Government Gazette Staatskoerant

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1 REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA REPUBLIEK VAN SUID-AFRIKA Government Gazette Staatskoerant Selling price' Verkoopprys (GST exciuded/avb uitgesluit) local 50c Plaaslik Registered at the post office as a Newspaper Other countries 70c Buitelands As 'n Nuusblad by die Poskantoor Geregistreer Post free' Posvry Vol. 281 PRETORIA, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No PROCLAMATIONS by the State President ofthe RepubJk ofsouth Africa No. 180, 1988 DECLARATION OF CERT AlN MATTERS TO BE OWN AFFAIRS OF THE WHITE POPULATIONS GROUP AND THE ASSIGNMENT OF THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE PUBLIC RESORTS ORDINANCE, 1969 (ORDI NANCE 18 OF 1969) (TRANSVAAL), TO THE MINIS TER OF BUOOET AND WORKS: HOUSE OF ASSEM BLY Under subsection (3) of section 98, read with subsection (4) of that section and section 16, of the Republic of South Africa Constitution Act, 1983 (Act 110 of 1983), I hereby (a) declare, after consultation with the Executive Committee of the Province of the Transvaal, that the provisions of Part IV of the said Act shall apply to the Public Resorts Ordinance, 1969 (Ordinance 18 of 1969) (Transvaal), in so far as that Ordinance relates to (i) the White population group; (ti) the Board for Public Resorts established under section 5 (1) of the said Ordinance; and (iii) the public resorts mentioned and defmed in Schedule 1 to the said Ordinance, extuding Pilgrim's Rest and Roodeplaat Dam; (b) assign the administration of the provisions of the Ordinance referred to in paragraph (a), to the extent indicated in that paragraph, to the Minister of Budget and Works: House of Assembly; (c) determine that in the application, by virtue of paragraph (b), of the following provisions of the Ordinance mentioned in paragraph (a), namely, sections 3 (2), 4, 28 (1), 29, 30, 32, 33 and 37, any reference; wherever it occurs in the said sections, to "the Administrator", "the Administration" or "the Provincial Gazette", shall be construed as a reference to "the Minister of Budget and Works: House of Assembly. "the Administration: House of Assembly" and "the Gazette", respectively; PROKLAMASIES van die Staats president van die RepubJiek van Sold-Afrika No. 180, 1988 YERKLARING VAN SEKERE AANGELEENTHEDE TOT EIE SAAK V AN DIE BLANKE BEVOLKINGS GROEP EN OORDRAG V AN DIE UITYOERING VAN DIE TRANSV AALSE ORDONNANSIE OP OPENBARE OORDE, 1969 (ORDONNANSIE 18 VAN 1969), AAN DIE MINISTER VAN BEGROTING EN WERKE: VOLKSRAAD Krapns subartikel (3) van artikel 98, saamgelees met subartikel (4) van daardie artikel en artikel 16, van die Grondwet van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika, 1983 (Wet 110 van 1983} (a) verklaar ek hierby, na raadpleging van die Uitvoerende Komitee van die provinsie Transvaal, dat die bepalings van DeellV van vermelde Wet van toepasing is op die Ordonnansie op Openbare Oorde, 1969 (Ordonnansie 18 van 1969) (Tranvaal), vir sover die Ordonnansie betrekking het op (i) die Blanke bevolkingsgroep; (ti) die Raad vir Openbare Oorde ingestel kragtens artikel5 (1) van vermelde Ordonnansie; en (iii) die openbare oorde vermeld en omskryf in Bylae I by vermelde Ordonnansie, uitgesonderd Pelgrimsrus en Roodeplaatdam; (b) dra ek hierby die uitvoering van die bepalings van die Ordonnansie in paragraaf (a) vermeld, in die mate in daardie paragraaf aangedui, op aan die Minister van Begroting en Werke: Volksraad; (c) bepaal ek hierby dat by die toepassin~, uit hoofde van paragraaf (b), van die volgende bepatmgs van die Ordonnansie in paragraaf (a) vermeld, naamlik, artikels 3 (2), 4, 28 (1), 29, 30, 32, 33 en 37, enige verwysin~, waar dit ook at in vermelde artikels voorkom, na die Administrateur", "die Administrasie" of "die Provinsiale Koerant", uitgel~ word as 'n verwysing na, onderskeidelik "die Minister van Begroting en Werke: Volksraad"; "die Administrasie: Volksraad" en "die Staatskoerant" ;

2 2 No GOVERNMENT GAZEITE, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 (d) determine that the provisions of paragraph (c) shall mutatis mutandis apply to the references referred to in that paragraph, wherever they occur in the Regulations mentioned in paragraph 2 of Schedule 1; (e) determine that the Minister of Budget and Works: House of Assembly and the Department of Budget and Works, Administration: House of Assembly shall for all purposes be deemed to be the successor-in-title to the Administrator and the Provincial Administration of the Province of Transvaal, respectively, in respect of all assets, liabilities, rights and obligations which under, in terms of or by virtue of a provision of the Ordinance mentioned in paragraph (a), in relation to the matters mentioned in that paragraph, vested in the Administrator and the Provincial Administration of the Province of Transvaal, respectively, immediately prior to the coming into operation of this Proclamation; (f) determine that any unexpended moneys appropriated by Parliament for the financial year ending on 31 March 1989 in connection with the administration of a provision of the Ordinance referred to in paragraph (a), in relation to the matters mentioned in that paragraph, shall be deposited in the Revenue Account: House of Assembly referred to in section 2 (l) (b) (i) of the Exchequer and Audit Act, 1975 (Act 66 of 1975); (g) amend the laws mentioned in Schedule 1, to the extent there indicated; and (h) detennine that this Proclamation shall come into operation on 7 November Given under my Hand and the Seal of the Republic of South Africa at Pretoria on this Twenty-sixth day of October, One thousand Nine hundred and Eighty-eight. P. W. BOTHA, State President. In relation to paragraphs (a), and (c) to (h), inclusive, ofthis Proclamation: By Order of the State President-in-Cabinet: J. C. HEUNIS, Minister ofthe Cabinet. SCHEDULEl AMENDMENT OF LAWS 1. The Public Resorts Ordinance, 1969 (Ordinance 18 of 1969) (Transvaal), is amended (a) by the substitution for subsection (1) of section 5 of the following subsection: «(1) (a) The Board for Public Resorts established by Administrator's Notice 310 of 20 March 1970, as it existed immediately prior to 7 November 1988, shall with effect from the lastmentioned date continue to exist for the control, management, development and maintenance of such public resorts, or portions thereof, as the Minister of Budget and Works: House of Assembly may by notice in the Gazette, and with effect from a date mentioned in the notice (which may be a date F,ior to the date of the notice), place under the supemsionofthe Board. (b) The Minister may likewise remove any such resort, or portion thereof, from such supervision."; (b) by the substitution in subsection (1) of section 14 for the words preceding the proviso of the following words: "A meeting of the Board shall be held at such time and place as may be determined by the Board:"; (d) bepaal ek hierby dat die bepalings van paragraaf (c) mutatis mutandis van toepassing is op die verwysings in daardie paragraaf venneld, waar dit ook al in die Regulasies venneld in paragraaf 2 van Bylae 1 voorkom; (e) bepaal ek hierby dat die Minister van Begroting en Werke: Volksraad en die Departement van Begroting en Werke, Administrasie: Volksraad vir alle doeleindes geag word die opvolger in regte te wees van, onderskeidelik, die Administrateur en die Provinsiale Administrasie van die Provinsie Transvaal, ten opsigte van alle bates, laste, regte en verpligtinge wat kragtens, ingevolge of uit hoofde van 'n bepaling van die Ordonnansie in paragraaf (a) venneld met betrekking tot die aangeleentbede in daardie paragraaf venneld, by, onderskeidelik, die Administrateur en die Provinsiale Administrasie van die Provinsie Transvaal, onmiddellik voor die inwerkingtreding van hierdie Proklamasie berus het; (f) bepaal ek hierby dat enige onbestede gelde wat deur die Parlement bewillig is vir die boekjaar wat op 31 Maart 1989 eindig in verb and met die uitvoering van 'n bepaling van die Ordonnansie in paragraaf (a) vermeld, met betrekking tot die aangeleenthede in daardie paragraaf venneld, in die Inkomsterekening: Volksraad, genoem in artikel 21 (I) (b) (i) van die Skatkis- en Ouditwet, 1975 (Wet 66 van 1975), gestort word; (g) wysig ek hierby die wette in Bylae 1 venneld, in die mate aldaar aangedui; en (h) bepaal ek hierby dat hierdie Proklamasie op 7 November 1988 in werking tree. Gegee onder my Hand en die Seel van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika te Pretoria, op hede die Ses-en-twintigste dag van Oktober Eenduisend Negehonderd Agt-en-tagtig. P. W. BOTHA, Staatspresident. Met betrekking tot paragrawe (a), en (c) tot en met (h), van hierdie Proklamasie: Op las van die Staatspresident-in- Kabinet: J. C. HEUNIS, Minister van die Kabinet. BYLAEl WYSIGING VAN WETIE 1. Die Ordonnansie op Openbare Oorde, 1969 (Ordonnansie 18 van 1969) (Transvaal), word gewysig (a) deur subartikel (1) van artikel 5 deur die volgende subartikel te vervang: «(1) (a) Die Raad vir Openbare Oorde, ingestel by Administrateurskennisgewing 310 van 20 Maart 1970, soos dit bestaan het onmiddellik voor 7 November 1988, bly met ingang vanaf laasvennelde datum voortbestaan vir die beheer, bestuur, ontwikkeling en instandhouding van die openbare oorde, of gedeeltes daarvan, wat die Minister van Begroting en Werke: Volksraad by kennisgewing in die Staatskoerant, en met ingang vanaf 'n datum in die kennis~ewing vermeld (wat 'n datum voor die datum van die kennisgewing kan wees), onder die toesig van die Raad plaas. (b) Die Minister kan insgelyks enige sodanige oord, of gedeelte daarvan, aan sodanige toesig onttrek. "; (b) deur in subartikel (1) van artikel14 die woorde wat die voorbehoudsbepaling voorafgaan deur die volgende woorde te vervang: "'n Vergadering van die Raad word op die tyd en plek wat die Raad bepaal, gehou:";

3 STAATSKOERANT. 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No (c) by the substitution in subsection (1) of section 18 for the words preceding paragraph (a) of the following words: "The Minister of Budget and Works: House of Assembly may out of moneys appropriated by the House of Assembly for such purpose, grant loans to the Board for any or all of the following purposes:"; (d) by the substitution for paragraph (d) of section 19 (1) of the following paragraph: "(d) yearly grants-in-aid, from moneys appropriated by the House of Assembly for such purpose, which the Minister of Budget and Works: House of Assembly may pay to the Board in such amounts, for such purposes and subject to such conditions as the Miruster may determine; and "; (e) by the substitution for section 22 of the following section: 'Auditing ofaccounts 22. The accounts of the Board shall be audited by the Auditor-General. "; (f) by the substitution for subsection (3) of section 23 of the following subsection: "(3) The report and statement contemplated in subsections (1) and (2) shall be Tabled by the Minister of Budget and Works: House of Assembly within seven days of receipt thereof in the House of Assembly if the House of Assembly is then in session or, if the House of Assembly is then not in session, within seven days of the commencement of its next ensuing session. "; (g) by the substitution for subsection (2) of section 24 of the following subsection: "(2) The Board may appoint such officers and employees as may be necessary for the purposes of those provisions of this Ordinance which apply to the Board, at the remuneration determined by the Minister of Budget and Works: House of Assembly, and on such other conditions of service as may be prescribed." ; (h) by the substitution for subsection (3) of section 27 of the following subsection: "(3) The provisions of subsections (1) and (2) shall not be construed as exempting a member, officer, employee or other person contemplated in subsection (1) from liability for being surcharged with the amount of any payment which may be disallowed by the Auditor-General in terms of the provisions of the Exchequer and Audit Act, 1975 (Act 66 of 1975)."; (i) by (i) the substitution in subparagraph (i) of subsection (2) (a) of section 28 for the expression "Provincial Council" of the expression "House of Assembly"; (ii) the deletion in subsection (3) of section 28 of the words "any may determine their remuneration and conditions of service' '; and (j)by (i) the substitution for the word "Administrator", wherever it occurs in sections 5 (3), 8, 9, 10 (1) and (2), 17, 18 (2), 19 (2), 21, 23 (1),24 (1) and (3),25 and 28 (2), of the expression' 'Minister of Budget and Works: House of Assembly"; and (iii) the substitution for the expression "Provincial Gazette" in section 28 (2) (b) of the expression "Gazette". 2. The Regulations relating to the Establishment and Extension of Public Resorts, promulgated by Administrator's Notice 632 of 17 April 1974 under section 31 of the Public Resorts Ordinance, 1969, is amended by the deletion in regulation 1 of the definition of "Director". (c) deur in subartikel (1) van artikel18 die woorde wat paragraaf (a) voorafgaan, deur die volgende woorde te vervang: "Die Minister van Begroting en Werke: Volksraad kan uit gelde wat die Volksraad van tyd tot tyd vir die doel bewillig, leniogs aan die Raad toestaan vir enigeen van of al die volgende doeleindes:"; (d) deur paragraaf (d) van artikel 19 (1) deur die volgende paragraaf te vervang: "(d) jaarlikse hulptoelaes uit geide deur die Volksraad vir die doel bewillig, wat die Minister van Begroting en Werke: Volksraad aan die Raad kan uitbetaal in die bedrae, vir die doeleindes en onderworpe aan die voorwaardes wat die Minister bepaal; en "; (e) deur artikel 22 deur die volgende artikel te vervang: "Ouditering van rekenings 22. Die rekenings van die Raad word deur die Ouditeur-generaal geouditeer."; (f) deur subartikel (3) van artikei23 deur die volgende subartikel te vervang: "(3) Die in subartikels (1) en (2) beoo~de verslag en staat word deur die Minister van Begrotmg en Werke: Volksraad in die Volksraad ter Tafel gele binne sewe dae na ontvangs daarvan indien die Volksraad dan in sitting is of, indien die Volksraad dan nie in sitting is nie, binne sewe dae na die aanvang van sy eersvolgende sitting. "; (g) deur subartikel (2) van artikel 24 deur die volgende subartikel te vervang: "(2) Die Raad kan die bea:nj>tes en werknemers wat nodig mag wees vir die doelemdes van daardie bepalings van hierdie Ordonnansie wat op die Raad van toepassing is, aanstel teen die besoldiging wat die Minister van Begroting en Werke: Volksraad bepaal, en op die ander diensvoorwaardes wat voorgeskryf word."; (h) deur subartikel (3) van artikel 27 deur die volgende subartikel te vervang: "(3) Die bepalings van subartikels (I) en (2) word nie so uitgele nie dat dit 'n lid, beampte, werknemer of ander persoon in subartikel (1) beoog, vrystel van aanspreekiikheid vir 'n vergoedingsvordering vir die bemag van enige betaling wat die Ouditeur-generaal ingevolge die bepalings van die Skatkis- en Ouditwet, 1975 (Wet 66 van 1975), afkeur."; (i)deur (i) in subparagraaf (i) van subartikel (2) (a) van artikel 28 die uitdrukking "Provinsiale Raad" deur die uitdrukking "Volksraad" te vervang; (ii) in subartikel (3) van artikel 28 die woorde "en hulle besoldiging en diensvoorwaardes vasstel" te skrap;en (j)deur (i) die woord "Administrateur", oral waar dit in artikels 5 (3), 8, 9, 10 (1) en (2),17, 18 (2), 19 (2),21, 23 (1), 24 (1) en (3), 25 en 28 (2) voorkom, deur die uitdrukking "Minister van Begroting en Werke: Volksraad" te vervang; en (iii) die uitdrukking "Provinsiale Koerant" in artikel28 (2) (b) deur die uitdrukking "Staatskoerant" te vervang. 2. Die Regulasies betreffende die Instelling en Uitbreiding van Openbare Oorde, af~ekondig by Administrateurskennisgewing632van 17 Apnl1974kragtensartikel31 van die Ordonnansie op Openbare Oorde. 1969, word gewysig deur in regulasie 1 die woordomskrywing van "Direkteur" te skrap.

4 4 No GOVERNMENT GAZEITE. 4 NOVEMBER The Regulations in respect of Public Resorts under the jurisdiction dof the Board for Public Reports, promulgated by Administrator's Notice 891 of 1 July 1977 in terms of the provisions of sections 24 and 37 of the Public Resorts Ordinance, 1969, is amended by the substitution for the expressions "Administrator" and "Provincial Secretary", wherever they occur, of the expressions' 'Minister of Budget and Works: House of Assembly" and "Head of the Department of Budgetary and Auxilliary Services, Administration: House of Assembly", respectively. 3. Die Regu1asies met betrekking tot Openbare Oorde onder die jurisdiksie van die Raad vir Openbare Oorde, afgekondig by Administrateurskennisgewing 891 van I Julie 1977 ingevo1ge die bepalings van artikels 24 en 37 van die Ordonnansie op Openbare Oorde, 1969, word gewysig deur die uitdrukkings "Administrateur" en "Provinsiale Sekretaris", oral waar hulle voorkom, deur, onderskeidelik, die uitdrukkings "Minister van Begroting en Werke: Volksraad" en "die Hoof van die Departement van Begrotings- en Ondersteuningsdienste, Administrasie: Volksraad" te vervang. No. 181, 1988 DEPROCLAMATION OF WHITE AND COLOURED GROUP AREAS IN TERMS OF THE GROUP AREAS ACT, 1966, AT MISGUND, DISTRICT OF UNION DALE, PROVINCE OF THE CAPE OF GOOD HOPE Under section 33 of the Group Areas Act, 1966 (Act 36 of 1966), I hereby repeal Proclamation 179 of21 July Given under my Hand and the Seal of the Republic of South Africa at Pretoria this Sixth day of October, One thousand Nine hundred and Eighty-eight. P. W.BOTHA, State President. By Order of the State President-in-Cabinet: J. C. HEUNIS, Minister ofthe Cabinet. No. 181, 1988 DEPROKLAMERlNG V AN BLANKE EN GEKLEURDE GROEPSGEBIEDE INGEVOLGE DIE WET OP GROEPSGEBIEDE, 1966, TE MISGUND, DISTRIK UNIONDALE, PROVINSIE DIE KAAP DIE GOEIE HOOP Kragtens artike133 van die Wet op Groepsgebiede, 1966 (Wet 36 van 1966), hem>ep ek hierby Proklamasie 179 van 21 Julie Gegee onder my Hand en die seer van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika te Pretoria, op hede die Sesde dag van Oktober Eenduisend Negehonderd Agt-en-tagtig. P. W.BOTHA, Staatspresident. Op las van die Staatspresident-in-Kabinet: J. C. HEUNIS, Minister van die Kabinet. No. 182, 1988 AMENDMENT TO PROCLAMATION 73 OF 1983 AND THE DECLARATION OF A GROUP AREA IN TERMS OF THE GROUP AREAS ACT, 1966, AT STRAND, DIS TRICT OF STRAND, PROVINCE OF THE CAPE OF GOOD HOPE Under- A. section 33 of the Group Areas Act, 1966 (Act 36 of 1966), I hereby amend Proclamation 73 of 1983 by the withdrawal of paragraph D thereof, as from the date of publication of this Proclamation; and B. section 23 of the Group Areas Act, 1966 (Act 36 of 1966), I hereby declare that the area defined in the Schedule hereto shall, as from the date of publication of this Proclamation, be an area for occupation and ownership by members of the Coloured group. Given under my Hand and the Seal of the Republic of South Africa at Pretoria this Twenty-sixth day of September, One thousand Nine hundred and Eighty-eight. P. W. BOrnA, State President. By Order of the State President-in-Cabinet: J. C. HEUNIS, Minister of the Cabinet. No. 182, 1988 WYSIGING VAN PROKLAMASIE 73 VAN 1983 EN DIE VERKLARING VAN 'N GROEPSGEBIED INGE VOLGE DIE WET OP GROEPSGEBIEDE, 1966, TE STRAND, DISTRIK STRAND, PROVINSIE DIE KAAP DIE GOEIE HOOP Kragtens- A. artikel 33 van die Wet op Groepsgebiede, 1966 (Wet 36 van 1966), wysig ek hierby Proklamasie 73 van 1983 deur die intrekking van paragraaf D daarvan, vanaf die datum van publikasie van hierdie Proklamasie; en B. artikel 23 van die Wet op Groepsgebiede, 1966 (Wet 36 van 1966), verklaar ek hierby dat die gebied omskryf in die Bylae hiervan, vanaf die datum van publikasie van hierdie Proklamasie, 'n gebied is vir okkupasie en grondbesit deur lede van die Gekleurde groep. Gegee onder my Hand en die Seel van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika te Pretoria, op hede die Ses-en-twintigste dag van September Eenduisend Negehonderd Agt-en-tagtig. P. W.BOTHA, Staatspresident. Op las van die Staatspresident-in-Kabinet: J. C. HEUNIS, Minister van die Kabinet.

5 SCHEDULE COLOURED GROUP Beginning at the point where the prolongation northeastwards of the northern boundary of Erf 6437, The Strand, intersects the middle of the 11,33 metre street (First Street); thence south-eastwards along the middle of the said street to the point where it is intersected by the middle of the 11,33 metre street (Octopus Street); thence south-westwards along the middle of the said 11,33 metre street (Octopus Street) and the prolongation thereof to the point where the last-mentioned prolongation intersects the high-water mark of the sea; thence north-wes~ards alon~ f:he. said high-water mark of the sea to the pomt where It IS mtersected by the prolongation south-westwards of the northern boundary of Erf 5069; thence north-eastwards along the said prolongation to the north-western beacon of the said Erf 5069; thence north-eastwards along the boundaries of the following propeties so as to include them in this area: The said Erf 5069 and Erven 5067,5065,5064 and 5063, to the north-eastern beacon of the last-mentioned erf; thence north-eastwards in a straight line to the north-western beacon of Erf 10108; thence north-eastwards along the boundaries of the following properties so as to include them in this area: The said Erf and Erven 10106, and 6437, to the point where the prolongation north-eastwards of the northern boundary of the last-mentioned erf intersects the middle of the said 11,33 metre street (First Street), the point of beginning. STAATSKOERANT. 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No BYLAE GEKLEURDE GROEP Begin by die eunt waar die noordooswaartse verlenging van die noordelike grens van Erf 6437, Die Strand, die middel van die 11,33-meter-straat (Eerste Straat) kruis; daarvandaan suidooswaarts met die middel van genoemde straat langs tot by die punt waar dit gekruis word deur die middel van die 11,33-meter-straat (Octopusstraat); daarvandaan suidweswaarts met die middel van ~enoemde 11,33 meter-straat (Octopusstraat) en die verlengmg daarvan langs tot by die punt waar laasgenoemde verlenging die hoogwatermerk van die see kruis; daarvandaan noordweswaarts met genoemde boogwatermerk van die see lan$s tot by die punt waar dit deur die suidweswaartse verlengmg van die noordelike grens van Erf 5069 gekruis word; daarvandaan noordooswaarts met genoemde verlenging langs tot by die noordwestelike baken van genoemde Erf 5069; daarvandaan noordooswaarts met die grense van die volgende eiendomme tangs sodat hulle by hierdie gebied ingesluit word: Genoemde Erf 5069 en Erwe 5067,5065,5064 en 5063, tot by die noordoostelike baken van laasgenoemde erf; daarvandaan noordooswaarts in 'n reguit lyn tot by die noordwestelike baken van Erf 10108; daarvandaan noordooswaarts met die grense van die volgende eiendomme langs, sodat hulle by hierdie gebied ingesluit word: Genoemde Erf en Erwe 10106, en 6437, tot by die punt waar die noordooswaartse verlen$ing van die noordelike grens van laasgenoemde erf die Inlddel van genoemde 11,33-meter-straat (Eerste Straat) kruis, die beginpunt. 5 No. 183, 1988 AMENDMENT OF PROCLAMATION 174 OF 1966 AND THE DECLARATION OF GROUP AREAS IN TERMS OF THE GROUP AREAS ACf, 1966 AT BRITSTOWN, ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICf OF BRITSTOWN, PRO VINCE OF THE CAPE OF GOOD HOPE Under (i) section 33 of the Group Areas Act, 1966 (Act 36 of 1966) I hereby amend Proclamation 174 of 1966 by the repeal of paragraph B thereof; and (ii) section 23 of the Group Areas Act, 1966 (Act 36 of 1966), I hereby declare that the areas defmed in the Schedule hereto shall, as from the date of publication of this Proclamation, be areas for occupation and ownership by members of the Coloured group. Given under my Hand and the Seal of the Republic of South Africa at Pretoria this Twenty-sixth day of September, One thousand Nine hundred and Eighty-eight. P. W. BOTHA, State President. By Order of the State President-in-Cabinet: J. C. HEUNIS, Minister of the Cabinet. SCHEDULE COLOURED GROUP A. Beginning at the westernmost beacon of Erf 522, Britstown; thence south-eastwards along the boundaries of the said Erf 522 and Erf 604 so as to exclude them from this area, to the southernmost beacon of the last-mentioned Erf; thence south-eastwards in a series of straight lines through beacons Pad. 1, Pad. 2, Pad. 3, Pad. 4 and Steen, to die westernmost beacon of the said Erf 522, the point of beginning. No. 183, 1988 WYSIGING VAN PROKLAMASIE 174 VAN 1966 EN DIE VERKLARING VAN GROEPSGEBIEDE INGE VOLGE DIE WET OP GROEPSGEBIEDE, 1966, TE BRITSTOWN, ADMINISTRATIEWE DISTRIK BRITS TOWN, PROVINSIE DIE KAAP DIE GOEIE HOOP Kragtens- (i) artikel 33 van die Wet op Groepsgebiede, 1966 (Wet 36 van 1966), wysig ek hierby Proklamasie 174 van 1966 deur paragraaf B daarvan te herroep; en (ii) artikel 23 van die Wet op Groepsgebiede, 1966 (Wet 36 van 1966), verklaar ek hierby dat die gebiede omskryf in die Bylae hiervan, vanaf die datum van pubiikasie van hierdie Proklamasie, gebiede is vir okkupasie en grondbesit deur lede van die Gekleurde groep. Gegee onder my Hand en die Seel van die RepubJiek van Suid-Afrika te Pretoria, op hede die Ses-en-twintigste dag van September Eenduisend Negehonderd Agt-en-tagtig. P.W.BOTHA, Staatspresident. Op las van die Staatspresident-in-Kabinet: J. C. HEUNIS, Minister van die Kabinet. BYLAE GEKLEURDE GROEP A. Begin by die westelikste baken van Erf 522, Britstown; daarvandaan suidooswaarts met die grense van genoemde Erf 522 en Erf 604 langs sodat hulle uit hierdie gebied uitgesluit word, tot by die suidelikste baken van laasgenoemde erf; daarvandaan suidooswaarts met 'n reeks reguit lyne deur bakens Pad. 1, Pad. 2, Pad. 3, Pad. 4 en Steen, tot by die westelikste baken van genoemde Erf 522, die beginpunt.

6 6 No GOVERNME1'lT GAZETIE, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 B. Ed 1024, Britstown, in its entirety. C. Beginning at the point where the prolongation of the north-western boundary of Erf 293, Britstown, intersects the middle of Victoria Street; thence north-eastwards along the said prolongation and boundary and the north-western boundary of Ed 300 and the prolongation thereof to the point where it intersects the middle of Richmond Street; thence south-eastwards along the middle of the said Richmond Street, Van Zyl Street and the said Victoria Street to the point first named, the point of beginning. B. Ed 1024, Britstown, in sy geheel. C. Begin by die punt waar die verienging van die noordwestelike grens van Erf 293, Britstown, die middel van Victoriastraat kruis; daarvandaan noordooswaarts langs genoemde verlenging en grens en die noordwestelike grens van Erf 300 en die verlenging daarvan tot by die s:= waar dit die middel van Richmondstraat kruis; daarvan suidooswaarts langs die middel van genoemde Richmondstraat, Van Zylstraat en genoemde Victoriastraat tot by eersgenoemde punt, die beginpunt. No. 184, 1988 (1) Amendment of Proclamation 205 of 1962; (2) establishment of a free trading area in terms of section 19 (1); and (3) the making of a determination in terms of section 19 (3) of the Group Areas Act, 1966, at Stellenbosch, District of Stellenbosch, Province of the Cape of Good Hope. Under (l) section 33 of the Group Areas Act, 1966 (Act 36 of 1966), I hereby amend Proclamation 205 of 1962 by the exclusion from the area dermed in paragraph (a) of the Schedule thereto, of the area dermed in the Schedule hereto; (2) section 19 (1) of the said Act, I hereby declare that, as from the date of publication of this Proclamation the provisions ofsections 13, 14, 15, 20, 35, 37 and 40 of the said Act shall not be applicable in respect of any building, land or premises m the area dermed in the Schedule hereto, subject to the condition that such building, land or premises may only be occupied or used for trading, commercial, professional or religious and educational purposes in terms of a town planning scheme which is in operation or binding under any law in this area; and (3) section 19 (3) of the said Act, I hereby declare that members of the White group may occupy for residential purposes any building, land or premises in the area dermed in the Schedule hereto. Given under my Hand and the Seal of the Republic of South Africa at Pretoria this Twenty-sixth day of September, One thousand Nine hundred and Eighty-eight. P. W.BOTHA, State President. By Order of the State President-in-Cabinet: J. C. HEUNIS, Minister of the Cabinet. SCHEDULE FREE TRADING AREA: STELLENBOSCH AreaH Erven 4845 and 4431, Stellenbosch, in their entirety. No. 185, 1988 AMENDMENT OF PROCLAMATION 262 OF 1958 AND THE DECLARATION OF A GROUP AREA IN TERMS OF THE GROUP AREAS ACT, 1966, AT ERMELO, DISTRICT OF ERMELO, PROVINCE OF THE TRANSVAAL Under section 33 of the Group Areas Act, 1966 (Act 36 of 1966), I hereby.amend Proclamation 262 of 1958 by excluding the area dermed in paragraph A of the Schedule No. 184, 1988 (1) Wysiging van Proklamasie 205 van 1962; (2) instelling van 'n vryhandelsgebied kragtens artikel19 (1); en (3) die maak van 'n aanwysing kragtens artikel19 (3) van die Wet op Groepsgebiede, 1966, te Stellenbosch, distrik Stellenbosch, provinsie die Kaap die Goeie Hoop.. Kragtens (1) artikel 33 van die Wet op Groepsgebiede, 1966 (Wet 36 van 1966), w;ysig ek hierby Proklamasie 205 van 1962 deur die uitsluitmg uit die gebied omskryf in para ~aaf (a) van die Bylae daarvan, van die gebied omskryf m die Bylae hiervan; (2) artikel 19 (1) van genoemde Wet, verklaar ek hierby dat, vanaf die datum van publikasie van hierdie Proklamasie, die bepalings van- artikels 13, 14, 15,20,35, 37 en 40 van genoemde Wet nie van toepassing is nie ten opsigte van enige gebou, grond of perseel in die gebied omskryf in die Bylae hiervan, onderworpe aan die voorwaarde dat die gebou, grond of perseel sle$s vir handels-, kommersiele, professionele of godsdienstlge en opvoedkundige doeleindes geokkupeer of gebruik mag word ingevolge 'n dorpsaanlegskema wat kragtens die een of ander wet in die gebied in werking of bindend is; en (3) artikel 19 (3) van genoemde Wet, verklaar ek hierby dat lede van die Blanke groep enige gebou, grond of perseel in die gebied omskryf in die Bylae hiervan, vir woondoeleindes mag okkupeer. Gegee onder my Hand en die Seel van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika te Pretoria, op hede die Ses-en-twintigste dag Van September Eenduisend Negehonderd Agt-en-tagtig. P. W. BOTHA, Staatspresident. Op las van die Staatspresident-in-Kabinet: J. C. HEUNIS, Minister van die Kabinet. BYLAE VRYHANDELSGEBlED: STELLENBOSCH GebiedH Erwe 4845 en 4431, Stellenbosch. in hul geheel. No. 185, 1988 WYSIGING VAN PROKLAMASIE 262 VAN 1958 EN VERKLARING VAN 'N GROEPSGEBIED INGEVOLGE DIE WET OP GROEPSGEBIEDE, 1966, TE ERMELO, DlSTRIK ERMELO, PROVINSIE TRANSVAAL Kragtens artikel33 van die Wet op Groepsgebiede, 1966 (Wet 36 van 1966), wysig ek hierby Proklamasie 262 van 1958 deur die gebied omskryf in paragraaf A van die Bylae

7 STAATSKOERANT,4NOVEMBER 1988 No to this Proclamation from the area defined in paragraph (a) of the Schedule to that Proclamation; and under section 23 of the said Act, I hereby declare that the area dermed in paragraphs A and B of the Schedule hereto shall, from the date of publication of this Proclamation, be an area for occupation and ownership by members of the Indian group. Given under my Hand and the Seal of the Republic of South Africa at Pretoria this Twenty-sixth day of September, One thousand Nine hundred and Eighty-eight. P. W.BOTHA, State President. By Order of the State President-in-Cabinet: J. C. HEUNIS, Minister of the Cabinet. SCHEDULE A. (i) Portion 145 (a portion of Portion 11) of the farm Nooitgedacht 268 IT, vide Diagram A 6250n4 (included in Portion 146 vide Diagram A 6247n4); and (li) Portion 196 (a J??rtion of Portion 11) of the farm Nooitgedacht 268 IT, Vide Diagram A 5380/86 (included in Portion 197 vide Diagram A ). B. 0) Remainder of Portion 113 of the farm Nooitgedacht 268 IT, vide Diagram A 908/62 (included in Portion 197 vide Diagram A 1049/86); and (li) Portion 143 (a portion of Portion 113) of the farm Nooitgedacht 268 IT, vide Diagram A 6248n4 (included in Portion 146 vide Diagram A 6247n4). van hierdie Proklamasie uit te sluit uit die gebied omskryf in paragraaf (a) van die Bylae van daardie Proklamasie; en kragtens artikel 23 van genoemde Wet verklaar ek hierby dat die gebied omskryf in paragrawe A en B van die Bylae hiervan, vanaf die datum van publikasie van hierdie Proklamasie 'n gebied is vir okkupasie en grondbesit deur lede van die Indier groep. Gegee onder my Hand en die Seel van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika te Pretoria, op hede die Ses-en-twmtigste dag van September Eenduisend Negehonderd Agt-en-tagtig. P. W.BOTHA, Staatspresident. Op las van die Staatspresident-in-Kabinet: J. C. HEUNIS, Minister van die Kabinet. BYLAE A. (i) Gedeelte 145 ('n gedeelte van Gedeelte 11) van die plaas Nooitgedacht 268 IT, volgens Kaart A 6250n4 (ingesluit by Gedeelte 146 volgens Kaart A 6247n4); en (li) Gedeelte 196 ('n gedeelte van Gedeelte 11) van die plaas Nooitgedacht 268 IT, volgens Kaart A 5380/86 (ingesluit by Gedeelte 197 volgens Kaart A 1049/86). B. (i) Restant van Gedeelte 113 van die plaas Nooitgedacht 268 IT, volgens Kaart A 908/62 (ingesluit by Gedeelte 197 volgens Kaart A 1049/86); en (ii) Gedeelte 143 ('n gedeelte van Gedeelte 113) van die plaas Nooitgedacht 268 IT, volgens Kaart A 6248n4 (ingesluit by Gedeelte 146 volgens Kaart A 6247n4). No. 186, 1m DECLARATION OF A GROUP AREA IN TERMS OF THE GROUP AREAS ACT, 1966 (ACT 36 OF 1966), KIMBERLEY, DISTRICT OF KIMBERLEY, PROVINCE OF THE CAPE OF GOOD HOPE Under section 23 of the Group Areas Act, 1966 (Act 36 of 1966) I hereby declare that the area dermed in the Schedule hereto shall, as from the date of publication of this Proclamation, be an area for occupation and ownership by members of the Coloured group. Given under my Hand and the Seal of the Republic of South Africa at Pretoria this Nineteenth day of October, One thousand Nine hundred and Eighty-eight. P. W.BOTHA, State President. By Order of the State President-in-Cabinet: J. C. HEUNIS, Minister of the Cabinet. SCHEDULE COLOURED GROUP Beginning at the north-western beacon of Portion 17 of the farm Roode Pan 70, Administrative District of Kimberley; thence eastwards along the boundaries of the following properties so as to include them in this area: The said Portion 17 and Portions 1, 7, 45, 49, 51, 16, 48, the said Portion 16, Portions 42 and 13 of the said farm to the southwestern beacon of the last-mentioned portion; thence northwestwards along the south-western boundary of Portion 28 and the boundary of Portion 44 of the said farm so as to exclude the last-mentioned portion from this area, to the No. 186, 1m VERKLARING VAN 'N GROEPSGEBlED lngevolge DIE WET OP GROEPSGEBIEDE, 1966 (WET 36 VAN 1966), KIMBERLEY, DISTRIK KIMBERLEY, PROVIN SIE DIE KAAP DIE GOEIE HOOP Kragtens artikel 23 van die Wet op Groepsgebiede, 1966 (Wet 36 van 1966), verklaar ek hierby dat die gebied omskryf in die Bylae hiervan, vanaf datum van publikasie van hierdie Proklamasie, 'n gebied is vir okkupasie en grondbesit deur lede van die Gekleurde groep. Gegee onder my Hand en die Seel van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika te Pretoria, op hede die Negentiende dag van Oktober Eenduisend Negehonderd Agt-en-tagtig. P. W.BOTHA, Staatspresident. Op las van die Staatspresident-in-Kabinet: J. C. HEUNIS, Minister van die Kabinet. BYLAE GEKLEURDE GROEP Begin by die noordwestelike baken van Gedeelte 17 van die plaas Roode Pan 70, administratiewe distrik Kimberley; ~andaan ooswaarts met die grense van die volgende elendomme langs sodat hulle in hierdie gebied ingesluit word: Genoemde Gedeelte 17 en Gedeeltes 1,7,45,49,51, 16, 48, genoemde Gedeelte 16, Gedeeltes 42 en 13 van genoemde plaas tot by die suidwestelike baken van laasgenoemde gedeelte; daarvandaan noordweswaarts met die suid-westelike grens van Gedeelte 28 en met die grens van Gedeelte ~,:an ~enoe~de \,laas l~gs sodat laasgenoemde gedeelte Ult hlerdle gebled ultgeslutt word, tot by die noord

8 8 No GOVERNMENT GAZETIE, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 north-eastern beacon thereof; thence north-westwards along the western boundary of the said Portion 28, to the northwestern beacon thereof; thence north-westwards along the boundaries of Portion 61 of the said fann and the said Portion 17 so as to include them in this area, to the northwestern beacon of the last-mentioned portion, the point of beginning. oostelike baken daarvan; daarvandaan noordweswaarts met die westelike grens van genoemde Gedeelte 28 langs, tot by die noordwestelike baken daarvan; daarvandaan noordweswaarts met die grense van Gedeelte 61 van genoemde plaas en genoemde Gedeelte 17 langs sodat hulle in hierdie gebied ingesluit word, tot by die noordwestelike baken van laasgenoemde gedeelte, die beginpunt. No. 187, 1988 DECLARATION OF A GROUP AREA IN TERMS OF THE GROUP AREAS ACT, 1966 (ACT 36 OF 1966), AT PRINCE ALFRED HAMLET, ADMINISTRATIVE DIS TRICT OF CERES, PROVINCE OF THE CAPE OF GOOD HOPE Under section 23 of the Group Areas Act, 1966 (Act 36 of 1966), I hereby declare that the area defmed in the Schedule hereto shall, as from the date of publication of this Proclamation, be an area for occupation and ownership by members of the Coloured group. Given under my Hand and the Seal of the Republic of South Africa at Pretoria this Ninteenth day of October, One thousand Nine hundred and Eighty-eight. P. W.BOTHA, State President. By Order of the State President-in-Cabinet: J. C. HEUNIS, Minister of the Cabinet. SCHEDULE COLOURED GROUP Beginning at Beacon GAA on Survey Record E. 140/88; thence north-eastwards in a series of straight lines through Beacons GAB and GAC, to Beacon GAD, all beacons on the said Survey Record E. 140/88; thence north-eastwards in a straight line to the north-western beacon of Erf 310, Prince Alfred Hamlet; thence north-eastwards along the boundaries of the said Erf 310 and Erf 4 so as to include them in this area, to the south-eastern beacon of the lastmentioned erf; thence south-westwards in a straight line to the north-eastern beacon of Erf 304; thence southwards along the boundary of the last-mentioned erf so as to include it in this area to the south-western beacon thereof; thence southwards in a straight line to the north-western beacon of Prince Alfred Hamlet, Extension 1 (TP 931); thence southwards and south-westwards along the boundaries of the lastmentioned extension, Erf 524 and Portions 167 and 57 of the fann Wagenbooms Rivier 372, Administrative District of Ceres, so as to exclude them from this area, to the southwestern beacon of Erf 513; thence northwards along the boundary of the last-mentioned erf so as to include it in this area to the north-western beacon thereof; thence northwards in a straight line to Beacon GAA on the said Survey Record E.I40/88, the point of beginning. No. 187, 1988 VERKLARING VAN 'N GROEPSGEBIED INGEVOLGE DIE WET OP GROEPSGEBIEDE, 1966 (WET 36 VAN 1966), TE PRINCE ALFRED HAMLET, ADMINISTRA TIEWE DISTRIK CERES, PROVlN~!E DIE KAAP DIE GOEIEHOOP Kragtens artikel 23 van die Groepsgebiedewet, 1966 (Wet 36 van 1966), verklaar ek hierby dat die gebied omskryf in die Bylae hiervan, vanaf die datum van publikasie van hierdie Proklamasie, 'n gebied is vir okkupasie en grondbesit deur lede van die Gekleurde groep. Gegee onder my Hand en die Seel van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika te Pretoria, op hede die Negentiende dag van Oktober Eenduisend Negehonderd Agt-en-tagtig. P. W.BOTHA, Staatspresident. Op las van die Staatspresident-in-Kabinet: J. C. HEUNIS, Minister van die Kabinet. BYLAE GEKLEURDE GROEP Begin by Baken GAA in Meetstuk E.140/88; daarvandaan noordooswaarts met 'n reeks reguit lyne deur Bakens GAB en GAC, tot by Baken GAD, almal bakens in genoemde Meetstuk E.14O/88; daarvandaan noordooswaarts in 'n reguit lyn tot by die noordwestelike baken van Erf 310, Prince Alfred Hamlet; daarvandaan noordooswaarts met die grense van genoemde Erf 310 en Erf 4 tangs sodat hulle by hierdie gebied ingesluit word, tot by die suidoostelike baken van laasgenoemde erf; daarvandaan suidweswaarts in 'n reguit lyn tot by die noordoostelike baken van Erf 304; daarvandaan suidwaarts met die grens van laasgenoemde erf langs sodat dit by hierdie gebied ingesluit word, tot by die suidwestelike baken daarvan; daarvandaan suidwaarts in 'n reguit lyn, tot by die noordwestelike baken van Prince Alfred Hamlet, Uitbreiding 1 (TP 931); daarvandaan suidwaarts en suidweswaarts met die grense van laasgenoemde uitbreiding, Erf 524 en Gedeeltes 167 en 57 van die plaas Wagenbooms Rivier 372, administratiewe distrik Ceres, langs sodat hulle uit hierdie gebied uitgesluit word, tot by die suidwestelike baken van Erf 513; daarvandaan noordwaarts met die grens van laasgenoemde erf langs sodat dit by hierdie gebied ingesluit word, tot by die noordwestelike baken daarvan; daarvandaan noordwaarts in 'n reguit lyn, tot by Baken GAA in genoemde Meetstuk E. 140/88, die beginpunt.

9 No. 188, 1988 DEPROCLAMATION OF A PORTION OF THE WHITE GROUP AREA AND THE FUTURE WHITE GROUP AREA IN TERMS OF THE GROUP AREAS ACf, 1966, AT HUMANSDORP, DISTRICf OF HUMANSDORP, PROVINCE OF THE CAPE OF GOOD HOPE Under section 33 of the Group Areas Act, 1966 (Act 36 of 1966), I hereby amend Proclamation 293 of 1960 by- A. the exclusion from the area defmed in paragraph (a) of the Schedule thereto of the area defmed in the Schedule hereto; and B. the repeal of paragraph B of that proclamation. Given under my Hand and the Seal of the Republic of South Africa at Pretoria this Nineteenth day of October, One thousand Nine hundred and Eighty-eight. P. W.BOTHA, State President. By Order of the State President-in-Cabinet: J. C. HEUNIS, Minister of the Cabinet. SCHEDULE Beginning at the north-eastern beacon of Erf 599, Humansdorp; thence south-eastwards in a straight line to the north-western beacon of 351; thence south-eastwards along the north-eastern boundary of the last-mentioned erf to the north-eastern beacon thereof; thence south-eastwards in a straight line across Erf 1 to Beacon A on the diagram of Erf 1097; thence south-westwards along Boundary AH on the diagram of the said Erf 1097 to the south-eastern beacon of the said Erf 351; thence south-westwards in a straight line to Beacon Loc. C on Survey Record E.4981l960; thence north-westwards in a straight line to Beacon Loc. B on the said survey record; thence north-eastwards along the western boundary of the said Erf 1097 to ~eacon. G o~ the diagram thereof; thence north-westwards m a straight hne to the point where the north-westward prolongation of Boundary GH on the diagram of the said Erf 1097 intersects the eastern boundary of the said Erf 599; thence northeastwards along the eastern boundary of the said Erf 599 to the north-eastern beacon thereof, the point of beginning. No. 189, 1988 DECLARATION OF A GROUP AREA IN TERMS OF THE GROUP AREAS ACf, 1966, ON THE FARM RIETVALLEI 241 IQ, DISTRICf OF KRUGERSDORP, PROVINCE OF THE TRANSVAAL Under section 23 of the Group Areas Act, 1966 (Act 36 of 1966), I hereby declare that the area defmed in the Schedule hereto shall, as from the date of publication of this Proclamation be an area for occupation and ownership by members of the Indian group. Given under my Hand and the Seal of the Republic of South Africa at Pretoria this Sixth day of October, One thousand Nine hundred and Eighty-eight. P. W. BOTRA, State President. By Order of the State President-in-Cabinet: J. C. HEUNIS, Minister of the Cabinet. STAATSKOERANT,4NOVEMBERI988 No No. 188, 1988 DEPROKLAMERING VAN 'N GEDEELTE VAN DIE BLANKE GROEPSGEBIED EN DIE TOEKOMSTIGE BLANKE GROEPSGEBIED INGEVOLGE DIE WET OP GROEPSGEBIEDE, 1966, TE HUMANSDORP, DIS TRIK HUMANSDORP, PROVINSIE DIE KAAP DIE GOEIEHOOP Kragtens artikel33 van die Wet op Groepsgebiede, 1966 (Wet 36 van 1966), wysig ek bierby Proklarnasie 293 van 1960deur A. die uitsluitinsa~~ die gebied omskryf in paragraaf (a) van die Bylae an van die gebied ornskryf in die Bylae biervan; en B. die herroeping van paragraaf B van daardie Proklamasie. Gegee onder my Hand en die Seel van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika te Pretoria, op hede die Negentiende dag van Oktober Eenduisend Negehonderd Agt-en-tagtig. P.W.BOTHA, Staatspresident. Op las van die Staatspresident-in-Kabinet: J. C. HEUNIS, Minister van die Kabinet. BYLAE Begin by die noordoostelike baken van Erf 599, Humansdorp; daarvandaan suidooswaarts in 'n reguit lyn tot by die noordwestelike baken van Erf 351; daarvandaan suidooswaarts met die noordoostelike grens van laasgenoemde erf langs tot by die noordoostelike baken daarvan; daarvandaan suidooswaarts in 'n reguit lyn oor Erf 1 tot by Baken A op die kaart van Erf 1097; daarvandaan suidweswaarts met Grens AH op die kaart van genoemde Erf 1097 tangs tot by die suidoostelike baken van enoemde Erf 351; daarvandaan suidweswaarts in 'n lyn tot by Baken Loc. Cop Opmetingstuk E.498/1960; andaan noordweswaarts in 'n reguit lyn tot by Baken Loc. B op genoemde opmetingstuk; daarvandaan noordooswaarts met die westelike grens van genoemde Erf 1097langs tot by Baken G op die kaart daarvan; daarvandaan noordweswaarts in 'n reguit lyn tot by die punt waar die noordweswaartse verlenging van Grens GH op die kaart van genoemde Erf 1097 die oostelike grens van genoemde Erf 599 kruis; daarvandaan noordooswaarts met die oostelike grens van genoemde Erf 599 langs tot by die noordoostelike baken daarvan, die beginpunt. No. 189, 1988 VERKLARING VAN 'N GROEPSGEBIED INGEVOLGE DIE WET OP GROEPSGEBIEDE, 1966, OP DIE PLAAS RIETVALLEI 241 IQ, DISTRIK KRUGERSDORP, PRO VINSIE TRANSVAAL Kragtens artikel 23 van die Wet op Groepsgebiede, 1966 (Wet 36 van 1966), verklaar ek bierby dat die gebied omskryf in die Bylae biervan, vanaf die datum van publikasie van bierdie Proklamasie 'n gebied is vir okkupasie en grondbesit deur lede van die Indiergroep. Gegee onder my Hand en die Seel van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika te Pretoria, op hede die Sesde dag van Oktober Eenduisend Negehonderd Agt-en-tagtig. P. W. BOTRA, Staatspresident. Op las van die Staatspresident-in-Kabinet: J. C. HEUNIS, Minister van die Kabinet.

10 10 No.1l563 GOVERNMENT GAZEITE, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 SCHEDULE INDIAN GROUP AREA Beginning at the north-eastem beacon of Portion 42 (Diagram A ) of the farm Rietvallei 241 IQ; thence eastwards along the northern boundary of the proclaimed area (Diagram A 6583/86) over Remamder of Portion 9 to Beacon C on General Plan A of the township Azaadville; thence south-westwards in a straight line across the said Remainder of Portion 9, along the prolongation south-westwards of the eastern boundary (Boundary Be on the said General Plan A ) of the said township Azaadville to where it intersects the western boundary (middle of vlei) of Portion 40 (Diagram A 8909/82); thence generally south-westwards along the said western boundary to Beacon D on the said DiagrcUll A 8909/82; thence generally north-westwards, northwards and north-westwards along the boundaries of the followin~ portions so as to include them in this area: The said Remamder of Portion 9 (Diagram A 4444/26) and Portion 45 (Diagram A 8352/86) to Beacon L on the said Diagram A 8352/86; thence in a straight line across the said Portion 45 to the westernmost beacon of the said Remainder of Portion 9; thence north-eastwards alon~ the north-western boundary of the said Remainder of Portion 9 so as to include it in this area to the westernmost beacon of Portion 43 (Diagram A 8392/86); thence generally south-eastwards along the southwestern boundaries of the said Portion 43 so as to exclude it from this area to the southernmost beacon thereof; thence in a straight line across the said Remainder of Portion 9 to the south-western beacon of Portion 42 (Diagram A ); thence generally eastwards and northwards along the boundaries of the said Portion 42 so as to exclude it from this area to the north-eastern beacon thereof, the point of beginning. No. 190, 1988 COMMENCEMENT OF THE USURY AMENDMENT ACf, 1988 (ACf 100 OF 1988) Under the powers vested in me by section 10 of the Usury Amendment Act, 1988 (Act 100 of 1988), I hereby determine 4 November 1988 as the date on which the provisions of the said Act will come into operation. Given under my Hand and the Seal of the Republic of South Africa at Pretoria this Twenty-fifth day of October, One thousand Nine hundred and Eighty-eight. P.W.BOTHA, State President. By Order of the State President-in-Cabinet: B. J. DUPLESSIS, Minister of the Cabinet. GOVERNMENT NOTICES ADMINISTRATI6N: H6uSE 6F ASSEMBLY DEPARTMENT OF BUDGETARY AND AUXILIARY SERVICES No November 1988 PUBLIC RESORTS ORDINANCE, 1969 (ORDINANCE 18 OF 1969) PLACING OF PUBLIC RESORTS UNDER SUPER VISION OF BOARD FOR PUBLIC RESORTS Under the powers vested in me by section 5 (1) (a) of the Public Resorts Ordinance, 1969 (Ordinance 18 of 1969), I, Kent Diederich Skelton Dun, Minister of Budget and BYLAE INDrERGROEPS9EBIED Begin by die noordoostelike baken van Gedeelte 42 (Kaart A ) van die plaas Rietvallei 241 IQ; daarvandaan ooswaarts met die noordelike grens van geproklameerde gebied (Kaart A 6583/86) oor Restant van Gedeelte 9 tot by Baken C op die Algemene Plan A van die dorp Azaadville; daarvandaan suidweswaarts in 'n reguit lyn oor genoemde Restant van Gedeelte 9, met die suidweswaartse verlenging van die oostelike grens (Geens BC op genoemde Algemene Plan A ) van genoemde ~ Azaadville tot waar dit die westelike grens (middel van viel) van Gedeelte 40 (Kaart A 8909/82) kruis; daarvandaan algemeen suidweswaarts met genoemde westelike grens tot by Baken D op die genoemde Kaart A 8909/82; daarvandaan algemeen noordweswaarts, noordwaarts en noordweswaarts met die ~nse van die volgende gedeeltes langs, sodat bulle in hierdle gebied ingesluit word: Genoemde Restant van Gedeelte 9 (Kaart A ) en Gedeelte 45 (Kaart A 8352/86) tot by Baken L op genoemde Kaart A 8352/86; daarvandaan in 'n reguit lyn oor genoemde Gedeelte 45 tot by die westelikste baken van genoemde Restant van Gedeelte 9; daarvandaan noordooswaarts met die noordwestelike grens van genoemde Restant van Gedeelte 9 langs, sodat dit in hierdie gebied ingesluit word tot by die westelikste baken van Gedeelte 43 (Kaart A ); daarvandaan algemeen suidooswaarts met die suidwestelike grense van genoemde Gedeelte 43 langs, sodat dit uit hierdie gebied uitgesluit word, tot by die suidelikste baken daarvan; daarvandaan in 'n reguit Iyn oor genoemde Restant van Gedeelte 9 tot by die suidwestelike baken van Gedeelte 42 (Kaart A ); daarvandaan algemeen ooswaarts en noordwaarts met die grense van ~enoemde Gedeeite 42 langs, sodat dit uit hierdie gebied uitgesluit word tot by die noordoostelike baken daarvan, die beginpunt. No. 190, 1988 INWERKINGTREDING VAN DIE WOEKERWY SIGINGSWET, 1988 (WET 100 VAN 1988) Kragtens die bevoegdheid my verleen by artikel 10 van die Woekerwysigingswet, 1988 (Wet 100 van 1988), bepaal ek hierby 4 November 1988 as die datum waarop die bepalings van genoemde Wet in werking tree. Gegee onder my Hand en die Seel van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika te Pretoria, op hede die Vyf-en-twmtigste dag van Oktober Eenduisend Negehonderd Agt-en-tagtig. P.W.BOTHA, Staatspresident. Op las van die Staatspresident-in-Kabinet: B. J. DU PLESSIS, Minister van die Kabinet. GOEWERMENTSKENNISGEWINGS ADMINISTRASIE: VOLKSRAAD DEPARTEMENT V AN BEGROTINGS- EN ONDERSTEUNINGSDIENSTE No November 1988 ORDONNANSIE OP OPENBARE OORDE, 1969 (ORDONNANSIE 18 VAN 1969) PLASING VAN OPENBARE OORDE ONDER l'oesig VAN DIE RAAD VIR OPENBARE OORDE Kragtens die bevoegheid my verleen by artikel 5 (1) (a) van die Ordonnansie op Openbare Oorde, 1969 (Ordonnansie 18 van 1969), plaas ek, Kent Diederich Skelton Dun,

11 STAATSKOERANT, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No Works: House of Assembly, hereby place the public resorts Badplaas, Blydepoort, Eiland, Heidelber~oof, Kareekloof, Loskop Dam, Rob Ferreira, Tshiplse and Warm Baths as more fully described in Schedule 1 Jo the said Ordinance under the supervision of the Board for Public Resorts with effect from 7 November K. D. S. DURR, Minister of Budget and Works: House of Assembly. Minister van Begroting en Werke: Volksraad, hierby, die openbare oorde Badplaas, Blydepoort, Eiland, Heidelbergkloof, Kareekloof, Loskopdam, Rob Ferreira, Tshipise en Warmbad soos nader omskryf in Bylae 1 by genoemde Ordonnasie met ingang van 7 November 1988, onder die toesig van die Raad vir Openbare Oorde. K. D. S. DURR, Minister van Begroting en Werke: Volksraad. No DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT PLANNING 4 November 1988 DESIGNATION AND SE"ITING ASIDE OF LAND AS A DEVELOPMENT AREA IN THE DISTRlCf OF NIGEL, REGISTRATION DMSION TRANSVAAL I, Roelof Petrus Meyer, acting on behalf and by direction of the Minister of Constitutional Development and Planning, do hereby in terms of section 33 (3) of the Black Communities Development Act, 1984 (Act 4 of 1984), make known that the land defined in the Schedule hereto has been designated as a development area in terms of section 330) ofthe said Act. R.P.MEYER, Deputy Minister of Constitutional Development and Planning. (File A615/21N20) SCHEDULE A certain area of land, 72,8052 ha in extent, being Portion 18 (a portion of Portion 2) of the farm Spaarwater 171 IR, Transvaal, as shown on Surveyor-General Diagram 4182nl. DEPARTEMENT VAN ONTWIKKELINGS BEPLANNING No November 1988 AANWYSING EN AFSONDERING V AN GROND AS 'N ONTWlKKELINGSGEBIED IN DIE DISTRIK. NIGEL, REGISTRASIE AFDELING TRANSVAAL Ek, Roelof Petrus Meyer, handelende namens en in opdrag van die Minister van Staatkundi~e Ontwikkeling en Beplanning, maak hierby ingevolge artikel 33 (3) van die Wet op Ontwikkeling van Swart Gemeenskappe, 1984 (Wet 4 van 1984), bekend dat die grond in die Bylae hiervan omskryf ingevolge artikel 33 (1) van genoemde Wet as 'n ontwikkelingsgebied aangewys is. R.P.MEYER, Adjunk-minister van Staatkundige Ontwikkeling en Beplanning. (Uer A615/21N20) BYLAE 'n Sekere stuk grond, 72,8052 ha groot, synde Gedeelte 18 ('n gedeelte van Gedeelte 2) van die plaas Spaarwater 171 JR, Transvaal, soos aangetoon op Landmeter-generaaldiagram 4182n2. No November 1988 DESIGNATION AND SETTING ASIDE OF LAND AS A DEVELOPMENT AREA IN THE CAPE FLATS, AD MINISTRATNE DISTRlCf OF THE CAPE J, Roelof Petrus, Meyer, acting on behalf and by direction of the Minister of Constitutional Development and Planning, do hereby in terms of section 33 (3) of the Black Communities Development Act, 1984 (Act 4 of 1984), make known that the land dermed in the Schedule hereto has been designated as a development area in terms of section 33 (1) of the said Act. R.P.MEYER, Deputy Minister of Constitutional Development and Planning. (File A615121K1I5) SCHEDULE 1. A certain area of land 36,6720 ha in extent, being Erf 47, Philippi, situated in the Cape Flats, Division of the Cape, as shown on Surveyor-General Diagram A certain area of land 0,8346 ha in extent, being Erf 52, Philippi, situated in the Cape Flats, Division of the Cape, as shown on Surveyor-General Diagram A certain area of land approximately 45,5733 ha in extent, being Philippi Township Extension 5, situated in the Cape Flats, Division of the Cape, as shown on Surveyor General Diagram 6308/ A certain area of land 7,6624 ha in extent, being Erf 38, Philippi, situated in the Cape Flats, Division of the Cape, as shown on Surveyor-General Diagram No November 1988 AANWYSING EN AFSONDERING V AN GROND AS 'N ONTWIKKELINGSGEBIED IN DIE KAAPSE VLAKTE, ADMINISTRATIEWE DISTRIK DIE KAAP Ek, Roelof Petrus Meyer, handelende namens en in opdrag van die Minister van Staatkundige Ontwikkeling en Beplanning, maak hierby ingevolge artikel 33 (3) van die Wet op siw Ontwikkeling van Swart Gemeenskappe, 1984 (Wet 4 van 1984), bekend dat die grond in die Bylae hiervan omskryf ingevolge artikel33 (1) van genoemde Wet as 'n ontwikkelingsgebied aangewys is. R.P.MEYER, Adjunk-minister van Staatkundige Ontwikkeling en Beplanning. (Uer A615/21K1I4) BYLAE 1. 'n Sekere stuk wond 36,6720 ha groot, synde Erf 47, Philippi, gelee in die Kaapse Vlakte, afdeling die Kaap, soos aangetoon op Landmeter-generaaldiagram 'n Sekere stuk grond 0,8346 ha groot, synde Erf 52, Philippi, gelee in die Kaapse Vlakte, afdeling die Kaap, soos aangetoon op Landmeter-generaaldiagram 'n Sekere stuk grond ongeveer 45,5733 ha groot, synde Philippidorpsgebied-uitbreiding 5, gelee in die Kaapse Vlakte, afdeling die Kaap, soos aangetoon op Landmeter-generaaldiagram 6308/ 'n Sekere stuk grond 7,6624 ha groot, synde Erf 38, Philippi, geiee in die Kaapse Vlakte, afdeling die Kaap, S008 aangetoon op Landmeter-generaaldiagram

12 12 No.1l563 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 4 NOVEMBER A certain area of land 8,0434 ha in extent, being Erf 44, Philippi, situated in the Cape Flats, Division of the Cape, as shown on Surveyor-General Diagram 2167/ A certain area of land 0,4023 ha in extent, being Erf 454, a portion oferf 43, Philippi, situated in the local area of Philippi in the Administrative District of the Cape, as shown on Surveyor-General Diagram A certain area of land 0,4170 ha in extent, being Erf 455, a portion of Erf 44, Philippi, situated in the local area of Philippi in the Administrative District of the Cape, as shown on Surveyor-General Diagram A certain area of land 22,5134 ha in extent, being Erf 43, Philippi, situated in the Cape Flats, Division of the Cape, as shown on Surveyor-General Diagram 85/ A certain area of land 2,4 ha in extent, being the southern portion of the Remainder of Erf 40, Philippi, situated in the Cape Flats, Division of the Cape, as shown on Surveyor-General Diagram 2166/ A certain area of land approximately 10,0515 ha in extent, being the Remainder of Erf 39, Philippi, situated in the Cape Flats, Division of the Cape, as shown on Surveyor-General Diagram A certain area of land 0,0192 ha in extent, being Portion 10 (a portion of Portion 2) of Farm 679, situated at Philippi in the District of the Cape, as shown on Surveyor General Diagram 9563/ A certain area ofland 26,7305 ha in extent, being the Remainder of Portion 2 of Farm 679, situated at Philippi in the District of the Cape, as shown on Surveyor-General Diagram A certain area of land 24,3259 ha in extent, being Farm 678, situated in the Cape Flats, Division of the Cape, as shown on Surveyor-General Diagram 86/ A certain area of land 1,3458 ha in extent, being Portion 2 of Farm 678, situated in the District of the Cape, as shown on Surveyor-General Diagram A certain area of land 13,0930 ha in extent, being Portion 2 (a portion of Portion 1) of the farm Lot 3, Block A, situated at Philippi in the Division ofthe Cape, as shown on Surveyor-General Diagram 8776/ A certain area of land 16,4605 ha in extent, being Portion 1 of Farm 676, Division of the Cape, as shown on Surveyor-General Diagram 2912/ A certain area of land 2,7926 ha in extent, being Portion 4 (a portion of Portion 1) of Farm 676, situated in the Administrative District of the Cape, as shown on Surveyor-General Diagram 4818/82. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE No November 1988 SALE OF GOODS.-CUSTOMS AND EXCISE. JOHANNESBURG It is hereby notified for general information that a public sale of unentered, abandoned and forfeited goods will be held at the State Warehouse, Kazerne. at O9hOO on 30 November Lists of goods to be sold will be supplied on application by the Controller of Customs and Excise. Private Bag 21, Marshalltown, 'n Sekere stuk grond 8,0434 ha groot, synde Erf 44, Philippi, gelee in die Kaapse Vlakte, afdeling die Kaap, soos aangetoon op Landmeter-generaaldiagram 2167/ 'n Sekere stuk grond 0,4023 ha groot, synde Erf 454, 'n gedeelte van Erf 43, Philippi, gelee in die plaaslike gebied Philippi in die administratiewe distrik die Kaap, soos aangetoon op Landmeter-generaaldiagram 'n Sekere stuk grond 0,4170 ha groot, synde Erf 455, 'n gedeelte van Erf 44, Philippi, gelee in die plaaslike gebied Philippi in die administratiewe distrik die Kaap, soos aangetoon op Landmeter-generaaldiagram 'n Sekere stuk grond 22,5134 ha groot, synde Erf 43, Philippi, gelee in die Kaapse Vlakte, afdeling die Kaap, soos aangetoon op Landmeter-generaaldiagram 85/ 'n Sekere stuk grond 2,4 ha groot, synde die suidelike gedeelte van die Restant van Erf 40, Philippi, gelee in die Kaapse Vlakte, afdeiing die Kaap, soos aangetoon op Landmeter-generaaldiagram 2166/ 'n Sekere stuk grond ongeveer 10,0515 ha groot, synde die Restant van Erf 39, Philippi, gelee in die Kaapse Vlakte, afdeling die Kaap, soos aangetoon op Landmetergeneraaldiagram 'n Sekere stuk grond 0,0192 ha groot, synde Gedeelte 10 ('n gedeelte van Gedeelte 2) van Plaas 679, gelee te Philippi in die distrik die Kaap, soos aangetoon op Landmeter-generaaldiagram 9563/ 'n Sekere stuk grond 26,7305 ha groot, synde die Restant van Gedeelte 2 van Plaas 679, gelee te Philippi in die distrik die Kaap, soos aangetoon OIl Landmetergeneraaldiagram 'n Sekere stuk grond 24,3259 ha groot, synde Plaas 678, gelee in die Kaapse Vlakte, afdeling die Kaap, soos aangetoon op Landmeter-generaaldiagram 86/ 'n Sekere stuk grond 1,3458 ha groot, synde Gedeelte 2 van Plaas 678, gelee in die distrik die Kaap, soos aangetoon op Landmeter-generaaldiagram 'n Sekere stuk grond 13,0930 ha groot, synde Gedeelte 2 ('n gedeelte van Gedeelte 1) van die plaas Lot 3, Blok A, gelee te Philippi in die afdeling die Kaap, soos aangetoon op Landmeter-generaaldiagram 8776/ 'n Sekere stuk grond 16,4605 ha groot, synde Gedeelte 1 van Plaas 676, afdeling die Kaap, soos aangetoon op Landmeter-generaaldiagram 2912/ 'n Sekere stuk grond 2,7926 ha groot, synde Gedeelte 4 ('n gedeelte van Gedeelte 1) van Plaas 676, gelee in die administratiewe distrik die Kaap, soos aangetoon op Landmeter-generaaldiagram 4818/82. DEPARTEMENT VAN FINANSIES No November 1988 VEILING VAN OOEDERE.-OOEANE EN AKSYNS, JOHANNESBURG Hierby word vir algemene inligting bekendgemaak dat 'n openbare veiling van ongeklaarde, onopgeeiste en verbeurdverklaarde goedere om O9hOO op 30 November 1988 by die Staatspakhuis, Kazerne, gehou sal word. Opgawes van die goedere wat verkoop sal word kan op aanvraag by die Kontroleur van Doeane en Aksyns, Privaatsak 21, Marshalltown, verkey word.

13 STAATSKOERANT, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No No November 1988 NOTICE IN TERMS OF THE USURY ACT, 1968 (ACT 73 OF 1968) In terms of section ISA of the Usury Act, 1968 (Act 73 of 1968), I, Barend Jacobus du Plessis, Minister of Finance, hereby exempt the leasing and credit transactions referred to in the Schedule from the provisions of the said Act on the conditions and to the extent set out in the Schedule. SCHEDULE 1. In this Schedule "the Act" means the Usury Act, 1968 (Act 73 of 1968), and any expression to which.a meaning has been assigned in the Act shall have that mearung. 2. The following categories of transactions shall be exempted from the provisions of the Act, on the conditions and to the extent stated hereunder: (1) Subject to the provisions of section 3 (2A) of the Act, leasing transactions in terms of which (a) the amount referred to in paragraph (a) of section 3 (2A) of the Act, less the sum of the amounts referred to in paragraphs (c) and (d) of that section, exceeds RlOO 000; and (b) the lessee, in addition to his signature on the lease afment, signs a clause in which he waives the protection granted to him in terms ofthe Act. (2) Leasing transactions which in terms of the applicable lease agreement may be terminated by the lessee at any time after the date on which the lessee signed the lease agreement, by written notice not exceeding 90 days to the lessor, without the lessee being held responsible for the payment of any increased or additional lease payments or any amounts as compensation resulting from such termination. (3) Credit transactions and leasing transactions in terms of which movable property representing assets of a business sold or leased in terms of an agreement whereby the said business is sold or leased with all the assets as a going concern to a credit receiver or lessee. B. J. DU PLESSIS, Minister of Finance. DEPARTMENT OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS No November 1988 P~mITATION OF CREDENTIALS It is hereby notified that His Excellency Mr Jacques Pierre Dupont was received by the State President at Tuynhuys, Cape Town, on Thursday 9 June 1988, on which occasion he presented his Letter of Credence as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of France in the Republic of South Africa. [72130/1 (PROT)] No November 1988 P~mITATIONOFauID~ It is hereby notified that Mr Francis David Tothill was received by The Right Honourable Sir Ninian Stephen, Governor-General of Australia, on 5 August 1988, on which occasion he presented his Letter of Credence as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic ofsouth Africa to Australia. (4/2132) No November 1988 KENNISGEWING KRAGTENS DIE WOEKERWET, 1968 (WET 73 VAN 1968) Kragtens artikellsa van die Woekerwet, 1968 (Wet 73 van 1968), stel ek, Barend Jacobus du Plessis, Minister van Finansies, die huur- en krediettransaksies in die Bylae vermeld, hierby vry van die bepalings van genoemde Wet op die voorwaardes en in die mate in die Bylae uiteengesit. BYLAE 1. In hierdie Bylae beteken "die Wet" die Woekerwet, 1968 (Wet 73 van 1968), en het elke uitdrukking waaraan in daardie Wet 'n betekenis geheg is, die betekenis aldus daaraangeheg. 2. Die volgende kategoriee van transaksies word op die voorwaardes en in die mate hieronder vermeld, vrygestel van die bepalings van die Wet: (1) Behoudens die bepalings van artikel3 (2A) van die Wet, huurtransaksies ingevolge waarvan- (a) die bedrag bedoel in paragraaf (a) van artikel 3 (2A) van die Wet, min die som van die bedrae bedoel in paragrawe (c) en (d) van daardie artikel, Rl oorskry; en (b) die huurder, benewens sy bandtekening in die buurooreenkorns, ten opsigte van die huurtransaksie 'n klousule onderteken waarin hy afstand doen van sy beskerming ingevolge die Wet. (2) Huurtransaksies wat ingevolge die huurooreenkoms wat daarop betrekking het, te eniger tyd na die datum waarop die huurder die huurooreenkorns onderteken het, deur die huurder beeindig mag word deur skriftelike kennisgewing van boogstens 90 dae aan die verhuurder sonder dat die huurder vir die betaling van enige verhoogde of bykomende huurgelde of enige bedrae as. vergoeding as gevolg van sodanige beeindiging aanspreeklik is. (3) Krediettransaksies en huurtransaksies ingevol~e waarvan roerende goed wat bates van 'n besigbeid u1tmaak, verkoop of verhuur word ingevolge 'n ooreenkoms waarkragtens bedoelde besigbeid saam met al die bates as 'n lopende saak aan 'n kredietopnemer of huurder verkoop of verhuur word. B. J. DU PLESSIS, Minister van Finansies. = DEPARTEMENT VAN BUITELANDSE SAKE No November 1988 GELOOFSBRIEFOORHANDIGING Hierby word bekendgemaak dat Sy Eksellensie mnr. Jacques Pierre Dupont op Oonderdag 9 Junie 1988 by Tuynhuys, Kaapstad, deur die Staatspresident ontvang is en dat hy by daardie ~eleentheid sy Geloofsbrief as Buitengewone en Gevolmagtigde Ambassadeur van Frankryk in die Republiek van Suid-Afrika oorhandig het. [72/30/1 (PROT)] No November 1988 GELOOFSBRIEFOORHANDIGING Hierby word bekendgemaak dat mnr. Francis David Tothill op 5 Augustus 1988 deur Sy Hoogedele Sir Ninian Stephen, Goewerneur-generaal van Australie, ontvang is en dat hy by daardie geleentheid sy Geloofsbrief as Buiten,ewone en Gevolmagtigde Ambassadeur van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika in Australie oorhandig het. (4/2132)

14 14 No GOVERNMENT GAZEllE, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No November 1988 UPGRADING FROM CONSULATE TO CONSULATE GENERAL It is hereby notified that the Consulate of the Republic of Transkei in East London has, with effect from 24 March 1988, been upgraded to Consulate-General. (72/226/8) (90/2/226) No November 1988 OPGRADERlNG VAN KONSULAAT TOT KONSULAAT-GENERAAL Hierby word bekendgemaak dat die Konsulaat van die Republiek Transkei in Oos-Londen met ingang van 24 Maart 1988 tot Konsulaat-generaal opgegradeer is. (721226/8) ( ) DEPARTMENT OF HOME AFFAIRS No November 1988 ALIENS ACT, 1937 CHANGE OF SURNAME.-NAIDOO TO NA YLEN The Minister of Home Affairs has been pleased under the provisions of section 9 of the Aliens Act, 1937 (Act 1 of 1937), to authorise Vishnu Naidoo, residing at 104 President Road, Bayview, Chatsworth, to assume the surname of Naylen. DEPARTEMENT VAN BINNELANDSE SAKE No November 1988 WET OP VREEMDELINGE, 1937 V ANSVERANDERlNG.-NAIDOO IN NA YLEN Dit het die Minister van Binnelandse Sake behaag om, kragtens die bepalings van artikel9 van die Wet op Vreemdelinge, 1937 (Wet 1 van 1937), Vishnu Naidoo, woona~tig te Presidentweg 104, Bayview, Chatsworth, te rnagtlg om die van Naylen aan te neem. No November 1988 ALIENS ACT, 1937 CHANGE OF SURNAME.-FARQUHARSON TO FERGUSON The Minister of Home Affairs has been pleased under the provisions of section 9 of the Aliens Act, 1937 (Act 1 of 1937), to authorise Richard John Farquharson, his wife Ruth, minor children Angie Andrea and Naomi Monica Farquharson, residing at Plot 32, Melton Garden Estate, Queenstown, to assume the surname of Ferguson. No November 1988 WET OP VREEMDELINGE, 1937 V ANSVERANDERlNG.-FARQUHARSON IN FERGUSON Dit het die Minister van Binnelandse Sake behaag om, kragtens die bepalings van artikel 9 van die Wet op Vreemdelinge, 1937 (Wet 1 van 1937), Richard John Farquharson, s"l vrou Ruth, mindeijarige kinders Angie Andrea en NaOmI Monica Farquharson, woonagtig te Plot 31, Melton Tuine-landgoed, Queenstown, te rnagtig om die van Ferguson aan te neem. No November 1988 ALIENS ACT, 1937 CHANGE OF SURNAME.-KISTEN TO CHETTY The Minister of Home Affairs has been pleased under the provisions of section 9 of the Aliens Act, 1937 (Act 1 of 1937), to authorise Chithambararn Kisten, his wife Parvathy and minor child Meanalosen Kisten, residing at 27 Mill Road, Effingham Heights, Avoca, Durban, to assume the surname of Chetty. No November 1988 WET OP VREEMDELINGE, 1937 V ANSVERANDERlNG.-KISTEN IN CHETTY Oit het die Minister van Binnelandse Sake behaag om, kra~ns die bepalings van artikel9 van die Wet op Vreemdelmge, 1937 (Wet 1 van 1937), Chitharnbararn Kisten, sy vrou Parvathy en mindeijarige kind Meanalosen Kisten, woonagtig te Millweg 27, Effmghamhoogte, Avoca, Durban, te rnagtig om die van Chetty aan te neem. No November 1988 ALIENS ACT, 1937 CHANGE OF SURNAME.-MOHAMED TO ADAMS The Minister of Home Affairs has been pleased under the provisions of section 9 of the Aliens Act, 1937 (Act 1 of 1937), to authorise Fatima Mohamed and minor child Shenaaz Adams, residing at 9327 Garonne Avenue, Lenasia Extension 10, to assume the surname of Adams. No November 1988 WET OP VREEMDELINGE, 1937 V ANSVERANDERlNG.-MOHAMED IN ADAMS Oit bet die Minister van Binnelandse Sake behaag om, kra~ns die bepalings van artike19 van die Wet op Vreemdelmge, 1937 (Wet 1 van 1937), Fatima Mohamed en mindeijarige kind Shenaaz Adams, woonagtig te Garonnelaan 9327, Lenasia-uitbreiding 10, te magtig om die van Adams aanteneem.

15 DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL EDUCATION STAATSKOERANT. 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No DEPARTEMENT VAN NASIONALE OPVOEDING No November 1988 No November 1988 BUREAU OF HERALDRY APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF HERALDIC REPRESENTATIONS, AND OBJECTIONS THERETO SECTION 7A AND B OF THE HERALDRY ACT, 1962 (ACT 18 OF 1962), AS AMENDED The undennentioned bodies and persons have applied in tenns of section 7 of the Heraldry Act, 1962 (Act 18 of 1962), for the registration of their heraldic representations. Anyone wishing to object to the registration of these heraldic representations on the grounds that such registration will encroach upon rights to which he is legally entitled should do so within one month of the date of publication of this notice upon a fonn obtainable from the State Herald, Private Bag X236, Pretoria, Applicant: University of the Western Cape. (H4I3/ ) Arms: Azure, a six-columned portico Argent; on a chief Or, three proteas Gules, seeded Argent, slipped and leaved Vert.. Crest: A protea from the shield within an open laurel wreath Argent. Wreath and mantling: Argent and Azure. Motto: RESPICE PROSPICE. Applicant: Gordonpark Rugby Club. (H4I3/1/3131.) Arms: Gules, a single Orange River lily blossom within a bordure, Argent. Applicant: Rhenish PrImary School. (H4/3/1/3195.) Arms: Azure, a bunch of grapes stalked and leaved within a bordure, Argent. Motto: EBENEZER. Applicant: Vryheid Technical College. (B4I3/1/3200.) Arms: Per fess, nowy to base, Gules and Argent, in chief and aloe in flower Argent and in base a demi-cogwheel trefly voided Azure; all within a bordure per fess Argent and Azure. Motto: VRYHEID. Applicant: PhUateHc Federation of Southern Mrica. (H473/ ) Arms: Argent, in base a bar couped ensigned of another embowed to base, at fess point an annulet; a chief gably of three, Azure. Crest: An astral crown Azure with stars Sable. Mantling: Argent and Azure. Motto: AUXILIUM CUSTODIo Applicant: Nadonal Institute of Training and Development. (H4I3/ ), Arms: Per pale Or and Azure, a trefoil issuant in base ensigned of a coronet of four trefoils; the whole within a bordure; all counterchanged. Crest: A pile embowed inverted ensigned and conjoined to a crescent supporting a trefoil, sans stem, Azure, charged with another Or. Wreath and mantling: Or and Azure. Motto: SAPIENTIA VIS VERA. BURO VIR HERALDIEK AANSOEK OM REGISTRASIE VAN HERALDIESE VOORSTELLINGS, EN BESWARE DAARTEEN ARTIKEL 7 A EN B V AN DIE HERALDIEKWET, 1962 (WET 18 VAN 1962), SOOS GEWYSIG Ondergenoemde instansies en persone het kragtens artikel7 van die Heraldiekwet, 1962 (Wet 18 van 1962), aansoek gedoen om die registrasie van hulle heraldiese voorstellings. Enigeen wat teen die registrasie van hierdie heraldiese voorsteuings beswaar wil aanteken op grond daarvan dat sodanige registrasie inbreuk sal maak: op regte wat hom wettiglik toekom, moet dit binne een maand na die datum van publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing doen op 'n vonn wat van die Staatsheraldikus, Privaatsak X236, Pretoria, 0001, verkrygbaar is. Aansoeker: Universiteit van Wes-Kaapland. (H4I3/1/3101.) Wapen: In blou, 'n silwer portiek met ses kolonune; op 'n goue skildhoof drie rooi proteas, silwer geknop en groen gestingel en geblaar. Helmteken: 'n Protea uit die skild binne-in 'n oop silwer lourierkrans. Wrong en dekklede: Silwer en blou. Wapenspreuk: RESPICE PROSPICE. Aansoeker: Gordonpark Rugbyklub. (H4I3I1/3131.) Wapen: In rooi, 'n enkele Oranjerivierlelieblomkelkie binne-in 'n skildsoom, alles silwer. Aansoeker: Rhenish Primary School. (84/3/1/3195.) Wapen: In blou, 'n gestingelde en geblaarde druiwetros binne-in 'n skildsoom, alles.- silwer. Wapenspreuk: EBENEZER. Aansoeker: Tegniese Kollege Vryheid. (84/3/1/3200.) Wapen: Deursnede en geknobbel na die skildvoet, rooi en silwer, in die skildhoof 'n geblomde silwer aalwyn en in die skildvoet 'n halwe geledigde blou klawerrat; die geheel binne-in 'n skildsoom deursnede, silwer en blou. Wapenspreuk: VRYHEID. Aansoeker: Filateliese Federasle van Sulder-Mrika. (H4I3/1I3243.) Wapen: In silwer, in die skildvoet 'n verkorte versmalde dwarsbalk oort0l' met 'n ander, geboe na die skildvoet, op die middelpunt n ring; 'n skildhoof drieledig gewelvormig geknobbel, alles blou. Helmteken: 'n Blou astraalkroon met swart sterre. Dekklede: Silwer en blou. Wapenspreuk: AUXILIUM CUSTODIo Aansoeker: Nasionale Instltuut van Oplelding en Ontwikkeling. (H4/3/1/3252.) Wapen: Gedeel, goud en blou, 'n drieblad uitkomend uit die skildvoet oortop met 'n kroon van vier drieblaaie; die geheel binne-in 'n skildsoom; alles van die een in die ander. Helmteken: 'n Ingeboe punt getop met 'n wassenaar wat 'n drieblad, sonder stingel, ondersteun, alles blou, daarop 'n ander van goud. Wrong en dekklede: Goud en blou. Wapenspreuk: SAPIENTIA VIS VERA.

16 16 No GOVERNMENT GAZETfE, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 Applicant: SteDenboscb PubDdty Association. (8413IV3l6O.) Seal: A demi-burgher contoum6 wearing a broadbrimmed hat and clad in forrnall7th-century attire, his right glove resting on his hip, blowing a trumpet, pendant therefrom a banner charged with three acorns placed 2 and I, the fly double-cloven, to sinister the circumscription STEL LEN-BOSCH, the two parts ofthe word separated from one another by the mouth of the trumpet, all within a fjlletannulet. Applicant: Hartbeesfontein VlDage Coundl. (84/3/11166.) Flag: A rectangular flag, proportion 3:2, consisting of three equal horizontal strips blue, yellow and blue, the yellow charged with a wavy red stripe one half its width; on a yellow hoist third a blue hartebeest head couped, the neck partially surmounted by a fountain. Applicant: Brandvlei Municipality. (8413/21402.) Arms: Per chevron enhanced, Gules and Vert, a chevron enhanced, in base bars gemelles ensigned of three barrulets couped, two in saltire and the other in fess, Argent, with a flame issuant Or. Crest: A mural crown Vort charged with a bar Gules fimbriated, surmounted by a wagon wheel, Argent. Mantling: Argent and Vert. Motto: BOU EN VOLHARD. Applicant: Siyatbemba Town Committee. (8473/11452.) Arms: Argent, between two piles Gules, a pile inverted trefly Vert charged with a dove descending Or. Crest: A mural crown Vert charged with a bar Argent, thereupon a demi-sun issuant Gules. Mantling: Argent and Vert. Motto: FORWARD IN FAITH. Applicant: Administration for Namas (Soutb-West Africa). (841313n3.) Arms: Per chevron, Vert and Or, in chief a pale couped fitchy at the foot conjoined, also Or, in base a sheaf of nine arrows with heads to chief Sable, bound Vert. Crest: In front of a sheaf of nine arrows with heads upwards Or and shafts Sable, a quiver tree proper. Wreath and mantling: Or and Vert. Supporters: Two springbok proper, each gorged ofa cord Gules, with a quiver Vert bearing an arrow Gules pendant therefrom. Motto: UNlTAS IN INDNIDUO. Applicant: Johannes Hendrlk Loots. (H4I3/4132S.) Arms: Per fess embowed to base enhanced, Argent and Vert, in chief a kanniedood, also Vert, flowered Gules, and in base a cross paty fitchy at the foot, fracted per cross, Or. Crest: In front of a rod. Argent, entwined of two serpents respectant Or and ensigned of a Lacey-knot, the outer yam Argent and the inner Gules, a poppy seed capsule Vert. Wreath and mantling: Argent and Vert. Motto: ORA RIDE Ef LABORA. Aansoeker: SteDenbosse RekiamevereDiging. (H4/3IV3l6O.) Sell: 'n Omgewende halwe burger, met 'n breerandhoed op sy hoof, wat in formele 17de-eeuse drag gekleed is, sy regterhandskoen rustend op sy heup, en wat in 'n beuel blaas, hangend daarvan 'n banier belaai met drie akkers geplaas 2 en 1, die wapperkant tweeledig ingekeep, na links die randskrif STELLEN-BOSCH, die twee dele van die woord deur die mond van die beuel vanmekaar geskei, alles binne-in 'n streepring. Aansoeker: Hartbeesfontein-dorpsraad. (84/3/11166.) Vlag: 'n Reghoekige vlag met die verhouding 3:2, bestaande uil drie ewe bree borisontale bane, blou, geel en blou, die geel belaai met 'n golwende rooi baan, die helfte van die breedte daarvan; op 'n geel broekingsderde 'n blou afgesnede hartbeeskop met 'n heraldiese fontein gedeeltelik oor die hals heen. Aansoeker: Brandvlei-munisipallteit. (84/3/11402.) Wapen: Verhewe kepersgewys verdeel, rooi en groen, 'n verhewe keper vergesei in die skiidvoet van golwende tweelingbalke oortop met drie verkorte streepbalke, twee skuinskruislings en een dwarsbalksgewys geplaas, alles silwer, met 'n uitkomende goue vlam. Helmteken: 'n Groen muurkroon belaai met 'n versmalde rooi dwarsbalk, silwer gerunbrieer, daaroorheen 'n wawiel, ooksilwer. Dekklede: Silwer en groen. Wapenspreuk: BOU EN VOLHARD. Aansoeker: Slyatbemba-dorpskomitee. (8413/21452.) Wapen: In silwer, tussen twee omgekeerde rooi punte, 'n groen punt driebladvormig getop en belaai met 'n afwaarts vlieende goue duif. Helmteken: 'n Groen muurkroon belaai met 'n versmalde silwer dwarsbalk, daarop 'n halwe uitkomende rooi son. Dekklede: Silwer en groen. Wapenspreuk: FORWARD IN FAITH. Aansoeker: Adminlstrasie vir Namas (Suidwes Afrika), H4I3/3n3.) Wapen: Kepersgewys verdeel, groen en ~ud, in die skildhoof 'n aanstotende verkorte paal met splts voet, ook goud, in die skiidvoet vergesel van 'n bundel van nege swart pyle, groen gebind. Helmteken: 'n Kokerboom van natuurlike kleur voor 'n bundel van nege pyle met swart skagte en goue punte. Wrong en dekklede: Goud en groen. Skildhouers: Twee springbokke van natuurlike kleur, elk met 'n rooi tou gekeel waaraan 'n groen koker met 'n rooi pyl daarin, vasgemaak is. Wapenspreuk: UNlTAS IN INDNIDUO. Aansoeker: Johannes Hendrik Loots. (H4/3/4132S.) Wapen: Omgekeerd verhoogd gewelfd deursnede, silwer en groen, in die skildhoof 'n kanniedood, ook groen, rooi geblom, en in die skildvoet 'n goue breedarm.ige kruis met gespitste voet, kruislings verbrokkel. Helmteken: 'n Groen papawersaaddoos voor 'n silwer staf omwonde met twee toe~ewende goue slange en getop met 'n Lacey-knoop, die bultenste draad silwer en die binoeste rool Wrong en dekklede: Silwer en groen. Wapenspreuk: ORA RIDE Ef LABORA.

17 STAATSKOERANT, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No Applicant: WHhelm Karl Gschliesser. (H4/3/4/337.) Anns: Per fess broad escartelly, Argent and Gules, in chief a fleur-de-lis, also Gules, and in base a double-warded key erect Or. Crest: Perched upon a crest coronet of four fleurs-de-lis Or, an eagle displayed Sable, armed and langued qules, charged on the breast with an escutcheon Or, beanng a protea Gules, seeded Argent. Mantling: Argent and Gules. Motto: FIRMITAS IN PERPETUUM. Applicant: Marinus Emmanuel van Zyl. (H4/3/4/339.) Anns: Azure, a pile inverted fracted per pale throughout Or, between two chess rooks Argent. Crest: Statant upon a mount Azure, a swan displayed Argent, beaked and membered Or, each wing charged with a cramp Azure. Wreath and mantling: Argent and Azure. Motto: EMMANUEL. Aansoeker: WHhelm Karl Gscbliesser. (114/3/4/337.) Wapen: Deursnede en breed kanteelvonnig geknobbel, silwer en rooi, in die skildhoof 'n fleur de lis, ook rooi, en in die skildvoet 'n regopgeplaaste goue dubbelgebaarde sleutel. Helmteken: Staande op 'n goue helmkroon van vier fleurs de lis, 'n swart adelaar met uitgespreide vlerke, rooi getong en ~enael, op die bors belaai met 'n goue ski]djie, claarop 'n rooi protea, silwer geknop. Dekklede: Silwer en rool Wapenspreuk: FIRMITAS IN PERPETUUM. Aansoeker: Marinus Emmanuel van Zyl. (H4/3/41339.) Wapen: In blou, 'n goue punt paalsgewys verbrokkel, vergesel van twee silwer skaaktorings. Helmteken: Staande op 'n rysende blou grond, 'n silwer swaan, goud gebek en gepoot, met uitgespreide vleuels, elk belaai met 'n blou wolfsangel. Wrong en dekklede: Silwer en blou. Wapenspreuk: EMMANUEL. DEPARTMENT OF WATER AFFAIRS No November 1988 RIETSPRUIT GOVERNMENT WATER CONTROL AREA, DISTRICTS OF WESTONARlA AND V ANDER BDLPARK, TRANSV AAL.-{A) GENERAL PERMIS SION IN TERMS OF SECTION 62 (2B) (a) OF THE WATER ACT, 1956, IN CONNECTION WITH THE ABSTRACTION AND USE OF PUBLIC WATER FOR IRRIGATION PURPOSES FROM CERTAIN STREAMS, AND (B) PROHIBITION ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF DAMS I, Jacob Albertus van Wyk, Deputy Minister of Water Affairs, acting on behalf of the Minister ofwater Affairs by virtue of the powers vested in him by section 62 (2B) (a) of the Water Act, 1956 (Act 54 of ]956), hereby make applicable, in connection with the abstraction and use of water for irrigation purposes within the Rietspruit Govermnent Water Control Area, with effect from the date of publication hereof, the same detenninations as were published in connection with the Bloemhof Dam Catchment Government Water Control Area by Government Notice 914 of 4 May 1984: Provided that the following shall be applicable in respect of properties riparian to public streams in which underground water from the mines appears in the section from and including the Peter Wright Dam on the namesless tributary of the Rietspruit which originates on the farm Waterpan 292 IQ downstream to where it flows into the Rietspruit and from its confluence downstream to where the Rietspruit flows over the boundary of the Rietspruit Government Water Control Area: (a) Instead of the 21 hectares referred to in paragraph 1 (a) of the said Government Notice 914 of 1984, five hectares shall apply for the purpose of this notice. (b) The date of inclusion of properties in the control area shall be deemed to be 4 May (c) No new dams may be built within or outside the beds of the relevant sections of the said nameless tributary and the Rietspruit. (d) The allotment in respect of the five hectares contemplated above shall not be an additional allotment should or could there also be development from other public streams. J.A. VANWYK, Deputy Minister ofwater Affairs. DEPARTEMENTVANWATERWESE No November 1988 RIETSPRUIT-STAATSWATERBEHEERGEBmD, DIS TRIKTE WESTONARIA EN V ANDERBULPARK, TRANSVAAL.-{A) ALGEMENE VERGUNNING KRAGTENS ARTIKEL 62 (2B) (a) V AN Dm WATER WET, 1956, MET BETREKKING TOT Dm UITNEEM EN GEBRUIK VAN OPENBARE WATER VIR BESPROEIINGSOOELEINDES UIT SEKERE STROME, EN (8) VERBOD OP Dm BOU V AN DAMME Ek, Jacob Albertus van Wyk, Adjunk-minister van Waterwese, handelende namens die Minister van Waterwese kragtens die bevoegdheid hom verleen by artikel 62 (2B) (a) van die Waterwet, 1956 (Wet 54 van 1956), maak hierby, met ingang van die datum van pubjikasie hiervan, met betrekking tot die uitneem en gebruik van water vir besproeiingsdoeleindes binne die Rietspruit-staatswaterbe heergebied, dieselfde bepalings van toel?assing as wat in verband met die Bloemhofdamopvanggebled-staatswaterbeheergebied by Goewennentskennisgewing 914 van 4 Mei 1984 afgekondig is: Met dien verstande dat ten opsigte van oewereiendomme aan openbare strome waann onder grondse water vanuit die myne voorkom in die trajek vanaf en insluitende die Peter Wrightdam op die naamlose sytak van die Rietspruit wat op die plaas Waterpan 292 IQ onts~~, stroom af tot waar dit in die Rietspruit vloei en vanaf hierdle sarnevloeiin~ stroom af tot waar die Rietspruit oor die grens van die Rietspruit-staatswaterbeheergebied vloei, die volgende geld: (a) In plaas van die 21 hektaar waarvan in paragraaf 1 (a) van genoemde Goewermentskennisgewing 914 van 1984 melding gemaak word, geld vyf hektaar vir doeleindes van hierdie kennisgewing. (b) Die datum van insluiting van eiendomme in die beheergebied word geag4 Mei 1984 te wees. (c) Geen nuwe damme mag binne ofbuite die beddings van die betrokke gedeeltes van genoemde naam10se sytak en die Rietspruit gehou word nie. (d) Die toekenning met betrekking tot die vyf hektaar hierbo bedoel, is Die 'n addisionele toekenning indien claar ook uit ander openbare strome ontwikkel word of kan word nie. J.A. VANWYK, Adjunk-minister van Waterwese.

18 18 No GOVERNMENT GAZEITE, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No November 1988 KALAHARI EAST WATER BOARD. ESTABLISHMENT I,.Jacob ~bertus van Wyk, Deputy Minister of Water Aff~, acting on behalf of of the Minister of Water Affarrs, under the powers vested in him by section 108 (2) of the.:water Act, 1956 (Act 54 of 1956), hereby declare that, With effect from the date of publication hereof a water board, to be known as the Kalahari East Water Bo~ shall be established for the area described in the Schedule h~reto. J.A. VANWYK, Deputy Minister of Water Affairs. SCHEDULE DESCRIPTION OF THE AREA OF THE KALAHARI EAST WATER BOARD, MAGISTERIAL DISTRICTS OF KURUMAN AND POSTMASBURG, PROVINCE OF THE CAPE OF GOOD HOPE The following farms, with all their subdivisions and the f~, with all their subdivisions, encircled by them, as mdlcated on Sheets 2620 Twee Rivieren 2662 Morakweng, 2720 Noenieput, 2722 Kuruman, 2820 Upington and Postmasburg of SA 1 : topo-cadastrai mapsenes. Ballater 155, Craig Ellachie 156, Boesmans Zoen 159 Chalmers Puts 160, Dagarida 161, Hadida AI66, Nerap 167, Katakura 171, Vergenoeg 172, Mokalanen 175. ~pringbok 176, De Beak 177, Middelplaats 184, La Gra~ tltude 186, Merino 410/67, Uitsig 410/6,Pietersrust 410n Diepte 410/9, Farm , Kransduin 704/8, Kammaland 704/6, Farms , , 410/64, 410/22 and 410/24 Kalkpan 691, Farms 410/27,410/30 and 410/32, Record 411, Randjes 412, Losberg 413, Uitkyk 503, Gringley 497, Meedust ASOO, Farms 410/39 and 410/52 Pilanyan 520 Libertas 521, Makukukwe 522, Kwatok 596, Jones 595' Kotok 592, Boskop 623, Gusa 620, Van Druten 619 Lily~ vale 617, Goedemoed 628, Rossville 638 Rubyval~ 266 Meidekop 268, Nelsbosch 269, Appenzei 270, Zudzand~ 271, Sche~rg 276, England 277, Geduld 279, Gezelskop 28~, Inkrulp 283, ~akoup 258, Kopzeer 289, Wildebeestdum 288, the portion of Farm 554 not situated within the Karos-Geelkoppan area, Warand 291, Koup Pan 290 Die Rolle , Witboom , Skuiling , 'Reggekry ~1/100, Vastrap , Laastelust Kraal , Rand Eier 300, Drooge Duin 303, Kaal'Vlakte 302, Enkelde Kameelboom 301, Duikerstraat Bottelduin , Nietemin 258/81, Ly-of-gly 251/82 Farms , and , Middelplaas 251nS Soetwater 251n5, Tellerie , Farms and 25'11123 Sonap , Eensaam Kasteel 200 and De Hemelstraat 162. GENERAL NOTICES No November 1988 KALAHARI-ooS-WATERRAAD.-INSTELLING a, Jacob Albertus van Wyk, Adjunk-minister van Waterwese, handelende names die Minister van Waterwese krasu?ns die bevoegdheid hom vedeen by artikel 108 (2) van die ~aterwet, 195? (Wet 54 van 1956), verklaar hierby dat, met mgang van die datum van publikasie hiervan 'n waterraad, wat as die Kalahari-Oos-waterraad bek~nd staan, ingestel word vir die gebied in die Bylae hiervan beskryf. J. A. VAN WYK, Adjunk-minister van Waterwese. BYLAE BESKRYWING VAN DIE GEBIED VAN DIE KALA HARI-ooS-WATERRAAD, LANDDROSDISTRIKTE KURUMAN EN POSTMASBURG, PROVINSIE DIE KAAP DIE GOEIE HOOP Die volgende plase, met al ~ul onderverdelings, en die plase, met al hut 0~derverde1mgs, wal daardeur oms1uit word, soos aangedul op Yelle 2620 Twee Rivieren 2622 Morokweng, 2720 Noeniepul, 2722 Kuruman 2820 Upington en 2822 Postmasburg van die SA 1 : topokadastraie kaartreeks: Ballater 155, Craig Ellachie 156, Boesmans Zoen 159 Chalmers Puts 160, Dagarida 161, Hadida AI66, Nerap Katakura 171, Vergenoeg 172, Mokalanen 175, ~pnngbok 176, De Brak 177, Middelplaats 184, La Gratlt,ude 186, Merino 410/67, Uitsig 410/6, Pietersrust 410n, Dlepte 410/9, Plaas 410/11, Kransduin 704/8, Kammaland 704/6, Plase , 410/14, 410/64, en 410/24 Kalkl?an 691, Plase 410/27,410/30 en 410/32, Record 411: Randjes 412, Losberg 413, Uitkyk 503, Gringley 497, Meedust ASOO, Plase 410/39 en 410/52, Pilanyan 520 Libertas 521, Makukuwe 522, Kwatok 596, Jones 595: Kotok 592, Boskop 623, Gusa 620, Van Oruten 619 Lilyvale 617, Goedemoed 628, Rossville 638, Rubyval~ 266 Meidekop 268, Nelsbosch 269, Appenzel 270, Zudzand~ 271, Scheurberg 276, England 277, Geduld 279, Gezelskop 28~, lnkruip.283, Kakoup 258, Kopzeer 289, Wildebeestdum 288, die gedeelte van Plaas 554 wat nie binne die Karos-Geelkoppan-gebied gelee is nie, Warand 291 Koup Pan 290, Die Rolle , Witboom , Skuiling , Reggekry , Vastrap , Laastelust , Kraal , Rand Eier 300, Drooge Duin 303 Kaal Vlakte 302, Enkelde Kameelboom 301, Duikersttaat , Bottelduin , Nietemin 258/81, Ly-of-gly 251/82, Plase , en , Middelplaas , Soetwater , Tellerie , Plase en , Sonop , Eensaam Kasteel 200 en De Hemelstraat 162. ALGEMENE KENNISGEWINGS NOTICE 761 OF 1988 DEPARTMENT OF MINERAL AND ENERGY AFFAIRS RESERVATION OF LAND FOR THE PURPOSE OF A PUBLIC ROAD The Mining Commissioner for the Mining District of the Orange Free State has, in terms of section 179 (1) (b) of the Mining Rights Act, 1967 (Act 20 of 1967), reserved for the purpose of a public road a strip of proclaimed land on the KE~GE~G761VANI9~ DEPARTEMENT V AN MINERAAL EN ENERGIESAKE UITHOU VAN GRONO VIR DIE DOELEINDES VAN 'N OPENBAREPAD Die Mynkommissaris vir die myndistrik Oranje-Vrystaat het 'n strook geproklameerde grond op die plaas La Riviera 289, administratiewe distrik Ventersburg, myndistrik Oranje-Vrystaat, provinsie die Oranje-Vrystaat, soos ge

19 STAATSKOERANT, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No ) farm La Riviera 289, Adminiscrative District of Ventersburg, Mining District of the Orange Free State, Province of the Orange Free State, as shown on a sketch plan, copies of which have been filed under RMT R47/87 in the Mining Titles Office, Johannesburg, and in the office of the Mining Commissioner; OFS, Welkom. (1915/112593) (4 November 1988) toon op 'n sketskaart waarvan afdrukke onder RMT R47/87 in die Mynbriewekantoor, Johannesburg, en in die kantoor van die Mynkommissaris; OVS, Welkom, bewaar word, kragtens artikel 179 (1) (b) van. die Wet op Mynregte, 1967 ~et 20 van 1967), vir die doeleindes van 'n openbare pad ultgehou. (4 November 1988) (1915/1/2593) NOTICE 762 OF 1988 MEEnNGSOFCOMMmITEES FRIDAY, 28 OCTOBER 1988 Joint Committee on the Promotion of Orderly Internal Politics Bill [B (GA)]. MONDAY,7 NOVEMBER 1988 Joint Committee on the Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure Act Amendment Bill [BI06-87 (GA)]. Sub-committee on Questions. TUESDAY, 8 NOVEMBER 1988 Joint Committee on Trade and Industry (Proclamation). Joint Committee on Parliamentary Privilege. WEDNESDAY, 9toTHURSDAY, 10 NOVEMBER 1988 Joint Committee on Transport and Communications (Road Traffic Bill [B (GA)]). FRIDAY, 11 NOVEMBER 1988 Management Committee of Parmed Medical Aid Scheme. Joint Committee on Transport and Communications (Road Traffic Bill [B (GA)]). TUESDAY, 22 NOVEMBER 1988 Joint Committee on Public Accounts. WEDNESDAY, 23 NOVEMBER 1988 Sub-committee on Public Accounts. THURSDAY, 24 NOVEMBER 1988 Joint Committee on Justice (Maintenance of Surviving Spouses Bill [B (GA)]). Joint Committee on Transport and Communications (Road Traffic Bill [B (GA)]). Joint Committee on Parliamentary Privilege. FRIDAY, 25 NOVEMBER 1988 Joint Committee on Transport and Communications (Road Traffic Bill [B (GA)]). Joint Committee on Parliamentary Privilege. Enquiries: W. P. Fourie Deputy Head: Committee Section Parliament 8007 (4 November 1988) Tel (021) BeItel Page Number: KE~SGE~G762VAN19. VERGADERINGS VAN KOMITEES VRYDAG, 28 OKTOBER 1988 Gesamentlike Komitee oor die Wetsontwerp vir die Bevordering van Ordelike Binnelandse Politiek [W (AS)]. MAANDAG, 7 NOVEMBER 1988 Gesamentlike Komitee oor Wysigingswetsontwerp op die Scrafreg en die Strafproseswet [W (AS)]. Subkomitee oor Vrae. DINSDAG, 8 NOVEMBER 1988 Gesamentlike Komitee oor Handel en Nywerheid (Proklamasie). Gesamentlike Komitee oor Parlementere Voorreg. WOENSDAG, 9 tot DONDERDAG, 10 NOVEMBER 1988 Gesamentlike Komitee oor Vervoer en Kommunikasie (padverkeerswetsontwerp [W (AS)]). VRYDAG, 11 NOVEMBER 1988 Bestuurskomitee van Parmed Mediese Hulpskema. Gesamentlike Komitee oor Vervoer en Kommunikasie (Padverkeerswetsontwerp [W (AS)]). DINSDAG, 22 NOVEMBER 1988 Gesamentlike Komitee oor Openbare Rekenings. WOENSDAG, 23 NOVEMBER 1988 Subkomitee oor Openbare Rekenings. DONDERDAG, 24 NOVEMBER 1988 Gesamentlike Komitee oor Justisie (Wetsontwerp op Onderhoud van Langsiewende Gades [W (AS)]). Gesamentlike Komitee oor Vervoer en Kommunikasie (Padverkeerswetsontwerp [W (AS)]). Gesamentlike Komitee oor Parlemenlere Voorreg. VRYDAG, 25 NOVEMBER 1988 Gesamentlike Komitee oor Vervoer en Kommunikasie (Padverkeerswetsontwerp [W (AS)]). Gesamentlike Komitee oor Parlemen!ere Voorreg. Navrae: W. P. Fourie Adjunk-hoof: Komitee-afdeling Pariement 8007 Tel (021) BeItel Bladsynommer: (4 November 1988)

20 20 No GOVERNMENT GAZETIE, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 NOTICE 765 OF 1988 CENTRAL STATISTICAL SERVICE THE HEAD: CENTRAL STATISTICAL SERVICE notifies for general infonnation that the Consumer Price Index is as follows: Consumer Pricelndex, all items (Base 1985=1(0) SEPTEMBER 1988 = 159,6 (4 November 1988) KENNISGEWING 765 VAN 1988 SENTRALE STATISTIEKDIENS DIE HOOF: SENTRALE STATISTIEKDIENS maak vir algemene inligting bekend dat die Verbruikersprysindeks soos volg is: Verbruikersprysindeks, aile items (Basis 1985=1(0) SEPTEMBER 1988 = 159,6. (4 November 1988) NOTICE 766 OF 1988 MEETINGS OF COMMITI'EES FRIDAY, 28 OCTOBER 1988 Joint Committee on the Promotion of Orderly Internal Politics Bill [B (GA)]. MONDAY, 7 NOVEMBER 1988 MAANDAG, 7 NOVEMBER 1988 Joint Committee on the Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure Act Amendment Bill [B (GA)]. Sub-committee on Questions. TUESDAY, 8 NOVEMBER 1988 Joint Committee on Trade and Industry (Proclamation). Joint Committee on Parliamentary Privilege. WEDNESDAY, 9 to THURSDAY, lonovember 1988 Joint Committee on Transport and Communications (Road Traffic Bill [B (GA)]). FRIDAY, 11 NOVEMBER 1988 Management Committee of Panned Medical Aid Scheme. Joint Committee on Transport and Communications (Road Traffic Bill [B (GA)]). TUESDAY, 22 NOVEMBER 1988 Joint Committee on Public Accounts. WEDNESDAY, 23 NOVEMBER 1988 Sub-committee on Public Accounts. THURSDAY, 24 NOVEMBER 1988 Joint Committee on Justice (Maintenance of Surviving Spouses Bill [B (GAm. Joint Committee on Transport and Communications (Road Traffic Bill [B 72-S8 (GA)]). Joint Committee on Parliamentary Privilege. FRIDAY, 25 NOVEMBER 1988 Joint Committee on Transport and Communications (Road Traffic Bill [B (GAm. Joint Committee on Parliamentary Privilege. MONDAY. 28 to WEDNJESDAY, 30 NOVEMBER 1988 Joint Committee on the Electoral Act. Enquiries: W. P. Fourie Head: Committee Section Parliament 8007 Tel. (021) BeItel Page Number: (4 November 1988) KENNISGEWING 766 VAN 1988 VERGADERINGS VAN KOMlTEES VRYDAG, 28 OKTOBER 1988 Gesamentlike Komitee oor die WetsontwerP. vir die Bevordering van Ordelike Binnelandse Polltiek [W (AS)]. Gesamentlike Komitee oor die Wysig.!.1J8swetsontwerp op die Strafreg en die Strafproseswet LW (AS)]. Subkomitee oor Vrae. DINSDAG, 8 NOVEMBER 1988 Gesamentlike Komitee oor Handel en Nywerheid (Proklamasie). Gesamentlike Komitee oor Parlementete Voorreg. WOENSDAG, 9 tot DONDERDAG, lo NOVEMBER 1988 Gesamentlike Komitee oor Vervoer en Kommunikasie (padverkeerswetsontwerp [W (AS))). VRYDAG, 11 NOVEMBER 1988 Bestuurskomitee van Parmed Mediese Hulpskema. Gesamentlike Komitee oor Vervoer en Kommunikasie (Padverkeerswetsontwerp [W (AS)]). DINSDAG, 22 NOVEMBER 1988 Gesamentlike Komitee oor Openbare Rekenings. WOENSDAG, 23 NOVEMBER 1988 Subkomitee oor Openbare Rekenings. DONDERDAG, 24 NOVEMBER 1988 Gesamentlike Komitee oor Justisie (Wetsontwerp op Onderhoud van Langslewende Gades [W (AS)]). Gesamentlike Komitee oor Vervoer en Kommunikasie (Padverkeerswetsontwerp [W (AS)]). Gesamentlike Komitee oor Parlementere Voorreg. VRYDAG, 25 NOVEMBER 1988 Gesamentlike Komitee oor Vervoer en Kommunikasie (Padverkeerswetsontwerp [W (AS)]). Gesamentlike Komitee oor Parlementere Voorreg. MAANDAG, 28 tot WOENSDAG, 30 NOVEMBER 1988 Gesamentlike Komitee oor die Kieswet. Navrae: W. P. Fourie Hoof: Komitee-afdeling Parlement 8007 Tel. (021) BeItel Bladsynommer: (4 November 1988)

21 STAATSKOERANT, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No , NOTICE 767 OF 1988-KENNISGEWING 767 VAN 1988 P.5.01A PRELIMINARY STATEMENT OF TRADE STATISTICS OF THE REPUBUC OF SOUTH AFRICA RELEASED BY THE COMMISSIONER FOR CUSTOMS AND EXCISE VOORLOPIGE OPGAWE VAN HANDELSTATISTIEK VAN OlE REPUBLlEK VAN SUJD..AFRIKA VRYGESTEL DEUR OlE KOMMISSARIS VAN OOEANE EN AKSYNS Remark.-The import and export figures reflected in this statement have been adjusted largely to bring them into line with the requirements for the. compilation of the balance of payments Opmerking.-Die in- en uitvoersyfers wat in hierdie opgawe verskyn is grootliks aangepas om dit in ooreenstemming te bring met die vereistes wat gestel word vir die opstel van die beta1ingsbalans N.B. The change-over to the Harmonized Tariff System with effect from 1 January 1988, altered the classification of certain commodities. When co~ng the section totals for 1988 with those of 1987 the possible differences due to the change-over should therefore be taken into consideration. L.W. Die oorskakeling na die Gebarmonieerde Tariefstelsel met ingang van 1 Januarie 1988 het die indeling van sekere kornmoditeite verander. Wanneer die afdelingstotale vir 1988 dus met die van 1987 vergelyk word, moet die moontlike verskiue as gevolg van die oorskakeling nie uit die oog verloor word nie. PERIOD: JANUARY TO SEPTEMBER 1988-TYDPERK: JANUARlETOT SEPTEMBER 1988 Imports-Invoere Exports-Uitvoere Total in Millions ofrand-totaal in Miljoene Rand , , , ,8 TABLE B: TOTALS IN MILUON RAND ACCORDING TO SECTIONS OF THE HARMONI?ED SYSTEM TABEL B: TOTALE IN MIUOEN RAND VOLGENS AFDELINGS VAN OlE GEHARMONlEERDE STELSEL Sections-Mdelings Imports-Invoere Exports-Uitvoere Live animals; anirnauroducts Lewende diere; dier' e produkte , ,0 265,7 II. Vegetable products Plantiardige produkte ,6 382,9 722, ,7 III. Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their cleavage products; prepared edible fats; animal and ve~etable waxes Di~~~~~~l;~~:~~ ~~~~.~~.~~.l~~~:.~~~;..~~~~~~.~.~~::~~.~~; 199,6 175,5 75,2 56,3 IV. Prepared foodstuffs; beve11lges, spirits and vinegar; tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes Voorbereide voedsel; dranke, spiritus en asyn; tabak en vervaardigde tabaksurrogate ,1 420,8 873,9 744,8 V. ~~~~~ ,5 220,8 3573,2 2800,7 VI. Products of the chemical or allied industries Produkte van die chemiese of verwante nywerhede ,7 2313, ,9 829,7 VII. Plastics and articles thereof; rubber and articles thereof Plastieke en artikels daarvan; rubber en artikels daarvan ,5 921,4 174,5 159,5 VIII. Raw hides and skins, leather, furskins and articles thereof; saddlery and harness; travel goods handbags and similar containers; articles of animal gut (other than silk-worm gut) Ongelooide huide en veue, leer, ~elle en artikels daarvan; saal en tuiemak:ersware; reisartikels, han e en dergelike houers; artikels van dierederm (uitgesonderd sywurmsnaar) ,9 93,0 239,3 221,6 IX. Wood and articles of wood; wood charcoal; cork and articles of cork; manufactures of straw; of esparto or of other plaiting materials; basketware and wickerwork Hout en artikels van hout; houtskool; kurk en artikels van lrurk; fabrikate van strooi, van esparto of van ander vlegwerkstowwe; mandjiewerk en vlegwerk 193,0 139,4 139,0 115,3 X. Pulp of wood or of other fibrous cellulosic material; waste and scrap o~per or t::.rboard; pa~r and paperboard of paper of paperboard; paper a paperand artic es thereof Pulp van bout of van ander veselagtige sellulosiese slof; afval en oorskiet van papier of papierbord; papier en papierbord en artikels daarvan..." ,3 498,2 577,0 752,5 Xl. Textiles and textile articles Tekstiele en tekstielartikels ,6 874,8 906,6 686,4 XlI. Footwear, headgear, umbrellas, sun umbrellas, walking-sticks, seat-sticks, whips, riding-crops and parts thereof; prepared feathers and articles made therewith; artificial flowers; articles of human hair Skoeisel, hoofdeksels, sambrele, sonsambrele, wandelstokke, sitstokke, swepe, karwatse en onderdele daarvan; bereide vere en artikels daarvan gemaak; kunsbtomme; artikels van mensebaar ,3 116,2 14,3 12.5

22 22 No GOVERNMEI\! GAZEITE, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 Sections-Afdelings I Imports-lnvoere Exports-Uitvoere I xm. Articles of stone, plaster, cement, asbestos, mica or similar materials; ceramic I I I products; glass and glassware ~=~:~g~~p~ng~r;;w~~~~:. ~~~.~:.~. ~~.~~~~l.~~..~t~~~~.;..~~~~~~~ 302,7 221,7 95,0 109,3 I XIV. Natural or cultured pearl~, precious or semi-precious stones, precious metals, \ metals clad with precious metal and articles thereof; imitation jewellery; coin Natuurlike of gekweekte perels, edel- of halfedelstene, edelmetale, metale met edelmetale bedek, en artikels daarvan; nagemaakte juweliersware, muntstukke ,9 190,8 2804,7 2645,7 XV. Base metals and articles of base metal Onedelmetale en artikels van onedelmetaal... I 382,8 1017,9 4638,5 I 3449,1 XVI. Machinery and mechanical appliances; electrical equipment; parts thereof; sound recorders and reproducers, television image and sound recorders and reproducers, and parts and accessories of such articles Masjinerie en megaruese tuestelle; elektriese toerusting; onderdele daarvan; klankopnemers en -weergewers; televisie- beeld- en klankopnemers en -weer gewers, en onderdele en bybehoorsels van sodanige artikels ,7 5606,6 519,1 393,7 XVII. Vehicles, aircraft, vessels and associated transport equipment Voertuie, lugvaartuie, vaartuie en verwante vervoertoerusting ,3 2720,7 299,8 314,4 xvrn. Optical, photographic, cinematographic, measuring, checking, precision, medi calor surgical instruments and apparatus; clocks and watches; musical instruments, parts and accessories thereof Optiese, fotografiese, kinematografiese, meet, kontroleer-, presisie, mediese en chirurgiese instrumente en a~e; uurwerke en horlosies; musiekinstrumente; onderdele en bybehoorse s daarvan ,0! 1007,2 58,5 50,1 XX. Miscellaneous manufactured articles Diverse vervaardigde artikels...,.. 314,4 193,8 75,6 77,9 XXI. Works of art, collectors' pieces and antiques Kunswerke, versarnelaarsstukke, en antieke...,..., 24,6 31,5 12,1 8,2 (4 November 1988) Other unclassified goods and balance of payments adjustments Ander ongeklassifiseerde goedere en betalingsbalansaansuiwerings...".., ,1 3414, , ,7 Grand total--groottotaal...,...,.,.".,...,.,..., , , , ,8 NOTICE 768 OF 1988 DEPARTMENT OF MANPOWER LABOUR RELATIONS ACf, 1956 CANCELLATION OF REGISTRATION OF A TRADE UNION I, Gerrit Petrus van den Berg, Assistant Industrial Registrar, hereby notify, in terms of section 14 (2) of the Labour Relations Act, 1956, that I have cancelled the registration of the Durban Municipal Transport Employees' Union with effect from 27 October G. P. VANDENBERG, Assistant Industrial Registrar. (4 November 1988) KENNISGEWING 768 VAN 1988 DEPARTEMENT VAN MANNEKRAG WET OP ARBEIDSVERHOUDINGE, 1956 INTREKKING VAN REGISTRASIE VAN 'N VAKVERENIGING Ek, Gerrit Petrus van den Berg, Assistent-nywerheidsregistrateur, maak hierby kragtens artikel 14 (2) van die Wet op Arbeidsverhoudinge, 1956, bekend dat ek die registrasie van die Durban Municipal Transport Employees' Union met ingang van 27 Oktober 1988 ingetrek het. G. P. VANDENBERG, Assistent -nywerheidsregistrateur. (4 November 1988) NOTICE 769 OF 1988 CUSTOMS AND EXCISE TARIFF APPLICATIONS. LIST 32/88 The following applications concerning the Customs and Excise Tariff have been received by the Board of Trade and Industry. Any objections to or comments on these representations must be submitted to the Board of Trade and Industry, Private Bag X753, Pretoria, 0001, within six weeks of the date of this notice. ldcrease ld the duty on: (a) Frozen poultry, not cut in pieces, classifiable under tariff 8ubheadmg , from 8c per kg to 325c per kg less 100 per cent ad valorem; and I ~SGEWING769VANI988 DOEANE- EN AKSYNSTARIEFAANSOEKE. LYS 32/88 Onderstaande aansoeke betreffende die Doeane- en Aksynstarief is deur die Raad van Handel en Nywerheid ontvang. Enige beswaar teen of kommentaar op hierdie vertoe moet binne ses weke na die datum van hierdie kennisgewing aan die Raad van Handel en Nywerheid, Privaatsak X753, Pretoria, 0001, gerig word. VerboglDg van dje reg op: (a) Bevrore hoenders, nie in stukke gesny nie, indeelbaar by tariefsubpos , van 8c per kg tot 325c per kg min 100 persent ad valorem; en

23 STAATSKOERANT,4NOVEMBER 1988 No.1I (b) frozen cuts and offal offowls and turkeys, classifiable under tariff subheading and , respectively, from 8c per kg to 440c per kg less 100 per cent ad valorem. [BTI Ref. T5!21l!3/1 (B12/88)] Applicant: South African Poultry Association, P.O. Box 1202, Honeydew, (Note.-Tbis application is for revision of the interim duties which were imposed on frozen poultry, not cut in pieces, and frozen cuts and offal of fowls and turkeys in terms of Notice R in Government Gazette of 21 October 1988.) WIthdrawal ofa rebate faculty: The applicant applied for the substitution for the existing rebate item of the following: "39.19 Self-adhesive plates, sheets, film, foil, tape, strip and other flat shapes of plastics. whether or not in rolls (excluding those of Full duty less 10%" polymers of vinyl chloride, of a thickness exceeding O,OS mm, but not exceeding 0,25 mm, for the manufacture of labels and tickets. [BTIRef. T l (E11188)] Applicant: Vynide (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 2342, Kempton Park, List 31/88 was published under General Notice 152 of 28 October (4 November 1988) (b) bevrore snitte en afval van hoenders en kalkoene, indeelbaar by tariefsubposte en onderskeidellk, van 8c per kg tot 440c per kg min 100 persent ad valorem. [RHN-verw. T5/21l131l (B12188)] Appllkant: Suid-Afrikaanse Pluimveevereniging, Posbus 1202, Honeydew, (Opmerking.-Hierdie aansoek is ter hersienin~ van die tussentydse regte wat op bevrore hoenders, nie m stokke gesny nie, en bevrore snitte en afval van hoenders en kalkoene ingestel is kragtens Kennisgewing R in Staatskoerant van 21 Oktober 1988.) lntrekklng van 'n kortlljgfaslhteit: Die applikant het aansoek gedoen om vervanging van bestaande kortingitem deur die volgende: "39.19 Selfklewende plate, velie, ftlm, foelie, band, reep en ander plat vorme van plastieke, in die vorm van rolle al dan nie (met uitsondering van die van polimere van vinielchloried met 'n dikte van meer as 0,08 mm, maar nie dikker as 0,25 mm nie), vir die diging van kaartjies en etikette. vervaar Volle reg min 10%" [RHN-verw. T5/2nJ2/1 (El1/88)] Appllkant: Vynide (Edms.) Bpk., Posbus 2342, Kempton Park, Lys is by Algemene Kennisgewing 152 van 28 Oktober 1988 gepubliseer. (4 November 1988) BOARD NOTICE RAADSKENNISGEWING BOARD NOTICE 95 OF 1988 PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION OF THE CAPE OF GOOD HOPE MOSSEL BAY.-GAS DEVELOPMENT-PROPOSED LEASE OF A PORTION OF SEA-SHORE AND SEA TO MAKE PROVISION FOR PIPE-LINES TO BE LAID IN THE SEA AN]) UN.t>ER THE SEA-SHORE AT VLEES BAY Notice is hereby given in terms of section 3 (5), of the Sea-Shore Act, 1935 (Act 21 of 1935), that it is proposed to enter into a lease with Mossgas (Pty) Ltd in which provision is made for the pipe-lines to be laid in the sea and under the sea-shore at Vlees Bay. A locality sketch of the area affected by the proposed pipe-lines lies for inspection at the office of the Chief Director: Works, Provincial Administration of the Cape of Good Hope, Room 525a, 9 Dorp Street, Cape Town. Objections to the proposed lease must be lodged with the Chief Director: Works, Private Bag X9018, Cape Town, 8000, on or before 14 December (4 November 1988) RAADSKENNISGEWING 95 VAN 1988 PROVINSIALE ADMINISTRASIE VAN DIE KAAP DIE GOEIE HOOP MOSSELBAAI. - GASON1WlK.KELINGSPROJEK VOORGESTELDE VERHURlNG VAN GEDEELTE STRAND EN SEE VIR. DIE LE VAN PYPLYNE IN DIE SEE EN ONDER DIE STRAND TE VLEESBAAI Ingevolge artikel 3 (5) van die Strandwet, 1935 (Wet 21 van 1935), word hiermee bekendgemaak dat dit die voorneme is om 'n huurooreenkoms met Mossgas (Edms.) Bpk. aan te gaan waarin voorsiening gemaak word vir die Ie van pyplyne in die see en onder die strand te Vleesbaai. 'n Liggingsplan van die gebied wat deur die voorgestelde pyplyne geraak. word, Ie ter insae by die kantoor van die Hoofdirekteur: Werke, Provinsiale Administrasie van die Kaap die Goeie Hoop, Kamer 525a, Dorpstraat 9, Kaapstad. Besware teen die voorgestelde verhuring moet by die Hoofdirekteur: Werke, Privaatsak X9018, Kaapstad, 8000, ingedien word voor of op 14 Desember (4 November 1988)

24 24 No GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 CONDIT~NS FOR THE PUBLICATION OF LEGAL NOTICES VOORWAARDIiS VIR DIE PUBLIKASIE VAN WETLIKE KENNISGEWINGS Closing times for the acceptance of notices 1. The Government Gazette is published every week on Friday, and the closing time for the acceptance of notices which have to appear in the Government GazetW on any particular Friday, is 15hOO on the preceding Friday. ShC!luld any Friday coincide with a public holiday, the date of publication of the Govemment Gazette and the closing time of the acceptance of notices will be published in the Government Gazette, from time to time. 2. (1) The copy for a separate Government Gazette must be handed in not later than three calendar weeks before date of publication. (2) Copy of notices received after dosing time will be held over for publication in the next Government Gazette. (3) Amendment or changes in copy of notices cannot be undertaken unless instructions are received before 15h30 on Mondays. (4) Copy of notices for publication or amendments of original copy cannot be accepted over the telephone and must be brought about by letter, by telegram or by hand. (5) In the case of cancellations a refund of the cost of a notice will be considered only if the instruction to cancel has been received on or before the stipulated closing time as indicated in paragraph 1 above. Approval of notices 3. Any notices other than legal notices are subject to the approval of the Government Printer, who may refuse acceptance or further publication of any notice. The Government Printer indemnified against liability 4. The Government Printer will assume no liability in respect of (1) any delay in the publication of a notice or publication of such notice on any date other ttlan that stipulated by the advertiser; (2) erroneous classification of a notice, or the placement of such notice in any section or under any heading other than the section or heading stipulatecl by the advertiser; (3) any editing, revision, omission, typographical errors or errors resulting from faint or indistinct copy. Liability of advertiser 5. Advertisers will be held liable for any compensation and costs arising from any action which may be instituted against the Government Printer in consequence of the publication of any notice. Copy 6. Copy of notices must be typed on one side of the paper only and may not constitute part of any covering letter or document. 7. At the top of any copy, and set well apart from the notice the following must be stated: (1) The kind of notice; Please note.-prospective advertisers are urgently requested to clearly indicate under which headings their advertisements or notices should be inserted in order to prevent such notices! advertisements from being wrongly placed. (2) the heading under which the notice is to appear; (3) the rate (e.g. "Fixed tariff rate", or "Word count rate") applicable to the notice, and the cost of publication. S. All proper names and surrames must be clearly legible, surnames being underlined or typed in capital letters. In the event of a name being incorrectly printed as a result of indistinct writing, the notice will be republished only upon payment of the cost of a new insertion. Payment of cost 9 No notice will be accepted lor publication unless the cost of the insertion(s) is prepaid by way of uncancelled revenue stamps. Franking machine impressions appearing on the copy are acceptable provided that they are clear. Franking machine impressions other than the aforementioned, for example, Qn a separate sheet of paper pasted 10 the copy are not acceptable. Sluitingslye vir die aanname van kennisgewings 1. Die Staatskoerant word weekliks op Vrydag gepubliseer en die sluitingstyd vir die aanname van kennisgewings wat op 'n bepaalde Vrydag in die Staatskoerantmoet verskyn, is 15hOO op die voorafgaande Vrydag. Indien enige Vrydag saamval met 'n openbare vakansiedag, verskyn die Staatskoerant op 'n datum en is die sluitingstye vir die aanname van kennisgewings soos van tyd tot tyd in die Staatskoerant bepaal. 2. (1) Wanneer 'n aparte Staatskoerant verlang word moet dil drie kalenderweke voor publikasie ingedien word. (2) Kopie van kennisgewings wat na sluitingstyd ontvang word, sal oorgehou word vir plasing in die eersvolgende Staatskoerant. (3) Wysiging van of veranderings in die kopie van kennisgewings kan nie onderneem word nie tensy opdragte daarvoor ontvang is voor 15h30 op Maandae. (4) Kopie van kennisgewings vir publikasie of wysigings van oorspronklike kopie kan nie oor die telefoon aanvaar word nle en moet per brief, per telegram of per hand bewerkstellig word. (5) In geval van kansellasie sal die terugbetaling van die koste van 'n kennisgewing oorweeg word slegs as die opdrag om te kanselleer op of voor die vasgestelde sluitingstyd soos in paragraaf 1 hierbo aangedui, ontvang is. Goedkeuring van kennisgewings 3. Kennisgewings, behalwe wetlike kennisgewings, is onderworpe aan die goedkeuring van die Staatsdrukker wat kan weier om enige kennisgewing aan te neem of verder te publiseer. Vrywaring van die Staatsdrukker teen aanspreeklikheid 4. Die Staatsdrukker aanvaar geen aanspreeklikheid vir (1) enige vertraging by die publikasie van 'n kennisgewing of vir die publikasie daarvan op 'n ander dalum as die deur die adverteerder bepaal; (2) die foutiewe klassifikasie van 'n kennisgewing of die plasing daarvan onder 'n ander afdeling of opskrif as die afdeling of opskrif wat deur die adverteerder aang~dui is; (3) enige redigering, hersiening, weglating, tipografiese foute of foute wat weens dowwe of onduidelike kopie mag ontstaan. Aanspreeklikheid van adverteerder 5. Die adverteerder word aanspreeklik gehou vir enige skadevergoeding en koste wat ontstaan uit enige aksie wat weens die publikasie van 'n kennisgewing teen die Staatsdrukker ingestel mag word. Kopie 6. Die kopie van kennisgewings moet slegs op een kant van die papier getik wees en mag nie deel van enige begeleidende brief of dokument uitmaak nie. 7. So aan die kopie, en weg van die kennisgewing, moet die volgende aangedui word: (1) Die aard van die kennisgewing; Let We/.-l/oornemende adverteerders word hierby dringend versoek om duidellk aan te dul onder watter hofle hul advertensies of kennisgewings geplaas moet word om te verhoed dat genoemde advetrtensies/kennisgewings verkeerd geplaas word. (2) die opskrif waaronder die kennisgewing geplaas moel word; (3) die tarief (bv. "Vaste tarief", of "Woordetal-tarief") wat op die kennisgewing van toepassing is, en die koste verbonde aan die plasing daarvan. S. Aile eiename en famiuename moet duidelik leesbaar wees en familiename moet onderslreep of in hoofletters getik word. Indien 'n naam verkeerd gedruk word as gevolg van onduidelike skrif, sal die kennisgewing aileen na betaling van die koste van 'n nuwe plasing weer gepubliseer word. Betaling van koste 9. Geen kennisgewing word vir publikasie aanvaar nie tensy die koste van die plasing(s) daarvan vooruit betaal is deur middel van ongekanselleerde inkomsteseels. Frankeermasjien-afdrukke op kopie is aanvaarbaar mits afdrukke duidelik is. Frankeermasjien-afdrukke op enige ander wyse aangebring bv. op los papier wat op kopie geplak word is nie aanvaarbaar nie.

