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1 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 REPUBLIC OF OUTH AFRICA GOVERNMENT GAZETTE TAATKOERANT VAN DIE REPUBLIEK V AN UID-AFRIKA PRICE :ZOe PRY Registered al the Post Office as IJ Newspaper OVEREA 30e OOREE As 'n Nllushlad by die PoskalllOof GeregisITeer POT FREE - POVRY Vol. 137] PRETORIA, 5 NOVEMBER 197;) [No. No. 239, PROClAMATION by the tate President of the Republic of outh Africa AMENDMENT OF PART III OF THE CHEDULE TO THE ABUE OF DEPENDENCE-PRODUCING UBTANCE AND REHABUJTATION CENTRE ACT (ACT 41 OF 1971) By virtue of the powers vested in me by section 15 of the Abuse of Dependence-producing ubstances and Rehabilitation Centres Act, 1971 (Act 41 of 1971), and after the Minister of Health has consulted with the Medicines Control Council. I hereby amend Part ill of the chedule to the said Act by the addition of the item "Xilidine and its salts~ preparations and admixtures thereof" to Part III.. Given under my Hand and the eal of the Republic of outh Africa at Pretoria this eventh day of October, One thousand Nine hundred and eventy-six. N. DIEDERICH. tate President. By Order of the tate President-in-Council:. W. VAN DER MERWE. GOVERNMENT NOTICE DEPARTMENT OF CUTOM AND EXCIE No November 1976 CLAIFICATION LIT OF COMMODITIE FOR TATITICAL PURPOE IN REPECT OF EXPORT It is hereby notified for general information that the Classification List of Commodities for tatistical purposes in respect of Export" published in Government Notice R of 5 December 1975 is hereby amended as set out in the chdule hereto PROKLAMAIE van die taatspresident van die Republiek van uid-afrika. No. 239, 1976 WYIGING VAN DEEL TIl VAN DIE BYLAE TOT DIE WET OP DIE MIBRUIK VAN AFHANKLIK. HEIDVORMENDE TOWWE EN REHABILITAIE ENTRUM, 1971 (WET 41 VAN 1971) Kragtens die bevoegdheid my verleen by artikel 15 van die Wet op die Misbruik van Afhanklikheidsvormende towwe en Rehabilitasiesentrums, 1971 (Wet 41 van 1971), en nadal die Minister van Gesondheid met die Medisynebehcerraad beraadslaag het, wysig ek hierby Deel III vair die Bylae van genoemde Wet deur die invoeging van die item "Tilidien en sy soute; preparate en mengsel$ daarvan" in Deel III. Gegee onder my Hand en die eel van die RepubJiek van uid-afrika te Pretoria, op hede die ewende dag van Oktober Eenduisend Negehonderd ses-en-sewentig. N. DIEDERICH, taatspresident. Op las van die taatspresident-in-rade:. W. VAN DER MERWE. GOEWERMENTKENNIGEWING DEPARTEMENT VAN DOEANE EN AKYN No November 1976 KLAIFIKAIEL Y VAN KOMMODITEITE VIR TATITIEE OOELEINDE TEN OPIGTE VAN UITVOERE Hiermee word vir algemene inligting bekendgemaak dat die Klassifikasidys van Kommoditeite vir tatistiese dodeindes ten opsigte van Uitvoere soos gepubjiseer in Goewermentskennisgewing R van 5 Desember 1975 gewysig word in die mate in die Bylae hiervan aangetoon. -1.

2 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February No. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 1916 CHEDULE 1. Page 18, Chapter 15: ubstitute tbe following code and description for Code J to Code and the descriptions thereto: Epoxidised vegetable oils kg 2. Page J61, Chapter 90: ubstitute the following codes and descriptions for Code to Code and the descriptions thereto: Apparatus and equipment ofa kind used in No. photographic laboratories Apparatus and equipment of a kind used No. ill cinematographic laboratories Photo-copying apparatus:.10 Incorporating an optical system... No..20 Of the contact type No Thermo-copying apparatus... No Parts and accessories for photocopying and thermo-copying apparatus Projection screens:.10 Portable... No..20 Non-portable... No. BYLAE 1. B1adsy 18, Hoofstuk 15: Vervang Kode tot Kode en die beskrywings daarby deur die volgende kode en beskrywing: Geepoksideerde plantaardige oues... kg 2. Bladsy 161, Hoofstuk 90: Vervang Kode tot Kode en die beskrywings daarby deur die volgende kodes en beskrywings: Apparate en toerusting van 'n soort in fotografiese laboratoriums gebruik getal Apparate en toerusting, van 'n soort in getal kinematografiese laboratoriums gebruik Fotokopieerapparate:.10 Wat 'n optiese stelsel inkorporeer.... getal.20 Van die kontaktipe... getal Terrnokopieerapparate getal Onderdele en bybehoorsels vir fotokopieerof termokopieerapparate Projeksieskerms: Verplaasbaar... Nie-verplaasbaar... getal gctal DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE No November 1976 IUE OF INTERNAL REGITERED TOCK, 8i PER CENT. 1979, OF THE REPUBLIC OF OUTH AFRICA The undermentioned Republic of outh Africa Internal Registered tock will be issued on 15 November 1976: Internal Registered tock, 81 Per Cent, 1979 Issue price R100 per cent payable in full on application. The principal of this stock win be repayable at par on 15 November 1979 and interest wil1 be payable half-yearly on 15 May and 15 November. ubscription lists for cash applications will open on 15 November 1976 and will be closed on or before 22 November P,rospectuses and application forms for cash subscriptions will be obtainable from banks in the Republic and outh-west Africa and from the Treasury, Pretoria, during the period that the subscription lists are open. DEPARTMENT OF FOREIGN AfFAIR No November 1976 It is hereby notified that. with effect from 23 eptember recognition has been granted to Mrs Nyoka Hahn as Consul (Information) of the United tates of America in Johannesburg with the Provinces of the Transvaal and the Orange Free tate as her area of jurisdiction. Mn, Hahn is the successor to Mr J. B. pector. (72/33/2) DEPARTEMENTVAN FINANIE No November 1976 UITGIFTE V AN BINNELANDE GEREGI TREERDE EFFEKTE, 8J PERENT, 1979, VAN DIE REPUBLIEK VAN UID-AFRIKA Die.ondergenoemde Binnelandse Geregistreerde Effekte van die Republiek van uid-afrika sal op 15 November 1976 uitgereik word: Binnelandse Geregistreerde E/fekte, 8* Persent, 1979 Uitgifteprys Rl00 persent ten volle betaalbaar op aanvraag. Die kapitaal van hierdie effekte is op 15 November 1979 teen pari terugbetaajbaar, en die rente is halfjaarliks op 15 Mei en 15 November betaalbaar. Inskrywingslyste ten opsigte van kontantaansoeke word op 15 November 1976 oopgestel en sal voor of op 22 November 1976 gesluit word. Prospektusse en aansoekvorms vir kontantinskrywings sal, gedurende die tydperk wat die inskrywingslyste oop is. by banke in die Republiek en uidwes-afrika en by die Tesourie. Pretoria, verkrygbaar wees. DEPARTEMENT VAN BUITELANDE AKE No November 1976 Hierby word bekendgemaak dat aan mev. Nyoka Hahn met mgang van 23 eptember 1976 erkenning verleen is as Konsul (Jnligting) van die Verenigde tate van Amerika in Johannesburg met die provinsie Transvaal en die Oranje Vrystaat as haar regsgebied. Mev. Hahn is die opvolger van mnr. J. B. pector. (72/33/2) No November 1976 It is hereby notified that, with effect from 10 eptember 1976, recognition has been granted to Mr Frans Bernhard taal as Honorary Vice-Consul of the Netherlands in East London with that portion of the Province of the Cape of Good Hope, the western boundary of which is formed by the Magisterial Districts of Peddie, Victoria East, Fort Beaufort, Adelaide, Tarka. Molteno and Albert, and the eastern boundary by the Magisterial Districts of Bizana, Mount Ayliff, Mount Frere and Mount Fletcher, including the above-named districts, as his area of jurisdiction. Mr taal is the successor to Mr W. J. van den Bos. (72/11/8) No November 1976 Hierby word bekendgcmaak dat aan mnr. Frans Bernhard taal met ingang van 10 eptember 1976 erkenning verleen is as Ere-vise-konsul van Nederland in 00 Londen met daardie gedeelte van die provinsie die Kaap die Goeie Hoop waarvan die westelike grens gevorm word deur die landdrosdistrikte Peddie, Victoria-Oos. Fort Beaufort. Adelaide, Tarka. Molteno en Albert, en die oostelike grens deur die landdrosdistrikte Bizana, Mount Ayliff. Mount Frere en Mount Fletcher, met inbegrip van bogenoemde distrikte. as sy regsgebied. Mnr taal is die opvolger van mnr. W. J. van den Bos. (72/11/8)

3 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 TAATKOERANT; 5 NOVEMllER No. ~3 DEPARTMENT OF FORETRY No November 1976 OPENING OF A PORTION OF THE NATIONAL HIKING WAY YTEM, DITRICT OF GEORGE AND KNYNA The requirements of the law as set forth in section 31B (2) of the Forest Act, 1968 (Act 72 of 1968). as amended, having been complied with in regard to the proposed opening of a portion of the National Hiking Way ystem, previously referred to in Government Notice 1335, dated 6 August I hereby, by virtue of the powers vested in me by the said section of the said Act, declare the Outeniqua Hiking Trail over the properties listed in the aforementioned Government Notice, open. A. J. RAUBENHElMER. Minister of Forestry. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR No November 1976 ALIEN ACT, 1937 CHANGE OF URNAME.-OUTHEY TO DAVIDON The tate President has been pleased, under the provisions of section 9 of. the Aliens Act (Act 1 of 1937), to authorise Mandy Ingrid outhey en Fran Constance outhey, residing at 132 Zinnia Road, Kyalami, Transvaal, to assume the surname. of Davidson. No November 1976 ALIEN ACT CHANGE OF URNAME.-HING TO UN HING The tate President has been pleased. under the provisions of section. 9 of the Aliens Act, 1937 (Act 1 of 1937). to authorise Jack Kew Ring, his wife Maryna (born Fong) and his children Angela un Ring and Leslie Lincoln un Ring. residing at 5 Bessemer treet, Duncanvil:e, Vereeniging, to assume the surname of un Ring. No November 1976 ALIEN ACT, 1937 CHANGE OF URNAME.-PYLE TO MILBURN-PYLE The tate President has. been pleased. under the provisions of section 9 of the Aliens Act (Act 1 of 1937), to authorise Peter Milburn Pyle, his wife June Margaret (born Caldwell) and his children Margaret Jean Milburn-Pyle, David Milburn-Pyle and Janet Mary Milburn-Pyle. residing at 15 Lovat Road, Hurlingham, andton, Transvaal, to assume the surname of Milburn Pyle. No November 1976 ALIEN ACT, 1937 CHANGE OF URNAME.-NONGENI TO RHYNEVELDT The tate President. has been pleased, under the provisions of section 9 of the Aliens Act (Act 1 of 1937), to authorise George Nongeni, his wife Anita Magdalene (born wanepoel) and his children Vernon Clifford, Gavin George and Hilton Marc, residing at Riverside, econd Avenue. Lotus River. Cape Town, to assume the surname of Rhyneveldt. DEPARTEMENT VAN BOBOU No November 1976 OOPTELLING VAN 'N GEDEELTE VAN DIE NAIONALE VOETLAANPADTELEL, DI TRIKTE GEORGE EN KNYNA Aangesien daar aan die vereistes van die wet soos vervat in artikel 31 B (2) van die Boswet, 1968 (Wet 72 van 1968). soos gewysig, voldoen is in verband met die voorgenome oopstelling van die gedeelte van die Nasionale Voetslaanpadstelsel, voorheen genoem in Goewermentskennisgewing 1335 van 6 Augustus 1976, stel ek hierby kragtens die bevoegdheid my verleen by genoemde artikel van genoemde Wet. die Outeniqua-voetslaanpad oopoor die eiendomme in voormekle Goewermentskennisgewing genoem. A. J. RAUBENHEIMER, Minister van Bosbou. OEPARTEMENT VAN BINNELANDE AKE No November 1976 WET OP VREEMDELINGE, 1937 VANVERANDERING.-OUTHEY IN DAVIDON Dit het die taatspresident behaag om, kragtens die bepalings van artikel 9 van die Wet op Vreemdelinge (Wet 1 van 1937). Mandy Ingrid outhey en Fran Constance outhey, woonagtig te Zinniaweg 132, Kyalami, Transvaal, te magtig om die van Davidson aan te neem. No November 1976 WET OP VREEMDELINGE.1937 VANVERANDERING.-HING IN UN HING Dit het die taatspresident behaag om, kragttns die bepalings van artikel 9 van die Wet op Vreerndelinge (Wet 1 van 1937), Jack Kew Hing. sy vrou Maryna (gebore Fong) en sy kinders Angela un Ring en Leslie Lincoln un Hing. woonagtig te Bessemerstraat 5, Duncanville, Vereeniging, te magtig om die van un Hing aan te neem. No November 1976 WET OP VREEMDELINGE, 1937 VANVERANDERlNG.-PYLE IN MILBURN-PYLE Dit bet die taatspresident behaaz om, kragtens die bepalings van artikel 9 van die Wet op Vreemdelinge, 1937 (Wet 1 van 1937), Peter Milburn Pyle, sy vrou June Margaret (gebore Caldwell) en sy kinders Margaret Jean Milburn-Pyle, David Milburn-Pyle en Janet Mary Milburn Pyle, woonagtig te Lovatweg 15, Hurlingham. andton, Transvaal~ te magtig om die van Milburn-Pyle aan te neem. No November 1976 WET OP VREEMDELINGE, 1937 VANVERANDERING.-NONGENI IN RHYNEVELDT Dit het die taatspresident behaag om. kragtens die bepalings van artikel 9 van die Wet op Vreemdelinge, 1937 (Wet 1 van 1937), George Nongeni, sy vrou Anita Magdalene (gebore wanepoel) en sy kinders Vernon Gifford, Gavin George en Hilton Marc, woonagtig te Riverside. Tweede Laan Lotusrivier. Kaapstad, te magtig om die van Rhyneveldt aan te Deem.

4 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February No; 318 GOVERNMENT OAZETl'E; NOVEMBBRI976 No November 1976 ALIEN ACT, 1937 CHANGE OF URNAME.-CHUMER TO GARDY The tate President has been pleased, under the provisions of section 9 of the Aliens Act, 1937 (Act 1 of 1937), to authorise Tanya chumer, residing at 114 4th treet, Parkmore, andton, Transvaal, to assume the surname of Gardy. No November 1976 ALIEN ACT CHANCE OF URNAME.-NELL TO NEWLAND NELL The tate President has been pleased, under the provisions of section 9 of the Aliens Act, 1937 (Act 1 of 1937), to authorise Vernon Max Newland Nell, his wife Lynnette Ivy (born De Beyer) and his chi:d Greig Vernon Newland-NeH. residing at Grand View Farm. MaOeantown. East London. to assume the surname of Newland Nell. No Novembel' 1976 WET OP VREEMDELINGE, 1937 VANVERANDERING.-CHUMER IN GARDY Oit het die taatspresident behaag, om, kragtens die bepalings van artikei 9 van die Wet op Vreemdelinge (Wet 1 van 1937), Tanya chumer, woonagtig te 4de traat 114, Parkmore, andton. Transvaal, te magtig om die van Gardy aan te neem. No November 1976 WET OP VREEMDELINGE, 1937 VANVERANDERING.-NELL IN NEWLAND-NELL Dit het die taatspresident behaag om, kragtens die bepalings van artikel 9 van die Wetop Vreemdelinge, 1937 (Wet 1 van 1937), Vernon Max Newland Nell, sy vrou Lynette Ivy (gebore De Beyer) en sy kirid Greig Vernon Newland-Nell. woonagtig te Grand View-plaas, MaCleantown..Oos-Londen, te magtig om die van Newland-Nell aan te neem. No November 1976 PUBLICATION ACT, 1974 PUBLICATION OR OBJECT A c()mmittee referred to in section 4 of the Publications Act. 1974, decided under section 11 (2) of $e said Act that the undermentioned publications or objects are undesirable within the meaning of section 47 (2) of the said Act. Entry No. Inskrywing No. P76/9/ P76/9/ P76/9/ P76/10/ P76/10/ P76/10/ P76/10/ P76/10/ P76/9/ P76/9/ P76/10/8.... P76/10/ P76/10/99... P76/10/137.. P76/1O/ P76/10/ Publication or object Publikasie of voorwerp 12 PhotographslFoto 's....<.. ilent Enemy. The (The Killers) Pageant-October 1976, Vol 32, No John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band-Pe 7124 gramophone record/grammofoonplaat exual ide oflove, The (Woman Alive).. Cycles Gladiator No 1508 posterjplakkaat..... Varsity-No Hustler-May 1976, Vol 2, No 11: June 1976, Vol 2, No 12 In the Purely Pagan ense cenes from married It/e ErotislTlo No 1+No 4 cassette tape/kassetband.... Mortal takes (i.e. on the grounds that the cover No IBN is undesirable/d.i. op grond daarvan dat die omslag No IBN ongewens is) 12 Robert Owen photographs/foto's Us Elgin 1977 calendar/kalende( Asahi Pel/tax poster/plakkaat No November 1976 WET OP PUBLIKAIE, 1974 PUBLIKAIE OF VOORWERPE 'n Komitee bedoel in artikel 4 van die Wet op Publikasies, het kragtens artlkel 11 (2) van genoemde Wet beslis dat die ondergenoemde publikasies of voorwerpe ongewens is binne die bedoeling van artikel 47 (2) van genoemde Wet. LIT/LY P76f68.. Author or producer krywer of voortbringer Technicrom, Barcelona, Italy..... Klaus Netzen.... Good Earth Corporation, New York EM!..... Maureen Green.... Printed in weden by candecor, Uppsala.... The tudents Representative Council, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch HustIer Magazine, Inc., Ohio John Lehmann... Giles Gordon Unknown/Onbekend... Robert B. Parker... Robert Owen... Anonymous Calendar and Business Gifts, Durban am Haskins... ection 47 (2) Artikel 47 (2) (a) (a)+(b) (a) (a) (a) (a) (e) (a) (a} (al (al, (a) i (:1) (a} (a) (a) No November 1976 PUBLICATION ACT PUBLICAnON OR OBJECT A committee referred to in section 4 of the Publications Act, 1974, which decided in terms of section 11 (2) of the said Act that the undermentioned publication is undesirable within the meaning of section 47 (2) of the said Act. has in terms of section 9 (1) of the said Act dtlclared every subsequent edition of the said publication to be so undesirable. No November 1976 WET OP PUBLIKAIE, 1974 PUBLIKAIE OF VOORWERPE 'n Komitee bedoel in artikel 4 van die Wet op Publikasies, wat kragtens artikel II (2) van genoemde Wet beslis het dat onde g:noemde publikasie ongewens is binne die bedoelin~ van artikel 47 (2) van genoemde Wet, het kragtens artikel 9 (1) van genoemde Wet elke latere uitgawe van genoemde pubhkasie aid us ongewens verklaar. Entry No. Inskrywing No. P76JlOJ141.. Publication or object Publikasie of voorwerp Author or producer krywer of voortbringer Hustler-June 1976, Vol 2, No HustIer Magazine Inc., Ohio... (a) ection 47 (2). Artikel 47 (2)

5 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 No November 1976 PUBLICAnON ACT, 1974 REPREENTATION UNDER ECTION 14 (3) On 28 October 1976 the Directorate of Publications appealed under section 14 of the Publications Act, against the decision on 26 October 1976 of a committee referred to in section 4 of the said Act that the undermentioned publications are not undesirable within the' meaning of section 47 (2) of the said Act. "flle period within which persons referred to in section 14 (3) (b) of the said Act may make representations to the Publications Appeal Board, Private Bag X114, Pretoria, in respect of the said appeal is hereby determined as 14 days from the date of this notice: f': TAATKOERANT, 5 NOVEMBER 1975 No No November 1976 WET OP PUBLIKAIE VERTOE KRAGTENARTIKEL14 (3) Die Direktoraat van Publikasies het op 28 Oktober 1976 kragtens artikel 14 van die Wet op Publikasies, 1974, appel aangeteken teen die bes\issing op 26 Oktober 1976 van 'n komitee bedoel in artikel 4 van genoemdewet dat die ondergenoemde publikasies nie binne die bedoeling van artikel 47 (2) van genoemde Wet ongewens is nie. Die tydperk waarin personc bedoel in artikel 14 (3) (b) van genoemde Wet vertoe tot die AppeJraad oor Publikasies, Privaatsak X114, Pretoria ten opsigte van genoemde appel kan rig, word hierby bepaal as 14 dae vanaf die datum van hierdie kennisgewing: Entry No. Inskrywings No. Publication Publikasie Author or producer krywer of voortbringer P76/10/ P76/IO/ Gentlewomon ,.. lmoges of Woman....., ,".....,",... igurd Olivier. Robert Farber. No:20~3 5 November 1976 ALLIEN ACT, 1937 CHANGE OF URNAME.-JONE TO LATER JONE Tre tate President has been pleased, under the provisions of section 9 of the Aliens Act, 1937 (Act 1 of 1937), to authorise Michael Frederick later Jones, his wife Reinette Florence, born Green, and his child Richard Duncan later. residing at 90 Donga Avenue, Berario, Johannesburg, to assume the surname of later-jones. DEPARTMENT OF JUTICE No November 1976 PUBLICATION OF PARTICULAR IN TERM OF ECTION IOTER OF THE INTERNAL ECURITY ACT, 1950 (ACT 44 OF 1950) The Minister of Justice has, in terms of section IOler of the Internal ecurity Act, 1950 (Act 44 of 1950), approved the publication in the Gazette of the following particulars of notices issued in terms of section 5 (1) (e) of the said Act and whereby the person menfioned below was prohibited from attending gatherings: No, November 1976 WET OP VREEMDELINGE, 1937 VANVERANDERING.-JONE IN'LATER-JONE Dit bet die taatspresident behaag om, kragtens die bepalings van artikel 9 van die Wet op Vreemdelinge, 1937 (Wet 1 van 1937), Michael Frederick later Jones, sy vrou Reinette Florenee, gebore Green, en sy kind Rirchard Duncan later, woonagtig te Dongalaan 90, Berario, Johannesburg. te magtig om die van later. Jones aan te neem. DEPARTEMENT VAN JUTIIE No, November 1976 AFKONDIGING VAN BEONDERHEDE INGE VOLGE ARTIKEL IOTER VAN DIE WET OP BINNELANDE VEILIGHEID, 1950, (WET 44 VAN 1950) Die Minister van J ustisie het ingevo]ge artikel 10ter van die Wet op Binnelandse Veiligheid, 1950 (Wet 44 van 1950), sy goedkeuring geheg aan die afkondiging in die taatskoerant van onderstaande resonderbede van kennis gewings wat ingevolge artikel 5 (I) (e) van genoemde Wet uitgereik is en waarby ondergenoemde persoon verbied is om byeenkomste by te woon: Name Naam Address mentioned in notice Adres in kennisgewing vermeld Date on which notice was delivered Datum waarop. kennisgewing oorhandig is Date on which notice expires Datum waarop kennisgewing verstryk Louis Marius choon..., Rutland Avenue/ laan, Craighall Park, Johannesburg /9/16 30/9/81. '. No DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 5 Novemher 1976 WAGE ACT, 1957 AMENDMENT OF WAGE DETERMINATION 342. COAL TRADE, CERTAIN AREA By direction of the Minister of Labour, it is hereby notified, in terms of section 15 (2) read with sections 15 (6) and 13 (1) (a) of the Wage Act, J957, that the Minister p':oposes to amend the above Wage Determination in accordance with the recommendation of the Wage Board which in the ch;xlule hereto. DEPARTEMENT VAN ARBEID No November 1976 LOONWET, 1957 WYIGING VAN LOONVATELLING 342.-, TEENKOOLBEDRYF, EKERE GEBIEDE In opdrag van die Minister van Arbeid word hierby. kragtens artikel 15 (2) gelees met artikcls 15 (6) en 13 (1) (a) van die Loonwet, 1957, bekendgemaak dat die Minister voornemens is om bovermelde Loonvasstelling te wysig ooreenkomstig die Loonraad seaanbeveling wat in die Bylae hiervan verskyn.

6 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 No. GOVERNMENT GAZETrE, NOVEMBER AU perronswhose interests may be effected directly or indirectly are hereby invited, should they have any objections to the amendment of the said Determination. to lodge such objections in writing, in eightfold, together with eight copies of all supporting documents, with the ecretary for Labour, Private Bag XU?, Pretoria, 0001, within 30 days of the date of publication of this notice. Note.-The report of the Wage Board pertaining to this recommendation is available for perusal at the offices of the Divisional Inspectors, :Department of Labour, Bloemfontein, Cape Town, Durban, East London, George, Johannesburg, Kimberley, Port Elizabeth and Pretoria. CHEDULE RECOMMENDATION TO THE HONOURABLE THE MINITER OF LABOUR BY DIVIION A OF THE WAGE BOARD Alle persone wie 50 belange regstreeks of onregstreeks geraak mag wont. word hierby die ge]eentheid gebied om, as hulle besware teen die wysiging van genoemde Vas stdling het, oodanige, in agtvoud, tesame met agt afskrifte van aile ondersteunende dokumente, binne 30 dae vanaf die datum van publikasie van hlerdie kennisgewing by die ekretaris van Arbeid. Privaatsak Xll?, Pretoria. 0001, in te dien. Opmerking.-Die Loonraadverslag wat op hierdie aanbeveling betrekking het, is beskikbaar vir insae by die kantore van die Afdelingsinspekteurs, Departement van Arbeid, Bloemfontein, Durban, George, Johannesburg, Kaapstad, Kimberley, Oos-umden, Port Elizabeth en Pretoria. BYLAE AANBEVEUNG AAN Y EDELE DIE MINITER VAN ARBEID DEUR AFDELING A V At"! DIE LOONRAAD COAL TRADE, CERTAIN AREA,-AMENDMENT OF TEENKOOLBEDRYF, EKERE GEBIEDE.-WYIGING WAGE DETERMINATION 342 VAN LOONVATELLING 342 Wage Determination 342, Coal Trade, Certain Areas, published Loonvasstelling 342, teenkoolbedryf, ekere Gebiede, gepubliseer by Goewermentskennisgewing R. 656 in die taatskoerant by Government Notice R. 656 in the Government Gazette of 21 April 1972, is hereby amended in accordance with the van 21 April 1972, word hierby ooreenkomstig die Bylae hiervan chedule hereto. gewysig. CHEDULE BYLAE 1. In clause 2 (a) (29) substitute for the definition "unladen 1. In klousule 2 (a) (20) vervang die woordomskrywing weight" the foilowmg definition: "onbelaste gewig" deur die volgende omskrywing:.. 'unladen mass' means the mass of any motor vehicle or " 'onbelaste massa' die massa van 'n motorvoertuig of sleepwa trailer as recorded in a licence or certificate issued in respect soos aangegee in 'n lisensie of sertifikaat wat ten opsigte van of such motor vehicle or trailer by any auth;)rity empowered so 'n motorvoertuig of sleepwa uitgereik is deur 'n owerheid by law to issue licences in respect of motor vehicles:' Provided wat by wet gemagtig is om lisensies ten opsigte van motorvoertuie uit te reik: Met dien verstande dat, in die geval van that in the case of a two or three-wheeled motor cycle, motor soooter or autocycle or a cycle fitted with an auxiliary engine 'n twee- of driewielmotorfiets, bromponie of bromfiets of 'n the unladen mass shall be deemed not to exceed 450 kg; (20)". trapfiets met hulpmotor, die onbelaste massa geag word hoogstens 450 kg te wees; (29)," 2. ubstitute for clause 3 (1) the fonowing clause: 2. Vervang klousule 3 (1) deur die volgende klousule: "(1) The minimum wage which an employer shall pay to each "(I) Die minimum loon wat 'n werkgewer aan elke lid van member of the undermentioned classes of his employees shall ondergenoemde klasse werknemers in sy diens moet betaal is die bo as set out hereunder: hieronder uiteengesit: (a) Employees other than part-time employees and casual employees: (i) In all other areas including the Magisterial District of Good- In the municipal areas of wood and those portions of Beacon Bay, Bloemfontein, the Magisterial District of Delmas, Heidelberg (Tvl), Randburg which before 1 Kroonstad, Odendaalsrus, January 1975 were parts of East London, Pietermaritz the Magisterial Districts of burg, Potchefstroom and Johannesburg and Roode- Welkom and the Magisterial poort of which the local District of Klerksdorp boundaries were redefined by Government Notice 2152 of 22 November 1914 (A) (8) (A) (8) Per week Per week Per week Per week R R R R Artisan ,00 66,00 64,00 67,00 Compound Manager ,00 49,50 48,00 50,50 Oerk, male, unqualifiedduring the first year ofexperience ,23 26,54 25,38 27,69 during the second year ofexperience... 28,38 30,69 29,54 31,85 during the third year of experience... 32,54 34,85 33,69 36,00 during the fourth year of experience ,69 39,00 31,85 40,15 during the fifth year ofexperience... 40,85 43,15 42,00 44,31 Clerk, male, qualified ,00 47,31 46,15 48,46 Oerk, female, unqualifiedduring the first year of experience... 21,92 24,23 23,08 25,38 during the second year ofexperience... 24,23 26,54 25,38 21,69 during the third year of experience.. "... 26,54 28,85 27,69 30,00 during the fourth year of experience... 28,85 31,15 30,00 32,31 Clerk, female, qualified _ ,15 33,46 32,31 34,62 Handyman ,00 34,00 33,00 35,00 Yard clerk, unqualifiedduring the first year of experience ,50 23,50 23,00 25,00 during the second year of experience... 22,75 24,75 24,25 26,40 Yard clerk, qualified ,00 26,00 25,50 27,80 Yard foreman... ' 49,00 51,50 50,00 52,50 (A) During the first 12 months after this amendment comes into operation. (8) Thereafter.

7 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 TAATKOERANT, 5 NOVEMBER 1976 No (ii) In all other areas including the l'vfagisterial District of Good~ In the municipal areas of wood and those ponions of Beacon Bay, Bloemfontein, the Magisterial District of Delmas, Heidelberg (Tvl), Randburg which before 1 Kroonstad, OdendaaTsrus, January 1915 were parts of East London, Pictermaritz the Magisterial Districts of burg, Potchefstroom and Johannesburg and. Roode- Welkom and the Magisterial poort of which the local District of Klerksdorp boundaries were redefined by Government Notice 2152 of 22 November m4 (A) (8) (A) (B) Per week Per week Per week Per~ R R R R Driver of a motor vehicle, the unladen ma,ss of which together with the unladen mass of any trailer or trailers drawn by such vehicle (i) does not exceed 2700 kg... ~ ,50 21,50 28,00 lo,oo (ii) exceeds kg but not kg ,50 33,50 34,00 36,00 (iii) exceeds kg ,50 39,50 40,00 42,00 (A) During the first 12 months after this amendment comes into operation. (8) Thereafter. (iii) In the Magisterial Districts of Bellville, The. Cape, Goodwood, imonstown, Wynberg, and the municipal area of Port Elizabeth -- In the municipal areas of Delmas, Heidelberg (Tvl), Kroonstad, Odendaalsrus and Potchefstroom In the municipal areas of Beacon Bay, Bloemfontein, East London, Pietermaritz burg, Welkom and the Magisterial District of Klerksdorp In all other areas including tbose portions of the Magisterial District of Randburg which before 1 January 1915 were parts of the Magisterial Districts of Johannesburg and Roodepoort of which the local boundaries were redefined by Government Notice 2152 of 22 November 1914 I (A) (8) (A) (8) (A) (B) (A) (8) Per week Per week Per week Per week Per week I Per week Per week Per week R R R R R R R R Labourer, male, 18 years of age or O el' _ 19,5<l 21,45 16,50 18, I 15,00 16,50 18,00 19,80 Labourer, male, under 18 years of age. 14,65 16,10 12,35 13,60 11,25 12,35 13,50 14,85 Labourer, female... 15,60 11,15 13,20 14,50 12,00 13,20 14,40 15,85 Operator ora wood sawing madune... 22,00 24,00 18,10 20,55 16,95 18,65 2O,W 22,30 Cheeker... 22,60 24,60 19,30 21,20 11,55 19,30 21,00 23,00 Chargehand' ,00 24,00 18,10 20,55 16,95 18,65 20,30 22,30 Watchman ,00 24,00 18,70 20,55 16,95 18,65 2O,W 22,30 Grade I employee... 20,50 22,50 11,20 18,90 15,60 11,15 18,80 lo,ci Employee not specifically mentioned elsewhere in this subclause ,00 23,20 17,10 19,10 16,10 17,90 J9,30 21,50 (A) During the first 12 months after this amendment comes into operation. (B) Thereafter.

8 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February No. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 5 NOVEMBERJ976 (a) Werknemers uitgesonderd dceltydse wcrknemers en los werknemcrs: (i) In die IT'lP;i,ipale gebiede Beaconbiilli, Bloemf(>ntein, Delmas, Heidelberg (Tv!.), Kroonsiad, Odendaa!Hus, Oos-Londen, Pietermaritzburg, Potchef"t;oom, 'We!k~'m en die I i.. "ddflldis!rtk KlcrLJorp, In alle nnder gebiede insluitende die landdrosdistrik Goodwood en daardie gedeeltes van die laoddrosdistrik Randburg \vat vour 1 Januarie i975 dec! uitgemaak he! van die landdmsdistrikte, Johannesburg en Roodepoort waarvan die plaaslike grense by Goewcl'mentskennisgewing 2152 van 22 November 1974 heromskryf is (A) Per week (B) Per week (A) Per week (B) Per week Ambagsman.... Kampongbestuurder.... Klerk, man, ongekwalifiseerdgedurende die eerste jaar ondervinding.... gedurende die tweede jaar ondervinding.... gedurende die dcrde jaar ondervinding.... gedurcnde die vierde jaar ondervincting.... gedurende die vyfde jaar ondervlnding.... Klerk, man, gekwalifiseerd.... Klerk, vroll, ongekwalifiseerdgednrende die eerste janr ondervinding.... gednrende die tweede jaar ondervinding.... gednrende die derdejaar ondervinding.... gednrende die vierde janr ondervinding.... Klerk, vrou, gekwalifiscerd......,.... Faktotum.... Werfklerk, ongekwalifiseerdgednrende die ecrste jaar ondervinding.... gednrende die tweede jaar ondervinding.... Werfklerk, gekwalifiseerd.... Werfvoorman.... R 63,00 47,(1) 24,23 28,38 32,54 36,69 1,0,85 45,00 21,92 24,23 26,54 28,85 31,15 32,00 21, ,00 49,00 R 66,00 49,50 26, J,: 5 47,31 I 24,23 26,54 2&,85 31,15 33,46 34,00 23,50 24,75 26,00 51,50 R R 64,()O 67,00 48,00 50,;) 25,38 27,69 29,54 31,85 33,69 36,00 37,85 40,15 42,00 44,31 46,15 48,46 23,08 25, ,69 27,69 30,00 30,OU 32,31 32,3! 34,62 33,00 35,00 23,00 25,00 2+,25 26,40 25,)0 27,80 50,00 52,50 (A) Gedurende die eerste 12 maande nadat hierdie wysiging in werking tree. (B) Daarna. (ii) Bestunrder van 'n motorvoertuij!: waarvan die onbelaste ma,sa tesame met die onbelaste massa van enige sleepwa of sleepwaens wat deur sodanige 'locrtuig getrek word 0) hoogstens kg is.... (il) meer as kg maar hoogstens kg is.... (iii) meer as 4500 kg is.... (A) Gedurcnde die eerste 12 maande nada! hierdie wysiging in werkiug tree. (8) Daarna. I In :.Ine ander gebiede imluitcnde die landdr()~distrik Good'Nood en daard'c ge Tn die tnljnisioale r~hiede decltes van die landdrosdistrik Beaconbaai, Hloenlj'ollicin, Randburg wat voor 1 Januarie Delmas, Heidelberg (Tv!.), 1975 deel liit'!ema~~k het van Kroo;\stad, Odendaaisru5, die landjro,>.jis!rikie, Johannesburg en Roodepoort Oos-Londen, Pietermarirzburg, Potchefstroom, WelkO!11 {'o die waarvan die p;aa5!ike grense lunddrosdistrik Klerksdofp by Goewerment<;kennisgewing 2152 van 22 November 1974 heromskryf is (A) Per week R 25,50 31,50 37,50 i (8) Per week R (A) Per ""eek R (8) Per week R 2,OO 30,00 3, ,0() 40,00 42, \-'0

9 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 ~"". 8fAATKOERANT, NOVEMBER 1976 t (iii) In die landdrosdistrilde, BellVille; Die Kaap, Goodwood, imonstad, Wynberg, en dje munisipale gebied Port Elizabeth In die munisipale gebiede Beaconbaai, Bloemfontein, Oos- Londen, Pietermaritzburg, Welkom en die landdrosdistrik Klerksdorp In die munisipale Gebiede Delmas, Heidelberg (Tv!.), Kroonstad, Odendaalsrus en POlchefstroom In aile ander gebiede insluitende daardie gedeeltes van die landdrosdistrik Randburg wat VOM 1 Januarie 1975 deel uitgemaak het van die landdrosdistl'ikte Johannesburg en Roodepoort waarvan die plaaslike grense by Goewermentskennisgewing 2152 van 22 November 1074 heromskryf is (A) Per week (B) Per week (A) Per week (B) Per week R 18, ;50 20,55 21,20 20,55 20,55 18,90 (A) Per week (B) Per week R 16,50 12,35 13,20 18,65 19,30 18,65 18,65 17,15 17,90 (A) Per week R 18,00 13,50 14,40 20,30 21,00 20,30 20,30 18,80 (B) Per week Arbeider, man, 18 jaar en ouer ;. Arbeider, man, onder 18jaar Arbeider, vroll.... Bediener van houtsaagmasjien Laaimeester Ondetbaas: Wag... Werknemer graad I... Werknemer nie elders in hierdie subklousule uitdruklik vermeld nie... R 19,50 14,65 15,60 22,00 22,60 22,00 22,00 20,50 21,00 R 21,45 16,10 17,15 24,00 24,60 24,00 24,00 22,50 23,20 R 16,50 12,35 13,20 18,70 19,30 18;70 18,70 17,20 17,70 19,70 R 15,00 11,25 12,00 16,95 17,55 16,95 16,95 15,60 16,10 19,30 & 19,80 14,85 15,85 22,30 23,00 22,30 22,30 20,6$ 21,50 (A).Gedurende die eerste 12 maande nadat hierdie wysiging in werking tree. (B) Daarna. (b) Casual employee.-a casual employee shall be paid in respect of every day or part of a day of employment not less than one-fifth of the weekly wage prescribed for an employee in the same area and of the same sex who performs the same cjassof work as the casual employee is required to do: Provided that (i) where the employer requires a casual employee to perform the work of a class of employee for whom wages on a rising scale are prescribed, the expression "weekly wage" shall mean the weekly wage prescribed for a qualified employee of that class; (ii) where the employer requires a casual employee to work for a period of not more than four consecutive hours on any day, bis wage may be reduced by not more than O per cent in respect of that day. (c) Part-time employee.-a part-time employee shall be paid not less than two-thirds of the wage prescribed for an employee in the same area, of the same class and sex and with the same experience. 3. In clause 4 (6) (d) substitute for the figures "0.95", "O.4", "1,44)", "4,10", "1,95" and "6,O" the figures "1,30", "0,70", "2,O()", "5,63", "3,04" and "8,67", respectively. 4. In clause (8) (a) substitute for the amount "R200" the amount "R300". I. J. CLAAEN, Chairman. P. L. CHOLTZ, Member. I. J. CHUITE, Additional Member. D. J. ODENDAAL, ecretary. Pretoria, 30 July (b) Los werknemer.-'n Los werknemer moet vir elke dagof gedeelte van 'n dag diens minstens cen vyfde betaal word van die weekloon voorgeskryf vir 'n werknemer in dieselfdc gcbied en van dieselfde ge5lag wat dieselfde klas werk, die wat van die los werknemer vereis word: Met dieil verstande dat (i) waar die werkgewer van 'n los werknemer verei8 om die werk te verrig van 'n kias. werknerner vir wie 'n loon teen 'n stygende skaal voorgeskryf word, die uitdrukking "weekloon" beteken die weekloon wat vir 'n gekwalifiseerde werknemer van daardie kias voorgeskryf word; (ii) waar die werkgewer van 'n los werknemer vereis om.vir 'n tydperk van hoogstens vier agtereenvolgende ure op enige dag te werk, sy loon met hoogstens 50 persent ten opsigte van daardie dag verminder kan word. (c) Deeltydse werknemer.-'n Deeltydse werknemer moet minstens twee derdes betaal word van die loon voorgeskryf Yir 'n werknerner in dieselfde gebied, van dieselfde klas en geslag en met dieselfde ondervinding. 3. In klousule 4 (6) (d) vervang die syfers "0,95", "0,45", "1,44)", "4,10", "1,95",00 "6;O" deur onderskeidelik die syiers "1,30", "0,70",,"2,00", "5,63", "3,04" en "8,67". 4. In klousule 5 (8) (a) vervang die bedrag "R200" deur die bed rag "&300". 1. J. CLAAEN, Voorsitter. P. L. CHOLTZ; Lid. I. J. CHUITE, Addisionele Ud. D. J. ODENDAAL,.ekretaris. Pretoria, 30 June No November 1976 WAGE ACT AMENDMENT OF WAGE DETERMINATION 352. TONE CRUHING INDUTRY, CERTAIN AREA By direction of the Minister of Labour, it is hereby notified. in terms of section 15 (2) read with sections 15 (6) and 13 (1) (a) of the Wage Act, 1957, that the Minister proposes to amend the above Wage Determination in accordance with the recommendation of the Wage Board which appears in the chedule hereto. No LOONWET November 1976 WYIGING VAN LOONVATELLING KLIP VERGRUIINGNYWERHEID, EKERE GEBIEDE In opdrag van die Minister van Arbeid word hierby kragtens artikel 15 (2) gelees met artikeis 15 (6) en 13 (1) (a) van die Loonwet, bekendgemaak dat die Minister voornemens is om boverrnelde Loonvasstelling te wysig ooreenkomstig die Loonraad se aanbeveling wat in die Bylae biervan verskyn.

10 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February No. 532B GOVERNMENT GAZETIE, 5 NOVEMBER 1976 All persons whose interests may be affected directly or indirectly are hereby invited, should they have any objections to the amendment of the said Determination, to looge such objections in writing, in eightfold, together with eight copies of all supporting documents, with the ecretary for Labour, Private Bag XII7, Pretoria, 0001, within 30 days from the date of publication of this notice. Note.-The report of the Wage Board pertaining to this recommendation is avai:able for perusal at the offices of the Divisional Inspectvrs, Department of Labour, Bloemfontein, Cape Town, Durban, East London, George, Johannesburg, Kimberley, Port Elizabeth and Pretoria. CHEDULE RECOM"fENDATION TO lhe HONOURARLE THE MINITER OF LABOUR BY DIVIION A OF THE \VAGE BOARD TONECRUHING INDUTRY, CERTATN AREA. AMENDMENT OF WAGE DETERMINATION 352 Wage Determination 352, tone crushing Industry, Certain Areas, published under Government Notice R. 577 of 13 April 1973, is hereby amended in accordance with the chedule hereto. CHEDULE 1. ubstitute the following for clause 3 (1) (a): (a) Employees other than casual employees: (i) In all areas (aa) (ab) Per week Per week R R Artisan ,17 68,08 Assistant crusherman ,52 54,51 Assistant quarryman ,52 54,51 Chauffeur.....,... 23,00 25,07 Clerk, female, unqualifiedduring first year's experience ,08 25,38 during second year's experience ,38 27,69 during third year's experience ,69 30,00 during fourth year's experience ,00 32,31 Clerk, female, qualified ,31 34,62 Clerk, male, unqualifiedduring first year's experience... 25,38 27,69 during second year's experience ,54 31,85 during third year's experience ,69 36,00 during fourth year's experience ,85 40,15 during fifth year's expelience ,00 44,31 Clerk, male, qualified..., ,15 48,46 Compound manager... _ _ ,04 61,18 Crusherman ,04 61,18 Handyman ,20 34,96 Plant operator ,13 31,97 Quarryman ,17 68,08.Alle persone wie se belange regstreeks of onregstreeks geraak mag word, word hierby die geleentheid gebied om. as hulle besware teen die wysiging van genoemde Vasstelling het, sodanige besware skriftelik, in agtvoud, tesame met agt afskrifte van aile ondersteunde dokumente, binne 30 dae vanaf die datum van publlkasie van hierdie kennisgewing by die ekretaris van Arbeid, Privaatsak X1I7. Pretoria, 0001, in te dien. Opmerking.-Die Loonraadverslag wat op hierdie aan beveling betrekking het, is beskikbaar vir insae by die kantore van die Afdelingsinspekteurs, Departement van Arbeid. Bloemfontein, Durban, George, Johannesburg, Kaapstad, Kimberley, Oos-Londen, Port Elizabeth en Pretoria. BYLAE AANBEVELING AAN Y EDELE DIE MINITER VAN ARBEID DEUR AFDELING A VAN DIE LOONRAAD KLIPVERGRUlINGNYWERHEID. EKERE GEBIEDE. WYIGING VAN LOONVATELLTNG 352 Loonvasstelling 352, Klipvergruisingsnywerheid, ekere Gebiede, gepubiiseer by Goewermentskennisgewing R. 577 van 13 April 1973, word hierby ooreenkomstig die Bylae hiervan gewysig. BYLAE 1. Vervang klousule 3 (1) (a) deur die volgende: "fa) Werknemers, uitgesonderd los werknemers: (i) In aile gebiede (aa) (ab) Per week Per week R R Ambagsman ,17 68,08 Assistent-vergruiserbediener ,52 54,51 Assistent groefopsigter ,52 54,51 Chauffeur ,00 25,07 Klerk, vrou, ongekwalifiseerdgedurende die eerste jaar ondervinding ,08 25,38 gedurende die tweede jaar ondervinding... 25,38 27,69 gedurende die derde jaar ondervinding ,69 30,00 gedurende die vierde jaar ondervinding... 30,00 32,31 Klerk, "rou, gekwasifiseerd..., ,31 34,62 Klerk, man, ongekwaslfiseerdgedurende die eerste jaar ondervinding ,69 gedurende die tweede jaar ondervinding... 29,54 31,85 gedurende die derde jaar ondervinding ,69 36,00 gedurende die vierde jaar ondervinding... 37,85 40,15 gedurende die vyfde jaar ondervinding ,00 44,31 Klerk, man, gekwaslfiseerd ,15 48,46 Kampongbestuurder ,04 61,18 Vergruiserbediener ,04 61,18 Faktotum ,20 34,96 lnstallasiebediener ,13 31,97 Groefopsigter ,17 68,08 (ii) In the Magisterial Districts of Balfour, D-~lmas, Heidelberg, Klerksdorp, Kroonstad, Odendaalsrus, Potchefstroom Virginia and Welkom In all other areas, including the Magisterial Districts of Goodwood, Kuil's River and Randburg (aa) (ab) (aa) (ab) Per week Per week Per week Per week R R R R Driver of a motor vehicle Class I, the unladen mass of which vehicle together with the unladen mass of any trailer drawn by such vehicle (i) does not exceed 450 kg ,63 20,47 23,00 25,07 (ii) exceeds 450 kg but not 2700 kg... 23,92 25,99 28,98 31,05 (iii) exceeds 2700 kg but not kg... 29,21 31,51 34,96 37,03 (iv) exceeds kg ,50 37,03 40,94 43,01 Driver of a motor vehicle Class II, the unladen mass of which vehicle together with the unladen mass of any trailer drawn by such vehicle (i) does not exceed kg ,85 23,92 25,99 28,06 (ii) exceeds kg ,15 25,99 28,98 31,05 Excavator driver, Class I, unqualified... 34,50 36,57 40,94 43,01 Excavator driver, Class I, qualified ,64 40,71 46,00 48,07 Excavator driver, Class II, unqualified... 27,60 29,67 32,43 34,30 Ellcavator driver, Class II, qualified ,74 34,04 36,57 38,64

11 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 No. if (iii) In the MaJ,isterial Districts of Bal our, Delmas In the Magisterial Districts In all other areas including Heidelberg, Klerksdorp, of Bloemfontein, East the Magisterial Districts of Kroonstad, Odendaalsrus, London, Kimberley and Goodwood, Kuil's River Potchefstroom, Virginia Pietermaritzburg and Ranuburg and Weikom, (aa) (ab) (aa) (ab) (aa) (ab) Per week Per week Per week Per week Per week Per week R R R R R R Boiler attendant ,48 19,09 19,09 20,93 21,39 23,46 Chargehand ,48 19,09 19,09 20,93 21,39 23,46 Grade I employee, unqualifiedduring first three months' experience ,79 18,40 18,40 20,24 20,70 22,71 during second three months' experience ,48 19,32 19,32 21,39 21,62 23,69 Grade I employee, qualified... 18,40 20,24 20,01 22,08 22,54 24,61 Gra<le II employee, unqualified ,10 17,71 17,71 19,55 19,78 21,85 Gra<le II employee, qualified... 16,79 18,40 18,40 20,24 20,47 22,54 Grade III employee '... 16,10 17,71 17,71 19,55 19,78 21,85 Induna ,09 20,93 20,70 22,77 23,23 25,53 Leading hand , 19,09 20,93 20,70 22,77 23,23 25,53 Labourerunder 18 years of age '... 11,73 12,88 12,88 14,03 14,26 15,87 18 years of age or over ,64 17,02 17,02 18,86 19,09 20,93 Tool clerk, unqualifiedduring first years' experience ,47 22,54 22,31 24,15 23,46 25,76 during second years' experience......,... 23,00 25,07 25,99 27,83 27,60 29,90 Tool clerk, qualified ,53 27,60 29,67 31,51 :H,74 34'04 Watchman ,48 19,09 19,09 20,93 21,39 23;46. Works clerk, unqualifiedduring first six months' experience ,55 21,62 21,39 23,69 22,54 24,84 during second six months' experience ,70 22,77 22,54 24,84 23, Works cleek, qualified ,85 23,92 23,69 25,99 24,84 27,14 Employee not specifically mentioned elsewhere in this subclause ,09 19,09 20,93 21,39 23,46 (aa) During the first year after this amendment becomes effective. (ab) Thereafter.", (ii) ---~ Drywer van 'n mototvoertuig, klas I, waarvan die onbelaste massa, saam met die onbclaste massa van ellise sleepwa wat deur sodanige voertuig getrek word (i) hoogstens 450 kg is ni} meer as 450 kg maar hoogstens 2700 kg is... (iii) meer as kg maar hoogstens 4500 kg is... (iv) meel' as kg is...,... Drywer van 'n motorvoertuig, kias II, waarvan die onbelastc massa, saam met die onbelaste massa van enige sleepwa wat deur sodanige voertuig getrek word 0) hoogstens kg is (ii) meer as kg is..... " " Graafmasjienbestuurder, klas I, ongekwalifiscerd... Graafmasjienbestuurder, klas I, gekwalifiseerd Graafmasjicnbestuurder, klas n, ongekwalifiseerd Graafmasjienbestuurder, klas II, gekwalifiseerd ".. In die landdrosdistrikte Balfour, Delmas, Heidelberg, Klerksdorp, Kroonstad. Odendaalsrus, Potchefstroom, Virginia en Welkom (aa) Per week R (ab) Per week R 18,63 20,47 23,92 2.5,99 29,21 31,51 34,50 37,03 21,85 23,92 24,15 25,99 34,50 36,57 38,64 40,71 27,60 29,67 31,74 34,04 In aile ander gebiede, met inbegrip van die landdrosdistrikte Goodwood. K~ilsrivier en Randburg (aa) Per week R (ab) Per week R 23,00 25,07 28,98 31,05 34,96 37,03 40,94 43,01 25,99 28,06 28,98 31 j 05 40,94 43,$)1 46,00 48,07 32,43 34,30 36,57 38,64

12 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 No.3:!8 (iii) Ketelbediener Onderbaas... Werknemer graad I, ongekwalifiseerdgedurende die eers~e drie maande ondervinding... gedurende die tweede drie maande ondervinding... Werknemer graad I, gekwalifiseerd.. ".... Werknemer graad n, ongekwalifiseefd Werknemer graad n, gekwalifiseerd..... Werknemer graad nl... Indoena... '... Groepleier... Arbelderonder 18 jaar jaar of Ouer..., Gereedskapklerk, ongekwalifiseerdgedurende die eerste jaar ondervinding... gedurende die tweede jaar ondervinding... Gereedskapklerk, gekwalifiseerd Wag Werkeklerk, ongekwalifiseerdgedurende die eerste ses maande ondervinding... gedurende die twrede ses maande ondervinding... Werkeklerk, gekwalifiseerd Werknemer nie elders in hierdie subklousule uitdruklik verrneld nie In die landdrosdistrikte Balfour, Delmas, Heidelberg, Klerksdorp, Kroonstad, Odendaalsrus, Potchefstroom, Virginia en Welkom (aa) Per week R 17,48 17,48 16,79 17,48 18,40 16,10 16,79 16,10 19,09 19,09 11,73 15;64 20,47 23,00 25,53 17,48 19,55 20,70 21,85 17,48 (ab) Per week R 19,09 19,09 18,40 19,32 20,24 17,71 18,40 17,71 20,93 20,93 12,88 17,02 22,54 25,07 27,60 19,09 21,62 22,77 23,92 19,09 In die landdrosdistrikte Bloemfontein, Oos-Londen" Kimberley en Pietermaritzburg (aa) Per week (ab) Per week R R 19,09 20,93 19,09 20,93 18,40 20,24 19,32 21,39 20,01 22,08 17,71 19,55 18,40 20,24 17,71 19,55 20,70 22,77. 20,70 22,77 12,88 14,03 17,02 18,86 22,31 24,15 25,99 27,83 29,67 31,51 19;09 20,93 21,39 23,69 22,54 24,84 23,69 25,99 19,09 20,93 In aile ander gebiede, met inbegrip van die landdrosdistrikte Goodwood, Kuilsrivier en Randburg (aa) Per week (lib) Per week R R 21,39 23,46 21,39 23,46 20,70 22,77 21,62 23,69 22,54 24,61 19,78 21,85 20,47 22,54 19,78 21,85 23,23 25,53 23,23 25,53 14,26 15,87 19,09 20,93 23,46 25,76 27,60 29,90 31,74 34,04 21,39 23,46 22,54 24,64 23,69 25,99 24,84 27,14 21,39 23,46 (aa) Gedurende die eerste jaar nadat hierdie wysiging van krag word. (ab) Daama.". 2 In clause 4 (6) (d) substitute the expressions "Rl,30", "RO,70", "R2,OO", "R5,63", "R3,04" and "R8,67" for the expre",~ions "RO,9", "RO,4", "RI,40", "R4,10", '''RI,95'' and "R6,O", respectively. 3. In clauses 5 (8) (f) (iii) and 11 substitute the expression "40 cents" for the.expression "2c". L J. CLAAEN, Chairman. P. L CHOLTZ, Member. I. J. CHUTIE, Additional Member. D. J. ODENDAAL, ecretary. Pretoria, 30 Juty In klousule 4 (6) (d), vervang die ultdrukkings "RO,9", "RO,4", "Rl,4O", "R4,10", "RL9", en "R6,05" deur onderskeidelik die uitdrukkings "Rl,30", "RO,70", "R2,OO", "R,63", "R3,04" en "R8,67", 3. In klousules 5 (8) (0 (iii) en 11, vcrvang die uitdrukking "25c" deur die uitdrukking "40 sent", I. J. CLAAEN, Voorsitter. P. L CHOLTZ, Lid. I. J. CHUT"IE, Bykomende Lid. D. J, ODENDAAL, ekretaris. Preioria 30 Julie DEPARTMENT Of NATIONAL EDUCATION No November 1976 DECLARATION OF A NATIONAL MONUMENT By virtue of the powers vested in me by section 10 (1) of the National Monuments Act, 1969 (Act 28 of 1969), I. Pieter Gerhardus Jaoobus Koornhm, Minister of Nationa:l Education, hereby doolare the historic Boschendal homestead at Groat-Drakenstein, bounded by the ringwall on the southern, western and northern sides and by the historic water furrow on the eastern side, including the manor~house and ring-waja, as well as a:ll the other outbuildings and structures thereon, to be a nationa:l monument. Description The historic Boschendal homestead at Groot Drakenstein. bounded by the ring-wall on the southern. western and northern sides and by the historic water furrow on the eastern side, including the manor-house and ring-wall, as well as ail the other outbuildings and structures thereon, situate on a oertain piece of freehold land in the Division of Paarl. being the remaining extent m the farm Champagne and measuring as such fifty-five (55) morgen and four hundred and fifty (450) square roods. Deed of Tmnsfer 2582/1902 (paragraph 38). dated DEPARTEMENT VAN NAIONALE OPVOEDING No N.)vemb.:r 1976 VERKLARING VAN 'N NAIONALE GEDENKWAARDIGHEID Kragtens die bevoegdheid my verieen by artikel 10 (I) van. die Wet op Nasiona:le Gedenkwaardighede, 1969 (Wet 28 van 1969), verklaar ek, Pieter Gerhardus Jacobus Koornhof. Minister van Nasionale Opvoeding, hierby die historiese Boschendal-plaasopstal by Groot-Drakenstein, begrens deur die ringmuur aail die suidelike, westelike en noordelike kant en deur die historiese watervoor aan die oostelike kant, met inregrip van die herehuis en ringmuur. asook al die ander buitegeboue en strukture daarop. tat nasionale gedenkwaardigheid. Beskrywing Die historiese Boschendal-plaasopstal by Groot Drakenstein, begrens deur die ringmuur aan die suide1ike. westelike en noordelike kant en deur die historiese watervoor aan die oostelike kant, met inbegrip van die herehuis en ringmuur. asook al die ander buitegeooue en stritkture daarop, gelee op sekere stuk vrypaggrond in die afdeling Paarl, synde die resterende gedeelte van die plaas Olampagne en groot as sodanig vyf-en-vyftig (55) morg en vierhonderd-oo-vyftig (450) vierkante roede. Transporiakte 2582/1902 (paragraaf 38). gedateer

13 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 '- staaikoerant, NOVEMBER t976' N Historical. and architectural. importance This farm was originally granted to the' Huguenot Jean Ie Long in 1685, Afterwards the property became the home O'f Jacques de Villiers and his wife Marguerite Gardio!' Their grandson, Paul, built the historic manorhouse in The farm remained in the possession of the De Villiers famhy until The H-shape:l manor~house, together with the outbuildings and ring-wah, form a unique and important Cape Dutch architectural group. (10/2/467.) P. G. J. KOORNHOF. Minister of National Education. No November 1976 DECLARAnON OF A NATIONAL MONUMENT By virtue of the powers vested in me by section 10 (1) of the National Monuments Act, 1969 (Act 28 of 1969), I, Pieter Gerhardus Jacobus Koornhof, Minister of National Education, hereby declare the property with the Dutch Reformed Church of Jeppestown thereon, in Johannesburg, tobe'a national monument. Description The property with the Dutch Reformed Church of leppestown thereon and described as tands 357 and 359, situate on the corner O'f Corrie and Op de Bergen treets in the Township of Fairview in Johananesburg. Deed of Transfer F6784/54. dated 23 June Historical and architectural. interest The foundation stone of this church was laid on 5 May 1906 by General Koos de Ja Rey and the building was officiahy consecrated on 26 January The high steeple, the stained glass windows and the gables of this church are IYJrticularly imposing from an architectural point of view. (10/2/287.) P. G. J. KOORNHOF, Minister of National Education. No November 1976 WITHDRAWAL OF GOVERNMENT NOTICE 336 OF 9 MARCH 1973-ACT 28 OF 1969 By virtue of the powers vested in me by section 10 (2) (by of the National Monuments Act (Act 28 of 1969), I, Pieter Gerhardus Jacobus Koomhof, Minister of National Education, hereby withdraw in its entirety Government Notice 336 of 9 March /2/287. P. G. J. KOORNHOF, Minister of National Education. No November 1976 DECLARAnON OF A NATIONAL MONUMENT By virtue oulle powers vested in me by section 10 (1) of the National Monuments Act, 1969 (Act 28 O'f 1969), l; Pieter Gerhardus Jacobus Koomhof, Minister of National Education, het"eby declare the historic Dutch Reformed Mother Church, situate on Erf at Newton, Kimberley, to be a nationaj. monument Description The' historic church building, known as the Newton Dutch Reformed Mother Church, situate on that portion of Erf 14280, Kimberley, in the Municipallty and Administrative District O'f Kimberley, as shown by the figures A B X W V U T P Q R L M NOon Diagram 4932/74. attached to Certificate of Consolidated Title 1040/1975, dated liistoriese en argitektoniese belang Hierdie plaas is o;)rspronklik in 1685 aan die Hugenoot Jean Ie Long toegeken. Daarna het die eiendom die tuiste geword van Jaques de Villiers en sy vrou Marguerite Gardiol. Hul kieinsetln, Paul, het in 1812 die herehuis gebou. Die pjaas het tot 1879 in die besit van die De ViIllers-hmUie gebly. Die H vorm:g:: t:crehuis, tes~me m"t die buitegeboue en ringmuur, vorm 'n unieke en belangrike Kaaps HolIandse argitektoniese kompleks. (10/2/467.) P. G. J. KCA.,)RNHOF, M:uister van Nasionale Opvoeding. No November 1976 VERKLARING VAN 'N NATONALE GEDENKWAARDIGHEID Keagtens die bevoegdhejd my verleen by artikel 10 (1) van die Wet op Nasionale Gedenkwaardig:bede; 1969 (Wet 28 van 1969), verklaar ek, Pieter Gerhardus Jacobus Koomhof. Ministet" van Nasionale Opvoeding. bierby die eiendom met die Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerkvan Jeppestown daarop, in Johannesburg, tot nasionale gedenkwaardigheid. Beskrywing Die eiendom met die Ncderduits Gereformeerde Kerk van Jeppestown daarop enbeskryf as tandplase 357 en 359, gelee oj> clie hoek van Corrie- en Op de Bergensttaat in die dorpsgebied Fairview in Johannesburg. Transportakte F6784/54, gedateer 23 Junie ljistoriese en argitektoniese belong Hierdie kerk se hoeksteen is op 5 Mei 1906 deur generaal Koos de la Rey gele en die gebou is op 26 lanuarie 1907 amptelik ingewy. Veral indrukwek.kend wat die argitektuur betref. is die hoe toring, die gebrandskilderde glasvensters en die gewels van hierdie kerk. (10/2/287.) P. G. J. KOORNHOF, Minister van Nasionale Opvoeding. No November 197~ INTREKKING VAN GOEWERMENTKENNIGE WING 336 VAN 9 MAART 1973-(WET 28 VAN 1969) Kragtens die bevoegdheid my verleen by artikel 10 (2) (b) van die Wet op Nasionale Gedenkwaardighede, 1969 (Wet 28 van 1969), trek ek,. Pieter Gerhardus Jacobus Koornhof, Minister van Nasionale Opvoeding, hierby Goewermentskennisgewing 336 van 9 Maart 1973 in 8y geheel in. (10/2/287.) P. G. J. KOORNHOF, Minister van Nasionale Opvoeding. No November'.976 VERKLARING VAN'N NAIONALE GEDENKWAARDIGHEID Kragtens die bevoegdheid my verleen by artikel 10(1) van die Wet op Nasionale Gedeukwaardighede, 1969 (Wet 28 van 1969), ver1claar ek, Pieter Gerhardus Jacobus Koornhof, Minister van Nasionale Opvoeding, hiet"by die historiese Nederduitse Gereformeerde Moederkerk. gelee op Erf te Newton, Kimberley, tot nasionale gedenkwaardigbeid. Beskrywing Die historiese kerkgebou bekend as die Nederduitse Gerefonneerde Moederkerk, Newton, gelee op daardie gedeelte van Erf 14280, Kimberley, in die munisipaliteit en administratiewe distrik Kimberley, soos getoon denr die figuur A B X W V U T P Q R L M N 0 op Diagram 4932/74 aangeheg aan ertifikaat van Gekonsolideerde Tite! 1040/1975. gedateer

14 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February No. GOVERNMENT G~ElTE, 5 NOVEMBER 1976 Historical and architectural interest. The historic Dutch Reformed Mother Church at Newton, Kimberley, was built in three stages. The origin~l church was designed by the Rev. J. D. Kesten, who was Minister in Kimberley between 1882 and The building wa.<; dedicated May (10/2/469.) P. G. J. KOORNHOF, Minister of National Education. No November 1976 DECLARATION OF A NATIONAL MONUMENT By virtue of the powers vested in me by section 10 (1) of the National Monuments Act, 1969 (Act 28 of 1969), I. Pieter Gerhardus Jacobus Koarnbof, Minister of National Education, hereby declare certain Portion B of Reserve 2, with the historic house known as t Margaret's thereon, situate in the Township of Parktown Johannesburg. to be a national monument. Description Certain Portion B of Reserve 2, with the historic house known as t Margaret's thereon, situate in the Township of Parktown. District of Johannesburg and measuring 5867 (five thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven) square metres. Deed of Transfer 8168/1972, dated Architectural interest This mansion was designed in 1904 by ir Herbert Baker. In 1930 and 1937 further additions were made, which were designed by Baker's former partner. F. L. H. Fleming. The house, which is built of dressed mountain stone. is situated in a spacious garden and forms an essential part of the urban planning that gives Parktown its character. (10/2/468.) P. G. J. KOORNHOF. Minister of National Education. No November 1976 DECLARATION OF A NATIONAL MONUMENT By virtue of the powers vested in me by section 10 (1) of the National Monuments Act, 1969 (Act 28 of 1969), L Pieter Gerhardus Jacobus Koornhof. Minister of National Education. hereby declare Ed 1289 with the historic buildings thereon, at the corner of Dorp and Van Ryneveld streets, fellenbosch. to be a national monument. Description Certain piece of land, situate in the Municipality and Division of tellenbosch, with the historic buildings thereon. being Erf tellenbosch, formerly known as Portion 1 of Lot 00, and measuring as such five thousand eight hundred and nine (5 809) square feet Deed of Transfer / 1954, dated 30/6/1954 Historical and architectural interest This typical town house with slave quarters originally dates from the eighteenth century. The building was altered to its present form in 1813 when it became the residence of the ecretary to the College of Landdrost and Heemraden 10/2/466. P. J. G. KOORNHOF, Minister of National Education. DEPARTMENT OF THE PRIME MINITER No November 1976 It is hereby notified that the tate President has been pleased to appoint the Honourable Barend Johannes van der Walt, whose term of office as Administrator of outh West Africa expired on 31 October 1976, again to that office with effect from 1 November 19'16. Histori~e en argitektoniesebelang Die historiese Nederduitse Gereformeerde Moederkerk te Newton, Kimber-ley. is in drie fases gebou. Die OOfspronklike kerk is ontwerp deur <Is. J. D. Kestell wat tussen 1882 en 1893 predikant te Kimberley was. Die gehou is op 29 Mei 1886 ingewy. (10/2/469.) P. G. J. KOORNHOF, Minister van Nasionale Opvoeding. No November 1976 VERKLARING VAN 'N NAIONALE GEDENKWAARDIGHEID Kragtens c1:e bevoegdheid my verleen by artikel 10 (1) van die Wet op Nasionale GOOenb'vaard ighede, 1969 (Wct 28 van 1069), verklaar ek, Pieter Gerhadus Jacobus Koornhof, Minister van Nasionale Opvoeding, hierby sekere GeJeeHe B van Reserwe 2. met die historiese huis bekend as t Margaret's daarop, gelee in dle dorpsgebie1 Parktown, Johannesburg, tot naslonale gedenkwaardigheid. Beskrywing ekere Gedeelte B van Reserwe 2, met die his!oriese huis bekend as t. Margaret's daarop, gc1ec in die dorpsgebied Parktown, distrik Johannesburg. en groot (vyfduisend agthonderd sewe-en-se1>tig) vierkante meter. Transportakte 8168/1972, gedateer Argitektoniese belang Hicrdie herehuis is in 1904 deur sir Herbert Baker ontwerp. Verdere aanbouings in 1930 en 1937 is deur Baker se eertydse vennoot, F. L. H. Fbming, ontwerp. Die huis, wat van gekapte bergs teen gebcu is, is in 'n ruim tuin gelee en vorm 'n essensiele deel van die stooeboukundigc karakter van Parktown. (10/2/468.) P. G. J. KOORNHOF. Minister van Nasionalc Opvoeding. No November 1976 VERKLARING VAN '~ NAIONALE GEDENKWAARDIGHEID Kragtens die bevoegdheid my verleen by artikel 10 (1) van die Wet op Nasionale Gedenkwaafdighede, 1969 (Wet 28 van 1969), verklaar et, Pieter Gerhardus Jacobus Koornhof. Minister van Nasionale Opvoeding, hierby Erf 1289, met die historiese geboue daaro;,). op die hoek van Dorp- en Van Ryneveldstraat, teilenbosch, tot nasionale gedenkwaardigheid. Beskrywing ekere stuk grond, gelee in die munisipalitiet en afdeling tellenbosch. met die historiese geboue daarop, synde Erf 1289, tellenbosch, voorheen bekend as Gedeelte 1 van Perseel G en groot as sodanig vyfduisend agthonderd-en-nege (5 809) vierkante vo::!t. Transportakte /1954, gedateer 30/6/1954. liistoriese en argitekloniese belang Hierdie tipiese dorpshuis met slawekwartiere datcer oorspronklik uit die agtiende eeu. Die gebou is in 1813 in sy huidige vorm verander toe dit die wq,;nhuis van die ekretaris van die Kollei!e van Landdros en Heemrade geword het. 10/2/466. ~ P. J. G. KOORNHOF, Minister van Nasionale Opvoeding. DEPARTEMENT VAN Dn: E~RTE MiNITER No November 1976 Hierby word bekendgemaak dat dit die taatspresident behaag het om y Edele Barend Johannes van der Walt, wie so ampstermyn as Administrateur van uidwes-afrika op 31 Oktober 1976 verstryk het, met ingang van 1 November 1976 weer in daardie amp aan te ste!.

15 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 faatkoellant. 5 NOVEMBER 1976 No. I DEPARTMENT Of RAILWAY AND HARBOUR No November 1976 OUTH AFRICAN RAILWAY AND HARBOUR 1, tefanus Louwrens Muller. Minister of Transport of the Republic of ooth Africa, hereby declare in terms of section 72A of the Railways and Harbours Control and Management (Consolidation) Act, 1957 (Act 70 of 1957), that certain land at Vereeniging. Transvaal. bellonging to the Railway Administration (a) which is situatal to the west of Vereeniging Railway tation. between the said station and Union troot, as indicated on Plan 1034, available for inspection at the offices of the Town Oerk of Vereeniging and the y~tem Manager, outh African Railways. Johannesburg, (hereinafter referred to as the "premises")~ and (b) which has been leased to the Town Council of Vereeniging from 1 January 1953 for a period of 25 years, with the option of renewal of the lease for further consecutive periods of five years. for the purpose of providing and maintaining gardens. roads. public conveniences and bus shelters; shall, for the purpose of the tandard treet and Miscellaneous By-laws, promulgated by Administrator's Notice 368 of 14 March 1973, treet Vendors By-laws. promulgated by Administmtnr's Notice 262 of 3 April Public Health By-laws. promulgated by Administrator's Notice 11 of 12 January 1949, Licensing of Hoardings. Advertising igns and Devices By..llaws, promulgated by Administrator's Notice 611 of 31 December 1941, and Traffic By-laws of the Vereeniging Municipal1ty approved by the Lieutenant-Governor of Transvaal on 7 eptember 1904, and any amendments of the said by-laws, be deemed to be a public street or public place under the control of the Town Councii of Veceeniging, and that it shall be comp;!tent for the said Town Coundl to exercise, with respect to the premises. a.1i such 'powers as it is entitladunder the said by-iaws to exercise with regard to public streets and public places under its control. igned at Pretoria tbis 6th day of October L. MULLER, Minister of Transport. No November 1976 RAILWAY AND HARBOUR DEPARTMENT The tate President has been pleased to approve, in terms of section 102 of the Republic of outh Africa Constitution Act, 1961, of the re-appointment of Mr Cornelius Valkenoorg de Villiers as a Commissioner on the Railwavs and Harbours Board with effect from 1 De..."ember DEPARTEMENT VANPOORWEe EN HAWEN No November 1976 UID-AFRIKAANE POORWEE EN HAWEN Ek, tefanus Louwrens Muller, Minister van Vervoer van die RepubJiek van uid-afrika, verldaar hi~,. kragtens die bepalings van artikei.72a van die KonsoItdasiewet op die Beheer en Bestuur van poorwee en Hawens, 1957 (Wet 70 van 1957). dat sekere grond, die eiendom van die poorwega.dministmsie. op Vereeniging. Transvaal (a) wat wes van die Vereenigingspoorwegstasie. tussen gem.:;.lde stasie en Unionstraat ge1ee is, soos aangedui op Plan 1034 wat ter insae Ie in die kantoor van die tadsklerk van Vorceniging. en die van die AfdelingsbestuunIer, uid-afrikaanse poorwee en Hawens, Johannesburg (hiema genoem die uperseel"): en (b) wat van 1 Januarie 1953 af vir 'n tydperk van 25 jaar, met die opsie om die ooreenkoid te hernieu vir verdere opeenvolgende tydperke van vyf jaar. aan die tadsraad van Verceniging verhuur is vir die voor siening en instandhouding van tuine, paaie, openbare tohetgeriewe asoo-k busskuhings; vir die doel van die tandaard traat en Diverse Verordeninge afgekondig in Administrateurskennisgewing 368 van 14 Ma'1rt Verordeninge in verband met trnat verkop~rs afgekondig in AdministrateurskennisgewJtlg 262 van 3 April 1957, Publieke Geson;:lheidsverordeninge afgekondig in Admilli~trateurskennisgewing 11 van 12 Januarie 194Q, Verordcninge vir die Lisensiering van Advertensleskuttings, Advertensietekens en Toestelle afge. kondig in Administrateurskcnnisgewing 611 van 31 Desember 1941 en Verkeersverordeninge van die Munisipaiitdt van Vereeniging soos goedgekeur deur die luitenant-goev,:emeur van Transvaal op 7 eptember 1904, en enige wysigings van die gemeide verordeninge, as 'n openbare straat of openbare pick onder die beheer van die tad$lraad van Vereeniging geag sal word, en dat die genoemd~ stadsraad bevoeg sal wees om met betrekking tot die perseel a1 die bevoeg{)hede uit te oofen wat by ingevo:ll!"e sodanige verordeninge mag Idtoofen met betrekking tot open bare strate en openbare piekke onder sy beheer. Geteken te Pretoria op hede die 6de dag van Oktober L. MULLER, Minister van Vervoer. No November 1976 DEPARTEMENT VAN POORWEit EN HAWEN Dit het die taatspresident behaag om ingevolge artikel 102 van die Grondwet van die Republiek van uid-afrika, goedkeuring te verleen aan die heraanstolling van mnr. Cornelius Valkenburg de Villiers as 'n Kommissaris in die poorweg- en Haweraad met ingang 1 Desember GENERAL NOTICE NOTICE 716 OF 1976 INDUTRIAL mnciliation ACT, 1956 APPLICATION FOR VARIATION OF CDPE OF REGITRATION OF AN EMPLOYER' ORGANI ATION. I, Johannes Nicolaas Hitchcock, Industrial Registrar, do hereby, in terms of section 4 (2), as applied by section 7 (5) of the above-mentioned Act. give notice that an application for the variation of its scope of registration has been received from th~ Employers' Association of the Cinematograph and Theatre Industry of outh Africa. Particulars of the application are reflected in the subjoined table..algemene KENNIGEWING KENNIGEWING 716 VAN 1976 WET OP NYWERHEIDVEROENING, 1956 AANOEK OM VERANDERING VAN DIE REGI TRAIEBETEK V AN 'N WERKGEWERORGANI AIE Ek, Johannes Nirolaas Hitchcock, Nywerheidsregistra teur, ll)aak ingevolge artike! 4 (2) soos toegepas by artikcl 7 (5) van bogenoemde Wet, hierby bekend dat 'n aansoek om die verandering van sy registraslebestek ontvang is van die Employers' Association of the Cinematograph and Theatre Industry of outh Africa. Besonderhede van die aansook word in onderstaande tabel verstrek.

16 ; l Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February No. GOVERNMENT GAZETI'E, 5 NOVEMBER 1976 Any registered employers' organisation which objects to the application is invited to lodge its objection, in writing. with me, c/o the Department of Labour, Laboria Buildings. corner of Paul Kruger and :.:hoeman treets, Pretoria (postal address: Private Bag XII7, Pretoria, 0001), within one month of the date of publication of this notice. TABLE Name of employers' organisation.-employer~' Association of the Cinematograph and Theatre Industry of outh Africa. Date On which application was lodgcd.-15 June Interests in respect of which application is made. (a) Employers engaged in the Cinematograph and Theatre Indu~try. as defined hereunder. who are also engaged in the sale and/or provision to persons attending cinema performances or theatrical productions. on the premises of and by the establishment providing such performances or productions. of literature pertaining to that Industry and/or anyone or more of the following commodities for consumption on such premises. viz.: Edibles. beverages. cigarettes. cigars. tobacco and matches. including all operations incidental to or consequent on any of the aforesaid activities: Provided that it sha;jl not include the sale and/or provision of the articles reflected above. on or from premises which are open to the public for trading during periods when the cinema or theatre on whose premises such sa.le and / or provision is carried out. is closed to the public. (b) Employers engaged in the buying, selling, hiring. maintaining. repair ng. distributing or equipping of any one or more of the fallowing articles. viz.: Films. sl!des. projectors. accessories. spares. recording materials and equipage used in the Cinematograph and Theatre Industry. as defined hereunder. induding all operations incidentllll to or consequent on any of the aforesaid activ1t;es. but excluding the sale. from a shop. of unexposej fiim. "Cinematograph and Theatre Industry" means. wit'hout in any 'tvay limitin~ the ordinary meaning of the expression. the Industry in which employers and employees are associated for the purpose of rroviding enterta'nment to the public through the optical and lor electronic andior auditory transmission of films and/or theatrica,i productions. including all operations incidental to or consequent on any of those activities but excluding the provision of entertainment by actors in live shows or the exhibition of films by religions or charitable institutions or when not for gain. Area in respect of which application is made.-the Magisterial District of Pretoria.. Postal address of applicant.-p.o. Box 6649, Johannesburg. 2000~. Office address of applicant Africa House. corner of Rissik and Kerk treets. Johannesburg. Attention is drawn to the following requirements of sections 4 and 7 of the Act:.(a) The representativeness of any employers' organisation which objects to the application shah in terms of section 4 (4) as applied by section 7 (5) be determined on the facts as they existed at the date on which the application was lodged and. as far as membership is concerned. o~ly members who were in good standing in terms of section 1 (2) of the Act as at the aforesaid date shall be taken into consideration. (b) The procedure Iaid down in section 4 (2) must be followed in connection with any objection lodged. J. N. HITCHCOCK. Industrial Registrar. (5 November 1976) Bnige- geregistreerde werkgewersorganisasie wat teen die aansoek beswaar maak. word versoek om binne een maand na die datum van pu:blikasie van hierdie kennisgewing sy beswaar skriftelik by my in te dien, pia die Departement van Arbeid. La,boriagebou. hoek van Paul Kmgeren choemanstraat. Pretoria (posadres: Privaatsak XII7. Pretoria. 0001). TABEL Naam van werkgewersorganisasie.-employers' Association of the Cinematograph and Theatre Industry of outh Africa. Datum wcu/rop aansoek ingedien is.-i5 Junie Belange ten opsigte waarvan aansoek gedoen word. (a) Werkgewersbetrokke by die Bioskoop- en kouburgbedryf. soos hieronder omskryf, wat ook betrokke is by die verkoop enlof verskaffing aan personc wat bioskoop vertonings of toneelopvoerings bywoon. op die perseel van en by die bedryfsinrigting wat sodanige vertonings of opvoerings aanbied. van leesstof wat op daardie Bedryf betrekking het en/of een of meer van die volgende ware vir verbmik op sodanige persele. naamek e:;tware, dranke. sigarette. sigare. tabak en vuurhoutjies. met iqbegrip van aue werksaamhede wat gepaard gaan met of voortspruit uit enige van voornoemde bedrywighede: Met dien verstande dat dit Die die verkoop en/of verskaffing van die ware hietbo genoem op of vanuit persele wat vir die publiek oop is vir handel gedurende tydperke wanneer die bioskoop of skouburg op die perseel waarvan sodanige verkoop en/of verskaffing uitgevoer word. vir die publiek gesluit is. ins-luit nie. (b) Werkgewers betrokke by die koop, verkoop. huur. onderhoud. herstel. verspreiding of uitrusting van cen of meer van die volgende. naamlik rolprente. skyfies. projektors. toobehore. onderdele. opnee.mmateriaal en uitrusting wat gebruik word in die Bioskoop- en kouburgbedryf, OD hieronder omskryf, met inb.~grip van aile werksaamhede wat gepaard gaan met of voortspruit uit enige van voornoemde bedrywighede, maar uitgesonderd die verkoop, vanuit 'n winkel. van onbeligte film. "Bioskoop- en kouburgbedryf" beteken. sonder om die gewone betekenis van die uitdrukking enigerwyse te beperk. die Bedryf waarin werkgewers en werknemers met mekaar geassosieer is met die doe} om vermaaklikheid aan die publiek te verskaf deur middd van die visuele en/of elektroniese en/of ouditiewe aanbieding van rolprente eniof toneelopvoerings. met inbegrip van aile werksaa:mhede wat gepaard gaan met of voortspruit uit enige van hierdie bedrywighede, maar uitgesonderd die verskaffing van vennaaklikheid deur akteurs in regstreekse opvoerings of die vertoning van rolprente deur kerklike of Jiefdadigheidsorganisasies of wanneer nie vir wins nie. Gebied ten opsigte waarvan aansoek gedoen word. Die landdrosdistrik Pretoria. Posadres van applikant.-posbus Johannesburg Kantooradres van applikant.-africa House hoek van Rissik- en Kerkstraat, Johannesburg. Die aandag \YOrd gevestig op onderstaande vereistes van artikeis 4 en 7 van die W~ (a) Die mate waarin 'n beswaarmakende werkgewersorganisasie verteenwoordigend is, \YOrd ingevolge artikel 4 (4). soos toegepas by artikel 7 (5). bepaal volgens die feite OOs hulle bestaan het op die datum waarop die aansoek ingedien is, en wat die lidmaatskap betref, word a:lleen lede wat ingev(jlge artikel 1 (2) van die Wet op voonnelde datum voiwaard'ig was, in aanmerking geneem. (b) Die prosedure soos voorgeskryf by artikel4 (2) moet gevolg word in ver!band met 'n beswaar wat ingedien word. J. N. HITCH(X)CK. Nywerheidsregistrateur. ( November 1976)

17 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 l'aatkoerant, 5 NOVEMBER 1976 No. ' 17 NOTICE 718 OF 1976-KENNlGEWING" 718 VAN 1976 DEPARTMENT OF CUTOM AND EXCIE-DEPARTEMENT VAN DOEANE EN AKYN PRELIMINARY TATEMENT OF TRADE TATITIC OF THE REPUBLIC OF OUTH AFRICA VOORLOPIGE OPGAWE VAN HANDELTATIllEK VAN DIE REPUBLIEK VAN UID-AFRIKA Remark.-Figures relating to the physical movement of gold bullion are not included in the trade statistics Opmerking.-yfers i.v.m. fisiese beweging van staafgoud is nie by die handelstatistiek ingesluit nie PERIOD: JANUARY TO EPTEMBER 1976-TYDPERK: JANUARIE TOT EPTEMBER 1976 TABLE A.-TOTAL IN MILLION RAND ACCORDING TO WORLD ZONE, HIP' AND AIRCRAFT TORE AND. UNCLAIFIED GOOD TABEL A.-TOTALE IN MILJOEN RAND VOLGEN W.RELDTREKE, KEEP- EN VLIEGTUIGVOORRADE EN ONGEKLAIFIEERDE GOEDERE World zones-wereldstreke Imports--Invoere q Exports-Uitvgere Africl:i-Afrika..... " ,, ,7 183,3 344,9 328,0 Europe-Europa ,4 2422,4 1872,0 1593,9 America-Amerika; ,0 814,5 529,6 464,7 Asia-Asii ,4 I 592,5 554,3 495,3 Oceania-Oseanie ,6 I 71,2 32,8 24,7 Other unclassified goods-ander ongeklassifiseerde goedere ,2 21,9 3,2 1,5 hips'iaircraft stores--keeps-/vliegtuigvoorrade grand Total"':"GroottotaaJ ,8 TABLE B.-TOTAL IN MILLTON RAND ACCORDING TO ECTION OF THE BTN TABEL B.-TOTALE IN MILJOEN RAND VOLGEN AFDELTNG VAN DIE BTN eetions-afdelings Imports:-Invoere (p.5.01) 19,5 22,1 335'6,3 2840,2 Exports-Uit"'~r.e I. Live animals; animal products Lewende diere; dierlike produkte... 28,5 44,7 78,0 50,3 II. Vegetable products Plantaardige produkte..,..... ~ ,5 77, ,2 Ill. Animal and vegetable fats and oils and their cleavage products; prepared edible fats; animal and vegetable waxes Dierlike en plantaardige vette en olies en splitsprodukte daarvan; voorbereide spysvette; dierlike en plantaardige wasse... 29,2 21,5 16,1 17;3 IV. Prepared foodstuffs; beverages, spirits and vinegar; tobacco Voorbereide voedsel; dranke, spiritus en asyn; tabak ,1 77,1 371,4 393,2 V. Mineral products Mineraalprodukte ,4 57,2 410,1.. 2?4~2 VI. Products of the chemical and allied industries Produkte van die chemiese en verwante nywerhede ,2 ".' 123, I " 97,8 VII. Artificial resins and plastic materials, cellulose esters and ethers, and articles thereof; rubber, synthetic rubber, factice, and articles thereof Kunsharse en -plastiekstowwe, sellulose-esters en -eters, en artikels daarvan; rubber, sintetiese rubber, faktis, en artikels daarvan ,4 143,9 17,4,.;Q,3., VIII. Raw hides and skins, leather, furskins and articles thereof; saddlery and harness; travel goods, handbags and the like; articles of gut (other than silk-worm gut) '" Ongelooide huide en velie, leer, pelsvelle en artikels daarvan; saal- en tuiemakersware; reisartikels; handsakke en dergelike houers; artikels van dcrm (uitgesonderd sywurmsnaar)... 23,5 15,3 59,3 33,2 IX. Wood and articles of wood; wood charcoal; cork and articles of cork; manufactures of straw, of esparto and of other plaiting materials; basketware and wickerwork. Hout en artikels van hout; houtskool; kurk en artikels van kurk; fabrikate van strooi, van esparto en van ander vlegwerkstowwe; mandjicvierk en vlegwerk... 44,6 39,6 10,8 3,2. X. Paper-making material; paper and paperboard and articles thereof towwe vir die vervaardiging van papier; papier en papierbord en artikels daarvan ,5 124,0 63,8 XI. Textiles and textile articles Tekstiele en tekstielartike1s ,0 239,7 162, ,0

18 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 II No.328 GOVERNMENT GAZElTE, NOVEMBER ections-mdelings Imports-Invoere XII. Footwear, headgear, umbrellas, sunshades, whips, riding-crops and parts thereof; prepared feathers and articles made therewitb; artificial flowers; articles of human hair; fans koeisel, hoofdeksels, sammie, sonsambrele, swepe, ryswepe en onderdele daarvan; bereide vere en artikels daarvan gemaak; kurtsblomme; artikels van mensehaar; waaiers... 25,6 20,3 2,0 XIIL Articles of stone, of plaster, of cement, of asbestos, of mica and of similar materials; ceramic products; glass and glassware Artikels van klip, van gips. van sement, van asbes, van mika en van dergelike stowwe; keramiese produkte; glas en glasware... 55,9 51,6 15,3 XIV. Pearls. precious and semi-precious stones, precious metals, rolled precious metals, and articles thereof; imitation jewellery; coin Perels, edel en halfedelstene, edelmetale, gewalste edelmetale, en artikels daarvan; nagemaakte juweliersware; muntstukke ,2 52,0 669,4 XV. Base metals and articles of base metal OnedelriletaIe en artikels daarvan ,8 446,4 593,2 XVI. Machinery and mechanical appliances; electrical equipment; parts thereof Masjinerie en meganiese toestelle; elektriese toerusting; onderdele daarvan , ,9 105,6 xvn. Vehicles, aircraft, and parts thereof; vessels and certain associated transport equipment Voertuie, vliegtuie en onderdele daarvan; vaartuie en sekere verwante vervoel'toerusting ,0 804,8 43,2 XVIIL Optical, photographic, cinematographic, measuring, checking, precision, medical and surgical instruments and apparatus; clocks and watches; musical instruments, sound recorders and reproducers; parts thereof Optiese, fotografiese, kinematografiese, meet-, kontrole-, presisic-, mediese en chirurgiese instrurnente en apparaat; uurwerke en horlosies; musickinstrumente; televisiebeeld- en klankopnemers en -weerge~lers, magneties; onderdele daarvan. " ,1 I 144,4 13,4 XX. Miscellaneous manufactured articles Diverse vervaardigde artikels... 36,0 32,0 2,1 XXI. Works of art, collectors' pieces, and antiques Kunswerke, versamelaarsstukke en antieke ,6 12,2 6,9 Other unclassified goods Ander ongeklassifiseerde goedere... 41,9 39,4 223,2 ( November 1976) Grand Total-Groottotaal , ,3 Exports-Uitvoere ,1 9,7 721,6 357, ,7 9,7 1,9 9,0 202,0 2J'!OJ.2 NOTICE 717 OF 1976 DEPARTMENT OF TATITIC The ecretary for tatistics notifies for general information that the Consumer Price Index for eptember 1976 is as follows: CONUMER PRICE INDEX, ALL ITEM Base: April 1970=100 Area Index 1. Cape Town _ ,9 2. Port Elizabeth ,9 3. East London ,0 4. Kimberley ,8. Pietermaritzburg ,3 6. Durban ,0 7. Pretoria ,4 8. Witwatersrand ,0. 9. Bloemfontein ,6 10. Vaal Triangle ,6 11. O.F.s. Goldfields ,5 Weighted average of the 11 areas ,3 EXPLANATORY NOTE The Consumer Price Indexes do not permit of interurban comparisons of price levels or living costs. They do not indicate whether it is more expensive to live in one city than in another. They indicate for each urban area, independently, the price changcs which have taken place from time to time. (5 November 1976) KENNIGEWING 717 VAN 1976 DEPARTEMENT VAN TATITIEK Die ekretaris van latistiek maak vir ajgemcnc inligting bekend dat die Verbruikersprysindeks vir eptember 1976 soos volg is: VERBRUIKERPRYINDEK, ALLE ITEM Basis: April 1970=100 Gebied Indeks 1. Kaapstad ,9 2. Port Elizabeth ,9 3. Oos-Londen ,0 4. Kimberley ,8 5. Pietermarilzburg ,3 6. Durban ,0 7. Pretoria ,4 8. Witwatersrand ,0 9. Bloemfontein ,6 10. Vaaldriehoek ,6 11. O.V..-goudvelde ,5 Beswaarde gcmiddelde van die 11 gebiede ,3 VERDUIDELIKENDE OPMERKING Die Verbruikersprysindckse laat nie tussenstedelike vergelyking van pryspeile of lewenskoste toe nie. Die indekse toon nie of dit duurder is om in cen stad as in 'n ander te woon nie. Die indekse toon vir elke stedelike gebied onafhanklik, prysverandedngs wat van tyd tot tyd plaas gevind het. (5 November 1976)

19 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 ; I'AATKOBRANT, 5 NOVBMBBR 1976 No. u NOTICE 720 OF 1976-KENNIGBWING 720 VAN 1976 QUARTBRLY RETURN OF BRAND REGITERED FROM 1 JULY 1976 TO 30 EPTEMBER 1976 KWARTAALLIKB OPGAWB VAN BRANDMERKE GBREGITREER VANAF 1 JULIE 1976 TOT 30 EPTEMBER 1976 Brand Brandmerk C CA CCB CCC C CD C C E CCF C C C Cit C C I C c" cel( CCL CeM c en C co C C P o CQ CCR C C CCT C cu CCV cew C Cl( C cv cez COA COB CDC COD ODE CDF coa CDH C D I COd COK CDL COM CON CDO COP CDQ CDR CD COT CDU CDV CDW COX COY CDZ CEA CEB cr.:: C OED CEE C E F CEG CEH eel CEil CEi( CEl CEM CEN CEO ClEP CEQ IJER eea CET CEU CEV (lew GEX CEY CEZ Name of owner Naam van eienaar D. R. Weeber M. C. Botha F. Huisman G.. Botha Nyalong Eiendomsreg (Edms.) Bpk.... E. Wright A. N. Helberg.... Roodepan kutmeester J. Ivleno M. J. Monene R. E. M0gobye Klaserie Farming Co yferland Estates (Edms.) Bpk.... B. D. OerIemans J. Makua D. Phuduhudu ; B. A. Kloppers < J. J. choonbee M. H. enne.... H. F. ekete P. C. Viljoen B. W. Mei J. A. N. Putter N. K. Pheto J.. Molebatse Dierebeskermingsvereniging H. J. H. Rheeders L. M. Pieterse P. D. Niemandt J. Malan Walls & \Valls.... M. J. Dibakaane M. Erasmus (mev.) N. Konapi C. P. Lawrence '"... P. H. Holtzhausen C. P. de Leeuw & Vennote Plaasbedrywighede... C. E. K.leynhan.<; P. J. D. Erasmus.... M. 1. Motsie.... L. I. Molaole A. Diole P.. Roos D. F. teyn M. A. etshedi tilfontein kul.... R. de Villiers C. P. B. Rootman.... John Poo1e Farming Co. (Pty) Ltd P. Duma... T. G. J. ehoeman T. D. Mekgoe.... D. E. Brits.... A. G. Mosime K. J. Mofokcng P. I. Mofok;!lg......,. J. M. Engdnrecht..... B. D. Mllkeketa B. L. Hcyncke P. D. J. Ehlers.... T. Alberts J. J. Arangies.... F. D. du Plooy L. C. v. d. Merwe J. J. Madlala... " \V. Lubbe H.. de Beer..... J. H. Viviers M. L.Kwakwa '" G. P. M. Joubert P.. El'L < J. C. J. van chalkwyk.... C. <R. Venter Radebe Boutlwile P. Tslolo T. L. Besit..... J.. M. Mogodie Address Adres Posbus 1604, Pietersburg..... Posbus 28, Rustenburg Flowerstraat 390, Capital Park, Pretoria Posbus 28, Rustenburg..... Pk. Mabeskraal, Rmtenburg.... Posbus 73, Rosslyn... <.,,, Posbus 161, Carolina.... Tweede Laan 35, Linden, Johannesburg Posbus 1261, Rustenburg..., '" Pk. wartfontein..., Pk. Gedenk P.O. aulspoort Bosloeriestraat 43, Waverley-uitbreiding, Pretoria.... Posbus 2862, Pretoria Posbus 1875, Pietersburg Pk. Mossiesdal, distrik Groblersdal Privlite Bag 814, Vryburg Posbus 10, Boshoek Pk. Boshoek P.O. Phokeng P.O. Phokeng Ben Viljocnstraat 332, Pretoria-Noord Ga-Tlhose, distrik Kuruman.... Posbus 705, Brits P.O. Box 687, Rustenburg P.O. Ledig Petmleum treet, Wattloo PObll 87, Vereeniging Posbus 1889, Rustenburg.... Posbus 127, Rustenburg.... Posbus 422. Brits P.O. Box 2, Grey town, P./Bag 509, Mabopane, 001, District of Pretoria..... ' KIippies, Posbus 1, Rosslyn, P.O. Modimosana, wartrllggens, P.O. Mabieskraal, 0313, Rustenburg District, Rheebokhoek, Pk. Boshoek, Tweede Verdieping, unnypark, Esselenstraat, unnyside, Pretoria Klippies, Posbus 1, Rosslyn, Klippies, Posbus 1, Rosslyn, P.O. Mabeskraal, Rllstenburg.... Magong chool, P./B. X71075, Rustenburg Mokgalwana-B-chool, P.O. X71003, District of Rustenburg Posbus :5:53, Brits :.. Lynwoodweg 379, Menlo Park, Pretoria... Roodekuil 36, P.O. Jericho, via Brits Posbus 354, tilfontein, Abbotstraat 40, Robindale, Randburg Posbus 354, tilfontein, Deane Road, Glenmore, Durban, Loteni Trading tore, Lower Loteni Verdun, Pk. Mopane Maretlwana Bantoe-skool, Pk. traatsdrift, oor Groot- Marico Thornhurstrylaan 10, Pietermaritzburg P.O. Box 592, Kana, Rustenburg.... Uitkyk, Baphogole Tribe, Groot-Marico Uitkyk, Baphogole Tribe, Groot-Marico..... Dco Volente, Posbus 212, Thabazimbi..... Bultfontein, P.O. Jericho, Brits, Posbus 1524, Rustenburg.... Waterval, Pk. wartruggens, Posbus 550, Rustenburg, Weidhoek, P.-sak X141, Grootfontein, oor Vaalwater.... choongesicht, Pk. wartruggens Plaas Gduk, Posbus 232, Belfast.... itnunjwana Bic chool, Impend Ie, Posbus 183, Warmbad, Tvl., Cheviot Fells, P.Bag 306, Bedford, C.P., Ruighoek, Posbus 5, Boshoek, Rooifontein, Pk. Hammanskraal.... Brakfontein, Posbus 181, Balfour Noord.... Wolmaransstraat 231, Rustenburg, ".... AI-ie-ver, Pk. Ivlaastroom.... Rondehoek, Bethlehem Ledigstat, distrik Mankwe Pk. Moialedi, Rustenburg, A Zola (2), P.O. Kwa-Xuma, Johannesburg. P.O. Bothithong.... Date of registration Datum van registrasie 2/7/76 2/7/76 2/7/76 2/7/76 6/7/76 6/7/76 7/7/76 7/7/76 7/7/76 7/7/76 8/7/76 8/7/76 8/7/76 8/7/76 8/7/76 9/1/76 9/7/76 13/7/76 19/1/76 19/7/76 19/7/ /76 19/7/76 21/7/76 21/7/76 21/1/76 21/7/76 21/7/76 21/7/76 21/7/16 21/7/76 21/7/76 21/7/76 28/7/76 22/7/76 22/7/76 26/7/76 28/7/76 28/7/76 28/7/76 30/7/76 30/7/76 12/8/76 2/8/76 2/8/76 4/8/76 4/8/76 4/8/76 4/8/76 4/8/16 5/8/76 10/8/76 13/8/76 13/8/76 13/8/76 16/8/76 16/8/76 19/8/76 19/8/76 18/8/76 20/8/76 20/8/76 20/8/76 24/8/76 25/8/76 26/8/16 26/8/76 30/8/76 1/9/76 7/9/76 8/9/76 8/9/76 8/9/76 18/9/76 8/9/76 8/9/16 8/9/76 9/9/76

20 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 '%0 No. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 5 NOVEMBER 1976 Brand Brandmerk OFA OFB C Fe C FD OF E OFF o FG o FH o F I OF" o FK OFL CFM o FN OFO CFP o FQ OFR ef efy CFU crv CF. C FX CFY CFZ caa caa cae cad cae caf eaa (5 November 1976) Name of owner Naam van eienaar W. F. U. teynberg W. J. J. van Rooycn.... W. J. wart B. N. Lizamore... '".... J. J. van Jaarsveld.... M. J. Gouws F.. A. Gerber D. C. van Jaarsveld J. R. Pitso P. A. wart G. H. Oosthuizen.. o. o... 0 o. 0 Do. E. Lamprecht... 0 '.' 0 L. F. Malherbe P. K. Makgetie E. Becker J. eane B.. Moloko F. Raab L.. Lotlhare K.. Lotlhare... ;.... E. Letsoko T. N. Phale O. J. Phetane C. F. nyman..... Harous Landgoed (Edms.) Bpk.... M. J. Lesomo P. J. W. Nande J. J. Oberholzer.,... }... Gillimberg Boerdery (Edms.) Bpk..... H. J. M. Breedt..... M. J. W. Erasmus B. J.. H. J. C. Pieterse B. D. Esterhuizen Address Adres Pk. ybrandskraal, oor Cullinan Posbus 46, Ellisras Posbus 871, Newcastle Posbus 232, Nylstroom Ben~destraat II, Rustenburg Posbus 150, Groot-Marico.... Die Hoerskool Menlopark, Atterburyweg, Mentopark, Pretoria Privaatsak 2403, Louis Trichardt... ~.... Bona Bona lore, Private Bag D974, via Vryburg.... Posbus 99, Lothair Posbus III, \Varmbad Negende Laan 27, Thabazimbi, Farmers Folly, Lynnwood,Pretoria.... Menwill Constructions, Private Bag 911, Kuruman, Prinsstraat 204, Pretoria-Tulne Wyk 2, Gasehunelo, distrik Kuruman Klaette, Kuruman, ' Posbus 509, Rustenburg Klaette, Kuruman...,.... Klaettll, Kuruman.... andfontein Cash tore, Private Bag 71065,. Rustenburg... P.O. Motsoedie, via Zeerust, Heuning-VIej, Privaatsak D999, Thaping-Tliharo... Wildebeeslaagte, Posbus 296, Hartbeesfontein..... Viakfontein, Posbus 71, Cociang, Tlhabane-Bantoedorp 1610, Rustenburg, Posbus 747, Pietersburg, 0700.,... ~.. :.... Brakkuil, Posbus 42, wartruggens, ~.... Posbus 951, Potgietersrus, Privaatsak X256, Pretoria Duplessisstraat 157, Danville, Pretoria Kareepoort, Pk. Reddingshoop, Brits.... Esterhuizen, Pk. Boshoek, distrik Rustenburg, Date of registration Datum van registrasie 9/9/76 9/9/76 9/9/76 '13/9/76 13/9/76 13/9/76 13/9/76 15/9/76 15/9/76 15/9/76 15/9/76 15/9/76 15/9/76 16/9/76 17/9/76 20/9/76 20/9/76 20/9/76 20/9/76 20/9/76 20/9/76 20/9/76 20/9/76 20/9/76 20/9/76 21/9/76 21/9/76 21/9/76 27/9/76 28/9/76 29/9/76 29/9/16 30/9/76 NOTICE 719 OF 1976 NATIONAL WELFARE ACT, No. 79 OF 1965 URRENDER OF REGITRATION CERTIFICATE The undermentioned organizations which were registered in terms of the National Welfare Act, No. 79 of 1965, have surrendered their registration certificates in terms of section twenty three of the Act: Names oforganisatio/ls Women's Christian Temperance Union of the Orange Free tate, Bloemfontein The Uitenhage Care of Cripples Association, Uitenhage "Natalse Christelike Vrouevereniging-tak, Cato Ridge" "Afrikaanse Christelike Vrouevereniging (A.C. V.V.) Tak, Lady Grey" M. J. PRINLOO, Registrar Board. (5 Noyember 1976) Wo Nos. W0985 W01223 W02865 W0563 of the National Welfare KENNIGEWING 719 VAN 1976 NAIONALE WELYNWET, No. 79 VAN 1965 TERUGGA WE VAN REGITRAIEERTIFIKATE Die ondergemelde welsynorganisasies wat ingevojge die Nasionale Welsynswet, No. 79 van 1965 geregistreer was, het hul registrasiesertifikate ingevolge artikel drie-entwintig van die Wet tcruggegee: Name van organisosies Christelike Vroue Matigheidsbond van die Oranje- Vrystaat, Bloemfontein Die Uitenhagse Kreupelsorgvereniging, Uitenhage.... Natalse Christelike Vrouevereniging-tak, Cato Ridge... Afrikaanse Christelike Vrouevereniging (A.C.V.V.) Tak, Lady Grey WONos W0985 W01223 W02865 W0563 M. J. PRINLOO, Registrateur van die Nasionale Welsynsraad.. (5 November 1976) NOTICE 721 OF 1976 ALE OF GOOD.-DEPARTMENT OF CUTOM AND EXCIE, DURBAN It is hereby notified for general infonnation that a public sale of unentered, abandoned and forfeited goods will be held at the tate Warehouse, Durban at 09hOO on Wednesday and Thursday 24 and 25 November Lists of goods to be sold win be supplied on application to the Controller of Customs and Excise, Private Bag X54305, Durban. (5 November 1976) KENNIGEWING 721 VAN 1976 VEILING VAN GOEDERE.- DEPARTEMENT VAN DOEANE EN AKYN. DURBAN Hierby word vir a1gemene inligting bekendgemaak dat 'n open bare veiling van ongeklaarde, onopgeeiste e.n verbeurdverklaarde goedere om 09hOO op Woensdag. en Donderdag 24 en 25 November 1976 in taatspakhuis, Durban gehou sal word. Opgawes van die goedere wat verkoop sal word kan op aanvraag by die Kontroleur van Doeane en Aksyns, Privaatsak X Durban verkry word. (5 Noventber 1976)

21 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February ; 8l'AA~()mlAN'l" 5.. NOVEMBER 't9'76 _.. -,-... NOTICE m OF 1976 ALE OF GOOD.-DEPART'MENr OF CUTOM AND EXCIE. JOHANNEBURG It is hereby notified for general information that a public sale of unentered. abandoned and fodeited goods Will be held at the tate Warehouse, Johannesburg at 09hOO on 23 November Lists of goods to be sold will be supplied on application to the Controller of Customs and Excise. Private Bag 21. Marshalltown, Johannesburg. (5 November 1976) NOTICE 724 OF 1976 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DETERMINATION OF OOMPENATION. GRAHAMTOWN Property.-Ed 1540, Grahamstown. situate in the MUI~icipality of the City of Grahamstown. Division of Albany, measuring 219 square metres. Title Deed 5237, dated 23 August Registered owners: Trutees of British Indian Association Grahamstown. The property, described above, have in terms of paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section 38 of the Community Development Act, 1966 (Act 3 of 1966). been expropriated by the Community Development Board on 10 December _ Interested persons are requested to take notice that the Community Development Board intends to have the compensation to be paid for the property, determined by a person appointed in terms of section 41 (2) of the mentioned Act and that they must submit, in writing, any representations that they may wish to make in connect:on therewith to the Regional Representative, Department of Community Development, Private Bag 3913, Port Elizabeth, within a perio;:i of thirty (30) days of publication hereof. Dated at Port Elizabeth on the 22nd day of October L. FOUCHE, ecretary for Community Development. The Regional Representative, Department of Community Development. Private Bag 3913, Port Elizab~th, (ReJerence 22/9/4326) (5 November 1976) NOTICE 725 OF 1976 APPLICATION FOR REGITRATION OF WELFARE ORGANIATION [Notice in terms of section 19 (7) of the National Welfare Act, 1965 (Act 79 of 1965)] The application of the foliowing welfare organisation has been granted in terms of section 19 (4) (a) of the National Welfare Act, 1965: Name. address and registration number.-bloemfontein Coloured Child Welfare ociety (WO 3135), c/o Child Welfare ociety. P.O. Box loll. Bloemfontein Objects: (a) To protect the interests of the children of the magisterial district of Bloemfontein and promote their welfare and that of the family in terms of the Children's Act, and give effect to the provisions of any other legislation in the interests of children; (b) as far as possible, to eliminate all conditions detrimental to the physical or moral welfare of children; KENNIGEWING 122 V AN 1976 VEILING VAN GOEDERE.-DEPARTEMENT VAN DOEANE EN AKYN, JOHANNEBURG lfierby word Vir algemene inligting bekendgcll!aak dat 'n openoore veiling van ongeklaarde, onopgeeiste _~. v~-_ beurdverklaarde goedere om 09hOO op Dinsdag 23 November 1976 by die taatspakhuis, Jobannesburg gehou sal word. Opgawes van die goedere wat verkoop sal word kan op aanvraag by die Kontroleur van Doeane en Aksyns. Privaatsak 21, Marshalltown, Johannesburg verkry word. (5 November 1976) KENNIGEWING 724 VAN 1976 DEPARTEMENT VAN GEMEENKAPBQU BEPALING VAN VERGGEDING.--GRAHAMTAD Eiendom.-Erf 1540, Grahamstad, gelcl5 in die Munisi; paliteit van die stad Grahamstad, af:leling AI,banie, groot 219 vierkante meter. Transportakte gedateer 23 Augustus Geregistreerde eienaars: Trustees of British Indian Association Grahamstown. Die eiendomhierbo beskryf. is kragtens die bepalings van paragraaf (a) van Ublrt ikcl (I) van artikd 38 van die Wet op Gemeenskapsontwikkeling, 1966 (Wet 3 van 1966), deur die Gemeenskapsontwikkelingsraad ooteien op 10 Desember Belanghebbendes word versoek om ken"lis te neem dat genoemde Geme~nskapsontwjkkelingsraad van voorneme is om die vergoeding ten opsigte van die eiendom te. laat bepaal deur 'n persoon aangestel ingevolge artikel 41 (2) van genoemde Wet, en diettene word in kennis gestel dat ' enige vertoe wat hune in die verband wi'! rig dietreekverteenwoordiger. Departement van Gemeenskapsbou. Privaatsak Port Elizareth, moet bereik binne 30 dae van b(!orging hlervan. Gedateer in Port Elizabeth op bede die 22ste dag vas Oktober L. FOUCHE. ekretaris van G:mteenskapsbou. Die treekverteenwoordiger. De 0 art e men t van Gemeenskapsbou, Privaatsak Port Elizabeth, (Venvysing 22/9/4326) (5 November 1976) KENNIGEWING 725 VAN 1976 AANOEK OM REGITRAIE VAN \OVELYNORGANIAIE [Kennisgewing ingevolge artikel 19 (7) van die Nasionale Weisynswet (Wet 79 van 1965)] Die aansoek van die volgende welsynsorganisasie om registrasie ingevolge artikel 19 (4) (a) van die Nasionale Welsynswet, 1965, is toegestaan: Naam, adres en registrasienommer.-kleurlingkindersorgvereniging van Bloemfontein (WO 3135), p / a Vereniglng vir Kindersorg, Posbus 1011, Bloemfontein, Doelstellings: (a) Om volgens die bepalings van die Kinderwet die belange van die kinders van die landdrosdistrik van Bloemfontein te beskerm, om hulle welsyn, en die van die gesin te bevorder, en om die bepalings van enige ander wetgewing in bclang van kinders. ten uitvoer te bring; (b) om sover moontlik aile toestande, wat nadelig is vir die liggaamlike of morele welsyn van kinders, te verwyder.

22 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 No. GOvBRNMENT GAZETTE, 5 NOVEMBER 1976 (c) to encourage and support all efforts made to improve their environment socially and educationally; (d) to investigate cases in which children run the risk of committing crimes or are already guilty of perpetrating crimes through poverty, neglect or negligence on the part of the parents, or the absence of proper control, and to take action; (e) to take sllch other measures or to establish such institutions conducive to child care as are not contrary to the above-mentioned objects; (f) to try to promote the health of the community, particularly mothers and children, by precautionary measures; (g) to co-operate with Government departments. local authorities, and any other bodies or institutions having similar objects. M. J. PRINLOO, Registrar of the National Welfare Board. (5 November 1976) (e) om aile pogings wat aangewend word om hul omgewing op maatskaplike en opvoedkundige gebied te ver~ beter. aan te moedig en te ondersteun; (d) om in gevalle waar, weens armoede, nalatigheid, of versuim van die ouers, of die afwesigheid van behoorlike beheer. die kinders gevaar loop om misdade te pleeg, of hulle reeds skuldig maak aan enige misdaad, ondersoek in te std, en handelend op te tree; (e) om sulke ander stappe te doen, of inrigtings daar te stel wat vir kindersorg bevorderlik is. en wat nie teenstrydig met bogenoemde doe1stellings is nie; (f) om te tra!! om die gesondheid van die gemeenskap en in besonder -van moeders en kinders, deur middel van die nodige voorsorgsmaatreels te bevorder; (g) om saam te werk met taatsdepartemente. plaaslike owerhede, en enige ander liggame of inrigtings met diesejfde doelstellings. M. I. PRINLOO, Registrateur van die Nasionale Welsynsraad. (5 November 1976) NOTICE 726 OF 1976 INDUTRIAL CONCILIATION Aer, 1956 APPLICATION FOR VARIATION OF COPE OF REGITRATION OF AN EMPLOYER' ORGANI ATION I, Johannes Nicolaas Hitchcock, Industrial Registrar, do hereby, in terms of section 4 (2) as applied by section 7 (5) of the above-mentioned Act, give notice that an application for the variation of its scope of registration bas been received from the Cape Clothing Manufacturers' Association. Particulars of the appli<:a'tion are reflected in the subjoined table. Any registered employers' organisation which objects to the application is invited to lodge its objection. in writing, with me, clo the Department of Labour. Laboria Buildings, corner of Paul Kruger and choeman treets, Pretoria (posta;} address.: Private Bag X117, Pretoria, 0001), within one month of the date of publication of this notice. TABLE Name of employers' organisation.-cape Clothing Manufacturers' Association. Date on which application was lodged.-29 January Interests and area in respect of which registration is made.-employers engaged in the Clothing Industry in the Magisterial District of Malmesbury. "Clothing Industry" means the Industry in which employers and employees are associated for the making of all classes of women's and girls' outer wear, including cloth belts and parts of such garments. Interests and area in respect of which registration is held in the area concerned.-employers engaged in that portion of 'the Clothing Industry concerned with the making of women's and girls' slacks. Postal address of applicant.-p.o. Box 1536, Cape Town, 800f)' Office address of applicant.-fifth Floor Broadway Industries Centre, corner of Heerengracht ~nd Hertzog Boulevard, Foreshore. Cape TOIWll. Attention is drawn to the fohowing requirements of sections 4 and 7 of the Act:.(a) The representativeness of any employers' organisat10n which objects to the application shan in terms of section 4 (4) as applied by section 7 (5) be determined on the facts as they existed at the date on which the application was :lodged and. as far as membership is KENNIGEWING 726 VAN 1976 WET OP NYWERHEIDVEROENING, 1956 A AN 0 E K 0 M VERA.NDERING V AN DIE REGITRAIEBETEK VAN 'N WERKGEWER ORGANIAIE Ek, Johannes Nkolaas Hitchcock, Nywerheidsregistrateur, maak ingevolge artikei 4 (2) soos toegepas by artikel 7 (5) van bogenoemde Wet. hierby bekend dat 'n aansoek om die verandering van sy registrasiebestek ontvang is van die Cape Clothing Manufacturers' Association. Besonderhede van die aansoek word in onderstaande tabel verstrek. Enige gerel!:istreerde werkgewersorganisasie wat teen die aansoek ~aar maak, word versoek om binne een maand na die datum van pubiikasie van hierdie kennisgewing sy beswaar skriftejik by my in te dien, pia die Departement van Arbeid, Laboriagebou, hoek van Paul Kruger- en choemanstraat, Pretor;u (posadres: Privuatsak X1l7, Pretoria, 0001). TABEL Naam van werkgewersorganisasie.--cape Clothing Manufacturers' Association. Datum waarop aansoek ingedien is.-29 Januarie Belange en gebied ten opsigte waarvan aansoek gedom word.-werkgewers betrokke by die Klerasienywerheid in die landdrosdistrlk Malmesbury. "KlerasienY\verheid" beteken die Nywerheid waarin werkgcwers en werknemers met mekaar is vir die vcrvaardiging van abe soorte bokiere vir dames en meisies, met inbegrip van lapgordel; en van sodanige kledingstukke. Belange ten opsigte waarvan registrasie in die betrokke gebied gehou word.-werkgewers betrokke by daardie gedeelte van die Klerasienywerheid wat gemoeid is met die vervaardiging van langbroeke vir dames en meisies. Posadres van applikant.~posbus Kaapstad, Kantooradres van applikant.-vyfde Verdieping, Broadway Industries Centre; hoek van Heerengracht en Hertzogboulevard, trandgobied, Kaapstad. Die aandag word gevestig op onderstaande vereistes van artikels 4 en 7 van die Wet:. (a) Die mate waarin 'n beswaarmakende werkgewersorg:misasie verteenwoordigend is, word ingevoige artikei 4 (4), soos toegepas by artikel 7 (5), bepaai volgens die feite OD bulle bestaan het op di::: datum waarop die

23 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 I'AATKOERANT, NOVEMBER 1976,No. 23 concerned, only members who were in good standing in terms of section 1 (2) of t:h at the aforesaid date shall be taken into consideration. (b) The procedure laid down in section 4 (2) must be followed in connection with any objection lodged. J. N. HITCHCOCK, Industrial Registrar. (5 November 1976) aansoek ingedien is, en wat die lidmaatskap betref, word. aileen lede wat ingevolge artikel 1 (2) van die Wet op voormelde datum volwaardig was, in aanmerking geneem. (b) Die prosedure soos voorgeskryf by artikel 4 (2) moet gevo1g word in verband met 'n beswaar wat ingedien word. J. N. HITCHCOCK, Nywerheidsregistrateur. (5 November 1976) NOTICE 727 OF 1976 OUTH AFRICAN REERVE BANK. tatement of Assets and Liabilities on the 22nd day of Oetober t976 Liabilities Capital Reserve Fund Notes in circulation Deposits; Government Provincial administrations Bankers Other Oth~i liabilities... :: R 2 ()(){) om , , , , Ott, , ,27 R Assets Gold Foreign: Bills Investments Other assets.... Total gold and foreign assets Domestic: Bills discounted Loans and advances: Government.... Other ecurities: Government Other " Other assets.... R , , , , , , , , , ,99 R ~4~ Ratio of gold reserve to liabilities to the public less foreign assets 27,8 per cent. Pretoria, 27 October L. ORCHARD, General Manager. KENNIGEWING 727 VAN 1976 UJD-AFRIKAANE REERWEBANK taat van Bates en.. Laste op die 22ste dag van Oktober 1976 Laste Kapitaal Reserwefonds Note in omloop Deposito's: Regering Provinsiale administrasies.... Bankiers.... Andere Ander Jaste R , , , , , , , ,27 R Bates Goud Buitelandse : Wissels Beleggings... " Ander bates.... Totaal aan goud en buitelalldse bates.... Binnelandse: Gediskonteerde wissels Lenings en voorskotte: Regering... '".... Andere ekuriteite: Regering.... Andere Ander bates.... R , , , , , , , , , ,99 R ~ Verhouding van goudreselwe tot verpligtings teenoor die publiei<: min buitelandse bates 27,8 persent. Pretoria, 27 Oktober L. ORCHARD, Hoofbestuurder. (5 November 1976) NOTICE 729 OF 1976 FOUND PROPERTY Found abandoned Oll the Doornkraal Road, near Dunlops, Ladysmith, Natal, on 1 February 1976: 1968 model Toyota motor-car, 1,5 litre, light blue, registration number NKR 5212, engine number 2R chassis number RT Name of owner: Alpheus Ngwenya Ezakheni. Will be sold in terms of section 131 of Natal Ordinance 21 of 1966 by public auction at the Ladysmith Police tation on a date to be fixed. (5 November 1976) KENNIGEWING 729 VAN 1976 GEVONDE EIENDOM Verlate gevind op die Doornkraa1pad naby Dunlop8. Ladysmith, Natal, op 1 Februarie 1976: 1968 model Toyotamotor, 1,5 liter, ligblou, registrasienommer NKR 5212, masjiennommer 2R , onderstelnodljl1er RT Naam van eienaar: Alpheus. Ngwenya Ezakheni. Word op 'n datum wat bepaal sal word (per openbare veiling) by die Ladysmith se Polisiestasie verkoop ingevolge artike! 131 van die Natalse Ordonnansie 21 van (5 November 1976)

24 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February No. 328 GOVERNMENT GAZETI'B, 5 NOVEMBER 1976 NOTICE 131 OF 1976 KLAERIE RIVER IRRIGATION BOARD. VOTER' LIT The voters' list for the Klaserie River Irrigation District, District of Pilgrims Rest, Transvaal, as prepared by the ecretary for Water Affairs in terms of section 83 of the Water Act, 1956 (Act 54 of 1956), is published hereunder. Mr R. du Randt, enior Adminj~trative Assistant cf the Department of Water Affairs, has, in terms of section 84 of the said Act, been appointed returning officer for the election of members of the Irrigation Board for the KElserie River Irrigation District. A nomination meeting for the election of six members, two for each subdistrict, will be held at llhoo on 25 November 1976 in the Travers Memorial H,l]\, Guernsey. Persons whose names appe'lr on the voters' list shall be entitled to vote in person only and representatives of registered companies must produce proof of authority to represent sllch companies.. In cases where owners have a joint vote, they shall designate, in writing, one of their number to vote on their behalf. The voters' list will he revised before nominations are made. Name Naam VOTER' LIT /KIEERL Y KENNlGEWlNG 731 VAN 1976 KLAERIERIVIER-BEPROEIINGRAAD. KIEERLY Die kiesers1ys vir die Klaserierivier-besproeiingsdistrjk. distrik Pelgrimsrus. Transvaal, OD opgestel deur <lie ekretaris van Waterwese ingevolge artikel 83 van die Waterwet (Wet 4 van 1956), word hieronder gepubhseer. Mnr. R. du Randt, enior Administratiewe Assistent van die Departement van Watcrwese, is ingevolge artikel 84 van genoemde Wet aangestel as kiesbeampte vir die verkiesing van lede van die Besproeiingsraad vir die Klaserierivier.besproeiingsdistrik. 'n Nominasievergadering vir die verkiesing van ses lede, twee vir elke subdistrik. sal om lihoo op 25 November 1916 in die Travers Gedenksaal, Guernsey, gehou word. Persone wie se name op die kieserslys verskyn, is geregtig om slegs persoonlik te stem en verteenwoordigers Van geregistreerde maatskappye moet bewys 1ewer van magtiging om sodanige maatskappye te verteenwoordig. In gevalle waar eienaars gesamentlik stem reg het, moet hulle een uit hul midde skrifte1ik aanwys omnamens hulle te stem.. Die kieserslys sal hersien word voordat nominasie geskied. cheduled area in hectares Ingelyste oppervlakte in hektaar Number of votes Getal stemme ubdistrict l/ubdistrik I: Cross,. B ,1 4 f1~dr d~ Lys Citrus Estates (pty) Ltd/Hrus Landgoed (Edms.) Bpk ,5 10 Gl en uys & on (pty) Ltd/eun (Edms.) Bpk ,4 4 Guernsey Farms (Pty) Ud/Plase (Edms.) Bpk ,1 9 Jabul Estates (Pty) Ltd/Landgocd (Edms.) Bpk : ,4 4 Mbesi (Ply) Ltd/(Edms.) Bpk Potgieter,.H. J Raubenhelmer, D... 49,5 10 R..A ,2 10 Van Bergen. L. C...., ,6 5 Van Niekerk, H. C ,9 8 ubdy:~:' ~isl;bdi~i;ik' ii: Associated Farms (pty) Ltd/Verwante Plase (Edms.) Bpk , ,0 4 ==:~}P::. :::..::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 12,9 4 Elfranco (Ply) Ltd/(Edms.) Bpk ,0 8 Haig,E. W ,8 4 H. L. Hall & ons/en eul1s.. 4,3 1 Klaserie Farming Co. (Ply)Ltd/Mpy. (Edms.) Bpk ,4 4 Kruger, J. F ,0 4 LandpJan (pty) LtdJ(Edms.) Bpk ,9 10. Oppennan, G ,2 4 Rautenbach, C. J ,0 4 16,3 4 8,1 2 it::t!g~~:".:.:.:::::::::: :::: :::::::::::: :::: :::::::::::::: ::: :::::: :::: 18,0 5 Van der Merwe, C. F ,5 10 Van Niekerk, O. T ,... 17,5 5 V.RG. Investments (Pry) Ltd/Beleggings (Edms.) Bpk ,9 4 Viljoen, J. H : ,8 8 Vrekver Boere (Ply) Ltd/(Edrns.) Bpk ,9 8 Webbstock, V. J ,4 4 ubdistrict lli/ubdistrik Ill: Botes Investments (Ply) Ltd/Releggings (Edms.) Bpk ,2 4 Giraffe Wildplaas (Ply) Ltd/(Edms.) Bpk ,9 10 Hen~i~b Investments (Pty) Ltd/Beleggings (Edrns.) Bpk ,7 7 KOOlj, J ,6 4 Kanon (Pty) Ltd/(Edrns.) Bpk ,3 10 L.Z.. Delange (pty) Ltd/(Edms.) Bpk ,4 7 13,7 4 14,7 4 18,4 5 ~:!~~J~;~:~ ~: :~.:: ::: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ::: : : : : : : : : ::: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ark Veeboerdery (Ply) Ltd/(Edms.) Bpk ,9 4 V.~.G. Investments (Pty) LtdJBeleggings (Edms.) Bpk ,0 9 Wiggell,. G ,2 6 ( November 1976) 21,1 17,6 5 5

25 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 TAATKOERANT;5 NOVEMBER 1976 NOTICE 728 OF 1976 KE~~IGEWING 728 VAN 1976 WAGE ACT, 1957 LOO~vVET, 1957 WAGE DETERMINATION 351.-INDUTRY FOR LOONVATELLING 351.-'-NYWERHEID VIR DIE THE MANUFACTURE OF OAP, CANDLE, DETERGENT, EDIBLE OIL OR FAT, CERTAIN VERVAARDIGING VAN EEP, KERE, UIWE RINGMIDDEL, EETBARE' OLIEOF VETTE AREA-AMENDMENT TO WAGE CLAUE EKERE GEBIEDE WYIGI'NG VAN LOON~ 1. The Wage Board has decided, in terms of section 15 KLOUULE?f the 'Yage Act, 1957, to allow persons who have an.. mtere~t m the abo,":e-mentioned investigation, particulars 1. Die Loonraad het, kra tens artikej 15 vah die Loonof which were published under Government Notice 1284 wet, 1957, besluit om persone wat belang het by bogemelde in the Gov~rnment Gazette of 23 July 1976 to submit oral ondi?rsoek w~arv~n besonderhede by GoewermentskennisrepresentatJons to the Board. For the purpose of hearin cr gewlog die taatskoerant van 23 Julie 1976 gepuo.. repre~entations, the Board will meet at the places, date~ bhseer I, toe te laat om mondelinge vertoe tot die Raad and times stated below: tt: rig. Vir die doel om vertne aan te hoor sal die Raad op (a) Cape Town.-In, the Boardroom, Room 213, d:e ondervermelde plekke, datums en tye vergader: Thomas Boyden Buildings, Parade treet, at lohoo on 30 November (a) Kaapstad.-In die Raadkamer, Kamer 213,Thomas Boydellgebou, Paradestraat, op,30 November 1976 om (b) Durban.-In the Boardroom, Room 317, Masonic lohoo. Grove Government OOices, Masonic Grove, at 09h15 on I (b) Durban.-In die Raadkamer, Kamer 317, Masonic 2 December laning taatskantore, Masoniclaning, op 2 Desember 1976 (c) Johannesburg.-In the Boardroom, Room' 616, om 09h15. Labour House, 180 Bree treet, at 14h15 on 6 December (c) Johannesburg.-In die Raadkamer, Kamer 616, Arbeidsgebou, Breestraat 180, op 6 Desember 1976 om 2. Attention is drawn to regulation 2 (8), in teml of whic~ the undermentioned persons may attend such a meetmg: (a) An office-bearer or an official of a trade union or an employers' organisation registered in terms of the Industrial Conciliation Act or any person appointed by. the secretary of a trade union or employers' organisahon; or (b) any person who has an interest in the investigation or, at the discretion of the Chairman, any other person authorised thereto by such interested person. n. J. ODENDAAL, ecretary, Wage Board. (5 November 1976) 14h Die aandag word gevestig op tegulasie 2 (8) waarkrag~ tens ondervermelde persone so 'n vergadering mag bywoon: (a) 'n Amptenaar of 'n beampte van 'n vakvereniging of 'n werkgewersorganisasie geregistreer kragtens die We~ op Nywerheidsversoening, 1956, of enige persoon deur die sekretaris van 'n vakvereniging of werkgewersorganisasie aangestel; of (b) enige persoon wat belang het by die ondersoek of, na goeddunke van die Voorsitter, enige.ander persoon wat daartoe denr die belan~hebbende. persoon gemagtig is. D. J. ODENDAAL, ~kretaris. Loonraad. (5 November 1976) NOTICE 730 OF 1976 LIQUOR ACf, 1928 NOTICE OF A PECIAL MEETING OF THE LIQUOR LICENING BOARD FOR LIQUOR LICENING AREA 28, CONVENED IN TERM OF ECfION 22 It is hereby notified that a special meeting of the L~quor Licensing Board for Liquor Licensing Area 28 will b~ h~ld at the Magistrate's Court at Empangcni, in the DIstrIct of Lower Umfolozi. at 09hOO on the third day of December 1976, for consideration of the following matter: Application for the authority of the Licensincr Board for the renewal of a hotel liquor licence granted t~ dwin Hurwitz jn respect of Four Acres Hotel, situate at ubdivision 3 of Lot 35, Hibberd Road. Richard's Bay. P. A. J. BURGER, Chairman of the Liquor Licensing Board for Area 28. Empangeoi, 18 October (5 November 1976) KENNIGEWING 730 VAN 1976 DRANKWET, 1928 KENNIGEWING VAN 'N PEIALE VERGADB.. RING VAN DIE DRANKLIENIERAAD VAN DRANKLIENIEGEBIED 28 IN G E V OL G E ARTIKEL22 BELE '.. Hierby word bekendgemaak dat :'n spesiale vergaqering van die Drankli~ensieraad.van Dranklisensiegebied 28 om 09hOO op die derde dag van Desember by die landdroshof te Empangeni, in die distrik Onder-Um,(olozi, gehou sal word vir oorweging van die volgende aangeteentheld:.. I Aanvraag om die magtiging van die Dranklisensieraad tot die vernuwing van 'n hoteldrariklisensie verleen aan elwin Hurwitz ten opsigte van Four Acres Hotel, gelee te Onderverdeling 3 van Perseel 35, Hibberdweg, RiChardsbaai. P. A. J. BURGER, Voorsitter van die Dranklisensieraad van Gebicd Empangeni, 18 Okt6ber (5 November 1976) NOTICE 732 OF 1976 DEPARTMENT OF AGRIOJLTtJRAL CREDIT AND LA}\j"DTENURE TATE LAND OFFERED FOR ALE BY PUBLIC AUCfION Notice is hereby given that, in terms of the Crown Land Disposal Ordinance, 1903 (Transvaal). as amended and made applicable to the Territory of outh-west Africa, KENNIGEWING 732 VAN DEPARTEMENT VAN LANDBOUKREDIET EN GRONDBEIT TAATGROND TE KOOP AANGEBIED PER OPENBARE VEILING Hierby word bekendgemaak dat kragtens die "'Walings van die Crown Land Disposal Ordipance (Tt"ansv~). soos gewysig en toegepas op die gebied uidwes-afrika.

26 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 No. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 5 NOVEMBER t976 read with section 19 of the ooth-west Africa Affairs Act, 1969 (Act 25 of 1969), a public auction of the undermentioned tate land, with improvements. wi:ll be held at the Hardap ettlement at lohoo on Friday. 3 December by the auctioneers Lou Bronkhorst Afslaers, P.O. Box 5209, Windhoek (telephone 28965): 1. Certain unsurveyed portion, known as Portion 7 of Faml 624, situate In the District of Mariental, Registration Division R, measuring approximately one (1) hectare. 2. Certain Portion 48 (a portion of Portion 1) of Consolidated Farm Hardap Nedersetting 607, situate in the District of Mariental, Registration Division R, measuring one (l) hectare five hundred and sixty-nine (569) square metres. 3. Certain Portions 180, 182, , 190, 191, 194 and 195 (portions of Portion l) of Consolida1ed Fann Hardap Nedersetting 607, situate in the District of Mariental, Registration Division R, each measuring one (I) hectare one thousand two hundred (1 200) square metres. Each of the 10 plots bas a three-bedroomed dwelling bouse. The auction will. start at the house on Portion 188 of Consolidated Hardap Nedersetting 607. and thereafter each house will be sold on the premises where it is situated. The condifons of sale are obtainable from the Magistrate, Mariental. or from the Chief: outh-west Africa Branch. Department of Agricultural Credit and Land Tenure, AHied Buildings. Private Bag X13175, Wmdhoek: (telephone 34031, extension 7), or from the auctioneers mentioned above. (5 November 1976) gelees met artike:t 19 van die Wet op Aangeleenthede met betrekkingtot uidwes-afrika, 1969 (Wet 25 van 1969), 'n openhare vding van ondergenoemde staatsgrond, met veroeterings. gehoo sal word op die Hardap-nedersetting om 10h00 O'p Vrydag. 3 Desember 1976, door die afslaers Lou Bronkhorst Afslaers. Posbus 5209, Windhoek (telefoon 28965): 1. ekere onopgemete gedeeke. bckeod as Gedeelte 7 van Plaas 624, geloe in die distrik Mariental. Registrasicafdeling R, groat ongeveer een (1) hek:taar. 2. ekere Gedeelte 48 ('n gedeel.te van Gedeelte l) van Gekoosolideerde Piaas Hardap Nedersetting 607, gelee in die distrik Mariental, Registrasiea:fdeling R. groot een (1) hektaar vyfhonderd nege-en-sestig (569) vierkante meter. 3. ekere Gedeeltes 180, 182, 188, 189, ? en 195 (gedeeltes van Gedeelte 1) van GekonsotJIdeerde Plaas Hardap Nedersetting 607, geto.~ in die distrik Mariental, Registrasieafdeling R. groot elk een (1) hektaar eenduisend tweehonderd (1 200) vierkante meter. Op elk: van die 10 persele is 'n drieslaapkamerwoonhuis. Die vendusie sal by die huis op Gedeelte 188 van Gekonsolideerde Plaas Hardap Nedersetting 607 begin en daama sal e:lke huis af80nde.rhk op die terrein vvaar dit gelee is. verkoctp word. Die verkoopvoorwaardes is verkrygbaar van die Landdro:>, Mariental. of van die Hoof: Tak uidwes Afrika. Departement van Landboukrediet en Gron:lbesit, Alliedgebou, Privaatsak X13175, Windhoek (telefoon 34031, bylyn 7), of van die afslaers hierro gcmcld. (5 November 1976) NOTICE 733 OF 1976 rutom AND EXCIE TARIFF APPLICAnON. LIT 36/76 The fclihowing applications concerning the Customs and Excise Tariff have been received. by the Board of Trade and Industries. Any objections to or comments on these representations must be submitted to the Board of Trade and Industries, Private Bag X342, Pretoria, within six weeks of the date of this notice. IP'lCl'ease in the duty on: 1. (a) Hydraulic and mechaniad metaj Vt'Ot""king presses, dassifiable under tariff subheading ~ (i) of a mass not exceeding kg. from various rates of duty to 30 per cent ad valorem or 150c per kg; and (ti) of a mass exceeding kg, from various rates of duty to 30 per cent ad valorem or 100c per kg; (b) eccentric presses, classifiable under tariff subheading (i) of a mass not exceeding kg. from 20 per cent ad valorem to 30 per cent ad valorem or 150c per kg; and (ii) of a mass exceeding kg, from 20 per cent ad valorem to 30 per cent ad valorem or looc per kg; (c) blanking machines, classifiable under tariff subheading (i) of a mass not exceeding kg, from free of duty to 30 per cent ad valorem or 150c per kg; and (ii) of a mass exceeding kg, from free of duty to 30 per cent ad valorem or looc per kg; and (d) parts of hydraulic, pneumatic and mechanical presses, classifiable under tariff subheading , from 20 per cent ad valorem to 30 per cent ad valorem i or looc per kg. [BTl Ref. T5/2/16/2/2 (B54/76).] KENNIGEWING 733 VAN 1976 DOEANE- EN AKYNTARIEFAANOEKE. LY 36/16 Onderstaande aansoeke betreffende die Th,eane- en Aksynstarief is deur die Raad van Handel en Nywerheid ontvang. besware teen of komm.entaar op hierdie vertoe moet blnne ses weke na die datum van hierdie kennisgewing aan die Raad van Handel en Nywerheid, Privaatsak X342, Pretoria,. 0001, gerig word. V er~oging van die reg op:. 1. '(a) Hidrouliese en meganiese mctaalbewerkingsperse, indee1baar bytariefsubpos (i) met 'n massa van hoag.'>tens kg, van verskeie skale van reg tot 30 P"".xsent ad valorem of 150c per kg; en (ii) met '0 massa van meer as kg, van verskeie skale van reg tot 30 persent ad valorem of looc per kg; (b) eksentriekperse, indeelbaar by tar i e f sub po (i) met 'n massa van hoogstens kg, van 20. persent ad valorem tot 30 persent ad valorem of 150c per kg; en (i!) met 'n mass.:! van meer as kg. van 20' persent ad valorem tot 30 p~rsent ad valorem of looe per kg; (c) a f dig mas j i ene, indeelbaad by tariefsubpos (i) met 'n massa van hoogstens kg, van vry van reg tot 30 persent ad valorem of 150c per kg; en (ii) met 'n massa van meer as kg. van vry van reg tot 30 persent ad valorem of l00c per kg; en (d) ooderd.ele van hidrouliese, druklug- en meganlese perse, indeelbaar by tariefsubpos , van 20 persent ad valorem tot 30 persent ad vaiorem of l00c per kg. [RHN-verw. T5/2/16/2/2 (B54/76).]

27 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 l'aatkoe.rant.5 NOVEMBER 1976 No.32t1 Applicant: Broderick Engineering Works Ltd, P.O. B&x 186. Vereeniging Vinyl acetate monomer. classifiable under tariff subheading from 10 per cent ad valorem or 1 500c per 100 kg less 80 per cent of the f.o.b. price to 20 per cent ad valorem or 4 500c per 100 kg less 80 per cent of the f.o.b. price. [BTl Ref. T51216/2!7 (B86/76).] A pplimnt: Holland Electro Chemical Industries (pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 4315, Johannesburg, Rebate of the duty on: teering wheel kits, wholly or principally of metal, classifia:ble under tariff subheading , ror the manufacture of steering wheels. [BTl Ref. T/2fl7/3/3 (D84/76).] Applicant: Bremco Productions (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 88, Paarden Eiland, For List 35/76 see General Notice 713, dated 29 October (5 November 1976) NOTICE 734 OF 1976 CUTOM AND EXCIE TARIFF APPLICATION. LIT 76 (a) The following applications considered by the Board of Trade and Industries during the quarter ended 30 June 1976, have not been supported. Increase in the duty an: 1. (a) Alkyd resins; (b) polyester resins; (c) styrene polymers and copolymers (Jiquid or pasty); (d) vinyl acetate polymers and copolymers (liquid or pasty); and (e) polyacrylic and polymethacryiic derivatives (liquid or pasty). (fac6/7, List 654.) 2. Unworked drawn or blown glass. plain clear, (TAC97/7, List 676.) 3. Carbon brushes. (TACI46/75, List 690.) Reduction in the duty on: 1. Artificial plastic floats for fishing nets suitable for deep-sea ti,ltwling. 2. Pigeon identification rings of rubber, for air races. 3. Combine and planter monitors. 4..Pre-nx:orded video tapes and cassettes.. Moulded artificial plastic crates for the transport of poultry. 6. Lever-type shock absorbers. 7. l,3-polybutelene glycol adipate. 8. Magnetic cards of plastic for computers. 9. Built-up prototype motor vehicles. 10. Plastic money boxes. 11. Herbicides with atrazine as active ingredient Rebate of the duty an: 1. Rubberised texthe fabrics, laminated with rubber, for the manufacture of travel goods and similar goods (including belts). (TAC1l5/16, List 679.) 2. Insu1ated electric cable for the manufacture of television receiving sets. 3. Paint for container refurbishments. 4. Organ'ic surface-active agents for the manufacture of herbicides with atrazine as active ingredient. 5. Rubberised tyre cord fabric of nylon for the manufacture of pneumatic tyres for goods motor vehicies. Applikant: Broderick Engineering Works Ltd, Posbus 186. Vereeniging Vinielasetaatmonomeer, indeelbaar by tariefsubpos , van 10 persent ad valorem of 1500c per 100 kg min 80 persent van die prys v.a.b. tot 20 persent ad valorem of 4 OOc per 100 kg min 80 p~rsent van die prys v.a.b. [RHN verw. T5/2/6/2j7 (BJ6/76).J Applikant: Holland Electro Chemical Industries (Pty) Ltd, Poshus 4315, Johannesburg, Korting van die reg op: tuurwielstelle, geheel of hoofsaaklik van metaa'l, indeoibaar by tariefsubpos vir die vervaardiging van stuurwiele. [RHN-verw. T5/2/17j3/3(D84/76).J Applikant: Bremco Product:ons (Pty) Ltd, Posbus 88, Paardeneiland, Kyk A1gemene Kennisgewing 713 van 2:) Obober 1976 vir Lys 35/76. (5 November 1976) KENNIGEWlNG 734 VAN 1976 DOEANE- EN AKYNTARIEFAANOEKE. LY 76 (a) Ondervenne1de aansoeke wat gedurende die kwartaal geeindig 30 Junie 1976 deur die Raad van Handel en Nywerheid oorweeg is, is nie gesteun nie: Verhoging van die reg ap: I. (a) Alkiedharse; (b) poiiesterharse; (c) stireenpolimere en -kopolimere (vloeistof of pasta); (d) vinielasetaatpolimere en -kopolimere (vloelstof of pasta)~ en (e) poliakrlel- en polimetakrielderivate (vloeistof of pasta). (TAK6/75, Lys 654.) 2. Onbewertte getrokke of geblaasde glas, gewoon helder. (fak97176, Lys 676.) 3, Koolborsels. (TAK146/75. Lys 690.) Verlaging van die reg op: 1..Visnetdobbers van kunsplastiek geskik vir d.iepseetreilvissery. 2, Duifidentifikasieringe van rubber, vir wedvlugte. 3. troper- en plantennooitors. 4. Vooraf-opgeneemde videoband in kassette. 5. Kratte van gevormde kunsplastiek:srof vir die vervoer van pluimvee.. 6. Arm-tipe skokbrekers. 7. },3-Polibutileenglikool-adipaat. 8. Ma.snetiese barte van plastiek vir rekenaars. 9. Prototipe opgeboude motoivoertuie. 10. paarbussies van plastiek.; 11. Plantdoders met atrasien as aktiewe bestanddeel Karling van die reg op: 1. Gerubberde tekstielsrowwe. gelamelleer met rubber. vir die vervaardiging van reisartikcls en dergelike goedere (met inbegrip vanlyfbande). (TAKll/7. Lys 679.) 2. Geioleerde elektriese kabel vir die vervaardiging van televisie-ontvangstoesteit1e.. 3. Verf vir die opknapping van hollers. 4. Organiese oppervtlakspanning-aktiewe midde1s vir die vervaardig'ing van plantdoders met atrasien as aktiewe bestanddeel. 5. Gerubben:le bandkoordsrof van nylon vir dievervaardiging van 1ugtbuj,tebande vir vragmotorvoertuie..

