldg Leav itt, Cl ara K ~015 James ay so

34 Leavitt, Frank W Advertising Litzenberg, Jennings C P h ysician Long Lou is L (Ex) Architect Lord, L Percy Inventor McDonald, Hope McMillan, Bertha L East high school Mace, Blanche A (Mrs G W Harl'is) M anson, Frank 1\1 Physician and surgeon Manuel, Malvern H,R.eal es,tate and Investments Martm, Harrlson B 1\lay, Alb,ert E Mlnmg engineer THE MINNESOTA ALUMNI W E EKLY 80 Orlin av se 910 Donaldson bldg 41 Groveland Terrace 524 Andrus Bldg 301 Oak Grove st se Fergus Falls Worthington 522 Andrus bid g 807 Leary Bldg Seattle Wash Guadalupe Mine, Inde Dgo Mexico Muir, William C Hunter N D Real estate business Pabodie, Alice C (Mrs G M Evenson), 2925 Summit Sioux City Ia Paqum, Samuel S 200 William st New York City Manager International News Service Poehler, y-j a lter C 4655 So Emerson Gram merchant Chamber of commerce Pattee. Charles S Britton S D Farmer Pratt. Rober,ta (Mrs C M Locke) 2211 Emerson av no Robbins. Edith A (Mrs T L Daniel) Robbinsdale 'Rockwell. Thomas A died Feb Sheldon, Edmond P Shepherd. Reuben S Osteopath 'Shepard. Alice Lee 822 Halsey st Portland Ore av no Seattle Wash Deceased Duluth Silberstein, Edward A (Ex) With Silberstein-BondY Co *S imonton, W ill ia m A died March Smith, E Fay 240 W George st St' Paul Instructor in science. Humboldt high school Steele, Mary G ( Mrs F MAnderson) 1629 University av se box 385 StPeter Strathern, Fred P Physician and surgeon Sumner. Francis Bertody 2736 H11legass av Berkeley Calil Naturalist U S Fisheries Steamer Albatross Topping, Cha rles H Van Valkenberg. Jesse 15 WilHam st New York City 1809 So irvin" Whitman. Clarence L Sudan United Mission Donga Sta via Ibl & Forcados, Northern Nigeria W Africa Williams. Archie E Havre Mont PhysiCian and surgeon Wollan. Thomas C Fergus Falls Instructor, Park Region Luther Coli ge Wright. Ella T 2689'h Pico Los Angeles Calif Zimmerman, Una I (Mrs C S Pattee) Britton S D 1895 Alle n, H a rry W inslow 2135 Emerson av n Physician and surgeon Excelsior Aspden, H erbert H e n ry Farmer Seattle Wash Austin. Isabella McHug-h Dean of Women U of Wash Sou tl1boro Mass Baldy, Fr deric Carroll Master. St Mark's school Perth N D Bedient, Louise (Mrs Samuel Adams) Northfield B01'aas, Julius J Professor St Olaf College Bradford. Bertha Rose (Mrs E L McGrory) Terrace av Spolmne Wash Brewer. Mary Tultlo A ldrich av 50 BucklC'y. Daniel 603 American Bk bldg Seattle Wash Physician and surgeon 741 Cano1i St Paul Caldwell. Alexander Woods Independence Wls StacIe. G org Fran\elin, Telegraph ditor. DIspatch C a mpbe ll, W a lter H e n ry 4626 So Emerson LAW and investments-securlly Banle bldg ase, Mary Maud st s st se Teach I' East high school Cha lmers, Lill ia n H a t c h (Mrs H) Clark, Howard Shoemaker PhYSician and surgeon Clark. Leroy Eaton Clifford. E lmer Advertising Colwell, T H arry Printer and publisher Muscatine Ia unkn own 2125 Oliver av so 329 Hennepin av Cook, Roy Jay 1426 Asbury av Evanston 111 Manager advertising dept The Cable Co D a I rymple, William Ferguson Duluth Grain commission Day, Ernest E Care of LInden Hills Congregational Church 'De Kay. ornelia (Mrs C Z VanderHorck) died Feb Doherty. Agnes Elizabeth 2078 Summit St Paul. Central high school Doherty, Mary Helena (Mr~ T M Casey) Spring Valley Wis G M Thorne) Dutcher, Kate Ethel (Mrs 105 No Eaton, Rose Wlnnlfred Hill st Los Angeles Calif Rochester ElUthorpe. Clarence Williston N D Real estate Elwell, T Robert av sw Seattle Was)1 Pastor of Bayview ongregatlonal church Espy, Lila Wood (Mrs H T Yeaton) 637 N 8th st st Joseph Mo Felch. Susie (Mrs Jas Campbell) MeMord Ore Fisher, Elizabeth May (Mrs F L Barker) Golden Colo Fowle r, Carl H It c hock 55 Liberty st New York Lawy r Fowler, H arry A The Cumberland Washington D C Surgeon Fox, Henrietta Gertrude (Mrs R F Walters) Cor 1st & Alder Portland Ore Gilfillan, Frei\ James Tacoma Wash Care Wey rhaeuser Co Godward. William Alexander New Rockford N D President of College Goodsili. Mary Isabel (Mrs G S Todd) Lake City Cambridge Goodwin. Godfrey Gummer Gray, George An n and 204 Hyrle Blk Spolmne "'ash Physician and surgeon 307 Reid Corner Green. Eugene Kibby Physician and surgeon 51 S 14 av 1\H Vernon ~ J Gu il f ord, H arry Morril l 1820 Hawthorne av Physician and surgeon Spring Valley Hart, Emma Maria Librarian lied July 11 IDOl 'Hayes. Uelen Lyon 710 E 16 st H elliwell, A rt hur Llewellyn Law~' r-palace bldg Tacoma Wash Hillman. Ada Belle General secretal'v of Y,V C A Hodgson. John Edwar d 330 Old Nat! BI{ hldg Spokane Wash at eopathic physician Holbrook, Anna Henshaw (Mrs,Ym Graing r) 9 Chapel 6t anton Ma"g Hoverstad, Torgel' Fargo N D supcrintenilent of state farmer' instltut Hoyt, Mory Anna (Mrs James OJ1l'oy) av " *Huhn. Carl died March H untley, W m W (Ex) 1st av W & 1\Hch st Duluth Printer and puhllsher Jacl<son, Katherine (Mrs F E Burch) 75D I,lnwood Place St Paul Johnson, Edwin Marlin 7 Blvd St 1\11 hael. Paris Fl'ance Phy~ician and surgeon J oh nst on. George Smith (Ex) V so Morlg-ng-eR. loans and life Insurance 527 Plymouth bl,lg Koehler, Elizabeth Louise (Mrs A L agerstrom, Lydia Theodora TE'achE'I'. East hig-h school Lawrence, Margaret Lana II Wrlg-ht) Vetprnn,Vis ~310 So Emerson st se Leavit t, Just ina (Ex) (MI's IT '" WilROn) HOI University av se 1';<11l r Roole ReviC'w Digest Lyon, Willard Croshy Valley Ity N D Pre~bylHian I rgyl1lan McAndrew. James F, Columbin bida' Spoknne,Vash R al estat -nogers & Rogers Co

35 ALUMNI DIRECTORY 2S McCormIck, Agnes Homans 19-E 28 5t McDonald, Margaret (Mrs R \'i' "'ebb) st av s McWhorter, Louis Noble 3636 Portland av Mayland, Andrew Unlus Albert Lea Miller, Clarence Benjamin Torry bldg Duluth La wyer-congressman, 8th DistrIct Mitchell, W illiam DeWitt 541 Portland St Paul Moore, Albert Hall Beechnut, New Rochelle N Y Specialist-eye ear throat Moore, Lllllan Randall (Mrs R J Cook) Morse, Minnie Frances Murfin, Arthur M Norris, Harriman (Ex) Clerk N P Ry Co Northrop, Cyrus, Jr Financial clerk Olson, Carl Oscar Alexius 1426 Asbury av Evan$ton 1ll 1976 so Sheridan Grandview 118 N P Ry bldg St Paul av se av n Perkins, Eliza Anna (Mrs J E Pope) died Aug Peterson, Eric Anton died March 1910 Peterson, Joan T (Mrs Peterson, Janina Rose B (Mrs B Gislason) F E Moody) Minneota died May Pope, Jesse Eliphalet Treasury Bldg., \'i'ashington D C "'riter Ramaley, Fra ncis Boulder Colo Professor of biology, Univ of Colo Reed, Charles Anthony 310 Pillsbury bldg PhYSician and sul'geon Reed, Ec.lwin T CorvalHs Ore Editorial work Rees, Soren P 1914 so Penn Physician and surgeon-andrus bldg RIce, David Perry av Seattle Wash Rogers, larence Raymond 2630 Pleasant a\" Postman Schwager, Lewis 94~ 22 av no Seattle \'itash Lumberman 1301 Cobb bldg Soule,,tf'ph n Barber st se Clvil engineer Solsness, Lars Porsena 137 Blue Hill a'" Boston Mass Physician Stageberg, Ol af Olson Red Wing Instructor In I:.ed Wing seminary t enson, James 3620 so Aldrich Pastor Presbyterian church tone, Mlnni Evangeline 20! \'i'est 32nd st Los Angeles Calif, Inglewood high school Taylor, William John Worcester Mass Universalist clergyman Teigen, Nels T Minnewaul<an N D Real estate and loans Thomas, Mabel Hickm a n 712 Broad st Mankato. West high school Thompson, Robert Mitchell 923 Met Life bldg Insurance and inycstmen ts Thwing, William Fuller 429 s 7 st Tilden, Joseph ine E lizabeth 2235 Como av W St Paul Agst professor of botany, University Tone, Knut Hlalmar ~617 Sunnyside Seattle Wash L",tter carrier TrueSdell, Lynn Geor~e Grain dealer Van S a nt, Grant II bb. Gorge Collin Letter carrier Welles, Isabelle Wenon a 904 Chamber of ommerce Globe bldg St Paul ay so (Mrs W I Gray) 2102 Lake of I Ie Blyd Wells, Benjamin "Sam uel 222 W SuperiOr st Duluth Hardware merchant WhIte, McLaughlin 71n Raleigh st Glendale Calif Attorn y for Title Guarantee,Trust Co. \'i"right, Blanche Almeda (Mrs L L Pierce) 201 Fona1' a\' (Ben Avon) Pittsburg Fa 1896 Abernf'thy. \'i'illinm Shattuck Baptist cl rgymnn Berwyn, III Adams, Charles Edward 412 Oxford st Duluth 515 Torry bldg Anderson, Frank Leonard 107 So Wabash av Chicago S uperintendent Baptist Executive Council Austen, J Frederick 210 Customs House St Louis Mo Deputy surveyor customs Austin, Ella May Parkers Ore Austin, Lloyd Barrick Los Angeles Calif Educational director of Y 1\1 C A Bartholomew, Fred Roscoe 30 W 37th st Elliott & kiilet Fuel Co Barton, Edgar R (Ex) Frazee PhySiCian and surgeon Beach, E lizabeth S (Mrs W M West) Grand Rapids Beaven, Arthur Hubert Kalispell lifont Poultryman Bennett, Frances Louise st se Berg, John Nelson 913 New York Life bldg Bissell, Stanley Hall Box 1615 Goldfield Nevada Blaisdell. Helen Elizabeth st av s North high school Bratrud, Theodore Warren PhYSician and surgeon Breckenridge, Julia Reed (Mrs T A Jayne) Brooks, Harry Bayard Editor and publisher 'Case, Martin,Villiam Chapman, Herman Haupt 205 Court st Decorah Ia Chinook Mont died Noy Bishop st New Ha,'en Conn In tructor in Yale ForestJ-y chool Condit, W ill ia m Henry 636 Syndicate Block Physician and surgeon Dalrymple, John Ste,yart Casselton N D Farmer Daniels. Mary Anderson Anderson Cali! Davidson, Mary Isabella Hope N D PrinCipal of high school Davies, John Milton 908 Andrus Real estate Day, Reuben 'oble Maison Blanche New Orleans Lumberman Drew, Mary Ellen (Mr F L North) n Bradley Place Burlington yt Eliason, Adolph Oscar Montevideo Banker Ellis, idney Allan 6 7 BoylstOn st Boston Osteopathic physician Elling on, George Henry Farmer, Ernest M Red Wing Burke bldg Seattle \'i'ash Felton, Hattie ~Mrs T H Colwell) t Louis ParI, Field, Peter 1054 Fendon Rd Ann Arbor lifich Asst profe~sor of mathematics, U of Mich Finlayson, GeorgI' Albert Edward Crookston Fostel', W('sley Sherman 1:14 7 st s e Fowler, Carl H itchcock 65 Liberty t New York City Fridley, D-on Phelps 123 Tbe BelleView, X Main t Darton Obio FulIerton, Caroline A Shanghai China St John's College GalIo"\\-ay, Lee 2414 Acquedu t av Uni\' Heights New York City Professor Universit\ Garrity, Harr" Gibbs, Elsie C (Mrs G W Summerfield) ommerce and Industry Xew York \'i'innemucca Tevada George, James \'i'oodward 3453 Nicollet av PhysiCian and surgeon Gould, he tel' Nathan Uni" of Chicago, Chicago III.\.s t Prof of German and Scandinavian Gregory, Joel Ernest 306 apital BI> bldg t PaUl La.wyer Gruenberg Benjamin Cbarles, ~71 entral Pk West New York City BIOlogy department Commercial high school Hartman. 'Tilliruu DaVid Cooperstown K D Haugan, Otto Mart in Fergus Fall PhySician and surgeon Hawl y, lar - E (Mrs E M Z Ha"\Ykes 14- Fulton st Newark N J 2H~ Grand av Hempsteac.l. Clark

36 THE MINNESOTA ALUM II WEEKLY Hewitt, Edwin Hawley 716 4th av so Architect H olland, Mary Allen (Mrs A B Church) Long Prairie Holtz, E leanor (Mrs Roy McM Wheeler) Hot Springs S D Hungerford, Josephine Louise (Mrs R W Reynolds) 422 Washington st Lewistown, Mont Keyes, Charles Frederick 2226 Lake o! Isles Blvd 735 Palace bldg "Kinney, A lvin Claud died Aug Kirtland, Rhodelia 2515 E Lake st Levens, Nellie Albert Lea Lewis, John Hoover Faribault ounty superintendent of schools Lofstrom, Emery Elmer Faribault Professor of N T Seabury DI\'inlty School Long, J essie (Mrs T S McLaughlin) McCrea, Almeron Architect Mc Dermott, Thomas Wallace 41 Groveland Terrace 104 E 20 st New York ity Manhattan bldg St Paul Matteson, Herman Howard 615 Chestnut, st Bellingham Physician Maxwell, Asa Frank 'Vash 2114 Dean av Spokane 'Vash Druggist and chemist Ma yo, Alfred Da v id Record-Herald Chicago Manager of Foreign AdvertiSing "Miller, Grace Hannah died March 20, 1911 Mitchell, Mildred 'Vhtttlesey (Mrs Edmund B Smith) 1920 Hillcrest road, Hollywood Calif Morley, F rank J ohnson 838 Security Bank bldg -Benton, Molyneaux and Morley Mortenson, Mary Ellen (Home 408 "IV 2d st Faribault), East high school Mosher, Wells J oh n Superintendent of schools Zumbrota Mye rs, Da niel W ilb ur 706 Citizens bldg Cleveland 0 Investment securltles Newell, Horat io Sm a ll 519 Board of Trade Duluth Grain business "Osborne, William John died Nov Parker, Marlon Alice 616 4th st se Architectural draftsman Perkins, Maynard Cyrus Real Estate MetropOlitan Tower N ew York City Pickett, Victor Goodrich "lvaseca Sales manager Everett Aughenbaugh & 0 Porcher, 1Iiary Long (Mrs W P Porcher) 15 Lamboll st Charleston S (Mrs W 'V Wooley) Park Hapids New York Life bldg Plummer, Lydia May R achle, Elias Robb, Char lotte (Mrs A S McLaughlin) 2417 S Aldrich "Robbins, Alice Greeley (Mrs T A Rocl{well) Roney, Katherine E J onning, Nils N Editor Ungdommens Yen Ross H iram E arl Lumber merchant eeley, Blanche Assistant cataloguer Siegler, L il lia n Simpson, Marcus Julius Clel'gyman di d June 21, 1910 Independence In av so 2408 Humboldt av so John Crerar Library Chicago av Spol,ane Wash Plymoulh Conn Smith, Elsie Blanche (Mrs C A Chapman) Kansas City Mo Smith, Mary Chadbourne (Mrs W A Gates) 2914 Grove st Berkeley altf Sperry, Frederick James Mankato Sup rlntendent of schools Stevens, Jessie Eliza (Mrs H M Hlcl{Ok) 75 D II Place Tennant, Grace Mabel (Mrs C E Adams) 412 Oxford st Duluth Thom pson, Reuben Ccllus 2837 Hennepin av Manager HygenoJ Chemical Co Tillotson, Frances Margaret 91 Kent st St Paul Tonning, PteI' h ristian St Paul Asst superin ten dent of public in strucllon T rasl{, A bhle MInerva (Mrs J J) Bpmldjl U hl, A lfr ed Woodbridge Cr'osby Van Cleve, Mary Adams st se W akem a n, H a rry E (Ex) 2201 _\Idrlch av so Train dispalcher, G N Ry 'Walker, Alice Elinor (Mrs C P Jones) COltage Grov" Ore Weatherstone, harles Edkln Omak 'Vash Real estate and fruit grower W ebb, A lice Cat herine 2215 Pleasant Welles, Hattl Eliza (Mrs S B Soule) st se W inchell, Al exander Newt on 21 N Parl{ st liiadison Wls Professor of mineralogy and petrology U of "lvls Wingate, Charles Denjamln Santa Rosa Call! Life insurance Woodward, Agnes Young 1823 Bryant av no Yeager, arlton S Browns Yalley Superlnlendent of schools Young, Alice 525 E D st Ontario Calif 1897 "itngle, Clari bel died March Arzt, Emmanu I Arthur Joux ity Ia Electrical contl'actor Austin, Helen Horace 61 So St Albans St Paul 'reacher of expression Central high Baker, Axel onrad Fergus Falls PhysiCian and surgeon Baker, Helen J Beld n, Agnes Emily Bergheim, Nels N "Booth, Laurence NelSOn Brewer, Flora Elizabeth ~'utor (Mrs 'V J Parker) 103 N Ashland La Grange III 306 Oak Gro\ e st Lillie Falls <11('d June 3 190:t ~314 S Aldrich Brill, Hascal ussell, jr Los Angeles Calif LawyCl' Burn ap, Wi ll ard Lathrop Pelican Rapids PhysiCian and i'urgeoll Cahoon, harlotle Deming Butte 1I10nt 'rea('her Caplin, Jessie F II nn pin av oc c h mistry, \\' 'st High Carlson, Carl Floytl W 10 s st 'Vith Gorham-Gorbett o-iron Lantl~ Childs, Hubert Guy Park PI near Nostrand BI'ool<1yn T Y Teaching In Training S hool for T achers levenger, June la (Mrs E I li1i11 t'r) hi 0 Calif Professor of English-Stale nonnal school -Deverell x, Thomas ell'd Dewart, liiurray 'Wild r Roxbury ~lass Hector of Rt James chur h Dickinson, Lucy Evalina (Mrs N Franklyn Hertz) 65 E 69 st Portland re Dixon, Harry Lester Northfield ctor "Donaldson, Susanne T (1111'S "I" 111 Sio s) (lied :\larch 8, 1901 "Dunham, Lucy Berlha died June Dunlap, George rawford 938 So 4th Springfield III ' Iergyman- hrlst'r church Durkee, Caroline liiay (Mrs A II Harmon) 228,1 Commonwealth St Paul Eaton, Jessie Gale (liirs 'W R Putnam) Hapld City S D Evans, liiary Sophronia North Central H S Spol<ane " ash Evans, 'l'amazine McKee (Mrs Owen J E\'o.ns) 1726 s Dupont F a ude, F ra n k C F erner, Roy Ya ld ln g 1493 liierldian p i "'ashington D C Asst physlclsl BllI' au of Standards Fish, E li zabelh North Central H S Spol,an i Vash 'l' acher Fishel',.James Van S 1212 W 31 st 'l' ach 1', oulh high school -Foss, August died ept Fra n kel, Lou is Rudolph 936.\ shland St Paul La w),pr N A BI{ bldg Garfield, "lvilllam Henry Greenville 1I11ch Paslor Bapllsl church Gels ness, Thomas Port A n g les Wash Supel'intend('n t of schools Glasoe, P a ul Ma urice Northfield hem Sl Olaf oll ege

37 ALUMNI DIRECTORY SLA-g8 Gould, Gertrude H (Mrs H H Harding) Hudson Wis Gould, Luella E (Mrs A H Muedeking) Owatonna Grant, Nellie HarrIet (Mrs Christensen) 1673 W MInnehaha St Paul Gray, Janet (Mrs A M Stewart) Loveland Colo Grusendorf, Diedrich August Jordan Gu!lford, Paul Willis 4751 so Fremont - 22 Security Bank bldg Hagal', Etta Mabel 27 Halsey 5t Brooklyn N Y, nichmond Hill high school Hanson, George Alfred 307 Walnut 8t se Wholesale school supplies Harding, 'Villiam Apsey Winnebago Manufacturer of buggy sideshift Hawl y, Anna McDonald Englewood N J Hill, Lincoln Creston III Farmer Hitch in gs, John Russell 256 Young Winnipeg Can Paper box manufacturer Holmes, James Elliott Fargo N D Salesman Hooker, Mary Loomls (Mrs F M Bailey) Kensall D Horton, George Reed 215 so Market st Chicago Publi her Horton, Laurence Eustace 1928 so Dupont N '" Manager Cadillac Co Jewett, Edmund Gale 1123 Granville st Vancouver B C JOhnson, John 0 Sharon N D Johnston,,eOl'ge Henry Wales N D Cashiel' of itizens State Bank Kannary, Edward Leroy Lo\,\'ry bldg St Paul Physician and surgeon Kennedy, Katherine (Mrs A J Keith) 108 Emery st Eau Claire 'Vis Kunze, William Frederick 31~3 4 st se Secretary Smith System Heating Co Lawrence, William H amilton Lincoln, Robl) Ernest Banker Lindahl, Alvah A Cashier Granada State bank Luce, Elizabeth l:lirs B 0 L ubner) Manila P I Fergus Falls Granada 120 Bates st Detroit Mlch "McClure, Charles jr MacD rmld, Kate died July Bloomington av 'reacher of chemistry, South high school "{('Donald, HarrIet (Mrs H C Ide) 41 so 9th av Mt Yernon T Y IIIcGreggor, Lulie McQueary, T Howard R F D 2 Robbinsdale Yeatman high school St Louis 1Il0 liead of history uepartment liiantor, Flora lilay Mrs III I Boyd) Valley City N D Matti on, Hannah st se Miner, J ames Burt 428 "'alnut st se sst professor of psychology, niverslty Nelson, Ralph William 557 Wasil st Reno Ne\'ada Topographic draftsman Newkirk, Burt Leroy 215 Harvard se As t professor of mathemat! S, ollege of Eng Norton, Alfred A 100,\Yashingtoll st Chicago Law)' r Otis, Willis Clarl, 830 Globe bldg St Paul Parl,er, 'Villiam Jam s Room so La Salle t hicago TIl Busines manager Y 111 C A hicago Pendergast, Sophie lilay (1\lrs Harry White), 2~51_ vv Main 5t Oklahoma ity Ida Pfaender, Albert New Ulm Pitts, Frede1'ic are of hronicle Spolmne " rash Plummer, Henry S (Ex) Rochester Ph 'si ian and surgeon Potter, M arion Effie HOl Univ av se Ellitor of lhe Cumulative Book Index and U S catalog Putnam, William Rowell Rapid City S D Electrical engineer Ring, Mcrritt 111 n n 321 So H1Jl st Los Angeles CalH Physlcll1n Ripley, Abigail (Mrs "r B Smith) Robinson, Mabel Hamer N D The Concord Rollltt, Charles Carter 4400 so Washburn av Sec, Sixth,Mission ary District Rosger, Emma 36 Alder s t Seattle Wash, high school Sakagami, Ya5uzo deceased Savage, Linnaeus T 5 Beekman st New York City President American Art Sign Co Schmidt, PaUl Gerhard Northfield, St Olaf College hortt, Edith Mary mallidge, Joseph Frank 426 N 7 st Rep Tnt Cor Schools mith, Harry Benjamin 97 Chestnut st Dubuque Ia Spicer, Russell Paul Willmar Banker Spratt, Charles Nelson Reid Corner OcuHst and aurist Struble, Clara Bismarck N D Thompson, Adelaide May Lewiston :liollt Thompson, "-illiam Thomas Taylors Falls Ban k cashier Tirrell, John l'>iahlon 3339 Park av Physician and surgeon Updyke, Stephen Gould jr 849 B..ensington Rd Los Angeles Calif Mine operator Ward, Mary (Mrs G S Phelps) Muromachi Demizu Kyoto Japan Wagner, I1Iary Swain Poughkeepsie N Y Propriet<>r of Wagner Inn Washburn, Orson Monroe Scappoose, Columbia Co Ore Cashier State Bank "ebb, Lindsey ~IiIwaukee Wis Principal of 1 th district school Weston, Florence Mabel 2701 Colfa..x av so, East high school '''heeler, Eva Gertrude The "UIiston, South high White, Anna May (Mrs James Holt) '307 E 42 st \\illius, F Otto 93 E 4~ st St Paul ~avings Banker Wilson, Horace Alexander 405 Marion bldg Seattle Wash " 'oodman, Helen Celestia CHI'S Robt "'adsworth) 1601 Berteau a\' Chicago Zintheo, Clarence Janne, 25~6 32 so Seattle Wa h Farm implements 1898 Adair, Fred Lyman 820 Donaldson b\(!g Obstetrician and gynecologist Adams, Bertram S age Hibbing PhYSician and surgeon Allen, Hugh Neill Talbot ay ~e Deputy count)- auditor Anderson, 0 car Ocean Parle Calif PhysiCian Arzt, Herbert Lloyd Jack on Physician and surgeon Beach, Annabel'" (1\Irs B G Knight) Pleasantville :-< Y Billings, Wall M Acheson bldg Berkeley Calif Dentist 'Bennett, James Hallam deceaspd Berr~-, Helen Anoka Literature Blaisdell, Alfred Minot N D Attorney and banker Bren, Joseph D Ex) Cashier of the Uni,-ersity Brugger, Vida (Mrs B S Adams) Burglehaus, Theron Woolson HibbIng ~59 oleman bldg Seattle " Ta h In urance Buer, James av so Bursell, Herbert Ed~'in Russell Publisher E 50S Indiana av pokane W ash adwell, Edith Irene 1111'S F W Tomlinson) Le Sueur Caldwell, George Baird 719 Selby t Paul Newspaper man Campbell. John Elisha 0 St Paul Phy i ian and surgeon Case, Frank Wall r Editor and pubusher Cbase, DaIsy (Mrs R E Squires) 1I1a rsha ll Manila P I

38 THE MI NESOTA ALUMNI WEEKLY Christopherson, Conrad H Luverne Clipfen, Mary E (Mrs H A Lemon) Sta C R 7 Lincoln NE'b Cox, Norman John Masonic Temple Dentist Cunningham, EllIery Matthew San Jose Call! Head of dept of physiography High school Curtis, John Peter Thief River Falls Druggist Custer, Junie L (Mrs Louis Anderson) Sandstone Daniels, Ada E (Mrs R Huxley) Faribault Davis, Isabel H (Mrs W C Poehler) 4655 so Emerson Davis, Frederick V Faribault Physician and surgeon Davis, Perley Alton 2316 Girard av no, North high school Dean, Frank Edson 1507 McCarrick bldg Chlcago \\'ith Anaconda Copper Mine Co-Traffic dept Dickinson, A lbert Justin 457 Ashland av St Paul Rate clerl, G N Ry Co Dobie, Ellen (Mrs Frank ornish) 1923 Dwight Way Bet'keley Calif Dodge, Clayton James and banker Dyer, George E lmere Eddy, Esther Mabel (Mrs Moose Lake Kasson Clive Hastings) Atcheson Kan F isher, Elizabeth Anna (Mrs J C Litzenberg) Flanagan, Charles Gibbons Instructor in Morningside Flanders, Romane Cecil Deputy City Freeman, Edward Professor of Furlong, Bridget 2955 hicago av Sioux City Ia College 75 E Burnside st Portland Ore Auditor Monroe 2196 Carter av St Paul plant pathology 139 E Winifred St Paul Gerdsen, William Cornelius U S Patent office Washington D C Asst examiner of patents Graves, Ethel Snow, high school Hamlin, Ernest T racy Wholesale Flour Harris, Mary Cone T eacher of Latin 646 Cherokee av St Paul Haecker, Elfleda (Mrs Robert T Lansing) 3028 so Emerson 606 E Franklin 2237 Knapp st St Paul Hankenson, Helen Glencoe Haughwout, Evalina Maude 160 Waverly Place New York Cily Woman's Hospital, Social worl<er HeJliwell, lare Frances av so Helliwell, Harriet Ethel Rapid City S D Hendrix, Julla May 2022 B laisdel nv mathematics Herrick, Mary L aura 3816 Thomas av so Holtz, Hattle 2112 Portland av Hunt, Emma Sinclair R F D 8 Los Angeles Call! Hubb 11, Joseph Goodwin 108 S La Salle s t Chicago Fire insurance Hursh, William L Long Lake N W Bk bldg Irwin, John Borland Station F Minneapolis S tock farming Jordahl, Sivert Anton 1124 Norton av Sioux Falls S D T eacher Kell e r, Franl, Hays Omak Wash KJnyon, Fayette Cary Owatonna Implemen t dealer Kirk, John Howarth Bottlneau N D Farm loans and lands Knight, Bertram Glover Pleasantville N Y Artist Aeollan Co New York Ity Koren, Finn Madison Physician and surgeon Koren, Harold 313 E 5 st Los Angeles Call! Mining Langmald, Abbie Bailey av so Settlement resident 2712 W 40 st L ehman, Max Arthur Purchasi ng agent P illsbury-washburn Co Lommen Jngeborg Georgine Ames Ia Instr'u -tor Iowa S tat College Lougee Helen Elizabeth (Mrs A A Law),, 1912 Hennepm av Luby, Michael John 1124 E Montgomery av pokane Wasn MacDonald, \\'Ilflam Pretoria South A!rlca Editor Transvaal agricultural journal (government) Moln tyre, Frank deceased McMullen, Jennie May Aitkin Marshall, John 'Walter 1149 Summit av St Paul Land investments Marvin, Lillian B (Mrs D F Swenson) av se Means, Jennie May (1111'S B E Dahlgren) Care Field Columbian Museum Chicago III Merrick, Annie Grace Centralia "Wash Latin teacher, high school O'Donnell, Emma ece'lia 7l~ S Broad st 1I1ankato Asst Principal, high school Olson, Mary Emma (1111'S H M Stanford) Page, Alice Maude Page, Irving Gonyer Rancher Pease, Levi Beckley Professor of m tallurgy Penney, Edith May 'reacher-'vest high school Pettlt, Mary S Pfeiffer, Henry John Banker Phoenix, Edward Chauncey Quale, Eric C, Augustana ollege Redfield, Jane (1111'S E M Hoover) 106 Warm 'prlngs Ringstad, Edward Olson 2411 Lincoln st Evan"ton III 25 Royalston av DCllIson "Vash University 2225 so Lyndale died Dec Havana N D Folsom Callt Canton S D av Bol~e Idah~ Red Wing Roberts, W illiam Burchard 604 Pillsbury bldg PhysiCian and surgeon Roberts, W ill ia m H av so City chemist Roche, Agnes Marie (Mrs II V Stahl) 791 E Salmon st Portland Ore Rogers, Gertrude (1I1r5 F G Tllus) enlraua Wash Sawyer, Mabel (Mrs F L Mc Vey) UniverSity N D Scandrett, Henry Alexander 112 W Adams st hlcago III hafer, Laura Elizabeth (Mrs J W Thompson) 312 al< st se Sliney, Margaret II' ne 394 Ashland av St Paul Johnson high school Sml th, l\iildred Alice deceased Smith, Mabel F (Mrs G R Horton) 150{ E 65 st Chicago Smith, Ruble Evans (Mrs H J '''allacel McGill Ne\'ada Sommers, Henry Stern 956 Portland av St Paul Treasurer, G Sommers & Co Stanford, Harol d Melvin 2411 Lincoln st Evanston III Publisher 637 so Dearborn hlcago Stephens, Ralph Brown av so InspEI tor U S customs service Swenson, David Ferdinand av se Professor of phllosophy-u of ;\1 Stock, Edna May deceas!'d Tallman, Roy Warner 3~ Rhode Island av N W ' Vashlngton D C Taresh, John F D no 2 'ren Bro ck, Louis Leonard Thayer, Myrtie May Todd, Marie Antoinette Art ref rence librarian Towler, May Bell e Sacramento Call! Elysian Spring Valley Public Library 1806 Portla nd a v died May Tryon, Josephine Phelps Updyke, Nina Thpodosla 849 Kensington Road Los Angeles Cali! Van Dyke, Cleve W (Ex) Genersl manager \\'arren 0 Waketl ld, Bert S Miami Arizona reswell Ore Wilder, Helen AUgUSit36 Marlon st Germantown Pa of English, Philadelphia Girls' high school Wedge, J ~sle (1111'S F A Wood) 4305 so Dupont "'ilcox E thlyn Favea (l\~i's Thomas A Qu aei'), E1427 Providence av,pol<an \\'flsh "Wolf, Samu 1 IIen;y Sup rintcndent of schools Brown's Valley

39 ALUMNI DIRECTORY SLA-99 Zeleny, Charles 1103 W Illinois st Urbana III Assoc professor of zoology U of III 1899 Andrews, Adolf Peterson Arneson, John Mar lius Lyle Principal of high school Atwood, Sadie May (Mrs W L Martin) R no 1 Wilbur Ore Basford, Alice Whitnee (Urs J C Melville) Baxter, Stephen Henry Physician and surgeon Beede, Harry R Beneclict, Walter Lewis,"-lth Washburn-Crosby Co Bennett, Kate Townsend (Mrs L av so 2423 Lake Place 617 E 17 st Minot N D Robbinsdale H Joss) 3401 Calhoun bl\"oi Harvey N D Bessesen. Henry John "Bingham, Alice J nnie (Jl.Irs J W S Gallagher) died Jan Bothe. Edwin Benjamin Frazee Superintendent of schools Brace, Emory hace 869 Eddy st San Francisco alif ""holesnle furniture Drlll, Ethel Claire 2365 Carter St Paul D e Igner Brool<s, Adelia Sophia (Mrs G C Snow) 126 Brown st Waltham Mass Brown. Harriette Stuart 2123 Emerson av N North blgh scbool Brown. Minot James Owatonna Gnlln dealer Buck, Ipmma Te~cher Buehl~r Carroll St Paul Hettie G (:\1:rs Lee Galloway) ~111 Acqueduct av Univ Heights New York City Butters, Frederic King st so Asst professor of botany, University aplin, Grace 2H8 Hennepin Carlton, Lillian Gregory (Mrs Van Aken) 350 North st Burlington Vt T ncher arson. Chal'les Frederic Oklahoma City Okla lergyman Case. Lucy RobE'rts av N Seattle Wash Chadwick, Iaab I Claire (lilrs J A Po tz) St Peter Chapman, Fanny Belle died March hapman. Lu y Lord 593 Holly av St Paul TPllcher in Humboldt high school Chlld, Bertha: 573 Connecticut st Gary Ind. high school Clement, Lucian rville Portland Ore Physician and surgeon-studying in Europe Cole, Louise (~1rs A E Zonne) 910 Mt Curve av Comstock. Grace Eleanor History teacher-high school Cooley. Bret Eugene Superint ndent of schools Cornish, Edwin Joseph Physician and surgeon Couper, Everett "\ ilson lilanl<ato ' Long PI'airie Dunsmuir Calif 1718 Alameda av Alameda Calif CleJ'gyman hrist church Craig. lice Evelyn 7 Cabrillo Place Pasadena Calif T eacher, Los Angeles Polytechnic high school Crounse. Emma Seabury st av so T eacher Daniel. Ma)' (II1rs W L Benedict Robbinsdale De Coster, Esther Louise (Mrs H E Willis) av SP *Dlnehart, Clarence Christopher died June Doty, Mahel IIv (Mrs G F Brool(s) Hibbing Dresser Medora Estelle (lilrs III J Kinne) T eacher Morrill T exas Duncan Theodore L Courey Alberta Can Ranch r Dunlap, Alexander Hamilton Manistee linch Eggen. Haisten Olson 634 French st Santa Ana alir T ea her Emmons, Frank Wt1liam 610 W 32 st 11 mis t vvashburn-cl'osbv 0 Fanning-, Mary Ilmore 14~ E ongress t Paul T eacher of history and sci nce Humboldt high schqol St Paul Featherstone, Oro Marie Red Wing Felch, Frances Barclay (Mrs C A Snow) Sedro Wooley Wash Finch, ArthUr James 2645 Vine st Denver Colo Clergyman F ish, Florence Adams 2301 so 3 ay, Central High Fitch, Lester John Tracy Cashier Tracy State Bank Forsyth, Olga Berliot (Mrs E C Loetscher) 37 ArlingtOn st Dubuque Ia Foss, Elizabeth av se of botany, North High Funk, Gertrude Elizabeth Republic liuch PrinCipal of the high school Furst, Will ia m 404 New York Life bldg Gowdy, Chesline 724 3d av Faribault Gray, Stella E (Mrs E A Whitman) Green, George Heigert Physician and surgeon Hall, Sarah Phoebe 1667 W Minneh",ha St Paul Reardan Wash ;!;umbrota Hallock, Olive Nilsson 1'100 4 st se Hanson, Perry Oliver Tai An Fu, Shantung, China Methodist Missionary Hart, AI bert Holtville Calif Rancher Hays, Grace A (Mrs "" D Griffith) R R No 3 Box 125 lilodesto Cal Henry. Laura Allce 1800 so Humboldt Hibbard, Mary Davis (:\rrs H "W) Columbia Mo Hills, Martha Ford (lilrs F H Curry) Fort Place, ~ew Brighton N Y Holt, Sophie Sherman 609 W 3 st Duluth Am Girls high school-addbajar Turkey-in-Asia HotchkiSS, Foi (J\Irs Lester Fitch) Tracy Hoverstad. Bertha Dennison, Pacific Lutheran Academy Huff, Charles E 4425 York av so ",'est high school Humphrey, Harry Baker Pullman Wash Professor of Botany Wash State Col *Hutcrunson, Effie Hinckley (Mrs J E Hodgson) died March Jackson. Jeanie Moore 634 W 147 st New York City Jacob on, Effie :\Iabel (1I1rs C H Christopherson ) Luverne Okanogan "'-ash Johnson, Charles Anton La,,'yer Kellam. Colllns 1I1arcus Kennedy, Georgena F (Mrs K ingston, Howard William AdvertiSing and printing Kinyon, William Ward Bookkeeper Klove, Lewis PhYSician and surgeon Koch, Wilhelmina Ge ena Director of Kindergartens LnDt~e. Samuel John Winona Henry Knoblach) 1912 so James 576 Portland t Paul Owatonna Lonsdale Santa Barbara Calif hlinot N D Cashier- nion National Bank Lee, Rudolph A Long Prairie Editor of Long Prairie Leader Lcedy. J ohn Went,, orth Rapid City S D Lothrop, Daniel John 4~17 Interlake av ~ea tu e Wash Head of dept or history Lincoln H 1I1abey, Perl Willirun Thief River Falls liicg innis, 'Ed'ward Francis 323 F st Salt Lake City Utah Traveling representative of Ginn & Co McIntyre. James Wecota S D Grain business-mer hant licln tyre. ",,' illia III Adelbert Langdon N D 1I1ann.,Villiam Seward Topla Durango Me.."'( :\llnlng Marlo,,. Marsh. Kyle Fa~-e tte live Vincent teno~rapher Iartin, Sophia H Wayzata 4939 so Girard nv (Mrs E H Buzzell) lifattison, Sanl.h 1111'S Alfred Morten on) Chatfield Sioux F a ns S D :Meaiey, livc Agatha (Mrs H B Humphrey) Pullman Wa tt Mitch 11, Grace Cilrs B F Groat Massena N Y

40 30 THE MINNESOTA ALUMNI WEEKLY Moody, Helen A (Mrs C E Gray) R Morga n, Abbie ush City :Sec Hazzard T ea ch e rs' agency 4011 N Lyndale N ewklrk, Harris Dana Physician a nd surgeon Donaldson bldg Newman, Fannie SOJ?hia (Mrs W C Bass) NicholS, G!~~gi~O L~~~~~ey Drive Los Angeles Calif. T each er, Miles City Mo t Fergus Falls NIck erson, Alice n Nickerson, Bernard Smith,. Physician and surgeon Mandan N Mandan N D o Hall', Anna Mary Grace I1aln St Evanston III Olds, Charles Samuel Crozier-OJds oal Co "Olson, Mary Sarah Ormond, James Butler Parker, Isabel D (Mrs H B Roe) ~105 SCUdder Patterson. Iva Fern Phelps, G Sidney 'ecreta ry Internat com of Y M Phillips, Jennie Crays T eache r D St Cloud died Oct ~ Morris av St Paul Mankato Kyoto Japan C A n~o 5 av so Plyma t, " 'alter Ashton Mankato. LawYt'r, county ahorney Priest, J anet (Mrs Robb) ~35,,- 97 ~t New York City Rector, Grayce Wilhelmina (Mrs D W Taylor) 3139 S Bryant Riggs, Annie Isabel (Mrs Albert 0 Ostvig) Monticello "Roberts, Guy Hall, died November Sardeson, Eva R (Mrs C W Jerome ) 5615 London Rd Duluth Austin Sasse, Frank George Savage, Nellie (Mrs W Shaw, William T homas Professor of zoology ton Smith, Gustavus Foster Bank t eller Nassau Snow, Winnifred Spencer, Nellie C Thomas, Alice Agnes Ton e, Aad Addison G Lynch) Suffern N Y Pullman Wash S tate College of "'ash i ng- Natl bank Brooklyn N Y Died March ~601 Portland 712 S Broad st Mankato Northome Van Vliet, Flora (Mrs G W Buffington) 30~~ s Dupont Wales, Harriet E (1I1rs E C Patterson) 'Vestern Spring III Weber, Amy N (Mrs Wm Moore) 309 King st Depot Seattle Wash Webster, J ennie Sarah 307 So Naches av North Yakima Wash IJigh school teacher Whitney, Arthur Byron 2232 Dayton av St Paul Asst Trust officer-minneapolis Trust Co Whitten, Lena G (Mrs J E McBrady) 1325 W Main st Evanston III Williams, Bessie Adelaide (Mrs Leon Gillettt» 500 W 143 st New York City Wllllams, Essie Winning 168 W College St Paul Wyer, 1I1alcolm Glenn Iowa City la Librarian, State University of Iowa 1900 Adams. Mabel (Mrs D G Colp) Adams, P aul Banker Robbinsdale La Moure N D Alle n. Walter Jewett Aberdeen S D publishe r "The Dakota Farmer" Asseln. Bertha Catharine (Mrs 0 L Bertelson) Crookston Babcoclc, Myra Arlone (Mrs J F Lyons) 2528 Pillsbury av Barbel', Mary Louise (Mrs J S W lilmarth) Casilla 123 Callao Peru South America Missionary Beach, Joseph Warren 1801 U niversity av se Professor ot English. University Beardsley, Richard Stanley 2331 Isabella av Morgan Park III T eacher Bnglewood high school B edford, Fred William 229 Hllands a v Pittsburg Pa Chemist H J H einz co Benham, Allen Rogers Wash B enson. H e nry William ' Braasch, William Frederick Physl Ian Rochester Bradford, Charles Sidney "641 G fi I Brad{Ol'd, 'ivinnitreu Grace (Mrs II H ~IlI'jer) ar e u 1~9 Brokaw, L ena Estelle Macalester av St Paul Gen'l 'ecy y 'W C A Richmond Va Brown, Eliza Kay 3413 Garfield av. " 'est high school Brown, William L indsay 3"17 P k av Ad\'ertislng designer - ar Burnham, Ethel I (Mrs Cbas Sheldon) Cale"onia PrinCipal of higll 8chool.. Butts, lilary L (lllrs A J Norman) Byrnes Mary Russell av DetrOit Mich st se Campbell, Effie Mav (Mrs A D Haskell) Alexandria Carey, Henry Benjamin A 9 av San Francisco Calif PhysiCIan and surgeon and Instructor in deflts of Pharmacy and dentistry of the U of Calif Carlson. Lyula B c rnhardlna (Urs J H Johnson) Ft Pi'rre S D Chambers. 'Ylnslow Clark Blue Earth Ph~siclan a~d surgeon Chant. Sara EmIly 5~2 Boston Block Secretary. II L Baldwin PubliShing 0 Clinton, Fanny LOUd on (Mrs C W) 1~1 Arllngto,Jl Piace Brooklyn N Y Instru~tor In Enghsh glrrs' high school Cogelow. 'Vllllam J av so Post office clerk Cohen, Lillian 415 E It st Instru<:lOl' In chemlstry-unl\'f'rslty? "Cole. GeOl'gf' Emt>rson died l\farch 1 ~ 1907 Colson, Lou Is IHenry Hewitt Banker. real ('state Cone. Benjamin Andle\Ys 'Wlndom Real pstate Coxe, J essie E (lill's W G Ramagf') av Rpoleanc 1'.'ash roclter, Frances Edna (Mrs Edwaru Bl?rg) T'pland Callr Cross. Clare Amf'lia 6 ilom".15 liirahawachs, Kojlmachllcu Tokyo Japan 1I11sslonary Crozier, Mary Ruth (Mrs F ra nk Mcintyre) Asst Professo/ 722 ~a~;r~hna UB~~I 'i~~~~t1e. East high school "Dahl, Anna Dorothea Dibble, Bug ne Russell Grain business dleu March 1 1 'lor, ExcelSior Doherty, Anna 1003 Cameron av La Crosse 1'.-ls T acll r Dona ldson Eleanor L avin ia 5~ so 10th st. East high school DonaldsQn. Ellzaheth Core of Wilson Collt>ge Chambersburg :N Y Dunton, Harriet E (1111'S N II Thompson) Grand YI('w 1'.'ash F a ude, P au l Detroit Mfch Clergyman, Episcopal church Fleming, BIIsworth 613 Arch st Aberdeen S D Tra\'eillng salesman "Foote, lara Dt>Marls died July ~9 InOI Force. Fl'anle Eugene Tl'ibune M ips Sporting editor of the Tribune Frltzsch<" Frances Pauline (1111'S W Fullerton. Ellcn Clark 3 Avenue Road, Physiclnn Furber. James Lawrence Farmel~ Geiser, Rudolph Superintendent of schools B Carman) Detroit Shanghai China Cottage Grove Cannon FailS Cerhard, Mary Lamb (Mrs W R Wallace ) D er River Glslason, Ha ldor B 317 Harvard st S6 Instructor In public speaking, University ClalOy. B rum Lou ise Sumner I n "Couldlng, Loulsf' Sarnh deceaseu Gratz, W Edward J (Ex) 3139 so Dupont Clergyman Joyce Memorial Methodist chul'ch Crlffin, Miriam Bdmonds 12 G un Club Lane Malate, Manila P I Physician and surgeon Guthrie, Joseph Edward 707 Hooge av Ames Ia Asst professor of zoology, I a state col Harris. J u lia Filmore 3349 Unfv av se T ea cher of Latin, East high

41 ALUMNI DIRECTORY 3 1 SLA-OI Hayden, Julius Clyde Albert Lea Hooper, Marie LouIse (Urs Noble Darrow) 3312 Portland av Hutcblnson, Ruth Sarah Mayfield Rd Villa 2, Cleveland Ohio Dean of College for women Western Reserve Univ Ireys, Charles GoodrIch 4.01 Groveland Secy Russell-Miller Milling Co Jamil'son, Gertrude Elizabeth av Seattle Wash English teacher, Broadway high school J erome. Waldron MlrtaJu 501 Forest av. Lind. Ueland & Jerome Johnson, Carl Emanuel 150 Cathedral av WinnIpeg Man Physician and surgeon Johnson. Julius H Ft Pierre S D ojohnson.. J\Iarie Augusta died Sept Jones, Allee Margaret (Mrs Wm McVay) 527 E 17 st No Portland Ore J oys II n, P au I st av so Salesman, General Electric Co Kampen, Ingvold Anderson Copperstown, N D Kennedy, Arthur Henry. Care of M Rumley Co Regina, Sask Can Klem, Horace C 2294 Commonwealth t Paul _ AdvertisIng manager. Webb publi ations h.nox. John. owing died Aug 1904 Lamborn, Allc tewart New Richmond Wls -Latin and physical culture Lehman. Albert Proprl tor of drug :;tore Lesl1n, Lydia E (Mrs H S Kopplin) Lewis. Claud Bernard Physician and surgeon Lindquist, Ida Pauline ""adena Iron River Wis t Cloud 3003 s 2 st. North high school Livingstone. Grace Upton chool Say Dept F & M Say Bk liipls Lossow,.\Ibert Henry Intel state Commerce Com,Vashington D C La wyer for Commission Lowry Horace T C R T'Co deneral manager Luhr, LouIs Christian R..'"Incher R F D Encinitas, Calif Lyon, Edith Eliza (llirs E C Boeck) Aitkin Lyon, Harold Lloyd Honolulu Hawaii B tanist and plant pathologist liicbrld(',,~rthu,' Andrews Sholapur I ndia lif1sslonal Y. a,'e American Board McColloch Marl Reed 1% E aye 43 Los Angeles Calif lifcgreg,', Bruce Elmo Prosser Wash La,\yer McIntyre, lilary Stuart (Mrs G C McClelland Frederickstown 0 lilarch. Samuel Albert 1~12 N ~~ av lildse-lrrokerag Marchand, Eliza Y (Mrs John L Houston) JlIountain Lal<es Boonton N Y Marlow, Cora E milie (1111'S Howard Kerns) IlIa reck. Felicl tas TacheI' Mayo, Robert Johnston Superintendent of schools Moo'n, Seymour Ellsworth Kimpese. In charg(> of training school!lioyer, 811n;nel' Llvingston Myers, RaymonLi Horace Granite Falls Hartford Wis Winnebago Congo Beige Africa for native Congoe e :Mon tevi deo Hope N D Vlgan, Ilocos ur P 1 Nason, Wayne Crocker Supervising teacher Nicol, Jame HOllden Tri pol! Syria 1\lIssionary. Odell, William Frederick Arlington Lavtver O'Hara, Frank Washington D C In tructol' in poiltlcal economy athollc niv of AmE'ri a Olson, Charles William Bontoc Mountain Province P I Treasurer l\[ountain Province Osborn, Lou is M (Ex) Lawy I' Page, Leroy Alber't J r vvholesale dar poles Peake. Ora Ol ga 'r eacher Pillsbury, Charles Stinson With Pillsbury-Washburn Pillsbury, John S With Pillsbury Washburn Virginia 1729 SLogan and posts 3019 Portland a\' 3300 Stevens ::tv Flour Mills a 2200 Stev ns av Flour Mills Co Prouty, Emery Mason, Jr University Club Seattle Wash Pugh, Loy M Winnipeg Can Security Elevator Co Quevli, Anna (Mrs J 0 Jorgens) 75 No 15 st Rich, Agnes Isabel (Mrs A R Benham) Ravenna Boul Seattle Wash RIpley. Edna (Mrs L A Page jr) 1729 SLogan Roe, Ada (Mrs Wm R Bawl!) 76 Stradbrooke Place Winnipeg Can Sanford, Edward Patterson 2742 Hennepin av Sales manager Sawyer, Fannie Louise (Mrs B W Cowperthwaite) Schlbsby, l';1ay Schmidt, Gottfried Physician and surgeon Shaw, Mabel Edna S impson, Earl. county attorney Smith. Elizabeth Marie Faribault d ave so Sleepy Eye 370 Hall av t Paul Winona 1721 Como av se Smith, Fred WiUiam 1013 So Kline St Aberdeen S D, state normal industrial school Spaulding, Hector Galloway l\lonadnock Bldg Chicago Squyer, Jane Allen ( M rs H D Perry)" 816 so 8th st Tacoma. Wash Stephenson, Robert Becket Ellendale N D Physician and sprgeon Steuert, Bertha L (Mrs C G Tracy) Glyndon Mgr Genl mdse business ' Stewart. William B Bemidji County superintendent of schools Stone, Mabel Perrin (Mrs Chas Dickerman) Sylvester, Mabel Florence Physician Thomas, Anna B 2t av e & 6 st Duluth st Oakland Calif Hamp hire Anus (Home 4028 Sheridan Rd Chicago) Thomas. Clara Chapline Feature writer Tribune Thompson, Horton Wind Rlyer Tracy, J ennie L (1\1rs H Warner, Bertha Belle Wheaton, Maud Esther Whitney. Nellie Ardell In tructor, Rhetoric U of M Wiren, 1I'lyra Woodruff, Harriet Isabel (1\1rs E C Lbr Co Walla Walla ""'ash A Fabian) 960 High st Dedham Mass 195 Furby st WinnIpeg Can (Mrs Clarence D Spalding) Castle Rock Wash H3~ Stevens av 1901 Aaberg. Arne 0 Adams. Cara May 14 E Park General secretal'" of the Y \V Adams S idney De W itt 1116 Lewis) Milnor ~ D deceased 1909 st,'ewark )l" J A st Fargo ~ D and real estate *A.hnfeldt, Alfred Kelson died Dec 1908 Alcott. 1\1ar~' Elizabeth ant No 26 t Tacoma Wash Teaching English. high school Baker, Gertrude "hittier (Irs laude Z Luse) 2011 Johns ay upel'ior ',"is Bartleson, Maud 1\Iuller (Mrs W S Fro t) *Barton. Bertha 1\1 Bell, James Ford 9~9 Vi' 13th av Spokane ""ash died Mar ~215 Parl, av Milling. W'a hhurn-crosby Co Bernhagen. John Fred 71; Plymouth bldg Biedermann. Jacoh Argyle PhYSician and surgeon Brandsmark, Gertrude Marie (Mrs G R Longbrake) 515 ass st La Crosse "'is Brunes, Gunda (Mrs F l\fahnl<e) Moo e Lake Burger, J Archie Miles City Mont Ruperintendent of schools Burl<hardt. scar Carl 719 River Rd East Assistant professor of German niversit" Burns. Sara 999 Portland 't Paul Buttz. Adrian E Leeds N D Carlson. Elmer E 908 Globe bldg St Paul omm rcial designer Carlson. Frank 133 a sau st New York City 0' real esta te

42 3 2 THE MINNESOTA ALUMNI WEEKLY Case, CleClna Lou ise Marion Ala, Lincoln Normal school Case, Mabel Ameli a St Peter Carpenter, Emma H (Mrs Walter Nettleton) 620 W Lee st Seattle Wash Chase, Josiah Hook 1429 Unlv av se L awyer 610 Temple Ct Aid rman Child, Alice May T eacher Christison, Isabelle Chrysler, Karl Gerhard Real estate broker 572 Hartford av Milwaukee Wls 682 Dayton av St Paul Lake Park Ia Cloyd, Da v id E Des IIIolnes Iowa Dean, school of Education, D es Moin s ollege Colter, Florence Pearl 841 Laurel av St Paul, Central high school Comstock, Jessie May IIIoor head Cook, Louis Gray 56 Clarence av se Instructor in chemistry, East high school Cornish, Bonnie (Mrs 0 P McElmeel) Great Falls Mont Crouley, 'William Dudley 61 Met Life bldg Freigh t solicitor, Anchor line Cutler, H len Gertrude (Mrs H E Davis, Addie May Davis, Louis David & bank cashier Denton, Van Lyman Principal of schools Erickson, Theodore 0 Johnson) New Richland 2438 Stevens av Santa Ana Waubun a lif Rocky Ford Colo Check clerk construction dept A V Ry L & P Co Fanning, Clara Elizabeth 1107 Harmon Place Editor Book Review Digest Ferry, Thomas Patrick 202 Queen av Hillyard,Vash Foerster, Alma Ida 87 W Winifred St Paul Forbes, Mason Merrill 710 Torry bldg Duluth Freeman, Maud Gertrude (Mrs Karl Heine) 13 terling av White Plains N Y Frost, W illiam Stuart 217 Hyde block Spokane Wash Oculist and aurlst Gates, Gertrude Eliza (1\1rs H W Nichols) 2141 Woodland av Duluth Gl asoe, Ol ga (1111'S C Otto Rosendahl) 2191 Commonwealth av St Paul Glover, Daza M (Mrs M H Sprague) Washburn Wls Golseth, Gustav Jamestown N D Physician-eye ear nose & throat Grass, Charles F Fergus Falls Public accountant Hanson, Peter Gardena Calif Real estate dealer Helliwell, Helen (Mrs G A Benson) East Grand Fori,s Hemenway, Helen Juliet CMrs T J Thompson) Hodgson, William Clague Methodist clergyman Houlton, Sam R Stock farmer Hubbard, Walter Raymond Bank preslden t Hutchinson, Drusilla C 2821 W 44 st Crool(ston Elk River Lane S D Mayfield Road Cleveland Ohio Teaching- College for women West Res Unlv Ir el a nd, Roy Row e ll 217 so Clinton st East Orange N J Electrical engineer Jenness, Josephine Fancher J ewett, F ra n k F a nn ing U S Army officer Johnston, Fannie Wllimar Phoenix Ariz heney Wash Dean of women, State normal school Kelly, Margaret Reat av se Aberdeen S D Clerk Co treas office Keller Annice Boory (Mrs E D Taylor), Bellingham 'Wash Kelsey, Grace Louise (Mrs A B Whitney) 2232 Dayton av ::;t Palll Kiefer, Michael Anseln leepy Eye Physician and sm'geon Kjosness, H a nn a h J (Mrs 0 A Lende) Canby Kjosness Martha Albertine (1111'S A S Rylanrl), Kennewlcl, ""ash Knight, Harold MOITls Isseton N D Heal estate and la w Koenig, H len 1 (Mrs H D Kilgore) 4740 Girard av so Lamb rt, Bernard N elson 821 N Steele st Tacoma Wash Head dept public speal,ing, Un lv, of Puget Sound Lamoreaux, Elltm A (Mrs J A Burger) Miles City Wash Langley, Mary (Mrs G Eddy Bethel Lawrence, James " 'etherbv Jr Venice CaUf Bank cashier. Lende, Ol al A anby Lenox, fay (1\1rs Fred Boyce) 2458 York st Vancouver B C Libby, H a r ry Cli nton 4106 Blaisdell Auditor N "r Nat! bank Llberma, Marco F 231 ", 96 st N w York City Literarv work Lun igren, Alma Marie Imperial Calif Tea~her in high school Lus, lauel Zeph uperior Wis, 1st Nat! Bk bldg McGinnis, Jamel' B 37 Baxter st Rutland Vt McGregor, Elizabeth watonna State agent tate public school McGregor, Ernest Frank 69 East av Norwalk Conn CI rgyman Mahoney, Laura Charlotte (Mrs G B Huntington) 1409 Manhattan Place Los Angel scali! Maley, Linda Helen (Mrs Frank O'Hara) 1221 Newton st Brookland D (' Mann, Edith (Mrs S J Ladue) Minot N D Martin, Arthur W Turlington av Harvey I1i Grad student Chicago univ (Permanent address Nanking hlna) Massee, W illiam W ellington Lawrence Bani, New York city Ma see County school 1\1atson, Sadie Lee 1922 t nthony St Paul Teachel' mathematics, entral High Melom, Carl Marcus 112 Arch I' av se Instructor In SpanIsh, Unh'ersity Moore, Margaret (Mrs Russell,piceI') 8~6 Elm a\' Wtllmar 1\101' y, Vera Louise (Mrs 'I' E Monteith) Morley, Clara Edith T eacher "Mon ttl', Jeanette elson, Otto F rdlnand uperintenclent of schools Northrop, George Norton Instructor, UniverSity of Mlnn Olander, a l'l Martin lel'gyman Olsgard, Edwood Cornelius Banker *Ol sgard, He lmer Osia. Ids,.\lIce Alena (Mrs,,' E Otte, George Benjamin Page, Gorge E Physician and surgeon Parmelee, Egbert N Ison 508 W Alabama av Houston Te ' Turners Fails Mas rleceaserl Parl,el's Pralrl ~213 Grand a\' Lindsborg Ran McVille T D died April L Crozier) Twin Falls IlJaho lark S D Elk RIver 7318 No Ashland Blvd hlcago III Sal sman, Kuppenheimer &. Co Parshall, Dana Herman th st Portland Ore P atch, Edith Marlon Orono Me Entomologist Phillips, Kate Edna ~120 5th a v so TacheI' Prendergast. Alice M 408 Ashland St Paul Randall, Bertha Augusta Hermiston Ore 'J'eacher Reid, Nettle Clara (Mrs L J Haas) 3519 Ivv Lane alhoun BOlli "Retel. Niles Edg-ertol1 D ceased Jan Ribble, George B La Mour N D PhysIcian and surg on Rohblns, Amy (Mrs J RolanlJ Ware) ROhbinsclal1' Rodgers, W a lter s pottswood 4652 Emerson av so Tt'acher of mathematics in entral high school Rosendahl C Otto 2191 C mmonwealth av St Paul Professor of botany, University Schacht, Th odoro Albert Rochester, Smith, E d na L a mb (Mrs L B P ase) av Sf> "~mltll,.john Philip died Apl'il

43 .~- '0;.. ALUMNI DIRECTORY 33 SLA--{)2 Smith, Paul S Porterville Calif Orchardist Snell, Ed ith Jane (Mrs P H BennIon) 1 12 Selby av St Paul Solhaug, Jens Johan 460 GJisan st Portland Ore Electrician Spicer, Jessie Irene WiIlmar tanford, Blanche Mary (Mrs Frank Bissell) 4412 Harriet Blvd levens, Hal J died June Stewart, Clara E (Mrs F F Jewett) PhoenIx ArIz 'unne, Dagn y WeJiesley College Wellesley Mas8 Instructor T homas, George Edwin 3405 ' 3 av so Physician and surgeon Thompson, Rosamond E (Mrs C A Bruce) 1624 Emerson av no Lakefield Thorenson, Ole TobIn, Frances Marion, Logan school Todd. Edith C (Mrs H L Jones) Torelle, E lj en (Mrs L B Nagler) 918 Mt Curve a v Lehl tah 151 W V\'i1son Rt Madison ~'is Velikanje, Johanna Emma Clara Kenniwlck V\'ash Ylkner. Edwin J Vi' U of \Yash Seattle Wash On facult~' ot University of Washington 'Wakefield. Bertha 1708 Harvard av Seattle Wash Head of catalogue dept. Public Library "'are, J Roland 500 Security Bank bldg ' Wetzel, Rein hard A 505 W 142 st New York City Tutor In Physics. College of City of N Y \"halen,.-\.nna (Mrs 1':: Sweitzer) 1517 Stevens av "" heeler. Frederick Lacy died June 1908 " 'oodcock, Gertrude Mary ' l~40 Main st Chehalis V\'ash 1902 Aatness, AlvUda Good amaritan hospital Portland Ore.. Turse Abbott, :l1,,-bel Louise 153 E 62nd st New York ity LIbrarian Ackerson. "'ii1ard Henry Teach!'r. East lllgh schoo).\ lex and er, harles Lewis Lawy!'r, real estate, loans Alpxandpr, "'illiam,\ugust Superintendent of schools.\nderson, Peter J Farmer.\ndrews, ElIzabcth Kidder C:llr Bai ley, Campbell La u ra n neal estate "Baxter, V\'i!ma K 3745 Portland av Pelican Rapids and ab tracts Culbertson Mont Conrad Mon t Wm Weston) Faribault 701 7th se (Mrs B D Thompson) died ~lar ~i 1904 Ba rstow, E li z a beth Douglas ()lrs S D Adams) Be se~~n. Wllllam Aaron PhysiCian and surgeon BiaSing. liiay Louise Tearher Brady, Eva Willoughby B rand, Charle s J 1116 S st so Fargo N D Albert Len Stillwater 771 Pascal ay St Paul U S Dept of Agr V\' ashington D C Physiologist in charge of cotton handling and marketing and paper plant inyestigatlons Brattland, Gilbert Anderson Brown, P a ul F Physician and surgeon Bu 11, liiary Emma (Mrs F W Bedford) Burge~, Achsa (Mrs F Burl'll!. P a ul Engineer Bush. WilHam Emmett Superintcndent of schools Byrn s. Jnl'\e Catherine T~acher Camp, H elen Elizabeth (Mrs T Saska toon Sask Canltda 3006 Nicollet a Y 239 I'Illands a,' Pittsburg Pa H Snure) Wayzata th st Milwaukee,Vis unlmown 130; 4 st se.t Thomsen) 2 21 EnlDston hldg Campb~ll. Henry Donald 810 3d av Seattle \I'asll Asst sec \ ashington Savings & Loan assn Cannon, Bern ic!' l\[a)' 1101 Calum,'l av Calumet ~Ii h T pncher (Next year 17 " 'are st Cambridge Mass) Casey, J ohn Marius SuperIn tendent,ot schools Coates, Mabel E li zabeth (Home 2014 Oakland av) Elk River Hopkins Cole, Ruth Fitch Minneapolis Collins, Arthur N 510 Fidelity bldg Duluth Physician and surgeon Corn ish, Vesta M (Mrs T S Armstrong) 508 n Ash s t Crookston Current, John Rees died 190i Crosby, Caroline 1616 n Washington av Head resident, Unity settlement Currer, Helen Henrietta (Mrs J A Barton) County Supt of schools Two Harbors Dalaker, Hans H 523 V\'alnut st se Assistant professor, mathematics, engineering college Dan lz. Herman A Banker Davis, Grace (Mrs Dwight Davis, Jessie E (Mrs H J Diesem. Louise K ellogg Dills, Elmer Leslie Tallman) Schwartz) Benson Anoka died )1ay J ackson 'uperintendent of schools Dohm, Laura A (Mrs Thos F Shields) 78 Wilkin st St Paul Dougan, Alice (1I1rs Percy W Donovan ) 20 Bluff av Brainerd Durand, Jay Isaac 1616 Pacific av Atlantic City N J Phy ician and surgeon Egleston, liian"ln Jay 162 N Dearborn st Chicago TIl Ehrhardt, Chri tian Adam Plainfield NebI' Baptist clergyman Elliott, Grace Nelson 1898 Carroll St Paul, Central high school Erickson, Augu t George pringfield L awver Fahey, John Joseph Norwood uperintendent of schools Fields, Perry Arthur Fargo N D F ie ld, Pau li ne 1519 S E lliott Library Assistant. l\1pls public librar\, Finke, Pauline Henrietta (Mrs A C Rudd)' Robbinsdale 2633 Nicollet a y Fi h, H elen Randle Fosseen, Mabel Helen prrs G H Tbacl{er) Foulke. Edith Frykman, Dror Gu taf Editor Veckobladet GalYin, V\'ilIiam Doan Glen'l'l"ood 558 Lincoln t Paul ay ne 701 Canada bldg Winnipeg Can Ga!\"in' Walston Lbr Co-Ltd Gilfillan, Edward Smith 1663 Kramer ne Washington D C Social settlement worker "Gillette. Ralph Perkins Gilman, Glenora Lunette deceased July 1912 ~548 Pleasant a'" Golden, Laura Elizabeth (Mrs C P CO'l'l"les) \Villard st Burlington yt GOOdrich, Florence E (Mrs Richard C Kittel) Casselton N D Graham, Alice Pitcairn (Mrs J J Yaeger) 1668 Lincoln a\" t Paul Grant. arah Catherine Boston JlIass ocial worker Mass Genl Hospital Gullette, Albert M 2334 Polk t ne Principal of Prescott school Halvorson. Olaf 94 E 36 st Los Angeles Calif Harrington, Helen Designer-John Harrington, Mary M S Bradstreet & 1 ~3 Park av Co 1 23 Park a," Harris, Bruce Franl,Iin Prince Albert, ~ask Can Sales manager-prince Albert Lbr 0 Ltd Hawk. Ella 1\1 (;xlr Ralph Hutchinson) Faribault Hearll. Paul Carrier 3337 ~o Ining Room principal, entral high chool - liermann, Della t se Hermann, Edith Lillian (Mr A P.\ sht'f) >;anlipoint Idaho Hilleshci m, atherine need burg,yis Hillesheim. lara Lakota T n. high school liocanzon, IIemella Lydia. (~1rs A E And... son) 1063 Marshall t raul

44 34 THE MINNESOTA ALUMNI WEEKLY H odgmire, Floy Edna (Mrs E St J Bromley) Hodnefield Jacob J Librarian Hone, Da isy 3208 Dupont so Urbana III av se Horton, Homer Francis 1504 E 65 st Chicago III With Ideal Heating Co Hosmer, Frank Henry ~324 2nd av 8 Com dept Central high school Huntley, Marguerite (Mrs T D Schall) J acobson, Katherine T eacher Hyde Janes, Alex 2828 Portland av 5411 Madison av Chicago III Park high school 307 Laurel av St Paul Asst atty general J ohnston, Antoinette Wallace T eacher Johnson, Hannah T eacher (Home-'Villmar Minn) J ohnson, Oscar Victor PhYSician and surgeon J ohnson, Peter Rudolph T eacher Unknown Ferreli Idaho Sebel<a New Ulm J ones, Elizabeth Marie (Mrs H J Wells) 1916 Parlt av K amrar, Melva L (Mrs J as Furber) Cottage Grove K elley, Robert Lincoln Pierre S D Pastor Baptist church Kellogg, Karl Bradley 43 Orchar d Road, Prospect Hill Tacoma Wash Lumberman Kellogg, Lee Olds Mining engineer Kiichli, Adelaide Julia T eacher Kindseth, Martin Severin Homesteader Knoblauch, Ida 110 East 26 st T a oma Wash 212 E 13 av Duluth Hettinger N D 1627 Hennepin av L ewis, Sarah Sumner Wash Lilley, Gene (Mrs David Griffiths) T akoma Park D C Lind, Norman George Lumberman Lovett, Henry S (Ex) Treasurer Am Sectional Macdon ald, Gladys E (Mrs J McDonough, Julia Genevieve Principal of the high school McDouga l, Marjorie T eacher MacFarland, Frances Gwynne McGregor, E llen Elise T eacher M cgreg r, Jennie Beatrice T eacher in norma l Everett 'Wash av so Furniture a S Van Camp) St Thomas N D Tracy 904 W 22 st Indianola Ia 2101 Portland a v Valley City N D McHerron, M innie K (Mrs Carl Dohm 'Wilcox Ariz M cnulty, Agnes, J e\le Beltrami Co T eacher Marshall, Gertrude I (Mrs R K Moore) 977 Corydon av \Vlnnlpeg Can Matchan, Edna May (Mrs P D Sherwin) 5001 So Vi ncen t Mayo, Carl Asa av ne Seattle ""ash Moody, H a lsted Carpenter Tacoma Wash Steamboat agent Morrison, Theresa Eleanor R F D East Ryegate vt Morton, Willis Richard Fargo N D Murfin, W alter Henry Edgeley N D Luverne Murphy, Myrtle Agnes (Mrs J Trea t) Newman, Marion Kate (Mrs W L Bean) 428 Lane s t T opeka Kansas Nicholas, Edwin Herbert Jackson, ' F (Mrs J E R ea) o Brien, Pansy Cold Springs Ranch, Forsyth Mont Mayville N D Olson, Nelle A Llbral ian, s tate norma l sch ool Spol<ane Wash O'Neill. Franlt William Physician a n d surgeon Peyton bllt Ozins, Helen L (Mrs D L Fairchild) 2516 So Colfax Bozeman Mont Parldn, Ernest J Teac hpl' City Hospital Passer, Adolph August Jnterne Peterson, Alfred Emanuel 7648 Normal av Chicago III ;pastor Auburn Parle Baptist chu rch Peterson, Selmer L 930 E 5th av Spokane Wash Mathematlcs t eacher, South high school 'Petran, Ethel liiay uieu Jan 1 190& Phelps, Louise Phinney, Barney OrIn 1801 Cummings Superior "'is Supt Kettle River Co Polk, Grace Eliza beth 2435 Harriet av Powell, halmer Lucas 3752 Maple Square av Chicago " ' ith Commercial Nat! Banle Pryor, Leonard H Hinckley Superintendent of schools 'Pullen, Lydia arlton died Feb Putnam, Mary Ph Ips Red Wing -N H S-Mpls Ransom, Stephen Walter 2437 Dearborn st Chicago III Head of dept of anatomy of N 'V Medical school Reed, Frank Elisha Century bldg Reed, J ohn Homer Chase Nat! Bank New York City Robbins, Adelaide (Mrs R P Gillette) 2842 S Irving Rodlum, Mabel C (Mrs M H Mattson) 3996 Bell st Kansas City 1\10 Rossman, Willard Allen Grand Rapids Rowe, Arthur N av Re Or Iron Mountain Russell, Bert Patent office "'ashington D C Assistant examiner of patents Sad ley, Elizabeth Viola 572 Hartford av Milwaukee ""is of m athematics E D H S Saltnass, Olga E (Mrs J E Hegg) 928 Bluff s t Beloit Wis Sanford, Mary Frances (Mrs W R Morison) 739 Hackett av Milwaukee Wls Saunders, Percy Seavey av W Calgary Alberta vvith Cana,dian Holt Caterpillar Co Schall, Thomas D 282 Portland av Schrader, Herman Frederick Big Piney Wyo- Pbysician and surgeon.schunert, Charles Adolph died Feb Siegmann, Alvina C (Mrs H W Ott) 3411 Elli tt Siiloway, George Elbridge av 'V Duluth Clergyman Sjoberg, Martha Herberta 409 Bates av St Paul, High school Squires, Ralph Elmore 109 So 17 st St LouIs Mo Genl secretary Y M C A, tanley, James Garfield Lead S D La,\'yer Staples, Elbridge Cole 1207 st se lerk, PiI\sbury-Washburn Co tarr, Augusta Mara ExcelsIor Librarian, 1906 So Colfax Stavseth, Peter Leon St Louis ;\10 Solc1en high school-head of commercial dept Steele, Edith Cl are 54 Parlt av E Princeton III Stein George Charles WI\IIam Innsbruck, Austna Stevens, Fred Harding Chicago III Clergyman Stevens, Homer W ill iam Univel'sity Librarian, College of Law Swart, Emma L (Mrs Joseph A Pierce) ~argo N D wett Georgia Mitch eli (Mrs Carl A HerrIck), 3045 So Humboldt 'Tllomas, Edith Mighlll Thorpe, Henry Joseph Principal of Roosevelt school Towler, LuC'y (Mrs S n P lummer) Trimmer, TT n.r!'iet 'reacher Tuohy, Edward Leo Phy ic'lan an 1 surgeon tlieil 190:r Olympia 'Wash 1815 Portland av Fairbanl<s Alaska New J rsey bldg Duluth Twa mley, lvi ary Edna Grand Forlts N D 'reacher of English, high school ValerilJs, Nels Eric 93 Lincoln st Hartford ann lergyman, Baptlst Van Evera, FloI' nce (Mrs A F Doud), 1320 Clayton st Wlhmnf(ton D I,Val<e fi elil, H erbert W R s Eng N P Ry Webster, George B (Ex) Lumberman Wedge, Ralph Charles Banker Weed, Ben jamin Bartlett Insurance Missoula Mont 1021 Lumber Exchange Granville N D 261 Summit St Paul