25 STAATSKOERANT, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No (1) The cost of a notice must be calculated by the advertiser in accordance with (a) the list of fixed tariff rates; or (b) where the fixed tariff rate does not apply, the word count rate. (2) Where there is any doubt about the cost of publication of a notice, and in the case of copy in excess of words, an enquiry. accompanied by the relevant copy should be addressed to the Advertising Section. Government Printing Works, Private Bag X85, Pretoria before publication. 11. Uncancelled revenue stamps representing the correct amount of the cost of publication of a notice. or the total of the cost of publication of more than one notice, must be affixed to the copy. The following stamps are not acceptable: (i) Revenue stamps of the old series. (il) Revenue stamps of other states. (iii) Postage stamps. 12. Overpayments resulting from miscalculation on the part of the advertiser of the cost of publication of a notice will not be refunded, unless the advertiser furnishes adequate reasons why such miscalculation occurred. In the event of underpayments, the difference will be recovered from the advertiser, and the notice(s) will not be published until such time as the full cost of such publication has been duly paid in uncancelled revenue stamps. 13. The Government Printer reserves the right to levy an additional charge in cases where notices, the cost of which has been calculated in accordance with the list of fixed tariff rates, are subsequenlly found to be excessively lengthy or to contain overmuch or complicated tabulation. Proof of publication 14. Copies of the Government Gazette which may be required as proof of publication may be ordered from the Government Printer at 50c sales tax excluded, payment to be effected by way of uncancelled revenue stamps. The Government Printer will assume no liability for any failure to post such Goverment Gazette(s) or for any delay in dispatching it/them. ClaSSified legal advertisements must be submitted on the prescribed form; vide the following pages. These forms may be freely reproduced under a general copyright authority granted for this purpose by the Government Printer. Where forms are typed, the lay-out, style and especially the numbering must be adhered to. Stamps must be affixed, please. 10. (1) Die koste van 'n kennisgewing moet deur die adverteerder bereken word in ooreenstemming met (a) die Iys van vaste tariew <; of (b) indien die vaste tariewe nie van toepassing is nie, die woordetal-tariewe. (2) In gevalle van twyfel oor die koste verbonde aan die plasing van 'n kennisgewing en in die geval van kopie met meer as woorde, moet 'n navraag, vergesel van die betrokke kopie, voor publikasie aan die Advertensie-afdeling, Staatsdrukkery, Privaatsak X85, Pretoria, 0001, gerig word. 11. Ongekanselloorde inkomsteseehs wat die juiste bed rag van die koste van 'n kennisgewing of die totaal van die koste van meerdere kennisgewings verteenwoordiges, moet op die kopie geplak word. Die volgende seels is nie aanvaarbaar nie: (i) Inkomsteseels van die ou reeks. (ii) Inkomsteseels van ander state. (iii) Posseels. 12. Oorbetalings op grond van 'n foutiewe berekening van die koste verbonde aan die plasing van 'n kennisgewing deur die adverteerder word nie terugbetaal nie tensy die adverteerder voldoende redes aantoqn waarom 'n foutiewe berekening gemaak is. In die geval van onderbetalings sal die verskil van die adverteerder verhaal word en geen plasing sal geskied voordat die volle koste verbonde aan die plasing van die kennisgewing(s) deur middel van ongekanselleerde inkomsteseels betaal is nie. 13. Die Staatsdrukker behou hom die reg voor om 'n bykomende bedrag te hef in gevalle waar kennisgewings, waarvan die koste in ooreenstemming met die Iys van vaste tariewe bereken word, later uitermatig lank blyk te woos of buitensporige of ingewikkelde labelwerkbevat. Bewys van publikasie 14. Eksemplare van die Staatskoerantwat nodig mag wees ter bewys van publikasie van 'n kennisgewing kan teen 50c verkoopbelasting uitgesluit in die VOff.r van ongekanselleerde inkomsteseels per eksemplaar van die Staatsdrukker bestel word. Geen aanspreeklikheid word aanvaar vir die versuim om sodanige Staatskoerant(e) te pos of vir vertraging in die versending daarvan nie. Geklassifiseerde wetlike kennisgewings moet op die voorgeskrewe vorm ingedlen word; kyk die volgende bladsye. Hierdie vorms mag vryelik gereproduseer word onder 'n algemene kopieregvergunning wat die Staatsdrukker hiervoor verleen. Waar vorms getik word, moet by die uitleg, styl en in besonder die nommering gehou word, Seels moet asseblief vasgeplak word. LIST OF FIXED TARIFF RATES AND CONDITIONS FOR THE PUBLICATION OF LEGAL NOTICES IN THE GOVERNMENT GAZETTE FROM 1 APRIL 1987 LYS VAN VASTE TARIEWE EN VOORWAARDES VIR DIE PUBLIKASIE VAN WETLIKE KENNISGEWINGS IN DIE STAATSKOERANT VANAF 1 APRIL 1987 LIST.oF FIXED TARIFF RATES Standardised notices Administration of Estates Acts notices: Forms J297,J295,J193andJ Business notices..... Butcher's notices.... Change of name {two insertions)..... Insolvency Act and Company Acts notices: J 28, J 29, Forms 1 t09... N.B.-Forms 2 and ~additional statements according to word count table, added to the basic tariff. Lost life insurance policies Form VL Slum Clearance Court notices, per language per premises Third party insurance claims for compensation Form MVA Unclaimed moneys-only in the extraordinary Government Gazette. closing date 15 January (per entry of "name, address and amount..)..... Rate per insertion R 3,50 8,00 8,00 35,00 7,00 3,50 7,00 4,00 1,50 LVS VAN VASTE TARIEWE Gestandardiseerde kennisgewings Besigheidskennisgewings... Boedelweltekennisgewings: Vorms J 297, J 295, J 193 en J Derdeparty-assuransie-eise om skadevergoeding Vorm MVA... Insolvensiewet en maatskappyweltekennisgewings: J 28. J 29, Vorms 1 tot 9... L. W.-Vorms 2 en 9-bykomstige verklarings volgens woordetal-tabel, toegevoeg tot oie basiese tarief. Naamsverandering (twee plasings)... Onopgeeiste geld-slegs in die buitegewone Staatskoerant sluitingsdatum 15 Januarie (per inskrywing van 'n "naam, ad res en bedrag")... Siagterskennisgewings...,. Siumopruimingshofkennisgewings, per taal, per perseel... Verlare lewensversekeringspolisse Vorm VL... Tariefper plasing R 8,00 3,50 4,00 7,00 35,00 1, ,

26 26 No GOVERNMENT GAZETIE, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 Non-standardised notrees Rate per insertion R Company notices: Short notices: Meetings, resolutions, offer of compromise, conversion of company, voluntary windings-up; closing of transfer or members' registers and/or declaration of dividends... 17,00 Declaration of dividend with profit statemenls, including noles... 39,50 Long notices: Transfer, changes wilt! respect to shares or capital, redemptions, resolutions, voluntary liquidations... 60,00 liquidator's and other appointees' notices... 11,50 Liquor Licence notices in extraordinary Gazette: (i) Transvaal appear on last Friday but one in June. Closing date for acceptance first Friday in June... 11,50 (ii) Cape appear on last Friday but one In November. Closing date for acceptance first Friday in November... 11,50 (iii) OFS appear on last Friday but one in January. Closing date for acceptance first Friday in January 11,50 (iv) Natal appear on last Friday but one in April. Closing date for acceptance first Friday in April ,50 Late applications for publication in ordinary Government Gazette... 79,50 Orders of the Court: Provisional and final liquidations or sequestrations... 22,50 Reductions or changes in capital, mergers, offer of compromise ,00 JU~~:~s~:~~rsm~~f~:.. ~~~~~~:..~~~..~.~~.. ~i.~.i~~~..~~~ 60,00 Extension of return date.... 7,00 Supersessions and discharge of petitions (J 158) ,00 Sales in executions and other public sales: Sales in execution ,50 PubliC auctions, sales and tenders: 9,00 ~ft~j~~6~js :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 24, to 350 words (more than 350 words-caiculate in accordance with word count table) 37,00 Trade Marks in South West Africa (according to centimetre tariff for department) WORD COUNT TABLE For general notices which do not belong under above-mentioned headings with fixed tariff rates and which comprise or less words, the rates of the word count table must be used. Notices with more than words, or where dol<lbt exists, must be sent in before publication as prescribed in par. 10 (2) of the Conditions. Number of words in copy Aantal woorde in kopie Nie-gestandBrdlseerde kennlsgewlngs Tariefper plasing R Dranklisensie-kennisgewings in buitengewone Staatskoerant, (i) Transvaal verskyn voorlaaste Vrydag in Junie,.. Siullingsdatum vir Indlenmg eerste Vrydag in JUnie 11,50 (II) Kaap. verskyn voorlaaste Vrydag in November. Sluitingsdatum vir indiening eerste Vrydag in November...,...,..., 11,50 (iii) OVS verskyn voorlaaste Vrydag in Januarie. Sluitingsdatum vir indiening eerste Vrydag in Januane,...,...,...,...,...,. 11,50 (iv) Natal verskyn voorlaaste Vrydag in April. Sluitingsdatum vir indiening eerste Vrydag in April 11,50 Laat aansoeke vir plasing in gewone Staatskoerant ,50 Geregtelike en ander open bare verkope: 29,50 gg~en~~~~~~~i~~f.~erkope 'en tenders:,..,...,... Tot 75 woorde.,...,... "..,..,...,...,.. 9,00 76 tot 250 woorde..., , tot 350 woorde (meer as 350 woorde bereken volgens woordetal-tabel) ,00 Handelsmerke in Suidwes-Atrika (volgens sentimeter tariet vir departemente) Likwidateurs en ander aangesteldes se kennisgewings.., 11,50 Maatskappykennisgewings: Kort kennisgewings: Vergaderings, besluite, aanbod van skikking, omskepplng van maatskappy, vrywillige likwidasies, ens.; sluitlng van oordrag- of ledereglsters en/ot verklaring van dividende ,00 Verklanng van dlvtdende met profytstate. notas ingesluil....,...,...,...,..., ,50 Lang kennisgewings: Oordragte, veranderings met betrekking tot aandele ot kapltaal, aflossings. besluite, vrywillige likwidasies ,00 Orders van die Hof: Voorlopige en finale likwidasies of sekwestrasies ,50 Verlaglngs of veranderings in kapitaal, samesmeltings, aanbod van skikking...,...,..., ,00 Geregtelike besture, kurator bonis en soortgelyke en uitgebreide bevele nisi ,00 7,00 ~~~~~~\~IIi~~ ~~e~~~~~gsvan peijsies (j'158) :::::::: 7,00 WOORDETAL-TABEL Vir algemene kennisgewings wat nie onder bovermelde opskrifte met vaste tariewe ressorteer nie en wat of minder woorde beslaan, moet die tabel van woordetal-tariewe gebruik word, Kennisgewings met meer as woorde, of waar twyfel bestaan, moet voorafingestuur word soos in die Voorwaardes par. 10 (2), voorgeskryf: One insertion Eenplasing Two insertions Twee plasings Three insertions Drie plasings R R R , ,50 18,50 27, ,..., ,00 24,00 37, ,..., ,00 31,00 46, , ,00 38,00 55, ,..., ,50 45,00 64, , , , ,...,...,.. 46,00 58,50 83, ,...,..., ,00 65,50 92, ,50 72,50 101, ,00 79,50 110, , ,00 86,00 119, ,00 93,00 129, , ,50 100,00 138, , ,00 107,00 147, , ,00 114,00 156, ,00 121,00 165, ,50 127,50 175, , ,00 134,50 184, , ,00 141,50 193, ,...,..., ,50 183,00 248, ,..., ,00 224,00 303,50 AANSOEKE OM OPENBARE PADVERVOERPERMITIE Sluitingstye vir die aanname van kennlsgewings Kennisgewings moet nie later as 15hOO op die Vry dag, twee kalenderweke voor datum van publikasie, ingedien word nie. APPLICATIONS FOR PUBLIC ROAD CARRIER PERMITS Closing times for the acceptance of notices Notices must be handed in not later than 15hOO on the Friday. two calendar weeks before the date of publi cation.

27 THE GOVERNMENT PRINTER OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED DURING AUGUST 1988 (AUIoc:aI prices are subject to general sales tax) RPREPORTS RP 50/1988-Report of the Auditor-General on the Accounts of the Northern Cape Area Development Board for the financial year ISBN Local R4,85, other countries R5,80. RP 54/1988-Administration: House of Delegates: Annual Report, ISBNO I. Local R42,20, other countries R52,75. RP 55/1988-The Registrar of Friendly Societies: Twenty-fourth Annual Report for the year ended 31 December ISBN X. Local RI,30, other countries R1,70. RP 681l988-Report of the Auditor-General on the Accounts of the Provincial Administration of Natal and Miscellaneous Accounts for ISBN Local RI3,95, other countries RI7,45. RP 80/1988-Report of the Auditor-General on the Accounts of the Provincial Administration of the Cape of Good Hope for , ISBN o Local RI4,40, other countries R18, RP 85/1988-National Manpower Commission: Measures to Counter Cyclical Unemployment in South Africa, ISBN Local R3,05, other countries R3,80. RP 88/1988-Report of the Auditor-General on the Accounts of the Provincial Administration of the Transvaal for ISBN Local RIO,IO, other countries RI2,60. RP 89/1988-Report of the Auditor-General on the Accounts of the Maize Board for the financial year I May 1986 to 30 April ISBN Local RI,40, other countries R1,75. RP 9O/1988-Report of the Auditor-General on the Accounts of the Canning Fruit Board for the period I July 1986 to 30 September ISBN Local RI,48, other countries RI,81. RP 91/1988-Report of the Auditor-General on the Accounts of the Lucerne Sced Board for the financial year I September 1986 to 31 August ISBN Local RI,45, other countries RI,80. N.USCELLANEOUSREPORTS Patent Journal (including Trade Marks, Designs and Copyright in Cinematograph Films). Volume 21, August 1988, No.8. ISSN X, Local R I, other countries R 1,25. Bound volumes of the Government Gazette for January, February and March Local R25 per bound volume, other countries R32 per bound volume. New RSA ediooijs MAPS (Printed from ls July to ls August 1988) 1: STAATSKOERANT,4NOVEMBER 1988 No Edition Dateo! information 2724DA-Norlim.... Second BD--Paul Pietersburg... Second AA-8ulphur Springs... Second BC-Golela.... Third CC-Gluckstad... Second CC-Uitkyk.... Second AD--Rosselerf...,...,... Second BA-8eekoegat.,...,... Second 1987 DIE STAATSDRUKKER AMPTELIKE PUBLIKASIES ONTVANG GEDURENDE AUGUSTUS 1988 (AIle binnelandse pryse onderhewig aan algemene verkoopbelasting) RP VERSLAE RP 50/1988-Verslag van die Ouditeur-generaal oor die Rekeoings van die Ontwikkelingsraad, Noord-Kaapgebied, vir die boekjaar ISBN Plaaslik R4,85, buitelandsr5,80. RP 54/1988-Administrasie: Raad van Afgevaardigdes: Jaarverslag, ISBN I. Plaaslik R42,20, buitelands R52,75. RP 55/1988-Die Registrateur van Onderlinge Hulpverenigings: Vier-entwintigste Jaarverslag vir die jaar geeindig 31 Desember ISBN 0621 J1538 X. Plaaslik RI,30, buitelands RI,70. RP 68/1988-Verslag van die Ouditeur-generaal oor die Rekeoings van die Provinsiale Administrasie van Natal en Diverse Rekenings vir ISBN Plaaslik RI3,95, buitelands R17,45. RP 80/1988-Verslag van die Ouditeur-generaal oor die Rekenings van die Provinsiale Administrasie van die Kaap die Goeie Hoop vir ISBN Plaaslik R14,40, buitelands R18. RP 85/1988-Nasionale Mannekragkommissie: Maatreels om Sikliese Werkloosheid in Suid-Afrika teen Ie werk. ISBN Plaaslik R3,05, buitelands R3,80. RP 88/1988-Verslag van die Ouditeur-generaal oor die Rekenings van die Provinsiale Administrasie van Transvaal, vir ISBN Plaaslik RIO, 10, buitelands RI2,60. RP 89/1988-Verslag van die Ouditeur-generaal oordie Rekenings van die Mielieraad vir die boekjaar 1 Mei 1986 tot 30 April ISBN PlaaslikRI,4O. buitelandsri.75. RP 90/ 1988-Verslag van die Ouditeur-generaal oor die Rekeoings van die Raad vir Inmaakvrugte vir die tydperk I Julie 1986 tot 30 September ISBNO PlaaslikRl,48, buiteiandsrl,81. RP 91/1988-V erslag van die Ouditeur-generaal oor die Rekeoings van die Lusernraad vir die boekjaar I September 1986 tot 31 Augustus ISBN Plaaslik Rl,45, buitelands RI,80. DIVERSE PUBLIKASlES Patentjoernaal (insluitende Handelsmerke, Modelle en Outeursreg in Rolprente). Volume 21, Augustus 1988, No.8. ISSNOO31-286X. Plaaslik Rl, buitelands RI,25. Gebinde dele van die Staatskoerant vir Januarie, Februarie en Maart Plaaslik R25 per gebinde dee!, buitelands R32 per gebinde dee!. Nuwe RSA uitgawes KAARTE (Gt!druk vansr ls Julie tot ls Augustus 1988) 1: Uitgawe Datum van inligting 2724DA-Norlim.... Tweede BD--Paul Pietersburg.... Tweede AA-8ulphur Springs... Tweede BC-Golela...,.. Derde lCC-Gluckstad... Tweede CC-Uitkyk... Tweede AD--Rosse1erf.... Tweede BA-Seekoegat...,... Tweede 1987 New SWA editialjs 1: BB-Woodstock... Second CC-8wakophohe..."... Second DD--Barreshagen... Second 1979 Nuwe SWA ultgawes 1: BB-Woodstock...,... Tweede CC-SwakopMhe... Tweede DD--Barreshagen... Tweede 1979

28 18 No GOVERNMENT GAZETIE. 4 NOVEMBER 1988 Topo reprints 1: DA-MO'~!;k""""""""""""'". 2527AB----Ga- oka DC-He~rt B8--Virgmia CD--Kaapstad CB---Won:ester BA-MitcbeU's Plain... 1:2500lI0 Reprints Durban topo and topo cad CapeTown topo an(! topo cad... 1:500 too Aero o,erprints 3324-Port Elizabeth aero information... Edition Second Third Third Third Sixth Third Fifth First Fifth 1Feb Date of,"'ormation : Topo-benlrukke 2430DA-Mogaba AB----Ga-Ramakoka DC-He~rt..., B8--Virgmia CD-Kaapstad CB---Won:ester BA-Mitcbell's Plain... 1: Benlru.kke Durban topo en topo-kad Cape Town topo en topo-tad... 1: Lu,l-oonlru.kke 3324-Port Elizabeth Luginligting..... Uitgawe Tweede Derde Derde Derde Sesde Derde Vyfde Eerste Vyfde 1Feb Datum van inligting IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT CLOSING TIMES FOR LEGAL NOTICES AND GOVERNMENT NOTICES 1988 The closing time ;s 15hOO sharp on the following days: 8 December, Thursday, for the issue of Thursday, 15 December. 22 December, Thursday, for the issue of Friday 30 December. 29 December, Thursday, for the issue of Friday 6 January. Late notices will be published in the subsequent issue. If, under special circumstances, a late notice is being accepted, a double tariff will be charged. The copy for a separate Government Gazette must be handed in not later than three calender weeks before date of publication. BELANGRIKE AANKONDIGING SLUITINGSTYE VIR WETLIKE KENNISGEWINGS EN GOEWERMENTSKENNISGEWINGS 1988 Die sluitingstyd is stiptelik 15hOO op die volgende dae: 8 Desember, Donderdag, vir die uitgawe van Donderdag 15 Desember. 22 Desember, Donderdag, vir die uitgawe van Vrydag 30 Desember. 29 Desember, Donderdag, vir die uitgawe van Vry.dag 6 Januarie. Laat kennlsgewlngs sal in die daaropvolgende uitgawe geplaas word. Indien 'n laat kennisgewing wei, onder speslale omstandighede aanvaar word, sal'n dubbeltarief gehef word. Wanneer 'n aparte Staatskoerant verlang word moet die kopie drie kalenderweke voor publikasie Ingedien word. Use it. Werk mooi daarmee. Don't abuse water Is for everybody it. Ons leet Cj doorvon, water Is kosbaar

29 STAATSKOERANT, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 NO BUSINESS NOTICES. BESIGHEIDSKENNISGEWINGS ALIENATION, SALES, CHANGES OF PARTNERSHIP, NAME, ADDRESS, ETC. Notice is bereby given in tenns of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, to interested parties and creditors of the intention of alienation of business and/or goodwill, goods or property forming part of businesses, after a period of 30 days from the last publication of relevant advertisements, and of actions, circumstances or conditions pertaining to busmesses or parties or debtors, as mentioned therein. The information, wbere applicable, is given in the following order: (1) Township or district, division, county; (2) seller, trader, partnership; (3) business or trade, kind, name and/or style, and the address at which'carried on; (4) purpose and intent (alienation, sale, abandonment, change or dissolution of partnership, removal or change of address, change of name, cancellation of sale, etc.); conditions, and date or period of time ifother than 30 days; (5) purchaser, new proprietor and/or owner or partner, or contracting party; (6) business and address, if other than under (3); notes, comment; (7) advertiser and/or agent, address and date. VERVREEMDING, VERKOPE, VERANDERINGS VAN VENNOOTSKAP, NAAM, ADRES, ENS. Kennisgewing geskied hiermee in$evolge die bepalings van artikel34 (1) van die Insolvensiewet, No. 24 van 1936, aan belangbebbende partye en slruldelsers van voorgenome vervreemdin~ van besighede enlof klandisie, goedere of eiendom wat 'n deel vorm van besigbede, na 'n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf die laaste publikasie van betrokke advertensies, en van aksies, omstandighede of voorwaardes wat op besigbede of partye of slruldenaars, soos daarin genoem, betrekking bet. Die inligting ~ord, waar van toepassing, verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Dorpsgebied of distrik, afdeling, county; (2) verkoper, handelaar, vennootskap; (3) besigbeid of handel, soort, naam enlof styl, en adres waar gedryf; (4) doel en voomeme (vervreemding, verkoop, oorgawe, verandering of ontbinding van vennootskap, verhuising of adresverandering, naarnverandering, kansellasie van verkoop, ens.); voorwaardes, en datum of tydperk indien anders as 30 dae; (5) koper, nuwe besitter enlof eienaar of vennoot, of kontrak:terende party; (6) besigheid en adres, indien anders as onder (3); opmerkings, kommentaar; (7) adverteerder enlof agent, adres en datum. TRANSVAAL Industria West. (2) Edgar Jose Correia. (3) Maraisburg Food Centre, 19a Maraisburg Road, Industria West, Johannesburg. (4) Alienation. (5) Francisco Abreu and Joao Marques de Sousa. (6)-. (7) Hertzberg-Margolis, P.O. Box 6892, Johannesburg, VERKOOP V AN HANDELSAAK Kennisgewing geslded hiermee kragtens artikel 34 van die Insolvensiewet, No. 24 van 1936, soos gewysig, dat Bnthro B.K. wat 'n handelsaak. bekend as 'Nashua Data Products' te 4de Vloer Sablesen~m, Braamfontein, Johannesburg bedryf, voornernens is om die genoemde saak. tesame met al sy bates te verkoop aan Nashua Beperk met effek dertig (30) dae na verloop van hierdie advertensie, vanaf welke datum die koper dit by dieselfde adres en onder dieselfde naam sal voortsit vir sy eie rekening en voordee!' Grobbelaar, Van Zyl, Eerste Verdieping, Randhill, Bordeauxrylaan 104, Randburg. TeL No: Johannesburg. (2) Americo Guerriero dos Santos. (3) Costa's Fast Food&, Louis Botha Avenue, Johannesburg (Stand 772, Kew). (4) Alienation. (5) Ivan Lucic. (6)-. (7) Hertzberg-Margolis, P.O. Box 6892, Johannesburg, Secunda. (2) FOlios Bisseas. (3) Eight~To-Nine Bakery, Driefontein Shopping Centre, off President Swart and Pieter Venning Streets, Secunda. (4) Sale. (5) Demetrios Kanis and Panayiotis Kanis. (6)-. (7) Goldblatt Bloch Edelstein and Gross, Box 899, Charter House, 179 Bosman Street, Pretoria. Ref: 9069/12. JobaJmesburg. (2) Gunter Heinz Rostek. (3) Sew Easy, 35 Sixth Street, Linden, Johannesburg. (4) Sale. (5) Lirpa Enid Kuntz. (6) Sew Easy, 30 Parkmore Road, Klippoortjie, Germiston. (7) Galloways, P.O. Box 322, Boksburg, 1460, 19110/88. Klerksdorp. (2) Hester Hermina Joubert. (3) Babyland, Tikvah Huise, Andersonstraat54 (a) en (b). (4) Verkoop. (5) Johanna Sophia Badenhorst. (6)-. (7) Meyer Van Sittert& Kropman, Permanente Gebou, Boomstraat, Posbus 91, Klerksdorp, Ermelo. (2)Mara de Jager. (3) Haarkappersalonbesigheid, Pompadour's, Kerkstraat 95, Ermelo. (4) Verkoop. (5) Thomas Stephanus van Rooyen. (6)-. (7) Dr. M. M. Nolte, Posbus 114. Ermelo, Pretoria. (2) F. E. Stanley, A. W. Stuart and D. J. Stanley. (3) Heidiland K1euterskool, Bessieboslaan 234, Wonderboom. (4) Verkoop, 15 Desember (5) Nico Botha. (6)-. (7) Weavind & Weavind, Posbus 34, Pretoria, 25/10/88. Pretoria. (2) Nicolaas Jacobus van den Heever. (3) One Stop Hardeware. (4) Verkoop. (5) Christian Madgwick en Rudolf Siegrist. (6)-. (7) Meintjes & Petzer, Posbus 4227, Pretoria, Pretoria. (2) Reginald Ramsden. (3) M. R. Crusty Club, Inkoopsentrum, Dealyweg, Hazelwood, Pretoria. (4) Verkoop van besigheid. (5) Valeria Hanison. (6)-. (7) Blom & Kotze Ing., Winkel No. 17, Louis Pasteurgebou, Prinsloostraat, Pretoria. NOTICE OF SALE OF BUSINESS Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 of Act 24 of 1936 that it is the intention of Speedbird Trucking C.C. and DB Transport C.C. carrying on business as transport contractors, and Radial Tyre Specialist C.C. carrying on business as tyre retailers at 62 Harden Avenue, Seaview, Durban, to dispose of their respective businesses to Imperial Transport Sen-kes (Pty) Limited on 12 December 1988 which will thereafter carry on the said businesses for its own account. Fluxman Rabinowitz & Rubenstein, Purchaser'S Attorney, P.O. Box 7140, Johannesburg. (Ref. MSBIJS.) Alberton. (2) Malisco Plastic & Metal Components Close Corporation. (3) 20 Tarry Road, Alrode South, Alberton. (4) Alienation. (5) Chemtrend Equipment (Proprietary) Limited. (6)-. (7) Hertzberg-Margolis, P.O. Box 6892, Johannesburg, Pokhefstroom. (2) Johannes Jacobus van Wyk. (3) H. J.'s Fast Foods and Snack Shack, Winkel No.2, Checkers Sentrum, hlv Lombard- en Mooirivierrylaan, Potchefstroom. (4) Verkoop. (5) Susanna Elizabeth Dave!. (6)-. (7) James Moodie & Vennote, Posbus 2, Potchefstroom, 270ktober NOTICEOFSALEOFBUS~S Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, as amended. that the business known as Pollack Park Butchery which was conducted in a building on Stand 149, West Springs Road, Pollack Park, Springs, by Joao Agostinho Alves Pita, has been sold and it is his intention to alienate the assets of the business after the expiry of a period of 30 (thirty) days from the last publication of this Notice to Manuel Grigorio cia SUva, which will thereafter carry on the said business at the same address and under the same style for its own account and benefit. C. Kripotos, for A. E. Cook, Cook & Falconer, Attorney for the Parties, Second Floor, Permanent Buildings, 47 Princes Avenue; P.O. Box 52, Benoni. Telephone No

30 30 No GOVERNMENT GAZEITE, 4 NOVEMBER tustenburg. (2) Anastasios Zahos.i(3) Highway Cafe, hlv Malan- en Van Stadenstraat, Rustenburg, (4) Verkoop. (5) Jose Manuel Ferreira. (6)-. (7) Jac H. Smit Leonard & Breytelllbach, Posbus 75, Rustenburg, Boksburg. (2) Chris Lucas and Rajrmond Reid. (3) Gemturn Marine & Security, 112 All Black Road, Unit A3, Boksburg North. (4) Dissolution of partnership, 30 September (5)-. $)-. (7)T. A. MacPberson, P.O. Box 14035, Farrarrnere, Boksburg. (2) Efstratios Christof<Jrakis. (3) Welcome Cafe, Welcome Shopping Centre, Breyerspark, Boksburg. (4) Sale of business. (5) J080 ArlindoCarvalho Paixao. (6)-. (7)Jo~Tsalavoutas, P.O. Box 9370, Johannesburg, 2000, 26 October Berea. (2) Meyer and Faure. (3) S'Prisco Style Hairdressing, Selwood Mews, 3 O'Reilly Road, Berea. (4) Sale. (5) Desmond Neville Hessel. (6)-. (7) Multi Business Brokers, P.O. Box 5l85, Johannesburg. Tel: Randburg. (2) Nathaniel James B;uyns. (3) One Stop Second Shop, 161 Hendrik Verwoerd Drive, Randburg. (4) Sale. (5) Kenneth Brady. (6)-. (7) Multi Business Brokers, P.O. Box 5,85. Johannesburg. Tel: Benoni. (2) MacCabee Restaurat1t CC (No. CK871099(3/23). (3) MacCabee Restaurant, 50b Woburn Avenue, Benoni. (4) Sale. (5) Amanda Stuckler. (6)-. (7) Blumenthal & Slotqw, Fourth Floor, Rand Central, 165 Jeppe Street; P.O. Box Johannesburg. October Krugersdorp. (2) Nicholas Efstathiou. (3) Steers. Checkers Centre. 244 Voortrekker Road, Monument, Krugersdorp. (4) Sale. (5) Raymond Arthur Lever. (6)-. (7) Kokkoris & Christelis, P.O. Box 411, Johannesburg. SALE OF BUSINESS Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 of Act 24 of 1936 (as amended) that it is the intention of Brian Nagle clu'l)'ing on business as Glendower Pharmacy at 74 Dunvegan Street, Dunvegan, Edenvale to dispose of the said business together with all assets thereof on the 31st October 1988, to Rouald Yale Marcus, who will tbereafter carry on the said business under the same name and style at the same address for his own account and benefit. Dated at Johannesburg on this 21st day ofoctober William M Salakoff, Attorney for Brian Nagle, 72177, Fourth Floor, Shakespeare House. 114 Commissioner Street, 10hannesburg; P.O. Box hannesburg /5. SALE OF BUSINESS Notice is hereby given in terms af section 34 of Act 32/1936 as amended, that it is the intention of Rlcbard du Plessis Barry, carrying on business under the name and style of Wadev~ Pharmacy at the corner of Osborne & Randell Streets, Wadeville. Germiston, to dispose of the said business after expiration of (30) thirty days from tbe last day of publication hereof to Cornish Henry CC, who will carry on the said business at the same address for its own benefit and account. C. F. van Coiler, Atttorneys, Suite Argosy House, Spilsbury Street, Germiston /8/9.. NOTICE In terms of section 34 (1) of Act No. 24 ofl936 as amended, OUviero Paronitti (conducting business under the style of C. P. W. Engineering) at 8 Simba Road, Sebenza, Edenvale, btreby gives notice of his intention to dispose of certain of the assets of the said business to The Wits I..easIng Corporation Limited of 17th Floor, Sandton City. Sandton upon the expiration of thirty (30) days reckoned from the date of the last publication of this Notice. Lazzara-Leicher-Fizzotti, Sellers Attorneys, 8th Floor, Kelbof, 112 Pritchard Street; P.O. Box 6522, Johannesburg. M. Chimes. Purchaser's AttornClY, Fifth Floor, Schreiner Chambers, 94 Pritchard Street. Johannesburg. NIR 03(012). SALE OF EQUIPMENT In terms of section 34 (1) of tile Insolvency Act, No. 24 of Action Brake and Clutcb (Proprietary) Limited conducting business under the style of Tomwill Brake and Clutcb/at 83 Mirnetes Street, Denver Ext. 4. Johannesburg, hereby gives notice ofthe sale and transfer, 30 (thirty) days after publication hereof, of one only Lujnsden 750 rom Wheel. Vertical Axis Surface Grinder witb Magnetic Chuck 1.8 )( 0.6 m complete. having serial number L and one only Scle4um Type RTl7Y Surface Grinder, with 425 rom Wheel and Magnetic Chuck Size 400 x 300 rom complete. having serial number to Martello Machine Tools. Christopher 1. Theo, P.O. Box 9077, Johannesburg, CAPE. KAAP.Kimberley. (2) Trevor Pikwal\e, Identity No (3) Trevenco Bottle Store. Erf 15949, Eagle Street, Roodepan, Kimberley. (4) Sale. (5)'De Keur Vrogte Kwekers (Eiendoms) Beperk, Reg. No (6) 45 Vos Street, Ceres, (7) Raux, Welgemoed & Partners, P.O. Box 720, Kimberley, Queenstown. (2) Thomas Taverner Taylor. (3) Taxi Cafe, 33 Calderwood Street, Queenstown. (4) Sale. (5) Casamia Housing CC, No. CK 87/28412/23. (6)-. (7) Laubser & Jocelyn, P.O. Box 187, Queenstown..Kimberley. (2) Arthur Alfref Watridge. (3) Midnite Cafe Sweets, Takeaway Foods, Magazines, Cigarettes, Soft Drinks and the Like. 4 Roper Street, Kimberley. (4) Sale--to be,ffective after expiry of a period of30 days from the last publication of this notice-retrospectively to 1October (5) Ghamin Cader. (6)-. (7) Adrian B. Horwitz & Associates, First Floor, Plims Centre, Chapel Street, Kimberley, 8301; P.O. Box NOTICE OF SALE OF BUSINESS Notice is hereby given in te~ of section 34 (I) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, as amended. to interested parties and creditors that the practice known as Ellis Janks P!tysiotberapist has sold as a going concern its business relating to Physiotherapy together with the equipment used in the conduct of the said business wjth effect as and from the 1st day of November 1988, to the practice Carstens, MuUlgan and Natban which will carry on the said business at 725 Medipatk, Foreshore for its own account and benefit. Dated at Cape Town this 18tnday of October Finlay and Tait lncorporated,.purchaser's Attorneys, SA Reserve Bank Building, 30 Hout Street. Cape Town. Fort Beaufort. (2) Achilles J<.omvos. (3) Videoland at 40 Durban Street, Fort Beaufort. (4) Sale. (5) Leon Francois Ie Roux. (6)-. (7) Hanesworth & Nienaber, 37 Henrietta Street, Fort Beaufort, 21 October Cape Town. (2) Norman 10M Russell. (3) Brunswick Bar, 17a Bree Street, Cape Town. (4) Sale. (5) Lewis Conan (Pty) Ltd, represented by Phillip Ray Ballentine. (6)-. (7) Investa; 63 Somerset Road, Green Point, 800 I. Woodstock. (2) Andrew CainpbeU Shand. (3) Latin Quarters, situate at 6 Beach Road, Woodstock. (4) Sale. (5) Fiennes Financial Enterprises Cc. (6)c/o H. P. H. Cooke, Bentwooq, Valley Road, Houtbay. (7) HeroldGie & Broadhead Inc., 8 Darling Street, CapeTown, 24/10/88. Durbanville. (2) Custodio de Sousa Rodrigues. (3) Sonstraal Supermarket, hlv Hebron en Fisantstraat, Sonstraal. Durbanville. (4) Verkoop van besigbeid. (5) Hyperette (Edms.) Bpk. (6) The Hyperette. (7) Pepkor Beperk, Posbus 6100, Parow-Oos, 7500.

31 STAATSKOERANT, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No NATAL Amanzimtoti. (2) Trader. (3) Second Hand Dealer, trading as Discount Deals, Shop 1 and 2, Adonis BuUding, Main Road, Doonside. (4) Sale. (5) Lorraine Frances van Rensburg. (6}-. (7) W. Macqueen, P.O. Box 16, Pinetown, Tel: Telex Eshowe. (2) Kevin Neill Purvis. (3) Hamburger Den and Redcoat Restaurant (General Dealer), 25 Osborn Road, Eshowe. (4) Alienation of business. (5) Leif Hendrik Dahl. (6) The Family Kitchen. (7) W. E. White, Star Theatre Building, 19 Osborn Road, P.O. Box 131, Eshowe, 3815, 13 October SALE OF BUSINESS Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 of Act , as amended, that it is the intention Maria Magdalena Harris carrying on business under the name and style of The Pantry, 143 Church Street, Pieterrnaritzburg, to dispose of the business after the expiration of thirty (30) days, from the last day of publication hereof to Pedro Natividade Fernandes Ferreira carrying on the said business at the same address for his own benefit and account. Dated at Pieterrnaritzburg this 17th day of October 1988, p, N, F. Ferreira, 143 Church Street, Pieterrnaritzburg, NOTICE OF SALE OF BUSINESS Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 (1) of the lnsolvency Act, No. 24 of 1939, that it is the intention of Abdulbuk Suleman, presently conducting a business under the name of Tote Tea Room at Shops 8 and 9, Lion's River Shopping Centre, Howick, Natal, to transfer the said business, the assets and goodwill, within thirty (30) days after the last publication of this notice to Evangelos Eleftherio, who will conduct the business under the same name and with the same address for his own account. R. I. Lister, for Lister & Lister, Attorney for Selier, P.O. Box 144, Pieterrnaritzburg, 32'JO. SALE OF BUSINESS In terms of section 34 (I) of the lnsolvency Act, No. 24 of 1938, Jobo Lamberti, conducting business under the style of Pioneer Bakery at 50 Frikkie Meyer Avenue, Newcastle, is hreby giving notice of his sale and of transfer, 30 days after publication hereof to Madadeni Bakery, who will carry on the said business for its own benefit and account. M. 1. Hopkins, for Hopkins & Southey, Office No. 12, Upper Ground Roor, S A Perm Arcade, 58 Scott Street; P.O. Box 3108, Newcastle. Durban. (2) Edwin Frederick James Edmunds. (3) Transmower, 206 Marine Drive, Brighton Beach. (4) Change of ownership. (5) Willem Johannes Struwig. (6}-. (7) T. A. R. Estate Agents, 218 Berea Road, Berea. Durban. (2) B. Schrefl. (3) Bavaria Delicatessen Inn, Shop 3 and 4, Westcliff, 127 West Street, Durban. (4) Sale, 1 November (5) M. Mahomed. (6}-. (7) M. Mahomed, P.O. Box 717, Durban, ORANGE FREE STATE ORANJE VRYSTAAT Bloemfontein. (2) Raymond Jacobus Thomas Maria Lans. (3) Venter Fietswinkel, Blignautstraat 41, Hilton, Bloemfontein. (4) Verkoop. (5) Christoffel Hendrik Beylefeld. (6)--. (7) Wessels & Smith, Posbus 721, Welkom, 9460, 18 Oktober Virginia. (2) Constantinos Bikos. (3) Can Can Eating House and Beer Garden, Erf 4694, corner of Virginia and Theunissen Way, Virginia. (4) Sale. (5) Jose Goncalves Barbosa. (6)-. (7) Wessels & Smith, P.O. Box 721, Welkom, Bosbof. (2) Jacobus Philippus Snyman. (3) Boshof Minimark, Jacobsstraat 60, Boshof, (4) Verkoop van besigheid. (5) Catharina Maria Botes. (6}-. (7) J. J. Beylefeld, Beylefeld& Vereueil, Posbus 230, Boshof, 17 Oktober VERKOOP VAN BESIGHEID Kennis geskied hiermee dat ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 43 (I) van die Wet No. 24/1936 aan belanghebbende partye en skuldeisers van voorgenoeme vervreemding van besigheid enlof klandisie. goedere of eiendom wat 'n deel vorm van die besigheid na 'n tydperk van 30 (dertig) dae vanaf die laaste publikasie van betrokke advertensie. en van aksies, omstandighede of voorwaardes wat op besighede of partye of skuldenaars soos daarin genoem betrekking het naamlik 'n sekere besigheid bekend as V I P Supermark, Von Lingenstraat, Erf 238, Bothaville verkoop deur Andries Johannes Oostbuizen aan Jacob Johannes Booyeos wie verder handel gaan dryf onder die handelsnaam V I P Supermark en by dieselfde adres. Getelcen te Bothaville op hierdie 18de dag van Oktober Bock & Van Es, Presidentstraat 44, Posbus 11, Bothaville. Theunissen. (2) G. J. Heersink. (3) Theunissen Bakery, Erven 140 and 140b, situate in Andries Pretorius Street, Theunissen. (4) Sale of business. (5) Tiger Bakeries Limited. (6}-. (7) Raphaely-Weiner, Eighth Roor, Nedbank Mall, 145 Commissioner Street, Johannesburg; P.O. Box 2590, Johannesburg, 2000, 25/10/88. (Ref: W.l du Plessis.) Theunissen. (2) G. J. Heersink. (3) Theunissen Bakkery, Err 140 en 140b in Andries Pretoriusstraat, Theunissen. (4) Verkoop van besigheid. (5) Tiger Bakeries Limited. (6}-. (7) Raphaely-Weiner, Eighth Roor, Nedbank Mall, 145 Commissioner Street, Johannesburg; P.O. Box 2590, Johannesburg, /10/88. (Ref: W. J. du Plessis.) CIocolan. (2) Theo Scheepers, Piet Retiefstraat 5, Clocolan. (3) Clocolan Motorhawe, President Brandstraat 1, Clocolan. (4) Verkoop van besigheid. (5) Shell South Africa (Edms.) Beperk. (6) Steinbach & Oelofsen, Chari Cellierslaan 5, Clocolan; Posbus 5, Clocolan. (7) Gildenhuys van der Merwe, Pretoria. VERVREEMDING VAN BESIGHEID Kennisgewing geskied hiermee in terme van artikel 34 (1) van die Insolvensiewetno. 24 van 1936, dat Manuel Jorge Pardau en Abel Jorge Pardau van voorneme is om hulle besigheid bekend as Wesselsbron Supermark en Bakkery, gelee te P Louis Kotzestraat 34, Wesselsbron, te verkoop aan KUDO Manuel Agrela Goncalves, Pedro lnacio de Castro en Joao Batista Freitas de Castro, wat die besigheid onder dieselfde naam, Wesselsbron Supermark en Bakkery vir hulle eie rekening sal voortsit vanaf I November COMPANY NOTICES MAATSKAPPYKENNISGEWINGS TRANSVAAL PROGRESS INDUSTRIES LIMITED REG. No. 05/18923/06 (lncorporated in the Republic of South Africa) DECLARAnON OF DIVIDEND Notice is hereby given that Preference Dividend No. 86 of 6 cents per share has been declared payable to holder registered in the books of the company at close of business on 25 November 1988.

32 32 No GOVERNMENT GAZETIE, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 For this purpose, the preference SI:jare Register ofthe company will be closed from 26 November 1988 to 3 December 1988, both days inclusive. Dividend warrants will be posted tp shareholders on or about 31 December Non-Resident Shareholders' Tax will be deducted from the dividends of Shareholders whose registered addresses are outside the Republic of South Africa. By Order of the Board.-L. M. Epstein, Director. PROGRESS INDUSTRIES LIMITED REG. No. 05/18923/06 (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa) DECLARATION OF DNIDEND Notice is hereby given that Orqinary Dividend No. 46 of 17 cents per share has been declared payable to holder registered in the books of the company at close of business on 25 Nl/lvember For this purpose, the ordinary Sl1ire Register of the company will be closed from 26 November 1988 to 3 December 1988, both days inclusive. Dividend warrants will be posted to shareholders on or about 31 December Non-Resident Shareholders' Tat will be deducted from the dividends of Shareholders whose registered addresses are outside the Republic of South Africa. By Order ofthe Board.-L. M. Epstein, Director. CNA GALLO LIMITED Registration No. 05/08061/06 DECLARATION OF 5 % CUMULATIVE PREFERENCE DNIDEND No % Cumulative Preference Dhlidend No. 105 for the half year ending 30 November 1988 (equivaientto 5 cents per share) has been declared and will be paid on 1December 1988 to 5 % umulative preference shareholders registered at close of business on 4 November Where applicable Non-Residen~ Shareholders' Tax at the appropriate rate will be deducted from the divideod. The trdnsfer books and register of members in respect of 5 cumulative preference shares will be closed from 5 November 1988 to 12 November 1988, both days inclusive. By Order of the Board.-M. C. H. James, Secretary. FENNER GROUP SA LIMITED Registration No. 05/26452/06 DECLARATION OF DNIDEND No.3 CLOSING OF TRANSFER REGISTERS For the purpose of effecting payment of Dividend No. 3 on the ordinary shares which has been declared payable to shareholders registered on Friday, 18 November 1988, the ordinary!tansfer register and the ordinary section of register of members in the Republic of South Africa will be closed from 19 November to 25 November 1988, both days inclusive. By Order of the Board.-F. van Wyk, A.C.I.S., Secretary. Registered Office: 17 Diesel Road. Isando, Transvaal, 1600; P.O. Box 41, Isando, Transfer Secretaries: Unidev Registrars Limited, 94 President Street, Johannesburg, 200 I ; P.O. Box Johannesburg, THE ASSOCIATED ORE & METAL CORPORATION LIMITED Registration No. 05/ (Incorporated in the Republic ofsouth Africa) CLOSING OF REGISTERS Notice is hereby given that the Share Transfer Books and Register of Members will be closed from 24 November 1988 to I December 1988, both days inclusive. By Order of the Board.-G. English, Secretary. Office of the Transfer Secretaries: Union Provident Trust South Africa Limited. Twentieth Floor, Bank of Lisbon Building. 37 Sauljr Street (P.O. Box 2322), Johannesburg.. DERINZY INVESTMENTS (EDMS.) BEPERK REGISTRASIE No. 07/02320/07 VRYWILLIGE LIKWIDASlE Kennis word hiermee gegee:dat die volgende Spesiale Besluit op 'n A1gemene Vergadering van lede gehou op 28 September 1988 geneem is: Besluit dat: I. Die maatskappy vrywillig gelikwideer word ingevolge artikel 349 van die Maatskappywet. 1973, en dat dit. n vrywillige likwidasie deur lede sal wees. 2. Die Meester van die Hooggeregshof ingevolge artikel 350 (1) (a) (ii) van die Maatskappywet, 1973, versoek word om af te sien van die verskaffing van sekerheid vir die betaling van die maatskappy se skulde., 3. Petrus Gerhardus Greylillg (LD. No. 57( ). 'r vennoot van die ouditeursftrma Wiehahn Meyemel, as likwidateur van die maatskappy benoem word. 4. Die likwidateur se vergqeding RI 000 sal bedra. 5. Die likwidateur vrygestel word van die lewering van sekerheid ingevolge artikel375 (1) van die Maatskappywet, Aan die likwidateur allemagte gegee word soos uiteengesit in artikel386 van die Maatskappywet, Die likwidateur gemagtlg word om die boeke en dokumente van hierdie maatskappy ses (6) maande na bekragtiging van die Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening deur die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, te vemietig ,-1

33 STAATSKOERANT,4NOVEMBER 1988 No WRAINE GOLD MINES, LIMITED CLOSING OF TRANSFER BOOKS AND REGISTERS OF MEMBERS Notice is hereby given that a dividend having been declared payable to members registered in the books of the Company at the close of business on 18 November the transfer books and registers of members will be closed from 19 to 25 November 1988, both days inclusive. By Order ofthe Board.-Anglovaal Limited, Secretaries, per K. G. Williams, Johannesburg. 25 October ANGLOV AAL GROUP CLOSING OF TRANSFER BOOKS AND REGISTERS OF MEMBERS Notice is hereby given that dividends having been declared payable to members registered in the books of the undermentioned companies at the close of business on 25 November 1988, the transfer books and registers of members will be closed from 26 November to 2 December 1988, both days inclusive: Name ofcompany Reg. No. Classofshare Anglovaal Limited /06 6% Cum red pref. Anglovaal Limited /06 5% Cum red second pref. Anglo-Transvaal Collieries, Limited %Cumpref. Anglovaallndustries Ud.. :... 05/ ,5% Cum pref. Anglovaallndustries Ltd... 05/ % Red cum pref. T W Beckett and Company Ud %Cumpref. Claude Neon Lights (SA) Ud ,5% Cum pref. Middle Witwatersrand (Western Areas) Limited /06 8% Red cum pref. Soutb Atlantic Corp. Ud ,5% Red cum pref. South Atlantic Corp. Ud... 04/02398/06 8% Red cum pref. By Order of the Boards.-AnglovaaI Limited, Secretaries, per E. G. D. Gordon, Johannesburg, 2 November CAPE. KAAP B. A. C. DREYER INVESTMENTS (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED VOLUNTARY WINDING UP Notice is hereby given that the following special resolution was unanimously passed on the 7th October 1988: 1.1 That the Company be wound up voluntarily by means of a Members Voluntary Winding-Up in accordance with the provisions of section 349 (b) of the Companies Act of 1973; 1.2 and that Denis James Lloyd be nominated in terms of section 350 (a) of the Companies Act of 1973 as Liquidator with all the powers and authorities conferred and allowed by the said Act; 1.3 and that the said Liquidator shall not be required to furnish security in terms of section 375 (i) of the Companies Act of 1973 for the due performance of his duties; 1.4 and that the remuneration of the Liquidator is to be fixed at R780,00; 1.5 and that in terms of the section 422 (1) (b) of the Companies Act of 1973 the Liquidator is hereby authorised to dispose of the books, papers and records of the Company by destroying them or procuring their destruction upon the confirmation of the Liquidation and Distribution Account by the Master ofthe Supreme Court. Walker Malherbe Godley & Field, P.O. Box 254, Cape Town, 8000, 17 October Gekonsolideerde inkomstestaat SHOPRITE HOLDINGS BEPERK (Registrasie No. 70/09(54106) Getal winkels: 36 Omset styg: 44 % Verdienste styg: 50 % Tussentydse Winsaankondiging vir die tydperk geeindig 31 Augustus 1988 Ongeouditeerd Ongeouditeerd Geouditeerd 6 maande tot 6 maande tot Verskil 12 maande tot /8/87 % 29/2188 R'OOO R'OOO R'OOO Omset , , ,363 Bedryfswins... 4,392 3, ,857 Rente betaal Wins voor belasting... 4,342 3, ,857 Beiasting , ,74(j Netto wins voor verdienste van verwante maatskappye 2,741 1, ,111 Toeskryfbare (verlies)lverdienste van verwante maatskappye... (3) (28) 15 Netto wins na belasting... 2,738 1, ,126 Verdienste per aandeel (sent) Dividend per aandeel (sent) Dividenddekking (keer)...,

34 34 No GOVERNMENT GAZETIE, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 Verkorte gekol1$olideerde balansstaat Ongeouditeerd R'OOO Ongeouditeerd R'OOO Geouditeerd 2912/88 R'OOO Pennanente kapitaal..... Skuld , , , Kapitaal aangewend ,915 12,187 13,415 Verteenwoordig deur- Vaste bates... Beleggings.... Bedxyfsbates.... 8, ,543 7, ,712 8, ,804 Totale bates..... Rentevrye laste..., 77,509 62,594 49,799 37,612 59,101 45,686 Kapitaal aangewend ,915 12,187 13,415 KOMMENTAAR OP RESULTATE 1. Die handelsresultate gedurende die eerste ses maande van die huidige fmansiele jaar was bevredigend. Die omset van R158 miljoen was 44 persent hoer as die vir die vergelykende tydjx1rk verlede jaar. terwyl die verdienste met 50 persent tot 9.3 sent per aandeel gestyg het. 2. Twee nuwe takke is gedurendc: die verslagtydperk geopen, en albei lewer resultate bo ons vooruitskattings. 3. Drie verdere winkels word beplan om oopgemaak te word voor die einde van die jaar, en salons omset groei verder verstewig. VOORUITSIGTE 4. Ten spyte van die verswakkillg in die ekonomiese toestand, behoort dit nie ons besigheid se voedsel en nie-voedsel produkte teen mededingende pxyse veel te bemvloed nie. Die onl~gse verhoging in bo-belasting tariewe op ingevoerde goedere sal die effek he dat marges effens sal daal Tensy iets onvoorsiens gebeur, is die direksie va vertroue dat 'n bestendige groei gehandhaaf kan word. DIVIDEND 5. Die Direkteure het 'n tussentydse dividend van 3.75 sent per aandeel verklaar betaalbaar op 2 Desember 1988 aan die aandeelhouers geregistreer in die maatskappy se register van gewone aandeelhouers teen kantoorsluiting op 18 November Buitelandse aandeelhouersbelasting van 15 persent sal afgetrek word van dividende beta~lbaar aan aandeelhouers wie se adresse, buite die Republiek van Suid-Afrika is. In Opdragvan die Direksie.-{:. H. Wiese, Voorsitter, J. W. Basson, Besturende Direkteur, Parow, 180ktober NATAL TELFORDS HOWINGS (PROPRlETARY) LIMITED Notice is hereby given that in terms of section 356 (2) of the Companies Act, 1973, as amended, that the undernoted Special Resolutions to wind-up voluntarily which were passed at a Meeting of Members called for that purpose on 28 September 1988 were registered by the Registrar of Companies on 17 October 1988: 1. That the Company be and is hereby placed into voluntaty liquidation as a members' winding-up. 2. That Michael Lloyd Mylrea be and is hereby appointed Liquidator and that in terms of section 375 (1) of the Companies Act, 1973, as amended, no security need be provided by the Liquidator. 3. That the remuneration of the Liquidator shall not exceed the tariff prescribed under the Insolvency Act. 4. That the books and records of the Company be destroyed six months after conflmj.ation by the Master of the Supreme Court of the Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. M. L. Mylrea, 450 Mansion Hoose, 12 Field Street, Durban, DOUG. MUR.OOCH INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD Registration No /07 Special Resolution Date notice given to members: 15 July Date resolution passed: 8 August Resolved that the company be liquidated by process of a members' voluntary winding-up in terms of section 350 of the Companies Act, No. 61 of 1973, and that Ronald Walker be anji he is hereby appointed liquidator with all such powers and authorities as are allowed by Law and, without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, particularly with the following special powers, namely: (a) To take upon himself and as~ume all of those powers conferred upon a liquidator by section 386 of the Companies Act, No. 61 of 1973, including the special powers referred to by subsection 4 of that section; (b) to sign any and all documellts for and on behalf of the company, including such documents as may be necessary for the passing of transfer of the company's assets; (c) to do all such other acts, matters and things as may be necessary for the proper carrying out of any of the above powers or for completing the business of the company and the beneficial winding-up thereof with power to delegate his authority from time to time to some other person or persons; (d) to dispense with the lodging of any security by the liquidator to the Master of the Supreme Court for the due performance of his duties in terms of the provisions of section 375 (l)ofttie Companies Act, No. 61 of 1973; (e) to determine that the remuneration ofthe liquidator shall be RSOO (five hundred rand); (f) to destroy the books, papers and records of the company six months after the issue by the Master of the Supreme Court of the certificate in terms of section 419 (I) of the Companies Act, R. Walker, Manager, 30 August 1988.

35 STAATSKOERANT, 4 NOVEMBER No.. q563» ',','V'" BRYAN VAvms HOLDINGS (PTY)LTD' ~tionno Special Resolution Date notice given to members: 15 July Date resolution passed: 8 August Resolved that the company be liquidated by process of a members' voluntary winding-up in terms of section 350 of the Companies AGt, No. 61 of 1973, and thatrooajd Walker be and he is hereby appointed liquidator with all such powers and authorities as are ajlowed by law and, without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, particularly with the following special powers, namely: (a) To take upon himself and assume aji ofthose powers conferred upon a liquidator by section 386 ofthe Companies Act, No. 61 of 1m; including the special powers referred to by subsection 4 of that section; '. '.. (b) to sign any and aji documents for and on behalf of the company, including such documents as may be necessary for the passing of transfer of the company's assets; (c) to do all such other acts, matters and things as may be necessary for the proper carrying out of any of the above powers or for c6tnpletingthe bnsiness ofthe company and the beneficial winding-up thereof with power to delegate his authority from time to time to some other person or persons;., (d) to dispense with the lodging of any security by the Iiquidatono the Master of the Supreme Court for the due performance of his dut~s in terms of the provisions of section 375 (1) of the Companies Act, No.. 61 of 1.973; (e) to determine that the remuneration of the liquidator shaji be R500 (five hundred rand);. (1) to destroy the books, papers and records of the. company six months after the issue by the Master of the Supreme Court~ the certific,ate in tenns of section 419 (l) of the ComPanies Act, R. Walker, Manager, 30 August RAYMOND DAVIES HOLDINGS (PrY) LTD Registration No. ~ Special Resolution Date notice given to members: 15 July Date resolution passed: 8 August Resolved that the company be liquidated by process of a members'voluiitary Winding-up in terms of section 350 of thecompames Ai:t, No. 61 of 1973, and that Ronald Walker be and he is hereby appointed liquidator with aji such powers and authorities as are ajlowed by law and, without prejudice to the generality ofthe foregoing, particularly with the following special powers, namely:. (a) To take upon himself and assume aji of those powers conferred upon a liquidator by section 386 of the Companies Act, No. 61 of 1973, including the special powers referred to by subsection 4 of that section; (b) to sign any and all documents for and on bebalf ofthe company, including such docllil!ents as may be necessary for the passing of transfer of the company's assc;ts; (c) to do aji such other acts, matters and things as may be necessary for th~ proper carrying oot of any of the above powers or for completing the business of the company and the beneficial winding-up thereof with power to delegate his authority from tune to time to some other person ot persons; (d) to dispense with the lodging of any security by the liquidator to the Mastetofthe Supn.lme Court fur the due periori:nililce of his duties in terms of the provisions of section 375 (I) of the Companies Act, No. 61 of 1973;. (e) to determine that the remuneratioo ofthe liquidator shajj be RSOO (five hundred rand); (1) to destroy the books, papers and records of the cofupany six months after the issue by the Master of the S~preme Coort ofthe certificate in terms ofsection 419 (l) of the Companies Act, R. Walker, Manager, 30 August RAY~fROPERT~(FnOLTD RegIstration No /07 Special Resolution Date notice given to members: 15 July Date resolution passed: 8 August Resolved that the company be liquidated by process of a members' voluntary winding-up in terms of section 350 ofth~ Companies Act, No. 61 of 1973, and that Ronal~ Walker be and he is hereby appointed liquidator with all such powers. and authorities as are allowed by law and, without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, particularly with the following special powers, namely: (a) To take upon himself and assume all ofthose powers conferred upon a liquidator by section 386 oftlk: Companies Act, No..61 of 1973, including the special powers referred to by subsection 4 of that section; (b) to sign any and all documents for and on be~ ofthe company, including such documents as may be necessary for the passing of transferof the company's assets; (c) to do aji such other acts, matters and things as may be necessary. for. the proper.carrying oot of any of the above powers or for completing the business of the company and the beneficial winding-up thereof with power to delegate his authority from time to time to some other person or persons;. (d) to dispense with the lodging of any security by the liquidator to the Master of the SUPrtlmcCourt for the dueperiormance'of his duties in terms of the provisions of section 375 (I) of the Companies Act, No. 61 of 1973;. (e) to determine that the remuneration of the liquidator shajj be RSOO (five hundred rand); (1) to destroy the books, papers and records of the company six months after the issue by, the Master Of the Supreme Court of the certificate in terms of section 419 (l) of the Companies Act, R. Walker, Manager, 30 August 1988.

36 36 No GOVERNMENf GAZETIE, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 Date notice given to members: 15 July Date resolution passed: 8 August MOLMAR SERVICES (Pry) LTD Registration No. SOfOO409/07 Special Resolution Resolved that the company be li!p.lidated by process of a members' voluntary winding-up in terms of section 350 of the Companies Act, No. 61 of 1973, and that Ronald Walker be and be is hereby appointed liquidator with all such powers and authorities as are allowed by law and, without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, parti ularly with the following special powers, namely: (a) To take upon himself and assume all of those powers conferred upon a liquidator by section 386 of the Companies Act, No. 61 of 1973, including the special powers referred to by subsection 4 of that section; (b) to sign any and all documents for and on behalf of the company, including such documents as may be necessaty for the passing of transfer of the company's assets; (c) to do all such other acts, matters and things as may be necessaty for the proper carrying out of any of the above powers or for completing the business ofthe company and the benefi(:ial winding-up thereof with power to delegate his authority from time to time to some other person or persons; (d) to dispense with the lodging of any security by the liquidator to the Master of the Supreme Court for the due performance of his duties in terms of the provisions of section 375 (1) of the Companies Act, No. 61 of 1973; (e) to determine that the remuneration of the liquidator shall be R250 (two hundred and fifty rand); (I) to destroy the books, papers and records of the company six months after the issue by the Master of the Supreme Court of the certificate in terms of section 419 (1) of the Companies Act, R. Walker, Manager, 30 August BTRDUNLOPLIMITED (Registration No. 05/12141/06) (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa) Notice is hereby given that the transfer books and Register of Preference Shareholders will be closed from 26 November 1988 to 4 December 1988, both days inclusive, in connection with the payment of Preference Dividend No. 94 declared on 14 October By Order of the Board.-D. M. Goodhead, Secretary, A. D. Baxter, Assistant Secretaty. LIQUIDATORS' AND OTHER APPOINTEES' NOTICES Notices by liquidators anlll other appointees such as executors, judicial managers, trustees, curators or tutors, of appointments, meetings, accounts, claims, leave of absence, releases, etc. LIKWIDATEURS EN ANDER AANGESTELDES SE KENNISGEWINGS Kennisgewings deur likwidateurs en ander aangesteldes soos eksekuteurs, geregtelike bestuurders, trustees, kurators ofvoogde, van aanstellings, vergaderings, rekeninge, eise, verlof, vrystellings, ens. TRANSVAAL DOODLE INVESTMENTS (PROPRIETARy) LIMITED Kennis word hiermee gegee in temle van artikel 356 (2) (b) van die Maatskappyewet No. 61 van 1973, soos gewysig, dat op 'n Spesiale Vergadering gehou op 26 September 1988 besluit is: 1. Oat die maatskappy vtywillig gelikwideer word deur die lede in terme van artikel 349 (b) van die Maatskappywet van Oat Pieter Gabriel van der Merwe van die fmna Wegner, Maritz, Miiller & Grobler aangestel word as Likwidateur. 3. Oat die Likwadateur vrygestel word van die verpligting om sekuriteit te verskaf aan die Meester van die Hooggeregshof. 4. Oat die Likwidateur sy pligte sal vervul teen 'n vaste vergoeding van R 1 500, Oat die Likwidateur gemagtig w0rd om die maatskappy se boeke en dokumente drie weke na die finale sekwestrasie datum te vernietig. 6. Dat aan die Likwidateur aile magte gegee word wat aan die Likwidateurs gegee word ingevolge artikel386 van die Maatskappywet van 1973 maar nie uitgesluit enige ander magte wat aan Likwidateurs gegee word ingevolge gemelde wet nie. 7. Die rede vir bogenoemde besluite is dat die maatskappy al sy besigheid gestaak het. P. G. van der Merwe, Posbus 358, Nelspruit. LOUIS KAAP INVESTMENT (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED (REG. No. 05/22914(07) IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION NUMBER T Notice is hereby given that Arnold Dagut has been appointed Liquidator of Louis Kaap Investments (Proprietaty) Limited. Johannesburg Secretarial Services (Proprietaty) Limited, P.O. Box 52876, Saxonwold, 2132.

37 STAATSKOERANT, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No HYPACK (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED (IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION) Reg. No. 64/03861/07 A special resolution was passed at a general meeting of the above-mentioned company held on 29 September 1988, placing the company under voluntary liquidation in terms of section 349 of the Companies Act, 1973 (as amended). Collins James Spencer, of Johannesburg was nominated for appointment as Liquidator of the company. Bowman, Gilfillan, Hyman, Godfrey Inc., 28 Harrison Street, Johannesburg. INDEPENDENT PACKAGING (PTY) LTD (IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION) Reg. No. 79/07451/07 A special resolution was passed at a general meeting of the above-mentioned company held on 29 September 1988, placing the company under voluntary liquidation in terms of section 349 of the Companies Act, 1973 (as amended). CoUins James Spencer, of Johannesburg was nominated for appointment as the Liquidator of the company. Bowman, Gilfillan, Hayman, Godfrey Inc., 28 Harrison Street, Johannesburg. KELSO PROPERTIES (PTY) LIMITED NOTICE OF SPECIAL RESOLUTION TO WIND UP VOLUNTARY Notice is hereby given in terms of section 356 (2) (b) of the Companies Act, 1973, as amended, that at a general meeting of shareholders held on 6 September 1988, a special resolution was passed placing the company into voluntary liquidation. Kelso Properties (Ply) Ltd, clo Kessel Feinstein, P.O. Box 6610, Johannesburg, NATAL OSCARJOHEMMA INVESTMENTS (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED REGISTRATION NUMBER 66/04603/07 At a meeting of Shareholders ofoscarjohemma Investments (Proprietary) Limited, held on 30 September 1988, it was resolved that the company be voluntarily wound up and that Reginald Michael Arundel, be appointed Liquidator. R. M. Arundel, P.O. Box 5817, Durban, DORMIAL HOLDINGS (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED REGISTRATION NUMBER 66/03698/07 At a meeting of Shareholders of Dormial Holdings (Proprietary) Limited, held on 30 September 1988, it was resolved that the company be voluntarily wound up and that Reginald Michael Arundel, be appointed Liquidator. R. M. Arundel, P.O. Box 5817, Durban, SERMARK INVESTMENTS (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED REGISTRATION NUMBER 66/02347/07 At a meeting of Shareholders of Sermark Investments (Proprietary) Limited, held on 30 September 1988, it was resolved that the company be voluntarily wound up and that Reginald Michael Arundel, be appointed Liquidator. R. M. Arundel, P.O. Box 5817, Durban, BURCALD INVESTMENTS (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION Notice is hereby given in terms of section 375 (5)(b) of the Companies Act 1973, that on 19 October 1988, I was appointed Liquidator of the above company by the Master of the Supreme Court, Pietermaritzburg. Ian Gordon TudbaU, Chartered Accountant, 247 Boom Street, Pietennaritzburg, ORANGE FREE STATE ORANJE-VRYSTAAT D.M.O. HOLDINGS (PTY) LTD REGISTRATION NUMBER 69/04806/07 SPECIAL RESOLUTION PASSED IN TERMS OF SECTIONS 349, 350, 375 OF THE COMPANIES ACT Date notice given to members: 23 May Date resolution passed: 28 June Contents a/resolution: (i) That the company be wound up voluntarily by its members in terms of section 349 of the Companies Act of 1973, as amended and that Noel StOtter, be appointed as Liquidator without being obliged to furnish security.

38 38 No GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 (ii) That the existing Directors cojltinue in office and to act as such as far as may be required until the date of final dissolution. (iii) That the expenses of the company and those which are incurred in the winding up of the company shall be paid from accumulated income and the excess distributed amongst shareholders for which purpose the Liquidator and the Directors are hereby empowered to declare and pay dividends as soon as possible. Signed and dated at Bloemfontein, on this 22nd day of June Rosendeatt & Reitz Barry, P.O. Box 41, Bloemfontein, ORDERSOFTHECOURT.ORDERSVANDIEHOF Transvaal Provincial Division, Pretoria Transvaalse Provinsiale Mdeling, Pretoria IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SOUrH AFRICA (Transvaal Provincial Division) Pretoria, the 4th day of October 1988 before the Honourable Mr Justice Eloff In the ex parte application of Elizabeth NofanezUe Mtsweni, born Mahlangu, Applicant For an order for the presumption ()f death of Boesman Elias Mtsweni on or during 14 June Having heard Counsel for the applicant and having read the documents filed of record: It is Ordered: 1. That Boesman Elias Mtsweni ld. No is persumed to have died on or during 14 June That this order be published in Ibe Government Gazette as soon as possible. By the Court.-Registrar. 38 Kemp & De Beer. Isk. Case 13351/88 IN DIE HOOGGEREGSHOF VAN SUID-AFRIKA (Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling) Pretoria, die 25ste <lag van Oktober 1988 voor Sy Edele Regter M. C. de Klerk In die ex parte aansoek van Petrus Johannes Senekal, Eerste Applikant, en Jane Jacoba Senekal, Tweede Applikant Na aanhoor van advokaat vir appllkante en na deuriees van die Kennisgewing van Mosie en ander ingediende dokumente: Saak 12626/88 Gelas die HoI' I. Dat 'n bevel nisi uitgereik ward waarby die krediteure van die Applikante opgeroep word om redes aan te voer om IOhOO op die 15de dag van November 1988 in bogemelde Hof wail!'om dit nie beveel sal word: 1.1 Dat verlof verieen word Applikante ingevolge artikel21 (I) van Wet 88 van 1984 om die Huweliksgoederebedeling tussen hulle te wysig deur die aangaan en registrasie van 'n NotariiHe Akte, 'n konsep waarby aangeheg is aan die Aanvullende Eedsverklaring van die Eerste Applikant en gemerk "Xl" tot "X5", welke Akte na registrasie daarvan, die Huweliksgoederel:>edeling tussen die par!ye sal reel; 1.2 dat die Registrateur van Akte~ gemagtig word om die genoemde Notariele Akte te registreer; 1.3 dat hierdie bevel sal verval indien die Notariele Akte nie geregistreer word deur die Registrateur van Aktes binne twee (2) maande nadat hierdie bevelbekragtig is nie; nie die regte van enige kred\teure van die Applikante op datum van registrasie van die Notariele Akte sal benadeel of beperk nie. 2. Dat hierdie bevel in die Staatskoerant gepubliseer word. Deur die Hof.-C. H. Laubscher, Griffier. IN DIE HOOGGEREGSHOF VAN SUID-AFRIKA (Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling) Saak 15027/88 Pretoria, die 18de dag van Oktober 1988 voor Sy Edele Regter Esselen Ex parte Jacmore Mining Supplies Co. (Pty) Ltd, pia J. H. Preller & Kie., Ouditeure, Van der Bentstraat 15, Potchefstroom, 2520, Applikant Na aanhoor van die advokaat nad.1l!ns die applikant en na deuriees van die stukke geliasseer: WQrdGelas: 1. Dat die bogemelde Applikant maatskappy luerby in vooriopige likwidasie geplaas word. 2. Dat 'n bevel nisi hierby uitgereik word wat alle belanghebbende persone oproep om redes, indien enige, voor hierdie Hof aan te voer om lohoo op die 15de dag van November 1988 waajtom die applikant maatskappy nie onder finale likwidasie geplaas sal word nie. 3. Dat betekening van hierdie ljelvel nisi geskied aan die Applikant maatskappy by sy geregistreerde kantoor aan aile bekende skuldeisers van die Applikant maatskappy per aangetekende pos en onverwyld gepubliseer word in elk van die Staatskoerant en The Citizen. L.W. Enige krediteur wat verdere injigting rakende hierdie aangeleentheid verlang moet met die prokureurs aan die einde van hierdie bevel in verbinding tree, enlof met die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Privaatsak X60, Pretoria, Tel.: Deur die Hof.---Griffier. Haasbroek & Boezaart, Posbus 2205, Pretoria. Tel.: Ver.: B. Bekker/J1301l88.

39 STAATSKOERANT, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) ORDERS V AN DIE HOF (vervolg) Saak 14299/88 IN DIE HOOGGEREGSHOF VAN SUIO-AFRIKA (Transvaa1se Provinsiale Afdeling) Pretoria, die 4de dag van Oktober 1988 voor Sy Edele Regter Eloff In die ex parte aansoek van Tullgrey Building (Edms.) Bpk., Baumannweg 6, Queensborough, Durban, Natal, Applikant Na aanhoor van die advokaat namens die applikant en na deurlees van die Kennisgewing van Mosie en ander dokumente geliasseer: Word Gelas: 1. Dat die bogemelde applikant maatskappy hierby in voorlopige likwidasie geplaas word. 2. Dat 'n bevel nisi hierby uitgereik word wat aile belanghebbende persone oproep om redes, indien enige, voor hierdie hof aan tt! voer om JOhOO op die 22 November 1988 waarom die applikant maatskappy nie onder finale likwidasie geplaas sal word nie. 3. Dat betekening van hierdie bevel nisi geslded aan die applikant maatskappy by sy geregistreerde kantoor, en onverwyld eenmaal gepubliseer word in die Staatskoerant en die Nuusblad wat in Natal gesirkuleer word. Deur die Hof.--Griffier. 96 Strydom & Smith, Posbus 4584, Pretoria. Isk. Witwatersrand Local Division, Johannesburg Witwatersrandse Plaaslike Mdeling, Johannesburg IN DIE LANDDROSHOF VIR DIE DISTRIK V AN ALBERTON GEHOU TE ALBERTON Saak 8257/88 In die saak tussen Jacob Diederick Smit, Eerste Applikant, Gert Jobannes de Kock, Tweede Applikant, Joseph Mattheus de Kock, Derde Applikant, en Atlantis Freight CC, Respondent Na aanhoor van die Regverteenwoordiger van die applikant en na deurgaan van die stukke in hierdie saak: Word dit Beveel dat: 1. Die Respondent onder voorlopige Likwidasie geplaas word in die hande van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 2. Dat 'n bevel nisi uitgereik word wat aile persone oproep wat 'n belang mag he om te verskyn en redes aan te voer, indien enige, tot hierdie hof op 17/11/88 waarom die Respondent nie finaal gelikwideer moet word nie. 3. Dat 'n afskrif van hierdie bevel nisi op die Respondent se geregistreerde kantoor beteken word, asook eenmalig gepubliseer word in die Staatskoerant en in 'n plaaslike dagblad. 4. Dat die koste van hierdie aansoek, koste in die administrasie van die Likwidasie van die Respondent sal wees. 5. A1ternatiewe regshulp. Gedateerte Alberton, September Landdros. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Witwatersrand Local Division) Johannesburg, the 25th day of October 1988 before the Honourable Mr Justice Goldstien In the matter between Sarel Johannes van Zyl, First Applicant, and Cathleen van Zyl, Second Applicant After hearing Applicant's Counsel and reading the application: It is Ordered: Case 17775/88 1. A Rule Nisi issue in terms whereof the creditors of the Applicants, a list whereof is attached hereto marked "D", including any other creditor, may show cause on the 29th day of November 1988 in this Court why it should not be ordered that: 1.1 The Applicants be given leave in tenos of Section 21 (I) of Act 88 of 1984 to change the matrimonial property system which applies to their marriage by the execution and registration of a notarial contract, a draft whereof is annexed to the Applicants supporting affidavit marked" A" and which contract, after registration thereof, will regulate their future property system; 1.2 the Registrar of Deeds is authorised to register the notarial contract; 1.3 this order will lapse if the notarial contract is not registered by the Registrar of Deeds within two months of confinoation thereof; and will not prejudice the rights of any creditor of the Applicants as at the date of registration of the contract. 2. That this order be served by registered post on each of the creditors whose names appear on Annexure "D". 3. That this order, including Annexure "D", be published in the Government Gazelle. First Applicant ANNEXURE "D" LIST OF CREDITORS Standard Bank Amount R39 000,00 (Thirty nine thousand rands). Address: 1st Floor, Standard Bank Home, No. 20 Albert Street, Johannesburg, 2001; P.O. Box 4365, Johannesburg, 2000.

40 40 No GOVERNMENT GAZEITE, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 Trust Bank ORDERS OF TIlE COURT (continued) ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg) Amount: R60 000,00 (Sixty Thousand rand). Address: 362 Voortrekker Road, Brakpan, 1540; P.O. Box 2359, Trekker, Second Applicant No Creditors. By Order of the Court.-Registrar. Paul Pieterse, Attorney, cfo Ellmer.\ Company, Applicant's Attorneys, Rachers Corner, Cnr Loveday & Jeppe Streets, Johannesburg. Having read the Application: IN THE MAGISTItATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF ROODEPOORT HELD AT ROODEPOORT In the matter bel'ween Interwil SA (Pty) Ltd, Applicant, and Natural Wood Designs CC, Respondent 1. That the Respondent is placed under provisional winding-up. it is Ordered: 2. That a Rule Nisi be issued calling upon all interested persons concerned to appear and show cause, if any, to this Court on the 15th day of November 1988 at 09hOO why the said Respondent should not be placed under final winding-up order and that the costs of this application be costs in the winding-up of the Respondent. 3. That a copy of this Rule Nisi be published forthwith once in the Government Gazene and a Johannesburg daily newspaper. 4. That acopy of this Rule Nisi be served on the Respondent at its registered office by the Messenger of the Court. 5. Any creditor requiring further information regarding this matter should communicate with the Attorneys reflected at the foot hereof and/or the Master of the Supreme Court, Private Bag X60, Pretoria, Telephone: (012) By the Court.-The Clerk of the Court. Dated at Roodepoort October Huftel Klawansky & Farber, Appliqant's Attorneys, 6th Floor, Standard Towers, 247 President Street, Germiston. Tel.: Ref.: Mr B. E. Farber/jn, c/o J. Gus Ackerman, 2nd Floor, Lakeway, Plaza Road, Florida. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Witwatersrand Local Division) Johannesburg, the 18th day ofoctober 1988 before the Honourable Mr Justice Levy Acting In the matter between Gert Bellkes, tla Beukes Bouers, Applicant, and C J P Mining Group of Companies (Pty) Ltd, Respondent Case 14788/88 Upon the motion of Counsel for the Applicant and upon reading the Rule Nisi and provisional winding-up/order issued out of this Court on the 27th day of September 1988: it is Ordered: That the return day of the aforesaid Rule Nisi be and is hereby extended to the 8th day of November By the Court.-E. C. Britz, Registr... /mm. Salomon-Friedman. Ref.: Mr M. SaIvmon. PH 155 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Witwatersrand Local Division) Johannesburg, the 4th day of October 1988 before the Honourable Mr Justice Goldstone Case PH 363 In the ex porte application of Geff'en S/PlkiDs and Marrington (Pty) Ltd, Applicant, in re Geffen Simkins and Marrlngton (Pty) Ltd, having its registered offices at care of Goldberg, Jaffe and Josetofsky, accountants at Saambou National Building, Commissioner Street, Johannesburg, and having its principal place of business at 77 Bristol Road, Parkwood, Johannesburg Having heard Counsel for the Applicant and having read the documents filed of record: it is Ordered: 1. That the said Applicant Company be and is hereby placed under fmal winding-up Order. 2. That this Order be effected on the Applicant's Company at its registered address. 3. That this Order be published once in the Government Gazette and once in a daily newspaper. By thecourt.-d. G. Llewellyn, Registrar.fmm. Att. Michael A. Popper. Ref.: Mr M. A. Popper.

41 STAATSKOERANT, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) ORDERS V AN DIE HOF (vervolg) Natal Provincial Division, Pietermaritzburg Natalse Provinsiale AfdeUog, Pietermaritzburg IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Natal Provincial Division) Case Pietermaritzburg, the 13th day of October 1988 before the Honourable Mr Justice Howard, Judge President In the matter of Rodney John Trotter N.O., Applicant, and Rip Rap (Proprietary) Limited, having its registered office at 79 Chapel Street, Pietermaritzburg, Respondent UPon the motion of Counsel for the Applicant; and Upon reading the Notice of Motion, supporting affidavit and the other documents filed of record: It is Ordered: 1. That Rip Rap (Proprietary) Limited be and is hereby placed under provisional liquidation in the hands of the Master of the Supreme Court, Natal Provincial Division. 2. That the said Rip Rap (Proprietary) Limited together with all interested parties be called upon to show cause, if any, before this Court on the 10th day of November 1988 at 9h30 or so soon thereafter as Counsel may be heard why the Company should not be placed under a final order of Liquidation. 3. That this Order and copies of the papers in this application be served forthwith on the Company at its' registered offices and that this Order be published on or before the 4th November 1988 once in the Government Gazette and once in a daily newspaper circulating in NataL By Order of the Court.-W. A. Nel, Registrar. Stowell & Co. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF CISKBI (General Division) CaseB9188 Bisho, the 21st day ofoctober 1988 before the Honourable Mr Justice Pickard (C.J.) In the matter of Robling & Company S.A. (Pty) Limited, Applicant, and Agrienltural Products International Marketing (Ciskei) (Pty) Limited, Respondent It is Ordered: 1. That the Respondent company be placed under provisional liquidation in the hands of the Master of this Honourable Court. 2. That a Rule Nisi do issue calling upon all interested persons to appear and show cause, if any, to the above Honourable Court at O9h3O on the 4 November 1988 why: (a) A final order of liquidation should not be granted. (b) The Applicant's costs of this application should not costs in the liquidation. 3. Acopy of this order be served on the Respondent and be published in the Daily Dispatch, Governmelll Gazette in S.A. and in Ciskei. By Order of the Court.-Registrar. Durban and Coast Local Division, Durban PlaasUke AfdeUog Durban en Kus, Durban IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Durban and Coast Local Division) Durban, the 19th day of October 1988 before the Honourable Mr Justice Squires In the matter of Electronic Design Labs (Pty) Limited, 286 Jan Smuts Highway, Mayville, Durban, Natal, Applicant Upon the Motion of Counsel for the Applicant and upon reading the Notice of Motion and the other documents filed ofrecord: It is Ordered: Case 577lf88 1. That all interested persons be and are hereby called upon to show cause, if any, before this Court on the 18th day of November 1988 at 09h30 or so soon thereafter as Counsel may be heard why the Applicant should not be wound up. 2. That this Order operate as an order provisionally winding up the Applicant. 3. That a copy of this Order shall be published on or before the 4th day of November 1988, once in the Governmelll Gazette and once in a daily newspaper published in Durban and circulating in Natal. By Order of the Court.-C. N. Bekker, Acting Assistant Registrar. Shepstone & Wylie (144) jd. SUPERSESSIONS AND DISCHARGE OF PETITIONS Notice is hereby given by the Master of the Supreme Court of South Africa, as stated, of the supersession of provisional orders of sequestrationlliquidation and the discharge of petitions. The infonnation is given in the following order: Estate number; the applicant; the respondent; the date of the provisional order granted; the Supreme Court Division; the date of the discharge order.

42 42 No GOVERNMENT GAZETIE, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 TERSYJ)ESTELLINGS EN AFWYSINGS VAN AANSOEKE Kennis word hiennee deur die Meester van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika, BOOS venneld, gegee van die tersydestelling van voorlopige bevele van sekwestrasiellikwidasie en die afwysing van aansoeke. Die inligting word verstrek in die volgorde: Boedelnommer; die applikant; die verweerder; die datum van uitreiking van die voorlopige bevel; die Afdeling van die Hooggeregshof; die datum van die afwysigingsbevel. C407/88--Agrkultural Services Ltd, Registered office at Cameron Prentice & Rodger, 6b Belpark, De Lange Street, Bellville, Applicant; 6/9/88, Cape of Good Hope Provincial; 5/10/88. C728/87-Leon Mostert, ApplicaIit; Valerie Patricia Wickham, residing at 15 Maxwell Avenue, Brighton Beach, Durban, Natal, Respondent; 7110/87, Cape ofgood Hope Provincial; 819/88. C343/88--NeU McIvir, Applicant; Ernst Oshar Heinrich Nolhman, residing at "Suddie" Swanswyk Road, Tobiu, Respondent; 29/6/88, Cape of Good Hope Provincial. C294/8&-Gavin Derek Mitchell, Applicant; Boland Voere (Eiendoms) Beperk, Registered offices at c/o Cameron Prentice & Rodgers, 68 Bellpark, De Lange Street, Bellville, Respondent; 30/6/88, Cape of Good Hope Provincial; 5/10/88. N 197/88--Essop Essack Vally, Applicant; Ahmed Sayeed Peer, Respondent; In/88, Durban and Coast Local; 23/9/88. N268/88--National Co-operativeDairies Limited, Applicant; Jan Suzanne Omer Marie Dhooge, Respondent; 30/8/88, Natal Provincial; 13/10/88. K48/88--Douglas Kooperasie (Edllls.) Bpk., Applikant; Cornelius du Preez, woonagtig te Draaihoek, Douglas, Respondent; 21nJ88, Noord Kaapse; 21110/88. T 1283/88-8avvas Neopbitou Ant41niades, Applikant; Charles Pieter CronJe, Respondent; 20/6/88, Transvaalse Provinsiale; 11110/88. T1933/88--Catharina Elizabeth I, Roux, Applikant; Karl VilJoen, Eerste Respondent; AvrD Louise ViIJoen, Tweede Respondent; 16/8/88, Witwatersrandse Plaaslike; 27/9/88. T1595/88--N. du Plessis, Applikallt; Magdalene Francina Catharina Botha, Plot 69, Rayton, Respondent; 27nJ88, Transvaalse Provinsiale; 4/10/88. T1400/88--Allisun Investments (Edms.) Bpk., Applikant; Jacobus Johannes van As, die plaas Kromdraai, Potchefstroom, Respondent; 117/88, Transvaalse Provinsiale; 4/10/88. T1348/88-8tatus Construction (Pty) Ltd, Applicant; Stephen K. Properties (Ply) Ltd, Respondent; 24/6/88, Witwatersrand Local; 11110/88. Tl958/88--Robert Cornelius Roe~, Applikant; Wentzel Christoffel Cootzer Robbertse, Respondent; 6/9/88, Transvaalse Provinsiale; 4/10/88. T2018/88--Bertha Wilson, Applikant; Jacob Pieter WUson, Respondent; 20/9/88, Transvaalse Provinsiale; 18/10/88. Tl347/88-8tatu5 Construction (Bty) Ltd, Applicant; Herlou Projekte (Ply) Ltd, having its registered office at c/o Fram Cohen, Wesbank, House, Braamfontein, and carries on business as property developers, Respondent; 24/6/88, Witwatersrand Local; 11110/88. SALES IN EXECUTION AND OTHER PUBLIC SALES GEREGTELIKE EN ANDER OPENBARE VERKOPE SALES IN EXECUTION. GEREGTELIKE VERKOPE TRANSVAAL IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF GERMISTON HELD AT GERMISTON Case 10067/88 In the matter between United BuDding Society Limited, Plaintiff, and Sehlo1;,l1 Maiepe, Defendant On the 17th day of November 1988 at lohoo, a public auction will be held at Johria Court, 4 du Plessis Road, Florentia, Alberton, at which the Messenger of the Court will pursuant to the judgement of the Court in this action, warrant ofexecution issued in terms thereof and attachment in execution made thereunder sell All Right, Title and Interest in the Leasehold in respect of Site No. 487 Ramakonopi East, Registration Division LR., TranSVaal. Improvements reponed (which are not warranted to be correct and are not guaranteed): Residence comprising ofconcrete blocks, tile roof, lounge, dining room, 3 bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom, toilet, study, garage, outside toilet, verandah, precast walls (hereinafter called the Right of Leasehold). The Material Conditions ofsale are: 1. The sale shall, in all respects be governed by the Magistrate's Court Act 1944 and the Rules made thereunder or any amendment thereof or substitution therefor and, subject thereto, the property shall be sold voetstoots to the highest bidder without reserve. 2. The Purchaser shall be obliged tp pay a deposit of ten per centum of the price in cash or bank guaranteed cheque immediately after the sale and the balance of the price and interest shall be secured by unconditional or approved bank andlor building society guarantee/so 3. The full Conditions of Sale which will be read out by the Messenger of the Court immediately before the Sale may be inspected at the Office of the Messenger of the Court, Alberton. Dated 19 October S. Brasg for ABE Dinner Dinner & Brasg, Plaintiff's Attorneys, Fifth Floor, Standard Towers, 247 President Street, Genniston, IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF PRETORIA HELD AT PRETORIA Case 54609/88 In the matter between United BuDding Society Limited, Plaintiff, and CharI Francois Otto, Defendant A sale in execution of the property described hereunder will be held in front of the Magistrate's Court, Pretorius Street, Pretoria, at llhoo on 16 November (a) Section 36 as shown and more fully described in sectional plan No. SS 16/81 in the building or buildings known as Rider Haggard, of which the floor area, according to the said sectional plan is 40 square metres in extent; and (b) an undivided share in the comrn~m property in the land and building or buildings as shown and more fully described on the said sectional plan, apportioned to the said section in accordance with the participation quota of the said section, held under certificate of registered sectional title No. ST 36/8l(38)(Unit), dated 28 January 1981.

43 STAATSKOERANT, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No The following paniculars are furnished but not guarallleed: This flat, known as 604 Rider Haggard, 31 Tulleken Street, Pretoria, is situated in a White area. Improvemellls Comprise: This is a Bachelor Flat. A substantial building society bond can be arranged for an approved purchaser. The Conditions of Sale may be inspected at the office of tbe Messenger of the Court, (Pretoria South) Room I, Erasmusrand Centre, comer of Rigellaan and Buffelsdrift, Erasmusrand, Pretoria. Dated 24 October J. Albeit, c/o MacRobert, De Villiers & Hitge Inc., 501 United Building, 263 Andries Street, Pretoria, Tel.: (Ref.: N 1/ AlheiUmd.) IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF PRETORIA HELD AT PRETORIA Case 54610/88 In the matter between United BuDding Society Limited, Plaintiff, and Abeltna Schoeman, Defendant A sale in execution of the property described hereunder will be held in front of the Magistrate's Court, Pretorius Street, Pretoria, at IlhOO on 16 November (a) Section 34 as shown and more fully described on sectional plan No. SS in the building or buildings known as Bloombof, of which the floor area, according to the said sectional plan is 42 square metres in extent, and (b) an undivided share in the common property in the land and building or buildings as shown and more fully described on the said sectional plan, apportioned to the said section in accordance with the participation quota of the said section, held under certificate of registered sectional title No. ST 41/87 (34) (Unit), dated 9 March The following particulars are furnished but not guaranteed: This flat, known as 502 Bloombof, 8chooman Street 668, Arcadia, Pretoria is situated in a white area. Improvemellls comprise: This is a Bachelor flat. A substantial building society bond can be arranged for an approved purchaser. The Conditions of Sale may be inspected at the office of the Messenger of the Court, (Pretoria South), Room 1, Erasmusrand Centre, comer Rigellaan and Buffelsdrift, Erasmusrand, Pretoria. Dated 24 October J. Alheit, clo MacRobert, De Villiers & Hitge Inc., 501 United Building, 263 Andries Street, Pretoria, Tel.: (Ref.: NII182758/J. AlbeiUmd.) IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF PRETORIA HELD AT PRETORIA Case 41537/88 In the matter between United BuDding Society Limited, Plaintiff, and Johannes Jacobus Fnorie, Defendant A sale in execution of the property described hereunder will be held in front of the Magistrate's Court, Pretorius Street, Pretoria, at IlhOO on 16 November Erf 2622, situated in the township of Garsfontein Extension 10, Registration Division J. R., Transvaal, Measuring I 034 square metres. The following particulars are furnished but not guaranteed: This property, known as 545 Borzoi Street, Garsfontein, is situated in a White residential area. Improvements Comprise: 1. This brick dwelling consists ofa lounge, kitchen, scullery, diningroom, 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. 2. Workroom, servant's room and a toilet. A substantial building society bond can be arranged for an approved purchaser. The Conditions of Sale may be inspected at the office of the Messenger of the Court (Pretoria South), Room 1, Erasmusrand Centre, comer Rigellaan and Buffelsdrift, Erasmusrand, Pretoria. Dated 24 October Albeit, clo MacRobert, De Villiers & Hitge Inc., 501 United Building, 263 Andries Street, Pretoria, Tel.: (Ref.: N' l!178153/jaajmd.) IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF PRETORIA HELD AT PRETORIA Case 53188/88 In the matter between United BuDding Society Limited, Plaintiff, and Lynette Potgieter, Defendant A sale in execution of the property described hereunder will be held in front of the Magistrate's Court, Pretorius Street, Pretoria, at IOhOO on 22 November (a) Section 9 as shown and more fully described on sectional plan No. SS 73n7 in the building or buildings known as Silveroaks 11, of Which the floor area, according to the said sectional plan is 116 square metres in extent; and (b) an undivided share in the common property in the land and building or buildings as shown and more fully described'on the said sectional plan, apportioned to the said section in accordance with the participation quota of the said section, held under certificate of registered sectional title No. ST 73/1977 (9) (Unit), dated 17 August The following particulars are furnished but not guaranteed: This flat, known as Silveroaks 11 Flats No. 9A, 218 CalfYn Street, Silverton, Pretoria, is situated in a White area. Improvements comprise: Lounge, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, one bathroom, single garage. A substantial building society bond can be arranged for an approved purchaser, The Conditions of Sale may be inspected at the office of the Messenger'of the Court, (Pretoria East), Shop 6 Nedbank Square, comer of Church and Schubart Streets, Pretoria. Dated 24 October J. Albeit, c/o MacRobert, De Villiers & Hitge Inc., 501 United Building, 263 Andries Street, Pretoria, Tel.: 28/6770. (Ref.: NlII80700/J. Albeit/md.)

44 44 No GOVERNMENT GAZEITE, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 Case IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF PRETORIA HELD AT PRETORIA In the matler between Un1ted Building Society Limited, Plaintiff, and Billy Lotter, Defendant A sale in execution of the propei1!y described hereunder will be held in front of the Magistrate's Court, Pretorius Street, Pretoria, at IlhOO on 16 November (a) Section 9 as shown and more fully described on sectional plan No. SS 216/87 in the building or buildings known as Heynen Place, of which the floor area, according to the said sectional plan is 69 square metres in extent; and (b) an undivided share in the common property in the land and building or buildings as shown and more fully described on the said sectional plan, apportioned to the said section in accordance with the participation quota of the said section, held under Certificate of Registered Sectional Title No. ST 216/87 (9)(Unit), dated 25 September The following particulars are furnished but not guaranteed: This flat, known as 9 Heynen Place, 160 Reily Street, Sunnyside, Pretoria, is situated in a White area. Improvements comprise: Livingroom, kitchen, 1 and a half bedrooms, and a carport. A substantial building society bond can be arranged for an approved purchaser. The Conditions of Sale may be iqspected at the office of the Messenger of the Court, (Pretoria South), Room I, Erasmusrand Centre, corner Rigellaan and Buffelsdrift, Erasmusrand, Pretoria. Dated 24 October J. Allieit, clo MacRobert, De Villiers & Hitge Inc., 501 United Building, 263 Andries Street, Pretoria, Tel.: 28/6770. (Ref.: NlI182794/J. A1heitlmd. ) IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF PRETORIA HELD AT PRETORIA Case 57258/88 In the matter between Un1ted Building Society Lirn1ted, Plaintiff, and Barend Cornelius Jacobus Theron, First Defendant, Anna Sophia Theron, Second Defendant A sale in execution of the property described hereunder will be held in front of the Magistrate's Court, Pretorius Street, Pretoria, at llhoo on 16 November Erf 1600, situated inthe township of Pierre van Ryneveld Extension 4, Registration Division J.R., Transvaal, Measuring 910 square metres. The following particulars are furnished but not guaranteed: This property, known as II Jim Venter Avenue, Pierre van Ryneveld Extension 4, is situated in a White residential area. Improvements Comprise: 1. This brick dwelling with a Tile Roof consists of a lounge, kitchen, diningroom, 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. Construction includes vinyl tile and carpeted floors, built-in cupboards and a lot water system. 2. Double garage and a toilet. A substantial building society bond can be arranged for an approved purchaser. The Conditions of Sale may be inspected at the office of the Messenger of the Court (Pretoria South), Room 1, Erasmusrand Centre, comer Rigellaan and Buffelsdrift, Erasmusrand, Pretoria. Dated 24 October J. A1heit, clo MacRobert, De Villiers & Hitge Inc., 50 I United Building, 263 Andries Street, Pretoria, Tel.: 28/6770. (Ref.: N /JAAlmd.) IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF PRETORIA HELD AT PRETORIA In the matter between Ullited Building Society Limited, Plaintiff, and Preter Johannes Jacobus Kukkuk, Defendant Case A sale in execution of the property described hereunder will be held in front of the Magistrate's Court, Pretorius Street, Pretoria, at IIhOO on 16 November (a) Section 13 as shown and more fully described on sectional plan No. 5S in the.building or buildings known as PaarI, of which the floor area, according to the said sectional plan i$ 73 square metres in extent; and (b) anundivided share in the common property in the land and building or buildings as shown and more fully described on the said sectional plan, apportioned to the said section in accordance with the participation quota of the said section, held under Certificate of Registered Sectional Title No. ST 176/81 (13 (Unit), dated 8 September The following particulars are fumish",d but not guaranteed: This flat, known as 205 Paarl, Schoeman Street 726, Arcadia, Pretoria, is situated in a White area. Improvements Comprise: Uvingroom, kitchen, I bedroom, 1 bathroom, porch. A substantial building society bond can be arranged for an approved purchaser. The Conditions of Sale may be inspected at the office of the Messenger of the Court, (Pretoria South), Room 1, Erasmusrand Centre, comer RigeUaan and Buffelsdrift, Erasmusrand, Pretoria. Dated 24 October J. A1heit, clo MacRobert, De Villillrs & Hitge Inc., 501 United Building, 263 Andries Street, Pretoria, Te\.: 28/6770. (Ref.: NIII84357/J. Allieitlmd.)

45 STAATSKOERANT, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No Case 11262/88 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Transvaal Provincial Division) In the matter between South African Permanent BuDding Society, Plaintiff, and Daniel Fredrik van Zyl, Defendant Pursuant to a judgment of the above Court and Writ of Execution, dated the 29th day of September 1988, the undermentioned property will be sold in execution at 10hOO on Wednesday, the 23rd day of November 1988, at the offices of the Deputy Sheriff, 142 Stroben Street, to the highest bidder: Unit 77, as shown and more fully described in Sectional Plan No. SS 96/85 in the building or buildings known as Overton. Measuring 57 square metres. An undivided share in the common property in the land and building or buildings, as shown and more fully described in the aforesaid Sectional Plan, apportioned to the said Unit in accordance with the participation quota of the aforesaid Unit. Held by the Defendant under Certificate of Registered Titled Deed No.-ST 96/85 (77) (Unit), Known as Hat B501, Overton, de Boulevard Street, Silverton, Pretoria. The following improvements are situated on the property, although in this respect nothing is guaranteed: A flat, consisting of a lounge/diningroom, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom and kitchen. The Conditions of Sale, which will be read immediately prior to the sale, are lying for inspection at the office of the Deputy Sheriff, 142 Stroben Street, Pretoria. Signed at Pretoria on this 14th day of October M. S. L. Coetzee for clo Findlay & Niemeyer, Plaintiffs Attorney, 635 Permanent Building, comer Paul Kruger & Pretorius Streets, Pretoria, Tel. : (Ref.: Mrs Rowelbs.) IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Transvaal Provincial Division) In the matter between South African Permanent BuDding Society Limited, Plaintiff, and Joban Henry Roberts, Defendant Case Pursuant to a judgment of the above Court and Writ of Execution, dated the 3rd day of August 1988, the undermentioned property will be sold in execution at 11hOO on Friday, the 18th day of November 1988, at the office of the Deputy Sheriff, Portion 83 De Onderstepoort, (North of Sasko Mills), on the Old Warmbaths Road to the highest bidder: Unit 26, as shown and more fully described in Sectional Plan No. SS in the building or buildings known as Inanda. Measuring 64 square metres. An undivided share in the common property in the land and building or buildings, as shown and more fully described in the aforesaid Sectional Plan, apportioned to the said Unit in accordance with the participation quota of the aforesaid Unit. Held by the Defendant under Certificate of Registered Titled Deed No. ST (26 (Unit), Known as Hat 26 Inanda, 296 Burger Street, Pretoria North. The following improvements are situate on the property, although in this respect nothing is guaranteed: A flat consisting of a lounge/diningroom, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom and kitchen, lockup carport. The Conditions of Sale, which will be read immediately prior to the sale, are lying for inspection at the offices of the Deputy Sheriff, Portion 83 De Onderstepoort (North of Sasko Mills) on the Old Warrnbaths Road. Signed at Pretoria on this 12th day of October M. S. L. Coetzee for clo Findlay & Niemeyer, Plaintiffs Attorney, 635 Permanent Building, comer Paul Kruger & Pretorius Streets, Pretoria, Tel.: (Ref.: Mrs Rowelbs.) IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Transvaal Provincial Division) Case 10085/88 In the matter between South African Permarnent BuDding Society, Plaintiff, and Gert Josephus Oosthuizen, Defendant Pursuant to a judgment of the above Court and Writ of Execution, dated the 26th day of August 1988, the undermentioned property will be sold in execution at IOhOO on Wednesday, the 23rd day of November 1988, at the offices of the Deputy Sheriff, 142 Stroben Street, Pretoria, to the highest bidder: Unit I, as shown and more fully described in Sectional Plan No. SS 254/86 in the building or buildings known as HILLARIS. Measuring 69 square metres. An undivided share in the common property in the land and buiwing or buildings, as shown and more fully described in the aforesaid Sectional Plan, apportioned to the said Unit in accordance with the participation quota of the aforesaid Unit. Held by the Defendant under Certificate of Registered Titled Deed No. ST 254/86 (I) (Unit), Known as Hat 101 Hilaris, Heuwel Avenue, Verwoerdburg. The following improvements are situate on the property, although in this respect nothing is guaranteed: A flat consisting of a lounge, 1 bedroom, I bathroom and kitchen. The Conditions of Sale, which will be read immediately prior to the sale, are lying for inspection at the offices of the Deputy Sheriff, 142 Stroben Street, Pretoria. Signed at Pretoria on this 17th day of October M. S. L. Coetzee for clo Findlay & Niemeyer, Plaintiffs Attorney, 635 Permanent Building, comer Paul Kruger & Pretorius Streets, Pretoria, Tel.: (Ref.: Mrs Rowelbs.)

46 46 No GOVERNMENT GAZETIE, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 Case 24760/85 IN me SUPREME COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Witwatersrand Local Division) In the matter between Nedbank Limited, Plaintiff, and Antom.ette Simpson, First Defendant, Robert Stuart Simpson, Second Defendant In execution of a judgment of the Slfpreme Court of South Africa (Witwatersrand Local Division) in the above-mentioned suit, a Sale with a Reserve Price of R72 020,00 (seventy two thousand and twenty rand), will be held at the office of the Deputy Sheriff for the District of Germiston at his offices situated at First Floor, Volkskas Building, 88 President Street, Germiston, on Thursday the 24th day of November 1988, at 10hOO, of the undermentioned property of the Second Defendant, on the Conditions to be read out by the Auctioneer prior to the sale and which conditions can be inspected at the offices ofthe Deputy Sheriff for the district of Germiston prior to the sale. The property which will be offered for sale, is the following; Portion 104 of Lot 190 K1ippoortjie Agricultural Lots, Registration Division LR., Transvaal, Situated at 7 Barclay Circle, Hazeldene, Germiston. The property is situated in a White group area and is wned residential. The following information is furnished re the improvements. though in this respec; nothing is guaranteed; Dwelling Muse with outbuildings. Terms: (10 % (ten per cent) of the ptjrchase price in cash on the date of sale, the balance payable against registration of transfer, to be secured by a bank- or building society- or other accept,ible guarantee, to be furnished within fourteen (14) days after the date of sale. Auctioneer's cb.arges, payable on the day of the sale, to be calculated as follows: 5 % (five per cent) on the proceeds of the sale up to a price of RIO 000,00 (ten thousand rand) and thereafter 2,5 % (two and a half per cent) up 10 a maximurr. fee of R5 000,00 (five thousand rand). Minimum charges R30,00 (thirty rand). Dated at Johannesburg on this the 13th day of October Diane Unterhalter for Goodman-Nolth Inc., Plaintiff's Attorney, 25th Hoor, Southern Life Centre, 45 Commissioner Street, P.O. Box 2507, Johannesburg, Tel.: (Ref.: MrsUnterhalter/RCl.) IN DIE LANDDROSHOF VIR DIE DISTRIK V AN PRETORIA GEHOU TE PRETORIA In die saak tuss n BuchelHardware (Edrns.) Bpk., Eiser, en E. A. G. OUo, Tweede Verweerder Saak 17590/88 Ingevolge uitspraak van bogenoemde Agbare Hof en 'n Lasbrief tot Eksekusie, gedateer die lode dag van Augustus 1988, sal die ondervermelde eiendorn geregtelik verkoop word op die 23ste dag van November 1988 om llhoo voor die Landdroskantoor te hoek van Schubart en Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria, aan die persoon wie die hoogste bod maak. Onderhewig aan die bekragtiging van die Eksekusieskuldeiser binne tien dae na verkoping. Erf 1178, Waterkloof Uitbreiding 2. ','jiaterkloof. Pretoria. Groot: vierkante meter. Geho«: Akte van Transport T216i87. Verbarulhouers: Volkskas BerJerk, Pre!toriusstraat, Pretoria. Die verkoopvoorwaardes, wat onrniddcllik voor die verkoping gelees sal word, Ie ter insae in die kantoor van die Geregsbode, Kamer I, Erasmusrand Sentrum, hlv Rigellaan & Buffeldrift, Erasmusrand, Pretoria. Die belangrikste voorwaardes daarin vtrvat is die volgende: I. Die eiendom word verkoop onderw(lrpe aan die regte van die Eerste Verbandhouer soos uiteengeit in die Verkoopsvoorwaardes. 2. Die koopprys sal soos volg betaalba!lr wees: % daarvan onrniddellik na ondenekening van die Verkoopsvoorwaardes; en 2.2 Die balans van die koopprys sal ytlts.eker word deur 'n goedgekeurde bank- ofbougenootskapswaarborg wat verskaf moet word binne dertig (30) dae na datum van die verkoping en moet het!lalbaar wees teen registrasie van die eiendom in die naarn van die Koper. Geteken te Pretoria hierdie 20ste dag van Oktober Aan: Die Klerk van die Hot Pretoria. Weavi; J & Weaving fng., Allied GebfiU. Pretorillsstraat, Pretoria. IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT POR THE DISTRICf OF KRUGERSDORP HELD AT KRUGERSDORP In the matter between Soulb African Permanent BuDding Society, Plaintiff, and Michael Anthony Eva, Defendant Case In pursuance of a judgment in the COl1rt of the Magistrate of Krugersdorp and Writ of Execution, dated the 25th day of May 1988, the following property will be sold in execution on Wednesday the 30th day of November 1988, at IOhOO in front of the Magistrate's Court, Biccard Street, entrance, Krugersdorp, to the highest bidder, viz: Portion 5 of Erf 154 Krugersdorp Township, Registration Division LQ., Transvaal, Measuring square metres, Held by the Defendant under Deed of Transfer No. T 22983n9; known ll!l64 First Street, Krugersdorp North, upon which is erected a detached single storeydwe1ling undertije roof said to contain four hedrooms, lounge. dining room, two bathrooms and kitchen. The outbuildings comprise a double garage. There is a swimming pool on the property. No guarantee is however given in respect of the foregoing description. Terms: R5 000,00 cash at Ihe time of the sale and the balance against registration of transfer to be secured by an approved banker's or building society's guarantee to be delivered within ;:1 days, the purchaser to pay transfer costs, rates, etc. The property will be sold voetstoots subject to any tenancy. The full Conditions of Sale (which mu~t he signed after the sale) may be inspected during office hours at the office of the Messenger of the Court, lot President Building, comer President and Monument Streets, Krugersdorp. The Plaintiff is prepared to grant a bond to an approved purchaser. Dated 20 October Phillips & Osmond, First Floor. Edanwaves, 1 Monument Street, Krugersdorp.

47 STAATSKOERANT, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No Case INTHEMAGISTRATE'SCOURTFORTHEDISTRlCfOFKRUGERSOORPHELDATKRUGERSOORP In the matter between Soutb African Permanent Building Society, Plaintiff, and Johannes Adam WUIdos, First Defendant, and Susanna Johanna Cornelia Wilkins, Second Defendant In pursuance of a Judgment in the Court of the Magistrate of Krugersdorp and Writ of Execution, dated the 31st day of August 1988, the following property will be sold in execution on Wednesday the 23rd day of November 1988, at IOhoo in front of the Magistrate's Court, Biccard Street entrance, Krugersdorp, to the highest bidder, viz: Erf 316 West Krugersdorp Township, Registration Division LQ., Transvaal, Measuring 595 square metres, Held by the Defendant under Deed of Transfer No. T , Known as 90 Dekker Street, West Krugersdorp upon which is erected a detached single storey dwelling under tile roqf said to contain four bedrooms, lounge, dining room, two bathrooms and kitchen. The outbuildings comprise a double garage. There is a swimming pool on the property. No guarantee is however given in respect of the foregoing description. Terms: RS 000,00 cash at the time of the sale and the balance against registration of transfer to be secured by an approved banker's or building society's guarantee to be delivered within 21 days, the purchaser to pay transfer costs, rates, etc. The property will be sold voetstoots subject to any tenancy. The full Conditions of Sale (which must be signed after the sale) may be inspected during office hours at the office of the Messenger of the Court, 101 President Building, comer President and Monument Streets, Krugersdorp. The Plaintiff is prepared to grant a bond to an approved purchaser. Dated 20 October Phillips & Osmond, First Floor, Edanwaves, 1 Monument Street, Krugersdorp. IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICfOF BRAKPAN HELD AT BRAKPAN In the matter between Allied Building Society, Plaintiff, and Frederik Jobannes Bosboff, Defendant Case 3171/88 In pursuance of a Judgment in the Court of the Magistrate of Brakpan and Writ of Execution, dated the 10th day of June 1988, the property listed hereunder will be sold in Execution on the 25th day of November 1988, at 11 a.m. at the premises of the Messenger of the Court, 439 Prince George Avenue, Brakpan to the highest bidder. Certain Erf 188li, Dalpark Extension 6 Township, Registration Division I.R., Transvaal, Measuring 888 (eight hunded and eighty eight) square metres, Held by Deed of Transfer No The Property is defined as a residential stand, situated at 19 Bottlebrush Street, Dalpark Extension 6, Brakpan. No warrant or undertaking is given in relation to the nature of the improvements, which are described as follows: Main Building: 1 lounge, 1 TV room, 1 diningroom, 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 1 kitchen, brick/plaster walls, tiled roof. Outbuildings: One toilet only, pre-cast wall fencing, swimming pool. The Material Conditions o/sale are: a) The sale will be held by Public Auction and without reserve and will be voetstoots. b) Immediately afierthe sale the Purhaser shall sign the Conditions of Sale which can be inspected at the Messenger of the Court's office, Brakpan. c) The purchaser shall pay all amounts necessary to obtain transfer of the property, including all costs of tranfer, tranfer duty, rates, taxes, licences, sanitary fees, interest etc. d) The purchase price sball be paid as to 10 % (ten per cent) thereof or RSoo,oo (five hundred rand) whichever is tbe greater, on the day of the sale and the unpaid balance, together with interest on the full amount of the Judgment Creditor'S claim at the rate specified in the full conditions of sale to date of payment, within fourteen days to be paid or secured by a bank or building society guarantee. e) The property shall be sold subject to any existing tenancy. f) Failing compliance with the provisions of the conditions of Sale, the Purcbaser shall forfeit for the benefit of the Execution Creditor the deposit referred to in (d) above, without prejudice to any claim against him for damages. The full Conditions of Sale may be inspected at the Offices of the Messenger of the Court. Dated at Brakpan on this 14th day of October P. J. Cowling for Trollip, Joubert, Cowling & Janeke, 125a Kingsway Avenue, P.O. Box 38, Brakpan, Tel.: (Ref.: Mr Cowling:CvN:CI78/88.) IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICf OF ALBERTON HELD AT ALBERTON Case 6556/88 In the matter between United Building Society Limited, Plaintiff, and NdouivUle Qhele, Defendant On the 1st December 1988 all0.oo a.m., a public auction sale will be held at Johriahof, 4 Du Plessis Road, Alberton, at which the Messenger of the Court will, pursuant to the Judgment of the Court in this action, Warrant of Execution issued in terms tbereof and Attachment in Execution made thereunder sell. All Right, Title and Interest in the Leasehold in respect of 8445 in the township of Tokoza. Improvements (which are not warranted to be correct and are not guaranteed): Residence comprising of lounge, 3 bedrooms, bathroom & kitcben (hereinafter called the Right of Leasehold). The Material Conditions o/sale are: l. The Sale shall, in all respects, be subject to the provisions of the Magistrate's Court Act No. 32 ofl944 as amended and subjectthereto, the Right of Leasehold sball be sold voetstoots to the highest bidder. 2. The purchase price shall bear interest on the amount oftbe Plaintiff's claim, calculated at the current rate of interest referred to io the Warrant of Execution from the date of sale to the date of transfer, provided that if the Plaintiff or any other bondholder is entitled to a higber rate of interest, then that rate of interest sball be applicable.

48 48 No. 1lS63 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 4 NOVEMBER The Purchaser shall be oblige~to pay a deposit of 10 % (ten per centum) of the price in cash or by bank guaranteed cheque immediately after the sale and the balance of the purchase price and interest shall be secured by unconditional or approved bank and/or building society guarantee/s to be delivered within 14 (fourteen) days oflbe date of sale payable on transfer of the Right of Leasehold to the Purchaser. 4. The Purchaser shall be liable!pr and sball pay the fees and disbursements of the Messenger of the Court for acting as Auctioneer and all amounts necessary to obtain transfer of the Right of Leasehold. including stamp duty. transfer duty, other costs of transfer and all such site rental, rates and taxes and other amount which must be paid t41 procure transfer of the Right ofleasehold. S. The attention of all intending ~hasers is drawn to the provisions of the Group Areas Act and Blacks (Urban Areas) Consolidation Act, No. 2S of (The owner of the Right ofleas4hold belongs to the Black Group). Subjectto the provisions of Section 6A (6)(a) of the said Blacks (Urban Areas) Consolidation Act, the Right ot Leasqhold may only be purcbased by a qualified person as defined in such Act. The Right of Leasehold will be sold subject to the suspensive condition that the purchaser sball unless he is the mortgagee of the Right of Leasehold, furnish proof to the satisfaction of the Messenger immediately after the Sale that he is a qualified person. If he fails to do so the Sale shall fall away and be of no force or effect and the Right of Leasehold shall again be put up for auction. 6. The full Conditions of Sale, which will be read out by the Messenger of the Court, immediately before the Sale may be inspected at the office of the Messenger of the Court, Alberton. Signed and Dated at Alberton on tllis the 20 October To: The Clerk ofthe Court. Alberton. J. Sherman for Jack Sherman, Plldntiff's Attorneys, Second Floor, United Building. 24 V oortrekker Road. Alberton. IN DIE LAlfDDROSHOF VIR DIE DISTRIK VAN RUSTENBURG GEHOU TE RUSTENBURG Saak In die saak tussen Rustenburg PIaIonne, Eksekusieskuldeiser, en UJuls Jacobus Cornelius Boy, Eksekusieskuldenaar lngevolge 'n Vonnis in die Land<lroshof, Rustenburg en 'n Lasbrief vir Ekseknsie. gedateer 25 Augustus 1988, sal die volgende eiendom by wyse van openbare veiling in eksekusie verkoop word op die 18de November 1988, om loh30 voor die Landdroskantoor, Van Stadenstraat, Rustenburg. Gedeelte 22 van die plaas WaterldCllOf 305, Registrasie Afdeling J.Q., Transvaal. Groot: 4,0)50 hektaar. Voorwardes van verkoping: 1. Die eiendom sal voetstoots verkoop word aan die hoogste bieer en is onderhewig aan die bepalings van die Wet op Landdroshowe, No. 32 van 1944, soos gewysig en die goedkeuring van die United Bouvereniging en Pieter van den Berge, synde die Verbandhouers oor die eiendom en die mees preferente skuldeisers. 2. Die koopprys sal betaalbaar weas soos volg: (a) 'n Deposito van 10 % (tien gersent) van die koopprys sal betaalbaar wees in kontant onrniddellik na afbandeling van die verkoping en die onbetaalde balans tesame met die rente' daarop bereken jaarlikes op die heersende bank of bougenooskap koers vanaf datum van verkoping tot datum van registrasie van transport sal binne 21 (~n-en-twintig) dae betaal word of gewaarborg word deur 'n goedgekeurde bank- ofbougenootskapswaarborg. 3. Die volle Verkoopsvoorwaardes wat deur die afslaer uitgegee sal word onrniddellik voor die verkoping kan gedurende kantoorure by die afslaers, naarnlik Wessels & Le Roux Afs1aers,1tweede Vloer, United Gebou, Steenstraat, Rustenburg, nagesien word. Gedateer te Rustenburg op hierdie tide dag van Oktober Wessels & Le Roux, Prokureurs vit Eksekusieskuldeiser, Tweede Vloer, United-gebou, Steenstraat, Rustenburg, IN DIE LANDDROSHOF VIR DIE DISTR1K VAN PRETORIA GEHOU TE PRETORIA Saak /87 In die saak tossen Die TralmUlse Raad vir die Ontwikkellng van Bultestedellke Gebiede, Eiser, en C. T. Chandler, Verweerder Ingevolge 'n uitspraak van bogenqemde Hof en Lasbrief vir Eksekusie, gedateer 4 September 1987, sal die hieronderverrnelde eiendom geregtelik verkoop word op 18 Januarie 1988, om ~hoo in die voormiddag, te kantore van die Landdroshof, Barberton aan wie die hoogste aanbod maak. Erf3293 Marloth Park Vakansiedorp, Registrasie Afdeling Transvaal. Groot: vierkante meter, gehou kragtens Akte van Transport No. T 24950nS. Die Verkoopsvoorwaardes wat oll.$liddellik voor verkoping gelees sal word, 1! ter insae te die kantore van die Geregsbode Barberton. Die gesegde Verkoopsvoorwaardes bevat onder andere die volgende voorwaardes: (a) Die Koper moet 'n deposito van 10 % (tien persent) van die Koopprys kontant op die dag van die verkoping betaal, die balans betaalbaar teen transport en verseker te word deur 'n waarborg van 'n bank of bougenootskap wat deur die Eiser se prokureurs goedgekeur is, die waarborg aan die Geregsbode binne 14 (veertien dae) na die datum van die verkoping verstrek te word; (b) Die Koper moet afslaersgelde op die dag van die verkoping betaal teen 4 % (vier persent) van die totale koopprys. Geteken te Pretoria op hierdie 21stc dag van Oktober C. J. van der Merwe vir Eben Griffiths & Vennote, Prokureurs vir Eiser, Negende Verdieping, Ou Mutualgebou, Andriesstraat, Pretoria. (Verw.: Mev. Olivier.) IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Witwatersrand Local Division) Case 88/14330 In the matter between UnitCld BuDding Society, Plaintiff, and Petronella Johanna Robertina Lopes (Female), Fast Defendant In execution of a Judgement of the Supreme Court of South Africa (Witwatersrand Local Division) in the above-mentioned suit a Sale Without Reserve will be held at the office of the Deputy Sheriff, at 131 Marshall Street, Johannesburg, on the 24th day of November 1988 at lohoo of the underrnentioned property of the Defendant on the Conditions to be read out by the Auctioneer at the offices of the Deputy Sheriff, 133 Marshall Street, Johannesburg, priorto the sale. Erf 446, Meredale Extension 4, Township Registration Division I.Q., Transvaal. Measuring (one thousand) square metres. Held by Petronella Johanna Robertina Lopes under Deed of Transfer No. T /85. Physical address is 9 Apalis Street, Meredale Extension 4, Group Areas White, Zoning Residential 1.

49 STAATSKOERANT, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No.1I The following infonnation is furnished re the improvements, though in this respect nothing is guaranteed: Construction brick under tile roof, entrance hall, lounge, dining room, 3 bedrooms, bathroom/we, separate w clshower, kitchen, outbuildings attached wc. Terms: 10 % (ten per cent) of the purchase price in cash on the day ofthe sale, the balance payable against registration of Transfer, to be secured by a bank- or building society-or other acceptable guarantee to be furnished within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of sale. Auctioneers charges, payable on the day of sale, to be calculated as follows, 5 % (five per cent) on the proceeds of the sale up to a price of RI5 000,00 (fifteen thousand rand) and thereafter 2~ % (two and a half percent) up to a maximum fee of RS 000,00 (five thousand rand), Minimum charges RSO,oo (fifty rand). Dated at Johannesburg on this the 17th day of October L. G. Bedel for Bowens, Plaintiffs Attorneys, Seventh Roor, Hunts Corner, 20 New Street South, Johannesburg, P.O. Box 6434, Tel.: (Ref.: Mrs Botha.) IN DIE LANDDROSHOF VIR DIE DISTRlK VAN PRETORIA GEHOU TE PRETORIA Saak In die saak tussen Die Transvaalse Raad vir die Ontwikkeling van Buitestedelike Gebiede, Eiser. en S. M. Britz, Verweerder lngevolge ' n uitspraak van bogenoemde Hof en Lasbrief vir Eksekusie, gedateer 4 September sal die hierondervermelde eiendom geregtelik verkoop word op 18 Januarie 1989 om O9hOO in die voormiddag, te kantore van die Landdroshof, Barberton, aan wie die hoogste aanbod maak. Erf901 Marloth Park Vakansiedorp, Registrasie Afdeling, Transvaal. Groot: I 615 vierkante meter. Gehou kragtens Akte van Transport No. T 41829/84. Die Verkoopsvoorwaardes wat onrniddellik voor die verkoping gelees sal word, Ie ter insae by die kantore van die Geregsbode, Barberton. Die gesegde verkoopsvoorwaardes bevat onder ander die volgende voorwaardes: (a) Die Koper moet 'n deposito van 10 % (tien persent) van die Koopprys kontant op die dag van die verkoping betaal, die balans betaalbaar teen transport en verseker te word deur 'n waarborg van 'n bank of bougenootskap wat deur die Eiser se prokureurs goedgekeur is, die waarborg aan die Geregsbode binne 14 (veertien dae) na die datum van die verkoping verstrek te word; (b) Die Koper moet afslaersgelde op die dag van die verkoping betaal teen 4 % (vier persent) van die totale koopprys. Geteken te Pretoria op hierdie 2Iste dag van Oktober C. J. van der Merwe vir Eben Griffiths & Vennote, Prokureurs vir Eiser, Negende Verdieping, Ou Mutualgebou, Andriesstraat, Pretoria. (Verw.: Mev. Olivier.) IN DIE LANDDROSHOF VIR DIE DISTRIK VAN PRETORIA GEHOU TE PRETORIA Saak In die saak tussen Die Transvaalse Raad vir die Ontwikkeling van BuitestedeUke Gebiede, Eiser, en J. M. de S. Travassos, Verweerder Ingevolge 'n uitspraak van bogenoemde Hof en Lasbrief vir Eksukusie, gedateer 14 Maart sal die hierondervermelde eiendom geregtelik verkoop word op 18 Januarie 1989 om 09hoo in die voormiddag, te kantore van die Landdroshof, Barberton. aan wie die hoogste aanbod maak. Erf 4214 Marloth Park Vakansiedorp, Registrasie Afdeling, Transvaal. Groot: I 568 vierkante rneter. Gehou kragtens Akte van Transport No. T 5648/83. Die Verkoopsvoorwaardes wat onrniddellik voor die verkoping gelees sal word, Ie ter insae te die kantore van die Geregsbode, Barberton. Die gesegde verkoopsvoorwaardes bevat onder andere die volgende voorwaardes: (a) Die Koper moet 'n deposito van io % (tien persent) van die Koopprys kontant op die dag van die verkoping betaal, die balans betaalbaar teen transport en verseker te word deur 'n waarborg van 'n bank of bougenootskap wat deur die Eiser se prokureurs goedgekeur is, die waarborg aan die Geregsbode binne 14 (veertien dae) na die datum van die verkoping verstrek te word; (b) Die Koper moet afslaersgelde op die dag van die verkoping betaal teen 4 % (vier persent) van die totale koopprys. Geteken te Pretoria op hierdie 21 ste dag van Oktober C. J. van der Merwe vir Eben Griffiths & Vennote, Prokureurs vir Eiser, Negende Verdieping, Ou Mutualgebou, Andriessttaat, Pretoria. (Verw.: Mev. Olivier.) IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF PRETORIA HELD AT PRETORIA Case In the matter between The Transvaal Board for the Development of Peri-Urban Areas, Plajntiff, and J. M. D. S. Travassos, Defendant Pursuant of a Judgment of this Court and Writ of Execution, dated 17 August 1987, the undermentioned property will be sold in execution on the 18th January 1989 at 9hoo in the forenoon, in front of the Magistrate's Court, Barberton, to the highest bidder. Erf 4215 situated in the township Marloth Park, Registration Division, Transvaal, Measuring I 568 square metres, Held by Deed of Transfer No. T 5648/83. The Conditions of Sale which will be read immediately prior to the sale, are lying for inspection at the offices of the Messenger of the Court, Barberton. Such conditions inter alia contain the following conditions: (a) The Purchaser shall pay a deposit often per cent (10 %) of the purchase price in cash on the day of sale, the balance against transfer, to be secured by a bank or building society guarantee, to be approved by the Plaintiffs attorneys, to be furnished within fourteen days (14) after the date of Sale. (b) The Purchaser shall pay auctioneer' s charges on the day of the sale at four per cent (4 % ) of the total purchase price. Signed at Pretoria this 21st day of October C. J. van der Merwe for Eben Griffiths &Partners, Plaintiffs Attorneys, Old Mutual Building, Ninth Roor, Andries Street, Pretoria, Tel.: (Ref.: Mrs van Niekerk.)

50 50 No GOVERNMENT GAZETIE, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 IN Dm LANDDROSHOF VIR om DISTRIK van PRETORIA TE PRETORIA Soak 17570/86 In die saak tussen Die TraosYaaIse Raad vir die OntwlkkeliDg van Buitestedelike Geb1ede, Biser, en R. G. Parsons, Verweerder Ingevolge 'n uitspraak van hogen4lemde Hof en Lasbrief vir Eksukusie, gedateer 17 Februarie 1987, sal die hierundervennelde eiendom geregtelik verkoop word op 181anuarie 1989, om O9hOO in die voormiddag, te karltore van die Landdroshof, Barberton, aan wie die hoogste aanbod maak. Erf 3912 Marloth Park VakansiedQrp, Registrasie Afdeling, Transvaal. Groot: vierkarlte meter. Gehou kragtens Akte van Transpollt No. T 23706n8. Die Verkoopsvoorwaardes wat oamiddellik voor die verkoping getees sat word, Ie ter insae te die kantore van die Geregsbode. Barberton. Die gesegde verkoopsvoorwaardes bevat onder ondere die volgende voorwaardes: (a) Die Koper moet 'n deposito v~ 10 % (tien persent) van die Koopprys kontant op die dag van die verkoping betaal, die balans betaalbaar teen transport en verseker te word deur 'nwaarborg van 'n bank of hougenootskap wat deur die Eiser se prokureurs goedgekeur is, die waarborg aan die Geregsbode binne 14 (veertien dae) na 4ie datum van die verkoping verstrek te word; (b) Die Koper moet afslaersgelde <tj die dag van die verkoping betaal teen 4 % (vier persent) van die totale koopprys. Geteken te Pretoria op hierdie 21st4: dag van Oktober C. J. van der Merwe vir Eben Griffiths & Vennote, Prokureurs vir Eiser, Negende Verdieping, Ou Mutualgehou, Andriesstraat, Pretoria. (Verw.: Mev. Olivier.) IN om LANDDROSHOF VIR om DISTRlK van PRETORIA GEHOU TE PRETORIA Soak 37435/87 In die saak tussen Die Tnmsvaalse Raad vir die OntwikkeliDg van Buitestedelike Geh1ede, Eiser, en C. J. D. G. van Dyk, Verweerder Ingevolge 'n uitspraak van hogen~de Hof en Lasbrief vir die Eksekusie. gedateer 8 September 1987 sal die hierondervennelde eiendom geregtelik verkoop word op 18 Januarie 1989 om Q9hOO in die voormiddag, te kantore van die Landdroshof, Barberton, aan wie die hoogste aanbod maak. Erf 3398 Marloth Park. Vakansied<*(l. Registrasie Afdeling, Transvaal. Groot: vierkante meter. Gehou kragtens Akte van Transpo!t No. T 11389n8. Die Verkoopsvoorwaardes wat ol\ldiddellik voor die verkoping gelees sal word, Ie ter insae te die kantore van die Geregsbode, Barberton. Die gesegde verkoopsvoorwaardes bevat on4\er ander die volgende voorwaardes: (a) Die Koper moet 'n deposito van 10 % (tien persent) van die Koopprys kontant op die dag van die verkoping betaal, die balans betaalbaar teen transport en verseker te word deur 'n l\vaarborg van 'n bank of hougenootskap wat deur die Biser se prokureurs goedgekeur is, die waarborg aan die Geregsbode binne 14 (veertien dae) na <le datum van die verkoping verstrek te word; (b) Die Koper moetafslaersgelde op die dag van die verkoping bewl teen 4 % (vier persent) van die totale koopprys. Geteken te Pretoria op hierdie 21s14 dag van Oktober C. J. van der Merwe vir Eben Griffiths & Vennote, Prokureurs vir Eiser, Negende Verdieping, On Mutualgehou, Andriesstraat, Pretoria. (Verw.: Mev. Olivier.) IN om LANDDROSHOF VIR om DISTRIK van PRETORIA GEHOU TE PRETORIA Soak 14222/86 In die saak tussen Die Tnmsvaalse Raad vir die OntwlkkeliDg van Bnitestedelike Geb1ede, Eiser, en Grabam Cbarles Johnson, Verweerder Ingevotge 'n uitspraak van hogewemde Hof en Lasbrief vir Eksekusie, gedateer 22 Junie 1986, sal die hierondervennelde eiendom geregtelik verkoop word op 18 Januarie 1989 om 09hOO in die voormiddag, te kantore van die Landdroshof, Barberton, aan wie die hoogste aanbod maak. Erwe 2182 & 2290 Marloth Park, \l'akansiedorp, Registrasie Afdeting, Transvaal. Groot: & vierkante IDCtter-onderskeidelik. Gehou kragtens Akte van Transport No. T 17877/81-beide. Die Verkoopsvoorwaardes wat onmiddellik voor die verkoping getees sal word, Ie ter insae te die kantore van die Geregsbode, Barberton. Die gesegde verkoopvoorwaardes bevat ond r andere die volgende voorwaardes. (a) Die Koper moo 'n deposito vlfll0 % (tien persent) van die Koopprys kontant op die dag van die verkoping bewl, die balans betaalbaar teen transport en verseker Ie word denr 'n waarborg van 'n bank of hougenootskap wat deur die Eiser se prokureurs goedgekeur is, die waarborg aan die Geregsbode binne 14 (veertien dae) na die datum van die verkoping verstrek te word; (b) Die Koper moe! afslaersgelde 01' die dag van die verkoping bewl teen 4 % (vier persent) van die totale koopprys. Geteken te Pretoria op hierdie 21sle dag van Oktober C. J. van der Merwe vir Eben Griffiths & Vennote, Prokureurs vir Eiser, Negende Verdieping. On Mutualgebou, Andriesstraat, Pretoria. (Verw.: Mev. Olivier.) IN om LANDDROSHOF VIR om DISTRlK van PRETORIA GEHOU TE PRETORIA Soak 11475/87 In die saak tussen Die Tnmsvaalse ltaad Vir die OntwikkeUng van Bultestedelike Geb1ede, Eiser, en Grabam Cbarles Johnson, Verweerder Ingevolge 'n uitspraak van boge~mde Hof en Lasbrief vir Eksukusie, gedateer 15 Junie, sal die hierondervennelde eiendom geregtelik verkoop word op 18 Januarie 1989 om O9hOO in die voormiddag, te kantore van die Landdroshof, Barberton, aan wie die hoogste aanbod maak. Erf3251 Marloth Park Vakansiedorp, Registrasie Afdeting, Transvaal. Groot: vierkante meter.

51 STAATSKOERANT, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No Gehou kragtens die Akte van Transport No. T Die VerkoopsvoOlwaardes wat onmiddellik voor die verkoping gelees sal word, Ii! ter insae te die kantore van die Geregsbode, Barbetton. Die gesegde verkoopsvoorwaardes bevat onder ander die volgende voorwaardes. (a) Die Koper moet 'n deposito van 10 % (tien persent) van die Koopprys kontant op ~ie ~ag van die verkoping betaal, die ba.lans betaalbaar te~n transport en verseker te word deur 'n waarborg van 'n bank of bougenootskap wat deur die Elser se prolrureurs goedgekeur IS, die waarborg aan die Geregsbode binne 14 (veertien dae) na die datum van die verkoping verstrek te word; (b) Die Koper moet afslaersgelde op die dag van die verkoping betaal teen 4 % (vier persent) van die totale koopprys. Geteken te Pretoria ljp hierdie 21ste dag van Oktober C. J. van der Merwe vir Eben Griffiths & Vennote, Prokureurs vir Eiser. Negende Verdieping, Ou Mutualgebou, Andriesstraat, Pretoria. (Verw.: Mev Olivier.) IN DIE LANDDROSHOF VIR DIE DISTRIK VAN PRETORIA GEHOU TE PRETORIA In die 8aak tus:,en: Die Transvaalse Raad vir die Ontwikkeling van Buitestedelike Gebiede, Eiser en A. L. Schuootz, Verweerder Saak Ingevolge 'n uitspr-aak van bogenoemde Hof en Lasbrief vir Ekselrusie gedateer 15 Iunie 1987, sal die hierondervermelde eiendom geregtelik verkoop word op 18 Januarie 1989, om 09hOO, in die voormiddag, Ie kantore van die Landdroshof, Barberton aan wie die hoogste aanbod mm: Erf: 833 Marloth Park, Vakansiedorp, Registrasie Afd. Tv!. Groot: Vierkame Meter. Gehou: Kragtens Akte van Transport No. T Die Verkoopvoorwaardes wat onmiddellik voor die verkoping gelees sal word, Ie ter insae te die kantore van die Geregsbode, Barberton. Die gesegde verkoopvoorwaardes bevat onder ander die volgende voorwaardes: (a) Die Koper moet 'n deposito van 10 % (tien persent) van die Koopprys kontant op die dag van die verkoping betaal, die balans betaalbaar teen transport en verseker te word deur 'n waarborg van 'n bank- of bougenootskap wat deur die Eiser se prolrureurs goedgekeur is, die waarborg aan die Geregsbode binne 14 (veertien dae) na die datum van die verkoping verstrek te word; (b) Die Koper moet afslaersgelde op die dag van die verkoping betaal teen 4 % (vier persent) van die totale Koopprys. Geteken te Pretoria op hierdie 21 ste dag van Oktober C. J. van der Merwe, vir Eben Griffiths & Vennote, Prolrureurs vir Eiser, Negende Vloer, Ou Mutualgebou, Andriesstraat, Pretoria. (Verw.: Mev. Olivier.) IN DIE LANDDROSHOF VIR DIE DISTRIK VAN PRETORIA GEHOU TE PRETORIA In die saak tussen: Die Transvaalse Raad vir die Ontwikkeling van Buitestedelike Gebiede, Eiser en A. H. Ralph, Verweerder Saak Ingevolge 'n uitspraak van bogenoemde Hof en Lasbrief vir Eksekusie gedateer 15 Iunie 1987, sal die hierondervermelde eiendom geregtelik verkoop word op 18 Januarie 1989, om 09hOO, in die voormiddag, te kantore van die Landdrosbof, Barberton aan wie die hoogste aanbod maak: Erf: 67 gelee in die dorpsgebied Marlothpark; Registrasie AfdeUng Tansvaal; Groot: vierkante meter; Gehou: Kragtens Akte van Transport No, 1' Die Verkoopvoorwaardes wat onmiddeuik voor die verkoping gelees ~al word, Ie ler insae te die kantore van die Geregsbode, Barberton. Die gesegde verkoopvoorwaardes bevat onder ander die volgende voorwaardes: (a) Die Koper moet 'n deposito van 10 % (lien persent) van die Koopprys kontant op die dag van die verkoping betaal, die balans betaalbaar teen transport en verseker te word deur 'n waarborg van 'n bank- of bougenootskap wat deur die Eiser se prokureurs goedgekeur is, die waarborg aan die Geregsbode binne 14 (veertien dae) na die datum van die verkoping verstrek te word; (b) Die Koper moet afslaersgelde op die dag van die verkoping betaa! teen 4 % (vier persent) van die [otale Koopprys. Geteken te Pretoria op hierdie 21sIe dag van Oktober 1988, C. J. van der Merwe, vir Eben Griffiths & Vennote, Prokureurs vir Eiser, Negende Vloer, Ou Mutualgebou, Andriesstraat, Pretoria, (Verw.: Mev. van Niekerk) (Tel.: ,) IN DIE LANDDROSHOF VIR DIE DISTRIK VAN PRETORIA GEHOU TE PRETORIA Saak 11480/87 In die saak tussen: Die Transvaalse Raad vir die Ontwikkeling van Buitestedelike Gebiede, Eiser en Maurice Jobn Liddiard, Verweerder Ingevolge 'n uitspraak van bogenoemde Hof en Lasbrief vir Eksekusie gedateer 15 Iunie 1987, sal die hierondervermelde eiendom geregtelik verkoop word op 18 Januarie om 09hOO, indie voormiddag, te kantore van die Landdroshof, Barbertonaan wie die hoogste aanbod rnaak: Erf: 473 Marloth Park Registra~ie Adeling TransvaaL Groot: 2524 Vierkante Meter. Gehou: Kragtens Akte van Transport No. T8812n9, Die Verkoopvoorwaardes wat onmiddellik voor die verkoping gelees sal word, Ie ter insae Ie die kantore van die Geregsbode, Barberton. Die gesegde verkoopvoorwaardes bevat onder ander die volgende voorwaardes: (a) Die Koper moet '11 deposito van IO % (tien persent) van die Koopprys kontant op die dag van die verkoping betaal, die balans betaalbaar teen transport en verseker te word deur 'n waarborg van 'n bank- of bougenootskap wat deur die Eiser se prokureurs goedgekeur is, die waarborg aan die Geregsbode binne 14 (veertien dae) na die datum van die verkoping verstrek te word; (b) Die Koper moet afslaersgelde op die dag van die verkoping betaal teen 4 % (vier persent) van die totale Koopprys. Geteken te Pretoria op hierdie 21ste dag van Oktober 1988, C. J. van der Merwe, vir Eben Griftiths & Vennote, Prolrureurs vir Eiser, Negende Vloer, Ou Mutualgebou, Andriesstraat, Pretoria. (Verw.: Mev. Olivier.)