28 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February No. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 5 NOVEMBER Unhardenoo'high-speedsteel blanks for the manufacture of hacksaw blades for hand or portable. saws. 7. Rubberised knitted fabric for the manufacture of tyres. 8. odium sulphate for the manufacture of glass. 9. pulp for the manufacture of paper. 10. (al Woven fabrics of dyed yarn for the manufacture of shirts; and (b) printed fabrics for the manufacture of dressinggowns. 11. Multi-walled collapsible plastic bags fitted with pouring spoues and sealing caps, for the manufacture of containers for liquids. 12. Ethyl ceut)jose in powder form for the manufacture of polymers, artificial resins ard artificial plastic material. 13. Metal lapel badges for a welfare organisation. 14. (a) Thermo-plastic oollatednail coating; and (b) hot melt adhesives on printed or plain paper, for the manufacture of collated wire nails of iron or steel. (fac154/75; List 692.) General: 1. Withdrawal of the provision for tbe imposition of anti-dumping duties on gauze dressings impregnated with framycetin su:lphate.. 2. Rebate ofthe remaining excise duty on heavy furnace oil used in the manufacture of apple juice. for export. (b) The following applications have been withdrawn or have not been proceeded with by the applicants during the period 1 June 1976 to 31 August Increase in the duty on: 1. Instant mashed potatoes. 2. Chlorinated paraffins. 3. Cellulose fhm. 4. prinkler heads and alarm valves used with fireextinguishing equipment. 5. Music boxes and machines for games of skill or chance. Reduction in the duty on: 1. Citric acid. 2. Paint put up for use as correction fluid in containers not exceeding 25 miuili.tres. 3. Polythene bu bble fi1m. 4. Tube and pipe fittings and nozzles of artificial plastic material. 5. Polycarbonate chair mats. 6. Piping and tubing of unhardened vulcanised rubber..7. Phosphorescent polyvin:rj chloride shoots. 8. Flares for wheather modification. 9: Explosion-proof electric hoists. 10. Asbestos foam. Rebate of the duty on: 1. Materia1 used for encasing seed. 2. Television tubes for the manufacture of electronic equipment. 3. Ethyl hydroxyethy,l cellulose for the manufacture of colour, paint, varnish and al'hed products. 4. Vinyl ohloride sheets for the manufacture of cooling rowers. 6. Ru-stukke van onverharde snelstaal vir die vervaardiging van ystersaaglemme vir hand- of draagbare sae. 7. Gerubberde breistof vir die vervaardiging van buitebande. 8. Natriumsulfaat vir die vervaarjiging van glas. 9. Ampaspulp vir die vervaardiging van papier. 10. (a) towwe gewed van gekleurde garings vir die vervaardiging van hemde; en (b) bedrukte stowwe vir die vervaardiging van kamerjaponne. 11. Veelwandige opvoubare plastieksakke toegerus met skinktuite en afsluitingsdoppies vir die vervaardiging van houers vir vloeistowwe. 12. Etielsellulose in poeiervorm vir die vervaardiging van polimere,. kunsharse en kunsplastiekstowwe. 13. Lapelwapens van metaal vir 'n welsynsorganisasie; 14. (a) Termoplastiesebestrykings vir gekollasioneerde spykers; en (b) kleefmiddel wat teen hoe temperatuursmeit. op bedrukte of onbedrukte papier, vir die vervaardiging van gekouasioneerde draadspykers van yster of staal. (TAK154/75, Lys692.) Afgemeen: 1. Intrekking van die voorsiening vir die heffing van anti-dumpingregte op gaa!>'verbande geimpregneer met framisetiensulfaat.. 2. K orting van die oorblywende aksynsreg op swaar stookolie vir die vervaardiging van appelsap vir uitvoer. (b) Ondervermelde aansoeke is gedurende die tydperk 1 Junie 1976 tot 31 Augustus 1976 ingetrek of die applikante het nie daarmee voortgegaan nie. Verhoging van die reg op: 1. Fyngemaakte kitsaartappels. 2. Chloorparaffiene. 3. ellulose-film. 4. proeikoppe en alarmkleppe gebruik met brandblustoerusting. 5. Musiekdose en masjiene vir behendigheid- of gelukspele. Verfaging van die reg 0[>: 1. itroensuur. 2. Verf bcmark vir gebruik as korreksievloeistof in houers van nie meer as 25 mrlliliter nie. 3. Blasievel van polietileen. 4. Buis- en pyptoetrehore en spuitstukke van kunsplastiekstof.. 5~ toelmatte van polikarbonaat. 6. Pyp- en buisleiding van onverharde gevulkaniseerde rubber. 7. F osforesserende pollivinielcbloried plate. 8. Fakkels vir weermodifikasie. 9. Plofvrye elektriese hystoestelle. 10. Asbesskuim. Korling van die reg op: 1. Materiaal gebruik vir die omhulling van saad. 2. Televisiebuis vir die vervaardiging van elektroniese toerusting. 3. Etielhidroksi-etielsellulose vir die vervaardiging van kleursel, verf, vernis en verwante produkte. 4. Velle van vinielchloried vir die vervaardiging van verkoelingstorings.

29 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 faatkobrant,"" NOVEMBER: Corrugated.pla5tic. cartons or containers for the packing of frozen food Bonded. fibre fabrics, used for combating oil pollution. (TAC4/76, List 2/76.) 7. Polyester material for the manufacture of tarpaulins. 8. Aluminium sheets containing. by mass, not less than 99,7 percent of aluminium,. for the manufacture of instrument or {.'Ofltrolpanels and escutcheons. (TAC26/76. List 8/76.) 9. Zinc silicate ore for the manufacture of fertihsers. 10. Corrugated plastic board for the manufacture of advertising material. 11. Filter paper f0'r the manufacture of tea and coffee bags ilicon steel in sheets and strip for the manufacture of electric cores for melting-furnaces. 13. Woven stainless steel wire for the manufacture of filters and filter material. " 14. Calcium carbide and diamide limestone for lise in the desulphurisation of iron. 15. tainless steel strip for the manufacture of airheating elements. 16. Certain chemical raw materiajs for the manufacture of textile auxiliaries. 17. liders and nickel, silver, brass and a:luminium wire for the manufacture of slide fasteners. Gelleral: I. Drav{oock of the duty on valves and fittings of polyvinylchloride used in the manufacture of watar purification equipment, for export. 2. Drawback of the duty on pa~ts used in the manufacture of m0'b:je h0'uses, for export.. For List 75 see General N0'tice 507, dated 30 July (5 November 1976) NOTICE 737 OF 1976 CORRECTION OF GENERAL NOTICE 688 OF 22 OCTOBER VAAL RIVER DEVELOPMENT (LOWER VAAL RIVER) GOVERNMENT WATER CONTROL AREA: DIVIION OF WARRENTON, KIMBERLEY, BARKLY WET AND HERBERT CHEDULING BOARD MEETING The description of area in respect of the meeting of the cheduling Board 0'n 2 December 1976, at 08h30 in the N.G. Church Hall, Douglas. in connection with the sche~ dule of ratable areas in the Lower Vaal River Government Water Control Area is hereby corrected as follows: 1. Afrikaans text.-line 26: The phrase: "AIle linkeroewerplase vanaf die plaas Bergplaats 100 tot by die p:aas Douglas, en aile regteroewerplase vanaf die. plaas midtsdrift 23 tot by die ptaas Mazelsfontein 75." should read: "AIle linkeroewerplase vanaf die plaas Bergplaats 100 tot by die plaas Buccleugh 152. en aile regteroewerplase vanaf die plaas midtsdrift 23 t0't by die plaas Mazelsfontein 75.", 2. English text.-line 26: The phrase: "All the farms on tae left bank of the river from the farm Bergplaats 100 to the farm Douglas. and au the farms on the right bank of the river. from the farm midtsdrift 23 to the farm Mazelfontein 75." should read: "All the farms on the left bank of the river from the farm Bergplaats 100 t0' the farm Buccleugh 152, and all the farms on the right bank of the river from the farm midtsdrift 23 to the farm Mazelsfontein 75.". ( November 1976) 5. Geriffelde plastiekkartonnecof-houers -vir die vec~ palling vanbevrore voedsel. -'.., 6. Varb:m:le vc:;elstowwe vir geb:uik in die bestrydiug van oliebesoedeling. (TAK4/16. Lys 2/16.). 7. Poliestermateriaal vir. die vervaardiging van bokseile. 8. Aluminiumfynplate wat, volgens massa, minstetr 99,7 persent aluminium bevat.vir die vervaardiging van instrument. of beheerpanele en skildplate. (TAK26/76. Lys 8/76.) 9. inksriikaaterts vir die varvaardiging van misstowwe. 10. Riffelbord van plastiek vir die vervaardiging van ad vertensiemateriaaj. II. Filtreerpapier vir die vervaardiging van tee- en koffiesak'kies. 12. Fynplate en reep van shikoonstaal vir die vervaardiging van elektriese kerns vir smeltoonde. 13. Geweefde draad van vlekvrye staal vir die vervaardiging van filters en filtreermateriaal. 14. Kalsiumkarbied en diamiedkalkklip vir gebruik in die ontswaehngvan yster. 15. Reep van vlekvrye staal vir die vervaardiging van lugverwaringselemente. 16. ekere cherniese grondstowwe vir die vervaardiging van tekstielhulpmiddels. 17. kuifies. nikkelsi:lwer-. geelkoper- en aluminiumdraad vir die varvaardiging van skuifsluitings. Algemeen: 1. Teruggawe van die reg op kleppe en toebehore v.n polivinielchloried gebruik in die vervaardiging van watersuiweringstoerusting vir uitvoer. 2. Teruggawe van die reg op onderdele gebruik in die vervaardiging van m0'biele huise vir uitvoer. Kyk Algemene Kennisgewing 507 van 30 Julie 1976 vir Lys 75. (5 November 1976) KENNIGEWING 737 V AN 1976 REGTELLING VAN ALGEMENE KENNIGE GEWING 688 VAN 22 OKTOBER I 976.-VAALRI VIERUITBREIDING (BENEDE VAALRIVIER) -TAA TWA TERBEHEERGEBIED: AFDELING WARRENTON, KIMBERLEY, BARKLY-WE EN HERBERT-INLYTINGRAAOVERGADERING Die gebiedsbeskrywing ten opsigte van die sitting van die Inlystingsraad op 2 Desember 1976, om 08h30 in die N.G.-kerksaal. Douglas. in verband met die Iys van belasbare oppervlaktes in die Benede-Vaalrivier-staatswaterbeheergebied word hierby soos volg reggestel: 1. Afrikaanse teb.-reel 26: Die frase: "AIle linkeroewerplase vanaf die plaas Bergplaats 100 tot by die plaas Douglas en aue regteroewerplase vanaf die plaas midtsdrift 23 tot by die plaas Mazelsfontein 75" moet soos volg lui:. "Aile linkeroewerplase vanaf die plaas Bergplaats 100 tot by die plaas Bucdeugh 152 en alle regteroewer' plase vanaf die plaas midtsdrift 23 tot by die plaas Mazclsfontein Engelse teks.-reel 26: Die frase: "All the farms on the left bank of the river from the farm Bergplaats 100 to the farm Douglas. and all the farms on the right bank of the river from the farm midtsdrift 23 to the farm Mazelfontein 75:' moet soos volg lui:. "All the farms on the left bank of the river from the farm Bergplaats 100 to the farm Buccleugh 152,and all the farms on the right bank of the river from the farm midtsdrift 23 to the farm Mazelsfontein 75,". ( November 1976)

30 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 No. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 5 NOVEMBER NOTICE 735 OF 1976 DEPARTMENT OF WATER AFFAIR' VAAL RIVER DEVELOPMENT (LOWER VAAL RIVER) GOVERNMENT WATER CONTROL AREA.-DIVIION OF WARRENTON, KIMBER LEY, BARKLY WET AND HERBERT-CHEDUL ING BOARD MEETING It is hereby notified, in terms of section 64 of the Water Act, 1956, that meetings of the cheduling Board in connection with the schedule of ratable areas of the Lower Vaal River Government Water Control Area will be held at the following and times for the purpose of hearing and determining claims for inclusion in the said schedule, or objections to any of the names, properties or areas included therein: KENNIGEWING 735 VAN 1976 DEPARTEMENT VAN WATERWEE VAALRIVIERUITBREIDING (BENEDE - VAAL RIVIER)-TAATWATERBEHEERGEBIED.-AFDE LING WARRENTON, KIMBERLEY, BARKLY-WE EN HERBERT-INLYTINGVERGADERING Hierby word ingevolge artikel 64 van die Waterwet, ] 956, bekendgemaak dat sittings van die In]ystingsraad in verband met die Iys van belasbare opperv;aktes van die Benede-Vaalrivier-staatswaterbeheergebied op die volgende plekke en tye gehou sal word met die doel om aansprake op opneming in genoemde lys of besware reen enigeen van die name, eiendomme of oppervlaktes wat daarin voorkom, aan te hoor en daaroor te besluit: Date Time Place 30 November h30 Hall of the Municipality, Windsorton 1 December h30 City Hall, Barkly West... 2 December h30 N.G. Church Hall, Douglas Description ojarea All the farms on the left bank of the river from the farm Grasbult 5 to the farm Zoutpansfontein 34, and all the farms on the right bank of the river from the farm Fourteen treams 311 to the faml Rosalind 224. All the farms on the left bank of the river from the farm Langleg 55 to the farm Klipfontein 39, and all the farms on the right bank from the farm Riverbend Estates 228 to the farm Mosesberg 6., All the farms on the left bank of the river from the farm Bergplants 100 to the faml Buccleugh, and all the farms on the right bank: of the river from the farm midtsdrif 23 to the farm Mazelfontein 75, Datum Tyd Plek 30 November h30 aal van die munisipaliteit, Windsorton 1 Desemher h30 tadsaal, Barkly-Wes.. 2 Desemher h30 N.G.-kerksaal, Douglas... Copies of the schedule of ratable areas, prepared in terms of section 63 (7) of the said Act, are already lying for inspection at the following places: Office of the Administration Engineer, Vaalharts Government Water cheme, Jan Kempdorp, Magistrate's Office, Warrenton, outh African Police, Windsorton. outh African Police, Delporthoop, Magistrate's Office, Barkly West, outh African Police, chmidtsdrif Magistrate's Office, Kimberley, Magistrate's Office: Douglas, Home of Mr W.. van chalkwyk, Lot 24, VaalIus, Home of Mr J. G. Jansen, Lot ]0, Vaallus, Office of the enior Water Control Officer, Dougias Government Water cheme. Any person who is unable to attend the said meeting may authorise any other person, in writing, to represent him/her at the meeting. (5 November 1976) Gebiedsbeskrywing Aile linkeroewerplase vanaf die plaas Grasbult 5 tot by die plaas Zoutpansfontein 34, en alle regteroewerplase vanaf die plaas Fourteen treams 311 tot by die plaas Rosalind 224. Aile linkeroewerplase vanaf die pjaas Langleg 55 tot by die plaas Klipfontein 39 en aile regteroewerplase vanaf die plaas Riverhend Estates 228 tot by die plaas Mosesberg 6. AIle Iinkeroewerplase vanaf die plaas Bergplaats 100 tot by die plaas Buccleugh en aile regteroewerplase vanaf die plaas midtsdrif 23 tot by die plaas Mazelsfontein 75. Afskrifte van die Iys van belasbare oppervlaktes wat kragtens artikel 63 (7) van genoemde Wet opgcstel is, le reeds by die volgende plekke terinsae: Kantoor van die Administrasie-ingenieur, Vaalhartsstaatswaterskema, Jan Kempdorp, Landdroskantoor. Warrenton, uid-afrikaanse Polisie. Windsorton, uid Afrikaanse Polisie, Delportshoop, Landdroskantoor. Barkly-Wes, uid-afrikaanse Polisie, chmidtsdrif. Landdroskantoor, Kimberley, Landdroskantoor. Douglas, Woning van mnr. W.. van chalkwyk, Perseel 24, Vaal Ius, Woning van mnr. J. G. Jansen, Perseel 10, Vaallus. Kantoor van die enior Waterbeheerbeampte, Douglasstaatswaterskema. Enigeen wat nie persoonlik op genoemde vergadedngs teenwoordig kan wees nie, kan enige ander persoon skriftelik magtig om hom/haar op die vergadering te verteenwoordig. (5 November 1976) NOTICE 736 OF 1976 LEEUW RIVER GOVERNMENT W A ler CHEME. -DITRICT OF LADYBRAND, THABA NCRU AND WEPENER, ORANGE FREE TATE- CHEDULING BOARD MEETING It is hereby notified, in terms of section 64 of the Water Act, 1956, that a meeting of the cheduling Board in connection with the schedule of ratable areas of the Leeuw River Government Water cheme will be held in the Church Hall, Hobhouse, at lohoo on Tuesday, 7 December 1976, for the purpose of hearing and determining claims for inclusion in the said schedule or obiections to any of the names, properties or areas included ~herein. KENNIGEWING 736 VAN 1976 LEEUWRIVIER - TAATWATERKEMA. DITRIKlE LADYBRAND, THABA NCHU EN WEPENER. ORANJE-VRYTAAT: INLYTING RAADVERGADERING I-Iierby word ingevolge artikel 64 van die Waterwet, 1956, bekendgemaak dat 'n sitting van die Inlystingsraad in verband met die Iys van belasbare oppervlaktes van die Leeuwrivier-staatswaterskema om WhOO op Dinsdag, 7 Desember 1976, in die Kerksaal, Hobhouse, gehou sal word met die doe! om aansprake op opneming in genoemde Iys of besware teen enigeen van die name, eiendomme ofoppervlaktcs wat daarin voorkom, aan te hoor en daaroor te besluit.

31 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 staatkoerant, 5 NOVEMDER 1976 No,sm 31 Copies of the scheduleofrafuble areas, prepared in. terms- of section 63 (7) of the said Act, are lying for inspection at the following places: The Co-operation hop, Hobhouse. The office of the enior Water Control Officer, Hobhouse. The Magistrate's Office, Ladybrand. The Post Office, Tweespruit. Any person who is unable to attend the said meeting may authorise any other person, in writing, to represent him/her at the meeting. (5 November 1976) NOTICE 738 OF 1976 DEPARTMENT OF TRANPORT AIR ERVICE ACT, 1949 (ACT 51 OF 1949), A AMENDED Pursuant to the provisions of section 5 (a) and (b) of Act 51 of 1949 and regulation 50f the Civil Air ervices Regulations, 1964, it is hereby notified for general information that the applications, details of which appear in the chedules hereto, will be heard by the National Transport Commission. Representations in accordance with section 6 (1) of Act 51 of 1949 in support of, or in opposition to, an application, should reach the ecretary for Transport (Division of Civil Aviation). Private Bag X193, Pretoria. 0001, and the applicant within 21 days of the date of publication hereof stating whether the party or parties making such representation intend to be present or represented at the hearing. The Commission will cause notice of the time, date and place of the hearing to be given in writing to the applicant and all parties who have made representations as aforesaid and who desire to be present or represented at the hearing. CHEDULE A CHEDULE OF APPLICATION FOR THE GRANT OF LICENCE (A) Name and address of applicant. (B) Name under which the air service is to be operated. (C) Particulars of air service. (i) Area to be served. (Ii) Route(s) to be served. (iii) Base(s). (iv) Types and classes of traffic to be conveyed. (v) Frequency and time tables to which the service will be operated. (vi) Types of training to be provided. (vii) Particulars and description of types of work to be undertaken. (viii) Tariff of charges. (D) Aircraft to be used. (A) R. J. B. Horton. 506 Imbali. TUdhope Ave, Berea, (B) Ralph J. B. Horton. (C) Aerial Work Air ervice. (vii) Advertising, photography and survey. (viii) Negotiable to customers requirements. (D) One hot-air balloon. (A) Laeveldse Tabakkooperasie Ltd. P.O. Box 60. Nelspruit, (B) Laeveldse Tabakkooperasie Ltd. (C) Aerial Work Air ervice. (vii) Cropspraying for the members of the company. (viii) Recovery of costs. (D) One Hughes 500 C aircraft.. (A) National Airways Corporation (Natal) (Pty) Ltd. P.O. Box 20070, Durban North, (B) National Airways Corporation (Natal) (Pty) Ltd. (C) Aerial Work Air ervice. (vii) Photography and aerial survey other than for mapping purposes. (viii) ingle-engined aircraft R60 per hour, twin-engine aircraft R150 per hour. (D) Beech E55 Z-PTB, Z-EGE and Z-HEO, Beech 65-B80 Z NAC, Beech 19 Z-IMW, Beech V35B Z-IHL, Beech F33A Z-IY and Z-lEA. Beech 58 Z-PTD, Z-PTE, Z-IBZ and Z-JIJ, Beech 95-B55 Z-IHO, Z-RON and Z-JKZ, Cessna 210 L Z-JCT, Cessna 210 K Z-JPX and Cessna P206C Z-lXV. Afskrifte van die lys van belasbare oppervlaktes, wat kragtens artikel 63 (7) van genoerl1de Wet opgestel is. Ie by die volgende plekke ter insae: Die Kooperasiewinkel, HobhoJse. Die kantoor van die enior Waterbeheerbeampte, Hobhouse. Die Landdroskantoor, Ladybrand. Die Poskantoor, Tweespruit. Enigeen wat nie persoonlik op genoemde vergadering teenwoordig kan wees nie, kan enige ander persoon skriftelik magtig omhom/haar op die vergadering te verteenwoordig. (5 November 1976) KENNIGEWING 738 VAN 1976 DEPARTEMENT VAN VERVOER WET OP LUGDIENTE, 1949 (WET 51 VAN 1949), OO GEWYIG Hierby word ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 5 (a) en (b) van Wet 51 van 1949 en regulasie 5 van die Regulasies vir Burgeriugdienste,' 1964, vir algemene inligting bekendgemaak dat die Nasionale Vervoerkommissie die aansoeke waarvan besonderhede in die Bylaes hieronder verskyn. sal aanhoor. Vertoe ingevolge artikel 6 (1) van Wet 51 van 1949 ter ondersteuning of bestryding van 'n aansoek'moet die ekretaris van Vervoer (Afdeling Burgerlugvaart), Privaatsak X193, Pretoria, 0081 en die aansoeker binne 21 dae na die datum van publikasie hiervan bereik en daariij moet gemeld word of die persoon of persone wat aldus vertne rig, van plan is om die verrigtings by te woon of om daar verteenwoordig te word. Die Kommissie sal reel dat kennis van die datum, tyd en plek van die verrigtings skriftelik gegee word aan die aansoeker en al die persone wat aldus vertoe gerig het en wat verlang om aldus verteenwoordig of teenwoordig te wees. BYLAE A LY VAN AANOEKE OM DIE TOETAAN VAN LIENIE (A) Naam en adres van applikant. (B) Naam waaronder die lugdiens geeksploitecr gaan word. (C) Besonderhede van lugdiens. (1) Gebiede wat bedien gaan word. (ii) Roete(s) wat bedien gaan word. (iii) Basis(se). (iv) oort verkeer wat vervoer gaan word. (v) Frekwensie en roosters waarvolgens die diens geeksploiteer gaan word. (vi) oort opleiding wat verskaf gaan word. (vii) Besonderhede en beskrywing van soort werk wat onderneem gaan word. (viii) Tariefskaal. (D) Lugvaartuie wat gebruik gaan word. (A) R. J. B. Horton, 506 Imbali. Tudhopelaan, Berea, (B) Ralph 1. B.Horton. (C) Handelslugdiens. (vii) Advertering, fetografie' en opname. '(viii) Onderhandel te word volgens klieent se behoeftes. (D) Ben warmlug ballon. (A) Laeveldse Tabakkooperasie Bpk. Posbus 60, Nelspruit, (B) Laeveldse TabakkoOperasie Bpk. (C) Handelslugdiens. (vii) Gewasbespuiting vir die lede van die maatskappy. (viii) Verhaling van koste. (D) Een Hughes 500 C-Iugvaartuig. (A) National Airways Corporation (Natal) (Edms.) Bpk., Posbus 20070, Durban-Noord, (B) National Airways Corporation (Natal) (Edms.) Bpk. (C) Handelslugdiens. (vii) Fotografie en lugopname vir nie-karteringsdoeleindes. (viii) Enkelmotorige lugvaatuie R60 per uur, meermotorige lugvaartuie R150 per uur. (D) Beech E55 Z-PTB, Z-EGE en Z-HEO, Beech 65-B80 Z-NAC, Beech B19 Z-IMW, Beech V35B Z-IHL. Beech F33A Z-IY en Z-JEA, Beech 58 Z-PTD, Z-PTE, Z-IBZ en Z-JIJ, Beech 95-B55 Z-IHO, Z-RON en Z-lKZ. Cessna 210 L Z-JCT, Cessna 210 K Z-JPX eu Cessna. P206C Z-IXV.

32 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February No. GOVERNMENT OAZE':ITE, 5 NOVEMBER 1976 CHEDULE D LIT OF APPLICATION FOR THE ALTERATION. MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF LICENCE (A) Name. and address of applicant. (B) Name under which the air service is operated. (C) Particulars of the licence and of the alteration, modification or amendment 'thereto or the conditions thereof which has been applied for. (A) Commercial Air ervices (pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 2245, Johannesburg, (n).comair (Charter) (Pty) Ltd. (C) Non-scheduled Air Transport ervice Licence 227. Under. "Aircraft to be used", dekte: "Cessna 150M Z-JKK, Cessna 150 J Z-FNY, Cessna 172M Z-IYI, Cessna 172 K Z FUZ, Cessna 177 B Z-IUE, Cessna 182 P Z-JD, Z-IVI, Z-IWK, Z JMY and Z-JBI, Cessna A 188B Z-JMB, Cessna 310 R Z-JMG, Cessna 310Q Z IIH, Cessna 402 3D-ABV, Piper PA Z-OTO and Piper PA 28R-200 Z LM" and add: "Cessna 150M Z-JBF, Cessna A150L Z-IOP, Cessna 172H Z-EWA, Cessna 172 M Z-JMN, Cessna 172 B Z-CPI, Cessna 177 RG Z-JMV and Z ILT, Cessna U206F Z-IUZ, Cessna 210 Z-JCY, Cessna 310 R Z-JOU, Cessna 310 Q Z-JOM, Beech 58 Z-VM, Beech 95-B55 Z-IMO, PiperPA Z-JAO and Piper PA Z-EOX". (A) Commercial Air ervices (Natal) (pty) Ltd, P.O. Box Durban North, (B) Commercial Air ervices (Natal) (Pty) Ltd. (C) Non-scheduled Air Transport ervice Licence 228. Under "Aircraft to be used", delete: "Cessna 310Q Z-III and Z-IOM" and add: "Beech 58 Z-MAT and Beech 95-B55 Z-JKZ". (A) Rodag (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 64, Vryheid, (B) Rodag Air. (C) Non-scheduled Air Transport ervice Licence 921. Under "Tariff of charges", amend to read: "Ic per Ian".. (5 November 1976) BYLAE D L Y VAN AANOEKE OM DIE VERANDERING OF WYIGING VAN LIENIE (A) Naam en adres van applikant. (B) Naam waaronder die lugdiens geeksploiteer word. (C) Besonderhede betreffelide die lisensie en die verandering of wysiging daarvan of die voorwaardes daarvan ten opsigte waarvan aansoek gedoen is.. (A) Commercial Air ervices (Edms.) Bpk.. Posbus 2245, Johannesburg, (B) Comair (Charter) (Edms.) pk. (0 Nie-vasgestelde-IugvervoerdiensIisensie 227. Onder "Lugvaartuie wat gebruik gaan word", skrap: "Cessna 150 M Z-JKK, Cessna 150 J Z-FNY, Cessna 172 M Z-IYI, Cessna 172 K Z-FUZ. Cessna 177 B Z IDE, Cessna 182 P Z-JD, Z-IVI. Z-IWK. Z-JMY en Z-JBJ. Cessna A188B Z-JMB. Cessna 310 R Z JMG, Cessna 310 Q Z-IIH, Cessna 402 3D-ABV, Piper PA 34~200 Z-OTO en Piper PA28R-200 Z-LM" en voeg by: "Cessna 150 M Z-JBF. Cessna A 150 L Z-IOP, Cessna 172 H Z EWA, Cessna 172 M Z-Jl\1N, Cessna 172 B Z-CPI, Cessna 177 RG Z-JMV en Z-ILT, Cessna U206F Z-IUZ, Cessna 210 Z-JCY, Cessna 310 R Z-JOU, Cessna 310 Q Z-JOM, Beech 58 Z-VM. Beech 95-B55 Z-IMO, Piper PA Z-JOA en Piper PA Z-EOX". (A) Commercial Air ervices (Natal) (Edms.). Bpk.. Posbus 20087, Durban-Noord, (B) Commercial Air ervices (Natal) (Edms.) Bpk. (0 Nie-vasgestelde-Iugvervoerdienslisensie 228. Onder "Lugvaartuie wat gebruik gaan word", skrap: "Cessna 310 Q Z-III en Z-IOM" en voeg by: "Beech 58 Z-MAT en Beech 95-B55 Z JKZ". (A) Rodag (Edms.) Bpk., Posbus 64, Vryheid (B) Rodag Air. (0 Nie-vasgestelde-Iugvervoerdienslisensie 921. Onder "Tariefskaal". wysig om te lees: "5Ic per km". (5 November 1976) Use it Don't a use it \Xkrk mooi daarmee G,s leef daarvan -1

33 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998,. 1:AATl{OER:ANT; NOVE~BBlt 1976,' ~o;328 1 APPliCATION FOR MOTOR CARRIER CERTIFICATE The undennentioned applications for motor carrier certificates indicating firstly reference n'jmber, (2) name of applicint and nature of application, (3) number and type of vehicles; (4) nature of proposed motor carrier transportation, and (5) points between and routes over or area within which the proposed motor carrier transportation is to be effected. are published in terms of section 13 (1) of the Motor Carrier Transportation Act, 1930 (Act 39 of 1930), as amended, and regulation 5 of the Motor Carrier Transportation Regu lat ions, 1964, Il amended. Written representations, in duplicate, supporting or opposing these applications must be submitted to the addres> indicated within ten (10) days from the date of this publication. AANOEKE OM MOTORTRANPORTERTIFIKATE Die onderstaande aansoeke om motortransportsertifikate, met aanduiding van eerstens verwysingsnommer. (2) naam van applikant en aard van aansoek, (3) getal en tipe voertuie, (4) aard van voorgeste1de motortransport, en (5) plekke waartussen en roetes waaroor, of gebied. waarin die voorgestelde vervoer sal plaasvind, word kragtens die bepalings van artikel13 (1) van die Motortransportwet (Wet 39 van 1930), soos gewysig, en regulasie 5 van die Motortransportregulasies, soos gewysig, gepubliseer. krlftelike vertoo, in duplikaat, ter ondersteuning of bestryding van hierdie aansoeke moet binne tien (10) dae vanaf die datum VaT bierdi1l publikasie aan die aangeduide adres gerig word. Heradvertensic: Bl172/A2605-MORGENZON 261, DITRIK BAFOKENG. (2) Herbert Bogopane, Blcskop; nuwe aansoek vir 'n bykomende voertuig met bykomende magtiging. (3) Een motorkar aangekoop te word. (4) Bantoepassasiers en hul persqonlike bagasie. (5) (i) Vanaf Masosobanestad gelei:! op Morgenzon 261, distrik Bafokeng, na punte binne 'n radius van 5 km vana! Masosobanestad; (il) vanaf punte binne 'n radius van 5 ken vanaf Masosobanestad ge\elj op Morgenzon 261, distrik Bafokeng, na Masosobanestad. M9360jA2634-IBAA. (2) Ratholawa Johannes Motboma. (3) One combi to be purchased. (4) Organised Bantu parties for sport, religeous and funeral purposes etc. (5) From ibasa, Nothern Transvaal to Lambani and return to ibasa. Vehicle to be stationed at Tshidzini. Time-table: As and wben required. Tariffs: As per agreement D786/A2194-LYDENBURG. (2) Andries Johannes du Preez, Lydenburg; oordrag van Motortransportsertifikate C en C2t0973, vanaf J. J. van der Walt..(3) Twce. vragmotors-tae 1280 en TAE (4) Melk en lee melkhouers. (5) Nywerheidsmelk in kanne vanaf plase binne 'n radius van 80 km vanaf Poskantj)()r, Lydenburg, na kaasfabriek te Lydenburg; (ii) Leeggemaakte melkkanne vanaf kaasfabriek te Lydenburg na plase binne 'n radius van~q k(l1 vanaf Poskantoor, Lydenburg. AI75/A TRANVAAL. (2) uid-afrikaanse poorwee, Pretoria; nuwe aansoek vir 'n bykomende voertuig met bestaande magtiging. (3) Een ieunwa-amt (4) Goedere, aile soorte. (5) Binne bestaande goedgekeurde gebiede. M681/A2914-NYLTROOM. (2) Carel Morudu, Nylstroom; oordrag van Motortransportsertifikate CB92367, CB92365 en CB92366, vanaf C. J. Basson. (3) Drie busse-tah 385 (53/13), TAH (60/15) en TAH (4) (a) Ten opsigte van TAH 7745 en TAH 385: Bantoepassasiers en hul persoonlike bagasie. (5) (a) TUssen NyIstroom en Nylstroom-Bantoewoongebied. (4) (b) Ten op&igte van TAH 10326: Bantoepassa!'liers en hut persoonlike bagasie. (5) (b) Tussen Nylstroom en Nylstcoom-Bantoegebied. (~) (c) Bantoegeo.r:ganiseerde groepe vir sport-, kerk-, opvoedkundlge en Qntspannmgsdoeleindes. (5) (c) Vanaf Nylstroom na punte binne 320 krn radius vanaf Nylstroom en terng. M9341, A2%4-TEMEN CABLE PIET RAUTENBACH TRAAT, ROLYN. DITRIK PRETORIA. (2) Ngabeni B0sman, ~ahlangu, Onderstepoort; nuwe aansoek. (3) Ren motorv?erturg aangekoop te word. (4) Bantoepassasiers in diens van Iemens <?tbles en hul pefloonhke bagame. (5) (i) Vanaf iemens Cables, PIe! Rautenbachstmat, Rosslyn, dimrik Pretoria, direk na Ga-RaI}kuwa en Mabopane-Bantoedome. distrik Odi. Tydtafel: Voertmg sal slegs tussen 23hOO en 02hOO ritte ondcrneem. Tarief: Volgens Qoreenkoms. 3095ZA RANVAAL. (2) Phillippus Johannes troh, KaapmUlden;?uwe aansoek. (3) Een vragmotor-tb (4) Padmaakenatenaal (pro forma) ten bate van Transvaal~e Provinmale Ad,ministrasie. (5) Hinne die provinsie Transvaal. 3099/A3115-BEZU~DENHOUTKRAAL 96, DITRIK MORBTEIJE L (2) Phtllemon ekwane, Mabopane; nuwe aansoek. (3) Een ~otorkar?angekoop Ite word. (4) Bantoepassasiers en hul pers();onhke bagasle. (5) Vanaf punte J:!elee binne 'n radius van 20 ken vanaf Bezuidenhoutskraal (Ga-Rassepane) 96, distrik Moretele 1, en terug. M6525/A3001-RIETFONTEIN 338, DITRIK RUTEN BURG. (2) M.. Motswenyane, Thlabane; nuwe aansoek vir bykomende voertuig met bestaande mag.tiging. (3) Een motorkar TRB (4) Bantoepassasiers en hul persoonlike bagaie. (5) Vanaf ~~sten~urg Ch~~e Mines (Edms.) Bpk. ~elelj op die plaas R}e.fontem 338, drs1nk Rustenburg, na punte bione 'n radius van 20 km en terug, onderworpe aan die een-uur (pro forma) beperking. r M2620/A3007-BOBOKRAND, DITRICT OF PILGRIM' RET. (2) Johannes Madalane, Bosbokrand; new application. (3) One motor-car-gh 510. (4) Bantu passengers and their peronal effects. (5) Between points within a radius of 25 km of Post Office, Bosbokrand, on farm Bosookrand 252, District of Pilgrim's Rest. Vehicle to be station.ed at Bosbokrand 252. M7273/A2%8-TREGENNA 95, DITRIK MORETELE 1. (2) Isaac Mpete, Temba; nuwe aansoek.(3) Een motorkar aangekoop Ie word. (4) Bantoepassasiers en hul persoonlike bagame. (5) (i) Vanaf Tregenna 95, distrlk Moretele I, na punie binne '0 radius van 10 km vanaf Tregenna; (i.i) vanaf punte binne 'n radius van 10 krn vanaf Tregenna 95, distrik Moretele 1, na Tregenna. M773/A2977-PRETORIA. (2) Evans Marcus Mabusela, Ga Rankuwa; nuwe aansoek (laat hernuwing). (3) Een bus-tp (36/11). (4) Georganiseerde Nie-Blank:e sport-, piekruek-, kerk-, begrafnis- en opvoedkundige geselskappe. (5) Binne 'n radius van 160 km vanaf KerkpJein, Pretoria, onderworpe aan die voorwaarde dat die terngreil'l binne 24 uur na aankorn1;' onderneem word. NI619/A2995-RUTENBURG. (2) chalk Nel, Rustenburg; nuwe aansook. (3) Ben vragrnotor-trb (4) Vyfhonderd gallon dieseltenks en toebehore. (5) Binne 'n radius van 80kln vanaf Poskantoor, Rustenburg, na verskillende plase in die distrik Rusteoourg. M9344/A2974-ENKELDOORN, DlTRIK NEBO. (2) Lesweni Abram Mokwana, Enkeldoorn; nuwe aansoek. (3) Nuwe motorkar aangekoop te WiOrd. (4) Bantoepassasiers en hul persoonlike bagasie. (5) (i) Vanaf Enkeldoorn 868, dil'ltrik Nebo, na punte binne 'n radius van 35 km vanaf Enkeldoorn; (li) Valtaf punte gelee binne 'n radius van 35 kid vanaf Enkeldoorn 868, distrik Nebo, na Enkeldoorn. M9343/A2970-KOPERMYN, DITRIK THABAMOOPO. (2) Lesetja: amuel Mamma, Kopermyn; nuwe aansoek. (3) Nuwe voertuig aangekoop te VII'Ord. (4) Nie-Blanke passasiers en hul persoonlike' bagasie. (5) (i~ Vanaf Kopermyn 254, distrik Tha bamoopo, na punte gelee bmne 'n radius van 30 kid vamif Kopermyn; (li) vana! punte gelee binne ~n radilll van 30 km vanaf Kopermyn 254, distrik Tbabamoopo, na Kopermyn. ' M8090 / A2972-VRIEKRAAL, DITRIK GROBLERDAL. (2) Bus B.ooi Matshiana, Vriesbaal; nuwe aanooek. (3) Nuwe voertuig aangekoop te word. (4) Bantoepassasiers en hul persoonlike 'hagasie. (5) (i) Vanaf Vrieskraal 4, distrik Grohlersdal, na pnnte gelee binne 'n radius van 15 krn vanaf Vrieskraal; (il) vanaf punte gelelj binne 'n radius van 15 km vanaf Vrleskraal 4, distrik GroblenJdal, na Vrleskraal. M7584/A2971-VYGEBOOMDRIFT, DITRIK VUWANI 1. (2) MatodZii Willie Mokalanga, Vygeboomsdrlft; nuwe aansoek. (3) Een voertuig aangekoop te word. (4) Ba.lltoepassasiers en hul persoonlike baga:sie. (5) (i) Vanaf Vygeboomsdrift 53, distrik Vuwani 1, na punite gelee binne 'n radius van 20 km vanaf Vyge.boomsdrift; (ii) Vanaf punte gelee binne 'n radius van 20 ken vanaf Vygeboomsdrlft 53, distrik Vuwani 1, na Vygeboomsdrift. RI442/A2958-BElT BRIDGE. (2) Rhotin (Pty) Ltd, BuIawayo; new application. (3) One mechanical horse and one trailer to be purchased. (4) Kitchen units: Domestic furniture. (5) From Beit Bridge to Pietersburg. 931/A3027-PRETORIA. (2) Dr. Renier Jacobus mit, Arcadia, Pretoria; nuwe aansoek (laat hernuwinp;). (3) Een vragmotor -TP (4) Goedere, aile soorte. (5) Binne die Pretoriaen Randkarweigcbied. M9350jA3006-PLOT 30, KAALAAGTE. (2) Obed Molokomme, KaaIaagte, Plot 30; new application. (3) One new motor vehicle to be purchased. (4) Bantu passengers and their personal effects. (5) From Kaalaagte, Plot 30, to points within a radius of 25 km of Kaalaagte and return. -2

34 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 No. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 5 NOVEMBER 1976 M9349/ A3OO5-MALABI TORE, TWEEFONTEIN, HAM MANKRAAL. (2) Timothy. Mashigo, Malabi tore, Temba; new application. (3) One motor vehicle to be purchased. (4) Bantu passengers and their personal effects. (5) From Malabi tore, Tweefontein. Hammanskraal, to points within a radius of 10 km of Tweefontein, Hammanskraal, and return. 3086!A2896--KENDALL. (2) witch Carriers (Edms.) Bpk., Kendall; nuwe aansoek. (3) Een trok-tg en twee leunwaens-tg en TG (4) Goedcre, aile soorte. (5) Binne 'n radius van 35 km vanaf Poskantoor, Kendall, distrik Witbank, TvL T433!A2957-ENTHUMULA, DITRIK DZANANI 2. (2) M. George Tshivhenga, enthumula; nuwe aansoek (laat hernuwing). (3) Een vragmotor-vv (4) Aigemene goedere ten bate van Bantoes. (5) Binne 'n radius van 35 km vanaf Makhadoskool, enthwmlla, distrik Dzanani 2. B22071 A2990-REPUBLIC OF OUTH AFRICA{BOT WANA BORDER POT AT GROBLERBRUG. (2) Botsam ervices (Pty) Ltd, Francistown; new application. (3) One refrigerator trock-ba (4) Fresh frozen fish and fresh frozen vegetables. (5) From Pietersburg to Republic of outh Africa! Botswana Border Post at Groblersbrog en route to and from Francistown, Botswana. B2193!A2923-PELGRIM5RU. (2) J. Malatji, vir Ba-Phalaborwa tamowerheid, Phalaborwa; nuwe aansoek. (3) Een vragmotor-leb (4) (a) Bloekom- en ander pale vir vcrkoop aan stamlede. (5) (a) Vanaf Bosbokrand na Makhusane. (4) (b) Georganiseerde Bantoegeselskappe virgodsdienstige en sportdoeleindes. (5) (b) Binne die distrikte Pelgrimsms, Letaba en Pietersburg. V804/A3033-KENDAL. (2) Venter & Venter, Kendal; nuwe aansoek. (3) es meganiese perde-ta TA 1716, TA 10771, TA 3186, TA 7977, TA 10752, ses leunwaens-ta 11557, TA 2175, TA TA 9548, TA 7222, TA en een vragmotor-cbn (4) Housand. (5) Binne 'n radius van 100 km vana! Poskantoor, Kendal. V726/A3047-BALMORAL. (2) Joaquim Vieira, Witbank; new application for additional authority in respect of existing vehicles. (3) Four lorries-tw 24190, TW 4989, TW 23490, TW and two trailers-tw and TW (4) Duffcoal on behalf of Witbank Duff. (5) From Crown Douglas Mine at Balmoral to Highveld teel and Vanadium in the District of Witbank. Z214/A3049-WITBANK. (2) Mev. Johanna Busisiwe Zondo. Witbank; oordrag van Motortransportsertifikaat C vanaf boedel van wyle. Zondo. (3) Een motorkar-tw (4) Bantoepassasiers en hul persoonlike bagasie. (5) Op ritte binne die munisipale gebied Witbank, onderworpe aan die cen uur (pro forma) beperking. BI044/A3065-KENDAL. DITRIK WITBANK. (2) Petrus Jacobus Botha, Witbank; nuwe aansoek. (3) Agt meganiese perde, agt leunwaens en cen vragmotor aangekoop te word. (4) and en steenkool. (5) Binne 'n radius van 100 km vanaf Poskantoor, Kendal, distrik Witbank, P1234/A3057-PIENAARPOORT. (2) Abie Absolom Buhali, Mamelodi; new application for additional authority in respect of existing vehicle. (3) One motor-car-tp (4) Bantu passengers and their personal effects. (5) (i) From Pienaarspoort Railway tation to points within a radius of 35 km of Pienaarspoort Railway tation. (ii) From points within a radius of 35 km of Pienaarspoort Railway tation to Pienaarspoort Railway tation. 2670/A3054-ELANDFONTEIN 440, DITRICT OF ODI 1. (2) Tscle Daniel emakane, Ga-Rankuwa; new application (3) One motor-car to be purchased. (4) Bantu passengers and their personal effects. (5) Between points within a radius of 15 km of Mothulung Business Centre, situated on farm Elandsfontein 440, District of Odi 1, and return. Vehicle to be stationed at Mothulung Business Centre. D830/A3068-BOCHKOPPIE 104, DITRJK BAFOKENG. (2) Abisiah Diale, Thlabane: nuwe aansoek. (3) Een motorvoertuig nog aangekoop te word. (4) Bantoepassasiers en hul persoonlike bagasie. (5) Vanaf die plaas Boschkoppie 104, distrik Bafokeng, na punte binne 'n radius van 30 km en terug. M7670/A3053-VERWOERDBURG. (2) Mohlabane Daniel Makobe, Ga-Rankuwa; new application. (3) One motor-car to be purchased. (4) Bantu passengers and thier personal effects. (5) Between points within a radius of 8 km of Verwoerdburg Railwav tation and return. Vehicle to be stationed at Verwoerdburg Railway tation. ~175/A3~8-00-TRANVAA~. (2) uid-afrikaanse poorwee, Pretona; nuwe aansoek vir bykomende voertuie met bestaande magtiging. (3) Drie leunwaens-amt 32594, AMT en AMT (1) Goedere, alie soorte. (5) Volgens goedgekeurde Bylaes van die Oos-Transvaalse spoorwegafdeling. Tydtafel: oos en wanncer benodig. Tariewe: Vol gens offisiele spoorwegtariefboek. Tlll/A3060-NABOOMPRUIT, DITRIK POTGIETER RU. (2) Jerry Tembo, Naboomspruit; nuwe aansoek. (3) Een bus aangekoop te word. (4) Georganiseerde Bantoegeselskappe vir sport-, kerk- en opvoedkundige doeleindes en hul persoonlike bagasie. (5) Vanaf Naboomspruit-Bantoedorp, geice op Naboomspruit 348, distrik Potgietersrus, na punte binne 'n radius van 160 km en tcrug. Tydtafel: oos en wanneer benodig. Tariewe: Volgens ooreenkoms. P423/A2871-KOOKFONTEIN 265, DITRIK BAFOKENG. (2) olomon Pitswa, Phokeng; nuwe aansoek vir 'n bykomende voertuig met bykomende magtiging. (3) Ben motorkar aangekoop te word. (4) Bantoepassasiers en hul persoonlike bagasie. (5) Vanaf Phokeng, gelce op Kookfontein 265, distrik B<tfokeng, na punte binne 'n radius van 10 kid vanaf Kookfontein en terug. Q28/A1475-PITZKOP ILICA QUARRY. (2) Quarry Contractors (Pty) Ltd, Balmoral; new application. (3) One lorry (26 persons)-taw (4) Own Bantu employees and their personal effects (free of charge). (5) From pitzkop ilica Quarry via Balmoral on old Witbank Road, New Highway to Witbank Location and return. Time-table: One return trip per day. C918/A3040-REPUBLIC OF OUTH AFRICA/WAZI LAND BORDER POT AT OHOEK. (2) Concord Enterprises (Pty) Ltd, Manzini; new application (late renewal). (3) One truck-d (4) Own second hand furniture. (5) From Republic of outh Africa/waziland border post at Oshoek to points within the Pretoria/ Reef cartage area en route from and to Manzini, waziland. N340/A3039 NAMAKGALE. (2) Louis Joe Ndabane, Phalaborwa; new application for additional vehicle with additional authority. (3) One motor-car. (4) Bantu kitchen girls and their personal effects. (5) Collecting and delivering Bantu kitchen girls to points within a radius of 30 km of Namakgale.. Ll138/A3031-BRONKHORTPRUIT. (2) Josiah Lubisi, Bronkhorstspruit; oordrag van Motortransportsertifikaat Cl92942 vanaf D. Mashiane. (3) Een motorkar-taw (4) Bantoepassasiers en hul perso:,nlike bagasie. (5) Binne 'n radius van 35 km vanaf Bronkhorstspruitspoorwegstasie, onderworpe aan die cen uur (pro forma) beperking. Voertuig gestasioneer te word te Bronkhorstspruit-Bantocdorp. Ll132/A2787-REPUBLIC OF OUTH AFRICA/WAZI LAND BORDER POT AT OHOEK. (2) Lawrence Lenco, Mbabane; new application. (3) One truck-d (4) (a) Own goods ego coffins, memorial stones (which are breakable). (5) (i) From Brits Impala Granite Works to Republic of outh AfricaIW<lzibnd border post at Oshoek en' route to and from Mbabane waziland. (ii) From Midway Manufacturers, Protea and KJiptown in Johannesburg to Republic of outh Africa/ waziland border post at Oshoek en route to and from Mbabane, waziland. C5231 A3087-NELPRUIT. (2) Crocodile Valley Estates (Pty) Ltd, Neispruit: new application for an additional vehicle with additional authority. (3) One bus (90 passengers) to be purchased. (4) Own Bantu employees and their children with their personal effects (free of charge) for sport, recreational and educational purposes. (5) Between the Farm.A. Prudential Citrus Estates 55,. District of Nelspruit and other farms and Bantu areas within a radius of 150 km of.a. Prudential Citrus Estates 55. M5447/A3023-MAM:ELODI, DITRICT OF PRETORIA. (2) hlrela Tom Mangwane, Temba; new application. (3) Existing motor-car-tp (4) Existing authority: Non-White taxi passengers and their personal effects. (5) With-in Mamelodi Location. District of Pretoria on condition that the vehicle is driven only by Tom Mangwane and further subject to the pro forma conditic'ln contained in the annexure attached hereto. Proposed amended authority: Removal of the restriction which reads as follows: On condition that the vehicle be driven only by Tom Mangwane. M9342/A2967-GOODREED, DITRICT OF MOUTI. (2) enyedi July Morena, Xipame; new application. (3) One combi TP (4) Bantu passengers and their personal effects. (5) From Goodreed, District of Moutsi to Bundu BoUIe tore, five km of Goodreed and from Bundu Bottle tne to Dennilton HospitaL Time-table: Monday to Friday, 07h30 to 20h30. aturday, 07h30 to 15h30. unday, IlhOO to 13h30. Tariff: 5c per mile. M59951A ELLIRA. (2) Jan Carel Coetzee, Phil Iipus Christoffel Coetzee and Morris Leonard van der Merwe,' Ellisras; nuwe aansoek vir bykomende magtiging ten opsigte van bestaande voertuie. (3) Twee vragmotors-tan en TAH (4) (a) Goedere. (5) (a) Binne 'n radius van 20 km vanaf Poskantoor, Ellisras, distrik Waterberg. (4) (b) Huistrekke (pro forma). (5) (b) Vanaf punte binne 'n radius van 20 km vanaf Ellisras, distrik Waterberg, na punte binne die Republiek van uid-afrika en terug, onderworpe aan die Transkei (pro forma) beperking. (4) (c) Nuwe meubels (pro forma). (5) (c) Binne 'n radius van 480 km vanaf Poskantoor, Ellisras, distrik Waterberg.

35 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 TAATKOERANT, 5 NOVEMBER 1976 No. M80721 A2929-POT OFFICE,' ILVERTON, DIsnuCT OF PRETORIA. (2) Lazarus Mabutana Mthimunye, Mamelodi; new application. (3) New motor vehicle to be purchased. (4) Bantu passengers and their personal effects. (5) From Post Office, ilverton, to points within a radius of 45 km. M9338/A2954-MAMELODI, DITRICT OF PRETORIA. (2) Rodney Masango, Mamelodi; new application. (3) One motor-car to be purchased. (4) Bantu passengers and their personal effe(:ts. (5) Within the boundaries of Mamelodi, District of Pretoria. Vehicle to be stationed at Mamelodi. M7719/A3056-MAMELODI, DITRICT OF PRETORIA. (2) Johannes Mvalo Mkhwebane, Mamelodi; new application. (3) One motor-car to be purchased. (4) Bantu passengers. and their personal effects. (5) Between points within a radius of 10 km of Post Office, Mamelodi and return. Vehicle to be stationed at Post Office, Mamelodi. M666O/ A305(}--ENKELDOORN 868, DITRIK NEBO. (2) Bombosi Andries Masilela, Mpudulle; nuwe aansoek vir bykomende voertuig met bykomende magtiging. (3) Een motorkar aangekoop te word. (4) Bantoepassasiers en hul persoonlike bagasic. (5) (i) Val1af Enkeldoorn 868, distrik Nebo, nn punle b!nne ;n rad~us van 35 km vanaf Enkeldoorn. (ii) Vanaf punte bmne n radiu van 35 kin vanaf Enkeldoorn 868, distrik Nebo, na Enkeldoorn. A6851A3071 MlDDELKRAAL 466, JQ DITRICT OF RUTENBURG. (2) Goolam Hoosen Aboo, Middelkraal; new application. (3) Two motor-cars to be purchased. (4) Bantu taxi passengers and their personal effe(:ts. (5) From Wonderkop Bantu Hostel of the Western Platinum Mines situated on Fann Mi4delkraal 466 JQ, District of Rustenburg, to points within a radiu of 25 km of Wonderkop Hostel and from points within a radius of 25 km of Wonderkop Hostel to Wonderkop Hostel. M75151A3051 LEGOLANENG, GELE~ OP GROEN FONTEIN 864, DITRIK NEBO. (2) okhutshiwe Piet Mahlangu, MpuduIle; nuwe aansoek vir bykomende voertuig. (3) Een motorkar aangekoop te word. (4) Bantoepassasiers en hul persoonlike bagasie. (5) (a) Vanaf Legolaneng, gelee op Groenfontcin 864, distrik Nebo, na punte binne 'n radius van 35 km vanaf Groenfontein. (5) (b) Vanaf punte binne 'n radius van 35 km vanaf Legolaneng, gelee op Groenfontein 864 distrik Nebo na Groenfontein. ' M6262/A EDAN 18, DITRIK NAPHUNA 1. (2) Matl::hoto Ecken Malatjie, Letaba; nuwe aansoek vir bykomende voertuig met bykomende magtiging. (3) Twee motorkarre aangekoop te word. (4) Bantoepassasiers en hut persoonlike bagasie. (5) (O.vanaf hilubanehospitaal gelee op Plaas edan 18, distrik Naphuna 1, na punte binne 'n radius van 35 km vanaf hilubanehospitaal. (ii) Vanaf punte binne 'n radius van 35 kin vanaf hilubanehospitaal, gelee op edan 18, distrik Naphuna 1 na hitubanehospitaal. ' R1379/A3066-WITFONTEIN 2, DITRIK MOUTE 1. (2) Alpheos Ramolefe, trydmag; nuwe aansoek. (3) Een voertuig aangekoop te word. (4) Bantoepassasiers en hul persoonjike bagasie. (5) Vanaf Witfontein 2, distrik Moutse 1 na punte binne 'n radius van 25 km vanaf Witfontein en terug. ' M9354/A3026-HENDRINA POWER TATION. (2) Thomas Mpila, Middelburg (Tvl); new application. (3) Two motor vehicles to be purchased. (4) Bantu passengers and their personal effects. (5) Within a radius of 44 km of Hendrina Power tation. TlI06/A3067-TYLDRIFT 90, DITRIK BAFOKENG. (2) imon himi Tsitsi, tyldrift 90; nuwe aansoek. (3) Ben motorkar aangekoop te word. (4) Bantoepassasiers en hul persoonlike bagasie. (5) Vanaf tyldrift 90. distrik Bafokeng, na punte binne 'n radius van 35 km vanaf tyldrift en terug. D213/A275 I-BARBERTON. (2) Phineas Dhlamini. Barberton; new application for an additional vehicle with existing authority. (3) One motor-car-taa (4) Bantu passengers and their personal effe(:ts. (5) Between Barberton Location and Barberton Town. G801/A3046-BALMORAL (2) Joaquim Godinho, Witbank; new application for additional authority in respect of existing vehicle. (3) One lorry-tw (4) Duff coal on behalf of Witbank Duff. (5) From Crown Douglas Mine at Balmoral to Highveld teel and Vanadium, District of Witbank A3042-KOEDOEPOORT, PRETORIA. (2) Allister Goodman habangu, Mamelodi; new application for amended authority in respect of existing vehicles. (3) Two motor-cars TP and TP (4) Not more than five Bantu employees of iemens (Pty) Ltd and their personal effects. (5) From place of business of iemens (Pty) Ltd at 37 Eland treet, Koedoespoort Industrial ites, to Pretoria Railway tation and Mamelodi. T430/A3014-":fABOPANE, DITRIK om 1. (2) Andries Tsebe, Mamelodl; nuwe aamoek vir 'n bykomende voertuig met bestaande magtiging. (3) Een motorkar-tp (4) ~antoepassasiers en hut persoonlike bagasie slegs direkte passasiers.. (5) Vanaf Mabopane, distrik Odi 1, na llaviaanspoort oor inovilfe en Riverside en terug. C365 / A3034--{)NDERTEPOORT; PRETORIA..(2) consort Transport (Pty) Ltd, Pretoria; new application for.adijftlooal vehicles with existing autho.rity. (3) Four.meehanical horses- TP 11072, TP 57286, TP and TP (4) Haulage-"f own existing approved trailers and semi"trailers. (5) Within existing approved areas. V687/A KENDAL, mtrik WITBANK. (2) Petrus Wilhelmus Venter en Adrian Nicholas Venter, Heuwelfontein, Witbank; nuwe aansoek. (3) Vier vragmotors, een meganiese perd, een leunwa en een slcepwa. (4) teenkool, sand en vuurmaakhout. (5) Binne 'n radius van 100 km vanaf Poskantoor Kendal, distrik Witbank. ' D647 / A301(}--NELPRUIT. (2) Perskorporasie van.a. (Edms.) 8pk., Nelspruit; nuwe aansoek. (3) Ben ligte afleweringswa -TJ (4) Verspreiding van nuusblaaie. (5) Binne 'n radius van 320 km vanaf Nelacregebou, Kelder 2, Nelspruit. D647/A3009-PlETERBURG. (2) Perskorporasie van A. (Edms.) Bpk., Pietersburg; nuwe aansoek. (3) Twee ligte afl~weringswaens-tj en TJ (4) Verspreiding van nuusblaaie. (5) Rinne 'n radius van 320 km vooaf hoek van Landdros- ell Maraisstraat 25a, Pietersburg. Z213/A3013-REPUBLIEK VAN UrD-AFRIKA-WAZI LAND BORDER POT. (2) M. L.. Zwane, Mbabane; new application. (3) One lorry-d (4) Vegetables and fruit. (5) From Republic of outh Africa-waziland Border Post to Johannesburg Market and return en route to and from Mbabane, waziland. M773jA2978-PRETORIA. (2) Evans Marcus Mabu~la, Ga Rankuwa; nuwe aansoek (laat hernuwing). (3) Een motorkar TP (4) Nie-Blanke passasiers en hul persoonlike bagasie. (5) Binne 'n radius van 25 kid vanaf Kerkplein, Pretoda. OI42/A2995-KILNERPARK, PRETORIA. (2) chalk Willem Burger Olivier, Kilnerpark;nuwe aansoek_ (3) Twee vragmotors-twb tj875 en TWB 11126: (4) and en klip. (5) Binne 'n radius van 50 kin vanaf Kilnerpark, Pretoria. B2145/A3036-REPUBLIC OF OUTH AFRICA-BOT WANA BORDER POT AT KILPADHEK. (2) Botswana Liquor Manufacturers, Gaborone; new application. (3) One light delivery van-ed 2676 and one truck-bd (4) Wines, spirits and empty. bottles. (5) From Republic of outh Africa Botswana Border Post at kilpadhek to Olifantsfontein and from Olifantsfonlein to Republic of outh Africa-Botswana Border Post at kilpadhek en route to and frqm Gaborone, Botswana. RI397/A3002-BRONKHORTPRUIT. (2) Reynpot Transport (Edms.) Bpk., Bronkhorstspruit; l1uwe aansoell vir bykomen!ie voertuie met bykomende plus bestaande magtiging. (3) Een meganiese petd-taw 16335, cen leunwa-taw en drie vragmotors aangekoop te word. Bestaande magtiging (net ten opsigte van TAW en TAW 16334): (4) (a) and, gruis en klip. (5) (a) Binne 'n radius van 80 kid vanaf Kerkplein. Bykomende magtiging: (4) (b) Vuurvaste klei namens Chamotte Holdings (Pty) Ltd, Bronkhorstspruit. (5) (b) Binne 'n radius van 240 km vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Bronkhorstspruit. (4) (c) tcenkool vanaf steenkoolmyne binne die landdrosdistrikte Witbank en Middelburg (fvl.). (5) (c) Na punte binne die landdrosdistrikte Bronkhorstspruit en Cullinan. N1444/A2992-LOMONDOLOKAIE 252, DITRIK VUWANI. (2) Makondelela Wilson Ndou, Lomondo; nuwe aansoek. (3) Een kombi (scs-sitplek) aangekoop te word. (4) Bantoepassasiers en hul persoonlike bagasie. (5) Binne 'n radius van 15 km in die distrik Vuwani 1 met taanplek o.p kaart naby die afdraaipad na Lomondolokasie 252 vanuit Louis Trichardt, ibasateerpad: Vanaf Punt na enige punt binne die radius van 15 km en terug, en vanaf enige punt binne die radius na 'n ander punt binne die radiu:; en terug, onderhewig aan die beperking: (i) Die houer van hierdie sertifikaat mag nie, nadat hy sy passasiers op die voertuig het, 'n ander passasier op 'n plek wat op 'n geskeduteerde busroete ge1ee is, oplaai binne 'n halfuur voor die vertrektyd van die geskeduleerde bus vanaf daardie plek en sodanige passasiers vervoer na 'n ander pick op daardie busroete nie, dit wil s~ dat die passasier nie die bus vooruitgaan nie. (ii) Die houer van hierdie sertifikaat of sy dienaar mag nie passasiers vir vervoer werf of toelaat dat passasiers namens hom vir vervoer gewerf word nie. 3090/A295(}--WITBANK. (2) tephanus Johannes trydom, Witbank; nuwe aansoek. (3) Twee ligte afleweringswaens. (4) Ligte algemcne goedcre. (5) Tussen Witbank, Johannesburg en Pretoria. K1316/A2956-PRETORIA. (2) Midhiel Coenraad Kleynhans, Pretoria-Noord; nuwe aansoek. (3) Een ligte afleweringswa-tp (4) Tuinafval. (5) Binne die landdrosdistrik Pretoria. M9042 1A2969, BEZUlDENHOUTKRAAL, DITRIK MORETELE 1. (2) Nakampe Petrus Maiema, Leboneng; nuwe aansoek. (3) Nuwe voertuig aangekoop te word. (4) Bantoepassasiers en hul persoonlike bagasie. (5) (i) Vanaf Bezuidenhoutskraal 96, distrik Moretele I, na punte gelee binne 'n radius van 20 km vanaf Bezuidenhoutskraal. (li) Vanaf punte gelee binne 'n radius van 20 kid vanaf Bezuidenhoutskra.a1 96, distrik Moretele 1 na Bezuidenhoutskraal.

36 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 " GOVERNMENTGAZETTB; NOVEMBER' 1976 '.' M9.J46 I' Al,976 RAMOKOKALOKAIE, DITRIK MANKWE; (2) Nomsa Ernstina Mothupi, Ramokokaslokasiej nuwe aansoek.(3) NJlwe vragmotor aangekoop te word. (4) (a) Goedere ten belloewe van Nie-Blankes. (5) (a) Binne 'n radius. v-an 35. km vanaf Poskantoor, Ramokokaslokasie, gelel op Ramokokaskraal 25, distrik Mankwe. (4) (b) Huistrekke behorende aan Nie-Blankes. (5) (b) Vanaf punte gelee binne 'n radius van 35 km vana! Poskantoor, Ramokokaslokasie, na punte gelee binne 'n radius van 240 km vanaf Poskantoor, Ramokokaslokasie. Vanaf punte gelee binne 'n radius van 240 kid vanaf Poskantoor, Ramokokaslokasie na punte gelee binne 'n radius van 35 kid vanaf Ramokokaslokasie gelee op Ramokokaskraal 25, distrik Mankwe. M9345/A2975-LEEUWFONTEIN, DITRIK NEBO. (2) Jaoob Zanelle Mats-hiana, Leeuwfontein; nuwe aansoek. (3) Nuwe motorkar aangekoop te word. (4) Bantoepassasiers en' hul persoonlike bagasie. (5) (i) Vanaf Leeuwfontein 750, distrik Nebo na punte blnne 'n radius van 20 km vanaf Leeuwfontein, (li) Vanaf punte binne 'n radius van 20 km vanaf Leeuwfontein 750, distrik Nebo na Leeuwfontein. N1623/A NNEBLOM 105 LT. (2) Mageli amuel Ndhukula, oekmekaar; new application. (3) One motor-car. (4) Bantu passengers and their personal effects. (5) From onneblom 105 LT to Elim Hospital to Nkhenseni Hospital (Giyani) and Kgapane Hospital (Duiwelskloof). M4538/A3028-BOFONTEIN 470. (2) Elmon Magagula, Bosfontein; new application for additional vehicles with existing authority. (3) Three motor-cars to be purchased. (4) Bantu passengers and their personal effects. (5) From Bosfontein 470 to Malelane via' Tenkerton' 175, Wildern Ranch 176, Mauricedale 392, 'Mhlumi 456, Laughing Waters 455, Kaalrig 465, hongwe Mission, Lomatsi 466, Middelplaas 467 and return via same route: M7291/A3059-KROMKUlL 99, DITRIK ODI 1. (2) Lawrence harack Masiten!!,. Mabopane; nuwe aansoek vir 'n bykomende voertuig met bestaande magtiging. (3) Een motorkar aangekoop te word. (4) Bantoepassasiers en hul persoonlike bagasie. (5) (i) Valla!f Baloyi se Winkel te Kromkwl 99, distrik Odi I. na punte binne 'n radius van 8 kid vanaf Baloyi se Winkel. (ii) Vanaf punte binne 'n radius van 8 km vanaf Baloyi se Winkel te Kromkuil 99, distrik Odi I, na Baloyi se Winkel, onderhewig aan die een uur (pro forma) beperking. M93551 A3030-0GIE, DITRIK '''TTBANK. (2) Gxamalaza Lazarus Mtshali, Ogies; oqi'drag van Motortransportsertifikaat C vanaf. M. Nkabinda. (3) Een motorkar-tw (4) Bantoepassasiers en hul persoonlike bagasie. (5) (i) Vanaf Ogres,in die landdrosdistrik Witbank na punte blnne 'n radius van 25 km vanaf O~ies, (ii) Vanaf punte blnne 'n radius van 25 km vanaf Ogies, distrik Witbank na Ogies. HI018/A2753-LYDENBURG. (2) Allen George Marthinus Hattingh, Lydenburg; nuwe aansoek. (3) Een motorkar-tae (4) (a) Blanke taxipassasiers en hul persoonlike bagasie. (5) (a) (i) Op ritle binne die landdrosdistrik Lydenburg. (5) (a) (ii) Op toevallige riue van blnne die gebied omskryf in (5) (a) (i) na enige punt buite daardie gebied en vanaf enige punt buite daardie gebied na enige punt binne daardie gebied (pro forma). B2206!A2988 REPUBLIC OF OUTH AFRICA-BOT WANA BORDER POT. (2) Botswana Game Industries (Pty) Ltd, Francistown: new application. (3)' One truck-bh 4Q35. (4) Curious, tanned g:ame skins, African handicrafts, taxidermists. (5) Between Republic of outh Africa-Botswana Border Posts and outh African and outh-west Africa en route to and from Francistown, Botswana. B2200/A2939-BRIT. (2) Pieter Hendrlk Borman. Fochville; nuwe aansoek. (3) Drie mcganiese perde-tan 7127, TAN 7569, TAN 6369 en drle leunwaens-taz 17533, TAZ 2m31 en TAZ (4) Tabakdroogoonde. (5) Vanaf Brits na tabakplase binne die Republiek van uid-afrika onderworpe aan die Transkei (pro forma) beperking. NI39/A AULVILLE, DITRIK PRETORIA. (2) John Nxumalo, aulsville; nuwe aansoek. (3) Twee motorkarre aangekoop te word. (4) Bantoepassasiers en hut persoonlike bagasie, (5) Vanaf auisvillespoorwegstasie, distrik Pretoria, na punte binne aulsville en Atteridgeville Bantoelokasies alleenlik en terug na uutsviliespoorwegstasie. Voertuig gestasioneer te word te aulsvillespoorwegstasie. M7751/A3055-DE BEER 448, DITRICT OF THABA MOOPO. (2) Ramashilde Johannes Mampane, Lebowa Kgomo; new application. (3) One motor-car to be purchased. (4) Bantu passengers and their personal effects. (5) Between points within a radius of 10 km of Lebowa Kgomo situated on De Beers 448, District of Thabamoopo to points within a radius of 20 km and return. ubject to the restriction that no passengers be loaded outside the 10 km radius of Lebowa Kgomo. Vehicle to be stationed at the Bantu Affairs Commissioner's office, M2214/A299J-.'.NOOlfOBDACHI'913,. DITRICT OF. THABAMOOPO. (2) Arthur M~, Nt>Oitgedacht;newappli.. cation for an additional vehicle with additional authority. (3) One motor-car to be purchased. (4) Bantu passengers imdtheir personal effects. (5). From Nooitgedacht 913, District of Thabamoopo, to points within a radius of 36 km.of Nooitgedacht. RI443/A3069-RIETFONTEIN 338, DIT'RIK RUTEN. BURG. (2) Piet Robbertse, Thlabane; nuwe ~oek. (3) Motorkar nog aangekoop te word.,(4) Bantoepassa~lers en hul persoonlike bagasie. (5) Vanaf RustenburgChrome Mmes (Edms.) Bpk., gelee op die plaas Rietfontein 338, distrik Rustenburg, na punte binne 'n radius van 20 km en terug. M6804/A3017-KLIPDRIFT 121, DITRICT OF PRETORIA. (2) France J. Mahlangu, Mabopane; new application for additional vehicles with additional authority. (3) Two motor-cars to be purchased. (4). Bantu pa.sse~gers and th~ir perso~llll eff.e~s. (5) (i) From Klipdnft 121, DIstnct of Pretona, to points wlthm a radius of 40 kid of Klipdrift 121. (ii) From points within. a radius of 40 km of Klipdrift 121, District of Pretoria, to Klipdnft. Cl135/ A2949-AmRBAAAR, PRETORIA. (2) Cha-Cha International (Pty) Ltd, Pretoria; nuwe aansoek. (3) Twee b~kkies-tp en TP (4) (a) Eie halldelsware (~ratl~). (5) (a) (i) Rinne 'n radius, van 80 ~m vanaf ple~ v~n besigheid te Pretoria. (ii) Binne die P.retor!a-Randkarwelgebled. (4) (b) Atjar in plastiese houers en III bj~ke. (5) (b) ~a1'!af plek van besigheid te Pretoria na handelaars bmne die provmsll~s Transvaal en Natal. U90/A2843-JOHANNEnURG. (2) Usutu Pulp <:0. Ltd, Bedfordview; new application for a.d4itional,authonty plus existing authority in respect of exltmg vehicles. (3) One mechanical horse-d 23306, one semi-trailer-j:? 4618,. one combi-d 5113, one truck-d and three light delivery vans-d D and D (4) (a) Own goods. (5) (a) Within 'the Magisterial Dis-tricts 0{ ~lberton, ~lfour, Benoni, Boksburg, Brakpan, Delmas, Germlston,.Heidelberg (Tvl), Johannesburg, Kemp~on Park, Krugersdo!,p, NIgel, Ob~rholzer, Pretoria, Randfontem, R~epoort, prings,. VanderblJIpark Vereeniging and Westonana and th{lse portloml of the Magisterial Di6trict!; of Heilbr.on, a.solburg an~ Parys. (~). (a) Within a radius 'Of 35 km 'Of the Mam Post Office, Vereemgmg, as well as between points within the afor~entioned areas and points within the municipal area of FochVllle (referred to as the Reef and Pretmia exempted area). ~4) (b) <;>Wn spare parts being required for the imme4iate oona fide ropalrs C?f machmery of mechanioal installation which have beoome defective and have to be urgently repaired (excluding deliyery ~ any ~ur?hll6er for replenishing stocks. (5) (b) From POll}ts ~lltuated wlthm the Magisterial Districts of Alberton, Benom, Bok:9burg, Brakpan, Delmas, Germiston. J'Ohannesburg, Kempton Pa.rk, Krugersdo!p, Nigel, Pretoria, Randfontein, R~epoort,. l?t1ngs, Vanderb:JIpark Vereeniging and Westonana and wlthm the boundanes of the farms Rooipoort 109, G{ludvlekte Oost 106, Oog van W'Onderfontein 119 and mall>ai1k 353, situated in the Magi'terial Di6trict of Oberoolzer and within a radius of 25 km of Churc~ quare, Pret<oria,,to points within the Reef cartage area to wazlland Border (4) (c) Tools of trade (for own use only and not for sale)' and own employ~ (free of charge) in ~e oou~e of their employment, only whdst on duty and camptng eqwpment f<or use by such employees only and not f'or sale. (5) (c) From points within the Reef and Pretoria ~xempted. area and the waziland Border. (4) (d) Own defective machinery and defective machine parts for ur~etl!t repair purposes on~y al!d the return of such items after repair. (5) (d) Between pomts ill t he Reef and Prffi:oda exempted area and waziland Border. (4) (e) Own rough unsawn log6. (5) (e) From plantation within the District of Ermelo to Ner~ton and Waverley Border Posts en route to Usutu,' waziiand. (4) (I) Own wooden mine props and wooden pack mats, (5) (f) From. Nersoon and Waverley Border Posts, waziland, to Lothair Railway ta tion. (4) (g) Household removals of employees (free of ('harge) and own office furniture. ($) (g) Within the radius.of 400 kmof Usutu Forest. (4) (h) Own parts of plant and ma",h:nery for repair or reconditioning and parts in case of breakdown. (~) (h) Between waziland Border and Johannesburg >Or NebonlIt. (4) (i) Own.materia~ with a mass?f not ~re th~n 500,kg per single tnp. reqmnxl f{lr bona fide repa.r and mstallat10n purposes. (5) (i) Bet'Y~n Joh!lnnesburg an<;! Nerston B?~der Posts. (4) (i) Own moorme, pest control chemicals and pestleldes for own use only (fio't more than 250 kg per single trip). (5) (j) Between J-ohanm~sburg and Nerston Border post. (4) (k) Not more than three boxes with film reels for recreation purposes of own employees only (free of char/te). (5) (k) Between Johanneburg and Nerston Border Post. (4) (1) Refrigerators, st'oves, washing machines, radios, radiograms, television sets, lounge suites, bedroom suites, dining room suites and kitohen furniture on behalf of own employees only (frce of.obargfil) as well as own typewriters, dictaphones, comoutors and 'scientific instruments. (5) 0) Between Johannesburg and Nerston.

37 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 TA;'\TKOER.'\NT, 5 NOVEMBER 1976 No, RI439/A2932-BRIT. (2) Rudnor Transport~Pty) Ltd" Brits; \lew application.. (3) One mechanical horse-to 1.26~8 and ~ne semi-trailer-to (4) (a) Goods. (5) (a) Wlthm a radius of 60 km of Post Office, Brits. (4) (b) Rcinfodng steel which is purposely made to size an~ lenj$:th after being complet~ly bent to required shape and dlmenslonsan<i/or a~sembly remforcing steel frames for t~e rein~orcin.g. of concrete beams and columns only for direct' rnstallatlon by the owner thereof. (5) (b) From points situated within the Reef cartage area to building or oonstruction shes 6ituated within a radius of 240 km of Post Office Brits. (4) (c) Only the completely con~tructed sectior:s of a 'wall, floor, ceiling, roof or framework of a prefabricated building when purpose made as an integral part of a wall, floor, ceiling, roof or framework of such a prefabricat 7 building togetherwiih the tools of trade and any matenal d required for the erection or assembly of the components. (5) (c) From points within the Reef cartage area direct to erection sites; situated within a radius of. 240 kid of Post OffLe, Brits. (4) (d) ('...ompletely assembled units of road-making and excavation machinery direct to or from or excavation sites for bona fide road-constructi!on or excavation purposes and not for sale. (5) (d) Within a radius of 480 km of Post Office, Brits. (4) (e) and, stone, bricks and gravel. (5) (e) From point within the' Reef cartage area to point~ within a radius Qf 240 km of Post Office, Brits. (4) (f) lasto and stone. (5) (f) From points within II. radius of 240 kid of Post Office, Brits. (4) (g) I.B.R. and corrugated sheeting longer than 15,240 metres. (5) (g) Within a radius of 240 km of Post Office, Brits. (4) (h) Abnormal loads that cannot be accommodated on rail trucks by virtue of mass or size wbject. to the proviso that (a) the.a.r. Administ.ration in each instance regards such loads as being too abnormal when tendered for conveyance by rail; and (b) that the operator in each instance hands a c.ertificate from the consignor of the goods to his driver reflecting the following particulars in the form set out liereunder: 1. Name of haulier. 2. Address of haulier. 3. Dimensions and mass of abnormal load. 4. Name of.a.r. Administration off;cial to whom. the matter wa.s referred by the consignor when tendering it for conveyance by rail. 5. Date on which it was tendered by the consignor for conveyanre by rail. (5) (h) Within a radius of 840 kid of Post Office, Brits, and further subject to the. proviso (c) that such abnormal loads may n.ot be picked up withinio km from any regular road motor transport route and conveyed to another point within 10 km of the same mad motor transport route or any oo-ordinated route which for!ilb a link with such route. (4)(0 witchgear. (5) (i) From points situated within the Reef cartage area t() points sittmted within a radius of 480 kin of Post Office, Brits. (4) (j) Transformers each with a mass of not less than 907 kg for direct installation at the destination. (5) (j) From points situated within the Reef cartage area to points situated wit,hin a radiu-s of 480 km of Post Office. Brits. K118/A2982-GROBLERDAL. (2) Damus Kabini, Groblers <!al; nuwe aansoek vir bykomende voetwie met bestaande magtiging. (3) Een meganiese perd-leb en een sleepwa LEB (4) (a) Ten opsigte van meganiese perd: Trt'k van eie bestaande goedgekeurde sleep- en/of leunwaens. (5) (a) Binne bestaande goedgekeurde gebiede. (4) (b) Nie-Blanke passamel' en goedere. (5) (b) (i) R,oete A: Tussen Gro-blersdal, Welverdiend 24; Varswater (Varschwater) 23, Motetema-Bantoedorp, Tafelkop 120, Eensgevonden 119, Zui:kerboschplaats 125, Lukau p7, Frischgewaagd 131, Gemsbokspruit 132, Klipspruit 870, PaardeplaaJts 135 (GJ.ogotlou-Bantoedorp) (Monsterluslokasie), Malaita of Vleeschbooill 869, Rie futlllein 876, Eenzaam 875, Roodepoort 880, Goedgedacht 878 en Tweefontein 848. (ii) Roete B: Tussen Groblersdal, Welverdiend 24, VilTkenskraal 19 Leeuwlaagte 18, Leeuwfontein 750 en Bmkf()lltein 751. ' Tydtafel ROETE A Maandae; 'Woensdae en Vr)'dae Vertrek Arriveer TweefoQ.tein h30 Grobtersdal ORh30 Groblersdal IOhOO Malaita hOO Malaita h15 Tweefontein hOO Dinsdae, Donderdae, aterdae en ondae Vertrek Arriveer Tweefontein h30 Groblersdal llhoo Qrobler,sdal hOO Tweefontein... 19h30 En wanneer benodig. Tydtafel. ROETE B Vertrek. Arriveer Groblersdhl hOO Brakfontein. " hOO Brakfontein h15 Groblersdal... IOh15 Groblersdal... 14h15. Brakfontein h15 Brakfontein.. 15h30 Groblersdal h30. En wanneer ber..odig. Passasiers: 2c per my I per passasier. Goedere: Volgcns ooreenkoms. (4) (c) B::mtoepassasiers vir sporh opvo.edkundige en godsriienstige d()el~;ndes. (5) (c) Vanaf G.roblersdal na punte binne 'n radius van 160 km vanaf Groblersdal en terug: onderworre ailn die oepalini dat die terugreis binne 24 uur na tyd van aankomsaanvaar word. MI372/A2727-WITFOl'ITEIN 274. (2) hone Joel Masisi, Dwarsberg; nmve aansoek. (3) Een bus (53/16)-TRB (4) Bantoepass:;tsiers en hul persoonlike bagasie. (5) Heep.Fies: Vanaf Witfontein na Madikwe langs die volgende metes: Plase: Witfontein 274, Kameelnek 278, Vogclstruisdraai 268. Welgeval 267, Rampapaanspoort 275, Kli!Jkuii 122, Krugerskop 124, Vitlanderskraal 125, Elandsdoorns 144, Putfontein 159, Vlakplaats 157, Koedoesrand 158, LemQenplaats 18Q, Vrischgcwaagd 182, Zwartdoornlaagte 190, Ou Thomas Zynloop 184, Toe!anie 185, Moesgat 189, Madikwe. Terugrcis: Vanaf Madikwe na Witto!) tein langs die volgende mete: Plase.: Madikwe, Moesgat 189, Toelanie 185, Ou Thomas Zynloop 184. Zwartdoornlaagte 190, Vrischgewaagd 182, Lemoenplaats 180, Koedoesrand 158, Vlakplaats 157, Putsfontein 159, Elandsdoorns 144, Vidanderskraal 125, Krugerskop 124, Klipkuil 122, Rampapaanspoort 275, Weigeval 267, Vogelstruisdraai 268. KaJlleelnek 278, Witfontein 274. Dinsdae en Donderdae: Heenreis Vertrek Arriveer Witfontein.....,... 07h30 Madikwe hOO Witfontein... 07h30 Arriveer Vertrek Kameelnek h40 Kameelnek Q.7b45 Dwarsberg (Welgeval) 08hOO Dwarsberg (Welgeval) Oh05 Rampapaanspoort hl0 Rampapaanspoort... Ohl5 Uitlanderskraal h30 Vi!landerskraal Oh35 Ta In bo 0 tier and / Oh.J5 Ta In bo()tierandl 08h50 Elandsdoorn Elandsdoorns Vlakplaats hOO Vlakplaats h05 Koedoesrand... 09h15 Koedoesrand h20 Vrischgewaagd... 09h30 Vrischgewaagd h35 Madikwe... IOhOO Terugreis \ Vertrek Arriveer Madikwe kOO Witfontein h30 Arriveer Vertrek Vrischgewaagd h30 Vrischgewaagd h35 Koedoesrand... 16h45 Koedoesrand... 16h50 Vlakplaats hOO Vlakplaats h05 Tambootierand/ 17h15 Tambootierand/ 17h20 Elandsdoorns Elandsdooms Vitlanderskraal h30 Vitlanderskraal h35 Rampapaanspoort h50 Rampapaanspoort... 17h5 Dwarsberg (Welgeval) 18hOO Dwarsberg (Welgeval) 18h05 Kameelnek h20 Kameelnek...18h25 Witfontein h30 Tarief: 2c per passasier per myl, volle rciskoste vir enkelroete tussen Witfontein en Madikwe langs roete, RI,IO en retoer R2,60 en R2,20 onderskeidelik /A2946-HENDRINA. (2) Job k<?~na. Bethal.; nuwe aansoek vir bestaande plus bykomende magbgmg ten opslgte van bestaande voertuie en wysiging van tydtafel bestaande roete. (3) Vyf bestaande busse. Bestaande magtiging: (4) (a) Nie-Blanke passasiers en hul persoonlike bagasie. (5) (a) Oor bcstaande goedgekeurde roetes met bestaande goedgekeurde tydtafels, tariewe en beper Additional authority: (4) (br Non-White pa~ngers and th personal effects. (5) (b) ~oute I:.Fr<?m Hendtina to Bethal via Beukesstraat, Grasfonteml99, Blrmmgham 197, Bloemfontein 196, Boschmanskraal 184, Uitgezocht 194, Hartebeeskuil 185 Hartebeeskuil 185, Wilmansrust 47, Leeufontein 48, Middelkraal'50, Vlakkuilen 76, Legdaar 78, Yzervarkfon.tein 106, Mooifontein 108, chlossberg Avenue, Bethal, to termmus and return via same route. Wednesdays and Fridays: Time-table Depart Hendrina h30 Bethal h30 Arrive Bethal bOO Hendrina... l6hoo Tariff: 3!c per passenger per 1,6 km. Wysiging van tydtafel van bestaande Roete 10: (4) (c) Bantoepassasiers en hul persoonlike bagasie. Gewysigde tydtafel: (5) (c) Roete 10: Vauaf Hendrina (ook Hendrinakragstasie en Arnotkragstasie) na Vaalpan 68 (Krielkragstasie) via Grasfontein 199, Birmingham 197, Bloemfontein 196, Bosmanskraal 184, Driefontein 153, Aberdeen 152, Gloria 136, Geluk 26, Broodsnyersplaas 25, Koringfontein 27, Haasfontein 28, Rietkuil 57, Roodebloem 58, Onverwacht 7~, Driefontein 69, Nooitgedacht 59, Vaalpan 68 en terug via dieselfde roete, onderworpe aan die beperking dat slegs deurpassasiers t:1issen Hendrina en Vaalpan 68 vervoer mag word.

38 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 No. 32 GOVERNMENT GAZE'ITB. 5 NOVEMBER 1976 Maandae Vertrek Arriveer Hendrina h45 Vaalpan... 06hOO Vaalpan h30 Hendrina Q71145 Vrydae Vertrek Arrivl!er Hendrina... loh30 Vaalpan h45 Vaalpan Hendrina h30 Tarief: 2c per passasier per myi. P265/A2936-PRETORIA DIVIION. (2) Putco Ltd, 10hannesburg; new application for additional vehicles with existing plus additional authority. (3) Two buses (65/19)-TP and TP Existing authority: (4) (a) Non-White passengers and their personal effects. {} (a) Over existing approved routes with existing approved time-tables, tariffs and restrictions (as amended). Additional authority: (4) (b) Non-White passengers and their personal effects. (5) (h) Between Wolmerton tation and Waverley, Pretoria. Route: From Wolmerton tation via Bakenkloof treet, tation f,eet, West treet, Rachel de Beer treet, Warmbaths Road, Paul Kruger treet, Van Rensburg treet, Mansfield Avenue, Louis Trichardt treet, Voortrekker Road, Meyer treet, 19th Avenue, Louis Trichardt trcet, Codonia Avenue, Walter Avenue, Darling treet, Koekock Road to terminus in Bosloerie treet. Fares Ian Wolmerton tation 6,3 10 Cor. of Baan and Paul Kruger treets 10,8 4, th Avenue 13,4 2, Codonia treet 16,6 3, Bosloerie treet Terminus Time-table Monday to Friday Wolmerton tation Boslaerie treet 06hOO 06h40 07h30 16h40 17h20 18hOO aturday Wolmerton tation Bosloerie treet 06hOO 06h~ 07h30 13hOO 13h45 14h30 Heradvertensie: Wl72/AI574--RUTENBURG. (2) M. C. Wissekerke (Edms.) Bpk.., Rustenburg; nuwe aan<;oek (laat hernuwing). (3) Vier vragmotors-trb 10880, TRB 5331 TRB en TRB 6761, vyf megani~ perde--trb 17085: TRB 6326, TRB 4841, TRB 9376 en TRB 10157, vyf sleepwaens TRB 4298, TRB 20604, TRB 11208, TRB en TRB 17827, en ses leunwaens-trb 4033, TRB 8797, TRB 5170 TRB 4273 TRB 5342 en TRB (4) (a) Huistrekke (pro foima). (5) (a) Binne 'I! radius van 240 km vanaf Posiantoor, Rustenburg. (4) (b) ierstene. (5) (b) Regstreeks na boupersele binne 'n radius van 80 kin vanaf Poskantoor, Rustenburg. (4) (e) Gedeeltelik verwerkte graniet. (5) (c) Tussen Bosspruit, distrikte Rustenburg en Johann~sburg. (4) (d) Mangaanerts, (5) (d) Vanaf Gapani na Zeeruststasle. (4) (e) Goedere. (5) (e) Binne die landdrosdistrik R~tenb?rg, ondet:worpe a~n die drie km.(pro forma) beperking. ~le gebled oms!wt deur die vol~ende bultelyne: Beginnende by die ~oordocsteli~e hoe~ va~ die plaas Olifantshoek (ongeveer by die samevioel van die Llll1popo- en Matlabasrivier) en vandaar algemeen suid-oos met die Mallabasrivier langs die oostelike grens van en insluitende die volgende plase: Olifantshoek Krokodilvley,' Hendriksdaal, Wentzel, Vaalpenskra~l, Eldorado, M.a Cantebury, omerset-noord, Leamington, WegdraaI, Colchester, Welgevonden, Grootfontein Haarlem 005t Matlabas, Groenrivier, Hoopdaal, Kameeldraai,'Geelhoutbosch' Matlabas ~y? ~toof en BergIontein (laasgenoemde drie plas~ sy~de. gelce m die Kra~sbel:g); vandaar weswaarts at langs die swdellke grens van en. mslultende die plase Bergfontein, Zwarthook en.blespaardspr~lt; vandaar suid langs die oostelike grens van en lllslmtende die vol.gende plase: Marakeli, Mckip Zyn Rand, R<?oywal, Vaaliontem (waar die, Boshoffsberge begin), Yzerfontem, Paardekraal, wes langs die suidelike grens van Paardekraal, weer suid langs die oostelike grens van Donkerhoek en Fides, oos langs die noordelike grens van Weihoek en Rooybans en weer suid tangs die oostelike grens van Rooykrans (waar die Boshoffsberge eindig), Koperfontein, lipfontein, Langkloof en Kenkelbos; vandaar weswaarts langs die suidelike grens van Kenkelbos, Kwarriekraal, terkiontein, Rooisloot (oor die Krokodilrivier) en Bosehkop (gedeeltejik); vandaar weer suidwaarts largs die oostelike grens van en insluitende die plase Kruidfontem, Langrand, Vlakplaats, Kleingeluk (noordelike en suidoostelike grcns), Palmietfontein, Bulhoek, Klipplaat, Korthegrip, Hartbeesfontein, Waaikraal (noord-oostelike grens), Losperfontein (net OO van Bethanie), Wolvekraal, Kareepoort en Turffontein (oor die Brits/Rustenburgspoorlyn); vandaar langs. die noordelike grens (net swd van _Wolhuterskopstasie), oostelike en suidelike grens van Basehfontem en dan verder langs die ooste like grens van Groenkloof (oor die Pretoria/Rustenburgpad; 'V<ln daar langs die suidelike grens van die plase Groenkloof, Buffelfontein 465, Elandslcraal. Buffelshoek en Buffeliontein 344; vandaar weer suid langs die oostelike grens van Modderspruit (ook sy suidelike grens., Bosehfontein 387, Zandfontein (oor die Krugersdorp!Rustenburgpad ongeveer by Maanhaarrand), Vl.akfontein, Hartebeesfontein, vandaar aigemeen weswaarts'langs die suideiike grens (behalwe waar anders aangedui) van:;:en insluitende die volgende plase (oostelike, suidelike en westellk:e gren!!): Ricliontein (gedeeltelik, suidelike en weslelike grens), Vogelstruisfontein (westelike grens), yferfontein 381 (net suid van Boonsstasic), andfontein, KwaggaIontein, Vlakfontein, Rietfontein 372 (suidl:ih.e en westeji1.;:e grens), Waterval (suid-oostelike grens gedeeltelik), Rietfontein 464 (oostelike grcns), yferfontein 496, Pan[ontcin, Gocd.ehoop, Rietfontein 487 (oostelike, suidelike en westelike grens), Kruidfontein (suid-oostelikc grens), Vlaknek, Geyer~pan en Grootpan (net noord van die Lichtenburgf Kosterpad); vandaat algemeen noordwaarts la.lgs die westelike grens (bebalwe waar anders aangedui) van en insluitende die volgcnde p!ase: Grootpan, Klipdal (westelikc en noordelike grens), On Toitspan (noordelike grens), Ricifontcin 453, Hartbeesfontein, Rietfontein 447, Uitvlugt (suidelike en westelike grens), terkstroom (001' wartruggensjzeeruslpad net OO van TwyfcJspoort), Doornfontein (suidelike, westelike en noordelike grens), Olivenkloof, Teerputsfontein (gedceltelik), Zandfontein 112 (suidelike grens), Kortkloof (suidelike en westelike gnms), Goedgedacht, Bedford (weste!ike en gedeeltelik noordetike grens), teellbokgat, Koffykraal (suidelike en westelikc grens). Pagskraal (PeUalokasie), Uitkyk, Misgund, Ongegund en Nooitgedacht 17; vandaar algemeen noord. en noordooswaarts met die Groot Maricorivier tangs die westelike grens en insluitende die plase Klarestroom, Welgevonden, Waterval 138, Naauwpoort, Buffelsdrift 224, Kromdraai (gedeeltelik). Middelpoort, Nooitgedacht 90, Krkndildrift, Laatste Poort van Marico, Klipdrift. Weigewaagd, Tweestroom, Maricosdraai, Mooiplaats, MarieostroOJ:n, Matico 63, choongezicht, Maricodrift, lackalskraal, Zanddrift, Ouisiana, Marico Water, Twee London, Welgevonden, Beaufort, Marico 20, Buffelsdraai en Inmalkaar (samevloei vim Marico- en Krokodilrivier); en vandaar noordoos met die Limpoporivier al langs die westelike grens van die plase tadenshoek (gedeeltelik), Olifantsdrift, Klipvley, Lyon, Waterval 1, Cumberland 9, Mar seilles, Rooipoort, Worcester, Mooivlei, Buifelsdrift 3 en Olifantshoek fa2844--burgerpark HOTEL, PRETORIA. (2) outhern un Hotel (Pty) Ltd, Pretoria; new application. (3) One light delivery van-tp (4) Own Non-White employees (free of charge) returning. home after work and their personal effects. (5) (i) Non-White staff of the Burgers Park Hotel from Burgers Park Hotel at Van der Walt treet to Alteridgeville and aulsville via Van der Walt treet, Visagie treet, Mitchell treet, Quagga Road and Curch treet. Return empty to Burgers Park Hotel. Time-table: Plus minus 24hOO depart Hotel; (ii) Non~White staff of the Burgers Park Hotel from Burgers Park Hotel at Van der Walt treet to Laudium via Van der Walt treet, Visagie treet, Mitchell treet and Quagga Road. Time-table: Plus minus OOM5 depart Hotel; (iii) Non~White staff of the BurgersPl-ifk Hotel from Burgers Park Hotel at Van der Walt treet to Mamelodi, Ga-Rankuwa and Mabopane via Van der Walt treet, Church treet, Pretoria treet, Hartebeest treet, Mamelodi Road, Mameiodi, tormvoel treet, Eastern Bypass, Zambesi Road, inovich Road, Lavender Road, Paul Kruger treet, Rachel de Beer treet, Burger treet, Genit Maritz Road, Brits Road, Rosslyn, Marins Ras treet to Ga-Rankuwa and Mabopane. Return empty to Burgers Park Hotel. Time-table: Depart Hotel between 03hOO-04hOO. Alternative of route (iii): From B'JI'gers Park Hotel at Van der Walt treet to Ga-Rankuwa and Mabopane via Van der Walt treet, Proes treet, Paul Kruger treet, Rachel de Beer treet, Burger treet, Gerrit Maritz Road, Britz Road, Rosslyn, Marius Ras treet to Ga-Rankuwa and Mabopane. Return empty to Burgers Park HoteL Time-table: Depart Hotel between 03hOO and 04hoo. R312/A2755--GROOTFONTEIN. (2) Rustenburg Bus ervice (Pty) Ltd. Rustenburg; new application for additional vehicle with existing plus additional authority and interchangeability. (3) One bus-tax 3248 (66/22). (4) Non-White passengers and their personal effects. (5) Route 25, Grootfontein-Bokkraal-5wa.rt ruggens: Between Grootfontein and Madikwe over the following route: Route (a) Morsgat 189, Vrede 191, Roodeval 374, Teerputsfontein 226, Zandfontein 112, Teerputsfontei-n 226, Roodeval 374, Grootfontein 225, Groenfontein 224, Lindleyspoort 220, Rietvlei 219, Lindleyspoort 220, Rustvoorby 383, Nooitgedacht 381, Winkelhaak 403, Brakfontein 404, Rietvallei 406, Driefontein 414, Kwaggashoek 448, Rietfontein 453, Btakkuil 449, Bokkraal 344, Rietspruit 318, Grootfontein,319. Reverse for return.

39 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 TAATKOERANT, 5 NOVEMBER 1976 No.~28 Ro.ure (B): From Morspt 189 to RietvaDei 406. as per route (a) then Driefontein 414, UltvIuat 413, RietfOntcln 447, yferfootein 45l, Bokkraal 344, Rie.tspn&it 318, Grootfontein 319. Reverse for return. Tariff: 1,25c per passenger per km. Tune-table Mondo)' to atwda:y Madikwe h4 wartruggens... Oh45 1hOO Bokkraal h45 O7hJO l6hoo 17h00 wartrug~ns... 08h30 18h00 Madikwe hOO Additional journeys 0J1el" whole or part of route as and when required. Interchangability. D 1739/ A2937-BRONKHORTPRUIT. (2) Dadenhorst Afsl~er:s (Edms.).Bpk., Belfast; nuwe aansoek vir bykomende magtjgmg ten opslgte van bestaande en bykomendc voortuie. (3) Vyf bestaande vragwaens-tcb 2048, TeB 1668, TCB 3283 TCB 1205 en TCD 502, drie bykoroende vragwaens-to 14845: TCD 3680 en TCD 2240 en twee bykomende sleepwaens-tcb 1~2 ~ TC~ (4) (a) Lewende hawe. (5) (a) Vanaf piase blnne n radius van 200 kid vanaf Bronkhorstspruit na veevendusies binne die landdrosdistrik Bronkborstspruit en lewende hawe vanaf veevendusies binne die landdrosdistrik Bronkhorstspruit na p\ase binne 'n radius van 200 kid vanaf Bronkhorstspruit. (4) (b) Lewende hawe. (5) (b) Vanaf plase binne 'n radius van 200 krn vanaf Belfast na veevendusies binn-e die landdrosdistrik Belfast en lewende bawe vanaf veevendusies bione die landdrosdistrik Belfast na plase binne 'n radius van 200 kin vanaf Belfast. (4) (e) Lewende hawe. (5) (c) Vanaf plase binne '0 radius van 50 km vanaf Ermelo na veevendusies binne die landdrosdistrik Carolina ell lewende hawe vanaf veevendusies binne die landdrosdistrik Ermelo na plase Mnne 'n radius van 50 km vanaf Ermelo. (4) (d) Lewende hawe. (5) (d) Vanaf plase binne a radius van 50 km vanaf Carolina na veevendusies binne die Ianddrosdistrik Carolina en lewende hawe vanaf veevendusies binne die landdrosdistrik Carolina na plase binne '0 radius van 50 km vanaf Ca~olina. (4) (e) Lewende hawe. (5) (d) Vanaf plase binne 'n radiu van 200 km vanaf Lydenburg na veevendusies 200 km vanaf Lydenburg en lewende hawe va;naf veevendusies binne 200 km vanaf Lydenburg na plase binne 'n radius van 200 km vanaf Lyqeburg. (4) (f) Lewende hawe. (5) (f) Vanaf plase binne 'n radiu van 50 kin vanaf Brakpan na veevendusics binne die landdrosdistrik Brakpan en lewende hawe vanaf veevendusies binne die landdrosistrik Brakpan na plase binne 'n radius van 50 kid vanaf Brakpan. C469/A2862-WrrBANK. (2) Cargo Carriers (Edms.) Bpk., Witbank; nuwe aansoek vir bykomende voertuie met bestaande magtiging. (3) Een meganiese perd-1w en een sleepwa TW (4) (a) Ten opsigte van meganiese perd. Trek van eie bestaande goedgekeurde gebiede. (4) (b) Goedere. (5) (b) Binne 'n radius van 35 km vanaf Witbank, onderworpe aan die voorwaarde dat geen goedere opgelaai mag word QP enige punt wat binne drie km vanaf 'n spoorwegstasie, spoorwegsylyn of op enige punte wa{ binne 3 km vanaf 'n roete liiat dem 'n gereelde gemagtigde padvervoerdiens bedien word, gelee is nie en vervoor word na 'n ander punt wat binne 1 km vanaf 'n ander spoorwegstasie, spoorwegsylyn of vanaf 'n root!! wat deur 'n gereelde gem~gde padvervrn:rdiens bedien word, gelee is nie, indien sodamg punte deur die spoorweg- en/of 'n gereelde gemagtigde padvervoerdiens bcdien word of indien dienste aan sodanige punte deur die spoorweg en/of 'n geroejde gemagtigdepadvervoerdiens beskikbaar gestel word. (4) (c) teenkoo!. (5) (C) Vanaf Witbank na Bronkhorstspruil (4) (d) Dolomiet. (5) (d) Vanaf Lyttelton na Witbank. (4) (e) Klei. (5) (e) Dione 'n radius van 40 km v:maf Poskantoor, Bronkhorstspruit. (4) (f) teenkool en kwartsiet ten behoewe van Rand Carbide and Coal and Transvaal Vanadium. (5) (f) Binne 'n radius van 35 km vanaf Witbank. (4) (g) teenkool. (5) (g) Vanaf steenkoolmyne gelee binne Witbank en Middelburg (TvI.) landdrosdistrikte na punte binne die laddrosdistrikte Alberton, Balfour, Benoni, Boksburg, Brupan, Delmas, Germiston, Heidelberg (Tv!.), Iohannesburg, Kempton Park, Krugersdorp, Nigel, Oberholzer, Pretoria, Randfontein, Roodepol.}rt, prings, Vanderbijlpark en Vereeniging en daardie gedeeltes van die landdrosdistrikte Heilbron, asolburg en Parys wat binne 'n radius van 35 km vanaf die Hoofposkantoor, Vereeniging, gelee is, asook tussen punte binne voornoemde gebiede en punte binne die munisipale gebied Fochville. 35/A3004--WrrOANK. (2). A. Cyanamid (Pty) Ltd, Witbank; new application for amended authority in respect of existing vehic.le. (3) One bus TW (30 passengers). (4) European employees and their families only. (5) From factory lituated on Middelburg Road via ChIistiaan de Wet tree~ Woltemade treet. Beatty Avenue, Alexander treet, turdee Avenue, AlIenby treet, Elizabeth A venue, Hofmeyer treet, muts A venue, President Avenue, Coert teynberg treet, turdee Avenue, Tom Naude treet, Beatty A venue, Louise treet, wartbosweg, Eugene Marais treet, Opperman treet, Hans tf)ldom Avenue, WatermeyeJ treet, Jellicoe treet, Churchill Avenue, Alexander treet, Van Ryneveld Avenue, Plumer treet, Beatty Avenue, Rhodes treet, Botha A venue, Eadie treet, Voortrekker treet, thereafter COBtinuning to factory. Time-table Tariff Free ofcharge. Depart 07h07 13hOO 16b30 Dail)' Arrive 08hOO 14bOO 17hl5 Additional Tuesdays and Fridays Depart Arrive lobo(} HMO J2hOO R312/A2981-UITKYK 22 JP, DITRICT OF MADIKWE. (2) Rustenburg Bus ervice (Pty) Ltd, Rustenburg; new application for an additional vehicle with existing authority and amendment of existing time-table. (3) One bus-tltb (66/ 22). (4) Non-European passengers and their personal effects. (5) ervice 249 Uitkyk (22 JP), Rustenburg: Route: Uitkyk (22 JP), District of Madikwe, to Rustenburg via: Koffiekrnal 69JP, Bralkuil 48 JP, Zanddrift 70JP, Toelane 185JP, Mosgat 189, teenbokgat 7IJP, Duikersbout 18(jJP, Turflaagte 188JQ. Zandfontein 1I2, Vrede 1911P, Roodewal 374JP, Groenfontein 224JP, Lindleyspoort 22OJP, choongezicht 218JP, Bestcrhoek 227JP, Rietfontein 230JP. Hoogeboomen 232JP, Rhenosterdoorns 235JP, Bashoek 99JQ, Boshoek 103JQ, Bultfontein 259JQ, Kookfontein 265JQ to Rustenburg via Van taden treer, mit treet. Reverse for return. Amended time-wble Mo.. 10 a. II. Fr. From Rustenburg hOO 13hOO 19hOO From Uitkyk h00 18hOO hOO Additional journeys as and when rquired over whole or part of route. Restriction: No passengers to be picked up or set down between Boshoek 103JQ and Rustenhurg 272 lq. Fare: lc per passengers per km. M5424/A2406-HOOGELEGEN 809, DlTltIK NEBO. (2) Elias Malapane, Lukau; nu\~ aansoek. vir bykomende voertuig met bestaande rnagtiging. (3) Een bus-led ~2029 (46 passasiers). (4) (a) Bantoepassasiers en hul persoonlike bagasie. (5) (a) Vanaf Hoogelegen 809, distrik Nebo, na Vierfontein 871, distrik Nebo, been en terug oor Botbaspruit 820, l!i:ad van Masleroem 841, Vergelegen 819, stad van Masleroem 841, Mas Jeroems Dude tad 840, Morgenzon 849, Morgenwn 849, Uitkyk 851, Ontevrede 838, Uitkyk 851, Rietfontein 852, Nebo 812, Vleeschboom 869. Tydta/el Maandae tot ater. Yertrt!k Arrlvt!er Hoogetegen hOO Vierfontein Vierfontein l7hoo Hooge\egen.. 18hOO Tar;e! 2c per passasier per km. (4) (b) Bantoepassasiers en hul persoonlike bagasie. (5) (b) Tussen Hoogelegen 809, distrik. Nebo en Pok1iIane. distrik Nebel, oor roete Vergelegen 819, Boschpoort 143. Tweefontein 848, Goedgedact 878, Roodepoort 880, Eenzaam 875, RietfonteiD 811 en Pokwane. Tydta/el Dinsdag en Dol1(/erJag Yerlrek A,,.iw>er Pokwane... «Hoogelegen.... OhOO ()QbOI) Pokwane.... l8hoo HoogeIegen... 2:tJII.OO Tarie/ 2c per passasier per km.

40 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 No. GOVERNMENT GAZE1.TE, 5 NOVEMBER 1'976 DURBAN.Addr:ess to which represenfations must be suhmilled/ The ecr:etwy. Local Road Transporlation Board, Priva(e Bag X54307, Durban, Adres waarheen vertoe gerig moet word: Die ekretaris, Plaaslike Padvervoerraad, Privaalsak X54307, Durban, AR/1211 (2382}--TANGER/KRANKOP. (2) (Re-gazetted from AR1202) Kajee, F. A., :tanger; additional vehicles and additional authority. (3) One panel van-nt 3012 and one truck -NT (4) (a) Goods, ail classes. (5) (a) Within a radius of 40 kin of Post Office, tanger, and between tanger and Kranskop. (4) (b) Asbestos sllee,s, rough timber not sawn l?~gitudinauy. (5) (b) Within a rauius of 100 km of Post Odlce, tanger. ARI212 (2290)-DURBAN. (2) uid-afrikaanse poorwee, Durban' bykomende voertuie. (3) Twee sleepwaens-mt en MT' (4) Goedcre soos per bestaande magtiging. (5) Oor bestaande gemagtigde meles. ARfl213 (2419)-BRAEMAR. (2) Naidoo,. &., trading as Naidoo Bros., Braernar; a(jditional vehicle and additional authority. (3) One truck-nx (4) (a) Goods as prese~tly authorised. (5) (a) Over presently authorised routes. (4) (b) Bncks and hot premix. (5) (b) Wilhin a radius of 150 kin of Post Office, Braemar. AR/1214 (2448)-CLAREMONT. (2) Latha, R., Clennont, late renewal. (3) One van-npn (4) Fresh vegetables (not canned, bottled or otherwise preserved). (5) Within a radius of 40 km of Post Office, Claremont. AR/1215 (2451)-NATAL. (2) Kawlasir, R., Reservoir Hills; new motor carrier certificate. (3) One light delivery van-nd (4) Fresh fruit and vegetables on behalf of Hanirudh. (5) Within the Province of Natal. AR/1216 (2450)-UMLAZI. (2) Masuku, D., Ntokozweni; new motor carrier certifieate. (3) One car-nuz (4) Bantu passengers and their personal effects. (5) Within a radius of 25 kin of Urniazi Township. -AR/1217 (2437)-UMLAZI. (2) Kweyama, V., Ntokozweni; additional vehicle. (3) One car to be acquired. (4) Non-White passengers and their personal effects. (5) Within the Magisterial District of Umlazi. AR/1218 (2445)-UMLAZI. (2) Mdlalose, A. & R., Ntokozweni; additional vehicles with new authoritv. (3) Two cars-nd and ND (4) Bantu passengers and their personal effeets. (5) Within a radins of 25 kin of Umlazi Township. AR/1219 (2452)-EMPANGENI. (2) obral, I. C., Empangeni; new motor carrier certificate. (3) One lorry-nuf (4) and, stone and sub-base. (5) Within a radius of 50 kid of Empangeni. AR/1220 (2438)-NATAL. (2) Moodley, N. P., Mariannhill; additional vehicle. (3) One truck-npn (4) Goods as presently authorised. (5) Over presently authorised routes. AR/1221 (2439)-NATAL. (2) Moodley, N. P., Mariannhi1I; additional vehicle. (3) One truck-npn (4) Goods as presently authorised. (5) Over presently authorised routes. AR/1222 (2436)-DURDAN. (2) Hamid, C. A., Chatsworth, late renewal. (3) One van-nd (4) General goods on behalf of malridges and City Furnishers. (5) Within the Durban exempted area. AR/1223 (2387)-MTUBATUBA. (2) Nxumalo, A. K., Mtubatuba; new motor carrier certificate. (3) One truck to be acquired. (4) Fruit and vegetables. (5) Within a radius of 240 km of Mtubatuba Bantu Re serve. AR/I224 (2481)-REPUBLlC OF OUTH AFRICA. (2) Haripersad, P., tnh'ling as Riseclirf Carriers, Chatsworth; new motor carrier certificate. (3) One lorry to be acquired. (4) General goods. (5) Within the Republic of outh Africa. AR/1225 (2472)-DURBAN. (2) Maharai, T. C, Tongaat; new motor carrier certificate. (3) One van-nj (4) General goods mainly fresh fruit and vegetables on behalf of R. Maharaj. (5) Within a radius of 50 km of the Durban Wholesale Market and to any points within and beyond that area_ AR/1226 (2473)-DURBAN/PlNETOWN. (2) Narsey, H. M., trading as amair Cargo Agencies, Durban; new motor carrier certificate. (3) One panel van-nd (4) General goods. (5) From clients' premises in Durban and Pinetown to Louis 130tha Airport, Durban. AR/1227 (2474)-DURBAN. (2) Naidoo, K.., trading as Kenstel Transport er/ices, Durban: additional vehicle. (3) One lorry-nd (4) and, stone, rubble, building material and builder's equipment. (5) Within a radius of 40 km of General Post Office, Durban. AR/1228 (2480)-UMLAZI. (2) Mhlangu, M., Umlazi; new motor carrier certificate. (3) One car-nuz (4) Bantu passen!2crs and thl"ir personal effects. (5) Within a radius of 50 kin of Linokule Railway $ation, Umlazi. AR/1229 (2478)-UMLAZI. (2) Mhatha,. 0., Ntokozweni; new motor carrier certificatl;, (3) One car to be. ac~uired. f4) Bantu passengers and their personal effects. (5) -WIthIn a radiu of 5 km of Umlazi tation. AR/1230 (2471)-UMLAZI. (2) Dlalisa Z,Ntokozweni; new motor carrier certificate. (3) One car to be. a~uired. (4). Ba~tu passengers and their personal effects. (5) Wlthm the Maglstenal District of Umlazi. AR/1231 (2467)-UMLAZI. (2) Dlamini, M. J., Ntokozweni; additional vehicles. (3) One car to be acquired. (4) Bantu passengers and their personal effeets. (5) Wi,hin the _Magisterial District of Umlazi. AR/1232 (2430) - UMBOGINTWINI-WINKLE~RUlT. (2) Kelly, E. B., trading as Kiddycare Play Centre, Wmklesprult; new motor carrier certificate. (3) One combi-nd (4) White pre school children, free of charge. (5) ~rom. Umbogi!1twini to Winklespruit via Alhlone Park., AmanZlmtoh, Doonslde and Warner Beach. Time-table: Depart Umbogintwini 07h30. Arrive Winklespruit 20h15. Depart Winklespruit 16h15. Arrive Umbogintwini 17hOO. ARfl233 (2476)-DURBAN. (2) Asmal, E. H. and ~esai, G. M., trading as Marinpine Transport, Pinetown; additional vehicles and additional authority with interchangeability of vehicles. (3) Two buses to be acquired. (4) Non-White pass~ngers and their personal effects. (5) From Umlaas River to Vlct('na treet Bus Rank, Durban via Mariannhill, unnamed road, N.R. 85, unnamed road, granda treet, Road 1101, Road 934, Road 917, Higginson Highway, Grimsby Road, alternatively N.R3.5, Higginson Highway to Grimsby Road, outh Coast Road, Edwm wales V.C. Drive, arnia, Umbilo, Congella, ydney, Berea Roads, Warwick Avenue, Williams, Canberra, ydney Roads to outer terminal point, subjeet to the restriction that on journeys from Grimsby Road to Victoria treet Bus Rank no passengers may be picked up or from Fictoria treet Bus Rank to Grimsby Road no passengers may be set down. Time-table Depart Umlaas River Depart Durban 05h30 06h30 06hOO 0711nO 07h35 Oh,\) 09hOO loh35 lih30 IlhOO 12hOO 12h35 Bh30 14hOO 15hOO 16hOO 17hOO 16h30 17h30 17h:JO 18hOO cale of charges c From Umlaas River to Durban and vice versa From Umlaas River to Clairwood and vice versa From Umlaas River to Clairwood Hospital- and vice versa 25 From hallcross to Durban and vice versa Intermediate fare....., AR/1234 (2495)-KWA-MNYANDU. (2) Mkhungo, E., Ntokozweni; new motor carrier certificate. (3) One car-nuz (4) Bantu passengers and their personal effects. (5) Within a radius of 50 km of Kwa-Mnyandu tation, Umlazi. AR/1235 (2483)-DURBAN-8AWOTI. (2) aiaiee, A.., Umzinto; new motor carrier certificate. (3) One truck-nx (4) General goods on behalf of E. H~ Fors. (5) Between Durban and farm Mayfield, awotl ARl236 (2415)-DURBAN/IIPINGO RAlL. (2) B. Jeram & ons, Durban; additional vehicle. (3) One bus to be acquired. (4) Non-White passengers and their personal effects. (5) Over presently authorised routes. Ie ARI237 (2479) - PINETOWN-HAMMARDALE-MERE BANK. (2) Dano Textile Industries (Pty) Ltd, Pinetown; late renewal. (3) One bus-npn (4) (a) Own White employees, free of charge. (5) (a) From Pinetown Centre to holder's factory at Ander~on Road, Hammarsdale. (4) (b) Non-White employees. free of charge. (5) (b) From Rajmahal Road, Merebank, to holder's factory at Anderson Road, Hammarsda!e, via Clairwood and return. ARl238 (2,t77)-DURBAN/CHATWORTH. (2) afar,. & Ismail, O' Chatsworth; transfer ex M.. Moodley. (3) One bus -ND (4) Non-White passenl!"!rs and their personal effeas. (5) Over route as per chedule attached.

41 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February sraatkobltant, 5 NOVEMBER 1976 NO. 41.ROUTE-CHEDULE DURBAN/CHATWORTH TOWNHIP, NEIGHBOUR HOOD UNIT 3 1. Teoninal points: (a) Inner: Victoria treet Bus Rank, alternative terminal point, ydney Road Bus Rank, Loading Bay. (b) Outer: Road 309, Chatsworth Township. 2. Route from and to Victoria treet Bus Rank: Outwards: From Victoria treet Bus Rank along Victoria treet to its junction with Warwick Avenue, then along Warwick Avenue to its junction with Berea Road, then along Berea Road to its junction with Gale treet, then along Gale treet to its junction with Umbilo Road, then along Umbilo Road to its junction with arnia Road, then along arnia Road to its junction with Edwin wales V.C. Drive, then along Edwin wales V.C. Drive to its junction with outh Coast Road, then along outh Coast Road to its junction with Grimsby Road, then along Grimsby Road to its junction with Higginson Highway, then along Higginson Highway to its junction with Road 301, then along Road 301 to its junction with Road 302, then along Road 302 to its junction with Road 309, then along Road 309 to the outer terminal point, alternatively from Victoria treet Bus Rank along Victoria treet to its junction with Warwick Avenue, then along Warwick Avenue to its junction with mith treet, then across mith treet to its junction with ydney Road, then along ydney Road to its junction with Congella Road, then along CongeUa Road to its junction with Umbilo Road, then along the route hereinbefore prescribed to the outer teoninal point. Inwards: From the outer terminal point along Road 309 to its junction with Road 302, then aloog Road 302 to its junction with Road 301, then along Road 301 to its junction with HigginsOn Highway, then along Higginson Highway to its junction with Grimsby Road, then along Grimsby Road to its junction with outh Coast Road then along outh Coast Road to its junction with Edwin wales V.C. Drive, then along Edwin wales V,C. Drive to its junction with arnia Road, then along amia Road to its junction with Umbilo Road, then along Umbilo Road to its junction with Gale treet, then alorig Gale treet to its junction with Berea Road, then along Berea Road to its junction with Warwick Avenue, then along Warwick Avenue to its junction with Victoria treet, then along Victoria treet to the Victoria treet Bus Rank, alternatively from the outer terminal point concerned along the route prescribed abo've to UmbilO' Road at its junction with Congella RO'ad, then along Congclla Road to' its junctio'n with ydney Road, then along ydney Road to its junction with mith treet, then across mith treet to its junction with Warwick Avenue, then along Warwick Avenue to its junction with Victoria treet, then along Victoria treet to the Victoria treet Bus Rank. Relative authority subject to restriction that on journeys to Chatsworth no passengers be set down until the junction of Road 201 (Chatsworth) and Higginson Highway is reached and that on journeys. from Chatsworth no passeogers be picked up after passing this junction, that the services are to be per communal time-table, positions to be rotated on a weekly ballot, rand managers to be appointed on mutual agreement between the bus operators concerned. AR/1239 (2469)-ANKOMBO/TONGAAT IVERULAM. (2) Makanya, A., Tongaat; replacement O'f vehicles and transfer ex M. M. Mohlala. (3) One Ibus-NM 531 and one bus to be acquired. (4) Non-White passengers and their personal effect6. (5) (i) Between AppelbosOh Farm and Verulam via Gwala tore, imehmc tore, Urnzindizi, then via NdwOOwe Main Road to Verulam and return via the same route. (if) Between imelane tore, ankombo and Tongaat Bus Rank subject to the restriction thail: no passengers may be picked up or set down between TongaaJt Bus Terminus and Mona River Bridge. AR/124O (2489)-UMLAZI. (2) Dlungele. M. N., Ntok{) zweni; additional vehicle. (3) One car-nuz (4) Non White passengers and their peflional effe~ts. (5) Within the Magisterial District of Umlazi. AR/1241 (2487)-DURBAN. (2) M. O. Koekemoer (Pty) Ltd. Durb'an; amende~ authority. (3) One car-nd (4) White passengers and their personal effects to be driven by WMte Qr Non-White drivers. (5) Within a,radius of 50 km of General Post Office, Durban, and r:asual trips. AR/1242 (2509)-UMLAZI. 0) Mhlungu, B. P., Ntokozweni; ncw motor carrier certificate. (3) One car to be acquired. (4) Rantu pasg~nge~ and their personal effects. (5) Within the Magisterial District of Umlazi. AR/1243 (2501)-UMLAZI. (2) Mdakane, B., Ntokozweni' additional vehicle. (3) One car to be acquired. (4) Non-Whit~ passengers and their pereonal effects. (5) Within the Magisterial District of Umlazi. AR/I244 (2507)~DURBAN. (2) Getkate, E. V. G., trading as Wentworth TaX'is, Durban; amended authority. (3) Three cats ND , ND and ND (4) White passengers and Non-White seamen and their personal effect6 to be driven by White or Non-White drivers: (5) Within a radius of 50 km of General Post Office, Durban, and casual trips. AR/1245 (2504)-UMLAZI. (2) Makhatini, L., Ntokozweni; new motor carrier certificate. (3) One car to' be acquired. (4) Bantu passengel' and their personal effects. (5) Within the Magisterial DistrL:t of Umlazi. AR/1246 (2491)-DURBAN. (2) Lucas, R., trading as Raymond's Transport, Westville; additional vehicle and additional authority. (3) One lorry-nd (4) (a) Goods, all classes. (5) (a) Within a radius of 40 km of General Post om 'e, Durban. (4) (b) Household specied furniture (pro forma). (5) (b) Within a radius of 240 km of General Post Off ice, Durban. (4) (c) Own packing material. (5) (c) Within a radius of 240 km of General Poot Office, Durban. AR/1247 (228 I)-PINETOWN. (2) Ramlall, c., trading as Californian Express, Kharwastan; increase of fares. (3) Three buses~nd , ND and ND (4) Non White passengers and their peroonal effects. (5) Over presently authorised routes and al'l set ont below: cale ofcharges Existing Proposed Mileage c c km From Chatsworth to Pinctown From Cavendish to Pinetown From Kharwastan to Pinetown From EscO'mbe to Pinetown From Northdene to Pinetown From arnia to Pinetown From Pinetown to Kloof From Pinetown to Gillitts From Pinetown to Nshoogweni From Pinetown to CliffdaJe From Pinetown to Hammarsdale From Kloof to Hammarsdale From hongweni to Hammarsdale From GiIlitls to Hammarsdale Intermediate fare AR/I248 (2224)-DAENHOEK/PINETOWN. (2) Dimoo., T., trading as Dimba Brothers Transport, Clemaville; amendeq aut h O'rity. (3) ix buses-npn 18303, NPN 26439, NPN 23520, NPN 38140, NPN and NPN (4) Non-White passengers and tbeir personal effects. (5) Between t Xaviel' ohool, Dassenhoek, and Hill treet Bus Rank via New Coloured HO'using cheme, Dassen:boek, Mariannhill, Gillitts, Trafford; Regina, GjJlitt~. Richmond Roads, Western Circle, Old Main, Anden;on Roads, Hill treet, Old Main and return subject to the restriction :that no passengers be picked up or set down within the municipal area of Pinetown. cale of charges: As presently authorised by the Local Board.. Time-table: As presently authorised 'by the Local Board. AR/1249 (2492}--DURBAN. (2) Durban ludge Tank ervices (Pty) Ltd, Jacobs; additional vehicle. (3) One mechanical horse-nd (4) and (5) To haul own al.fthorised trailers; AR/1250(2519)-DURBA'N. (2) Botba, C. T. P., trading a~ Mortons Removals, Port hepstone; new in place of Cl61671 not renewed for 1976/17. (3) One IO'rry-NP (4) Goods as per Annexure attaohe.d. (5) Over routes as per Annexure attached. ANNEXURE 1. Goods,. all classes. Within a radius of 40 kid of General Post Office, Durban. 2. (a) Bona fide h.ousehold and office removals (including personal effects); and (b) Own packing material and equipment for own use O'nly and not to be oold or offered for sale. Both within a radius of 240 km of General Poot Office, Durban. 3. Householdairconditioners, baskets, beds, bedside pedest9,ls, bedsprings, 'benches, bookracks, cabinets, chairs, chest of drawers, clocks, clothes carriers, clothes racks, desks, dressiog tables, headboards, <heaters, fans, ironing boa:rds, bousehold kiosks. kists, k itchen units, knitting machines, househo1<l ladders, lamp shades, linoleum, lockers, m>ll!tresses, paintings, pictures, household floor polishers, prams, play pens, room dividers (screens). settees, sewing machines, speakers, household stands, tables, bouseh.old service trolleys, trays, vacuum cleaners, vegeltablc racks, wardrobes, wendy houses, radios and radiograms, chandeliers, soft go(){j' such as upholstering materials, carpets, floor mats, curtains, cushions and other soft furnishings where such soft goods form part of other items specified herein.or are intended for use and were originally sold together with such items specified herein and are oonveyed simultanooulily with

42 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February No. GOVERNMENT GAZEITE,5 NOVEMBER 1976 such items, barbecues, counters, refrigerators, grillers, pianos, organs, s~ovcs., string and valve instruments, washing machines, amplifiers., beach IIDlbrellas, dictaphones, tape recorders, record players, elc_tde kehles, toas[ers., mirrors, glass- and porceiainware. Within a radius of 240 km of General Post Office, Durban, excluding imported traffic in international size mctal containers. AR/1251 (25U)-DURBAN. (2) Rennies Consolidated (Pty) Ltd, Maydon Wharf; additional authority. (3) Two vehicles to be advised. (4) (a) Goods as presently authorised. (5) (a) Over presently autbon;,ed routes. (4) (b) Computor pressing da,e. (5) (b) Within the Durban exempted area. (4) (C) Television sets and le/;ovlsion tubes. (5) (c) Within a radius of 2.40 km of General POt Office, Durban. (4) (d) Fibre suitcases. (5) (d) From points within a radius of 40 km of General Post OWcc, Durban, to points wilhin a radiu~ of 240 km of. Genera! Post Office, Durban. AR/1252 (2514)-NATAL (2) Tri-and (Pty) Ltd, tanger; additional authority. (3) One lorry-nt (4) (a) Goods as presently authorised. (5) (a) Over presently authorised routes. (4) (b) Own river &and. (5) (b) From Melville to points within a radius of 50 km. (4) (c) Road-making material, equipment, plant, workmens' tools and wol"kmen, free of charge, on behalf of Brian Hall Construction (Ply) Ltd. (5) (c) From mixing sites to cons1ruction sites within the Province of Natal. AR/1253 (2524)-PINETOWN. (2) Ramrathan,., Overport; additional vehicle. (3) One lorry-nd (4) and, stone, ash and rubble. (5) From Pinetown and Co.'s sand pits to points within a radius of 50 km of Post Office, Pinetown. AR/1254 (2512)-DURBAN. (2) Modis, A. P., Merebank; amended authority. (3) One car-nd (4) Non-White passengers and White foreign visitors and their personal effects. (5) From Durban Harbour to poinls within the Magisterial District of Durban and return to harbour. AR/1255 (2459)-UMLAZI. (2) Khwabe, P., trading as Lindiwe Taxi ervice, Ntokozweni; additional vehicles and additional authority. (3) Two cars to be acquired. (4) Bantu passengers and their personal effects. (5) From Umlazi Railway tation to points within a radius of 50 km thereof. AR/1256 (2389)-UMLAZI. (2) Khwela, A., Ntokozweni; additional vehicle. (3) One car to be acquired. (4) Bantu passengers and their personal effects. (5) Within the Magisterial District of Umlazi. AR/1257 (2407)-UMLAZI. (2) hezi,., Ntokozweni; additional vehicle. (3) One car to be acquired. (4) Bantu passengers and their personal effects. (5) Within the Magisterial District of Umlazi. AR/1258 (2518)-UMLAZI. (2) Ngobese, Z., Ntokozweni; new motor carrier certificate. (3) One car to be acquired. (4) Bantu passengers and their personal effects. (5) Within the Magis terial District of Umlazi. AR/1259 (2232)-DURBAN. (2) Reddy, J.. Chatsworth' new motor carrier certificate. (3) One micw-bus-nd (4) Non-Whites and members of the legal profession and their staff and witnesses. (5) From Masonic Grove and comer of Esplanadt; via Hermitage Lane, mith treet, Grey treet (with one 5 mmate stop only at comer of Grey and Price Edward treets), Old Fort Road, tanger treet to New Law Courts and return via the same route. cale of charges: 25c single: Time-table Old Law Courts New Law Courts Arrive Depart Arrive Depart Arrh'e Depart Arrive Depart 08h45 08hOO 08h10 08h15 08h20 08h25 08h30 08h35 09h35 08h50 09hOO 09h05 09hlO 09h15 09h20 09h25 loh25 09h40 09h50 09h55 lohoo loh05 lohto 10hl5 lih15 10h30 1Oh40 10M5 loh50 10h55 11hoo 11h05 12h05 Ilh20 llh30 llh35 llh40 Ilh45 llh50 1] h55 12h55 12hlO 12h20 12h25 12h30 t2h35 12h40 12h45 Lunch Break Old Law Courts New Law Courts Arrive Depart Arrive Depart Arrive Depart Arrive Depart h45 13h55 14hOO 14h05 14hlO 14h15 14h25 14h30 14h40 14h45 14hO hOO 15h05 Ihl5 15h20 15h30 15h35 15h40 15M5 15h50 15h55 16b05 1ohIO 16h20 16h25 16h35 16h40 1oM5 16h55 AR /1260 (2449)-UMBUMBULU. (2) Hlengwa, H., Ntokozweni; additional vehicle and additional authority. (3) Non-White passengers and their personal effects. (5) Within a radius of 2 km of Post Office, Umbumbulu, provided the taxi is stationed and operated from Madandube chool, Magisterial District of Umbumbulu. ARfl261 (2523)-NATAL. (2) David, P. G., Park Rynie; new motor carrier certificate. (3) One light delivery van-nx 926. (4) Poultry and fresh produce on behalf of D. Tbumbee. () Within the Province of Natal. ARjl262 (2485)-DUltBAN/JOHANNEBURG. (2) Tanker ervices (Pty) Ltd, Jacobs; additional authority. (3) Five vehicles to be advised. (4) (a) Goods as presently authorised. (5) (a) Over presently authorised roules.. (4) (b) Hot hydrogenated palm kernel oil in bulk. (5) (b) From Hudson & Knight, Maydon Wharf, Durban, to Nutritional Foods, Johannesburg, direct and return with unused products. AR/1263 (2530)-EMPANGENI. (2) R., trading as Holmbush Transport, Tongaat; n~w motor ;";"fi'ier cenillcalcs. (3) Five trucks-nt 10964, NT 10965, NT 9549, NT 9605 and NT (4) Crushed stone and road material. (5) Wifhin a radius of l20 km of Empangeni. ARj1264 (2532)-UMLAZI. (2) Khumalo,., Ntokozweni; new motor carrier certuicate. (3) One car to bc acquin:j. t't) Bantu passengers and their eltect,. (5) 'Within tne Magisterial DIstrict of Umlazi. AR/1265 (2532A)-UMLAZI. (2) Dlamini, N., Ntokozweni; additional vehide. (3) One car-l"'uz 432. (4) Non-White passengers. and their persom:i cilecis. (5) \Iv <"len the Magisterial District of Umlazi_ AR/1266 (2529)-UMLAZI_ (2) Zwane, G., Ntokozweni; additional vehicle. (3) One car to be acquired. (4) Non-White pru; senger!> and their personaj eftects. (5) Withjn the Magisterial District of Umlazi. AR/1267 (2528)-UMKOMAA. (2) Mkhize, c., Umk.omaas; new in place of C not renewed for 1976j77. (3) One car NX 10l05. t4) Bantu passengers and their personal effects. (5) From points withiu a radius of 5 km of Umkomaas Railway tation to points within a radius of 50 km thereof and return empty or whh the same passengers conveyed on the forward journey. ARfl268 (2545)-UMLAZI. (2) Makhubu, H. c., Ntokozweni; additional vehicle. (3) One car to be acquired. (4) Bantu passengers and their personal effects. (5) Within the Magtsterial District of Umlazi. ARj 1269 (2544)-UMLAZL (2) Nlllovu, J., Ntokozweni; additional vehick:. (3) One car to be acquired. (4) Non-White passengers and their personal effects. (5) Within the Magisterial District of Umlazi. AR/I270 (2543)-DURBAN. (2) alickram, J., Overport; additional authority. (3) One car-no (4) Non White passengers and White and Non-White foreign visitors and their personal effects. (5) Within a radius of 50 km of General Post Office, Durban. AR/1271 (2540)-DURBAN. (2) Thandroyan,., Durban; additional authority. (3) Two cars-nd and ND (4) Non-White passengers, Whit~ and Non White foreign seamen and their personal effects. (5) Within a radius of 50 km of General Post Office, Durban, and ca!iual trips. AR/1272 (2538)-UMLAZI. (2) hange, Z., trading as Zethu'" Taxis, Isipingo; new motor carrier certificate. (3) One car to be acquired. (4). Banlu passengers and their personal effects. (5) Within the Magisterial District of Umlazi. CAPE TOWN-KAAPTAD Address to which representations mllst be submitted: The ecre.tary, Local Road Transportatioll Board, Private Bag X9021, Cape TOWII,!lOOO. Adres waarlzeen verlae gerig moe( word: Die ekretaris, Plaaslike PadveTvoerraad, P,ivaatsak X9021, Kanpstl1d, H/JM609/08/7-VREDENDAL. (2) A. J. Lomv, Vredendal; nuwe aanseek, laat hernuwing. (3) Een motorkar. (4) Nie-Blanke taxi passasiers soos per ertifikaat C , gehou gedurende 1975/16. (5) Binne gcbiede gemagtig in bogenocmde sertifikaat. A/JM607/22/9-NAPIER. (2) Overberg Transport (Edms.) Bpk., Napier; bykomstige magtiging met konsolidasie. (3) Drie vragmotors. Konsolidasie ten opsigte van C2922/1644. (4) (a) Goedere. (5) (a) Tussen punte gelee binne die Ianddrosdistrik Bredasdorp (pro forma). (4) (b) Mellbels en hmstrekke (pro forma). (5) (b) Rinne 'n radius van 240 km vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Napier. (4) (c) Ondergrondse en bogrondse tenke met bygaande installasies en onderdcle en lee en gevulde brandstofdronune, (5) (c) Vanaf Napier regstreeks na plase vir installering binnc die landdrosdistrik Bredasdorp. (4) (d) Werknemers (pro forma). (5) (d) Binne die landdosdistrik Bredasdorp. KonsoIidasie ten opsigte van C2187. (4) (e) Kraalmis en gcbaalde strooi. (5) (e) Biune 'n radius van 240 km vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Napier. Bykomstige magtiging ten opsigte van al drie voertuie. (4) (f).eie goedere in die loop van die houer se bedryf, handel of besigheid, (5) (l) Dinne 'n radius van 48 Iun vanaf sy pick van bedryf, handel of besigheid Ie Napier. (4) (g) Eie vars vrugtc en groente en lee houers in geb.ruik. (5) (g) Binne 'n radius van 240 km vanaf plek: van besigbeid te Napier. (4) (h) Lewende hawe. (5) (h) Binne 'n radius van 240 kid vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Napier.

43 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 TAATKOERANT; 5 NOVEMBER 1976 No.3!8 43 ~/JM609/23/11-LAINGBURG. (2) W. A. Boutbon-Leftley, Lamgsburg; transfer from W. B. Wessels and change of place of operation from General Post Office, Villiersdorp to General Post Office, Lamgsburg. (3) One tipper. (4) and, gravel, ground. stone and premix for road building purposes. (5) Within a radius of 24Q km of General Post Offioe, Laingsburg. H/JM608/19/4-MOORREEBURG. (2) F. 1. Boltney, Moorreesburg; bykomende voertuig met bestaande magtiging. (3) Een motorkar. (4) Nie Blanke taxi passasiers en hul persoonlike bagasie. (5) (i) Binne 'n radius van 50 km vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Moorreesburg. (ii) Toevallige ritte. AfJM607/09/2-BEAUFORT-WE. (2). Mfenyana, Beaufort.Wes; nuwe aansoek. (3) Een vragmotor. (4) (a) Goedere. (5) (a) Tussen punte gelee binne die landdrosdistrik Beaufort Wes (pro-forma). (4) (b) Eie brandhout en lee tweedehandse bottels. (5) (b) Binne 'n radius van 240 km vanaf Hoofposkantom, Beaufort-Wes. (4) (c) Meubels en huistrekke (pro forma). (5) (c) Binne 'n radius van 240 kin vanaf Hoofposkantoor. Beaufort-Wes. (4) (d) Nie-Blanke georganiseerde geselskappe. (5) (d) Rinne 'n radius van 240 km vanaf Beaufort-Wes. AfJM61O/ 15 /2-CAPE TOWN. (2) Ellerman & Bucknall (Pty) Ltd, Cape Town; new application, late renewal. (3) One light delivery van. (4) Goods. (5) Between Cape Town and Table Bay docks and between Cape Town and D. F. Malan Airport. A/JM6IOf15/3-PHILlPPI. (2) C. J. Cook, Philippi; newapplication. (3) One lorry. (4) (a) Industrial milk on behalf of Western Province Mille Products (Pty) Ltd. (5) (a) From the milk suppliers in the Philippi, GOTdons Bay and tellenboschareas to the factory of Western Province Milk ProdllCts (Pty) Ltd, at Cochrane A venue, Epping. (4) (b) Gouds (milk strainers, milk. filters, mille coolers, denkavit calf milk and empty mille cans). (5) (b) From factory of Western Province Milk Products (Pty) Ltd at Cochrane Avenue, Epping to farms situated within the Philippi, Gordons Bay and teuenbosch areas. A/JM609/28/4-MALMEBURY. (2) D. D. van chalkwyk:, Maimesbury; bykomstige magtiging. (3) Ben vragmotor. (4) and, klip, gruffi, stene en opvulmateriaal vir padboudoeleindes. (5) Binne 'n radius van 240 km vanaf Hoofposkantoof, Malmesbury. AIJM61Ofl2{6-0UTH-WET AFRICA. (2) Distillers Corporation (.A.) Ltd, Epping; additional authority. (3) One l!eftli trailer. (4) ~neral gooos for farming operations on behalf of Cbiebella (Pty) Ltd, Farm Hakkiesdoorn, Pella Drift (Ply) Ltd, Faml Pella Drift, Beenbreek (Pty) Ltd, farm Beenbreek., Kawaldri (Pty) Ltd, Farm Eggo. (5) From tellenboseh to Farms Hakkiesdoorn, Pella Drift, Beenbreek and Eggo witbin the Magisterial District o[ Warmbad, outh-west Africa and return. A/JM607/2{)jl-VRUZEE. (2) D. M. Esterhuizen, Vrijzee; nuwe aansoek. (3) Een motor. (4) parkle Pl"ndukte (opwasmiddel, waspoeier, ens.). (:5) Vanaf Kaapstad na Montagu, Kaapstad en voorstooe Paarl, Ashton, Robertson, Worcester, Franscbhoek, Villiersdorp. A/JM610/OI4-WORCETER. (2) A. Bailey, Worcester; vervanging met bykomstige magtiging. (3) Een vragmotor. Besta.ande magtiging. (4) (a) Goedere (pro forma). (5) (a) Binne die landdrosdistrik Worcester. (4) (b) Meubcls en buistrekke (pro fonna). (5) (b) Binne 'n radius van 240 km vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Worcester. (4) (c) Vars melk. (5) (c) Vanaf punte binne die l.anddrosdistrik Worcester, na die Rooikrantz Mc1kery, Worcester. Bykomstige magtiging. (4) (d) Vars melk. (5) (d) Vanaf Rooikrantz Melkery, Worcester na melkerye binne 'n radius van 200 km vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Worcester. A/JM609/l3/4-BEAUFORT WE. (2) J.. van Heerden, Beaufort-Wes; bykomende voertuig met nllwe magtiging. (3) Een motorkar. (4) Nie-Blanke passasiers. (5) Binne 'n radius van 320 km vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Beaufort-Wes. A/JM6l0/13/4-REPUBLIEK VAN UID AFRIKA. (2) P. J. du Toit, Prince Alfred Hamlet; uitbreiding van gebicd. (3) Vier vragmotors en twee sleepwaens. Bestaande magtiging. (4) (a) Vars vrugte en vars groente en leeggernaakte houers in gebruik. (5) (a) Binne 'n radius van 800 km vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Ceres (pad pro forma). Uitbreiding van gebicd. (4) (b) Vars vrugte en vars groente (nie ingemaak nie) en leeggemaakte houers in gebruik. (5) (b) Vanaf punte bmne 'n radius van 240 km vanaf HoofI',oskantoor, Ceres na punte binne die Republiek van uid Afrika en uidwes.afrika en vanaf punte binne die Republiek van uid-afrika en uidwes-afrika en vanaf punte binne die Repllbliek van uid Afrika en uidwes Afrika na punte binne 'n radius van 240 kin vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Ceres (pad pro forma en Transkei pro forma). A/JM61010/13-REPUBLIEK VAN UID-AFRIKA. (2) Mainline Carriers uid (Edms.) llpk., tikland;bykomende voer tuig met bestaande ma'!,tiging. (3) Een Rleepwa. (4) Goedere soos per ertifikaat C22480fl. (5) Binne gebie<le gemagtig in bogemelde sertifikaat. AjIM61O/12/1-ALBERTINIA. (2) A. J. de Jager, Albertinia; nuwe aansoek. (3) Ben VI"agmotor. (4) (a) Lewcnde hrwe. (5) (a) Vam! wartklip, Alhertinia na Kaapstad en terug. (4) (b) Graan. (5) (b) Binne 'n radius van 80 kin vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Albertinia. A/JM609j02{12-BONNIEVALE. (2) 1. 'L. Haasbroek:, Bonnievale; konso!idasie en herpublikasie van aansoek gepubliseer op l; 10 /76. (3) Agt vragi1l<)tors. (4) Goedere soos per ertifikaat C (5) Dinne gebiede gemagtig in bogemelde serti" Ghat. H/JM61{)!08f\-PAARL. (2) D. I. olomqns, Paad-Oos; bykomende voeltuig met nuwe staanplek. (3) Ben motor. (4) Nie Blanke taxipassasiers met hul persoonlike bagasie. (5) (i) Rinne 'n radius van 50 km vana! staanplek te Ivanhoe Centre, Paarl. (ii) Tocvallige riue. A/JM610/12/lO-RETREAT. (2) Greatermans (.A.) (Pty) Ltd, Retteat; new application. (3) One panel-van/bus. (4) Employees in the employment of Greatermalls (.A.) Ltd. (5) Fcom RetTeat to Grassy Park, Athlone and teturn. Time-table: Between 22h30 and 06hOO. Tariffs: Free of charge. AIJM61O/{)7 f4-lutzville. (2) Mev. J. C. Coetl'.ee, Lutzville: nuwe aansoek. (3) Een bus. (4) (a) Pas en posstukke. (5) (a) Vanaf Lutzvillestasie na Doringbaai op posroete. (4) (b) Nic-manke passasiers en hut persoonlike bcsittings. (5) (b) Vanaf Lutzvillestasie na Doringbaai op posroete. Tyd-tafel Maan.dae Verlrek Lutzvi\1e h00 Arriveer Ebenezer... '" loh30 Vcrtrek Ebenezer Oh35 Arr'veer Papendorp... " IlhOO Vertrck Papendorp llh()5 Arr;veer trandfontein..., Hb30 Vertrek trandfontein nh3 Arriveer Doringbaai... t2hoo Vcrtrek Doringbaai h30 Arriveer Lutzville l3hoo Woensdae-oos op Maandae. Vcydae-oos op Maandae. Enkel km R. Llltzvilie na Ebenezer... I 0,50 Ebene~ na Papendorp ,50 PapendOTp na tranfontein ,40 trandfontein fla Dorin,gbaai l 1,00 Lutzviile na trandrontein ,30 Lutzville 113 OOCingbaai ,50 A/IM609/29/1-VREDBNDAL. (2) Huibrecht C. temmet, Vredendal; bykomende voertuie met bestaande magtiging. (3) Vyf vragmotors. (4) Goedere soos per ertifikaat C (5) Binne gcbiede gemagtig in bogeme'lde sertifitaat. A!JM6IOj12f2-MOELBAAI. (2) W. E. Fouci.:, Mosselbaai; gewysigde magtigiog vir die vervoer van melk. (3) Een vragmotor. Bestaande magtiging. (4) {a) Melk in kanne, 01' die heenreis en lee kanne up die terugreis. (5) (a) Tussen Mos.selbaai en Knysna. Gewysigde magtiging. (4). (b) Melk. (5) (0) Binne die landdrosdistrik Mosselbaai. AIJM610fl2/1l-WORCETER. (1) W. Dames, Worcester; nuwe aansoek. (3) Een bak.lde. (4) (a) Nie-Blanlce georganiseenie geselskappe (pm forma). (5) (a) Vanaf Worcester na punic binne 'n radius van {) kin vanaf HoofposkantooI", Worcester en terug. (4) (b) Lee kissies, hom, huistrekke, bottds. (5) (b) Binne 'n radius van 80 km vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Worcester. A/JM609j13J6-LOERIEFONTE~N. (2) I? J. Nel, Loe~ fontein; nuwe aansoek. (3) Ben bakkle. (4) Nl~Blank~ gedrgamseed:; geselskappe (pro f-orma). (5) Vallaf Loenesfontern na. punte binne 'n radius van 600.Ian vanaf Hoofposkantoor. Loenesfontein en teurg. A/JM610/12/9-PRINGBOK. (2) F. Carstens, pringbok; nuwc aansoek. (3) Ben bus. (4) Nie-Blanke georganiseerde gcselskappe. (5) Vanaf Bergsig, pringbok na Okiep, Carolusberg, Concordia, Naba:beep, teinkopf, Port NoUoth en terug. A/JM610/12/14-CAPE PENINULA CARTAGE AREA. (2). C. Malvsi, Guguietu; new application. (3) One lorry. (4) U=! furniture and household removals. (5) (i) Within the Cape Peninsula cartage area. (ii) From points within the Cape Peninsula cartage area to Kci Blidge en route to Umtata.. H/JM61Oj12i-BLACKlffiATH. (2) H. J; Laka, Biackhea,th; new application. (3) Two motor-cars to be plli'ch~.. (4) Ba~tu taxi passengers and their peitsona] -effects. {) (i) Wlthm a radius of 50 km of taxi rank af Mfuleni Location, Blackheah. (ii) Casual trips. A/JM6l0/13/2-FIRGROVE. (2) Dewridge (P'ty) Ltd, Firgrove; additional authority. (3) Two ho;-ses and two semi-trailers. (4) Fresh fruit and fresh vegetables (not canned Oi" bottled) and emply containers in use. (:5) Within a radius of 600 kid Of General Post Office, Firgrove.