45 ALUMNI DIRECTORY 35 SLA-03 Wetmore, Robert Wallace 2706 W 44 st Asst secy-treas The She\'lin Co 'Wheaton, Grace (Mrs Tresham D Gregg) 9729 Howard ct Chicago III 'Williams, Juanita av e Duluth Woodward, Mary Lydia (Mrs H J Bailey) Wright, Ernest William St Paul Park Lewiston Mont Presbyterian minister " ryman, James Claire 26 W Gl'ant st Grain ommlssioner Youngberg, Everett Leroy Coeur d'alene Idaho Dentist Zehnter, Ruby Paullne (Mrs G E Thomas) 3~05 3 av so Acker on, ~'innifred H died l\iay AinsWOI'th. Bessie Ella Chippewa Falls Wis Andrews, Bonn ie Florence Brookings S D o supt of schools Armstrong. Harriet Louise 530 Grand St Paul Arndt, Caroline Agnes (Mrs C B ~'il1iams) Otto and Cleveland av St Paul Austin, Clarence E Moosejaw Can Genl manager Robin Hood MiJls Balleo k, Ruth Eloise 1231 Newton av n ur e at St Barnabas Hospital Bailey, Seavey Moor 910 N Y Life bldg Bal{er, Augusta E (Mrs F C Lovett) 661 N 2nd st Grant's Pass are Ballard, Gertrude Ellen Vassar College Poughkeepsie N Y Instructor in English Bomberger, Edna Woman's Boarding Home City Sray, Elwyn Royal 935 Lowry bldg St Paul Physician and surgeon BrohoUgh, scar ~' ashingto n D C 'With Inter Com Com Brown. AII~n Reginald 12 Broadway New York City Brown, Elizabeth Sheffield (Mrs C H Fitch) ~pringl1eld ottage Bramford Ipswich Englanc1 Burmester, Ernest Adolph Glen Ullin N D a hi I' Ierchants State bk Burns, Kelven Univ, of Marseilles Marseilles France Butler, Mary Bell e (Mrs Barry Dibble) Minidoka Idaho Callel'strom, Gottfried W Gowrie Ia ~umplj II. Harriet Loui e South St Palll Campb"II, Otho Harol<l died April Carpenter,,\ lfaretla lay (Mrs W T Gould) Boca Tres osta Rico Chadwick, Grace 359 ~' 4th st "'inona. 'J.'eachel Chapman, Anna Field (Mrs H J GoodwIn) hase, Raymond Pari' Sec)' an<l treas. Anoka Herald Cherna usek. 'am uel - Physician Claypnol, JennIe Leona Colby, al'l 'Vinchester - Editor Conser, Charles C Horse and stock ranchman Cresse\,. Mary Missionary Dye, ~'ii1ard Belshaw Phl'sl al dire t,or, Y 1\1 C A Eastby, John 1\lal'lin South St Paul Anoka Publish 0 1\lontgom I'J' Spencer In Sioux ib' Ia Sandstone Plevna Mont Ningpo China Cull, John Arthur Sherwood N D Dahl, Jnga (1\[I'S C L Mosher) St Paul Dann. Ethel Claire (Mrs J L Shellman) Nashwaul, Dinsmoor. Jessie Belle (Mrs Eric Thornton) Benson Downey, H a l oa 4 e Assistant professor, Histology D rake, Be njam in F j r 816 Lumber Exchange Oya r, Ali ce Emm a (Mrs Bert Russell) Forest Glenn l\1d _\nn Arbor 1\1Ich Emerson. Brron Todd 431~ Grimes av SO 'J.'eacher of chemistry. Central lllgh hool F ldmnn. William E 307 S hannon av Spol{une Wa h Instructor, Nort h central h igh school Feroe, Helmer M 819 Security Bani, bldg, real estate F isher, Bl a nding Devils Lake N D Cashier, Ramsey Co Nat! bank Fletcher, Maud R (;\1rs Harold Lyon) Honolulu Hawaii Fogarty, Patrick H FuJler, Florence Leonora Gillis, Mary May (;\lrs C International Falls (Mrs E F Ketzer) Bemidji G Burnham) Roslyn Rd Kenilworth III Northfield Glasoe, Agnes Preceptress St Olaf College Goodwin, Harry James 228 Am Natl Bk bldg St Paul Hall, Ethel Collingwood (-:llrs C H Stewart) 719 W Jackson av Spokane Wash Halvorson, Gurinne A died July 30, 1908 Haney, Claude Leonard ~032 W Superior st Duluth Physician and urgeon Hannemann, 'usan E Hansen, Nichols Business Hanson, Ella C Hanson, Henry G Postgraduate work *Hatch, Samuel A Ha\'erson. George B 1823 Elliot av 93 Lenox Road Brooklyn K Y Billings :\1on t!\forgan Hall Auburn X Y Theological Seminary died Feb \1onroe "is Superintend nt of schools Hegel. Kewton 3325 Bloomington av so Hendrix, Helen R (1\'[rs Robert H Keye Hincldey Hitching, Jennie Alice (::IIrs E H off, Magda M C Eaker) 1\1arshall 1214 N 23rd a\' Houlton, Ruth Trained nurse Huff, Ked In truetor in botany Humphrey, Edward F st se Uniyersity 1120 Amsterdam ay Xew York City Instructor-History Columbia univ Hutchinson, Harriet J ()Irs J F Bernhagen) b es, Henry A Swift J ackson, Alice (Mrs G S Wheaton) Jacobson, Martin L Superintendent of schools James, Ur_ula ;\1 Jenson, Jes P F Graduate student (Cornell) Johnson, Bessie 'Johnson, Tho",vald Ross John rud, Iver T 635 Elwood ay 915 Commerce bldg t Paul Havre Mont Dawson died TOV Ithaca N Y teaching histor)' Hudson Wis died July 1903 St Cloud Science taacher, state normal school Jones, Benjamin 1\1Uton ;)7 Crax st Rangoon Burmah l\lissionary Judson. Leulah J (;\1:rs E W Hawley) 3~3 11 a\' se Ka per, E,'elyn L (;\1rs B ickerson) :llandan X D Keatl y, ~adie Lura av so South High Kennedy, Cornelill. ~504 4 ay so Instructor in chemistry-univ dept of agl' Kennedy, Eil n 315 Dayton ay St Paul Kerr, Catherine Hannah (Mrs W G Anderson) Long Prairie Kilbourne, tan Ie;' Faribault Dean of the Episcopal cathedral King, Lillian Y (Mrs Robt I Flynn) 760 Delaware av t Paul -"Knat\'olO. Ruth B died before day of graduation Knight. Ray Robert Pillsbury b ldg PhYsician an<l urgeon Koch, Flora l\( La dd, James B Fergus Falls 9~O Forest av Kansas ity Mo Vice-presiden t Robinson 1m'e tment Co Ladd, Sumner l\l St Peter Secr"tary to ongre sman Dayis Lavayea, Grace ~'hite Young Apartments 17th & Grand Los Angeles Calif Layne. John Anthony Fe senden N D Liddell. Grace I adora Earlham Ct Tacoma Wash T.. acher of Latin. high school Longbrak... MalT Loui e. North high school :tiic ann, Charles Ma.'-"'Ivell ecr etnq and l\iefarlnne. Lor na. high McGill1. Annie TeaCher 1909 S Queen a v 1106 w California av Urbana III Registrar U of III st se school at Virginia 1904, N Lyndale a v

46 THE MIN ESOTA ALUMNI WEEKLY MacLean. Malcolm Appleton Baseball ditor McKeehan. Irene Pettit "restern Springs III 126 So 1~ st McMilla n, Putna m Dana av Sle With Washburn Crosby Co McVeIgh, Eliza beth (Ex) (Mrs H S Lamberton) 3319 Unh'ersity av Be Mallory, Earl P 841 Monadnock Bldg Chicago III Mallory. Helen (Mrs Udo F Schrader) Sasl{atoon Sask Can Mann, George 0 Minot N D President liiinot Paper o Mann. Leonora C 2804 Garfield av liiarshall, Olive May (l\fts Paul Adams) La Moure N D MartIn, Mac (Ex) 614 E 25 at AdverW;ing Coun sel Mill r, Frederick Caspar 150~ Laurel av St Paul Mosher. Esek Ray Dillon Mont Professor of mathematics, Montana state normal Nelson. Alice May Clark S D Principal of high school. 638 Pine st St Paul Nelson. Arthur E Principal of schools New London Nelson. Sadie H (Mrs E G Quamme) Finley N D Newldrk. Bertha G (Mrs Henry D Diessner) haska Newton. Julia Olive Ellendale N D Nixon. Lillian E (Mrs P J Lawrence) st se O'Gordo n, Hannah av se Oliver, Myrtle T 629 1st av so St Cloud, history and mathematics, state normal Olson, H ans Martin 515 Security Banle bldg Law and real estate Parker. Belle Louise Grand Rapids 1 arkcr. Dora May (Mrs C S Lowell) IIastlngs Parker, Mary Adallne st se th av se Adana Turl<ey-In-Asla Peck. Edlll~ Laura Peck. Sarah Louise Missionary Pendergast, Ellen Martha (Mrs A,,' Farnham) 43 N Mackubin st St Paul Perry. Florence McCloud 752 Laurel av St Paul Instructor in English John A Johnson H S Pinney George Graham Hiawatha Kan S'up rlntendent of city schools Pond. Frances E (Mrs W S Titus) Boise Idaho Putnam, Robert Winthrop Red Wing Banl{er ~ay, M Lou ise (M1's A F Richardson. Iva M (Mrs rounse) Rlcl,s. William L Robb, Laura May (Mr s S H Baxter) Rudell. Gustaf Leander Physician and surgeon Santee. J ohn Hays Fruit farmer Severance. Marie Thompson.. everson. Samuel 0 Professor. Augsburg Seminary Shumway, Royal R Asst Professer of "Imls, Grace Elizabeth st av so P H Bryant) Twin Falls Idaho no Oak av Wyoming E 17 at Plaza N D Excelsior St Louis Parl( 2424 Butler PlaCe av se mathematics. University (Mrs F W Wright) Bronxville N Y Faribault Sinclair. Agnes W lnlfr e~l T each er. St Mary shall ~mlth Ell iott 3433 Wellston Place Cincinnati 0 Assistant, Cincinnati Observatory Smith, Fred LeRoy Chatfield Physician and surgf'on Spear. Ruth M (MI's H D Newldrl<) 3241 so Dupont Spen er. Mlldrcd Allen Stanberry. Ralph Stanl y.. teele, Katherine D 'reach l' St en son,,tesse G Mason City Ia Red Wing 3500 liarrl t av Grain +. died 1903 Stockman, August "red McKee) ~tockton, Glenn Bacon (Mrs F iilchland entcr Wls Stone. Elsie A (Mrs P G Crocker) Box 149 Sal m Malsii T en Broeck. Robert Carpenter Rnoxvllle Clergyman E'va av se T homp50n. All e - I Wls Student at Stout ltultltute. Menomon e. Thornton, Mary L (Mrs G V l\iclaughlin) Tompkins, Nell ie Elizabeth PrinCipal of high school Truax, Emma Leolln. high school Turner. Jos ph Vernon SuP rlntendent of schools "'agner. Ivy Etta W av 1', ~405 Russell av S Appleton Hastings Granite Falls 1423 Broadway Spokane Wash Jessie Isabel 2229 No Broadway Seattle Wash German dept, Ballard high school Wentworth. Hattie E (Mrs W N Mand Ylne) Delano West. Ruth Grand Rapids Wh eler, leora Clark 1376 Summit av St Paul Designer Whit, Iyde Roy 1601 Un!\, av se Lawy 1', 519 Met Life bldg Whitt more, Josi May (Mrs II J Pfclffer) WIlliams. James Von Zielke, John 1904 Havana N n Iarshall Oakfield Wls Adams, Helen (Mrs Chas Clough) 865 Jgl hart _ t Paul Aldel), Mary 1\1 707 E ~ s e x at se Teac h l' Aldrich. Helen J (Mrs F L Kleeberger) Univ f Ariz Tursan Ariz Ames. Elizab th (1\1rs H SUppern) Paulgho Wash Arnold Morris Leroy ~62 Park av Professor of English literature, IIamline Aygarn. Martin 1 ~t harles Superintend nt of schools Baker. ilit'l'ton Franl{lIn Clenwoou Wls Cashier 1st Stat Bank Barnum. Cyrus P ai ne ~109 So James arnum Trunk Co trunks and 1 ather goods Bean Alice Annette (Mrs J Frank Fraser) 1904 James av so Bed(ol'd. aroline Lydia 745 Lytle st C'hlcago III Dist Supt nit d Charitl s of h!cago Beede. Ethel Remington Roch ster On staff of tatc Hospital Birnberg'. fm'gar t Rebecca G5~ Hall t Paul, Blanch r. lar nce Leroy herburne Farmer Blitz, Annie Dudley 1303 liays st Boise Idaho Teachl'r, high school Bockman. Sigurd ~08 Columbia st Seattle "'ash ashl l' Rockwood Sprinkler Co Bolin. Mamie Anglim Tenchel' Boraas, I nqmar J Superintend nt f schools Boutell, Anna Kimber Teach l' Bradford. Eva Austin TacheI' in High school Bradford, Fannie Paine 013rohough st Porlland Orc Ada Lake City Blooming Praln" Wells Mary Deceased 1909 rookston Bryde~dd~~~~Ru~~~ore until January 1st 1913 Burdlcl< Emma (Mrs U L) Williston N D Burnl'tt. Ida A Mankato Cadwell. an'le May LeSuetlr hoate. Isaac Watts Drldger Mont Christopherson, Clara av ne ReaUle Wash of history. Lincoln high school hurchlll, Irwin Allen Huron S D Lawver lancy Margaret Agnew (Mrs Delamer ). Bismarck N D ole. Marjorl H (Mrs C A Paulson) 3512 Holmes (1" Cole, Ruth (Mrs K IRY S hase~03 Grand av St Paul olllnr, Louis Lor n ~206 Girard av SO Newspaper man Journal Collins, Richard Delos Windom Flour miller. T ol1lns & son

47 ALUMNI DIRECTORY 37 SL A-04 Colter, Esther H (Mrs T E Gove) 1324 Van Buren St Paul Cook, Amy ' Josephine (Mrs J A Robinson) 4036 Queen av 8 Cotter, Mary S Austin High school Covey, W illia m Sumner 3436 Holmes av Kendall-Covey Co Real estate loan ins 902 Plymouth Bldg Danforth, J a mes Arthur Banker Yankton S D Daly, Alice L H ead oc dept oc Pocatello Idaho expr sion Academy of Idaho Davis, Scotlle Primus 1001 W Chestnut Louisville Ky DinsmOJ e. IIIarian Ethel Tea her (Home, Austin) Groton S D Docken. Elizabeth Glassford Teaching East high school Drake, Clarence Everett Lawv r Dunbar. Loulsp Estelle Teach r West high school Dungay, Nell R F D no 2 85 Clarence av se 2021 Columbus av Northfield Profpssor of biology. Carleton College Dye, J ohn W a lte r Smyrna Turkey U S on ular Sen'ice Eide, Carl John av so of Physics, Central high school Easton. Lora (:\lrs A Cassidy) Do\'er Idaho Erickson. Theodore A Alexandria aunty uperintendent of schools Fagundus, Mary Wilson ClIrs G K Farn worth, Florence F ely. Mary orinne Teach r Fiske. Mary Ednah (Mrs 0 F1 ming, Mabel C (Mrs R S M erriam) Fleming. 'Wlnnle Avis Teach r Foulke, Anne (Mrs Claude Haney) Hagaman) Anoka 376 St Albans St Paul 847 Marshall St Paul B Robbins) 1930 Laurel av St Paul Wallace Idaho 1431 Thomas st t Paul 1 17 Piedmont av Duluth Bellingham Wash Frost, Mall ' l Blanche Teach r Garrow, Lfilian Bird (Mrs Chas S Stevens) Mobridge S D llome Ins Bldg Chicago Gibbons. Archibald Ray 601 Advertising manager nlass, ourlney Thomas Seattle Wash Dexter Horton & 0 Godward, Blanch Agnes Thief River Falls Prln ipal or the high school Goetzinger. Katherine Bertha 436 Belmont av n Los Angeles Calif. Los Ang les Normal School Goodsell, Cl arence W Garretson D Goouwin. liele'n Marie (Mrs Gould, avanaugh) Maple Lake La ura (Mrs J 'V Wilkins) 21~0 Carter av St Paul Grant, Avis Winchell (Mrs U S) 2320 Orrington av Harholdt. Marie (Mrs N A Borstad) liarris, Marian Jane. high school liarris, Martha Fallis (Mrs J E Hyn s) I1awps. Harriet Marla Teach r, East high Higginbotham, Bl a nche Evanston III av se Lake City 3H9 Un Iv av Sll av se ~914 San Jacinto st Hou ton Texas Hl11cshelm, Anna L Dickinson N D Principal of schools Hillesheim. Mary (Mrs E R Norris) Staples Hoerger, B~njamln George ljighland Pa"k Milltary Academy Chicago Teach,. Holm, John Gunnlevy Chicago III Editor hlcago Tribune Holm. Nils Juul S t Paul Instructor U C enunary Houck, Edna hrlstina (Irs J H Santee Excelsior Hovda, Olf BUhl Stra s no 3 Gottengen Germany S t udent Hull. Blanche (Mrs Savag ) av se Hurd, I na Fran ces (M rs E Warner) 3100 Columbus av IIys r, Allee Maud ( Irs W L, Vallace) Iris pts Spol anc Wash Janney Florence (Mrs Henry J Ramsey) Bureau ot Plant industry U S D A Washington D C Jenk. Grace )lay l one Cali! Jense n, Dagmar Chrlstence 428 Grandview st Los Angeles Calif Jewett, Gertrude Ellen plrs E F McGregor) Johnson, A rth u r Monrad D puty Co Treas Johnson, Jennie Helena Johns t o n, Emily Lydia Jones, Marion Isabella Joy, Lillias Anne Teach r 69 Ea t av 'orwalk Conn 922 Main st Colfax Wash Casselton _ D st se Central H S 555 Laurel t P a ul K;ells, Lucas Carlisle Columbia 'niv Kew York City K el ey. Carton Gale 3 28 Tejou st Denver Colo PhysiCian K ien holtz, W illia m S imm s 445 N Los Robles av Pasadena Cali! agriculture & horticuj ture cit y upervl or schools K ing, F rancis Leroy Real e tate Ko<>h lt>r. :\'ora E\'elyn PrinCipal of high K ovarik, A loi s F A sst Professor of Kraft, Mary H elen Kranz. James Philip ocial worker Lavell, Richa rd A,\~st Librarian Leach. Hugh Elli Lawver 735 Plymouth Bldg ~mbank S D school (Home. Zumbrota.) Ph\' ical Lab Umversity Physics' 16~1 3 st no 1701 Maple st Hou ton Texas Central Public Li rary Alexandria Leonard. Ruth (~frs A H Donaldson) Hondalp. N, :ll. L wis. Laurel :\llles ity :llont Lippol d. W illiam H Loui ville, Ky Educational secretan' Y 1\1 A Littlefield. Lura 111 (!lfr F A te'l"art) 3413 Park av Loomis. E:lrl Alfred E 10~1 6 st no Portland Ore Ph~'~lcian and surgeon Luckl'r. lara A 193 Park PI BrooldYn X Y Bookkeeper Ludwl~, Corabelle (Mr" Paul Haugen) 4~S Lni,' av se ~IcCarriel, Myra (Mrs D A Gaumnltz) St Anthony Park ~fccurdy, Myrtle B (Mrs James A epley) Brookings D )IcCurdy. 11 Pearl leepy Eye Tt>achp)' (Home at se) )1 Kittrick. Elizabeth (Mrs Alex Ta~'lor) Hausprlake ~Io nt McLaughlin, Elizabeth (Mrs Aloysiu T chumperlln) t loud Mcl\lanlgal. Wm A 206 Dispatch bldg t Paul La"'~'er McM illa n, Ethel May 31~ Prospect st Rochester of English McMurray.!l1abel Louise Cavalier N D Teach~r Maland. larence 0 Ph), ician and surgeon Mannheim r, Elsa 1~11 E Franklin 565 Marshall t Paul Martin. Thoma Roy Manton'ille Physician May. Grace Jane L 7~4 Cedar S t P aul l\!prsen. lice l\fargrett Hutchinson Inst In chem of M school of agric 1\Iood~', ora Lou lsi' W arroad Principal of public school Nisbit. Jane 23 Dan st Rochester TNlcher ord.,viiilam A,x I 1620 Bush st Santa Ana ali! Norton. Frank E~bE'rt 16~9 4 s t se La,,'yer- 3~ ectlrity Bank bid!!, -Ye, )[arshall Alb e 1334 Penn a\' n o, Asst Trea. nlon I nvestment Co Oman..A Ifred Edward Hastin g Pattee. Richard torrs canlon Lumberman Peaboldy, Eun ice D iantha ~7~ Prescott st t Paul Pehoushek. Charles 639 Erie st se 'l't'a('iler. entral high scho I Peteler, Gertrude May (Mrs E L Nove) Peterson, Horace Lawy r 43 Barret a\' Elgin III Deerwood

48 THE MI NESOTA ALUM I WEEKLY Pettijohn. Mary (Mrs M L Wildes) 3329 Colfax so Pierce. Clifford V La Moure N D Lumber dealer P ierce, E rnest Boynton 138 Orlln a v se. RegIstrar of the University Ptngry, Frank Richardson 46 9th av Newark N J Clerk Prud ntial Ins Co Poppe, Frederick Harold 70~ Donaldson Bldg Physician and surgeon Putnam, Edith Elizabeth Andover S D T eacher R ead, 'ara Juzi 507 n 2nd st Tacoma Wash Reid, Eva Christie ~G4~ Irving so T eacher N H S Remele, Albert harles 307 Eagle block Spokane Wash Rickard, Truman ElwelJ st se Builder R ockwell, Alice A (Mrs F M Warren) 34~7 Humboldt av so Rosholt, LtlJian Ruth 19~5 So Penn o.v As~istant cataloguer. public library Ruet h, Agnes T E ~070 l\iarshaij St Paul Asst principal s' Training school Sandstrom, J ohn Feruinand Annandale Scripture, BeSSie B st se T acher Shedorsky, Sara 117 Sherhurne St Paul Sheldon, Eleanor Augusta 110 Malcolm av se T 'achel' Shuck,,Varren Ellsworth 407 Realty Bldg Spokane Wash Mining and real estate Sjoberg, Edith June (Mrs E C Ruble) Skoog. Arlie Nettie T each I' Smith. Emmett Wilbur U S Army Smith, Florence Ella (Mrs R E Smith, Hortense M (Mrs Wm K 'odel'\)urg, Nathanial F rdinand county altorney Stebhins, Lillian B (Mrs R C Benner) Stevens, Charles Sidney Physician a nd surgeon S t ewart F A lexander Driscoll N D Still water Fort Sheridan 111 Van Bergen) 624 E 19 st Ferguson) Algona Ia l\iadlspn U of P pittsburg Po. Mobridge S D 3113 Park av Lawy 1', PI' sldent Plum Valley Rv 0 S ti nc hfield, Nellie May (Mrs W F Braasch) Rochester l\lolt N D Stone, George Hartwell Stl'athprll, Moses Lane Gilbert Physician and surgeon Sydow, lienry Gustav Fairmont Merchant T eeter, J ennie Lind Austin T eacher Thomas, J sephine Lydia 208 W Grant 6t T eacher Thompson Edith L (Mrs E H Fearon), 018~0 Addison pokane W ash T homson, J oseph 813 Holly av St Paul W B Jovce &. Co. Surety Bonds and Ins Thornton. l\iargaret A (Mrs Franl< M Kleron) Beaumont CaUl T ucker Florence M (irs Job Thorp), 2 Park av Westerly R 1 Varco. Albert Raymond Phvskian and surgeon Vel dey, Terllef A Banke r von Bodenstedt. Eleanor M (Mrs Sidney Mont lianl y Fans R D Moore) Fall'fax Was h International Bldg Warn ('I'. Cecil Elisha. -Warner & Stille Washburn Grace Emma (Mrs E C Hillbornl it N D ' Valley y Watson, Harriet (Mrs III G Allen) Sprague Wash Wayne. Atla M av so Seattle Wash - T eacher Weir, Sue Allen W e lles, Albert B Publisher Welles W ier, Amelia Louise Wold. Carl John (Mrs Charles E BucJ(b e) 355 Minnesota st St Pau I Excelsior Bros Pub Co Blue Eartl} 343 E 19 st Wright. Daisy Mabel 295 St Anthony av St Paul T eacher, l\1echanlc Arts high school You ngq uist, Charles Platt S D up rlntendent of schools 1905 Abbott. John Steele Rochester Minn Physician Adams. harl s Edwin Stickley Mont Rancher Aldrich. Addie Rumsey Park River N D Aidrlch. liarry North Bend Wasb Lumberman Alexand 1', Anna Frances (Mrs D D Greer) Coleraine Aiexander, Ida Mary F larissa Physician and surgeon Alexander, Sara 'l'eacher Allyn. Anna L (Mrs Donald R Brewster) And rson, Abbie!If Anuerson, D borah 1\1 E Tach I' "\uslln. arollnp Isahel Principal of high school Bakke. Anna II (1111'S G L Saude) Bank, All ert M Superintendent of schools Beck, Maud Gertrude Beld n. Antoinette G Mrs C E Bc ld n. Mabel P rle Dell, Margaret George (Mrs Dell. EllalJ th Dewel' Te,\\'h I' Graham Hall Best, Sarah Teacber Baisdell. Arthur Lawypr Coleraine Priest River Idaho Wells 677 E 17 st haska Menomoni!' WIS Park Rapids 13~2 6 st se Yarco) Sidney 'I[ont Rprlng Valley Henry II orson jr) lielena )lont 311 Som rset St Paul d av SO Fargo N D :llinot ~ D Gro\on S D Bolstad, Alfred C Supf'rint ndent of schools Bonwell, Emily L (Mrs R R I1IcKalgl Fort Rice N D st se Boutell p, Loul~n. ElizaIJ th M('ulcal stud!'nt Boyce, J essie Wadi igh T,uch,',. l 1nlverslty mod I school Brockway, liart Leebert Brooks. J,'ssle 16~ Anson Rrl. Penan!': l\1ala\'~la 111~ 1 st se Mlssional-v charge of Anglo hinese Girls Rchool Brownp. Is. b e lle V (Mrs J P Kan ) Delano Duell. P!'arl 416 Second St Wallace Idaho Burnham. hllo Webb Carrington N D ounty auditor d:'lr~r Burnham Mary D a ldwell. Gra e Fern!' Mankato TacheI' CampIJel1. Rohert TIenr)' Burkvllle. Va Carlson, Lillian Elizabeth 3 13 Elliott av Tea her Routh high Carrlg:j,n hades Cas. Ethel (l\1rs J E Hoyt) Kendrick Irlaho Ciark Louise Campbpll Dickinson N D 'Supprvis r Music and Drawing public schools Clarl«' lielen (Mrs John B Sanborn) Goodrich av Rt Paul omn. Samuel David Erie N D PIlVslcian find surgeon Cole Ma'rlon A (Mrs I-I G Hanson) N Y, Morgan Hall Auburn onwav. Estellr '19~9 Minnehaha Pkw W 'I' achpr Barron Wis Little Falls Cornwell, Georgia F Post Office D ept III 0 CIN'I< Cox. Elizabeth J ' nnings (Mrs C R G Gould) Warroad Craig, Carrie S ([r!' Robert raig) Robbinsdale Cramer. Margaret E (Mrs I-I D Ly n 3~20 Park (IV ("rounge, Ella Dix (Mrs M D Webster) 1721 so Iwln~ Da ve nport Murray T aylor Spokane as Law' mortgage loans, Arthur D Jone~ & co Davis Irma Le ' De B II, Florence (Mrs DI' Hans, Virginia Dell1u les. ophla Clara 3107 " av so E V YOLlngquiSl~rter!; D 771 E 6 st St Paul

49 ALUM TI DIRECTORY 39 SLA-oS Devaney, John P Dool1tl1e, Leroy Edson Do.w, Don Ca rl os Dredge, Belle Teacber, State normal Drum. Jennie Science teacher, high school 536 Andrus bldg Newberg Ore Pullman Wash Moorhead Stillwater Eaton, Mabelle New Hampton N H E lnarson, St ur la Faculty Club of Unlv of Callf Berkeley Calif Instructor in Practical astronomy Everett, Eisie Nettleton Fairchild, Frederick T Lumberman Faunce, Carroll Seth Flnlde. Kate Talbot JuveniJ e court, Fish, Helen J (Mrs Foot, Laura Adella F ran k, Sylv ia Stern Haley N D Scanlon av se 2761 West River Road Probation officer E J Huenekens) d av SO Red Wing (Mrs G B Friend) Harvard Chambers nlverslty Frell n, J uliu s T Assistant professor of French Gallagher, Richard F Garbett, Louise Gearing, Maud P 'l'eacher Gibson, May Adjunct Professor GlImore, Charles Edwin Glppe, Hilda Marie County superintendent Goodrich, 1-ols E Gray, Raymo n<! H Teaching in East High Greaves, Grace Ethel Grindeland. Sy nneva Gunckel, Kathleen Elizabeth Hagen. John B Beach N D 416 Oak st ne 256 so Exchange St Paul av S6 of La tin 1I1acalester College Lak!l Crystal Montevideo of schools 710 East 14th st av se Glencoe Theif River Falls av so Renville Sup rintendent of schools Harden, Elizabeth Carieton (Mrs r 0 Pearce) Chisholm tacy nknown av so Harding, Rowena (Mr Donald Childs) Harrington. Josephine M Healey, Bes i Olivia hurch secretary H~lIman, Julius Sioux City Ia G~n mj secretary Y M C A H!II, harles,val'ren 1575 Wyandotte av Cleveland 0 Reseal' h chemist FIIsco Ii, Jennie Isabelle av se TacheI' Hollingshead, Corn lia (Mrs Geo 'W Morgan) 1922 E Superior st Dulutil Holmes, Myrtle Evangeline 668 Algoma st Oshkosh Wis, State Normal school Holt, Charles Me a d Hot I Waverly Head of th Minneapolis School oc Music and Dramatic art 1\'es, Agn sherwin Grand Forl{s N D Teacil('r high school Jacobsen, Walter J Howard S D Banker Janes, Su Ie Isabelle (Jill's H W Bolger) Johnson. Adella T J ohnson, Andrew W illiam Johnson, An na Carolyn Tea hel' Johnson. Herman dolph Superintendent of schools John.on, Rose Mathilda -M II S Jorgenson, Lnurids VI e-presld nt Bank of Fairmont Joy e. r t hur R amy 134 S La Sail Joyce-vVatldns Co 1108 Com Ex Knapp, Katheri ne Kelsey, Inez A (Mrs E L Lowe) Kendall, Rita Harriet 1.'each r I~ennedy, Amy Annie (Mrs E F (,has(') Beaverton Ore Theif River Falls 506 Plymouth bldg Owatonna Grand Forks N D 859 E 3 st St Paul FalTmont Neb 8t hi ago TIl hange hi III Duluque In 1110 I'll ad Eveleth No Y akima, V'i'ash Kennedy, H elen e!l504 4 nv so Kinnard, B r t ha Clay (Mrs W 8 Latan ) Lyndale Kratt, Arthur Wllliam Rancher Lagerstrom, Ansgar T Lamphere, Eugenie M Lange, Mary Rena Larsen, Ida Mathilde T eacher Lauderdale, Mildred (Mrs G W Linkfield. Alice Ernestine T eacher LoYe. Harry Dare L ult en, Xavier Edward Depu ty Clerk. district court Strickley )lont Marshfield Ore Palouse Wash Petersborough N H av so Robertson) 226 W 34 5t Leach. Helon Edwin Owatonna LeBeau. Henry Charles Arizona Leeds, Bessie G (~frs G E Tower) R F D no 5 Salem Ore Lenz, Emma Augusta (lilrs H F Mittelstedt) 1422 No Dupont st se Snohomi h Wash Glencoe Lundgren, Hilda E (Ml's Jas R Cain) Ortom-i1Ie MacDonald, Mabel H (Mrs J E Oren) Bay Point Calif McFadden, Esther (Mrs E W Burbeck) 32 E 5th st Duluth McGrath, \\'illiam H 212 Security Bk bldg McIntyre, lilary Elizabeth Eden Valley McKittrick, Carrie H Hauserlake Mon t Mc Neill, Edwi n Rut hven, J r 803 Fisher Bldg Chicago TIl Attorney at law Mc Part li n, Catheri ne Glencoe Contributor to Catholic magazines Ma gnu sson, Lelf ur 1513 Meridian PI N \\' Wash D C Translator & investigator in Bureau of Labor Mahaffy, Mary Faulkton, S D (Home '0 Girard) Mahle, Florence Edna (:\irs N Xeilsen) Florence S D Malgren, Helma E (!virs R F Schroeder) 1~12 E 21 st Manu. Albert Herman FreepoTt III l\iarr, Gibson Atherton 307 McCormick Bldg Salt Lake City tall Attorney Miller, Lal11'a E (Mrs R G Joslin) Mitchell Henry Sewall Monson. Letitia Morgan, George Wagner LawYer Myron. Oiin Cornell 825 Logan av no st se 54!! Misissippi st St Paul 701 -Wolyin Bldg Duluth 1I1!laca NI'iIl. Hazel Kenneth "Newberg. Oscar Deceased Aug 31, 1910 Norris. Anna L (l\frs A P Brook ),03 9 st so Oberg, l\iarie Josephine (Mrs J D Brewster) Brown ' -alley Olsen. Mabel Juliet 631 Ontario st se Olson. Frederick Adolph " ells Physician and urgeon P addock, Medora A (l\irs J D Bilsborrow) Lisbon l' D Parlier, Alice 111 (Mrs Abel Brownrigg-) 1371 Quincy N W Washing-ton D C Patter on, Helen Jean tte ~67 Ashland St Paut Peterson. Heur~' Philip Cam rose Alberta Canada Farmpr Plummer, Bes ie Taylor T nch r 736 E 16 st Potter, Grace Ruth 1 76 Carroll st St Paul Pratt, Prudenc E 1111'S 1\1 IcConn) 1106 \\' aliforn\a av "Grbana III Pratt, Robert Henry 493 Andr",. t Paul p uffe", H ow ard Albert Bird Island Cashier Rtate Bank Quigley, Elennor Florence said H 8 Prin Ra nk, H attie 3353 Elliott av Ra nk, Minn ie Louise Kuala Lumpul' Malaysia Missionary _ Rawson Fannie liinria (Mrs Bigelo\\,) " adena R~ed, Robert Ray River Falls Wls EngJi h teacher state n ormal Rich, B I'tha Elizabeth Robertson, Jessie Anna (Mrs Dayld Sauk Cen ter R 'T'homa ) av so

50 40 THE MINNESOTA ALU MNI WEEKLY Robinson, Eills Astor Tulsa OIda Rosenthal, Rose Bronle Columbus N 1\1 Ruger, Thomas Wright Devils Lal<e N D Sallsbury, arolyn T 626 Iglehart St Paul Domestic science Red Wing Sanborn, John Benjamin Attorney 612 Endicott bldg St Paul Sandvall, Huth Josephine San ford, Roscoe}<' Casillo Santiago Chill S A Astronomer Schouten, harles P 4244 Pari, a v Adjuster and asst credit man Sch ureman, 'Vinnifred 315 " " 15 st Sharpe, Mabel Lovejoy Wayne eb Smallwood, Justin Thomas Worthington surgeo~ Physician and Smith, Oscar Mendelson Chisago City Smith, Lillian M (Mrs F W Burwell) 139 E 37 st Physician Stanley, Lucy Mabel Chippewa Falls ""is Stew ~r d, Ma ud H 471 Washington av Brooklyn N Y Steichen, Victoria A, Stene Isabelle aroline Devlls Lake N 2413 Dupont D av Brool<1yn train school (or t achers S tromswold, Jo eph C Bellingham Sullivan, Mary Elaine 20 Mulberry st Nashua N H of German and mathematics, high school Sutton, om. 0 (Mrs H E Castle) 1820 Su tter st San Taft, Laura J Tenna nt, Lois A (lill's M Pennock) Thompson, Willard Eelt:s Lumberman Thompson, Eva F Teach l' * Upson, A rthur VanBergen, Margaret P Private tutor V a nst ro m, F rederick Wilhelm Banker Van Wert. Mary Waiker, George Thompson hemist-van 'l'ilburg Co Warrington, Helen L (Mrs Homer R ' Vebster, Milo DeLancey Webste,' & Webster law loans ","eyrens, Josepb P Phvsician and surgeon Francisco Calif av so av se Ladysmith Wis 1903 Carroll st St Paul died August st no Lynd 21 W 15 st ~O no 16 st Smith) Faribault 1721 So Irving real estate Taylor N D Whited, ' O rlc 0 jr st s e Chemist Whittier, Bessie Mabelle Dos: 114 Exc Islor (Rochester Minn) W ilcox, Marion E (Mrs C G Selvig) (Ex) Crookston Williams, Fred Mortimer 731 N 53 av hlcago III Telephone enginee r Willson Laura Blanche, Red Oaks College Hl11 Ro Il est r 'Virth, Fredericl, A 4448 Sunnyside av hlcago Iii Secy & treas-oeder-thomsen Co Wold, Cl a udia E mi li e (Mrs L R Nostdal) Rugby N D Wold, Ethel Amelia Austin Woodward, Ruth (Mrs E A McDonald), Marquette 1\Ilch Wright, Ch a rl e s Ro ll a, F rgus Falls Real estate, farm management, Jnsuranc, loam. "'ynne Janet Isabella rool<rton, high school 1906 Abbott. Jessie F Lanesboro A ldrich, A lma lara,fnrgo N D, high school (Home 4016 York av) Anderson, Adolph A Langford S D Atterbury, Marie (Mrs 0 C Burl,hard) 719 River RIl E Austin, Hattie th at se Aygarn, Magnus II Parl< Rivf'r N I.J Su perl n tend en t of schools Bachtle, Carrie Aglles Sauk Rapids Principal o( high school Baler, F lorence J (Mrs C E Ward) 150 Morton st Batavia 111 Ball, Frank Morris Barnes, Arthur R Stenographer, N P Ry Barqulst, Elsie Miriam Barrows, Vera F Bergstrom, harles Walter Beyer, Wilhelmina (Mrs E Buckley Wush 2011 E Lake 5t av so o Wergedal) 881 Dayton St Paul Blaisdell, Eva Maud (Mrs Walter H Wheeler) 500 W 32 st B1el<re, Julia Marie (Mrs Adolph I Anderson) Bliss, Maude Stewart Honsteel, Belle V Music teacher Bostrom, A Edward Physician and surgeon Bown e, Gert r ude ".reacher Broberg, Martha T Buenger, Theodore Arthur Fellow at Am school B u ll ard, Ma rjorie Louise Bullard, Polly Caroline Bulioel<, Bernice V Zumbrota 1610 Stevens av 3945 Chicago a\' DeSmet S D Iowa Falls Ia New London A thens Greece of Greek 781 Lincoln St Paul 841 Grand St Paul Burgess, F lorence E (Mrs Winthrop S BlaCkburn) 1231 Raymond av St Paul Burweli, Louise Minnetonka MlIls CampbE'l1, Georgianna E (Mrs Fred Keith) Princeton Card, E\'elyn Mal' 2401 So Aldrich arlson, Philip Emanuel 1823 Clln ton a v Castor, Florence Rose Mason City Iowa High school instructor (Home Waseca) hase, Van Rennselaer Security Bank bldg Real estate hrlstianson, Theodore Dawson & Publl.. ltt'r Dawson Se ntinel lark,,teph ns GlIman Wyelln" B C' 'With Olls-Staples Lumber Co Ltd Clutter, Guy Earl 603 N Y LICe blug Cockburn, Eth I Intl< st s Teach r Constanti ne, E arl G 719 Tlu lion bldg Spokane "'ash SecrE'tary pokane Builders Exchange rogan, Ida hrlstine Compton Callf rooks, Harriet M (MI's '" F Just) Frazee urrer, Alice Isabelle (MI's :n'tn Griffith) 600 S 6th st Uamilton Mont St Clouu Dansin«berg, Paul D Clergyman Davidson, Raymonu Accountant Dawson, Jennie E rant (Mrs Chester Jame town N D Colgro\'e) av se Dawson, Wllilam j,' American onsulor General Frankfort-on-Maln Germany Dicl<inson, Flo" nce Augusta 457 Ashland St Paul entral High Olethe r, Mary Louise n72 Portland av Paul -Loomis school Dolan, Francis Marlon 693 arroll St Paul Dunn, Isabel Sturtevant ( -lrs '" L Oswald) 2215 w omo av 8t Paul E arl George A rthur 36;; Earl st St Paul Physlclan anel surgeon Eastberg, Luth I' J Franklln Elliot, Nellie Ma~' Rhame '1:\ Everhard, Franl< Taggart 1107 Alworth bldg Duluth Lnwyer Fpller, Ellzabeth S 11~7 Ross St Paul 1780 Bryant av so court 3201 Grand av Fitzgerald, Sara Monica Probation Mllc r-ju\'enlle Fliegelman, Fannie X 'l'cachel', West nigh school Fl inders, Or low B a il ey Lumber dealer Frisbe, Willis II Automoblle husiness Funic Anna (Ml's E If HlIig) Tache!' Bannln Ont Sheldon Ia Browns Yalley

51 ALUMNI DIRECTORY 41 SLA-<l6 Garb tt, Edith May (Mrs E K Pickett) av so eary, Mary Lucie 100a Beech St Paul Goff, Mary Coburn Hopkins (Home, 2030 No Willow) Goldman, Sara Pension Monier, 8 Rue Voltaire, Grenoble France Goodrich, Mabel Anoka, high school Gordon, Mildred Clare Kasota Gove, Helen R Rochester Graves, Maud Adrian Greaves, Edna L (Mrs R M West) Greaves, Glenn Henry Banker Greene, Elizabeth Browne Banker Grlenbenow, Frederick F Grygla, Grace (M1's G D D ~rkpatrlck) 212 Knapp st t Paul 2128 Knapp st St Paul heldon N D Alexandria Santa F~ N :\1 Hagen. Harriet L Milbank S D (Home 3746 Park av) Halvorsen, John Oliver 403 Matthew Columbia )10 Chemist-Dairy, food and drug Inspection Hansen, Mathilde K (Mrs J A Jensen) 307 W 15 at TacheI' Hanson. Verna M (Mrs C W Miller) 'ew mm Hatch. Elizabeth Fargo 'D Haynes, Ruth (Mrs L F Carpente1') 711 River I'd east Hazzard Martha P \\rabasha PrinCipal High School Hellman, Ernest A Redwood Falls Instructor In GerDlan-U of W Helly, Patrick Robert Hyde Block Spokane "ash UeUberg. harles Frederick StiJIwater Herum, Bertha Edith (Mrs Ferguson) Watertown S D Heyd, Nellie Crags 742 Laurel St Paul HIli, J essie Bennett d av so Settlement worker Holway, Ruth liorn, J ssle Helen (Mrs G E Parsons) Elk River Hubbard. H len Rosina High School Hudson. Irving McL IIuelster, Luella (Mrs Crawford 1\lorrlson) Spooner Wis B enson Amer L egation Pekin China Huelstcr, Mildred Estelle (Mrs Marshall Elsondilhert Hunter, Eva H (Mrs Balles G Wa~lerbentro Calif Hunter. Mildred Marlon Huxley, Fred R PhYSician and surgeon Hastings Faribault Huyck, Ethel Indle (Mrs 0 K Peck) care of Bridge Eng Grand trunk Ry Winnipeg Irmen. Louise W Sprlngfleld Principal high school (Home 1649 Mar hall ne Ives, Mary av Antigo Wis Jackson, Genevieve {Mrs L J BOUghn~;iE' of Trihune Johnson. CharI s Eugene av e In tructor ill animal biologv-u of 1\1 Johnson. Edward al'l - Manhattan Kan up Farmers Institutes and d!'monstratlon work Johnson. Ida AmandR St Croix Falls \\'Is TE'acher, normal school.tonps. David l\[ Waba hn Jordan. Lois Mary D6 ai, ro\'e st Chief of ol'd r Dept Mpls puhllc library Kaercher. MInnie Barbara ~5~1 entl'nl av ne TacheI' Kaull. Hazel May Lewiston Mont Principal of high school J'innard. Blrtnchc E (liirs H D Barry) pton Knowlton. nna Isabel (1\1rs L E Austin) Koch. Albert arl Milwauke 'Wi KranlE'r. Arnol Otto 1I1arinette \\'is T aclwr (Home-Preston) Kumn1l'r ' l' Ha.-rict Grand Rapids La "nnge, Mvron Hall 1, lr. Portland av IHlt N W onsolidateil Milling. 0 Lall1 1her, Ad laide (Mrs has. Ll\'('ngoo<1 Du) ton 'Yash.\twater Larson. IJewls Lumber dealer Laudi'l'dah', Hazel Mildred (1111'S Percy P Rrllsh) Kelso 'Yash Leonard, Elsie Preston University House Supt of Sanford Hall Lester. Horace Hardy 190 Nassau st Princeton N J Graduate student Princeton Lewis, Lucretia Luelle Cannon Falls Linkfield, Edith A Rapid City S D Lltowltz. Anna Sylvia 907 S 14 av Lockcrby, Avis Le Gro (Mrs W B Richards) a v no Fargo N D BemidjI history teacher (Home 329 Oak LO E:, Eliza erena Principal and 5t se). Mcln tyre, Ethel Marie Mackall, Henry C L awyer 1\[c:'fillan, Corinne Frances Trained nurse 620 E 19 st 701 Loan & Trust Bldg av se :\Iarkus. Leola Louise 12 X 54th av " Duluth of mathematics Martin~on. Ida Emelia?tlaynard ::I[arvln, Adeline R (Mrs David Davis) Box 4 4 L wi ton Mont Maryin. Hattie Evelyn Librarian :\lason. Kittybelle (1\11' *Mlllar, Catherine l\iljlisack. Roy pencei' 1\1iner. laud Guile Moe, Carl H enry Moran. Sarsfield G :\Ioreland. :\1arie F :'lorris, Alice Anne C A Ea t Zumbrota Edblom) Wood Park Minot N D died ov 1~ 1909 died April 1907 Grass Valley Calif 3040 Bloomington av Graceville Hastings died Nov ~ \[orse. Gu~' Moses av no Bookkeeper N W Knitting Co Nebbergall, James Z Sioux Falls S D tate secretary Y ::II C A Keilson, Clarence J 2217 Fulton st Berkeley Calif tudent. Cooper ::Iledical Institute Kelson, Clara I (Mrs S E Hargis) Nelson Melvin S Xeumann. Wilhelmina H Flat In South high school Kewkirk, Iris B ailey (Mrs C B Smith) Lltchfleld Mora Chicago av 353 E 39 st Portland Ore Colusa Cali! 'ewton. Fay Margaret Nyquist. Anna N Lorraine Hotel Pittsburg P a OkJ(dberg, Peter Olaus e16 eniv a" Ann Arbor lilich Instructor in Zoology, Unh' of :\1Ich Olsen. Theresa Anna "orthlngton Org-an, Mnry Elizabeth ~9 Tilton St Paul Palmer. Ethel Gillette (:'l rs H E Canfield) Hatton N D Hasting Palm strom. Florence liiarie' Pap8t. Grace Edith (:\lrs RohE'rt S Prentice) ~100 0 Dupont Virginia Partridge, Jarvis M Teach r PatteE'. Sidne,' ~02~ R Queen ay Pa tterson Mabel Irene Long Beach alif Teach!'r of Eng-lish high school PaynE'. FI'f'derlck \\-ltter :\lar hfield Ore Lumber Peterson. Arthur Leonard Real pstate Pettijohn, Earl G36 Palace Bldg 301:! so James Inst in hemi try Phillips. Ruby B Fergus Falls Tl'achf'r ~IO 5 av se Pomero'",.\lice L (lirs.-\. N Tyrholm Xew Richland Putnam: Fred \\-arl'en Red ',nng La'wy~r Radcliffe. Irene (1111'S F N Edmonds) ~91 'i \\- 40th st Ralhle. FlorE'l1Ce lilarie' Hutchinson Hi<:h ~chool teache'r Heed. Edith Louise (1\lrs GUY Steadman) 1, 17 Dayton a",t Paul Riplpy. Emmn D (Mrs J R orno~) R R NQ ~ Boring Ore Ro\\'.,Yillinm IIenry jr St Jame Phy ic'ian Ruble, Harry Eustace " Ibert LNI Poultry and supplies

52 42 T HE MINNESOTA ALUMN[ WEEKLY Reed, Edith Louise (1\1rs Guy Steadman) R- I ' 1817 Dayton Ip e~, Emma D (Mrs J R Cornog) Rowe, William Henry jr Physician R Ubie, H arry Eustace Poultry and supplies Running, Albert Ruscoe, Ella C R R No 2 av St Paul Boring Ore St James Albert Lea St James Faribault English teacher, high school Sanborn, harlotte Hammond Redwood FalJs high school (Home av so) Schaefer William C L 460 E Page st St Paul Schnell, Elenora L (1\1rs F D White) 2614 Grand av Schoch, Alic~ B 179 HolTman St Paul ewall, Harriet Winslow Forest Glen Md _ Cataloguer Library dept. of agriculture Sinclair, Arthur D 44 King st West Toronto Canada PhYSICian Sinc lai r, J oh n Franklin,Velles & Dickey Co McKnight bldg S laven, Mary E~telle 153 N Craig st Pittsburg Pa Smith, Carroll NInd~ 71 Belmont st Fall River Mass EffiCiency engineer Sm!th, Helen Maude 624 E 19 st Smith, Pearl av so Fargo N D In high school Smith, Roy Howard 2262 Blake av St Anthony Park Spence, Effie Spooner_ Paul Lord Morris Stakman, Elvin Charles Experiment Station St Paul lnstl'uctor In Plant pathology Stenberg, Theodore T South St Paul Prin of high school Stephan, Verene 0 (Mrs E 0 Smith) Kiefer Oklahoma S tewart, Alice M (Mrs C D Beagle) Anacortes,Vash Stewart, Marl, Leonard Cando N D Real estate Stocl{ing, Mabel V S tratton, Paul D Sublette, 10 (Mrs Geo H Adams) undt, Mathias Physician and surgeon Sutton, Charles Stewart Swanson, Elaine E (Mrs DeKoven Hunter) Kentwood La Grani te Falls 129 E 28 st Hanska St Cloud 475 Laurel av St Paul Taney, Katherine M (Mrs C L Silverson) New Ulm Taylor, Kenneth 206 Globe bldg St Paul Real estate T enn ison, Agnes A Monticello Thompson, Alice E (Mrs Jas B Ladd) 920 Forest av Kansas City Kan Thompson, Antoinette Barnard Faribault in St Mary's Thompson, Charles Richard Oneida Blk Interstate Securities Co Thompson, G ladys I av Seattle WRsh English teacher in Queen Anne High school Thompson, Nell ie Lovln na Arlington Teachel' T hompson, Stuart McMillan Glendale 0 Purchasing agen t, Cincinnati Traction Co Tierney, Charles N 326 S Monroe Spokane \Vash Tiliotson, Mary Moorhead Tressma n, C onra d A 27 College Hall Philadelphia Pa A st Inst U of P Troutfether, Albert 4]3 2] av no Truesdell, Eloise N Harmony Tucker, Bessie M (Mrs H B GI~lason) 2]7 Harvard st se.utley, Lillian Excene (Mrs A M Hopeman) deceased March 5 19]2 Valicntyne, Lydia,Vay Red Lodge Mont of mathematics high shoal Van Bergen, Harriet (Mrs Wm C Deering) rosby Van Ricl<ley, Nell ie Margaret av ne Vickery, Roy Albion Agent and expert Bureau of Entomology Wash Ington D C W a rd, Hazel Mary 817 Palmer st Mlles City Mont Walson, ~\gnes M (Mrs Harry l\'[ Miller) 1102 Ashland St Paul Watson, Emma Letitia Belt Mont (Home St Paul Park) Way, Lucile C Norlhtleld of expression St Olaf olleg W est, Rodney Mott 2128 Knapp 8t St Paul Asst professor ot chemistry-college of Agr Weum, Anna 430 Ashland blvd Chicago III 'Vheeler, Mabel Amelia Rent Wash Tea h I',Yhitcomb, Esther Elizabeth Madison 'Vhitne~', Anna May R F D No 3 Yakima Wash _ Jathematlcs teacher high school WillIams, Vesta F st se Teaching, High school Coleraine,,'ilson, John J 'Viseman, Lucy Pearl Pine City Ye ager, F loyd Webster S D Asst cashier ]st Nat! Bank Young, Hattie l\i (Mrs S J Burchard) 1010 Linwood Place St Paul 1907 Anderson, Ella l\'[ Hibbing Applebee, Inez A The Plaza Wash Circle Washington D C lerk ci\'ll service Atwater, Florence Fay Shell Lake Wls (Home 2512 S Humboldt) BabCOCk, Donald ampbell 72 Mt Vernon st Boston Mass Minister Bacon, Lora D learwater Teachel' Badger, Vi' alter Lucius 616 Church st Ann Arbor Mich Instructor In chemistry Barrett, Edith M (Mrs Harvey J Scharr) 700 York st Rt Paul Bearnes, Clara Hughes (1111's Harry S Haskins) Berger, Edla G in Mechanic Bicknell, Blanche Lenora Blackburn, Nathan Bishop 4]5 Morton Place P.-orla III 1978 Langford av St Paul arts high school st se 1321 St Louis av Kansas Ity Mo Grocery brokerage Blegen, Carl "rllllam av so Graduate student-athens Greece Bliss, MargaI' t Sidle Yeung Kong hlns via Canton Milffilonary Boreen, lifton A 436 Syndicate bldg Physician and surgeon Bowler, Edna Beatrice Teach 1', high school Brimmer, Archie E MedicRI student, University Brooberg, Ethel (Mrs Carl Petri), Teaching elo('ullon Brooks, Pearl M (Mrs M N Pope) Brown, Montreville J B u rg a n, B essie Ma y (Mrs T P Cooper) B u rton, Beu la h Isa bel I llgh school teacher Butler, Anna Clerk Butl r, Marietta St Paul ]2]8 Raymond St Paul 1530 E 22 st In5 4 av no Fargo N D Bemidji 8 Park Flats Fargo N D 4118 Wentworth av av se EII< Rlv I' T'rinc; na I (llome ] AV se) C a lhoun, F rede ric 0 41 E 76 st New York City Illustrator amphell, lola B atri<'e Rem-Ille 'l'~acher (Home 710 ]3 av se) Camph II, Anna JeRn Hopkins Rociety report 1', The Tribune- Campbell, C a rl G 121 Armistead (IV Hampton Va Agr; ultural teacher & demonstrator Chadwlcl<, E7.ra Eugene Spl'lng Valley Superlnl!'ndent or scho Is C h a m berlai n, Fra nces Lincoln at BCI'keley njl( Rupen'isor music San Francisco normal hapman, Emily K High ~('hool teach I' C la rk, F Mildred TacheI' ot English S H S av Sioux F. lis S D 3409 Stevens av

53 ALUMNI DIRECTORY 43 SLA-07 Coapman, Wall G Bookkeeper 1st Natl Bank Cockburn, Edna G East H S Cograve, Pansy B Cooper, Florence (Mrs Homer Williams) Copley, Mary Elizabeth Cox, Ella G Cressy, Earl H Racine Wls s t se 324 Walnut st se Brandon Man 530 Ashland av St Paul Cloquet Care A B F M S Ford bldg Boston Mass Missionary Critchfield, Lyman R Hunter N D Crosman, Rose A av so Crounse, Agnes Ray Montevideo. high school (Home, 3840 Richfield av) Dahl, Anna C Dorothy 2902 Elliot av. East high school Dahlberg. Effie H (Mrs L A Stenger) Dart, lzella Mabel Dart, Raymond H Delmore. John Leo Physician 204 W 40 st Two Harbors Litchfield Roseau De Veau, Katherine Lee 515 so 10th st Fargo N D Dewart. Richard Herbert 332 W 58 st New York City Graduate student Columbia University Dicl<lnson, Grace Fergus Falls 'reacher (Home, Buffalo) Diether, Althea 1446 Summit St Paul Donovan, Katharine Minot N D High school teacher D unn, Mary I rene 402 3d av so St Cloud!'ewspaper work Dyar, Ralph Emerson Kiesling Wash 'Vriter of advertising Easton, Dana Magoon Ebert, ~1ichael HIggins PrinCipal high chool Eichholzer. George Rupert Ellefson, Eh'en T FarnH"l' Unknown 767 Cromwell St Paul 1526 W 60th st Seattle Jackson Elilson, Cul\'er 1718 Hennepin ay lerk Janney, Semple, Hill & Co Elmer, Edna 718 E 17 st Enright. l\iar~' elestlne 260 Selby av 't Paul Evans, Gertru'de S (1111'S Louis G Cool,) 56 Clarence av SP { av so Fairfield, Ellzabeth Teaching In West H S Ferraby, Mary Harriet (Mrs H L Bessey) Frazier. 'Yilliam Hardy 1155 Asst chemist, Experimental structor In Agr chem Frey, Bernice Vivian HUl:;)n S D Frye, Luciu ArnoW 1 84 Rondo St Paul 1908 Rhodes scholar from Minnesota Gallup, Helen T (Mrs Thos C Appelget) Bovey Gaus, ~fildled Belle (liirs Frederic), Paul) 514 W 3] at Gee, Gertrude Lucile Principal of high school GI bbs, Mabel H astl ngs, high scbool Gl nson, Mary Fidele Gloor, Arnold GOUld, Edna H al l Principal of high Gould, Mary i::ileepy Eye Mora Escanaba, 1I11ch Minneota Litchfield school (Home av se) Aberdeen S D Green, Grace Elberta Griggs. Richard Leslle Trens Virginia EI Power &,Yater 0 Irvington Ala 'Virginia Grind land, larjce Litchfield Principal of high school Guthrie, Florence Katherine (Sister 1I1ary Helene) St Catherine's College St Paul Haggard, Mildreth Jan t 2{00 hlcngo av Analytical chemist Hnll, Orrin lves Hammond, Lola (1111'S L L Bolles) Hanson, Mab I J 'l'enchel' Hare. Howard Hulbert Minist r liartgerlng, on stance M Teachel' Zumbrota 407 S 10 av North Yakima "ash Albert Lea st se Rapid City S D Hathorn, Irma Morris -West Cent school of agr Hayes, Michael F Lanesboro Medical student, UnIversity Heffner, Corinne st ne Heffron, Gussie Beatrice Brookings S D Helson, 1I1ary Clymo Wabeno Wis of music Hicks, Frances 222 Harvard se Higbee, Marie Alice 2305 Portland a v Higgins, Adele L (i:l1rs Carl J Cal"in) Yirginia Higgins, Fannie (Mrs J A Stewart) McKinley Hill, Helen av so St Cloud High Hill. Ruth Harriet Hille, Clara Elizabeth H ill S, Minnie Lou isa chool teacher Hodgson, Frank Corrin HotHin, Florence Louise (Mrs H GReed) av so Fergus Falls 301 La Fond St Paul Okanogan Wash Raymond "t Paul station and in- Coleraine- Box 781 :\Janila P r Honnold, John Guy Le ::liars Ia Hubbard, DOl'othy B (Mrs G 0 McIntosh) Ceasarville Sask Huntley, Earl Webster Medford Ore- Real estate broker Inaoko, Seimin 81 Nicollet av Jacques, Agnes 501 Fountain st Albert Lea. Science teacher, high school Jedlicka, Alexander Ivan Argyle, north high Jeffer on. Charlotte Clara -CHome Bingham Lake) Janel!. lilary Myrtle, Normal school Holstein Ia Ellendale N D Josephson, Chester A Red Wing Clothing store Kelly. Esther B (lilrs Richard Hardisty) Edmonton Alberta Knappen, Elizabeth Ellen 10~{ E 8 st Riyerside Calif KnOblauch, Louise Staples Kutnewsky, Walter Knox 403 n 4th st Korth Yakima Wash Real estate La Due, Eva Lagerstedt, Alhert Larson, Martin Latimer, Homer Baker Nebr,Yesleyan unh' Lee, Ol iver J ustin Hibbing Nome N D C & C Hospital ~t Paul University Place Kebr Yerkes Obseryatory, Williams Bay "'isconsin Astronomer Little, George Rudd Loftus. Mary Frances -LoomiS, Floyd S Loyell, Helen ~ Lydiard, Eva Alice Lyon, Frank S hiland Investment securities McCauley, Eth~l Noyes IcGregor, Edi til Ma~' McKay. Natalie Latin teacher, high school McKenzie, Jessie Gillespie Librarian McLennan, '''innlfred G JllcPartlin, Ellen E Marchant, Lura Ethel TacheI' Marsh, Elizabeth Gre Ie,', high 8cho'01 1Iiaynard, Penrl I{asson Kelso Wash died December ]90 ~604 Humhohlt ::liinot N D 3136 Cedar a" Lidgerwood X D ~101 Portland Davenport,Vash Winnet\,a TIl Tracy Ru sell Idaho Eveleth Long Prairie Rochester J\1eyerding, Hem'~' William Ph,'sician and surgeon liiichen r, Carroll K Preston Editorial dept China Press Shanghai China liriller, Harry Herbert Groye it)' IIUner, Margaret C (1111'S R L Manning) Sheldon 1a Mlsz, Al ice M (,Irs A J Haag) 505 Eastern 8Y so Joliet III Moran. Sndie eronica (Mrs J H L Kelehan) 1005 Uni\' ay se Moulton, Dora Honora (Mrs Fred B BaltUlo) liloulton, Roy Jasper Pierrepont S D

54 44 THE MINNESOTA ALUM~I WEEKLY Murphy, Ignatius J Norton, Willis I L awyer Oliver, Amy S 'ociety O ' Neili, Edward Joseph Asst Cashier Big Palmer, Hilla \Vood P a ulson, Edward L Physician ditor News-Tribune 13 W Superior st Duluth 832 Security Bani, bldg Duluth Graceville Stone County Bank Thief HiveI' Falls Turtle Lake N Pedersen, I Alice (!\Irs C W Rand) Grantsburg \Vls Pennington, Georglanna 41 Watson av East Orange N J " Perkins, Claud C deceased Aug Perry, Clarence George Medical student, University Peterson, Anna.Mathllde Phelps, Edith May With The H W Wilson Co D 248 E Congress St Paul Pitts, lara P (!\Irs Leroy Foote) Pohlman, Edward John Powers, Ma ry Naomi, high school Preston, Sara Morrow (1\1rs J E Finley jr) Deceased 1~ th av se Kallspel Mont New Albion III Henville 1520 Hawthorne Quacl<enbush, Harry C Pierre S D Cashier Nat! Bk of Com Randall, Claude David Paulson bldg Spokane Wash Rich, Elizabeth Rob rtson, A lvi n J M Rockwood, Ethel, entral high school Ross, Clara E lizabeth. high school Rossman, Arthur Gale Hoth, Margaretta E Tea her Ryan, Anna Cecilia High school teacher Ryan, Margaret Anne Librarian Saby, Rasmus ;:; Assa Prof Pol Sci Cornell Sahlbom, Eureka A, high school Sanborn. Charlotte E of English 11 terature Schaller. Hose larie Schmidt. Henry Albert Physician and surgeon Schmidt, Lillian C (l\irs J F Bailey) 5896 Hobart Schum mel's. William Arthur The Leamington Sleepy Eye Duluth Sleepy Ere 922 Selling bldg Portland Ore Hobbinsdale 139 E Isabel St Paul at Melrose 213 Lake av N Duluth Supt of schools Skinner. Frances Eleanor (Mrs Ralph Blitz) Smith, Carrie Hemming Smith. Grace I Smith,!\Iyrtle Irene Solie, Simon, high school Sparke, Hannah D Spooner, Ethel B (!\Irs T E Skeith) Ithaca T Y Oakland N D av so Hastings 'Vestbrool, st Pittsburg Pa Heron Lake Blair Idaho av ~o 60 Royalton av Miles City Mout Sedan Hapld City S D Kipp Alberta an Stamm, Frieda Louise 1\1 A high school Stev ns. harlotte I 697 Goodrich St Paul "'lilmar Stinchfield, Minn ie (Mrs Brown) Beml(lji Swenson Edward Francis., 810 Morris bldg PhiladelphIa Pa With "'m E Swe t & Co-Bonds Swenson. Freda E 945 larl, St Pall 1 Bethlehem Academy Sw n~on Sabra S (Mrs Geo M Jennings) t ' Swenson, Sweyn W Switzer. Harriet high Switzer. Mabel E 'I'each r high school Taft, Wilbe r R ar!' S t Anthony Elevator Co Theis n, E lnora B 527 WAlder st Missoula Mon University library R dfleld S D school (Home, s t se) Lovela nd Colo Big,Sandy Mont arrington N D Thompson, Herbert H enry 464 Dewey 't Paul Teach r Towler. Edna Elizabeth 1806 Portland av Trleloff, Alma Julia Carver Tubbs, F Maud (Mrs J C Hartness) Vance. Marjorie Eveleth Decorah Ia high school \Vagen. Alma D Earlham Court Tacoma Wash Teachel' \Vhitman school \Va lker, Adele Florence Pine Ity high school Wallace, Jennie E "'eltzel. Grace Beatrice Wennerlund. Camilla A Humboldt Ia Biwabik av SO \"est, Margaret Christie ((stillo de Mos Sotomaver Pontevedra Spain Wh l te ~ Gra nt A University Press Cambridge Mass Superintendent Wllk, J acob Care Tribune asst dramatic edllor W illi a ms, Anne Elizabeth 988 Hague St P~ul "'oodward, lara E t JamE's Buffalo Yager. Mary Principal high school Zoerb. E Franklin Medical student University 1908 Anderson, Aneta Agnes T acher Anderson, Francis F "'riter Anderson, Theodora Henrietta Anderson, Tryphena R b ceo. Tl'achel' of Latin and German Armstr ng. Mary E \ Aust, Franz A Aygarn. Edwin T acher Aylmer, Albert Leroy 3649 Park Marion Louise Barber, Barnev. Leon A Physician Beckman, Emma Benz, Lau.ra H a ll Billings, Vera Doris Algoma Wls Lecd S D 1969 Marshall St Paul Monte\'ldE'o Montevideo av so 1298 Raymond Rt Paul Elgin II Ights av Baillmor.. Md 1725 So Ir\'lng 210 Lyceum bldg Duluth Patterson ali r 5 Sherhurne av St Pall I 640 liolly St Paul high school Blanchard, Naneen Mary (Mrs Morse r Brinl,) 751 Linwood Place ~t Palll Bland. R lcha r 1 Coe Editor EvE'nlng Blossom. Nina May Brainerd. Rena Claire Breen, Elizabeth Marie ourler Brock, Emm a L illian Art student Brown. I1Iildr"d Bruce. Ell n M Bruchholz, Elizabeth Cl app ilu hanan. Margaret McD Teach~r annon, Raymond Cassius Casey, C therine lough, Lee ::lupervisor music Public Ariz \Vat rloo In 1\1on(ort \Vls Blooming Pr"irip 676 Summit St Paul 1983 St Anthony St Paul 127 Iirton av 2H9 Gordon av St Paul 2555 R Bryant 1910 Portlanl! av Watertown S D St Paul 3332 Grand av schools of Prescott olgrove, Vivian C av se Llhrar" asst or M Colter. Lillian Edith 841 La~rel av St Paul S(>crelary at 1\Iechanif Arts high scho I Colter, Ruth M arion Cannon Falls (Home 841 Laurel av St Paul) Craven. Jennie G Box 431 Hutchinson Crawford William Howa rd st nes Moines 10. o";tract Dept Dcs Moines electric CO ummings, Helen Sherwood Summit COLlrt Rt Paul ll Cuzner. Fa\' APpleton Asst Principal (Home 1203 Talmadge st sel Day Juanita H Rio Piedras P R, Tea her (Home FaIrmont) D!'al F'lnrenc D 212 E Rocl, at Manl{ato 'High school t eacher (Home Truman). Deering, H a rold C de' easel! March

55 ALUMNI DIRECTORY 45 SLA-08 Deering, Robert Lane Rosedale N M lj B dept of agriculture Denfeld. Margarethe (Mrs Irving III Hudson) Benson Vorr. Henry Bryan Dougherty, Kathryn Hibbing 'reacher Doyle, Anastasia 2057 Grand av St Paul Duxbury, Lloyd L Caledonia Ebeltoft, Carl T Lake Park \Vorking in store Edwards, Marjorie (Mrs F 0 Blake J1') 410 Gramercy Place Los Angeles Calif Eklund, Edwin G Moorhead T ea her Ell iott, Janet Grace (Mrs Gibson A )'1arr) av Salt Lake City Utah Elmquist, Elmer W 415 ~It Ida. Bt Paul New 1m Elwe ll, Margaret Alden (lilrs Geo E Cook) av se Enegren, Cecile Leffingwell (Mrs Wm D Garland) 33~5 Pt Grey Rd Vancouver B C E,'ans. Albert Grant Ave So \Yhol sale millinery' Faegre, Minnie (Mrs \\'alter K Kutnewsky) 403 N 4th St North Yakima. Wash Farwell, Edith L Zumbrota. Feeny, Agnes Esperance 505 Selby St Paul Fellows. 1 urlen lilasonic Temple Finch, Alice lilaud Clinton Falls Business F irm in, Kate Maud Earlham Court Tacoma Wash Librarian Fleming. Lou Burrows 1431 Thomas St Paul Flem ing, Marguerite Beryl Birchwood, White Bear Fletcher, Ruby Hope (Mrs Chas 'Y Kicols) Fletcher, YictOl' \\' libert F llegelman, Leah A T each l' English (Home Gehagen, Grace L Gessell, Walter Judson \'1ith J L Gessell & Son cial agts Gilbertson, Albert Nicolay 22U Harvard st e Farmington Litchfield 3201 Grand av) 1537 E Franklin av Hanley Sask Can Real estate and finan- Cla rk Univ 'Yorcester )'Iass enior fellow in anthropology Gippe. Bertha Louise 'Yatson 'lenson. Caroline Joanna Portland Ore ~r aching LaUn and English Holy Cross Convent Goddard. Jessie (l\lrs Phil!p Br man) Godley, Florence Helen Gordinier. Fannie E (Mrs J CLanin) l' ley, Kate (Mrs Drotning) ere n, Alie-e Evang line av Grime. Florence La" inia Halvorson. EJla Josephine of English and Latin Haynes. Jack Ellis av so Flat D 124 \V 14 st l\lable Chisholm Seattle Wash Cannon Falls Whitehall Mont alesman CDI' Selby & Virginia av Hille. Julie Hite-hings. Vinnie (liirs ecil C Hille heim. Emma Mae Supt of Schools Hobson. Carl L Physidan HOff. \Ifred ISl Ass't City & 0 physician Hoffman. ;\tinnie Principal of high school Holland. Augu_t S nolen, Julia Am. nda. (Mrs S H t Paul Fe"gus Falls Houston) Laurel l\lont C"ystal N D Hampton Ia 939 Lowry Bldg St Paul Prague Ben ' on DeLong) 1139 ne John On HOPkins. Lorena Kennehe Hot I Long Beach auf I!O\' ey. Inez Ianthe 1I[idlaw Bank tn London ity Eng Graduate wol'k at ambridge Howe. Ida Elizabeth 930 }<~orest st Racine "'is H'gh hool teach r,,'al,efield li1ich Hutchi~son. Lura Claire 3806 Blaisdell L lbray'l('tll Inglis, Rewey Belle.Tpnks. Floren e Ie (l\[,'s R Johnson. Anna Joseph l ne.tohn on. ~\nna Marie.10h115(>I1. Bdwa"rl 'Vhitt more Prol,Ietor GenC1'U1 liidse Store 2436 So Bryant L Phillip) Fail'fax Wash 1113 E 25 st Owatonna Rockfol'd Johnson, Ruth Revere 1318 S 13 st Birmingham Ala Johnson, Thekla Eugenia. Kew Prague Supt of schools Jones. F lorence (1\1rs R A Turnquist) 281 so Humboldt Teaching history and music Jones, William Moore )Iewspaper business Keating, Monica C Kelly, Margaret M E Kennedy, Anne Kingsley, Grace li1arian (Mrs 520 Kn igh!t. Ralph Thomas.l:'hysician Koessler. Rudolf F La. Due. )'label Lange. John D 2308 Laybourn, F Hortense Tea cher Leavenworth, liiary Louise (1\1rs Leek, Bertha Principal of high school Levin, Harriet Edith Lewis. Margolee Lougee, Clare Loui e Lucas. Mary Amanda Teache,' Lumle)'. Stella May Lunn. Joseph E Lisbon N D 846 Osceola St Paul 579 Summit St Paul 315 Dayton St Paul Rowland T Wales) West av ewaren N J 3332 Portland ay Ivanhoe 2721 So Bryant Commonwealth av St Paul 3325 Calhoun Blvd B L 2'rewkirk) ave se Beardsley Aurora Seoul Korea Lien, Arnold Johnson Columbia Univ Kew York City Gilder fellow olumbia Coio State Uniy Lillehei, Ingebrigt L Univ of III Urbana TIl Linnan, Margaret Eleanore 904 Aurora ay St Paul Lockman, Jessie F (i'.1rs W B Jones) Delaware Water Gap Pa st se Cheney Wash upel'intendent of schools Lyon. MaUd Hester 1IlcFetridge. Marga,'et E McGarvey, George Albert uperintendent of chools McGregor. Dora liicgrew. Charles Dana Bookkeeper?IcGuigan. Dora Principal of the high school lilackenzie, Harriett l\1 t1\1rs B Houck) Grand Forks )I D Biwabik Pembina N D 985 Laurel St Paul Kew Richland?Iinneapolls Faribault StewartVille 615 E 17th. t Mansfield. Mabel Amelia Monticello Marsh, JeSSie May 1563 \I-a h ave Ogden Utah in high chool Marshall. ara Thompson pring,alley Martens. Josephine A (Mrs Raymond Kilpatrick) Sulzer Prince of Wale Isld Alaska Meech. Robert Lyon 450 Security Bk B idg 1I1!'1011)', Allce F (Mrs W l\io\\'en') ay no )'llkesh. James tephen UniYersitv In true tor in mathematics ' Miller, H ilda Amelia The Luxor Flats Paul T ach!'r ~Iil1ie, Mabel F 41 3rd st Ch ico CaUl high chool Moore, H arri et Dunbar 5 9 Goodrich av St Paul Morse, Arthur Alfred 50 Flour Exchange Grain commis ion Mottl!'),. Frank \I'ilbur 554 \I' 114 st New York City Soci 1 worker ~esta. Elmira Newton, Mary C\Tordbergh. liiarl 11 'l' ache,' ","ordin. Chades, 1'\ordin. EI a Regina Margaret High cho(ll principal 1'\orlander. Inez J F Tea('her O'Brien, Emma Flora (l\1rs Henry Gerharz) _ Ison. Didrick John Student Olson. Matthia Norberg ppegaard. Maniol'd 0 "PhYSician And surgeon sia. Catherine E tt. Hildegnrde L E Berlin \\' 57 Katzler Darrington Wash Buhl 25~0 S n st Brainerd 669 York St Paul 1025 Bradley st St Panl 63~ N 13 st Billln.,-s Mon t av so av so New London Humboldt Iowa. Str 17 III Germany