52 52 No GOVERNMENT GAZETIE, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 IN DIE LANDDROSHOF VIR DIE DISTRIK VAN PRETORIA GEHOU TE PRETORIA Saak 11482/87 In die saak tussen: Die Transvaalse Raad vir die Ontwikkeling van BuitestedeUke Gebiede, Eiser en Ronald Wilfred Jobo K. Turner, Vetweerder Ingevolge 'n uitspraak van bogenoemde Hof en Lasbrief vir Eksekusie gedateer 15 Junie 1987, sal die hierondervermelde eiendom geregtelik: verkoop word op 18 Ianuarie 1989, om09hoo, in die voormiddag, te kantore van die Landdroshof, Barberton aan wie die hoogste aanbod maak: Erf: Marloth Park Registrasie Afdeling Transvaal. Groot: 2052 Vierkante Meter. Gehou: KragteIl8 Akte van Transport No. T Die Verkoopvootwaardes wat o!llriddellik: voor die verkoping gelees sal word, Ie ter insae te die kantore van die Geregsbode, Barberton. Die gesegde verkoopvootwaardes bevat onder ander die volgende vootwaardes: (a) Die Koper moet 'n deposito van 10 % (tien persent) van die Koopprys kontant op die dag van die verkoping betaal, die balans betaalbaar teen transport en verseker te word deur 'n waarborg van 'n bank- of bougenootskap wat deur die Eiser se prokureurs goedgekeur is, die waarborg aan die Geregsbode binne 14 (veertien dae) na 4ie datum van die verkoping verstrek te word; (b) Die Koper moet afslaersgelde op die dag van die verkoping betaal teen 4 % (vier persent) van die totale Koopprys. Geteken te Pretoria op hierdie 21ste dag van Oktober C. I. van der Metwe, vir Eben Grtffiths & Vennote, Prokureurs vir Eiser, Negende Vloer, Ou Mutualgebou, Andriesstraat, Pretoria. (Vetw.: Mev. Olivier.) IN DIE LANDDROSHOF VIR DIE DISTRIK VAN PRETORIA GEHOU TE PRETORIA In die saak tussen: Die Trausvaalse Raad vir die Ontwikkeling van Buitestedelike Gebiede, Eiser en F. S. Miller, Vetweerder Saak36138/87 Ingevolge 'n uitspraak van bogenoemde Hof en Lasbrief vir Eksekusie gedateer 24 November 1987, sal die hierondervermelde eiendom geregtelik verkoop word op 18 Januarie 1989, om E>9hOO, in die voormiddag, te kantore van die Landdroshof, Barberton aan wie die hoogste aanbod maak: Erf: gelee in die dorpsgebied Marlothpark; Registrasie Afdeling Tansvaal; Groot: I 536 vierkante meter; Gehou: Kragtens Akte van Transport No. T Die Verkoopvootwaardes wat onrniddellik: voor die verkoping gelees sal word, Ie ter insae Ie die kanlore van die Geregsbode, Barberton. Die gesegde verkoopvootwaardes bevat onder ander die volgende vootwaardes: (a) Die Koper moet 'n deposito Van 10 % (tien persenl) van die Koopprys kontant op die dag van die verkoping betaal, die balans betaalbaar teen trail8port en verseker te word deur 'n waarborg van 'n bank- of bougenootskap wat deur die Eiser se prokureurs goedgekeur is, die waarborg aan die Geregsbode binne 14 (veertien dae) na die datum van die verkoping verstrek te word; (b) Die Koper moet afslaersgelde oil' die dag van die verkoping betaal teen 4 % (vier persent) van die totale Koopprys. Geteken te Pretoria op hierdie 2Iste dag van Oktober C. I. van der Metwe, vir Eben Griffiths & Vennote, Prokureurs vir Eiser, Negende Vloer, Ou Mutualgebou, Andriesstraat, Pretoria. (Vetw.: Mev. van Niekerk.) (Tel.: ) IN DIE LANDDROSHOF VIR DIE DISTRIK VAN PRETORIA GEHOU TE PRETORIA Saak In die saak tussen: Die Transvaalse Raad vir die Ontwikkeling van BuitestedeUke Gebiede, Eiser en J. Istvan, Vetweerder Ingevolge 'n uitspraak van bogenoemde Hof en Lasbrief vir Eksekusie gedateer 13 Ianuarie 1988, sal die hierondervermelde eiendom geregtelik: verkoop word op 18 Januarie 1989, om OOhOO, in die voormiddag, te kantore van die Landdroshof, Barberton aan wie die hoogste aanbod maak: ErJ: Marloth Park Registrasie Afdeling Transvaal. Groot: I 600 Vierkante Meter. Gehou: Kragtens Akte van Transport No. T Die Verkoopvootwaardes wat onmiddellik voor die verkoping gelees sal word, Ie ter insae te die kantore van die Geregsbode, Barberton. Die gesegde verkoopvootwaardes bevat onder ander die volgende vootwaardes: (a) Die Koper :noet 'n deposito vaa 10 % (tien persent) van die Koopprys kontant op die dag van die verkoping betaal, die ljalall8 betaalbaar teen transport en verseker te word deur 'n wllarborg van 'n bank- of bougenootskap wat deur die Eiser se prokureurs goedgekeur is, die waarborg aan die Geregsbode binne 14 (veertien dae) na die datum van die verkoping verstrek te word; (b) Die Koper moet afslaersgelde opdie dag van die verkoping betaal teen 4 % (vier persent) van die totale Koopprys. Geteken te Pretoria op hierdie 21ste dag van Oktober C. J. van der Merwe, vir Eben Griffiths & Vennote, Prokureurs vir Eiser, Negende Vloer, Ou Mutualgebou, Andriesstraat, Pretoria. (Vetw.: Mev. Olivier.) IN DIE LANDDROSHOF VIR DIE DISTRIK VAN PRETORIA GEHOU TE PRETORIA In die saak tussen: Die Transvaalse Raad vir die Ontwikkeling van BuitestedeJike Gebiede, Eiser en F. P. G. Drake, Vetweerder Saak 37442/87 Ingevolge 'n uitspraak van bogenoeplde Hof en Lasbrief vir Eksekusie gedaleer 2 Februarie 1988, sal die hierondervermelde eiendom geregtelik verkoop word op 18 Ianuarie 1989, om 09hOO, in die voormiddag, te kantore van die Landdroshof, Barberton aan wie die hoogste aanbod maak: Erf: Marloth Park Regislrasie Adeling Transvaal. Groot: 2050 Vierkante Meter

53 STAATSKOERANT, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No Gelwu: Kragtens Akte van Transport No. T33559/1979. Die VerkoopvoOlwaardes wat onmiddellik voor die verkoping gelees sal word, Ie ter insae te die kantore van die Geregsbode, Barberton. Die gesegde verkoopvoorwaardes bevat onder ander die volgende voorwaardes: (a) Die Koper moet 'n deposito van 10 % (tien persent) van die Koopprys kontant op die dag van die verkoping betaal, die balans betaalbaar teen transport en verseker te word deur 'n waarborg van 'n bank- of bougenootskap wat deur die Eiser se prokureurs goedgekeur is, die waarborg aan die Geregsbode binne 14 (veertien dae) na die datum van die verkoping verstrek te word; (b) Die Koper moet afslaersgelde op die dag van die verkoping betaal teen 4 % (vier persent) van die!olale Koopprys. Geteken te Pretoria op hierdie 21 ste dag van Oktober 1988, C. J. van der Merwe, vir Eben Griffiths & Vennote, Prokureurs vir Eiser, Negende Vloer, Ou Mutualgebou, Andriesstraat, Pretoria. (Verw.: Mev. Olivier.) IN OlE LANDDROSHOF VIR DIE DlSTRIK V AN PRETORIA GEHOU TE PRETORIA In die saak tussen: Die Transvaalse Raad vir die Ontwikkeling van Buitestedelike Gebiede, Eiser en E. F. Hummel, Verweerder Saak 35406/87 Ingevolge 'n uitspraak van bogenoemde Hof en Lasbrief vir Eksekusie gedateer 28 Januarie 1988, sal die hierondervermelde eiendom geregtelik verkoop word op 18 Januarie 1989, om 09hOO, in die voormiddag, lc kanlore van die Landdroshof, Barberton aan wie die hoogste aanbod maak: Erf: Marloth Park. Vakansiedorp Registrasie Afdeling Tvl. Groot: 2 484, Vierkante Meter. Gelwu: Kragtens Mte van Transport No. T26352!1979. Die Verkoopvoorwaardes wat onmiddellik voor die verkoping gelees sal word, Ie ter insae te die kantore van die Geregsbode, Barberton. Die gesegde verkoopvoorwaardes bevat onder ander die volgende voorwaardes: (a) Die Koper moet 'n deposito van 10 % (tien persent) van die Koopprys kontant op die dag van die verkoping betaal, die balans betaalbaar teen transport en verseker te word deur 'n waarborg van 'n bank- of bougenootskap wat deur die Eiser se prokureurs goedgekeur is, die waarborg aan die Geregsbode binne 14 (veertien dae) na die datum van die verkoping verstrek te word; (b) Die Koper moet afslaersgelde op die dag van die verkoping betaal tecn 4 % (vier persent) van die totale Koopprys. Geteken te Pretoria Op hierdie 21 ste dag van Oktober C. J. van der Merwe. vir Eben Griffiths & Vennote. Prokllreurs vir Eiser, Negende Vloer, Ou Mutualgebou, Andriesstraat, Pretoria. (Verw.: Mev. Olivier.) IN OlE LANDDROSHOF VIR DIE DlSTRIK V AN VEREENIGING GEHOU TE VEREENIGING In die saak tussen: Allied Bouvereniging, Eiseren N. J. Bosch, Verweerder Saak 4603/87 Ter uitvoering van'n uitspraak van die Landdroshof vir die distrik van Vereeniging, sal die eiendom hieronder vermeld per openbare veiling verkoop word te Geregsbodekantoor, Lochstraat, Meyerton op die 8ste dag van Descmber 1988 om IOhOO. Sekere: Erwe 89, 91, 92, 94, 130, 131, en 132, Highbury Dorpsgebied, Registrasie Afdeling I.R., Transvaal. Groot: Elk 4047 vierkante meter. Sekere: Erwe I 560, I 561, 1 576,1 577 en I 578, HenJey on Klip dorpsgebied, Registrasie Afdeling I.R., Transvaal. Groot: Erf vierkante meter, vierkante meter, vierkante meter, vierkante meter, vierkante meter. Verbeterings: Onverbeter. Terme: Een tiende van die koopprys sal betaalbaar wees 01' die dag van die verkoping en die balans tesame met 14 % (veer):ien per centum) per jaar vanaf datum van koop tot datum vanaf betaling sal gewaarljorg word deur 'n bank- of bouvereniging of ander aanvaarbare waarborg. Sodanige waarborg moet verstrek word aan die Geregsbode te Meyerton binne veertien (14) dae vanaf datum van verkoping. Voorwaardes: Die vouedige voorwaardes van verkoping Ie ler ir.sae by die Geregsbode te Meyerton. Gedateer te Vereeniging op hede die 18de dag van Oktober 1981.( D. C. J. Hoffman, vir D. J. Malan & Hoffman, Cicerogennu, Ltsliestraat 14, Posbus 415, Vereeniging, IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF GERMISTON HELD AT GERMISTON Case 8444/88 In the matter between: South African Permanent Building Society, Plaintiff, and Michael James Hall, First Defendant, Estelle Hall, Second. Defendant Pursuant to a Judgement granted by the abovemculloned Honourable Court dated 9th August 1988, and Warrant of Execution served on 27th September 1988, the undermentioned property will be sold in the 6th December 1988, at 10hOO a.m. in front of Magistrates Court, President Street, Germiston to the highest bidder: Cenain: Portion 48 (a Portion of Portion 8) of Lot \32 Klippoortje Agricultural Lots Registration Division I.R. Transvaal. Measuring: 1002 (one thousand and two) Square metres. Also klwwnas: 18 Carol Street. Summerpark, Germiston. (hcrdnafter ~alled "the Property"). Improvements Reported: (which are not warranted to be correct and are not guaranteed) Detached single storey brick built residence with tiled roof comprising of 5 rooms other than kitchen and 2 bathrooms with outbuildings of similar construction comprising of garage and toilet. I. The purchaser shall be obliged to pay a deposit of ten per centum of the price of four hundred rand (whichever is the greater) immediately after the sale and the balance of the price and interest shall, within fourteen days of the date of sale, be paid or be secured by unconditional or approved bank andlor building society guarantee/s payable to the Messenger of the Court andior such other person/s as he requires on transfer of the property to the purchaser.

54 54 No GOVERNMENT GAZETIE, 4 NOVEMBER The pri~e shall bear interest *[ the rate of 18 % per annum or, if the claim of the South African Permanent Building Society exceeds the price, mterest arnountmg to the same as mterest at that rate on that claim subject to such interest not exceeding the maximum allowed by Law. 3. Possession and occupation of'the property shall, subject to the rights of any existing tenantis pass to the purchaser upon the sale being effected from which date all benefits, risks and:liability shall pass 10 the purchaser. The complete tenns and conditiolls of sale may be inspected at the offices of the Messenger of the court Germiston. Dated at Germiston on this the 1&th day of October B. K. Tucker, for Henry Tucker & Partners, Attorneys for Plaintiff, 6th Floor, Permanent Building, 165 :Meyer Street, Germiston. (Mrs. A. M. van Biljon ) IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OFGERMISTON HELD AT GERMISTON Case 7230/88 III tbe matter between: So.tb African Permanent Building Society, Plaintiff, and Grant Richard WUJiam DoubeU, Defendant Pursuant to a Judgement granted,by the abovementioned Honourable Court dated 21st July 1988, and Warrant of Execution served on 25th August 1988, the undermentioned property wlll be sold in the 6th December 1988, at lohoo a.m. in front of Magistrates Court, President Street, Germiston to the highest bidder: Certain: Erf Primrose Township, RegiSTration Division/.R., Transvooi. Measuring: I 025 (one thousanli and twenty tive) Square metres. Also known as: 24 First Street, Primrose, Germiston. ~hereinafter called "the Property") Improvements Reported: (which are not warranted to be correct and are not guaranteed) Detached single storey brick built residence with tiled roof comprising oi 5 rooms other than kitchl:n and I bathrooms with outbuildings of similar construction comprising of garage and toilet. I. The purchaser shall be obliged 10 pay a deposit often per centum of the price of four hundred rand (whichever is the greater) immediately after the sale and the balance of the price and interest shall, within fourteen days of the date of sale, be paid or be secured by unconditional or approved bank andlor building society guarantee/s payable to the Me.ssenger of the Court and/or such other personls as he requires on transfer of the property to the purchaser. 2. lbe price shall bear interest at the rate of 18 % per annum or, if the claim of the South African Permanent Building Society exceeds the price, interest amounting to the same as interest at that rate on that claim subject to such interest not exceeding the maximum allowed by Law. 3. Possession and occup~tion of Ihe property shall, subject to the rights of any existing tenantis pass to the purchaser upon the sale being effected from which date all benefits, risks and liability shall pass to the purchaser. The complete terms and conditions of sale may be inspected at the oftices of the Messenger of the court Germiston. Dated at Germiston on this the 18~h day of October B. K. Tucker, for Henry Tucker &: Partners, Attorneys for Plaintiff, 6th Floor, Permanent Building, 165 Meyer Street, Germiston. (Mrs. A. M. van Biljon ) IN THE MAGlSTRA TE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF VEREENIGING HELD AT VEREENIGING Case In the matter between: United Building Society, Plaintiff, and Jakobus Gerhardus van der Merwe. First Defendant, Carol June van der Merwe, Second Defendant In execution of the judgment gran~ herein and subsequent notice of attachment dated the 23rd day of September 1988, the undermentioned property will be sold by the Me,senger of the Court on the 25th day of November 1988, at the offices of the Messenger of the Court, 413 Beaconsfield Avenue, Vereenigingat lohooa.m. Descriprion: certain improvj:djresldential property situate in the township of Spring col, Registration Division LQ. Transvaal; being Erf 91, in extent 817 (eight hundred and seventeen) square metres; (3 bedroomed house with lounge, dining room, kitchen, 1. bathrooms with WIC, single garage, servant's quaters and toilet, swimming pool, precast walling and paving). The outstanding amount under the existing bond amounts 10 plus minus R The street address of the property is 13 Anton Street, Spriogcol, Vereening. COlldiTions: L The sale shall be subject to the provisions laid down by the Magistrate's Court Act No. 32 of 1944, and the Rules made thereunder, the conditions contaned in the title Deedls and will be sold to the highest bidder without reserve. 2. The purchaser shall pay to the Messenger of the Court 10 % llf the purchase price immediately upon signature of the Conditions of Sale and furnish him with a bank or building society guarantee within (14) fourteen days from the date of the sale for the balance of the purchase price.. 3. The Execution Creditor will l'onsider favourably granting an approved purchaser a loan up to 90 % of the purchase price of the property and arrangements should by made with the IExecution Creditor before the sale. 4. The full conditions of the sale may be inspected at the office of the Messenger of the Court during office hours and will be read out before the property is put up for sale. Dated at Vereeniging this 13Th day of October B. H. [.,eye/l, for Steyn Leyell & Marais, Anorneys for Execution Creditor, Second Floor, Steyn Lyell & Marais Building, Leslie Street. P.O. Box 83, Vereeniging. (TeL: ) ---~ IN THE MAGlSTRA TE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF VEREENIGING HELD AT VEREENIGING In the maner between: United Building Society, Plaintiff, and Josepb Johannes Theunissen, Defendant Case In execution of the judgment granmd herein and subsequent notice of attachment dated the 26th day of September 1988, the undermentioned property will be sold by the Messenger of the Court on the 24th day of November 1988 at the offices of the Messenger of the Court, Sherman Building. 7 Loch Street, Meyertnn at 10hOO a.m.

55 STAATSKOERANf, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No SS Description: Certain improved residential property situate in the township Kliprivier, Registration Division I.Q., Transvaal; being Portion 7 En 66, in extent I 825 (one eight two five) square metres; (3 bedroomed house with entrance hall, lounge, diningroom, kitchen, 2 bathrooms and separate toilet, single garage. servant's quarters and toilet. precast walling and paving). The outstanding amount under the existing bond amounts to plus minus R The street address of the property is 3 Hans Merensky Street, Kookrus, Meyerton. Conditions: 1. The sale shall be subject to the provisions laid down by the Magistrate's Court Act No. 32 of 1944, and the Rules made thereunder. the conditions contained in the Title Deedls and will be sold to the highest bidder without reserve. 2. The purchaser shall pay to the Messenger of the Court 10 % of the purchase price immediately upon signature of the Conditions of Sale and furnish!tim with a bank- or building society guarantee within (14) fourteen days from the date of the sale for the balance of the purchase price. 3. The Execution Creditor will consider favourably granting an approved purchaser a loan up to 90 % of the purchaser price of the property and arrangements should be made with the Execution Creditor before the sale. 4. The full conditions of the sale may be inspected at the office of the Messenger of the Court during office bours and will be read out before the property is put up for sale. Dated at Vereeniging this 12th day of October E. H. Leyell, for Steyn Lyell & Marais, Attorneys for Execution Creditor, Steyn Lyell & Marais Building, Leslie Street, P.O. Box 83, Vereeniging. (Tel.: ) IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Witwatersrand Local Division) In the matter between: Allied BuDding Society Limited, Plaintiff, and Johannes Jakobus Petros Wasserfall, Defendant Case In terms of a Judgment of the Supreme Court of South Africa dated 13 September 1988, in the abovementioned matter, a sale by public auction will be held by the Deputy Sheriff, Pretoria at his office at: 142 Struben Street, Pretoria, on Wednesday the 23rd November at 10hOO. to the highest bidder without a reserve price, the sale to be subject to the approval of the Plaintiff. on conditions which may now be inspected at the office of the Deputy Sheriff, Pretoria and which will be read by!tim before the sale, of the following property owned by Defendant: Certain: Section 1 Endeel situate on Erf 5, Township of Hermanstad Registration Division J. R. Transvaal. Measuring: 107 Square metrs; Known as: Flat 1 Erfdeel, 220 van der Hoff Road, Hermanstad. Held Under: Deed oftransfer No. T7SI8S(I). Improvements: Flat consisting of two bedrooms, diniogroom lounge, kitchen, two bathrooms, toilet. Outbuildings: Garage. Nothing in this respect is guaranteed. Terms: Ten per cent (10 %) ofthe purchase price and the auctioneer's charges of S % up to RlS and thereafter 2~ % on the balance of the purchase price, in cash on the day of the sale, the balance against transfer to be secured by a bank:- or building society or other acceptable gua.mntee to be furnished to the Deputy Sheriff Pretoria. Klagsbrons, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Third Floor. Corporate Place, 287 Struben Street, Pretoria. (Tel.: ) (Ref.: Mr. GoodmanIVRIA 2394.) IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Transvaal Provincial Division) In the matter between: SUprop (Pty) Limited, Plaintiff, and Construo KoDStruk.sie (Pty) Limited, Fll'St Defendant, Jobanoes LodewIkus Bester, Second Defendant Pursuant to a Judgment of tbe above Honourable Court and Writ of Execution dated the ISth July 1986, undennentioned immovable property will be sold in execution witb reserve on 23 November 1988, at IOhOO, at the office of the Deputy Sberiff, Pretoria, being 142 Struben Street, Pretoria to the highest bidder: The remaining extent of En I 380, situate in the Township of Silverton Extension 4, Registration Division J.R., Transvaal; Measuring: 1,0593 (one comma nought five nine three) hectare; held by Deed of Transfer T47400/1984, whicb property is situated at 325 Derdepoort Street, Silverton, Pretria. The following improvements are situate on the property, althougb nothing in this respect is guaranteed. A business complex of brick under iron, consisting of IS offices, kitchen, two bathrooms with two toilets, four further toilets, two worksbops for panelbeating and spray painting, covered parking for 40 vehicles, paint room and dryingroom, storage for spare parts. The conditions of sale will be read immediately before the sale, whicb conditions can be inspected at the office of the Deputy Sheriff, Pretoria, situated at 142 Struben Street, Pretoria. Dated at Pretoria this 20th day of October S. J. Gardiner. for Hack, Stupel & Ross, Second Floor, Standard Bank Charobers. Churcb Square. Pretoria. (Tel.: S) (Ref.: G.108SI8611g.) IN DIE LANDDROSHOF VIR DIE DlSTRIK VAN RUSTENBURG OEHOU TE RUSTENBURG In die saak tussen: Dr. L. M. Nel, Ekselrusieslruldeiser, en B. H. Crause, Ekselrusieslruldenaar Ingevolge 'n Vonnis in die Landdroshof, Rustenburg en 'n Lasbrief vir Ekselrusie gedateer n Julie 1988, sal die volgende eiendom by wyse van openbare veiling in ekselrusie verkoop word op die 18 November 1988, om 1 0h30, voor die Landdroskantoor, Van Stadenstraat, Rustenbutg: Gedeelte 2, van Erf 463, gelee in die dorpsgebied RUstenburg Registrasie Mdeling J.Q., Transvaal, Groot I 428 vierkante meter. Gebou kragtens NT T , bekend as Napoleonstraat 46, Rustenburg.

56 )6 No GOVERNMENT GAZE'ITE~ 4 NOVEMBER 1988 Voorwaardes vall Verkopillg: Die verkoping sal aan die volgenue voorwaardes onderworpe wees: 1. Die eiendom sal "voetstoots". verkoop word aan die hoogste bieer en is onderhewig aan die bepalings van die Wet op Landdrosbowe, No. 32 van 1944, soos gewysig en die goedkeudttg van Saambou Nasionaal, synde die Veroandhouers oor die eiendom en die mees preferente skuldeiser. 2. Die koopprys sal betaalbaar wees soos volg: (a) 'n Deposito van 10 % (tie~ persent) van die koopprys sal betaalbaar wees in kontant onmiddellik na afhandeling van die verkoping en die onbetaalde balans tesame met rente 4aarop bereken jaarliks op die heersende bank of bougenootskap koers vanaf datum van verkopings tot datum van registrasie van transport sal binne 21 (pen en twintig) dae betaal word of gewaaroorg word deur 'n goedgekeurde bank- ofbougenootskapswaaroorg. 3. Die volle verkoopvoorwaardc!s wat deur die afslaer uitgegee sal word onmiddellik voor die verkoping kan gedurende kantoor ure by die. afslaers, naamlik Wessels & Le Roux Afslaers. Tweede Vloer, United Gebou, Steenstraat, Rustenburg, nagesien word. Gedateer te Rustenburg op ruerdie 17de dag van Oktober Prokureurs vir Eksekusieskuldei$er, Wessels & Le Roux, TweedeVloer, Unitedgebou, Steenstraat, Rustenburg, IN THE MAGISllRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF JOHANNESBURG HELD AT JOHANNESBURG In the ma&er between: Denver Flnaoce (Pty) Limited, Plaintiff, and I. W. R. Franks, Defendant Case 3667/88 In pursuance of a Judgment in :the Court of the Magistrate of Johannesburg and a Warrant of Execution dated the 13th day of April 1988, the following property will be sold in execution on the 25th day of November 1988, at 10hOO, at 41a Beaconsfield Avenue, Vereeniging to the highest bidder: Certaill: Portion 12 of Erf 2996 Ennerdale Ext 3. Measurillg: 308 Square Metres. Krwwll as: 2996/12 Poseidon S~t, Ennerdale Ext 3. Conditioll ofsale: 1. The property shall be sold w~ut reserve and to the highest bidder and shad be subject to the terms and conditions of the Magistrate's Court Act and the Rules made thereunder, and ofthe title deeds, insofar as these are applicable. 2. The following improvements on the property have been reported, but nothing is guaranteed; Zoned special residential. Coloured Group Area. 3. Terms: The Purchase price sball be paid as per ten per centum (10 %) thereof on the signing of the Conditions of Sale and the unpaid balance together with interest thereon at the $te stipulated in the Ist Mortgage Bond registered against the property to date of payment, within fourteen (14) days to be paid or secured by an approved bank- or building society guarantee. 4. Conditiom: The full ConditiClDS of sale will be read by the Messenger of the Court, Vereeniging immediately prior to the sale, may be inspected at his office, Vereeniging and at the offices of Bredell Murray & Ronbeck, 17th Floor Kine Centre, Commissioner Street, Johannesburg. Dated at Johannesburg on this 14th day of October R. P. S. van der Bos, fof Breden: Murray & Ronbeck, Plaintiffs Attorneys, 17th Floor Kine Centre, Commissioner Street, Johannesburg. IN THH MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF BENONI HELD AT BENONI Case 3656/88 In the matter between: United B1WdJng Society, Plaintiff, and D. P. J. van den Berg, First Defendant, T. C. van den Berg, Second Defendant In pursuance to a judgment of tiie above Honourable Court and Writ of Execution dated the 8th July 1988, the undermentioned property will be sold in execution by the Messenger of COl1rt, Benoni on the 30th day of November 1988, at 11hOO, in the forenoon in front of the Magistrate's Court, HarpUf A venue, Benoni to the highest bidder iwithout reserve. Certaill: Holding 41, Benoni Agricultural Holdings. Situate at: 41 Hazel Road, Beno.u Agricultural Holdings. Measuring: 2,8770 (Two comma eight seven seven nil) hectares. Held under Deed of Transfer T54QS7/86. The following improvements subsist in the property but no guarantee thereto is given: Maill Buildillg: Brick under tile qonsisting of lounge, dining room, sunroom, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathroom/wc shower, kitchen and scullery. Out Building: Brick under iron Vllith large workshop, 4 garages, snooker/store. The property is walled and has awnings. The conditions of sale, which s~1 be read immediately prior to the sale, shall lie for inspection at the offices of the Messenger of the Court, Benoni. The most important conditions therein contained are the following: a. The property shall be sold for cash to the highest bidder without reserve, and subject to the rights of the bondholders as set out in the Conditions of sale. b. The sale will be subject to pay!ident of 10 % of the purchase price on the date of sale, a bank or building society guarantee to be furnished witrun 14 (fourteen) days of date hereof, securing payment ofthe balance. Dated at Benoni this 13th day of October Britz, Cawood Co., Second Floor. Nedbank Building, Comer of Princes Avenue, Tom Jones Street, Benoni. (Ref.: Mr. Cawood/sp.) IN THB MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF BENONI HELD AT BENONI In the matter between: First National Bank of S.A. Ltd, Plaintiff, and David Kenneth Arundel, Defendant Case 2270/88 In pursuance to a judgment of the above Honourable Court and Writ of Execution dated the 21 st April 1988, the undermentioned property will be sold in execution by the Messenger Qf Court, Benoni on the 30th day of November 1988, at llboo, in the forenoon in front of the Magistrate's Court, Harpur Avenue, Benoni to the highest bidder without reserve.

57 STAATSKOERANT, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No Certain: Stand 2587 Benoni. Situate at: 5 Railway Avenue. Benoni. Measuring: 991 (nine nine one) square metres. Held under Deed oftransfer T1291O/82. The conditions of sale, which shall be read immediately prior to the sale, shall lie for inspection at the offices of the Messenger of tbe Court, Benoni. The most important conditions tberein contained are the following: a. The property shall be sold for casb to tbe highest bidder without reserve, and subject to the rights ofthe bondbolders as set out in the Conditions of sale. b. The sale will be subject to payment of 10 % of the purchase price on the date of sale, a bank- or building society guarantee to be furnished within (fourteen) days of date bereof, securing payment ofthe balance. Dated at Benoni this 13th day of October Britz, Cawood Co., Second Roor, Nedbank Building, Corner ofprlnces Avenue, Tom Jones Street, Benoni. (Ref.: Mr Cawood/sp.) IN DIE HOOGGEREGSHOF VAN SUID-AFRIKA (Witwatersrandse Plaaslike Afdeling) Saak In die saak tussen: Saambou-Nasionale Bouverenlging Beperk, Eiser, en Francois WUlem Terblanche, Eerste Verweerder, Annamart Terblanche Tweede Verweerderes Ter uitwinning van 'n vonnis van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika (Witwatersrandse Plaaslike Afdeting) in bogemelde saak, sal 'n verkoping sonder 'n reserweprys gehou word te landdrosbof, Adderleystraat, Boksburg op Vrydag die 25ste dag van November 1988, om llhl5, van die ondervermelde eiendom van die Verweerder op die voorwaardes wat deur die Vendu-Afslaer gelees word ten tye van die verkoping en welke voorwaardes by die kantore van die Adjunk-balju, Boksburg, voor die verkoping ter insae salle (beskrywing van eiendom asook straatadres) Erf 198 Boksburg-Noord Dorpsgebied. Registrasie Afdeting LR.. Transvaal. Groot: 743 vierkante meter; (ook bekend as Vierdestraat 12 en 12a. Boksburg Noord). Die erf is in 'n Blanke groepsgebied gelu. Die volgende inligting word verskaf insake vebeteringe alboewel geen waarborg in verband daarmee gegee word nie. 'n Skakelbuis elke kant bestaande uit sitkamer, 3 slaapkarners, kombuis, spens, badkarner/waskamer. Losstaande buitegeboue bestaande uit 2 bediendekarners. Terme: 10 % (tien persent) van die koopprys in kontant op die dag van die vekoping, en ten opsigte van die balans betaalbaar teen registrasie van transport, moet 'n bank- of bougenootskap- of ander aanneembare waarborg binne 14 (veertien) dae vanaf datum van verkoping verskaf word. Vendukoste betaalbaar op dag vljln verkoping. sal soos volg bereken word; 5 % (vyf persent) op die opbrengs van die verkoping tot 'n PIYS van RIO 000,00 (tienduisend rand) en daarna 211 % (twee en 'n half persent) tot 'n maksimum fooi van R5 000,00 (vyfduisend rand). Minimum fooie R30,oo (dertig rand). Gedateer te Johannesburg merdie 13de dag van Oktober D. H. Scholtz, vir Eiser se Prokureurs, De Villiers, Scholtz & Caldwell, Saambou Nasionale-gebou, Tweede Verdieping Comrnissionerstraat 130, Johannesburg. (Verwysing: Mnr. D. H. Scholtz) (Tel.: ) IN DIE HOOGGEREGSHOF VAN SUID-ARIKA (Witwatersrandse Plaaslike Afdeling) In die saak tussen: Saambou NasIonale BouverenigiDg Beperk. Eiser, en David Jacobs du Plessis, Verweerder Saak Ter uitwinning van 'n vonnis van die Hooggeregsbof van Suid-Afrika (Witwatersrandse Plaaslike Afdeting) in bogemelde saak, sal 'n verkoping sonder 'n reserweprys gehou word te Kantore van die Adjunk-balju, Jobrla Hof, du Plessisweg 4, Rorentia, Alberton op Woensdag die 30ste dag van November 1988, om tohoo, van die ondervermelde eiendom van die Verweerder op die voorwaardes wat deur die Vendu-Afslaer gelees word ten tye van die verkoping en welke voorwaardes by die kantore van die Adjunk-balju, Alberton, voor die verkoping ter insae salle (beskrywing van eiendom asook straatadres) Erf 326, South Crest Dorpsgebied, Registrasie Afdeling LR., Transvaal; Groot: 818 vierkante meter; (ook bekend as Voortrekkerweg 26, Soutbcrest, Alberton). Die Erf is in 'n Blanke groepsgebied gelee. Die volgende inligting word verskaf insake veroeteringe alboewel geen waarborg in veroand daarmee gegee word nie. 'n Enkelverdieping woonhuis bestaande uit 3 slaapkarners, sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis. badkarner, aparte toilet, losstaande buitegeboue bestaande uit motorhuis, bediendekamer stoor en toilet. Terme: 10 % (tien persent) van die koopprys in kontant op die dag van die verkoping, en ten opsigte van die balans betaalbaar teen registrasie van transport, moet 'n bank- of bougenootskap- of ander aanneembare waarborg binne 14 (veertien) dae vanaf datum van verkoping verskaf word. Vendukoste betaalbaar op dag van verkoping, sal soos volg bereken word; 5 % (vyf persent) op die opbrengs van die verkoping tot 'n prys van RIO 000,00 (tienduisend rand) en daarna 211 % (twee en 'n balf persent) tot 'n maksimum fooi van R5 000,00 (vyfduisend rand). Minimum fooie R30,00 (dertig rand).. Gedateer te Johannesburg hierdie 14de dag van Oktober D. H. Scholtz, vir Eiser se Prokureurs, De Villiers, Scholtz & Caldwell, Saambou Nasionale-gebou, Tweede Verdieping, Comrnissionerstraat 130, Johannesburg, Verwysing: Mnr. D. H. Scholtz. (Tel.: ) IN DIE HOOGGEREGSHOF VAN SUID-AFRIKA (Witwatersrandse Plaaslike Afdeling) In die saak tussen: Saambou NasIonale BouverenigiDg Beperk, Eiser, en Vincent Jobo Lancaster, Verweerder Saak Ter Uitwinning van 'n vonnis van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika (Witwatersrandse Piaaslike Afdeling) in bogemelde saak, sal 'n verkoping sonder 'n reserweprys gehou word te Kantore van die Adjunk-balju, Wesrandgebou: Tweede Verdieping, Hurnanstraat 43, Krugersdorp op Dinsdag, die 22ste dag van November 1988, om IOhoo van die ondervermelde eiendom van die Verweerder op die voorwaardes wat deur die Vendu-Afslaers gelees word ten tye van die verkoping en welke woorwaardes by die kantore van die Adjunk-balju, Krugersdorp voor die verkoping ter insae salle (Beskrywing van eiendom asook straatadres).

58 58 No GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 Erf: 9fIJ. Wentworth Park Dorfsgebied, Registrasie Afdeling l.q., Transvaal. Groot: 766 vierk:ante meter. Die Ed is in 'n Blanke groemfbied gelee. Die volgende inligting word verskaf insake verbeteringe a\hoewej geen waarborg in verband daarmee gegee word nie. 'n Enkelverdieping woonhuis bestaan<le uit sitleetkamer, 2 slaapkamers, kombuis, badkamerlwaskamer. Losstaande buitegeboue bestaande ui! 2 motorafdakke, bediendekamer, toilijt, stortlwaskamer. Terme: 10 % (tien persent) van die koopprys in kontant op die dag van die verkoping, en ten opsigte van die balans betaalbaar teen registrasie van transport, moot 'n bank- of bougeti>otskap- of ander aanneembare waarborg binne 14 (veertien) dae vanaf datum van verkoping verskaf word. VendukoS1e betaa\baar op dag van verkofing, sal soos volg bereken word: 5 % (vyf persent) op die opbrengs van die verkoping to! 'n prys van RIO 000,00 (tienduisend rand) en daarna 2!.2 % (twee en 'n balf persent) tot 'n maksimu fooi van R5 000,00 (vyfduisend rand). Minimum fooie R30,OO (dertig rand). Gedateer te Johannesburg bierdie 17de dag van Oktober D. H. Scholtz, vir De Villiers, Scholtz & Caldwell, Eiser se Prokureurs Saambou Nasionale-gebou: Tweede Verdieping, Commissionerstraal 130, 10hannesburg. (Verwysing: Mnr. D. H. Scholtz) (Tel.: ) IN DIE HOOGGEREGSHOF VAN SUID-AFRIKA (Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling) In die saakrussen: Volkskas Beperk, Eiser, en Adrlanls Johaunes Janse van ReDSburg, Verweerder Saak Ten uitvoerlegging van 'n volplis in die bogemelde Agbare Hof, gedateer die 8ste dag van April 1986, en 'n Lasbrief vir Eksekusie word die volgende eiendom in eksekusie veitoop op die 23ste dag van November 1988, om IOhOO, by die kantore van die Adjunk-balju, Strubenstraat 142, Pretoria aan die hoogste bieder: Ed 1523 gelee in die dorpsgebitld Silverton Uitbreiding 11, Registrasie Afdelinbg J.R., Transvaal; Groot: 1234 (een twee drie vier) vierkane meter. Gehou: deur die Veweeroer krapns Akte van Transport No. T29436/198 I. Die volgende bykomende inligdng word verskai, maar geen aanspreeklikbeid word aanvaar indien dit in enige opsig foutief sou wees nie. 1. Straatadres: Bleshoenderstnl/lt 1009, Silverton Uitbreiding II, Pretoria. 2. Verbeteringe: Woonhuis vaa stene, 3 slaapkamers, eetkamerlsitkamer, kombuis, badkamer, toilet, bediende toilet, 2 motorbuise, swembad en binnehof. Reserwe prys: Daar sal 'n rese[\veprys wees van R72000,OO plus rente opr71 848,81 teen 'nkoers van 16,5 % perjaar, gereken vanaf 1 Desember 1988, tot datnm van betaling. Terme en Voorwaardes; Terme: Die koopprys sal betaalbaar weos soos volg: 10 % (tien persent) daarvan by verkoping en die balans moet binne 10 dae verseker word by wyse van 'n bank of bouvereniging waarborg. Voorwaardes: Die volle voorwaardes van verkllping wat deur die Adjunk-balju van Pretoria omniddellik voor die verkoping uitgelees sal word, sal ter insae Ie by die kantoor van die Adjunk-balju. te Strubenstraat 142, Pretoria. Geteken te Pretoria op bierdie 2(]ste dag van Oktober Tim dutoit& Kie Ingelyf, ProblI'eurs vir Eiser, Volkskasgebou 1920, Van derwaltstraat, Pretoria. (mnr. BothalLB.) IN DIE LANDDROSHOF VIR DIE DlSTRIK V AN WONDERBOOM GEHOU TE PRETORlA-NOORD In die saaktussen: G. D. BUrDS, Eiser, en A. A. J. Pretorius (Ysel), Verweerder Saak89188 'n Verkoping in eksekusie van <fie eiendom bieronder beskrywe sal gehou word voor die kantore van die geregsbode, Gedeelte 83, Onderstepoort, (Bon Accord) (Op die ou Warmbad tad) op die 18de dag van November 1988, om IlhOO, Gedeelte 159 (Gedeelte van gedeelte 93), Haakdoringboom 267, J.R., Transvaal. Die volgende besonderbede word verstrek maar nie gewaarborg nie: Die buis bestaan uit: 4 slaap~rs, I badkarner, 1 kombuis, 1 bediendekamer, I sitkarner, I eetkamer 'n opwaskamer en afdakke. Mure gepleister. staandak (sink) omhein met draad. Die verkoopvoorwaardes sal ter insae Ie by die kantoor van die Geregsbode, Wonderboom van die Landdroshof, Gerril Maritzstraat, Pretoria-Noord. Geteken te Pretoria-Noord, bierdie 12de dag van Oktober Hee Gerneke. vir Haupt & Gerneke, Eerste Vloer, Medhof, Gerrit Maritzstraat, Pretoria-Noord. IN DIE LANDDROSHOF VIR DIE DISTRIK VAN VEREENIGING GEHOU TE VEREENIGING In die saaktnssen: Die Stadsraad van Vereeniging, Eiser, en A. F. du Toit, Verweerder Saak Ten uitvoering van 'n vonnis vat bogemelde agbare Hof en 'n lasbrief gedateer 18 Mei 1988, sal die volgende eiendom. wat spesiaaj beslagbaar verklaar is, in eksekusie verkoop word ten kantore van die geregsbode, Vereeniging. om 10hOO, op Vrydag die 9de Desember 1988, aan die hoogste bieder. Ed 2284, Three Rivers, Gelee in die dorpsgebied van Vereeniging Registrasie Afdeling I.Q. Transvaal. Groot: 1561, (een vyf ses een) vidrkante meter. Gelee: LemoDStraat 1, Three Rivers.

59 STAATSKOBRANT,4NOVEMBBR 1988 No Verlwopvoorwaardes 1. Die eiendom sal verkoop word Ban die hoogste bieder en die verkoping sal onderworpe wees Ban ArtikeI66 van die'landdroshowewet No 32 van ~ 2. J;>ie koper sal verantwoordelik woos vir betaling Ban die eoo van rente teen 12 % p.j. oj! die vonnisskuld vanaf d!t ~vab verkqop.tot datum van registrasie van transport. 3. Die koopprys sal as volg betaalbaar woos: (a) 10 % daarvan onmiddellik na ondertekening van die verkoopvoorwaardes. (b) die balans van die koopprys binne 14 dae in kontant, of verseker deur 'n bank- of bougenootskapswaarborg, ~ge beta\iilg elllof 'waarborg moet verskaf word Ban die Geregsbode. 4. Die voorwaardes van verkoop wat uitgelees sal word deur die Geregsbode, onmiddellik voor die Geregtelike Verkoping, salter'insae lete: Beaconsfieldlaan 41a, Vereeniging. 5. Die eiendom sal verkoop word, onderhewig aan enige bestaande huurkontrak. 6. Die uitstaande balans verskuldig op die eiendom beloop die 80m van: ± R 1 374,68. Geteken te Vereeniging op die l8de dag van Oktober L. M. Barnard, vir Snijman & Smullen, Biser se Prokureur, Barclays Sentrurn, 29 Lesliestraat, Posbus 38, Vereeniging. (Verwys na Mev. Kruger/IO.) IN DIE LANDDROSHOF VIR DIE DISTRIK VAN VEREENIGING GBlmU TE VEREENIGING In die saak tussen: Die Stadsraad VaD Vereeoiglng, Biser, en B. Caster, Verweerder Saak Ten uitvoering van 'n vonnis van bogemelde agbare Hof en 'n lasbrief gedateer 14 Junie 1988, sal die volgende eien6dm, wat spesiaai beslagbaar verk:laar is, in eksekusie verkoop word ten kantore van die geregsbode, Vereeniging, om IOhOO, op Vrydag die 9de November 1988,aandie h<iogste bieder. Erf: 489, Rust-Ter-Vaal, gelee in die dorpsgebied van Rust-Ter-Vaal, Registrasie Afdeling I.Q. Transvaal. Groot: 437, (vierdrie sewe) vierkante meter. Geiee:Tulpstraat Il,Rust-Ter-Vaal. Veriwopvoorwaardes 1. Die eiendom sal verkoop word Ban die hoogste bieder en die verkoping sal onderworpe wees Ban Artikel66 van die landdroshowewet No 32 van Die koper sal verantwoordelik woos vir betaling Ban die eiser van rente teen 12 % p.j. op die vonnisskuld vanaf die datum van verkoop tot dlltum van registrasie van transport. 3. Die koopprys sal as volg betaalbaar woos: (a) 10 % daarvan onmiddellik na ondertekening van die verkoopvoorwaardes. (b) die balans van die koopprys binne 14 dae in kontant, of verseker deur 'n bank- of bougenootskapswaarborg, sodanige betaiing eolof waarborg moet verskafword Ban die Geregsbode. 4. Die voorwaardes van verkoop wat uitgelees sal word deur die Geregsbode, onmiddellik voor die Geregtelike"erkoping, sal tee iosae lete: Beaconsfieldlaan 41a, Vereeniging Die eiendom sal verkoop word, onderhewig Ban enige bestaande huurkontrak. 6. Die uitstaande balans verskuldig op die eiendom bel00p die 80m van: ± R 869,62. Geteken te Vereeniging op die 18de dag van Oktober L. M. Barnard, vir Snijman & Smullen, Biser se Prokureur, Barclays Sentrum, 29 Lesliestraat, Posbus 38, Vereeniging. (Verwys na Mev. Kruger/l0.) IN DIE LANDDROSHOF VIR DIE DISTRIK VAN VEREENIGING GEHOU TE VEREENIGING In die saak tussen: Die Stadsraad VaD Vereenlging, Biser, en H. L. H. VaD den Berg, Verwoorder. Saak 9575/88 Ten uitvoering van 'n vonnis van bogemelde agbare Hofen 'n lasbrief gedateer 6de Januarie 1988, sal die volgende eiendom, wat spesiaal beslagbaar verklaar is, in eksekusie verkoop word ten kantore van die Geregsbode, Vereeniging, om IOhOO, op Vrydag die 9de Qesember 1988, I!I1n die hoogste bieder: Err 372, Falcon Ridge, Gelee in die dorpsgebied van Vereeniging, Registrasie Afdeling I.Q. Transvaal. Groot: 1000, (oonduisend vierkante meter). Geiee: Condorstraat 32, Falcon Ridge. Veriwopvoorwaardes: 1. Die eiendom sal verkoop word Ban die hoogste bieder en die verkoping sal onderworpe woos Ban Artikel66 van die Landdroshowewet No. 32 van Die koper sal verantwoordelik wees vir betaling Ban die Biser van rente teen 12 % p.j. op die vonnisskuld vanaf die datum van verkoop tot datum van registrasie van transport Die koopprys sal as volg betaalbaar woos: (a) 10 % daarvan onmiddellik na ondertekening van die verkoopvoorwaardes. (b) die balans van die koopprys binne 14 dae in kontant, of verseker deur 'n bank- of bougenootskapswaarborg, sodanige betaling eolof waarborg moet verskaf word Ban die Geregsbode. '

60 60 No GOVERNMENT GAZETIE, 4 NOVEMBER Die voorwaardes van verkpop wat uitgelees sal word deur die Geregsbode, oruniddellik voor die Geregtelike verkoping, sal ter insae Ie te: Beaconsfieldlaan 41a, Vereeniging. 5. Die eiendom sal verkoop word, onderbewig aan enige bestaaode huurkontrak. 6. Die uitstaaode balans verslamig op die eiendom beloop die 80m van: ±R 1 873,48. Geteken te Vereeniging op die 18de dag van Oktober L. M. Barnard, vir Snijman & Smullen, Eiser se Prokureur, Barclays Sentrum, 29 Lesliestraat, Posbus 38, Vereeniging. (Verwys na Mev. Kruger/lO.) IN DIE LANDDROSHOF VIR DIE DISTRIK VAN VEREENIGING GEHOU TE VEREEfI<lGING Saak In die Baak tussen Die Stadsraad van Vereeniging, Eiser, en E. P. van Niekerk, Verweerder Ten uitvoering van '0 vonnis van bogemelde Agbare Hof en 'n lasbrief gedateer 12 April 1988, sal die volgende eiendom, wat spesiaal bes1agbaar verklaar is, in eksekusie verkoop word ten kantore van die Geregsbode, Vereeniging om IOhOO VOl., op Vrydagdie 9de Desember 1988, aan die hoogste bieder: Erf 854, Sonlandpark, gelee in die dorpsgebied van Vereeniging. Registrasie Afdeling I Q, Transvaai, groot I 561 (een vyf ses een) vierkante meter, gelee Cas Maartenstraat 58, Sonlandpark. Verkoopvoorwaardes: I. Die eiendom sal verkoop word aan die hoogste bieder en die verkoping sal onderworpe wees aan Artikel66 van die Landdroshowewet no. 32 van Die koper sal verantwoordeuk wees vir betaling aan die eiser van rente teen 12 % per jaar op die vonnisskuld vanaf die datum van verkoop tot datum van registrasie van transport. 3. Die koopprys sal as volg beta/;\lbaar wees: (a) 10 % daarvan ommiddellik na ondertekening van die verkoopvoorwaardes. (b) die balans van die koopprys binne 14 dae, in kontant, of verseker deur 'n bank- of bougenootskapwaarborg, sodanige betaling enlof waarborg moet verskaf word aan die Geregsb04e. 4. Die voorwaardes van verkoop wat uitgelees sal word deur die Geregsbode, onmiddelik voor die Geregtelike verkoping, sal ter insae Ie te Beaconsfieldlaan 41a, Vereeniging. 5. Die eiendom sal verkoop word, onderhewig aan enige bestaande huurkontrak. 6. Die uitstaande balans verskuldig op die eiendom beloop die som van ± RI 228,48. Geteken te Vereeniging op die 18de dag van Oktober L. M. Barnard vir, Snijman & Smullen, Eiser se Prokureur, BarcIays Sentrum, 29 Lesliestraat, Posbus 38, Vereeniging. (Verw.: Mev. Krugerll0.) IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF BOKSBURG HELD AT BOKSBURG Case In the matter between Allied BuDding Society, Plaintiff, and Jan Adriaan Venter, First Defendant, and Maria Hendrina Venter, Second Defendant In pursuance of a Judgment in the Court of the Magistrate of Boksburg dated the 13th day of September 1988, and a Writ of Execution dated the 13th day of September 1988, the following will be sold in execution without reserve to the highest bidder on the 18th day of November 1988, at the Magistrate's Court Boksburg at 11 h15 a. m,: Certain Erf 1404, Boksburg Township, Registration Division, 1. R., Transvaal, measuring 471 (four hundred and seventy one) square metres, held by the Mortgagor under Deed of Transfer number T , situated at 345 Commissioner Street. Boksburg. Improvements: Single-storey dwelling brick under iron, entrance hall, lounge, dining-room, 3 bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom and toilet, seperate toilet, I garage, 2 servants rooms, outside toilet. Terms and conditions. J. Terms: The purchase price shllll be paid as to 10 % thereof on the day of the sale and the unpaid balance within 14 (fourteen) days shall be paid or secured by a bank or building society guarantee. 2, Conditions: The full conditions of sale may be inspected in the Messenger of the Court's office. Dated at Boksburg this 13th day afoctober Trol\ip, Tytherleigh, 2b Bloem Street, Boksburg. (Ref.: Mrs C. Strydom.) IN DIE LANDDROSHOF VIR DIE DISTRIK VAN POTCHEFSTROOM GEHOU TE POTCHEFSTROOM Saak l3oo/87 In die saak tussen Eente Nasionale Western Bank Beperk, Eiser. en N. S, P. 8otha, Verweerder In navolging van 'n vonnis van die Landdroshof te Potchefstroom en 'n Lasbrief van Eksekusie gedateer 18 Augustus 1987 sal die volgende eiendom geregtelik verkoop word op die 25ste dag van November 1988 om IOhOO, voor die hoofingang van die Landdroskantoor te Van Riebeeckstraat, Potchefstroom, naamlik: Sekere Gedeelte 9 van die Erf 2523, gelee in die dorp Potchefstroom, Registrasie Afdeling I.Q., Transvaal. groot 833 vierkante meter en gelee te Voorstraat 13, Potchefstroom. Die vertleterings synde 'n woonhuis met buitegeboue. VoorwlUlrdes: Die verkoping sal onderworpe wees aan die bepalings van die Wet op Landdroshowe en die reels daarvolgens neergele. Tien (10 %) van die koopp1ys moet in kontant op die dag van die verkoping betaal word en 'n bank- ofbougenootskapwaarborg vir die balans moet binne 14 dae na die verkoopdatum verskaf word. Die verdere en volledige verkoopvoorwaardes sal onmiddellik voor die verkoping uitgelees word en Ie ler insae by die Geregsbode, Potchefstroom. Geteken Ie Potchefstroom op hede die 13de dag van Oktober James Moodie & Vennote, Prokureur vir Eiser, 106 Jankragebou, hoek van Lombard- en Greylingstraat, Posbus 2. Potchefstroom. (Verw.: J. Moodie.)

61 STAATSKOERANT,4NOVEMBER 1988 No IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Witwatersrand Local Division) In the matter between Standard Bank ofsoutb Mriea Limited, Plaintiff, and Victor Josef Daniels, Defendant Case In execution of a Judgement of the Supreme Court of South Africa (Witwatersrand Local Division) in the above-mentioned suit, a sale without reserve will be held at the Deputy Sheriffs office, Second Floor, West Rand Buildings, 43 Human Street, Krugersdorp on the 22nd day of November 1988 at 10h15, of the underrnentioned property of the Defendant on the conditions which will lie for inspection at the offices of the Deputy Sheriff. Krugersdorp, prior to the sale. (Short description of property, situation and street number): Certain Erf 1876, siruate in the Township of Noordheuwel Extension 2, Registration Division l.q., Transvaal, being 28 Roggeveld Street. Noordheuwel Extension 2, Krugersdorp, measuring (one thousand one hundred and ninety five) square metres. The following information is funished re the improvements though in this respect nothing is guaranteed: A house under a tiled roof comprising entrance hall, dining-room, lounge, study, one bathroom, one toilet, one bedroom, laundry, kitchen and a pantry as also a double garage, outside toilet and a swimming pool. Terms: 10 % (Ten per centum) of the purchase price in cash on the day of sale, the balance payable against registration of transfer, to be secured by a bank or building society or other acceptable guarantee to be furnished within fourteen (14) days from the date of sale. Auctioneer's charges, payable on the day of sale to be calculated as follows: 5 % (five per centum) on the proceeds of the sale up to a price of RIO 000,00 (ten thousand rand) and thereafter 2,50 % (two and a half per centum) up to a maximum fee of R5 000,00 (five thousand rand) minimum cbarges, RJO,OO (thirty rand). Dated at Johannesburg this 13th day of October B. W. Webber for, Ramsay, Webber & Company, Plaintiffs Attorneys, Second Floor, Coopers & Laybrand House, 18 Rissik Street, P.O. Box 61677, Marshalltown, Johannesburg. Tel.: (Ref.: Mr Webber/gm.) IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Transvaal Provincial Division) In the matter between Allied BuDding Society Limited, Plaintiff, and Madalene Fraocina Catbarina Hotba, Defendant Case 97/88 In terms of a Judgment of the Supreme Court of South Africa dated the 9th February 1988 in the above-mentioned matter, a sale by public auction will be held by the Deputy Sheriff, Cullinan in front of the Magistrates Court, Cullinan, on Friday the 18th November 1988 at IlhOO, to the highest bidder without a reserve price, the sale to be subject to the approval of the Plaintiff, on conditions which may now be inspected at the office of the Deputy Sheriff, Cullinan, and which will be read by him before the sale, of the following property owned by the Defendant: Certain Portion 69 (a portion of Portion 21), of the farm Rietfontein 366, Registration Division J R, Transvaal; measuring 8,5653 hectares, known as Portion 69 (portion of Portion 21), of the farm Rietfontein 366, held under Deed oftransfer no. T32733/87 dated 10th July Improvements: Dwelling house consisting of three bedrooms, two bathrooms, lounge/dining-room and kitchen. (House of brick. with corrugated iron roof). Outbuildings: Rondavel with thatched roof. Storeroom with brick walls and iron roof. Swimming pool. Borehole. Property fenced. Nothing in this respect is guaranteed. Terms: Ten per cent (lo %) of the purchase price and the auctioneer's charges of 5 % up to RIO 000,00 and thereafter 2!1 % on the balance of the purchase price, in cash on the day of the sale, the balance against transfer to be secured by a bank or building society or other acceptable guarantee to be furnished to the Deputy Sheriff. Klagsbruns, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Third Floor, Corporate Place, 287 Struben Street, Pretoria. (Ref.: A.2288.) IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OFBRAKPAN HELD ATBRAKPAN In the matter between United BuDdiDg Society Limited, Plaintiff, and Desmond L1eweUyn Brigbt, Defendant Case In pursuance of a Judgment of the above Honourable Court and Writ of Execution dated the 24th day of August 1988, the underrnentioned property will be sold in execution by the Messenger of the Court, Brakpan, on the 25th day of November 1988 at IlhOO, in the forenoon at the office of the Messenger, 439 Prince George Avenue, Brakpan, to the highest bidder without reserve. Certain Erf 1079, Brakpan-Noord Extension 3, Registration Division I.R., Transvaal, situate at 4 Roux Street, Brakpan-Noord Extension 3, Brakpan. measuring 956 square metres, held under Deed oftransfer number T6557/1985. The/ollowing improvements subsist in the property. but no guarantee thereto is given: Brick dwelling under tile consisting of 1 lounge, 1 dining-room, 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom with 1 toilet, kitchen, single garage, I servant's toilet, brick paving and wire fencing. The Conditions of Sale, which shall be read immediately prior to the sale, shall for inspection lie at the offices of the Messenger of the Court, Brakpan. The most important conditions therein contained are the following: (a) the property shall be sold for cash to the highest bidder without reserve, and subject to the rights of the Bondholders as set out in the Conditions of Sale. (b) The sale will be subject to payment of 10 % (ten per cenrum) of the purchase price on the date of sale and a bank or building society guarantee to be furnished within fourteen (14) days ofdate thereof, securing payment of the balance. Dated at Br-dkpan this the 12th day of October A. G. Reid for, A. G. Smuts & Reid, First Floor, State Building, 598 Voortrekker Road, Brakpan. (Ref.: AGRlCF/2040IUU38.)

62 62 No. I1S63 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 Case 6347/88 IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DlSTRICT OF BOKSBURG HELD AT BOKSBURG In the matter between Allied BuDding Society, Plaintiff, and B T M Properties (Pty) Ltd, Defendant In pursuance of a Judgment in the Court of the Magistrate of Boksburg dated the 2nd day of September 1988, and a Writ of Execution dated the 13th day of September 1988, the follow~ will be sold in execution without reserve to the highest bidder on thc 18th day of November 1988, at the Magistrate's Court, Boksburg at I1h15 a.m.: Certain Erf 1228, Sunward Park,Extension 3 Township, Registration Division l.r., Transvaal, measuring 750 (seven hundred and fifty) square metres, held by the Mortgagor under O ed oftransfer number T , situated at 16 Greyton Road. Sunward Park, Boksburg. lmprovemems: Vacant land. Terms and conditions: 1. Terms: 'The purchase price shalt be paid as to 10 % thereof on the day ofthe sale and the unpaid balance within 14 (fourteen) days shall be paid or secured by a bank or building society guarantee. Conditions; The full conditions of sale may be inspected in the Messenger of the Court's office. Dated at Boksburg this 4th day of October Trollip, Tytherleigh, 2b Bloem Street, Boksburg. (Ref.: Mrs C. Strydom.) IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF BOKSBURG HELD AT BOKSBURG In the matter /l)etween Allied BuDding Society, Plaintiff, and B T M Properties (Pty) Ltd, Defendant Case 6352/88 In pursuance of a Judgment in the Court of the Magistrate of Boksburg dated the 2nd day of September 1988, and a Writ of Execution dated the 2nd day of September 1988, the followil1e will be sold in execution without reserve to the highest bidder on the 18th day of November 1988, at the Magistrate's Court Boksburg at IlhlS a.. m.: Certain Erf 11%, Sunward Park E.xtension 3 Township, Registration Division, I.R., Transvaal, measuring 761 (seven hundred and sixty one) square metres, held by the Mortgagor under O ed of Transfer number T !l987, situated at 61 Nicholson Road, Sunward Park, Boksburg. Improvemems: Vacant land. Terms and conditions: I. Terms: The purchase price shall be paid as to 10 % thereof on the day of the sale and the unpaid balance within 14 (fourteen) days shall be paid or secured by a bank or building society guarantee. 2. Conditions: The full conditions of sale may be inspected in the Messenger of the Court's office. Dated at Boksburg this 4th day of October Trollip, Tytherleigh, 2b Bloem Stn:et, Boksburg. (Ref.: Mrs C. Strydom.) IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Witwatersrand Local Division) In the matter between Send ton FInance (Pty) Limited, Plaintiff, and Midnigbt Awakening Call Association, Defendant Case 11)510/85 In execution of a Judgment of the Supreme Court of South Africa (Witwatersrand Local Division) in the above-mentioned suit a Sale without reserve will be held at the Deputy Sheriff's offices, Johriahof, 4 Du Plessis Street, Florentia. Alberton on the 30th day of November 1988 at IOhOO, of the underrnentioned property of the Defen4ant on the conditions to be read out by the Deputy Sheriff and which conditions lie for inspection at the Deputy Sheriffs offices, Johriahof, 4 Du PlessiB Street Florentia, Alberton prior to the sale. (Short description of the property and street number): Church building with outbuildings. Erf 46 New Market Agricultural Holdings Registration I R. Transvaal, known as 46 Goodwood Street, New Market Small Holdings, Alberton. The following information is furnished re the improvements, though in this respect nothing is guaranteed: Church building with outbuildings. Zoned Special residential area. White Group Area. Terms: 10 % (ten per cent) of the purchase price in cash on the day of the sale, the balance payable against Registration of Transfer, to be secured by a bank or building society or other acceptable guarantee to be furnished within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of the sale. Auctioneer's charges payable on the day of the sale to be calculated as follows: 5 % on the proceeds of the sale up!o a price of RIO 000,00 and thereafter 2,5 % up to a maximum fee ofrs 000,00. Minimum charges R30,OO. Date 12th October Bredell Murray & Ronbeck, Plaimiffs Attorneys, 17th Floor Kine Centre, Commissioner Street, Johannesburg, (Ref.: Mr Pienaari km.) IN DIE H()()(lGEREGSHOF V AN SUID-AFRIKA (Witwatersrandse Plaaslike Afd,:Ung) Saak In die 8m tussen Allied Bouvereniglng, Eiser, en Paul Jobannes Louw, Verweerder Ingevolge 'n uitspraak van bogemelde Agbare Hof en geregtelike Lasbrief, sal die ondervermelde eiendom op Vrydag die 25ste dag van November 1988 om 09hOO, deurdie Adjunk-balju,Nigel aan die hoogste bieder verkoop word te die Landdroshor, Kerkstraat, Nigel: Erf 48, gelee in die dorpsgebied Glenvarloch, Registrasie Afdeling I.R., Transvaal. gelee te George Heriotstraat 25, Glenvarloch en bestaande uit 'n baksteenhuis onder sinkdak met 3 sjaap/i;.amers, sitjeetkamer, kornbuis, badkamer met toilet en eokej motorhuis. Voorwaardes: Die verkoping sal (;nderworpe wees aan die betaling van tien persent van die koopprys op die dag van die verkoping en 'n bank- of bougenootskapwaarborg moet binne veertien (14) dae daarna gelewer word vir die betaling van die bajans.

63 STAATSKOERANf, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No. ll Die volledige koopvoorwaardes wat onmiddel1ik voor die veiling voorgelees sal word, sal by die kantoor van die Adjunk-balju Nigel ter insae Ie. Geteken te Springs op hede die l2de dag van Oktober B. Cooper vir, Ivan Davies Theucissen, Eiser se Prokureur, IDT gebou, Vierde Straat 64, Posbus 16, Springs. Tel.: IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF BOKSBURG HELD AT BOKSBURG Case 8206/86 In the matter between Natal Building Society (permanent), Plaintiff, and Mothusl Jacob Tsima, Defendant Pursuant to a Judgment granted by the above-mentioned Honourable Court dated the 10th day of November 1986, and a Warrant of Execution, the undermentioned will be sold on the 18th day of November 1988 at llh15 a.m., in front of the Magistrate's Court, Adderley Street, Boksburg, to the higbest bidder: Defendant's Right of Leasehold to Site 4206, Vosloorus Township together with all erections and structures thereon, in the Township of Vosloorus, in the area ofjurisdiction of the Chief Commissioner for Witwatersrand held under Certificate of Right of Leasehold no. TL 5918/1986. Improvements reported (which are not warranted to be correct, and which are not guaranteed): Single-storey dwelling, with plate walls and tiled roof consisting of lounge, dining-room combination, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, herculite ceiling and gutters. Surrounded with wire fencing. Terms and conditions: % (ten per cent) of the purchase price to be paid on the date of the sale, and the balance together with interest to be paid or secured by an approved bank or building society guarantee within (14) fourteen days of the date of sale. 2. The Purchaser shall be liable for all costs and expenses to procure transfer including the Messenger of the Court's fees. 3. The attention of all intending purchasers are drawn to the provisions of the Gourp Areas Act and Black (Urban Areas) Consolidate on Act and that the Right of Leasehold may only be purchased by qualified persons. 4. The complete Conditions of Sale to be inspected at the office of the Messenger ofthe Court, Boksburg. Dated at Boksburg on this the 7th day ofoctober Massel, Massel & Mare, Attorneys for the Plaintiff, 36 FJrstStreet, P.O. Box 5092, BoksburgNorth. (Ref.: Mr J. Mare.) Case IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Transvaal Provincial Division) In the matter between BlaJohn Limited trading as BlaJohn Building Supplies (Nelsprult), First Plaintiff, and Federated Timbers Limited trading as Federated Timbers (Benoni), Second Plaintiff, and DanIel Jacobus Oltrier, Defendant Pursuant to a Judgment of the above Honourable Court and Writ of Execution dated 16th August 1988, the undermentioned immovable properties will be sold in execution with reserve on Friday the 25th November 1988 at 10hOO a.m., in front of the Magistrate's Court Building, Brollkhorstspruit to the higehst bidder: 1. Erf 7, in the township of Riamapark, Registration Division J R, District of Bronkhorstspruit, measuring square metres, held under Deed of TransferT 11774/ Erf 226, in the township of Erasmus, Registration Division J R, Transvaal, District of Bronkhorstspruit, measuring square metres, held under Deed oftransfert 25420/88. There are no improvements on Erf 7, in the township of Riamapark, Registration Division J R, District of BronkhofStspruit but the following improvements are on Erf 226 in the township of Erasmus, Registration Divsion J R, District of Bronkhorstspruit although nothing in this respect is guaranteed: A house comprising of 3 bedrooms, 1 dicing-room, I lounge, I kitchen, 2 bathrooms, servants room, single garage, situate at 66 Kruger Street, Bronkhorstspruit. The conditions of sale will be read immediately before the sale, which conditions can be inspected at the office of The Deputy Sheriff, Bronkhortspruit, c/o Robbie Schilz Inc., 323 City Cente, 272 Pretorius Street, Pretoria. Dated at Pretoria on this the 26th day of September Hack Stupel & Ross, Second Roor, Standard Bank Chambers, 10 Church Square, P.O. Box 2000, Pretoria, Tel.: (012) (Ref.: Mr StupeV MP I VS 4835 (P). IN DIE LANDDROSHOF VIR DIE DlSTRIK V AN PIEfERSBURG GEHOU TE PIEfERSBURG Saak 1509/88 In die SaH tussen United Bouverenlging Beperk 86/ , Eiser, en Paul Mouton, Verweerder Ter uitvoeriegging van 'n vonnis van die Landdros van Pietersburg toegestaan op die 19de April 1988, en 'n Lasbrief vir Eksekusie uitgereik in opvolging daarvan, sal die ondergemelde eiendom in eksekusie verkoop word op Woensdag 23 November 1988 om 1OhOO, te die kantore van die landdros, Marestraat, Pietersburg aan die hoogste bieer, naamlik: Gedeelte 96 ('n gedeelte van Gedeelte 4), van die plaas Tweefontein 915, Registrasie Mdeling L.S., Transvaal, groot 8,8692 (agt komma agt ses nege twee) hektaar, Terme: 10 % van die koopprys in kontant betaalbaar ten tye van die verkoping en die balans tesame met rente soos in die verkoopvoorwaardes uiteengesit, moel verseker word deur 'n goedgekeurde bank of bouverecigingwaarborg binne veertien (14) dae vanaf datum van die verkoping. VoUedige besonderhede van die verkoopvoorwaardes is ter insae by die kantoor van die Geregsbode, Pietersburg en kan te ecige tyd gedurende kantoorure geinspekteer word. Die eiendom is soos volg verbeter, maar word niks gewaarborg cie, naamlik: Een woonhuis bestaande uit: Sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, 3 slaapkamers, 1 badkamer, 1 studeerkarner, dubbelmotorhuis, teeldak, ingeboude kaste. 'n Substansiele verband kan gereel word vir 'n goedgekeurde koper. Geteken te Pietersburg op die 30ste dag van September T. F. Pretorius vir, C. B. Niland & Pretorius, Albatrossentrum 2, Markstraat 21, Pietersburg.

64 .~~-...~ Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February No GOVERNMENT GAZEITE, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF SPRINGS HELD AT SPRINGS Case In the matter between Soutlt African Permanent BuDding Society, Plaintiff, and Mr H. J. and Mrs C. J. Vorster, Defendants In pursuance of a Judgment in the:court of the Magistrate of Springs, dated the 19th August 1988, and a Warrant of Execution issued thereafter, the immovable property listed hereunder will be sold in execution on the 18th November 1988 at 15hOO, at the premises of the Messenger's offices, Fourth Street, Springs to the highest bidder: Property Erf number 507, Selection Park, Registration Division I R, Transvaal, measuring square metres, postal address 18 Christoper Avenue, Selection Park. ImprovemenJs (but nothing is guarjlnteed in respect hereot): Brick building, iron roof,lounge, dining-room, kitchen, three bedrooms, bahtroom, toilet, double garage. 1. The property will be sold withbut reserve to the highest bidder and the sale shall be subject to the Magistrate's Court Act No. 32 of 1944 (as amended) and the Rules made thereunder. 2. The Purchaser shall pay a deposit of 10 % of the purchase price in cash against signing of the Conditions of Sale, and the ba1anoe of the purchase price, together with interest at current kilding society interest rates, from the date of the sale to date of registration of transfer, shall be paid or secured by a bank or building society guarantee approved by the Execution Creditor's Attorneys, and to be furnished within fourteen (14) days after the date of Sale. 3. Transfer shall be effected by the: Attorneys ofthe Execution Creditor and the Purchaser shall on demand, pay alt transfer costs, arrear rates (if any) at the current rates, taxes and any other charges necessary to effect transfer by the said Attorneys. 4. The full conditions of sale maybe inspected at the offices of the Messenger of the Court, Springs and interested parties are requested to contact the Execution Creditor who may be prepan1d to grant loan facilities to an approved Purchaser. Dated at Springs on this the 28th September J. H. van Heerden for, Haarhoff & Cohen, Permanent Building, Third Street, Springs. (Ref.: Mr van HeerdenlS ) IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF SPRINGS HELD AT SPRINGS Case 4205/88 In the matter between Soutb African Permanc:nt BuUding Society, Plaintiff, and Mr J. T. and Mrs A. Agenbag, Defendants In pursuance of a Judgment in the Court of the Magistrate of Springs dated the 12th August 1988, and a Warrant of Execution issued thereafter, the immovable property listed hereunder will be sold in execution on the 18th November 1988 at 15hOO, at the premises of the Messenger's office, Fourth Street, Springs to the higest bidder: Property Erf number 705 Strubenvale, Registration Division I R, Transvaal, measuring square metres, postal address 59 McCollough Crescent, Strubenvale. ImprovemenJs (but nothing is guaranteed in respect hereot): Brick building, iron roof, lounge, dining-room, kitchen, bathroom, toilet, three bedrooms, garage, servant's room. I. The property will be sold witbout reserve to the highest bidder and the sale shall be subject to the Magistrate's Court Act no. 32 of 1944 (as amended) and the Rules made thereunder. 2. The Purchaser sba1l pay a deposit of io % of the purchase price in cash against signing of the Conditions of Sale, and the balance of the purchase price. together with interest at current "uilding society interest rates, from the date of the sale to date of registration of transfer, shall be paid or secured by a bank or building society guarantee approved by the Execution Creditor's Attorneys, and to be furnished within fourteen (14) days after the date of sale. 3. Transfer sba1l be effected by the Attorneys of the Execution Creditor and the Purchaser shall on demand, pay all transfer costs, arrear rates (if any) at the current ratlls, taxes and any other charges necessary to effect transfer by the said Attorneys. 4. The full conditions of sale maybe inspected at the offices of the Messenger of the Court, Springs and interested parties are requested to contact the Execution Creditor who may be prepan1<i to grant loan facilities to an approved Purchaser. Dated at Springs on this the 28th September J. H. van Heerden for, Haarhoff & Cohen, Permanent Building, Third Street, Springs. (Ref.: Mr van HeerdenlS88009.) IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF SPRINGS HELD AT SPRINGS Case In the matter between Soutb African Permanc:nt BuDding Society, Plaintiff, and E. J. Khumalo, Defendant In pursuance of a Judgment in the Court of the Magistrate of Springs dated the 2nd September 1988, and a Warrant of Execution issued thereafter, the immovable property listed hereunder will be sold in execution on the 18th November 1988 at llhoo, at the premises of the Magistrate's Court, Kwa Thema to the highest bidder: Property Erf number 11836, Kwa Thema, Registration Division I R, Transvaal, measuring 330 square metres, postal address Stand 11836, Kwa Thema, Springs. ImprovemenJs (but nothing is guaranteed in respect hereot): Brick building. tiled roof, three bedrooms, bathroom, toilet, lounge, dining-room, kitchen. 1. The property will be sold without reserve to the highest bidder and the sale shall be subject to the Magistrate's Court Act No. 32 of 1944 (as amended) and the Rules made thereunder. 2. The Purchaser sball pay a deposit of io % of the purchase price in cash against signing of the Conditions of Sale, and the balance of the purcbaser price, togehter with interest at current "uilding society interest rates, from the date of the sale to date of registration of transfer, shall be paid or secured by a bank or building society guarantee approved by the Execution Creditor's Attorneys, and to be furnished within fourteen (14) days after the date of sale. 3. Transfer shall be effected by the Attorneys of the Execution Creditor and the Purchaser shall on demand, pay all transfer costs, arrear rates (if any) at the current rates, taxes and any other charges necessary to effect transfer by the said Attorneys. 4. The full conditions of sale may be inspected at the offices of the Messenger ofthe Court, Springs and interested parties are requested to contact the Execution Creditor who may be prepared to grant loan facilities to an approved Purchaser. Dated at Springs on this the 28th September J. H. van Heerden for, Haarhoff & Cohen, Permanent Building, Third Street, Springs. (Ref.: Mr van HeerdenlS )

65 STAATSKOERANT,4NOVEMBER 1988 No S IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Witwatersrand Local Division) Case 14642/88 In the matter between South African Permanent BuDding Society, Pliantiff, and Gerhard HJrselmann, First Defendant and Francina Hirselmann, Second Defendant In execution of a Judgment of the Supreme Court of South Africa (Witwatersrand Local Division) in this suit, a sale without reserve will be held at the office of the Deputy Sheriff, 56 12th Street, Springs at IOhOO on 18 November 1988, of the undermentioned property of the Defendants on Conditions to be read out by the Auctioneer at the time of the sale and which may be inspected at the office of the Deputy Sheriff prior to the sale: Certain Erf 47, Geduld Township, Registration Divisi~n I.R., Transvaal, area 495 square metres, situation Negende Laan 12, Geduld, Springs. Improvements (not guaranteed): A house under iron roof consisting of 3 bedrooms, bathroom, lounge, dining-room, fitted carpets, wood strips, garage with servants quarters. Terms: 10 % of the purchase price in cash on the day of the sale, the balance and interest on the full purchase price at current bond rates payable against registration of transfer, to be secured by a bank, building society or other acceptable guarantee to be furnished within 14 days from the date of sale. Auctioneer's charges are payable on the day of the sale and calculated at 5 % on the proceeds of the sale up to a price ofri5 000,00 and thereafter2~ %, to a maximum fee ofr5 000,00 and a minimum ofr50,oo. Dated at Johannesburg on 3 October S. E. van Zyl for, E. F. K. Tucker Inc., Plaintiffs Attorneys, 48th Floor, Carlton Centre, Commissioner Street, Johannesburg. Tel.: (Ref.: Foreclosures/SAPE ) IN DIE HOOGGEREGSHOF V AN SUID-AFRIKA (Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling) In die saak tussen Santambank Beperk, Eiser, en Jacobus A1bertus van Zyl Brink, Verweerder Saak Ingevolge 'n uitspraak in die bogemelde Agbare Hof en die Lasbrief tot Uitwinning teen onroerende goed, word die ondervermelde eiendom op Vrydag die 18de dag van November 1988 om IlOhOO, te Gedeelte 83, De Onderstepoort (noord van Sasko Meule) Ou Warmbadpad, Bon Accord, geregtelijc verkoop aan die persoon wat die hoogste aanbod maak en voldoen aan die Verkoopvoorwaardes wat by die Adjunk-balju, Wonderboom ter insae Ie: Gedeelte 80 ('n gedeelte van Gedeelte 3) van die plaas Lusthof 114, Registrasie Afdeling J.R., Transvaal, groot 8,5653 hektaar. Geteken te Pretoria hierdie 26ste dag van September J. S. R. de Villiers vir, De Villiers De Beer, Prokureurs vir Eiser, Saambougebou, Vierde Verdieping, Andriesstraat, Pretoria. IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF JOHANNESBURG HELD AT JOHANNESBURG In the matter between First National Bank of Southern Africa Limited, Plaintiff, and Jan Johannes Petrus Nell, Defendant Case 4654/88 Pursuant to a Judgment obtained on the 19th day of April 1988, in the Magistrate's Court of Johannesburg held at Johannesburg, in the abovementioned suit, a sale without reserve will be held in front of the Magistrate's Court, Johannesburg, Fox Street Entrance, on Friday the 25th day of November 1988 at IOhOO a.m., of the undermentioned property of the defendant on the conditions to be read out by the auctioneer by the time of the sale and which conditions may be inspected at the office of the Messenger of the Court, Johannesburg East, prior to the sale: (a) Section 8, as shown and more fully described on Sectional Plan SS 19/1984, in the building or buildings known as The Elms, of which the floor area, according to the Sectional Plan is 90 (ninety) square metres in extent. (b) An undivided share in the common property in the land and buildings as shown and more fully described on the said Sectional Plan, apportioned to the said section in accordance with the participation quota of the said Section and held under Certificate of Registered Sectional Title no. ST 19/1984 (8) (Unit) dated 27 February 1984, situated at Flat 201, The Elms, Kock Street, Joubert Park, Johannesburg. The following information is furnished re the improvements though in this respect nothing is guaranteed: Sectional Title Unit comprising of I bedroom, 1 kitchen, 2 bathrooms, I lounge. Terms: 10 % (ten per centum) of the purchase price in cash on the day of the sale, the balance payable against registration of transfer, to be secured by a bank or building society or other acceptable guarantee to be furnished within fourteen (14) days from the date of sale. Dated at Johannesburg this 29th day of September M. J. Boyce for Srnit, De Wet & Partners Incorporated, Plaintiffs Attorneys, 13th Floor, Schreiner Chambers, 94 Pritchard Street, P. O. Box 208, Johannesburg, Tel.: IN DIE LANDDROSHOF VIR DIE DISTRIK V AN PIETERSBURG GEHOU TE PIETERS BURG In die saak tussen Saambou Nasionale Bouvereniging, Eiser, en P. D. J. Grundling, Verweerder Saak 2806/88 Ingevolge 'n vonnis van die bogemelde Agbare Hof gdateer 6 Julie 1988, en die daaropvolgende Lasbriefvir Eksekusie sal die onderstaande eiendom op die 23ste dag van November 1988 om IOhOO, voor die landdroskantore, Marestraat, Pietersburg, geregtelik verkoop word aan die hoogste bieder voetstoots, vir kontant en verder onderhewig aan die Landdroshowe reels waarookal van toepassing: Resterende gedeelte van Erf 264, Annadale, Registrasie Afdeling L S, Transvaal, groot I 427 vierkante meter, gehou kragtens Akte van Transport T.35030m. 10 % Deposito. Balans betaalbaar teen registrasie van transport. Verdere voorwaardes verkrygbaar van die Geregsbode. J. S. Henstock vir, Henstock Green & Grobler, Pioniergebou 222, Marestraat, Posbus 65, Pietersburg

66 66 No GOVERNMENT GAZEITE, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR me DISTRICT OF BOKSBURG HELD AT BOKSBURG Case 5163/88 In the matter between Solth African Permanent BuDding Society, Plaintiff, and Dawn Louise Humphries, Defendant On the 18th day of November 1988 ~t IIh15, a public auction sale will be held in front of the entrance to the Magistrate's Court, Adderley Street, Boksburg at which the Messenger of the Court, pursuoot to a Judgment of the Court in this Action, warrant of execution issued in tenns thereof and attachment in execution made thereunder tell: Certain Section 3, as shown and mqre fully described on sectional plan no. SS in the building or buildings known as BesmarCourt and an undivided share in the common property in the land and building or buildings, Registration Division l.r., Transvaal, measuring 65 (sixty five) square metres, also known as Unit 3, Besmar COllrt, Heidelberg Road, Boksburg. Improvements (which are not warraeted to be correct and are not guaranteed): 2 Bedrooms, I lounge/dining-room, kitchen, bathroom and outbuildings of similar consrmctionconsisting ofn/a hereinafter cailed "the property". The material conditions ofthe sale af!e: l. The sale shall, in all respects, bee governed by the Magistrate's Court Act, 1944 and the Rules made thereunder or any amendment thereof or substitution therefore and, subject thereto, the property shall be sold "voetstoots" to the highest bidder without reserve. 2. The price shall bear interest at the rate of 18 per centum per annum, or ifthe claim of the South African Permanent Building Society exceeds the price, interest amounting to the same as interest at that rate on that claim subject to such interest not exceeding the maximum allowed by Law. 3. The purchaser shall be obliged ~y a deposit of 10 % (ten per centum) of the price of R400,OO (four hundred rand) (whichever is the greater) immediately after the sale and the balance of the price and interest shall, within 14 (fourteen) days of the date of sale be paid or be secured by unconditional or approved bank and/or building society guarantee/s payable to the Messenger of the Court andlor such other person/s as he requires on transfer of the property to the purchaser. 4. The purchaser shall be liable for and shall pay to the Plaintiff s conveyancers on request the fees of the Messenger of the Court for acting as auctioneer and all amounts necessary to obtain transfer of the property, including stamp duty, other costs of transfer and all such rates and taxes and other amounts as are payable to obtain a Certificate in terms of Section 50 of the Local Govermnent Ordinance (Transvaal) 1939 or any amendment of substitution therefor. 5. Possession and occupation of the property shall, subject to the rights of any existing tenantis pass to the purchaser upon the sale being effected from which date all benefits, risks and liabilities shall pass to the purchaser. Dated at Boksburg on this the 21st dif of October C. M. Klinkert for, Henry Tucker & Partners, Second Floor, Permanent Building, 312, Commissioner Street, Boksburg. Tel.: (Ref.: Mr KlinkertIEDUP. ) Case IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Transvaal Provincial Division) In the matter between South African Pennanent BuDding Society, Plaintiff, and lzak Johannes du Toit, First Defendant, and Susanna Magdalena du Toit, Second Defendant Pursuant to a Judgment of the above Court and Writ of Execution dated the 19th day of May 1988, the undermentioned property will be sold in execution at llhoo on Friday, the 18th November 1988, at the offices of the Deputy Sheriff, Portion 83, De Onderstepoort (North ofsasko Mills) the old Warmbaths Road to the highest bidder: Erf 366, situate in the Township of Pretoria North, Registration Division J R, Transvaal, measuring 2552 square metres, held by the Defendant under Deed of Transfer no. T /80, lmownas 384 Ben Viljoen Street, Pretoria North. The following improvements are situ.te on the property, although in this respect nothing is guaranteed: A house consisting of a lounge, dining-room, 2 bedrooms, 1hathroom, kitchen, fitted carpets and novilon. Outbuilding converted to flat: 2 Bedrooms, I bathroom and lounge. The Conditions of Sale, which will De read immediately prior to the sale, are lying for inspection at the offices of the Deputy Sheriff, Plot 83, De Onderstepoort, (North ofsasko Mills) old Warmbaths Road. Signed at Pretoria on this 4th day of October M. S. L. Coetzee for, Findlay & Niemeyer; Plaintiffs Attorney, 635 Permanent Building, corner of Paul Kruger and Pretorius Streets, Pretoria. Tel.: (Ref.: Mrs Rowelbs.) IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR me DISTRICT OF BRAKPANHELD AT BRAKPAN Case In the matter between Allied BuUding Society, Plaintiff, and Wynand Phllippus Kukard, First Defendant, and Sandra Kukard, Second Defendant In pursuance of a Judgment in the Court of the Magistrate of Brakpan and Writ of Execution dated the 14th day of July 1988, the property listed hereunder will be sold in Execution on the 25th day of November 1988, at I1hOO a.m., at the premises of the Messenger of the Court, 439 Prince George Avenue, Brakpan to the highest bidder: Certain Erf 562, Brakpan North, Extension 1Township, Registration Division I R, Transvaal, measuring 982 (nine hundred and eighty two) square metres, held by Deed of Transfer no. T.23761l988. The Property is defined as a residential stand, situated at 9 Talbort Street, Brakpan North, Brakpan. No warrant or undertaking is given in relation to the nature of the improvements, which are described as follows: Main building: I Lounge, 1 TV room, 1 dining-room, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 1 kitchen, bricks/plaster walls, tiled roof. Outbuildings: One toilet only, 100 % pre-cast wall fencing. The material coruiitons ofsale are: (a) The sale will be held by Public Auction and without reserve and will be "voetstoots". (b) Immediately after the sale the Purchaser shall sign the Conditions of Sale which can be inspected at the Messenger of the Court's office, Brakpan. (c) The purchaser shall pay all amounts necessary to obtain transfer of the property, including all costs of transfer, transfer duty, rates, taxes, licenses, sanitary fees, interest etc.

67 STAATSKOERANT, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No (d) The purchase price sball be paid as to 10 % (ten percent) thereof orrsoo,oo (five hundred rand) whichever is the greater, on the day of the sale and the unpaid balance, together with interest on the full amount of the Judgment Creditor's claim at the rate specified in the full conditions of sale to date of payment, within fourteen days to be paid or secured by a bank or building society guarantee. (e) The property shall be sold subject to any existing tenancy. (f) Failing compliance with tbe provisions of the conditions of Sale, the Purchaser shall forfeit for the benefit of tbe Execution Creditor the deposit referred to in (d) above, without prejudice to any claim against him for damages. The full Conditions of Sale may be inspected at the Offices of the Messenger of the Court. Dated at Brakpan on this 14th day of October P. J. Cowling for, Trollip, Joubert, Cowling & Janeke, 125A Kingsway Avenue, P.O. Box 38, Brakpan. Tel.: (Ref.: Mr Cowling: CVN: C230/88.) IN DIE LANDDROSHOF VIR DIE DISTRlK V AN VEREENIGING GEHOU TE VEREENIGING Saak In die saak tussen Suid-Afrikaaose Permanente Bouverenlging, Eiser, en Keitb Louis Walker en Anna Maria Walker, Verweerder Ten uirvoering van 'n vonnis van bogemelde Agbare Hof en 'n lasbrief gedateer 20 Mei 1988, sal die volgende eiendom, wat spesiaal beslagbaar verklaar is, in eksekusie verkoop word ten kantore van die Geregsbode, Meyerton, om llboo vm. op Donderdag die 8ste Desember 1988, aan die hoogste bieder: Gedeelte 36, van Lot 183, Meyerton Farms, Registrasie Afdeling IR, Transvaal, groot I 000 (een nul nul nul) vierkante meter. Verkoopvoorwaardes: 1. Die eiendom sal verkoop word aan die hoogste bieder en die verkoping sal onderworpe wees aan Arti.keI66 van die Landdroshowewet no. 32 van Die Koper sal verantwoordelik wees vir betaling aan die eiser van rente teen 16,5 % per jaar op die vonnisskuld vanaf die datum van verkoop tot datum van registrasie van transport. 3. Die koopprys sal as volg betaalbaar wees: (a) 10 % daarvan onrniddellik na ondertekening van die verkoopvoorwaardes. (b) die balans van die koopprys binne 14 dae, in kontant, of verseker deur 'n bank- of bougenootskapwaarborg, sodanige betaling enlof waarborg moet verskaf word aan die Geregsborde. 4. Die voorwaardes van verkoop wat uitgelees sal word deur die Geregsbode, onrniddellik voor die Geregtelike verkoping, sal ter insae l~ te Locbstraat, Meyerton. ' 5. Die eiendom sal verkoop word, onderhewig aan enige bestaande buurkontrak. 6. Die uistaande balans verskuldig op die eiendom beloop die som van ± R44 240,00. Geteken te Vereeniging op 21ste Oktober L. M. Barnard vir, Snijrnan & Smullen, Eiser se Prokureur, Barclays Sentrum, Lesliestraat 29, Posbus 38, Vereeniging. (Verw.: Mev. Dave!.) IN DIE LANDDROSHOF VIR DIE DISTRIK VAN RANDFONTEIN GEHOU TE RANDFONTEIN Saak3ZS188 In die 8aak tussen S.A. Permanente BouverenJginll. Eiser, en Benjamin Andre Jaose van Vuuren, Eerste Verweerder, Mallrieta Susanna Jaose van Rensburg, Tweede Verweerder Ingevolge uitspraak van die Landdros van Randfontein en Lasbrief tot Geregtelike Verkoop met die datum die 17de dag van Mei 1988, sal die ondervermelde eiendom geregtelik verkoop word op die 2de dag van Desember 1988 om 14h15, voor die Landdroshof, Pollockstraat, ingang Randfontein, aan die hoogste bieder, naamlik: Erf 104, Randfontein Dorpsgebied, Registrasie Afdeling I.Q., Transvaal, bekend as Fedlerstraat 32, vir bewoning deur die blanke groep, waarop opgerig is, 'n losstaande enkelvlak woonhuis met 'n sinkdak, bestaande uit voorkamer, eetkamer, 3 slaapkamers, kombuis en badkamer. Die buitegeboue bestaan uit 'n garage en bediendekarner. Geen waarborg word egter gegee ten opsigte van voorgaande omskrywing nie. Voorwaardes; RS 000,00 kontanl op die dag van verkoop en die balans teen registrasie van transport, verseker te wees deur 'n goedgekeurde bank-of bouvereniging se waarborg, gelewer te word binne 21 dae. Die Koper moet transportkoste, belastings, ens. betaal. Die eiendom word voetstoots verkoop onderbewig aan enige bewoningsreg. Die volledige Voorwaardes van Verkoop (wat na die verkoop onderteken moet word) mag gedurende kantoor-ure by die kantoor van die Geregsbode, Villagestraat 43, Randfontein, nagesien word. Die Eiser is bereid om 'n Verband aan 'n goedgekeurde Koper toe te slaan. Gedateer21 Oktober C. J. Ooslhuizen vir TruterCrous & Wiggill, Prokureurs vir Eiser, Iurisgebou, Sutheriandstraat, Posbus 116, Randfontein, Saak8Z7/87 IN DIE LANDDROSHOF VIR DIE DlSTRlK V AN RANDFONTEIN GEHOU TE RANDFONTEIN In die saak tussen Eerste Nasionale Bank van S.A. Beperk voorbeen handeldrywende as Barclays Nasionale Bank Beperk, Eiser, en Jacobus Gerbardus Hermann, Eerste Verweerder, Kathleen Julia Hermann, Tweede Verweerder Ingevolge uitspraak van die Landdros van Randfontein en Lasbrief tot geregtelike verkoop met datum die 14de dag van April 1987, sal die ondervermelde eiendom op die 2de dag van Desember 1988 om 14h15, voor die Landdroshof, Pollockstraal-ingang, Randfontein, aan die hoogste bieder geregtelik verkoop word, naamlik: Erf 729, Finsbury Dorpsgebied, Registrasie Afdeling I.Q., Transvaal, bekend as Bloubergstraal 39, Finsbury, Randfontein, waarop opgerig is 'n losstaande enkelvlak woning gehou van stene onder teeldak, wat ges~ word Ie bevat sitkamer, eetkamer, 3 slaapkamers, badkamer en motorafdak, ten opsigre waarvan egter geen waarborg gegee word nie.

68 68 No GOVERNMENT GAZEITE, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 Voorwaardes; Rl 000,00 kontant op die dag van verkoop en die balans teen registrasie van transport, veiseker te wees deur 'n goedgekeurde bank-of bouvereniging se waarborg, gelewer teword binne 21 dae. Die Koper moet transportkoste, belastings, ens. betaal. Die eiendom word voetstoots verkoop onderilewig aan enige bewoningsreg. Die volledige Voorwaardes van Verkoop (wat na die verkoop onderteken moet word) mag gedurende kantoor-ure by die kantoor van die Geregsbode, Parkstraat 40, Randfonteill, nagesien word. Die Biser is bereid om 'n Verband aan 'n goedgekeurde Koper toe te staan. Gedateer21 Oktober C. J. Oosthuizen vir Truter Crous Ie Wiggill, Prokureurs vir Eiser, Iurisgebou, Sutherlandstraat, Posbus 116, Randfontein, 17fJ). Saak 53075/88 IN DIE LANDDROSHOF VIR DIE DISTRIK VAN PRETORIA GEHOU TE PRETORIA In die saak tussen Die Reppersoon van die Penryn Place Gebou No. 73/83, Eiser, en Pieter JobaDDeS Saayman, Verweerder Ingevolge 'n vonnis van bovermetde Hof en Lasbrief vir Eksekusie, gedateer die 14de dag van September 1988, sal die ondergenoemde eiendom verkoop word aan die hoogste bieder, op Woensdag 30 November 1988 om Ilhoo te die Landdroskantoor, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria. Deel 18 soos getoon en volledig beskryf op Deelplan No. 73/83 in die gebou of geboue bekend as Penryn Place, Groot 62 vierkante meter, asook 'n onverdeelde aandeel in die gemeenskaplike eiendom, soos meer volledig beskryf op die voormelde Deelplan, toegeken aan Die Deel, kragtens die Deelnemingskwota van die Dee!. Gehou deur die Verweerder, kragtens SertiEkaat van Geregistreerde Deeltitel No. ST 62237/87 (18), beter bekend as Penryn Place 53, Scheidingstraat 265, Pretoria. Die volgende verbeterings is aangebring op die eiendom alhoewel nib gewaarborg is daaromtrent nie. Die woonstel bestaan uit 2 slaapkamers, badkarner, kombuis, sit- en eetkamer.. Die verkoopvoorwaardes sal onmiddellik voor die aanvang van die verkoping uitgelees word en Ie vir inspeksie by die kantore van die Geregsbode Pretoria-Suid. Geteken te Pretoria op hierdie 5de llag van Oktober P. T. van der Hoven, Mare van der, Hoven & Gribnitz, Suite 52, Tweede Verdieping, Die Meent, Andriesstraat, Pretoria. (L408/88/ss.) Saak 20679/88 IN DIE LANDDROSHOF VIR DIE DISTRIK VAN PRETORIA GEHOU TE PRETORIA In die saak tussen Die Reppersoon van die Elizabeth Court Gebou No. 217/84, Eiser, en Andre Leon Pretorlus, Verweerder Ingevolge 'n vonnis van bovermekle Hof en Lasbrief vir Eksekusie, gedateer die 26ste dag van Julie 1988, sal die ondergenoemde eiendom verkoop word aan die hoogste bieder, op Maand~g 5 Desember 1988 om Ilhoo te die Landdroskantoor, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria. Deel 2 soos getoon en volledig beskryf op Deelplan No in die gebou ofgeboue bekend as Elizabeth Court, Groot 65 vierkante meter, asook 'n onverdeelde aandeel in die gemeen$kaplike eiendom, soos meer volledig beskryf op die voormelde Deelplan, toegeken aan Die Deel, kragtens die Deelnemingskwota van die Dee!. Gehou deur die Verweerder, kragtens Sertiftkaat van Geregistreerde Deeltitel No. ST (2), beter bekend as Elizabeth Court 2, Kerkstraat Wes, Pretoria-Wes, Pretoria. Die volgende verbeterlngs is aangebring op die eiendom alhoewel niks gewaarborg is daaromtrent nie. Die woonstel bestaan uit I ~ slaapkamers, badkamer, kombuis, sit- en eetkamer. Die verkoopvoorwaardes sal onmiddellik voor die aanvang van die verkoping uitgelees word en Ie vir inspeksie by die kantore van die Geregsbode Pretoria-Wes. Geteken te Pretoria op hierdie 21ste dag van Oktober P. T. van dec Hoven vir Mare van dec Hoven & Gribnitz, Suite 52, Tweede Verdieping, Die Meent, Andriesstraat, Pretoria. (L557/88/ss.) Saak 32335/88 IN DIE LANDDROSHOF VIR DIE DISTRIK VAN PRETORIA GEHOU TE PRETORIA In die saak tussen Die Regspersoon van die Welgelegen Gebou No , Eiser, en SamueUacobus van EmmeDis, Verweerder Ingevolge 'n vonnis van bovermdlde Hof en Lasbrief vir Eksekusie, gedateer die 31ste llag van Augustus 1988, sal die ondergenoemde eiendom verkoop word aan die hoogste bieder, op Woensdag 23 November 1988 om llhoo te die Landdroskantoor, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria. Deel23 soos getoon en volledig beskryf op Deelplan No. 39/81 in die gebou of geboue bekend as Welgelegen, Groot 77 vierkante meter, asook 'n onverdeelde aandeel in die gemeenskliplike eiendom. soos meer vouedig beskryf op die voormelde Deelplan, toegeken aan Die Deel, kragtens die Deelnemingskwota van die Deel. Gehou deur die Verweerder, kragtens Sertiftkaat van Geregistreerde Deeltitel No. ST 39-23/81 (23), beter bekend as Welgelegen 23, Bourkestraat 190, Muckleneuk, Pretoria. Die volgende verbeterlngs is aangebring op die eiendom alhoewel niks gewaarborg is daaromtrent nie. Die woonstel bestaan uit 1slaapkamer, sit- en eetkamer, kombuis. badkamer en toegeboude balkon. Die verkoopvoorwaardes sal onrruddellik voor die aanvang van die verkoping uitgelees word en Ie vir inspeksie by die kantore van die Geregsbode Pretoria-Suid. Geteken te Pretoria op hierdie 23s1ie dag van September P. T. van der Hoven, Mare van der Hoven & Gribnitz, Suite 52, Tweede Verdieping, Die Meent, Andriesstraat, Pretoria. (L246/88/ss.) Saak IN DIE LANDDROSHOF VIR DIE DISTRIK VAN PRETORIA GEHOU TE PRETORIA In die saak tussen Die Regspersoon van Die Euclea Gebou No. 8li/80, Eiser, en Gideon Francois Jansen, Verweerder Ingevolge 'n vonnis van bovermelde Hof en Lasbrief vir Eksekusie, gedateer die 19de dag van Augustus 1988, sal die ondergenoemde eiendom verkoop word aan die hoogste bieder. op Woensdag 23 November 1988 om Ilhoo te die Landdroskantoor. Pretoriusstraat. Pretoria.

69 STAATSKOERANT, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No Deel 19 soos getoon en volledig beskryf op Deelplan No in die gebou of geboue bekend as Euclea, Groot 50 vierkante meter, asook 'n onverdeelde aandeel in die gemeenskaplike eiendom, soos meer vo11edig beskryf op die voormelde Deelplan, toegeken aan Die Deel, kragtens die Deelnemingskwota van die Deel. Gehou deur die Verweerder, kragtens Sertifikaat van Geregistreerde Deeltitel No. ST (19), beter bekend as Euclea 206, Walkerstraat 315, Sunnyside, Pretoria. Die volgende verbeterings is aangebring op die eiendom alhoewel niks gewaarborg is daaromtrent nie. Die woonstel bestaan uit 1 slaapkamer, sit- en ee!kamer, 1 badkamer en kombuis. Die verkoopvoorwaardes sal onmiddellik voor die aanvang van die verkoping uitgelees word en Ii! vir inspeksie by die kantore van die Geregsbode Pretoria-Suid. Geteken te Pretoria op hierdie 23ste dag van September P. T. van der Hoven, Mare van der Hoven & Gribnitz, Suite 52, Tweede Verdieping, Die Meent, Andriesstraat, Pretoria. (la79/88/ss.) IN DIE LANDDROSHOF VIR DIE DISTRIK VAN PRETORIA GEHOU TE PRETORIA Saak 1131/87 In die saak tossen DIe Regspersoon van die Mufont Mansions Geboo No , Eiser, en WUlem Gert Venter, Verweerder Ingevolge 'n vonnis van bovermelde Hof en Lasbrief vir Eksekusie, gedateer die ISde dag van Augustus 1987, sal die ondergenoernde eiendom verkoop word aan die hoogste bieder, op Dinsdag 22 November 1988 om 10hOO te Die Landdroskantoor, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria. Deel 23 soos getoon en volledig beskryf op Deelplan No in die gebou of geboue, bekend as Muford Mansions, Groot 70 vierkante meter, asook 'n onverdeelde aandeel in die gemeenskaplike eiendom, soos meer volledig beskryf op die voormelde Deelplan, toegeken aan Die Deel, kragtens die Deelnerningskwota van die Deel. Gehou deur die Verweerder, kragtens Sertiflkaat van Geregistreerde Deeltitel No. ST /84 (23), beter bekend as Muford Mansions 23, Voortrekkerweg, Mayville. Pretoria. Die volgende verbeterings is aangebring op die eiendom alhoewel niks gewaarborg is daaromtrent nie. Die woonstel bestaan uit I~ slaapkamers, badkamer, kombuis, sit eneetkamers. Die verkoopvoorwaardes sal onmiddellik voor die aanvang van die verkoping uitgelees word en Ie vir inspeksie by die kantore van die Geregsbode Pretoria-Oos. Geteken te Pretoria op hierdie 5de dag van Oktober P. T. van der Hoven, Mare van der Hoven &Gribnitz, Suite 52, Tweede Verdieping. Die Meent, Andriesstraat, Pretoria. (L540/88/ss.) IN DIE LANDDROSHOF VIR DIE DISTRIK VAN JOHANNESBURG GEHOU TE JOHANNESBURG Saak 62344/87 In die saak tussen Debtoor (Edms.) Bpk., Eiser, en Wessel Johannes Croukamp, Verweerder Ter uitwinning van 'n vonnis van die Landdroshofvir die distrik van Johannesburg, sal 'n verkoping gehou word te Murrylaan 43e, Brits, op die 18de dag van November 1988, om 12hOO in die voorrniddag van die ondervermelde eiendom, onderworpe aan die voorwaardes wat deur die Geregsbode gelees sal word tydens die verkoping en welke voorwaardes by die kantoor van die Geregsbode, Brits, voor die verkoping ter insae salle. Erf 154, Dorpsgebied, Schoemansville, Registrasie Afdeling J.Q., Transvaal. Groot: I 487 (een vier agt sewe) vierkante meter. Gehou deur Wessel Johannes Croukamp, gebore II Oktober 1939, Kragtens Akte van Transport No. T Verfwopl!oorwaardes: 10 % (tien persent) van die koopprys en afslaersgelde in kontant op die datum van verkoping en die balans teen registrasie van Transport. Ten opsigte van die balans moet 'n baokwaarborg of ander aanneembare waarborg binne 21 (een en twintig) dae vanaf die datum van verkoping aan die Geregsbode Brits verskaf word. Die eiendom word verkoop onderhewig aan aile voorwaardes en serwitute in die transportaktes vermeld. Geteken te Pretoria hierdie 27ste dag van Oktober C. T. P. Eksteen vir Du Plessis & Eksteeen. Prokureurs vir Eiser. lode Vloer Merinogebou, BosmanlPretoriusstrate, Pretoria, Tel.: (Verw.: Mnr. Eksteenlrw.) IN DIE LANDDROSHOF VIR DIE DISTRIK VAN PRETORIA GEHOU TE PRETORIA Saak S097SI88 In die saak tussen Die Regspersoon van die Solitaire Gebou No. Z24I84, Eiser, en Anna Catharina Kruger, Verweerderes Ingevolge 'n vonnis van bovermelde Hof en Lasbrief vir Eksekusie, gedateer die 31ste dag van Augustus 1988, sal die ondergenoemde eiendom verkoop word aan die hoogste bieder, op Woensdag 23 November 1988 om IlhOO te Die Landdroskantoor, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria. Deel21 soos getoon en volledig beskryf of Deelplan No. 224/84 in die gebou ofgeboue bekend as Solitaire. Groot: 51 vierkante meter, asook 'n onverdeelde aandeel in die gemeenskaplike eiendom, soos meer volledig beskryf op die voormelde Deelplan, toegeken aan die Deel, uagtens die Deelnerningskwota van die Deel. Gehou deur die Verweerderes, kragtens Sertifikaat van Geregistreerde Deeltitel No. ST 31114/87 (2 J ) beter bekend as Solitaire 60 1, Schoemanstraat, Arcadia. Pretoria. Die volgende verbeterings is aangebring op die eiendom alhoewel niks gewaarborg is daaromtrent nie. Die woonstel bestaan uit I slaapkamer, sit- en eetkamer, kombuis, badkamer. Die verkoopvoorwaardes sal onmiddellik voor die aanvang van die verkoping uitgelees word en Ie vir inspeksie by die kantore van die Geregsbode Pretoria-Suid. Geteken te Pretoria op hierdie 23ste dag van September p, T. van der Hoven, Mare van der Hoven & Gribnitz, Suite 52, Tweede Verdieping, Die Meen!, Andriesstraat. Pretoria. (L391188/SS.)

70 70 No GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Witwatersrand Local Division) In the matter between Soutb African Permanent BuUding Society, Plaintiff, and BasUe Tbeodore KouLls, Defendant Case In execution of a Judgment of the Supreme Court of South Africa (Witwatersrand Local Division) in this suit, a sale without reserve will be held at the office ofthe Deputy Sheriff, 131 Marshall Street, Johannesburg at lohoo, on 24 November 1988, of the undermentioned property of the Defendant on conditions to be read out by the Auctioneer at the time of the sale and which may be inspected at the office of the Deputy Sheriff prior to the sale. Certain: Erf%1Kenilworth TownShip, Registration Division I.R., Transvaal. Area: 495 square metres. Situation: 64 Diering Street, Kenilworth. Improvements; (not guaranteed): "A house under iron roof consisting of 3 bedrooms, 1 ~ bathrooms, lounge, diningroom, fitted carpets, tiles, single garage, servants guarters with precast and brick around property. " Terms: 10 % of the purchase price in cash on the day of the sale; the balance and interest on the full purchase price at current bond rates payable against registration of transfer, to be secured by a bank, building society or other acceptable guarantee to be furnished within 14 days from the date of sale. Auctioneer's charges are payable on the day of the sale and calculated at 5 % on the proceeds of the sale up to a price ofri5 000,00 and thereafter 2~ %, to a maximum fee ofr5 000,00 and a minimum of R50,OO. Dated at Johannesburg on 21 October F. R. J. Jansen, for E. F. K. Tuckl:rInc., Plaintiff s Attorneys, 48th Floor, Carlton Centre, Commissioner Street, Johannesburg. (Tel.: ) (Ref.: Foreclosures/SAPE ) IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OFGERMISTON HELD AT GERMISTON Case 6S85188 In the matter between Soutb African Permanent BuDding Society, Plaintiff, and Japie Pottas, First Defendant, Susanna Johanna Elizabeth Po«as, Second Defendant Pursuant to a Judgement granted li!y the abovementioned Honourable Court dated 30 June 1988, and Warrant of Execution served on 23 August 1988, the undermentioned property will be sold on the 6th December 1988, at lohoo, in front of Magistrates Court, President Street, Genniston to the highest bidder: C main: Portion 2 of Erf 817 South Genniston Township Registration Division I.R., Transvaal. Measuring: 724 (seven hundred and twenty four) Square metres. Also known as: 6 Park Crescent ROId, South Genniston, Genniston. (hereinafter called "the Property"). Improvements Reported: (which are not warranted to be correct and are not guaranteed). Detached single storey brick built residence with iron roof comprising of 5 rooms other than kitchell and 1bathroom with outbuildings of similar construction comprising of garage, servant's room and toilet. I. The purchaser shall be obliged to pay a deposit of ten per centum of the price or four hundred rand (whichever is the greater) immediately after the sale and the balance of the price and interest shall, within fourteen days of the date of sale, be paid or be secured by unconditional or approved bank and/or building society guarantee/s payable to the Messenger of the Court and/or such other personls as he requires on transfer of the property to the purchaser. 2. The price shall bear interest at the rate of 18 % per annum or, if the claim of the South African Permanent Building Society exceeds the price. interest amounting to the same as interest at that rate on that claim subject to such interest not exceeding the maximum allowed by Law. 3. Possession and occupation of the property shall, subject to the rights of any existing tenantis pass to the purchaser upon the sale being effected from which date all benefits, risks and liability shall pass to the purchaser. The Complete terms and conditions of sale may be inspected at the offices of the messenger of the court Genniston. Dated at Genniston on this the 20th day of October B. K. Tucker, for Henry Tucker & Partners. Attorneys for Plaintiff. 6th Floor Permanent Building. 165 Meyer Street, Genniston. (Ref.: Mrs. A. M. van Biljon) (Tel.: ) IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF GERMISTON HELD AT GERMISTON Case In the matter between South African Permanent Building Society, Plaintiff. and Grant Richard William DoubeU, First Defendant, Derrick Lawrence Pinnoy, Second Defendant Pursuant to a Judgement granted by the abovementioned Honourable Court dated 21 April and Warrant of Execution served on 7 June 1988, the undermentioned property will be sold on 6th December at lotloo, in front of Magistrate's Court, President Street, Genniston to the highest bidder: Certain: Erf 235 West Genniston Township Registration Division I.R., Transvaal. Measuring: 529 (five hundred and twenty nine) Square metres. Also known as: 19 Long Street, West Genniston, Genniston. Following information (which are oot warranted to be correct and are not guaranteed) is given: A 3 storey block of flats constructed of brick under iron roof comprising 21 flats of which 15 are bachelor and 6 are I bedroom flats with servant's room. (hereinafter called "the Property' '). Material Terms: 1. The purchaser shall be obliged to pay a deposit of ten per centum of the price or four tlundred rand (wruchever is the greater) immediately after the sale and the balance of the price and interest shall, within fourteen days of the dale of sale, be paid or be secured by unconditional or approved bank and/or building society guarantee/s payable to the Messenger of the Court and/or such other personls as he requires on transfer of the property to the purctlaser. 2. The price shall bear interest at Ihe rate of 18 % per annum or, if the claim of the South African Permanent Building Society exceeds the price, interest amounting to the same as interest at that rate on that claim subject to such interest nol exceeding the maximum allowed by Law.

71 STAATSKOERANT, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 NO Possession and occupation of the property shall, subject to the rights of any existing tenantls pass to the purchaser upon the sale being effected from which date all benefits, risks and liability shall pass to the purchaser. The complete terms and conditions of sale may be inspected at the offices of the Messenger of the Court Germiston. Dated at Germiston on this the 20th day of October B. K. Tucker, for Henry Tucker & Partners, Attorneys for Plaintiff, 6th Roor Permanent Building, 165 Meyer Street, Germiston. (Mrs. A. M. van Biljon) (Tel.: ) IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Witwatersrand Local Division) Case 11934/1988 In the matter between Allied Building Society Limited, Plaintiff, and WWem Hermanus Daniel Storm, First Defendant. Jacoba Wilhelmina Storm, Second Defendant In terms of a Judgment of the Supreme Court of South Africa dated 13 September 1988, in the abovementioned matter, a sale by public auction will be held by the Deputy Sheriff, Pretoria at his office at: 142 Struben Street. Pretoria. on Wednesday the 23rd November 1988, at IOhOO, to the highest bidder without a reserve price. the sale to be subject to the approval of the Plaintiff, on conditions which may now be inspected at the office of the Deputy Sheriff, Pretoria. and which will be read by him before the sale. of the following property owned by Defendant: Certain: Units 47 and 56 Talisman, situate in the township of Muckleneuk, Registration Division l.r. Transvaal. Measuring: 66 and 20 square metres respectively. Kncwnas: Rat 315 Talisman Court, 405 Walker Street, Muckleneuk, Pretoria (and garage). Held under: Deed oftransfer ST (47) and (56). Improvements: Flat consisting of one and a half bedrooms, loungeldiningroom kitchen, bathroom and toilet. Outbuildings: Garage (Being unit No: 56). Nothing in this respect is guaranteed. Terms: Ten percent (10 %) of the purchase price and the auctioneer's charges of 5 % up to RI5 000,00 and thereafter 2\.2 % on the balance of the purchase price, in cash on the day of the sale, the balance against transfer to be se~ured by a bank or building society or other acceptable guarantee to be furnished to the Deputy Sheriff, Pretoria. KJagsbrons, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Third Roor, Corporate Place, 287 Stroben Street, Pretoria. (Tel.: ) (Ref.: Mr. GoodmanIVrlA 2400.) IN DIE LANDDROSHOF VIR DIE DISTRlK VAN VEREENlGING GEHOU TE VEREENIGING In die saak tussen Die Stadsraad van Vereeniging, Eiser en T. Richards, Verweerder Saak Ten uitvoering van 'n vonnis van bogemelde agbare Hof en 'n lasbrief gedateer 2 Junie sal die volgende eiendom, wat spesiaal beslagbaar verklaar is, in ekselrusie verkoop word ten kantore van die Geregsbode, Vereeniging. om IOhOO. op Vrydag die 9de Desember 1988, aan die hoogste bieder: Erf 204, Waldrif, gelee in die dorpsgebied van Vereeniging, Registrasie Afdeling l.q., Transvaal: Groot: 1005 (een nul nul vyf) vierkante meter. Gelee: Zirconstraat 17, WaJdrif. Verkoopvoorwaardes I. Die eiendom sal verkoop word aan die hoogste bieder en die verkoping sal onderworpe wees aan Artikel66 van die Landdroshowewet No. 32 van Die koper sal verantwoordelik wees vir betating aan die Eiser van rente teen 12 % per jaar op die vonnisskuld vanaf die datum van verkoop tot datum van registrasie van transport. 3. Die koopprys sal as volg betaalbaar wees: (a) 10 % daarvan onmiddellik na ondertekening van die verkoopvoorwaardes. (b) die balans van die koopprys binne 14 dae, in kontant. of verseker deur 'n bank- of bougenootskapswaarborg. sodanige betaling enlof waarborg moet verskaf word aan die Geregsbode. 4. Die voorwaardes van verkoop wat uitgelees sal word deur die Geregsbode, onmiddellik voor die Geregtelike verkoping, sal ter insae Ie te: Beaconsfieldlaan 41a, Vereeniging. 5. Die eiendom sal verkoop word, onderhewig aan enige bestaande huurkontrak. 6. Die uitstaande balans verskuldig op die eiendom beloop die som van: ± R3 876,00. Geteken te Vereeniging op die 248te dag van Oktober L. M. Barnard, vir Snijman & Smullen, Eiser se Prokureur, Barclays Sentrom, 29 Lestiestraat, Posbus 38, Vereeniging. (Verwys na Mev. KrugerllO. ) IN DIE LANDDROSHOF VIR DIE DlSTRIK VAN HOEVELDRIF GEHOU TE EVANDER In die saak tussen United Bouvereniging, Eiser en L. J. Potgieter, Eerste Verweerder, H. M. Potgieter, Tweede Verweerder. Saak 2058/88 In opvolging van ' n vonnis toegestaan in die Landdroshof van Evander en Lasbrief vir Eksekusie gedateer 4 Oktober 1988, sal die eiendom hieronder genoem verkoop word in ekselrusie op 25 November 1988, om 10hOO, by die Landdroskantoor, Evander aan die hoogste bieer vir kontant, naamlik: Erf: 183 Secunda Dorpsgebied. Registrasie Afdeling I.R. Transvaal. Groot: 782 (sewehonderd twee en tagtig) Vierkante meter.

72 12 No GOVERNMENT GAZEITE, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 Gehou deur die Verweerder kragten$ Akte van Transport T57846/86. Bogemelde eiendom is die eiendolll van die Verweerder en die voorwaardes sal uitgelees word ten tye van die verkoping welke voorwaardes geinspekteer kan word by die kantore van die geregsbode, Evander. Die belangrikste voorwaarde daarin vervat is: Oat die eiendom verkoop sal word ajln die hoogste bieer vir tontant. Gedateerte Secunda op hierdie 14de dag van Oktober Cronje Le Roux & Kruger, Eerste Verdieping, U nitedgebou, Posbus 48, Secunda. IN DIE LM'DDROSHOF VIR DIE DISTRIK VAN HOEVELDRIF GEHOU TE EVANDER In die saak tussen UDitedBouvereDiging, Eiseren A. N, Burger, Eerste Verweerder, M. M. C. Burger, Tweede Verweerder Saak Z In opvolging van 'n vonnis toegestaan in die Landdroshof van Evander en Lasbrief vir Eksekusie gedateer 4 Oktober 1988, sal die eiendom hieronder genoem verkoop word in eksekusie op 25 November 1988, om 10hOO, by die landdroskantoor. Evander aan die hoogste bieer vir tontant, naamlik: Erf; 7605 Secunda Dorpsgebied, Registrasie Mdeling I.R., Transvaal. Groot: 910 (negehonderd en tien) Vierkante meter. Gehou deur die Verweerder kragtens Akte van Transport T21655/88. Bogemelde eiendom is die eiendom van die Verweerder en die voorwaardes sal uitgelees word ten tye van die vertoping welke voorwaardes geinspekteer kan word by die kantore van die Geregsbode, Evander. Die belangrikste voorwaarde daarin vervat is: Oat die eiendom verkoop sal word aan die hoogste bieer vir kontant. Gedateer te Secunda op hierdie 14de dag van Oktober Cronje Le Roux & Kruger, Eerste Verdieping, Unitedgebou, Posbus 48, Secunda. IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF KRUGERSDORP HELD AT KRUGERSDORP In the matter between South African Permanent Building Society, Plaintiff, and Zodwa Verah Mageza, Defendant Case 2108/88 In pursuance of a Judgment in the Court of the Magistrate of Krugersdorp and Writ of Execution dated the 20th day of May 1988, the following property will be sold in execution on Wednesday the 30th day of November 1988, at 10hOO, in front of the Magistrate's Court Biccard Street entrance. Krugersdorp, to the highest bidder, viz: The Defendant's right, title and interest in and to her Right of Leasehold in respect of Site No Kagiso Township, Registration Division I.Q., Transvaal; In Extent 263 Square metres.shown on General Plan No. L 167/1986 for residential purposes and which expires 99 years after the 21st of October 1987; Held by her under Certificate of Registered Grant of Leasehold TL 36708/1987; known as 5971 Kagiso Township, Krugersdorp. Upon which is erected a detatched single storey dwelling said to contain two bedrooms, lounge, dining room, kitchen and bathroom. No guarantee is however given in regard to the foregoing liescription. Terms: R2 000,00 cash at the time of the sale and the balance against registration of transfer to be secured by an approved Banker's or Building Society's guarantee to be delivered within 21 days"the purchaser to pay transfer costs, rates, etc. The propety will be sold "voetstoots" subject to any tenancy. The full conditions of sale (which must be signed after the sale) may be inspected during office hours at the office of the Messenger of the Court, 101 President Building. Cor, President and Monument Streets, Krugersdorp. The Plaintiff is prepared to grant a bond to an approved purchaser. Phillips & Osmond, First Floor, Edanwaves. I Monument Street, Krugersdorp. IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF KURGERSDORP HELD AT KRUGERSDORP Case 4924/88 In the matter between Soutb African Permanent Bunding Society, Plaintiff, and Joban Gerbard Badenhorst, First Defendant, Drusilla Badenborst, Second Defendant In pursuance of a Judgment in the Court of the Magistrate of Krugersdorp and Writ of Execution dated the 31st day of August 1988, the following property will be sold in execution on Wednesday the 30th day of November 1988, in front of the Magistrate's Court, Biccard Street entrance, Krugersdorp, to the highest bidder, viz; Erf 1281 West Krugersdorp Township, Registration Division I.Q" Transvaal. Measuring: 766 Square metres. Held by the Defendants under Deed of Transfer No. T9826/86; known as 56 Naude Avenue. West Krugersdorp. Upon which is erected a detached single storey dwelling under an iron roof said to consist of three bedrooms, lounge, dining room, kitchen and bathroom. The outbuildings comprise a garage and a flat consisting of one bedroom, bathroom, kitchen and 10unge,No guarantee is however given in respect of the foregoing description. Terms: R5 000,00 cash at the time of the sale and the balance against registration of transfer to be secured by an approved banker's or building society's guarantee to be delivered within 21 days,the purchaser to pay transfer costs, rates, etc. The property will be sold "voetstoots" subjectto any tenancy. The full conditions of sale (which must be signed after the sale) may be inspected during office hours at the office of the Messenger of the Court, 101 President Building, corner of President amd Monument Street, Krugersdorp. The Plaintiff is prepared to grant a bond to an approved purchaser. Phillips & Osmond, First Floor, Edanwaves, I Monument Street, Krugersdorp, 198.

73 STAATSKOERANT,4 NOVEMBER 1988 No IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Witwatersrand Local Division) Case In the matter between South African Permanent BuDding Society, Plaintiff, and Lionel Blane Schooner, First Defendant, and Veneshla Reschell Schooner, Second Defendant In execution of a Judgment of the Supreme Court of South Africa (Witwatersrand Local Division) in this suit, a sale without reserve will be held at the office of the Deputy Sheriff, 131 Marshall Street, Johannesburg at lohoo on 24 November 1988, of the undermentioned pr.operty.of the Defendants on CQnditiQns tq be read.out by the Aucti.oneer at the time.of the sale and which may be inspected at the Deputy SheriffpriQr tq the sale. Certain Erf 519, CQrQnationville Township, Registration Division I.Q., Transvaal, area 337 square metres, situation 33 Riversdale Street, Coranationville. Improvements (n.ot guaranteed): a house under corrugated iron roof, consisting.of 3 bedrooms, bathroom, lounge, dining-room, familyroom with fitted carpets and tiled flooring and precast walls around the property. Terms: 10 % of the purchase price in cash on the day of the sale, the balance and interest on the full purchase price at current bond rates payable against registration of transfer, to be secured by a bank, building society.or other acceptable guarantee to be furnished within 14 days from the date ofsale. Auctioneer's charges are payable.on the day of the sale and calculated at 5 % on the proceeds of the sale up to a price of R15 000,00 and thereafter 2~ %, to a maximum fee of R5 000,00 and a minimum of R50,00. Dated at Johannesburg on 24 October F. R. J. Jansen for, E. F. K. Tucker Inc., Plaintiffs Attorneys, 48th Floor, Carlton Centre, Commissioner Street, Johannesburg. Tel.: (Ref.: Foreclosures/SAPE ) Saak 16110/83 IN DIE HOOGGEREGSHOF VAN SUrD-AFRIKA (Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling) In die saak tussen Andries Petrus Johannes Dique, Biser, en Jacob Johannes Joubert, Verweerder Ter uitwinning van'n vonnis van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika (Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling) in bogemelde saak, sal 'n verkoping sonder 'n reserweprys, gehou word voor die Landdroskantoor, Markstraat, Middelburg deur die Adjunk-balju te Middelburg op Vrydag, die 25ste dag van November 1988 om IOhOO, van die ondervermelde eiendom van die Verweerder op die voorwaardes wat deur die Veilingsafslaer gelees sal word ten tye van die verkoping en welke voorwaardes by die kantore van die Adjunk-balju, Voortrekkerstraat 20, Middelburg voor die verkoping ter insae salle: I. Die pjaas Mapochsgronde 897, Registrasie AfdelingJS, Transvaal, groot 13,7045 ha. 2. Gedeelte 65, van die plaas Mapochsgronde 500, Registrasie AfdelingJS, Transvaal, groot 15,1398 ha. Die iniigting word verskaf insake verbeterings, alhoewel geen waarborg in verband daarmee gegee kan word nie. Eiendomme I en 2 het die volgende verbeterings, naamlik: W.o.orihuis, sinkstoor en afdak, twee enjinkamers, kampong, spruh en drie boorgate. Van der Merwe, Du T.oit & Fuchs, Pr.okureurs vir Eiser, 14de Verdieping, Sanlamsentrum, Middestad, Andriesstraat 252, Pret.oria. (Verw.: Mev. Vander MerweI0154.) IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF BOKSBURG HELD AT BOKSBURG Case In the matter between South African Permanent BuDding Society, Plaintiff, and Dawn Louise Humphries, Defendant On the 18th day.of N.ovember 1988 at llhl5, a public aucti.on sale will be held in fr.ont.ofthe entrance t.o the Magistrate's Court, Adderley Street, Boksburg at which the Messenger of the C.ourt, pursuant to a Judgment of the C.ourt in this ActiQn, warrant.of executi.on issued in terms thereof and attachment in executi.on made thereunder sell: Certain Section 15, as shown and more fully described on Sectional Plan No. SS in the building.orbuildings known as BesmarCourt and an undivided share in the c.ommon property in the land and building or buildings, Registrati.on Division I.R., Transvaal, measuring 65 (sixty five) square metres, also known as Unit 15, Besmar Court, Heidelberg Road, B.oksburg. Improvements (which are not warranted to be c.orrect and are not guaranteed): 2 Bedrooms, 1 l.ounge/dining-room, kitchen, bathroom, and outbuildings of similar c.onstructi.on consisting.of: nla hereinafter called "the property". Tire material conditions oftire sale are: 1. The sale shall, in all respects, be governed by the Magistrate's C.ourt Act, 1944 and the Rules made thereunder.or any amendment thereof or substitution therefor and, subject theret.o, the property shall be sold "voetstoots" t.o the highest bidder with.out reserve. 2. The price shall bear interest at the rate of 18 per centum per annum, or if the claim.of the S.outh African Permanent Building Society exceeds the price, interest amounting to the same as interest at that rate.on that claim subject to such interest n.ot exceeding the maximum allowed by Law. 3. The purchaser shall be.obliged to pay a deposit of 10 % (ten per centum) of the price.of R400,OO (f.our hundred rand) (whichever is the greater) immediately after the sale and the balance of the price and interest shall, within 14 (fourteen) days.of the date.of sale be paid or be secured by unconditi.onal or approved bank andlor building society guarantee/s payable to the Messenger of the Court and/.or such.other pers.onls as he requires on transfer.of the property t.o the purchaser. 4. The purchaser shall be liable f.or and shall pay to the Plaintiff's conveyancers on request the fees.of the Messenger of the Court f.or acting as aucti.oneer and all am.ounts necessary tq.obtain transfer.of the property, including stamp duty,.other c.osts.of transfer and all such rates and taxes and.other am.ounts as are payable to.obtain a Certificate in terms.of Secti.on 50.of the Local G.overnment Ordinance (Transvaal) 1939 or any amendment of subtitution therefor. 5. P.ossession and occupati.on of the property shall, subject t.o the rights.of any existing tenantls pass t.o the purchaser upon the sale being effected which date all benefits, risks and liabilities shall pass to the purchaser. Dated at B.oksburg on this the 21stday.ofOct.ober C. M. Klinkert for, Henry Tucker & Partners, Second Floor, Permanent Building, 312 C.ommissioner Street, B.oksburg. Tel.: (Ref.: Mr KlinkertlEDUP. )

74 74 No GOVERNMENT GAZEITE, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF BOKSBURG HELD AT BOKSBURG Case 516Sf18 In tbe matter between South Afrkan Permanent Building Society, Plaintiff, and Dawn Louise Humphries, Defendant On the 18th day of November 1988 at llhl5, a public auction sale will be held in front oftbe entrance to tbe Magistrate's Court, Adderley Street, Boksburg at which the Messenger of the Court, pursuant to a Judgment of tbe Court in this Action, warrant of execution issued in terms thereof and attachment in execution made thereuljier sell: Certain Section 14, as shown and more fully described on Sectional Plan No. SS. 21/1986 in tbe building or buildings known as Besrnar Court and an undivided share in the common property in the land and building or buildings, Registration Division I.R., Transvaal, measuring 65 (sixty five) square metres, also known as Unit 14, Besrnar Court, Heidelberg Road, Boksburg. Improvements (which are not warranted to be correct and are not guaranteed): 2 Bedrooms, 1 lounge/dining-room, kitchen, bathroom, and outbuildings of similar construction consisting of nla hereinafter called "the property". The material conditions o/the sale are: 1. The sale shall in all respects, be governed by the Magistrate's Court Act, 1944 and the Rules made thereunder or any amendment thereof or substitution therefor and, subject thereto, the property shall be sold "voetstoots" to the higbest bidder without reserve. 2. The price shall bear interest at the mte of 18 per centum per annum, or ifthe claim of the South African Permanent Building Society exceeds tbe price, interest amounting to the same as interest at that mte on that claim subject to such interest not exceeding the maximum allowed by Law. 3. The purchaser shall be obliged to pay a deposit of 10 % (ten per centum) of tbe price of R4OO,00 (four hundred mnd) (whichever is the greater) immediately after the sale and tbe balance of the price and interest shall, within 14 (fourteen) days of tbe date of sale be paid or be secured by unconditional or approved bank and/or building society guaranteels payable to the Messenger of the Court andlor such other personls as he requires on transfer of the property to the purchaser. 4. Tbe purchaser shall be liable for and shall pay to the Plaintiffs conveyancers on request the fees of the Messenger of tbe Court for acting as auctioneer and all amounts necessary 10 obtain tmnsfer of the property, including stamp duty, other costs of tmnsfer and all such mtes and taxes and other amounts as are payable to obtain a Certificate in terms of Section 50 of the Local Government Ordinance (Tmnsvaal) 1939 or any amendment or substitution therefor. 5. Possession and occupation of the property shall, subject to the rights of any existing tenantls pass to the purchaser upon the sale being effected from which date all benefits, risks and liabilities shall pass to the purchaser. Dated at Boksburg on this the 21st Day of October C. M. Klinker for, Henry Tucker & Partners, Second Floor, Permanent Building, 312 Commissioner Street, Boksburg. Tel.: (Ref.: Mr KlinkertlEDUP. ) IN DIE LANDDROSHOF VIR DIE DISTRIK VAN RUSTENBURG GEHOU TE RUSTENBURG Seak 3218f18 In die saak tu6sen United Bouverenlging, Eksekusiesk:uldeiser, en L. J. C. 'Boy, Eksek:usieskuldenaar Ingevolge 'n vonnis in die Landdroshof, Rustenburg en 'n Lasbrief vir Eksekusie gedateer 15 September sal die volgende eiendom by wyse van openbare veiling in eksek:usie verkoop word op die 25ste November 1988 om IOh30. voor die Landdroskantoor, Van Stadenstraat, Rustenburg: Gedeelte 4 ('n gedeelte van Gedeolte 2) van Erf 1276, Rustenburg dorpsgebied, Registrasie Afdeling J Q, Transvaal, groot 1003 (eenduisend en drie) vierkante meter, gebou kmgtens Akte van Transport T56793/87. Voorwaardes van verkoping: Die verkoping sal aan die volgende voorwaardes onderworpe wees: 1. Die eiendom sal voetstoots vedl:oop word aan die hoogste bieer en is ondemewig aan die bepalings van die Wet op Landdroshowe, No. 32 van 1944, soos gewysig en die goedkeuring; van United Bouvereniging. synde die Verbandbouer oor die eiendom en die IDeeS preferente sk:uldeiser. 2. Die koopprys sal betaalbaar wecs soos volg: (a) 'n Deposito van 10 % (tien persent) van die koopprys sal betaalbaar wees in kontant onrniddellik na afhandeling van die verkoping en die onbetaalde balans tesame met rente daarop bereken jaarliks op die heersende bank. of bougenootskap koers vanaf datum van verkoping tot datum van registrasie van transport sal binne 21 (efn-en-twintig) dae betaal word of gewaarborg word deur 'n goedgekeurde bank of bougenootskapwaarborg. 3. Die volle Verkoopvoorwaardes wat deur die afslaer uitgegee sal word onmiddellik voor die verkoping kan gedurende kantoorure by die afslaers. naamlik Wessels & Le Roux Afslaers, Tweede Verdieping. Unitedgebou, Steenstraat. Rustenburg, nagesien word, Gedateer te Rustenburg op hierdie 20ste dag van Oktober Wessels & Le Roux. Prok:ureurs vir Eksek:usiesk:uldeiser, Tweede Verdieping, Unitedgebou, Steenstraat, Rustenburg, IN DIE LANDDROSHOF VIR DIE DISTRIK VAN POTCHEFSTROOM GEHOU TE POTCHEFSTROOM In die saak tussen $uld-afrikaanse Permanente Bouvereniging, Eiser, en Rita Maureen Venter, Verweerder Ingevolge uitspraak. van die Landdros van Potcbefstroom en Lasbriefvir Eksek:usie teen Goed met datum 9 September sal die onderverrnelde eiendom op Vrydag 9 Desember 1988 om IOhOO vm., by die kantore van die Landdros, Louis Ie Gmngegebou, hoek van Wolrnarans- en Van Riebeeckstraat, Potchefstroom, aan die hoogste bieer verkoop word naarnlik: Resterende gedeelte van Gedeelte 2, van Ed 58, in die dorp Potchefstroom, Registmsie Afdeling I.Q. Transvaal, groot I 358 (eenduisend driehonderd agt en vyftig) vierkante meier, beter bekend as Van Riebeeckstraat 56, Potcbefstroom, Onderhewig aan die volgende voorwaardes: I. Die eiendom sal voetstoots en sonder reserwe verkoop word aan die hoogste bieer, en die veiling sal onderworpe wees aan die voorwaardes van Artikel 66 van die Wet op landdrosbowe van soos gewysig, onderhewig egter aan die goedkeuring van die eerste verbandhouer, die Suid Afrikaanse Permanente Bouvereniging. 2. Die koopprys sal betaalbaar wees teen betaling van 10 (tien) % van die koopprys in kontant onmiddellik na afhandeling van die verkoop, en die onbetaalde balans tesame met rente daarop bereken teen 18 % per jaar tot datum van registrasie van transport, sal binne 21 (een en twintig) dae betaal word of gewaarborg word deur 'n goed!!jckeurde bank ofbougenootskapwaarborg.

75 STAATSKOERANT, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No Die volgende verbeterings word beweer op die eiendom te wees: 'n Losstaande Enkel-verdieping woonhuis bestaande uit: Vier slaapkamers, twee badkamers, kombuis, silkamer, eetk:amer, studeerkamer, gebou onder' n sinkdak. Buitegebou.e: Drie motorhuise, bediende kwartiere, plaveistene. 4. Voorwaardes van verkoop: Die voorwaardes van Verkoop in Eksekusie mag gedurende kantoorure by die kantoor van die Bode van die Hof, Van Riebeeckstraat 10I, Potchefstroom nagesien word. Gedateer te Klerksdorp hierdie 24ste dag van Oktober CbarI du Plooy vir, J. J. Oosthuizen, Do Plooy & Vennote, Berste Verdieping, Sapermgebou, Boomstraat, Posbus 22, Klerksdorp, 2570 en Pia Huisamen, Kruger, Grove & Ras, Berste Verdieping, Jaokragebou, Greylingstraat 3, Posbus 15, Potchefstroom. IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OFGERMISTON HELD AT GERMISTON Case 3263/87 In the matter between Rent-A-Bakkie, Plaintiff, and P. W. Fourie f.t.a. J E Telecommunications, Defendant In pursuance of a Judgment in the Court oftbe Magistrate of Germiston and Writ of Execution, dated 22nd June 1987, the property listed herein will be sold in execution on Tuesday the 6th December 1988 at 10Il00, in front of the Magistrate' s Court, President Street entrance. Gerrniston. to the highest bidder: Erf 200, Elspark Township, Registration Division I.R., Transvaal, situate on 33 Kingfisher Avenue, Elspark, measuring 991 square metres. The Judgment Creditor described the improvements on the property as set out hereunder. but no warranties are given in respect thereof: Improvements: Detached single-storey dwelling consisting oflounge, dining-room, kitchen, four bedrooms, study, TV-room and two bathrooms with toilets. Constructed of bricks with a tile roof. Outbuildings: Two garages. Zoning: Residential!. Group Area: White. Terms: The purchase price shall be paid as to ten per cent (10 %) thereof on the day of the sale and the unpaid balance, together with interest thereon to date of registration of transfer shall be paid or secured by a bank or building society guarantee within fourteen (14) days of the date of'the sale to the messenger of the Court. The Conditions of Sale, which will be read immediately prior to the sale, may be inspected at the office of the Messenger of the Court, Germiston. Date 20 October Wright Rose-Innes, Allied Building, 170 Meyer Street, Germiston. (Ref.: COLL JPIDSM.) Saak 69333/88 IN DfE HOOGGEREGSHOF VAN SUlD-AFRlKA (Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling) In die saak tussen Die Dorpsraad van Marble Hall, Eiser, en Harry Albert Thomas Boyder, Verweerder Kennis word hiermee gegee dat ingevolge 'n uitspraak van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika (Transvaalse Provinsiale Mdeting) in bogenoemde saak op die 1400 dag van Junie 1988 en ter uitvoering van 'n Lasbrief tot uitwinning sal die Adjunk-balju Groblersdal op die 25ste dag van November 1988 om lohoo, voor die kantore van die Landdros te Marble Hall die volgende eiendom per openbare veiling verkoop; Erf 235, Marble Hall Uitbreiding 2, Registrasie Afdeling J.S., Transvaal, groot (twee een agt een) vierkante meter, gehou deur die verweerder kragtens Akte van Transport nommert 3810/86, bekend as Worstlaan 235, Marble Hall. Die volgende besonderhede van die eiendom word verskaf maar Die gewaarborg nie: 3 Slaapkamer woonhuis met ingeboude kaste, sitkamer, badkamer met aparte toilet, kombuis met staaikaste, motorafdak. boorgat (nie gewaarborg nie) en drie kante van die erf is ornhein met draad. Die koper moet 'n deposito van 10 % van die koopprys betaal op die dag van die verkoping, die balans betaalbaar teen transport en verseker te word deur 'n waarborg van 'n bank of bougenootskap wat deur die eiser se prokureurs goedgekeur is, die waarborg aan die Adjunk-balju binne 30 (dertig) dae na datum van die verkoping verstrek te word, Gernelde eiendom sal verkoop word op die voorwaardes wat uitgelees sal word deur die Adjunk-balju ten tye van die verkoping, welke voorwaardes nagegaan kan word by die kantore van die Adjunk-balju te Groblersdal. 'n Reserweprys van R35 768,29 tesame met rente teen 11,25 % per jaarvanaf 1 Maart 1988, tot datum van betaling is deurdie Stadsraad van Marble Hall bepaal. Geteken te Pretoria hierdie 17de dag van Oktober 1988, G. Ferreira vir, Vander Merwe & Ferreira, Van Erkomgebou 720, Pretoriusstraat 217, Pretoria. (Vew.; GF/edb/C3232. ) Case 11536/88 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Witwatersrand Local Division) In the matter between Bank of Lisbon International Limited, Plaintiff, and Gideon Jacobus Ne), Defendant On the 24th day of November 1988 at l()hoo, a public auction sale will be held in front of the Deputy Sheriffs office, First Floor, Volkskas Building, 88 President Street, Germiston, at which the Deputy Sheriff will, pursuant to tbe Judgment of the Court in this action, Warrant of Execution issued in terms thereof and Attachment in Execution made thereunder, sell: Certain Erf 21, Elsburg Township, Registration Division I.R., Transvaal, measuring 375 (three hundred and seventy five) square metres, held by the Defendant under Deed of Transfer No. T9046/1979, also known as 19 Els Street, Elsburg, Germiston. Improvements reported (which are not warranted to be correct and are not guaranteed); One dwelling house hereinafter referred to as "the Property". The material conditions ofsale are: 1. The sale shall, in all respects, be governed by the Supreme Court Act No. 59 of 1959, and the Rules made thereunder or any amendment thereof or substitution therefor and, subject thereto, the property shall be sold "voetstoots" to the highest bidder with a reserve price of RI2 449,62 (twelve thousand four hundred and forty nine rand and sixty two cents) plus interestthereon at 16 % per annum as from 1st October 1988, to date of payment, both days inclusive.