44 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 GOVEkNMENT GAZ Tm," 5 NOVEMBEIl lt16. A/JM610/13/1-BLACKHBATH. (2) DewrKlgc (Pty) Ltd, Firgl'9ve; additiona.l authority. (3) Four horses and two semi trailors. (4) Concrete portal culverts,. comrete canal linings, concret~ slabs, concrete interlocking road st'ones,.ooncrete manholes, concrete manhole covers and ooncrete pipes on behalf of uperocla Ltd. (5) Frem B1ackhcathto points within a radius of 240 km of General Post Office, Blackheath. A/JM609/03/5~BONNIEVALE. (2) B. G. ampson, Bonnievale; nuwe aansoek. (3) Een kombi aangekoop te word. (4) Nie-Blanke georganiseerde geselskappe (pro forma). (5) Vanaf Bonnievale na punte binne 'n radius van 350 km vana! Hoofposkantoor Bonnievale en lerug. A/JM610/14/7-PHlLIPPI. (2) A. C. Holgate Transports (Pty) Ltd, Philippi; additional vehicle with extension of area. (3) One lorry. Existing authority: (4) (a) Goods, all da'ses. (5) (a) Within the Cape Peninsula cartage area. (4) (b) and. (5) (b) Within a radius of 200 km of General Post Office, Cape Town. Enensi{)n of area: (4) (e) and. (5) (c) Within a radius of 300 km of General Post Office, Cape Town. A/JM609/27/4--HERMANU. (2) Hermanus Hospital, Hermanus: amendment of time-table. (3) One oombi. Existing time-table Depart Hospital 06h30 and 07h t 5. Depart Hawston 06M5 and 07h30. Depart Hospital IhOO and 19h1. Depart Hawston 18M5 and 19h30. Amended time-table Depart Hermanus Hospital 06h30. Depart Hawston 06h45. top at Mount Pleasant 06h55. Depart Hospital07h15. top at Mount Pleasant 07h20. Depart Hawston 07h30. Dep!ll't Hospital 18hOO. top at Mount Pleasant Depart Hawston Ih4. top at Mount Pleasant 18h5. Depart Hospital 19h15. top at Mount Pleasant 19h20. Depart Hawston 19h30. A/JM609/30/4-KRAAIFONTEIN. (2) C. J. P. wart, Kraaifontein; nuwe aansoek, laat hemuwing. (3) Een trekker en cen leunwa. (4) Goedere soos per ertifikate C en C gebou gedurende 1975/76. (5) Binne gebiede gcmagtig in bogemelde sertifikate. H/JM610/14/2-CAPE TOWN. (2) I. Ebrahim, Kensington; new application. (3) One moli:lf-car. (4) White taxi passengers and their peroonal efftllcts. (5) (i) Within a radiu of 35 km of Cape Town Central Area Taxi Rank. (ii) Casual t!'ips. AjJM610/14/1O-CAPE EXEMPTED AREA. (2) Mrs M. A. Apsey, Cape Town; new application. (3) One motor-car. (4) General toiletries exclusively on behalf of l\'laidenfair (Pty) Ltd. (5) Within the Cape exempted area. A/JM61O/15/9-REPUBUEK VAN UID-AFRIKA. (2) Mainline Carriers uid (Edms.) Bpk., tikland; bykomende voertuig met,bestaande magtiging. (3) Ben meganiese perd. (4) Die trek van sleepwaens onder vrag OD per Bylae T. A/JM609/15/2-CAPE EXEMPTED AREA. (2) Paulsen &: Adams (Pty) Ltd. Cape, Town; new appli:cation. (3) One lorry. (4) (a) Own goods. (5) (a) Within a mdius of 80 km of pla-e of busine& at Cape Town and within the Cape exempted area. (4) (b) Own employees (free of charge). (5) (b) (i) Between their homes situated wi!lhib the Cape Peninsula cartage area and places of work within the Cape Exempted area. (~i) Between places 'Of work within the Cape exempted area. A/JM61O/15/1-REPUBLTC OF OUTH AFRICA. (2) Frystark (Cape) (Pty) Ltd, Maitland; additional vehicle with exi~ing authority. (3) One light delivery van. (4) Goods as per CeI'tificate C (5) Within areas authorised in above-memioned certificate. A/JM6\0107/8-CAPE TOWN. (2) City Tramways Ltd. CIlp'.l Town; additional authority. (3) Two buses. (4) Passengers and their personal effeets. (5) As per attached annexure. ANNEXURE Proposed additional routes: Rome A: Diep River-Muizenberg via Marina da Ganxt From Diep River via Main Road, Military Road, Prince George's Driv:e,. Eastlake Island Way, Eastlake Drive, Geneva Road, Prince George's Drive, Windermere Road, the Row, Clifton Road, Axminster Road, Royal R'oad, Beaoh Road Extensions as far as the terminal point abutting Bear:h Road (parking area). Returning via the same r'oute. Distance: 11,6 km. Time-table: As and when required. ohedule of fares: ingle Journey. Diep River 20e teenberg tation 40c 20e Mu.izenberg Tenninus RQUTEB..' Diep R.iYer-Muizenbel'l>'" Main Road. From Diep River vilt Main' Road. AlbertynRoad.,Vle.i 'Road. Royal Road, Axmil.16ter Road,.cliflllon Road, The Row, Windermere Road, Prince George's Drive, Geneva 'Road." Eastlake Drive and Eastlake Island Way. Returning via tbe same routa Distance: 11 km. Time-table: As and when required. chedule off-ares: ingle journey. Diep River 20e Military Road 40c 20c Marina da Gama BL05MFONTEIN Address to which representations must be submitted: The ecretary, Local Road Transportation Board, Private Bag X20579, Bloemfontein, Adres waarheen vertoe gerig moet word: Die ekretaris, Plaaslike Padvervoerraad, Privaatsak X20579, Bloemfontein, AI674-HARRIMITH. (2) M. M. Moloi, 424 Phomolong, Harrismith; additional vehicle. (3) One motor-oh (4) Not more than five Non-White taxi passengers and their personal luggage. (5) Within the municipal area of Harrismith. AI678-FICKBURG. (2) N. J. duplessis, handelende as Meulspruit Transport, Ficksburg; bykomende voertuig. (3) Een vragmotor-og 153. (4) Goedere soos hestaande goedgekeurde magliging. (5) Binne bestaande goedgeleurde gebiede. AI681-FICKBURG. (2) N. J. du Plessis, handelcnde as Meulspruit Transport, Ficksburg; bykomcnde voertuie met D'lwe magtiging. (3) Een meganiese perd en een sleepwa aange}wop te word. (4) en pel'l!oonlike besittings vir algemene verhuisings. (5) Binne die Republiek van uid-afrika. AI679-0RANJE-YRYTAAT. (2) A. A. Munnik, Waterloo, Kestell; nuwe aansoek. (3) Ben vragmotor-oaf 1924, een sleepwa-oaf (4) Lewende hawe. (5) Vanafpunte binne die provinsie Oranje Vrystaat na beheerde markte in die provinsies Transvaal, Natal en Oranje-Vryslaat. AI682-HEILBRON. (2) B. H. van Tonder Transport (Edms.) Bpk., Heilbron; bykomende voertuie. (3) Nege vocrtuie. (4) Goodere soos beslaande goedgekeurde magtiging. (5) Binne bestaande goedgekeurde g ebiede. A1683--CLOCOLAN. (2) 1. A. Joubert, Makoadi, distrik Clocolan; ntjivc aansoek. (3) Een vragmotor-ond 2994, cen sleepwa-ond (4) (a) Vars groente en vars vrugte (nie ingemaak nie). (5) (a) Vanaf markte le Johannesburg, Pretoria, Vereeniging, Alberton, Germiston, Benoni, Vanderbijlpark, Krugersdorp en Klerksdorp na Alpha Groente en Kole M~Ik te Ficksburg. (4) (b) teenkool, antrasiet en vuurmaakhout. (5) (b) Vanaf Witbank, New Castle en Dundee na Alpha Groente en Kole Mark te Ficksburg. A FRANKFORT. (2) C. F. Brits, Frankfort. bykomende voertuig. (3) Een le.l1lwa-oh (4) Goedere soos bestaande goedgekeurde magtiging. (5) Binne bestaande goedgekeurde gebiede. A1686-KETELL. (2) J. F. Kirsten. Blue Gum B\1h, Kesteil; nuwe aansoek. (3) Een voorspanrnotor-daf 2108, een le.unwa-daf 560. (4) Vars graente en vrugte op die heenreis en lee houers op die terugreis. (5) Binne 'n radius van 480 km vanaf Kestell. A1688-MAERU. (2) T. Ranoae, Maseru; new application. (3) One micro-bus-la (4) Bantu sports groups. church parties and picnic parties. (5) Within a radius of 320 km of Maseru Bridge (Lesotho Border). Al689-WlNBURG. (2) C. Depitso, hande!ende as Ramafutsana, Persecl 444, Lokasie. Win burg; nuwe aansoek. (3) Een ligte afleweringswa-ox 1368 (behorende aan B. Depitso). (4) Eie goedere. (5) Binne 'n radius van 80 km vanaf Winburg. A1690-ENEKAL. (2) D. C. Uys; nuwe aansoek. (3) Een vrag motor-or (4) and, kup en gruis vir padboudoeleindes onder kontrak met die Provinsiale Administrasie van die pmvinsie Oranje-Vrystaat. (5) Binne die provinsie Oranje-Vrystaat. A 1691-PETRUBURG. (2) W.. laughter, handelende as W.. laughter Vervoer, De Put. distrik Petnlsburg; bykomende mngtiging ten opsigte van OFH 2185 en OFH 260 en twee bykomende voertuie met nuwe magtiging ten opsigte van OFH 1186 en OFH (3) Vier voertuie, meganiese perd-ofh 1186, leunwa-ofh 1758, vragmotor-ofh 2185 en sleepwa OFH 260. (4) (a) Vee. (5) (a) Vanaf Petrusburg na Johanneshurg en Durbanslagpale. (4) (b) ement. (5) (0) Vanaf Ulco na Petrusburg. AI697-Bl.OEMFONTEIN. (2) Metro Gash and Carry (Ply) Ltd, Bloemfontein; new application. (3) Three vebicles. (4) General goods, exclusively on behalf of Chamberlain~, Chet Chcn~icats Whitehall Products, Nestle, Brooke, Bon/Oxo, I. LOPI, Lio~ Match. J~ck Levy and Crosse Bh~kwel1. (5) Within a radius of 80 km of place of business at Bloemfontein.

45 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February I'AA;I.'KOERANT,.5 NOVEMBER 1976 l'!fo, AI699-PHILIPPOLI. (2) A. C. Bothma, Phili?polis; nuwe aansoek weens laat hernuwing. (3) Een motor-op 50. (4) Nie meer as vyf Blanketaxi.passasiers en hulle persoonlike. bagasie. (5) (i) Op. ritte binne die landdrosdistrik Philippolis. (ii) Toevallige ritte van binne die gebied omskryf in (5) (a) na enige punte binne 'n radius van 240 km vanaf die Hoofposkantoor, PhillippoJis, of vanaf enige. punt binne 'n radius van 240 km vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Phillipolis, na enige punt binne die gebied omskryf in (5) (i). A I 706-DEWETDORP. (2) T. G. egopa, No. 406, Bantoewoongebied, Dewetsdorp; nuwe aansoek. (3) Een motor-obd 231. (4) Bantoetaxipassasiers. (5) Vanaf Dewetsdorp na punte binne 'n radius van 160 km vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Dewetsdorp. AI707-WINBURG. (2) J.e. C.Botha, handelende as Botha & eun, oetems, distrik Winburg; 'nuwe aansoek. (3) Vyf voertuic. (4) (a) Algemenegoedere. (5) Cay Binnedie landdrosdistrik Winburg. (4) (b) Kalk, betonklip en eie sand. (5) (b) Vanaf Winburg na punte binne die provinsie Oranje-Vrystaat. (4) (c) tene. (5).(c) Vanaf Bloemfontein na Winburg. AI70-BLOEMFONTEIN. (2) Verifikasiehuis (Edms.) Bpk., handelende as Verifikasiehuis Transport, Bloemfontein; nuwe aansoek. (3) Drie voertuie aangekoop. te word. (4) Asbessementpypcen koppelings. (5) Binne 'n' radius van 600 km vanaf die Hoofposkantoor, Bloemfontein. A :FICKBURG. (2). Letaba, handelende as Letaba Busdiens, 853 No.2, Bantoedorp, Ficksburg; gewysigde magtiging. (3) Twee busse-og 5629 en OG (4) Nie-Blanke passasiers en hulle persoonlike bagasie. (5) (a) Roetel: Heenreis (OG 5629): Vanaf No. 53}2 Lokasie, Ficksburg na Ficksburgstasie oar pad verby Mchungu se winkel, Potlako sewinkel, A. M.. E. Kerk, Mohalo se winkel tot by hek.van No.2 Lokasie, verder oor Vansoelenstraat, Zonstraat, Besterstraat, Fonteinstraat, Kestellstraat,, M.cCabestraat. tot by stasie. Afstand: 7 km. topplekke: Vertrekpunt:.No. 53[2 Lokasie. top 1: Mchungll se winkel.. top 2:.Potlakose winkel. top 3: A. M. E. Kerk. top. 4: Mohalo se winkel. top 5: Hek van No. 2 Lokasie. top 6: Hoek van Bester- en Fonteinstraat. top 7: In Fonteinstraat tussen Villien>- en Kerkstraat.. top : In Erweestraat tussen Kestel!- en Piet Retiefstraat. top 9: Ficksburgstasie. Tydtafel Maalldae tot aterdae topliommer Arriveer Vertrek Vertrekpunt.... (l6h15 top h17 06h19 top 2... _... 06h22 06h23 top h26 06h2 top h32 06h34 top ~ h3 06h40 top 6, h45 06h47 top h49 06h51 top h53 06h55 top 9...,','...,' h59 Arriveer Vertrek top h46 top h4 07h50 top h53 07h55 top h59 OhOI top Oh05 Oh07 top, Ohl2 OhI4 top Ohl6 Ohi top.... Oh20 top I... ;... ; top 2... ; h37 top h41 top h47 top h53 top6..., h59.stop?,.... Ih05 lop; Ih09 17h35 17h39 17h43 17h49 17h55 Ih02 Ih07 Roetel: TERUGREI COG. 5629): Vanaf FiCksburgstasie na Mchengu se winkel in Ficksburglokasie, oor McCabestraat, Ep,veestraat, Kestellstraat, Fonteinstraat, Besterstraat, Vansoelenstraat tot by hek van No. 2 Lokasie, verder oor pad verby Mohalo se winkel, A. M. E. Kerk, Potlako se winkel tot by Mchengu <sewinkel. topplekke: Vertrekpunt: Ficksburgstasie. top I: In Erweestraat tussen Kestell- en.piet Retiefstraat. top 2: In Fonteinstraat tussen Villiers- en Kerkstraat. top.3: Hoek van Bester- en Fonteinstraat. top 4: Hek van No.2. Lokasie. top 5: Mohalo se winkel. top 6:. A. M. E. Kerk. top 7: Potlako se winkel. top : Mchengu se winkel Tydtafel Maandae tot aterdae Arriveer Vertl'ek V.ertrekpunt....., ; ;...' h04 top ; h08' 07hlO top h12 07h14 top 3... ;... 07hl6 ' 07hI top 4... '... ' h25 top h29 07h31 top h top h40 07h42 top h44 top '" h55 top hOI 17h03 top h05 17h07 top hI2 17hI4 top hl 17h20 top h24 17h26 top h29 17h31 top h33 top I IhII top h13 Ihl5 top IhI7 lhi9 top 4...,..., Ih24 Ih26 top h30' Jh32 top h35. lh37 top Ih40. 18h42 top lh44 (5) (b) Roete 2: Heenreis (OG 5629): Vanaf Ficksburgstasie na Ficksburgbmg oor McCabestraat, Erweestraat; KesteiIstraat, Fonteinstraat, Vansoelenstraat tot by Ficksburgbrug. Afstand: 5 km. toppleklce: Vertrekpllnt: Ficksburgstasie; top 1: In Erweestraat, tussen Kestell- en Pie! Reticfstraat;top 2: In Fonteinstraat tussen Kerk~ en Villiers~traat;top 3: Hoek van Besteren Fonteinstraat. top 4: Ficksburgbrug. Tydtafel Afaandae tot aterdae. Arriveer Vertrek top I.... Oh25 top 2; h29 Oh31 top Oh33 Oh35 topa Oh4O Vertrekpunt... _. 09hI5 top hI9 09h21 top h25 09h27 top h29 09h31 top4....' h36 Vertrekpunt... :... IOhI5 top L.... IOh19 1Oh21 top Hlh25 IOh27 top IOh29.10h31 top loh36 top IIhI5 top Ith19 llh21 top llh23 llh25 top 4;;... ;..... llh30 top I2hOO top2; h04 12h06 top 3... ~ h08. 12hIO top hI5 Vertrekptint... 12h35 top h39 12h41 top h45 12h47 top h49 12hI top h56 Vertrekpunt h30 top 1..._... 13h34 13h36 top h40 13M2 top h44 13h46 top h51 top 1... _._...,' 14h25 top h29 14h31 top 3..._ h33 14h35 top h40 top h05 top h09 15hll top h13 15hl5 top ' h20 top I... 15h50 top 2...,. 15h54 15h56 top h5 I6hOO top h05 top hl5 top ~. 16hl9 16h21 top h23 16h25 top h30

46 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 No.328 GOVERNMENT GAZETIB, NOVEMBER 1976 Roete 2: Terugreis ( ): Vanaf Fickburgbrug na Arrivee,. Vertrek Ficksburgstasie oor Vansoelenstraat, Fonteinstraat, Kestellstraat, Vertrekpunt.... Erweestraat, McCabestraat tot by Ficksburgstasie. topplekke: top 1 _ 07h31 Vertrekpunt: Ficksburgbrug. top 1: Hoek van Bester en Fon top h33 07h3 teinstraat. top 2: In Fonteinstraat tussen Kerk en Villierstraat. top 3...';... 07h38 07h46 top 3: In Erweestmat tussen Kestelle en Piet Retiefstraat. top h44 07h46 top 4: Ficksburgstasie. top ' h50 07h52 top h57 07h59 Tydtafel top hOI Oha3 l1faandae tot ate,.dae top h05 Arriveer Vertrek Vertrekpunt.... top h20 Vertrekpunt.... Oh50 top h22 I7h24 top Oh55 Oh57 top h26 17h:!8 top h59 09hOI top h32 17h34 top h05 09h07 top h38 17h40 top hll top h45 17M7 Vertrekpunt h45 top h50 17h52 top h50 09h52 top h54 top h54 09h56 top IOhOO IOh02 Roetel: Terugreis (OG 6463): Vanaf Fichburgstasie na top h06 Mchcngu se winkel infkksburglokasie, oor McCabestraat, Erwee Vertrekpunt loh45 straat, Kestellstraat, Fonteinstraat, Besterstraat, Vansoelenstraat top loh50 loh52 tot by hek van No. 2 I.okasie, verder oor pad verby Mohalo se top h54 10h56 winkel A.M.E. Kerk, Potlako se winkel tot by Mchengu se top llhoo winkel. topplekke: Vertrekpunt: Ficksburgstasie. top 1: In Erweestraat tussen Kestell- en Piet Retiefstraat top 2: In Fon Vertrekpunt Ih40 teinstraat tussen Villiers en Kerkstraat. top 3: Hoek van Bester top M3 llh50 en Fonteinstraat top 4: Hek van No. 2 Lokasie. top 5: top llh52 llh54 Mahalo se winkel. top 6: A.M.E. Kerk. top 7: Potlako se top lih58 winkel. top 8: Mchengu se winkel. Vertrekpunt h35 top h40 12h42 Tydtafel top h44 12h46 Maandae tot aterdae top h50 12h52 ArriJ'eer Vertrek top h56 Vertrekpunt h49 Vertrekpunt h05 top ' h53 06h55 top hlO 13h12 top h57 06h59 top : h14 13h16 top hOI 07h03 top h20 13h22 top h08 07hlO top h26 top h14 07h16 Ver1rekpunt h05 top , 07h20 07h22 top hl0 14h12 top h25 07h27 top h14 14h16 top h29 top h20 Vertrekpunt Vertrekpunt h45 top h40 top h50 14h52 to h42 16h48 top h55 14h57 top h50 16h52 top , hOl top h57 16h59 top h03 17h05 Ver1rekpunt h30 top h09 17hll top I h35 15h37 top h14 17hl6 top h39 15M1 top h18 top h45 Vertrekpunt.... Vertrekpunt h55 top h56 top hOO 16h02 top top h58 18hOO 16h04 16h06 top h02 top h04 16hl0 top h09 18hll Vertrekpunt h35 top h15 18h17 top 1... '" h40 16h42 top h21 18h22 top h44 16h46 top h25 18h27 top h50 top h29 (5) (c) Roete1: Heenreis (OG 6463): Vanaf No. 853/2 Lokasie 5 (d) Roele 2: Heenreis (OG 6463): Vanaf Ficksburgstasie Ficksburg na Ficksburgstasie oor pad verby Mchungu se winkel: na Ficksburgbrug oor McCabestraat, Erweestraat, Kestellstraat, Potlako se winkel, A. M. E. Kerk, Mohalo se winkel tot by hek Fonteinstraat, Van oelenstraat tot by Ficksburgbrug. Afstand: van No.2 Lokasie, verder oor Vansoelenstraat, Zonstraat Bester Vyf km. topplekke: Vertrekpunt: Ficksburgstasie. straat, Fonteinstraat, Kestellstraat, Erweestraat, McCabestraat tot by stasie. Afstand: 7 km. opplekke: Vertrekpunt: No top 1: In Erweestraat tu8sen Kestell. en Piet Retiefstraat. I.okasie. top 1: Mchengu se winkel. top 2: Potlako se winkel. top 2: In Fonteinstraat tussen Kerk en Villiersstraat. top 3: A.M.E. top 3: Hoek van Bester- en Fonteinstraat. ~erk. top 4: Mohalo se winkel. top 5: Hek van No.2 Lokasle. top 6: Hoek van Bester- en Fonteinstraat. top 4: Ficksburgbrug. top 7: In Fonteinstraat tussen Villiers- en Kerkstraat. top 8: Tydtafel In Erweestraat tussen Kestelle- en Piet Retiefstraat. top 9: Maandae tot aterdae Ficksburgstasie. Arriveer Vertrek Tydtafel top h1O top ht4 08ht6 Maanclae tot aterdae top Oeh18 08h20 Arril'eer Vertrek top h25 Vertrekpunt hOO Vertrekpunt top h02 06h04 top h04 09h06 top 2..._ h06 06hO top hl0 09ht2 top 3...~... 06hl1 06h13 top h14 09h16 top 4..._ h17 06hl9 top h21 top 5...,... 06h23 06h25 Vertrekpunt hOO top " h30 06h32 top h04 10h06 top h34 06h36 top hl0 10h12 top 8... _ h33 06h40 top h14 10h16 top h44 top h21

47 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 TAATKOERANT, 5 NOVEMBER 1976 No.328 A"iveer Yertrek top llhoo top h04 llh06 top " llho IlhlO top4... ".... llh15 top I..... llb45 top Ib49 12hOl top h03 12h06 top hl1 Vertrekpunt h20 ~top h24 12h26 12h30 12h32 ~~~ ~:: : ::::: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 12h34 12h36 ~top M1 ertrekpunt h15 top I ".. 13h19 I3h21 top 2..., h25 13h27 top h29 13h31 top h36 top 1...., HhlO top h14 14h16 top hl8 14h20 top stop '"... 14h50 14h54 14h56 14h58 15hOO ~i~gt::::: ::: :::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~ 15h05 top top 2..., h39 15MI fgl::::::::y:.y:yy...:./ 15M3 15M5 15h50 16hOO 16h04 16h06 16h08 16hl0 16h15. Roete 2: ~ERUGREI ( ): Vanaf Ficksburgbrug na Flcksburgstasre oor Van oelenstraat, Fonteinstraat, Kestellstraat, Erweestraat, McCabestraat tot by Ficksburgstasie. topplekke: Vertrekpunt: Ficksburgbrug. top I: Hoek van Bester- en Fonteinstraat. top 2: In Fonteinstraat tussen Kerk- en Villiersstraat. top 3: In Erweesiraat tussen Kestell- en Piet Retiefstraat. top 4: Fickshurgstasie. Tariewe vir albei voertuie. Tydtafel Maandae tot aterdae Vertrekpunt top " top top 3... top Vertrekpunt top ' ,..... top top top Vertrekpunt top top 2... top Vertrekpunt "... top t top top Vertrekpunt top 1... "... '" top , top top Vertrekpunt top 1... top 2..., top top Vertrekpunt.... top 1.., top : top 3..,... Vertrekpunt.... top] top top " Vertrekpunt top top top Arriveer Vertl'ek Arriveer Vertrek 08h h42 08h44 08h50 08h56 09h35 09h39 09h45 09h51 08h46 08h52 09h30 09h37 09h41 09h47 10h30 10h37 1Oh41 IOb35 IOh39 10h45 llh llh35 11 h37 l1h39 llh43 12h20 12h25 12h29 12h35 12h41 12h27 12h31 12h37 12h50 12h55 12h57 12h59 13h01 13h05,13h07 13hl1 13h50 13h h59 14h05 14h01 14h30 14h37 14h41 14h35 14h h15 15h ] 5h24 15h26 15h30 Vert:rekpunt , top 1..; h45 15h47 top 2., , 15h49 15M1 top 3... ;. '.. 15h55 Vertrekpunt h20 top 1... " 16h25 16h27 top h31 top h35 Tariewe vir albei vaertllie Roe!e I-Hemre!s c Tussen top 1 en top 5 na enige stop tot en met No Tussen lop t en top 5 na top 9, Eni!,'<: ander samestelling van stopp;::....., Roerl' I-Tf?rugreis Val1af vertrekpunt na enige stop tol en met top Vanaf vertrekpunt na enige stop tussen top 4 en top 8 (albei ingcslote) Enige ander sames telling van stoppe Roele 2-Heenreis. c Vanaf vertrekpunt tot top 1,2 of Vanaf vertrekpunt tot top Enige ander sameslelling van stoppe Roete 2-Terllgl'eis c Vanaf vertrekpunt tot top 1, 2 of Vanaf vertrekpunt tot top 4.., Enigeander samestelling van stoppe to (A1677)-PETRU TEYN. (2) J. M. L(\ots. Petrus teyn; bykomende magtiging. (3) Agt voertuie. (4) (a) Bantoehuistrekke. (5) (a) Binne 'n radius van 280 km vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Petrus teyn. (4) (b) Vars aartappels (nie ingemaak nie). (5) (b) Rinne 'n radius van 480 km vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Petrus teyn. (4) (e) Graan in massa en in salke vallaf stroopterrein na die naaste graansuier of graanstoor waar die nodige fasiliteite beskikbaar is. (5) (e) Rinnc 'n radius van 480 km vanaf Hoofposkautoor, Petrus teyn. (A1692)-COLEBERG. (2) J. Dingle, Colesberg; bykomende magtiging op be!>taande voertuie en een hykomende voertuig met nuwe magtiging. (3) Vier vragmotors. (4) (a) Lewende hawe. (5) (a) Vanaf die landdrosdistrikte Colesberg, Bethulie, Venterstad en Philippolis. na beheerde markte binne.die RepubJiek van uid-afrika. (4) (b) Resiesperde, v~er vir die perde en handlangers vir hantering van perde. (5) (b) Rinne die Repuhliek van uid-afrika. (Ali12)-FICKBURG. (2) B. D. J. van Rensburg en J. H. J. van Rensburg, handel drywende as Van Rensburg Broers, Rensburghoek, distrik Ficksburg; nuwe aansoek. (3) Een vragmotor OG 6411 en een sleepwa-og (4) Aile scorte landbouptodukte en vrugte hoofsaaklik bederfbare vrugte. (5) Vanaf die ianddrosdistrik Ficksburg naalle openbare markte binne die Republiek van uid-afrika. (A1715)--BRANDFORT. (2) J. M. egalo, handeldrywende as Helpmekaar Diens. Lokasie 443, Brandfort;. bykomenae voertuig. (3) Een motorkar-obb (4) Nie meeras vyf Bantoetaxipassasiers en hul persoonlike bagasie. (5) Op ritte binne die landdrosdistrik llrandfort. (A1716)-FICKBURG. (2) E. M. Lefisa, trading as Elias Transport, 211/2 Location, Ficksburg; additional vehicle. (3) One motor car-og (4) Not more than five Non-White taxi passengers and their personal luggage. (5) Within a radius of 50 km of General Post Office, Ficksburg. (AI717)-OUTPAN. (2) P. Moroosele, hande1drywende as Piet Moroosele Vervoer, Lokasie 64, outpan; byk.omende voertuig qlet nuwe magtiging. (3) Een mini-bus aangelr.oop te word. (4) Bantoe-, Asiaat- en Kleurlingpassasiel en hut persoonlike bagasie. (5) Vanaf Lokasie 64, outpan (terminus), met lokasiepad tot hoof Bloemfontein-Bultfonteinpad, draai link.s met hoofpad tot by toomhock, djstrik Bloemfpntein (terminus), en terug oor dieselfde roete. Roete aistand: 9 km.

48 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February No. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 5 NOVEMBER 1976 Tydta/el Maandag tot Vrydag ~ Vertrek- Arriveer outpanlokasieterminus h15 toomhoekterminus...-.., h30 toomhoekterminus h45 outpanlokasieterminus , hOO outpanlokasieterminus.., h45 toomhoekterminus...;.. _ hOO toomhoekterminus hl5 outpanlokasieterminus h30 Tarle/ 20c per enkel rit. (A1719)-WlTIEHOEK. (2) A. LengIJabaia, Bantocdorp 2675, Witsieshoek; bykomende voertuie. (3) Een bus en twee kombies aangekoop te word. (4) (a) Nie-Blanke sportspaane, _ piekniek en godsdienstige groepe op aterdae, ondae en openbare vakansiedae op voorwaarde dat die terugreis aanvaar word binne 24 uur na voltooiing van die heenreis. (5) (a) lnne 'n radius van 80 Ian vanaf Hoofposkantoor, W,jtsieshoek. (4) (b) Bantoesportspanne, piekniekgroepe en godsdienstige groepe op aterdae, ondae en openbare vakansiedae op voorwaarde dat die terugreis aanvaar word binne 24 uur navoltooiing van die heenreis. (5) (b) Vanaf Witsieshoek na punte binne 'n radius van 160 Ian vanaf Roofposkantoor, Witsieshoek, en terug na Witsieshoek. (Al720)-WITIEHOEK. (2) A. T. Malefe, Tseseng, Witsieshoek; new applicatio-n. (3) One motof-car-tu (4) Bantu and Coloured taxi passengers. (5) Within a radius of 50 Ian of General Post Office, Witsieshoek. (Al727)-PROVINIE ORANJE-VRYTAAT. (2) P. H. Calitz, Bolmacaba, distrik Boesmanskop; bykomende voertuig. (3) Een sleepwa aangekoop te word. (4) Graan wat deur die houer self gestroop word na die naaste of gerieflikste kooperasie, stoor of graansuier waar die nodige bergingsfasiliteite beskikbaar is. (5) Binne die provinsie Oranje-Vrystaat. (AI728)-WINBURG. (2) N. van der WaIt, handeldrywende as Nico's Transport, Winburg; nuwe aansoek weens laat hernuwmg. (3) Een vragmotor-ox (4) Goedere, aile soorte. (5) Binne die landdrosdistrik Win burg (pro forma). (AI730)-HARRIMITH. (2) C. J. De V. Truscott, handeldrywende as Truscott's Transport, Harrismith; bykomcnde voertuig en bykomende magtiging. (3) Een leunwa-oh (4) Lewende hawe. (5) Vanaf die landdrosdistrik Harrismith na Benoni, Germiston, Nigel, prings, Bloemfontein, Durban en Pietermaritzburg. (A1732)-BLOEMFONTEIN. (2) J. M. Lategan, Rustig, distrikbloemfontein; nuwe aansoek. (3) Tien voertuie aangekoop te word. (4) (a) and, klip en gruis vir padboudoe!eindes. (5) (a) Binne die provinsie Oranje-Vrystaat. (4) (b) Padmaakmateriaal tussen die naaste spoorwegstasie, sylyn, padwerkersdepot en die naaste konstruksie pcrseei. (5) (b) Binne die provinsie Oranje-Vrystaat. (4) (c) and, klip en gruis vir 0pvulling doeleindes. (5) (c) Binne die landdrosdistrik Bloemfontein. (A 1733)-BLOEMFONTEIN. (2) J. Makgetha, Roeklandslokasie 16365, Bloemfontein; bykomende magtiging. (3) Een paneclwa -OB (4) Vars vleis, koue vleis, kaas, botter en eiers uitsluitlik ten behoewe van Grintcr lagtery. (5) Binne die munisipale gebicd Bloemfontein. (A1734)-PROVINIE ORANJE-VRYTAAT. (2) W. J. van Heerden, Bloemfontein; nuwe aansoek. (3) Een vragmotor-ob (4) (a) and, klip en gruis vir padrnaakdoeleindes. (5) (a) Binne die provinsie Oranje-Vrystaat. (4) (b) Padmaakmateriaal tussen die naaste spoorwegstasie, sylyn, padwerkersdepot en die naaste konstruksie persele. (5) (b) Binne die provinsie Oranje Vrystaat. (A1735)-BLOEMFONTEIN. (2) J. P. Mokhonoane, 5306 Ph"ahameng Location, Bloemfontein; new application due to late renewal. (3) Two combis-ob and OB (4) Bantu football teams and church parties on aterdays, undays and public holidays provided the return journey be commenced within 24 hours after completion of the forward journey and that no football teams and church parties be conveycd to points within the municipal area of Bloemfontein or from Bloemr olltein to Mazelspoort. (5) Within a radius of 70 km of General Post Office, Bloemfontein, and back. (AI736)-BLOEMFONTEIN. (2) H. Kajee, Frederickstraat 10, Ashbury, Bloemfontein; nuwe aansoek. (3) Een bus aangekoop te word. (4) Bantoe- en Klcurlingsportgroepe, kcrkgroepe, sanggroepe, piekniekgroepe en Nie-Blanke studente en skoliere vir opvoedkundige doeleindes op aterdae, ondae en openbare vakansiedae op voorwaarde dat die terugreis aanvaar word binne 24 uur navoltooiing van die heenreis. (5) Vanaf Bloemfontein na punte binne 'n radius van 160 Ian vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Bloemfontein, en terug na Bloemfontein. POTCHEFTROOM Address to which representations must be submitted: The ecretary, Local Road Transportation Board, Private Bag X925, Po/chefstroom, Adres waarheen vertoe gerig moet word: Die ekretaris, Plaaslike Padvervoerraad, - Privaatsak X925, Potchefstroom, _2520. M (AI587)-AOLBURG.-(2) G. G. Matbesi, 2032 Protemlokasie. asolburt> (PN ); nuwe aans-oek. (3)&n paneelwa_ -OIL' (2200 kg). (4) Kle.rasie vir droogskoonmaak~ do:!ieindes en droogskoongemaakte klerasie behorende aan Bantoe, alleenlik. (5) Binne 'n- radius van 20 kn1 vanaf Poskanooor, asolburg. M (A1659)-KLERKDORP. (2) A. J. Ismail, ~Ierksdorp; new application. (3) One motor-car-ty (five pasllengers). (4) Goods for dry-cleaning purposes on behalf of Eureka Dry Cleaners. (5) Within a radius of 50 km of General Post Office, Klerksdorp. M (AI 562}-\VELKOM. (2) A. P. Verreynne, Welkom; additional authority. (3) One mechanical horse, one trailer and one lorry-oke and OKE and OKE (18000 and 7760 kg each). (4) Bricks. (5) Within a radius of 320 km of Free tate Brickworks, District of Welkom: - M (A1663)-~KROONTAD. (2) I. Mofo-keng, D-lokasie 123, Bothaville (PN ); nuwe aansook. (3) Een paneelwa -OMB (800 kg). (4) Klerasie en materiale vir droogskoonmaakdoeleindes op die heenreis en droogskoongemaakte klerasie en materiall},oi' dre terugreis. (5) Vanaf Bothavillelokasie na Kroonstad '_ Droogskoonmakers te Kroonstad en terug. M (A1576)-EDENVILLE. (2) P. Tsotetsi. 68 Loca:tion, Edenville (PN ); new a.pp1icatio~. (3) Orle motor-g~r-: OMG 54 (six passengers). (4) Dantu taxi passengers. (5) Wlthm a radius,of 50 Ian of Poot Office, Edenville. M (AI658)-POTCHEFTROOM. (2) J. wanepoel, Potchef.. stroom; nuwe aanwek. (3) Twee vragmotors-tx en TX (7500 kg elk). (4) Algemene go-edere ten beboewe van Harry Jed~iken (Edms.) Bpk. (5) Binne 'n radius van 250 km vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Potchefstroom. M (A 1 588}-BLOEMHOF. (2) J. Moloantoa. Koekoemastraat 427 Boutomoleng Nuwe Lokasie, B~o-emhof (PN ); nu~e aansoek. (3) Een motorkar-tl 1663 (ses passasiers). (4) Bantoetaxipassa:;iers en hul persoonlike bagasie. (5) Binne 'n radius van 50 km vanaf Poskanto-or, Bloemhof. M (AI 570)-LICHTENBURG. (2) A. M. OIime, Houthaalbomen, distrik Lbhtenburg (PN );nuweaanso-ek. (3) Een ligte afleweringswa-tad (998 kg). (4) AIgemene goedere. (5) Binne 'n radius van 200 km vanaf P{)skantoor, Liehtenburg. M (A 1653)-TILFONTEIN.,(2) Hartebeesf~ntein Gold Mining Co. Ltd, tilfontein; Additional vehicle. (3) One bus-tz 1826 (28 passenger~). (4) (a) White Mining students employees of Hartebeesfonlein Gold Mining Co.,Ltd for education - purposes (free of charge). (5) (a) From -Har,tebeesfontein Gold ~ining Co. Ltd at tilfontein to- points situated within - a radiu of 240 km of Post Office, tilfontein and back. (4) (b) White mining students employees of Hartebeesfontein Gold Mining Co. Ltd for- sporting purposes (free of charge). (5) (b) Fwm Har.tebeesfontein Gold Mining Co. Ltd at tilf,onteinto points situated within 240 km of Post Offiee, tilfontein and ba~k provided that the return journey be commenced within 24 hours after the time of,arrival. M (A1670)-KROONTAD. (2) E. Moleme, eeisoville 1042, Kroonstad (PN ); oordra'g vanaf M. P. Molcme. (3) Een motorkar-om (vyf passasiers). (4) Baritoe ta~i pass a siers en hut perwonlike bagasie. -(5) Binne 'n radius van 50 km vanaf Hoofposkantoor,Kroonstad. M (A1594)-VENTERDORP. (2) J. Mathl-allf!oane, echehstra:!.t 22 Ou Lokasie, Ventersdorp (PN ); -Oordrag vanaf N:' Maraba. 0) Een inotorkar-tn 984 (ses pasl!.sief3). (4) Bantoetaxipassasiers en htl1 persoonlikebagaie. (5) Binne 'n radius van 50 km vanaf Poskimtoor, Ventersdorp. -

49 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 TAATKOERANT, 5 NOVEMBER 1976 No. M (A 166 l)-damaku, DITRIK DELAREYVILLE. (2) J. O. du Preez, Baberspan; oordrag vanaf M.c'A. Brandt. (3) Een vragmotor-tbe 2{)92 (10 ton), (4) (a) Lewende hawe. (5) (a) (i) Vanaf plase na veevendusies en vanaf veevendusies na die naaste spoorwegstasie binne die landdrosdistrikte chweizer Reneke, Dloemhof, Wolmaransstad, Lichtenburg en Delareyville (pro forma). (5) (a) (ii) Vanaf plase gelee binne die landdrosdistrikte chweizer-reneke, Bloemhof, Wolmaransstad, Lichlenburg en DeIareyville na vendusies te Vryburg (pro forma). (5) (a) (iii) Tussen plase en tusen plase en veevendusies: Bin..'le 'n radius van 160 km vanaf die pjaas Damaskl's, distrik Delareyville met uitsluiting van die vervoei' van lewende hawe vanaf punte blnne die landdrosdistrikte Vryburg, Mafeking, Warrenton, Taungs,' Christiana en Boshoff. (4) (b) Goedere. (5) (b) Binne 'n radius van 50 km vanaf die plaas Damaskus, distrik Dclareyville (pro forma). M (A1639)-PROYlNIE TRANVAAL EN ORANJE VRYTAAT. ecunda Transport (Ed.'l1s.) Bpk., aso1burg; Nuwe aansoek ( Drie meganiese percle en twee leunwacns OIL OIL 10086, OIL 15763, OIL 15762, OIL (30 ton t;!k). (4) (a) Goedere. (5) (a) Tussen punte gelee binne 'n radiu'; van 50 km vanaf Hoofposkantoor, asolburg (pro forma). (4) (b) and, klippe en gruis vir padmaakdoeleindes. (5) (b) Binne die Provinsies Transvaal en Oranje-Vrystaat (4) (c) Padi'naakmateriaal tussen die naaste spoorwegstasie en padwerkersdepots. (5) (c) Binne die provinsies van Transvaal en Oranje-Vryslaat. (4) (d) Goedere. (5) (d) Binne die munisipnle gebied aso!burg. (4) (e) tene en randstene. (5) (e) Binne'n radius van 240 km vannt Hoofposkantoor, asolburg (pad pro forma). (4) (0 Klip, as en sand. (5) (t) Binne 'n radius van 240 km vanaf Hoofposkantoor, asolburg. M (AI593)-RLOEMHOF. (2) Union Creamery Ltd, Bloemhof; n'lwe aansoek, (3) Een vragmotor-tl 1653 (40 passasiers). (4) Eie Bantoewerknemers in die loop van Bulle diens (kosteloos). (5) Roete: Vanaf Boit.umelon~-Rantoedorp te Bloemhof na Union Creamery Ltd se fabriek te Bloemhof. Vanaf Boilumelong:-Bantoedorp met pad tot by Bloemhof-chweizer-RenekehoofDud met Noordstraat wes en met langstraat noord tot by die fabriek van Union Creflmerv Ltd te Bloemhof en terul!:. Rocte afstand: 3,2 km. Tydtafel: Boitumelong-Dantoedorp, 04hOO. Union Creamery Ltd, 07hOO. Union Cr.:amcry Ltd, 14hOO, Boitumelong-Bantoedorp, 20hOO. KIMBERLEY Address to which representations must be submitred: The "cretary, Local Road Transportatioll Board, Private Bag X5019, Kimberley, IBOO. Adres waarheen vertoe gerig 1170et word: Die ekrefaris, Plaaslike Padvervoerraad. PriV(J{1tsak X50l9, Kimberley, P492jA1390-BARKLY-WE. (2) I. PJaatjies, Barkly-Wes; nuwe aansoek (Iaat hernuwing). (3) Een kar-cag (4) Nie meer as ses Bantoetaxipassasiers en hul persoonlike bagasie. (5) Rinne 'n radius van 50 km vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Barkly-Wes. P493 ia 139I-DOUGLA. (2) T. D. ebolai, Douglas; nuwe aansoek. (3) Een ligte af!eweringswa-cbc 693. (4) Bantoe georganiseerde geselskappe. (5) Tussen Douglas, Griekwastad, Postmasburg, Kimberley en Hopetown, P494/A1392-LIME ACRE. (2) G. Nyosi, DanielskuiI; bykomende v0ertuig. (3) Een kar-cev 448. (4) Nie meer as vyf B:mtoetaxipassasiers en hul persoonlike bagasie. (5) Binne 'n radius van 50 km vanaf Lime Acres. P495fAI393-WARRENTON. (2) P. Moshoeu, Warrenton; new arml1eation. (3) One car-cee 786. (4) Not more than five Non-White taxi passengers and their personal effects. (5) (i) Within a radius of 50 km of General Post Office. Warrenton. (ii) On casual trips within a radius of 140 km of General Post Office, Warrenton. P496/A1395-KIMBERLEY. (2) D. imanga, Kimherley; additional vehicle. (3) One bus-cc 15206, (4) Non-White passengers and their personal effects over existing approved rontes presently authorised on Motor Carrier Certificate CB P498!A!398-MODIMONG. (2) G. G. Kubuyane. Modimong; new application. (3) One car to be pnrcha~ed. (4) Bantu taxi passengers and their personal effects. (5) Within a radius of 45 km of Modimong. P499/A1399-KIMBERU2Y. (2) W. K. Koopman, Kimberley; bykomende magtiging. (3) Twee bu8e-cc 804 en CC Bykomende magtiging: (4) (a) l'he-b1anke georganiseerde geselskappe (pro forma). (5) (<J) Varraf Kimberley nn punte binne 'n radius van 360 km vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Kimberley, en terug. Bestaande magtiging: (4) (b) Nie-Blanke georgani eerde geselskappe (pro forma). () (b) Vanaf.Kimberley nll. punte binne 'n radius van 240 k.m vanaf Hooiposkantoor, Kimberley, en terug. P500/ A l400-frico. (2). Khuto, Pokwani; bykomende voertuig. (3) Een bus-cfn 295. (4) (a) Aile soorte goedere. (5) (a) Binne 'n radius van 50 km vanaf Fri~co-Bantoestat en na Hartswater en Taung (pro forma). (4) (b) Nie-Blank,e georgariseerde geselskappe (pro forma), (5) (b) Vanaf Valspanlokaskna punte. binne 'n r"dius van 80 km vanaf Valspanlokasie enterog. (4) (e). Bantoepa!lsasiers en hal pcrsoonlike besittings. (i),tussen Frisco en Taung oor Manthestat.. Tydtafel: Maandae, Wo.ensdae en Vrydae: Vertrek Frisco, 07hOO. Vertrek Taung, 14h30,,eii). Tussen Hartswater en Molelema oor Frisco. Tydtafel: Dinsd!le en Donderdae: Vertrek Hartswater, 07hOO. Vertrek Molelema, 20hOO. Tariewe: liartswater-friseo, 4Oc. Hartswater-Molelema. 60c, Frisco-Molelema, 30c. Friseo-Manthestat, 2c. Taung-Frisco, 75c. Taung-Manthestat, 45e. P501/A1394-KENHARDT. (2) D. J. van Niekcrk, Kenhardt; vervanging van voertuig met een met 'n draagvermoe van meer as 20 pcrscnt as die bestaande voertuig en bykomend. e magtiginll' (3) Een vragmotor-cbh 911. Bykomende magtiging: (4) (a) Lewcnde hawe, (5) (a) Vanaf punte binne 'n radius van 160 km vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Kenhardt na beheerde markte Je Newtown, Johannesburg, Krugersdorp, Benoni; pringa en Pretoria. Bestaande magtiging: (4) (b) Aile soorte goedere. (5) (b) (i) Biime die landdrosdistrik Kenhardt en na of vanaf die naaste spoofwegsta5ie, sylyn, spoorweghalte of bushalte (pro fomla). (ii) Binne die munisimle gebied van Kenhardt. (4) (e) Boerderyprodukte. (5) (c) Na ~f vanaf punte binne die landdr<?sdistrik Kcnhardt en na of vanaf die naaste cp00rweg!!tasje, sylyn, spoorwcghalte of kooperasiestoor, mits die p'mte oor die nodige opbergings en/of hantcringsgeriewe beskik. (4) (d) Lewende' hawe. (5) (d) (i) Vanaf punte binne die landdmdistrik Kenhardt na veevendusies te Upington. (ii) Vanaf punte binne?ie hmd. drosdistrikte Kcnhardt en Pofadder na slagpale te Ma.tland en punte tussenin op bogenoemde roete (pro forma). (iii) Vanaf punte binne 'n radius van 50 km vanaf Hoofposkantoor,.Kenhardt, na. beheerde markte te Newtown, Johannesburg, Krugersdorp, Benoni, prings en Pretoria. P502/AI401-BUXTON. (2) E. L. Cwaile, Norlim; newapplication. (3) One car to be purchased. (4) Bantu taxi passengers and their personal effects. (5) Within a radius of 80 km of Buxton Location. P503/A1403-UPlNGTON. (2) E. J. J. PANGENBERG. Upington: wysiging van tydtafel. (3) Twee busse-cay 4380 en CAY Hl252. (4) Blanke passasiers en hul persoonlike b~gasie. (5) Oor bestaande goedgekeurde roetes reeds de'.ir apphkant~ gehc.u op Motorttansportsertifikaat CB 9437? Voor~estelde WYIging van tydtafel: Oggendroet~: Vert~ek bulte t~rmlllus by Continental Motors, 06h45. Arnveer bmne termm'l by Charle< Garage, 07h15. Middagroete: Vertrek binne term;,nlls by 'Charles Garage: l3h05. Arriveer buite terminus by Contmental Motors, 13h15. Vertrek buite terminus by Continental M"tors, 13h45, Arriveer binne terminus by Charles Garage. 13h55. Nomidda~~ roete: Vertrek binne terminus by Chartes Gam!'!!. 1h15. Arnveer buite terminus by Continental Motors, 18h45. Bestaande tydtafel: Og~endroete: Vertrek buite terminus by Continental Motors, Oi1100, nn binnc terminus te Chal'!es Bros 9arage. Arriveer 07h30. Namiddagroete: Vertrek "mne termmus, te Charles 'Bros Garage, 17hOO, na buite terminm, te Continental Motors. Arriveer, 17h30, P05!AI405--WITKALKKOLK. WILLITON. (?) R. P. Botha. K:enhardt bykomende magtiging. (3) Vragmotof--CBH 413, sleepwa~bh Bykomende mag!iging: (4) (a) Lew~e hawe. (5) (a) Vanaf punte binne 'n radiu van. 50. km. vanaf ~:he nlaas Witkalkkolk, distrilc Kenh'irdt, welke gebled m die afdeling Williston oelee is met die Kenhardt-Willistonafdelingsraad ~;rens '9, grenslyn ~an daa.rdie gedeelte van die afdeling WJlI.iston wat die bykomende gebied sal beslaan. Destaande magtlgmg: ebb 1242: (4) (b) Lewende hawe. (5) (b) Vanaf.pla~e geiee b~die, landdrosdistrik Kenhardt wat binne 'n radiu van 50 km.1l!.yan die plaas Witkalkkolk., distrik Kenhardt, na beheerde mark;tc, b;ni'le die Republiek. van uid-afrilca (pad pro forma). CBR 413 (4) (c) Lewende hawe. (5) (c) Vaaaf plase gelee binne. die Ian?, drosdistrik Kenhardt wat binne 'n radius van O km I van. die. piaas Witkalkkolk, distrik Kenhardt, na beheerde markte bmnc die Republiek van uid-afrika.. P507jAf40-:BANKDRIFT. (2) M. Mmusi, Magagong; nev' application. (3) One car-tj (4) Bantu taxi passengers and their personal effects. (5) Within a radius of 50 klll of General Post Office, B:mksdrift. Jan Kempdorp. P503fA1409-UPlNGTON. (2), W. A. en N. W: van BIer! en D.'J. Blomerus, handelende as Upington MotorondC1'del~. Up:ngton; nuwe aansoek. (3) Een motorkar-cay (4) Ell: gocdere (pro forma). (5) Binne 'n radius van 80 km vanaf' pl~k, van besigheid te Upington. Vervoer gedoen te word met voertwg behorende aan N. W. van Blerk. '. P509jAI410-KIMBERLEY. (2) A. Matlhako,. Kimbe*y: additional vehicle with new authority. (3) One lo-seater bus CC (4) The Bophuthatswana Democratic Party organised parties. (5) On occasional trips from or to Kimberley to. or from points within a radius of 420 km of. General Post Office, Kimberley.

50 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 No. GOVERNMENT GAZE'ITE, 5 NOVEMBER 1976 P510/A141l-PRIEKA, DE AAR. (2) imba Quix ales (Pty) Ltd, Kimberley; additional authority. (3) Four vehicles TCD 35463, 08 40~69, CC 308,34 and CC Additional authority: (4) Own Taystee wheat and sweets which have been railed to De Aar and Prieska tations for delivery to customers. (5) (i) Direct from De Aar station to Philipstown, PetrusviUe, P.K. Ie Rouxdam lind Luckhoff. (ii) Direct from Pricska tation to Niekerkshoop, Griquatown, Campbell, Douglas, Bucklands, Plooysburg, Britstown, trydenburg, Hopetown, Kraankuil and Orange River. Conveyance to be d:}fle with vehicle belonging to Quix Products ales Ltd. Existing authority as granted by the Board on Minute 13 of 19/8/16. P511/A1415-TRYDENBURG. (2) B. J. H. van "Vyk, trydenburg; bykomende voertuig: (3) Een vragmotor aangekoop te word. (4) (a) Goedere~ lewende hawe en plaasprodukte volgens huidige bestaande magtiging gehou op Motortransportsertifikaat C (5) (a) Rinne huidige gemagtigde gebiede gehou op Motortransportsertifikaat C PORT EUZABFrH Address to which representations must be submitt~d: The ecretory, Local Road Transportation Board. Privale Bug X3909, Pori Elizabeth, Adres waarhem v~rtoi! gerig moet word: Die ekrl'taris. Plaaslike Padvervoe"rraud. Privootsak X3909, Port Elizabeth AI267-CRADOCK. (2) W. T. Bezuidenhout, Cradock; nuwe aansoek. (3) Een 2,105-kg-vragmotor. (4} Bande vir versoling op die heenreis en versoolde bande op die terugreis namens WHteroy (Pty) Ltd, wat handel dryf as upertread Tyre Co., Midlands. (5) Vanaf Cradock na Queenstown en terug. Al272-UITENHAGE. (2) P. C. van der Nest, Uitenhage; nuwe aansoek. (3) Drie (4) Grond, gruis, 5and en klip vir padmaakdoeleindes uitsluitlik ten behoewe van Van der Touw Pla.'lt Hire (Edms.) Bpk. (5) Tussen punte gelec binne 'n radius van 20 km vanaf Poskantoor, Wtenhage, insluftende die geheel van die munisipale gebied Port Elizabeth. AI266-HUMANDORP. (2) L. W. Ketteldas, Humansdorp; nuwe aansoek. (3) Een 681-kg-ligte afleweringswa. (4) Kleurlingwerknemers (kostcloos). (5) Vanaf hulle woonplekke in die Kleurlingwoongebiede, Kruisfontein en Graslaagte, Humansdorp, na verskeie werkspersele gelee binne 'n radius van 80 km vanaf Humansdorp en terug. Tydtafel: Heenreis: Maande tot Vrydae: Ongeveer 06h30. Terugreis; Maande tot Donderdae: Ongeveer 11h30. Vrydae: Ongeveer 16hOO. A PORT ELIZABETH. (2) Allied Colloids (A) (Pty) Ud, Port Elizabeth; new application. (3) One light delivery van. (4) Bantu and Coloured employees (free of charge). (5) From Coloured and Bantu townships, situated within the municipal area of Port Elizabeth, to place of business at Markman Township and return. Time-table: Depart townships: Mondays to Fridays: Between 07hOO and 08hOO. Depart Markman Township: Mondays to Fridays: Between 16h45 and 20h30. A1217-PORT ELIZABETH. (2) M. Gamieldien, Port Elizabeth; amended authority (increase in tariff). (3) One 5-seater motor-car. (4) White taxi passengers. (5) (0 Within a radius of 50 km of Town Hall. Port. Elizabeth. (5) (ii) On casual trips outside the area described in (i) above. cale oj charges Present tariff Proposed tariff Per "Flag Drop"..... JOe 40c Per kin c per 200 m 5c per 1/6 km Waiting time c per 2 min. 5c per 1 min. A1273(a)-UNIONDALE. (2) M. P. tander, Uniondale; nuwe aansoek. (3) Een leunwa, twee vragmotors en twee sleepwaens en een meganiese perd. (4) Van produkte. (5) Binne die RepubJiek van uid-afrika. A1258-UITENHAGE. (2) M. Ivy, Uitenhage; new application. (3) One 2,077-kg light delivery van. (4) The Ullday Times newspaper exclusively on behalf of Allied Publishing Ltd. (5) From Port Elizabeth to Middelburg, C.P. A1273-UNIONDALE. (2) M. P. tander, Uniondale; nuut (laat hemuwing en vervanging van voenuig. (3) Een vragmotor. (4) (a) Goedere. (5) (a) Tussen punte binne 'n radius van 50 km \'Roaf Poskantoor, Avontuur (pro forma). (4) (b) nona Fidehuistrekke (pro forma). (5) (b) Binne 'n radius van 240 km vanaf Poskantoor, Avontuur. (4) (c) Van groente en vars vrugte en lea honers in gebruik. (5) (c) Vanaf pakstore bchorende aan Lanko Koop B pk. en plase gelei binne die Ianddrosdistrikte Joubertina en Uniondale, na markte te Johannesburg, Pretoria. Bloemfontein, Welkom, Klerksdorp, Vereeniging, Krugersdorp, $pri.ngs, Brakpan, Benoni, King William's Town, Oos-Londen. Pietermaritzburg, Mosselbaai en Durban en terug na markte te Port Elizabeth en Uitenhage. (4) (d) Lewende hawe. (5) (d) Binne 'n radius van 95 kid vanafposkantoor, Avontuur (pro forma). (4) (e) Nie-Blanke georganiseerde geselskappe (pro forma), (5) (e) Vanaf punte binne 'n radius van 25 km vanaf Pos- kantoor, A vontuur, nil. punte gelee binne 'n radius van 240 km vanaf Poskantoor, Avontuur, en temg. A1280-PORT ELIZABETH. (2) D. Clohessey. Port Elizabeth; new application. (3) One motor~car. (4) Goods exclusively on behalf of B. cott Parkin, trading as Rialto Cafe. (5) Within the Port Elizabeth exempted area. Al278-PORT ELIZABETH. (2) Grindrod Airfreight (Pty) Ltd, Port Elizabeth; replacement of vehicle with a ~carrying capacity. exceeding 20 per cent. (3) Oile 2,685-kg truck. (4) mall airfreight packages. (5) Between points situated within a radius of 25 km of New Law Courts, Port Elizabeth, including the whole of the municipal area of Uitenhage. AI279-HUMANDORP. (2) L. D. ~{zili, Humansdorp; amended authority (increase in tariff). (3) One 33-seater bus. (4) Non-White passengers and their personal effects. (5) From nyklip to Humansdorp via Doriskraal, Clarkson, and return over the same route. Time-table: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays: Depart nykjip, 08hOO. Depart Humansdorp,.16hOO. atur~ays: Depart nyklip, 08hOO. Depart Humansdorp,. 13hOO. EXlstmg scale of charges: Rt per passenger for return Journey. Proposed scale of charges: Rl,60 per passenger for return journey. A1286-PORT ELIZABETH. (2) M. C. Boshoff, Port Elizabeth; bykomende magtiging. (3) Vier 7,OOO-kg-vragmotors. (4) tene en sement namens E.P. Timbers (Pty) Ltd. (5) Vanaf Port Elizabeth na puntc binne die landdrosdistrik Humansdorp. A1216--GRAAFF-REINET. (2) R. E. Julies, trading as Julies Blls ervice Graaff-Reinct; amended authority (increase in scale of charges): (3) even buses. (4) (a) Non-W~ite passengers. (5) (a) Within the municipal area of G!:aaff-Remet. (4) (b) Non White passengers. (5) (b) From termmus at Goedhals quare, Graaff-Reinet to terminus at Post Office, Adendorp, and return. Time-table: As per existing time-table. cale of charges Kroonvale-Goedhals quare... " Kroonvale-tation Kroonvale-unnyside Goedhals quare-tation Goedhals quare-unnyside... unnyside-tation......, Distance km 5,7 3,8 2,8 1,8 2,8 1,2 KrQonvale outh Kroonvale outh-goedhals quare 7,2 Kroonvale outh-tation ,3 Kroonvale outh-unnyside... 4,4 Kroonvale outh-duiker treet (stop at rear ofhail)... " 3,3 Kroonvale outh-pandau High Children Adults under 12 years Pres. Prop. Pres. Prop. c c c c chool... 1, Goedhals quare-cor. ofdu Plessis and Duiker treets... " 4, tation-cor. of Du Plessis and Duiker treets... 2, Adendorp Goedhals quare-adendorp... 9,4 Goedhals quare-d.c. heds and Abetoirs... 4,2 Goedhals quare-college Motors and Kamdeboo Boere... 2,9 Goedhals quare-tation , () Adendorp-Abetoirs and D.C. heds 4,8 Adendorp-College Motors... 6,1 Inter stops J ] Discotrot fares less 5 per cent. Parcel rates c Above 11 kg Above 23 kg Above 34 kg N.B.-Documents indicating the time-table are available for inspection at Room 533, Eben Donges Buildings, North End, Port Elizabeth

51 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February EAT LO,NDON-OO-LONDEN Address to.which representation, must be submitted: The ecretary. Local Road Transportation Board, Private Bag X9009, Bast London, Adres waarheen vertoe gerig moet word: Die ekretaris. Plaaslike Padvervoerraad, Privaatsak X9009, Oos-Landen, A1316--;MDANTANE. (2) Mandla Moses Mtalana, 2857 Nu 7, Mdantsane; new application. (3) One motor-car-ce (4) (a) Non-White taxi passengers and their personal effects. (5) (a) Within a radius of 50 km of Post Offke, Mdantsane. LONDON. (2) Empangeni Earthmovers (Pty) A136~,,,,EAT Ltd, Easi" London; new appllcation. (3) One mechanical horse NPN (4) (a) Earthmoving machinery. (5) (a) Within the Republic of outh Mrica. A1380-WHITILEEA. (2) Pumelelo Fehleli, 1108 Dube, ada Township; new application. (3) One light delivery van GCB 55. (4) (a) Goods. (5) (a) Within a radius.of 30 km of Post Office, Whittlesea. AI383-MACLEAR. (2) Hoerskool Madear, Maclear; nuwe aansoek. (3) Twee busse-cdl 209 en CDL 274. (4) (a) Blanke georgani-seerde geselskappe. (5) (a) Rinne 'n radius van 300 km vanaf Poskantoor, Maclear. A 1385-WHIITLEEA. (2) Zaoonke Kepeyi, 73 ada Township, Whittlesea; new application. (3) One truck-gce (4) (a) Goods. (5) (a) Within a radius of 30 km of Post Office, Whittlosea. A1386-EAT LONDON. (2) outh Mrican Railways, East London; amendment of time-table. (3) One bus-mt (4) (a) Passengers and their personal effects. (5) (a) Over the existing routes. Amended time-table: As per Annexure A attached. A1387-QUEENTOWN. (2) N.. Pillay Brothers (Ply) Ltd, Queenstown; new application. (3) One panel van-ch \0279. (4) (a) Goods. (5) (a) Within a radius of 80 km of General Post Office, Queenstown. A1388-BUTTERWORTH. (2) ilas Walker Mbanga, 6 canlen treet, Butterworth; new applicatton. (3) Eight vehicles. (4) (a) Own goods. (5) (a) From Bast London and King William's Town to Kei Bridge (Transkei Border), (4) (b) Cofins and bandies. (5) (b) Fmm East London, Port Elizabeth and Bloemfontein to Transkei Border en route to Butterworth. A1391-EAT LONOON. (2) Distillers Corporation A Ltd, Eas London; additional vehicle. (3) One 5-ton trailer-ce (4) (a) Goods as per existing authority. (5) (a) As per existing authority. A 1392-MDANTANE. (2) Riohard Vuyisile Nqoma, 3566 Nu, Mdantsane; new application. (3) One motor-car-gee 645. (4) (a) Non-White taxi passengers and their personal effects. (5) (a) Within a radius of 25 km of Post Office, Mdantsane, ANNEXURE A OUTH AFRICAN RAILWAY Fr. 17h45-19h20 Mo., Tu., We., Th. and a. 1 and 5 15h30-17h05 km topping places East London... Panmure Bridge.... Kennington.... Abbotsford (,J.{.jC.)... alley... Mayiza... Vindor... Gonubie Bridge... Ntomboshani... \Vendene Bird's pring... Wattle Ridge... Cooperbos... Crestwood... Ngcwakaza... Henjen....,..., Bulugha Tower Hill Mareeskop... Proteakop... Gable..., Kelswood... MOOlplaaṡ Post Offiee.. TAATKOERANT, 5 NOVEMBER 1976 No. 51 Weekdays A 6 D loh20 s 09hO:) Mo., Tu.,. We., Fr. and a. 3 1and 5 20hoo 20h05 s 21h25 21h30 21h45 21h50 22h40 Th. km topping places Weekdays 17h45 17h50 18h30 18h35 t8h50 t8h55 19h Makazi... Crediton... Bu,hford Xwa;;hu Conn:llan... Ngwenkala Bridge... Fort Warden... Komga tation... Fort Warden... ipambukeni.... ihota... Eagle iding... Macaugceni... Toleni..... Kwampafane Cunningham...,... Nozulu, Ndabakazi tation... Adonis... Ceccuwana... Butterworth tation... Kwa-Mafuya... Zazulwana... Manyano... Kwa-Xokoza... Poswa... Egqukesi... Emgcwe..,...,... Junction... Ngxakaxa... Idutywa Town Idutywa tation... Non-White passengers and luggage only h25 A 08h20 D A D A D D s 07b40 07h35 07b20 07hl.O 06h15 06hOO A1396-BEACON BAY. (2) Bcacon Bay Municipality, Beacon Bay' new application. (3) Four lorries-ce 35682, CE 40312, cn and OE (4) (a) Non-White passengers. (5) (a) Between Duncan Village, Mdantsane and Beacon Bay. A1397-MDANTANE. (2) J()hnson Qaba, 3296 Nu 2,. Mdantsane; additi{)nal vehicle. (3) One motor-car to be acqulfed. (4) (a) Non-White taxi passengers and!heir personal effects. (5) (a) Within a radius of 25 ktn of p{)st Office, Mdantlane. A1398-MDANTANE. (2) Frances Mazele, 2263 Nu 1, Mdantsane; new application. (3) One mini bll-gce 458. (4) (a) Non-White organi~ part~es: (5) (a) From General Post Office, Mdarrtsane, t,o points wlthm a radiu of 80 km of General Post Office, Mdantsane.. A1400-KING WILLIAM' TOWN. (2) tones Timber Works (Pty) Ltd King William's Town; new appticati.on. (3) One 5082-kg lorr}.-cd (4) ~a) Own g.oods. ~5~ (a} Within a radius of 80 km of place of busmess at King William s To.wn. (4) (b) Goods exclusively on be-half of The Goodhope Text!les. (5) (b) Within a radius of 80 km.of the Goodhope Textiles' place of business at King William's Town. A 140l-QUEENfOWN. (2) Ndumiso Foji, Q71 Location, Queenstown; new application. (3) One motor-car-ch (4) (a) Non-White taxi passengers and their personal efioots., (5) (a) Within a radius of 160 km of Post Office, Queen,st.own. AI402~EAT LONOON. (2) East London Homing ooiety, Eallt London; new application. (3) One lorry-ce (4) (a) Racing pigeons belonging to the members o~ pigeon clubs for training and racing purposes on the forward Journey and empty baskets on the return journey. (5) (a) From East London. to points of libaration within a radius of km of Post OffIce, East London. A1403-UMTATA. (2) A Bottling Co. (E.G.) (Ply) Ltd, Umtata; new applioation. (3) Two mechanical horses-ccy 4156 and CCY 334, tw.o trailers-ccy 417 and CCY (4) (a) Aerated mineral water. (5) (a) From the Transkei Border to dealers in the Magisterial District of Maclear

52 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February No. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 5 NOVEMBER 1976 A1404-DEBE NEK. (2) tanjord Duinalisile Ntsoko, Lingelihle Trading tore, Debe Nek; new application. (3) Two trucks -CE and CDX 345. (4) (a) Goods ex lusively on behalf of D. M. Malga, and W. Myoko. (5) (a) Within a radius of 80 km of Post Office, Debe Nek.. AI406-ILINGE. (2) Dini CUlhbert ali, 1239 IIioge Tt1wnship; new application. (3) One light delivery van-cax (4) (a) General goods belonging to Bantu. (5) (a) Within a radius of 50 km of G~flCidi Post Oi'fice, llinge. JOHANNEBURG Address to w!r'ch represeiliafions must be submilled: The ecretary. Local Road Transpur"u.oll Board, PnVu[e Bag XL!, Johannesburg Adres waarheen ver/oe gerig man ward: Die ekreraris, Pilla;; like Padllen'ocnaad, j'flvaatstlk X j 2. Johannesburg JM4198/A994-REEF CARTAGE AREA. (2) Dent & Goodwin (Pty) Lld, Kempton Park; atluuionai vehicle. (J) One truck to be advised. (4) Goods on behalf of clients as clearing and forwarding ag(;n,s. (5) Within the Reef cartage area. JM4183/A993--ERMELO. (2) Usutu Koolmyne Bpk., Ermelo; bykomende voerluig. (3) One Irailer-TE 7270 and one horse TE (4) Bantoegeorgani~eerde geselsk:appe. (5) oos bestaande magllging. JM4184/A242-BETHAL. (2) T. G. Masango, Bethal; nuwe aansbek. (3) One truck-tall 1660 (4) Varsgroente en vrugte vanaf Johannesburg en Pretoria markte. (5) Na punte b.nne 'n radius van 150 kill vanaf Poskantoor, Bethal. JM4177/A1528-JOHANNEBURG. (2) Penman &. Jochelson (Pty) Ltd, Johannesburg; new application. (3) One bus-tj (4) (a) White employees (free of charge). (5) (a) Between Bosmont hopping Centre and place of business a( jjcnrose via Olywenhout treet, right into Tafelberg Avenuc, left into Griffith Road, proceeding along to join M2 cast motorway to Barney road Benrose Return via M2 west motorway. down main reef road, Langlaagte/Industria to comer of Olywenhout and outpansberg treet in Bosmont. Time-table: Depart Bosmont 07h15. Arrive Benrose 08hOO, Depart Bcnmse 16h30. Arrive Bosmont 17h50. (4) (b) White and Coloured employees (free of charge) in the course of their employment only whilst on duty and tools of trade and equipment. (5) (b) Between points within the Reef and Pretoria exempted area. JM41951A18431-REEF CARTAGE AREA. (2) H. P. van Zyl, Roodepoort; additional vehicles with amended authority. (3) Three trailers, four semi-traiicrs, one truck and four horses, particulars to be supplied. (4) (a) Goods. (5) (a) Belween points within the Reef cariage area. (4) (b) Goods on behalf of Cooper & De Beer (Edms.) Bpk. (5) (b) Between points wilhin the Reef and Pretoria exempted area. (4) (c) Coal on behalf of Anglo Alpha Cement Ltd. (5) (c) From Witbank to Roodepoort. JM4057/AI496-JAN MUT AIRPORT. (2) LIIXavia (Pty) Ltd, Kempton Park; new application. (3) One bus-tcd (4) (a) White and Non-White passengers of LIIXavia (Pty) Ltd and their personal effects. (5) (a) Between Jan muts Airport and Mobil House, Johannesburg. (4) (b) Employees free of charge in the course of their employment only whilst on duty. (5) (b) Within a radius of 25 km of Jan muts Airport. JM4145/AI234-REEF CARTAGE AREA. (2) Freight ervices Aircargo Ltd, Isando; additional vehicles. (3) Three trucks to be acquired. (4) Goods. (5) As per existing authority. JM4164!AI518-REEF CARTAGE AREA. (2) Micor Meadows Airfreight (Pty) Ltd, Kempton Park; new application. (3) Three trucks and nine panel vans. (4) General merchandise and aircraft parcels. (5) Within the Reef cartage area. JM4163/A1519-REEF CARTAGE AREA. (2) Micor hipping (Pty) Ltd, Johannesburg; new application. (3) Two trucks- TJ and TJ and one panel van-tj (4) General merchandise and airfreight parcels. (5) Wilhin the Reef cartage area. JM3968/A21259-REEF CARTAGE AREA. (2) A. Padiachy, Germiston; additional vehieles. (3) Two trucks--tg and TG (4) Goods. (5);:\8 per esisting authority. JM4149/A1464-VEREENIGING. (2) M. B. Marcletsi, harpville; new application. (3) One truck particulars to be supplied. (4) (a) Goods on behalf of and belonging to Bantu only. (5) (a) Between points within the municipal area of Vereenigin~. (4) (b) Bona fide household removals (pro forma) on behalf of and belon/1)ng to Bantu only. (5) (b) From points within the municipal area of Vereenilting to points within a radius of 480 km of Post Office, Vereeniging. JM4132/ A22612-GERMITON. (2) C. M. Radebe, Katlehong; new application. (3) One bus to be acquired. (4) Bantu organised parties, scholars and teachers outings, church groups and their personal effects. (5) From points within the Magisterial District of Germiston to points within a radius of 480 kin of the Post Office. Germiston. Time-table: As and when required. Tariff: As per agreement. lm4i74/a443-brakpan. (2) R. P. F. Botha, trading as R & R Transport; Brakpan; bestaande en bykomcnde voertuie met gewyslgde magliging. (3) Two trucks--t and T (4) and and stone on behalf of Hippo Quarries (Pty) Ltd. (5) Within a radius of 240 km of Post Office, Brakpan. ) M4173 / A23-JOHANNEBURG. (2) A. & H., Johann~sb,ll'g; bylwmende voertuig. (3) Ben bus-amt (4) Nle Blanke passasiers en hul persoonlikc bagasie. (5) Oor bestaande goedgekeurde roete. JM4158/AlI48-JOHANNEBURG. (2) M. J. Mhlongo, D~lbe; I1~W application. (3) Two trucks particulars to be supplied. (4) (a) Goods on behalf of and belonging to Bantu only. (5) (a) Betwc.:n points within the Magisterial District of Johannesburg. (4) (b) Bona t:de household removals (pro f~rma}.o~ behalf.of and belonging to Bantu only. (5) (b) From POInts wlthm a radiu of 480 kill of Post Office, Johannesburg. JM4168/A17971-JOHANNEBURG. (2) Tanker ervic~s (Pty) Ltd, Johannesburg; addition::;l vehicle.' (3) Eleven semltrai.lers. (4) Goods. (5) As per existing au.hority. JM4098/A19J30-BRAKPAN.(2) Target Transport (Pty) Ltd, Brakpan; additional vehicle. (3) One horse-tg (4) Haulage of trailers. (5) As per Annexure T. ' JM4141/AI517-WAKKERTROOM. (2) E. ibande, Wakker<;troom; new application. (3) One vehicle to be acquired. (4) (a) Goods, all classes, on behalf of Bantu. (5) (a) Within the Magisterial District of Wakkerstroom. (4) (b} Household removals and furniture. (5) (b) Within a radius of 480 Ian of Post Office, Wakkerstroom. JM4136/AI515-REPUBLIC OF OUTH AFRICA. (2) Zweiamic Transport (Pty) Ltd, Germiston; new application. (3) Ten semi-trailers. (4) Eggs on behalf of the Egg Control Board. (5) Within the Republic of ou'h Africa., JM4140/A1516-RANDKARWEIGEIHED. (2) W. J. Fourie, prings; nuwe aansoek. (3) Een vragrnotor-t (4) and en klip. (5) Binne die Randkanveigebied. JM3920/AI453-JOHANNEBURG. (2). M. Knosi, Pimville' new apolication. (3) One truck. (4) Goods on behalf of West Rand B~ntu Administration Board. (5) Within the Magisterial District of Johannesburg. ' J:M4147/ A334-REPUBLlC OF OUTH AFRICA. (2.) tuttaford & Co. Ltd, and ton; additional vehicles. (3) One pantec trailer and one van E. (4) Goods. (5) As per existing authority. JM4152/A13091-REPUBLIEK VAN Um-AFRiKA. (2) Henmars Kontrakteurs (Edms.) Bpk., Ermelo; bykomende voertuie met bykomende magtiging. (3) Fen vragmotor-te 140l en een ligte afleweringswa-te (4) (a) Goedere. (5).(a) oos per bestaande magtiging. (4) (b~ Kal~: (5) (bj Vanaf d!e naas~e spoorwegstsie of sylyn waar die no(jj.~,e genewe besklkbaar I direk na plasc f';elee binne die provinsie Transvaal. JM4123/A21481-REPUBLIC OF OUTH AFRICA. (2) Cargo Carriers (western areas) (Plv) Ltd, Elandsfontein; additional vehicles. (3) are semi-trailer-tu and one horse-tu 20G73. (4) Goods. (5) As per existing a.lthorlty. n14124ja21897-johannerurg, (2) Moll Bros Transport (Ply) Ltd JohannesblJ.q!': additional vehicles. (3) Three horses TJ , TJ and TJ (4) Haulage of trailers. (5) As per Annexure T. JM4146/A1404-REEF AND PRETORIA EXE~fPTED AREA. (2) r"faior Construction (Pty) Ltd, Oberholzer; additional vehicles. (3) Three semi-trailers "11'i three horses. (4) (a) Own Iloods. (5) (a) Within the Reef and Pretoria exempted area. (4) (b) Gnods be\ongifll!, to Elll.nd'P'1(l Geld Mine (on the farm Buffehdoorn 143 IQ), Elandsrand: Di~!rict of Oberholzf!r, and Deelkraal Gold.Mine (on the farm Deelkraal 142 IQ), District of Oberhol7er. and Doornfontein Gold Mine (on the farm Varkenslaagte IQ '119), District of Oberholzer, exclusively on behalf of the said mines. (5) (h) Within the Pretoria and Reef exempted area and within a radius of 80 km of the said mines. (4) (c) Own spares and spares exclusivelv ('0 behalf of the Elandsrand, Doornfontein and Deelkraal Gold Mines. (5) (c) Within a radius of 240 km of the said mines. ( 1) (d\ Own tools of 'trade. (51 (d) Within a radius of 240 km of App!kf',nt's pllice' of business at 3 Main Reef Road, Maraisbur.f!. (4) (c) Trailers (that is the hauiaj>e thereof whilst under load). (5) (c) In accordance with tile provisions of fhe aopmpriate ann'.lal motnr carrier certificate issued by the Jnhannesburg Local Road Transportation Board to the holder of this motof carrier cflrtifkafe iii reepect of the trailer Is When coupled with the tractor described herein. JM4159/A23-VEREENIGING. (2).A.. & H..J..,ha:nrtesbur~: gewysigde magtiging. (3) Twee busse--amt en A~H en twee sleepwaens-amt en AMT (4) Nie-B1ankepassasiers en hul persoonlike bagasie_ (5) Oor bestaande goedgckeurde foete met die wysiging van Diens 7058, Vereenilzing, na Taung-Vereenio;inl! na Bophelong oor Rietfontein 153 Vilioensdrift. Verest 259, Driefontein 2, Cralbrook. asolburg, 'Montrose 212. Welgelegen 181, Vanderbijlpark en Zuurfontein (bylaag aangeheg).

53 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 'AATKOEaANT~ s NOVEMBER ,< No.323:' I ' ~ ~, '. PADVERVOERDIEN8.:.VEREENIGING':"':'POTCHEFTROOltrf...-TAUNG. (7053) Yr. Yr. km tm 8Wpplekke. '. Ma.. Mar V 17h3O 16b3O 8 8 ' Vereeniging.. ~. ~... Aansluiting Aansluiting... Aansiuiting A Q3hio A V 17h asolburgsyroete... V 03h30 ",.as' Aansluiting Aansluiting Aansluiting Aansluiting Bophelong Aansluiting a... ~ Aansluiting... " " Aansluiting V 18h Boipatongsyroete Aansiuiting ; Aansiuiting... ;... Aansluiting V 19hOO 19hOO ebokeilgsyroete...,..... :... ;... V 02h45 02M V V V h45 8a M5 a Aansluiting... Aansluiting... ;.;... " Potcllefstroomstasie... Kl~rksdorpstasie... ;... ;... Wolmaransl'a<istasie... Aansluiting... :... V 01h25 01h chweizer Renekestasie syroete... V 21hOO. 21hOO A 8 s Aansluiting ; ROOfooL Kilometerpunt charlton... : Bloemalia Kilometerpunt Kilometerpunt teraand... Kilometerpunt Kilometerpunt Kilometerpunt Kilomclerpunt Delareyspan Kilometerpunt hOO 8 04hOO Kokhorneng Mololema... ;..... Kilometerpunt Aansluiting Tweelingspanlokasie Tlapena, Mabereng..., Manthestad... Kilometcrpunt ~ Kilometerpunt Hartsburg...., Randstad I. Konradhospitaal ,.... Taung Dorp PK... ; Taungstasie ; V IhOO o l8hoo JM4143/A3664-ERMEl.O. (2) M.I. &: M.. Tilly, Errnelo; additional vehicle with new authority. (3) One bus. (4) Non White passengers and their personal effects. (5) Over route,bet~n Errnelo and Bankkop via Nooitgedaeht 268, Van Oudtshoom iroorn 261, Witbank 262, Jan Hendriksfontein 263, Meppel 264, Holbank 265, Roodewal 270, Blaauwkop 271, Onverwacht 273, teenkoolspruit 275 and Bankplaats '];79, returning via same route reversed. Time-table lrfondays andfridays Dtpart Arrive Ermelo h~O Bankkop.... Oh!5 Baukkop:... : h30 Ermelo....,... 10bOO Ermelo... ; hOO Bankkop h30 Bankkop h30 Ermelo hOO Tariff 3c per 1,6 km. JM4167/AI528o-WAKKERfROOM. (2) M. Nzima, Wak kerstroom; additional vehicle with additional authority. (3) One bus to be acquired. (4) Non White passengers and their personal effects. (5) Over existing route, time-table and tariff with.. the addition of the route between Wakkerstroom and Luneberg via Townlands of Wesselstroorn, Mooiplaats 112, Oundehoutdraai 123, Goudhoek 124, Naauwgevonden 110, Paardekop 109, Zoot, fontein 94, Kromhook, 93, Goedgevonden 95, Yzermyn96, Vaal bank 74, Vryheid 97, VergeJegen 68, Vryheid 97, Inmalkaar 102, uikcrhoek 104, JohannesIoop 162, pruitf0ntein 238, Zuurbrou 132, Goedgevonden 134, Bergvliet 192, La Belle Esperance 191. Koppifi,'l Aileen 194, Rensburg of Ouderdom and. Luneberg returning via the same route reversed. ubject to the condition that no passengers be picked up and set down betwccll Vertp )esen 68 and Wakkerstroom.

54 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 No. GOVERNMENT GAZETfE, 5 NOVEMBHR J976 Time-table Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays Depart Wakkerstroom... 05hOO Arrive Luneburg... " hOO Luneburg... 07h15 Wakkerstroom... 09hOO Wakkerstroom... 15hOO Luneburg... 17hOO Luneburg hOO Wakkerstroom... 19hOO Tariff 3c per 1,6 kid. JM416l/A73-BETHAL. (2) Anglo Power Collieries (Pty) Ltd, Bethal; additional vehicle wi,h existing a:.lthorily and amended time-table. (3) One bus-tab (4) White employees in the employ of Anglo Power Collier,es (I'ly) Ltd (free of charge). (5) As per existing authority. Time-table: Annexure attached. ANGLO POWER COLL. (Pty) Ltd Time-table Depart Colliery h45 Township hl5 Colliery h45 Township..., O6h10 Colliery O6h35 Township hOO Colliery h45 Township... 16h15 Colliery... ooh45 Township h15 Colliery h30 Township hOO Colliery... 22h50 Township h20 KRIEL DIVIION Arrive Township h05 Colliery h4O Township O6h05 Colliery O6h3O Township O6h55 Colliery h25 Township h05 Colliery h35 Township... O1h05 Colliery h35 Township... 02h50 Colliery h20 Township... 23hlO Colliery h4O IM4197/ A21456 MOROKA. (2) M.. Radebe ), labavu; new application. (3) One truck-tj (4) Household removals on behalf of Bantu. (5) From Moroka to Ga-Rankuwa and from Moroka to Witsieshoek. (Authority held for 1975/76). JM4206IA615-REEF CARTAGE AREA. (2) ecurftas Couriers (Pty) 'Ltd, Langlaagte; additional vehicle. (3) One panel van -TJ (4) C'ash and wluables. (5) As per existing authority. JM4208/A976-ROODEPOORT. (2) La.erskool Joshua Naude, Roodepoort; wysiging van tydtafel. (3) Twee busse-tu en TU (4) Blanke leerlinge met tocs.ighoudende onderwysers. (5) oos per be!itaande magtiging met d~e wysiging van tydtafel om te lees soos en wanneer benodig Lp.v. atcrdae, ondae en opcnbare vakansiedae. JM4189 / A1530 REEF AND PRETORIA EXEMPTED AREA. (2) Turnwrights Chocolates and weets, Roodepoort; new application. (3) One motor-car-tj (4) (a) imba ohips, chipnib, niknaks, kornetts, fritos, puffniks, peanuts, fat chaps, biltong salad dressings, rusks, taystee wheut biscuits, sweets, on behalf of imba Quix (ales) Ud. (5) (a) Within the Reef and Pretoria exempted areas. (4) (b) Own machinery (pipes, fittings). (5) (ob) Within a radius of 80 km of place of business at Roodepoort. JM4190 / A 1531 REEF AND PRETORIA EXEMPTED AREA. (2) Turnwrights Chocolates and weets. Booysens; new application. (3) One truck-tj (4) (a) imba chips, chipniks, niknaks, korncus, fritos, puffniks, peanuts, fat chaps, biltong, salad dressings, rusks, taystee wheat biscuits, swe-ets, on behalf of imba Quix (ales) Ltd. (5) (a) \Vithin the Recf and Pretoria exempted areas. (4) (b) Own machines (pipes, fittings). (5) (b) Within a radius of 80 kid of place of business at Booysens. JM4191 I A REEF AND PRETORIA EXEMPTED AREA. (2) Quix Products ales (Ply) Ltd, B,00ysens; new application. (3) Two trucks-tcd and TCD (4) (a) imba chips, chipniks, niknaks, kornetts, fritos, puffniks, pea_ nuts, fat chaps, biltong, salad dressings, rusks, taystee wheat, biscuits, sweets. on behalf of imba Quix (ales) Ltd. (5) (a) Within the Reef and Pretoria exempted arcas. (4) (b) Own machinery (pipes fitlings). (5) (b) W~thin a radius of 80 k.m of place of business at B-ooysens. JM4156 / A REEF AND PRETORIA EXEMPTED AREA. (2) Quix Product~ ales (Pty) Ltd, Isando; new applimhon. (3) One truok-tcd (4) (a) Biscnits, potato chips, chipniks, niknah, fritos, puffniks, kornetts, fait chaps, salad dressings, nlsks, biltong, peanuts, taystee wheat,!weets, on behalf of imba Quix ales Ud. (5) (a) Within a radius 'of 80 km of place of business at Isando. (4) (b) Own machinery (pipes fittings). (5) (b) Within the Pretoria and Witwatersrand exempted areas, BYLAE Tariewe c Pongola-Plot ' Plot 74-Plot Plot 80-Plot Plot 90-0nverwacht Plot 90-Plot Plot 126-Gollclo Tydtafel Vertrek Pongola hOO Plot O6h15 Plot h30 Plot h45 Onverwacht hOO Plot '". ".. 07h30 Goleta O9hoo Plot h30 Onverv,acht lohoo Plot hl5 Plot loh30 Plot IOh45 Pongola hOO Pio h15 Piot h30 Plot h45 Onverwacht hOO Plot h30 Golda... _ Plot h30 Onverwacht hOO Plot I7h15 Plot Plot h45 Arriveer Pongola hOO JM4188 / A REEF AND PRETORIA EXEMPTED AREA. (2) Crispette Candy Chocolate Co. (Pty) lad, Booysens; new application. (3) Two trucks-tj an~ TJ 173-~51. (4) (a) imba chips, chipniks, niknaks,. kornetts, fntos, puffmks, peanuts, fat chaps, I>iltong, salad dress.l11gs, rusks, tay:>1ee W?~t, biscuits, sweets, on behalf of imba QUiX ales Ltd. (5) (a) ~Ithm the Reef and Pretoria exempted areas. (4) (b) Own maehmery (pipes, fittings). (5) (b) Within a radius of 80 km of place of bus-inoss at Booysens. JM41851A1502-REEF CARTAGE AREA. (2) Rennies Heavy Haulage (Pty) Ltd, Johannesburg; additional authority. (3) Five traiiers, four semi-trailers and three tru~ks. (4) (a) Goods. (5) (a) As per existing authority. (4) (b) Pre:ast concrete boox culverts and 00ces on behalf of tructural Concrete Products {Pty) Ltd. (5) (b) From Messrs tructural COf!crete PrD<!uC;ts (~IY) I;td, Elandsfontein, direct to road oonstruction and buildmg sites WIthin a radius.of 480 krn. JM4150/A1520-VEREENIGING. (2) G. E. ekati,?j92496, Vereeniging; new application. (3) One truck to be acquhcd. (4) (a) Goods on behalf of and belonging to Bantu <?~ly. (5) (a) Between points within the municipal area of Vereemgmg. (4) (b) Bona fide household removals (pro forma) on behalf of and belonging to Bantu only. (5) (b) From points within the municipal area of Vereeniging to points within a radius of 480 km of Post Office, Vereeniging. JM4162/A BENONI. (2) N. Makubane, , Daveyton; new application. (3) One truck to be acquired. (4) (a) Goods on behalf of Bantu. (5) (a) Within the municipal area of Benoni. (4) (b) Household furniture removal. (5) (b) Between points within a radius of 120 km of Post Office, Daveyton. JM4165/AI524-PONGOLA. (2) A. Kkomo, Pongola; new a pplioatio!,!, (3) One combi. (4) Bantoepassasiers en hul )'lcrsoonlike bagasje. (5) Vanaf Pongola-Onverwacht-Gollelo (Grenspos) as volg; P,ongo!a-P]ot 74; PLot O; Plot 90; Onverwacht-Plot 9n; Plot 126; GoUelo omgekeerde rocte tcrug na Pongola. Tydtafel: oos per Bylae aangeheg. JM4175IAI527-V,LAKPLAA. (2) M. A. Pandor, Vlakplaas:; new applica-tion. (3) One motor-car-teb 807, (4) General goods. (5) Within a radius of 70 km of Vlakplaas. JM4t72/AI526-CARLETONVILLE. (2) B. H. Dithepe, Otrletonvllle; new application. (3) One delivery van-tco (4) Goods for dry-cleaning purposes. (5) Within a radius of O km of CarletonviHe. J1'lf4192 / A1533 REEF AND PRETORIA EXE'MPTED AREA. (2). A. Rebeck, Johannesburg; new application. (3) One motor-car-ti (4) General goods mainly pharmaceutical. (5) Within the Reef and Pretoria exempted areas. J1\ A367-EDENVAI.!E. (2) tar Transport. Edenvale; amended authority. interehangeabij.i~y of vehicles. (3) Two semitrailers. (4) Goods. (5) As per AIUlexure attached.

55 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 TAATKOERANT, 5 NOVEMBER 1976 No. 55 ANNEXUREC (a) Goods. Within the Magisterial Districts of Alberton, Benoni, Boksburg, Brakpan, Delmas, Germiston, Johannesburg, Kempton Park, Krugersdorp, Nigel, Pretoria, Randfontein, Roodep00ft, prings, Yanderbijlpark, Vereeniging and Westonaria and within the boundaries of the farms Rooipoort 109, Goudvlakte Oost 106, Oog van Wonderfontein 119 and malbank 353 situated in the l\fagisterial District of Oberholzer and within a radius of 25 km of Church quare, Pretoria. (Referred to as the Reef cartage area.) ubject to the proviso that no goods despatched in packages with amass of les5 (han 24 kg each (and despatched by diverse consignqrs) may be conveyed from points situated within the municipal area of Johannesburg to points situated within the municipal area of Pretoria, or from diverse consignors situated within the municipal area of Pretoria to points situated within the municipal area of Johannesburg. (b) tone. Between p;}ints situated within a radius of J60 km of Post Office, Randfontein, and the railway station, railway siding, quarry or crushers whichever happcns to be the nearest to such points. (c) Complete electric plant (for direct installation) comprised of metal glad distribution switchgear or fitted kiosks (not for domeslic use) only incorpomting all or any of the following appropriate components: Oil and compound filled switches, air insulated switches, isolators, circuit breakers, fitted (i.e. built-in) transformers, rectifiers, starters, fitted instument panels and not more than 227 kg (inclusive) per anyone trip of resinous or bitumastic eompound and not more than 45 kg (inclusive) per anyone tfip of buss-bars, insulating materials and short lengths of cable being conveyed at the same time and required for the installation of the articles mentioned in this paragraph (but does not include material of any type for field extension work). Within a radius of 480 km of Post Office, Randfontein. (d) OilfilJed transformers each with a mass of not less than 907 kg and manufactured in the Republic of outh Africa for direct installation at the destination. Within a radius of 480 km of Post Office, Randfontein. (e) Metal clad distribution switchgear and transformers for repair, from points within a radius of 560 km of Post Office. Randfontein, to places of repair situated within a radius of 560 km of Post Office, Randfontein, and the return of such items after repair to the original points of despatch. (f) C(lmpletely assembled units of roadmaking and excavation machinery direct to or from road construction or excavation sites for bona fide r"'td construction or excavation purposes and not for sale-within a radius of 480 km of Post Office, Randfontein. (g) Bona fide~househo1d removals from one dwelling house to another or from a dwelling-house to a place of storage, or from a place of storage to a dwelling-house or from one place of storag-e to another, within a radius of 240 km of Post Office, Randfontein. (h) Only the completelv constructed sections of a wall, floor, ceiling, roof or framework of a prefabricated building when purpose made as an integral part of a wall, floor, ceiling, roof or framewmk of such a prefabricated building together with the tools of trade and any material required for the erection of assembly of the components-from points situated within the Reef cartage area direct to erection sites situated within a radius of 240 km of General Post Office, Johannesburg. (i) Contractors plant and any tools of trade exclusivelv on behalf of RC.A. Batignolles (excluding buiidinr.--material) for use by B.C.A. Batignolles and not for sale. Within the Republic of outh Africa. (j) pare parts being required for the immediate bona fide repairs of machinery or mechanical installations which have become defective and have to be url!ently rena ired (excludinl! delivery to any purchaser for replenishing stocks) on behalf of Dowson and Dobson Ltd ~nd for direct installation by Dowson and Dobson Ltd, from point'> situated within the Reef cartage area to points within a radius of 480 km of Post Office, Germiston. (kl Defective machinery ul'd oefective machine parts for ur~ent repairs in terms of contract with Rio Tinto Management ervices.a. (Pty) Ltd of Phalaborwa to the Reef cartage area and retnm of such machinery or machine parts after repair in terms of a contract with the Rio Tinto Management ervices.a. (Pty) Ltd of the Reef cartage area to Phalaborwa_ (I) pare parts when re""ired for the immediate bona fide repair of machinery or mechanical installation which have been defective and have to he exoeditiously and urj!ently repaired (excludine delivery to anv buver for supplement of stock)-from points within the Reef cartage area to points within the Republic of outh Africa. (m) Electric switchgear and switchboards. Within a radius of 320 km of Post Office, Boksburg. (n) Oilfillcd transformers each with a massqf not less than 907 kg and manufactured in the Republic of outh Africa for direct installation at the destination. Wi,hin a radius of 480 km of Post Office, Boksburg. (0) Tools of trade and own rigging equipment (for own use only and not to be sold or offered for sale). Within the Republic of outh Africa. (p) Completely assembled units of roadmaking and excavation machinery direct to or from road construction or excavation sites for hona fide road construction or excavation purposes and not for sale. Within a radius of 480 km of Post Office, Boksburg. ubject to the condition that no persons or goods shall be picked UIJ or unloaded in the Transkei comprising the Bantu areas as laid down in section (2) of the Transkei Constitution 1963 (Act 48 of 1963) as amended by Proclamation from time to time in the Government Gazette. (q) Civil Engineering Contractors plant and tools of trade for use by and on behalf of LT.A. Civil Engineering Ltd, direct to and from construction sites and also between construction sites situated whhin the Republic of outh Africa and outh West Africa. JM4075/ A8267-EDENVALE. (2) tar Transport, Edenvale; amended authority, interchangeability of vehicles. (3) Two trailers, 12 semi-trailers and three trucks. (4) Goods. (5) As per Annexure attached. ANNEXUREC (a) Goods. Within the Magisterial Districts of Alberton, Benoni, Boksburg, Brakpan, DehTlIts, Germiston, Johannesburg, Kempton Park, Krugersdorp, Nigel, Pretoria, Randfontcin, Roodepoort, prings, Yanderbijlpark, Vereeniglng and Westonaria and within the boundaries of the farms Rooipoort 109, Goudvtaltte Oost 106, Oog van Wonderfontein 119 and malbank 353, situated in the Magisterial District of Oberholzer, and within a radius of 25 km of Church quare, Pretoria. (Referred to as the Reef eartage area.) ubject to the proviso that no goods despatched in packages with a mass of less than 24 kg each (and despatched by diverse consignors) may be conveyed from points situated within the municipal area of Johannesburg to points situated within the municipal area of Pretoria, or from diverse consignors situated within the municipal area of Pretoria to points situated within the municipal area of Johannesburg.. (b) tone. Between points situated within a radius of J60 km of Post Office. Randfontein, and the railway station, railway siding, quarry or crushers whichever happens to be the nearest to such points. (c) Complete electric plant (for direct installation) comprised of metal clad distribution switchgear or fitted kiosks (not for domestic use) only incorporating all or any of the following appropriate components: Oil and compound filled switches, air insulated switches, isolators, cin:uit breakers, fitted (i.e. built in) transformers, rectifiers, starters, fitted instrument panels, and not more than 227 kg (inclusive) per anyone trip of resinous or bitumastic compound and not more than 45 kg (inclusive) per anyone trip of buss-bars, insulating materials and short lenghts of cable being I'onveyed at the same time and required for the installation of the articles mentioned in this paragraph (but does not include material of any type for field extension work). Within a radius of 480 km of Post Office, Randfontein. (d) Oilfilled transformers each with a mass of not less than 907 kg and manufactured in the Republic of outh Africa for direct installation at the destination. Within a radius of 480 kid of Post Office, Randfontein. (e) Metal clad distribution switchgear and transformers for repair. From points within a radius of 560 km of Post Office, Randfontein, to places of repair situated within a radius of 560 km of Post Office, Randfontein, and the return of such items after repair to the original points of despatch. (f) Completely assembled units of road-making and excavation machinery direct to or from road-construction or excavation sites for bona fide road-colllltruction or excavation purposes and not for sale. Within a radius of 480 1m of Post Office, Randfontein. (g) Bona fide household removals from one dwelling-house to another or from a dwelling-house to a place of storage, or from a place of storage to a dwelling-house or from one place of storalle to another. Within a radius of 240 kid of Post Office, Randfontein. (h) Only the completely constructed sections of a wall, floor, ceiling, roof or framework of a prefabricated building when purpose made as an integral part of a wall, floor, ceiling, roof or framework of such a prefabricated building together with the tools of trade and any material required. for the erection of assembly of the components, From points situated within the Reef cartage area direct to erection sites situated withln a radius of 240 km of General Post Office, Johannesburg.

56 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 No.532 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 5 NOVEMBER '1976 (i) Contractors plant and any tools of trade exclusively on behalf of B. C. A. Batignolles (excluding building material) for u~ by B. C. A. Datignolles and not for sale. Within the Republic of outh Africa. 0) pare parts being required for the immediate bona fide repairs of machinery or mechanical installations which have become defective and have to be urgently repaired (excluding delivery to any purchaser for replenishing stocks) on behalf of Dowson & Dobson Ltd and for direct installation by Dowson & Dobson Ltd. From points situated within the Reef cartage area to points within,', radius of 480 km of Post Office, Germiston. (k) Defective machinery and defective machine parts for urgent repairs in terms of contract with Rio Tinto Management ervices.a. (Pty) Ltd. From Phalaborwa to the Reef cartage area and return of such machinery or machine parts aftcr repair in terms of a contract \vith the Rio Tinto I\ianagement ervices.a. (Ply) Ltd from the Reef cartage area to Phalaborwa. (1) pare parts when req'jired for the immediate bona fide repair of machinery or mechanical installation which have been defective and have to be expeditiously and urgently repaired (excluding delivery to any buyer for supplement of stock). From points within the Reef cartage area to points within the Reef cartage area to points within th;! Republic of outh Africa. (m) Electric switchgear and switchboards. Within a radius of 320 km of Post Office, Boksburg. (n) Oilfilled transformers each with a mass of not less than 907 kg and manufactured in the Republic of outh Africa for direct installation at the destination. Within a radius of 480 km of Post Office, Boksburg. (0) Tools of trade and own rigging equipmej1't (for own me only and not to be sold or offered for sale. Within the Republic of outh Africa. (P) Completely assembled units of road-making and excavation machinery direct to or from road-construction or excavation sites for' bona fide road-construction or excavation purposes and not for sale. Within a radius of 480 km of Post Office, Boksburg. ubject to the condition that no persons or goods shall be picked up or unloaded in the Transkei comprising the Bantu areas as laid down in section (2) of the Transkei Constitution, 1963 (Act 48 of 1963), as amended by proclamation from time to time in the Government Gazelle. (q) Civil engineering contractors plant and tooks of trade for use by and on behalf of L.T.A. Civil Engineering Ltd direct to and from construction sites and also between construction sites situated within the Republic of outh Africa and outh-west Africa. JM4176/A12305-BETHAL. (2) Job kosana, Bethal; bykomende magtiging. (3) Elf bestaande voertuie. (4) Bantocpassasiers en hul persoonlike bal'asie. (5) Oor bestaande goedgekeurde roete met die bykomende Roete 16: Vanaf Bethalloknsie direk na asol II-projek, distrik Bethal, cor Kleynhansstraat, Andersonstraat, Eufeesstraat, oor Blesbokspruit 150. Rustfontein 109, Palmietfontein 110, Zeekoegat 145, Rietfontein 146, Rooipoort 144, Trichardsfontein 140 (Trichardt), Clare 288, Goedehoop 290, en terug oor dieselfde roete. Afstand: Ongeyeer 35 km. Tydtajel Maandae tot aterdoe Vertrek Arriveer Bethal hOO asol II hOO Tariej 2!c per passasier per 1,6 km. asol II h45 Bethal h43 JM4225/AI5031-IANDO. (2) tandard Bank van A Bpk., Isando; nuwe aansoek. (3) Een kombi-tcd (4) Blanke werknemers in diens van die tandard Bank van.a. Bpk., Isando (sonder vergoeding). (5) Middagroete en oggendroete soos per Bylae aangeheg. BYLAE Middagroete: 1. Vertrek met passasiers vanaf hoek van Kram- en Monteerslraat, Isando, en ry langs Monteerstraat tot in Isandoweg, ry in Germistonrigting en sluit aan by Barbarawcr" volg tot by Richardstraat, Homestead, en draai regs. Punt 1: 3,9 km. 2. Volg Richardstraat en draai links in Windsorstraat en volg tot by Turnhoutlaan, Gerdview, en draai links tot by hoek van Vanriebeeck- en Turnhoutlaan. Punt 2: 1,9 km. 3. Voig Turnhoutlaan tot in Pretoriaweg en draai regs. Volg tot by hoek van Oaklaan en Pretoriaweg, Primrose. Punt 3: 1 km. 4. Voig Pretoriaweg en draai regs in Cactusweg tot by BeaConsfieldlaan en draai links en volg tot by Roo~straat en draai regs tot by hoek van Roosstraat en Churchhillaan, Dawview. Punt 4: 1,9 km. 5. Draai links in Churchhilllaan en volg tot by Anemonestraat, Primrose Hill, en draai links tot by hoek van Anemonestraat en Gorstlaan. Eindpunt 5: 1,4 kin. 6. Keer terug sonder passasiers van Anemonestraat, links in Beaoonsfieldlaan en vola tot in Pretoriaweg, draai links in Barbaraweg en volg tot by lsandoweg en draai regs in Monteer~ weg tot by hoek van Monteer- en Kramweg. 9,3 km. 7. Laai passasiers vir Klopper Park en volg Monteerweg tot in Isandoweg. Draai links en volg tot by Dieselweg en draai regs tot by Barbaraweg. Kruis Barbaraweg tot in Welkomstraat en volg tot by Lenteweg en draai regs. Volg Lenteweg tot hoek van Lenteweg en Triomfstraat. Punt 6: 1,8 km. Keer terug met Lenteweg, draai regs in Darbaraweg en links in Dieselweg tot by Isandoweg. Draai links in Isandoweg tot by Monteerweg en draai regs. Volg Monteerweg tot by hoek van Monteer- en Kramweg. 1,5 km. Oggendroete: L Voertuig vertrek sonder passasiers vanaf hoek van Kramell Monteerweg, Isando, en volg Monteerweg tot in Isandoweg, Ry in Germistonrigting en slmt aan by Barbaraweg. Volg tot by Richardstraat, Homestead, en draai regs. Punt I: 3,9 km. 2. Volg Richardstraat en draai links in Windsorstraat en volg tot by Turnhoutlaan, Gerdview, en draai links tot by hoek van Vanriebeeck- en Turnhoutlaan. Punt 2: 1,9 km. 3. Volg Turnhoutlaan tot in Pretoriaweg en draai regs. Volg tot by hoek van Oaklaan en Pretoriaweg, Primrose. Punt 3: 1 km. 4. Volg Pretoriaweg en draai regs in Cactusweg tot by Deaconsfieldlaan en draai links en volg tot by Roosstraat en Churchhililaan, Dawnview. Punt 4: 1,9 km. 5. Draai links in Churchhilllaan en volg tot by Anemonestraat, Primrose Hill, en draai links tot by hoek van Anemonestraat en Gorstlaan. Eindpunt 5: 1,4 km., 6. Keer terug met passasiers van Anemonestraat, links in Beaconsfieldlaan en volg tot in Pretoriaweg, draai links in Barbaraweg en volg tot by lsandoweg en draai regs in Monteerweg tot by hoek van Monteer- en Kramweg. 9,3 km. 7. Voertuig vertrek sondcr passasiers na Klapper Park en volg Monteerweg tot in Isandoweg. Draai links en volg tot by Dieselweg en draai regs tot by Barbaraweg. Kruis Barbaraweg tot in Welkomstraat en volg tot by Lenteweg en draai regs. Volg Lenteweg tot hoek van'lenteweg en Triomfstraat. Punt 6: 1,8 km. Keer terug met passasiers met Lenteweg, draai regs in Barbaraweg en links in Dieselweg tot by Isandoweg. Draai links in Isandoweg tot by Monteerweg en draai regs. Voig Monteerweg tot by hoek van Monteer- en Kramweg. 1,5 km. JH473O-RANDFONTEIN. (2) Thabyang Johannes Zihlangu, Mohlakeng; new application. (3) One motor-car. (4) Bantu taxi passengers. (5) Between points within the municipal area of Randfontein (car to be stationed at 170 Motguwadi treet, Mohlakeng Location, Randfontein). JH4789--{)BERHOLZER. (2) Gijinani Petrus Mjali, Carletonville; new application. (3) One motor-car. (4) Bantu taxi passengers. (5) Between points within a radius of 25 km of Oberholzer tation (car to be stationed at Oberholzer tation). JH5156, Hll972-WARBURTON. (2) Mishengu Paulus MaJaza, Warburton; amended authority. (3) One motor-car-m (4) Bantu taxi passengers. (5) Between points within a radius of 60 km of Warburton (car to be stationed at Madevu tore, Warburton). JH5176, H14123-GERMIfON. (2) Tholsie Ruby Moodley, Germiston; new application. (3) Two motor-cars-tg 2753 and TG (4) Asiatic taxi passengers. (5) As per Annexure attached. ANNEXURE Asiatic women and Asiatic children under the age of 16., Betwe.en Germiston Asiatic Bazaar and (a) points within the Magisterial District of Germiston; (b) Jan muts Airport; (c) Actonville; and (d) Roshnee. ubject to the following conditions: (i) No passengers be picked up within a radius of 800 km of any railway station or siding; (ii) that no intermediate passengers be picked up on ~ny of the above-mentioned routes; and (iii) that the same passengers who boarded the taxi at the Asiatic Bazaar, Germiston, be carried on the return journey. PIETERMARITZBURG Address to which representations must be submitted: The ecretary, Local Road Transportation Board. Private Bag X9015, Pietermaritzburg, Adres w.::arheen vertoi! gerig moet word: Die ekretaris, Plaaslike Padvervoerraad, Privaatsak X9015, Pietermaritzburg RABj630 (AG2417)-PffiTERMARITZBURG. (2) Ronald Estcourt Cutter, Estoourt; new appiication. (3) One double horse box. (4) how horses direct to shows. (5) Within a radius of 480 km of the Town Hall, Pietermaritzburg. RAB/631 (AG2422)-RICHMOND. (2) Dorothy Edna Blanckenberg, Durban; new applicati{)n. (3) One piok-up-nd (4) Goods, all clailes. (5) Within a radius of 120 km of Richmond, Natal.

57 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 No. ' RAB/632 (AP242fi)-NEWCAILE: (2) A P.en K. Maree, Newcastle; nuwe aansoek. (3) Vier,busse-TK 2932, TK,25534, TK entk (4) Blanke passasiers me{ hul persoonlike be~ittings. (5) oos per alulgehegte Bylae. AANHANGEL A. P. en K. Maree: Noord-Natal Busdiens, Newoastle: Blanke passasiers en bul persoonlike bag!l$ie. Roetel: Barry Hertrog Park, Amajuba Park-OOs, Ncandu Park.. Maandag tot Vryd ag 07h20: Hoek van Drakensberg- en Volks~hoofweg, Drakensber,);, Andries Pretorius, Hendrik Piltgieter, H. J. van Eek, Valk, Leopart, Leeu, Renoster, Tugela, Umfolozi, Drakensberg, Yolks rusthoofwc>g, Hardwick, oott, Voortrekkerterminus. Tariewe c Barry Hertzog Park AInajuba Park-Oos Ncandu Park Roete 2: c,'minshoogte, unny Ridge, Amajuba Park-Oos..Maandag,tot Vrydag 07h15: Hoek van Volksrusthoofweg en Drakensberg, hoek van Erica en DrakeIN1berg, AIn'athyst, Aquamarine, H. J. van Bek, Tugela, Wildebees, Buffel, kilpad, Buffel, Tugela, H. J. van Eck, Volksrusthoofweg, Hardwick, ool't, Voortrekkerterminus. Tariewe c chuinshoogte unny Ridge A:majuba Park Oos... : Roete 3: chuinshoogte, unny Ridge, Amajuba Park, Barry Hertzog Park, Nc.andu Park. Terminul!: Hoek van Voortrekker en Harding, Harding, Hardwick. VolksTUsthoofweg, Dmkensberg, hoek van Er.ica en Dra kensberg, Amathyst, Aquamarine, H. J. van Eek, Tugela, Wilde. bee5. Bnffel, kilpad, Buffel, Tugela, VolksTUsthoofweg. Drakensberg, AndriesPretorius, Hendrik Potgieter, H. J. van Eck, VaLk, Leopard, Lee>u, Renoster, Tugela, Umfolozi, Drakensberg, Villks. rtl6thoofweg, Hardwick, cott, Voortrekker. Tydtafel Maar/dag tot Vryaag Voortrekker & Harding Erica & Drakensberg 08h20 08h30 10h20 10h30 lih50 12hOO 13hlO Bh20 14h15 14h25 17hlO aterdag Voortrekker & Harding Erica & Drakensberg 07h05 07h15 08h30 08h4O 10h45 10h55 l3hl 13h25 Tariewe c, chuinshoogte Barry Hertzog Park unny Ridge Amajuba Park Ncandu Park Roete 4: Arhor Park. Terminus: Hoek van Voortrekker en Harding, Harding, Allen, Industryweg, Oak, Geelhout, Tambotie, Magn{liia, Plane, Privet, Maple, Joo,te, Poplar, Oak, Indusiryweg, Allen, cott, VoortrekkertermiilUs. Tariewe c Arbor Park Tydlafel Voortrekker & Harding O9h30 11h30 Jooste & Poplar O9h35 lih3; Blanke groepe en skoliere vergesel van toesighoudende personeel, vir sport, 0pvoedimndige en godsdienstige byeenkomste. Binne 'n radius van 350 kid vanaf Poskantoor, Newcastle, en terug. koolroetes en tydtafels Let wel.-volwassenes mag gebruik maak van sk.oolbusse. Tyd van vertrek: Park enior Primcre kool en Ferrum Holirskool. O6h30: Hoek van Drakensberg en ROOikat, Tugela, Reooeter, Leeu, Leopard, Valk, H. J: van ECk, Hendrik Potgieter, Andrie Pretorius, Drakensberg, hoek van Drakensberg en Aquamarine kool. 'radef: loe. Hutten-Park Primere k'ool, Ferrum Hoerskool, Arnajub~ en Nc.andu Primere kool. Huttonpark Primere kool: O6h55: Hoek van Draken&berg en Erica, Drakensberg, Impala, Coronation, Paddock, Victoria, Heuwel, Mini, Bergsig, FQntein, Impala, Memelpad, Gemsbok, Kudu, Waterbuck,Impala, Drakensberg, Andries Pretorius, Hendrik Potgieter, H. J. van Eck, Valk Leopard, Leeu, Renoster, TugeIa, kool. Tarief: loco Tyd van vertr~k: Park enior Primilre kool, Panorama Pri~ milre skool: 06h55: Hoek van Drakensberg en Erica, Drakensberg, F. W. Beyers, Tielrnan Ruos, Cresswell, Tommy lklydell, kool. Tarief: 10e. Park enior Primere kool. 12h15: Park enior Primilre kool, Tommy Boydell, F. W. Beyers, Drakensberg, hoek van Erica- en Drakensbergweg. Tarief: loco 13h4;: Huttonpark Prim ere kool, Gemsbok, Impala, Fontcin. Bergsig, Mini, Reuwel, Victoria, Hibiscus, Coronation, Impala, hoek van Drakensberg-' en Ericaweg. Tarle!: 10e. Ncandu Park Primere kool, Tugela, Renos ter, Leeu, ~opard. Valk, H. J. van Eck, Hendrll. Potgieter, Andries Pretorius,hoek van Drakcnsberg, en Erica, Impala, Coronation, Paddock, Victoria, Hcuwel, Mini, Bergsig, Fontein, Impala, Mamelweg. Tarief: toe.. Fernun Hoerskool: 14h25: Hoek van Acquamarine en Drakensberg, hoek van Erica en Drakensberg, Arnathyst, Acquamarine. H. J. van Eck, Tugela, Wildebees, Buffel, kilpad, Volksrust Hoofweg, Drakensberg, Andries Pretorius, Hendrik PotgieJter, H. J. van Bek, Valk, Leopard, Leeu, Renoster. Tugela, Umfolozi, Drakensberg, Volksrusthoofweg. Tarief: loco Newcastle Hoerskool: 14h20: Hoek van Allen en Hospitaal, Industrieweg, Oak, Poplar, Joo-ste Maple, Privet, Plane, Magnolia, Tambotie, Goo.! hout, Oakstraat, Industrieweg. Tarlef: loco RAB 633 (AP2420) - NONGOMA. (2) Thomas Diaymus Dhlamini, Nongoma; new application. (3) One vehicle-nnd 267. (4) General goods ;exclusively on behalf of A. Dhlamini, general dealer. (5) Within ther Magisterial District of Nongoma. RAB 634 (AG2406)-PIETERMARInBURG. (2) Basil Hilton Du Plooy, Pietermaritzburg; new application. (3) One truck NP (4) Fresh produce bought on Pietermaritzburg market. (5) Within a radius of 250 kid of Pieterm.aritsburg. ' RAB 635 (AP2414}-PIETERMARITZBURG. (2) TimQlhy Ndlovu, Pietermarltzburg.; new application. (3) Vehicle to be acquired. (4) Bantu passengers and their personal effects. (5) Between Pietermaritzburg and Nhlosane via Elandskop, Geldart, Malisa, Boston and Bernard. (As per attached Annexure), cale of charges (Timothy Ndlovu) P retermaritz b urg to Bernard's top...,.... 0,'50 Pietermaritzburg to Boston'top ;8,' Pietermaritzburg to Malise top O~!1O Pietermaritzburg to Mr, Geldard's Farm ,.00 ' Pietermaritzburg to Elandskop..... ; Pietermaritzburg to Nhlosane ,50 Time-table '" Deport Nhlosane O6hoo Elandskop... :.. :-.. ".' hOO Geldart... ;'...'... 07h45 Malisa...'... 08h15 Boston,..... ; h45 Bernard O9h15 Depart Pietermaritzburg... 15h30 Bernard h30 MaJisa... : hOO Geldar! b30 Elandskop... :'... 18h15 RAB 636 (AP2261) - DALBRIDGE. (2) Mcuphi Phungula, Hlokoz i; new application. (3) One mini-bus. (4) Bantu organised parties (pro-forma). (5) Within a radius of 160 km of Hlokoz.i. the Magisterial District of Ixopo,

58 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 No. 328 GOVERNMEJ'l.T GAZETTE. NOVEMBER 1976 RAB 631 (T2267)-RICHMOND. (2) P. Nzimande, Pietermaritzburg; new application. (3) Vehicle to be acquired. (4) Bantu passengers and their personal effects. () Within a radius of 50 km of Phatheni B.C. chool, Richmond. RAB 638 (T2433) - ETCOURT. (2) Ambrose ibangani Zondi. Estcourt; application for transfer from D. M. hembe. (3) One car-ne (4) Bantu passengers and their personal effects. (5) From points within a radius of 8 km of Zampapu Hostel. Kwezi Location, Estcourt, to points within a radius of O km of aforementioned point and return. RAB 639 (T2432}-ETCOURT. (2) Rameethal Janki, Estcourt; application for transfer from D. N. hembe. (4) Non-White passengers and their persooal effects. (5) (a) Within a radius of 50 km of Post Office, Estcourt. (5) (b) Casual trips outside area (5) (a) above. RAB 640 (AP2409)-DANNHAUER. (2) M. M. Desai, Dannhauser; application for amended authority. (3) One bus-noh (4) Non-White passengers and their personal effects. (5) (0 Route 1: From Economic upply tore in Gandbi Road. via Biggar treet, Karel Landman treet, Black treet and CelIe treet to tbe Tembalihle Location (Khumalo tore) and return along the same route. () (ti) Route 2: From Economic upply tore in Gandhi Road via Biggar treet, Karel Landman treet. Black treet and Cene treet to the Tembalihle Location (Khumalo tore) and return via Celle treet, De Beers Road and Damman treet to the High chool Hostel then back along Damman treet, De Beers Road, Karel Landman treet and Biggar treet to Economic upply tore in Gandhi Road. (5) (iii) Route 3: From Economic upply tore in Gandhi Road along Doyles Road onto Provincial Road 316 then onto District Road 190 to Bloernhof and return along the same route. (5) (iv) From Economic upply tore in Gandhi Road along Biggar treet, Karel Landman treet, Black treet, Celle treet, Biggar treet, Boundary Road then along District Road 461 pass the cemetery to Provincial Road 33 then along Provincial Road 33 to Indumeni Mine and return along the same route. (5) (v) Route 5: From Economic upply tore in Gandhi Road along Biggar treet onto Provincial Road 356 to Northfield Colliery Gate and retum along the same route. Time-table Depart Arrfve Economic upply tore.. 04h45 Central Tea Room... 04h50 Central Tea Room... 04h52 Bosco Butchery... 04h55 Bosco Butchery h56 Tembalible Location 05bOO (Khumalo tore) Tembalihle Location 05h1O Bosco Butchery hl4 (Khumalo tore) Bosco Butchery... 05h11 Central Tea Room... 05h20 Central Tea Room... 05h23 Economic upply tore.. 05h28 Economic upply tore.. 05b30 Central Tea Room... 05h35 Central Tea Room... 05h36 Bosco Butchery... 05h39 Bosco Butchery... 05h40 Tembalihle Location (KhumaIo tore) Tembalihle Location 06b00 Bosco Butchery (Khurnalo tore) Bosco Butchery... 06h05 Central Tea Room.... O6h08 CentralTea Room h09 High chool Hostel... O6h14 High chool Hostel h18 Economic upply tore.. O6h23 Economic upply tore. 06bJO Central Tea Room... 06h35 Central Tea Room... 06h36 Bosco Butchery... 06h39 Bosco Butchery.. 06h40 Ternbalihle Location O6M6 (Khumalo tore) Tembalihle Location OThOO Bosco Butchery... 07h04 (Khumalo tore) Bosco Butchery... OTh05 Central Tea Room... 07h08 Central Tea Room... OThl0 Economic upply tore.. 07hl5 Economic upply tore.. OTh20 Bloemhof... O8hl0 Bloemhof... 08h15 Economic upply tore.. 09hlO Economic upply tore.. 09h40 Central Tea Room M5 Central Tea Room h46 Bosco Butchery h49 BoscoButchery... 09hO Tembalihle Location 09h54 (Khumalo tore) Tembalihle Location 10h40 Bosco Butchery... 10h44 (Khurnalo tore) Bosco Butchery... IOh41 Central Tea Room... 10h50 CentralTea Room... 10h2 Economic upply tore. I IOh57 Economic upply tore. 10h59 CentralTea Room... llh04 Central Tea Room... llho Tembalihle Location Hhl (Khumalo tore) Tembalihle Location llh28 Indumeni Coal Mine... llh58 (Khurnalo tore) Indurneni Coal Mine... 12h58 Tembalihle Location Bh28 (Khumalo tore) Tembalihle Location 13M3 Central Tea Room... 13h53 (Khumalo tore) Central Tea Room... 13h58 Economic upply tore. 14h03 Economic upply tore. 14h05 Northfield Gate... 14hl0 Northfield Gate... 14h15 Economic upply tore.. 14h25 Economic upply tore.. 14h30 Bloernhof... 15h15 BJoembof... IhJO Economic upply tore.. 16b28 Deptl11 Arrive Economic upply tore 16h43 Central Tea R.oom Central Tea Room... 16h49 Highchool Hostel.. 16h53 High chool Hostel... 16h5 Tembalihle Location ITh03 (Khumalo tore) 'fembalihle Location 17h08 Bosco Butchery... ITh13 (Khurnalo tore) Bosco Butchery.. IThl Central TeaRoom.. IThl8 Central Tea Room... ITh20 Economic upply tore. ITh25 Economic upply tore. ITh48 Central Tea Room... 17h3 Central TeaRoom... I1b55 Bosco Butchery... l1h58 Bosco Butchery... 18bOO Tembalihle Location (KhumaIo tore) Tembalihle Location 18h08 Bosco Butchery... 18M2 (Khumalo tore) Bosco Butchery h13 Central Tea Room... 18bl6 Central Tea Room hl8 Economic upply tore.. Ib23 cale ofcharges c Khumalo tore to Economic upply tore Khumalo tore to Bosco Butchery Khumalo tore to Central Tea Room Economic upply tore to Northfield Economic upply tore to Ebenzer Economic upply tore to Burnside 1st top Economic upply tore to Burnside 2nd top Economic upply tore to BIoemhof Economic upply tore to Indumeni Economic upply tore to Indurneni I RAB 641 (AP2418}-LADYMITH. (2) O. I. Vawda, Lady smith; application for amendment of tariffs. (3) Five buses NKR NKR 3755, NKR 13265, NKR 4211 and NKR (4) Bantu passengers and their personal effects. (5) Over routes as granted by the Board. (As per attached Annexure). ANNEXURE FOR APPLICATION OF INCREAE IN TARIFF TO 1,5c PER KM Route from Ladysmith to Burford and return Presel/t Increased Route Distance Tariff Tariff km c c Ladysmith to Limit Hill ,0 5 5 Ladysmith to BurL}rd Crossing , Ladysmith to Burforcl , Limit Hill to Burford Crossing , Limit Hill to Burford , Burford Crossing to Burford.... 4,0 5 5 RAB 642 (AG2428)-HLOBANE. (2) A. J. Gunter & eun (Edms.), lilobane; nuwe aansoek in plaas van sertifikate rue hernu vir 1976/17 nie. Agt voertuie. (4) (a) teenkool, sand en klip, grond en vunrmaakhout. (5) (a) Binne 'n ra dius van 100 km vanaf Poskantoor, Hlobane. (4) (b) Bonafide-huistrekke en kantoorttekke (insluitende persoonlike besittings) asook. eie verpakkingsmatetiaal en toehehore, slegs vir eie gebruik en nie te verkoop. (5) (b) Vanaf Hlobane na punte biane 'n radius vall 100 kid vanaf Poskantoor, Hlobane, en vanaf punte binne '11 radius van 100 km vanaf Poskantoor, Hlobane, na Hlobane. RAB 643 (AP2411}-NKANDLA. (2) N. hezi, Kwa-Mashu; new application. (3) One mini-bus to be acquired. (4) Conveyance of Chief he,d's Indunas, Tribal Councillors, Organisers and officials of Inkatha Ka Zulu. (5) Wi1hin a radius of 160 km of Chief hezi's Kraal, Diane area, District of Nkandla. RAB 644 (AP2434)-ETCOURT. (2) Y. H. Bhayla, Estcourt; application for additional vehicle with new route. (3) One bus NE (4) (a) Non-White passengers, goods, matresses, beds, boxes, bicycles, pest bags, news papers, meat patcels and fruit boxes. (5) (a) Between Mooi River and Estcourt (Lome tteet, Harding treet to AlexandTa treet Bus Rank). (4) (b) NO!Il White organised parties. (5) (b) Within a radius of 500 km of Estcourt. Time-table as per attached Annexure. Depart Arrive Mooi River hOO Estcourt h45 Estcourt...., Mooi River... O9h30 Mooi River loh30 Estcourt.... llhl5 Estcourt hOO Mooi River.... " 13h45 Mooi River hOO Estcourt h45 Estcourt... 15h30 Mooi River hl5 Friday afternoons Depart Arrive Mooi River... 17hOO Estcourt... 18hOO Estcourt Mooi River... IM

59 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 TAATKOERANT, NOVEMBER 1976 No.328 undays-ewnings Depart Arrive Estcourt hOO. Mooi River IM cale of charges c km Mooi River to Estcourt Mooi River to liidcote Cross..., Middlerest Crossing to Estcourt Motel to Estcourt _.. _... _. _.. _ Willowgrande to Estcourt......,...,.,.. _ Moore Gate. to Estcourt Crossings Road to Estc9urt Hospital to Estcourt RAB 645 (AP2419}--LADYMITH. (2) M. I. Vawda, Ladysmith; application for am~ndment of tariffs. (3) Three buses NKR 5515, NKR and NKR (4) Non-White passengers and their personal effects. (5) Over routes as granted by the Board. Existing tariffs, proposed tariffs (as per attached Annexure). ANNEXURE "B" Annexure for application of increase in tariff to 1, 5c per km. Route A as per Annexure "A" Route Distance Present increas('d Tariff Tariff km c c Kranskop to Ladysmith Wyford to Ladysmith District Road 43 to Ladysmith andspruit Bridge to Ladysmith t Joseph's Mission to Lz.dy'mith Blue Dank to Ladysmith ROllte B as per Annexure "A" km c c Van Reenen to Ladysmith via Bluebank... 55, Van Reenen to Ladysmith , Greenpoint to Ladysmith , Kranskop to Ladysmith , Wyford to Ladysmith , District Road 43 to Ladysmith , andspruit Bridge to Ladysmith , t Joseph's Mission to LadYilmith... _ 33, Bluebank to Ladysmith , Van Reenen to Bluebank , Kranskop to Bluebank , Wyford to Bluebank , andspruit Bridge to B1uebank , t Joseph's Mission to Blu~bank.... 5, Route "e" as per Annexllre "An km c c Ladysmith to Bluebank , Ladysmith to tjoseph's , Bluebank to tjoseph's... 9, RAB646 (AP2453}--PIETERMARITZBURG. (2) Nestle (A) (Pty) Ltd, Pietermaritzburg; new application in place of cer. tificate not renewed for 1976/77. (3) One com:bi-np (4) (a~ OWn goods. (5) (a) Within the Durban exempted arca (pro forma). (4) (b) Organised parties (own employees). (5) (b) Within a radius of 80 km of Pietcrmaritzburg. RAB647 (AG2438)-LADYMITH. (2) A. Hahn & on, Ladysmith; application for additional authority. (3) One lorry and one trailer. (4) (a) Goods as per existing authority. (5) (a) Ovcr areas as granted by the Board. (4) (b) Goods, all cla~ses. (5) (b) Within a radius of 50 km of Waterkloof Farm, Ladysmith. RAB648 (AG2441)-PIETERMARITIBURG. (2). Francis, Edcndale; application for additional vehicle. (3) One lqrry-np (4) Goods, all classes, and furniture from one dwellingoouse to another and from auction marts to dwelling-houses and vice versa. (5) Within a radius of 240 kma!' City Hall, Pietermaritzburg. RAB649 (AP2446}--MATATIELE. (2) R{)se Fenton and Ethel Carey, MouM Fletcher; new application for that portion of the route that falls within the jurisdiction of this Board. (3) One bu"-ccx (4) Bantu passengers and their personal eff~?ts..(5) Between Mount Fletcher and Matatiele via Kenegha DflH. TIme-tables: As per attached Annexure. Tllne-table J.lollnt Fletcher to Matatiele Daily Except undays Depart between 05hoo and 06hoo Mourit Fletcher. Arrive between 08hOO and 1Ohoo Matatiele. Depart between llh30 and 01hoo Matatiele. Arrive between 02h30 and 07h30 Mount Fletcher. With authority to wait for passengers train. at Matatiele When it is late, but to leave Matatiele Terminus not later than Ib30 except on aturdays when time of departure from Mataticle Termin1l> shall oot be later than 14hOO.' ubject to the conditions that the'vehicle shall not stop in the Village Management Board area of Mount Fletcher. except at authorised bus stops designated as such by the autoority responsible for the regulation of traffic in the village. cale 0/ charges Passengers 1!c per passenger per km up to the 38th milepo3t in both directions from starting point and thereafter up to the 45th milepost, 77 ;. Grain, salt, coal, meal, mealie meal, flour, fertilizer, wool, hides and skins: Per 100 lbs c Up to 8 miles _. 21 Up to 14 miles... ; Up to 20 miles ! Up to 45 miles Mininu;n of 2tc per 100 Ibs. Other general merchandise per 100 lbs. Up to 8 miles... 5 Up to 15 miles Up to 20 miles Up to 45 miles..., Minimum of c per 100 Ibs. Parcels under 10 Ibs., 3c irresp~ctive of distance. Parcels over 10 lbs., 6c irrespective of distance RAB650 (AG2439)-IXOPO, (2) Rutland W. Vause, Ixopo; New appliation. (3) One lorry-nix (4) (a) Fresh milk in cans and empty cans on the return journey. (5) (a) From Highflats to Ixopo and Donnybr,ook and return. (4) (b) Frcsh vegetables. (5) (1)) Within a radius of 200 km of Post Office, Ixopo. RAB651 (AG2425)-PIETERMARITZBURG. (2) Call Carriers (Ply) Ltd, Pietermaritzburg; application for amended authority. (3) One horse, one truck and two trailers-np 55029, NP 55026, NP and NP (4) (a) Goods as per existing authority. (5) (a) Over areas as granted by the Board. (4) (0) Fresh fruit and vegetables. (5) (b) Within a radius of 300!an of Post Office, Pietermar~tzburg. RAB652 (AG2427}--PIETERMARITZBURG. (2) Call Carriers (Pty) Ltd, Pietermaritzburg; application for replacement of vehicle with mcrease of more than 20 per cent. (3) One semi-!trailer. (4) (a) Bantu beer packed in containers. (5) (a) Within a radius of 150 km of Post Office. Pietermaritzburg. (4) (b) FrC6h fruit and Vegetables. (5) (1)) Within a radius of 150!an of General Post Office, Pietermaritzburg. (4) (c) Urgent spare pal1ts for immediate bona fide repairs and/or maintenance and/or mechanical installations which have become defective and have to be expeditiously repaired. (5) (c) Within a radius of 100 km of General Post Office, Pietermarit2;burg. (4): (d) Goods, all classes, excluding furniture or household removak. (5) (d) Within a radius of 25 krn of General Post Office, Pietermaritzburg. RAB653 (T2448}--PIE'IERMARITZBURG. (2). Xulu, Eden vale; applicajtion for amended authority, (3) One car-np (4) Bantu passengers and their peflonal effects. Existing a.uthority: (5) (a) Within a radius of 50 1cm of Table Mountain. Amended authority: (5) ('b) Within a radius of O km of Berg treet Taxi Rank, Pietermaritzburg. IRAB654 (AP2451r---NQUfU. (2) E. Dlamini, Nqutu;application for amendment of time-table and scale of charges. (3) One bus-ntu 1060; (4) Bantu passengers and their personal effects. (5) From Mondlo to Nqutu via Ntubabomvu and return. Amended time-table and scale of charges as per attached Annexure. Proposed tinu!-table 0/Enos Dlamini MONDW BU ERVICE Time-table and scale of charges Depart Arrive Mondlo hOO Nqutu... 07hOO Nqutu hlO Mondla _... 08hlO Mondlo... 08h30 Nqutu h30 Nqutu llhoo Mandlo... 12hOO Mondlo hOO Nqutu..... l4hoo Nqutu... 14h30 Mondlo... 15hjO Mondlo... 16hOO Nqutu hOO Nqutu... l1hlo Mondlo hlO Mondlo... Ih30 Ntababomvu.. 19hOO

60 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 No. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,,5 NOVEMBER 1976 cale ofcharges c Mondlo to Nqutu Ntshibantshiba to Nqutu.... ;.'...,,' :.. :.. ;... ;..., 'l5 Mvunyane to Mondlo...,..,..., Mchinswane to Mondlo...,, Mondlo to Nqlltu......,., Mvuyaneto Nqutu..., Nthsibantshiba to Nqutu Ntshiyane to Nqlltu..., Thelezini to Nqutll......, Kumalo to Nqutu Mtshali to Nqulu, Masondo to Nqutu Thelezini tore to Nqutu Pitso to Nqulu......, Ekroasini to Nqutu Biya to Nqutu Gumbi to Nqutu Mbatha to Nqutu ~ RAB655 (T2466)-EDENDALE. (2) A.. Myeza, Edendale; new application in place of certificate not renewed for 1976/77. (3) One c-ar-np (4) Bantu passengers and their personal effects. (5) From points within a radius of :5 kin' of 1mbali hopping Centre to points within a radius of 50 km of ImbaU hopping Centre and return. Vehicle to be stationed at Imbali hopping Centre. RAB656 (T2471)-KOKTAD. (2). M. Desai, Richmond; appli.cation for additional authority in respect of item (4) (b) (3) One car-nk (4) (a) Non-White passengers and their personal effects. (5) (a) Within a radius of 50 km of Post miice. Richmond, and casual trips. (4) (b) Daily newspapers. (5) (b) Between Umlaas and Kokstad. RAB657 (AP2464)-VRYHEID. (2) Warde's Motor ervices (Pty) Ltd, Vryheid; application for two additional vehicles with existin~ authority. (3) Two buses-ny :3708 and NV (4) N<lfl-White pa~engers and their personal effects. (5) Over all routes as granted by the Board. Official Publications Issued During eptember 1976 BLUE BOOK Report of the Controller and Auditor-General on the Accounts of the Administration of Coloured Affairs for the Financial Year (RP. 28/1976.) Price Rl,25, overseas RI,55, post free. Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Marketing Act (Act 59 of 1%8). (R.P. 39/1976.) Price 95c, overseas Rl,15, post free. The Registrar of Banks, Thirtieth Annual Report, year ended 31 December (R.P. 62/1976.) Price R2,95, overseas R3,70, post free. Report of the Auditor-General on the Accounts of the Dried Fruit Board for the Financial Year 1 December 1974 to 30 November (R.P. 69/1976.) Price R2, overseas R2,50, post free. Report of the Auditor-General on the Accounts of the Rooibos Tea Control Board for the Financial Year 1 January 1975 to 31 December (R.P. 70/1976.) Price Rl, overseas Rl,25, post free. TATITIC Report A urvey of the Accounts of Companies in econdary and Tertiary Industry, and Price R2,75, overseas R3,75, post free. MICELLANEOU Annals of the. Geological urvey, Volume 10, Price RI,55, overseas Rl,95,post free. A re-evaluation of the Cranial Morphology and ystematics of some Tuskless Anomodontia. Memoir 61. Price Rl,20, overseas R1,50, post free. Maps 1:50000 Tapo eries: Price RI, overseas Rl,25, post free 2118AA-Uitkomst, WA. lst Edition (M). 2118AB-Okatjipuvisa,WA. 1st Edition (M). 2118BA-Okorukurure, WA. 1st Edition (M). 2U8CB-Alaska, WA. 1st Edition em). 24I6CA-Donker Gange, WA. 1st Edition (M). 242OCD-Leiersdraai. 1st Edition (M). 2527CB-Rustenburg. Reprint. lst Edition. 2527DD-Broederstroom. Reprint. 2nd Edition. 3323DC-Natures Valley. Reprint. lst Edition. 2529CD:-Mjddelburg (Tvl). Reprint. 2nd Edition (M). 230BC-Boshalte. Reprint. lst Edition DB-:-Kimberley. Reprint. 2nd Edition. 2929AA-Champagne Castle West. Reprint. lst Edition. 3029AC-Cedarville. -Reprint. 1st Edition. 3319BC-De Doorns. Reprint. lst Edition. 3319CC-Franschhoek. Reprint. 1t Edition. 3322CA-Oudtshoorn. Reprint, 2nd Edition. A.mptelike Publikasies Uitgegee Gedurende eptember BLOU BOEKE Verslag van die Kontroleur en Ouditeur-generaal oor die Rekenings van die Administrasie. van Kleurlingsake vir die Boekjaar (RP. 28/1976.) Prys RI,25, oorsee RI,55, posvry. Verslag van die Kommissie van Ondersoek na die Bemarkingswet (Wet 59 van 1968). (R.P. 39/1976.) Prys 95c, oorsee RI,15, posvry. Die Registrateur van Banke, Dertig,te Jaarverslag, jaar geeindig 31 Deseml::er 197:5. (R.P. 62/1976.) prys R2,95, oorsee R3,70, posvry. Verslag van die Ollditeur-generaal oor die Rekeninge van die Droevrugteraad vir die Boekjaar 1 Desember 1974 tot 30 November (R.P. 69/1976.) prys R2, oorsee R2,50, posvry. Verslag van die Ollditeur-generaal oor die Rekeninge van die Rooibosteebeheerraad vir die Boekjaar 1 Januarie 1975 tot 31 Descmber (RP. 70/1976.) Prys RI, oorsee RI,25, posvry. TAllTlEK Verslag t-'n Oorsig van die Rekenings van Maatskappye in.ekondcre en Tersillre Nywerhede, en Prys R2,75, oorsee R3,75, posvry. DIVERE: Departement van Mynwese. Annale van Geologiese Opname, Jaargang 10, Prys Rl,55, oorsee RI,95, pcsvry. Geologiese Opname met 'n opsomming in Afrikaans onder die opskrif Herwaardering van die kedelmorfologie en istematiek van d'e Genusse Oudenodon en Rhachlocephalus (Therapsida: Anomodontia). Prys RI,20, oorsee RI,50, posvry. Memoir 67. Kaartel: Tapo Rub: Prys RI, oorsee RI,25, posvry 2tl8AA-Uitkomst. WA. Iste Uitgawe (M). 21I8AB-Okatjipuvisa. WA. Iste Uitgawe (M). 2118BA-Okorukurure, WA. Iste Uitgawe (M). 2118CB-Alaska, WA. Iste Uitgawe(M). 2416CA-Donker Gange, WA. Iste Uitgawe (M). 242OCD--Leiersdraai. Iste Uitgawe (M). 2527CB-Rustenburg. Herdruk. Iste Uitgawe. 2527DD--Broederstroom. Herdruk. 2de Uitgawe. 3323DC-Natures Herdruk: iste Uitgawe. 2529CD--Middelb.). Herdruk. 2de Uitgawe (M). 2530BC- k. Iste Uitgawe. 2824DB-Kimberley. Herdruk. 2de Uitgawe. 2929AA-Champagne Castle West. Herdruk. Iste Uitgawe. 3029AC--Cedarville. Herdruk. Iste Uitgawe. ' 3319BC-De Dooms. Herdruk. Iste Uitgawe. 33l9CC-Franschhoek. Herdruk Iste Uitgawe. 3322CA-Oudtshoorn. Herdruk. 2de Uitgawe.