56 THE MI NESOTA ALUMNI W E E KLY O vern, O rla n do E A Palmer, A ndrew H Meteorologist Papez, James W Paul, F lorence E ula (Mr s Fred Peterson, A lbert SantoI'd Colleclor l nt Harvester P eterson, Paul Willis Petterson, Bernard Medical student P helps, Aura I S t e nographer Pickler,.\Jtred Ault Editor Plummer, L illian Rosabelle Polley, Grace Elvesla Powell, Archibald, Jr Chemist for Pacific Pope, Alice Greenleaf Tea 'her H errick S D 1852 N Main s t D ub u q ue I a Monitor Poppe) st se Saskatoon Sask Can Co Port Oxford Ore 315 Aurora St Paul 719 5th av se Faulkton S D Lamberton Grand Rapids reosote \Vash Creosoting Co Alexandria P u tnam, Alice Elizabeth 815 E 18 at School dept Farmers' & liiechanics' ::>avings Bank Ray, John Hen ry, Jr 311 Nicollet ave Reed, Horace G No 15 P laza Mora go POBox 781 liianila P I R emer, harles F Shanghai China Instructor St John's Unlv Rittenhouse, Catha r ine (Ex) Hobb, Walter Clarence Medical s t udent Rosda hl, S igne Aurora Teaching Ro sman, laude Willard Rouse, Honore Veronica Rowberg, Herbert C R u ney, Olive 1I1adge Salisbu ry, Ma u r ic e E VVith Salisbury and Satterlee Sanford, Le Roy Woodworth Grai n ',awyer, Alma P (Mrs Wagenhals) Scha tzel, IIl ina (Mrs Wm S Schmidt, Pauline S Schneiderh a n, Albert Gregot'y Sch ow, Susie S High school teacher Schon s, Emily High school leachel' Schroeder, Florence High school teacher Schuknecht, John Robert Banker atherine 2030 Penn av so 1600 hlcago av Wheaton 400 Vi'ash av se st so ave se Thief River Falls 215 lilaln st se Co 2438 Pillsbury av av no Hitchings) Belgrade av no nivel'sity Canton S D Spring Valley Pendleton, Ore "iljiston N D Seaton, F a y N 304 Senate office bldg 'Vashlngton D C Private secretary to Senator Bristow Seva tson, EllrL a v se Teach"., ' S hadewald, E lsie Anna Oal<es N D Shaw, Wi lbu r Duane 2036 S Queen -3l3 Nicollet av Shiely, Mary Eleanor Virginia Simerman, Helen Mary Mora. Principal (Home 1823 St Anthom' av St PaUl) S imons, Jalmar H 1612 Stpv ns av Sly, Florence Alberta Park River N D Teachpr, high sch ool Smith, A n nn JIlargaret 2902 Mendoza Beach Librarian Smith, H a rriet Leo n a rd (Mrs Smith, I rmn Potier Smith,.J Rus~(' Loan S m ith, Wl nnifred R Solenslen, Rudolph T Sec)' Assoc, Charities Souba, Freder'iek J Sta ke, Alm a L S terli ng, ncorg lna MUITay Waters) 3341 Fl'l?mont av so av ~o 1325 Hawthorn av & Trust B ldg 1427 E 31'<1 at Duhlth Jacksonville Fla T encher Stewart, Dorothea (Mrs J Edward Collin H) Stewar t. Edna Strelssguth, Thom a s Otto Law wrl ter Hopkins Blwabll( Ex eisior 3507 Harriet av 3507 H arriet av st se Sveeggen, Peter A Swanstrom, Henry Switzer, Abbie ]j Thompson, Della Frances Teach I' high school Thompson, Gertrude May Thorson, E ll a B rlha Principal high school Trimble, Malgal'<lt Hurlbut 'Waddell, Mamie E omparer Walker, JIlargaret E ll en ' Valst n, Mary Genevieve Wasser, Ruby 'Va tson, Alice Aurelia (!III'S J E Collin~) Wein stein, F reda 'reacher 'Whitney, H len Whittle, Anna High school instructor 'Whittle, Sadye Teaching domestic science s t se 617 Washington av se an by Elbow Lake Akeley 'Winlhrop 2504 Garfield av St Louis Park Pine City Flat F 630 E Franklin Hibbing 3104 so Emerson av 802 Broadway Helena 1Il0nt 1702 \'\'estern av :'IitcheU S D Albert Lea 'Vlggln, harlot I!' Amelia 822 Main st R d Vi'lng 'Vllder, Susan Zenohia W illia ms, Beatrice Isabelle Coleraine Teaching English (Honte st 51') Williams, lary Louise R H :-;;0 1 St Louis Park W il s on, Chester S a w yer ::>tillwat r Lawy r W olfe, E lizabeth Col umbus Staples Hchool teacher principal 'Vooc1ke, Luella tmrs '" R Humphrey) Stillwater Yerxa, Elizabeth Wahpeton.' I) (Home 612 Univ av Sl') Zlegl 1',,A ugusta Gertrude Duluth high school 1909 Acomb, Marie Ruth 11rooklng~ S D Teachcl' G rman anu English (Home, st av S) Adams, Chester Roy Altenburg, arl L A n derson, Ca rl Anton o Supt of schuols Anderson, Uelbt'rt I Babcock, Fag I' II[ Corporation Se('urltl~, 0 \'\' 11.. IIutchlnsun Bismarck T II 300 date ~t se Medical student nlverslly Balill f, Mat il d a V Yerington.' v Prin of graded s hools Ba rds ley, Myrtl e B (1111'S 'V H Dn'<1('n) Elko N'\' 11 als, James R 406 8th st S Fargo,' n Beardsley, Edythe L Hibbing neck, (,lal'a Louella 1014 W 30 st Lets Angeles Cali! Bell, Grace JIlary 69 S Victoria St Paul Bennett, L il lian :'\[adison Bel'g, IIfrs T Marie 3116 dar av S II S Be rger, Na nda Ma l' la Hutchinson TE'achH rhome 1978 Langford a\' St raul) Berkmnn, David Mayo University of Minnesota. rhome Roohest"r) Bicldord, F. Albl Battle Lake Teaching Blakey, Roy Arlnm Rtate 110n I'd of Health Blanchett, Frederic J "sst cashier in bank (Home Bolcom, W infred G Superintend, nt of schools 158 Farrington a. St Paul Staples ElI< TIi\'('r) Plpeslone Bredvold, Lou is I"nat lus 1114 ~ncl ;'IV S Farlret N n Brig-gR, Florence 1I1ayfred 676 Summit a" Rt Paul Brink, Irma San Diego Calif Browl!, Mayme F. Granite Falls Bru hn, Lo u ise H e dw ig J350 Spruce P lace l' aclh'i' of German Burgan, IIlyrle E (IITrs W C Dlcl<lnMn) nurn tt, nalph hraham ant, TInl'old Craham Ln,vyrr ('al'p('ntf'i', LIICY Ida 'r ach r C'nrlHon, ('l1nrl('s }OJ Ca ssidy, Anne Cl a ire T ~ac l1pr Chapma n, E sther Jea n Memucrsh lp Sc Y W 306 le\'eland st ne umingh N D Duluth A Helena 1Il0nt Albert Leo. Sauk Center 3343 S Holmes

57 Chase. r.farjorle Clough th av S Child. Emily 914 Kenwood Pkwy Settlement worker. Unity House Churchill. Alta Pomeroy 619 University av se Clark. Miriam (Mrs 2. L Potter) 22 E 17th St New York City Conway. Ethelyn Genevieve (Mrs F R Harrison) Grand Rapids Cosgruve. Ethel harlotte an Jua n P R SuperviSor o! Art In public SChool& o! San Juan and Santurce Crosby. 'Valt" r Ualdwln WlIlmar Editor. Republica n Gazette Dan ielson, Jessie Louise Lisbon N D High school instructor Davidson. Hazel B 810 W 23 st Los Angeles Cali! Tea her Davis, Alfred III so Eastern av Joliet III Dellinger. Vilglnla Eliza 163 Virginia av t Paul D iamond, Lewis Severson 343 'ecunty Bk Bldg Lands and loans Dickerson. Helen (Mrs Robt Cobb) D letrlchson, Gerhard Inst In chem U of W Dunning. Fl'ances Dell Teaching in H S Emert. Harry Floyd Engstrom, Lillian Frances Erickson. J nnie ophia at Franklin Ewy, Edwin W a lter Ford. Gertrude Foulke, Robert Will iam With Mitchell Adv Ag Fralken, Wanda I Teachel'. high school Francis. IIl'I<?n E Franklin. Laura G (Home. Blue Earth) Frenzel. Rose Marguerite Full,erson. Jay Everett 'It'rchant Gausemel. AI thur N ALUMKI DIRECTORY 47 SLA so Dupon t Madison, 'Vis Whitehall :liont Lockport.' Y av S Anoka Butterfield 810 Iglehart St Paul 558 Lincoln St Paul Ea t Grand Forks Henning Glenwood 50 Laurel St Paul Ie Elum ~fash Olivia Gelsl. George Arthur 275 ~r 6th st t Paul BActcrlologlst tat!) Board of Health Gould, M3rlan Rees Minot N D High!;chool teacher, English Graves, Richard Arthur Gibbon Supt or schools Hale. Reatrl ~ Emma IIlgh school teacher Hallock, Mary Jane Hallston, Andrew A uguslus Hanaful'd. Amy Rulh Spring Valley 27th st Park Pt Duluth Decol'ah Ia Aurora 111 Tea cher..\ urol'a olleg Hanratty. atherln> E Graceville Hanson, Bertha Mary Caroline Hutchinson Teach r of languages high school Harding. Fred Andrews loux Falls, S D Soo Critic Harms. S F Harrison. Ruth (Mrs Jas liart. Vna MaE: Teache,' (Home. Anoka) Herum. Helen Hill. 'Iarenc Edwin ~(l 'hi I' 111 pis tate Bank Hixon. Agnes Blanche Holcomb. Dora Mae T"acher Holm. Eva Holt. Dlanch!' r.r (Mrs R R Jon s) Hoovel. Violet ';ophla High school teacher Ho\'!'y. Albe.t P Hoyum. Anna Nelson Hubbard. Kathel'ine Dean (MIS H E HUbbard. 'Vtllinm AyeI' Huds n. "'"va Bell Hull. Mabel R atrl('c Bates College. Me A Danforth) Yankton S D Elk Rh'er Hudson ~'Is ~621 3rd av S o 4th st se 416 Wash st Hibbing Stillwater 2 10 W 42 st loquet Cocoanut Groye FIn rd a,' S Ervin) St Cloud flnneap lis ~420 Gn.rt1eld Montgomen', \~Rt prln('ipnl hl~h school Hull. ~'i11iam Mor/l'an 300 AIl'xander ~t Rochester N Y Stuc1l'nt Rnchl'ster Theol S minar" liunt. Thomas Francis 'AbeI'd en S D T ache,' (HomE' L~ Sueur enter) Jenness. Maurice Yarnt''' 1215 W 31 st.\sst nuns I N ~' Lift' Ins n Jensen. Est lia Louise 61G Lal,e st Madison Wis Cov't s(','vl c. fnrerl proull ts lab ralorv Kelley. Fra nces Remington. ' ~'il1mar Teaclwr Klimenhagen, Olive Esther 852 Selby av St Paul Kline, GeMrude Evelyn av Los Angeles Knutson, Dagny Columbus 'Vis 'Kreis. Cora Mae Deceased April Krueger, R ichard George Marble Principal ot high school Lambert, Percy (Mrs ~T N ~reibler) 1825 S Ridgeway av Chicago III Lanterman. Evert )landan ~ D La,vyer Lawton. George Thomas 3416 Columbus av Leach. Grace Eleanor 'pring VaUey L eland, Rosamond Elizabeth 2541 Garfield av SO Leonard. El\'a Llewellyn th av se Leslie, Ruth Elizabeth (Mrs L B Curtiss) Leuthol d, Walter M Lumber Leveroos, Elhel 1073 Edmund st St Paul university Club pokane ~'ash av so Lewis. E Genevieve rd av so Lowenthal, Max U S Commerce Court,Vashlngton D C Secretary Lycan. Donna M :'>lccune. Robert Hugh Cass Lake lh st se Gniversity Law school Mcivor, Helen Lou ise 29 ~ 11th st Portland Ore Artist Maland. Joseph 0 Manderfeld. Cornella B Matchan. Roy WIlllam :liatson. Charlotte Mecklenburg. George :llinister Mooney. Florence Helen Moore. Edna Elmore Fair!ax Zumbrota av so Yaller 2\font Cambridge 479 Laurel av St Paul :I[organ. Edith M 12 7 av so t Cloud Student Library School Uniy of III Mouser. Carl B Huron S D Mousley. Josephine Douglas Ariz of Latin & Spanish in H S Nelson. Harriet Ruth 3429 Bloomington av H teacher at Hopkins Nelson. Robert Blooming Prairie Minister :>.Tewell. Agnes Frances ~Ioorhead PrinCipal of high school (Home, Morri ) 'Icholson, Pearle Camp 'iel on. Marie BeBe Principal of high school St Paul) :>.Torellu. ~'lliiam A Nye, Lillian L Instructor in chemistn', Nystrom, H ilda S Overpeck, Nell Sarah Palmer. Alice Hemblin Palms. Edith Aura 914 7th st se Alden (Home, 615 Carroll st ~51 1. t ay so th st se Uni\"ersity 21~4 7th st se 1936 Iglehart a, St Paul Owatonna Marshall Paula. I term tketter) Pennington, Hazel (Mr C W Foster) Pltblado, Anna Ma~' (lilrs Byron Hustad) Potter. Zenas ocial worker Putnam. Gladys Duluth 3029 S CoICa.x 22 E 17th st New York City th av se R ely, Stella Anne (Mrs E G Perine) 3029 te\'ens II,' Rehnke. Edgar Benjamin 654 ecurity Bk Bldg La"tyer Reid. Harr~ ' rawford leep), Eye Trayel1ng sal sman Rice. Mary Genevieve Cnnnon Falls Rlheldaffer, Helen (MI's E Austin) 161 ~. Lake st Ringsr ~ d, Ruth Eugene Tache,' Duluth Rittenhouse, Catherine Robinson. Fred Hilton In6 so Fremont Lewiston Mont Lumber business ROCkwood. Ed ith ~'hittlel' Hn.lI Columbia niy New York Cil" G,'nduate student ~ Rowe. Elfie A 61 Teach~,' mou,'. Rtlb~' Chrlstin de Se('retarY of the Y ~. C.\ of Salisb\lr)'. E"n Saterlie. Julia Katharine Greer the Ylctor Mrg (\ 1201,th st s{' n 'atson

58 THE MINNESOTA ALUMNI WEEKLY Sch midt, Hans W illiam Oshkosh Wis Director Indust Educ State Normal school Sch riber, Alice E 'Whlte Bea' Lake, high school, Wadena Schroeder, Anna Thressa Perham Shonts, Mary Odessa (Mrs A C Simm on s, J u liet Foster Simpson, Jessie Sincla ir, Catherine Elizabeth Sleeper, Raymol<d Allen Smiley, 'William Yale Smith, Aud rey N ina Smith, Leon G Physician and surgeon Smith, Ma rjorie Elm a Agern) Herman 3000 S Knox av 2124 Girard av Deceased Sheldon Iowa 202 Mpls St Ry 0 Bldg th av so Buffalo Princeton Teach I' (Home th av S) olon, Helen Lorraine Grand Rapids Wis in training school Spear, Florence H 2317 Humboldt av S Student Spink. Helen Ethel Stegner, Hope A 1I1rs Carl Olin) Strobel, \Villiam George Assistan t physician, school tor f Stromgren, Lucia Sturtevant, Abby Luci ll e vensrud. Ida T a ll ant, Ruth Lydia Tanikawa, Yoshio Taylor, Carl A Explosives chemist Thomson, II Sears Presbyterian minister Toomey, Ma ry Loretta, (Home, 439 Trask, Bertha May Laundry business ',\,hi te Bear Duluth Faribault eble minded Center City Montrose th st S 1618 Thomas P lace 152 Iyo-lIiachi Tsu lse Japan Ishpeming Mich Stanley N D Sault Ste Marie Mlch Iglehart av St Paul) Bemidji Turnacliff, Dale P 1526 Unlv av se Park T u rnbull, Lloyd W 662 N 7th st Grants Pass re Uela nd, Elsa 28 McDougal st New Yorl< City Social worker Uzzell, Th om a s H "Miyak" No 35 Nadeshdlnskay st St Pet rsburg Russia Van Rhee. George J Editor Van Sly l{e. Lois Clarke Von Sc holten, Toska Milaca 2409 Colfax av S Exc lsior "'alte, amelia Bailey Co(tage Reed's farm N w York City 1\'are. Jennie Louise 2409 University av Re Wedge, Vera E (Mrs F G Brown) Montevideo 1\'eese, Asa Onin Care of U of N 111 Albuquerque N!II Professor of Biology 1\'elch. Louise 1\'lgfol'ss. Nanna Teaching (Home Red Wing) Ya tes, Fra nce s (Mrs D R Stanton) Rushville III Starbuck 1132 Ross st St Paul Yeaton, Walter J 561 Willal'd Plae E\'anston III F How-a sst in geology N W Univ Yoerg, Otto William Physician and surgeon Syndicate DIdg A ichel e, Joh a nn a M (Mrs C G Muench) 766 E 5 Rt Rl 1'",,1 AnderhHg. Trene A Elbow Lake Teaching Latin and mathematics An<'lerson, lara S (Mrs o S Wilson) lililan Anderson, Roscoe Buel 816 Secy Bk bldg Adverti",lng Anderson, 'Valler E 33 Bank St Princeton N J J S K fellow In mathematics, Princeton Unlv Apnl by, Ruhy M 723 Huron Rt se Applin, Hazel VI tor'lne 21 Huron Rt R Bamber, Carlotta (M1's Tyler) Poll{ River Barclay, Luvia Willard 1783 IIumbolUt av so Barlow, Franl{ A 516 8th av se Barney, IIadwen Case 915 4th st Sf' Barron. Moses 763 IIollv av St Paul Physician and surg- on Benton, Margaret Van Hook 1"100 Upton av SID Berchem, Pauline J (Mrs E W )'lcculinugh) 90 Mal olm av se Berrisford, Mer edes G ~89 lilarshall av t Paul B ethke, Wllllam Boulder 010 l nstru tor In economics and political science Unlv of Colo eowen, Mercy H 723 Margaret st St Paul Bowyer, Helen E care of NeIghborhood House, St Louise l\fl) Boyson, Meybelle M th av So' Brigham, Helen 302~ Jam s av so at Beloit Wls Brinsmald, Martha M Rushford Tea her Brown, Edna Marie ~09 4th se se Private secreta1'y Justice C L Brown, supreme ct Brown, Thirza Belle Bruce, Edna A (Mrs W H lilartin) Burton, Lois L Buswell. Arthur Moses D an of taculty-1\'indom College Buswell, Calvin E Montrose th av s Alden Mon tevldeo Montev!Ueo Teaching science in Windom Institute ammacl<, WilHam H y 601 Goodrich av ~ t Paul Campbell, Stella West Tracy Mlnn arlson, arl Arthur 2118 Girard av no arlson, Esther Eleanor Au tin High school teacher Ca r ro ll, W ill iam C ity & ounty Hospital Paul PhysiCian hen ry, lsab lla St Chestnut, Edward T lendenillg, Gladys Coleman, Myrtle Ida I ail- ~22 so 4th High school tea h I' (llome CoJller, Franc s Lillian Teachpr of English and MusiC ollins, Lucile Reb c a oil ins. Thomas Joseph Comstock. Belle May av Jame~town X D th av so ~9~6 Harriet av Jacl<son MInnetonka Beach) :::;t James 2748 Elliott av so 1519 N E 2nd st Worthington (Home Keyon) Confer, Marl" 2713 Fremont ~o Cosgrove Edwan\ Bradley 910 E 10 st Kansas city Mo Cosgrove, Myrtle All e Le Sueur With Graham the Magazine man Coughlan, Edward D J Shakan Alasl{<\. Cowling. Hel n 131 G 5th st se Crawford, Ru t h 21~8 Lyndale av so Teaching at Lltchtl lu Cri tch('tl, Francis Ern st Prln ipal of schools Crittenden, Ethel F rances rogan, Mattie liiarie Teach I' Lest r Prairie Oberlin ransus South t Paul Currie, Helen Hunt r 33G N Cutl 1', Marv E Ri hmond Hill Settlement, New Yorl~ ity Dahl. Olga C 810 ~2nd a v so Dinsm or, "lola (Mrs Carl L liolson Hampton, Iu Dol'S y, ora SO 4 ~t s., Dorsev. JamPS F. 51 P rklns Hall. }-larval'll Un;'" Cam brhlgp Mass DouglaSS, JessI' Ellsworth ~8~ Earl st St Paul Downey, Katheri ne Me lvina 15~9 Unlv uv se Tea('hlng (Home, '''hen ton) Dunlnn Atla Norwood Young- America < p'rlnclpal of hl]gh s hool (Home Mandan N D) Cambridge 1Ilas~ 4545 So Dupont 35 Trowl1l'ldge st D Li v ig nealld, J ea nnette A Duxbury, L!'land Stanfol'll Rludcnt 11al'\'ar 1 Law school E I,hoillt, Laura D lie Teach " BIlel)', HNttl'\<'P E E(1c1v, H('l~n FI'''nc~~ Edgar, IIaz('1 larena car 1'pal'h(>I' Eenkemn, Kath rine B Worthington 91'> G st se no G st se F F Klli!;lel' Mell tte S D (111, s 1\' L Kraemer) Granite F~lls Jan('~\'ille Elke flsto' lln. L, l' Rcher (Hollll' Appleton) Elmqllist, 1I1arll' A1IJCI'tila LitchO ld T ('her ~019 Erdall, Agn0~ TIOl"01HI. Trying av SO Eri I{Ron, Hilma E Hallock Tefll'lIPl' Evnn~. Npvafln R nv,'0 Reed inspe tor Fl'rgusnn, ('InrI' PlllI'stone PrinCipal of II S (Hom l~o~ Hh st se)

59 IF YOU WANT TO HELP ~ READ THIS - THEN ACT.~ YOU receive this copy of the Wee k I y without extra charge simply because of the loyal support of those who have advertised in this number. The firms advertising in this issue represent three classes of advertisers: 1. Not a few firms advertise solely because they consider it a paying proposition---they find it brings results. 2. Those who do not expect direct returns, but who feel that it is worth their while to keep in touch with such a large body of influential men and women as the alumni of the University of Minnesota. 3. These who feel that the cause is a worthy one, and who adverti'~, chiefly, in order to contribute to the succe of the work of the General Alumni Association for the Univer ity. YOU---subscribers to the Wee k I y---can change everyone in this third list to the first or the second list and materially assi t in the work of the Association. The issui:rg of this directory---made pos ible by the genero ity of our advertiser~~a very important bearing upon the work of the As ociation for the coming Legislative ses ion. In order to keep in touch with the alumni and to be able to let them know when there is opportunity for them to do some service for the Univer it, we mu t know where they are---hence this directory. Two things al' want d of YO u--- Wh n Y01i dire to putchas something which the W k l y adverti r have to ell --- otl~ r thing being equal---buy of th rn,. And '1. hen yo'li buy don t forg t to tell thern, you aw their advertisem nt in th Minn ota Alu1T/,ni W; ekly. It helps a w hole lot and d on't cost a cen t. Our advertisers represent the highest clas of dealer in their re pective lines---we are proud to introduce them to ou and you to them. THE GENERAL ALUMNI AS o elation, PUBLI HER.

60 OUR ADVERTISERS Figures and letters indicate where advertisement may be found in this issue. A- H- First colored section; I-P - Second colored section. Architects' anll Engine rs' pli s I Rogers e 0 Art 'raft I A rtcraft 8h p llandicraft Guild Au lomobiles 195/ 11 E Wilcox 1\[otor Auto Plows K / Haclmey l\lanufacturing 0 Bags D B mis Bro Bag Co sup-, gartll ontractors N /S J GnlY s & Sons ai' 0 Beds 5/Minn apolis Bedlling '0 5/Salisbul'Y & Satterlee Co Bool,s ~/E D Rrool{s o ~linn sota o-op Ii, \', ilson '0 Bleal{fast l' (Is 10~ r am of Rre Business College Minn a])olis Busln >:S lege 'eu:1i' Post and Pol('s N / l age anu J 1111 igars 104/ Mlnn apoli,; Drug Co 104 /(;eol'ge H Newell & 0 10S/ \\' lnston, Harp I' Fishel' & a o oillmission-g,"ain M/ll Poelll r & Co YanDlIsl'n- llaltington Co (insiue hack co\ er) Contra tors, ~ I arble, Tile &c K Twin ily Tile and l\jarljle Co Con tdbu!ions Horace LOWI'r, 00 George It Purtri(lge, 79 Arthur It Roger-s, Law 91 Costumers N / I I Hopl<ins lox/ Smith 'ohtum Co Creosotlng li1/ Hepul)lic Cn'osoting Dental u)lplies l' I nger8ijli, J T p ~[ F Pattl'rson Dental Supply '0 P / Sllafel'-Plpr e 0 Department Stor 8/L Donaldson a rugs and ~Jedieines 104/ Min n apoll8 Drug 0 no/ Noyes I' s & u tler 10 / Rond n Mu nufacturing 0 ljry {'I aners anu Laund rei's N / American L in n 0 O/ Gross rot h'rs 195/ Kronlcl,s 106/ Fal oners Laun d r y o lnrurance E ~ \V Van Tuyl 01- glectri nl EllginC'ers antl Sup Land and H eal Estate pli s 10~ Slale Auditor, S G herson Commutator Co.\ [i;lecll'ica I Con tl'ucll n 0 D l' Jones & () (inside back A El 'ctri al Engineering '0 CO\ 1') 3 g'el'trical l\[achin ~ ry Co 3 \\' J InrUg Electric '0 Laun(ler rs- ee Dr)' I an'rs A / R ;II Lalru and Launder ers :\' ~Iinneapolis Electri "ontruction Co Light-Gas and Electricity A l\linneapolis Electri al l / ~[jnneap lis Gas Light 0 Equipment Co 2 l\finn apolis General Elec- 2/~[jnn apolis General Electric tric Co "0 N/Pi rson- Wih'ox ElL'etrlc '0 Lumb r 2 ~ harl s [, PI1Jsbury l / Shevllno arpen ler Luml er EI1\'elo]) ~, Boxl's, Containers II L Collins & Co ~Iachinists and Specialties D Hl')'wQod ;l1anufacturing Co Pal ten- Hlomstrom ~trg / John Leslie Paper '0 N /Py neh, ('; A & Co Commututor '0 Co Engraving Bureau of Engra\'ing l\l echanical Eng'lnecrs ~ ('harles L 1 \l1 ~ bul'y Co Financlal- l n\'cstmen ts ill etal Castings /CornmLllulor '0 '/Flrst National D l',jones & Bank '0 (inside hacl< coy 1') N rthw stern :\'ational Bank III Ill<, Blltt r & Eg'g'~, Etc (inside hacl< co\'en N,Ifinn apolis ~Iilk '0 CS cudty J anl< C Ste\'ens, Chapman C/",'('llg & lllcl(ey 0 C() Motor Trucks Ill. Ii E IVlkox 1\[otor Car 10~ Ramsey ounty Stntp Co Bank I Mungingweal' Fir proof 'Vin(lows anrl noors I N \I' KnItting 0 (Insert) D /g~ ld<'n H ofing and r> l fg Music and ~ll1>ic:lj lnstruments 6iBro I(S E\ ans Planl> CII Flour G Pillshury Flour lilills ;I I,Vashburn-Crosby 0 Fur~, Tfi rl('~, &c N / Mclllillan r"ur 0 J / 'Vm \\'elsman & Groceries 1IJ Griggs, 'OOjlel' & Handicraft J/ Al'tcl'aft Shop I Jandlnaft Guild Jlanlwal' J) Carllnl'r JJ ardware 0 :J,Jannl'), Sl'mple, Hill & 0 J (ent H<'glllatoJ's /,Vestem I J atlng ('0 Ilea ting ontra!'lors Minn apolis H ea t Hcguhtt r Co llot els 19S /ljo t el V ndome J / Radi~sol1 Jlot J II/ T he L('amingl on thot el Sl. Paul o o 1\[ptro]) lilan ~I u,ic C (Inside front l' ven Paul.\ Schmitt (Inside front covel') Furniture ancl Fixtures / Alexanrler, Romane Oils D/Am riean S ctional FUl'niand / YanTillJul'g II Co ture 0 10~. 1\J Inn apnlis ffic Phologl'3 phers :\' Coll,ng-] I se chool Furniture '0 A S Kiel's l<i P I L yin Bros line) l(i~ HuhlH'r Studios log/ Lee Bros P l umb rs Suppli sand P lumbing II Cenlral Supply Co a. " 'eslern I Jeating Co Prlnlc>rs and Puhlish rs 10fi/,\Llg'shurg I ul>lisiling H ouse 10'1/ '1'11 Col \\ e'l Press 11K L l ol(el' Publishing J n(1 x Press I 11"y\\ ood illfg Co Professional al'<l s!:;l'c pug s 6D, 70, ;11 and Raih'ouds IT/ IJan Pal ch Line l',rea t Northern K / Norlh ern Pilci fl 110/ 00 Lin RooOngs P / el de'n RO flng and M IS' 0

61 Sash and Doors N/~ltnneapolls Sash and Door o stationery 1/ ~I William~ Co II W Wilson Co O/Minnesota 'o-op 4 John L o lie Paper Co Telephone o/x '" Telephone Excha ge Co Tent. and Awnings Scaveng rs L Am rican Tent and AWDing 0 N North'" stern Scavenger Co Stone 3/Kcttle River Co L Minnesota Tent and Awning 0 chools Handi raft Guild Structural Iron "'ork ~1innpapolis usiness ollege 7 Minneapolis,'lpel and ~la - Toggery lirlnn(>apolis,'choo! of :\lusic. hin ry 0 O'Th.. College Togery rator)' and Dramatic Art 110 G ". Nelson (inside front coyer) Tailors 16 Tome School tor Boys 110. Brown Bros Trunk plie and Tra\'elers' up- 110 Nelon, G W,hirls and Swealers Tallant (uack cover) I Barnum Trunk Co 10li Lamgley & John on Shirt Toggery o Typpw'riter : The Toggery s' Agencies L L C Smith & Bro B C,\r Bard en B Capital Supply Co l-nderta ker B. J D Engle 101, Jas Amor & Co ItlewaJJ{s Twin ('ity ltlewalk and B McCullough Pay ment o B ~Iidland "all Paper B : ~lil1neapolis X KayeI' & Co tamps and St ncus.' Twin ity Stamp and Tearooms "'holesale Pap I' St ncil Co S 1. S Donaluson 0 4 John Lesli Paper Co Every Home Needs My Help I guarantee to regulate any heating plant accurately and continually day and night at a cost that means but a few cents a week, I render a service that is worth many times my price in time. worry, and fuel saved, and am good for a lifetime of continuous service. For 30 years my name 7Kl YINNEAPOL,IS".", HEAT!I GUI,ATOR has stood for perfect heat regulation in the home, I can be used with hot water. hot air, steam or natural gas heating. I cost but little more than a good clock and have proven my merit in 12,000 Twin City homes, Dealers in the heating trade everywhere handle the "Minneapolis", A booklet. showing all models. explaining all details and giving prices. gladly sent by the manufacturers. MINNEAPOLIS HEAT REGULATOR CO. MAIN OFFICE AND FACTORY FOURTH AYE. SO. and 28th ST. MINNEAPOLIS. N. W. So. 646 PHONES Tri Sta te Calhoun 3534

62 ~~- The ===--===-===== University Book Store THE LARGEST COLLEGE BOOK STORE IN THE UNITED STATES OUR MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT The fact that we publish catalogs and enables us to locate any book published. book at the Publisher's Price. (Orders indexes used by all libraries We will send postpaid any filled same day as received.) University of Minnesota Jewelry We carry a co mplete line of college pins. spoons, novel ties. College Pennants and Pillows Our line of pennants of all the colleges is a very complete. Minnesota Pennants from 25c to $5.00. New desig ns and styles. T he special Alumni P ennant at $1.75 is a win nerorder one now. Fountain Pens Probably there is no article whi ch serves more varied require. ments than the P en. T he needs of individual users differ in t he very widest degree. Write us your wants a nd we will help you to se lect a pen to suit your ha nd. We car ry a large and varied assor tment of Sterli ng, Moore's Non.Leakable, Waterman Self.Filling, Conklin Self.Filler, and Wa term an Ideal Fountain Pens. Prices $2 to $6. We Guarantee Every Pen we Sell THE H. W. WILSON COMPANY 1401 University Ave. S. E. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN.


64 CARTONS LABELS FOLDING BOXES FIBER SHIPPING CONTAINERS H. L. COLLINS COMPANY MIDWAY BETWEEN ST. PAUL AND MINNEAPOLIS (HAMPDEN AVE.) I PRACTICAL ART COURSES THE HANDICRAFT GUILD Wril. for I1/u,lral.d Calai<Jg School of Design, Handicraft and Normal Art 89 South Tenth Street MINNEAPOLIS The Commutator Company Manufacturer3 of Commutator Segment and Commutator work of every description. Jobbing Bra s Foundry in connection. We make Bra, Bronze, Aluminum and Alloyed Metals for every purpose. Auto bearing m etal a specialty. t2 1 NORTH FfRST STREET EAPOLIS. IIN I NEW FURNITURE WILL ALWAYS LOOK NEW IF YOU USE There is no better ~-=== ] ~ ~ best thing you ver saw polish for] pianos; it re- ~ ~ U for auto 1 di.cs. Us it moves the dust and dirt ~ ~ on y<?ur :ranllshed floor and leaves the original. too, it W111 always keep beautiful finish. It is the FO R SAL E it bright and shining BY ALL DEALERS PREPARED AT THE LABORATORIES OF THE VAN TILBURG OIL CO. MINNEAPOLIS.

65 An Office Training Course Bear in mind the fact that this is the only school in the Northwest having an office training department thoroughly equipped with every modern machine and appliance and giving its pupils practice on same. The Edison Business Phonograph; the Printograph, Neostyle, Adding Machine and other appliances are a part of the equipment which our pupils become thoroughly trained in. Our School is Highly Endorsed By the leading business concerns of the Northwest, as well as the leading literary and educational institutions. The superior class of pupils patronizing our school gives them a prestige with business concerns. It Pays to get thebest It will pay you in time and money to get your course at this school where you take no chances. Our school is a succes. We teach a success course. ucces ful busine s hou es patronize u thus making our pupils a success. Get started at once. A Visit to our school will convince you of the excellence of our work. -4'~!W~# 4POffS /? / / ~czttjtjltj~ct t 7d The Lead ing Busi ness College of the Northwest. D. C. RUGG, President th St.reet South

66 Going-to-the-Sun Camp, St. Mary's Lake and Red Eagle Mountain, Glacier National Park. One of the seven camps maintained by The Great Northern Railway in Glacier National Park.

67 ONE CE T STAMP HERE The General Alumni Association The University of Minnesota Minneapolis, Minnesot o E CE T STAMP HERE The General Alumni Association The University of Minnesota Minneapolis, Minnesota The General Alumni Association' The University of Minnesota Minnneapolis, Minnesota

68 News Items for the Minnesota Alumni Wee y Signed Use this card for reporting corrections Signed Use this card for reporting corrections Signed

69 Fiske, Cyrus H Medical stuu nt Harvard Fitzsimmons, Mary Agnes Foley, )label M Freeman, I Coward II Tral'rlc Inspector T FrIsch, Frank Peter Garon'r, Edwin L nllkey, Francis Deni~on Giltinan, Ellen Mary rre:lcher Gould, J\nna ;1I~rle (Home, Glenwood) Gr~en, Ethelinda B II S Principal Gullickson, Glenn Gund,'rson, Margaret Emilie Gurle)", Cporgc Poulin 75 PInckney st Boston Mass Green Bay WlS th st se 20 E Elmwood Place CRT Co St.James 1011 River Road se Cedar Falls, Ia Box 513 Harlowton Mont ALUMNI DIRECTORY 49 SLA-IO 1\1on tgomery Sherburn av se In03 14 av se 17~8 4th st se Fuki Ken.Japan Hau:J, Big"n Kado Sakai Issune Buddhist priest Halnc~, Helen D 318 so ;;th st Cedar Rapids Ia nw"iin('ll~s secretary Y ~l C ~\ Hamilton, 'Yilliam J ] [eau of useful arts Hankey, Claril B High school teacher I1ansPU, Thorwalc1 Hanson, Minnie Othella 1'pa,.her high school II"insl"" Cf'cJl MU'ceuf's Te"ehPr Heritage, Mary Hili IJt ltin~. H;lzlp ~".~ mour'e Hill. Itohcrt Andrew Hol>l". Jllaraheth Holliday. "'nltpr B ~i5 'Yith Dritch Land & Timber Holt, Mabel Nathalie Hudson, :'Ifabelle T~aching (llome n~o Laltc Hull, Harold J 1700 IIiIlsJUe a" dept Public library Rem'ilIe 807 Torrey Bldg, Duluth Cosmopolis Wash Iowa City Ia Hudson "'is Ct'ntral Point Ore Ortonville ~ln Fremont no Al<lene st t Paul Co 6518 so 10 av Los An:>;eles. Calif Lead S D of ]sles Blvd) St "Iaries Idaho Law\' I' Hutchl,\\snn, Enid M (Mrs W B Taylor) Deer Rh'er.Joel, Le,~1 l' A Crawford&yille, Inel.John~on, ElI1<'r 1007 ~Hh av ne Jnl.n>,on. Esther Cecplia ~IHi Portlan(l Johnson. Frpu R 3118 Falrfl,l<1 av Bridgeport Conn e:1r" "f Dl partment Public Charities John,nn. Fr~ua D 70U Rose 5t St Paul Teachpr John""n. Hellry George 280 Morrison st Portland Ore Bookkpl'Pl'l',Tnhnson, :\r:11'le A (Mrs J Johnson, Millie Elvira W Ault) Bryant S D 1 05 Iii av so 38 6th st Cloquet Kellogq. Ada Belle Teacll~r KE'Jls. Lyman M fi~4 W 12~ st New York City Gra,luate stuuent Columbia Univ remp. Ethf'1 en Frances 1'00 1 st se KentnE'r, :\f attip r: Salem Ore Eng'lIRh teacher K"pnl'r. Ren-lIur Port Colborne Ont Canada :\1npl" Leaf Milling Co Klr1<ch. Rnlph L City Hospital Interne Kittleson. Olaf C & C Hospital St Paul Int rnp Klein, H arry Duluth Phy~ician Koern r. Ilia "reacher (Home 520 Bidwell I,ampcrt, Edna Lane, Ann a Mav T.au:>;hlln. Yem illarlon LE'nart. Elta Daisy Lla, Alma OI\'la 1503 N hipnewa Falls ""Is st, St Pau}) ~4 13 Pillshury lin J;lur"l nv 7th st Boise Idaho 4~0 13 a\' se Box 102 Halstad Lloyd Franees ue TTaslewood., 501 Brooch""". Los Angeles Calif Loomis, Ruth Robbins ("Irs F C Rodda) Robbinsdale Lnomis, V('oa JIope L(\s~p. l-rvnh~ L~Jl1(J('en, 10r,~ 13 av se 613 N 4.t Waubay, S D Marie 'rea h r Lydon, H elen Marie Monterey Ten('iler (Hom(> ~n7 4 st nc) McCullough, Clara Mowbray Fairmont Tpn cllinl:;' lang'thlg'(,s "" I1lsto1'" "{cnnwpll. Beatrice E' (Mrs II A ""('lch) 71n 1~ av se MC"FC'tl'i,lg'p,.\ llvprn Lake Benton (l TnnH'. Inn Carroll st, St Paul) "M 'Covel'n, Almira Susan died Sept 5th 1911 McKennan, Pearl G (Mrs E M Hanson) 1119 Morningside av Sioux City Ia McKenzie, John.Jr 3241 alhoun Blvd Mabie, Harriet Winifred 1736 S James ~fajoy, Agnes C (Mrs Geo A Moore) St Cloud ~lanmdale, B"ss Litchfield Mathes, Florence Lauretta 477 Laure] av St Paul Matheson, Arner C Henning SuPt of schools ~lichelsun, Henry Ernest Bismarck N D.Millcr, _4.rleigh Russell care of RusEell Miller Milling Co Minot X D ~liller,.1l'nsine :\lat'ie.mazeppa (Home, Spring Grove) Mull', Robert W Hunt"r X D Munck, Harold P liiurseth. Lilllan "aeve, Edith Anna Nelson. Edna C (Home Red Wing) Nelson, Herbert Cndeen X"lson, Owen Xorman InvE:~tm 'nt Bonds es::.;e, Jame N cwhal!, Richard A :-;luuenl Harvard Newton. Carolinl' E Nichol~, )larjorie Nicholson. ;'\!uruock Allan Physician and urgeon Nickell. ~J,.rion Nixon, Hugh H Ober, lila ry Lorena T~acher Oycstrud. Edmund ~ tarbuck,,'aterville Albert L a Pelican Rapids ~605 E ~2 st 1 ~5 Selby av St Paul Mable 270~ Humboldt av so Casselton. N D Pipestone Wilcox Ariz Faribault "'ells 5en Oneiua st Duluth Geneva Home Spring GroYe On're, Alfred ~109 Blai,dell av Dean of the College of Dentistry Pauden. E,dith :'II High school teacher Paddock, Laura Painter, Helen Dickinson T.. ad1.ing at St Cloud P arkell, Irene Mary Stanley Tt acher Peterson, ErnE'1<t A of Engli h Austin ~31 X Dupont a\' se Landour Hotel Albert Lea Corvallis Ore Peterson. igurd Harlan Instructor in College Pinku., Olga Sybil 517 Iglehart av St Paul Pomeroy. Eunice F 1~16 1st a\' n Purcell. Richard Jost'ph 3S7 Geoge st New Haven Conn Gradu"te student Yale P utnam, Leslie R L1Imher dealer Carrington N D RacE'. Adah M St se Ramsey, Grace 3~1 Oal;: st se Asst Registrar's otice 'C'niversity Ramst.'y, Harold B care Soo Line Ry ~3 XicolJet av Ll'r;al dept Soo Reque. A DlI;:ka ' -orth high school 4~5 til a, se Ries,.Joseph _\ Tt.'(l('ht.'r J:lmestown X D Robbins, Esther M C.\lrs "" '" Robinson. Sarah Alice Homf> InS COUlU: a\' so) ROllecn, ~harh's RnE'<'i..Julia A (Mrs Geo 0 Brohaughl Ron-I'. Ina Bpp 61 Howle,'. ~Irs E,lith ruhlmeyer Stud.. nt in Unlyersity ackett. Ina P TE'ncher l1igh school Snlzer. Helen C S(hmidt. Mathilda,, chneiiler..jessie J cott) ~larmarth N D Owatonna Water\'iIle Lamberton If, a\' se 414 Oak t Omaha ebraslta 331 Oak G ro\'e st '\0- ~O av ne ~O Langford t Paul T aeh r Sehrap. E"a E 100S N 6th st Boise Idaho Tpnchpl' S~hwnrtz, KatharinE' Murray L..'l Jolla Calif l"'eahll1'\', Paul Richard~.(]n 453 Ashland a\' St Paul Rl'aman. Susie _ hbi 615 Ii o\' s d'(l~yjck. F'rt.'tl('rlck Goodwin ~015 Kenwood Pkwy R. fton. J i1!'1 (Mrs E L Hughes) Roynlton Sclfl'rt. Otto.J Xew Ulm Phrsidan R('n lon..\ 1\1 t' l' ( n LeE'<l~. En!1;land Rhnmon~. ~larjode' )[ulr 3nOn S Kno. Simms, lnrjori" (;Ill'S Tl [Andrews) a\' 1<t' Slnllers(ln, Elizabeth Grace Rocl<ford 1II

70 so THE MIN ESOTA ALUMNI WEEKLY Sly, Gertrude Beryl 123 W 5 st St Paul Asst to General secy Y W C A Smith. Ada Blanche West Concord Principal of high school Smith, Eunice Hunt 233 Oak Grove Smith, Maude M (Mrs Chas S Crouse) box 27 HibbIng Snere, Irma Louise Creswell Ore Snyder, George W iouba, Lucie City & County Hospital St Paul IIopldns 1609 Unlv av s.e liipring, Arthur Dickerman IOtearns. G rtl'u<le hloe Chisholm Stratton, Ethel (Mrs Arthur M Latham) lllbljing Strong Louise A (Ml's E B Cosgrove) 910 E 10 st Kansas ity Mo Stub, Ingolf A H 1~ Dunn Bldg Great Falls Mont Vice consul of Norway for Montana. Sutton, Pearl Swanson, Gertrude Marie Principal of H S of Mabel Swedberg. Luella C Swinburne, Gertrude Tate, Elizabet h T ebbets, Marion A Social worker Plllsbury Settlemen t Terrlere, Margery BUl'ge Hector 75~ E 5 st St Paul Sherburn th av so Faribault Glen Lake IIouse Kasota T acher (Home. 817 ~ av se) Thompson, Ida. B ertlna Arlington. S D Thomson, Theodore Walter ~655 S Irving Thorson, E lizabeth 1815 Hawthorne av Asst Librarian Franklin Branch Public Library Thuet, Julia M (Mrs Louis Villiaume) 547 Dayton Tisdale. Mary Vail! Todd. Erma Elizabeth Turner Winifred E Vidal, James H Warren, J essie AlvIna "-ebster. JennIe A White. Lucy J 'reacher Williams. Howard Y Y M A Secretary Witchle. Hazel May Wltchie. Leila A Wl'ctllng, Hilma Elizabeth Teach l' 1911 King st av 8t raul Slayton St Louis Park t James Hampshire Arms Wenatchee Wash 3037 James av so Luverne Iowa City Ia 1700 N Dupont 1700 N Dupont Bird Island Ainswor th, Cal'oll ne Rae Lal{e Crystal P"incipal high school Allen. Edgar Marion care or A M Allen Ranch Cozad, NebI' manager of ranch Anderson Marie Louise (Mrs Robert P Burrows), 1895 E 73 st ClevE'land, 0 Brainerd (Mrs F R Johnson) Fairfield av Bridgeport Conn 505 Washington av se Arnold, BenjamIn Earl Ayers, Grace Fergu\~8 Badeaux, George IrvIng Medical student Bangs, Felix F Barke. Arthur R 1515 Univer.i ty av se Fergus Falls h N B Barr, Jea n Beryl 112 Waterloo st 8t Jo n Rockefeller Institute (153 E 62 st New York city Aitkin Bell,.Tllli~ n Teach r Bieber, harlotte L (Mrs GUY R K nny) av ne SeattlE' W~sh Blilau. Helen Frances 1919 Iglehart st St Paul Desie;ner and art jewelry Z400 T.yndale av so Birl{enhauer. Mary Grace 4228 Parl{ Blvd BlaIr, Frl'dC'ric Howes. Y M Secretary Univers, ty '" C A pleasant av 8t Palll Boll r. harlotte Carollyn st se Bonnes". Hazel Mprllcal student Bend Ore Borden. Margar('t Ethel nivcrsily Borst Richard Warner 'GraduatP slu<lent ('alals Me Boyd. Susan Edna 7 MannIng st hicago TIl Rrnnd, Gporge H erbert 455 E 42 Pia e Monticello Rrasie,.TeR~i F.llen 8t Paul Bratl'u<l, Olaf Edward 0.60 Farrin.. ton av St Paul Brodl<,. Walter ollglas - " Mecl\('a! studen t 11 6 av Wf'st Aherdeen S D Broo l{~. lela L s,'mmons College-I Attending Brown, Doris Lillian ~811 2n<l av so Brown. Sherman L Amboy Bruchholz. 11,mry Van Anda 1555 S Bryant av Bruder, Victor 'Vllliam 703 4th st se Buck, Florence L (1111'S W H Smilie) th st Saoramento CaJlI Bucldey, Irene Helen Pine Island Principai of H S (Home 2541 so 15 av) Burl,hard, Arthur ' no 17 av 6e Byrn s, Lyl 1ns 8 av no Campbell, Rebecca Anna Ogilvie Car y, Elizabeth Plankinton S D Casey, Elizabeth Graceville Principal of the high school Cotnam, Anna Louise Des MoInes Ia 'otton, FloI' nce University, N D Secretary to Wesley College Cowan, Frances 'V Cando, N D 'urtis, Carolyn (Mrs J H Pengilly) 616 Bixel st Los Dahleen, Harry William Dane, Harold John EdItor Bemidji Daily Pioneer Davies, Pearl Janet Davis, Thayer Jlnton Dayton, J osephine d e la Barre. LouIse Dickinson. Hhoda Jane Donaghu, Sabina. Belle Donohu, John Nealis Dorge. Rlchal'<l I Me<llcal student Drake, Leah R PrincIpal of the high sello01 Du Toil. Dana 'Vallace Edgar, James Day Student In me<llclne Ehri, E<la arolyn ASE'lstant prin ipal Eisler, harles Jonas Erickson, Ruth Eva ns, Ida C Faegr, John Barth JJ Fagundus, Elizabeth Ruth Feton. Augusta Amanda Finley. Will Francis Foley. Florence A Foster, Bernice Burns care of Foster, Ev lyn Foster. Mary Frellgh. "'!If l' d P Gage. Pansy Myra Gaylord, Robert March Gilger, Bessie Louise T aching English Goldsmith, Glenne W Goodman, A Laird Graff. Fred William Grondahl, Mabel Hall, Joseph Moffett M dlcal student Handv. John Abner 404 Calif 12U 4 st se BemidjI Angel~s Afton Akele) ~020 Blaisdell av 25~5 Park av,yabasha Maple Lake Box 1!112 Unlv 76 Seymour av se Wayzata Excelsior 3609 DupoIl t a v so Dodge Center 2~~7 Chicago av 333 Humuoldt so Sl l'el I' 14 Sidney Place Sp 1779 so Humboldt Hemet alit FerrydUe, 'Vis Anamoose, N D Irving School Dululh MinneapoJis In ltv ~o Stl1!water Grover at Alb l't Lea 1515 UnIversIty av f Iowa Falls la Lafayettp, La 1118 E 1st t Duluth Brootl'n at Re<l 'Ving 26~5 so Emerson 613 Univ a\' SIl -Instructor in chemistry Hanl{e, Ethel F 1610 Euclid av Berkel v ('allf Hansen, Alta Irene Kenyon Hansen, Anna Marie Kjerstine I = Butler av Super or "S Nelson Dew y H S (Home "" "_1 1 "S - av so ) Haupt M~ry atherlne 689 Lallrel av St Paul Heffne'r Berhal'clina 3455 ~nd St n<' Hlhbard Il~zei L (Mrs E W Spring) Fraze Higley 'ME'l'le 1 OS N.Irard a\' 1(0l]"'On nrusilla Margaret East Grand Forks IIolr~'en 'Helen Elaine (Mrs Raymond Gunderson), T,enyon care of Y M A 'worle Claremont. alic 309 I st se Milner Idaho Holm r. Atlolph Frederic!,. Asso('late S ('retnry Boy s HopkIns. Harry JIartwell IIorton, Nina M" Houcl<. Margaret Evah Howe. Archibald,VlIcox M" dical SIludent 469 Whitall 8t St Paul IIudson, Doroth~RoRe School of AgrIculture MorriS Tenching English Hughes, Lillian D lphlne 1~0 Liberty st Mankato 'reac'her av se Hull, Ann p TC'ocher BloomJng Prairie Hyde, Edith May

71 ALUMNI DIRECTORY 51 SL,\-u Johnson, AIllna LinlIIa. Hecla S D J,hnson, din James Lyle Jo ewitch. Alexander 2505 Chicago av Kelley. Alta GraCe 16~3 1st av so Klatt, Albert Gustave Morgan Teaching mathematics & manual training Klossner. Lulu Viola Monticello Knappen Marjorie Bemidji Kramer. Anne Faye 2513 South 9th st Krogh. Gudrun Aberd en. S D Kucera. 'VilJlam John Hutchinson Lang". Lorna Frances Box 224 Bellingham Larson. Albertine South Bend Wash Lawrence. Marion Randall Aitkin Lee, Ruth Sa ra 'Walker Ti'acher Leete, Helen P Sparta. Wis Lenning. Amanda Viola 4U6 11 av se Reporter Minneapolis Tribune I.l n. Luella Granite Falls LlIienthal. Charlotte 505 Beech st Ylrginia Lingren, Agnes Molly 32~G S 17 av Love. Genevieve hox 65 Brooten Lucker. Edith Mabelle 6! Bedford st se lerk Lylp. Marie Caroline 1805 ilicago nv McConl,ey, lyde James Fort am Houston Texas ~n Lieutenant 3rd Cavalry McCray. Alice Rebecca Prescott, Wis!\1cDermott. Helen C Martin N D )lacglil. Cbarlt's Frederick 1498 Minnehaha st St Paul Law student McGuire Lucile Northfield McKenzIe. John Wallace 1786 James av so Macmurray. Wallace St Paul l\jcnally. William JameSl New Richmond Wis Graduate studel1t liarvard Magnuson. Ida )largaret TacheI' Magnusson. Amy Marlette, Ernest Sidney Cedarbend 23 WabaSh st Duluth 2 17 S Fremont Roseberg are Richmond Wis )la tons. Irma Ruth l\ia,on. Harold Charles New )1l1tson, Ethel R Selah Wash Ielhourn.."-della May Clark S D Merriman, Mildred 1331 Trafalgar Road Vancouver B C Tea her un S\ fary Richmond Pondera Valley Ranch Conrad Mont Millar, Marguprlte Isabelle,Yelcome Miller, Elizabeth wiiija~~ James st, Boston Mass Minier. Emma Fanny Morris.\sst Principal high school Moersch. Fredericl, Paul 18~9 Lincoln av St Paul MUir, IIt'len I abejle t Paul N sse. ilas Arthur Neumeier. Karl G Nordland, '1lartin 'uessle, WaIter G Medical student University Olsen, Myrtle Florence Olsgard. Constance Oredalen, Mary Ostby. Gena Sophia Bertina Overlool(, Ellen Palmer, Benjamin,y Law student Parks. al'l HeThert Pal'oons, Belle France H S Paterson, Helen Holmes Peppard, Thomas Albert Plwsician Pershon. Erich G Petterson, Gustav S Phelps, Louana Pine. Fidplia Anten Stillwater ~620 Buchanan st ne Springfield Box ~ av se 788 Minot. N D Stephen 4~1 13 av se Humboldt av so av se 1712 Mnnte\'ido hatfield Ru h City Irving av Youn" America Battle Lake Ely Lincoln uv St Paul 873 Art student P lioel" L('e \Yesley 609. "'ash av se.\ssistant in pathology and bactel'lo~(1g~' Pope, Anna Elizabeth 8_5 6 st se ~tt"l('nt immons College Boston Mass Qulunell, Earle Douglass 847 Aurora av st Pa,:,l Rathbun, Russ II Blain DetrOIt ashh'l' in bani, Remund. Lrtll1 t\. F Bertha Principal of chools ROb rts, Caroline Drew 317 Oak Grove st RolJilllarc1. harl s Morton Faribault Medical student Robinson, Grace Elizabeth Robinson, Rhea Benedict Chemist with Zenith Roenisch, Clinton Wi!Us 206 Loughead Grain commis5ioner Root, Dorothy A Rosche, Elizabeth Mary Rothrlck, Henry B Teacber Ruble. Edna Rusllfeldt, Elise Rydell, harles Sage, Edith Yiola Secretary Y W C A Sanborn. Helen Atherton awyer, ara Elizabeth Schabacker. Carrie D SchoJlert. Allce XeIJie Schultz, Clifford Griffltll Schulz, Alma a Sende. Jonas Arnold 4751 Girard av so West Duluth Furnace Co Bldg Calgary Alta Canada Washington Benson Buhl Knox, ~ D 2636 Hennepin a" Hawley North Branch Pullman, 'Wash tate College 260:! Thomas av n Planldnton S D Annandale ::\Iissouri Yalley Ia 1609 University av se av se care of High School. Tacoma Wash Shearer. Hermoine 1912 Queen av so Shedd, Jane Lotta 136 N Madison av Pa adena Calif Shepard, Paul Tyler 2931 Portland av Shepley. Clara Sheppard, Byron Lloyd 7 Healy Bldg Portland are Sherwin, Eva Rose )Ionticello Shrader, Frances Elizabeth Springfield Simons. Leighton Rohert Yirginia Student Sinclair, )1)7a Jean Aitkin Sjolas, Amalie S Hoffman Smith, Alice Louise 4675 so Washburn av TE'acher Smith, Ralph G Groton, S D Smith, Yera Claire 31~7 Second av S~ Snell, Charles F Detroit Starrett, Raymond L 18 7 st se teven. Dorothy Colburn 2UG Lyndal" av so tiles, Glenn Stennett 601 Beacon st se Storr, Hazel Louise Wheeler 9~5 Goodrich av St Pa I Settlement,,"orker Morristown av so l\ionticejlo wain. :Mary Dorothy Swenson, Esther L Tennison. Blanche Irene Thompson, May Aldyth Mrs Ed S Ferguson) 619 University av s e T ornstrom, Mary Florence Cokato Principal of high chool Tupper, Emily Hartwell 234 "ilioughby av Brooklyn av N Y Student Turnquist, F lorence Aurora Clarkfield Vil<er. Selma Henriette st se Yollum, Alfred Theodor Hayward Ware, Elizabeth Roy care The Leamington Hotel Wa re, Frederick Webster Colorado prlngs Colo Sec Y M CAe lorado College Warwic1" Mary Margaret Goodhue Wauuh. Charlotte 144 W Robie St, St Paul "'ebb. Roscoe l:.i.yton 51 N Broadway Baltimore Md Uedical student Johns Hopkins "'entz, Anna "'es berg, Alice May Whittier. Raymond Wright Interne Winsted, Huldah Lucile Wlnteret'. Florence Withee. Haz I Eloise Teaching mathematics " oltmann. Henry W Medi al student 'Yood. " inifr d Swift,Yoolsey, Li1Jian Loretta T acller at Jordan Yorl". \nll!' Gertrude Yorl,. eorgia I\Iari011 Toung, Blan('he II[ Zeches,,eorgia. Ruth Nayarre Springfield Zoubel,. Fl'anl{ Hutchinson Fergus Falls Elliott Hospital 1010 Hunter st San Diego Cali! YaIJey City N D Ada 2096 Dayton av St Paul St Thomas, N D 30:!4 Aldrich av so St James "'lndom Central Point. Ore ~t Charles Excelsior

72 S2 THE MINNESOTA ALUMNI WEEKLY 1912 Allen, Nellie Marie E Prmclpal & teacher Watson (Home Red Wing) Ames, Geolglana ~H 4 Alilit l:'ulllic libraty Sot se Amunu~on, Marl, Henry Alexandria Anderson, Allce E\angeline ~:lj ~ st se General secretary of the University Y 'Y C A Andersun, CarUlyn ',l'eacher Smith MIll Ander~on, Philip 5% 'Wells st St Paul Appl"oy, 'urtis \Valler H1 5 SL ne HaococK, MalJOrie Hobinson Ba ilie, Earle conklin~5 Langside st" 'Winnipeg, Man 1ti Walter Hastings Hall Cambridge lilass, Studeut at Harvard (HOme 318 w FranKlin av) Baml, Bdna B (Mrs W H Hengstler) Hockeord Barber, Marty Beatrice rd av llo Beehler, lrma Allce av se Berg, David Bmanuel Bruno Bibb, Frank Leon 2~Ob Girard av so Bingenheimer, Margaret Katherine 403 5th av n w Manda'n D Bjeldan s, Milda Augusta Halstad ',Ceacillng Higl) school (Home Madison) Blegen, Theuuol e Ib~ 13 av so Boardman, Heda Spence st se BonniweJl, Donna 2637 Humlloldt av so Borst, Homer Wi ltsie 141~ 5th Sot se Grauuate student Bowman, Elizabet h Branhu.ln, Alice Irene Brechet, Bert ha Marie J ulia Hret!n, \..:ien Vleve J: ose Brossard, Frances Mary Clementine '.l.'eacillng (Home.i"armington) Brown, Caroline Olive Brown, Vellta Hachel titudent of the University Buckley, Catherine Frances Fulda li1inneapolis 2024 G rallu a v 2223 Russell av no Eagle Bend th ax so 129 Arthur av s.e Graceville Burns, 11.l:l.rg<J.l'et F Britton S D Burns, Mary Louise Mitchell S D Bush, Leila Marie ltoyalton Prll1clpal ot high school (Home Dover) Cammacl{, Gertrude Elsie 601 Goodrich av St Paul Call',.l.c.ona May Montpeller N D Cater,.l.c.UJLlI Grace St Cloud halfan t, Hallie Chicago, 111 Chapin, George Gilman 631 Ashland av til Paul Cl1ULon, Allce Naunerle Howard Lake ChriscllJJJes, Theodore Henry Algona, 1a Merchant Christ, Lyal a B e rtha 211 Union Sot se Student Cirkel, morence Adelaide 3705 Pleasant o.v C ll tto rd, Ralph Elting 1715 Dupont av s Colgrove, Laura May Clara City Home ~4ti 15 av se Collins, E lsie Minnie 'reaeillng (llome at Crool{ston) Collins, Hal'l'IS~Purowachi Cokato Demizu Agani Kyoto Japan Teaching of English Government sel'vlce Conley, AI\'a Alonzo Cannon Falis Scientist Connelly, John R 417 Ochsner bldg Sacramento Calif COl niea, Aillert D 1'lato Medical student Crary, Jus phine Scott CUlT nt, Edith Dahl, 130rghlid Margarethe T acher Davis, Grace Or p ha Dedolph, Karl Physician Denn en, Marie Beatrice Dennis, Arthur Cummings Doherty, Fay ette C Gas truction Engine Mfg Door Blanche Elinor ' '1.' :l.~her (II me Mankato) Door Lestf'r Arthur 'City Supt ot schools (Home Dorn, Mrs H e len (Ex) Dowall, Augustus " Jr Downing, Harold L st se New Ulm Twin Yull y 3112 Hennepin 812 Ashland av St.l:'aul St Cloud st se Pipestone Moose Lalte Man Ita to) st se 632 Elmwood av 1129 University av su Drechsler, All e Fitz Gerald Asst in German department Dunlap, Alpha Jane Teach l' DWyer, JlTary Agnes '1.'each r (llome ~828 4 st no) Ellgerly, Harriet T eacher University Young America Eagle Bend Marmarth N D Egan, John J eliy 710 Lincoln av t Paul Graduate student Harvard Emerson, Hazel Belle Engle, Eloise Clara 2940 Garfield av 90 Seymour av se Erickson, Victor Leonard th ~<t: se chola,. in dept of Economics Everts, 'arolyn Lucile Principal of II S Elbow Lake Fabian, J ohn Henry With Phoenix Mutual Ins Faegre, Albe,' t LtX>nard, Graduate school Harvard Fllk, Anna Marie II S Principal Fitzsimmons, Helena 3104 so Lyndale Co Unlv Camgridge Mass Henning care of Morton's :'\Iine Hibbing Fleming, Geraldine F (Mrs 111 W Richards) Virginia Forrer, Minnie Marie Box 87 Black River Falls Wis (Home 1G26 Third st ne) Francis, LI wllyn H Creswell Oregon Puhlisher F razer, W Marc Freeman, Neda Belle T aching Freeman, Theodore ",Vilson Frisch, Leonard Herman Newspaper publish l' Gamble, George Hawthorne Medical student nlverslty Ga nssle, Grace Ghost! y,,enr~e Fmncis Medical student Gillam, Stanley Sloane Gould, D Ila Florence Griffin, ElSie Haviland 1331 Gude, Therese 1I1aratta Handicraft shop Guthrie, Geraldine Louise Guy, Ann Elora JTadler, John Jacob Halgren, John Alfred SCience teacher H am ilton Floy K (Ex) Sci nce teacher Harroun, Mary Gra e Lyle HennIng 615 Aldrich av no Rochester International Fails Windom Glencoe Pacific st Brooklyn N Y 2310 Minn av Duluth Blooming PraIrie Minneapolis Ada Morris Box 467 1IIadella Mapl ton Hartig, Hugo John August JuliUS th av no Medical student HaTtman, Laura Josephine 2801 W ~8th st Harw ood, La ura Brayt on oll1mbia Unlv ew York City Student (Borne Berl,eley hotel) Hastings, Elien Milis Kenyon (Home Elk River) Haugen, Nina Sophia Wadena 'reacher Heilig, Charles A MUaca Salesman Hendrickson, Gilhert Christine, N D Hermans!'n, HP!'mlnR Fergus Falls Hilyer, G I" Pillshury 300 Washington av e Law stun nt Hohe, Ragnhild Jutta Bald E~gl" Lalw Hol'den, Cora Bert lne 521 W 12 st Sioux Falls S D Holzschuh, Alma 3814 Upton av so Hotchkiss, Rnhpl't Wilton ~611 B laisd II av ''lith ''II' lis & Plcl{ y Co-InvE'stments Hugunin, Hester B lie Willow Lai{e S D H utchinson, E mmajea n Farlhault Jac bson, Alh rt S Jewell Ja FarnH?r J sners, Jn~wold G Fosston Jewetl. IIlpn ElIg'rnla Fergus Fall s Johnson, Anne 1IIari 1776 Humboldt av so Jon s, GIHdys Sac ity 10. Teaching-Sac Ity Institute Kiplinger, nrl 'l'almag Freeport, TI l KJel' la nd Gratia Rosa li a Webst " S n KIlf'pllolll?, Ruhina hlsltolm Kvltl'uc1, Gilb rt ~OOl 7th st 80 Medical student I

73 ALUMNI DIRECTORY 53 SLA-r2 Lamb, Frances Lane, EI'a Elda Asst Secretary Y Larson, Hattie Lucilla high school, (Home Larson, Nettie Leavenworth. Richard Ormond Leonard, Fai th Teaching at Litchfield Leonard, Frank P erry Grain commissioner Leonard, Gladys McBean, Alan Johnston Student MacCallum, Marlon Stirling McCawley, Anna Kathleen st so Moorhead 110 so 10th st St Joseph Mo WCA Windom th av se) Minneapolis th av se th av so th av so th av so Lillehlhllt~~~~ e r August th av so Lindem, Zelma Mathilda Herman Linton, Hlldllr Therese Perham Littel, Josephine Theresa th st se Music leacher Loberg, Nellie Marie 1909 Washington av so Loyhed, Lois Dorothy Faribault Lyon, Marion Ellison (Mrs Albert L Faegre) Cambridge Mass University 25~9 Third av so Park Fails Wis High sch 01 teacher _ McCulloch, Hazel Washburn, N D MacEwen, Nora Holman Box 336 Jamestown N D Teachel' McHale, Willlam James McMahon, Lynnferd Lucy MacMul lan, Rita Dal las Magelssen. olveig Madalene high school (Home 500 Major, Laura Lynne (Home 810 W 34th st) Preston Fel'gus Falls 1220 Linden av Red Wing Essex Mpls) Wood Lake Marks, Edna A Wheaton (Home 1 '10'h n 6 st) Mason, Adelaide E" th av se Teaching Mattison, Pearl Summit S D Meili, 1, Irma Anoka Menefee, Guy Clifton Albert Lea Mlcha 1. Joseph Clement Jordan MUler. Eva Sarall Oliakis Moe, Borg-hild Hoff Morse,,YlIlard Alden MYeL's, Thomas Neely, Ora A Teaching-Principal o~ high Nehls, Mrs Marie Christ Nelson, Eleanor Vivian Teaching (Horne Dawson) Ney, Bertha Irene Nichols. Flora Alice Nichol,on, Kathleen Northey, Beatrice Julia Nye, Katherine Ann Medical student Oberg, Laura Aurora O'Brien. Julia Irene Odell, C rinne V 119 Bedford st se 670 Farrington av St Paul Annandale Graduate student Simmons Olson, Florence Gertrude As t Prin lpal high school (Horne av St Paul) Ostergren Ralph Chester Parsons, ina Louise '.reaching (I-lome 1547 Paulsen, 'Walter Harold P e ll att, Amy Rhoda Alice Graduate student a t Pend rgast, Bernice Petersen, Laura luner P terson, Harry Theodore Phillips, Mellie Ray Plemeisel. Robert Louis Pierson, Tecl<la 30~ Teach",r Plummer. Winnaretta A lyorithe Teach!'r Powers. HalT\' ""inn Ad\'ertising prisk. Elll!'1 Ramstad, Otto Principal of schools school 211 Union st se Elk River Eagle Grove la 209 Pleasant av 112 Unh' av e 26,V 36 st th se ~ av s 2836 Irving av so College Boston New Prague 87 Marshall RR no ~ Gladstone Jordan Hewitt av St P aull P ipeston e 1605 West 31st st University Bemidji 3533 Pillsbury av Dunnell 2431 Pleasant Jordan 4 av so Sandpoint Idaho Moose Lake 420 Fairview av St Paul Ely Clinton Ray, Ph ilip Lacey Reely, Mary Katharine Rogers, Helen Lola Rosenwald, Ruben )lartin Rude, Em il PrinCipal of High school Russell, Jean 1600.Alworth Bldg Duluth Faribault Plato Arlington Moorhead (29 so La Salle st Chicago care of Nat! Life Ins Co) Ryan, Clara Medora Teaching Rypins, Stanley Israel Graduate student Sawanobol'i. George Toku Sawyer, Eldreth Lloyd Saxton, Florence Romaine Schons,,VUhelmina Dorothy Teaching (Home 941 Selby av Schroeder, Mary Frances Scully, Helen Loretta Sears, L ester li1erriam With Household Equipment Sefton. Beatrice Freeport, DI 896 Lincoln av St Paul 1506 Emerson av no 116 W 32nd st North St Paul St Paul) Perham st st Stillwater 4447 Upton so Co Marmarth N D Principal of higb scbool Simpson, Charles David West Concord tudent in Law at the Universitv Sinclair, Gregg M J\1urowachi Demlzu Agani Kyoto.Japan in Govt schools Slade,, 'erna 1I1abelie 1033 E River R oad T eaching at Walker Sohlberg, Olof IvaI' Ambrose 783 Fairmount St Paul Medical student Sommermeyer, Lou ise W ilhelmine 2~0 9th av se Spaulding, Marjorie G 2431 Hennepin av Stafford, Russell Henry Madison N.J Student at Drew Theological Seminary Staples, Alice Mabel R R 3 West Side Station St Paul Starr, Elizabeth Fairmont (Home Excelsior) Stellwagen, Grace 909 Logan av no Stemm, Martha O'Neil 3766 Howe St, Oakland Calif Graduate student Unlv of Calif Stone, Harold Ward Caldwell, Ida ho :\Iedical tudent Sumner, Louise l\iaudsely Sutton, Harris Raymond Terry. Florence 111 Thompson, Edith Bell Thomson, Margaret Mary Teaching at Sherburn Tollefson, Dagna J eanette 137 E Trezona, Edith Mae Tschida, Katherine Anna Turnquist, Myrtle (Home 66 Highland ay) Utne, Theodore 1920 Selby av t P a ul Prior Lake 3~3 Cleveland av ne 1st Long Beach Calif 2655 Irving av so Rochester E ly 307 Dale st no St Paul Argyle Norwood Supt of schools Yanler. hri topher Lauritz Crookston In school of Agriculture (Horne pring Grove) Vander Hiden, Alice 444 Wheeler 8t Paul Vaughan, Catherine Perham Teaching (Home 36~5 Nicollet ay) Viesselman. Per ivai William 401 Oak st se Graduate student W eiss, Raymond Oscar 1603 Fremont av no Student-U of M vvelch. Nellie Lavina Clinton T eacher Wellman, Leslie Howaro Bala ton Supt of schools,vest, Elizabeth Claire Clark S D Teac\lt'r (Home ~713 Irving av sa) West, W a lter Mott Faribault Newspap61' publisher W heeler, Henrietta. Myrl 1328 Keston st t Paul Student l\ipls school of music Wllk, Harry Virginia Law student av s e Will, Till ie W aseca (Home th a\'" so) Willius, FrederiCk 9,6 LinCOln av St P a ul W oodward, Floyd Owen 2003 Pillsbury av Medical srtudent at the UniverSIty Wyckoff. George Stephen 436 Waba ~ha. s t St Paul Superintendent of St Paul boys clubs