76 76 No GOVERNMENT GAZEITE, 4 NOVEMBER The price shall bear interest at the rate of 16 % per annum. 3. The Purchaser shall be obliged to pay a deposit of ten per centum of the purchase price, immediately after the sale and balance of the price and interest shall within fourteen days of date of sale, be paid or be secured by unconditional or approved bank andlor building society guarantee/s payable to the Deputy Sheriff andjor such other petsonls as he requires on transfer of the property of the Purchaser. 4. The Purchaser shall be liable for and shall pay to the Plaintiffs Conveyancers on request, the fees of the Deputy Sheriff for acting as auctioneer and all amounts necessary to obtain tr811sfer of the property, including stamp duty, other costs of transfer and all such rates and taxes and other amounts as are payable to obtain a Certificate in teftlls of Section SO of the Local Government Ordinance (Transvaal), 1939 or any amendment thereof or substitution therefor. 5. Possession and occupation of the property shall, subject to the rights of any existing tenant/s, pass to the Purchaser upon the sale being effected from which date all benefits, risks and Uability shall pass to the Purchaser. Dated at Germiston on this the 26th day of September L. Taitt for, Taitt & Sldkne, Plaintiffs Attorneys, Second Floor, Standard Towers, 247 President Street, Germiston. Tel.: (Ref.: Mr Taitllsjl.) IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Witwatersrand Local Division) Case In the matter between United BuDdlna Sodety Limited, Plaintiff, and Charles Taylor Klassen, FIrst Defendant, and GaD Monica Klassen, Second Defendant Inexecution ofa Judgment of the Supreme Court ofsouth Africa (Witwatersrand Local Division) in the above-mentioned suit, a Sale without reserve will be held at the Sales Room of Chase & Sons (Pty) Limited, at 16 Leslie Street, Vereeniging on Thursday the 24th November 1988, at 10 a.m., of the undermentioned property of the Defenc4ants on the Conditions to be read out by the Auctioneer at the time of the Sale, which Conditions will lie for inspection, prior to the sale, at the Sales Room of Messrs Chase & Sons (Pty) Limited, 16 Leslie Street, Vereeniging. Portion 7 of Erf 234, Mid-Ennerdale Township, Registration Division I.Q., Transvaal, measuring 496 m 2, held by the Defendants under Deed of Transfer No. T 7660/1988 dated the lst March 1988, being 234 Sixth Street, Mid-Ennerdale, Vereeniging. The following information is fumished re the improvements, though in this respect nothing is guaranteed: A dwelling consists of lounge, 2 bedrooms, I bathroom, kitchen and outside w.c. Terms: 10 % (ten per cent) ofthe pllrchase price in cash on the day ofthe sale, the balance payable against Registration of Transfer, to be secured by a bank or building society or other acceptable guarantee to be furnished within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of sale. Auctioneer's charges, payable on the day of sale, to be calculated as follows: 5 % (five per cent) of the proceeds of the sale up to a price of R15 000,00 (fifteen thousand rand) and thereafter 2J.2 % (two and a half per cent) up to a maximum fee of R5 000,00 (five thousand rand). Minimum charges RSO,OO (fifty rand). Dated at Johannesburg this 12th day of October Deputy Sheriff, 28 Kruger Avenue, P.O. Box 338, Vereeniging. Telephone: (Ref.: Mr Bouwman). Routledge-MacCallums, Plaintiffs Attorneys, Sixth Floor. United Building, 120 Fox Street, Johannesburg. (Account No. 170-U-3091). Telephone: (Ref.: Mr A. CannyIMOV.) Case 14641/88 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Witwatersrand Local Division) In the matter betw\len United Dunding Society Limited, Plaintiff, and Motete Phineas Maleme, Defendant In execution of a Judgment of the S!!preme Court of South Africa (Witwatersrand Local Division) in the above-mentioned suit. a Sale without reserve will be held at the office of the Deputy Sheriff, Johannesburg, at 131 Marshall Street, Johannesburg on Thursday the 24th November 1988 at 10hOO a.m. of the undermentioned Right of Leasehold of the Defendant on the Conditions to be read out by the Auctioneer at the time of the Sale. which Conditions will lie for inspection, prior to the sale, at,the office of the Deputy Sheriff, 131 Marshall Street, Johannesburg. Right of Leasehold in respect of Lot number 1959, in the Township of Moroka. measuring 499 m 2, held by the Defendant under Registered Right of Leasehold No. TL636/1986. being 1959 Moroka, PO Moroka, Soweto. The following information is furnished re the improvements, though in this respect nothing is guaranteed: The dwelling consists of lounge, dining-room, 5 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. separate w.c., kitchen, 2 carports. store. Terms: 10 % (ten percent) of the purchase price in cash on the day of the sale, the balance payable against registration of transfer. to be secured by a bank or building society or other acceptable guarantee to be furnished within 14 (fourteen) days from the date ofsale. Auctioneer's charges, payable on the day of sale, to be calculated as follows: 5 % (five per cent) of the proceeds of the sale up to a price of R15 000,00 (fifteen thousand rand) and thereafter 2J.2 % (two and a half per cent) up to a maximum fee of R5 000,00 (five thousand rand). Minimum charges RSO,OO (fifty rand). Dated at Johannesburg this 13th day of October Routledge-MacCaUums, Plaintiffs Attorneys. Sixth Floor. United Building, 120 Fox Street. Johannesburg. (Account No.: 170-U-311 3). Telephone (Ref.: Mr A. CannyIMDV.) IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF RANDBURG HELD AT RANDBURG Case 9990/87 In the matter between Natal BuDding Sodety (Permanent), Plaintiff, and Karin Krause, Defendant In pursuance of a Judgment in the Court of the Magistrate for the District of Randburg and Warrant of Execution dated 28th December the following fixed property will be sold in execution on Wednesday the 30th day of November 1988 at IOhOO in the forenoon on the steps in front of the Courthouse at Randburg, to the highest bhtder: Certain Erf 576, Sundowner Extension 7 Township, measuring I 120 square metres.

77 STAATSKOERANT, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No Conditions ofsale: 1. The property shall be sold without reserve and to the highest bidder and shall be subject to the terms and conditions of the Magistrate's Court Act and the Rules made thereunder and of the Title Deeds insofar as these are applicable. 2. The property consists of a single-storey dwelling house built of brick and plaster under a tiled roof consisting of a lounge, entrance hall, diningroom, kitchen, two bedrooms, one bathroom, one shower, two W.c. 's and patio. 3. Terms: The Purchaser shall pay 10 % of the purchase price in cash to the Messenger of the Court immediately after the sale and the balance, together with interest thereon at 16 % per annum to date of registration of transfer, must, within 21 days thereafter be paid in cash or secured by a bank: or building society guarantee. 4. Conditions: The full Conditions of Sale may be inspected at the offices of the Messenger of the Court, Randburg. Edmonds Dykes & Company, Plaintiffs Attorneys, Fifth Floor, Randburg Centre, 166 Hendrik Verwoord Drive, P.O. Box Randburg, Tel.: nt8. (Ref.: Mrs Vorster.) IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Witwatersrand Local Division) Case 7178/88 In the matter between South AfrIcan Permanent BuDding Society, Plaintiff, and Stefaans Mpopo, Defendant In execution of a judgment of the Supreme Court of South Africa (Witwatersrand Local Division) in the above-mentioned suit a Sale Without Reserve will be held at the office of the Deputy Sheriff, at 131 Marshall Street, Johannesburg, on the 24 November 1988 at IOhOO of the undermentioned property of the Defendant on the Conditions to be read out by the Auctiooeer at the offices of the Deputy Sheriff 131 Marshall Street, Johannesburg, prior to the sale- (short description of property, situation, and street number). Lot No. 1444, Protea North Township, measuring 362 (three hundred and sixty two) square metres, situated at Lot No. 1444, Protea North Township. The following information is furnished re: the improvements, though in this respect nothing is guaranteed: Well kept detached single storey dwelling, under tiled roof, 3 bedrooms, lounge, bath,room, fitted carpets, single garage, fenced with mesh. Terms: 10 % of the purchase price in cash on the day of the sale, the balance payable against Registration of Transfer, to be secured by a bank: building society or other acceptable guarantee to be furnished within 14 (fourteen) days from the Date ofsale. Auctioneers cbarges, payable on the day of sale, to be calculated as follows:.5 % (five per cent) on the proceeds of tbe sale up to a price of Rl.5 000,00 (fifteen thousand rand) and thereafter 2~ (two and a half percent) up to a maximum fee of R.5 000,00 (five thousand rand). Minimum charges R.50,00 (fifty rand). Signed at Johannesburg on the 19th day of October Ismail Ayob & Partners, Plaintiff s Attorneys, Twenty Seventh Floor, Southern Life Centre, 4.5 Commissioner Street, P.O. Box 728, Johannesburg, Tel.: (011) (Ref.: M31731PC.) IN DIE LANDDROSHOF VIR DIE D1STRIK VAN VANDERBDLPARK GEHOU TE V ANDERBDLPARK Saak In die sm tussen Suid-Afrlkaanse Permenente Bouvereniging, Eiser, en Molen Michael Lengau, Verweerder Ingevolge 'n uitspraak van bogemelde Agbare Hof en 'n Lasbrief vir Eksekusie, uitgereik op 14 Junie 1988, sal die volgende onroorende eiendom, wat spesiaal uitwinbaar verklaar is in eksekusie verkoop word aan die hoogste bieder op die 18de dag van November 1988, om lohoo by die Landdroskantoor, Vanderbijlpark te wete. Sekere Perseel269 Sebokeng Eenheid 10 Dorpsgebied, Registrasie Afdeling LQ., Transvaal. Groot:.59.5 vierkante meter. Verkoopsvoorwaardes: I. Die eiendom sal verkoop word aan die hoogste bieder en die verkoping sal onderworpe wees aan die bepalings van Artikel 66 van die Landdroshowewet No. 32 van 1944 soos gewysig en die regie van verbandhouers en ander preferente krediteure. 2. Die koopprys sal betaalbaar wees soos volg: (a) 10 % (tien persent) van die koopprys in kontant op die dag van die verkoping of deur middel van 'n erkende bank:- of bougenootskapswaarborg gelewer op die dag van die verkoping, welke waarborg betaalbaar moot wees teen registrasie van transport in die naam van die koper, vry van kommissie te Vanderbijlpark. Die balans is betaalbaar in kontant binne veertien dae vanaf die datum van verkoping of deur middel van 'n erkende bank:- of bougenootskapswaarborg gelewer te word binne veertien dae na die dag van verkoping en welke waarborg vry van kommissie aan die Geregsbode te Vanderbijlpark betaalbaar moet wees teen registrasie van transport van die genoomde reg in die naarn van die koper. Die volledige verkoopvoorwaardes l~ ter insae by die Geregsbode te Vanderbijlpark en by die Eiser se Prokureurs en sal deur die Geregsbode voor die verkoping uitgelees word. 4. Die eiendom word verkoop onderworpe aan die terrne en titelvoorwaardes van die eiendom. Geteken te Vanderbijlpark hierdie 21ste dag van Oktober Rooth & Wessels, Prokureurs vir Eiser, Concordgebou, Attie Fouriestraat, Vanderbijlpark.. IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF KRUGERSDORP HELD AT KRUGERSDORP Case%l8I86 In the matter between United BuDding Society, Plaintiff, and Marlalne Knobel, Defendant In pursuance of a Judgment in the Magistrate's Court for the district of Krugersdorp, and a Warrant of Execution, dated the 12th day of January 1987, the following property will be sold in execution on the 23rd of November 1988, at 10hOO, at the Magistrate's Court, Biccard Street entrance, Krugersdorp, to the highesrbidder, namely Certain Erf28.5 Wentworth Park Township, Registration Division I.Q., Transvaal, Measuring 833 square metres.

78 78 No GOVERNMENT GAZETIE, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 Improvements: lounge, dining room, kitchen, study, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, double garage, servants' guarters (nothing is guaranteed). Conditions o/sale: 1. 1be property will be sold to the highest bidder without reservation and the sale will be subject to the conditions and regulations of the Magistrate's Court Act and the Title Deeds as far as tbfse are applicable. 2. Conditions: The purchase price will be paid as followsa) Ten per cent (10%) therenf in casb on the day of the sale and payable to the Messenger of the Court. b) 1be balance to be guaranteed against Transfer by approved bank: or building society guarantees in favour of Plaintiff and/or his nominees, to be delivered to the Messenger of the Court, within 14 (fourteen) days from the Date of Sale, which guarantees are to be made payable against Registration of Transfer of the property into the name of Ihe Purchaser free ofexchange at Krugersdorp. 3. The Conditions ofsale which will be read by the Messenger of the Court immediately prior to the sale, are open for inspection at his offices. G. J. Smith & Van der Wan, Plaintiff s Attorneys, Fourth Floor, United Building, 57 Ockerse Straat, Krugersdorp. IN DIE LANDDROSHOF VIR DIE DISTRIK VAN ROODEPOORT GEHOU TE ROODEPOORT Saak 1138/88 In die saak tussen Santambank Beperk, Eiser, en M. I. Cajee, Verweerder Ter uitwinning van 'n vonnis in die Landdroshof, Roodepoort, in bogemelde saak op 28 Maart 1988, sal 'n verkoping gehou word op 16 November 1988, om 10hOO, voor die Landdroskantoor, Biccardstraat-ingang, Krugersdorp, van die ondervermelde eiendom van die verweerder onderworpe aan die voorwaardes wat deur die Geregsbode, Krugersdorp gelees sal word ten tye van die verkoping welke voorwaardes by die Geregsbodekantoor, Krugersdorp, ter insae Ie Ie. Erf 604, Azaadville Dorpsgebied, Registrasie Mdeling I.Q., Transvaal. Groot: 474 (vier honderd vier en sewentig) vierkante meter. Gehou deur verweerder kragtens Ak1e van Transport No. T 24778/84. Die eiendom is gesoneer Residensicilll en is gelee te Minaralaan36, Azaadville. Voorwaardes: 10 % van die kooppl'ys en afslaersgelde in kontant op die dag van die verkoping en die balans teen Registrasie van Transport. Ten opsigte van die balans moet 'n bankwaarbbrg of ander aanneembare waarborg binne 21 dae vanaf die datum van die verkoping aan die Geregsbode verskaf word. Die volledige verkoopsvoorwaardes kan ingedien word ten kantore van die Geregsbode, 101 Presidentgebou, hoek van President & Monumentstrate, Krugersdorp. Gedateer te Roodepoort op die 7de Oktober A. M. Claassen vir Classen Coetzee, Eiser se Prokureurs, Eerste Verdieping, NBS-gebou, Kerksraat, Posbus 303, Roodepoort, Tel.: (Verw.: amc/as/32188.) IN DIE LANDDROSHOF VIR DIE DlSTRIK VAN RANDFONTEIN GEHOU TE RANDFONTEIN Saak 1646/86 In die saak tussen Suill-AfrikaaDSe Permanente Bouvereniging, Biser, en Joban WUbeim Marais, Verweerder Ingevolge uitspraak van die Landdros van Randfontein en Lasbrief tot Geregtelike Verkoop met datum die 24ste dag van Junie 1986, sal die ondervermelde eiendom geregtelik verkoop word op die 2de dag van Desember 1988 om 14h15, voor die Landdroshof, Pollockstraat-ingang, Randfontein, aan die hoogste bieder, naarnlik: Hoewe 161, Hillside Landbouhoewes, Registrasie Afdeling I.Q., Transvaal, waarop opgerig is 'n losstaande woonhuis (deels dubbelverdieping) van baksteen gebou onder sinkdak, wat gese word op die grondvlak, 3 slaapkamers, voorkarner, eetkamer, T V kamer, kombuis en badkamer en op die eerste vlak 1 slaapkamer met badkamer en suite te bevat met verbeterings tans in aanbou bestaande uit die bybring van 'n slaapkamer, voorkamer, badkamer en kombuis wat tans dakhoogte bereik het, met buitegeboue, bestaande uit 'n werkswinkel en 3 bediendekamers, 'n boorgat en elektriese krag wat deur Evkom voorsien word, ten opsigte waarvan egter geen waarborg gegee word nie. Voorwaardes: R5 000,00 kontant op die dag van verkoop en die balans teen registrasie van transport, verseker te wees deur 'n goedgekeurde bank-of bouvereniging se waarborg, gelewer te word binne 21 dae. Die Koper moet transportkoste, belastings, ens., betaal. Die eiendom word voetstoots verkoop, onderbewig aan enige bewoningllregs. Die volledige Voorwaardes van Verkoop (wat na die verkoop onderteken moet word), mag gedurende kantoor-ure by die kantoor van die Geregsbode, Parkstraat 43, Randfontein, nagesien word. Die Eiser is bereid om 'n Verband aan 'n goedgekeurde Koper toe te staan. Gedateer 21 Oktober C. J. Oosthuizen vir Truter Crous & Wiggill, Prokureurs vir Eiser,lurisgebou, Sutherlandstraat, Posbus 116, Randfontein. IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF BOKSBURG HELD AT BOKSBURG CII5e In the matter b tween United BuDding Society Limited, Plaintiff, and Heather Marltz, Defendant Pursuant to a Judgment, granted by lihe above Honourable Court, dated the 7th day of August 1986, and a Warrant of Execution, the undermentioned property will be sold on the 25th day of November 1988, at llh15 in front of the Magistrate's Court, Adderley Street, Boksburg, to the highest bidder. Certain Erf 205, Ravenswood Extension 9 Township, Registration Division I.R., Transvaal, Known as 117 Thirteen Avenue, Ravenswood Extension 9, Boksburg, Measuring I 247 square metres, Held under Deed oftransferno. T 14287/85, Dated the 27th day ofjune Improvements: (which are not warranted to be correct and which are not guaranteed.) Single storey dwelling or brick iron roof comprising of porch, entrance hall, lounge, diningroom, 3 bedrooms, kitchen, scullery, bathroom with toilet and outbuildings consisting of detached garage and toilet. Terms and Conditions: % (ten per centum) of the Purchase Price to be paid on the date of sale and the balance together with interest to be paid or secured by an approved bank of building society guaran~ within 14 (fourteen) days of the Date of Sale. 2. The Puchaser shall be liable for all costs and expenses to procure transfer including the Messenger ofthe Court's fees. 3. The Purchaser shall be liable for all outstanding rates and taxes.

79 STAATSKOERANT, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No The complete Conl:litions of Sale may be inspected at the office ofthe Messenger of the Court, Boksburg. Dated at Boksburg on this the 17th day of October J. P. J. van Vuuren for Malherbe, Rigg & Ranwell, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Standard Bank Buildings, 264 Commissioner Street, P.O. Box 186, Boksburg, Tel.: (Ref.: Mrs Walton.) IN DIE LANDDROSHOF VIR DIE DISTRIK VAN WITRIVIER GEHOU TE WITRIVIER In die saak tussen P. C. de Jager Transport, Eiser en Dennis Devitt, Verweerder Saak2S1/88 Ter uitvoerlegging van 'n Vonnis en Lasbrief vir Eksekusie, uitgereik in bogemelde Hof op 21 April 1988 sal die onderstande eiendom geregtelik verkoop word voor die geregsbode se kantoor te Joe Hannastraat, Witrivier, om loboo op 2 Desember 1988, naamlik: Gedeelte 13 van die plaas Peebles, Registrasie Afdeling J.U., Transvaal. Groot: 23,6743 (twee drie komrna ses sewe vierdrie) hektaar. Die eiendom sal sonder reserwe en onderworpe aan die terme en voorwardes van die Landdroshowewet en Reels aan die hoogste bieer verkoop word. Die verkoping geskied voetstoots en die voorwaardes van verkoping sal gedurende kantoomre by die Geregsbode Witrivier ter insae ll!- Geteken te Witiriver op hede die 3de dag van Oktober Aan: Die Klerk van die HoJ. Witrivier, en Die Geregsbode, Witrivier. F. R. P. Schutte vir Schutte, Liineburg, Botha & Vennote, Kruger Parkstraat 8b, Posbus 482, Witrivier, (Verw.: Mm. P. Lourens CT D118/63.) IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF WHITE RIVR HELD AT WHITE RIVER Case In the mater between P. C. de Jager Transport, Plaintiff. and Dennis Devitt, Defendant In terms of the judgment given on the 21st April 1988 the undermentioned property will be sold in execution on the 2nd December 1988 at 10bOO at the Messenger's Office, 10e Hanna Street, White River. Portion 13 of the farm Peebles, Registration Division J. U., Transvaal, Measuring 23,6743 (two three comma six seven four three hectare). The property will be sold without reserve and subject to the terms and conditions of the Magistrate's Court, to the highest bidder. The sale will be voetstoots and the Conditions of Sale are open to inspection during office hours at the offices of the Messenger of the Court. Signed at White River on the 3rd day of October To: The Clerk ofthe Court, White River and The Messenger ofthe Court, White River. F. R. P. Schutte for Schutte, Liineburg, Botha & Partners, 8b Kruger Parkstreet, P.O. Box 482, White River, (Ref.: Mr P. Lourens CT Dll8/63.) IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Witwatersrand Local Division) In the matter between Allied BuDding Society Limited, Plaintiff, and Mercia Surette Botba, Defendant Case 12210/88 In execution of a judgment of the Supreme Court of South Africa, (Witwatersrand Local Division) in the above-mentioned suit, a Sale Without Reserve, and subject to written confirmation by the Plaintiff, will be held at the offices of the Deputy Sheriff, 131 Marshall Street, Johannesburg, on Thursday the 24th November i988 at lohoo of the undermentioned property of the Defendant on the Conditions to be read out by the Auctioneer at the time of the Sale and which Conditions may be inspected at the offices of the Deputy Sheriff, Johannesburg, prior to sale. Erf 1555 Malvern, Registration Division I.R., Transvaal, Measuring 495 (four hundred and ninety five) square metres, being 93 St Amant Street, Malvern. The following information is furnished re the improvements, though in this respect nothing is guaranteed. Main Building: Area: 125 square metres. Comprising: Entrance hall,lounge, 3 bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom, toilet, pantry, stoep. Constructed of: Brick under iron. Outbuilding: Area: 42 square metres. Comprising: Garage, servants room, toilet, storeroom. Constructed oj: Brick under iron. Terms: 10 % of the purchase price in cash on the day of the Sale, the balance payable against Registration of Transfer, to be secured by a bank or building society or other acceptable guarantee to be furnished within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of Sale. Auctioneer's charges, payable on the day of the Sale, to be calculated as follows: 5 % on the proceeds of the Sale up to a price of R15 000,00 (fifteen thousand rand), and thereafter 2,5 % up to a maximum fee of R5 000,00 (five thousand rand). Minimum charges R50,OO (fifty rand). Dated 24 October Cliffe Dekker &: Todd, Plaintiffs Attorneys, Sixth Floor, Metropolitan Life Building, 108 Fox Street, P.O. Box 3382, Johannesburg, Tel.: (Ref.: J Witts-Hewinson.)

80 80 No GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 CAPE. KAAP INTHllMAGISTRATE'SCOURTFORTHEDISTRICTOFPAARLHELDATPAARL Case 2397'88 In tbe matter between Boland Bank Limited, Plaintiff, and Paulus NeD Furtum, Defendant In pursuance of a Judgement of tbe Court of the Magistrate of Paarl the following immovable property will be sold in execution on Friday, the 18th day of November 1988 at llhoo. at Main Road, Caledon. Certain piece ofland situate in the Municipality and Division of Caledon, Erf 825, Caledon in the Caledon Town Extension No.5. Measuring 595 square metres. Held by Deed oftransfer No. T2048lnO. The property is situated at Main Road, Caledon and comprises: A dwelling of brick with a galvanized iron roof consisting of two bedrooms, lounge, kitchen, bathroom and toilet, as well as a cellar consisting of three rooms. CoMitions ofsale: I. The property will be sold without reserve to tbe highest bidder subject to the terms ofthe Magistrate's Court Act and tbe rules made thereunder and of the Title Deed insofar as tbese are applicable. 2. The purchase price shall be paid as to 10 % thereof in cash upon signature of the conditions of sale or otherwise as the Messenger of the Court may arrange and the balance together with interest tbereon at tbe rate of 20 % per annum from date of the auction to date of payment against registration of transfer which amount is to be secured by an approved Bankers 'Or otber guarantee to be delivered within 14 days of the sale. 3. The full conditions of the sale wail be read out by the Messenger of tbe Court immediately, prior to the sale and may be inspected at his office. Van der Spuy & Partners, Attomeys for Plaintiff, 335 Main Street; P.O. Box 218, Paarl. IN DIE LANDDROSHOF VIR DIE DISTRIK VAN PAARL GEHOU TE PAARL Saak 2397'88 In die 8aak tussen Boland Bank Beperk, Eiser, en Paulus NeD Fortum, Verweerder Geliewe kennis te neem dat ter uilvoering van Vonnis in bostaande saak, sal die eiendom hierna vermeld, per openbare veiling verkoop word op Vrydag, die 18de dag van November 1988 om llhoo. te Hoofweg. Caledon. ' Sekere stuk grond gelee in die Munisipaliteit en Afdeling van Caledon. synde Erf 825. Caledon in die Caledon Dorp-uitbreiding 5. Groot 595 vierkante meter. Gehou kragtens Transportakte No. T2048InO. Die eiendom is gelee te Hoofweg. Caledon en bevat: 'n Woonhuis van baksteen, met 'n sinkdak wat bestaan uit twee slaapkamers. sitkarner, kombuis. badkamer en toilet, asook 'n kelder wat uit drie vertrekke bestaan. Veilingsvoorwaardes: 1. Die eiendom word sonder voorbehoud aan die hoogste bieder verkoop. onderworpe aan die bepalings van die Wet op Landdroshowe en die reels daarvolgens uitgevaardig en van die titelbewys insoverre dit van toepassing is. 2. Tien persent van die koopprys moet kontant betaal word by ondertekening van die veilingsvoorwaardes of andersins soos die Geregsbode mag reel en die res tesame met rente bereken daarop vanaf datum van die veiling tot datum van betaling van die koers van 20 % per jaar teen registrasie van die oordrag, welke bedrag versekureer moet word deur 'n goedgekeurde Bank of ander waarborg wat binne veertien (14) dae na die velling gelewer moet word.. 3. Die volledige veilingsvoorwaardes wat onmiddellik voor die veiling deur die Geregsbode voorgelees sal word, Ie ter insae by sy kantore. Van der Spuy & Vennote, Prokureurs vir Eiser, Hoofstraat 335; Posbus 218, Paarl. IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF UITENHAGE HELD AT UITENHAGE Case ' In the matter between South African Permanent Building Society, Execution Creditor, and R. S. Hote, 1st Execution Debtor, and T. E. Rote, 2nd Execution Debtor In execution of a Judgment of the Magistrate's Court for the District of Uitenhage, dated 19th September 1988 and in pursuance of an Attacbment in Execution, dated 29th September 1988 a Sale by Public Auction will be held in front of the Magistrate'8 Court, Uitenhage, on Thursday, 17th November 1988 at 3.00 p. m. of the following i.nuilo'vable property situate at: Erf 3676, lobo Street, Kwa Nobuhle. All the right, title and interest in the Leasehold over Erf3676 Township Kwa Nobuhle, Extension 4, Administrative District of Uitenhage. In ex.tent: 275 squar metres. Held by: Reuben Solomzi Hote ullder Certificate of Registered Grant of Leasehold No , dated 13th February 1987 and subject to the conditions referred to therein. The following improvements are si(ute on the property although nothing in this respect is guaranteed: Owellinghouse. The Conditions of Sale will be read immediately prior to the Sale, and are lying for inspection at the Office of tbe Messenger of the Court at: Uitenhage. Terms: 10 % of the Purchase Price and 4 % Messenger's (Auctioneer's) charges in cash on the date of the Sale; the balance against transfer to be secured by a Bank or Building Society or other acceptable Guarantee, to be furnished to the Messenger oftbe Court within twenty-one (21) days from date of sale. Dated at Uitenhage this 5th day of October J. S. Levy & Levy, Attorneys for EJlecution Creditor, 301 S.A. Permanent Centre, Caledon Street, Uitenhage.

81 STAATSKOERANT, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No KUILSRIVIER Saak 3417ISS In die saak tussen Santambank Beperk, Eiser, en Jerome Croy, Verweerder Ingevolge 'n Vonnis van die Landdroshof Bellville, gedateer 2 September 1985 en n Lasbrief vir Eksekusie word die eiendom hieronder beskryf op die persee\ te Bridalside 4. Northpine, Brackenfell per geregtelike veiling te koop aangebied op 23 November 1988 om 12hOO. Erf 5157, Brackenfell. gelee in die plaaslike gebied met Scottsdene. Afdeling Stellenbosch. Groot: 513 (vyfhonderd-en-dertien) vierkante meter. Gelwu: Kragtens Transportakte No. T38925/1984. Verfleterings (Nie gewaarborg) 'n Woonhuis bestaande uit drie slaapkamers, kombuis. sitkamer, badkamer en toilet. Voorwoordes: l. Die eiendom word voerstoots verkoop aan die hoogste bieer kragtens die Wet op Landdroshowe, No. 32 van 1944, en die reels daaronder uitgevaardig. 2. Tien persent (10%) van die koopsom moet betaal word in kontant of deur middel van' n bankgewaarborgde tjek onmiddellik nadat daar verkiaar is dat die eiendom verkoop is. Die balans van die koopsom tesame met rente daarop bereken teen 30 % per jaar vanaf datum van verkoping tot datum van registrasie moet betaal word teen registrasie van transport. 'n bank- of bougenootskapwaarborg vir betaling van die balans en rente moet aan die Geregsbode oorhandig word binne veertien dae na datum van die veiling. 3. Die Koper sal verantwoordelik wees vir afslaerskoste, advertensiekoste. koste van registrasie van die transport, aile agterstallige belastings en gelde, indien enige, en alle ander kostes wat nodig is om die gee van oordrag moontlik te maak. 4. Besit sal onderworpe wees aan bestaande huurkontrakte, indien enige, en sal gegee word op datum van die veiling. Die aandag word gevestig op die bepalings van die Wet op Groepsgebiede, No. 35 van 1966, asook die Wet op Gemeenskapsontwikkeling No.3 van 1966 en die Koper moet die nodige bewys of permit verkry wat hom magtig om die eiendom te besit binne veertien dae na die veiling. Die eiendom is geiee binne 'n geprokiarneerde Kleurling Area. En verder onderworpe aan die vouedige veilingsvoorwaardes wat uitgelees word ten tyde van die veiling en wat ter insae Ie by die kantoor van die Geregsbode Wynberg, en by die kantoor van die ondergemelde Marais Muller, Prokureurs vir Eiser, Sewende Verdieping, Bostonstraat I, Bellville. Marais Muller, Posbus 50, Bellville, 23 September (A. J. vanzy1/zs7891.) IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF CAPE TOWN HELD AT CAPE TOWN Case 8985/87 In the matter between Barclays Western Bank Limited, Plaintiff, and Bruce.PhillJps, Defendant Take notice that in pursuance of a Judgment of the Magistrate's Court of Cape Town and a Warrant of Execution dated 29 August 1988 the underrnentioned immovable property will be sold in execution at th Avenue. Kensington, on Thursday, 17 November 1988 at 12 noon. The property is morefully described as; Erf Cape Town, in the Municipality of Cape Town, Cape Division. Measuring: 520 (five hundred and twenty) square metres. Held by Deed of Transfer No /1980 dated 16 July The property will be sold voetstoots and without warranty, the price being payable either in cash on sale or as to 10 per centum of the purchase price in cash on sale and the balance against transfer, such balance to be secured by a bank or building society guarantee to be furnished to the Messenger of the Court within fourteen (14) days after the date of sale. If transfer of the property is not registered within one (1) month after the date of sale, the purchaser shall be liable for payment of interest to the Plaintiff at the rate of fourteen (14) per centum per annum on the balance of the purchase price as from the expiration of one (I) month after the date of sale to date of registration of transfer. The full Conditions of Sale will be announced at the sale and may be inspected at the offices of the Messenger of the Court. Dated at Cape Town the 15th day of September P. P. Pickup, for Cloete & Partners, Plaintiffs Attorneys, 117 St George's Street, Cape Town, IN DIE LANDDROSHOF VIR DIE DISTRlK V AN PAARL GEHOU TE PAARL Saak In die saak tussen Allied Bouvereniging, Eksekusieskuldeiser, en J. HerweU, getrnud Swartz, Eksekusieskuldenaar Ter uitvoering van 'n uitspraak in die Landdroshof vir die distrik Paarl, gehou te Paarl, en Lasbrief gedateer 2 September 1988 sal die vaste eiendom, hieronder beskryf, geregtelik te Conradstraat 44, Mountain View, Paarl verkoop word op 23 November 1988 om IlhOO; Erf 16175, in die Munisipaliteit en Afdeling van Paarl, gelee te Conradstraat 44, Mountain View, Paarl. Groot: 511 vierkante meters. Gehou deur Transportakte No. T Terme: l. Die Verkoping sal aan die hoogste bieer geskied, onderhewig aan die bepaungs van die Wet op Landdroshowe (No. 32 van 1944, soos gewysig) en die reels en bepalings wat daarvolgens en volgens die Transportaktes gemaak is insoverre dit van toepassing is. 2. Die Koper sal 10 % van die koopsom onmiddellik na die veiling in kontant betaal aan die Geregsbode. Die balans tesarne met rente bereken daarop teen 15 % per jaar tot datum van registrasie van die Transport, moet binne 14 dae betaal word, ofverseker word deur 'n bank- ofbougenootskapwaarborg. 3. Die Koper sal aile Transportkoste en alle koste wat daarmee gepaard gaan, betaal. 4. Die ander voorwaardes en terrne II! ter insae by die kantore van die Bode van die Hof, Landdroskantoor, Paarl. Gedateer Ie Paarl op hierdie 31 sle dag van Oktober Faure & Faure, Eiser se Prokureurs, Hoofstraat 227, Paar1.

82 82 No GOVERNMENT GAZETIE, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF KIMBERLEY HELD AT KIMBERLEY Case 4509/88 In the matter between United Building Society, Plaintiff, and J. Mattbee, Defendant In pursuance of a Judgment in tbe above Honourable Court and a Warrant of Execution, dated 20 September 1988, the undermentioned property will be sold in Execution on Thursday the 24th of November 1988, at IOhOO in front of the Magistrate's Court House, Market Square, Kimberley to the highest bidder: Certain: ErfNo. 7822, Kimberley. Situate: In the Municipality for tile City of Kimberley, Division of Kimberley. Measuring: 531 (five hundred and thirty one) square metres, a dwelling house, situate at 52 Innes Street, Kimberley, The above particulars are furnished but not guaranteed. Terms: 10 % of the purchase price in cash at the sale and the balance against transfer. The conditions of sale which will be read prior to the sale may be inspected at the Office of the Messenger of the Court, 36 Woodley Street, Kimberley. Frank, Horwitz & Hugo, Plaintillfs Attorneys, Second Roor, United Building, Cbapel Street, Kimberley; P.O. Box 169, Kimberley, IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF EAST LONDON HELD AT EAST LONDON Case 8445/87 In the matter between Trust Bank, Plaintiff, and J. H. D. Siepman, Defendant In pursuance of a Judgment of tbe above Honourable Court and a Writ of Execution dated 23rd day of May 1988, the following property will be sold on Friday the 25th day of November 1988 at a.m., in the main foyer of the Magistrate's Court, lower Buffalo Street, East London, to the bighest bidder: Erf 1438, Gonubie Park Township, Municipality and Division of East London. Measuring: One thousand and twelve (1012) square metres. (Known as 15 12th Avenue, Gonubie.) ConditioflS ofsale: 1. The Purchaser shall pay 10 % (ten per centum) of the purcbase price on the date of sale and the unpaid balance together with interest is to be secured by a satisfactory Bank or Buiiding Society Guarantee to be furnished by tbe Plaintiffs Attorneys within fourteen (14) days of tbe sale. 2. The property shall be sold "voetstoots" and sball be subject to the terms and rules of the Magistrate's Court Act and also subject to the provisions of the Title Deed. 3. The full conditions of the sale may be inspected at the offices of the Plaintiff s Attorneys and these will be read out by the Auctioneer immediately before the sale. 4. The following information is furnisbed but not guaranteed. Dated at East London this 14th dliy of October Cooper Conroy Bell & Richards Incorporated, Plaintiff s Attorneys. 2nd Roor, Allied Building, Buxton Street, East London. (Ref. Mr Ricbards.) IN Dm HOOGGEREGSHOF VAN SUID-AFRIKA (Provinsiale Afdeling Kaap die Goeie Hoop) Saak 10283/87 In die saak tussen Mev. E. Botba, Eiser, en James Andrew de Klerk, Verweerder Ter uitwinning van 'n Vonnis van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika, Kaapse Afdeling, gedateer 11 November 1987, sal 'n verkoping deur publieke veiling met 'n reserwe prys van R49 792,35 teen welke bedrag rente teen 15 % bygevoeg sal word, gebou word deur die Adjunk-Balju van Bellville op Woensdag, die 23ste dag van November 1988 om 10bOO te Westerkimsingel26, Durbanville op voorwaardes wat by die gesegde Adjunk Balju se kantore te Bellville ter insae salle en welke voorwaardes deur born gelees sal word ten lye van die verkoping van die ondervermelde eiendom wat aan die Verweerder behoort: Sekere ErfNo. 2729, Durbanville in die Munisipaliteit van Durbanville, Afdeling Kaap. Groot I 169 (Eenduisend Eenhooderd Nege en Sestig) vierkante meter. Gelwu Kragtens Transport Akte No. T10376/1980. Ook bekend as Westerkimsingel26, Durbanville. Verband SA Permanente Bouvereniging-Nr. B Terme 10 % van die koopprys em afslaers gelde in kontant op die dag van verkoping en die balans teen registrasie van die transport. Ten opsigte van die balans moet 'n goedgekeurde Ofbank 6fbougenootskapwaarborg binne dertig (30) dae vanaf datum van verkoping verskaf word. Gedateer te Parow op hierdie 20ste dag van Oktober Van Niekerk Grnenewoud & Van Zyl, Prokureurs vir Eiser, Parow Kamers 101, Voortrekkerweg 121, Parow. IN Dm HOOGGEREGSHOF VAN SUID-AFRIKA (Provinsiale Afdeling Kaap die Goeie Hoop) Saak 10283/87 Indie saak tussen Mev. E. Botba, Biser, en James Andrew de Klerk, Verweerder Ter uitwinning van 'n Vonnis van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika, Kaapse Afdeling, gedateer 11 November 1987, sal 'n verkoping deur publieke veiling met 'n reserwe pl)'5 van RI34 463,08 teen welke bedrag rente teen 15% bygevoeg sal word, gebou word deur die Adjunk-Balju van Bellville op Woensdag, die 23ste da, van November 1988 om 15bOO te Stellenbergweg 98, Bellville op voorwaardes wat by die gesegde Adjunk-Balju se kantore te Bellville ter insae salle en welke voorwaardes deur hom gelees sal word ten tye van die verkoping van die ondervermelde eiendom wat aan die Verweerder behoort: Sekere ErfNo , Bellville in die Munisipaliteit van Bellville, Afdeling Kaap.

83 STAATSKOERANT,4NOVEMBER 1988 No Groot 2,0491 (twee komma nul vier nege een) hektaar. GeM" kragtens Transport Alae No. Tl7658/1985. Ook bekend as SteUenbergweg 98, Bellville. Verbund Allied Bouverenging, No. B 15394/1985 en B27500/1985. Terme 10 % van die koopprys en afslaers gelde in kontant op die dag van verkoping en die balans teen registrasie van die transport. Ten opsigte van di~ balans moet 'n goedgekeurde 6f bank 6f bougenootskapwaarborg binne dertig (30) dae vanaf datum van verkoping verskaf word. Gedateer te Parow op hierdie die 20ste dag van Oktober Van Niekerk Groenewoud & Van Zyl, Pi'okureurs vir Eiser, Parow Kamers 101, Voortrekkerweg 121, Parow. IN DIE HOOGGEREOSHOF VAN SUID-AFRIKA (Provinsiale Afdeling Kaap die Goeie Hoop) Saak In die saak tussen Mev. E. Botha, Eiser, en James Andrew de KIerk, Verweerder Ter uitwinning van 'n Vonnis van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika, Kaapse Afdeling, gedateer 11 November 1987, sal 'n verkoping deur publieke veiling met 'n reserwe prys van R46 517,42 teen welke bedrag rente teen 15 % bygevoeg sal word, gehou word deur die Adjunk-Balju van Bellville op Woensdag, die 23ste dag van November 1988 om llhoo te Westerkimsingel4, Durbanville op voorwaardes wat by die gesegde Adjunk-Balju se wtore te Bellville ter insae salle en welke voorwaardes deur hom gelees sal word ten tye van die verkoping van die ondervennelde eiendom wat aan die Verweerder behoort: Sekere ErfNo. 2741, Durbanville in die Munisipaliteit van Durbanville, Afdeling Kaap. Groot I 059 (eenduisend nege en vyftig) vierkante meter. GeMu Kragtens Transport Alae No. Tl0376/1980. Ook bekend as Westerkirnsingel4, Durbanville. Verbund S A Pennanente Bouvereniging-No. B50958/1986. Terme 10 % van die koopprys en afslaers gelde in kontant op die dag van verkoping en die balans teen registrasie van die transport. Ten opsigte van di~ balans moet 'n goedgekeurde 6f bank- 6f hougenootskap waarborg binne dertig (30) dae vanaf datum van verkoping verskaf word. Gedateer te Parow op hierdie 20ste dag van Oktober Van Niekerk Groenewoud & VanZyl, Prokureurs vir Eiser, Parow Kamers WI, Voortrekkerweg 121, Parow. IN DIE HOOGGEREGSHOF VAN SUID-AFRIKA (Provinsiale Afdeling Kaap die Goeie Hoop) Saak In die saak tussen Mev. E. Botba, Eiser, en James Andrew de K1erk, Verweerder Ter uitwinning van 'n Vonnis van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika, Kaapse Afdeling, gedateer 11 November 1987, sal 'n verkoping deur publieke veiling met 'n reserwe prys van R29 715,02 teen welke bedrag rente teen 15 % bygevoeg sal word, gehou word deur die Adjunk-Balju van Bellville op Woensdag, die 23ste dag van November 1988 om 12hOO te Verdenaweg 13, Durbanville op voorwaardes wat by die gesegde Adjunk-Balju se wtore te Bellville ter insae sal Ie en welke voorwaardes deur hom gelees sal word ten tye van die verkoping van die ondervennelde eiendom wat aan die Verweerder behoort: Sekere Erf No. 3799, Durbanville in die Munisipaliteit van Durbanville, Afdeling Kaap. Groot2 147 (tweeduisend eenhonderd sewe en veertig) vierkante meter. GeMu Kragtens Transport Akte No. T20812/1984. Ook bekend as Verdenaweg 13, Durbanville. Verbund SA Permanente Bouvereniging--No. B50959/1986. Terme 10 % van die koopprys en afslaers gelde in kontant op die dag van verkoping en die balans teen registrasie van die transport. Ten opsigte van di~ balans moet 'n goedgekeurde 6f bank- 6fbougenootskap waarborg binne dertig (30) dae vanaf datum van verkoping verskaf word. Gedateer te Parow op hierdie 20ste dag van Oktober Van Niekerk Groenewoud & Van Zyl, Prokureurs vir Eiser, Parow Kamers 101, Voortrekkerweg 121, Parow. IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF WYNBERG HELD AT WYNBERG Case In tbe matter between AWed BuDding Society, Execution Creditor, and I. Norodien, Execution Debtor In tertns of a Judgment granted by the Magistrate's Court for the District of Wynberg, dated 5th June 1988 and a Warrant of Execution dated 2nd August the undermentioned property will bt> sold voetstoots and without reserve in execution by Public Auction on the premises, to tbe highest bidder on Wednesday, 23rdday of November 1988 at 10 a.m.: Erj6659, Grassy Park in the Local Area of Grassy Park, Division Cape. In extent Four hundred and twenty three (423) Square metres. Address 53 Klip Road, Grassy Park. Conditi01lJ ofsale I. The property will be sold in execution without reserve and voetstoots to the highest bidder by Public Auction and subject to the provisions and conditions of tbe Magistrate's Court Act, No. 32 of 1944 as amended and the Rules applicable tbereto and also the servitudes and conditions attached to tbe property contained in the relevant Title Deeds.

84 84 No GOVERNMENT GAZEITE, 4 NOVEMBER The following information is furaisbed but not guaranteed: Single dwelling. Brick walls under 11 tued roof, consisting of three bedrooms, kitchen, lounge, bathroom. 3. The full and complete conditions of sale will be announced by the Auctioneers Peter Carroll Estates of I Dean Street, Newlands, immediately before the sale and will lie for inspection at the offices ofthe Messenger of the Court and at the offices of the Auctioneers. 4. Payment shall be effected as follows: Ten per cent (l0 %) ofthe purchase price on the day ofthe sale and the balance together with interest thereon at the rate of sixteen per cent (16 %) per annum from the date of sale to date of registration of transfer against transfer of the property into the name of the purchaser, which payment shall be secured by an approved Bank or Building Society guarantee within fourteen (14) days of the date of sale. Dated at Claremont this 15th day of September W. D. Baxter, for Buchanan Boyes &. Klossers, Townshouse Chambers, Mosque Lane, Claremont IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF WYNBERG HELD AT WYNBERG In the matter between B~obn Limited, tja Sam Newmaus, Plaintiff, and A, Samodlen, Defendant Case 39703/86 In pursuance of a Judgment of the above Honourable Court dated the 23rd April 1987, a Sale in Execution will be held on Wednesday, the 9th November 1988 at 2.00 p.m. on the spot at The Gables, cor. ofk1ip and Strandfontein Roads, Ottery, when the property there situate will be sold by the Messenger of the Court, Wynberg. The property to be sold is more fully described as: Erf20S0, Grassy Park, situate in the local area of Grassy Park, Cape Division. In extent: 4077 square metres. Held by: Deed of Transfer No. T.474/1968. The aforesaid sale shall be subject to the Conditions of Sale which may be inspected at the office ofthe Messenger of the Court, 106 Medical Centre, Maynard Road, Wynberg. Dated at Claremont this the 14 day of September T. M. Chase, for Buchanan Boyes & Klossers, Townshouse Chambers, Mosque Lane, Claremont. IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF KNYSNA HELD AT KNYSNA Case 1565/88 In the matter between S A Permanent Building Society, Plaintiff, and CoHn Allister HalloweD, Defendant In pursuance of a Judgment in the Magistrate's Court at Knysna and a Warrant of Execution dated 8th September 1988, the property hereunder listed will be sold in execution on Wednesday the 16th day of November 1988 at 10hOO in front of the Magistrate's Office, Knysna. Erf: 1 S60 Sedgefield in the Municipality of SedgefIeld, Division of Knysna. Measuring: 929 (nine hundred and twenty-nine) square metres. Improved by way of a double storey face-brick residence consisting of a lounge/diningroom, kitchen, laundry, T.V. room, 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. The property enjoys a view (If the SedgefIeld lagoon. Conditions ofsale: L The property shall be sold voelj'itoots by the rise to the highest bidder subject to the terms and conditions of the Magistrate's Court Act and the Rules made thereunder, and of the Title Deed, insofar as these are applicable % (ten per cent) of the purchase price shall be paid in cash or by means ofa Bank marked cheque immediately the property is declared sold and the balance of the purchase price, together with interest at IS % on the full purchase price, shall be secured within thirty (30) days after the sale by a bank or building society guarantee. Conditions: The full conditions of sale may be inspected at the offices of the Messenger ofthe Court, Knysna. Dated at Knysna this 18 day ofoctober E. A. Meyer &. Martin, Attorneys for Plaintiff, 20 Main Street, Knysna. IN DIE HOOGGEREGSHOF VAN SUID-AFRIKA (Noord-Kaapse AfdeUng) Saak949/88 In die saak tussen E P BouverenWing, Eerste Verweerder, Fl"IUKOis PbWp de Bruyn, en Mev. PetroneDa de Bruyn, Tweede Verweerders Kragtens 'n Vonnis en Lasbrief vir Eksekusie van bogemelde Agbare Hof gedateer 7 Oktober 1988 sal die ondergemelde eiendom per publieke veiling verkoop word op Donderdag, 24 November 1988 om IOhOO te Goodwinstraat Sa, Kimberley ondemewig aan die Verkoopsvoorwaardes wat deur die Adjunk-Balju van Kimberley voorgelees sal word voordat die veiling 'n aanvang neem, welke Verkoopsvoorwaardes gemspekteer kan word by die kantore van die Adjunk-Balju van Kimberley, Woodleystraat 36, Kimberley, en by die kantore van die prokureurs wat narnens Eiser optree, die eiendom synde: a. Seure Resterende Gedeelte van Erf 8310, Kimberley. Geld in die Munisipaliteit van die Stad van Kimberley, Afdeling van Kimberley. Groot as sulks 190 vierkante meter; en b. Seure Resterende Gedeelte van Err 8307, Kimberley. Gelee in die Munisipaliteit van die Stad van Kimberley, Afdeling van Kimberley. Groot as sulks 174 vierkante meter. Bekend as Goodwinstraat Sa, Kimberley.

85 STAATSKOERANT, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No Voorwaardes: 1. Betaling van tien persent (10 %) van die koopprys in kontant op datum van die veiling, die balans betaalbaar teen registrasie van transport in naam van die Koper, welke balans gewaarborg moet word by wyse van 'n aanvaaroare bank- ofbouverenigingwaarborg en welke waarborg binne tien (10) dae na die datum van die veiling verskaf moet word. 2. Afslaerskomrnissie teen 5 % (vyf persent) van die bruto verkoopprys is betaalbaar op die datum van die veiling, tesame met alle agterstallige en uitstaande belastings. Engelsman, Benade & Van der Walt, Prokureursvir Eiser, Corner House, Dutoitspanweg I; Posbus 609, Kimberley. TeL A. P. van der Walt: Adjunk-balju, Woodleystraat 36, Kimberley. Tel Kimberley. IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF WYNBERG HELD AT WYNBERG Case 1~34188 In the matter between Natal BuDding Society Limited, Plaintiff, and Ebrahim Essop, Defendant In the execution of a Judgment of the Magistrate's Court for the district of Wynberg on 18 August 1988 and pursuant to a Warrant of Execution issued on that day the property described hereunder will be sold on site at 100 Thornton Road, Athlone on Tuesday the 22nd day of November 1988 at 10hOO. Erf38167, Cape Town at Athlone in the City of Cape Town, Cape Division. In extenl; 425 square metres. The property will be sold to the highest bidder, voetstoots and without warranty of occupation, the price being payable as to 10 % (ten per centum) of the price in cash on sale unless otherwise agreed to by the Execution Creditor and Messenger of the Court, and the balance against transfer together with interest thereon from date of sale at the prevailing Natal Building Society Bond Interest Rate, such balance to be secured by an approved guarantee for payment thereof within twenty one (21) days of sale. The buyer shall: (a) Pay auctioneers charges, costs of advertising, and all other cots, charges and arrear rates, if any, necessary to enable transfer to be given. (b) Obtain within twenty-one (21) days of sale, if necessary, a pennit underthe Group Areas Act. (c) Be liable on cancellation in case ofdefault for damages including wasted costs. The full conditions of sale will be announced at the sale and may be inspected at the office of the Messenger of the Court or at the office of the Auctioneer. The sale will be subject to the terms of the Magistrate's Court Act No. 32 of The property to be sold comprises a single storeyed dwelling with brick walls under asbestos roof consisting of three bedrooms, one kitchen, one lounge, one bathroom and toilet. separate toilet and a garage but no warranty of whatsoever nature is given in this respect. Dated at Cape Town this 13 day of September I. Broodryk, for Syfret Godlonton-Fuller Moore Inc., 11th Floor, Waldorf, 80 St George's Street Mall, Cape Town. IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF WYNBERG HELD AT WYNBERG Case In the matter between United Building Society Limited, Judgment Creditor, and Albert Henry Cook First Judgment Debtor, and Sharon Arlene Cook, Second Judgment Debtor In pursuance of a Judgment in the Magistrate's Court for the District of Wynberg and Writ of Execution dated 15 August 1988, the following property will be sold in execution at the site, 5 Elzeth Road, Ottery, Cape, on Tuesday, 29 November 1988 at IOhOO, to the highest bidder: Certain: Erf 353, portion of Erf 156, Ottery, in the Municipality of Cape Town, Administrative District of the Cape. In exrenl four hundred and eighty one (481) square metres. Held By Deed of Transfer No Also known as 5 Elzeth Road, Ottery, Cape. Conditions ofsale: 1. The Sale shall be subject to the tenns and conditions of the Magistrate's Court Act, the Rules made thereunder and of the Title Deeds of the property and the property sball, subject to the aforegoing, be sold to the highest bidder. 2. The following improvements on the property are reported but nothing is guaranteed: Dwelling: Lounge, three bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom, separate toilet. 3. Paymenl: Ten per centum of the purchase price shall be paid in cash at the time ofthe Sale and the full balance thereof together with interest at the current rate of sixteen (16) per centum per annum calculated on the amount ofthe Judgment Creditor's claim (and in the event of there being any preferent creditor then also the interest payable upon such preferent creditor's claim) from the date of sale to the date of transfer, against registration of transfer, which amounts are to be secured by approved bank or building society guarantee to be delivered within fourteen (14) days of the date of sale. 4. The owners of the property are members of the White Group. 5. Conditions: The full Conditions of Sale which will be read out by the Messenger of the Court immediately prior to the Sale may be inspected at his office. L. J. Ie Roux, for Silberbauers, Attorneys for the Judgment Creditor, United Building, 118 St George's Street, Cape Town, 800 I. IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF KUILS RIVER HELD AT KUILS RIVER Case In the matter between United BuDding Society Limited, Judgment Creditor, and Johannes Hendrik Jacobus Fortune First Judgment Debtor, and Rachel Pauline Fortune, Second Judgment Debtor In pursuance of a Judgment in the Magistrate's Court for the District of Kuils River and Writ of Execution dated 15 August 1988, the following property will be sold in execution in front of the Court-house of the District of Kuils River, on Monday, 28 November 1988 at IOhlS to the Highest bidder: Certain Erf 1504, Gaylee, in the Local Area of Melton Rose, Administrative District of Stellenbosch.

86 86 No GOVERNMENT GAZEITE, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 In extent three hundred and twelve (312) square metres. Held By Deed oftransfer No /1987. Also known as 26 Sneeukop Crescent, Gaylee, Melton Rose, Cape. Conditions ofsale 1. The Sale shall be subject to the terms and conditions of the Magistrate's Court Act, the Rules made thereunder and of the Title Deeds of the property and the property shall, subject to the aforegoing, be sold to the highest bidder. 2. The following improvements on the property are reported but nothing is guaranteed: Dwelling: Lounge/kitchen, two be4rooms, bathroom/toilet. 3. Payment: Ten per centum of the purchase price shall be paid in cash at the time of the Sale and the full balance thereof together with interest at the current rate of sixteen (16) per centum per annum calculated on the amount of the Judgment Creditor's claim (and in the event ofthere being any preferent creditor then also the interest payable.pon such preferent creditor's claim) from the date of sale to the date of transfer, against registration of transfer, which amounts are to be secured by appuved bank or building society guarantee to be delivered within fourteen (14) days oftbe date of sale. 4. The owners of the property are members of the Coloured Group. 5. Conditions: The full Conditions of Sale whicb will be read out by the Messenger of the Court immediately prior to the Sale may be inspected at his office. L. J. Ie Roux, for Silbelbauers, Attorneys for the Judgment Creditor, United Building, 118 St George's Street, Cape Town, IN THE MA<JISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF WYNBERG HELD AT WYNBERG Case In the matter between United BuDding Society Limited, Iudgment Creditor, and Arthur Fritz Judgment Debtor In pursuance of a Judgment in the Magistrate's Court for the District of Wynberg and Writ of Execution dated IS August 1988, the following property will be sold in execution in froot ofthe Court-house ofthe District of Wynberg, on Friday, 25 November 1988 at loh30, to the highest bidder: Certain Erf 18477, Mitchells Plain, in the Municipality ofcape Town, Cape Division. In extent Two hundred and sixty eight (268) square metres. Held By Deed oftransfer No /1987. Also known as 8 Kransduiwen Clase, Mitchells Plain, Cape. Conditions ofsale I. The Sale shall be subject to the terms and conditions of the Magistrate's Court Act, the Rules made thereunder and of the Title Deeds of the property and the property sball, subjecrto the aforegoing, be sold to the highest bidder. 2. The following improvements on the property are reported but nothing is guaranteed: Dwelling: Kitchen, lounge, three bedrooms, bath/toilet and shower/toilet. 3. Payment: Ten per centum of the purchase' price sball be paid in casb at the time of the Sale and the full balance thereof together with interest at the current rate of sixteen (16) per centum per annum calculated on the amount oftbe Judgment Creditor'S claim (and in the event of there being any preferent creditor then also the interest payable ;upon such preferent creditor's claim) from the date of sale to the date of transfer, against registration of transfer, which amounts are to be secured by approved bank: or building society guarantee to be delivered within fourteen (14) days ofthe date of sale. 4. The owner ofthe property is a member ofthe Coloured Group. 5. Conditions: The full Conditions of Sale which will be read out by the Messenger ofthe Court immediately prior to the Sale may be inspected at his office. L. J. Ie Roux, for Silbelbauers, Attorneys for the Judgment Creditor, United Building, 118 St George's Street, Cape Town, IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF WYNBERG HELD AT WYNBERG Case 20778/88 In the matter between United BuUdlq Society Limited, Judgment Creditor, and George Stephen Sisam FIrSt Judgment Debtor, and MoDika SIsam, Second Judgment Debtor In pursuance of a Judgment in!be Magistrate's Court for the District of Wynberg and Writ of Execution dated 12 August 1988, the following property will be sold inexecl!tion, in front of the Court-bouse ofthe District ofwynberg, on Friday, 25 November 1988 at l2hoo, to the highest bidder: Certain Erf Mitcbells PlaiI, in the Cape Division. In extent two hundred and eighty five (285) square metres. Held By Deed oftransfer No Also known as 5 Esther Crescent, Morgenster, Mitchells Plain, Cape. Conditions ofsale 1. The Sale sball be subject to the terms and conditions of the Magistrate's Court Act, the Rules made thereunder and of the Title Deeds of the property and the property shall, subjeot to the aforegoing, be sold to the highest bidder. 2. The following improvements on tbe property are reported but nothing is guaranteed: Dwelling: Lounge, kitchen, two bedrooms, bathroom/toilet. 3. Payment: Ten per centum of lbe purchase price shall be paid in cash at tbe time of the Sale and the full balance thereof together with interest at the current rate of sixteen (16) per centum per annum calculated on the amount of the Judgment Creditor's claim (and in the event ofthere being any preferent creditor then also the interest payable< upon such preferent creditor's claim) from the date of sale to the date of transfer, against registration of transfer, which amounts are to be secured by approved bank: or building society guarantee to be delivered within fourteen (14) days of the date of sale. 4. The owners of the property are members of the Coloured Group. 5. Conditions: The full Conditions of Sale which will be read out by the Messenger ofthe Court immediately prior to the Sale may be inspected at his office. L. J. Ie Roux, for Silbelbauers, Attorneys for the Judgment Creditor, United Building, 118 St George's Street, Cape Town, 8001.

87 STAATSKOERANT, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No Case 3558/88 IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF KUILS RIVER HELD AT KUILS RIVER In the matter between United Building Society Limited, Judgment Creditor, and MUJan John Paulse First Judgment Debtor, and Johanna Magdalena Paulse, Second Judgment Debtor In pursuance of a Judgment in the Magistrate's Court for the District of Kuils River and Writ of Execution dated 15 August 1988, the following ppeperty will be sold in execution in front of the Court-house of the District of Kuils River, on Monday, 28 November 1988 at 10hOO, to the highest bidder: Certain Erf 2280, Kleinvlei, in the Local Area of Melton Rose, Administrative District of Stellenbosch. In extent three hundred and ninety nine (399) square metres. Held By Deed of Transfer No Also known as 18 Saffler Street, Kleinvlei, Melton Rose, Cape. Conditions ofsale 1. The Sale shall be subject to the terms and conditions of the Magistrate's Court Act, the Rules made thereunder and of the Title Deeds of the property and the property shall, subject to the aforegoing, be sold to the highest bidder. 2. The following improvements on the property are reported but nothing is guaranteed: Dwelling: Lounge, three bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom/toilet. 3. Payment: Ten per centum of the purchase price shall be paid in cash at the time of the Sale and the full balance thereoftogether with interest at the current rate of sixteen (16) per centum per annum calculated on the amount of the Judgment Creditor'S claim (and in the event of there being any preferent creditor then also the interest payable upon such preferent creditor's claim) from the date of sale to the date of transfer, against registration of transfer, which amounts are to be secured by approved bank or building society guarantee to be delivered within fourteen (14) days ofthe date of sale. 4. The owners of the property are members of the Coloured Group. 5. Conditions: The full Conditions of Sale which will be read out by the Messenger of the Court immediately prior to the Sale may be inspected at his office. L. J. Ie Roux, for Silberbauers, Attorneys for the Judgment Creditor, United Building, 118 St George's Street, Cape Town, IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF BELLVILLE HELD AT BELLVILLE Case 22628/87 In the matter between United BuDding Society Limited, Judgment Creditor, and Benjamin Buitendag Kleynhans Judgment Debtor In pursuance of a Judgment in the Magistrate's Court for the District of Bellville and Writ of Execution dated 10 August 1988, the following property will be sold in execution at the site, 10 Camelia Street, Wellway Park, Durbanville, Cape, on Tuesday, 29 November 1988 at 12hOO, to the highest bidder: Certain Erf 3223, Durbanville, in the Municipality of Durbanville, Division of the Cape. In extent one thousand and thirty eight (1 038) square metres. Held By Deed of Transfer No Also known as 10 CameIia Street, Wellway Park, Durbanville, Cape. Conditions ofsale 1. The Sale shall be subject to the terms and conditions of the Magistrate's Court Act, the Rules made thereunder and of the Title Deeds of the property and the property shall, subject to the aforegoing, be sold to the highest bidder. 2. The following improvements on the property are reported but not~ng is guaranteed: Dwelling: Hall, lounge, diningroom, family room, three bedrooms, kitchen, laundry, bathroom/toilet, shower/toilet. Attached double garage. 3. Payment: Ten per centum of the purchase price shall be paid in cash at the tinte of the Sale and the full balance thereof together with interest at the ClH'J'ellt rate of sixteen (16) per centum per annum calculated on the amount of the Judgment Creditor's claim (and in the event of there being any preferent creditor then also the interest payable upon such preferent creditor's claim) from the date of sale to the date of transfer, against registration of transfer, which amounts are to be secured by approved bank or building society guarantee to be delivered within fourteen (14) days of the date of sale. 4. The owner of the property is a member of the White Group. 5. Conditions: The full Conditions of Sale which will be read out by the Messenger of the Court immediately prior to the Sale may be inspected at his office. L. J. Ie Roux, for Silberbauers, Attorneys for the Judgment Creditor, United Building, 118 St George's Street, Cape Town, IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OFWYNBERG HELD AT WYNBERG Case 20782/88 In the matter between United BuDding Society Limited, Judgment Creditor, and Llooel Daniel Reddy Judgment Debtor In pursuance of a Judgment in the Magistrate's Court for the District of Wynberg and Writ of Execution dated 15 August 1988, the following preperty will be sold in execution, in front of the Court-house of the District of Wynberg, on Friday, 25 November 1988 at Ilh30, to the highest bidder: Certain Erf 5705, Mitchells Plain, in the Municipality ofcape Town, Cape Division. In extent two hundred and fourteen (214) square metres. Held By Deed of Transfer No Also known as 16 Mersey Street, Mitchells Plain, Cape. Conditions ofsale L The Sale shall be subject to the terms and conditions of the Magistrate's Court Act, the Rules made thereunder and of the Title Deeds of the property and the property shall, subject to the aforegoing, be sold to the highest bidder.

88 88 No GOVERNMENT GAZEITE, 4 NOVEMBER The following improvements on the property are reported but nothing is guaranteed: Dwelling: Kitchen, lounge. three ~rooms. batbroomltoilet. 3. Payment: Ten per centum of tqe purchase price shall be paid in cash at the time of the Sale and the full balance thereof together with interest at the current rate of sixteen (16) per centum'per annum calculated on the amount ofthe Judgment Creditor's claim (and in the event of there being any preferent creditor then also the interest payable,upon such preferent creditor's claim) from the date of sale to the date of transfer, against registration of transfer, which amounts are to be secured by approved bank or building society guarantee to be delivered within fourteen (14) days of the date of sale. 4. The owner of the property is a member of the Coloured Group. 5. Conditions: The full Conditions of Sale which will be read out by the Messenger of the Court immediately prior to the Sale may be inspected at his office. L. J. Ie Roux, for Silberbauers, Attorneys for the Judgment Creditur, United Building, 118 St George's Street, Cape Town, 800 I. IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DlSTRICT OF BELLVILLE HELD AT BELLVILLE Case In the matter between United BuDding Society Limited, Judgment Creditor, and Andries Stephanus Victor First Judgment Debtor, and Charlotte Wilhelmina Victor, Second Judgment Debtor In pursuance of a Judgment in thl: Magistrate's Court for the District of Bellville and Writ of Execution dated 25 August 1988, the following property will be sold in execution at the site, 105 De Jager Street, Windsor Park, Kraaifontein, Cape, on Monday, 28 November 1988 at I1h15, to the highest bidder: Certain Erf6395, Kraaifontein, in the Municipality of Kraaifontein, Division of Paarl, In extent seven hundred and sixteen (716) square metres. Held By Deed oftransfer No Also known as 105 De Jager Street, Windsor Park, Kraaifontein, Cape. Conditions ofsale 1. The Sale shall be subject to the terms and conditions of the Magistrate's Court Act, the Rules made thereunder and of the Title Deeds of the property and the property shall, subjoct to the aforegoing, be sold to the highest bidder. 2. The following improvements on the property are reported but nothing is guaranteed: Dwelling: Lounge/diningroom, :kitchen, three bedrooms, batbroomltoilet. Servants' room and toilet, Attached single garage. 3. Payment: Ten per centum ohhe purchase price shall be paid in cash at the time of the Sale and the full balance thereoftogether with interest atlhe current rate of sixteen (16) per centum per annum calculated on the amount of the Judgment Creditor's claim (and in the event of there being any preferent creditor then also the interest payable upon such preferent creditor's claim) from the date of sale to the date of transfer, against registration of transfer, which amounts are to be secured by i.pproved bank or building society guarantee to be delivered within fourteen (14) days of the date ofsale. 4. The owners of the property are members of the White Group. 5. Conditions: The full Conditlons of Sale which will be read out by the Messenger of the Court immediately prior to the Sale may be inspected at his office. L. J. Ie Roux, for Silberbauers, Attorneys for the Judgment Creditor, United Building, 118 St George's Street, Cape Town, _._-_._ IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OFWYNBERG HELD AT WYNBERG In the matter between United BuDding Society Limited, Judgment Creditor, and Goosaln Jakoet Judgment Debtor Case In pursuance of a Judgment i;l the Magistrate's Court for the District of Wynberg and Writ of Execution dated 16 August 1988, the following property will be sold in execution in front of the Court-house ofthe District ofwynberg, on Friday, 25 November 1988 at llhoo, to the highest bidder: Certain Erf40637, Mitchells I~lain, in the Cape Division. In extent Two hundred and fourty two (242) square metres. Held By Deed of Transfer No, 3037/1988. Also known as 21 Elmarie Cre6cent, Morgenster, Mitchells Plain, Cape. Conditions ofsale 1. The Sale shall be subject:to the terms and conditions of the Magistrate's Court Act, the Rules made thereunder and of the Title Deeds of the property and the property shall, sullljectto the aforegoing, be sold to the highest bidder. 2. The following improvements on the property are reported but nothing is guaranteed: Dwelling: Kitchen, lounge, tijree bedrooms, bathroomltoilet. 3. Payment; Ten per centum of the purchase price shall be paid in cash atthe time of the Sale and the full balance thereof together with interest at the current rate of sixteen (16) per centum per annum calculated on the amount of the Judgment Creditor'S claim (and in the event ofthere being any preferent creditor then also the interest payable upon such preferent creditor's claim) from the date of sale to the date of transfer, against registration of transfer, which amounts are to be secured b~ approved bank or building society guarantee to be delivered within fourteen (14) days of the date of sale. 4. The owner of the property is a member of the Coloured Group. 5. Conditions; The full Conditions of Sale which will be read out by the Messenger of the Court immediately prior to the Sale may be inspected at his office. L. J. Ie Roux, for SilberbaueJS, Attorneys for the Judgment Creditor, United Building, 118 St George's Street, Cape Town,

89 STAATSKOERANT, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF WYNBERG HELD AT WYNBERG case 1088S/88 In the matter between Western Cape Regional Services Council, Execution Creditor, and R. J. Jobannes, Execution Debtor In execution of a Judgment of the Magistrate's Court for the District of Wynberg on 29th April 1988 and pursuant to a Warrant of Execution issued on 29th April the property described hereunder will be sold subject to the rights of the Bondholderls in terms of section 66 (2) (c) of Act 32 of as amended, and rules promulgated thereunder. and subject also to the provisions of the Group Areas Act. 36 of as amended. on site at 12 noon on Wednesday the 11th January Erf Grassy Park at Wynberg, in the City ofcape Town, Cape Division. Measuring 551 square metres. Held under Deed of Transfer No. T383/1981, and also known as I85-7th Avenue, Grassy Park. The property will be sold to the highest bidder, voetstoots and without warranty of occupation, the price being payable as to ten per centum (10 %) in cash on sale unless otherwise agreed to by the Execution Creditor and Messenger of Court, and the balance against transfer, together with interest thereon from date of sale at the prevailing Building Society Bond Interest Rate. such balance to be secured by an approved Guarantee for payment thereof within twenty-one (21) days of sale. The Purchaser shall: 1. Pay the Auctioneer's charges, costs of advertising. and all other costs, charges and arrear rates, if any, necessary to enable transfer to be given. 2. Obtain within twenty-one (21) days of sale, if necessary, a permit under the Group Areas Act. 3. Be liable on cancellation in case of default for damages. including wasted costs. The full Conditions of Sale will be announced at the sale, and may be inspected at the office of the Messenger of Court or at the office of the Auctioneer. The sale will be subject to the terms ofthe Magistrate'sCour! Act No. 32 of The property to be sold comprises: One single dwelling. Brick walls under a tiled roof, 3 bedrooms, kitchen, lounge, bathroom and toilet. Dated at Cape Town this 17th day of October R. Turner, for Syfret Godlonton-Fuller Moore Inc. 11th Floor Waldorf, St George's Mall. St George's Street, Cape Town. (Ref: Colls1WW/67434 (82}.) IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF SIMON'S TOWN HELD AT SIMON'S TOWN Case 898f88 In the matter between South African Permanent Building Society, Plaintiff, and Andries Jacobus Johannes Coetzee, Defendant In pursuance of a Judgment in the above Court and Writ of Execution dated 21st June 1988 the following property will be sold in Execution on Wednesday 23rd November 1988 at 12 noon to the highest bidder at "Biblis" 1 Upper Towers Road, Muizenberg. Cenain: Erf 86482, Cape Town, at Muizenberg in the City ofcape Town. Cape Division. In extent 432 square metres. Held by Deed of Transfer No. T 28496/84, also known as "Biblis", 1 Upper Towers Road, Muizenberg. Consisting of' One detached two-storeyed dwelling comprising ten rooms. two bathrooms, constructed of stone and brick under tiled roof, with outbuilding comprising garage, servants' room. cellar, pool room, sauna room and barbeque. also a swimming pool. Conditions ofsale: L The sale shall be subject to the terms and conditions of the Magistrate' s Court Act, the Rules made thereunder and of the Title Deeds of the property and the property shall, subject to the aforegoing. be sold to the highest bidder. 2. Payment: Ten per centum of the purchase price shall be paid together with interest payable by the judgment debtor calculated on the amount of the judgment creditor's claim (and in the event of there being any preferent creditor tben also the interest payable upon such preferent creditor's claim) from the date of sale to the date of transfer against registration of transfer, which amounts are to be secured by approved bank or building society guarantee to be delivered within 14 (fourteen) days of the date of sale. 3. The owners of the property are members of the White Group. 4. Conditions: The full Conditions of Sale which will be read out by the Messenger ofthe Court immediately prior to the Sale may be inspected at his office. Dated at Fish Hoek this 12th day of October N. A. B. Smith. for Thompson Smithers & Bradley Inc. Plaintiffs Attorneys. Hove-To Medical Centre. 18 Kommetjie Road. Fish Hoek. IN DIE LANDDROSHOF VIR DIE DISTRIK VAN GOODWOOD GEHOU TE GOODWOOD Saak 2703f88 In die saak tussen E. S. Smidt, Eksekusieskuldeiser. en G. M. Walters, Eksekusieskuldenaar Ten uirvoering van die vonnis van die Landdroshof, Goodwood gedateer 22 April 1988 sal die onroerende goed hieronder beskryf op Dinsdag. die 6de dag van Desember om 1Oh30 op die perseel Ie Hamiltonstraat 24, Goodwood per publieke veiling in eksekusie verkoop word aan die hoogste bieer: Erf Goodwood. ge\ee in die Munisipaliteit van Goodwood. Kaapse Afdeling. Groot: 495 (vierhonderd vyf en negentig) vierkante meter. Gehou kragtens Transportakte No. T Verkoopsvoorwaardes 1. Die verkoping sal' 'voetstoots" geskied. onderworpe aan die voorwaardes van die Titelakte waaronder die eiendom gehou word. 2. Een tiende (1/10) van die koopprys moet by wyse van kontant of Bankgewaarborgde tjek betaal word onmiddellik nadat die eiendom verkoop verldaar is. terwy1 die balans van die koopprys tesame met rente daarop teen 16 % per jaar vanaf datum van verkoping tot op datum van Registrasie van Oordrag, in kontant betaa1 moet word teen Registrasie van Oordrag. Die Koper moet voorts binne 14 dae na die verkoping die vonnisskuldeiser voorsien van'n bank-of bougenootskapswaarborg vir behoorlike nakoming van a\ sy verpligtinge onder die verkoopsvoorwaardes.

90 90 No GOVERNMENf GAZETIE, 4 NOVEMBER Aandag word gevestig op die be~lings van die Wet op Groepsgebiede, No. 36 van 1966 en die Wet op Gemeenskapsontwikkelinge, No.3 van 1966, soos gewysig, waarkragtens eiendopmeg ten opsigte van gemelde eiendom beperk word tot lede van die Blanke Groep. Die verkoping sal voorts onderwoqle wees aan verdere voorwaardes wat ten tyde van die verkoping uitgelees sal word, welke verdere voorwaanles ter insae It: by die kantoor van die Geregs~e, Goodwood. J. F. Vos, vir Visagie Vos & Vennolt, Vonnisskuldeiser se Prokureurs, Libertassentrum 101, Goodwood. IN DIE LAiNDDROSHOF VIR DIE DISTRIK V AN BELLVILLE GEHOU TE BELLVILLE In diesaak tussen Munlsipaliteit van Parow, Eiser, en G. D.le Roux, Verweerder Ter uitvoering van 'n uitspraak van idie Landdroshof vir die Distrik Bellville sal die eiendom hieronder venneld, per Openbare Veiling verkoop word op Dinsdag, 6 Desember 1988 om 09h30ite Van Reenenstraat 33, Parow, opdie volgende voorwaardes: I. Die eiendom word voetstoots verkoop aan die hoogste bieder kragtens die Wet op Landdroshowe, No (soos gewysig), en die Regulasies daaronder uitgevaardig % van die koopprys sal betallibaar wees op die dag van verkoping en die balans, waarvoor 'n bank- of bougenootskapwaarborg gegee molt word, indien gevra. betaalbaarteen regislirasie van transport. 3. Die Koper sal verantwoordelik wees vir aile koste van registrasie van transport, aile agterstallige belastings en gelde, en ander koste. 4. Besit sal, onderhewig aan bestaal'\de huurkontrakte (indien enige) gegee word opdie datum van verkoping. 5. Die eiendom is in 'n geprokiameerde gebied gelee en die bepalings van die Groepsgebiedewet 77/1957, soos gewysig, en Wet 69 van 1955, is van toepassing. 6. Die volledige Verkoopsvoorwaardes U! ter insae by die Afslaer en by die Geregsbode, Bellville. Verweerder: Mnr. G. D. Ie Roux. Eiemlom: Erfnommer 13480, Parow, gelee in die Munisipaliteit van Parow, Afdeling Kaap. Groot 495 vierkante meter. Gehou kragtens TransportaktenolI1lller T26840/l987. Die eiendom bestaan uit'n woonhuis gelee te Van Reenenstraat 33, Parow. Vir volledige besonderhede, raadplcleg die Afslaer. C. J. Veldtman, Afslaer, Saarnbou-~asionalegebou, Voortrekkerweg 219, Parow. Tel Fourie Basson & Veldtman, Prokureurs vir Eiser, Saambougebou, Voortrekkerweg 219, Parow. IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF KUILS RIVER HELD AT KUILS RIVER Case In the matter between Cape of Good Hope Bank Limited, Plaintiff, and Mrs S, M. Crouse, Defendant Take notice that in pursuance ofa Judgment of the Magistrate's Court of Kuils River and a Warrant of Execution dated 11 August 1988 the undennentioned immovable property will be sold in execution at 49 Dyke Road, Penhill Estate, Eerste River, on Monday, 28 November 1988 at 12 noon. The property comprises: a. Single dwelling consisting of brkk walls under asbestos and tiling roof. b. An outbuilding consisting of briqk walls under asbestos roof. c. An outbuilding consisting of bri(jk walls under asbestos roof. d. A double garage consisting of brick walls under asbestos roof; and e. A swirnrning pool. The property is morefully describe4 as follows: Erf 49, Penhill Township in the local area of Penhill, Division of Stellenbosch. Measuring square metres. Held by Deed oftransfer No The property will be sold voetstools and without warranty, the price being payable either in cash on sale or as to 10 per cent of the purchase price in cash on sale and the balance against tninsfer, such balance to be secured by a bank or building society guarantee to be furnished to the Messenger of the Court within fourteen (14) days after the date of sale. If transfer of the property is not registered within one ( 1) month after the date of sale, the purchaser shall be liable for payment of interest 10 the Plaintiff at the rate of fourteen (14) per cent per annum on the balance of the purchase price as from the expiration of one (I) month after the sale to date of registration of transfer. The full Conditions of Sale will be announced at the sale and may be inspected at the offices of the Messenger of the said Court. Dated at Cape Town the 27th day Cif September P. P. Pickup, forcloete & Partnem, Plaintiffs Anorneys, 117 St George's Street, Cape Town, IN DIE HOOGGEREGSHOF VAN SUID-AFRIKA (Kaap die Goeie Hoop Provinsiale Afdeling) In die saak tussen Dill Standard Bank van S.A. Beperk, Eiser, en Mev, Katrina Cornelia Oliphant, Verweerderes Ter uitvoerlegging van 'n Vonnis van bogemelde Agbare Hof gedateer 11 Desember sal die hiernabeskrewe vaste eiendom in eksekusie verkoop word op Woensdag, 23 Nove~ber 1988 om 12hOO vm op die perseel te Nooiensfonteinweg 35, Kuilsrivier aan die hoogste bod bo die reserwe, onderhewig aan die voorwaardes hierna uiteengesit en die verdere voorwaardes wat deur die Afslaer by die verkoping uitgelees sal word:

91 STAATSKOERANT, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No Eiendom: Seker stuk vrygekoopte erfpaggrond, gelee in die Munisipaliteit van Kuilsrivier, Afdeling van Ste1lenbosch, synde Erf No. 600 Kuilsrivier. Groot: 898 (agt bonderd agten negentig) vierkante meter. Gehou kragtens Transportak:te No Die Verkoping sal onderhewig wees aan die termes en voorwaardes soos bepaal deur Hooggeregshof Wet No. 59 van 1959 en die volgende bepalings en voorwaatdes: I, Die eiendom sal voetstoots verkoop word, soos dit staan, teen die hoogste bod bo die reserwe onderworpe aan die bepalings en voorwaatdes van die bestaande Transportak:te, Die hoogste bieer bo die reserwe sal die koper wees onderworpe aan die voorwaardes van die Wet hierbo na verwys. 2. Tien persent (10 %) van die koopprys van die eiendom moet onmiddellik na die veiling in kontant of deur 'n bank- of bouvereniginggewaarborgde tjek betaal word. 3. Die eiendom bestaan uit: 'n Enkelverdiepinghuis gebou met bakstene en asbesdak bestaande uit 'n sitkamer met oop-plan kombuis/eeikamer badkarner, toilet met stort, aparre toilet,4 slaapkarners. Dubbelmotorhuis met asbesdak. 4. Aandag word gevestig op die bepalings van die Groepsgebiede Wet No. 36 van 1966 asook Wet No.3 van Hietdie eiendom is gelee binne 'n geprok1arneerde Gekleurde Groepsgebied. 6. Die volle verkoopsvoorwaardes Ie ter insae by die kantoor van die Adjunk-Balju te Northumberlandstraat 29, Bellville en kan daar besigtig word. Geteken te Kaapstad hierdie dag van E. Putter, vir BalsiUie Watermeyer & Cawood, Saambou Gebou, KruskaUaan. Bellville, pia Reserwe Bank Gebou, Houtstraat 30, Kaapstad ~-- IN DIE LANDDROSHOF VIR DIE DISTRIK VAN MALMESBURY GEHOU TE MAL\1ESBURY In die sm tussen Wes-Kaapse Streeksdiensteraad, Eiser. en A. M. Kltsboff, Verweerder Saak 4050/87 'n Veiling sal in die bovermelde 8m gehou word op 1 Desember 1988 te Melkbosstrand om IOhOO op die perseel van: Heronlaan 12, Melkbosstrand, synde Erf 1145, Melkboschstrand, geiee in die Plaaslike Gebied van Me!kboschstrand, Afdeting Kaap. Groot: 951 vierkante meter. Die eiendom bestaan uit: 'n Woonhuis. Veilingvoorwaardes: 1. Die eiendom word voetstoots aan die hoogste bieder verkoop onderworpe aan die voorwaardes en bepalinge van die Wet op Landdroshowe, Wet 32 van 1944 soos gewysig en die Reels daaronder gepromologeer asook onderworpe aan die bepalinge van Wet 3 van 1966 soos gewysig en Wet 36 van 1966 soos gewysig. 2. Een-tiende van die koopprys is betaalbaar in kontant of deur middel van 'n bankgewaarborgde tjek op die dag van die geregte1ike veiling en die balans van die koopprys tesame met rente daarop bereken teen die heersende bankkoers vanaf die datum van die geregtelike veiling tot die datum van registrasie van ootdrag, is betaalbaar in kontant teen registrasie van oordrag. 3. Die Koper is aanspreeklik vir die betaling van aile transportkoste, hereregte. agterstallige belasting en diensgelde en enige bykomende onkoste. 4. Besit van die eiendom sal gegee en geneem word op die datum van die geregte1ike veiling onderworpe aan bestaande huurkontrakte. indien enige. 5. Die volledige voorwaardes van die geregtelike veiling sal voor die veiling voorgelees word en is ter insae by die kantoor van die Geregsbode, Ma1rnesbury en in die kantoor van die ondergetekende. Bodenstein & Kot1.t, Eiser se Prokureurs, Kusweg 82, Meikbosstrand. IN DIE HOOGGEREGSHOF VAN SUID-AFRIKA (Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling) Saak In die sm tussen Nedfin Bank Beperk, Eiser, en Frederl.k Rudolph Stryoom, Verweerder Ter uitvoering van 'n Vonnis van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika (Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeting), sal 'n verkoping gehou word voor die Landdroskantore te blv Ben Malanweg en Seodinweg, Kuruman, op Vrydag, 25 November 1988 om lohoo van die onderstaande eiendom, onderworpe aan die voorwaardes wat deur die vendusie-afslaer gelees sal word tydens die verkoping, welke voorwaardes by die kantoor van die Adjunk-Balju, Seodinweg. Kuruman, voor die verkoping geinspekteer kan word: Sekere: Erf 2674 ('n gedeelte van Erf 1979), Kuruman, gelee in die munisipaliteit Kuruman, Afdeling Kuruman. Groot: vierkante meter. Gelwu: Kragtens transportakte 1786/82. Die volgende informasie word veskaf in verband met die eiendom, maar merdie eiendomsbeskrywing word egter geensins gewaarborg nie: Die Perseel is 'n kaal erf met geen verbeterings en geboue daarop nie. Belangrike verkoopsvoorwaardes: 1. Die eiendom sal aan die hoogste bieder sonder 'n reserweprys verkoop word. 2. Die Koper moet 10 (tien persent) van die koopsom in kontant op die dag van die verkoping aan die Adjunk-Balju betaal. 3. Die balans van die koopsom moet verseker word deur 'n bank- of bougenootskapwaarborg, wat betaalbaar moet wees teen oordrag en wat goedgekeur moet word deur die Eksekusieskuldeiser se prokureur en wat binne 14 (veertien) dae aan die Adjunk-Balju, Kuruman. gelewer moet word. Die volledige verkoopsvoorwaardes Ie ter insae by die kantoor van die Adjunk-Balju, Kuruman, en die Vonnisskuldeiser se prokureurs. Geteken te Pretoria op die 13de dag van Oktober Van der Burgh & Loots, Prokureurs vir Eiser, Rentbelgebou 609, Bureaulaan, Pretoria. (Verw: L. Gerber;CNOOO5.)

92 92 No GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 NATAL IN THE MAG)STRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF KLIP RIVER HELD AT LADYSMITH Case 1613/85 In the matter between Standanl Credit Corporation LImited, Execution Creditor, and Saopramurthi Vallatbam, Execution Debtor In pursuance of a Judgment in the Court of the Magistrate, Ladysmith and a writ of execution issued on the 6th day of March 1986 the following property will be sold in execution on the 25th day of November 1988 at 10hOO on the steps of the magistrate's court, Verulam: A certain piece of land being: Lot ~ 19 Northcroft, situate in the City of Durban, Administrative District of Natal, in extent two hundred and seventy seven (277) square metres situated at 3l Brenlen Road, Northcroft, Unit 14, Phoenix, Natal, comprising of block under asbestos dwelling comprising 2 bedrooms, I lounge, I kitchen, I toilet and bathroom combined. Nothing is guaranteed in the above respects. Conditions ofsale: I. Reserve: The property shall be S4lld without reserve and to the highest bidder and shall be subject to the title deeds insofar as these are applicable. 2. Terms: The purchase price shall be paid as to 10 % thereof on the day of sale and the balance together with interest thereon at the rate of 10 % per annum to date of registration of transfer shall be paid within 14 days or secured by a bank or building society guarantee. 3. Conditions: The full conditions of sale which will be read out immediately prior to the sale may be inspected at the offices of the Messenger of Court. Dated at Ladysmith on this the 12th day of October MaCaulay & Riddell, Execution Creditor's Attorneys, 126 Murchison Street, P.O. Box 107, Ladysmith, IN THE MAGISTRA,TE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF PORT SHEPSTONE HELD AT PORT SHEPSTONE Case In the matter between S A permanent BuDding Society, Execution Creditor, and Tandinkosi Raphael Mkize, Execution Debtor In pursuance of a Judgment in the Court of the Magistrate at Port Shepstone dated the 21st April 1988, the following immovable property will be sold in execution on the 18th day of November 1988 at IOhOO at the Magistrate's Court, Port Shepstone, to the highest bidder: Ownership Unit A 1577 in the township of Gamalakhe, District of lzongolweni, in extent 372 square metres represented and described on General Plan B.A. 15/1970. The following information is furni$hed regarding the property, but is not guaranteed: The property is situated at A 1577 Gamalakhe. Upon the property is a dwelling 'Of brick under tile roof consisting of three bedrooms, diningroom, lounge, kitchen, bathroom and toilet. No outbuildings or garage. Material conditions ofsale: The purchaser shall pay ten per centum (10 %) of the purchase price in cash at the time of sale and the balance shall be paid or secured by a bank or building sjl)ciety guarantee approved by the execution creditor's attorneys, to be furnished to the Messenger of the Court, Port Shepstone, within fourteen (14) days -of the date of sale. The full conditions of sale can be inspected at the office of the Messenger of the Court, 6 Archibald Road, Port Shepstone, Natal and interested parties are asked to contact the execution creditor who may be prepared to grant loan facilities to an approved purchaser. Dated at Margate this 4th day ofok:tober Crickrnay & Robertson, Executjpn Creditor's Attorney, 1st Floor, United Building, P.O. Box 156, Margate, and/or 8 Archibald Road, Port Shepstone. IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF PORT SHEPSTONE HELD AT PORT SHEPSTONE Case In the matter between S A Permanent BuDding Society, Execution Creditor, and Mawundenl Grant Miya, Execution Debtor In pursuance of a Judgment in the Court of the Magistrate at Port Shepstone dated the 20th April 1988, the following immovable property will be sold in execution on the 18th day of Noveml>er 1988 at 10hOO at the Magistrate's Court, Port Shepstone, to the highest bidder: Ownership Unit 1698 in the towlbship of Gamalakhe-a county of Alfred, in extent 886 square metres, represented and described on General Plan BA 15/1970. The following information is furn:jshed regarding the property, but is not guaranteed: The property is situated at 1698 Gamalakhe-A. Upon the property is a dwelling 0' brick under tile roof consisting ofthree bedrooms, lounge, kitchen, I bathroom and toilet and a garage. Material conditions of sale: The purchaser shall pay ten per centum (10 %) of the purchase price in cash at the time of sale and the balance shall be paid or secured by a bank or building society guarantee approved by the execution creditor's attorneys, to be furnished to the Messenger of the Court, Port Shepstone, within fourteen (14) days of the date of sale. The full conditions of sale can be inspected at the office of the Messenger of the Court, 6 Archibald Road, Port Shepstone, Natllll and interested parties are asked to contact the Execution Creditor who may be prepared to grant loan facilites to an approved purchaser. Dated at Margate this 4th day of Qctober Crickmay & Robertson, Execution Creditor's Attorney, 1st Floor, United Building, P.O. Box 156, Margate, andl()r 8 Archibald Road, Port Shepstone. IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF PORT SHEPSTONE HELD AT PORT SHEPSTONE Case In the matter between S A Permanent Building Society, Execution Creditor, and Lukas Johannes Jacobus Spies, First Execution Debtor and Magdalena Petronella Jacoba Spies, Second Execution Debtor In pursuance of a Judgment in the COUrt of the Magistrate at Port Shepstone dated the 22nd Agustus 1988, the following immovable property will be sold in execution on the 18th day of N(lvember 1988 at O9hOO at the Magistrate's Court, Port Shepstone, to the highest bidder:

93 STAATSKOERANT, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No Lot 386 Margate, situate in the Borough ofmargate and in the Lower South Coast Regional Water Services Area, Administrative District of Natal, in extent 931 square metres. The following information is furnished regarding the property, but is not guaranteed: The property is situated at Faune Glen Road, Manaba Beach. Upon the property is a dwelling house of brick under tile consisting of four bedrooms, lounge, dining room, kitchen, bathroom with shower and toilet. Outbuildings consist of servants quarters with toilet and shower and laundry. Material condnions of sale: The purchaser shall pay ten per centum (lo %) of the purchase price in cash at the time of sale and the balance shall be paid or secured by a bank or building society guarantee approved by the execution creditor's attorneys, to be furnished to the Messenger of the Court, Port Shepstone, within fourteen (14) days of the date of sale. The full conditions of sale can be inspected at the Office of the Messenger of the Court, 6 Archibald Road, Port Shepstone, Natal and interested parties are asked to contact the Execution Creditor who may be prepared to grant loan facilities to an approved purchaser. Dated at Margate this 14 day of October Crickrnay & Robertson, Execution Creditor's Attorney, lst Floor, United Building, P.O. Box 156, Margate, andlor Archibald Road. Port Shepstone. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Natal Provincial Division) Case In the matter between Tbe Town Council of tbe Borough or Stanger, Applicant, and The registered owners of various immovable properties situated wltbln tile applic:ant's area orjurisdiction, Respondents Be pleased to take notice that pursuance to an order of the above honourable court dated the 5th day of July 1988 and an attachment b) the deputy sheriff for the District of Pietermaritzburg dated the 14th July 1988 in the above-mentioned case, the immovable properties described below shall be sold in execution by the deputy sheriff for the District of Stanger-Lower Tugela, on Friday the 25th day of November 1988 at the front entrance of the Magistrate's Court, Cooper Street, Stanger, commencing at 10 o'clock with the sale of the fll'st property mentioned in the schedule below and thereafter on the conclusion of each sale the sale of the next property on the schedule shall commence. The properties which are to be put up for sale by public auction as aforesaid and the name of the registered owners ofsuch properties are set forth as follows below: Description ofimmovable property all situated in the Borough of Stanger, Administrative District of Natal Lot 185 Stanger... Sub 1 of Lot 390, Stanger... Lot 400, Stanger... Lot 628, Stanger... Lot671, Stanger... Rem of Lot 870, Stanger... Rem of Lot 871 Sanger... Lot 10 17, Stanger... Lot 1136, Stanger... Lot 1139, Stanger... Lot 1154, Stanger... Lot 1157, Stanger... Lot 1158, Stanger... Lot 1159, Stanger... Lot 1160, Stanger... Lot 1162, Stanger... Lot Stanger... Lot 1165, Stanger... Lot 1166, Stanger... Lot 1168, Stanger... Lot 1170, Stanger... Lot 1171, Stanger... Lot 1172, Stanger... Lot Stanger... Lot 1174, Stanger... Lot 1175, Stanger... Lot 1176, Stanger... Lot 1188, Stanger... Lot 1200, Stanger.,...,... Lot 1250, Stanger... Lot 1266, Stanger... Lot 1335, Stanger... Lot 1359, Stanger... Lot 1380, Stanger...,... Lot 1381, Stanger... Lot 1415, Stanger... Lot 1419, Stanger... Lot Stanger... Lot 1533, Stanger... Lot 1543, Stanger... Lot 1583, Stanger... Lot 1585, Stanger.... Lot 1604, Stanger... H. Singh & Others. C. SomaL Amrnah Lutchrni. Ahmed. R. Hooblall. Ramharak. B. Sookay. R. Brijraj. R. S. Moses. B. Devkurran. Homeview Estates. Homeview Estates. Homeview Estates. Homeview Estates. Homeview Estates. Homeview Estates. Homeview Estates. Homeview Estates. Homeview Estates. Homeview Estates. Homeview Estates. Ismail Family Trust. Ismail Family Trust. Homeview Estates. Homeview Estates. Homeview Estates. Homeview Estates. M. Munisarny. M. S. Pil1ay. Doorasarny Moondamy. Dr Y. Ramiah. Y. Singh & Others. M.Naidoo. S. V. Padayachee. R. Subbayya & Another. I. E. Suliman. Sastri Pil1ay. Y. & S. Singh. L. Sahadaw & Another. P. Pil1ay. Sundraj Prem. M. Dhaver & Another. S. Mahomed. Name ofregistered owner

94 94 No GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 Description ofimmolvable property Name ofregistered owner all situated in the Borough of Stanger, Administrative District of Natal Lot 1627, Stanger... Screeramulu. Lot 1633, Stanger M. C. Joseph. Lot 1725, Stanger P. K. Gokhul. Lot 1783, Stanger L. Gounder. Lot 1808, Stanger... G. &M. A. Govindasamy. Lot 1903, Stanger Kanakiah. Lot 2057, Stanger P. Christy. Lot 2636, Stanger..., M. & C. Changoo. Lot 2655, Stanger G. & B. D. Murugan. Lot 80, Warrenton... Ramsamy Reddy. Lot 82, Warrenton ParvathL Lot 50, Higbridge G. Pillay. Lot 91, Highridge S. M. Iyapian & Other. Lot 114, Highridge Doorsamy & Danabagiu. Lot 157, Higbridge M. Nakker. Lot 165, Highridge... J. Hassan. Lot 225, Highridge S. Naidoo & Another. Lot 262, Highridge Raman Rajoo. Lot 26, Townview... Estate Nisan Suyh. Lot 49, Townview... Moonsamy. Lot51, Townview... S. Naidoo. Lot 56, Townview... Balgobin & Others. Lot 57, Townview... Estate late S. Khan. Lot 61, Townview... Perumal. Lot 64, Townview B. Brijnath & Another. Sub 2 of F of Lot 15, Stanger Guriah & Others. Sub 3 off of Lot 15, Stanger Narainsamy & Others. Sub 21BIG oflot 15, Stanger Narainsamy & Others. and be pleased to take notke that the condition of sale may be inspected at the offices of the deputy sheriff for the District of Stanger-Lower Tugela, 116 Cooper Street, Stanger. Dated at Pietermaritzburg this 25th day of October Friedland Han & Panners, on behalf of Shepstone & Wylie Tomlinson Francis, Applicant's Attomeys, 20 Chancery Lane, Pietermaritzburg. Tel: , Pretoria. IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OFPlETERMARlTZBURG HELD AT PIETERMARlTZBURG Case In the matter between Natal BuDding Society, Plaintiff, and Sitbambaram Pillay, Defendant In pursuance of a Judgment in the Court of the Magistrate at Pietermaritzburg dated 19 May 1988 the following immovable property will be sold in execution on the 5th December 1988 al! IOhOO on the steps of the Magistrate's Court, Commercial Road Entrance~ Pietermaritzburg to the highest bidder: Remainder of Sub 343 of the farm BelfoIt Estate 14040, situate in the City of Pietermaritzburg, Administrative District of Natal, in extent six hundred and nine (609) square metres. The following information is furnished regarding the property, but is not guaranteed. The property is situated at 107 Ganges Road, DelfoIt, Pietermaritzburg, 320 I. Material condition ofsale: The porchaser shall pay ten per cent (10 %) of the purchase price in cash at the time of sale and the balance shall be paid or secured by a bank or building society guarantee approved by the execution creditor's attomeys, to be fumished to the Messenger of the Magistrate's Court, Pietermaritzburg within 14 (fourteen) days of the date of sale. The full conditions of sale can be inspected at the office of the Messenger of Court, 277 Berg Street, Pietermaritzburg, Nljtal and interested panies are asked to contact the execution creditor who may be prepared to grant loan facilities to an approved purchaser. Dated at Pietermaritzburg on this.11 th day of October R. Dawson, for Leslie Simon Pretorius & Dawson, Rotar House, 19 Theatre Lane, Pietermaritzburg, IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF PlETERMARlTZBURG HELD AT PlETERMARlTZBURG Case In the matter between Natal BuDding Society, Plaintiff, and Herman George Clark, Defendant In pursuance of a Judgment in tbe Court of tbe Magistrate at Pietermaritzburg dated 19 September 1988 the following immovable property will be sold in execution on Monday the 13 JFebruary 1989 at IOhOO on the steps of the Magistrate's Court, Commercial Road Entrance, Pietermaritzburg to the highest bidder: Sub 385 (of301) of Lot 1692, Pietermaritzburg, situate in the City and County ofpietermanizburg, Province of Natal, in extent five hundred and thirty nine (539) square metres. The following information is furnished regarding the property, but is not guaranteed. The property is situated at 167 Adelaar Road, Eastwood, Pietermaritzburg, 320 I. Material conditions of sale: The purchaser shall pay ten (10 %) per cent of the purchase price in cash at the same time of sale and the balance shall be paid or secured by a bank or building society guarantee approved by the execution creditor's attomeys, to be fumished to the Messenger of the Magistrate's Court, Pietermaritzburg within fourteen (14) days of the date of sale. The full conditions of sale can be inspected at the office of the Messenger of Court, 277 Berg Streeli, Pietermaritzburg, Natal and interested parties are asked to contact the execution creditor who may be prepared to grant loan facilities to an approved purchaser. Dated at Pietermaritzburg on thi!, 20th day of October R. Dawson, for Leslie Simon Pretorius & Dawson, Rotar House, 19 Theatre Lane, Pietermaritzburg, 3201.

95 STAATSKOERANT,4NOVEMBER 1988 No S IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DlSTRICf OF INANDA HELD AT VERULAM Case 8331/86 In the matter between Penunal, Plaintiff, and NaraiDsamy. Defendant In pursuance of a Judgment granted on the 16th day of September 1986, in the Magistrate's Court, Durban and under a Writ of Execution issued thereafter, the immovable property listed hereunder shall be sold in execution to the highest bidder on Friday 25th November 1988 at loa. m. Description: One fifth (1/5th) share in and to Sub 73 (of 4) of the farm lnanda 818. situate in the Administrative District of Natal, in extent four point eight one three one (4.8131) hectares. Improvements: Brick and tile dwelling with lights (no water), comprising of 3 bedrooms. I lounge. 1diningroom, 1 kitchen, 1 toilet and I bathroom. Outbuildings: 2 Bedrooms. I lounge, I kitchen, I toilet and 1bathroom. Local authorities: Nil. Mortgage bond: Nil. Held under: Deed of Transfer T5696/1960, dated 15/ Further encumberances: Nil. Material conditions: sale shall be subject to the terms and conditions of the Magistrate's Court Act and the Rules made thereunder. 2. The property shall be sold to the highest bidder at the auction sale. 3. The purchaser shall pay a deposit of 10 % of the purchase price and the auctioneer's commission in cash immediately after the sale, and the balance against transfer to be secured by a bank or building society guarantee to be furnished to the Messenger of the Court within fourteen (14) days after the sale to be approved by the plaintiff's attorneys. 4. Inasmuch as the defendant is a member of the Indian group, no bids will be accepted by or on behalf of a person who is not a member of such group, unless such person exhibits to the auctioneer, at the sale, a permit authorising him to acquire such property which is in a proclaimed Indian Area. 5. Transfer shall be effected by the plaintiff's attorneys and the purchaser shall pay all the transfer due, including transfer duty, current and any arrear rates, and other necessary charges to effect transfer upon request by the said attorneys. 6. Should the purchaser fail to carry out any of the conditions of sale. the 10 % deposit referred to above will be forfeited. The full conditions may be inspected at the offices of the Messenger of Court, District of Inanda. Suite 2, Mount View, Shopping Centre, Corner of Inanda Road and Jacaranda Avenue. Mount View, Verulam. Dated at Durban on this 2nd day of September Shun Pillay, Plaintiffs Attorney, c/o Sivi Reddy & Co., Nadasen's Centre, 23 (b) Moss Street, Verulam, Ref: Miss ReddylP.3/86. IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DlSTRICf OF CHATSWORTH HELD AT CHATSWORTH Case 400/88 In the matter between D Subramanieo, Plaintiff, and D. Muosamy also known as Dick, Defendant In pursuance of a Judgment granted on the 10th day of May 1988 in the above honourable court, and under a writ of execution issued thereafter, the immovable property listed hereunder shall be sold in execution to the highest bidder on the 29th day of November 1988 at a.m. in front of the magistrate's court, Chatsworth. Description: Sub 5672 (of 5579) of the Farm Chat Seven: 14780, situate in the City of Durban. Administrative District of Natal, in extent five hundred and eleven (511) square metres. Postal address: 64 Road 919. Chatsworth, Improvements: 1 brick under tile roof dwelling comprising of 3 bedrooms, lounge, diningroom, kitchen, toilet, bathroom and toilet. Material conditions: 1. The sale shall be subject to the terms and conditions of the Magistrate's Court Act and the Rules made thereafter The purchaser shall pay a deposit of 10 % (ten per cent) of the purchase price and the auctioneer's commission in cash immediately after the sale and the balance against transfer to be secured by a bank or building society guarantee to be approved by the plaintiff's attorneys to be furnished to the Messenger of Court within 14 (fourteen) days after the sale; 2.2. The purchaser shall be liable for payment of interest at the rate of 20 % to the plaintiff on the respective amount of the award in the plan of distribution from the date of sale to the date of transfer, both days inclusive. 3. Transfer shall be effected by the attorneys for the plaintiff and the purchaser shall pay all transfer costs, including arrear and current rates, sewerage, connection fees (if any), taxes and other charges necessary to effect transfer on request by the said attorneys. 4. Inasmuch as the defendant is a member of the Indian group, no bids will be accepted by or on behalf of a person who is not a member of such group unless such person exhibits to the auctioneer at the sale a permit from the Minister concerned authorising him to acquire such property. The full conditions of sale may be inspected at the office of the Messenger of the Court, Chatsworth, 12 Oak Avenue, Kharawastan, Chatsworth. Dated at Chatsworth on this 7th day of October S. A. E. Fakroodeen, for John Hudson Berg & Company, Plaintiffs Attorneys, c/o M. Y. Baig & Co., Suite 4, Croftdene, Shopping Centre, Chatsworth. Ref: Mr Fakroodeenlrr/1285/8. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Durban and Coast Local Division) Case 1538/88 In the matter between First National Bank Limited, Plaintiff, and Christoffel Johannes Nel, Defendant In pursuance of a judgment of the Supreme Court of South Africa (Durban and Coast Local Division) dated 3rd August 1988 and a writ of execution dated 23rd September 1988 the undermentioned property will be sold in execution on the 25th day of November 1988 at JO a.m. in front of the Office of the Magistrate, Court House Road, Port Shepstone to the highest bidder. Property: Lot 864 Margate (Extension 3) in the Borough of MlU'gate, and in the Lower South Coast Regional Water Services Area, Administrative District of Natal, measuring one thousand and ninety four (1 094) square metres.

96 " No GOVERNMENT GAZEITE, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 ImprovemeTlls: Nil. Material conditions ofsale: 1. The sale shall be subject to the provisions of the Supreme Court Act and the Rules published thereunder. 2. The full conditions of the sale and a copy of the deed of transfer pertaining to the above-mentioned property may be inspected at the Office of the Deputy Sheriff, 8 Link Road, Umtentweru, Natal South Coast. 3. The purchaser shall pay ten per:cent (10 %) of the purchase price in cash immediately after the sale and the balance shall be paid or secured by a satisfactory bank or building society gulirantee to be approved by the Plaintiffs Attorneys to be furnished to the deputy sheriff, Port Shepstone, within fourteen (14) days of the date of sale. 4. Attention of all prospective purcbasers is drawn to the provisions of the Group Areas Act. The property is situated in a White group area. 5. The purchaser shall pay the auc,ioneer's charges on the date of sale and in addition transfer duty and cost of transfer plus arrear rates and any other charges necessary to effect transfer upon the requests of the Plaintiffs Attorneys. Dated at Durban this 14th day of October T. S. Kalil & Company, Plaintiffs Attorneys, clo V. S. Rajah, S. Pillay & Co., 308 Lakhani Chambers, 2 Saville Street, Durban. P.O. Box 48190, Qualbert, OUf Ref: K 165. IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF PINETOWN HELD AT PINETOWN In the matter bl:tween S A Permanent BuDding Society, Plaintiff. and V. L. Nyamarebvy, Defendant Case 4601f88 In pursuance of a judgment granted on the 8th day of August 1988, in the Pinetown Magistrate's Court and under a writ of execution issued tbereafter, the immovable property listed hereunder will be sold in execution on the Ist day of December 1988 in front of the Magistrate's Court, Chancery Street, Pinetown at 10 a. m. Description: Ownership Unit A49134 in the Township of KwaNdengezi, District MpumaIanga, extent 475 square metres, represented and described on General Plan BA130/1969. Postal address: Unit A.4934 KwaNdengezi Township. Improvements: One brick house cqnsisting of 2 bedrooms, 1 toilet, 1 bathroom, I lounge/diningroom and kitchen. 1. The sale shall be subject to the terms and conditions of the Magistrate's Court Act and the Rules made thereunder. 2. The purchaser shall pay 10 % I~f the purchase price at the time of the sale, the balance against transfer to be secured by a bank or building society guarantee and to be approved by the Pllllintiffs Attorneys to be furnished to the court messenger within fourteen (14) days after the date of sale. 3. The attention of all prospective purchasers is directed to the provisions of the Group Areas Act. 4. The full conditions may be inspected at the office of the messenger of the court, Pinetown, or at the offices of Dickinson & Theunissen. Dated at Pinetown this 30th day of September 1988'. Dickinson & Theunissen, Plaintiff's Attorneys, 215 Permanent Building, Chapel Street, Pinetown. IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF DURBAN HELD AT DURBAN In the matter between Mobomed Bassa, Plaintiff, and Sam Singh also known as Sunjeetb Singh, Defendant Case 16814f88 In the pursuance of a judgment of the above honourable court dated the 10th June 1986, and under a writ of execution issued tbereon tbe immovable property will be sold in execution on the 25th November 1988, at a.m. at the front entrance of the Magistrate's Court Building Verulam, to tbe highest bidder. Description ofpiece ofland: Certain: Lot 122, Grove End, situate in the City of Durban, Administrative District of Natal in extent 292 square metres. Postal address: 402 Grove End Drive, Grove End, Phoenix. Improvemellls: Block under tile detached dwelling, comprising of3 bedrooms, I lounge. 1 kitchen, I toilet and I bathroom. Nothing is being guaranteed in the above respect. Material conditions: 1. The sale shall be subject to the terms and condition of the Magistrate's Court Act. 2. (a) The purchaser shall pay a I~eposit of ten per cent of the purchase price in cash immediately after the sale, the balance against the transfer to be secured by a bank or building society guarantee, to be approved by the Plaintiff s Attorneys, to be furnished to the Messenger of the Court within fourteen (14) days after the date of sale. (b) The purchaser shall be liable for payment of interest at the rate prevailing per annum to the bond holder on the amount of the award to the bond holder in the plan of distribution from the date of sale to date of transfer, both days inclusive. 3. Transfer shall be effected by the attorneys for the plaintiff and the purchaser shall pay all transfer costs, including arrear and current rates, sewerage connection fees (if any), taxes and all other charges necessary to effect transfer on request by the said attorneys. 4. Inasmuch as the defendant's are members of the Indian Group no bids will be accepted by or on behalf of a person who is not a member of such group unless such person exhibits to the auctioneer at the sale, a penni! from the Minister concerned authorising him to acquire such property. 5. The full condition may be inspected at the plaintiffs offices andlor at the offices of the Messenger of Court, Verulam 2, Mount View Shopping Centre, corner Inanda Road and Jacarqnda Avenue, Mountiew, Verulam. S. B. Garach, Snyman & Garach. Plaintiffs Attorneys, Fourth Hoor, Salisbury Centre, 322 Smith Street, Durban, Ref: Mr S. Garach

97 STAATSKOERANT, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No 'Y1 IN TIlE SUPREME COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Durban and Coast Local Division) CIISe 2220/88 In the matter between Varatbarajoo KoDdralvai Mooney PUlay, First Plaintiff and Kunlmah PUlay, Second Plaintiff, and SunllduU Bechoo, First Defendant, IUsbamclney Bechoo, Second Defendant and Lekhram RamlaU, Third Defendant In pursuance of a judgment on the 20th May 1988 in the Supreme Court of South Africa, Durban and Coast Local Division, and under a writ of execution issued thereafter the immovable property listed hereunder shall be sold in execution to the highest bidder with reserve on Friday, 25 November 1988, at 10 a.m. at the front entrance ofthe Magistrate's Court. Description: Sub 8 of Lot 365 Tongaat, situate in the Township oftongaat, Administrative District ofnatal, measuring three thousand nine hundred and two (3 9(2) square metres. Improvements: Split level house, 2 bedrooms, 1 ensuite, 1 toilet, 1 bathroom, 1 kitchen, 1 lounge, 1 diningroom, 1 garage consisting of 1 toilet, 1 toolroom. Street address: 10 Naidoo Knoll, Maidstone, Tongaat. Held under: Deed oftransfert22964/85. Local authority: Tongaat Town Board. Mortgage Bond: B26043/85 dated 26/11185 for R64 000,00 plus Rll 600,00 in favour of Allied Building Society, Durban. B26044/85 dated for R20 000,00 plus R2 000,00 in favour of Varatharajoo Kondraival Mooney Pillay (born 2216/44) and Kunirnah Pillay (born 8/11/49) married in community of property to each other, clo Shun PiIlay, attorneys, 14 Junaid Centre, 4 Bond Street, Durban. Interdict attachment: 12404/86 at Durban Magistrate's Court, Case 47825/85. Writ dated 24/2/86 (plaintiff) Mackerdoij (defendant) Thomas Veerasamy & Ray Ramlall (also known as Ramlall Lackraj) /86 at Durban Magistrate's Court Case : Writ dated 6/6/86 (plaintiff) Mackerdoj (defendant) Thomas Veerasamy Ray Rarnlall (also known as Lekhram Ramlall) at Durban Magistrate's Court Case 30497/86: Writ dated (plaintiff) Allied Building Society (Defendant) Sunildutt Bechoo, married in community of property to Rishamoney Bechoo and Lekhram RamJall. Further encumberances: Nil. Material conditions: 1. The sale shall be subject to the terms and conditions of the Supreme Court Act and the Rules made thereunder. 2. The property shall be sold to the highest bidder at the auction sale, with reserve. 3. The purchaser shall pay a deposit of 10 % of the purchase price and the auctioneer's commission in cash immediately after the sale, and the balance against transfer to be secured by a bank or building society guarantee to be furnished to the Deputy Sheriff within fourteen (14) days after the sale to be approved by the Plaintiffs Attorneys. 4. Inasmuch as the defendant is a member of the Indian Group, no bids will be accepted by or on behalf of a person who is not a member of such group, unless such person exhibits to the auctioneer, at the sale, a permit authorising him to acquire such property which is in a proclaimed Indian Area. 5. Transfer shall be effected by the Plaintiffs Attorneys and the purchaser shall pay all the transfer due, including transfer duty, current and any arrear rates, and other necessary charges to effect transfer upon request by the attorneys. 6. Should the purchaser fail to carry out any of the conditions of sale, the 10 % deposit referred to above will be forfeited. The full conditions may be inspected at the offices of the Deputy Sheriff, at 2 Mount View Shopping Centre, corner of Inanda Road and Jacaranda Avenue, Mount View, Verulam, Dated at Durban on this 6th day of September Shun Pillay, Plaintiffs Attorneys, 14 Junaid Centre, 4 Bond Street, Durban. Our Ref: Mr PillaylPRIP 269. IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF DURBAN HELD AT DURBAN CIISe In the matter between The New Republic Bank Limited, Plaintiff, and Balsum Rugbubir, trading as Dinovs Clothing Manufacturers, Defendant In pursuance of a judgment granted on the 28th of April 1987 in the above Court and under a writ of execution issued thereafter the immovable property described hereunder shall be sold in execution on the 25th of November 1988 and is to take place in front of the Magistrate's Court, Verulam at IOhOO to the highest bidder. Description ofgoods,' Lot 92, Sunford. Postal address: 179 Sunford Drive, Sunford, Phoenix. Improvements: Block under asbestos, double storey, semi-detached building, comprising of 3 bedrooms, 1 lounge, 1 kitchen, 1 toilet and I bathroom. Material conditions: I. The sale shall be subjected to the terms and conditions of the Magistrate's Court Act and the Rules made hereunder. 2. The sale is for cash only. 3. The property is sold "voetstoots". Dated at Durban this 17th day of October Harkoo, Brijlai & Reddy, Plaintiff s Attorneys, 602 Kara Centre, 3 Bond Street, Durban. Ref: Mr Brijlal!N312NP. Tel: /3. IN TIlE SUPREME COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Durban and Coast Local Division) C8lIe 4115/87 In the matter between Standard Bank of South Afrk:a Limited, Execution Creditor, and Solomon Lewls Truter, Execution Debtor In pursuance of a judgment granted on 26th August 1987 in the Supreme Court, Durban and Coast Local Division, and under a writ of execution issued thereafter, the immovable properties listed hereunder shall be sold in execution to the highest bidder on 25th November 1988 at IOhOO on the steps ofthe Supreme Court, Masonic Grove. Durban

98 98 No GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 Property description: Remainder of! subdivision 1 of 3 of "a" of the farm Brickfield 806, situate in the City of Durban, Administrative District of Natal, in extent m 2 (one thousand ooe hundred and thirty three square metres). Zoning: Duplex flats-coloured. Postal address: 23 York Place, Syoonham, Durban. Improvements: White plaster, slate roof, three floor building comprising of: Level Z: 3 bedrooms, I lounge, I kit(:hen, 1diningroom, 1bathroomltoiletlhandbasinlshowercubicle. Level Z-Flat: 2 bedrooms, lloung~, 1 kitchen, 1 bathroomltoileuhandbasinishowercubicle. Level 3 : Attic consisting of one largfl room. Groundfloor: 1 lounge, 3 bedrooms, 1 diningroom, 1 kitchen, bathroomltoileuhandbasinishowercubicle. Groundfloor-Flat: 2 bedrooms, 1 liou nge, I kitchen, 1bathroomltoileUhandbasin. There are no outbuildings on the property. (Nothing is guaranteed regarding too above improvements and zoning). I. The sale shall be subject to the Supreme Court Act and the Rules made thereunder. 2.1 The purchaser shall pay a deposil of 10 % of the purchase price in cash immediately after the sale and the balance against transfer to be secured by a bank or building society guarantee approved by the execution creditor's attorneys which guarantee shall be furnished to the Deputy Sheriff within fourteen (14) days after the sale to be approved by the execution creditor's attorneys. 2.2 The purchaser shall be liable foltpayment of interest at the rate of 19 % per annum to the execution creditor and to the mortgage at the current rate charged by such mortgage, on the amount of the award in the plan of distribution from the date of sale to date of transfer. 3. Inasmuch as the execution debtot is a member of the Coloured group, bids will not be accepted by or on behalfofaperson who is not a member of such group, unless a permit from the Minister authorising him to acquire such property which is in a proclaimed White Area. 4. Transfer shall be effected by the attorneys for the Execution Creditor and the purchaser shall pay all transfer dues, including transfer duty, current rates and other necessary charges to effecl transfer upon request to the said attorneys. The full conditions of sale may be iqspected at the offices of the deputy sheriff, Durban. Dated at Durban on this 21st day of October Everitt and Tate, Plaintiffs Attorneys, 306 Salmon Grove Chambers, 407 Smith Street, Durban. Ref: GMBIES 013/033/jst. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Durban and Coast Local Division) Case 4116/87 In the matter between Standand Bank ofsouth Africa Limited, Execution Creditor, and Solomon Lewis Truter, Execution Debtor In pursuance of a judgment grantei:l on 26 August 1987 in the Supreme Court, Durban and Coast Local Division, and under a Writ of Execution issued thereafter, the immovable proper1ies listed hereunder shall be sold in execution to the highest bidder on 25th November 1988 at IOhOO on the steps of the Supreme Court, Masonic Grove, Durban. Property description: Subdivision!H of Lot I of CC of the farm Brickfield 806, situate in the City of Durban, Administrative District of Natal, in extent 649 m 2 (six hundred and forty nin~ square metres). Zoning: Duplex flats-coloured. Postal address: 55 Walmer Avenue;, Sydenham, Durban. Improvements: 2 floor building, brick and plaster under slate roof consisting of: Top floor: 2 bedrooms, 1 lounge, 1 diningroom, 1 kitchen, bathroomltoiletlhandbasin and one front verandah. Top floor: 3 bedrooms, 1 diningroom, 1 lounge, 1 kitchen, 1 bathroomltoiletlhandbasin. Top floor: 3 rooms, 1 lounge, 1 kitcihen, 1 bathroomltoiletlhandbasin and one seperate toilet. Groundfloor: One front verandah, 1 lounge, 2~ bedrooms, 1 kitchen, 1 bathroomltoiletlhandbasin. (Nothing is guaranteed regarding tile above improvements and zoning). 1. The sale shall be subject to the S,preme Court Act and the Rules made thereunder. 2.1 The purchaser shall pay a deposit of 10 %of the purchase price in cash immediately after the sale and the balance against transfer to be secured by a bank or building society guarantee Ilpproved by the execution creditor's attorneys which guarantee shall be furnished to the deputy sheriff within fourteen (14) days after the sale to be approved by the execution creditor's attorneys. 2.2 The purchaser shall be liable for payment of interest at the rate of 19 % per annum to the execution creditor and to the mortgage at the current rate charged by such mortgage, on the amount of the award in the plan of distribution from the date of sale to date of transfer. 3. Inasmuch as the execution debt,r is a member of the Coloured group, bids will not be accepted by or on behalf of a person who is not a member of such group, unless a pennit from the Minister authorising him to acquire such property which is in a proclaimed White area. 4. Transfer shall be effected by thel attorneys for the execution creditor and the purchaser shall pay all transfer dues, including transfer duty, current rates and other necessary charges to eff~t tranfer upon request to the said attorneys. The full conditions of sale may be inspected at the offices of the Deputy Sheriff, Durban. Dated at Durban on this 21 st day of October Everitt & Tate, Plaintiffs Attorneys, 306 Salmon Grove Chambers, 407 Smith Street, Durban. Ref: GMEIES 013/033Jjst. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA FOR THE DISTRICT OF DURBAN AND COAST LOCAL DIVISION Case In the matter between Barclays National Bank LImIted, Plaintiff (Judgment Creditor), and Dennis Ralph Peddie, Defendant (Judgment Debtor) In pursuance of a Judgment grantcld in the Supreme Court of South Africa, Durban and Coast Local Division on 19 May 1988 and a writ of execution dated 9 July 1988 the undermentlonedproperty will be sold in execution on 25 November 1988 at to a.m. in front of the Magistrate's Court steps, Scott Street, Scottburgh, to the highest bidder: Sub I of the farm Neverdespair 97148, situated in the County of Alexandra, Province of Natal, measuring three thousand three hundred and forty five (3 345) square metres but nothing is guaranteed in these respects.

99 STAATSKOERANT, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No The property shall be sold to the highest bidder and shall be subject to the terms and conditions of the Supreme Court Act and the rules made thereunder and of the title deeds in so far as these are applicable. 2. The purchaser shall pay ten per centum (10 %) of the purchase price in cash immediately after the sale and the balance shall be paid or secured by a satisfactory bank or building society guarantee to be approved by the Plaintiffs Attorneys, to be furnished to the deputy sheriff, District of Urnzinto, within fourteen (14) days of the date of sale. 3. Attention of the prospective purchasers is directed to the provisios of the Group Areas Act. The property is in a White area. 4. The purchaser shall pay auctioneer's charges on the date of sale and in addition transfer dues, costs of transfer plus arrear rate and any other charges necessary to effect transfer upon request by the attorney for the execution creditor. The full conditions of sales may be inspected at the office of the Deputy Sheriff, rear entrance of Barclays Western BanklMr Rooster's Building, Scott Street, Scottburgh, Dated at Urnzinto this 20th day of September Singh & Gharbaharan, Attorney for Judgment Creditor, First Floor, Mosque Centre, Main Road, P.O. Box 293, Urnzinto, Reference: Mr Singh. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Durban and Coast Local Division) Case 1098/88 In the matter between Ual Merchant Bank Limited. Execution Creditor, and Michael Dennis Harrison, Execution Debtor In pursuance of a judgment granted on 7 April 1988, in the above Honourable Court and under a writ of execution issued thereafter, the immovable property listed hereunder will be sold in execution on 25 November 1988 at lohoo on the steps of the Supreme Court, Masonic Grove, Durban, to the highest bidder. Description: Section 2 in the building known as Lonsascot, situate on Sub 185 of the farm Harrietwood 13352, in the City of Durban, measuring one hundred and twenty one (121) square metres. Held under Certificate of Registered 155f1983 (2) (Unit) and situate at 95a Brettenwood Avenue, Umbilo, Durban. Improvements: The improvements to the property consist of the following although nothing is guaranteed: Maisonette: An upstairs maisonette, brick and plaster under tile roof, consisting of two bedrooms, one lounge, one diningroom, one kitchen, one bathroom with shower, one separate toilet. Outbuildings: One single garage, brick and plaster under concrete roof, one servant's quarters, brick and plaster under asbestos roof. Town planning: Special residential 650. Group Areas Act: White group area. Material conditions: 1. The sale shall be subject to the terms and conditions of the Supreme Court Act and the Rules made thereunder. 2. The purchaser shall pay a deposit of 10 % of the purchase price-in cash at the time of the sale, the balance against registration of transfer to be secured by a bank or building society guarantee to be furnished within 14 days of the day of sale. The purchaser shall pay auctioneer's charges on the day of the sale and calculated as follows: 5 % on the proceeds of the sale up to an amount of fifteen thousand rand (R15 000,00) and thereafter 2,5 % up to a maximum charge of five thousand rand (RS 000,00) with a minimum charge of fifty rand (RSO,OO). 3. The attention of all prospective purchaser is directed to the provisions of the Group Areas Act. 4. The full conditions may be inspected at the Deputy Sheriffs office, 1103 SanlamCentre, 331 West Street, Durban. Dated at Durban this 18th day of October Webber Wentzel, Execution Creditor's Attorneys, c/o Shepstone & Wylie, 41 Acutt Street, Durban. Ref: EDW/nrnf5471G. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Durban and Coast Local Division) Case 4533/86 In the matter between Nedbank Limited, Plaintiff, and Kelvin John Ellard. First Defendant and Marcelle Alix Ellard, Second Defendant In pursuance of a Judgment in the Supreme Court of South Africa, Durban and Coast Local Division dated the 30 July 1986 the immovable property listed hereunder will be sold in execution on the 25 November 1988 at IOhOO on the steps of the Supreme Court, Masonic Grove, Durban, Natal to the highest bidder. Property description: Sub 6 of Lot 107 Amanzimtoti, situate in the Borough of Amanzimtoti and in the Amanzimtoti Regional Water Services Area, Administrative District of Natal, in extent I 500 (one thousand five hundred) square metres and situate at 281 Old Main Road, Amanzimtoti, Natal. Town planning zoning: General residential. Group Areas Act: Group entitled to occupation: White. Improvements: (a) Plaster single storey dwelling under tiled roof: 1 kitchen, 1 bathroom, I basinlshowerftoilet on suite, back patio, 6 rooms, 1 small dressing room. (b) Outbuilding-Plaster, tiled roof being double garage. Nothing is guaranteed in respect of the above. 1_ The sale shall be subject to the terms and conditions of the Supreme Court Act and the Rules made thereunder. 2. No bid shall be accepted by or on behalf of a person who is not a member of the White Group and the purchaser (other than the execution creditor) shall pay a deposit of 10 % of the purchase price in cash at the time of the sale. 3. The balance of the purchase price is payable against transfer to be secured by a bank or building society guarantee approved by the execution creditor's attorneys and to be furnished within fourteen (14) days after the date of sale. 4. The purchaser shall be liable for the payment of interest to the execution creditor and to the bondholderls (if any) from date of sale to date of registration of transfer, as set out in the conditions of sale.

100 100 No GOVERNMENTGAZETIE, 4 NOVEMBER Transfer shall be effected by thel attorneys for the execution creditor and the purchaser shall pay all transfer costs, including arrear and current rates, sewerage connection fees (if any), taxes or other necessary to effect transfer on request by the said attorneys. 6. The full conditions of sale may be inspected at the office of the Deputy Sheriff. Dated at Durban this 13th day of Ootober Van Onselen Coppen & O'Connell, Executions Creditor's Attorneys, 405 Salmon Grove Chambers, 407 Smith Street, Durhan. Ref: A. G. de RonchilLEl07. IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRlCT OF DURBAN HELD AT DURBAN Case 34%9/88 In the matter between The New Republic Bank Limited, Plaintiff, and J. Venketroyalu, Defendant In pursuance of a judgment granted on the 23rd of March 1988 in the above Court and under a Writ of Execution issued thereafter the immovable property described hereunder shall be sold in execution on the 25th of November 1988 and is to take place in front of the Magistrate's Court, Somtseu Road Entrance, Durban, at lohoo to the highest bidder. Description ofgoods: Section 5 in the building known as Harrington Mews as shown and more fully described on Diagram 28/1985 of which section the floor area, according to the Sectional Plan is one hundred and twenty four (124) square metres in extent. Postal address: 5 Harrington Mew., comer of lnwabi and Gokul Roads, Isipingo. Improvements: I lock-up garage, I lounge and diningroom, 1 kitchen, 1 T.V. room, 1 family bathroom with en suite, 2 bedrooms. Material conditions: 1. The sale shall be subjected to the: terms and conditions of the Magistrate's Court Act and the Rules made hereunder. 2. The sale is for cash only. 3. The property is sold "voetstoots". Dated at Durhan this 14 day of October Harkoo, Brijlal & Reddy, Plaintiffs Attorneys, 602 Kara Centre, 3 Bond Street, Durban. Ref: Mr ReddylN467NP. Tel: /3. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE SOUTH AFRICA (Durban and Coast Local Division) Case In the matter between The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited, Plaintiff, and SOOva Plant Hire (Pty) Ltd, First Defendant and Kevin Bryan Healey, married out of community of property, Second Defendant In pursuance of a Judgment granted on the 5th April 1988, in the above Honourable Court, and a warrant of execution, the immovable property mentioned hereunder will be sold in execution to the highest bidder on the 22nd day of November, 1988, at a.m. in front of the ~,~atlistrate's Court. Eshowe, and subject to the terms and conditions which shall be read out by the Messenger of the Court, Eshowe/Stanger, at the time of the sale. Sub I of Lot 787 Eshowe, situate In the Borough of Eshowe, Administrative District of Natal, in extent square metres. The property consists of avacant lot. I. The sale is subject to the terms Ilnd conditions of the Ma~istrate' s Court Act. 2. The purchaser shall pay a depdsit of 10 % of the purchase price in cash on the date of the sale and the balance on registration of transfer, to be secured by a bank or building society guarantee furnished to the Messenger of the Court within fourteen (14) days after the sale to be approved by the plaintiffs attorneys. 3. Purchaser's attention is directed to the conditions of the Group Areas Act. The property is situated in a proclaimed White area. The full conditions of sale may 00 inspected at the offices of the Messenger of the Court, Stanger and Eshowe. Dated at Eshowe this 17th day of October W. E. White, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Star Theatre Building, Osborn Road, P,O. Box 131, Eshowe, 3815, IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DlSTRlCT OF DURBAN HELD AT DURBAN Case %8145/88 Between Allied Building Society Limited, No. 8110%375/06, Plaintiff, and Jacobus Johannes Eduart van Zyl, Defendant In pursuance of a Judgment grll[lted on the IIth day of July, 1988, in the Court of the Magistrate, Durban and under a writ of execution issued thereafter, the immovable property listed hereunder shall be sold in execution to the highest bidder on the 18th day of November, 1988 at a.m. in front of the Magistrate's Court Buildiag, Somtseu Road, Durban. Description: Section 7 as shown and more fully described on Sectional Plan 48/87 ("the sectional plan") in the building or buildings known as "Xanadu" of which section the floor, area, according to the said sectional plan is one hundred and sixteen (116) square metres in extent ("the mortgaged section") and an undivided share in the common property in the land and building or buildings as shown and more fully descriood on the said sectional plan ("the common property' ') apportioned to the mortgaged section in accordance with the participation quota of the mortgaged section. Postal address: Flat 7, "Xanadu", 228 Roland Chapman Drive, Montclair. Improvements: 1double storey flat comprising of upstairs-2 bedrooms, downstairs-lounge, diningroom, bathroom, kitchen. Group Areas Act: Group entitled to purchase: White, Town planning zoning: General Residential 2. Special priveleges: Nil. Nothing is guaranteed in the above respects. I. The sale shall be subject to the terms and conditions of the Magistrate's Court Act and the Rules made thereunder. 2. L The purchaser shall pay a deposit of 10 % of the purchase price and the auctioneer's commission in cash immediately after the sale, and the balance against transfer to be secured by a bank or building society guarantee to be furnished to the Messenger of the Court within fourteen days after the sale to be approved by the Plaintiffs Attorneys.

101 STAATSKOERANT, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No The purchaser shall be liable for payment of interest at the rate of 14,5 % per annum to the execution creditor and to the bondholderls at a prescribed rate of interest per annum on the respective amounts of the awards to the execution creditor and to the bondholderls in the plan of distribution from the date of sale to date of transfer. 3. Inasmuch as the defendant is a member of the White Group, no bids will be accepted by or on behalf of a person who is not a member of such group, unless such person exhibits to the auctioneer, at the sale, a permit authorising him to acquire such property which is in a proclaimed White area. 4. Transfer shall be effected by the attorneys of the plaintiff and the purchaser shall pay all the transfer dues, including transfer duty, current and any arrear rates, and other necessary charges to effect transfer upon request by the said attorneys. The full conditions of sale may be inspected at the offices of the Messengers of the Court, Durban South, at 40 St George's Street, Durban. Dated at Durban this 11th day of October, Romer Robinson & Catterall, Plaintiffs Attorneys, Seventh Floor, Allied Building, Gardiner Street, Durban. IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF DURBAN HELD AT DURBAN Case 24800/88 Between Allied Building Society Limited, No. 87/02375/06, Plaintiff, and Johannes Jacobus Bernardus Swart, Defendant In pursuance of a Judgment granted on the 26th day of July 1988, in the Court of the Magistrate, Durban and under a writ of execution issued thereafter, the immovable property listed hereunder shall be sold in execution to the highest bidder on the 18th day of November, 1988 at a.m. in front ofthe Magistrate's Court Building, Somtseu Road, Durban. Description: Section two (2) as shown and more fully described on Sectional Plan ("the sectional plan") in the building or buildings known as Fynlea of which section the floor area, according to the said sectional plan is 107 square metres (one hundred and seven) in extent ("the mortgaged section") and an undivided share in the common property in the land and building or buildings as shown and more fully described on the said sectional plan (' 'the common property") apportioned to the mortgaged section in accordance with the participation quota of the mortgaged section. Postal address: Flat 2, Fynlea, 26/30 Compromise Crescent, Bluff, Durban. Improvements: Brick under asbestos simplex flat comprising of loungeldiningroom combined, 2 bedrooms, kitchen and bath/toilet/shower. Group Areas Act: Group entitled to purchase: White. Town planning zoning: General Residential 2. Special priveleges: Nil. Nothing is guaranteed in the above respects. I. The sale shall be subject to the terms and conditions of the Magistrate's Court Act and the Rules made thereunder The purchaser shall pay a deposit of lo % of the purchase price and the auctioneer's commission in cash immediately after the sale, and the balance against transfer to be secured by a bank or building society guarantee to be furnished to the Messenger of the Court within fourteen days after the sale to be approved by the Plaintiffs Attorneys The purchaser shall be liable for payment of interest at the rate of 14,5 % per annum to the execution creditor and to the bondholderls at a prescribed rate of interest per annum on the respective amounts of the awards to the execution creditor and to the bondholderls in the plan of distribution from the date of sale to date of transfer. 3. Inasmuch as the Defendant is a member of the White group, no bids will be accepted by or on behalf of a person who is not a member of such group, unless such person exhibits to the auctioneer, at the sale, a permit authorising him to acquire such property which is in a proclaimed White area. 4. Transfer shall be effected by the attorneys of the plainiff and the purchaser shall pay all the transfer dues, including transfer duty, current and any arrear rates, and other necessary charges to effect transfer upon request by the said attorneys. The full conditions of sale may be inspected at the offices of the Messenger of the Court, Durban South, at 40 SI. George's Street, Durban. Dated at Durban this 11th day of October, Romer Robinson & Catterall, Plaintiff s Attorneys, Seventh Floor, Allied Building, Gardiner Street, Durban. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Durban and Coast Local Division) Case 2212/88 In the matter between Boland Bank Limited, Plaintiff, and Christopher Baden Hall, Defendant In terms of a judgment of the above Honourable Court dated 2nd June 1988, a sale inexecution will be held on Friday, 25th November 1988 at lohoo on the steps of the Supreme Court, Masonic Grove, Durban, the highest bidder without reserve.. Section 17 as shown and more fully described on Sectional Plan 205/87 in the building or buildings known as Arnanzimtoti Gardens, of which floor area, according 10 the said sectional plan, is eighty (80) square metres. Physical address: Flat 15, Amanzimtoti Gardens, 33 Somerset Way, Amanzimtoti. The following information is furnished but not guaranteed: The property consists of 2 bedrooms, I lounge/kitchen, I bathroom/toilet. The property is zoned for ownership by members of the White group and the area is zoned' 'special residential". The aforesaid sale shall be subject to the conditions of sale which may be inspected at the office of the Deputy Sheriff, 1103 Sanlam Centre. 331 West Street, Durban. Dated at Durban this 20th day of October Strauss Daly, Attomeys, lith Floor, The Marine, 22 Gardiner Street, Durban, Ref: /88. Tel: IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF INANDA HELD AT VERULAM Case 1880/88 In the matter between AUied Building Society Limited, Plaintiff, and Muthusam married in community of property to Arnarapethy, Defendant In pursuance of a Judgment granted on the 7th July 1988 in the Court of the Magistrate, Verulam, and under a writ of execution issued thereafter, the immovable property listed hereunder will be sold in execution on the 18th day of November, 1988 at a.m. in front of the Magistrate's Court, Verulam to the highest bidder.