61 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 : TAATKOBItANTj NOVBMBEI.'1976 1: Topo-cadastrtll: 2230-Messina:,Reprint. 4th EditiOll.' 2328-Pietersburg. Reprint. 3rdBdition Nylstroom:. Reprint. 4th, Edition. 25~RUstenburg. RePrint. 3rd Edition Kosibaai; Reprint. 2nd Edition Frankfort. Re.{>rint. 3td Edition. 273O---Vryheid. Reprmt. 3td Edition Kimberley. Reprint. 3rd Edition. 312O---Williston. Reprint. 2nd Edition os-Londen. Reprint. 1: Aeronautical: E25/3O---Messina. 2nd Edition. OBTAINABLE FROM THE GOV'E.RNMENT PRINTER. PRETORIA AND CAPE TOWN 1: Topo-kadastl'aa/: 223O---Messina. Herdruk. 4deUifgawe (M) Pietersburg. Herdruk. 3de Uitgawe Nylstroom. Herdruk. 4de Uitgawfr (M), 2526-Rustellburg. Herdruk, 3de Uitgawe (M) Kosibaai. Herdruk. 2de Uitgawe (M) Frankfort. Herdruk. 3(je Uitgawe (M). 273O---Vryheid. Herdruk. 3de Uitgawe (M) Kimberley. Herdruk.3de Uitgawe (M). 312O---Williston. Herdruk. 2de Uitgawe (M) os-Londen. Herdruk. 1: Lugvaartkundig: E25j3()'-Messina. 2de Uitgawe. VERKRYGBAAR VANAF DIE TAATDRUKKER, PRETORIA EN KAAPTAD IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT Closing Times-for Legal Notices antgovernment Notices.F i - '" "_L4 The closing time will remain 15hOO sharp on the following days: ' 9 December 1976, Thursday, for the issue of Friday, 17 December December 1976; Monday, for the issue of Friday, 24 December December 1976, Tuesday, for the issue of Friday 31 December December 1976, Tuesday, for the issue of Friday, 7 January Late notices will be published in _the -subsequent issue. BElANGRIKE AANKOND1GING luitingsiye vir Wetlike Kennisgewings en, Goewermentskennisgewings., Die sluitingstyd is steeds stiptelik 15hOO op die volgende dae:! 9 Desember 1976, Donderdag, vir die uitgawe van Vrydag. 17 Desember Desember 1976, Maandag, vir die uitgawe van Vrydag, 24 Desember Desember 1976, Dinsdag, vir die uitgawe van Vrydag, 31 Desember Desember Dinsdag, vir die uitgawe van Vrydag, 7 Januarie Laat kennisgewings sal in die daaropvolgende uitgawe geplaas word. THE ONDERTEPOORT JOURNAL OF VETERINARY REEARCH The Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research 1 printed by the Government Printer, Pretoria, and is obtainable from the Director, Division of Agricultural Information, Department of Agricultural Technical ervices, Private Bag XI44, Pretoria, 0001, to whom all communications should be addressed This publication is a continuation of the Reports of the Government Veterinary Bacteriologist of the Transvaal which date back to 1903 and of which 18 have appeared up to 1932 These were followed by 40 volumes of the Onderstepoort Journal At present 'each volume comprises four numbers which are obtainable at Rl,35 (overseas postage We extra) per number from the above address. Directors of laboratories etc. desiring to exchange publications are invited to communicate with the Director, Veterinary Research Institute, P.O. Onderstepoort, OlIO, Republic of outh Africa THE ONDERTEPOORT JOURNAL OF VETERINARY REEARCH Die "Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research~ word deur die taatsdrukker, Pretoria, -gedruk en is verkrygbaar van die Direkteur, Afdelin~ Lan.dbouinligting, Departement van Landbou-tegruese Dlenste, Privaatsak XI44, Pretoria, 0001, aan wie ook alle navrae in verband met die tydskrif gerig moet word. Hierdie publikasie is 'n vt;>ortsetting v~n die. "Reports of the Government Vetennary Ba:ctenologlst of the Transvaal" wat teru teer tot 1903 en waarvan 18 verskyn het tot 1932 is gevolg deur 40 volumes van die "Onderstepoort Journal", Tans bestaan elke volume nit vier nommers wat teen Rl,35 (oorsee posgeld 10 sent ekstra) per nommer van bogenoemde adres verkrygbaar is. Direkteure van laboratoriums ens. wat begerig is 01!l publikasies om te rull moet in verbinding tree met die Direkteur, Navorsings-instituut vir Veeartsenykunde. Pk. Onderstepoort, 0110, Republiek van nid-afrika.

62 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998.No. GOVERNMENT flazete,,5 NOYEMBER GOVERNMENT GAZETTE OF THE REPUBLIC OF OUTH AFRICA ubscription Rates: Local-R20 per annum Overseas-R15 per annum CONDITION FOR THE PUBLICATION Of LEGAL NOTICE Closing times for the acceptance of notices 1. The Government Gaulle is published every week on Friday, and the closing time for the acceptance of notice~ which ~ave to appear in the Government Gazelle on any particular Fnday, is 15hOO on the preceding Friday. hould any Friday coincide wilh a public holiday, the date of publication of the Government Gazette and the closing time for the acceptance of notices will be published in the Government Gazette, from time to time. 2. (I) Copy of notices received after closing time will be held over for publication in the next Government Gazette. (2) Amendments or changes' in copy of notices cannot be undertaken unless instructions are received before 12hoo on Tuesdays. (3) Copy of notices for publication cannot be accepted over the telephone. Approval of notices 3. Any notices ~ther than legal notices are subject to the approval of The Government Printer, who may refuse acceptance or further publication of any notice. The Government llrillter indemnified against liability 4. The Government Printer will assume no liability in respect of (1) any delay in the publication of a notice or publication of such notice on any date other than that stipulated by the advertiser; (2) erroneous classification of a notice, or the placement of such notice in any section or under any heading other than the section or heading stipulated by the advertiser; (3) any editing, revision, omission, typographical errors or errors resulting from faint or indistinct copy. Liability of advertiser 5. Advertisers will be held liable for any compensation and costs arising from any action which may be instituted against The Government Printer in consequence of the publication of any notice. Copy 6. Copy of notices must be typed on one side of the paper only and may not ~onstitute part of any covering letter or document. 7. At the top of any copy, and set well apart from tiie noti~. tbe following must be stated: (1) The kind of notice; (2) the heading under which the notice is to appear; (3) the rate (e.g. "Fixed tariff rate", or "Word count rate") applicable to the notice, and the cost of publication.. All proper names and surnames must be clearly legible, surnames being underlined Of typed in capital letters. In the event of a name being incorrectly printed as a result of indistinct writing, the notice will be republished only upon payment of the cost of a new insertion. Payment of cost 9. No notice will be accepted for publication unless the cost of the insertion(s) is prepaid by way of uncancelled revenue stamps. 10. (1). The cost of a notice must be calculated by the advertiser in accordance with (a) the list of fixed tariff rates; or (b) where the fixed tariff rate does not apply, the word count rate. (2) Where there is any doubt about the cost of publication of a notice, and in the case of copy in excess of words, an enquiry, aceompanied by the relevant copy, should be addressed to the Advertising ection, Government Printing Works, Private Bag X85, Pretoria, 0001, before publication. 11. Uncancelled revenue ~tamps representing the correct amount of the cost of publication of a: notice, or the total of the cost of publication of more than one notice, must be affixed to the copy, form or document, the COVering letter, erder> or list of items. TAATKOERANT VAN DIEREPUBLlEKVAN UID-AFRIKA Intekengeld: Plaaslik-R10 per jaar Oorsee-R25 per jaar VOORWAARDE VIR DIE PUBLIKAIE VAN WETLIKE KENNIGEWING :uilillgstye vir die Gal1name van kellnisgewings 1. Die caacskoerant word weekliks op Vrydag gepubliseer en die sluitingstyd vir die aanname van kennisgewings wat op 'n bepaalde Vrydag in die taatskoerant moet verskyn, is 15hOO op die voorafgaande Vrydag. Indien enige Vrydag saamval met 'n openbare vakansiedag verskyn die raatskoeralll op 'n datum. en is die sluitingstye vir die aanname van kennisgewings OOI van tyd tot tyd in die tl1qtskoerant bepaal. 2. (I) Kopie van kennisgewings wat na sluitingstyd ontvang word, sal oorgehou word vir plasing in die eersvolgende taatskoerallt. (2) Wysigings van of veranderings in die kopie van kennisgewings kan nie onderneem word nie tensy opdragte daarvoor ontvang is voor 12hoo 011 Dinsdae. (3) Kopie van kenrusaewings vir publikasie kan nie oor die telefoon aangeneem word rue. Goedkeurillg van kennisgewings 3. Kennisgewings. behalwe wetlike kennisgewings, is onderworpe aan die goedkeuring van Die taatsdrukker wat kan weier om enige kennisgewing aan te neem of verder te publiseer.. Vrywarillg vall Die taatsdrukker teen aanspreeklikheid 1 4. Die taatsdrukker aanvaar geen aanspreeklikheid vir-. 0) enige vertraging by die publi!msie van 'n itennisgewing of vir die publikasie daarvan op 'n ander datum as die <leur die adverteerder bepaal; (2) die foutiewe klassifikasie van 'n Icennisgewing of die plasing daarvan onder 'n ander afdeling of opskrif as dio afdeling of opskrif wat deur die adverteerder aangedui is;, (3) cnige redigering, hersiening, weglating, tipografiese foute of foute wat weens dowwe of onduidelike topie mag ontstaan. Aanspreeklikheid van advmeerder 5. Die adverteerder word aanspreeklik gehou vir enige skadevergocding en koste wat ontstaan uit cnige aksie wat weens die publikasie van 'n kennisgewing teen Die taatsdrukker in gestel mag word. Kopil! 6. Die kopie van Icennisgewings moet stegs op een kant van die papier getik wees en mag nie deel van enige begeleidende brief of dokument uitmaale nie. 7. Bo aan die kopie, en weg van die kennisgewing, moet die volgcnde aangedui word: (1) Die aard van die kennisgewing;, (2) die opskrif waaropder die kennisgewing gepjaas moet word; (3) die tarief (bv. "Vaste tarief", of "Woordetal tarief") wat op die kennisgewing van toepassing is, en die koste verbonde aan die plasing daarvan. 8. Aile eiename en familiename moet duidelik leesbaar wees en familiename moet onderstreep of in hoofletters getik word. Indien 'n naam verkeerd gedruk word as gevolg van onduidelike skrif, sal die kennisgewing alleen na betaling van die koste van 'n nuwc plasing weer gepubliscer word. Betaligvan kosle 9. Geen kennisgewing word vir publikasie aanvaar nie tcnsy die koste van die plasing(s) daarvan vooruit betaal is deur middel van ongekanselleerde inkomsteseels. 10. (I) Die koste van 'n kennisgewing moet deur die adver teerder bereken word in ooreenstemming met (a) die lys van vaste tariewe; of (b) indien die vaste tariewe nie van toepassing is nie, die woordetal tariewe... (2) In gevalle van twyfel oor die koste verbonde aan die plasing van 'n kennisgewing en in die geval van kopie met meer as woorde, moet 'n navraag, vergesel van die betrokke kopie, voor publiicasie aan die Advertensie-afdeling, taatsdrukkery, Privaatsak X85, Pretoria, 0001, gerig word. 1L Ongckanselleerde inlcomsteseels wat die j\!iste bedrag van die koste van 'n kennisgewing of die totaal van die k<;jste Vjl!l meerdere kennisgewings verteenwoordig, moet op die kopic, yorm of do kument, die begeleidende brief, bestelling, of lys van Items geplak word.

63 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 TAATKOERANT, 5 NOVEMBER 1976 No. 12. Overpayments resulting from misea1cu1ation on the part of the advertiser of the cost of publication of a notice will not be refunded, unless the advertiser famishes adequate reasons wby such miscalculation occurred. In the event of underpayments, the difference will be recovered from the advertiser, and the notices will not be' published until such time as the full cost of such publication has been duly paid in uncancelled revenue stamps. 13. The Government Printer reserves the right to levy an additional charge in cases where notices, the 'Cost of which has been calculated in accordance with the list of fixed tariff rates, are subsequently found to be excessively lengthy or to contain overmuch or complicated tabulation. Proof of publication. 14. Copies of the Government Gazette which may be required as proof of publication may be ordered from The Government Printer at 20e per copy, payment to be effected by way of uncancelled revenue stamps. The Government Printer will assume no liability for an-y failure to post such Government Gazette(s) or for any delay in dispatching it/them. 12. Oorbetalings 01' grond van 'n fouliewe berekening van die koste verbonde aan die plasing van 'n kennisgewing deur die adverteerder word nie terugbetaal nie lensy d!e adverteerder voldoende redes aanloon waarom 'n foutiewe berekening gemaak is. In die geval van onderbetalings sal die verskil van die adverteerder verhaal word en geen plasing sal geskied voordat die v:>lle koste verbonde. aan die plasing van die kennisgewing(s) deur middc\ van ongekanselleerde inkomsteseeis betaal is nie. 13. Die taatsdrukker behou hom die reg voor om :n bykomende bed rag te hef in gevalle waar kennisgewings, waarvan die koste in ooreenstemming met die Iys van vaste tariewe bereken word, later uitermatig lank blyk te wees of buitensporige of ingewikkelde tabclwerk bevat. Bewys vall publikasie: f4. Eksemplare van die taatskoerant Wat nodig mag wees ter bewys van publikasie van 'n kennisgewing kan teen 2Oe, in die vorm van ongekanselleerde inkomsteseels, per eksemplaar van Die taatsdrukker bestel word. Geen aansoreekjikheid word aanvaar vir die versuim om sodanige taatskoerant(e) te pos of vir vertraging in die versending daarvan nie. Please, acquaint yourself thoroughly with the "Conditions for Publication" of legal notices in the Government Gazette~ as. \ivell as the new tariffs In connection therewith Maak uself asseblief deeglik vertroud met die ~~Voorwaardes vir Publikasie" van wetlike kennisgewings in die taatskoerant asook met die nuwe tariewe wat daarmee in verband staan

64 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 No. 5;328 GOVER.NMENT GAZETI'E, NOVEMBER ln6 LiT OF FIXED TARIFF RATE tandardised Notices Administration of Estates Acts Notices: Forms J 297, J 295, J 193. J Business Notices... Butchers' Notices... Change of Name (four insertions)..... Deeds: Lost Documents Insolvency Act and Company Acts Notices: J 28, J 29, Forms 1 to Lost Life Insurance Policies Naturalisation Notices (including a reprint for the advertiser) lum Ciearance Court Notices... Third Party Insurance Claims for Compensation... Unclaimed Moneys~nly in the extraordinary Governmen! Gazette, closing date 15 January (per entry of "name, address and amount"}... Non-standardised Notices Company Notices: hort notices to shareholders of meetings, resolutions, voluntary windings-up; closing of transfer or members' registers and/or declaration of dividend.. Declaration of dividend with profit statements, induding notes...,... Long notices, transfers, changes with respect to shares or capital, redemptions, resolutions, voluntary liquidations Rate per insertion R 2,00 5,00 5,00 25,00 6,00 4,00 2, ,00 2,50 0,80 11,00 25,00 37,00 L 'd t d th A. t N t' 7 00 lqui a ors an 0 er ppom ees 0 Liquor Licence Notices! Ices..., In the extraordinary Government Gazette, closing date 1 eptember... 7,00. In the ordinary Government Gazette, section "General" 9,00 Orders of the Court: upersessions and discharge of petitions... 7,00 Provisional and fmal liquidations, sequestrations, rehabilitations, etc ,. 14,00 Reductions or changes in capital, mergers, offer of compromise ,00 Judical managements, curator bonis and similar and extensive rules nisi... 37,00 ales in execution and other public sales: ales in execution... 18,00 Public auctions, sales and tenders: Up to 75 words " 76 to 250 words , to 350 words... 23,00 Trade marks in outh-west Africa... 11,00 General.-For notices which do not belong under headings with fixed tariff rates and which comprise or less words, the rates of the word count table must be used. In cases where notices run to more than 1600 words, or in cases where doubt exists about the cost of an extensive notice, the copy must be sent in before publication as prescribed in par. 10 (2) of the Conditions. Number of words in copy Aantal woorde in kopie " WOR.D COUNT TABLEjWOORDETAL-TABEL LY VAN VAT TARTEWE Gestandaartliseerde Kennisg!wing., Aktes: Verlore Dokumente.... Besigheidskennisgewings; Boedelwettekennisgewings: Vorms J 297, J 295, J 193 en J Derdeparty-assuransie-eise om kadevergoeding.... Insolvensiewet- en Maatskappywettekennisgewings: J 28, J 29, Vorms 1 tot 9... Naamsverandering (vier plasings)... Naturalisasiekennisgewings (insluitende 'n herdruk vir die adverteerder) Onopgeeiste Geld~slegs in die buitengewonetaatskoerant, sluitingsdatum 15 Januarie (per inskrywing van "naam, adres en bedrag"}.... iagterskennisgewings iumopruimingshofkennisgewings. Verlore LewensversekeringspoJisse.... Nie gestandaardiseerde Kennisgewil1gs Dranklisensie-kennisgewings: In die buitengew(me taalskoeranl, sluitingsdatum 1 eptember In die gewone taatskoerant, afdeling "Algemeen" Geregtelike en ander Openbare Verkope: G t I'k k ereg e lever ope,... Openbare veilings, verkope en tenders: Tot 75 woorde... : tot 250 woorde tot 350 wo or d e.... Handelsmerke in uidwes-afrika..... Likwidateurs en ander aangesteldes se kennisgewings. Maatskappykennil;gewings: Kort kennisgewings aan aandee1houers van vergade. rings, besluite, vrywillige likwidasies, ens.; sluiting van oordrag- of lederegisters en/of verklaring van dividende ", Verklaring van dividende met profytestate, notas ingesluit :... Lang kennisgewings,.oordragte, veranderings met betrekking tot aandele of kapitaal, aflossings, besluite, vrywillige Iikwidasies... Orders van die Hof: ' Tersydestellings en afwysings van petisies... Voorlopige en finale likwidasies, sekwestrasies, herinslellings, ens...', Verlagings of veranderings in kapitaal, samesmeltings, aanbod van skikking... Geregtelike besture, kurator bollis en soortgelyke en uitgebreide bevele nisi... Tarie//Ml' plasing R 6,00 5,00 2,00 2,50 4,00 25,00 2,00 0,80 5,00 4, ,00 9, , 6,00 15,00 23,00 11,00 7,00 11,00 25,00 37,00 7,00 14,00 37,00 37,00 Algemeen.-Vir kennisgewings wat nie onder opskrifte met vasta tariewe ressorteer nie en wat of minder woorde beslaan, moet die tabel van woordetal-tariewe gebruik word. In gevalle waar kennisgewings 1600 woorde oorskry, of in gevalle waar twyfel bestaan omtrent die koste van 'n lang kennisgewing, moet die kopie voora! ingestuur word 500 in die Voorwaardes, par. 10 (2), voorgeskryf III " 101- IO : ~t 1~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: g! ~ m~ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: '" " ~ "... 4o"...,.....

65 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 TAATKOEItANT,!NOVEMBER 1976 No; BUINE NOTICE~BEIGHE'DKENNIGEWING ALIENATION, ALE, CHANGE OF PARTNERHIP, NAME, ADDRE, ETC. Notice is hereby given in terms ofsection 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, to interested parties and creditors of the intentl00.,r alienation of businesses and/or goodwill, ~oods or property forming part of businesses, after a period of 30 days from the last publication of relevant advertisements, and of actions, circumstances or conditions pertaining to businesses or parties or debtors, as mentioned therein. The information, where applicable, is given in the following order: (1) Township or district, division, county; (2) seller, trader, partnership; (3) business or trade, kind, name and/or style, and the address at which carried on; (4) purpose and intent <alienation, sale, abandonment, change or dissolution of partnership, removal or change of address, change of name, cancellation of sale, etc.); conditions, and dato or period of time if other than 30 days; (5) purchaser, new proprietor and/or owner or partner, or contracting pany; (6) business and address. if other than under (3); notes, comment; (7) advertiser and/or agent, address and date. VERVREEMDING. VERKOPE, VERANDERING VAN VENNOOTKAP, NAAM, ADRE, EN. Kennisgewing geskied hiermee ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 34 (1) van die Insolvensiewet, No. 24 van 1936, aan belanghebbendc partye en skuldeisers van voorgenome vervreemding van besighede en/ofklandisie, goedere of eiendom wat 'n deel vorm van besighede, na '0 tydperk van 30 dae vanaf die laasle publikasie van betrokke advertensies, en van aksies, omstandighede of voorwaardes wat op besighede of partye of skuldenaars, soos daarin genoem, betrekking het. Die inligting word, waar van toepassing, verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Dorpsgebied of distrik, afdeling, county; (2) verkoper, hande1aar, vennootskap; (3) besigheid of handel, soort, naam en/of styl, en adres waar gedryf; (4) doel en voomeme (vcrvreemding, verkoop, oorgawo. veraildering of ontbinding van vennootskap, verhuising of adresverandering, naamverandering, kanseltasie van verkoop, ens.); voorwaardes, en datum of tydperk indien anders as 30 dae; (5) koper, nuwe besitter en/of eienaar of vennoot, of kontrakterende party; (6) besigbeid eo adres, indien ander as onder (3); opmerkings, kommentaar; (7) adverteerder en/of agent, adres en datum. TRANVAAL. BRAKPAN.-(2} Jan Adriaan Mare. (3) Onderneming bekend as Janier (Pty) Ltd, handeldrywende as Flamingo Motors, Prince Georgelaan 428, Brakpan. (4) Verkoop. (5) Ernest Phil~ipus Blignaut en NicIaas Edwards. (6)-. (7) I. P. v. d. WesthUlzen, Frank Ie Roux, V, d. Westhuizen & Levin, Prokureurs vir die Partye, heffreelgebou 108/113, Prince Georgelaan, Brakpan, 22/10/16. ALBERTVILLE.-(2)-. (3) Roller hutter Doors, 6 and 8 Minnaar treet, Albertsville, Johannesburg. (4) ale of interest. (5). egail. (6)-. (7). egail, 6 and 8 Minnaar treet, Albertsville, Johannesburg, 21/ BENONI.-(2). azeides. (3) Nicky's Hairdressers, 18b Voortrekket Road, Benoni, (4) ale. (5) ylv'ia Mouskides. (6) ylvia's Hairdressers. (7) G.. ilber, Attorney, First Floor, Trust Bank Buildings, 545 Voortrekker Road, P.O. Box 427, Brakpan, 26/ 10/16. ELANDFONTEIN.-(2) Anibal Abreu Aires. (3) pringbok Cafe, 40 Kraft Road, Elandsfontein Rail. (4) ale. (5) Jose Viera de Caires. (6)-. (7) H. Davidoff & Herman, Parties Attorneys, 6 Provident Buildings, President treet, Germiston. JOHANNEBURG.-(2) Norwood Cinema (Pty) Ltd. (3) The Avenue Cinema, Grant Avenue, Norwood, Johannesburg. (4) ale. (5) Arnold Charles teele. (6)-. (l) Ronald. Kaftel, 922 Bosman Buildings. 99 Eloff treet, Johannesburg. JOHANNEBURG.-(2) Abednego Mlangeni. (3) Qogani tores, tand 455/6/7, Zondi, Distriet of Johannesburg. (4) ale. (5) Aaron Gumbi, 1848, Dube Village, Johannesburg. (6)-. (7) Ivor Lazerson, Attorneys for the Parties, 500 Merbrook, 123 Commissioner treet, P.O. Box 4948, Johannesburg, 18/10/76. ANDTON.-(2) Ho Ming. (3) African tar Restaurant, 38 First Avenue, Wynberg, andton, Tvl. (4) ale. (5) Manhar Natha Makan. (6)-. (7) ydney. Chaitowitz, AttOI:ney for the Parties, 815 Volkskas Build;ngs, 76 Market treet, Johannesburg. JOHANNEBURG.-(2) hoson. (3) Ben~al Tiger, lie Pretoria treet, Hillbrow, Johannesburg. (4) ale. (5) Walter Edwin Gilham. (6)-. (7) Cyril Wade, Attorney for the eller, ixth Floor, National Board House, 94 Pritchard treet, Johannesburg, 26/ 10/16. JOHANNEBURG.-(2) amuel Kramer. (3) Garage, Esby Motors, 211 President treet, Joha~nesburg. (4) ale. (5) Hen,ry patflick Adamson. (6)-. (7) H. Miller Ackermann & Bronstem, P.O. Box 9095, Johannesburg, 25/10/16. JOHANNEBURG.-(2) Ranko akota and Zoran Matic. (3) Kontinental Hote\, 75 De Villiers treet, Johannesburg. (4) ale. (5) Joao Valmyro Barreto. (6)-. (1) Brian Benjamin, 604 CNA Buildings, Commissioner treet, Johannesburg. JOHANNEBURG.-(2) Monro McLean Kirkwood. (3) uperex tores Parkhurst, ummit Court, 34 Fourth treet, Parkhurst, Johannesburg. (4) ale. (5) Yianakis Vassiliades. (6)-. (7) Brian Benjamin, 604CNA Buildings, Commissioner treet, Johannesburg. JOHANNEBURG.-(2) Nathan herksne. (3) Butchery, under the name and style of Bertrams Meat Market, 46 Derby Road, Bertrams, Johannesburg. (4) ale, which is subject to three conditions precedent: (a) Expiration of above-mentioned period of 30 days; (b) the seller assists Buyer to obtain trading licences; and (c) obtaining of lease in respect of the above-mentioned premises. (5) Casimiro Rodrigues Vieira. (6)-. (7) J. E. Wertheimer, Attorney for eiler, 10th Floor, arb House, 80 Commissioner treet, P.O. Box 6457, Johannesburg, 25/10/76. VANDERBIJLPARK.-(2) Frank Wilfred Guard. (3) Optometrist, F. W. Guard, 7 Calance Buildings, Vanderbijlpark and at Mmdina Arcade, asolburg. (4) ale, (5) Jacobus Frederick Mellin duly authorised represen'tative of Mellin & Partners. (6)-. (7) V. Borcherds, Attorney for eller, Woolworths Building:;, P.O. Box 186, Vanderbijlpark, 14/10/16. PRETORIA.-(2) Gwendolyne Martens. (3) Gwens Furnishers, 891 Michael Brink treet, Villieria, Pretoria. (4) ale. (5) Casparus Johannes Lee. (6)-. (7) WeaV'ind & Werks!Dans Inc., Allied Buildings, 250 Pretorius treet, Pretoria, 19/.10/76. PRETORIA.-(2) Hendrik Lambert Botbma. (3) Lynnpark Fish and Chips, 293 Lynnwood Road, Menlo Park, Pretoria. (4) ale. (5) Joannis panidis. (6)-. (7) chwartz Goldblatt Bloch & Gross, Charter House, 179 Bosman treet, Pretoria, 12/10/76. FOCHVlLLE.-(2) Efstathios Panayiotou. (3) Village uper Market, Oos-Driefontein, Leeuwpoort, Fochville. (4) Verlooop. (5) Peter Diamantogianis. (6)-. (7) Philip M4l.tthee &!Ge.; Prokureuf!!, aridangeoou, Posbus 4, Fochville, 20/10/76. RANDFONTEIN.-(2) Ridhard Harris Hattingh. (3) Pandjieswinkel en bekleders. (4) Verkoop. (5) John Huyser. (6)-. (7) Jan van Deventer, Posbus 211, Randfontein, 12/10/76. JOHANNEBURG.-(2) Manuel Fernandes (:oeiho. (3) General dealer, cafe keeper and fish frier, Omega Cafe, oorner of t Domingo treet and Elmo Avenue, Mayfair West, Johannesburg. (4) ale. (5) Jaime Da ilva Vieira. (6)-. (7) J. Fine, Attorney for Parties, 166/1 hakespeare House, 114 Commi<ioner treet, Johannesburg, 21/10 /76. LICHl'ENBURG.-(2) Lourens Lemmer. Bosman. (3) Alastair Webster Apteek, Mellvillwttaat 70, Lichtenburg. (4) Verandering van naam en adres. (5) 'Lourens Bosman. (6) Lourie Bosman Apteek, Melvillestraat 82, Lichtenburg. (7) T. P. Taylor & Vennore, O.lengebou, Buchananstraat, Posbus 139, Lichtenburg, 21/10/76. LICHTENBURG.-(2) Johannes Marthinus Louw. (3) Bantoe Eethuis, Kea Rena, Gedeeke 80 ('n gedeel(e van Gedeelte 38), plaas Elandsfontein 34, Registrasieafdeling IP, Tv!. (4) Vervreemding. (5) Philippus AJ..bertus Kirstein. (6)-. (7) Bosman & Bosman, Prokureurs vir Partye, Posbus I, Lichtenburg, 2740, 21/10/76. PRING.-,-(2) Demetrios Kapothanasis, Efstratios Moutafis and Menelaos Moutafis. (3) Plastic Bubbles, 2 Powel' treet, Brakpan. (4) Dissolution of Partnership, (5) Efstratios Moutafis and MeneIaos Moutafis. (6)-. (7) Charles herman, Levin & Prosser, First Floor, Rand Centre, Fourth treet, P.O. Box 886, prings, 26/10/76. POTCHEFTROOM.-(2} Francisco Gonsalves Chadinha. (3) Die Bult Vrugte- en Groentewinkel en Die Bult Vis- en Aartappelwinkel, beide te Vonwiellighstraat 46, Potchefstroom. (4) Verkoop. (5) Celestino Rodriques do Pinheiro en Antonio PhilHpe do Pinheiro. (6)-. (1) Thiel, Theron & Le Grange, Posbus 200, Potchefstroom, 25/10/76. JOHANNEBURG.-(2) Nicos Nicolaou. (3) Olympic Food Centre, 87 Broadway, Bezuidenhouts Valley, Johannesburg.; (4) ale. (5) Costantinos Panagakos. (6)-. (7) Jacobs Heckroodt & Bosman, Attorneys for the Parties, 2 Myrtle Court, 23 West treet, Kempton Park... GROBLERDAL.-(2) Wilberg Uitrusters (Edms.) Bpk. (3) Die port entrum, Vanriebeeckstraat 105, Groblers~aI. (4~ yerkoop. (5) Ida Valerie Vermaak en AnnaCatharma Cilhers. (6)-0 (1) Fleetwood R. Grobler, Posbus 40, Groblersdal, 25/ 10/76, POTGIETERRU.-(2) Jacobus Hendrik Coetzee. (3) Kafeebesigheid, Die Hoekie, 15de Laan, Uitbreiding 2, Potgletersrus. (4) Verkoop. (5) Emil Natorp. (6)-. (7) Louis Botha,. Van Omelen & Potgieter, PosbUs 98, Voortrekkerweg 88, Potgletersrus, 25/10/76, -3,.

66 f Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 No. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 1976 JOHANNEBURG.-(2) Gail BosswelL (3) alon Rozila, 17 Anne treet, andringham, Johanne6burg. (4) ale. (5) John Levy. (6)-. (7) J. T. Lenlzner, for H. Miiller, Ackermann & Bronstein, Attorneys for the Parties, ixth Floor, Century Insurance Buildings, corner of Kruis and Market treets Johan nesburg. CAPE-KAAP WELLINGTON.-(2) Maria Magdalena Kilian, boorn Nel, married out of community of property to Lawrence Andries Kilian. (3) Fontein Vissery. 11 F,ountain treet, Wellington. (4) ale. (5) Gerbardus Cornelius de Jager, tucki treet, Welling ton. (6)~. (7) Philip arembock & Lewis, Attorneys for the Parties, 17 Church treet, Wellington, C.P., 22/10/76. KIMBERLEY.-(2) Charl Frederik mit. (3) New Park Fish and Chips, Halkettweg 28, Kimberley. (4) Verkoop. (5) Petrus Jacobus van der Berg en Petronella Magrietha van der Berg. (6)-. (7) Chris J. erfontein, Desnic portgebou, Ou Hoofweg 3, Pasbu,; 1055, Kimberley. TUTrERHEIM.-(2) Noel David James. (3) tutt Hard ware, Long treet, tutterbeim. (4) ale. (5) Denis Clyde Board man. (6) Boardman's Hardware. (7) Elliott Brothers, Grey quare, P.O. Box 67, tutterheim. KRAAIFONTEIN.-(2) Peter & John alis. (3) Windsor Bazaar and Cafe, Yorkweg, Kraaifontein. (4) Verkoop. (5) ed rick Haralambos Chicolis. (6)-. (7) Pierre du Plessis & Mostert, Piet Retiefslraat 13, Malmesbury, 8/10/76. PORT ELIZABETH.-(2) Enid Robinson. (3) Hairdressing salon, alon Yvette, 121 Main Road, Walmer. (4) ale. (5) Leah Roup. (6)-. (7) B. D. D. Gibson, Attorney for Parties, 64 Main treet, Port Elizabeth.. BELLVILLE.~(2) Mogamat Noor Abdurahman. (3) Bellville outh Moslem Butchery, 20a Modderdam Road, Bellville outh, Cape. (4) Alienation. (5) Abubaker Abbas. (6)-. (7) Prisman & Wilson, Attorneys for the Parties, 812 Huguenot Chambers, Queen Victoria treet, Cape Town, 19/10/76. PAARL-(2) Philip Katz. (3) The Crown Bar, 445 Main treet, Noorder Paarl. (4}--. (5) tavros Bonos. (6)-. (7) Faure & Faure, 210 Main treet, Paarl, 26/10/76. NATAL PINETOWN.-(2) Alexander Mitchell Brown. (3) Cafe or restaurant, general dealer and hawker, The Percolator Restaurant, outhern House, 46 Hill treet, Pinetown. (4) ale. (5) John Vernon Arrowsmith. (6)-. (7) McClung, Goudge & Mustard, Drewbar House, 5 Windsor Road, Pinetown, Natal, 20/10/76, BOTHA' HILL.-(2) Michael oulellas. (3) Cafe or. restaurant, general dealer, Botha's Hill Greengrocers, 115 Old Main Road, Botha's Hill, Natal. (4) ale. (5) Dimitreos MarageHs. (6)-. (7) McClung, Goudge & Mustard, Drewbar House, 5 Windsor Road, Pinetown, Natal, 26/10/76. DURBAN.-(2) Joao Dias Homen de Gouveia. (3) Kingston Tea Room, hop 3, 39 Park treet, Durban. (4) ale. (5) Joao Baptista Fernandes. (6)-. (7) E. B. King, Lyne & Co., P.O. Box 559, Durban, 4000, 19/10/76. DURBAN.-(2) crewbute (Ply) Ltd. (3) cala Pharmacy Extension, 81 Lancers Road, Durban. (4) Disposal. (5) Abercom Pharmacies (Pty) Ltd. (6)-. (7) Wartski, Greenberg & Partners, Applicant's Attorneys, P.O. Box 2188, Durban, 19/10/76. DURBAN.-(2) Devchand Jeevan Nathoo. (3) Eagle Metal Creations. 46c Teakwood Road, Jacobs. (4) ale. (5) Devchand Jeevan Nathoo, (6)--. (7) Levy. Legator, McKenna & Herr, 21st Floor, Eagle Buildings, 357 West treet, Durban, 5/11/76. O.F..-O V.. KROONTAD.-(2) Ohristo Frederik de Munnik. (3) Chris. mun Mot{)rs, Presidentstraat 32, Kroonstad. (4) Verkoop. (5) Johan Wilhelm Christiaan Kruger. (6}--. (7) G. P. Botha, Yazbek & Joo:>te, Posbus 51, Kroonstad. COMPANY NOTICE-MAATKAPPYKENNIGEWI NG TRANVAAL THE AOCIATED MANGANEE MINE OF OUTH AFRICA LTD CLOING OF TRANFER BOOK AND REGITER OF MEMBER Notice is hereby given that the transfer books and register of members will be closed from 13 to 19 November 1976, both days inclusive, for 'the purpose of determining those members entitled to attend and v{)te at a general meeting convened for 19 November 1976 at which resolutions will be proposed to cancel the Company's share premium account and transfer it to n{)n dj,stributable reserves, By Order of the Board.-Anglo Transvaal Consolidated Investment Company Ltd, ecretaries, per J.. de Waal, Johannesburg, 27/10/76. AFC INVETMENT LTD NOTICE TO MEMBER Notice is hereby given that for the purpose of determining those members entitled to attend and vote at the Company's meeting of ordinary shareholders, other than African. Finance Corporation Ltd, and the annual general meeting to be held on 16 Noyember 1976, the transfer books and register of mem bers will be closed from 10 to 16 Nm1'ember 1976, both days inclusive. By Order of the Board.-African Finance Corporation Ltd, ecretaries, per T. K. avage. Registered office: 86 Main treet, Johannesburg, Transfer office: AFC Registrars Ltd, Eighth Floor, Hollard Place, 71 Fox treet, Johannesburg, 2001, 22/10/76. BELLGOLD TNVETMEJ'.Il (PTY) LTD NOTICE OF PECIAL REOLUTION TO WIND UP VOLUNfARILY Pursuant to section 356 (2) (b) of the Companies Act, 1973, notice is hereby given that at a special general meet:ing of share!holders held at Johannesburg, on 21 July 1976, it was resolv~ ~hat. the Company be voluntary wound up as a mem bershquldatl,on. It was further resolved that Norman ifris of Ip14 Central, 165 Jeppe treet, Johannesburg, be apl'olllted ltquldator of the Company and that subject to the consell't of the Master of the upreme Court, the said liqui. dator be exempted from furnishing security for the performance of his duties.~18/1o/76. i I l. ANGLO ALPHA CEMENT LTD CLOING OF HARE AND TRANFER REGITER Notice is hereby given that for purpo:>es of the annual general meeting of shareholders t'o be held at Anglovaal House, 56 Main treet, Johannesburg, on Monday, 25 October 1976, at 12hoo, the register of members and share transfer books of the Company will be closed fmm J2 October to 25 October 1976, both days inc111<;ive.-r. J. Dent, ecretary, We~bank House, 222 mit treet, Braamfontein, J{)hannesburg, UNI VAKANIE (EDM.) BPK. VRYWILLIGE LIKWIDAIE Kennis geskied hiermee dat op 'n buitengewone algemene vergadering van lede van Uni Vakansie (Edms.) Bpk., gehou te Pretoria op 25 Oktober 1976, die volgende spesiale besluit geneem is: "Dat die Maatskappy vrywillig gelikwideer word kragtens arti kel 349 (b) van die Maatskappywet, 1973, soos gewysig.". Op las van die Direksie.~Badenhorst & Kie., 25/10 /76. TANDARD BANK INVETMENI CORPORAnON LTD (Incorporated in the Republic of outh Africa) ORDINARY HARE INTERIM DIVIDEND 14 Notice is hereby given that the transfer book and register of ordinary shareholders will be closed from 20 November 1976 to 28 November 1976, both days inclusive, for the purpose of determining the shareholders entitled to the payment of the dividend. By Order of the Board.-C. W. Bjerry, Groupecre tary. Registered office: 27th Floor, tandard Bank Centre, 78 Fox treet, Johannesburg. LIBRlLYNN (EDM.) BPK. (Registrasie 71/07559) PEIALE BELUIT GENEEM OP 13 OKTOBER 1976, INGE VOLGE ARTIKEL 349 (b) VAN DIE MAATKAPPYWET, 1973 Be$luit: 1. Dat aangesien d!ie Maatskappy nie meer besigheid doen nie en ook geen skuldeisers het nie, dit in vrywillige likwidasie geplaas word.

67 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998.' TAATKOERANT, 5 NOVEMBER 1976 No. 2. Dat Willem Petrus van der Merwe as likwidateur genomineer word. 3. Dat dit nie vereis word dat W. P. van der Merwe sekuriteit as likwidateur moet verskaf nie en dat daarvan afgesien word vir doeleindes van artikel 375 van die Maatskappywet, 1973, soos gewysig.-j. J. van chaik, Direkteur, Posbus 738, Pretoria, LOCK JOINT PIPE COMPANY OUTH AFRICA (PTY) LTD NOTICE OF VOLUNTARY WINDING UP IN TERM OF ECTION 356 (2) OF THE COMPANIE ACT, 1973 A AMENDED ' Be plea~ to take notice t~at Lock Joint Pipe Company outh Africa (pty) Ltd by special resolution, dated 22 October 1976, has been wound up voluntarily in a members' voluntary winding up in terms of section 350 of the above Act.-Bowman Gilfillan & Blacklock, Attorneys to the Company, P.O. Bo~ 1397, Johannesburg, AFRICAN AND OVEREA ENTERPRIE LTD (Incorporated in the Republic of outh Africa) NOTICE OF DIVIDEND 24 ON ORDINARY AND A ORDINARY (NON-VOTING) HARE Notice is hereby given to shareholders that a dividend of 21c per share has this day been declared in respect of the year ended 30 June 1976, on the ordinary and A ordinary (non-voting) shares. The dividend will be payable on or about 10 December 1976, to all shareholders of the above classes of shares. registered in the books of the Company at the close of busmess on 19 November The ordinary and A ordinary share registers will be closed from 20 November to 26 November 1976, both days inclusive. By Order of the Board. N. C. Gillard, ectretary. Transfer secretaries: yfrets-ual Registrars (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 61178, Marshalltown, Tvl, 2107, 22/ 10/76. PLACON-EVAN PAINT LTD Notice is hereby given that. for the purpose of a dividend payment, the ordinary share transfer registers will be closed from 1 January to 7 January 1977, both days inclusive. By Order of the Board.-H. P. G. M. Klaassen, ecretary, Johannesburg, 2/11/76. KENNIGEWING IN TERME VAN ARTIKEL 62 (1) VAN DIE MAATKAPPYWET, 1973 Geliewe kennis te neem dat ALL NATION GOPEL PUBLIHER (PTy) LTD (No. 61/1798), 'n Maatskappy beperk deur garansie op 30 November 1976 'n vergadering sal beu: om 09hOO te Christoffelstraat 224, Pretoria-Wes, vir die :Deem van. 'n spesiale besluit ten einde (1) die Maatskappy te omskep in 'n maatsk.a.ppy sons beoog in artikel 21 van die Maatskappywet, 1973, en om die Mte van Oprigting dicnooreenkomstig te wysig; en (2) vir die wysiging van die naam na All Nations Gospel Publishers (ingelyfde vereniging sonder winsoogmerk) soos beoog in artikel49 (3) van die Maatskappywet, ' Delport nyrnan & De Jagor, Zanzagebou 801, Proesstraat 116, Pretoria. GERMEL PROPERTIE (PTY) LTD LIQUIDATION OF COMPANY Notice is hereby given that at a general meeting of shareholders held on 13 October 1976, the following resolutions were passed as special resolutions: (a) That the Company be wound up voluntarily in terms of section 349 (b) of the Companies Act, 1973, and that Alex Kier, be and he is hereby appointed liquidator in the voluntary winding up with all such powers and authorities as are ahowed in law. (b) That the liquidator's remuneration be fixed at R150 (one hundred and fifty rand). (c) That the security which the liquidator is to furnish to the Master of the upreme Court for the due petformanee of his duties be dispensed with in terms of section 375 (1) of the Companies Act, (d) That the liquidator be and he is hereby empowered to destroy all the books and records of the Company immediately after the final liquidation and distribution account has been passed by the Master of the upreme Court.-Union American Trust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 3825, Johannesburg, BOUMAT LTD DECLARATION OF DIVIDEND Notice is hereby given that (1) Interim Ordinary Dividend 40 of 8c per share was declared on 26 October 1976, payable to shareholders regis- tered in the books of the Company at the close of business on 7 January The share transfer register and register of members will be closed from 8 January 1977 to 21 January 1977, both days inclusive; (2) Preference Dividend 58 at the rate of 10 per cent per annum in respect of the six month period ending 31 December 1976, payable to preference shareholders, registered in the books of the Company at the close of business on 31 December The share transfer register and register of members will be closed from 3 January to 14 January 1977, both. days inclusive. Dividend warrants will be despatched on or about 28 January 1977, and Non-Resident hareholders' Tax of 15 per cent will be deducted where' applicable. By Order of the Board. aker's Management Company (Pty) Ltd, ecretaries, 12/10/16. BROMAIN HOLDING LTD DECLARATION OF DIVIDEND Notice is hereby given that an interim dividend of 3e per share has been declared in respect of the half-year ended 31 August 1976, and will be paid to the holders of ordinary shares registered as such at the close of business on 26 November In order to determine the shareholders entitled to the dividend, the ordinary transfer books and register of members of the Company will be closed from 27 November 1976 to 2 December 1976, both days inclusive. Dividend cheques will be posted on or about 3 December Non-Resident hareholders' Tax will be deducted where applicable. By Order of the Board.-Bromain Finance Corporation (Pty) Ltd, ecretaries, per W. J. harpe, 27/10/16. ROEDALE FINANCE AND INVETMENT COMPANY LTD NOTICE TO HAREHOLDER Notice is hereby given that it is the intention of the above Company to convert itself from a public company to a private company and to adopt new artjicles of a5ociation. The extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of the Company to be held for the passing of the required special res0 lutions will be held at Fifth Floor, teytler's Buildings, Loveday and Market treets, Johannesburg, at 12hOO on Tuesday, 30 November By Order of the Board.-Betty and Dickllcm, ecretaries, Johannesburg,'11 /76. PIDNEA COURT ~ LTD, in voluntary liqul.dation NOTICE OF REOLUTION Notice is hereby given in terms of section 356 (2) (b) of the Companies Act, 1973, ;\!hat at an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of Phineas Court (Pty) Ltd, held on 22 October 1976, it was resolved (1) that the Company be wound up voluntarily; (2) that James ampson Walker be appointed liquidator for the purpose of winding up the afia.lf and distributing the as>sets of the Company; (3) thattlle remunerdtion of the liquidator be fixed at R350; (4) that no security be required,to be furnished by dle liquidator.. J.. Walker, P.O. Box 6255, Johannesburg. TANDARD BANK PROPERTIE (GERMITON-LAW COURT BRANCH) LIMITBD (No. 69/17719) (which simultaneously with its conversion from a public company to a private eompany referred to below will change its DlIID.e to 5MB MANAGEMENT ERVICE LTD) The above-mentioned Company gives notice of its intention to hold a general meeting at 10h30, on 29 November 1976, at 27th Floor, tandard Bank Centre, 78 Fox treet, lohannesburg, to consider and. if deemed fit, to pass a special IeIIOlution in terms of which it will convert itself into a private eompany.-hayman, Godfrey & anderson, 94 Main treet, Joban, nesburg, 28/10/76.

68 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 No. GOVERNMENT GAZETfB, NOVEMBER ADINGRA ADCOCK~INGRAM INVETMENT LTD (Incorporated in the Republic of outh Africa) DIVIDEND 18 Notice is hereby given that a dividend at the rate of 9,76 per cent equivalent to 4, 8e per ful1y paid share and 0, 244c per partly paid (to the extent of 5 per cent) share, has been declared by the Directors in respect of the year ending 30 June 1977, payable in the currency of the Republic of outh Africa to hareholders, registered as such in the books of the Company at the close of business (5 p.m.) on Friday 12 November For the purpose of determining the hareholders entitled to such dividend, the transfer journal and register of members wil1 be closed from 13 to 24 November 1976, both days inclusive; and Dividend Warrants will be posted on, or about 27 Nobember In the case of hareholders whose registered addresses are outside the Republic of outh Africa, the dividend is subject to the deduction therefrom of Non-Resident hareholders' Tax at the rate of 15 per cent. Below is shown, with comparative figures relating to the previous year, the manner in which the aggregate amount of the above dividend (R426424) has been arrived at: This Company's share of Final Ordinary Divi~ dend 54, payable by Adcock-Ingram (Chemists) Ltd on 26 November Less: Provision for Estimated Expenses for the year ending 30 June October 1976 R October 1975 R Aggregate amount of Dividend... R R Dividend: Rate ,16% Cents per hare: Fully paid.... 4,08 Partly paid ,204 By Order of the Board, E. M. Jankelowitz, B.Com., C.A. (.A.), ecretary. 29 October Transfer ecretaries: Pollack, Josset & Co., Fourth Floor, Adcock Ingram House, 105 Quartz treet, Hillbrow, Johannesburg, KATZ & LOURIE LTD Directors: A. Katz, B.Com (Managing), D. E. Freeman, W. Abrahams, E. D. Katz,. Moss, B.Corn. C.A. (.A.). INTERIM PROFIT TATEMENT The consolidated unaudited profits of the company and its whollyowned subsidiaries for the six months ended 31 August 1976, compared with the results for the six months ended 31 August 1975, and for the 12 months ended 29 February 1976, are as follows: ix months to Twelve months to 31/8/76 31/8/75 29/2/76 R R R Consolidated Profit/Loss (5000) Less Taxation (-) (5000) Less Provision for half of the estimated loss for the year in the Property Owning ubsidiaries (8000) Profit/Loss after taxation (13000) INTERIM REPORT OF THE CHAIRMAN I am pleased to report that the upturn in trading activity has continued and turnover for the first six months of this year is 49 per cent higher than. in the same period last year. In particular, the jewellery and diamond business was active. The estimated profit of the trading sector over the past six months is R which is satisfactory. Unfortunately these results have been offset by the provision of the loss of R in the property-owning subsidiaries. Your directors after careful consideration have decided prudently to pass the interim dividend. Arnold Katz, Chairman. AVBOB MUrUAL AURANCE OCmTY NOTICE TO MEMBER Notice is hereby given that the Twenty Fifth General Meeting of Members will be held in the ociety's buildings, 216 Prince's Park A"enue, Pretoria, on Wednesday, 1 December 1976, at lohoo. The following business will be considered: (1) The reports of the directors and auditors, and the annual financial statements for the period ended 30 June (2) Election of directors. (3) The remuneration of the directors. (4) Election of auditors. (5) The remuneration of the auditors. (6) Any other business which may be transacted at a general Meeting.-B. J. Kruger, ecretary, 5/11/76. ONDERLINGE VEREKERINGGENOOTKAP A VBOB KENNIGEWING AAN LEDE Hierrnee word kennis gegee dat 'n buitengewone algemene vergadering gehou sal word op Woensdag, 1 Desember 1916, om 10h15, in die gebou van die Genootskap, Prinseparklaan 216, Pretoria. Die doel van die vergadering is om die regulasies van die Genootskap soos volg te wysig: 1. Regulasie l.-voeg in "Versekeringswet beteken ditl Versekeringswet, 1943 (Wet 27 van 1943), 8008 van tyd tot tyd gewysig". 2. Regulasie 66.-krap die woorde "artikel 90 van die Maatskappywet" en vervang deur die volgende: "Artikel 11 van die Versekeringswet en die regulasies daarkragtens uitgevaardig". 3. Regulasie 69.-Voeg die volgende woorde in na die woord "tyd" en voor die woord "wins", "inkomsterekenings en/of". 4. Regulasie 70.-8krap die woorde "mutatis mutandis van die Maatskappywet en die bepalings". Die doel van die beoogde wysigings is om die opstel van finansiille jaarstate van die Genootskap en die oudit van die rekeningkundige boeke ooreenkomstig die bepaling van yersekeringswet, 1943, te laat geskied.-b. J. Kruger, ekretans, 5/ 11/16. TRANVAAL CONOLIDATED LAND AND EXPLORATION COMPANY LTD (T.C.L.) (Incorporated in the Republic of outh Africa) For purposes of Dividend 74, declared on 28 October 1916, the register of members will be closed from 21 November to 5 December 1976, both days inclusive. By Order of the Board. Rand Mines Ltd, ecretaries, per M. B. Dunderdale, 5/11 /16. CAPE-KAAP TRUWORTH LTD (Incorporated in the Republic of outh Africa) NOTICE TO HAREHOLDER Notice is hereby given that the following dividends have been declared: 6,75 Per 1 Per Cent Cent Redeem- Ordinary Cumulative c'::'~%rve Oc f/ares Preference Prefere:Ce R2 Rl hores hares Dividend No Rate % 6,75%pa. 1% pa Cents per share ,75 3,5 Period Final to! year to! year to 30/6/76 31/12/76 31/12/16 Last date for registration i12/16 10/12/76 10/12/76 Register closed (inclusive dates) December December December Oleques will be posted... 31/12/76 4/2/71 4/2/11 By Order of the Board.-N. K. Tedder, ecretary. Registered Office: 41 Keerom treet, Cape Town, October 1976.

69 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February faatkoerant,--n'ovember 1976 EVEREADY OUTH JrFRICA LTD (Incorporated in the Republic of outh Africa) Directors: R. G. Allin (Chairman and Managing Director), J. M. Young, H. A. Parnell, J. A. C. McIntosh, M. H. Johnson, B; C. Ralph'". *British. INTERIM TATEMENT OF PROFIT The Directors announce the following unaudited results for the six months ended 31 August ix months ix months Year ended ended ended 31/8/ /8/ /2/1976 R R R Profit before Taxation Taxation Profit after taxation... Rl Rl R It is proposed to declare an interim dividend of 3,5 c per share (1975 equivalent 3 c) during December 1976, payable on 11 February 1977 to shareholders registered in the books of the Company at close of business on 7 January The increase in the interim dividend does not imply that the final dividend will necessarily be increased. igned on behalf of the Board. R. G. Allin, Chairman. J. A. C. McIntosh, Director. Eveready Road; (P.O. Box 3191), Port Elizabeth, 22 October 1976 PIONEER POOL (PTY) LTD REOLUTION OF VOLUNTARY WINDING-UP AND APPOINTMENT OF A LIQUIDATOR Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of the Company held on 12 October 1976, it was resolved (1) that the Company be wound-up voluntarily; (2) that Frank Fabian be appoirrted as liquidator for the purposes of winding-up the Company. Frank Fabian, Burleigh House, 24 Barrack treet, Cape Town, 20/10/76. GILFIX CONTRACTOR LTD CONVERION OF PUBLIC TO PRIVA'IE COMPANY It is resolved that authority be and is hereby granted for Gilfix 90ntractors oonvert it~ from a public CIOIDpany to a pnvate company 1D 1(eI111B of section 22 of the Companies ~ct, No. 61 Of It ios intended to pass this special resolution at the offices of the Company, Elta House, Ca1edondian Road, Mowbray, Cape, on 13 December '1976. By Order of the Board.-'-M. P. K. Johnon, ecretary, 16/9/16. MALVA INVETMENT (PTY) LTD MINUTE OF A MEETING OF DIRECTOR OF HARE HOLDER HELD AT CAPE TOWN ON 20 OCTOBER 1976 Whereas notice in terms of section 199 (1) of the Companies Act, No. 61 of 1973, has been waived, it is now resolved by this meeting of directors and shareholders that...;.. (1) the Company be wound up voluntarily in terms of section 349 (b) of the Companies Act, No. 61 of 1973; (2) Barry Curtis mith be appointed as liquidator of the Company and that his remuneration be fixed at R 100; (3) no security shall be required in respect of the liquidator's performance of his duties; (4) the liquidator shall be authorised to dispose of the records of the Company in terms of section 419 (1) of the Companies Act, No. 61 of L. Hampton and M. M. J. Hampton, BONMORE INVETMENT LTD (Incorporated in the Republic of outh Africa) NOTICE TO HAREHOLDER Notice is hereby given that Final Dividend 18 of 11,2c per share has been declared payable to shareholders registered in the books of the Company at the close of business on 31 December The transfer books and register of members will be closed from 3 January to 14 January 1977, both days inclusive, and dividend cheques will be posted on or about 14 January By Order of the Board.-D. J. Opie, ecretary. Registered office: 47 Keerom treet, Cape Town, 8001, P.O. Box 600, Cape Town, 8000,29/10/76. OCTHA HOLDING (PTY) LTD (No. 65/9577) NOTICE OF PECIAL REOLUTION TO WThID UP VOLUNTARILY Notice is hereby given in terms of section 356 (2) (b) of the Companies Act, 1973, that the Company passed a special resolution on 8 October 1976, that it be wound up voluntarily in terms of section 349 (b) of the Companies Act, being a member's voluntary winding up. By Order of the Board.-Dr N. O. Thaning, Director, 707 Cape Town Centre, Adderley treet, Cape Town, L792/76, 27/10/76. rtatal COMPANY REPORT CROOKE BROTHER LTD Directors: T. C. B. Crookes (Chairman/Managing), C. L. Crookes, D. V. Crookes, P. 1. M. Crookes, I. F. G. GillaU, 1. Moodie. INTERIM REPORT, 1976 As sugar cane is a seasonal crop and dividends from investments are not received at regular intervals the profit figures shown are half the estimated profits for the current year and half the actual profits of last year. April April ept. ept ' Group results: Agricultural profit before tax... ; Investment income Total..., Taxation Group net profit R R Earnings per share , Oc 24,5c Number ofshares in issue Interim dividend , 5c I 6c The current year's profit estimate has been based on the following assumptions: Estimate Actual Cane crop-tons ucrose production-tons Proceeds per ton sucrose R93 04 R97 75 Estimated investment income has assumed that previous dividend rates will be maintained. Whereas the estimated cane crop shows an increase of 18,64 per cent over last season the corresponding increase in sucrose tonnage is 12,94 per cent. This is due to the estimated sucrose per cent cane of 12,50 this year being the lowest since season INTERIM DIVIDEND An interim dividend of 7,5c per share will be paid on Friday, 21 January 1977 to shareholders registered in the books of the company at the close of business on Friday 31 December The transfer books and register of members will be closed from 1 January 1977 to 16 January 1977, both dates inclusive. In terms of the Income Tax Act of 1962, as amended, Non-Resident hareholders' Tax of 15 per cent will be deducted from divldends payable to shareholders whose addresses are outside the Republic of outh Africa.. For and on behalf of the Board.-T. C. B. Crookes, Chairman. C. L. Crookes, Director. Renishaw, 4181, Natal. 22 October TIIE TONGAAT GROUP LTD PRELIMINARY NOTICE OF PART REDEMPTION OF 6,5 PER CENT REDEEMABLE CUMULATIVE PREFERENCE HARE In terms of the conditions of 'issue, ,5 Per Cent Redeemable Cumulative Preference hares are to be redeemed on 31 March To determine which shares are to be so redeemed, a drawing will take place at the head office of the Company on 6 December 1976, and for this purpose notice is hereby given that the register of preference shareholders will be closed from 27 November to 6 December 1976, both days inclusive.. Registered holders of shares drawn for redemption will be notified of the fact in writing and such shares will cease to rank for dividend after 31 March By Order of the Board. -D. G. Aitken, Group ecretary, Maidstone, 4380, Natal /76,

70 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February No. GOVERNMENT OAZETTB. 5 NOVEMBER 1976 LIQUIDATOR' AND OTHER APPOINTEE' NOTICE LIKWIDATEUR EN ANDER AANGETELDE E KEN NIGEWI NG Notices by liquidators and other appointees such as executors, judicia! managers, trustees, eurators or tutors, of appointntellts. meetings, accounts, claims, leave of absence, releases, ete. Kellnisgewings <leur likwidateurs en ander aangesteides soos eksekuteurs, geregtehke bestuurders, trustees, kuratoi:s of voogde, van aado litelung5, vergaderings" rckeninge, eise, verlof, vrysteuings, ens. NATAL T942/76-E. WEBBER HOLDING (PrY) LTD.-Notice iii hereby given that Arnold Dagut has boon appointed liquidator of E. Webber Holdings (Pty) Ltd, in voluntary liquidation. Manlev Trust Ltd, econd Floor, tandard Bank Ohmnbers, 33 Troye treet, Johannesburg. DEED: LOT DOCUMENT Notice is hereby given in tenns ofthe Deeds Registry Act, No. 47 of 1937, tbat the following applieants intend applying for a certified copy of the document(s) Damed and tbat all persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby requested to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at the place mentioned within three weeks (and within five weeks in the case of.w.a.) from the last publication of the notice.. The information is given in the following order: (l) Township or district, division, county; (2) document(s) in question with number and date; (3) passed by; (4) in favour of (and in ease of bonds, the amount); (5) in respect ofcertain (description, number, situation. extent and/or further details); (6) applicant and/or his agent with address and date; (1) ol{jectiom to be lodged with the Registrar of Deeds at. AKTE: VERLORE DOKUMENTE Kennis word hiermee gegee ingevolge die Registrasie van Aktes Wet, No.47van 1937, datdievolgendeapplikantevoornemens isomaansoek Ie doen vir 'n gesertifiseerde afskrif van die genoemde dokument (e) en dat aile persone wat teen die uitreiking van sodanige afskrif beswaar maak hiermee versoek word om dit skriftetik in te dien by die Registrateur van Aktes te genoemde plek, binne drle welte (en binne vyf 'Welte in die geval van.w.a.) na die laaste publikasie van die kennisgewing. Die inugting word verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Dorpsgebied of distrlk, afdeling, county; (2) onderbawige dokument(e) met nommer en datum; (3) gegee deur; (4) ten gunste van (en in gevalle van verbande, die bedrag); (5) ten opsigte van sekere (beskrywing, nommer, Jigging, grootte en/of verdere besonderbede); (6) applikant en/of sy agent met adres en datum; (7) besware in te dien by die Reglstraleur van Aktes teo TRANVAAL KRUGERDORP.-(2) Akte van Transport F1678J28. gedateer 21/4/28. (3)-. (4) PhiHppus Jacobus Reinecke, Johannes Gerbardus Reinecke, Barend Harmse, Petrus Dirk Reinecke, Cornelis Rudolf Reinecke. Petronella Jacoba Maria Reinecke, Christoffel Hendrik Reinecke, en Elizabeth Johanna Reinecke. (5) Ben-halwe aandeel in (a) Erl 16, in die dorpsgebied Wes-Krugersdorp, Registrasieafdeling IQ, Tvl., groot 565 vierkante meter; en (b) Erf 17, in die dorpsgebied Wes-Krugersdorp, Registrasieafdeling IQ, Tv!., groot 565 vierkante meter. (6) J. B. Hugo & Cronje. Alliedgebou, Humanstra:at 43, Krugersdorp, 22/10/76. (1) Registrateur van Randdorpe, Johannesbuxg. KRUGERDORP.-(2) Akte van Transport F4868/31, gedateer 12/10/31. (3)-. (4) Philippus Jacobus Reinecke. Johannes Gerhardus Reinecke, Barend Harmse, getroud in gemeenskap van goedere met Jacoba Isabella HamlllC, gebore Reinecke, Petrus Dirk Reinecke, CorneHs Rudolf Reinecke, William mith, getroud in gemeensk:ap van goedere met Petronella Jacoba Maria mith, gebore Reinecke, Christoffel Hendrik Reinecke, en Elizabeth Johauna Reinecke. (5) Een-halwe aandeel in (a) Erf 16, in die dorpsgebied Wes-Krugersdorp, Registntsieafdeling IQ, Tvl., groot 65 vierkante meter; en (b) Erf 17, in die dorpsgebied W~KrugersdQrp, Registrasieafdeling IQ, Tvl., groot 565 vierkante meter. (6) 1. B. Hugo & Cronje, Prokureurs vir Applibnte, Alliedgebou, Huma.nstraat 43, Krugersdorp, 22/10j76. (7) Registrateur van Randdorpe, Johannesbuxg. RUTENBURG.-(2) Deed of Transfer 6810/1932, dated IlOI 32. (3) Abraham Jacobus Coetzee on behalf of Dirk 1acobus Coetzee. (4) Andreas eepi. (5) Portion 12 of Portion 1 of the farm Kookfontein 265, Rustenburg, registration Division JQ, Tvl, measuring 22,5162 hectares. (6) Van Yelden-Duffey, 31/45 teen treet, Private Bag X82082, Pretoria, 5/11/16. (1) Pretoria. UITENHAGE.-(2) Deed of Tni.nsfer 13137, dated 2/10/61. (3)-. (4) Edgar Jesse Godfrey Crews. (5) Certain piece of extinguished quitrent oland being the remaining extent of the farm anson's Kraal, now known as Hogbam Park, situate in the Division of Uitenhage, measuring 1021,9398 hectares. (6) Pagden Christian Hanley & Parkin, Attorueys for the Applicant, 81 Main treet, Port Elizabeth, 19/10/76. (7) Cape Town. POTCHEFTROOM.-(2) Akte van Transport T22694/1%7, gedateer 28/6/67. (3)-. (4) tephanus Jacobus van taden, gebore op H. (5) Resterende gedeelte van Erf 309, gelee in die dorp Potooefstroom, Registrasieafdeling IQ, Tvl.. groot as sodanig vierkante voet (1701 vierkante meter). (6) Fleisctrack:s, Prokureurs vir Applikant, Cosmyasentrum, Kerkstraat 171. Posbus 64, Potchefstroom, 15/10/76. (7).pretoria. WIET ACRE.-(2) Certificate of IRegisteced Title T35{)5/ 1975, dated 21/10/75. (3) Gys Albcrtus Wilhelmus Meyer. (4) Natal Building ociety (Permanent). (5) [P,ortion 2 of Ef\f 61, situate in the Township of West Acres, Registration Division IT, Tvl, measuring square m~trc6. (6) olomon & Nirolson, Attorneys, econd Floor, N:B;5,. Buildings, 25' Pretorius treet, Pretoria, 1/10n6. (1) Pretoria.: TURFFONTEIN.-(2) Deed of Transfer F4702/1%5, dated 13/4/65. (3)-. (4) Reniec Cltristiaan Cloete. born on 9/8/13. (5) IErf 601, Township of Turffontein, Registration Division IR. Tvl, measuring 495 square metres. (6) Le Roux, Mathews & Du Plessis, Attorneys on behalf of Applieant, Lipper.! House, 104 Pritchard treet, Johannesburg, 20/10/76. (7) Rand Townships Re~rar,Johannesb~ JOHANNEBURG.-(2) Deed of Tran-sfer F1254/1958, dated 18/2/58. (3)-. (4) Renier Christiaan Cloele, born on 9/8/13. (5) 'Erf 600, Township of Turffontein, Registration Division IR, Tvl, measuring 495 square metres. (6) Le Raux, Mathews & Du Plessis, Applicant's Attorneys, 10th Floor, Lipper.! HoUf;, ~04 Pritchard treet, Jo:hannesburg, 20/10/76. (7) Rand Townships Registrar, Jobannesbwg. BUH HILL EI'ATELANDBOUHOEWE.-,{2) Aide van Transport 18127/1969, gedateer 9/5/69. (3)-. (4) Joyce Heather mit (5) Hoewe 79, Bush Hill Estatelandbouhoewes, Registrasieafdeling IQ, Tvl.. distrik RoOOepoort, groot 3,21 2 hektaar. (6) utherland Van der Wesihuizen & Opperman, Vierdc Verdieping, Longsbankgebou, hock: van Rissik- en Breestraat, Johannesburg, 21/10/16. (7) Pretoria. BRONKHORl'PRUIT.-(2) NotariWe Akte van erwituut K289fl974, gedateer 13(2f14. (3) Parldon Charles Winters, gebore op 14/6138. (4) Elektrisiteitsvoorsieningskommissie. (5) 'n erwituut van ewigdurende reg om elektrisiteit te lei oor (a) die resterende gedeelte van Gedeelte 26 (gedeelte van Gedeelte 5) van die plaas Ja.khalsfontein 528. Registra'ieafdeling JR, Tvl., grom 70,0772 hektaar; en (b) Gedeelte 68 (gedeejte van Gedeelte 15) van die plaas Nooitpdacllt 525, Registrasieafdeling JIt, Tvl., grom 59,1812 hek(;a:ar. gebou kragtcns Akte van Transport T1l39/1962, gedat.eeir 8/6162, delh' middel van drade of kabels of ander toebehore ondergronds 'of bogronds langs 'n roete nog bepaal to word, tesame met bykomende regte. (6) Kemp & De Beer. Hallmarkgebou 221, Proesstl'aat, Pretoria, 26/10/76. (7) Pretoria. WELTEVREDEN.-(2) Akte van Transport T21115/1972, gedateer 2/8/72. (3)-. (4) Hercules Grewar Bierman, gebore op 3/6/31. (5) Gedeelte 18 Cn gedecue van gedeeue) van die plaas Weltevreden 227, Registrasieafdeling JR, Tv!., groot 39,4034 hektaar. (6) Dyason, Prokureur vir Applikant. aambougebou 60, Andriesstraat 227, Pretoria, 0002,29/10/76. (7) Pretoria. WOLMARANTAD-UITBREIDING.-(2) Verbandakte gedateer 2613/53. (3) Nicolaas Johannes Wiese, geboee op li/2/24. (4) Anna Elizabeth Maas, gebore op 2~J1.1/3~. meerderjarige jongedogter, R9oo. (5) (a) Erf 539, gelee 10 die dorp Wolmaransstad-uitbreiding, Registrasieafdeli!l~ HO, Tvl. groot 2761 vierkante meter. (b) En 540, gelee in die dorp Wolmara.nsstad-uitbreiding, Registrasieafdeling HO, Tvl., groot 2453 VIerkante meter. (6) Tim du Toit & Kie. Ingelyf, Volkskasgebou 1~2, Vanderwaltstraat 229, Posbus 834. Pretoria, 28/10/76. (7) Pretona.

71 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 TAATKOEB.ANT. NOVEMBBR 1976 No IOHANNEBURG.-(2) Deed of Tl'aasfcr 8168/1971, dated l/3/71. (3)-. (4) Olga Hoefler Hoefler on 29( 3/07. (5) Ed 137, Mom.ingaide Extension 10 Township, Registration Division IR., Tvt, measuring squa:re metres. (6) Webber, Wentzel & Co Attorneys foe Applicant, tandard Bank: Centre, 78 Fox treet, JohaDnesb~.!.O/16. (1) Pretoria.. BARBERTON.-(2) Deed of T: TI683/1921 dated (3) Frederick mith Wolter. (4) The wedish Ailiance Mis lon. (5) (a~ tand 1701,.Bat:berton, Reaistration Division JU, N, measunng un square roods 132 square feet (1 469 square metres). (b) tand 1706, Barberton, Registtation Division ru Tvl, measuring 114 square roods 143 squa1'e feet (1641 squar: metres. ('I Adams &. Adams. P.O. Box Pretoria, 26/1Of76. (7) Pretona. CAPE-KAAP T.RAND.-(2) Tl'1lII8pOItiakte 10313, pdateer 23/4110. (3)-. (4) Magdalena Francina de lager, phont De Villiers op 3/6/13, wedowee. eker stuk grand,. aetee in die Munisipaliteit van ng tehenboscb, synde _ reslant van Ed 1730, trand, groat as sulks 416 viertante meter. (6) D. P. de Klerk &: Van Gend, Prokureurs, Posbus 1857, Kaapstad, 8000, 21110/16. (7) Kaapstad. OUDTHOORN.-(2) Deed of Transfer 4404, dated 30/3/55. (3)-. (4) John William Hermanowita van der Vee.n, born on 22/7/15. (5) Certain aboli!hed quitrent land situate in the Division of Oudtshoorn, being Portion 40 (a portion of Purtion 2) of the farm De Kombuys 28, measuring 127,6124 hectares. (6) Pocock &. Bailey, 117 (lnuch tleet, OudtshOOrn, 19/10/16. (7) Cape Town. KENHARDT.-(2) Transportakte 13J84, gedateer 16/8/5. (3)-. (4) Jacobus Johannes Nicolwls Lourens, gebore op 26/7/ 20. (5) Die restant van seier stuk grand gelee in die afdeling Kenhardt, synde De Rust, "n gedeelte van N'R.ougas Zuid, groat 1113,637 6 hektaar. (6) Malan &. Vennote, Posbus 27, Upington, 19/10/76. (7) Kaapstad, PORT ELJZABETH.-i2) Transportakte 16234, gedateer 23/ 12/43. (3)-. (4) Livingstone Ntibane Mzimba, in sy boedanigheid as die moderator van die inode 'ftd die Presbyterian amn:h of Africa. (5) ckere stnk grond synde Gedeelte I van Erf 408, Bethelsdorp, gelee in die plaaslike bestuursgebied Bethelsdorp, afdeling Port Elizabeth groat 4047 vierkante meter. (6) Delport & Delport, Volksk on, Hoofstraat 523, Posbus 3125, Port Elizabeth, 19/ Kaapstad. CALITZDORP.-(2) Verbandakte 739/75, gedateer 23/1/75, (3) Louis Hendrik Krause, pore op 3011/21. (4) John Edward William Claassen, gebore op 9}l2/194, RtlOO plus R200 addisionelebedrag. (5) eker stuk opgehefte erfpaggrond, gelee in die afdeling Calitzdorp, synde Gedee1te 79 van die plaas Jan Fouries Kraal 31, groot 372,8769 hektaar, phou kragtens Transportakte 957/76, gedateer 26/1/76. (6) PoCock &. Bailey, Kerkstraat 117, Posbus 58, Oudtshoom, 19! (7) Kaapstad.. VRYBURG.-(2) Kansellasie van Al:te van Verband 463/1942, gedateer 19/12/42. (3) Hendrik A.Ibertus Beukes, gebore op 1519/08. (4) Nicolaas George Pheiffer, gebore op 10/1'1894, Rl 100. (5)-. (6) Visser & Pickup, Prokureurs vir Applitant, DeItockstraat 47, Posbus 77, Vryburg, 8600, 12/10/76. (7) Vryburg. CAPE TOWN.-(2) Mortgage Bond 9392, dated 2511/60. (3) Banahoudien aban, born on 4/5106. (4) Annie Dora alo, born A-tkins on 18/11/to,, married out of community of property to Manfred alo and ceded simuhlmeomly to A.F.X. Indents (outh Africa) (Pty) Ltd, on 25n!(I), li a second mortgage bond. (5) Certain,piece of tecleemed quitrent land, situate in the City of Cape Town. Cape Division. boing Erf Cape Town at Wynberg in t Kilda lhdi:ri.ded Estate, held by Deed of Transfer 11387, dated 2nlfJO, meaa:ming 750 square feet. (6) R. Asher&On &; AshersoD. Appli.cant. Attorneys, 34 Plein treet, Cape Town, 15/10/76. (7) Cape TeJIWD.; BELLVILLE.-{2} Deed of Transfer 23 t 80, dated 24/7/14. (3)-. (4) alvatore Raciti, born on 3/10/16. (5) Certain abolished Quitrent land situate in the Municipality of Bellville, Cape Divisi.on, being Erf1149, BellviHe, in Bellville Township Extension 23, measuring 1 OO square metres. (6) Robert Berman & Bram Fialkov, Applicant's Attome)'fi, 905 Union Castle Buildings, Adderley treet, Cape Town. 21/1&{76. (1) Cape Town. CAPE TOWN.-(2) Deed of Tramfer 3332, dated 14/3/50, (3)-. (4) Daniel Charles King, born. on -IBn/H. (5) Cer:tain piece of redeemed land situate in die City of Cape Town, Cape Division, being LoOts 78 and 79 of W 4 near Zand Vki (now En 82933, Cape ToOwn at Retreat), mefi.lillring 1241 square metres. (6) Hemld Gie &. Broadhead, Attorneys for Applicant. Darling treet, Cape Town, / (7) Cape Town, RIVERDALE.-(2) Transportakte 2734, gedateer 6/3/45, (3)-. (4) Frederik Johannes van Zyl, gebore op 1/4/16, Daniel Chri~tian van Zyl, gebore 01' 21/6/18, Jacobus Albertus van Zyl, gebore op 18/9/20, en Gideon Hendrik Cbristuffel van Zyl, gebore op 14/9/22. (5) elcer stnk opgehefte erfpaggrond, synde die restant van Lot Q, 'n gedeelte van die pjaas Buffelsfontein ~ de Duinen, gelee in die afdeling Riversda]e, groot as soll.s 109, beitaar. (6) M. J. Harris, Rand!: &: Gertenbach. Protureurs vir die Aansoekem, Hoofstraat, Posbus 129. Alber.tinia. (1) Kaapstad. UITENHAGE.-(2) Deed of Transfer 13737, dated 2110/61. (~)-. (4) ~ar Jesse Go::Ifrey Crews. (5) Certain piee of extingmshed quitrent land bemg the remaining extent of the farm anson's Kraal, now known as Hougham Park situate in the Di~si~ of Uitenhage. ~asuring 1021,939 8 hect~res. (6) Pagden Chnstian Hanley & Parkm, Attorneys for tbe Applicant. 81 Main treet, Port Blizabeih, 19/10/76. (7) Cape Town. NATAL PIETERMARITZBURG.-(2) Deed of Transfer 7392/1961 dated ~8/10/61. (3)-. (4) Harkishan Ghela. () (a) A one-bali share In and to the remainder of ubdivision 1 of G of Lot 46, Longmarket treet., situate in the City and Ccunty of Pietermaritzburg, Province of Natal, in ex.tent 15 square metres' and (b) remainder of ubdivision G of Lot 46. Longmarket treet. situate in the City and County of Pietermarltzburg, Province of Natal, in extent 470 square metres. (6) Venn Nementh & Hart, 17 ~d!:anan. treet, P.O. Box 600, Pietermaritmurg, 22/10/16. (7) Pletermantzburg. WEENEN.-(2) Deed of Transfer Tl0916/1976, dated 28/6/ 76. (3) Michael Arthur Wright, born on 6/ (4) John Frost ymonds, born on (5) Lot 661, Mooi River Extension 5, situate in the Borough of Mooi River, County of Weenen, Province of Natal, in extent square metres. (6) R. R. Drummond &; Co., Applicant's Attorneys, P.O. Box 129, Claughton Terrace, Mooi River. 23/10/76. (7) Pietermaritzburg. CLERMONT.-(2) Deed of Transfer , dated 24/ 12/58. (3)-. (4) Aloys Mkhi:r.e. (5) Err 1487, Township of Clermont, situate in the Public Health Area of aermont, and in the Pinetown Regional Water upply Area, County of Durban. PIGvince of Natal, in extent square feet. (6) Bate Greene & Mo~com, 28 Chancery Lane, Pietermaritzburg,3201. (7) Pietel' mantzburg. CLERMONT.-(2) Deed of Transfer 3619/1949, dated 4/ (3)-. (4) Aloys Mkize. (5) Erf 1844, Tuwnship of Clermont, situate in the Public Health Area of Clermont, County of Durban, Province of Natal, in extent 7500 square feet. (6) Bale Greene &. Morcom, 28 Chancery Lane, Pietermaritzburg, (7) Pieter maritzburg. CLERMONT.-(2) Deed of Transfer 1486/1947, d'lted 28/ (3)-. (4) Aloys Mldze. (5) Erf 2678, Township of Clermont, situate in the PubHc Health Area of Clermont, County of Durban, Province of Natal, in extent 83]4 square feet. (6) Bale Greene & Morcom, 28 Chancery l.ane, Pietermaritzburg, (1) Pietermaritzburg. CLERMONT.-(2) Deed of Tran~fer 362]/1940, dated 24/ (3)-. (4) Aloys Mkize. (5) Err 2996, Township of Clermont, situate in the Ccunty of Durban, Province of Natal, in extent 8000 square feet. (6) Bale Greene &; Morcom, 28 Cbanc:ery Lane, Pietermaritzhurg, (7) Pietermaritzburg. VlCTORIA.--(2) Deed of Transfer 6879[1969, dated 2/5169. (3)-. (4) Hussein Mahomed Ismail Joosab and Amod Aboobai:er oomar. (5) Piece of land being ubdivision 534 of ubdivision A of Lut 2 of the farm Zeekoe Vallei 787, situate in the City of Durban, County of Victoria, Province of Natal, in extent 1,0190 acres. (6) A. Christopher & CoO., Applicant's Attorneys, econd Floor, Rustomjee Trust Bw.1dings, 140 Queen treet, Durban, 2110/16. (7) PietennariUburg. VlCTORIA.-(2) Deed of Transfer 14987/1964, dated 25/11/ 64. (3) Govindasamy, lagathesan Ramasamy Padayachee, Narainsamy, Nadasen, Pemmal Pad.ayachi, Atumugam Padayachee. (4) Ramasamy. (5) (a) Remainder of Lut 137, tanger Township, situate in the Borough of tanger, County of V>ictoria. Province of Natal, in extent 9112 square metres. (5) (b) Lot 979 tanger Township, situate in the Borough of tanger, County of Victoria, Province of Natal, in extent square metres. (6) Pat Poovalinpm: &; Co., Applicant's Attorneys, Third Floor, K.M.. House. 173 Grey treet, Durban, 20/10{16. (1) Pietermaritzburg. DURBAN.-(2) Deed of Transfer 3120/1964, dated 2/3/64. (3)-. (4) tanley Copley Road Investments (Ply) Ltd. (5) Remam der of Lot D of C of the farm Bric:kfield &06, situate in the City and Connty of Durban, Province of Natal, in extent 3796 square metres. (6) Romer Robinson &; Catterall, P.O. Box 1922, Durban, (1) Pietermaritzburg. O.F.5.-0.V.. FAUREMITH.-(2) TranspoFtakte 5742/1963, geregistreer op 22111/63. (3)-. (4) Theunis Jacobus Botha., gebore op 22/6/30. (5) ekere plaas Opsmi 878, gelee in die distrik Fauresmith. groot 120,5569 hektaar. (6) Naude &. Naude. anlamgebou, Maitlandstraat 71, Posbus 153, Bloemfontein, 20/10n6. (7) Bloemfontein.:

72 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 No. GOVERNMENT GAZETrE, 5 NOVEMBE R'1976 BLOEMFONTEIN.--(2) Deed of Transfer 1973/1964, registered on 8/4/64. (3)-. (4) Alethia Haley, born Jordaanon 5/1/ 38, married out of community of property to D::nis Haley. (5) Certain Erf 10730, situate in the City and D:strict of Bloemfontein, measuring square feet. (6) Goodrick &. Franklin, P.O. Box 213, Bloemfontein, 21/10/76. (7) Bbemfontein. LADYBRAND.-(2) Mortgage Bond 282/1948, registered on 27/1/48. (3) Matthys tephanus Booyens, born on 31/5/01. (4) Allied Building ociety (formerly Johannesburg Building ociety), R900. (5) Certain Erf 417, situate in the Town of Ladybrand, District of Ladybrand, measuring 4824 square metres. (6) Reitz, Barry & Pretorius, P.O. Box 320, Bloemfontein, 20/10/76. (7) Bloemfontein. BLOEMFONTEIN.-(2) No. 174/1970, gedatcer 15/1170. (3) Gamma Cope (Pty) Ltd. (4) Mullin and Champion (Pty) Ltd, RIO 000. (5) ekere Erf 13429, gelee in die stad en distrik Bloemfontein, groot 2753 vierkante meter. (6) iebert & Honey,Posbus 379, Bloemfontein, 25/10/76. (7) Bloemfontein., KROONTAD.--(2) Not:uiele akte van sessie van vruggebruik. (3)-. (4) Anna Marthina Lucia erfontein, gebore Ferreira op 25/9/09, weduwee. (5) Die resterende gedeelte van die plaas Elandsrand 2466, gelee in die distrik Kroonstad, groot as sulks 697,8186 hektaar. (6) Johannes Petrus Daffue, pia Van Deventer, Daffue & Maree, Prokureur vir Applitante, Vyfde Verdieping, AlHedgebou, MaitIandstraat 136, Bloemfontein,. 26/ t0 /76, (7) Bloemfontein. FAUREMITH.--(2) Akte van Transport 3565/1960, geregistreer op 8/8/60. (3) Hendrik Lodewyk du Toit, blooteienaar, en Christina Francina du Toit, vruggebruikster. (4) Petrus Casparus de Klerk. (5) eker plaas Taaiboschlaagte 232, distrik Fauresmith.. groot 1411,564 7 hektaar. (6) Van de Wall & Vennote, Posbus 260, Bloemfontein, 26/10/76. (7) Bloemfontein. BLOEMFONTEIN.--(2) Transportakte 4946/1955, gedateer 41 8/55. (3)-. (4) tephanus Johannes mit, gebore op 21/11/04. (5) (a) ekere resterende gedeelte van Onderverdeling 17 van die gedeelte Hartebeestfontein 2477, van die plaas Carolina 1525, ge1ee in die distrik Bloemfontein, groot as sulks 8,565 3 hektaar. (b) ekere resterende gedeelte.van Onderverdeling 46 (synde 'n onderverdeling van Onderverdeling (17) van die gedeelte Hartebeestfontein 2477, distrik Bloemfontein, groot 4,2827 hektaar. (6) ymington & De Kok, Tweede Verdieping, N.B..-gebou, Elizabethstraat, Posbus 760, Bloemfontein, 22/10/76. (7) Bloemfontein. ORDER OF THE COURT-ORDER VAN DIE HOF TRANVAAL aak T317/74 IN DIE HOOGGEREGHOF VAN UID-AFRIKA (Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling) In die saak tussen mev. ROU AUDREY REYNECKE, Applikant, en JOHANNE LODEWIKU VENTER. 'n winkelassistent, Tannerstraat 16, Krugersdorp-Wes, Verweerder. K~nni~ geskied hier:mee dat.die bevel van sekwestrasie uitgereik III hlerdle geval op die 16de (Jag van April 1974, deur die Hooggeregshof van. uid-a~rika (Witwatersrand Plaaslike Afdeling), tersyde gestel I, en die aansoek afgewys is deur 'n bevel van gesegde Hooggeregshof, geduteer die 30ste dag van Maart Meester van die Hooggeregshof. aak 9925/76 (PH334) IN DIE HOOGGEREGHOF VAN UID-AFRIKA (Witwatersrandse Plaaslike Afdeling) Voor y Edele Regter Margo Johannesburg, die 19de dag van Oktcber 1976 In die ex parte aansoek van BAREND GERT TEYN DE WET, ALBERT RUKIN en LOUREN PETRU KORTEN (N.N.O.), Tussentredende Applikante, in re VOLKKA BPK., Applikant, en. M. V AN ACHTERBERGH BPK., Eerste Respondent, en. M. VAN ACHTERBERGH KONTRUKTE (ED M.) BPK., Tweede Respondent Na aanhoor van advokaat namens die Applikante, en na deurlees van die kennisgewing van mosie en die ander ingediende dokumente; Word Bevee1: 1. Dat hierdie aansoek afgehandel word as 'n dringende een. kragtens die bepalings van Reel 6 (12); 2. Dat die Tussentredende Applikante verlof verleen word om in bogenoemde aansoek tussenbeide te tree; 3. Dat die keerdag van die bevel nisi wat deur hierdie Hof uitgereik is op 9 eptember 1976, ten opsigte van die twee Respondente, hiermee vervroeg word; 4. Dat die voorlopige geregtelike bestuursbevel deur hierdie Hof uitgereik op 9 eptember 1976, ten opsigte vim die twee Applikante hierb6 genoem, hiermee opgehef word en dat die gemelde. M. van Achterbergh Bpk. en. M. van Achterbergh (Edms.) Bpk., hiermee onder voorlopige likwidasiebevel geplaas word in die hande van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof van uid-afflika en dat 'n bevel nisi uitgereik word wat aile belanghebbende persone oproep om redes aan te voer op die 16de dag van November 1976, om 10hOO, waarom die maatskappye. M. van Achterbergh Bplc. en. M. van Achterbergh Konstruksie (Edms.) Bpk. nie finaal gelikwideer sal word nie en waarom die kost.e van g.eregtelike bestuur van beide maatsk~ppye, insluitende die Apphkant se getakseerde koste daarvan, nie koste 'in likwidasie van die gemelde twee Respondente sal wees nie; 5. Dat 'n afskrif van hierdie bevel nisi gepubliseer word in die taatskoerant en in 'n Johannesburgse dagblad; 6. Dat 'n afskrif van hierdie bevel nisi op aile krediteure bekend aan die voorlopige geregtelike bestuurders van elkeen van die twee Respondente per geregistreerde pos beteken word. Deur die Hof.-D. F. Joubert Assistent-griffier. aak T1434/76 IN DIE HOOGGEREGHOF VAN UID-AFRIKA (Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling) In die saak tussen KLEYTON HARDEWARE (EDM.) BPK., Applikant, en JOHUA PETRU WILON, Verweerder Kennis geskied hi~rmee dat die voorlopige bevel van sekwestrasie uitgereik in hierdie geval op. die 28ste dag van eptember 1976, deur die Hooggeregshof van uid-afrika (Transvaal Provinsiale Afdcling) tersyde gestel ), en die aansoek afgewys is deur 'n bevel van gesegde Hooggeregshof, gedateer die 19de dag van Oktober Meester van die Hoogg~legshof. Case T726/76 IN THE UPREME COURT OF OUTH AFRICA. (Transvaal Provincial Division) In the matter between TUART AMUEL JA YE, Applicant, and CONORTIUM CONTRUCTION (PTy) LTD, having its registered office at 1 Trein treet, Cleveland, Johannesburg, Respondent Notice is hereby given that the provisional order of sequestration/liquidation gmnted in this case on~ the 8th day of June 1976, by the upreme Court of outh Africa (Witwatersrand Local Division) has been superseded, and the petition discharged by Order of the said Court, dated the 19th day of October 1976.~ Master of the upreme Court. Case Tl025/75 IN THE UPREME COURT OF OUTH AFRICA (Transvaal Provincial Division) In the matter between LELIE COHEN AND GEOFFREY WILLIAM COX (N.N.O.), Applicants, and GORDON HIP PER (PTY) LTD, Respondent Notice is hereby given that the provisional order of sequestration/1iquidation granted in this case on the 5th day of August 1975, by the upreme Court of outh Africa (Witwatersrand Local Division) has been superseded, and the petition diseharged by Order of the said Court, dated the 20th day of October Master of the upreme Court. Case M2192/76 IN THE UPREME COURT OF OUTH AFRICA (Transvaal Provinciat Division) Before the Honourable Mr Justice Eloff Pretoria., the 5th day of October In the matter between H. LEWI & COMPANY LTD, Applicant, and A. J. MacDONALD' UPERMARKET (VANDER BIn..P ARK) (PTY) LTD, which has its principal place of business at Topmark Centre, Civic Centre, Louw treet, Yanderbijlpark, and conduct-s the business of a supermarket dealing in groceries and such other goods as are normally sold by a supermarket and it trades under the name of MacDonald's, Respondent Having heard Mr Joffe, Counsel for the Applicant, and having read the notice of mouion and other documents filed;

73 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 It is Ordered: 1, That the above-mentioned Respondent Company be and is hereby placed in provisional liquidation; 2. That a rule nisi do hereby issue calling upon all persons Concerned to appear and show cause. if any, to this Court at IOhOO, on 26 October 1976, why the Respondent Company should not be placed under final winding-up order; 3. That service of this rule nisi b~ effected upon the Respondeht'Cbmpany at its registered office, and by publication forth~ with once in each of the Government Gazette and tar newspaper. By the Court.-I. F. R. du Preez, Assistant Registrar. aak M1850/76 IN DIE HOOGGEREGHOF VAN UID-AFRIKA (Transvaalsc Provinsiale Afdeling). Voor y Edele Regter Melamet Pretoria, die 19de dag van Oktober 1976 In die saak tussen P.R. &. DIENTE, Applikant, en LAND GOEDBOERDERY (EDM.) BPK., met hoofkantoor te Vanerkomgebou 230, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria, Respondent Na aanhoor van advokaat Erasmus, namens die Applikant, en na deurlees van die kennisgewing van mosie en ander stukke afgelewer; Word Gelas: 1. Dat die bogemelde Respondent Maatskappy hierby in voorlopige Hkwidasie geplaas word; 2. Dat 'n bevel nisi hierb-y uitgereik word wat aue belanghebbendes oproep om redes, mdien enige, voor hierdie Hof aan te voer om lohoo, op 14 Desember 1976, waarom die Respondent Maatskappy nie onder finale likwidasie geplaas sal word nie' 3. Dat betekening van hlerdie bevel nisi geskied aan die Respondent Maatskappy by sy geregistreerde kantoor, en onverwyjd gepubliseer word een maal in elk van die taatskoerant en Hoofstad-nuusblad. Deur die Hof.-I. F. R. du Preez, Assistentgriffier. aak 10867/76 (PH90) IN DIE HOOGGEREGHOF VAN lid-afrika (Witwatersrandse Plaaslike Afdeling) Voor y Edele Regter Margo Johannesburg, die 19de dag van Oktober 1976 In die saak tussen ANTHONIE CHRITOFFEL CAMPHER, handeldrywende as Constantia Wholesale Meat upply, Applikant, en ELDORADO BUTCHERY (EDM.) BPK., Derde Verdieping. Omniasentrum, hoek van Vonbrandis- en Frederickstraat, Johannesburg, Respondent Na aanhoor van advokaat namens die Applikant, en na deurlees van die aansoek; Word Gelas: 1. Dat die Respondent Maatskappy hlermee in voorlopige likwidasie geplaas word; 2. Dat 'n bevel nisi hiermee uitgereik word wat aile belanghebbende persone oproep om in hierdie Hof op die 16de dag van November 1976, om 10hoo, redes, indien enige, aan te voer waarom die Respondent Maatskappy nie in finale likwidasie geplaas sal word rue; 3. Dat hierdie bevel nisi aan die Respondent Maatskappy by sy geregistreerde kantoor beteken word en onverwyld gepubliseer word, een maal in die taatskoerant en een maal in 'n Johannesburgse dagblad. Deur die Hof.-D. F. Joubert, Assistent-griffier. TAAlKOE'RANT, NOVEMBER 1976 No. 73 Ca~ 9459/76 (PH22) IN TIm UPREME COURT OF OUTII AFRICA (Witwatersrand Local tdivision) Before.the Honourahle Mr Justice Le Grange Johannesburg, the 21st day of eptember 1976 In the matter between GARY AMUEL THOMA MEADER, Applicant, and K. M. DUGDALE HOLDING (PTY) LTD, having its registered office at 4 Townsend Road, Bedfordview, Tvl, Respondent Having heard Counsel for the Applicant, and haying read the application; It is Ordered: 1. That the a'hove mentioned Respondent Company be and is hereby placed under provisional winding-up (lrder in the hands of the Master; 2. ~t a rule. nisi do ~ calling upon ail persons conoemed to appear and tc show cause,.if any, to this Court on the 19th day of October 1976, at 10h00, why the sa,id Respondent C0mpany shculd not be placed under final winding-up order;,, 3. That a copy of this rule nisi be served on the Respondent Company at its registered office and be published forthwith once in the Government Gazette and in a Johannesburg daily newspaper. By the Court.-L. T. Claassens, Assistant Rf!gistrar. Case 9459f76 (PH225) IN THE UPREME COURT OF OUTH AFRICA (Witwatersrand Division) Before the Honourable Mr Justice McEwan Johannesburg, the 19th day of October 1976 In the matter between GARy'AMUEL THOMA MEADER Applicant, and K. M, DUoDALE HOLDING (PTY) LID; Respondent Upon the motion of Counsel for the Applicant. and upon readmg the rule nisi and pmvisional winding-up order/ order of sequestration issued out of this Court on the 21st day of eptember 1976; It is Ordered: That the return day of the aforesaid rule nisi be and is hereby extended to the 16th day of November By the Court. D. F. Joubert, Assistant Registrar. Case 9492/76 (PH28I) IN THE UPREME COURT OF OUTH AFRICA (Witwatersrand Local Divisiqn) Before the Honourable Mr Justice Le Grange Johannesburg, the22nd day of eptember 1976 In the matter between CITY TRAVEL (PTY) LTD, Applicant, and BOOK YOU (PTY) LTD, carrying on business as a booking agency at Williamson Centre, II Melle treet, Bra'amfontein Johannesburg, Respondent ' Hl,l~g heard Counsel for the Applicant, and having read the apphcation; It is Ordered: 1. That the above-mentioned Respondent Company be and is hereby placed under provisional winding-up order in the hands of the Master; 2. That a rule nisi do issue calling upon all persons concerned to appear and to show cause, if any, to this Court on the 19th day of October 1976, at tohoo, why the said Respondent Company should not be placed under final winding-up order; 3. That a copy of this rule nisi be served on the Respondent Company at its registered office and be published forthwith once in the Government Gazette and in a Johannesburg daily news- paper. By the Court-I.. T. Claassens, Assistant Registrar. Case 113:68/76 (PH289) IN THE UPREME COURT OF OUTH AFRICA. (Witwatersrand Local Division) Before the Honourable Mr Justice Margo Johannesburg, the 19th day of October 1976 In the matter between ALBERT RUKIN (N.O.), First Applicant, and ALBERT RUKIN (N,O.), econd Applicant, and WAINER ETATE AND FINANCE COMPANY (PTY) LTD, having its registered office at lith Floor, Richmond Place, comer of immonds and Kerk treets, Johannesburg, Respondent HaViing heard Counsel for the Applicant, and having read. the application; It is.ordered: 1. That the above-mentioned Respondent Company be and is hereby placed under provisional winding-up order in the hands of the Master;. 2. That a rule nisi do issue calling upon all persons concerned to appear and to show cause, if any, to this Court on 23 November 1976, at 10hOO, why the sadd Respondent Company should not be placed under final winding-up order; 3. That a copy of this rule nisi be served on the Respondent Company at its registered office and be published forthwith once in the Government Gazette and in a Johannesburg daily newspaper; 4. That a Copy of this rule nisi be served on all known creditors by registered post. By the Court.-D. F. Joubert, Assistant Registrar.-M. J. ilver & Company. N.B.-Any creditor who requires further information regarding this matter should communicate with the attorney(s) reflected at the foot of this Order and/or with the Master of the upreme Court, Pl'ivate Bag X60, Pretoria, 0001.

74 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February No. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 5 NOVEMBER 1976 Case 7143/16 (PH342) IN THE UPREME COURT OF OUTH AFRICA (Witwatersrand Local Division) Before the Honourable Mr Justice Van Dijkhorst, Acting Johannesburg, the 19th day of October 1976 In the matter between ADOR INVETMENT (PTY) LTD, Applicant, and MIDCITY TRUT (PTY) LTD, carrying on business as agents for the sale of property at Ninth Floor, Bosman Buildings, corner of Eloff and BJce treets, Johannesburg, Respondent Having heard Couilsel for the Applicant, and having read the application; It is Ordered: 1. That the above-mentioned Respondent Company be and is hereby placed under provisional winding-up order in the hands of the Master; 2. That <l rule nisi do issue calling upon all persons concerned to appear and to show cause, if any, to this Court on the 16 November at IOhOO. why the said Respondent Company should not be placed under final winding-up ord:.!!; 3. That a copy of this rule nisi he served 0n the Respondent Company at its registered office Rnd be published forthwith once in the Government Gazette and in a Johannesburg daily newspaper. By the Court.--D. F. Joubert, Assistant Registrar. Case 10169/76 (PH245) IN THE UPREME COURT OF OUTH AFRICA (Witwatersrand Loc.'11 Division) Before the Honourable Mr Justice Mostert Johannesburg. 26 October 1976 In the matter between JOHN IMM. Applicant, and CLIVE BARRON (PTY) LTD, Respondent Upon the motion of Counsel for the Applicant, and upon reading the rule nisi and provisional winding-up order issued out of this Court on the 28th day of eptember 1976; It is Ordered: That the retllrn day of the aforesaid rule nisi be and is hereby extended to the 9th day of Novemb::r By the Court.--'- D. F. Joubert, Assistant Registrar. Case 9492/76 (PH281) IN THE UPREME COURT OF OUTH AFRICA (Witwatersrand Local Division) Before the Honourable Mr Justice McEwan Johannesburg, the 19th day of October 1976 In the matter between CITY TRAVEL (PTy) LTD, applicant, and BOOK YOU (PTY) LTD, Respondent Upon the motion of Counsel for the Applicant. and upon reading the rule nisi and provisional winding-up order issued out of this Court on the 22nd day of eptember It is Ordered: That the return day of the aforesaid rule nisi be and hereby extended to the 2nd day of November By the Court. D. F. Joubert. Assistant Registrar. Case 11367/76 (PH289) IN TIlE UPREME COURT OF OUTH AFRICA (Witwatersrand Local Division) Before the Honourable Mr Justice Margo Johannesburg, the 19th day of October 1976 In the matter between ALBERT RUKIN (N.O.), First Applicant, and ALBERT RUKIN (N.O.), econd Applicant, and BERYL ~TREET INVETM.ENT (PTY) LTD, having its registered office at 11th Floor, Richmond Place, corner of immonds and Keel::: treets, Johannesburg, Respondent H~virW heard Counsel for the Applicants, and having read the application; It is Ordered: 1. That the above-mentioned Respondent Company he and is hereby placed under provisional winding-up order in the hands of the Master; 2. That a rule nisi do issue calling upon all persons concerned to appear and to show cause, if any, to this Court on 23 Novembcr 1976, at lohoo, why the said Respondent Company should not be placed under final winding-up order: 3. That a ~opy I:!f this rull? nisi be &ervf:d on the Respondent ~ompany at Its registered office and be published forthwith once m the GOllemmellt Gazette and in a Johannesburg daily newspaper; 4. That a copy of this rule nisi be served on all known creditors by registered post. By the Court.-D. F. Joubert, Assistant Registrar.-M. J. ilver & Company.. N.B.-Any creditor who requires further information rcgard ing this matter should communicate with the attorney(s) reflected at the foot of this Order and! or with the Master of the upreme Court, Private Bag X60, Pretoria, OOOl. Case 11716/76 (PH254) IN THE UPREME COURT OF OUTH AFRICA (Witwatersrand Local Division) Before the Honourable M1 Justice Van Wyk de Vries Johannesburg, the 21st day of October 1976 In the ex parte application of P. M. MELAMED MINING COMPANY (PTY) LTD, having its registered office at 12th Floor, LawsQns Corner, Braamfontein, Johannesburg, Applicant Having heard Counsel for the Applicant, and having read the application; It is Ordered: 1. That the above-mentioned Applicant Company be and is hereby placed under provisional winding-up order in the hands of the Master; 2. That a rule nisi do issue calling upon all persons concerned to appear and 10 show cause, if any. to this Court on 23 November 1976, at lohoo. why the above-mentioned Applicant Company should not be placed under final winding-up order; 3. That a copy of this rule nisi be served on the Applicant Company at its registered office and be published forthwith once in the Government Gazette and in a Johannesburg daily newspaper; 4. That a copy of this rule 11i.,; be served on all known creditors by registered post. By the Court.-E. J. Pitt, Assistant Registrar.-civin Miller & Goodman & chwartt. N.H.-AllY creditor who requires further information regardnig this matter shall communicate with the attorney(s) reflected at the foot of this Order andior with the Master of the upreme Court, Private Bag X60, Pretoria, Case 11719/76 (PH254) IN THE UPRME COURT OF OUTH AFRICA (Witwatersrand Local Division) Before the Honourable Mr Justice Van Wyk de Vries Johannesburg, the 21st day of October 1976 In the ex parte application of INTERNATIONAL ROCK PRO DUCT (PTY) LTD, having its registered head office at 12th Floor, Lawsons Corner, Braamfontein, Johannesburg, Applicant Having heard Counsel for the Applicant, and having read the application; It is Ordered: 1. That the above-mentioned Applicant Company be and is hereby placed under provisional winding-up order in the hands of the Master; 2. That a rule nisi do issue calling upon all persons concerned to appear and to show cause if any, to this Court, on the 25th day of November 1976, at 10hOO, why the said Applicant Company should not be placed under final winding-up order; 3. That a copy of this rn}e nisi be served 011 the Applicant Company at its registered office and be published forth with once in the GovemmelU Ga;;;elte and in a Johannesburg daily newspaper; 4. That a copy of this rule nisi be ~crved on all known creditors by registered post. By the Court.-E. J. Pitt. Assistant Registrar.-Raphaely Weiner Rosin & Treisman. N.B.-Any creditor who requires further information regarding this mailer should communicate with the attorney(s) reflected at the foot of this Order and/or with the Master of the upreme Court, Private Bag X60, Pretoria, Case 11720/76 (PH254) IN THE UPREME COURT OF OUTH AFRICA (W.itwatersrand Local Division) Before the Honourable Mr Ju&tice Van Wyk de Vries Johannesburg, the 21st day of October 1976 In the ex parte application of.a. MOAIC (PTY) LTD, having its registered head office at 12th Floor, Lawoons Corner, Braamfontein, Johannesburg, Applicant Having heard Counsel for the Applicant, and having read the application;

75 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 TAATIWEllANT, 5 NOVEMBER No. It is' Ordered: 1. That the above-mentioned Appticant Company be and is hereby placed under provisional winding-up order in the hands of the Master; 2. That a rule nisi do issue calling upon an persons concerned to appear and to show cause, if any, to this Court on the 25th day of November 1976, at lohoo, why the said Applicant Company should not be placed under final winding-up order; 3. That a.copy?f this ru!e nisi be served on the Applicant ~ompany at Its registered office and be published forthwith once III the Government Gazette and in a Johannesburg daily newspaper; 4. That a copy of this rule nisi be served on all known creditors by registered post. By the Court.-E. J. Pitt Assistant Registrar.--Civin Miller & Goodman & chwartz. ' N.B:-Any creditor who req?kes further infonnation regardmg thi matter should commumcate with the attorney(s) reflected at the foot of this Order andlor with the Master of the upreme Court, Private Bag X60, Pretoria., Case 9836/76 (PH44) IN TIlE UPREME COURT OF OUTH AFRICA (Witwatersrand Local Division) Before the Honourable Mr Justice Margo Johannesburg, the 20th day of October 1976 In the matter between HUGO GRUGER, Applicant, and INDUFIN HOLDING (PTY) LTD, having its registered office at c/o Perkel, ilverman & Company, Ninth Floor, North tate 99 Market t.reet, Johannesburg, First Re8pondent, and WOLF~ GANG HORT KRAPF, econd Respondent Having heard Counsel for the Applicant, and having read the application; It is Ordered: I. That the above-mentitmed First Respondent Company be and is hereby placed under provisional winding-up order in the hands of the Master; 2. That a rule nisi do issue calling upon all persons concerned. to appear and to show cause, if any, to this Court on 23 November 1976, at tohoo, why the said First Respondent Company should not be placed und<:lr final winding-up order; 3. That a copy of this rule nisi be served on the First Respondent Company at its registered office and be published forthwith once in the Government Gaz.ette and in a Johannesburg dally newspaper; 4. That a. copy of this rule nisi be served on all known creditors by registered post. By the Ctlurt.-D. F. Joubert, Assistant R.egistrar.--Civin Milter & Goodman &: chwartz. N.B.-Any creditor who requires further information regarding this matter should communicate with the attorney(s) reflected at the foot of the Order and/or with the Master of the upreme Court, Private Bag X60, Pretoria, Case 11104/16 (ph956) IN THE UPREME COURT OF OUTH AFRICA (Witwatersrand Local Division) Before the Hononrable Mr Justice Margo Johannesburg, the 19tb day of October 1976 In the matter between NICOLA NOCOLAlDE, Applicant, and A.N. INVETMENT (PrY) LTD, having its registered office at clo KarIin, Isaacs, Wolpert & Co,. 901 Mobil House Extention, 90 Loveday treet. Johannesburg, Respondent Having heard Counsel for the Appticant, and having read the application; It is Ordered: 1. That the above-mentioned Respondent Company be :mi:l is hereby placed under provisiorud winding-up order in the hands of the Master; 2. That a rule nisi do issue calling upon all persons concerned to appear and to show caule, if any, to this Court on 30 November 1976, at lohoo, why the said Respondent Company should not be placed under final wind,ing-up order;. 3. That a copy of this rule n.isi be served on tbe R.espondent Company at its registered office and be published forthwith once in the Government Gazette and in a Johannesburg daily newspaper; 4. That a copy of this rule nisi be served on au known <:red*rtors by registered post. By the Court.-D. F. Joubert, Assistant R.egistrar.-Reeders & Rosettenstein. N.B.-Any creditor who requires further information regard~ iug this matter should communicate with the attorney{s) reflected at the foot of this Order and/or with the Master of the upremo Court, Private Bag X60, Prewria, Case 10990/76 (PHI) IN THE UPREME COURT OF OUTH AFRICA (Witwatersrand Local Division) Before the Honourable Mr Justice Margo Johannesburg, the 19th day of October 1976 In the ex parte application of MUNCER INVETMENT (PTY) LTD, having its registered office at c/o Kensington hopping Centcc, Langcrmann Drive" Kensington, Johannesburg, Applicant Having heard Counsel for the Applicant, and having read the application; It is Ordered: 1. That the above-mentioned Applicant Company be and is hereby placed under provisional winding-up order in the hands of the Master; 2. That a rule nisi do issue calling upon all persons concerned to appear and to show cause, if any, to this Court on the 16th day of November 1976, at lohoo, why the said Applicant Company should not be placed under final winding-up order; 3. That a copy of this rule nisi be served on the Applicant Company at its registered office and be published forthwith once in the GovernmelU Gazette and in a Johannesburg daily newspaper; 4. That a copy of this rule nisi be served on all known creditors by registered post. By the Court.-D. F. Joubert, Assistant Registrar.-Brian Benjamin. N.B.-Any creditor who requires further information regarding this matter should communicate with the attorney(s) reflected at the foot of this Order and/or with the Master of the upreme Court, Private Bag X60. Pretoria, Case (PH267) IN THE UPREME COURT OF OUTH AFRICA (Witwatersrand Local Division) Before the Honourable Mr Justice Blofl Johannesburg, the 26th day of October 1976 In the ex parte application of QUlNfONDALB FLAT LTD, a company duly registered with limited liability according to the company laws of the Republic of outh Africa., Applicant Having heard Counsel for the Applicant, and having read the nohce of motion and the other documents filed of record; It is Ordered: t. That a role nisi retumab1e on the 23rd day of November issue, calling on an pendllli interested to appear and to show cause, the fo1lowinc condition registered against the title deed of the following property should not be amended: Consolidated Ed 86. muate in the Township of Cheltondale, RegistJ:ation Division D.. Tv). measuring 5135 square metres, held by tile Applicant under Deed of Transfer 25005/1974, dated the 20th day of ~ 1974, which is Annexure A to the application and which coadition marked therein as (m) provides as follows: "(m) B1IiJ.dinp, indudida out-buildings, herea.fter erected on the erf shall be located not... d:an 6,10 (six comma one nought) metres from the boundary abutting on a street."; by the deletion thereof and the substitution of the following condition in its place: "(m) Buildings, includ"mg out-buildings, erected on the erf shall be located not kiss than 4 (four) metres from the boundary abutting on a litreet."; (h) Why the Rand Township Registrar should not be authorised and directed to delete the said condition from the said title deed and substitute therefor the proposed new condition; 2.. That serrice of this role Risi be effected as follows: (a) By one publwationin En.gIish in The lur newspaper; (h) by one publication in Die Vaderltmd newspaper; (c) by one publication in a.e Government Gazene; (d) by one publication in the Transvaal Provincial Gazette; (e) by posting by registered post addressed to all of the registered owners of ernm in the Township of CheItondale, addressed to them at the addressess to which assessment rates accounts are sent to them by the local authority; (f) by serving on the Administration of the 'J."ransvaal, the Director ()f Local Government, the Rand T Registrar, Johannesburg, the Johannesburg aty Counc township owner of Cheltondale, Messrs Norton Grange Limited; (g) by delivering to the Town Oerk of Johannesburg a further copy of this role with tho request that he affix it to a notice board at hit! offices to 'Which the public has aa:ess. By the Court. -D. F. Joubert, Assistant Registrar.

76 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998." No. GOVERNMENT GAZETI'B. 5 NOVEMBER 1976 Case M2331/76 IN THE UPREME COURT OF OUTH AFRICA (Transvaal Provincial Di\'lision) Before the Honourable Mr Justice Esselen, Acting Pretoria, the 26th day of October 1976 In the matter between VAUGHAN LLEWELLYN HEPARD, Applicant, and L YNNBERG TOWNHIP INVETMENT (PTY) LTD, having its registered office and carrying on business of a township owner and developer at 412 avelkouls Buildings. 256 Paul Kruger treet, Pretoria, Respondent HaVling heard Mr Galgut, Counsel for the Applicant, and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed; It is Ordered: 1. That the above-mentioned Respondent Company be and is hereby placed in provisional liquidation; 2. That a rule nisi do hereby issue calling upon all interested persons to appear and show cause, if any to this, Court at 10hOO, on 23 November 1976, why the Respondent Company should not be placed under final winding-up order; 3. That service of this rule nisi be effected upon the Respondent Company at its registered office, upon all known creditors of the Respondent Company by reg.istered post, and by publication forthwith once in each of the Government Gazette and The tar. By the Court.-I. F. R. du Preez, Assistant Registrar. aak M2326/76 IN DIE HOOGGEREGHOF VAN UID-AFRIKA (Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling) Voor y Edele Regter Esselen. Waarn. Pretoria, die 26ste dag van Oktober 1976 In die saak tussen ANDRE JOHAN. HEEL, Applikant, in re VAN PLETZEN MOTOR (EDM.) BPK., pia Marais & Vennote, Vanerkomgebou 601, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria, en met hoofplek van besigheid te 505 Welthagenstraat, Hercules, Pretoria, Respondent Na aanhoor van advokaat Heath, namens die Applikant. en na deurlees van die bevel nisi uitgereik deur hierdie Hof op 31 Augustus 1976, asook die kennisgewing van mosie en ander stukke afgelewer; Word Getas: 1. Dat die keerdatum van die voormelde bevel nisi hierby vervroeg word tot vandag; 2. Dat die bevel van die voorlopige geregtelike bestuur hierby opgehef word; 3. Dat die bogemelde Respondent Maatskappy hierby in voorlopige likwidasie geplaas word; 4. Dat 'n bevel nisi hierby uitgereik word wat alle belanghebbendes oproep om redes, indien enig~ voor hierdie Hof aan te voer om lohoo, op 30 November inarom die Respondent Maatskappy nie onder finale likwidasie ~ sal word nie; 5. Dat betekening van hierdie bevel nisi geskied aan die Respondent Maatskappy by sy geregistreerde kantoor, aan alle bekende skuldeisers van die Respondent Maatskappy per aangetejcende pos, en onverwyld gepubliseer word een maal in elk van die taatskoerant en Die Transvaler-nuusblad. Deur die Hof. L F. R. du Preez, Assistent-griffier. Case 11903/76 (PH1l9) IN THE UPREME COURT OF OUTH AFRICA (Witwatersrand Local Division) Before the Honourable Mr Justice Eloff Johannesburg, the 26th day of October 1976 IN THE MATTER BETWEEN RINCA ADMINITRATION COMPANY (PTY) L TO, Applicant, and. AUTOOUND (PTY) LTD, having its registered office at 1400 Union quare, Plein street, Johannesburg, Respondent Having heard Counsel for the Applicant, and having read the application; It is Ordered: 1. That the above-mentioned Respondent Company be and is hereby placed under provisional winding-up order in the hands of the Master; 2. That a rule nisi do issue calling upon all persons concerned to appear and show cause, if any. to this Court, on 23 November 1976, at 10hOO, why the said R.espondent Company should not be placed under final winding-up order, 3. That a copy of this rule nisi be served on the Rcsp?ndent Company at its registered office and be ;published forthwlth once in the Government Gazette and i.u a Johannesburg daily newspaper; 4. That a copy of this rule nisi be served on all known creditors by registered post. By the Court...,.-B. J~ Pitt, Assistant Registmr.-David Green & Cohen. N.B.-Any creditor who requires further info.rmation regarding this matter should communicate with the attorney(s) reflected at the foot of this Order andlor with the Master of the upreme Court, Private Bag X60, Pretoria, NATAL Case N372/76 IN THE UPREME COURT OF OUTH AFRICA (Natal Provincial Division) In the matter between DALTON & BREMNEN (PTY) LTD, Applicant and HENDRIK ENGERLATE BOTE, Respondent Notice is hereby given that the provisional order of sequestration granted in this case on the 10th day of eptember 1976, by the upreme Court of outh Africa (Durba!1. and.coast Local Division) has been superseded, and the petition discharged by Order of the said Court, dated the 8th day of October H. G. Rainier, Master of the upreme Court, 1\hster's Office, Pietermaritzburg. Case N261/15 IN THE UPREME COURT OF OUTH AFRICA (Natal Provincial Division) In the matter between FIVE TAR POOL, Applicant, and CHARLE W. COX, Respondent Notice is hereby given that the provisional order of sequestration granted in this case on the 5th day of eptember 1975, by the upreme Court of outh Africa (Durban and Coast Local Division) has been superseded, and the petition discharged by Order of the said Court, dated the 21st day of November H. G. Rainier, Master of the upreme Court, Master's Office, Pietermaritzburg. IN THE UPREME COURT OF OUTH AFRICA (Natal Provincial Division) In the matter between HEW HAMILTON DALRYMPLE, Applicant, and CONCAT (PTY) LTD, Respondent Notice is hereby given that the final order of winding up granted in this case on the 26th day of March 1976, by ~h.e upreme Court of outh Africa (Durb~~ and. Coast Local DIVIsion) has been superseded, and the peti.tlon discharged by Order of the said Court dated the 1st day of October I976.-H. G. Rainier, Master of the upreme Court, Master's Office, Pietermaritzburg, 22/10/16. Case M1150/16 IN THE UPREME COURT OF OUTH AFRICA (Durban and Coast Local Division) Before the Honourable Mr Justice hearer Durban, Friday, 22 October 1976 In the matter between IMAIL EBRAHIM DAROT, Applicant, and NAIF INVETMENT (PTY) LTD, registered office at 501/510 Leocentre, 73 Leopold treet, Durban, Respondent Upon the motion of Mr Donnellan, Counsel for the AppLicant, and upon reading the notice of motion and the other documents filed of record; It is Ordered: 11. Tlmt Nasif Investments (Pty) Ltd and all other interested persons be and they are hereby called upon to show cause, if any, before the upreme Court of outh Mrica (Durban and Coast Local Division), sitting at Durban on 3 December 1976, at lohoo, why the Respondent Company should not be wound up; 2. That this Order shall operate as an order provisionally windidg up the Respondent Company; 1- That this Order and a copy of the application be served forthwith on the Respondent Company at its registered office and that the Order be published on or before 12 November 1916, once in the Government Gazette and once in the daily ~wspaper published in Durban and circulating in Natal. By Order of the Court.-D. J. P. choltz, Assistant Registrar.

77 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February rAATKOERANT, 5,NOVEMBER 1976 No. Case M1151{76 IN TIlE UPREME COURT OF. QUI'H AFRICA (Durban and Coast Local Division) Before the &nourable Mr Justice hearer Durban, Friday, 22 October 1976 In the matter between IMA1L EBRAlllM DAROT, Applicant, and DALION MATERIAL (PlNETOWN) (PTY) LTD, registered office at 501/510 Leocentre, 73 Leopold treet, Durban, Respondent Upon the motion of Mr Donnellan, Counsel for the Applicant, and upon reading the notice of motion and the other documents foiled of record; It is Ordered: 1. That Dation Materials (Pinetown) (Pty) Ltd and all other interested persons be and they are.herebi called upon to show cause, if any, before the tipteme Court of outh Africa (Durban and Coast Local Division), sitting at Dnrban on 3 December 1976, at 10hoo, why the Respondent Company should not be wound up; 2. That this Order shall operate as an order provisionally winding up the Respondent Company; 3. That this Order and a copy of the application be served forthwith on the Respondent Company at its registered office and that the Order be published on or before the 12th day of November 1976, once in the Government Gazette and once in a daily newspaper published in Durban and circulating in NataL By Order of the Court.-D. J. P. choltz, Assistant Registrar. ALE IN EXECUTION AND OTHER PUBLIC ALE GEREGTELIKE EN ANDER OPENBARE VERKOPE TRANVAAL Case 10642/16 IN THE MAGITRATE' COURT FOR TIlE DITRICT OF GERMITON, HELD AT GERMITON In the matter between ALLIED BUlLDlNG OCIETY, Plaintiff, and PETRU JOHANNE KRUGEL, Defendant In pursuance of a judgment in the Court of the Magistrate of Germiston and writ of execution, dated. 3 eptember 1976, the property listed herein will be sold in execution on Tuesday, 30 November 1976, at llh30; in front of the Magistrate's Court, President treet Entrance, Germiston, to the highest bidder: Portion 55 (a portion of Portion 1) of Erf 75, Klippoortje Agricultural Lots Township, Registration Division IR, Tvl, situate on 12 Van Deventer treet, Elsburg, measuring 991 square metres_ The Judgment Creditor descn'bed the improvements on the property as set out hereunder, but no warranties are given in respect thereof: A single-storey dwelling consisting of fi~ rooms with kitchen, bathroom and toilet. Constructed of brick with an iron roof. Outbuildings: Double garage and servant's room with toilet of brioks under iron. Terms.-The purchase price shall be paid as to ten (10) per cent thereof on the day of the sale and the unpaid balance, together with interest thereon to date of registration of transfer at the rate of lot per cent per annum within fourteen (14) days shall be paid or secured by a bank or building society guarantee. The conditions of sale, which will be read immediately prior to the sale, may be inspected at the office of the Messenger of the Court, Germiston.-Wright, Rose-Innes, Louw & Wise, Allied Buildings, 170 Meyer treet, Germiston. Case 5391/76 IN THE MAGITRATE' COURT FOR TIlE DITRICT OF GERMITON, HELD AT GERMITON In the matter between HOME OWNER MORTGAGE EXCHANGE (PTY) LTD, Plaintiff, and BAREND CHRI TIAAN PRlNLOO, Defe~dant In pursuance of a judgment in the Court of the Magistrate of Germiston, dated 15 June 1976, and the writ of execution, dated 18 June 1976, the following will be sold in execution without reserve to the highest bidder on 30 November 1976, at the Magistrate's Court, President treet, Germiston, at I1h30: Certain Erf 447, Marlands Extension 6, Registration Division IR, Tvl, measuring 1301 (one thousand three hundred and one) square metres, situate 7 Boekenhout treet, Marlands Extension 6, Germiston, held by the DefendaIit under Deed of Transfer T17910/,75,.dated 26 eptember Improvements.-A single-storey brick nnder tile dwellinghouse with steel windows, comprising of lounge, dining-room, kitchen, three bedrooms, two bathrooms, passage. Outbuildings: Garage, servant's room and toilet. Terms and conditions 1. Terms.-The purchase price shall be paid as to 10 (ten) per centum thereof on the day of the sale and the unpaid balance within 14 days shall be paid or secured by a bank or building society guarantee. 2. Conditions of sale.-the full,conditions of sale may be inspected in the Messenger's Office. Dated 7 October Abe Dinner & Dinner, Plaintiff's Attorneys, P.O. Box 81, Germiston, 1800, Case 5759/76 IN THE MAGITRATE' COURT FOR TIlE DITRICT OF GERMITON, HELD AT GERMITON In the matter between MORGAGE ADVANCE (PTY) LTD, Plaintiff, and WILLIAM EDWARD McNAMARA, Defendant In pursuance of a judgment in the Court of the Magistrate of Germiston, dated 2 May 1976, and the writ of execution, dated 2 June 1976, the following will be sold in execution without reserve to the highest bidder on 30 November 1976, at the Magistrate's Court, President treet, Germiston, at 11h30: Certain Erf 557, Highway Gardens Extension 2 Township, Registration Division IR, Tvl, mcasuring 934 (nine hundred and thirty-four) square metres, situate 11 Marshall treet, Highway Gardens, Germiston, held by the Defendant under Deed of Transfer T8663f75, dated 28 May Improvements.-5ingle-storey brick under tile dwelling-house with steel windows, comprising of lounge, dining-room, kitchen, two bedrooms, bedroom with bathroom and toilet. Bathroom and toilet. Garage and servant's room and toilet. Ternl and conditions 1. Terms.-The purchase price shall be paid as to 10 per centum thereof on the day of the sale and the unpaid balance within 14 days shall be paid or secured by a bank or building society guarantee. 2. Conditions of sale.-the full conditions of sale may be inspected in the Messenger's Office. Dated 8 October Abe Dinner & Dinner, Plaintiff's Attorneys, P.O. Box 81, Germiston, Case 8315/16 IN TIlE MAGITRATE' COURT FOR TIlE DITRICT OF GERMITON, HELD AT GERMITON In the matter between ALLIED BUILDING OCIETY, Plaintiff, and PIETER TEPHANU NORTJE, Defendant In pursuance of a judgment in the Court of the Magistrate of Germiston and writ of execution, dated 3 August 1976, the property listed herein will be sold in execution on Tuesday, 30 November 1976, at llh30, in front of the Magistrate's Court, President treet Entrance, Germiston, to the highest bidder: Portions 11 and 12 of Lot 136, EastIeigh Township, Registration Division IR, Tvl, situate on III Main Road, Eastleigh, Edenvale. Portion 11 measures square metres, and Portion 12 measures square metres. The Judgment Creditor described the improvements on the property as set out hereunder, but no warranties are given in respect thereof: ingle-storey dwelling consisting of five rooms with kitchen and two bathrooms with shower and w.c. each. Constructed of brick with tile roof. Outbuildings: Two garages with servant's room, w.c. and an outside room of brick under iron. Terms.-The purchase price shall be paid as to ten (10) per cent thereof on the day of the sale and the unpaid balance, together with interest thereon to date of registration of transfer at the rate of 11 per cent per annum, within fourteen (14) days shall be paid or secured by a bank or building society guarantee. The conditions of sale, which will be read immediately prior to the sale, may be inspected at the office of the Messenger of the Court, Germiston.-Wright, Rose-Innes, Louw & Wise. P.O. Box 123, Germiston.

78 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February No. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 1976 aak 11158/75 In die saak tussen MAWER & DELPORT (EDM.) BPK., Eiser, en AtITHONIE RHEEDER, Verweerder Ter uitwinnillg van 'n vonn:s van die Landdroshof te Germiston in bogemelde saak, sal 'n verkoping sonder 'n reserweprys gehou word deur die Geregsbode van Gcrmiston voor die Land,droshofkantoor, Presidentstraat, Germiston, op Dinsdag, 30 November 1976, om llh30, van cie ondervermelde eiendom van die Verweerder op die voorwaard"s wat deut die venduafslaer gelees sal word ten tye van die verkoping en welke voorwaardes by die kant ore van die Gereg,bode, Germiston, voor die verkoping ter insae sal Ie: Eiendomserf 1991, gelee in die dorpsgebied Primrose, distrik Germiston, groot 936 vierkante meter (bekend as Aloeweg 2, Primrose, Gcrmiston)., Die volgende inligting word verskaf alhoewel geen waarborg in verband daarmee gegee kan word nie: Enkelvcrdiepingwoonhuis met steenmure, staalvensters en sinkdak, bestaande nit kombhi~, badkamer en toilet, drie slaapkamers, eetkamer, sitkamer en g,mg. Buitegeboue: Twee motorhuise en bediendekamer. Terme.-Tien persent van die kooppl1' en 2! persent afslaersgelde (minimum R20) in kontant op die dag van die verkoping en die balans teen registrasie van transport. Ten Gpsigte van die balans moet 'n bank~ of bollgenootskap- of ander aanneembare waarborg binne veertien (14) dae vanaf datum van verkoping aan die Geregsbode verskaf word. Gedateer 5 Oktober I976.-Z. A. de Beer, vir D. J. de Villiers, choltz & Van der Walt, Eiser se Prokureurs, Revelasgebou, Crossstraat, Germiston. aak 594 /76 IN DIE LANDDROHOF VAN PRING VIR DIE DlTRIK PRING, GEHOU TE PRING In die saak tussen AAMllOU-NAIONALE BOUVERENI GING, Eiser, en H. C. GERICKE, Verweerder Ingevolge 'n vonnis van bogenoemde Agbare Hof en lasbrief tot uitwinning, sal die ondergenoemde eiendom verkoop word te.n.o. Transport, Vierde traat 66, prings, op die 26ste dag van November 1976, om 15hOO, aan die hoogste bieer: ekere Erf 223, gelee in die dorpsgebied Dersley, bekend as Toriumstraat II, Dersley Park, prings, wat bestaan uit die volgende: Baksteengebou onder teels. drie slaapkamers, eet-/sitkamer, kombuis, badkamer en toilet. Gewone buitegeboue. Voorwaardes.-Die verkoping is onderhewig aan die betaling in kontant van ten minste 10 persent van die koopprys op die datum van verkoping en dat 'n bank- of bougenootskapwaarborg verskaf word binne 21 dae vanaf die verkoopdatum vir die balans van genoemde koopprys. In geval die Eiser self die koper is, sal die voorwaardes ten opsigte van die 10 persent deposito nie van toepassing wees nie. Die verdere en volledige verkoopvoorwaardes sal onmiddellik voor die verkoping uitgelees word en kan nou reeds nagegaan word by die kantore van die Geregsbode. Gedateer te prings op he<k die Ude dag van Oktober J. A. Kruger, vir De Jager Kru~er & Van Blerk, Eiser se Prokureurs, Tweede Verdieping, anlamgebou, Vierde traat, Posbus 1078, prings, Case 9448/76 IN THE MAGITRATE' COURT FOR THE DITRICT OF GERMITON, HELD AT GERMITON In the matter between ALlTED BUILDING OCIETY, Plaintiff, and ARTHUR WALKER, Defendant In pursuance of a judgment in the Court of the Magistrate of Germiston and writ of execution, dated 2 eptember 1976, the property listed herein will be sold in execution on Tuesday, 30 November 1976, at llh30, in front of the Ma~istrate's Court, President treet Entrance, Germiston, to the highest bidder:. Elf 387, Elspark Township. Registration Division IR, Tvl, Ituate on 11 Egret treet, Elspark, measuring square metres. The Judgment Creditor described the improvements on the property as set out hereunder, but no warranties are given in respect thereof.: Detached single-storey dwelling consisting of five rooms with kitchen, bathroom and w.c. Constructed of brick with tile roof and parquet floors. Outbuildings: Garage and servant's room with W.c. of brick under iron. Terms.-The purchase price shall be paid as to ten (10) per cent thereof on the day of the sale and the unpaid balance, together with interest thereon to date of registration of transfer at the rate of lor per cent per annum within fourteen (14) days shall be paid or secured by a bank or building society guarantee. The conditions of sale, which will be read immediately.. pri~r to the sale, may be inspected at the office of the Messenger of the Court, Germiston.'-Wright, Rose-Innes, Louw & Allied Buildings, 170 Meyer treet, Germiston. Wise, aak 35173(75 IN DIE LANDDROHOF VIR DIE DlTRIK PRETORIA, GEHOU TE PRETORIA In die saak tussen DIE TADRAAD VAN PRETORIA, Eiser, e'1 F, W. p, M:ONDT, Verweerderes, in haar hoedanigheid as eksekutrise in die boedel wyle F. C. Coetzee Ter uhvoerinp van 'n vonnis van die Landdroshd te Pretoria, Tvl., en 'n lu:;brief tot eksekusie, gedateer die 8ste dag van Januarie 1976, sal 'n verkoping van die volgende eiendom van die bogenoemde Verweerderes voor, doe Landdroskantoor, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria, gehou word om lohoo, op 23 November 1976, naamlik: ekere resterende gedeelte van Lot 2057, dorp Villieria, Registrasieafdeling JR, Tvl.. groot vierkante \'oet, soos gehou kragtens Akte van Transport 1846/32, gedateer 12 Maart Die volgende inligting word verstrek, maar in hierdie opsig word niks gewaarborg me: Die grond is in 'n turfstreek gelec en die verbeterings bestaan uit 'n tweeslaapkamerwoning met badkamer, kombuis en voorbmer wat in 'n swak toestand is. Die verkoopvoorwaardes Ie ter insae by die kllntoor van die Geregsbode, Pretoria-Oos.-J. C. Oelofse, vir Peens, mit & Oelofse, Eiser se Prokureurs, N.B.. Gebou, Pretoria. Case 10643/76 IN THE MAGITRATE' COURT FOR THE DITRICT OF GERMITON, HELD AT GERMITON In the matter between ALLIED BlJILDING OCIETY, Plaintiff, and ALVIN JOHN JOHNTONE, Defendant In pursuance of a judgment in the Court of the Magistrate of Germiston and writ of execution, dated 9 eptember 1976, the property listed herein will be sold in execution 011 Tuesdav, 30 November 1976, at I1h30, in front of the Ma~i,tt'ate's Court, President treet Entrance, Germiston, to the highest bidder: Erf 272, unnyridge Township. Registration n;vi,ion IR, Tvl, situate on 24 school Avenue, unn):ridge, Germiston, measuring 843 square metres. The Judgment Creditor described the improvements ~m t~e property as set out hereunder, but no warranties are given III respect thereof: A single-storey dwelling consislin~ of five rooms with kitchen, bathroom and toilet. Constructed of brick with a tile roof. Outbuildings: ingle garage with servant's room of bricks under iron. Terms.-The purchase price shall be paid as to ten (10) per cent thereof on the day of the sale and the unpaid balance, together with interest thereon to date of registration of transfer at the rate of 11 per cent p;;r annum within fourteen (14) days shall be paid or secured by a bank or building society guarantee. The conditions of sale, which will be read immediately prior to the sale, may be inspected at the office of the Messenger of the Comt, Germiston.-Wright, Rose-Innse, Louw & Wise, Allied Buildings, 170 Meyer treet, Germiston. aak 3082/76 IN DIE L'" NnnROHOF VTR nie DITRTT( KEMPTON PARK, GRHOU TE KEMPTON PARK In die s~~'k 1m~"n OUTHERN RUILDING OCIETY, Eiser, en W.. ENTERPRIE (EDM.) BPK., Verweerder In.opv{}lgirl'l! van die vonnis in die Landdrosnof von K~TYl!')1ton P~rk, en 'n lasbrief vir eksekusie, ~edateer 8 eptember 1976, sal die ondergen<'emde eiendom in cbekusie vcrk('on word op 19 November 1976, om llhl5, voor ilie Landdroshof, Long&traat, Kempton Park, aan die hoogste bieder: ekere Erf 625, gele in die dorpsgebied Glen Marais, distrik Kempton Park. Die verko'oov'oorwaardes sal direk voor die aanvang van die verkoping gejees word en kan tans deurgelecs word by,die kantmc van die Geresgbode, Kempton Park.-Wustrow & Burger, uite 1006, Trust ilanksentrum, Kemptop Park.

79 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 TAATKOERANT, NOVEMBER 1976 Case 15390/76 IN THE UPREME COURT OF OUIH AFRICA (Iransvaal Pro"incial.QivWon) In the matter between PRETORIA MUNCIPAL PENION FUND, Plaintiff. and MARTHINU GERHARDU GOUW, Defendant Purusant to a judgment of the above Oourt and writ of execution, dated the 22nd day of eptember 1976, the hereundermentioned property will be sold :in execution at 10hoo, on Wednesday, the 24th day of November 1976, at tire offices. of the Deputy heriff, Fifth Floor, tandard General House, 215 Pnles treet, Pretoria, to the highest bidder: Certain Lot 28, situate in the Township of Daspoort Estate, Registration Division JR, Tv}, mea.suri.t1g square metres, held by the Defend-an1 under Deed of Transfer 36291/1974, dated 28 October f974, known as 1020 Wolfaard treet, Daspoort Estate, Pretoria. The following impwve:ments are situate on the property, although in this respeot nothing is guaranteed: A dwelling-house built of brick under corrugated iron roof, consisting of lounge, two bedrooms, kiu:ben, scullery, bathroom and laundry. Outbuildings: Built of brick under corrugated iron roof, consisting of two servants' rooms, w.e. and garage. The conditions of sale, which will be read immediately prior to the sale, are lying for inspection alt the office of the Deputy herif~, Fifth Floor, tandard General House, 215 Proes treet, Pretona. igned at Pretoria this 22nd day of October J. Price, Plaintiff's Attorneys, cio Findlay & Niemeyer, 335 Permanent Buildings, Paul Kruger treet, P.O. Box 801, Pretoria. Case 4606 /76 IN THE MAGITRATE' COURT FOR THE DITRICT OF PRING, HELD AT PRING In the matter between OUTHERN BUILDING OCIETY Plaintiff, and C. P. LE ROUX, Defendant ' In pursuance of a judgment in the Court of the Magistrate of prings, dated 9 eptember 1976, and a warrant of execution, dated 9 eptember 1976, the following property will be sold in execution, without reserve, to the highest bidder on the 26th day of November 1976, at l-hoo, at.n.o. Transport, 66 Fourth treet, prings: Cert~in ErE 745,_ situate in the Township Qf prings, District of pnngs, measunng 495 (four hundred and ninety-five) square metres, held by the Defendant under Deed of Transfer F14l18, dated 21 August lmprovemcnts.-the followingimpfqvements on the PfQperty are reported, though in this respect nothing is guaranteed:. ~ brick dw,?lling under imn roof comprising of a lounge, dmmg-room, kitchen, bathroom, w.e., two bedrooms and usual outbuildings.' Terms and conditions 1. Terms.-The purchase price shall be paid as to ten (10) per centum thereof on the day of tire sale and the unpaid balance within thirty (30) days shall be paid or secured by a bank or building society guarantee.. 2. Condit~o1!s of safe.-the full conditions. of sale may be mspeeted. pnor to the date of the sale at the offices of the Messenger of the Court, 71a TIlird treet, prings. The said conditions of sale will be read out by tire Messenger of the Court immediately pri.or to the sale. D,ated at prings 'On this the 5th day (If October R. Levlll, for Charles herman, Levin & Prosser Plaintiff's Attorney~, First Floor, Rand Centre, Fourth trel:t, P.O. Box 886, pnngs. a'ak 9974/75 IN DIE LANDDROHOF VIR DIE DlTRIK GERMITON, OEHOU TE GERMITON In die saak tussen RAND BANK BPK., Eiser, en DANIEL BENDIN VAN TONDER, Verweerder Kennis word hiermee gegee dat kragtem. 'n lasbrief uitgereik in bogenoemde Agbare Hof op die 15de dag van Oktobcr 1975 die eienoom bekend a': ' Erf 1390, in die Primrose dorpsgehied, Registrasieafdeling IR Tvl.. groat 861 vierkante meter, geh{)u kragtens Transportakt~ T22227/1974, gedateer12 November 1974; in eksekusie verkoop sal word op die 30ste dag van November 1976, om llh30, v{)or die Landdwshof, Germiston. No.328 Verkorte voorwaardes van verlroping 1. Die eiendom word verkoop soos djt!ltaan voetst(lof8 en niks word gewaarborg nie. 2. Die verkoopprys is betaalbaar by wyse van 'n deposito van 10 (tien) per centum van die koopprys, plus Geregsbodekommissie op die datum van verkoping. Die balans, tesame met rente daarop teen 'n koers van 12 (twaalf) per centum per jaar vanaf die datum van verkoping moet betaal of gewaarborg word deur 'n,bank of aanvaarde bougenootskap l>inne 21 (een-en-twintig) dae na die datum van verkoping. 3. Die koper sal aanspreek1ik wees vir die beta1ing van alle transportloostes, ins1uitende hereregte, uitstaande belastings en ander belastings of heffings verskuldig aan die plaaslike owerheid, rente en sodanige ander gclde as wa'l. nodig is om die eiendom in die naam van die toper geregistreer te kry. 4. Indien die eiendom ondcrworpe is aan 'n huurkontrak, word dit vel'koop onderworpe aan die bepalings van die huur Iwntrak. 5. Die eiendom word aangegce as synde verbeter as volg: Woonhuis en buitegeboue. 6. Die vohedige voorwaardes is verkrygbaar van die Geregsbode. Geteken te,benoni op hede die 27ste dag van eptember J. L. Kriel, vir. Vermeulen, Eiser se Prokureur, Eerste Verdieping, Trust Banksentrum, Rolh:;aystraat, Posbus 1423, Benoni. " Case 15073J16 IN THE UPREME COURT OF soum AFRICA (Transvaal Provincial Division) In the matter between OUTH AFRICAN PERMANENT BUILDING OCIETY, Plaintiff, and IABEL GERTRUIDA ALEXANDER, D..:fendant In pursuance of a judgment of the above Court and writ of execution, dated the 30th day of eptember 1976, the undermentioned property will be sold in execution on Wednesday. 24 November 1976, at the offices of the Deputy heriff, Fifth Floor, tandard General House, 215 Proes treet, Pretoria, to the highest bidder: Certain Erf 22.6, situate in the Township of Monument Park, Registration Division JR, Tvl, measuring square metres, held by the Defendant under Deed of Transfer T7922/1976, dated 4 March 1976, known as 55 kilpad treet, Monument Park, Pretoria. The following improvements are situate on the property, but in this respect nothing is guaranteed: A dwelling-house built of brick under iron roof, consisting of lounge, dining-room, study, three bedrooms with built-in cupboards, kitchen. one and a half bathroom and laundry, with knotty pine and Herculite ceilings, and wall-to-wall carpeting and tile floors. Outbuildings: Built of brick under iron roof, consisting of a double garage, servant's room and toilet, with cement floors. There is a shaped designed swimming pool with filter, which is enclosed by a fence and concrete walls. The conditions of sale, which will be read immediately prior to the sale, are lying for inspection at the office of the Deputy heriff, Fifth Floor, tandard General House, 215 Proes treet, Pretoria.. inged at Pretoria this 20th day of October J. Price, Plaintiff's Attorneys, c/o Findlay & Niemeyer, 335 Permanent Buildings, Paul Kruger treet, P.O. Box 801, Pretoria. Case 14488/76 IN THE UPREME COURT OF OUTH AFRICA (Transvaal Provincial Division) In the matter between OUlll AFRICAN PERMANENT BUILDING OCIETY, Plaintiff, and CAPER JOHANNE VAN WYK, Defendant In pursuance of a judgment of the above Court and writ.of execution, dated the 19th day of August 1976, the undermentioned property will be sold in execution on Wednesday, the 24th day of November 1976, at lohoo, at the offices of the Deputy heriff, Fifth Floor, tandard General House, 215 Proes treet, Pretoria, to the highest bidder: Certain Portion 1 of Lot 234, situate in the Town Pretoria North, City of Pretoria, measuring 1276 square metres, held by the Defendant under Deed of Transfer 21669/1972, dated 27 eptember 1972, known as 420 Emily Hobhouse Avenue, Pretoria North.