74 The College of Engineering and the Mechanic Arts. A-Archi tecture -Civil E--Ele trical M-1\1echanical B-Bachelor of scien ce in Engineering 1875 C Leonard, Henry Clay Physician and surgeon C Rank, Samuel Add ison Mining e ngineer C Stewart, J Clark Physician and surgeon 1876 Aitkin Central Cily Colo 704 Pillsbury bldg C Gillette, Lewis Singer 40 Grovelanu Terrace Pres. Electric 1\laltlng Co C Hendrickson, Eugene Alvin died April 5th, 1901 C Thad';~ln Charles Edward 818 1\1t Curve av 1877 A Pardee, Walter Stone 60 L)"ndale av no Architect-city engineer's office 1878 M Bushnell, Charles Spencer d av West Seattle,Vash City engineer's office 1879 C Dawley, William Sanbo,' n Chief engineer of R R C Furber, P ie rce Power 1883 Yun-nam-Fu China died April 7th \1 Barr, John Henry 293 Broadway, New York City Consulting en g ineer, Union Typewriter 0 C Peters,,Villiam George Tacoma,Vash R eal estate and mortgage broker C Smith, Louis rville LeSueur 1884 C H oag, William Ricketson Thief River Falls Consulting civil engineer C Loy, Gorge John di d November C Matthews, Irving "Webber died Octob I' M Bushnell, Elbert Ellsworth Va ncouver' B C C Fitzgerald, Patrick Thomas died April C Reed, Albert Irving 335 Oakland av Milwauk e "Vis U S assistant engin e r 1886 A 'Woodma n sce, Charles Comstock 1887 deceased M Andrews, George Cutler 527 5th s t se Manufacturing h ealing appara tus C Crane, Fremont Care of Public Works dept Navy Yard Portsmouth Va 1888 C Andersen, Christian Beck Bldg Portland are on sultlng ngineer!ii Loe, Eric Haldorson 2129 S Girard,Vlth Russ II-Miller Co M Morris, John 0 Davenport Ia With \\'estern Implement and 1\10tor Co 1889 C Cot', Clarence Stanley Civil engineer F E C Ry 1890 )Iarathon Flo. C Burt, John Lucius Dann, " ' ilbur \\'ainwright Ashland are ivil ngineer and rancher IVr Gerry, Martin Hughes Jr Helena Mont Gener'al manager, Missouri River l'owcr 0 C Gilman, Fred H 1040 IIenry bldg Seuttle, Vash Manager, Pacific Coast D pt Am Lumberman C Green" ood, " 'illiston \Vi, t Proofr eader 2G~~ Gleason av Los Ang('les Calif C Hay'~l n, John Foot l~:!o So Irving Journalist C Higgins, John T )1org-an llill Calif Physician and surge n C Hoyt, William Hausmer 313 S ~l av E Duluth Asst chief ngin er D 1\1 N Ity M Nelson, Thorwald Eid 2605 So 6th St Chief cl'?rk TIiverside Station P ) C Smith, \Villlam arpenter 1456 Lincoln av.'t Paul hier engin r-malnt nance right ot way N P Ry C Trask, Birn!'y Elia~ 1769 So Girard Supt l'uf[e'r-iiubbard ;\Ifg 0 M Woodward, Herbert M 13 olonlal Road Brighton da< s l\1aster Mcchanic Arts high schonl Bo. ton )1asOl 1891 :M Aslakson, Baxter Martin Salem hlo Engln er C Chowen, Walter Abram 1st Nat Bank bldg San Frnncisco Calif Mgr Liability D 'pt l'acific Surety ('0 C Douglass, Fred Luke CU"inn. alit Ivi! engin!'ej' E tierry, Martin Hughes Jr H lena l\1ont General manag I' Mo River PowE'r' Co E Huhn. Gl'urge Philip 30n Lyndale Asst cashi!'r (i rrnan American bunk C Mann, Fred Maynard niversity of Illinois Urbana III Professor of architecture 1892 E Burch, Edward P 1729 Jam s av So Cons ulting nglneer-lecturer U of JIf E Burtis, \VlJlIam H(>nry D corah In. PrE'S Upper Iowa Power Co M F elton, Ralph otter 4 15 So Que n Adv rtlsing man M Gill, J ames Herbert th av olumbus a Director of Traues school A Gondkind. Leo 215 Nel'on St Paul VI ('-pres l\1annhcimer Bros E Gray, William Irving 704 So 6th st ontractllll:" engin er C Hanke n ~o n, J ohn Jay Glencoe Engineer C HigginR, Elvin L ydiai'd Hutchinson ivil engin e r E Howa ru, Monroe Sh!'rmnn Wnukon 10. Director and ngin "I" Upper Ta Power 0 A Plowman, c: org(' T aylor Wright c Call nder bldg 4th a nu JIill s ts Los Anf(ples allf Architect

75 ALUMNI DIRECTORY 55 EMA o "Andel' on, Ole John djed Jan M Avery, Henry Brlnckerhoff 1043 Security Bank bldg Structural Iron works died Dec Moul trie Ga o Batch IdeI', Franl< Le5lie E Chase, Arthur Wlltlam Banker M ('ouper, George B Cherryville Ore Orchardist E Dewey, 'William Harry 89 Center 5t New York City Contracting engineer C Erf, John,Vililam Ciyil enginee,- 45 Greystone Park Yonkers N Y E Guthl'ie, J DeMott 3450 W Park, 'eat tie,'i'ash Phvsician and surgeon o Hoyt, Hiram Patrick 822 Morndent bldg, an Francisco Calif Contracting ngineer Long & Hoyt E Morse, George Hart Professor El Eng U of N E Reidhead, Frank Erven Executive ag nt Minneapolis E Springer. Frank Wesley Lincoln Neb <1 av So public schools av se University PI' (e5sor Electrical engineering. A Washburn, Delos Cuyler 1002 Kline St So Aberdeen S D Civil engineer 1894 M Bray, George Eben 817 Osage Manhattan Kan Professor of mechanical engineering and superint ndent of shops K SAC E Chalmers, CI,arles Henry st se Consultibg engineer. C Cunningham, Andrew Oswald 26 Title Guaranty bldg St Louis Mo Chief engineer Wabash Ry o Gilma n, James B th st se hlef engineer Minneapolis Steel and Machinery Co o Johnson. Noah Davenport Ia R I & PRy o Weeks. William harles Washington Water Power 0 Spokane ~'ash Supt of construction 1895 E Adams. George F 5918 Olive st Cleveland 0 Salesman Adams & Do\ n s E ' Blsllman. Adam Edgar deceased o Bohland, John Adam 1233 Montreal St Paul Bridge engineer G N R y o 'Casseday, George A deceased Chapman. I.e lie Howard 644 Dayton t Paul ChIef draftsman N P Ry E Eddy, Horace T IIay st Cin cinn a ti 0 Automobile dealer E Ford. Rob rt E 137 S Madison Pasadena Calif Proressor Mech Eng Tbroop Poly Inst E Rounds, F"ed M 4001 Hall Dallas Tex Telephone engineer o Shenehon, Francis C th av se D ean olleg Engineering University :!\IT Shepherd, Burchard Po t 311 SwelUand bldg Portland Ore Ost opath M T ll derquist, WilH a m Magnus arson Lake Mlnll1g superint ndent Evon chi gell. Frederlcl, 10]6 Greenwood 'Wilmette JIl FaIrbanks MOI"Se & Co Chicago E 'Tanner, Harry L died D c o 'Beyer, dam Carl died.jan 17 InOl C Burch, Albert Morgan av so St"uctural nglnee'r E Erikson, Henry Anton 424 HarYal'd st se As~t profe SOl' of physics Univ rsity M H astings, live Atchison Kan P"as Locomotive l\[ateria l Co 1Iif H IIfertYJ Charles Dutton 97 Fal r st Paterson NJ Reslaent insp tor Amcr Loc 0 M Hugo, Victor Security bldg St Louis :.\10 Manager H S B I & I 00 C Jones, C Paul Cottage Grove Ore Manufacturer sash and doors 111 Lang, James herburne 35 Rutland sq Boston :.\lass Engineer and treasurer C Long, Fred Winston Ha~-Iand Ga Asst engineer G & F Ry E Magnusson, Charles Edward Seattle Wash Professor of Elec Eng U of Wash E Wheeler, Herbert Merrill 323 N Howard av Austin sta Chicago III Asst chief engineer Chicago Railways Co 181 La Salle st 1897 E Abbott, Arthur Laurie 185 E 4 st St P aul Manager Electric Construction Co M Blake, Robert Pennell Livjngston Mont Division master mechanic N P Ry E Chestnut, George L Houston T ex Electrical engineer M Craig, Robert Robbinsdale Manager Power Equipment Co :!If Cross, Charles H 74w 40 st ).li]waukee Wis General shop foreman-milwaukee El Ry & Lt Co o Hewett, Frank M R R 2 Ontario Oalif Orange grower E Hibbard, Truman 4816 Penn av Mig elec macb Electric Machinery Co E Lang. James Sherburne 35 Rutland sq Boston Mas s Engineer and t reasurer o Lee, Engbret A 827 Squires bldg Denver Colo Asst engineer Am Smelting & Refining Co M L onie. James Henry 623 E 16th t Alton III With ArneI' Steel Foundries Granite City III E,Ma gnusson. C Edward see 1 96 E Markhus, Olaf G F Boise Idaho Gt';ral manager Idaho-Oregon Ligbt & Power E Miller. William L ott Cbicago ill,'lith H M Byllesby & Co E M yers, Mortimer Hudson Wis Genl Mgr EI Lt Co 111 Savage, Edward Snoad 40 W ellington Rochester N Y lifechanical engineer 111 Silliman. H enry Dickinson Engineer 4018 Whitman av Seattle Wash C Walker, Frank Bates 65 S 11 st Resident engineer G N Ry Co C Woodman, Howard Howe R eynolds, Mo Chief engineer Mo Southern Ry 1898 M Avery, Henry Brinckerhoff see 1893 E Burch, Edward P see 1 92 o Crane, Fremont see 18S7 E ' Dahl. Hans F 111 E Gilchrist, d eceased harles Chandler North W oolwich L ondon With Western Elec. Co Ltd C Gillette. Lewis Singer see 1 76 C Glass, Clifton Ashley ontracting engineer E Gray, W ill iam Irving ee 1892 C Hoyt, W illi am Hallsmer see 1 90 Long, Fred Winston see 1896 E McKellip, Frnnk,Voodman ity engineer Mann, Fred Maynard see 1891 Kansas City :lifo M O'Brien, John Erwin Supt motiye p wei' Western Pac Ry Co E Reidhead. Frank Erven see 1893 E Springer. Fra nk Wesley see 1893 C T aylor, Edward W a lter 0 Care of B B & B C Bellin~ham Faribault San Francisco Calif Ws.h Civll engineer - E Wagner, Adolph Huron S D [a n age,' Huron LIght & Power ~-o\'ks M Willson. Manton Fletcher 111 Wright, Roydon Vincent 192 N,Yalnut st East Orange N J Editor M Zeleny, Frank Aurora. Il1 Eng1l1 er! T ests C B & Q Ry

76 56 THE MINNESOTA AL UMNI W E EKLY 1899 C Anderson, John G av se Engineer for Geo J Grant Construction Co E Arzt, Emmanuel Arthur Sioux City 10. Ele trical contractor 1\1 Bayless. Harry Cornelius Soo Line shops Mechanical engineer M St P & S Ste 111 Ry C Douglas, F re d L see \1 Graling. Verney 1115 'Walnut av Niagara Falls NY Electrician with Niagara Falls Power 0 E Hildebrandt, Henry A 323 hurch st Be Superintendent of University Buildings E Huntoon, Milton B 147 Hague av Detroit Mich Telephone engineer Bell Telephone Co 1\1 Lang. James herburne see 1 97 E l\lackusicl<, Elwood 1\1 707 Peoples Bank bldg Sacramento alif Assistant engineer on Calif Reclamation service E Pratt, Arthur Clarence Helen, l\lont Electrician Jl.Io River Power Co M Richardson, 'Wilbur Percy Pittsburg Po. Mech Eng with P & L E Ry 1\1 Wennel'lund, Elias Carl 190 Belair Place 1I1i1waukec Wis With the Allis-Chalmers Co 1900 B A s hba ugh, L ewl~5 EExchange Place New Yorl< City Hydraulic engineer J G 'White & Co l\{ Da ni e l T Lester lobbinsdale Salesman Mpls Steel & Machinery Co E Dow J ames Chase Great Falls Mont Electrical engineer C Grime, Edwin Morrell., Glendiv~ Mont Supervisor bridges and bulldmgs N P R~ Co M Higgins, Charles ampbell Railway Exchange Bhlg Chicago 11I Consul ting engineer E Johnson, Franl< Edward University campus Seattle Wash Instructor in Electrical Eng U of 'Vash M Johnson, 'WiIliam Wood 315 N P bld,g St Paul Dvnamometer car operator N P Ry 0 E Kinsell, "'illiam Leonard East Pittsburg Po. Supt of Production Westinghouse Machme Co M Newhall, 'Villiam Ban'ett Raymond~iIle, Texas General Mgr Southern Fruit Land IrngatlOn Co E Palkhurst, Harleigh Westminster Sta Vt E lectrical engineer C " Prende rg ast, P a ul S died Aug C Shenehon, Fra n ci s C see 1895 E S h umway, Ernest J Robbinsdale Electrician E StuSSY, 'Vllliam Helena Mont Electrical Eng 1\10 River Elec & Power Co E Tha le r, J a mes Auken ~01 3d av so Bozeman l\lont Professor Efec Eng Mont Sta te ollcg-e E Thompson, Roy Edwin 1031 Penn av San 1,Iego ("allf Vice-pres 311d general manager San DIego Telephone Co. E "T racy Fred G died D c C Whitman, Edward A 1667 W Minnehaha St Paul Engineer Soo Line E Wiltgen, Edward 5]3 Lenox Rd Schenectady N Y E I ctrical engineer 1901 E A n derson, Martin E ~23 Holly AV Takoma rarl( DC Asst examiner of patents U S Patent Officc E Blake, Hany Barnard Two Harbors I n N P shops Chubb, Chas E (Ex) AI!,(ona Trt E Dannel', Jakp Hawthorne 1II Wpstf'rn Elec Co C Everlngto n, J a m es Wrig ht ] st Lleut nant USA B Groat, Bpnjamin F onsuitin!,( Hydraulic C Gunstad, Paul lver Dlaflsman, E Hou lton, Amos D Ran ch man E Hou t R, Guy Joseph M & St P Ry Ft OntariO Oswego NY 3d Infantry Massena N Y Engine r 2704 E Franldin Manning N D 1213 ClarpncE' nv Oal( Park III Telephon e d pt Western E lectric 0 C Klemer, Fra nk H e nry Faribault Manufacturer C 1\1cKittriclt, James 3702 N 29 Bt Tacoma "'ash C Quense, John S30 6G st Sertttle 'Vash Munl ipal engineer E Requ, Styrk G,.unburg Pa General Supt Northumberland Co Gas & Elec Co M Robertson, Philip Waters 1~54 S Boul va I'd New York Ity Mechanical nglneer Int rborough Ravid Transit Co C Strate, 'l'homas H nry 341G S Alurich ivil ngineer 111 & St P Ry E Tullar, hurles Edward Care of U 'Patent mce 'Vashington D C 2nd Asst examiner Patent office 11[ Wilson, Ellel F 1409 Northern Ct JlIadison "'is \1: Acomb, William E d w ard Donora Pa Supt American Steel & Wire Co Allee, David Arthur Schenectady N Y ivil engineer Const dept Genl Elec Co M Bean, 'William L 1534 Central Park ourt Topeka Ran Foreman machine shop 'anta Fe Rr C Beaulieu, I Ichard L 8,,(Lttle Wash ReSident engineer G N R~' E Burns, Harvey L~nn 4G3 West st New York City Residence 230 N 11th st Newalk N J 1\1 COOk, Robertson 3603 Grand av liii1wault,f' "'Is Trav engineer '" stern Lime & C~mcllt Co E French, Edwin Linton Box igl Rault Ste Marie JlIich Engineer Soo 'Vorks Union 'arbide Co B Graham, Eugen Clayton R F D 3 Evunsville lnd Director manual training 1\1 Grimshaw, Wiiliam E, av S attle Wash. ales man~ger Supenor ~ment Co C Hallan, Christian Fergus Falls R sid nt ngineer 1\1 Herriclt. Carl Albert 1102 W ~6 st onsulting engineer C Houston, George S 3833 Thomas av So toclt and I ond broker 733 ecurily Bank Bldg C Knowlton, "'afl'en C l~uanol\:e \"a Division engineer, Virginia nv Lambert, Fred Theodore " St Maries Idaho 1\1 Clelland, Claude Leslie 7 South st sslning N Y Asst engineer NYC e n R Ry E Mc P herson, William Butler 10 Pacine Bldg Van('uuyer n Pacific Healing & Plumbing 0 Lt,1 E Nilson, " ' ilh 1m R l~ D No 1 Twin Valley Farnler M Quen~t', John H Sf'e \1 Ramst a d, Edwa rd Carl 3500 Lyndal ' ~v, C Shepl!'y, ivil Ii: harles Rogers ngineer pence, \\ iiiiam James lnspt'ctor Tel D 'pt '" 2G07 'hicago nv LII rosse "'Is stcrn Electric 0 1)ayton "'ash 1\I Stone, Ml'lvln Foundl'yman M Sudhelmel', Edward L nno Ashlnml ay t Paul ::;e<'tl't[l1 y and tl' as Petel r 31' ro M Taylor, Rnlph George 119 Juneau l\filwaukee ""is With M & Rt P Ry C Weston, 'Villinm Snow Faribaolt ivil ngin ei' E Wilson, Bllel F s c C Barlow, Harry Elmol'C' 692 Silly St Paul Ivil ngineer t P M & 0 Ry E B n dl t. C ol'g "F!"I'd, SNittie "'ash Electrical engineer Aguller-GrIswold 0 C B nnell, 'VaileI' J;m~3sw Rinto 3V Spoltnne 'Wash AI<Rt hridge nglne I' N RY Beyer, Theodo;gr, ~(('ar n s bldg ~ult La\{ Ity U ta h Carr. Han'ey 'han7dllsl' entml bldg ~e:\ttle ""ash TiOlb1'1' lanr11< oml mlnlnj; Ii: Cha lme rs, Charles H ~ee 18n 1 B roun se. Avery FHch 3GOZ l"t a,"!<o Tl'easu I' I' 'VeHtl'rn Hcating Co Da v ison, J oseph H e nry G50 PorUnncl St raul With T CRT Co

77 ALUMNI DIRECTORY 57 E Dibble, Barry :\linldoka Idaho U S Reclamation service-electrical engineer E Eberhard, Olto Immanuel Traders National Bank Bldg Scranton Pa Manager I'enn Electrical Eng Co E Erickson, arl Gunnard 908 S 5 st With T CRT 0 E Ford, Robert E see 1 95 C Grow. Harry Allen 33 Arthur av se Asst engin er Minneapolis Steel & Machinery Co M Hughes, Frank Charles Glendive Mont Manager of Glendive Heat Light & Power Co E Ireland, Roy R ~17 So Clinton st East Orange N J Electrical engineer M KJosness, Ingraham G E 128 Ermina av Spokane Wash Lumber E Laird, LeI" Rush 184 N 12 'ewat k N J 'Yith \Yestern Electric Co C Madden, Francis Eyota Civil engineer E "Miller, Lu";us \V died :liar \1 Mot ris, John 0 see 18 S C 'ovig, Ule Steffenson d ceased C Oltman, Charles Albert 30~3 46 av S Bl'iuge de igner El rage, Mark L~'man Stockton Calit "'est,,rn Union Tel Co C Prendergast. Arthur 408 Asiliand St Paul Civil engineer E Rask. Louis Gilbelt Engineel" General C Robbin~, Ori~un 13 Ciyil enginet"l" 14 Alvey st Schen ctady X Y Electric Laurd av St Paul E Rosok, I ngvald box ~~5 Disbee Ariz Chief electl'i<'ian. Bisbee ImlHovement Co E Schumacher, John Henr\' 259 Smith St Winnipeg Can ManagPr :\Iitchell Gray Elec 0 C Smith. Leighton II :llan"ger St Paul Auto Co C Smith, Paul Sherbllrne Urphn njist 732 E 4 st St Paul Porterville Calif C "'tf'wart. Clarpnee H 719 Jackson a,' fipol,ane "'a~h Lncatinl: eng-ineer Inland Empire Ry E Vincent, Jay Carter 1977 fio Quepn A~"t enginepr Power & Equipment T CRT Co B "'hitney.,\lfred Catpenter 5 ;; Portland St Paul rres SC'hurmeir '\'agon Co III Willinm~, Edward Hale 378 Maple av,\urol'a III ~fecha ntcal engine r 1904 C Bouge, Nathan Herschel Washtucna \Va h Enginef'I' Pot t!alhl & eattle Ry E Bouman, Bernhard Mat'tin Berwyn TIl Engineer "'estern Electric Co ;\1 Bray. George E, "ee 1 94 E Cheney. Edward Joseph 4 Bedford Rd Schenectady ~ Y Electrfcal engine r g Collin.. luart G 705 Selwood bldg Duluth Structural engin pel' E Ct ahhe. Geor~e 167 "'oodworth av Yonker ::-l' Y "'ith 'l'he Otis Elevator 0 ]I{ Davis. Cilb 'rt N Tribune G C Downing, Frank E hlsholm l\f Fager. Simon Rudolph av so C Fernald, Frank 0 1 ' t8 Gramercy rl Los Angeles Cal Superintendent Pullman 0 E Goodwin. Yictor Earl box 778 chenectady N Y With G neral Electric Co E Helms, Frank harle" 332 Paige sj: Schenectady N Y Dpsiglling electrical ngineer C H oll a nd, J ay Cl a r k 1457 Cuyler av Chicago Shu tura l iron d signer E Howatt..John 477 Federal Bldg hicago III Engineer " E liiorton, Harry Garfield 454 Aldrich a" C Nelson, T Is Benoni 903 Gas & Elec Bldg Denver 010 ontractlng engineer E Otto. Fred 106 Hague St raul upt 8t Paul Gas Light Co l\f Otto. RObe rt W a lter S~3 Holly St Paul " 'Ith Andrews H eating 0 E Rosok, Peter A Iat'lus '''arm Sot'ings ~[ont C Rothi, Paul Mitchell Neb Irrigation engineer' reclamation sel'vl e 111 tanton. Raymond E 1955 Carroll St Paul Toltz Engineering Co E Taplin, Robert Baird E Tomlinson, L C 16 Automatic Electric E W icks, J o h n Superintendent 2423 Blaisdell Prescott st Arlington :\lass Co Box 1451 Dallas Texas Telephone Co 1905 E Adams, William Cha~~es Park Place Brooklyn ::-l' Y With Western Electric Co 463 "Test st N Y City E Anderson, E mil. 5~35 Upton av 0 Electrical inspector :\Ipls Board of Ftre Gnderwriters ~I Andrews, George L 7526 Star av Cleveland Ohio Draftsman 111 Bates Albert Henry 42 Jiroch st :\Iuskegon :\Iich As~t chief draftsman haw Electnc Crane Co B Billau, Lewis scovill 715 W North av Baltimore :lid Electrical engineer C Bisbee, Elmer Denver Colo Minneapolis Steel & liiachinery Co E Boman Carl Emanuel Berwyn TIl Td~phone engineer-western Electric Co C Brockway, Roydon Ray 5~4 8 av se C Burke, Ho)' L 313 Palladio Bldg Duluth Contractor 1\1 Clipfell, Carroll Dale,,'ahpeton X D :\Iechanical engineer E Coleman, Frank D Butte :liont "'ith Great Falls Power Co C Cutler, Alvin S Univ of :liinn Asst professor railway engineering l\i Cutter, Francis Charles 107 Park wood Blvd Schenectady.' Y With American LocomotiYe Co E Davis, Charles Asa care Tribune C Daley, Gustave J (Ex) Brush Colo Superintendent G & W Sugar Co E Ely. Inin~ R 14 Gates av Brooklyn ::-l' Y Load dispatcher ::-;r Y C & H R Ry C Feycter, "tlllam Henry 5 9 tryker t Paul C Finley. Joseph Edward Glendive :-Iont As~t engineer X P Ry E Franko\'iz. John Joseph Pittsburg Pa,",'!th Westinghouse Co :II Gerri~h, Harry Eldon 4301 Park bl\'d E Gibson, harles B 00 Penn a" "'ilkinsburg Pa Electrical engineer Westinghouse Co C Gillette, George Lewis ~404 Dupont A st contracting m!it ::IIpls teel & :\Iachy Co B Gregg, Tresham Dames 97~9 Howard Ct Chicago TIl Bridge in pector C R I & P Ry ~f Harris, Sigmund 729 E 16 s t With HatTi ~lachinery Co C Hopeman. Albert :lianus Ch'i! engineer E Jack on. Earl Daniel Consulting engineer C Jensen. J Arthur Engineer-,,'ater Works dept 111 Johnson. Austin G Chief draftsman D & I Ry 111 John 'on, Ernest Pre cott Capitol bldg :lioorhead t Paul 309 W 15 st Two Harbor ~4 Liberty st Schenectady.' y C Johnson, ::-l'els Hotel,,'ashington Kansas City ~In E Jonel'. Raymond Leslie ~540 Pleasant a,' C Kin/:. "'esle~' Eugene 1614 Pioneer Bldg St raul Civil engineer. E Kochendorfer, :\lilton J 3 4 Concord st ~ t Paul Salesman E LeBlond, Edmond J 1 55 S 12 st E SaIt Lake Cit,. 1.'tah E Letourneau, Edward Harold Exch 'quel'. C llif Chief electrician-exchequer Power & liiining l\f L e wis. Edward B 413 " 'i!son a\' :lienomonie \"is Mechanical draftsman E Lundquist. Reuben.\ Mc Millan, F rankli n R 810 rhoenix Bide: 3~1 Oak st e Instructor in Exp enuineel'ing Uni"ersit~' C Mattison Oliver st se Mueller, Henry John Hamburg E Morris. Robert Room 1611 Gqmd Central ta New York City Inspector NYC & H R Ry Co. C Nelson. Osca r B Seattle Wa h hipf draftsman N P Ry P a ge ni1 art, Edwin Her bert l'\'ado WyO :II Pancratz. lexander.j t Paul "rith Fairbanks ~10rse & Co

78 58 THE MINNESOTA ALUMNI WEEKLY E Rya n, W ill iam T homas st se Assistant prof ssor of electrical engineering University M Ryd ee n, F ra ncis G A St harles Mo, Draftsll!an American Car & Foundry 0 E Simmon, ;Karl Alb rt J I' Pitts\mrgh Pa Electncal ngmeer & Railway engineer W E & Mfg Co E Smith, Clinton Besly st Portland Ore C Smith, Donald Tidd 25 N 45 av Chicago III American Bridge o-erectll1g dept M Sperry, Leonard Boyd 58 st near Granu Milwaukee Wls E n gineer M Tuck, George A lbert 4th & Freeton sts San Francisco Calif Superintendent of construction E Wood, John "William Engineer E 03 Liberty st Spokane Wash E Schow, Harry Albert E Schweues, "'alter l<'r d rick With Pillsbury fill E ShUCk, Gordon Rus 11 E Ste n ger, L a u re nce A hemist died 1I1ay Wabasha 102 Vall,,)" st Renttle 'IVa h 214 W 40 at E Stone, Harris.. arfield 1436 Iowa av Hollywood Calif Electrical can tractor E Ungerman, IIrl Mugg 5152 'l'homa av 0 'Vllh EI 'elric J\Iachin ry 0 E W ber, El'\vin L F, Assistant t'nglneer G N Ry C "'lesller, I"rederick Ellward Asst engin E "Wiggins, G raid Graham E Zimmer, 'Villi m Arthur Car Telephone englnecr Y J\f Seattle "'ush st No Great Falls Mont r G N Ry Porcupine Ont A maha NeD 1906 C Ada ms, Elmer Ells w orth av No Seattle Wash Asst engineer G N Ry E A lbrecht, George M,Yashington D C Asst examiner U S Patent office. C A lrlek, Banona G av No C Alsop, Ernest Benbow Marble Mt 'Wash Care of H P Healy M Armstrong, T homas Sta nley Crookston Director of manual training C Bowen, F red P a bst av eatll 'Vash Asst engineer C G W Ry E Bunce, Paul Fay 24 9 st no Fargo N D With N W Telephone Co E Calmeyer, John Peter \.) Childs, Harv-ey Butler Price Utah 'With Consolidated Fuel Co C Childs, John hauncy 26 Newbury Boston Mass E Cohen, Nathan 154 Nassau st New York ity Patent lawyer E Coope,', Leon H e n ry av se Electrical engin er E Corne:i us, Mart in 908 Ramsey st Wilkinsburg Pa Electrical ngineer M Crawford,,Yallace T E Dunn, Andrew Paul, ales nglneer Ft E Eng li n, Ch a rl es F Accoun tant Faribault av Des Moines Ia Wayne Elec 0 Stillwater M Garber, Gabriel E 1409 So 7th St Buyer of Rolling Mill & Foundry E Finchy, Jacob scar Scheneetarly N Y E Glascock, Henry Hopson Hannibal Mo Telephonengineer C Gregg, Tresham Dam s, see 1905 E Gunther, August N died Aug E Haeberle, Elmer Harvey Nf'w 1m C Hanauer, Monro H 215 Felt ontracting engineer Mpls C H ayw a rd, George Irvi n g Resident engineer N P Ry bldg ~alt Lake City tee I 'J\Iachy Co TI-out Creek 1I10nt E Hoff, Christoph r J03n EdgPl'ton ilt Paul Electrical ngincpr Lee & HoIT Mfg Co E Hokanson, larence E Berwyn III Electrical ngin er W E 0 E Hubbard, Robert Thorold 782 So Robprt ilt Pnul E Lang. Chari s Arthur 2427 So Lyndale Supt N 'V onsolidatpd Milling 0 M Loye, Be njami n W 1371 West Blvd ctroit 1\fich C Malloy. Charles James are Vorhees & Canfi Id-Tradel's BlIt Spokane Wash M Matteson, Frank Elmer E Mowry, H a rry Wheeloc k Electrical en g ineer W Murphy, John 773 East 7 st St Paul Hawthorn Sta Chicago III stern Electl'ic 0 K ewatin E Payne, Harold Gould 2004 Harris Trust b ldg Chi ago III Electrical ngineer C Reed, Arthur L athrop Roswell Idaho onslructlon e ngineer 1\/[ Rlngsred, Arthur Christia n 31n '" 4 ~t Duluth Secretary-treasu rer G N D evelopm ent Co E Ro pke, Otto B ' Vashl ngton D C Asst patent examiner M Ros, Norman W Hibbing Care Oliver Min in g Co 1907 E Alton, H erbert De nnett E av Spokane VI'asll Electrical inspe tol- E Andr u s, Raymond J oel outh Bend ',"asb Ash baugh, Lewis E see 1000 E Baer, Louis Edward Batson. harl s Dr wery 012 Goodrich St Paul Ity engln er's office J\f Bell, Maurice Dwig h t "'ashburn- rosby Co Assistant superintend nt M Bjorg, Uscar B 613 E 8 ~t Dulutll Chief engineer Clvde Iron 'Yorks C Bl omqu ist, H Ja lmar F 413 "'arren St Mankato City engineer J\'[ OBI wn. Oliv'r Lindley Died,Junp 4 J909 M Buhl, Paul S Drem non "'ash Ordnancq draftsman J\I Burwell, LOring Dunham 165 Broadway ::-;ew York Ity Stoke er cling d pt 'Vestinghouse Mach 0 E Countl~'man, I' ter F 506 Kellv av J'llt~burg Pa Engine!.'r 'Vestlnghouse EI M'Cg Co C ram. Clyde J\I Fort ilt Yens Ol-e * Dough erty J oe died August L 1 09 Du n ham, J oh n A 514 Tn)' av Seattle ',"ash Civil engineer E Eddy. Lynn 'Valter cor 4 & Pell t r Dt'troit:\rt h Contracting engine I' Nimms f;pnuldinj:: & Rddy E F airch ild, Albel't Roya l Cn'. nyl!ie Teno Hydro-electric ]lowt-r planl "T K 1) '0 M F,E Franklin 'Yinnlp g anada. 'Yith Winnipeg 'l'ie' & rass 0 J\,r Gessert, George R ich a rd 451 So 3d East Salt Lake Utah With. liver Bros 1\1 Gilman, Nicholas A 106 st So Norlh Yn.klma '" h 'YI th 'al<ima Valley Transportatiun ~o G rant, J ames A ll e n "'!7oulawn or laremonl, "'inona sts Portlanu Ore C Green, Fred IT Hh & Fulton sts f;an FranclR(,o Calif JTaverson. II my David Care G N Ry Barve :'Ilont Hawle', I larry (jalfi Id "Worthington Hobart. WaltH Deal 3U~ Phoenix bldg ivil engine r Ilu"ton, David Bal thol mew C Jones, L wis Allen :llanclan N D lilit hell S D "'ater & light dept DuluLh Ke lly, Earl W a llace "With city ngineer E Kel ' n~. Rn lph \\T 1JJ, E av Douglas ArIz Draft<'lman with Repath & 1\1cGregor 'n«in ers 1\1 Krag, Wa lter C Hampton J\[ lii"any, Jam~ 1\1 Care 'Iyile ]n)n,v"rks Duluth 1\1 Nekola, John 'V 2504 EllIer on st Denver Colo Draftsman offl e of Artille,'y nglneer S A E Norcross, ArLhul- FI yd 366 5th av NE'w York Ity EI!?ctrlrul ngln!? I' E P earce, JOhn Henry liel na Mon t E I ctri al engin!?er 1\1 Ra w s on, R a lph H a rvey Car Sl H~ l ens CI eosoting 0 ~o St Helens Ore E ngi n e ring E Reza b J ohn Joseph Paraiso 2 Panama Foreman of e le l.-ieal a n d mechanical construetlnn nfl f'n n RI E chow. ' Yilllnm P E leclrl Ian N P Ry E Smith, Byron Elton E IE' trlcnl (' ng-ineel' E Smithson. J ohn Edwn... d Managel' Telephone Co av se 720 edar st St Poul Will t e Salmon W ash

79 ALUMNI DIRECTORY 59 EMA M Spring, Willis W 2 Lyceum Bldg Duluth Salesman M Stacy, Elmer Nelli 3216 Hennepin av Mechanical engin er 111 Stephenson, Oliver H 974 Manuel st t Paul With Washburn-Crosby 0 E Sternberg, Carl av E Calgary Alta Electrical contractor C Swenson, Charles August V;'inn!p~g luan C Tondell, Mandell George Hibbing Civil engineer M T ubby, Ol iver Colon Panama Chief draftsman Panama Ry Co care P lly Co 24 State st New York City E Uzzell, George Walter Care,Va hington Waler Power Co Spol{ane Wash C Van Cleve, Horatio Phillips 2418 E 46 s t Kansas Cit~ Mo " 'ith Waudell & H arrington can ulting ngrs II! Wagner, Otto H Care Y. M. C. A. Vheeling W Va E Woehler,,"illiam L 7U6 W Lake st Electrical contractor C Yager, Louis General office St Paul Division engineer N P Ry 1908 E Anderson, Frank Arthur Commercial dept 'Vash 1\1 Anderson, Ole.\ndreas With W G Gray & Co, pokane Wash Wat~r Power Co st Ash, J Wesley, Allahabad Christian College India E Brachrach, Alfred Care Gen Elec Co Los Angeles Cali! C Bergoust, Oscar J 710 No 0 st Tacoma " ash 111 Bingham, Stanl y Eugene 202 'Yest 6 st St Paul Automobiles C Borrowman, LeRoy F 62 Ellan st Winnipeg Man C Brenchley, Harry E 3132 hicago av f'tructural engineer liipls Steel & l\1achy Co E Brown, George J 259 milh st " 'innlpeg Can E ill'ter, Robert J S E Ca bel g, James 'Villiam B Clarke, Charles P Draftsman ComstOck, John " 'alter orn Exchange "eybul'd Sask Can 209 tate st se av So ;lianiia P I 1II councllman Halsted Powell l~t Lieu' t Ordnance dept USA 1II ox, Hlchal'u F erguson ~nd Lieut oast Artillery Corps Fort Winfield Scott alif E Curt'ie, Neil Jr Pitt fi Id Mass With General Electric Co C Dallimore, ArthUr N South Fork Colo Eyota 305 Glen av Portland Ore lii De \Vitz, Frank A C Doeltz, William Fred Jr Civil engineer Dougan, Harry Knox Halvey N D M Estep, Harvey Cole Ionadnoclt bldg Chicago Editor-The Iron Trade Review C Fleming, Doughs R Ba\'ataria, La Land reclamation i\[ Fleming, Franl, It 469 Clinton St Paul E Frahm. Alfred Richard Ro he tel' 111 Frary, H obart Dicki nson 3108 Garfielu a v B Fruen, Arthur Bernard d av no Manager Fruen Cereal 0 C Furber, P ierce Powers 1302 Hartfort Bldg Chicago hicago rep of CAP TUl'Der consulting engr C Gage. Hugh Newton are C ]\f Ry pol,ane Wash l\f Harwood, Stan le y Gordon 263 Aldrich av so III Hetherton, Percival <!Ireat Falls Mont Engineer Boston and Montana Reduction IYks E Hoppin, Glenn H Elm st Spolmne Wa h Engineer E Hovelson, Henry st ~ a C Hustad,.\.ndrew P 3136 hicago av E l{auffman, Ro,' av se E King, Alfred Benjamin 1423 ]\fonro s t ne With Eiectrlc Machinery Co B King, Robert N C Knowltnn, Herbert Hamilton Eng-inpe!' Po. Hic Ry ExtenSion, C Kraucl!, WllUnm Louis 659 Brldge' dent G N Ry C Lang. Fred C ity ngineer C Longfellow, Dwight \Vehste!' Asst engr state highway E McAfee, Alla n Lindsa y E lectrical contrn.ctlng 2639 Bu hanan ne st se Costa Rica Ravine St Paul Chisholm ~ 16 1st nv so commission 2537 Grand Ave C McCall, Harry John av so N PRy Co C McCree, Andrew A 1209 W 12 av Spokane Wash Asst Engr N P Ry B McKeehan, Louis Wil~~aG~een st Cambridge Jl.1ass 11{ Morris, Thomas C Gatun qazl;al Zone Panama Draftsman 1st canal commlsslon C Mowery, Clarence Ward Glendive Mont Asst Engr N P Ry M Norelius, Emil Francis Peoria nl JlIech Engr Holt Caterpillar Co C Noreilus, Lewis Magnus Easton Wash Engineering M Norton, Clyde Wood 204 W 6th st St Paul Automobile dealer C Okes, Day Ira 2100 Pillsbury av Chief engr Kettle RiYer Co C Olsen, liielyin Samuel 2011 Lyndale av no Civll engineer, with J T Fanning E Pancratz, Frank Joseph Perham E Peterson, Clarence A th nw Washington D C Electrical engineer treasury department 1II Peterson, George T Fort liiadison 1a Apprentice instructor Care A T & S F Ry E Prentice, Robert Schaffer 2100 So Dupont With Electric Mchy Co M Priedeman, George Walter 27 Summit St Paul C Quinn, John U S Pub Works Manila P I C Robertson, Charles ::;.< Sleepy Eye Engineering Roe, Harry Burgess 2105 Scudder av St Paul As t Professor of Agr Engr University E Schildt, " ' illiam F H 5 State st Schenectady K Y Te ting engineer C S chlattman. Edward C D Schmid, Robert John Alberta E Schoepf, Alfred "-alter 607 Sinto av Spokane Wash,Vi th the Wash Water Power Co E Scobie, Francis George Duluth E Sperry, Leonard B av Milwaukee Wis Draftsman, Int Harv Co E Sturtevant, Percy G 135 E 8th st Erie Pa Electrical engineer E Svendsen, George Peter 2751 Buchanan av ne With the Electric Mehy Co E Swanstrom, Frank 617 "ashington av 5 6 Electric engineer E Sweningsen, Oliver EI Rodeo Club Long Beach Cal Engineer Pacific Tel & Tel Co C Walker, George William Thief River Falls Drainage engineer 111 "alsh,.james Patent office Washington D C ;II "ebel', Erwin L F Seattle " -ash E Wei bier, Willia m Mathias 1 25 So Ridgeway av Chicago III T elephone engineer C Widell, G ustaf Frederick 841 Cass 5t Chicago "-!th Languist III ley Co contractors Wiilis, Roy 654 E 4th st St Paul C "oarich, 0 car Fredericl, 805 Met Life Bldg anitary engineer, state board of control E Z immerman, Louis Peter Waseca Stock breeder 1909 E Beckjord, Walter Clarence 788 Osceola ay St Paul Constru tion engineer, St Paul Gas Light a 1II Beery. harles Benton 508 N W Bldg Engineer M "Bieri. John Bernhard Deceased 1II Birnberg. Zingel Cecil Judah 1113 E 3rd st Duluth rinnesota teel Co E Brockwa', Alvah E 524 av se Salesman Westinghouse Electric Co!If BliCk, Frederick William 1621 E Superior 5t Duluth R al estate 11[ Buhl. John Edward 321.Jersey 5t Buffalo N Y Child, James Alanson 1995 St Anthony av St Paul St Board of Health C Clarke. Charles P 209 State st E Cobba n, Rollo J 103 Lewlsohn Bldg Butte Mont With the W E & 111 Co E Converse. Clovis Miller 1742 HamUne av St Paul Elec Eng Elect Canst Co B CounCilman, Halsted P Manila P I 1st Lieut rdn::t.nce Dept USA B Curtiss, L Indsl ey Byron 1073 Edmund st St Paul Strtlctu!'al en~ineer N P Ry St Paul E Da les, Ralph Morrls 3011 So 10 av alesman

80 60 THE MI ESOTA ALUMNI WEEKLY C Ellison, Jay T St Paul State highway commissioner C Elsberg, William 1617 Elliott av BUilding inspector of MinneapOlis Park Board C Esser, Frank F Sherlock \Vash With N P Ry Co C Fiske, F William Jr 608 Iglehart St Paul Civil engr-geo J Grant Construction Co E Fitts, Joel Archer st Natl Bk Bldg Chicago III E Fleming, Frank Randall 460 Chnton St Paul :r.r For[ar, Donald M 3137 James av so M E with C L Pillsbury Co C Fruen, Arthur Bernard rd av no Manage r Fruen Cereal Co E Gadsby, Lester Hunter 214 W Willow st Visalia Caur With Mt Whitney Power and Elect Co E Grant, Fred R 217 Victory av Schenectady N Y Engineer Genl E lec Co E Harris, Clayton 702 1st Nat! BI, Bldg Houston Tex Westinghouse Electric Co E Hltzker, Albert J ", Sales engineer, care of Colomal EI c Co 112 State st se Machinery Co R F D No 1 M Holmgren, Charles E With Mpls Steel & E Hopkins, Mark Luman Electrical engineer E Hornibrook, James W C Houston, Cecil C Roadmaster N P Ry Co C Hubbard, Frederick Adams Asst engineer T win City Lines C Hubbard, lienry Ackley 31~3 James av so Laurel Mont Box 35 Excelsior Minneapolis C Ingberg, Simon H 840 E 67 st Chicago 111 Engr Dept C M & St P Ry Co C J aques, Robert Walker U Forestry Survey E Japs, Bernard George Honey Creek I a Genl Mdse Deal I' Taylor & Japs Co E Johnson, Herman R~~~a i.!ull erton av Chicago 111 Salesman C King, Lawrence Watson 2114 Hennepin av Fir insurance M Kircher, Frank Hudson Wis M Kircher, Gorge A M Knopp, William Reuben Hudson Wis 215 E Robie St Paul E Kruschl,e, George A 410, 3rd av no Commercial traveler 3eneral ElectriC Company M Lambert, Edwin M Unlversi,ty School of Mines Asst professor of mathematics B Lindelef, harles Gustav Yellowstone Park Wyo E McKen zie, Lauren27~2D Woodward av D etroit Mich M Mark, W a lter J, Pitt~burg Pa Westinghouse E lectric Co (Horne 76 'Wilkin St Paul) C M Itchell, J~~en or Chi f Eng office G N Bldg St Paul Asst engineer G N Ry Morris, John E 3205 Bloomington av M Moyer, Malcolm Bridgem a n Montevld o Manu[actUl'er E Murrish, Frederic Ed';3~g Downinl;" st Denver Colo C Nelson, Edward Severy 863 Laurel St Paul Civil engine I' M Nemec, Franl, L St Louis Pari, Draftsman, are of Soo Line shops B Norton, lyde W Lisbon N D COkes, Sidney R 216 W Univ av St Paul With Fielding & Shepley, Contractors C P au l, Frederick Thor nton 2710 li nton av Civil engineer E Poore, Orson B Aurora Director of manual training E R obison, Arch R Great Falls, Mont With Great Falls Powcr Co C Sh effi e ld, Fred W Care of Security Bridge Co C ivil engineer Shepard, George Milson City engine'er M Shippam, Willis Lleut In CoaRt Artillery C Siverts, Samuel A Jr Jamestown N D F ort Washington Md Corps USA No Yakima W ash U S R S-Civll e ngineer M Souba, Willia m H enry Hopkins ]\I[ Starrett, Howard Marcellus Fairmont E Stillmnn, Marrus H Washington D Physiclst-Brueau ot Standards B Sw nsen, Karl Phlllmore 70 C Main st Yokohama Japan E Todd, M Eugene Electrical engineer av ne C Torrance, Eliakim, Jr 28 W 6G st Chicago III Engineer niyersal Portland E Turner, Leslie Elliott 'ement Co " Woodward av Detroit Mich M Udell, Carl Deloss 1511 Charles St With Street Ry Co E Vita, 'l'h odore 745 W 17 st Los Angeles Calif Wireman So allf Edison Co E Wa iling, Benjamin Bennett th av se Pres & Mgr Mlnn Co-op Co E Walsh, J ames Northfield E 'Vlll lams, Fr d Mortimer rd av ~ Chicago III Western Electric 0 M Williams, Wilbur tewart av se M chanical engine r M Wright, Harris H Marshaltown C Adams, Benjamin " 'arren th st no E Anderson, Oscar Peter Suite 14 The Notre Dame \Vinnipeg E Anderson, Os ar Vi tor 811 Coal st Wilkinsburg Pa Apprentice \'I' slinghouse Elec )Ifg Co thorne Hudson Wls) C Asleson, Hans 1465 Sherhurn St Paul Minneapolis Steel and MaChinery 0 M Atl<inson, \VUllam B The Soo Canada With the l'aper Company E Beck, Vemon Keokuk 10. are o[ MIssissippi River Power Co C Bolme, Ole ':r.lo.rtin 7623 Hog rs av Chicago III Designer Brldg-e & Bldg Dept C ~[ &,t P Rl' C Boyum, Benjamin 0 Ru~hford C Brown 11, Otto Ellsworth Care ot Y M C A Duluth.Asst itl' ngineel' C Chapman, Berton L U S Army Engineering Corps, nock I.land III 1\1 Comh, Fred Rundle 29 Ash at With David omb & Son Contractors E onley," ilfr d E 1n5 E Gn st levcland Ohio are of Nall Elec Lamp As 0 latlon M Cool" Harry C Red \Ylng C Dahlquist, I hillp Louis \\'IIRon nv Y M "\ hlcogo III " 'Ith Sch rz I' Rolling Lift Dridge o-~lonauno 1< Blk E DahlRtrom, Raymond B M Du Toll. Georg A.Ir Bkman, Claes 'l'heodor U S E Finke, \Ynlt I'.T Ins tructor In E E dept rharlcs City Ia) 2539 Territorial Rd Chaska Go\'ernm nl. The Soo :tv se Unh'ersity (Home M Fleming, Laurence l' st se M echanical d'''pt M & St L R R M FI'ear,.Jenness ] loughton Unlverslt~' Farm St Paul Garen, George :r.r n S Eng Office P 0 Dox 654 St Paul r noc1ward, A 11"1'1'(\ Elhow Lnl{e E*Hagstrom, Herb('rt E died March 1911 E lian~en, Christian 12 Minnehaha Flats St Paul 'With!l l pls G nl E lectric omp:l.11y B HURtnrl, UYI'on P 3029 CoIf:,,: a,' RO E Jesperson, larence M 'Wllkinsburg Po. E I ctrlcal engineer (Home, :\Unnetonka Bt'a h) C Jevne, G ol'gp "\V 2441 Elliott B.JohnRon, Leonard 'r EJIlott N D B Josephson, Eliot Bl'l'nnt ~ed " 'ing M Kaplan, Eugene Victor Gen Delivery "'ilklnsburg Pa Westln/:,house "Rl l'e Co E Landeen, Arvid Gilbert llfi so 12 s t Newark N,r Care of G n "Rlee Lamn,,"'ol'I'R Leach, E,lward William 233 Postoffice B ldg St Paul U S Flng fficl' M Marlin, 'Va Unc H ope Assistant U of M ]If J\rE'lxner, Bel'11nrd Alexandl'r Meypr, enrl To' ity eng-ineer's officc C M tl. h, 1'1 R Leopold a r e of Joseph Motl M J\rOyel', Amos Fmnklln C Nason, GeOl'ge Lis t e r av Be OW:ltonna Duluth Alpha Mlnn Wayznto. 141 Oxford s t ambridge ]l[o.s8 Student In landscape a rchitecture-harvard

81 ALUMNI DIRECTORY 6r EMA-II- I2 E Nelson. Carl Hugo 422 2nd st Flat A Portland Ore 111 Nichols, Browning Jr Fort Edward N Y International.Paper Co (Home Montevideo) Olsen. Arthur Oscar Springfield. 0 C Overholt. Harley George Room 1018 Ci ly Hall Chicago III Bridge designing engineer M Pea 'e. :i\jaynard VV E Phelp. Ray R E Powles. James Wm E Reid. Harry Alexander 3214 Oakland av Cass Lake 770 St Anthony av St Paul 1910 E 55th st Cleveland 0 Salisbury. Willis R 2416 W 24 st C Sawyer. Emer on Daniel 409 E Spruce Sault Ste Marie!\lich Eng Great Lakes Dock & Bridge Co E Skytte. Ernest E Pittsburgh Pa _\pprenti e 'Westinghouse Elec & Mfg Co C Sommerfield. Adolph A 1614 Pioneer Bldg St Paul CI"il engineer Timperley.,Villiam Daniel M 'Westbrook. Donald McDermid Care of Clyde Asst chief engineer 1415 Adams st ne Iron ""orks Duluth 1911 C Ainslie. Arthur Frederick Savage Mont Draftsman N P Ry C Arne en. Herbert P 11 Broad\\'ay New York City care of Turner Const Co E Ashworth, Roy H liiinneapolis General Electric Co l\[ Barnum. Marvin Culver Rockford TIl,Vith Emerson Brantingham Co M BIshop. Ira L Duluth Draftsman care of Clyde Iron works E Blossom. George Vi'llliam Gen Elec Lamp Works Harrison N J C BO(>Tncr. FranCis C are of Turner Const Co 11 Broadway New York City E Burrow"'. Robert Penn 4411 Hough av ne Cleveland Ohio Engineer. Nat! Elec Lamp assn E Butt rworth. Allan Coffman 484 Marshall av St Paul E Chapman. Arthur Garner Gen EI c Lamp Works Harrison J Cottingham.,\Villiam P Box 471 Toppenish Wash Ity ngineer ('roft. Ernest B st se E Demarest, Charles Slidney 15 Dey st New York City Ele trical Engineer Am Tel & Tel Co E Drinkall. Leon R I Holopl1ane Glass Co Newark Ohio C Elfstrum. A E 330 E 6 st Missoula lont E Emerson, Lynn A EJec arriage Battery Co C Enger, Edward Henry 31~~ Cedar av M Farnum. Pell<ins 1927 Hennepin av C Fieldman. Favid Pinkus av W Duluth E For berg. Peter William 4031 oltax a,- no E Fre,lrickson. HatTY B Care of Great Northern Pow r Co Duluth Electrical ngineer E Hansen. Mauri ;;'> J::l1nes C Hodnett, Ralph Meyerhoff C Hoffman. Michael J Eng Dept N P Ry Co Hoffman Ralph Mueller E James. Henry Clay Hopkins 19~5 Grand av t Paul 1008 Lawson st St Paul 3~0 San Fernando bldg L s Angeles Calif Distribution ngineer LAO H District -So alif Edison ~ompany Johnson. arl A t'thur 816 ~8 av so Po Johnson. Jol1n E E Jonl's.,VaU,ins W are of Utah Mining M Kas!per, ""aiter F Klopsteg. Paul E 13~1 J fierson st ne Hiawatha Vtah Co 625 S Elm st Owatonna Fairmont K\ ltrud. lng;\'ald 408 E Spruce PI Sault Ste Marie 1I11ch Insp ctor V S Engincers M Larson. Martin S Drnflsmnn 108 <1 st se E Lyford. Dartt Henilri~kMn 419 Whitney st Willctnsburg Pa Apprentice West Elect E Mc OY. Ira larlc R L Lunt & Co E McQuillin. Raymond E ugene ~nd Lt A 3d Calw\.lry F t Leavenworth Kan C Mnney, Georg Ifred av so C 1I1a1'k. Reuben Andrew Care of Mr Nelson, contractor, Mankato E Markuson. Oscar S 2515 so Willard av Chicago "Vlth the Western Electric Co C Mattison. George Carl Washington D C With the V S Coast & Geodetic urvey C Meth'-en, Clyde Canadian Northern Ry Port Arthur Ont C Miller. Ervin J st se E Mittag, Albert H 448 McClellan st Schenectady. N Y General Electric Co E :\lorse. George H Lincoln. Nebr E NelJel. Walter Harry Westinghouse Elec & Mig Co Pittsburg E O'Brien, Raymond. J Westinghouse Elec & 1I1fg Co Pittsburg 111 Olstad. Oscar Arthur st so J\.I Oram. Robert C 8~5 Plymouth bldg Healing and ventilating-morgan Gerrish Co C Orbeck. Martin J Grafton Dl U S SUrYeyor V S Fleet ::II Owens. Leo E 2425 so Lyndale With Mpls Tribune, E Pengilly, Joseph Hill 616 Bixel st Los Angeles Calif Line tester So Calif Edison Co E Riegel. Louis F Rochester C Roth. Le\vis Mitchell Care of N P Ry St Paul Shepard. Donald Draper Hiawatha Utah C Siverson. Sigvel John 3449 Longfellow av so- C SmIth, S ydney H ' Box 1~2 Mitchell S D City engineer lif Sneve, Jack Stickney 142 Miss River Bl\'d St Paul E Soulek. Joseph Henry 745 w 17 st Los Angeles Calif W-ireman So Calif Edison Co E Stinson. Will V Pittsburgh care of "estinghouse Elec & Mfg Co Pittsburgh C Swedberg. lif Rov r23 13 av se C Walby. Arthur Carl "innipeg Care of Canadian Ci ty & Town Prop E Wall,er. "illiam A Westinghouse Co Pittsburg Pa E Wilson. Glenn Wm Westinghouse Elec & Mfg Co Pittsburgh 111 Woodman. Joseph Cu_hman Duluth Asst Engineer Clyde Iron ""orks 1912 C Adams. John Walker Jr Real estate E Anderson _ J Arthur R Anderson..tlarvey B Avis, Samuel Lee Bailey.,Villiam Henr)' 200 Plymouth Bldg 101 Willmar Hopkins 4th st se E 14th st Student in engineering Benham, Claude Francis Bald Eagle Lake E Bill, Earl McMaster 35 Rebecca av Wilkinsburg Pa 'tudent apprentice W E & J\.I Co Bingen. William Joseph Andoyer S D Civil ngineer M Boyce. Leonard Frank Sioux Falls S D With Sioux Falls Construction Co (Home 111~ 4 _t sel Brewster, ""illiam Edwards 717 Kenwood Parlm-ay Electrical engineer M Brown, \'i'lliiam Penn 19 Minna st San Franci~co Cali! Engineering Metal ""eld Co Chapin. Harold 631 Ashland av St Paul la1 1 'William Gibson Stillwater Crane. Eu~ene Chadwick 4217 Sheridan av so Student Crawford. Allen eymour 100 Beacon st se Sal sman (Home 6~1 W Zumbro st Rochester) Cunl111ings, Elmer F Beav"'!' Creek urtl-. Thomas Henry Fairmont Daum. H Arno Albert Lea Engine ring salesman Dimond. GroYer Willard av se Draughtsman Dinsmore. Arthur Thurston 514 West 33nd st Donald on, Franl, Arthur 9SS Cromwell av t Paul E Dorra nce. Albert Pellet 433 Harrison av St Paul Everard Ont Canada Flygare, August Leroy Gien n. Marcus Nicollet nv Estimator-Stone and marble Haberle, Edward Louis 2425 L~'ndale av no Railroad Engineer H dens(t'om, Ernest A.,xel Herrmann. Raymond Hillman. Charles Kirlt Hirl man, InrI, W Hoorn. Freded I, "'Tilh 1m Ho field. Raleigh William 694 Edmund st t Paul Henderson 396 Dewey av t P aul 6:.!4 15th av s 1 03 w 6th st Red Wing

82 62 THE MINNESOTA ALUMNf W1<:F.KLY Hovden, Conrad D M Johnson, Frank J ohnson, Paul Arthur Contractol' Jorgens, Charles Rober Darwin l<:apphahn, Raymond John Asst. Eng state highway Girard av) King, Forest Volney Graduate student-(home Knapp, L ester H oward Teaching Kriz, Joseph J Civil Engineering.l.1 Marko, J ames Cox Prince Mathes, Robert Carl 1Uerrie!l, F:lmer William Draftsman '1' CRT Co Mikesh, Martin Augustine Morton, Harold Sylvanus Nelson, George Arthur Pagenhart, larence C Pard e, Charles Albert Pease, Raymond Albert Peterson, Barney Julius P erley In ternational Falls th s>t se Cool{ County com, (Home st se Redwood Falls) BIg Lake Hopkins 1940 Marshall av St Paul th st se 914 w 26th st 3851 Lyndale av no Anoka Rochester 72 Lyndale av no 3214 Oakland av Ah'al'ado E Purves, Lel a nd Ernest (Home Eyota) Ringstrom, Ivan G 'orge Ruemmel<" Albert Emil Ryan, Lolel S Graduate s tudent South, Willard A Engineer Souther, Morton Edwin Gradual ~tutle n t E Streich, Harry C Swenson, Hjalmer Seymour Sw ngon, Theodore Miner 1\1 Thompson, Herbert Leslie care of Dean team Pump Torgerson, Irving Eugene Towle, Neal Crandall Student In ngineerlng,yangaard Oscar Henry Warren, George R (Ex) Welin, Arthur Gustar C 'Vest, Robert WllIi3m Civil en~ineer- M & Wolff, Henry Ernest E Young, Charles Nelson Genl El o-student Pittsburg Pa Wheaton Hudson Wis Little Falls th av se UU 4st se Winona. Willmar Co Holyoke, Mass Lanesboro th st se 3145 Elliott av so Rugby N D Argyle ~[ ", St P Ry 914 Beech st St Paul Schenectady N Y ngineer The College of Agriculture F-Forestry, H-Home-Economics Barrett, W illiam Johnson Cir culator 1882 Billings 1I10nt!\Iajor, Ern st 'Villiam ~~42 College av Professor of animal husbandry U SOl'kness, Henry Oscar Fruit grower Dprl<eley of.. II~met all! au! "Trussell, Thomas Ezekiel Donohue, J eremiah I gn ati us 1894 Hoverstad, Torger A Farm expert-soo Railroad Sandsten, Emil P Thompson, John Editor a nd farmer "Pendergast, Warren Wendell 1897 died Mar St Cloud 1I1i nneapolis Stevensville 1I10nt Sioux City Ia died Aug 26 ISn Smith, William Gorge Washington D C Dept of Agr Div of soils Soil expert Stene, Andrew Edward Kingston R I Supt of Extension work R I College a ntl ::;tate e ntomologis t 1898 Shaw, William Thomas 600 Linden av Pull man "'ash Professor zoology S ta t e College of Washington 1899 Cha.pman, H erman Haupt 360 Prospect st New H aven onn Instructor Yale school of forestry H ummel, John Adolph 2143 Commonweallh St Paul Insura nce 1900 Clark, Robert Wallace Professo,' animal husbandry.\gr Houlton, Sam Randolph Bozeman )!ont ollege' Elk HiY"r Sto k farmer Palmer, 'William Charles Agricul turnl College N D Agl' dito,' Sc field, Carl Schurz Lanham )111.\grlculturist U S Dept of Agr Wheel I', William AI' hie Mitchell S n Dealer in farm and garden seeds Wllson, James Alexander ::;tillwater Okla Director Agricultural Exp Sta 1901 Aune, Bey r Newell S D Farmer Bull, Coates P 2137 Commonwealth St Anthon' Park Assistant professor of agricultur Glover, Arthur J omes Ft Atkinson,\,Is Associate edi t r Hoard's Dairyman Washburn, Robert Mann University Farm St Paul Professor 1902 Buell, Max Whitney East Falls Chur h Ya Fal'mer-Buildel' Mackintosh, Rogel' Sherman a ledon!a Dlreotor of Agricultura l high school 1903 E rickson, 1\'[al'tin L Flandl'eau S D Guthrie, Fl'anci~ Burr~1I Estacada 01'" T ~ac h e l ' of Agrl ullure Riley, Edward H enry Batesville Md Animal husbandmnn-b A I Exp Station 1904 Gaumnltz, Daniel Asher S t Anthony Park liug Anti-hog cholera serum

83 ALUMNI DIRECTORY Ag--03-II Hoagland, Ralph University Farm St Anthony Park PI'ofessor of Agr Chem Soils McGuire, Arthur J ames Grand Rapids upt 1I1Inn North Central Experiment station H Matthews, _Iary Lockwood Cambridge City Ind 1905 Boerner, Emil GUS Dept of Agr 'Vashington D C Grain standardization investigations F Cuznel', Harold Lamao Bataan P I Forester In government service Jehle, RObert Andrew Kansas State Agr College Manhattan Kan Plant pathologist Parker, Edward C 1272 County Rd St Paul Wilson, Archie Dell 1466 Raymond av t Paul Supt of Agr extension H Yan Slyke, Letitia A 603 College av Northfield Asst in Dairy office Unlv farm 1906 F Cox, William T State Capitol st Paul Stale forester F DetWiler, Samuel B Red Wing Asst In forestry Gaumnltz. Amos John Davis Calif Asst In Agronomy Leager. Marc arl 511 Ridgewood av Bookkeeper Muir, Harry Scott 'Vinnehago Farm r Peck "'l11iam Argalus :Minot N D 'District sullelvisor Better Farming Assn Peterson, W illiam Arnold Bard Cali! Superint nd nt U Govt Exp Farm F ROCkwell, Frank Irvin liii soula )Iont Forester S Forestry service Southworth. Pierre D Picacho N III Mining operator H Thompson, A Adel (Mrs W A Peck) Dept of Agr Washington D C Tierney. Dilinn Pat nell 699 Lincoln St Paul In tl'u ' tor U oc i\1 Forest school 1907 A lien, Phili[l T Blair, Donald S Cady, Le Roy Asst hortl ulturlst Gaumnilz, Carl Heringa. Edward il McDonald. l\iay Domestic science teacher "'olverton Care Garton Seed Cn hic:lgo 111 St Anthony Park Experiment talion Butler Ft Collins Colo 5049 No Lyndale av liiowry, Herbert Hager Lanham liid Care Agr d pt U A Pfaender. l\[ax )litchell Neb With U Dept Agr Rose J ohn 0 San Antonio de Los Bauos Cuba Tomhave William Henry Pennsrlvania State '01 Pa Pro'fessol' of animal husbandn' 1908 Ainslee. George Goodling U SEnt Lab r ashville Tenn GO\'el'nment Entomologi t F Cann,,:l.l'ro. Georges de S 1446 leveland t Paul Coopel' Thomas P oe Fargo N D R'ecl etan c director Better Fa:'mlng Assn of N D H Erwin. 1\fU); ljn}\t1own H Hobart, Inez Martha 1720 '" Lake st " ' hite. H:l.ll B UniYersity Farm St _\nthony Park Instructor White, William 1909 Amy, Alhert edrlc ~099 Dudley :w St Anthony Park ssistant in Agr exl?el'iment sta Bal<el. Geol'ge J <\ ob 1455 I veland av ~ t Paul Gl'<\d ll at~ student & sst Agr xpel'iment s talion Hom Alma enter WIs) B rgstl'om, Clwslcl' P Abet'crombie N D arroh. Harry B Jl'. Real s tate 601 Sampson St Ellensburg Wash Donova n, Raymond L eslie Austin Farming Frear, Dana Walter Agr College Fort Collins Colo Associate professor of Agronomy H French, Anna liiay Greer S C in Dom Econ Victor Mfg Co Y W C A Gore, John Edwin San Dumas Calif Teaching agriculture H Hartzell, Mary K )femord Ore Dietitian-3 Oaks Ranch Hohle, Ola Arnold 1336 Raymond av St Paul Commission business-hay and glains Hillman, Frank Minor Lyle Wash Clearing and developing fruit lands H Knowlton, Edith Viola (Mrs A H Porter) McNeJ1y, Chester LeRpy of agriculture H Marsden, Viola Edith School of Agriculture Mayland, A Edwin Agriculturist New Prague liiclntosh Crookston Valley City X D Miller, Ralph C Washington D C Bureau of Plant Industry F :\1oore, Walter i\1orrison "Santa Barbara Calif Forest service F Orr, George Raymond Plumas Nat! Forest Quincy Calif Forest Service U S (Home 713 Franklin st Michigan City Ind) Paterson, Thomas G Department of Animal Peterson, Elvin LeRoy St Anthony Park Husbandry Pullman Wash experiment station Asst in horticulture at (Home Olivia) Pond, Harold Hollister Box 97 Route 1 MinneapoliS Farmer Potter, Alden A Dept of Agr Washington D C Plant Pathology Ware, John Fleming 2409 University av t Paul,\'est, Ralph Leland hields ~ D Farming 1910 H Arrivee, Agnes E 946 Clark st St Paul F Baker, Norman III lilarshfield Ore F Benson, Arnold Orlando liiissoula )lont Forester Benzin, Basil lv[ Babul'in Str 6 St Peter_burg Russia F Berry, J Bert State College Po. Billings, Carlos R Jr,-\udubon Farmer Bil sborrow, James 0 Lisbon N D Farm manager F Brewster. Donald Ross Priest RiYer Idaho Forester-Priest River E;"periment ta H Christopherson, Edna H Ely Dyorachek, Henry E are Holland Dain- Co Colorado pring Colo Forsman. John A' Stephen (Home Duluth) H Gaumnitz. Florence 305 E 3d st Duluth Gilbert on, Henry ",,'alter Ithaca N Y Grad student at ornell (Home Hills H Hixon, Agnes Blances SOS 4th st se F Jacobson. Norma!! G Lakeview Ore Fore tl'y SerY1Ce (Home Dawson) H ~olm on. Nelle Oklahoma City Oklo. F Krauch. Herm.an Silver City N 1\I Forest assistant - H Laat. Gurid 1485 Cle. land" t Paul H LaDue, liiabel Hibbing F Lewis. Charles L Jr 642 Portlalld ~t Pa ttl IdeI', Franl, E conomowoc ""is H Pil<e. TOITe\' H Ontario Calif TacheI" H Rn~'e. Bess M F Undern ood. Clarence H Whittle, Sayde H '\TildeI', Su a n Z av se Hutchin on 3117 Emerson a 3~07 Queen av No F Arrivee. David A 946 Clark st t Paul H Aust. lara L av se F Beard, Franl, W!lson arc Forest Branch Victoria B C Canada Forester

84 THE MINNESOTA ALUMNI WEEKLY F Bowen, C la rence W inthrop Jr 524 Orange Grove av So Pasadena Calif Landscape architect F Blownl~e, J ames Roy State Capitol St raul l\1mnesota Forestry Service F Campbell, Hugh Bryan lillwater H Chase, Ethel Evans Box 137 Amherst )(O\'U S~utia Secretary community work for gu'l>; otniea, Francis Alexander I andall, Leoy Vernon 1815 Belmont Fibre investigations-u S F Eisenach, 'Valter L Fore-stry service "'inthrop Rd Washington D C Dept or Agrricultul(;.A.itkin F Gillis, J ames Rozel Sandpoint Iuaho Forcst assislant U S Forest Service H Glotfelter, Madge Leona 'Winnebago of domestic science (llome 105 D Mord se) F Hamilton, Carl L ewis Dubuque Iowa F Hauge, Auolph G Albert Lell F Hofmann, Julius Valentine Janesville H Howard, Leola Marie St Jum~s (Home 1281 Raymond av St Paul) F Kenety,,Yilliam Henry Fulda F Martin, Dean 'Y Care Forest Service Washington D \.! 1< ores tel' 'Matthews, Charles Alfred Ortonville Not sen, Knute A Fosston F Oppel. Arlhur Frederick 20Sn Cat t r av Sl Paul Forester Poe, TIichard M 2176 Commonwealth a\', t Paul H Raymonu, Charlotte Armene 'pearfi5h ~ D In charge of Horne Economic" dept-slale nlll'mal H Regan, Mabel Edna 4113 "'hitall st., ~t Paul H Rice, Maude Bessie 2095 Commonwealth av St Paul Department of Domestic AI t-college of Agi ie Sargent, Forrest Herbert Crookston Instructor H Schrepel, Minnie Anna Box 334 Le Suellr H Strong, Florence Sophia Dee,' Hiv"r Thompson, ~1ark Joseph Federal bldg Manistee fillch U S Department of Agriculture Tolaas, Arne G S 14 E J 'ssaminp st, t Paul F U nderwood, William Hut('hin~oll Uptagrafft. Leroy 'Vest Concord Vancura, Edward 'V JlIclnto~h Instructor in Agriculture F Webel', 'Henry Goessler 2633 Emer"on av Rn White, Frank 'YIlliam 'Vimbledon N D With the Bptter Farming Association F Williams, Donald T 2721 W 41 st Forester F Young, J Paul H Adams, E mma Ti lton 'reaching (Home Owatonna) R F D No 3 Eugen Ore FaiIfax H Best, Emir 1450 Cleveland av St Paul In Domestic Art dept F Beyer,,,'alter Fredenc 632 Dayton tlv St Paul Insurance!.Juslness F Blodgett, Harvey l'resbury ~are Panhandle Lbr Co phi l Lnke!<laho (Home 330 '" 3d st t Paul) II BruokR, Elizabeth Florence 1~12 Raymond St Paul F Clym 1', '\\'illiam Ilaymond 7lS ~t.\.nlltuny St Paul ~ale~nlan H Collier, An, I Glencoe F Conzet, Grovel' 111 Nevis H COl'nish, MerL'edes Ruth Young Am"riu (Home V ' I non Center) H Drew, Jean 'o~ette st av So Hagerman, 'Villiam Farnsworth :Uorris F Harris, S Grant Jr 202 Yine st Fergus Falls Field Asst Div of Entomology F Hodgman, Arthur Wesley Portland 1''' I, orest.\sst-u S Forestry Service II Hopkins, Rachel R F D No 1 Husby, JOhn.Iclr,tosh J e, ne. S, Oscar Bernard "'Inthrop Instructor in Agriculture H S Johnson, F Roy H Lalson, Elvila, Constance 01 dom stlc science H JlIclntosh, :\larguerite F 2054 ~Iarshall av t Paul H 1\10I'tOIl".\ gnps H Mueller, Martha Johanna Teachpl' Home Ecunumlcs av Rt Paul) F Norman, ~igvald Ca"... lton N n Le Om,nd Calt! Elmwood III ~t ('lnuil (Home 97n Uuuson (JrtOU\'ille II Obler, Catherine Anna Olson, Andrew JuliUS 643,,"ashino::t,,n st ne Stewart\'ille InRtl'uc~OI' in Agriculture F Orr, John Eliot 713 Franldln Michigan ity Ind F Pearcp, "'illinm Rowe ",y~!'ton Lumh I' busin.,;;,; Peck, Futnk,y 2089 Carter av ::it Paul F Pf'ltibnne, Heman '-f'i~on f.300 "'llyn.. av Chiea!:'o F ~pellcrljelg, Frcderiek Ern st 3S3 '" 11 st Dultu<lul' 1 F Stevenson, John Alltert 270G Dlaisuell av Ho Graduate student- \sst in botany Sturge~, Paul Eugene Lltchfielrl Agriculturist H Thompson, Katherine Genevieve av ~e Werner, Hcmy S SO 11 nv Rf' H 'Yillinms, TIuth Jewett R F D No 1 ::it LouiR Park F Wilson, Robert!!11 HaJ'yaru at sc Gmuuate stuuent thorne Stillwater) School of Mines 1894 Ch rist Ia nson P eter 217 Union at se Asst p;'oressor of assaying, University Cutler, H enry C leveland 2!J Colonial Reno Nev Mining engineer 1895 Wilkinson, Charles Dean Box 1426 Goldfield Nevada Mining engineer Cutler, H enry Cl e ve la n d, see Hughes, Thomas Moffatt C,' American club Guadalajara J a lisco Mex Consulting nglne 1', May, A lbert Edward Manager Guadalupe Mine Illde Dgo Mexico Tanner, WalJac Norlh 224 Dooley b ldg Salt Lake City U tah A rmstrong and Tanner 1897 Decker, Georg-e av so Mills, lnre'l1ce Eugf'ne,,'mows ARst engineer Hacramento Valley Irrigation '0 Wa les, Rowland Thompson '''est av Sewaren N J 520 Supt Ilver & Gold dept U S Metals Refin Co 1898 BrackE'l1bul'Y, CYt,';:', 67 Rulawnyo RhodesIa So Africa ~Ianagcr Con African Copper Trust 0 Christia nson, P eter ~08 Beacon st se Plof RSOr metallurgy-u of M Mclntosh,,Ioseph Batley Jerome Arizona "ons'l engineer May, Alltert Edward, s e lsng 130 1st av N P ratt, Georg e AI bert Re y-tl'c'as Pralt's Expr ss Co Wall,er, linton 650 Highland av Piedmont Oakland CaJit Timber