102 101 No GOVERNMENT GAZETIE, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 Description: A certain piece of lwlld being: Lot 3337 Tongaat (Extension 26), situate in the Township oftongaat, Administrative District of Natal, in extent three hundred and twenty six (3~16) square metres. Postal address: 117 Sastri Circle, Belvedere, Tongaat, Natal. Improvements: Brick under tile dwelling comprising 3 bedrooms, I lounge, 1 kitchen, 1 bathroom and I toilet. Nothing is guaranteed in the above respects. Material conditions: 1. The sale shall be subject to the terms and conditions ofthe Magistrate's Court Act and the Rulc;s made thereunder. 2. (a) The purcha~r shall pay a deposit of ten per centum (10 %) of the purchase price and the auctioneer's commission in cash immediately after the sale and the balance against transfer to be secured by a bank or building society guarantee to be approved by the Plaintiff s Attorneys to be furnished to the Messenger of the Court within fourteen (14) days afterthe sale. (b) The purchaser shall be liable for payment of interest at the rate of sixteen per centum (16 %) per annum to the plaintiff on the amount of the award to the plaintiff in the plan of distribution from the date of sale to date of transfer, both days inclusive. 3. Transfer shall be effected by the attorneys for the plaintiff and the purchaser shall pay all transfer costs, including arrear and current rates, sewerage connection fees (if any), taxes and all other charges necessary to effect transfer on request by the said attorneys. 4. Inasmuch as the Defendants lule members of the Indian group, no bids will be accepted by or on behalf of a person who is not a member of such group unless such person exhibits to thc~ auctioneer at the sale a pennit from the Minister concerned authorising him to acquire such property. The full conditions of sale may be inspected at the office of the Messenger of the Court, Verulam, 2 Mount View Shopping Centre, comer of Inanda Road and Jacaranda Avenue, Mount View, Verulam, or at the offices of Biebuyck & Company, Second Floor, J.B.S. Building, 78 Field Street, Durban. Dated at Durban this 5th day of O tober, Biebuyck & Company, Plaintiffs Attorneys, Second Floor, J.B.S. Building, 78 Field Ster, Biebuyck & Company, Plaintifreet, Durban. Ref: Mr Gardyne/GAL.I05.5. IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF DURBAN HELD AT DURBAN Case In the matter between South African Permanent BuDding Society, Plaintiff, and Patricia Vernan Spencer, Defendant In pursuance of a Judgment granted on the 16th August 1988 the Court of the Magistrate Durban and under a writ of execution issued thereafter, the immovable property listed hereunder shall be sold in execution to the highest bidder on the 25th day of November 1988 at 10hOO in front of the Magistrate's Court, Somtseu Road Entrance, Durban. Description: Lot 312, Austerville, situate in the City of Durban Administrative District of Natal. in extent one hundred and eighty six (186) square metres. Postal address: 39 Richard Winn Road, Wentworth, Durban. Zoning: Coloured area. The property consists of: One brij.;k under tile, double storey dwelling, upstairs 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, downstairs lounge, diningroom, kitchen and I bathroom The sale shall be subject to the terms and conditions of the Magistrate's Court Act and the Rules made thereunder The property shall be sold as it stands i.e. vnetstoots and subject to all conditions of the title deed The purchaser shall pay a d<lposit of 10 % of the purchase price and the auctioneer's commission in cash immediately after the sale, and the balance against transfer to be secured ~y a bank or building society guarantee to be furnished to the Messenger of Court within fourteen (14) days after the sale to be approved by the Plaintiff s Attorneys. 2. The purchaser shall be liable for payment of interest at the rate of 16,5 % per annum to the plaintiff on the amount of the award to the plaintiff in the plan of distribution from the date of sale to date of transfer. 3. Inasmuch as the defendant is a member of the Coloured no bids will be accepted by or on behalf of a person who is not a member of such group, unless such person exhibits to the auctioneer a pennit authorising him to acquire such property which is in a proclaimed area. 4. Transfer shall be effected by the attorneys of the plaintiff and the purchaser shall pay all the transfer dues, including transfer duty, current and any arrear rates, and other necessary chargtls to effect transfer upon request by the said attorneys. The full conditions of the sale may be inspected at the offices of the Messenger of Court, 101 Lejaton Building, 40 St George's Street, Durban. Dated at Durban this 17th day of October A. Christopher & Company, Plaillltiffs Attorney, First Floor, Rustomjee Trust Building, 140 Queen Street, Durban, Our Ref: Miss SubrlllDQney/kr/43. IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF DURBAN HELD AT DURBAN Case 18923/88 In the matter between AJlied Buildif!g Society, Plaintiff, and Jaganathan Pillay, married in community of property to Prabawathy Jaganatban, Defendant In pursuance of a Judgment granted on the 14th July 1988 in the Court of the Magistrate, Durban, and under a writ of execution issued thereafter, the immovable property listed hereunder will be sold in execution on the 17th day of November, 1988 at a.m. in front of the Magistrate's Court, Somtseu Road, Durban to the highest b\idder. Description: A certain piece of land being: Sub 18 of Lot 270 Kenville. situa'!e in the City of Durban, Administrative District of Natal, in extent one thousand one hundred and forty six (I 146) square metres. Postal address: 74 Kew Road, Kenvil/e, Durban. Improvements: Brick and tile dwelling consisting of: Upstairs: 3 bedrooms, 1 lounge, I dining room, 1 kitchen. I toilet and bathroom, 1 toilet. Downstairs: 1 kitchen, 2 bedrooms, I lounge. I toilet and bathroom.

103 STAATSKOERANT, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No Outbuilding: 1single garage, 1 servant's room, 1 toilet and shower. Nothing is guaranteed in the above respects. Material conditions: 1. The sale shall be subject to the terms and conditions of the Magistrate's Court Act and the Rules made thereunder. 2. (a) The purchaser shall pay a deposit of ten per centum (10 %) of the purchase price and the auctioneer's commission in cash immediately after the sale and the balance against transfer to be secured by a bank or building society guarantee to be approved by the Plaintiff s Attorneys to be furnished to the Messenger of the Court within fourteen (14) days after the sale. Material conditions: 1. The sale shall be subject to the terms and conditions of the Magistrate's Court Act and the Rules made thereunder. 2. (a) The purchaser shall pay a deposit often per centum (10 %) of the purchase price and the auctioneer's commission in cash immediately after the sale and the balance against transfer to be secured by a bank or building society guarantee to be approved by the plaintiffs attorneys to be furnished to the Messenger of the Court within fourteen (14) days after the sale. (b) The purchaser shall be liable for payment of interest at the rate of sixteen per centum (16 %) per annum to the plaintiff on the amount of the award to the plaintiff in the plan of distribution from the date of sale to date of transfer, both days inclusive. 3. Transfer shall be effected by the Attorneys for the Plaintiff and the purchaser shall pay all transfer costs, including arrear and current rates, sewerage connection fees (if any), taxes and all other cbarges necessary to effect transfer on request by the said attorneys. 4. Inasmuch as the defendants are members of the Indian group, no bids will be accepted by or on behalf of a person who is not a member of such group unless such person exhibits to the auctioneer at the sale a permit from the Minister concerned authorising him to acquire such property. The full conditions of sale may be inspected at the office of the Messenger of the Court, Durban North, 15 Milne Street, or at the offices of Biebuyck & Company, Second Floor, J.B.S. Building, 78 Field Street, Durban. Dated at Durban this 27th day of September Biebuyck & Company, Plaintiff s Attorneys, Second Floor, J.B.S. Building, 78 Field Street, Durban. Ref: Mr Gardyne/GAL.949. IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF LOWER TUGELA HELD AT STA.NGER Case Between Jay Pundit & Company, Plaintiff, and A. C. Desai Family Investments (Ply) Ltd, Defendant In the pursuance of a Judgment of the Magistrate for the District of Lower Tuge\a and a writ of Execution dated the 23rd day of August 1988 the following immovable property will be sold in execution by the Messenger of the Court, Lower Tugela, in front of the Magistrate's Court, Stanger at 10hOO on Friday, 25th November 1988, namely: Sub 3 of Lot 212 Stanger, situate in the Borough of Stanger, Administrative District of Natal, in extent 902 square metres. Improvemellls: Adouble storey building, comprising: Upstairs: 2 Bedrooms, lounge, kitchen, bathroom, toilet, verandah. Downstairs: Verandah, an empty shop with storeroom/offtce. Basement: Stockroom. (However, nothing in this respect is guaranteed). Situation: 60 Reynold Street, Stanger. Material conditions: I. 10 % of the purchase price plus the messenger's commission shall be paid in cash immediately after the sale and the balance shall be secured within fourteen (14) days after the sale. 2. The property will be sold voetstoots to the highest bidder subject to a reserve price ofr20 000, The sale shall be subject to the provisions ofthe Magistrate's Court Act and Rules made thereunder. 4. The full conditions of sale shall be available for inspection at the offices of the Plaintiffs Attorneys and Messenger of Court, Lower Tugela, Old Standard Bank Building, Couper Street, Stanger. Dated at Stanger on this 18th day of October Jay Pundit & Company, Plaintiffs Attorneys, 134/6 Rood Street, Suite 1, Jay Krishna Centre, P.O. Box 170, Stanger. Tel: (0324). Fax: Dacex: 4. IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF LADYSMITH HELD AT LADYSMITH Case 26S/87 In the mater between Mahaipaul Rughoobeer Varma, Plaintiff, and Syed Ismail Amod, Defendant In the pursuance of a Judgment in the Court of the Magistrate, Durban dated and a writ of execution issued thereafter, the immovable property listed hereunder will be sold in execution on the 18th November, 1988 at a.m. in front entrace of Magistrate's Court, Pinetown to the highest bidder: Property description: Remainder of Lot 268b of Lot 3 of Klein Zeekoe Vallei 803, situate in the City of Durban, Administrative District of Natal, in extent seven thousand six hundred and eighty six (7 686) square metres. Postal address: 498 Mountbatten Drive, Reservoir Hills, Durban. Improvement: Vacant land. 1. No bid will be accepted by or on behalf of a person who is not a member of the Indian group and the purchaser shall pay a deposit of 10 % of the purchase price in cash immediately after the sale. 2. The balance of the purchase price is payable against transfer to be secured by a bank or building society guarantee by the execution creditor'sl plaintiffs attorneys and to be furnished within fourteen (14) days after the date of sale. 3. The purchaser shah be liable for the payment of interest at the rate of 25 % per annum to the execution creditor's/plaintiff s attorneys from date of sale to date of registration of transfer.

104 104 No GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 4 NOVEMBER Transfer shall be effected by the llttorneys for execution creditor's/plaintiffs attorneys and the purchaser shall pay all transfer costs, including duty, current rates, taxes and other charges necessary to effect transfer on request by the said attorneys. 5. The full conditions of sale may be inspected at the offices of the Messenger of the Court. Dated at Durban on this 30th day ofs ptember R. Bodasing, for Raj Bodasing, M. A. Singh & Company, Plaintiffs Attorneys, Execution Creditor's Attorneys, Third Floor, M. L. Sultan Trust Building, 106 Victoria Street, Durban. Rerer: Mrs A. SeverajlpmlA.I48. ORANGE FREE STATE ORANJE-VRYSTAAT IN DIE HOOGGEREGSHOF VAN SUID-AFRIKA (Oranje-Vrystaatse Provinsiale Afdeling) In die saak tussen Slandard Bank van Suld-Afrlka Beperk, Eiser, en Alan David Cormack, Verweerder Saak 2667/88 Ter uitvoering van 'n vondis van die:bogemelde agbare hof in die bogenoemde saak, sal 'n verkoping, sonder 'n reserweprys, maar behoudens die bepalings van Hofreel 46 (5), gebou word op Vrydag, die 25ste dag van November 1988, om IOhOO, te die volgende adres: Die Hoofingang, Landdroskantore, Tulbachstraat, Welkom, van die 'i>ndervermelde eiendomlme van die verweerder op die voorwaardes wat deur die Vendu-afslaer gelees sal word ten tye van die verkoping en welke voorwailrdes by die kantore van die ondergemelde Adjunk-balju voor die verkoping ter in&a{.. '.'llle, naamlik- Sekere: Erf 561, ook bekend as: Bernardstraat 30, gelee in die dorpsgebied Riebeeckstad, distrik Welkom. Groot: 860 (agt honderd-en-sestig) vierkante meter. Onderhewig: Aan sekere serwitute. Terme: Die koper sal 10 % van die koopsom onmiddellik na die veiling in kontant aan die Adjunk-balju betaa!. Die balans moet verseker word deur 'n bank- ofbougenootskapwaarborg binne veertien (14) dae na afloop van die veiling. D. G. Roberts, vir Webbers, Prokurellrs vir Eiser, Alliedhuis, hlv Maitland- en Wes Burgerstraat, Posbus 501, Bloemfontein, IN DIE LANDDR<i)SHOF VIR DIE DISTRIK VAN ODENDAALSRUS GEHOU TE ODENDAAl.SRUS Saak 2955/88 In die saak tussell Die Allied Bouvereniging 8eperk, Eiser, en Mavuso George Sithole, Verweerder Ingevolge 'n vonnis en 'n lasbrief vir eksekusie gedateer die 30ste dag van September 1988 in die landdroshof te Odendaalsrus sal die reg, titel, belang en bewoningsreg in en tot die vol~nde Huurpageiendom verkoop word op: Saterdag, 26sle dag van November 1988 om IOhOO te die Landdroskantoor. Odendaalsrus. Sekere: Erf740. Gelee te: Die dorpsgebied van Kutlwilnong, distrik Odendaalsrus. Groot: 458 (vier vyf agt) vierkante meter. Onderbewig aan sekere serwitute en gehou kragtens SertifIkaat van Geregistreerde Titel TL 1103/87 geregistreer op 27 Mei Met verbeterings daarop naamlik:. Steen en sinkdak woonhuis bestaande uit: Sitkamer, eetkamer, 3 slaapkanrers, kombuis, badkamer met toilet. Voorwaardes van verkoping: I. Die eiendom sal voetstoots en soooer reserwe verkoop word aan die hoogste bieder onderhewig aan die bepalings van die Wet op Landdroshowe 32 van 1944 soos gewysig, en die Reels daarkragtens uitgevaardig. 2. Die koopprys sal as volg betaalbaar wees: 'n Deposito van tien persent (10 %) van die koopprys in kontant onmiddellik na afhandeling van die veiling en die onbetaalde balans tesame met rente daarop bereken teen 15,25 % per jaar tot datum van registrasie van Transport sal binne 14 (veertien) dae betaal word of gewaarborg word deur 'n g,oedgekeurde bank- of bougenootskap waarborg. 3. Voorwaardes: Die volle verkoopsvoorwaardes wal deur die Afslaer uitgelees sal word onmiddellik voor die verkoping lan gedurende kantoorure by die kantoor van die Geregsbode, Odendaalsrus nagesien word. Gedateer te Odendaalsrus hierdie 12d1e dag van Oktober Grunow Frost & Viljoen, Prokureurs vir Eiser, Viljoengebou, Odendaalstraat 51, Posbus 170, Odendaalsrus, Tel: /5. IN DIE LANDDROSHOF VIR DIE DISTRIK VAN ODENDAALSRUS GEHOU TE ODENDAAl.SRUS Saak 2965/88 In die saak tusllen Die Allied Bouvereniging Beperk, Eiser, en Tbabo Paulus Ntieie, Verweerder Ingevolge 'n vonnis en 'n lasbrief V1ir eksekusie gedateer die 30ste dag van September 1988 in die Landdroshof Ie Odendaalsrus sal die reg, tite!, belang en bewoningsreg in en tol die volgende huurpageiendom verkoop word op: Saterdag, 26ste November 1988 om 10hOO te die landdroskantoor, Odendaalsrus. Sekere: Erf766. Geld te: Die dorpsgebied van Kutlwanong. distrik Odendaalsrus. Groot: 411 (vier een een) vierkante meter. Onderhewig aan sekere serwitute en gehou kragtens SertifIkaat van Geregistreerde Titel TLS geregistreer op 20 Maart Met verbeterings daarop naamlik: Steen en sinkdak woonhuis bestaand,r uit: Sitkamer. 3 slaapkamers, eetkamerlkombuis. badkamerltoilet. Voorwaardes van verkoping: I. Die eiendom sal voetstoots en solllder reserwe verkoop word aan die hoogste bieder onderhewig aan die bepalings van die Wet op Landdroshowe 32 van 1944 soos gewysig. en die Reels daarkragtens uitgevaardig.

105 STAATSKOERANr, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No Die koopprys sal as volg betaalbaar wees; 'n Deposito van tien persent (10 %) van die koopprys in kontant onmiddellik na afuandeling van die veiling en die onbetaalde balans tesame met rente daarop bereken teen 15,25 % per jaar tot datum van registrasie van Transport sal binne 14 (veertien) dae betaal word of gewaarborg word deur 'n goedgekeurde bank ofbougenootskap waarborg. 3. Voorwaardes: Die volle verkoopsvoorwaardes wat deur die Afslaer uitgelees sal word onmiddellik voor die verkoping kan gedurende kantoorure by die kantoor van die Geregsbode, Odendaalsrus nagesien word. Oedateer te Odendaalsrus hierdie 12de dag van Oktober Orunow Frost & Viljoen, Prokureurs vir Eiser, ViJjoengebou, Odendaalstraat 51, Posbus 170, Odendaalsrus, Tel: /5. IN OlE LANDDROSHOF VIR OlE DISTRIK V AN ODENDAALSRUS OEHOU TE ODENDAALSRUS Saak 2963/88 In die saal. tussen Die Allied Bouvereniging Beperk, Eiser, en Letsema Cisco Petlo, Verweerder Ingevolge 'n vonnis en 'n lasbrief vir eksekusie gedateer die 30ste dag van September 1988 in die Landdroshof te Odendaalsrus sal die reg, titel, belang en bewoningsreg in en tot die volgende huurpageiendom verkoop word op: Saterdag, 26ste November 1988 om IOhOO te die Landdroskantoor, Odendaalsrus. Sekere: Erf 864. Gelee te die Dorpsgebied van Kutlwanong, distrik Odendaalsrus. Groot: 405 (vier nul vyt) vierkante meter. Onderhewig aan sekere serwitute en gehou kragtens Sertiflkaat van Geregistreerde Titel TL317\187 geregistreer op 10 Desember Met verbeterings daarop naamlik: Steen en sinkdak woonhuis bestaande uit: Sitkamer, eetkamer, 3 slaapkamers, kombuis, badkamer en aparte toilet. Voorwaardes van verkoping: I. Die eiendom sal voetstoots en sonder reserwe verkoop word aan die hoogste bieder onderhewig aan die bepalings van die Wet op Landdroshowe 32 van 1944 soos gewysig, en die Reels daarkragtens uitgevaardig. 2. Die koopprys sal as volg betaalbaar wees: 'n Deposito van tien persent (10 %) van die koopprys in kontant onmiddellik na afhandeling van die veiling en die onbetaalde balans tesame met rente daarop bereken teen 15,25 % per jaar tot datum van registrasie van transport sal binne 14 (veertien) dae betaal word of gewaarborg word deur 'n goedgekeurde bank ofbougenootskap waarborg. 3. Voorwaardes: Die volle verkoopsvoorwaardes wat deur die afslaer uitgelees sal word onmiddellik voor die verkoping kan gedurende kantoorure by die kantoor van die Oeregsbode, Odendaalsrus nagesien word. Oedateer te Odendaalsrus hierdie 12de dag van Oktober Orunow Frost & Viljoen, Prokureur vir Eiser, Viljoengebou, Odendaalstraat 51, Posbus 170, Odendaalsrus, Tel: /5. IN DIE LANDDROSHOF VIR DIE DISTRIK VAN ODENDAALSRUS OEHOU TE ODENDAALSRUS Saak 2!J54/88 In die saal. tussen Die Allied Bouverenlglng Beperk, Eiser, en Mosioua Isaac Lekhetbo, Verweerder Ingevolge 'n vonnis en 'n Lasbrief vir Eksekusie gedateer die 30ste dag van September 1988 in die landdroshof te Odendaalsrus sal die reg, titel, belang en bewoningsreg in en tot die volgende huurpageiendom verkoop word op: Saterdag, 26 November 1988 om IOhOO te die landdroskantoor, Odendaalsrus. Sekere: Erf764. Gelee te die dorpsgebied van Kutlwanong, distrik Odendaalsrus. Groot: 411 (vier een een) vierkante meter. Onderhewig aan sekere serwitute en gehou kragtens Sertiflkaat van Oeregistreerde Titel TL520/1987 geregistreer op 20 Maart Met verbete rings daarop naam1ik: Steen en sinkdak woonhuis bestaande uit: Silkamer, 2 slaapkamers, kombuis, badkamer en toilet. Voorwaardes van verkoping: I. Die eiendom sal voetstoots en sonder reserwe verkoop word aan die hoogsle bieder onderhewig aan die bepalings van die Wet op Landdroshowe 32 van 1944 soos gewysig, en die Reels daarkragtens uitgevaardig. 2. Die koopprys sal as volg betaalbaar wees: 'n Deposito van tien persent (10 %) van die koopprys in kontant onmiddellik na afbandeling van die veiling en die onbetaalde balans tesame met rente daarop bereken teen 15,25 % per jaar tot datum van registrasie van transport sal binne 14 (veertien) dae betaa1 word of gewaarborg word deur 'n goedgekeurde bank ofbougenootskap waarborg. 3. Voorwaardes: Die volle verkoopsvoorwaardes wat deur die afslaer uitgelees sal word onmiddellik voor die verkoping kan gedurende kantoorure by die kantoor van die geregsbode, Odendaalsrus nagesien word. Gedateer Ie Odendaalsrus hierdie 12de dag van Oktober Orunow Frost & Viljoen, Prokureurs vir Eiser, Viljoengebou, Odendaalstraat 51, Posbus 170, Odendaalsrus, Tel: /5. IN DIE LANDDROSHOF VIR OlE DISTRIK VAN ODENDAALSRUS OEHOU TE ODENDAALSRUS Saak 2964/88 In die saak tussen Die Allied Bouvereniging Beperk, Eiser, en Mohau Phillip Monoa, Verweerder Ingevolge 'n vonnis en 'n lasbrief vir ekseksue gedaleer die 30ste dag van September 1988 in die Landdroshof te Odendaalsrus sal die reg, titel, be1ang en bewoningsreg in en tot die volgende Huurpageiendom verkoop word op: Saterdag, 26 November 1988 om lohoo te die landdroskantoor, Odendaalsrus. Sekere: Erf907. Gelee te: Die dorpsgebied van Kutlwanong, distrik Odendaalsrus. Groot: 405 (vier nul vyt) vierkanle meter.

106 106 No GOVERNMENT GAZETIE, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 Onderbewig aan sekere serwitute I~n gehou kragtens Sertiflkaat van Geregistreerde Titel TL 2269/87 geregistreer op 20 September Met veroeterings daarop naamlik: Steen en sinkdak woonhuis bestaande uit: Sitkamer, 2 slaapkamers, kombuis, badkamer, toilet. Voorwaardes van verlwping: L Die eiendom sal voetstoots en sonder reserwe verkoop word aan die hoogste bieder onderbewig aan die bepalings van die Wet op Landdroshowe 32 van 1944 soos gewysig, en die Reels claarkragtens uitgevaardig. 2. Die koopprys sal as volg betaalbaar wees: 'n Deposito van tien persent (10 %) van die koopprys in kontant onmiddellik na afhandeling van die veiling en die onbetaalde balans tesame met rente daarop bereken teen 15,15 % per jaar tot datum van registrasie van Transport sal binne 14 (veertien) dae betaal word of gewaatborg word deur 'n goedgekeurde hank- ofbougenootskap waatborg. 3. Voorwaardes: Die volle verkoopsvoorwaardes wat deur die afslaer uitgelees sal word onmiddellik voor die verkoping kan gedurende kantoorure by die kantoor van die Geregsbode, Odendaalsrus nagesien word. Gedateer te Odendaalsrus hierdie 12k1e dag van Oktober Grunow Frost & Viljoen, Prokureur~ vir Eiser, Viljoengebou, Odendaalstraat 51, Posbus 170, Odendaalsrus, Tel: /5. IN DIE LANDDROSHOF VIR DIE DISTRIK VAN BOTHAVILLE GEHOU TE BOTHAVILLE Saak In die saak tussen S A Permanente Bonl'erenlging, Eksekusieskuldeiser, en MRS Serero. Iste Eksekusieskuldenaar en M. B. Serero, 2de Eksekusieskuldeaar Ingevolge 'n vonnis in die landdf(~shof, Bothaville en 'n lasbrief vir eksekusie gedateer 21 Julie 1988 sal die volgende eiendom by wyse van openbare veiling in eksekusie verkoop word op Vrydag die 2de dag van Desemer 1988 om 10hOO voor die Landdroskantoor, Bothaville. Aile reg, titel en belang in die huurpag ten opsigte van: Erf2220 gelee te Kgotsong, distrik Bothaville. Groot: 270 vierkante meter. Gelwu: kragtens Sertiflkaat van Geregistreerde Toekenning van Huurpag TL 1375/87 gedateer 29 Junie Verbeterings: 'n Drieslaapkamer woonhuis met eetkamer, sitkamer, kombuis, badkamer en toilet. Die eiendom is gesoneer vir woonddeleindes. Voorwaardes van verlwping: 1. Die eiendom sal voetstoots verkoop word aan die hoogste bieder onderhewig aan die bepalings van die Wet op Landdroshowe 32 van 1944, soos gewysig en die reels daarkragtens uitgevaardig. 2. Die koopprys sal as volg betaalbaar wees: 'n Deposito van 10 % (tien persen!) van die koopprys in kontant onmiddellik na afhandeling van die veiling en die onbetaalde balans tesame met rente daarop bereken teen 16,5 % per jaar vanaf datum van verkoping tot datum van registrasie van transport sal binne 21 (een en twintig) dae betaal word of gewaatborg word deur 'n goedgekeurde hank- ofbougenootskapswaarborg. 3. Die volle verkoopsvoorwaardes wat deur die afslaer uitgelees sal word onmiddellik voor die verkoping kan gedurende kantoorure by die kantoor van die geregsbode Bothaville nagesien word. Geteken te Welkom op hede die 12d: dag van Oktober F. J. Kapp, vir Wessels & Smith, pili Rafferty, VanZyl & Viljoen, Fonteinstraat45, BothaviUe. IN DIE HOOGGEREGSHOF VAN SUID-AFRIKA (Oranje-Vrystaatse Provinsiale Afdeling) Saak In die saak tubsen Grabamstad Bouvereniging, Eiser, en Rudolph PhDippus Botba, Verweerder Kennis word hiermee gegee dat ijlgevolge 'n uitspraak van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika (Oranje-Vrystaatse Provinsiale Afdeling) in bogemelde saak op die ISde dag van Augustus 1988 toegestaan en ter uitvoering van 'n Lasbriefvir Eksekusie sal die Adjunk-Balju van Bloemfontein op Vrydag die 18de dag van November 198B om llhoo in die voorrniddag voor die President Brandstraatingang na die Hooggeregshof die volgende eiendom per publleke veiling verkoop: Sekere: Erf 22694, Bioemfontein-liitbreiding 147, gelee in die stad en distrik van Bloemfontein en ook bekend is as Kiepersollaan 100, Flora, Bloemfontein. Die koper sal 10 % van die koste kentant aan die Adjunk-balju betaal en onmiddellik na die verkoping. Die balans moet verseker word deur-bankof bougenootskapwaarborg wat binne vqertien dae na datum van verkoping aan die Adjunk-balju gelewer moet word. Indien die eiendom deur die Berste Verbandhouer gekoop word, hoef die 10'% kontantbetaling nie gemaak te word nie. Die gemelde eiendom sal verkoop' word op die voorwaardes wat uitgelees sal word deur die Adjunk-balju ten lye van die verkoping en welke voorwaardes nagegaan kan word ten kanlore van die Adjunk-balju van Bloemfontein. R. J. Britz, vir Siebert & Honey, Prokureurs vir Eiser, Tweede Verdieping, Santamgebou, AIiwalstraat, Bloemfontein. IN DIE HOOGGEREGSHOF VAN SUID-AFRIKA (Oranje-Vrystaatse Provinsiale Afdellng) Saak 2633/88 In die saak Misen Grabamstad Bouvereniging, Eiser, en Martin Frederick Strydom, Verweerder Kennis word hiermee gegee dat ing!::volge 'n uitspraak van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrlka (Oranje-Vrystaat Provinsiale Afdeling) in bogemelde saak op I September 1988 toegestaan en<ter uitvoering van 'n Lasbrief vir. Eksekusie, sal die Adjunk-balju van Bloemfontein op Vrydag die 18de dag van November 1988 om 11hOO in die voorroiddag voor die President Brandstraatingang van die Hooggeregshof die volgende eiendom per openbare veiling verkoop word: Sekere: Erf (Bloemfontein-uitbreiding 147) gelee in die stad en distrik van Bloemfontein en ook bekend as Kiepersollaan 78, Flora Park, Bloemfontein.

107 STAATSKOERANT, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No Die koper sal 10 % van die koste kontant aan die Adjunk-balju betaal en onmiddellik na die verkoping. Die balans moet verseker word deur 'n bankof bougenootskapwaaroorg wat binne veertien dae na datum van verkoping aan die Adjunk-balju gelewer moet word. Indien die eiendom deur die Eerste VeIbandhouer gekoop word hoef die 10 % kontantbetaling nie gemaak te word nie. Die gemelde eiendom sal verkoop word op die voorwaardes wat uitgelees sal word deur die Adjunk-balju ten rye van die verkoping en welke voorwaardes nagegaan kan word te kantore van die Adjunk-balju, Bloemfontein. R. J. Brits, vir Siebert & Honey, Prokureurs vir Eiser, Tweede Verdieping, Santamgebou, Aliwalstraat, Bloemfontein. IN DIE LANDDROSHOF VIR DIE DlSTRlK BLOEMFONTEIN GEHOV TE BLOEMFO~lEIN In die saak tussen mev. E. J. H. Botha, Eiser, en George Robert Stllo, Verweerder Saak Vit kragte van 'n vonnis van die Landdroshof vir die distrik van Bloemfontein gehou te Bloemfontein en kragtens 'n lasbrief vir Eksekusie gedateer 9 Augustus 1988 sal die volgende eiendom per publieke veiling vir kontant op Vtydag, die 25ste dag van November 1988 om lohoo te die Landdroshof Bloemfontein, Qranje-V tystaat, aan die hoogste bieer verkoop word: Sekere: Sekere Erf 2783 gelee in die stad en distrik Bloemfontein en beter bekend as Petuniasingel40, Heidedal, Bloemfontein. Groot: 312 vierkante meter. Gehou: Kragtens Transportakte 6908/1985. Die eiendom bestaan onder andere uit die volgende: W oonkamer. sitkamer, eetkarner, kombuis, gang, een badkamer en drie slaapkamers. Die belangrikste voorwaardes van verkoping: (a) Die eiendom sal sonder 'n reserweptys verkoop word maar is die verkoping onderhewig aan die goedkeuring en bekragtiging deur die Eiser en wei binne sewe (7) dae na datum van veiling. (b) Die Koper moet 'n deposito van 10 % van die koopptys kontant op die dag van die verkoping betaal en die balans betaalbaar teen transport en verseker te word deur 'n waaroorg van 'n bank enlof bougenootskap wat deur die eiser se prokureurs goedgekeur is, die waarborg aan die geregsbode binne tien (lo) dae na die datum van die verkoping verstrek te word. (c) Die koper sal verder verantwoordelik wees vir betaling van rente aan eiser teen 15 % per jaar op die koopsom bereken vanaf datum van ondertekening hiervan tot datum van transport, beide datums ingesluit. Die koper moet ook afslaersgelde op die dag van die verkoping betaal en ook hereregte, transportkoste en agterstallige belastings en ander uitgawes en heffings wat nodig is om transport te laat geskied op versoek van die prokureurs van die vonnisskuldeiser. (d) Die eksekusieskuldeiser enlof eksekusieskuldeiser se prokureur enlof geregsbode waarborg geensins enige van die inligting hierin verme1d. Die verkoopsvoorwaardes is ter insae by die kantore van die Geregsbode te Bloemfontein, Oranje Vtystaat enlof pia die Eksekusieskuldeiser se Prokureurs, mnre. Symington & De Kok, Tweede, Derde en Vierde Verdiepings, NBS-gebou, Elizabethstraat, Bloemfontein gedurende kantoorure. P. A. C. Jacobs, Prokureurs vir die Eiser, Symington & De Kok, NBS-gebou, Elizabethstraat, Bloemfontein. IN DIE LANDDROSHOF VIR DIE DlSTRlK BLOEMFONTEIN GEHOV TE BLOEMFONTEIN Saak In die saak tussen Mellin & Vennote, Eiser, en Petrus Lytsika, Verweerder Vit kragte van 'n vonnis van die landdroshof vir die distrik van Bloemfontein gehou te Bloemfontein en kragtens 'n lasbrief vir Eksekusie gedateer 30 Junie 1988 sal die volgende eiendom per publieke veiling vir kontant op die 25ste November 1988 om lohoo te die Peetlaan-ingang tot die Landdroshof Bloemfontein, Oranje-Vrystaat, aan die hoogste bieer verkoop word: Sekere: Standplaas 5841 gelee in die woongebied van Phahameng distrik van Manguang. Groot: Plus minus 300 vk meter. (Standplaas eienaar). Die eiendom bestaan onder andere uit die volgende: 6 vertrekke plus I badkamer. Die belangrikste voorwaardes van verkoping: (a) Die eiendom sal sonder 'n reserweptys verkoop word maar is die verkoping onderhewig aan die goedkeuring en bekragtiging deur die Eiser en wei binne sewe (7) dae na datum van veiling. (b) Die Koper moet: deposito van 10 % van die koopptys kontant op die dag van die verkoping betaal en die balans betaalbaar teen transport en verseker te word deur 'n waaiborg van 'n bank enlof bougenootskap wat deur die eiser se prokureurs goedgekeur is, die waaroorg aan die geregsbode binne tien (10) dae na die datum van die verkoping verstrek te word. (c) Die koper sal verder verantwoordelik wees vir betaling van rente aan eiser teen 12 % per jaar op die koopsom bereken vanaf datum van ondertekening hiervan tot datum van transport, beide datums ingesluit. Die koper moet ook afslaersgelde op die dag van die verkoping betaal en ook hereregte, transportkoste en agterstallige belastings en ander uitgawes en heffings wat nodig is om transport te laat geskied op versoek van die prokureurs van die vonnisskuldeiser. (d) Die eksekusieskuldeiser enlof eksekusieskuldeiser se prokureur enlof geregsbode waarborg geensins enige van die inligting hierin vermeld. Die verkoopsvoorwaardes is ter insae by die kantore van die geregsbode te Barnesstraat, BlOemfontein, Oranje-Vrystaat enlof pia die eksekusieskuldeiser se prokureurs, more. Symington & De Kok, N.B.S.-gebou, Elizabethstraat, Posbus 760, Bloemfontein gedurende kantoorure. P. A. C. Jacobs, vir Symington & De Kok, prokureurs vir die eiser, N B S-gebou, Elizabethstraat, Bloemfontein. IN DIE LANDDROSHOF VIR OlE DISTRlK VAN BLOEMFONTEIN GEHOV TE BLOEMFONTEIN Saak In die saak tussen p, S. J. Mostert, Eiser. en H. A. van Zyl, Verweerder Ingevolge 'n uitspraak in die Hof van die Landdros van Bloemfontein en 'n lasbrief vir geregtelike verkoping gedateer 21 September 1988 sal die volgende eiendom op Vtydag 9 Desember 1988 om lohoo by die Peetlaaningang van die Landdroshof, Bloemfontein aan die hoogste bieder geregtelik verkoop word: Sekere Erf gelee in die stad en distrik Bloemfontein.

108 108 No GOVERNMENT GAZEITE, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 Groot 968 vierkante meter gehoui kragtens Akte van Transport 6502/88, geregistreer 01' 23/6/88 (perseeladres Koedoeweg 187, Fauna, Bloemfontein). Die volgende verbeterings is aangebring maar niks word gewaarborg nie: 3 Slaapkamers; 1badkamer met toilet; spells; sitleetkamer. Die verkoopsvoorwaardes l~ ter illllae by die kantoor van die geregsbode, Barnesstraat 5, Bloemfontein. Geteken te Bloemfontein hierdie 19de dag van Oktober J. H. Truter, pia Naudes, Prokureur vir eiser, Derde Verdieping, Trustfonteingebou, Posbus 260, St Andrewstraat 151, Bloemfontein. IN DIE LANDDROSKANTOOR VIR DIE DlSTRlK BOTHAVILLE GEHOU TE BOTHAVILLE In die Sll2Ik tussen TeDfin (Edms.) Bpk., Eiser, en Johannes Cbrlstiaan Steyn, Verweerder Saak lngevolge die vonnis van die lancldroshof te Bothaville en lasbrief vir eksekusie gedateer 14 Oktober 1988 sal onderstaande eiendom geregtelik verkoop word voor die landdroshofte Bothaville 01' Vrydag, 2de Desember 1988 om lohoo voormiddag, naamiik: Sekere: Resterende gedeelte van dit plaas Rietfontein 458, distrik Bothaville. Groot: 169,2583 (eenhonderd nege en sestig komma twee vyf agt drie) hektaar. 1. Die eiendom sal verkoop word aan die hoogste bieder, sonder voorbehoud, en die verkoping sal onderhewig wees aan die bepalings van die Landdroshowewet 32 van 1944, soos gewysig en reels, asook aan die voorwaaroes bevat in die transportakte en sal verkoop word aan die hoogste bieder. 2. Die koopprys sal betaalbaar wees teen 'n deposito van lo % (tien persenl) 01' datum van verkoping en die uilstaande balans binne 14 dae na die datum van verkoping by wyse van 'n bank- ofbouvereniging waarborg. 3. Die verkoopsvoorwaardes sal voor die aanvang van die verkoping voorgelees word en sal by die kanlore van die Geregsbode, Bothavillle en/of die kantore van mnre. Bock & Van Es, Presidentstraat, Bothaville ter insae wees. Geteken te Bothaville op hierdie die 24ste dag van Oktober Bock & Van Es, Presidentstraat 44, Posbus 1l, Bothaville. IN DIE LAND~OSHOF VIR DIE DISTRlK VAN BLOEMFONTEIN GEHOU TE BLOEMFONTEIN In die saak tussen Die Stadstaad van die Munlslpalitelt van Bloemfontein, Eiser, en A. H. J. Olivier en 1ander, Verweerder Saak 4023/88 Ingevolge 'n uitspraak in die hof "an die landdros van Bloemfontein en 'n lasbrief vir geregtelike verkoping gedateer 21 September 1988 sal die volgende eiendom 01' Vrydag 9 Desember 1988 om lohoo by die Peetiaaningang van die Landdroshof, Bloemfontein aan die hoogste bieder geregtelik verkoop word: Sekere: Erf2837 gelee in die stad endistrik Bloemfontein. Groot: vierkante meter. GelDu kragtens Akte van Transport 3475/87 geregistreer 01' 15/4/87. (Perseeladres is Champion Singel 7, Hilton, Bloemfontein.) Die volgende verbeterings is aangebring ntaar nib word gewaarborg nie: Woonhuis bestaande uit: Drie slaap~amers, badkamer, kombuis, sitleetkamer, gang. Buitegeboue bestaande uit bediende loilet. Die verkoopsvoorwaaroes I~ ter insae by die kantoor van die Geregsbode, Barnesstraat 5, Bloemfontein. Geteken te Bloemfontein hierdie 25ste dag van Oktober J. P. de Wet, vir Naudes, Prokureur vir eiser, Derde Verdieping, Trustfonteingebou, Posbus 260, St Andrewstraat 151, Bloemfontein. PUBLIC AUCTIONS, SALES AND TENDERS OPEiNBARE VEILINGS, VERKOPE EN TENDERS TRANSVAAL UBIQUE AFSLAERS INSOLVENTE BOEDEL VAN J. C. DU PREEZ, MEESTERSVERWYSING T In opdrdg van die Kurator in die inselvente boedel van J. C. du Preez, Meestersverwysing T.162S/88, salons die bates verkoop Ie Aalwynstraat 31, POlchefstroom, 01' Dinsdag, 15 November 1988, om 10 vm. Terme.-Konlanl of bankgewaarborgde tjeks. Telefoon.-{OI48) 7391 of Ubique Afslaers, Die Meent, Van Riebeeckstraat 123, Posbus 208, Potchefstroom. TRANSVAAL LEWENDEHAWE KOOPERASIE BPK. INSOLVENTE BOEDEL VAN G. J. VAN RENSBURG, MEESTERSVERWYSlNG Tl In opdrag van die Voodopige Kurarors in die insolvente boedel van G. J. van Rensburg, Meestersverwysing Tl502/88, sal die volgende per publieke veiling aangebied word 01' die pilliils Boschpoort, dislrik Warmbad, Donderdag, 17 November 1988, om 11hOO. Ligging.-VanafWarmbad, neem die! ElandsfonleinlA1ntaIRankin's Pasteerpad vir 3,7 km. Draai regs met plaas pad vir ± 2 km tot by veilingskrale. Stoetbrahmane.-16 Koeie met kalwers; 14 drdi: koeie (soromige dragtig); 12 verse; 5 jong bulle; 1 stoetbul (Drimbrah EN 20/83); plus saadaandeel van 160 dosisse R\0 Balia King 363/85.

109 STAATSKOERANT, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No * Hienlie Rooi en Wit kudde is van topgehalte b\oedlyne en onderwerp aan standaard toetse vir Brucellose asook Tuberkulose, met negatiewe resultate, VeeartssertifIkaat beskikbaar. Roerende bales, meublement en vuurwapens.-vervoerbare beeslaaibank; swaai beesskaal; 1,5 m staaltafel met twee bankies; 2-wiel sleepwa; staal werkstafel met skroef; skoffelpik; bospik; grawej werkstafel cbroomraamwerk panelite blad; 7 motorwiel skottels; staal knipper; 12 sakkies sement; PVCpyp. Meublement.-Plastiek tuinstel; 3-laai houtbuffet; 2-sitplek bank, 2 stoele; 4 hout kroegstoeltjies; 2 rottang gemakstoele; houtkas met 4 deure; 2 x koffietafels; rottang telefoontafel; dubbelbed; houtlaaikas; divan; ronde dennehout eetkamertafel en 6 stoele; groot Ocean gas-yskas; medium Ocean gas yskas; gordyne; 4 wit staal tuinstoele; 2-deur houtkassie; rottang stoel; vlekvrye staaltafel; 2 x staal kabinette; kubota Al200 kragopwekker; 2-sitplek rottang bank met 2 stoele; HL"-ontwerp lessenaar met stoel; bees klouknip; petrol grassnyer MK IT; hand grassnyer; 4 plastiekbakke en bees protor. Vuurwapens.-9 mm Parabellum Smith & Wesson pistool, Model 59 Sn. A en 'n 44 Ruger S/Black Hawk rewolwer Sn. B2/ V oorwaardes van verkoop.---siegs kontant of bankgewaarborgde tjek met dag van veiling, tensy vooraf vroegtydig met Afslaers gereel. Navrae en katalogusse.-transvaal Lewendehawe Ko5perasie Bpk., Posbus 1546, Pretoria, Tel.: (012) /82; Na-ure, Wessel Smit, Tel.: (012) ; Ockie Nel, Tel.: (012) PLAAS TE KOOP Op las van die Land- en Landboubank van Suid-Afrika sal Eldorado Agentskappe (Edms.) Bpk. op 25 November 1988 om IOhOO voor die Landdroskantoor te Groblersdal die ondergemelde eiendom by publieke veiling verkoop: GEDEELTE 16 ('n Gedeelte van Gedeelte 15) van die plaas BLAAUWBANK 168, Registrasie Afdeling J.S., Transvaal; GROOT 260,3857 bektaar. Soos beskryf in Abe van Transport Tl0539/1980 in die naam van CHARLES GURNEY GERBER Identiteitsnommer Die ligging van hierdie eiendom is soos volg: 20 kid suidoos van Groblersdal Geboue en verbeterings wat beweer word om op die eiendom te bestaan is:- Woonhuis, 2 store, kampong, stoorkarners (sonder dak), 2 pompkamers. Veekerend ornhein. 5 Boorgate, 2 gronddamme. Voornemende kopers se aandag word daarop gevestig dat daar geen verpligting op die Landbank rus om grense of bakens ten opsigte van die eiendom uit te wys nie. Geen versekering kan gegee word dat die gemelde geboue en ander verbeterings wei bestaan, of dat enige daarvan vry van 'n retensiereg of huurkoopooreenkorns is, of dat 'n aangrensende eienaar geen belang of kontribusie-eis ten opsigte van 'n grensheining het nie. Die eiendom word voetstoots verkoop soos dit staan, onderworpe aan aile serwitute en voorwaardes in die titelakte vermeld. Die Voorwaardes van betating van die koopsom is soos volg: Een-vyfde van die koopsom tesarne met aile kostes in verband met die verkoping insluitende advertensiekoste asook enige beiastings en afslaerskommissie teen 2,5 %, moet by toeslaan van die bot in kontant of per bankgewaarborgde tjek betaal word. Die saldo van die koopsom, plus 14,5 % rente daarop vanaf die datum van die verkoping tot datum van hetaling, is binne 3 maande na die datum van die verkoping aan die Landbank betaalbaar. Dit staan die Koper vry om meer as die voorgeskrewe een-vyfde van die koopsom by toeslaan van die bot te betaal, en hy kan die saldo koopprys dadelik of te enige tyd voor verstryking van drie maande na die datum van die verkoping betaal. Die Koper is aanspreeklik vir die hetaling van hereregte, transportkoste, belastings, heffings, boedelregte en regeringslaste (as daar is) en enige ander gelde wat nooig mag wees om transport in sy naam te registreer. Die bedrae ten opsigte hiervan moet betaal word sodra die Landbank dit versoek. Die Landbank hehou hom die reg voor om enige eiendom wat te koop aangebied word te enige tyd van die verkoping te onttrek. PLASE TE KOOP Op las van die Land- en Landboubank van Suid-Afrika sal die Adjunk-balju distrik LETABA op 25 Novemher 1988 om 10hOO voor die Landdroskantoor te TZANEEN die ondergemelde eiendomme by pubjieke veiling verkoop: (1) GEDEELTE 20 ('n gedeelte van Gedeelte 6) van die Plaas JAFFRAY 511, Registrasie Afdeling L.T., TRANSVAAL; GROOT: 24,5519 Hektaar; (2) GEDEELTE 34 Cn gedeelte van Gedeelte 6) van die Plaas JAFFRAY 511, Registrasie Afdeling L.T., TRANSVAAL; GROOT: 42,8266 Hektaar; (3) GEDEELTE 3 ('n gedeelte van Gedeelte I) van die Plaas WELVERWACHf 510, Registrasie AfdelingL.T., TRANSVAAL; GROOT: 18,8437 Hektaar; (4) GEDEELTE 7 ('n gedeelte van Gedeelte 1) van die Plaas WELVERWACHf 510, Registrasie Afdeling L.T., TRANSVAAL; GROOT: 22,2363 Hektaar; (5) GEDEELTE 9 ('n gedeelte van Gedeelte I) van die Plaas JAFFRAY 511, Registrasie Afdeling L.T., TRANSVAAL; GROOT: 149,7466 HEKTAAR; Eiendomme (3) en (4) is gekoppel en sal gesamentlik verkoop word. Soos beskryf in Aktes van Transport T29227/1978 ten opsigte van eiendomme (I) tot (4) en T543 I1/1983 ten opsigte van eiendom (5) in die naam van JOHANNES PIETER BERGMANN Identiteitsnommer Die ligging van hierdie eiendomme is soos volg: 22 kid OOS van Tzaneen Geboue en verbeterings wat heweer word om op die eiendomme te bestaan: Eiendom (1) Geen gebone. Gedeeltelik ornhein. Spruit. Eiendom (2) Geen geboue. Gedeeltelik omhein. Hlanganarivier, keerwal, 2 sementreservoirs. Eiendomme (3) ell (4) Woonhuis. Gedeeltelik omhein. Hlanganarivier, keerwal, boorgat, tenk, sementreservoir. Eiendom (5) Geen geboue. Gedeeltelik ornhein. Hlanganarivier, keerwal, boorgat, sementdam met suipkrippe. Voornernende kopers se aandag word daarop gevestig dat daar geen verpligting op die Landbank rus om grense of bakens ten opsigte van die eiendomme uit te wys nie.

110 110 No GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 Verder word die eiendomme as 'n ctenheid benut en die Landbank kan gevolgjik geen verselrering gee dat die beweerde geboue en ander verbeterings wei op die eiendomme soos Werbo gemeld, gelee is rue, of dat die gemelde geboue en verbeterings wei bestaan, of dat eruge daarvan vry van 'n retensiereg of huurkoopooreenkoms is, of dat 'n aangrensende eienaar geen belang of kontribusie-eis ten opsigte van 'n grensheining het rue. Die eiendomme word voetstoots vetkoop soos dit staan, onderworpe aan aile serwitute en voorwaardes in die titelakte vermeld. Die voorwaardes van betaling van die koopsom is soos volg: Een-vyfde van die koopsom tesamc:: met aile kostes in verband met die verkoping insluitende advertensiekoste asook eruge belastings en afslaerskommissie teen 2,5 %, moet by toeslaan van die bot in kontant of per bankgewaarborgde tjek betaal word. Die saldo van die koopsom, plus 14,5 % rente daarop vanafdie datum van die verkoping tot datum van betaling, is binne 3 maande na die datum van die verkoping aan die Landbank betaalbaar. Dit staan die koper vry om meer IllS die voorgeskrewe een-vyfde van die koopsom by toeslaan van die bot te betaal, en hy kan die saldo koopprys dadelik of te eoige tyd voor verstryking van drie maande na die datum van die verkoping betaa!. Die koper is aanspreeklik vir die bcltaling van hereregte, transportkoste, belastings, heffings, boedelregte en regeringslaste (as daar is) en enige ander gelde wat nodig mag wees om transport in sy naam te registreer. Die bedrae ten opsigte hiervan moet betaal word sodra die Landbank dit versoek. Die Landbank behou hom die reg voor om eruge eiendom wat te koop aangebied word te eruge tyd van die verkoping te onttrek. RADLEY AUCTIONS CC (CK ) linsolvent ESTATE AUCTION OF SMALLHOLDING AT RAYTON INSOLVENT ESTATE OF M. R. ACKERMAN, MASTER'S REFERENCE NUMBER T1922/87 1. When.-Friday, 18 November 1988, at I1hOO. 2. Where.-On the plot (see location). 3. Instructed by the Trustee of the insolvent estate of M. R. Ackerman, Master's Reference Number T , we are selling the following: 3.1 Portion 56 (a portion of Portion 21) of the farm Rietfontein 366, Registration Division JR, Transvaal, 9,4219 ha, also known as Plot 56, Rietfontein, Rayton. On the property is a sturdy and neat stone-built 3-bedroomed dwelling with 1\2 bathrooms, spacious lounge/dining-room, study, kitchen, garage, a separate 1bedroom IItndavel, storeroom, equipped borehole (± 4()()()C1h), deep soft soil, fenced etc. Abeautiful plot near Pretoria. 4. Conditions.-20 % Deposit ofpurchase price at the fall of the hammer and balance 30 days after approval. 5. Location.-At the 4-way stop (just off the freeway at Rayton) drive 1,6 km on the Donkerhoek road, tum left and inunediately left again, 50 meters further tum right to dwelling. 6. Forfurther information please pfwne.--chris Radley at (012) /5, office hours; or (012) , after hours. Radley Auctions CC, CK87/ , Hatfield Forum West, Second Floor, 1067 Arcadia Street, Hatfield, Pretoria; P.O. Box 11202, Brooklyn, Tel.: (012) /5.. RADLEY VEILINGS BK (CK /23) INSOLVENTE BOEDELVEILING VAN HOEWE TE RAYTON INSOLVENTE BOEDEL VANM. R. ACKERMAN, MEESTERSVERWYSINGTl (I) Wanneer.-Vrydag, 18 November 1988, om IlhOO. (2). Waar.-By die hoewe (sien liwng). 3. In opdrag van die Kurator van die insolvente boedel van M. R. Ackerman, Meestersverwysing TI922187, verkoop ons die volgende: 3.1 Gedeelte 56 ('n gedeelte van Gedeelte 21) van die plaas Rietfontein 366, Registrasie Afdeling JR, Transvaal, 9,4219 ha, ook bekend as Hoewe 56, Rietfontein, Rayton. Op die eiendom is stewige en netjiese klipgeboude 3-slaapkamer woonhuis met 1\2 badkamers, ruim sitleetkamer, studeerkamer, kombuis, rnotorhuise, 'n aparte l-s1aapkamer rondawel, stoorkamer, toegeruste boorgat (± 4OOOt'Ih), diep sagte grond, omhein ens. 'n Pragtige hoewe naby Pretoria. 4. Voorwaardes.-20% van koopprys by die val van die hamer en balans 30dae nagoedkeuring. 5. Ligging.-By die 4 rigting-stop (net af van die deurpad by Rayton) ry 1,6 km, op die Donkerhoekpad, draai links en onnrlddellik weer links, 50 meter verder, draai regs na woonhuis. 6. Vir verdere navrae skakel.--clliris Radley, by (012) /5, bedags of(012) , saans. Radley Veilings BK, CK87/ , Hatfield Forum-Wes, Tweede Verdieping, Arcadiastraat 1067, Hatfield, Pretoria; Posbus 11202, Brooklyn, Tel.: (012) /5. PHIL MlNNAAR (BK) AFSLAERS (CK 85/ ) INSOLVENTE BOEDELVEILING VAN 4 PRAGTIGE HOEWES MET WOONHUISE EN KLEUTERSKOOL, TE KENLEY LANDBOUHOEWES, PRETORIA lnsolvente BOEDEL VAN H. J. DE VILLlERS, MEESTERSVERWYSING T In opdrag van die Mede Kurators in die insolvente boedel van H. J. de VUJiers, Meestersverwysing Tl851188, verkoop ODS die onderstaande hoewes op 11 November 1988, om llboo, en veiling vind plaas te Hoewe 35, (ingang Cicillaan) by kleuterskool. 1. Hoewe 33, ingang HoogenholJtlaan.-Groot 2,0255 ha. Woning bestaan uit 3\2 slaapkamers, sitkamer, eetkamer, groot kombuis met kaste, badkamer, klein woonstel met kombuis en badkamer, stoatkamer, swembad, veiligheidsomheining, toegeruste boorgat met munisipale krag. 2. Hoewe 35 met Kleuterskool, infjang Cicillaan.-Groot 2,0259 ha. Woning bestaan uit 3 slaapkamers, groot sitkamer, 2 badkamers, kombuis/eetkamer met kaste plus aparte woonstel met 2 slaapkamers, sitkamer, kombuis, badkamer met toilet, afdakke vir 5 motors met bediendekamer. Twee toegeruste boorgate en munisipale krag. Kleuters!wol.-"Prestige" Kleu1erskool bestaan uit kombuis, 9 klaskamers en toilette met speelterrein. Aparte groot saal ook met toiletgeriewe (akkomodasie vir 500 gaste). Word tanl' verhuur vir R2 287,00 per maand. 3. Hoewe 36, ingang Cicillaan.-.-Groot 2,0259 ha. Woning bestaan uit baie ruirn sitleetk.amer, TV kamer, ingangsportaal, 3 slaapkarners, studeerkamer, kombuis en opwaskamer, SpellS en ingeboude kaste. hoofslaapkamer met eie badkamer en toilet, 2 bediendekamers, afdakke vir 8 motors, 2 motorhuise met stoorkamer. Goed toegeruste boorgat met murusipale krag. Volledige woonstel met kombuis, badkamer, ens.

111 STAATSKOERANT, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No Hoewe 42, ingang Dennislaan.-Groot 2,0259 ha. Woning bestaan uit 4 slaapkamers met 2!1 badkamers, 4 groot motorbuise, volvloermatte, toegeruste boorgat met munisipale krag. Ligging.-Ry met Zambezi-rylaan (Sinoville) in oostelike rigling. Draai links by die bord Kenley in Vinkostraat en dan regs in Orsulalaan en weer links in Cicillaan. Volg wegwysers..terme,-20 % Deposito en balans binne 45 dae na bekragtiging. Besigtiging.-Daagliks van 14hOO tot 18hOO. Afslaersnota.-Hoewes 35, 36 en 42 grens aanmekaar, aansoek vir die beplanning van dorpsontwikkeling is reeds gedoen en voorgele aan die munisipaliteit. Die rioolaansluiting is die enigste vertraging van ontwikkeling. Die eiendomme word goed verbuur en kan ook selfbewoon word. Moenie hierdie veiling misloop nie. Vir verdere inligling skakel die Afslaer. fnligting.-skakel Dick Pienaarby Tel.: (012) , kantoor; of (012) rn1 kantoor-ure. Phil Minnaar (BK) Afslaers (CK ), Skinnerstraat 405, Sunnyside, Pretoria. UBIQUE AFSLAERS INSOLVENTE BOEDEL VAN P. P. J. VAN COLLER, MEESTERSVERWYSING B200/88 In opdrag van die Kurator in die insolvente boedel van P. P. J. van CoDer, MeestersverwysiDg B2OO188, salons die bates verkoop te die plaas Birmingham, distrik Heilbron, op Donderdag, 17 November 1988, om 10 vm. Terme.-Kontant of bankgewaarborgde tjeks. Telefoon.-(0148) 7391 of Ubique Afslaers, Die Meen!, Van Riebeeckstraat 123, Posbus 208, Potchefstroom. MANNIE AUCTIONEERING COMPANY INSOLVENT ESTATE OF RONALD MlCHAELHETZLER, MASTER'S REFERENCE NUMBER T Duly instructed by the Trustee in the above matter, we will sell by public auction at Martins Transport, 5 Brunei Road, Tulisa Park. Johannesburg, on Thursday, 10 November 1988, at 9.30 a.m., the following: Assorted spares, steel shelving etc., and motor vehicles. Terms.-Only cash or bank certified cheques. On view day prior to sale. For further particuklrs apply to the Auctioneers.-Mannie Auctioneering Company, Auctioneers, Appraisers, Stock Liquidators and General Agents, Manmart House, 53 Troye Street, comer of Pritchard Street, P.O. Box 9211, Johannesburg, Telephone: (011) UNITED AUCTIONEERING CO'S SALES INSOLVENT ESTATE OF A. J. AND A. M. S. SWANEPOEL, MASTER'S REFERENCE NUMBER T.1912/88 Duly instructed by the Trustee in the above matter, we will sell by public auction on the spot, 25 Jelliman Street, Noordh~uwel Extension 4, Krugersdorp, on Wednesday, 23 November 1988, at 12 noon the following: Newly completed 3 bedroomed (main-en-suite) residence, situate in the township ofnoordheuwel Extension 4. District ofkrugersdorp. Certain Erf 823, situate 25 Jeiliman Street, in the township of Noordheuwel Extension 4, District of Krugersdorp. Measuring approximately square metres. Upon which is erected a 3 bedroomed (main-en-suite) residence built of plastered brick under tiled roof comprising; Lounge and dining-room combined, TV room, 3 bedrooms (main-en-suite), 2nd bathroom, fully carpeted, fitted kitchen. Bond avaiklble to an approved purchaser. Watchman in attendance. Sale takes place on the spot, 25 Jelliman Street. Noordheuwel Extension 4. Krugersdorp. on Wednesday 23 November at 1Z noon. United Auctioneering Company, Auctioneers & Stock Liquidators, 114 Pritchard Street, Johannesburg. Telephone UNITED AUCTIONEERING CO'S SALES INSOLVENTESTATEOFM. A. ANDC. E. VANDENBERG, MASTER'S REFERENCE NUMBERT Duly instructed by the Trustee in the above matter, we will sell by public auction on the spot, 318 Panda Avenue, Lindhaven Extension 4, Roodcpoort, on Wednesday, 23 November 1988, at a.m. the following: Brand new 3-bedroomed residence. situate in the township oflindhaven Extension 4. District ofroodepoon. Certain Erf 1111, situate 318 Panda Avenue, in the township of Lindhaven Extension 4, District of Roodepoort. Measuring approximately 796 square metres. Upon which is erected a residence built of face brick under tiled roofcomprising: Lounge and dining-room combined, 3 bedrooms, bathroom and toilet, fitted kitchen, carpeted, fully fenced. Bond avaiklble to an approved purchaser. Watchman in attendance. Sale takes pklce on the spot. 318 Panda Avenue, Lindhaven Extension 4. Roodepoort, on Wednesday, 2J November at a.m. United Auctioneering Company, Auctioneers & Stock Liquidators, 114 Pritchard Street, Johannesburg. Telephone

112 112 No GOVERNMENT GAZETIE, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 UNITED AUCTIONEERING CO'S SALES INSOLVENT ESTATE OF A. F. R. ANDJ. DESOUSA,MASTER'S REFERENCE NUMBER Tl Duly instructed by the Trustee in the above matter, we will sell by public auction on the spot, 2 Rooihekkie Street, Mackensie Park, Benoni, on Tuesday, 22 November 1988, at a.m. the following: Corner stand with 3-bedroomed (main-en-suite) residence situate in the township 0/Mackensie Park, District 0/Benoni. Certain Erf 377, situate 2 Rooibekkie Street, Comer of Kestel Street in the township of Mackensie Park, District of Benoni. Measuring approximately I 179 square metres. Upon whicl1 is erected a residence built of face brick under tiled roof comprising: Lounge, dining-room, 3 bedrool$ (main-en-suite), 2nd bathroom, fitted kitchen, fully carpeted. Outbuildings.-Brick paved driv~way to garage, outside toilet. Front and back garden. Enclosed court yard. Bond available to an approved purchaser. Forfurther particulars and viewing please contact the Auctioneers. Sale takes place on the spot, 2 Rooibekkie Street, Corner 0/Kestel Road. Mackensie Park.lfenoni, on Tuesday, 22 November 1988, at a.m. United Auctioneering Company, Auctioneers & Stock Liquidators, 114 Pritchard Street, Johannesburg. Telephone UNITED AUCTIONEERING CO'S SALES INSOLVENT ESTATEOFM. H. AND L. R. LOOTS, MASTER'S REFERENCE NUMBER T Duly instructed by the Trustee iii the above matter, we will sell by public auction on the spot, 23 Whittle Road, Groeneweide, Boksburg, on Tuesday, 22 November 1988, at 10 a.m. the following: 2-Bedroomed residence, situate ill the township o/groeneweide, District 0/Boksburg. Certain Erf 216, situate 23 Whittl~ Road, in the township ofgroeneweide, District of Boksburg. Measuring approximately 949 square metres. Upon which is erected a residence built of pl$tered brick under tiled roof comprising: Entrance hall, Lounge and dining'ifoom combined, 2bedrooms, bathroom and ~oilet, kitchen. Outbuildings.-Car port, servant's quarters and toilet, fully fenced, front and back garden. Bond available to an approved purchaser. Forfurther particulars and viewifl please apply to the auctioneers. Watchman in attendance. Sale takes place on the spot, 23 Whittle Road, Groeneweide, Boksburg, on Tuesday, 22 November 1988, at 1Q a.m.. United Auctioneering Company, Auctioneers & Stock Liquidators, 114 Pritchard Street, Johannesburg. Telephone UNITED AUCTIONEERING CO'S SALES INSOLVENif ESTATE OF c. K. GILBERTSON, MASTER'S REFERENCE NUMBER T Duly instructed by the Trustee in the above matter, we will sell by public auction on the spot, 4 Bower Street, Minnebron, District of Brakpan, on Tuesday, 22 November 1988, at [p.m. the following: 3-Bedroomed residence, situate in the township 0/Minnebron, District 0/Brakpan. Certain En 654, situate 4 Bower S!treet in the township of Minnebron, District of Brakpan. Measuring approximately 679 square metres, upon which is erected a 3-bedroomed residence builf of plastered brick under galvanised iron roof comprising: Lounge and dining-room combine4, TV room, 3 bedrooms, bathroom and toilet, kitchen. Outbuildings.-Frontand back gun, fully fenced, toilet. Bond available to an approved pu,.:haser. Watchman in attendance. Sale takes place on the spot, 4 BolWtr Street, Minnebron, Brakpan, on Tuesday, 22 November 1988, at p.m. United Auctioneering Company, Auctioneers & Stock Liquidators, 114 Pritchard Street, Johannesburg. Telephone MANNIE AUCTIONEERING COMPANY VIENNA BIJOUX (PTY) LTD, IN LIQUIDATION, MASTER'S REFERENCE NUMBER T Duly instructed by the Joint Liqujdators in the above matter, we will sell by public auction, at Martins Transport, 5 Brunei Road. Tulisa Park, Johannesburg. on Thursday, 10 November 1988, at 9.30a.m., the/ollowing: Officefurniture. Terms.--Only cash and certified cheques. On view day prior /0 sale. For funher particulars apply to,he Auctioneers.-Mannie Auctioneering Company, Auctioneers, Appraisers, Stock Liquidators and General Agents, Manmart House, 53 Troye Strecjt, corner of Pritchard Street, P.O. Box 9211, Johannesburg, Telephone: (011) MANNIE AUCTIONEERING COMPANY INSOLVEN'TBESTATEOFH. B. ANDS. BLOEM, MASTER'S REFERENCE NUMBER T Duly instructed by the Trustee in the above matter, we will sell by pllblic auction, at Martins Transport. 5 Brunei Road. Tulisa Park. Johannesburg, on Thursday, 10 November 1988, at 9.3(~a.m., the/ollowing: Motor vehicle, musical instruments and sheet music. Terms.--Only cash or bank certified cheques. For further particulars apply to t/je Auctioneers.-Mannie Auctioneering Company, Auctioneers, Appraisers, Stock Liquidators and General Agents, Manmart House, 53 Troye Strecl, comer of Pritchard Street, P.O. Box 9211, Johannesburg, Telephone: (011)

113 STAATSKOERANT, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No MANNIE AUCTIONEERING COMPANY INSOLVENT ESTATE OFBRIANSHER, MASTER'S REFERENCE NUMBER T.967/88 Duly instructed by the Trustee in the above matter, we will sell by public auction, at Martins Transport, 5 BruneI Road, Tulisa Park, Johaf11lesburg. on Thursday. 10 November at 9.30 a.m.. the following: Compressor and hand tools. Terms.-Only cash or bank certified cheques. On view day prior to sale. For further particulars apply to the Auctioneers.-Mannie Auctioneering Company, Auctioneers, Appraisers. Stock Liquidators and General Agents, Manmart House, 53 Troye Street, corner of Pritchard Street. P.O. Box 921l, Johannesburg, Telephone: (Oil) J.C.BURC~ORE(PTY)LTD STANDS TWO HUNDRED AND TWENTY SIX TO TWO HUNDRED AND THIRTY ONE OPHIRTON (PTY) LTO, IN LIQUIDATION MASTER'S REFERENCE NUMBER T2146/88 Duly instructed by the Liquidator in the above matter, we shall sell by public auction, Stand Ophirton, with improvements consisting of a large, well designed modern factory with office accommodation, ablution facilities, parking area and covered loading bay, on site, on Tuesday, 15 November 1988, at lz.oo noon. 80 Earp Street, corner ofmewett Street, Ophirton. For further details kindly contact the Auctioneers.-J. C. Burchmore (Pty) Ltd, 104 Frederick Street, Johannesburg. Tel.: (011) MANNIE AUCTIONEERING COMPANY CENTRAL MlNOLTA(PTY) LTO, IN LIQUIDATION, MASTER'S REFERENCE NUMBER T.1633/88 Duly instructed by the Liquidator in the above matter, we will sell by public auction, at Martins Transport, 5 BruneI Road. Tulisa Park, Johannesburg, on Thursday, 10 November at 9.30a.m., thefollowing: Office furniture and equipment. Terms.-Only cash or bank certified cheques. On view day prior to sale. For further particulars apply to the Auctioneers.-Mannie Auctioneering Company, Auctioneers, Appraisers, Stock Liquidators and General Agents, Manmart House, 53 Troye Street, corner of Pritchard Street, P.O. Box 9211, Johannesburg, Telephone: (011) MANNIE AUCTIONEERING COMPANY INSOLVENT ESTATE OF KEVIN CEDRIC LEE, MASTER'S REFERENCE NUMBER T.1634/88 Duly instructed by the Provisional Trustee in the above matter, we will sell by public auction, at Martins Transport, 5 BruneI Road. Tulisa Park. Johannesburg. on Thursday. 10 November 1988, at 9.30 a.m., the following: Examination couches. office and household/urniture. Terms.-Only cash or bank certified cheques. On view day prior to sale. For further particulars apply to the Auctioneers.-Mannie Auctioneering Company, Auctioneers, Appraisers, Stock Liquidators and General Agents, Manmart House, 53 Troye Street, corner of Pritchard Street, P.O. Box 9211, Johannesburg, Telephone: (011) MANNIE AUCTIONEERING COMPANY STEADMAN HOLDINGS (PTY) LTD, IN LIQUIDATION, MASTER'S REFERENCE NUMBER T.1698/88 Duly instructed by the Liquidator in the above matter, we will sell by public auction, at Martins Transport. 5 Brunei Road, Tulisa Park, Johannesburg. on Thursday, 10 NovemberJ988. at 9.30a.m., thefollowing: Photocopier and office furniture. Terms.-Only cash or bank certified cheques. On view day prior to sale. For further particulars apply to the Auctioneers.-Mannie Auctioneering Company, Auctioneers, Appraisers, Stock Liquidators and General Agents, Manmart House, 53 Troye Street, corner of Pritchard Street, P.O. Box 9211, Johannesburg, Telephone: (011) RAND REALTY (PTY) LTD INSOLVENT ESTATE OF A. D. SMIT, MASTER'S REFERENCE NUMBER T1635/88 UNRESERVED AUCTION OF NEW HOME IN PETERSFIELD, SPRINGS, AND MOTOR VEHICLES Duly instructed by the Trustee, we shall sell Stand 716, Petersfield, situate at 12 Vet Street, on the 10th day of Novemher 1988, at a.m., on the spot (without reserve, subject to confirmation). The house, newly built, comprises lounge, dining-room, study, family room, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, large kitchen and double garage. Terms.-1O % Cash or bank guaranteed cheque on the fall of the hammer. Balance within 45 days. We shall also sell Renault Sedan TS 11 Hatchback 1986 and a Toyota Hilux Diesel LDV. Terms.-Cash of bank guaranteed cheque. Sale takes place on the spot at 12 Vet Street, Petersfield, on 10 November 1988, at a.m. Rand Realty (Pry) Ltd. Tel.: (011) /10/88.

114 114 No GOVERNMENT GAZEITE, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 RADLEY VEILINGS BK (CK87/ ) IJNSOLVENTE BOEDELVElLIJNG VAN WOONHUlS, ROOIHUISKRAAL IJNSOLVENTE BOEDEL VAN H. L. JANSEN, SENIOR, MEESTERSVERWYSIJNG 1' I. Wanneer.-Donderdag, 17 November 1988, om IlhOO. 2. Waar.-Sttandloperstraat 3, R()Oihuiskraal-uitbreiding In opdrag van die Kurator van die insolvente boedel van H. L. JANSEN Sur., Meestersverwysing TZ256188, verkoop ons die volgende: 3.1 Erf 2242, Rooihuiskraal-uitbreiding 10, groot 988 m 2 bekend as Strandloperstraat 3, Rooihuiskraal-uitbreiding 10, Verwoerdburg. Op die eiendom is 'n netjiese ruim 2-slaapkamer woonhuis van klinker onder teels, apane sit- en eetkamers, kombuis, badkamer, dubbel motorhuis, bediendegeriewe, ens. 'n Pragtige eiendom. 4. Voorwaardes.-20 % Van koopprys by die val van die hamer. L.W. Die verkoping is nie onderhewig aan bekragtiging nie en okkupasie is ourniddelik. 5. Vir verdere llavrae, skakel.--cbris Radley, by (012) /5, bedags; of(012) , saans. Radley Veilings BK, CK , Hatfield Forum-Wes, Tweede Verdieping, Arcadiastraat 1067, Hatfield, Pretoria; Posbus 11202, Brooklyn Tel.: (012) /5. INSOLVENTE BOEDEL V AN GERHARDUS HENDRIKUS SCHEEPERS HUMAN, MEESTERSVERWYSlNG T II November 1988, 12 vm., Wilsonstraat I, Ellisras In opdrag van die Kurator in die ijlsolvente boedel van Gerbardus Hendrikus Scbeepers Human, Meestersverwysing T15Z2I88, verkoop ek per openbare veiling die vaste eiendom bekend as: M85. gelee in die dorpsgebied van Ellisras, Registrasie Afdeling LO, Transvaal, Groot (eenduisend eenhonderd en veerug) vierkante meter. A/slaersMta.-Hierdie is 'n onbeboude erf met sekere besigheidsregte, gelee in 'n goeie area van 'n snel groeiende dorpsgebied. Hierdie eiendom word aanbeveel vir almal, in die besonder die ontwikkelaar en besigheidsman. Betaling.-20 % (Twintig persent) van die koopsom in kontant of bankgewaarmerkte tjek by die toeslaan van die bod. Die balans by wyse van 'n aanvaarbare skriftelike waarborg binne 30 (dertig) kalenderdae vanaf datum van bekragtiging van die transaksie. Besigtiging.-Gereel te word met die Afslaer. Verkoopvoorwaardes.-Die veiling geskied onderworpe aan sodanige verdere voorwaardes soos wat bekend gemaak sal word op die dag van die veiling. Belangstellendes kan hulle egrer voor die tyd vergewis van al die voorwaardes deur die Afslaer te kontak te Posbus 6373, Onverwacht, Tel.: (01536) MANNIE AUCTIONEERING COMPANY IJNSOLVENT ESTATE FREDERICK WILHELM MEYER MASTER'S REFERENCE NUMBER T1707/88 Duly instructed by the Trustee in the above matter we will sell by Public Auction on the Spot, 49 Elizabeth Road, Loumarilla, Randjontein, on Mondrly, 14th November 1988, at 10.3(1 a.m. the following: MAGNIFICENT COUNTRY ESTATE-LOUMARlNA Certain Plot 49, situate Elizabeth Road, Loumarina, Randfontein, measuring approximately square metres with improvements thereon. Terms: 20 % deposit on signature <If the Conditions of Sale and the balance within 21 days from date of conf!rnlation. ON VIEW MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS AND FRIDAYS FROM A.M. T04P.M. For further particulars apply to the auctioneers.mannie Auctioneering Company, Auctioneers, Appraisers, Stock Liquidators and General Agents, Manmart House, 53 Troye Street (COrnell" Pritchard Street); P.O. Box 9211, Johannesburg, Telephone: (OIl) CAPE. KAAP PLAAS TE KOOP. Op las van die Land- en Landboubank van Suid-Afrika sal die Adjink-balju VRYBURG op 25 November 1988 om 10hOO voor die Landdroskantoor te VRYBURG die ondergemelde eiendclm by publieke veiling verkoop: SEKERE Gedeelte 3 van die plaas GOOD LUCK nr. 311 GELEE in die AFDELIJNG van MAFEKING GROOT 1159,2315 hektaar Soos beskryf in Akte van Transport Tllll1981 in die naam van ABRAHA..\f DANIEL BRUWER, ldentiteitsnomrner Die titelakte sal op die dag van veritoping beskikbaar wees vir insae deur voornemende kopers. Die ligging van hierdie eiendom is soos volg: 35 km noord van Stella. Geboue en verbeterings wat beweer word om op die eiendom te bestaan is: 2 Woonhuise, 2 voerstore, implementestoor, vliegtuigstoor, enjin- en waskamer, 8 arbeidershuise. Veekerend ombein en verdeel in kampe. 4 Boorgate, 3 damrne en 8 suipkrippe. Voornemende kopers se aandag word daarop gevestig dat daar geen verpligting op die Landbank rus om grense of bakens ten opsigte van die eiendom uit te wys nie. Geen versekering kan gegee won! dat die gemelde geboue en ander verbeterings wei bestaan, of dat enige daarvan vry van 'n retensiereg of huurkoopooreenkoms is, of dat 'n aangrensende eienaar geen belang ofkontribusie-eis ten opsigte van 'n grensheining het nie. Die eiendom word voetstoots verkoop soos dit staan, onderworpe aan aile serwitute en voorwaardes in die titelakte vermeld. Die Voorwaardes van betaling van die koopsom is soos volg: Een-vyfde van die koopsom tesamc~ met aile kostes in verband met die verkoping insluitende advertensiekoste asook enige belastings en afslaerskommissie teen 2.5 %, moet by toeslaan van die bot in kontant of per bankgewaarborgde tjek belaal word.

115 STAATSKOERA"IT,4NOVEMBER 1988 No lis Die saldo van die koopsom, plus 14,5 % rente daarop vanaf die datum van die verkoping tot datum van betaling, is binne 3 maande na die datum van die verkoping aan die Landbank betaalbaar. Dit staan die koper vry om meer as die voorgeskrewe een-vyfde van die koopsom by toeslaan van die bot te betaal, en hy kan die saldo koopprys dadelik of te enige tyd voor verstryking van drie maande na die datum van die verkoping betaal. Die koper is aanspreeklik vir die betaling van hereregte, transportkoste, belastings, heffings, boedelregte en regeringslaste (as daar is) en enige ander gelde wat nooig mag woos om transport in sy naam te registreer. Die bedrae ten opsigte hiervan moet betaal word sodra die Landbank dit versoek. Die Landbank: behou hom die reg voor om enige eiendom wat te koop aangebied word te enige tyd van die verkoping te onttrek. Verwysing; DGAK G. Land- en Landboubank van Suid-Afrika, Posbus 375, Pretoria INSOLVENTE BOEDEL VAN JACOBUS JOHANNES MARITZ, MEESTERSVERWYSING K19/1988 VASTE EIENDOM TE GROBLERSHOOP, OP VRYDAG, II NOVEMBER 1988, OM lohoo In opdrag van die Kurator in die insolvente boedel van Jacob Johannes Maritz, Meestersverwysing K19/1988, bied ons op bogenoemde datum die volgende te koop aan: Erj9, Groblershoop: Gel~ in die afdeling Kenhardt: Groot I 960 vk meter. Geboue: Wink:elgebou, stoor en toilet-hoofstraat 9, Groolershoop. Slaghuis-Koegrabeeweg, Groblershoop. Woonhuis (Sit- eetkaffier, kombuis, 3 slaapkarners, badkamer en toilet}-kerkstraat, Groblershoop. Erj37, Groblershoop: Gel~ in die afdeling Kenhardt: Groot I 960 vk meter. Geboue.-Woonhuis-Piet Nelstraat, Groblershoop. Portaai, sit- eetkamer, studoorkamer, gesinskamer, 5 slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, kombuis, opwaskarner, buitegeboue, 4 motorhuise, bediendekarner, badkameren waskamer. Erj52, Groblershoop: Gel~ in die afdeling Kenhardt: Groot I 960 vk meter. Bou-erj.-Hoek van Oranje- Maritz- en Visserstraat. Erj 1222-Boegoebergnedersetting: Gel~ in die Afdeling Kenhardt, gelee 15 kid van Groblershoop in die Kleurling Woonbuurt. Geboue.- Winkelgebou. Betalingvoorwaardes.-10 % Deposito asook Afslaerskommissie op dag van veiling. Balans van koopsom is betaalbaar op datum van registrasie van Transport in naam van Koper. Veilingvoorwaardes ter insae by Boland Bank Bpk., Schrtiderstraat 21, Upington, Lange Joubert Carr & Blaauw, SChrOOerstraat, Posbus 6, Upington, Tel.: ktober ORANGE FREE STATE ORANJE-VRYSTAAT SCHOEMAN KELLER.\lAN & KOTZE ESTATE LATE N. C. VERMEULEN, MASTER'S REFERENCE NUMBER 1839/88 Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned property will be sold by public auction at a.m. on the lith day of November Property.-Certain Erf 2754, situate at 164 Ariel Street, Bedelia, Welkom. Measuring 833 square metres. The property consists of a neat dwelling house comprising bedrooms, dining-room and all conveniences. Place ofsale.-at the property, 164 Ariel Street, Bedelia, Welkom, Terms.-l0 % at time of sale. The balance in cash or by way of bank guarantee within 45 days after acceptance ofoffer. Enquiries: COnlact the Auctioneers.-Schoeman Kellerman & Kotze, First floor, Van Riebeeck Building, Melck Street, Welkom. Tel.: (0171) ; or The Executor, clo A. Hibbert, First floor, Prima Building, Renette Street, Welkom. Tel.: (0171) PLASE TE KOOP Op las van die Land- en Landboubank: van Suid-Afrika sal die Adjunk-balju PETRUSBURG op 29 November 1988 om IOhOO voor die Landdroskantoor te PETRUSBURG die ondergemelde eiendomme by publieke veiling verkoop: (1) Onderverdeling 1(GELUK) van die plaas RUSTPLAATS 240, distrik Fauresmith GROOT: 607,1827 hektaar (2) Die Restant van die plaas RUSTPLAATS 240, distrik Fauresmith GROOT: 607,1827 hektaar (3) Die plaas KRUGERSDEEL 1060, distrik Fauresmith GROOT: 256,9597 hektaar (4) Die plaas POPULIERDAM 1123, distrik Fauresmith GROOT: 355,2487 hektaar (5) Die Restant van die plaas VENTERSDAM 38, distrik Fauresmith GROOT: 610,3247 hektaar SOO$ beskryfin Aktes van Transport T2313/1974, T6500/1970, T2550/1976, TS049/198 I en T respektiewelik in die naam van SAMUEL JACOBUS V AN JAARSVELD, ldentiteitsnommer Die titelaktes salop die dag van verkoping beskikbaar woos vir insae deur voomemende kopers. Die ligging van hierdie eiendomme is soos volg;-eiendomme (l), (2), (3) en (5}-6 kid suid van Petrusburg. Eiendom (4}-22 kid suid van Petrusburg.

116 116 No GOVERNMENT GAZETIE, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 Geboue en verbeterings wat beweer word om op die eiendomme te bestaan is:- Eiendom (1) Woonhuis, stoor, motcorhuis met buitekamers, koeistalle met kamers en klipkraal. Veekerend omhein en verdeel in kampe. 4 Boorgate, 4 sementdamme en krippe. Eiendom (2) Woonhuis, motorhuis met 3 buitekamers, 2 buitekamers, 3 store met werkskamers en 5 arbeidershuise. Veekerend ornhein en verdeel in kampe. 5 Boorgate, 1 sementdamen kril'pe. Eiendom (3) Woonhuis, stoor, moaorhuis met 3 buitekamers en 3 arbeidershuise. Veekerend ornhein en verdeel in kampe. 5 Boorgate, 2 sementdamme en krippe. Eiendom (4) Woonhuis en staalstoor. Veekerend ornhein en verdeel in kampe. 3 Boorgate. Eiendom (5) W oonhuis en sinkstoor.. Veekerend omhein en verdeel in kampe. 3 Boorgate, 2 sementdamme en krippe. Voomemende kopers se aandag word daarop gevestig dat daar geen verpligting op die Landbank rus om grense of bakens ten opsigte VllD die eiendomme uit te wys nie. Verder word die eiendomme as n eenheid benut en die Landbank kan gevolglik geen versekering gee dat die beweerde geboue en ander verbeterings wei op die eiendomme soos hierbo gemeld, gelee is nie, of dat die gemelde geboue en verbeterings wei bestaan, of dat enige daarvan vry van 'n retensiereg of huurkoopooreenkoms is, I)f dat n aangrensende eienaar geen belang of kontribusie-eis ten opsigte van' n grensheining het nie. Die eiendomme word voetstoots verkoop soos dit staan, onderworpe aan aile serwitute en voorwaardes in die titelakte vermeld. Die voorwaardes van betaling van die koopsom is soos voig: Een-vyfde van die koopsom tesame met aile kostes in verband met die verkoping insluitende advertensiekoste asook enige belastings en afslaerskommissie teen 2,5 %, moet by toeslaan van die bot in kontant of per bankgewaarborgde tjek betaal word. Die saldo van die koopsom, plus 14,5 % rente daarop vanaf die datum van die verkoping tot datum van betaling, is binne 3 maande na die datum van die verkoping aan die Landbank betaalbllar. Dit staan die koper vry om meer ils die voorgeskrewe een-vyfde van die koopsom by toeslaan van die bot te betaal, en hy kan die sajdo koopprys dadelik of te enige tyd voor verstryking van drie maande na die datum van die verkoping betaal. Die koper is aanspreeklik vir die betaling van hereregte, transportkoste, belastings, heffings, boedelregte en regeringslaste (as daar is) en enige ander gelde wat nooig mag wees om transport in sy naam te registreer. Die bedrae ten opsigte hiervan moet betaal word soora die Landbank dit versoek. Die Landbank behou hom die reg voor om enige eiendom wat te koop aangebied word te enige tyd van die verkoping te onttrek. Die eiendomme word verkoop onderworpe aan die Staat se beweerde eiendomsreg oor staande oeste wat op die eiendomme mag wees. VERWYSING: BBA..\ G!03G/04G. Land- en Landboubank van Suid-Afrika, Posbus 375. Pretoria MCINTYRE & VAN DER POST INSOLVENTE BOEDEL VAN D. D. FOURIE, MEESTERSVERWYSING B Geliewe kennis te neem dat die volgende bates per publieke veiling verkoop sal word op 26 November 1988 om 1Oh30 te Gedenkstraat 32, Bethlehem. 1. Sekere Erf 1956, gelee in die dorp en distrik Bethlehem. GROOT: ml. 2. Sekere Erf 406, gelee in die doip Verkeerdevlei, distrik Winburg, GROOT: m Mercedes Benz 230 motorvoertuig Musgravegeweer boor haelgeweer. 6. Een windbuks. H. G. van der Walt, Kurator, vir McIntyre & Van der Post, SA Permgebou, Vierde Verdieping, Maitlandstraat 45, Bloemfontein, CHANGE OF NAME NAAMSVERANDERING THE ALIENS ACT, 1937 The undermentioned notilres of intention to apply to the State President to assume a different surname are published in terms of section 9 of Act 1 of Any person who objects to the assumption of the said surname should lodge hislher objection, in writing, stating full reasons therefor, to the Magistrate mentioned in the relevant notice. The information, where BlPplicable, is given in the following order: (1) Full names and surname of applicant(s), and whether minor(s); (2) residential address; (3) business carried on, or occupation; (4) ifan application in respect of children under 10 years, the name(s); (5) the surname to be assumed; (6) the reasons therefor; (7) the name(s) previously borne, if other than under (1) or (4), respectively; (8) the names of wife and children, if included in the application; (9) assisted, if so, by; objections to be lodged with the Magistrate of.

117 STAATSKOERANT, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No WET OP VREEMDELINGE, 1937 Die onderstaande kennisgewings van voorneme om by die Staatspresident aansoek te doen om 'n ander van aan te neem, word ingevolge artikel9 van Wet 1 van 1937 vir algemene inligting gepubliseer. Enigeen wat daarteen beswaar het dat die genoemde van aangeneem word, moet sy/haar beswaar met vermelding van redes daarvan so gou moontlik skriftelik by die Landdros genoem in die betrokke kennisgewing, indien. Die inligting word, waar van toel?assing, verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Applikant(e) se volle name en van, en of minderjarige(s); (2) woonadres; (3) beslgheid of beroep; (4) indien 'n aansoek ten opsigte van kinders onder 10 jaar, die naam (name); (5) die van wat aangeneem word; (6) die redes daarvoor; (7) die naam (name) voorheen gedra indien anders as onder (1) of (4), respektiewelik; (8) die name van vrou en kinders indien by die aansoek ingesluit; (9) bygestaan, indien so, deur; besware in te dien by die Landdros teo TRANSVAAL DIE WET OP VREEMDELINGE KENNISGEWING VAN VOORGENOME VA.'1SVERANDERlNG Ek. Annelize Weber, woonagtig te Ben Fleurweg 2. Bendor, Pietersburg, wat werksaam is as 'n huisvrou, is van voornemens om by die Minister van Binnelandse Sake aansoek te doen om magtiging kragtens artikel9 van die Wet op Vreemdelinge, 1937, vir my minderjarige dogter, Monique Tors om die naam en van Monique Tors Weber aan te neem om die volgende redes: Oit is die van van my huidige eggenoot en stiefvader van die kind. Sy het voorheen die naam gedra van Monique Tors. Enigeen wat daarteen beswaar het dat ek bovermelde naam en van Monique Tors Weber aanneem. moet sy beswaar, met vermelding van redes daarvoor, so gou moontlik skriftelik by die Landdros van Pietersburg indien.-a. Weber, THE ALIENS ACT, 1937 NOTICE OF INTENTION OF CHANGE OF SURNAME I, Fanyana Lucas Masiso, residing at 286 Mofokeng Section, Katlehong, Natalspruit, is employed as a supervisor at Carlton Paper of S.A., 163 Tedestone Road, Wadeville, intend applying to the Minister of Home Affairs for authority under section 9 of the Aliens Act, 1937, to assume the surname Sandleni for the reasons that relatives, neighbourhood, friends and associates known and identify me as son of S. S. Sandleni. I previously bore tbe name Fanyana Lucas Masiso. I intend also applying for authority to "hange the surname of my wife Ntongolozi Maria Masiso, born Buthelezi and minor children GomeweU Dumisani Masiso,Inoocent Lungane Masiso, Patrick Bongani.Masiso and Themba John Masiso to Sandleni. Any person who objects to our assumption of the said surname ofsandleni should as soon as may be lodge his objection, in writing, with a statement of his reasons therefor, with the Magistrate of A1berton.-F. L. Masiso. 4 THE ALIENS ACT, 1937 NOTICE OF INTENTION OF CHANGE OF SURNAME I, Massimo Lavermicocca, residing at the Holiday Inn, Rivonia, Sandton, carrying on business as a film producer at 6 Protea Place, Fredman Drive, Sandown, Sandton, intend applying to tbe Minister of Home Affairs for authority under section 9 of the Aliens Act, 1937, to assume the surname Gianni for the reason that I was hom out of wedlock and now wish to adopt my natural father's surname, namely Gianni. I previously bore the name Massimo Lavermicocca. Any person who objects to my assumption of the said surname of Gianni should as soon as may be lodge his objection, in writing, with a statement of his reasons therefor, with the Magistrate of Randburg.-M. Lavermicocca, 4110/88. 4 THE ALIENS ACT NOTICE OF INTENTION OF CHANGE OF SURNAME I, Ben Monyane, a minor child residing at 452 Motsu Section, Tembisa Township, Kempton Park, intend applying to the Minister of Home Affairs for authority under section 9 of the Aliens Act, 1937, to assume the surname Petlele for the reasons that since 1982, I have been using the surname of Petlele and my step-father, Shadrack Petlele, does not object in me assuming same. I previously bore the name Ben Monyane, I am being assisted in this application by my mother and legal guardian Georgina Petlele. Any person who objects to my assumption of the said surname of Petlele should as soon as may be lodge his objection, in writing, with a statement of his reasons therefor, with the Magistrate of Kempton Park.-B. Monyane. 13/ THE ALIENS ACT, 1937 NOTICE OF INTENTION OF CHANGE OF SURNAME I, Edward Valentino Onions, residing at 6 Sering Street, Randpark Ridge, Ex.tension 1. and carrying on business as a pension fund broker, at 6 Sering Street, intend applying to the Minister of Home Affairs for authority under section 9 of the Aliens Act, 1937, to assume the surname Ions for the reason that I was born On'ions but it was spelt incorrectly viz Onions and I want to bring it in line with its historically correct spelling. I previously bore the name Onions. I intend also applying for authority to change the surname of my minor children Jacqueline Mary, Angelique Vivienne, Hilary Lynn Croudace and Frances Anna Croudace to Ions. Any person who objects to our assumption of the said surname of Ions should as soon as may be lodge his objection, in writing, with a statement of his reasons therefor, with the Magistrate of Johannesburg.-E. V. Onions, 916/ DIE WET OP VREEMDELINGE, 1937 KENNISGEWING VAN VOORGENOME VA.."ISVERANDERlNG Ek, Andrew Arthur Jacobs, 'n minderjarige kind, woonagtig te St Vincentlaan 38, Uitbreiding 9, Eldoradopark, Johannesburg, is van voornemens om by die Minister van Binnelandse Sake aansoek te doen om magtiging kragtens artikel9 van die Wet op Vreemdelinge, 1937, om die van Sheriff aan tc neem om die volgende redes: Oit is my biologiese pa se van en ek het saam met hom gewoon vir amper drie (3) jaar of meer. Ek het voorheen die naam gedra van Jacobs. Ek word in hierdie aansoek bygestaan deur my vader, Martin George Sheriff. Enigeen wat daarteen beswaar het dat ek bovermelde van Sheriff aanneem, moet sy beswaar, met vermelding van redes daarvoor, so gou moontlik skriftelik by die Landdros van Johannesburg indien.-a. A. Jacobs,

118 118 No GOVERNMENT GAZETfE, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 THE ALIENS ACf, 1937 NOTICE OF INTENTION OF CHANGE OF SURNAME I. Veronica Margaret SbekletoJjl, residing at 56 Fourth Street, Houghton, Johannesburg, intend applying to the Minister of Home Affairs for authority under section 9 of the Aliens Act. 1937, as amended, for my minor children David Edward Ashley Sawyer, Id. No and Jooatban Andrew Colin Sawyer, Id. No , to assume the surname Sbekleton for the reasons that I divorced my previous husband, Colin Paul Sawyer, in 1974, and I married Brian George Sbekleton, with whom I have one child who bears the surname Sbekleton. In addition, David Edward Ashley and Jooatbao Andre... Colin have an older brother Anthony John Paul Who was adopted by Brian George Sbekleton and changed his name to Sbekleton in I therefdre regard it as being in the interest of David Edward Ashley and Jonathan Andrew Colin, to have the same surname as their step-brother and half-~rother. Any person who objects to their assumption of the said surname of Shekleton should as soon as may be lodge his objection, in writing, with a statement of his reasons therefor. with the Magistrate of Johannesburg.-V. M. Shekleton, 20/10/ THE ALIENS ACf, 1937 NOTICE OF INTENTION OF CHANGE OF SURNA.,.\-lE I, Justin Dryden Willing, a minor child. residing at 2 La Mancha, Rosslyn Avenue. WaterkloofGlen. Pretoria. intend applying to the Minister of Home Affairs for authority under section 9 of the Aliens Act, 1937, to assume the surname Reichl for the reasons that I am subjected to unnecessary and embarrassing questions concerning tilt difference between mine and my mother's surnames. I previously bore the name Justin Dryden Willing. I am being assisted in this application by my mother as my sole guardian. Any person who objects to my a.~sumption of the said surname of Reichl should as soon as may be lodge his objection. in writing, with a statement of his reasons therefor, with the Magistrate of Pretoria.-J. D. Willing, 21/10/ DIE WET OP VREEMDELINGE, 1937 KENNISGEWING VAN VOORGENOME VANSVERANDERING a, JobaD0e8 Sitbole, woonagtig te Oordmanstraat 134, Schoongesicht, Witbank. wat werkloos is as gevolg van mediese probleme, is van voornemens om by die Minister van Birmelandse Sake aansoek te doen om magtiging kragtens artikel9 van die Wet op VreemdeHnge, 1937, om die van Abrams aan te neem om die redes: Abrams is my oorlede vader se van, Sithole is die van van my stiefvader. Ek het voorheen die naam gedra van JObaD0e8 Jakohns HaDsie Abnms. Enigeen wat daarteen beswaar iilet dat ek bovermelde van Abrams aanneem. moet sy beswaar, met vermelding van redes daarvoor. so gou moontlik skriftelik by die Landdros van Witbank indien.-j. Sithole, 20/9/ CAPE. KAAP THE ALIENS ACf, 1937 NOTICE OF INTENTION OF CHANGE OF SURNAME I, Lucia Logie Creed, formclrly Fielding. residing at 13 Bedford Street, Grahamstown, District of Albany, intend applying to the Minister of Internal Affairs for authority undel' section 9 of the Aliens Act. 1937, for my minor children, Ingrid Julie Fielding, born on 23 May 1980 and Derek Micbael Fielding, born on 20 July 1983, to assume the surname Creed for the reason that I have now remarried and I wish them to assume my married sumarne ofcreed. Any person who objects to thtir assumption of the said surname of Creed should as soon as may be lodge his objection. in writing. with a statement of his reasons therefor, with the Magistrate of Graharnstown.-L. L. Creed, 4/ DIE WET OP VREEMDELINGE, 1937 KENNISGEWINGVANVOORGENOMEV~NSVERANDERING a. Lucia Logie Creed, voorheen Fielding. wat woonagtig is Ie 13 Bedfordsrraat, Grahamstad, distrik Albanie, is van voornemens om by die Staatspresident aansoek te doen om magtiging kragtens artikel9 van die Wet op Vreemdelinge. 1937, vir my minderjarlge kinders, Ingrid Julie Fielding, gebore 23 Mei 1980 en Derek Mltbael Fielding, gebore 20 Julie 1983, om die van Creed aan te neem om die volgende redes: Oat ek weer getroud is en dal dit my wens is dat hulle my getroude van van Creed aanneem. Enigeen wat daarteen beswaair het dat hulle bovermelde van Creed aanneem, moet sy beswaar, met vermelding van redes daarvoor, so gou moontlik skriftelik by die Landdros van Grabarnstad indien.-l. L. Creed, 4/10/ NATAL THE ALIENS ACf, 1937 NOTICE OF INTENTION OF CHANGE OF SURNAME I, Rkbard John Beobam Spence, residing at 4 Cormorant Lagoon Drive, Umhlanga Rocks, 4320, and employed as a trainee manager, Mackro. Dwban, intend applying to the Minister of Home Affairs for authority under section 9 of the Aliens Act, 1937, to assume the surname Leppan for the reason that I would like to assutllfl my family's surname which is Leppan. I previously bore the name Beobam Spence. Any person who objects to my assumption of the said surname of Leppan should as soon as may be lodge his objection. in writing. with a statement of his reasons therefor, with the Magistrate ofverulam.-r. J. B. Spence, 14/10/88. 4 THE ALIENS ACf NOTICE OF INTENTION OF CHANGE OF SURNAME I. Pravlo Ra,lbaUy, residillig at 33 Roundside Road, Caneside, Unit 20, Phoenix, and employed as a clerk, intend applying to the Minister of Home Affairs for authority under sect~on 9 of the Aliens Act, 1937, to assume the surname Punwasi for the reasons that Rajbally is my father's first name. Punwasi is the family surname. I previously bore the name RajbalJy. [ intend also applying for authority to change the surname of my wife Suoitba RajbaUy to Sunitba Panwasi. Any person who objects to our assumption of the said surname of Punwasl should as soon as may be lodge his objection, in writing, with a statement of his reasons therefor, with the Magistrate of Verulam.-P. RajbaUy, 15/10/88.

119 STAATSKOERANT, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No ACf,1937 NOTICE OF INTENTION OF CHANGE OF SURNAME I, Ahmed Mahomed, residing at flat 9, 137 Brook Street, Durban, and unemployed. intend applying to the Minister of Home Affairs for authority under section 9 of the Aliens Act, to assume the surname Moosa Sabat for the reason that my family surname has always been Sabat. I previously bore the name Ahmed Mabomed. I intend also applying for authority to change the surname of my wife Fatima and minor children Zaheer Mahomed and Ayesha Mahomed to Moosa Sabat. Any person who objects to our assumption of the said surname of Moosa Sabat should as soon as may be lodge his objection, in writing, with a statement of his reasons therefor, with the Magistrate ofdurban.-a. Mahomed, 12110/88. 4 THE ALIENS ACf, 1937 NOTICE OF INTENTION OF CHANGE OF SURNAME I. Abdool Am Noormahomed, residing at Glendale. Stanger, a farmer, intend applying to the Minister of Home Affairs for authority under section 9 of the Aliens Act, 1937, to assume the surname Ganie for the reason that my family surname is Ganie. I previously bore the name Abdool Adz Noormahomed. I intend also applying for authority to change the surname of my wife HaJra. Any person who objects to my assumption of the said surname of Ganie should as soon as may be lodge his objection, in writing, with a statement of his reasons therefor, with the Magistrate of Stanger.-A. A. Noormahomed, THE ALIENS ACf NOTICE OF INTENTION OF CHANGE OF SURNAME I. Lutcbmansamy Subramoney, residing at 3 Tollbury Place, Eastbury, Phoenix, and employed as a labourer, intend applying to the Minister of Home Affairs for authority under section 9 ofthe Aliens Act. 1937, to assume the surname Goveoder for the reason that my family surname is Govender. I previously bore the name Lutcbmansamy Subramoney. I intend also applying for authoriry to change the surname of my wife Savathrie and minor children Selvarasan and Adeem to Govender. Any person who objects to our assumption of the said surname of Govender should as soon as may be lodge his objection, in writing, with a statement of his reasons therefor, with the Magistrate of Verulam.-L. Subramoney, THE ALIENS ACf NOTICE OF INTENTION OF CHANGE OF SURNAME I, Pillay Christopher Anthony, residing at 30 Longcroft Dr, Phoenix UT8, Durban, and unemployed. intend applying to the Minister of Home Affairs for authority under section 9 of the Aliens Act, 1937, to assume tbe surname Muhammed due to change of religion. I previously bore the name Christopher Anthony. Any person who objects to my assumption of the said surname of Muhammed should as soon as may be lodge his objection. in writing, with a statement of his reasons therefor. with the Magistrate of Verulam.-P. C. Anthony, BUTCHERS' NOTICES SLAGTERSKENNISGEWINGS LIVESTOCK AND MEAT INDUSTRIES CONTROL BOARD Any person who has any objection against the establishment, transfer or removal of the business mentioned or the cancellation of a registration, may lodge such objection in the form of an affidavit, in triplicate, with the Board's office as indicated and within the period stated. The information, where applicable, is given in the following order: (1) Township or district, division, county; (2) applicant; (3) kind of application (new registration, transfer, removal) and kind of business; (4) details of premises or place (description, number, situation and/or address); (5) cancellation of a registration (the premises, if other than the preceding, or quitted for removal) and/or by whom (full name); (6) objections to, and period within which. RAAD VAN BEBEER OOR DIE VEE EN VLEISNYWERHEDE Boige persoon wat beswaar het teen die oprigting, oordrag ofverskuiwing van die vermelde besigheid of die kansellasie van 'n registrasie kan sy beswaar indien in die vorm van 'n eedsverklaring, in drievoud, by die Raad se kantoor soos in die kenoisgewing aangedui en binne die tydperk soos vermeld. Die inligting word, waar van toepassing, verstrek in die volgorde: (I) Dorpsgebied of distrik, afdeling, county; (2) applikant; (3) aard van aansoek (nuwe registrasie, oordrag, verskuiwing) en aard van besigheid; (4) besonderhede van perseel of plek (beskrywing, nommer, Jigging en/of adres); (5) kansellasie van 'n registrasie (die perseel, indien anders as voorgaande, of wat laat vaar word vir verskuiwing) en/of nagesoek deur wie (volle naam); (6) besware aan en tydperk waarbinne. TRANSVAAL Raodfonteln. (2) Johannes Jacobus Botha en Petrus Benjamin Oosthuizen. (3) Nuwe aansoek, vervaardiger van fabrieksvleisprodukte. (4) 1Ide Straat 13, Randfontein, (5)-. (6) Takbestuurder, Posbus City Deep, days. Magaliesburg, Transvaal. (2) Jose L. R. Baptista, Adriano R. Baptista and Mrs Maria R. T. R. Baptista. (3) New application, butcher. (4) Stand 37, RUstenburg Road, Magaliesburg. Transvaal. (5)-. (6) General Manager, P.O. Box 40051, Arcadia days. Jobauoesburg. (2) Esselen Investments (Pty) Ltd. Directors: E. Kajee. A. Cassarchis, N. Kajee, R. Kajee. (3) New application, butcher. (4) 60 Plein Street, Johannesburg, (5)-. (6) Branch Manager, P.O. Box 86291,2049,14 days.

120 120 No GOVERNMENT GAZETIE, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 CAPE. KAAP Somerset-Wes, Kaap. (2) Daniill Jacobus de Wit en Pieter Marius Kriel. (3) Nuwe aansoek, vervaardiger van fabrieksvleisprodukte beperk tot die vervaardiging van worssoorte. (4) ErU178, Dramastraat, Somerset Wes, Kaap. (5)-. (6) Hootbestuurder, Posbus40051, Arcadia, 0007,14 dae. Williston. (2) Embro Jacobus v~ der Westhuyzen. (3) Nuwe aansoek, slagter. (4) Williston Kafee, Erf 525. hoek van Lutz en Reineckestraat. (5)-. (6) Hootbestuurder, Posbus 40051, Arcadia, 0007,14 dae. Cape Town. (2) Abdool Lathif Gafoor. (3) New application, butcher. (4) Non-White Station, Third Class Concourse, Strand Street, Cape Town. (5)-. (6) Branch Manager, P.O. Box 96, 7405, 14 days. Cape Town. (2) Freshbake Fooils (Ply) Ltd. (3) New application, manufacturer of factory meat products. (4) 5 Lily Road, Retreat, (5)-. (6) Branch Manager, P.O. Box 96,7405, 14 days. NATAL Shallcross Township. (2) Mad,ramuthu Cherty. (3) New application, butcher. (4) Suite 9, 18 Everest Street, Shallcross, (5)-. (6) Branch Manager, P.O. Box 2246, Durban, 4000,14 days. Molweni. (2) Molweni Savemor CC, Registration Number CK87/ (3) New application, butcher, offal dealer. (4) Lot 24a, Langefontein, Inanda Road, Molweni. (5)-. (6) General Manager, P.O. Box 2246,4000, 14 days. ORANGE FREE STATE. ORANJE VRYSTAAT Botsbabelo. (2) Stone Mbizo Sotxu. (3) New application, butcher, offal dealer. (4) Block W572, Botshabelo. (5)-. (6) Branch Manager, P.O. Box 251,9300, 14 days. GENERAL.ALGEMEEN TRANSVAAL IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Witwatersrand Local Division) Case 18991/88 NOTICE OF APPLICATION IN TERMS OF SECTION 21 (1) MATRIMONIAL PROPERTY ACT 88 OF 1984 Notice is hereby given that Mlirtbinus Cornelius Stepbanus van Loggerenberg, and Elizabeth Maria Magritba van Loggerenberg, intend to apply to the above-mentioned Court at IOhOO for an Order: 1. Granting leave to the Applicants to change the matrimonial property system which applies to their marriage from one of in community of property to one out of community of property, through the execution and registration of a Notarial Contract in accordance with the draft Contract annexed to their application (the Notarial Contract). 2. Authorising the Registrar of Deeds at Johannesburg to register the Notarial Contract. 3. Directing that this Order: 3.1 Will lapse if the Notarial Contract is not registered within two months of the date of this Order; 3.2 Will not prejudice the rights of any ofthe Applicants' creditors as at the date of registration of the Notarial Contract. Copies of the Application an4d Notarial Contract will be available for inspection at the offices of the Registrar of the Supreme Court, Room 007. Supreme Court Building, Von Bra.dis Square, Johannesburg, and the Applicants' Attorneys for a period of two weeks prior to the date of hearing of the application. Any person wishing to make representations about or to appose the application must either notify Applicants' Attorneys in writing of such intention not less than five days before the hearing date and file with the Registrar of the Supreme Court a notice of such representation or objection, or, appear in Court on the day of the hearing. Dated at Johannesburg, this 21st day of October Stock & Steyn, Attorneys for Applicants, c/o De Kock & Visser, Fifth Floor, Century Insurance Building, comer of Market and Kruis Streets, P.O. Box 10688, Johannesburg. Tel.: Ref.: Mr WoodrowlNpNANL. CAPE. KAAP IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Cape of Good Hope Provincial Division) In the matter betvl'een Joao Alberto Baptista Teixeira, First Applicant, and Alcina Fatima Teixeira, Second Applicant VARIATION OF MATRIMONIAL PROPERTY SYSTEM Case 10523/88 IN TERMS OF MARITAL PROPERTY ACT No. 880F 1984 Kindly note that the abovenarned Applicants intend applying to the above Honourable Court on 7 December 1988, for an Order in the following terms: I. That the matrimonial property system governing their marriage in Community of Property and of profit and loss be changed in terms of a Notarial Contract, a copy whereof may be:inspected at our offices or at the Registrar of Deeds, Cape Town or at the Registrar of the above Honourable Court. 2. That the marriage shall from the date of registration of the contract be Out of Community of Property and with the Exclusion of First Applicant's marital power; 3. That the Applicants are authorised to enter into the said contract; 4. That the Registrar ofdee,ps is authorised and directed to register the said contract. 5. That if any creditor wishes to object, he may do so in writing to the Registrar of the Supreme Court, and to ourselves or appear in Court on 7 December Dated at Cape Town, this 24th day of October M. J. Tyfield, for PIisman Wilson Chontz & Getz, Applicant's Attorneys, 812 Huguenot Chambers, 40 Queen Victoria Street, Cape Town. Ref.: M J TyfieldlvblT36/87.

121 STAATSKOERANT, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No IN DIE HOOGOEREGSHOF VAN SUID-AFRIKA (Kaap die Goeie Hoop Provinsiale Mdeling) In die saak tussen Abraham Stepbanus Nortier, en Zeugnette Myrtle Nortier BEOOGDE AANSOEK KRAGTENS ARTIKEL 21 VAN WET 88 VAN 1984 Neem kennis dat op 22 November 1988, AbrabamStephanus Nortier, en Zeugnette Myrtle Nortier, aansoek sal doen in die Hooggeregshofvan Suid-Mrika (Provinsiale Mdeling Kaap die Goeie Hoop) om voorntiddag of so spoedig daarna as wat die Advokaat aangehoor kan word, om 'n bevel met die volgende bepalings: (a) Dat die buweliksgoederebedeling wat op hulle huwelik van toepassing is verander word vanaf'n buwelik in gemeenskap van goedere, na 'n huwelik buite gemeenskap van goedere en dat die maritale mag afgeskaf word, beide kragtens die bepalings van artikel21 van Wet 88 van 1984; (b) dat bul gesamentlike boedel geskei word soos uiteengesit in die Beedigde verklaring van Abrabam Stepbanus Nortier, en Zeugnette Myrtle Nortier, soos aangeheg by die beoogde kennisgewing van mosie; (c) dat die Applikante gemagtig word om 'n Notariele kontrak te verkry met die bepalings soos uiteengesit in die konsep akte daarby aangeheg; (d) dat die Registrateur van Aktes van Kaapstad gemagtig en gelas word om sodanige kontrak as wat vir registrasie ingedien word deur die Applikante, kragtens die voormelde beoogde Aansoek, binne die tydsbestek as wat die bogenoemde Agbare Hof mag goeddink, Ie registreer; (e) die loestaan van sodanige altematiewe Regshulp as wat die genoemde Agbare Hof mag goeddink. Neem verder kennis dat enige persoon wat enige beswaar het teen die toestaan van die bogenoemde voorgenome bevel of wat enige vertoe in hierdie verband wil rig dit skriftelik kan rig aan die Registrateur van die bogenoemde Hof asook aan die Applikante se Prokureur of enige persoon wat sodanige besware of sodanige vertoe wi! rig dit kan doen deur persoonlik in die bogenoemde Hof te verskyn op die dag van die aanboor van die Aansoek. Gedateer te Kaapstad, hierdie 26ste dag van Oktober J. J. Glick & Kie., pia P. A. Pretorius, Prokureurs vir Applikante. Kortmarkstraat56. Kaapstad. Tel.: NATAL DECLARATION OF INTENT TO SELL SOLVENT SPOUSE'S ASSETS INSOLVENT ESTATEOFG. D. COSGROVE. IN SEQUESTRATION, MASTER'S REFERENCE l'o'umber NI99!88 Notice is hereby given in terms of section 21 (3) of the Insolvency Act, that the assets of the solvent spouse of the above estate. no vest in the Trustee. All separate creditors of Mrs Susan Cosgrove are invited hereby to prove their claims in this regard. P. Warmington, P.O. Box 54, Pietermaritzburg, Te\.: (0331) October NOTICE OF EXPROPRIATION NOTICE No (GIVEN IN TERMS OF ACT 63 OF 1975, AS AMENDED) EXPROPRIAnONS: NEW GERMANY ROAD, PALMIET ROAD, VALLEY ROAD. MANTON CRESCENT, MARIE LANE To.-The owner(s), executor(s). trustee(s). administrator(s). heir(s) and to all persons having any interest in the hereinafter described land. including any buyer in terms of section 9 (1) (d) (ii) of the Expropriation Act 63 of 1975, as amended: (I) Notice is hereby given in terms of section 7 (5) of the Expropriation Act, 1975 (Act 63/1975), that the City Council hereby expropriates, with the prior approval of the Executive Committee, the land described in the schedule hereto and depicted on the plan referred to in such schedule, which plan is available for inspection at the offices of the City Valuer and Estates Manager, 75 Winder Street, Durban. The said land is required for the following purpose(s): Road development, embankments, open space. (3) The expropriation takes effect of 28 October 1988, from which date dominium in the property shall be deemed to have passed to the City Council. (4) In accordance with the provisions of the said Act 63 of (a) you are hereby requested, within sixty (60) days from the date of this notice, to deliver or cause to be delivered to me a written statement (I) indicating the total amount claimed by you as compensation. This amount must be detailed in terms ofsection 12 (I) (a) of the Act and reasons for claiming these amounts must be given; (ii) furnishing full particulars of all improvements to the land hereby expropriated which, in your opinion, affects the value of the land; (iii) where applicable, furnishing the following particulars: (aa) If, prior to the date of the notice, the land was leased for business or agricultural purposes in terms of an unregistered lease, the name and address of the lessee accompanied by the lease or a certified copy thereof, if the lease is in writing, or full particulars of the agreement if it is not in writing. (bb) If, prior to the date of the notice, you have sold the property under deed of sale, the name and address of the purchaser together with the deed of sale or a certified copy thereof. (ec) If it is land on which a building has been erected which is subject to a builder's lien by virtue of a written building contract, the name and address of the contractor together with the building contract or a certified copy thereof. (dd) If it is land which, at the date of this notice, is farmed by a share-cropper, the name and address of the share-cropper accompanied by the relevant contract or a certified copy thereof, if the contract is in writing, or full particulars thereof if it is not in writing; (iv) stating the address to which further correspondence in connection with this expropriation should be posted. (5) You are further requested, within sixty (60) days of the date of this notice, to deliver to me or cause to be delivered the title deeds of the property which is expropriated, or furnish me with the name and address from whom they may be obtained. (6) The City Council will take possession of the expropriated property on 28 December (7) If in terms of section 2 (3) of the Act you are able to satisfy the City Council that due to the expropriation of this portion of your property the remainder has become useless to you then this notice shall, for all purposes, be deemed to include the remaining portion of the property. (Such written request must be lodged within sixty (60) days ofthe final date of publication of this notice.)

122 122 No GOVERNMENT GAZETIE, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 SCHEDULE OF PROPERTIES (To Notice of Expropriation in terms of section 7 (5) of the Expropriation Act 63 of 1975, as amended) NEW GERMANY ROAD Property description Extent Remainder of A of 124 of of the farm Klein Zeekoe Vallei Entire property I 689 m 2. Property description Plan No. SJ Approximate extent m2 road area PALMIET ROAD Proposed Subsection A (Road) of I of q of the farm Klein Zeekoe Vallei No /8 12 OFF VALLEY ROAD Proposed Subsection A of 5 of G5 of Lot 8. No /8 ~~fe~~w~n~~~~.~~e~.~~~ai~de.r..of.~.o.~~.~~.~.~~~.~~~.~i.~~~~.o~.~.~~.~~:.~: ~W~~S~fbZ~iiA~ Jo~~:~t ~ ~; il~ ~.~~. ~~.~.~~. ~.~~.~~~.~~.~~~~.~~~.~~~~~: 3645/4 MAA'TON CRESCENT Proposed Subsection 2 of Lot 249, and Embankment over Remainder of Lot 249, both of Reservoir Hills M 43 MARIE LANE Proposed Subsection A (Road) of Subse!ction 12 of 2 of L2 of Brickfield The servitude of trading rights, in favour of Mobil Oil Southern Africa (Ply) Ltd, over Subsection A (Road) of Subsection 12 of 2 of L2 of Brickfield 806, appearing on Notarial Deed of Servitude No. 572/1979, dated I August Proposed Subsection A (Road) and Embankment over Subsection 9 of 2 of L2 of Brickfield / The servitude of trading rights, in favour of Mobil Oil Southern Africa (Ply) Ltd, over Subsection A(Road) and Embankment over Subsection 9 of 2 of L2 of Brickfield 806, appearing on Notarial Deed of Servitude No. 572/1979, dated I August W. B. Stone, Town ClerklChiefEtecutive, Town Clerk's Office, P.O. Box 1014, Durban, /10/88. Ref. OINO: STADDURBAN KENNISGEWING 1364 (GEGEE INGEVOLGE WET 63 VAN 1975, SOOS GEWYSIG) ONTElENINGS: NEWGERMANY-WEG, PALMIETWEG, VALLEYWEG, MANTONSINGEL, MARIESTEEG Aan.-Die eienaar(s), eksekuteur(s), trustee(s), administrateur(s), erfgenaam(-name) en aile persone wat enige belang by die hieronder beskrewe grond het, met inbegrip van enige koper ingevolge artikel9 (I) (d) (ii) van die Onteieningswet 63 van 1975, soos gewysig: (1) Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge artikel 7 (5) van die Onteieningswet, 1975 (Wet 63 van 1975), dat die Stadsraad, met die vooraf verkree goedkeuring van die Uitvoerende Komitee, die grond wat in die bylae hierby beskryf en aangetoon word op die plan waama in sodanige bylae verwys word, welke plan ter insae Ie by die kantoor van die Stadswaardeerder en Eiendomsbestuurder, Winderstraat 75, Durban, hiermee onteien. (2) Voormelde grond word vir die volgende doeleindes benodig: Padontwikkeling, walle, oop ruimte. (3) Die onteiening tree in werking op 28 Oktober 1988, vanaf welke datum eiendomsreg van die eiendom as oorgegaan op die Stadsraad geag word. (4) lngevolge die bepalings van voorrnelde Wet 63 van 1975 (a) word u hierrnee versoek om binne sestig (60) dae vanaf die datum van hierdie kennisgewing 'n skriftelike verkiaring by my af te lewer of te laat aflewer waarin (i) die totale bedrag aangedui word wat deur u as vergoeding geeis word. Hierdie bedrag moet ingevolge artikel 12 (1) (a) van die Wet in besonderhede uiteengesit word en redes moet vir die eis van hierdie bedrae aangevoer word; (ii) volledige besonderhede verskaf word van aile verbeteringe aan die grond wat hiermee onteien word, wat na u mening die waarde van die grond beinvloed; en (iii) onderstaande besonderhede, waar van toepassing, verskafword: (aa) Die naam en adres van die huurder, vergesel van die huurooreenkoms of 'n gewaarmerkte afskrif daarvan indien dit op skrif is, of volledi~e besonderhede van die ooreenkoms as dit nie op skrif is nie, indien die grond voor die datum van die kennisgewing ingevolge n ongeregistreerde huurooreenkoms vir sake- of landboudoeleindes verhuur is. (bb) Die naam en adres van die koper saam met die koopakte of'n gewaarmerkte afskrif daarvan indien u die eiendom voor die datum van die kennisgewing ingevolge 'n koopakte verkoop he!. (cc) Die naam en adres van die aannemer saam met die boukontrak of 'n ~ewaarmerkte afskrif daarvan indien dit grond is waarop 'n gebou opgerig is wat uil hoofde van 'n skriftelike boukontrak onderworpe aan n bou-aannemer se retensiereg is. (dd) Die naam en adres van ~ie bywoner vergesel van die toepaslike kontrak of 'n gewaarmerkte afskrif daarvan indien die kontrak op skrif is, of volledige besonderheloe daarvan as dit nie op skrif is nie, indien dit grond is waarop 'n bywoner ten tyde van hierdie kennisgewing boer; en (iv) die adres vermeld word waarheen verdere korrespondensie in verband met hierdie onteiening gestuur moet word. (5) U word verder versoek om die titelaktes van die eiendom, wat onteien is, binne sestig (60) dae vanaf die datum van hierdie kennisgewing by my af te lewer of te laat aflewer, of om my lie voorsien van die naam en adres van 'n persoon waar dit bekom kan word. (6) Die Stadsraad salop 28 Desember 1988 besit van die onteiende eiendom neem. (7) Indien u ingevolge anike12 (:I) van die Wet die Stadsraad tevrede kan stel dat die res van u eiendom as gevolg van die onteiening van hierdie gedeelte daarvan nutteloos vir u geword het, word dit geag dat hierdie kennisgewing vir aile doeleindes die oorblywende gedeelte van die eiendom inslui!. (Sodanige skriftelike versoek moet binne sestig (60) dae vanaf die finale publikasiedatum van hierdie kennisgewing ingedlen word.) BYLAE T.O.V. EIENDOMME (By Onteieningskennisgewing ingevolge anikel 7 (5) van die Onteieningswet 63 van soos gewysig) NEW GERMANY-WEG Beskrywing van eiendom Grootte Die restant van A van 124 van van die plaas Klein Zeekoe Vallei Hele eiendom I 689 m 2, Beskrywing van eiendom Plan No. SJ Benaderde grootte m2 padopperviakle PALMlETWEG Voorgestelde Onderverdeling A (pad) van I van Q van die pjaas Klein Zeekoe Vallei /8 12

123 STAATSKOERANT, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No Beskrywing van eiendom Plan No. SJ Benaderde grootte "rpodoppervlakte unvalleyweg Voorgestelde Onderverdeling A van 5 van G5 van Lo18, No " /8 Voorgestelde walle oor die reslant van R van Z van A en die restant van Q van Z van A, beide van Lot 8, No /2 Voorgestelde Onderverdeling T van W van M van Z van A en voorgestelde wal oor die reslant van W van M van Z van A, beide van Lot 8. No /4 65 MANTONSINGEL Voorgestelde Onderverdeling 2 van Lot 249 en wal oor die restant van Lot 249, beide van Reservoir Hills...,...,... " n 43 MARIESTEEG V oorgestelde Onderverdeling A (pad) van Onderverdeling 12 van 2 van L2 van Brickfield 806..,...,...,...,..., Die handelsregteserwituut, ten gunste van Mobil Olie Suider-Afrika (Edms.) Bpk., oor Onderverdeling A(pad) van Onderverdeling 12 van 2 van L2 van Brickfield 806, wat op notariele serwituutakte No. 572/1979. van 1 Augustus 1978 verskyn. Voorgestelde Onderverdeling A (pad) en wal oor Onderverdeling 9 van 2 van L2 van Brickfield / Die handelsregtesern'ituut, ten gunste van Mobil-Olie Suider-Afrika (Edms,) Bpk., oor Onderverdeling A (pad) van Onderverdeling 9 van 2 van L2 van Brickfield 806. wat op notariele serwituutakte No. 572/1979. van I Augustus 1978 verskyn. W. B. Stone, StadsklerkIHoof- Uitvoerende Beampte, Kantoor van die Stadsklerk, Posbus 1014, Durban /10/88. Verw CITY OF DURBAN NOTICE 1365 (GIVEN IN TERMS OF ACT 63 OF AS AMENDED) EXPROPRlATION OF LAND FOR ROAD DEVELOPMENT AND EMBANKMENTS: PETER ROADIROCHDALE ROAD To.-The owner(s), executor(s), trustee(s), administrator(s), heir(s) and to all persons having any interest in the hereinafter described land, including any buyer in terms of section 9 (1) (d) (ii) of the Expropriation Act 63 of 1975, as amended: (I) Notice is hereby given in terms of section 7 (5) of the Expropriation Act, 1975 (Act 63/1975), that the City Council hereby expropriates, with the prior approval of the Executive Committee, the land described in the schedule hereto and depicted on the plan referred to in such schedule, which plan is available for inspection at the offices of the City Valuer and Estates Manager, Durban ( LAE). (2) The said land is required for the following purpose(s): Road development and embankments, (3) The expropriation takes effect on 28 October from which date dominium in the property shall be deemed to have passed to the City Council. (4) In accordance with the provisions of the said Act 63 of 1975 (a) you are hereby requested, within sixty (60) days from the date of this notice, to deliver or cause to be delivered to me a written statement (i) indicating the total amount claimed by you as compensation. This amount must be detailed in terms of section 12 (I) (a) of the Act and reasons for claiming these amounts must be given; (ii) furnishing full particulars of all improvements to the land hereby expropriated which, in your opinion, affects the value of the land; (iii) where applicable. furnishing the following particulars; (aa) If, prior to the date of the notice, the land was leased for business or agricultural purposes in terms of an unregistered lease, the name and address of the lessee accompanied by the lease or a certified copy thereof, if the lease is in writing, or full particulars of the agreement if it is not in writing. (bb) If, prior to the date of the notice, you have sold the property under deed of sale, the name and address of the purchaser together with the deed of sale or a certified copy thereof. (cc) If it is land on which a building has been erected which is subject to a builder's lien by virtue of a written building contract, the name and address of the contractor together with the building contract or a certified copy thereof. (dd) If it is land which, at the date of this notice, is fanned by a share-cropper, the name and address of the share-cro~per accompanied by the relevant contract or acertified copy thereof, ifthe contract is in writing, or full particulars thereof if it is not in writlog; and (iv).stating the address to which further correspondence in connection with this expropriation should be posted. (5) You are further requested, within sixty (60) days of the date of this notice, to deliver to me or cause to be delivered the title deeds of the property which is expropriated, or furnish me with the name and address from whom they may be obtained. (6) The City Council will take possession of the expropriated property on 28 October 1988, (7) If in terms of section 2 (3) of the Act you are able to satisfy the City Council that due to the expropriation of this portion of your property the remainder has become useless to you then this notice shall. for a11 purposes, be deemed to include the remaining portion of the property. (Such written request must be lodged within sixty (60) days of the tinal date of publication of this notice,) SCHEDULE (To Notice of Expropriation in terms of section 7 (5) of the Expropriation Act 63 of 1975, as amended) PETER ROAD/ROCHDALE ROAD Property description Plan No. SJ Approximate extent "r rood area All of Zeekoe Vallei 787. Proposed Sub 5329 of 797 of Aof 55 of2..., /3A 309 Lot 796 of A of 55 of2...,.,...,...,.,.,...,...,.,...,...,...,... '",.,.. " 3606/4A entire property Proposed Subsection 5315 of D of89 of ,...,..., /6 70 Proposed Subsection 5332 of 1517 of 55 of2,... "..,."..., /10 40 Proposed Embankment over Subsection 3157 of89 of2,..,... ",...,,.,',.,.,... '..,..,..., 360m Proposed Subsection 5399 (of 3159) of 90 of 2, and Proposed Embankment over Remainderof3159 of90 of2...,..,'",.,...,...'.,.. '." '...,',...,. '...,...".,".,...,. 3607/8 Proposed Subsection 5400 of 3160 of 91 A of 2, and Proposed Embankment over Remainderof3160of9lA 40 of2.,"...,..,",...,.,...,.,,...".,...,...,...,.,.,...,...,... 3(jJ7/9 Proposed Subsection 5401 of 3161 of91 B of 2. and Proposed Embankment over Remainderof of91b of2.,...,... "...,...,',...,...,...,.,...,.... Proposed Subsection 5314 of3189 of87 of 2. and Proposed Embankment over Remainder 3607/10 21 of3189 of87 of2...,...,...,......,' /I 32

124 124 No GOVERNMENT GAZETIE, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 Prctperty description Plan No. SJ Approximate extent "r road area Proposed Subsection 5362 of 3188 of A of I of A of 87 of 2, and Proposed Embankment over Remainderof3188 of A of 1 of A of87 of2..,...,.,.,. '... Proposed Subsection 5313 of 3187 of B of I of A of 87 of 2, and Proposed Embankment 3608/2 97 over Remainder of 3187 ofb of 1 of A of 87 of2... Proposed Subsection 5312 of 3186 of C of 1 of A of 87 of 2 and Proposed Embankment 3608/2 100 over Remainder of 3186 of C of 1 of A of 87 of /3 53 Proposed Embankment over Subsection 3185 of A of 87 of Proposed Subsection 5333 of 56A of 2; ,......, Proposed Embankments over Subsections 1319 and 1320 of 56A of /8, 3608/9 Proposed Embankment over Subsectiqn 2103 of55 of /6 Proposed Embankments over Subsections 1520 and 1521, both of 55 of 2.., /5 Proposed Subsection 5334 of 1 of 56A of 2..., /8 7 Proposed Subsection 5344 of 2102 of 60 of 2...,..., Proposed Subsection 5354 of 1751 ouo of Proposed Subsection 5346 of 86A of 2, Proposed Subsection 5347 of 85 of 2, Proposed Subsection 5348 of 588 of 61 of 2, Pr<l!JlOsed Embankments over Remainder of 85 of 2 and Remainder of 588 of 61 of 2..., /4 561 Proposed Subsection 5350 of 63 of /2 460 Proposed Subsection 5351 of 62 of 2, and Proposed Embankment over Remainder of 62 of2...,..., /1 243 Proposed Subsection 5355 of 58 of2....., Proposed Subsections 5359 and 5360, both of 56 of Proposed Subsection 5361 ofc of57bof Proposed Subsection 5358 of 1515 of j5 of Proposed Subsection 5357 of 1516 of 55 of Proposed Subsection 5310 of888 of 2..., Proposed Embankment over Subsection 2 of Webb of /2 Proposed Subsection 5309 of I ofwebbof /3 62 Proposed Embankments over Subsecti'lms 3 and 4 of Webb of Proposed Embankment over Subsection 10 of Webb of Proposed Subsection 5715 of99 of2.., /10 31 Proposed Subsection 5716 of 53 of Aof / Proposed Subsection 5354 (of 4243) of 59 of Proposed Embankment over Subsection 5 of Webb of 2..., Proposed Subsection 5308 of 3183 of j() of A of / Proposed Subsection 5307 of 3182 of 510 of A of /1 175 Proposed Subsection 5306 of3181 of 51 of A 01" Proposed Subsection 5305 of 3180 (>f 1712 of 52 of A of 2, and Embankment over Remainderof3180 (of 1712) of 52 of Aof /3 174 W. B. Stone, Town ClerkiChiefExecutive, Town Clerk's Office, P.O. Box 1014, Durban, October Ref. O/NO: STADDURBAN KENNISGEWING 1365 (GEGEE INGEVOLGE WET 63 VA."'l 1975, SOOS GEWYSIG) ONTEIENING VA."'l GROND VIR P ADONrWIKKELING EN WALLE: PETERWEGIROCHDALEWEG Aan.-Die eienaar(s), eksekuteut(s), trustee(s), administrateur(s), erfgenaam(-name) en ajle persone wat enige belang by die hieronder beskrewe grond het, met inbegrip van enige koper ingevolge artikel 9 (I) (d) (ii) van die Onteieningswet 63 van 1975, soos gewysig: (I) Kennis geskied hiermee ingei;olge artikel 7 (5) van die Onteieningswet, 1975 (Wet 63 van 1975), dat die Stadsraad, met die vooraf verkree toestemming van die Uitvoerende Komitee, hiermee die grond onteien wat in die bylae hierby beskryf en aangetoon word op die plan waarna in sodanige bylae verwys word, welke plan ter ins<le Ie by die kantoor van die Stadswaardeerderen Eiendomsbestuurder, Winderstraat 75, Durban. (Verw.: 632/295 LAE). (2) Voormelde grond word vir die volgende doeleindes benodig: Padontwikkeling en walle. (3) Die onteiening tree in werking op 28 Oktober 1988, vanaf welke datum eiendomsreg van die eiendom as oorgegaan op die Stadsraad geag word. (4) Ingevolge die bepalings van voormelde Wet 63 van 1975 (a) word u hiermee versoek om bjnne sestig (60) dae vanaf die datum van hierdie kennisgewing 'n skriftejike verklaring by my af te lewer of te laat aflewer waarin- 0) die totale bedrag aangedui word wat deur u as vergoeding geeis word. Hierdie bedrag moet ingevolge artikel 12 (I) (a) van die Wet in besonderhede uiteengesit word en redes moet vir die eis van hierdie bedrae aangevoer word; (ii) volledige besonderhede verskaf word van aile verbereringe aan die grond wat hiermee onteien word, wat na u mening die waarde van die grond beinvloed; en (iii) onderstaande besonderhede, waar van toepassing, verskaf word: (aa) Die naam en adres van die huurder, vergesel van die huurooreenkoms of 'n gewaarmerkte afskrif daarvan indien dil op skrif is, of volledige besonderhede van die.ooreenkoms as dit nie op skrif is nie. indien die grond voor die datum van die kennisgewing ingevolge 'n ongeregistreerde huurooreenkoms vir sake- of landboudoeleindes verhuur is. (bb) Die naam en adres van ihe koper saam met die koopakte of 'n gewaarmerkte afskrif daarvan indien u die eiendom voor die datum van die kennisgewing ingevolge 'n koopakte verkoop het. (ec) Die naam en adres van die aannemer saam met die boukontrak of 'n gewaarmerkte afskrif daarvan indien dit grond is waarop 'n gebou opgerig is wat uit hoofde van 'n skriftelike boukontrak onderworpe aan 'n bou-aannemer se retensiereg is. (dd) Die naam en adres van die bywoner vergesel van die toepaslike konrrak of 'n gewaarmerkte afskrif daarvan indien die kontrak op skrif is, of voljedige besonderhede daarvan as dit nie op skrif is nie, indien dit grond is waarop'n bywoner ten tyde van hierdie kennisgewing boer; en

125 STAATSKOERANT, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No (iv) die adres venneld word waarheen verdere korrespondensie in verband met hlerdie onteiening gestuur moet word. (5) U word verder versoek om die titelaktes van die eiendom, wat onteien word, binne sestig (60) dae vanaf die datum van hierdie kennisgewing by my afte lewerofte laat aflewer, of om my te voorsien van die naam en adres van 'n persoon waar dit bekom kan word. (6) Die Stadsraad salop 18 Oktober 1988 besit van die onteiende eiendom neem. (7) Indien u ingevolge artikel 2 (3) van die Wet die Stadsraad tevrede kan stel dat die res van u eiendom as gevo!g van die onteiening van hierdie gedeelte daarvan nutteloos vir u geword het, word dit geag dat hierdie kennisgewing vir aue doeleindes die oorblywende gedeelte van die eiendom insluit. (Sodanige skriftelike versoek moet binne sestig (60) dae vanaf die finale pub\ikasiedatum van hierdie kennisgewing ingedien word.) BYLAE (By Onteieningskennisgewing ingevolge artikel7 (5) van die Onteieningswet 63 van 1975, soos gewysig) PETERWEGfROCHDALEWEG Eiendombeskrywing Plan No. SJ Benaderde grootte trl padgebied Almal van Zeekoe Vallei 787. Voorgestelde Onderverdeling 5329 van 797 van A van 55 van /3A 309 Lot 796 van A van 55 van /4A hele eiendom V oorgestelde Onderverdeling 5315 van D van 89 van /6 70 Voorgestelde Onderverdeling 5332 van 1517 van 55 van /10 40 Voorgestelde walooronderverdeling 3157 van 89 van Voorgestelde Onderverdeling 5399 (van 3159) van 90 van 2, en Voorgestelde wal oor die restant van 3159 van 90 van Voorgestelde Onderverdeling 5400 van 3160 van 91A van 2, en Voorgestelde wal oor die restant van 3160 van 91A van /9 20 Voorgestelde Onderverdeling 5401 van 3161 van 91B van 2, en Voorgestelde waloordie restant van 3161 van 91B van /10 21 Voorgestelde Onderverdeling 5314 van 3189 van 87 van 2, en Voorgestelde wal oor die restant van 3189 van 87 van /1 32 Voorgestelde Onderverdeling 5362 van 3188 van A van 1 van A van 87 van 2, en Voorgestelde wal oor die restant van 3188 van A van 2 van A van 87 van Voorgestelde Onderverdeling 5313 van 3187 van B van I van A van 87 van 2, en Voorgestelde wal oor die restant van 3187 van B van I van A van 87 van /2 100 Voorgestelde Onderverdeling 5312 van 3186 van C van I van A van 87 van 2 en Voorgestelde wal oor die restant van 3186 van C van I van A van 87 van /3 53 Voorgestelde waloo~onderverdeling 3185 van A van 87 van Voorgestelde Onderverdeling 5333 van 56A van /9 35 Voorgestelde walle oor Onderverdelings 131gen 1320 van 56A van , 3608/9 V oorgestelde wal oor Onderverdeling 2103 van 55 van /6 Voorgeste!de walle ooronderverdelings 1520 en 1521, albel van 55 van /5 Voorgestelde Onderverdeling 5334 van 1 van 56A van /8 7 Voorgestelde Onderverdeling 5344 van 2102 van 60 van /6 7 Voorgestelde Onderverdeling 5354 van 1751 van 60 van Voorgestelde Onderverdeling 5346 van 86A van 2, Voorgestelde Onderverdeling 5347 van 85 van 2, Voorgestelde Onderverdeling 5348 van 588 van 61 van 2, Voorgestelde walle oor die restant van 85 van 2 en die restant van 588 van 61 van /4 561 Voorgestelde Onderverdeling 5350 van 63 van /2 460 Voorgestelde Onderverdeling 5351 van 62 van 2, en Voorgestelde wal oor die restant van 62 van /1 243 V oorgestelde Onderverdeling 5355 van 58 van n 153 Voorgestelde Onderverdelings 5359 en 5360, albei van 56 van V oorgestelde Onderverdeling 5361 van C van 57B van Voorgestelde Onderverdeling 5358 van 1515 van 55 van VoorgesteldeOnderverdeling 5357 van 1516 van 55 van /4 143 V oorgestelde Onderverdeling 5310 van 88B van /1 67 Voorgestelde walooronderverdeling 2 van Webb van /2 V oorgestelde Onderverdeling 5309 van 1van Webb van /3 62 V oorgestelde walle oor Onderverdelings 3 en 4 van Webb van /4 Voorgestelde wal oor Onderverdeling!0 van Webb van /8 Voorgestelde Onderverdeling 5715 van 99 van V oorgestelde Onderverdeling 5716 van 53 van A van / V oorgestelde Onderverdeling 5354 (van 4243) van 59 van Voorgestelde wal oor Onderverdeling 5 van Webb van V oorgestelde Onderverde1ing 5308 van 3183 van 50 van A van / VoorgesteldeOnderverdeling 5307 van 3182 van 50 van A van Voorgestelde Onderverdeling 5306 van 3181 van 51 van A van /2 336 V oorgestelde Onderverdeling 5305 van 3180 van 1712 van 52 van Avan 2, en wal oor die restant van 3180 (van 1712) van 52 van A van W. B. Stone, StadslderklHoof- Uitvoerende Beampte, Kantoor van die Stadslderk, Posbus 1014, Durban, /10/88. Verw.: OlNo:

126 U6 No GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 APPLICATIONS FOR REGISTRATION OF TRADE MARKS IN SOUTH WEST AFRICA (Applications accepted in terms of Act 48 of 1973) Any person who has grounds for objection to any of the following trade marks may, within the ~scribed time, lodge Notice of Opposition on form SM 6 contained in the Second Schedule to the Trade Marks Rules m South West Africa, 197~. The prescribed time is two months after the date of advertisement. This period may on application be extended by the Reglstrar. Formal opposition should not be lodged until after notice has been given by letter to the applicant for registration so as to afford him an opportunity of withdrawing his application before the expense of preparing the Notice of Opposition is incurred. Failing such notice to the applicant an opponent may not succeed in obtaining an order for costs. "B" preceding the number indicates Part B of the Trade Mark Register. REGISTRAR OF TRADE MARKS FOR SOUTH WEST AFRICA AANSOEKE OM REGISTRASIE VAN HANDELSMERKE IN SUIDWES-AFRIKA (Aansoeke aangeneem ingevolge Wet 48 van 1973) Enigiemand wat beswaar het teen eruge van die onderstaande handelsmerke kan, binne die voorgeskrewe tydperk op vorm SM 6, vervat in die Tweede Bylae van die Handelsmerkregulasies in Suidwes-Afrika, 1973, Kennisgewmg van Beswaar indien. Die voorgeskrewe tydperk is twee maande na die datum van advertensie. Hierdie tydperk kan op aansoek deur die Registrateur verleng word. Formele beswaar moet nie ingedien word voordat die applikant om registrasie per brief van die beswaar in kennis gestel is rue, ten einde hom in die geleentheid te stel om sy aansoek teru~ te trek voordat onkoste in verband met die opstel van 'n Kennisgewing van Beswaar aangegaan word. By gebreke van so n kennisgewing aan die applikant, kan koste teen die beswaarmaker uitgewys word. "B" voor die nommer dui aan Deel B van die Handeismerkregister. REGISTRATEUR VAN HANDELSMERKE VIR SUIDWES-AFRIKA CLASS 36 88/0278(SWA) in Class 36: Finamcing. lending and credit services of all kinds and descriptions; banking and financial services of all kinds and descriptions; agency, brokerage, exchange, savings, guarantee and underwriting services of all kinds and descriptions; investment trust; insurance services; card and card charge banking and extending activities of all kinds and descriptions; all other services for, connected with or ancillary to any of the aforegoing; in the name of FIRST NATlONAL WESTERN BA!\K LIMITED ofwesbank House, 222 Smit Street, Braamfontein, Republic of South Africa. Address for service: Messrs. Deneys Reitz, 10 Anderson Street. JOHANNESBURG. WESPROTECT Registration of this Trade Mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word Protect separately and apart from the mark. Associated with 87/1218(SWA). FILED: 23 March CLASS 29 88/0040 (SWA) in Class 29: Meal, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams; eggs, milk and other dairy products; edible oils and fats; preserves, pickles; alllhe aforesaid goods consisting of or containing cream or substitutes for cream or being of a creamy texture in the name of BOllDEN, INC., a Corporation organised underthe laws of the State of New Jersey, of 277 Park Avenue, New York, New York, United States of America. Address for service: Messrs. Adams & Adams, Benstra Building, 473B Church Street, Arcadia. PRETORIA. Creamyshake Section 24 (1 ) (b) application. Associated with 88/0041 (SWA). Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word SHAKE apart from the mark. FILED: 15 JANUARY CLASS 32 88/0041 (SWA) in Class 32: Mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic drinks; syrups and other preparations for making beverages; all the aforesaid goods consisting of or containing cream or substitutes for cream or being of a creamy texture in the name of BORDEN, INC., a Corporation organised under the laws of the State of New Jersey, of 277 Park Avenue, New York, New York, United States of America. Address for service: Messrs. Adams & Adams, Benstra Building, 4738 Church Street. Arcadia, PRETORIA Creamyshake Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word SHAKE apart from the mark. Section 24 (I) (b) application. Associated with 88/0040(SWA). FILED: 15 JANUARY 1988.