80 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 r so No. GOVERNMENT GAZETIE, 5 'NOVEMBER 1916 The following improvements are situate on the property, but in this respect nothing is guaranteed: A dwelling-house built of brick under corrugated iron roof, with Rhino board ceilings, consisting of lounge and diningroom with wall-to-wall carpeting. three bedrooms with slasto flooring. kitchen, bathroom, w.c. and laundry with P.V.C. flooring, and a passage of slasto flooring. Outbuildings: Built of brick under corrugatcd iron roof, consisting of garage, servant's room and w.c. The conditions of sale, which will be read immediately prior to the sale, are lying for inspection at the office of the Deputy heriff, Fifth Floor, tandard General House, 215 Proes treet, Pretoria. igned at Pretoria this 15th day of October J. Price, Plaintiff's Attorneys, clo Findlay & Niemeyer, 335 Penmnent Buildings, Paul Kruger treet, P.O. Box 801, Pretoria. Case 10641/76 IN TIlE MAGITRATE' COURT FOR THE DITRICT OF GERMITON, HELD AT GERMITON In the matter between ALLIED BUILDING OCIETY, Plain tiff, and MARTHINU JACOBU BRITZ, Defendant In pursuance of a judgment in the Court of the Magistrate of Germiston and writ of execution, dated 3 eptember 1976, the property listed herein will be sold in execution on Tuesday, 30 November 1976, at llh30, in front of the Magistrate's Court, President treet Entrance, Germiston, to the highest bidder: Ed 509, Elspark Township, Registration Division IR, Tvl, situate on 47 Fulmar treet, Elspark, measuring square metres. The Judgment Creditor described the improvements on the property as set out hereunder, but no warranties are-given in respect thereof: A single-storey dwelling consisting of five rooms with kitchen and two bathrooms with toilets. Constructed of brick with a tiled roof. Outbuildings: Double garage and servant's room with toilet of bricks under iron.. Terms.-The purchase price shall be paid as to ten (10) per cent thereof on the day of the sale and the unpaid balance, together with interest thereon to date of registration of transfer at the rate of 11 per cent per annum within fourteen (14) days shall be paid or secured by a bank or building society guarantee. The conditions of sale, which will be read immediately prior to the sale, may be inspected at the office of the Messenger of the Court, Germiston.-Wright, Rose-Innes, Louw & Wise, Allied Buildings, 170 Meyer treet, Germiston. aak IN DIE LANDDROHOF VIR DIE DITRIK GERMITON, GEHOU TE GERMITON In die saak il:ussen RAND BANK BPK., Eiser, en I. J. MIT, Verweerder Kennis word. hiermee gegee dati: kragtens ~n la-sbrief uitgereik in oogenoemde Agbare Hof op die 15de dag van Desember 1975, die eiendo~ bekend as: Erf 644, in die Tedstonevilledorpsge'bied, dil'ltrik Gerrniston, gi'oiat 616 vierkante meter, gehou kragtens Akte van Transport T17341f74, gedateer 3 eptember 1974; in ek:sekusie verkoop sal word 01' die 30ste dag van November 1976, om llh30, V'Oor die Landdroshof, Germiston. Verkorte voorwaardes van verkoping 1. Die eiendom WlDrd verkoop soos dit staan voetstoots en niks Wlord gewaaroorg nie. 2. pie verkoopprys is be!aalbaar by wyse van 'n deposito van 10 (1IIen) per centum "an die koopprys, plus Gcregsbodekommissie op die datum van verkoping. Die balans tesanle met rente daarop teen 'n koel' van 12 (twaalf) per centum per jaar vanaf die datum van verkoping moet betaal of gewaarborg word deur 'n bank.of aanvaarde boug-enootskap binne 21 (een-en-twint,jg) dae na die datum van verkoping. 3. Die koper ~al a;anspreekhk wees vi! die beta1ing van aile tran6'portk~s, msluden?e hereregte, mtstaande belastings en an?er belastmgs of. heffm~s verskuldig aan die paaslike owerheld,.rent~ en sodanlge ~nder gelde as wat nodig is om die ciendom In dj.e naam van die koper geregistrcer te kry. i 4. Indien die eiendom 'Onderworpe is oon 'n hunrkontrak,. word dit verkoop onderworpe aan die'bepalings van die bunrkontrak:. 5. Die eienoom word aangee as synde verbeteras volg: Woonhuis en buitegeboue. 6. Die volledige voorwaardes is verkrygbaar van die Geregsbode. Gedateer te Germiston op hede die 18de dag van" Okio~r Kriel, Moodie & Vennote,Prokureurs vir Eiser, Revelas Towers 401, hoek van Cross- en Queenstraat, Germiston. Case 13858/76 IN THE UPREME COURT OF OUTIl AFRICA (Transvaal Provincial Division) In the matter between OUTIl AFRICAN PERMANENT BUILDING OCIETY, Plaintiff, and PIETBR POTGIETER, Defendant In pursuance of a judgment of the above Court and writ of execution, dated the 20th day of epte.'llber 1976, the undermentioned property will be sold in execution on Wednesday, the 24th day of November 1976, at IOhOD, at the offices of the Deputy heriff, Fifth Floor, tandard General House, 215 Proes treet, Pretoria, to the highest bidder: Certain Ed 75, situate in the Town of Montana, Registration Division JR, Tvl, measui'ing 1043 square metres, held by the Defendant under Deed of Transfer T24294 I1975, dated 24 July 1975, known as 293 ingde treet, Montana, Pretoria. The following improvements are situate on the property, but in this resp...oct nothing is guaranteed: A dwelling-house, consisting of a lounge, dining room, three bedrooms,- kitchen, two bathrooms and laundry, with knotty pine ceilings, carpet floors and hot and cold walter. < Outbuildings.-Consisting of a double garage. servant's room and w.c. There is an 80 per cent complete swimming pool on the premises. The conditions of sale, which will be read immediately prior to the sale, are lying for inspection at the office of the Deputy heriff, Fifth Floor, tandard General House, 215 Proes treet, Pretoria. igned at Pretoria, this 18th day of October J. Price, c/o Findlay & Niemeyer, Plaintiff's Attorneys, 335 Permanent Buildings, Paul Kruger treet, P.O. Box 801, Pretoria. Case IN THE UPREME COURT OF OUTIl AFRICA (Transvaal Provincial Division) In the matter between OUTH AFRICAN PERMANENT BUILDING OCIETY, Plaintiff, and JOHANNE HENDRIK GROBLER, Defendant In pursuance of a judgment of the above Court and writ of execution, dated the 4th day of October 1976, the undermentioned property will be sold in execution on Wednesday, 24 November 1976, at the offices of the Deputy heriff, Fifth Floor, tandard General House, 215 Proes treet, Pretoria, to the highest bidder: Certain rem?jning extent of Portion 6 of Consolidated Lot 1110, situate in the Township of Pretoria North, City of Pretoria, measuring 2478 square metres, held by the Defendant under Deed of Transfer 29009/1971, dated 23 August 1971, known as 24 Louis Trichardt treet, Pretoria North, Pretoria. The following improvements are situate on the property, but in this respect nothing is guaranteed: A dwelling-house built of brick under corrugated iron roof, consisting of a lounge, dining room, three bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen and laundry, with steel and rhino cehings, and expanded wood floors. Outbuildings.-Built of brick under iron roof, consisting of a garage, 3 wc's, store and servant's room. Also on the property is a flatlet built of brick under thatch roof and ceilings, consisting of one bedroom, lounge, kitchen and bathroom, with grano floors, and a comer shop built of brick under iron roof, with four storerooms. The conditions of sale, which will be read immediately prior to the sale. are lying for inspection at the office of the Deputy heriff, Fifth Floor, tandard General House, 215 Proes treet, Pretoria. igned at Pretoria, this 22nd day of October J. Price, c/o Findlay & Niemeyer, Plaintiff's Attorneys, 335 Permanent Buildings, Paul Kruger treet, P.O. Box 801, Pretoria.

81 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 TAATKOERANT, 5 NOVEMBER 1976 No. 81. Case 15/76 IN THE MAGITRATE' COURT FOR TIlE DITRICT OF GERMITON, HELD AT GERMITON In the matter between OUTH AFRICAN PERMAMENT BUILDING OCIETY, Plaintiff, and IAK JACOBU MIT, Defendant On the 30th day of November 1976, at llh30, a publi,7 auction sale will be held in front of the Magistrate's Court, President treet, Germiston, at which the Messenger of the Court will, pursuant to the judgment of the Court in this action, warrant of execution issued in terms thereof, and attachment in execution made thereunder, sell: Certain Erf 644, Tedstoneville Township, Registration Diviei'Ofl IR, Tvl, measuring.616 (six hundred and sixteen) square metres, also known as 10 Kraai treet, Teosonville, Germiston. Improvements reported which are not warranted to be correctand are not guaranteed: Brick built single storey residence under iron roof consisting of five rooms other than the kitchcn and bathroom and outbuildings of similar construct ion comprising garage and toilet (hereinafter called "the property"). Material conditions of sale 1. The sale shall, in all respects, be governed by the Magistrates' Courts Act, 1944, and the rules made thereunder or any amendment thereof or substitution therefor and, subject thereto, the property shall be sold voetstoots to the highest bidder without reserve. 2. The price shall bear interest at the rate of 10,5 per cent per annum or, if the claim of the outh Afrioan Permanent Building ooiety exceeds the price, interest amounting to the same as interest at that rate on that claim subject to such interest no't exceeding the maximum allowed by law. 3. The 1'urcha'cr shall be obliged to pay a deposit of 10 p-~r centum,of Ithe price or R400, whichever is the greater, immediately after and the balance of the price and interest shall, within 14 days <of the date of sale, be paid or be secured by unconditional or approvc-d bank and lor building society guarantee/s payable to the Messenger of the CO'urt and/or such other peroon/ s as he requires,on transfer of the property to' the purchaser. 4. The purchaser shall be liable fm and ~hall pay to the Plaintiff's conveyancers on request, the fees 'Of the Messenger O'f the Court for acting as auctioneer and all amounts necessary to obtain transfer,of the property, in;;:]ud jng stamp duty, other oasts O'f transfer :and all such rates and taxes and other amounts as are payable to,obtain a cer~ificate in terms of section 50 of the Local Government Ordinance (Transvaal), 1939,,or any amendment thereof,or sub"titu(ion therefor. 5. ~osses8km and occupatio'n of the pmperty shall, subje->t to the fights of any existing tenant/s, pass to the purchaser upon the sale being effected. Dated at Germiston this 22nd day of el)tember H. s. K. Tucker, for Henry Tur:ker & Partners, ixth FI{)()r,.A. Permament Buildings, corner of Odendaal and Meyer trcets, P.O. BO'X 507, Germi,gtO'n. aak 2169/76 IN DIE LA1-t'DDROHOF VIR DIE mtrik KRUGER DORP, GEHOU TE KRUGERDORP Tussen DIE TRUT BOUVERENIGING, Eiser, en M. P. F. PRETORIU, Verwcerder In uitvoering van 'n vonnis in die Landdroshof van Kmgersdorp en lasbrief tot geregtelike verkoping gedateer 6 Augustus 1976, sal die ondervermelde eiendom op I Desember 1976 om!oh15, vo'or.die Landdro?kantO'or, Blc~ard"traat ingang, Kru'gersdO'rp, aan die hoogste bleder geregtehk verko'op word naamlik: ekere Erf 291 gelee in die dorpsgebicd Kenmare, Krugersdorp, groot 744 (sewe h{)l1derd vlcr-en-veertig) vierkante meter. Voorwaard<?s van verkoop 1. Die eiendom word sonder voorbehoud verk.()~p aan die hoogs-te bieder en al onderhewig wecs aan die voorwaardes en b~dinge v~n die Wet c:p ~nddros~q.we en.die reels daarvolgens U1tgevaardlg en van die cjendomsonewe vir sover dit van toepassing is. 2. Voorwaardes.-Die koopprys moet OO' VO'lg betaal word: (a) :riel? (10) persent daarvan in kontant by ondertekening van hlerdle v()orwaardes en betaalbaar aan die Geregsbode, en (b) die balans teen transport verseker te Wiord deur middel van goedgekeurde bank- of bouverenigingwaarborge ten gunste van die vonnis-skuldeiser en/of sy genomiheerdes by qie "geregsbode ingehandig te word binrteveertien (14) dae na die datum van verkoping, welke waarborge op registrasle van transport van die eiendom op naam van die ko'perbetaalbaar sal wees, vry van wisselkoers te Roodepoort. 3. Al die verk<oopvoorwaardes wat deur die Geregsbode, Krugersdorp, net voor die verkoping wtgelees sal word, is in kantoor ter insae beskikbaar.-g. J. mith & Van der Watt, se PrO'kureurs, HnmansdO'rp 40, Kruge~sdorp. aak 7919/76 In die saak tus5~n AAMBOU NAlONALE BOUVERENIGING Eiser, CHARTWELL AGT DRIE (BDM.) BPK., Verweerder Ter uitwinning van 'n vonnis van die H{loggeregsoof van uid-afrika (Witwatersrandse Plaaslike Afdeling) in bogemelde saak, sal 'n verkoping sonder 'n reserweprys gehou w<ord ten kantore van die Adjunk-halju, Eerste Verdieping, Nedbanksentrum, hoek van BQrdeaux- en Parisstraat, Randburg, 01' Dinsdag, die 30ste dag van November 1976, om 14hOO van die ondervermelde eiendom van die Verweerder {lp die voorwaardes wat deur die venduafslaer gelees sal word ten tye van die verkoping en welke voorwaardes by die kant ore van die Adjunk~balju. Randburg voo'r die v.:rkoping ter insae sal Ie (kort beskrywing van eiendom, ligging, straatnommer ens. ): ekere Hoewe 83, gele~ in Ohartwell Landbouhoewe, Registrasieafdeling JQ, Tv!., groo-t 2,5696 hektaar (ook bekend as Vyfde Weg 83, Chartwell Landb-ouhoewes, Randburg). Die volgende inligting word verskaf insake verbetering, alhaewei geen waarborg in. verband daarmee gegee kan word nie: 'n Huis onder geteelde dak bestaande uit sitkamer, eetkamcilr, ko'mbuis. vier slaapkamers, een studeerkamer, een-en-half badkamer, waskamer, asook bediendekamers, dubbel motorhuis, tennisbaan en swembad. Terme.-Tien persent van die koopprys en 2! persent afslaersgelde (minimum R20) in kontant op die dag van die verkoping en die balans teen Registrasie van TraMport. Ten opsigte van die balans moel 'n bank- of bougenootska:p- {If ander aanneembare waarborg binne veertien dae vanaf datum van verkoping verskaf wo'rd. Gedateer 26 Oktoberl976.-D. H. choltz, vir D. J. de Villiers, choltz & Van der Walt, EiserseProkureur, aambou Nasj,o.. nalegebou, Tweede Verdieping, Commissionerstraat 130, JO'hannersburg. IN DlE HOOGGEREGHOF VAN UID-AFRIKA (Transva'alse Provinsiale Afdeling) aak 5481/76 In die saak tussen PONTENILO ETATE (PTY) LTD, Eirer, en PIETER JACOBU MARIU VAN METZINGER, Verweerder Ingevolge 'n uitspraak van bogenoomde bof en lasbrief tot eksekusie, gedateer 28 eptember 1976, sal die hierondervermelde eiendom geregtelik verkoop word om IOhOO, op Vrydag, die 19de dag van November 1976, voor die LanddroshO'f, Potgieterstraa,t, Nylstroom, a'an die persoon wie die hoo'gste aanbod maak: Gedeelte 4 Cn gedeelte van Gedeelte 1) van die plaas maldeel 618, Registrasieafdeling KR, Tv!., groot 299,7862 hektaal gchou deur die Verw'eerder kragtens Akte van Transport T6806/ 76, gedateer 27 Februarie 1976, gelee {lngeveer 15 km vanaf Tuinplaas op dietuinplaas-crecypad...oie volgende verbeterings is. op die eiendom gelee. maar in hierd-ie opsig word daar niks gewaarborg nie: 'n WOOIl'huis bestaande uit drie slaapkamers. Buitegeboue bestaande. uit twee sto'orkamers en een afdak. Vier boorgate waa rvan een toegerus is. Die verkoopvoo'rwaardes,' wat onmiddelik vo'or die verkoping gelees sal word, Ie ter insae by die kantoor van die Adjun:k.-ibalju vir die distrik Waterberg, Rentmeestergebou. Potgieterstraat 88, Nylstroom. Getekente Nylstroom op hierdie 15de dag van Oktober J. C. van R{)()y, vir Van Rooy Van der Walt & cheepers, Eiser se Prokureur, Mutuaigeb{lu, Posbus 566. Nylstroom...

82 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February % No. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 5 NOVEMBER 1976 Case 11831/16 IN THE MAGITRATE' COURT FOR THE DITRICT OF PRETORIA, HELD AT PRETORIA In the matter between UNITED BUILDING OCIETY, Plaintiff, and MONTAQUE DU PREEZ, Defendant A sale in execution of the property described hereunder will be held in front of the Magistrate's Court, Pretoria, at WhOO, on Friday, 19 November 1976: Erf 6, situate in the Town Lynnwood Ridge, Registration Division JR, Tvl, measuring (two thousand one hundred and seventy-four) square metres. The following particulars are furnished but not guaranteed: The stand known as Erf 6, Lynnwood Ridge, measuring 2174 square metres in extent, is situated on an east-facing stand in 112 Bouvardia treet. This stand is elevated and situated in a neat and fast developing township. A substantial building society bond can be arranged for an approved purchaser. The conditions of sale may be inspected at the office of the Messenger of the Court (outhern Area), Centenary Buildings, 219 Bureau Lane, Pretoria.-Rene du Plessis, c/o MacRobert, De Villiers & Hitge, 601 United Buildings, 243 Pretorius treet, Pretoria. Case 10055/16 IN THE MAGITRATE' COURT FOR THE DITRICT OF PRETORIA, HELD AT PRETORIA In the matter between UNITED BUILDING OCIETY, Plaintiff, and LOUI FRANCOI JACOBU VAN DER MERWE, Defendant A sale in execution of the property described hereunder will be held in front of the Magistrate's Court, Pretoria, at WhOO, on 19 November 1976: Certain Erf 1319, situate on Rooiribbok treet, in the Town Waterkloof Ridge Extension 2, City of Pretoria, measuring (one thousand four hundred and eighty-seven) square metres. The following partriculars are furnished but not guaranteed: Known as 54 Rooiribbok treet, Waterkloof Ridge Extension 2, this property is well situated on a south-facing stand measuring square metres in extent. Tbis is a neat and attractive flat-roofed property and is closely situated near to the shopping centre. Improvements comprise 1. Clinker brick under iron and tile flat roof dwelling-house, consisting of lounge, dining-room, family-room, study, three bedrooms, one with private bathroom and bathroom. All rooms except kitchen and bathroom are fitted with wall to wall carpets. 2. Clinker brick under iron and tile servant's room, toilet, work bay and double garage. A substantial building society bond can be arranged for an approved purchaser. The conditions of sale may be inspected at the office of the Messenger of the Court (outhern Area), Centenary Buildings, 219 Bureau Lane, Pretoria.-Rene du Plessis, c/o MacRobert, De Villiers & Hitge, 601 United Buildings, 243 Pretorius treet, Pretoria. aak 955/76 IN DIE LANDDROHOF VIR DIE DITRIK VREDEN BURG, GEHOU TE VREDENBURG In die saak tussen ALLIBD BOUVERENIGING, Eiser, en JOHAN WIlliELM VO, Verweerder Kennis geskied hkormee dat ingevo)ge 'n vonnis van bogemelde Agbare Hof en 'n lasbrief vir eksekusie wat o<p die 9de dag van eptember 1976 uitgereik is, sal die onderstaande eiendoffi, naamlik: Erf 1586, Vredenburg, gele6 in die munisipaliteit van Vredenburg/aldanha, bestaande uit 'n woonhuis met drie slaapkamers, sitkamer, kombuis en opwaskamer, badkamer, bad en stort, latrine, portaal en buitegeboue, bestaande uit 'n garage en twee kamers, in eksekusie verkoop word op Woenldag, 17 November 1976, om WhOO, voor die hoofingang van dko Landdroshof te Vreden'burg. Vemaamste voorwaardes van verkoping 1. ~e eiend~m word voetstoots verkoop onderhewig aan die bepalings van dle Landdroohowe Wet en sy reels. 2. Die koopprys salop datum van verkoping betaal word, by wyse van 'n deposito van 10 (tien) persent van die koopprys plu:; afslaersverkoopkommissie en die balans sal betaal of verseker word by wyse van 'n bank- of bougenootska'pwaarbotg, binne 21 dae na datum van verkoping. 3. Die koper sal aile bed rae betaal wat nodig is om transport te neem, insluitende oordragfooie, hereregte en koste, en aile agterstallige en lopende munisipale bela stings en heffings en regs.onkoste daaraan verbonde.,. 4. Die verkoopvoorwaardes sal ter insae by die kantoor van die Geregsbode, Vredenburg, Ie. Gedateer te Vredenburg op hede die 25ste dag van Oktober wemmer & Levin, Eiser se ProkureuT, Hoofweg, Vredenburg. Case 317/16 IN THE MAGITRATE' COURT FOR THE DITRICT OF KRUGERDORP, HELD AT KRUGERDORP Between TOWN COUNCIL OF KRUGERDORP, Plaintiff, and ROBINX REX GROEP (EDM.) BPK., Defendant In pursuance of a judgment in the Court of the Magistrate of Krugersdorp and writ of execution, dated the 9th day of June 1976 the following properties will be sold in execution on Wed nesd~y, 24 November 1976, at WhOO, in front of the Magistrate's Court, Biccard treet Entrance, Krugersdorp, to the highest bidder, viz: 1. tand 1112, situate in the tand TOWITship of Krugersdorp, Registration Division lq, Tvl, measuring square metres, hek by the Execution Debtor under Deed of Transfer FI0735/ 1973, dated 25 June 1973, known as 105 and 107 COmmissioner treet, Krugersdorp; and tand 662. 'ituate in the tand Township of Krugersdorp, Registration Divis.ion IQ, Tvl, measuring 495 square metres. held by the Executio,~ Debtor under Deed of Transfer Fl0735/1973, dated 25 June 1973, and known as 103 Commissioner treet, Krugersdorp. The above two stands will be put up for auction together as oen unit. There is said to be erected upon the said tw.o stands a double-storey building on the ground floor of which are premi~es used until recently as a cafe consisting of three rooms with painted plastered walls, concrete floors covered with Marley tiles, an office complex consisting of five offices and w.c., two f1ll.ts each comprising of a bedroom, Eitting-room, dining-room, kitchenette and bathr,oom with w.c.. a motor garage consisting of two offkes, a room presently uflised as a spare parts depaitment, a show room, a store room, two workshops and three w.c.'s. There are also three parking garages, constructed in contravention of Municipal Regulations, of wood and zinc. On the first floor are eight flats each of which has a bedroom, dining-room, lounge, bathroom with w.c. The noorsare of Marley tiles, the ceilings of asbestos, the wall' plastered and painted. The building is of brick and mortar under a flat zinc roof. Nothing, however, is guaranteed in respect of the foregoing. 2. tand 443. situate in the stand Township of Krugersdorp. Registration Division IQ. Tvl, measuring 248 square metres, held hy the Execution Debtor under Deed of Transfer FI8013/1972, dated 17 November 1972, and known as 28 Fountain treet, Krugersdorp,on which there is said to 'be erected a building constructed of brick and mortar under zinc roof and consisting of a closed in veranda, reception room, five offices, kitchen with w.c., an outside room with w.e., in respect of which however, nothing is guaranteed. Terms.~-R500 (five hundred rand) in cash at the time of the sale in respect of each property, and the balance against registration of transfer to be secured 'by an approved banker's or building society guarantee to be delivered within 21 days thereafter, The oonditions,of sale may be inspected during office hours at the office of the Messenger of the Court, 1 Biccard treet, Krugersdorp.-Phillips & Osmond, First Floor, Edanwaves, 1 Monument treet, Krugersdorp. aak 1339/76 IN DIE HOOGGEREGHOF VAN UJD-AFRIKA (Transvaalse Pmvinsiale Afdeling) In die saak tussen A. A. BICHOFF & EUN (EDM.) BPK., Eiser, en R. E. LlEBENBERG, Verweerder Ingevolge 'n uitspraak van die bogemelde Agbare Hof, gedateer 30 Maart 1976, en lasbrief tot beslaglegging, gedateer 1 Julie 1976, word die volgende eiendom verkoop op 'n openbare veiling gehou by die kantoor van die Adjunk-balju, Vyfde Verdieping, tandard Generalgcbou 21'. Proesstraat, Pretoria, op Woensdag, 24 November 1976, om lohoo.

83 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 TAATKOERANT, 5 NOVEMBER 1976 No. Die eiendom wat ie koop aangebied sal word, bes1aan wt: ekere Erf 1043, gele6 in die dorp Wier:da Park, Registra5ieafdeling JR, Tv!., groot vierkante meter, gehou kragtens Mte,van, Transport T33%0/74, gedateer 12 eptember 1974, ook bekend as Hendrikstraat 196, Wierda Park, Pretoria, verbeter met woonhuis en buitegeboue. Neem verder kennis dat die verkoopvoorwaardes ter in~ae Ie by die kantoor van die Adjunk-balju, Pretoria. Geteken te Pretoria op hcde dic 20ste dag van Oktober P.. Roux, Prokureur vir Eiser, Permanente Gcbou 402, Pretoriusstraat 200, Pretoria. aak 1316/76 IN DIE LANiDDROHOF VIR DIE DITRIK RooDE POORT, GEHOU TE ROODEPOORT. In die saak tussen DIE TRUT BANK, Eiser, en W. VINCENT, Verweerder Kennis geskied hiermee dat ter uitwinning van 'n vonnis op die 30ste dag van April 1976, 'n lasbrief uitgereik is en daar op die volgende beslag gele is: ekere Erf 18(i7, North~liff-uitbreiding '19 dorpsgebied, Regi 6trasieafdeling IQ, Tvl., groot 933 vierkante meter, gehou kragtens T4383!74, met 'n WOOlli'lUis en,buitegeboue. Terme van verkoping.-tien persent van koopprys in kontant betaalbaar ten tye van verkoping, en balans teen registrasie van transport versekureer te word deur 'n goedgekeurde bankof gelewer te word binne veertien (14) dae daarna. Geliewe daarop te let dat verdere verkoopvoorwaardes mag gedurendc kantoorure verkiy word, wat tel' insae Ie by die kantore van die Geregsbode, Diepemuntstraat 11, Roodepoort. Die eiendom waarop beslag gele sal word, sal deur die Geregsbode geregtelik vcrkoop word op 26 November 1976, om 10hoo, te die Geregsbode se kantore. Gedateer te Pretoria op hede die 29ste dag van Oktober Po R. Greyiing, anlamgcbou 614, hoek van Andries- en Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria. PUBLIC AUCTION Duly in&tructoo by the trustees in the insolvent estate of A. M. Y. TRACHAN (Master's Reference T685/76), we will sell by Public Auction a.t WhOO on 19 November, >on site, the following fixed property namely: Certain Lot 1140, Ferndale, situate 231 Pine Avenue, Ferndale, Randburg, measuring 4015 square metres (subdivisicmabie). De1ightful tha.tclled home, set well back in walled and WIOOded stand at end of brick paved driveway. North facing with downstairs entrance, han. lounge (with large anthracite heater), mezzanine sewing-room, thitd bedroom (B.I.Co's), kitchen, cloakroom, study and completely self contained bed/sitter flat, own bathroom and kithenette, seperate entrance, B.I.C.'s. Upstairs.-Tv!ro bedr{)(}ms (D.I.Co's), oomplete bathroom with bidet, w.c., bath/shower. Linen cupboard under statirs. Outbuildings and grounds.-brick paved patio round oouse with outdoor braai, lovely pool, lawns, railings, office, bathroom and storeroom (excellent flatlet), laundry, storeroom, servants w.c./shower, two servants' rooms, enclosed paved yard. Bond.-There is a first bond of R25OO0 available to an approved buyer. Conditions of saie.-lo per cent deposit (cash or bankguaranteed cheque) on 'signing deed of sale at auction, balance on transfer, guarantees within 30 days of acceptance of offer by trustee (within 14 days of sale). Directions.-From Hendrik Verwoerd Drive, down Republic Road, left into Pine Avenue. Further informati.on or to "iew telephone the auctioneer. Oharlcs Gowie, c/o Charlros Auctioneers (Ply) Ltd, 5 Valley Centre, Ian muts Avenue, Craighall, Insolvent estate. J. J. VAN VUUREN (Master's Reference T2l1 /76) Duly instmcted by the trustee in the above-mentioned matter we will sell at the residence, 94 Polaris Avenue, Waterkloof Ridge, Pretoria, on Tuesday, 16 November 1976, as follows: 1. Erf 1635, Waterkloof Ridge, Pretoria, with luxury residence thereon. 2. Erf 1637, Waterkloof Ridge, Pretoria, vacant residential stand. 3. Plot 31, Raslouw, District of Verwoerdburg, situated in Gouws Avenue, approximately 2t hectare agricultural holding. 4. Residential property situated at 10 Burger Avenue, Delmas West, with residence thereon.. Quality household furniture and effects. The properties will be sold subject to confirmation within 14 days. Terms.-For fixed property, 10 per cent by bank-guaranteed cheque immediately and the balance within 30 days of confirmation by bank or building society guarantee. Loose assets.-cash or bank-guaranteed cheque only.-trakman's Auctioneers (Pty) Ltd, Auctioneers, tock Liquidators, P.O. Box 66267, Broadway, THEO JORDAAN & DAVID FOURIE (PTy) LTD' PROPERTY AUCTION Insolvent estate, Daspoort dwelling Duly inst.ructed thereto by the trustee, J. F. Carstens, in the insolvent estate P. C. F. NELON (Master's R1.'lferenoe T1263/76), we will sell by public auction entirely without reserve but wbject to the consent of the trustee at our mart, 7a Nedbank Plaza, oor~ ner of Ch'.trch and Beatrix treets, Arcadia, on Tuesday, 9 November 1976, at WhOO, the undermeil'l:ioned: Certain Lot 1461, Daspoort, i.e Wolfvaart treet, Daspoort, Pretoria, in ejctent I 938 square metres, on which. is erected a dwelling consisting of lounge, dining-room, three bedrooms, kitchen and bathroom. Outbuildings: Two garages, servant's room and storeroom. Terms.-1O per cent deposit.on the day of the sale and the balance within 30 dayi of confirmati{)n. For further particula11, contact the 'lluctioneers.-thea Jordaan & David Fourie (pty) Ltd, 7a Nedbank Plaza, corner of Church and Beatrix treets, P.O. Box 26345, Arcadia, Pretoria. KIMBER CONTRUCTION (PTY) LTD, in liquidation Liquidation sale of the earth-moving and constru -tion plant and equipment at Halfway House, Bomag BW212 Vibrating Roller (1975 model in new condition), International TD25 Dozer, Caterpillar D7P Dozer, Metter Pingon 14C and 12C Backactors, rollers, compactors, tractor, dumpers, compressor, Leyland tippe11, Mercedes flats, light delivery vans, also three Waboo 229F tracil:or-scrapers, Foden 27 tonne rear dump truck, bat:hing plant, yard crane, service truck, etc. At Halfway House, Thursday, 11 November Instructed by the joint liquidators of Kimber Construction (pty) Ltd, in liquidation (Master', Reference C30/76) the liquidation sale of the Halfway House Plant takes place on Thursday, 11 November 1976, at 'loh30. Directions.-From the Johannesburg to Pretoria Old Main Road turn left at Police tation and the Halfway House Nursery in Halfway House, proceed for I km to Reef Lefevre Construction ite. Terms.-Cash or bank-certified cheques only. Details.-From the auctioneers.-j. C. Burchmore (Pty) Ltd, Auctioneers, 115 Marshall treet (between Eloff and Rissik treets), Johannesburg. RELIABLE AUCTIONEERING CO' ALE (am Rumbak Auctioneer) M. & T. WHOLEALER (PTy) LTD Ladies', Gents' and Children's Clothing Duly instruetedby the liquidator of M. & T. Wholesalers (pty) Ltd, in liquidation (Master's Reference T975J76J, we shall sell without reserve: Entire stock-in-trade comprising gents' shocs, belts, underwear, suitcases, ladies' underwear, sandals, knitted shirts, foundation garments, trousers, canvas boots berets, track suits, T shirts, safari suits. jerseys, cap, trousers, mens shorts, windbreakers, raineoats, denimwear, briefcases, bags, boiler suits, bedspreads, gloves, babywear, hose, jackets, shopping bags, overcoats batteries UMI UM2, penught, slippers, ete. Note.-8ale takes place in our mart, 231 Commissioner treet (Off End treet), Johannesburg, on Wednesday, 24 November 1976, at 10h30. Terms.-Cash or bank-initialled cheques only.-reliable Auctioneering Co. (pty) Ltd, Auctioneers and tock Liquidators, 231 Commissioner treet (off End treet), P.O. Box 8986, Johannesburg, Telegrams: Losamor, Johannesburg.

84 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February No. GOVERNMENT OAZElTE, 5 NOVEMBER 1976 PUBLIC AUCTION Deceased estate Duly instructed by the executor in the estate of the late FRANK TOPHAM (Estate 9739/75), we shall sen on the spot at 17 Freelon treet, Impala Park, Hoksburg, on Thursday, 18 November 1976, at IlhOO: Certain Erf 836, in the Township of Impala Park, District of Botsburg, measuring 953 square metres, on which is erected a house and usual outbuildings. Terms.-IO per cent deposit on the day of sale. Balance by approved guarantee within 30 days of confirmation of sale. The above-mentioned sale is subject to confirmation of the Master of the upreme Court. Enquiries to be made at Witwatersrand Investments, Auctioneers, 41 Cranboume Avenue, Benoni, or Edelstein, Kahn & Connack, Attorneys. PHIL MINNAAR & CO' ALE Liquidation sale of exquisite three-storey manor house on Muckleneuk Ridge, Pretoria Duly instructed by the joint liquidators in the matter NEW ORCHARD (PTY) LTD, in liquidation (Master's Reference T870f76), we will sell by public auction without reserve subject to confirmation by the liquidators. The property.-erf 773 Muckleneuk. Pretoria, in extent 993 square meters, and better known as 317 ilver treet, Muckleneuk, Pretona,. At our salesrooms, 28 Esselen treet, unnyside, Pretoria, on aturday, 27 November 1976, at 10hOO.-Phil Minnaar & Co. (pty) Ltd, Auctioneers and Appraisers, 28 Esselen treet, P.O. Box 28265, unnyside, Pretoria. PHIL MINNAAR & CO' ALE Very interesting liquidation sale of double-storey dwelling in Brooklyn, Pretoria Duly instructed by the joint liquidators in the matter LOT VYF NUL EWE (PTY) LTD, in liquidation (Master' Referenee Tl112176), we will sell without reserve subject to confirmation by the liquidators: Erf 507, Brooklyn, Pretoria, in extent square meters, and better known as 97 Charles treet (corner Fehrsen treet), Brooklyn, Pretoria. At our salesrooms, 28 Esselen treet, unnyside, Pretoria, on aturday, 27 November 1976, at 10hOO.-Phii Minnaar & Co. (Pty) Ltd, Auctioneers and Appraisers, 28 Esselen treet, P.O. Box 28265, unnyside, Pretoria. UNITED AUCTIONEERING CO' ALE ACO GENERAL METAL WORK (PTY) LTD, in liquidation (No. T393f76) Duly instructed by the liquidator in the above matter we will sell by public auction at our mart, 109 Pritchard treet (off Troye treet), Johannesburg, on Wednesday, 10 November 1976, at 09h30, the following: tock, plant, machinery, tools, office equipment and fixtures, on view Tuesday, 9 November ale takes place at our mart, 109 Pritchard treet (off Troye treet), Johannesburg, on Wednesday, 10 November 1976, at 09h30.-United Auctioneering Company, Auctioneers and tock Liquidators, 109 Pritchard treet, Johannesburg. DIPPENAAR & BOOYEN (EDM.) BPK. E VENDUIE Behoorlik daartoe get as deur die trustee in die insolvente boedel van ZACHARIA CHRITIAAN VENTFR (Boedel Tl605/75), word ondergenoe.mde eiendom per pubijeke veiling verkoop op Vrydag, 12 November 1976, om IOhOO, by ons kantool' gele~ te Rentmeestergebou, Voortrekkerweg 63, Potgietersrus. Die eiendom.-ekere Gedeelte 1 van Erf 505, gelre te Pretoriusstraat 28 (hoek van Pretorius- en Deklerkstraat), Piet Potgietersrust, K, Tv!., groot 2231 vierkante meter, en gebou kragte:ns Akte van Transport 7392/62. Verbeterings.-Op die eiendom kom 'n stewig geboude woonhuis voor wat bestalllll uit vier slaapkamers waarvan een met bad, sitkamer en eetkamer met muur-tot-muurmat, studeerkamer, kombuis met elektriese- en antrasietstoof en opwasbak, badkamer, spoellatrine, gang en voorstoep. Die buitegeboue bestaan uit 'n' garage en bediendekamer. Boorgat toegerus met draaipomp en elekt"iese motor asook 'n verske:idenheid vrugtebome. Betalings- en V erkoo pvoorwaardes.-l0 persent van die. koopprys in kontant of gewaarmerkte tjek teen toeslaan van die bod en vir die balans 'n goedgekeurde bank- en/of ander waar, wat gelewer moet word binne 30 dae na datum van veiling, Die verlcoping is onderhewig aan be,kragti&ing v~ dje. Trustee. Die vouedige verkoopvoorwaardes Ie tel' msae m d'ie kantoor van die afslaers en sal voor die veiling voorgelees word. A/slaersnota.-Die eiendom is sentraal gelre, hin~e loopa~stand van die 'ed en die tocstand daarvan I sodantg"dat dit met v id by voorgenome huiskopers en beleggers aanbeveel kan word. Besigtiging.-Reel asseblief met die afslaers. Nadere besonderhede van die afslaers.-dippenaar & Booysen (Edms.) Bpk., Posbus 199, Potgietersrus. RELIABLE AUCTIONEERING CO.' ALE (am Rumbak Auctioneer) ROMAGRO MANUFACTURER (PTY) LTD Woodworking plant, timber, wooden trunks Duly instructed by the liquidator of Romagro Manufacturers (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation (Master's Reference T768/76), we shall sell by public aucti.on, with~ut reserv~,. complete factory plant, stock-in-trade and raw matenals, compnsmg: Circular saws cross cut saws, radial saw (subject to lease), bandsaws, plan~rs, compres>sors, air staple. gu~s, spray guns, hardware, paint, qua!ltities hardboard, masomte, timber, plywood, trestles, large quantities wooden trunks, etc. Note.-ale takes place in our mart 231.Commissioner treet (off End treet), J.ohannesburg,.on Wednesday, 10 November 1976, at 10h30. Terms.--Cash or bank-initialled cheques only.----:r~1iable Auctioneering Co. (Pty) Ltd, Auctioneers and tock LIqUidators, 231 Commissioner treet (off End treet), P.O. Box 8986, Johannesburg. Telegrams: Losamor, Johannesburg. UNITED AUCTIONEERING CO: ALE in association with Lezard & Company Insolvent e~tate of CHAIM KALMAN WAINER (Master's Reference TI142/76) and Insolvent estate of DIANNE WAINER (Master's Reference T1143/16) Duly instructed by the trustee in the above matter, we will sell by public auction at 134 Pritchard treet, corner Polly treet, Johannes:burg, on Tuesday, 16 November 1976, at 10hOO, the following: Household furniture, antiques, porcelain.objects D'art, silver~ ware, paintings, desks, chairs, personal effects, etc. On view unday 14 November 1976, and Monday 15 November 1976, between'10hoo and 17hOO daily. Watoh daily press for further details. ale takes place on the 6pOt, 134 Pritchard treet, corner Polly treet, J.ohannesburg, on Tuesday, 16 N,ovember 1976, at t~ho<!. -United Auctioneering Company, AuctIoneers and tock LIqUl~ dat.ors, 109 Pritchard treet, Johannesburg. RELIABLE AUCTIONEERING CO.' ALE (am Rumbak Auctioneer) Nineteen new and used cars, R16000 peugeot and toyota spares, oils, etc. Duly instructed by the liquidator of JAYE MOTOR (PTY) LTD, in liquidation, trading as Berts Garage (Master's Reference T1147/16), we shall sell without reserve: New 1976 Peugeot 404 automatic, new battery carw, 1971 Peu~ geot, 1974 Peugeot, Toyota bus, Valiant, Fiat, Citroen, Toyota edan, Ford Ranchero, Opel, etc. R9000 Peugeot spares, R7000 Toyota spares, quantities castrol, Duckharn;>; uper hell Valvoline gearbox oilts, Wynns, Redex, Molyshp, value ease W.M. Pen, TP products, etc., and hundreds of items too numerous 00 mention. Note.-ale takes place on the spot, Berts Garage, 7 Voortrekker Road, Alberton, Tvl, on Thursday, 18 November 1976, at IOh30. Terms.~Cash or bank-initialled cheques only.-reliable Auctioneering Co. (Pty) Ltd, Auctioneers and tock Liquidators, 231 Commissioner treet (off End treet), P.O. Box 8986, Johannesburg. Telegrams: Losamor, Johannesburg.

85 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 PHIL:MfNNAAR &; IP& B VBRKOPB Lik.wi.da.sie veihng van bn~ en Itoebehorc Behoorlik daartoe gejas deur die gesamentlike likwkiateurs in die boedel van RAOEMEYER & KlB, eiendomsagentskappe, in likwidasie (Meestersverwysing T706(16), sal ons per open bare :veiling op 19 November 1976,om IOhOO, te ons lobal, Esselenstraat 28, unnyside, Pretoria, al die meubels en kantooruitnttingin die boedel verkoop.-phil Minnaar & Kie. (Edms.) Bpk., Afslaers en Taksateurs, Esselenstraat 28, Posbus 28265, unnyside, Pretoria. CAPE-KAAP Case 6974/16 IN THE MAGITRATE' COURT FOR THE DITRICT OF BELLVILLE, HELD AT BELLVILLE In the matter between FERDINAND BETER, Plaintiff, and PETER TEPHAN DAMON, Defendant In execution of the judgment in the Magistrate's Court, in the above matter, a sale will be held on Wednesday, 24 November 1976, at IOh30, at 57 Fifth treet, Elsie's River, of the following landed property: Certain piece of land being Erf J 3854, portion of Erf 8850, Goodwood, situate in Epping Forest Estate in the Municipality of Goodwood, Cape Division, measuring five hundred and forty-seven (547) square metres. Conditions of sale 1. The sale is subject to the terms and conditions of the Magistrates' Courts Act, No. 32 of the property being sold voetstoots and as it stands and subject to the conditions of the existing title deed.,2. One-tenth of the purchase price shall be paid in cash or by means of a bank marked cheque immediately after the property is declared to be sold and the balance of the purchase price together with interest thereon at the rate of 11 per centum per annuum to be paid against registration of transfer, which shall be given and taken forthwith after the sale. 3. Attention is drawn to the provisions of the Group Areas Act, whereunder this property is reserved for the use of members of the Coloured Group. ' And subject further to the conditions of sale which wm be read out at the time of the sale and which may be inspected at the offices of the essenger of the Court, Goodwood, and at the offices of the undersigned.-minde chapiro & mith, Attorneys for Plaintiff, 49 Durban Road, Bellville. Case 250/76 IN THE MAGITRATE' COURT FOR THE DITRICT OF CLANWILLlAM, HELD AT CLANWILUAM In the matter between CAMDEBOO TRUT (PlY) LTD, Plein tiff, and D. C. BAON, Defendant In pursuance of a judgment of the above Honourable Court, and a subsequent writ of execution, dated 20 eptember 1976, a sale in execution will be held on the 20th day of November 1976, at lohoo, in front of the Police tation, Citrusdal, when the undermentioned property will be sold by the auctioneer, A. J, Burger of Citrusdal: The property to be sold is more fully described as certain piece of land situate within the municipal area of Citrusdal, Division of Clanwilliam, being Erf 1696, Cama treet, 243 square metres... The following information is furnished but not guaranteed: Erf 1696, consists of a fish shop and cafe. The aforesaid sale shall be subject to the conditions of sale which may be inspected at the offices of the Messenger of the Court, Clanwilliam, and/or Mr A. J. Burger, Attorney, 83 Voortrekker treet, Citrusdal. Dated at Cape Town this 21st day of October I976.-C. J. Traub, for Miller Gruss Katz & Traub, Attorneys for Plaintiff, 26th Floor, Trust Bank Centre, Herengracht" Cape Town. Case /76. IN THE UPREME COURT OF OUTH AFRICA (Cape of Good Hope Provincial Division) In the matter between GRAHAMTOWN BUILDING OCIETY, Plaintiff, and NEIL GLOVER, Defendant Be pleased to take notice that in pursuance of a judgment of the above ~onourable ~tlrt ~ranted on 14 July 1976, the property herem after descnbedwdl be put up to auction to the highest bidder by the Deputy heriff, Wynherg, at IlhOO, on faatk.oeranf, 5 NOVEMBER 1976 No; 85 Tuesday, 23 November 1976, at the situation of the property, namely Green Valley, Gemini Way, ilverhurst, Constantia. The property is more fully described as: Certain piece of land situate in the Constantia Local Area. Cape Division. being Erf 4, ilver Three ubdivided Estate, measuring eight thousand five hundred and fifty-two (8 552). square metres, and has thereon the following improvements: (a) A double-storey house under slate tile roof, consisting downstairs of an entrance hall, study, guest toilet, large lounge with dining alcove and alcove bar, kitchen with built in stove and eyelevel oven, pantry, maid's quarters with bathroom and toilet and single garage and upstairs, four bedrooms, main en suite, second en suite, bathroom and toilet serving the remaining bedrooms, all bedrooms with built in cupboards and wall to wall carpeting. In addition there is a two-roomed basement flatlet with toilet and bathroom. (b) wimming pool. (c) Outhouse and toilet. Be pleased to take notice further that the conditions of sale may be inspected at the office of the Deputy heriff, Wynberg. Dated at Cape Town on the 15th day of October Findlay & Tait, Plaintiff's Attorneys, 140 t George's treet, Cape Town. _ Case 15612/75 IN THE UPREME COURT OF OUIH AFRICA (Cape of Good Hope Provincial Division). In the matter between THE OUTH AFRICAN MuruAL LIFE AURANCE OCJETY, Plaintiff, and PETRU WIL HELM GREEFF, Defendant Pursuant to a judgment by the above Honourable Court 1 will submit to public auction on Friday, ~6 November 1976, at lohoo, at the site itself the ollowing property: Certain piece of land situated in the Municipality and Division of wellendam, being Erf 481, wellendam, measuring one thousand five hundred and seventy-seven (1 577) square metres, registered in the name of the above Defendant under Deed of Transfer 7115, dated 19 March 1974, and known as 14 omerset treet, wellendam, C.P., and consisting of a single-storey dwellittg comprising four bedrooms, separate lounge and dining-room, kitchen, bathroom, from veranda, enclosed back veranda, single garage, servant's quarters with toilet facilities and storeroom. Deposit of 10 per cent of purchase price in cash on date of sale and balance plus interest against transfer. The conditions of sale may be inspected at my office.-a.. Powell, Deputy heriff, 19 Voortrekker treet, wellendam.. Walker Lewis Godley & Field, Plaintiff's Attorneys, 1505 Pleinpark, Plein treet" Cape Town. tin Case 6801 /16 IN THE MAGITRATE' COURT FOR THE DITRICT OF WYNBERG, HELD AT WYNBERG In t!jii...matter between WETERN BANK LTD, Execution Crediml'. and JOHUA THEOPHlLU KLINK, Execution Debtor In execution: of the judgment of the Magistrate's Court at Wynberg, in the above matter, a sale will be held on Friday, the 19th day of November 1976, at 12hOO on the spot of the following immovable property:. Certain piece of redeemed quitrent land called Lot 569, situate In the Hazendal Township, in the City of Cape Town; Cape Division, being portion of Hazeldal Estate B (now described as Ed 30032, Cape Town, at Mowbray in Hazendal Township), measuri~ 535 (five hundred and thirty-five) square metres, held by the j\ldgment Debtor by Deed of Tranljfer 4818, dated 14 April I 'J'bij above property is situate at and known as 71 Herbiandt treet. Hazendal, and comprises of a single-storey dwelling consisting of lounge, dining-room, kitchen, bathroom, toilet and four bedrooms plus garage under tiled roof. Conditions of sale }, The sale is subject to the terms and conditions of the Magistrates' Courts Act, No. 32 of 1944, as amended, the property being sold voetstoots ami as it stands, subject to the conditions of the existing title deed. The highest bidder shall be. the purchaser, subject to the provisions of section 66 of the above Act. 2. One tenth (l/ioth) of t."'e purchase price shall be paid in cash upon means of a bank marked cheque immediately after the propert is declared to be sold, and the balance. of the purchase pnce, together with interest thereon at the ruling building society rate, to be paid against registration of transfer, and secured within. fourteen (14) days after the date of sale by a bank or building society guarantee.

86 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February No. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 5 NOVEMBER Attention is drawn to the provisions of the Group Areas Act, No. 36 of 1966, and also Act 3 of 1966.The property is situate within a proclaimed Coloured Group Area. And subject to further conditions which will be read out at the time of the sale, and which may be inspected at the offices of the Messenger of the Court, Wynberg. Dated at Cape Town this 10th day of. eptember Galloon Reef & Co., Attorneys for Judgment Creditor, Volkskas Buildings, 134 AdJ'3rley tieet, Cape Town. Case 13975/75 IN THE MAGITRATE' COURT FOR THE DITRICT OF WYNBERG, HELD AT WYNBERG In the matter between CAPE CONCRETE WORK (PTY) LTD, Judgment Creditor, and ERNET ALFO MITH, Judgment Debtor In execution of the judgment of the Magistrate's Court for the District of Wynberg in the above matter, a sale will be held on Friday, 19 November 1976, at lohoo, at ylvern, Fourth Avenue, between Zeekoe and Riverside Roads, Lotus River, Grassy Park, C~pc, of the following immovable property: Certain piece of land situate on the Plumstead Flats, in the Cape Division, being Lot 245 of Lots 245 and 246, Lotus River Estate, portion of Montagu's Gift, within the Grassy Park Local Area (now Erf Grassy Park, at Lotus River), measuring 5004 square metres, held by the Judgment Debtor by Deed of Partition Transfer 19547, dated 26 November 1954, also known as ylvem, Fourth Avenue, between Zeekoe and River&ide Roads, Lotus River, Grassy Park, Cape, being a single-storey brick dwel ling under asbestos roof consisting of three bedrooms, lounge, kitchen and bathroom and outbuilding consisting of a toilet and servant's room. Conditions of sale 1. The sale is subject to the terms and conditions of the Magistrates' Courts Act, No. 32 of 1944, the property being sold voetstoots and as it stands and suhject to the oonditions of the existing title deed. The highest bidder shall be the purchaser, subject to the provisions of section 66 of the above Act and furtber subject to the conditions of sale.. 2. One-tenth (1/10th) of the purchase price shall be paid in cash or by means of a bank-marked cheque immediately after the property is declared to be sold and the balance of the pur: chase price, together with interest thereon as provided for in paragraph 3 of the conditions of sale, is to be paid against Hgistration of transfer, and secured within fourteen (14) days after the date of sale by a bank or building society guarantee. 3. Attention is drawn to the provisions of the Group Areas Act, No. 36 of 1966, as amended, and also the Community Development Act, No. 3 of 1966, as amended, and tbe- ODU shall be on the purchaser to obtain the necessary proof or permit enabling such purchaser to acquire the property within fourteen (14) days of the date of sale. And subiect to further conditions which will be read out at the time of the sale and which may be inspected at the off'ice of the Messenger of the Court at Wynberg, Cape. The property is situated in a Coloured group area.-w. K,; Horwitz, for Pincus, Matz & Feinberg, Attorneys for Judgment Creditor, Maynard House, Maynard Road, Wynberg. Case 1812/76 IN THB MAGITRATE' COURT FOR TIlE DITRIcr OF TBLLENBOCH, HELD AT IELLENBOCH In the matter between WETERN BANK LTD, JudgmeIJt c::::reditor, and VAN BURGH ETATE (PrY) LTD, Judgment Debtor Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned immovable property will be sold in execution of a judgment granted by the above Honourable Court and that the particulars of sueb sale are as follows: Time of sale.-lohoo. Date of sale.-8 December Place of sa/e.-at the main entrance io Magistrate's Court, Alexander treet, teuenbosch. Description of immovable property to be sold.-certain piece of land situate in the Municipality and Division of tellenbosch, being Erf 4142, tellenbosch, measuring 3783 square metres. Nature of improvements thereon and situation of propiuty., -Four semi-detached houses situate at the eastern comer of Dorp and Weidenhof treets. CO/'Idi(ions of sale 1. The property will be sold voctstoots to the highest bidder, subject to the provisions of the Magistrates' Courts Act, as amended, the rules promulgated thereunder, and the conditions and servitudes (if any) referred to or contained in the title deed(s) of the aforesaid property. 2. The purchaser shan pay a deposit of 10 per cent of the purchase price on conclusion of the sale and the balance thereof against registration of transfer, 3. The purchaser shall pay all costs of transfer, a pro rata refund of all rates and taxes calculated with reference to. the date of possession, and interest on the aforesaid balance of the purchase price at the rate of 11t per cent per annum from possess-ion to date of transfer. 4. The property is zoned for occupation by the White group and bids will only be accepted from members of the aforesaid group and persons of any other group who hold all the necessary statutory permits to acquire the said property. Dated at tellenbosch this 19th day of October Messenger of the Court, 126 Merriman Avenue, tellenbosch. Meintjcs & Champion, Attorneys for Judgment Creditor, United Buildings, Plein treet, tellenbosch. Case 14931/75 IN THE UPRBME COURT OF OUTH AFRICA (Cape of Good Hope Provincial Division) In the matter between WBTBRN BANK LTD, Plaintiff, and W. K. B. POWELL, Defendant In execution of a judgment of the upreme Court of outh Africa (Cape of Good Hope Provincial Division). in the abovementioned suit, a sale without reserve will be held at 18 Upper Union treet, Gardens, on the 25th day of November 1976, at 11hOO, of the undermentioned property of the Ddendant, on the conditions to be read out by the auctioneer at the time of the sale, and which conditions may be inspected at the offices of the Deputy heriff for the District of the Cape, 103/4 Van der tel Buildings, 58 Burg treet, Cape Town, prior to the sale: Certain piece of land situate in Cape Town, in the City of Cape Town, in the Cape Division, being Brf 94671, Cape Town at Gardem, measuring 498 (four hundred and ninety-eight) square metres, held by Deed of Transfer 20505, dated 5 October 1%4. Terms.-Ten (10) per centum of the purchase priee and 21 (two and one half) per centum of the Deputy heriff's (auctioneer's) charges in cash on the day of the s~l~, the ~alance against tramfer to be secured by a bank or buildlllg society or other acceptable guarantee to be furnished within fourteen (14) days from the date of sale. Dated at Cape Town this 20th day of October Galloon Reef & Co., Plaintiff's Attorneys, 134 Adderley treet, Cape Town. Case 4010/75 IN THE MAGITRATE' COURT FOR THE DITRICT OF POR.T ELIZABETH, HELD AT I'ORT ELIZAnETH In the matter between THBREEN INVETMENT (PlY) LTD, Plaintiff, and 1. D1Ifi...MANN, Defendant In pursuance of a judgment in the above Honourable Court of the Magistrate at Port Elizabeth and a writ of execution, dated tbis 21st day of eptember 1976, the immovable property listed hereunder will be sold in execution at 14h15, on the 19th day of November 1976, at the front entrance of the New Law Courts, North End, Port Eli:zabeth, to the highest bidder: Certain piece of redeemed quitrent land situate in Fairview uburban Estate in the Municipa1ity of the City of Port Elizabeth, being Brf 1970, Newton Park. The conditions of saj..e may be inspected at the offices o{ the Messenger of the Court. Dated at Port Elizabeth dim 7th day of October Aronson Abramowitz & Company, Plaintiff's Attorneys, econd Floor, Adderley Buildings, lq4 Main treet, Port Elizabeth. aak 1940/76 IN DIE LANDDROHOF VIR DIE DITRIK OUDT HOORN, GEHOU TE OUDrnOORN In die saak russen UNrIBD BUILDING OCIETY, V,onnis 6kuldeiser, en ONVERWACHTMOTOR (EDM.) BPK. Von..: nisskuldenaar Ter uiltvoering van'n wnnis in die Landdroshof van Oudtshoom en ta:sibrief, ged:agtebn 15 eptember 1976, sal die volgende in eksekusie vedcoop word op aterdag, 13 November 1976, om , by die Landdr<Jkantoor, Oudtshoorn, aan die hoogste meer: ekere stuk grond, synde Etf 5185, gedee1te van Erf 366, Oudtshoom, gclee in die Munisipaliteit en afdeling Oudtshoorn, afde--. ling Kaap, groot negehonderd nege-en negenag (999) vierkante meter, gehou hagtens A\te van Transport 19643/1973. (roll: bekend as Vanderwesthuizenstmat 24, Wesbank, Oudtshoom).

87 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 Veilingsvoorwaardes. 1. Die eiendom sal sonder reserwe verkoop word aan die hoogste bieer en onderworpe aan die bepalings en voorwaardes van die Wet op Magistraatshowe en die Reels daarvolgens opgestel en van toepassing is. 2. Die volgende verbeterings aan die eiendom word gemeld, maar niks gewaarhorg nie: Woonhuis bestaande uit sit- en eetkamer, drie slaapkamers, kombuis, 1t badkamers, twee latrrnes, motorhuis, bediende toilet en stoep. 3. Die eiendom word voetstoots verkoop. 4. Die volledige veilingsvoorwaardes sal onmiddellik voor c!ie veiling voorgelees w,ord, dem die afslaer en Ie ter insae in die kantdfe van die ondergetekendes.-duvenhage, Keyser & Jonck, Prokureul"s vir kujdeiser. Unitedgebou, Hoogstraat 123,. Posbus 104, Oudtshoorn. N. C. van Zyl, Geregsbode, Jan Vannebee~kweg 266, Oudtshoorn. TAATKOERANT, 5 NOVEMBER 197~ No. 87 aak I. 3294/1976 IN DIE HOOGGEREGHOF VAN Um-AFRIKA KAAP DlE GOEIE HOOP PROVINIALE AFDELING In die sa"k tussen ALLIED BOUVERENIGING, Eiser, en BRIAN IMPON, Verweerder Ter uitvoering van 'n vonnis van die Hooggeregshof van uid Afrika (Kaap die Goeie Hoop Provinsiale Afdcling) sal die hi'!rnavermelde vaste eiendom in eksekusie verkoop word sonder reserwe op Woensdag, 1 Desember 1976, om lohoo, op die plek aan die hoog~te bieer onderhewig aan die hiernavermelde voorwaardes en aan die verdere voorwaardes wat deur die afsjaer by die veiling uitgelees sal word, naamlik: ekere stuk grond gelee in die Munisip::liiteit en Afdeling wellendam, synde Erf 1463, wellendam, groot 2494 vierkante meter, gehou deur die bovermelde Verweerdc!, Brian imp()n, kragtem Transportakte 1268, gedateer 22 Januane Beskrywillg.-Die volgende inligting word verstrek maar niks word gewaarborg nie: Die eiendom is gelee te Glenweg 21, wellendam. Op die eiendom is 'n woning gebou van steen wat bestaan uit 'n sitkamer, eetkamer, twee slaapkamers, kombuis, binnetoilet en badkamer, en die ander verbeterings bestaan uit 'n dubbele garage en bediendekamer. Die perseel is omhein. Betaalvoorwaardes.-Tien (10) per~ent van die koopprys is betaalbaar in kontant tesame met die afslaer se kommissie 0,;10 pende twee en 'n half (2+) persent van die kooppyrs aan die Adjunk-baljll onmiddellik na afloop van die veiling. Die bctalip.g van die balans van die koopprys moet gewaarborg word deur 'n waarborg uitgereik deur 'n bank of bougenootskap of 'n ander finansicleinstelling goedgekeur deur dic Eiser se prokureur en wat binne dertig (30) dae na die veiling aan die Adjunkbalju oorhandig moet word. Verkoopvoorwaardes.~Die volledige verkoopvoorwaardes Ie ter insae in die kantore van die Adjunk-baIJu, wellendam, Voortrekstraat 19, wellendam.-ian. de Villiers & eun, Eiser se prokureurs, I1de Vcrdieping, antamgebou, Burgstraat, Kaapstad. aak 558/75 IN DIE LAN'DDROHOF VIR DIE DTTRTK OMERET WE, GEl-IOU TE OMERET-WE In die saak tussen TRUT BANK VAN AFRIKA BPK., Eiser, en WILLEM MORKEL BRINK, Venveerder Ter uitvoering van 'n vonnis van die Landdrosoof vir die distrik omerset-wes, en lasbricf tot eksekusie van goedere, sal die volgende eiendom in eksekusie verkoop word op Woensdag, die 15de dag van Desember 1976, om linoo, op die persee1 te uidlaan 16, Westridge, omerset-wes: ekere stuk afgeskafte erfpaggrond, gelee in die Munisipaliteit van :)merset-wes, in die afdeiing teijenbosch, synde Erf 4163, omerset-wes, in Wcstridge-woonbuurt, groot (eenduisend driehonderd ne)!:e-en-twintig) vierkante meter, gc-hou deur Willem Morkel Brink kragtens Transport Akte 2072 gedateer 6 Februarie ' Verbeterings op die eiendom word as volg beskryf, maar geen waarborg word in hierdie opsig gegee nie: :n 'Voonhuis en buitegeboue. Vernaamste voorwaardes van verkoping 1. Die eiendom sal aan die hoogste bieder verkoop word sonder reserwe, onderhewig egter aan die voorkeureise van bestaa~de ver~andhouers.en die verkoping sal onderhewig wees aan die bepalmgs van die Wet op Landdro5howe en die reels daaronder en onderhe wig aan die transportaktes van die betrokke eiendom in soverre as wat dit van toepassing is. 2. Tien persent van die koopprys sal in kontant betaal word deur die koper by ondertekening van die veilingsvoorwaardes of soos die afslaer of die Geregsbode mag voorskryf en die balans tesame met rente daarop teen lot persent per jaar tot datum van registrasie van transport, sal betaal word teen registrasie van transport en die koper moet 'n bank- of bougenootskapwaarborg aflewer binne dertig (30) dae na datum van die verkoping vir belaling van die bal"ns. 3. Die vcrdere en volie voo!'waardes van die verkoping sal deur die Geregsbode of deur die afslaer uitgelees word onmiddellik voor die verkoping en mag ingesien word by die kanjo.or van die Gercgs(}ode, omerset-wts. Gedateer Ie tellenhosch OJ} hede die 25ste dag van Oktober 1976.~. B. mith, vir mith &: Zetler, Eiser e Prokureurs, Derde Verdieping, Tnlst Banksentrum, Andringastraat, tellenbosch. IN DIE LANDDROHOF VIR DIE DITRIK GOODWOOD, GEHOU TE GOODWOOD Tussen ','1. L. Du P. MIT, Eiser, en M. C. PIETER, Verweerder Ingevolge 'n uitspraak in die hoi van die Landdros van Goodwood en la,brief tot geregtelike verkoping. gedateer die 18de dag van Junie 1976, word die ondervermelde goed om loh30, op die Iste dag van Desember 1976, te 35ste Laan 39, EIsiesrivier, geregtelik verkoop aan die persoon wat die hoogste aanbod maak, naarnlik: ckere stuk opbetaalde erfpaggrond synde Erf 13713, 'n gedeelte van Err 11888, Goodwood, gelee in die plaaslike gebied Elsiesrivier in Norwoodlandg oed, Kaapse-afdeling, groot 583 vierkante meter. HeYlls, trauss & Visagie, Eiser se Prokureurs, Voortrekkerweg 70, Goodwood. TRAKMAN' AUCTION ALE Duly instructed by the liql!id~tor in the matter of GARKIN CONTRUCTION EQUIPM.ENT (PTY) LTD, in liquidation (Master's Reference T60 176), we will sell at the premises 13 Moller treet, Industries East, Genniston on Tuesday, 23 Novem~ ber 1976, at , a mechanical shovel and winch. Terms.--Cash. Trakman's Auctioneers (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 66267, Broadway, NATAL Case 12759/76 IN THE UPREME COURT OF OUTH AFRICA (Durban and Coast Local Division) In the mattcr between AXONHOLME UGAR AND TIMBER ETATE (PTY) LTD, Plaintiff, and ORIBI GORGE PRO PERTIE (PTY) LTD, Defendant The Deputy heriff of Port hepstone will sell the properties described hereunder at a sale in execution which will be held on the 19th day of November 1976, at lohoo, in front of the Port hepstone Magistrate's Court: 1. ub 9 of the farm ilver treams situate in the County of Alfred, Province of Natal, in extent eight comma two one nine five (8,2195) hectares; 2. ub 12 of the farm ilver treams 14256, situate in the County of Alfred, Province of Natal, in extent eight comma six six f,ive two (8,665 2) hectares; 3. ub 15 of the farm ilver treams 14256, situate in the County of Alfred, Province of Natal, in extent eight comma nought seven six cight (8,076 8) hectares; 4. ub 1q of the farm ilver treams situate in the County of Alfred, Province of Natal, in extent eight comma two eight nine six (8,2896) hectares; which four properties are registered in the name of the Defendant, Oribi Gorge Properties (Pty) Ltd, in terms of Deed of Transfer 16190/1971, dated 16 eptember The following details regarding the properties and the improvements thereon are furnished, but nothing in this respect is guaranteed: All four properties are situate approximately thirteen (13) km from Port hcpstone and approximately three (3) Ian from the Murchi'on Mission Hospital. All four properties are agricultural smallholdings which are suitable for sugar cane. ub 15 has been improved by the erection of a dwelling-house constructed of concrete blocks under asbestos and by the erection of a separate outbuilding consisting of a garage and servant's quarters. There is a partially completed dwelling-house on ub 12.

88 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February No. GOVERNMENT GAZE'ITE, NOVEMBER 197' One set*ion of the dwelling-house on ub 12 has been completed but the second section has only been built to roof level. The construction of the partially completed building on ub 12 is concrete blocks under asbestos. ub 9 and 19 are vacant land. The four properties will be 80!d to the highe~t bidder subject however to a reserve price of five thousand rand (R5 000) and the purchaser shall pay, either in cash or by means of a bank certified cheque, ten (10) per cent of the purchase price immediately after the sale. The re(1'iirement that ten (10) per cent of the purchase price be paid immediately after the sale in cash or by means of a bank certificd cheque will be strictly enforced. The remaining conditions of the sale in execution may be inspected at the nfcke of the Dep~ty heriff, Wooley treet, Port hepstone.-franz, Redpath & Barry, Attorneys for Plaintiff, 49 Aiken treet, Port hepstonc, Natal. Case 5320/76 IN THE MAGlTI1ATE' COURT FOR THE DITRICT OF PIETERMARITZBURG, HELD AT PIETERMARITZBURG In the matter between N. M. AKOO, Plaintiff, and O. KHAN, Defendant In pursuance of a judgment in the court of the Mlll!istrate of Pietermaritzburg, on the 16th day of June 1976, and warrant of execution, dated 18 June 1976, immovable property listed hereunder will be sold in execution on Mondl1Y. the 13th day of December 1976, at IOhoo, at the steps of the Magistrate's Court, Commercial Road Entrance, Pietermaritzburg, to the highest bidder: ub. 53 of Lot 122, Townlands of Pietermaritzburg, situate in the CIty and County of Pietermaritzburg. Province of Natal in extent 972 square metres, and known as 179 Royston Road. Pietermaritzburg. Terms.-l0 per cent deposit in cash on date of sale, balance against transfer secured by approved bank or building society guarantee. Conditions of ~ale may be inspected during ordinary business hours at the office of the Messenger of the Court, 277 Berg treet, Pietermaritzburg. Dated at Pietermaritzburg this 21st day of October Mason, Buchan & Co., PlaintiH's Attorney, 229 Longmarket treet, P.O. Box 149, Pietermaritzburg. Case f76 IN THE MAGITRATE' COURT FOR THE DITRICT OF DURBAN, HELD AT DURBAN In the matter between OUTH AFRICAN PERMANENT BUILDING OCIETY, Execution Creditor, and MICHAEL GERARD TREETER, Execution Debtor In pursuance of a judgment in the Court of the Magistrate of Durban, dated 23 June 1976, and a writ of execution issued thereafter, the immovable property listed hereunder will be sold in execution on the 26th day of November at llhoo, in front of the Magistrate's Court, omtseu Road Entrance, Durban, to the highest bidder: Property description.-ub C of 39 New Brighton of 29 of the farm Wentworth 860, situate in the City and County of Durban, Province of Natal, in extent nine hundred and sixty-eight (968) square metres. Postal address.-246 Gray Park Road, Brighton Beach, Durban. lmprovements.-but nothing is guaranteed in respect thereof. One brick under. tile building comprising of four bedrooms one kitchen, one bathroom, two toilets and a brick under asb~stos outbuilding comprising of one garage servant's ouarters and one toilet and a swimming pool. No bid will be accepted by or on behalf of a person who is not a m~ber of the White Group and the purchaser shall pay a depoit of 10 per cent of the purchase price in cash on the day of the sale. 2. The balance of the purchase price is payable against transfer to be a ba~ or building society guarantee approved by the ExecutIon CredItors Attorneys and to be furnished within 14 days after date of sale. 3. The purchaser shall be liable for the payment of interest at the rate of 11 per cent per annll'1l to the Execution Cred,itor from date of sale to date of registration of transfer. 4. Transfer shall be effected by the Attorneys for the Execution Creditor and the purchaser shall pay all transfer costs including duty, current rates, taxes and ather charges' necessary to effect transfer on request by the said Attorneys.. The fun conditions of sale may be inspected at the offices of the Messenger of the Court, 401 antam Buildings, mith treet, Durban outh, Durban, and interested parties are asked to contact the Execution Creditor who may be prepared to grant loan facilities to an approved purchaser. Dated at Durban this 29th day of eptember Clemmans & Johnston, Execution Creditors' Attorneys, 201 Pennament Buildings, 343 mith treet, Durban. Case 1107/76 IN THE MAGITRATE' COURT FOR THE DITRICT OF PORT HEPTONE, HELD AT PORT HEPTONE In the matter between JOLLIFE & IAMEON (PTY) LTD, Execution Creditor, and GOLDEN AND CABANA ENTER PRIE (PTY) LTD, Execution Debtor Pursuant to a judgment of the above-mentioned Honourable Court, dated 22 July 1976, and a writ of execution, dated 26 July 1976, the following property will be sold on Friday, the 12th day of November 1976, at IOhOO, at the front entrance of the Magistrate's Court, Port hepstone to the highest bidder: A certain piece of land, being Lot 1341, Ramsgate, situate in Township of Ramsgate and in the Lower outh Coast Regional Water ervice Area, County of Alfred, Province of Natal, in extent 1927 (One Thousand Nine Hundred and Twenty-seven) square metres. Conditions of sale 1. The purchasers shall pay 10 (ten) per cent of the purchase price on signature of the conditions of sale and the unpaid balance, together with interest, shall be secured by the delivery of satisfactory bank or building society guarantees to be furnished to the Execution Creditor's Attorneys within 14 (fourteen) days of the sale. 2 The full conditions of sale may be inspected at the offices of the Messenger of the Court, Port hepstone and these will be read out by the Messenger immediately before the sale. Crickmay & Kirsch, Attorneys for Execution Creditor, Oribi Centre, Marine Dl'ive, Margate. Case 1109/76 IN THE MAGITRATE' COURT FOR THE DITRICT OF PORT HEPTONE, HELD AT PORT HEPTONE In the matter between JOLLIFE & JAMEON (PTY) LTD, Execution Creditor, and LAGOON CABANA ENTERPRIE (PTY) LTD, Execution Debtor Pursuant to a judgment of the above-mentioned Honourable Court, dated 22 July 1976, and a writ of execution. dated 26 July 1976, the fonowing properties wiii be sold on Friday, the 12th day of November 1976, at lohoo, at the front entrance of the Magistrate's Court, Port hepstone, to the highest bidder: (a) Lot 824, outhbroom (Extension 7), situate in the outh broom Health Committee and in the Lower outh Coast Regional Water ervices Area, County of Alfred,. Province of Natal, in extent 2195 (two thousand one hundred and ninety-five) square metres. (b) Lot 825, outhbroom (Extension 7), situate in the outhbroom Health Committee and in the Lower outh Coast Regional Water ervices Area, County of Alfred, Province of Natal, in extent 2167 (two thousand one hundred and sixty-seven) square metres. Conditions of sale 1. The purchaser shall pay 10 (ten) per cent of the purch~e price on signature of the conditions of sale and the u~pajd balance, together with interest, shall be secured by the dehvery of satisfactory bank or building society guarantees to be furnished to the Execution Creditor's attorneys within 14 (fourteen) days of the sale. 2. The full conditions of sale may be inspected at the offic!ls of the Messenger of the Court, Port hepstone, and these WIll be read out by the Messenger immediately before the sale.-. J. Naude. for Crickmay & Kirsch. Attorneys for Execution Cred'itor, Oribi Centre, Marine Drive, Margate. Case 33771/75 IN THE MAGITRATE' COURT FOR THE DITRICT OF DURBAN, HELD AT DURBAN Between ANTI-IONY REYNOLD THORPE & JOHN CHEF FIN MAON N.N.O., ANTHONY REYNOLD THORPE N.O., and JOHN CHEFFIN MAON N.O., Plaintiffs, and ARJOON INGH, Defendant In pursuance of a judgment in the Comt of the Magistrate of Durban and writ of execution, dated the 29th dny of June 19~6, the immovable property listed hereunder wi!! be sold in

89 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 faatkoerant, 5 NOVEMBER 1976 No. 89 execution on the 25th day of November.1976, at lohoo, in front of the Magistrate's Court, omtseu Road. Durban, to the highest bidder: Lot 8 of Portion 1 of Lot K of the farm Klein Zeekoe Vallei 803, situate in the City and County of Durban, Province of Natal. Postal address.-39 henfield Place, Clare Estate, Durban. Improvements i1. Five room brick under.iron dwelling. 2. Two oulside toilets and bathroom, brick under iron. 3. Brick under iron outbuilding of two rooms and kitchen. 4. Garage. 5. Prayer room. Material conditions 1. The sale shall be subject to the terms and conditions of the Magistrates' Courts Act, and the rules made thereunder. 2. The purchaser shall pay 10 per cent of the purchase price immediately after the sale and the balance against registration of the transfer into the name ()f the purchaser. 3. The attention of prospective purchasers is directed to the provisions of the Group Areas Act. The full conditions may be inspected at our office and/or at the cffke of the Messenger of the Court.-Thorpe & Hands, Plaintiff's Attorneys, 1803 Eagle Buildings, Murchies Passage. Durban. HUGH M. THOMPON AND CO. LTD Insolvent estate DAWID JOEPHU TRAU (No. T905/75) Duly instructed by the trustee in the above matter we will sell by public. auction, subject to usufructory interest, at our mart, 181 mith treet, Durban, on Wednesday, 17 November 1976, at 10h30, the following: Twenty-five per cent of the undivided portion of certain tand 180 of E, Umbilo, Townlands of Durban, Province of Natal, situate 5 hrewsbury Avenue, Umbilo, measuring approximately 400 square metres, upon which is erected a semi-detached house built of plastered brick comprising two bedrooms; diningroom, lounge, kitchen, tiled bathroom and separate toilet. Outbuildings: Garage, servant's room, shower and toilet. For further particulars and viewing apply to the auctioneers. Hugh M. Thompsoo & Co. Ltd, worn Appraisers, Auctioneers, tock: Liquidators and General Agents, 181 mith treet (corner of Jonsson Lane), P.O. Box 721, Durban. RUELL, MARHALL & TRIDE (pty) LTD, General. Buildings, 49 Field treet, Durban AUCTION To be held in our,boardroom, Fourth Floor, General Buildings, corner of Field and mith treets, Durban, on Thur~ay, 28 October 1976, at lohoo. On instructions from the trustee of the insolvent estate R. F. DULLIEAR (Master's Reference N55176), without reserve, subject to confirmation, within 14 days: Bluff Bioscope and swimming-pool c()mplex, 83 Moss Road adjoining Van Riebeeck Park. ' The property in total extent hectares is terraced and sll; improved with a cinema and large swimming-pool With ancillary changeroorn1>, tea-room and toilets. It will be well-suited for a club or as sporting premises. For f,!ll details and arrangements to inspect, please contact the auchon department.-russell, Marshall & tride (Ply) Ltd General Buildings, 49 Field treet, Durban. ' HUGH M. THOMPON & CO. (LTD) ICELANTIC (PTY) LTD, in liquidation (No. N306f76) Duly instructed by the provisional liquidator in the above matter :ve will sell by pubiic auction on the spot, Escoma House, 484 Mam Road, QUeensburgh, Durban, the following: On Monday, 15 November 1976, commencing 10h30: Complete and incomplete stocks of freezes, office furniture and equipment and motor vehicles. On Tuesday 16 November 1976, commencing loh30: Plant and equipment, raw materials and work in progress. Terms.-Ouly cash or bank-endorsed cheques will be accepted. Please note that there will be no exceptions. On view aturday and unday, 13 and 14 November 1976, from IOhOO to 16hOO. For further particulars apply to the auctioneers.-hugh M, Thomson & Co. Ltd, worn Appraisers, Auctioneers, tock Liquidators and General Agents, 181 mith treet (corner of Jonsson Lane), P.O. Box 721, Durban. Insolvent estate P. VORfER and affairs E. B. VORTER, trading as t Lucia Radio, T.V. and Electrical and The Outdoor Game (Master's Reference N281176).' Duly in'tructed, we will sell, at our mart, 152 Umgeni Road, Durban, on Thursday, 18 November 1976, at 10h30; tock-in trade. Terms.-0ash/bank-endcrsed cheques. For further particulars, kindly contact the auctioneer. Coastal Auctioneers (Ply) Ltd, 152 Umgeni Road, P.O. Box 2556, Durban. DALE BRO AUCTION (Incorporating Fletchers Mart) Instructed,by B. Rulten of yfrets Trust and Executor.A. Ltd, liquidator of BRULY (PT ) LTD, trading as Pussy Cat, in provhlional liquidation (Masters Reference N216f76), we wiu sell in our mart, Aucti-on House, corner of mith treet and ydney Road, DtlTban, on Thursday, 11 November 1976, lihoo: Approximately 500 fashionable ladies' garments. Terms of sa/e.-very 6t:r.ictly cash or bank-endorsed cheques. Goods Transport Available. O.F..-O.V.. Case 88/1976 IN THE UPREME COURT OF OUTH AFRICA (Ora.nge Free tate Provincial Division) In the matter between ALLIED BUILDING OCIE'IY, Plaintiff, and WALTER JOHANN BEERHALTER, Defendant In pursuance of a judgment of the upreme Court of outh Africa (Orange Free tate Provincial Division) and a writ of attachment of immovable property, dated 28 eptember 1976, the follownig property will be sold in execution on 25 November 1976, at llhoo, at the offices of C. A. Cloete &,Co., 42 tuart treet, Harrismith: Certain ubdivision 6 of Erf 226, situate in the Town and District of Harrismith, in extent, one thousand one hundred and forty-three (1143) square metres. The improvements on the property consist of a dwelling-house with the usual outbuildings.. The conditions of sale may be inspected at the offices of the Deputy heriff, 42 tuart treet, Harrismith, during office hours. Dated at Harrismith this 18th day of October Cloete & Neveling, Attorneys for Execution Creditor. 42 tuart treet, P.O. Box 69, Harrismitli aak 47/76 IN DIE LANDDROHOF VIR DIE DlTRIK ZATRON, GEHOU TE ZAfRON In die saak tussen DIE TADRAAD VAN DIE MUNIIPALI TEIT ZATRON, Eiser, en W. P. LUBBE, Verweerder Kennis geskied hiermee dat kragtens 'n beslaglegging in bogenoemde saak, die Geregsbode per publieke veiling die volgende eiendom sal verkoop voor die Landdroskantoor, Zastron, op Vrydag, 12 November 1976, om 10hOO: Die resterende gedeelte van Ed 328, dorp en distrik Zastron, groot as sodanig vk. meter. Verkoopvoorwaardes sal ter insae wees by die Geregsbode. Gedateer te Zastron op hierdie 13de Oktober N. J. de Wet, Geregbode, Zastron.-Malherbe, aayman & Vermaak. Prokureurs vir Vonnisskuldeiser. Posbus 44. Zastron. Case 7991/76 IN THE MAGIfRATE' COURT FOR THE DITRICT OF BLOEMFONTEIN, HELD AT BLOEMFONTEIN In ilie matter between ALLreD BUILDING OCIETY, Plaintiff, and C. 1. R. VAN ZY'L. Defendant [n pursuance ()f a judgment iqf the Court of the Magistrate of Bloemfontein and writ of execution, date 19 July 1976, the following property will be sold in execution on 19 November 1976, at 10hOO, at the Peet Avenue ibntrance of the Magistrate's Court, Bloemfontein, namely: The dwelling-house and iqutbuildings mtuated at 5 Gustav Crescent, Fic:hardt Park, Bloemfontein, and being Cer.tain Erf (Bloemfontein Extension 1(0), situate in the City and District of Bloemfontein, and measuring square metres.

90 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 No GOVERNMENT GAZETIB, NOVEMBER 1976 Terms I. Deposit 'Of 10 per cent of the purchase price m be paid in cash on the date of sale. 2. The balance purchase price to be secured by a bank or building society guarantee within 21 days after the date of sale. Dated at Bloemfontein this 28th day of October M. A. J. eyffert, for Webber & Newdigate, Plaintiff's Attorneys, Allied Buildings, 136 Maitland treet, P.O. Box 501, Bloemfontein. IN DIE HOOGGEREGHOF VAN UID-AFRIKA (Oranje-Vrystaatse Provinsiale Afdeling) In die saal< tussen JOHN ANDREW EIDLER, Eiser, en DAVID JOHANNE DE VILLffiR, Verweerder Ten uitvoering van 'n vonnis van die Hooggeregshof van uid Mrika (Oranje-Vrystaatse Provinsiale Mdeling) sal 'n verkoping sonder voorbehoud van die volgende eiendom van bogenoemde Verweerder plaasvind voor die kantoor van die Adjullk-balju, tandard Generalhuis, Proesstraat 215, Pretoria, om WhOO, op Woensdag, 24 November 1976, naamlik: ekere resterende gedeelte van Gedeelte 5 (Lot 1612) van Plot 136, gelee aan 23ste Laan, Villieria, Pretoria, groot vierkante meter. Die volgende inligting word verstrek maar in hierdie opsig word nib gewaarborg nie, verbeterings bestaan uit: 'n Woonhuis met sitkanier, drie slaapkamers, een gesamentlike toilet/badkamer, eetkamer, kombuis met aparte opwasplek, een motorhuis, bediendekamer met toilet en ronde sernentdam. Terme.-Die Koper sal 10 persent van die koopsom in kontant aan die Adjunk-balju betaal onmiddellik na die verkoping. Die balans moel verseker word deur 'n bank- of bougenootskapwaarborg wat binne 14 dae na die datum van verkoping aan die Adjunk-balju gelewer moet word. Indien die eiendom deur die eerste verbandhouer gekoop word, hoef die 10 persent kontantbetaling nie gcmaak te word rue. VOQrwaardes.-Die verkoopvoorwaardes is ter insae in my kantoor te Pretoria gedurende kantoorure.-adjunk-balju vir die distrik Pretoria, Proesstraat 215, Pretoria; D. J. Nortier, pia Naude & Naude. Eiser se Prokureur, Maitlandstraat 71, Posbus 153, Bloemfontt:<in. MARQUARD AFLAERVEILING Veiling van waardevolle enekalplase Daartoe ge1as deur die kurator in die insolvente boedel van F. J. W. J. HATrINGH, salons verkoop per publiekeveiling voor ons kantore te tandard Bankgebou, Vanderwaltslraat, Marquard, op Vrydag, 19 November 1976, of , die volgende plase gele~ in die Rietspruitgebied, ongeveer 28 km wes van enekallangs/naby Winburgteerpad: 1. ekere resterende gedeelte van die plaas Rosetta 657, d'istrik enekal, groot 156,791 9 'hektaar. 2. ekere resterende gedeelte van die piaas Otristiana 6.18.! distrik enekal, groot 231,0829hektaar. Hie~die p1ase vorm 'n eenheid waarop 'n drieslaapkauierklipwoonhuis en buitegeboue opgerig is. Die eiendom is geed veroeter en beskik: oor ongeveer 186 hektaar goeie lande en uitstekende wei ding. Daar is vyf wind~ pompe met drie reservoirs en water aangele in aile kampe. 3. ekere Onderverdeling 3 van die plaas Kareeba!Jk 107, distrik em~kal, gnoot 193,1628 hektaar. '.', 4. ekere Onderverdeling 2 (Rondekop) van die plaas Karee-. bank 107, distrik enekal, groot 193,1628 hek;t:aar. 5. Onderverdeling 1 (Morooon) van die piaas Pisidie 333, distrik enekal, groot 275,402 2 hektaar. Plase 3, 4 en 5 moet ver-koop word as 'n eenheid en bestaan uit ongeveer 94 hektaar land en balam uitstekende weiding; Die eiendom is goed 'ookamp en verdeel in' verskeie tampe met water in bykans elke kamp van vyf windpompe. V oorwaardes van verkoping 1. Die eiendomme sal verkoop word aan dieboog:s:te Meder onderworpe aan die voonvaardes wat ter insae gehou word by die kantoor van die afslaers en die kurator, ymington & De Kok, Elizaoothstraat, Bloemfontein, en onderhewig aan die regte van die verbandhouers. 2. Tien persent van die koopsom moet betaal word op datum van verkoping en die halans by wyse van 'n bankwaarborg teen registrasie van transport van die eiendom. Navrae.-Marquard Mslaers, Posbus 5, Marquard. In die insolvente bocdel van F. J. H. COETZEE (No. B55/1976) Behoorlik daartoe gelas deur die kurator van bovermelde insolvente boedel. wat voorhcen handel gedryf het as Ramonakontantwinkel te Vlakleegte. distrik Bultfontein, sal ons verkoop per publieke veiling op W0e'1sdag, 17 November 1976, om 09hOO. by the voormelde besigheidsperseel op die plaas Vlakleegle, distrik Bultfontein, die volgende bates; Vier glastoonb:mke. twee lekkerg;:;edkaste, groot hoeveelheid kruideniersware, 1973-model Peugeot motorkar en 1975-Datsun ligte afleweringswa. Terme.-(l) Kontant met verkoping. (2) Die verkoping van die twee voertuie is onderhewig aan die kurator se bekragtiging, en moet besigtig word by Trust Bank, Welkom, voor datum van veiling. Vir nadere besonderhede tree in vcrbinding met: andrivier Agentskappe. Afslaers, E.M.F.-Gebou, teynstraat, Hennenman, of Grunow Grunow & Maree, Prokureurs vir die Kurator, Herculesgebou, Bullionstraat, Virginia. CHANGE OF NAME-NAAMVERANDERING THE ALIEN ACT, 1937 The undermentioned notices ofintention to apply to the tate President to assume a different surname are published in terms of section, of Act 1 of Any person who objects to the assumption of the said surname should lodge his/her objection, in writing, stating full reasons therefor, to the Magistrate mentioned in the relevant notice. The information, where applicable, is given in the following order: (1) Full names and surname of applicant(s), and whether minor(s); (2) residential address; (3) business carried on, or occupation; (4) if an al'plication in respect of children under 1(} years, the name(s); (5) the surname to be assumed; (6) the reasons therefor; (7) the name(s) previously borne, if other than under (1) or (4), respectively; (8) the names of wife and children, if included in the application; (9) assisted, if so, by; objections to be lodged with the Magistrate of. WET OP VREEMDELINGE, 1937 Die onderstaande kennisgewinijs van voorneme om by die taatspresident aansoek te doen om 'n ander van aan te neem, word ingevolge artikel9 van Wet 1 van 1937 vir algemene inligting gepubliseer. Enigeen wat daarteen beswaar het OOt die genoemde van aangene~m woro1, moet sy/haar beswaar met vermelding van redes daarvan so gou moontlik skriftelik by die Landdros genoem in die betrokke kennisgewing, indien. Die inligting word, waar van toepassing, verstrek in die votgorde: (1) Applikant(e) se volle J1ame en van, en of minderjarige(s); (2) woonadres; (3) besigheid ofberoep; (4) indien 'naansoek ten opsigte van kinders onder 10jaar, die naam (name); (5) die van wat aangeneem word; (6) die redes daarvoor; (1) die naam (name) voorheen gedra indien anders as onder (1) of (4), respektiewelik; (8) die name van vrou en kinders indien by die aanooek ingcsluit; (9) bygestaan, indien so, deur; besware in te dien by die Landdros teo TRANVAAL PETELL, Raymond Charles. (2) 14 Drakenstein, Heyneke Road, Morningside, andton. (3) Managing director. (4)-. (5) Doody-Pestell. (6) I wish to incorporate the maiden name of my wife into that of my surname. Her generation has no male heir ane this is the only way that her proud family name can be perpetuated. (7)-. (8) Wife. (9) PILLAY, Arthomulam Marimuthoo. (2) 113 eventh Avenue, Bakerton, prings. (3) Chef. (4)-. (5) Loonat. (6) I converted to the Islamic religion, married into the Islamic faith and attend the Islamic Mosque, I and my family are accepted 1I\';thin the Islamic community nine years ago. (7)-. (8) Wife, to Loonat, minor ehildren Govindsamy Perry PilIay, Desmond Gopal Pillay, hereen Maliga Pillay and aleh Pillay to Loonat. (9) prings JACOB, Marinda Judith en Anna Margaretha Marionetta Jacobs, minderjarige kinders. (2) Arizonasingel )5, Northcliffuitbreiding 15, Johanneshurg. (3)-. (4)-. (5) Paluzzi. (.6) Ons. moeder het hertrou en ons woon in by ons stiefvader Halo Fede Paluzzi en wi! dus graag sy van aanneem. (7)-. (8)-. (9) Vader, Petrus Casparus Jacobs; Randburg

91 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 JACOB, GeftOuistolfel Johanne. (2) Ariwnasingel I, Northcliff-uitbreiding 15, Johannesburg. (3) Leerlingbestuurder. (4)-. (5) Paluzzi. (6) My moeder bet hertrou en ek woon in by my stiefvader Italo Fede Paluzzi wat ek as my vader beskou en wit dus graag f van aanneem. (1)-. (8)-. (9) Randburg DIET-lEN, Tho~ll. (2) 85 Aquila Avenue, Watett:IQof Ridge I;xtens1on 2, Pretona. (3) Clerk. (4)-. (5) Van den Berg. (6) I like the name, have lived with a family of this name for a number of years and that people have accepted me as a member of this family with their consent. (7)-. (8)-.(9) Pretoria ELTON, Gillian. formerly Kruger, born Dashwood. (2) 108 andringham Centre, George Avenue, andringham, Johannesburg. (3) Housewife. (4) Cheryl Frances Kruger. (5) Dasbwood. (6) The child has never seen her father and he has shown no interest in her. he has lived all her life with her grandmother, Mrs Joan Dashwood and wishes to take the urname of her grandmother. (7) Kruger. (8)-. (9) Parent and sole guardian, G. M. Elston; Johannesburg WORFOLD, Louise Anthea. (2) 705 Kings Court, 6 King George treet. Johannesburg. (3) Clerk. (4)-. (5) Card. (6) As a small child I was adopted and my name Was changed to Worsfold. I have now returned back to my own mother and I wish to change back to my own name of Card. (7) Worsfold. (8)-. (9) Johannesburg HOLTZHAUEN, Michael Glanville. (2) 38 Falcon Road Greenhills, Randfontein. Tvl. (3)-. (4)-. (5) Pretorius. (6) I hav~ always been known as Pretorius and have never used any other surname. (7)-. (8)-. (9) Mother/legal guardian. Valerie J, Pretorius; Randfontein CTVRTNICBK, Josef. (2) 84 Queen Alexandra Road, Lombardy East,Johannesburg. (3)-_ (4)-. () Hoffmann. (6) My present surname Ctvrtnicek is unpronouncable and creates difficulties both in business as well as fof my minor children at school. My mother's maiden name was Hoffman. (7)-. (8) Wife, EUska Ctvrtnicek. minor children, Robert Ctvrtnicek and Marta Ctvrtnicek. (9) Johannesburg LAZARU, Lorna Anne. (2) 9 Hurlingham Road, Illovo, Johannesburg. (3)-. (4) Minor soo. Kirk Colin Nawran. (5) Lamrus. (6) His adoptive father's surname is Lazarus and that he is known by all his friends and family as Lazarus. (7) Nawran. (8)-. (9) Johannesburg NAWRAN, Derek Morris, minor child. (2) 9 Hurlingham Road,. IIlovo,!obannesburg. (3)-. (4)-. (5) Lazarus. (6) My adoptive father s surname is Lazarus and that I am known by all my friends and family as Lazarus. (7)-. (8)-. (9) Mother, L. A. Lazarus; Johannesburg NAWRAN, Craig Hyman, minor child. (2) 9 Hurlingham Road, Illovo, Johannesburg. (3)-. (4)-. (5) La2lal1l. (6) My adoptive father's surname is Lazarus and that I am known by all my friends and family as Lazarus. (7)-. (8)-. (9) Mother, L. A. Lazarus; Johannesburg BBRAHIM, Mohammed uleman. (2) a Pretorius treet, Christiana. (3) Company director. (4)-. (5) Nanabhay. (6) I have always been known by the surname of Nanabhay and that my whole family is registered under the surname of Nanabhay which is my proper family name. Ebrahim was my's first name. (7)-. (8) Wife, MariQID Ebrahim. (9) Chnstlana MUNAMY, Eban Alhony Martin. (2) 51 Krishnan Road Northdale, Pie~enrraritzburg. (3) Oerk. (4)-. (5) Do Preez. (6) I was born Wlt~ the surname Du Preez and on my mother's death (at my birth) I was adopted by Munsamy. I now wish to r~ert to. my 'birth name, namely, Du Preez.. (7)-. (8)-. (9) Pletermantzburg TAATKOERANr, NOVEMBER 1976 No. DAVI. Henry Godwin. (2) 4 tellenberg Court, Vos treet Middelburg. (3) Metallurgic analyst. (4)-. (5) Name and surnam~ of Carlos Hartwell. (6) I wish to carry the surname of my natural father. (7)-. (8) Wife, Yvonne Juliette Davis. (9) Middelburg TONG, Pon Pak F.oo. (2) 64 omerset treet, Mayfair, Johannesburg. (3) -. (4)-. (5) POD. (6) I have always been known to Iilie people I have met and my family since my school days under the surname of Pon. I was registered wiih the name Pon as a first.nam.e whereas it should have. been my UI'I\ame. I henceforth wish to be mown as Pak Foo Tong Pon (7) Wife Bileen Tong, minor child Adrienne Tong. '(9) Joh~nnesburg: CAPE-KAAP DAVIDON, Bernard. (2) 7 WoodsIands, Highstead Road, Rondeboscb. (3) Cutter and Designer. (4)-. (5) Davidson. (6) I have always since birth been known as Davidson, my father having made a mistake in registering me as Abrahamson instead of Davidson in Dublin. (7)-. (8) Wife, Rachel Davidson, born Moran. (9) Wynberg FAKU, Job. (2) Drury Court 15, Lavender Hill, Retreat. (3) Carp:nter. (4)-. (5) Faro. (6) The name Faku is embarrassing. (7)-. (8) Wife, arah Faku, minor children, Ernest. Zelna, Renee, Marcia, Conrad and Mark. (9) Wynberg OLIPHANT, Basil David. (2) 19 Nellie pithall treet, Retreat. (3)-. (4)-. (5) Oliver. (6) I have always been known as Oliver and all my documents bear this name. (7)-. (8) Wife, Fowzia minor child Jarome John. (9) Cape Town. ' NHLIZIYO, Lujaduma Edgar. (2) 91b Thames Avenue:. Mannenberg, Athlone. (3) Lorry Driver. (4)-. (5) Heynes. (6) ame is my mother's surname and I havc been known for a number of years by this surname. My friends and workmates find it difficult to pronounce my surname and spell same incorrectly thereby causi~g cofusi<;,n and e~barrassment. ~nd my wife. (7)-. (8) WIfe, Hennetta NhIiziyo, born Bc]amm, mmor child. Anthony haun Nhliziyo. (9) Wynberg NATAL GARDINER, Hazel Evelyn, minor child. (2) li Glenardle Road, Brighton Beach, Durban. (3)-. (4)-. (5) mith. (6) I have since 1966 been known by the surname of mith, this being the surname of my mother' present husband who has cared for me since (7)-. (8)-. (9) Father, G. A. Gardiner; Durban RO, Clifford Neville. (2) 15 evern Drive, Berea West, Westville. (3) Fitter foreman. (4)-. () Lawrie-Ross. (6) I have always been known as Lawrie-Ross in business, personal matters in everything that is legal, marriage. son'li-, birth, army training and own house. (7)-. (8) Wife, hirley Margaret, minor child, David James. (9) Durban MITH, Lionel Rankin. (2) 13 herborne Place, Durban North. (3) ales manager. (4)-. (5) Rankin-mith. (6) I and my family wish to include the name Rankin which is the maiden name of my mother in our surname. (7) -. (8) Wife, Virginia Elizabeth mith, formerly Davies, born. Dykman, minor child, Fiona Elizabeth mith. (9) Durban. ' O.F..-O.V.. HEARER, Josephine, formerly Janse van Rensburg, born Dwyer. (2) 78 Romeo treet, Welkom. (3) Accounts clerk. (4) Michelle Beatrice. (5) hearer. (6) he is now known by this name. (7) Janse van irensburg. (8)-. (9) 1. hearer; Welkom Buy National avings Certificates Koop Nasionale paarsertifikate

92 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 Np. GOVERNMENT.G~E1TE,: 5 NOVEMBER' 1976 BUTCHER' NOTICE-lAGTE.RKENNlGEWlNG LIVETOCK AND MEAT INDUTRIE CONTROL BOARD Any person who has any objection against the establishment, transfer or removal. of the business mentioned or the cancellation or a registration, may lodge such objection in the form of an affidavit, in triplicate, with the Board's office as indicated and within the period stated. The information, where applicable, is given in the following order: (0 Township or district, division, county; (2) applicant; (3) kind of application (new registration, transfer, removal) and kind of business; (4) details of premises or place (description, number, situation and/or address); (5) cancellation of a registration (the premises, if other than the preceding, or quitted for removal) and/or by whom (full name); (6) objections to, and period within which.. RAAD VAN BEHEER OOR DIE VEE EN VLEINYWERHEDE Enige persoon wat beswaar het teen die oprigting, oordrag of verskuiwing van die vermejde besigheid of die kansellasie van 'n registrasie lean sy beswaar indien in die vorm van 'n eedsverklaring, in drievoud, by die Raad se kantoor soos in die kennisgewing aangedui en binne die tydperk soos vermeld. Die inligting word, waar van toepassing, verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Dorpsgebied of distrik, afdeling, county; (2) applikant; (3) aard van aansoek (nuwe registrasie, oordrag, verskuiwing) en aard van besigheid; (4) besonderhede van perseel of plek (beskrywing,nommer, Jigging en/of sdres); (5) kansellasie van 'n registrasie (die perseel, indien anders as voorgaande, of wat laat vaar word vir verskuiwing) en/of nagesoek deur wie (volle naam); (6) besware aan en tydperk waarbinne. TRANVAAL ELECTION PARK.-(2) Ireneu Rodrigues Teixeira. (3) Transfer of ownership, retail butcher. (4) tand 1503A, being 73 Van Aardt Road, election Park, prings. (5) Christos Vogas. (6) General Manager, P.O. Box 1357, Pretoria, 14 days. PRETORIA.-(2) Louis Jacobus Pistorius. (3) Oordrag van eiendomsreg, kleinhandelslagter. (4) Beatrix lagtery, Beatrixstraat 145a, Arcadia, Pretoria. Erf 358/4. (5) Pietereben (Edms.) Bpk. (6) Hoofbestuurder, Posbus 1357, Pretoria, 14 dae. LOUI TRICHARDT.-(2). P. Esterhuizen en J. E. Esterhuizen, direkteure. H.R. laghuis (Edms.) Bpk. (3) Verskuiwing van perseel, kleinhandelslagter. (4) H.R. laghuis (Edms.) Bpk., Krugerstraat 101, Louis Trichardt (5) Capesthorne 219, Louis Trichardt, distrik Zoutpansberg. Registrasieafdeling L/Tvl. (6) Hoofbestuurder, Posbus 1357, Pretoria, 14 dae. PELGRIMRU.-(2) Graskop (Edms.) Bplc. (3) Nuwe aansoek, kleinhandelslagter. (4) Gedeelte 54 van die pjaas Wales, 250 KU, distrik Pelgrimsrus. (5r. (6) Hoofbestuurder, Posbus 1357, Pretoria, 30 dae. VEREENIGING.-(2) Jacob Hendrik Kruger. (3) Transfer of ownership, retail butcher. (4) 21 Loch treet, Meyerton. (5) Jan Hendrik Nicolaas Botha. (6) General Manager, P.O. Iklx 1357,,Pretoria, 0001, 14 days. PONOOLA.-(2) Gerhardus Adriaan Moolman. (3) Oordrag van eiendomsreg, kleinhandelslagter. (4) Erf 59, Piet Retiefweg, Pongola. (5) Marthinus Johannes Terblanche Moolman. (6) Hoofbemuurder, Posbus 1357, Pretoria, 14 dae. PONGOLA.-(2) Gerhardus AdIJiaan Moolman. (3) Verskuiwing van perseel, kleinhandelslagter. (4) ordwana Corridor, Litthardsgeb.ou, Pongola. (5) Erf 59,,Piet Retiefweg, Pongola. (6) Hoofbestuurder, Posbus 1357, 'Pretoria, 14 dae. JOHANNEBURG.-(2) Casimiro Rodrigues Vieira. (3) Transfer of ownership, retail butcher. (4) 46 Derby R=d, Bertrams, Johanl1esburg. (5) _.inathan herksne, (6) General Manager, P.O. Box 6457, Johannesburg, 14 days. JOHANNEBURG.-(2) hee Ming on. (3) Transfer of ownership, retail butcher/wholesale butcher/manufacturer of factory meat products. (4) tand 162,ColleeI1 treet, Chrisville, Johannesburg. (5) Ho Ping. (6) Braileh Manager, P.O. Box 4357, Johannesburg, 14 days. OWETO.-(2) lulius OupaMdluli. (3) Transfer of ownership, retail butcher. (4) 353/9 Roodepoott Road, Mofolo outh Dube, eweto. (5) Obadiah Muyanga. (6) Branch Manager, P.O. Box 4357, Johannesburg, 14 days. JOHANNEBURG.-(2) Manuel Rufimo de Andrade Xavier and Joao Card,oso. (3) Transfer of ownerhip, retail butcheri wholesale butcher/manufacturer of factory meat product8. (4) Acropolis Corner, 2 Jdhan Meyer treet, Linmeyer, Johann~burg. (5) Frederick,Petrus Oosthuizen and Le8l:ie Albert Thomas Dex, (6) Branoh Manager, P.O. Box obannesburg. 14 days. INDUT.RIA.-(2) Toe Chone Quy. (3) New applicatlion, retail,butcher. (4) Corner of Kelvin treet and Maraisburg Road, Industria. (5r. (6) Branch Manager, P. O. Box 4357, Johannesburg, 14 days. CAPE-KAAP KIMBERLEY.-(2) Noogh Richards. (3) Transfer of ownership, retail butcher. (4) 87 Barkly Road, Kimberley. Erf5437, Kimber1ey. (5) Omar Obaray. (6) Branch Manager, P.O, Box 11, Kimberley, 14 days, WELLENDAM.-(2) C. H. Manning Algemene Handelaar, (3) Oordrag van eiendomsreg, kleinhandelillagter. (4) Wabooms heuwel, Drewstasie, afdeling wellendam. (5) Drew Handelaars (Edms.) Bpk. (6) Hoofbestuurder, Posbus 1357, Pretoria, 14 dae. MOELBAAI.-(2) Nicolaas Johannes Fourie. (3) Verskuiwing van perseel, kleinhandelslagter. (4) 60/39 Ruiterbos, distrik Mosselbaai. (5) Gedeelte 44, Ruiterbos, distrik Mosselbaai. (6) Hoofbestuurder, Posbus 1357, Pretoria, 14 dae. GOODWOOD.-(2) Peter John Holliday. (3) Oordrag van eiendomsreg, kleinhandelslagter..(4) Cookstraat 101, Perseel 17828, Vasco, landdrosdistrik Goodwood, K.P. (5) Gideon Jacobus Conradie. (6) Takbestuurder, Posbus 96, Maitland, 14/30 dac. BELLVILLE.-(2) Abubaker Abbas. (3) New application, retail butcher. (4) 20a Modderdam Road, Bellville o:uth, Cqpe. (r. (6) Branch Manager, P.O. Box 96, Maitland, 14 days. CONTANTIA.-(2) Chabrelock (Pty) Ltd. (3) Oordrag van eiendomsreg, kleinhandelslagter. (4) No. 512, Gedeelte A van Lot D van die plaas illery ook bekend as paanschemat, Rivierweg, Constantia, Kaapstad. (5) Andre tephanus Badenhorst. (6) Hoofbestuurder, Posbus 1357, Pretoria, 14 dae. CAPE TOWN.-(2) herief Moydien. (3) New application, retail butcher. (4) Erf 12250, Connaught Road, Craven by Estate, Tyger Valley, Cape Town. (r. (6) General Manager, P.O. Box 1357, Pretoria, 30 days. EAT LONDON.-(2) IC Food-s Ltd. (3) Transfer' of premises, retail butcher. (4) Major quare, Beacon Bay, East London, within the departmental store of pargs upermarket. (5) hop 9, Block B, Major quare, Beaoon Bay, East London. (6) Branch Manager, P.O. Box 1357, Pretoria, 0001, 14 days. NATAL PINETOWN.-(2) Pinetown Butchery (Pty) Ltd. (3) Transfer of ownersbjp, retail butcher. (4) 25 Moodie treet, Pinetown. Lot 2444, P,inefJown Township. (5) Mirima Bee Bee of. Ideal Butchery. (6) Branch Manager, P.O. Box 2246, Durban, 14 days, PINETOWN.-(2) 'Pinetown Butchery (Ply) Ltd. (3) Transfer of premises, retail butcher. (4) 84/92 Mariannhill Road, Ashley, Pinetown. Lot 490, Ashley Township. (5) 25 Moodie treet, Pinetown. Lot 2444, Pinetown Township. (6) Branch Manager. P.O. Box 2246, Durban, I4 days. DURBAN.-(2) Mllhlekazi Welcome DUb'C. (3) New applica" ti<ln, retail butcher. (4) hop 3, Butchery Glebe Hostel. (5r.i 00.. ALRA PARK.-(2) David Johns.on. (3) Transfer of 'Premises. (4) 145 Gazene Drive, Alra Park, Nigel (5) Lot 392, Alra Park, Nigel. (6) Branch Manager, P.O. Box 4357, Johannesburg, 14 daj!l. JOZINI.-(2) Mankayane Richard Nzimande. (3) Transfer of ownership, retan butcher. (4) Existing premises of the Makatini Trading Company at Jozini, District of Ubombo. (5) Makatini Maatskappy (Pty) Ltd.. (6) General Manager, P.O. Box 1357, Pretoria, 14 days. GREYTOWN.-(2) Knowles at Greytown (Ply) Ltd. (3) Retail butcher. (4) 122 Pine treet, Greytown, (5)-. (6) General Manager, P.O. Box 1357, Pretoria, 30 days. LADYMITIi.-{2) TugeIa Butchery (Ply) Ltd. (3) New application, wholesale butcher. (4) Lot 1250, Ladysmith (I Anchor Road, Ladysmith), District of Klip River. (5)-; (6) Genera] Manager, P,O. Box 1357, Pretoria, 30 days;

93 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 TAATKOERANT, J NOVEMBER 1976 No. LUM CLEARANCE COURT NOTICE LUMOPRUIMINGHOF-KEN NIGEWING THE LUM ACT, 1934-DIE LUMWET Not!ces are ~ven in terms of sectio!l ~ (1) and (2) an~ section 15 (4) (c) of the Act, respectively, of declarations of premises to be slulthi. of directions pertment theretoor ofl'eclions ofdeclarations as made by lum Clearance Courts under the provisions ofthe lums Act No. 53 of 1934, as amended...' ' The information. where applicable, is given in the following order: (1) Township or district, division, county of slum declared' (2) declaration and/or directions, or rescission ofdeclaration; (3) the premises as described; (4) date ofdeclaration or rescission' (5) local a~thority of slum clearance court. '., KennisgewinIJ geskied ingev~lge artikel 6 (I) en (2) en artikel 15 (4) (c) van die Wet, respektiewelik van verklarings van persele tot s~ums, van l~sgewlflg met betrekkmg daarop of van opheffings van verklarings, soos deur lumopruimingshowe uitgevaardig onder die bepalings v!ln. dl.e ~lumswet, No. 53 van 1934,.s008 gewysig. DIe m.ligting word, w~ar van toepassmg, verstrek i.n die vol~orde: (I) Dorpsgebied of distrik. afdeling, county van slum soos verklaar; (2) verklanng en/of lasgewmgs, of opheffing van verklarmg; (3) die perseel of persele soos omskryf (4) datum van verklaring of opheffing' (5) die plaaslike bestuur van die slumopruimingshof. ' CAPE-KAAP MUNICIPALITY OFPAARL.-(2) Rescission of lum Declaration. (3) Erven 6072, 6073, 6074, 6076 and (4) 1/9/16. (5) Paarl. MUNIIPALITEIT PAARL.-(2) Opheffing van lumverklaring. (3) Erwe 6072, 6073, 6074, 6076 en (4) 1/9/76. (5) PaarL NATAL DURBAN.-(2) (a) Fresh court order, directions: (i) Demolish certain buildings; (li) commence demolition on or before 1/9/77 and remove nuisance by 30/9/77. (3)(11.) Kharwa Road, Kharwastan, Durban, ubdivision 24 of Block X of farm Bellair 823. (4) (a) 515/72. (2) (b) Declared a slum, directions: (1) Demolish all buildings; (li) commence demolition on or before 1/9/77 and remove nuisance by 3019/77. (3) (b) 77 habally Road, Clairwood, Durban, ubdivision 136 of Block V of farm Dunn's Grant 873. (4) (b) 27/8/16. (2) (c) Declared a slum, directions: (i) Demolish ali buildings; (ii) commence demolition on or before 1/9/77 and remove nuisance by 30/9/77. (3) (c) 6 Teakwood Road, Jacobs, Durban, remainder of 3 of G3 of Mid-Wentworth of farm Wentworth 860. (4) (c) 6/8176. (2) (d) Declared a slum, directions: (i) Demolish all buildings; (ii) commence demolition on or before 1/9/77 and remove nuisance by 30/9/77. (3) (d) 14 Archaey Road, Clairwooo, Durban, ubdivision 20 of Lot Y of Clairmont Estate (4) (d) 6/8/76. (2) (e) Declared a slum, directions: (i) Demolish all buildings; (ii) commence demolition on of before 1/9/77 and remove nuisance by 30/9/77. (3) (e) 77 irdar Road, ClalIWood, Durban, ubdivision 14 of Lot Y of Clairmont Estate (4) (e) 27/8/76. (5) Durban. DURBAN.-(2) (a) Nuwe hofbevel, lasgewings: (1) loop sekere geboue; (ii) sloping moet op of voor 1/9/77 begin en die misstand teen 30/9/77 verwyder word. (3) (a) KharwaVl'eg, Kharwastan, Durban, Onderverdeling 24 van Blok X van plaas Bellair 823, (4) (a) 515/72. (2) (b) Tot slum verklaar, lasgcwings: (i) loop alie geboue; (ii) sloping moet op olvoor 1/9/77 begin en die misstand teen 30/9/77 verwyder word. (3) (b) habaliyweg 77, Clairwood, Durban, Onderverdeling 136 van Blok V van plaas Dunn's Grant 873. (4) (b) 27/8/76. (2) (c) Tot slum verklaar, lasgewings: (i) loop aile geboue; (ii) sloping moet op of voor 1/9/ 77 begin en die misstand teen 30/9/77 verwyder word. (3) (e) Teakwoodweg 68, Jacobs, Durban: Rest van 3 van G3 van Mid.Wentworth van plaas Wentworth 860. (4) (c) 6/8/16. (2) (d) Tot slum verklaar, lasgewings: (i) loop alie geboue; (ii) sloping moet op of voor 1/9/77 begin en die misstand teen 30/9/77 verwyder word. (3) (d) Archaryweg 14, Clairwood, Durban: Onderverdeling 20 van perseel Y van Clairmont Estate (4) (d) 6/8/76. (2) (e) Tot slum verkiaar, lasgewings: (i) loop alie geboue; (ii) sloping moet op of voor 1/9/77 begin en die misstand teen 30/9/17 verwyder word. (3) (e) irdarweg 77, Clairwood, Durban, onderverdeling 14 van Perseel Y van Clairmont Estate (4) (e) 27/8/76. (5) Durban. DURBAN.-(2) (a) Dedarcd a slum, directions: (i) Demolish ali buildings; (ii) commence demolition on or before 1/9/77 and remove nuisance by 30/9/77. (3) (a) 12 obrun Road, Overport, Durban, ubdivision A of Lot 23 of B of Block I of Farm Brickfield 806. (4) (a) 6/8/76. (2) (b) Declared a slum, directions: (i) Demolish ali buildings; (ii) commence demolition on or before 1/9/77 and remove nuisa.m.:e by 30/9/77. (3) (b) 72 Teakwood Road, Jacobs, Durban, remainder of 4 of G3 of Mid-Wentworth of farm Wentworth 860. (4) (b) 27/8/76. (2) (c) Declared a slum, directions: (D Demolish certain buildings; (ii) commence demolition on or before 1/9177 and remove nuisance by 30/9/77. (3) (c) 76 (blown as No. 62) Ambar Road, Clairwood, Durban, ubdivision 148 of A of Block V of Farm Dunn's Grant 873. (4) (c) 6/8/76. (2) (b) Declared a slum, directions: (i) Demolish certain buildings; (ii) commence demolition on or before 1/9/77 and remove nuisance by 3019/77. (3) (d) 48 Dunrobin Crescent, pringfield, Durban, ubdivision A of 14 of FF of farm Brickfield 806. (4) (d) 6/8/76. (1) (t) Declared a slum, directions: (i) Demolish all buildings; (ll) Commence demolition on or before 1/9/77 and remove nuisance by 30/9/77. (3) (e) Effingham Road (known as 63 Firwood Road), Greenwood Park, Durban, ubdivision C of 11 of A of C of farm Duikerfontein 785. (4) (e) 6/8/76. (5) Durban. DURBAN.-(2) (a) Tot slum verklaar, lasgewings: (i) loo'p alie geboue; (n) sloping moet op of.voor 1/9/77..begin en dle misstand teen 30/9/77 verwyder word. (3) (a) obrunweg 12, Overport, Durban, Onderverdeling A van Perseel 23 van B van Blok I van plaas Brickflield 806. (4) (a) 6/8/16. (2) (b} Tot slum verklaar, lasgewings: (i) loop aile geboue; (li) sloping meet op of voor 1/9/77 begin en die misstand teen 30/9/77 verwyder word. (3) (b) Teakwoodweg 72, Jacobs, Durban, restant van 4 van G3 van Mid-Wentworth van plaas Wentworth 860. (4) (b) 27/8/16. (2) (c) Tot slum verklaar, lasgewings: (i) loop sekere geboue; (ii) sloping moet op of voor 1/9/17 begin en die misstand teen 30/9/77 verwyder word. (3) (c) Ambarweg 76 (bekend as No. 62), Clairwood, Durban, Onderverdeling 148 van A van Blok V van plaas DuCID's Grant 873. (4) (c) 6/8/76. (2) (d) Tot slum verklaar, lasgewings: (i) loopsekere gebone; (n) sloping moet op of voor 1/9/77 begin en die misstand teen 30/9/77 verwyder word. (3) (d) Dunrobin-singel 48, pringfield, Durban, Onderverdeling A van 14 van FF van plaas Brickfield 806. (4) (d) 6/8/76. (2) (e) Tot slum verklaar, (i) loop alie geboue; (ii) sloping moet op of voor gin en die misstand teen 30/9/77 verwyder word. (3) (e) Effingham~ weg (bekend as Firwoodweg 63), Greenwood Park, Durban, Onderverdcling C van II van A van C van plaas Duikerfontein 785. (4) (e) 6/8/16. (5) Durban. DVRBAN.-(2) (a) Declared a slum, directions: (i) Demolish certain buildings; (ii) commence demolition on or before 1/9/77 and remove nuisance by 30/9/77. (3) (a) 166 Hendon Road, Kenville, Durban, ubdivision 1 of 21 of Y of All No Victoria County. (4) (a) 6/8/16. (2) (b) Declared a slum, direc. dons: (i) Demolish all buildings; (ii) commence demolition on or before 1/9/77 and remove nuisance by 3019/77. (3) (b) Mill Road (known as 407 Umhlangane Road), Avoca, Durban, ubdivision A of 1 of HI of 3 of A of farm Duikerfontein 785. (4) (b) 13/8/16. (2). (c) Declared a slum, directions: (i) Repair a certain building and demolish another; (ii) commence demolition on or before 1/9/77 and remove nuisance by 30/ 9/77. (3) (c) 28 (known as No. 32) t Theresa Road, ydenham, Durban, remainder of I of A of 7 of A3 of Brickfield' 806. (4) (e) 13/8/76. (5) Durban. DURBAN.-(2) (a) Tot slum verklaar, lasgewings: (i) loop sekere geboue; (il) sloping moet op of voor 1/9/77 begin en die misstand teen 30/9/77 verwyder word. (3) (a) Hendonweg 166, KenviUe, Durban, Onderverdeling 1 van 21 van Y van All VflIl Victoria County. (4) (a) 6/8/76. (2) (b) Tot slum verklaar, lasgewings: (i) sloop aue gcboue; (n) sloping meet op of voor 1/9/77 begin en. die misstand teen 30/9/77 verwyder word. (3) (b) Millweg (bekend as Urnhlanganeweg 407), Avoca, Durban, Onderverdeling A van 1 van HI van 3 van A van plaas Duikerfontein 785. (4) (b) 13/8/76. (2) (c) Tot slum verklaar, lasgewings: (i) Herstel 'n sekere gebou en sloo.1' 'n ander; (ii) sloping moet op of voor 1/9/77 begin en die misstand teen 30/9/77 verwyder word. (3) (c) t Tberesaweg 28 (bekend as No. 32), ydenham, Durban, restant van 1 van A vad il ;van A3 van Brickfield 806. (4) (c) 13/8/76. (5) DurbaD.i

94 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 No. ' GOVERNMENT GAZE'I'fE,' 5 NOvEMBER 1976 GENERAL-ALGEMEEN TRANVAAL NATIONAL MINE DIATER FUND/NAIONALE MYNRAMPFOND BALANCE HEET AT 31 MARCH 1976/BALANTAAT OP 31 MAART 1976 INCO:-'fE TATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 1976/INKOMTETAAT VIR DIE JAAR GEElNDIG 31 MAART 1976 Capital ernployedjkapit"a/ anngewewr Accumulated Capital Fund/Opgchoopte Kapitaalfonds R R Employment ofcapital/aanwending von kaijitaa/: Investments includmg accroed interest/bdeggln;;s insluitende gekweekte rente.., Net current assets/netto bedryfsbates R R Current assets/bedryfsootes Cash at bank/kontant in bank Debtors/Debiteure Current liabuities/bedryfslaste: CreditorsjKrediteure H. K. DENNIE, Chairman/Voorsitter. J. H. L. BONTHUY, ecrelary/ekretaris. AUDITOR' REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 1976 W. have completed the audit of the bo!)ks of the Fund tor the year ended 31 March 1976 and wish to report as follow:;: t. We have examined the boob and accollnts and vouchers of the Fund and have satisfied ourselve, of the existence of the securities. 2. We have obtain~d all the informlthm ana "xplanatimn which, to the best of our knowledge and belief, were IlI:CC3sary for the purposes of our "udit. 3. In our opinion proper bo<lks of a~";".lllt have been kept by the Pund, sa far as appears fro", onr examination of tho,e b!)oks. 4, The Balance heet and Income tatemont are in agreement with the boob of account. 5. In our opinion and to the be5t of our information and accordillll to the e"planation~ given to us 5.1 tit" Balanoe heet gives a true and fair view of the atrairs of the Fund at 31 March 1976; and 5.2. the Income tatement gi.", a true and fair view of the income and CXP"D" ditute for the year ended 31 March HOEK, WIEHAHN & CRO, Chartered Accountants (.A.), Auditors R R R R incqme/inkomste... ~ Inrerest earned/rente verdienu '"., Donations/Donasies.. ".. ~ Ex~nditure/Uilgawes.,... ~ Travelling expenses/reiskoste Auditors,' remunerationjouditeursver.. goeding..,..., Publication expen')es,fpublikasieitoste Bank charges!3ankkoste... ~ Profit on sale of in.estments/wins met verkood van beleggings Publication expenses previous yearsl Publikasiekoste \'orige jare Payments for relief ofdependantsfujtbeta1inll'l vir hulp aan afhanklikes Excess of income OJ'er expenditure/oorskote van inkomste bo uitgawes,... ~.,.... Accumulated Capital Fund, I April 1975/0pgehoopte kapitaalfonds, 1 April Accumulate Capital Fund, 31 March 1976/0p8e hq()pre KapitaalJonds, 31 MUArt ,... OUDITEURV RLAG THN OPIGTE VAN OlE JAAR GEtlINDIG 31 MAART 1976 On< het die o"diterillg van die Ponds se boeke en rekords ten opsigt" van die jaaf geeindig 31 Maart 1976 voltooi en ""'"" $Oos volg verslag te doen: I. Ons het die boeke, rekenlnge en bewysstukke van die Fonds ondersoek en die bestaan van die sekuriteite bevestig. 2. Ons het al die inligting en veddarings gekry wat,.olgens ons mening, vir die docl van ons ouditering nooig was. 3. Volgens oas mening bet die Ponds behool'llke rekeningboeke gehou vir sover dit blyk uit OR ondersoek van daardie boeke. 4. Die Balan;staat en Tnkomstestaat is in ooreelltemmins met die rekenlngboeke.. Vo!gens 01\3 mening, en volgens inligl;ing en verduidelikings aan on. vemtrek. toon 5. I. die Ba!ans.taat 'n ware... tedelike weergawe van die stand van die sake vat! die Fonds op 3l Maar! 1916; en 5.2. die Inkom,testaat 'n wareen redelike weergawe van die inkomste en uitgawes oor die jaar geeindig 31 Ma&1't HOE.K, WIEHAHN & CRO, Geoktrooieerde Rekenmeester (.A.), Ouditeure. NATIONAL RELlEF FUND/NAIONALE HULPFOND BALANCE HEET AT 31 MARCH 1976/BALANTAAT OP 31 MAAR.T 1976 INCOME TATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH!976jINKOMTETAAT VIR DIE laar GEilfNDIG 31 MAART 1976 Capital ernl'loyed/kapitaal aangewend: Accumulated Capital Fund/Opgehoopte Kapltaalfonds..... Employment of capitalj Aanwendlltf? van kapitaal: In~~ents including accrued interestibeleggings Insltutende gekweekte rente.... Net current assets/netto bedryfsbates.... R Current assets/bedryfsba!es Cash at bankikontant in bank.... Debtors{Debiteure R R R Current Uabilities/Bedryfslaste; Creditors/Kredileure., R R R R Income /lnkontste.... I Interest earned/rente verdien... ~ Donations/Donasies...,, E..;pend;iure/Uitgawes..... ~ Travelling expences/reiskoste Ouditors'remunerationjOuditeul'vcr- oeding PubliCation expensesfpublikasiekoste Bank chargesibankkoste.. Excess of income Over expenditure/oors'kot van inkomste bo uitgawes Accumulated Capital Fund, 1 April 1975/0pgehoople Kapimalfonds, 1 April Accumulated C"pUla FUlld, 31 March 1976jOpgehoopte Kapit(llli/onds, 31 Maart ~}(')7J!? H. K. BENNIE. Clwirman/Voorsitter. J, H. L. BONTHUY, ecretarylekretaris. AUDITOR' REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 1976 We have completed the audit of the books of the Fund for the year ended 3! March 1976 and wish to report as fouows: l. We have examined the books and accounts and vouchers of the Fund and have satisfied ()Ill'e(ves of the existence of the securities. 2. We have obtained all the information and explanations which, to the best of our knowledge and belief, were necessary for the purposes of ottr audit. 3. In onr opinion proper books of account have been kept by the Fund, O rar as appears from our examination of those books. 4. The Balance heet and Income tatement are in agreement with the books of account. 5. In our opinion and to the best of our lnformatlon and according to the explanations given to us- 5.1 the Balance heet gives a true and fair view of the affairs of the Fund at 31 March 1976; and.2. the Income tatement. gives a true and fair view of the income and expenditure for the year ended 31 March HOEK, WIEHAHN oil; CRO, Chartered Accountants (.A.), Auditors. OUDITEURVERLAG TEN OPIGTE VAN DIE JAAR GE~TNDIG 31 MAART 1976 Ons het die ouditering van die Fonds se bockc ten orsigtc van die jaar geeindig 31 Maart 1976 voltooi en wells 500' te doen: t. Ons het die boeke, rekenmge en hewysstukke van die Fonds ondemeek en die bestaan van die sekuriteite bevestig. 2. Ons het al die inlillting en verkiarinll'l gekry wat, voilleus ons mening, vir die doel van ons ouditering llodig was. 3. Volgens ons moning het die Fonds behoorlike rekeningboeke gchou vir saver <lit blyk uit ons ondersoek van daardie bocke. 4. Die Balansstaat en InkOlIl5testaat is in ooreenstemming met die rekeningboeke. 5. Volgeus ous rncning, en volgens inlistina: en verduidelikings aan OD verstrek, toon 5.1. die Balansstaat 'n ware en redelike weergawe van die stand van die sake van die Fonds op 31 Maart 1976; en 5.2. die Inkomstestaat 'n wareen tedelike weergawe van die inkom.te en uitgawes oor die jaar geeindig 31 Maart HOEK, WIEHAHN & CRoss, Geokt.rooieerde Rekenmeesters (.A.),

95 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 THE LAW OCIETY OF THE TRANVAAL, No. 1 OF 1976 NEW RULE OF THE LAW OCIETY OF THE TRANVAAL [In terms of section 21 (1) of the Law ocieties Act. No. 41 of 1975] It shall be the obligation of every member of a professional company (as defined in section 2 of the Attorneys, Notaries and ConveYaJ}cers Admission Act, 1934) which practises in the province of the Transvaal or which has a registered office situate in the said province (a) to ensure that the ecretary is notified in writing (i) within 3 days of the incorporation of the company or of aj}y later date upon which the company shall first conmlence practice in the province of (aa) the name of the company, the number and date of its incorporation and the address of its registered office; (bb) the full names, dates of birth, domestic and business addresses of every member of the company; (ee) the address of every place of practice within the Republic where the company practises or in which it shall have any interest, with the numbers of the telephones and post office boxes used in connection with the practice carried on at each such place; (dd) any other information which the society may from time to time prescribe; (ii) of any change in any of the information given in terms of (i) within 30 days of such change taking place; (b) to supply the council, whenever so required, with notarially certified copies of the memorandum and articles of association, certificate of incorporation and certificate to commence business relating to such company together with all amendments made to any of the aforegoing to the date of such supply. TAATKOERANT, 5 NOVEMBER 1976 No. 95 DIE PROKUREURORDE VAN TRANVAAL, No.1 VAN 1976 NUWE REEL V AN DIE PROKUREURORDE VAN TRANVAAL [Kragtens artikel 21 (1) van die Wet op Prokureursordes, No. 41 van 1975] Op elke lid van 'n professionele maatskappy (soos omskryf in artikel 2 van die Toelating van Prokureurs, Notarisse en Transportbesorgers Wet, 1934) wat in die provinsie Transvaal praktiseer of 'n geregistreerde kantoor in die genoemde provinsie gelee het, rus die verpligting (a) om seker te maak dat die ekretaris skriftelik in kennis gestd word (i) binne 30 dae na die inlywing van die maatskappy of na 'n later datum waarop die maatskappy vir die eerste keer in die provinsie begin praktiseer het, van (aa) die naam van die rnaatskappy, die nommer en datum van sy inlywing en die adres van sy geregistreerde kantoor; (bb) die volle name, geboortedatums en woon- en besigheidsadresse van elke lid van die maatskappy; (cc) die adres van elke praktykpjek bhme die Repuhliek waar die maatskappy prakti&eer of waarin die maatskappy 'n belang het, asook die telefoon- en posbusnommers wat gebruik word in verb and met die praktyk wat by elke sodanige plek gevoer word; (dd) enige ander inligting wat die oide van tyd tot tyd voorskryf; (ii) van enige verandering in die inligting wat kragtens (i) gegee is, binne 30 (dertig) dae na die plaasvind van daard1e verandering; (b) om die raad, wanneer hy dit vereis, te voorsien van notarieel gesertifiseerde afskrifte van die akte van oprigting, statute, sertifikaat VaJ} inlywing en sertifikaat om met besigheid te begin, wat op daardie maatskappy betrekking het, tesame met alle wysigings wat tot die datum van die voorsiening in enige van die voorgaande aangebring is. FUND FOR EXTER:-lAL RELIEF/FOND VIR BUITELANDE NOODLENIGING BALANCE HEET AT 31 MARCH 1976/BALANTAAT OP 31 MAART 1976 INCOME TATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 1976/INKOMTBTAAT VIR DIE JAAR GEil.INDfG 31 MAART Capital employed/kapitan/ aanf!:ewend: Accumulated Capital Fund/Opgehoopte Kapitaalfonds... ;..... R R R Employment of Capital/ Aanwending Van Kapitaal: Investments including accrued interest/beleggings insluitende gckweekte rente Net current assetslnetto bedryfsbates... Current QssetsIBedrl~f.~bales: Cash at bank!ko;l1ant in bank... Current liabilitjes/lledryfsiaste: Krediteure/Creditors H. K. BENNIE. Chairman! Voorsittl'r. J. H. L. BONTHUY, ecrelary/ekretaris. R (533) ~ (286) R57621 ~ AUDITOR' REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 1976 We have completed the audit of the books of the Fund for the year ended 31 March 1976 and wish to report as follows: I. We have examined lhe books and accounts and vouchers of the Fund and have satisfie-d ollrselves of the existence of the securities. 2. We have obtained all the information and explanations which, to the best of our knowledge and belief, were neces~ary for the purposes of our audit. 3. In our opinion pro!,er books of account have been kept by the Fund, O far as appears from our examination of those books. 4. The Balance heet and Income tatement are in agreement with the books of account. 5. In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us 5. I. the Balance heet gives a true and fair view of the affairs of the Fund at 31 March 1976; and 5.2. the Income tatement gives a true and fair view of the income and expenditure for the year ended 31 March HOEK, WIEHAHN & CRO, Chartere.d Accountants (.A.), Auditors. AMENDMENT OF CONTITUTION Notice is hereby given in terms of section 22 of the Natdonal Welfare Act, No. 79 of 1965, that THE FAMILY PLANNING AOCIATION OF OUTH AFRICA W.O. 738 intends amending its objects to read as follows: 7. (a) To promote and further family planning by means of education, services and research R R R R Income/Inkoms/e ~ Interest earned/rente verdien... ~ Expenlditure/Uitgawrs... ~ TravetHng expense::sjreiskosteh Publication expenseslpnblikasiekoste Bank chargesibankkole... 3 Auditors' remuneration/ouditeursvergoeding. ~ Publication expenses previous years/pubhkasie- koste vorige jare Excess of income over expenduure/oorskot van inkomste bo uitgawes...,.,... '.., Accumulated capital fund, 1 April 1975jOpgehoopte kapitaalfonds, 1 April A.ccumulalfd Capital Fund, 31 March 1976/0pgehoopte KapiJaalfonds, 31 Maarl OUDITEURVERLAG TEN OPIGTE VAN DIE JAAR GEEINDIG 31 MAART 1976 Ons het die ouditering van die Fonds se boeke en rekords ten opsigte van die jaar geeindig 31 Maart 1976 voltooi en wens soos volg verslag te doen: l. Ons het die boeke, rekeninge en bewysstukke van die Fonds ondersoek en die bestaan van die sekuriteite bevestig. 2. Ons het al die inligting en verklarings gekry wat, volgens ons meoing, vir die doel van ons Quditering nodtg was. 3. Volgens 005 mellillg het die Fonds behoorlike rekeningboeke gehou vir sover dit blyk nit ons ondcrsoek van daardie boeke. 4. Die Balansstaat en Inkomstestaat is in ooreenstemming met die reketiingboeke. 5. Volgens OD mening, en volgens inligting en verduidelikings aan ons ve rstrek, toon-.i. die Balansstaat 'n ware en redelike weergawe van die stand van die sake van die Fonds op 31 Maart 1976; en die Inkom,testaat 'n ware en redelike weergawe van die inkomste en uitgawes oor die jaar geeindig 31 Maart HOEK, WIEHAHN & CRO, Geoktrooieerde Rekenmecsters (.A.), Ouditeure. (b) To gain the acceptance of family planning as II. basic human right available to all, without discrimination as to race, colour, creed or sex. (c) To emphasise the need for personal responsibility in sexual. relationships. (d) To work with other organisations, both public and private, towards the integration of family planning in all health, education, welfare, religious and cultural services, so that the quality of life for the individual person, the family and the commll.llity may be so impro...'ed..