85 ALUMNI DIRE CTORY Min Bass, 'William Carroll 11 S Kingsley drive Los Angeles Calif Mining engineer W arren, F rank Mert o n 3427 So Humboldt li11nlng engineer 1900 Campbell. Wllllam Lloyd Connell Wash 8ecy-treas 'ampljell Mercantile Co Chandler, E ugene Derwood Ray Ariz Egleston. liver J Kennett Calif Hunt. \\"allf>r Edward 402 Lincoln st Hibbing Mining engi"eer McCarty, Edward P rosper 402 Lincoln st or 428 S 8 st Profe!'sor of mining Sumner, Rutherford B 'West JOldan Utah Construction engineer Teague, Harold ~' Greenwater Calif Toll, Rensselaer Hyde 206 Boston Bldg Denver Colo onsultlng engineer 1901 Burge"", Thomas Oakes Barkerville B C Bllsinoess manager Thistle Gold Cu Clapp, '" Huward Thruop Institute Pasadena Calif Assistallt professor of l\lech Engr Gholz, Arthur Lawrence HU4 't Charles st Birmingham Ala Morris, Charles R iggs (Ex) Yirginlu City ' e,'ada ~Iinin~ engine r Sander~on. Henry ~mith ~34 Foster Dldg Denver Colo :; DePuty mineral surveyor Colorado and. Yeva(l:l ~mith, Elmo Vincent Dooley bldg Salt Lake City Utah Contra t ing agent Am Bridge Co Smith, Hoval A Box 11 3 Bisbee,\rizona!I[inlng engineer Taresh. J ohn R' F D No 2 Sacramento Calif 'h II engineer " Hoyt. Charles Can1('ron Morris, Charles Statham died Nov ~ E 1st 5t Duluth Cohen, Samuel W il liam Cobalt Ont Can General l\igr Crown Reserve Mfg Co Field. Ed,,,u-d hlorse 227 Am Nat! Bk bldg St Paul Supply business Flynn. John n 628 Morrison St Portland regon Hoard, Harold Joseph 8hakopee onstruction engineer Holden. Henry Hall Globe Ariz C nstructlon engineer "Johnson. nalph I died August 1908 Lamberton, H e r bert S (Ex) 3319 niv av e,,'holesllie floor overing Rait, D nald "IcKinnon Box 744,Varren.\ riz lilinlng nglneer S mith. F ra n k lin Wheat on Box 937 Bisbee,\riz Mining engineer Sowle. Lawrence Kimble 2306 Colfax Cum pas Snorn Jl[ex Truesdell, WllIiam Howard unlmow;' "'hlle l ~y, Eugene Edgerton Box 699 Bisbee Ariz hler Engr & A Min Co "'lnt11 r,.\rno Cerro ue Pasco Peru So ArneI' l\lining engineer Goyllarsquizga Coal Mines 1904 Bass, Samuel Thayer Deceased Bowman. Frank Alh rlon Box 81 Gilbert Mining Engineer Oliver Iron Mining 0 Brosius, Harold I Stlllwater Devereux, Fra ncis C Guadalupe i\iin I n de Dgo M x H ale, W illia m H a mmond,machinery ljusiness Houlton. Lewis K Kingston, Merton Stephen Instructor in mining Kuehn, Amor Frederick McCart~', Andrew L Mining engineer Me r r itt, Lu cien Mining Shonts, Sidney La tham Engin"er Pittsburg Lead "Squyer, Dewey Charles 633 i\iet Life Bldg Elk River st se London "'all London E C Prescott Ariz 10~ Providence bldg Duluth 1905 "'IVallace Idaho Mfg Co died September 1904 Angst, Harry Hugo Hibbing i\lining ngmeer Boyd, nobert Hus ell Globe Ariz i\lining engineer Cadwell. 'Vllfreu Chauncey Box 1143 Anaconda )10nt " 'ith A C :'1 Co Calhoun. Allan Banatyne Sheep Creek B C Car.. of i\iotherlode Sheep Creek i\iining Co Curry, Dun an E H Box 713 Bi bee Ariz "'ith Calume t & Arizona liiining Co Field, Thor'olu Farrar Care of C A Cungdon Duluth :\Iining engineer Gu lick, Hervey J _-\ntofagasta Chili SAmeI' i\1ining engineer Keller. Orrin E )1 4'j~4 So Emel'son Loy e, Henry Edward E,-eleth )lining engineer Lytzen, "'alter "'i\liam Butte Mont With n.\.: n Consolidated "-fin Co McKay, Henry inclair Cananea i\fexico "'ith La Democrata ::Uine :\Ierriam, nobert,-tanley Wallace Idaho :\lining engineer )linder, Emil George Bisbee Ariz Schrader, E rik Julius Pine Gro\'e,ia Yenngton 'ev Genl )1gr Pittsburg Dolores )Iin Co Z ies mer, Ralph A Box 394 Bisbee Ariz )Iinlng engineer 1906 Brandt. John Goldfield Xe\'aua Foreman Xe\,ada Goldfield Reduct Co Clement. Lester L 2412 Lyndale av S i\jining engineer Harrington, GU)' P Civil enl!;ineering di\'i,ion-general Land Office ',ashington D C H owes, F rank Twombly Kurtzman, Paul tani\iine Supt i\ioenke, 'William F!lfor~an, CharlE" Ricke}' ::\'eustadt, B rthold Robert )Iarmarth X D Box G Mckinley ::licklnley Tu~caloosa Co _\la Smuggler Colo \Yith TOl1Jbov Gold Mines Co O'Connor. Edward' i\yester l\iayville "'is upt of mine--t N W I Co Rawson, Horace Cole 937 Ogden st Dem-er 010 Rose. "'illiam.\ Hibbing "Tlth Ji\'er, Iron Mining Co Walla('e, r:eorge " ' atson Jr 04 4th ay Detroit l\iich Engineer DetrOit River Tunnel "'heeler, "'aller Hall 822 Palace Bldg Engineerin",contractor and Inyestments Bassett. Rob rt H Cowin, James Representative J Tlllan, Silas L e 1907 Hibbing Canada Bldg "'innipeg )fan.\. P Turner 0 Che~'enne W yoming U S fore tr~' n-ice 922 Plymouth B ldg Examiner Mining claims Jackson, harles Fr.een1an i\1ining engln'er l\[ccreery,.\ rthur Sturgis 80 E 18 6Y Denver Colo l\icrae, I:andolph J " 'ith olumbla River Lumber Toronto 0 a nada l\ialcolmson. George E Noehl. Bartle" F died KoYember San Fernando B ldg L os A naeles Call! " 'ith the W 0 Engr Co

86 66 THE MINNESOTA ALUM~I WEEKLY Oberg, Anton Curtiss Box 508 Hibbing Asst chief milling engineer, Arthur Iron li1ining o Olund, Henning E 626 San Fernando Bldg Los Angeles Calif With \V 0 N Engr Co Parker, \Valter Huntington Bear Creek Mont Probst, Elmer A Drawer S Talmer lilass 'With G T Ry Roed, Olaf A av so Smith, Edgar Wilson Goldfield via Mesa Ariz U S mlne.'al surveyor-lilammoth mine Steele, Charles Whyte 606 Selling Bldg Portland Ore Care or Steel Products Co Swensen, Karl Philimore 6 Takiyama-cho, Kyobashi-ka Tokyo Japan Engineer Wiest, Michael A Box 1772 Goldfield Nev Mining Ziesmer, Harry 111 Bisbee Ariz Mining engineer 1908 Barclay, Durant Cloquel Boyle, Patrick James Gilbert Mining engineer C ullyford, James Alexande~29 Detroit st D nver 010 Dahl, Christen Fre5d6~~IC~ldamia av Los Angeles Calif Deichen, William Albert Box 27 Hibbing State mining engineer Edwards, Frank Raymond Marion Ky Goodwin, \\llilam Robert Red Deer Alberta Can With Brascan Collieries Co Grimes, John Alden Butte Mont Mining engineer Hoass, Ole st Portland Ore Kennedy, John Joseph Ducktown Tenn \Vilh Tenn Copper Co Knickerbocker, Arthur Hibbing Locke, Alfred Monroe 2509 Plea ant av Rancher, Olmstead, John Stanley P eterson, Andrew Y Supt lilyers ]\fine Peterson, Joseph S Box 64 \Varr n Ariz hlsholm Guayaquil Ecuador S A are of SAD velopment Co Strong, John Lawr n ee 608 Wolvln Bldg Duluth Mining engineer 1909 Cole, Wlllard Allen rowley, Jay Gavin, Lawrence T Grant. Roy C Hognason, Guy Byron IIv r Mining 0 Hoyt, Samu I Leslie Studying in Germany Rood, Lynn Sanlo, Julius H Mining engineer T aylor,!ial'old G With Ry Ste Spring Co Williams, Home.' A Brainerd Stillwater Evelelh Hollis.\laska Hibbing 4290 S Qu en av Duluth Placerville, ~alif Chi ago II Ights III 860 Home st Winnipeg 1I1an 1910.Bills, Eugene L died November 18th 1910 Bis hoff, Uarry R obalt Ont an Min sulveyor- rown Reserve mine onk y, harles Rolland Eveleth Dev reux, T_awrence :'tv se Tow I' Duncan, Kenn lh J Mine Supt Farnam, Hpnry Earl 108 S llers st Hibbing Mining engine r Frllzberg, Ernest A Care Elba Clu\), Meldnl Y Gllllna n, G~orge M. 709 Delaware 5e Goodrich, Norjman P l Grco'dvd~rd 3~6alraC~rPId~I~~ Harmon B n am n Healh, (-lar nce Lynr:r Giroux Lake nl Canada (Home, JaneSVIlle) Hide!. umn r Care of U S G S Helena Mont Mining e ngineer Herring. William Edward Giroux Lake Ont (Hom e, B lue Earth) Holler, Frederick W E 531 Laurel av St Paul Jacobsen, liarry Fergus Falls Johnson, Algot l~"rdlnand Rochesl"r MlIln Superintendent of construction-butl I' Bros "onst ' Jones, rhilo Ernest Red Wing La.'son, larence L Bisbee Ari«Leona.rd, Forest Morton 207 W Park st Bulle Iont McKenzie, James Roderick Denham Svrlngs La With J 111 Kenzie Lbr Co ]\foody, Revtllo George 504 E 24 st Flat E Draughtsman ' ewell, John Howe Shakopee strand, Peter M Atwater Stewart, George Gordon 50( E 26 st :strane, Archibald Jackson 563 Sibley st St Paul Swanson, Axel H Mon licello 1911 Abbott, Theodore Schwan Miami A Iz Mining engineer (Home 425 Dayton ay t Pau\) Anderson, Joseph H rd av no Anderson, \Vallel' ari Hopkins Bailey, Paul Thorndyke 84 Willow st Daker, Emory P Phillips 1Iliss BeCk, h a rl s S Lewiston II1bblng- Borgeson, An helm Cyrus Burgess, Robe. t J A st state mining engln er Dral,e, Geo"g 1Il0rgan Eldoff, Victor Emanu~1 Elliot, J ay R Fixen, VictOr Leroy Hill, A Stanley Magpie Alaska Cokat~ Giroux Lak Ont nd av Mine Ontario an :Supt of Bartlett exploration,,'ork Hurley, John.T Pin City Kingsley, N 11 tetson 1009 UniverSity av s Jahn, " ' Illiam Fr derlcl< "'Inona LIndholm, liliiton elgfred Ortonville Mc ullough, Ervin,V 90 Malcom av sa Instructor In School of Mines Rahilly, Harold,Jo~('ph Box 751 Dougln~ Ariz: Swartz, Samuel Glib rl D cea~eil May 1911 T tlie, John RI hard at s,vall{er, Edwin Harold 4102 'lcollet "'alters, Charles \V 1813 Unlversltv av s,vehl', Arthur,John "'http B('ar V\'httson, Lloyd Hobert F rgus Fall 1912 are of ia 1I1ctalurgica Mexicana Apartardo 132 i::lan Luis Potosi S L P Mexico Crou 'e, hal'l~s t vens Box 27 Hibbing- Bjorge, Guy Norman Elba Club Gilbert lilinlng engineer Co\'entry, Edw,"'(\ Dean 1432 East 1st st Dulutb 1I1ining nglneer Dick Con, Hobert Hen. y Bisbee A,'lzona Mlning- alumet & Arizona ompnny Hagstrom. Leonard Jullus 1514 N Bmerson av Harrington, Georg~ L avilt G26 11 av se Geologist-student Hewitt, Ezra Alpha 313 Lincoln st Hibbing MInlnl'!" engin er Knox, La Fayette Vancouver B C With Norton, Griffllh construction Co Kremer, 'Edward G Hihblng- Mining engineer L ea,.tohn Box 64 Goldroad Arizona Millman LewlR, John 'Vhltney 1721 niverslty av se l\i Adam~, llownrd Russell th st sa Dl'lIughtsman Tollz Englnc~rIng 0 Marlin, Lynn Ulme.' 619 E Pari, st Butte III nt Mining- ngln~el' O'Brien. John CharI s 255 "r G~orge st St Paul lson, "'alte., Snmuel 306 "'ii1iam 5t Rt Paul Perry,.Tospph Bowman Pine Grove via Yerington N v With Pittsburg-Dolores Mining 0 Proutv. Roswell,Voodworth. Box ~90 Ely 'Mlnlng ngln r Quinn, Mnx F B 819 Sharp av Rpokane Wash Slevpns, Hownrd Elmore 117 W Linden st Stll1water Taylor, William L Brainerd Eno:-Inee.'-Care oc E J Longyear Co VI lor, Albin F T nylor's Fans Wallinder', Arthur West Duluth '''AlI''r. 'RolliI' B"adncr D lano Woodis, Clar!{ Nicoll Buena Vista Colo 1Illning engineer

87 School of Chemistry 1897 Chapin, Lewis Paul 27 Central av Braintree Mass Principal of high school H amilt on, H erbert C 80 "-ebb av Detroit Mich Chemist Linton, J a m es H 502 Lyon Bldg Seattle Wash Chemist Weber. Frederick Walter 461 Dewey St Paul Deputy collector U S Customs Minneapolis 1902 Benner. Raymond Calvin Pittsburg Pa Chemist-U of P Lando. :1.1ax Nandor Care Lindsay Light Co Chicago hernist Rice. Edgar 'Whitman 89 Elliott av Yonkers r Y Investigating chemist 1903 Bakke. liver M 209'k Lane st Dallas Texas Analytlcal chemist with L C Moore 1904 Grout, F rank F it ch 2150 Carter av St Paul As t professor in mineralogy. Univer ity Gutsche Ech,"ard Jacob 411 Ferdinand av Detroit Mich Chi r chemist Detroit Copper & Brass Roll :Mills HopkIns. Jo eph IrwIn Atherton Mo Chemist and farmer ROse, Ant on Richard 449 W 123d st New York City 1905 Borrowman. George L Lincoln Neb of chemistry U of Teb Dahlberg. \rnold V Brush Colo Sugar hemist G W Sugar Co Frary, F rancis Cowles UnIversity A st prof S50r of chemistry Jacl<sun Myron Bangs Grand Forks N D C;'edit man G F Mercantile Co wholesale gl'oc I'S Long,,'orth. Fred James Napoleon,Vash uperinl ndent of Mtne & Mill Pennock. Edward l\lc~aster av se lifanufacturer Poore. Charles Delos Aberdeen S D TacheI' PhYSics and chemistry Bernhagen, Otto Lewis hernist av So Davies, Edwin Thomas av 0 hernist Lakeside Sugar Refining Co Doran, James Maul'ice ""ashington D C B u reau or Internal Revenue Asst chemist Halvorson, John 0 Hibbing h mist Kennerly, 'W illiam "'alter 23~ Iglehart st St Paul Food ch emist-car Grjggs Cooper & n Manu el. Eal'l 835 Van B Ul'en Milwaukee ' Vis h emist U S Glue Co Von Kuster, Edilh I (Mrs VIr J Ken yon ) :New Brunswick N J 1908 And ( son. Edw(tl'c1 X l1 i " o f Ia Iowa City 1ft Ba dger, Walter LucIus 616 Chu rch 5t.\nn Arbor fliich Instru lor in ch emis t ry Cressy, Charles Roya l B oston Mass I nstructor In cllemlstry Mass Inst '1' e h Lowe, J ohn M Edgewater N J uperintendent Midland Linseed Co Mc Bride, Russell S.. Washington D C Bureau of Standards--chemist P orter, Alla n H aro ld New Prague hernist New Prague Flowering Mills Wh it ed, Dric Ogil v ie J r st se 1909 Bacon, Charles B st N W Washington D C Barnaby, 'Villiam Ernest 2627 Park av Dresser, Eva L 461 Hall av )1arshfield Ore Kueffner, Otto Karl t Louis lifo Asst Analnical chemist liiallincl<rodt Chemical ""orks ;\10rey, George W Geophysical laboratory Washington D C Asst Physical Chemjst Roehrich. Yictol' Heine 1896 Feronia av t Paul City chemist Selvig.,,'alter Eveleth Chemist (Home Willmar) Sterling, F aith Stanford Univ Calif Student "'alker. George Warren av ne Research chemist in soils U of Bicknell, Henry Roachman 419 v"irginia av Yallejo Calif Dahlberg. Henry Winfred.. terling Colo Traveling chemist G W Sugar Co Daniels, Farrington 23 Conant Hall Cambridge ;.IIass Austin teaching feuow De Witt. Joseph Henri Red,,-jng hemist D let richson, Gerhard liiadison Wis Instructor in chemistry Untv of Wis Fjnke. Wilbur,,- M Algoma teel Co Canadian Soo Gutsche. Frank Carl S15 Poyntz av Manhattan Ran Chemist Kansas State Agricultural C liege Peterson. Andrew Peter Lambe~toD Smith. arolyn Harriet "t se Smith.,heldon Holloway 732 E 4 t ~t Paul With Hudson Auto Sales Co tone. George Harwood J.raine '1'aylol. arl A Ishpeming ::-Iich ExplosiYes chemist TrODson. Carl A Sterling Colo Head chemist G W Sugar Co 'Voollett, Guy H st se 1911 Baker, RuE' ell E Bolton. John Bel'nice allaway. Roy amuel Selkirk av Y. 1\1. C. A. "-innipeg Man Can twell. "'IIliam F Care.\.gr Exp Sta t Anthony Pk Chemist Ha!yorsoD. Henry A Chemist Old Capitol bld~ 3401 Elliott a," t se t Paul Hartnett. John Glynn San Pedro de Macoris Mexico Henn~a)". Hugh Jerome 53 K 11 at hemist Johnson. Einer LeavE'l1worth. Francis Maury McMiller. P Raymond ('Ilson. Arthur r1ando Pettijohn. Earl toppel, Ernest A lbert 1912 Brinton. Paul Hen ry Mallet Preyost sst professor of chem Univ of Brunkow. Herbert Edward Conrad b em ist Minneapolis Gas Light Dan iels. E lmer Anson Graduate assistant tn chemistry Edwards, Junius David Goldstein, M Ilton M 17~2 Polk st ne av av se Montevideo!!3H Langford RY St Paul Rochester Tuscan,\ rlz rlzon n st se o as 16 ay e 914 E 19 at 3346 HOlme av so

88 68 THE Ml NES TA ALUMNI \ EEKLY Harshaw, J ohn Rippey Fremont av So Hoffmann, Hpnry J 05eph 1008 East Lawson st t Paul Analytical chemist K aratz, L ucian b16 Lyndale av No McLeod, John Roderick 3938 olfax av No hemist G N Ry Co M a r tin, Edmund William H erman st se hem eng MIdland Linseed Prod Co Mitch 11, Ralph Wallace 35~O olumbus av Nesse, Chari s Oscar Mabel Parltin, Guy George Chemi~ia te dairy & food Lab Old Capitol St Paul Robinson, Rhea Benedict We5t Duluth Chemist- are Zelth Furnace Co Rockwood, Ralph t Paul Asst ity h mist S hmldt, Gorge Hermann Omaha NeD hemlst Spri stersbach, David Oscar 725 So Rob rt st St Paul Wanless, Lynn A llison Brush Colo. h mist-g 'Y Sugar Co, I Minnesota By GEORGE FITCH (Oopyrl" b t, 1911:, by Geor". Mat~... Ada"...) INNESOTA is an American state M which has been borrowed by the 1'0rwegian8 with great SlJcceSf\, Owing to l t8 steady and reliable wimer It has become the favorite hfetlme resort for t h ese hard}' people who raise wheat, while whiskers and A:nerican cit!zen~ with great fluency, Minnesota now has over 2,000,000 people, half of whom ha\'e names ending in "SOil." Minnesota i s one of t he larger st ates, having S8,000 square miles and a full supply of square legislature. It ha.s no mountains, but It IS so ba.dly infested with lakes in the northenl part that the scattered farmers north of Duluth ha\'e to f ence i n their /lelds wtth fish net ~. The MIssIssippi river rises In on6 of these lakes and flows over ~ 50 miles through the state before It becomes large enough to act as a state line and a barrier against presidential nominations. Minnesota Is densely settled In the southern part and enjoys all the con"'en lence>! of civilization, Including Interurbans and golf clubs. M i nnesota produces more wheat, Iron or", and light-haired, blue-ey ed statedmen than any other commonwealth. It has a state university which leads the '~ or l d In the production of Cl ydesdale half-backs and has students all t r ained t o yell " Skl -U-Mah" In unison ",' hen the t eam scores on Michigan. It was b orn republican, but was r ecen tly captllred by Colonel Roosevelt after a har(] t u~ ~ le with n el g l1bor L1t. Follette. BesIdes, M Innesota has contributed Ignatius Donnelly. Adam B ede, Knute N ellion.tames.t. Hill, Archbishop Ireland and other interesting citizens to its coun t r y, but her greatest feat In citizen- producing was John A. Johnson, who woul d have m ixed u p t he democratic conventlon at Bal timor e more t han ever had he IIv~d. Minnesota m OUrns hid death sincerely, but has 100,000 more J o h nson~ In t r a ln in~ a nd will yet pr o duce a presiden t of t ha. t n a.me. U.ed By Permmillion of th e Ada",. /I'ew. Service.

89 PROFESSIONAL LEGAL.DIRECTORty MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. ST. PAUL, MINN. RAYMON D BRIDGE MAN, '04 Attorney at Law 830 Security Bank Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. SHERMAN R. CHAMBERLIN, '96 Attorney at Law 618 Globe Bldg., St. Paul, lidnn. JOSIAH H. CHASE '01, Law '05, Master (If Laws '07 Attorney at Law 610 Temple Court, Minneapolis, l\iinn. HIRAM D. FRANKEL, '04 Attorney at Law 505 N. G. A. Bank Bldg., St. Paul, :\linn. GUY E. CLUTTER Attorney at Law N. W. Nic 2670 T. S. Annex N. Y. Life Building, Minneapolis, Minn. ORRIN MONROE CORWIN, LAW '92 Vice President,Veils & Dickey Company, l\iinneapolis, l\iinn. Municipal and Corporation Bonds and Farm l\iortgages Can Furnish Choice lnve tmellt ecurit!es in Either Large or mall Amounts. References: Any National Bank in Minneapolis Or either of the National Commercial Reporting Agencies. FRED NASON FURBER, '04 L. Attorn v and Counselor at Law 819-S25 New Yo~k Life Bldg., Minneapolis, ",linn. HARRY A. LUND Attorney at Law New York LiLe Bldg., liiinneapoli -, Minn. JAMES C. MELVILLE, '02 Attorney at Law 300 Warner Bldg., (17 So. 6th t.) Minneapolis, lilinn. GUSTAVUS LOEVINGER, '06 Attorney at Law 518 N. G. A. Bank Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. C. B. Schmidt, '01 Edw. A. Waters, G. L. '05 Phone N. W. Cedar Globe SCHMIDT & WATERS Attorneys at Law Bldg., M INN ESOTA H. G. GEARHART, '91 Attorney at Law St. Paul, :\linn. 513 Palladia Bldg., Duluth, "'!inn. UNION ABSTRACT COMPANY \'i-. H. PryOl', Law '06, Yice-pres. Abstracts to all lands and lots in St. Louis County, ~OO-~Ol Lonsdale Building, Duluth, :\linn. Walter H. Newton. '05 NYE & NEWTON Attorneys at Law 608 Andrus Bldg., Minneapoll. Minn. GEO. S. LANGLAND Attorney at Law References: Fir t Xational Bank; ::\Iinnesota &. Ontario Power 0.; International Lumber Company. International Fall, :\linn. EUGENE C. NOYES, '01 Attorney at Law 24.6 Security Bani, Bldg., 1I1lnneapolis, Minn. 'W 'ILLIAM SON & MERCH A N T Patent Lawy l's Main ffiee: liietropolitan Bldg. tform I'll' Guarant y Bldg.) Both Pho11es 1I1inneap lis, Minn. RAYMOND H. D ART, '07, LAW '09 Attorney at Law ROLLE F F VAALER, '94.A t torney at La \V Litchfi ld, Minn. Milaca, :'\Iinn

90 PROFESSIONAL LEGAL DIRECTORY ARTHUR E. ARNTSON, '06 Attorn ey at Law Real Estate Red 'Wing, Minn. GEORGE T. WEBB, '02 Attorney at Law Merricourt, North Dakota Chester S. Wilson, '08, L. ' 12. Reuben G. Thoreen, L. '10 LL. M. '11. Frank T. 'Wilson WILSON AND THOREEN Attorneys at Law Stillwater, liiinn. C. D. AAKER, '05 Attorney at Law OREGON Minot. North Dakola IDAHO. HARRY FELBERBAUM, '04 L. Counselor and Attorney at Law 311 Yeon Bldg.. General Practice Portland, Oregon aid well, ALFRED F. STONE, '10 Attorney at Law Idaho ALBERT W. MUELLER, '02 Attorney at Law S1. Helens, Or'egon IOWA SOUTH DAKOTA I Theo. F. Bradford, Robert E. Johnson. Law '08 BRADFORD & JOHNSON Attorneys at Law Woodbury Building, Marshalltown. Iowa D. J. O'KEEFE, ' 01 Attorney at Law Gettysburg, outll Dakola MISSOURI REX W. HARRIS, '07 Attorney at Law Webster, S. D. C. A. CHAPMAN, LAW '98 Vice Pres. Chas E. Walters Co.. Council Bluffs. Vice Pres. Walters Matchette Co.. Kansas Ity. Buys a nd Sells Banks Everywhere. Private Office, 223 Dwight Bldg., 1006 Baltimore Ave., Kansas City. U. S. A. WASHINGTON CHAS. W. JOHNSON, '09 Attorney a t Law References; Any bank or Individual in Pasco. Pasco, 'Washington NORTH DAKOTA W. P. COSTELLO, '07 Attorney at Law Blsmarcl{, North Dakota CAROLUS J. STEPHANUS, '03 Attorney at Law New York Bldg.. Seattle, Washington WISCONSIN T. F. MURTHA, ' 01 Attorney a t Law Dicldnson, North Dalwta EDWARD S. PATTISON, '08 Law-Lands-Insurance First R eal Estate Mortgages. 50/0 & 60/0. Durand, Wis. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS ARTHUR W. FOWLER, '04 Attorney a t Law Fargo, Nor th Dalwla C. W. NYE, '94 Attorney a t Law 31 Plaza Moraga, Manila., P. 1.

91 The College of Law. When not otherwise Ind ica ted. It is to be understood that the person na me d is engaged In a general law practice Manahan, James 118 Corn Exchange Congressman-at-large 'Smith, Frank John Deceased 1912 Whiting, Charles "umner Pierre S D Judge of Supreme court S D 1890 Agat ln, A L (Ex) Lonsdale bldg Duluth Ailen, Joseph Boyd Avery. Bertrand A Bardwe ll, W infi eld W Minn Loan & Trust bldg Best, John,ViIliam " Bond, Ch a rl es E died D cember Brattland. Michael Anderson Ada oun ty at torney Burlingame, James M Jr Gre:J.t Falls Mont Campbell, Johnston B 1124 Old Natl Bk Spokane "'ash onlow, John William Corrlston, F ra nk Thom a s 536 Security Bank bldg Dawley. Daniel Lincoln ~183 Commonwealth St Paul Editor "'est Publishing Co Dickinson, Ho race Da nforth Court Hou"e Judge of the uistrict court Doug lass, George Perkins Ferrpe, Simpson Getty, John Thomas Secy Hall-Clark Gumm"r. Edgerton Ferguson Gyd, James Ellsworth "Harris,.\lfred James H olt, Charl es August Pre Ident lilerchants State Guaranty bldg Artesia N N W bldg Needle 0 Missoula 1\1ont "'allace Idaho died September 190 North Branch Bank "Judg, Johl1 deceased Kollin r, f obert New York Life hldg Professor of law UniverSity Larimore, John Andrew 4653 Fremon t V P - Ally U Installment Realty Co ~lc rea. Ezra Edward.\lexandria Editor and propl'ietor Alexandria Post Mead, II nry Stowell 171 Lak Road l\ipls deceased av So M ns(1n, Charles J Nelson, John Peter Nutting. Rob rt Boyd Paige, J ames Professor of Law Univel'sity Parl<e!:J Ralph Jame L;Otlnty attorney P olley, Samuel Cle ll a nd Purdy, Charles Ed ward Rustgard. John U S Altorney ~cha('[er. Charles 1\' Smeltz.r. Jacob Daniel Salesman 1I1,1)\s Drug Co 'Smith, Albert J 'Stocl<er, HaITY Davis 420 Oak Grove st pring Valley Pierre S D 838 ~ I et Life Bldg Juneau Alaska died June ~' Park av died Nov H 1010 died Nov 1~ 1900 'ton. harles Fielding Bonanza Gulch Dawson City Ala I,a Triggs. William Rob rt _\ campo Calif,Vaters, James H nr)' Minneapolis Travellng salesman Carpenter-Lamb Co Winter r, Edward Hollywood Sta Los Angel alit 1891 Ballman. Edward Charles 404 o n nevllle st a nd real estate Bestor, George Wilbur President Kettle R iver Quarries Rrown, " ' illia m Compton Brower. R lpl y Bernard ' Carey,,Villia m H Arrison arlton. L inwood luistopher P a inter Carr, Greeley E asey, J ohn lilartin pringfield 1\[0 Co on cully, t died July liiarkvllje '\Vash loud 10 '01 Llb m r y Apartments " "averly Davidson, :Martin Bradner 411 )([ain st Joplin Mo De neg re, J a mes Denn is 905 Commerce Bldg t Paul Dickerman, Gil bert Green Lonsdale bldg Duluth Real estate and loans Fiske, Dougla s And rews New York Life bldg Ga lb r a it h, J ohn P atrick 241 Endicott bldg ~t Paul Gearhea rt, Harry Gilbe rt 513 Palladio bldg Duluth Glenn, Edwin Forbes Laredo Texas Lt Col USA Godfrey, Eugene Harland Goodsell, harles Ernest Gould, Charles Devereux Alderman Gray. James Edwin GregersoD, Lawrence Hamblin, Charles Nathaniel Yampa Colo Lisbon N D Security Bank bldg Grafton K D Geneva Hotel ""eville Jamestown Calif Auditor Sierra Ry Co Hardin, George 'V iv 1698 Laurel av St Paul Hopp, John,\Y Preston Hunt, Alva Litchfield 'Ingwaldson, Bjarne E died 1900 K rause. "'illiam Augustus Flandrea u S D COlin ty judge Butte ~ 1 ont Lindsay, John Lindsay, Frederick F 25 eymour av se Hiawatha Gardens Co liiarkham, Gorge VI-ilbllr Endicott bldg ~t Paul As t Genl Atty C G W Ry 1\layer, Wm Judson Grand Forks N D 1\1egaarden, Theodore 27 Wall st Kew York City Moore, Albert Ra nda ll 46{ Holly St Paul 'Ofstllun, Andrew Olson died July 15 I~Ol Remmen, Martin E Dennison Robin on, Horace Randall Hayward Calif Rogers. Arthu r R 5~1 Security Bank bldg- Lumberman Ross, Edward Wesley Se lover, George H ow a rd Pres ~elo"er Bates Serumgard, i \1"er County attorney Smith. Fred Pearson -nell,,yilliam Physician Stone, John heppard lhanage,' Chicago Branch Tompkin, Thomas Snowden 1\1illing Olympia "a Knox av 0 & Co Inve tment lands Deyil Lake =" D di d J uly ~ 1909 Fidelity bldg Tacoma "ash 1260 Astor st Chicago N,,- Can ~Ii1 co Lo Angele Calif \Taule, Ie John Crook ton La wyer Referee in Bankruptcy "'algren. John Aryid Auditorium bldg Chicago "are. Francis Jo,eph adi On av Chicago Real state Wheel r. Thomas Jo epll "')'\'ell, Henry George Young, George Ellsworth 1892 ~ t Paul Breckenridge Temple ct Beardslee. Still on Josiah av so laim agent :M & t L & Ia Cent Ry Co Be bb, W illiam Bennett 500 Leary bldg ~eattle "ash Ben on. hurles Sluart Bend Oregon Bentley. Le,te, HO"'ard 1\1ilbank D Best, Eugene Nimmons 816 N ' Life bldg Bookwalter, Sumne,' 1617 E 16 st \Yhol sale produce Boughton. Cha Edward Red Lake Falls County attorney B rown,.101m ~01 Palladio bldg Duluth Brown. W a lte r Reynolds 510 Ne'" York Life bldg- Burr, Stiles Wilton N G.\ Bank bldg St Palll Campbell.,\Yilliam Francis deceased 1909 orwin. wen Monr e 1XcEllight b ldg Y i -pres,,'ells & Dickey 0 D a hl, J ohn F rithiof :\Iinneapolis ttorney T R T 0 Doer ft r, J oseph J r E 51 Nora av Spokane " ash ler k N P Ry 0 D, owley. V\'iIlhll11 Gilbert Baker Ci ty O"e- E d dy, Ge rge Sa nfor d 1315 R aymond ~ t Paut Asst secy Shevlin-Carpen ter (,

92 THE MINNESOTA ALUMNI WEEKLY F leming, Calvin A lber t 1431 Thomas St Paul PI' s-mgr Dana "Varehouse Co F li t tie, J ean A Mankato 819 Kew York Life bldg 1050 S curity Bank bldg Lun sdale bldg Duluth di d 1901 Anol<a Fowle r, Charles Rollin Frybe r ger, Harrison Earl Fryberger, H erschell B "Gallagher, Robert Giddings, Arthul' Eugene Judge district court Gj rset, Olur Goss, J ohn Dean Mon tevideo Jll al'5hfield Ure ~pecialty, min ing law Handlan, J oseph Henry '''heeling ' " "\'a H elm, James L a w,'ence H'gh wood. t raul Deputy clerk supreme court H imle, Andrew Lewis Tela Yoro Honduras.\. Ilintel m lstel', J h n H Jr Highwood t l'aul " H Obbs, Fred Ezra dieu lay lulu "Holmes, Alfred J"hn died ~1ay ~2 Il1112 Kinn ey, Edmund 13 Baldwin' is Lum, Burt F rank 906 lilet Life blug L~'diard, Livingston A 1129 )let Life bldg Real estate and investment5 M Cormick, Andrew Fra ncis Norwoncl\?) McGregor, L a ne Exchange bldg Duluth )lclane, John Francis C ldwell Idaho McMillan, Elvero L wis Princeton Men i k, Harry HOlJldns Evelett I'ash Moore, Harry 3~12 10 av so FreIght agent C I & L Ry 1'10 sness, Leonard J A shland blk hicago Nan tz, Frank Pleasant ::-;an Juan l' Il Collector of customs Neff, Porter Jo eph :\Iedford l'e Oal<es, George N w Richmo'1tl 'Vis Palmer, l'ion,'oe Horace Tacoma \\'a~h Peterson, Henry 220 Globe bldg St l 'aul Pilgl'im, " ' m H H 525 T emple COUI t Purlly, Milton Dwight Dupon t Rheutan, '''illiam B De\ il Lake K n Richardson, Herbert Gilman ~uo Line bldg laim dept 800 Hy "Reifsnider, Volney G '8weigle, Curtiss Swenson, Peter Grinde Taylor, arl Thompson, Charles A ' Vangsn 5S, John S vvii on, Ole Ienute 24 Broad st 1893 decf'ased dec~ascu Hillsbom N D New Yu)")" l 'ity Amboy cl ceas d lilil stone Sask an A ngell, Edward Mott Glens Falls N Y Austen, James Frederlcl, 210 Customs House St Louis )10 Surveyor of c ustoms Ayprs, Frederick I-I TempI ourt Bail y, H m y Patterson 2711 Nicollet av Barton, Frederick ' Vllliam Manhatta n bldg 't Puul "Braden, Angus Gladwyn died July Broh u gh, Gustav Hed 'Ying '1' acher Hed Win g Seminary; Pres 1st Nat! Bl, B u ffington, George "Vood New York Life bldg Bugge, H ans 26 Pike B lock Bellingham ",,'ash A u t hor Carroll, Bernard hauncey 308 Sh reve General agen t P acific astn r, Frank H a llocl, Chen ey, Z ina Hevill o o nlin, H e n ry C ooley, Clayt o n Raretus Collector o r custom s Covell, F,'ank Edward a n d publish er rocker, Norman Da hl, J ohn Albion D a nner, H a r ry Ross D a vis, Fra nk D Dever, Charles S Loa n s a nd investments Dulla m, George Francis Eckm an, S o lomon H b ldg San Francisco Calif Tel & Tel Temple Court Jun eau Alask. St Paul Post office bldg 2504 W 40 st ' Van San 'Vis '1'em ple ou rt 2 R ector a t N w York Ity Cando N D 929 An dl us bldg Disma r cl< N n Palla dio bldg- Dulu t h Edwa rds, lbert Edwa rd 61 5 T e mple t E ggers, J ohn Edward 16 2 ~ Pine s t St L o uis M o Manager A ntlka mnla h e m i a l o Erick son, C h a rles J ohn Pela n Fnrley, Fred e rick Li ncoln Red L a k e Fnli s "Flynn, Arthur Pierce d ecea5 d Ga llagher, Matthe w Gregor y, George 307 Liberly bldg Seattle Was h Gruen berg, J ohn 302 Broadwa y New York City Hanchett, John Harvey N D Hawley, Edward ' Velles 603 lilet Life bldg Hend"lcl, ', John Albert Fosston H iggins, Arthur Minot New YOlk Life bldg Hillman, " 'illiam Oren 396 Dewey av 't Paul Hutson, Frank A I ngral'am, Alexander 2635 IIan iet av Flour mlll machinery Iverson, Sa muel G State Capitol St Paul State auditor Jackson, JoselJh.\. 612 New York Life b ldg Jackson, "illiam A 4H Equitable bldg D~nvel' Colu Kelley, John D :.IIadison K n~ ' on, :.Ill.se,; Dibber Lamp, Frank 1I1arion Big Timber liiont Laughlin, lielb rt Servetus ashr Title Ins & Trust Co Los A ngeles Calif McBeath, S Blair Htlllwater :.IIcDermott, lilalie Antoinette (lllrs E E) 1306 ti 5t se l\icelligott, Thomas James Appleton Mc Mu r ra n, William Thomas 630 Globe bldg ~t Paul "li1athwig, Frederick Adolph llied Nov H 1~1l )Ialtes n, Flora E (1111'S B 13 Sheffield) l~ :-J 13 st Maurll1, Peter Paul old Spring Banker ~Iayland, Andrew Unius Alb rt Lea Megaarden, P h ili p T o ile t 2413 Humboldt ~n lilel chant, Huntington, V Duluth 1I1errlh w, l"rank Eli 655 av E Bayonn '. J Mil y, Martin Edward 105., 1 st Purtland Ore )loen, Nels T Fergus Falls Mohler, Arthur Henry Redwood Falls 1I10rrison, Samuel Benjamin :.Iforton, Nora L )Iurphy, Franklln 'Villlnm "Murphy, Patrick Joseph li1uss II, Wil liam L lsen, George Theodore Peterson, enrl F B 1129 Epal eslate and investm,'nls P etri, Gustav Axel Pier e, '''l1son Littpll Putnam, 'harles Edward R, ndall, Ri hard.\ustin "Roesel, Adam Rowe,,Vlllinm E N7 Front st 'ew York 'alisbury, Hen,')' Clay Shaw,, lbet'l ' Yoodward 54 tewart av Jobhpr of wall p per heehy, Hichal'd Nicholas Shields, Jamps ~mjth, GeOl'ge Hoss Judg-e of probat Stacy, Albert W a ll ace Lumber dealer Stevenson, W illi a m J ohn Asst att mey gem'ral S u therland,,jo h n Egbert Sweet, John Cochra ne Tattersfielcl, Richard 'I'aylol', Alb rt Roland Taylor, Edward "'esley ity,,'heatoll.ljt!cea~cu ~t rc ter JlIetropolltan hid!;' 330 Temple "urt Dael(hl P 1 '\"itlona tlt~cl).l~l.'c.l ("luol,~tcln 1,al'",','\'1I1".1an,fleld U Ne\\ York I'lt\' 420U F'n.' Jllllnt so Douglas.\nz 102 State Capitol St Paul Chatfiel,l tw se City Ha ll 817 N Y I ire bldg 416 Orange av Long Beach alit Tyler, A lbert DeForest 39 So _\ von St Paul ' Vith " 'est Publishing Co "'ebb, Robert W ~302 1 av so Secy & treas li1pls Trust Co Webb 1', In.re nce A 1766 S Girard ' Viekw ire, Arthu r JlI 37 \Vall st New York ity 1894 Albert, Cha rl es S a r e G N Ry Co Spol<an " -ash And rson, ' VilJlam 1\[ D vils Lake N n Adams, A r thu r T 36 IS Lyndale "mm pr Inl teach r S H S ity Av r y, E d ward :,; t r on g 20 East S3 s t N w York Ity Bradfonl, J ames E entral b ldg S a ttle W ash orp r a tion counsel or Seattle Brnwn, ' ''I 11 I a 111 J asper T hief Rlvpr Falls "Burl<, Ed m u nd d c (IS,I B u rk e, \\'altel' Jam es B n thgate N D DU I'n s, F itzhugh G lobe bldg S t P a ul arl y, J ame5 All e n Plainview ou n ty a ttor ney Carnes, Ro bert K enneth H oyalton la rk, Dl'isco Baldw in N o rll'pol't LIN Y Cl a r k, H o m e r P ierce 'Vest Pub 0 S t Paul TrE'as u r " Vi' s t P ublishing 0 Com bs, Lee A ugustus V a ll y ity N D

93 ALUMNI DIRECT ORY 73 LAW---95 Conant, Edith M (Mrs C E) Covell, Louis Exley CrossetL, Herbert Horatio Dahle, Ulaus K County attorney Davis, Alfred Bemal Deutsch, H e n ry "DlcJ{inson, \Villiam F Ditten hoeffer, Fra n k H Dolenty, Francis Xavier Dresen, John G Drew, Ch a rl es Myron Drew, Edwin Clarence Esterley, Robert Ernest 2011 Crosby >\'ells Atwater Unknown Caledonia Klondike Alaska 1123 Plymouth bldg deceased Temple Court av Uakland Cal Seattle >\'ash 511 New YOlk Lite bldg 1932 S Aldrich ::Secretary N,V National Life Ins Co Fridley, Don Phelps 423 The Belleview Gage, George F Gardner, W,lIiam H Gaston, Hugh Philander Manager W J Dyer & Gislason, Christian M Glo,'er, Harry Erastus Auditor Floete Lumber Co Gottry, Edwin Clinton Grady, Francis Augustus Grotte, Anthony Gruenberg, George J Hammer, Otis E H I'mann, Arthur Ludwig Hlcke)', James Raymond Hodgman. \\' Uliam Henry "Hurd. Bradford oryelle.hvoslef. John George Kellogg, F,'ederick L Kepner, Thomas Ervin Kirwin. PteI' Joseph Kyle, Joh n P atrick Larson, Constant Leach, Harlan Edward Leary, W i ll iam Connor.\sst county attorney Loughran, 'l'homas Francis Lyon. Frederick tiaxton W Main 5t Dayton Ohio Olivia Gilfillan bldg St Paul 1940 Fernia St Paul Bra Minnesota pencer la Reedsburg Wis Red Lake Falls Plymouth bldg 320 Broadway New York City Stewartyille 3012 S Fremont N G A Banle bldg St Paul,Yinnebagc died July 15 1!J5 died Dec NGA Reno Kevada Vancouver " 'ash Bank bldg St Paul Alexandria Owatonna Court Hou e Grand Forks N D!IlaCltel. Alexande,' 74 Hil'bour blk Butte Mont MadIgan,.James Edward ;\laple Lake i\1anle~', James Anthony New RockC(lrcl N D!\f(:('affrey, Edward Patrick 317 Babcock 5t Buffalo N Y McCarthy, Cornelfus Dennis Montgomery a~hi r itizens State Bank McCaugh y, John James I{.asson 'ounty attorney!\fcjl(illan,,\ I bert 'Valter :liclliillan. Franl, D Mercer, H ug h Victor l\iorga n, G org-e H li1ajor USA Mueller, 'Yilhelm G D Ney. Ch ris W Odquist, Carl Gustave ounl)' attorney O'Ke fe. Patrick Henry City attorney Olson, Pet l' Simeon Otte'l1e5s, George Henry County attorney Pettengill, ClaUde Kenrick New York Life bldg 510 Security Bank bide San Francisco Calif 34 Leydlitz Str Halle Salle Germany 31 Plaza 1I10raga 1\[anila P I Hutchinson So St Paul Hoffman Willmar Nat! Bank bldg La Cro se "'is Pillsbury, Alfred Fiske l16 E 3~ st Vi e President Pillsbury F!our Co President St Anthony Falls 'Vater Power Co P orter, George F died Nov ~ Rice, Fred~l'ick Durkee 45 S Avon t Paul Editor '" st Pub Co Rockne, Anton Julius S a lmon, Thom a s H omer Sands. Walter Booth Selover, A"thur Will iam -Alderman Zumbrota 710 Temple ourt Chinook i\!ont G~O E 17 st Smith. John Ifred 4429 Upton a\' so Sam sen, Henn' Northrup New Ulm Spenc,'. Louts N,y st Superior ',is ' an Camncn. IUlrles Howard Security BRnk bldg 'With Fr cl L Gray Co Wagnel', harles W illiam Litcllfield l'ulh"h " ' Valker, ljjdwanl Da id 12GS W Minnehaha t PaUl "Vard, e Forest F:,lrmont 'Weeks. ha rles L oufs Capitol b ldg St Paul Asst ally genera l Wheaton, J Frank White, Frank T Elk Ri\'er W il li a mson, Alonzo Potter :liajestic Theatre bldg Santa :-lonica Calif Physician Wingate, 'Yilliam Snell uperior Wis Merchant Young, George Morley Yalley City K D Zuckerman, Samuel Jr Zuger, Alfred Bismarck,-' D YIiller & Zuger--atty at Jaw 1895 Alair, " 'alter Ellsworth " 'ith.' P Ry Co Alderson, Charles Francis 1ILining stock dealer Allen, Nelson E l'.\.pplelon, George Holmes Baker, Lucy Lloyd Bartholomew, Lee Bradley Begg, William Reynolds General practice of law Benson, Henry Nathaniel Bent on, And rew A rt hu r Bank Examiner Iarwick Blackman, Wilbur Palmer Brand, Archie Mack Nurseryman Brand, Norton Franklin Burness. Bernard With F L Gray Co Carr, Clarence G Ca rr oll, W alter N Christello, Albert Chunn, ~lark Wilson 't Paul Chicago died May ~4 E Highland DriYe eattle "ash Ch ute. Frederick Butterfield Real estate Chute Bros Cle\'eland, Frank Hannay Cormany, :llontgomery L Cudhie, George Dickey, Joel li1ark First asst U Dolliff. Alfred Cookman Faber, Fred Buregard Fanning, "'illiam David District Des Moines Ia Kew York City :3t Peter 79 "'al1 st 1\ Y City Mitchel1 & Co 37 So 9 sl Faribault Unknown Security Bank bldg Phoenix bldg: 735 Palace bldg died Feb LuYerne 7 Dnh' av ne Princeton Victoria B C 530 Ashland t Paul attorney Redwood Fall Jackson Clinton av CIerI, Int Stock Food Co Farnham. harles "'ells 512 Endicott bldg St Paul Felt. Oscar Alexander decea ed Foot, Fred "'arner Red "'ing Fosseen, Manley Lewis 4~5 Temple Court G,\Jbraith, John.Alexander 406 E 12 st Texalkana Ark Gardner, Harris "'ells 425 Spruce Berl,eley Calif Gemmell, William H ~I General manager MIRy Co Gibson, George Porter Gloyer, Newton Lemuel Grigg. :b~rank Hammond 415 New York Hanlmer, Henl~Y H Hartley, Heber Lindon li1ining and investment Hayes, Richard li1urray Brainerd Atwater \\,indom Life St Paul liiabel Duluth Plymouth bldg Hertig, Wendell 715 New York Life bldg Higgins. William liiartin 33~8 Portland ay Holman. " 'illiam Jennings Jr st se Hultquist, Charles onstantine Coweta Okla Hunt, Wil1lam Franldin Oppenheim bldg St Paul Jewett. \\'illiam Parl,er died August 1905 John_on, Yictor Ludwig Center Cit)' Banke", lawyer, manufacturer, S tate Senator Keefer, George Lenre ty 41:l Currier bldg Los Angeles Calif Kirwin. \\' illiam Thomas St ~loud Kirkpatrick, Tollell Frank died Jan ~ Kranz, John Valentine 36H Portland ay Asst supt registry div post office Kyle. Harry Thomas L..'l.tourcll, Horace G Loughran. II nn'.'-rthur 1I1cDermott. 'l'homas J ]l'facdonald. William Edward liicgregor. Benjamin F 1I1e, lester OI<1a deceased N Y Life bldg St PauT 345 "N Dale St Paul liiapleton 1I1inn liiason..alfred Findl ~' 25- ~ u mmit::\y ~t Paul Dept manager " '" t Pub Co Merrill. Georqe Cost on Phoenix bh1g Prf'~ Merrill Abstract Co i\fe"i~ k. Oliver E lton Getty burg S D Mlchelet, Simon T ;\Iet Life b id!, O' Br ien. J a m es Edwa,'d Security Dank bld,< I n, amuel Yeon bldg Portland re-

94 74 THE MINNESOTA ALUMNI WEEKLY Osborne, Gorge Marshall Post office service Oyen, Ja ob 'V 2811 Pattridge, tiamuel an Pratt, Albert Fuller County attorney Prendergast, Luis 'V Privet, 'Valter Nichols Richardson, Norman C Secretary R ~I Bennett Roise, Axel Hildor Sanders, M Tully Tax commissioner N Shaughnessy, lilichael Siemers, Julius Andrew Room 1 Fed ral bldg Hewitt av Everett 'Vash tipring Valley Anoka Lc ueur enter Granite Falls 2437 Nicollet li1inot N D 776 Laurel St l'aul P Ry '0 larkson 'Va h 2622 N upont Dept manager Geo R Newell 0 imons, Luman 13 1 Raymond av St Paul Banker Somerby, Charles 'Y od 1501 lilt urvc outherland, A lians Camhridge Southworth, Walt I' Newton Shakopee Spicer, Mason 'V Cooperstown N D Storing, harles Chester Dal, ta Taylol', Benjamin handler liiankato Tenneson, Bernt Gilbert Fargo N D '1'ufte, Benjamin Cooper town N D Vaaler, Roll ff Milaca :\Ilnn Van Valkenberg, Jesse 1 09 tio Irving W a llace, Thom as Free m a n 1010 Security Bani, bldg Webb, Arthm: M Ft Atkinson Wls La wyel', Real state, Insurance-Pres of 'Vis Real Estate Brokers Assn Weiss, Harry Globe bldg t Paul "'heeler, Howard Scand Am Bk bldg St Paul ' Vii Iiams, Henry White Commelcial bldg St Paul Wilson, Mark Ernest Fessenden N D Young, Albert Linus Gibbon 1896 Angus, William Superintendent of city schools Booker, Lewis Bennett Staples Borchert, Frank H OsakIs Banker and lawyer Bowler, Burton Haskell av se 501 Munich Loan & Tl ust bldg Bregstein, Joseph S Brewster, Morton VV Well s Brewster, William Bailey Brooklyn NY Broeffie, Cyrus Asaph Brown, Clarence Zelora New York Life bldg Camp bell, W a lter Henry 46~6 So Emerson Law and investments Can non, John Michael Ritzville 'Vash Galyord Carver, Walter M Cou nty superintendent of schools C hamberlain, Sherma n R 702 E 7 st St Paul -618 Globe b ldg Chinnock, Reville Austin 819 ham bel' of Commerce Portland Or Church, Arthur Bl iss Long PraIrie Coe, Wi ll ia m Tatna ll 410 New York Life hldg Cohen, J oseph W av 60 Jeweler Craven, Thomas '''Illiston N D County attorney Dean, George Franklin De Lauriel', Otis B st so Long I'mlri< 'Valker 7 Bedford st se De Lury, DanIel Dennison, Charles H With P VV F lour Mill Co Don a hower, H a r ry L a w r eni-ehe Marlborough St p, ul Vice-Pres & treas F G Leslie ('0 Donahue, John R Pioneer PI' ss bldg St Paul Donahu William Floren ce Melr'ose 11:c]< h old t ', Walter A Roch stel' Eggleston, Willis.Jon('~ 529 Lawrence st Hplpn>t 1I10nt Estey, Elbrrl Harrison W>tterl 0 1>1 Ewert, Paul A Joplin lito Special assistant-care Dept of JustIcE' Washington D (' ' Feltus. William Nell Dec asnl 'Finneg~n, Andrpw J did D (' F ly n n, Edward Francis D'vlls Lake N D F01'se11. Claus F 362 Front At PllU l Dept manager and buyer Noyes Bl'os &. Cutlcr Foster, Luther Aaron Frederickson, Adolph Springfield F r ick, Carl Lalwta N D Gaitre, Frank II 1816 So Irving Treils Bal'dwell-Uobinson Co Gartenlaub. Max 44 No 4th st Philadelphia Gilman, Zeeb Prescott Jersey City N J Godfrey, P ercy Downi ng ~ Y Ll[e blug t hlul Goetzinger, lilartin E 71 Water st New YOI k City Goldblum, 'harlps Ezekiel Bank of ('urn bldg Goodwin, Godfrey Gummer ambridge Gordon, George l~rancls av so I::)upt Bloomington Postal Sta Green, E ti A 635 Ashland St Paul Green, John Edward Spokane "'ash Grovel'. Ezra Joseph th Gund rson, harles John Vermillilln D 'Hampton, Harry R deceased H anft, H ugo 0 ourt Hous 't Paul Judge municipal court Hawley, George M B Geneva. Y H e iliwell, Arth ur L 735 Palace bldg Hill, Reub n David Fremont Station A Seattle 'Wash Hoff, harle's Smith Court Block St Paul Hollenb rgel', Theodore C 4433 N Paulin st With International Harvester Co hlcago 111 Holm, Peter Andrews 3~7 Anurus bldg Hunkins, Hal K W!1Iiston N D Huntington, Guy B Lamar Colo Real estate Jones, Edwin James \Vorthington ounty attorney Keefe. Dani I J 233 S lby St Paul K e ller, Herbert P 70~ Globe bhjg tit Paul Mayor of t Paul Kennedy, LewIs Henry King, John Cochran Kling, Elmer Ambrose Larson, Augustus T Lazarus, Jacob 1I1erchant Leona rd, George Benjamin Loy, William G phard Letter carrier McMillan, 'William Duncan Maguire, Philip Joseph Manley, Robert E A Massee, Freedom Chester Matth ws. Edward William Meade, Jam s Augu tine Merchant, Frank Davidson Paten t attorn y 'Meyer, George Wil li a m Mi lls, Harvey L Mitchell, Willi a m De W itt Neilson, Peter S Clerk of the municipal court elson, Adolph Theodore Niles, EdWin Merton Odele, DanIel Austin Ison, Carl s ar Alexlus wens, Da'llld 'I'homas Parsons, Arthur Leon Peterson, Isaac Poehler, William Adam Grain Langford D lora Little Falls New York Llf,' bldg 711 Nicollet av 701 Andrus bldg 3425 akland av East Dubuque III Nueva Cacer s Manila P I East Granu Fork!! Cambridge Burke bldg at tie '''ash 925 i\1 t LIfe bldg Dpceas d N G A BanI, bldg St Paul 541 Portland St Paul OUl't Hous arson N D Llvlngston Mont Unknown d av no Balfour N D Lldg f'wood I hl('a~o JIl 3312 So James Quevll, Nels Lak<-fielu Hawling", Frnnk EdwIn 636 Burke bldg eattle \Ya h Heed, al'l W bster rpsro Ia arde on. Amos 111 Ber1(ord Sathr, Ja ob C Cloo",,,ton Schurch, John FI'pderic\c Security Bank bldg Insurance II ad-schurch agency S c hwa ger, Lew is 1301 obb bid!,: eattl '''osh Lumh rman R('hwag l' & Nettleton Smith, Fred Ellworth Langdon N D Smith, Gorge Wa hlngton Care B E Smith 63,,, Island av Sowle, Ralph larence BowE'~mont N n Rtadl I', Uob rt B Box Vista l'undp 'a\if Stpphens, WillIam,Tames Jlleit'osP Swan, ("harles 11:dginton Rpt>kun 'Vll~h an non, Fpl'ris & wan Tappan, Joh n 11:11 1 tt r,02 Linroln bldg V a n S a nt, G ra nt 1IR.('kne)' "'asga tt, Frnnl<lln G,Ylnnebago Weslphn1. Gustavus 11. TE'mplp ('ourt Whitcomb, "':L1tE'\, BenjamIn BellinghAm \\'a~h White, Robe ''11'1 Munrlp Tnrl WhItten. Joh n Alexander 500 S 10 st P\'oprl tor The 'Villiston Will, Gustav A WI1~on, 11:dwin linton "'lison, Ra.mu I Ballpy Wuillng, Frederick J D an of the coli ge of pharmacy ndl'us h l d~ ' Vorl h lngton lifo nl(:"i to University

95 ALUMNI DIRECTORY Arnold, Frank Livingston Mont Be lden, George KI m ba II av so Contractor Beek, Joseph H Endicott bldg St Paul Secretary St Paul Jobbers and Mfrs assn "Boyd, Archibald Campbell died September 1910 Bradford, J o hn M Manhattan bldg St Paul Burns, 'William H 514 Marion bldg 'eattje 'Wash Carpenter, Fred,V Washington D C Minister to Siam-Diplomatic service Cha pman, J oseph J r 1300 Douglas av Vice-president N W Nat! Bank Codman, William 'Winona Dodge, Louis L 801 Globe bldg Secretary-treas Winston Bros Co Duval, Henri 1519 Frick bldg Pittsburg Pa Auditor ale and disbursements Am Bridge Co Evans, Scott Word d av so Contracting engineer Farmer. Edward C :Madelia Folds, George Robert 100 Williams st New York ity General manager and salesman H ". Johns Manville o-care Johns-Manville Co Gjertsen, George Herbert Bowbells N D Godfred. Alvin K Grain Exchange,~mnipeg Can Secretary Canadian Elevator Co H olbrook, F ranklin G 554 Chamber of Com GraJn Hosmer. Emest Oldahoma Cit)' Okla Jamar. Moses Scott Jr Pullman Wash Judd, Wilton Brewster 1403 Marquette bldg Chicago III Lehnertz, Nicholas C 309 Kinlock bldg St Louis Mo Manager F P Collier & ons Leonard, Frank Pierce av so Teller Farmers' & Mechanics' Saving Bank Lund, Harry Albert av so Law)'er-l015 N Y Life bldg 10nsch, Henry J 1615 Clinton av Lands hnd law O'Neal, Grosvenor Pixley 70!1 ~lerchant Trust bldg Los Angeles Calif Osborne, Rockwell Coleman T"pas International change 'Winnipeg Paul, Richard I atent attorney Pl'idham. Thomas Hm Puln;1m, William Charles Rice. rsaac Francis Foreman post office Sawye r, Charles Lin coln Rea I estate bral,er "Selleck, J Howard Si mons, H iram A "Smith. Erastus 128 Yale av Winnipeg Man Elevator Co 404 Grain Ex- 854 Security Bank bldg Helena Mont deceased 2603 N Lyndale 1916 Co1umbus av Died June Bemidji died Nov 7 1 ~01 Southwick. laude Edward "'ells Sternberg, Dani I Stobbnrt, Arthur J Am Natl Bk bldg St Paul Ta~'lol', RobE'rt S Duluth "Thompson,,Villlam Gould Die,] Oct ~ 109 W a ll ace, Ca rl et on Lyma n 2003 S Queen av Manager l\!pls dept Pioneer Press Wallac, David 32 Liberty st New York Clt~ Allbright, C li fton A Municipal judge Ames, Olive r H 1898 Angst. Robert rthur Armstrong. George Wallace Armstrong & Nash Arnold. Albert Clinton Baldy. Fred Cal'roll Head Illa tel' St liiark's Bayer, Anthony 111 Asst J L Owen s 0 Be.nnelt. John C Supt claim dept Nat'l Benton. W a rd HotchkIss V P 1I11nn Co-op Co Bestor, Frank Clinton Yice-pre«Tokheim MIg Bjorn. Carl H(>l'lllan Birkhaus r. Franl, alter njol'ge. H enry OlsE'n Blacl,m an. Charles Edward ameron, Donalt] Monroe Brainerd Clark D 60 So Milton ost Paul 715 New York Life bldg school Smithboro Mass av s 3040 S James av ecurity 0 The Concord Co edar Rapids Ia Globe hldg t Paul Dickey N D Lake Park 4~<l. Plymouth bldg Little Falls Champlin, George Wallace Benson Chapman, Clair Albion 3829 Wabash av Kansas City Mo Vice-pres Chase E Walters Co (Incorp) Bank Stocks Child, George E Kenmare N D Childress, Arthur Burke Faribault Judge 5th District Clark, Henry C 2015 Milwaukee t Paul ~lanager insurance dept D C Bell Co Clark, LeRoy Eaton Seattle Wash "Cohen, Isaac Alexander died December Crooks, John Stearns 803 Commerce bldg St Paul Dosland, Christian G (Johnson) Moorhead Edgerton, Alonzo J 102 State Capitol ASSistant attorney general Elmquist, Charles tate Railroad & Embertson, John Faulhaber, Ernest A Featherstone, Albert H Finehout, John William Senior judge municipal Freeman, John 1I "Gallup, "'illiam Wells Giantvalley. Jeremiah A Goldblum, Hal Sol Student Gray, Argalus,, Gregory, Joel Ernest GUY, Arthur P Ha.nd, Orra Palmer Director of Adv & Co Hedding, Georg DeWitt President Nat! Inspect Hemmi. J Ulrich County judge Henderson, William Boyd H Oidale, E in a r Holmes, A.dam John Coal dealer Hulback, Oliver Jellicd. Elmer James Jenkins, Chester F Johnson, Charles Johnson, Henry Sydney John on, Nel I K relwit z. Edm und Henry County attorney Capitol St Paul Warehouse Commissioner Parker's Prairie Nashville Tll'nn Wailace Idaho Court House t Paul court Olivia died May ~ New York Life bldg,:t Paul av so Stanfield Ore 306 Capitol Bk t Paul Wishek K D 3320 S Aldrich Pry Minneapolis Iron Store 2010 S James & Adjust Co Palace bldg Jamestown N D 406 Plymouth bldg New York Life bldg 957 Grand a... t Paul Seattle Wasb Temple Ct Willmar White Bear ~Ioorehead Aitkin Kvello. onrad Albert lilu kogee Okla Lane, Warren Danforth 711 White hldg Seattle Wash Lear)', Daniel James Browns Y alley Lindeke. Albert W 315 Summit St Paul Wholesale dry goods and notions Loring. Charles CrooKston Lothrop. Yeranus W Racine "-is Lucas, Edward. Jennings La Lu 1<, Frank HE'rbert Thorpe W is McllIillan Robert Orr Havre :llont "Martin, Dayton D died Jan Martin. HaITi on Burke 807 Leary bldg ~eattl Wa h Marx, Michael "'abasha Meye"". J Edward 1201 Guaranty bldg liianager Aetna Life Monfort, George Dicl<son liroorhead, W Paul Naylor. William Keith Nightingale, John Henry lerk Insurance -Co BlainE' Wash Security Bank bldg av se Niles. Geor~e Herbert Hazelton N D Nordin. John Algot Temple Court Oakley. Ell:bert E First Nat! Bk bldg Duluth 0 ' Brien, Edwa rd J a m es 330 Portland av R al estate 233 McKnight bldg Olander, William Ariz Nat! Bk hldg Phoenix Ariz strand. James Manila P 1 As~nciate judge Court of Land Registration Phelps, Harry E -108 Bank of Calif bldg Tacoma "agh Powe ll, Ra nsom J 654 Security Bk bldg PrendE'rgast. Edmund A H16 Linden av St Clall'. George Howe Yirglnia Diamonn. drill contractor Scanlon. Patricl{ Joseph ' Schroeder, John Pipin Se lls, Max SomsI'n. Stephen Hellry SOI'!<ness. Halvo L Spear. eorge Hancocl( Spin dler. Renn' Probate J udge Stanletnn. Albll'l't :\fartin Stebbins. Georg 1II Stro ng, George Washington Ro('he5ter died Jan Winona Winona :liadison Grand Rapids Buffalo Duiuth Ro,eau 4.6 Security Bk bldg

96 THE MIN ESOTA LUMNI WEEKLY "Sullivan, Merte E died 1912 Sullivan, Patrick Edward 1199 Mallory av Portland Ore PUblish r Thompson, It Celius 2837 II nnepin a v Manager Hyg nol Co Thompson, Robert M 923 Met Life bldg 1n urance and investments Thori, Nels Ulson Thormodson, Nels E Thurslon, Ludwig C TWllchell, Luther Lathrop Vorland, George Tobias Weber, Albert "Veil, Jonas, Velner, 'arl Gustaf A "Verring, James Henry lilanufacturers agent White, J C Banker, lawyer 924 New Temple Court Hanska okato Fargo N 1) olfax Wis Towner N D York Life bldg 1906 Elliott av 1783 ::; Jam s Mabel White, McLau ghlin 719 Raleigh st Glendale Calif Attorney for Title Insurance & 'Prust 0 "Vood, Daniel Beedy Security Bank bldg N W manager Fidelity & Deposit 0 of Md Wright, Edwin Stanton Mobile Ala Yale, Wash ington Jr Security Bk bldg manager of city property 1899 Anderson, Samuel Gilmore Jr IIutchinson Arness, onrad Angel Fisher Beek, Claren ce W Flat So 9 st Clerk J enney Semple Hill & 0 Berg, John Nelson 913 New York Life bldg Brlll, Hascal Russell Los Angeles alif 13rockett, Norwood 'Vaite Cataract bldg Seattle " 'ash Brubaker, Guy B Nome Alaska Buck, George Washington Jr 2709 Dodge st maha 'b a id well, George Washington 324 New York Life bldg <Chamberlain, Howard B :]017 Lincoln st Berkeley Calif Steamship line "Clinton, Agnes B ornish, Perl C Costello, William J Assistant agent G N Ry Co Covell, George Lincoln Manager Com Legal Ptg DI' sser, Alfred Eckman, Frank A "Ewert, William Franklin Fleming, J ohn Henry Foster, Wesley S h erman Frankel, Louis Rudolph Gibbons, John Francis Goodfellow, William Eastman Real estate Gray, George Merton :Halls trom, John Lars, lr asu rer Hallum, Louis H a rr is, Bernhard S \Yholesale j obber Harrison, John M Insurance Hastings, Robert A H imes, Emil William Hill, Em ry Schuy ler 1mer, Harry A Johnson, Adolph E L K eith. John \Vebster A~st supt of delivery Keyes, Charles F Kimball, Parl{er W 613 K napp, Edward Arms Kro01{, al'l Gustav Lane, James Henry Lemon, Walter Thoma s 'Lohren, HenrI' Nicholas Loye, Al bert Bush nell Whol sale frulls Manley, J ohn E died Sept Baker ~I o nt 4231 Vincent av 4046 Park blvd Co Security Bank bldg 2609 W 3 st Duluth died August st se 309 N G A Bk bldg St Panl Bemidji av so Kenmare N D 2829 Lake of the Isles blvd American Business ollege Aitkin 2505 So Irvi ng Rand bldg New Wesminster B C 667 E 4 st fit Paul 1443 Capitol av Sl Paul "iska N D 913 New York Life bldg The Virginia t Paul post office 735 Palace bldg Peyton bldg Hpokane,Vash 409 N G A BI< bldg St Paul Dawson N \V T Seallie Wash Haclmey bldg St Paul died pril Ridg wood av Fairfax Maybury, J ames Henry fit Clourl Mills, Ernl'st B 113 Farrington av :,;t Poul Miner, J Burt 428 Walnut st se Assistant professor of psych ology Monroe, Henry Albert 714 1st av n r;> S attic' "Wash Inspector U S Immigration service Murphy, John J Williston N D -Burdick & Murph :v Norton, Alfred Andrew Ashland bll< Chicago Ochsner, Edward A 551 arroll Paul Lettel' canier Otis, Willis lark Globe bldg Paul PaIge, Mu.beth Hurd (Mrs James Paig"i 4~O ak Gro'"e st Polk, Franl{ Hayes St Paul porting editor Pioneer Press Puffer, Lorenzo Nathan Guelph N D R uflejd, FlUnk Dewey 72u ~ av se R ohr, Charles D Seattle \V,,-sh Hllame, Albert Eugene It'd Wing 'I ty engineer Riordan, Philip James Oneida bldg Hngers, Clyde Eugene S attle 'Vash 'umu Ison, John E 513 Providence bldg Duluth Smith, Stelle. \Vorthington Stewart, McCants 221 Abington bldg Portland Ore Swensen, Harry Sylvester Dank of Com bldg Thompson, Anton Henning ounty attorney Thwing. Alfred Luther Grand Rarids 'ounty atlorney Todd, Geurge Eugene Trabert, Charles L Lumberman Walsh, larence Frank ' Vergedahl. Edward Oscar Wilson, 'Virt Casualty 1900 Adams, Charles Edward Adams, \ ViJliam lienry Anderson, Arthur C Anderson, Andrew Edward Bridgewater S D 2736 Elmwood av Berkeley 'allf 1501 Pioneer Press bldg t Paul 210 New York Life bldg insura.nce 515 Torry bltlg Duluth Bottineau N D di d 1902 Appleby, t ph n Pacific Nati BanI, Tacoma Wash 'ashier Barry, Arthur Richard Phillips Wls Land attorney 'V C Ry 0 Barton, CAlbert st s Pr s B B Fuel Co asst mngr Northland Pine 0 Bean, Francis Atherton N w Pragu F lour milling business Bearman, Abraham N 501 P nn av no ommi5slon merchant Benedict, T homas J Bird, John A Bellingham "Wash Minot N D Boardma n, Ralph T 701 New York Life bldg Bond, Marie P a lmer (Mrs C E Bon d) 1942 Marshall av St Paul Bosworth, Roy Dexter It no 1 Fullerton 'allf Braggans, William nzlo "'arren District court reporter Bull, Roy Taylor Redfield D Bunk r, Russell S av ne "eatlle,"ash Bu,'rows, William 4.02 Germanla Lite bldg St Paul Corporation secretary Buttz, harles \Vilson Jr Minn<,waukan N D ameron, Frank Hayward "'is Carpenter, Fred H S Bryant Sales manager Carpenter, Lamb o hlnnocl<. Hersey Ray GI nwood WI~ oates. Harr~' S t loud offe)" James Alexander oleman, John Ambrose on row.!ii ark 'raven, J oh n Edward reswell, Hairy JIeber ourtney 1 Lewiston Mont KailspPi Mont Middle I"e k IIi Care train Bros Greot Falls Iont Daggett, Thomas Clarence N Y Life bldg t Paul Daly, Jam('s Jerome Frazee Day, Floyd Hamilton Downpy. Frank Elbert N Y Life bldg St Paul Egan. J ospph Jam~ 700 E 5 st St I aul Ecl{lund, E<lward Alfred Wilcox bldg Los Ang les allf Ellsworth, herter Hitchings 4632 Xt>".'es av so Evans, Han'y \Vright Minot N D Filch, \Vil ilam 853 F lood bldg San Francisco alif,\ sslstant c laims attorney So Pa Inc Ry Frankson. Thomas :';prlng Vall )' Gel'mo Thomas Post Falls Ida ho ounty attorney GJslason, Blorn B Minneota Gray.,\ndr w () 425 Lindell polmn " 'osh Green, James II ourt House Proprielor Mi nneapoli s Abstract 0 Gridley, Eby Gra nt (Ex) 607 Palladio bldg Duluth I1l'al estn te and building GlI ilford!... P a ul Willis 4751 S Fr!'mont IIagen,.t;;rl ruol<ston County attorney