127 STAATSKOERANf, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No CLASS 7 88/0566(SWA) in Class 7: Machines and machine tools; motors (except for vehicles); machine couplings and belting and parts of and accessories for all the aforegoing; in the name of GEC POWER DISTRIBUTION (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED, a South African company of GEC House, Skeen Boulevard, Bedfordview, Transvaal, Republic of South Africa. Address for Service: Messrs. Adams & Adams, Benstra Building, 473B Church Street, PRETORIA. FILED: 25 May CIPAK CLASS (SWA) in Class 7: Electric motors; in the name ofgec POWER DISTRIBUTION (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED, a South African company of GEC HOUSE, Skeen Boulevard, Bedfordview, Transvaal, Republic of South Africa. Address for Service: Messrs. Adams & Adams, Benstra Building, 473B Church Street, Arcadia, PRETORIA. FILED: 25 May UNIBOX CLASS (SWA) in Class 3: Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices; in the name of LOGOS PHARMACEUTICALS (PTY) LIMITED, a South African Company of Old Pretoria Main Road, Halfway House, Midrand, Transvaal. Address for service: Messrs. D. M. Kisch Incorporated, Glencaim, Market Street, JOHANNESBURG. Associated with 88/0234(SWA) and with 88/0170(SWA). FILED: 16 March CLASS 5 88/0234(SWA) in Class 5: Pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary preparations; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth, dental wax disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides; in the name of LOGOS PHARMACEUTICALS (PTY) LIMITED, a South African Company ofold Pretoria Main Road, Halfway House, Midrand, Transvaal. Address for service: Messrs. D. M. Kisch Incorporated, Glencaim, Market Street, JOHANNESBURG. Associated with (SWA). FILED: 16 March CLASS \0 88/0235(SWA) in Class 10: Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary instruments and apparatus; in the name of LOGOS PHARMACEUTICALS (PTY) LIMITED, a South African Company ofold Pretoria Main Road, Halfway House. Midrand, Transvaal. Address for service: Messrs. D. M. Kisch Incorporated, Giencaim, Market Street, JOHANNESBURG. Associated with 88/0236(SWA). FILED: 16 March 1988.

128 U8 No GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 CLASS Q236(SWA) in Class 16: Paper and paper articles, cardboard and cardboard articles, printed matter, newspapers, periodicals, books, brochures, manuals, instructional and teaching material, office requisites, photographs, stationery; in the name of LOGOS PHARMACEUTICALS (PrY) LIM ITED, a South African Company of Olp Pretoria Main Road, Halfway House, Midrand, Transvaal. Address for service: Messrs. D. M. Kisch Incorporated, Glencaim, Market Street, JOHANNESBURG. Associated with 881Q231(SWA). FILED: 16 March CLASS 42 88/0237(SWA) in Class 42: Wholesale, retail, mail order sales and distribution services, merchandise, marketing advisory and consultative services concerned with or relating to medical, 1feterinary, pharmaceutical and dental preparations, substances and apparatus; in the name of LOGOS PHARMA CEUTICALS (PrY) LIMITED, a So11th African Company of Old Pretoria Main Road, Halfway House, Midrand. Transvaal. Address for service: Messrs. D. M. Kisch Incorporated, Glencaim, Market Street, JOHANNESBURG. Associated with 88/0233(SWA). FILED: 16 March CLASS 2 B88/0025(SWA) in Class 2: Paint$; in the name of VARITY CORPORATION, a Corporation organised and existing under the laws of Canada of 595 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario, CANADA. Address for service: Messrs, D, M. Kisch Incorporated. Glencairn. Market Street, JOHANNESBURG. FILED: 13 January POWERPART CLASS 3 88/0 li8(swa) in Class 3: Deodordmts and antiperspirants; in the name of PROMARDIS (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED, a South African Company of 89 Arkwright Avenue. Wynberg, Trans'vaal. Address for service: Messrs. D. M, Kisch Incorporated, Glencairn, Market Street, JOHANNESBURG. FILED: 9 February 1988, WAVEDANCER CLASS 3 881Q578(SWA) in Class 3: Perfumery. cosmetics, soap and toiletry products; essential oils, hair lotions, dentifrices; in the name of PFIZER (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED, a South.African Company of 2nd Floor, East Block, Southern Life Park, 102 Rivonia Road, SANDTON. Address for Service: Messrs D. M. Kisch Incorporated, Glencaim. Market Street, JOHANNESBURG, Section 24 (I) (b) application, FILED: 26 May COMPLICE CLASS 17 88/0275(SWA) in Class 17: Plasties for use in manufacturer in the form of sheets. blocks, rods, tubes; materials for packing, stopping or insulating included in this class; in the name of AMPAGLAS (S,A.) (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED. a South African Company of Nywerheid Street, Tunney Township, ELANDSFONTEIN, Transvaal. Address for Service: Messrs. D. M. Kisch Incorporated, Glencairn. Market Street. JOHA.'Il"NESBURG. AMPAGARD PROFILE Applicants admit that registration of this trade mark shall not debar other persons from the bona fide descriptive use in the ordinary course of trade of tbe word GUARD. FILED: 22 March 1988,

129 STAATSKOERANT, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No CLASS 25 88/0438(SWA) in Class 25: Clothing, including footwear and headgear; components and accessories forthe aforesaid goods; in the name of FlRTOR (proprietary) LIMITED, a South Mrican Company, ofcnr 3rd Avenue and 4th Street, SPRINGS, Transvaal. Address for Service: Messrs. D. M. Kisch Incorporated, Glencaim, Market Street, lohannesburg. FILED: 2 May ICELANDER BOTHALIA Bothalia is 'n medium vir die publikasie van plant kundige artikels oor die flora en plantegroei van Suidelike Afrika. Een of twee dele van die tydskrif word jaarliks gepubliseer. Die volgende dele is beskikbaar: Bothalia is a medium for the publication of botan;- cal papers dealing with the flora and vegetation of Southern Africa. One or two parts of the journal are published annually. The following parts are available: BOTHALIA Vol. 3 Part 1 Out of print Vol. 9 Part A3.00 Vol.3Deel 1 Uit druk Vol. 9 Deel R c A c R c 3 & c 3 & c R c A6,00 Vol. 4 Part c Vol. 10 Part A3,OO Vol. 4 Deel c Vol. 10 Deel A c A c A3,OO c A3,OO c A c A3,OO c A3,00 Vol A3.00 Vol. 11 No. 1 & Vol. 5 19SOA3,OO Vol. 11 No. 1 & A6,OO A6,00 Vol. 6 Part A1,SO 31974A3, A3,OO 41975A3,OO Vol. 6 Deel A1,SO A2,SO 41975A3,OO 21954A2,SO A2,OO 31956A2,OO A2,OO Vol. 12No A5,OO 41957A2,OO Vol. 12No A5,OO A5,OO A5,OO Vol. 7 Part A A7, A7, A3,OO A7,SO Vol. 7 Deel A2, A 7, A3,OO A3,OO 41962A3,OO Vol. 13No. 1 & A3,OO Vol. 13 No A3,OO 1 & A15.00 A15,00 Vol. 8 Part A3,OO 3 & & A3,OO A15,OO Vol. 8 Deel 11962A3.00 A15, A3,OO 21964A3,OO 41965A3,OO Vol. 14 No A7,SO 31965A3,OO Vpl. 14 No A7,SO A7, A3,OO A7,SO Supplement 3 & yvoegsel 3 & A30,OO A30,OO Vol. 15No. 1 & Vol. 15 No. 1 & A15,OO A15,00 Verkrygbaar van die Direkteur, Afdeling Landbou inligting, Privaatsak X144, Pretoria. Obtainable from the Director, Division of Agriculturallnformation, Private Bag X144, Pretoria. Sales tax must accompany all inland orders. Verkoopbelasting moet by aile binnelandse bestellings ingesluit word

130 130 No GOVERNMENT GAZETIE, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 FonnNormJ295 ADMINISTRATION OF ESTATES ACTS NOTICES BOEDELWETTEKENNISGEWINGS CURATORS AND TUTORS: MASTERS' NOTICES In tenns of section 75 of Act 66 of 1965 notice is hereby given of appointments of persons as curators or tutors by Masters, or of their having ceased in their respective capacity. The infonnation is given in the following order: Number of matter; person under curatorship, or minor, and address; name and address of curator or tutor; whether appointment or cease in capacity, and date; Master of the Supreme Court. KURATORS EN VOOGDE: MEESTERS SE KENNISGEWINGS Ingevolge artikel 75 van Wet 66 van 1965 word hierby kennis gegee van die aanstelling van persone as kurators of voogde deur Meesters, of van die beeindiging van aanstellings in sodanige hoedanighede. Die inligting word verstrelc in die volgorde: Nommer van saak; persoon onder kuratele, of minderjarige, en adres; naam en adres van kurator of voog; of aanstelling of beeindiging daarvan, en datum; Meester van die Hooggeregshof. CAPE. KAAP KENNlSGEWING Kennis geskied hiermee kragtens Artikel 75 van Wet 66 van 1%5 soos gewysig, van die aanstelling van Geoffrey Alan Pocock, pia Pocock & Bailey, Kerkstraat 117, Oudtshoom of Vredestraat 11, Oudtshoom as Kurator Bonis in die Beedel van Mev. Ellen Murphy van Waverley Kliniek, Dunwoodielaan 1393, Waverley, Pretorla welke aanstelling gemaak is met effek vanaf 5 Oktober Pocock & Bailey, Agente vir Kuratpr Bonis, Kerkstraat 1171Posbus 58, Oudtshoom, KENNlSGEWING BOEDEL ADA OSCHE, ONDER KURATORSKAP V AN STIKLAND HOSPIT AAL, BELLVILLE BOEDELNOMMER /1B Neem kennis dat die aanstelling van Pieter Daniel Theron, 'n prokureur van Hoofweg 77, Hermanus, gekanselleer is as kurator bonis in die beedel van Ada Osche weens die feit dat gesegc4e Ada Osche oorlede is. Geteken te Hermanus hierdie 24ste dag van Oktober Pieter Daniel Theron. 2856/88-Falconer, Richard John, 23 Berea Road, Howick, Curator, Kenneth Robert Falconer, 23 Berea Road, Howick, Appointment, 13 October 1988, Pietermaritzburg. 6935/85-Ferguson, Nigel Hugh, clo Mrs Hartman, 41 Morcom Road, Pietermaritzburg. CuratorlTutor, Colin John Barber, 4 Oban Drive, Scottsville, Pietermaritzburg, Cessation, 4 November 1988, Pietermaritzburg. 4279/88-Bien, Zygmunt, clo J. I..eslie Smith & Company, P.O. Box 297, Pietermaritzburg, Curator, Anthony Zygmunt Leslie Bien and Patrick Leslie Smith, J. Leslie Smith & Co., P.O. Box 297, Pietermaritzburg, Appointment/Cease, , Pietermaritzburg. %n9-van der Merwe, Nicosienll Margaretha, Huis Sorgvry, Reitz, oorlede Kurator, L. A. van Biljon, Skoolstraat 3, Reitz. Beeindiging. 1950/88-Swart, Martha Maria,!;ebore Waldman, Parnonhof 107, Henrystraat, Bloemfontein. Kurator, Johan Izak Jacobus Fick, pia Naudes, Trustfonteingebou, St Andrewstraat 151; Posbus 153, Bloemfontein. Aanstelling, 18 Oktober 1988, Bloemfontein. 163/88-Janekelowitz, Abraham Joseph, 3 Scholtzstraat, Bethlehem, Kurator, Willie Lourens Crowther, pia Marais & Crowther, Geoktrooieerde Rekeruneesters (SA), President Boshoffstraat 32, Bethlehem, Aanstelling, 18 Augustus 1988, Bloemfontein. FonnNormJ 193 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the estates mentioned below are hereby called upon to lodge their claims with the executors concerned, within 31) days (or otherwise as indicated) calculated from the date of fublication hereof. The infonnation is given in the following order: Estate number, surname and christian names, date 0 birth, identity number, last address, date of death; surviving spouse's names, surname, date of birth and identity number; name and address of executor or authorised agent, period allowed for lodgement ofclaims ifother than 30 days. KENNISGEWING AAN KREDITEURE IN BESTORWE BOEDELS Alle persone wat vorderinge het teen die boedels hieronder vermeld, word hierby versoek om hul vorderinge by die betrokke eksekuteurs en binne 'n tydperk van 30 dae (of andersins soos aangedui) gereken vanaf die datum van publikasie hiervan in te lewer. Die inligtij~g word verstrek in die volgorde: Boedelnommer, familienaam en voorname, geboortedatum, persoonsnonuner, laaste adres, datum oorlede; nagelate eggenoot(note) se name, familienaam, geboortedatum en persoonsnommer; naam en adres van eksekuteurs of gemagtigde agent, tydperk toegelaat vir lewering van vorderings intlien antlers as 30 dae. TRANSVAAL Vorster, Jacobus Adriaan, I Desember 1929, I 005, Myrtlestraat 17, Drie Riviere, Vereeniging, 3 September 1988; Susanna Magdelena Vorster, gebore Herbst, 31 Augustus 1934, I. Volkskastrust Bpk., Posbus 61488, Marshalltown /88-Saks, Betty, 26 Augusl 1928, ,229 Sidney Avenue, Waterkloof, Pretoria, 12 September Kessel Feinstein, P.O. Box 1470, Pretoria Lissoos, Lionel Arthur, 6/1129, , Zebediela, distrik Potgietersrus, 6/9/88. E. Y. Stuart, Posbus 6492, Pretoria.

131 STAATSKOERANT, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No /88-Bierman, Johanna Susanna, 3 Desember 1897, , SAVF-ouetehuis, Kerkstraat, Middelburg, 7 September Jaap van Deventer & Campher, Posbus 2125, Middelburg /88-Brink, Jacobus Marthinus, 24 Desember 1926, , Johan Rissikrylaan 226, Waterkloofrif, Pretoria, 9 September Solomon & Nicolson Ing., Posbus 645, Pretoria /88---Combrinck, Andre, 18 April 1951, , Moisheuwel, Grootvlei, 17 September Standardtrust Bpk., Posbus 1248, Bloemfontein Steenkamp, Adrien Louis, 2/4/57, , Klipstapel, distrik Breyten, 1519/88; Yvonne Steenkamp. Eerste Persoonlike Batebestuur, Posbus 600, Nelspruit. 1475/88-Venter, Susanna Fransina Johanna, 7 April 1896, , Tweede Straat 31, Lichtenburg, 21 Desember Ben Roothman & Olivier, Posbus 582, Lichtenburg /88-Marais, Pierre Guillaume, 16 Maart 1915, , Keistraat 33, Drie Riviere, 9 Augustus 1988; Claudine Jacomine Marais, gebore Vink, 28 Februarie 1916, Dr. P. A. Olivier, Posbus 6695, Pretoria /88---Calitz, Mathys Christiaan, 27 Maart 1927, , Derde Straat 90, Krugersdorp-Noord, 29 Julie 1988; Gesiena Elena Calitz, 23 Februarie 1928, I. Volkskastrust Bpk., Posbus 61488, Marshalltown /88-Van der Merwe, Amanda Johanna, 14 Oktober 1955, , Gedeelte D 407, Kalkheuwel, Broederstroom, 23 Julie 1988; Willem Nicolaas van der Merwe, I November 1959, Volkskastrust Bpk., Posbus 61488, Marshalltown /88-Nel, Elsie Hendrina Catharina, 4 Julie 1908, , Herfsoord, Malia Blok H4, Vanderbijlpark, 10 Augustus 1988; Adriaan Nel, 4 November 1915, Volkskastrust Bpk., Posbus 61488, Marshalltown /88-Theron, Anna Francina, 12 November 1939, , Blommesteinstraat 108, Krugersdorp-Noord, 17 September Volkskastrust Bpk., Posbus 61488, Marshalltown /88-Janse van Rensburg, Hendrik Jacobus Michael, 9 Desember 1903, , Stephano Park 67, Vanderbijlpark, 14 Augustus 1988; Maria Cornelia Janse van Rensburg, 2 Maart 1908, Volkskastrust Bpk., Posbus 61488, Marshalltown /88-Ueckermann, Johan Francois, 7 September 1902, , 328 Main Reef Road, Wentworth Park, Krugersdorp, 6/9/88. Volkskastrust Ltd, P.O. Box 61488, Marshalltown /88-Rossouw, Johanna Hendrika, 12 Oktober 1918, , Fischerstraat 18, Brackenhurst, Alberton, 7 Julie Volkskastrust Bpk., Posbus 61488, Marshalltown /88-AJkers, Victor Julius, 14 Augustus 1933, , Raannimwoonstelle 15, Voortrekkerstraat 34, Middelburg, 14 Julie 1988; Isabella Maria Elizabeth Louisa Alkers, 23 Augustus 1936, Volkskastrust Bpk., Posbus 61488, Marshalltown /88-Prinsloo, Barend Rudolph, 21 Augustus 1933, , Arthurst 6, Roodepoort; Anna Catharina Dorothea Prinsloo, 4 Mei 1940, Volkskastrust Bpk., Posbus 61488, Marshalltown /88-Vao der Merwe, Gabriel Erens, 16 November 1920, , Lisbonhof 10, Wobumlaan, Benoni, II Mei 1988; Anna Johanna Maria van der Merwe, gebore Oelofse, 3 November 1909, Volkskastrust Bpk., Posbus 61488, Marshalltown /88--Geldeohuys, Stefanus Johannes, 80ktober 1915, , Narescol Plot 149, Vanderbijlpark, 9 Julie Volkskastrust Bpk., Posbus 61488, Marshalltown /88-AJmoo, Louise Ernestine, 27 September 1943, , Oppermanstraat 24, Randhart, Alberton, 21 Augustus 1988; Gerard Cornelius Almon, 31 Augustus 1939, Volkskastrust Bpk., Posbus 61488, Marshalltown /88-Faurie, Francina Johanna, 25 September 1929, , Prairstraat 133, Rosettenville, 12 Junie Volkskastrust Bpk., Posbus 61488, Marshalltown /88-Lategao, Joyce Joan, 11 Desember 1932, , Frerelaan 71, Ontdekkerspark, I Augustus 1988; Jan Andries Lategan, 2 Mei 1926, Volkskastrust Bpk., Posbus 61488, Marshalltown /88-Lombard, Willem Jacobus, 12 September 1921, , Chelvertonlaan 168, Mondeor, 12 September 1988; J anetta Hendrika Vorster Lombard, 23 Maart 1915, Volkskastrust Bpk., Posbus 61488, Marshalltown Vao den Berg, McDonald, 8 Maart 1960, I, Ebonyrylaan 21, Northcliff, 7 Augustus Volkskastrust Bpk., Posbus 61488, Marshalltown /88-Vao Zyl, Daniel Belsazar Erasmus, 20 November 1925, , Villa Roschelle 6, Commissionerstraat, Boksburg, 28 Julie Volkskastrust Bpk., Posbus 61488, Marshalltown /87-Jaose van Vuureo, Maria Elizabeth, 30 Januarie 1917, , De la Reystraat 71, Standerton, 18 Oktober Van den Berg, Nel & Langeveldt, Posbus 55, Standerton /88-Dowos, Amy Bernice, , , 53 Kei Road, Farrarmere, Benoni, 6 September Lovell Miller Dreyer & Kraitzick, P.O. Box 175, Benoni /88-De ViIliers, Rachel, 13 April 1896, , Rusoord, Belfast, 5 Augustus Wynand Prinsloo & Badenhorst, Posbus 810, Middelburg /88-Dippenaar, Thelma Clarinda, 17/8/08, , 16 Ravenshaw Road, Parkdene, Boksburg, 20 July 1988; Johannes Jacobus Dippenaar, 28 September 1907, Malherbe, Rigg & Ranwell, P.O. Box 186, Boksburg. 3465/88-Meyer, Heinrich, 13/8111, , Arenarius 2, Rissikstraat, Pietersburg, 20 Februarie 1988; Marie Meyer, 12/3113, R. C. Roome, Posbus 250, Pietersburg /88-Jacobs, Lambertus Petrus, 2 Augustus 1907, , wewenaar, Plot 36 van die plaas Witfontein 53,29 Julie P. M. Vermeulen, Coetzenburg-sentrum, President Steynstraat 697, Pretoria-Noord /88-Heynes, Harris, I Mei 1918, , Huis 58a, Mainstraat, Pelgrimsrus, 13 Augustus J. du T. de Villiers & Cross, Posbus 21, Lydenburg /88-Pasifakis, Manos, 19 October 1921, ,46 Godwin Road. Farrarmere, Benoni, 14 September Edelstein Kahn Connack & Muller, P.O. Box 243, Benoni /88--Strydom, Stephina Johanna Cecilia, , , Linhof 7, Joubertstraat, Middelburg, 23 September Wynand Prinsloo & Badenhorst, Posbus 810, Middelburg /88-Hodgsoo, Norman, 17 June 1924, , Waterkloof, Rustenburg, 25 July Van Velden-Duffey, Private Bag 82082, Rustenburg. 929/88--Schwartz, David Zacharias de Villiers, 31 Oktober 1942, , Protea Hotel, Derde Laan, Springs, 8 November De Jager, Kruger & Van Blerk, Posbus 1078, Springs /88--SchiId, Anna, 23 March 1905, ,279 Kruger Street, Protea Park, Rustenburg, 21 August Wiehahn Meyernel, P.O. Box 164, Rustenburg /88-Veoter, Jacobus Gerhardus, , , Moria-ouetehuis, King Georgestraat I, Krugersdorp, 3/8/88. J. B. Hugo & Cronje, Posbus 115, Krugersdorp /88-Appels, Hendrik Jacobus, 30 Januarie 1924, , Winkelhaakstraat 4, Alabama, Klerksdorp, 26 Augustus 1988; Francina Appels, 19 November 1929, L'Ange, De Waa1 & Freysen, Posbus 59, Klerksdorp /88-Hariogtoo, Lilian Avice Hallam, 1716/1895, farm Appel, P.O. Magoebaskloof, 15/8/88. Meyer Pratt & Luyt, P.O. Box 152, Pietersburg. 5973/88-Brits, Rudolf Marthinus, 26 November 1919, Gardinerlaan 40, Brakpan, II April De Jager Kruger & Van Blerk, Posbus 835, Springs. 9454/88-Botes, Jan Antonie, 8/8/12, , Leydstraat 5, Rustenburg, 7 Junie F. C. Vercuei1. Posbus 13322, Geduld. 2988/85-Ackermaoo, John Abraham. 26/12/60, Hensdalesentrum 5. hoek van Main- en Newstraat. Unified. Florida Standardtrust Bpk., Posbus 288. Kimberley.

132 132 No GOVERNMENT GAZETIE, 4 NOVEMBER Truter, Henning Petrus Albertus, , , Maylaan 33, Arcon Park, Vereeniging, ; Johanna Petronella Hendrina Truter, 21 September 1940, Saambou Boedel & Trust Bpk., Posbus 4010, Pretoria De Freitas Branco, Wilhelmina, 11 Mei 1890, W, Weilbachweg, De Deur, Vereeniging, 22 Augustus Philip Matthee & Kie., Posbus 4, Fochville Scb1itte, Anna Sieglinde, 4 November 1927, , Von Brandisstraat 10, Piet Relief, 5 Augustus 1988; Wilhelm Heinrich Carl Schutte, 9 Junie 1923, Volkskaslrust Bpk., Posbus 383, Pretoria Swanepoel, Jan Andries Christoffel, 16 Januarie 1906, , BOlhastraat 866, Daspoort, 10 September Volkskastrust Bpk., Posbus 383, Pretoria Simoes, Antonia Clalfdio Paias de Chaby, , , Myburghstraat 446, Capital Park, Pretoria, Volkskastrust Bpk., Posbus 383, Pretoria Britz, Henry Alexander, 8 November 1926, , Ulundilaan 275, Mountain View, Pretoria, 31 Julie Volkskastrust Bpk., Posbus 383, Pretoria La Grange, Maria Magdalena, 7 November 1932, , VIS 307, Komatie Kragstasie. Volkskastrust Bpk., Posbus 383, Pretoria Roux, Andries HerCUles, I Oktober 1929, , Plot 3, Highlands, Nelspruit, 12 Julie 1988; Anna Jacoba Roux, 21 Maart 1941, VolkskastrustBpk., Posbus 383, Pretoria. I I Du Plessis, Jan Abraham, 4 Augustus 1909, , Stegmanstraat 232, Jan Niemandpark, 20 Junie 1988; Sophia Magrieta du Plessis, 12 Maart 1922, Volkskastrust Bpk., Posbus 383, Pretoria. 1I423/88-Marais, Johannes du Plessis, 28 April 1898, , Hotel Louis, Schoemanstraat 599, Arcadia, Pretoria, 14 Junie VolkskastrustBpk., Posbus 383, Pretoria S--Combrlnk, Susanna Aletta Hendrina, 2813/06, , Potgietersrus, 119/88. Volkskastrust Bpk., Posbus 383, Pretoria /88-Van Vuuren, Jacob Willemina, 1I1l110, , Paffslraat 1199, Booysens, Pretoria, 1419/88. Volkskastrusl Bpk., Posbus 383, Pretoria /88-Van der Westhuizen, HeSler Helena Catharina, 22 September 1902, , weduwee, Huis Herfsblaar, Webbstraat 1244, Queenswood, Pretoria. 24 Augustus Volkskastrust Bpk., Posbus 383, Pretoria /88-Steyn, Johannes Andries, 6 Januarie 1906, , Rusoord, Coetzeestraat, Belfast, 12/5/88; Christina Cornelia Ockert Andries Steyn, 19 Mei 1918, Volkskastrust Bpk., Posbus 383, Pretoria /88-Smit, Jacobus Frederick, 5 November 1894, , Alfastraat 350, Silverton, 11 Augustus 1988; Sophia Elizabetha Frederika Smit, 27 Maart 1911, Volkskastrust Bpk., Posbus 383, Pretoria Bruwer, Lily Elena, 9/6115, , Johannesburg, 16 Julie Eerste Persoonlike Batebestuur, Posbus 1538, Klerksdorp Bloem, Petronella Anna Martha, 14/5/09, , Siesta A4, Vanderbijlpark, 14 September Eerste Persoonlike Batebestuur, Posbus 1538, Klerksdorp. 6517/88-Van der Walt, Petrus Jacobus, It September 1919, , Klaverstraat 25, Risiville, Vereeniging, 27 Maart Rossouw & Prinsloo, Posbus 871, Vereeniging /87-Van Heerden, Ocker! Johannes, 5 Augustus 1905, , Exhibitionstraat 24, White Ridge, Roodepoort, 1September Stabilitas Eksekuteurskamer(Edms.) JBpk., Posbus 11509, Johannesburg /88-Von Benecke, Johannes Petrus, , Soetdoringlaan 36, Doringkruin, Klerksdorp, 30 Augustus 1988; L'Anette Cornelia von Benecke, Volkskastrust Bpk., Posbus 970. Klerksdorp /88-WUkinson, William Turner, , Afrikanerstraat 17, Ventersdorp, 22 Augustus Volkskastrust Rpk., Posbus 970, Klerksdorp Smith, Ansa Marieta, 5/6/52, , Malgasfontein, Coligny, 1118/88; Philippus Jacobus Smith, , Volkskastrust Bpk., Posbus 970, Klerksdorp /88-De VUliers, Aorentina Maria, , Huis Lou van Wyk, Sannieshof, 7 Augustus Volkskastrust Bpk., Posbus 970, Klerksdorp. )778/87-Botha, Petrus Gerharaus, , Berthastraat 85, Turffontein, 25 Januarie Volkskastrust Bpk., Posbus 970, Klerksdorp /88-Badenhorst, Catharlna Maria, 2/6129, , Roseltstraat 14, Baillie Park, Potchefstroom, 16/8/88. Volkskastrust Bpk., Posbus 970, Klerksdorp /88/ASR I-Kruger, Susanna Maria Sophia, 24 Julie 1911, , Dahlialaan II, Adamayview, Klerksdorp, II Julie J. J. Oosthuizen Du Plooy & Vennote, Posbus 22, Klerksdorp. 9753/88-Botes, Riana Wilhelmana, 25 April 1932, , Collylaan 17, Stilfontein, 8 Julie J. J. Oosthuizen Du Plooy & Vennote, Posbus 22, Klerksdorp /88-De Lange, Adriaan Michiel, 4/11112, Proteaweg 34, Delareyville, 2 September 1988; Christiaan Jacobus de Lange, Volkskastrust Bpk., Posbus 970, Klerksdorp /88-Botha, Wynand Jacobus, 30 Juiiie \925, , Joseph Bosmanstraat 565, Silverton, 13 Augustus Volkskastrust Bpk., Posbus 383, Pretoria Brits, Jan Preuyt, 20/2121, , D. F. Malanstraat 27, Rensburg, 23 April 1988; Maria Elizabeth Brits, 23 Februarie 1921, Viljoen& Meek, Po,bus 21, Heidelberg /86/ASR 2-Van der Sallldt, Susarah Maria van der Sandt, 5/4/62, , 9 Drummondstraat, Vanderbijlpark, 3 Junie 1986; Michael van der Sandt, 6/6/58, Jonker Verster & Vennote, Vereeniging. I I Robertson, Theunissen Gordon, , , Hoewe 22. Wheatlands, 13 Augustus H. E. Zaayman, Posbus 3691, Randgate Cole, Clara Martha Norton, 1895/08/04, , St Margaret's Old Age Home, Irene, Pretoria /19. R. E. Megaw, 106 Rentbe1 Building, Bureau Lane, Pretoria. I Buitendag, Thelma, 2319/18, , Eiginstraat 139, Van Riebeeckpark, Kempton Park, 19/12/86; Frederik Willem Coenrad. Ehlers & Vennote Ingelyf, Posbus 32~iB, Pretoria Schoeman, Johanna Frederika Elizabeth, 27/6113, , Goedgedacht, Thabazimbi, 28/B/88. Ehlers & Vennote Ingelyf, Posbus 3248, Pretoria /88-Van Wyk, Phillipus Albertus, 5 September 1911, , plaas Vlakfontein. Bronkhorstspruit, 28 September Meintjes Vermooten & Vennote, Posbus 23, Pretoria Burmeister, Gladys Edith, 5 November ,32 King Street, Irene, 18 June Standardtrust Ltd, P.O. Box 1330, Pretoria /8S--Carden, George Ernest, 17 Desember 1914, , Bakenkloofstraat 460, Pretoria-Noord, 14 September Standardtrust Bpk. Posbus 1330, Pretoria i88-Fourie, Lou is Philippus, I Oktober 1921, I 0007, Funduslandgoed 8, Strydfontein. Pretoria-Noord, 2 Oktober 1988; Barbara Susanna Fourie, 20 Januarie 1927, 27~ I. Standardtrust Bpk., Posbus 1330, Pretoria /88-Hartmann, Alben Willem, 20 Desember , Plot 70, Monavoni, distrik Verwoerdburg, 31 Augustus Standardtrust Bpk., Posbus 1330, Preloria K~h, Emma Edith May, 25 May 1906, , 1217 Caley Avenue, Queenswood, Pretoria, II September 1988; Ferdinand George Koch. Standardtrust Ltd, P.O. Box 1330, Pretoria.

133 STAATSKOERANT, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No J3827/88-Laodsberg, Johannes Hendrik, 20 April 1914, , plaas Rietfontein, Swartruggens, 15 Augustus 1988; Maria Elizabeth Landsberg. Standardtrust Bpk., Posbus 1330, Pretoria /88-Long, Arthur Edward, 2 February 1915, , 9a BUrger Street, Standerton, 26 August 1988, Standardtrust Ltd, P,O, Box 1330, Pretoria, 14220/88-Mankge, Letuba Mishack, 12 March 1952, ,942 Tubatsie Township, Praktiseer, 29 August 1988; Kelebogile Seane Joyce Mankge, born Monama. Standard trust Ltd, P.O. Box 1330, Pretoria /88-Ricbert, Agnes, 17 June 1899, , Bramley House, Bramley, Johannesburg, 9 September Standardtrust Ltd, P,O. Box 1330, Pretoria, 6555/88----Scheepers, Johannes Hendrik, 14 Januarie 1923, , Magudu, 5 Augustus 1988; Anna Maria Scheepers, Standardtrust Bpk. Posbus Pretoria /88-Terblanche, Lewisa Magtelina, 1 Mei 1917, , Piet Potgieter-ouetehuis, Hoogestraat, Potgietersrus, 17 September Standardtrust Bpk., Posbus 1330, Pretoria /88-Theron, Anne Elizabeth, 15 Augustus 1924, , Unielaan 186, Verwoerdburg, 25 Julie Standardtrust Bpk.. Posbus 1330, Pretoria /88-Van der Merwe, Johanna Christina, 2 September 1920, , Prinsloostraat 32, Brits, 3 Augustus 1988; Barend Jacobus van der Merwe, Standardtrust Bpk. Posbus 1330, Pretoria /88-Van der Merwe, Hendrik Petrus, 3/9/1898, , Mollerstraat 229, Meyerspark, , Ehlers & Vennote Ingelyf, Posbus 3248, Pretoria. Chown, David Loudon, 13 August 1930, , 169 Watermeyer Street, Meyerspark, Pretoria. 16 September Adams & Adams, P.O. Box 1014, Pretoria. 5822/88-Du Plessis, Hendrik Christiaan, 20/5/50, , Vorsterstraat 54, Bendor, Pietersburg, 19/3/88. Amo Cmnje Trust (Edms.) Bpk., Posbus 17300, Pretoria~Noord. 9218/88-De Beer, Petrus Wilhelmus, 23 Maart 1962, , Siagtersnekstraat 924, Waverley, Pretoria, I Julie Haupt & Gerneke, Posbus 16844, Pretoria-Noord, 11939/88-Cohen, Milton Wilfred, 30/12/49, ,5 Westleigh Avenue, Wendywood, Sandton, 15/5188. Westrust (Ply) Ltd, P.O. Box 10527,Johannesburg. J Janse van Rensburg, Magdalena Johanna, 4/9/34, , Suidstraat 43, Amersfoort, ; Nicolaas Willem Janse van Rensburg, , Lloyd & Jansen, Posbus 99, Ermelo Zipp, Jeremy Dennis William, I May 1958, ,42 Isipingo Street, Bellevue, Johannesburg, 28 April Henry Tucker & Partners, P.O. Box 99, Boksburg. 4423/88-Balfour-Cunningham, Kennith Horatio, 3/6/16, , P.O. Box 145, Halfway House, 16 March Jennifer Rodger, P.O. Box 145, Halfway House, Midrand, 13512!88-Mowbray, Emma Jeanie, 30 September 1904, ,8 Third Avenue, Hill Extension West, Johannesburg. 5 September Coopers & Lybrand Trust (Ply) Ltd, P,O. Box 1945, Durban. 5432/88--Arendse, David Herman, 2512/02, Johannesburg, 28 March 1988, Siomowitz Incorporated, P.O. Box 115, Vereeniging. 2888/88-Demas, Mary Garnzie, , , 1329c Buffalo Road, Evaton, 4 April Sacks Fradgley, Posbus 946, VanderbijJ~ park /88-Van Tonder, Hester Magrietha, 918/18, , Kruinsig Meenthuis 6, Overkruin, Heidelberg. 19 September Naudes, Posbus 153, Bloemfontein, 7494/88-Carlson, Martha Christina, 17 Julie 1941, I, Morcomstraat 51, Lewisham, Krugersdorp, 7 Februarie 1988; Mathys John Carlson, 4 Augustus Bankorptrust Bpk" Posbus 602, Johannesburg. 3791/88-Krngler, Willi, 12 April 1934, , De Grootstraat 10, Vanderbijlpark, I Februarie 1988; Margaret Klara KrugJer, , Bankorptrust Bpk" Posbus 602, Johannesburg /88~De Bruto, Jacobus Paulus Theunnissen, 10/2143, W, Vyfde Straat 55, Boksburg-Noord, 13n188, Bankorptrust Bpk., Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 12455/87-Muthoo, Gopal Poonsamy, 3 September 1939, A, 239 Caledon Street, Actonville, Benoni, 26 November 1984; Govendamal Muthoo, 15 November 1943, A. E. Cook Cook & Falconer, P.O. Box 52, Benoni. 8323/88-M611er, Jan Augus, 8112/40, , Pk. Hoedspruit, 26 Mei 1988; Hester Margaretha Moller, 2716/46, , Dr. P. A, Olivier. Posbus 6695, Pretoria, 5282/88-Bruce, Basil Joseph Gerhardt, , , 16 Rifle Range Court, 261 Rifle Range Road, Forest Hill, Johannesburg, J. Odendaal & Panners, P.O. Box , Excom Van der Westhuizen, Samuel Francis, 15 Maart 1941, , Wolwekraal, Brits, 10 Mei Gmbler & De Klerk, 13752/88-.Maritz, Coenraad Frederick, 26 August 1912, , 6a Schoeman Street, Pietersburg, 20 September Meyer Pratt & Luyt, P.O. Box 152. Pietersburg /88-Bosch. Anna Suanna Genruida, 23 Oktober I Merrimanlaan 40a, Vereeniging, 21 Augustus Steyn Lyell & Marais, Posbus 38, Vereeniging, 14004/88-Beetge, Rudi Irma, 25 Junie 1941, , Witkoppies 38, Kempton Park, 23 Augustus Venter & De Jager, Posbus 279. Pretoria Eksteen, Johan Frederik Meeding, 18 Junie 1925, , Hilversum, Standerton, 23 Augustus S. H, Nel & Kie., Posbus 382. Standerton I88-Uckermann, Robert, 3011/40, , Vintagestraat 9, Alphenpark, Benoni, 27 Julie Cohen, Pretorius & Cronje, Posbus 63. Bethal /88~Van der Westhuizen, Corneluis, 30 April 1903, , die plaas Mooiwater, Alma, 25 Augustus 1988; Susanna Josina Elizabeth van der Westhuizen, 6 Januarie 1906, , Klagsbruns Roux, Posbus 16973, Pretoria-Noord, Momsen, William George, 290ktober 1905, , Msukuwoonstelle 102, Pleinstraat 146, Sunnyside, Pretoria, 7 Julie 1988; Cecilia Johanna Momsen. II Junie Dyason Odendaal & Van Eeden, Tweede Verdieping, Leopontgebou, Kerkstraat-Oos 451. Pretoria, Bekker, C. A" ; Pieter Johannes Bekker. D. F. Gerber, Posbus 3468, Pretoria Uran, David, , ,57 Komatie Road, Emmarentia, I September Mervin Messias, P,O. Box Johannesburg Gericke, Frans Christian, 15 Februarie 1933, , Don Deanwoonstelle 8, Rubiestraat, CarJetonville, 20 Junie 1988; Elizabeth Gericke, 21 April 1936, Syfrets Trust Bpk" Rank Xerox Huis, Tweede Verdieping, Leydsstraal 459, Sunnyside. 9471!88-Miller, Archibald Hubert. 2411/05, , 45 Dorchester Mansions, 75 Rissik Street, Johannesburg, 2i7188. Damant Bostock & Co" P.O, Box 6200, Johannesburg /88-Wilmans. Ronald Sidney, 9110/49, , 15 Sandpeer Avenue, Weltevredenpark Extension 14. Roodepoort, Van der Merwe Inc" P.O, Box 1329, Florida, 12818/87-Fernandes, Luis Militao Estevao da Conceicao, 10 March Rua Francisco, Gorjao 59, Ponta-Gea, Berra, 25 January 1987, N, Cock, P,O. Box 8, Johannesburg /88-Pretorius, James Andrew, 16112/38, , 20 Antoinette Street, F1oracliffe, 28/8188; Edna Pretorius, 17/12136, D Miller & Co., P.O. Box 836, Bedfordview.

134 134 No GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 4 NOVEMBER /88--Hernstad, Leni, 29 January 1914, , 8 Brookwood, Hyde Close, Hyde Park, Sandton, 12 September Edward Nathan & Friedland Inc., P.O. Box 3370, Johannesburg /88--Marx, Louis, 29 September 1911, , I Kent Avenue, Sandringham, Johannesburg, I September Edward Nathan & Friedland Inc., P.O. Box 3370, Johannesburg /88-Posel, Max Michael, 25 December 1902, Fourth Avenue, movo, Johannesburg, 21 August Edward Nathan & Friedland Inc., P.O. Box 3370, Johannesburg /88-Plotkin, Boris, 22/2/09, ,405 Federated Place, O'Reilly Road, Berea, Johannesburg, 20/8/88. Max Cohen, P.O. Box 4184, Johannesburg /88--Ende, Sonia, 27 Oc.ober 1907, ,43 Thirteenth Avenue, Sydenham, Johannesburg, 4 July Edward Nathan & Friedland Inc., P.O. Box 3370, Johamlesburg /8S-Cowie, Maria Kathlel~n, 4 November 1898, , I Delville Court, Africa Star Flats, 39 Bella Vista Road, West Turffontein, Johannesburg, 16 June Routled8!e-MacCallums, P.O. Box 306, Johannesburg /88-Andor, Stephen, 16 February 1910, , III Roscommon Road, Parkview, Johannesburg, 18 August 1988; Lydia Eva Andor, according to the laws of Hungall)'. Geoff Cohen, P.O. Box 85433, Emmarentia /88-Griesel, Petrus Johalmes, 23/611891, , Sassar Aftree-oord, Posbus 13165, Witfield, Boksburg, 15/8/88. Bankorptrust Bpk., Posbus 1081, Kempton Park /88--Pretorius, Rose Alexandra Sophie, 27/1/29, , Leydslaan 6, Cinderella, Boksburg, ; Daniel Pieter Pretorius, 27/3/20, BankorptMt Bpk., Posbus 1081, Kempton Park /88--Erasmus, Jacobus Johannes, 13/3/29, Klapperstraat 13, Vandykpark, Boksburg, ; Anna Helena Erasmus, gebore Coetzee, 18/5/33, Bankorptrust Bpk., Posbus 1081, Kempton Park /88-'-Tannous, Daniel, 1~111/20, , Sylvesterlaan 33, Orkney, Wes-Transvaal, ; Mara Theodora Tannous. Standardtrust Bpk., Posbus 61452, Marshalltown /88--Volschenk, Johan Daniel, 9 Junie 1949, , Huis 27. Gevangenis Kroonstad 5JR, Huis 64, Groenpunt, Gevangenis, Vereeniging, 4 Julie 1988; Johanna Sophia Catharina Volschenk /88--Joubert, Pieter, I18, , Lyslaan 18, Discovery, Roodepoort. Standardtrust Bpk., Posbus 61452, Marshalltown /88--HotTman, Gabriel Fl;ancois Josua, 30/6/39, Gerrit Maritzlaan 83, Dalview, Brakpan; Marie Adriana Hendrina Hoffman. Standardtrust Bpk., Posbus 61452, Marshalltown /88-Mostert, Charles EdiWard, 30/ , Stellenbosch 7, Kitestraat, Horison, 7/8/88; Emmerentia Maria Moster!. Eerste Persoonlike Batebestuur, Posbus 2036, Johannesburg /88-Meyer, Daniel Rosslee, 22/6/20, , Delportstraat 40, EIsburg-uitbreiding 2, ; Martha Susanna Meyer. Eerste Persoonlike Batebestuur, Posbus 2036, Johannesburg /88--Theron, Elizabeth Magdalena Johanna, 919/45, , Barnietlaan 13, Croyden, Kempton Park, 16/8/88. Jacob Daniel Theron Standardtrust Bpk., Posbus 61452, Marshalltown /88--Sauerman, Johannes Theodorus, 18/4116, , Ringweg 30, Three Rivers, Vereeniging, Standardtrust Bpk., Posbus 61452, Marshalltown /88--Wessels, Anthon Jasper, 13 Junie 1935, , St Theresaweg 20, Hurleyvale, Edenvale, 10 September Syfrets Trust Bpk., Posbus 61058, Marshalltown /88-Viljoen, Willem Wouter, 20 Junie 1934, , Tuinlaan I, Robindale, Randburg, I September Stabilitas Eksekuteurskamer (Edms.) Bpk., Posllms 11509, Johannesburg /881ASR 2-Uys, Gert Johannes Comelis, 29 November , Posbus 250, Ray ton, 16 September Michiel Kirchner, Posbus 10670, Ashton Manor /88-Luntz, Joshua, 8 Julie 1916, , Johannesburg. 19 Junie H. M. Nel, Posbus 918, Roodepoort /88--Thom, Adriana Mmia Magdalena Wilhelmina, I November 1907, , Margarethastraat 4, Del Judor, Witbank, 13 Augustus Eerste Persoonlike Batebestuur, Posbus 40076, Arcadia /88--Schwartz, Freda Gertha, 25 June 1908, , 69 Houghton Drive, Houghton, Johannesburg, 14 October Strydom & Co., P.O. Box 35102, Menlo Park, Pretori /88--Van der Merwe, Willem Johannes, 23 Januarie 1918, , Annliawoonstelle I, Pritchardstraat 6, Annlin, 14 September 1988; Hendrika Magdalena van der Merwe, gebore Botes. Eerste Persoonlike Batebestuur, Posbus 40076, Arcadia /88--Nienaber, Sarel Andries, I Januarie 1918, , Sibeliusstraat 476, Lukasrand, 11 Augustus Eerste Persoonlike Batebestuur, Posbus 40076, Arcadia /88--Fourie, Ignatius Michael, 22 April 1919, , Faunaweg 685, Horana, Pretoria-Noord, 12 September 1988; Susanna Fourie, Eerste Persoonlike Batebestuur, Posbus 40076, Arcadia. 8845/8S-Courtney, Johannes, 12/3/09, ,229 Klip Street, Muckleneuk, Pretoria, 29/6/88. First Personal Asset Management, P.O. Box 40076, Arcadia /88--Roos, Susara Aletha, 12/3/08, W, Waterberg-ouetehuis, Nylstroom, 20/6/87; Christiaan Herodimus Roos. Eerste Persoonlike Batebestuur, Posbus 40076, Arcadia /88--Strydom, Christina Cornelia, 1717/ , Vidahof 15, Hans van Rensburgstraat 28, Pietersburg, 7/9/88. Eerste Persoonlike Batebestuur, Posbus 40076, Arcadia /88-Laxton, Gertrude Debora, 9/3120, , Rissik Street, Haenertsburg, 27/8/88. First Personal Asset Management, P.O. Box 40076, Arcadia /88-McLellan, Patricia Vera, 23 April 1931, ,3 Rooibos Street, Rooiberg, 27 August First Personal Asset Management, P.O, Box 40076, Arcadia. 220/88--Brits, Maria Dorothea, 8 Augustus 1913, , Grensstraat 31, Tzaneen, 16 Desember 1987; Jacob Johannes Brits. 13 September 1917, Joubert & May, Posbus 35, Tzaneen /88--Pretorius, Gertruidl! Magdalena Susanna, 8 August 1923, , 69 Violet Street, Primrose, 17 August F. A. Jacobs & Kriel, P.O. Box 343, Germiston. 6413/88-Janse van Rensburgi, Flora Macallister Blair, 20 August 1912, ,75 Deoda Arbour Village, Bradford Street, Bedford Gardens, 20 May Bell, Dewar & Hall, P.O. Box Johannesburg /88--Jones, Evan Trevor.. 4 March 1943, ,12 Edgecombe Road, The Hill, Johannesburg, 16 April Geoff Cohen, P.O. Box 85433, Emmarentia. 1446/88---Morton, Barbara, I November 1943, ,9 Piet Retief Street. Nigel, 4 December Damant Bostock and Co., P.O. Box 6200, Johannesburg Chadford, Joseph Thomas, 28/ ,53 Philip Street, Townsview, First Personal Asset Management, P.O. Box 2036, Johannesburg. I 3637/88--Haycock, Mary, 30/ Carina Avenue, Morehill, Benoni, 10/8/88. First Personal Asset Management, P.O. Box 2036, Johannesburg /88--Wel!s, Constance Helena, 22/4/04, , Queenshaven, Outspan Road, South Hills, 2118/88. First Personal Asset Management, P.O. Box 2036, Johannesburg /88-Milne, Jessie Mildred, 26/611897, ](X)07, 6 Westmoreland Road, Kensington, Johannesburg, 2/9/88. Firs! Personal Asset Management, P.O. Box 2036, Johannesburg.

135 STAATSKOERANT, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No /88--Boonzaier, Andries Coetzee, 12/9121, I, 58 Hoylake Avenue, Greenside, 29/8/88; Clare Boonzaier. First Personal Asset Management, P.O. Box 2036, Johannesburg Moir, John, 26/3/09, ,5 Bruwer Street, Edenglen, Edenvale, Johannesburg, 6/2188. Arthur Young & Co., P.O. Box 2231,Johannesburg /88-Scbelfrabn, Winifred Ruth, 25/2105, , Flat No.6, Allen Park Home, Allen Grove, 26/8/88. First Personal Asset Management, P.O. Box 2036, Johannesburg /88--Hinds, Johanna Elizabeth, 5/12/26, , 30 Fairbridge Road, Roosevelt Park Extension, 4/8/88. First Personal Asset Management, P.O. Box 2036, Johannesburg /88--Robinson, James Lawrence Eber, llm06, OO3008, 310 Bordeaux, Hull Street, Florida, 1/8/88; Enid Lydia Desmond Robinson. FIrst Personal Asset Management, P.O. Box 2036, Johannesburg /88--80tOO, Gideon Johannes, 23/1132, , 12th Floor, First National Bank, 6-8 Reserve Street, Braamfontein, Johannesburg, 24/8/88. First Personal Asset Management, P.O. Box 2036, Johannesburg !88--Hugbes, Ewart George, 5/4/01, , 43 Rosebank Village, 16 Jellicoe Avenue, Rosebank, Johannesburg, 28/8188. First Personal Asset Management, P.O. Box 2036, Johannesburg Smeenk, Barend, 19/9/26, , 13 Kingston Road, Dinwiddie, Genniston, 16/8/88. First Personal Asset Management, P.O. Box 2036, Johannesburg /88--Venables, Charlotte, , ,82 Nottingham Road, Kensington, Johannesburg, 14/8188; Cyril Henry King Venables. First Personal Asset Management, P.O. Box 2036, Johannesburg Evans, Stanley, 23/10/16, Anton von Wou Street, Roosevelt Park, Johannesburg, 1618/88. First Personal Asset Management, P.O. Box 2036, Johannesburg /88--Burroug:1S, George Arthur Medd, , , Arbor Village, Bedfordview, First Personal Asset Management, P.O. Box 2036, Johannesburg Taylor, Geoffrey, 19/12/27, , 107 Glen Ashleigh, Oxford Road, IlJovo, 5/8/88. First Personal Asset Management, P.O. Box 2036, Johannesburg /88--Groenewald, Petronella Magdalena, , , 38 Second Avenue, Mayfair, 618/88. First Personal Asset Management, P.O. Box 2036, Johannesburg. MacGrecor, Ian Hutton, I July 1924, ,25 Cottesmore Road, Bryanston, I August C. M. Cotton & Associates, P.O. Box 41526, Craighall. 14 I 91/88--Hendricks, Ebrahim. EI1mer & Co., P.O. Box 9117, Johannesburg /88--Miller, Jane Gertrude, 1811l104, , Village of Golden Harvest, Randburg, 2/9188. Cliffe, Dekker & Todd, P.O. Box 3382, Johannesburg. 6719/87-De Martinis, Luigi Ambrosio, 20 August 1927, , 262a Sixth Avenue, Bez Valley, Johannesburg. 8 April 1987; Joy Ivy de Martinis, II May 1933, W. Meyer, Wilson & Marsh, Private Bag X8, Auckland Park. 6611/88--Kaplan, Ruth, 31 March 1910,23 Glenhove Road, Melrose, Johannesburg, 25 April D. A. Schoombie, 49 First Avenue, Illovo, Sandton /88--Waltes, Annie May, 2/4104, , Alan Woodrow Homes, Jubilee Road, Boksburg, Standardtrust Ltd, P.O. Box 61452, Marshalltown. 86J3/88--Volker, August Wilhelm, 8 Junie 1936, A, 3 Plumtree Road, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, 5 June Mrs D. F. Mclennan, P.O. Box 6177, Marshalltown /88--NanabOOI, Ismail Moosa; Bhana, Wadee, Nanabhay & Chibabhai, Suite 209, Second Floor, Standard Bank Chambers. 46 Marshall Street, Johannesburg. 8986/88--Tervit, Agnes Orr Henderson, 25 August 1912, , 1 Greendale Flats, Viscount Avenue. Windsor, Randburg, 18 June Norman Duncan Tervit, P.O. Box 591, Olivedale. I 1783/88--Bannerman, George Steele, 4/6/12, ,4 Virginia Lodge, Park Crescent, Turffontein, 10/9/87. David John Phillips, 10 Ilala Palm Street, Randparkcidge Extension 14, Randburg. 9506/88--Dye, Johanna Aletta, 15 March 1924, ,74 St Helens Street, Mayfair West, Johannesburg, 26 June Cliffe Dekker & Todd, 108 Fox Street, Johannesburg /88--Tbompson, Gilbert Ebenezer, 1113/07, , Old Age Home, Dale1ys House, Johannesburg, 7/8/88. Standardtrust Ltd, P. O. Box 61452, Marshalltown. I3882/88-Smlth, Denis Kenrick, , ,19 St Frisauin Street, Malvern /88-Swart, Lydia Elizabeth, 10/2/22, , Room 805, The Hydrian, corner Klein & Kotze Street, Hillbrow, Johannesburg. 30/6/88. Standardtrust Ltd, P.O. Box 61452, Marshalltown /8-SbinweU, Cissie, , , 601 Bucldngham Court, corner Leyos & Quartz Streets, Joubertpark, 29/8188. Standardtrust Ltd, P.O. Box 61452, Marshalltown /88--MiIne, William Valentine, , , II Somerset Road, Kensington, Johannesburg, 819/88. Standardtrust Ltd, P.O. Box 61452, Marshalltown /88--Link, Susan Margaret Cochrane, , , D5 Badenhorst Town Houses. corner of Ajax and van der Merwe Streets, Lorendale, Brakpan, 2/8188. Standardtrust Ltd, P.O. Box 61452, Marshalltown Lelf, Emile Joseph, 9/6/15, , Plot 42, Sunvalley, Kyalami, 9/6188; JuelJ Victoria Left. Standardtrust Ltd, P.O. Box 61452, Marshalltown /88/ASR2-Oberbolzer, Willem Johannes Jacobus, , ,489 West Avenue, Ferndale, Randburg. 23 May Van Rensburg & De Villiers, P.O. Box 233, Ferndale Woest, Dorothy Mayle, 1716/21, , Benoni, Standardtrust Ltd, P.O. Box 61452, Marshalltown /88-Nelson, Mary Graham, 13 January 1907, ,2 Sundiff. 82 Sophia Street, Fairland, 23 August Deneys Reitz, P.O. Box 61334, Marshalltown /88-Van Hymen, Lesley, 6 October 1944, , 32a 13th Avenue, Parktown Nonh. Johannesburg. 2 June B. van F1ymen. P.O. Box 46175, Orange Grove. 21 days. 4339/88--Howlett, Edith, 10 July 1899, , 45 Albert Street, Rosettenville Extension, Johannesburg, 27 November Dudley A. Kark, P.O. Box Johannesburg Childs, Catherine Alice, 8 July 1912, Kosmos House, 4 Nottingham Road, Kensington, Johannesburg, 31 August Van Hulsteyns. P.O. Box 46, Johannesburg. 9670/88--Jousse, Adrien Felix , , 702 Crestview. 42 Alexandra Street, Berea, Johannesburg, 14/6188. E. F. K. Tucker Inc. P.O. Box 100, Johannesburg. 8074/88--Hicks, Gladys, 2/ , Fleming House, Randjieslaagte Road, Highlands North, Johanesburg, 2615/88. Berns Block Associates, P.O. Box 32800, Braarrdontein /88--Colin, Louis Ernest. 17 January , 12 Havenga Avenue, Florida Park, 9 September 1988; Charnlaine Ruth Francis Colin. 14 August 1928, 2808/ Goldberg JaffeJoseJowsky & Partners, 60 I Saambou National Building, 130 Commissioner Street, Johannesburg /88--Hooijer, Paulina Maria Anna , 10 Henry Avenue Sandringham, Johannesburg. 4 September G. R. A. E. Hooijer, 13 GreefStreet, Edenglen, Edenvale.

136 136 No GOVERNMENT GAZEITE, 4 NOVEMBER Phyfrer, Anna Susanna Christina, born Fourie, 26 July 1930, , 41 Raath Street, Horison, Roodepoort, 23 September Van Jaarsveld, Vickers & Rootenberg, P.O. Box 149, Roodepoort /88-Britten, Nina Cecile, 9nJ1891, Sandown Country Villa, Witlowbrooke Road, Sandown, Sandton, 3/6/88. E. F. K. Tucker Inc., P.O. Box 100, Johannesburg /88-Jamal, Aisha. Osman Lachporia & Associates, P.O. Box 42883, Fordsburg. l0074/88-masbjgo, Mithie1e Fislos, 3/3/28, ,853 Central Western Jabavu, 31 December 1987; Tshebo Reily Mashigo, 16 March 1935, Ernest Beder Friedland & Friedland, P.O. Box 51614, Raedene /88-Cassen, Minnie, 31/12/03, W, 507 Buckingham Court, corner Leyds & Quartz Streets, Joubert Park, Johannesburg, 25 September Edward Nathan & Frilldland Inc., P.O. Box 3370, Johannesburg /88-De Mendonca, Elisa Vieira de Freitas, 13/12/12, W, 40 Eastwood Street, Turffontein, 116/88. First Personal Asset Management, P.O. Box 2036, Johannesburg. 7174/88-Kaplan, Josiah Leon, 3rd January 1908, ,216 Shangani Way, Gallo Manor, Sandton, 11 May Civin Winer & Cutler, P.O. Box 10552, Johannesburg 7875/88--Spiro, Bernard John, 18/2128, , 123 Pandora Road, Kensington, Johannesburg, 13/6/88; Phyllis Catherina Spiro. 24/10/33, Matus Michael Garber, P.O. Box 59162, Kengray /88-Dixon, Constance Mary, 24/3/07, ,4 Patrie Mansions, Fiedland Avenue, Cyrildene, 12 June Coleman Greenfield, P.O. Box 9262, Johannesburg /88-Early, Irene Sophia, 19 March 1902, ,52 Northumberland Road, Kensington, Johannesburg, 26 September David Isserow, P.O. Box 7719, Johannesburg /88-Mackal, George, 4 Junie 1929, , Carmen 21, Kerkstraat, Pretoria-Wes, 23 Julie 1988; J.;~~ Mackal, 26 Mei 1938, !O5. Van Zyl Le Roux & Hurter, Posbus 974, Pretoria l88-AmoiJs, Rene, 7 Mar,~h 1923, ,65 Second Avenue, Inanda, 29 August N. H. van der Merwe, P.O. Box , Braamfontein /88-Wepener, Esmiralda Olive, 29/12/21, , 39 Brodigan Avenue, Dalview, Brakpan, 12 August 1988; Theodore Wepener, P. Goldberg, P.O. Box Johannesburg /88-Magid, Geoffrey, 22 September 1903, , Sandringham Gardens, George Avenue Sandringham, Johannesburg, 3 April Blumenthal & Slotow, P.O. Box 11245, Johannesburg. Goldberg, Chaia, 14 September 1896, , 86 Fourth Avenue, Highlands North, 26 July Mervin Messias, P.O. Box 8975, Johannesburg /88-Brand, Aartje, 20 February 1908, , A303 Empire Gardens, 36 Empire Road, Parktown, Johannesburg, 17 August Syfretstrust Ltd, P.O. Box 61058, Marshalltown. 135B-McDonald, William Hugh, 27nl23, , 38 Potgieter Avenue, Paul Krugersoord, Springs, 31/8/88; Juliette Maureen McDonald, 2/4/36, Standartltrust Ltd, P.O. Box 61452, Marshalltown /88-Botha, Jacobus Matlilys, 6/03/20, ,20 Warfield Street, Symhurst, Germiston, 5/8/88. Standardtrust Ltd, P.O. Box 61452, Marshalltown, 12700/88-Patrick, Norman Chltrles, 9/9/09, W, 1 Dunkeld Mansion, Oxford & Hurlingham Streets, Dunkeld, Johannesburg, 9nJ88. Standardtrust, P.O. Box 61452, Marshialltown /88-Niederhofer, Wilhelmina Johanna Frieda, 23 December 1911, , Flat 7, German Old Age Home, Lewis Road, Richmond, 10 September Syfretstrust Ltd, P.O. Box 61058, Marshalltown Slrachan, Charles, ;t5/3/1922, , 38 Second Avenue, Florida, Roodepool1. Standardtrust, P.O. Box 61452, Marshalltown /88-Lund, Daphne Carol, 26/3105, , 15 Benyon Road, Blairgowrie, Johannesburg. Standardtrust, P.O. Box 61452, Marshalltown /88-Bradfield, Ernest Claridge Norman, 2116/13, ,9 Jolly Street, Bellvue, Johannesburg. Standardtrust, P.O. Box 61452, Marshalltown /88-Bodman, Evelyn Wendy, , , 16 Wellington Avenue, Sandringham, Johannesburg. Standardtrust, P.O. Box 61452, Marshalltown /88-Enslin, Johannes Jacobus, 26 June 1918, ,21 Hans van Rensburg Street, Pietersburg, 22 August Syfretstrust Ltd, P.O. Box 61058, Marshalltown /88-Plen, Mark, 3 July 1'908, ,38 Athlone Avenue Sandringham Johannesburg, 9 August William M. Salakoff, P.O. Box 3886, Johannesburg Comninellis, Basile, :~o December 1957, ,2 Lys Street, Suideroord, 10 April Jack Blumenthal & Cohen, P.O. Box. 5393, Johannesburg. 9987/88-Christopher, James, 16 September 1907, ,75 Hawthorn Avenue, Rouxville, Johannesburg, 11 July Jack Blumenthal & Cohen, P.O. Box 5393, Johannesburg /88-!\1ichaelis, Julie, 7 June 1900, ,710 Pioneer Place, 12 Soper Road, Berea. Syfretstrust Ltd, P.O. Box 61058, Marshalltown /88-Bearsley, Lilian Fnances, 30 December 1900, , Cosmos House 4, Nottingham Road, Kensington Johannesburg, 18 March SyfretstrustLtd, P.O. Box 61058, Marshalltown /88-Dix, Douglas Jefferies, 12 September 1942, ,49 Central Avenue, IlIovo, Sandton, 10 September Syfretstrust Ltd. P.O. Box 61058, Marshalltown /88-Cohen, Dorothy Joyce, 4/3/15, , 40 Rietbok Road, Robin Hills, Randburg, 516/88. R. Mayer, 43 Summerway, Glenhazel, Johannesburg /88-GoodalJ, Denys Du,dley, 7/2121, , 50 Smuts Avenue, Cinderella, Boksburg, 29/8/88. Bankorptrust Bpk., Posbus 1081, Kempton Park !88-Parker, Johanna Erocia, 6/9/42, ,26 Rewlatch Street, Rewlatch, Johannesburg, 8/6/88. Civin Winer & Cutler, P.O. Box , Johanesburg /87-S1uijmers, Valerie, 1216/29, , 115 East Lake, Rose Street, Florida, 10/8187. B. L. Moss & Partners, P.O. Box Johannesburg /8S-Breedt, Lourens Johannes, 27/2/50, , Prins Albel1straat 9, Brackenhurst, Alberton, 22/8/88; Johanna Theodora Breedt, Bankorptrust Bpk., Posbus 1081, Kempton Park /88-Lombard, Jan Johannes, 24 Augustus 1945, , Hobsonstraat II, La Hoff, Klerksdorp, 15 Julie 1988; Gertina Andriena Lombard. Bankorptrust Bpk., Posbuil 602, Johannesburg /88-Ludick, Cornelius Abraham, 27 Junie 1931, , Gibsonstraat 10, Triomf, Johannesburg, 20 Augustus 1988; Myrtle Doreen Ludick. Bankorptrust Bpk., iposbus 602, Johannesburg Bothma, Abraham Carl, 5 Mei 1922, , Seringstraat 17, Chrissiefontein, 24 Augustus 1988; Rhoda Mavis Bothma, gebore Adams, 3 Maart 1930, 3003(} Stabilitas Eksekuteurskarner (Edms.) Bpk., Posbus 11509, Johannesburg /88-Van Niekerk, Chnstiaan, 116/08, , Van Dartstraat 2, Malvern-Oos, Germiston, 5/9/88; Maria Catherina van Niekerk. Standardtrust Bpk., Posbus 61452, Marshalltown.

137 STAATSKOERA"IT, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No l88-Els, Andries, 6112/34, , WesJaan 293, Ferndale, Randburg, 19 Augustus 1988; Hendrina Aletta Els, 7/2133, Standardtrust Bpk., Posbus 61452, Marshalltown. 1l316/88-Markotter, August Friedrich, 19/4/45, , Theostraat 38, Wilkoppies, Klerksdorp, Standardtrust Bpk., Posbus 61452, Marshalltown Malan, Rudolf Johannes Britz, 29 September 1945, , Luipaardstraat 250, Krugersdorp-Wes, 16 Julie Bankorptrust Bpk., Posbus 602, Johannesburg Lotze, Rudolf Thomas, 3 Augustus 1914, , Maudestraat 92, Florida, Roodepoort, 29 Mei Bankorptrust Bpk., Posbus 602, Johannesburg, Botes, Taleta Alpha, 16/9/46, , West Viewwoonstelle 32, Carletonville, Pretoria, 118/88. Stabilitas Eksekuteurskamer (Edms.) Bpk., Posbis 8717, Pretoria. Swanepoel, Christo, , , Boshofstraat 24, Flora Park, Pietersburg, 15/9/88. Bankorptrust Bpk., Posbus 4680, Pretoria. Fourie, Riana, 2/11147, , Norcadiawoonstelle 105, Kerkstraat, Arcadia, Pretoria, 9/8/88. Bankorptrust Bpk., Posbus 4680, Pretoria. Marais, Elizabeth Johanna Magrieta, 1114/61, I, Vlakvoeltjielaan 4, Rooihuiskraal, 8/9/88; Nicolaas Jacobus Marais. Bankorptrust Bpk., Posbus 4680, Pretoria. Fourie, Bart Jacobus, 16/4/36, , Plot 19, Klipbank, Middelburg, 118/88. Bankorptrust Bpk., Posbus 4680, Pretoria. De Villiers, Jacob Izak, 12/12106, , Greenstraat 234, Mayville, Pretoria, 19 September 1988; Helena Elizabeth de Villiers. Bankorptrust Bpk., Posbus 4680, Pretoria. Van der Westhuizen, Johannes Hendrik, 19/6/48, , Springboklaan 7, Middelburg, 2 September Bankorptrust Bpk" Posbus 4680, Pretoria. Venter, Jitre Jacobus, 30 Junie 1956, , Muckleneukrylaan 402, Muckleneuk, Pretoria, 28 Augustus Bankorptrust Bpk., Posbus 4680, Pretoria. Woimarans, Pieter Johannes, 3/5/59, , Boot Lombaardstraat 18. Tzaneen, 3/9/88. Bankorptrust Bpk., Posbus 4680, Pretoria. Wepener, Willem Abraham, 8/2148, , Jeppestraat 29b, Louis Trichardt, 23/8/88; Burnadette Wepener, 30/3/52, Bankorptrust Bpk., Posbus 4680, Pretoria. Swart, Aletta Elizabeth Dorothea, i3 September 1931, , Acacialaan 75. Proklamasie Heuwel, 2 Oktober 1988; Gerhardus Paulus Swart, 22 Mel 1927, Bankorptrust Bpk., Posbus 4680, Pretoria. Nel, Isak Francois, , , Joubertstraat 15, Louis Trichardt, ; Marthina Johanna Christina Nel. 22/11146, Bankorptrust Bpk., Posbus 4680, Pretoria. Burger, Jacob Francois, 6 Augustus 1966, , Eugene Maraisstraat 9, Witbank, 17 September 1988; Gerty Amelia Burger. Bankorptrust Bpk., Posbus 4680, Pretoria Viljoen, Johannes Gysbertus Immelman, , , Hans Strijdomlaan 204, Verwoordburg. 17/8/88; Marian Viljoen, , Stabilitas Eksekuteurskamer (Edms.) Bpk., Posbus 8717, Pretoria Venter, Susanna Maria Elizabeth, 16/1104, , St Jeromeweg 40, Mayfair-Wes, Johannesburg, Stabilitas Eksekuteurskamer (Edms.) Bpk., Posbus 8717, Pretoria. Kruger, Lea Jacoba, 26 September 1924, , Kenrnarstraat 32, Witbank, 12 Augustus 1988; Antonie Christoffel Johannes Kruger, 25 Julie 1916, Bankorptrust Bpk., Posbus4680, Pretoria. 9241/88-Hefer, Liela Ada, , , Swellendamwoonstelle 506, Troyestraat, Sunnyside, 5 Junie Bankorptrust Bpk., Posbus 4680, Pretoria Russell, Charles Sydney Isaac, , , 49 Hunter Street, Nelspruit, A. G. Vickers, clo Pim Goldby, P.O. Box 27, Nelspruit /87-Erasmus, Anna Magdalena, , , Surmonlaan 32, Glenanda, Johannesburg, Louis Fourie, Posbus 93, JohallJ'lesburg. 1\)583/88 ASRI-Prins, Thomas Johannes Andries, 26 Mei 1919, Posbus 1897, Vanderbijlpark, 22 Julie 1988; Hendrina Catharina Petronella Susanna Prins, 2 Januarie 1923, J, Odendaal & Vennote, Posbus , Excom. CAPE. KAAP Barnes, Patrick John, 26112/38, , 23 Presence Road, Retreat, 30/6/88; Winifred Joan Barnes. Bankorptrust Ltd, P.O. Box 680, Bellville Erasmus, Stephanus Petrus, , , Huis Le Roux, Bartystraat, Robertson, Bankorptrust Bpk., Posbus680, Bellville. 6350/8&-Gomes, Joao, 2515/41, , Freeziastraat 4, Riversdale. 918/88. Bankorptrust Ltd, P.O. Box 680, Bellville. 7822/88-Hendriks, Pieter Johan, 2115/38, , Malanstraat 16, Worcester, 3118/88. Bankorptrust Ltd, P.O. Box 680, Bellville. 7682/88-Heyns, Isabella Maria, gebore Crafford, , , Clarendonstraat 32, Parowvallei, 13 September 1988; Petrus Jurgens Heyns, 4n118, I. Bankorptrust Bpk., Posbus 680, Bellville. 7139/88-Kruger, Wilhelmine Auguste Emilie, 22/10/02, , Sutherlandstraat 60, Worcester, Bankorptrust Bpk., Posbus 680, Bellville. 5215/88-Lourens, Johannes Bernardus, 1/12/1891, , Mountain View, Old Oakweg, Bellville, 19/6/88. Bankorptrust Bpk., Posbus 680, Bellville. 7352/88-Swart, Jacobus Geldenhuys, 22/12/18, , Bergsiglaan 5, Worcester-Wes, 17/8/88; Johanna Wilhelmina. Bankorptrust Bpk., Posbus 680, Bellville. 4878/88-Van der Berg, Coenraad Jacobus, 29/4/14, , Joubertstraat 48, Vrijzee, ; Susarah Susanna Maria LOtter van der Berg. gebore Pieters. Bankorptrust Bpk., Posbus 680, Bellville Van Wyk, Mercia Albertha Maud, 9/8/14, , Waroourneweg 16, Lakeside, 1118/88; Carl van der Merwe van Wyk, 11 Me; 1916, Bankorptrust Bpk., Posbus 680, Bellville Warren, Edmund Hew Dalrymple, 2916/ , 84 Helderzicht Road, Somerset West, 10/6/88. Bankorptrust Ltd, P.O. Box 680, Bellville. 7414/88-Wiggett, Andries Hermanus, , ,20 Challenge Drive, Plettenberg Bay, 12 September 1988; Marie Wiggett, 28 January 1938, Hutchinson Theron & Robin, P.O. Box 170, Plettenberg Bay &-Gordon, Gillian Joy Albania, 20112/46, ,7 Dennewoud, comer of Scholtz and Main Roads, Somerset West, 519/88. K. G. Druker, 31 Adderley Street, Cape Town. 7452/88-Prins, Catharina Alida, , , Bergsig-ouetehuis, Riebeek-Wes, 5/9/88. Roux & Van Dyk, Posbus 4, Moorreesburg, Geldenhuys, Albertus Johannes, 25/6130, , Vryburgerlaan 44, Bothasig, ; Isabella Geldenhuys, , Jan S. de Villiers en Seun (CE), Posbus 1474, Kaapstad. 2990/88-Jansen van Rensburg, Jasper Johannes, 23/8/34, , Aalwynrylaan 63, Uitenhage, 16/9/88; Azalma Jansen van Rensburg. Bankorptrust Bpk., Posbus 1199, Port Elizabeth. 7846/88-Vermeulen, Barendina Johanna Petronella, 31/3128, , Greeffstraat 142, Oudtshoorn, ; Jacobus Nicolaas Vermeulen, 9/9/28, BankorptrustBpk., Posbus 1199, Port Elizabeth.

138 138 No GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 4 NOVEMBER Negan, Max, 27/4/07, , 5 Telhai Court, Exner Avenue, Vredehoek, Cape Town, 23/8/88. K. G. Druker, 31 Adderley Street, Cape Town. 7527/88-Thorsen, Ellen Karina, , , Constantia Place, Southern Cross Drive, Constantia, 8/9/88. First Personal Asset Management, P.O. Box 512, Cape Town. 7173/88-Croy, Abraham Jacobus, 2/2138, , 14 Rue Ursula, Glenhaven, Bellville, 18/8/88; Emily Maria Croy, born Isaacs, 16/3/37, First Personal Asset Management, P.O. Box512, Cape Town Botba, Daniel PhiliPlIUS, 12/8/22, ,7 Meerlust, Pinelands, 5/9/88. First Personal Asset Management, P.O. Box 512, CapeTown. 6840/88-Roblnson, Arthur, 3/2110, ,6 Fourteen Oaks, New Street, Somerset West, 25/8188. First Personal Asset Management, P.O. Box512,CapeTown. 7393/88-MacGWicuddy, Johr\, 5110/1899, , Sherwood, 89 Kloof Street, Gardens, 8 September First Personal Asset Management, P.O. Box512, CapeTown. 5839/88-Voges, Johannes Harms, 15/5/15, , Huis Namakwaland, Springbok, 18nt88. Eerste Persoonlilce Batebestuur, Posbus 512, Kilapstad. 7572/88--Slier, Martha Francina, 14/10/1898, ,406 Ametis, 4 Gordon's Bay Road, Strand, 13/9/88. Eerste Persoonlilce Batebestuur, Posbus 512, Kaapstad. 4863/88-De Vries, Maria Magdalena, 1912/1898, , 120 Altena, Altenaweg, Strand, 23/6/88. Eerste Persoonlilce Batebestuur, Posbus 512, Kaapstad Gericke, Johan Lodewyk Serfontein, 28/10127, , Montagustraat 37, Blanco, 31/8/88. Eerste Persoonlilce Batebestuur, Posbus 512, Kaapstad. 7558/88-Van der Merwe, Jol!lanna Sophia Catharina, 19 November 1896, , Huis Maudie Knel, Van Riebeeckstraat, Ceres, 1119/88. Eerste Persoonlilce Batebestuur, Posbus 512, Kaapstad. 7188/88-Pedro, Petrus JohalUles, 23/8/52, , Lakeystraat 28, Bredasdorp, 30/8/88; Johanna Pedro, gebore Visagie, 10/3/53, Boland Bank Bpk., Posbus 18, Bredasdorp Gerber, Martha Catilarina, voorheen Scott, gebore Barnard, 14/11/04, , J. J. Watson Huis Vir Bejaardes, George, 15/9/88; Adam Marthinus Gerber, 14/11105, Boland Bank Bpk., Posbus 373, George. 7720/88-Van Greunen, Judith Susara, gebore Prinsloo, 19/9128, , geskei, llde Straat 191, Walvisbaai, 10 September C. L. de Jager & Van Rooyen, Pobus 224, Walvisbaai. 7750/88-Van Aarde, Neeltjie Anna Catharina, 1116/03, Edgehill-tehuis, Greenpoint, 20/9/88. Standardtrust Bpk., Posbus 5562, Kaapstad. 7497/88-Thompson, William Valentine, 4/3143, , 1 Henry Thompson Close, Diep River, 27/8/88; Gertrude Louise Thompson. Fairbridge Arderne & Lawton Inc., Fourth Floor, Main Tower, CapeTown Centre, Cape Town. 6743/88-Lucas, Hendrik Johal:ines Jacobus, 2/6/12, , Moltenostraat 68, Goodwood, 14nt88. Boland Bank Bpk., Posbus 48, Bellville. 7818/88-Ferreira, Stephan Jrull1es, 1116/56, , Bonaventurastraat 12, Wesfleur, Atlantis, 15/9/88; Mona Francis Ferreira, , Van Niekerk Grne~:woud & Van Zyl, Utilitasgebou 102, Neil Hareweg, Atlantis. 3899I88-Barnard, Marthinus Stephanus, 8/11123, , Baron van Rheedestraat 98, Oudtshoorn, 14/5/88; Cornelia Frederika Barnard, 14/1/32, Pocock & BaUey, Posbus 58, Oudtshoorn Van Zyl, Marthinus Stefanus, 24/12/12, , Pinestraat 3, Oudtshoorn, 26/8/88. 76oo/88-Hess, John Petrus Cornelius, 26/12117, , Pmtealaan 5, Botrivier, 27/8188. Guthrie & Tberon, Posbus 17, Caledon. 7437/88-Jarrett, Bertram Roy, 29 March 1912, ,6 Main Drive, Sea Point, 10/9/88. J. J. Glick & Company, Fifth Floor, 56 Shortmarket Street, Cape Town. 7394/88-Morkel, Josias JohalUles, 12112/58, , Crassullastraat 7, Caledon, Guthrie & Theron, Posbus 17, Caledon White, Sidney Frank, 4/10/24, , P.O. Box 235, Knysna, 13/9/88. Standardtrust Ltd, P.O. Box 765, George. 7729/88-Van der Merwe, Anna Susanna, 24 Desember 1939, , Barrystraat 25, Stellenbosch, 9 September Meintjes & Champion, Posbus 86, Stellenbosch. 8120/88-Van der Westhuyze[" Sandra Wilhelmina, gebore De Goede, 25 Olctober 1949, , Toscastraat 10, Malmesbury, 29/9/88; Melt van der Spuy vander Westhuyzelll, 13 Januarie 1946, Boland Bank Bpk., Posbus 236, PaarL Snyman, GideonJoh~nnes Stephanus, 19 Maart 1906, , Merrimanstraat 65, George, 29 Julie 1988; Maria Magdalena,S Maart 1917, Volkskrastrust Bpk., Posbus 873, Bellville. 7945/88-EUis, Hendrika Jacoba Charlotte, 17 Maart 1917, , Loredo, distrik Knysna, II September 1988; Eduard Willem Cornelius Ellis, 3 Olctober 1915, E. A. Meyer & Manin, Posbus 60, Knysna Muller, Godfrey Gilbert, 1 December 1937, , 17 Cove Street, Knysna, 8 July 1988; Barbara-Ann Muller, 14 April 1950, Vowles Callaghan & Boshofflnc., P.O. Box47, Knysna. 5589/88/ASR/H-wuw, Aletta Maria, 19 August 1907, Brandwag, P.O. Box 11, Leipoldtville, 23 June Josman & Seidel, Seventh Floor, Southern Life Centre, Eight Riebeek $treet, Cape Town Veik, Rachel, born Slllkinder, 16/6/13, , 40 I Knightsbridge, Beach Road, Sea Point, 25 June Arthur E. Abrahams & Gross, 16th Floor, Second Long Sticet, Cape Town Firth, Elsie Helena, 4/11101, , Sunnyside Lodge, 11 Morpeth Road, Plumstead, 6 August Pincus Matz & Marquard Hugo-Hamman, P.O. Box 23304, Claremont. 7772/88-Kban, Hassiem, 8 February 1918, ,94 Ninth Street, Kensington, 17 June Y. M. Patel & Company, Junction House, 3Junction Road, Salt River Edlth, 12 February 1931, ,21 Sixth Avenue, Crawford, 27 February 1985; James Stephen, 29 August Wilkinson Joshua, Gihwala & Abercrombie, AtMin Centre, Church Street, Athlone. 8073/88--Schwartz, Abraham, 28/6/18, , 10 Durham Avenue, Bishops Court, 119/88. Bloomberg Sher & Lindsay, 56 Shortmarket Street, Cape Town. 7944/88-Dreyer, Evelyn, 26 December 1905, oo k, 10 Plender Avenue, Athlone, Cape Town, 27 June S. J. Petersen, P.O. Bo 79, Athlone. 4889/88-Estment, Graham Patrick Denton, 23/2/31, 55 Weltevreden Avenue, Rondebosch, 24/6/88. The Board of Executors, 4 Wale Street, Cape Town. 7756/88-Brown (Gordon-Brown), Madeline Florence du Terreaux, 6/6/09, , 804 Lancaster, Marlborough Park, Bath Road, Claremont. The Board of Executors, 4 Wale Street, Cape Town. 8022/88-Carlyle, Doris Care,. Milligan, 9 May 1903, , 102 Anchusa Court, 7 Wren Way, Meadowridge, 28 September Syfret Godlonton-Fuller Moore Inc., P.O. Box 695, Cape Town. 6659/88-Wlese, Willem Andries, 18/12103, ,13 Cone Way, Pinelands, 21 August 1988; Emily Mabel Wiese. Buchanan Boyes & Klossers, 13 Hout Street, Cape Town. 7328/88-Jeffery, Gwendolen Mary, 29/ , Timberlea Farm, Dennesig, 3118/88. Ernst & Whinney, Third Roor, Readers Digest House. 130 Strand Street, Cape Town. 7806/88-Blake, Lilian Jane, I October 1902, , Arcadia Place, Main Road, Observatory. Cape Town, 7 September Lionel G. Murray & Co., 6 Church Square, Cape Town.

139 STAATSKOERANT, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No /88--Greeff, Stephanus Carel, 24/8/03, , 102 Nerina Gardens, Recreation Road, Fish Hoek, 6/9/88; Winifred Frances Greeff, 19/9/05, Schneider Galloon Reef & Co., 34 St George's Street, Cape Town. 1454/88-Jobannes, Caroline, 2 September 1924, ,21 First Avenue, Grassy Park, 4 Febmary Y. Ebrahim & Co., 106 Athfin Centre, Church Street, Athlone. 184D/88--Christians, Jacob, 5 May 1927, ,37 11th Avenue, Ravensmead, 14 May 1986; Ivy Christians. Goldblatts, One Klosser Street Arcade, Parow. 7096/88--Chadwick, Janet Lind, 21 June 1916, ,601 San Michele, Victoria Road, Clifton, 2 September Syfret Godlonton Fuller Moore Inc., P.O. Box 1784, Bellville. 994/88-Yuras, Valerie Phoebe, 9 January 1947, 11 Granada Heights, Charles Booth Avenue, Camps Bay. 26 December Harry Goss, P.O. Box 8070, Johannesburg. 7982/88--Cullum, Edith Rose, 5 October 1914, ,5 Ingle Road. Claremont. 14 September Syfret God1onton-Fuller Moore Inc., P.O. Box455, Cape Town. 594/88-Nicholson, Timothy John, 314/65, 6504D , Smuts Hall, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch, 23 December Bloomberg Sher & Lindsay, 56 Shortmarket Street, Cape Town. 1944/88--Samuels, Christiaan (Christian or Christie), 10 October 1920, , 33 Boundary Road, Retreat, 19 September Syfret Godlonton-Fuller Moore, P.O. Box 695, Cape Town. 7544/88--Gardner, Peter Ronald, 14 December 1921, , 97 Fifth Lane, K1einmond, 20 September J988. Syfrets Trust Ltd, 24 Wale Street, Cape Town Rodger, Dorothy Beatrice, 30 May 1925, , 13 Saddle Road, Devil's Peak, Cape Town, 9 August 1988; James Charles Rodger. Straus & Haasbroek - Guthrie & Theron, 45 Voortrekker Road, Goodwood. 7718/88--Gous, Hermias Jacobus Gous, 23 Maart 1904, , Newtonstraat 72, George, 23 Junie 1988; Anne Gous, 26 Februarie 1905, Raubenheimers &F. W. Gericke, Posbus 21, George Constance, Mary, 4/10/18, D070014, Myddleton, Caledon, 16/9/88; Christiaan Abraham Constance. Guthrie & Theron, Posbus 17, Caledon Levin, Sonia, 1l!2119, ,202 Eden Roc Oliver Road, Sea Point, Cape Town, 14 September Kessel Feinstein, P.O. Box 1470, Pretoria Gaftley, Jacobus Marthinus, 270ktober 1915, , Die Hoogte, Hoofweg, Suurbraak, 6 September 1988; Dora Francina Gamey, gebore Minnies, 30 Januarie 1925, Louw & Steyn, Posbus II, Swellendam. 7969/88--Saacks, David, 13 September 1909, , 8 Antibes, Clarens Road. Sea Point, 20 September C. K. Friedlander Kleinman &Shandling, Greenmarket Place, 54 Shortmarket Street, Cape Town. 7704/88-BezuidenOOut, Chare! Johannes, 15 Februarie 1911, , Azaleahof 2. Stellenbosch, 24 Augustus Volkskastrust, Posbus 873, Bellville Lazarus, Simon, 8/10/29, I0005, Rosco, Vredendal, 14 Augustus Kruger & Von Coppenhagen, Posbus 36, Vredendal. 7844I88-Du Toit, Cornelia Elizabeth, 28 Junie 1948, , vrygesellin, Burenhof 7, 16de Laan, Eisiesrivier, 22 Julie Louw & Steyn, Posbus II, Swellendam Jorciaan, Alida Johanna Jacoba, gebore Smit, , Posbus 51, St Helenabaai, 26/8/88; Andre Lourens Stephanus Jordaan, 7/9/52, Volkskastrust Bpk., Posbus 873, Bellville. 7252/88-Slabber, Martha Anna Maria, 23/2/02, , Ons Tuiste, Malmesbury, 19 Augustus Boland Bank Bpk., Posbus 236, Paarl. 6770/88-Annstrong, Petronella Sophia, 27 Mei 1909, , Hofstraat 3. Oudtshoorn, 17 Augustus 1988; Charles Octavis Armstrong, 21 Oktober 1906, Pocock & Bailey, Posbus 58, Oudtshoorn. 7820/88--Grimtbs. Albina Gwendoline Pearl, born Griffin, 17/3/10, , 302 Cr<ligmore, Albany Road, Sea Point, 31/8/88. Standardtrust Ltd, P.O, Box 5562, Cape Town. 7855/88-BusseU, Moira Helen, 15 August 1914, , 16 Cheve Street, Paarl, 7 September Standardtrust Ltd, P.O. Box 1928, Bellville. 7884/88--Siebert, Adriana Petronella E1pis, 31 Augustus 1903, 00 I , Donaldstraat, Strand, 8 September Standardtrust Bpk., Posbus 1928, Bellville. 6946/88-Du Toft, Susarah Gertruida, 15 Maart 1897, , Ametis-tehuis, Gordonsbaaiweg, Strand, 6 Augustus Standardtrust Bpk., Posbus 1928, Bellville. 7755/88-80nd, Thelma lane, 7 August 1916, , 132 Shelley Road, Kraaifontein, 16 September 1988, Standardtrust Ltd, P.O. Box 1928, Bellville. 786O/88--Geldenhuys, Johanna Carolina Francina, 4 Maart 1911, Attie Basstraat 16, Paarl, 4 Maart Standardtrust Bpk., Posbus 1928, Bellville. 7878/88-Rooke, luanita Frances, 13 April 1902, , Huismarie Louw, Reitz Street, Somerset West, 14 September Standardtrust Ltd, P.O. Box 1928, Bellville. 7618/88-Roskam, Engelbenus, , 38 Third Avenue, Rondebosch, ; Alida Roskam, born Buts, , 14D Standardtrust Ltd, P.O. Box 5562, Cape Town. 81l1188-De ViUiers, Mary Anne, 2 April 1906, O604D , 271 Lower Main Road, Observatory, 16 July 1988; Lawton Dela Rosch de Villiers. Standardtrust Ltd, P.O. Box 5562, Cape Town. 8114/88-Vogts, Marion Olive Irene, 27 June 1891, ,9 Mayfair, Myrtle Road, Kenilworth, 22 September Standardtrust Ltd, P.O. Box 5562, Cape Town. 7445/88-Marais, Errol, 17 January 1941, , 19 Barbett Road, Woodale, Ottery, 16 September 1988; Denise Noline Marais, born Crous. Syfrets Trust Ltd, 24 Wale Street, Cape Town. 7438/88-JOO8, Verena, born Schild, 6 March 1924, 24D , 17 Cap D'Or, Smuts Avenue, Somerset West, 14 September 1988; Hans Rudolf Joos. Syfrets Trust Ltd, 24 Wale Street, Cape Town Nieuwoudt, Inna Baden, born Nothard, 21 April 1900, , Helen Keller Hostel, Links Drive, Pinelands, 25 September Syfrets Trust Ltd, 24 Wale Street, Cape Town. 8125I8S-Blake, Helga Mathilde, born Wollbrink, 21 January 1912, , 41b Ecklenberg, Belmont Road, Rondebosch, 7 October Syfrets Trust Ltd, 24 Wale Street, Cape Town. 7370/88-808ooff, Paulina Johanna, 12 September 1913, , 10 St Mathews Road, Eversdal, Durbanville, 11 September 1988; Gerhardus Philippus Kemp Boshoff. Syfrets Trust Ltd, 24 Wale Street, Cape Town. 7548/88-Heydenrych, Sybrand lohan van der Spuy, 1 November 1929, , De Grendelweg 21, Parow-Noord, 18 September Syfrets Trust Bpk.. Waalstraat 24, Kaapstad. 3803/88-Vallle, Cassiem, 26 August 1943, A, 20 Rajah Road, Cravenby Estate, Parow, 21 April 1988; Zainab Vallie, born Moosa. 20/6150, H. Mohamed & Associates, P.O. Box 26. Gatesville. 7998/88-Manasse, Ernest Theodore, 26/10105,9 Rossini Street, Steenberg, 31 May 1980; Maria Susan Manasse. Thompson Smithers & Bradley Inc., 102 Medical Centre, Maynard Road, Wynberg. 7798/88-Whltehead, Alfred Edmund Charles, 3lt7109, , Uitkyk, Clairvaux Road, Kalk Bay, 17 September Thompson Smithers & Bradley Inc., 102 Medical Centre, Maynard Road, Wynberg.

140 140 No GOVERNMENT GAZETIE, 4 NOVEMBER Mullins, Willie, 15 April 1926, ,56 Aloe Street, Lentegeur, Mitchells Plain, 13 June 1988; Mariam Magmoet Mullins, 20 March 1927, Y. Co., 106 Athfin Centre, Church Street, Athlone Prlce, Lennie Elizabelh, , K, Golden Dawn, 14 Harvey Road, Claremont, Arthur E. Abrahams &Gross, 16th Floor, 2 Long Street, Cape Town Delamere, Diana, 23 December 1911, Villa Buzza, P.O. Box 50, Kilifi, Kenya, 3 September Syfrets Trust Ltd, 24 Wale Street, CapeTown Gariscb, Edith Florence, born James, 4 November 1908, , Herfshare, Reitz Street, Somerset West, 4 September Syfrets Trust Ltd, 24 Wale Street, Cap;: Town Dtchenko, Boris Theodore, 20 November 1918, ,5 Costa Del Sol, Beach Road, Three Anchor Bay, 22 September Syfrets Trust Ltd, 24 Wale Street, Call! Town Osser, Josef, 3 February 1908, 6b Vredefort, Beach Road, Sea Point, 3October Bass Gordon Willis, P.O. Box 838, Cape Town Cooper, Douglas Charles, 11 June 1920, Summer Place, Scarborough, 8 September Bass Gordon Willis, P.O. Box 838, Cape Town Ward, Dennis Alfred, , 19Waboom Street, Lentegeur, Mitchells Plain, 18 April 1988; Jennifer Elize Ward, 3 June Roup Wacks Kaminer & Kriger, First Ploor, Southern Life Centre, 8 Riebeek Street, Cape Town Murinik, Milly, 2414/04, Leoral, Quebec Road, Camps Bay, Arthur E. Abrahams & Gross, 2 Long Street, Cape Town Francis, Frank Donald, 4 September 1927, , Crawford, 17 September 1988; Andeline May Francis, 16 February 1935, K. Herold Gie & Broadhead, P.O. Box 105, Cape Town Mansfteld, James William, 1 August 1923, , 116 Acre Road, Kensington, 27 July 1988; Thelma Mavis Mansfield, 7 December 1926, Wilkinson Joshua, Gihwala & Abercrombie Inc., Athfin Centre, Church Street, Athlone Haberfield, Ellen Kate, born Donohue, , , widow, 2 Netherby Park, Weybridge, Surrey, England, 9 August Ince Wood & Raubenheimer, Second Floor, G1aston House, 63 Church Street, Cape Town Queton, He Far, 27 January 1921, , 2 Ravensworth Road, Claremont, 12 September 1988; Liu Siu Yen Queton, 4 January 1928, N. Long & Co., 3 Hare Street, Mowbray Mortlock, Francis Caroline, ,36 Perth Street, Kraaifontein, I August R. H. Stuurman & Co., 36b Modderdam Road, Bellville South Turkstra, Elizabeth, :~4 October 1922, , 6 Leighwoods, Kenilworth Road, Kenilworth, 20 September Sonnenberg Hoffmann & Galombik, Liberty Life Centre, 22 Long Street, Cape Town Cupido, WiIliamJohrl, , , 24 Klip Road, Grassy Park, 18 August Thompson Smithers & Bradley Inc., 102 Medical Centre, Maynard Road, Wynberg Mapanga, Katie, 4nr:1900, K, Charmaine, 173 Fifth Avenue, Grassy Park, 27 September 1988; Charlotte Mapanga. Thompson Smithers & Bradley Inc., 102 Medical Centre, Maynard Road, Wynberg Barnard, Maria Magdalena, 819/14, , Eilandstraat 16, George, Volkskastrust Bpk., Posbus 873, Bellville. 7977/88-Blom, Cornelis Janse, , , Uniestraat 17, Montagu, 2318/88; Petronella Jacoba Blom, 2516/33, Volkskastrust Bpk., Posbus 873, Bellville. 7628/88-Victor, Joachim Jan Hendrik, 28 Februarie 1938, , Houdensbek, Merweville, 19 September John D. Crawford & Seun, Posbus 25, Beaufort-Wes. 8132/88-Jackson, Denis Ridgway, 19/9115, ,604 Oaldeigh, College Road, Rondebosch, 30/9188. Standardtrust Ltd, P.O. Sox 5562, Cape Town. 8190/88-De Nicker, Benjamin Alhert, 19 April 1921, , Glanirol, Klipweg 238, Lotusrivier, 25 Augustus 1988; Gladys Loreen de Nicker. Jan S de Villiers & Seun, Posbus 1474, Kaapstad, /88-Retief, Esther, 12 Maart 1897, , Hofstraat 4, Malmesbury. Pierre du Plessis & Mostert, Posbus 5, Maimesbury. 7440/88-Kemp, Benjamin Isra,el, 9 Mei 1909, , Small Heath, Bancroftstraat 25, Rugby, 14 September W. D. van Niekerk, vir Van Niekerk & Vennote, Posbus 6, Tulbagh. NORTHERNCAPE.NOO~KAAP Van Rooyen, Hendrika Petronella, 15 Mei 1911, , Rusoord-ouetehuis, Vryburg, 4 Oktober 1988; Comelis Johannes van Rooyen. Abel Bester & IGe., Posbus 1693, Vryburg. 1023/88-Alper, Frederick Charles, 1lI10122, , Wingateweg 5, Hadison Park, Kimberley, Bloemboard, Posbus 334, Kimberley Botes, Sarel Fredrik, IS November 1903, , Tom Naudestraat 21, Hartswater, 18 September 1988; Hester Engela Elizabeth Botes, gebore Myburgh, 14 Februariel904, Cilliers Van Tonder & Waldeck, Posbus 12, Hartswater. 1050/88--0llvier, Elizabeth Milria Cecilia, 7 Augustus 1918, , Perseel 5 G 14, Hartswater, 14 September Cilliers Van Tonder & Waldeck, Posbus 12, Hartswater Moult, Gladys Margaret, , ,2 Evenden Rats, Memorial Road, Kimberley, Elliott Maris Wilmans & Hay, P.O. Box 179, Kimberley. 1067/88-Short, Dorothy, 18 October 1898, , Nazareth House, Kimberley, 23 September Pim Goldby, P.O. Box 338, Kimberley, l008/88-voster, Dirk Johannes, 12 September 1918, , Slypldip 14, Rivertonstasie, 18 September Duncan & Rothman, Posbus 64, Kimberley. 778/88-Van Zyl, Jan Johannes Petrus, 811/26, , Erf789, Posbus 343, Keimoes, 29 Mei 1988; Maria Martha Margaretha van Zyl, 20/10129, Eerste Pel500niike Batebestuur, Posbus 1014, Kimberley Naude, Anna Magrieta, , W, Berg-en-Rus-ouetehuis, Olifantshoek, 1919/88. Eerste Persoonlike Batebestuur, Posbus 1014, Kimberley. l002l88-wagener, Johannes, , , Formosa, Louisvale, 26/8/88; Francois Louis Wagener, gebore Jordaan, 24/11/39, Eerste Persooniike Batebestuur, Posbus 1014, Kimberley. 1055/88-Bltzl, Heinrich, , Susannastraat 14, Heuwelsig, Kimberley. Volkskastrust Bpk., Posbus 1493, Port Elizabeth. 1045/88-Heaven, Raymond James, 2/1117, , 10 Wingate Road, Hadison Park, IGmberley, ; Catharine Elizabeth Heaven. Standardtrust Ltd, P.O. Box 288, Kimberley. 826/88-Visser, David Cornelius, , , Barkly-Wes, 14n188; Barend Mattheus Thomas Visser. Standardtrust Bpk., Posbus 288, IGmberley Van Schalkwyk, Chcistiaan Petrus, , , Richmondstraat 21, Britstown, 2918/88; Charlotte Amalia van Schalkwyk. Standardtrust Bpk., POSbU8 288, Kimberley Jacobs, Joachim Johannes Nicolaas, 15 Maart 1898, , hoek van Daniel- en Hanaustraat, Carnarvon, 29 September 1988; Gezie Wilhelmina Jacobs, gebore Velmeulen, 1 September 1902, Johannes G. Coetzee, Posbus 18, Carnarvon. 1054/88-Van Heerden, Leslie Arthur, , , Arnbersingel 11, Montana, De Aar, 13/8188; Johanna Gertruida van Heerden, , BankorptllUst Bpk., Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein. 899/88-Basson, John Stanley, 14 November 1916, , Oranjehof-ouetehuis, Upington, 10 Augustus 1988; Alida Sarendina Basson, 25 Mei 1925, Lange Joubert Carr & Blaauw, Posbus 53, Upington.

141 STAATSKOERANT, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No /88-Arends, Dawid, 7/10/25, , Waterboerstraat 3, Ritchie, distrik Kimberley, ; Rebecca Arends, Waterboerstraat 3, Ritchie, 29/9/25, Elliott Maris Wilmans & Hay, Posbus 179, Kimberley. 966/88-Oovenhage, Gert Petrus Johannes, 28/2/1897, , Huis Jan Vorster, Postmasburg, 4/9/88. Standard trust Bpk., Posbus 288, Kimberley Van Nlekerk, Elizabeth Margrietha, 2 Junie 1903, , Naples, Vryburg, 13 September Volkskastrust Bpk., Posbus 602, Kimberley. 1057/88-De Klerk, PetronellaCatharina, 28 Julie 1906, , Vrystraat 35, Vryburg, 20ktober1988. Jos de Wahl & Kie., Posbus 29, Vryburg. EASTERN CAPE. OOS-KAAP Klue, Cecil Joseph, 8 Oktober 1942, , Sheridenewoonstelle 6, hoek van Byron- en Geradanestraat, Rhodes Park, Oos-Londen, 16 Oktober 1988; Magdalena Johanna Klue, gebore Trytsman, 28 Julie 1946, Standardtrust Bpk., Posbus 996, Oos-Londen. Bartlett, Henry, 28 September 1913, ,33 Fairbank Road, Amalinda, East London, 18 October 1988; Edith Thompson Bartlett, 13 October 1923, StandardtrustLtd, P.O. Box 996, East London. 3036/88-Warren, Edna Maud, 30 September 1907, ,21 Saville House, Western Road, Port Elizabeth, 20 September Standardtrust Ltd, P.O. Box 329, Port Elizabeth. 2965/88-Triegaardt, Marthinus, 27/9/11, , A1ington, Elliot, N. J. Kotze, Posbus 77, Elliot. 2897/88-Weitz, Daniel Matthys Johannes, 16 Mei 1924, , Viljoenstraat 5, Burgersdorp, 5 Julie 1988; Salome Weitz, gebore Naude, 1 Junie 1928, I Volkskastrust Bpk., Posbus 323, Bloemfontein. 2597/85-Ntshiba, Paul Mpateni Agrippa, 27 March 1924, ,9 Old Cemetery, Graharnstown, 23 February Nettelton, P.O. Box 449, Graharnstown. 2308/88-00 Plessis, Okker Johannes Stefanus, 230ktober 1929, , Piet Retiefstraat 4, Molteno, 4 Julie 1988; Maria Petronella du Plessis, 22 Oktober 1932, Volkskastrust Bpk., Posbus 323, Bloemfontein. 2966/88-Van Tonder, Susanna Jacomina Elizabetha, born Meintjes, 16 June 1914, , Middle Essex, Essex, District of Queenstown, 17 September E. D. Chisholm & Co., P.O. Box 34, Queenstown. 2876/88-Foucbe, Susanna Maria, 15 Julie 1921, , Markstraat 43, Adelaide; Abraham Petrus Fouche, Volkskastrust Bpk., Posbus 1493, Port Elizabeth. 2510/88-Rademeyer, John A1mero, , , Eaglesingel 12, Port Elizabeth, 15/7/88; Martha Catharina Rademeyer, 1114/22, Volkskastrust Bpk., Posbus 873, Bellville. 1317/88-Gregor, Comfort Joy, 5 October 1924, , I Selborne Road, East London, 24 July Bradfield Archer O'Connor & Cocks, Third Floor, First National Bank Building, Union Street, East London. 2903/88-Kleinbans, Anna Cornelia, gebore Delport, , Huis Corrie Dreyer, Adelaide, 9 Augustus 1988; Willem Handrik Jacobus Kleinhans. Volkskastrust Bpk., Posbus 1493, Port Elizabeth Vosloo, Gladys Jessie, 27 January 1907, , widow, 20 Rosedale Road. Amalinda. East London, 5 May Bradtield AIcher O'Connor & Cocks, Third Floor. First National Bank Building, Union Street, East London. 2999/88-Harrington, Harold Webster, 4 December 1921, ,36 Bonnie Doon Place. Bonnie Doon, East London, 22 September Drake Flemmer Orsmond & Verrnaak., 15 Terminus Street, East London. 2980/88-Engelbrecbt, Cornelius Petrus. 27/6106, , Robertstraat 34, Uitenhage, 2119/88. Boland Bank Bpk., Posbus 55, Uitenhage Kunneke, Gert Renier, , , Reltonstraat 23. Sidwell, Port Elizabeth, 12/9/88. Bolandbank Bpk., Posbus 55, Uitenhage Steele, Eileen Mary, born Mathew. 5 March 1918, , \0 Main Road, Gonubie, 8 August Syfrets Trust Ltd, P.O. Box 466, Port Elizabeth. 1888!88-Gunn, Sheilah Gladys, born Mcleod, 1 June 1910, , Flat 503, Eldorado, 54 St Peter's Road, East London, 18 May Syfrets Trust Ltd, P.O. Box 466, Port Elizabeth. 3006/88-Scboeman, Hendrik Petrus, 3 Oktober 1937, , La Colleen, distrik Barldy-Oos, 10 September 1988; Magdalena Johanna Schoeman, gebore Botha, 22 Augusms 1943, Greyvenstein & Spence, Posbus 13, Barkly-Oos. 2835/88-Maral.s, Thomas Johannes, 10 Junie Vleiplaas, Hofmeyr, 18 Augustus C. J. van Heerden & Kie., Posbus 15, Cradock. 2674/88-Ah Ling, Sing Jam, 5 September 1909, 23 Peking Street, Kabega Park, Port Elizabeth, 29 April J. B. Odendaal & Co., P.O. Box 2437, Port Elizabeth Ledmgbam, Christine Susan, 25 January 1929, , 14 Summit Road. Beacon Bay, East London, 2 July R. E. Ledingharn, P.O. Box 134, East London. 2989/88-Pautz, Ronald Lawrence, 24 September 1937, ,13 Arthur Street, King William's Town, II September Barnes & Ross. P.O. Box 529, King William's Town. 3059/88-Swiegelaar, Jacobus Carolus, 1216/36, , Sherlockstraat 24, Sentraal, Port Elizabeth, 16/9/88; Maria Eva Swiegelaar, gebore Van Rensburg, 17/3/16, Bankorptrust Bpk., Posbus 1199, Port Elizabeth. 2983/88-Lorse, Hermann Josef, 1/3/28, ,3 York Road, Vincent, East London, 1819/88. Bankorptrust Ltd, P.O. Box 1199, Port Elizabeth. 3029/88-Osr1n, Fanny, , \0 Astoria Court, Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth, 29 September Loon & Connellan, 4 Cape Road, Port Elizabeth. 2794/88-Stevens, Jameson Joseph, 611/04, , 58 LuneviLie Road, Lorraine, Port Elizabeth, 1 September l. Stevens, 36 Buxton Avenue, Kensington, Port Elizabeth. Kubo, Maud Charlotte, born Gribble, 22/12/05, ,24 Smith Street, Cathcart, First Personal Asset Management, P.O. Box 1537, East London. 2684/88-MeGregor, Oliver Reginald James, 19/2/07, , Crinan, Elliot, ; Alice Jane McGregor. born McLuckie, M. J. Kotze. P.O. Box 77, Elliot. 2994/88-Van der Westbulzen, Johannes Diederik, 6 April 1896, , Van Riebeeckstraat 12, Steynsburg, 2 September Volkskastrust, Posbus 323, Bloemfontein. Blatt, James Neville. 13 September 1912, ,430 South Side. Wilderness, 2 October 1988; Partricia Margaret Blat, born Lynch, 6 January 1912, First Personal Asset Management, P.O. Box 164, Port Elizabeth. Snow, Johanna Elizabeth, 23 March 1897, , Huisgenot, Dyke Road, Algoa Park, Port Elizabeth, 30 September First Personal Asset Management, P.O. Box 164, Port Elizabeth.. Gouws, Ellen Maria, gebore Cooke, 20 November 1907, , Komani Hospitaal, Queenstown, 50ktober Berste Persoonlike Batebesruur, Posbus 164, Port Elizabeth. 00 Preez, lzaak Thomas, 27 Desember 1902, , Munro Kirktehuis., Seymourstraat, Port Elizabeth, 9 Oktober 1988; Johanna Dorothea du Preez, gebore meyer, 22 September 1908, Berste Persoonlike Batebestuur, Posbus 164, Port Elizabeth. 2902/88-Jackson, Peter Hurbert (Herbert), 29 September 1934, , 62 Sayster Street, Salsoneville. Port Elizabeth. 24 June 1988; Gloria Christine Jackson, 6 May Pillay & Meyer, 6 Nielson Street. Korsten, Port Elizabeth.

142 141 No GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 Humao, Gertruida Dorothea, 24 Maart 1912, , 6 Collegeweg, Cradock, 28 Septemher Eerste Persoonlike Batebestuur, Posbus 164, Port Elizabeth. Harper, Alexander John Nairne, 23 August 1908, ,7 Almaza, Union Road, Walmer, Port Elizabeth, 8 October 1988, First Personal Asset Management, P.O. Box 164, PO.l1 Elizabeth, Smith, Daniel Stephanus, 6 Janllarie 1924, , Loerie. 23 Septembr Eerste Persoonlike Batebestuur, Posbus 164, Port Elizabeth, BirreD, Natalie Ward, born Benson, 13 January 1900, , Brookshaw Home, Donkin Street, Grahamstown, 4 August First Personal Asset Management, P.O, BOJlI64, Port Elizabeth. Dudley, Agnes Turnbull, 18 AU~tust 1916, , Majestic Hotel, Esplanade, East London, 14 September 1988, Standardtrust Ltd. P.O. Box 996, East London, 1435/88-Jackmao, Victor Cecil. 24/5121, , 10 Scholl Road, Cambridge West, East London, 5 May F. G. I. Brown, PO. Box 4743, Durban, 3087/88-Brazzale, Erminia, 20 March 1911, ,2 Pancras Street, Sydenham, Port Elizabeth, 27 September 1988, Pagdens, P.O. Box 132, Port Elizabeth. NATAL 6632/88-Nicholas, Edward, 911l107, , 1 Constant Street, Summersplace, Uvongo, 9 September Volkskastrust Ltd, P.O, Box 918, Pietertnaritzburg, 13739/88-Labuschagne, Lambert Hendrik, 18/9/66, , Coenie de VilJiers Hostel, Nelspruit, 15 September Volkskastrust Bpk" Posbus 918, Pietertnaritzburg, 6550/88-Moffat, Arthur John, J June 1899, , Arcadia Old Age Home, Pine Street, Greytown, 22 September 1988, Van Rooyen & Forder, P,O, Box 56, Greytown, 6707/88-Crightoo, Hester Joan, moill, ,3 Queen Mary Place, Pietertnaritzburg, 2 October 1988, Mason Buchan Leslie Weinberg & Co., P,O, Box 100, Pietetmaritzburg, CoUiDs, William Hopldns, 24 August 1910, , Fernhill Farm, Kokstad, 21 November Maurice Dobeyn & Co" P.O, Box 276, Pietertnaritzburg. 6580/88-Burger, Andries Williem Petrus, 26 April 1924, , Rushmoreweg 57, Hayfields, Pietertnaritzburg, 60ktober 1988; Cecilia Johanna Burger, 16 Junie 1931, Kobus Kruger, Posbus 448, Pietertnaritzburg. 4133/88-Moodley, Maghanatrulll, 21 December 1930, ,27 Emam Road, Raisethorpe, Pietertnaritzburg, 24 June 1988, Abraham & Sangham, 190 Retief Street, Pietemlaritzburg, 3279/88-Parbodhlen, Parbodhlen, 1July 1922, ,47 Linum Road, Pietertnaritzburg, 16 May 1988; Parvathee Parbodhlen, 261uly Abraham & Sangham, 190 ReticfStreet, Pietertnaritzburg. 5453/88-Poole, lack Billing, 11uly 1938, ,36 Bukingham Avenue, Pietertnaritzburg, 16 August 1988, C, A. Poole, 36 Buckingham Avenue, Pietertnaritzburg McLeao, Edith Louisa, 1 January 1904, , Marian Villa, Alexandra Road, Pietertnaritzburg, 1 September F. H. Low & Co., P,0, Box 244, PietertnarilZburg, 6476/88-Craig, Annie Davidson, 6 April 1913, , Renishaw Retirement Village, Scoltburgh, 18 September 1988, Venn, Nemeth & Hart, P.O. Box 600, Pietertnaritzburg. 4386/88-Laoe, Catherine Mary White, 16 April 1902, , Village of Happiness, Margate, 14 lune 1988, Livingston Doull & Winterton, P,O, Box 291, Amanzimtoti, 4608/88-Pltt, Francis Charles William Arthur, 21 September 1903, , Blenheim Hotel, 37 Gillespie Street, Durban, 15 May Goodrickes, 24th Floor, 320 West SlreIet, Durban, Claassens, Dirk Jolulllnes, 24/8/04, ,68 Plein Street, Utrecht, , First Personal Asset Management, P.O. Box 381, Pietermaritzburg Vermaak, Cornelius Marthinus, 3/1122, , 24 Loop Street, Pietennaritzburg, 1919/88, First National Bank Ltd, P.O, Box 381, Pietertnaritzburg. 6288/88-Fraser, Hugh Cameron, 17/10/15, , Glencoe, First Personal Asset Management, P.O, Box 381, Pietertnaritzburg. 5322/88-Lundy, Margarelta EI~ie, 20 September 1924, , 81 Melselter Road, Woodlands, Pietertnaritzburg, 22 June 1988, Venn, Nemeth & Hart, p,o, Box 600, Pietenillaritzburg, 6605/88-Makaye, Titus, (Makhaye), 19 March 1900, , Edendaie, Pietertnaritzburg, 23 October 1987; Florence Makhaye. Von Klemperer & Davis, 2 Princess Street, Pietertnaritzburg, 6469/88-Naldu, Velu, 113/36, , 1142 Grassmere Drive, Mariannhill, 19nt88; Radha Naidu, McClung, Mustard & McGlashan, P,O. Box4, Pinetown, 5209/88-Kruger, Barend lohaames, 22 Januarie 1921, , AIaskawoonstelle 102, Kingsway, Amanzimtoti, 24nt88; Geertruida Catharina Johanna Kruger, 25 Julie 1920, Volkskastrust Bpk., Posbus 918, Pietermaritzburg. 6196/88-Keyser, Andries Adrillan, 201WI0, , Kingdonweg 17, Malvern, Durban, 5 September 1988; Martha Elizabeth Keyser, gebore Beukes, 16/3/16, , Volkskastrust Bpk., Posbus 918, Pietertnaritzburg, 6520/88-Meyer, Martha Sussaama Wilhelmina, 19/12/05, , Hlobanestraat 48, Vryheid, 16/9/88. Cox & Vennote, Posbus 5, Vryheid, 4102/88-Addison, William Da'<id, 29 February 1904, , Urnkomaas, 19 June 1988; Sara North Addison, C. J. Moggridge, P,O, Box 20 I, Scoltburgh, Johnstoo, Laura Anne, 21 November 1902, , Marion Villa, 282 Alexandra Road, Pietertnaritzburg, 22 September 1988, Ciemmans & Johnston Incorporated, P.O, Box 598, Durban, 6047/88-Nordeo, Fanny, 12 August 1891, , 1 Claverton Hall, 235 Ridge Road, Durban, 9 September Goodrickes, P.O. Box 967, Durban. 6454I88-Steel, Anthony Charles, 21/1/12, , 32 Sher Crescent. Queensburgh, 20/9/88. VUjoen Du Toit & Krog, P.O. Box 2703, Durban, Steeokamp, Sarah, 8/10/05, 32481OO13W, 207 Carillon, Prince Street, Durban, 16/9/88, VUjoen Du Toit & Krog, P,O. Box 2703, Durban, 6247/88-HaU, Elsie Trevithick. 14/12/01, , 2 Chiselhurst Road, Westville, 3015/87, Millar & Reardon, Ninth Floor, JBS Building, 78 Field Street, Durban. 3506/88-Scorgie, Clifford Jonathan, 3/4/07, , 3 Ferndale Mansions, 6 Ferndale Avenue, Durban, , Peter John Scorgie, P.O, Box 10264, Richards Bay Simpson, Thomas George Smith, 30/12137, , 327 Frere Road, Durban, , Syfrets Trust Ltd, P.O. Box 135, Durban, Swaoepoel, Smartenryk, 24/6/37, ,18 Molweni Road, Everton, 23/8/88. Nedbank Ltd, P,O. Box 135, Durban. 6416/88-Mano, Gertrude Dorothy, 18/lli04, , 653 Currie Road, Durban, , Palmer'S Trust Investments and Estate Administrators Ltd, P,O. box 135, Durban.

143 STAATSKOERANT,4NOVEMBER 1988 No WUson, Mary Florence, 2119/10, , Mitchell Park Nursing Home, 15 Nimmo Road, Morningside, Durban, 16/6/88. Palmer's Trust Investments and Estate Administrators Ltd, P.O. Box 135, Durban. 6458/88-Wood, Wilhelmina Catherina, 2913/18, , Restdale Nursing Home, 2 Haven Lane, Malvern, Durban, 1819/88. Palmer's Trust Investments and Estate Administrators Ltd, P.O. Box 135, Durban. 6562J88-Tomlinson, Marie Elda, 30/6/14, ,92 Kings Lynn, 60 St Andrews Street, Durban, 4/10/88; Joseph Clarence Tomlinson, 418/25, Bankorptrust Ltd, P.O. Box 2174, Durban Watson, Russell Robert, llnl21, , 7 Byrne Crescent, Northdene, Queensburgh, 18/88; Sheila Gwendoline Watson, 18/2/23, Gary Russell Watson, 7 Byrne Crescent, Northdene, Queensburgh. 5397I88-Stanley, Mona May Hodgson, 30/6/11, , 362 Bartle Road, Durban, 2/8/88; Herbert Thomas Stanley, 1914/11, Alleson & Company, P.O. Box 1824, Durban. 4207/88-Naidoo, Paul, 6/3/47, , 20 Dimple Place, Unit 9, Chatsworth, 2/3/88; PremilIa Devi Naidoo, 1317/50, Harkoo, Brijlal & Reddy, 602 Kara Centre, 3 Bond Street, Durban. 498/87-Moodley, Ganesh Poonasamy, 1I1122, , 7 Hatfield Road, Reservoir Hills, 1112/86; Dhanamba Moodley, 28 April 1929, 8OO477400A. Sayed & Lockhat, 710 Nedbank House, 30 Albert Street, Durban. 5396/88-Sbaikh (Sheik), [smail Dawood, 7/9118, , 2 Zimnia Road, Asherville, Durban, ; Aiysha Shaikh, 20/6127, Aleson & Company, P.O. Box Durban. 6649/88-Naldu, Nirmala, I31, , 32 Kara Road, Effingham Heights, Durban, A. Christopher & Co., First Floor, 140 Queen Street, Durban. 5186/88--Govender, Shunmugan, 19 July 1942, , Marburg, Port Shepstone, 17 May 1988; Rungunayagee Govender, , Halse, Havemann & Lloyd, P.O. Box 343, Pinetown Smith, Leslie Walter, 19/4/16, , 140 Locksley Drive, Sherwood, Durban, 8/9/88, Pietermaritzburg; Iris Smith, 15 August 1915, Downes, Sullivan & Clulow, 16th Floor, General Accident Building, 47 Field Street, Durban. 6415/88-Kok, Willie, 14 April 1930, G SC, Addington Hospital, Durban, 31 July 1988, Pietermaritzburg. Downes, Sullivan & Clulow, 16th Floor, General Accident Building, 47 Field Street, Durban. 6172/88-WUson, James Melville Letcher, , Kingsleigh Lodge, McDonald Road, Durban, Ernst & Whinney, P.O. Box 2826, Durban. 6418/88-Naidoo, Vijia, 8/10/30, ,9 Rubicon Close, Unit 6, Chatsworth, 3/8188; Lutchmamma Naidoo, 18/2/41, Siva Naidoo & Associates, P.O. Box 9, Pinetown. 692J88-Bezuidenhout, Aletta Johanna Anna Magrieta, 28/10/51, , 108 Acacia Crescent, Westbrook, Tongaat, 12 January 1988; Mathys Cornelius Bezuidenhout, 29/9/57, Frederik Moerdyk & Co., P.O. Box 474, Ballito. 6117/88-Pakkiri, Muniamah, 6 January 1926, ,104 Badulla Drive, Merebank, Durban, 13 November 1987, Pietermaritzburg. Chennells, Albertyn & Brunton Inc., 1101 Salmon Grove Chambers, 407 Smith Street, Durban. 4262/88-Nowbuth, Gungajalay, 22/5/14, A, 21 Inwabi Road, Isipingo Rail, Durban, 1114/88; Rugbeer Nowbuth, 16/12/08, A. R. B. Lalla & Co., P.O. Box 48390, Qualbert, Durban. 5255/88-Reddy, Thoyamma, 14/6/24, , 22 Daintree Avenue, Asherville, Durban, 3/4/88, Pietermaritzburg; Munsamy Reddy, 6/8/20, R. B. Lalla & Co., 1406 Nedbank House, 30 Albert Street, Durban. 3595/88--Govender, Kistensamy, 2/6/32, , Lot 15, Farm We1bedacht, House 285, 30/1188; Ramamma Govender, 20/2/36, Volsum, Chetty & Lax, P.O. Box 8218, Cumberwood. 6549/88-Hjort, Albert Douglas, 10 March 1904, , 19 Davallen Avenue, La Lucia, 4 October Morris Brothers, P.O. Box 20037, Durban North Gaffar, Abdool, 8/10124, ,31 Jawahar Mansion, 56 Prince Edward Street, Durban, 18/3/88. G. H, Ismail & Associates, Fourth Floor, Rama House, 202 Grey Street, Durban. 6058/88-Kose, Ludolph August, 7/1101, , 4 WillingdonAvenue, Kloof, 8/9/88, Pietermaritzburg. B. D. O. Spencer Stewart, P.O. Box 1849, Durban. 5254/88-Bux, Mohamed Yusuf, 1September 1906, , 170 Couper Street, Stanger, 17 March Natal Mercury, P,O. Box 1491, Durban. 5443/88-Nimur, Sewpershad, 20111/14, ,34 Reedbank Road, Springfield, Durban, 19/5/88. Raj Ramsaran & Co., 705 Poynton House, 85 Gardiner Street, Durban. 6507/88-Bennet, Mary Violet, 8/2115, , 89 Second Avenue, Gerards Villa, Pretoria, 15/9/88. B. E. S. Asar, Leandy & Partners, P.O. Box 35, Durban Govender, Kisten, 1 September 1935, , Park Rynie, 31 August 1988; Ragirna, 30 July 1941, C. J Moggridge, P.O. Box 201, Scottburgh. 5949/88--Sahodbari, 1925, A, Glendale, Lower Tugela, 25 March Dhana Naidoo & Co., P.O. Box 2444, Stanger. 6267/88-Natalie, Prakash, , ,356 South Coast Road, Rossburgh, Durban, ; PrerniJla Natalie, , D. Soma & Co., 1003 Nedbank House, 30 Albert Street, Durban. 6659/88-Boden, Brian Thomas, 14 June 1927, , 11 Phyllis Argo Road, Cowies Hill, Durban, 4 October 1988, Pietermaritzburg. W. B. Thomas&Co., P.O. Box 1749, Durban Edgar, John, 3 April 1911, , Musgrave Nursing Home, Musgrave Road, Durban, 8 May Lyne & Collins, 9 Hermitage Street, Durban. 5846/88-Stumke, George Hugh Flynn, 1 August 1909, , 90 Ferguson Road, Durban, I September 1988, Lyne & Collins, 9 Hermitage Street, Durban. 6490I88-Robertson, Eileen Mavis, 5nl27, ,55 Idlewild, 92 Noble Road, Morningside, Durban, , Pietermaritzburg. Hills, Howard & Co., P.O. Box 2690, Durban. 5938/88-Longmoor, James Edward, 4 April 1925, , II Erica Drive, Schuinshoogte, Newcastle, 28 August Strauss Daly, I1tb Floor, The Marine, 22 Gardiner Street, Durban. 6167/88-Vander Walt, Claire Ellen, 23/5/11, , Hillcrest, Durban, Thornhill & Co., Clock!ower Building, Hillcrest. 6558/88-SandeUs, Betty Elizabeth (Marie Elizabeth), 26 May 1926, ,403 Elwyn Court, Point Road, Durban, 26 July Lyne & Collins, 9 Hermitage Street, Durban S00bramoney (Ramsing), Ramsing, 28 April 1916, , Durban, 3 June 1988; Mummy Lawrette Soobramoney, 24 March 1927, Meskin & Levy, P.O. Box 2497, Durban. 6052/88-Van Zyl, Mona, 10/4/13, , Hythe Road, Rarnsgate, 9/8/88. A. M. de Villiers, 8 Pearson Road, Gillitts. 627J188-Slarke, Kitty, 31nt96, ,87 Madeline Road, Durban, Miles & Moorhead, 2101 Durban Bay House, 333 Smith Street, Durban. 4037/88--De Olano, Linda Vera, 16/9/1899, ,401 Barcelona, Playfair Road, Durban, 28/6/88. John Hudson, Berg & Co., 1803 Eagle Building, 359 West Street, Durban. 5829/88-Eshuls, Tjeerd, 19 April 1905, , Sunbird Road, Inchanga, 12 August 1988; Jozina Everdina Maria Rora Eshuis, 24 December 1910, Lester Hall Ewing & Swan, P.O. Box 52, Hillcrest. 5594I88--Sadayan, Yegambaram, 20/3116, , House 5, Road 706, Chatsworth, 23n188; Jackie Sadayan, 21/8/30, Sage Trust Co. (Natal) Ltd, 26 Fenton Road, Durban Wright, Freda Frances, 2n105, , 41 Trogan Road, Mandini, 6/4188. M. P. McDermid, 41 Trogan Road, Mandini.

144 144 No GOVERNMENT GAZETIE, 4 NOVEMBER /88-Autbar, 5 July 1918, , Chantilly Fann, Darnall, 28 November 1986; Ramrajiah. Laurie C. Smith & Seymour Inc., P.O. Box 46, Stanger. 5405/88-BuI'JIS, Angela Margaret, 29 October 1924, , 19 Ashley Drive, Gillitts, 4 August 1988; James Burns, 12 October 1924, James Bums, 19 Ashley Drive, Gillitts /88-Davis, Emma, 22 May 1897, Passport No. N248388, Utrecht and Newcastle Hospitals, 21 March Standardtrust Ltd, P.O. Box 2743, Durban. 6478/88-De Freitas, Catharinll Susanna Petronella, 5 August 1919, ,901 Berea Centre, Berea Road, Durban, 31 July 1988; John Peter Misplon de Freitas, 29 May 1922, Standardtrust Ltd, P.O. Box 2743, Durban. 6492/88-Visser, Joseph Rodney, 20 March 1935, , House 84, C. G. Smith Sugar Limited, Umzinto, 13 March Standardtrust Ltd, P.O. Box 2743, Durban. 6474/88-Booysen, Anna Francina, 25 August 1918, , Skoo1weg 40, Amanzimtoti, 1 September 1988; Daniel Hermanus Booysen, 19 December 1921, Standardtrust Bpk., Posbus 2743, Durban. 6522/88-Norman, Iris, 28/110', , 87 The Astra, 26 Russell Street, Durban, Standardtrust Ltd, P.O. Box 2743, Durban. 6540/88-Brltz, Heather Ann, :WI8/41, , 612 Marine Drive, Brighton Beach, Durban, 6/9/88. Standardtrust Ltd, P.O. Box 2743, Durban. 4670/88-Patterson, Donald Lithgow, 6 December 1944, ,134 Gebrantzer Road, Wentworth, Durban, 2 July Standardtrust Ltd, P.O. Box 2743, Durban. 6515/88-Gordon, Robert JamelS, 22/3/25, ,62 Melmoth Road, Eshowe, 12/9/88. Standardtrust Ltd, P.O. Box 2743, Durban. 6526/88-Woodman, Marian Siwire, 12 April 1906, , 9 Chasedene, Main Street, Howick, 19 September Standardtrust Ltd, P.O. Box 2743, Durban. 6442/88-Dunstan, Hazel Editt" 31 August 1911, , 512 Park View, Boscombe Place, Marine Parade, Durban, 13 September The Board of Executors Natal Ltd, P.IP. Box 4743, Durban. 4883/88-Mayes, William Herald, I July 1903, , 87 Bencormm, Prince Street, Durban, 29 June Hathorn Cameron & Company, 225 Church Street, Pieterniaritzburg. 64OO/88-Wagner, Vivian Tail, 12/1130, , 2 Voltage Avenue, Stanger, 16 July Clemmans & Johnston Incorporated, P.O. Box 598, Durban. 6232/88-Wbite, Thomas, 12nt17, , Venture Inn Hotel, Commercial Road, Umtentweni, 25nt88. First Personal Asset Management, P.O. Box 2036, Johannesburg. 4050/88-Dansie, Joyce, 13 January 1918, ,27 Belfry Towers, Beach Road, Doonside, 9 June Livingston Doull & Winterton, Amanzimtoti, P.O. Box 291, Amanzimtoti. OO28/88-Bender, Charles Saxon, 2n125, , 12 Prince Street, Umbogintwini, 3118/88. Mrs B. J. Vickery, 12 Prince Street, Umbogintwini. ORANGE FREE STATE ORANJE-VRYSTAAT KIeynhans, Susanna Magrieta (Magritha) Alida, 11 Mei 1904, , Mooihawe-ouetehuis, Mellvillerylaan, Brandwag, Bloemfontein, 15 Augustus Vc4kskastrust Bpk., Posbus 323, Bloemfontein. 2207/88-Harris, Ralph Llewellyn, 31 August 1903, , 109 Warden Street, Harrismith, 20 September Balden Vogel & Partners, P.O. Box 22, Harrismith. 1479/88-Botba, Josephus, , , Verusstraat 28, Parys, 13 November 1987; Hester Susanna Botha, , Chris van Rooyen, 1P0sbus 1486, Kriel. 2188/88-Jonas, Ricardo Enri<lo, 28 Maart 1947, , Keerombergstraat 13, Vaalpark, 16 September 1988; Linda Allette Jonas, 2 Januarie 1947, De aeer & Claassen, Posbus 77, Sasolburg. 2250/88-Mitchell, Donald, 22 March 1903, , Dalkeith, Winburg, 22 September Victor Kotze & Senil, P.O. Box 48, Winburg Weilbach, Cornelia JIohanna Elizabth, gebore Nolte, 27 Junie 1890, , Emily Hobhouse-ouetehuis, Koppies, 8 Julie Volkskastrust Bpk., Posbus 323, Bloemfontein. 1319/88-Du Plessis, Paul Johannes, 4 April 1915, , Huis Uitkoms, Bethulie, 18 Apri Volkskastrust Bpk., Posbus 323, Bloemfontein. 2232/88-SchOeman, Gabriel Johannes Jurgens, 14 Februarie 1952, , Reichenbergstraal 67, Zastron, 21 Augustus Volkskastrust Bpk., Posbus 323, Bloemfontein. Van Coller, Barend Paul, 20 April 1921, , Linderstraat 19, Wepener, 1 Oktober 1988; Maria Elizabeth van Coller. Ochse & Van Rensburg, Posbus 7, Wepener. 2033/88-Liebenberg, WilIemJacobus Burger, 21 Oktober 1920, , Du Toilstraal16, Kroonstad, 25 Julie 1988; Annigje Liebenberg, gebore Van Schaik, 10 Januarie 1922, Volkskastrust, Posbus 323, Bloemfontein. 2163/88-Koekemoer, Renschle Aletta, 6f12/35, , Lubbestraat 10, Kroonstad, 2 September 1988; Johannes Frederick Koekemoer, 13/5/34, Bankorptrust Bpk., Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein. 2256/88-Fouche, Petrus Joha.nes Jakobus, 1/10/22, , Hoewe 66, Rondenbeck, Bloemfontein, 24 September 1988; Johanna Alida Wilhelmina Fouche, 20/1/38, Bankorptrust Bpk., Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein. 2182/88-Badenhorst, Cornelius Johannes, 16/6f36, , Orchidstraat 29, Riebeeckstad, Welkom, 5/9/88; Maria Aletta Badenhorst, gebore Erasmus, 118/37, Bankorptrust Bpk., Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein. 2183/88-Botha, Cornelia Maria, gebore Fourie, 9/9/30, , Slabbertstraat 26, Bethlehem, 8/9/88; Jan Hendrik Botha, 6/10/26, Bankorptrust Bpk., Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein. 2265/88-Rossouw, Wessel Jacobus Francois, 3/6137, , Erlankstraat 8, Kroonstad, 25/6/88; Anna Catharina Rossouw, 30/4/39, Bankorptrust Bpk., Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein. l006/88-maritz, Pieter Phillilpus, 22 Maart 1955., , Mecutiostraat 21, Welkom. 20 April Arthur Ulyate, Posbus 1983, Welkom. 2057/88-Weideman, Jacob Andreas Cornelius, 18 Februarie 1900, , Lettie Mouton-tehuis vir Bejaardes, Fonteinstraat, Lindley, 5 September Lenise Hugo. Posbus 107, Lindley. 2229/88-Prlnsloo, Joban Andiries, 21 April 1898, , Avondvrede-ouetehuis, Vrede, 20 September De Waal & Van Rooyen, Posbus 36, Vrede. 2071/8S--Grobbelaar, Gabriel Jordaan, 4 Februarie 1919, , Erasmusstraat 23, Odendaalsrus, 7 September 1988; Alida Elizabeth Grobbelaar, gebore Sauer, 18 Maart '1922, Eerste Persoonlike Batebestuur, Posbus 1714, Bloemfontein. 1999/8S--Gibson, Maria Elizabeth, gebore Le Roux, 7 September 1907, , weduwee, VanderWallstraat 11, Senekal, 30 Augustus Eerste Persoonlike Batebestuu~, Posbus 1714, Bloemfontein. 2156/88-Maartens, Cecilia Catharina, gebore Hattingh, 27 September 1913, , Meerholtzstraat 33, Vredefort, 15 Augustus 1988; David Schalk Maartens, 30 Maart 1918, IS Eerste Persoonlike Batebestuur, Posbus 1714, Bloemfontein. 22OO/88-Farquhar, Dorothea! Gertruida, born Fitzroy, 8/1/38, , 13 Fox Street, Doom, Welkom, ; Edwin Farquhar, 11/6/36, First Personal Asset Management, P.O. Box 1714, Bloemfontein. 2226/88-Merrlck, Herbert Wilson, , , Delverstraat 77, Parys, 24/9/88; Aletta Levina Merrick. Eerste Persoonlike Batebestuur, Posbus 1714, Bloemfontein.