96 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 No. GOVERNMENT GAZETI1'!, NOVEMBER 1976 (e) To. increase understanding of the nature, causes and effects of growth in population on people in their own communities and countries in the world. ' (f) To promote the quality of family life and to create a sense of awareness and urgency so that family planning becomes a way of life for all people. (g) To adhere to the policies and principles of the International Planned Parenthood Federation. (h) To provide family planning and ancillary serv'ices when and wherever necessary. The area of operation of the Organisation is The Transvaal Region, The Orange Free tate R;.;gion, The Nalal Region, The Eastern Cape Region and The Western Cape Region, Any objections should be lodged with The ecretary, Regional Welfare Board for the outhern Transvaal, Private Bag 3, Johannesburg, within 21 days of date of publication of this advertisement.-dr B. Bloch, for ecretary, The Family Planning Association of outh Africa W.O THE REALTY CORPORATION OF OUTH AFRICA LID Notice is hereby given that hare Certificate 2014, dated 12 February 1946, for 100 fully paid up shares of R2 each, distinctive Nos to inclusive, in the above-named Company, registered in the name of LOUREN PIETER GELDEN HUY VAN ZYL is alleged to have been lost or mislaid, and application having been made to the Company for the issue of a duplicate of the said hare Certificate, same will be issued should no valid objection be lodged with the undersigned before 30 November By Order of the Board.-M. Brophy. ecretary, 8 Meischke's Buildings, 42 Harrison treet, Johannesburg, 27/10/76. CAPE-KAAP THE DIVIIONAL COUNCR. OF THE CAPE PROPOED AMENDMENT OF EA-HORE REGULATION It is hereby notified that the Divisional Council of the Cape, duly authorised thereto by the Minister of Agriculture by Government Notice 570, dated 17 April 1964, proposes, after the expiration of a pel'iod of 30 days from the date of publication hereof, to make with the approval of the Minister, the following amendments, which are hereby published in terms of paragraph (d) of subsection (3) of section 10 of the ea-shore Act, 1935 (Act. 21 of 1935), to the regulations concerning the sea-shore, etc., promulgated by Government Notice 817, dated 13 June 1941: The addition of the following subregulation to regulation 17: "(3) No person shall, upon that portion of the sea-shore at Kommetjie known as The Kom, use any type of implement for the collection of prawns.". W. R. Vivier, ecretary, 44 Wale treet, Cape Town, 29/10/16. Dm AFDELINGRAAD VAN Dm KAAP VOORGBTELDE WYIGING VAN Dm TRAND REGULAIE.'i Kennis geskied hiermee dat die Afdelingsraad van die Kaap, na behore daartoe gemagtig deur die Minister van Landbou deur Regeringskennisgewing 570 van 17 April 1964, van voorneme is om, na die verstryking van 'n.. tydperk van 30 dae van die publikasiedatum hiervan, met die goedkeuring VII.ll die Minister. dievolgendewysigings aan te bring wat hiermee gepu-; bliseer word kragtens paragraaf (d) van subartikel (3) van artikel 10 van die trandwet, 1935 (Wet 21 van 1935), aan die regulasies met betrekking tot die strand, ens., afgekondig by Regerings.; kennisgewing 817 van 13 Junie 1941: Die byvoeging van die volgende subregulasie tot regulasie 17: "(3) Niemand mag, op daardie gedeelte van die strand te Kommetjie bekend as Die Kom, enige soort implement vir die versameling van steurgarnale gebruik nie.". W. R. Vivier, ekretal1is, Waalstraat 44, Kaapstad. NATAL TEAD CENTRa (UMBILO) (PTy) LTD, trading as TEAD & CALLAWAY, formerly under provisional judicial management The proposal of compromise submitted by DAVID IVAN TEAD having been duly accepted and having duly been sanctioned by an order of the upreme Court of outh Africa (Durban and Coast Local Division), dated 18 October 1976, notice is hereby given to all creditors that they are to file their claims with the receiver within a period of 60 days from the date of publication hereof, failing which they shall be deemed to have waived their rights against the Company and the receiver, and shall not be entitled to receive any dividend in terms of the proposal of compromise.-m. J. Ensor, Receiver, c/o ecurity Executor and Trust Co. Ltd, Eighth Floor, Hill amuel House, 17 Field treet, P.O. Box 1050, Durban, WEMBEI CHR.D AND PAMILY WELFARE OCmTY Notice is hereby given on behalf of Wembesi Child and Family Welfare ociety that it is our intention to apply for registration as a Welfare organisation in terms of section 19 of the National Welfare Act, No. 79 of The aims and objects of the ociety are (1) to protect the interests and to promote the well-being of the children of the town and District of Wembesi; (2) when necessary to cause effect to be given to any legislation framed for the protection of children and the conservation of family life; (3) to promote the physical, mental and moral welfare of the children either inside or outside an institutjion;. (4) to encourage and assist all efforts tending to social and educational improvement; (5) to investigate and deal with any cases of neglect, poverty or distress or of crnelty to children, or in which from any cause, children have committed any crime or there is a risk that they may be led into crime; (6) to seek to conserve the health of the community and in particular of mothers and children by means of preventive measures undertaken to this end; (7) to co-operate with other bodies or institutions whose aims are similar. The ociety intends operating in Wembesi, area of Okhahlamba. Copies of the constitution may be viewed at. the Magistrate's Office, Okhahlamba. Wembesi Township, and at Wembesi Clinic. Any objections should be lodged with the ecretary. Natal Regional Welfare Board, P.O. Box 1503, Durban. 4000, within 21 days of publication.-8tephen Mbele, ecretary. APPLICATION FOR REGITRATION OF TRADE MARK IN OUTH-WET AFRICA (Applications accepted in terms of Act 48 of 1973). Any person who has grounds for objection to any of the following trade marks may. within the prescribed time, lodge Notice of Opposi. tion on form M 6 contained in the econd chedule to the Trade Marks Rules in outh-west Africa, The prescribed time is two months after the date of advertisement. This period may on application be extended by the Registrar. Formal opposition should not be lodged until after notice has been given by letter to the applicant for registration so as to afford him an opportnnity of withdrawing his application before the expense of preparing the Notice of Opposition is incurred. Failing such notice to the applicant an opponent may not succeed in obtaining an order for costs. "B" preceding the number indicates Part B of the Trade Mark Register. REGITRAR OF TRADE MARK FOR OUTH-WET AFRICA AANOEKE OM REGITRAIE VAN HANDELMERKE IN UIDWE- AFRIKA (Aansoeke aangeneem ingevolge Wet 48 van 1973) Enigiemand wat beswaar het teen enige van die onderstaande handelsmerke kan, binne die voorgeskrewe tydperk, op vorm M 6, vervat in die Tweede Bylae van die Handelsmerkregulasies in uidwes-afrika, 1973, Kennisgewing van Beswaar indien, Die voorgeskrewe tydperk is twee maande na die datum van advertensie. Hierdie tydperk kan op aansoek deur die Registrateur verleng word. Formele beswaar moet nie ingedien word voordat die applikant om registrasie per brief van die beswaar in kennis gestel is me, ten ernde hom in die geleentheid te stel om sy aansoek terug te trek voordat onkoste in verband met die opstel van 'n Kennisgewing van Beswaar aangegaan word. By gebreke Van so 'n kennisgewing aan die applikant, kan kostc teen die beswaarmaker uitgewys word. "B" voor die nommer dui aan Deel B van die Handelsmerkregister. REGITRATEUR VAN HANDELMERKE VIR UlDWE-AFRIKA -3

97 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 sraa'l'kobr.ant;novemb'er 1916 No. CLA 1 B75/065 (WA), in Class 1: Pulp of an kinds, baggage, included in this class, in the name of appi Limited, a outh African company, ixth Floor, Unicorn House, 70 Marshall treet, Johannesburg. Address for service: Messrs D. M. Kisch & Co. Corporation Buildings, Commissioner treet, Johannesburg. NGODWANA Associated with No. B75/0609 (WA). Filed 22 October CLA 1 B75/0564 (WA), in Class 1: Pu1p of all k!nds, baggage, inoluded in this class, in the name of appi Limited, a outh African company, ixth. Floor, Unicorn House, 70 MarshaU treet, Johanhesburg. Address for service: Messrs D. M. Kisch & Co., Corporation Buildings,.Commissioner treet, Johannesburg. MANDINI Associated with No. B75/061O (WA). Filed 22 October CLA 5 75/0608 (WA), in Class 5: Insecticides, larvicides, fungicides, herbicides and pesticides; molluscicides and nematicides; soil fumigants; included in this class; in the name of hell International Petroleum Company Limited, hell Centre, London E 1 7NA England. Address for service: Messrs D. M. Kisch & Co., Corporation Buildings, Commissioner treet, Iohannesburg. FiNIPHO ection 24 (1) (b) application. Filed 11 November CLA 5 75/0675 (WA), in Class 5: Pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary preparations and substances included in this class, in the name of Johann A. Wulfing, a German kommanditgesellschaft, 404 Ncuss, tresemannaue 6, Germany. Address for service: Messrs D. M. Kisch & Co., Corporation Buildings, Commissioner treet, Johannesburg. EUNOVA Filed 23 December CLA 7 75/0669 (WA), in Class 7: hock absorbing pads; bearings, bushes and parts of gears all being parts of machinery; parts of machinery made of frictioo and anti-friction servicing materials; all being goods included in this class in the name of Ferodo Limited, a British company, Asbestos House, 77/79 Fountain treet, Manchester M2 2EA, England. Address for. service: Messrs D. M. Kisch & Co., Corporation Buildings. Commissioner treet, Johannesburg. FEIlOBETO Associated with No. 75/0670 (WA). ection 24 (I) (b) application. Filed 22 December CLA (WA), in Class 12: Body pads; shock absorbing pads; bearings, bushes and parts of gears all being parts of vehicles; parts of vehicles made of friction ond anti-friction servicing materials; all being goods included in this class; in the name of Ferodo Limited, a British company, Asbestos House, 77/79 Fountain treet, Manchester M2 2EA, England. Address for service: Messrs D. M. Kisch & Co., Corporation Buildings, Commissioner treet, lohannesburg. FEROBETO Associated with No. 75/0671 (WA). ection 24 (1) (b) application. Filed 22 December CLA 16 B75/0609 (WA), in Class 16: Paper and paper articles; earaboard and cardboard articles; printed matter; newspapers and periodicals; books; stationery, office requisites; instructional Wld teaching material, included in this class; in the name of appi Limited, a. outh African company, 10 Marshall treet, Johannesburg. Address for service: MesfsD. M. Kisch &. Co., Corporation, Commissioner treet, Johannesburg. NGODWANA Associated with No. B (WA). Filed 12 November CLA 17 75/0671 (WA), in Class 17: Articles and materials included in this class made wholly or principally of asbestos; plastics in sheet form; clutch lining and heat and sound insulating materials included in this class; in the name of Ferado Limited, a British company, Asbestos House, 77/79 Fountain treet, Manchesler M2 2EA, England. Address for service: Messrs D. M. Kisch & Co., Corporation Buildings, Commissioner treet, Johannesburg. FEROBETO Associated with No. 75/0669 (WA). ection 24 (1) (b) application. Filed 22 Dec~ber CLA 19 76/148 (WA), in Class 19: Acoustic materials included in this class, in the name of Masonite (Africa) Limited, a outh African company, Bank of Lisboo Buildings, comer of Market and auer: treets, Johannesburg. Address for service: Messrs D.. M. Kisch & Co., Corporation Buildings, Commissioner treet, Johannesburg. Filed 22 March PLANET CLA (WA), in Class 30: Tea, tea products, in the name of Pitoo Limited, a outh African company, 92 12th Avenue, Mayfair, Johannesburg. Address for service: Messrs poor and Fisher, Masada Buildings, PaUl Kruger treet, Pretoria. Registration of this trade mark will give no rights to the exclusive use of a device of a tea plant. Filed 23 Ootober CLA 32 75/0405 (WA), in Class 32: Beer, ale, malt bevet'ages, in the name of Hansa Brauerei Limited, a company organised and existing under the laws of the Republic of outh Africa, wakopmund, outh-west Africa. Address for service: Messrs poor and Fisher, Masada Buildings, Paul Kruger treet. Pretoria. The descriptive wording present in the mark may vary in use. Registration of this trade mark will give IIJO rights to the exclusive use of a heer glass device separately and apart from the mark. Associated with No. 75/0404 (WA). Filed 17 July

98 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February No. GOVERNMENT GAZE1TE, 5 NOVEMBER 1976 CLA 42 B75/0550 (WA), in Class 42: Restaurants, canteens, hotels, self-service restaurants, snack bars, roadhouses, boarding houses, tourist houses and rest homes included in this class, in the name of.a. Wimpy (Proprietary) Limited, a outh African company, 23rd Floor, 320 West treet, Durban. Address for service: Messrs D. M. Kisch & Co., Corporation Buildings, Commissioner treet, Johannesburg. ALTY Associated with No. B75j0551 (WA). Filed 20 October CLA 33 75/0582 (WA), in Class 33: Wines, spirits and liqueurs; all other fennented beverages included in this class; dilutions, derivatives and mixtures of the aforegoing goods; in the name of J. edgwick & Company Limited, a outh Mrican company, Oude Libertas, tellenbosch, Cape Province. Address for service: Messrs D. M. Kisch & Co., Corporation Buildings, Commissioner treet, Johannesburg. OLD BUCK Associated with No. 891/34 (WA). Filed 24 October CLA 29 B75/0551 (WA), in Class 29: Fish and potato crisps included in this class, in the name of.a. Wimpy (Proprietary) Limited, a outh African company, 23rd Floor, 320 West treet, Durban. Address for service: Messrs D. M. Kisch & Co., Corporation Buildings, Commissioner treet, Johannesburg. ALTY Associatcd with No. B75/0550 (WA). Filed 20 October Use it Donla use wateris foreverybody it erk mooi daarmee. leef daarvan ~~,.~~ Buy National avings Certificates Koop Nasionale paarsertifikate

99 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 Form/Vorm ] 297 TAATKOERANT, NOVEMBER 1976 No. ADMINITRATION OF ETATE ACT NOTICE BOEDELWETTEKE N N IGEWI NG ELEC"rlON OF EXECUTOR, CURATOR AND TUTOR The estates of the persons mentioned below being unrepresented, interested parties are hereby given notice by Masters of the upreme Court of outh Africa, that meetings will be held in the several estates at the places, dates and times specified, for the purpose of selecting some person or persons for approval by the respective Masters, as fit and proper to be appointed by them as executors, curators or tutors, as the case may be, indicating the particulars as follows: Estate number, surname and christian names of deceased, and ~pation; date of death; place, date and time of meeting. Meetings in a place in which there is a Master's Office, will be held before the Master; elsewhere they will be held before the Magistrate. N.B.-Items indicated by an asterisk (*) on the left-hand side denote the election of a tutor or curator; otherwise an executor is to bo elected. VERKIEING VAN EKEKUTEUR, KURATOR EN VOOGDE A~ngesi~n die boedels van die persone hieronder vermeld nie verteenwoordig is nie word hierby deur Meesters van die Hooggeregshof van Uld-Afflka aan belanghebbendes kennis gegee dat byeenkomste ten opsigte van die verskillende boedeis 01' die plekke, datums en tye vermeld, gehou sal word, met die doel om 'n persoon of persone te kies vir goedkeuring deur die onderskeie Meesters as geskik en bekwaam ~m ~eur hulle aangestel te word as e~~kuteurs, kurators of voogde, na gelang van omstandighede, met aanduiding van die besonderhede In die volgorde: Boedelnommer, famthenaam en voorname van oorlede persoon, en beroep; datum van oorlye; plek, datum en tyd van byeenkoms. In 'n plek waarin 'n kantoor van 'n Meester is, word die byeenkoms voor die Meester gehou en in ander plekke voor die Landdros.L. W.-Items aan die linkerkant met 'n sterreljie (*) gemerk, dui aan die verkiesing van 'n voog of kurator; andersins word 'n eksekuteur gekles. CAPE-KAAP 5669/76-VAN CHALKWYK, Johannes Petrus, pensioner. 7/9;76. Wynberg, 16/11;76, 09hOO. 6086/76-DANIEL, Rowina Maria, teacher. 22/6/76. Wynberg, 16/11/76, 09hOO. 6009f76-BLEWETI, Ayesha, investigater. 29/6/76. omerset West, 18/11/76, 09hOO. 6060{76-ENDLEY, Victor, clerk. 29/8/76. Cape Town, 16/ 11;76,lOh {76---WHITMILL, tanley Desmond, fitter and turner. 10/10/76. Goodwood, 17/11/76, 09hOO. 4918/76-BURGE, Betram Francis, electrical engineer. 19/ 8)76. Wynberg, 16/11/76, 09hOO. 6089/76-GOMEZ, Marshall, caretaker. 1/10/76. Wynberg, 16/11 /76, 09hOO. 6108/76-VAN WYK, WilIem Abraham Johannes, pensioenaris. 4/10 /76. trand, 17/11/76, lohoo. 3638/60-HOLLOWAY, Frank, hawker. 7/11/58. Goodwood, 17/11/76, 09hOO. 5289/76-VAN DALEN, Cornelius Johannes, skrynwerker. 22/5/76. Oudtshoorn, 17/11 /76, lohoo /67-HOLLOWAY, Annie Elizabeth, housewife. 5/6/58. Goodwood, 17/11/76, 09hOO. 6148/76-WYNGAARD, Paul, plate layer. 4/9{76. Cape Town, 16/11/76, toh /76-HERRING, John Henry, clerk. 5/7/76. Bellville, 16/11/76, lohoo. 6139/76-PRETORIU, Elizabeth Johanna, pensioenaris. 14/ 9/76. Bellville, 16/11 /76, 10hOO. 2922/75-JACKON, Farieda, housewife. 7/5/75. Wynberg, 16/11/76,09hOO. 6142/76-LE ROUX, Chari Du Plessis, pensioner. 29/8{76. Cape Town, 16/11/76, loh BURGER, Martha Magdalena, huisvrou. 29/12/56. Murraysburg, 17/11 ;76, 10hOO. 5341/76-BUTLER, George, retired. 24/8/76. Paarl, 19/11/ 76.09hOO ;76-MUMBY. James Henry, retired. 18/9/76. Cape Town, Hi/ll/76, loh /76-LINK, Petrus Mattheus, polisieman. 14/9/76. Vredendal. 16/11/76, IOhOO. 2874;75-ABRAHAM, John, dliver. 8/5/75. Goodwood, 17/ 11 ;76, 09hOO. 6024/76-IAAC, Nasierah, supervisor. 14/6/76. Wynberg, 16/ll/76,09hOO /76-JORDAAN. Catharina Johanna, pensioenaris. 27/9/ 76. Beaufort-Wes, 19/11/76, 10hOO. 6044/76-DE VILLIER, Michael Adriaan, senior clerk. 1/ 10;76. Cape Town, 16/11{76, loh /76-DU TOrr, Basil Cedric, painter. 30/12/76. Wynberg, 16/11/76,09hOO. 3174/72-CAVERNELI, Isaac William, builder. 16/6/76. Wynberg, 16/11/76, 09hOO. 6085{76-VAN DER MERWE, Janetta ophia Wilhelmina Jacoba, winkelier. 29/9/76. Vredendal, 16/11 {76, lohoo. 5915/76-JAMIE, Eybe Abraham, voorman. 24/9/76. Cape Town, 16/11{76, loh {76-BARNARD. Catherina Maria Jacoba, pensioenaris. 3/7/76. George, 19/11{76, lohoo. 2355/76-8EAMAN. Christiaan Hendrik Jacobus, retired locksmith. 1/4/76. imons town, 18/11/76, IOhOO. TRANVAAL 11932;76-HEIDTMANN, Alexander Ernest, pensioenaris. 8/ 9/76. Potchefstroom, 17/11/76, lohoo /76-WHYTE, Alfred James teven, overseer. 17/9/76. Johannesburg, 19/11/76, 09hoo /76-AINBURY, Eva, pensioner. 21/8/76. Krugersdorp, 19/11/76, 10hOO /76-HAENJAGER, William Carl Ernst, pensioner. 13/8/76. Boksburg, 17/11/76, 10hOO. 6930/55-8ALEJEE, uliman Moosa, shop assistant. 3/9/55. Meyerton, 19/11{76, lohoo /76-HERMAN, Hilda May, booking clerk. 20/8/76. Johannesburg, 19/11;76, 09hoo /76-KRUGER, Jacobus Cecilia, huisvrou. 1l/9/73. Randfontein, 19/11/76, 09h /76-EPACH, Micheal Coenraad, pensioenaris. 18/5/ 76. Pietersburg, 19/11/76, lohoo /76-MIDT, Arthur Johann Joseph, elektrisien. 17/9/76. Johannesburg, 19/11/76, 09hOO. 9472/7(i-ETERHUIZEN, Barend Daniel, pensioenaris Piet Retief, 19/11/76, lohoo /76-ELLION. Brenda., records clerk. 7/9/76. Germiston, 19/11 /76, 09h /76-REYNOLD, Henry Robinson, clerk. 21/9/76. Johannesburg, 19/11/76, 09hOO {76-PROWE, Peter John, actor. 12/10/76. Johannesburg, 19/1l/76, 09hOO /76--WILTHAU, Wilhelm Heinrich, pensioenaris. 16/ 9/76. prings, 19/11/76, lohoo /76-TANWORTH, Anthony John, instandhouding beplanner. 12/8/76. Phalaborwa, 19/11/76, 10hOO /76-8EGROTI, Alec Haddon, carpenter. 22/8/76. Balfour, 19/11/76, lohoo /76-BRONKHORT, Marthinus Johannes, passer en draaier. 27/9/76. Nylstroom, 19/11/76, 10hoo /76-KRAMBECK, Werner, motor mechanic. 18/9/76. Johannesburg, 19/11/76, 09hOO /76-CHRITIAN, Joseph Edward. 12/1/76. Johannesburg, 19/11/76, 09hOO /76-VON RENECKE, Elsa Rosina. 13/9/76. Johannesburg, 19/11/76, 09hoo {76-ENGELBRECBT, Willem Izak, klerk. 12/7/76. Germiston, 19/11/76, 09h /76-HEYMAN, Gordon Anderson, pensioner. 13/9/76. Brakpan, 19/11/76, 10hOO /76-TRUBY, Maria Ieffriena ophia, housewife. 21/9/ 76. Krugersdorp. 19/11/76, 10hOO /76-DO ANTO, Maria Da Graca. 27/6/74. Johannesburg, 19/11/76, 09hOO RAU, Johannes opbus, municipal employee. 19/12/16. Johannesburg, 19/11/76, 09hoo VAN LOGGERENBERG, Carolina Maria, huisvrou. 10/1/26. Witbank, 19111{76, IOhOO f76-UY, Gideon Ferdinand, vakleerling. 3/9/16. Pretoria, 18/11/76, O9hOO. 9336{76-RIPPEL, Ottokar Wilhelm, civil engineer. 23/7/16. Pretoria, 18/11/76, 09hOO /76-WILKEN, Marie Helene, maatskaplike werkster. 18/10/76. Pretoria, 18/11/16, 09hoo KAUFMANN, Margarete,. operator. 8/10/76. Pretoria, 18/11/76, 09hoo.

100 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February No. GOVERNMENT GAZE'ITB, 5 NOVEMBBR l005'6/76-benade, Johannes Matthys, gevangenis bewaarder. 18/8/16. Pretoria, 18/11/76, 09hOO /76-DE KOCK. Francina Petronella, verpleegsuster. 11/10/76. Pretoria, 18/11 /76, 09hOO /76-EDELTEIN, Melville Leonard, doctor of s.)ciology. 16/6/76. Johannesburg, 19/11/76, 09hOO /76-WILLIAM, Mary Kathleen, housewife. 17/3j76. Johannesburg, 19/11 /76, 09hOO /76-BOMAN, Maria Johanna Francina, pensioenaris. 9/10/76. Pretoria, 18/11/76, 09hOO /76-MANOOR, Beatrix Gertruida, housewife. 29/9j76. Vereeniging, 19/11/76, IOhOO. 8616/76-VAN TADEN, Cornelius tephanus, rekenmeester. 25/7/76. Bethal, 19/11 /76, 09hOO /76-PIETER, Daniel, sales manager. 7/10/16. Johannesburg, 19/11/76, 09hoo /76-McEWAN, Wiiliam Robert, fitter. 18/9/16. Carletonville, 19/11 /76, 10hOO. 121l5/76-GAcNDA (Purboo and Gandabhai), Kasi (Kasiben or Kassiben), housewife. 15/8/76. Johannesburg, 19/11/76, 09hOO /16-DE BRUYN, Petrus tefanus, boer. 4/10/76. Lichtenburg, 17/11 /76, IOhOO /76-BROOK, Elsie Maria Catherina, pensioner. 30/ 6/76. Johannesburg, 19/11/76, 09hOO /76-RAHIM, Goolam Ahmed Khan, 22/11/74. Johannesburg, 19/11176, 09hOO /1~PRETORIU, Alletta Gertruida Catharina, housewife. 4/10/16. Benoni, 19/11/76, IOhOO j76'-TADDEI, Zeffiro, storeman. 16/9/76. Johannesburg, 19/11176, /76-MEIKLE, Mary, retired. 26/6j76. Johannesburg, 19/11/16, 09hOO. 205j40--KRUGER, Elizabeth Margrita. 3/9/39. Pretoria, /76, 09bOO /16-HARTZENBERG, Peter, pensioner. 13/10/76. Pretoria, 18/11 /76, 09hOO. 1l945/76-LAMPRECHI', Johan Christiaan, Onder"korporaal, A. Weermag. 16/9/16. Pretoria, 18/11/76, 09hOO /76-MOLLER, Kathleen Elizabeth, huisvrou. 3/9/76. Krugersdorp, 19/11/76, 10hOO /76-GORDON, Jacobus, pensioenaris. 21/8/16. Johannesburg, 19/11 /16, 09hOO.. 1l938/76-KEAREY, Frederick Percival, locksmith and genec ral dealer. 6/7/16. Johannesburg, 19/11/76, 09hOO /76-METHERELL, Vincent, machinist. 24/9/76. Johannesburg, 19/11/16, 09hOO. 3478/16-DE MEILLON, Cornelius Johannes Ferreira, voorman transport. 5/3/76. Johannesburg, 19/11 /16, 09hOO /76-":'KLOPPER, Maria Agnes Albertha, pensioenaris. 18/7/70. Potchefstroom, 17/11 /16, IOhOO /76-ROCKER, Mohamed Hoosin. 27/4/76. Pretoria, 19/11/76, 09hOO. NATAL 491O/67-UBRAMANIAN. retired. 10/7163. Pietermaritzburg. 10/11/16, IOhOO. 956/63-KUNENE, Ngila (tanislaus David Kunene), Bantu chief 'and retired butcher. 24/3/63. Pietermaritzburg, 10/11 /76, 10hOO. 2364/16-EGGER, ophie Emmy, housewife. 13/5/76. Durban, 11/1l/76,09hOO., 2910/16-DAAI, arjoo. WI6/16. Weenen, 11/11/16, IOhOO. 4374/76-PURDON, Blanche Gertrude, housewife. 31/5/76. Durban, 11/11/16, 09hOO. 4853/76-KANNOOAMY. 6/3/76. Durban, 11/11/16, 09hOO. 4894/76-MOODLEY, Moonsamy (Moonsamy Chinnasamy), barman. 19/9/76. Port hepslone, 11/11/16, 10hOO. ORANGE free TATE - ORANJE-VRYTAAT 1945/76-EL, Frans Jacobus, pensioenaris. 26/8/76. Hennenman, 10III /76, IOhOO. NORTHERN CAPE-NOORD-KAAP 120/67-KAPP,i usanna Margaretha (Magaretha), huisvrou. ' 22/1/67. Vryheid, 16/11/76, IOhOO. 551/15-THIRION, Maria Aletta, huisvrou. 17/6/15. Griekwastad, 15/11/16, 10hOO. 630/16-PRETORIU, Marthinus Wessel, pensioenaris. 14/7/ 76. Kimberley, 16/11/76, 10hOO. ' 939/16-ANGU, William John, pensioenaris. 22/6/16. Kuruman, 18/11/16, 10hOO. ' EATERN CAPE-OO-KAAP 2918/76/3-DU PLEI, Gert Jacobus,winkelbestuurder. 15/10/16. Cradock, 12/11/ /76-GOOEN, Cornelia Margaretha, huisvrou. 12/8/16. Uitenhage, 10/11/76, IOhOO. 2878/76/3-EPTEMBER, usanna, born Wildeman, housewife. 27/1/61. Port Elizabeth, 12/11/16, 14hOO. 2628/76/3-BUTLER, Vivian George, dieseltegnikus. 8/8/16. Port Elizabeth, 12/11/16; 14hOO. 2864/16/2-TRYDOM, Frederick Peter, skrynwerker. 30/9/ 76. Uitenhage, 10/11/16, 10hOO. 2852/16/2-BLOM, Hester Aletta,huisvrou. 23/1/16. Graaff Reine!, 12/11/16, 10hOO. 1902/16/2-ROOUW, Johannes tephanus, retired teacher. 23/6/16. East London, 12/11/16, IOhOO. 2452/16/2-LAYFIELD, Annie Hyslop, housewife. 21/8/76. East London, 12/11 /16, IOhOO. 2875/16/l-RICE, Florence May, born Jennings, housewife. 29/9/16. Queenstown, 10111/16, IOhOO /16-RENBURG, Elizabeth Christina, pensioner. 30/ eymour, 10/11 176, IOhOO KENNEDY, arah, formerly Lootz, born Dreyer, housewife. 19/1/15. King William's Town, 16/11/16, lohoo. Ponn/Vorm J 295 CURATOR AND TUTOR: MATER' NOTICE In terms of section 75 of Act 66 of 1965 notice is hereby given of appojntments of persons as curators or tutors by Masters, or of their having ceased in their respective capacity.. The information is given in the following order: Number of matter; person under curatorship; or minor. and address; name and addrest of curator or tutor; whether appointment or cease in capacity, and date; Master of the upreme Court. KURATOR EN VOOGDE: MEETER E KENNIGEWING Ingevolge artikel 7 van Wet 66 van 1965 word hierby kennis gegee van die aanstelling van persone as kurators of voogde deur Meesters, of van die bel!indiging van aanstellings in sodanige hoedanighede. Die inligting word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van saak; persoon onder kurate1e, of minderjarige, en adres; naam en adres van kurator of voog; of aanstelling of heeindiging daarvan, en datum; Meester van die Hooggereghof. TRANVAAL 7677/76-TRYDOM, Deon en Hein trydom, Berttamstraat 8, Rynfield, Benoni. Voog, Daniel Jacobus,trydom, Bertram straat 8, Rynfield, Benoni. Aanstelling/Beeindiging, Pretoria. 6105f76-MARAI, Maria Jacoba, terkfonteinhospitaal, Krugersdorp. Kurator/Voog, Polly Maricke Russell, Owenstraat 23, Queenstown. Aanstelliug, 15 flo /76. Pretoria /76-CAMPBELL, EIma Audrey, anatoria Nursing Home, Modderfontein Road, Raedene, Johannesburg. Curator, John Henry Tunnell, 500 urrey House, 35 Rissik treet, Johannesburg. Appointment, 18/10/76; Pretoria. 6183/76-EL, Aletta usara Eli:r.abeth, gebore op 30/ , Marlize EIs, gebore op 13/2/65, en Adele EIs, gebore op 8/1/68, almal Columbinelaan 126, Mondeor, Johannesburg. Kurator/ Voog, Pieter Jacobus Andries EIs, Columbinelaan 126, Mondeor, Johannesburg. 15/10/76. Pretoria. NATAL 1l00/55-RAMOOMAIR, Andreasen treet, Marburg, Port hepstone. Curator, Narayan Ramsoomair Ganga, P.O. Box 259, Port hepstone. Appointment, 14/10/76. Natal Provincial. 1997/64, TAPLE, Trevor John, P.O. Box 917, Pietermaritzburg. Curator/Tutor. The tandard Bank of outh Africa Ltd, Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 917, Pietermaritzburg. Cease, 8/6/76. Pietermaritzburg.

101 Form/Vorm J 193 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 TAATKOERANTj. 5 NOVEMBER 1976 No.5318 let NOTICE TO CREDITOR IN DECEAED ETATE All persons having claims against the estates mentioned below are hereby <;a.ned. upon to lod~~ their c!ai.rns,wit~ tlie. executors C?ncerned within 30 days (or otherwise as indicated) calculated from the date of puoilcatlon hereof rhe mformatlon I given m the followmg order: 'Estate number surname and christian names, date of birth, identity number, last adt:re ;~, dale of death; surviving spouse's names, surname, date of birth and identity number; name and address of executor or authorised ajent, period allowed for lodgement of claims if other than 30 days. KENNIGEWING AAN KREDITEURE IN BETOnWE BOEDEL Aile persone wat vorderinge het teen ~ie boedels hieroi!der vermeld, wor~ hierby versoek or:' h~1 vc!rderin~s by die betrc!k~e ~k~ekuteurs en binne 'n tydperk van 30 dae (of andersms soos aangedul) gereken vanaf die datum van pubhkaslc hlervan In te lewer. Die mhgtmg word verstrek in die voigorde: Boedelnommer, familienaam en voorname, geboortedatum, persoonsnomtper, laaste adres, datu~ oorledc; nagelate eggenoot(note) se name, familiena m, geboortedatum en persoonsnommer; naam en adres van eksckuleurs of gemagttgde agent, tydperk toegeiaat vir lewering van vorderings indien anders as 30 dae. CAPE-KAAP 5980/76--TEMMET, Elaine Magdalene, 7/8/08, W, 19 Thornhill Road, Green Point, 4/9/76. Cloete & Partners, 117 t George's treet, Cape, Town.. 576O/76-VAN DER POLL, Peter John, 21/3/32, W, 61 Corsair Road, anddrift, Milnerron, 21/9/76; Lorraine Annie van der Poll, born Knowies,26/10/32, : Mrs. L. A. van dec Poll, 24 Lovers Walk, Rondebosch. 5712/76-McMILLAN, Eric Otto, 7/6/16, W, Braemar, Lock Road, KalkBay, 11/9/76. Cloete & Partners, 117 t George's treet. Cape Town /76~McADAM, Henry Malcolm, 18/6/12, W, Rosecraig, 110 econd Avenue, Kenilworth, 5/7/76. Cloete & Partners, 117 t George's treet, Cape Town. 5545/76-ROO, Ralph Eric, 20/5/ W, 310 Cumberland, Beach Road, Three Anchor Bay, 7 /9/76; Doris Penelope Roos, born Kinnear, 22/3/18, wanepoel, Uys & van Reenen, 301 Tygerberg Centre, Voortrekker Road, Bellville. 361O/76-GORDON, Elka, 12/10/1891, W, The Jewish Old Age Home, Vredehoek, 10/3/76. Kantor & Fialkov, 120 Main Road, Claremont. 6017!76--DANIEL,Cecil George, 17/8/06, , 26 Earl treet, Woodstock, 18/9/76; Alfreda (Elfreda or Freda) Marie Daniels. born Westphal, 19/5/13, W. Banard Katzef & Co., 451 Albert Road, alt River. 4941/76-WAITE, Peter John, W, 36 Main Road, Muizenberg, 4/8/76; Alma Waite, born Leo. Abe wersky & Associates, African Eagle Centre, Riebeeek treet, Cape Town /76-ADAM, Emily Enid, born Osborne, 13/10/08, 2 Wessley Court, Durban Road, Wynberg, 13/9/76. Buchanans, First Floor. Medical Centre, Wynberg. 6039/76-JANE VAN RENBURG, usara Cathrina, gebore Verwey, 11/8i14, , Plaas Dwaas, distrik Uniondale, 419/76; Cornelius Johannes Jacobus Janse van Rensburg, 23/1/09. Die tandard Bank van uid-afrika Bpk. (geregistreerde handelsbank), Tmsteetak,Posbu5 329, Port Elizabeth. 5935/76-BROMFIELD, Archibald Roberts, 6/5/1900, W, Hurter Heslinger Home, Muizenberg, 25/9/76. yfrets Trust Company Ltd, 24 Wale treet, Cape Town. 5663/76-LUNN, Walter tanley, 5/7/1890, W, 43 Ravensberg Avenue. Newlands, 12/9/76. yfrets Trust Company Ltd, 24 Wale tl'eet, Cape Town JONE, Gertrude Maud, 19/8/1878, W, Helen 'Keller Hostel, Links Road, Pine1ands, 17/9/16. yfrets Trust Comoanv Ltd, 24 Wale treet, Cape Town. 5480/1e;-:.MCBEAN, Margarita (Margareta), 24/6/1893, , Clareinch Nurses War Memorial Home, 36 Union Avenue, Pinelands, 14/9/76. Herold, Gie & Broadhead, 8 Darling treet, Cape Town, ' 5771/76-VAN WYK, Elizabeth Rose, born Trezise, 27/11/12, W, 15 Eastry Road, Claremont,. 2217/76; Johannes Petrus van Wyk. 31/10/11, onnenberg, Hoffmann & Galombik, 54 hortmarket treet, Cape Town. 4192/76-NAIKER, Martha Rajoo Ellappem, 1/4/07, K, 46 Ren. Cottage, Ruth Road,. Rylands Estate, Athlone, 6/11174; ince deceased Rajo.o Ellappem Naiker, 8/11/1898, Bisset, Boehmke & McBlain, 140 t George's treet, Cape Town. 6073/76-ENDER, Hyman, 7/12/21, W, 401 umll1'ertide, Norfolk Road, ea Point, 4/10/76. Charterhouse Trust Corporation (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 3147, Cape Town. 5889/76-FREEMAN, John Haughton, 3/1/08, W, 10 Kelston, Harfield Road,. Kenilworth, 10/9/76. Gordon Patrick Edwin ealy, B9 Main Road, P.O. Box 176, Fish Hoek. 749./76-JOHNTON, Henry Bennett, 4/1/1886, Flat 20, Arlington House, tall treet. Bath Avon, United Kingdom, 1617/74. Bisset, Boehmke & McBia:in, 301 Fairbairn House, 140 t. George's treet, Cape Town RETIEF, Delcia Barbara Evelyn, born Gilham, 7/8/ 26, W, 7 Verbena Way, Pinelands, 18/9/76. yfrets Trust Company Ltd, 24 Wale treet, Cape Town. 4940/76-ROCOE, Hector Kingsley, 12/3/18, ~2? K, widower, 41 Repulse Road, Crawford, 24/4/76. WIlkmson, Van der Ross & Joshua, Barclay Centre,corner of Kl.ipfontein Road and Findon treet, Athlone. 5518/76-HANFORD, Garth Thomas. 20/9/21, , 15 Aandbloem treet, Cape Town, 10/9/16. Herold, Gie & Broadhead, 8 Darling treet, Cape Town. 4155/16-MEIRING, Ivan Desmond, 23/6/34, K, 49 Camberwell Road, Crawford, 11/8/76; Janet Meiring, born Val~tine. Fuller, Moore & on, N.B.. Buildings, Greenmarket quare, Cape Town /76--COWLEY, Richard outhward, 30/11/1896, W, 53 Gladstone treet, Boston Estate, Bellville, 1~/9P6; arah Elizabeth Cowley. Fuller, Moore & on, N.B.. Bulldmgs, Greenmarket quare, Cape Town /76-MILLIGAN, Helena Carolina, formerly Abeln, bom Jacobs, W, Observatory, 17/8/16. Godfrey Isaacson & Co., 105 Main Road, Claremont. 5844/76-JONE, Thomas Morgan, 30/3/01, W. 7 Hilda Court Justin treet, Brooklyn, 28/9/16; Dorothy Jones, born Willis. Bisset Boehmke & MeBlain, P.O. Box 76, Cape Town /16-LENFORD, Peter, 02229i477K, 3(i Baptist treet, Grassy Park. Marquard & Co., Maynard House, Maynard Road, P,O. Box 121, Wynberg. 4386J76-KAHN, Elias (AI~c), 24/?/06, W, Imperial Hotel, Loop treet, Pletermantzburg, 7/1/16. A. Rosenberg, hoo!man & Gordon, 119 t George's treet, P.O. Box 4545, Cape Town, 4922/76-EVERT, Joseph Zacharias William, 29/11/24, 02~ W Vasco Hotel, Voortrekker Road, Vasco, 7/6/76; MaVI Molene Eve"ts, 24/8/31, Thompson, mither6 & Bradley F irst Floor Medical Centre, Maynard Road, Wynberg. 5529/76-McQUIllIN, Thomas tanislaus, 26/10/11, 11l? , Dunmore Nursing Home, High Level Road, ea Pornt, 15/9/76. A. J, Puiker, P.O. Box 670, Cape Town /76-HILTON. Ronald RiOOard Byron, 1/7/06, Clock House, toneham-paiva, towmarket, uffolk, England, 26/12/ 73 Bloomberg & Co., 56 oortmarket treet, Cape Town. 5154/76-DU TOIT, Andrew Leslie, ,9, outhf~. Ohiddy & Barrie, 402 Geneva House, 28 Parliament treet,. Cape Town. 4248/76-DE VILLIER-HAMMAN, Larry, 16/5/36, , 32 Ypsilanti Avenue, Glen Ashley, Durban, 27/8/76. Goodrickes, P.O. Box 967, Durban. 5306/75-HOPLEY, Jacobus Johannes, 7/2/57, , Klawer Hotel, Hoofweg, Klawer, 28/8/75. P. W. Hoffman, Pentzstraat 4, Heidelberg MARAI, Barbara, gebore Raux, 9/1/08, , Wellingtonweg 32, Durbanville, 8/8/16. Louw & Coetzee, Kerkstraat 13, Durbanville. 5846/16-HAMMAN, Anna Maria, gebore KrUgel, 6/5/16, , Koninginstraat 30, Durbanville, 21/9/16. Louw & Coetzee, Kerkstraat 13, Durbanville. 4853/76-GILK, WiHiam Arthur, 19/8/1891, W, 3 Prince treet, Noorder Paari, 19/5/16. olomon Miller, Mll.18el & Gaum, 49 Lady Grey treet, Paarl. 5832/16-DE VILLIER, Constance, 21 I1j 1892, , La Rochelle, tanderstraa.t 60, George, 11/8/76. Die tandard Bank van uid-afrika Bpk. (geregistreerde handelsbank), Trusteetak, Po~bus 329, P<>rt Elizabeth. 5570/76-KRITZINGER, Isabella toffelina Johanna,.gebore Kritzinger, 4/10/02, W, Edwardstraat; Joubertma, 9/ 9/76. Barclays-Nasjonale Bank Bpk. (geregistreerde bandelsl>ank), Trusteetak, Posbus 164, Por.t Elizabeth. 5768/76-TERBLANCHE, J()hanna Eldzabeth, gebore tewart, 11/1 /1889, W, Victoriastraat 28, Uniondale, 15/9/76. Bardays-Nasionale Bank Bpk. (geregistreerde ihandelsbank), Trusteetak, Posbus 164, Port Elizabeth /76-BOHOFF. arah Maria Magdalena, geoore Alber1:l'!, 6/7 /1898, 093' W, George, 29/8/76. Barelays-Nasionale Bank Bpk., Trusteetak, Posbus 164, Port Eli:mbeth. "

102 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February No. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE., 5 NOVEMBBll /76-VAN DER WATT, Hendrik Hercules, 6/3/17, , ydneystraat 9, Bellville, 19/9f7f>. usanna Eliza Beth Jacoba van def Watt, 30/10/05, Boland Bank Bpk., Posbus 48, Bellville. 3609/76-GOLD, Norman Percy, 23/11/14, W, 236 M ain Road, KenUworth, 16/6/76. Richard NQrman Gold, 23 Avenue Road, Rondebosch. 4575/76-VAN NIEKERK, Maria Margaretha Visagie, gebore Van Wyk, 23/'>/11, 1109: W, weduwee, Waterstraat 16, Calvinia, 9/7/76. E. V. d. M. Louw, Posbus 56, Loeriesfontein. 5829/76-CHREUDER, Anna Maria Jaooba, 519/1899, ' , Huis Maudie Kriel Vanriebeeckstn.tat, Ceres, 261 9/76. Hauptfleisch & Hauptfleis~h, Posbus 6, Ceres LA COCK, IsabeUa Jackson, gehore Koen, 11/6/04, l003W, Eureka, Kraaifontein, 5/9/76. Heyns, trauss & Visagie, V oortrekkerweg 70, Goodwood. 58I 5/76- KTEEN, Rosina, gebore Evertie, 15/4/08, K, Missionstraat 13, Albertinia, 7/8)76; Michael Eksteen, 27/10/I4, 1I K. B<llaoo Bank Bpk., PQsbus 5, Albertinia. 6080/76-ADAMO, Anthony Raphael, 8/6/16, W, Montac, corner of econd Avenue, and Commaile Road, Melkbosch trand, 18/9176. Tennant & Company, 4 Wale treet, Cape Town. 5610!76-VAN DEVEl'iTER, Hendrik Johannes, 10/f}/1883, , wewenaar, Hoogs.traat, Heiddberg, 7/9/16. Boland Bank Bpk., Posbus 3, Heidelberg. 5758f76-PITOUT, arei Hendrik Louis, 1217/1894, 020/ , Ouetehuis, Calitzdorp, 14/9/16. Barry & Mouton, Posbus 15, Calitzdorp. 5931!76-BOTHMA, Andries tephanus, 7/6[1897, , Markstraat 45, Prins Albert, 19/9/76. Volkskas Bpk. (geregistreerde handejsbank), Roedel- en Trustafdeling, Adderleystraat 134, P'()sbus 3981, Kaapstad /76-TAEN, Daniel Jacobus, 14/2/01, W, Nuwerus, CaIitzdorp, 25/9/76. Barry & Mouton, Posbus 15, Calitzdorp f76--b REDENHAND, Pieter Comelis, 6/12/21, , Pienaarstraat 4, Touwsrivier, 21/8/76; Johanna Wi~helmina Bredenhand, gebdre wanepoel, 10(2/28, O. Barclays-Nasionale Bank Bpk., Westelike Kaaptrusteetak, Posbua 4, Kaapstad. 5068/76-McGREGOR, Archibald, 24/4/1897, , Flat 2, Beaconsfield, Plettenherg Bay, 1/8/76. Bardays National Bank Ltd (registered commercial bank), Western Cape Trustee Branoh, P.O. Box 4, Cape Town, 2943/76-WANIE, annie, Eerste teaat 189 Esliesrivier. 22flO/12. Bill Tolken, Bresler &; rourie, VooIlt~kkerweg 161: Goodwood. 58{)7176-BEsrER, Hendrik J (Jhannoo, 28/8/14, , Hoofstraat, Hermon, 26/9/76. Die Wellingtonse Eksekuteursbtmer Bpi., Posbus 1, Wellington. 5704/76-FRANKEN, usanna Elizabeth Maria 12/11/ ~3573 W, VaUey Green. Elgin, 24f7 /76. Breda Bank Bpk: (geregl'streenie algemene hank), Posbus 19, Breda!idorp /76-THERON, Christiaan Lndolf 8/1/ , Louw!itraat 7, Kuilsrivier, 28/8/76; Aletta ~anna Theron. gebrore wart, 2'8/6/30, Volkskas Bpk.. (geregistreerde handelsbank), Boedel- en Trustafdeling, Adderleystmat 134, Posbus 31)81, Kaapstad. 5901/16-NIEUWOUDT, Johannes Jacobus, 9/10/05, , Goedehoops~raat 24, ParOW-OD, 30/8/16; ara Johanna Nieuw'()udt, ~ebore Nleuwoudt, 18/9/05, W. Volbkas Bpk. (gereglstreenie handelsbank), Boedel- en Trustafdeling Adderleystraa;f; 134, PDsblll 3981, Kaapstad. ' 5789/76-KELLERMANN (Kellerman), Georg Petrus 28/12/ 01, , Dutoitstraail: 29, Porterville 2019{76' Eli~beth Francina Catharina Kellerman, gebore B~fier, 7/8/0f}, , antam Bank Bpi., Posbus 72, Porterville HAUPTFLEICH,. Mabel. arah, gebore Reynolds, 21/511892, W, HUl Andnes llamman Baringstraat 10, Worcester, 16/9/76. N. J. A. mit, Bestuurder,' antam Bank Bpk., antamgebou, Hoogstraat 49a, Posbus 176, Worcester. 5741/7~GERMIHUY. June Johaanes, 25/7/1900, W, VJ1J?enshof, Bredasdorp, 10/906; Maria Magdelena Gertrmda Gernushuys W, Boland Bank Bpk. Posbus 18 Bredasdorp. ', 5784/16---DERCKEN, ara;h Johanna, geibore Van der Merwe, 14/9/1900, D , Grootfontein, Beaufort-Wes 17/9176. Gird & Dercben, Po'lms 6, Bea.ufort-Wes. ' 5975/76-FOLBY,.Rc;na, 12/6/09, 022/878985W, 18 'Rosemount Avenue, OranleZlt>ht, 7/9/76. Walker Lewis Godley & Field, 1505 Pleinpark, Plein treet, Cape ToWC:. ' 2823/76/1-NAH, Evelyn May, 1815/ , Church treet, Tarkastad, 13/9/76. Barc1ays National Bank Ltd, Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 1531, East I.Alndon. 3016/76-PICK, J<lsephine Johanna Elaine, 16/1/31, Moffatstraat 13, tellenbosch, 5/4f76. Purd{)n Gilmour, Dorpstraat 137, tellenbosch. 5030/76-0BERHOlZBR. Petl'Wl Hendrik Lou.rem. 10/10/ 1896, % , 16, Bellville, 8/6/76. Louw & Coetzee, Posbus 146, DUl'banville. 5916/76-JOUBERT, Ba.rtholomeus, 16/12/)0, , Bellstraat 2, MontJagn. 8/9{76; He&ter Helena Joubert, gebore Hawkins, 24/9/18, W. Volkskas Bpk:. (geregistreerde handelsbank), Boedel- en Trustafdeling, Adderleystraat 134, Posboo 3981, Kaapstad j76-ley, Charles Abbott, 6/9/14, W, 12 Kloof Nek ltoad, Tamboerskloof, 12/4/76; Daphne Mabel Ley, born Hare, 2216/23, C. K. Friedlander Kleinman & handling, 901 Colonial Mutual Buildings, 106 Adderley treet, Cape Town NORTIER, Erasmus Petrus, 27/4/02, , Kamanassiedam. distnk Oudt&hoorn, 20/8/76; Catherina usanna Nortier, gebore Nortier, 13/10/18, W. J. T. de mit, bestuurder, antam Bank Bpk., Posbus 208, Oudtshoorn, 5747/76-DE KOCK, Daniel Francois Du Toit, 25/9/14, , Eyssenstraat, MOI'Itagu, 2/9/76; Elizabeth Maria de Kock, gebore temmet, 3/4/22, Volkskas Bpk. (geregistreerde handelsbank), Boedel- en TrnstafdeJing, Adderleystraat 134, Posbus 3981, Kaapmad. 5817/76----GOUW, Marthinus Albertus, 19/7/10, W, Joobertina, 6/9/76; Elizabeth Johanna Gouws, W, 3/4/ 14. Volkskas Bpk. (geregistreerde handelsbank), Boedel- en Trustafdeling, Adderleystmat 134, Porous 3981, Kaapstad. 5607j76-EHLER, Johan Hendrik, 5/6/24, Dlt-008, Adamboernkraal, Pk. auer, 18/8/76; AI1l1!I. ophia Johanna Ehlers, 4/9/25, Volkskas Bpk. (geregistreerde handelsbank), Boedel. en Trnstafdeling, Adderieystra'at 134, Pos.. bus 3981, Kaapstad. 5822j76---MOEN, Hendrik Cornelis, 21!l/O, , Dekockstraat 33, Riviersonderend,4/9f76; Jantje Pieterdina Moen, gebore Van anter. 28/2/09, Volkskas Bpk. (geregistreerde handelsbank), Boedel- en Trnstafdeling, Adderleystraat 134, Posbus 3981, Kaapstad. 4248/76-0'CONNELL. Frances, born Williams, 14/9112, 10 Jaffe treet, aldanha, 8/7/76. wemmer & Levin, P.O. Bolt 23, Vredenburg. 3954!76-KRETZMER, Esther, 24/11/ , Rhona Court, Graham Road, ea Point, 617/76. Arthur E. Abrahams & Gross, 54 oortrnarket treet, Cape Town. 5949/76-THERON, Willem Johannes, 8/3/13, Retiefstraail: 8, Moorreesburg. 20/9/76; loronoo Aletta Theron, gebore Van Heerden. 13/10/09, 09W Boland Bank Bpk., Posbus 32, Moorreesburg. 6004j76-WRIGHT, Annie Hilda Emelia, 12/12/03, W, 3 ixth Avenue, Fish Hoek, 6f9/76; John North Mellor Wright, 16/7 {1898, W. Fine & Fine, Namaqua House, 36 Burg treet, Cape Town. 3127{76-VAN DBR VYVER, Johannes Adolf, 17/4/ Kruger trnat 7. Bellville, 27/4/76. J. W. Marais, Posbus 59, Ladismith. 4916/76-VAN BOVEN, Arthur Wi1liam Henry. 4/2/51, , Hoofweg 34. Langeooan, 2!7176. wemrner & Levin HoofV\'eg, Vredenburg. 6002/76-WHEBl.ER, Violet Frances, born Wheeler, 29[8/ W, 9 KamLt"i.e Avenue. tellenbosch, 20/9/16. Cluver & Markotter, 4 Plein treet, tellenbosclt. 5187/76-CHIP-PENDALE,. ieibrahijn. 27/1 t 121, lib M Kablerstraat 31, ldasvanei, tellenbosoh, 28/8/16; Gawa Chippendale, gooore Ganief. 25IfJ/31, M. Cluver & Markotter, Posbus 12, teilenoosch. 5619/76-00 KOCK, Maria Elizabeth, gebore Van Btnmmenstein, 2411!07, Lerouxstraat 25, Montagu, 2/9f 76. Boland Bank Bpk., Posbus 13, Montagu /76/AR/G-VAN ZYL, Cornelia Mari!.aritha, 21/11 f08, , Duplessistraat 21, Paarl, 22{7/76. Boland Bank Bpk.,Posbus 236~!Paar !76-DELPORT, Francois. 14/3/21, Main Road. Kleinmond. 21/9{76. Guthrie & Theron, P.O. Box 17 Caledon. 5946/76-NEL, Nicola'll Everhardus, 23/11/04, , ewende Laan, K>leinmoud, 21/9/76: Huibrecht Maria Elizabeth Nel, gebore De,Beer, 13/9/03, Guthrie & Theron, Posbus 1" Caledon. ~070/76-NAIDC!'O. Rajoo George, 10/1/09, K pmstraat 2. Wellington, 4/8/76; Olga May Naidoo, geoore Adrul1s, 9! 5109, K. Faure & Faure, Hoobtraat 210 Poshus 20, PaarL 5874/76-KOEN, Emmerentia Gertruida, gcl>ore Botba, 26 11/1899, /0003/00/8, M~.!!unst, distri'l< Mosselbaai, 1/9176 Johannes Petrus Keen, 2/11/1898, {5004/00/4. choltz Pauw & Kie., Cuffstraat 3, Pobus 3, Mosselbaai. 5939/76-GARRARD. Eugenie Adelaide, born haw, 2l/8/ 06,3 Chelsea Gardens, Durban Road, Wynberg, 14/9/76; Gerald Baylis Garrard, 8/10/02. W Cape Trustees and Executors Ltd, 6 Church quare,. O!pe Town.

103 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February ()85176-COEIZEB, Jolwma Jacoba Elizabeth. gebore Beukes, 4/3/1900, W, Doomkraa1, Ganes, 14/8/76. Boland Bani: Bpk., Posbus 236, Paarl. 6976{15-:-WINBORN, William Heruy. 'ri/llj15, , 8 Mool8esJB treet, Cape Town, 10/11/75; Lena Winborn, born terley. Pieter Barend wart, vir Die Trust Bank: van Afrika Bpk., Trust-.eti Boedelafdeling, Libertassentrum, Goodwood, Posbus %32, Kaapstad. 5121/76'-DU TOIT, Jacques Malan, , I 00 6, Hofmeyerstraat 53, trand, 1/9/16; Viola Evelyn Grace du Toit, gebore Gultig, 4/61 U. lot.i1:m O. J. H. Fourie, Takbestuurder, antam Bank Bpj(.. Posbus 61, Bellville. VOLLGRAAFF, Helena Maria Christina., 3/7/54, , vrygeseuin, Verpleegsterstehuis, Red Cross War Memorial Childrens Hospital, Rondebosch, 9/ A 1. Burger, Vocrtrekkerstraat 83, Posbus 6. Citrusdal VAN TONDER, Maria, 20/12/34, IK, CornviUe, District of Goot:ce. 2fj(1O/15. tadler, Van Rensburg & Conradie, P.O. Box 46, Ge<JIge /76-VAN TONDER, }lid" Wjl/4fJ, K, Corneville, distrik George, 2816/75; Maria van Tonder, 20112/34, K. tadler, Van RensbUfl & Conradie, P.O. Box 46, George. 5627/76-IMON, John, William, 3/11 /1887, , 4 Lancelot R03d, Fish Hoek, 6/9/76. The tandacd Bank (registered commercial bank), Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 54, Cape Town. 6022(76-HARCOURT, Ethel, born Cbapmmt, 2/il/l89, lt W, Carlisle Lodge, Kommetjie Road, Fish Hoek, 19/9/76. The tandard Banle of A. Ltd (registered commercial bank), Tmstee Branch, P.O. Box 54. Cape Town. 5692/76-ADIE, Jacobus lohannes Nicolaas, 2/4/05, O5OW2 038-OO-2 W. Langstraat, Darling, 17,8/76. Die tandard Bank van.a. Bpk. (geregistreerde handelsbank), Trusteetak, Poshas 54, Kaapstad '76-PIPER, Reginald Edmund (Edmond), 20/10/07, , 23 Lympleigh Road, Plumstead, 12/9176. The tandard Bank of A. Ltd (registered commen:ial bank), Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 54, Cape Town. 5678(76-GIETZMANN, Bernard Andrew William. 21/6{1893, Requeza Farm, Umvuma, Rhodesia, 28/6(76; May Kathleen Gietzmann. The tandard Bank of A Ltd (registered eommercial bank), Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 54, Cape Town, 46()!7f,.-MEYER, Efwena, 26l7fi899, , W2 Cavendish Flats, Wilderness Road, Claremont, 2:5{7/76; Herc1aas Gert Hendrik Meyer, 22f9{O, O'ullivan & Kot.ze, United Buildings, Main Road, Oaremont. 320/76-JAFTHA, Daniel, 15(6(07, K, 7 Pelican Hoi, Hanover Park, 519/16; Alida Jaftha, born pandiel. 26(101 19, K. Buchanan. Boyes & ampson, 46 t George's treet, Cape Town. 5581f76-WOLFE, heilah Mary, 2 /04, IW, Forenaughts, Main Road, Wynberg, 16(9 yfrets Trust Company Ltd, 24 Wale treet, Cape Town. 6104f76-ICKEL, Maria Johanna Bertha Auguste, 2914/t888, W, Avondrust, Rouwkoop Avenue, Rondebosch, 121 9/76. Bisset, Boehmke & McBlain, P.O. Box 16, Cape Town. 2743f76-PINTO, Jeronimo Caetano Francisco De ales, 29{ lin, Ave Anchicto 211, Lourenco Marques, 18/5/68, The Board of Executors, 4 Wale treet, Cape Town. 6132j76-LENHOFF, Leo, 17112/07, W, Urmarah, aunder' Road, Bantry Bay, 9fiO/76. Bloomberg & Co., Uniswa House, 56 hortmarket treet. Cape Town. 5386{76-VAN BREDA, Elizabeth Wilhelmina, 5/8/1899, , 11 Camb'fidge Flats, Main Road, Rosebanlc, 9(9/ 76. The Board of Executors, 4 WRle treet, Cape Town, 5996/76-DE GRUCHY BRODER, Joyce, born Brauer, 201 7/09, W, 11 Yarrow Road, Milnerton, 15/9{76. onnenberg, Hoffmann & Galombik, 54 hortmarket treet, Cape Town. 6146/ EDGWICK, Helen Marie Du Plessis, born Chiap' pini, 27f7103, , 3 Windsor Lodge, Beach Road, Fish Hoek, 20/9{76. The tandard Bank of A. Ltd (registered eommercia1 bank), Tnlstec Branch, P.O. Box 54, Cape Town. 61 HI /76--CLAAEN, Kathleen Elizabeth, born Brennan, /03, , 15 Rosenbof, Voortrei.:ker Road, Kuils River, 25/9/76. The tandard Bank of.a. Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 54, Cape Town. 6013j76-BEAMIH, Robert Lionel, 19/11/09, W, Royal tandard Hotel, Mowbray, 1919/76, The tandard Bank of,a, Ltd (registered eommercial bank), Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 54, Cape Town. 5425/76-LAPPIN, Lazur, 30/12/1891, {) W Highland House, Upper Buitenkant treet, Cape Town, 7/9/76: Barclays National Bank Ltd (registered commercial bank), Cape Town Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 512, Cape Town. TAATKOERANT, 5' NOVEMBER 1916 No VlLLIER, Audrey, 21/1/24, KareepooIi, P.O. Box 59, Beaufort West, 18/9176. The tandard Bank of A Ltd (registered commercial bank). Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 491, Paarl. 513/76--LOMBARD, William Charles, 9/9/51, , Tweede Uitbreiding 15, Langchaan, 16/8/76; Angeline Lombard, gebore mith, 4/7 /54, Boland Bank Bpk., Voortrekkerstraat, Posbus 45, Hopefield. 3839{76-GORDON, Mina tewart, 6/2/02, W, 12 Mariendahl Avenue. Newlandll, Cape Town, 7/7/76. Herold, Gie &. Broadhead, 8 Darling treet, Cape Town.. TRANVAAL I86/76-BAON, Edwin Victor,uI2/0t, OW, "I. Roseommon Road, Parkview, Johannesburg, 1/5/16;. Edith Basson, 19/2/%, W. Edith Ba''Otl, c/o R. J, Kidd, 708 Vol«:skas Buildings, 76 Market treet, P.O. Box 9414, Jobannesimrg. 7953j76-MARAI, tefanus Francois, 3/10/1384, W. Evannatel:'IUis, Hartbeesfontein, 24/6/76. Nedbank Bpk., POIibus 1830, Pretoria. I1404f76-NIEUWOUUT, George ehastiarn, 14/3/1896, , Plot 49, Kafferskraal, Klerksdorp, 15/9n6. Johannes Frederik Nieawoudt, pta Wessels, Van Duyn, L'Ange & De Waal, Femmhuis, Koek~traat 22, Posbus 59, Klerbdorp. 6650/76--MITH, John Couper, 1(12/1900, 00IW , 10 Auohof Road, Bryanston Extension, 15/6{76. Wright, Rose Innes, Louw & Wise. P.O. Box 123, Germi&lou. 9913{76-BOTE, tephanus Petrus, 1518/48, , Western Industries Karavu'aupark, Posbus 1383, Witbank:, 718/76; Louwien Magoolem. Botes, gebore Oosthuizen, 29/8157, n. antam Bank. 8p1c., PO'!lblls 57, Witbank 518/76-CRONJE, Esaias Renier, 30/12/198, , Groeni{)ntein, Pk. NykiroQm, 8/4/76. Abel Mulder, Posbus 245, Nylstrtoom /76-. NGELBRECHT, usanna Maria, gebore Le Rome, 25/7/14, Beaconsfield, Letaha, 29/6116. L. J. van der Westhuizen, pta Joubert & May, Posbus 35, Tzaneen. 7682f76-BOTHMA. Theodor Ernest, 29/1/38, 35f:509467, Hans Meren~kistraat 13. Vanderbijlpark, 8/7/76; Annie CllIfolina Bothma, 12/2/38, 37{)/ antam Bank Bp\c" Posbus &H. Vereeniging. 6756/76--FERREIRA, Tohan Hendrik:. 26/lfJ/28, , 149 Levelstraat, Wentworth Park, 19/5176; Mavis Joan Ferreira, gebore Butler. G. J. mith & Van der Watt, P<lshus 98, Krugersdorp THOROLD, Charles tephen oulby, 26/511881, tho 526: , 11 Delvi!le treet, Duncanville, Vereeniging, 28/ 6/16; Louisa Josephine Thorold. Nedbank Ltd., P.O. n()x 1830, Pretoria, 9452f76-WALDRON, Frederic Barnos, -(10/1881, 34 Albany Avenue, Presoot, 4/4/76. yirets Trust and Executor.A. Ltd., P.O. Box 1830, Pretoria. 5146/16-VIAGm, Adam Johannes, 13/12/40, W, Hartstraat 37, Randhart, Alberton, lf2{76; Olga Myrtle Visagie, The Trust Bank of Africa Ltd, Trust and Estates {kpartment, Trust Bank Centre, Eloff treet, P.O. Box 7694, Johannesburg. H485{16-0'RILEY, Anna Cornelia, 26/1)/42, 35790t4J9W, Topaz PIck 8, Carleton me, 8/8/76; Thomas Joseph O'RHey. Die Trust &Ink van Afrika Bpk., Trust- en Boodelafdeling, TrtLl Banksentrum, Elof{straat, Posbus 7694, Johannetsburg j76-VAN WYK, Dilina Maria, 8/1{'20, , Plot 32, Oaktree, Kruger.'ldorp, 14/8/76; Jan Danid van Wyk, 29/1/15, Die Trust Bank vun Afrib Bpk" Trust- en BoedelafdeHng, Trust Banksentrum, Eloffstraat, PO!i'bus 7694, Johannesburg /76-VIAGIE, Paul Jaoobus, 1711/l0, loo q, Vierde ban 18a, Mayfair, J,ohannesburg, 1/9f76; Hendrhta Cecilia Visagie, 21)f4f12, Die Trust Bank van Afrika Bpt., Trust- en Boedelafdeling, Trust Bat'lhlem:rum, Eloffstraat, Posbus 7694, Johannesburg, lo77 /16-00THUIZEN, Pieter M:artbinus, W/3/07, , University Gate 502, Ameshofstraat 4, Braamfoman, 16/1 /16. Die Trust Bank van Afrika. Bpk., Tl'Wt- en Boedelafdeling, T11lt Banksentrum, Eloffstraat;. POIIibus 7694, Johannesburg. l1021/76-gooen, Ida Charmain, 17 Barclay, 70 Plein treet, Johannesburg, 7/9/76. Die Trust Bunk van Afn1ca Bpk., Trust- en Boedelafdeling, Trust Banksentmm, FJoffstr:aat, PO!!bus 7694, J'ohannesburg. 1O:54/76-JA:NE VAN RENBURG, <:brmliia Jacoba usarah, 3/1/28, , InettewooustetHe 25, penzancestraat, Alberton, 26/6(16. Die Trust Bank van Afrilca BpIc., Trust- en Boedelafdeling, Trust &.nksentrnm, Bloffstraat, Po& bus 7{)94, Jooannesburg.

104 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February No. GOVERNMENT GAZEITE, 5 NOVEMBBR'j976 VAN.DER CHYFF, Lukas Johannes, 3/1/07, W, Finchstraat 38, Ontdekkerspark, 22/3/76; Frandna usanna van der chyff, gebore Badenhorst, 31/1/07, W. The Trust Bank of Africa Ltd, Trust and E8tates Department, Trust Bank Centre, Eloff treet, P.O. Box 7694, Johannesburg /76-VIAGIE, Helena Aletta, gebore malberger, 281 9]06, , Llamawoonstellc I, Edwardstraat, Vereeniging, 29/8/76. De Klerk, Vermaak & Venll:ote, Overvaal, Krugerlaan 28, Posbus 338, Vereeniging I76--BOOYEN, Anna Elizabeth, 12/5/38, , Northdenelaan 123, Brakpan, 14/9/76: Arthur Norman Booycns, 8/10/27, Ivan Davies, Theunissen & Vennote, antamgebqu, 11de Verdieping, Vyfde Laan, Posbus 16, prin-gs f76-HOFFMANN, Philip andeman, 10/4/1895, vi, Vyfde Laan 125, Mayfair, Johannesburg, 20/8/72; Jacob", CatooriIl{l Louisa Hoffmann, 12/12/17, W. Van Wyk de Vnes,.Malan & teyn, Volkskasgebou 111, Mark &traat 76, Johannesburg. LOITERING, Gerhardus, 11/5/18, Eland'fontcin, distrik FochviHc, 20/12/75; Anna Louisa Lottering, gebore Van taden. Noon ank Bpk., Posbus 1830, Pretoria. 7711/76-JANKOWITZ, usanna Juliana Paul.ina, 11/6/1883, Bramley House, Johannesl:Hlrg, 28/6/76. Wright Rose-Innes Louw & Wise, 310 Allied Buildings, 170 Meyer trecl, Germiston: 7379/76-EVAN, Alex John, 23/8/43, /5035/10/5 50 Laingsburg ~oad, Eastvale, prings, 11/5/76. B. R. Platt, P.O. Box 266, pnngs /76-NBLON. James William, 27/8/04, , 38 P.aarl treet, tanderton, 21/8/76; Amy Hannah Martha Nelson, born Topham, 13/5/09, Mrs A. H. M. Nelson, c/o I. F isher, V. d. Berg & V. d. Merwe, P.O. Box 55, tanderton. ' 9349/76-TEELE, Johannes Petrus Gouw~, 22/1/16, W, woouwee, Lemoenfontein, Middelburg, 5/7/76. Taylor Kenneth teele, Lemoenfontein, Middelburg f76--HEILBRpN, Alice, 2/3/06, W, 41 Joyhill, Third treet, prings. 14/9/76.. Fram, Lieberthal & Company, ixth Floor, anlam Centre, Fourth treet, P.O. Box 395, pnngs /76-CHEEPER. Alida Elizabeth, 16/4/1898, , ondagstraat. 20, Trhee Rivers, Vereeniging, 6/8/76. Volksk!ls ~pk.. (gereglstreerde handelsbank), BO(!(ielafdeling, KomIIlIssarrsstm at 48, PO'bus 970, Klerksdorp j76--KROON, Dirk, 10/7/37, Jaco Mariwoonstelle 10, Retiefstraat, Potgietersru~, 8/7176; Franciska Martha usanna Kr,oon. ge\)ore tassen, 1/4/42, 1/4/42, Borman, nyman & Barnard,Rentmeestergebou, Voortrekkerweg 63, 'Pasbus 42, Potgietersrus /76-McALITER, Ethel, 8/7/1890, W, 62 De Wet. treet, Krugersdorp North, 4/9/76. C. R. O.. oheppemng, c/o J. B. Hugo & Cronjc, P.O. Box 115 Krugersdorp. ' 11234/76-TRYDOM. Petrus, 3/8/1888, Hartebeoofontein, distrik Vereeniging, 11/9/76. De Klerk Ver~ ma~k. & Venoote, Overvaal, Krugerlaan 28, Posbtls 338' Vereemgmg. ' 10233/76-BERG, ~ij~lelmina Cornelia, 28/7/714, , 45 Hobson treet, HIlLide, Randfoll'tein, 21/3/76; Gerrit Berg, 8/4/l5, Truter Croul Wiggill & Vas P.O. Box 134, Westonana. ' 8855/76-P<?\YER, Una Margaret Mary /14, W, 2.8 De VIIliers treet, Westonaria, 25/6/76. Truter Crom; WlggllI & Vos, P.O. Bo'!: 134, Westonaria /76--MAHOMED, Mahmood, during A, 13 Parrot Aven~e.. Lenasia, 8/8/76. Waks & Wmiams Inc, BareIa~ Bank BuIldmgs, 209 Kerk treet POBox 208 Pretona. '.,, 11170/76--HUYER, Andries Johannes 1/4/ < , Be8~traat 83, Christiana, 12/9/76.' A. W. B~nd~,' Posbus 35, Pretoflusstraat 1. Christiana /76-:~lEL, ~1arthinus Johannes Petrus, 7/4/19, , Rmgtevlel, annieshof, 27/8176; usanna Philippina Nel, 24/,l2/18, Van der Walt & Vennote Posh us 23, anllleshof. ' 114~6e6-BILLAND, Robert, 12/12/1893, no 4 16 Frmh Court, Prince', Aven'lc. Benoni. 7 Ic)!7(j; Elizabeth BjJs~ land, born Carnochan, 21/12/1899, A. E. Cook, Cook & Falconer, Permanent Buildings 47 Prince's Aven"e PO Box 52, Benoni. ' ",.. 1l0.63/7~TEYN, Johanna Elizabeth, 28/8/03, , geskel, P.resldentstraat 74, Potchefstroom, 31/8176. Johannes Erasmus van der Merwe, pia Williams, Gaisford & teyn, Kerkstraat 147, Posbus 71, Potchefstroom. 8844f76-LINDEQUE,. Johannes Burger, 10/3/1894, , 11 ~tella ManIOns, ~rince George Avenue. Brakpan, 28/6/76. Trolhp, Joubert, Cowling & Brocker First Floor Harvey Chambers, 293 Prince George Avenue, P.O. Box 38, 'nrakpan. 8840/76--LINDEQUE, Maria Magdalene, 21/7/185)5, , 11 tella Manions, Prince George Avenue, Brakpan, 20/5/76; Johannes:Qurger Lindeque, 10/3/1894, , Trollip, Joubert, Cowling & Brocker, First Floor, Harvey Chambers, 293 Prince George Avenue, P.O. Box 38, Brakpan. 9886/76-RABIE, Andries tephanus, 23/9/10, , ilver Pinelaan 17, Ruiterhof, Randburg, 11/8/76. Klaas Berkenbosch, vir Nebex: Eksekuteurskamer en Maatskappy Bpk., Posbus 194, Pietersburg /76-MITCHELL, Johanna Christina, 25/2/1898, 'N, Plot 10, Leeukuil, distrik Pietersburg, 5/8/76. Klaas Bereknbosch, vir Nebex Eksekuteurskamer en Trust Mpy. Bpk., Posbus 194, Pietersburg /76-HUIMAN, Jan, 13/9/09, , Gouwsstraat 150. Potchefstroom, 17/8/76; Grietje Huisman, 30/7/11, NOObank Bpk., Posbus 1830, Pretoria /76--VAN EEDEN, Antonie Johannes, 25/7/16, , Malherbestraat 59, Potchefstroom, 17/6/76; Johanna Fransina Catharina van Eeden, gebore Van Rensburg, 8/10/21, W. J. C. Jonker, Posbus 597, Potchefstroom KOCK, tefanus IgnatiUs, 6/4/08, _00-4, Cameronstraat 8, Petersfield, prings, 15/9/76; Johanna Allenton Kock, gebore Fouche, 6/1/15, /0025/00/0. Ivan Davies, Theurussen & Vennote, llde Verdieping, antamgebou, Vyfde Laan, Posbus 16, prings. 2085/76-RAYMOND, Joyce Edna, 2/2/24, W, 6 Houghton Ridge, Cavendish Road, Yeoville, Johannesburg, 15/ 8/75. Couzyn, Hertzog & Horak, P.O. Box 2242, Johannesburg. 6720/76-EDWORTHY, Edith Georgina, 317/1896, W, 33 Eighth treet, New Township, prings, 25/4/76; Harold George Luke Edworthy, J. R. du Plessis & Burger, Eerste Verdieping, AHiedgebou, Vyfde Laan, Posbus 880, prings i76--ANTON, Photis, 17/1/1896, , 102 Hooge treet, Potgietcrsrus, 24/9/76. Naude & Dames, anlam Buildings, Retief treet, P.O. Box: 405, Potgietersrus /7&--BELLWOOD, William Anderson, 29/7/03, , 629 Pienaar treet, Brooklyn, Pretoria, 9/10/76. Getz, Behr, Ogus & Mendel Cohen, P.O. Box 374, Pretoria /7&--GROBLER, Francina Hendrina Magdalena, 25/9/ 06, , Roodepoort se entrum vir Bejaardes, Trichardlaan, Discovery, 25/8/76. Van Wyk de Vries, Malan & teyn, Posbus 5892, Johannesburg. 4757/76-DE VILLIER, Thcodorus Daniel, 1/6/55, , Hartbeesfonteinenkelkwartiere 16, tilfontein, 29/4/76. antam Bank Bpk., Posbus 56, Potchefstroom. 42/76-VENTER. Johannes Antonie, 3/6/45, , Keur boomstraat 53, tilfontein; 2/12/75; Martha Maria Gertruida Venter, gcbore BooyeIis, 30 /6/ antam Bank Bpk., Posbus 56, Potchefstroom /76--TERBLANCHE, Johanna Lourensina Christina, voorheen Net, gebore De Jager, 12/2/1885, , woouwee, VeralaaIi 9,Bethalstasie, 24/9/76. Nimrod mit & De Wet, Markstraat 48, Posbus 47, Bethal. 4982(76-TINDALE, Florence Beatrice, 29/4/1895, Helen House (Rand Aid ociety), Linden Road; Bramley, Johannesburg, 25/4/76. Bate Chubb & Dickson, 42 Terminus treet, East London j76-tooch, Maurice Gordon, 9/6104, / /1, Flamingo Hotel, Caroline treet, Hill brow, Johannesburg, 28/8/76. Abe Dinner & Dinner, 301 United Buildings, 177 President, Germiston. 6838/76-TAl\TDER, Maria Adriana, 31/12/1893, W, Kerstraat 37, E1sburg, 21/4/76. J, R. du Plessis & Burger, Eerste Verdieping, AlIiedgebou, Posbus 880, prings. 5911/76-VENTER, Lourens Andries tephanus, 18/2/19, , terrepragstraat 23, Klopper Park, 15i5/76: Johanna Magretha Jacoba Venter, Wustrcw & Burger, uite 1006, Trust Banksentrum, Wesstraat, Posbus 242, Kempton Park /76-DE KLERK, Nicholaas Christiaan, 20/11/07, Gerrit Maritzstra2.t 3, Witl'loortiie, distrik Roodepoort, 11/9{76; Hester Carolina de Klcrk. geborc Holtzhausen, 15/7/17, J. H. Lotz, Minervagebou, Ockersestraat 65, Posbus 245, Krngersdorp /76--DAVEL, Johannes Theodorus. 4/12/19, , plaas Platberg, Posbus 146, Amersfoort, 19/9/76. D. C. Crozier, Posbus 86, Am~rsfoort. 7110/76--0'REILLY, Johaana Elizabeth, 21,'1Of(}5, , 4 Gbnhove Court, 34 Nntal treet, Bellevue Central, Johannesburg, 28/6/76. Daniel Clifford Wentworth, P.O. Box 64072, Highlands North (4 Glenhove Court, 34 Natal treet, Bellevue CentraL Johannesburg) /7G-BENADE, Johannes Gerthardus, 2517/09, , Langstraat 148, Lichtenburg, 13/9/76; Catharina Aletta Benade, 3117/20, D. Jonek, vir Volkskas Bpk. (geregistreerde hande1sbank), Boedelafdeling, Kommissarisstraat 48, Posbus 970, Klerksdorp.

105 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 > 11267/76-JAPP, Anna. Carolina, 23/6{34; ; Bospan,. Ottosdal, 10~/76; Jan Adriaan Aibertus Japp, 19/6(32. Volksbs Bpk. (geregistreerde bandelsbank), Boedelafdeling, Kommissarisstraat 48, Posbus 970, Klerksdorp /76-TORR, Ronald pencer, 14/10/40, , 3 Trlomf treet, Klopper Park, Germiston, 20/9/76; tephina Wi lhelmina Magdalena Torr, 13/11/49. Bernard Hertzberg & tupel, P.O. Box 436, Germiston. 5221/76-VERO, Edith Gertrude, 24/5/11, W 15 Fryer Road,. Casseldale, prings, 2/4/16. H;ammerschlag F~nk toloff & Glshen, ecoild Floor, Africa House, corner of Third treet and Fourth Avenue, P.O. Box 184, prings, 4160/76-KEET, Willem Christoffel, 18/6/37, W, Pa~kamp, Tzaneen, 6/1/76. MacRobert de Villiers & Hitge, Unltedgebou 601, Pretonusstraat 243, Pretoria /16-PURCILL, William,5/6/O, , Rosettastraa~ 73 t,pretoria, 14/9/16. Geysur & Du Plessis, Posbus 1451, Pretona /75-VAN RENBURG, Oatherina Willemina, 29/8/22, , 16 Estantia Road, outh Hills, Johannesburg, 11/10/15. Norman ifris, P.O, Box 4128, Johannesburg BRAlN,Iane, born Keillar, 18/1/08, , 7. Clarence Court, 12 Clarence treet, Troyeville, Johannesbu!g, 3/2/7(j. Hannah, choomhee & teyn, P.O. Box 34, Vrr held /76-VAN DER MERWE, Charles lloyd, 28/6/53, , Potchefstroom, 14/7/76. Williams Gaisford & teyn, Kerkstraat 147, PObUll 71, Potchefstroom /76-VERREYNNE, Dunbar, 2/2/26, , WonderfQntein, distrik Marico, 20/9/76. Van den Berg & Kie., Paul Krugerstraat, Posbus 126, Groot Marico. 8533/76-ACKERMANN, Wilhelmina Hermina, 3/5/13, , Monumentstraat 25, Volksrust, 15/7/76... trydom, Louis Trichardtstraat 68, Posbus 64, Volksrust. 9488/76-KARP, Louis, 9/3/1899, , 65 Tait treet, Colbyn, Pretoria, 21/7/76. G. M. Kraljevich & Company, 713 Van Erkom Buildings, Pretoritis treet, Pretoria /76-NORTHCROFT, Ernest George Drennan, 27/1/ 1896, The plash, Minstead, Lyndhurst, Hampshire, England, 18/4/76. yfrets Trust and Executor outh Africa Ltd, P.O. Box Pretoria /76-JONE, Kenneth eaton Wood, 28/2/14, , Kenmar, 3 Chestef Road, Parkwood, Johannesburg. 14/9/76, ecurity Executor and Tnist Co. Ltd, P.O. Box 2103, Johannesburg /16-NIEPAGE, John William, 2/9/02, W, Clydesdaleweg 128, Casseldale, prings, 28/8/16; Christina VUginia Niepage, gebore Brny, 30/3/18, Kredietbank van uid-afrika Bpk. esde Verdieping Pearlgebou, Fox~ straat 55, Posbus 1149, Johannesburg /76-JOUBERT, Francois Gysbertus Johannes, 14/3/37, , Chapmanweg 20, Klippoortjie, Germiston, 22/ 9/76; Tersia Joubert, gebore Greyling, 27/9/41, , Boland Bank Bpk., Posbus 61555, Marshalltown /76-GRONFELD, Matthys, 10/2/11, , Little Johnweg 57, Robindale, Randburg, 23/8/76; Wilhelmina Johanna GIiinfeld, gebore Wolters, Nedb!lllk Bpk., Trustafdeling, Posbus 7419, Johannesburg /76-TRICHARDT, Paul Jacobus Bartholomeus, 22/2/ 1898, , Oaklaan 34, Primrose-Oos, Germiston, 25/ 6{76; Maria Magdalena Trichardt, 16/1/06, B. J. Olivier & Greyling, Posbus 673, Germiston. JONKER, Anna Magaritha, gehore Pieters, 20/9/38, , arahsingel 25, Randbart, Alberton, 2/10/76; Jacobus Adriaan Jonker, C. Eloff, vir antam Bank Bpk., Posbus 6160, Johannesburg. DANNHAUER, Marla Magdalena, gehore LUwes, 6/11{16, oo(), Louwstraat 19, Monument Park-uitbreidmg, Krugersdorp, 3/10/76; Michiel Nicolaas Petrus Dannhauser, 5/ 12/18, antam Bank Bpk., hoek van Rissik- en Pleilllstraat, Johannesburg. FERREIRA-NETIO, Manuel, '1:7/4/31, W, Andries Pretoriusstraat 18, Witpoortjie, Roodepoort, 22/9/76; Maria. Magdalene Ferreira-Netto, gebore Du Plooy. antam Bank Bpk. hoek van Rissik- en Pleinstraat, Johannesburg. DE BEER, Elsie Catharina, 19/2/27, Paul Krugerstraat 106, outh Crest, Alberton, 5/7/76; Abraham Jacobus de Beer, 9/ 11/26. C. Eloff, vir antam Bank Bpk., Posbus 6160, Johannesburg. 8267/16-MIT, Mona Catherina Burger, 1/5/17, , Rianja Board,ing House, Tzaneen, 21/7/76. Mosse & tewart, P.O. Box 242, Tzaneen /76-GREEFF, Maria Magdalena, gebore Meyer, 3/1/ 33, , Wolmaransstraat 111, Jan Niemandpark, Pretoria, 12/9/76; Marthinus Jacobus Greeff, 3/5/32, Boland Bank Bpk., Posbus 950, Pretoria /16-BRIT, Gertfuida Wilhelmina, 8/10/01, , Vanboeschotenstraat 6, Meyertoo, 15/7/76; Ockert Phillipus Rudolph Hendrik Brits, 4/8/04, B. J. Olivier & Greyling, Posbus 673, Germiston. 8I'AATKOBRANT, '.NOVEMBBIl 1976 No /16-NEL, Magdalena Johanna Catharina, 9 fll/14, , Ivellahof 7, Veronastraat, Rosettenville, Johannesburg, 13/9t76.The tandard Bank of.a. Ltd (registered com" mercial bank), Trustee Brooch, P.O. Box 933, Johannesburg /7(j-...:.BOEK, Bernard Eildert, 20/8/14, , College Court 3a, Vanriebeeckweg, Vanderbijlpark, 13/9/76; Hendrikje Pieterje Boeks, gebore Albers, 16/9/14, Mabel Hartmann & Rubin Postan, Posbus 28, Maraisburg. 909O/76-1YON, Minerva Caroline, 12/12/10, , 15 Barkston Drive, Blairgowrie, 16/7/76. idney Philip Gaddie, econd Floor, outhern House, 30 Rissik: treet, Johailillesburg. 2368/50-JACKON, Helen Kate, 1881, t Mary's Buildings, Eloff treet, Johannesburg, 18/4/50. E. F. K. Tucker, P.O. Box 9, Johannesburg. 6394/76-ELLCHOP, Millicent, 21/9/01, , 161 Albert treet, Rosettenville, Johannesburg, 10/5/76. Felix von Zwiklitz, 1 Buildings, 3 Geranium treet, Rosettenville, Johannesburg /75-MITH, Oscar Edward Keith, 21/1/19, C, 39 Maraisburg Road, Bosmont, Johannesburg, 28/11/75; Alice mith, born Davids, 18/11/25, C. Alice mith, c/o Greenfield & Greenfield, 401 Locarno House, Loveday treet, Johannesburg /76-GROBLER, Jacob Petrus, 13/12/01, , Zebralaan 3, Leeuhof. Vereeniging, 9/9/76; Anna Maria Eliza.beth Grobler. 25/3/()9, Barclays. National Bank Ltd (registered commercial bank), Reef Trustee Branch, P.O, Box 8000, Jobann!!burg,.11330/76-FITZPATRICK, Matthew, 8/7/1892, s , Evergreen Old Age Home, Witbank, 3/9/76. Barclay8 National Bank Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trustee Department, Eastern TvlBr3ll1Ch, P.O. Box 27033, unnyside, Pretoria. IO91/76-JANE VAN RENBURG, Maria Anna, gebore Wells, 22/1/01, /0011/00/7, Rietfontein 541, Pk.Koedoeskop, 23/8/76; Petrus Johannes Janse van Rensburg,.7/5/24, /5013/00/7. Barciays National Bank Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trustee Department, Eastern Tvl Branch, P.O. Box 27033, unnyside, Pretoria: /76-GELDENHUY, Jacobus Hendrik,. '1!/7/04. OOJ 7'1!-5002"()()-9, Firolaz.55, Bronkhorstspfuit, 17/9/76; Beatrix Catharina Botha, 13/9/12, Lyall Archibald Rogers, for Barclays National Bank Ltd. (registered commercial bank), Trustee Department, Eastern Tvl Branch, P.O. Box unnyside, Pretoria. 6496/76-MELVlLLE, Florence Gertrude, 14/5/1896, W,.A.V.F.Old Age Home, EI'Il)elo, 17/5/'16. Lyall At:cbibald Rogers, for Barclays National Bank Ltd, P.O. Box 27033, unnyside, Pretoria /76-MITH, Martha Catherine, 8/9/14, , Angvickweg 18, Valhalla, 14/9/76. K. Kuyper & Co., teynsgebou 875, Pretoria /76-\'lU"OEN, Catharina Elizabeth, gehore Meyer, 20/ 2/1893, W, Mollerstraat 207, Meyerspark, Pretoria, 2/ fjj76. Barclays Nabional Bank Ltd (registered, Trustee Department, Eastern Tvl Branch, P.O.. Box '1:7033, unnyside, Pretoria /76-COETEE, Coenrad Hendrik, 11 /4/25, , Beethovenstrnat 140, Vanderbijlpark, 26/9/76. Daniel J~, vir Volkskas Bpk. (g~rdei:tandelsbank), Boedelafdeling, Kommissarisstraat 48, Poshus 970, Klerksdorp f76-COETZEE, usara Magdalena, 3/6/17, , Ralie, distrik Koster, 27 /8/76, Volkskas Bpk. (geregistreerde handelsbank), Boedelafdeting, Kommissarisstraat 48, Posbus 970, Klerksdorp. 5570/76-COETZEE, Elizabeth Hedwig Maria, 24/11/1891, W, Weskoppies Hospital, Knigersdorp, 19/5/76. Arthur Lowden Harvey, c/o Eldorndo Investments (pty) Ltd, Cranbourne Centre, 92 Cranbourne Avenue. P.O. Box 1560, Benoni 11819/76-VAN TRAATEN, Willem Jacobus, 13/9/07, (flo , 8 Limerick Road, Crown Gardeos, Johannesburg, 28/9/76; Cecilia Magdalena van traaten, born Van Wyngaardt, 11/2/14, Barc1aysNational Bank Ltd (registered cqmmercial bank), Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 2036, Johannesburg /76-HAYNE,Esther Deborah, 23/6/01, 21l W, 429 Mimosa Hotel, Clarendon Place, Hillbrow, Johannesburg, 1'J/9j76. Neville de Gruchy, for Barclays National Bank Ltd, Johannesburg Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 2036, Johannesburg, 8624/76-THOMA, Mary Frnnees, 22/5/1888, 331I77115W, Fleming House, Randjeslaagte Road, Highlands North, JoOOnnesburg, 19/7/76. Kathleen Corrina Lynn J ordi, Oaklands, Hililingharn Road, Dunkeld, Johannesburg. P.O. Box 27704, Yeoville /76-DAVfE, tanley Douglas, 19/5/04, W, 16 11th treet, Orange Grove, Johannesburg, ; Ivy Margaret Davies, 6/3/05, Wi G. L. H. Da_70 ~enth Avenue, Northcliff Extension 22.1ohannesburg, >

106 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February No. GOVERNMENT OAZEITB, 5 NOVEMBER JIVAN, Parvathi, 1918, A, 6143 Granaat treet, Extension 5, Lenasia, 3/8/76. N. G., Caehalia & Loonat, 24 Beeker treet, P.O. Box 25105, Ferreirastown, Johannesburg /76-PETEREN, Cecil Andrew, 31/12/21, , 159 Nigel Road, elcourt, prings, 918/76; Dorothy Meyer Petersen, 25/6(17, , Nedbank Ltd, P.O. Box 7419, Johannesburg !76-GODFREY, Henry Boase Osborn, 26/1/1894, i] W, 20 Ann-Mor Mansions, Quartz treet, Hospital Hill, Hillbro\l;, Johannesburg, 12/9/16. Roulledge-Mac Callum!!, P.O. Box 30. Johannesburg. 1136H (76-IEBERT, Emmeline Ivy, 26/11/07, , 14 Raeburn Mansions, Kruis treet, Johannesburg, 4/9/76. yfrets Trust and Exeeutor outh Africa Ltd, P.O. Box 7419, Johannesburg {76-JONE, Cecil William, 21/3/13, , 51 eventh Avenue, Mlly~air, Johannesburg, 31/8{76. yfrets Trust and Executor.A. Ltd, PO. Box 7419, Johannesburg /76-LITTLE, Al'chibald Francis, 27/1/04, , Jocelyn Residential Hotel, Claim treet, Johannesburg. 1/9/76. yfrets Trust and Executor outh Africa Ltd, P.O. Box 7419, Johannesburg KARNOVKY, Herman Louis, 14/12/1884, W, '206 Bretton Woods, Killarney. Johannesburg, 1l/8{76. Harold E. Braude, lolh Floor, arb House, 30 Commissioner treet Johannesburg {76-LEY Oloff Johannes Wilhelm. 2/4/04, , 9 Minnaar treet, Forest Hill, Johanncsburg, 2419/76; Maria Helena Monroe Ley, 19/5/04. Neville de Gruchy, for Barclays National Bank Ltd, Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 2036, Johannesburg /75~ BECHARD, Maxwell Aubrey. Damant, Bostock & Company, P.O. Box 6200, Johannesburg /76-ZElFERT, onia, 18{lf02, W, 7 Bedford treet, Linksfield, Johannesburg, 27/8/76. Max Zeifert, th treet, Orange Grove. Johannesburg. 1l036/76-MERKEL, Pine, 25/5/03, , 27 Grace Road, Observatory, Johannesburg, 28/8/16. Nathan Katz & Co., Third Floor, Omniasentrum, corner of Frederick and Von Brandis treets, Johannesburg {76-ZAIA. Guido Maria, 4/3/05, , 17 Pretoria treet, Oaklands. Johannesburg, 19/8/76; Gina Ernesta Pezzani. 7/6/11, W. Wertheim Becker, Third Floor, Nedbank Mall, Commissioner and mal treets, Johannesburg. 9634/76-WINLOW, William Abbott, 27/8/1892, 33 Milton Road, Lombardy East. Johannesburg, 5/8/76. Maurice 1. Cohen, uite 503, C.N.A. Buildings, 110 Commissioner treet, P.O. Box 8353, Johannesburg. 9754j76-TAYLOR, Percy. Ian Radus & Thorn, 602 Kelhof, 112 Pritchard treet, Johannesburg DE VILLIER, Magaretha Johanna, 19/12/44, ' , ilverton Chalets 30, Pretoriaweg, ilverton, Pretoria, 29/8/76. Die tandard Bank van.a. Bpk. (geregistreerde handelsbank), Trusteetak, Posbus 1330, Pretoria /76-FOORD, Marie, 19/2/19, W, 20ste Laan 411, ViUieria, 9/9176; Anthony Johannes Foord, 24/10/17, W. The tandard Bank of.a. Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 1330, Pretoria. 9498j76-PONTING, Donovan, 21/10/1894, , 300 Hill treet, Arcadia, Pretoria, 12/8/ /76-ROOUW, Chari Daniel, 26/5/ , Weirstraat 932, Pretoria-Tuine, 1/9(16; Johanna Maria Rossouw, gebore tem met. Die tandard Bank van.a. Bpk. (geregistreerde handelsbank), Trusteetak, Posbus 1330, Pretoria /76-WILON, Ryves Bannatyne Poe, 25/4/1897, , Mothwa Haven Old Age Horne, Booysens treet, Eloffsdal, Pretoria, 13/9/76. The tandard Bank of.a. Ltd (registered coitlffiercial bank), Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 1330, Pretoria /76-ADAM, Oliver William, 17/2/15, ,.3 Roads Park Drive, Hayelock Mine, waziland, 30/8/76. The tandard Bank of.a. Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trustee Bmnch, P.O. Box Pretoria /76-MAITER, Hirsch, 17/12/1892, , 410 Brenthurst Court, Killarney, Johannesburg, 12/10/76. chwartz Fine, P.O. Box 5069, Johannesburg /76-GALLINETTI, Amalia, 14/7/08, , De la alle College, Road 3, Victory Park, Johannesburg, 13/8{76; Armando Gallinett.i, 21/6/06, H. L. Chimes, Third Floor, National Board House, 94 Pritchard treet, Johannesburg /76-0INBERG, Ruth, 5/12/05, , 7 Hathorn Avenue, ydenham, Johannesburg, 18/9/76. M. L. Wayburne, P.O. Box 9519, Johannesburg. 9203n6-0REGOR, Reginald Alfred, 9/-/17, , 27/ 2/76. Bowman Gilfillan & Blacklock, P.O. Box 1397, Johannesburg. 9995/76-TURT, Reginald Cecil Patrick, 24 t7{09, , 120 Cradock Heights, Rosebank, Johannesburg, 18/8/16. Dudley A. Kark, 605 Allied Buildings, 236 Bree treet, Johannesburg j76-kirten, Ivor Lobo. Gordon Michalson & Nathan ilver, ixth Floor, Kelhof, 112 Pritchard treet, Johannesburg. 7512/76-FELCI, Rosina, 17/11/15, W, 31 Eleazer treet, Regents Park, Johannesburg, 5/5 {76; Biagio Felci, 3/2/ 13, W. Louis Rosen, 506 Allied Buildings, 236 Bree treet, P.O. BOl( 2292, Johannesburg /76-CARTER, Jessie, 1/5/1887, W, 32 Wheatlands, Commissioner treet, Fairview, Johannesburg, 1316/ 76. Douglas Edward Woods, for teyn Douglas & Co., P.O. Box 2322, Johannesburg. 8351/76-0DENDAAL, Martin Johannes, 17/6/05, W, Reid House, Wedge Park, andton, 23/3/76. Cliffe, Dekker & Todd, Allied House, 29 Rissik treet, P.O. Box 3382, Johannesburg /76-JOIINON, Ernest Edward, 13/1/07, , 10 Hannibal treet, Kensington, Johannesburg, 2/8/76. Van Hulsteyn, Duthie & aner, Ninth Floor, His Majesty's Buildings, corner of Eloff and Commissioner treets, Johannesburg. 9236/76- PRETORIU, WiI1em Hendrik Frederik, 31/12/22, , Holding 74, Benoni North, P.O. Brentwood Park, 12/7 /76; Eisabe Helena Catharina Pretorius, born Botha, 30/6/32, W. Gilchrist & Reid, Medical Centre, Rothsay treet, P.O. Box 356, Benoni /76-COLLYER, Thora, 1/4/16, W, 43 Andries Pretorius treet, Duncanville. 9/9{76: Vincent Charles Collyer, 26/1/16, W. V. C. Collyer, P.O. Box 38, Vereeniging. 1l645/76-TERBLANCHE. Daniel Philippus, 30/1IW, ] O. Meteorweg 23, Valhalla, Pretoria, 26/9/76; Hendrina Terblanchc, gebore Kruger, 8/3/23, O. Barc\ays Nasionale Bank Bpk. (geregistreerde handelsbank), Wes-Tvl. trusteetak, Posbus 1365, Pretoria. 973/76-EOP, Mahomed, A, 12 17th treet, Vredcdorp. Johannesburg, 14/6/76; Hava Essop, A. A. H. Mahomed, c/o Findlay & Niemeyer, P.O. Box 801, Pretoria /1rr--VAN DYK, Arthur Delfl, 13/6/36, W, House 212. Everite, Klip River, II /7/76; Rina van Dyk, W. B. J. Tannenbaum, Goldstein & Holtmann, P.O. Box 236, Florida /76--GREYLING, Jan Christoffel, 11/6/09, W, Geelbekstraat 3, Oos-Daggafontein, 19/8/16. Volkskas Bpk., Posbus 383, Pretoria /16-DU PLEI, Ahraham Christoffel, 20/6/1900, , Cosannawoonstelle 7, hoek van Kobic- en Krigestraat, Krugersdorp, 21/7/16. Volkskas Bpk., Posbus 383, Pretor.ia /76-MULLER, Dennis Donald, 18/12/ , Remstmllaan 112. Benoni, 24/8/16; Ann Dolores Muller, 1/10/ 31, Volkskas Bpk., POb'I 383, Pretoria {76-ERAMU, Hester Alettl, 18/8/1898, , Gibbweg 1, Klippoortjie, Germiston, 16/9/76. Volkskas Bpk., Posbus 383. Pretoria VAN DER MERWE, Petrus Jacobus, 9/9/05, W. Karl Trichardtlaan 394, Mountainview, Pretoria, 30/ 8/76; Helena Dorothea van der Merwe, 21/3/03, Volkska~ BDk.. Posbus 383, Pretoria ~POTGIETER, Johannes Theodorus Daniel, 25/~/ 05, , Bothastraat 57, tanderton. 30/8176; ElsJe Rosina alomina Potgieter, 14/8/11, ~) v:olkskas Bpk. (geregistreerde handelsbank), Boedelatdelmg (Uld-Tvl.), Posbus 2953, Pretoria. 1I625/76-DU PLOOY, Martha Maria Elizabeth. 18/9fI8~5, Huis Davidtsz 410, Proesstraat 113, Pretona, 27/9176; Paul Gustavus Wilhelmus dll Plooy, 1417/1876, Volkskas Bpk. (geregistreerde handelsbank), Boedelafdeling (uid-tv!.), Posbus Pretoria /76-REYNDER, Daniel Wiil~e1mus. 20/ , 9~ , Ueckermannstraat 3, HeIdelberg, J ; Ehza Carolina Elizabeth Reynders, 31/8/ Volkskas Bpk. (geregistreerde handelsbank), Boedelafdeling (uid-tvl)i Posbus 2953, Pretoria., ~PIETEREN, Hendrik Jacobus, , t. Georgestraat 22, Kensington B, Randburg, 22/8/ 76' Elsie Aletta Cecilia Petronella Pietersen, V~lkskas Bpk. (gcregistreerde handelsbank), Boedelafdeling (uid Tv!.), Posbus 2953, Pretoria VAN DEVENTER, Nicolaas Jacobus, 13/6/1893, , Krugerstraat 307, Groblersdal, 4/9/76; Gesina Catharina van Deventer, gebore Van Wyk, 28/2/1897, 325GI71 28W. Volkskas Bpk., Boedelafdeling (Noord-Tvl.), Posbus 1730, Pretoria rr--VENTER, Elizabeth Francina. gebore Jacobs, 8/8/ , Booysenstraat 431, Mayville, Pretoria, 14/ 9/76. Volkskas Bpk, (geregistreer~e handelsbank), Boedclafdcling (Noord Tvl.), Posbus 1730, PretorIa.

107 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February TAATKOERANT, 5 NOVEMBER No. Ifri /16-V1UOEN, Lukas Cornelius, , , ans oucu, Pk. Letsitele, 25f7 /16. Voltskas Bpk., Boedelaidding (Noord-Tvl.), Posbus 1730, Pretoria /76-PIETERE., Willem Johannes, 8/8115, , Dmoggeloop, Pk. oekmekaar, Pietersburg, 30/8/16; Dirkie Elizabeth Pieterse, 6/6/27, Volkskas Bpk., Boedelafdeling (Noord-Tvl.), Posbus 1730, Pretoria /76-DU PLEI, Johannes Petrus tephanus, 12/1/03, , Elandsfontein, Brits, 18/9/16. Volkskas Bpk. (geregistreerde handelsbank), Boedelafdeling (Noord-Tvl.), Posbus 1730, Pretoria PENDER, Isobel Elizabeth, 29/5/11, W, 1003 Westmoreland, O'Reilly Road, Berea, Johannesburg, 17/ 5/76. Andre weidan, c/o Ivor Trakman & weidan, eventh Floor, Ingram's Corner, Twist and Kotze treets, Hillbrow, Johannesburg /76-JACOB, Iohannes Jacobus, , Danie Theronstraat 409, Pretoria-Noord, 2/8176; Engela Wilhelmina Jacobs. P. D. ~falan & Kie., Greylinggebou I Gerrit Maritzstraat 486, Pretoria-Noord. 1l473/76-DE LOOR, Klaas, 22/3/10, , Central Hotel, 21 Beaconsfield Avenue, Vereeniging, 14/9/76. Andries van der Walt, manager, The tandard Bank of!wuth Africa Ltd, Trustee Branch, Third Floor, 22 Monument Road, Krugersdorp /16-FINCH, Ellen Campbell, 22/5/1889, , 20 William Nicholl treet, Florida Park, 22/9/16. The tandard Bank of.a. Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 1196, Krugendorp {76-ROBINON, Alexander Gordon, 6/6/1900, , Portion 88, Nooitgedacht, Krugersdorp. 6{8 {76 The tandard Bank van.a. Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 1196, Krugersdorp /16-ROU:X, Bronislawa, 24/12/07, , 29 Joubert treet, Vereeniging, 1/9/16. The tandard Bank of.a. Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 1196, Krugersdorp. 9123/16-FALTERMAIR, Franz Paul Peter, 17/8/39, , 1 Quom treet, Bryanston, andton, 30/1 /76. Alex. Aiken & Carter, P.O. Box 61975, Marshalltown. 7159f76-WENMAN, Clifford Harcourt Claridge, 13/3/1891, W, Bramley House, Johannesburg, 3/6/16. Leon Herbert, 620 Medical City, 106 Eloff treet, Johannesburg. 8441/76-VAN TONDER, Mattheus Johannes tephanus, 1/111 13, , Duplooystraat 3, Elsburg, 13/4/16; Aletta Jacoba van Tonder, 30/3/21, W. Barclays National Bank Ltd (~istered commercial bank), Reef Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 8000, Johannesburg. 9628/76-TERBLANCHE, Roelof Frederik, 3/1/03, , Postmastraat 9, Potchefstroom, 6/8/76; Catharina Elizabeth Terblanche, 21/6/07, Barclays-Nasionale Bank Bpk. (geregistreerde handelsbank), Reef Trusteetak, Posbus 8000, Johannesburg /76-PRETORIU, usanna Francina Jobanna, gebore Nagel, 30/5/10, , weduwee, ewende Laan 874, Wonderboom-uid, Pretoria, 20/7/76. ekuriteit Eksekuteurs en Trustmaatskappy Bpk., Posbus Pretoria /76-DORMEHL, Alettba Elizabeth, voorheen Krogman, gebore Uys, 3/5/37, , Diamondstraat 235, Claremont, Pretoria, 9/9/76. ekuriteit Eksekllteurs en Trustmaatskappy Bpk., Posbus 3127, Pretoria /16-BOUWER, Anton Michael, 18/4/10, W, carboroughlaan 2, Nigel, 26/9/16; Annie Cathleen BOllwer, 17/ 10/17, Barclays-Nasionale Bank BpI::. (geregistreerde handelsbank), Reeftrusteetak, Posbus!mOO, Johannesburg. 7823/16-LUNDIE, Joseph Henry, 1/4/19, , 51 toffberg Avenue, Brakpan. 3j7{76; Grace Thomazine Lundie, 13/11/25, Barclays National Bank Ltd, Reef Tru8tee Branch, P.O. Bo)( 8000, Johannesburg. 7183/16-McBEY, Leslie William, 13/6/12, /5021/00/6, 107 Atholbrook, Kimbolton treet, Benoni, 8/6{76; Thelma Olive MeBey, 27/3/12, /0014/00/3. N. L. Heatlie, P.O. Box 666, Johannesburg. 7193j76-McBEY, Thelma Olive, 27/3/ / , 107 Atholbrook, Kimbolton treet, Benoni, 1516/16 N. L. Heatlie, P.O. Box 666, Johannesburg /16-HUDON, Catherine Nora, 28/4/1900, , 27 unnyside Avenue, Westdene, Benoni, 2/9/76; Leendert Verdoorn, 18/11/1897, Barclays National Bank Ltd (registered commercial bank), Reef Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 8000, Johannesburg. 1952/73-EKTEEN, Hendricus Truter, 12/3/20, W, Deforeststraat 62, Vanderbijlpark, 'l$/7/72; usanna ophia Eksteen, gebore Van der Merwe, 23/3/15, W. Haasbroek & Boezaart, Posbus 2205, Pretoria. 4238/15-BOTHMA, Lourens Johannes, 18/1149, , ongetrond, Wulfsohnstraat 53, Fochville, 16/3/75. HaasbTOek & Boezaart, Posbus 2205, Pretoria /16-DE GOUVEIA, Natalie Homem, 9/2/33, , 3 Vermeulen Road, Florentia, Alberton, 21 f7 /16; Joaquiro Homem de Gouveia, 11/6/35, OQ..8. Barclays National Bank Ltd (registered commercial bank), Reef Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 8000, Johannesburg. 8668/76-PINA, Reginald Louis, 2/3/1894, 331/ W, 85 Berg treet, Rosettenville, Johannesburg, 18 j7/16. E. F. K. Tucker. P.O. Box 9. Johannesburg. 9365!76-WHITTLE, Edith Rose, 10/4/09, , Plot 45, un Valley, Halfway House, 15 j7/16. J. T. Philip, Van Hulsteyn Duthie &. aner, Ninth Floor, His Majesty's Buildings, Eloff treet, Johannesburg. 3849/16-JORDAN-ROZWADOWKI. Vincent Maria, 2/1/ 16, Uplands Drive, Mbabane, waziland, 13/12/75. J. H. Braude & Co., 701/1 Clegg House, 31 immonds treet, P.O. Box 3537, Johannesburg. l0020{76-wilon, Edward Albert, 23/12/05, widower, 40 Meppen Road, Gerdview, Genniston, 8/8176. Barclays National Bank Ltd (registered commercial bank), Reef Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 8000, Johannesburg HIND, Edith, 19/2/1894, , 73 Oxford treet, Ferndale, Randburg. 20/8/16. Cliffe, Dekker & Todd, Fourth Floor, AUied House, 29 Rissik treet, Johannesburg /76-FARRELL, Mary, 24/9/1893, W. 143 Nelson Road, Booysens, Johannesburg, 16j9/76. Barclays National Bank Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trustee Branch; P.O. Box 2036, Johannesburg f76-BAKER, Mortimer William, 17/10/26, Piet Cronje treet, Baillie ParI, Potchefstroom, 8/8/16; Beulah Baker, 14/3{33, Barclays National Bank Ltd (registered commercial bank), Reef Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 8000, Johannesbllrg /76--GAIFORD, Eric Aubrey, 19/7/08, , 36 Eighth treet, Lower Houghton, Johannesburg, 25/9/16. Ross pencer, Rule & Co., P.O. Box 10269, Johannesburg /16-BEDROIAN, tephan Ramses, 2{5/01, Flat 107 Darragh House comer of Plein and Wanderers tr~ets, Johan~esburg, 1J/8/16. The tandard Bm:k of.a. Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trustee Branch, LIbrary Gardens Chambers, President treet, P.O. Box 933, Johannesburg /16-WOOD Amelia, 28/8/1892, W, WJdow, aalem Convalescent Home, Wynberg, 14/9/16. Cliffe, Dekker & Todd Allied House 29 Rissik treet, P.O. Box 3382, Johannnesburg: ' 9937!76-GRAUMANN, Victor Emmanuel, 10/10/08, , 42 Northumberland Road, Kensington, Johannesburg, 12/8/16. Lionel Le Roux Graumann and The tandard Ba!lk: of.a. Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trustee Branch, Library Gardens Chambers, President treet, P.O. Box 933, Johannesb~rg. 1592/74-MARTlNDALE, Joseph Tunstall, 18/4/16, Nottinghamshire, England, 20/7/'10. avage, Jooste &; Adams, P.O. Box 745, Pretoria... ha 7/ /76-CHOONBEE, Elizabeth Comelia Magnet,1 II, W, churweberg, distrik Pretoria, 4/8/16. Ross & Jacobsz, Posbus 46, Pretoria /76-CHNELL. Johannes Hendrik Jacobus, 26/6/37, , 251 ixth treet Waterkloof, Verwoerdburg, 29/7/ 76' Frances Ellena chnell, born Jorden, A. G. va~ Aardt, an tam Bank Bpk., Posbus 1666, Pretoria. 1l869/16-GRUNDLINGH., Emest, 21/12/39, , tamvruglaan 153, Wonderboom-uitbreiding 6, Pretoria, 6/ 10/76' O.uolina Johanna Grundlingh, gebore Mulder, antam Bank Bpk. Posbus 1666, Pretoria /76-AUCAMP, Carel David, 23/11/17, , Plot 7, Jackaroo, Witbank, 23/9/16; Lucia, 8/7/26, Van Heerden & Marais, Posbus 6, Witbank /76-VAN TONDER, Jacobus Petrus, 14{12/189O, Grootvlei, tanderton, 5/9/76; Issabella usanna van Tonder: 22/1/11, Die tandard Bank van A Bpk. (geregistreerde handelsbank), Trusteetak, Posbus 893, Benoni. 8816/76-DRAKE, Elizabeth Victoria, 24/3/07, , 29 Octavia Hill Flats, Pioneer Road, Fordsburg, Johannesburg, 18/1/16. Julius tock &; Dengler, 206 antam Centre, 3 Paragon treet, Roodepoort /76 NEL, DOllW Gerbrand, 1/10/ , Myburgsttaat 284, Capital Park, Pretoria, 3/9176; Madeleme Nel, gebore Mader, 15/11/49, A. G_ van Oordt, antam Bank Bpt., Posbus 1666, Pretoria /72-HENNING, Jacobus Olckert, 16/11{08, 369/991648, Derby, Pk. Deroy, distrik Koster, 2/10/72; Maria ~agdalena Henning, gebore Grobler, 1318/13. C. J. Bakkes &; Kie., Trans Oranjegeboll 600, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria /16-CHWEITZER, Franz, 21/3/07, Parker treet, Riviera, Pretoria, 23/9/76. Barclays National Bank Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trustee Department. Western Tvl Branch, P.O. Box 1365, Pretoria.

108 I. Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 No. GOVERNMENT GAZETI'B, NOVEMBBR. lff/ /16-DE KOKER, Johanna Jacoba Jacomina, geboro Halgryn, 9/12/12, W, Bodensteinweg 43, Wolrnaransstad, 8/9/76; Gert Petrus de Koker, 28/12/12, Barclays National Bank Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trustee Department. Western Tvl Branch, P.O. Box 1365, Pretoria /16-VENTER, Jan arel Marthinus, 11/6/14, , Kortfontein, Posbus 132, Koster, 18/9/16; Johanna Maria Venter, gebore Van der Walt, 17/1/19, Barclays-Nasionale Bank Bpk. (geregistreerde handelsbank), Trustee-Afdeling, Wes-Tvl. Trusteetak, Posbus 1365, Pretoria. 1l228/76-MITH, Janet Brown, 12/4/1889, , Irene Homes, Arnold Road, Irene, 9/9/16. Barclays National Bank Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trustee Department, Western Tvl Branch, P.O. Box 1365, Pretoria /16-CANE, Johannes Herculas, 14/12/16, , Vanriebeeckstraat, Ogies, 19/8/76; Anna usanna Elizabetha Cane, gebore Kruger, 7/1/15, Barclays National Bank Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trustee Department, Eastern Tv! Branch, P.O. Box 27033, unnyside JOHNTONE, Harry, 17/5/23, W, Ngwempisi, Pk. heepmoor, 13 /1 /16; Anna Magritha Johnstone, Die Trust Bank van Afrika Bpk., Trusten Boedelafdeling, Esselenstraat 113, Posbus 27029, unnyside. 1l715/76-VERMEULEN, Gabriel Jacobus, 22/7/45, , Pompagalana 33, distrik Tzaneen, 7/8/76; Ralie Louw Vermeulen, 5/6/50, Die Trust Bank van Afrika Bpk., Trust- en Boedelafdeling, Esselenstraat 113, Posbus 27029, unnyside. NATAL ~1/16"":OORAJBALLY, uguday, 20/6/25, A, 34 V;alda. Road, Northdale, Pietermaritzburg, 27/7/76; Ormilah OoraJbally, A. Venn Nemeth & Hart, P.O. Box 600, Pietermaritzburg. 4789/76-VAN WYK, Gerhardus Petrus, 16/11/15, ~2002, 5. Palm Grov,:, Prestbury, Pietermaritzburg, 25/9/16; Bmd Amalla Alma Adelme van Wyk, 16/10/12, Volkskas Bpk. (geregistreerde handelsbank), Boedelafdeling (Natal), Posbus 918, Pietermaritzburg; 4781/16-LUCHT, tilfried Christoph Friedrich, 29/4/12, , Voortrekkerstraat 171, Greytown, 23/1/16; Cornelia Magdalena Lucht, gebore Botes, Van Rooyen & Forder, P.O. Box 56, Greytown. 4869/76-JOYCE, Thom:as William, 5/1/23, , Hendersonweg 20, Town Hill, Pietermaritzburg, l/to/76. Volkskas Bpk. (geregistreerde handelsbank), Boedelafdeling (Natal), Posbus 918, Pietermaritzburg. 4600/76-LINDHORT, Arnold Ernst Ludwig, 10/4/31, 310 ~1O , Pk. chroeders, distrik New Hanover, 22/9/16. Volkskas Bpk. (geregistreerde handelsbank), Boedelafdeling (Natal), Posbus 918, Pietermaritzburg. 2537/16-BARTHOLOMEW, Lynette Elizabeth, 9/9/45, W, 1 Anderson Road, Merrivale, Natal, 24/5/76; Peter Edward Bartholomew, 8/11/42, W. Hathorn, Cameron & Co., 225 Church treet, Pietermaritzburg MATTHEW, Gertrude Mildred, Pietermaritzburg, II/51. George Wroughton Boyes, P.O. Box 76, Pietermartizburg., 4778/76-HENNING, Gert Hardus Jacobus Petrus, 8/1/36, /5045/00/5, Kameelperdlaan 39, Amajubapark, Newcastle. 14/9/76; Marie Du Preez Henning, 7/6/44. antam Bank Bpk., Kerkstraat 136, Pietermaritzburg. 4687/76-FRAZER (Fraser), Charles Alick, 6{811883, , 292, 34 Linwood Drive, Pietermaritzburg, 23/9n6. A. L. T. Frazer and H. F. Frazer, P.O. Box 486, Pietermaritzburg. 4782/16-OTTO, Brenda May, 10/5/42, W, 18 Umfolozilaan, Ncandu Park, Newcastle, 8/11/15; tephanus (Johannes Otto, 2/9/38,, antam Bank Bpk., Kerkstraat 136, Pietermaritzburg. 4610/76-0BEREM, Ralph, 5/1/05, , 4 Iveagh Court, Orange Rocks Road, t. Michaels-On-ea, 19/9/16. Kent & Kent, 1-5 tandard Bank Buildings, Marine Drive, P.O. Box Margate. 3652/76-MITH, Leslie Charles, 10/7/11, , 14 Melrose Avenue, Red Hill Durban, 29/ Nolte Wiid & teyn. P.O. Box 83, Vereeniging. 4765/76--8IMPON, Robert, 26/9/13, , 810 Oxford Road, outhport, 3/9/76; Laura Melanie impson, born Wood. The tandard Bank of A, Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 917, Pietermaritzburg. 4792/16-CROMBIE, Harold, 20/6/1890, , Lot 273, Marina Beach, 28 {9/16. Eriksson & McConnell, P.O. Box 479, Port hepstone. 4761/76-GREEN, Leonard Guy, 4/6/06, , Beach Lodge, Marine Drive, Margate, 16/9(16. The tandard Bank of.a. Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 917, PieterInaritzburg~ 4714/76-BURCHELL, Albert William, 29/9/05, , Uvongo, 2/9/76. The tandard Bank of A Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 917, Pietermairitzburg HOOYKAA, andra Elaine, 2817/45, IDelville Road,,Red Hill, Durban, 16/6{76; Rob Hooykaas, 23/4/42, The Trust Bank of Africa Ltd, Trust and Estate Department, 417 mith treet, P.O. Box 1938, Durban. 3721/15-POTGIETER, John Henry, 14/8/26, C, Mount Partridge, Ples&islaer, 23/7/75; Doris Potgieter, F. H. Lowe & Company, 196 Loop treet, Pietermaritzburg. 4815/76-KIRBY, Myra, 10/3/1890, , Hibiscus House, Village of Happiness, Margate, 26/9/76. 'The tandard Bank of.a. Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 917, Pietermaritzburg. 5542/75-IRVING-BROWN, Frederick, 7/4/46, 211/492928, 8a Gray treet, Dundee, 9/11/75. Lionel Meskin & Levy, 15th Floor, Escoval House, mith treet, Durban., 4239/76-WERNER, Edna May, 3/5/15, , 2 Jessminn Court, 16 Chestnut Road, Glenwood, Durban, 3/7/76. oi'omon & Nicolson, 206 Natal Building ociety Buildings, 259 Pretorius treet, Pretoria. ' 4764/76-MITCHELL, Leonora Blanche Grace Ireland; 13{ 8/1895, , 4 Newstead" 36 Waverton Road, Durban, 15/9{76; Arthur George Mitchell, 2477/1894, Alan Ross Butcher, P.O. Box 859, Durban., " " 3350{76-VOGEL, Amelia Rhonetta, 24/5/1893, 034/ W, 16 Tweede Laan, Malvern, 30/6{76. The tandard Bank of outh Africa Ltd (registered commeroial bank), Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 2743, Durban., 4811/76-HANEN, Magda Louise, 6/3/1890, , 12 Concorde Road, Durban, 8/8{76. Paul Martin Hansen, c/o Cox Yeats & Partners, P.O. Box 3032, Durban. 2034/76-JACOB, Pieter Dooiel, 19/3/16, , Chari Malanweg 20, Durban, 19/4/16; Johanna Isabella Catharina Jacobs, Barclays National Bank Ltd (registered Commercial bank), Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 3409, Durban. 2273/76-DHLAMINI (Dlamini), Wilfred, during 1903, 1{ /3, Goba tore, Inanda, 10/5/16. Matilda Dhlamini (Dlamini), c/o Cowley & Cowley, olicitors, Founders' House, 15 Parry Road, Durban. 3593/76-BREED, Lewis Burt, 24/6/04, , 713 The Gables, Durban, 2/8/76. Brett, Wills, Chapman, Dyer & Partners, P.O. Box 81, Durban., 2504/1~BUTLER Ivie Matthew (Ivan Matthew), 9/8/22, W, 4 The Tavistock. 55 Innes Road, Durban, 6/5/16; Marigold Butler, 4/9/14, W. Marigold Butler, 55 Inner Road, Durban. 21 Days. 3486/16-DE, KLERK, Jan Jacobus, 17/2/01, 40 Doddington Crescent, Woodlands, Durban. 7/6/16. nyman Helman & Partners, Eighth Floor, antam Buildings, mith treet, Durban. 4135/16-KEHAV, Mani, 25/9/ /317899, 13 Mount Everest, 126 Prince Edward treet, Durban, 23/1/76; Morar Keshav, 8/5/17, 800/443649A. M. D. Mqstry, 74/75 C.N.R. House, 22 Cross treet, Durban. 4622/16-BLAVER, Frank Pitman, 27/4/1886, 21l W, The G1amis Nursing Home, Florida Road, Durban, 15/9/16. Palmers Trust Investments and Estate Administrators Ltd, P.O. Box 135, Durban. ' 3105/76-MBATA (Mbatha), Mateu Elijah (Mathews), during 1907, , th Avenue, Clermont Township, 23/3/14. C. J. A. Ferreira & R. W. Ralfe, F3 Trust Bank Centre, corner of Hill and Moodie.treets, Pinetown. 4733/76-MAON, Arthur Patrick Victor, 10/9/06, W, 52 tirling Court, mith treet, Durban, 2/9/76; Dorothy Jean Mason, W. yfrets Trust and Executor.A. Ltd, P,O. Box 135, Durban. ' 4029/76-WARD, Leonard Alfred, 9/1/00, , Wentworth Hotel, 162 Brighton Road, Wentworth, Durban, 19/ 8/76. yfrets Trust and Executor A. Ltd, P.O. Box 135, Durban. 4633/76-MILN, David Neil McLaren, 5/3/07, W, 605 Chain Cove, Amanzirntoti, 18/9/76. Palmers Trust Investments and Estate Administrators Ltd, P.O. Box 135, Durban. 4758/76-DAIN, George William, 29/3/03, W, 133a Frere Road, Glenwood. Durban, 10/9/76. Barclay!! National Bank Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 3409, Durban.,4757/76-AUGUTU, Ada Olive, 27/12/14, ,511 Prince Alfred treet, Pietermaritzburg, 15/9/76. Barclays National Bank Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 3409, Durban. 3317/76-UKLAL, 6/2/ /320859A, House 119, Road 719, Unit 7, Chatsworth, 5/6/76; Ganashia, 10/2/23, 800/ A. A. Chl'istopher & Co., econd Floor, Rustomjee Trust Buildings, 140 Queen treet, Durban. 4886/16-TORM, Elsa Melita Dorothy, born tevens, 26/1/ 1895, , Mutual Haven, 51 East treet, Overport, Durban, 9/10/76. Leandy, Laroque & Partners, P.O. Box 35, Durban.

109 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 'faatkoerant, 5 NOVEMBER 1976 No /76-WENDT, Dorothy Annie, 23/2/1898, , 4494/76-,HELLNACK,Frank William Blenkinsopp, 2/3/08, spinster, II Cabana, 364 Currie Road, Durban, 29/8/76. hep , 6 Cuda Court, Barracuda Boulevard, Hibberstone & Wylie, P.O. Box 205, Durban. '. dene, '15/9/76; Eva Nellie hellnack, 24/11/10, W. 2927/76-PROCTOR, Norah Gladys, 6/5/06, 211/ W, Barclays National Bank Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trustee 20 tuart Road, Pietermaritzburg, 8/6/76. hepstone & Wylie, Branch, P.O. Box Durban. P.O. Box 205, Durban. 4799/76-ANDERON, Pauline Marguerite, 2/6/27, /76-MEYER, William Fredrick Gilbert, 9/2/03, , 11 Northway, Durban North, 15/9/76. E. R. Browne, 220W, Bergstraat 48, Pietermaritzburg, 29/8/76; Elizabeth Cor- Millar & Kimber, 1401 Maritime House, almon Grove, Durban. nclia Fredricka, 20/10/06, W. Kredietbank van.a. 3507/76-NYMAN, Daniel Petrus Boshoff, 26/6/10, Bpk., Boedelafde1ing, Posbus 1149, Johannesburg , Chaffland, P.O. Hibberdene, 22/7/76. Barclays National 4349/76-GIBBON, Jessie Elizabeth, 27/5/1890, , Bank Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trustee Branch, P.O. Box Hillcrest Hospital, Grey's Hospital, Garfield Nursing Home, 3409, Durban. Pietermaritzburg, 3/9/76. Barclays National Bank Ltd (registered 3411/76-MUNAMY, Moonsamy, during 1922, 800/ commercial bank), Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 381, Pietermaritz- A, 70 Rajmahal Road, Merebank, Durban, 15/3/76; Joyce Regina burg. Munsamy, 7/7/30, 800/327127A. Bandtdal Gangat & Pillay, uite 4565/76-HORT, Dorothy Lucilla, 10/10/1895, , 35 3, Kajee Buildings, 59/61 Victoria treet, P.O. Box 48371, Qual Kemsley, 231 Berg treet, Pietermaritzburg, 17/9/76. Barclays bert, Durban. National Bank Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trustee Branch, 3460/76-RUGHUNATH (Chaturgoon), Chattergoon (Chatur- P.O. Box 381, Pietermaritzhurg. goon), 15/9/20, , 11 Alley Road, Isipingo Rail, 15/ 4794/76-FIDDE, Flora Jane, 10/2/01, , ; uryakumari, 17/11/27, 800/ John Hudson &. Ridge Road, cottsville, Pietermaritzburg, 19/9/76. Barclays Company, P.O. Box 730, Durban. 21 days. National Bank Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trustee Branch, 3390/76--WICKHAM, Elizabeth Jessie, 10/8/1897, P.O. Box 381, Pietermaritzburg. 107, 11 B E L Court, Umbilo, Durban, 13/7/76. ClernmaJ /76-RAMAWTHAR (Ramawtha.r Budhai), -/7/11, 800 & Johnston, econd Floor,.A. Permanent Buildings, mith A, farm Joan, Hibberdene, 24/9/76; Ramsakhi. Eriksson treet, P.O. Box 598, Durban. " & McConnell, 50 Bisset treet, P.O. Box 479, Port hepstone. 3280/75-BAYAT (Bhayat), Jenab (Zaineb)' Mahomed, 1515/ l002/76-ramperad, 7 {8{01, A, 84 Deccan 14, 800/466959A, Flat 605, 518 Church treet, Pietennaritzbur,g, Road, Newholme, Pietermaritzburg, 25J12/75; Ramdulari Esuria, 12/3/75; Abbas Mahomed Bayat, 29/4/09, OO/469245A. am during 1914, A. mythe &. Company, P.O. Box 104, areff, for am areff &. Co., 18 Timber treet, Pietermaritzbutg. Pietermal'itzburg. 4808/76-EWING, Basil Douglas, 516/09, ,,U, 4825 {76-ROGER, John Henry, 18/11/1889, , Ashford Place, Off Essenwood Road, Durban, 28/9/76. ThOfJllll cottburgh, 17/8/76. The tandard Bank of.a. Ltd (registered & Hands, Eagle Buildings, Murchie's Passage,,Off West commercial bank), Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 917, Pietermaritzhurg. treet, Durban. 4767/76-WAKEFIELD, Natalie May, 27/10/1896, ,4739/76-TURNER, Dorothy Margaret Isabella.,. bom Ross, 00 9 Villa Assumpta, 55 Tanner Road, Pietermaritzburg 3/10/16. 14/8/09, W, 7 Hendon Road,' We8tvllle. 19/9/16. Messrs haw & Co., P.O. Box 122,Pietermaritzburg. Thorpe & Hands, 1803 Eagle Buildings, Murchie's Passage, Off 4461/76-MANDY, tephen Francis, 11/9/08, West treet, Durban. 006, Athlone Hotel, Northway, Durban North, 7/6/76. Andries 4145/76-BRIGG. Henrietta Nora, bom Manson, 15/2/06, van der Walt, Manager, The tandard Bank of outh Africa , 5 pencer Road, Athlone Park, UmbogintwiJii, Ltd, Trustee Branch, Third Floor, 22 Monument Road, Krugers- 26/8/76. Thorpe & Hands, 1803 Eagle Building~, Murchie's dorp. Passage, Off West treet, Durban. 4787/76-UMMERTON, Hubert Olivier, 25/5/1892, /76-RATEY, Georgina Bevilline Caroline, 23/5/189']., 94 W, 105 Monthaven, 605 urrie Road, Durban, 15/9/76. W.B , cottburgh, 27/9/76. mythe &. Company, P.O. Thomas & Co., eventh Floor, United Buildings, 291 mith Box 104, P,ietermaritzhurg. treet, Durban. 4812/76-JAFFRAY, Charles Hugh, 5/11/1890, /76-KNIPE, Robert William, 8/6/13, , Flat Retief treet, Pietermaritzburg, 26/9/76; ElIZabeth 3b, 169 Arundel Road, Hillary, Durban, 4/9/76; Lille Mathilda Celiiers Jaffray, 31/5/01, Cecil Nathan, Beattie Knipe, born Daniel, 23/12/ ecurity Executor and & Company, P.O. Box 68, Pietermaritzburg. Trust Company Ltd, Eighth Floor, Hill amuel House, 17/ /16-CURTI, Alfred Bernard, 10/10/07, , 4 Field treet, Durban. Gumtree Road, Mount Edgecombe, 16/9/76. Millar & Reardon, 4706/76-WILLIAMON, Leonard George, 3/7/26, Third Floor, J.B.. Buildings, Field treet, Durban C, P.O. Box 7, Kearsney, 6/9/76; Mabel Muriel Queenie 4366/76-CHiNNAAMI MOONAMY (Munsamy and Chm Williamson, 6/2/30, C. B. G. ingh & Company, 34 nasami), 5/11/05, A, 95 wan Road, Duffs R~ad, Rood treet, P.O. Box 907, tanger. Durban, 20/8/76; ubbamah, 25/1/35, %75. Brett, Wills, 3762/76-NUNDKUMAR [Nundkumu Rampurtab (Rampur- Chapman, Dyer & Partners, P.O. Box 81, Durhwl., ' thab)], 22/5/23, 800/325008, Ashville Farm, Lower Tugela, 22/ 4734/76-MOFFETT (Moffatt), Barbara Mal'ia, 11/12/ /76; Rukmin, 20/9/22, 800/ ham &. Company, P.O W Mitchell Park Nursing Horite, Duman, 15/9/76. Box 146, tanger. 8arclays Nati~nal Bank Ltd (registered commercial lmnk), Trustee 3392/76-WAERMAN, Hendrik Arthur, 25/8/28, , Branch, P.O. Box 3409, Durban. 14 Pearce Road, Bluff, Durban, 14/7/76; Louise Ann Wasser- 4791/76-BHOOLA, Jamna (Jumna and Jamna), during 1870, man, bom Grondein, antarn Bank Ltd, P.O. Box A, 2 Nerina Road, Asherville, Durban, 13/7/76. R. M. 897, Durban. Naidoo, 69/71 Albert treet, Durban KHAN, ultan, 4/4/(J1, , Phoenix, Inanda, 4699/76-CRAYTON, Alfred Edmund, 17(5110, f>5O, ~{~k~6~t!~~,ibvir~i~~t B. ing & Company, First Floor, pring Ridge, 701 Ridge Road, Durban, 17/9{76. Alec Inger, 1841/75-HOOBLAL, during 1905, 800/ A, Ottawa, th Floor,Carlton Centre, Johannesburg. 3/75; Dhunputea. B. ing &. Company, 129 Wick treet, Verulam. 4805/76-CHAMPION, John Percival, 15/4{27, /76-BRADDEE, Violet, formerly Branch, formerly 003, 31 hips -Ahoy, William Brown Rood, Illov,o Beach, outh Truter, born Tribe, 2/11/1889, W, Glamis Nursing Coast, 15/9/76. Barclays National Bank Ltd (registered co~er- Home, 223 Florida Road, Durban, 14/9/76. The tandard Bank cial bank), Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 3409, Durban., of outh Africa Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trustee 4375/76-RADIEN, Mary Ann, bom Trenor, 21/4/22, 211 Branch, P.O. Box 3409, Durban C, 19 Theron Road, Wentworth, 6/8/16. Clarkson & 3955/76-ROBBIN, Dina (Dinah) Elizabeth, 21/5/1895, 211 Driver Lex Chambers, 24 Parry Road, Durban , Fort Napier Hospital, Pietermaritzburg, 7/8/76. Met- 3053'/7" <'MITH, Henry, 15/5/04, ,46 Wingboard (Natal) Ltd, P.O. Box 3912, Durban;..--.:> F w 4748/76-TEPHENON, John Wesley, 28/8/17, field Hotel t Andrews treet, Durban, 8/6/76. R. A.. art 007, 20 Ma,in Road, Doonside, 18/9/76. I. H. Nicolson tiller &. Hayward, P,O. Box 92, Westville. &. Geshen, Fifth Floor, Trident Buildings, Field treet, Durban. ORANGE FREE TATE _ ORANJE-VRYTAAT 4449/76-BULLOCK, Gladys Florince, 21/7/1900, 331/515 I, 209W, 208 Willsborough Mansions, ea View treet, Durban, 1687/76-DU,PLEI, Maria Johanna, 18/8149, /9/76. Barclays National Bank Ltd (registered commercial 00 6, KopJiksingel 8, Hospi:taal Park, BloemfonteIn, 27/7176. Bank), Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 3409, Duroan, Bloemfontein IEksekuteurskamer en Trustmaatsmppy Bpk., I. 3715/76-WEINHOLZ (Wienholz), Elisabeth, 2/10/1888, 211 Andrewstraat 149, Posbus 77, Bloemfontein W, Mitchell Park Nursing Home, 15 Nimmo Road, 2026/76-MEYEROWITZ, elig (Jack), 3/10/05, ,.22 Durban, 20/7 /76. Marcus Lewis &. on, P.O. Box 1123, Durban. President treet, Parys, 24/9/76. Vorster &. Ooetzee, 25 Bmten 4715/76-BENNETT, Talitba-Kumi, 13{511899, , 5 treet, P.O. Box 5, Parys. Price treet, Port hepstone, 26/9/76. Barclays National Bank 1999/76--FOURJE,Dawid ~vid) Hermanus, 24/5/'1886, 860 Ltd (registered commercial badk), Trutee Branch, P.O. Box , Davinstraat, Bultfontein, 29/9/7. If.dmea.des IDe 3409, Durban.- Kook & Orffer, Posbus 59, Bultrontein,;

110 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February No. GOVERNMENT GAZETIB, 5 NOVEMBER /16-TEYN, Louisa Johanna Catharina Aletta, voorheen Hemoldt, ~ore Mertz, 27/3/1900, , Tweede Laan 25, Parys, 10/10/76. Vorster & O;letzee, Buitenstraat 25, Poobus 5, Parys.,165/76-VAN LOGGERENBERG, Aletta Dorothea, gebore Oosthuizen, 8/6/20, , Beverley Hills 14, Cromwellweg 13, Bloemfontein, 7/8/76; Hendrik Johannes tephanus van Loggerenberg, 11/12/11, Chris de Wet & eun, A C A-gebou, Elizabetlhstraat 29, Posbus 237, Bloemfontein. 2024/ 'NEL, Margaretha Aletta WHhelmina Christina, gebore traug, 31/7/1894, , piesstraat 36, Wepener, 5/10/76; A!braham Carel Greyling Nel, 4/12/1890. Naude & Naude, Poshus 153, Bloemfontein. 1786/76-LUWE, Gideon Andries, 4/9/06, , G1'Oenvlei, distrik Clo~olan, 13/9/76; Hester Johanna Luwes, gooore Luwes, 4/6/08, 080{) teinbach & Oelofse, Chad Cillierslaan 5, Posbus 5, Clocolan. 2054/76---VIAGIE, Charles Philippus, 23/6/27, W, trubenstraat 22, Reitzpark, Welkom, 11/10/76; Francina Johanna Magdalena Visagie, 8/3/27, W. Mev. F. J. M. Visagie, trubenstraat 22, Reitzpark, Welkom. 2005/76-DU PLEI, Rosina Adriana, gebote Muller, 17/ 12/1882, , ~ajaarsm<touetehu!is, Dolfstraat, Parys, 19/9/76. Kaiser, Cornelius & Myburgh, Pleinstraat 47, Posbus 205, Hei1bron. 1860/76-DE KLERK, Hendrik Jacobus, 23/4/31, , Gladstoneweg 85, Bloemfontein, 30/8/76; Johanna Elizabeth de Klerk. antam Bank Bpk., Posbus 425 Bloemfontein. ', 2002/ ')ENEKAL, usarah Elizabeth Cornelia, 24/10/1898, W, Krigestraat, Viljo~nskroon, 25/9/76. Rorich, Richter, Els & Pienaar, Posbus 20, Voortrekkerplein, Viljoenskroon. 1989/76-ALTONA, Hendrina Lucia ophia, gebore Norval, 25/9/13, , weduwee, pl'.ingbok Mansions 9, 'Bamesstraat, Bloemfontei'n, 17/9/76. B. P. du Plessis & eun, Louwstraat 28c, Posbus 563, Bethlehem. 1983/76~ROBLER, ophie usanna Magrieta, 17/5/12, 120 5' , Hugenotstraat 5, Bloemfontein, 21/9/76. Nedbank Bpk., Posbus 1830, Pretoria. 1831/76-VAN HEERDEN, Benediotus, 8/2/1898, , Plot A2770, Rosedene, Bloemfontein, 19/9/76. J. F. Kriek & Cloete, Posbus 299, Bloemfontein. Gemcenskaplike boedel JANTZEN, Heinrich Franz Eduard, 28/9/1897, , en Cornelia Jacoba, 26/12/05, , CorIiswoonstelle 10, Burgerstraat, Bethlehem, 17/9/76, en 8/9/76. Die Trust Bank van Afrika Bpk., Trust- en Boedelafdeling, Maitlandstraat 71, Posbus 1051, Bloemfontein. VAN DER CHYFF, Dirk Jacobus Henning, 7/5/16, , Valsstraat 2, Lindley, 13 /10/7G; Helena Catharina Wesselina van der chyff, voorhecn Grobler, gebore Badenhorst, 9/7/13, D. A. van der Berg, Kerkstraat 24a, Posbus 107, Lindley. 1937/76---LOUREN, Andrew Joubert, 30/10/16, W. Breestraat 20, Parys, 11 /9/76; Alfrida Christiana Lourens, gebore Mocke, 16/1/24, Volkskas Bpk. (geregistreerde handeisbank), Volkskasgebou, hoek van Aliwal- en Maitlandstraat, Posbus 323, Bloemfontein. 1877/76-COE1ZER, Anna Barbara Maria, gebore Vorster, 13/10/13, W, Duplessissingel 23, Odendaalsrus, 8/9/ 76. Volkskas Bpk. (geregistreerde hand,elsbank), Volkskasgebou. hoek van Aliwal- en Maillandstraat, Posbus 323, Bloemfontein., 1654/7~OTHUIZEN, Wessel Jacobus, 3/1/1888, W, Holmestraat 7, Edenburg, 1/8/76. W. J. Oosthuizen, Posbus 7, Edenburg. 18~7 /76-POTGIETER, HeiJetje (Heiletjie) Maria Levina (LavlIla), 29/8/1896, , Hoogestraall: 56, Dcwetsdorp. 3/9/16; Johannes Hendrik Potgieter, 17/1/1894, Volkskas Bpk. (geregistreerde handelsbank), Volkskasgebou, hoek van Aliwal- en Maitlandstraat, Posbus 323, Bloemfontein. 1730/76-DEALE, Elizabeth Jacomina, gebore Davel, 2/9/ 1893, W, Voortrekkerstraat 120, Bloemfontein, 19/8/ 76. Volkskas Bpk. (geregistreerde handelsbank), Volkskasgebou, hoek van Aliwal- en Maitlandstraat, Posbus 323, Bloemfontein. 1915j76-PRINLOO, Marthinus Jacobus Wessel, 17/1/12, , Amsterdam, Pk. Verkecrdevlei, dist:rik Brandfort, 1919/76; usanna Jacoba Prinsloo, gebore labbert, 9/10/19, VoLl;:skas Bpk. (gcregistrcerde handelsbank), Volkskasgebou, hoek van Aliwal- en Maitlandstraat, Posbus 323, Bloemfontein. 2001/76-CLOETE, Hester May, gebore Van der Byl, 31/5/ 1893, , weduwee, Huis ilwerkroon, Kroonstad, 20/9/76. Du Randt & Louw, Posbus 26, Kroonstad. 1699/76---DU PLEI, Frederik (Frederick) Petrus Jacobus Hermanus, 24/5/1894, , Karcebank, distrik enekal, 22/8/76. Jac J. Coetzer, Posbus 67, Winburg. 2018/76-LE Raux. tephanus Abraham. 12/12/17, , Reitzstraat 2,Petrusburg, 13/10/76; Gertina Landman Ie Roux, gebore Coetzer. G. J. Hugo, Pretoriusstraat, Petrusburg. 1256f76-CHAPMAN, George Daniel, 28/6/1896, , Hauptfleischstraat 33, Odendaalsrus, 18/4/76; Elizabeth Emily Chapman, gooore Wells, 3/2/1899, Pieter M. Claassen, Posbus 247, Odendaalsrus. 2003/76---WART, Johannes Hendrik, 15/1/04, , Vosstraat 2, Parys, 1/10/76; Helena Johanna Francina wart, gebore Van Dyk Vorster & Coetzce, Posbus 5, Parys. 397/76-WATON, Alexander William, 23/5/12, , Paul Roux, 21/2/76. L. A. mit, pia Visser & Kie., Posbus 49, enekal. 1935f76---CROWTHER, Elfriede Marie Louise, 17/2/1898, , Lidiaouetehuis, Ladybrand, 27/9/76. Barclays National Bank Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trust,ee Department, P.O. Box 1714, Bloemfontein. 1879/76-NEL, Johanna Wilhelmina, 7/4/08, , Veronica, Excelsior, 15/9f76. Barclays National Bank Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trustee Department, P.O. Box 1714; Bloemfontein. 1829/76---DEMPEY, Picter Willem Greyvenstem, 30f7 /32, , Piet Retiefstraat, Winburg, 9j9/76; usara Cornelia Margaretha Dempsey. 3/12/47, Barclays-Nasionale Bank Bpk. (geregistrccrde handeisbank), Trustecafdeling, Posbus 1714, Bloemfontein. 9726/76-KRIEL, Jacobus Petrus, 20/7/1890, , chenau, Koppieskraal, distrik Potchefstroom, 12/8/76. Barclays Nasionale Bank Bpk., Posbus 1714, Bloemfontein. 1920/76---JORDAAN, Karel Joseph, 26/12/28, , Cilliersstraat 14, Parys, 12/9/76; Elsie ophia Cathal'ina Maria Jordaan, 9/7/32, O. Barclays National Bank Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trustee Department, P.O. Box 1714, Bloemfontein. 1845f76-AWYER, Harry Williams, 7/8/35, , Trompsburg, 28/8/76; Hcndrina Magrietha UVv),er, 22/2/48, Barclays National Bank Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trustee Department, P.O. Box 1714, Bloemfontein. 1997/ ')WANEPOEL, Willem Frederik, 10/9/1900, , Plot 19, Roodewal, distl'ik Bloemfontein, 29/9/76; Anna Catharina wanepoel, gebore Myburgh, 1/3/04, G. J, wanepoel, pia E. G. Cooper & cuns, Posbus 1368, Bloemfon,tein. 912/76-TRYDOM, Orpah Catharina, 21!7 /1890, , Kerkstraat, Reddersburg, 12/4/76. Coodrick & Franklin, Posbus 213, Bloemfontein. 887/76-LOUWREN (Lourens), usanna Maria Martina, 8/4/1896, , Vaaldraai, Pk. VilJiers, 18/1/76. F. 1. Lourens, vir Homes Trust, Posbus 199, Johannesburg. 1752/76-HAABROEK, tefina Johanna, gebore Blignaut, 19/ 8/1892, W, terkfontein, Fouriesburg, 9/7/76. Grunow & Frost, Posbus I, Fouriesburg. 1992/ ')CHEEPER, Hendrik tephanus, 15/3,11, , Dr. Vanlingenstraat 12, W,inburg, 21/9/76. Die tandard Bank van uid-afrika Bpk., 'trusteetak, Posbus 1248, Bloemfontein. 1993/76-PIENAAR, Josua Petrus Van chalkwyk, 15/6/16, Blocmhof, distrik Vrede, 23/9/76; Fra.ncisca Johanna Wilhelmina Pien~'\r. Die tandard Bank van uid-afrika Bpk., Trustcetak, Posbus 1248, Bloemfontein. 1930/76-KIECK, Charles Evan, 27/8/16, , Nieuwejaarspruit, distrik Rouxvillc, 18/9/76; Rachel Elizabeth Kieck, gebore De Beer, Die tandard Bank van uid-afrika Bpk., Trusteetak, Posbus 1248, Bloemfontein. 1907/76-FOUCHE, Pictcr Jacobus, 25/10/30, , Brakfontein, distrik Rouxville, 6/9/76; Hester Jacoba Fouche. geborc Era~mus. Die tandard Bank van uid-afrika Bpk.; Trustcetak, Posbus 1248, Bloemfontein. 1712/76-BOTMA, Johanna Cornelia Paulina, born Knobel; 23/4/1892, , Bobel Court I, Cambridge lreet 199, Bethlehem. 14/8/76. The tandard Bank of outh Africa Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 1248, Bloemfontein_ 1974f7~ROBBELAAR, Martha Magdalooa, 10/7/07, ,, Marquard, 29/9/76. J. A. Naude, Posbus 5, Marquard; 2058/76-FOGEL, Moses, 5/4/02, , 605 Carnarvon Court, 69 Douglas treet, Bloemfontein, 18/9/76. P. Arvan, c/o Horwitz Arvan & Lewis, P.O. Box 27, Bloemfontein. 2007/76---DROBI, Rachmiel, 22/12/1895, /5003/008/8; 105 Fairview Mansions, teyn treet, Kroonstad, 3/10/76. De Hart, 29 Hill treet, P.O. Box 323, Kroonstad.