97 ALUMNI DIRECTORY 77 LAW-or Hanson, Alfred P Litchville N D 'ashier First Natlonal Bank Heffelfinger, Charles Edwin 17 E ~4 st With Pillsbury Flour Mills Co Heimark, Peter C Ulen died January Dickinson N D Eagle River Wis Fargo N D "Henningsen, Christian Hevener, Frank Darius Higgins, Alexander Hopp, George Morton and banker Hursh, William Logan Hyland, James Anderson Jahn, Peter 1736 Dept manager G Sommers Johnson. Bert J Johnson. Herman Filip "Johnson, Reuben J Keith, Albert Jackson Kirk, John Howarth 619 N W bldg Washbum N D Dayton av St Paul & Co Fergus Falls died 1905 Sioux Falls S D Bottineau N D, farm loans and lands Knoblauch, Charles 2500 Lal<e Place "Lewis, Albert Edwin deceased Lind, Erland 812 Andrus bldg Maas, Andrew 2428 Aldrich av so lc artby. James Edward York N D McDermott, Thomas Manhattan bldg St Paul lilcelroy. Earle William 205 G N Ry bldg St Paul Legal dept G N Ry Co McElwee. Charles Clarkson N G A Bank bldg St Paul lilattecheck. Matthias Walter Kennewi k ~Wash Banker Mattimore. James Manhattan bldg St Paul Mayo, Walter Lewis N G A Bank bldg St Paul Miller, Clarence Benjamin Torry bldg Duluth lilember of 'ongress 8tb District "Miller, "'illiam Henry died July Minier, Ethan B Amery vyis Morey, Arthur Giles Morley, Frank Johnson 838 Security Bank bldg Moore. Herbert Stephen San Diego Calif Atlorney and Court reporter Nichols, Malcolm Emory ar Proprietor Nichols O ' Brien, RI Chard Dillon County attorney Olson, Julius J Owens, W illia m G PaWson, John B Plymat. Hany Eldon Poseley, Henry Edward Dislrict manager Central Life Ins Quandt. harles William Rexford. "'ilbur Lane Richardson. William B Rlsj ord. Gulick Nelson Clr uit judge Risser. C 0 (Ex) Robinson, Bertram Henry Robinson. Net James Roe. Otto Erickson Rogers, George Ca\;.n ey Royal, Irving DaviTl As t c laim agent 23 E 6 5t t Paul Expert SchOOl ourt H ouse St Paul Warren,Villiston N D t Cloud Rolla N D Stewart Co Winthrop Hibbing noche tel' Ashland Wis Bloomington III Tracy 1021 Commerce bldg St Paul 815 E 18 st Sasse, Frank G Austin Scandrett, Henry Alexander 112 W Adams 5t hicago Schm idt, Herman Carl 202 Security bldg Los Angeles Calif "'ith Nat! Surety Co Law Schmitt, John 1ViIliam Schulz. Rudolph F Judge of Probate Shaw, John E Sheldon. Dell larl, Simonson, Helmer I General contractor Smith, Charles Veach Trus t fficer for Minn Loan & Smith. Ezra R Smith. W a lter W,-man Sprague. l\lionroe Horr Lumberman Steele, H Herbert Banl{er Stewart. Rnhsl't D St ong. Edwin Harry Tew, Martin E and Ie T Odd, Kay Todd. " ralter VV Vasa ly, Lou isw Vasaly_ Stephen C Law a nd real estate Webber, Benjamin Frank Mankato Ivanhoe died December Pine I~land 2515 Chicago av 4 ~ renn av so T rust Co Brainerd tewartviij Wa hburn "'i Mohall N D 425 Portland Rt Paul Cavalier N D Willmar turer 512 N G Bk bldg t Paul 331 Glenn av Portlan i Ore Little Falls Littl~ Fall Globe bldg Whitcomb, Carlos F Whlttemore. Guy L W ickersham, Price Wolff, Otto Auditor N G A Young, Eugene Zehnder, John C Allen, Hugh N T Andersen, Andy Norman "Bannon, Festus Lucius Bate, Charles Roswell Travelling salesman Bergheim, Nels N Bessesen, Henry John States attorney Biron, Robert H Court reporter Blomberg, Charles A L Collector Bowler. Frank Leslie Court reporter Boyer, Carl Adams Brace. Clayton Eugene States attorney Bradford, BenjamIn H Breen. 1Ilaurice J Farm lands Grand Forks N D died Sep t 190 Manhattan bldg St Paul N G A Bank bldg t Paul Bank 2290 Commonwealth t Paul 1005 Pioneer Press bldg St Paul av se Ladysmith "'is deceased 36 ::-<0 11 5t Li ttle Falls Harvey N D av so av so 2325 Columbus av 2430 Oakland av Crosby ::-< D Minot N D 4035 So heridan Bron on. Harrison A Grand Forks N D Burglehaus, Thero n W 459 Coleman bldg Seatt le Wa h Insurance Caldwell. Gu~' Lowell Callaban. James A amp bell. Fred C Cha se, W alter-5 Christofferson, Arthur Cooper, Paul Curtis Cotton, Cl aude George Manager Burroughs CraWford, William N M Dodge. Clayton J La wyer and banker 683 Simpson av St Paul Denhoff N D Henry bldg Seattle \Va h 48 Securi ty Bank bldg 614 Endicott bldg t Paul Truman 1526 Ct Place Denver Colo Adding Machines 707 Globe bldg Moose Lake Do~s. John :llartin Columbus & Nora av Spokane Elhs, Lawrence Olson Black River Falls " 'is Ellsworth. Franklin F Manl,ato County attorney Flannery, Charles S 321 Plymouth bldg Geraghty. Thomas P 702 Fairmont St Paul Gergen, John Bernard Jamestown N D Gipson. Eugene Henry Faribault Goddard, William Taylor 430 Gilfillan blk St Paul Gray, Archibald D Spokane W ash Gray, Claud Filmore av T acoma "ash President a nd manager 6th Axe Lumber & Fuel Co Griffith, Bertram B Wheaton Cashier State Bank Grove. Julius 0 Glenwood County attorney Haas. Alfred Holstein Ia Hagaman. Harry Arthur E ndicott bldg St Paul Harri, Jameos D Heino, J oh n R Torry bldg Duluth Henry. Gilbert 722 E 5 st St Paul Credit man Hel<n, A ngie King. Madison H ollihan. Daniel James Hookway. Chancellor W H ubachek. Louis A Hurley. liiichael B school 259 Dayton St Paul 307 liickubbin t Paul "a nville N D 916 Phoenix bldg. 501 Minblg Exchange bldg Colorado prings Colo Ive, son, ~ evenn liiobawl;: bldg Spokane " 'ash Jarman, Thomas J on es 75 Summit St Paul Atty Fat well. Ozman, Kirk & 0 John ton. Charles Edward Langdon N D Banl,el' Judson. H arry Carlton Harvard st Omaha Neb redit man liiidland Gear Co Kaldor. Theodore Hill boro N D to.tes attor n e~' rol'svick. Gutt I'm H Abercrombie N D!{'-ello, Alfred Marlus Lisbon N D Lains, Ho rold G ortl1 St Paul Assistant foreman W est Pub Co edlt dept Lawrence, W Ham l'lton M anilo. P 1 Levy. Sam Julinn 310 Loan <"<: Trust blae: liiclntyre. James W cota S D l\icnamal'f1. 'l'homas P 1844 Iglehart St Po.ul Assistant genera l auy C G W Ry

98 78 THE MINNESOTA ALUMNI WEEKLY Markham, Claron Arthur Markham, John Albert liietcalf, John B Clerk C St P M Miller, y,'illiam Hal Banker "More, Russell Andrew 1\10rgan, J ssie ~rhayer Beaver Dam Wis Beaver Dam 'Vis 112 Western av no 't Paul & 0 Ry Connell 'Vash dieu Dec "Toman's horticultural school Ambler Po. Murph~', William John 169 AurOl'a St Paul Inspector U S ustoms 1\10rrison, John A "IV Jacksun blvd hi ago Murtha, Thomas Francis DickinSon N D elson, Iv I' ornelius Boston blk Noyes, Eugene Clement 3340 Han let av Odell, linton 1\1 N "IV Natl Life Ins Co Stat agent O'Keefe, Daniel J U tlysburg S D Peterson, Siv 1 t E Moore Mon t Law, neal Estate, Loans and Insurance Plymat, " ralter Ashton 1Ilanimto ounty attorney Rea, James E old ~prings Rancll Reimestad, George I ounty judge Richards, Chari s,vesley Richardson, Harold James Rindahl, J ohn Rossberg, \Villiam Fred Propri tor Mustava Schmidt, Carl B Scott, Samuel Cyrus S nn tt, Lin oln Henry Severan e, 'William.'heran, John Francis Smith. Helen Soares. Victor E \Vriter for Chronicle Spicer, Marion Clifford.Stenhaug, John.Stewart. Ilobert allyle trom, Carl Sigvert Teisb rg. al'l.\.\fred NGA Thompson, PaUl Jennings 900 Thompson,,Villiam Thomas Banle ca~hier Forsyth Mont Rea Bros Sheep Co Stanton N D deceased 324 Endicott St Paul Holum La 459 Laurel ~t Paul Nut Flake Globe blllg St Paul Hibbing Canuo N 1) St Louis Parle Ipswich ~ D ~t Paul'! Y 111 C A bldg Elgin 11l Clovis N 1II ue ('asell died Oct 11 I911S Lake 1), tal Bank blug St Paul ecurity Bank bldg Taylor's Falls Tiffany. Fred L Coeur (]'.\Iene Idaho T odu, Jay So Seattle \Vash Torra nce, Graham 111 Bemidji "Tweet, Henry C rlted Sept InU7.Wachuta, harles F died Jan Walso, John 304 Andrus bldg Warren, Charles Parker Huron S D,,'art'en, Edwald 10rrls L:!. liloure N D Willis, Hugh Evander Univ rsity Assistant professor of law University Wlttmack, J ohn Henry 137 W Congress st t Paul Deputy ollector of customs "roodward, rlando F l\[arshall Judge of probate court 1902 Aygarn, Iivel' Bane. 'Vllllam 'Vhitmore Bengtson, Hans Peter Bessesen, Nelson Daniel B e um, John E Bonhus, A n drew G Buck, Charles Summer Burns. Thomlls l<'l'ancls Compton. William Gould De laurl rs. Alphonse J Dignan, Thomas Dodge. Veranus W Donahu, Willia m H Blliott. rra Russell Elwin, Elmer Harrison ('ou n I y a Uorney Elwood, Waltt? I' J Brmatinger, Joseph J Flnstuen, Andrew Law~'er and edttor, Leaoer Fitch, Ll"ster.John ashiel' 'l'racy State Banl< Folds, William Lawrence Fraser, obert L Fl'y, G org' R Furst, William 404 H e ttinger N D Brai" I'd,ranite Falls 3~4 McKnight bldg LIUl sbolo Valley ity N D Jamestown n Tioga N D ('ad well 1(laho Kalisp!'l font Glasgow 1II nt 535 Palae bldg Whit Earth D Br ckenridge Gl'oton S n Globe bldg Rt 1 au l Kenyon Tracy (lie,l Aug Garrlso1') N D I 3.1' La!cp Wi~ New York Lif bldg Gillmore, George A lbro Guesmer, Arnold L Halvol'sen, H nry 0 Hamaker, Harry Hauck, Edward 'IVI\1Iam H!fron, Fred ric C Heitma nn, Joh an H n derson, J Hobbs, 'Valdo 'arren \\' 1IIIs ton N D liiinneapohs Dawson Amador City alit Dickinson N D 1705 Torrey bldg Duluth " 'ebst"r City Ia 2131 N Fl emont Princip I of North bigh school Houston, harles Egbert,,'heaton J e ns n, C nstant 412 Trust & Savings Bk bldg Los Ang Ips Calif Jordan, Edward Flandreau S D Kan, James Henry 1011 Am Bk bldg ~eattle \\"ash Kleinmann, harles P ala e bldg "Knox, John ' uied Aug 19U4 Lamson, 'Villiam Howard Hinckley Lawr nce. Pel'cy J Gill 6 at se Livermore, Harry Adam HOlJe N D Dist 'um mngr N D Ind Telephon Co Lossow, Albel t lienry,,'ashington D C Lawy I' interstate commerce com Lov tt, Ralph E 300 tat" st s Real state l\ickpnzie Lovett 0 Luby, Michael J 1124 E Montgomel'y av l:'ipokane \\'ash Lundborg. Hugo ]224 2 ay!-on l\icbrid, Morton Lewis!I1cGray, Fran!c E Dickinson," 1) 916 N Y Lif,' bldg ~t l'aul Attorney at law McGregor, Bruce Elmo 1I1cKusi k, Rnyal,V Sel'retury-treas Tabour TIealty 1IfacLanp, John ]<' liiclaughlln, G('orge Vlnc nt 1IIcNult~'. Frank McPartlin, Frank Joseph Martin, George Riley omplroller N Ry Sl Paul JlIelville. James Condit Mueller, Albert \" Nelson, B rlle Ban}\: [' Newman, Francis Julian Nickerson.. John E Norton, Eric Nostdal, Louis R Ofsthun. hrlstoph r 0 Cashier slate bank Prnsser ",Vash ~7 tn S ulcax o Bol~e 111aho 2405 nus" 11 a v so f'issptlln ~ n International Falls ti20 15 av se 301l "'a rner "lug Ht Hplen~ (Jr, Flaxton," D DpnhnlT :-.: J) r.~ivi"lon ),hll,) Glob Ilg' ~t Paul Rugb\' N n Kallst:1,1 Olson, Chari s Leonanl 271 Aurora, t Paul redit clerk Mannheim I' Bros Pack I', Benjamin G '\\'Ith e ""is \,irglnla 1131 Nich las bldg Tol lin n Finkr N D PO irier, Otto A Potter. Paul Em ry Quamm~, Edward G Bankel' Rachle, Elias ew York Life blclg Redlllng, Paul, Clt~' Hnll l:'ipokant' Wash Richo relson, Elmel' 1494 '" Mlnn~haha st Rt Paul Law tlltor \Vest PublishIng Co Rick rt,.jacob Arthur S heljbach, harles IIenry Schonarth, Petel' Sexton. Lul<e Y Sillowa y, Fra nk " ' \th Deere & Co Simpson, Earl Robotka. ttoear Rol('m, Louis ~per) y, Roy FJ Stonf rd. Ralph "IValrl Eagl Stolber~. Alfl'eel p.. ter ounty attorney.. C;wenumsnn, S La \Y, I en I cstat and loans 1'autg... William A 1'PI'l'),. Robert \\Teston Thornton..John J a mes 1'on<', J\ad A<lol. n Vellka nj... Milan Von Kuster, P au l E hlf'f ('Ierl, D Bell Webb, George T aylor 'Vpst, liarr ' ('In ric " ' hltn y, ArthUl' 1903 Glob 'Tracy Unl<nown bldg Rt Paul Litchfield ii10line III Winona Virginta 843 Plymouth bldg bldg Spokane Wash \\' 111 mal' entel' City Baldwin "'is 4333 So ('01 fa x Slayton l\[emphifl T e nll Norlhome North Ynl,lma " 'ash 230 Se urity Bk blug Tnvestm nt C liferl'icourt N D Tluffalo I1m'shall St P aul A l b e, tlilam E 600 Pho 'nix bldg Abstracts of title and lawyer A l xandel'. harles L Pplican nupids Law. r ul estat, loans and abstracts

99 ALUMNI DIRECTORY 79 LAW-04 A uatin, Jos ' ph E Baldwin, Mathias 1st assistant county attorney B ny, Harry Lynn Borgendal, Hans Bothne, Nils J Coun ty altorney Bowler, Madison Caleff Buell, Charles Joseph Bur 'llard,!:lim on James Bultz, Adrian E Cilapman, Franl( J Chase, Kelsey Stillman 'lale superintendent of Conser, Louis A Coul{, Leslie Lloyd Davis, John Isaac Davis, Louis David Chisholm 132~ 17 av no Stanton N D Madison Elbow Lake 501 Loan & Trust bldg North Hudson "V's Pioneer Press bldg St Paul Leeds N D New Richmond Wis tale Capitol!:It Paul banks Bak r Mont Appleton 'Vis "'aubun As istant cashier First State Bank Dillman, Raymond L Reville S D Dyer, George E Kas on Erickson, Theodore 0 Flandreau S D F ny, Thomas P 'Va ubun Finstad. Ole J Windom l<' reeman, Edward hi holm Gallagher, George A umner ""ash Gunuerson, Andrew Bennett Vermillion S D Halsted, Hugh :M: 305 Lumber Exchange Whulesale hardwood, lumber Hanson, eorge Elmer Sabin Hanson, Nels Benjamin Barnesville Harkness, Edgar G Los Angeles Calif Title lnsurance & Trust Co-asst ti tle officer Headley, Lucius Ambrose "'ayzata Hegland, Mo.rtin Johan Roseau Himsl, Jos ph 13 nedict t Cloud Hopl(ins, Frank H Fail'fax Hougan, Alinda May Northwood N D Huntington, Arthur E 5616 Monte Vista st Los Angeles alit 'ashier First National Bank Johnson, John ~f Johnsoll, Thore Rudolph Kennlcott, J ay A Kno.uf, Arthur Lawrence Lende Ol al A Lawy r-8tate Senator Lundquist, Charles Oscar Real estate Lynche, Charles Albert McClearn, Hugh J fck nna, orge I lcmanamy, James J :Marges n, Wylie C Marshall. John,V Land Investments Sharon N D Cannon Falls Luverne Jamestown N D anby 252 Security Bk bldg Hatton N D T orry bldg Duluth Napol on N D 208 Pioneer bldg Madison ','Is 2 Rector st New York City 1149 Summit av St Paul MI hel t, Wilhelm C L Thief RIYer Falls litton, William B,Va lla Walla ' Va h Moore, Milton Walter 309 King st Depot Seattle 'Wash Right of way agent G N Ry )Iorrow, Th mas D Bowden N D 1419 hica.go av 63 E 6 st St Paul Murphy, Joseph L NaSh, Louis Manag I' for Nicoll tbe O'Donnell, 1IIIchaei Charles P itkin, Charles A Porter. Gardner H Real elate Rohertson, RaYIlJ nd Rostad, John Ellward 3442!';chacht, Th 0 A Scholle, Gustav ecretal')' of the American,ch,'oeder, Peter F Schulz, tto William "Rcribner, James linton Shea, George Francis Smith. Mary Donovan 93 W 'Smith, John Philip milh, Justin l\[ Conner Smythe, Dan P Rnu le, V Ormsbv Rtprling. ('harfes P Tayl ", Arthur Robert Upson, In\Jn E Wayne, James A.,nnerdahl, John A "'liiiams, Edwin Adam Akers, Vi'alt e,' LeSlie Alcott, R bert Kerr U04 Tailor (Inc) 924 N Y Life bldg Thief River Falls 121 S 11 st ~615 Clinton av Rightwood av Chicago III Roehester Paris France Embassy Detroit Madison died Nov Virginia YCilmOre St Paul died Apl'il b1l;: Boz man Ion t Pendleton,'e " -esthop N D died ]904 St Paul BillIngs Mont,Yallac Idaho Tekoa Wash 434 Plymouth bing 535 Palace bldg Alexander, Fred A Owatonna Andersen, Oliver Sverre 509 1st National Bank bldg Duluth Barnard, Robert Tatlow Jamestown N D Representative of Wallace-Ballard Lbr Co Bartlett, Lester Cass Lake Register U S Land office Baudler, Carl Austin Beagle, Charles D Anacortes " "ash Bridgeman, Raymond 830 Security Bank bldg Bruce, laf Ludwig 711 New York Life bldg Burdick, Usher L "'iljiston N lj LIeutenant governor N D Burns, Peter i\1 Busbfield, Ha,'lan J Campbell, H Donald Assistant ecletary Carman. 'William B Clapp, Harvey S New York Lile bldg :Miller S D 810 2d av eattle Wash 'Wash Savings & Loan Assn Detroit Providence bldg Dulu th Closnel', Edward G Antler N D Clough, Eugene D care A A club Spokane Wash Curf!, Elias B Lumber Exchange Diepenbrock, Clarence P Red Wing Dobie, Gilmore Seattle Wash Director of athletics U of Wash Dousman, Charles J Lemmon D Dowdall, Augustus S 71~ N '" bldg Dredge, George Plymouth bldg Real estate. ulflow-dredge & Co Eaton, Julian tiles 141 Broadway ew York Attorney Traveler' Ins Co Ellefson, Edward K Erickson, August George Felberbaum, Harry Flannery, Henry Clay Fowler, ArthUr W Frankberg, George W Frissell, Ervin Robert Law and real estate Furber, F red N Gardner, Augustine Vincent Jr Gilbert. Trygve 0 Glslason, H aldol' B Instructor in rhetoric "\Villiston N D Springfield 311 Yeon bldg Portland re :\lew York Life bldg Fargo :\l D Fergus Falls 301 Andrus bldg 819 N Y Life bldg Hasting Willmar 217 Harvard st e Gla sner, Lewis III 111 E 56 st Chicago C,'edit manager "Royal Tailors" Golf, Hiram ~ Mankato Goodhue North Yakima Wash Coleraine Gorman, Frank T Grany, Thomas E Greer, Dorance Dorman Guthrie, M M Zell Hanson. H Stanley Editor Hanson, Walter Harry Haroldson. Hans B Harrington, Curtis Lyman Pres Harrington-Skiles, Harrington, 111 Joseph Hosford, Palmer Jamieson, Scott J ohn Baird Johnson, harles A Jones, George P Jones, Harry Kimball Breen & Jones Keohru1e, John Kercher, Alice Louise Kerl" Ha rold C Kuhne, Augu t E La Du, Charle "r Pierre D 730 S ecurity Bk bldg 'Wallace Ida h o 1105 Alworth bldg Duluth Security Bank bldg real e tate and loans layton :\lonticello Rapidan Okanogan,\Ya h r.... :\Ioure D Silver Bow bll;: Helena :\lont Beach N D Palace bldg 697 Laurel ~t Paul Gregory S D "\Vaseca Lamoureaux, Addison E La ndon, Clio Grant j\[pls La~' cocl<. Ernest 36 Larch st New Bedford li[ass LeBell, ~\u stin Ozias Keith burg III McElmeel, Owen P G rea t Fall Mon t liicgarn", John H Alexander N D New paper publisher and lawyer li[acyicar, Earl Angu ay Seattle W ash Al'cade annex Maloney. \Ibinus L San Bernardino alif Mark, John H 'Wadena illal'shnll. Allan K MOITis *illaurin. Francis J decea ct Mehan, J ames Edward "417 Park av liianager G lh Barrie c' Sons liful'fin. Arthur lit Grnnd\'iew Nichols, J ohn Freeman 302 Andrus bldg Law and real state, Nichol & Fri, sell Ogden, Lesl ie S :)311 Central fly A sistant city attorney 'Ha re, Herbert F Hammonn "'is Olson, H a ns M Security Bank bing Farm lands and law Olson, John Two Harbol'

100 80 THE MINNESOTA ALUMNI WEEKLY O'Marr, Louis J Upp nheimer, VVilliam H enry Payne, Byron S Plummer, Frank Lincoln Praxel, Anthony J Reed Frank E, Rice,' \Vllliam Albert Clergyman Rogers, Edward Lowell Barr blk Sh ridan " ryo 810 Globe bldg t Paul Pierre S D Boi5e Idaho Lamberton Century bldg St Francis Walker no~sman, 'Villard Allen Grand Rapids Huble, Edwin Carl Dnscoll N D Rundell, Edwin Albert Earlvill., la Hran, Patricl, Joseph 47 Court Hou 'e St Paul Filst assistant county attorn y SarI', Abraham 1\1 Hills timith, John \I' iiilam 3201 Holmes av SecI' tary-treasurer Northern \I',dding Mfg S o lem, L udwig Plymouth bldg Stephanus, Carolus J New Yorl, bldg Seattle Wash '1'aylor, James Depew Hamilton Mont Thomas, Harry Hugh 800 Hennepin av Sales manager Pence Automobile ( '0 Thompson, J'ohn U Battle Lake Thompson. Porteus Isaac Houston Thorpe, 'Valt n 'Willard Britton S D Yolk, Henry William 31~-13 Lumber Exchange " 'are, J Roland 5UO Security Uk llldg "'earne. Roger Grose oeur d'alene Idaho \\'ederath, Frank ' Presho S U 'Veld, Lyman Powell Boulder Colo Manager of Longmont Abstract 0 Wildes, Frank A Hibbing titate inspector of mines \I' illiams, Charles Spencer Apartado 35 Bogota Columbia So America Presbyterian missionary 'Vood, Benjamin \VilIiam Arcade bldg Seattle 'Vash 1905 Aaker, Casper D Anderson, Alvin F Anderson, Carl Fanry And rson, Don ameron Anderson, William l-ioward _\ndl'e, Charles John Austin, Harry Hart Bai ley, Seavey Moor Baird, La Hoy Barney, Harry C Barrow5, Earl Marsh 310 Bartlett, Joseph B Insurance and loans 'Minot N D died Feb lierman Biwabik 9~5 New YOlk Life bldg av se 'hisholm 910 New York Life bhlg Dickinson N I Anacortes \I'ash Minn Loan & TruRt b ldg Tulsa Okla Boo, B njamin arlton Stillwater Bowe, Dennis E liiellen,\"is Boyd, Leon Higginson 760 Capitol heights Sl Paul Brady, Harry Louis 413 Oak st se Int Slock Food Co Brown, Robert H nsh::tw BUl'nquist, Jo 'eph A A Burns. Leo Arthur 612 Carroll, harl s Milburn Caswell, Irving Albert lerk s upreme court St Paul Chase, J osiah Hook 610 T emple ourt Chinnock, James Thornton Commercial orcoran, John Hayes Law and r eal estate Oslo Jllinn Endicott bldg St P:1ul " 'ells Miller S D Anol<a 1427 Univ a" se blk Portland Ore 517 Palace lildg Cotton, Isaac Frank 1804 Park av Banl{er Couper, 'Vallel' '1' 17% hestnut st Blnghamlon N Y ourtney, T Frank 1606 Broadway ::;',attle 'Ya~h Co u rt ney, H enry A 1st Nat! Bank bldg Duluth urt nt, John Rees died 19n7 D a v ies, Otto N noo Security Bani, hlrj~ Dei Ro n, Elmer 0 II ron Lake Drake, Benj a m in Jr 816 Lumber Exchange Eckstrom, Andrew N 'Varren J-<::van s, Maurice V 35 Eastman hili Fosmarl<, Alexander 'Varrond Fr:1nl,el, Himm David 505 N G A TIl< bldg ~t I'alll Gallagher, Micha 1 William 357 Guodrich St Paul CIerI, R 1II S Gardner', George Harold Brainerd Gilman, halles Lewis 804 Nicollel av Press agent Orpheum '.rheatre Goldsbur.v, lun.ud G regg, K e n neth P Sn.les manager Hoff, Enoch Arnold Cashier bank herol{pe Ja Shevlin arpenter '0 Shevlin-Carpenter 0 Ypsilanti N D Ives, Henry Swift 915 Commerc(' bldg St Paul Janousel<. Joseph C Yankton S D K ay, Sp n er Bryant 42~ Plymouth bldg Keith, 1II R Kenmare N D LaDue, Blanche Waggoner Pine HiveI' Lamb, JIlantl1n J Billings Mont Leverson, Oliver (Ex) N w ~alpm N D Livesey, Georg Bellingham Wash liicglvern, Frank Charles Staples IcWhort r, liarry Frank 85 7 A hland.. t Paul St nographer ommercial club Mand I rid, Hilger Henry 761 'Yabasha st St Paul Banker Marshall, \" Frank Philadelphia Pa Martin, 'harles Mackintosh Moe. Yahkmar John Duluth JIlorken, Gilbe rt T are Davis, hoe Co 4 st pokane \I'ash Newton, "'alter Hughes 36~~ Elliott av Paddock. Geol ge Arthur Drem~rton Wash P t e l', Henry 2UO New Yorl< blk Seattle 'Vash Peterson, In~ urus 320 Ontario st se Deputy State Insurance commissionc-"r 'Donn E- ll, John Thomas 1 01 Portlar"l av I)'Gorman. Thomas F Ustberg, Arthur G ~fi1aca Law and real estate Prueher, Joseph George Blllomer \Vis Handall, Clarence B 1812 Dayton uv St Paul Attol'ney Tri State Tel & Tel Co Ricl<s, \Yililam Leonidas \I'YOIning Ohio Ripley, Edwin A ~[andan N D LawHr loans and abstracts-in\' 'stment loanker Sanford, Edward r 2712 H('nnepin a'" Sale" mana~er \Vashburn Crushy 'n Sanford. Uoland George Palisade Law and real estate chendel, Julius ampbell Banker Schweitzer, Frell rick R Central City Xeb Assistant ~tate s letary Y, r U A Semling, C Knute Ada 'lerk of district court Sinness, Torger -Smith. James LpUoy Soderberg, Nathaniel F ounty attorney Stamm, Alhert Gottfried Miner ' Stanberry, Ralph Stanley Steenson, Jesse G Grain Stephens, Ralph Brown ~linrll'waul,an X D ham of Com Portland \).." ~Iadison Falrbank~ Ala ka 'II1t "on ell)' Ia 3::;UII Harriet a," 920 av so Inspector U S customs sen'lce Sten-ett, Lillian Josepha Z Girard or mathematics ""est high s('\)ool Stevens, Homer William nl\' rsity f:tollg'h ton, lier,b rt Leonard Il_age Ia Stuart. UobE'l't Kincade Henville Duluth Sullivan, Dennis P r dit man Marshall-"lVells IIdw Sullivan, John Francis Swee. John Peter Thelen, John Nicholas Thompson, Albert Thompson. Arthur McCall T hompson, William E dward 2171 Thore"on Ie \I'arner, t.ee Frost Private secretary to U S Senator Wart nbe. harles Sumn I' Asst secy and lleas Mpls 'Vhlt!'. l\'lle Roy Wildey, H Le~lle General store' \I"il1iams, James Von 'Willoughby, Harold A As~t cashier 1st Nat! Bank Ziclltc, John J 1906 o Jlfandan N D nowan 1\'[ont Great Falls ]\font.\dams N I ~linnt N D Carter av St Paul Lakefield 836 Lam I St Paul lapp 525 Plymoulh bldg Insuranc.\genc), 1601 UniY av 51' av se ~fal'''hal James a" so Oakfi ld Wls Allen, Gust avus W ilhelm Bryant [IV so Pmpril'tor of liotel Allen Anderson. Albert S Philip S D Assistant ca"lhler' 1st State BanI, Anderson, Vict01' Emanu I \I'heaton COLI n ty a tlorney Arntson, Arthur E Red \I' ing Law nwl real esta te Jam slown N D Aylmel'. Adolph,,' Illiam C~ntraJla \I'ash Deal, \I'illis Norman '

101 ALUMNI DIRECTORY 8r LAW-07 Bredlng, A Melvin 605 P alace bldg Treasurer Mercan tile Adjustmen t Co Brorb~', J oseph av so Manage,' Lutheran P ublislling house Glencoe Onamia Brown, Garfield W B u rrell. Fred R uss 11 Cashier 1st 'tate Bank of Onamia Carey, William M Jr CalJJenler, Fred J harles, Herbert John Churchill, Irwin Allen Clark, Percival 111 Clarke. Arthur Howard Mapleton Murdo D 700 Fountain t Paul Huron S D Kenmare N D 1026 Hawthorne av League Treasurer 1Ilinn Anti-Saloon Coal'ie~', Charles A Flandreau D Collins, Louis Loren 2206 Girard av so Newspaper man Journal C. ouley, "'illiam D 618 Met Life blug :llpls Curtls, Horace Fulton 315 W 1;; st,vitil Cable..Piano Company Da,'in. Edward I-Ian'ey Instructor Dicldn:::;on. Burr A.DiJle, Chester B Domes. Frecierick S 'With D Bell Investment Co Dow, Do n Ca rl os Drake. ~lare-n"e E With "'est Publis g Co Dyer. Howard Y Merchant Eberhart, Axel Albert Ed.son, Harry J Eggle'lon. liian'in J '''lth \V J Gray Co Freimuth. David Charles St Thomas College St Paul Ryder N D Roundu p 1Il0nt Y MeA bldg Pullman "'asb 85 Clarence st se Pa.ul Beverly "'a h 707,\ndrus bldg Kasson 70-1 S 5 st Duluth '''itll D Freimuth & Co Frost, Daniel Ramsey 1~9 S 11 st In legal dept Mpls Street Railway Funcl<. Richard :I[ourice Count)' attorney Cass Lake Gallagher, mchard F (J:l.Idn",r. Ri hard Nelson Beach N D Stapl ~ (3aryil1. Frank Ross 4620 Yincent :-inl s manager Boyd Transfer & Storage 0 Grub,'r. J Henr)' 3349 ommonwealth St Paul He('rclary G N Iron Ore Properties Hans. n, Hans A Powers Lake "' D Hellllerstln.. Je~se Gideon 1119 So La Sulle st bicago Hewitt. CI~'de Acid.y )lassau,\sst ('ashie. Nassau State Bani, HinnlUn, \\'alter Clifford 610 Hyde bldg Spol<al1e "'n., h Homn{'~. Gl'orge Paul rosby "' D Hurlpy, :'IIm'Un John,Minot N r:.i,,"n"011, Andrew 7 Forbe bld,:r E\'erett "'ash Johnson, (,:,,1 Arvid Johnson, Henn' A care Oliver liiininp: Co Duluth Crookston,10..,. Loui~ HR'r",,)' 706 1IIinn Loan & Trust bldg Kay, John B(>nry 816 N Y Life bldg St Puul K'J11bflll, Edwa,'d Lincoln 400 1st Nat! BI;: bldg Dululh Kleinsrlinitz. Henry G Eau Claire,Yi" Koefod, Sigvard :11 R neaud"ue Langlois, Yietor S Bel/leld N D neal estate loans and insurance Larson. John C 350 Temple ourt Layil<. Pel"r R Leneh, Hugh E Fertile.\Iexandria Lewis, John ~hester )<ashh'auk "L"wi, Roy,' died November sino' Linde. lienry J ::'tanl y )< D Lindgren. J Raymond 3~4 l\1cknight bldg :\[pls 1 epl'esentati,'e "'est Pub ('0 Loe\'inge", Gu tayus 5Ih G.\ Bk bide; St Paul L u ndquist, Set h 9~ Se~urit)' Dank hld~ Lyons. Dennis Francis Stale Capit I St Paul D partment of insurance McCan na, Charles Da v id :'\lc ~"nn:j. _ T D!I('1\Ianignl. "'ijliam A 206 D spatch bldg 't 1'01.11 J\[cNelly.,Yllliam Oscar Hutchin~on Magnusson. Peter Magnus St Cloud state normal Mani, Thomn Sis eton 8 D lilenz, ehffnrd Jol1n 548 B"adl y St Paul Deput~ clerk distl'jct COUl't Merrifield. Rerb<?rt, Hankinson N D.\~st cashier 1st National Dank l\iil I Pl', Ray 'J 8tnnle)' N D No.'dlin. Gporge 45~ E(lruunc1 St Pl'ul To r to11. \TilIis In'in a 323 Security Danl, bldg Phillips. harles E 0 i\[anl<:ho Pre us, J A 0 170, 9 av so Clerk to Senator Knute. N ISDn Pryor. William Hammond 201 Lon dale b ldg Duluth and vice-president U n ion Abstract Co P ye, Char les Richard Northfield City attorney Redding, J ohn G Reed, Albel t Preston Reruele, Albet't C Rosenmeier, l.hristian SchuIl, Harold Schutz, 'Villiam T ~JJUck, 'Varren E 1I1ining and real Smith, Charles Elmer Smith, George David Windom Hood River Ore 307 Eagle blk Spokane Wash Royalton :Mi n ot N D Alban y 40 7 Realty bldg Spokane Wash estate 924 New York Life bldg Breckenridge Stine. David Lowe Care W B & W Stra dley, J o hn Woodcock Sault G Jordan. City te Marie :Mich Abstractor Swendiman, John Jr Dodge Center Law and real estate Swinland, John Torrey bldg Duluth Thom as, D a v id R ichard 610 _~ndrus bldg Th, resen. Carl Otto av so Truax, June Jaye,Test Concord Tyler, George Harvey Elk River 'Chi, Afred Woodbridge ero by Van D usen, Ge orge Cross 713 Chamber of Com With Yan Dusen-Harrington Co Y"an Fredenberg, Henry "aters, amuel:!li,,'erring, 'Vayne Richard "'old. Carl John Wright, Charle s R oll a Land, loans, insurance and Young, :'IIargaret A 1907 Drake N D 324,1 S Lyndale ::,rorgan av so Fergus Falls farm management n'ing a,- 0 A llen, E d m und Pratt 605 Palace bldg President li1ercantile Adjustment Co Amundsen. \Valter Gilmore 101 Torrey bldg Duluth manager bond dept hlanley-::'iclennon Agency Asher, Al le n P and Point Idaho Darry. John Sumner Philli!l,Yis Baudler, Otto Austin Bicknell. Lewis Williams "ebster S D AlJey & Bicknell attorneys Bingham, Henry G t Paul ~O;; Exchange bldg Duluth,09 ForeH!IV Spill v iile Ia 432 Ridgpwood Diu, Elmer Francis Branham. Harold Delaney Brekke, Edward A Brool,,'\\,iIliam lark Brush, Percy P n.rlson. Elof Julius Casey, Edward L lerk R ~r S Cloutier. Hem'i Hubert Coleman. John P ondon, Edward St J Cooper. Clayton C Costello. William Page Assistant State Attorney Culhane. 111 E Da v is, David Deyaney. John P Doane, Ira Chapman Doane. 'iviljin.m C ount\' auditor Eckhardt, john H Feroe. Helmer M L!I '" and real estate FI)-nn, FranCis Earl Ff'lst1ln. _\rthur Ru sell Gault. Lorenzo J Gilmnre, Cllarle' Edwin Gould, naymond ::,mton,i'eer,,,,-hen J Li utenant USA Harris, Rpx " Hewitt. Harry Roland JacRson. Frank _-\ Johnston,.\rthul' J Johnson, Joseph T.Tohnston. John L rnapp. Clean T Kremer, Gl'orge E Landland. George S loan Judge municipal court L'Hcrault. apoleon A Cl I'll, post office Lien, Elia Johnson State librarian Luce. Earl D Kels "-agh 1015 Xew Yorl, Life bld a ~j'lo 14 av so Palace bldg Anoka 411 Plymouth bldg :Mahomen Bi marck.' D General Brool<ings S D 1st Nat! Bk bldg Duluth o\ndl'us bldg Edgeley )< D Princeton ::,rankato 819 Security Bank bldg '''bite ~almon "ash Buhl t Peter Lake ~rystal Palace hldg Fort Leavenworth han "'ellster S D 53ii Andrus hltlg _-\bbotsf.,rd "'is HawlE'\' Edina :'1m!' 0- Knsota bldg ('hi~hnlm hledford Ore International Fall, 419 Broadwa)' nc State Library St Paul Phoenix bldg

102 82 T HE MINNESOT A ALU MNI WEEKLY McHugh, Edward E Care C M Ry Spokane Wash McManigal, Kenneth George N Y Life St Paul Meader, George F av su are The Opera Stutgart Germany Murphy, Charles Thomas Aurora Murfin, W a lter H enry La Moure N D ~tales altorney Nelson, Oscar H Ricon N!II Nilson, Chfford N Sand Poinl luaho Ober, Bernard Anthony 643 'Vashinglon sl ne, Security Mercantile Agency Park, Herbe,'t Thomas 41U N Y Lif l.jlllg Peterson, John 0 Albert L~a Peterson, John 'Vil1iam Red Lake Falls Peterson, Victo,' Muller 701 Andrus bldg Poppe, Forest Hobert Care T CRT Co 'L PaUl Attorney "t Paul City Ry 0 Ransom, John E Insurance Reiff, 1 "Merton l{ici1ardson, Howard Gray Robertson, Hugh A RoiJinson, Howard E Ronken, Oscar C Savela, August S haelzel, Jacob A Schain, Josephin Albert Lea 1012 N Y Life bldg Madi~on Lnu Portland r ' 19U5 N.\ldrich Kasson Franl<liJl,,'i1Uston ' U 17SU So Bryant In charge of dept Mpls Public Lib,ary Schoulen, Charles P 4244 Park bll'd Hunter N.lJ 610 Minn Loan & Trust blclg 729 Palace bldg 1200 Alworth bldg Dulutl, Schultz, 'Villiam A Schutz, Rollin H S chwa rtz, Lou is L Sinclair, John A Snyd r, Fred Alton cldey 1" Stockton, Charles Murray Big Timber Mont Ston, Ralph Archibald Grand Rupil1<> Swanson, Golhfred S Braine,d Van Vorst. Melvin J Whit Salmon " ' ash Waddington, Fernando S 1505 \V 2 st Chief clerk North Star Lumber Co vvalch li, Hans Kalisp 1 Mont Warner, ecil E Inle, national bldg Wells,,Villiam Raymond Whit Salmon '\'a~h Wheeler, Ha,ry E Lyndale Attorney avings Bank of Mlnnealotis Wiggin, Richard S ~25 Halvard st Deputy clerk district court vvilliams, Wadsworth 705 Pioneer Press bldg St Paul I nvestment banker "'li01ot, Earl C Farmington Wilson, Ray L Fish Lalw ldaho "With Wils n Leu thold Lumber ompany Woodward, Herbert Starr Hobson Mont and banker ' V oc1worth, Rees Paul,Vi nona 'Vright, Frank Edward Max N D 1908 A lli son, Lawrence Russell 2947 Park av Bal<er, James Bradford Bird IRland -MulTay & Bal< r Batzel', Reinhold K ' Ilazelton N D av se 109 Maria av Rt Paul Bott, Herman J Brown, l\ial'cus Edward Burk, Halvey B B u rke, Edward Timothy died April 26, 1910 Valley Ity N D Judge of dlslrlct court Cady, Edward T:'hilip PipeRtone Campbell, Roy English Olympia \\'ash AssisLant attorney general arson, Harry Summers 1006 r~t Life bldg hampine, liffnrd Real estat Colburn, Algernon Osmer Coleman, Henry J CI'awhal l, Lest I' Wtlliam Da ce y, W a lte r F rancis Davenport, Mu rra y T are Arthur D Jones & ('0 Law and mortgages Demps('~', WIllIam Henry Dolan, Francis Marion Don ohue, William John Doyle, David '''ilfl' d Coun I Y 1I ttnrn y Edq ulrt, Reuben E E nkemn, All lius Industrial promot"r EvanR, E li7a P Evel'hard, FI'",nk Taggart Fawcett, Andr w 3U6 10 av sc Eagle bldg Spokan "'"sh Belknap bldg Billings l\[ont 510 T'mple t Sellwood bltlg Dnlll th Spol<une 'Vasil New 111m av so 1509 Nn 6 :<t hateau Mont 1512 R 22 f:t S ctll'lty Balli, bldg ~ av so 1107 A lworth bwg Dululh N Y Llr,' bl(lg Fireston, Milton Philip Foster, Wm Kerr Inst in. physical training Fullon, David Langdon Gage, Lel'oy A G at es, Cassius E Gavere, Harry Banke,' Gre ne, Hammond Dey Banl< cashier 533 Globe bjdg St Paul 1411 Un Iv av se Unl\'erslty Valier :l10nt Bryant tel U 3~ a\ so Seattle \VaMh Grand Forl{~ N 1) Leonard N.lJ Gr ening, hal'les 'VlIllam l\felstone 1\1on t Bank cashier Groat, Denjamln Felan<l l\iessena N Y "ith Long Sault Development Co Gurnee, William Harold 709 Tor, y bldg Duluth Haas, \Villiam Hanson 307 '''alnut st St Paul Hamrum, Alfred Ulysses Metlopolttan bldg Hendel son, George Nurman H~d \\'ing Higgins, HarlY Getchee av su Hinshaw, Virgil G H o uc k, Sta nl ey B 615 E 17 st Hasp, Joseph A Hopkins Jensen, Henry N Detroit Jevne, Franz 0 G l\i.-rl<lan W's Johnson, Hobt E Mal shallu",n la. La w~ Joyce, 'VII bur Dirch r-llradford & Johnson Kel1, Laur I L ARSl ('ashie,' 1st Bank law Leach, H Ion Edwin Lockerhy, Charl<,s Emory Lohn, Lewis Kent McLaughlin, Mark M 490 Maehatanz, Karl Adolph MOuat, Haymonu.\ JIlaloy, Chag E H Massee, Edwar<l K "'at rtowli S D Sauk 'cnter Owatonn(t 3332 :';0 Aldrich Lc Beau ~ D Morrison st Portland Ure 't Anthony Park Grand Rapid' Sp I<ane \\. ash Headquarters 'Test rn Divan Francisco Calif apt.\ctg Judge Advocate Molyneaux, FI'ancis A Jr California Moore, Russell L 403 N Y Lite hldg St Puul Morse, t'rank Leonard 1~01 1 av no l\1ulally, James Henry S79 Granc1 av ~t Paul With 'lane & Ordway Co 1>1)'['on, Olin ~Ol nell Neal. Jal ed,augustus P rl<lns Nelson, Severt Ambrose Nicholas, Edward Herbert Norton, Frank E O'Gordon, Joseph A S Oyen, Brynjnlf Pattisun, Edward S R a d c liffe, Samuel J ames Ro be rts, Horace Wills Running, Clarence H TIussell, John C Rustad, Garfield H Saari. John Schwartz, Louis Benjamin Searls, Spe ncer Judd Senn, Henry B S ig e rfoos, Edward aptain USA Sigmonc1, Lloyd Edgar Simmons, 'Villiam Reed Smiley, Henry ufevr Smiley, Will iam C Law writer Soren~on, Nilps Madison Stratton, Paul D.sulli va11, G org" Francis Rwinlun<l, Ingman Van Duseo, Geo \VaRhlngton, D rwood :\ltlach 1612 E 6 st Duluth ~20 Union st s~ Jackson ]629 4 st se b:os!j U" ~ ;. "\\'l\lson Durand \I'is L~lrlmor "' ]I 50~ JIlet Lire hldg HUI ~e 6 bl Kpll!hpr :1100' head Lonsdale bldg Duluth 211 E 14 5t Ht Paul Faribrt.ult Hugby N D Ft Lea\'~nworth Mil Zumbrota 1935 Kenwood Parl,way ~50"1 Univ av Rt Paul 1 73 Marshall av Ht Paul Hayfipln Granite Falls Jonhlll 500 Plymnuth b1t1", 1423 Harmon PI 1st Nat Dk bldg Miss ula l\iont 1909 Akutsu, I"'nji Tochlgl-machl Torhlgll,,,n Jap,ll1 Anderson, Albert,J Fargo N 11 (Home 'l'logo N D) Anderson, Arthur IIarTagut 721 Se urlty Uk bldg Baker, Harold I 4S13 Sn Vincent Bnrtlel t, James H enry 4526 Nicol1rt "" Bingham, '!larles Baker Rlcepy E,'e Bowen, ORCaI' W U I~ \ \' Lal,e at lerk in law omce Boyle, Edwa I'd L Virginia B I'emer, Puul Gl'ov(',' U or ol umhla New Yorl' itl' (Iloll l(' 738 E 4th fit Rt PUlll) Brln,.I nhn L('onol'd Rn 'hesler J litlge of Probate

103 ALUMNI DIRECTORY LAW-ro Broderick, George M s t se Office work B r oderick, L eo Charles st se Brouillaro, Thomas L Ellendale N D Brown, lilontr'evllle J ay Bemidji Buell, Mrs Irene C Christie bldg D u luth Campbell, Peter P Hay N D (Horne Watertown) Christianson. Theodore Dawson, publisher of Dawson Sentinel Clutler, Guy Earl 503 N Y Life bldg Cuwles, Roy John st av so (Home West Con cord) Dart, Raymond H Donohu, Keren D Doran, James Edwin Duff, Hardaman Blaine AttOI ney (Home Regina Canada) Duffy, Tllnothy Earl Litchfield Bartlesville Ulda 677 Fry st St Paul Duluth Pr'lnville are Easton, Dana Maguon 407 Loan & Trust blut;,\l torney (Home Warren Erlcl{son, Harold C Hancock Flachsenllaar. Walter R Care \I'est Pub 0 t J:'aul Salesman,Vest Pub Co W Ya ForLe;:, :\lason ~lerril1 no 'l'orrey bldg Dulu th Forbes, \ el non A Bend Ore Gal berg, Petel' B Heeder _ D Gardner, John Vir Plains Mont George, D;l"id Wickham t se Hansen, Thol'\vald 810 Torr y bldg Duluth Ho uck, Norman Albert Coruna Hubel'. Eall Eldon l\lcclusky. D (Horne Ellsworth "'is) Hudson. hving McLaren Benson Huntley, Earl 'Yeb ter "ledtord Oregun R~al estate broker Johnson, Chas VV Pasco \I'a h K(lehan. James H L Granite FaJls Kuhn. J Louis 14:!S 6 st se LaVelle, Dezara E 307 Security Bl, bldg Lal'aln1 '. Camille.\Ibel't!l037 Crystal Lalta a\' Lauucrdale. Henry "WIlliam 3~6 Plymouth bldg Leal<, Jolln Roy International Falls LaWYer (Home Brain rd) Linn, 'ori August Fergus Falls Lit ti,'. George Rudd Kas"'11 l.ug.lll, [(Ilton Pelican Rapids )Ie 'OY, t 'hades \. nughan 810 Toney bldg Duluth :\It'~l i1lan.!ii< lcolm Dana 31 Sherbul n av St laul l\lilcll~li. Henry l:lewall SH 4 at se Moe, H erman 3263 Minnehaha av :\[01"5", DaVid L ;'.10.11', Rubert "IV Hunter "l\ D J\lUl"lJ:'Y. Eugpne Horton 725 E 17 st U Blien. Giles Patl"ick 409 B'war l:l Brainelll Hanl<er itizens tate Bank Ohmall. J,)hn "\V HOI Adams st ne I''''''in>:er, Fluyd T ~I 3ll a\' ne I'd.,-.en. \\'i1llam L Lallcastpl' Pl'lersun. Adulph' Conrad 1706 Elli tt av s.) Pet e!":",,", _\Illel t Victor A Aneta N D nnnd.lll. Claude Daviu Paulsen bldg, pllkane \\'a.-h Hand,tll. Frank Eugene Pl'o\'idenc bldg Duluth Car' Clapp '" Randall nasmuss"n, William James East :trand Fork~ Fa rnlington Rielz. "\If,.t'u Eugene City attorney Schwescka. Claude B Senn, FrE'(l rick "'illtam.,lndair, Juhn Franklin "'..!les & Dicl<ey Speeler, Han" J >ipir er. Ft'edei"iCk H SpflOIll'r. Paul Lord :::Healn~. Hnrry l:l Rlpl n. Sam ' '(rand. n Car Bernard Law and real e tate 1'oylul".,nlfrecl Brunson Velil,anj". Emil e BorgumelJ La,,'yet' 'nllbl'acht, nob rt "''like)'.,\)'(hul' John \Y0 t Union Iowa \Yasee," o IIIcKni"ht bldg St Charl('s ':)92!) irard rn :-:0 "lorris 610 Capit'll TIl, bldg St l'aul F,ngo.' D Kenyon Decl' niy~r No Yakima "'ash 3301 Holmes av so Htl:] Ticollet n\' "'all{01. hal"les.t Spt'ncel' BI'onl, Walts. \\,illi'lm _\ld(, st Natl BI, bhjg Duluth '\'ebsler. l:li'ence B Granl!. Haplds Jutlge of Probate> "'endlndt, EU\VQl'd W lifan chester, Green La 1<e 0 \ \,ir \\'he,'lel',,fi'orge harles Ma)'ville "~Is "Willllscn. Harry Hobert Hella D ~o(lds, George \ Yil ll am 510 Germ ania Life bldg S t Pau l,yooller, Mark Jt\rold Akeley 1: Ollngqllist, ha,\ tl\ 1,." 1910 Ashley, Lynn Herbert Hudson "Wis Behrens, V G Le Roy Berge, Henry herman 3141 Park av BerrY, H oward Morgan 7>lapleton Real state law and collections Blanding, Howard Durand Agre!J bldg Taylol"'s Falls (Home St Croix Falls 'Vis) Bonner. John Farrington Yirginia Brearley, Charles S 607 Palae" bldg Real estate and fire insurance Brill, Josiah Eschel 509 Andrus bldg B roderick, J Joseph 316 Security Bk bldg Bryngelson, Augustus E 404 Globe l>ldg ' t Paul Burdicl{, Ralph Edson International Falls l'amplell. Hiel Stillman Mantorville Canterbury. James Ralph Los Angeles Calif Chase, John Armstrong Dinuba Calif Cheroske, Sebald L 902 Higgins bldg Los Angele Cal olgruve, Chester "r a \' e u lter, I..eeus Hancock Anoka Dah l, S igvert Severy Virginia Dahl. Theodore R 311, Park av -Deering. Harold Cleaves died ~lal"ch l> 191 ~ Dexter, Arthur H 4353 Girard av no Eichhorn, Edmund l' 1~5 Temple Court Heal estate and insurance E lwell, Edwin Shedd 945 H av se Ervin, \\'illiam derling )Iankato Ferguson, Edward Stanley 3"" 13 av 5e Finkelnburg, Karl A \I'inona FI) nn. Timothy Genrge 1 1 Elliott av so George. James )[acbride Renville Granbeck. Joseph John ~2,4 Alden av St Paul Grant. "lalcolm E Fariuault Gre n, Raymond J La Grande Ore Haas. Challes Theodore 613 Cham of Com Portland are Haller. Adolph j'matius )[azeppa Hanrahan. Morgan J 416 1, av 6C Harris. George D ulligent Ala Held, Julius y,'aldemar St Louis Park Helgerson. Lynn S Plainview Holen, Oscar )lelvin 930 Marquette bldg Chicago III Irwin, H arry A lexande r Belle Plaine Kelehan, "-illiam C Granite Falls Kendall. Jnhn Catlin :Uarshfipld are Kiommt', Hans 0 Thief H',-er Falls Lampert. J:lcob JI' ~-l43 Pill bmy av Lindberg, arl A 3212 Irving ay so (Home,\ppleton) ~lcgrarh. Thomas J seph 2~, Am Nat Bk uldg t Paul )[cmaholl. Jol1n Francis J1' Hun'll S D lijartin. John Edward 16~O 3\1 _ t no ~rarwin, Paul J 904 :-.;; Y Life bldlr ~IiIJE'r. Harye," James Buffalo X D Miller, Her~chel F Lisbon )< D Mohl, En-rett Judson 627.\shland St p'lul "lolstad. Alfred G :3a8katoon. Sa.I' an Special collector. care Internatiun'll Han'ester Co );elson. larence Oscar 209 Phoenix blug ('asualty insurance adju tel' N'ichol~. ChE'ster L _, ppleton "'is O.. tensoe. Olh'er JuHan Twin "alley Oulman. rin ~1 516 ")< Y T if' bldg T'.. ttijohn. Lyl{> rare L A Plaster,4 Summit,,- ~ t Paul Phinney. Brenton H Internath nal Fall~ Planl<erton. TIay E 322' Holme" P"i0be, Johann G!!7~7 C1irnl'd tty nn Qui/dey. James J 3315 Elliott a y Hadc-rmacher. '''alter Henry Gilbert )Iinn Rauch, HurlT HOi 8 17 st Sa('h~. :.llsta,'us!\-( Ne\v Prague RaffOI'd. OITE'n Earl 4A )JcKnight bhlg SL l1leher.,\rthur F Fr:uee Shaw, VVl lbur DUane ~036 :"0 Oneell Simer,.Ter... me Kenneth. 0, ~I Knigh t' bldg Siscll0, Kenn"th 1021 _"\.shland o\\','t Paul Sal('sman S.ischo & Beard Smith. J Rus ell 509 )Iinn Loan & T)'u~t bldg I:';mith, Jnlian _\berile n S D Rtpwart. Eal'l "-m Princeton " "is Stockland. Gorge A 1~3 Union st e l\ianufac'threr Road liiachinelt,(one. AlfrNl Finn \' Cald",pll Idaho Strei'sguth, T hom a s ' Otto 3~~ 13 fly e Sundberg. J E I-\:t..~nn 'lly Ca shi('r "'j tizens tate Bank 8wansnn, YictOI' John 1926 Selby a \' 8t 1"':1\11 8 w enson, (,halles A Y 111 A St 1"aul Thor "n, Reuben, tlllw~tel' 'l'orrlson,,\ nkel' ~t <"e, 'al1\'ig. "l'lndo li[ 609 Palace blug R al estate and insurance

104 THE MINNESOTA ALUMNI WEEKLY 'Yarren, Earl William Wassing, 0 M ' Vieland, 'Yalter Fred Wigen, Joris 0 Young, Gerald Zoerb, Albe rt Jerome 1911 Andrews, George J Bollum, Altred E Bornemann, Arthur DeForest Bradley, Carlton E Bulen, L eon Lester Bullard, John Ralph arleton, George Alfred Chesnut, Alexander R Child, Sherman Coan, John Robert 'onley, Arthur Thomas Connelly, John Roland 417 utter, Edward Babb Davenport, Darlington De Reu, Charles Louis Dibble, Karl Andrea Dowdall, Augustus Sylvester Jr Ellis, Myron Lynn Falk, H arold Newton H al estate FloI', Albert Daniel Flynn, William El Fogarty, Edwal'd Leo -Fogarty & Frisbee, Earle Johnson Gilbert, George M Gonska, "\Val tel' 1st LawYl'r-Fogarty & Gonska Goodman, Franl( Peter Grimes, Gordon Halliday, H el bert L H a lvorson, Gu tav Hatfield, Paul liiorrison Heidel. A lbert "Weisel' Hendricks, Edwin Albert Banker, Falmers State Bank H essian, Mauri~e A Hobbs, Edwin Arnold Holm, Gustave S Hull, Harold J J enness, liia ul'ice V A 'st counsel N W Llfe Ins Co Johnson. Buford Paul Kelly, Chal'les Francls Knox, Arthur Raymond Knutson, Rovert Kranz, Ferdinand Aloysius Lanterma n, Evert Rosenkrans La,'kin, Jay A ::;ales m a nager N W Fixture Larrabee, Onin Henry Larl'avee, 'Va lle l' l! reeman Larson, L Leonard Lindgr n, Harold C Lindgren, Verner V Mlch representatlve Lon(]uist, E rnest,v McCanna, Geo M died Feb 6 1~ El 26 s t Blallleld Bucyrus N n av s Algonla " 'i~ Paynesville Red Wing Hallock Minneapolis Missoula Mont "Waseca 1 26 Portland av 241 U av so 914 Kenwood Parkway 901 Andrus bldg Bristol S D Oshsner bldg ~cramen to Cal Anok E 25 s t Marshall 819 N Y Life bldg 928 Plymouth bldg Kasson 14 E Lake st ""ew 1m a ledonla 1st Nat! BIt bldg Duluth Gonska Le Roy Duluth atl Bk bldg Duluth Fargo N n 514 N W Bk bldg St Cloud Brainerd st Sioux ity Ia Helena Mont Towner N D 900 Security Bk bldg Canton av so St Maries Idaho 1215 W 31 st av so Schuylu Lal«(' N Y Fuhla Roseau 833 Met Life bid,; Mandan N D 3249 S Aldrich & abin l Gh'ard av so 2020 GlI'ard a v so 2142 Iglehart St Paul drian Detroit Mich,Vest Pub 0 Banker 1cCrady, Willis Gorman McCune, Robert Hugh McDonald, Fl'ancls Louis McDonald, MIllard Halpin 1'raffic d Pt-l\1cDonald Bros liicdowall, J amt's Knox McGovern, John Francis McHanly, John A lexandel' McMahon, A lbert Edward Markham,,Vllilam H Mal'sh, Fayelte Elam Melin. Ebin Luther Na'eseth, John Hichard Neillon, Harold SOl'en Ness, A J A c hu, John B Parldock, H ervey Augustus PalmE'r, 1m Edward la44 C av F: edal' Raplrls I ll Parker, Alonzo E Guthr! nter Ia Pattersl' n. J a m es Ewing 15~0 r, s t HC Paul, Spurgl'on E Wheaton P abod~', ()rle~' H Pomeroy. Cu I,ti ' If Porter, H erb rt M 355 T emple CO Ul't Mc anna N D Pari, Rapids Benson 2200 Blaisdell av 2400 Blaisdell av Emmett Waho, FI:;!Ji~i~~'~ St ('I[1ud St Charl!'s I';tillwnler 323 Palace bldg Warren watonna Hector 1118 Knox av no ()ak Park Moorhead J 810 JlIt urve Powers, Arba Joseph Ravlcz, H a rry Reineke, hristian Adolpll Richardson, 'Val tel' Higler, B njamin M 'ands, JIlab I Ophelia ~a nrord, Roy Le Vel ne Schaln, Georg A chreyer, WllI!am Edward I:;;everson, Lawrence 545 'aile BoliYan, Jan 1913 Slvright, David Calvin Sjosellus, GelJ.ge B Skah n,!::ierenus P Skahen, Yanc E 'letvold, Albel t ~paulding, Edmund C tarkey, Joseph H Swanjord, 01 Swanson, lver Benjamin Tayl 1', Harord R Thoen, Carl Willard Trogner, " 'alter J Van e, I"tanley ~Iaybury Vesta, Olaf S Vroman, Fmnk Perry "'ashburn, Abbott McConnell 'Nay, Marshall Z W Ic h, Harold Arthur 'V ndlandl. 'Yeldemar Franklin " 'ill!ams, I 'rank.r Yates, Clyde Raymond Granlte Falls av so :'Ilorristown The.lshland St Paul '13 15 av so st se 15U9 Clinton av Tracv av se 316 Secunty Bk bltlg Buenos AYles SA-until 1912 Hutchinson 1st ""all Bk vldg Duluth IJrinceton Princeton DetrOIt JI1apkton ~lapleton Balaton 1901 Chicago a,' ' t JlIaries.daho Grove Cily st " 'Inona Plymouth bldg 1200 Alworth bldg Duluth Plymuuth vldg av ",. Manchester Wi~ 938 Plymouth bldg 1217 :! av so Ainsworth. harles L Andrews, Rollin Garard 2006 Palk av Ballou, Ellis Louvclne av so Employee line yard concel'n Barke, Arthur Randall Plckit hldg F rgus Falls Beaton, Nell E (Ex) Duluth Renson,.John abot 311 Nicollet av Bibb. Eugene Sharp 704 Lincoln vldg l"ecl elary l\lpls ereal Co Bielejewskl, asimh' Francis Blyth, JIll'S Virginia B 55l curlt~' Bk bldg Carl' 11. Joseph Douglas )fliih I" I) hristoph r, H arry 916 Lumb I' ExchaOl;'" Elwell, Alden Wor(,ester 1.15 'omo av ~. Erdall, L onard Thorfin ~(n9 In'inc; uv "0 Fole~', John Robert Ban y Ford, James Martin 920 Nlc( 11 t I\V Frank, Leonard Lawr nce Kansas Director or Athletlcs-U or Kansas Gerth, Otto Arthur st "e Gorh a m, George T (Ex) 20 nlv av ~I' Greene, John Joseph FayettE> Ia Hayes, Charles Leo 1208 Dayton a\' ~t Paul IIelgeson, Russell Albert Saskatonn,,ask an,uh. ColI"rtion dept International lial'vest('r Co Higgins, Claren('e 'V 3605 Gland av Horn, harl(>5 J~ ill y ando :-{ n Law and rl'al estatl' Hugh s, Donald Grant 1369 Sp.-uce Pin,," Hughps, Raymond Marl( Alworth bldg Duluth Johnson. Frank Edward Bird I ~);tn,l Johnston, LiKle A I xander )watnnlln Kaln, John PatrlC'1( B'l'cl(enritige Kotz, Olto on Hismarl, 4109 pton av ~o Lobb, Albert James Luther, Martin (Ex) 40n Nanton bldg Winnipeg an McCargar. Frpd Sheffil'ld 1I10n te\,ldeo Jl fcgrnth, D nnis Francis Jr O,,'ntonna McGI'('gor, Donald AI('xunder 3323 Elliot a\' Mark\'e, Arlhur LUllvlg 416 2::! :tv $() Mill r. FI' deriek,joseph 1509 Laur('l av!::it Puul ""ordhye. Gunnor HnnR <1mnlte FallR berg, Ezra Nathanl!' av so S ('rclan' H egna Dry Goods 0 Olson, li1nllhins Nnrdberg :tv sn Pl'arson, " 'aldemar Gustave 1,17 "'estl'rn ny Pet rson, JIa1'l'~' Hel ilel't 519 N G A BI, bldg St Paul Pick rlnl', Earl Thomall Genev;l. Plank, Georg(' "ehster 3GOS ~ av so Rehnl,, Edgar Benjamin 654,Security nk l,l,l ~ Schu"ter, Co 1'1 IT my. Ro('hC'stt'r Slas, De Forrest Jeremiah Jr JI[(lcliSIln Rtnil~~', 'Vlllinm Yall' 202 1\lpl8 ~t R y Co hlrlg State upitol SI r'wl Smith. Amos Delbert In treasury d('pnrtment Smith, Lucius Alexander FarIbault

105 ALUMNI DIRECTORY 85 Slone, Philip Mills Suftel. William Reynolds Swagler. Ralph W 'l'ydemann, Frederick E Morris Torrey bldg Duluth Ontario Ore Montevideo Waters, Murray Wilson, Chester Sawyer Young, Arthur Donald Stillwater R R no 3 Eugene Ore Department of Medicine College of Medicine and Surgery Simpson. Kidd James Speier, Hugo Pineo. " ' \liard B CasUe, Karl H E Oculist & aurist Brunelle. Adelarde M O'Reilley, James J Yan Damme. " illiam C Bum", Catherine Amelia Coynghame, E F Bachelor of Medicine Doctor of Medicine 1889 Bernard. John Allen Chase. R;llph I ollin Corwin. Guy Philander Dahlsteut. lis Gustaf Dulton. Charles Elvin Edholm. Edward Anton 'Hanscom. 'Yilliam Henry Kios. Knute Andrlas Llnjer. Ole Edvard Mcrarthy, WJlliam Francis Phillips, George W Regner. Johan Andrew South. John jr Steel. Edwin Darwin 'Yatl<lns. Franl< A Williams, Ulysses Grant Pillsbury bldg CloquElt Address unknown 2701 N Morgan Hopkins Address unknown 1 E Lake s t Eau Claire WIS Pomona Calif deceaseu 2 33 So Fremont deceased died July died April died Dec 11 19U7 Dumont Butte Mont Evansville Ouray Colo deceased Wilkes barre Po. 54 S 3 st Dean, Frank W il son 401 City at'l Bank bldg Council Bluffs Iowa Oculist a n d aurist Dugan. Rollo Eyota Ford. ory(lon Lovine Ann Arbor hlich Franchere, Frederic!, E Sioux ity 10. Eye and ear Green, harles Lyman 2~4 Laurel t Paul Hennemuth. John Louis Wat rrord Calif Jones. harles Henry died March Lyng. John Fergus Falls O'('onnor, Dennis Fran cis Elkton S D 'O'Connor, 'rimothy deceased Ridgeway,,\ \fred!imler An nandale Slemens. Abram deceased SOderlind, Andrew 221 Cedar nv Stowell,.T oab jr No Amherst Mnss,,'right, 'harles Osborne Luverne Anderson, August "Bakke, Peter Halstensen Bergan, Ole Kittleson Bohland, Fred John 1891 Conant, Harriet B (Mrs.J H McCloud) 'Gilbertson Julius C "Gibbs, Thomas C Hielscher, Julian Adolph Johnson, Andrew E Lind, Alfred Miner, Clarence Jennings EYe and ear Ringnell, Carl John Rogers, John Thomas heppard. Prosper Ernest S mit h, Martha (Mrs R E Cutts) tewart, Allan Blanchard Van Slyke, Charles A "'angelin. Hugo Evans White, James Bartholomew 1892 Anderson, Christopher August Au rnes, Peter Andreas Bakke. Peter Benjam in, Arthur Edwin "Binder. George Ale.-",ander Chilgren, Gustav Arthur st Sioux Ci ty Ia deceased Sacred Heart Belle Plaine Hardwick V t died 1898 died July 1 92 Mankato Cloquet 812 Andrus bldg Manila P I 1412 Park av Lowry Arcade St Paul Hutchinson Yankton S D Owatonna. 530 L owry bldg t Paul BelleviUe III J ordan Rush City Syndicate Arcade Grantsburg W is 1020 Donaldson bldg deceased Jan '1.. Jetrerson st Burlington Ia Darm, Harry Lee H ector Davidson, James Salt Lake Cit y Utah Edlen, Emil Alexius Moline 111 Edsall, Joseph L Bradley S D Ericson, John Gustat 630 Syndicate b ldg Fjelstad. Carl Abraham Glen,,;ood Giere. Eric lonzo Madison Hilbert, Fredinand A lbany.tanson, Eiliv 311 Cobb bldg Seattle " 'ash Janson. Iva!' 311 Cobb bldg eattle " ash Kirk"'ood,,amuel Marl,el 1615 "esley t Paul Iarshall, Nelson Howard Chaska ~Iayland. :l1artin Lewis Faribault Mohn. Frederic!< Voss 730 So Grand av Los Angeles alit Moore. George 'Wilbur Rothwell, W ill iam Phil ip 26 High Se nkler, George Easton "~mith, "'illiam idney T odd, Fra n k Chisholm cnll t and aurist Westeen. Anders Albert "'inbe'rg, sten Kristenson " under, Henry Edward Soudan 1893.\dams. Rollin Theodore.\ llke'ns. Ilerbert Baber Le.\ubin, Marie Louise (Mrs W E Aubin) na tcht'lder. Edwin Josiah Boehm, J ohn Cha rles Borchardt. Edward Augustus Bra bec, Frank Joseph "Cutts. Hollin E Dahlquist. Gustaf " i1l1am Dodg e, Warren Ma yn a rd Eby. yrus Bowers Hopkins street Pawtucket R I 649 Goodrich t Paul died Donaldson bldg Grand Forks N D Lake Park (Proctorknott ) died Mantorville Sueur enter til1water New Richland St loud died Feb 1904 Perham March Lancaster Farmington Spring " alley

106 86 THE MI NNESOTA AL\;t;i, ' I WEEKLY Eby, John R OEgge, Thrond Swen Erdmann, Charles Andrew Professor of anatomy Farrand, orydon ' Finstad,,ustaf Jens Garb r. Lou Marie Gilkinson. Andrew J acl<son oglenn, illiam Haggard. George Delaney Hendrickson. Hans F W Hilbel't, Pierre Alphonse H irschfiell, Adolph Holte, Halvor Howard, Seth Evelyn Kistler, harles Milton okoch, John Coenrad Theodore Larson, Anders David McKinnon, John.Joseph liieckstroth, Louis 'Wesley Moen, Johannes Knudson Nelson, Henry Reiter, Ilenry 'William Spottswood, Edwa rd Wh ipple hier surgeon, western div Stephan, Ernest Leonard Tennyson, Falk Van Valk nburg, Byron F 1894 Appleby, E V lll iers Oculist o Arslanides. Michael T B a con, Knox Bailey, John 'Yilliam Ball, harles Riggs Beel<, Richarrt Hudson Biornstad, Gisle Bolkcom. George V\'ashington Boleyn, E Sidn y Butler, David R Cotton, Henry Dodge, Albert Ames Fr ncli. Leigh Hill Owner and manager of JIass, harles Andrew Hansen, Marius Hartzel l, T homas Bradford Dentist Heath, Al bert Cheney Hesselg rave, Sher man S Higgins, John Turner Holmes, W a lter Benjamin Jlstrup, Francis Jennison,.John Egbert Surgeon B D L M Gold Land n, Franl< G dfrey U n iversity Law, Arthur Ayer Leavitt. Fl'ederlcl' TJee. 'William Philander Mui r, Edward Stanton.p ttit, Loretta J (Mrs Jas BaIrd) Phillips, 'Vil1iam Henry Powell, Charles Bertram Sherwood, George Edw( rd., tebbing. Albert Madison Thran, Marcus Tru, Augusta I (Mrs E R.Turnel'. Arthur Lorenzo Vigen, Jorgen Gunderson W r ig ht, F ra n kli n Ra ndolph Yoseph, Yoseph David E lko Nev died Sept th av se Oronoco Menomonie 'Vis Jasper Osakis died F b hicago av Montevideo Melrose 1319 N Lyndale Crookston Robbinsdale 637'n 6 av no died 1 98 Herman ",,'adena ""Wahpeton N D 2629 E Lak (> st Andrus bldg Shakopee lii1ssou I,\ Mon t N PRy 2917 Hinckley '0 Fremont Long Prairie London England deceaspd Lowry Arcade ~ t I aul av ne Seattl 'Yash U 12 Lowry bldg St Paul Lakota N D Hulet bldg Clear Lalie Wis SUl1waler 'Wllmot died Jan Great Falls Monl New Rochelle N J mines 798 E 7 St Paul Hendrum 716 Donaldson hlrlg 339 Lowry bldg st Pal!l St Paul Morgan Hill Cali f Ada (;rnston De Lamar Nevada Min Co tillwalel' 2310 Steyens av 365 N Snelling av St Paul Norlhfield 1895 Grant) '\~inona died Sept 17 J nnl.tor(lan MacJI~on Kimbnll died June 1~97 Hood River Orpgon LIHmorp dierl 1896 Fergus Fal1s 707 Donahlson bldg A n gell.,\villiam Arlhur n3 Pillsbury hhlg Arzt. Carl Philip 221 Penn av St Paul De. 1'1 Ban, 'V!I Ii am jr 816 Andrus bldg Bassett, Ma ry El iz a beth (Mrs C W Bray) Blwahik Beaudoux, Hem'y A 576 Lincoln av St Paul cullst and aurist Ben harn, Edward Weston Mankato Bennett. harles Edward Aneta N n Bra y, Cha rl es WllIl a m B iwabik 797 Summit av ampbcl1, George ElmO;7~ Oal<land av Pasarlel1a ('nllf laydon, Rew 'Vlng T~eonard Easton Danner, Edgar Willi a m 222 W 69 al N Y Clly Da rling, Walter H Farmer, J ohn Fielde. Hermann OIaus Oates, Joseph A Germo, harles " GOOdr ic h, Judd N Gun n, Frank H Harrlnglon, Chari s DanIel Havel'field, Addie R Hart, Milan John Head, George Doug la s Holst. John Burton Koivupalo, Edward Henry Knauff, Mul11enberg Keilar Liland, RagO\'ald Lommen. Andr as Pederson Meckstroth.»aries,\YiIliam. Mll let, Melvi n Ca lv in Newm a n, Gust a vus Adolphus Physician rison hispltal Nuzum, Helen Drown, on nor, John Vincent 849 Oppliger, Gottlieb Platt,.John Ja\' PretJow, Clotll,ie Ladd Ransom. George orelmstad, Sven S llign 11. Frank Oscar R\'If'Y, Marie.r an Sawyer. Her\)erl Philander Sewall, Ralph J Sheppard, FrNI Slipp"rn, Halfdan Sorlmess. Palll Stephenson, John Llnnaeus Tenney, Jacob S Turner, Frnnces Eastm. n (Mrs Paulsou "'alters, Eugene,,'atson, Thomas Ronaldson 1896 Hudson Wis McKInley Abercrombie N D Kenyon Balaton deceased )<ov ~ Independence 'Vis 501 Donaillson bidg 2130 Penn av no Le Roy Donaldson bldg Little FalJs Laurium Mich Two Harbors Kenyon Lanesboro Brandon d ceased Stillwater St LOllis M<> Lowry bldg Sl Paul 'Yarroa<l 337 "\\'ahasha St Paul Fairmount lnd died 1 99 died March ~.' 1902 rion III C:oodllU P Deerwoort Hutchln.on POIII.bo 'Vash Fargo N D n lilonanl\'o ".\Ima "'I" L Ros<') bl(lg Spokanl' "'ash Bal<ewe\l En~land (~Iari~sa Beebe. Daniel Goodwin Znmbonngo l\llnanao P I Lumberman Birdsal1, Albprt Thomton 521 Unton av BrOOklyn 'Y nj lianu. \<Jolph OdIn )Ianl-ntf) Brown, liarry Rollingstone l)urns, 111 Alphapus,Hlan Cain('. (,hal'1e'8 Edward "\101'1'1 Camph(>lI. Robpl't 616 Donaill. on bid I-: (,hrlstf'nst'n, 'harles Rasmi Slarhuck Corbett, J Frank ~ 146 1''11'1< av ('it\' baclel'iologlst ('rcowe'.tohn li:ginlon Devils LI\kl' l" n rommett. II, l'l) rt Benton Aml'rv "'i. Dennis, Warren Arthur Lowry Ar('n,ll' S{ Paul Dohm. harleh La \\"ren('e 756 IIlarshaJl av St Paul nr;ji,e, Fred Arlhur Lanesboro RArl. Hollert Oscar Payne av St Paul Jo;,lg(>rlon. 'V1I1inm Marshall F. ull,\on D 'Fan_et, John Jay,1 ceased 'G Igpr, John <liru June 1897 Gerrish. W!lliam Alb rt.jameslown N D GrC'('lpy, 1,iston Quincy 1932 W Superior 5\ Duluth Heinzp. ChaJ'\(>s FrNlerick Clifror,1 N D Mankato ltolbr nl<, John Snell Hughes. Helen (!\Irs J A J ohnson, Asa Miller Hielschf'r) Kir)!' G org<' P Krueger, Louis,\Vil1lam McLaughlin, Ernest "\\'iillam Maylanrl, Lewis T. Melgh n, BaC'on "\\'el1s Merrill, James E,lw~rd Mprl'llI, Hose MarIe (MI's W G Hyde) ME'sl,pr, George Henry Nelson, Lou is All a n Oculist and aurist "PalmquIst,.Jolln Emil.1"il\)ln,10. Joh n a\' i,l P oeh le r, Fra nkli n Theodore Ramsey, W a lter R 942 llrimstn(l. ChrIstian R Rit c hie, H arry P a rks S oper, John Elford osorg..john ndrew Stac1<, Georg Franklin Slocl(mnn, B l' l George Rolla lifo 2~ 1 E "\\'inlfrc,] st Paul Ea5t Grand Forks Mapl'lon Los Angeles ali! liunter N D TJlen Am\)o)' 1I1l1es Ci ty IIIont Olivia 731 Lowry bldg St Paul died Dec ~1 InO~ deceased 412 Rel,l ('orller Lowry bldg St Paul Brainpr,l Lowry Arcade Rt Paul Norwood clied Mav 1S98 Independrnc'c "'Is "\\'oodvll1e "'Is