145 STAATSKOERA.NT, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 '-lo /88-Potgieter, Hermanus Christoffel, 2015/45, , Van Jaarsvddstraat 7, Wepener, 5/9188; Susara Chatriena Johanna Porgietcr. Eerste Persoonlike Batebestuur, Posbus 1714, Bloemfontein. 2122/88-Hattingh, Daniel Wilhelmus, 26/511884, S.W.K. Graansilo. De Wetsdorp, 1918/88. Eerste Perso<mlike BatebestuuL Posbus 1714, Bloemfontein 2158/88-Bornman, Johannes Marthinus. 27 September 1962, Siberea, distrik Edenville, i I Julie Volkskastrust Bpk., Posbus 323, Bloemfontein. Terblanche, Petrus Johannes Eksteen, 20 Januarie 1909, , Dukcstraat 84, Brandfort, 13 Oktober Hendrikz & De Vletter, Posbus 17, Brandfort. Van Niekerk, Daniel Johannes Hendrik, 24/11/06, , VoortrekkeNraat 89, Brandfort, 14 Oktober Hcndrikz & De Vlctter, Posbus 17, Brandfort. 2336i88-Fourie, Lodewyk Roos, 28112/46, PieHaarsfontein. Schweizer-Reneke, 8/10/8t1; Sophia Dorothea Gezina Fourie. gebore Burger, I. Van Rensburgs, Posbus 7770, Bloemfontein. 2243/88-Koen, Gerhardus Johannes Beukes, 12 Januarie , Eenzaam, distrik Vrede, II September 19!!8. Pretorius & Bosman, Posbus 160, Vrede. 2245/88-Van Rooyen, Roelof Petrus, IJ Oktober , Avonctvrede, Van der LingenstraaL Vrede, 25 September 1988; Ellen Elizabeth van Rooyen, 8 Maart 1908, PretorJus & Bosman. Posbus 160. Vrede. 2248/88-Wessels, Mattheus Hendrikus, 17 Desember 1908, , RowanSlraat 4, Vrede. 23 Septemher 19t18. Pretorius & Bosman, Posbus 160, Vrede Doorsma, Pier, 5 December 1917, Hopwood Street, Universitas, 25 September Standardtru,t Ud, P.O. Box 1248, Bloemfontein Marais, Jan Albertus, 28 November 1908, ]()04. Elizabeth&traat 12, Hennenman, 22 September 1988: Gertmida Jacoba Elizabeth Marais. Standardtrust Bpk., Posbus 1248, Bloemfontein 2275/88-Furmage, Marion Ross, 8 October 1902, 02100!! , 206 Churl.'h Street, Bloemfontein, 28 Seplember 1988 Standart!trusl Bpk.. Posbus 1248, Bloemfontein Du Toit, Schalk Willem van der Merwe, 19 Julie 1930, J Viljoenstraat 10, Frankfort, 22 Junie 1988: Stephanie du Toit, 31 Januarie 1929, Slandardtrust Bpk., Posbus 1248, Bloemfontein. 2262/88-Prinsloo, Petrus Renier, 29 Junie 1925, , Emily Hobhousestraat 28, Sasolburg, 10 September Standardtrust Bpk.. Posbus 1248, Bloemfontein. 2268/88--Strydom, Phyllis, 19/9/49, , Oranjestraat 52. Heilbron. 25 September F. W. SrrydollJ, Posbu> 673, Heilbron. 2233/88--Sweeney, George, 18 Maart 1930, I, Skoolstraat 58, Kmgbron, 20 Seplember 1988; Susara Susanna Elizabeth Sweeney, 10 Julie 1933, Botha Yazbek & Jooste, Posbus 51, Kroonstad. 2292/88-Pretorius, Daniel Petrus, 25 September 1923, , Plot 2, Maxh.:y, Bloemfontein, 29/1)!88. H. J. F. Steyn, Poshus 819, Bloemfontein Wessels, Wessels George Prince, 24 Januarie 1904, , Fleckstraat 47, Vrede, 29 September IWIg; Charlotta Catharina Wessels, 26 November 1905, Pretorius & Bosman, Posbus 160. Vrede. 2310/88-ElofT, Philippus Arnoldus Myburgh, 28/5/ IS()(Xl. GenL Nieuwoudstraat 7. Fauresmith, 18i8/88; Hester Margaretha Eloff, 4/5/20, Naudes, Posbus 153, Bloemfontein. 2059/88-Fritz, George Pieter, 18 Mei 1908, 0805 I 8500tl()()2, Bossieslaagte. Frankfort. 20 Augustus 1988; Magdalena Antoinetta Fritl, 16/1108, Claasen Louw & Van der Watt. Posbus 7, Frankfort. 2169!88-Wessels, Aletta Catharina Elizabeth, 4 September I 'IN7, r-.:ajaarsrus, Parys, 19 September Wesscb & Smith, P.O. Box 721, Welkom. 1563/88-Van der Merwe, Nicosiena Margaretha, 140ktoher , Huis Sorgvry, Reitz, 3 Julie L. A.,an Biljon, Skoolstraat 3, Reitz, 1606/88-Du Plessis, Maria Catharina, 2 Oktober 1896, ()()()I}(XJ4, Ylooihawe ouetehuis, Bloemfontein, 15 Julie VolkskastlU>1 Bple, Posbus 323, Bloemfontein. 21 I 1/88-Van Zyl, Comelis Johannes, 26/3/ Morganstraat 20, Odendaalsrus, 18 Augustus Volbkastrust BpI<. Posbus 323, Bloemfontein, 2246!88-V1ok, Johannes Hendrik Jacobus, 16/4/23, , Heberden-singeI22, Hospitaalpark, Bloemf<mtein. -+ Oklober 198~; Isabel Kathrine Vlok, 2113/24, Webbers, Posbus 501. Bloemfontein. 2266/88-Fourie, Johannes Jacob, 23/5/49, , Heuningkop, distrik Rouwille, 7/9/1i8. Van Rooy & Van Rooy. Po:,bus 142, Aliwal Noord. 2012/88--Snyman, Hendrika Alberta, 18/6/20, 2(XJ , Uhlmanhof L Waterstraat, ~enekal, 27 Augustu, 1\188 B. Snyman, Posbus 296, Frankfort. SOUTH WEST AFRICA. SUIDWES-AFRIKA Nel, Leonora Maria Theresa, 24/9131, , Walvisbaai, 12!71!!8. Bank Windhoek Bpk., Posbus 15, Windhoek. FormlVorm J 187 LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR IN"PECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of Act 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless othenvise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons interested therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer ifspecially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. The information is given in the following order: Estate number, surname, christian name(s), identity number, last address, description of account other than first and final; if deceased was married in community of property the surviving spouse's names, surname and identity number; period of inspection (if shorter or longer than 21 days), Magistrate's Office,

146 146 No GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 LIKWIDASJE. EN DISTRIBUSIEREKENINGS,JN BESTORWE BOEDELS WAT TER INSAE LE Ingevolge artikel 35 (5) van Wet 66 van 1965, word hierby kennis ge~ee dat duplikate van die likwidasie- en distribusiereicenings (eerste en fmale, tensy anders vermeld) in die boedels hleronder venneld, in die kantore van die Meesters en Landdroste soos venneld en gedurende 'n tydperk van 21 dae (of kotter of langer indien spesiaal vermeld) vanaf gemelde datums of vanaf datum van publikasie hiervan, as dit later is, ter insae Ie van aile persone wat daarby belang het., Indien binne genoemde ~~dperk geen besware daarteen by die betrokke Meesters ingedien word nie, gaan die eksekuteurs oor tot die uitbetalings ingevolge gemelde rekenings. Die inligting word soos. volg verstrek: Boedelnornmer, familienaarn, voomaam(name), persoonsnommer, laaste adres, beskrywing van rekenipg as dit anders as eerste en fmale is; indien oorledene in gemeenskap van goedere getroud was die nagelate eggenoot(nore) se name, farnilienaarn en persoonsnornmer; tydperk van insae (indien korter oflanger as 21 dae), Landdroskantoor. TRANSVAAL At the office of the Master, PRETORIA, and also of the magistrate of the district when stated in parentheses. By die kantoor van die Meester, PRll:TORIA, en ook van die landdros van die distrlk wanneer dit tussen hakies gemeld word /88-Poezyn, Stanislawa, ,556 Britstone Road, Elarduspark; Rudolph Poezyn, Adams & Adams, Pretoria Jacobs, Susanna Helena Magrietha, , Jonesstraat 31, Wes-Krugersdorp (Krugersdorp).-Phillips & Osmond, Krugersdorp. 4506/88-Du Plessis, Johannes Augustus, , Dunwoodielaan 1181, Waverley, Pretoria; Anna Maria du Plessis, E. J. Deyzel & Kie., Pretoria. 908/88/8A--Gishen, Annie, 15(} , widow, 21 Hertzog Road, Parkdene, Boksburg (Boksburg).-M. C. Gishen, Springs Levy, Sydney, , 37 Nicolson Street, Baileys Muckleneuk, Pretoria.-Kessel Feinstein. 7632/88-Rabman, Amina, , 29 Rolina Street, Rynsoord, Benoni (Benoni).-Benoni City Times, Benoni. 8854/88-Jeft'ery, Eliza Farrin!~on, , Mothwa Haven, Booysens Street, Eloffsdal, Pretoria.-MacIntosh Cross & Farquharson, Pretoria. ll08/88-pope, Myrtle Ivy, IJ , Keurboomstraat 151, Stilfontein; Robert Carl Pope, (Klerksdorp).-Van Staden Engela & Vermaak, Stilfontein Van der Merwe, Martha Catharina Jacoba, , 66 Du Plooy Street, Potchefstroom (Potchefstroom).-Standardtrust, Bloemfontein. 6318/88-HaU, Cornelius Dirk Hermanus, , Germiston (Germiston}.-Standardtrust, Bloemfontein. 4719/88-De Lange, Adriaan Jacobus, , Ge2 Tarltonstasie, Pk. Tarlton, Verbeterde (Krugersdorp).-Standardtrust, Bloemfontein /8&-Spamer, Christoffel Hendrik, , Lanquedocwoonstelle 103, Kerkstraat 240, Potchefstroom; Rosciena Aletta Spamer, voorheen Bosman, gebore Olckers, (Potchefstroom).-Standardtrust, Bloemfontein. 6048/8&-Sherriff, Muriel Daphne Shone, , 10 Markstrid, Rothery Street, Nelspruit (Nelspruit).-Fust Personal Asset Management, Nelspruit Du Toit, Elizabeth Hendrina Maria, , Cherrylaan, Makwassie; Jacobus Abraham du Toil, (Woimaransstad}.-P. L. du Toit, Wl!lrcester. 5339/88-Mey, Marthinus Johannes Petrus, , Dianalaan 3, Homelake, Randfontein; Elizabeth Cornelia Mey, (Randfontein).-J. C. R. Potgieter, Riandfontein. 1475/88-Venter, Susanna Frallsina Johanna, , Tweede Straat 31, Lichtenburg (Lichtenburg).-Ben Rootrunan en Olivier, Lichtenburg /87-Ueckerman, Petrus Louis, , Bankdrift, distrik Koster; Cornelia Jacoba Ueckerman (Koster).-Ben Roothman en Olivier, Lichtenburg Oberholzer, Frederiilc Jacobus, , Trigaardspoort, Bronkhorstspruit (Bronkhorstspruit).-Pretoria /87-McAslin, Robert William, , Hartsrivierstraat 18, Randlespark, Klerksdorp; Anna Martina McAslin, (Klerksdorp).-Erasmus Jooste, OrklPey A1dum, Lucia Gerttuida, , Violetstraat 25, Miderpark, Potchefstroom; Louis!sat Aldum, (Potchefstroom).-Eerste Persoonlike Batebestuur, Klerksdorp. 9782/88-Nothling, Jacob FrelRerick Rudolph, , Sarel Cillierstraat 91, Rynfield, Benoni; Christina Magdalena Notling, gebore Pieterse, (Benoni).--Marshalltown. 4217/86--Van den Berg, Danieil Johannes Hendrik, , Plot 150, Nigel, Tweede (Nigel).- Volkskastrust, Marshalltown NeD, Phillippus Rudolph, , Alan Woodrow Aftree-oord 35b, Waltonweg, Boksburg-Suid (Boksburg).-Volkskastrust, Marshalltown /88-Van der Merwe, P~trus Jacobus, , Jannie de Waalstraat 35, Vanderbijlpark; Aletta Johanna Elizabeth van der Merwe, 30 November { 922, (Vanderbijlpark).-Volkskastrust, Marshalltown AIkers, Victor Juli,s, Crousrylaan 42, Helderkruin; Isabella Maria Elizabeth Luisa Alkers, (Middelburg), 30 dae. Volkskastrust, Marshalltown Kotze, Jacobus Ernst, , Seringlaan 24, Sundra; Susanna Catherina Kotze, (Springs).-Marshalltown /8&-Strydom, Gert Roelof Johannes, , Tweede Weg 13, Greymont; Cornelia Maria Strydom, 5 Februarie 1917, (Johannesburg).- Vulkskastrust, Marshalltown. 9842/88-Van Zyl, Hendrika I'k:tronella Wilhelmina, , Villa Rachelle, Commissionerstraat 6, Boksburg; Daniel Belsazar Erasmus van Zyl, (Boksburg}.-Volkskastrust, Marshalltown. 5916/88-La Grange Gunter,. Antonie Michael, , Hurwitzlaan 7, Persida, WeJgedag. Springs (Springs).-Volkskastrust, Marshalltown. 5349/88-Pretorius, Marthinu, Jacobus, , Wattstraat 15, Chloorkop, Kempton Park; Isabella Maria Pretorius, gebore Pienaar, (Kempton Park).-Volkskastrust, Marshalltown. 1I644/88-Labuscbagne, Joh,lnnes Hendrik Brand, , Barendstraat 95, Randgate, Randfontein (Randfontein).-Volkskastrust, Marshalltown /87-Van Druten, Led~, , 13 Niagro Gardens, The Falls, Webb Street, Northmead, Benoni (Benoni).-Volkskastrust, Marshalltown. 3919/88-Bloem, Susara Johama, , Siesta-ouetehuis, Gewysigde (Vanderbijlpark).- Volkskastrust, Johannesburg Du Plessis, Johan Michiel, , Beatrixstraat 11, Discovery, Roodepoort; Anna Magdalena du Plessis, (Roodepoort).-Volkskastrust, Mmhalltown. 7188/88-Rudolph, Johanna Elizabeth, Honiballstraat 96, Rynfield, Benoni (Benoni).-Volkskastrust, Marshalltown.

147 STAATSKOERANT, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No /87-VaD Niekerk, Sophia Adriana, , Elemwoodrow (Boksburg).-Volkskastl1lst, Marshalltown /88-BooyseD, Johannes Andries, , Sesde Laan 19, Alberton; Christina Johanna Sophia, (Alberton). Volkskasll1lst, Marshalltown I88-De Villiers, Willem Petl1ls, , plaas Uitloop, disrrik Potgietersl1ls tpotgietersl1ls).-borman Snyman & Barnard. Potgietersl1ls. 3385/40-VaD der Hoff, Pieter, disrrik Potchefstroom (Potchefstroom).--Williams, Miiller & Mostert Ing., Posbus 208, Potchefstroom. 8769/87-Swanepoel, Hendrik Jacobus, , Escombelaan 102, Brakpan. Gewysigde; Ellen Catharina (Brakpan).-Kloppers & Coetzee, Brakpan Mocke, Ella Cathrina, gebore Connoway, Northdenelaan 30. Brakpan; Stanley Carl Mocke, (Brakpan).-De Jager, Kruger & Van Blerk, Springs. 1310/88-Grobler, Jan Dirkse, , Scottstraat Ie, Vanderbijlpark; Susanna Maria Grobier, (Vanderbijlpark). Rooth & Wessels, Vanderbijlpark /85-VaD der WestbuizeD, Carel Johan, , plaas Blesbokspl1lit, distrik Vereeniging; Joan Yvonne van der Westhuizen, gebore Abel, 21 Oktober 1931 (Vereeniging).-Knoetze & Venter. Pretoria-Noord /9B-Shearer, Basil Graham Moodie, , Ranch Motel, Pietersburg (Pietersburg).-P. M. Cross, Pietersburg White, Winston William, , 6 Caribou Street, Selcoun, Springs (Springs).-Lurie, Nal1lnsky & Ellis. Springs /88-Boersma, Uilke, , Huis Herfsbla<uwoonstelle CIOI, Webbstraat 1244, Queenswood, Pretoria; Manha Eleonora Boersma, Volkskasll1lst Bpk., Pretoria. 5739/88-00sthuizeD, Frans Marthinus Elias Jan, , Oerderstraat 69, Groenkloof, Pretoria, Eerste.-Volkskastl1lst, Pretoria. 8648/88-Louw, Schalk Willem Petl1ls, , Paul Rooslaan 170, Danville, Pretoria.-Volkskasll1lst, Pretoria /87/1OD-Kennard, Vincent Frederik Eric, , Dennestraat 11, Tzaneen; Maureen Kennard (Tzaneen). Volkskasll1lst, Pretoria KraDhold, Jan, , Van der Merwestraat 82. Warmbad (Warmbad).-Volkskasll1lst, Pretoria VaD Dyk, Catharina Johanna, , Wonderboomstraal430, Pretoria-Noord (Pretoria-Noord). - Volkskasl l1lst, Pretoria, 8488/88-AckermaDD, Stanley, , Livingstoneweg 78, Verwoerdburg; Dora Elizabeth Ackermann, Volkskas Il1lst, Pretoria Malao, Leon Daniel, , Akasiastraat 260, Marble Hall (Groblersdal).-Volkskastl1lst, Pretoria Labuschagne, Susara Helena, , Ultramargebou 100, Bosmanstraat 288, Pretoria.-Volkskastmst, Pretoria. 694S187-VaD der Merwe, Francois Cornelius Rudolf, , Steenbrasstraat 37, Randles Park, Klerksdorp; Christina Maria van der Merwe, (Klerksdorp).-Brandt & De Kock, Klerksdorp /87-Gilbert, Zoe Antoinette Leonard, ,34 Northwold Drive, Saxonwold. Johannesburg (Johannesburg).-F1eischacks, Johannesburg. 5533/88/0ND/ll1D-Zeelie, Jacobus, , Lissabon Staatsplantasie, Posbus 73, Lydenburg; Marie Maria ZeeHe (Lydenburg).-Kuit & Kuit, Lydenburg, I-Hartley Moegamat Taype, M, 8 Magaliesherg Avenue, Bosmont, Johannesburg; Hajira Hanley, (Johannesburg).-Fleischacks, Johannesburg /87-PaxtoD, William George Wright, I 008, 87c Hoog Street, Pietersburg (Pietersburg), -W. Paxton, Pietersburg. 4694/88-BezuideDhout, Johannes, , Scheepersstraat 8, Meiringspark, Klerksdorp (Klerksdorp).-Volkskastrust, Klerksdorp. I 1334/88-Smit, Catharina Maria Magdalena, , Buitenstraat 64, Lichtenburg (Lichtenburg).-Volkskastl1lst, Klerksdorp. 6582/86-JacksoD, Phillipus Lodewikus, Hoewe 12, Seekoewater, Witbank (Witbank).-John Bailie & Van Nieuwenhuizen, Witbank, 15367/87-Vao Reosburg, Ane Willem, , Tafelbergstraat 9, Sonlandpark, Vereeniging; Susanna Catharina van Rensburg, (Vereeniging). -Stabilitas Eksekuteurskamer, Johannesburg SerfoDteiD, Jacobus Hendrik, , Ringweg 199, DuncanVille, Vereeniging (Vereeniging).-Gustav van Straten, Rouxville. 126%/87-Park, Francis Young, , Rooslaan 139, Rothdene, Meyerton; Johanna Petronella Park, (Vereeniging).-Snijrnan & Smullen, Vereeniging /1 A-Kruger, Johannes Christiaan, , Premierstraat 19. Kl1lgersdorp; Cecilia Petronella Kruger, gebore Smit (Krugersdorp).-M. T. S. Venter, Gresse & Kie., Roodepoort /88-Steenekamp, Johannes Pell1ls Botha, , 23ste Laan 549, Villieria, Pretoria (Pretoria).-M. M. Pretorius, Pretoria. 9416/84-Herher, Avril, , 2 Rosendal, Bath Road, Rosebank, Johannesburg, Amended First and Final (Johannesburg).-Moss Morris Mendelow Browde, Johannesburg. 6453/87-Scheepers, Maria Susanna, W, Rietvlei, Rustenburg (Rustenburg),-Edeling & Immelman, Hennemnan. 7629/88-Roetz, Diederik Johannes, , Bloekomstraat 33, Riversdal, Meyenon; Maria Susanna Roetz (Vereeniging).-Snijman & Smullen, Vereeniging. 1952/86-Hartman, Johannes Erasmus Greeff, , Plot 67, Rooigrond, Lichtenburg, Aanvullende; Hermina Christina Hartman, (Lichtenburg).-Volkskasll1lst, KJerksdorp /88-OosthuizeD, Frederik Theodol1ls, , Dickenslaan 119, Orkney; Hendrieka Elizabeth Oosthuizen, (Klerksdorp).-Volkskasll1lst, Klerksdorp, JaDseo van VuureD, Elizabeth Maria Magdalena, , Chamonix 5, La Montagne. Pretoria; Jan Johannes Marthinus Jansen van Vuuren, ooo.-Vorster, Cronje & Vennote, Heilbron, Gouws, Johanna Louisa Petronella, , Sarel Cilliersstraat 56, Volksl1lst; Wessel Jacobus Marthinus Gouws, (Volksl1lst).-Coetzee, Kachelhoffer & Van Zyl, Volksl1lst. 1946/88-KroU, Lindy Amanda, , Sandringham Gardens, 85 George Avenue, Sandringham, Johannesburg (Johannesburg). C, Meltz, Bloemfontein /87/9C-VaD DeveDter, Johannes Coenraad, , Jacobstraat 8, Christiana (Christiana).-Harrison & Marais, Christiana. 4673/81-Pretorius, Nicolaas Johannes Christoffel, , Plot 39, River Park, Vereenging (Vereeniging).-H. P. G. Vos, Vereeniging Van DuiveDboodeD, Cornelis, , Christiaan de Wetweg 15, Discovery, Florida (Roodepoort).-Bankorptl1lst, Port Elizabeth. 5575/87-De Vl1I1ers, Sara Christina, , Pk. Schuinsdrift, Groot-Marico.-D. J. 1. Crous, Potchefstroom, 15708/87-Taljaard, Frederik Jacobus, , Belfast Rusoord, Coetzeestraat, Belfast, Supplementere Eerste en Finale; Elizabeth CathariDa Taljaard, gebore Cloete, (Belfast).-VictorWalters Weimar, Belfast /88-Cooradle, Margaretha Jacoba, , Klapperrandjie, Swartklip, distrik Thabazimbi; Johannes Hendrik Conradie, (Thabazimbi).-Standardll1lst, Pretoria. 8911/88-Davel, Willem Daniel Johannes, , Kremetartstraat 1, Standerton; Bettie Davel (Standerton).-Standardtrust, Pretoria. 6502/88-Rossouw, Gideon Jacobus, , lxialaan 145, F1orauna, Pretoria-Noord, Eerste (Pretoria-Noord).-Standardll1lst, Pretoria. 5957/88-Seabrook, Edward Daniel, , Greystones, District of Letaba (Tzaneen).-Standardtl1lst, Pretoria. 8398/88-TrollSOo, Reginald Francis, , 3720 Harley Street, Apartment 37, Montreal, Canada.-Standardll1lst, Pretoria Vlsser, Wessel Johannes Christiaan, , Scholtzlaan IS, Messina (Messina).-StandardtlUst, Pretoria Fraser, Spicer Robert, , 19 Fifth Street, Naboomspl1lit (Naboomspl1lit).-Standardtl1lst, Pretoria.

148 ~ ~ Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February No GOVERNMENT GAZETfE, 4 NOVEMBER /87-Erasmus, Jan Albert, , Gretan Park 16, Jorrisonstraat, Pietersburg (Pietersburg).-Kaap-VaaI Trust, Pretoria Loul'ens, Gerhardus Johannes, , Huis H. J. Piek, Middelstraat, New Muckleneuk, Pretoria.-Ehlers & Vennote Ing., Pretoria. 9860/87-Grobler, Johannes Jacubus, , Boundaryweg 14, Brakpan; Francis Grobler, nee Minnie, W (Brakpan). Ehlers & Vennote lng., Pretoria. 5340/88-McCall Peat, James Alexander, , 4 Langeberg Street, Van Riebeeckpark, Kempton Park (Kempton Park).- D. A. H. Kurtzahn, Pretoria. 1603/88-Naidoo, Gopal, A, 367 Emerald Street, Laudium, Pretoria.-Khatri, Ranchod & Associates, 211 Second Floor, Maraba Centre, Mogul Street, Asiatic Bazaar, Pretoria. 7194/88---Stryoom, Johannes Daniel Jacobus, , 19 Hilreanda Flats, Arcadia Street, Arcadia, Pretoria.-Bankorptrust, Durban. 1385/88---Cogblan, Doris Maude, , Room 7, Golden Harvest, P.O. Box 1282, Randburg (Randburg).-First Personal Asset Management, Durban. 2776/82-Toweel, Michael JoseIil, W, Hesterstraat 86, Fontainebleau, Randburg, Amended Liquidation and Distribution (Randburg).-Garlicke & Bousfield Inc., Durban. li ostbui.zen, Daniel GeII1hardus, , Lochnerstraat 181, Danville, Pretoria.-Oelofse Hefer & Wessels, Pretoria. 5461/88---Shearman, Leslie Howard Dale, ,40 Krige Avenue, Irene, District of Pretoria.-Kraut Wagner & Partners, Pretoria. 5708/87-Burger, Barend Jacobus, , 12 Heddon, Wespark, Pretoria.-Pfaff& Joubert, Pretoria. 9825/83 ASR 2-Sibisi, Girlie Sophie, , 1138 Shatale Township, Mapulaneng, Bushbuckridge (Mapulaneng).-Phosa Mojapelo & Makgoba, Nelspruit Bemidenbout, Petrus Stephanus, , Cambridgestraat 125, Parktown, Pretoria; Susanna Sophia Bezuidenhout. W. F. Bouwer, Pretoria Boscb, Stephanus Petrus, , Wulfsohnstraat 38, Fochville; Drusulla Bosch, (Fochville).-Laage Schoeman & Stadler, Carletonville Smitb, Johan Dawid Benjamin, , Nestadstraat 27, Rynfield, Benoni; Maria Susanna Smith, (Meyertonl.--Odendaal & Odendaal, Meyertol1l. 8968/88-Roberts, Edmund Hutckinson, , 21 Jacobs Street, Carletonville ( Persoonlike Batebestuur, Klerksdorp /88-Jacobs, Pieter Hermias Cornelis, , Du Plooystraat 65, Potchefstroom; Elizabeth Maria Jacobs, IW (Potchefstroom).-Eerste Persoonlike Batebestullr, Klerksdorp. 9786/88-Nlblett, Sheena, , 2 Milner Avenue, Duncanville, Vereemging (Vereeniging).-Eerste Persoonlike Batebestuur, Klerksdorp l88---Coetzee, Maria Christina, , Lincolnweg 23, Generaal Albertspark, Alberton; Floris Andries Johannes, (Alberton).-Bankorpuust, Johannesburg stbuizen, Willem Wouter, s, Breestraat 10, Lichtenburg; Aldia Oosthuiz.en, (Lichtenburg). M. W. Pretorius, Lichtenburg Van der Merwe, WiIIillll1 Albert, , Bantjesstraat 6, Stilfontein, Gewysigde; Anna Susanna van der Merwe (Klerksdorp).-Eerste Persoonlike Batebestuur, Klerksdorp Lesslng, Thomas Sare!, , Snyrnanrylaan 20, Wright Park, Springs; Martha Sophia Susanna Lessing, (Springs).-Bankorptrust, Kempton Park /88-Buys, Zirkia Anna Maria, , Ankerweg 82, Dalpark-uitbreiding 1, Brakpan; Guillam Bernadus Buys, (Brakpan).-Bankorptrust, Kempton Park. 522l!88---Van Wyk, Johannes Paulus, , Picardstraat 8, Collerville, Klerksdorp; Jacoba Petronella van Wyk, (Klerksdorp).-Volkskastrust, Klerksdorp. 1l Rossouw, Jacobus Frederik, , Uitkomsdal, Klerksdorp; Johanna Maria Elizabeth Rossouw, (Klerksdorp).-Volkskastrust, KJerksdorp. 9329/88-Van Graan, Louisa Jacoba, , Waterfall Village, Florida (Roodepoort).-Volkskastrust, Klerksdorp Savva, Charalambos, I, 20 Olga Road, Casseldale, Springs (Springs).-Ivan Davies Theunissen, Springs /87-Conradie, Martha Catharina, , Tweede Laan 112a, Geduld, Springs (Springs).-Ivan Davies Theunissen, Springs. 9868/88-Passettl, Mario, , th Avenue, Gezina, Pretoria; Silvina Passetti, born Nardi, ooo.-Adams & Adams, Pretoria /87-Muller, Ignasius Petrus, , S.A.V.F.-tehuis, Hendrina (Breyten).-W. S. Barnett, Breyten. 6866/88-Brandt, Frederik Johannes Hendrik, , Kerkstraat 120, Kempton Park; Gertruida Susanna Petronella Brandt (Kempton Park).-E. Y. Stuart, Pretoria. 3629/88-Nllpier, Sheila Margaret Mary, , Fairview-woonstelle 403, hoek van Leyds- en Schoernanstraat, Pretoria.-Van Zyl Le Roux & Hurter, Pretoria. 466/88---Slabbert, Hermanus Johannes, , Von Brandisstraat 34, Krugersdorp (Krugersdorp).-G. J. Smith & Van der Watt, Krugersdorp Barnard, Christiaan Jacobus Nicolaas, , Woodwardstraat 40, Charlestown (Volksrust).-Eerste Persoonlike Batebestuur, Johannesburg Adklns, Fredericka Manha Johanna, , Cransley House, Cortesloe (Johannesburg).-Eerste Persoonlike Batebestuur, Johannesburg. 2325/88----Sc:hoeman, Cornelia Johanna, , Martinus Oosthuiz.enstraat 53, Alberton (Alberton).-Eerste Persoonlike Batebestuur, Johannesburg. 2055/88-Engelbrecbt, Barend Jacobus, , Highveld 132, Kragbron; Anna Catharina Engelbrecht, (Kragbron).- Bankorptrust, Kempton Park. 1991!88-Wbitehorn, Susanna Gertruida, , Schoombeelaan lia, Parys; Daniel William Whitehorn, (Parys). Bankorptrust, Kempton Park. 8027/88---Stoltz, Stephina Johanna, , Ashweg 11, Primrose (Germiston).-Bankorptrust, Kempton Park. 8522/88-Harmse, Karel Johannes, , Afrikanerstraat I, Ventersdorp Plot Samtas 10, Potchefstroom; Magdalena Johanna Harmse, (Potchefstroom).-Banlcorptrust, Johannesburg. 8522/88-Harmse, Karel Johannc~s, , Afrikanerstraat 1, Ventersdorp Plot Sanitas 10, Potchefstroom, Aanvullende; Magdalena Johanna Harmse (Potchefstroom). 3102/88-Handrord, Peter Phillip, , Connaughtlaan 22, Geduld-uitbreiding, Springs (Springs).-Standardtrust, Marshalltown. 5632/88-De Beer, Christina Louiisa, , Du Preezstraat 37, Newlands, Johannesburg; Johannes Frederik de Beer (Johannesburg).- Standardtrust, Marshalltown. I I 446/88-Reyneke, Cornelia Jolulnna, , Huis Edelkroon, Kroonstad (Kroonstad).-Standardtrust, Marshalltown /88-Erwee, Johannes AlbelJUs WiIlem, , Kragstraat 19, Solheim, Germiston (Germiston).-Syfrets Trnst, Marshalltown Renecke, Eileen [ris, 2: , Cometstraat 8, Eldoradopark, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).-Dreyer & Nieuwoudt, Marshalltown.

149 STAATSKOERANT, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No /88-Kleynhans, Isabella, I I, Te Waterstraat 10, Vanderbijlpark; Joachim Christoffel K1eynhans, I (Vanderbijl~ park).-stabilitas Eksekuteurskarner, Johannesburg Britz, Pieter Daniel, Persee192, Viskuil (Springs).-H. M. Nel, Roodepoort Verster, Hendrik Johannes, , Walkerlaan 24, Discovery, Roodepoort (Roodepoort).-H. M. Nel, Roodepoort VeDter, Erasmus Albertus, , Hendrikstraat 755, Daspoort; Martha Fransina Christina Venter, gebore Vorster, Ken Kuyper, Pretoria. 55/87-Botes, Jan Johannes Hendrik, , Makoustraat 515, Monumentpark-uitbreiding 2, Pretoria.-- :ouzyn Hertzog & Horak Ingelyf, Pretoria Le Raux, Margaretha Jacoba, , Barrisstraat 7, Witfleld, Boksburg (Boksburg).-Leslie J. Marx, Randburg De Waal, Frans Ignatius, , Woonstel 27, Killarney Hills, Killarney, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).-S. Rossouw, Johannesburg /87-Bezuidenhout, Ruth Elizabeth, , Mossstraat 950, Weltevredenpark, Roodepoort (Johannesburg).-E. J. Bezuidenhout, Roodepoort. 833/88-1glauer, Leopoldine , Glasgowweg 2, Westdene, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).-Tjaan Venter, Brixton. 2742/88-Du Plessis, Andries Jacobus, , Rusoord-ouetehuis, Brits; Willemina Jacoba du Plessis, gebore Du Toit, (Brits).-Eerste Persoonlike Batebestuur, Arcadia /88-Du Preez, Mary Ann , Posbus 20. Henley-on-Klip (Vereeniging).-Eerste Persoonllke Batebestuur, Arcadia ~boemaD, Marthinus Johannes, , V oortrekkerweg 11, Potgietersrus (Potgietersrus).-Eerste Persoonlike Batebestuur, Arcadia. 4743/88-SteiDberg, Anna Margaretha Johanna, , Hertzogstraat 692, Wonderboom-Suid; Johannes Lodewicus Steinberg Eerste Persoonlike Batebestuur, Arcadia /88-HeDdriks, Adriaan Sarel, plaas Ganspan, Pk. Legkraal; Maria Magdalena Jane Hendriks, (Pietersburg).-Eerste Persoonlike Batebestuur, Arcadia. 9466/88-Hoyer, Petrus Bolycarpus, , Tilbachstraat 955, Hercules; Lorraine Hoyer.-Eerste Persoonlike Batebestuur, Arcadia VaD der Merwe, Ockert Tobias, , Myburgstraat 149, Capital Park, Pretoria, Gewysigde Eerste en Finale; Carolina Francina Elizabeth van der Merwe, I Eerste Persoonlike Batebestuur, Arcadia. 9237/88-Hooper, Annie, , 36 Atlas Road, Valhalla, Pretoria; William W oollhead Hooper, First Personal Asset Management, Arcadia. 9407/88-Roos, Frank John, , Acacialaan 44, Proklamasieheuwel, Pretoria; Catharina Sophia Roos, Eerste Persoonlike Batebestuur, Arcadia Cronje, Catharina Maria Gertruida, Naudestraat 7, Bethal; Johannes Petrus Cronje, (Bethai).-Eerste Persoonlike Batebestuur, Arcadia /87-BeDDett, Peter Bernard, , II The Oval. Irene. Supplementary.-First Personal Asset Management, Arcadia Jacobs, Rosa, , Breyerlaan 1166, Waverley, Pretoria.-Eerste Persoonlike Batebestuur. Arcadia Leonard, Francois, , Simmetriestraat 254, Meyerspark, Pretoria.-MacRobert De Villiers & Hitge Ing., Pretoria. 2990/88-Howes, Susanna Helena, Appelblaar Avenue, Protea Park, Rustenburg, Supplementary First and Final (Rustenburg).-First Personal Asset Management, Arcadia. 8924/88-GraDt, Patricia, , 36a Piet Retief Street, Standerton; Herbert Douglas Grant (Standerton).-First Personal Asset Management, Arcadia. 241S/88-Knapp, Peter, , 39 Soutpansberg Road. Riviera, Pretoria.-MacRobert, De Villiers & Hitge Inc., Pretoria, 9463/88---Gelderblom, Isabella Dedrika Johanna, W, weduwee, Moreglans-ouetehuis, Markstraat, Krugersdorp (Krugersdorp). 4011I88-Smit, Johan, , Dugmoreweg 221, Queenswood-uitbreiding 2, Pretoria.-J. H. Potgieter, Pretoria Tayob Sareef, Abdool Careem, ,368 Emerald Street, Laudium, Pretoria (Pretoria).-Kathri, Ranchod & Associates, Pretoria /87-Phillips, Norah Gertrude, , 20 Main Street, Bordeaux, Randburg (Randburg).-B. G. Phillips, Olivedale /87-DimeDt,!tala Cecilia, , 12 Worcester Road. Parkwood, Johannesburg, Amended First and Final; Ralph Antony Diment, (Johannesburg).-Joffe Kobrin Lacob & Lang, Rosebank /87-Keeoan, Ronald Eric, (Johannesburg).-Damants Inc., Johannesburg. l gray, Douglas, , 2 Kent Avenue, Sandringham, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).-Bell. Dewar & Hall. Johannesburg Fourie, Jacobus Johannes, , Kampstraat 140. Potchefstroom; Maria Catharina Fourie, (Potcherstroom).-Huisarnen Kruger Grove & Ras, Potchefstroom. 3960/87-Fltk, Cecil Edward, 120 Excelsior Avenue, Reiger Park, Boksburg; Johanna Martina Fick, (Johannesburg).-Damants Inc., Johannesburg. 8225/88-Yorke-Hart, Victor, ,425 Albert Street, Waterkloof.-Syfrets Trust, Sunnyside. 2S81187-Watson, Cyril Howard, , Jeanlaan 223. Lyttleton Kleinhoewes, Eerste Likwidasie en Distribusie.-Fortiter Trust, Pretoria Senekal, Hendrik Baltazar, Gloverlaan 168, Verwoerdburg.-FortiterTrust, Pretoria Van StadeD, Dawid Andries, , TPA Huis 24. Eenheid M, Potchefstroom; Martha Jacoba van Staden, (Potchefstroom).-Huisamen Kruger Grove & Ras, Potchefstroom /87-Davidtz, Maria Sophia, gebore Koch , Flowerstraat 37, Capital Park, Pretoria, Tweede Gewysigde.-Syfrets Trust. Sunnyside VaD Zijl, Petrus Jacobus, , Gewysigde Tweede en Finale (Errnelo).-Syfrets Trust, Sunnyside. 5569/8O--CbaiDee, Abbhai, , 62 Church Street, Bethal, Second Supplementary Second and Final; Veesaltachee Chainee, born Dorasarny, (Betha!).-Syfrets Trust, Sunnyside Atterbury, Chatherine Darroch , 104 Nicholsonstreet, Brooklyn, Pretoria, Supplementary Second and Final.-Syfrets Trust, Sunnyside. 4166I88-Ceb, Lily, ,301 Unipiek Flats, 270 Cresswell Road, Weavind Park, Pretoria.-Syfrets Trust, Sunnyside RuteDberg, Meer Leo, ,18 Mildura Street. Kensington, Johannesburg, Second and Final (Johanesburg).~Werksmans, Johannesburg. 2854/88-Passmore, Wilfred Basil Evelyn, , Amended (Johannesburg).-Maisels, Neff & Kassel, Johannesburg. 8087/88IASR3-May, Edward, ,41 Bezuidenhout Avenue, Bez Valley North, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).-Alec Oshry and Sklar, Johannesburg. 7687/88-Patel, Ahmed Kalil Mohamed, , 10 Guineafowl Avenue, Lenasia, Extension I; Ameena Patel (Johannesburg).-A. Kaka, Marshalltown. 6157/86-JeUiDek, Thomas Michael, , 17 Cormorant Drive, Three Rivers East, Vereeniging (Johannesburg).-Levitt Kirson, Johannesburg Leeds, George Buckle III 10th Street, Parkmore, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).-Kessel Feinstein. Johannesburg /88-Garner, Victor, , 37 Landsborough Road, Robertsham; Yvonne Constance Deleana Garner (Johannesburg).-First Personal Asset Management, Johannesburg.

150 150 No GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 4 NOVEMBER /88--Saul, Albert James, , 10 Vivian House, 137 Ampthill Avenue, Benoni (Benoni).-Frrst Personal Asset Management, Johannesburg. 4288/88--SHvertbome, U1ian Gl!ace, , 102 St Annes, Bradford Road, Bedford Gardens (Johannesburg).-First Personal Asset ManageDlent,Johannesburg. 5882/88-Martln, Eric Francis Joseph, , 16 Darrenwood Village, First Street, parrenwood, Roodepoort (Johannesburg).-First Personal Asset Management, Johannesburg /88-Venter, Edna Henra, , 4 Les Vegas Flats, Waterson Street, Parkdene, Boksburg; Phillipus Arnoldus Venter (Boksburg).-First Personal Asset Managemellt, Johannesburg. 4663/88-Owens, Norman, , 37 Willow Drive, Fort Gale, Umtata. Transkei (Johannesburg).-Frrst Personal Asset Management, Johannesburg /87-Martlndale, Harold William, ,41 Zeezicht, Doonside, Natal (Johannesburg).-First Personal Asset Management, Johannesburg. 8678/88-AnoIIk, Louis, , Our Parents Home, Norwood, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).-First Personal Asset Management, Johannesburg /88-Pledger, Honor Cecilie Gertrude, , 42 Chatfield, Tyrwhitt Avenue, Rosebank (Johannesburg).-First Personal Asset Management, Johannesburg /87~-NeD, Sylvia Doreen, , 33 Wlutehall Court, Fourth Street, Killarney, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).-~Arthur Young & Co. Johannesburg. 514/88-Jones, Gertrude Marion Edith, , Suikerbossie House, 68 Mount Street, Bryanston, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).-Raymond G. Bradley, Johannesburg. I I 99/88-Bismilla, Fatima, ,51 Mare Street, Roodepnort; Yoosof Bismilla, N. G. Patel Cachalia & Loonat, Johannesburg James, Cecil Beaumont(Johannesburg).-Ellrner & Co., Johannesburg. 9426/87-NicboH, Caroline Catherine ,9 Witpoortjie Gardens, Payne Street, Witpoortjie, Roodepoort, fourteen days (Roodepoort).-J. Gus AckerDIan, Florida. 2688/88-Green, Douglas Eadie, , 45 Dorset Road, Greenside Eas!' Johannesburg, Amended First and Final (Johannesburg). Van Hulsteyns, Johannesburg. 7079/88-Boero, Andrea Maria FI!ancesco, , corner Andries Street and Fifth Avenue, Wynberg, Johannesburg; Erina Amelia Bocro (Johannesburg).-Standardttust, Marsh<IUtown. 9263/88-Parker, Susan Elizabeth, , Tehuis Vir Bejaardes. Luipaardsvlei, comer Hompes Street and Chamdor Road, Lewisham (Johannesburg).-Botha Moll & Partnem, Johannesburg /8619C-Adam, Omar Hajee, also known as Omar Hajee Abdoola, Fifth Avenue, Ladium, Pretoria.-Farouk Gani, Pretoria Taljaard. HesterCeci~a, W Sl-ylab-singeI9, Nelspruit (Nelspruit).-P. J. Taljaard, Brooklyn. 2754/88-VaDance, Berners, Plestbw, Aymer, , 96 Deodar Road, Atholl, Sandton (Sandton).-Standardtrust, Marshalltown /88-Kroger, Bernard, , 614 Vistaero, 12 Mitchell Street, Berea, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).-Standardtrust, Marshalltown. 6514/88-Walsh, Snowdon Stanley, Worcester Road, Parl-wood, Johannesburg (johannesburg).-j. Gus Ackerman, Florida Mamoojee, Ebrahim isrllail (Johannesburg).-Osman Lachporia & Associates, Johannesburg Blddiugton, Winifred Emma, , Cosmos House 4, Nothingham Road, Kensington (Johannesburg).-Standardtrust, Marshalltown C-Poznanovich, DariJI,ka. A. van der Bijl, Johannesburg. 2350/88-Coeduti, Bruno Arnaldo Rodolfo, , Casa Serena, Victoria Road, Lombardy East (Johannesburg).-A. C. Norton, Johannesburg Brinch, Etienne, , 2 Avonrust, Blyderivier Road, Randkspark, Klerksdorp (Klerksdorp).-Standardtrust, Marshalltown IID--Jansen van VuureiI, Johannes Cornelius Petrus Basson, , 107 Churchill Road. Primrose, Gerrniston; Christina Hendrina Cornelia Jansen van Vuuren, (GerDIiston}.-C. P. Sharkev & Co., Benoni /88-Venter, Maty Magdaltne, , 169 Acacia Road, Northcliff (Johannesburg).-First Personal Asset Management, Johannesburg. 7095/88-Hutchlngs, Margaretha (Margareth) Jabula House, 10th Avenue, Rivonia, Sandton (Randburg).-Ftrst Personal Asset Management, Johannesburg Hogan, Aileen, 1609l'iIOO25004, Flat 302, Fairrnead, Judd Road. Illovo, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).-First Personal Asset Management,Johannesburg Luk, Low, ,1 Central Street, Risana, Johannesburg; Ling Luk, (Johannesburg).-Ling Luk, Johannesburg Du Toit, Johan, , 39 The Crescent, MorningSide Extension I, Sandton (Sandton).-First Personal Asset Management, Johannesburg Joubert, Helen Diane Beith, ,8 Kent Downs, Benmore Road, Aseot Park, Benmore (Randburg).-Firsl Personal Asset Management,Johannesburg. 6940I88-Jel'frey, David Hampton, , 27 West Avenue, Florida (Roodepoort).-Van Jaarsveld, Vickers & Rootenberg, Roodepoort Jacobson, Wulf (johannesburg).-g. Leissner, Johannesburg Kostya, Ernestine Gertrl!lde (Johannesburg).-FairJand Business Services (Pty) LId, P.O. Box 73120, Fairland !87-Klsch, Kenneth Neil (Johannesburg).-L J. M. Kisch, Johannesburg Sa1oojee, Mahomed Soeb (Rustenburg).-Bhana, Wadee, Nanabhay & Chibabhai, Johannesburg /87-Farry, Christiana, 11 Highth Street, Boksburg North, (Boksburg}.-J. Farry, Roodepoort Rosslter, Anne Christinll, Forsythe Road, Bliondalc. Edenvale (Johannesburg).-L. Wright, Gardenview. 5680/87-Russel. Paul David, 550~ , 32 Patrol Street, Kensington. Johannesburg (Johannesburg).-J. Stem, Johannesburg /8619D-Tbompson, Harold William , Piol 22, lronsyde Agricultural Holdings, District of Vereeniging, First (Johannesburg).-Herald Ernest ThoDlpson, Hen1!~y on Klip. 5313I88-Armfield, Johanna Elizabeth Catherina, Allan Wells Avenue, Discovery, Roodepoort (Roodepoort).-J. Gus Ackerman, Florida. 520/88-Lurle, Gerald Frank: , 17 Kenneth Road. Bramley, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).--Pollard & Pollard, Johannesburg Margo, Joyce, C001006, Our Parents Horne, Norwood, Johannesburg; Elgin Lionel Margo, (Johannesburg). Mrs S. E. Jefferson, Randburg. 1906I84--Boultard, Herbert Peter, , 405 Mostyn Hall, Princess Place, Parktown, Johannesburg, Supplementaty (Johannesburg). Deloitte Haskins & Sells, Houghton. 7157/88-Coleman, Dorothy Grace, , 68 Ocean Street. Kensington; William Hazel Coleman (Johannesburg). Deneys Reitz. Marshalltown.

151 STAATSKOERANT, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No lsi 12457/87-MerJonghi, Alessandro, , 54 First Road, Kew, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).-B. L. Moss & Partners, Johannesburg Valanidis, Urania, 108 Kifissias Avenue, Athens, Greece (Johannesburg).-I. Kramer & Wesemann, Benoni. 6518/88-Buffo, Francesco, ,22 Ormonde Street, Muckleneuk; Concetta Buffo, I.--Goldblatt Bloch Edelstein & Gross, Pretoria. 4456/88-Heydenrych, Pieter WiIlem, , Coen Labuschagnestraat 46. Rensburg; Cornelia Wilhelmina Heyderuych (Heidelberg). Eerste Persoonlike Batebestuur, Johannesburg Joubert, Johan Christian, , Weidemanstraat 24, Eisburg; June Ann Joubert (Germiston).-Eerste Persoonlike Batebestuur,Johannesburg PrinsJoo, Jan van Niekerk Jacobz, , Markslaan 3, Farrar Park, Boksburg. Aanvullende (Boksburg).-Bankorptrust, Kempton Park. 7362/88-McCaUum, Edward George, , Andriesstraat 6, Oberholzer, Aanvullende; Anna Elizabeth Margaretha McCallum, (Carletonville). -Bankorptrust, Johannesburg. 9304/88-Van den Berg, Sarel Johannes, , Johanna Raathsentrum 710, Leydsstraat, Sunnyside; Anna Sophia van den Berg, (Johannesburg). -Bankorptrust, Johannesburg. 7066/88-Thompson, Esme Noreen, , 29 Riversdale Street, Coronationville, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).-Bankorptmst, Johannesburg. I 1337/88-Smitb, Zenneth Dunning, , Touwestraat 34, Three Rivers, Vereeniging (Vereeniging).--Standardtrust. Marshalltown. 8190/87-Pretorius, Richard Hudson, Bloemhof: Aletta Johanna Pretorius, (Bloemhof).-Standardtrust. Marshalltown /88-Van Aarde, Jacobus Frederik Daniel, , Du Toitstraat 9, Freemanville, Klerksdorp; Jacoba Catharina van Aarde, (KJerksdorp). -Bankorptrust, Johannesburg. 7676/88-Labuscbagne, Maria Magdalena, , Johannes Duminystraat 17, Roosheuwel, Klerksdorp (Klerksdorp).-Bankorptrust, Johannesburg. 6752/, Gert Wilhelmus, , Viljoenstraat 170, Krugersdorp-Noord; Jacobus Casparus Willemse, (Krugersdorp).-Bankorptrust, Johannesburg. 5779/87-Venter, Cornelius, , Railstraat 95, Florida; Susanna Johanna, (Roodepoort).-Stabilitas Eksekuteurskarner, Johannesburg. 3773/88-Claassen, Lewies Andries Hermanus, , Watervalweg 6, Newlands, Johannesburg, Gewysigde; Susanna Johanna Claassen, gebore Small, (Johannesburg).-Stabilitas Eksekuteurskamer, Johannesburg. 5559/88-Swanepoel, Jan Andries, , Sewende Laan 162, Georginia, Roodepoort (Roodepoort).-Standardtrust, Marshalltown /88-Scheepers, Maria Elizabeth, , Gouldstraat 23, Krugersdorp-Wes; Gerhardus Johannes Scheepers, (Krugersdorp).-Bankorptrust, Johannesburg. 6952/88-Loots, Jan Hendrik, , Vryburgstraat 14, Uitbreiding I, Vereeniging; A..negret Elizabeth Gertrud Loots, (Vereeniging).-Bankorptrust, Johannesburg /88-Barrett, Martha Magdalena, , Moria Centre Old Age Home, King Georgestraat, Krugersdorp (Krugersdorp). Bankorptrust, Johannesburg. I2720/88-Smuts, Cornelius Machiel, , Chestnutstraat 19, Brackendowns, Alberton; Petronella Johanna Smuts (Alberton). Bankorptrust, Johannesburg. 7824/88-Van Wyk, Gert Marthys, , Posbus 1992, Vereeniging; Jacoba Johanna van Wyk (Vereeniging).-Bankorptrust, Johannesburg /88-Brits. Helena Catharina, , Pinelaan 112, Marlands, Germiston; Jurguns Hendrik Brits (Germiston).-Eerste Persoonlike Batebestuur, Johannesburg /88-Smit, Hester Helena, , Reginastraat 24, Ella Doone, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).-Eerste Persoonlike Batebestuur, Johannesburg Krugel, Willem Andries Frederik, , De Bruyruylaan 36, Glen Marais, Kempton Park; Elsa Krugel (Kempton Park). Eerste Persoonlike Batebestuur, Johannesburg. 648J/88-De Jager, Dirk Cornelis, , Hambergweg 25. Georginia, Roodepoort; Miriam Ida de Jager (RoOOepoort). -Eerste Per soonlike Batebestuur, Johannesburg. I I Jucbau, Anna Maria, ,76 Charles CiJliers Avenue, Alberton (A1berton).-Bankorptrust, Johannesburg Cupido, Sydney, , 51 Campbell Street, Davidsonville; Joyce Catherine Cupido, (Krugersdorp). 3646/88-Dewar, Elsie Susan, ,27 Southern Klipriversburg Road, Hill Extension, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).-Syfrets Trust, Marshalltown. 6180/88-McKenzie, Ian Douglas, , 6 Riverside Close, 100 Caron Road, Rembrandt Park Extension 4, First Supplementary Liquidation and Distribution (Johannesburg).-Syfrets Trust, Marshalltown Fordbam, Lawrence John, , 110 Jon Esta, corner of Maud and Fifth Avenue, Florida (Roodepoort).--Syfrets Trust. Marshalltown. 7809/8S-ScandoJera, Alessandro Pietro, , 614 CJS Centre, 77 Bedford Avenue, Benoni (Benoni).-Syfrets Trust. Marshalltown /88-Turner, Roy Vincent, , 24 Blunden Street, Ridgeway, Johannesburg (Johannesburg). 1l395/88-Hannig, Horst JUrgen, , 16 Fehrsen Drive, Edleen Extension 1, Kempton Park; Kathleen Ann Hughes Hannig, born Sloane, (Kempton Park).-Bankorptrust, Kempton Park. 6049/88-Sage, William John, , 146 Kennedy Street, Kenilworth, Johannesburg, Amended; Elise MOOge Lydia Sage (Johannesburg).-Standardtrust, Marshalltown. 8 I 73/88-l.ouw, Nellie Marjorie, , 13 Unwin Road, Moffatview, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).-Syfrets Trust, Marshalltown Jucbau, Charles Francis Norman du Jechereau, , 76 Charles Cillier Avenue, Alberton; Anna Maria Juchau, (Alberton).-Bankorptrust, Johannesburg. I2599I88-Van Tonder, Reinier Johannes N., ,69 Kamavon Road, Lorentzvil1e; Maria Magdalena van Tonder (Johannesburg) Cramer, John Steven, , 337 Southdale Mews, Mellville Road, Southdale (Johannesburg). 54 I 3/88-0stenvoJd, Ingrid Margot, , 2 Stellenberg Road, Northcliff Extension 20, Heinz Wilhelm Heinrich Osterwold, (Johannesburg).-Bankorptrust, Johannesburg /88-Du Plessis, Jeanette Henrina, , Floroma-ouetehuis, Bernardistraat 1, Roodepoort (RoOOepoort).-Stabilitas Eksekuteurskarner, Pretoria Scboeman, Abel Albertus, , Kamer-Dos 59, Atlas Hostel, Kempton Park (Kempton Park).-Stabilitas Eksckuteurskamer, Pretoria /88-Plelerse, Wilhelmus Johannes, I, Enkeldoringlaan 30, Rustenburg; Johanna Christina Pieterse, (Rustenburg).-Bankorptrust, Pretoria Snyman, Johanna Martina, , Breytonweg, Ermelo; Louis Jacobus Snyman, (Errnelo). -Bankorptrust, Pretoria. 961l!88-Janse van Rensburg, Petrus Jacobus, , Impalalaan 88, Rustenburg; Anna Emmerenthia Jacoba Maria lanse van Rensburg, (Rustenburg).-Bankorptrust, Pretoria /88-Venler, Dirk, , WOOinstraat 3, Valhalla, Pretoria; Sophie Elizabeth Venter, OO1.-Bankorptrust, Pretoria.

152 152 No GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 4 NOVEMBER /88-Pretorlus, Cbristiaan Johannes, , Bosloeriestraat 894, East Lynne, Pretoria.-S. J. Pretorius, Birchleigh. S233/88---Stappard, John, 271 f , Watermeyerstraat 71, Witbank (Witbank).-Bankorptrust, Pretoria Dewrance, Louis Joe, , 336 Herbert McKenzie Street, Eersterus; Monica Geneviewe Dewrance, Bankorptrust, Pretoria. I 238/8S-Campber, Johannes Dhillipus, , 57 Kruisfontein, Pretoria (Pretoria-Noord).-Bankorptrust, Pretoria /S7-Du Plessis, FrederikJohannes, , Tumbortustraat 62, Witbank, Aanvullende (Witbank).-Bankorptrust, Pretoria. 9062/88-&oop, Hendrina Marla Magdalena, , Ous Groblerstraat 4, Breyten; Lucas Cornelius Stoop, (Ermelo).- Bankorptrust, Pretoria. 1I85S/87-Van der Poel, Clu~s William S, De Kocklaan 33, Witbank X16; Johanna Jacomina van der Poel, (Witbank).-Bankorptrust, Pretoria. 5032/88--01ckers, Susanna Magdalena, , Plot 44, La Gratitude, distrik Letsitele; Frans Christiaan Olckers, (Tzaneen).-Bankorptrust, Pretoria Pieterse, Frederik Willem Christiaan, , Plot 56, Krokedildrift-Wes, Brits (Brits).-Bankorptrust, Pretoria Kiibn, Johan, , Ribbonstraat S99, Daspoort; Johanna Magdalena Susanna Kiihn, Bankorptrust, Pretoria S/S8-Meyer, Cornelia Hendrika, , Camelliastraat 6, Secunda; Hermanus Meyer, Bankorptrust, Pretoria /88-Enslin, Johannes, , Danie Theronstraat 327, Pretoria-Noord; C. M. Enslin, (Pretoria-Noord).-Bankorptrust, Pretoria Vermaak, Johannes Stephanus Laurence, , Hansenstraat 22, Piet Relief; Martha Cornelia Vermaak, (Piet Retief).-Bankorptrust, Pretoria S-Calitz, Magrietha Isabella, , Ceres-Suid 2009, Jacob Marestraat, Pretoria.-Bankorptrust, Pretoria. 4640/88-Barlett, Francis Carr BayIy, , Suidstraat 485, Pretoria-Noord; Irene Sophia Bartlett.-Bankorptrust, Pretoria /S8--Schoeman, Frederill: Korsten, , Christoffelstraat 432, Pretoria-Wes; Thelma Barbara Schoeman, Bankorptrust, Pretoria. 89/87/9C--Oelofsen, Johannes Benjamin, , distrik Tarlton, Krugersdorp (Krugersdorp).-...conradie, Pieterse & Kamfer, Diten 7356/S7-Bester, Pieter, 31091:S5022oo7, Parys, Posbus 6, Tuinplaas, distrik Nylstroom; Elizabeth Bester, (Nylstroom).-Naude Dames & Barnard, Potgietersrus /S7-Van der Linde, Hendrik Stefanus, OOOS, Gedeelte 22 van die plaas Swartkop, Pretoria.-Van Zyl Le Roux & Hurter, Pretoria S8-Maas, Ignatius Petrus, , Strachanstraat 74, Leeudoringstad; David Schalk Maas (Leeudoringstad).-Eerste PersoonJike Batebestuur, Klerksdorp. CAPE KAAP At the office of the Master, CAPE TOWN, and also of the magistrate of the district when stated in parentheses. By die kantoor van die Meester, KAAPSTAD, en ook van die landdros van die distrik wanneer dit tussen hakies gemeld word Wiehabn, Willem Adolf, IS OO7, Hantam, Paarlweg, Bellville (Bellville).-Bankorptrust, Bellville. 6662/88-Abrahams, Fredericlc Daniel Stephanus, 140S , Van Eiselenstraat 3, Sarepta, Kuilsrivier; Elizabeth Catherina Abrahams, (Kuilsrivier).-Banl!:orptrust, Bellville. 2337/S8-Avenant, Christina Alida, gebore Le Roux, IS1014OO10001, Resdungebou I, Louis Trichardtstraat, Southfield (Wynberg).-Bankorptrust, Bellville. 5S72/S8-Barnes, Patrick John, 3S , 23 Presence Road, Retreat; Winifred Joan Barnes, born Botha, , 30 dae (Wynberg).-Bankorptrust, Bellville. 4703/S8-Basson, Jacoba, gebore Carstens, , Gordonstraat 25, Parow (Parow).-Bankorptrust, Bellville Boshoff, Frederick Hertzog de Villiers, , Tramoreweg 51, Southfield (Wynberg).-Bankorptrust, Bellville. 4364/S8-Bosboff, Johanna DQrothea, gebore Holtzhausen, , Tramoreweg 51, Southfield; Frederick Hertzog de Villiers Boshoff (Wynberg).-Bankorptrust, Bellville. IS69/S8-Theron, Jan Hendrik, 2OO20S5045OO7, Protea Hof 7, George, Tweede & Finale (George).-Eerste Persoonlike Batebestuur, Port Elizabeth S-Coetzee, Wilhelm Heinrich, , Hendrik Verwoerdrylaan 263, Tygerbergheuwels; Margaret Elizabeth Coetzee, (Bellville).-Bankorptrust, Bellville. 5560/88-Boulderson-Broughton, Eric William Detler, , 97 Southfield Road, Plumstead (Wynberg).-Bankorptrust, Bellville. 6436/S8-Boulderson-Broughton, Hildagarde Pauline, ,97 Southfield Road, Plumstead (Wynberg).-Bankorptrust, Bellville /S8-Burger, Johanna Catharina Adriana, 030S , Amandelhofouetehuis, Williston (Williston).-Louw & Muller, Loeriesfontein. 2310/SS/IC-Herklaas, Comella Carolina, 14m17, Sandstraat, Newton (Paarl).-D. Jooste & Kie, PaarL 3553/S8-Human, Helena Catttarina, , Suideroordouetehuis, Bredasdorp (Bredasdorp).-Luttig & Seun, Bredasdorp Wynne, Adam Johailllles, , Bastiaaosestraat 26, Beaufort-Wes; Magdalena Magaretha Wynne, (Beaufort-Wes).-John D. Crawford & Sellin, Beaufort-Wes. 2906/S8-Van Zyl, Izak David, 51OS Berzelia Crescent, BeIhar, Bellville; Regena van Zyl, S Minde Schapiro & Smith, Bellville. 5OO5/S5-8mit, Dirk KellermaJII, , Porterville (Clanwilliam).-Stone & Bresler, Citrusdal. 674/S8--0lIvier, Anna Maria, , Ons Huis, Parkstraat, Citrusdal (Clanwilliam).-Stone & Bresler, Citrusdal. 4S7S/S8-Van der Berg, CO Caad Jacobus, , Joubertstraat 48, Vrijzee; Susarah Susanna Maria LOtter van der Berg, gebore Pieters, ,30 dae (Goodwood).-Bankorptrust, Bellville. 2905/S8-Van Zyl, Frederik Jacobus, , Gertrudestraat 83, Goodwood (Goodwood).-Bankorptrust, Bellville. 4422/S8-Van Zyl, Maria Elimbeth, Fordstraat 15, Malmesbury; Albertus Johannes van Zyl, S (Malmesbury). Bankorptrust, Bellville. 5457/S8--Schoeman, Pieter Johannes, , Van der Stelstraat 53, Stellenbosch (Stellenbosch).-Bankorptrust, Bellville. 295S/SS--Slabhert, Linda Helem, born Jansen, ,42 St Kilda Road, Crawford; John Tobias Siabbert, (Wynberg).- Bankorptrust, Bellville SS--Smuts, Jacobus Johannes, , Studystraat I, Table View; Annette Smuts, Bankorptrust Bellville Kotze, Margaretha Elizabeth, OO3SOOO, Huis Chris Heunis, Somerset-Wes (Somerset-Wes).-Bankorptrust, Bellville. 5773/S8-Llndenberg, Jacoba Cornelia, voorheen Allen, gebore Feyt, OO7OOOS, Townsendstraat 124, Goodwood, Supplement~re Eerste en Finale Likwidasie en Distribusierekening (Goodwood).-Bankorptrust, Bellville. 5215/88-Lourens, Johannes Bemardus, I , Mountainview, Old Oakweg, Bellville, 30 dae (Bellville). -Bankorptrust, Bellville. 6675/S8--Daniel, Paul Machiel, , Ox.fordstraat 16, Vrijzee; Carolina Elizabeth Daniel, 2S OO3 (Gooowood).-Bankorptrust, Bellville. 6993/88-Du Plessis, William John, OS K, Stintweg 24, Grassy Park; Eileen Margaret du Plessis, gebore Heynes, oo k (Wynberg).-Bankorptrust, Bellville. 6960/S8-ErasmlLS, Stephanus Petrus, I0005, Huis Le Roux, Barrystraat, Robertson, 30 dae (Robe!tson).-Bankorptrust, Bellville.

153 STAATS KOERANT, 4 NOVEMBER 19S5 No IS3 4166IS8--Goussard, Petrus Johannes, , Fitzroystraat SO, Goodwood (Goodwood).-Bankorptrust, Bellville. 3550IS8--Harmson, William, , 10 Le Seur Street, MeLkbosstrand (Malmesbury).-Bankorptrust, Bellville. 76S2I88--Heyns, Isabella Maria, gebore Crafford, , Clarendonstraat 32, ParowvalIei; Petrus Jurgens Heyns, IS ,30 dae (Bellville).-Bankorptrust, Bellville. 7075IS8--Nel, Susanna, , Albertstraat 31, Oudtshoorn (Oudtshoorn).-Bankorptrust, Port-Elizabeth. 2359IS8--Norman, Christina Magdalena Mary, OO3S004, 19 Canterbury Street, Oakdale, Bellville; Edward James Norman, (Bellville).-K. G. Druker, Cape Town. 7223IS8--Jones, Harry, , SwaUowrylaan 24, Sedgefield; Inez Sheila Jones, (Knysna).-Bankorptrust, Port Elizabeth. 6506IS8--Mulder, Roelof David, , Spriggstraat 76, Cradock; Aletta Petronella Magdelena Mulder, (Cradock). Bankorptrust, Port Elizabeth S8--Van Zyl, Esaias Renier, , WilIowweg 4, Heatberpark, George (George).-Bankorptrust. Port Elizabeth S7-De Villiers, Margaretha Maria Elizabeth, , WeJgelegen 15. Stanloustraat, Bellville (Oudtshoorn).-Pocock & Bailey, Oudtshoom. 663SIS8--Howes, Winifred Ruby, OO33IOS, Huis Lettie Theron, Flat 128, Box 03, Hermanus (Hermanus).-First Personal Asset Management, Cape Town. 4252/S8--Betbel, Albert Stanley , CZl4 Albatroos Way, Thornton; Shirley Morina Bethel, (Goodwood).-First Personal Asset Management, Cape Town. 7202IS7-Gildenhuys, Jacomina Aletta, , Huis Zenobia du Toit, Heidelberg (Heidelberg).-Boland Bank, George. 1106/S8--Boonzaaier, Frederik Johannes Petrus, , Faurestraat 15, Ceres; Aletta Catharina Boonzaaier, (Ceres). Paul H. S. van Zijl, Ceres $6-Wasdell, Leslie Roland, OOSool, Hastings Road, Muizenberg (Simon's Town).-Hutton & Cook. King William's Town. 419/S8-Strumpber, Abraham van dermerwe, , Westcourtwoonstelle 16, Parow (Be\lvi\le).-F. F. Huysamen, Bellville. 5131/S8--De Wit, Christoffel Frederick, , Afdelingsraad Huis, Yzerfontein; Elizabeth Isabe lia de Wit, (Malmesbury).-VoLkskastrust, Bellville. 3 I 95IS8--Bloem, Christoffel Andries Petrus, , Hoofweg 13, Ashton (Montagu).-VoLkskastrust, Bellville S8--Faure, Pieter Mills, , Kanetvlei, Sandhills, First (Worcester).-Theron Du Toit. Worcester 4S06IS8--Kieinhans, Pieter Herodus, , Deiningstraat 16, Stilbaai; Susanna Elizabeth Kleinhans, gebore Le Grange, (Riversdal).-Boland Bank, George. 6102/S8--Cocbrane, Godfrey Bevan, OOSOO9, Driekoppen, Show Road, Rosebank. Cape Town; Maria Elizabeth Cochrane, (WeLkom).-M. E. Cochrane, Mowbray. 4550/S6-SwindeUs, Norman, 10 Kepplestone, Stavely Road, Eastbourne, United Kingdom, Supplementary.-Syfret Godlonton Fuller Moore Inc., Bellville.!l72IS8--De Sa, Cynthia May, , 39a Ayrshire Street, Rondebosch East (Wynberg).-Frrst Personal Asset Management, Cape Town. 4333/S8--Denton, Johan Frederik, Negende Laan I. Saldanha; Maria Magdalena Gertruida Denton, 250S01OO23000 (Vredenburg).-First Personal Asset Management, Cape Town. 5360IS8--Marais, Johanna Christina, , Ouetehuis, Heidelberg (Heidelberg).-Eerste Persoonlike Batebestuur. Kaapstad. 3405IS8--Louw, Hermanus Jozua, , Smidaan 54, Velddrif; Maria Hester Wilhelmina Louw (Vredenburg).-Eerste Persoonlike Batebestuur, Kaapstad. IS33/S8--De Wit, Christoffel Frederick, , Hoogstraat los, Mosselbaai (Mosselbaai).-Eerste Persoonlike Batebestuur, Kaapstad. 9745IS7-Lewis, Rita, , 15 Scarboro Road, Muizenberg, Supplementary (Simon's Town).-Fitst Personal Asset Management, Cape Town. 5496/S8--LIDd, Clarence Hilliard, , 23 Jeffcoat Avenue, Bergvliet; Joan Priscellian Lind, (Wynberg).-First Personal Asset Management, Cape Town. 2728IS8--Visagie, Hugoline, , Dennehofstraat 21, Riebeek-Wes (Malmesbury).-Vorster & Le Roux, Paar!. 3645IS8--Ferreira, Jacomina Hendrina, lsi IOOS, Helderbergwoonstelle 505, Strand (Strand).-VoLkskastrust, Bellville. 2837IS8--Du Plessis, Izak Francois Jacobus, , Berg n See A204, De Beersweg, Strand; Johanna Maria du Plessis, gebore Du Toit, 230S (Strand).-Totius du Plessis & Theron du Plessis, De Aar. 2447/S8--Daniels, Alhi Peter. 240S , Barkersttaat loa, Huguenot; Mabel Victoria Daniels, W5014 (Paarl).-Boland Bank, Paar!. 497SI88--Williamson, Maria Aletta, , 11 Oatlands, Gordon Road, Somerset West (Somerset West}.-Wilson, Barnard & Co., Somerset West. 8166/S6-Little, Douglas Johannes, , 3 Mimosa Road, Diep River, Second and Final (Wynberg).-Banard Katzef & Co., Salt River. 20SSfS8--Du Toit, Matthys Matthues, , Ryk Tulbachstraat 15, Mosselbaai; Genruida Johanna Pieternella du Toit, voorheen Van Jaarsveld, gebore Schultz, 2S092SOO52004 (Mosselbaai).-Standardtrust, George. IS59/S8--Pedro, Mary Ann. gebore Parsons, Versfeldstraat 71, Riversdal (Riversdal).-Boland Bank, George. 3S36IS8/6B-Maytbam, Alwyn Noel, 25 I22S5OO3OO2, Arundelstraat IS, Hermanus (Hermanus).-Guthrie & Theron, Hermanus. 2022I8SI2C-Brickhill, Ethel Muriel, , McIntyrestraat 54, Parow (Parow).-Johan van Wyk. Bellville. SI07187-Vos, Wesley John , Belmontlaan 49. Oranjezicht. Kaapstad.-Van der Spuy & Vennote, Kaapstad. 253!fS8--Badenhorst, Lawrence Henry, SOO8, wewenaar, Orchidstraat 60, Tygerdal, Goodwood (Goodwood).-Smit Kruger & Potgieter, Durbanville. 5640/88--Kruger, Johanna Maria Sophia, voorheen Kotze, voorheen Coetzee, gebore Louw, , Koperbergstraat 7a. Springbok (Springbok).-D. J. Scholtz & De Wit. Springbok. 4129/88--Nesset, Einar, , 13 Merriman Avenue, Somerset West; Ruth Veronica Nesset, born Muller, (Somerset West).-Murray Smith & Swanepoel. Somerset West. 423SI88--Potgieter, Pieter Johannes Jacobus, Rivermede. Wellington; Dorothy Gertrude Potgieter, S (Wellington).-Louw & Schreve, Wellington. 3365/S8-October, Hudson Johannes, IS040S , Brandstraat 3, Mosselbaai (Mosselbaai).-Rauch Gertenbach & Moolman, Mosselbaai. 3037IS8-0livier, Willem Gerhardus, , Welwitschiawoonstelle 9, Somerset-Wes (Somerset-Wes),-Volkskastrust, Bellville. 1495/88--KrieI, Jaco Martin, 620S045069OO5, Lincoln Mews II, Murraystraat 290, Pietermaritzburg (Pietermaritzburg).-VoLkskastrust, Bellville. 2909I88--Paterson, Mabel Annie, , New Kings Residentia, Main Road, KaLk Bay; John Henry Cawood Paterson, (Simon's Town).-Saacks & Jaffe, Cape Town. 3523IS~uerman, Michael Amoldus Johannes, Buitekantstraat 41, Swellendam; Salomina Maria Magdalena Sauerman, OSOS300045OO5 (Swellendam).-VoLkskastrust, Bellville. 2050/8515B-Page, Robert Hugo, , 15 Labounere Street, Oranjezicht. Cape Town, Flfst.-Saacks & Jaffe, Cape Town, 3675/S8-S0utbey, Bartholomina Jacoba, gebore Bothma , De Wilgen, Robertson; Johannes Lewis Southey, (Robertson).-Boland Bank, Paar!.

154 154 No GOVERNMENT GAZETIE, 4 NOVEMBER Bubr, Gerda Caroline, I, Palloti Nursing Home, 22 days (George).-Millers Incorporated, George. 5323/88-Du Toit, Christina Lui$a (Louisa), ,209 Rapallo, Beach Road, Sea Point, Cape Town.-Routledge-MacCal!ums, Cape Town Scbulman, Jacob Zeh v, , 13 St Carlo, St John's Road, Sea Point, Cape Town.-Gelb, Gelb, Simon & Shapro, Cape Town Davis, William Terence Sydney, , 23 Ashford Street. Heathfield; Cynthia Maureen Davis, (Wynberg).-Lansdown Ellis & Co., Observatory. 6288/88-Bradley, Jack Lennox, , 27 Church Street, Vredenburg (Vredenburg).-5yfret Godlonton-Fuller Moore Inc., Cape Town S0lomons, Hendrick Jacobus, , 155 Henmon, 10th Avenue, Retreat; Monica Solomons.-5yfret Godlonton-Fuller Moore Inc., Cape Town. 4550/88-McClymont, Marion, W, Ladies Christian Home, 20 Vrede Street, Gardens.-The Board of Executors, Cape Town Fraser, Donald Hugh, ,21 Evergreen Avenue, Newlands, Second and Final (Wynberg).-The Board of Executors, Cape Town. 200/88-Ismail, Mogamat Sedic!:. Ebrahim, , 26 Second Avenue, Kensington, Cape Town.-Esau, Shapiro, Isaacson & Burman, Claremont. 8956/87-Anziska, Alfred, , 222a Ocean View Drive, Fresnaye, Sea Point.-Arthur E. Abrahams & Gross, Cape Town. 2156/88-Morgan, Phyllis Shirley, , Sawas House, Cedar Avenue, Pinelands (Goodwood).-C. & A. Friedlander Inc., Cape Town Field, florence Irene, K, 28 Tissot Road, Heathfield; Reginald Frederick Field, (Wynberg).-Wilkinson, Joshua, Gihwala & Abercrombie, Athlone Dorfman, Julian, 421Q , 31 UpperClarens Road, Sea Point, Cape Town.-5. Greek & Co., Cape Town. T Turner, James Henry, , 12 Vygekraal Street, Prirnmse Park, Athlone; Isabel Turner (Wynberg).-E. Moosa & Associates, Athlone Nichnlson, Timothy John, , Smuts Hall, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch (Wynberg).-Bloomberg, Sher & Lindsay, Cape Town Mackay, Hilda Albertina Gladys, , 27 Bedford Street, Parow (Bellville).-Windell & Conradie, Parow Brunnscbweiler, Ben Eduard, , 15 Forest Avenue, Bishopscourt, Supplementary First and Final (Wynberg).-Herold Gie & Broadhead, Cape Town Klein, Leonard (Lennet) David, K, 2 Freesia Court, Ocean View (Wynberg).-B. Kessow & Co., Retreat HaU, Mabel Ruth, , 603 Good Hope Park, 157 Beach Road, Three Anchor Bay.-Arthur Young & Co., Cape Town MuUer, Henry John Thomas, Pitt Street, Salt River; Mary Sophia Muller, (Wynberg).-Haydn Elmes & Elmes, Cape Town. 3751/8511D--Geerlings (Pylgroms), Jannette Jacoba, , widow, 3 McLean Road, Bergvliet, Second and FinaL-Ince, Wood & Raubenheimer, Cape Town Melnick, Solomon, ,45 Dennekamp, Main Road, Kenilworth (Wynberg).-B. Rutter, Vlaeberg livier, Jasper Johannes Jacobus, , 89 Market Street, Parow Valley; Anna Elizabeth Catharina Adina Olivier, (Bellville).-5i1berb~ers, Claremont. 2677/88-Windvogel, Israel, K, 132 Southern Cross Street, Salberau, Elsie's River; Katie Windvogel (Goodwood).-Goldblatts, Parow. 459 I 188-PfeitTer, Sybil Alice, WI , 9 Harrow Road, Diep River (Wynberg).-Cape Town Hirsch, Charlotte Clara, , Goodhope Park. Mouille Point.-Bass Gordon Willis, Cape Town. 9314/88-McMahon, Vera Vena, ,42 Epping Street, Rugby.-5. M. Kessler, Lazarus & Borok, Goodwood. P853!88-Petersen, Mogamat Tape, , 42 Athlone Street, Athlone; Sahoka Petersen (Wynberg).-E. Moosa & Associates, Athlone Harvey, George Thomas William, , 18 Peddie Road, Milnerton; Evelyn Eunice Harvey (Cape Town).-5yfret Godlonton-Fuller Moore Inc., Cape Town. 4770!87-Kalt, Jobannes Karel, , Zerilda Steyn, Memorial Place, Pinelands (Goodwood, Wynberg).-Bisset, Boehmke & McBlain, Cape Town. 5149/88--Galant, Elizabeth, , 10 Edgar Bullock Street, Ravensmead; Andrew Vincent Galant (Bellville).-5yfret Godlonton- Fuller Moore Inc., Cape Town. 4081/88-Harris, Jack, 0509 I 5S026008, 1 Park View Court, Maitland. -Cloete & Partners, Cape Town. 2595/88-Seath, Edith Mabel, , Rondebosch (Wynberg).-Herold Gie & Broadhead, Cape Town. 3968/88-Theron, Gertruida Maria, , 50 I Firdalia Heights, Firdale, Kloofnek, Cape Town.-Syfrets Trust, Cape Town Upton, Marjorie Constance Resbury, born Hubbard, , Doordrift Lodge, Doordrift Road, Plumstead (Wynberg).-5yfrets Trust, Cape Town Bateman, Eileen Bianca Hilda, formerly Calvert, born Morgan, , 4 Kiewiet Avenue, Natures Valley, Somerset West (Somerset West).-5yfrets Trust, Cape Town erijamin, Elisabeth Wilhelmine, , 26 Ascot Road, Kenilworth (Wynberg).-5yfrets Trust, Cape Town tewart, Freda Agnes, born Backeberg, , 21 Seven Sleepers, Kirstenhof (Wynberg).-5yfrets Trust, Cape Town S--Goldberg, Maurice, 91: Mutual Place, Beach Road, Sea PoinL-Sonnenberg, Hoffman & Galombik, Cape Town. 3352/84-Schwulst, Edwin, , 55 Seventh Avenue, Gonubie. Second and Final; Elvira Dorothea Schwulst, born Daubermann, (East London).-Dennis Arthur Schwulst, Bergvliet Long, Edith Annie (Anne), , Mayfair Residential Nursing Home, Tiverton Road, Plumstead (Wynberg).-Ince, Wood & Raubenheimer, Cape Town Cowper, Rosetta May, , 106 Empire Avenue, Houtbay; Lionel Stuart Cowper, (Wynberg).-5tandardtrust, Cape Town. 692 I 188-Holdsworth, Dulcie Havergal, , 317 Main Road, Hermanus (Hermanus).-5tandardtrust, Cape Town. 7289/88-Hutchinson, Emerentia Jacoba von Ellewee, , Huis Andre van der Walt, Durban Road, Bellville (Bellville).-Standardtrust, Bellville. 3073/8S---Gouws, Gertruida Martha, , Goede Hoopstraat 26, Parow (Bellville).-5tandardtrust, Bellville Green, Henrietta, , \0 De Villiers Drive, Valmary Park, Durbanville (Bellville).-5tandardtrust, Bellville teenkamp, Stephanuo; Andreas, , Bellbusksingel 23, Bellville (Bellville).-5tandardtrust. Bellville. 6541/88-Borst, Maria ')026008, Green Pastures, P.O. Box 45, Durbanville (Bellville}.-5tandardtrust, Bellville. 798bI88-Francisco, Maria, ,90 Fifth Avenue, Rondebosch East; Manuel Francisco (Wynberg).-5!andardtrust, Cape Town. 711l!88-Pead, Reginald George Austin, 12 Jordaan Street, Cape Town; Cecelia Maria Pead.-Standardtrust, Cape Town Ventress, Violet, W, Arcadia Place, 414 Main Road, Observatory.-5tandardtrust, Cape Town Gusling, Clive Worthilngton, ,5 End Way, Pinelands (Goodwood).-;-Standardtrust, Cape Town May, florence Amelia, ,3 Disa Avenue, Fish Hoek (Simon's Town}.-5tandardtrust, Cape Town. 6334/88-Brett, Winifred Agnes, , Helen Keller Hostel, Links Drive, Pinelands (Goodwood).-5tandardtrust, Cape Town.

155 STAATSKOERM1, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No /88-Tarrant, Arthur Miles, , 40 Ketch Street, Sun Valley; Elizabeth Katherina Louise (Louisa) Tarrant, nee Roux, (Simon's Town).--Standardtrust, Cape Town. 3623/8S-Otte, Johanna Elizabeth, , Markstraat 75, Prins Albert (Prins Albert).-Standardtrust, Kaapstad Wood, John Archibald, , Upper Road, Yzerfontein (Malmesbury).-Standardtrust, Cape Town. 5072/8S-Ocbse, Winifred Elizabeth, , Bayview, Gill Road, Muizenberg (Simon's Town).-Standardtrust, Cape Town. 6342/88-Duvenage. Mira, fonnerly Chorsen, formerly Nolle, born KaIlina, ,22 Norman Road, Hout Bay; Jan Hendrik Duvenage, ~Wynberg).-Standardtrust, Cape Town. 714/88-Lensing, Isabel, , Langhoogte, Ruiterbos, Mosselhaai, Gewysigde (Mosselbaai).-Standardtrust, George. 1274/88-Kiddie, Vera Eugene, born Wills, ,501 Montana Vista, A1iwal Road, Kenilworth.-Pim Goldby, Pretoria. 4693/88--Stone, Martha Alberta, W, Aandskemering..ouetehui;" Malmesbury (Malmesbury).--Pierre du Plessis & Mostert, Malmesbury. 2 I 39/88-Dehring, Hans Manfred, 48b Main Road, Fish Hoek.--Sage Trust Co. (Natal), Durban. 7013/85-Parenzee, Ronald William, Port Jackson Road, Lincoln Estate, Athlone; Sandra Maria Parenzee, born Fredericks (Wynberg).-Terence Rex, Wynberg Boonzaaier, Johanna Dorothea, K, 13 Bi1ston Road, Crawford, Athlone (Wynberg).-J. L. Martinson & Co., Cape Town. 5492/87-Goss, Abraham Jacob, , 10 Rambam Street. Ramal-Hasharon, Israel.-Baker Musikanth, Cape Town. 2415/8S-Osborn, Shirley, , A302 Emeraldene, Aliwal Road, Wynberg (Wynberg).-Silberbauers, Cape Town. 5078/88-Rennie, Alexander, , The Bay View, Gill Road, Muizenberg (Simon's Town).-Syfrets Trust, Cape Town. 5970/88-Den Besten, Jacoba Hermanna Hendrika, voorheen Schoernaker, gebore Luigies, , Monte Vista Boulevard 36, Monte Vista; Jacoba Marinus den Besten, (Goodwoodl.--Syfrel'i Trust, Cape Town. NORTHERN CAPE NOORD-KAAP At the office of the Magistrate, KIMBERLEY, and also of the magistrate of the district when stated in parentheses. By die kantoor van die Meester, KIMBERI,EY. en ook van die landdros van die distrik wanneer dit tussen hakies gemeld word. 183/88-Simon, Annie Johanna, gebore Wittmann, , Huis Daneel, Britstown (Britstown).-Standardtrusl, Pretoria. 737/87-Kiog, Neville John Russel, , Pk. Vorstershoop. Vurstershoop; Maria King (Vryburg).-Frylinck & Walker, Vryburg. 746/88-Henderson, Heila Le vina Hermina, , Anamaristraat 3, Heuwelsig, Kimberley. - Volkskastrust, Kimberley. 542/88-Johnson, David Donald Franklyn, , Oppennansgrond, Jacobsdal; Thelma Joan, (Jacobsdal).-Bloemboard, Kimberley. 653/88-James, Thomas Albert, Resthaven-ouetehui>, Ki.rnberley. --Bloemboard, Kimberley. 352/88-Jordaan, Jacobus, , Augrabiestraat 24, Upington (Upington).-Standardtrust, Kimberley. 254/88-Kotze, Clifford Pearce Eustace, , Nazareth House, Kimberley.-R. J. Kelly, Kimberley. 433/88-Hugo, Andries Olivier, , Boonste Pampoenpoort, Victoria-Wes (Victoria-Wes).-Kempen & Kempen, Vktoria-Wes Preuss, Johanna Cecilia ,209 Mutual Flats. De Aar (De Aar).-First Personal Asset Management, Kimberley. 173/88-Swarts, Jacobus Frederik, , Skatkis, Vryburg (Vryburg).-Eerste Persoonlike Batebestuur, Kimberley. 423/8S--Coetzee, Johannes Francois, , Wakefordweg 14. Barkly-Wes (Barkly-Wes).-Eerste Persoonlike Batebestuur, Kimberley. 799/88-Nel, Petrus Abel, , Kousas, Keimoes; Dawid Josephus Strauss Nel (Keimoes).-Standardtrust, Kimberley. 694/87-PoUey, Alfred James, , Lancaster Lodge, Kimberley; Susanna Maria Polley, Duncan & Rothman, Kimberley. 308/88-Engelbrecht, Martha Maria Aletta , Budlerstraat 22, Upington (Upington).-Boland Bank, Upington. 446/88-De Klerk, Johannes Christiaan, , Strybank, Reivilo; Nicolasina Johanna Elizabeth de Klerk, (Vryburg).- Volkskastrust, Kimberley. 895/88-MiIne, Jan Hendrik Samuel, , Hullstraat 5, Kimberley; Judith Anna Wilhelmina Milne, gebore Gresse, Bankorptrust, Bloemfontein. 805/88-Philander, Andrew, , Pophamstraal 6. Kimberley; Violet Gertrude Philander, Bankorptrust, Bloemfontein. 253/88-Isaaks, Dawid Stefanus, , Huis 28, Marchand; Gertmida Willemina Isam, (Kakamas).--Van Niekerk & Brink, Keimoes. 145/88-Strydom, Maria Magdalena Hester Johanna, , Perseel 6 G 13. Hartswater, Eerste (Hartswater).-Pieterse & Ceronio, Hartswater. 423/85-}'ouche, Philippus S tephanus, , Villiersstraat 24, Kimberley. - Van de Wall & Veonote, Kimberley. 477/8S--Conradie, Johannes, , Pienaarstraat, Richmond (Richrnond).-F. A. Paul & Kie., Richmond. 1117/87-Mathewson, Charles Peter, , Wegeweg II, Hopetown (Hopetown).-Thinus Schutte, Hopetown. 457/88-Myburgh, Alwyn Abraham, , plaas Klein Witpan; Izagina Johanna Myburgh, (Upington).-Malan & Vennote. Upington. EASTERN CAPE. OOS-KAAP At the office of the Master, GRAHAMSTOWN, and also of the magistrate of the district when stated in parentheses. By die kantoor van die Meester, GRAH~VlSTAD, en ook van die landdros van die distrik wanneer dit tussen hakies gemeld word Long, Athalie May, CK)201X)9, 2 Sans Souci, Huntley Street, Grahamstown.-Whitesides, Grahamstown. 1578/88/2C-Zietsman, Jacob Frederick, I, Rietvlei, Humansdorp (Humansdorp).-{,;. W. Malan & Kie., Humansdorp. 1786/88-Harris, Charles, ,38 Brickmakerskloof, Port Elizabeth; Xavera Gwendoline Harris, born Manser (Port Elizabeth).- Selwyn Solomon & Company, Port Elizabeth. 2538/88-Du Plessis, Engela Helena Catharina, Elizabeth Jordaantehuis, Cradock (Cradock).-Boland Bank, Cradock. 1049/88-MarshaU, Geoffrey Champion, , 55 Chamberlain Road, Vincent, East London (East London).-Russell Esterhuizen Lindsay & Sephton, East London. 2323/88-Venter, Florence May, , 6 Elton 'Street, Southemwood, East London (East London).-Russell Esterhuizen Lindsay & Sephton, East London. 2288/88-Simson, Henry Newlands, Clennont Street, Lorraine Manor, Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabeth).-Standardtrust, Port Elizabeth. I856/88-Hyman, Andries Jacobus, , Hockleystraat 8, Somerset-Oos; Magrietha Susanna Hyman, voorheen Langley, gebore KJeu, (Somerset-Oos).-Standardlrust. Port Elizabeth. 1295/88-Munro, Mary McAtthur Munn, , Laubscher Park Red Cross Home, Main Road, Walmer, Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabethl.-Standardtrust, Port Elizabeth. 1657/88-Delport, Adriaan Johannes Roux, Srnart\\eg 32, Nahoon, Oos-Londen; Anna Delport, gebore Eb (Oos-Londen).-Volkskastrust, Port Elizabeth.

156 156 No GOVERNMEt-.'T GAZETIE, 4 NOVEMBER Schwarz, Edward Herbellt Paul, , Newhaven Nursing Home, East London (East London).-J. A. Yazbek & Co., East London SwanepoeJ, Annie, voillrheen Herselman, gebore Rademeyer, , Gamtoosstasie, Gamtoos, distrik Hankey; Dirk Jacobus Swanepoel, (Hankey).!-,5tandardtrust, Port Elizabeth. 2449/88-Tarr, Lorimer Hartley, , The Manor, St George's Road, East London (East London).!-,5tandardtrust, East London.. 279O/88-Hamlett, Douglas Joh", , 26 Dikkop Drive, Glen Navar, East London; Hester Margeretta Hamlett (Hester Margaretha Hamlett) (East Londoo).!-,5tandardtrust, East London. 2926/88--Daley, Dorothy Gwendbline, , I Wade Avenue, Maclear (Maclear).!-,5tandardtrust, East London. 1566/87/2D-Glass, Catherine, ,4 Normandy Court, Rochelle Road, Adcockvale, Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabeth).-L. Glass. Errunarentia. l003/88-kietzman, EIsbeth Jean Frances, born Saltzmann, , 4 Temple Court, African Street, Grahamstown, First Liquidation and Distribution.-Dold & Stone, Grahamsttown. 2301l88-De Wasl, Cornelius Christian, , Bennoweg 12. Charlo, Port Elizabeth; Anna Maria de Waal, gebore Dekker, (Port Elizabeth).-Standardtrust, Port Elizabeth. 2085/87-Pienaar, Elizabeth Wilhelmina, , Daltonlaan 6, Uitenhage; John Pienaar, (Uitenhage}.-H. J. Viviers, Uitenhage. 2476!88-Vorster, Johanna Frarlcina, , Uniefeesherdenkingstehuis, Middelburg (Middelburg).-Minnaar & De Kock, Middel burg Tolmay, Cornelius Johannes, , Wernichstraat 27, Despatch; Maria Margarieta Tolmay, (Uitenhage). Bankorptrust, Port Elizabeth. 2812/88-Pretorius, Frederick Johannes Jacobus , Stockenstroomstraat 21, Uitenhage (Uitenhage).-Bankorptrust. Port Elizabeth. 2505/88-Jooste, Gert, Langweg 65, Middelburg; Mabel Kathleen Jooste, gebore Piedt, (Middelburg).-Bankorptrust, Port Elizabeth. 2816!88-Van Wyk, Johanna Kiatrina, , Angelwingstraat, Jeffreysbaai; Robert Cowsert van Wyk, (Humans dorp).-bankorptrust, Port Elizabeth. 2836/88-Van Rensburg, Vrede, , Bergstraat 16, Despatch; Helena Catharina Petronella van Rensburg, (Port Elizabeth).-Bankorptrust, Port Elizabeth Van Zyl, Johannes Jacobus, , Suttonweg 22, Sidwell, Port Eltzabeth (Port Elizabeth).-Bankorptrust, Port Elizabeth 2728/88-De Vos, Dirkie Susallna, gebore Strydom, , Posbus 18, Witelsbos; Cornelius Johannes de Vos, (Humansdorp).-Bankorptrust, Port Elizabeth. 2646/88-Snyman, Jurie, ' , Riversidelaan 67, Bluewater Bay, Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabeth).-Bankorptrust, Port Elizabeth. 873/88-Janse (Jansen) van, Jemima Johanna, gebore Mattheus, Pickeringstraat 68. Newtonpark, Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabeth).-Bankorptrust. Port Elizabeth. 16 I8/88-Myburgh, Elna, 5306: , Cadlewoonstelle 17, Cadlestraat, Sidwell, Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabeth).-Bankorptrust, Port Eliza beth. I789/88--Sbarp, Ric hard Steven , Mitchellstraat 74, U itenhage (Uitenhage).-Bankorptrust, Port Elizabeth Redgard, Andries Benjamin, , Prins Alfredstraat 12, Queenstown; Eveline (Evelyn) Ethel Redgard, gebore Botha, (Queenstown).-Banklorptrust, Port Elizabeth. 2482/88-Christoffels, Marthinu!;, 5511 J , Blossomstraat 10, Kroonvale. Graaff Reinet; Theresa Elizabeth Sheila Christoffels. gebore Adams, (Graaff Reinet).-Bankorptrust, Port Elizabeth. 2738/88-Jordan, Coreen Barbal'a, born Boonzaaier, 29 Recreation Street, :v1ount Pleasant, Port Elizabeth; Frederick John Jordan (Port Elizabeth).-Bankorptrust, Port Iilizabeth Bekker, Stephanus Christiaan, Harrisonstraat 40, Cambridge Wes, Oos Londen; Stefina Jacomina Daeilina Bekker (Oos Londen).-Bankorptrust, Port Elizabeth A1lday, Frank, Seventb Avenue, Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth; Jenny Lind Allday, (Port Elizabeth).-Bankorptrust, Port Elizabeth. 2059/88-A1lday, Jenny Lind, Skegnessweg. Somerstrand. Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabeth).-Bankorptrust, Port Elizabeth. 2195/88-~sarman, Simonika l,anetta, , Papagaaistraat 56. Uitenhage; Reece Alyster Maarman (Uitenhage). Bankorptrust, Port Elizabeth. 282/88-Prins, Christian, 36022: , Kudustraat 15, Kroonvale, Graaff Reinet, Gewysigde Eerste en Finale; Mavis Thora Prins, gebore Onverwacht, (Graaff IReinet).-Bankorptrust, Port Elizabeth Van Vught, Edward Daniel, , Kruisfontein. Humansdorp; Helena Maria van Vught (Humansdorp).~. W. Malan & Kie.. Humansdorp. 2037/88-Collett, Oscar Percy, 250] , 28 Pamela Crescent, Walmer Downs. Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabeth).-Syfrets Trust. Port Elizabeth. 1521!88-U)tter, Gert Johannes Bruwer. 1704J , Christoffelstraat I, Hanover; Susara Magdalena Louer, (Hanover) Standardtrust. Kimberley. 2983/87-Bauer, Enid Louise, Arthur Street, King William's Town (King William's Townl-Huuon & Cook. King William's Town /3C-Hobson, Magdalene Elizabeth, born Herold, ,40 Cradock Street. Graaff Reinet. Second and Final (Graaff Reinet). Syfrets Trust, Port Elizabeth. I I Natha (Patel). Lalloo~hai (Lalla Natha) , 17 Chamberlain Road, East London; Ladu Natha, (East London).-Abdo & Abdo, East London. 1450/88-Martin, Peter, , 29 Volkwyn Street, Salsoneville. Port Elizabeth; Dorothy Margaret Martin (Port Elizabeth).-Price Soni. Port Elizabeth Oliver, Edwin Anhur ,25 Almaza. Union Road. Walmer: Daphne Warren Oliver, born Peterson (Port Elilabethl A. W. Pudney & Son. Port Elizabeth Joosle, Frans, 23 JO 12~iOO1009, Torenbergstraat 23, Colesburg (Colesberg).-Piet Smith & Kie.. Bethul ie. 3820/87-Fliigel, Rosa Auguste Wilhelmine. OG73S319GW. 2 Pringle Place, King William's Town (King William's Town}.-Barnes & Ros.s. King William's Town. 634/88-Codner, David Fletcher, , Damant Lodge, Port Alfred (Port Alfred).-Vowles Callaghan & Boshoff Inc.. Knysna. 2681!88-Greyvensteyn, Margaretha Wilhelmina , Glenfield 25, Ou Kaapweg 566 (POrt Elizabeth}.--Volkskastru;,t. Port Elizabeth. 2875/87-Parrish, Fancheue Gwendolen (Gwendoline), , Fairhaven Home for the Aged. Woodhead Extension. Port Elizabeth. Amended First and Final (Port Elizabeln).--Syfrets Trust. Port Elizabeth Waller, Jan Lodewyk , 8a Dunant Park. Sumrnerstrand. Port Elizabeth. First (Port Elizabethl.-Syfret;, Trust. Port Elizabeth /IA-Ewels, Eunice Patricia I Constantia Court. 51 James Road. East London. Second and Final (East London) Syfreb Trust, Port Elizabeth.

157 STAATS KOERANT, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No, /88-ltobiDson, Emily Hendrietta, , Locldngton, St Albans (Port Elizabeth).-Bankorptrust, Port Elizabeth, Bekker, Jobannes Jacob, , Brendonweg 7, Broadwood, Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabeth), -Bankorptrust, Port Elizabeth, 2855/88-Glllespie, Wilfred, , Pelicanstraat 37, Greenshieldpark, Port Elizabeth; Ruth Yvonne Gillespie, gebore Gouws, (Port Elizabeth).-Bankorptrust, Port Elizabeth. 3416/87-Potgjeter, lzak Abrahm, , Kerkstraat 9, Alexandria; Estelle Maria Potgieter, gebore Erasmus, (Alexandria).-Bankorptrust, Port Elizabeth. 2942/88-0rsmond, Stanley, ,23 Normandy Court, Rochelle Road, Adcockvale, Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabeth),-Bankorptrust, Port Elizabeth, 2879/88-Hay, Bonnie May, , Strydomstraat 23, Rowellanpark, Port Elizabeth; Vernon Hay, (Port Elizabeth), Bankorptrust, Port Elizabeth. 1457/88-DonneUan, Alison Winifred, , 3 Dan PienaarCrescent, Queenstown (Queenstown),--Standardtrust, East London. 2537/88-Pullin, Kathleen Louisa, , 3 Ailsa Court, 43 St Peter's Road, Southernwood, East London; Ernest Ivor Pullin, (East London).--Standardtrust, East London. 1294/88-Van der Merwe, Christian Johannes, , Eldorado Flats, 54 St Peters Road, Southernwood, East London (East London). D. S, Cordingley, Bloemfontein, 609/88-Benade, Tjaart Nicolaas, , Thornhillstraat 26, Uitenhage; Johanna Stefrancina Benade, (Port Elizabeth).-J. P. Delport, Port Elizabeth. 1097/88-Broucke, Andre Albert, , 38 Gardenia Drive, Fairbridge Heights, Uitenhage; Raymonde Julia Aurelie Broucke, born Dewys, (Uitenhage).--Standat'dtrust, Port Elizabeth Appel, Anton Wilhelm Christian (Anton Willem Chrisliaan) Barkly Street, Elliot. First and Final and First Supplementary (ElIiot),-First Personal Asset Management, East London. 2618/88-Carlisle, Eliza Massey, , Flat 208, Eldorado. St Peters Road, Southernwood, East London (East London).-First Personal Asset Management, East London. 2637/88-Galbraith, Audrey Leona, born Sweetnam, Hilton Court, Belgravia Crescent, East London (East London),-First Personal Asset Management. East London. 1458/88-Gravett, Edith Olive, born Payne, , 2 Hill Street. Cathcart (Cathcart).-First Personal Asset Management, East London. 1174/88-Jahns, Mary Elizabeth. gebore Greyling ?0Q4. Steinau. Rossouw, distrik DOrdrecht; Frederick Joseph Jahns, (Dordrecht).-Eerste Persoonlike Batebestuur, Oos-Londen. 1629/88--Swart, Sebastiaan Jacobus, , La Rochellestraat 28, Burgersdorp; Carolina Elizabeth Swart, voorheen Weiss, gebore Venter, (Burgersdorp).-Eerste Persoonlike Batebesruur, Dos-Londen Tekwane, Simon Vusurnzi, , 26 Sixth Avenue, Norwood, Umtata, Transkei (Umtata).-First Personal Asset Management, East London. 3575/86--Brent, Keith, , 15 Beach Road, Nahoon, East London (East London). 360/88-Bohler, Berthold, , Silvercrown State Home, Main Road, Amalinda, East London (East Londonl.--Ian Reid Fleming, King William's Town, 2237/88-Cronin, James, ,8 United Road, Westering, Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabeth).-First Personal Asset Management, Port Elizabeth. 732/88-Eames, William Henry, , Goods Motel, Private Bag X673, Graaff-Reinet, Second and Final; Alice Amelia Eames, born Matthews, (Graaff-Reinet).-First Personal Asset Management, Port Elizabeth Ferreira, Ockert Olivier, , F5 Dunant Park. Sewende Laan, Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth; Alida Ferreira. gebore Mulder, (Port Elizabeth).-Eerste Persoonlike Batebestuur, Port Elizabeth. 2093/88-DeU, Robert William, , 24 Robertson Road, Port Alfred (Bathurst).-First Personal Asset Management, Port Elizabeth, 2522/88-Annear, Catherine Eileen (Eileen Catherine), fonnerly Bruntin, born McMenemy, , 16 Salford, Whitlock Street, Central, Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabeth).-First Personal Asset Management, Port Elizabeth. 1095/88-Boshoff, Louwrens Jacobus, , Stockenstroom Plein 12, Colesberg, Supplementere (Colesbergl.-Eerste Persoonlike Batebestuur, Port Elizabeth. 1379/87-Birbeck, Thomas Roy, Sappershoek, Skoenmakers Kop, Port Elizabeth; Elizabeth Fraser (Port Elizabeth),--Standardtrust, Marshalltown. 1528/88-De Bloe, William Joseph John, 0 I , 8 Cornwall Crescent, Gonubie (East London).-Pim Goldby, East London. 2677/88-Campbell, Gertruida Susanna. gebore Strydom, Victoriastraat 29, SteytJerville; Robert Bell Campbell (Steytlerville). Standardtrust, Port Elizabeth. I I 65/88-Blewett, Edward Bertram, King Edward Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabethl.-Joubert. Galpin & Searle, Port Elizabeth. 894/88-Joubert, Christiaan Vennaak, Plasketstraat 45, Graaff-Reinet (Graaff-Reinet),-Volkskastrust, Port Elizabeth. 1855/87-De Maar, Afeeya (Gladys), , Steenbokstraat 47a, Gelvandale, Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabeth),-Reyneke & Raymond. Port Elizabeth. NATAL At the office ofthe Master, PIETERMARITZBURG, and also of the magistrate ofthe district when stated in parentheses. By die kantoor van die Meester, PlETEItMARITZBURG, en ook van die landdros van die distrik wanneer dit tussen hakies gemeld word, l841/61--somaria, Quarry Road. Springfteld, Durban, Amended (Durban).-Millar & Reardon. Durban. 2305/88/3D-Naidu, Stanley, , Road 721, House 177, Chatsworth; Saras Naidu, (Chatsworthl-A, S, H. Hanpersad & Partners, Chatsworth. 4452/88-Kiali, Ramchender, , 15 Glencroft Place, Unit 8, Phoenix; Oomawathi Kiali, (Verulam).-A M, C. Hunter, Fynnlands. 4330/87-Patrick, Graham Reginald, , 7 Cyndeb, 425 Kingsway, Amanzimtoti; Marjory Forsyth Patrick (Durban).-Pitcher & Pitcher, Wamer Beach. 2103/87-Godden, Barry Julian , Ulster Farm, P.O. Box 60, Nqabeni (Kokstad}.-Elliot & Walker. Kokstad, 7633/87~oUins, William Hopkins, , Fernhill Farm, Kokstad (Kokstadl.-Maurice Dobeyn & Co,. Pieternlaritzburg, 2116/86--0mar, Yacob, ,18 Sydenham Road, Pietennaritzburg, First.-Bale Buchanan, Pietennaritzburg. 660 I 187-Broadway, Muriel, Carbis Road, Pietennaritzburg, First Liquidation and Distribution,-Randles. Davis & Wood. Pietennaritzburg /88-Davechand, Suresh, ,15 Veena Road, Raisethorpe, Pietennaritzburg; Tharadevi Davechand,-Charnlane Pillay & Company, Pietennaritzburg, Blower, Gerald Oswald , 15 Haynes Road, Bisley, Pietennaritzburg, First and Final Liquidation and RedistntJUlion.--F, H. Lowe & Co., Pietennaritzburg, 4554/88-Reddy, Soobramoney ,7 Emam Road, Raisethorpe, Pietennaritzubrg; Ummi (A,mol' Reddy)-A, K, Es",adi.. ~lorgan Naidoo & Co., Pietermaritzburg,

158 IS8 No GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 4 NOVEMBER Baikie, Beatrice Mary, , San Rachelle Nursing Home. 45 Alexandra Road, Pietermaritzburg.-Randles, Davis & Wood, Pietermaritzburg. 5863/83-Pretorius, Frans Jacobus Jooste, , Savilleweg 20, Park Rynie (Scottburgh).-Volkskastrust, Pietermaritzburg. 4829/88--Shewan, Cynthia, , Sunnyside Park Home. Pietermaritzburg.-First National Bank, Pietermaritzburg. 656!188-Terblanche, Kathleen Daisy Sable Flats, Van Riebeeck Place, Manor, Pietermaritzburg.-First National Bank, Pietermaritzburg Brabam, Edmund, , 12 Cord walles Gardens, 95 Howick Road, Wembley, Pietermaritzburg.-First Personal Asset Management, Pietermaritzburg. 2l48188-Lyttelton-Frances, Sheila Iris Victory Road. Bowick (Howick).-First Personal Asset Management, Pietermaritzburg S-Conradie, Jacobus Pellrus, , Victoria Memorial Home, 257 Retief Street, Pietermaritzburg.-First Personal Asset Management, Pietemlaritzburg Haribbai, Leeladhar, , 23 Buckingham Street, Ladysmith; Dhankuvar Suggan Visram Haribhai, (Ladysmith).-Sader & Partners, Ladysmith Kohne, Lucie Annemarie, , Harum, district of Umvoti (Greytown).-Nel & Stevens, Grey town. 2259/88-Ramlal, Ramnath, 80rJ455398A, Sub 78 (of 23) of the farm Lion's Grove, Indira Road, Marburg; Hiria Ramlal A (Port Shepstone).-Parry Foulis & Grobler, Port Shepstone. 1727/86-Ramlaul, Kamalsingh , 18 Asnika Crescent, Newcastle; Suminthra Devi Ramlaul, (Newcastle).-Roy Ramdaw & Associates, Newcastle /88-Naude, Jacobus Lodewicus, , Grabiawoonstelle, Newcastle (Bethlehem en Newcastle).-Eerste Persoonlike Batebestuur, Bloemfontein Potgieter, Peter Leslie (Snr.), , 27 Mills Circle, Pietermaritzburg; Veronica Dawn Potgieter.-Geyser Liebetrau Du Toil & Louw, Pietermaritzburg. 4152/88--Saunders, Doreen Maud, ,9 Sinclair Road, Ladysmith; Jack Saunders, (Ladysmith).-Macaulay & Riddell, Ladysmith. I128/88-Mitcbell-Innes, George Henry, , Platberg, P.O. Box 42, Elandslaagte, First (Ladysmith).-Macaulay & Riddell, Ladysmith. 3936/87-HaU, Glen Gordon, , Lot 1463, Ramsgate; Extension 1, First (Port Shepstone).-Crickmay & Robertson, Margate Jacobs, Susannah Maria, , Kingstraat I, Winterton (Estcourt).-J. A. V. Breedt, Newcastle. 1938/88/4B-Goodwin, Eden Forsyth, , 13 Golden Pond, 8 Somerset Place, Hilton.-Stowell & Co., Pietermaritzburg. 769/88-Fletcher, Walter Miles, I 1101,Fort Nottingham (Howick).-Shepstone & Wylie, Tomlinson Francis, Pietermaritzburg Padayacbee, Manikun~ Saminathan, Town Hill. Pietermarizburg.-Mason Buchan Leslie Weinberg & Co., Pietermaritzburg Howard, Margaret IsabeL , Frangipania Convalescent Home, Musgrave Road, Durban (Durban).-Christopher Walton & Tatham, Ladysmith. 936/88-Durno, William GOrdOlS farm Waterval, district ofvryheid, Amended (Vryheid).-Uys & Partners, Vryheid. 1040/88-0wen, Gwylim Salisbury, , 48 Jefferies Road, Westgate, Pietermaritzburg.-Graham Harrison & Company, Pietermaritzburg. 2886/88-Becker, Henrietta Sophia Elizabeth Becker, , Hibuscus Home, P 0 Village of Happiness, Margate (Port Shepstone). Volkskastrust, Pietermaritzburg Butt, Enc Henry Joseph Charles, , Flat 16, Hill;ide, Landdrost Street, Vryheid; Carmen Ann Butt, (Vryheid).-Van Lingen & Company. Pinetown. 712/8B-Van den Berg, Adolf Mathys, , Goodlandweg 45, Aner/ey Suidkus, ; Barbara Wilhelmina van den Berg (Pietermaritzburg).-J. B. Hugo & Cronje, Krugerodorp. I337/88-Peerbbay, Mohamed Salim Jennings Road, Estcourt (Estcourt).-Lombard Kitshoff & Dietrichsen, Estcourt. 3863/88-Reeland, Herbert Art'~ur, , I Crawford Road, Southport; Mary Kathleen Reeland, (Port Shepslone).- Forder Ritch Pfaff & Redpath, Port Shepstone Christodoulou, Irene , 42 Coulter Street, Kokslad, Amended First and Final (Kokstad).-Eagle & Barnes, Kokstad Perurnal, Muniamma, A. Road 1023, House 69, Unit 10, Chatsworth, Revised Liquidation (Durban).-C. C. C. Raulstone & Company, Pietermaritzburg. 4844/8S-Connerty, James William , Room 5. Wingield Hotel, St Andrews Street. Durban (Durban).-Millar & Reardon, Durban Vincent, Hazel Constance Elizabeth, , 701 Harbour View, 47 Esplande, Durban; Norman Charles Vincent, (Durban).-MiIlar& Reardon, Durban. 4116/88-Libberton, Eunice S(Iphia Ann, ,10 Kilburn Place, Kilburn Avenue, Durban (Durban).-Mrs Arlene Cadman, Athlone Park. 41l7188-Libberton, James, , 10 Kilburn Place, Kilburn Avenue, Durban (Durban).-Mrs Arlene Cadman, Athlone Park. 3544I88-Pindray, Kate Florenl:e, , Mothwa Haven 502, Moore Road, Durban (Durban).-M. C. Kearey, Durban. 3175/88-Meerrnan, Daniel Maria, , The Cottage. 2 Hudson Bennett Crescent, Gillitts,; Mary Jessie Meerman, (Pinetown).-Deloitte Haskins & Sens, Pinetown. 200l!8S-Chantrill, Bevan Stall.islaus , Alexander Park Home, Scottburgh (Scottburgh).-Standardtrust, Durban. 2626/88--Smuts, Johannes TroIllP, , The farm Behoud, District of Louwsburg (Vryheid).-Standardtrust. Durban. 4955/8S-Cleaver, Hendrika Johanna , 337 Grey Park Road, Brighton Beach, Bluff, Durban (Durban). 4256/88-Kirk, Ethel Maud, , 18 Suprise Ridge, Hillcrest (Pinetown).-Syfrets Trust, Durban. 1195/88-Moodley. Narinsamy, , 49 Cassia Road, Verulam; Pethamberee Moodley Onanda).-Syfrets Trust, Durban. 7 I 56/87-MiIler, Dennis Charles, , 67 Jan Smuts Avenue, Winston Park (Pinetown).-Syfrets Trust, Durban Dinsdale, Alan Graham, , 77 Benjamin Road, Bynnland, Durban; Shirley Dawn Dinsdale, (Durban). Syfrets Trust, Durban. I227/88-Edward, David, , Musgrave Nursing Home, 184 Musgrave Road. Durban (Durban).-Syfrets Trust, Durban. 1658/88-Ramlakhan, Deochaind, , I Bodley Grove, Newlands; Rajdai Ramlakhan, (Durban).-C. Sewpershad &Co Naidoo, Narainsamy , 19 Barthaven Place. Unit2!, Phoenix (Verulam).-C. Sewpershad & Co. 4578/8S-Commons, Pattie Isobel , Morton Hall Old Age Horne, Kings Avenue, Pinetown (Pinetown).-A. M. C. Hunter, Fynnlands. 2593/88-Mudaly, Ramlinga (Ramlingam), A, 30 27th Avenue, Umhlatuzana Township, Chatswoth; Emilia Mudly (Chatsworth). Siven Samuel, Kessy Pillay & ASSOCiates. 2942/88-Ricbardson, Shirley Cecilia , 43 Iselworth Avenue, Woodlands; Wilfred Philgate Richardson, (Durban).-Allaway Shepstone, Durban. 1284/88-Babooram, Ratanjit A, 7 Kasuali Road, Merebank; Sarojini Devi (Durbanl.-Ronnie Naidoo & Partners, Merebank Seevrnangal (Sew\11aflgal), OA, 70 Syringa A venue. Kharwastan (Chatsworth).-Himal Tugh & Company, Chatsglen.

159 ST AATSKOERANT, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No /88-Cbetty, Kanappa, , 28 Telstar Road, Bayview, Chatsworth; Chinnamah Chetty, A (Chatsworth). R. Maharaj & Company, Chatsg1en. 2037nO-Aziz, Abdool, A, 261 Quarry Road, Springfield, Durban; Fareeda Kathoon Reyazzudin, A (Durban).-Sayed & Lockhat, Durban. 35J6/88-Munsamy, Manivelu, ,43 Road 1120, Chatsworth; Vishakammal Munsamy, (Chatsworth).-Himal Tugh & Company, Chatsworth. 66J8/87-Pirianadbam, , House 332, Road 502, Chatsworth; Muniamah Pirianadham, A (Chatsworth).-Himal Tugh & Company, Chatsworth. 1629/88-Rooplal, A, 25 Greenbury Close, Greenbury, Phoenix; Bhagwanthee Rooplal, A (Verulam).-Rashied Ameer & Company, Phoenix. 6218/84-Aufrkhtig, Jacob, ,139 Lambert Road, Durban, Amended (Durban).-S. l. Periing, Durban. 994/88-Munga, Amod, , 153 Sunford Drive, Sunford, Unit 15, Phoenix; Aisha Munga, (Verulam).-Rashied Ameer & Company, Phoenix. 883/88-Maraj, Tika, , 100 Carden Crescent, Parlock, Durban; Shanti DeV! Maraj, (Durban).-Maharaj, Lala & Company, Durban. 1915/88-Rosbolt, HjaJma Gabrielle, , Mitchell Park Nursing Home, 15 Nimmo Road, Morningside, Durban (Durban).-Pim Goldby, Durban. 4362/881IC-Beerbal, , 44 Stoneham Avenue, Phoenix, Amended (Durban).-M. 1. Naidoo & Co. 2825/88-Haripersad, Jangbahadur, , House 38, Road 723, Montford, Chatsworth; Phoo!mathy Haripersad, (Durban).-Durban. 379O!88-Naidoo, Munsamy, , House 42, Road 315, Chatsworth, Durban; Pattu Naidoo, (Chatsworth). -Moolla & Singh, Chatsglen. 2427/88-Lewis, Leslie James, , 19 Middleton Road, Winklespruit (Durban).-Burne & Burne, Durban. 3780/88--Gumede, Thembekosi (Thembinkosi), , Meseni Trading Store, Stanger; Thokozile Gumede, (Verulam). David & Company, Verulam. 4967/88-Kay, Kezia Ann, , Farrer House, 51 East Street, Overport, Durban (Durban).-J. H. Nicolson Stiller & Geshen, Durban Heeralal, Mothilal, A, 1139 Quarry Road, Clare Estate, Durban (Durban).-Chapman Dyer Incorporated, Durban. 1849/82-Dlamini, Bonaventure Pius, , Kwa St Joseph Monastry, Hibberdene, Amended First and Final (Scottburgh).-Garlicke & Bousfield, Durban. 1017/88-Hayman, Doris Doreen, ,43 Ennisdale Drive, Durban North, Durban (Durban).-Mooney Ford & Partners, Durban. 3806/87-Ramdhani, Deonath, , Stanger (Stanger),-Sham & Meer, Stanger. 3838/87-Reddy, Perumal, , Doringkop; Longanayagi Reddy, (Stanger).-Sham & Meer. Stanger. 3807/87-Ramgoolam, Ramgooiam, , Nonoti, First; Lilmathy Ramgoolam, (Stanger),-Sham & Meer, Stanger. 4647/88-King, Lattie Nettie, , 50 Barns Road, Sparks Estate, Durban; Francis Hathorn King, (Durban),-Thorpe & Hands, Durban. 5808J87-Periappiyyan, Ganesan, Road 713, House 3, Montford, Chatsworth (Chatsworth).-Zubeda K. Seedat & Co., Durban, 2580J88-Muniappa, Muniappa, , Hat 1101, Door 28, Buffelsdale, Tongaat; Sarakium Muniappa (Verulam).-Natal Mercury, Durban, 3039/87-Hooper, Edward Charles, , 77 Tugela, Sol Harris Crescent, Durban, First (Durban).-Woodhead, Bigby & Irving, Durban. 4975/87~annasamma, 8oo366659A, 22 Silver Willow Road, Puntans Hills, Durban (Durban).-Mooney Ford & Partners, Durban, 3153/88-Barton, Joan, I. Natal Settolors, Hutchinson Road, Durban (Durban).-Garlicke & Bousfield Inc., Durban Moosa, Zaina Bee, , Road 240, House 1273, Bayview, Chatsworth (Somtseu Road, Durban), Enver Motala & Co., Qualbert, 6324/87-PiUay, Soyambragasim, , 44 Duffy Crescent. Avoca, First (Durban). -Pat Poovalingam & Co., Durban, Hornby, Albert Vivian, , 18 Munro Drive, Munster (Port Shepstone).-Chapman Dyerlnc., Durban. 3617/88-Ameer Beg, Kassim, , 12 Spurs ide Road, Caneside, Phoenix; Sageeda Kassim Beg (Verulam).-Zubeda K. Seedat & Co., Durban. 1441!88-Foster, Winifred Olive, , 12a Idawill Court,S Shearer Road, Durban (Durban).-Lester Hall Ewing & Swan, Hillcrest. 2815/88-Krause, Justin Longridge, ,7 Hibiscus Road, Caversham Glen, Pinetown (Durban). 2540/88--Goodman, Raymond James, , 81 Malpark, 24 Prospect Halt Road, Durban North, Second and Final (Durban).-Cox Yeats & Partners, Durban. l003/88-ramlal, Lutchman, , 20 Papwa Place, Isipingo Rail; Nemwonthie Ramlal (Durban).-Mooney Ford & Partners, Durban. 4815/88-Lowings, Alma Alvis, ,40 Heming Johnston Road, Umbilo, Durban (Durban).-First Personal Asset Management, Durban, 5520/88-Lowrie, Vincent Aloysius ,3 Valley View, 16 Dimple Lea. Warner Beach (Durban),-First Personal Asset Management, Durban. 4957/88-Coetzee, Ockert Jacobus, , 10 Greenside Avenue, Westville; Victoria Georgia Coetzee, (Durban). Bankorptrust, Durban, 5716/88-Ramsamy, Munsamy, , 3 Innes Avenue, New Holmes. Pietermaritzburg; Yanembal Ramsamy, oo.-Bankorptrust, Durban. 5793/88-Joubert, Yvonne Elizabeth, , 5 Oakmead Greathead Lane, Pinetown (Pinetown).-Bankorptrust, Durban. 2607/88-Calltz, Cecily Hazel, , 81 South Road, Escombe; Thomas Jacobus Calitz, (Durban).-Bankorptrust, Durban, 4784/88-Van Niekerk, Johannes Jurgens, , 89 Mayors Walk, Pietermaritzburg; Dina Maria Margaretha van Niekerk, Bankorptrust, Durban. 4884/88-MilIer, Genevera Luzae, , 30 Alexander Drive, Winston Park, Durban; John Leonard Miller, (Durban).-Bankorptrust, Durban. 6316/88-0too, Hendrik Johannes, , 21 Bryanston Square, 9/11 Kings Road, Pinetown; Frances Joan Otto, (Pinetown).-Bankorptrust, Durban, 5658/88-Naicker, Savandalai, , 27 29th Avenue, Umhlatuzana Township; Moothu Naicker, (Chatsworth), Bankorptrust, Durban, 6066/88-Van Niekerk, Gerhardus Johannes , 4 Homseahof. Donnellyweg, Bluff, Durban; Joyce Elizabeth van Niekerk (Durban).-Bankorptrust, Durban. 58/88-Cary, Shayne , South African Police, Mid!\lovo, formerly of SAP barracks. Wattle Grove. Pinelands (Goodwood). Standardtrust. Pietermaritzburg. 3682/88-Walker. Peter John Edward Tyrrell, Inanda Road, Crestholme, Hillcrest (Pinetown).-First Personal Asset Management, Durban. 2442/87-Tolsi (Munien TobO A, Hat 3, Residentia, corner of Patterson and Rood Streets, Stanger (Stanger),-First Personal Asset Management, Durban,

160 160 No GOVERNMENT GAZETIE, 4 NOVEMBER /88-Konings, Johannes Camelis, , 3 Bush Buck Ridge, Pinetown (Pinetown).-First Personal Asset Management, Durban. 20 I 9/88-De Bruyn, Beryl, , 23 High Street, New Germany (Pinetown).--First Personal Asset Management, Durban. 2058/88-Morrison, John, 9312~45002oo1, Berkeley Hotel, Old Fon Road, Durban (Durban).-First Personal Asset Management, Durban Tome, Albertino de Je!iUS, , 55 A1kenaar Road, Glenmore, Durban; Brenda Yvonne Tome, (Durban). First Personal Asset Management, Dur'ban. 7685/87-Stewart, William Peter , 32 Colin Grove. Berea, Durban, Second and Dinal (Durban).-Bankorptrust, Durban. 4587/88-Ferreira, Johannes Hermanus , rmpalaweg 124, Hultonhoogte, Newcastle; Petronella Ferreira (Newcastle).-[lankorptrust, Durb~n McManus, Sheila, I. 20 Jardine Place. Fairmeade, Durban (Durban). -Bankorptrust, Durban. 4OOZ/8S-Viljoen, Henning Jakobus, Genit Maritzlaan 46. Newcastle; Elizabeth Catharina Paulina Viljoen, (Newcastle).-Bankorptrust, Durban. 4748/88-Steyn, Rachel Magriela, , Begoniastraat 20 Dundee; Adriaan Rudolf Steyn, (Dundee).-Bankorptrust, Durban. 5867f88-Berriman, Horace, , 20 Oosthuysen Drive. Westgate. Pietermaritzburg; Lorraine Alma Berriman, Bank0rptrust, Durban. 4464/88--Germond, Idelette Lun, , Village of Happiness, Margate (Port Shepstone).-J. Lovell Greene, Pietermaritzburg. 2144f8812C--Toogood, Cora MiHicent, Davelain. Ridge Road, Durban (Durban).-StoweU & Co" Pietermaritzburg. 6010/88-- Landman, Chnstiaan Ignatius, Seventh Avenue, Pumula; Janetta Fredericka Landman, (Port Shepstone).-Bankorptrust, Durban Plowright, Lilian EliZilbeth, W, ~1ortonhal1 Resthome, 39 Kings Road. Pinetown (Pinetown).-Marcus Lewis Robinson & Goulding, Durban. ORANGE FREE STATE ORANJE VRYSTAAT At the office of tbe Master, BLOEMFONTEIN, and also of the milgistrate of the district when stated in parentheses. By die kantoor van die Meester, BU;EMFOI'iIElN, en ook van die landdros van die distrik wanneer dit tussen hakies gemeld word. 1578/8S -Senekal, Susanna Margaretha , Pres Brandweg 42, Pal)'s (Pal)'s).-Coetzee & Bamhoorn, Parys. 1414/88-Paine, Harold , 13 Delver Street. Pal)'s (Parys).-Coetzee & Barnhoorn, Parys. 887/88-~Buys, Johanna Margaretha, Sederhof ouetehuis, Bethlehem (Bethlehem),-Moore Harrington de Clerk lng., Bethlehem, B-Keyser, Una Charlotta Langstraat 216. Bloemfontein; Marthinus Rademan Keyser, McIntyre & Van der Post. Bloemfontein. 980/88---Croenewald, Reuben Godfrey , A'ldries Pretoriusstraat 79, Bloemfontein; Johanna Hendrina Groenewald, gebore van Schalkwyk. -Mclntyre & Van der Post. Bloemfontein. 1125/88-Henning, Jacobus Daniel Stephanus, ~, Jasmynlaan 53. Wilgerhof Wes (Bloemfontein).-Saambou Boedel & Trust, Pretoria Van Niekerk, Gert Comelius, , Ther,)nstraat 27, Petrus Steyn (Petrus Steyn).-Volkskastrust, Bloemfontein. 1101/88---Van der Walt, Tjaart Stephanus, Sassar Aftree-oord. Kamer Cl, Fichardtpark, Bloemfontein.-Vo!kskastrust. Bloemfontein. 225i88-Swal1, Jacobus Johannes, W, Jan Fcrreiralaan 39. Odendaalsrus; Cornelia Christina Swart, W (Odendaalsrus). Van der Wan & Vcnnote. Odendaalsllls. 2167!88-Labuschagne, Willcrn Adriaan , Voortrekkerstraat 21, Brandfort; Johanna Dorothea Labuschagne, (Brandfort).-Hendrikz & De Vletter,BrandfoJ !88--Volschenk, Carel Gabriel, , 106 Men;utiostraat, Bedelia, We!kom; Jeanette Maria Magdalena Volsehenk, gebore Stor beck, 3 \ (Welkom).-Vo!kskastrust, Bloemfontein. 128 \i88--nel, Maria Elizabeth Jacoba, I. Lubbestraat 27. Kroonstad; Gert Jacobus Nel, (Kroonstad).-Volkskas trust. Bloemfontein. 80li88-Ferreira, :-.Iicolas (Nie'Jlaas) Jacobus Reneer (Renier), , Mev. President Steyn tehuis, Odendaalsrus; Elena Catrina Fer reira, (Odendaalsrus) -Smit Vermaak & Snyman, Odendaalsrus. 1709t87-Loftie-Eaton, Aler Bt!thelar , Bainsvlei. Bloemfontein. -E. G. Cooper & Seuns, Bloemfontein. I 230!88--Weinrich, Lorenz Kenneth , Derde Laan OOS 26, Clocolan (Clocolan).-Steinbach & Oelofse. Clocolan, 1593!88--K1okow, Friedrich Hellmann (Hermann) Carl, , Bankfontein, Clocolan (Clocolan).-Steinbach & Oelofse. Clocolan, 1748!88-Loftus, Matthew Hendricus Maree, , De Wetstraat. Wepener, Eerste.~chse & Van Rensburg. Wepener. 670/87-De Wet, Nicolaas Jacubus, , l100fstraat 35, Zastron; Susanna Elizabeth de Wei gebore Moolman, Volkskastrust, Bloemfontein. I Grobler, Christina Wilhelmina , Rionwoonstelle 13, Sasolburg (Sasolburg).-Volkskastrust, Klerksdorp. l653/88-diamond, Alexander Stathy, Bamboo Close 8. Virginia; Anna Magdalena Diamond, (Virginia). Maree &: Vennote, Virginia Bender, David Foune ~'i027ooo, De Bruinstraat 43, Universitas, Bloemfontein; Griselda Bender, gebore van Wyk, Bankorptrust, Bloemfontein Grundligh, George Johan, 3IOol Hocwe 2785, Ferreira, Bloemfontein; Elizabeth Johanna Grundligh, Bankorptru st. Bloemfontein, 1802/88-Du Preel, Hennanus Bemardus Pieters, J(XJ9. Stewarlstraat 76. Kroonstad: Willie Magdalena du Preez, r.kroonstad),-bankorptrust. Bloemfootein. 1447i88---Olivier, Abram Jacobus, , David FOllriestraat 61, Noordhoek, Bloemfontein; Elsie Petronella' Olivier ,--Bankorptrust, B loe:mfontein, 96/181\-Kotze, Margaret Annie, , Voomc kkerpad. Senekal: Hendrik Schalk KOIze, (Senekal).-N. O. Oelofse & Kie., Senekal. 109/87-MacDonald, Rhoda, , SchnehagesingellS. Fichardtpark. Bloemfontein. 982/81-Richter, Bernhard Wilhelm Benjamin Vaalbank, distri~ Dewetsdorp, Gewysigde Eerste en Finale en Distribu'>ie (Dewetsdorp).-Naudes. Bloemf0ntein. 55/8S -Human, Nicolaas Jacobus Vrede (Vrede}.-Pretorius en Bosman. Vrede. 1602/88- De Jager, Magdalena Petronella () Postmastraat 15b. Reddersburg (Reddersburg).-Eerste Persoonlike Batebestuur, Bloemfontein. 874!88---Caalsen, Frank LOUIS , Oen1 Brandrylaan 194. Bloemfor:tcm- Vermaak & Dennis, Bloemfontein. 1331/88---Serfontein, Hendrip Philippus, HXJ7, Selcho! 2. Annstmngstraat, Uitsig. Kroonstad (Kroonstad).-Du Randt & Louw, Kroonstad. 1778/88..-Groenewald, Petrus Coenraad l{. Wilhelminastraal 97. Hennenman; Lozya Christina Groenewald, (Hen nenman ).- -Eerste Persoonlike BatebeMuur. Bloemfontein. 873/88-.. Brown, Elizabeth Sophia , MooihaVlt' Tehuis Vir Bejaarde". Bloemfontein.-Eerste Persoonlike Batebestuur. Bloemfon tein

161 STAATSKOERANT,4NOVEMBER 1988 No i88-Du Toit, Clarence Overbeek, , 2 Versailles Street, Bayswater, Bloemfontein.-Standardtrust, Bloemfontein Du Plessis, Petrus Johannes, , Winkellaan 114, Grootvlei, Bloemfontein.-Standardtrust, Bloemfontein. 1882f88-Van der Bank, Carel Paul Johannes, Totiusstraat 48, Hennenman; Wilhelmina Catherina van der Bank, (Hennenman).-Standardtrust, Bloemfontein. 1320/85-Smit, CharI Visser, , Adrolethof 12, Andries Pretoriusstraat, Bloemfontein. Gewysigde Eerste en Finale.-Mclntyre & Van der Post, Bloemfontein Viljoen, Albertus Johannes, , lacobstraat 23, Boshof; Catharina Maria Viljoen, gebore Koen, (B05 hof).--c. G. Marais & Kie., Boshof. I 585/88--Coetzee, Abraham Johannes, , Krygsweg 31, FJeurdal, Bloemfontein; Elizabeth Johanna Coetzee, gebore Louw, Standardtrust, Bloemfontein. 224/88-Van der Merwe, Johannes Petrus, , Wilgerust, Frankfort (Frankfort).-Breytenbach Van der Merwe & Botha, Bethlehem Jacobs, Philippus, , Brandstraat 12, Brandfort; Nelia Jacobs, gebore Du Toit, (Brandfort).-Hendrikz & de Vletter, Brandfort. I Botba, Willem du Plessis, , Mooihawe, MelLvillerylaan, Brandwag, Bloemfontein.-W. J. Botha. Bloemfontein. 744/88-Heyns, Melvin Johannes, , Rosalindstraat 55, St Helena, Welkom (Welkom).-J. H. du Randt, Barkly-Wes. SOUTH WEST AFRICA. SUIDWES AFRIKA At tbe office of tbe Master, WINDHOEK, and also of the magistrate orthe district wben stated in parentheses. By die kantoor van die Meester, WINDHOEK, en ook van die landdros van die distrik wanneer dlt tussen hakies gemeld word Pretorius, Sarah Magdelena, , Walvisbaai; Jacobus Andrias Pretorius (Walvisbaai}.-Eerste Persoonlike Batebestuur, Kaapstad. INSOLVENCY ACT AND COMPANIES ACTS NOTICES INSOLVENSIEWET - EN MAATSKAPPYWETTE-KENNISGEWINGS FonnIVorm J 28 ESTATES OR COMPANIES SEQUESTRATED OR WOUND UP PROVISIONALLY Pursuant to section 17 (4) of the Insolvency Act, 1936, and section 356 (1) of the Companies Act, 1973, notice is hereby given by the Masters of the Supreme Court that the estates or companies mentioned below have been sequestrated or wound up provisionally by order of the said Court. The particulars are given in the following order: Number of estate/company; name and description ofestate/company; date upon which and division ofcourt by which order made and upon the application of. BOEDELS OF MAATSKAPPYE WAT VOORLOPIG GESEKWESTREER OF GELIKWIDEER IS Ingevolge artikel 17 (4) van die Inso1vensiewet, 1936, en artikel 356 (1) van die Maatskappywet, 1973, word hierby deur die Meesters van die Hooggeregshof kennis gegee dat die boedels of maatskappye hieronder vermeld voorlopig op las van genoemde Hof gesekwestreer of gelikwideer is. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van...boedellmaatskappy; naam en beskrywing van boede1/maatskappy; datum waarop en afdeling van hof waardeur order gemaak is en op die aansoek van. T2232/88-Stillato, Eugenio Antonio, an adult european male shopkeeper residing at 27 Mitton Crescent, Randhan, Alberton, the respondent is married out of community of property to Sharon Louise Stillalo. II October 1988, Witwatersrand Local. Christian Edward van Wyk. T2231/88-Gani, Joseph, an adult male, divorcee, presently unemployed residing at 24 11th Street, Page View, Johannesburg , Witwatersrand Local. Melsand Investments (Ply) Ltd. T2230/88-Van Rooy, Anna Hennina, getroud buite gerneenskap van goedere. Twaalfde Laan 22, Thabazimbi /88, Transvaalse Provinsiale. Johannes Marthinus Engelbrecht. T ASR I-By Design CC. I If10188, Witwatersrand Local. Ex parte, T2221/88-Bent, David Brian. an adult project coordinator who is presently employed by L T A and who resides at 9 Sixth Avenue, Higlands North, Johannesburg, the respondent is married to Marjorie Elizabeth Bent out of community of property, according to the laws of the United Kingdom. 27 September 1988, Witwatersrand Local. John Robertson. T2203f88-Nel, Hendrik Cornelius, Haarhofflaan 50a, RU5lenburg. 11/10/88, Transvaalse Provinsiale. Daniel Manhinus Nel. T2202f88-Meyer, Johannes Phillipus Cornelius en Magrielha Elizabeth Meyer, Voorstraat 102, Potgietersrus. II Oktober Transvaalse Provinsiale. Tobie van Wyk Ingelyf. T2201/88-Leuvennink, Jacob Petrus, Garnetlaan 6, Dersley, Springs. 11/10/88, Transvaalse Provinsiale. Bennie Gabriel Leuvennink. T2193i88-Basson, Marthinus Johannes, Gedeelte 70, plaas Erasmia, distrik Pretoria /88, Transvaalse Provinsiale. Martin Johannes Prinsloo. T2192/88-Botha, Simon Petrus, Van Eedenlaan 17. Risiville, Vereeniging. 4/10/88, Transvaalse Provinsiale. Lukas Gerhardus Dreyer. T Adendorf, Elizabeth Johanna. Elizabethhof 23, Kerkstraat-Wes 201, Pretoria. 11/10188, Transvaalse Provinsiale. Die regspersoon van Elizabethofgebou, No. 217/1984. T2l60/88-Fast Aid Emergency Services (Pty) Ltd, having its registered offices at First Floor, 543 Jules Street, Malvern, Johannesburg and its principal place of business at Second Floor, North Park Centre, corner of Seventh and Third Avenue, Parktown North, Johannesburg. 4 October 1988, Witwatersrand Local. Rent-N-Go (Jhb) (Ply) Ltd. T2J64188IASR 2-Bernhardt, Christiaan Stephanus, 'n meerderjarige sakeman van Susannaweg 50, Florentia, Alberton. II Oktober 1988, Witwatersrand Plaaslike. Anna Petronella Cecilia Magrieta Bernhardt 8~ 1156~

162 162 No GOVERNMENT GAZETIE, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 T2154/88 ASR 2-Du PIooy, Adam Johannes, Theastraat 205, Wierdapark-uitbreiding I, Verwoerdburg, Pretoria. 27/9/88, Transvaalse Provinsia1e. Hennanus Phillipus van Aswegen. T2144/88-Hollywood Curl (Proprietary) Limited, registered address at c/o Harbour Grenville and Co., 48 Murray Avenue, Meredale, Johannesburg. 4/10/88, Transvaal Provincial. Exparte. T2194/88-Botha, Barend Christman, 'n geskeide man, woonagtig te die plaas Sukkelaar, distrik Bethal, Transvaal. 4/10/88, Transvaalse Provinsiale. Louis Isais Botha. T2206/88-8wanepoel, George Dllniel, Haarhoflaan 55, Rustenburg, Transvaal. 4/10/88, Transvaalse Provinsiale. Daniel Rudolph Bredenkamp. T2205/88-Rautenbach, Pieter COrnelius, plaas Hartebeespoort 360, distrikwaterberg, Transvaal /88, Transvaalse Provinsiale, Cornelius Antonie Rautenbach. T2140/88-Electrofield Imports. Exports and Manufacturing CC. 28 September 1988, Witwatersrand Local. Ex parte. T2196/88-Greyling, Hendrie Jokan, Jan Louis Cachetstraat 39. Witbank, Transvaal. 11 Oktober 1988, Transvaalse Provinsiale. Willem Henning Botha. T2195/88/ASR 2-Claassen, Cornelius, woonagtig te Barbara Singel 28, Klerksdorp. 4 Oktober 1988, Transvaalse Provinsiale. Anna Marie Claassen, gebore De Buys, voorheen Prlnsloo. T2204/88-0pperman, Phillipus Albertus (jnr), Kockstraat 54, Rustenburg /88, Transvaalse Provinsiale. Phillipus Albertus Oppennan (Snr). T2138/88-Euro-Products (Pty) Limited, registration No. 84/08598/07, having its registered office at 82 Side Road, West Turffontein. 4 October 1988, Witwatersrand Local. Ex parle. T2148/88-Engelbrecht, Adriaan Johannes, the fann Hazia, District of Zeerust. 6 October 1988, Transvaal Provincial. Rustenburg Platinum Mines Limited. T2178/88-Cynveldt EiendomlllCl BK. 29 Junie 1988, Transvaalse Provinsiale. Boland Bank Beperk. E 193/88-8 & M Gun Holdings Close Corporation, with registered office at c/o Whitaker Goldsmid and Company, 8 St Lukes Road, Belgravia, East London. 6 October 1988, Eastern Cape. Alice Isabelle Swiegers, born Botha. N333/88-Moodley, Kanagasabay, 197 Protea Road, Chakaskraal, Natal. 7/10/88, Durban and Coast Local. Sivagami Govinder. N330/88-McIntyre, Alexander McPherson, Fonteinstraat 12, Huttonhoogte, Newcastle. 3 Oktober 1988, Natalse Provinsiale. Pieter Kritzinger. N331/88-Luthuli, Herbert Fanyana, K wa Dlangeswa, District of Umfolozi. 5 October 1988, Natal Provincial. Mcabuzeli Cornelius Cele. C459/88---Smal, Johannes Jacobus, woonagtig te Bergroosstraat 1, Fairy Glen, Worcester. 16 Augustus 1988, Kaap die Goeie Hoop Provinsiale, Eerste Nasionale Bank van Suidelike Afrika Beperk. C450/88---Smythe, James, residing at Greyfriaris, Card Road, Zeekoeivlei. 29 September 1988, Cape of Good Hope Provincial. Joseph Freddy. C Smith, Gregory Wins(()n, residing at Amaramba Farm, Klapmuts, Cape. 27 September 1988, Cape of Good Hope Provincial. Hennanus Louis Noy. N Van Zyl, Jacobus Johannes Edward, getroud binne gemeenskap van goedere met Marieta van Zyl, Boulevardhof 36, hoek van Winder-en Nordgelaan, Durban. 11/10/88, Durban en Kus Plaaslike. Andre Laas, C452/88-Victor, Elizabeth Marla, woonagtig te Loevenstein 2, Blaauwbergweg 128, Table View. 30 September 1988, Kaap die Goeie Hoop Provinsiale. Christiaan Lodewyk de Joogh. C464/88---Smuts, John Grindley Ferris, residing at Karibia, Sir Lowry's Pass Road, Somerset West. 5/10188, Cape of Good Hope Provincial. Renown Fresh Meat. C Fourie, Willie Andrie!1 Hendrik, residing at 10 Boord Street, Kuils River. 5 October 1988, Cape of Good Hope Provincial. Donald Daniel Richard Jansen. C439/88-Plasmoprint (Pty) Ltd, registered office at, trading as Barrett Sign Systems, c/o Ernst and Whinney Dividend House, Prieska House, Sybrand Park, Cape Town. 27 September 1988, Cape of Good Hope Provincial. Philip Nonnan Barrett. B284/88-Dabner, Richard John. woonagtig te W, E. G. Louwstraat 16a, Langenhovenpark. Bloemfontein , Oranje-Vrystaatse Provinsiale, Ralph James Kelly. B285/88-Aviv Sport (Edms.) :Spk., geregistreerde hoofkantoor gelee te Perseel 9, Industrielegebied, Botshabelo, Bloemfontein. 13/10188, Oranje-Vrystaatse Provinsiale. Die Suid-Afrikaanse Ontwikkelingstrust Korporasie Bpk. B Energy Textiles (Pty) Ltd, registered office at 46 Webber Street, Selby, Johannesburg , Orange Free State Provincial. Oded Bessergilk. N342/88-Coetzee, Petrus Johamaes Jacob, 101 Groote Schuur, 2 Erskin Terrace, South Beach, Durban /88, Durban and Coast Local. Julie Barger, N337/88-Rip Rap (Pty) Ltd, 79Chapel Street, Pietennaritzburg, October 1988, Natal Provincial. Rodney John Trotter (N.0.). T2158/88-Micromatch BK. 6/li!l/88, Transvaalse Provinsiale. W. M. van Zyl. T2179/88-Gloy, Wynand JohaDlles, Charlesstraat, Balfour, Transvaal, en Martha HesterG1oy, die plaas Wildebeesfontein, Balfour, Transvaal. 12 Oktober 1988, Transvaa1se Provinsiale. Paul Daneel Kruger (N,O.) en Michael Rory Nesbitt (N,O.). T mnitex Wholesalers CC, having its principal place of business at 8 Corampark, Ferero Avenue, Randpark Ridge Extension 18, Johannesburg, and its registered office at clo G. Gambanis & Co., Seventh Floor, Plein Centre, 100 Plein Street, Johannesburg. 4 October 1988, Witwatersrand Local. Joseph Kotwal. T2169/88 ASR 3-Mduduzi & Co. Bottle Store (Pty) Ltd, having its registered office as trading site 8692, Hapedi Street, kwathema, Springs. 11 October 1988, Witwatersrand Local. Tlae African Bank Ltd, Tl I ASR 3---Welgemoed, ~ltephanus Jacobus, Gerrit Krugerstraat 1, Tzaneen, 28 September 1988, Transvaalse Provinsia1e. Lucretia Zenobia Fouche. T ASR 3-Eksteen, Osw~ld, of the farm Welverdiend, Zeerust. 6/10/88, Transvaal Provincial. Rustenburg Platinum Mines Ltd. T /ASR 3-WaiJer, David Alan, an adult male residing at 535 Dalway Road, Kelvin, Sandton /88, Witwatersrand Local. Jou Adam Creswick. T2099/88!ASR 3-Mergeco (Pty) Ltd, registered office 203 Southern Medical Centre, 3 First Street, La Rochelle, Johannesburg. 28/9188, Witwatersrand Local. Camike Properties CC. N327/88---Singh, Sunjeeth, and ~Ihilena Singh, 402 Grove End Drive, Phoenix, Durban. 29 September 1988, Durban and Coast Local. Omar Hajee Suliman Ebrdhim and Rashid Omar Ebrahim (N,O.). Tl988/88 ASR 3-Empringam, f'ieter, Canarylaan 19, Safari Tuine, Rustenburg, 13/9/88, Transvaalse Provinsia1e. Charles Henry Addinall, T Bestweld (Pty) Ltd. having its registered office at the Fourth Hoor. Standard General House. 12 Harr:\son Street, Johannesburg. 4 October Witwatersrand Local. Dungarvin Trust (Ply) Ltd. T2229/88-Reliant Auto Security Systems (Pty) Ltd, having its registered oftice at 10 Joubert Street, Johannesburg. 18/ Witwatersrand Local. Astren (Ply) Ltd.