111 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 TAATKOBRANT. 5 NOVEMBER 1976 No.l28 lit NORTHERN CAPE - NOORD-KAAP 308/16-FOURIE, Louis Tbeunis, 1/1/56, l-007. GtaBpan, tella, 10/3/16. On Plessi, Vivien &. Rie., Posbus 23, Vryburg. 777/16-VAN TADEN. Catbarina Jacoba, 2/8/09, , Bearestraat 6l, Kuruman, 10/8116. Jordaan & Van Tonder, Posbus 27, Kuruman. 627/76-WILLIAM, Helena Florentina usanna, 11/1/46, , plaas Jacobsdal, Carnarvon, 16/6/76. G. B. Kempen & De Wet Ne1, Greystraat " Posbus 4, Carnarvon. 918/76-WART, Mary Jane, gebore King, 13/l/1893, W, Kuruman, 8/1/16. Volkskas Bpk. (geregistreerde handelsbank). Hoofkantoor, Boedelafdeling (Noord Kaap), Dutoitspanweg 42, Posbus 254, Kimberley. 804/76-RODGER, Marthinus Jacobus, 27/2/11, , 3 Freeman Place, Beaconsfield, Kimberley, 15/8j76; Mau reen Rodgers, born Burden, 16/11/14, Magnus Macleod & Company, outhern Life Buildings, Dutoitspan Road, Kimberley. 140/76-LE ROUX, Hendrik Jacobus. 22/11/43, , Bamfordlaan 10, Hotazel, 30/1/16; wita Ie Roux, 21/10/ 45, Jan Fourie & Rie., Hoogstraat 18, Privaatsak 3045, Postmasburg. 102/16-HOLZHAUZEN (HolshoU8en), Maria Christina, gebore Kriel, 20/9/1899, , Lerouxstraat 22, Prieska 22/7/16. Van Niekerk &; Groenewoud, Vanriebeecklaan Posbu~ 34, Prieska. ' 933/76-VAN AWEGEN, Judith Jacoba Petronella, 19/7/12, W, Warrenweg 69, Vryburg, 1/10/76. Du Plessis Viviers & Kie., Posbus 23, Vryburg.. ' 900/16-VAN TONDER, Louisa Elizabeth, 17/1/15, W, Allendale, Posbus 943, Kimberley, 5/9/16' Jan Hendrik van Tonder. Enge!sman, Benade &; Joubert, Posbus 609, Kimberley. 851/16-BOTHA, Jacobus Johannes, 112/03, , Huis 19, tijlerwee, Dennisstraat, Kimberley, 5/9/16; Eli7~beth Johanna Botha, 3/1/08, Elizabeth Johanna Botha, Huis 19, tillerwee, Dennisstraat, Kimberley. 779/16-LING, Dorothy Lucy, 24/8/1898, Laneaster House. Kimberley, 21/8/16. H. J. M. Holdt, ecretary: yfrets Trust and Executor (Northern Cape) Limited, clo yfrets Trust Co. Ltd, 24 Wale treet, Cape Town. 926/16-HENDRIKE, Johanna Juliana, gebore Lonte, 115/ 1893, W, Blaauwskop, Pk. Kanoneiland, 26/9/76; Johannes Comelis Hendrikse, 3/7/01, Malan & Vennote, Posbus 21, Upington. 889/76--MINNAAR,. arah Johanna, 24/3/1896, W, Markstraat 71, Upmgton, 8/9/16. Lange Joubert Carr & Blaauw, Posbus 53, Upington. " 894/16-DU PLEI, Maria Magdalena, lutt/33, , Ryanstraat E45, Upington, 8/8/16; Coenraad du Plessis. P.. du Plessis, chroderstraat 30, Posbus 154, Upington. 914/16-GROBLER, Barend Rudolph, 9/6/32, Hooistrant, Keimoes. 28/8/16. Volkskas. Bpk. (geregistreerde han: del.,hank), Hoofkantoor,.Boedelafdeling (Noord-Kaap), Dutoitspanweg 42, Posbus 254, KImberley. 689!76-VAN NIEKERK, usanna Gertruida Elizabeth 18/ 10/13, W, 8 Nind treet, Kimberley, 21/1/16; Willem Petrus van Niekerk, 30/9/11, Dennis Ffennell Hastings, for Griqualand West Trust Company Ltd, P.O. Box 189, Kimberley. 915/16-MOTERT, Heletje Aletta, gebore Van Zyl, 31/1/ , HMfstraat 56, Kanoneiland, ; Nicolaa~ Jacobt;' Mostert /1900, Volkskas Bpk. (I!creglstreerde hande1sbank), Hoofkantoor, Boedelafdeling (Noord-Kaap), Dutoitspanweg 42, Posbus 254, Kimberley. 9J0I76:-AGENBAG, Gert Johannes, 9/4/1899, 99040<) , HUls 8, Copper ton, 18/8/16. Volkskas Bplc. (I!eregistreerde handelsbank), Hoofkantoor, Boedelafdeling (Noord-Kaap) Du toitspanweg 42, Posbus 254, Kimberley. ' 922/16-TORER, Albert Edward, 5/11/15, 151 \ , 8 Ward treet, Kimberley, 29/9/16; Eli7~beth Emma torer. Elliott Maris Wilmans & Hay, P.O. Box 119, Kimberley. 513/76-ROCHEFORT, Anne (Annie), Ill /1885, W, Border Hotel, Priesh, 23/6/76. Van Niekerk & Groene woud, Posbus 34, Prieska. 749/16-BLAAUW. Martha, 1904, Huis loa Koegasbrug, 29/10/15. J. H. Maritz, Posbus 25, Grobiershoop. ' NYMAN. Cornelia Carolina. 19/11/03, , Donderbos, dis(rik Kuruman, 8/8/76, Jordaan & Van Ton der, Bearestraat 26, Posbus 27, Kuruman. 872/76-MIT, tophanus Adriaan, 4/10/07, , Fleor. VryhuT!1:, R19/16; Anna Elsie Olit, geoore Marais, 4/12/ 08, Barclays-Nasionale Bank Bpk. (geregi streerde handelsbank). Wes-Tvl.-trusteetak, Posbus 1365, Pretoria BECKMANN,. Cynthia Peace,. 11/11/31, , Robinsonstraat 71, Kimberley, 3/10/16; August Carl Wilhelm Beckmann. Elliott Maris Wilmans &; Hay, Posbus 119, Kimberley. 929/16-ROE, Mary Agnes, 21/11/1893, , Harmony Home, Aristotle Avenne, Kimherley, 2/HJ!16. Duncan & Rothman, P.O. Box 64, Kimberley. EATERN CAPE - OO KAAP 2800/16/3-BARNE, ophia Aletta Jacoba, 2/lO{l , 59 t Peters Road, East London, 28(8/16. Drake,Flemmer, Orsmond & Vermaak, P,O. Box 44, East London. 2031/16/3-MAY, Hekne Rosalind, 30/11/02, , 80 Livingstone Road, Queenstown, 25/1/76. E. A. Ensor, P.O. Box 12, Queenstown. GREENLAND, Francis Hely, 29/10/03, , 29 13th Avenue, Gonubie, East London, 10/10/16; Johanna Catherine Elizabeth Greenland, born mith. Bardays National Bank Ltd, Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 1531, East London. 2815/76/l-HURLEY, William Henry, 9/7/1885, , 3 Chalmers treet, Queenstown, 2519/16; Martha Catharina Margaretha Hurley, born Herselman. Barc1ays National Bank Ltd, Trustee Branch, P.O. Box East London. CHROEDER, Gustav Alfred, 12/6/25, , Kologha, P.O. tutterheim, 28/9/16; Rose chroeder, born Peters. Barclays National Bank Ltd, East London Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 1537, East London. 2248/16/3-WALTER, Ralph Hugo, 3/5/34, , Main treet, Matatiele, 26/7/76; Maureen Lily Walter, born Venter, 13/2/35, Rogers, Morris & Gray, P.O. Box 14, MatatieJe. 2818/76/3-LABUCHAGNE, Maria Gertruida, gebore Hur ter, 27/8/1894, , Middelplaas, distrik omerset-oos, 27/9/76; Jan Hermanus Albertus Labuschagne, 22/8/1892, G. J. du Toit & eun, Posbus 45, omerset-oos. 1459/76/3-KIM ING, Chung hee, 15/10/15, A, 1520 West 66th Avenue, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 20/5/76. Lawson Brown & Hutton, Nedbank Centre, 88 Main treet, Port Elizabeth. 2832/76/2-VAN DER RYT, Diederik Marious, 21/11/23, , Louw Wepenerstraat 3, Despatch, 19/9/16; Hester Johanna van der Ryst. J. L. du Plessis, Bestuurder, antam Bank Bpk., antamgebou, Hoofstraat 140, Posbus 290, Port Elizabeth. 2788/76/3-CmVULT, Louis Robert, 15/5/08, I, 53 mith treet, West Bank, East London, 21/9/76; Hilda Agnes chwulst, 22/12/11, Bate, Chubb &. Dickson, 42 Terminus treet, East London. 2123/16/l-MYLlE, Norman Albert, 17/4/19, OW, Dalestraat 21, Uitenhage, 24/6/76; Cornelia Johanna mylie. J. L. du Plessis, Bestuurder. antam Bank Bpk., antamgebou, Hoofstraat 140, Posbus 290, Port Elizabeth. 2571/76/l-FANE, Yorke, 23/4/27, , 10 Wil liam Road, Charlo, Port Elizabeth, 5/9/16; Christina Fane, born Van Rensburg. The tandard Bank of outh Africa Ltd (regis' tered commercial bank), Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 329, Port Elizabeth. 2861/76/1-IMPON, Neville tanley, 5/5/08, , 25 Middle treet, East London, 30/9/16; Thora Eileen impson, born Arentsen, 20/9/24, W. Mrs T. E. impson, 87 Circle Road, Amalinda. 2179/16/3-COETEE, Zacharias Biumerus, 1519/01, W, Maasdorpstraat 4, Harmonie, Burgersdorp, 23/9/76; Hester Fransina Coetsee, gebore Van der Walt, 9/12/05. Volbkas Bpk. (geregistreerde hande1sbank), Roedel. en Trustafdeling, Pos bus 1493, Port Elizabeth. 2646{76/2--cARDNO, Alexander mith. 13/,12/1899, , 18 Dunn Road, Uitenhage, 30/8/76. Davel, Hamilton &; Co., P.O. Box 220, Uitenhage. 2305i76/l-CUTHBERT, Gwendoline Dnnvegan, 2/2/13, 2 BelJa Vista, Milner Avenue, ydenham, Port Elizabeth, 5/8116; Phineas McIntosh Cuthbert. Pagden, Christian, Hanley & Parkin, P.O. Box 132, Port Elizabeth. 2829/16/3-PIKE, Lina Louise, 28/2/1898, 10l W, widow, Port Elizabeth, 7/10/16. A. W. Pudney & on, 13 Grace treet, Port Elizabeth. 2846/16/2-BRYON, George Henry, 14/1116, , 18 Essenhigh Road, Adcockvale, Port Elizabeth, 5/10/16. Fidelity Bank and Trust Co, Ltd, P.O. Box 32, Port Elizabeth. 2333/76-DAY, Albert Harold, 14/9/07, 63A Langthorne treet, Fulham Palace Road, London. England, 11/4116. Fidelity Bank and Trust Co. Ltd, P.O, Box 32, Port Elizabeth. 2782/76/2-HEUNI, Walter Jameson, 23/12/11, , 21 Penford Avenue, Penford, Uitenhage, 26/9/76; Norma Waveney Heunis. yfrets Trust and Executor outh Africa Ltd, P.O. Box 466, Port Elizabeth.

112 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 ttl No. GOVERNMENT GAZETrE,' NOVEMBER /76/2-HOUGH, Albert Edward, 19/3/1895, W, 147 Prospect Road, Walmer, Port Elizabeth, 15/9/16.'yfrets Trust and Executor outh Africa Ltd, P.O. Box 466, Port Elizabeth. 2279/76/3-ARMTRONG, Myrtle Violet, born Weber, 22/ 4/1900, , Hutchinson Road, Reeston, East London, 9/8/16. yfrets Trust and Executor.A. Ltd, P.O. Box 447, East London. 2690/16/3-CHREIBER, William, 7/9/23, , Double BRanch, Kwelera, District of East London, 16/9/76; Beryl chreiber. David L. Russell & Lindsay, P.O. Box 1092, East London. 2775/16/1-BRYCE, Malcolm James, 2/12116, ,4 Uitsig, Ebden treet, Queenstown, 17/9/16; Gisele Annie Elizabeth Bryce, born Blackall. Elliott Brothers, 78 Cathcart Road, P.O. Box 61, Queenstown. 2824/16-VAN DER NET, Abraham Lodewicus, 19/10/1883, , Haddon, Adelaide, 26/9/16. De Beer & Van Zijl, Posbus 20, Adelaide. 2716/16-LANGE, Ruth, born McWilliams, 30/4/01, , 26 Villiers Road, Walmer, Port Elizabeth, 11/9/76. The tandard Bank of outh Africa Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 329, Port Elizabeth. 2830/16/1...,..PRETORIU, Catharina Paulina Hendrika, 9/10/ 04, , Witelstraat 9, Algoa Park, Port Elizabeth, 28/9/ /16/3-BOOYEN, Abraham Hendrick, 5/6/18, , 31 Rabie treet, Korsten, Port Elizabeth, 20/7 /16; Martha Corina Booysen, born Van Rooyen, 5/1/26. Leonard Cohen & Company, econd Floor, Todd Chambers, Todd treet, North End, Port Elizabeth. 2833/76/1-COIT, Lawrence Ewing Alexander, 25/3/1896, , Hillstraat 28, Port Alfred, 28/9/76. Brian helvef~ Mainstraat 3, Posbus 76, Port Alfred. 2840/76/2-VERMAAK, Abel Hermanus, 5/3/1893, , Vleikraal, PIc. Kleinpoort, 23/9/16; Catharina Margaritha Ve.rmaak, gebore Du Randt. Boland Bank Bpk., Posbus 55, Uitenhage. 2802/76/2.,...BELLINGAN, Lettauw, 19/2/22, , Moselweg 14,Uitenhage, 26/9/16; Alina Bellingan, gebore Grobbelaar, 28/5/26. Boland Bank Bpk., Posbus 55, Uitenhage. 2914/76/2-GOLDING, Richard Percy, 11j10/1895, W, Grey treet, Dordrecht, 30/9/76. E. J. Nurse, P.O. Box 470, Queenstown. 2761/76/1-BUNING, Reinhart Regnerus Tjaarda, 17/11/01, , 101 WestwardHo, Park Drive, Port Elizabeth, 2/10/76; Anna Gerardina Buning, formerly Petsma, born Botenga, 7/4/03, Barclays National Bank Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 164, Port Elizabeth. 2819/76/3-LOFTIE-EATON, Ada Gertrude, born Jewaskiewitz, 11/11/03, , 18 Princes Avenue, Kowie West, Port Alfred, 26/9/76; William Henry Lortie-Eaton, Barclays National Bank Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 164, Port Elizabeth. 2763/76/1-ELLI, Richard Charles, 22/11/09, , 5 William Cock Road, eaview, Port Alfred, 25/9/76. Barclays National Bank Ltd, Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 164, Port Elizabeth. 2804/76/2-BOTHA, Hester Maria, gebore Roux, 25/3/1893, , Jan Vanriebeeckstraat 2, Bedford, 6/10/76. Barclays-Nasionale Bank Bpk. (geregistreerde handelshank), Trusteetiak:, Posbus 164, Port Elizabeth. 2816/76/2-KAPP, Jan Christian (Christiaan), 22/12/30, 301 m , Kerkstraat 39, Cookhouse, 24/9/16; Anna Maria Kapp, gebore Barnard. Calvin James Magnuson, Genomineerde, Barclays-Nias.ionale Bank Bpk., Trusteetak, Posbus 164, Port Elizabeth. 2714/76/2-GREE, Lodewyk Christoffel, 27/7/10, , Kiewietjie1aan 128, Astonbaai, Pk. Jeffrcysbaai, 23/ 9/76; Maria Johanna Gresse, gebore Faculin-Gous, 28/11/14, Die tandard Bank van uid-afrika Bpk. (geregistreerde handelsbank), Trusteetak, Posbus 329, Port Elizabeth. HENRY, Denis Edwin Armstrong, 13/7/1895, W, Esplanade Hotel, Clifford treet, East London, 18/10/16. The tandard Bank of outh Africa Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 996, East London. 2752/76/2-ALLPORT, Frances Eirene, born MacDonald, 281 4/1886, 33U46963W, BJ100hhaw Home, Beaufort treet, Grahamstown, 19/9/76. Barclays National Bank Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 164, Port Eliza!beth. 2726/76/2-COOK, John Albert, 18/4/07, W, 46 Mount Road, Port Elizabeth, 25/9/76. Barclays National Bank Ltd, Trustee Brahch, P.O. Box 164, Port Elizabeth. 2445/76/1-PATON, William, 18/10/1894, , 112 Marine Drive, choerunakerskop, Port Eli7Abeth, 17/8/16; Kathleen Paton, born Bailey, 8/1/05, Goldberg & De Villiers, 11th Floor, antam Buildings, 140 Main treet, Port Elizabeth.: 2880f76/3-BATEMAN, Constance May, 5/5/1889, W, 22 t Philips treet, Port Elizabeth, 2/10/76. Hutchison & Co., P.O. Box 518, Port Elizabeth. 2822/76/2-MYBURGH, Pieter Bemardus, 21/10/01, , Robertstraat 51, Uitenhage, 18/6/76; Maria Hermina Myburgh. J. L. du Plessis, Bestuurder, antam Bank Bpk., antamgebou, Hoofstraat 140, Posbus 290, Port Elizabeth. 2826/76/2-NORMAN, Charles Arthur, 14/12/07, W, 14 Cross treet, Uitenhage, 1/9/76; Annie Norman, born choultz, 17/10/11, W. Kitching & Park, Pro-Ecdesiagebou, Kerkstraat, Posbus 136, Uitenhage. 2871/76-BRADHAW, Charles Ernest, 22/8/1889, 034/ , 8 trathmore Avenue, Cambridge, East London, 10/10/76. Drake, Flemmer, Orsmond & Vermaak, P.O. Box 44, East London. 2881/76/l-BLIGNAUT, Daniel Franciscus, 17/8/1897, , Dammetjies, distrik Jansenville, 22/9/76; Maria uanna Elizabeth Blignaut, gebore trydom, 23/7/08, W. Volkskas Bpk. (geregistreerde handeisbank), Boedel- en Trustafdeling, Posbus 1493, Port Elizabeth. GOOEN, Nicholas John, 23/3/1896. <; , Du Plessis treet, Tarkastad; 4/ Bardays National Bank Ltd, Trustee Branah, P.O. Box 1537, East London. 2865/7611-BERNDT, Edward Fliedrich. 24/12/1899, 9!H224/ 5015/00/0, farm Kelley, District of King William's Town, 26/9/ 76. Barnes & Ross, P.O. Box 29, King William's Town. 2849/76/3--5CHWAN, Theodore Heinrich Ferdinand, 9/3/ 02, /5008(00/9, 29 Lower Mount treet, King William's Town, 24/9116; Gertrude Mathilda (Matilda) chwan, horn Pautz, 15/10/24,241015/0024/00/7. Barnes & Ross, P.O. Box 29, King William's Town. 2791/76-TONG, Anna Amelia, 27/6/1894, toi190799w, Red Cross Home, Walmer, Port Elizabeth, 2/10/76. yfrets Trust and Executor.A. ltd, P.O. Box 466, Port Elizabeth. 2835/76/1 ~TEEL, Hannah Mary, born Hasell, 26/4/1900, , 76a Longfellow treet, Quigney, East London, 16/7/ 76; Robert James teel. Nedbank Ltd, P.O. Box 379, East London. 2859/76/3-LUCA, Robert Thomas, 4/4/12, , 21 Vincent Road, East London, 7/10/76. K. C. Bax, for TIle Bax Partnership, P.O. Box 102, East London i76/1-VAN DER LOOT, Ary, 4/4/09, 022/ W, 704 Balmain, Belmont Terrace, Port Elizabeth,' 30/8/76; Patricia Mary (Maria) Viln der. loot, bt>rn Hennes~y, 25/8/ Goldberg & De Villiers, 11th Floor, antam Buildings \1:lin treet, P.O. Box 1282, Port Elizabeth. 2903/76/1-ALEXANDER, Clara (Claire), born Romain, 27/ 8/1896, , 12 Berkeley Court, ummerstrand, Port Elizabeth, 1/9/76. Archibald Marock, Myers & Katz, 547 Main treet, Port Elizabeth /3-LEHDER, Arthur Erich Albert, 16/1/1894, , BoesmansriviernlOnd, 18/9/76. Dold & tone, 100 High treet, Grahamstown. 2461/76/1-BLOCH, Barney Robert (Barney), 10/5/1896, W, Red Cross Home, Laubscher Park, Walmer, Port Elizabeth, 18/8/16. trelitz & Mitchell, P.O. Box 1552, Port Elizabeth. 2882/16/2-FIMER, Gerhard Friedrich, 31/10/1885, O, Little Manor, Katberg and Fairlands Home, East London, 11/9/76. Bate Chubb & Dickson, 42 Terminus treet, East London /76/2-KROUCAMP, Johannes Jacobus, 24/4/39, , Ha\vthorne treet, Kokstad, 23/8/76. Eagle & Barnes, 63 Matin treet, P.O. Box 11, Kokstad. 2799/76/3-ACKERMAN. Hendrik Jacobus, 25/4/02, , distrik Peddie, 1/10/76. Die tandard Bank van uid Afrika Bpk., Trusteetak (geregistreerde handelsbank), Posbus 996, Dos-Lon den. 2785/76/1-MUNRO, Mathias Hubert, 7/3/12, , Vierdie Laan 2, Walmer, Port Elizabeth, 31/8/76; Paulina usanna Francina Munro, voorheen Mouton, gebore Klopper. The Trust Bank of Africa Ltd, Trust and Estate Departn:)ellt, 575 Main treet, P.O. Box 3500, Port Elizabeth. 2766/76/2-LE ROUX, ylvia, 4/11/35, , Tulbaghstraat 23, Uitenhage, 219/76; ~an Hendrik Ie Roux, Die Trust Bank van Afr.ika Bpk., Trust- en Boedelafdeling, Hoofstraat 575, Posbus 3500, Port Elizabeth. 2787i76/3-RADEMEYER, imon George, 9/12/14, W tentweg 2, Kensington, Port Elizabeth, 25/8/76; Anna Cecili; Rademeyer. Die Trust Bank van Afrika Bpk., Trust- en Boedelafdeling, Hoofstraat 575, Posbus 3500, Port Elizabeth. 2784f76/2-KLOPPER, David (Dawid) tephanus, 18/6i24, Brandlaan 19, Rosemount, Oos-Londen, 12/9/ 76' Anna Marla Elizabeth Klepper. Die Trust Bank van Afrika Bpk., Trust- en Boedelafdeling, Hoofstraat i5, Posbus 3500, Port Elizabeth f76/, Rosemary Eileen, 19/1/15, W, 59 Admiralty Way, ummerstrand, Port Elizabeth, 29/9/ 76. Pagden, Christian, Hanley & Parkin, P.O. Box 132, Port Elizabeth.

113 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 TAATKOERANT, 5 NOVEMBER 1976 No /76/3-ROOUW, Anna usanna Gertina, born De Wet, 23/3/02, /0007/007, Rossdale, Homeleigh Halt, District of East London, 9/9/76. Brown, Hudy & Clark, 38 Tenninus treet, East London. PRETORIU, Claribel Margaret, born Crossman, 6/1/09, , 33 Kennington Road, Nahoon, East London, 23/ 10/76. The tandard Bank of outh Africa Ltd (registe~ed commercial bank), Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 996, East London. TRANKEIAN HIGH COURT TRANKEIE HOOGGEREGHOF BOTIlA, Hester Magdalena, born McGregor, 27/10/20, , 20 prigg treet, U mtata, 30/9/76. Barclays Nati,, nal Bank Ltd, Trustee Branch, P.O. &x 1537, East London. OUTH-WET AFRICA - UIDWE-AFRIKA 401/76-VORTER, Oiwlina Maria Franziska, 19/1/15, , Gcibabis, 25/8 /76. Barc1ays~NaBionale Bank Bpk. (geregistreerde handelsbank), Trusteetak, P~bus 460, Windhoek. 382.{76-CHLAGE, Gudrun Renate, 12/5/50, Walvis. Bay, 6/ 8/76. Baiclays National Bank Ltd (registered conunercial bank), Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 460, Windhoek. 455/76-BURGER, AlWyn Petrus, 4/9/01, , Fis:hereistraat 63, Venita, wak()pmnnd, 2/10/76; Emrnarentia Martha Magdalena Burger, gcbore Becker. Die Trust Bank van Afrika Bpk., Trust- en Boedclafdeling, Kaiserstraat 311, P~bus 223, Windhoek. 442/76-LIEPE,Paul Gunter Horst, 1/7/28, , Posbus 1, Ondangwa, 18/9/76; Maria J()hanna Liepe, gebore Klemm, 6/4/46, Die Trust Bank van Afrika Bpk., Trust- en Boedelafdeling, Kaiserstraat 311, Posbus 223, Windhoek. 148/76-FRENZEL, Anna Lilli Alice, gcoore Brann, 13/9/04, I, Kos, Posbus 1560, Windhoek, 15/2/76. Boland Bank Rpk., Posbus 1516, Windhoek. Fonn/Vorm 1187 LIQUIDATION AND DITRIBUTION ACCOUNT IN DECEAED ETATE LYING FOR INPECTION. In tenns of section 35 (5) of Act 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that cories of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the mspection of all persons interested therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer ifspecially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters and Magistrates as stated. hould no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the acconnts. The information is given in the following order: Estate number, surname, christian narne(s), identity number, last address, descriptinn of account other than first and final; if deceased vvas married in community ofproperty the surviving spouse's names, surname and identity number; period of inspection (if shorter or longer than 21 days), Magistrate's Office. LlKWIDAIE EN DITRIBUIEREKENING IN BETORWE BOEDEL WAT TER INAE ~! Ingevoige artikel35 (5) van Wet 66 van 1965, word hierby kennis gegee dat duplikate van die likwidasie- en distribusierekenings (eerilte en finale, tensyantlers vertneld) in die boedels hieronder vermeld, in die kantore van die Meesters en Landdrostesoos verrnefd en gedurendc' 'ntydperk van 21 dae(of korter of (anger indien spesiaaj verme/d) vanaf gemelde datums of vanaf datum van publikasie hiervan, as dit liter is, ter insae Ie vim a1.le persone wat daarby belang het.. ' IndieD binne genoemde tydperk geen besware daarteen by die betrokke Meesters ingedien word nie, gaan die eksekuteurs oor tot die uitbetalings ingevo!ge gemelde rekenings. Die inligting word soos volgverstrek: Boedelnomrner, familienaarn, voornaam(name), persoonsj;lommer, laaste adres, beskrywinl van rekening as dit anders as eerste en finale is; indien oorledene in gemeenskap van goedere getroud was die nagelate eggenoot(note)!ie name, famllienaarn en persoonsnomrner; tydperk van insae (indien korter of Ianger as 21 dae), Landdroskantoor. CAPE-KAAP At the office of the Master, CAPE TOWN, and also of the magistrate of the district when stated in parentheses... By die kantoor van die Meester, KAAPTAD, en ook van die landdros van die distrik wanneer dit tussen haldes gemeld word. 5350/75-VAN ZYL, Marthinus Melck Brand, , Ezelshoek, Het Kruis; Catharina Margaretha van Zyl gooore Brand, (Piketberg).-F. J. van Zyl, Wind: hoek /76-McLAUCHLAN, William Andrew, Marsbstraat 40, Mosselbaai: Catharina Johanna McLauohlan' gebore Zeelie, (Mosselbaai).-Volkskils, Kaap~ stad. 3956/76-NIEMAND, catharina Magritha Josiva, gebore trydom, W, weduwee, Buffelsvlei Calitzdorp (Calitzdorp).-'Barry & Mouton, Calitzdorp. ' 511O/75-BEKKER, Johannes Petrlis, 020/ Kruisrivier Wes, CalitzdorPi Anna Elizabeth Bekker, gebore Geyser, 020/ (Calitzdorp).-Barry & Mouton, Calitzdorp. ~116t76-KOEGELENBERG, Christiaan Petrus , Lambertsbaaiweg, Graafwater; Huibrecht Al~tta Johanna Kocgelenberg, gebore Basson, (Clanwilliarn) -Boland Bank, Clanwilliam /75-MEYER, Philippus Johannes Jacobus, W, lmpsonstraat 27, Oudtshoorn (Oudtshoorn).-Pocock & Bailey, Oudtshoorn. 2043/76-CHWEIZER, Olivia Leone, , 14 Meadow Road, Rosebank, Cape Town; Constantine Victor chweizer Wright, Rose-Innes, Louw & Wise Genniston: ~522/76-LOUNT, William, Juliasdale, Rhodesia.:'-'Findlay & Talt, Cape Town t75-8UKER, William, widower, Bellville Amended (Bellville).-L. Kadish & Company, Woodstock. ' 2322t76-MUIL, Georgina Amelia Maude, , 74 Camp Gronnd Road, Rondebosch (Wynberg).-Findlay & Tait, Cape Town. 3495/76-CALVERT, Edward John, 14 Chestnut treet, Heather Park, George (Knysna).-8trydoms, Knysna.. 413/76-NEL, Alwyn Jacobus, , Viskuil, Laingsburg; Rachel Elizabeth Nel (Laingsburg).-tandard Bank, Paarl. 1461/74...;.BURGER, Alewyn Pieter, , Dempersstraat, Onrustrivier, upplemcntere Eerste en Finale (Hermanus).-Boland Bank:, Montagu. 399/76-CLOBTE, Andries Christoffel Van der Bijl, , Eikenbofwoonstelle 4, Andries Pretoriusstraat, omerset-wes. (omerset-wes)'-boland Bank, omerset-wes. 4502j73-ADAM, Edward Alexander, K, 10 Balvenie Avenue, :Blsie's River, econd and Final; Alice Adams, born Frobes, widow (Bellville).-Tennant & Company, 'Cape Town. 5281/74-KNOETZE, Frederick Willem Hertzog, , Kempenstraat 3, Wellington, Tweede en Finale (Wellington). -Die Wellingtonse Eksekuteurskamer, Wellington. 4030/76-WENTZEL, Jacobus Johannes, OO5-009W, Oudekraal, Bonnievale,distrik Robertson; Alida usanna Wentzel, gebore Viljoen, (Bonnievale).-Van Niekerk & Linde, Bonnievale. 2926/76-JANE VAN RENBURG, Cornelius Johannes, Groenfontein, distrik Mosselbaai; Delina Petronella Johanna Magdalena Janse van Rensburg. gebore Pace (Mosselbaai). choltz, Pauw & Kie., Mosselbaai. 2827/76-BARNARD, Johanna Hendrika, voorheen Gaybba, gebore Coetzee, /004/00/5, Huis 70, Karatara, Knysna (Knysna)...;;..Die tandard Bank; Port Elizabeth. 3070/76-NUTT, iriohard George, , Birdstraat, Malmesbury; Ermina usanna JQhanna Nutt, 080/ (Malmesbury).-antam Bank, Malmesbury. 4862f76-MARAI, Cornelia Elizabeth, W, Ons Tuiste, Dreyerstraat, Bellville (Bellville).-antam Bank, Robertson. 1705/70/C-VAN DER CHOLTZ, Arthur Frank John, 014/ K, 41st Avenue, Elsie's. River, Amended First and Final: Louisa caroline van der choltz (Bellville).-Cohen & Co., Bellville. 641/76-RHEEDBR, Daniel Jacobus, , Hotel L'Agulhas, distrik Bredasdorp (Bredasdorp).-Traub & Traub, Worcester.

114 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February No. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 5 NOVEMBER VAN DEN BERG, Hendrika Benjamina, IW, Kings Lynn 10, Derbyweg, Kenilworth (Wynberg).-:-antam Bank, Kaapstad. 3680f76-ZULTRA, Gooye, W. Vlamboomstraat ~ 17, Femess, OUery; Anna Margaretha Zijlstra, W (Wynberg).-antam Bank, Kaapstad. 4699f76/K-WINDVOGEL, Joseph Israel, K, koongesig, Villiersdorp; Magdalena ophia Windvogel, gebore Janeke (Caledon).-Boland Bank, Villiersdorp. 4168f76/C-WILMOT, Anna Francina Dorothea Elizabeth, , Departement Waterwese, Villiersdorp (Caledon). -Boland Bank, Villiersdorp. 5173/75--THERON, Johannes, K, Langstraat, aron (Tulbagh).-D. P. de Klerk & Van Gend, Kaapstad. 4118f76-VAN EEDEN, Jacoba, born Kloppers, , Nuwerusouetehuis, Russell treet, Worcester (Worcester). -Whitehorn, Wilson & Kotze, Worcester. 4214f76-LUBllE, Johannes Jacobus, W, Zerilda teyn Memorial Home, Forest Drive, Pinelands (Wynberg). Claude W. Ipser, Bellville. 5922f75-VAN ZYL, Maria Anna Elizabeth, Van. riebeeckstraat, Calvinia (Calvinia).-Nel & Laurence, Calvinia. 206/72/C-JOHNON, Daniel John, 2 Blue Bell Avenue Bot River; Aletta Katrina Johnson (Caledon).-Cohen & Co., 'Bellville. 4305/76-DE VRIE, Cupido Moses, 007/082090K, Erasmus mitstraat 41, Idasvallei, tellenbosch; Clara de Vries, gebore Arends, 007/053415K (tellenbosch).-cluver &; Markotter, tellenbosch f7 1-8WART, Hendrika Catharina, gebore Zeelie, 086/ , Heuwe1straat 106, Mosselbaai, Verbeterde (Mosselbaai). -choltz, Pauw & Kie., Mosselbaai. 1984f76-RABE, Je~ie Lucy, born Tiran, W, 4 Geelhout treet, Bergslg, George (George).-The tandard Bank Port Elizabeth. ' 237I/76-FALCONER, Phyllis Hepburn, born Ander~nn, W. 1 Chippenham Court, Chippenham Road, Kenilworth (Wynberg).-Herold, Gie & Broadhead, Cape Town. 2655f76-JACOB, Raymond Peter, K th treet, Elsie's River (Goodwood).-A. M. Omar & Co., Woodstock. 4249/16-MYBURGH, Maria Helena, born Hendricks K. 16 Joanne Road, Lansdowne (Wynberg).-Wilkinson, Van der Ross & Joshua, Athlone. 1448/16-MITCHELL, Eileen Mary, W, Peak View, Heseldon Road, Rondeboech (Wynberg).-8ilberbauers, Cape Town. 428/16--AHMEAD. Frederick Leighton, Belvedere Avenue, Oranjezicht, Cape Town.-Ashmead, Cape Town. 268?!76-JANEN, Victor Dennis, Vinelle, t FranCI Road, Grassy Park; Nedah Maureen Jansen (Wynberg).-O'ullivan & Kotze, Claremont. ' 452/76-LINGER, Jephtha Henry Th<lmas K 4. Helenhof, The Downs Road, Manenberg; Colleen Brend~ lmgers, born Burgess, (Wynberg).-Harry Green & Co., Claremont. 477/16-DE VRIE, I!arold Herllert, I /C, Bonita, 33 Chatham Road, Heathfleld; arah de Vries, born Witbooi K (Wynberg).-Thompson, mithers & Bradley, Wynberg. 2820I76-~RMAN, olomon, W, Highlands House, Highlands Estate, Cape Town.-Buirski, Herbstein & Ipp, Cape Town PRAGGON, Mabel Frances, W. Booth Memorial Hospital, Upper Orange treet, Cape Town.-':"'ilberbauers, Cape Town GOME, Phyllis Henrietta, 022/455430, 32 Upper Tree Road, Camps Bay, Cape Town, upplementary.-8yfret, Godlonton & Low, Cape Town. 2311I76-VERMAA, Hugo Johannes, /5011/10/3 9 Glen Roy, Pinelands; Julie Barbara Vermaas (Goodwood). yfret, Godlonton & Low, Cape Town. 3024/16-WART, Noel, , Holland House, Victoria Road, Camps Bay, Cape Town.-Routledge MacCallums, Cape Town. 4815/75-DU TOlT, Hendrik Albertus, W The Haven, Gay Road, eaforth, imonstown (imonstown).-h. D. Collier, Bell ville. 2319f76/4B-CABLE, Lilian Mary, , 5 Uno Court Victoria Road, Camps Bay.-Arthur E. Abrahams & Gross Cap~ Town. ' 2584/76-POTHECARY, Ernest Edward, 10 Marine Road, Three Anchor Bav.-Klosser, aunders & Oldroyd, Cape Town, 7394/67-DREYER, Oharles Adam, C, Elsie's River Maud Dreyer, formerly Phillips, born Charles, C (Goodwood).-Haydn Elmes & Elmes, Cape Town. 2396/76-ARCHER, Frederick Leonard, W, Rhodes 41 Barkly Road, ea Point; Catherine Mary Archer, born Van~ ston, l9108.-Coulter & Co., Cape Town FIHER, abia, , 29 ixth Avenue, Elsie's River, Gewysigde; Dien Fisher (Goodwood).-Carse. Muller &; Visser, Bellville. 5770/1l-GILD, Eddy (Endall), W, 24 Bellevue treet, Gardens, Cape Town. uppiementary.-c. A Friedlander, Cape Town. 1698/75-KRITZINGER, Barend. Wilhelm, Edwardstraat, Joubertina; Gewysi.gde (Joubertina).-P. W. Hoff~ man, Heidelberg. 4260/76-MITH, Louis Petros Joachim (Louis Petrus), Hoogstraat 356, Oudtshoom (Oudtshoorn).-Duvenage Keyser & Jonck, Oudtshoom. 2738/16/B-TRYDOM, Barend Wilhelm, W,.Pk. Krakeelrivier; Merle Daphne trydom, gebore Bristo, (Joubertina).-Barclays-Nasionale Bank, Port Elizabeth. 4069/16IC-WINTERBACH, Hendrik Johannes, W, Philipstraat 31, Ceres; Elena Alberta Winterbach, gebore Olivier, (Ceres).-Hauptfleisch & Hauptfleisch; Ceres GILIOMEE, Daniel De Wet, , Du~ preezsiraat 8, Bredasdorp; Johanna Giliomee. gebore Myburgb, W (Bredasdorp).-Breda Bank, Bredasdorp. 2477/76--HOEY, John Graham, W, 20 Athol Avenue, Helena Heights, omerset West; Margaret Esther Hoey, formerly Milne, born O'hannassy, W (omerset West).-Louw & Key, omerset West. 7.5 f76-fagan. Henry Lewis, , Bensarhof I, Murraystraat, trand (trand).-boland Bank, trand f75-botha, Dirkie Georgina, gebore Heunis, , Pk. Outeniqua, distrik George (George).-F. W. Gericke & Kie., George. 4382f76/C-GROENEWALD, Barcnd Christoffel, \V, Dewetstraat 52, Worcester; usanna Magdalena Groonewald, gebore Du Toit, W (Woreester).-Barclays Nasionale Bank, Kaapstad. 1772f76/C-NEL, Louw Jacobus, /5028/00/9, Binnehofwoonste1 I, Napierstraat 16, Worcester; usara Magrietha Net, gebore Viljoen, W (Worcester).-Barclays-Nasionale Bank, Kaapstad. 41l2176-VENTER, Johannes Jacobus Hendrik, , Vanderstelstraat 34, KuHsrivier; usanna Gloudina Venter, gebore du Plessis, (Kuilsrivicr).-Bornman & Hayward, Bellville. 6352/72/B-FIRFIREY (urve, urway and Abdulla), Aysa Kader (Aysa Goolam Muhidien, Aysa Bibi and Kader Aycsha), Repulse Road, Rylands Estate, Athlonc, econd and Final (Wyn bcrg).-john. Ince & Wood, Cape Town. 7523/67f3IC-HULMAN (Helfer), Harry, 928 William treet, Trenton, New Jersey, United tat~ of America.-Frank Bemadt & J<lffe, Cape Town. 4173/72-{)()THUIZEN, Josephus, l9W, Hemelrood, Herbertsdale, distrik Mosselbaai; Eisabe Maria Oosthuizen, gebore Kasselman, W (Mosselbaai).-Die tandard Bank, Kaapstad. 3731/75/B--BLOM, Henry Jacobus, W, Unserheim, aundersweg, Wetton (Wynberg).-A. B. lom, Thornton. 3224!70C-MAURITZ, JO'hn, ev'enth Avenue, Grassv Park; Dora Mauritz (Wynberg).-PinCil, Matz & Feinberg, Wynberg. 4294/76/4C-JACKON. Edward Charles, K. 11 Jenkins Road, Punts Estate, Die!, River; Le<lnOra Rosina Jackson, oorn Leibrandt.-Buehanans, Wynberg {74/C-DAMON, James Gabriel, C, 29 Duck Road, Grassy Park (Wynberg).-Marquard &. Co.. Wynberg. 4920j73-GOROON,.Abraham Philip, , 28 Milner Road, Rondebo>sch, upplementary (Wynberg).-Esau hapiro & egall, Claremont. 2598{76-HOOGERBEET, Hendrik, W, 14 Frankfort treet, Parow (Bellville).-C. & A. Friedlander, Cape Town, 3249{75 I B-AHLEY, Ronald Cecil, W, 50 Lower Wrensch RQad, Observatory, Amended; Fredericka CDroline (Carolina) Ashley, 'oorn Nelsen, 022/ W (Wynberg). asbank, Cape Town. 514I16--DU TOIT, Andrew Leslie, W, outhfield., -chiddy & Barrie. Cape Town /34-JACOB, Barend; Annie Jacobs, born Atherton (Worcester).-Fuller, Moore & on, Claremont. 5550/75-BROPHY, arah usanna, W, Claremont (Wynberg).-Dichmont & Dichmont, Cape Town. 2772I16-WALE, Louisa Jacoba.-Northern Trust Company, Johannesburg. 2392{76-JOOTE, Cornelius Petms, , II Ombersley Road, Lakeside.-Webber, Wentzel & Co., Johannesburg. 1026/76-0PPELT, William Henry, K. 992 Frank Louw treet, Bellvme outh; Prescilla Oppelt, K (Bellville).-Claude W. Ipser, Bellville GALLOWAY, Henry Victor, W, Dirkie Uysstraat 22, Goodwood; Johanna ally Gallov.-ay (Goodwood). -Die Trust Bank, Kaapstad.

115 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 TAATKOERANT, 5 NOVEMBER 1976 No. u5 364f7{M-BIHOP, Eileen Annie (Eileen Mary), W, 4 King's Court, Bloemendal Road, Mowbray.-Die Trust Bank, Kaapstad. 3450/76-NELL, Martha Elizabeth, o w, Da Gamawoonste11e 19, mithstraat, Parow (Parow).-Die Trust Bank, Kaapstad. 3245/75-BOMAN. Maria Elizabeth, , Tweede Laan 11a, Boston, Bellville, Verbeterde Eerste en F,ina1e en Aanvullend tot Verbeterde Eerste en Finale (Bellville).-Die Trust Bank, Kaapstad. 1399/76-LE ROUX, William George, , Newtonry1aan 101, Meadowridge; Anna Magritha Gezina Johanna Ie Roux (Wynberg).-Die Trust Bank, Kaapstad. 1095/76-ROE, Dorothy Elizabeth, W, 2 Murray Louw Arcat; Main treet, Durbanville (Bellville).-Die Trust Bank. Kaapstad. 402/16-FORTUIN, Herman Isaac, , Hurricanestraat 26, Fractreton; Vera Johanna Fortuin, gebore olomons. -Die Trust Bank, Kaapstad. 2114/76-BOTHA, ophia Jacoba, gebore Kriegler, W, Glanvillestmat 19, Chrismarlandgoed, Bellville; Meurant Botha, (Bellville).-Die Trust Bank, Kaapstad. 1598/76-TROOT, Dirk Jacobus Visser, , Lenteweg 35, ybrandpark, Mowbray; Irene May Troost, gebore mith, W (Wynberg).-Die Trust Bank, Kaapstad. 6976/75-WINBORN, William Henry, , 8 Mooil!,esig treet, Cape Town; Lena Winborn, born terley.-die Trust Bank, Kaapstad. 1036/75-KLEYNHAN, Mal1ia Magaretha, , Bedfordstraat 2a, Observatory, Gewysigde; Nicolaas Matheus Kleynhans.-Die Trust Bank, Kaap.>tad. 820/76-CLOETE, Francois Jurgens, W, Reigerweg 5, tellenberg, Durbanville, AanvuUeooe Eerste en Finale (Benville).-Die Trust Bank, Kaapstad MULLER, Francis Isabel, OO1W, 19 muts treet, George; Willy Otto Muller, (George). W. O. Muller, George. 4516/16-GORRIE, Marion (Marian) Wilhelmina, W, 101 Bendennis Court, Three Anchor Bay, Cape Town. The tandard Bank, Cape Town. 4827/76-MACLEAN, heelagh Aletta Ada, W, 22 Cambridge Court, Main Road, Rosebank (Wynberg).-The tandard Bank, Cape Town. 6669/74-ALEXANDER, Colin Gibbon, Fish Hoek (imonstown).-ilberbauers, Cape Town. 3927/75-KHAN, Gadiedja, 26 Van Beek treet, Doornfontein, Johannesburg, Amended (Johannesburg).-O. A. Karjieker & Company, Athlone. 4087/76-DRYDEN, Joash Jacobus, C, 130 Linden treet, Ravensmead, Tiervlei; usan Elizabeth Dryden, born Kohler (Bellville).-Buchanan, Boyes & ampson, Cape Town. 3269/75--COLLER, Robert Thomas Louis, 022/197603K, unnyside, ixth Avenue, Retreat; Mavis Isabella (Isabel or Isobell) Coller, born Gabriels, 022/063781K (Wynberg).-Harry Rogoff, Cape Town. 424/7I-ADAM, Adam John, K, 32 Helshnogte Road, tellenbosch; Elizabeth Roseline Adams, C (teuenbosch).-prisman & Wilson, Cape Town. 4680/76-ILIP, George, , 81 Hamilton treet, Goodwood; Evelyn Gladys Islip (Bellville).-Barclays National Bank, Cape Town. 6907/75-8MITH, Edith Mary, W, 10 Verbena Way, Pinelands, econd and Final (Wynberg).~Barclays National Bank, Cape Town. 4016/16-KOTZE, Andries George Hendrik, , 104 Rochester Road, Observatory; usara Maria Kotze, born Van Coller, oo13-oo-5.-barc1ays National Bank, Cape Town. 3778/76-DONALDON, Doris (Eugenie Vaux-Ellis), W, The Brown and Annie Lawrence Nursing Home, 7 Broadwalk, Pinc1ands (Wynberg).-Barclays National Bank, Cape Town. 3956/75-EDMOND, Walter erocold Pell, 16 Upper Towers Road, Muizenberg (imonstown).-barclays National Bank, Cape Town. 4688{76-NELON, Isabella Dunlop, born Brown, W, The Brown and Annie Lawrence Nursing Home, 7 Broadwalk, Pinelands.-Barclays National Bank, Cape Town. 4503/76-WANEPOEL, Jacobus tephanus, W, urreystraat 61, Goodwood; Cathleen Abertina wanepoc1, geb:jre warts, (Goodwood).-Barc1ays-Nasionalc Bank, Kaapstad. 536/16/C-MITH, Anne Gertrude, gebore Adams, ooo2007w, Golden Crust, P~. Lulet, distrik Willowmore (Wi! lowmore).-p.. Roux, PretorIa. 3192/76-DU BOI, Francois Gustave, Williamstraat 1, Parow (Bellville).-antam Bank, Bellville. ' 3677/76-DE VILLIER, Hendrik Gabriel Fitz Herbertstraat 6, Epping; HiIletjie Aletta de Villiers gebor~ Visser (Goodwood).-antam Bank, Bellville. ' 321O/76-RETIEF, Andries Johannes Jacobus, 0l W, Pointstraat 12, Parow; Aletta Johanna Retief, gebore Jacobs (Bellville).- -antam Bank, Bellville. 987/49B--DE WARDT, Gideon Jacobus Johannes, Palmiet, distrik George. upplementere; Hester Jacoba van Zyl, voorhecn De wardt, gebore Gerber (George).-F. W. Gericke & Kie., George. TRANVAAL At the office of the Master, PRETORIA and also of the maglstr~te of the district when stated in par~ntbeses. By die kantoor van die Meester, PRETORIA en ook van die landdros van die distrik wanneer dit tussen bakies gemeld word j75-j!illger, Hilda (Heila), , Rus 'n Bietjieo~etehUIs, DUIwelskloof; Ernest Alexander Jaeger (Tzaneen). DIe Trust Bank, Johannesburg. 9309/76-KEMP, Josuas Enge1bertus, " W. t. Iveslaan 42, Mayfaoir-Wes, Johannesburg; usanna Elizabetha Kemp (Johannesburg).-Die Trust: Bank, Johannesburg: 454/76-PERRY, Jasper Anthonie, Rivierstraat 191 Potchefstroom; CeciLia Jacoba Magdalena P~rry (Potchefstroom).-Die Trust Bank, Johannesburg. ' 11287/15-LOUBER, Maria Jacoba etlaarstraat 17, Witpoortjie, Roodepoort; Joh~n Martin Loubse'r (Roodepoort).-Di~ Trus~ Bank, Johannesburg. '.1030 /76-KAR~N, WIlhelmma ophia, W, Wyommglaan 201, Berano, Johannesburg; Christoffel Hendrik Karsten, (Johannesburg).-Die Trust Bank, Johannesburg. 8528/75-8CHWARTZEL, Eileen Isabel, W weduwee, Peggy Veraweg 59, Kibler Park, Johannesburg (Jo'hannesburg).-Kemp & De Beer, Pretoria. 7511/7-CRONJE, Wessel Cornelis, , Vissershoek, Pk. De Wildt.-Tim du Toit & Kie., Pretoria. 678/76-CHOOMBEE, Izak Daniel Johannes, , Langenhovenstraat 18b, Vanderbijlpark; Adriana Catharina choombee, gebore chmidt, W (Vanderbijlpark). Rooth & Wessels, Vanderbijlpark. 1l06/76-VAN WYK, Gladys, , Poplarshaat 3, Three ~!vers, Vereeniging (Vereeniging).-Nolte Wiid & teyn, Vereemgmg. 9165/73-JANEN VAN VUUREN, Jacobus Phillippus, W, Eerste Laan 10, Alberton (Alberton).-J. L. F. van Vuuren, Alberton. 9624/76-TOL, olomon Jacobus, W, Meintjiesstraat 50, Lichtenburg; Johanna Isabella erfesina &018, gebore Botha, (Lichtenburg).-Volkskas, Klerksdorp. 5122/76-VILONEL, tephanus Gerhardus, , Gouwsstraat 91, Potchefstroom; Magretta Alletta Cecilia Vilonel gebore Pieterse, (Potcbefstroom).-Volkskas: Klerksdorp. 7031/75-McLEOD, Robert Charles, ,58 Wagenaar Road, Edengle!D. Extension 6, Edenvale (Germiston). Wright, Rose-Innes, Louw & Wise, Germiston. 2719/75-DU PLOOY, Johannes Mattheus Daniel, , mutsstraat 2, Ermelo; Fredrika Johanna du Plooy, voorheen Venter, gebore Botes, (Ermelo).-Jackson & Joubert, Ennelo. 9656/76-FOURIE, Jan Petrus, , Visserstraat 67, Deweyville; Christina Magdalena Fourie (Delareyville).-Volkskas, Klerksdorp. ' 5402/75-JACOB, Albertus tephanus, , wewenaar, Huis Anna Viljoen, Ben Pienaarstraat, Baillie Park, Potchefstroom (Potchefstroorok-Williams Gaisford & teyn, Potchefstroom. 5822/76-VENTER, Alida Jacoba, W, Bulawayostraat 1, Annadale (Pietersburg).-Nedbank, Pietersburg. 3612/76-UTHERLAND, Tjaart Petrus, , Malanstraat 141, Rustenburg (Rustenburg).-Van Velden & Duffey, Rustenburg /75-DE HAA, Helen Catrine, , Queooshaven, Johannesburg (Groblersdal).-G. J. de wardt, Marble Hall /73-CRONJE, Adolf JaCobus, W, Gaystraat 2, Luipaardsvlei, Krugersdorp; Emmarentia Jacoba Cronje, gebore Van Zyl, W (Krugersdorp).-8henker & Jansen, Krugersdorp. 4414/75-8TRolll-, Gerhard Em~ Theo Gustav Wilhelm, Hamburg, Germany.-Adams & Adams, Pretoria /74-JONE, Clifford William, , Edenhurstweg 179, Mondeor, Johannesburg, Aanvullende; Beryl Minnie Jones, (Johannesburg).-Moodie & Moodie, Boksburg. 1702/68-KOEK>EMOER, Gerrit (Gert) Johannes, W, Wesstraat 160, Pretoria-Noord, Pretoria; Gertina (Gertiena) Wilhelmina Koekemoer, gebore De Jager, W.-Franeois Vennaak:, Pretoria. 1095/75fB-HOLDER, Coert Jacobus, , terkspruit, Lydenburg (Lydenburg).-antam Bank, prings.

116 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 U6 No. GOVERNMENT GAZETIE, 5 NOVEMBER /,75-UDWIN, lj,ul, Rhodesian Citizen, 22 Law~on A venue,' Milton. Park, alisbury, RhOOesia.~ouzyn, Hertzog & Horak, Johannesburg /75-BONMA, Jan Comelis, , Markstraat 39, Bronkhorstspruit, Verbeterde Eerste en Finale.-Tim du Toit & Kie., Pretoria. 323i/76/A-PHILIPPOU, Charalambos, W, 153 Nigel Road, e1court, prings (prings).-harnmersclag Frank toleff & Gishen, pdngs. i. 1819{76-pERHRA, Mariaj Da Encarnacao Vieira Alves, W, 1 Nicos Building~ 84 Voortrekker Road, Alberton (Alberton).-Hammerschlag Frank toloff & Gishen, prings. 9811/75-LEPART, Anniel Bertha Lucie, W, 107 The Grove, Parktown, Pretor.a.-Rorich Wolmarans & Luderitz, Pretoria. i 727/76/C-BRAUEL, Dod/; Gertrude, born Rudolph, , 21a Von. Brandis ~treet, Piet Retief (Piet Reticf). P. Vorster & Co., Piet Retief 3200/16-KORFF, Carel icolaas, , Zebediela, Pk. Koringpunt, distrik P. ersrus; Maria Glodina Korff, gebore Du Preez, (Potgietersrus).-anek Eksekuteurskamer, Pretoria /75/B-PIENAAR, obus Johannes, , Grahamlaan 15, Heidelberg; Freda Helen Pienaar, gebore Winter, W (H erg).~von Geusau, Joubert & Ackermann, Heidelberg /75-FRACK, Isador~, /W, La Rosa Hotel, Berea, Johannesburg; Esther Frack, /W (Johannesburg). -Fluxman & Partners, Johannesburg. 4834/16/B-WEBTER, Calton Bradfield, W, 32 pekboom treet, Kempton I>;ark (Kempton Park).-Botha, Massyn & McKenzie, Kempton Park. 9428/16--8CHOLZ, Emma!J?auline, <?O6, Myburghstraat 450, Capital Park, Pretona.---,Nedbank, PretorIa. 3624/76-GELDENHUY,! Daniel tephanus Petrus, , Magaliesburg (Krugersdorp).-Die entrale Eksekuteurskamer, Pretoria. 464/76-BRIEL, John Henry, , Witrivier; Rita Briel, (Nelspruit).f-Die entrale Eksekuteurskamer, Pretoria. ' 10899/75-WEEL, tharina Wilhelmina, geoore Diederlcks, 426/338273W, Witrivier, Eerste en Finale en HerverdelingBooreenklOffi8 W1itrivier). 7331/76-CRAIGHEAD, J! nes Wood, , tubbstraat 41, Randfontein, Eer~te; Elizabeth hearer Craighead, gebore Leitch (Randfontein)'~rh'van Wyk de Vries, Malan & teyn, Johannesburg. ' 2693/15/C-HOLDWOR,James Gordon, W, 5. Medlar Road, Prim1'Ose, G1frmiston (Germiston).-M. A. Mosselson; Germist'On. I 5816/75 - MARAI, Johannes Jaodlms, , Hoewe 116, Rietfontein, Vciree ; Mart'ba Maria Marais, Pretorius, ~004 Trust Bank, J.ohannes /7--DE VILUER, ~.de1weiss, , esde Laan 80, Roodepoort, Tweede mr-pinaie; Ignatius Marthinus de Villiem (Rcooepoort).-Die T.t!ust Bank, J'Ohannesburg. 1912/76-DE BEER, Martbinus Petrus lobannes, O~4 W, terkfcnteinhospitaai, Krugersdorp; Ma:rtba Johanna Mana de Beer (Krugersdorp).-Die Trust Bank, Jobainnesburg. 9784/15-CONN, Anne Catherina Elizlabeth, OW704-OOO 9004, Chelvertonl~an 218, Mond~r, Hillcnl$t (Job.annesburg).-Die Trust Bank, Johannesburg. i 10735/74-FLETCHER, William Yeo Lyle, , Annex I, Buxtonstraat, Doornforrtein, Johiannesburg (Johannesburg). Die Trust Bank, Johannesburg. 9242/72-JONKER, Ohrisl!iaan Ernst, W, Plot 3, Little Falls, Wilgespruit, Roodepoort (Roodepoort).-Die Trust Bank, Johannesburg. 8100/7--DE VILLIER, Ignatius tepbanljis, I, Franskraal, d<istrik Caledon, lj1.erste (fm:neen).-joubert & May, Tzaneen. i 531/76-TEENKAMP, ~nna Magrielha, voorheen Venter, gebore Oosthuizen, ~~!he Neck,!PIt; GraveloMe, Eerste; Petrus Johannes Dirksen tetfkamp, (Tzaneen), -Joubert & May, Tzaneen /15--5NEDDON, wi~uiam, 3() , 53 Railway Avenu?, Benoni (Benoni).-~. 'E. Cook, Oook & Falconer, Benom. I 1964/76-BREYTENBAC Hendnk Gerhardus Abraham, , Deer Park, een; Fmncina Johanna Breytenbach, geh'ore Greyling, Joubert & May, Tzaneen; 8184/7--MEYER, t2003, Kranspoort, Posbus 1", Estancia; ~, W (Ermelo).-Amoldi & 13182/75--;PRETORIU, anin J'Ob.atm, , Mullerweg '199, QueenswOtO<l~tbreiding a. ifttoria. - Mev.. D, L. Lindeque, Pretoria f75-BUDGE, Elizabeth Davy, 43 Ohurcll.field. Road l Poole, Dorset, England, upplementary.-yfrets Trust. and Exe. CUV.Jf, Pretoria /16-CARVALHAI, Verna Valeria, , Wester~ gloorouetehuis, Arca,dia, Pretoria, Eerste.-Nedbank, Pretoria. 4649!76-CHADEWALDT, Hertha Margarete, , Richmond E~tates, Knoppieslaagte, District of Pretoria.-Ned~ bank. Pretorift. 1558/75-VAN DER WALT, Barend Johannes, oon, wartzhcrgstraat 12, Vaal park, aoolburg, 'Eerste; Anna Ca>tharina van der Walt (asolburg).-nebex EksekUlteurskamer en Trustmaatsk'flppy, Pretoria NELL. Maria Jaeornina Wilhelmina, , Perwel 33. Midde!vlei, Pk. Koksvlei; Jacobus Frederick Nell, J682W (Randfontein).-Die Trust Bank, Johannesburg. 9145/72-VIKTOR, Margaret, , taffordstraat 14, Westdene, Johannesburg; Petrus Jacobus Viktor (Johannesburg).: -Haasbroek & Boezaart, Pretoria /76-KONYA, Alessandro andor, W, 342 Giovanetti treet, New Muckleneuk, Pretoria.-Rooth & We&; sels, Pretoria. 2889/76A-VILJOEN, Petrus Christoffel, , Huis vir Bejaardes, Rosinstraat, Klerksdorp; Magdalena Glaudina Viljoen, voorheen Hendriks, gebore Pretorius (Klerksdorp).-Ben de Wet & Kie, Klerksdorp. 3476/16-LOUW, Jacobus Adriaan, OO3, taats.. dorp 88, Germiston; usanna Johanna.Louw (Germiston).-B. Veldtman. Verwoerdburg. 4925/16/C-BOlHA, Albertha Christina Magdalena, W, Codonialaan 129, Moregloed, Pretoria; Petrus Christoffel Botha.-Gerhard Botha & Kie, Pretor,ia. 4741/16-BJ,R, Otd, , 680 Church treet, Pretoria.-R. N. Edelstein, V.d. Walt & Co., Pretoria. 144/76-PIENAAR, Christoffel Jakobus Lodewikus, , Hartbeestfontein, distrik Balfour, Pk. Villiers; Maria Magdalena Pienaar, gebore Jordaan, (Balfour). -Po J. Dietrichsen, Villiers. 7715/76-KING, Gilroy Allan, , 781 Arcadia treet, Arcadia, Pretoria.-Von Geusau Coetzee & De Wit, Pretoria /15-FULLEN, Eileen Anne, W, 104 ivewright treet, Krugersdorp (Krugersdorp).-J. B. Hugo & Cronje, Krugersd orp., 5227/16-VAN ZYL. Coenraad Wilhelmus, , Blommensteinstraat 56. Krugersdorp; Anna Margaretha Magdalena van Zyl, W (Krugersdorp).-G. J. mith & V.d. Watt, Krugersdorp, 10968/76-JOUBERT, Francois Jaoobus, , poorwegposbus 2, Wolmaransstad (Wolmaransstad).-Volkskas, Klerksdorp. 1408/76-KRYNAUW, Edward Daniel, /5011/00/9, Neethlingstraat 27, Baillie Park, Potchefstroom; Elizabeth Johanna Krynauw, gebore Van Graan, (Potchefstroom). Fleischacks, Potchefstroom /75-LOGAN, James Douglas , Almonthof 2, Rothsaystraat, Benoni; Catharine McKale Logan, gebore Mowbray, (Benoni).--8. Vermeulen, Benoni. 4309/76-DU TOIT, Catharina (Catherina) Elizabeth Jacomina, W, Avondrusouetehuis, Vereeniging (Vereeniging).. J. Nel, Vereeniging. 6391/76-JANE VAN RENBURG. Cornelis Johannes, , Brinkstraat 5, Potchefstroom; Johanna Christina Janse van Rensburg, (Potchefstroom).-Volkskas, Klerksdorp /74-TAYLOR, William Charles, W, Plot 153, Vyfhoek, Potchefstroom, Verbeterde; Clara Maria Taylor, gebore Buytendorp, (Potchefstroom).-Volkskas, K1erksdorp. 7408/76-BUITENDACH, Johanna Martina, , Agtste traat 25, Fochville; Matthys Joharmes Buitendach, (Fochville).:-Volkskas, Klerksdorp. 3907I76-VAN DEN BERG, Jan Louis, , tubbstraat 20, Randfontein (Randfontein).-Volkskas, Klerksdorp. 6081/14-JORDAAN, Johanna usanna Carolina, , oetbron, Gmotvlei {Balfour).-P. V. D. M. Haarhoff & eun, Balfour. 1711/16-KOK, John (Jan) Harm, W, Inc1inestraat 2, Wentworth Park, Krugersdorp (Krugersdorp).-M. T.. Venter, Krugersdorp /15-TANZIANI, Varo Tiberio Tronto, Plot 13, Pyramid Agricultural Holdings.-Weavind & Werksmans, Pretoria. 5036/76-TAIT, Johan Jacobus, , Hoewe 116; Nanescol, Vanderbijlpark; Elizabeth Johanna Tait, gebore Venter (Vanderbijlpark).-Van der Walt Du Plessis & Ballot, Van., derbijlpark. 3280/75--8TIGLINGH, Pieter Louis Rossouw, , Pk. Bodenstein, Tweede Likwidasie en Distribusie (Coligny). Die entrale Eksekuteurskamer, Pretoria.

117 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 TAATKOERANT, NOVEMBER 1976 No. 1' f76-HUNTINGFORD, Mary Olga Harriett, 25 Ennismore Gardens MeWll, London, W 7., England.-8yfrets Trust and Executor, Pretoria. 4486/7-MUELLJER, Enrico, Cassano Ionio, Prov:incia Consenza, Italia.-8yfrets Trust and Executor, Pretoria. 4074/4-BROODRYK, Catharina Wilhelmina, , Polwinhof 1403, Bosmanstraat 268, Pretoria, Derde en Finale. Altmann & Brugman, Pretoria /75-AUCAMP, Christa (voorheen Johanna Jacoba), , ummersetweg 5, Ferantistraat, Vanderbijlpark; Piet Aucamp, (Vanderbijlpark) C-WILHELM, James Arthur, W, 244 Von WHlich Av:enue, Lyttleton, Verwoerdburg; Jessie Rosella Wilhelm, '-Mrs H. J. mat, Verwoerdburg. 3253/76-HAlOH, Lawrence Raymond Arthur, , Bothastraat 2, Vereeniging; andra Haigh, /0015 (Vereeniging).--'Bank van Johannesburg, Marshalltown. 9141/76-MARAI, Frantz Julius, , Gladstonelaan 103, Brakpan; Anna Maria Elizabeth Marais, (Brakpan).-8anek Eksekuteurskamer, Marshalltown ERAMU, Maria Elizabeth, gebore Erasmus, W, WelgelegeI1, distrik Wolmaransstad, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie en Distribusie en Herverdelingsooreenkoms (Wolmaransstad),-Kredietbank, Johannesburg NAGEL, Cornelius Johannes, , Gettit Maritzlaan 43, Dalview, Brakpan; Martha Magdalena Johanna Maria Nagel, (Brakpan).-Kredietbank, JohannesbUrg BENADE, Johannes George, W, Blommefonds, George torrarrylaan, Groenkloof, Pretoria.-Dyason, PretO'ria. 6891/55IB-NAUDE, usara 'usanna, Ermelo (Ermelo). Macintosh Cross & Farquharson, Pretoria '-DE VRIE, Hester Wilhelmina, gebore Rossouw, MidhillIaan 134, Crown Garden, Johannesburg (Johannesburg). -ecurity Executor en Trust Maatskappy, Johannesburg DAMON, Gustav AdO'lph, C, Erik~'traat 347a, Reiger Park; Enid Rachel idamons, gebo're Reyners (BO'b.. burg) {75-McDONALD, Casper Nicolaas, , Twyfelspoort, GroO't MaricO'; usanna Wilhelmina McDO'nald (GrO'O't Matioo). 3753/76-AUER, Frans Richard, , Ende!.. draai, Pk. teenbokpan, Ellisras (NylstroO'm).-Die tandard Bank, Pretoria. 6323/76-TANDER, JO'hannes Hendrick Petrus, , Kareepoort, Brits: Martha Magdalena tander, (Brits).-Die tandard Bank, Pretoria {76-GILL, Priscilla, born Gibbons, , 34 CO'nfido Flats, 231 Minnaar treet, PretO'ria; William Gill, O.-l1he tandard Bank, Pretoria. 376/76-JACOB, Philippus Jaoobus Petrus Johannes, , Jeppestraat 87, Middelburg, Tweede en Finale (Middel.. burg).-die tandard Bank, Pretoria LOOT, Willem Nicolaas Hendrik, , Jan Dewetstraat 10, Flamwood, KlerksdO'rp; Petronelle CO'rnelia Loots, {KlerksdO'l1').-'Die tandard Bank, Krugersdor1'. 816{76-VERHOOP, Irmgard Marie Luise, W, 3 Dorea treet, BedwO'rthpark, VanderbijJpark (Vanderbijlpark). -The tandard Bank. KnH!ersdorp. 8131/75-VAN DER MERWE, JacO'bus Johannes..J Naude, Alberton {74-MOODLEY, Krilhna Govendsamy, A 38 Third Avenue, Lenasia Extension 1, JO'hannesburg; Bhaik~ MeO'dley (Johannesburg).-R. N. Bhoolia, Johannesburg. 6179{75-TUCKER, adie Henrietta, W, 21 Barnton Road, Oreenside, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).-Raymond Tucker, Johannesburg. 158{76-IMMELMAN, Ferdinand, , Wierdahof 8, Wierda Park, Pretoria.-Bank van Johannesburg, Pretoria. 6669/76-MEIRING, Robert Allen, , Eridal1usstr~at 59, WaterklO'O'frif, ipretoria.-8anek Ekselrnteurskamer, PretO'na. 1384/74-GRENFELL, Elaine Marilyn, W, 508 Civic TO'wers, 41 tiemens treet, Braamfontein, JO'hanneshurg: GordO'n James Grenfell, (Johannesburg).-J.. Magua, JO'hannesburg {76--:B.ARR, Walter Arf!hur, , 6 Talton Road, Forest Town, JO'hannesburg (Johannesburg).-yfrets Trust and 'Executor, JO'hannesburg MALCOME, Carl Michael, , Umvukwes Rhodesia (Johannesburg).-tandard Trust, alisbury /76-BOWiEN. Frederick James, / , 103 McGillivray Road, Glenfemess, Johannesburg; Christine BO'wen, /0016/003 (JO'hannesburg).-8yfrets Trust and EXecutO'r, Johannesburg. 5082{76-HOLME, Pelham Maxwell, , 24 Third treet, Parkhurst, Joha.nnesburg; Petronella Aletta Catherina Holmes, (JO'hannesburg).-Nedoonk Ltd, Johannesburg f76-martienen, Anne Isobel, , 303 Fairmead, Rudd Road, Illovo, Johannesburg (Johannesburg). -Webber, Wentzel & Co., Marshalltown f75-WILKEN, Hendrik Christian, , 4 New Road, Newlands, Johannesburg; PetrO'nella Jacoba Wilken (JQhannesburg).-P. J. Wilken, Johannesburg. 3034f75-GLAUBITZ, Anton Gerardus Floris, W, 6 Rega Gardens, Viscount Avenue, WindsO'r Park, JO'hannesburg (Johannesburg).-BO'wens. JO'hannesburg. 668/75-BALIO, Athena; W , 36 Allin treet, HaddO'n, JO'hannesburg, Amended (Johannesburg).-idney uch.. atd, JO'hannesburg /74-ROTHMAN, Clarice (Clarise) Olive, W, lipalm Avenue, BO'ksburg, Amended First and Final LiquidatiO'n and DistributiO'n (BO'ksburg).-Barclays National Bank, JO'han.. nesburg. 4891/75-PELTZ, Israel , Johannes'burg (JO'hannesburg).-Mrs RO'se Peltz, JO'hannesburg.., 6109/76-VAN DER BERG, Hendrik tephanus, , 18 WestwaldhO'f, JO'ubert treet, Vereeniging; Angela ylvia van der Berg (Vereeniging).-Barclays National Bank, Johannesburg /68-BERGH, Michie1, W, Devonlaan 4, BenO'ni, Aanvullende (Benoni) PENCER, FIO'rence May, ,94 OxfO'rd RO'ad, KensingtO'n, JO'hannesburg;.Dennis George pen.. cer, (Johannesburg).-The tandard Bank; Juhannesburg f76-KllIN, Irene Matilda, W, 15 Daisy Road, Primrose, GermistO'n, First (GermistO'n).-Barclays National Bank, JO'hannesburg. 6414/73-MACONOCHIE, Harry Dunbar, Bermuda (JO'bannesburg).-Van Hulsteyn Dithie & aner, JO'hannesburg, 6935/75-NEL, GideO'n Philippus, , 467 Kings Highway, LynnwO'O'd, Pretoria.-Van Zyl Le RO'UX & Hurter, PretO'"ria MULLER. Petrus Jacobus, W. ilvefleafstraat 53. VI.In Dykpark, BO'ksburg; Anna Katharina Muller, gebo're Muller, (Boksburg).-Die Trust Bank, unnyside METZ George Arthur Parminter, , Alexandrialaan 29, Dalvield, Brakpan (Brakpan).-Die Trust Bank, unnv~ide. '. 7529/76""":BOTHA, Pieter Willem Johannes, ; Huis 49. PhO'enix KO'O'lmvn, Pk. Coalville; Johanna usarma Botha (Witbank).-Die Trust Bank, unnyside. 3244/76-BLIGNAUT, FraneO'is JacO'bus, , Christinaweg 9, Dinwiddie, Germiston; Josephine Blignaut, gebo're Narkervis, W (Germiston).-antam Bank, Johannes.. burg. 7732/76-PARON, Nicolaas Johannes, ,4, Merrickwe'l 7, The Hill, Johannesburg; Gertruida Parsons,gebore Zeelie, W (JO'hannesburg).-antam Bank, JO'hannes.. burg GROBLER, NichO'las Johannes, , t. witherslaan 44, Auekland Park, Johannesburg (JO'hannes.. burg).-8antam Bank, J O'hannesburg VENHAU, Walter Hubert, , un Crest 414, Esselenstraat. unnyside, Pretoria.-C. van OudtshoO'm, PretO'ria. 9633/74-BHANA, ParbhO'O', 800/061270,54 Fourth treet, Cape Reserve, PretO'ria; ally Bhana, C.-ally Bhana. PretO'ria. 1l982/75-NAUDE, Jan Hendrik, W, 34 EastwO'od treet, Turffontein, JO'hannesburg (JO'hannesburg).-ecurity Exe.. cutor and Trust, Johannesburg {76-MITH, Francois Alwyn, , Paul RoO'slaan 267, Danville.-BO'land Bank, PretO'ria /76-MIT, Hendrik JacO'bus Albertus, Farnhamweg 98, LynnwO'O'd ManO'r, PretO'ria.-BO'land Bank Pretoria. 6638/76-MARAI, usanna Elizabeth, , Witwatersrandouetehuis, E~cO'mbe]aan 32, ParktO'wn, JO'hannesburg (JO'hannesburg).-E. J. Marais, PretO'ria /73-GANI, Ally Mohamed AbdO'O'l, A, 46a JO'ubert treet, Pietersburg (pietersburg).-tayo'b & Casim, PretO'ria !75-CHETIY, Thanan Dhannam, A, 326 MO'onstone treet, Laudium, PretO'ria; MO'onsamy Chetti, Moonsamy Chetti, PretO'ria /75-MITH, Ella O'phia JO'hanna, , COI:Delis" straat 110, Fairland, JO'hannesburg; Henry Edward mith, (Randburg).-trydO'm & VennO'te, Randburg GROENEWALD, Marthinus Wessel, , ElfinhO'f 202, Hendrik VerwO'erdrylaan, Randburg; Wilhel.. mina Adriana GrO'enewald (Randburg).-J. D. L. Kruger & Marx, Randburg.

118 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 I 118 No. I GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 5 NOVEMBER /76-BEZUlDENHOUT, Cornel is Johannes, , Kaalfontein, Ventersdofj]; Louisa Hendrina Maria Magdalena Bezuidenhout, (Ventersdorp).-Volkskas, Klerksdorp /75-REYNDER, Japobus Johannes, , Protealaan 54, Pullenshope, distrik MiddcIburg, Eerste en Finale en Herverdelingsooreenkoms; losiena Maria Magdalena Reynders, (Middelbmg).!--Volkskas, Pretoria. 8838/76-LAMPRECHT, q:atharina Johanna, W, Beststraat 94, Christiana (ChrJstiana).-Volkskas, Pretoria. 6148/76-PRICE, Margare~ (Maggie) Kathleen, (Genniston).-The tandard Bl'nk, Benoni. 3394/76-McCAKELL, Noirman, Cragg treet, Rynfield, Benoni; Mary Mitchell McCaskell, (Benoni).-The tandard Bank, Benoni. 2838/76-DEYEL, Hermanus Jacobus, on 4, Partridgelaan 56, Kempton Parkj (Kempton Park).-Die tandard Bank, Benoni. 6138/76-MORTIMER, Clifford Arthur, W; Mary Agnes Mortimer, "'1 (Boksburg).-The tandard Bank. Benoni. i 11619/75-TIRLING, Marjorie, W. 5 Mount Arthur, harp treet, Bellcvu~, Johannesburg (Johannesburg). G. D. Morris & B. A. imp,ori, Johannesburg. 5748/76-KAHN, Abe, , Pclwln Court 705, Bosmanstraat 268, Pretoria; Robie Kahn, Volkskas. Pretoria /75-PRELLER, Robert Logie, , Hospit?alweg 36, Middelburg; Anna Margaretha PrcHer, (Middelburg).-Volkskas. Pretoria. i 7728/75-CHMIDT, Willie. Karl, , Keuningstraat 213, Meyerspark.-Volk~kas, Pretoria. 7738/75-CHMIDT, CatMrina Magdalena, gebore Visagie, , KeuningstraJat 213, Meyerspark.-Volkskas, Pretoria. i 12479/7o-GRIFFITH. H nry Charles, , Johanstraat 20, Brits, Verbeterde Tweede en Finale; Catharina Maria Johanna Griffiths, (Brits).-Volkskas, Pretoria. 7759/76-BODENTEIN, IiIelgard Comelis, , Ebe.naezer Hotel, choemanstiaat, PretoT<ia.--Volkskas. Pretoria /76-WHEELER, M~rgaretha Louisa, , Broodrykstraat 14, Pretoria-N~ord, Aanvullende; Peter Wheeler, Volkskas, Ptetoria. 9456j76-BREYTENBACH, Pillipus Karel, , Presidentstraat 20, Nylstroom;i Anna Francina Antoenetta Breytenbach, (Nylstroom),-Volkskas. Pretoria /76-GROBLER, Magtlalena Josina Wilhelmina, , Parkzichtwoonstelle 110, Minnaarstraat 239, Pretoria.- Volkskas, Pretoria. i 9302/76-HANEN, Caspanils Jan Hendrik Lukas, , Maudweg 66, Valhalla, Pretoria; alomina Maria Gertruida Hansen, gebore CaHtz, W.-Volkskas, Pretoria. It 160/75-CHEEPER, Gerhard Johannes, , Plot J97, Marble Hall; Hester M~ria Petronella cheepers, gebore De Beer, (Groblersdal).-Volkskas, Pretoria. 2684j76-MITH, Jaeobus Johannes Cornelis, , Kalkgat, Pk., distrik Pietersburg (Pietersburg).-Volkskas, Pretoria. l 612/76-VAN DER WALT,I Petrus tephanus Jacobus, , Naudelaan 198, M~rble Hall; Georgena Francis van der Walt, (Groplersdal).-Volkskas, Pretoria. 5961!76-LAYNE, Wilhelrrina Johanna Jacoba, , Cloetestraat 179, Danv~lle, Pretoria.-Volkskas, Pretoria. 9063j76-MJICHELL, William Hardy, , 106 nyman treet, Pietersburg (Pietersburg).-Meyer, Pratt & Luyt, Pietersburg. 9569/76-LE ROUX, Joan, , Die Bynes, Pt. Kameeldrift, distrik Brits; Petrus Cornelius Johannes Ie Roux, (Brits).-Van der Westhuysen & Roesch, Brits. 7582/70-PUTTER, Johannes Hendrik, W, Keert t 555 H i P et C I' P II P oms rna,ercu es, rona; orne la etrone a utter, gebore Van der Merwe, W.-Jack Hook, Pretoria. 6971/75-ARTU, Cyril Gordon, Hillcrest Geriatric Centre, Rosettenville, Johannesburg; Haniet Rhoda FeUowes Artus, W (Johannesburg). 5257/75-ROUX, David Etienne, W, Kempton Park. 30 dae (Roodepoort).-Daan eymore, Pretoria. 5565f76-BOTE, Daniel Frederik Jaeobus, , Uitval, Wohnaransstad; Gesina Maria Magrieta Botes, (Wohnaransstad).-Volkskas, Klerksdorp. 4784f76-DE JAGER, Frederik Johannes, , Rietvallei, Pk. wartruggens; Hester Maria de Jager, (wartruggens).-barclays National Bank, Pretoria. 614j76-VAN ROOYEN, ~Iusanna Elizabeth, W, Rotorusouetehuis, Mafeking (Mafeking).-Barclays National Bank, Pretoria. 71/76-DU PLEI, Albertina tefina Maria, W, Mufordwoonstelle 32, Voortrekkerweg, Wonderboom-uid, Pretoria, Aanvullende Eerste en Finale.-Barclays National Bank. Pretoria. 8568/75-FITZIMON, Vivian Frederick Maynard, , 166a Charles treet, Brooklyn, Pretoria.-Barclays National Bank, Pretoria. 4562/76-TROWER. Joy, born Vickers, W, 130 Pretorius Avenue, Lytteiton, Verwoerdburg.-Barc1ays National Bank, Pretoria VAN VOLLENHOVEN, Pieter Marthinus, , choemanstraat 892, Arcadia, Pretoria.-C. E. de Nysschen, Pretoria. 9361!75-BLANKFIELD, IfVline, W, 31 Jameson Avenue, Melrose. Johannesburg (Johannesburg).---Gaddie Bros & Paliners, Johannesburg {74-DEGENAAR, Johanna Phillipina Magdalena, , Hartebeesspruit, Witbank, Verbeterde Eerste en Finale (Witbank).-Van Heerden & Marais, Witbank. 9325/75-KIRTEN, Johanna Lodewica, , Kalbasfontcin, Witbank, Tweede en Finale (Witbank).-Van Heerden & M:mtis, Witbank. 3788/76-VAN DOUWE, Adolphus Wilhelmus, W, Plot 106, D. F. Malan Drive, Honeydew, Randburg; Cornelia Margarehta van Douwe, W (Johannesburg).- Alec Oshry & Cohen, Johannesburg /75-BRUN, Annelore Christa, 71 The Everglades, 20 Hadiield Road, Berea, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).-Deneys Reitz, Johannesburg. 3435/70/B-WIEDENHAUPT, Martha Clara Agnes, 1530, 40 Forest treet, Forest Hill, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).- Nathanson Bowman & Nathan, Johannesburg /76-WATER, Robert teven, , 6 Countcsses Avenue, Windsor Park, Randburg (Johann~burg).-Van Hulsteyn Duthie & aner, Johannesburg. 8350!75-CHRITENEN, Paul Frances , 6 Tiger Bay, Queens Avenue, Windsor, Randburg (Johannesburg).-Metboard. Marshalltown. 3703/76-TEYN. heila Lorraine, W, 37 Marais treet, Bailey's Muckleneuk, Pretoria.-Earc1ays National Bank, Pretoria. 985/75-LANDBERG, August Ernest, , Watermeyerstraat 16, Witbank, Eerste (Witbank).-Barclays- Nasionale Bank, unnyside. 9885/75-LANDBERG, August Ernest, , Watermeyerstraat 16, Witbank, Tweede en Finale (Witbank). Barclays-Nasionale Bank, unnyside /75-JACOB, George, , Prudential A~surance Buildings, 28 Church quare, Pretoria.-Kraut, Wagner, Hutchinson & Mostert, Pretoria. 6474/69-WART, Hermanus Bernardus, Hansenstraat 27, Amsterdam, Aanvullende; usara Barendina alomina wart, gebore Killian (Ermelo).-Ross & Jacobsz, Pretoria. 4229/74-TROUGHTON, John Frederick George, 2 Villa iena, Manzini, waziland.--barc1ays National Bank, Pretoria /71-BHAMJEE, Mohamed Essopjee, , Erf 55, Machadodorp; Arnina Bhamjee (Machadodorp).~-Haasbroek & Boc?'aart, Pretoria. 5936/76-VENTER, Marie, , Eri~astraat 14, Carletonville; Marthinus Jacobus Ventcr (Carietonvllle).-Haasbroek & Boezaart, Pretoria. 1955/76-LABUCHAGNE, Adriana Maria, , Maryanaswoonstelle 67, Paul Krugerstraat, Pretoria; arel Johannes Labuschagne, antam Bank, Pretoria /75-FOURIE, Rachel Jacoba, W, Markotterstraat 128, Danville, Pretoria.-antam Bank, Pretoria. 2476/76-VAN TADEN, William Johannes, , Maltzan$traat 118, Pretoria-Wes, Verbeterde; Martha Johanna G~rtruida van taden, voorheen Van taden, gebore Bekker.-Tlm du Toit & Kie., Pretoria. 4073/76-CUCCHIARO, Pietro Antonio, W, 190 ixth Avenue, Bezuidenhout Valley, Johalhllesburg (Johannesburgt-Daneman & Horwitz, Johannesburg i75-DU PLOOY, Willem (William) Jacobus, '8, Lettaville, Plot 70, Witrivier, Eerste en Fi!1a~e. Herverdcling; Aletta Johanna du Plooy, (Wltnv1er). Volkskas, Pretoria DE BEER, Maria Magdalena , lode Laan 568, Gezina Pretoria; Johan Frederick de Beer, Volkskas, Pretona. 8292/76-ERAMU, Florence Ethel, , Kantoorstraat 7, Lydenburg; Pieter Fr~ncois Erasmus, {Lydenburg).-Volkskas, Pretona. 36 I 9!76-DALY, Vivian Alexander, , 108 Alteryn Mansions, Corlett Drive, II!ovo, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).-yfrets Trust and Exeeutor, Johannesburg f75-RAUCH, Johanna, , 13 t Andrews Avenue, Bordeaux, Randburg (Johannesburg).-Hilton Borach & Co., Johannesburg.

119 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 TAATKOERANT, 5 NOVEMBER 1976 No /76-POll..ICUTTE, Edith Bennett, 17 Cosmos Avenue, Linden, Johannesburg; Harold Hector Alfred Pollicutte, (Johannesburg).~Bredell & Murray, Johannesburg. 4240/75-BARROW, Robert olomon, , 38 Cooper treet, Cyrildene, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).-Werthelm Becker, Johannesburg. 16/76-])U PLOOY, Andries Gerhardus, , esde ban 15, Lambton, Germiston; Hermina Christina du Plooy, gebore Krause, (Germiston).-Die Trust Bank, unnyside. 1I716f75-CHWAB, onia, , 312 Bretton Woods, Killarney, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).--8chwartz Fine, Johannesburg {75-VAN WYK, Hendrik Jacobus, , 4b Hamilton Avenue, Brakpan (Brakpan).-Regenhaum, Rapeport Fanaroff & Partners, Johannesburg f76-GLUCKMAN, Mary Elizabeth, , 1 Jauneey treet, Highlands North Extension, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).-Barclays National Bank, Johannesburg f73-MILLER, Koppel, W, Witwatersrand Jewish Aged Home, George Avenue, andringham, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).-Fisher Hoffman Levenberg & Co., Johannesburg. 1I823f75-FOLKU, Reimond, , Iinatesingel 27, Bonaero Park, Kempton Park (Kempton Park),-anek Eksekutellrskamer. Marshalltown. 921/76--HATIINGH, Hendricus Johannes, , Viljoenstraat 5, Pienaarsdorp, Klerksdorp; Catharina Fredrika Hattingh, gebore Du Toit, (Klerksdorp). Kredietbank, Johannesburg /73-FOURIE, Nicolaas Cornelius, W, tevenstraat 5, Eisburg (Genniston).-Die tandard Bank:, Johannesburg. 7664/72-COMBRINCK, Lodewicus Johannes, W, Posbus 31, Pk. Boons; Louretta Maryna Comb rinck, gebore Van Heerden (Rustenburg).-Die Trust Bank, unnyside j76-anker, Gerhardus Jacob, , Varingstraat 31, Waverl.ey-uitbreiding, Pretoria; usanna Magdalena Nieolina Anker.-,-Die Trust Bank, unnyside. 1988/76-COE1ZER, Christiaan Frederick, , Quee:tlaan 15a, Brakpan; Elsie Dorothea Coetzer (Brakpan). Die Trust Bank, unnyside. 7472j76-DE VILLIER, Jacobus tefanus George, , Victoriastraat 249, Germiston; Cornelia Johanna de Villiers, gebore Reyneke, (Germiston).-Die Trust Bank, unnyside. 6009j76-BEZUIDENHOUT, tephanus Johannes, , Goldbergweg 14, Wright Park, prings; Maria Josephina Petronella Bezuidenhout, (prings).-die Trust Bank. '1nnvside. 7344f76-JOUBERT, Catharina Jacoba, , Mooifontcin. chncmansk1oof, Nelspruit; Johannes Willem Joubert, 4 II BO<: (Nelspruit).-Die Trust Bank, unnyside. 6234!76-VAN RENBURG. Hendrik Christiaan, ,) W, Ddareyweg 12, LyttcHon, Verwoerdburg.-Die Trust Bank, unn"si:~le f76-vorter, Jacobus Christoffel, , Ouwerfstra3.t 634, Daspoort, Pretoria; Magdelt Magdalena Hendrina Vor,tcr, gebore Breedt.-Die Trust Bank, unnyside /75-VAN ROOYEN, Jacobus Cornelis Osterwalt, i-500l-00-4, Morelcttastraat 129, ilverton, Pretoria.-Die Trust Bank, unnyside. 2, CLAAEN, Johannes Jacobus Cornelius, , eringlaan 30a. undra; Elizabeth Maria Claassen, gebore Ha,enga, (Delmas).-Die Trust Bank, unnyside. 582i7-MUCCTARDA. Baldassare (Baldo), , Tivoli Residential Hotel, corner of Kerk and Polly ireets, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).-Alexander Talaccti, Johannesburg. 1820!75-McCOMB, Herman amuel Knudsen, , P.O. Haenertsburg, via Pietersburg (Johannesburg).-Moodie & Robertwn, Joh1nnesh'1l"g. 6800f76-DIMORE, George, , 267 Fawcus treet, Belgravia, Johannesburg (Johaunesburg).-Moodie & Robertson, Johannesburg. 6940i76-MARTIN, Vincent Francis, , ongetr()ud, Nasarethhuis, Hi!lbrow, Johannseburg (Johannesburg).-ekuriteit Eke,ekuteurs en Trustmaatskappy, Pretoria. 3303/76-RENNlE, Henrv Ian, W, 44 Arthur Mansions, Caroline treet; Hillbrow, Johannesburg (Johannesbur)?).-Van Hulstevn Duthie & aner. 1229f76----GAULD. Mary Maleolm, W, 206 Merrow Down, Rudd Road. 1110vo, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).-Van Hulsteyn Duthie & aner, Johannesburg /75-CONTE, Thelma Violet, , 14 Murray Road, Waverley, Johanneshurg; Hugh Conte, (Johannesburg).-Van Hulsteyn Duthie & aner, Johannesburg. 1954/75-BELLlNGAN, Carl Elliot Maynard, , 29 Cecil Knight treet, Krugersdorp North (Krugersdorp). -Barclays National Bank, Johannesburg j75-CRONJE, Thomas Frederik, , Houtkop, Vereeniging, Amended; ofia Elizabeth Wilhelmina. Cronie, (Vereeniging).-Barclays National Bank, Johannesburg. 8263/75-BOOTCOV, Clive Lewis, , 59 Regina treet, Fairmount, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).-PapiJsky, Hurwitz, acks & Co., Johannesbt:rg. 727/75-TORBECK, George William, , 8 Banton Road, Robertsham, Johannesburg. Amended and Redistribution; Thora Edna torbeck, (Johannesburg).. -idney uchard, Johannesburg. 7808j76-JACOBON, Harry, , c/o Clar-Roc Hotel, oper Road, Berea, Johannesburg (Johannesburg). Barc1ays Nadonal Bank, Johannesburg. 919{74-HETHERINGTON, Christopher, , 20 Mavis treet, Triomf, upplementary (Johannesburg).-Langstaffe, Bird & Company, Johannesburg. 5424J76/C-RYMER, Henry Vietor, , 401 Afriea House, Rissik treet, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).-Langstaffe, Bird & Company, Johannesburg ;74/A-TUCKI, Franciscus Gerhardus, , 5 Way treet, Northmead. Benoni; Elizabeth Anna Gertruida tucki, (Johannesburg).-Raphaely Weiner Rosin & Treisman, Johannesburg RENHAW, John Henry William, W, 216 D. F. Malan Drive, Rissidale (Johannesburg North).-Metboard, Johannesburg. I HIRLEY, Violet Ann, W; Bramley Old Aged Home, Bramley (Johannesburg).-Bowman Gilfillan '" Blacklock, Johannesburg. 3775f76-MACAKILL, Frederika Wilhelm Weyer, , Plot 307, Boundry Road, North Riding, Randburg (Randburg).--8anek Board of Exeeutors, Marshalltown ARONOWITZ, arah, %W, 53 La Crete, corner of Quartz and Bruce treets, Hillbrow, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).-Wertheim Becker, Johannesburg. 174l/1938/42-COHEN, Wulf, Johannesburg, econd and Final (Johannesburg).-Levitt Kirson Gross & Co., ~ Johannesburg DE VO, Petrus tefanus, , 2a immonds treet, Extension, elby, Johannesburg; Myrtile de Vos, born Mey (Johannesburg).-Barclays National Bank, Johannesburg, NIEMAN, Willem Jacobus, , Alitrahof 5, Burgerstraat 283, Pretoria-Noord, Eerste.-Transvaal Ekseku teurskamer, Pretoria. 2946J75-ERAMU, Gerhardus Petrus Johannes, , Fransinastraat 138, Elo.ffsdal, Pretoria; Jakoba Petronella Aletta Catharina Erasmus.-Transvaal Eksekuteurskamer, Pretoria. 4034J76-CHAFFNER, Heinrich Albert Emil (Henry Albert Ernest), ; , 88 Ernest Road, Kensington, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).-Barclays National Bank, Johannesburg. 2793J75-HOWARTH, David Arnold. Bertha Pencharz, Johannesburg. 2475/75/C-MANN, Joseph Morris, W, widower, 31 \Vinterhoek, eorner of Kenmere and Francis treets, Yeoville (Johannesburg).-D. R. waren, Johannesburg. 9583f74-TRAUB, Nat Norman, Amended Distribution (Johannesburg).-Gordon Michalson & Nathan ilver, Johannesburg J74-PEEN, Eugene, witzerland, First (Johannesburg). -Edward Nathan., Friedland, Mansell & Lewis, Johannesburg f75-williamon, William Blyth, , 7 Cindywood, Main Road, andown, andton (Randburg).-Bell, Dewar & Hall, Marshalltown. 6393f76/C-CHULBERG, Max, 968f029606, Witwatersrand Jewish Aged Home, Georges Avenue, andringham ~ (Johannes burg).-a. W. Katzen & Katzen, Johannesburg GROMANN, Georg Willi, , 18 Eliana Court, Paterson Road, Norwood, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).-Daleski & Edelstein, Johannesburg DAMANT, Jessie Beatrice. Damant, Bostock & Company, Johannesburg /75-POLLICUrfE, Harold Hector Alfred, W, 17 Cosmos Avenue, Linden, Johannesburg (Johannesburg). -Bredell & Murray, Johannesburg. NATAL At the office of the Master, PIETERMARI1ZBURQ, and also "'f the magistrate of the district when stated in parentbeses. By die kantoor van die Meester, PIETERMARITZBURG, en DOk van die landdros van die distrik wanneer dit tussell hakies gemeld word, 2424f76-VON KLEMPERER, ophie, , Droxford, Kitchener Road, Pietennaritzburg.-C. Nathan, Beattie '" Company, Pietermaritzburg.

120 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February No. GOVERNMENT GAZETrB,, NOVEMBER j76--BOHOFF, Johannes Jacobus, , 244 West treet, Pietermaritzburg, Third.-The Trust Bank of Africa, Durban. 3449/16--LILLY. Iris Beryl, , 1 Dashwood Place, Pinetown; John Harston Lilly (Pinetown). -The Trust Bank, Durban. 1365/16-PEDLEY. Constance Thora, , 4 Roan Court, Manning treet, Manaba Beach; Alfred pencer Pedley (Port hepstone).-the tandard Bank, Pietermaritzburg. 1853/76-MAON, Beatrice Isobel, W 3 Pitlochry, 152 Loop treet, Pietermaritzburg.-G. W. Boyes, Pietermaritz burg /16/4B-BAYLI, Bertram, , 6 Ayliffe Road, unnyside, Pietermaritzburg.-haw & Co., Pietermaritzburg. 3726f74-NEL, Nelson, , Birkettweg 90, Pieter maritzburg.-pierre Odendaal & Kie., Pietermaritwurg. 436/73-PARBHOO, Becher (Bechar), 800/463350A, Amended (Newcastle).-Anderson & Edmonds, Newcastle. 2653/76--LERWICK, Oscar, W, 3 Killarney, Killarney Terrace, Pietermaritzburg.-D. V. Holmes, Pietermaritzburg. 1797/15-GRANT, Elizabeth Mary, , 45 Farqu har Road, Ladysmith (Ladysmith).-Goodrickes, Durban /16--MAHARAJ. Ramrutchi, , 17 Azalea treet, Grey town; Ramdeyi Maharaj, (Greytown).-Nel & tevens, Greytown. 2216/76--THOMPON, Albert Hugh , 4 Melbourne Avenue, Pietermaritzburg; Lilian Rose Thompson, Tatham. Wilkes & Company, Pietermaritzburg. 4699/72-ALLIDIN, Karonisa, , Mooi River (Mooi River).-Bale, Greene & Morcom, Pietermaritzburg. 1841/76-KHADAROO, Hariparsad , Bosch Hoek Farm, P.O. Box I, Balgowan; Rookmeni Khadaroo (Howick).-R. Tomlinson, Francis & Company, Pietermaritwurg. 3246f76/3C-FARRELL. Clarissa Emily, , Acacia Road, Margate (Port hepstone).-kent & Kent. Margate f76--nell, William Roland Edgar W, 45 Berg treet, Pietermaritzburg; Mabel Johanna neh, O~ -The tandard Bank. Pietermaritzburg. 1385/76--HENDRIKZ, Thelma Noyle Irene, 191 Alexandra R.oad, Pietermaritzburg.-8mythe & Company, Pietermaritzburg. 5194f73-QUINTON, Alan Robert, 33It26269W, Milner Gardens Hotel, Marriott Road, Durban, upplementary (Durban). Goodrickes, Durban. 852/76--DOUGLA, Richard tewart, 210/ W, 9 Umkomaas Avenue, Ncandupark, Newcastle (NewcastJe).-Bank of Johannesburg, Pretoria~ 2002/16-GLUTZ-WILON (Gultz-Wilson) Ethel, W, Tafta House, Prince treet, Durban, Amended and Redrawn First and Final (Durban).-McClung, Goudge & Mustard, Pinetown. 1487/76--GREENE, Eric James, Ridge Road, Durban (Durban).-Bale Greene & Morcom, Pieterrnaritzburg. 2662/68/lC-LARKAN, Rhoda May, , 4 Leeds Crescent, Pinetown, upplementary First and Final (Durban). Trevor Rogers &. Partners, Port hepstone. 3]46j75-REDDY (Bynapudi Pydammah), Pydamrnah, , widow, 9 Deccan Road, Raisethorpe, Pietermaritzburg. Leslie Weinberg & Co., Pietermaritzburg. 956/73-KHUMALO, Moka, , Farm Tintern A, Estcourt (Estcourt).-Lombard & Kitshoff. Estcourt. 2887/76--HAMER, Arthur Edward Handel, Park Rynie (cottburgh).-the tandard Bank, Pietermaritzburi 2426/75-HUTTLEWORTH, Ernest Joseph, , ]9 hepstone treet, Eshowe, Zululand; Ada Margaret huttle-' wofi!:h, born wanepoel, (Eshowe).-T. G. Juul, Eshowe. 3454/76--GOUGH, Wilfred, W, 8 Cottingham Mable Rood, Durban; Ivy Olivia Gough, born Massey i 0003/00/8 (Durban).-Barclays National Bank, Durban. ' 2539/76--DHANNIRAM, Rajkumar, 800/332982A. 164 Myhill Road, ea Cow Lake, Durban; Bhasmathee, 800/450147A (Durban).-Geo. ingh & Co., Durban. 4313f75/2B-KENTON, Alfred Ernest, ; 64 Assembly Road, Bluff, Durban (Durban).-Wadley, Wood & Bonella, Durban. 1688/76--GET, Theresa Mary Elizabeth, W, Nazareth House, outh Ridge Road, Durban (Durban).-tanley John Gets, Johannesburg. 1226/76-LAWON, Harry, , Hillcrest Hospital, Hillorest (Pinetown).-Millar & Reardon, Durban. 4603/75-VERGARI, Olido, /5008/108. Amersham Heights, BaII?-boo Lane, Pinetown, upplementary (Pinetown). Barclays NatIOnal Bank, Durban. 960/61-PERUMAL, Park Rynie, Amended; Muniyamma (cottburgh).-livingston, Doull & Winterton, Durban. 424f76/2A-CLEVERLEY. Herbert Norman. 424/76/2A, Musgrave Nursing Home, Durban, First (Durban).-The tandard Bank, Durban. 3780/75-PATLEY, Leslie Henry, Parkview Hotel, Gillespie treet, Durban, econd and Final (Durban).-The tandard Bank, Durban. 2501/76-BECKER, John Clarence, QO..7, 1 Amleigh, Victoria Embankment. Durban (Durban).-The tandard Bank, Durban MOTERT, Elizabeth cobie, , 61 Avonmoore Centre, Avonmoore Road, Durban (Durban),-The tandard Bank, Durban /76-WILON, Louis Augustus, W, 25 Centenary Home, Bartle Road, Durban (Durban).-Thorpe & Hands, Durban. 4404/75/2A-8EETHAL, ylvia Freda, A, 10 View treet, Desainagar, Tongaat;. M. eethal, A (Verulam).-J. Kissoon ingh & Co., Durban. 3915/76--BELL, Wilfred, , 4 Ashdown Court. 6/8 Cleveland Place, Durban; Olga Anna Letitia Bell, born Rieper, (Durban).-antam Bank, Durban. 3247/75-CHOHAN, Mahomed Moosa, 800/349464, tanger (tanger).-ham & Company, Durban. 3789/75-JANE VANRENBURG, Erasmus Petrus Gabriel, , 35 Cowey Road, Essenwood, Durban; Anna Magretha Janse van Rensburg (Durban).-ecurity Executor and Trust Company, Durban. 4647f75-ADAM, Hilda, W, 68 t Moritz, John Milne Road, Durban (Durban).-ecurity Executor and Trust Company, Durban. 266 {76--ANDERON. Charles Rattray, , 177 Jan Hofmeyr Road, Westv.nIe (Durban).-yfrets Trust and Executor, Durban. 1()()(jf76--MORGAN, Lutchnianna, A, 28 Daintree Avenue, ydenham, Durban; Muniammal, A (Durban). -W. B. Thomas & Co., Durban. 2953f76--TIER, Eric John, 3' , 42 Moth Cottages, Bartle Road,Durban;.Jane Fleming Harkness (Durban).-Marcus Lewis & on, Durban. 3286/76--DUNN, Robert Wilfred, C, 63 Drake Flats, Austerville, Wentworth, Durban (Durban).-8yfrets Trust and Executor, Durban. 2954/76--TIER, Jane Fleming Harkness, 42 Moth Cottages, Bartle Road Durban (Durban).-Marcll~ l.ewis & on, Durban. 2516!76-LACE, Ellen Caroline, , 42 Hoylake Drive 'Durban North (Durban).-The tandard Bank, Durban. 3256/76--ROBINON, Bertha Josephine, , 30 tamford Court. 270 tamford Hill Road. Durban; John Henry Robinson, (Duriban).-The tandard Bank, Durban. 711 f76-mahalingam, , Road 914, House 2, Ch;ltsW<Jrth; Anjalay Devi C'1lOvender, (Durban). Brett. Wills, Chapman, Dyer &. Partners, Durban. 2712/76-TOMICH, Anth<Jny, eventh treet, Hillary Durban (Durban).-The tandard Bank, Durban EARL.Mabel Emma, , 72 Moncrif'ff. 106 Berea Rood, Durban (Durban).-Bardays National Bank. Dnrban /76--FREDERIKEN, Harold Bertram, , Tafta H{>use, 15 Prince treet,durban (Durban).-tocken & McClean, Durban. 80f76-GBRRARD, John Harold Bertram, , 46 elbourne Road, Umbik>, Durban (Durban).-Livingston. & Winterton, Durban. ]496f76--KLEYN, Gabriel Gerhard , 36 Manning Road, Glenwood, Durban (Durban).-The tandard Bank, Durban. 167/74-DURGAPERAD (Maharaih), A. 22 Bikaner Road, Merebank, Dul'ban; Leelavathey Maharajh, A (Dtirban).-A Leslie Leon & Wilson. Durban. 3448f76/4-KERR. Juhn Watson McCubbin, , 804 Marine Towers, ol Harris Cr~cent, Durban: Mary Elizabeth Kerr (Durban).-J. H. Nioo\90n tiller & Gcshen, Durban. 2617/76-MARIMUTHU. 800/436557A. 142 Tomango R,oad, Merebank, Durban: Kanniamah Marimuthu (Durban).-M. C. Moodliar & Basil Chocklingum, Durban. 2703/76--LINDAY, Gordon Tail, , 133 Dunville Road, Bluff, Durban (Durban).-Mooney Ford & Partners, Durban. 5314/75-MARIAMMAH, 800/350419A, Lot 16, tanger; Moonusamy, 800/403455A (tanger).-pat Naidoo & Co., tanger. 4856(76-MARITZ, Keith Ivan , 20 Lansdowne Crescent, Durban North; Dorothy Jean Maritz, (Durban).-Jo'hn Hudson & Company, Durban. 74/76/3C-BRA:DNICK. Albert Edward, 15 hepstone AV'C-' nue, Eshowe (Eshowe).-Livingston, Doull & Wintertcn, Durban. J91 /75-VADIVELU (M. V. Pillay), A, 87 DayaJ Road, Clairwood, Durban; Patchamma (Durban).-R. Jackson & Ce., Durban.

121 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 TAATKOERANT; -:5 NOVEMBER 1976 No. ' I2t 3118/76/4A-sn:,;VETJ.:J,R, Judith usara, , 124 Ninth Avenue, IDU:rban (Durban).-Brett, Wills, Chapman, Dyer. & Partners, Durban. 1969/74:-;-TOMLINON,. Phyllis Mildred, 264/010668W, 22 Naude Crescent, Pinetown (Pinetown).-Macrae Bath & Partners, Pinetown..' 3040/75-BROWiN, Alfred Gilbert, ~1 W, 8 Princess Drive, Highlands, alisbury, Rhodesia, econd and Final (Durban) -yfrets Trust and Executor, Durban. 2124/76--:-AAYMAN, 'Thomas Cornelius, W, 4 Hagan Court, Umbilo Road, Durban; Edith James aayman, (Durban).-Browne, Brodie & Co., Durban. 3482/76-DEACON, Alice, /W, 9 Carisford, 434 Windermere Road, Durban (Duroon).-Browne, Brodie & Co., Durban. 2648/76-DALZIEL,.John Anderson, W, 905 Grosvenor Court, nell Parade, DUfban; Jane.Paterson Dalziel, W (Durban).-BarcJays National Bank; Durban. 3747/75-FALCONER, Hector, ,15 Madeleine Drive, Gillitts (Pinetown).-M. R, A. McElligott, Durban. 5229f75--:-:BAKER, Albert Melville, G.W., 4 Pemberton Road, Montclair, Durban; Ethel' Maud Baker, (Durban).-Biebuyck & Company, Durban. 1572/68/1-BEE, Kadir, 37144/ , 55 Dromore Road, Durban (Durban).-Clarkson & Driver, Durban. 2034/76-JACOB, Pieter Daniel, , Chari Malanweg 20, Durban; Johanna Isabella Catharina Jacobs, (Durban).-Barclays National Bank, Durban. 1610/76-REE, Douglas, W, Imperial Hotel Pinetown; heila ReesjPinetown).-Barclays National Bank, Durban. 2443/73-JENKIN, Humphrey William Owen, bachelor, Little Chart, Broad Oak, Brede NR Rye, ussex, England (Durban).-hepstone & Wylie, Durilan. 2147/76-LINDEMANN, Martha Littlewood, , 11. Palm Grove, Overport, Durban; William Charles Lindemann, fdurban).-biebuyck & Company, Durban /2C-McADAM, Thomas Reuben, , 56 Bulwer treet, Dundee (Dundee).-Bardays NatIonal Bank, Pietermaritzburg. 2627/76-ADAM, Mary Gabriel, W, ViHa AllUmpta, 55 Tanner Road, Pietermaritzburg. BarclaY8 National Bank,Pietermaritzburg. 3773/76-BULCOCK, Ern~t Albert, W, Estcourt; Alice Amy Bulcock, W (Estcourt).-Barc1ays National Bank, Pietermaritzburg KILPATRICK, Annie, , Hibiscus Home Margate, Redi~bution Agreement (Port hepstone).-eriksso~ & McConnell, Potr hepstone. 485 /74-COROr:rDIMA~,. ta.vroula, W, Imperial Hotel, Empangem, Redlstnbutlon Agreement (Empangeni). Arthurt Hopewell & Comp:my, Durban. 4282/67/1-DA, Bhagwan, 800/ A, 189 Moorewood RIOad, Clare Estate, DUroon, Amended First and Final (Durban). Lionel Meskin & Levy, Durban f76-lambon, Agnes Jane, AIlemaml Court, Main treet, Howick; tanley Claud (Claude) Larnbon (Howick).-Lister &L~ter, Howick /4A-MACGlLLIVRAY, Ivy Marie Alice , wido~, 15 Chartwell. 37 Ridge Rod, Durban (Durban). -Henwood,Bntter & Caney, Durban /76-~LEWETT, Beatri-~, , 34 Alpha Road, UmbIlo, Durban (Duroon).-Barclays National Bank Durban. ' 5497/75-PATHER, Virthachalam, , 405 Goodhope Centre, Queen treet, Durban; amsvathie Ananad Naidoo (Durban).-Gafoor, uleman & Partners. Durban..1048/76-EWPHERHAD (ewpershad Ragan!\la~h. 1043/76, 117 Wandsbeck Road, Clare Estate. Lyne & Collins, Durban. 1696I?6-CHM.IDT, Ronald G{)rdon, , 9 Gilchrist Place, Pmetown (Pmetown).-The tandard Bank, Durban /75-;-MARIAMAH, 800/476177A, 72 Eagle Drive, FlamIngo.Helghts, Tongaat; Munsamy, 800/477908A (Verulam). Pat Naldoo & Company, tanger f75-KEMP, Christine Elizabeth, , 51 Piedmont Road, Durban (Durban). 28q8f75-TRlITHE~, Mary Hay W, Glamis Nur:sIng Home, Flonda Road.. Durban. (Durban).-Barclays National Bank, Durban. 2?41 /76-MA~LEOD, John inclair (George), , 211 ArlIngton, Manne Parade, Durban (Durban).-Brett, Wills, Chapman, Dyer & Partners, Durban. 182/76-DAWOOD,EOP (Ebrahim) Fatima (Fathima) 800 ~ 729, Tinley Manor (tanger).-a. M. Omar & Co. ' alt RIver..2637/69/4A-<JANGAT, Ismail :&sop, A, 5 Alberts Ville Road, Port hepstone; econd upplementary.-port hepstone).--yfrets Trust and Executor, Durban... 5)63174/2B-MUTHAMAL, 8oo/261560A, 230 Me.mbrey ROlm, Clare Estate, Durban, Amended Fitstand Fmat (Durban)~ Lyne & Collins, Durban. 143Of76-MATHEON, Gladys Annie, W, 12 Fairview, Buckingham Avenue, Pietermaritzburg, Kenneth Alexander Matheson (East London).-Barclays National Balik, Pietermaritzburg. ORANGE FREE TATE... ORANJE-VRYTAAT At the office of the Master, BLOEMFONTEIN, and also of the magistrate of the district when stated in parentheses. By die kantoor van die Meester, BLOEMFONTEIN, en ook van die landdros van die distrik wanneer dit tussen hakies gemeld word /65-KEEVE, Johanna tephina Hendrina, , Huis Maranata, BothaviIIe (Bothaville).-G. P. Nieuwoudt Loubser & Cillie LE ROUX, Catharirra Elizabeth, W, Rossouw, Wesselsbron (Wesse!sbron).-Coetzer, Pretorius & De Beer, Wesselsbron f75-HERB, Hubert, W, Ninth Road, Industria, Kroonstad (Kroonstad).-Gersohn, Paola & Brits, Kroonstad TYLCOAT, Claude Frederick James, , 16 Warden treet, Noordhoek, Bloemfontein;. Anna Jaooba Petronella Tylooa.'t, bom mtt, Rorich & Part ners, Viljoenskroon NEL, Emerentia Fredrika, W, President teyntehuis, Odendaalsrus (Wesselsbron).-Coetzer, Pretorius &. De Beer, Wesselsbron KOTZE, Francina Catharine (Catharina), , Olievenberg 563, distdk Bloemfontein.-Donald Murray & Kie., Bloemfomein. 1468f76-MULLER, Albertus Johannes, , tillerus, Harrismitb; Andrina Petronella Muller, gebore Moolman, (Harrismith).-ochse & Van Rensburg,.Wepener. 1550f75/B-ROBERT, Dennis, Bloekomlaan 20, Meyerhof, Bothaville (Bothaville).-Louw & Roode, ~haville VAN NIEKERK, Alida usanna Elizabeth, gebore Van Vuuren, , Voortrekkerstraat,31, Hoopstad (Hoopstad).-Jac. N. Coetzer, Hoopstad ~LE R0UX, Jacobus William, , Reitzstraat 43, Vilioenskroon; Johanna Cecilia Ie Roux, gebore Van Deventer, (Viljoenskroon).-Meyer & Botha., Viljoenskroon. 1723f76-VAN COLLER, Bertha Wilhelmina, geborematthee, I, Oudekraal, distrik Pary.s; Andries Lukas van Coller, (Parys).-De Villiers & JOYDt, P,arys. 2102f7-:-LAN, Bernardus Johannes, Vanriebeeckhof I, Bloemfontein, Berste en Finale en die upplementere tot die Eerste en Finale; Hester Maria Laoo.-Naude & Naude, Bloemfontein. 2215f75-BOTHA, Jac()bus Petru6, , M~oimeisiesfontein, distrik Vrede; Barbara Isabella Bot'ha gebore Kriel, W (Vrede).-Naude, Thompson & D~, Bruyn, Kroonstad. 704 f76-kotzf!., A'llIlQ. usan, voofheen Groenew3ld, voorheen Naude, gebore Olivier, , ederoofouetehuis, Bethlehem (Bethlehem).-Lud\vig Diener, Van der Wait & pies,. Bethlehem REYNEKE, Hendrik Jacobus, W, Jatnie~, distrik Vredefort; Machtheldt usanna Reyneke, gebore Du TOlt (Vredefort).-Volkskas. Bloemfontein.. 562/76-5KINNER, -Henry Jo-hn, , President Krugerstraat 15, Paeys; sedertdien oorlede usanna Maria inner, gebore Lie\>enberg, W (Parys).-Volkskas, Bloemfontein f76-janen VAN RENBURG, David Benjamin , Goddard Heights 701, Goddardstraat, Bioomfontein;. usanna Catbarina Jansen van Rensburg, gebore Kasselman, Vol'kskas, Bloemfontein /76-ROUX, Doretta, gebore BrUmmer , Fcrdinandstraat 59, Bedelia, WeIkom (Welkom).-Volkska~, Bloemfontein /76-MEYBURGH, Daniel Jahannes, Vredestraat 43. VilIiers; Hester J.acoba Meyburgh, gebore truwig' (Villiers).-Zietsmans, VilIiers. ' 1l01/76/C-HELM, Chdstoffel Alwyn Gerhardus , Hertzogville; Elsie Johanna Helm, gebore Du Toit, (Hertrogville).-C. R L. Louw, HertzogviUei 572/76-KUHN, Hester Anna Francina, Jagersfontein (Jagersfontein).-Ross & Ceronio-, Ja:ger.sfontein: VAN DER WETHUlZBN, imon Johannes, , Kerkstraat 14, Vrooe (Vrede).-De Waal & Van Rooyen, Vrede. 1342f76-DICK, Herman Christoff, , 154 MercuHo treet, Welkom; Everad (Everard) May Dick, bom Venter (Welkom).-Claude Reid, Markram & Hayl~ Welkom.

122 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February No. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 5 NOVEMBER /76-MEYER, A}bertha Margaretha, , mutshaven 104, Zastronstraat, Bloemfontein.-Boland Bank, Bloemfontein. 477 /76-AMBROZIO, Antonio Pereira, , 32 Thos Leith treet, Wilgehof, moemfontein: Amelia Jesus Texeira Ambrozio. 1502/75-VAN HEERDEN, Rosetta Matilda gebore Hendrikz, , Kampstraat 21, Trornpsburg; Johannes Hendrik van Heerden, W (frompsburg).-malherbe & eun, Trompsburg. 1238/76-WARD, ina Margaretha, gebore Du Bruyn, , Halifax, Brandfort (Brandfort).-Hendrikz & De Vletter, Brandfort. 417/76-DU PREEZ. Jan George, W, Marte!hof 101, Andries Pretoriusstraat, Bloemfontein.-CoJin Kenneth Hickling. Bloemfontein. 1750/76-VAN ROOYEN, Paul J.ohannes Prinsloo, , Davelstraat 28, Reitz (Reitz).--Bloernfontein Eksekuteurskamer en Trustmaatskappy Bpk., Bloemfontein. 662/76-JANE VAN RENBURG, Marthinus Johannes , Vrooc, Ventersburg: Rachel Janse van Rensburg, gebore. Du Toit, (Ventersburg).-choltz & De Wet, Ventersburg. 1060/76-VAN DER WALT, Aletta Catharina, voorheen Mentz, voorheen Koen, gebore Pieterse, , Naauwpoort (Vrede).-Louis du Randt & Kie., Vrede. 2213/?5-VENTER, Johannes Christiaan, I, VanderiIngenstraat 14, Vrede (Vrede).-Louis du Randt & Kie., Vrede. 1127/76-COETZEE, Dirk Jacobus Gert, W Port Wellington, distrik Hoopstad: usanna Magdalena Catharina Coe!zee, gebore Herbst, W (Hoopstad).-Barclays NaslOnale Bank. Pretoria J76-PIEN:"'AR, Maria Elizabeth, , Paten. tie, Verkeerdevlel; Alwyn Jacobus Pienaar, (Excelsior).-teyl Wessels & Kie., Excelsior. 1663/69-BA~NARD, Anna ophia, gebore Le Roux, Buys 28, Theumssen, Eerste upplement ere tot die Eerste en Fmale; Johannes Hendrik Barnard, W (fheunissen). Naude & Naude. Bloemfontein. 348/76-DU PLOOY, Petrus Johannes Jacobus, , Klippan, distrik Boshof; Hendrina Cecilia du Plooy, gebore Vorster, (Boshof).-C. G. Marais & Kie., Boshof. 959/76-ERFONTEIN, Anna Maria Magdalena Catherina, W, Huis Westerson, enekal (enekal).-n. O. Oelofse & Crouse, enekal. 2367/75-DU TOIT, Abel Jacobus, W, President Reitzlaan 149, Bloemfontein; Catharina Wilhelmina Levina du Toit, W.-Nedbank, Pretoria. 111lf76-MlT, Elizabeth Maria, Koppie 2 pitskop, Bloemfontein.-Nedbank, Pretoria. ' 407/76-DU TOIT, iebert Jacobus, Blesbokstraat 54 Allanridge; Aletta Catharina du Toit, gebore Mynhardt W (Odendaalsrus).-Die tandard Bank, Bloemfontein. 434/76-VORTER, Elise Magdalena, gebore Marais, , Vanendstraat 12d, Parys (parys).-die tandard Bank Bloemfontein. ' 1749/75-BOTHA, Petrus Johannes, , Driefontein, Paul Roux, Eerste (Paul Roux).-Peacb & Du Preez, Bethlehem. 2232/75-JANEN, amuel Zacharias Leonardus, , Boerstraat 22. enekal; Maria Elizabeth Jansen, gebore De 8ruyn (enekal}.-p. J. de Wet & Watson, enekai. NORTHERN CAPE - NOORD KAAP At the office of the Master, KIMBERLEY, and also of the magistrate of the district when stated in parentheses. By die kant()or van die Meester, KIMBERLEY, en ook van die landdros van die distrik \Vanneer dit tussen hakies gemeld word. 146f76-KOOREN, arel Willem, W, tellastraat 181, Vryburg; Ellina ophia Catharina Koorsen, gebore wanepoel (Vryburg).-Du Plessis, Vi viers & Kie., Vryburg.. 12~f76-ERAMU, Anna Francina, W, Unity, dlstnk Vryburg (Vryburg).-Du Plessis, Viviers & Kie., Vry. burg. 877/74-FJ?RGUON, Martha Aletta, voorheen Herholdt, gebore Nortje, , Palvieweg9, Weseinde, Kimberley.-Roux, Welgemoed & choeman, Kimberley. 662/75-DU TOIT, Willem chalk Burger, etiaarsrus, distrik qordonia; Willa Jacoba du Toit, gebore Kotze: (Upmgton).-Malan & Vennote, Upmgton_ 5~0/76-COLEMAN, William Ronald, /5019/00/3, KleIn treet, Warrenton (Hartswater).-The tandard Bank, Kim. berley; 730/76-WILLI, Charles Richard, W, 22 Mathews treet, Kimberley; Lilian Maud Willis, born Poulton.-Hertog, Moult, Hom, Kriel & Co., Kimberley. 708/76-DU TOrr, James Jacobus, , 12 Gunning treet, Kimberley; Lorraine Eileen du Toit, born Wood, Hertog, Moult, Hom, Kriel &. Co Kiinberley. 518j74-BRAND, Adriaan Jacobus, W, esbrue. AfdeJing Gordonia (Upington).--Malan & Vennote, Upington~ 513j76-FOURIE, Jacobus Petrus, , pta Hoer Tegniese- en liandelskool, Upington (Upington).-Volkskas, Kimberley. 505/76-LOUW, John Powell, , Karos, oor Upington; usara Magrietha ophia Louw, gebore Jansen van Vuuren, (Upington).-Malan & Vennote, Upington. 275/76-DOMAN, toffelina Jaeoba, , Huis tiile.rwee 3, Meyerstraat, Kimberley.-T. A. T. Theron, Kimberley. 643/74B-VAN ROOYEN, Hendrik, Huis 161, Brandboom (Groblershoop).-J. H. Maritz, Groblershoop. 142/76B-TALIAARD, Petrus Amoldus, , Winterhoek, trydenburg; Aletta Margaretha Taljaard, gebore Harrnse (Hopetown).-Joseph & Van Rensburg, De Aar. 110/75jA-BURGER, Barend Frederik, , Middelerf, Kenhardt (Kenhardt).-Boland Bank, Upington. 323/76-HITCHMAN, May Matilda (Matilda May), W, 2a Dalham Road. K inlberley (Kimberley).-BarcIays Nasionale Bank, Bloemfontein. 571 /76-KIDON, Lionel John, , I Lauder treet, Belgravia, Kimberley.-tandard, Kimberley. 203/16-VAN NIEKERK, Izak Jacobus Marthinus, , poorweghuis 25, Prieska; Aletta ophia van Niekerk., gebore De Koker, (Prieska).-tandard Bank, Kimberley ENLIN, David Gerhardus Francois, , Iagersfontein; Johanna Elizabeth Enslin, gebore Bosman (Jagersfontein).-tandard Bank, Kimberley. EATERN CAPE - OO-KAAP At the office of the Master, GRAHAMTOWN, and also of the magistrate of the district when stated in parentheses. By die kantoor van die Meester, GRAHAMTAD, en ook van die landdros van die distrik wanneer dit tussen hakies gemeld word. 1928/76-FERREIRA, CA)rneIius Johannes, , Bothastraat 19, Mount Pleasant, Port Elizabeth (port Elizabeth), -Delport & Delport, Port Elizabeth_ /2-TAYLOR, Barbara Annie cott, W, spinster, Ahrbeck treet, Maclear (Maclear).-J. R. Wade, Maclear. 903j76/1-LLOYD, Laura Louisa, W, 9 Lukin Road, elbome, East London (East London).-Barclays National Bank, East London, /3-BATTEON, Albert James, , Kilbride, District of Peddie (Peddie).-Barclays National Bank, East London, 1338/76/3-MARILLIER, Leander Francis Henri, t 00 2, 89 Livingstone Road, Queenstown (Queenstown).-BarcIays National Bank, East London, and Brian Edward Marillier, Johannesburg. 1419/76j3-MUIR, John Pienaar, 25 Foch Avenue, Queenstown (Queenstown).-Barclays National Bank, East London. 1220/76/2-DE KU\TER (De Kuijer), Florence Rhoda, , Queens Hotel, Currie treet, East London (East London).-Barclays National Bank, East London. 1334/76f2-FULLER, Reginald James, , 29 Frere Road, Vincent, East London (East London).-BarcIays National Bank, East London /I-COMLEY, Charlotte Elizabeth, gebore Aucamp, , Navarrcstraat 4, Burgersdorp; Jan Dirk Abraham Frans Comley, (Burgersdorp). Barclays-Nasionale Bank, Oos-Londen /3-VAN WYK, Hendrina Magdalena Maria Elizabeth Gertruida (Getruida), voorheen Venter, voorheen treso, gebore De Bruin, , Nerinahof, Dordrecht (Dordrecht). -Barclays-Nasionale Bank, Oos-Londen /2-PROCTOR, Robert John, , The Eden, 30 Ganteaume Crescent, East London (East London).-Barclays National Bank, East London. 2126/76/2-EBERHARDT, Matilda AUguste Wilhelmine Albertine, W, 48 Beulah Road, ummerpride, East London (East London).-BarcIays National Bank, East London. 923/76fl-COETZEE, Nicolaas Van der Meulen, , Markstraat 44, Adelaide (Adelaide).-Barclays-Nasionale Bank. Oos Londen. 2266/76/2-BOWDEN, Minnie Violet, W, 63 Harewood Drive, Nahoon Mouth, East London (East London). T. M. A. Gunlon, East London. 1937/76/3-HARVEY, Winifred Mary, 17 Haig Road, el... borne, East London (East London).

123 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 TAATKOERANT, NOVEMBER 1976 No /76/3-GERWEL. arah toffelene, born Berkatt, , widow, Alwingate, District of omerset East (omerset East).-&ott, tegmann & Farr, omerset East_ 1068/76/3-HANEN, Florence Marion, formerly Kilpatrick, born Howes, W, 24 Kintyre treet, Kabega Park, Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabeth).-Joubert, Galpin & earle, Port Elizabeth_ 856/76/2-THERON, , Jacksonstraat 23, Grahamstown (Port Elizabeth).-antam Barn,Port Elizabeth /75/2-MAHLAELA, Benjamin Ezra Nuttal, , 7a Orsmond treet, Grahamstown; Deborah Linda Mahlasela, born Mvambo, Wheeldon, Rushmere & Cole, Grahamstown. 2944j70/2B-LLOYD, Christian Arnoldus Cornelius, W, East London, Amended First and Final; Catbarina Johanna Maria Uoyd, born Karsten (East London).-J. A. Yazbek & Co., East London. 2468/76/3B-FOURIE, Roelof Jacobus, , Vyfde Laan 11, Newton Park. Port Elizabeth (port Elizabeth).-anek Eksekuteurskamer, Port Elizabeth. 1652/76j2C-BELING, Ronald Henry, , Loyolalandgoed, Addo; Veronica Annette Beling, (Kirkwood).-Borman & Canter, Kirkwood. 2129/76/3-FOXCROFT, idney Gordon Baileystraat 7a, Port Elizabeth; Aletta Elizabeth Foxcroft (Port Elizabeth).-antam Bank, Port Elizabeth. 364/76/2C-sDKUTU, tephen Walter, , 28 and 30 Ntshinga treet, New Brighton, Port Elizabeth; Jeanette okutu, formerly Gwedashe, born ixaso, (Port Elizabeth). -Ian ogoni & Mankahla, Port Elizabeth. 1764/76/2-CLUR, Hulda Mathilda, born Bartel, , 24 t Davids Road, East London (East London).-East London Estates (Pty) Ltd, East London. 683/76/1-THOMON, Frederick John (Thompson) W, Portdene Residensia, Port Elizabeth (Port EIi~beth). The tandard Bank, Port Elizabeth. 2858j74/3-DE VILLIER, eptimus Van Dyk, , anddrif,.noupoort, Tweede en Finale (Noupoort).-G. J. Opperman & Kie., Noupoort. 937/75-VERMAAK, Cornelius Paulus, 37 Whyteleafe Drive Algoa Park, Port Elizabeth; Charlotte Vermaak born Dexte; (Port Elizabeth).-Olivier & Alberts, Port Elizabeth: 2207/76/3C-DU TOIT, Violet Florence, , 87 Rhodes treet, East London; Gabriel tephanus Phillipus du Toit (East London).-J. A. Yazbek & Co., East Lo~don. 1199/76j3-MULLER, Benjamin Cornelius, Greystraat 43, Queenstown; Philippina Johanna Muller geb()r~ Lotz (Queenstown).-Malan & Chisholm, Queenstown. ' 1253/76fl-WOODHEAD, Margaret Elizabeth, W 12 ~ir~lip Avenue, Linkside, Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabethi -FIdehty Bank and Trust Co., Port Elizabeth. 1162/76/2-HILL, Raymond Tebbutt, Lidney Di~trict of Alexandria (Alexandria).-The tandard B~k, Port Ehzabeth. 2880/75-BRA, Frederick Henry utton Buys~loof,.District of Alexandria (Port Eiizabeth).-pilk~ pilkm & Mlltz, Port Elizabeth.?148/15/3-BUY, Matilda, II Herbert treet Korsten Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabeth).-pilkin pilkin & Miltt, Po;t Elizabeth..538/76/3-~OOLMAN, Johannes Paulus, , Ultenhage; ~hzebeth Ann Mooiman, gebore Mitchell, (Ultenhage).-Acutt & Worthington, Dundee. 71l/76/1.-<;:ROU, Dirk Renier, , Buccaneers Retreat, DIstnct of East London; usanna Aletta Priscilla Crous, (East London).-Wakefield, Houzet & Burmeister East London. ' 1743-OLIVIER, Louis Adendolf, W pencerweg 7, Kensington, Port Elizabeth; Gertrude Amelia Olivier ge?ore Voogt (Port Elizabeth).-anek Eksekuteurskamer Port ElIzabeth. ' 2147/76-VI9TOR, Jacob Jacobus, , De Laan 106, Noupoort; LOUlsa Daniel Helena Victor gebore Du Preez W (Noupoort).-Die tandard Bank, Port Elizabeth. ' I096/76{2-FIN,LA'(ON, Winifred Mary, W, 268 Wal!ller. Road, Vlctona Park. Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabeth). -Fldellty Bank & Trust Co., Port Elizabeth /3-HAABROEK, Regina Catharina Magdalena W, Angieweg, Oos-Londen (Oos-Londen).-Volkskas' Port Ehzabeth. ' /1-RApEMEYER, Helena Louisa, poorweghuis 37 Kokstad; Fredenk Almero Martinus Rademeyer, vi (Kokstad).-M. A. Botha, omerset-oos. 526/59-PRINLOO, Lourens tephanus, Glen Milne Molteno, Verbeterde; Cecilia Johanna Prinsloo, gebore Hattingh (Molteno).-Hanekom & De Wet, Bnrgersdorp /1-KEIN, Catharina Fredericka, Covehalte, Oos-Londen (Oos-Londen).-C. W. Malal1 & Kie., Humansdorp. 1595/74/1-KOCK, Iris, W, Graaff-Reinet, econd and Final (Graaff-Reinet).-yrrets Trust and Executor, Port Elizabeth. 536/76j2-JULIU, John, K, Bloukoppiestraat 38, Arcadia, Port Elizabeth; Julia Jacomina Julius (Port Elizabeth). P. C. van taden Venter & Kie., Port Elizabeth. 1506/76/2-LATEGAN, Maria Jacoba, gebore Grobler, , Alettahof 7, Wembly Drive. East London (Oos-Londen). -yfrets Trust and Executor, Oos-Londen. 2048/76/3-LOMBARD, Johanna Wilhelmina, gebore Van der Merwe, , Cradockstraat, Bedford (Bedford). antam Dank. Cradock. 1660/76/2-THEUNIEN, Bernard Vernon, , 26 andvlei Road, Port Alfred (Port Alfred).-Barc1ays National Bank, Port Elizabeth. 1843/76/l-EPTEIN, Josiah, , 40 Bird treet, Central, Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabeth).-Barclays National Bank, Port Elizabeth. 2558/76/3C-MlTH. Eric Alexander McDonald, W, 13 Kildare Road, Ferguson Township, Port Elizabeth; Naomi Mary mith (Port Elizabeth).-Brown & Braude, Port Elizabeth. 2000/16/2-WYE, George Gordon tewart, , 12 Cavend ish Road, East London (East London).-Drake, Flemmer, Orsmond & Vermaak, East London. 1632/76/2C-BROOK, Gilbert Bernard, , 5 eaforth, 41 Currie treet, East London (East London).-J. A. Yazbek & Co., East London. 3198/75/3-DICK, Neville Victor, , Palmietfontein, Riebeek East, econd and Final.-Wheeldon, Rushmere & Cole, Grahamstown. 3183/72/1C-BETER, Paul Nicolaas Harmse, W, Greystraat 4, Aliwal-Noord; Elizabeth Johanna Bester, gebore trydom, (Aliwal-Noord).-Van Rooy & Van Rooy, Aliwal-Noord. 931j76/1-PIETEREN, Cornelius Jacobus, , Kellystraat 30, Noordeinde, Port Elizabeth (Port EIizabeth). Boland Bank, Uitenhage. 2586/75/2b-JACOB, Thelma Mary Amelia May, born Drier, , 10 Roseways, t Goerge's Road, outhernwood, East London. B. M. Jacobs, 110 ilver Waters, First Avenue, Florida, TvL 2503/76/1-BLEWElT, Thomas James, , 2 Monte Christo, Victoria Park. Port Elizabeth; Mabel Blewett, born Blewett (Port Elizabeth).-yfrets Trust and Executor. 1641j76/1-VAN WYK, Albertus Gerhardus, ' I, unningdaleoord 22, unnyridge, Oos-Londen (Oos-Londen). antam Bank, Oos-Londen. 1551/76/lB-VENTER, Josef Adriaan, /5005/00/4, wewenaar, John Vorsterrylaan 87, terkstroom (terkstroom). Alfred Froy, terkstroom. 869j76/3C-Mc PHERON, William (Willie), K, 27 Ryan treet, New Rest, Queenstown; Amended First and Final Rhoda Agnes Mc Pherson, K, (Queenstown).-E. A. Ensor, Queenstown. 228/73/3-WALTON, Annie, born Beaton, , 4 Arnold treet, Korsten, Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabeth).-Jack Levinthal & Bendelstein, Port Elizabeth., 485 j76/i-behr, Fanny (Faye) Gladys, born Kaplan, , Osner's Hotel, East London, First (East London). The Bax Partnership, East London 9()7/76/3-POOK, Hester Catherine, , 3 Donald Road, Vincent, East London; Edward John Pook (Oos-Londen). 2989/75-HOFFMAN, Valerie Mildred, , Hoffheim, Burgersdorp, Tweede en Finale (Burgersdorp).-The tandard Bank, Bloemfontein /I-CHMITT (chmidt), Paula Bertha, born Hoffman, W, Fairlands Home for the Aged, East London, econd (East London).-The tandard Bank, East London. 1581/76-POTGIETER, Johalmcs Casparus, , Killarney, Rocky Ridge, distrik Uitenhage; Jacomina Christina Potgieter, (Uitenhage).-Die tandard Bank, Port Elizabeth. 2561/76-WiLsON, Godfrey Allan, , 805 Cape Marina, Bude treet, ummerstrand, Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabeth).-The tandard Bank, Port Elizabeth /1-FERREIRA, Manuel, , 50 De mit treet, Young Park, Port Elizabeth; Amended. Maria Jose Ferreira, born D'Oliviera, , (Port Elizabeth). 2426f76j2-PUCHERT, Mary Charlotte, , tation treet, Koniga; August George Puchert, (Komga).-Parsons & Peter, Komga. 2008/76/3-HALL, Norman Guy, , Kei Mouth (Komga). -Parsons & Peter, Komga /3-LENTZ, lohanne Luise Marie, born Hill, , 38 Reserve Road, King William's Town (Ki,ng William's Town}.-quire mith & ljaurie, King William's Town.

124 > N402{76-IAAC, Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February No.328 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE;, 5 NOVEMBER /3-NEL, Daniel, , Hauptstraat 10, idwell, Port Eli'Zabeth; Johanna Elintbeth Aletta Nel, gebore Le Roux, (Port Elizabeth):"-'-Mev.L E. A. Nel, Port Elizabeth. 2532/76/2C-WALTON, Mable (Mabel), , 36 Market treet, Grahamstown.-Whceldon, Rushmere & Cole, Grahamstown. 2506/76/2C-PROPERJOHN, Maria Petronella Elizabeth, , 88 Buxton Avenue, Kensington, Port Elizabeth; Vivian 'George Properjohn (Port Elizabeth).-Brown & Braude, POlt Elizabeth. 2294/76-WEMMER, Philippus Cornelius, W, 35 Retief treet, Despatch (Uitenhage).-The tandard Bank, Port Elizabeth. 770/76/3-VAN DEN BERG, Nicholas Francois, , 58 Bourke treet, Graaff-Reinet (Graaff-Reinet).-yfrets Trust and Executor, Graaff-Reinet.. TRANKEIAN HIGH COURT TRANKEIE HOOGGEREGHOF At the office of the Master, UMTATA, and also of tho magistrate of the district when stated in parentheses. By die kantoor van die Meester, UMTATA, en ook van die landdros van die distrik wanneer dit tussen hakies gemeld word.. 43/75-JACOBEN, Denis Everitt, , Distnct of Debera, Engcobo, econd and Final (Engcobo).-Barclays National Bank, East London. OUTH-WET AFRICA - UIOWE-AFRIKA Ai the office of the Master, WINDHOEK, and also of the magistrate of the district when stated in parentheses. Bv die kantoor van die Meester, WINDHOEK, en ook van die landdros van die distrik. wanneer dit tussen hakies gemeld word. 158/16-FRANCI, David Henry, , Debeerswoonstelle 44, Windhoek; Alida Carolina Francis, gebore Van der Westhuizen, (Okahandja).-Mev. A. C. Francis, Ausspannplatz. 351 t76-pyper, Aletta Jacoba Magdalena, , Otjiwarongo (Ortjiwarongo).-Barclays-Nasionale Bank, Windhoek. 258/76-HELM, Karl Heinz, , Otjiwarongo (Otjiwarongo).-Barclays National Bank, Windhoek. 338j76-Btl"XMANN, George William, , Henties Bay (wakopmund).-darclays -Nasionale Bank, Windhoek. 402/76-MlTH, Hendrik Jacobus, , Gobabis; Maria Elintbeth Petronella mith (Gobagis).-Barclays-Nasionale Bank, Windhoek. 157/7~ALLOWAY, James, W. Pienaarstraat 8, Pionierspark, Windhoek; Elizabeth Katharina Galloway.-Die tandard Dank, Windhoek. 612f75-WIEE, Johanna Wilhelmina, Windhoek.-Die tandard Bank, Windhoek. 2BO/16-VAN ZYL, Johannes Jacobus Crestoffel, , plaas Moedhoop, distfik Gobabis; Hendrina Maria van Zyl (Gobabis).-Die tandard Bank, Windhoek.' 333j76-TEYN, Douw Gerbrand, Eerste traat, Okahandja; anetta Henriette teyn, gebore Meyer (Okahandja).-Doland Bank, Windhoek. 222!75-RHODE, Barend Carl, Oostetheim, Aroab (Keetmanshoop).-J. A. BOlma, Keetmanihoop. 563/75-LOUREN,Petrus Gerhardus , plaas Brackwasser, distrik Bethanie (Bethanie).-Die tandard Bank, Windhoek. Form/Vorm J 28 INOLVENCY ACT AND COMPANIE ACT NOTICE INOLVENIEWET- EN MAATKAPPYWETTE-KENNIGEWING ETATE OR COMPANIE EQUETRATED OR WOUND UP PROVIIONALLY Pursuant to section 17 (4) of the Insolvency Act, 1936, and section 356 (1) of the Companies Act, 1973, notice is hereby given by tho Masters of the upreme Court that the estates or companies mentioned below have been sequestrated or wound up provisionally by order of the said Court. The particulars are given in the following order: Number of estate/company; name and description of estate/company; dale upon which and division of court by which order made and upon the application of. BOEDEL OF MAATKAPPYE WAT VOORLOOPIG GEEKWETREER OF GELlKWIDEER I Ingevolge artikel 17 (4) van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, en artikel 356 (1) van die Maatskappywet, 1973, word hierby deur die Meesters van die Hooggeregshof kennis gegee dat die boedels of maatskappye hieronder venneld voorlopig op las van genoemde Hof gesekwestreer of gelikwideer is. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nomrner van boedel/maatskappy; naam en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy; datum waarop en afdeling van hof waardeur order gemaak is en op die aansoek van. E121/76-DIEPGROND, Evert, a painter, 5 Derby Road, Berea, East London. 14/10/76. Eastern Cape. Bradfield & Ardier. EI20f76/2-A. F. MARAI KONTRUKIE (EDM.) BPK., met geregistreerde kantoor te Ou Kaapweg, Hunters Retreat, Port Elizabeth. 7/10176, uid-oos Kaapse Plaaslike. Johanna Catheria Marais, gebore Olivier. N400/76-ALTYME FOOTWEAR MANUFACTURER (PTY) LTD, 64 eaw{)od Road, Clairwood, Durban, registered office c/o R. M. Naidoo, 71 Albert treet, Durban. 1/10/76, Durban and Coast Local. John Allan Bruce. N396/76-McGILLEWIE, Garth Errol, a director of companies, residing at 14 Belle View, Kloof, Natal. 1/ 10/76, Durban and Coast Local. Bank of the Orange Free tate Ltd. N391/76-JOHN HAY & COMPANY (PTY) LTD, business at Dundee House, Aitken treet, Port hepstone, Natal. 1/10/76, Durban and Coast Local. John Hay & Company (Pty) Ltd. N401/76-LANGUAGE LABORATORY (PT ) LTD, registered head office and business at 72 Brand Road, Durban. 1/10/76. Durban and Coast Local. John Basil heedy. N390j76-UMTAMVUNA FRUIT AND TRANPORT CO. (PT ) LTD, business at Dundee House, Aiken treet, Port hepstone, Natal. I /l0/76, Durban and Coast Local. Umtamvuna Fruit and Transport Co, (pty) Ltd. N414/76-TEYN, Jacobus Johannes, pia Volkskas Makelaars, N.B..-gebou 302, Ladysmith. 15/10/76. Natalse Provinsiale. Dorothea Elizabeth Bender. imon Meyer, tradlng as tamford Clothing Manufacturers, 39/41 tation Road, tamford Hill, Durban. 1/10/76, Durban and Coast Local. James & Co. (Pty) Ltd. > N412/76-BEHR PROPERTIE (PTY) LTD, 475 mith treet, Durban. 8/10/76, Durban and Coast Local. Trust Bank of Africa Ltd. N411{76-NAIDOO, Gonaseahan, 37 Baroda Road, Merebank, Durban. 8/10/76, Durban an dcoast Local. Balakist and Naidoo. N406/76-HUM, Donald Barry, general dealer, trading as Athlone Fursnishers at shop 6, anlam Centre, Beach Road, Amanzimtoti, Natal. 8/10/16. Durban and Coast Local. Kenlyte Lamps (Pty) Ltd. N405f7~ORTON, Arthur, 54 Broadway, Durban North. 1/10/76, Durban and Coast Local. Nedbank Ltd. BI45/76-VAN DER WETHUJZEN, Gideon Andries Hen~ drik, 'n Blanke meganiese werktuigkundige, woonagtig te Oranjehof 16, Kroonstad, O.V.. 14! 10{76, Oranje-Vrystaatse Provinsiale. tella May van der Westhuizen, voorheen Bezuidenhout. gebore Hiscock. TI521/76-F. & I. ADVIOR (PTy) LTD, having its registered office at c/o Hersowitz. Poplak & Esrock, Ruswyn Place, andler Road, Percelia, Johannesburg. 8/10/76, Witwatersrand Local. Ex parte. TI53l/76-NEDDON, Robert, an adult male who resides permanently at 1 pringbok Road, Verwoerd Park, Alberton, Tvl. 19/10/76, Witwatersrand Local. Householders' Help (Pty) Ltd. Tl523/76-BERYL TREET INVETMENT (PTy) LTD, having its registered office at 11th Floor, Richmond Place, corner of immonds and Kerk treets. Johannesburg; 19/10/76, Wit~ watersrand Local. Albert Ruskin N.O.