107 ALUMNI DIRECTORY i\fed Thabes, John Alols Brainerd Thyng, Date Kimball Willow City N D '\\'arren, Frank Stombs Faribault Wilson, Louis Bla nchard Rochester Pathologist St Mary's Hospital 1897 Alexander, Frank H 771 Wabasha St Paul Allen, Mason 216 Lowry bldg St Paul Anderson, Edwin Clark Missoula Munt Bacon, Harry Paddock Milaca BaldWin, Louis Benedict Grafton N D Physician school for feeble-minded Behb, Rose Anne Rochester Blanchard, Henry George Waseca Bool<el', Gertrude (Mrs G W Granger) Rochester BOllman, Herman Polk st ne Buck, Carroll Deforest Ft MacKenzie Wyo lilajor Med corps USA Buell, Mary Catherine 25 Little Frederick st umberland 1I1d Burch, Frank E arl Lowry Arcade St Paul Cahoon, Grace "Wilson 414 State Savings Bank bldg But te Mont Carman, Charles Lowry 570 Portland St Paul Eye, nose and throat Carpenter, Carrol Clinton Cal'anaugh, James Owen Clarl<, Howard Shoemaker Coleman, Harry Marcus Corse, Charles A Cuff, "TilIiam hermlln Edward, George Fischer, tto Fel'dlnand Gaf[ney, Thomas James Gibbon, Luther Llewellyn Gilfillan, J ames Stirling Godllard, Nathan Andrews Goldworthy, \I' iil Grl~" aid, Frank Eugene Guthrie, J DeM'ltt Hack, Charles Wesley Halgl"en, Harry Alfred Harrison, Elmer Ellsworth Hedbacl(, Axel Emanuel Grand Rapids Endicott Arcade St Paul Muscatine Ia Barron Wis Verndale 428 S Wabasha St Paul Midland S D Houston Lakeville Lowry 647 Lincoln av St Pau'l 121 Wis<:on sln st Milwaukee Wis Duluth Hoffman 3669 Interlake eattle \Vash Staten I s land N Y Watertown West Con cord 1006 Donaldson bldg Christin e N D Iverson, L ewis U - Justlce, Oswald Middleton Helman bldg Los Angeles Calif Keene, Ralph K ndall 531 Old Nat' l Bk bldg Spokane Wash Loe, Adolph Oscar Me lung, Alberta Virginia Cobb bldg Seattle \\'ash 460 Iglehart St Paul Miller, Arthur Wenzell 204 Baltimore blk St Paul Moore, Albert Hall Beechmont New Rochelle N Y Eye, ear, throat liiunro. Alonzo Tulock Kalispel Mont Nicholson, Daniel A 307 Walker bldg Seattle Wash Parrott, Byron "'alter Long Prairie Perkins, George Albion Dicldnson N D Perry, Gentz Amery \I'is Petel'sen, J hn Richard \I'i!lmar Rees, Soren P 1964 Penn BV so "Rullen, Frank \I'illiam died March Smith, Hiram \Villiam Crookston Stahl, Harriet Sherman Ste\"ens, John jr Harmony Belfast Me Thorpe, Arthur lyde Grant bldg Los Angeles alif Tupper. Eugen Larry Ottawa Ohio Wanous, Ernest Zirus No 9 Syndicate block 2425 So Irvi ng a v Wilcox, Montreville Russell 802 Donaldson bldg " Ocull~ t c'- a urist asst professor of physiolog)',vlseman, Robert Lawrence Pine City 1898 Bucl<le)', Daniel 603 Am Bl, bldg Seattle \I'ash happle. Charles Loran Gray, George Annand Na hez \I'ash 204 H y d e blk,pokan e \I'u h GUilford, ~arry Morrill 1820 Hawthorn av Hartshorn, VI' iilis Ellis "Huhn, al'l 113 Chapel st New Haven Conn died M arch Hub rt, R Ig natius Johnson, Edwin Ma rtin 82-1 Lowry bldg St Paul 7 Blvd t Michael PariS Kohler, hrisuan H eru'y 612 Pillsbury b ldg Parsons, Joseph Greeley Boyce-Greeley bldg Sioux Falls S D Eye, ear, nose & Qua in, Eric P throat Bismarck N D Ransom, Mary E (Mrs Frank Strickler) Sleepy Eye Reed, Charles Anthony 310 Pillsbury bldg Hoadman, Ira McC Bovey Towers, Mary Elizabet h (Mrs F E Towers) 53 No 12 st \I'agar, William Desmond Michigan City :0< D "Wells, Horace Renssalaer ~o YakIma "'ash 1899 Agnew, Ann ie Marie Physician, L I State Avery, Jacob Fowler Ba tcheller, O li ver T Best, Robert Bratrud, Theodore Burgan, James Homer Condit, William Henry ulver, Charles Frank Endress, Karl John Ferguson, "'illiam James Forrest, Charles George Gaines, Everett Columbia Geyerman, Peter T Grafton, Guy Abbott Grout, Samuel Eugene Brooklyn N Y hospital 905 Donaldson bldg Spokane "Tash 620'h :O<icollet av Warren 42 Madison st Chicago III 636 yndicate blk Sioux Falls S D 190'h Concord St PaUl Milbank S D Clearbrook Buffalo Lake Hot prings D H ayward Wis Hillman Ala Hall, Charlotte Chance (Mrs J 0 Hall) 390 Selby St Paul Haynes. Frederick Eugene 804 PilIsburg bldg H,mry A nna Mae (Mrs L J McClung) Pattonshurg Mo Henry, Fannie Jae 2203 Brooklyn av Kansas City Mo Hotvedt, Ing,"ald 1.1 J Muskegon l\llch Ilstrup, Orlando Cokato Lenont, Charles Bradlaugh Virginia Litzenberg, Jennings C 910 Donaldson bldg Ludtke, Gustav Herman Fairmont Mackel. Bertha K Butte Mont McNerthney, John Boyle 1009 Fidelity bldg Manson, Frank Melville Patton, Frederick J Prim, Joseph Andrew Ramstad, N Oliver Read, Harry Kirke Schoonmaker, Edward C PhYSician and planter "Setnan, John Magnus Shaw, Albert William oren on, Anthony Niles Strathern, Fred Paul Tennant, Russell Welcome 910 Tripp, George Arthur "oods, Ernest Arthur 1900 Rood T acoma Wash Worthington Duluth Comfrey Bismarck N D hospital Hibbing Mercedes Tax died June Bubl died Julv L B 385 St Peter Nettie av Spokane Wash South Bend Wash Rogue River Ore "Ahlstrom, Alfred E died July Allen, H arry Winslow 2135 Emerson av no Baker, "'161'Y K (Mrs Dan Baker) Suite 1108 ~2 M adison st hicago III Bennett, Oscar Everett orrell Brool{s, George Frank Hibbing ale)", Guy Ross - Princeton Campbell. Charlotte P tmrs W J Pratt Cook, Paul Burns ell tt5, George Custer "D an, idney Walter Drew, George Francis Ellis, Benjamin James FI'ench. Edwin John Garrison, J Frank Geist, Emil Sebastian H are, Earl Russell Ha kejl, Adair Hoff, Peder And reas Huxley, Fred Hyslin. Evan 1!!01-5 IriSh, Palmer Horace Knnkel, Otto William Kennedy, Jane Frances Le Vasseus, Irmo. Gardner N D 633 F airmont St Paul "Grove ity dled Feb BOl De\"U LaRe N D Latah Wash RosnUa Vi~a"h Oldham S D 820 Donaldson bldg 505 Donaldson bldg Alexandria ~35 Arundel St Paul Fariba.ult Fidelity bldg T acoma " 'ash Akeley Fergus Fnlls 713 DonaldSon bldg 17 John st Quebec Can

108 88 THE MINNESOTA ALUMNI WEEKLY Linton, L aur a A Rochester M AS1,t Physician, State hospital for Insane N :I~~~ awrence Philip Hudson Wis Ma~O~n ~ d' I Fort Leavenworth!Can Nevitt, Orme i.ul~;ar~~~~s USA Raymond Wash Norton, Harvey Gordon Crown King Ariz Olson, J oh n W illi a m Troy Idaho Osborn, Anna Lida Mankato Owen, George Bernard Anaconda Mont Parker, Owen WiJllam Shipman Rankin, Arthur Augustus Richard, Henry Raoul Serl<land, John Christian Stuhr, Henrv C oswartz, West Jacob Swenson, George Bertram Taylor, 'Villiam W Tirrell, John Mahlon Valentine, 'Valter Henry,Yard, Austin,Veyrens, Peter James Wheelon, Franlc Edwin Williams, Archie Elton 1901 Shipman Hospital Ely Zumbro Falls Waterv!Jle Wash Rothsay Argyle deceased Baldwin,Vis Ralispel Mont 3339 Park av Tracy Boulder Mont Sheldon N D Esmond N D Harve Mont Adams, Bertram Sage Hibbing Argue, George W!Iliam Breckenridge Ar m~ t rong, J ohn Milton 1979 Goodrich av t Paul A urand, Wi lliam Henry 425 Oak st se Baldwin, Wm Prendergast Casselton N D Beckman, E Hessel Rochester Benedict, Earl Edson 3646 Central av Benson, George Edgar Guaranty bldg Oculist Blaclcman. Ernest Linwood Stockton Calif Blake, James Hopkins Campbell, John Elisha So St Paul Carman, James Edwin Detroit Casel, Rufus Joshua Mt Vernon Wash Cater, Getta M (Mrs G C Sweeting) Chamberlain, Henry Ward howning, W!I!iam Christison, James Trent Cohen, Harrv Archibald Clevelann, Hiram E Cowles, Danforth Chaucer Dart, Leslie 0 Davis, Luther Alvin Day, Floyd McArthur Dicl,man, Lester Albert Donovan, John Joseph Doyle, John 'VilJis Eberlin. Edward August Eisengraber, Gustav Adolph Evans, Owen F.wing, C Frances Farmer, Sidney Stewart Farrish, Robert Cyrus Ferguson, James C,ory Fligman, Louis H "Foster, Alson James HanRon, Martin 0 Hazeltine, Harry H Holst, Claude Fredericlc Hopkins, MaT)' Parker (Mrs J Houston, Charles Alexander.Tohnson, Herman M Jones, Herbert William Klehle, Frederick Andrews Eye. ear, nose & throat Koren, Finn T,aRm(e, Victor Joseph Lees, Robert Bruce ole-vinson, Archibald E Loberg, Adolph E McCloud, Charles Naumann Maloney, Thomas James McGuigan, Henry Thomas Mathisen, George B Olsen. Sterling Herbert Parker, Harvey Gamaliel' Milwaukee av Chicago III Bangor 'Vis Andrus bldg 535 Lowry bldg St Paul Syndicate Arcade Osalds Audrus bldg 304 Masonic T mple Dalton 697 Cbarnelton Eugene Ore Clovis New Mpxlco Litchfield Hennepin Flats Glenwood Young America Bangor Wis Wheaton av so SherbllrnE' Moore bldg St Paul Helena Mont died June Owatonna ARhland Wis Little Falls R Brandrup) Mankato Park Rapids Dawson 513 Pillsbury bldg 814 Corbett bldg Porlland Ore 135 Lexington Madison Bism:1rck N D White S D d ceased 221 C lar av pkwy Rt Paul Rt Paul Red Wing EvansvlJle Milaca 814 Corbett bldg porllnnrl Ore Prin7.ing,.Jacob Ontarjo Ore Putnam. CatherinE' Eliza 726 W Unlv Rt Paul Rose, Franlc 304 Old Nat'l bk bldg Spolcane Wash Sanford, James Alfred Savage, Francis Joseph Schneider. Henry A Stemsrud, Arne A Stierle, Adolph jr Stolpestad, Harold Lauritz Strout, George Elmer S w ei tzer, Samuel E dw ard Truscott, Joseph Robert Vallelly, Rose Viviana (Mrs Welles, H Journeay Whitacre, John CUITord 1902 New Market 528 Lowry bldg St Paul Jordan Dawson Pittsburg bldg St Paul 7th & Hope t Paul Winthrop 343 Andrus bldg Binford N D B C Torrelle) av SEt 1916 Park av 116 S Robert St Paul Alger, Edmund,Vhitney 1219 Univ a,' se Arey, Hugh uster ExcelRior Barsness, Nellie Olea N Luther hospital St Paul Nurse Baxter, Stephen Henry 617 E 17 st Bennion, Percival Hale 394 Prior av St Plul RickfoId, Frank James Milroy Bissell, Frank S 1010 Donaldson bldg Bomberger. Franldin J Mapleton Brigham, harles Fay St Cloud ;Brimhall, Silas.John Los Angeles Calif Brown, Walter Murray St Thomas N D Brown, William G Park RI\'er N D Budworth, Benjamin F Shelly Bussen. Leonard Henry A Richardton N D Cameron, John Archie 250 Rondo St Paul Clement, Lucian Orville Portland Oregon ('oulter, Charles Francis \\'adena Cummings, John Henry 7 & Sherman ist Paul Davis, Fred Upham Faribault Drechsler, Herman A C:entury bldg "t Paul Erb, Frederick A 3! 16 1 av so Field, Merton Canby Foster, Willard Clyde Sunri~c \V\'o Fulton, Thomas Cooper 580 Holly. t Paul George, James,'I'oodward 3453 Nlcollpl av "Godfrey, Harvey Byron dle,1 Jan 17 InO 1 Goodman. Min rva Alliance bldg StocH"n ('nllf Guthrie, Charres Elise Cobb bldg Sf'nttle "'ash IIaugs(>th, Enoch Twin Valley "Heidekker, Arne A decp.:tred Hill, Eleanor Jane Jamestown N D Asst phyaician hospital for insane Ivers, JlIartin U ChristinE' T D,Tenson, J Marius ~703 E 25 st Jenson, Charles Alfred 1069 Florida st Los Angelps Calif Johnston. William 'Valter Savage Mont Judd, Edwal"d Starr Hoch "ter Kittelson. Theodor N Fergus Fulls Blackduck Sauk enter (Jeceased St Paul Koch, John Charles Lamb, Harold Ladd "Larson, Frank EmeJlus Lewis, William 'Yalter (Vi nna Austria ) Liedloft, Adolph Gustav Linneman, Nicholas Lewis Lohl'bauer, Ejner McCreery, has Reuben :llankato Lyceum bldg Duluth Northwood N D 1101% Tacoma av Tacoma,Yash Mc reery, 'Wl11lam Barl{er Tacoma,\'ash McDonalll, IrYing oburn 601 Syndicate bldg JlIeyercling, Edward A 205 Schiffman bid!'; St Paul Millett, Josiah Libby 778 No 73 st Seattle,Vash onorred, "'i1l1am deceased Olson, Olaf August 221 "dar av O'Malley, William Patrick Wannal,e "'I" Peabody, Percy Dleldnson Webster R D Seashore, DavId Edward 702 No 57 av Duluth RE'aghore, orl August Gilbert 812 Andrus him; Rhaleen. l'thur WiJliam Hallock stewart, Malcolm A Omemee N D Tharaldsen, Torfinn Cottonwood Thelen, William I Wilton N D Vinje, SY"er Henning Vistaunet, Pet r Lorenz Tillet River Falls Wilcox, Van H PlIIsbl1t"y bide; Wolner, Oscar Herbert Hannibal Anoerson, WillIam S Axllrocl, David Louis 1903 \\'arren Hutchinson

109 ALUM II DIRECTORY BaUte, William Finley Bevans, Theodore Frank 109 W Bockmann, Michael W H Braasch, William F Butler, John jr Call, Alfred Marcus Campbelr, Eugene Paul Ashland & Catlin, John J Clarke, Robert Coon, 'William Franklin Coulter, Herbert Da\'is, Frank Wright Deslauriers, August A Ellis, Burr J FitzGerald, Don Felipe Fowler, Paul Hare Sprague & Napa French, Ernest Asa Fullerton, Ellen Clark Physician Gillette, Arthur J Gray, Clyde Edward Greene, Eugene Kibbey Hagaman, George Ketcham Harden, Kate Carleton (Mrs F A Hart, Alfred Benjamin Hebard, Sue Higgins, John Henry Hovde, Anders G Hubbard, Frederick George "Humiston, Ray Iryine, Harry Garfield Jensen, James Jewell, Emory Lee Johnson, Anders Einar Juliar, Richard Otto Kaess, Andl'ew Joseph Klove, Lewis Nelson Lenfest, Jobn Vi" LImburg, Albert MIlton Lindstrom, Josephine S Lyman, Frederick Victor Magnusson, Herman Victor Makinson, Herbert Arthur McDonnell, William Neill Hunter N D Main $t Waterbury Conn 704 Pillsbury bldg Rochester Pillsbury bldg Rugby N D Saratoga St Paul Buffalo died June Coury Kansas Azusa Calir Kasson Duluth avs Spokane Wash 2300 Portland a v Plain Wis Plainview 2 Avenue Road Shanghai China Moore bldg St Paul, Rush City 307 Reid Corn!'r Anoka Helmuth) Wyoming Pequot 1I10ndovi Wis 2701 E Lake Wis SuperI!)r Wls Cayuga N D deceased May Syndicate bldg Hendricks Shoshoni Wyo Madison Alice N D Fargo N D Lonspale Ambrose N D Hunter N D (Mrs R W Stickelberger) Oberon N D Thompson N D Aitkin Manhattan Kansas Care Navy Dept Washington D C urgeon USN l\iee, Patrick nenry Os eo Melbl'. Denedik Blooming Prairie Munn, John Francis Bremerton Wash Newgord. Julius GIrard jr Roslyn Wash Nicholson, J oseph Bralnerd NIckerson, Bernard S Mandan N D!\'OU1, Henry W 601 Elwood av "Old, H!'rbert WIlliam deceased Pettit, Charles Wesley av so Phelan, Richard James 400 Central ay Rice. George D Pipestone Robitshek, EmIl Camille Eitel Hospital Rowe, Olin Vi'aI1ace Towner N D RusseI1, larence Wellington Lamar Prowes Co Colo Schacht. Fred :jj;rnest died March Schaleben Henry Ollver Lake Benton Rchmidt, Vi"alter R Chisholm Schuldt. Fred Carl 561 W Unlv St 'Paul hellman, John Ludwig Nashwauk Stale)', John Clarence jr 942 Lowry bldg St Paul Sterner, Otto ViTilliam Cambridge Stimpson, Edward ViThltmell Roslyn ViTa h Tilderquist, Da vid L 7 E Superior st Duluth Todd, Gilbert Downs M edina N D WethaI1, Anton G Stoughton Wis Whipple. Clat'ence D ay so Wlger, Ni cholas N Leary bulg Seattle Wash Wilkinson, St~I1a Lucy 405 New Jersey bldg Duluth 1904 Abbott, laud U Andersen, rndt Gruntvig ndet'son, Ludwig Wolmer Belden, Gp tge G Paulsen bldg Benson. Theodore J Biedpl'mann, J acob Bigelow. Charles Edward Blrnberg. Tobias "Blais, Chari s Brand, 'WilIiam Algernon AurOra Hillsboro N D Atwater p l,an Wash Fromberg Mont Argyle Madison Lake Graduate work ab,'oad died 1910 Redwood Fulls Brown, Charles Eliot Highland Campbell, Lorne Alexander Clear Lake Wis Chilton, Leo W Idaho Falls Idaho Coffin, Samuel David EriJl N D Coria, Leon Taft Mont Crossette, George Dart Chokio Daugherty, Edwin B Pine City Superintendent of Pokegama Sanatoriutri Daugherty, Louis E 914 Lowry bldg St Paul Devine, John Leo Wahpeton N D Dlttl!]an, George Claude 515 Ashland St Paul Dix, George Edwin Marshfield Ore Dunn, J ohn T Albert Lea Emmerson, Wm Stanford Pt Perry Ont Can Freeburg, Harry Milton ViTatertown D Freeman, Charles Doney Pittsburg bldg St Paul Frost, William Stuart 217 Hyde blk Spokane, Wash Oculist and aurist Gaard, Rasmus R Radcliff e Ia. Gallagher, Patrick Joseph 205 Hyde blk Spokane Wash River Falls Wis Gallup, Glenn Dean Gates, Chester Edson Gowenlock, Harry Joseph Gunz, Abe N Higgins, In'ing Wilbur 1801 Hoffman, Walter F Oculish and aurist Hoffman, William Louis HoidaJe, Andrew D "Hutchin on, Henry John Hynes, J ohn Eldon Johnson. Hans Murdock Goodhue Barnesvill e Center City Carleton st Berkeley Calif av Seattle Wash Gilbert la Tracy deceased 3349 Univ av se Kearney, Percy F av s Great Falls Alont Kelly, Thomas Colvin 203 Nat! City Bit bldg Mankato Riefer, Micl,ael A Sleepy Eye -Klemer, Carl A deceased Kuth, Joseph 'R 608 Alworth bldg Duluth Lundmark, Lambert Ladysmith,Yis McKibben, Harry E Hector Ma ttson, J Albert Carver Maurer, Edmund L Brownton Jllidford, Frederick J Grand Forks N D Movius, Arthur J Billings 1I1ont )<ickerson. Margaret L 517 Essex lot se Olander, J Edwin 753 Jenks St Paul Olson, George M 73 Edwards bldg Fargo N D Preisinger. Jo eph Rem'ilIe Ransom, Edward M :!I,Iinot N D Ribble. George B LaMoure )< D Richards, William G Hardin l\iont -Robbins, Ray Palmer deceased Rosen, Samuel st chulze, Albert G 307 Fidelity bldg Duluth Tebbitt, Robert Lancelot Laramie VI'yo T homas, George E a, s Thomson, ~rthur M South Park Wash Titus. Vi'illiam S Boise, Idaho Voges, Adolph E Detroit bldg St Paul Wallace, Cba J New Duluth,,,"arner, Eugene F 463 Ashland av St Paul Webster, Albert M 935 Hawthorne av Portland Ore -Wheeler, Frederick L deceased \Ti1liams, Stephen E Chippewa Falls Wis Willson, Hugh S Crystal N D 1905 Alley, Albert G Ander on, Carl Adolph Argue. Hiram S N P HospItal ronsohn, David hl Arneb!'rg, John G Arzt, Phillip G Au tin, Vi'ilford J Benoit. Frank Tancrede Benson, Oscar Theodor Brandt, A Ibert Mortimer Bran ton, Berton Jay Bri&ham, Franle T Brown, Paul F;: Brush, FrederICk Her.xnan 310 Masonic Temple Bryant, Oliver R Burns, Robert Mitchell Camphell, Daniel Ray Campbell, Robert Wilson Chambers, Winslow C Granger Vi"ash Hoopa alif Tacoma Vi"ash Glasgow l\[ont Grand Forks N D Jamestown Spokane ViTas h Nekama T D Glen Ulin N D Bismarck N D Willmar Watkins 3006 Nicollet a, No Yakima Wash 802 E Lake st st St Paul Pullman Wash wanville Blue Earth

110 THE MINNESOTA ALUMNI WEEKLY Ch ase, E Frank Miller bldg No Yal<lma Wash Dawson, Albert M Chute blle Durand, Jay Isaac 1616 Pa~ific av Atlantic ity N J Dyar, Burl Alvano De met S D Frasier, Gorge WelJlngton Mpls Freeman, George Herman 1st asst insane hospital St Peter Gans, Edwa rd Mathias Judith Gap Mont Gauger, Ellward C 684 Endicott bldg St Paul Go hi's, Henry 'Villlam Melrose GrUHn, M,riam E 912 Van Errs st Mitchell S D Hammerel, Ambrose Louis Glendive lont Haugen, Gilbert h.indred N D Helland, John 'ViJliam Maynarll Hendrickson, John Frederick Ferlile Hilger, Andrew 'Villiam 1941 Selby St Paul H ilger, Daniel David 1941 Selby St Paul J acobs, J oh a nnes C Willlllar Jacobson, L onard Harold Stanwood Wash James, Ralph Chamoerlain died 190 Johnson, Nimrod Augustus 25 st & 27 av s Johnson, scar V Sebeka Kane, Joseph P 3505 Fremont av s Kelly, everin Mathias deceased April Ki1;)be, rei Anson Hampton Ia KleIn, Henry Nicholas Kranz, Martin Kuhlmapll, August Lynde, Hoy 1I1a chge,, Albert Panchot Mathieu, Albert Louis Matthews, Justus Abner Meyer, Ette Lawrence. Morrill, Robert Allen Nessa, Nels J Nicholson, Elmer Joseph Nickerson, W infield S Asst professor histology versity Nyquist, Jacob Erik Parsons, George Earl Pearce, Nay Osborne Peterson. Olaus Lewis Porter, Oliver M R a m a le y, Lo u is Reynolds, James S Oculist & aurist Richmond, Charles Daniel Rogers, James Lee RothSChild, Harold Jay Rousseau, Victor 54 E Central Park Place St Paul Mandan N D Duluth 607 Ellendale N D deceased South Bend " 'ash Roches te r S Lyndale Byron Sioux Falls S D Strout 517 Essex st se and embryology Uni- Cloquet Elk River Westminster B A Colcato Atwater' Lowry bldg 't Paul 810 Plllsbury bldg " Tindom Newport ' ash 210 Baltimore bile St P a ul French Lake Smith, Arthur Edward. al'e A A M A B erlin Cermany Oculist and aurlst Smith, Frank pale Sogge, Ludwig L Thompson, Albert Trutna, Thomas J Tuoh y, Edward L Weishaar, harles Henry Will, William Wallace Ahhott, ""lilam Pilt Ashley, Edward Mayo Ashley, Puul Leonard Aspelund, Seiler Joseph Bartron, H a rry Jacobs Bergh, Lutha,n1 M Bra y, Elwyn R Oculist and aurist Brede, Willi a m George B ulkley, Na.than C Button, Arthu r J 1906 New a llerstrom, Gottfried Wm Canfield, Harry E Cur'lsen, Elwin L Provident (,h leen. S ig-fried J osgrove, Joseph H E ly, Or r lman S Green, George Helgert liagen, I~ f J nson Hammes, Ernest Martin Haney, laude Leonard Knight, Ray Roberts Ludem a n, A lfred H Reder N D 'Vindom l J a m es Silver Lake Jersey bldg Duluth Newarlc S D Bel'tha Alworth bldg Duluth 1I11 RRou la Mont 'Vibaux "1I1ont 315 Masonic Tempi vvate'rtown S D Mon t evld Lowry Arcade t Paul 1228 Mai n st ne Eveleth Bowdie S D liow!'i In 506 Donaldson bldg bldg 'l.'acoma Wash Minneapolls Nashwouk West Superior Wls Iteardan 'Vash Moorhead 583 E n d icot t Ar cade St Paul 2032 W Superior st D u lut h 3332 Portland av St Mich aels Lund, Axel D McLaughlln, Jerome E li!cl\1~hon, harles hi f surg on Tenn Copper Co Metcalf, James N Miller, Harry William lil0lr, " ' i iliam " ' i1marding Moren, Edwar I 307 Nielsen, N ie ls 'Brien, lienry B Pederson, Reub n r-1artin P ratt, Che lsea Carroll :::tate Bd of Peterson, Victor Nathan Rice, lart'nce P Rudell, Gustav Leander S hnelder, John P Schutt, John.P!::ieaberg, Simon Peter 43~ " ' ash Sm ith, F rederick Leroy Smith, Margaret Isab I Teisberg, Tyler, Frank A T yrell, Cli nton C Verne, Victor E Vls ta unel. PedeI' S " 'alter, Guy F al'l Benjamin 'Vltham, arl Albion 'Wylie, Arthur Hufus T 'upt N D 1ns t for L eeds Winchester opperhll! Polk 0 Old Nat! N D Idaho Tenn 1I10n tic 110 asselton N D 1819 S Emerson Donaldson bldg Venmark Pasco 'Vash Hanley }<~alls H ealth Lab Mankato 885 Rice sl St Paul Breckenridge Plaza N D Rollingstone Brem rton " 'ash bk bldg Spokane hatfield Los Angeles ali! 784 Laurel av t Paul Mulson 'Wash 24:! Central av Parkers Pralri Moorhead Fargo N D 419 E 14 5t 1523 E Lake t Grafton N D eble-mlnded 1907 Ba rc lay, Alexander Boyum, Peter A Chesley, Al ber.t J State Bll of Health Director Epidemiologl 0.1 DiviSion loquet Rushford University Current, Earl H 308 Old Nati bk bldg Spokane Wash ulls, Gorge 1131 N Emerson Egan, John Masonic Temple Eklund, Elmer J Young America Emanuel, Henry J EI Paso T exas Estrem, 0.,'1 Detroit Foster, Bainbridge 'V lilandan N D J ennings, eorge lilissouia Mont Physician N P Hospital Jones, Elmer M ndelssh n Judson. 'Villiam Erastus Karn, erl R Kelsey, a rleton Gale Labbltt, La Roy Ii Larsen, scar L emstrum, Jarl F LoomiR. Ea"1 Alfred 111 Groarty, John J Mc\lllllan, lilary A Maland, larenee lilartin, Thomas J oy Pederson, Harold Poppe, Freclerick II Quist, Henry W li ll an1 Rodgers, Charles Leroy Rosenthal, Ignatius P )\ sst urgeon 1T S Sanhorn, ourll. nel R Seae, L p<, Arbor Smilh, Ernest Yernon Stevens, hal'l sidney Strang, Dayld M Slrathern, Mos slane Swans n, ephas YareQ, Alhert Raymond WeYren~, Jos<,ph Pet r " 'ilk Johan Youngs, A lfr ' d IIlnel<s 3113 Park av Forman N D rtollvilie 38~ Tejin st Denver 010 End rhn N D River Falls 'Vis 115 N 1 ~ st E 10~ I G st N Portland re Easton Poulson bll< pokan' " Tash 1~1l E Frankllnav Mantorville Grand Forks N D 70~ Donaldson bldg Nicollet av l1anldnson N D Aricon Goycrnment 1908 anal Zone Parlcer's Prairie Primghar Ia Rocll ster MohrldgE', D Northfield Gilbert St Hllialre idney Mont Taylor N D ~~O. hul'cll Rt Pierre S D Alexand 1', Ida lilary F Clarissa A ndr \VS, Roy N wb rry Mankato Bloom, h al'l s Joseph Mora Bo k. Roll all{l A St raul & H spital Bostrom, August Erlward DeSmet S P B yd, Leon 111 rell Alexandria J3.row n,,john 5 Barton tlv 88 B ul'll ~, Herb rt Arthur 301 E'ntral av Dahle n, Henry E h \V lah Wash.Engstr om. Fr deri I< Al nzo Dp ea~prl 8nnt l'l1n Esser, John B ethesda. H ospital

111 AL MNI DIRECTORY :\Ied-og-I2 Eusterman, George Bysshe Rochester Assocfale physician Mayo's clinic Fortier, Edward Louis Little Falls Grangaard, Henry Oswald Newark IJJ Hemingway, Ern at Eugene 1315 E 42 st Seattle Wash Hensel, Charles Norton Moore bldg St Paul Hitchings, W!Iliam Sidney Jr B elgrade Johnston, Edward James Los Angeles CaU! Lawrence, Edward John E 1928., Sprague Lindb rg, An'id C Maertz, WJJlIam Francis Magnusson, Gustav Alfred M dical dept Manley, James Rollin Nelson, Melvin S Roan, Car! M Ryan, Dennis E Smith, Clar!<e Sherwood Stebbins, Eugene Benjamin Strachauer, Arthur Clarence Walker, George Ham!lton "ralker. John Franklin Watson, Tolbert 1909 av Spokane Wash North Branch Lidgerwood N D University Medical dept Niagara N D lifora 401 Cedar av Hanklnson N D Kalispell ::'.10nt Hurley Wis N W Hospital Fairfax St Paul Albany Anderson, Oscar Hennings New Richmond Wls Baller. Ernest 1734 Como av se Barney, L eon A 210 Lyceum bldg Duluth Beede, Etltel Remington Rochester On staff of State hospital Black. " 'liliam Tyndall S D Blakel~', Clemunt Campbell State Hospital St Peter Blegen, Hallwal'd Martin,Vahpeton N D Borel'n. Clifton A 43fi Syndicate bldg Brooks. harles Noyes 433 Ridgwood av Buckley. John St Vincent Hospita l Portland Ore Coleraine St Paul 113 Pleasant se Caldwell. James Phaon Camphell, Albert A 01 man. Fred B ritchft Id, Lyman Ray Delmol'. John Leo Doolittlt. L roy Edson Drake, harles Ralph Earl. George Arthu r Fiksdal. Mads J Foshager, Henry Theodore Gardner. R.'1y D G1"el', Richard Theodol' GI"e" "1'8. Jay J Grleb,mo'\\', Frpderick H(I~'es, Michael F Heal)'. Rn ymond T. Johnson. S.. lmer l\larlm Kellogg, Paul ;VI Kurz, Jnhn " 'esley Larson, Martin L Linn 1'. H P )Iclnlyre. Phll!p Ma, iner, Stnnley Robert Meyerding. Henry'" Milner, Augustus F,t Luke's Ho pltal Mortensen. N~ls G 3~2 Murph~', Ignatius J Ostel'gr"n, Edward W Olson, "'imam P OO';>n, l\'[artin Paulson. Edward L Perr)'. Clarence G Robertson. Archibald Wright Schmidt. Henry Albert Smith, scar Mend I on Stewart. Bisl G Sutton. Charles Stewart St;ndt, Mathias Trowbridge, Ellsworth H,,'all<er,.lames Douglas Zander. Il'1rle" H ~\ lien. Cilftrit's (' Binger', Ilenry E Br y, Fnllll<,v (Home. Laray tte) Cavanor. Frank 'r racy Chris! lansen, ndrew H lay. Franl, Homer Hunter ~ D Roseau Newberg Ore 94~ Lowr~' bldg St Paul th av so Bristol S D Pennock Blacl< Duck Brooten Glencoe Alex::ll1dria Lanesboro 51S Girard av N Buhl Tolna N D Annandale 1'76 E Concord St Paul 415~ Wash av n Bradley S D 301 R id cor Mayo Clinic Rochester' St Paul Am Nat! bk bldg St Paul 13 W Superior st Duluth 955 Payne ay St Paul Calmar Iowa Ellsworth Wis Turtle L<1.l<e N D ~4S E Congress St Paul Litchfield Westbrool, 1709 so 7 st Tacoma Wa h hen y " rash t Cloud Ity Hospital 1 04 University av s Wyckoff Roche tel' Austin Tulare S D Waba 0 " 'heaton 615 Carrol1, St Paul Winona Cole, Wallace 755 Summit av, St P aul Dickson, Thomas H Jr Moore bldg St Paul Hayes. James Martin Browns Valley Hoff. Alfred 939 Lowry bldg St Paul 1st asst city & co physician Hoiland. Angeli S Benson Johnson, Carl 1\1 Pelican Rapids Julien. Albert Eddy Braham KjeUand. Andrew Arthur Luther Hospital, St Paul H Love. George Robert Preston Lysne, H e nry Norlhfield McEwan Samuel Wilson Alexandria. Moore, Charles ffiysses Carthage, S D Nord in, Charles Gustaf Brainerd Ohage, Justus Jr Rochester Oppegaard. Manford 0 N ew LondOn H Petit, Leon JuHan 3438 Pleasant Piper. Monte Charles Sanborn Preine, Irving A 2412 J ohnson st Satersmoen, Theodore l'elican rtapids Schneider. Edwin H. St (Home, 301 E Robie Seham, Max Simons. Jalmar Henrich Smith. Leon Grant Souba, Frederick J (Home Hopkins) Watson, Earl M aurice Wheeler, Merritt Whitacre "yman, Kate Yoel'g. Otto "'i11iam (Home. Winthrop) Mary's Hospital Rochester st Paul) 721 Girard av no 1612 Stevens av Buffalo City Hospital Crawfordville, rnd Glencoe Northfield 527 Syndicate bldg Anderson, Francis W South Bend "ash Barron, Moses 763 Holly ave t Paul Craig, Robert Russell Willow Range ::u:a.n H Dailey. "-iiliam John 193 W University av 't Paul Dedolph. K arl 813 Ashland a\' St Paul Fulton, Philip Randall C & C Hospital St Paul Geist, George Arthur 275 W 6 st St Paul H Goodheart, Charles Joseph Grace"jlle H Hedenstrom. Louis Henry 694 Edmund st St Paul Hengstler, "'illiam Howard Rockford Kelly, Paul Harold 679 Summit St Paul Kremer, " ral1rer John Cold Springs Larkin. Chandler C 509 Washingttm a\' e H Laurent, Antoine A 36 Spruce Place Lei teh, ArChibald Mi t chell, W hi t ing B Sumner "ash Olson. Charles A 1110 Payne av St Paul PapeZ: James W enceslas 609 Washington av se Ruroreich, Erhard A Pi ek N Tl Ruud. l\iagnu B H Schumacher. Ticholas "m Spear, Albert E Turnaclil!. Dale D H Wooster, Arthur 1>1 Ziskin, Thomas 1912 A mu ndsen, Albert Edwin Baker. " -ii1iard Remington (Home Leavenworth, Kan) Barnard. Elizabetb Margaret Intern Benson, Ro s Danforth Bergan. tto Berrisford, Paul Dee Bratrud. Arthur Ferdinand Bye, Richard Carroll, W illiam C City & Dedolph, Theodore Hubert Douglass, Jesse Ellsworth Drake, Charle Bigelow E isengraeber, Gust a v Adolf Emert. Harry Floyd Flom, Andrew 0 Gardner, Edwin Leslie 1 irs h. Ralph L Kittleson, Ol a f Intern Kle l!), Harry Knight, Ralph Thom a s Ul ~vler. Fr::mk,Tohn Long, WUliam H I nlern(> l\hchelson. Henry E Nordley, Harry Richard Alexandria 39 Dell Place B elfield N D 1526 Unlv av St Paul Annandale 3 Highland aye 950 Desoto st St Paul care of Univ Ho pital Elliott Hospital Toledo Ia ity Hosyital 6 9 Marshall av t Paul Warren Lily. S. D. County Hospital St Paul 812 Ashland av t Paul 3 2 Earl st t Paul 435 Portiand a\' St Paul Granite Falls 2307 ~7th a v so 1011 E Ri\'er Road City Hospital C & C Hospital t Paul Duluth 3333 Portla.nd a" P r octer t Paul C & C H ospital Bismar k N D 2013 Hh St so

112 THE MINNESOTA ALUMNI WEEKLY Passer, Adolph A u gust City Hospital Interne P ppard, Thomas Albert 1712 Irving av Pollock, Lee W Rochest", Rothnem, Thomas P Seifert, Otto John New U lm Snyder, George William City & County Hospita l St Paul Thompson, Victor Cecil Preston W a rner, hmer H 'Weed, Frank Elmer Conway N D Whittier, Raymond WrIght UnIversIty Hosplt<'l.l Wllson, Paul White 218 E Phlldelphla st Whittier ali! Workman, Warner Gleason Tracy Zimmerman, J ames Neche D College of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery 1889 B elt, Wallace E Carlson, Benedicta Lager "Urie, Fred Wilbur Young, Edward Weldon Cobb Carroll, Fred Augustus White, Arthur Eugene Drought, Warre n Wesley King, Ellsworth Emerson Roberts, Alphonso Adelbert "Walt, Leon Adelbert Cooper, Charles McHenry Dight, Mary A 1892 Glidden 6 Joseph Morisson, Alma Endora " Rome, Robert Rasmussen 1893 Beach, William Artemus Hedlund, J ohn Kl1ne. J ames Franklin "' Rlchar<dson, Oscar Kelsey Smith, Wade Winfield Spurr. Stephen Howard Dentist Stephens, Edn a A "Young, Esther Hayes 1894 Frost, Bertha L Gilman, Addle Ford (Mrs W Wright, Edwin Adams 1895 B eaty, James H Klrl{patrlck, William David Koch, Margaret 716 Moffatt Albert G "Terwtll!ger, (Mrs) Inez Lucetta 1896 Balcom, George G B ck, James F lournoy "BIngham. Hiram Henry Hamlin, George Baldwin H a mmond. Asa J ohn Phelps, Alva GlIbert R einek e. George FerdInand "Shipman, LouIs Dwight Dodge Center address unknown died March B ldg Seattle Wash D eihl Coatesville Pa Fergus F a lls Alexandria Kerrvllie T ex died 1897 Chatfield Platz Munich Germany Denver Colo D eceased March 1912 Mankato 460 N Clark Chicago Anoka Deceased Wessington Springs S D 808 Am Nat! Bk bldg MerrIam Park deceased Fergus Falls D KirkpatrIck) Whatcom Wash Colfax Wash St Cloud Whatcom Wash MasonIc Temple Howard Lake died Nov Lake WJlson 2200 BloomIngton av died May Colfax av SO 2656 So Aldrich Mtlaca New U lm died Feb Ballard, Charles Albert Laramie Wyo Beckiey, Fred L ee 1840 Marshali St Paul Bra uti. Andrea E (Mrs W A Hall) Virginia DeCoster, WIlliam Thompson Windom Hurd, Ethel Edgerton Pillsbury bldg K ney, Ad line Sliver Lake are Pollock, Harry Meeker New Haven Conn Torgerson, William Oklee Banker Von Wedelstaedt, George Sparr Box 952 Ocean Park Cali! Wllliams, L eon Arlington layton Woutat, Henry Gustav Grand FOI ks N D Booth, Albert Edwin Cain. Arthur Tubal Matchan, Gl nn Robert "Mat han, Wesley George Bertelson. Oskar Leonard pecialist Eye Ear, Nose, Gramenz, F rdinand Hartung, II rman August Hurd. Annah Lares, Bert Victor Leck. Ilfford I on Smith, Edwin Harwood Bickford, Harley Gray Mitchell, Roy Ern t Sutton, Harry Everett Tunslead, Hugh Jolm H a ll. Earl TJ sth Hogers, FrederIck Dral{e Warn 1', Eugene Fredericlt Dawson, Charles Arthur N wldrk, Harris Dana Pag, Gorge Edgar Riley, P rcy E Schmidt, Gottfried 'Whlttemore, J Goo Ballard. James All n Ie. ari Vln ent lifac1t ~e n. l ela Adams Wlikowslte, Conrad William Andrus bldg Anoka 312 Masonic Temple Died July ~ rooks ton Throat Bryant S D Le,ueur Pillsbury bldg ljeiano ustln B mldjl Uudson Wls Eau lalre Wls Paynesville 8~9 16 av no Russell M OOl"e bl dg t Pa u I 463 Ashland av St Paul River Fall s Wls Wolverton E lk River Elk Mound Wls SI <'py Eye Donnelly Laramie Wl'o Lalce City 71 G Masonic Tern pie Chippewa Falis Wis Ballou, Harry Burchard Middletown N Y Asst Phl'SI I n S lale Homeopathic hospital Holmes, harles FranklIn H ecla S D

113 ALUMNI DIRECTORY 93 Dent Jordan, MIchael M, Westboro Mass King, Herbert Volney Dispatch bldg St Paul Walier, Joseph Dawes 3113 Minnehaha av 1906 NewkIrk, Bertha Gray (Mrs H D Dlessner) Chaska 1907 Cooper, Maurice D Hopkins Meierding, WlJllam A Belle Fourche S D May, 'Wayne Hamilton Metropolitan Hospital New York City Pond, Samuel Benjamin 1349 Penn av N Rand, Marritt John Smith, Homer Russell 1908 Sauk Rapids Faribault Sinclair, Arthur Duncan 44 King st west Toronto Can Smallwood,.Justin Thomas Worthington Wilder, K Ward Wyndmere N D 1909 McKeown, Eugene Garfield Edgerton The College of Dentistry, 'Ridgeway, Gainsfol'd Deitz, Cllnton mith Grand Junction Colo Dunn, WUliam Herbert Rice Lake Wls Peck, Arthur Elsworth Donaldson bldg Van Duzee, Charles Alonzo 583 Osceola av St Paul Corporation manager Wright, Franklin Randolph 707 Donaldson bldg Physician and surgeon "Whitp, E<llth HewEtt deceased 1891 Brlo'rk, Henry Towne Chandler, Ella Z (Mrs W S Gett,y) Lenox, Fred Augustus larshall, Edgar Henry l\leck troth. Louis Wesley RIddell, Edwin George Physician and surgeon Todd, FranK Chisholm Ocullst and aurist deceased 431 Malo 9t Springfield l\iass Fairhope Ala Stillwater Kenyon Whapeton N D Medford Ore 1892 Forc... Frank,Yil on Knapp, Miland Austin OrthodQn till. specialist Paul, James,Villi m Williams, Thomas Falvy Donaldson bldg Windom 2337 Central av 404 Masonic Temple St Peter Edgar, Caroline Augusta (Mrs C A Erdman) Haas, Edw"9.rd Hartzell, Mary Victorine Hartzell Thomas Bradford Holmes. Eugene Pollock Jewett, William FrederIcK Means. George Em ry M nson, George Silas l''hore. Arthur Oscar Agenl '1'aylor, Henry HurlbUrt Weiss, Oscar Albert Professor, College Whittak I'. Frank Noble Wood, George,,, od Handy, John Paul Lowe, Mal'tl n Franklyn litera, F ranl, Herman OWre, Alfred Dean of ollege of Walls, James Martin av se Baltimore bldg St Paul 716 Donaldson Idg 716 Donaldson bldg ~35 Ticollet a\' 812 Pillsbury bldg Howard Lake Baltimore blocl, St Paul Regina asl, Can 30S Reid corner 506 Masonic Temple of Dentistry Fergus Falls FarlOault 1894 Long PraIrie Buffalo 3047 Nlc av niv rsit)' dentistry, Unlverslty 838 Lowry bldg St Paul Whiting. Arthur Deming Speclalist--eye 1895 St Clpud BabcocK, Henry Charles 415 E 7th st St Paul Cobb, FrederIck Emory 307 Masonic Temple Demo, William Arth)lr Blue Earth Hurd, Herbert Bury Madison Kvle, Frank Horton " 815 Northern Bk & Trust bldg Seattle Wash 'elson, Mark Owens 722 Lowry bldg St' Paul Robinson, Frank Spaulding Chippewa Falls Wis Sauer, Arthur Jay 603 Lowry bldg St Paul Sinclair, Erwin Lee Rochester Todd. George Silas Lake City "Wagner, Frank Jacob Deceased Watson, Nathan Le\'le 5~7 Lowry Bldg St Paul 1896 Beise, Hem'y Christian BenJamin, W infred Garner Birch, Frank Waverly Business Day, George Ranson "Eldrich, Bert Henry Herrick, Clayton C Kelse)'. Raymond Daniel "Iaguire. James Oscar ll'fontgomery, Charles Purnell Moody, FranK Em il Munro, Robert Annand Windom 1020 Donaldson bldg Waterville Farmington died Sept ~ 1902 Winona Northfield Secy Bldg Dubuque la 648 Lowry Bldg St Paul Syndicate block 531 Old NatI Bk bldg Spokane Wash Norris. Frank l\iortime'r 101 W 3d st Winona "Rose, liliam Johnson Deceased TIfft,,Vall ace Leonard Glencoe Annis, ElwIn Ri hard Baker, William Walter Buell, Ernest Eugene ooke, Thomas Frederick ovey, Martha Grl wold 'Wash st Winnebago Slayton Alexandria Burlington la 919 Cobb Bldg Seattle Wash D nton. Herbert Bogardus Eveleth Evans.,Varren Thomas Shelby Mont Frl'dericl<. John Lupus Brainerd Gallagher, John 'Walter Sidney ~O~ Choate bll, Winona "Godfrey, Harve)' Byron died January Godfrey, Henry Samuel 1006 Donaldson bldg Goodnow, IIi rton tearns Hutchinson Eagert)', T rry Philander Hall, Jay Mason Lowry Arc::tde Fairmont t Paul Bawl,inson. Alfred Elbridge Litchfield H nick. Benjamin Arlington Red " "Ing L onard, laude Albert Bottineau N D Me adden. William 604 Dona.ldson bldg Medary, 1111'S Edna Petit (Mrs Burke?) Moore. William Alexander Germanla Life bldg t Paul 'Pattison, Thomas Alexander died February 1903

114 94 THE MINNESOTA ALUMNI WEEKLY Pullen, Herbert Armitage Buffalo N Y Orthodontia specialist Saund rson, Smith Arthur Duluth Shankland, J ames \Yllbur 3503 Franklin av St Louis Mo Physician Shumpik, Edward 603 Pillsbury bldg Druggist Spence, Thomas Crookston Stephan, Frank Lewis Mankato Stevens, Bertram Theodore 575 Syndicate Arcade Atwood, Almon Greer Bennion, Sidney Edward Card, William Howard Couplin, harles Allan Hollister, John Roy Lawton, John Reynolds Newhouse, hristopher I 1898 Prall, Frederick W illiam Rolf, J ohan (formerly Olsen).C;;hlbley, Edward Harold Pioneer Spencer, ",Villiam Eleazer Yon Bronkhorst, Everard J ames,veible, Freu Kellar Wright, Ernest Avery 1899 Argue, John Ephraim Benton, Clarence Daniel ampbell, Alexander Silas Foote, Charles Percival Gallagher, Ray Harrold Gorgen, Ed" ard Hagaman, Edwin Alexander Hall, George Everett Henderson, Hugh Saunderson Hertz, Eugene Franl<lyn Care of Dr Dickson N P C D E Jeffers, John jl' Kelly, James Lawrence King, Nelson Madison Marston, Harold Foster Phelps, Elton Henry Stonl', Gilbert FE'rdinand Torrance, C M lirtaugh Griineburgweg 101 Falls Cit)' Ore Hutchinsoll 304 Pillsbury bldg Palouse \I' ash Sleepy Eye 404 Kendrick St Paul deceased Sept Waseca St James Press bldg St Paul Donaldson bldg Grand Meadow Weible N D av se Red Lake Falls ~07 Masonic Temple Ortonville 919 E 7 st St Paul Plainview Neb 301 Donaldson bldg Madella deceased 5502 Indiana av Chicago III Portland Or!' 6th & Oregon st Glenwood Mt Yernon Ind Medical block Milaca 176 Concord st St Paul Frankfurt-on-:l1aln Germany t;pdyl<e, Robert Pattf7 n OO Ramona so Pasadena Calil *Wells, J ames Osborne died August Whitmore, Sanford ' E ugene :Marshall 1900 Adams, Eugene Franklin A ndersen, FrederIck Edward Bertram, Harry Wallace Busse, Theodore Christian Carlson, lianphen Henry Clarke, Joseph Cooper, Herbert harles ('ostain, Elbert Pryor *Gloyd, William Hintz, Charles A Hoorn, Karl H Hutchin, Robert Clement K ershaw, Albert LaFayette Kundson, John Frederick Kroehler, Benjamin George Lamphere, Ralph L eo Locl{ha rt, Harvey John Munns, Edward Ernest St Nelson, Harold James Nelson, Louis NorriS, George Washington Olson, Carl Gustaf Owre, Aneas P a tterson, John Fayette Treasure M F Patterson RE'vell, Aris LeRoy Riley, Franl< Freeman Roberts, Oscar Edwin Sommermeyer, Edward Frede rick Sprague, Dan Eugenp Swanson, Anton W 312 Grand Forks N D Rpd Wing Luverne Mapleton Anol<a 2746 S Bryant Cooperstown N D Stapl('s 'clled 1907 New Ulm Brainerd Moore bldg St Paul Bismarck N D Pellcan Rapids unknown West Duluth E ly Anthony Falls Bank bldg Glencoe Moorhead Tracy 221 Cedar av Pillsbury bldg R yan bldg Rt Paul D ental Supply Co Lead S WorthIngton Jacl<8on Eau lalre Wls 436 Syndicate bldg Paulsen bldg Spokane Wash Thomas, Harry Estus Thorsen, Axel A 'l'yl r, Homer Amos Whittemore, Morse Kittridge \I'ilson, Robert Barnes 906 Zi ger, Otto harles 1901 Ellendale N D Rochester Gardena Callt Cloquet ljldg St Paul Owatonna Ball, William Harrison Morgan Asst cashier i!liliings, W a ll Marlon Acheson bldg Berkeley Callt Bordeen, Albin Minot N D BrownieI', \I'Ubert James Lankin N D hild, Harry Burr 810 PHlsbury bldg Cox, Norman J!\lasonlc Temple reeiman, Ern st Ever It Bremerton 'Vash Dahlgren,,Bror Eric Field Columbian :lluseum Chicago SpeCIal work In botany Frodeen, Henry Emanuel Ashland Wls noheny, Edward James Foiey Holmgren, John Lou is Miami F.a Holmgren, arl Johan 401 Pillsbury bldg Jaehnlng, Herman Schmal Twin Vall y Jargo, Adam oorman 9G3 W 7st St Paul Johnston, Martin Calvin March Kennedy, J Duncan Marshall lilcnerthney, 1I11t('hael J President bldg Tacoma \I'ash i'y1 00dy, Ad~lph Frederick 'yndlcate block Nclson Ornn Chauncy Newport Wash Olson, Adolph 19~8 'West Superior st Duluth Osterberg, Alfred 2032 W Superior st I uluth Owens, John Evans L'nknown *Palmer, Ralph Georg-ier died March Pcpper, \I'ililam Frederick 804 Pillsbury bl~ Rhame, Walter Stevens 1525 E F'ranklln av Rarg nl, \Y El'Ilest 2114 Hennepin o.v mith, Biley Stoudt, Franf Lawrence Hastings Rwef't, Cyril Fairman Minot N D Thiebaud, James Earl Atkinson N D "Thompson, Thomas L died July 20 19u1 Thorson, Adolph TheodorE' decea. I'd 190~ "'oehler, \I'Uliam,Vlnfred \I'auha" S D \lrorks, William Joseph unknown Yates, CecU Freu Ylrglnla 1902 Allen, Arthur Barrett 445 Chamb r ot comm rep Pasadpnn alit Bacon, Dexter Sterling 70~ Donald.on bld~ Beede, Thad Sheridan 3011 Park nv Rntschen, \I' llllam Farnsworth F'arihault Bolstad, Ole Northwood N D alne, William Allen Stillwat r arter, yrus All n 947 Figuero st Los Angeles alit Crandall, Charles Ray Fish, Lawrence James Fletcher, Freeman F Gunderson, Julius Lavine *Hlckman, :11'1 Edward Johnson, 'elsnn Lion 1 J0rgens, ('arl Sophus Kalther, Eugl'ne \I,.qiiam Lindsley, 'Vllllam Sherman M~ver, "Pr d SOphUR 1I1111('r, Daniel Ralph Oherg, Alfred Tlon Palmer, Walter Norman Peregrine, Harr)' Granger Globe Peterson, Plymouth Oscar Russell, Auhrey I Terbprt RandY, Arthur Benjamin Schacht. John S('allulst 'Villiam Peter Rmith, Jlllius "Valdo Tif'tt, J Floyd Trondson, Alex Ramuel Turner, Edward Warden Vanstrum,- ~Ibln R V\ranous, lli<j.wln F 1903 Ahlstrom, Joseph Theodore Amundson, LaduE' Bosel, Albert Chrlstlan Burns, J ay Hugh Thief Rh"er Falls 1034 Andrus bid" Red Lake Falls 340~ University av SE' died Septembel' Renville Donaldson bldg Little Falls 5~3 yndirat bldg -113 Medlcal blk Bird Island 896 Payne av St Paul Valley Ci ty N n bldg Seattle Wash Anoka 63G Syndicate bldg Fergus Falls Manl<atn Madison Colfax V\rash Black Rlver F'alls Wls Arcade bldg eattle Wash Minnesota Lake Syndicate block Coketo Waterville Crosby Hutchinson

115 ALUM NI DIRECTORY 95 Dent-o,k0 7 CaIn, James nobert Col e, l(1ud Lynn Conley, Samuel Lewis Cook, Michael Francis rane, Emory Saxe 406 Davies, N rman Llewellyn Northern Bank bldg Day, Judson LeRoy Foster, Albert Ray Franl<oviz, Frank' An ton Gholz, L wis Ralph Goodspeed, Henry Erwin Hektner. Hans Christian Ortonville Alexandria Cannon Falls St Cloud Metropolitan Life bldg Seattle Wash LeRoy Bowbells N D Sedro Wooley Wash Worthington Two Harbors Battle Lake Hourn, George Edwin 725 Metropolitan bldg St Louis Mo HuestIs, Walter Clyde 400 Central av "Kuncke, Gustavus Adolphus died December 15, 1908 Lafans, \\'alter Scott 510 Pillsbury bldg Lasby, William Frederick 425 \\ralnut st se Associa te professor in dental college liioorhouse, Franklin Elmer ~01 W Lake Pattison, George Jay Herman Peterson, Ernest Francis Ridgeway Colo P ike, J ay Nelson 820 Donaldson bldg Prendergast, Franl, cor 7th & Sibley s t St P aul Vlce-presid nt Dr G P Sandberg Co Smith, layton Mllls Elk R iver Smith, George Dwight Sparrow. Cecil Chester pring, WiIIi(1m John Trench, James Francis Tuck. Lewis Edward Werring, Oscar Sidney Vi'hltcomb, Harold War ren 3446 Gran d av B reckenridge 601 Syndicate bldg Monticello 2819 Stevens av Springfield 16.. S 3d s t Grand Forks N D Vi'ilJiams, George Davis 608 Fernwell bldg Spokan e Wash \\' ood, Orland Biglow Virginia Yaeger, F rederick Spencer 403 Germania Life bldg St Paul Barney. Paul \\'ooel Bell. harles Iysses Bennett, David 'Villlam Arcade bldg, Braafladt: Theodore Olaf ox, Arthur Henry Freeburg Jay Munroe Gr y. \\' iillam Alexander Gl'een, nobert Cullum, " ' a lter Cornwell Johnson, Leonard James Leffel<, 'Yilliam Joseph Llllehi. Axel 0 )Ic)l eill, Waltln Hill Mcnae, Duncan Adrian ]\l1hlels, Edwin \\' llliam George )[ontelius. George Alfred Nelson, Albert Ca rlos Reed, Albert Alonzo Rice, Arthur Nelson Rid r, Don Du V 10 Schacht, Joseph August Steadman GlI Y Benjamin 205 Strong. \\'llliam Henry Sture, \\'alm I' Turner <iwen~on, Secy DI' G H andberg Carl August 126 Clark st Manl<ato 1422 W Lake st Seattle Wash Cloqu et Faribault Blackdllck adott Wis 828 Lowry b ldg t Paul 511 Lowry bldg St Paul Roswell N 111 Ellendale N D 715 Donaldson bldg Princeton Ellsworth \\' is Grove Lalte Litchfield 3007 Chicago a" Luverne 713 Pillsbury bldg Wadena Raudenbush bldg St Paul Graceville 1~09 Laurel av :'t Paul 1905 Bal<er. Henry W Bancl'oft, Merton Eugen e Barton. Hel'!'y Elijah Bennett, harles Ed,,'ard Bittn e r, Arthur Hugo 1586 Borg ndale, Edward Bowe, J ohn F rancis Brastacl, laf W illiam B rown. Thomas Andrew Bu gbe, Clyde S BUI'gan, FI '~ r1 rlcl{ Preston Burt, Leona!' 1 H enr y Carr, Al vin E ngen Casselman, Don orson, 'Walter H artl ~' 2628 E ~5 st \\'ells Delton Wls 30 Andrus bldg Adams U niversity av St Pau l Da~vson Ashland \\'is 2426 e nt r a l a\' H astings AI,eley G01 Masonic 'l'emple R ott et te N D 406 n d rus b ldg T ra y Adn Curtin, J ames Deering, Joseph William Ditmarson, J ohn E Doyle, Milo Hayden }<~oster, Charles ' Vhite Gillam, Claren ce Gifford Hamlon, Chauncy Wilford Hanson, Henry Alexander l hle, Edward Anthony Ingalls, Raymond Eugene ' US Army Johnson, Alfred C Kubat, \\rilliam La Due, Thomas Inring Arlin g ton Virgin ia Belle Plaine Belle P lain e Am N at! B ank bldg S t Paul Aus tin L amberton Yacolt Wash Chippewa Falls Wis Fort L eavenworth Kan sas Win throp Blooming Prairi e 8 Grand Oper a House block St Paul Lukkason, Joseph Rusl1ford Lyon, Harry David at College Claremont av Oakland Calif Maves, Herman Albert 505 Donaldson bldg: Mcintyre, Ra lph Emerson Greenwood Wis Miller, Charles Warren New UlIn Moran. M A Pine Island Moskau, Gilbert Grand Forks N D Nelson, Charle Fergus F alls ::-;relson, Elof 3 El Paso bldg Colorado Springs Colo Newgord. Harry Clarence 603 Masonic Temple Olson. T heodore John St J ames Porter, Harold Ferdinand Willm a r P utney. Charles A H awley Remele, Henry William Crook t on Sheehan, Thomas V Franklin Shellman, Joseph Frederick 1801 Hague av St Paul Staples, Forest Edward Howar d L al<e S t rang, Cassius Clinton Duluth Sweeney, Eugene Sylvester 820 Leary b ldg SeatUe \Vash Taylor. William Knox Hanaford ::-;r D Vendersaal, William Pomeroy Pa Wallace, Robert Watertown \\bite, Frank Denton 304 Masonic T emple Youngherg, Everett Le Roy Coeur d' Alene Idaho 1906 Amundson, Frederick Arthur 403 Fideli t" b ldg Anderson. Carl Ernfried Ken ne-dy Baker, Harr)' J Willi ton D Barnett, Han' ey Dwight 666 Grand av St P aul Bjorge, Oscar Lake ParI, Blix. Adolph Leonard D uluth Blonde!. Louis Dale Lake Benton Boerner, Ernest William F B uffalo Corser. \\'ayne Bli s 1607 Laurel av S t Paul Fortier. Stephen R Little F alls Frederickson. Marcus :lialden \\'a h Heddy, Ul a Emil 621 LO'l'<'ry bldg S t Paul Huntington. \Valter Sandberg ) 1arion I a.lung. William Richard Parkers Prairie Jungdal1s. Edward Henry Glencoe Kaasen. Raare Drammens,ei Kri tiania Norway K endall, Ernest Clayton 50 Masonic T em p le Korfhage. Louis 'Yilliam 519 Lowry bldg St Paul Layne. James Thomas Rushford Lestico, Alexander Cameron Young America LieI', Emil Hjalmar Ashbv Malmgren, Robert Victor Pittsburg bldg S t Paul Melvin, Merton R a v s e 1\1orstaill, \\'ililam Basil 3457 Chicago av )lelson, Gorge Andrew Enderlin N D Nilsson, Vern r Hjalmar 401 Ceda r av Olsen. Carlton Percy Rollin. la\ls Alvin 2413 Bloomington ay Rowe, ArthUr Taylor Larimore N D Sel,lg, arlu' H armony 2337 Central av Smith, \ ralter Herbert Spurr, Stephen Howard 308 Am Nat' l Thomas, Howard W Tomas k, Joseph Leo T urner, Gf.'orge Chester ' '''ahlstrom, I adore J ohn ' ''alste, harles Edgar W eaver, R 1I10rtlmer Wells, Amos SchUmpert \\'Inther, om'ad Peter W oodbury, L eshe Ma ley Aarn es, W alter Sten e 1907 Bank b ldg s t Paul Aberdeen D Caledonia Lan e bol'o South Bend Ore Portla nd Ore Spencer I a Andrus bldg N ew Paynesville Zumbrota San Dim a s Ca ll!