125 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 TAATKOERANT. 5 NOVEMBER 1976 No. ' 115. TlOI/76-.A. TIMBER AND JOINERY WORK (EDM.) BPK., met ~eregistreerde adres te Hoof Lughaweweg, Isando. 13/10/76, Witwatersrand Plaaslike. ex porte... T973/76-DENNINGH0FF-sTELLlNG i William Frederick, resides at 90 East Avenue, Atholl, Johannesburg, Tvl, and carries on business from the aforesaid address as estate property agent. 19/10/76, Transvaal ProvinciaL Olievenhout Estates (Pty) Ltd~ Tl350/76-MIDCITY TRUT (PTY) LTD, carrying on business as agents for the sale of property at Ninth Floor, Bosman Buildings, corner of Eloff and Bree treets, Johannesburg. 19/ 10/76, Witwatersrand Local. Ador Investments (Pty) Ltd. Tl503/76-VAN DYK, Frans Johannes, an adult European male who resides at 123 trydom Avenue, Birchleigh North ExteJ;lsion 3, Kempton Park. 12/10/76, Witwatersrand Local. Pieter Cornelius van Dyk.. T973/76 DENNINGHOF-TELLING, William Frederick, resides at 90 East Avenue, Athon. Johannesburg, Tvl, and carries on business from the aforesaid address as estate property agent. 20/7 /76, Transvaal Provincial. Olievenhout Estates (Pty) Ltd. Tl530/76-MICKITY TRUT (PTY) LTD, carrying on business as agents for the sale of property at Ninth Floor Bosman Buildings, corner of Eloff and Bree treets, Johannesburg. 19/ 10/76, Witwatersrand Local. Ador Investments (Pty) Ltd. Tl VAN DYK, Frans Johannes, ali adult European male who resides at 123 trydom Avenue, Bircbleigh North Extension 3., Kempton Park. 12/10/76, Witwatersrand Local. Pieter Cornelius van Dyk. Tl543/76-INDUFIN HOLDING (PTY) LTD, having its registered office at c/o Park"Cl,ilverman & Co., Ninth Floor, Northstate, 99 Market treet, Johannesburg. 20/10/76, Witwatersrand Local. Hugo Gruger. Tl532/76-CHMIDT ENTERPRIE (PTY) LTD, having its registered bead office at 9b eventh treet, Melville, Johannesburg. 19/10/76, Witwatersrand Local. Derrick Trevor Vitensky. TI522/76-WAINER ETATE AND FINANCE CO. (PTy) LTD, having its registered office at 11th Floor, Richmond Place, corner of immonds and Kerk treets, Johannesburg. 19/10/76, Witwatersrand Local. Albert Ruskin N.O.. Tl458/76-UNIPERM ETATE (PTY) LTD, having its registered office at lith Floor, Richmond Place, corner of immonds and Kerk treets, Johannesburg. 5/10/76, Witwatersrand Local. Ralph Aronowitz. TI539/16-FOUCHE. Mattheus Johannes, an adult male, 32 Tram treet, AlbertsviUe. 18/10/16, Witwatersrand Local. Lazerson Wolman. Tl529/76-MUNCER INVETMENT (PTY) LTD, having its registered 'office at c/o KensiJ;tgton hopping Centre, Langermann Drive, Kensington, Johannesburg. 19/10/16, Witwatersrand Local. Ex parte. Tl528/16-ELDORADO BUTCHERY (ED M.) BPK., Derde Verdieping, Omniasentrum, hoek van Von Brandis- en Frederickstraat, Jobannesburg. 19/10/16, Witwatersrandse Plaaslike. Anthonle Christoffel Campher, wat handel dryf as Constantia Wholesale Ment upply.. T1538/76-NICOLA. olon Roderick, 'n volwasse Blanke m~nspersoon wat besigheid doen as konsultant, woonagtig te Ehzabethlaan 186, Bucclellcb, Johannesburg. 19/10/76, Witwatersrand Plaaslike. Volkskas Bpk. TI509/76-GERMAN AFRICAN TRADING CO. LTD, 12/10/16, Witwatersrand Lo~L iegfried Gledner. (PTY) Tl537/16-DE JAGER, Marthinus Jacobus, a Plumber in the temporary employ of tbe Municipality of New~sUe. cott treet, Newcastle, and residing at 56 Mercury treet, Proclamation Hill, Pretoria. 19/10/16, Transvaal Provincial. Janetta. Albertina de Jager, born Van Niekerk. T1508/76-NELPRUIT DRIVING CHOOL (PTY) LTD, 12/10/76, Transvaalse Provinsiale. Hendrik Gerhardus wart. Ti534/76-A.N. INVETMENT (PTY) LTD, 19/10/16, Witwatersrand Local. Nicolas Nicolaides. T1525/76-. M. VAN ACHTERBERG BPK. 19/10/76, Witwatersrandse Plaaslike. Volkskas Bpk. TI526/76-. M. VAN ACHTERBERGH KONTRUKm (EDM.) BPK. 19/10/76, Witwatersrandse Plaaslike. Volkskas Bpk. Tl524/76-PHILIP. Karin. 19/10/16, Witwatersrand Local Downtown Wholesale FUrrllshers (Pty) Ltd, TI544/76-0TTO, Gerald Patrick, an adult European businessman, carryij;tg on business as Beads and Ba.ngles, 136 central Avenue, Mayfair, Johannesbufl,!. 20(10/76, Witwatersrand Local. Michael Brian Otto. T1540/76-BERWIN CONTRUCTION (PTY) LTD, havij;tg its registered office at 704 Rentmeester BuildiJ;tgs, 219 Bosman treet, Pretoria. 19/10/16, Transvaal Provincial. Power Crushers (Transvaal) (Pty) Ltd. Tl514j76-GOUW, Petrus Hendrik, an adult European male, who resides at 43 Van Riebeeck Road, AUengrove, Kempton Park. 12/10/16, Witwatersra~d Local. Daniel Jacobus Gouws. Tl546/76-.A. MAAIC (PTY) LTD, having its registered head office at 12th Floor, Lawsons Corner, Braamfontein, JohannesbUrg. 21/10/76, Witwatersrand Local. Ex parte. TI535/76-LANDGOEDBOERDERY (EDM.) BPK,. met hoofkantoor te Van Erkomgebou 230, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria. 19/10/76, Transvaalse Provinsiale. P.R. en. Dienste. TI545/16-INTERNATIONAL ROCK PRODUCT (PTY) LTD, having its registered office at 12th Floor, Lawsons Corner, Braamfontein, Johannesburg. 21/10/16, Witwatersrand Local. Ex parte. Tl536 (76-ROO, Gideon Daniel. 19/10/76, Transvaal Provincial. Rand Bank Ltd. Tl515/16-PENZHORN, Johann August, 'n,verkoopsman, Pk. Die Bynes, Kameeldrift, /10/76, Transvaalse Provinsiale. Anna J:ohanna Penzhorn. TI516A/76-KLEIN, Ronald Leslie and elwyn Allen hapiro. 13/10/76, Witwatersrand Local. Moroka Furnishers(Pty) Ltd. TI516B/16-KLEIN. Ronald Leslie, who trade in partnership with elwyn Allen hapiro under the style of Ronald Leslie Klein and elwyn Allen hapiro. 13/10/76, Witwatersrand Local. Moroka Furnishers. TI516C[76-HAPIRO, elwyn Allen, who traded in partnership with Ronald Leslie Klein. under the style of Ronald Leslie Klein and elwyn Allen hapiro. 13/10/76, Witwatersrand Local. Moroka Furnishers (Pty) Ltd. C385/76-BOLAND WATERPROOFING (PTY) LTD, registered office at 367 Main Road, Paarl. 30/9/76, Cape of Good Hope Provincial. Genkem (Cape) (Pty) Ltd.. C427/76-MONTEREY CHOOL (PTY) LTD, registered office at Klaassens Road, Constantia, Cape. 29/9/76, Cape of Good Hope Provincial. Peak Industries (Pty) Ltd. N397/16-BALLITO HARDEWARE (EDM.) BPK., geregistreerde kantore te Ballitokoopsentrum, Balliotoville, Noordkus, Natal. 6/10/76, Durban en Kus Plaaslike. Petrus Frederick Botha. N408/76--KERELLE DEIGN (PTY) LTD, registered office at 98 t George's treet, Durban. 8/10/76, Durban and Coast Local. Gordon Max Aaron eef. N379/76-LITOROL PER (EDM:.) BPK., business at 1181 outh Coast Road, Mobeni, Durban. 17/9/76, Durban and Coast Local. Keith Duncan Krumm N.O. N407/76-TWIGGEE (PTY) LTD, registered office at 201 Protea Assurance BuildiJ;tgs, 102 t George's treet, Cape Town. 8/10/76, Durban and Coast Local. Gcorg Kaspar Rocker. C434/76-HEERENGRACHT WYNKELER (EDM.) BPK., registered office at Goree, Robertson. 24/9/76, Cape of Good Hope Provincial. Herman Jonker Beleggings (Edms.) Bpk., JoPkermoed Wynboere (Edms.) Bpk. en Boerekoop (Edms.) Bpk. 0429/16-ANGORA WYNBOERE (EDM.) BPK., registered office at Goree Robertson. 24/9/16, Cape of Good Hope Provincial. Herman Jont.erBeleggin!ls (Edms.) Bpk. C443/76-ANGWA INVETMENT (PTY) LTD, registered office at 10 Lower Burg treet, Cape Town. 6/10/76, Cape of Good Hope Provincial. Julius Black. C423/76-KINGWAY ENGINEERING (PTY) LTD, registered office at 4 Aubrey treet, alt River, Cape Town. 29/9/16, Cape of Good Hope Provincial. Dennis Michael George WoolIs KiJ;tg. C453/16--COLLINON, G. A., c/o G.A.C. Carpentry & Renovation, E. K. Green Buildings, Jarvis Road, Green Point. 13rIO/ 76, Cape Good Hope Provincial. helley Properties (pty) Ltd.. C414/76-H. BURNETT & COMPANY (PTY) LTD, registered office c/o Gross, Handler & Abrams, Chartered Accountants, Fourth Floor, trand Centre, trand treet, Cape Town. 23/9/76, Cape of Good Hope Provincial. arah Burnett. born Beimel.

126 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February No. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 5 NOVEMBER 1976 FormNorm J 29 FIRT MEETING Of! CREDITOR, CONTRIBUTORIE, MEMBER OR DEBENTURE HOLDER OF EQUETRATED ETATE, COMPANIE BEING WOUND UP OR PLACED UNDER PROVIIONAL JUDICIAL MANAGEMENT The estates and companies mentioned below having been placed under sequestration, being wound up or having been placed under provisional judicial management by order of the upreme Court of outh Africa, Masters of the upreme Court hereby give notice, pursuant to sections 17 (4) and 40 (1) of the Insolvency Act, 1936, sections 119 (3), 125 (1) and 196bis (4) of the Companies Act, 1926, and sections 356 (1), 364 (1) and 429 of the Companies Act, 1973, that a first meeting of creditors, contributories, members or debenture-holders of the said estates or companies will be held on the dates and at the times and places mentioned below, for proof of claims against the estates or companies, the election of trustees, liquidators or judicial managers or managers or provisional judicial managers or for the purposes referred to in sections 364 or 431 of Act 61 of 1973, as the case may be. The particulars are given in the following order: Number of estate/company; name and description of estate/company; date of the provisional and date of the final order, ~'1d division of court by which order made, and date, hour and place of meeting. Meetings in a place in which there is a Master's Office, will be held before the Master; elsewhere they will be held before the Magistrate. EERTE BYEENI{OMTE VAN KULDEIER, KONTRIBUANTE, LEDE OF KUlDBRIEfHOUER VAN GEEKWETREERDE BOEDEL, MAATKAPPYE IN LlKWIDAIE OF ONDER VOORLOPIGE GEREGTELIKE BETUUR Nademaal die boedels of maatskappye hieronder vermeld op las van die Hooggeregshof van uid-afrika gesekwestreer, gelikwideer of onder voorlopige geregtelike bestuur geplaas is, word hierby deur die Meesters van die Hooggeregshof ingevolge artikels 17 (4) en 40 (1) van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikels 119 (3), 125 (1) en 196bis (4) van die Maatskappywet, 1926, en artikels 356 (1), 364 (1) en 429 van die Maatskappywet, 1973, kennis gegee dat 'n eerste byeenkoms van skuldeisers, kontribuante, lede of skuldbriefhouers van genoemde boedels of maatskappye op die datums, ure en plekke hieronder vermeld vir die bewys van eise teen die boedels of maatskappye, die verkiesing van kurators, likwidatcurs of geregtelike bestuurders of bestuurders of voorlopige geregtelike bestuurders, of vir die doeleindes bedoel in artikels 364 of 431 van Wet 61 van 1973, na gelang van die geval, gehou sal word. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; naam en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy; datum van die vooriopige en datum van die finale bevel, en afdeling van hof waardeur order gemaak is, en datum, uur en piek van byeenkoms, In 'n plek waarin 'n kantoor van 'n Meester is, word die byeenkoms voor die Meester en op ander plekke voor die Landdros gehou. EI07/76/3-ANTONAIDE, Andreas, residing at 501 Ashurst, Cape Road, Port Elizabeth. 14/9/76-12/10/76, outh-eastern Cape Local. 19/11/76, 14hOO, Port Elizabeth. Ell0/76-BARTOCH, elwyn, resident at 22 eaview Terrace, Quigney, East London. 23/9/76-14/10/76, Eastern Cape Provincial. 19/11 /76, WhOO, East London. N413/76-BALLITO BEIGHEIDENTRUM (EDM.) BPK., besigheid te Ballitorylaan 1, Ballitoville, Noordkus. 8/10/76, Durban en Kus Plaaslike. 18/11 /76, 10hOO, tanger. N303/76-REE, John Robert, who resides at Crossways Hotel, Pietermaritzburg. 30/7 /76-8/10176, Natal Provincial. 19/ 11 /76, 10hOO, Pietermaritzburg, N374/76-MIDDLETON, Garth, address at 175 Goble Road, Durban. 13/8/76-10/9/76, Durban and Coast Local. 18/11/76, IOhOO, Durban. N231/76-BRINKLYN (PTY) LTD, registered office at First Floor, Uni'ted Buildings, Marine Drive, Margate, Natal. 27/8/76 8/10/76, Durban and Coast Local. 18/11/76, 10hOO, Port hepstone. N362/76-OFFICERAY UPPLIE (PTY) LTD, registered office at c/o C. C. R oberts & Co., 196 Loop treet, Pietennaritzburg, Natal. 10/9/76-15/10/76, Na>tal Provincial. 19/11/76, 10hOO, Pietermaritzburg.. N376/76-DEAI, Farouk, trading as outh Coast Building Enterprises, 4 Crossways, 514 Brickfield Road, Durban. 17/9/76 8/10/76, Durban and Coast Local. 18/11/76, IOhOO, Durban. N355/76-HICRON, Victor J., 155 Republic trcet, Vryheid, Natal. 3/9/76-8/10/76, Natal Provincial. 16/11/76, 10hOO, Vryheid. N375/76-YDPARK ALE (PTY) LTD, registered office at 304 Kara Centre, Bond treet, Durban. 31/8{76-24/9{76, Durban and Coast Local. 18/11 /76, IOhOO, Durban. W38/76-RURAL ETATE AND DEVELOPMENT CO, LTD, a public company with limited liability, duly registered with its registered (}ffice in wamed Buildings, J'ohn Meinert treet, Windhoek, carrying on business 'as an estme agent and property developer. 15/10{76, outh-west Africa. 10/11/76, 10hOO, Wind~ hoek. B128/76-JOUBERT, Gideon Daniel, 'n meerderjarige Blanke man, Flaneganstraat 10, Thaba Nchu, O.v.. 21/9/76, Oranje Vrystalltse ProV'insiale, 15/11/76, 09hOO, Excelsior. B132/76-VAN DEVENIER, David Johannes Willem, n meerderjarige garage-eienaar, woonagtig te Duplessisstraat 49, Petrus teyn, O.V.. 23/9/76.17/11/76, 09h30, Petrus teyn. BI21/76-HATTINGH, Lodewicus Van traaten, the farm Coenflats, Excelsior, O.F.., trading in partnership with Louis Hosea van Wyk, 9 Wright treet, Kroonstad, O.F.., under '!he name and style of Benlou Motor Mart, 26 Murray treet, Kroonstad, O.F.. 9/9/76-14fl0{76, Orange Free tate Provincial. 19/ 11/76, 09hOO, Excelsior. BI23j76-HATTINGH, Lodewicus Van traaten, and Louis Hosea van Wyk, partnership, trading under the name and style T1431/76--CLOETE, Gert Jacobus, Lysstraat 167, Riviera, Pretoria. 28/9/76-19/10/76, Transvaalse Provinsiale. 17/11 /76, 10hOO, Pretoria. Tl331/76-INGER, Brian, business man and resides at 40 Mount Rouge, Alberton treet, La Montagne, Pretoria. 21/9/76-19/10/76, 1?ransvaal Provincial. 17/11/76, 10hOO, Pretoria. Tl052/76:-NICHOLENA, George Hendry, residing at 167 Van Heerden treet, Capital Park, Pretoria. 3/8f76-19/1Of76, Transvaal ProvinciaL 17/11/76, IOhOO, I'retoria, T1392/76-HAABROEK, Daniel Francois, a farmer residing on plot Noodhulp, District of Warmbaths. 28/9/76-18! 10 /76, Transvaal Provincial. 19/10176, 09h30, Warmbaths. T722/76-V. D, WETHUIZEN, Johannes Lodewicus Cornelius, residing and carrying on business under the name of Kloof Loodgieters, Platkoppies, P.O. Duiwelskloof. 9/6/76 27/8/76, Transvaal ProvinciaL 18/11/76, 09h30, Tzaneen. T1321/76-GLENN, Johan, a freelance salesman, 1084 Arcadia treet, Hatfield, Pretoria. 19/10/76, Transvaal ProvinciaL 17/11/ 76, IOhOO, Pretoria. Tl451/76-CONTlTUTlON QUARE (PTY) LTD, having its registered office at lith Floor, Richmond Place, corner of immonds and Kerk treets, Johannesburg. 5/10/76-19/10/76, Witwatersrand Local. 17/11/76, 09hOO, Johannesburg. T973/76-DENNINGHOF-TELLING, William Frederi~k, resides at 90 East Avenue, Atholl, Johannesburg, Tv). and cames on business from the aforesaid address as estate property <J!!ent. 20/7/76-19/10/76, Transvaal Provincial. 17/11/76, 09hOO, Johannesburg. Tl403/76-BERKELEY MEW (PTY) LTD, and 11 other applications regarding 11 other companies, 30/9/ /76, Witwatersrand Local. 17/11/76, 09hOO, Johannesburg. T1332/76-BLANDENBERG, Richard James, toolmaker in the employ of the outh African Railways, Koedoespoort, Pretoria and residing at 1210 Kammasi treet, M6rcgloed. Pretoria. 21/9/76-19/10/76, Transvaal Provincial. 17/11/76, 10hOO, Pretoria; Tl482/76-AJAX HOLDING (PTY) LTD, a company with its re"istered office at c10 Amalgamated ecretarial ervices (Pty) "'Ltd, eventh Floor, Homes Trust Buildings, 108 Fox: treet, corner of Rissik treet, Johannesburg, 7/10/76, Witwatersrand Local. 17/11 /76, 09hOO, Johannesburg. T1379/76-TEENKAMP, Frederick Korsten, 'n masjienoperatenr van die Transvaalse Provinsiale Administrasie, woonagtig te N.R.F.!Ca,mp, Huis 17, Warmba? 28/9/76-12/10/76, Transvaalse Provmslale. 19/11/76, 09h30, Warmbad. T1270/76-E. ROMI DELICATEEN AND CONFECTIO NER (PTY) L ld, having its registered office at 205 Dolphin Court, Kenmere Road, Yeoville, Johannesburg, 7/9/76-12/10/ 76, Witwatersrand Local. 24/11/76, 09hOO, Johannesburg. T1268/76-HNEIER, Freda Dorothy. born Meltz, married out of community of property with the exclusion of the marital of BenlOll Motor Mart, 26 Murray treet, Kroonstad. O.F.. power to Gerald bneier who resides at 7 Danya Road. Victory 9/9/76-14/10/76, Orange Free tate Provincial. 17/11/16, Park, Johannesburg. 7/9/76-12/10/76, Witwatersrand Local, 09h30, Kroonstad. 24/11/76, 09hOO, Johannesburg.

127 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 TAATKOERANT, NOVEMBER 1976 No: Tl288/76-PHALABORWA CONCRETE WORK (PTY) LT having its registered office at Dienst treet, Alrode, Alberton. 14/9/76-12/10/76, Witwatersrand Local. 24/11/76, 09h30, Alberton. Tl238/76-WINCOR ONDERNEMING (EDM.) BPK., met geregistreerde kantoor te Vanerkomgebou 601, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria en met die vernaamste plek van besigheid te President teynstraat 622, Pretoria-Noord. 31/8/76-12/10/76, Transvaalse Provinsiale. 19/11 /7 6, 10hoo, Pretoria. Tloo8/76-VON HOFFMANN, Josef Karl, a technical representative, 12 Huxton Road, Robertsham. 7/9/76, Witwatersrand Local. 24/11 /76, 09hoo, Johannesburg. Tl329/76-PLATORAND (EDM.) BPK., carrying on business as a pharmacy and general dealer under the name and style of Horison Pharmacy, and having its principal place of business at 100e Voortrekker treet, Lydenburg, Tvl, and its registered office at 30 Long treet, Middelbrug, Tv!. 20/9/76-19/10/76, Transvaal ProvinciaL 24/11 /76, 10hoo, Middelburg. Tl349/76-A.B.F. CHEMICAL (PTY) LTD, having its registered office at 301 Palace Buildings, 52 Pritchard treet, Johannesburg. 21/9/76-19/10/76, Witwatersrand Local. 24/11/ 76, 09hOO, Johannesburg. T880j76-NO THIRTY FOUR DALECRO (prop.) LTD, having its registered office at Third Floor, Ferreira House, 26 Fereira treet, Johannesburg. Ex parte-15/10/76. Witwatersrand Local. 24/11/76, 09hOO, Johannesburg. TI170/76-LECHNER, Elizabeth, an adult EUropean female, public trader, whose present occupation is unknown. 19/10/76, Witwatersrand Local. 24/11/76, 09hOO, Johannesburg. T808/76-ELOFF, Michiel Christiaan, Klipspruit, ybrandskraal, distrik Cullinan. Ex parte-5/10/76, Transvaalse Provinsiale. 24/11 j7 6, IOhOO, Cullinan. Tl380/76-CARRIM, Ebrahim Abdool, trading as Hajee Agencies, 319 Moonstone treet, Laudium, Pretoria /76, Transvaal Provincial. 19/11/76, 1Ohoo, Pretoria. Tl386/76-PIRELLA MOEDER EN BABA (PTY) LTD, having its registered office at uite 301, Prudential Insurance Buildings, 28 Church quare, Pretoria. 28/9/76-19/10/76, Transvaal. 18/11 /76, lohoo, Pretoria. Tl455/76-PARK MEW (PTY) LTD, having its registered office at lith Floor, Richmond Place, corner of immonds and Kerk treets, Johannesburg. 5/10/76-19/10/76, Witwatersrand Local /76, 09hOO, Johannesburg. Tl235/76 -FLEXROCK COATING (PTY) LTD, having its registered head office at Eighth Floor, Heerengracht, 87 De Korte treet, Braamfontein, Johannesburg. 31/8/76-19/10/76, Witwatersrand Local. 17/11 /76, 09hoo, Johannesburg. Tl315/76-McDONALD, Ian Fraser, residing at Plot 104, Tedderfield, District of Johannesburg. 19/10/76, Witwatersrand Local. 17/11 /76, 09hoo, Johannesburg. T986/76-CHULTZ, Ernest Victor, presently residing at 301 Houghton Park, corner of Lily and Louis Botha Avenues, Berea, Johannesburg, and employed by Chubb Burglar Alarms, Pretoria, as a security officer. 19/10/76, Transvaal Provincial. 17/11/76, , Johannesburg. T1295/76-ARIE, Brian William, an adult European male, company director whose present whereabouts are unknown and who formerly resided at 6 Marius treet, President Ridge, Randburg. 9/9/76-19/10/76, Witwatersrand Local. 17/11/76, 1Ohoo, Randburg. Tl454/76-BERNAH COURT (PTY) LTD, having its registered office at 11th Floor, Richmond Place, corner of immonds and Kerk treets, Johannesburg. 5/10/76-19/10/76, Witwatersrand Local. 17/11/76, 09hoo, Johannesburg. Tl336/76-BEKKER, Andiaan tephanus, who is employed at c/o Cargo Carriers Depot, Pretoria West, Pretoria. 21/9/76-19/10/76, Transvaal Provincial. 18/11/76, IOhOO, Pretoria. T1306/76-WARTKOP HARDEWARE EN TUIN (PTY) LTD, trading as wartkop Hardeware en Tuine at 12 Vinstra Road, Valhalla, Pretoria. 16/9/76-19/10/76, Transvaal Provincial. 18/11/76, JOhOO, Pretoria. Tl456/76-WULGIN (PTY) LTD, having its registered office at 11th Floor, Richmond Place, corner of immonds and Kerk treets, Johannesburg. 5/10/76-19/10/76, Witwatersrand Local. 17/11/76, 09hOO, Johannesburg. T1450/76-YEO TREET PROPERTIE (PTY) LTD, having its registered office at 11th Floor, Richmond Place, corner of immonds and Kerk treets, Johannesburg. 5/10/76-19/10/76, Witwatersrand Local 17/11/76, 09hoo, Johannesburg~ TI265/76-CUMMING TRAVEL ERVICE (PTY) LW, having its registered office at 601 B.P. Centre, 36 Kerk treet, Johannesburg. 7/9j76c-l~jl0/76, Witwatersrand Local. 17/11/76, 69hOO, Johannesburg.,T1l50/76-TEYN, Johannes Petrus, 'n boer van Keeszyndooms, distrik Carolina. 17/8/76-19/10/76, Transvaalse Provinsiale. 17/11 /76, 09h30, Carolina. T1284/76-DU BUION, Lukas Johannes Hendrik, Koedoesentrum 121, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria. 14/9/76-19/10/76, Transvaalse Provinsiale. 25/11 /76, IOhOO, Pretoria. T1165/76-PRETORru. Johannes Lodewickus, Torielduifstraat 90, Jan Niemandpark, Pretoria. 17/8/76-3/9/76, Transvaalse Provinsiale. 18/11 f76, IOhOO, Pretoria. T1175/76-FAUL, John Anthony, 'n kliniese sielkundige van beroep en woonagtig te Arcadia Hotel, Arcadia, Pretoria. 19/ 10/76, Transvaalse Provinsiale. 18/11/76, lohoo, Pretoria. T1245/76-WERNAR, Antonius, 'n boer van Gedeelte 32 van die plaas Klipdrift 367, Registrasieafdeling L T, Transvaal. 2/9/76-19/10/76, Transvaalse Provinsiale. 18/11/76, lohoo, Pretoria. T1416/76-CLARENDON COURT (PTY) LTD. 30/9/76 19/10/76, Witwatersrand Local. 17/11/76, 09hoo, Johannesburg. CI75/76-TlMBER DEIGN AND CONTRUCTION CO. (PTY) LTD, registered office c/o Greenwood, Poulton & Co., Trust Bank Centre, Heerengracht, Cape Town. 19/5/76-13/ 10/76, Cape of Good Hope Provincial. 19/11/76, 10hoo, Cape Town. C355/76-TAEN, Gert Petrus Ettienne, 31 Jacaranda Avenue, omerset West, Cape. 26/8/76-15/10/76, Cape of Good Hope Provincial. 18/11/76, 09hoo, omerset West, Cape. C387/76-YOUNG, Johannes, handeldrywend as Young's Electric, Napierstraat, Blanco, distrik George. 15/9/76-6/10/76, Kaap die Goeie Hoop Provinsiale. 19/11/76, IOhOO, George. C370/76-WANEPOEL. M. A. J. 61 Barracuda Circle, Nooitgedacht, Cape. 1/9/76-6/10/76, Cape of Good Hope Provincial. 17/11 /76, 09hoo, Goodwood. N318/76-CEDIE ALE (PTY) LTD, registered office at 3 Mason Road, Pinetown. 12/8/76-7/9/76, Witwatersrand local 17/11/76, 09hoo, Johannesburg. N359/76-FROT, Roland James, 32 Grays Inn Crescent, Westville, Natal. 3/9/76-1/10/76, Durban and Coast Local. 18/11/76, IOhOO, Pinetown. N348/76-MITH, Bernard Keith, a company director of 15 Queens Avenue, Westville, Natal. 24/9/76-1/10/76, Durban and Coast Local. 18/11/76, IOhoo, Pinetown. N398/76-DURMAR CONTRUCTION (PTy) LTD. having its registered office at 11 t Kitts Buildings, Ladysmith. 8/10/76, Natal Provincial. 15/11 /76, lohoo, Ladysmith. C414/76-H. BURNETT AND COMPANY (PTY) LTD, registered office, c/o Gross, Hendler & Abrams, Chartered Accountants Fourth Floor, trand Centre, trand treet, Cape Town. 23/9/76-13/10/76, Cape of Good Hope Provincial. 19/11/76, 1OhOO, Cape Town. C384/76-NAIER VARKEL CONTRUCTION CO. (PTY) LTD, registered office at c/o May, Fortes, Tworetzky, Cohen & Co. Fourth Floor, Heerengracht Centre, Foreshore, Cape Town.' 14/9/ /76. Cape of Good Hope Provincial. 19/11/76, IOhOO, Cape Town. C73/76-VAN DER MERWE, Gideon Johannes, getroud buite gemeenskap van goedere met Christien van der Merwe, Dalriehof 9, Parow. 17/3/76, Kaap die Goeie Hoop Provinsiale. 16/ 11 /76, lohoo, Bellville. C JOHANEN & ~OOTH (PTY) LTD, regis~ered office, Evening tar, Boyes Dnve, c/o Belvedere Road, M';llz~nberg, Cape. 27/ /9/76, Cape of Good Hope Provlllcml. 18/11/76, 10hoo, imonstown. C348/76-LEWI-WILLIAM,.~lec George, married ou~ of community of property to Rozlba Magdalena, 10 McKinley Grange, McKinley Road, Kenilworth, Cape. 8/10/76, Cape of Good Hope ProvinciaL 18/11/76, 09hoo, Wynberg. C408/76-FALE BAY BUILDING AND DECORATING CO. (PTY) LTD, registered office at c/o Musikanth, Cohen & Fine 704 Nedbank Centre, Foreshore, Cape Town. 22/9/ /76, Cape of Good Hope Provincial. 19/11/76, 10hOO, Cape Town. C CLEVELAND DEVELOPMENT CO. (PTY) LTD, registered offices at 101 TeHan Buildings, Maynard Road, Wynberg. 17/9/76---f,/1O/76, Cape of Good Hope Provincial.. 18/ 11/76, 09hOO, Wynberg.

128 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February Z8 No.. GOVERNMENT GAZBTlE, 5 NOVEMBBR. 1976, Pocm/Vorm 1 APPOINTMENT OF TRUTEE AND LIQUIDATOR AND PROOF OF CLAIM IN EQUETRATED ETATE OR COMPANIE BEING WOUND UP Pursuant to sections 40 (3). 56 (3) and 77 ofthe Insolvency Act, 1936, sections 129,179 and 182 ofthe Companies Act, 1926, and sections 339, 366, 375 (5) (b) and 402 of the Companies Act, 1973, notice is hereby given that the persons mentioned below have been appointed trustees or liquidators, as the case may be, and that the persons indebted to the estates or companies are required to pay their debts to them forthwith unless otherwise indicated.... Meetings ofcreditors or contributories of the said estates or companies will be held on the dates and at the times and places mentioned below, for proof ofclaims against the estates or companies, for the purpose of receiving the trustees' or liquidators' reports as to the affairs and conditions of the estates or companies and for giving the trustees or liquidators directions concerning the sale or recovery of any parts of the estates or assets of the companies or concerning any matter relating to the administration thereof.., The particulars are given in the following order: Number of estate/company; name and.description of estate/company; name and address of trustee or liquidator and date, hour and place of meeting and period within which debt must be paid, if this is not to be done forthwith... Meetings in a place in which there is a Master's Office, will be beld before the Master; elsewhere they will be held before the Magistrate. AANTELLING VAN KURATOR EN likwidateur EN BEWY VAN VORDERING IN GEEKWETREERDE BOEDEl OF MAATKAPPYE IN likwidaie lrigevolge artikels 40 (3),56 (3) en 77 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikels 129, 179 en 182 van die Maatskappywet, 1926 en artikels 339, 366, 375 (5) (b) en 402 van die Maatskappywet, 1973, word hier:by kennis gegee dat die persone hieronder vermeld as kurators 01 likwidateurs aangestel is, na gelang van die geval, en dat persone wat enigiets aan die boedels of maatskappye verskuldig is die skulde, teosy anders vermeld, onmiddelik by genoemde kurators of likwidateurs moe! betaal. Byeenkomste van skuldeisers of kontribuante van genoemde boedels of maatskappye sal gehou word op die datums, ure en plekke hier onder verrneld vir die bewys van vorderings teen die boedels ofmaatskappye, vir die ontvangs van die verslae van die kurators of Iikwidateurs oor die sake en toestand van die boedels of maatskappye, en om opdragte aan die kurators of likwidateurs uit te reik betreffende die verkoop of opvordering van gedeeltes van die boedels of bates van die maatskappye of betreffende aangeleenthede rakende die beheer daarvan.. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; naam en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy; Daam en adres van kurator of likwidateur, en datum, uur en plek van byeenkoms en tydperk waarin skuld betaal moet word, indien dit rue oruruddellik moet geskied nie.. _ In 'n piek waarin 'n kantoor van 'n Meester is, word die byeeukoms voor die Meester en op ander plekke voor die Landdros gehou. 178I7~ROUNDHOG INVETMENT (PTY) LTD, in liquidation; C. F.. immons, P.O. Box 1684, Johannesburg, /11/76, 09hOO, Johannesburg. 1787/16-OUTHLAND BUILDING ENTERPRIE (PTY) LTD, in liquidation; C. F. immons, P.O. Box 1684, Johannesburg, /11/76, 09hoo, Johannesburg. T786/16-TRANVAAL PRODUCTION 1'RAINING (PTY) LTD, in liquidation; C. F. immons, P.O. Box 1684, Johannesburg, /11/16, , Johannesburg. T818/76--.PEACOCK, D. H.; C. F. immons, P.O. Box 1684, Johannesburg, /12/76, lohoo, Kempton Park. T784/16-M. VAN OER VYVBR VERVOER (PTY) LTD, in liquidation; Charles F. immons, P.O. Box 1684, Johannesburg, /11/76, 09hOO, Johannesburg. C262/16-URGEONER, Derrick; Rael GoOrdon and Jan Daniel dupjooy, for yfreistrijst Company Ltd, 24 Wale treet, Cape Town. 18/11/76,09h()(). Wynberg. C270/76-BUNGI PROP,ERTlB (PTY) LID, trading as Pme F~ in,liquidation; Rae! Gordon and Jan Daniel du Plooy, 24 Wale treet, Cape Town. 19/11/16, IOhoo. T998/15-JATIENNE (PTY) LTD, in liquidajt.jon; 0. F. im. mon:s, p.o. Box 16114, Johannesburg, /11/16, 09hoo, Johannesburg. W32/76 HARTUR HOLDING (PTY) LTD, members' voluntary winding up; Franz Maximilian Oehl, for F. M. Oehl & 00., Marie Neef Buildings, P.O. Box 3138, Windhoek, C184/76-LAGARDIEN, Mogama.t ant, who fomterly traded as ML 8Q!iiders; J'Oseph J. Fourie, P.O. Box 2428, Cape Town. 2/H176,09hOO, Wynberg... Cl46/76--TRAND CARPET (PTY) L'ITD, in liquida,tion; =.J., Fourie, P.O. Box 2428, Cape Town. 24/11/76, 09hOO, C224/16-0HULANI, Claudio Antonio Alberto, previously trading as Hoherrhort Hotel, Constantia; Etienne te Roux, c/o Boland Bank Ltd, corner of Riebeeck and Lower Burg treets, Cape Town. 19/11/76, lqhoo, Q!,pe Town. Nl76/76-iE. C. PARUK & ON (PTY) UTI; M. J. Ensor, c/o ecurity Executor and Trust Co. Ltd, P.O. Box 1050, Durban;4OQO.18/11/16, , idurban. Tl302/76-WIG(JIN TEAPE MAITLAND PROPERTIE (PTY.) LTD; 1. Z. Willis, P.O. Box 838, Cape Town, ' T1303/76-GUMMED TAPE (PTY) LTD; I. Z. Willis, P.O; BoOX 8J.8,Cape Town, <;83/1~'J:'ABLEBAYT~KE AWAY (PTY) LTD, in liqui" dattoq;,milton Harold Gerdts, P.O. Box 3436, Cape Town. 19/11/ 76, 10boo, Cape Town m':"'KEEROM' PROPERTIE- (PTy). LTD, in liquidation; R. tephen, P.O. Box 3436, Cape Town. 19/11/76, lohoo, Cape ToOwn. Tl042/76-CHROEDER, P. D" trading as Pam's lax Boutique, Boksburg; P. D. Alexander, c/o Nortrustees (pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 5483, Johannesburg, /10/76, 10hOO Boksburg. T404 /76-FOURffi, Phillippus Jacobus, handeldrywende as Phil Fourie Musiek alon, Phalaborwa; P. Wessels, Posbus 217; Phalaborwa en M. E. wartz, Posbus 7976, Johannesburg. 17/11/ 76; 09hoo, Rustenburg. C206/76-KUHNER, Alvin; Neville Ralph Rubinstein, Business Administrators (Pty) Ltd, Atkinson House, 47 trand treet, Cape Town. 18/11/16, 09hOO, imonstown. T533/16-TRANVAAL COLD ROLLING (PTY) LTD, in liquidation; P. D. Alexander, c/o Nortrustees (Pty) Ltd; P.O. Box 5483, Johannesburg, /11/76, 09hOO, Johannesburg. E76/76/2-VAN NffiKERK, Godfrey Leonard Theodore, formerly residing at 3 Cadel Cresent, idwell, now residing at 1~ Uitenhage Road, port Elizabeth; tephen Henry Levin, A.A. House, 4 Rink treet, Port Elizabeth, /11 /18, 14hOO, Port Elizabeth.. E86/76/2~FARLATA INVETMENT (PTY) LTD, in liquidation,trading under the name and style of V~sta Homes at hop 5, Rllssel quare Arcade, Parliament treet, Port' Elizabeth, as building contractors and dealers in immovable property; tephen Henry Levin, AA. House, 4 Rink treet, Port Eliza: beth, 600L 26/11/76, 14hOO, Port Elizabeth.. EI09/76/3-BRINDA INVETMENT (PTY) LTD, in voluntary liquidation;. H. Levin, P.O. Box 1552, Port Elizabeth, T956/76-CHERMER, G. J. H.;.G. D. Kotze, P.O. Box 26299, Arcadia. 25/11 /16, 10hOO, Pretoria. Tl250/76-CENICAIR (PTY) LTD; A.. P. Meyer, pta A.. P. Meyer Trust, Posbus 3639, Pretoria. 18/11/16; WhOO. Pretoria. T570/7~BRUOUW, M. A.; A.. P. Meyer, pia A.. P. Meyer Trust, Posbus 3639, Pretoria. 24/11/16, 09hoo, Johannesburg.., N239/76--HANDY HANK (PTY) LTD, in liquidation; L. Fynn and J.. Evans, P.O. Box 61923, Marshalltown, 2017, 25/11/76, lqhoo, Durban. W4/76--DACON CONCRETE ENGINEERING (PTY), LTD, in liquidation; O. F. C. Herrigel, P.O. Box 3599, Windhoek, /11/76. 10hoo, Windhoek. N282/76-,-QUTH COAT PLUMBING WORK (PTY) LTD, in liquidation; W.J. van Dyk; c/o DesoOlaat (pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 26018, Arcadia. 25/11/76, lohoo, Port hepstone.. " T901/76--'CHUTTE, Frans Roelof Petrus;W. J. van Dyk, pia Haabroek & Boezaart, Posbus 2205, Pretoria; en T. C, Muller, pta L VK Trust, Posbus 1990, Pretoria. 22/11/76, 10hoo, Delareyville. '.'.,..., C264/7~LE ROUX, Ebon Retief; H.M. Matthis, Posbus 152, Oudtshoom. 24/11/16, lohoo,oudtshoom... " T671/76--TREVENNA (OUm AFRICA) (PTY) LTD,.in liquidation; Go' B. Christie, c/o yfret's Trustees (Tvl), P.O. Box 7419 Johannesburg, /11/76, 09hOO, Johannesburg... T812/76-JAKINLI (PTY) LTD, in liquidation;.g. W. Lam pert, 400 Feltex Honse, 180 Commissioner treet, Johannesburg;' 200], 17/11/16, 09hOO, Johaunesburg. TI80/76-LOTZ, George Andrew William, residing at 8 Felecia treet, Flamwood, Klerksdorp; G. W. Lampert, 400 Feltex House, 180 Commissioner treet, Johannesburg, /11/ 76, 10hOO, Klerksdorp. T938/76--NGWANE OIL AND CHEMICAL ERVICE LTD, in liquidation; G. W. Lampert, 400 Feltex House, 180 Commissioner treet, Johannesburg, /11 /76, 09hOO, Johannesburg. -4

129 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 TAATKOERANT, $' NOVEMBER 1976 No. 129 T937/7~EN BELEGGING (EDM.) BPK., in liquida "oon; G. W. Lampert, 400 Feltex House, 180 Corrpnissioner ~t,johannesburg, /11/76,09hOO,Johannesburg. TI233/16-HATIING, Mev.. J.; T. C. Muller, Posbus 1990, Pretoria. 24/11/76, lohoo. T464/16-VAN ZYL, M..; T. C. Muller, Posbus 1990, Pretoria. 24/11 /16, 09h30, Klerksdorp. T955/76-DE BRUYN, J. J.; T. C. Muller, Posbus 1990, Pretoria. 1/12/76, 09h30, Delareyville. T1138/76-EL, P. J.; T. C. Muller, Posbus 1990, Pretorial 22/11/76, 09h30, Lichtenburg.. B94/76-VAN HEERDEN, tephanus Philippus; Francis Joseph Errol Paola, c/o Gersohn, Paola & Brits, outhern House, 22 Hill treet, P.O. Box 101, Kroonstad. 17/11/76, 09h30, Kroonstad. BI05/76-MICHAEL, Andrew, trading as Pan African tores and Cafe; Francis Joseph Errol Paola, c/o Gersohn, Paola & Brits, outhern House, 22 Hill treet, P.O. Box 101, Kroonstad. 17/11 /1 6, 09h30, Kroonstad. Form/Vorm 2 MEETING OF CREDITOR IN EQUETRATED ETATE OR COMPANIE BEING WOUND UP Pursuant to sections 41 and 42 of the Iusolvency Act, 1936, sections 119 and 182 of the Companies Act, 1926, and sections 339 and 366 of the Companies Act. 1973, notice is hereby given that a meeting of creditors will be held in the sequestrated estates or companies being wound up mentioned below, indicating the number of estate/company; the name and description of estate/company; the date, hour and place of meeting and the purpose of meeting. Meetings in a place in which there is a Master's Office, will be held before the Master; elsewhere they win be held before the Magistrate. BYEENKOM VAN KULDEIER IN GEEKWETREERDE BOEDEL OF MAATKAPPYE IN LlKWIDAIE IngevoJge artikels 41 en 42 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikels 179 en 182 van die Maatskappywet, 1926, en artikels 339 en 366'van die Maatskappywet, 1913, word hierby kennis gegee dat.'n byeenkoms van skuldeisers in die gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie hieronder vermeld, gehou sal word met aanduiding van die nommer van boedel/maatskappy; die naam en beskrywmg van boedej/maatskappy; die datum, uur en plek van byeenkoms en die doel van byeenkoms. In 'n plek waarin 'n kantoor van 'n Meester is, word die byeenkoms voor die Meester en in ander plekke voor die Landdros gebou. EI61/75/1-BLOUNT, tanley Ernest, 3/7/43, 27/10/75, previously practising as a veterinary surgeon in Grahamstown (Deceased Estate Reference 2903/75/1). 24/ll 176, IOh30, Grahamstown. Further proof of claims. EI47/74/3-UY, Frederick Jacobus, residing at 56 Brighton Drive, ummerstrand, Port Elizabeth, and carrier on business as the messenger of the Court, Port Elizabeth outh, Harmonie Buildings, Market treet, Port Elizabeth, and also as Harmonio Printers, 24 Doyle treet, North Ene, Port Elizabeth. 19/11/76, 14hOO, Port Elizabeth. To prove claims. E53/16/1-EAT CAPE PLANT HIRE (PTY) LTD, in liquidation, trading at 7 Grace Crescent, Beacon Bay, East London, with registered office at 7 Lawrence treet, Central Hill, Port Elizabeth. 19/11/76, 14hOO, Port Elizabeth. Further proof of claims. EI80/74/3-WETAWAY, Ashley John, P.O. Box 5, Riebeeck East, District of Grahamstown. 24/11/16, 10h30, Grahamstown. Further proof of claims. Tl78/76--NOGLO HOLDING (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. 17/11/76, 09h30, tanderton. Further proof of claims. N45/76-RICHMOND TYRE (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. 19/11/16, lohoo, Pietermaritzburg. Further proof of claims. Final date as fixed by Master of the upreme Court. T615/15-BOTHA, M. W. 18/11/76, 10hOO, Pretoria. To prove claims and interrogate witnesses. N250/75-LEN ORTLEPP (PTY) LTD,. trading as Railway Pharmacy. 22/11/76, IOhOO, Ladysmith. Further proof of claims. Nlll/15-BUTLER, H. J. 12/11/76, IOhOO, Pietermaritzburg. Further proof of claims. E62/16/2-DU TOIT, Izak Malherbe. 19/11/16, 09h30, Macfear., E122/1~/2-YPHU, Brian, carrying on business as Mocraft 'Motors at Embassy treet, Port Elizabeth, and residing at 8 andora North Road, North End, Port Elizabeth. 19/11/76, 14hOO. To prove claims. N55/16-DULLIEAR, Ronald Douglas, 2432 Marine Drive, Bluff, Durban. 18/11/76, 10hOO, Durban. Proof of claims. N86/76-COETZER, Dennis Harry, Hippo Quarries, Grootgeluk, Bergville. 18/11/76, IOhOO, Bergville. Proof of claims.. N131/75-PREGOLA KONTRUKIE (EDM.) BPK. 18/11/ 76, 10hOO, Durban. Proof of claims. T13/76-REEF DEVELOPMENT A (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. 17/11/76, 09hOO, Johannesburg. Proof of claim. T DENI DU PREEZ MOTOR (PTy) LTD, in liq uidation. 17/11 /16, lohoo, Benoni. Proof of claims. T CARPETMITH (PTY) LTD, in likwidasie. 26/11/ 76, lohoo, Brakpan. Geregtelike ondersoek verdere bewys van eise. TlIO/72-LOVEROCK INVETMENT (PTY) LTD, in likwidasie. 24/11 /16, 09hOO, Johannesburg. Verdere bewys van eise. Tl70/16-CORDIER, J. J. P. 22/11/76, 09h30, Lichtenburg. Verdere bewys van eise. Tl6/16-BEUKE, H. J. 24/11/16, 09h30, prings. Geregtelike ondersoek verdere bewys van eise. EI73/75/1-LIMBADA, lax, 712 Highfield Road, Port Elizabeth. 19/11 /76, 14hOO, Port Elizabeth. Proof of claim E4/7J/2-BOMAN, J. N. 19/11/76, 14hOO, Port Elizabeth. For proof of debt and to vote upon the following resolution That the trustee be authorised to agree to the sale of Erf 5575, Uitenhage, presently registered in the name of William Ernest van Deemter and in respect of which the insolvent has a fiduciary interest to Willem Christiaan Bester for R N97/76-REGIONAL WHOLEALER (PTY) LTD. 17/11/ 76, 09hOO, Port hepstone. 1. Proving creditors claims. 2. Obtain. ing creditors directions re the disposal of the assets. C439/75-:-R I FRAER & UTHERLAND (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. 19/11 /76, , Cape Town. For proof of claims. C563f75-HEYN, Joachim Paulus. 19/11/76, lohoo, Cape Town. For proof of claims. CI29/76--EKTEEN, Jacob Petrns. 19/11/76, 10hOO, Cape Town. For proof of claims. C2lO/76--BENTON, Michael John. 19/11/76, lc}hoo, Cape Town. For proof of claims. C169/76-CERFF, Louis. 19/11/16, 10hOO, Cape Town. For proof of claims. T911/15-HANKE, E. E. D. 24/11/76, tohoo, Pretoria. Ver dere bewys van eise. T885/76-WETERN HOTEL (PTY) LTD. 18/11/76, lohoo. Pretoria. Verdere bewys van eise. B38/16-WEEL, W. J. A. 19/11/76, 10hOO, asolburg. Bewys van eise. Tl491/75-THE NOTON GROUP (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. 9 Liverpool Road, Benoni. 1A /11/76, 09h30, Benoni. Further proof of claim. T576/75-FRIEDMAN, Hymie, residing at 202 Leyds treet, Rustenburg. 1A/1l/76, 09hOO, Rustenburg. To conduct an enquiry and to examine certain persons. T239/76--ALFRED FICHER INVETMENT (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. 17/11/76, 09hOO, Johannesburg. Further proof of claims. T1183/75-UMMIT CONTRUCTION COMPANY (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. 17/11176,. OOhOO, J.ohannesburg. (a) F~her proof of claims. (b) InterroMtlOn of WItnesses and for creditors to give further instruction to the liquidator if necessary. T356/76-AOCIATION OF ALE PERONNEL POln FOLIO MANAGER (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. 19/11/16, 10hOO, Krugersdorp. Further proof of claims. T642/16-ARTITIC TEEL AND WIRE PRODUCT (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. 17/11/76, 09hOO, Johannesburg. Further proof of claims. T788/15-PETRAMAG INVETMENT (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. 17/11!76, 09h30, Alberton. Proof of claims. Tl225/72-THORNE, Graham. 17/11/76, 09hOO, Johannesburg. Examination of the insolvent and others. T636/75-THE POPPET (PTY) LTD, in liquidation, trading as The Cradle. 17/11/76, 09hOO, Johannesburg. Further proof of claims. TI076/11-HIRA, Champacklal, trading as Ch~at Agencies. 17/ll/76,,09hOO, Johannesburg. Further proof of claims. Tl26/76-NOORD TRANVAAL VLOERE (EDM.) BPK., in Iikwidasie. 16/11/76, 09h30, Potgietersrus. Verdere bewys van eise. -5

130 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 Fonn/Vorm3 130 No. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 5 NOVEMBER 1976 EXTENION OF TIME WITHIN WHICH TO LODGE LIQUIDATION ACCOUNT AND PLAN Of DITRIBUTION OR CONTRIBUTION IN EQUETRATED ETATE OR COMPANIE BEING WOUND UP Pursuant to section 109 (1) of the Insolvency Act, 1936, and section 135 (1) (c) of the Companies Act, 1926, notice is hereby given that after the expiration of a period of 14 days as from the date of publication hereof, it is the intention of the trustees or liquidators, as the case may be, of.the sequestrated estates or companies being wound up mentioned below, to apply to the respective Masters for an extension of time, as specified below, within which to lodge liquidation accounts and plans of distribution or contribution. The particulars are given in the following order: Number of estate/company; name and description of estate/company; name and date of appointment of trustee or liquidator; date when account due; period of extension required and to which Master application will be made. VERlENGING VAN TERMYN VIR INDIENING VAN UKWIDAIE DITRIBUIE OF KONTRI BUIEREKENING IN GEEKWETREERDE BOEDEl OF MAATKAPPYE IN LIKWIDAIE Ingevolge artikcl 109 (1) van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, en artikel 135 (1) (c) van die Maatskappywet, 1926, word hierby kennis gegee dat kurators of likwidateurs van die gesekwestrecrde boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie, na geiang van die gevai, hieronder vermeld voorn~mens is omna aftoop van 'n termyn van 14 dae vanaf die datum van publikasie hiervan, die betrokke Meesters om 'n verlenging van die termyne hlcronder genoem, vir die indiening van likwidasie-, distribusie- of kontribusierekenings te versoek. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; narun en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy; naam en datum van aanstelling van kurator of likwidateur; datum waarop rekening ingedicn moet word; termyn van verlilngde verienging en by watter Meester aansoek gedoen sal word. T102/76-PROMNICK, Geoffrey; Johline teyn, 3/5/76. 3/ B7/76-ROYCLIFF INVETMENT (PTY) LTD; Abraham 11/76. es maande, Pretoria. Josef Cornelissen and Gert Hendrik Jacobus Venter, 21/4/76. C539/75-RATCLIFFE, Jeffrey Edward; J. J. Rousseau, 28/ 21/10/76. Nine months. 4/76.28/10/76. ix months, Cape Town. E30/75/I-R. E. CHULZ-UTER MECHANICAL AUTO T944/74-KAJEE, Yusuf; I.. Fynn, 1O{12/74. 3/11/76. ix MATION (PTY) LTD, in liquidation, uter House, Edgar Lane, months, Pretoria. Port Elizabeth; Kenneth Norman Paterson, 16/5/75. 16/10/76. T943/74---IMAIL, Fatima; I.. Fynn, 17/12/74. 17/11/76. ix months, Grahamstown. ix months, Pretoria. T284/7I-GROBLER, 1. 1.; L. Klopper en V. A. van Diggelen, T945/74-KAJEE. Mahomed; I.. Fynn, 8/1/75. 5/11/76. 6/7 /71. 15/9/76. Nege maande. ix months, Pretoria. T877 /75-MAIR, William Arthur; Ivor Lancelot van Diggelen, T35/76-BORCHERD, Victor, formerly of 2 Hobart Road, 26/4/76. 2i 10/76. Four months, Pretoria. Bryanston; Albert Ruskin and Gerald Isaac Lipschitz 15/4/76. T204/76-PillLPOTT, N..; M. D. Blaha, 7/5;76. 7/11/76. 15/10/76. Nine months, Pretoria. ' Three months, Pretoria. C567/75-BLACHER, Israel, 11 Ellcrton Mansions, Glengariff T448/75-TURANJANIN, Branko, 10 handon Way, Park Road, ea Point; Neville Ralph Rubinstein, 14/4/76. 14/10/76. more; Mervyn Israel wartz, 23/6/76. 10/11/76. ix months Pretoria. ' One year. T666/73-BAN BADENHORT (EDM.) BPK., in likwidasie; ~29/76-HE:'-IMERK INVETMENT (PTy) LTD, in liqui- L. Klapper, 3/8/73. 14/11/76. es maande, Pretoria. dation; Mervyn hrad wartz, 2/4/76. 15/11/76. Nine months, T890/n-LEONARD, M. M.; L. Klopper, 12/10/72. 23/11/ Pretona. 76. es maande, Pretoria. Fonn/Vorm4 LIQUIDATION ACCOUNT AND PLAN OF DITRiBUTION OR CONTRiBUTION IN EQUETRATED ETATE OR COMPANIE BEING WOUND UP Pursuant to section 108 (2) ofthe Jnsolvency Act, 1936, section 136 (2) of the Companies Act, 1926, and section 406 (3) of the Companies Act, 1973, notice is hereby given that the liquidation account and plans of di~tributiqn or contribution in the estates or the companies mentioned below will lie open for inspection by creditors or contributories at the offices of the Masters and the Magistrates stated therein, for a period of 14 days, or for such a period as stated therein, from the date mentioned bdow or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later date. The particulars are given in the following order: Number of estate/company; name and description of estate/company; description of account; account for inspection at Master's and Magistrate's Office, date (if later than date of publication hcreof), period {if longer than 14 days). LlKWIDAIE., DfTRIBUIE- OF KONTRIBUIEREKEN!NG IN GEEKWETREERDE BOEDEl OF MAATKAPPYE IN LlKWIDAIE Ingevolge artikel 108 (2) van die Jnsoivensiewet, 1936, artikel 136 (2) van die Maatskappywet, 1926, en artikel 406 (3) van die Maatskappywet, 1973, word hierby kennis gegee dat die Iikwidasie-, distribusie- of kontribusierekenings in die boedejs of die maatskappye, na gelang van die geval bieronder venneld, ter insae van skuldeisers ofkontribuante salle op die kanlore van die Meesters en Landdroste daarin genoem, gedurende 'n tydperk van 14 dae, of die tydperk wat daarin vermeld is, vllnaf die datum hieronder vermeid of vanaf die datum van publikasie hiervan, watter datum oolt al die laaste is. Die besonderhede word verslrek in die volgorde: Nommer van boe.delfmaatskappy; naam en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy; beskrywing van rekening; rekening ter insaeby Meester- en Landdroskantoor, datum (indien later as publikasiedatum), tydperk (indien langer as 14 dae).. T331/75-ERJO INVETMENT (PTY) LTD. First and Final. Pretoria, Johannesburg. Tl071/75-WARDOUR MAYFAIR PRODUCTION (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Distribu tion. Pretoria, Johannesburg. E42/74/2-RAIT HANDEL4.AR (PTy) LTD, in liquidation. econd and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Grahamstown, Uitenhage. E155/74/1-ECH EXPORTER (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. econd and Final Liquidation and DistributiO'll. Grahamstown, Port Elizabeth. C359/75- MARITZ, Gysbert Jacobus, formerly a director of companies and resident at 1 Andrag treet, Welgcmoed, Bellville, C.P. econd and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Cape Town. CI25j75-UEDENE MM mfacturer AND AGENT (PTY) LTD, in liquidation, corner of Blignaut and Louw treets, Wellington, C.P. econd and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Cape Town, Wellington. NI2j75-TRUBRITE (PTy) LTD, in liquidation. Amended First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution. Pietermaritzburg. E86/n/2A-DU PLOOY, 1.. econd and Final Liquidavoluntary liquidation. Fir!'!; and Final Liquidation and Distribu Tl598j75-LYMARDEN INVETMENT (PTy) LTD, in tion and Distribution. Grahamstown, Port Elizabeth. tion. Pretoria, Johannesburg. E4/6?/2-LOUW, Jacobus Andries, a general dealer, carrying on busmess at Muller treet, Barkly East. Tenth Liquidation T375/75-MARITZ, H. J. First and Final Liquidation, Distriand Distribution. Grahamstown, Barkly East.. bution and Contribution. Pretoria, Cullinan. '

131 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 T5/75-ADCORP AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Vereeniging.. C552f75-MERLEON (EDM.) BPK., in vrywillige Iikwidasie. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie en Distribusie. Kaapstad, tellenbosch. T864f75-HYMAUKIE (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution. Pretoria, Johannesburg. T1121/74--5.A. FIREPLACE WORK (TVL) (PTY) LTD, in Liquidation. First Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Johannesburg. E72f75/2-HUNT, Dawn Margaret. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Grahamstowll, Port Elizabeth. NI36/72/3A-AVELL, A. D. Fifth Liquidation and Distribution. Durban, Pietermaritzburg. C559/75-TRANLANDIA EIENDOMBURO (EDM.) BPK.. in liquidation, estate agents with registered office at Tyg;erberg Centre. Voortrekker Road, Bellville, Cape. First Liquidation and Distribution. Cape Town, Bellville. N337/75-NEUMANN, Roy Ernest, 72 Prince Alfred treet, Durban. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Pietermaritzburg, Durban. N102/76-TEVENON, Cherna Yvonne, Herbalist and The Health Nut, 24 Mark Lane, Durban. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution. Pietermaritzburg, Durban. N176/75-NAIDOO, Poth~na)1?obramoner, ~2 ~lein ~reet, Tongaat. First and Final LiqUidatIOn and DlstnbutlOn. Pletermaritzburg, Verlliam.. B133/75-CALITZ. Johannes Mattheus Net. Eerste en Fmale Likwidasie en Distribusierekening. Bloemf()ntein, Virginia. B127/74-DU PLEI, David Th~orus, v,oorheen han~el drywend as Coco rico Pet hop, Maltland!ttraat, Bloemfontem. Tweede en Finale Likwidasie en Distri'busie. Bloemfontein. Bl60/74-MENNEPAVE (EDM.) BPK., in likwidasie. Eerste Likwidasie en Di,tribusie. Bloemfontein. 5/11/76, 14 dae THE DURBAN COUNTY WATTLE YNDICATE LTD, in voluntary liquidation. e:ond Liquidation. Pielermaritzbun;, Durba'l, Carperdown. Pinetown. 12/11/76-11/12;76. N299!75-THE P;jLL-IN (PTY) LTD. First and Finalliquidation, Distribution and Contribution. Pi etermaritzburg, Durban. T252f74-0NE FOUR FIVE IX GREENHILL (EDM.) BPK. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie en Distribusie. Pretoria, Roodepoort. C234/72-URTEL TRANPORT (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Cape Town. l/ll/ days. C1l7/76!2B-GLENGILLI (PTY) LTD, in voluntary liquidation. Fir,t and Final liquidation and Distribut"i,on. Oape Town. T869/75-P. J. BOTHA BOUER (pty) LTD, in liquidation. First Liquidation and Distribution. Krugersdorp, Pretoria. T904/75-BUDGET DEIGN (PTY) LTD. in liquidation. First Liquidation and Distribution. Johannesburg, Pretoria. BI53/75-DE WINNAAR, Jan Hendrik Ohristiaan. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie en Distribusie. Bloemfontein, Welkom. C415/66lB-ARNOLD, L. A. Twelfth Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria. Johannesburg. C502/75-WAANDRA BELEGGING (EDM.) Bpk. 68/ Lik'.virlasie en Distribusie. Kaapstad. B141/75-MALHERBE, Petrus Johannes. Eerste en Finale Likwida;;ie en Distrih'l'ie. 5/11/76,14 dae. N363;75-YDENHAM. Henry Ernest, trading as ounds Electric. First Liquidation and Distribution. Pietermaritzburg. T48176-BOND, Thomas William, 2134 Green treet, Bryanston. Fi rst Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria. Johannesburg. T476/76-DENI DU PREEZ MOTOR (PTy) LTD, in liquidation. First Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Benoni. TL WINCHEM ERVICE (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, J011,mnesburg. TL271/75-PORIAZI, Francisco, formerly of 129 Hamilton Avenue. Brakpan. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution. Pretoria. Brakpan. T LE ROUX, Pieter Johannes tefanus, 14 Central Aven'1c, Kempton Park. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution. Pretoria, Kempton Park. T717/75-RHEEDER, Willem terrenberg, 9 Third Avenue, Fontainebleau, Randburg, Tvl. econd and Final Liquida- ' tion and Distribution. Pretoria, Randburg. T681/76-JULETE LEATHER (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Johannesbur~. Tl506{75-RIVIERVIEW PROPERTIE (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. First Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Johannesburg. T227/76-M. BORCHER & ON INVETMENT (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. First Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Johrmnesburg. T MIL1\;'E PARK I~VETMENT (PTY) LTD. in liauidation. First Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Johannesburg. TAATKOERANT, 5 NOVEMBER 1976 No. 131 T190/76-G. H. MULLER & ON (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. First Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Johannesburg; TL88/76--CLOVER LEAF MOTOR (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. First Liquidation and Distribution, Pretoria, Johannesburg. TL08f75-BROMER INDUTRIAL FIBREGLA (PTy) LTD, in liquidation. First Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria. Johauuesburg. TL507/75-BROMER MOTOR AEMBLIE (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. First Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Johannesburg. T280/76-LECTROCON (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. First Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Johannesburg. T1142/75-REPUBLICAN CATERER AND HOTEL (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. First Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Johannesburg. TL209/7I-BOTHA, Willem Jacobt;s, 39 ~en~er.avenue, B!rc~leigh, Kempton Park. econd and Fmal LIqUIdatIOn and Dlstnbution. Pretoria, Kempton Park. NI53/76-LOT 599 LA LUCIA INVETMENT (PTY) L"rD. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contnbutlon, Pietermaritzburg, Durban. E69/76/3A-MILLER HOLDING CAPE (PTY) LTD, in voluntary liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and DistIi bution. Grahamstown, Port Elizabeth. B83/60/1A-LENTZ, Hilton August.Wilhelm,. a tr~de,. ~be Valley P.O. Debe Nek. upplementary FIrt and Fmal LiqUidation and Distribution. Grahamstown, King William's Town. N99/76~PELMOOR PROPERTIE (PTY) LTD. Pietermaritzburg, Durban. N314/7--5ULLIVAN, J. J. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Pietermaritzburg, Newcastle.. T90f76-BOTHA. M. C. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution. Pretoria. T111Of75-H. L. C. PORT (EDM.) BPK. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie en Distribusie. Pretoria, Rustenburg. T1288f75-DANA DAWN (PTY) LTD. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie en Kontribusie. Pretoria, Brakpan. T152f76-BOJO PHOTOLITHOGRAPHER (EDM.) BPK., in Iikwidasie. Eerste Likwidasie en Verdelings. Pretoria. T1358/75-BOTHA, Abraham Roodt. First and Final Liqui. dation and Contribution. Pretoria. T66f75-MITROVICH, Peter amuel. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution and Distribution. Pretoria. T123f75/B-ATLA MATTE CHOEMAN TREET (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution. Pretoria.. T634/74-ABRAMOWITZ, II.. Amen~ed First and Flllal Liquidation and Distribution Account. Pretona, Johannesburg. C13/74/A-IEBRITZ. Afrika tephan us. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Cape Town, Paarl. C48!16/3A-TELLENBO~CH V.LE!~ARK (ED~.~ R~K.. in liquidation. First and FIllal LiqUIdatIOn and Dlstnbution. Cape Town, trand. C345/72/B-KRAUER, Fmnz. upplementary Liquidation. Cape Town. T1399/72-NATIONAL POLYMER (NATAL) (PTY) LTI? in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Plan of Contribution. Pretoria.. N288f71-HERRIF;F EN(;m~ffiE.RING (PTY).LTJ? in liquidation. econd and Fmal LIqUIdation and DlstnbutlOn. T302/74-M. BOREI (PTY) L TO, in liq~dat!on. First a~d Final Liquidation, Distribution and ContnbutlOn. Pretona, Johannesburg. T61/76--GARKEN GRANE HIRE (PTy) LTD, in liquidation. First Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Johannesburg, T919/75-DE KLERK, B. P. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution. Pretoria. T66/74-COMETIC INVETMENT (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. eeond Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria. Johannes burg. T1316/75-O. B. DICK (pty) LTD, in liquidation. First Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Boksburg. TI273f75-MONICA BOCH EXCLUIVE DIIGN (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Omtribution. Pret9ria, Johannesburg. 3577/75/4C-RAJMUTHEE, 131 Matheran Road, Avoca.; Durban. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Pietermaritzburg, C416/74/6A-IRAELI, Reinette. econd Liquidation. Cape Town. C392/74/2A-AGULHA FIHERIE (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. econd Liquidation and Distribution. Cape Town. C321i74/A-VIVIER, Cornelius, a medical practitioner, 97 andown Road, Rondeboseh, and practising at 1805 Trust Bank: Centre, Heerengracht, Cape Town. Third Liquidation and Distribution. Cape Town.

132 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February No. GOVERNMENT GAZE'ITE, 5 NOVEMBER 1976 C229174j5A-FINEE FAHION (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. Third and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Cape Town. C307j74/1A-MAION REA (A) (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. Third and Final Liquidation and Distribution and Contribution. Cape Town. T226/75-MADER,. M. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution and Contribution. Pretoria, Benoni. Tl032/73/A-ELKIN TRUT (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. econd and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Johannesburg. Tl372/75/B-PRETORIA THEATRE LTD. Liquidation. Pretoria, Johannesburg. T1346/73-WILLIE JANEN (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria.. T956/75-WALKER. Michael Raymond. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Johannesburg. TllOi/75/A-C.R.K. PROPERTlE (PTY) LTD, in voluntary liquidation.. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Tl217/76-LINTON PHARMACY (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. Eersle en Finale Likwidasic en Distribusie. Pretoria. T456/16-GRUNDLING, C. A. Eerste Likwidasie en Distribusie. Pretoria. Form/Vorm PAYMENT Of DIVIDEND AND COLLECTION Of CONTRIBUTION IN EQUETRATED ETATE OR COMPANIE BEING WOUND UP The liquidation accounts and plans of distribution or contribution jn the s~questrate~ es~ates or co!llpanies being woun,d. up, as the case may be, mentioned below having been confirmed on t~e date therem mentlol,1ed, notice I hereby given,. ~ursuant to se\;tlo~ ~13 (1) of the Insolvency Act 1936 section 139 (2) of the Compames Act, 1926, and section 409 (2) of thc C;ompames Act, 1973, that dividends are in the course of payme~t'o~ contr!butions are in the course of ~ol~ection in the said estates?r con:pa!lies as set f?rth below a~d that every ereditor liable to contribution I required to pay to the trustee or liquidator the amount for WhIC~ h~ I hable at the address menlloned below. The particulars are given in the following order: Name of estate/company; name and decription of estate/company; d,!-te ~hen account confirmed; whether a dividend is being paid or contribution being collected, or both, and name and address of trustee or hqujdator. UITKEER VAN DIVIDENDE. EN INAMELING VAN KONTRIBUIE IN GEEKWETREERDE BOEDEL OF MAATKAPPYE IN likwidaie Nademaal die likwidasierekenings en distribusie- of kontribusierekenings in d~e ~sekwest~ecrde. boedels of ~aatsk:j.ppye in Iik:widasie., na gelang van die geval, hieronder vermeld op die datums daarin vermeld, bekragtlg I~, word hlerby mgevolge artlke! 113 <::> van ~Ie 1ns.ol. vensiewet 1936 artikel 139 (2) van die Maatskappywet. 1926, en artikel409 (2) van die Maatskappywet, 19,73. kenms.gcg,,~ dat l1itdbetall~g van divid~nde ~f insameling van kontribusies aan die gang is in genoemde boedels of maatskappye ~oos hleronde~ UI~ecngeslt en at e e kontribusiepligtige skuldeiser die bedrag deur hom verskuldig by die adres hieronder genoem aan die kurator of l!kwldllteur moet beu;al. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van boe~el/,?a.atskappy; naam en ~krywing van boedelfmaatskappy; datum waarop rekening bekragtig is; of 'n dividend uitgekeer of 'n kontnbusle mgevorder word, of belde. en naam en adres van kuralor of likwidateur.. E45/75JI-BET DEAL FURNIHER (PTY) LTD. in liquidation, baving its registered office at c/o am Doubell & <:;0., Pro Eeelesia Buildings, Caledon treet, Uitenhage, and carrymg on business. at 161a Durban treet, Uitenhage. 29/9/76. Concurrent di idend 'being paid. tephen Henry Levin, A.A. House, 4 Rink treet, P,ort Elizabeth, E48/75/3-MARTIN. FERREIRA BELEOOING (EDM.) BPK., in liquidation, having its registered office at tandard Bank Buildings, 34 Main treet,,polt Elizabeth, and its main place 'Of business at Algoa Road, Despatch. 5/10/76. ecured award only. David A. Morris, A.A. House, 4 Rink treet, Port Elizabeth, E148/15/3-JANHIRL INVETMENT (PTY) LTD, in liquidation, trading as The Pickled Cucumber, a delicatessen, carrying on business at 5 Rose treet, Port Elizabeth, with registeredofficesat 305 Martian House, trand treet, Port Elizabeth. 6/10/76. Preferent award ami concurrent dividend being paid. tephen Henry Levin, A.A. House, 4 Rink treet, Port Elizabeth, B29/76A-MINAVAN BELEOOING (EDM.) BPK., in voluntary liquidation. 5/10/76. Dividend. V. H. Neumann, P.O. Box 799, Welkom. T394/75---'PLAYCENE (PlY) LTD, in liquidation. 15/10/76. Neither. C. F. immons, P.O. Box 16M, Johannesburg, N22/75/1A-PHIPLAT (PTY)LTD, in liquidation. 7/10/76. Dividend being paid. G. I. Lipschitz, e/o yfrets Trust and Executor.A. Ltd, P.O. Box 135, Durban. Tl221j75-POLIVET (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. 5/10/76. Contribuoon being collected. J. G. A. Leyd' and P. D. Berman, P.O. Box 8707, Johannesburg, T1321/75/A--{}LENWOOD PACKAGING (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. 12/10/76. Award to preferent and secured creditors 'Only.. Trakman, c/o Cape Trustees (Tvl) (Pty) Ltd, P.O. B'OX 10463, Johannesburg, B128/75-GOUW, Johannes tephanus, 'n wer-ltuigkundige in diens van cntraal Wes Ko-.op, Piet RetiefstraaJt, Theunissen. 20/10/16. Dividend uit te keer. G. F. Wessels, pia ymington & De Kok, Pusbus 760, Bloemf'Ontein. B125/74-DITTBERNER, Richard Ernest, v oorhcen handeldrywend as Willows Refrigeration, Breestraat 36a, Parys. 15/10/ 76; Dividend uit te keel'. G. F. Wessels,pla ymington & De Kol, :Posbus 760, Bloemfontein. T1094/75-A.B.C. CIVIL AND TRUcruRAL ENGINEER ING (PTY) LID. 7/9/76. Contrlbuti,on. JO'hiine teyn. T613/74-MELAMED MOTOR COMPANY (PTY) LTD. 4/ 10/76. Dividend. Norman ifris. B97 /75~NEL, wmem Jacobus. 6/10/76. Dividende word uitgekeer. Johannes Visser, P<l\bus 36, Odendaal6TUs. T704A/74-VAN HUYEN, B. J., and H, C. Lang, who traded in partnership as Bianca Menbileerders. 18/10/76. Neither. C. F. immons, P.O. Box 1684, Johannesburg, C91/75-ANDE, Raymond Horatio, a restaurant keeper, trading as Eastlake Inn, Marina da Gama, Pr.nee Gco;ge Drive, Muizenberg, C.P., and also trading as a general de'aler as Charles & Company at 31 Main Road, Berg vliet, c.p. 12/10/76. Dividend being paid. F. D. Glaum, for Cape Tru&tccs and Exe~lltors Ltd, 6 Chureh quare, Cape Town.. E179/75/3-0DENDAAL, P. D. 14/10/76. No dividend is being paid. Basil Kenneth pengler van Zyl, c/o yfret's Tru't and Executor outh Afrioa Ltd, 94 Main treet, P'ort Elizabeth. C1%/75-GUY, Raymond Alfred, formerly residing at 5 Conifer treet, Newlands, c.p. lj/jo/76. Dividend being paid. Ralph Millman, for Cape Trustees and Executors Ltd, 6 Church quare, Cape Town. C129/75-PETEREN, Ebrahim. Avo, First Road, Grassy Park, c.p. 8/10/76. Dividend being paid. 1. J. Rousseau, for Cape Trustees and Exe:utors Ltd, 6 Church quare, Cape Town. C317/74-W.. IMPON DREDGING (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. 14/10/76. Dividend being paid. P. T. C. Thome, for Cape Trustees and Exe:utors Ltd, 6 Ohurch quare, Cape Town. N74/75-RAMAMUJH, 25 Finch Terrach, Reservoir HiIl~, Durban. 14/10/76. Dividend payable. J. A. Bruce. ('/0 cclu;ty Executor and Trust Co. Ltd, P.O. Box 1050, Durban, N82175-KINGDALE TRADING COMPANY (PTY) LTD. 29/9/76. Dividend payable. 1. A. Bruce, c/o ecurity Executor and Trust Co. Ltd, P.O. Box 1050, Durban, N246/74-ILAJEETH, P.O. Box 167, tanger, 8/10{76. Dividend payable. J. A. Bruce, e/o ecurity Executor and Trust Co. Ltd, P.O. Box 1050, Durban, T4/76-DE PONTE, Francisco Concalves. formerly of 33 Tom Jones treet, Benoni. 21/10/76. Dividend of IOOe in the rand being paid. Mervyn Israel wartz, c/o Albert Ruskin Trust Board (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 7976, Johannesburg. T BOTHA, Frederick Christoffel Jacobus, 18 Wilson treet, WitfieJd, Boksburg j76. Both. Philip David Berman, e/o Albert Ruskin Trust Board (Pty) Ltd, P"O. Box 7976, Johannesburg. T73/76-UNIVERAL HYDRAULIC (PTY) LTD, in liqt;idation, 21/10/76. Both. Mervyn Israel wartz, e/o Albert Ruskin Trust Board (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 7976, Johanncsburg. TlO12174-JEFFERY, Johanna Margrieta Renche. 13 Greenfield Road, Libradene, Bnksburg. 21/10/76, Both. Philip David Berman and Norman ifris, c/o Albert Ruskin Trust Board (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 7976, Johannesburg.

133 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 TAATKOERANT, 5 NOVEMBER 1976 No. 133 Petrus Johannes, 16 Andover treet, West T694/75~KNOP, dene, Johannesburg. 21/10/16. Payment to certain secured creditors. Philip David Bennan, c/o Albert Ruskin Trust Board (Pty) I.::td; P.O. Box 7976, Johannesburg. T1308/15-T. W. BOND (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. 18/10/ 76. Dividend awardcd to certain secured creditors. Albert Ruskin, for Albert Ruskin Trust Board (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 7976, Johannesburg. T387/76-CANDILLOVO (PTy) LTD, in liquidation. 21/10/ 76. PaYI.nent to preferent and secured creditors. Mervyn Israel wartz, c/o Albert Ruskin Trust Board (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 7976, Johannesburg. TI92/15-CHARIOT INVETMENT (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. 21/10/76. Dividend to certain secured creditors. Philip David Berman, c/o Albert Ruskin Trust Board (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 7976, Johannesburg. N346/15-JUDEX PROPERTIE (PTY) LTD, in voluntary liquidation. 8/10/76. Dividend payable. H. A. Long. P.O. Box 1462, Durban. 40{)0. N305/75-DAGINA (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. 8/10/16. Dividend to preferent creditors only. K. D. Krumm, for able Trustees, P.O. Box 4478, Durban, 41)()(). B82/13--TERBLANCP.E, Esaias Johannes, voorheen van die plaas Kleinbegin, distrik Theunissen. 30/9/76. Dividend uit te keer. O. F. Wessels,.p/a ymington & De Kok, Posbus 760, Bloemfontein. T528/15-MADION REAL ETATE (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. 19/10/16. Awards to secured and preferent creditors only. C. R. Lansdown, c/o yfrets Trustees, P.O. Box 7419, Johannesburg, K3J73-LABUCHAGNE. L. G. 14/1/16. Diwidend en kontribusie. B. G.. de Wet, vir Kaap Vaal Trust, Posbus 2851, Johannesburg. T625/14/B-ARTIAN ERECTION (EDM.) BPK., in likwidasie. 14/10/16. Diwidend. B. O.. de Wet, vir Kaap Vaal Trust, Posbus 2851, Johannesburg. T40/76-G. & W. TIMBER (PTy) LTD, in likwidasie. 12/ 10/76. Diwidend. B. G.. de Wet, Posbus 2851, Johannesburg. C67/72-HOME FAYRE (PTy) LTD. 5/10/76. Dividend being paid. D. 1. Rennie, for Thibault Trust (Cape) (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 1767, Cape Town..C425/75-D. W. DAVIDON (PTY) LTD, formerly trading as Man of the World. 6/10/76. Dividend being paid. A. M. Ren!lie. for Thibault Trust (Cape) (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 1767, Cape Town. CJ47/13-TROEBEL, O. J. H. 20/10/76. Equalising dividend being paid. D. J. Rennie, for Thibault Trust (Cape) (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 1767, Cape Town /73-HENRIr:0. Johannes Jurgens, gebore op 29/11/ W. 3/9/76. Dividende. Volkskas Bpk., Posbus 970, Klerksdorp..,. TI402/75-NORMAN PROPERTIE (PTY) LTD. 19/10/16. Dividend being paid out. Dudley Clifford Pratt, 203 Permanent Buildings, 54 LanddIos Mare treet, P.O. Box 152, Pietersburg. TI046/i2-FLAGG, J. R. 22/10/16. Dividend to concurrent creditors. E. Chesler, P.O. Box 347, Edenvale. ' C44/74!5A-VAN DYK, H. 20/10/76. Vitkeer van dividende. M. T. BUchner, Posbus 34, Caledon. C25/13/B-BURGER, Eben, Hill treet, Riversdale. 15/10/ 76. Preferent dividend only being paid. Neville Ralph Rubinstein, Atkincon House, 47 trand treet, Cape Town. CllO/n/A-THE BERNARD HILL ORGANIATION (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. 20/10/76. Dividend being paid. J. J. Rousseau, Atkinson House, 47 t:and treet, Cape Town.. T568/75-,WINGER LABEL (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. 21/ 10/76. Dividend. P., D. Alexander, c/o Nortrustees (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 5483, Johannesburg, T1107/75-CAM GREEN FAIRLAND (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. 18/10/76. Dividend. P. D. Alex'ander, c/o Nortrustees (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 5483, Johannesburg, N45 /14/3A~KYLON CONTRUCTION COMPANY (NATAL) (PTY) LTD. 11/10/76. Dividend being paid. P. T. C. Thorne, for Cape Trustees and Executors Ltd, 6 Church quare, cape Town. T425/16-BREE TREET PROPERTIE (PTY) LTD, in V'O'hmtary liquidation. 13(10/76. Dividell~ being paid. R. Freedll1an, c/o Freedman & Partners, P.O. Box 613, Johannesburg; C249/75/B-JAMIE, Mogamat Yusuf. 12/ Contribution being collected. Neville Ralph Rubinstein, Atkinson House, 47 trand treet, Cape Town. C185J75-MERICANA ROOFING PECIALIT (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. 12/10/76. ecured dividend being paid. Neville Ralph Rubinstein, Atkinson House, 47 trand treet, Cape Town. C251/15/A -CIRCLE HARDWARE,(PTY) LTD, in liquidation. 15/10/76. Dividend being paid. Neville Ralph Rubinstein, Atkinson House, 47 trand treet, Cape Town. C209/74/ A-ELLIOTT, William Alfred, La Patio, Nirvana Way, Constantia, Cape. 18/10/16. Dividend being paid. Neville Ralph Rubinstein, Atkinson House, 47 trand treet, Cape Town. C542/15/A-AADIENRAAD, Hessan Jazzar last known address c/o Ledlab (pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 58, Isando, Tv!. 18/10/ 76. ecured dividends only being paid. Neville Ralph Rubinstein, Atkinson House, 47 trand treet, Cape Town, T999/13/A-VAN NIEKERK, K. J. 12/10/16. Dividend being paid. C. G.Foot c/o yfrets Trustees (Tvl) Ltd, P.O. Box 7419, Johannesburg, T475/15-AUTOMATIC KNITTER (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. 20/10/76. Return to contributories. L. D. Druker, c/o The Druker Trust Company (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 9251, Johannesburg. T63/1I-HAR,. R. 8/10/76. Dividend being paid. P. T. C. Thorne and L. D. Druker, P.O. Box 9251, Johannesburg. T73/72-NICHOLA,Errol Cameron. 8/10/76. Both. L. D, Druker, c/o The Druker Trust Company (Pty) Ltc;l, P.O. Box 9251, Johannesburg. T1326/75-BURNEU INVETMENT (ED M.) BPK.,.invrywillige Iikwidasie deur lede. 12/10/16. Dividend betaal. D. Burger. Posbus 738, Pretoria. T498/75-DOBON, P. V. 26/10/76. Dividende word uitgekeer en kontribusie word gevorder. G. D. Kolze, Posbus 26299, Arcadia. TlD07/15-BROWN, Moses. 26/ Dividende word uitgekeer en kontribusie word gevorder. G. D. Kotze, Posbus 26299, Arcadia. Tl338/75-VAN VUUR,EN, G. J. 19/10/76. Dividend. A.. P. Meyer, pta A.. P. Meyer Trust, Posbus 3639, Pretoria. TIOI7 /11-GROENEWALD, Z. F. 18/10/76. Dividend. A.. P. Meyer, pia A.. P. Meyer Trust, Posbus 3639 Pretoria. T283/75-H & PRODUCT (PTy) LTD. Dividend. A.. p, Meyer, pia A.. P. Meyer Trust, Posbus 3639, Pretoria. TI459/75-UPER CARPET MARKET (EDM.) BPK., in likwidasie. 19/10/16. Dividende is uitgekeer. E. M. de la Rey, pia ekuriteit Eksekuteurs- en Trustmaatskappy Bpk., Posbus 3127, Pretoria. T706/74-VERHEEM, N. L. 18/10/76. Dividende is uitgekeer. J. M. J. van Vuuren, pia ekuriteit Eksekuteurs en Trustmaatskappy Dpk., Posbus 3127, Pretoria.. T512/14-EGNO, M. 19/10/16. Dividende is uitgekeer W. Van H. van der Walt, pia ekuriteit Eksekuteurs- en Trustmaatskappy Bpk., Posbus 3127, Pretoria. TI005/14/A-VERTER, 1. P. E. 19/10/16. Dividende is uitgekeer. A. J. Hessels, pia ekuriteit Eksekuteurs- en Trustmaatskappy Bl'k., Posbus 3127, Pretoria. TI257/73-VAN DER MERWE, William Preston. '1J)/10/76. Preferent award only. Ivor Lancelot van Diggelen, for LimvaaJ Trustees, P.O. Box 3548, Pretoria, W2/15-WINON,. 1. L. 18/10/76. Dividend being paid. D. O'N. Mathews Trustee, P.O. Box 82, Windhoek, W23/73-ENLIN, C. B. 19/10/76. Dividend being paid. D. O'N. Mathews Trustee, P.O. Box 82, Windhoek, C324/n/A-VEGRON (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. 15/10/76; Dividend being paid. B. K.. van Zyl, 24 Wale treet, Cape Town. C369/75/B-LEEUWENDAN PLAE (EDM.) BPK., in liquidation. 5/10/16. Dividend being paid. Michael Terence East, 24 Wale treet, Cape Town.. TI536/15-AO PROPERTIE (PTY) L~D. 20/10/76. No dividend paid. C. A. mith, P.O. Box 34, Pretona. CI5176-CLAIRWOOD COURT (PTY) LTD, in volnn~ry liquidation. 19/8/16. Dividend to shareholders. Brian W. tnlth, c/o R Nathan Trust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 4205, Cape Town. T1578/75-JORDAAN. D. 1. B. 22/10/76..Contribution: is being levied. M. D. Blaha, P.O. Box 26018, Arcadia. N265/75-POTHODIA (PTY) LTD, in voluntary liquidation. 8J 10/76. None. J. R. Demmer, P.O. Box 591~ Durban. 4<XlOo

134 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February No GOVERNMENT GAZETrE, 5 NOVEMBER T333/1.5--R. T. URQUHART HOLDING (PTy) LTD. 18/ 10{76. Dividend paid.. Danielsen, P.O. Box 14O9, Wadeville. T377{75-VIER. J. L., First Liquidation and Distribution Account. 18/1O{76. Dividend being paid. N. Bov.wan, P.O. Box Johannesburg. T468{73-CHOEMAN, P. H., First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. 19/10/76. Dividend being paid. L. Cohen, P.O. Box Johannesburg. T136J75-VAN DER MERWE,., First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. 18f No dividend being paid. L. Cohen, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg. T740/75-JORDAAN, J. J., First and Final Liquidation, Distnlmtion and Contribution. 13/10/16. Dividend to secured creditors only. N. Bowman, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg. T COHEN, R. Fint and Final Liquidation and Distribution. 14/10}16. Dividend to preferent creditors only. N. Bowman and M. I. Cato, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg. T239/72-BOOMTREET CELLAR (PTY) LTD, in liquidation, econd and Final Liquidation and Distribution. 8/10/16, Dividend being paid. C. Lipschitz and C. F. immons. P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg. T553/75-KATZ, M., First and Final Liquidation arid Contribution. 4/10/16. No dividend being paid. C. Lipschitz, P.O. Box 10527, Jobannesburg. T74/13/A-L. WITKIN, FARBER & COMPANY, Third Liquidation and Distribution. 28/9/16. Dividend being paid. C, Lipschitz, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg, T746/13-DEB VERVOER (PTY) LTD, in liquidation, econd and Final Liquidation and Distribution. 6/ Dividend, being paid. L. Cohen, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg. Form/Vorm6 APPLICATION FOR REHABILITATION Pursuant to section 124 of the Insolvency Act, 1936, notice is hereby given that the insolvents mentioned helow wm avply for their rehabilitation on the dates, at the times and places and upon the grounds as therein set forth opposite their respective names, indicating number ofestate; full name and description of insolvent (including his identity number and date of birth) and place of bllsiness or residence; date when estate sequestrated; division of upreme Court to which and date and time on which application will be made; ground of application. AANOEK OM REHABILITAIE Ingevolge artikel 124 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, word hierby kennis gegee dat dic insolvente persone hieronder genoem om hut rehabilitasie aansoek sal doen op die datums, tye en plekke en om die redes wat daarin teenoor hulle onderskeie name aangedni is, met aanduiding van nommer van boedej; volle naam en beskrywing van insolvent (met inbegrip van sy persoollsnommer en geboortedatum) em plek van besigheid of woonplek; datum waarop boedcl gesekwestreer is; afde1ing van Hooggercgshof waarby en datum en tyd wanneer aansoek gedoen sal word; rede van aansoek. TI076/76-PRINLOO, Nicholas John, 16/1/42, 42{) B30/68~GREYLING, Frederik Carel, 8/6/39, W. 007, 11 Lloyd treet, North Hill, Benoni. 22/8/72. Witwatersrand Factotum by die parke afdeling van die llioeffifonteinmunisipaiiteit, en op datum van sekwcstrasie 'n verkecrsbeampte van die Local, 21/12/16, lohoo. ection 124 (2) (a): Four years have Bloemfonteinmunisipaliteit, tans woonagtig te Pierre Ollemanelapsed since the date of sequestration of estate and ngt less straat 28, Bloemfontein. 14/3/68. Oranje-Vrystaatse Provinsiale, than one year has elapsed after confirmation by the Master of 30r 12/16, loboo. In terme van artikel 124 (2) van Insolvensie the upreme CiJUrt of outh Africa, Pretoria, of the trustees Wet, No. 24 van 1936, soos gewysig, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie en Distribusierekening bekragtig op 5 eptember Aansoek first 'and finalliquida(ion and distribution account. sal tcrselfdertyd gedoen word vir 'n bevel wat verkbar dat die bedrag van R8365,99 welke bedrag applik:<nl toekom as vergoe TlOO4/71-DU PREEZ, Helgard, ]5/10/23, , ding vir verbeterings aangebring aan huise en buitegeboue, in Vanriebeeckstraat 74, Breyton, Tvl. Adres op datum van sekweapplikant se insolvente boedel onthef word. applilant persoonlik vestig en dat die bedrag kontant uit die strasie; Buya Eduza tore, Warburton. 3O/1l{71. Transvaalse Provinsiale, 21/I21T6, lohoo. Insolvent voldoen aan die ver TI220/1t-CROOBY. Vincent Basil, 17/9/10, eistes gemeld in artikel , 35 haron Road, Burt>()!1 Park, Boksburg. As at date of (2) (a) en die tydperk genoem in sequestration, 11 Battery treet, Wenh-vorth Park. Krugersdorp. artikel 124 (2) (a) van die Insolvensie Wet, No. 24 van 1936, het 25/1/72. Witwatersrand Local, 24/12/76, lohoo. ection 124 (2) reeds verstryk. (a) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of Porm/Vorm7 NOTICE OF TRUTEE Notice is hereby given that a period of six months having elapsed since the confirmation of the final trustees' accounts in the estates mentioned below, the trustees of the said estates wiu, pursuant to section 155 of the Insolvel",cy Act, 1936, destroy all the books and do:::uments in their possession relating to the said estates (except those which are required to be lodged with the Masters.) after six weeks from the date of this notice. The particulars are given in the following order: Number ofestate; name and description ofestate; date ofsequestration order; division of the upreme Court by wbieb order made; dat" of coofumation of final account. KENNIGEWING VAN KURATOR Aangesien 'n tydperk van ses verioop het sedert die bekragtiging van die fina.le kuratorsrekenings in die boedejs hieronder genoem" word hierby kennis gegee dat die klll'lltol' Ylln ~noemde boedels ingevolge artikel155 van die InsoJvensiewet, 1936, aile boeke en stukke in bulle besit wat hetrekking op da.a!-die boodds bet (beb.alwe die wat by die Meesters ing.edien moet word), ses weke na die datum hiervan sal vernietig. Die besonderbcde woro. verstrek: id die volgorde: ~ van boedel; naam en beskrywing van boede1; datum van sekwestrasiebevel; afdeling van Hooggeregshof waardieur bevel. gegee is; datum van bekra.gtiging van finale rekening, en naam en adres van k:urator. E1l5/73/1A-CHING, Frank Lee, as insurance broker residing atlgragonder, Mandarin treet, Ka.bega Park, Port Elizaheth, and carrying on business at Lazmark House, 505a Main treet, POIt Elizabeth. 16/10/73. Pmt Elizabeth Circuit Local. 27/1/76. David A. Morris, for Cape Trustees (EP) (Pty) Ltd, A.A. House, 4 Rink treet,port Elizabeth. E116/72/2-DE KLERK, C. P., fqrmerlya building contractor, rneviously of 29 Paul Kirsten treet, :Despatch, Cape, and presently employed 'by the Department of Bantu Administration at Alice, Cape. 31/8/72. Eastem Cape. 11/3/74. David A. Morris, for Cape Trustee (EP) (Pty) Ltd, AA House, 4 Rink treet, Port E1ixaheth~ E20/13/2-FIHER, M. P., who conduted business as a building contractor under the name of D & M Construction at Waterkluof, Greenbushes, Port Elizabeth. 1/5/13. Port Elizabeth Circuit LocaL 27/8/14. David A. Morris, for Cape Trustees (EP) (Pty) Ltd, AA. House, 4 Rink treet, Port Eliz~beth. E22{71/2-LOUB3ER, M. G., a clerk employed by Wool~ worths, Port Elizabeth. residing <t\ 8 Honey Bird, Perkins treet, Port Elizabeth. 19/2/71. Eastern Cape. IBj1/n. David A. Morris, fot Cape Trustees (EP) (Pty) Ltd, AA House, 4 Rink treet, Port Elizabeth. El04/13/2A-RUDOLPH, A. J., a fanner and dairy operator, Kruisrivier, District of Uitenhage, C.P. 29 i ll/73. Eastern Cape. 1/3/76. David A. Morris, for Cape Trustees (EP) (Pty) Ltd, AA House, 4 Rink treet, Port iehzabeth.

135 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 TAATKOERANT, 5 NOVEMBER 1916 No. 135 CATE RXED FOR CREDITOR TO PROVE CLAIM Pursuant to section 179 ~ ofcbe ~ Ad. 1926/section 366 (2) of the Companies Act, 1973, ootice is hereby given of the dates or time.s fixed by MasIms on. u.pnme by which creditors of companies in liquidation are to prove their claims or otherwise bo excluded from the beoefit ofady ~ \'IIIder ad)' account lodged with the Master before those debts are proved. The particulars are given in folowing «del.": Number of company in liquidation; name and description of company; date or timo futed by the Master; IlUDI!I and addlas of Bqmdator. DATUM VAGETEL VIR DIE BEWY VAN ElE DeUR KULDEIER Inge.volge artt1:el 179 (2) van die~, 1926/artikel 366 (2) van die Maatskappywet, 1973, word hierby kennis ~ van die datums of termyne deur Mt'lI.'iters van die Hooggeregshof vasgestel tot wanneer skukleisers van maatskappye in likwidasie bulle eise mod bewys of anders van die voordeel1l8n 'n diatribusie kragtens 'n rekening by die Meester ingetiien voordat daardie eise bewys is, uitgestuit word. Die besonderbede 'NOm ~ in die voigordre: NOmmer van maatskappy in Iikwidasie; naam en beskrywing van maatskaw1; datum of tennyn deur Meestcc ~; naam en adres van likwidateur. Form/Vorm9 N IICHMOND TYRE (PTY) LTD. 19/1l/16. D. V. Holmes, P.O. Box 493, Pietermaritzburg. NOTICE OF URRENDER OF A DEBTOR' ETATE In terms ofsection 4 (l) oftheinsolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936,asamended, notice is hereby given by a petitioner ofhls making anappjicatioa to the upreme Court on the date and time as stated or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, for the acceptance of the surrender of his estate; or of the withdrawal of such notice of surrender previously made and upon baving received the Master's consent, in terms of section 7 of the Act. The information, where applicable, is given in the following order: (1) Name of petitioner, occupation and address, style of partnership or firm, and names aod addresses of partners; (2) whether application, Division of upreme Court and date and time of application, or withdrawal of notice of surrender and date of Master's consent; (3) date as from which a statement of bis affairs wiu fie for inspection for foucteen days, the Master's Office where lying and, lillo, the Magistrate's Office; (4) attorney for petitioner, and date. KENNIGEWING VAN OORGAWE VAN 'N KULDENAAR E BOEOEL Ingevolge artike14 (1) van die Insolvensiewet, No. 24 van 1936, OD gewysig, word hierby deur 'n versoeker kennis gegee van syaansoek wat by die Hooggeregshof op die dag en tyd BOO genoem gedoen sal word, ofso spoedig daarna as wat die saak verhoor kan word, om aanl'lalnc van die oorgawe van sy boedel; ofvan die intrek.king van 'n sodanige vroeere kennisgewing van oorgawe en na verkryging van die Meester so toestemming, ingevolge artikcl 7 van die Wet. Die inligting word, waar van toepassing, verstrek in die votgorde: (1) Naam van aansoeker, beroep en adres, styl van vennootskap of firma, en name en adresse van venoote; (2) of'o aansoek, die Afdeling van die Hooggeregsbof en datum en tyd van aansoek, of intrelddng van 'n kennisgewing van oorgawe en datum van Meester se toestemming; (3) datum vanaf wanilrer sy vermoestaat ter insae sat II! vir veertien dae, die Meester I: kantoor en, indien so, die Landdros lie kantoor waar dit sat Ie; (4) die prokureur van die aansoeker, en datum. FormfVorm VL AKERHUY, George Petrus, voorheen Meyer, 'n minier van Magrettastraat 8, Jadcaroo Park, Witbank, wat voomeen handel gedryf het as Witbank Garden Centre, Watermeyerstraat, Uit breiding 16, Witbank. (2) Aansoek, Transvaalse Provinsiale, hOO. (3) ill /76; Pretoria, Witbank. (4) E. Marks en C. R. warts, Gerry Manngeoou 17, Ath10nestraat, Witbank. LOT LIFE INURANCE POLICIE VERLORE lewenverekeringpolle ection 64, Act 21 of 1943 Notice is hereby given that evideilce of the Joss or destruction of the policies mentioned below, has been submitted to the insurers. and any person in possession ofany of these policies, or claiming to have any interest therein, should communicate immediately by registered post with the insurers. Failing any such communication, certified copies of the policies (wbieh shall he the sole evidence of the contract) wid be is.s ued to the owners in te.rms of the regulations framed under the Act. The particulars are given in the following order: Name and address of insurer; policy number, date of policy, and sum insured; lifo insured; owner, if other than insured. Artike1 64, Wet 27 van 1943 Kennisgewing geskied hiermee dat bewys van die ~ of verniedging Van die potisse hieronder YelTIleId, aan die versekeraars geiewer is, en enigeen wat in besit van enige van hierdie polisse is., of aanspraak maak dat hy enige belang daarin het, moet onmiddellik per aanptekende pos met die vers.ekeraars in verbidding tree. By gebreke aan sodanige mededeling sa' gewaarmed.:te afslaifte van polisse (wat die enigste bev,ys van die kontrak sal wees) aan die eienaars uitgereik: word ingevolge die regulasies gepromulgeer onder die Wet. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die vo!gorde: Naam en adres van versekeraar; polisnommer, datum van polis en ve.rsek«de bedrq; lewe verseker; eienaar, indien ander as versekerde. A.A. Mutual Life Assurance Association Ltd, formerly the /2{76, Rl 500/RI 381,50/R INCE, C, ib. n. Dominion Insurance Company 01 outh Africa Ltd, P.O. Box /69, R8000. FILU, R. R. 1653, Johannesburg {72, R VAN DER MERWE, C. 1..; /6{70, RI2500. RUDDICK, Alan /3/66, R5O. BORLAND, T. M /8{73, R186O. MNGOMEZULU, Majozi Jcx;eph /2{70, R4000. BOTHA, P. M. African Eagle Life Assurance ociety Ltd, P.O. Box 1114, /7/71, R2 679/R2 979,42. DANIEL, V. M. Johannesburg, /7 /75, I OOO/R MULLEiR, A M '1/9/5'6, 200. ANNAMABY and Ponnia:mma; /8/69, R NAIOOO, R /9/72, R5000. JULYAN, T. J /6/74, R7 693/R2 307,70. BALIKIOON, ll /12/60. R300. PITOUT,. B. P /2/73, R3000/R NCUBE,. P /12/69, R3 OOO/R BURN, J. P /4/72, II 000. MATOMELA, N. M /4/69, R975. NQENI, E. N. 411:1264B-l fll/69, R TAYLOR, N. A. G /12/69, Rl 231. INOLAIR, G. G, /2/11, R7 5OO/R LANGTON,. ie, /10/51, R2000/R2000. IEMENI, P /3164, R2000. ATWELL, B /3/71, R5000. MEINTlIE, R. J. C /1161, RlOOO/R3oo. V.d. MECHI', P. C. 602:6355-1/8{75, R12 308/I3692. TORM, G E-1/9/67, Rl600fR MILLER, M. I. R E--23/6/61, R2000. HAON, J.. M /69, R2 500/Rl 388. POTGIETER, A. ib. 6D3472:9-1/2/76, RI400/R1236,20/RlOOO, INCB, C. E. G, /2/73, R3 000, HAWORTH, G.a.

136 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February No. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 5 NOVEMBER /10/11, R MITH, E /11/72, R6163. WAGNER, K. P /12(69, Rl 000. WILLIE, J /5/74, R5000. FRIETER, L. C /7/14, RIO 740. FRANCE, E. M /9/11, RIO 000. FRANCE, E. M. 6oo3047-lflf75, R2710/R542. McCUE, J /8170, R3 000/R WART, D. A /8/10, R2000/Rl110. LUDICK, P. J /2/76, R MOHAMED, K. A. R /9/69, RIO 000. KHAN, N /3/66, R7oo. BABOORAM, R /8/69, R5400. PARKIN, J. E /12/70, R5ooo. PRINLOO, L. P E-l/6/13, Rl 500. WALKER, R. F /10/69, R3000. WALKER, R. F. Commercial Union Assurance Company of.a. Ltd, P.O. Box 222, Johannesburg, /12/75, Rl 030. COX. C. M /12/75, Rl 025. COX, J. P. Federated Employers' Insurance Company Ltd, P.O. Box 666, Johannesburg, /1/13, R3663. KELTON, Robert Phillip Donald. Guarantee Life Assurance Co. Ltd, P.O. Box 4562, Johannesburg /9151, R2000. FRYLINCK, Johan Nioolaas /2/58, R2ooo. ENGEL, Gershon Meir, and Adina Engel. I.G.I. Life Assurance Company Ltd, P.O. Box 3483, Johannesburg, /8/75, R850oo. KRUGER, Johannes Jacobus; Hydrocon-Vlamtur Constructi.on (Pty) Ltd. Legal and General Assurance ociety Ltd, P.O. Box 4870, Johannesburg, 2000 AF /l0/48, R17oo. AHBURNE, William Fredirick; Clive Brennon Ashburne, Lester Kim Ash'burne haron Maeve McGill and Gail Beverley Meggerse. ' AF II/59, R279. DE KOCK, Gerhardus Francois. A:F /1 /60, R TBEL, Henry Robert. AF /4/59, Rl OOO. KOCH, Abraiham Johannes. AF /11/63, R140. COETZEE, Abraoham Jacobus. AF /8/61, Rl 000. REID, Robert William. AF /3/75, R3ooo. KRlEL. Johannes Christ.iaan. AF /11/65, Rl 030. LUBBE, Nicolaas Johannes.. AF /9/65, R4757. UNRUH, Franklin Herald (Fronk 1m Harold Unruh.) Legal and General Assurance ociety Ltd, P.O. Box 4870, Johannesburg AF461114/1-1/1O/75, R6269. KEDlDIMETE Evangelina Motang (Evangelina Kedidimetse IVlotang). AF /7/70, R2357, MOULT, Bruce Asthon. AF /6/75, R30oo. OOBRAMONEY; ivandallay. AF /2/70, R5ooo. VAN DER POEL, Peter. AF /3/63, Rl 000. DE KOCK, Andries Mathys. AF /1j55, R2ooo. GUNTHER, Johannes Nicolaas Gerhardus.. AF /11!6I, R236. MAC DONALD, John Alastair Gregg: Barbam Elizabeth Mac Donald. AF /8/60, R626. MAC DONALD, John Alastair Gregg. AF !7I60, R229. MAC DONALD, John Alastair Gregg. The National Mutual Life Association of Australasia Ltd, P.O. Box 666, Cape TOlm, / R TATIOR. R. P /8/49. R2000. MARQUARD, J. M /9/70, R50ooo. BRETT, A. Ned-Equity lnsu/'ollce Company Ltd, P.O. Box 290, Johannesburg /3/64, Rl 654. HENNEEY, Joseph DennisPatrick. Vowich Union Life lnsura'lce ocic'y, P.O. Box 1226, Cape Town /8162, R2000. KARA. H. C /6/58, R2000. WEINBERG, Geoffrey. Old Mutual, P.O. Box 66. Cape Town /3/69, R40oo. McGUINNE, B. D., AD410; J. J. J. McGuinness /8/74, R ZEILER. M. H., AD R KOTZE. J. H., AD4lO /9/67, R5000. KING, G. L. AD /5/72, RI4000. CLOETE, J. P. T.; AD4lO /7/67, R606. MINNAAR, P. P. AD /4171, Rt 000. NYMAN, R., AD417: D. J. nyman /71, RIOoo. NYMAN, J., AD417: D. J. nyman /2/74, R DAVIDON, L., AD /7/61, Rl 050. BOTIlA,. J. F., AD417, /5/73, RIO 180. RENGECA, G., AD417. G. Rengeeas and Permanent Building ociety respectively /6/58, Rl 000. HENRY, T., AD /8/75 R WILLIAM, F., AD /3/73, R KRITZINGER, J. A., AD /6139, Rl 000. LABUCHAGNE, F. F. T., AD /7/70, R2693. VAN MOLENDORFF, W. P. AD /4/71, R4000. VIVlER, J. P., AD412; C. A. Viviers /9/71, Rlooo. OOTHUIZEN,. L. R., AD /6/73, R2ooo. NODADA, V. A. N., AD /11/73, RIO 000. FUHRI, M. R. J., AD /12/64, Rlooo. VAN DER MERWE, J. H., AD /12/68, R2000. VAN DER MERWE, J. H., AD /9/60, R2ooo, BOTHA, B., AD /2/69, R MELLOR, A. D., AD /8/75, R NGlNINGlNI, F. M., A /7/69, Rl 000. NKOI, P., AD. 413;. Nkosi /7/69, Rl 000. NKOI,., A /12/59, RIO 000. MELLOR, R. D., AD /10/67, R2ooo. MELLOR, M. D., AD413: R. D. Mellor /11/67, R20oo. MELLOR, C. P., A0413: R. D. Mellor, /1/69, R3OO0. MELLOR, C. P., AD413: R. D. Mellor /12/69, R3ooo. MELLOR, M. D., AD413; R. D. Mellor /9/66, Rloo0. KUYLER, late G. F., AD3939; (estate late G. F. Kuyler) /2/64, RI729. BROWN, late C. A. M., AD393; (estate late C. A. M. Brown) /12{73, R15oo. CHIPP, late A., AD393; estate late A. Chipps /12/53, Rlooo. PRETORIU, late T. F., AD393; estate late T. F. Pretorius /8/60, RI0oo. CHMUHL, late D. L., AD393; estate late D. L. chmuhl {7/74, R2167. MYBURGH, M. AD /3{73, R831. VIER, F. I. J., AD /2/64, RIOoo. WEBER,. J., AD411; estate.late M. C. Weber /9/65, R DE VILLIER, D. A., AD /6{76, RIO 000. DE BEER, M. M., AD411; A. C. de Beer /8/43, R872. COPELOWrrZ.., AD ') /1 {76, R9257. VAN CHALKWYK, late A. J. AD385: estate late A. J. van chalkwyk /8{75, R ~Y:llT, late P. J., AD385; estate late P. J. mit /2/27, R2oo0. PODLTNEY, late J. F., AD38. estate late J. P. Poultney. ' /6/19, R334. PERRY, late J. H., AD385; estate late J. H. Perry. J AD /10/50, R634. VAN DEN BERG,. D.., ; A. van den Berg /8/63. R600. MAKHELE, A. L., AD /47, R500. CARTEN, late A. J., AD405; estate late A. J. Carstens :-15/8/61, Rl 000. KNUZWAYO, E. E., AD /1O!46, R1200. MURRAY, B. de V., AD 405; H.. Murray. The Prudential Assurance CompallY Ltd, P.O. Box 1097, Johannesburg /l /73. R5000. FERREIRA. Ramlro I?a ('Xlst~ /3/65, R6105. VAN COPPENHAGEN, Tneodore John. Rand Lewellsversekeringsfntlatskappy Bpk., Posbus 1652, Johannesburg B33164/69-1/12/69, R PIENAAR, P. C.A. Mutual, P.O. Box 66, Cape Town fll56, R260. PRETORIU. T., AD4G3;. Pretorius /3/70, R HEDLEY. T. 1.. AD4D /11/64, R2ooo. MARKHAM, E. A., AD /7/76. Rl oon. VAN ZYL. A. H. C.. AD /8/70, R5(}D. KENNETH, G. ~,1. F., AD408;. Kenneth /12/75, R2269. MADUBELA. N. N., AD /11/49, R2000. JONON, E. B. J, AD407; Intel wvle B. Jons.on. ' /2/72, R VORTER. G. J., AD B-17/11{75, R5000. DE GOEDE, H. N. (1. J., son/ seun), AD407; H. N. de Goede O. J., son/seun) en/and E. C Albertyn respectively /onderskeidelik. 226?,,636-2/3/70. R712. RAKOTOANE, T. P., AD~ /3/67, R4000. HUIAMEN, J. C., AD406.

137 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 TAATKOERANT, 5 NOVEMBER 1976 No /10/62, R1608. OMMER, W., AD406;. M. ommer /9/37, Rl 000. PEDLAR, W. J. W., AD406. o /4/72, Rl 500. NYMAN, M. M. J., AD /7/73, R2517. FELEZA, M. A. F., AD /6/76, R4600. IYO, T., AD /3/75, R PR'ETORIU, A. J., AD /12/73, R DE MIDT, C. J., AD /6/76,R2000. VAN EEDEN, J. A., AD /6/70, Rl 000. VAN CHALKWYK, P. H., AD404. an/am, Posbus 1, anlamhof /4/60, R2690. VAN ZYL, P. de V x2-':"1/9/62, R2382. JORDAAN, C. F., op. Jordaan x2-1/8168, R1250. TRAUT. H. W xO-l/3{70, R TRAUT, H. W xO-l/2f71, Rl 000. BROODRYK, M. P /11/56, R1000. OLIVIER, N. R x8-1/4/66, R MIT, J. H. A x9-1/1f73, R VAN DER MERWE, J. J x6--1/9f73, R5ooo. VAN DER MERWE, J. I., en J. E. van der M erwe x3-1/3/76, R1413. TRYOOM, R /7/40, Rl 000. WENTZEL, C. E /8/54, R690. VAN DER WALT, H. J. D., op E. W. C. van der Walt x8-1jl0/69, R5000. WATON, C. J.; O. J. Ie Roux x3-1/6f73, R2000. HOFFMAN, M. R x9-1/12f73, R2500. LOMBARD, M /9/56, R RA. M. D f7 /58, Rl 000. TEYN, H. J x6--1/3164, R4000. ERAMU, J. J.; M. J. Erasmus x3-1/12/65, R2751. ERAMU, J. J.; M. J. Erasmus x5-1/8/72, R7000. ERAMU, J. J.; M. J. Erasmus /6/39, RI020. TE GROEN, P. W., op A. te Groen; A. te' Groen x4-1 {l0!73, R2000. NEETHLING, W. H x8-1/9/73, R5000. MEYER, D. G. 189I344x2-1/9/74, R MART, A. W x8-1 /9/76, R BRONKHORT, C. E. C /6/60,RlI76. CLAAEN, P.J x2-1/12/61, R376. CLAAEN, P. J x5-1/1/75, R4000. MARAI, J. G. P x7-1/11/75, R1632. VIER, G. F x5~1/7f76. R8020. ENGLAND. I /5/54, R572. POTGIETER, P. C. F. op J. D. du Toit; J. D. du Tloit x3-1/4/68, Rl 000. RETIEF, H xO-l/4f73, R BILLON, J. D x7-1/4f74, R BEUKE, H. J x4-1/4/76, R4000. WANEPOEL, M. J xl-1/6/70, RI000. DE CLERCQ, E. M. U;92312xO-1/9/72, R MUT, J. R en M. C. muts x5-1/6/75, Rl 500. BEELEN,M. M x6-1/5i76, R5500. OLIVIER, B x4-1/8/76, R2000. VENTER,. A.op A. A. Venter;. A. Venter x6---l/l0/60. R2oo0. BRIT, W. J x2-1/12/72, Rll00. NTALA,. R x7-1/4/73, Rl000. BOTHMA, F.. J. op F. R, Bothma; F.. J. Bothma., x7-1/8/73, R3975. VAN DER BERG, A. B.; W. D. K. Fouche x5-1/9/74, R5000. ENGELBRECHf.. P /3/60, R2000. VAN NIEKERK, E. B. F /9/60, RI400. KLEIN GELD, J. du P x8-1/12/63, R3720. KLElNGELD, J. du P. op A, Kleingeld; J. du P. Kleingeld x4-1/3/66, Rl 000. KLEINGELD, J. du P x8-1/4/66, R3996. KLEINGELD, J. du P. op G. Kleingeld; J. du P. Klcingeld. 1l03154x9-1/6/65, R2245. VIVIER, P. R x9-1/1/72, R DE BRUYN, P x4-1/4/73, R2000. KILIAN, A. F x5-1/5/74, R775. FOURIE, D. P. R.; Raad van Trus-. tees, Ko-operat Pensioenfonds x4-1/9/75, R3178. KEYER, J. J x9-1/5/70, R5000. CHREUDER, J. A x5-1/9f73, R2500. RAFFERTY, J. H x5-1/8/14, R4500. VENTE, T. J x8-1/8/75, R TRYDOM. J. Z xO-l/4f76, R4000. HEUGH, A. D. G /6/56, R600. PIE, J. J xl-1/7/69. R2000. ROOUW, J. A C.; A. M. G.: Rossouw xl-l/l/73, Rl 000. LOOT, A. H. op R. Loots; A. H, Loots x7-1/12/72, R274. VENTER, M. E. M x8-1/3/75, R9000. UY, 1. G. E. The outhern Life Association, Great Westerford. Rondebosch, {)/3/42, R548. BOTHA, B /4/16, R137. NELLIT, F. E.; estate late F. E. Nellisk /7/55, Rl 342. RECH, G /7/56, R DAVI, J /9/57, R DATNOW, B /10/63, Rl 000. CALDWELL, T. M /12/64, R4380. OU TIM, L /5/67, R2000.EVAN, A. M /5/68, RI0000.TEYN, On P /9/68, Rl 000. LAMBRECHT, D.D /6/10, Rl 000. HODGEKINON, J /7/11, R2500. RUELL, Mrs I. M., fonnerly De Necker, b.orn agneui /5/13, R FEATHERTONE; E. M /1 /15, R4677. DU TOIT, G. J /8/75, R9692. DENTON, J. J /11/15, R4000. JORDAAN, G. D i8/61, R400. EBALO, Peter l-9-1/1O/63, R700. NGEMA, Zabulon Jabulani '-1/11/63, R300. MONY AKANE, Wtalis Anton /8/57, Rlooo. TEENKAMP, Wilhe~ina Paulina /11/75,.R5000. PADAYACHEE, Panja1lly /8/73, Rl 500. WRIGHT, Charles Bramley. Form/Vorrn B-T 136 NATURAllATION NOTICE NATURALIAI EKE N N IGEWi NG Notice is hereby given by the underrnentioned persons that they intend to apply to the Minister of the Interior in terms of ection 10 of the outh African Citizenship Act, 1949, for certificates of.naturalisation as outh African citizens, indicating name, occupation; and' residential address. Kennis word hierby deur die ondervermelde persone gegee dat hulle van voorneme is om, ooreenkomstig artikel 10 van die Wet op uid-afrikaanse Burgerskap, 1949, by die Minister van Binnelandse ake aansoek te doen om sertifikate van naturalisasie as uid-afrikaanse burgers, met aanduiding van naarn, beroep, en woonadres.. LEWI, Rodney Reuben, engineer/ingenieur, 1 Niobe treet/ -straat, Kensington, 2191, Johannesburg, Tvl. LOCKE, Leslie Albcrt,tugmaster/sleepbootmeester, 501 Lynwol Flats/-woonstelle, Hope treet/-straat, Gardens/Tuine, Cape Town/Kaapstad, 8001, Cape/Kaap. VAN DER TEEN, Theo Christiaan, plurnber/loodgieter, 7 Church Avenue/KerkJaan, Upington, Cape/Kaap. JOOUB, Amin't, housewifeihuisvrou, 15 Marigold treet/ -straat, Zinniaville, Rustenburg, Tvl. CATRO, Carlos Roberto Luis, marine engineer /vlootingenieur, to Ferrara Gardens/-tuine, Westville, Natal. EL, Rosa Anna, housewife/huisvrou, 23 Namutoni, 9 Maiden treet/-straat, Robindale. Extension/,uitbreiding 1, Randburg, Tv!. NIPPOLD, Heidrun, lorry dpver/vragmotorbestuurderes, 71 Rossini Boulevard, Vanderbijlpark, Tv!. GROTER, Carolina Theodora. housewife/huisvrou, 6 Fulton treet/-straat, Vanderbijlpark, Tvl, GROTER, Hans, tumer/draaier, 6 Fulton treet/-straat, Vanderbijlpark, Tvl.. DE FREITA Manuel Perestrelo, carpenter/skrynwerker, 143a Eighth/Agste Avenue/Laan, Bezuidenhouts Valley/-vallei, Johannesburg, Tv!. DE FREITA, Maria Rosa, invoice clerk, 143a EighthfAgtste AvenuefLaan, Bezuidenhouts Valleyf-val1ei, Tvl.. JEZEK, Frantisek, boilermaker, 6 Jameson treet/-straat, Empangeni, NataL. PAPA, Dragan, fitter and boilermaker, Die Herberg, B Blok 4, ishen, 8445, North-West Cape. WILLIAM, Derek William, shift boss/skofbaas, 24 10th Avenue! lode Laan, Blyvooruitzicht, Tv!. FOE (Tevlin), Margaret Frances, formerly Power, born Baker, secretary/shorthand/typist, Castle Hotel, Canterbury treet, Cape Town, Cape/Kaap. KEONG, Ainhong, clerk/klerk, 159 Fi!st Avenue/Eerste Laan, Bezuidenhouts Valley /Bezuidenhoutsvallel, Johannesburg, 1'vls

138 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February No. GOVERNMENT GAZE1TB, 5 NOVEMBER 1976 CAREY, Roydon Norman, telecommunications technician/telekommunikasietegnikus, Plot 33, Mooilande, Vereeniging, Tv!. TANNER, Kurt Rolf, stores officer/voorraadskuuroffiser, 4 Essex Court/-hof, Essex treet/-straat, Maitland, 7405, C.P./K.P. O'HAGAN, arah Teresa Christina, registered general nursel algemene verpleegster, 17 Fitzpatrick treet/-straat, asolburg, O.F../O.V.. O'HAGAN, Patrick (Patric) Joseph, production foreman/produksievoorman, 17 Fitzpatrick treet/-straat, asolburg, 9570, O.F../O.V.. HOEFFGEN, Johannes Josephus, tradehandfvakwerker, 5 Louw Geldenhuis Hostel, Langlaagte, Johannesburg, Tv!. EBRAHIM, uliman Ismail, clerk/klerk, 1161 irkhot treet/ -straat, Actonville, Benoni, Tv!. VIEIRA NEVE, Mariano Augusto Patinha, compositor/handsetter, 5 Petunia Road/-weg, Primrose, Germiston, Tv!. TENDEIRO VIEIRA NEVE, Etelvina Da Palma, housewife/huisvrou, 5 Petunia Road/-weg, Primrose, Germiston, Tv!. LAW, Marlon Mark, businessman/sakeman, 355 Toop treet/ -straat, Despatch, Pretoria, Tv!. KNUDEN, Ruth Valborg, bailkassistant, Flat 10, unrise Court, 74 Berea Road, Judith's Paarl, Johannesburg, 2000, Tv!. TORRE, Casimira Felix, housewife/huisvrou, 67a muts Avenue/-Iaan, Vereeniging, Tv!. Ponn/Vorm MYA TORRE, Luiz Ferreira, welder/sweiser, 67a muts Avenuel -laan, Vereeniging, Tv!.. MA, Wing Tai, butcher/slagter, Plot/Erf 293, Walkers Fruit Farm/Walkers Vrugteplaas, De Deur, Tv!. LOW KIN, Leong, housewife/huisvrou, 2 Topaz Road/-weg, Kabega, Port Elizabeth, 6001, Cape/Kaap. LOW KIN, Tim, merchant/winkeiier, 2 Topaz Road/-weg, Kabega, Port Elizabeth, 600I,C.P./K.P. ABRANTE, alomina Martina, housewife/huisvrou, 21 Radkol Avenue/-laan, Olifantsfontein, Tv!. PATEL, Natvarlal Narotam, general dealer/algemene handelaar, 132 t George's treet/t. Georgesweg, imonstown/ imonstad, Cape/Kaap. JUCHNIEDICZ, tanislaw Jerzy, technic mechanic, 11 HiIlmanor Dukes and George Avenue, Windsor Park, Randburg, Tv!. HRITOV, Marijka, draughtswoman/tekenares, 6 Ridgeview Mansions Flats, comer of Willie and Banket treets, Berea, 2001, Johannesburg, Tv!. TRAUB, Gabriele, Plot 42, Zesfontein, District of Benoni, Tv!. BARONE, Ferdinando, aircraft mechanic/vliegtuigwerktuigkundige, 386 Van Riebeek/Vanriebeek treet/-straat, Pretoria Norlh/ -Noord, Tv!. THIRD PARTY INURANCE CLAIM FOR COMPENATION Compulsory Motor Vehicle Insurance Act, 1972 (Act 56 of 1972) OERDEPARTY-AURANIE-EIE OM KADEVERGOEDI NG Wet op Verpligte Motorvoertuigversekering, 1972 (Wet 56 van 1971) NOTICE BY AUTHORIED INURER Of AGREEMENT CONTEMPLATED IN ECTION 16 OF THE ACT The authorised insurer named in the chedule hereto, hereby gives notice in terms of section 26 (4) of the Act (a) that he has entered into an agreement contemplated in section 26 (3) (c) to make a payment in respect of a claim for compen. sation under section 21 of the said Act, whieh compensation could, if the said insurer were liable for payment thereof, have included costs in respect of the accommodation of the person named in the chedule hereto in a hospital or a nursing homc or of any treatment of or service rendered or goods supplied to that person; and (b) that, in terms of section 26 (4) of the Act, the said insurer shall not be obliged to pay any amount in respect of such costs to any person who provided the accommodation or treatment or rendered the service or supplied the goods who has not lodged a claim, in writing, with the said insurer prior to the expiration of a period of 60 days after the date of this notice. The particulars are given in the following order, under the name and address of the registered company: Name ofperson(s) injured or killed; claim number; date and place of accident; name of hospital, nursing home or place where treated (if known). KENNIGEWING DEUR BEVOEGDE VEREKERAAR VAN OOREENKOM BEDOEL IN ARTIKEl 16 VAN DIE WET Die bevoegde versekeraar gencem in die By1ae hiervan, gee Nerby ooreenkomstig artikel 26 (4) van die Wet kennis" (a) dat hy 'n ooreenkoms soos in artikel 26 (3) (c) bedoel, aangegaan het om 'n bedrag te betaal ten opsigte van 'n eis om skade vergoeding ooreenkomstig artike! 21 van genoemde Wet, naamlik vergoeding wat, indien genoemde versekcraar vir die betaling daarvan aanspreeklik sou gewees bet, taste ten opsigte van die akkommodasie, in 'n hospitaal of verpieeginrigting, van die penoon in die Bylae hiervan genoem of ten opsigte van enige behandeling van of diens gelewer of goedere verskaf aan daardie persoon, kon insluit; en (b) dat genoemde versekeraar oie ooreenkomstig artikel 26 (4) van die Wet verplig is nie om enige bedrag ten opsigte van sod:mige koste te betaal aan enigeen wat die akkommodasie of behandeling verskaf of die diens gclewer of die goedere verskaf het en wat nie 'n skriftelike eis voor die vetstrylcing van 'Ii tydperk van 60 dae na die datum van hierdie kennisgcwing I:ty gelloemde versekcraar ingedien het nie. Die besonderhede word ve:rstrek in die ~de, onder die naam en adres van die geregistreerde maatskappy: Naam va n persoon/ persone beseer of gedood; eisnommer: datwrien p1ek van onge1uk; naam van hospitaal, verpleeginrigting of plek waar behandel (imlien bekend). A.A. Mutual Insurance Association Ltd, P.O. Box 9595, Johannesburg, 2000 AURICCHIO, Guiseppe. Claim MVA. 2422/45, Pilot Fumi ture Manufacturers. Van Dyks Park, over a bridge. Boksburgl BLOCH, Mrs J. Claim 6/6/70003, P. L. M. Hall. 1215/75, Benoni Hospital. comer of Orchards and High Roads, Orchards Johannesburg. RAUBENHEIMER, Mrs Catherine Elizabeth. Claim MVA, Brenthurst Clinic, Johannesburg. ' 7072/45. Cathcart Divisional Council. 13/12/74, Cathcart/Hogs- MAHLANGENI, ophia Kholiswa. Claim 4/6/60035, T. C. back. Frere Hospital, East London and Princess Nursing Home Ogston. 15/11/73, Connaught Avenue East London Frere Hos- Johannesburg. pita!.,. OHER Tilly. Claim MVA.026 0/56, Mrs J. A. Pinstein. 21/10/ GARDNER, John Edward. Claim 4/6/44009, G. J. Bouer. 75, Glenhove Road, Hought?n... 5/8/73, VentersburgfKroonstad Main Road. Kroonstad Hospital. FRANK. Mrs R.. Claim MVA.0260/56, Mrs J. A. Pin stem. MATITI, Euphian. Claim 4/6/63006 (FI/O), E. K. Davoren. 21/10/75, Glenhove Road, Houghton. 22/10/73, Queen's Drive, Queenstown. Frontier Hospital, Queens- City Treasurer, c/o hepslone & Wylie, P.O. Box 205, Durban town. MAKHATHI~I, Beatrice. Claim 537/62. 15/5/73, Malandela A.A. Mutual Insu.rance Association Ltd, A.A. House, 395 Road, Kwa-Mashu, Durban. Kwa-Mashu Poly Clinic, and King choeman treet, P.O. Box 2228, Pretoria Edward VIII. DE KOK, J,ohannes Jacobus. Claim 4/6/37003, J. L. Jansen. ZULU, Maria. Claim 33/ /2/73, Lamontville, NataL 4/6 '7 d b King Edward VIII Hospital, Durban. Nab~~~~::Uit. etween Bok-poort and Nai>oomspruit, District of NKOI, Evelyn Ntuzana. Claim 116/548. Lamontville tage 10, Natal. King Edward VIII Hospital, Durban. A.A. Mutual Insurance Association Ltd, P.O. Box 742, Welkom Ned-Equity Insurance Company Ltd, P.O. Box 290, Johannes- TEENKAMP, Aletta Johanna Elizabeth teyn. Claim 3/6/ burg, , J. ilubane. 26/4/73, tate Way, Welkom. FERREIRA, Johanna Maria. Claim MVA.5/00353, O. C, Albert. 8/1/75 at the corner of Twickenham and Henley Roads Commercial Union Assurance Company 'Of outh Africa Ltd, Auckland Park near.a.b.c. Rooms of Dr M. A.. tuart: 1',0. Box 2838, Johannesburg Bryanston.

139 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 TAATKOERANT, 5 NOVEMBER 1976 No. 1" President Versekeringsmaatskappy Bpk., Posbus 10162, Johannes burg, 2000 MATHE, Rose Gugu. Claim 5/ /11/74, Hull Road, Lamontville, Mobeni. t Andrews Hospital, Durban. Rondalia Versekeringskorporasie van.a. Bpk., Visagiestraat 174, Pretoria MPHOULA, Washington. Eis MVA 4/B /10/73, Vereeniging. Parys Hospitaal. DHLAMINI, Carina. Eis MVA 4/T /5/73, Potchef stroom. Baragwanathhospitaal. LE ROUX, Hermanus Jacobus. Eis MVA 6/D /5/75, Witbank-Vandyksdriftpad. MOKOBEDI, Jameson. Eis MVA 5/M /3/76, Mat hokslokasie. Elimhospitaal. MALAN, Helena Maria. Eis MVA 6/N /75, Katuturakruising, Windhoek. Windhoek taatshospitaal. RRAMONYADlWA, Tefo Victor. Eis MVA 2/A /8/ 71, die pad tussen Temba en Hammanskraal. H. F. Verwoerdhospitaal. ontam Insurance Co. Ltd, P.O. Box 653, Cape Town LE GRANGE, J. P. Claim 23/R/ /2/76, Plagfair Road, cotner of andown Road, Marine Parade, Durban. Addington Hospital, Durban. OLOMON, Abdul Hamid. Eis 7/N/036. 7/7/73, Langlaagte. Coronationhospitaal. ALLER, Maria Catharina usanna. Eis 7/N/ /7/13, hoek van Barbara- en Qualityweg, Isando..A. Mutual Fire and General Insurance Company Ltd, P.O. Box 16, Cape Town ADAM, George Robert. Claim MVA /5/75, corner of Buitengracht and Castle treets, Cape Town. omerset Hospital. FRANKEN, Ada Margaretha. Claim MVA /1/75, Voortrekker Road, Bellville. Tygerberg Hospital. LOTT, Rachel. Claim MV A /2/15, Fransie van Zy1 Avenue, Parow. Tygerberg Hospital. KLEIN, Albertus Petrus. Claim MVA /4/75, between ir Lowry Pass and trand. Tygerberg Hospital. BACHMAN, Ruth Marie Helene Elisabeth. Claim MV A /6/75, corner of Verwoerd and Blouberg Roads, Parow. Tygerberg Hospital..A. M~utual Fire aild General Insurance Co. Ltd, tandard Balik Centre, Johannesburg MAEKO, undiswa. Claim MVA /12/14, Daleside and Platkoppie in the District of Meyerton. Vereeniging Hospital. JONA, Alfred. Claim /3/15, Port Elizabeth. Livingstone Hospital. MUHE, Elizabeth, on behalf of minor son Jacob Timbani Mmhe. Claim MVA , J. L. van Jaarsveld. 2/6/74, Van der Hoff Road, Pretoria. Kalafong Hospital. XABA, ayitsheni Tulasizwe. Claim MVA /11/74, Wemmer-Jubilee Road, Johannesburg. Tembisa Hospital. GOVERNMENT NOTICE DEPARTMENT Of FINANCE No November 1976 tatement of Revenue collected during the period 1 April 1976 to 30 eptemb:::r Treasury, Pretoria..A. Mutual Fire and General Insurance Company Ltd, P.O. Box 420, Pietermaritzburg QAKAZA, Zongezile, and Mabandla ikhurnba. Claim MV A /6/14, Qumbu National Road, Mount Frere. Umtata General Hospital..A. Mutual Fire and General Insurance Company Ltd, P.O. Box 342, Port Elizabeth. HEWITT, Norman. Claim MVA /1/15, corner of Buffelsfontein Road and 17th Avenue, Walmer, Port Elizabeth. Provincial Hospital, Port Elizabeth..A. Mutual Fire and General Insurance Company Ltd, P.O. Box 178, Pretoria GJEELBACH, Marinus Lukas Munnik. Claim MV A /3/74, Naboomspruit-Potgietersrus Highway. H. F. Verwoerd Hospital..A. Mutual Fire and General Insurance Company Ltd, P.O. Box 175, tellenbosch DAMPIE, Lodewyk. Claim MVA /11/14, Main Road, Wellington. Tygerberg Ho;lpital, Tiervlei. ROO, Johannes. Claim MVA /4/75, Main Road, La Motte, Frans{'hhoek. Tygerberg Hospital.. HUMPHREY, Alexander William. Claim MVA / 5/15, t George's treet, imonstown. False Bay Hospital. hield Insurance Company Ltd, P.O. Box 1520, Cape Town, OGO KATALALA, akurnba imon. Claim 4A /6/73. Baragwanath Hospital. BURROW, Margaret Henderson, and Geoffrey David Burrows. Claim 4A National road between Mooi River and Estcourt. Estcourt Hospital and Greys Hospital, Pieterm~tzburg. MANON, Keit-h Aubrey. Claim 4A /3/74, Jan muts Avenue and Westcliffe Drive, Johannesburg. Rosebank. Clinic. outhern Insurance Association Ltd, I.B.M. Buildings, 124 Main treet, Johannesburg VON RUBEN, Linda. Claim G/X4/ /4/74, intersection Madelein treet and Ninth Avenue, Florida. Discovery Hospital. outhern Insurance Association Ltd, P.O. Box 7652, Johannesburg BEYER, Harold James, and Cornelia Jacoba Beyers. Claim G/X4/ /10/73, junction road between Pretoria and Jan muts Freeway. H. F. VefWioerd Hospital and Eugene Marias Hospital. COURTENAY, Helen Amy. Claim G/X5/ /10/14, Oxford Road, Rosebank. Johannesburg General HospitaL The tandard General Insurance Co. Ltd, P.O. Box 4352, Johannesburg COOK, D. W. Claim MA /4/75, Empangcni, Natal. Dr BeardmQre, Pietermaritzburg. Union National outh British Insurance Company Ltd, P.O. Box 1087, Pretoria, 0001 LUGI,. A., and Jovan tevan Paul rustic. Claim 4/1/ /tO/73, First Avenue West, near intersection of First Avenue West and Twelfth treet, Parkhurst, Johannesburg. Johannes..; burg General Hospital. GOEWERMENTKENNIGEWING DEPARTEMENT VAN FINANIE No November 1976 taat van Inkomste ingevorder gedurende die tydpe:rk 1 April 1976 tot 30 eptember Tesourie, Pretoria. Head of Revenue Collections for year Estimates ended 31 lnkomstehoof Begroting Mar~h Ingevoroer vir die jaar geeindig 31 Maart 1976 Month of eptember Maand eptember Total I April to 30 eptember Tolaall April tot 30 eptember fflotsinkomsterekening R R R R R R Doeane en Aksyns i Invoerreg...R i=-~~~~i=~~~~+=~~~;';i;;;;;;;;;;~~~-i;;;;~~~~...i;====;';;':;';" Excise Duty: Aksynsreg: Beer.... Bier... a Wyn ~~r;ft~.::::::::::: :::.:::: :: piritus Acetic acid Asynsuur.....,, Cigarettes and cigarette tobacco igaretle en sigarettabak Pipe tobacco and cigar3...,. Pyptabalc en sigare Petroleum products _.... Petroleumprodukte \1otor cars «_ Moto.rkarre..., Mineral water Mineraalv.iater Bantu beer... _.. Banl.oebier...,. ".,..., R R

140 Reproduced by abinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February No. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 1976 Head ofrevenue ales Duty,, Mi.""llaneous Transfer to. W.A. Account.. (a) Inland Revenue- Tax on Income.... Other Taxes and Receipts; Gold mining leases.... Other mining leases.... tate Ownership Revenue on diamond mines Export duty on diamonds... Non-Resident shareholders' tax Non~Resident's tax on interest Undistributed profits tax... Donations tax tamp duties and fees.... Transfer duties..... Estate duties Tax on marketable securities.. Licences.,...,.... Cinematograph films tax.... Other Departmental and Miscellaneous Receipts: tate Diamond Diggings.... Forest revenue..... Fines and forfeitures..... Recoveries of advances. ale of state land Rental from state property.... Genera Interest and Dividends.... Repayment of Loans trategic Oil Fund... National Road Fund... outh African Bantu Trust Fund. Bantu Transport ervices Account Bantu Beer Research Fund.... outh-west Africa Territorial Revenue Fund outh-west Africa Account Customs and Excise... Inland Revenue... Inkomsteboof Verkoopreg Diverse ~. ~... Oordrag oa.w.a.-rekening... (a) Binnelandse Inlwmste- Belasting op Inkomste... Ander Belaslings en Ontvangste; Goudmynhuurkontrakte.... Ander mynhuurkontrakte... taatseiendomsreginkomste op diamantmyne Uitvocrregte op diamante.... Belasting op buitelandse aandeelhouers Rentebelasting op buitelanders Be1asting op onuitgekeerde win.">te Belasting op geskenke.... el!lregte en gelde Hereregte Boedelbelusting.... Belasting op Bemarkbare.sek~rite~te L'sensles...,.... Kinematograaffilmsbetasting... Ander Departementele en Diverse Ollt. vangste: taatsdiamantdelwerye.... Bosinkomste Boetes en "erbcurdverklarings Verhalings van voorskotte.,.. Verkoop van staatsgrond.... Verhunng van staatseiendom. Algemeen.... Rente en Dividende.... Terugbetaling van Lenings..... trategiese Oliefonds...(b) Nasionale Padfonds...(c) uid-afrikaanse Bantoetrustfonds (d) Rekening vir Bantoevervoerdienste. (ej Fonds vir Bantoebiernavorsing..(f) uidwes-afrika Gebiedsinkomstefonds (8) R uidw<'s.afriklll'ekening Doeane en Aksyns.... Binnelandse inkomste... R R R R R ~ 'Estimates Regrating R Dr I , I ~ ~ Collections for year ended 31 March 1976 Ingevorder vir die jaar ~:~~~im~ R I Dr II R : J _._..._ Month of eptember Maand eptember R R Dr Dr ~-- Dr Dr Dr tl II ! R Total.1 April to 3() eptember Totaal I April tot 30eptember R R Dr ~ Dr Dr Dr I II ~ I ' ', _~12" 5~ _._ W.A. Territorial Revenue Fund. outh-west Finance Corporation Ltd Tota!..... Jleconciliation with statement published by Government Notice 1878 in Government Gazette of 15 October 1976: In Transit, 31 March Overremitled, 31 August Collections, as above......wa. Gebiedsinkomstefonds..(b) outh-west Finance C{)rporation Ltd (i) R Totaal...R 1;;;"""~~"'I_"'""ioioo~';;'''' Rekonsiliasie met opgaaf gepnb!iseer by Goewermentakennisgewing 1878 in taatskoerant van 15 Oktober 1976: In Transito, 31 Maart Te veel oorgedra, 31 Augustus 1976 Invordering soos bierbo.... RI~~~~I==~~ I'~~~~I ~~~~I_~~~~I~~~~ In Transit, 30 eptember In Transito, 30 eptember Jleceiwd. into Exchequer Account.. In katldsrekening ontvang...r (a) ection 22 (I) (d) of Act 25 of (b) ection 3 or Act 72 of e ection 2 (I) (a) of Act 54 of <I) ection 8 of Aet 18 of e ection 5 ofact 53 of ection 19bis (I) (a) ofact 63 of mection 22 (4) (a) of Act 25 of (b) ection 22 (2) (c) of Act 25 of (i) ection 5 ofordinance 21 of (a) Artikel 22 (1) (d) van Wet 25 van (b) Artikel 3 van Wet 72 van (c) Artikel2 (1) (a) van Wet 54 van (d) Artikel 8 van Wet 18 van (e) Artikel 5 van Wet 53 van (f) Arti"el 19bis (I) (a) van Wet 63 van g) Artikel 22 (4) (a) van Wet 25 van 1959, h) Artikel 22 (2) (c) van Wet 25 van ~ i) Artikel 5 van Ordonnansie 21 van Buy National avings Certificates Koop Nasionale paarsertifikate

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