116 THE MINNESOTA ALUMNI WEEKLY Alrick, Owen K London England. Graduate worl, In dentistry ~arnltz, Robert Andrew 233 N Main st Austin auer, Theodore H 800 So 10 s t ~Irnberg. Ansel M 516 Ashland av St Paul orgwardt, George H Fairmont Butter, Archibald B 2123 Ch' -Carlaw, Allen C NIgNh~~d Damon, George Myron 3340 ;Portland av D?ely, Owen Eugene Cannon Falls..Ft t zgerald, Francis Gerald Melrose Froelich, qeorge H 614 W Lake st Ghm.me, I..nut Arthur Fertile GriffIth, Ch ar l~s ArthUr av se lnterne to Umverslty Heieie, Orlin C Hollern, Edward John Jones, Roliard Ralph May, Iyde Luther Niemi, William T Page, 'Wright Benton Pinney. Egbert Ra lph 348 Prior Purdon, Cleveland A Ramsted, Henry George Rauch, Charles Rosend ahl, Peter Osca r Seebach, Oscar Christian Smith, Nat Cyrus Thomas, Thomas Heathcote ",,'eaver, Homer Abraham Zierold, Arthur A Bandelin, William J Bergh, Charles John Broderson. Clarence C Bunce. Elmer W 1908 Coleman, Lauren l\'[ Conway, J esse Francis Conway, Stephen V Countryman, Ralph W Franta, Valentine A Grafsland, C Edwin Hagberg, Gustav A Harmon. Harry W ston Harrison. Francis Randall Hig.,ins, Clirford C Hull. Isaa Stephenson James, Meredith Jay James, William Henry Johnson. Joseph Kjelland, Joseph A Knoche, Earl G 716 Kendrick block Lawton, Harry C Leary, Daniel James Lier, Edorf M nton Madd n. Fr dericlt M Micsen, Peter James Moore, Thomas J 1v[unns, Herbert A Olson, Charles John Rademacher. Harley Adolph Rayman, Frederick Louverne R mele, Ilerman C Sandstrom, Carl L Schapler, John Earl Schmitz, Le Roy Christian Simon, Edwin James Snyder, Lynn R Spurbeck, Lee Erwin Tanner, William Paul Tren ch. Wliliam M Van Dykc, Arthur A 708 Whitson. Abram P Will. Melville Bruce Williams, Lou is Bernard Bal<ke. Fredericlt Charles Basford. Clarence M Bird. I ment K Brltzius. Harry Adam Cahill. John Francis Capron, Harry T Chapman. Edgar Coad, Cecil Walters International Falls Sauk Rapids 4306 So Upton av Coleraine Superior Wis 707 Donaldson bldg av Merriam Park St Paul Lisbon N D 2901 Washington av no 4'f., Washington av so 315 Masonic Temple 800 W ash av ~e Annandale 328 Cen tral a v 712 Masonic Temple 307 Donaldson bldg Roseau 928 Lowry bldg St Paul Fountain City Wis St Michael Ellendale N D 365 Earl st St Paul MinneapoliS Reid Corner Montgomery Frazee 616 Mllsonic Temple 384 n Prior St Paul Grand Rapids Sidney Selby St Paul Mountain Lake Lake Crystal Milton & Selby av St Paul 2449 Bloomington av Germania Life bldg St Paul 937 Lowry bldg St Paul Janesville Wis Casselton N D Watertown 401 Masonic Temple Plainview Corner Lake & Hennepin Hastings Gilbert 708 Lansing av Austin MinneapoliS Cloquet Pipestone Jamestown N D 539 Mississippi St Paul 376 Robert st St -Paul Biwabik Goodhlle D nnl~on Germanla Life bldg St Paul Packwaultee WIS Bertha a lgary Alberta 1909 Warr n Red Lodge Mont 499 West 7th St Paul 2806 N Aldrich Waseca 1738 Irving av HO 909 3d a v so 1313 W 26th at Coul ter. Melville Rankin Davis, Oscar DeForest Donald, f aymond Bristol Doris, John Raphael Ernst. Max E P Ert!, Rudolph W Gustafson, Richard Elmer Janecky, Josel h W Kaiser, Frederlch John Kohagen. John B njamln Lars ' n Arnold John La wrence, Edward (Home 'Winthrop) Lind r, William Floyd Lippitt, Dunbar Francis Lund, William Theodore McFadden, Charles Atkinson McPhail, Archibald M teal(, George Robert Mlchalson, Abraham Severin Mittelstaedt. Frank A Moose, William Henry Nesse. G"orge Allen Nordin, Emil N Is 'Nell, James William Pagenl<opf, Alfred A Phillips, Frank J Porter, Irving Lester 808 (Hom Willmar) Quast, Louis C Rand, Henry nane Rayman, Fay 'Washington Ruggl s, Arthur Mellette Salisbury, Earl Schmid. Adolph R Schwartz, Charles R D entis t Mankato Detroit th av so 417 Delaware se 925 York t Paul 1617 no Dupont Winthrop Hutchinson Marion N D Duluth loin 13 av se Hallock 904 E 26 st 507 N 66 av 'V Duluth Dawson 600 Lonsdale bldg Duluth Fargo N D Barnesyille Wyndmere N D Mllbank S n St Cloud 1\la.bel Rush ity Lowry bldg t Paul Pittsburg bldg St Paul Lansing Atwater 708 Janesville Madison 0 Lansing av Austin sakis 1~01 8th st se Springfield 8~4 Andrus bldg Scribner, Marguerite Sawyer (Mrs F A Mitt Istaedtl Milbank S n Solem, Paul Oscar 2131; 12th av BO Swanson, Arthur E ~712 12th av so Thulien. arl Augustus Halstad Verne. Paul onrad 1319 O!lver av n Walker. Arthur 'WiIIlam Old Nat! BI, bldg Spoknn~ Wa"h 'Viethoft. harles S06 12n(\ av n VI' i1son, Edgar siander P :lrke'rs Prall'l" Winler, Seward R a ndall 713 E Lake st 1910 Adams, Franl< W Chicago Allison. Jam s Hawxhur Bellingham, Roscoe C Brady, Charles P Br I<hus, P ter J hapman, Leroy M (Home, Lanesboro) ommers, Leo P Crydermann. 'Vllllam J Dunbar, Francis W vorak, Joseph W Goldblum, TIal S Grandy. Alfred \'Ir Greenberg. Jacl< N Uanneman, Rudy Wm 808 Selling Hanson. William Cornelius Hart. Grant T Tlaucl<, s('ar",,' IIlggim;, Robert Cloyd Dillon Hughes. Earl Leo Jng rsoll, Howard George Keller, Francis Raymond Block Billings Mont \'ITlllow ity n Bellingham \'Ira"h Red Lake Falls av s Chisholm av n o Grafton N D ~021 Columbus ax Rem'llle av so Bathgate. N D Mayville N D bldg Portland Or. Sleepy Eye Polson, Mont 801 Andrus bldg Coeur d'alene Idaho ROl'alton Brainerd 1317 Aldrich av n Kr jci. Fred tto Hutchinson Lange, lienry F Liltl Falls Appleton Little. Arthur Paul McB ath. Ewing Cleveland Old Nat'l Ban It bldg Spokane \'Irash Maker. John dolph West Duluth Maland. James,Vllhelm Rushford Miltwer, Arthur E 1608 Lyndale av n Altldn Murphy. D nnls J sn1 15 IJV N Ison.,I<> TIarr~' Wilhelm Nelson, Roy Harrison 47 aiggins bllt MIssoula Mont Ob rg, Claren E d av so T"ac\ "Pattl'ldg. Marl< Otis Petri, al'l Holmer 1301 E Fl'anldln av " so Sleepy Eye R ynolds. George Westfall Rounds, 'VlIliam Ferris

117 A L U~1NI DIRECT ORY 97 Pharm Samuels, Harvey Charles Saunders, Benjamin Harris Scott, Louis W Sheils, George Arthur Smetana, Edward E Solberg, Chris Bernard Stone. Wilton Blair Thomson, Erwin Emerson,Yells. Harry Asa Whitney, Harry Carroll 1911 Altermatt, Wallace Adolph Brec.le, Otto R Cole, Bert Le Roy Cooperman, Oscar De Mots, Edward G Deslaurier, Albert J de Trey. - Maurice Dvoral" Edward J Ernst, Henry,ViIliam Fairchild, Guy Buchanan Flagstad. Carl 0 Fossum. Oscar Eilert Gauthier, Victor Edmond Greene. Henry S Hagen. Paul Hall, Henry Joseph Hartl, F rank J oseph Hartung, William John Haycock, " -illiam James Henderson. James L John on, Clements J Kell)" John Patrick La Due. Nelson Vivian Lindquist. Arthur 0 Luhman, Archie E Lyman. Harry H McDougall, " ' illiam ~raves, Theodore,V Ma) bury, Richard S :lion roe. " -i1liam E :lioore, " 'illiam Arthur '\100rhOIl e. Raymond R Olson. Arent H Oram. 'Varren W Peterson. Johan Ferdinand Porter, "'alter Raymond Rip],e. Harvel' Wesley Roll, "-illiam A Ros n, Maurice Calvin Rudolph. Charles Eugene i'ltickney, Truman Leander Thoma. James Alfred Thorburn. Lloyd Mungo Van Guilder, Jesse S Vig. Richard "-alln,s. Martin J "'iliiams. Robert E Wolf. Geo"ge Emil Zieg!e,. am 3133 S I rving Staples Waseca West Concord Hopkins Montevideo 458 S Robert st St Paul rd av so Aberdeen S D WeSSington Springs S D Springfield 2514 Pierce st ne Cor 5th & Maria avs St Paul 800 Marshall st ne th st se 865 Dayton av St Paul Lausanne, Switzerland Glencoe 925 York st St Paul Red Lake Falls 2305 S 7 st St James 402 Fidelity bldg Duluth Luverne Union Block Crookston LaCrosse Minot N D St James Tracy 587 Dayton av St Paul Winthrop 3350 loth av so "Tall{er 1525 E Franklin Dover Caledonia Royalton St Peter av SO Hutchinson Cbatfield 3026 Harriet av Preston Willmar Bemidji Willmar Gibbon Clontarf st so 2337 Cen tral a v Hinckley Spencer Ia Osa]{is Cannon Falls Fosston Caledonia AI,eley 445 Frye st St Paul 331 Lowry bldg St Paul Abrahamson, Gust E Austin, Louie T Bonner, John P Bowe, Robert Joseph Brosius, Ernest Julius Carlson, Lowell Hanphen 1912 Crone, ~'illiam Herman Ganfield, Leo Parker Gross, Samuel Gyldenskog, Ernest Robert H ori, Kenjiro Hosterman, Frank Philip Johnson, Burnett Theodore Johnson, Ernest Samuel Johnson, George Edwald Johnston, Henry Kelly, ArthUr John Kerr. Bert Hnnter Koontz, Sylve tel' KrouSh, George M Lang, Roy Calvin Larson, Gustave Edward Lenz, Frank Jacob 832 Leonard, Harold Judson LieI', Alfred Clarence McLean, Thomas Earl Maertz, Benjamin Leo Edward Matthews. Robert Lincoln Mee, Thomas J Mentzer, 'Yilliam Edward _ ~aegeli, William Carl Nellermoe, A rt hur F Nelson, Anton Nelson, Nels Bernard Nesse, James N Nixon, James "-atson Norman, j)iark Lewis Ohm, William Herman 01 en, Carl C Olson, El\'in hristian Onstad, John Howard Ostrander, Arthur B Peterson, Enoch Peterson, Harold A Quesnell. Arthur J Rauch, Benjamin Sidney Record. George Hamilton Reynolds, Otis Hoyt Rice, aenneth Leroy Richardson, Robert Edward Ritchie. Hugh,,- Richter, Henry Ralph Roelke, Gu tav Adolph Rowell, George Henry Saethre, "ilhelm Fl'imann Undal! el\'ig, Thorwald C imonsoll. Alfred "-i1helm 1602 Smith, Kenneth Vernon Solberg. Finn Steinfeldt, Abe Arnold Swendsen. Theodore Wolf. Edward Gusta,e J Motley Madelia Virginia Wase~a L itchfield 1393 Hewitt av St P aul 717 T orrey bldg Duluth Mora Hachiman, Ohmi, Japan Pelican Rapids Rose Creek Waterville 30 E Superior st Duluth Houston Huron S D Albert Lea Glenville t Peter Main st Eau Claire Wis 515 Syndicate bldg 128 Laurel av Flat 6 Devils Lake N D New Prague Manl<ato -l313., so Upton Sloan block Duluth 1600 "-estern av acred Heart Cloquet Fertile Mabel Neils 1820 Selby ay St Paul ~ t Charles Mountain Lake Jasper Brownton Otisco Cambridge Clarkfield E\'ansville 3553 Nicollet av Kenyon Adrian Bemidji Cannon Falls Montgomery Loretto Y i,'ginia Bergen. Jorway Harmony Crystal Lake av no Monte\;deo Kristiania. 'orway 4~3 yndicate bldg 329 Central av se The College of Pharmacy 1894 Bolton, Miller '1' P lru nview Hart, A lfr ed Benjamin Pequot PhYSician and surgeon Haugseth, Enoch T w ln V a lley PhYSician and surgeon Ho\'orku. Thomas Wenceslaus Glencoe PhySicia n and s urgeon Leubnel', Bernard Otto 120 Bates s t D etroit Mlch!ll a n u factul'ing pharmacist Von Rohr, Arthur 78 E 3d s t Winona 1895 B lanchard, L ucy H A (Mrs L 0 Jorgenson) Huntsville Ala Burke, Richard T Telephone and drugs Langdon N D Fjelstad, Alex H Merchant Chisholm Hillard. Archie Hanyood Houlton. Alice (Mrs Henr~' Hoffman) Crookston Irwin Hotel, San Francisco Calif Iltis, George Washington Key West Fla U S Public Health S ervice McCloud, Charles Naumann 136 Lexington Parl,way St Paul Physician and s u rgeon!\lunch, Graham William ManUfacturing, Gen l l\idse B u r Crooksto n Kel all, John Lake Park Olsen. Isaac C Frederic Wis

118 THE MINNESOTA ALUMNI WEEKLY Pepple, Ransom Franl,lin "~and e rson, Stephen Francis 1896 Arbes, Joseph M I, Cady, Frank E Cahill, James Lawrence Farmer, Dan E Haney, William Carlton H augen, J ohn Edward Hoscheid, WilHam Hurd, Annah Physician and surgeon Johnson, Flavius I Larson, TheodQre Lewis McCulloch, Earl Miesen, John Anton 602 W 125 Moen, Mathias Nichols, Benjamin Hebel' -n-illiams, Fred Horace Orofino Idaho deceased June Worthington Tacoma Wash Thompson 10. KermIt N D Marshall Dell Rapids D Baudette Pillsbury bldg Red Lodge Mont St Croix Falls Wls Andover S D st New YOI'I, City Starbuck 4314 Garfield av 114 Alleyan,Vest Lansing Mlch PhYSician and surgeon Bachman, Gustave Instructor In Beil, John Micha I U S Public Carte':t. Roy.I"armer Dupont av so pharmacy University U S Marine hospital Pittsburg Po. Health & CowIn, George Augustus WIth Voegeli Bros Danielson, Charles Elof Dlllner, Emmanuel T Dreis, II nry Joseph Haskell, Edward Earl Mining Hynes, John Eldon PhYSician and surl:'eon Marine hospital service Norfolk Neb st so Amery Wis Bowman N D St PteI' St Paul Fairplay Colo 3349 Univ av se Lyon, harles George Steamboat Rock 10. Moran, Martin Thomas a... no Mosl<op, Albert Green Isle Nlsbit, 1I1ae (Mrs Chas E Peterson) liladison Peterson, Chari s Emil Madison SchmIdt, Emil Traugott Buffalo Spielman, Alols Joseph MInneapolis 1897 " Bowe, John William' Clark, Charles Henry Cornwell, Charles Burchard Kehoe, T homas Madigan Kirwin, Luke McKnight, George -n' liliam Spicer, Lester Wedge tock, William Julius 1898 died May St Peter Villard Billings Mont Franklln Velva N D Albert L ea Coleraine Belse, John Henry Fergus Falls Blacl{mun, George Harvey 1221 E Market Stockton ali! Brede, William George av ne Physician and surgeon 1~28 Main st ne Demars, Gustave Jules Fertile Fitzgerald, Julian Leslie "Korizek, Albert deceased 1901 Moffitt, Isaac Edgerton Bathgate N D F armer Nagel, Frank Julius av no Theimer, Emil 'Vencl 211 Park Ct Cedar RapIds 10. ommercial traveler Varney, Herbert Clarkson Encampment Wyo Assayer and chemist Wolner, Oscar H e rbert Hannibal Wu lllng, Charles William d av s Pharmaceutical chemist 1899 Buttz,,William Lloyd Lakota N D arpenter, Dwight Jefferson av se Salesman "Congdon, John C ~ died Nov 1902 Cool, George Henry St Paul With A THall Day Perry RI hard 343 LIppincott Toronto Can Dorr G rtrude Nell (Mrs E F McGinnis), 323 F st alt Lal,e City Utah Dreschier, Franl, Xavier 91 s Wabasha t Paul 8vans, David eylon FaIrbank, Cora Mabel Lanesboro Gunz, A be Nathan Center Ity PhysiCian and surgeon Hart, Frank H ayes, Robert Boyd V "Hong, Adolph died Jacobs n, David Lorenz Molstad, Emil asper Onstad, John I-lcholt('n, John P eter Postmaster Rtuotmeyer, William B rnai'd Stultz, Edna Belle (Mrs E N Swanson, Claus August "Vallancey, Eldred P Astoria Ore rnon Center Jan Evansville Rio Wis linton Easton WorthIngton ArvIdson) 2603 Steyens av 364 Wabasha St Paul deceased Bock, Rolland 802 Ashland St Paul Physician amden, May E t E 'Wlnnltred St Paul hernausek, -n' ljjiam Hutchinson 10.1'1<, Guy C Gree,r, Eva Emily 1621 Pennsylvania av St LouIs Mo Johnson, Nelius,Tulian tockton all! Kiesling, Emil hades Jal'kson Traveltng salesman E A Fargo 0 Landeen. Arthur FerdInand Eagle Bend Negard, George E Raymond Neumann, William Henry LewIston PhysIcIan and surgeon O'Connell, Chari s John Portland av AnalytIcal chemist "Rodgers, Robert FairbaIrn died Feb Scarf, H enry Hay care Messrs DIetz & III s~lng t Paul Stadon, John H e n ry 127 W 36 st Wheat house Stewart, Edward FrancIs 320 E 7 st St Paul Supt and chemist Northern Paint Co 1902 Aubrecht,.\nna Frances Bollman, Franl< Fred ri k lough, Charles Fost r Dreis, -ntalter Frank Erkel, ArthUr George Full!'r, Paul Harr, ecil e Inez Kellam, Arthul' Stone Hospital steward USN Kuhn, Arthur N LanSing-, Carl John Oscar Morse, U prbert N Netzel', Edward Franklin Nielsen, Niels Physician and surgeon Porter, Oliver Milton PhysiCian 0 nd surgeon Rubeclc, Ella Belle nuther!ord, Retail pharmacist TcJrg son, Thomas Whilt more, Lee A "Zand(>r, Charl('s H "Graduat Ll under av so Wall Lalcp Iowa 858 Selby av St P ter St Paul 122 1\Inin st n e Rochestpr Belmont Ia. Guam P I 524 West av Red Wing linton 4203 Washington av no BemIdji DenmarJe Atwater 339 E 18 st harles Franklin 4th & St Peter St Paul liiankato Grand RapIds City hospital St Paul name of Anderson 1903 Byrnes, Helen Ollrs C L Campbell) st ~e arroll, Lllura M Aberdeen S D Manag r of Dl'ug store ("hme, Phopb~ M (Mrs R C James) Mpls Carlson, AlbIn C 1731 Chicago nv GIfford, 0 Bailey 45 Mille st Boston Mass Manag l' store

119 ALUMNI DIRECTORY 99 Pharm--04-II -Jewell, Scott W Mober, Nellie V (Mrs W Johnson) Skartum, Paul G died June st se Hendricks Nott, Ray J Quick, Frank R Thomson, Charles A Turton, Floyd E Hutchinson care A F Kurth Leroy 758 Adams st ne 1904 Barnes, Helen Jennie 412 W 28 st. Pharmacist for city hospital Bradley, Linn Lafayette apts Berkeley Calif Cutler, Herbert Wilson Park Rapids Gash" Thomas Camphield d st ne -Hanson, George Albert deceased Harms, Fred John 2190 N Langford St Paul Hartman, Bert Freeman Alma Center Wis Hubbard, Floyd Henry pring Va11ey Kelly, Paul Harold 579 Summit St Paul Mead, Wallace Edwin 'We tbrook -Noer, Frederick Juul d eceased April 1912 Passer, \VilIiam Fred Washington D C Richard, Henry John,Vaterville "'ash Todd, Alice M St Luke's Hospital St Paul Adams, Carlton C Bowman, Edgar Sheldon Chelgren, Victor D E Crowe, John " ' il!iam E sen, Anton Ern t Foote, Florence May Haines, George Edmund Herbert, Luther Miner Hoffman, Edward Louis Jones, \Villiam Mulford Lrders, Edward 0 Mueller, Albert Herman Dental student 1912 Ostrander, Arthur Beach Phelps, Alvah Gilbert 1905 St Charles Hawleyville Ia Dickinson N I> West Union Ia Cumberland Wis New Paynesville San Luis Obispo Calif Bird Island av W Seattle Wash st so av se New Payne \'iiie Milaca Physician and surgeon Robitshek, Irving H av so One of owners of Gross Bros l\ipls Dye House st Vaughn, Patrick II Barnett, Henry Joseph Bockoven, William H arlson, Edwin G uttlng, Joseph Patrick Desmond, Robert E Drug cieri;: Frlse, D Curtis Drug clerk and Granberg, Leonard 101 Eastlake av Seattle 'Wash 1906 Handy, John Abner Instructor in chemistry Kennedy, Edward Philip Ketcham, Koyla M Teaching Madden, Leon Daniel North, Robert Peterson, H nry Ellis Peterson, Sumner Amos Bank teller Smith. Carolyn H tewart, George Thrall Sweet, Le Ro)' Allen C Herbert Blosmo, O scar Bohland, Carl P Bolton, John Foster Brede, tto H D thai student, University care Voegeli Bros Clark S D Willmar,Vmlston N D 932 E 2d st Duluth 3412 Columbus av manufacturing pharmacist 5413 So J st Tacoma Wash 613 Univ av se Marsha11 Eveleth Eyota 190 Concord st St Paul Fargo N D At~ ater 1523 Unlv av se 5158 Cnlumet a.v Chicago III River Falls " 'is Garfield av University Montreal Sl Paul Plainview 2514 Pierce st ne aton, harlotte E th av so Day, Benjamin H 264 Winifred St Paul Deterling, B rnhard Arthur Redwood Falls Egbert, Henry Gerhardt 621 University av St Paul "Hanscom,,eorg Stevens decea ed Jamieson, Roy R 224 Arund I St Paul Knapp, John A RiveI' Falls Wi Larson, Ned LeRoy A twater Alcott, Dolph Church Bowman, Fred Monroe Brecl<enridge, John Y jr DeWitz, Frank A Eckstein, Arthur W PhYSician and surgeon Erckenbrack, Earl S Dretchko, Alvio. LeRoy Pltcher, MinneapOlis ball Gron\'old, Bernt Olaf Gundersen, All J Holmgren. George A,Tones, Edward Perry Kurth, Asa Frederick Lambert, Roy R Lovdahl, Arthur E Pladson, Ingvald Puhl, Richard H Etoppel, Ernest Albert team Graduate student in chemistry,veber, George Claude Hennepin av Duluth Pine City Rochester St Cloud Adams Winthrop Willow City N D Pelican Rapids Breckenridge Blue Earth Hendricks Thief River Fall CrosbY South Dakota Menomonie Wis Rochester Rochester Budde, Emil 1\1 502 Bryant av no Colby, Han Chri tian Jackson Doty, Archie George Eyota Diessner, Charles Oscar Waconia Erick on, "-illiam Alexander th st se (Home Cashton,Vis) Fratzke. Theodore,y MMlson (Home Eyota Gjerdingen, Nathalia L Rugby N D Green, Everard Louis Hankinson N D Hawli h, Joseph E Hopkins Hamilton, Horace Leonard St Loui Park Hotvedt. Elmer Lawrence ' Eau Claire Wis Hohn, "'alter G Stanley N D Heath, 1\1 Grace Denhigh D Kleinhuizen, Albert Edward Leikvold, Albert I Lyman, Emily Lucile Maxwell. Ha?el Nesse, Ella l\i (Home l\iabel) Peyton, Agnes C Root, Nelson,,- (Home Elysian) R eierson, Carl Rudolph Sievert. Arthur Frederick peidel. Harry,,- Tyrholm, Harold rthu1' Bersing. Delbert E Doeltz, Otto P Ebeltoft, \VilIiam H Errickson, Carl A Harding. Che tel' E Hoppe, William F care Janecl<y. George A I{lovstad, Thomas T Lundberg, " 'iiiiam W oer. Victor R Parker, Claude H Paulson, arl:1. Peters, \\"illiam 1\1 Peterson, Hugo R emes, Anast asia M Reum,.A rthur W Snuba, Emil G.Yamagishi, Kuzo Raymond Waterville Iowa Graceville Voegeli's Wash & Hennepin 250 E ~4 t 1910 Zal sky, Pauline B (1\1rs Thomas Adams, Edward 1\1 Anderson, B n G Ash, Benedict Samuel,,-heatoll 2600 Bloomington av Spring' Groy New Richland Ladysmith ''-is Xew Richland Blair, Wis 3401 Park ay Lake Park Cashton,Vis Santa Monica Calif Voegeli Bros 7th " 'ico1jet Hutchinsnn M cintosh 110 Endicott Arcade St Paul Colfa...: Wi 40 2d av se th a \' n a \' no I\\' 0 24th a\' so & 6th st 1422 S 4th st Box 13 Hopkins 1911 died March IGovstad) McIntosh W llyzata. 646 St Peter st ~ t Paul Wheaton

120 100 THE MI NESOTA AL MNI WEEKLY Austin, Alberta J Boardman, Roy J Milbank S D Rochester Broude, Samuel John Erickson, Oscar H 1213 Washington av no Canby Haynes, Manley Hewitt 703 River Road East Gifford, Frank Ambrose R F D No 2 Madison Lake Pharmaceutical chemist Laliberte, Wilfred Raowl Croolcston MarSh, Edward M Pine Island Meland, Richard Burton Pelican Rapids Millard, Susan S Ortonvllle Nelson, Rex G New Richland Newsom, Alice Prentice St Luke's Hospital t Paul Peterson, Albert Wilhelm Ortonvllle Prevost, Marie Estelle Big Timber Mont Reynolds, Ross J Gracevllle Rood, Adolph F av so Spiegel, Louis st se t einer, Frank August 222 N 4 st Manlcato Titus, James Lou is Berea Kentucky 'Weber, Frank J 1912 Le Sueur Center Barnett, Samu I Baer 593 Whltall st 't Paul Hanson, Hjalmar Thorwald 1109 Dodge st Eau Claire Wis Holverson, Alice Mercedes Alexandria Hughes, l:ltewart llichard 1369 Spruce Place Kusterman, Frederick G 400 Nicollet av Larson, George Allen Atwater Olson, Alfred W Argyle Riley, usack M Waukon Ia Schaffer, Leo Lawrence Glasgow Mont (Home, Delano) cheer, Wesley Anton Howard Lake Swenson, Orin L Lamberton Witter, H nry R Park Rapids Drug clerk The College of Education, 1907 Higbie, Edgar C Morris Superm tend en t of Univ School of Agriculture Reed, Fred Barnum Sl se Traveling for H Holt & Co Selvig, Conrad G Crookston 8uperintendent of U of M School of Agriculture Stanley, Charles Ph ilip 201 Walnut st se 'l'raveling for Macmillan Co Bush. Carrie Bush. Ethel T ea her of English, Bush. Maude Gertrude high school atur. Louise Kathleen st se at se School of agricul ture st se River Falls Wls Dunivon. N ellie Margaret 1938 Laurel av St Paul Hutchinson. Lucy I (Mrs R E Edquist) 1512 E 22 st Manning. V Russell 303 Jefferson av Portland Ore Secretary of Associated charities Newton, W il lis Twiford Univ Club San Diego Callf Oakes,_ Reuben W Amboy 8upt f schools Sachs. Gustav M New Prague Winter, Al ice (Mrs Chas Raymer) 1909 Austin, Alice Arcelia Bakalayar, George (Home B enson) Burl<. Ellen Idella Intermediate Critic at Superior Carlson, Anna Charlotte Cullins, Melva Amella 1885 Principal Gilpin. J Delbert Hellicl{son. Blanche Mae HewItt, Marie Alden McOuat, Frances Marion 'reacher of English Murfin. Jennie Teach r Norton. Will ia m W Director of music U of N D Quigley, All e Ruth Bemidji Lake fleld Sup rior Wis State Normal Kasota Rondo st Merriam Park Glendive Mont (Mrs Charles Ivlg) Harmony Park Rapids wlltonna (Home st se) Redwood Falls Science teacher Ringdah l, N Robert Supt of city schools (Home Lisbon Shanley, Helen Marie Southworth. Mira Morrison Wh a ley, Amanda W Teachel' in Humboldt high UnivClslty N D Sauk Center Rush ity N D) St Paul Pine ity 57 W Isab I t Paul school 1910 Bayrell. Allene arr T eacllel' (Home Argyle) Benton, Mrs \\' Brohaugh. George Olaf Supt of schools Bryan. Agn S 'l'eache'i' (Home Roch s ter) Butiel', " 'allace TacheI' ahili. Thomas Clark. Harriet Oriola (Home 1513 Bryant av Dix, Ethel G rtrude Graves Arthur Richard Hart. Vel no, J\r (Mrs \V H ayes. Annie!II Hayes. Bridget 'l' Hay s, Mary Hee te r, Elmer Ellsworth upt r schools H errmann, \Vllliam Su pt of schools Hickey. D E lward 'upt of schools Higbie. Lelanel BanI, 1 rk Hodapp, AI YS P.'upt of schools Kingsford. Ethel II 'reach I' Kingsford. ' Val tel' G Lothrop. Mary ,V Wlcol!) T acher at Pamona allf Molenaar, Ri hard Teach I' CHome Raymond Nutter, Hannah Aid n T each I' O' Leary, Abigail Pitts, Eva Lorinda Quigley, atherln High s hool t achel' llichards. Grace Evaleen TacheI' Rogers, Caroline Eckel T ench I' Smith. Charlotte Spain, Lillian T nch<-r (Home 1013 Unlv rsily av Trautman, Olivia And 1'8 n, Joseph Elmer Andert. Fred A Bartholf, Knte J Blake, Fmnc s Elvira T acher t Paul grade Brattla nd. 1\lInnl Elizabeth Teach l' Ada av se Lamberton Grand Rapids Pine ity 2H2 Harrl t av Elmor\; no) 716 E 15 s t st no N w Ulm Orlando 1<'1 niverslly av s nlvc,rslty av se lara CIl)' 'Yurthlngtun arrington N D outh St Paul Granel Meadow Proctor Rushrord 1~ Plea.ont st ",e Zumbrota Howard Lake R no 4) 2226 Fremont av no Luvel'ne Minot N D Long Plalrle Litchfleld st se 130 Amsterdam av New Yorl( City 1\lt Iron se) av se 1911 Jasper " 'ayzata 3341 nlverslty av se 2413 Bayl ss av St Puul schools Minn eota

121 ALUMNI DIRECTORY 101 Grad-8o-8g Burgett, Georgia L hance, Harold Kendall larl<, Jennie Corbett, Alice Louise CU/Tier, Helen Lois Davison, Ida Frances Doherty, Vivienne Rose 1516 Normal training t acher Doremus, Grace Fern Principal of high school ' Erd, Mane Grand-J\1aitre, Blanche Bernice Hansen, Pari Catherine Hermann, Ruth Elizabeth Jensen, D ra Konig, Hermine Rosalie Moulton, Neltle C Peik, 'Wesley E P terson, Ruth Esther Sauk Center 332 E 17 st Flat 3 Eagle Bend IV Minnehaha St Paul Janesville McIntosh Anoka Fairfax died March 1912 Chippewa Falls,Vis 1414 E 6 st Duluth d av so Fulda 2928 Fremont n o 1\1on tevideo Blackduck rtonville Probst, lise Gertrud III Hoffman av St Paul T acher entral High school Ransom. Alia Burtis 1916 Dupont av so Relf, Franc s Helen 701 Laurel St Paul Asst in history dept niversity Shannon, B ss Lois 4251 Vincent av Asst upt Mpls Boys' club Spencer, Mary Ethel Hawkinson N D Box 242 Motley Steffen, Theodore Herman Stricklf'r, Vera E New Ulm Teaching at Henderson Sweet, Earl Dodge Center Switzer, E lsie L (Mrs Fred 1\1 Williams) 731 N 53 av Chicago III Vander Eike, Paul 1205 G st Bakersfield Calif ci n c instructor-kern county high school Whaley, Clementine Regina Melrose Principal high school White, nob 'rt James Elk River Supl of scho Is And r!lon, Edna Viola at Proctor Andelson, Elma Ruth Armstrong, lilarjoril' Bergh, Herman Nordahl T nehl'r Bergh, Mayb lie Antoinette Jessamine st St Paul st se Duluth Clarkfield Da'wson art (Hom Instructor in lnnguag and domestic 4~2 ~!ar shall av t Paul) Braden. Elizabeth Bulkley 3024 Hennepin av Teachl'r al L Sueur Brockway, Truma Frances 'Yelcome Tea('hlnl':' (Home av se) Brothert n, Eunice Helene Duluth Covel, usan Almira Minneapolis T eacher 'Washington School Davis, Margaret Gertrude Roseau T eacher (Home 3609 Harriet av) Dedolph, Loui e 812 Ashland av St Paul Teacbing at Mabel Eustis, lelia Annette Owatonna Graduate student U of Chicago Everdell, Eudell 221 Houston av Crookston Francis, Florence Marion 2425 Garfield av Geyman, Emilie Louise 1 25 Emerson av no Geyman, Grace aroline Gilbert (Home 1 25 Emerson av no) Groettum, Rosetta Petrine av so Hall, Gertrude Bernard Akeley T eacher Ham il ton, F loy K Madelia cience teacher (Home st se) Jessup, Ruth T eacher McElro)', )Joniea Mary Mason, Dorothea Elizabeth Morrison, Margaret Edna T eacher )luckley, Rose Mary High school teacher elson. Adelya M T eacher Nelson, Anna Edith Norman, Ebba Marie Latin teacher (Home Norman, :I[abel Josephine arwood, Vivian Holmes O'Neil, Grace L 4139 Lyndale av so 2028 E 22 st Somerset Wis Excelsior Olivia (Home av so) Deadwood S D Grantsburg Wis ""ew Ulm 1 16 Elliott av so) Biwabik Box 24~ Finley N D Morton Teaching (Home av ~e) O'Xeill. Mary Gertrude 995 Clinton st Portland Ore Overn, Oswald B Decorah I a cience-luther College Owen. Eunice B 2628 Garfield av Palmer. )Iary J es ie st se Rankin. Janet Ruth Brown's Yalley Teaching (Home st e) helley, )Iarie Madeline Park Rh'er N D (Home st se) Smith. Ethel "I )Iadison T eacher Soren on. Ruth Genevie,e 3H2 Columbus a,- Teaching at "Iorri town ~-h eelock. Nellie AsSl principal high school Frazee Wicklund. Effie )Jathilda 395 :J av so t Cloud ~ ' int er, Edna Ruth )Jon te,ideo (Home Faribault) Nursing Ames, MargaI' t Maria Hutchinson Madsen, Christina A (Ex) Mark, )[ary Elsie Osage Ia Iarvln, Iary Margaret olumbla Hospital Los Angeles Call! Heau nurse (Hom Zumbr?ta) Skonnard, Olga Beatha ay so Schwarg, CarOline (Ex) Graduate nur e-uniyersity ho pital The Graduate SchooL \1 A Campbell, Graham Cox, S e \1.-\ Alton, George Briggs, see A West, Willis Nason, s e l\i S Crafts, Robert Henry, see III S H errick, Clarence Luther, s e I Barr, John Henry, see Eng 1 3 Ph D Elliott, Charles Burke E Hoag, William R, see Eng )Janila P I 1\1 A Hadley, :lyilliam Aaron Marietta Ohio Dept f Latin Marietta College

122 SCHOOL LAND IN STATE OF MINNESOTA 3,000,000 ACRES OF TILLABLE LAND ON EASY TERMS 15 Per Ce nt Cal h. 40 Y ean ' Time on Bala nce at 4 pe r cent Interest. Matchl... Opportunity for M en of Small Means to Secure Home. in the Grea t " Bread And Butter" State. These lands are especially well adapted to diversified farming and dairying, consisting of prairie land, cutover timber land, natural meadow and timber. They are situated in country already settled, in dose proximity to schools, churches and railroads. Minnesota has unquestionably the best public school system in the country. commencing with the thousands of common schools. and including the "semi graded" and "graded" scbools. higb and normal schools. and culminating in the splendid State University witb an enrollment of over student s. Minnesota bas a permanent school fund exceeding $ which is increasing at tbe rate of $ anually-the largest of any state in the Union. Good roads are the rule. ratber tban tbe ex<eption. A large part of the state lands are found in the neighborhood of beautiful inland lakes. abounding in fish of all kinds. Large and small game in abundancc. The soil is fertile. and all crops that can be profitably raised in other parts of the state will thrive here. No "final fee" or "final proof" necessary. Average Price of State Land Sold in 1912 W e.s About $7 Per Acre. Tbe LOW PRICE and LIBERAL TERMS nlace these lands within reach of all. Why don't you take advantage of this golden opportunity to secure for yourself a home? All lands are sold at puhlic action to highest bidder. The next series of sales of Minnesota lanrls will be held during the spring or summer of For furtber particulars. pamphlets. circulars. charts. etc. call on or address. S. G, IVERSON, State Auditor, ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA W WE ARE GROW GROWING WITH US E WANT YOUR ACCOUNT. Want to make ourselves useful in anything pertaining to finance- and we can handle it with profit to you and ourselves. Ramsey County State Bank SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Peter Manderf. ld. Pres. H. H. Manderleld. Cashier. Law 05. Minneapolis Office and School Furniture Manufacturers of Office, School and Laboratory H. J. KIOI.!n.r. AMi,tant Cuhler. Company Equipment OFFICE AND FACTORY Comer 01 8th Street and 8th Avenue S. E. MINNEAPOLIS MAKER OF FINE par TRAITS Nicollet at Eleventh Minneapolis

123 ALUMNI DIRECTORY 10 3 Grad-9o M L Wilkin, Matilda Jane Campbell, see M A Pike, Joseph Brown, see LL 1\1 Ackard, George W 712 av so Ph D Brewster, Henry Webb, see 18 7 LL 1\1 Denegre, James Denis, LL B '91 LL M Galbraith John Patrick, LL B '91 LL 1\1 Hamlin, Charles Nathaniel. LL B ' 91 LL 1\1 Moore, Albert Randal l, LL B '91 1\1 S Sardeson, F red William, see A Soares, Theodore Geraldo, see LL:hI Bebb, W illi a m B LL B 1 92 LL M Benson, hades Stuart, LL B '92 ~I Berkey, Charles P eter, see 1892 LL M Burr, Stiles W, LL B '92 LL M Ch ute, Lou is P Univ av ne Real estate and law Ph D - romble, John died April M ~ Elftman, Arthur Hugo, see 1 92 )1 A Friedla nde r, E sther, see Il A Hult, Gottfrid E manuel, s e 1 92 Ph D Magnu_son, Peter 1II UU 1 av s St loud Tea her normal school ~l A Nelson, Andrew, see 1 92 LL 1\1 P a ige, J a mes LL B '90 ~I L -nutherford, ""Hllam Henry A, see 1 90 decea ed )1 S Schmidt. harles Christian, see 1 4 LL;\1 See, J o hn Welton Lumber Exchange I,L ~I Talor, 1Il A T riggs. )1 " Zeleny, arl. LL B '92 seal' Lovell, see 1 9 Anthony, see ~f.\. ndrews, Hattie Louise, see d Ba rt n, Elijah LL M Unnn r, liarry Ross, LL B '93 1II ~ F rost, William Dodge, s e 1 93 neid blk L1. l\1 -G <ld s, harl s Daniel died ct :\1 E (;111. James Herbert. see E n g '93 L1.!II Ha.wl \'. Edward \I'. L1. B ' 93 LL M MrBea'th, ';amuel Blair. LL B ' M ~( Lan John F, LL B '93 LL:\1 McMillan, E lvero LewiS, LL B '92 LL!II 1\laurin. P ter Paul. LL B '93 LL 1\1 Megaarden P hilip T, LL B '03 Ph D Merrill, John Er n est,!le 1 91 LL 1\1 1\1 rton, Nora L. LL B '93 1\1 A Peters, Elizabeth,\ Ima, see L L 1\1 Peterson. Carl Fred 1!;rnest, 1\1 A Pottel, 1111'S Jan e B liss (\I1rs 1 93 LLB ' 93 A H Potter) st se Ph D San f rd, J ohn.\ Brooklyn N Y Ploressor of Latin, Adelph i ollege 111 Sch neider, Albert 1325 Arch st B rk ley Calif Edit r,, ri t er a n d professor Calif 01 of Pharm II I.\ thr, John laf, s e 1 93 E Trask, Birney E. see E n g 1 90 LL]I.[ "\ ebb, Robert \I', LL B '93 LL M \I'ebber, la r n ee Albert, LL B ' III Anderson, A lexan d e r P ierce, see 1094 Ph D AVery, E li zab th Huntington 209 Dak o t a a \' s R edtl eld D P rofessor Eng lis h a n d history R dtleld olleg e 1\1 B riggs, J ohn Ga llup. s e LL M De v e r, Ch a r les S, ' 03. LL B '94 1\1 A H a ll, Arthur D ll w yn 123 s t se Pl'inelpa l o f Minneapolis l as~ i ca l school III S H a rding, Everha rt Percy \ see LL J\'[ II rma nn. rthur Ludw g. LL B ' S Hovla nd, H enry Bert, see \1 S :\1anson, Frank :Melville, see 1894 ) 1 A M S P otter Franc Murray, see 1893,heph~rd, Reuben Post, see 1 94 ;\1 S Stra t hern, F red Paul, see M A Anderson, F rank Maloy, see 1894 Ander on, L ouis Sands to n e upt of schools ::\1 A Andrews,.\ lice E 833 Goodrich S t Paul of English Literature L L :ll Andre ws, Sewall Dubois 2200 Pleasant av \I' hole ale druggist LL 111 Appleton George Holmes, LL B '95 LL 111 Bond, Ch arles E, LL B '90 LL M Carroll, Walter N, LL B '95 LL ~I - Christello.,o\lbert LL B '95 deceased LL 111 Chute, Fred B. LL B '95 I\I A Danner, Harry R, LL B '93 E E M E ddy, Horace T, see Eng '95 Eckmann, Frank A 2609,V 3d D uluth LawY(J-T LL:\I F a rnham. harles W ells, L L B '95 1\1 A Flaten, ~ils. see 1 93 :\1 L Hillman, Ada Belle, 1 95 :II S Hodgson, John E, see 1895 L L ~ 1 H opkins. Earl P address unknown LL ~I H unt, William Franklin. L L B :\1 S Kendall, harles Hanford '95 R ushford N Y LL J\I Kepner, Thomas Ervin. L L B '94 LL:\1 Kranz. John Yalentine 1.1. B '95 LL 111 KYle, John P, LL B '94 1\1 L )lcandrew, Jame E. ee \1 L :liccoy. Lou i e, ee 1 93 LL:lI Macdonald, \I'illiam E, LL B '95 LL 111 Merrill, George C, LL B '95 LL 1\1 O' arien James E dward, see 1 n. L L B '95 LL:11 Osborne'. George ~1ar hall, LL B '95 LL 111 Prendergast. Louis \I', LL B '95 )f Ramaley, Francis, see 1 95 ) I A M Sanford. John A, see 1 96 Stomberg, Andrew A U n iversity Profes or of candinaylan L L :II Sweet, J ohn C, LL B ' :If S Allen, Harry W, see 1895 :\1 L And rist, C harles Martin, see 94 I LL ::\I Bates, Willia m E a rl 243~ Chicago a v Cnurt commi sion er Ph D Berkey, Ch a rles P eter. see 9~ 1\1 A Bes tor. Ma)'. see 1 91 LL J\I B rown, Clarenc e Zelora, LL B '96 J\I A Bunnell. Flank cott ew Brighton.' Y In~tructor in Latin taten Island Academy Ph D Chitten den. E Portel' Knoxyil\e III Chaplain t :liary' ~chool LL)I Combs, Lee Aug ustus, 1.L B '94 1\1 A Elmquist. ~\nthony F Clergyman 1517 Portland a \' 1\1 A - FelTee, harles \I'esley, ee 93 deceased 1\1 S F ield. Peter. see I e 96 1\1 A Ford. elia \I'adleigh high school N w Y ork City LL 1\1 Forsell. lau s F. LL B '96 1\[ L Glidden. :l1ar), a addres u nkn own LL 1\1 Griggs, F r a nk Hammond, L L B '95 r L :'If H anft, H ugo 0, LL B '96 LL:lI Hawley. George J\I B. LL B '96 LL:lI McDermott. Thomas J, LL B '95 LL:II :licgo\'ern. Peter 35~6 E M ontgomery Spokan e W ash Manager Rumely Products Co :'11.\ M K eo:>. \I'illiam Parker :lit Carroll III Dean FI'ances S h immer,\ cadem y \1[, 1\[ S Magn usson, C Edward, see 1896 Mayo, Alfred D, e 1 96 L L:'II Mercer, H ugo V, LL B '~4 L L:If 1\[i lls, H an'ey Louis, L L B '96 P h D N il son. Y ietor Alfred Editor T he Progress 551 N N ewton LL \II. 'eil, La w yer h al'les liia r vin h r burne LL:If O lson, a l'l A, see 1 95, LL B ' 96 L L:lI Owens. Davin T, LL R ' 96 \II, P o pe, J e5'~e E, s e 1,95 1\1 L Rach ie, E lias, see 1 96 LL 11[ R ob in son. H o r ace R a ndall, LL B ' 91 LL 1\1 Selover, Ar thur W illi a m, s ee 1 93, LL B ' 94

124 THE COLWELL PRESS MINNEAPOLIS, MINNE TA Telephones: Main 1415 Center Book,Y:Magazine and Job Printing in all its branches Difficult Work a Specialty All work is executed satisfactorily and is delivered when promised Our prius art as low as consisunt wilh good work and fair wages PRINTERS fi flo me)) - - 1Joctor - - 'Professional c5tran Your printing is your start, don't Jet it be neglected. We are used to starting young professional men out right. Consult us. Correspondence invited. CC'be Index Press 1401 University.flve., S. E..7([inneapolil "Make the best of everything, think the best o f everybody; hope the be t for yourself" and Smoke the best Cigar La PREFERENGIA Superiority Undisputed GEO. R. NEWELL & COMPANY DISTRIBUTORS A Mild Smoke La MIRA HAVANA IOc CIGAR

125 ALUMNI DIRECTORY los Grad-g8-o2 LL M!';haughn essy, MichaeJ P, LL B ' 95 M L ShiIJock, Anna, see 1888 M Soule, Stephen Barber, see 1895 LL M Sowle, Ralph C, LL B '96 LL 111: Strohm, John Louis San Antonio Texas Real estate LL M Whitcomb, Walter Benjamin, LL B '96 M S Winchell, Alexander Newton, see M L Belden, Agnes Emily, see 1897 M L Boraas, Julius J, see 1895 LL 111 Burns, William H, LL B '97 M S C a mpbell, Agnes Margaret, see 1881 LL 1\1 Carpenter, Fred,,~, LL B '97 1\1 S Cornish, Frank Vincent 1923 Dwight Way Berkeley Cal LL 1\1 Dodge, Louis L, LL B ' L -Donald on, usanne T. see 1897, deceased 111 A Dunlap, George,see 1S97 Ph D E lftman, Arthur Hugo, see 1892, ' L Evans, Tama7.ine McKee. see 1897 :M A F irkins, Oscar W, see 1884 M 8 Gl a s oe, P aul Maurice, see 1897 LLl\I Helliwell, Arthur L, see 1S95, LLB '96 Ph D -Herricl<, Clal'ence Luther, see 1 0, '85 deceased 111 S J ohnston, George Henry, see 1897 LL M Judd, Wilton Brewster, LL B '97 M SLane,,,'arren Danforth, LL B '98 LL M Larson. Albert ' Shawano,,'is LL M Lehnl'rtz, Nicholas C. LL B '97 LL 111 Loughran, Henry Arthur, LL B S McDonald, Hope, see 1894 ::I'I A ~lcqueary, T Howard, see 1897 Ph. D Peithml1n, EI nest C H Webstel' N D Author Ph D Ramaley, Francis, see 189;;, '96 ~I Sanst n. Emil p, see Ag ' 95 ~I.\ Schmidt, Paul Gerhard, see 1897 ~I S Squire, Carrie Ransom 6131 Gr enwood av Chicago III LL ~1 Stobbart, Arthur J, LL B '97 M, Struble, 10.1')", se 1897 II[ A '\Yarrl, Mary, see A,,'ill lams, Elinor L (lllrs L E Sisson) 1~36 Louisiana st Lawrence Kan LL i\i Wulling, Frederick J, LL B M.\ Bailey, Clara E, see 1 92 M A B cl<, Lily Louise 900 W ~3 st South high school M,\ Bergin, Alfred B Lind borg Kan Pastor, professor, editor ::II A Big-eluw, Helen Duluth 'reacher LL I Biorn, ul'l Herman, LL B '98 LL M ameron, nonald 111, LL B '98 ~r S Campbell. John Eligha. see 1898 LL 1\1 ('lark, Henry,LL B '98 III S Curtis, John P, see 1, 9 Ph D Dann r, ITarry Ross. LL B '93 LL:\1 '91 1\1,\. '96 ~l L E\'an, 1I1al'),. see 1897 LL 111 F alherstone. Albert H, LL B '98 IIr S Freeman, Edward M, see 1S9 )II( A Gelsness, Thomas, see 1897 Nt A Hagegtnci, Knut Nt Whittier Calif Lyceum businoos M A Hodder, Mabel E B (Mrs W C Hodder) \Vell ley ollege Well sley Mass LL II! Hulbllck. Oliver. LL B '9 LL M Jellico, Elmer James, LL B '98 III:::; Keller, Frank H, sec 1898 M L Klose, William H Clergyman Fay tte 1[1. LL li1 Krelwitz, Edmund Henry, LL B '9 Ph D Mot t. ~\lice Faribault Teachel' 111.\ Newkirk, Burt LeroY, e II S Pease, Levi B, se 1898 M L Ringstad, Edward 0, see 1898 Nt L Sakabami, Yasuzo. see 1897 LL M Scan]"n, Patriclc Joseph. LL B '98 Ph D Sewall, Hunnah Rflule. s e 1,84 LL i\t Rorlmess, Halyor L, LL B '98 LL M Thompson, Robert Mitchell, see 1895, LL B '\18 LL 1Ir Weber Albert, LL B '9' LL 11'1 WI'ight. Edward St phens Lawy r 181 Montague Brooklyn N Y 1900 Ph D Abbetmeyer, Charles D A F St Paul Concordia College LL III Armstrong, George Wallace, LL B '98 LL 111 Amess, Conrad Angel, LL B '99. Phm D Biscoe Thomas LltUe Falls LL M Caldwell, George Wasbington, LL B '99 LL M "Clinton, Agnes B, LL B '99 deceased!ii A Dahlen, Fred Oslo Farmer 111 A Ekblad, A Theodore DuBois Pa Clergyman Ph D Elmquist, Anthony F, 111 A 1897 Ph D Fink, Bruce Oxford Ohio Professor of botany Miami Univ Ph D 111 A Flaten, Nils, see 1893, ~I A '96 Gould, Chester Nathan, see 1896 LL M Grace, Thomas P Lav;rver LL 111 "Ingle, John M A Jewett, Edmund Gale, see 1897 LL M Krook, Carl Gu taf, LL B '99 M L Lommen, Ingeborg G, see 1898 LL.'I[ Olanuer, William. LL B '98 LL 111 P owell, R a nsom J, LL B '98 LL 111 Smith. Stelle S, LL B '99 LL M Swensen, H arry S, LL B '99 i.\1 S Thomas, Mabel H ickman, see II A Wright, Ella T, see 1894 Pioneer Press bldg St Paul 1901 Ph D Bachman, Gustave, Phm C 1900!II Bedford, Fred William, see A Benham, Allen R, see 1900 LL::Il Bond, Marie Palmer, LL B '00 M A Brewer. Mary 'Tuttle, see 1895 ~{ Cohen, Lillian, see 1900 ::II S Duncan, Theodore L, see 1899 Ph DElia on, Adolph Oscar, 1896 ::\1 Emmons, Frank W, see L For e, Frank W, see 1900 l\i Forsyth, Olga Berliot, see 1899 deceased 1I1.A Gower, Ethel ~ 559 Orange New Hayen Conn i.\f Guthrie.,Joseph E. see 1900 LL 111 Henningsen, hristian, LL B '00 LL i\i Lind, Klas Erland. LL B '00 ~1 S Lyon, Harold Loyd, see 1900 LL 111 :\fayo, 'Yalter Lewis. LL B '00 :II S Miner, James Burt, see 1897 ~I S Nelson, Emil A Hallock Editor and real estate Ph D Rachle, E lias, see 1896, III A '9, III L Rounds. Ona ~I College City Calif 111 Sorkne S, Henry O. see Ag A Stangeland, Charles Emil Dept of State Washington D C LL 111 Stewart, McCants, see 1 99 LL:lI Todd, Kay, LL B '00 ~I A Tucke), Edson N LL ~ '~asal. '. Louis W, LL B '00 l\i S Wheeler. William A, see. g '00 LL III Wickersham, Price, LL B '00 l\1 JJ \\'yt'r. Jlfl'llcolm G, see 1~99 ~I Zeleny, Charles, ee 1 9 :If _\ 1\[ A ::11 A!II A D L 111.\ ~H Comstock av Syracuse :x Y 1902.\abe;'g, Ame 0, e 1~01 B se.en. Henry John, -ee 1 99 *BrandE'lle. D William died June Brill. Ethel lair, sl"e 1899 CarrOll, Walter N, LL B '~~ LL III '96 Chrisfopherson, Laura (::Ill'S H E Skinner) Albert Lea 11( A Clipft;'n, l\[an- E, see 1 98 ::I[ A Colquhoun, Flora 4601 S Emerson North high school l\l A Dale, Dorethea P 'j ~0 Decker st Cleyeland 0 Library asst Puhlic library LL 1\[ Esterly, F rank Curtis ~30 PlYmouth bldg Insurance-Pre ident E~terly-Hoppe-n 0 ::I[ A Fanning. ::IIar~- GUmore; see 1 99 j\1 A Faullmer. hal'le E J1' 35 W 33 With halrners and Cone Clearing House 'Ph D Geisness. Thomas, see 1"97. 1I( A '99 Ph D Glasoe, Paul Ma urice. see M A '98 i\i A Helliwell, Harriet Ethel, see 189S

126 Augsburg Publishing House MINNEAPOLIS, Publishers and Importers, Printers and Binders SOUTH FOURTH STREET MINNESOTA When a Man Dresses in a hurry he doesn't like to find a button missing from his underclothes, a button hole torn in his shirt or a hole in his sox. There Never fire An:y of these deplorable accidents if the work is done at MAIN OFFICE: So. 11th St. FALCONER'S LAUNDRY UP TOWN OFFICE nd A ve. So. Besides Doing the Finest Laundry Work we Keep Your Underwear, Etc., In R.epair Langley & Johnson Shirt Co. MINNEAPOLIS, CUSTOM-MADE SHIRTS, UNDERWEAR and SWEATER JACKETS FI RST A VENUE SOUTH MINNESOTA ~ PHOTO STUDIOS High Grade Portrait and Commercial Photography ST. PAUL, W. 5th St. GRAND FORKS, N. D. MINNEAPOLIS, 6th St. and 1st Ave. So. ]AS. AMOR & COMPANY Lady assistant furnished when desired. Special attention given to the shipment of bodies. Our stock and prices defy competition Practical Undertakers and Embalmers 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE MINNEAPOLIS BOTH PHONES SECOND AVENUE SOUTH MINN.

127 ALUMNI DIRECTORY 10 7 Grad ]'.I A Holtz, Fred Leopold, see 1892 LL M Hyland, James Anderson, LL B '00 M A Kennedy, Joseph, see 1886 M A Kilgore, Helen Koenig, see 1901 M A Lambert, Bernard Nelson, see 1901 M A Lantz, Charles E Walnut Grove LL ~1 McElroy, Earle W, LL B 1II A Magnusson, John Peler '90 Rock I sland III Professor of physics and chemistry-augustus college M A Melom, Carl Marcus, see 1901 LL M Morgan, Jessie Thayer, LL B 1901 ",1 Ph O'Connell, Charles J, Ph '01 :u A Peterson, J ;\1 Grand Forks N D MA MA MA MA MA MA Ph D LL l\i LL!lI LL 1\1 Instructor in languages, Grand Forks College Rosendahl, Otto, see 1901 Sanford, Edward P, see 1900 Rossman, Flay A immonsen, l,-er Principal of schools Torelle, Ellen, see 1901 Vikner, Edward J, see 1901 North Yakima " 'ash HOI'ace N D 'Will,in, George F W illiamson, Alonzo Potter, LL B 1 94 Willis, H ugh E LL B ' 01 Wittmaack, John H, LL B ' av e LL 111 Blomberg, CharlE'S _"- L, LL B '01 LL J\l Chamberlain, Wilbur Kenyon 225 N " - ellington t Los Angeles Calif Traveling salesman Ph D opeland, John Princeton III LL M Donahue,,VilJiam H, LL B '02 l\i Ag Erickson, 1Ilartin L Medford Ore Foresler M A.f<'anning, Clara Elizabeth, see 1n01 :II A Funl" Henry D 1663 Summit St Paul Professor of German Macal ster ollege LL!II FUrst, WIlliam see 1899, M A '00, LL B '03 11 A Hemingway, Ernest E PhySician and surgeon LL M HiLb I'd, George J 111 Hillesheim, Catherine, see 1902 ",L A Hill sheim, lara, see 1902 III A Hone, Daisy, see 1902 PhD Jayne, Violet D Grand Rapids 1\1ich Mrs E C Scllmidt) 903 W California av Urbana III LL]II[ Kleinmann, Charles p, LL B '02 LL!II Lains, Harold G, LL B '02 M A Lando, Maxmilian N, see Chern '02 IIi A Leavitt, Clara K, s e 1894 M A LiVingston, Grace, see 1900 ]I( A Lothrop, Daniel J, see 1899 Ph D Lyon, H a rold L, see 1900, M S '01 LL III Mart,n, George R., see LL B '03 M A MueU r, Igrt of chemistry IL 111 Nash, LOUis, LL B '02 Seattle -Wash LL M Norton, Eric, LL B '02 M A Olson, scar L High st Decorah Ill. Professo,' Luther College LL M Pratt, L K Omaha Neb Traveling salesman ""est Publishing Co M A Ramsey, Henry Jol'n Bureau of Plant Industry U S D A "'ashing-ton D C Exp rt fruit transportation & storage investigation 111 A Russell, Bert, see A Rust, Gertrude 2311 PI asant av Probation officer LL M Schonarth, Peter LL B '02!If A S hr. eder, Herman F, see 1902 LL III Silloway, Charles Fra n k, LL B ' A Stanford, Blanche M, see 1~Ol ]I( A SteIn, George C 'iv, see 1~ A "Thomas, Edith M, see 1902 dec ased LLM Veilkanje, Mi lan E, LB '02 LI~ 111 Von Kuster, P aul E, LL B 'O~ 111 A "agnlld, l\i Edwal'd adell'ess unlmown LL ~I \Vel'gedahl, Edward 0, LL B ' M Adams,,,'iUlam N T Highland Kansas PreSident Highland College LL II![ Armstrong, George W, LL B '98 LL IIf Baldwin, lifatthlns, LL B '03 LL M Bardwell, Winfield W, LL B '90 Ph D Bergin, Alfred, M A '99 M A Burkhard, Oscar Carl, see 1901 LL l\1 Buttz, Adrian E, see 1901, LL B '03 M A Cannon, Bernice, see 1902 M A Downey, H ai, see 1903 LL M Headley, Lucius A, LL B '03 Ph D H emmingway, Ernest E, 1\1 A '03 LL M Jordan, Michael A 316 Security Bank bldg M A Kampen, Ingvold Anderson, see 1900 Ph D Lantz, Charles E, II![ A '02 M A Lillehei, Lars L Beaver Creek LL M Lundqui~t, Charles 0, LL B '03 J\.I A McConn, Charles 1Iiaxwell, see 1903 J\.I A :llcyey, Kate (Mrs John G Park) 218 Olive st Kansas City Mo J\.I A Mallor;', Helen, see 1903 J\.I A ~-1i11 e r, hirjey P Brookings S D Department of zoology S D Agr College-Graduate student U of Berlin '0 - '09, 22 Karlstrasse N ". LL M li1itton, -William B, LL B '03 LL ill 0 ' Brien, E dward J, LL B '98 1\1 A Peter son, GU'ltav A address unknown LL ill Portel', Gardner H, LL B '03 II![ A Rankin, Jean Sherwood (Mrs A W st se II![ A ~evers o n, Samuel 0, see 1903 III Stev ns, Jessie E, see \1 A Tawney, :>lal)' A 6 So Snelling av St P a ul Librarian M A "'arne I', Florence l\.[ (II1rs V E Thompson) Grand Rapids 1\1ieh 1905 M A.\lexander. Hugh S IIlacalester College St Paul LL M Bruce, Olaf Ludwig, LL B '~14 LL 1I1 Burns, John A 999 Portland Paul La","'yer lit A Dal,. Alice, see 1904 Ph D Deinal'd, Samuel N av so Rabbi, Heformed Hebrew church III A Peter'lon, Gustay A address unknown LL III Porter. Gardner H, LL B '03 11 A FoeI' tel', Alma I. see 1901 Ph D F reema n, Edward M, see 1 98, 1\1 S '99 LL]'.I Furber, Fred N, LL B 'O! 111 Ag Gaumnitz, Daniel Asher, ee Ag '04 1\1 A Hodneneld, Jacob J, ee 190~ M A Johnson, Mrs Julia 111 1\1 A Kells. Luca,see 1904 LL 111 Kercher, Alice Louise, LL B '04 II! Lippold, William H, see 1904 LL iii Lyche. harles A, LL B ' A IIIa nnheimer, EI n, see 1904 LI, l\'f Olson, H a ns M, see 1903, LL B '04 LL::U Oppenheimel', "-illiam Henry. LL B '04!If A Peabody, Eunice D iantha, see \1 A P rkins, ~linnie Arahella, ee 1 93 ]II A milh, :liildred A died September III A Sunne, Dagnl'. see 1901 III Ag Swanson, C 0 ~ Ianhattan KaIl of chemistry IIf A Thayer, ~r ~Ia,-, see 1 Ph D Vokner. Edward J \V, g8 see i\i '02 LL ~I,,'ait, Jason E San Francisco Calif l\{ A Warner, e cil E, see LL 1\[ Walel's, EawardA 1 H Iglehart St Paul LL 111 Wooel, B enjamin William, LL B ' LL]lI Baird_ LaRoy, LL B ' A Bell, ]lia r..., Elizabeth, see 1905 II{ A Brooke, Helen L (]It]'s,,' E) H6,,-alnut st s e LL]lI ('ntton, t Frank. LL B '05 LL:.II F let her, Henry :r 75 Dell Place, professor of contracts LL 1I[ Fmn!,el, Hiram DaVid, LL B '05 I\{ S Frary, f-,'ancis C, hem ' A Grig~s, Robert F ]It A HarIloldt, Marie, see 1904 II'! A Huff, Charles Elliott, see 1899 III Huff, Ned L, see??

128 TOM MOORE 10c Cigar Second Av. So. Minneapolis, Minn. Winslon-H arper- Fisher Company DISTRIBUTORS. 9:;heatre, c:j([asquerade, Pageant, Mardi Gras, Opera, I -- 1Jrama and Comedy Satisfaction Guaranteed. Send for Price List. Best of References. HELP YOUR CATARR.H Coughs, ' Colds Cold in Head Sore Nose, Ear Ache Dry Nose Coriza, Deafness Sore Throat BY THE USE OF KONDON'S CATARRHAL JELLY ALL DRUG STORES 25 and 50 cents per tube GUARANTEED TRY IT TODAY SAMPLE FOR THE ASKING KONDON MFG. CO. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. I ~lw~ has toon. ~Von ~r hmo, as DUtr1CIOa.'.n com J~k 0< ""I moalll is nat ""~ tho ""'" IUIlTlCloo' It, "'" ""'" doll~iod' OrJor 'Jooo for to-mol'to'l, brocjtf<lst "llif! Msle is Ihe Tes/ $old by an GtOCOC3 lllho bq[tevq tn fur" food htaj)( ON!:'!' BYTlfE MIIHifAPOUS CLRtA1.CO Ille MIHHtAPOLiS Ug A

129 ALUMNI DIRECTORY log Grad l A Love, Harry D, see 1905 Ph D Mattson, Peter A St Pet er President of Gustavus Adolphus Colll<ge LL M Meha n, J ames Edward, LL B '04 M A Melby, Gustav av se Clergyman 1\1 \. Middleton, Elizabeth (1111's E H Freeman) 7026 So Park a v hicago III DC L Moore, Albert R, LL B 'Sl, LL 1\1 '92 M A Nixon, Lillian M A Sandvall, Ruth Josephine, see 1905 LL M Semling, C Knute, LL B '05 LL:M Shlmldzu, Tomesabura President 'himidzu & Co 14 Kuruwacho Mayabashi J apan M A Skinner, S Albert 130 E Olive av Redlands Calif LL M Steve ns, Homer W, see 190~, L L B '05 LlJ M ~tuart, Robert Kincade, LL B ' 05 LL M T hompson, Wil liam Edward, LL B '05 M S Truesdell, William Howard. Min '03 M A 'Warrington, Helena, (Mrs H R Smith) see 1905 M A Wilhoit, Albert Davis St Anthony Park Assistant chemist in salls experiment station 1\1 A Yardle)', Mary Martin 675 Holly St Paul, M echanic Arts high school Ph D Zeleny, John, see LL)[ Allen, Gusta vus W, LL B '06 M A Andrews, A'd olph P, see 1899 M A Beeler, Levi Harrison 01 So Boston st, Tulsa Okla Pres Henry Kendall College )1 A Berpr, Thomas P St Paul M A Buenger, TheodOl e A, see 1906 LL M Chase. Josiah Hook, see 1901, L L B '06 M S Comstock, Elting Houghtaling th st se Profe 'sor of mathematics, school of mines M S Fulkerson, Vincent Cle E lum Wash are aseade Lumber Co M A Gates, Frederic William 1707 No Girard M A Hutchinson, Harriet Jane, see 1903!II A Johnson, Charles Eugene, see 1006 J\f A Johnson, Edward arl, see 1906 ~I A Johnson, Ida Amanda, see 1906 M S King, Roy S 1111 U B b ldg Dayton a Assistant g eneral manager Kepple-Hall Co!II A K ov a r ik, Alois F, see 1904 LL M Lundquist, Seth, LL B '06 Ph D Mac'dona ld, William, see ~1 A Ma ley, Linda, see 1901 ;I[ A Miller, Frederick C, see 1903 M A 'orthrop. George Norton, see 1901 ;II A RqpC'er, Louis W 416 W 12~ st New York City TacheI' 'Y training school for teachers 111 A R,)bbinR, Amy Irene, see \f A Schaefer. William L. see 1906!II A Stevens, Homer W, see 1 90~, LL B '05, L L!II '06 III A Stewart, Allce M, see A wanson, An na Sophia 1609 Stevens av 111 A Taylor. Kenneth, see 1906 LL 111 Thomas, David R. LL B '06 II[ A Vickery, Roy Albion, see 1906 Ph D Ze le ny, Anthony, see 1892, II[ S ' l\[ A Babcock, Donald C, see A Brendal,.Tohn M Swanville li! A Colherg, Ernest J St Peter M ~\ Eichholzer, George Rupert, see 1n07 Ph D Erikson, Henry A, Eng '!l6 LL!II F erae, Helmer M, see LL B '07 M A Fr)'e, Lucius Arnold, see 1907 M A Groat,,race liiit ch ell, see 1899 M S Grout, Frank F, see 1!10{ 1\1.\ ITarl', Iloward H, see 1907 M A li,'giand. II I''II'tl n Anthony ParI, T h e,)lo~ical ~tt1den t-u Remi n ar~' 1\1 A Hills, Minnie Lou ise, see 1907 M A Ju lirn. Alhert Eddv Braham l\[ A Lattimer, Homer B, see \1 A Le hnerts, Edwar'd M U n Iversity Prof sbor of geography LL III Lien, E li as Johnson, L L B '07 Ph :n fiiier, Fretlprick C, see 1903, M S ' 07 M A Jl Tlvazal,I, IIngio 1\1 A lii1sz, Alice M, see 1907 L L ~1 Mueller, Albert W, LL B '02 II[ A Nelson, Sedona F Danbury Ia Ph D Norlie, Olaf 111 A t water Pastor, Lutheran church LL II[ Praxel, Anthony J, LL B ' A Pryor, Leonard H, see 1903 l\f A i>aby, Rasmus S, see 1907 LL M chain, Josephine, LL B ' A S e lvig, Con r ad G, see Ed '07 M A Shell e nberger, Emma White (Mrs G H Shellenberger) 2205 Scudder av 't Anthony Park 111' A ten berg, Theodore T. see 1907 M A "an,,'ert, )Iary C, see 1905 LL li1 Williams, "'adsworth A, L L B ' S Wilson, John Duluth City engineer 1909 LL lif Allison, Lawrence Russel LL B '08 l\i S Anderson, Edward X, see Chern A Andrew', Bonnie F, see 1903 lif S Badger, Walter L, see 1907 l\1 A Barber, l\iarion L. see 1908 li1 A Benz. L aura H, see 190 l\i A Berger, Edla G. see 1907 Ph D Brohaugh. Gustav, see 18 9 LL l\l Brown, li[arcus Edward LL B 1908 LL 111 Buell, Irene C, LL B '09 Christie bldg Duluth Ph D Carlton, Ernest C S t P et er College profe SOl' Ph D Colberg, Ernest J, see Grad 1908 LL l\i Crawhall, L ester William L L B '08 LL 111' Devane,'. John P, see 1905 M A Donaid, ' Helen E ~1 Fairmont St Paul LL )f Doran, James Edwar d 677 Fort st St Paul Ph D Downey. Hal, see 1903 LL!II Eenl{ema. Abelius L L B 1908 LL iu Evan, Eliza P LL B 1908 LL l\i Foster. Wiliie Kerr LL B 190 l\i S F ra ry, H obart 0, see Eng 1908 )1 A Gilbertson. Albert N, see ] 908 ~l S Grout, George P Agr College t Anthony Park Assi tant Professor Dairy Husbandry til A Hawes. Adelia 419 6th s t s e LL l\i Hewitt, Harry R, LL B 190 M A Higbie. Edgar C, see Ed 1907 M A Horn, Je ie H (iurs G E Parsons) see 1906 LL)1 Houck, tanley B, LL B 190 M A Hovda, Olaf. see 190! iu SHowell, Daniei B St AntllOn y Park School of Agriculture 1\1 A Hutchinson, Drusilla. see 1901 lil A Johnson, Emil K a sota 111 A Johnson. A Walford Minneapolis LL 1\1 Kennedy. John Patrick 05 Commerce bldg t Paul Attorney Ph D I'o,'arik, Alols F, see 1904 [A Lien, Arnold J, see 190 ~[ Lien. li[artin Atwate r CI rgymun I A Lillehei, Inaebright L, see 1908 Sc D [acdonsld, YVl\Ilarn, see 1 9 LL. l\( Jlln('hetnnz, Karl A, LL B '09 j\f, :\lrkeehan. Louis W. see Eng 1908 ~ I A lifoli. Frank E SQG3 Trinity st Lo Angeles Calif Professor of modern languages 11.( A Okkelber'!, Peter 0, see 1906 lit A 01 on, li[ntthias K. see' 190 lif A Pope. Ali e G. see 1908 ;\1 A Potter, F,'sn ces Squire LL 111 Roberts, Hora ce W ill is LL B Schroedel, Lydia A (1I1rs W )1 Hobart) Buffalo N D T~L;lI,chwartz, Louis L, LL B \1 A Sheldnn, Eleanor, see 1904 LL r ige,'foo. FAward LL B 190 LT. lie,immons. "-ijlism Reed LL B 190R LL 1\1,mile~. William ompton LL B A Steward, li Taud H, see \ vpeggen, Peter A, see 1908 LL li T Swee. J ohn Peter LL B 1905 LT_ [, winland. Ingman LL B 1908 I L 111 Swinlan 1. John LL B 1906 :\[ S 'T'omlinson, L C. see Eng 1904 M A 'T'ITr(stad, hristisn Rapid City S D l\i.\ Yalgl'en, Victor A av se Student

130 Special Attention We predict that our display of up-to-date W oo len swill arouse unqualified admiration by reason of their beautiful and practical adaptation to all tastes. Come and enjoy the newness and beauty of this exhibition always in progress, it will help you plan your coming season's wardrobe sty I i shly. 10% Discount.to All Students BROWN BROS. MERCANTILE CO. Tailors and Furriers for Ladies and Gentlemen 21 SO. SIXTH ST. MINNEAPOLIS WE CATER TO THE WELL DRESSED MAN WITH A CONSERVATIVE TASTE, WHO APPRECIATES VALUE BUILT IN, NOT RUBBED ON WE FEATURE FRENCH, SHRINER AND URNER SHOES HOLEPROOF HOSE SCHOBLE HATS DENT'S LONDON CLOVES COOPER UNION SUITS ARROW COLLARS GEORGE W.INELSON Men's Outfitter LUMBER EXCHANGE CORNER 5th and Hennepin THE SCENIC LINES TO THE WEST LOOK FOR N." B. & c. ON The DRUGS and MEDICINES YOU BUY THE COMFORTABLE ROUTES TO THE EAST It Stands For (jj Scientific Methods (jj Standardized Quality (jj Analytical Control Noyes Brothers & Cutler The Largest Wholesale and Manufac turing Druggists in the Northwest. Saint Paul

131 ALUM II DIRECTORY III Grad-rO-12 LL);I Vernon, Archibald H Little Falls M A,Veelts, Arland D Agricultural College N D Prof of Educa M A Wheeler, John Hersey St Paul Academy St Paul M A Whitney, Nellie A, see >1 A Adams. C Ro~', see 1909 :\1.\. Aldrich, Alma C, see Ag Bakel', George J, see Agriculture 1909 Ph D Burns, Keivin, see 1~ A Bredvold, Louis I, see 1909 LL ook. Theodore Hendricks 628 1st av no M A Crawford, Thyra Excelsior 111 Ag Crider, Franklin J St Anthony Park 1II A Davis, Alfred, see F Deering, Robert L, see 1909 d A Derickson, Dorothy 1760 Hennepin 111 A Edwards, Austin Southwick Dept P sychology University Instructor 1>1 A Farseth Carl Boyd Principal of high school (Home, Amherst Jct. Wis) LL Flachsenhar, Walter R, LL B 1909 M A Gill. Elizabeth 1\1 Austin (Home Madison S D) LL Gregg. Kenneth P, LL B A Hovey, Inez I, see Ag Jehle, Robnt A, see Agl'lculture 1905 LL Lindgren, J Raymond LL B 1906 III A Koen ig, Alfred E av se MA LL LL lila lila MS 111 A MA lila liia MA M' MS LL MA MA MA MA liia M.\. lila LL InstructOJ' in German, University Kummersr, Harri t. see 1906 Magnusson, Peter M Grad 93: LL B 1906 l\1oore, Russell L, LL B 1905 ~elsol1, Robert, see 1~09 'icholson. Parle Camp, see 1909 Nisblt, J a ne, see 1904 Norton, William W, see Ed 1909 Ny, Lillian L, see 1909 Oie. Olav J Tabernaklet. Cristiania Norway Presid nt Baptist Theol Seminary Oliver, Amy Silver, see 1907 Peck, EdHh Laura, see 1903 Pitchford, G Leonard Tacoma Wash PI' fessol' of hemistry University of Puget Sound Ro~hl'i h. Victor H, see Chemistry 1909 Schoch, ndr w harles 396 E 7 st St Paul Shaw. Mary Hazzard Teaching (Home Palmyra liio) mith, Audrey N, see 190 Spear. Florence H, see 1909 Stakman. Elvin,see 1906 '1'lbb lts, Adolph Caughey TrimblE', Margaret H, see 1908 Madelia Blue Earth True. Blanche L st so Fargo N D Watson, Ernest Earl 921 Fairmont av St Paul laim Agent '.rwin City Lines 1II A "Tebster, li1ary A R 2647 Irving av so LL vvbiteaker, John Tatum Springfield Mo LL 1I1:S MS MA MA 1I1S LL MA MA MS M. MA 1911 Adams. Arthur T LL B 1894 Aust, Franz A. see 1908 Bell. Grace Mar;', see 1n~9 Berger, Na nda M, see InO& Bethke. "\Yilliam, see 1910 Briggs. Florenc liiayfred, se 1909 Brill. Josiah Eschel LL B 1910 B,'e"s, Freu rick McRae Clarl,. Georg A. see 1891 Dani Is. Farrington. pe Chemislry 1910 Gibson. li[n~", see 1905 Glltinan. Ellen liiary. see 1910 lii1nneapoli. MA LL MA MA LL 111 A MA LL MA M LL MA MA MA PhD liia ]\,fa DCL LL MA MA MS lifa lifs 111 A?-LA :"1 A liia 1.\1 A LL LL LL 111 A :.'II S lila MA lifa MA IA MA Goertz, Henry Peter Groat, Benjamin F Eng 1901; Harrington. Frederick Butler Hatch, Erwin Stearns Mountain Lake LL B 1908 liiorgan St Louis Park Supt of Schools Held, Julius Waldemar LL R 1910 Hibbard, liiabel E tella 3733 Bloomington av Hovey, Albert P, see 1909 Irwin, Harry Alexander LL B 1910 Kemp, Etheleen Frances, see 1910 Kepner, Ben-HUI', see 1910 Lee. Edward John 8~0 Met Life bldg Lippitt, Walter Otis upt of Schools Lurton. Freeman E Supe of Schools Excelsior Anoka McCauley, Ethel Noyes, see 1907.i\IcKe ban, Louis William Eng 1908; Grad 1909 liiaguire, Anne E Cllrs Victor E Gauthier) 314 East 2 st Duluth liiathes, Florence Lauretta. see 1910 liiercer, Hugh Yictor LL B 1894; LL Mobl, Everett Judson Lr: B 1910 ::qehleen, PeteL' Newhall, Richard Agel', see 1910 Peterson, Andre,," P Chemistry 1910 Pinkus. Olga ybil, see 1910 Minneapolis Poppe. Frederick William Appleton \Vis PUI'cell, Richard Jo eph, see 1910 Rateaver. Eugene A via liiarseilles Fort Daupbin :Madagascar Missionary of the "GnHed Norwegian L utheran Church Rowley, Edith Kuhlmeyer, see 1910 ~andquist. Adolph Frederick Schmidt, Pauline S, see 1908 Sundberg, John Edward LL B 1910 Thoreen, Reuben G LL B 1910 Copas,,'arner, Cecil Elisba, see 1904; Grad '05; LL B '07 Zeubl. Benjamin Franklin We tenl Union College Le Mars Ia 1912 Benzin, Basil 111 Agriculture 1910 Brown, Doris Lilian, see 1911 Bruhn. Louise Hedwig, see 1909 Burkhard, Arthur C, see 1911 Campbell. Carl Graham. see 1907 Cressy, Charles R. see Chern 1908 Crawford, Walter lifaurice Chungking Sze China liiissionary Home Kasson M A E,'ans. Ne'"ada Sutherland. see 1910 Ph. D Frary. Francis Cowles Chern 1905; Grad 1906 III A Graves, Richard Arthur, see A Hermann. Ruth Elizabeth EducatlOn II A Hickel'. D Ed~'ard Education II F Hofmann. Juli\ls V Agriculture A John. Henry 111 Johnson. Einer Chemi try 1911 Ph D Johnson, Charles Eugene. ee 1906 III A '07 l\1 K enet)", William H Agriculture S Kohler. Alfred Rudolph 111 S Rugimoto. liiasaji Tokyo J apan 111 A Lenart, Elta. see 1910 l\'{ A LylE:'. Marie Caroline, see 1911 III A liicca5lin. Davida Decatur III liia 111 A 1I1S lira liia 111 A lit A MS 1I[ A Jl[S III A Instructor in English James liiilliltin Univ liiacmurray, Wallace, see 1911 P e tterson, Gustav S Pettijohn. Earl. ee 1906 Relf, Frances H Education 1911 chultz. lifford Griffith. see 1911 Battle Lake tort', Hazel Louise Wheeler, see 1911 wenson. S"',-n W, s('e 1907 Thompson. fark Jo-eph Agriculture 1911 Thompson. Ruth Tolaas, Arne G Agriculture 1911,Yin ted. Huldall Lucile, see Upton Av so

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