163 FormNorm J29 STAATSKOERANT,4NOVEMBER 1988 No FIRST MEETINGS OF CREDITORS, CONTRIBUTORIES, MEMBERS OR DEBENTURE HOLDERS OF SEQUESTRATED ESTATES, COMPANIES BEING WOUND-UP OR PLACED UNDER PROVISIONAL JUDICIAL MANAGEMENT The estates and companies mentioned below having been placed under sequestration, being wound up or having been placed under provisional judicial management by order of the Supreme Court of South Africa, Masters of the Supreme Court hereby give notice, pursuant to sections 17 (4) and 40 (1) ofthe Insolvency Act, 1936, sections 119 (3),125 (1) and 196bis (4) of the Companies Act, 1926, and sections 356 0), 364 (1) and 429 of the Companies Act, 1973, that a frrst meeting of creditors, contributories, members or debenture-holders of the said estates or companies will be held on the dates and at the times and places mentioned below, for proof of claims against the estates or companies, the election of trustees, liquidators or judicial managers or for the purposes referred to in section 364 or 431 of Act 61 of 1973, as the case may be. The particulars are given in the following order: Number of estate/company; name and description of estate/company; date of the provisional and date of the final order, and division of court by which order made, and date, hour and place of meeting. Meetings in a place in which there is a Master's office, will be held before the Master; elsewhere they will be held before the Magistrate. EERSTE BYEENKOMSTE VAN SKULDEISERS, KONTRIBUANTE, LEDE OF SKULD BRIEFHOUERS VAN GESEKWESTREERDE BOEDELS, MAATSKAPPYE IN LIKWIDA SIE OF ONDER VOORLOPIGE GEREGTELIKE BESTUUR Nademaal die boedels of maatskappye hieronder vermeld op las van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika gesekwestreer, gelikwideer of onder voorlopige geregtelike bestuur geplaas is, word hierby deur die Meesters van die Hooggeregshof ingevolge artikels 17 (4) en 40 (1) van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikels 119 (3), 125 (1) en 196bis (4) van die Maatskappywet, 1926, en artikels 356 0),364 (1) en 429 van die Maatskappywet, 1973, kennis gegee dat 'n eerste byeenkoms van skuldeisers, kontribuante, lede of skuldbriefhouers van genoemde boedels of maatskappye op die datums, ure en plekke hieronder vermeld, vir die bewys van vorderings teen die boedels of maatskappye, die verkiesing van kurators, likwidateurs of geregtelike bestuurders of vir die doeleindes bedoel in artikel 364 of 431 van Wet 61 van 1973, na gelang van die geval, gehou sal word. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van boedellmaatskappy; naam en beskrywing van boedellmaatskappy; datum van die voorlopige en datum van die finale bevel, en afdeling van hof waardeur order gemaak is, en datum, uur en plek van byeenkoms. In 'n plek waarin 'n kantoor van 'n Meester is, word die byeenkoms voor die Meester en op ander plekke voor die Landdros gehou. T2113/88-Pottas, Hendrik Roelf, Bothmaweg 71, Valhalla, Pretoria. 1519/ /88, Transvaalse Provinsiale. 21 November 1988, IOhOO, Pretoria. T159l!88-Bodenstein, Gerhardus Jacobus, plaas Lisbon, Potgietersrus /8/88, Transvaalse Provinsiale , IOhOO, Potgietersrus. T1954/88-Scbeepers, Michiel, Plot 13a, Zandfontein. 6/ /9/88, Transvaalse Provinsiale. 6/11188, IOhOO, Pretoria. T1986/88-Duvenbage, Petrus Jacobus and Emily Hendrina Duvenhage, born Weller. 1st Respondent and adult male residing at 86 Koeberg Street, Witpoortjie, Roodepoort. The 1st Respondent is married to the 2nd Respondent in community of property. 30/8/88-20/9/88, Witwatersrand Local. 16/11/88, 09hOO, Roodepoort. T1874/88-De Jager, Christiaan Lodewikus, van die plaas Sterkstroom, Ventersdorp. 3018/ , Transvaalse Provinsiale. 16/11/88, IOhOO, Ventersdorp. T3585/87-Magnum Meat Products (Pty) Ltd, with registered offices at Seventh Floor, Southern Life Building, 233 Pretorius Street, Pretoria. 15/ September 1988, Transvaalse Provinsiale , IOhOO, Pretoria. T2045/88-De Jager, Petrus Lafras en Elizabeth Johanna Hendrina de Jager. Die plaas Assen Beestekraal, distrik Brits. 2019/ /88, Transvaalse Provinsiale. 22/11/88, lohoo, Brits. T Van Nlekerk, Evert Philie, Cas Maartensstraat 58, Sonlandpark, Vereeniging. 619/88-4/10/88, Transvaalse Provinsiale. 18/11188, IOhOO, Vereeniging. TI884/88-Van der Merwe, Johannes Petrus, Gerrit Maritzstraat 13, Vanderbijlpark. 30/8/88-27/9/88, Transvaalse Provinsiale. 17/11/88, IOhOO, Vanderbijlpark. T1994/88-McMean, David Preston, an adult unmarried male residig at 14 Aquarius Street, Morehill Extension, Benoni. 30 August September November 1988, lohoo, Benoni. T1864/88-Jordaan, Christiaan Cornelius, Haystraat 250, Brooklyn, Pretoria. 30 Augustus September 1988, Transvaalse Provinsiale. 16 November 1988, IOhOO, Pretoria.. T1885/88-Malan, Ramon, Trouwstraat 88, Capital Park, Pretoria. 30/8/ /88, Transvaalse Provinsiale , WhOO, Pretoria. T2046/88-Lipplatt, Graham Quintin. Zebrastraat 13, Faunapark, Pietersburg. 20/9/ , Transvaalse Provinsiale. 18/11188, O9hOO, Pietersburg. T1244/88-Peens, Jacob Francois, Riverstraat 67, Christiana. Finale bevel 26 Julie 1988, Transvaalse Provinsiale /8S, 09hOO, Christiana. T1785/88-Storm, Theodorus Lambertus en Johanna Maria Storm, gebore Barwise. Old Mutualwoonstelle 7, Voortrekkerweg. Potgietersrus , Transvaalse Provinsiale. 17/11188, IOhOO. Potgietersrus. Reliant Auto Security Systems (Pty) Ltd, having its registered office at 10 Joubert Street, Johannesburg. Final order IS/10/88, Witwatersrand Local /88, 09hOO, Johannesburg. TI ASR 3-Empringam, Pieter, Canarylaan 19, Safari Tuine, Rustenburg. 13/9/ /88, Transvaalse Provinsiale /88, 08h30, Rustenburg. T Bestweld (Pty) Ltd, having its registered office at the Fourth Floor, Standard General House, 12 Harrison Street, Johannesburg. Final order 4/ Witwatersrand Local. 17/11/88, 09hOO, Johannesburg.. Tl907/88-Sullivan's Sports House (Pty) Ltd, having its principal place of business at 14th Street, Springs , Witwatersrand Local , IOhOO. Springs.

164 164 No GOVERNMENT GAZETIE, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 T1990/88-Francis, Abdool Cadder, 10 Igbal Street, Manzil Park, KlerksdOIp. 13/9/88-1lI10/88, Transvaal Provincial , IOhOO, KJerksdorp. T2028/88-Van der Westbuizen, Hennanus Quintin, 246 Schreuder Avenue, Groenkloof, Pretoria lI10/88, Transvaal Provincial , loboo. T1579/88-Wondergem, Hennan, Doornbult, Licbtenburg. 26 Julie September 1988, Transvaalse Provinsiale. 14/11188, 09hOO, Lichtenburg. T1839/88-Britz, Christoffel Gethardus, Franjipanelaan 1, Glen Marais-uitbreiding 3, Kempton Park. 23 Augustus Oktober 1988, Transvaalse Provinsiale. 16/11/88, 09hli>O, Kempton Park. T1869/88/ASR 3-Pienaar, Andlties Jacobus, 'n volwasse blanke sakeman wat buite gemeenskap van goedere getroud is, woonagtig te 22ste Straat 25, Pageview, Johannesburg. 26 Julie Augustus 1988, Witwatersrandse Plaaslike. 17 November 1988, 09hOO, Johannesburg. T1649/88/ASR 3-Mare, Eric William, Margeretstraat 10, Witbank. Finale bevel 30 Augustus 1988, Transvaalse Provinsiale. 18 November 1988, lohoo, Witbank. T1659/88-Multigain (Edms.) Bpk., Trust Bankgebou, h/v Jeppe- en Kotzestraat, Johannesburg. 3 Augustus September 1988, Transvaalse Provinsiale , 09hlXl, Johannesburg. T Vlsagle, Johannes Albenus, Lanhamstraat 131, Eastlynne. 30 Augustus ktober 1988, Transvaalse Provinsiale. 18 November 1988, IOhOO, Pretoria. T699/88--Grobler, Sarah Janett" Debora, die plaas Kliperland, Bronkhorstspruit. 22 Maar! Oktober 1988, Transvaalse Provinsiale. 17 November 1988, IOhOO, BronkhorstspllUit. T1989/88-Engelbrecht, Schalk Willem Johan, 15de Laan 430, Rietfontein, Pretoria. 13/9/88-4/10/88, Transvaalse Provinsiale. 18/11188, IOhOO, Pretoria. NI30/88-Randeree, Farida, 99 Devon Terrace, Westville, 10 May June 1988, Durban and Coast Local. 15 November 1988, 09hOO, Durban. C376/8s...-:.De Klerk, Anne-Marie, woonagtig te Joe Mavrawoonstelle 10, Langstraat, Riversdal. 12 Augustus September 1988, Kaap die Goeie Hoop Provinsiaie. 18 November 1988, O9hOO, Riversdal. C380/88-Heyns, Philip Voonman, residing at 1 Bree Street, Somerset-West. 16/8/88-30/9/88, Cape of Good Hope Provincial Division. 17 November 1988, 09hOO, Somerset-West. C388/88-Berry, John Joseph, woonagtig te hoek van A J Wonhstraat en Dagbreekstraat, Loeriepark, George. 24/8/88-29/9/88, Kaap die Goeie Hoop Provinsiale. 18/11188, 09hOO, Glwrge. C459/88-Smal, Johannes Jacobus, Bergroosstraat I, Fairy Glen, Worcester, 16/8/88-27/9/88, Kaap die Goeie Hoop Provinsiale. 17/11/88, lohoo, Worcester. N Venketroyalu, Neelarnma, II Samsunder Road, Isipingo Rail. 13/6/88-6/10/88, Durban and Coast Local , 09hOO, Durban. C402/88-Pople, Frank, woonagtig te Klipkersstraat 8, Proteavallei, Bellville. 26/8/88-22/9/88, Kaap die Goeie Hoop Provinsiale. 15 November 1988, IIhOO, Bellville. C393/88-Eden Investments (Ply) Ltd, registered address at 1000 Picbel Parkade, Strand Street, Cape Town. 24/8188-5/10188, Cape of Good Hope Provincial. 15/11/88, 09hOO, Cafe Town. C403/88-Wool Knit & Linen Centre, registered address at 245 Voonrekker Road, Vasco. 26/8/ , Cape of Good Hope Provincial , 09hOO, Goodwood. B266/88-Kotze, Josef Emanuel, woonagtig te Pastoriestraat 56, Bultfontein. 22/9/88-13/10/88, Oranje-Vrystaatse Provinsiale. 15/11188, lohoo, Bultfontein. N256/88-Raven Investments (Pty) Ltd, Suite 108,518 Church Street, Pietennaritzburg. 25/8/88-11/10/88, Natal Provincial Division. 18/11188, lohoo, Pietennaritzburg. N305/88-Strydom, Cornelis Johannes van Eyssen, 505 Windermere Road, Durban /88, Durban and Coast Local lI88, 09hOO, Durban. T1769/88-Concorde Spares Bit, in likwidasie. Finale bevel: 16 Augustus 1988, Transvaalse Provinsiale. 25 November 1988, 09hOO, Nelspruit. K56/88--0osthuizen, Willem lras, 'n volwasse boer, woonagtig te Hanbeesweg 21, Vryburg. 23/9/ /8.8. Noord-Kaapse. 14/11/88, 09hOO, Vryburg. K57/88-Vlok, Calvyn, woonagliig te Kerkstraat 57, Victoria-Wes /10/88, Noord-Kaapse. 15/11/88, 14hOO, Victoria-Wes. K58/88-Barkhulzen, Simon Uendrik, Jnr., woonagtig Ie die plaas 27a2, Bull Hill, distrik Warrenton, 29/ , Noord-Kaapse J/88, IOhOO, Warrenton. K59/88-Barkhuizen, Simon Hiendrik Barkhuizen, Snr., woonagtig op die plaas 27c5, Bull Hill, distrik Warrenton. 29/9/88-21/10/88, Noord Kaapse. 17/1l188. lohoo, Warrenton. T1756/88-SUky Waters Farm CC. 16/8/ Trdnsvaal Provincial. 30/1ll a.m., Rustenburg. FormIVorm 1 APPOINTMENT OF TRUSTEES AND LIQUIDATORS AND PROOF OF CLAIMS IN SEQUESTRATED ESTATES OR COMPANIES BEING WOUND UP Pursuant to sections 40 (3), 56 (3) and 77 of the Insolvency Act, 1936, sections 129, 179 and 182 of the Companies Act, 1926, and sections 339, 366, 375 (5) (b) and 402 of the Companies Act, 1973, notice is hereby given that the persons mentioned below have been appointed trustees or liquidators, as the case may be, and that the persons indebted to the estates or companies are required to pay their debts to them forthwith unless otherwise indicated. Meetings of creditors or contributories of the said estates or companies will be held on the dates and at the times and places mentioned below, for proof of claims against the estates or companies, for the purpose of receiving the trustees' or liquidators' reports as to the ;liffairs and con~itions of the estates or companies and for giving the trustees or liquidators directions concerning the sale or recovery of any parts of the estates or assets of the companies or concerning any matter relating to the administration thereof. The particulars are given in the following order: Number of estate/company; name and description of estate/company; name and addre~ ;.. of trustee or liquidator and date, hour and place of meeting and period within which debt must be paid, if this is not to be delle forthwith. Meetings in a place in which there is a Master's Office, will be held before the Master; elsewhere they will be held before the Magistrate.

165 STAATSKOERANf, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No AANSTELLING VAN KURATORS EN LIKWIDATEURS EN BEWYS VAN VORDERINGS IN GESEKWESTREERDE BOEDELS OF MAATSKAPPYE IN LIKWIDASIE Ingevolge artikeis 40 (3), 56 (3) en 77 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikels 129, 179 en 182 van die Maatskappywet, 1926, en artikels 339, 366, 375 (5) (b) en 402 van die Maatskappywet, 1973, word hierby kennis gegee dat die persone hieronder venneld as kurators of Iikwidateurs aangestel is, na gelang van die gevai, en dat persone wat enigiets aan die boedels of maatskappye verskuldig is die skuide, tensy anders venneld, onmiddellik by genoemde kurators of Iikwidateurs moet betaal. Byeenkomste van skuldeisers ofkontribuante van genoemde boedels of maatskappye sal gehou word op die datums, ure en plekke hieronder venneld vir die bewys van vorderings teen die boedels of maatskappye, vir die ontvangs van die verslae van die kurators of likwidateurs oor die sake en toestand van die boedels of maatskappye, en om opdragte aan die kurators of likwidateurs uit te reik betreffende die verkoop of opvordering van gedeeltes van die boedels of bates van die maatskappye of betreffende aangeleenthede rakende die beheer daarvan. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van boedevmaatskappy; naam en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy; naam en adres van kurator of likwidateur, en datum, uur en plek van byeenkoms en tydperk waarin skuld betaal moet word, indien dit nie onmiddellik moet geskied nie. In 'n plek waarin 'n kantoor van 'n Meester is, word die byeenkoms voor die Meester en op ander plekke voor die Landdros gehou. T Pretorius, Christiaan Esias, [d. No ; J. N. Bekker and P. Fourie, for Nicolaas Bekker Trustees. Posbus 8550, Pretoria, I Desember 1988, IOhoo, Potgietersrus. T367!88-Tessa Neil Dream Nails BK, in likwidasie; J. N. Bekker vir Nico1aas Bekker Trustees, Posbus 8550, Pretoria, Desember 1988, IOhOO, Pretoria. T Mouton. John Brain, [d. No J. N. Bekker, vir Nicolaas Bekker Trustees, Posbus 8550, Pretoria, November 1988, IOhoo, Pretoria. T907/88-Fourie, J. N. c., [d. No ; Andrej. Hessels, Posbus 3127, Pretoria. 25 November 1988, IOhoo, Naboomspruil. Tl022/88-&shoff. S. H., [d. No ; J. H. van Blerk, Posbus 3127, Pretoria. 25 November 1988, 09hOO, Louis Trichardl. Tl De Lange, C. W. J., [d, No ; Andre Johan Hessels, Posbus 3127, Pretoria. 24 November 1988, 08h30, Groblersdal. Tl610!88-Van der Westhuizen, J. S., [d. No ; Andre Johan Hessels, Posbus 3127, Pretoria. 25 November 1988, 09hOO, Nylstroom. TI589/8S-Niemand, P. c., [d. No Jan H, van Blerk, Posbus 3127, Pretoria. 21 November 1988, IOhoo, Brits, T9J3!88-Van Aswegen, J" [d. No ; Andre Johan Hessels, vir Jan Christiaan Wilhelm Roelofse, Posbus 3127, Pretoria, 8 Desember 1988, IOhOO, Bronkhorstspruit. T679/88--Harnman, 0. W. J.; F. G. Gay, clo Felix Gay Trust (Pry) Ltd, P,O. Box , Excom, \ , 09hOO, Alberton, T 1118/88-Philbin, Mark; Mark David Cameron, clo Central Trust CC, P,O. Box 9655, Johannesburg, 2000, 231 lli88, 09hOO, Randburg. Tl409/88-Toso S.A. (Pty) Ltd; Mark David Cameron, clo Central Trust CC, P.O. Box 9655, Johannesburg, /88, IOhOO, Pretoria. Tl826/88-Main Street Buildings (Pty) Ltd; Joseph Fine, 601 Rand Central, 165 Jeppe Street, Johannesburg, TI920!88-Isipingo Carpets (Pty) Ltd; Graham Vincent Copeland Richardson, P.O. Box 1331, Johannesburg, o'clock, II November 1988, Pim Goldby House, ;.!inth Floor. 2 Rissik Street, Johannesburg. Tl Venko Construction (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation; D. J. Jordaan, for Aiken & Peat Administrators (Pry) Ltd, P,O. Box 7400, Johannesburg, /88, 09hOO, Johannesburg. TI671/88--Van de Venter, Henry James; D. J. Jordaan, for Aiken & Peat Administrateurs (Edms,) Bpk., Posbus 7400, Johannesburg, /12/88, 10hoo, Warmbad. T Viljoen, Miemie; D, J. Jordaan, vir Aiken & Peat Administrateurs (Edms.) Bpk., Posbus 7400, Johannesburg, /12!88, IOhOO, Springs. C364/88--Suevon Investments (Pty) Ltd, in voluntry liquidation; 1. N. Moms, clo Arthur Anderson & Co" P.O. Box 2563, Cape Town. N444/87-Naidoo, Subbiah; Miss G. L. Wamcker, clo Metrust Ltd, Third Floor, Fedlife House, 320 Smith Street, Durban, November 1988, 09hoo, Durban. C380/88-Heyns, p, V., Id. No, ; D. M. Meaker and J. W. Engelbrecht, clo Metrust Ltd, P.O, Box 2476, Cape Town, I71 1I!88, 9.00a,m., Somerset West. T1427/88--ZevenhUIs Close Corporation, in liquidation; G. E. Taylor. Johannesburg Trust Co. (Pry) Ltd: P,O. Box 95177, Grant Park, , 09hoo, Johannesburg. CI95i88--Strauss, D. J,; L. von W. Bester, c/o Cape Trustees LId, P.O. Box 2276, Cape Town /11/88,9 a,m" Somerset West. C89/88--Basson, Marius Augustinus, [d. No , date of birth 6 April 1957; Stephen Malcolm Gore, for Sanek Cape (Pry) Ltd, Ninth Floor. Greenmarket Place, 54 Shonmarket Street, Cape Town, November 1988, 10hoo, Van Rhynsdorp. B236/88-Kruger, Andreas; H. J. F. Steyn, Posbus 819, Bloemfontein. 16 November 1988, IOhOO, Bloemfontein, B en B Fourie, Willem Hermanus, en Anna Sophia Fourie; S. Tsangarakis, pia E. G. Cooper & Seuns, Posbus 27. Bloemfontein. 16 November 1988, 10hOO, Ficksburg. C303!88-Kritzinger, Jan Carel: D. J. Strauss, vir Malan Trust, Posbus 202, Joubertina, 6410, 16 November hoo, Joubertina. CI99/88-Lothar, Stubchen Herbert Kurt; D. J. Strauss, vir Malan Trust. Posbus 202, Joubertina, November 1988, 09hOO, Mosselbaai. T Satbel (Pty) Ltd, in vrywillige likwidasie; R. J. C. Gouws, Posbus Johannesburg, N283/88-Pinerose Investments (Pty) Ltd, in members' voluntary liquidation; J. G. Brown, c/o Deloitte Haskins & Sells, P.O. Box J453, Durban, B D & M Landboudienste BK, in likwidasie, handeldrywende as Kamehelo Kontantwinkel, te Bultfontein; S. W. de Wet, pia Naudes, Posbus 153, Bloemfontein. 22 November 1988, JOhOO, Bultfontein C306/88-Terblanche, Willem Hendrik, date of birth 21/5/49, rd. No ; M. H. Ricciardi, clo Cape Trustees Ltd, 2 Long Street, Cape Town, /11/88, IOhOO, Mossel Bay. C312/88-Prins, Daniel Jakobus Gerhardus, en Alfreda Prins; M. H. Ricciardi, clo Cape Trustees Ltd, 2 Long Street. Cape Town, 800 l. 23.'11/88, IOhOO, Piketberg. C319i88-Koopman, Gert Lodewik, of7 Melrose Street, Ravensmead, date of birth 18/9/50, Id, No M. H. Ricciardi. clo Cape Trustees Ltd. 2 Long Street, Cape Town, 800 I /88, 11 hoo, Bellville, B Nieuwenhuizen. Hendrik Johannes, Id. No, , 'n boer van die plaas Klein Vaalbank, Pelrusburg; Chari Jacob Venter, Posbus 153, Bloemfontein. 10 ;.!ovember 1988, 10hoo, Petrusburg. C276/88-F'ire & Safety Equipment Services (Pty) Ltd. in liquidation: S, Gutman, for Group Administrators & Trustees (Pry) Ltd, P.O. Box 4961, Cape Town, 23/11i88, 9.00 a,m., Goodwood.

166 166 No GOVERNMENT GAZETIE, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 CI73188-Paleker, Mahmood Mia, Ismail, Id. No ; J. C. Crook, for Syfrets Trust Ltd, 140 St George's Street, Cape Town. 17 November 1988, 09hOO, Wynberg. C85188-A1exander, David Arthur: A. M. Rennie, for Syfrets Trust Ltd, 140 St George's Street, Cape Town. 23 November 1988, 09hOO, Kuils River. Tl Aquarius Catering ce, in liquidation; Mervyn 1. Swartz, clo Rand Board of Trustees, P.O. Box 308, Johannesburg, November 1988,9.00 a.m., Johannesbur$. T664/88-Compufax omee Servites (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation; George Levenderis, for Levenderis Trust, P.O. Box 1335, Randburg, November 1988,09.00 a.m., Johannesburg. Tl568/88-A11ka Investments (PtY') Ltd, in liquidation; George Levenderis, for Levenderis Trust, P.O. Box 1335, Randburg, November 1988, a.m., Vereeniging. Tl354/88--0Uvier, Martin Hendrikus, en Dianne Lynne Olivier; George Levenderis. vir Levenderis Trust, P.O. Box 1335, Randburg, November 1988, a.m., Johanne$burg. T345/88-Mnizi, Solomon; Matthew Klein, pia Klein-Slot Trustees, Posbus 5437, Pretoria, /11188, lohoo, Witbank. '. Tl960/88-H B I Valves (Natal) (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation; P. W. M. Reynolds, clo Arthur Young Trust and Management Company (Pry) Ltd, Third Floor, North Park, 20 Girton Road, Parktown, Johannesburg. 24/11188, 09hOO, Johannesburg. Tl Van Butel Elendomme(Pty) Ltd; J. L. C. Fourie, for Arthur Young Trust and Management Co. (Pry) Ltd, Third Floor, North Park, 20 Girton Road, Parktown , 10hOO, Potchefstroom. Tl428/88-A1tra Distributors CC; M. Bryden and P. Reynolds, tor Arthur Young Trust and Management Co. (Pry) Ltd, Third Floor, North Park. 20 Girton Road, Parktown. 18/11188, 101:\00, Germiston. T Brink, Willem Dawid;.f. R. Galloway, Posbus 16185, Doornfontein. 24/11188, 09hOO, Johannesburg. Tl309/88-Hammer, Jacobus; Verne Anthony van Diggelen, for Limvaal Trustees, P.O. Box 3548, Pretoria, November 1988,9.30 a.m., Lydenburg. Tl Tee, Herbert Eyner; Verne Anthony van Diggeien, for Limvaal Trustees, P.O. Box 3548, Pretoria, November 1988, 8.00 a.m., White River. T Krynauw, Berend Jakol:lus; Verne Anthony van Diggelen, for Limvaal Trustees, P.O. Box 3548, Pretoria, November a.m., Rustenburg. Tl Fourie, C. L.; L. Klopper, Posbus 1990, Pretoria. 25 November 1988, 09hOO, Standerton. Tl653/88-Fourie. C. J.; L. Klopper, Posbus 1990, Pretoria. 25 November 1988, 09hOO, Standerton. TI643/88-Fourie Boerdery BK; L.. Klopperen G. F. Wessels, Posbus 1990, Pretoria. 25 November 1988, 09hOO, Standerton. Tl Nel, J. C.; L. Klopperen A. V. Hamman, Posbus 1990, Pretoria. 23 November 1988, lohoo, Ventersdorp. Tl Dreyer, W. A.; T. C. Muller, Posbus 1990, Pretoria. 18 November 1988, 08h30, De1areyville. B Murley, Venessa Marga:ret; S. Tsangarakis, ~/a E. G. Cooper & Seuns, Posbus 27, Bloemfontein , IOhOO, Welkom. BI51188-Murley, Llewellyn Colltiridge; S. Tsangarakis, pia E. G. Cooper & Seuns, Posbus 27, Bloemfontein. 16/11188, 10hOO, Welkom. T2699/87-Ehrke, D.; C. G. Foot,c/o MetrustLtd, P.O. Box 32225, Braamfontein, l hOO, Johannesburg. T5164/88-lrtdustrial Components (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation; A. H. Gunn, clo Metrust Ltd, P.O. Box 32225, Braamfontein, !1!I88, 09hOO, Johannesburg. T959/88-Smith, Paul Jacobus, voorheen handeldrywende as Delila's Escourts; A. V. Hamman, Posbus 13948, Sinoville, November 1988, lohoo. Pretoria. N298/88-Stonegate (Pty) Ltd, in pjembers' voluntary liquidation; Eric John Brown, P.O. Box 4779, Durban, Tl424/88-Kleynhans, D. V.; H.Zinman, P.O. Box 2186, Johannesburg, /11188, 09hOO, Johannesburg. Tl Marais, Sarel Johannes; A. V. Hamman, Posbus Sinoville November 1988, lohoo. Pretoria. T Jordaan, Hendrik Petrus. en Johanna Jordaan; A. V. Hamman. Posbus Sinoville, November 1988, 14hOO, Morgenson. Tl Boshoff, Daniel Petrus;:A. V. Hamman, Posbus 13948, Sinoville November 1988, 09hOO, Roodepoort. Tl Skyward Hydraulics & Engineering (Edms.) Bpk., in likwidasie; H. J. T. Eloff. 23 November 1988, lohoo, Middelburg. T Anol Distribueerders ~Edms.) Bpk.; R. J. C. Gouws, Posbus Johannesburg, T2075/88-Main & MarshaH Properties (Edms.) Bpk.; R. J. C. Gouws, Posbus 9481, Johannesburg, T Monati Food Producl1 (Pty) Ltd; R. J. C. Gouws, Posbus 9481, Johannesburg, Tl738/88-Biackbusb Farms (Edms.) Bpk., in likwidasie; Paul Daneel Kruger. vir Cape Trustees Bpk., Derde Verdieping, Burlington Huis, Kerkstraat 233, Pretoria, /11188, IOhOO, Pretoria. TlI67/88-Storm, Marthinus Gemardus, woonagtig te Ludorfstraat 54, Warmbad. 0480; Johannes Zacharias Human Muller, vir Cape Trustees Bpk., Derde Verdieping, Burlington Huis, Kerkstraat 233, Pretoria, , IOhOO, Warmbad. T949/88-Ludeke, Wynand Chris.iaan Johannes, woonagtig te Vinkstraat 130, Kwaggasrand, Pretoria, 0183; James Henry van Rensburg, vir Cape Trustees Bpk., Derde Verdieping, Burlington Huis, Kerkstraat 233, Pretoria, /88, iohoo, Pretoria. Nl70/88-Interlex (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation; J A. Bruce, c/o Metrost Ltd, Third Floor. Fedlife House, 320 Smith Street, Durban, November 1988, 09hOO, Durban. T Els, Johannes Louis; W. Hogewind, Posbus 70866, Die Wilgers, /11188, 09hOO, Standerton. FormNorm2 MEETING OF CREDITORS IN SEQUESTRATED ESTATES OR COMPANIES BEING WOUND UP Pursuant to sections 41 and 42 of the Insolvency Act, 1936, sections 179 and 182 of the Companies Act, 1926, and sections 339 and 366 of the Companies Act, 1973, notice is hereby given that a meeting of creditors will be held in the sequestrated estates or companies being wound up mentioned below, indicating the number of estate/company; the name and description of estate/company; the date, hour and place of meeting and the purposes of meeting. Meetings in a place in which there is a Master's Office, will be held before the Master; elsewhere they will be held before the Magistrate. BYEENKOMS VAN SKULDEISERS IN GESEKWESTREERDE BOEDELS OF MAATSKAPPYE IN LIKWIDASIE Ingevolge artikels 41 en 42 van die lnsolvensiewet, 1936, artikels 179 en 182 van die Maatskappywet, 1926, en artikels 339 en 366 van die Maatskappywet, 1973, word hierby kennis gegee dat 'n byeenkoms van skuldeisers in die gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie hieronder vermeld, gehou sal word met aanduiding van die nommer van boedellmaatskappy; die naam en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy; die datum, uur en plek van byeenkoms en die doel van byeenkoms. In 'n plek waarin 'n kant4;)()r van 'n Meester is, word die byeenkoms voor die Meester en in ander plelcke voor die Landdros gehou.

167 STMTSKOERANT, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No E46188-Byerley, William John. 23 November 1988, Barkly-Oos. Om eise te bewys en kuratorsverslag te ontvang. T445/88--Goodwin, Michael Graham Digby. 9 November 1988, IOhOO, Pretoria. Bewys van verdere eise. Tl515/87-De Klerk, Jacob Coenraad, Id. No November 1988, IOhOO, Pretoria. Bewys van verdere eise. T2499/87-Greeff, Jan Paul, Id. No November IOhOO. Pretoria. Bewys van verdere eise. Tl Brink, W. C. J., Id. No November 1988,10:00, Pretoria. Bewys vaneise. T886/87-Milton, R. G. 10 November 1988,08:30. Groblersdal. Bewys van eise. T790/86---Kruger, W. H., Id. No November :00, Middelburg. Bewys van eise. T3994/86---Breedt, J. 17 November 1988,08:30, Groblersdal. Bewys van eise. T Van der Merwe, P. G., Id. No November 1988,09:00, Standerton. Bewys van eise. T4595/86---Du Plessis, P. 1., Id. No November 1988, 09:00, Barberton. Bewys van eise. T M T G Engineering Co. (Pty) Ltd, in li9.uidation. 24 November 1988, 09hOO, Johannesburg. Further proof of claims. Tl644/86---Tbe GuUan Organisation (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. 22 November 1988, 09hOO, Johannesburg. Further proof of claims. C115/88-Leon Britz Konstruksie (Edms.) Bpk., in liquidation. 18 November hOO. George. Proving ofclaims. T2749/87-Omnibus Transport Group Hold!n s (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. 24/11188, O9hOO, Johannesburg. Further proof of claims. Tl331/87-Lupini Concrete Products (Pt n liquidation. 22/ hOO, Johannesburg. Further proof of dauns. 130/87-Klppie, Y. 17fII/88,09hOO, of of claims. TlI53/88-Marais, Elbert. 25 Nove wys van eise. T264/88-McFariane, J. C. en H. A. McFarlane. 9 November 1988, IOhOO, Middelburg. Bewys van eise. N Lind, R. S. II November a.m. Pieterrnaritzburg. Proof of claims. El9/88-Braubold BK. 16/11/88, IOhOO, Humansdorp. Bewys van eise. C703/87-Nel, J. J. M. 16/11188, 9.00 a.m. Kuilsriver. Further proof of claims. E40/87-Jansen, John Andrew, resident at Krossen, Noupoort and who conducted business as Vredestraat Cash Store, Noupoort and as a building contractor /88. lohoc, Noupoort. Further proof of claims. N Custom Carpet Centre (Pty) Ltd, 15 November 1988, 09hOO, Durban. Further proof of claims. BI06/88-Van der Berg, F. J. 16 November 1988, IOhOO, Bloemfontein. Omeise te bewys. B379f87--Sehnetler, Ruben. 15 November 1988, LOhOO, Bothaville. Bewys van verdere eise. C268/87/4A-Du Toit, P. G. 18 November 1988, 09hOO, George. Proving ofc1aim. CI57f88-Bartholomeus,Oosthuizen. 18 November 1988, IOhOO, Riversdal. Omeise te bewys. KI03/87-Venter, Petrus Jacobus. 18 November 1988, llhoo, Prieska. Bewys van eise. C56/88-Basson, Pieter Louis. 30/11/88, 09hOO, Malmesbury. Bewys van eise. C249/87-KUian, Albert Contrad. 24/11188, IOhOO, Worcester. Bewys van eise. C194/87-DunJin Plumbing & Drainage Contractors (Pty) Ltd, in voluntary liquidation /88, 9.00 a.m., Cape Town. Proof of claims. C158f88-Arbl Agencies (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation, Reg. No. 73/ !l1f a.m., Cape Town. Proof of claims. CI66/88-Nebulonl, Giacomo , a.m., Bellville. Proof of claims. C96/88-Basson Broers. 18 November 1988, IOhOO, Van Rhynsdorp. Proof of claims. C86/88-Basson, J. J. 18 November 1988, lohoo, V '. Proof of claims. C665/87-Goodrnan, Lionel. 16 November 1 Proof oflate claim. C Grlesel, Christiaan Jacobus. 15 November 1988, 09h ape Town. Further proofofclaim. C605/87-Swart, Stefanus Jacobus Botha. 18 November 1988, 09hOO. Cape Town. Further proof ofclaim. E87/87-Van Zyl, Hester Catharina, who traded as Decor Centre at Checkers Centre, King William's Town. 15 November 1988, 10 a.m., King William's Town. Further proof of claims. E441/86---Marais, Francois, who resided at 13 Allenby Road, SelOOme and traded as Agri-Air. 18 November 1988, 10 a.m. East London. Further proof of claims. B980/86---Van den Berg, H. C. 18 November 1988, IOhOO, Pretoria. Bewys van verdere eise. T2632/87-Van Zuydam, Dennis Anthony, 23 November 1988, a.m., K1erksdorp. Further and final proof of claims. T2980/87-F1ynn, Thomas Henry, voorheen handeldrywende as Demolishers and Excavators. II November 1988, 10hOO, Pretoria. Bewys van eise. C768/87-Fea Electro (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. 18 November 1988, 09hOO. Cape Town. Prove ofclaims. C770/87-Autornatic Switch Panel (Pty) Lt, in liquidation. 18 November 1988, 09hOO, Cape Town. Prove of claims. T Baruard, P. J. 18 November 1988, 09hOO, Nylstroom. Bewys vaneise. T2956f87-Rand Communications (Edms) Bpk., in likwidasie. 24/11188, 09hOO, Johannesburg. Verdere bewys van eise. T4350/86---Hurnan, H. J. 16 November 1988, 09hOO, Randburg. Bewys vaneise. T4623/86---Jacobs, H. J. J. 17 November 1988, 10hOO, Potgietersrus. Bewys vaneise. T3424/87-Buitendag, J. J. L. 18 November 1988, IOhOO, Thabazimbi. Bewys van eise. Tl556f87-Renvic (Edms.) Bpk., in Likwidasie. 16 November 1988, IOhOO, Pretoria. Bewys van eise. N79118S--DeKok, J. A. 14 November 1988, 09hOO, Vryheid. Bewys van eise. T2698/87-Alform Aluminium BK, in likwidasie. 11 November 1988, 10hOO, Pretoria. 1) Bewys van eise. 2) Ondervraging. T274/88-Evans, Glynn Stewart. 17 November 1988, 09hOO. Johannesburg. Further proof of claims. Tl486/86---Wales, Patricia Kate. 24 November 1988, 09hOO, Johannesburg. Further proof of claims. Tl540/87-Pine Sales (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. 23 November 1988, 09hOO, Roodepoort. Further proof of claims, T2508/87-MJ Sbalala Properties (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. 25 November 1988, 09h30, Krugersdorp, Further proof ofclaims. T Futura Chemicals (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation /88,9 a.m., Randburg. Further proof ofclaims. T3949f86---Rosentbal, Kenneth Joseph. 22 November 1988, 09hOO, Johannesburg. For the adoption of further resolutions: INSOLVENT EST ATE KENNETH JOSEPH ROSENTHAL MASTER'S REFERENCE NUMBER T3949i86 RESOLUTIONS TO BE SUBMlTIED FOR ADOPTION AT A GENERAL MEETING OF CREDITORS OF THE ESTATE PURSUANT TO SEC TION 41 OF THE INSOLVENT ACT, No. 24 OF AS AMENDED. TO BE HELD BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE, JOHANNESBURG ON 22 NOVEMBER 1988 AT09hOO I. That the Trustee is authorised to enter into a settlement agreement with Victoria Rosenthal as follows: 1.1 That Victoria Rosenthal shall pay the equivalent in South African currency as at the date of payment of $20 000,00 (twenty thousand U.S. Dollars) to the Trustee in full and final settlement of all claims which the Trustee may have or to which the Trustee may become entitled for the setting aside by the Court as improper dispositions of one or more of the payments to Victoria Rosenthal referred to hereunder or any portion of such payments on or about 13/ ,...,... $15000,00 on or about 20/03/ $25000,00 onoraoout08/ ,...,... $17500,00 on or about 12/ ,...'...,..,..."... $ 1071,04 $58571, any other payments which may at any time have been made to Victoria Rosenthal from accounts in the name of the Insolvent or his spouse, or both with the following banks or institutions National Westminister Bank, London; Fidelity Investment Bank, Boston; Alliance Building Society;

168 168 No GOVERNMENTGAZETIE, 4 NOVEMBER Bank of Boston; Bowry Savings Dank; American Expre$s (Zurich); South Carolina National Bank; First National Bilink of Boston; or for the recovelly of any monies allegedly alienated under such dispositions or any of them. 2. That the agreement be subject to the suspensive condition that this Resolution be approved at a General Meeting of Creditors in the Insolvent's estate to be held within 60 (sixty) days from the date of signature of such settlement agreement, and if not so approved it shall be deemed to be of no force or effect.. 3. Th~t the. payment of $20 ooo,jilo (twenty thousand U.S. Dollars) referred to 1 made within. 14 (fourteen) days after receipt of written nottce by V lctona Rosenthal from the Trustee that the agreement has been approved by a Meetmg ofcreditors mthe Insolvent's estate as set forth in That the settlement be made by Victoria Rosenthal without any admission of liability and solely for the purpose of avoiding litigation and for the sake of peace. T3053/87-Beaumont, Desmond Gilmore, born on 25/ ,9 a.m., Roodepoort. Further proof of claims. T2722/87-,-Mathews Pienaar & Kirsten OntwikkeJings (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. 22 November 1988, 09hOO, Johannesburg. a) Proof of claims. b) To pass the following resolution: TiJtt the Liquidator is hereby authorised to effect transfer of 12 Sectional Titles in Karena Place to the Allied Building Society, who has purchased the 12 unils on an auction sale held prior to the second meeting of creditors on 16 March 1988, with the consent of the Master of the Supreme Court. T4573/86-Modclass (Edms.) BlPk. 11 November 1988, 10hOO. Pretoria. Bewys van eise. T Berrange, W. C. J. 11 November 1988, IOhOO, Pretoria. Bewys vaneise. T1835/87-D~er, L November 1988, 10hOO, Pretoria. Bewys vaneise. T Sahlc Wholesalers (Pty) Ltd, trading as Safic Cash and Carry, in liquidation. 17 November 1988, 9.00 a. m. Johannesburg. Further proof of claims. T2218/87-Muller, J. M. A., trading as Fiesta Tuindienste. 16 November 1988, IOhOO. Potchefstroom. Further proof of claims. T Pioneer Wholesale Cash and Carry CC. 17 November 1988, 09hOO. Johannesburg. Further proof of claims. To adopt the following resolution: "That the Liquidator be and is hereby authorised and granted special power to use his sole discretion in the application of the provisions of Section 78 sub section 1,2 and 3 of A!Ct 24 of 1936, as amended in so far as it concerns creditor's rights to compromise any debtor's account or to settle and admit any creditor's unliquidated claim against the estate. All the Liquidator'S actions in this regard no matter of whatever nature are hereby approved and confmned in advance. B & M Stores (Pty) Lt." in liquidation. 16 November 1988, 09h30, Kroonstad. To prove further claims. T3475/86-Ngcohondwane, T. ~;f. (Walter), trading as Lerato Hotel, Lerato Butchery, Lerato Bonlestore. Lerato Supermarket and Choose Me I and 2 Nightclubs. 23 November 1988, ~9hOO, Kempton Park. Further proof of claims. N395/87-Bormann, E. E. V. 151\ 1188, 09hOO, Durban. Special meetin~ for the proof of claims. T556/87-Spence, John George. 16 November 1988, a.m., Benom. Proof of claims. T1016/87-Van Loggerenberg, I~hilippus Arnold. 16 November 1988, 9.00 a.m., Kempton Park. Proof of claims. NI59/87-Francis, David Geoffl">~y. 22 November 1988, 09hOO. Durban. Special meeting for tbe proof of claims. C Du Toit, Abraham van Santen. 16 November 1988, 09hOO, Porterville. Proof of claims. T Ackerman. Thomas Andries Jakobus. 17/ hOO, Boksburg. Bewys van eise en hou van 'n ondervraging. T1140/88-Horn, Magdalena SOI'hia IOhOO, PrelOria-Noord. Bewys van eise. T2766I86-B. K. McGuigan Construction & Pipelines (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. 24 November 1988, 09hOO, Johannesburg. Further proof of claims. T820/88-Robert.'i, Arthur Christopher. 24 November 1988, 09hOO, Johannesburg. Further proof of claims. T665/88-Beresford, Charles Actoyd. 18 November h30. Germiston. Further proof of claims. CI27/88-Dinnies Ladismith (PtIY) Ltd, in liquidation. 25 November 1988, IOhOO, Ladismith. Proof of claims. T Screenlltho (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. 15 November 1988,9.00 a.m. Johannesburg. Proof of claims. T970/87-Pienaar, Ronald James. 16 November a.m. Roodepoort. Proof of claims. T1905/87-Treeby, Marlon Victor l/88, lohoo, MSC, Pretoria. Bewys vaneise. T4142/85-Sergakis, Costas. 24 November 1988, IOhOO, Boksburg. Interrogation of insolvent. T Livanos Bros. Electrlca1 Wholesalers (Pty) Ltd, trading as Intervolt. 17/11/88, 09hOO, Johannesburg. Further proof of claims. T405/87-Piet RetiefTuning Centre (Pty) Ltd. 14/ IOnOO, Piet Retief. To prove late claim. N Thomas Constructioni (Tvl) (Ply) Ltd , IOhOO. Durban. Further proof ofclaim. T82l/88-Junker, K. W. 15 November 1988,9.00 a.m.. Johannesburg. Further proof of claims. T3089/87-Claassen, Jacob Johannes. 21 November 1988,9.30 a.m. Lydenburg. Proof of claims. T 1072/88-Laborandi Konstruksie (Edms.) Bpk., in liquidation. 18 November 1988, 9.00 a. m., Ne lspruit. Proof of claims. T195/88-Kotze, J. J. enh. M. Kotze. 16 November 1988, IOhOO, Klerksdorp. Bewys vaneise. T97l/88-SJabbert, J. F. 16 November 1988, IOhOO, Klerksdorp. Bewys van eise. T31018s-Grove, S. P. 23 November 1988, 10hOO, Potchefstroom. Bewys van eise; vir die hou van ondervraging. T Brtnk, D. H. 25 November 1988, 08h30, Onosdal. Bewys vaneise. T3850/86-Snyman, J an Louis, rp November O9hOO. Koster. Proof of further claims. T2519/87-Coetzee, A. J. 23/11/88, a.m., Ventersdorp. Proof ofcjaims. T724/88-Daniels, R. J. 18/11/88, 09h30, Germiston. Further proof of claims. T Van Niekerk, J. A. 16/1l hOO, Roodepoort. Further proof of claims. T Petrides, E /88, IOhOO. Pretoria. Further proof ofclaims. T Janse van Vuuren, R. P. G. 18 November 1988, 09h30, Ermelo. Bewys van eise. T1248/87-H. A. Venter Bouers(Edms.) Bpk., in likwidasie. 17 November Ilh30, Boksburg. Bewys van eise. T51188-Deysel, P. I. L. 18 Noveimber 1988, 09hOO, Ellisras. Bewys van eise. T ,-Steyn, M. G. 16 November hOO, Rustenburg. Bewys vaneise. FormlVorm3 EXTENSION OF TIME WITmN WmCH TO LODGE LIQUIDATION ACCOUNTS AND PLANS OF DISTRIBUTION OR CONTRIBUTION IN SEQUESTRATED ESTATES OR COMPANIES BEING WOUND UP Pursuant to section 109 (1) of the Insolvency Act, 1936, and section 135 (1) (c) of the Companies Act, 1926, notice is hereby given that after the expiration of a period of 14 days as from the date of publication hereof, it is the intention of the trustees or liquidators, as the case may be, of the sequestrated estates or companies being wound up mentioned below, to apply to the respective Masters for an extension of time, as specified below, within which to lodge liquidation accounts and plans of distribution or contribution. The particulars are given in the following order: Number of estate/company; name and description of estate/company; name and date of ap\,:?intment of trustee or liquidator; date when account due; period of extension required and to which Master application will be made.

169 STAATSKOERANT,4 NOVEMBER 1988 No VERLENGING VAN TERMYN VIR INDIENING VAN LIKWIDASIE-, DISTRIBUSIE- OF KONTRIBUSIEREKENINGS IN GESEKWESTREERDE BOEDELS OF MAATSKAPPYE IN LIKWIDASIE Ingevolge artikel 109 (1) van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, en artikel135 (1) (c) van die Maatskappywet, 1926, word hierby kennis gegee dat kurators of likwidateurs van die gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie, na gelang van die geval, hieronder vermeld voomemens is om na afloop van 'n termyn van 14 dae vanaf die datum van publikasie hiervan, die betrokke Meesters om 'n verlenging van die termyne hieronder genoem, vir die indiening van likwidasie-, distribusie- of kontribusierekenings te versoek. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van boedeljmaatskappy; naam en beskrywing van boedeljmaatskappy; naam en datum van aanstelling van kurator of likwidateur; datum waarop rekening ingedien moet word; termyn van verlangde verlenging en by watter Meester aansoek gedoen sal word. E216/87-Nel, Joseph Benjamin. 28 December May 1989, six months, Grahamstown. FormlVorm4 LIQUIDATION ACCOUNTS AND PLANS OF DISTRIBUTION OR CONTRIBUTION IN SEQUESTRATED ESTATES OR COMPANIES BEING WOUND UP Pursuant to section 108 (2) of the Insolvency Act, 1936, section 136 (2) of the Companies Act, 1926, and section 406 (3) of the Companies Act, 1973, notice is hereby given that the liquidation account and plans of distribution or contribution in the estates or the companies mentioned below will lie open for inspection by creditors or contributories at the offices of the Masters and the Magistrates stated therein, for a period of 14 days, or for such a period as stated therein, from the date mentioned below or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later date. The particulars are given in the following order: Number of estate/company; name and description of estate/company; description of account; account for inspection at Master's and Magistrate's Office, date, period (iflonger than 14 days). LIKWIDASIE-, DISTRIBUSIE- OF KONTRIBUSIEREKENINGS IN GESEKWESTREERDE BOEDELS OF MAATSKAPPYE IN LIKWIDASIE Ingevolge artikel 108 (2) van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikel136 (2) van die Maatskappywet, 1926, en artikel406 (3) van die Maatskappywet, 1973, word hierby kennis gegee dat die likwidasie-, distribusie- of kontribusierekenings in die boedels of die maatskappye, na gelang van die geval hieronder vermeld, ter insae van skuldeisers ofkontribuante salle te nder vermeld, ter insae van skuldeisers of kontribuante salle te die kantore van die Meesters en Landdroste daarin genoem, gedurende 'n tydperk van 14 dae, of die tydperk wat daarin vermeld is, vanaf die datum hieronder vermeld of vanaf die datum van publikasie hiervan, watter datum ook al die laatste is. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van boedeljmaatskappy; naam en beskrywing van boedeljmaatskappy; beskrywing van rekening; rekening ter insae by Meester- en Landdroskantoor, datum, tydperk (indien langer as 14 dae). EI5/87-Laubscher, Johan WeIman. First Liquidation and Distribution. Grahamstown, Cradock. C452/87-Butler, David Charles Hugh. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie en Distribusie. Kaapstad, Bellville. E64/87-Te1etek CC, in liquidation, carrying on business as a retailer of appliances with principal place of business at 547 Main Street. Port Elizabeth, Alberton and Eastgate. Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Grahamstown, Port Elizabeth, Alberton, Johannesburg. K26/88-Jenkins, James Albert, Id. No , 'n bouer/messelaar, Eaglestraat 245, Pescodia, Kimberley. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie. Kimberley. K27/88-Kennie, Abdullah, Id. No , 'n bouer/messelaar, Aasvoelstraat 24, Pescodia, Kimberley. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie. Kimberley. N6/88-S. A. Hyatt (Ply) Ltd. First and Final. Pietermaritzburg, Durban. BI96n9-Kirsten, Willem Andreas Ferdinand, voorheen woonagtig te Proteaweg, Struisbaai, voorheen van die plaas Excelsior, Bothaville, voorheen van die Trust Bank, Finansieringsafdeling, Nelspruit, en tans van Witrivier. Twaalfde Aanvullende tot die Eerste en Finale Likwidasie en Distribusie. Bloemfontein, BothaviJIe. C554/86/4A-Van Niekerk, P. Second and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution. Cape Town, Laingsburg, 4/11/88. B585/85-Po\y Plas (Edms.) Bpk., in Hkwidasie, 'n maatskappy handelende as sodanig te Hamilton Industriele Gebied, Bloemfontein, met geregistreerde hoofkantoor te pia Warner & Newton, Krieketstraat, Bloemfontein. Aanvullende tot die Tweede en Finale Likwidasie en Distribusie. Bloemfontein. EI74/87-Fourie, Jan Andries, en Mariette Fourie, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie en Distribusie. Grahamstad, Colesberg. B529/87-Lowe, Frank John, tydens sekwestrasie woonagtig te Susaarstraat 44, Naudeville, Welkom. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie en Distribusie. Bloemfontein, Welkom. B332/86-Eduan Be\eggings (Edms.) Bpk., in likwidasie. Tweede en Finale Likwidasie en Distribusie. Bloemfontein, 4/1 Jl88. B534/87-Van Loggerenberg, A. 1. F. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie en Distribusie. Bloemfontein. B442/87-Grobbelaar, Peter. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie en Distribusie. Bloemfontein, Frankfort. C284/86-De Wet, E, B. Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Cape Town, Paarl, 4/1 li88. T4590/86-W & H Development ec, in liquidation. Second Liquidation and Distribution, Pretoria, Klerksdorp. B763/86-Botha, Francois Jacobus, werksaam te Kroonstad-Wes Kooperasie en woonagtig te die plaas Zoar, distrik Kroonstad. Eerste Aanvullende tot die Eerste en Finale Likwidasie en Distribusie. Bloemfontein, Kroonstad. B274/87--Swan, Christaan Stephanus, voorheen handeldrywende as Oranje Dienssentrum te Aliwal-Noord, en voorheen van die plaas Swanees Luck, distrik RouxviJie, OVS. Eerste Aanvullende Likwidasie en Distribusie tot die Gewysigde Eerste en Finale Likwidasie en Distribusie. Bloemfontein, Rouxville. CIOO/87-Raats, Barry Jack, Id. No, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Cape Town. B4/88-Griggs, D. E. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie en Distribusie. Bloemfontein.

170 170 No GOVERNMENT GAZETIE, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 B Koonap Estate (Edrns.) Bpk., in vrywillige likwidasie. Berste en Finale Likwidasie en Distribusie. Bloemfontein, 4 November BI D. Marais Beleggil$s (Edrns.) Bpk., in vrywillige likwidasie. Berste en Finale Likwidasie en Distribusie. Bloemfontein, 4 November K38/87-McArtbur, Malcolm AJe«ander. Berste en Finale Likwidasie en Distribusie. Kimberley. B Wesson, Phillip Morris. Tweede en Finale Aanvullende Likwidasie en Distribusie. Bloemfontein, Ficksburg. C A.I.P. Developments (Pty) Ltd, in voluntary liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. CapeTown. C26188-Barrow Lodge (Pty) Ltd. in voluntary liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Cape Town. B26/88-Lombardi Motors (vel1l1lootskap), 'n firma wat besigheid gedoen het as 'n garage en werkswinkel te Adamstraat, Paul Roux. Berste en Finale Likwidasie en Distribusie. Bloemfontein, Paul Roux. B235/86-Van der Merwe, BarencJ. Aanvullende tot die Tweede en Finale Likwidasie en Distribusie. Bloemfontein, B469/86-Maluti Warehousing (Udms.) Bpk., in likwidasie. Tweede en Finale Likwidasie en Distribusie. Bloemfontein, Ladybrand. T Meyer, Wessel Matthys, en Elaine Elsie Meyer. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution. Pretoria, Klerksdorp. El9/88-Brauhold BK, in likwida$ie. Berste Likwidasie en Distribusie. Grahamstad, Humansdorp, 4 November N726/85-lnter-Plumb (Pty) Ltd. Third and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Pietermaritzburg, Durban. B I Combrink, Anna Jacob, Maria, handeldrywende as Super Sports. Berste Likwidasie en Distribusie. Bloemfontein. B273/87-Barnard, Wiets Marthinus, Plot 17, Spitskop, Bloemfontein. Berste Likwidasie en Distribusie. Bloemfontein. B516/87-Oostbuyse, Dirk Arnol~aus, van die plaas Runnymede, Cornelia, distrik Vrede. Berste en Finale Likwidasie en Distribusie. Bloemfontein, Vrede. C297/88-Anzel Investments (Pty) Ltd, in voluntary liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Cape Town. C371 /87-Visser, J. J., [d. No Supplementary Liquidation and Distribution. Cape Town, Paarl, EI86187-Pretorius, Christiaan van Niekerk. Berste en Finale Likwidasie, Distribusie en Kontribusie. Grahamstad, Burgersdorp. T3288/87-Le Roux, Gabriel Jacol~us. Berste en Finale Likwidasie en Distribusie. Pretoria, Schweizer-Reneke. C450/87/5B-Francis, P. L., and O. Francis, trading as Flowertime Florist. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution. Cape Town, Bellville. T3663/85-HotTman, Jacob de Villiers. Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Krugersdorp. T3267/87-Coetzer, Lourens Eraslillus. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Tzaneen. Tl958/87~Pieterse, Johannes Juri~. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Kempton Park. Tl829/87~Pearson, Alexander Edward, Id. No Berste en Finale Likwidasie en Distribusie. Pretoria. T2504/87-Le Roux, G. H., Id. N,) Berste Likwidasie en Distribusie. Pretoria. T A1bertyn, L. R. Tweede Supplementere Likwidasie en Distribusie. Pretoria, Johannesburg. T4529/86--Horwitz, Basil. Second Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Johannesburg. Tl864/87-Walten Decorative Products (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. Second Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Johannesburg. T Shochat, M. First and final Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Johannesburg. T Mavromaras, N. Second Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Johannesburg. Tl Avital, Reuven. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Johannesburg. T3430/85-Sonneveld Promotion.1 (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. Second Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Johannesburg. T313/83--Frikkle Meyer Boulevard Motors (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. Fifth and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Vanderbijlpark. T310 1I86-Hutchins, Robert Kimc Supplementary First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Johannesburg. Tl804/86-Kewma Investments (rty) Ltd, in liquidation. Fourth Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Gerrniston, Durban. Tl The Gullan Organisation (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. Second Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Johannesburg. Tl Len Gullan Holdings "td, in liquidation. First Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Johannesburg. T DA Construction (Pty. Ltd, in liquidation. Third and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Johannesburg. T239/87-New Fabrics and Curtajins (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Johannesburg. T Willlamson, N. P. Sup{iiernentary First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Johannesburg. T414/88-Specialised Inspection Services (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Johannesburg. T26l3/87-Erasmus, J. J. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Krugersdorp. T704/87-Levitronics (Pty) Ltd, ipliquidation. Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Johannesburg. T Lupini Brothers (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Johannesburg. Tl96187-Show Kitchens and Appliances (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. Third Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria. T The James Economidts Family Trust. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution. Pretoria, Gerrniston. T51On9-George de Pontes & Partners (Pty) Ltd. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution. Pretoria, Johannesburg, 4111/88. T663/88-CbUd, J. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution. Pretoria, Johannesburg, B460/87-Madeira, Maria Anna,,ebore Vosloo. Berste en Finale Likwidasie en Distribusie. Bloemfontein, Virginia, 4 November C141/88-Fish Hoek Centre (Pty~ Ltd, in voluntary liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Cape Town. C824/84-C R E Electrical (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. Supplmentary to the Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Cape Town, Bellville. T Jacobs, Jacobus Christiaan. Berste en Finale Likwidasie en Distribusie. Pretoria, Witbank Van der Linde, Hendrik Stefanus (wyle). Berste en Finale Likwidasie en Distribusie. Pretoria. T32188-Visser, Andries Francois. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria. T4615/86-Ebersohn & Heunis Land Development (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Gerrniston. C236/87-Kraaifontein PropertiflS CC. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Cape Town. T3840/86-Konstruksie 2000 (Ed!DS.) Bpk. First Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Louis Trichardt. T Wasserman, Jacobus Andrew. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Belfast. TI012/88-Braeside Garages (Pty) Ltd. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Johannesburg Heynsvlei Estates (Pty,) Ltd. First and Final. Pretoria, Witbank, II November T3943/86-Barrett, D. Berste Likwidasie en Distribusie. Pretoria. T Hammer Investments (jedms.) Bpk. Berste Likwidasie en Distribusie. Pretoria. T527/85-Kubn, T. Amended Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Zeerust. N501l87-ArtJordaan InvestmeJllts (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First Liquidation and Distribution. Pietermaritzburg, Verulam. N37187/4A-Saecon (Pty) Ltd, in tiquidation. Third Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution. Pietermaritzburg, Durban. N440/85-0verlook (Pty) Ltd, intiquidation. Supplementary Liquidation and Distribution. Pietermaritzburg. N220/86-Powerstart (Pty) Ltd, iin liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Pietermaritzburg, Durban. N681/85-Martin, G. J. Supplemctntary Liquidation and Distribution. Pietermaritzburg, Durban. N Kirk, P. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution. Pietermaritzburg, Durban. N683/86-Walcro Electrical (partjlership). Supplementary Liquidation and Distribution. Pietermaritzburg, Durban. N34/87~Du Plessis, D. J. Supplelnentary Liquidation and Distribution. Pietermaritzburg, Newcastle. N146/85-Kayron Holdings (PtY]1 Ltd, in liquidation. Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Pietermaritzburg, Stanger. N271/87-Ballito Motors (Pty) LIkI, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution. Pietermaritzburg, Stanger. N409/87-McTavish, Donald Strak:han. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Pietermaritzburg, Durban, 4 November N Rudham, Roy. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Pietermaritzburg, Durban. K48/87-Horn,M. F. Bersteen Fillale. Kimberley, Vryburg. C Feller, Manfred, born on 2319/51, Id. No First Liquidation and Distribution. Cape Town, Somerset West.

171 STAATSKOERANT, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No K53/87-Van Zyl, Ryno Eksteen, en sy eggenote Elizabeth Johanna van Zyl (onder artikel21, Wet 24 van 1936). Eerste en Finale Likwidasie en Distribusie. Kimberley, Upington. Tl253/87-QuaUfurn Vervaardigers (Edms.) Bpk. Tweede en Finale Likwidasie en Distribusie. Pretoria. T573/8S-Betta Plastics CC. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie en Kontribusie. Pretoria, Roodepoort. T3284/86-Moldenbauer, C. Gewysigde Eerste en Finale Likwidasie en Distribusie. Pretoria, Randburg. T {;eldenbuys, C. J. Eerste Likwidasie en Distribusie. Pretoria, Randfontein, 4/11188 tot 18/ E14/86-East London Motors (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Grahamstown, East London. Tl560/86-Spann, G. A. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie en Verdelings. Pretoria, Ventersdorp, 4/ T2258/87-Botbma, J. H. E. G. M. Eerste Likwidasie en Distribusie. Pretoria, Tzaneen, 4/ / T2958/87-Meyer, P. A. Eerste Likwidasie en Distribusie. Pretoria, Johannesburg, / T846/86-Pretorius, S., en C. J. Pretorius. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie en Distribusie. Pretoria, Springs, 4/1li88-18/1l188. T3209/85-Le Roux, J. D. Eerste Likwidasie en Distribusie. Pretoria, Johannesburg. 4/ / T2001l87-Banna Stepbeoson & Co. (Pty) Ltd, in likwidasie. Gewysigde Eerste en Finale Likwidasie, Distribusie en Kontribusie. Pretoria, Johannesburg, 4/ / N34/8S-C.H.I. Prospecton Number Two (Pty) Ltd, in voluntary liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Pietermaritzburg, Durban. CI34187/4A-Loubser, Nicolaas Willem. First Liquidation and Distribution. Cape Town, Bellville, 4 November C907/85/1A-Stemmet, F. P. Third Liquidation and Distribution. Cape Town, Montagu, 4/ C544/87/4B-Marcus, H. A. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Cape Town, Ceres. C943/85--{;evers, Heinrich Wilhelm. Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Cape Town, Montagu, Worcester, 4/ C735/8615A-Van Zyl, P. V. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution. Cape Town, Kuilsrivier, 4/ C222/87/2A-Bezuidenbout, F. H. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Cape Town, Goodwood, 4/ C875/8515A-Bester, J. P. C. Supplementary Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Cape Town, Wellington, 4/1l/88. C1058/85-Automobile Spares Distributors (Ply) Ltd, in liquidation. Third and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Cape Town, Wynberg, 4/ C192/86/2A-Van den Berg, C. M. Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Cape Town, Bellville, CI2l!87/1A-Munro, D. M. C. G. First Liquidation and Distribution. Cape Town, Strand, 4/ C718/87/3A-Hickey, Adrian Thomas, born on 12/ll/52, Id. No First Liquidation and Distribution. Cape Town. C25/88/5A-S A Sports D1ustrated CC, in liquidation (Company Registration No. CK86/20736/23). First Liquidation and Distribution. Cape Town. T2009/87-Arlnor (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Johannesburg. TI65/87-Crusbkor (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Ermelo. T2388/87-Senekal, Michael Coenraad Cornelius. Eersle Likwidasie en Verdelings. Pretoria, 4/ T 1769/87-Holl, Cornelia Sabina. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie en Kontribusie. Pretoria, 4/ Tl156/87-BeIl, Derek Jolm. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie, Verdelings en Kontribusie. Pretoria, Potchefstroom, 4/ T2423/86-Pieterse, P. A., en G. M. Pielerse. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Westonaria. TIO/87-Botba, J. J., and Mrs Botha. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution. Pretoria, Johannesburg. T3347/86-Menelaou, Lylette Beatrice. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria. T3613/87-MiIIer, Brian John, born on 23/8/46, and Cynthia Hazel Miller. First Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Johannesburg. T2411/87-De Bruin, Theunis Christoffel, born on 29/10/52. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution. Pretoria, Benoni. T1351/87-Rusmacor RooRngand Erection (Pty) Ltd. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution. Pretoria, Johannesburg. Tl460/86-U1ana Holdings (Pty) Ltd. Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Germiston. T Magnum Acceptances Ltd, in liguidation. Sixth Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Johannesburg. 4676/86-Kirscb, Giselle Ellen Nina, who died on 2019/85 at Tygerberg Hospital, Tygerberg, Cape Town. Liquidation and Plans of Distribution or Contribution. Pretoria, Johannesburg. T2392/87-Seboeman, Jeffrey, and Jacquelene Schoeman. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Evander. T4582/86--Steyn, Hermanus Johannes. First and Final Liquidation. Pretoria, Fochville. T2466/87-Joubert, Isak Bartolomeus, formerly trading as Joubert & Sons. Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Tzaneen. T2007I86-Potgieter, Ferdinand. Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Barberton. T2347/87-Batb, Timothy William Bruce. First Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Nelspruit. T2707/87-Bakkerus, J. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie, Distribusie en Kontribusie. Pretoria, Potchefstroom. Tl796/87-BaDtjes, E. N. S. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie en Distribusie. Pretoria. T1905/86-Vermaas, L. C. F. Tweede en Finale Likwidasie en Distribusie. Pretoria, Springs. T3496/85-FitbandeIS A (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. Supplementary Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria. Johannesburg. T Savlop (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. Fifth and Fmal Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Roodepoort. T2947/87-Bryanston Panelbeaters (Ply) Ltd, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Randbur~. T2565/86-Tbe Howcroft Group (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation (Re~. No ). First Liquidation and Distribution. Pretona, Johannesburg. Tl154/87-Wallace, E. G. Second and Final liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Johannesburg. Tl267/87-Execupro Cattleman Promotions (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation (Reg. No ). First Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria. T2762/87-MIlat Construction (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria. Johannesburg. T3140/86-Pretoria Forktruck Centre (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation (Reg. No. 69/06280/07). Amended Third and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria. T48118~Bebldas (Pty) Ltd, in member's volunt.aty winding-up. Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution. Pretoria, Johannesburg. T3140/86-Pretoria Forktruck Centre (Pty) Ltd, In li<l,uidation (Reg. No. 69/06280/07). Amended Second Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria. T820/87-Petrides, E. First and Final Liquidation, Distnbution and Contribution. Pretoria. T4070/85-Garber, Dr E. Second Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Kempton Park. T860/87-Nlewenbuizen, C. P. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution. Pretoria, Johannesburg. FormlVorm5 PAYMENT OF DIVIDENDS AND COLLECTION OF CONTRIBUTIONS IN SEQUESTRATED ESTATES OR COMPANIES BEING WOUND UP The liquidation accounts and plans of distribution or contribution in the sequestrated estates or companies being wound up, as the case may be, mentioned below having been confmned on the date therein mentioned, notice is hereby given, pursuant to section 113 (1) of the Insolvency Act, 1936, section 139 (2) of the Companies Act, 1926, and section 409 (2) of the Companies Act, 1973, that dividends are in the course of payment or contributions are in the course of collection in the said estates or companies as set forth below and that every creditor liable to contribution is required to pay to the trustee or liquidator the amount for which he is liable at the address mentioned below. The particulars are given in the following order: Number of estate/company; name and description of estate/company and account; date when account confmned; whether a dividend is being paid or contribution being collected, or both, and name and address of trustee or liquidator.

172 172 No GOVERNMENT GAZETIE, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 UITKEER VAN DIVIDENDE EN INSAMELING VAN KONTRIBUSIES IN GESEKWESTREERDE BOEDELS OF MAATSKAPPYE IN LIKWIDASIE Nademaal die likwidasierekenings en distribusie- of kontribusierekenings in die gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie, na ~lang van die geval, hieronder vermeld op die datums daarin vermeld, bekragtig is, word hierby ingevolge artikel 113 (1) 'Van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikel139 (2) van die Maatskappywet, 1926, en artikel409 (2) van die Maatskappywet, 1973, kennis gegee dat uitbetaling van dividende of insameling van kontribusies aan die gang is in genoemde boedels of maatskappye soos hieronder uiteengesit en dat elke kontribusiepligtige skuldeiser die bedrag deur hom verskuldig by die adres hieronder genoem aan die kurator of likwidateur moet betaal. Die besonderhede word "Verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van boedellmaatskappy; naam en beskrywing van boedel/rnaatskappy en rekening; datum waarop rekening bekragtig is; of 'n dividend uitgekeer of 'n kontribusie ingevorder word, ofbeide, en naam en adres, van kurator of likwidateur. E129/84-Boyd, Peter Claude. Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution. 3019/88. Award being paid. Basil Kenneth Spengler van Zyl. for Syfrets Trust Limited, 88 Main Street, Port Elizabeth, E Booysen, Paulus Daniel. Second Liquidation and Distribution. 5/10/88. Award being paid. Basil Kenneth Spengler van Zyl and Herma" nus Maritz, for Syfrets Trust Limited, 88 Main Street, Port Elizabeth, EI09/87-Barnard, Albert Phillip, and Dallas Tiscene Barnard. Second and Final Liquidation. 5/10/88. Neither. Basil Kenneth Spengler van ZyJ and Hermanus Maritz, for Syfrets Trust Limited, 88 Main Street, Port Elizabeth, E322/86-Grigor, Peter Charles. Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution. 3110/88. Award being paid. Basil Kenneth Spengler van Zyl and Hermanus Maritz, for Syfrets Trust Limited, 88 Main Street, Port Elizabeth, E130/87-Despakh Steel Construetlon (Ply) Ltd, in liquidation. Second Liquidation and Distribution Award being paid. Basil Kenneth Spengler van Zyl and Hermanus Maritz, fur Syfrets Trust Limited, 88 Main Street, Port Elizabeth, E192/86--Watson, Daniel John. fotmerly trading in Partnership with R. 1. Watson, V. M. Watson and G. J, Watson under the style of Dan Watson American Imports. Third and Final Liquidation and Distribution. 5/10/88. No award being made. Basil Kenneth Spengler van Zyl and Hermanus Maritz, for Syfrets Trust Limited, 88 Main Street, Port Elizabeth, 600 I. E248/87-Van Huysteen, Valerie. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. 6/10/88. No award being made. Basil Kenneth Spengler van ZyJ and Hermanus Maritz, for Syfrets Trust Ljmited, 88 Main Street, Port Elizabeth, E133/85-Reid, Garth. Amended Third and Final Liquidation and Distribution. 7/10/88. Award being paid. Basil Kenneth Spengler van Zyl and Hermanus Maritz, for Syfrets Trust Limittd, 88 Main Street, Port Elizabeth, E287/86--Seedat, Zaid, formerly trading as Schauder Supplies Spice Den and Springdale Videor Centre. Second and Final Liquidtion and Distribution. 6110/88. Award being paid. Basil Kenneth Spengler van Zyl and Hermanus Maritz, for Syfrets Trust Limited, 88 Main Street. Port Elizabeth, 600 I. E6/87-Wllson, Derrick Vernon, furmerly trading as D & B Construction. Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution and Contribution. 5/10/88. Both. Basil Kenneth Spengler van Zyl and Hermanus Maritz, for Syfrets Trust Limited. 88 Main Street. Port Elizabeth, EI46/86--Ferreira, George Frederick, formerly trading as RetiefMotors. Supplementary Liquidation and Distribution. 6/10/88. Award being paid. Basil Kenneth Spengler van Zyl and Hel1l1!llnus Maritz, for Syfrets Trust Limited, 88 Main Street, Port Elizabeth, T1771/87-Rosendabl, Johannes JCiSeph, trading as Rosendahl's Transport, born on 619/34. First Liquidation and Distribution. 3/10/88. Awards to preferent and secured creditors only. S. Tmkman, clo Highveld Trust & Management CC, P.O. Box 10463, Johannesburg, T2320/87-ID Spec Fasteners CC, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution. 5/ Neither. S. Trakrnan, clo Highveld Trust & Management CC, P.O. Box 10463, 10h~nnesburg, N450/85-Eastbam, Janet Ruth. 7 October Concurrent creditors being paid. F. B. Pretorius, clo C. C. C. Raulstone & Co., 11 Gallwey Lane, Pietermaritzburg, C486/86/6B-Stander, G. Second lind Final Liquidation and Distribution. 28 September Dividends to be paid. J. H. J. van Rensburg, clo Koos van Rensburg Inc., P.O. Box 759, George, C Voortrekkerweg Properties (Pty) Ltd, in voluntary liquidation, 60/ /10/88. A dividend is being paid. B. Pemberton, P.O. Box 66, Cape Town, T Wade, P. C. en A. R. Wade /88. Konkurrente toekenning. Andre Botha, vir Astra Trust BK, Johann Rissikrylaan 210, Water kloofrif, T4039/86--Louw, Daniel. 13/10/88. Voorkeur en konkurrente toekennings. Andre Botha, vir Astra Trust BK, Johann Rissikrylaan 270, Waterkloofrif, EI84/87/2A-Transerve (Tv\) (Pty' Ltd, in liquidation. Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution. 5 October Awards to secured and concurrent creditors. D. J. Klerck, for Coopers & Lybrand Trust (Ply) Ltd, P.O. Box 1235, Port Elizabeth, B507/87-Pelser, Lourennes Swart, tydens sekwestrasie woonagtig te Ventersbloem, Koppies. 7110/88. Dividende uitgekeer. S. W. de Wet, pia Naudes, Posbus 153, Bloemfontein. B549/86--Crause, Jacobus CaspllfUfi. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie en Distribusie. 13 Oktober Dividende uitgekeer. B. SI. C. Cooper, pia E. G. Cooper & Seuns, Posbus 27, Bloemlfontein. C75/84-Jordaan, Anton /88. Dividend being paid. J. 1. Rousseau and J. N. Bekker, clo Cape Trustees Ltd, 18th Roor, 2 Long Street, Cape Town. C902l86--Natal Beverage IndustriES (Ply) Ltd. 18/10/88. Dividend being paid. R. Millman and E. B. Wallace, clo Cape Trustees Ltd, 18th Roor, 2 Long Street, Cape Town. C487/86--Westgarth Taylor, Jeremy John. 18/10/88. Dividend being paid. L. von W. Bester, for Cape Trustees Ltd. 18th Roor, 2 Long Street, CapeTown. C Meulemans, Emile Marie 18/10/88. Both. J. P. Diepering, for Cape Trustees Ltd, 18th Roor, 2 Long Street, Cape Town. C Laubscher, Hendrik Gidllon. 17/10/88. Dividend being paid. J. J. Rousseau, for Cape Trustees Ltd, 18th Roor, 2 Long Street, Cape Town. C431/87-Vermeulen, Johannes Petrus Zacharias. 17fl0188. Dividend being paid. L. van Reeuwyk and 1. J. Rousseau, for Cape Trustees Ltd, 18th Roor, 2 Long Street, Cape Town. E126/67/2A-Naudesia Logging & Transport Co. (Ply) Ltd. 6/ Dividend being paid. B. G. Barnes, P.O. Box II, Kokstad. E229/87-Fjastad, T. E. First Liqui~dation and Distribution Award to secured creditor. D. J. K1erck, for Coopers & Lybrand Trust (Ply) Ltd, P.O. Box 1235, Port Elizabeth, C590/86/6B-Van der Westhuizen, M. J. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. 13 October Dividends to be paid. J. H. J. van Rensburg, clo Koos van Rensburg Inc., P.4;). Box 759, George, B382/87---Griesel, Francois Jacobus Arnoldus, Erfdeelsinge\ 27. Pelissier Park, Bloemfontein /88. Kontribusie gevorder te word. George Frederik Wessels, pia Symington & De Kok, Posbus 760, Bloemfontein. B Van Staden, Diederick dll' Plessis, wat handel gedryfhet as D J Velddienste te Philippolis. 17/10/88. Uitkeer dividende. Roelof Davel du Plessis, Posbus 760, Bloemfontein.

173 STAATSKOERANT, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No, B566I86-Knepscbeldt, Hennanus Johannes, 'n rekenaarprogrammeerder van Turnerstraat 28, Kroonstad. 12/10188, Uitkeer dividende. Roelof Davel du Plessis, Posbus 760, Bloemfontein. K79/87-Vermeulen, Wynand Johannes. Berste Likwidasie en Distribusie. 8/9188. Dividende uitbetaal. H. P. A. Venter, Posbus 64, Kimberley, K43/87-Van der Merwe, A. J Dividende uitkeer. C. J. T. Roodt, Posbus 294, Kimberley, E347/86-Blom, Lana Lorraine and Henriette Elizabeth Nieuwoudt, who traded in partnership as Karizma Boutique at King William's Town and Fort Beaufort. 12 October Concurrent dividend being paid. Andrew Stuart Paterson and Kenneth Norman Paterson, Third Floor, CNA Building, 37 Union Street, East London. C566/87/6B-Salie, Feizal, trading as F S Auto Electrical Services and who resided at 3 Raft Road, Crawford. 13 October Secured, preferent and concurrent dividends being paid. D. S. Ozinsky, clo Sanek Cape (Ply) Ltd, Ninth Floor, Greenmarket Place, 54 Shortmarket Street, Cape Town, Tl3187-GUlman, Sam Bernard. 2819/88. Contribution. Julius Hirshberg, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg. T Joosub Habib and Sons (Ply) Ltd, in liquidation. 28/9/88. Secured and preferent award. Leslie Cohen, P,O. Box 10527, Johannesburg 'Tl Tbe Gold and Hard Asset Exchange (Ply) Ltd, in liquidation. 7/10/88. Dividend. Neil Bowman, P. 0, Box 10527, Johannesburg, T Sonny Boy's (USA) (Ply) Ltd, in liquidation. 14/10/88. Secured and preferent award. Leslie Cohen, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg. Tl731/86-Medalle, P. E. 12/10/88. Secured and preferent award. Leslie Cohen, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg. T3471!85-MUlion Developments (Ply) Ltd, in liquidation /88, Preferent and secured award, Leslie Cohen, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg. T K. Stacey & Son (Ply) Ltd, in liquidation, Dividend. Leslie Cohen, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg. TI044/83-Verster Engineering (Ply) Ltd, in liquidation Dividend. Leslie Cohen, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg. T890/85-Automotive Fasteners & Tool Co. (Ply) Ltd, in liquidation, Concurrent award. Leslie Cohen and S, Trackman, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg. T726/87-Mining Projeet Equipment (Ply) Ltd, in liquidation. 13/ Preferent award, Leslie Cohen, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg. T Faery Gordyn & MateriaJe (Edms.) Bpk., in liquidation. 13/10/88. Preferent award, Leslie Cohen, P. O. Box 10527, Johannesburg. T Angle Construction (Ply) Ltd, in liquidation. 14/10/88, Preferent and concurrent award. Leslie Cohen, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg. T2741!87-Prima Hot and Cold Insulations (Ply) Ltd, in liquidation, 19110/88. Contribution. Norman Klein, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg, T894/87-Transport Contract Systems (Ply) Ltd, in liquidation. 3019/88. Dividend. Neil Bowman, P,O. Box 10527, Johannesburg. T Combrink, Peter Alexander /88, Dividend. Norman Klein, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg, Tl Lupini Concrete Products (Ply) Ltd, in liquidation. First Liquidation and Distribution, 13/ Payment of a partial award to a preferent creditor only. S. Trakman. c/o Highveld Trust & Management C. C., P.O. Box 10463, Johannesburg, TI043/87-G S Insulation C.C., in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution. 6110/88. Contribution being collected. S, Trakman, c/o Highveld Trust & Management C.C., P.O. Box 10463, Johannesburg Tl296/86-Rodcrete (Ply) Ltd, in liquidation. Amended Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution. 13/10188, Awards to creditors and contributories. S. Trakman, clo Highveld Trust & Management C.c.. P,O. Box 10463, Johannesburg, T4138/86-VanRooyen,G. L Dividend. T Stone, J. E. \ Secured award contribution. F, G. Gay, c/o Felix Gay Trust (Ply) Ltd, P.O. Box , Excom, 2023, T4208/86-Dataplex Processing Services (Ply) Ltd Secured award contribution. F. G. Gay, c/o Felix Gay Trust (Ply) Ltd, P.O. Box , Excom, T918/87--Oostbuizen, G. M Secured award. F. G. Gay, c/o Felix Gay Trust (Ply) Ltd, P.O. Box , Excom, Tl Tremen (Ply) Ltd, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. ll/1o/88, No dividends and no contributions. Farrel Wainer, P.O. Box 9460, Johannesburg, Tl087/86-Tremen (Ply) Ltd, in liquidation. Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution, lii10/88. Concurrent award. Farrel Wainer, P.O. Box 9460, Johannesburg, Tl367/87-Controde Welding Accessories CC. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution.. 12/ Contribution levied. Neville John Jessop, for Golden Trust Services, P.O. Box 9460, Johannesburg, TII89/87-Sardinba, Eduardo and Cassandra Elizabeth Sardinha. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution, 5/10/88. Secured and concurrent award. Neville John Jessop, P.O. Box 9460, Johannesburg, C79188-Plaza Del Sol (Ply) Ltd, in voluntary liquidation /88. A dividend is being paid, Abraham Benzion Hyrrue Margolis, P.O, Box 1450, Cape Town, Tl823/87-Pieterse, P. J. 13/10/88. Dividends payable. L. N. Sackstein, P.O. Box 256, Bloemfontein. C71l/86-Van der Nest, Anne-Marie. Tweede Likwidasie en Distribusie, 12/10/88. Dividend word uitgekeer. D. J, Strauss, vir Malan Trust, Posbus 202, Joubertina, C262186/2B-Robmar Plumbers (Western Province) (Ply) Ltd, in liquidation. Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution. 14/10/88. Dividend paid. Montagu Philip Plant, 4 Wale Street, P.O. Box 86, Cape Town, B Botba, Willem Meyer. 3/10/88. Preferente en konkurrente dividende word uitbetaal. C. J, Venter. pia Naudes. Posbus 153. Bloemfontein. TI Botha, Daniel Francois, 7/ Kontribusie betaalbaar. Marius du Preez, Posbus 974, Pretoria, C294/82-Hebor Investment Co. (Ply) Ltd. 2719/88. Dividend being paid. F. D, Glaum, for Cape Trustees Ltd, 18th Floor, 2 Long Street, Cape Town. T Blrcb, S. G. Derde en Finale Likwidasie en Verdelings. 21 Oktober V oorkeur dividend. A. J. Hessels, Posbus Pretoria. T3020/87-Coetzer, D. T. Berste Likwidasie en Verdelings, 200ktober 1988, Versekerdedividend. J. H. van Blerk, Posbus 3127, Pretoria. Tl256/85-J & D Mynbenodighede (Edms.) Bpk. Berste Supplementere Likwidasie en Verdelings, 18 Oktober Voorkeur dividend, D, J. Klerck, Posbus 3127, Pretoria. Tl126/86-Tandem Boerdery (Edms.) Bpk. Tweede en Finale Likwidasie en Verdelings, 19 Oktober 1988, Versekerde en konkurrente dividend, J. H. van Blerk, Posbus 3127, Pretoria. T877/87-Lourens, D. C., ID No Berste Supplement«:re Likwidasie en Verdelings. 18 Ok:tober Konkurrente dividend. A. J. Hessels, Posbus 3127, Pretoria. TI De Beer, E. G. Berste en Finale Likwidasieen Kontribusie, 18 Ok:tober Geen. J. H. van Blerk, Posbus 3127, Pretoria. T417/87-Janse van R.ensburg, J. J. en S. S. Janse van Rensburg. Tweede en Finale Likwidasie en Verdelings. 14 Oktober Voorkeur en konkurrente dividend. A. J. Hessels, Posbus 3127, Pretoria. Tl De VUliers, Erna Hattingh. F1I'St and Final Liquidation and Distribution. 20/ No dividend or contribution. Neville John Jessop, for Golden Trust Service (Ply) Ltd, P.O. Box 9460, Johannesburg, 2000, T3900/86-Chelt Investments (Ply) Ltd. First and Final Liquidation. Distribution and Contribution , Secured creditors only. Farrel Wainer, P.O. Box 9460, Johannesburg, TI Nabal, M. C. 190ktober Dividende uitgekeer. Johan Loftus Viljoen, vir Wetskrag Trust (Edms,) Bpk., Posbus 4638, Pretoria. T4779/86-Du Bois, F. M. and D. du Bois. Amended First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. 13/10188, Dividend payable to proved creditors. T. A. Tromp, clocentral TrustCC, P.O. Box 9655, Johannesburg, 2000, T Coetzee, P. A. Amended First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Dividend payable to proved creditors (secured). T. A. Tromp, clo Central Trust CC, P,O. Box 9655, Johannesburg, 2000.

174 c ~~~~-----~ No GOVERNMENT GAZETI'E, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 Tl0 19/, M. B. Firs," and Final Liquidation and Contribution. 29/9188. Contribution due by applicant creditor. T. A. Tromp, c/o Central TrustCC, P.O. Box 9655, Johannesburg, T783/87-Ceronios Restaurant, partnership. 2119/88. Award to secured creditor. Contribution by applicant creditor. T. A. Tromp, c/o Central Trust CC, P.O. Box 9655, JohannesbulI"g, T984/86-Siebrandt, W. A. Fir$t and Final Liquidation and Distribution Dividend payable to secured and preferent creditors only. T. A. Tromp, c/o Central Trust CC, P.O. BOlt 9655, Johannesburg, T803/87-CeroDio, M. A. P. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. 20/9/88. No awards made in terms of this account. Surplus of funds payable to guardian's fund. T. A. Tromp, c/o Central Trust CC, P.O. Box 9655, Johannesburg, T4151/86-Lyn Gardens (Pty) :Ltd. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution. 20/9/S8. Award to secured creditor. Contribution due by secured applicant creditor. T. A. Tromp, c/o Central Trust CC, P.O. Box 9655, Johannesburg. T4610/86-Tbomas, K. W. Amctnded First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution. 3/10/88. Awards to secured creditors. Contribution by concurrent creditor. T.A. Tromp, c/ocentral Trust CC, P.O. Box 9655, Johannesburg, T4627/86-Adalr, M. H. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution. 1lI10/88. Award to secured creditors. Contribution by concurrent creditor. T. A. Tromp, c/o Central Trust CC, P.O. Box 9655, Johannesburg. TlI69/87-M. S. Rosenberg (Ptt) Ltd. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. 18/10/88. G. H. J. Venter, P.O. Box 1474, Johannesburg. T2335/87-Smith, J. F. 13/10/88; First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution. G. H. J. Venter, P.O. Box 1474, Johannesburg. T3213/85-Rogers, R. S /88. First and Final Liquidation. G. H. J. Venter, P.O. Box 1474, Johannesburg. T Deats, David Brian. 13 October Shortfall. Philip David Berman, c/o Albert Ruskin Trust Board, P.O. Box 7976, Johannesburg, T3501l87-SuUman, Rokayabe~. 19 October Dividend to a preferent and secured creditor. Philip David Berman, c/o Albert Ruskin Trust Bard, P.O. Box 7976, Johannesburg, Tl712/87-Saunders, Douglas :Sydney. 5 October Shortfall. Philip David Berman, c/o Albert Ruskin Trust Board, P.O. Box 7976, Johannesburg, T Venter, Robert Rolfe. 19 October Dividend to a preferent and secured creditor. Philip David Berman, c/o Albert Ruskin Trust Board, P.O. Box 7976, Johannesburg, T974/87-Hoosen, Rashid Ahmed. 5 October Dividend to a preferent and secured creditor. Philip David Berman, c/o Albert Ruskin Trust Board, P.O. Box 7976, Johannesburg, T300/87-Botha, Alfonso Over~k. 27/9/88. Dividende uitgekeer. Marius du Preez, Posbus 974, Pretoria, KI7/87-Agenbag, Stanley Livingston. Supplemenrere Likwidasie en Distribusie. 14/10/88. Dividend uitgekeer. H. P. A. Venter, Posbus 64, Kimberley, E283/84-Moore and Woodbridge (Pty) Ltd. 26/9188. Dividends payable. M. L. de Villiers, c/o Deloitte Haskins & Sells Trust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 1009, Johannesburg, T4453/86-Visser, L. P. 20/10/88. Dividend payable. I. Bekker, c/o Deloitte Haskins & Sells Trust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 1009, Johannesburg, T28/86-Worlock Engineering (Pty) Ltd. 14/10/88. Dividend payable. M. L. de Villiers, c/o Deloitte Haskins & Sells Trust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 1009, Johannesburg, C1016/S6-Jooste, Abraham Niccolaas Albertus. 18/10/8S. Dividend being paid. J. P. Diepering, Cape Trustees Ltd, 18th Floor, 2 Long Street, CapeTown. T46l7186-Niemkor Eiendornme (Edms.) Bpk., in likwidasie. Tweede Likwidasie en Distribusie /88. Versekerde en konkurrente dividende. D. J. Jordaan, vir Aiken & Peat Administrateurs (Edms.) Bpk., Posbus 7400, Johannesburg, T3117/87-SUrobo (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Preferent dividends. D. J. Jordaan, for Aiken & Peat Administrators (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 7400, Johannesburg, EI59/87-Chilton, Derek Hugh, who resided at 9 Suffolk Road, Berea, East London. 19 October Secured awards only being paid. Andrew Stuart Paterson and Kenneth Norman Paterson, Third Floor, CNA Building, 37 Union Street, East London. E295/86-Pienaar, Abel Jacobus lind Helena Wilhelmina Pienaar, who traded as Berg Meubels and Furn-O-Pine at Kareedouw. 17 October Concurrent dividend being paid. Andrew Stuart Paterson and Kenneth Norman Paterson, Third Floor, CNA Building, 37 Union Street, East London. E241187~upeUo Properties (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation with registered office at 37 Henrietta Street, Fort Beaufort. 17 October Secured and concurrent dividends being paid. Andreii' Stuart Paterson and Kenneth Norman Paterson, Third Floor, CNA Building, 37 Union Street, East London. E385/S6-Sbippel, Barry Ian, who traded as Barry Shippel Refineries Barry Shippel Iron & Steel Company and Seal Pack Industries at Woodbrook, East London. IS October Secured, preferent and concurrent dividends being paid. Kenneth Norman Paterson and Andrew Stuart Paterson, Third Floor, CNA Building, 37 Union Street, least London. C383/86/3A--O J & R ConstrucCJon (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. 19 October Secured and preferentdividend being paid. S. M. Gore & D. M. Meaker, c/o Sanek Cape (Pty) Ltd, Nint~ Floor, Greenmarket Place, 54 Shortmarket Street, Cape Town, C31186/1B-Maltz, Herbert Basil,who resided at 73 Upper Orange Street, Cape Town, Id. No October Dividend being paid. E. B. Wallace, c/o Sanek Cape (Ply) Ltd, Ninth Floor, Greenmarket Place, 54 Shortmarket Street, Cape Town, C393/87/3B-Ferreira, Johannes Petrus, formerly trading as J P and Sons Body Repairs, (d. No October Dividends being paid, secured, preferent and concurrent. E. B. Wallace, c/o Sanek Cape (Pty) Ltd, Ninth Floor, Greenmarket Place, 54 Shortmarket Street, Cape Town, C55/87/5A-Corrymar (Pty) Ltd" in liquidation. Company Registration / Dividends paid and contribution levied. R. H. D. Ingram, c/o The Board of Executors (Pty) Ltd, 4 Wale Street, Cape Town. C598/87/4B-Promax (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation, Company Registration 84/05547/07. 14/10/88. Dividends being paid. R. J. Walters, clo The Board of Executors (Pty) Ltd, 4 Wale Street, C4pe Town. C71l187/1A-Immelman, Antonill Carel, Ua Strand Mini Print, date of birth 23 May 1943, Id. No /10/88. Dividends being paid. C. M. Pendersi, c/o The Board of Elxecutors (Pty) Ltd, 4 Wale Street, Cape Town. CI011l86/1B-Applied Cleaning Supplies C.C., in liquidation, Company Registration CK86/07240/23. 14/10/88. Dividends still to be paid. Joint Trustees, R. J. WalterslB. I. Steinberg, c/o The Board of Executors (Pty) Ltd, 4 Wale Street, Cape Town, C61183/1A-Airbrakes Express (l!>ty) Ltd, in liquidation, Company Registration 70/04530/ /88. Dividends being paid. R. H. D. Ingram, c/o The Board of Executors (Pty) Ltd, 4 Wale Street, Cape Town. T2513/87-Coetzee, J. 19/10/88. Dividend to preferent creditor. B. B. Nel, 527 Prudential Assurance Building, 28 Church Square, Pretoria. T2069/85-Panter, R. C. F. Secolld and Final Liquidation and Distribution. 8/8188. Dividends being paid. R. B. Prosch, c/o Praetor Trust (Ply) Ltd, P.O. Box , Carlton Centre, Johannesburg, T1866/87-Midon Distributors C(: /88. Dividend to be paid. P. W. M. Reynolds, c/o Arthur Young Trust & Management Co. (Pty) Ltd, North Park, 20 Girton Road, Parktown, T2883/87-Rodln Tie & Clotbing Manufacturer (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. 18/10/88. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Dividends to be paid to secured and preferent creditors only. J. L. C. Fourie, c/o Arthur Young Trust & Management Co. (Pty) Ltd, Third Floor, Arthur Young, North Park, 20 Girton Road, Parktown, Johann~sburg. T2373/87-Automatic Controls (Ply) Ltd First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Dividends to be paid. P. W. M. Reynolds, clo Arthur Young Trust & Management Co. ('Pty) Ltd, Third Floor, North Park, 20 Girton Road, Parktown. T203/S7-H. D. Machine Tool Di_ribuCors (Pty) Ltd /88. Dividend to be paid. J. L. C. Fourie, c/o Arthur Young Trust & Management Co. (Pty) Ltd, North Park, 20 Girton Road, Parktown, 2193.

175 STAATSKOERANT,4NOVEMBER 1988 No T383/87-West City Finance Ltd Amounts returnable to contributories. M. L. de Villiers, clo Deloitte Haskins & Sells Trnst (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 1009, Johannesburg, T2470/86-Keulder, L. G. 7/10/88. No dividends being paid. M. Klein, clo Syfrets Ttust Ltd, P.O. Box 61058, Marshalltown, T4180/86-Pieterse, J. P. 7/10/88. Contribution being levied. M. Klein, clo Syfrets Trust Ltd, P.O. Box 61058, Marshalltown, T1364/86-M1Uer, P. 1. and M. G. Miller. 5/10/88. Contribution being levied. J. F. Klopper, c/o Syfrets Trust Ltd, P.O. Box 61058, Marshalltown, T2269/87-Moffit, R. J. B Contribution. Verne Anthony van Diggelen, for LimvaalTrustees, P.O. Box 3548, Pretoria, 000 I. T675f87-Nienaber, S. H. M Award to creditors. Verne Anthony van Diggelen, for Limvaal Trustees, P.O. Box 3548, Pretoria, T1820/86-Atlas Hardware & BuDding Supplies (Edms.) Bpk. 200ktober Versekerde dividend. L. Klopper, Posbus 1990, Pretoria. T2395/87-Snyman, L. 18 Oktober Konkurrente dividend. L. Klopper, Posbus 1990, Pretoria. T1383/86-00sthulzen, S. J. 18 Oktober Versekerde dividend en kontribusie. T. C. Muller, Posbus 1990, Pretoria. T4668/86-Nel, 1. B. 20 Oktober Kontribusie ingevorder. T. C. Muller, Posbus 1990, Pretoria. Tll13/87-Mldland Rolling Co. (EdJmi.) Bpk., in likwidasie. l30ktober Kontribusie ingevorder. L. Klopper, Posbus 1990, Pretoria. T2019/87-Liebenberg, L. C. 2 September Voorkeur dividend. T. C. Muller, Posbus 1990, Pretoria. T 'Kelly, J. 17 Oktober Versekerde en konkurrente dividend. T. C. Muller, Posbus 1990, Pretoria. T Jacobs, H. L. 18 Oktober Voorkeurdividend. L. Klopper, Posbus 1990, Pretoria. T (:oetzee, L. J. Gewysigde Eerste en Finale Likwidasie en Distribusie. 24/ Dividende aan preferente skuldeisers. J. N. Bekker, vir Republiek Trustees, Posbus 3410, Pretoria, 000 I. T2086/87-Thurter Investments (Edms.) Bpk. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie en Verde1ings. 24/10/88. Dividende aan versekerde voorkeur en konkurrente. D. H. Rheeder, vir Republiek Trustees, Posbus Pretoria, T4580/86-Du Plessis, Desmond. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie, Distribusie en Kontribusie. 20/10/88. Dividende aan versekerde skuldeisers, kontribusie. J. N. Bekker, vir Republiek Trustees, Posbus 3410, Pretoria T1744/87-Lezayre Investments (Ply) Ltd, in voluntary liquidation. First and Final Liquidation Distribution and Contribution. 5 September Dividend being paid and contribution levied. R. M. Tucker & G. J. Bazley, P.O. Box 95120, Grant Park, T D F C Investments (Ply) Ltd, in voluntary liquidation. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution. 29 September Dividend being paid and contribution levied. R. M. Tucker & G. J. Bazley, P.O. Box 95120, Grant Park, T Ryser, R. P. Derde en Fmale Likwidasie en Verdelings. 19/ VoorkeurNersekerde toekenning. B. G. S. de Wet, vir Kaap-Vaal Trust, Posbus 3639, Pretoria. T1687/86-Du Preez, C. J. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie, Verdelings en Kontribusie Versekerde toekenninglkontribusie betaalbaar. B. G. S. de Wet, vir Kaap-Vaal Trust, Posbus 3639, Pretoria. T4589/86-Vermaak, J. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie en Distribusie. 18/10/88. Dividende aan preferente skuldeisers. D. H. Rheeder, vir RepubJiek Trustees, Posbus 3410, Pretoria, NI85/85/3A-A. R. Russell (Ply) Ltd, in liquidation. 12/10/88. Neither. R. J. Strydom, clo Natal Trust Co., P.O. Box 5342, Durban, T552/86-Swanepoel, D. A Uitkeer van dividende. J. R. Galloway, Posbus 16185, Doornfontein. T14/87-DI Giovampaolo, M. F. F. 19/10/88. Uitkeer van dividende. J. R. Galloway, Posbus 16185, Doornfontein. T2414/87-Kruger, J. H., en S. E. Kruger. 19/10/88. Uitkeer van dividende. J. R. Galloway, Posbus 16185, Doornfontein. T Paulik, L., en V. 1. Paulik. 14/10/88. Uitkeer van dividende. J. R. Galloway, Posbus 16185, Doornfontein. T2173/87-Webber, L. 19/10/88. Uitkeer van dividende. G. J. Sheriff&J. R. Galloway, Posbus 16185, Doornfontein. T870/87--Citystate S A (Ply) Ltd, in 1ikwidasie. 19/10/88. Uitkeer van dividende. J. R. Galloway & J. L. C. Fourie, Posbus 16185, Doomfontein. N410/86-Moorcroft, A. E. 30 September Secured award and contribution levied. K. D. Krumm, clo Syfrets Trust Co., P.O. Box 135, Durban, T4316/86-Benade, H. J. 18/ Adividend is being paid. P. J. E. Meintjes, Posbus 1408, Florida, T1145/86-Tonvan Investments (Edms.) Bpk., in likwidasie. 24/10/88. Dividende. H. J. T. Eloff, vir Liktor Trust (Edms.) Bpk., Posbus 1712, Randburg, T571/87-Erasmus, H. P. Gewysigde Eerste Likwidasie en Verdelings. 19/ Versekerde en preferente skuldeisers. J. S. Venter en D. H. Rheeder, vir Cape Trustees Bpk., Burlingtonhuis, Derde Verdieping, Kerkstraat 233, Pretoria, T Van Aswegen, J. Du Toit. Eerste Likwidasie en Verdelings. 19/10/88. Dividende aan versekerde skuldeisers. J. H. van Rensburg, pia Cape Trustees Bpk., Burlingtonhuis, Derde Verdieping, Kerkstraat-Oos 233, Pretoria, T Coen Construction SA (Ply) Ltd, in liquidation. 19 October Preferent awards and concurrent first and finaj dividend. C. p, van Zyl, clo Coopers & Lybrand Trust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 1913, Cape Town T1650/87-Le Roux, Cornelius Paulus Johannes. 11 October 1988, Preferent and secured. C. P. van Zyl, clo Coopers & Lybrand Trust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 1913,CapeTown,8000. T1134I86-Bateleur Advertising Gifts (Ply) Ltd. 12/10/88. Preferant and secured only. Johline Steyn, Posbus Johannesburg. T Sunshade Blinds CC Contribution. Johline Steyn, Posbus 3578, Johannesburg. B335/87-Spoelstra, Elizabeth Catharina. 23/8188. Preferente dividende uitbetalings en kontribusie gevorder. N. Stotter, pia Rosendorff & Reitz Bany, Posbus 41, Bloemfontein, N Nino Cupboards (Ply) Ltd, in liquidation. 11/10/88. A dividend will be paid. J. A. Bruce, c/o Metrost Ltd, Third Floor, Fedlife House, 320 Smith Stteet, Durban, 4001; and 1. L. Whiteford, clo P.O. Box 1945, Durban; and B. L. Kurz, clo P,O. Box 33, Pietermaritzburg, and A. D. Wilkins, clo P.O. Box 1009, Johannesburg. C873/85/3A-Gascoigne-Taylor, C. Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution. 5110/88. Dividend being paid. E. D. James, vir Republiek Trustees (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 4300, Cape Town; and B. G. S. de Wet, Sanek Kaap (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 3082, Cape Town, 4/ C 136/86-Rohlandt, Robert Alexander. Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution. 4110/88. Dividend being paid. E, D. James, for Republiek Trustees (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 4300, Cape Town. C853/86/3A-Gibson, I. L. Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution. 19/ Dividend being paid. E. D. James, for Republiek Trustees, P.O. Box 4300; and P. G, Meredith for Meredith-Harrington, Private Bag X5, Constantia. T4809/86-Pump King and Mining Supplies (Ply) Ltd, in liquidation. 19 October Dividend to secured and preferent creditors. George Levenderis, for Transvaal Board oftrustees, P.O. Box 4529, Randburg, T3689/86-Chrlspat Investments (Ply) Ltd, in voluntary liquidation. 17 October Dividends being paid. R. E. Swailes, Private Bag X8, Auckland Park, T3019/87-Georglades, T. First and Final. 13/ Surplus in account to Guardians Fund. C. G. Foot, clo Metrust Ltd, P.O. Box 32225, Braamfontein, T1838/87-Van der Merwe, A. J. First and Final. 4/ Secured awards being paid and contribution to be collected. M. R. Nesbitt, c/o Metrost Ltd, P.O. Box 32225, Braamfonein, T23/87-Relchel, A. de R., and S. M. E. A. Reichel. Second and Final. 7/10/88. Contributions to be collected. J. H. Blignaut, c/o Metrust Ltd, P.O. Box 32225, Braamfontein, TI93188-Sub Six Hazelmere (Ply) Ltd, in voluntary liquidation. 19/10/88. Dividend being paid. A. J. Bruce, P.O. Box 1370, Johannesburg, 2000.

176 176 No GOVERNMENT GAZETIE, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 FormlVorm6 APPLICATION FOR REHABILITATION Pursuant to section 124 of the Insolvency Act, 1936, notice is hereby given that the insolvents mentioned below will apply for their rehabilitation on the dates, at the times and places and upon the grounds as therein set forth opposite their respective names, indicating ~mber of estate; full name and description of insolvent (including his date of birth and identity number) and place of business or residence; date when estate sequestrated, and address, occupation or status of insolvent at the time of that date; division of Supreme Court to which and date and time on which application will be made; ground of application. AANSOEK OM RElIABILITASIE Ingevolge artikell24 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, word hierby kennis gegee dat die insolvente persone hieronder genoem om hul rehabilitasie a4msoek sal doen op die datums, tye en plekke en om die redes wat daarin teenoor hulle onderskeie name aangedui is, toet aanduiding van nommer van boedel; volle naam en beskrywing van insolvent (met inbegrip van sy geboortedatumen persoonsnommer) en plek van besigheid of woonplek; datum waarop boedel gesekwestreer is, en adres, betrekking of status van insolvent ten tye van daardie datum; afdeling van Hooggeregshof waarby en datum en tyd wanneer aansoek gedoen sal word; rede van aansoek. T Britz, Andries Petru:l, , Id. No , vooooan, Hendrik: Verwoerdlaan 202, Eldoraigne-uitbreiding 9, Verwoerdburg, TransvaaL 17/12/85, Raslouwplotte 5, Poolelaan, Raslouw, distrik: Pretoria, direkteur. Transvaalse Provinsiale, Pretoria, 20 Desember 1988, lohoo. In teooe van artikel124 (2) (a) van die Insolvensiewet, No. 24 van T207l!85-Smitb, Edgar Christo, 12/1159, , gereedskapmaker, Waterbokstraat 336, Theresapark, Pretoria-Noord , boukontrakteur van Waterbokstraat 336, Theresapark, Pretoria-Noord. Transvaalse Provinsiale, 20 Desember In teooe van artikel 124 (3) van die Insolvensiewet, No. 24 van N434/83-Menge, Vincent Charl(ls, 23 July 1944, Id. No I, business consultant, presently residing at 6 Colbert Close, Sundowner Extension 6, Randburg. 15 November 1983, Chelmsford Road, Berea, Durban, and carried on business as Associated Inventions Development and Topline Products at Sangro House, Slirlth Street, Durban. Durban and Coast Local, 28 December 1988, IOhOO. In teoos of section 124 (2) (a) of Insolvency Act, required period expired after confirmation of account. NI73/84-Botba, Louis, 59/6/6, ~ , Waboomstraat 7, Brackendowns, Alberton, Transvaal. 27 Apri11984, besigheidsman, Garden and Home, Winkel 13, Baysentrum, Rlchardsbaai, Natal. Natalse Provinsiale, 17 Januarie 1989, 09h30. Artikel 124 (2) van die Insolvensiewet, No. 24 van Kapitale bedrag verskuidig a:j!il krediteure synde ten volle betaal. B243/84-Wepener, Jacobus Nic41iaas, 23 Mei 1934, , besigheidsbestuurder, North-Inteooec, Kerkplein, Prieska, Kaapprovinsie. woonplek Jaap Mareestraat 18, Pries..., Kaapprovinsie. 23 Augustus 1984, Eike1aan 10, Reitz. Oranje-Vrystaat, stropervervoerkontrakteur. Oranje Vrystaatse Provinsiale, 22 Desember hOO. Artikel124 (2) (a), Wet 24 van 1936, soos gewysig. B Douglas, Frederik: Johannes, 26/11/47, , passer en draaier by Development Services, Constantiaweg 130, Welkom, en woonagtig te Pongolo-oord 3, Riebeeckstad, Welkom. 2 Augustus 1984, woonagtig te Gevangenisdiens, Woonstel 87. Kroonstad. Oranje-Vrystaatse Provinsiale, 22 Desember Artike1.124 (2) van die Insolvensiewet, No. 24/1936. soos gewysig. T744/85--Mnter, Nigel Gerard, 2D October 1942, , home industry manufacturer, 25 Main Street, Bordeax, Randburg, Transvaal. 12 March 1985, 10 Femrand Flats, 25 Bond Street, Ferndale, Randburg, proprietor of price, rite and ideal shoes. Transvaal Provincial, 20 December In teoos of section 124 (2) of the 1nsolvency Act, No. 24 of T Trytsman, Bernardus lbhannes, 8 Januarie 1943, , verkoopsman in diens van Baron Motors (Edms.) Bpk., handeldrywende as Kyalami Motors, Kerkstraat 22. Klerksdorp, woonagtig te Williamstraat 9, Wilkoppies. Klerksdorp. 19 Februarie 1985, sakeman, woonagtig Ie Erf 586, Lahof, Klerksdorp. Transvaallse Provinsiale, 20 Desember 1988, 10bOO. Tydperke soos bedoel in artikel 124 (2) van die Insolvensiewet het verstryk en meester se aanbeveling sa111lmgevra word. Tl Ricbardson, Glenn J.mes, 6 July 1957, Sales representative, 2 Postma Street, Stilfontein. 3 July 1984, shopkeeper, 20 Checkers Centre, Magrietha Prins1ooStreet, Kler~sdorp. Transvaal Provincial, 20 December 1988, lohoo. Section 124 (2) (a). EI93/85-F1usk, Henry, unemplqyed, 5 Pearl Road, Queenstown, Cape Province. 18 July 1985, pensioner, 5 Pearl Road, Queenstown. Easter Cape Division, Grahamstown, 17 November 1988, 10bOO. In teoos of section 124 of the Insolvency Act, All debts have been paid in full. C399/84-Van Wyk, Cornelius I{endrikus, 3/4/88, , beligtingstegnikus, The Movie Camera (Pty) Ltd, Chatswickweg 32, Wynberg, Sandton , Helenaweg 51D, Somerset-Wes, aileen aandeelhouer van Cape All Power (Edms.) Bpk. Kaap die Goeie Hoop Provinsiale, 21112/88, IOh30. In terme van artikel 124 (2) (b) van die Inso1vensiewet, No. 24 van 1936, meer as 4 (vier) jaar het verioop sedert die insolvent se sekwestrasie. Tl De Waal, Gustav Uy~, 17 Desember 1988, , bestuurder. Komati Boere (Edms.) Bpk., die plaas Vergelegen, distrik Badplaas, Transvaal. 17 Februarie sakeman. die plaas Weergevonden, Welverdiend, Nederland, distrik: Carolina. Transvaalse Provinsiale, 3 Januarie 1989, lohoo. Artikell24 (2) (1II) van Insolvensiewet, No. 24 van Tl203/84-Panaino, Francisco Andrew, 15 Desember 1948, Id. No , toeristeagtent in diens van Triangle National Tours, Real Estate House, Voortrekkerstraat, Vereeniging. woonagtig te Stanleyweg 44a, Vereeniging. 10 Julie Transvaalse Provinsiale, 29 November 1988, lohoo. Ingevolge artikel124 (2) (a) van die Insolvensiewet, No. 24 van IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Witwatersrand Local Division) In the Ex parte Application of Mervyn Gerald Sbaban, Applicant Be pleased to take notice that Mlervyn Gerald Sbaban (hereinafter referred to as "the Applicant") intends to make application to the above Honourable Court on Tuesday, the 20th day of December 1988 at 100' clock in the forenoon or so soon thereafter as Counsel may be heard for an order in the following teoos: I. Rehabilitating the Applicant's Estate in teoos ofthe provisions of section 124 (2) (a) of Act 24 of Further and/or alternative relief. Take notice further that the Affic\avit of the Applicant annexed hereto with annexures will be used in support of this application. Kindly place the matter on the roll for hearing accordingly. Ivor Trakrnan & Partners, Applilcant's Attorneys, First Floor, 111 Twist Street (off Pretoria Street), Hillbrow, Johannesburg. Tel. No Ref. Mr Marais. To: The Registrar of the above Hionourable Court.-Johannesburg. And to: The Master of the Supreme Court. And to: Highveld Trust & Mana!fement CC, Ninth Floor, 66 Small Street, Johannesburg. Tl730/86-Rademeyer, Peter, 16 July 1956, , manager, 8 Esperance Road, Freeway Park, Boksburg, married in community of property; Rademeyer, Maria Aletta, b~ Dooling, housewife. 27 May 1986, 26 Oberon Road, Sunward Park, Boksburg, factory manager. Witwatersrand Local, 17 January Section 124 (2) (a) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936 as amended.

177 FormlVorm7 STAATSKOERANT, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 ~o NOTICE OF TRUSTEES Notice is hereby given that a period of six months having elapsed since the confirmation of the final trustees' accounts in the estates mentioned below, the trustees of the said estates will, pursuant to section 155 -Qf the Insolvency Act, 1936, destroy all the books and documents in their possession relating to the said estates (except those which are required to be lodged with the Masters) after six weeks from the date of this notice. The particulars are given in the following order: Number of estate; name and description of estate; date of sequestration order; division of the Supreme Court by which order made; date of confirmation of fmal account, and name and address of curator. KENNISGEWING VAN KURATORS Aangesien 'n tydperk van ses maande verloop het sedert die bekragtiging van die finale kuratorsrekenings in die boedels hieronder genoem, word hierby kennis gegee dat die kurators van genoemde boedels ingevolge artikel 155 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, aile boeke en stukke in hulle besit wat betrekking op daardie boedels het (behalwe die wat by die Meesters ingedien moet word), ses weke na die datum hiervan sal vernietig. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van boedel; naam en beskrywing van boedel; datum van sekwestrasiebevel; afdeling van Hooggeregshof waardeur bevel gegee is; datum van bekragtiging van finale rekening, en naam en adres van kurator. T3223/85-Fun Conversions (\'ty) Ltd, in liquidation , Witwatersrand Local. 5/10/87. Leslie Matuson, clo Arthur Young Trust & Management Co. (Ply) Ltd. Third Floor, Arthur Young,.Korth Park, 20 Girton Road, Parktown, 200 I. T2523/84-African Dutch Carpet Group of S.A. Limited, in liquidation. 15i11!84. Witwatersrand LocaL 5/11/87. Leslie Matuson, clo Arthur Young Trust & Management Co. (Ply) Ltd, Third Floor. Arthur Young, North Park, 20 Girton Road, Parktown, T A1lan, D. 27/5/86, Witwatersrand Local. 6/10187, J. M, Oelofsen, P,O, Box 2186, Johannesburg, T964/85-Van Rensburg, H. N. J. 26/3185, Transvaal Provincial. 24/3/88, J, N, Bekker, P,O, Box 2186, Johannesburg. 2000, T15l7!85-Liebenberg, M, C , Transvaal Provincial , J. N. Bekker, P,O, Box 2186, Johannesburg, 2000, T2289!84-Bezuidenhout, G, , Transvaal Provincial ,1. N, Bekker, P.O. Box 2186, Johannesburg, 2000, T3071/86-Teixeira, J, M. R, , Transvaal Provincial. 13/4188,1. M. Oelofsen, P,O. Box 2186, Johannesburg. 2000, T5 10/85-0tserf (Pty) Ltd. 713/85, Transvaal ProvinciaL , J, N, Bekker and F. G. Gay, P.O, Box 2186, Johannesburg, 2000, T Robertson, L. N, 23/10/84, Transvaal ProvinciaL 2i12186, J..K. Bekker, P,O. Box 2186, Johannesburg, N203/84-lDobane BuDding and Mining Supplies (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation, 18/4/84, Natal Provincial. 19/4/88, S. Trakman, clo Highveld Trust & ManagementCC, P,O. Box 10463, Johannesburg, 2000, T Kruger, Hendrik Johannes Jacobus, formerly trading as Kruger Transport and Tielanie Drilling. 30/9/86, Witwatersrand LocaL 19/4/88. S, Trakrnan, c/o Highveld Trust & Management CC, P,O, Box 10463, Johannesburg, Nl44/87-Titus, Aboobaker. 26 March 1987, Durban and Coast LocaL 24/3/88. ~. A, Bruce and Miss G, L, Warricker, clo Metboard (Natal) Ltd, Fourth Floor, Federated Insurance House, 320 Smith Street, Durban, 400 I. N Stapela, Werner, 12 Springfield Avenue, Lynnfield Park, Ashburton, Pietermaritzburg, 11 November 1985,.Katal ProvinciaL 2113/88. M. J. Ensor, clo Metboard (Natal) Ltd, Fourth Floor, Federated Insurance House. 320 Smith Street, Durban, FormlVorm8 DATES FIXED FOR CREDITORS TO PROVE CLAIMS Pursuant to section 179 (2) of the Companies Act, 1926, section 366 (2) of the Companies Act, 1973, notice is hereby given of the dates or times fixed by Masters of the Supreme Court by which creditors of companies in liquidation are to prove their claims or otherwise be excluded from the benefit of any distribution under any account lodged with the Master before those debts are proved, The particulars are given in the following order: Number of company in liquidation; name and description of company; date or time fixed by the Master; name and address of liquidator.. DATUMS VASGESTEL VIR DIE BEWYS VAN ElSE DEUR SKULDEISERS Ingevolge artikel 179 (2) van die Maatskappywet, 1926, artikel366 (2) van die Maatskappywet, 1973, word hierby kennis gegee van die datums of termyne deur Meesters van die Hooggeregshof vasgestel tot wanneer skuldeisers van maatskappye in likwidasie hulle eise moet bewys of anders van die voordeel van 'n distribusie kragtens 'n rekening by die Meester ingedien voordat daardie eise bewys is, uitgesluit word. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van maatskappy in likwidasie; naam en beskrywing van maatskappy; datum oftermyn deur Meester vasgestel; naam en adres van likwidateur. T405/88-Piet RetiefTuning Centre (Pty) Ltd /88, M. Bryden and P. Fourie, cio Arthur Young Trust & Management Co. (Ply) Ltd, Third Floor, North Park, 20 Girton Road, Parktown. T3506/87-8. R. Cooper & Co. (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation, 24 November 1988, Mervyn L Swartz, for Rand Board of Trustees, P.O. Box 308, Johannesburg, 2000, FormlVorm9 NOTICES OF SURRENDER OF A DEBTOR'S ESTATE In terms of section 4 (1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, as amended, notice is hereby given by a petitioner of his making an application to the Supreme Court on the date and time as stated or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, for the acceptance of the surrender of his estate; or of the withdrawal of such notice of surrender previously mad" and upon having received the Master's consent, in tenns of section 7 of the Act.

178 178 No GOVERNMENT GAZEITE, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 The infonnation, where alpplicable, is given in the following order: (1) Name of petitioner, occupation and address, style of partnership or finn, an4 names and addresses of partners; (2) whether application, Division of Supreme Court and date and time of application, or withdrawal of notice of surrender and date of Master's consent; (3) date as from which a statement of his affairs will lie for inspection for 14 days, the Master's Office where lying and, if so, the Magistrate's Office; (4) attorney for petiti<;>ruir, address and date. KENNISGEWINGS VAN OORGAWE VAN 'N SKULDENAAR SE BOEDEL Ingevolge artikel4 (1) van die Insolvensiewet, No. 24 van 1936, soos gewysig, word hierby deur'n versoeker kennis gegee van sy aansoek wat by die Hooggeregshof op die dag en tyd soos genoem gedoen sal word, of so spoedig daama as wat die saak verhoor kan word,. om aanname van die oorgawe van sy boedel; of van die intrekking van 'n sodanige vroeere kennisgewing van oorgawe en na verkryging van die Meester se toestemming, ingevolge artikel 7 van die Wet. Die inligting word, waar van toepassing, verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Naam van aansoeker, beroep en adres, styl van vennootskap of fnma, en name en adresse van vennote; (2) of 'n aansoek, die Afdeling van die Hooggeregshof en datum en tyd van aansoek, of intrekking van 'n kennisgewing van oorgawe en datum van Meester se toestemming; (3) datum vanaf wanneer sy vermoestaat ter insne salle vir 14 dae, die Meester se kantoor en, indien so, die Landdros se kantoor waar dit sal Ie; (4) die prokureur vir die aansoeker, adres en datum. Wortmann, Heinrich Robert Alfted. a farmer, farming on the farm Meersig at Winterton in the District of Estcourt, and residing at 3 Bergview Drive, Winterton. District of Estcourt. (2) Application, Natal Provincial. 30 November 1988, 9.30 a.m. (3) 8 November (4) C. A. Botha & Partners, P.O. Box 31, Ladysmith. 281Dctoher Louw, Anton Hendrik, beroep: boukontrakteur en lid van Bona Fide Boukonstruksie en Bemarking B.K., Nebraskastraat, Faerie Glen, Pretoria; woonadres: Manitobaweg 314. Faerie Glen. Pretoria. (2) Aansoek. Transvaalse Provinsiale, 29 November 1988, 10hOO. (3) 4-18 November 1988, Pretoria. (4) Van der Merwe Du Toil & Fuchs. 14de Verdieping. Sanlamsentrum Middestad, Andriesstraat 252. Pretoria. Van Dalen, Gerrit Johannes Beyers, Afdelingshoof, Zulweniwoonstelle 406, Kerkstraat 589, Pretoria. (2) Aansoek. Transvaalse Provinsiale. 29 November IOhOO. (3) 7 November Pretoria. (4) Van der Merwe. Du Toil & Fuchs. 14de Verdieping. Sanlamsentrum, Andriesstraat 252, Pretoria. Van der Merwe, Paul Johannes, sakeman. Vrystraat 57. Standerton. (2) Aansoek. Transvaalse Provinsiale. 29 November 1988, JO vm. (3) 9 November 1988, Stangerton. (4) Kareldu Plessis & Meyburgh, Tweede Verdieping, Wesrandgebou, Humanstraat 43, Krugersdorp. NOTICE OF SURRENDER OF A DEBTOR'S ESTATE (SECTION 4 (1)] Notice is hereby given that Applieation will be made to the Witwatersrand LocalDivision of the Supreme Court of South Africa on Tuesday the 29th day of November 1988 at 10 a.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter can he heard, for the acceptance of the surrender of the estate of Michael Carrington Powrie Munn, who is currently employed by Carringtons at First Floor, Graphic Centre. 2 Carnarvon Road, Bertrams, Johannesburg, and Who resides at 55 York Road, Kensir!gton, Johannesburg, and that a statement of his affairs will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the Supreme Court at Sanlarn Bank Buildifng, comer of Church and Queen Streets, Pretoria, and at the office of the Johannesburg Magistrate's court, comer offox and West Streets, Johannesburg, for a period of 14 (fourteen) days as from the 4th day of November Routledge-MacCallums, Sixth FllK1r, United Building, 120 Fox Street, P.O. Box 306, Johannesburg. KBNNISGEWING VAN OORGAWE VAN 'N SKULDENAAR SE BOEDEL Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op die 29ste dag van November 1988 om 10hOO of so spoedig moont1ik daaroa as wat die saak verhoor kan word by die Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling nn die Hooggeregshof aansoek gedoen sal word om aanname van die oor~awe van die boedel van Engela Zurita Johnston, gebore Jansen. Identiteitsnommer , getroud buite gemeenskap van goedere met lam Charles Johnston, Identiteitsnommer op 20 Augustus 1974, 'n huisvrou van Mablestraat 43, Duiwelskloof, Transvaal en da! haar vermoestaat op die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria en op die kantoor van die Landdros te Tzaneen ter insae salle vir 'n periode van 14 (veertien) dae vanaf die 7de November Geteken te Pretoria op hierdie 28ste dag van Oktober Haasbroek & Boezaart, Vyfde Vardieping, National Employers House, Vermeulenstraat 362, Pretoria. FormlVorm VL LOST LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES VERLORE LEWENSVERSEKERINGSPOLISSE Section 64, Act 27 of 1943 Notice is hereby given that evidence of the loss or destruction of the policies mentioned below, has been submitted to the insurers, and any person in possession of any of these policies, or claiming to have any interest therein, should communicate immediately by registered post with the insurers. Failing any such communication, certified copies of the policies (which shall be the sole evidence of the contract) will be issued to the owners in terms of the regulations framed under the Act. The particulars are given in the following order: Name and address of insurer; policy number, date of policy, and sum insured; life insured; owner, if other than insured. Artikel64, Wet 27 van 1943 Kennisgewing geskied hiermee dat bewys van die verlies of vernietiging van die polisse hieronder vermeld, aan die versekeraars gelewer is, en enigeen wat in besit van enige van hierdie polisse is, of aanspraak maak dat hy enige belang daarin het, moet onmiddellik: per aangetekende pos met die versekeraars in verbinding tree. By gebreke aan sodanige mededeling sal gewaarmerkte afskrifte van polisse (wat die enigste bewys van die kontrak sal wees) aan die eienaars uitgereik word ingevolge die regulasies gepromulgeer onder die Wet. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Naam en adres van versekeraar; polisnommer, datum van polis en versekerde bedmg; lewe verseker; eienaar, indien ander as versekerde.

179 A A Life Assurance Association Limited, P.O. Box 1653, Johannesburg, /81, R4 251, Jacoba Magaritha Koegelenberg, /81, R30 103, Simon Charles Lawtie, /87, R28 869, Sithembiso Mtoukelwa, Dlamini /10/80, R Jose Afonso Gomes, /84, Meshack Madikoto. 5OO540-1/5n5, RIO 000, L. J, S, Willies, ACA VersekeraarsBpk., Posbus5813, Johannesburg, /48, RI 000, Christiaan M, B, van der Heever, , R600, MohamedJ, Kimmie /9169, RI 500, Aaron R, Mnisi I9n3, R400. RamotsoJ, Sematie, /6/80, RI 550, Martin Maseko /80, RI 956, Mfuniseni B, Buthelezi nJ81, R2 753, Frederik M, van Tonder /4/82. R3 775, LittleOOy Tshakane /82, RI 452, Zama Mfolozi lnJ82. RI 072, BaleldleJ, Mvimbi /11182, R4 000, David D. Mosepele /83, R3 000, Sipho L H, Mnisi /83, R3 210, Daniel Shabangu, /84, R5 333, Ndabayakhe J, Mshengu nJ84, R4 833, Haila S. L Hamunyera, /8/84. R2 093, Ndabayakhe], Mshengu /84, R2 058, ReginaldJ. Coetzee, /84, R2 500, Absolom Garageb R Leonard Malambule, 85016()().-..1I2I85, RIO 000, Lenong P. Moroenyane /85, R6 000, Xola Ntonga, lnJ85, R Rarnasela D. SeOOla /85, R8 000, Eric L. Ngotya , R MakolobeG, Mantsho , R3 500, Thembekile W. Fikayo / R Aletta M. Masilo , R Buysile S, Ben, /10186, R Anton A. Jonker, , R Betty M, Molete, , R2 092, Abel T. Mofokeng. AIlianz Lewensversekeraars Bpk., Posbus 7283, Pretoria, /85, R Johannes Hikua , R5 000, Peter Mervin Ceasar /3/87, R John Manoh /86, RI Prederick Michael Diedericks, 3Ioo n6, R Manie Jordaan, Commercial Union Assurance Co. ors.a. Ltd, P.O. Box 222, Johannesburg, , R Bernardus Adriaanus Estope Gaum /84, R31 077, D, P. Parker; Resource Engineering /86, R40 000, G, J. Gilmour; R. J, Gilmour /6186, R B. J, Gilmour; R. J. Gilmour /2188, R J. E, Doran , R M, P. Levine. AOOll4-lIl184, RIO 000. HilgaardMarinus Net. IGI Life Assurance Co. Ltd, P.O. Box 3483, Johannesburg, /83, Rl 577. M. Mathebula /87, R7 450, M. J. Montshioagae , R M. M. Maripane /83, R V. V, Dube, /2/86, R B, M. Mthombeni /86, R E. N. Makhatheni /86, R P. D. Selogelo lIlOm, R C. T. Ngcobo , R J. R. Telekoa /5/85, RIO 746. M. S. Manzane /11186, R M. E. Motloutsi. Metropolitan Lewens Bpk nI, RI 000,00. M. Miller I9n4, RI 000,00. J. Z. Mazibuko I2n5, RI 000,00, G. S, Thole, n9, Rl 000,00. B, G, Douland , R3 000,00. B. A. Blose /82, R5 000,00. S, W, Gongwana I1l183, R2 2764,00, C. C. Papier , R2 000,00. W. Sonkhosi /85, R7 000,00, D. B. Radebe, I1l186, R13 844,00. D. N. Madikizela. STAATSKOERANT, 4 NOYEMBER 1988 No,

180 180 No GOVERNMENT GAZEITE, 4 NOVEMBER /86, R23 415,00. B. E. Wagenaar.. 4Il ~lm87, R28 381,00. S. Joni ~1J8/87, R54 991,00. S. O. N. Mahlamvana ~1/12/87, R30 126,00. N. M. Nkosi /87, R34 216,()(). G. N. Majiya /88, RI8 076,00. A. K. Ntonga , R21 IS8,00. J. B. Mafilika ~lm88, Rl6 523,00.. G. G. N. Mahali , Rl 969,00. T. S. Mofokeng l/8181, R T. D. de Villiers liI2n5, RI 000,00. I. J. Snyders , Rl 500,00. R. Moonsamy , Rl 000,00. A. S. Makgota I617S, RI 000,00. A. M. Mmethi I1/S1. RI 000,00. J. M. Maphutha /86, R7 000,00. S. 1. Joubert /82, R3 000,00. W. D. Ngogodo /12/82, R6 000,00. M. I. Legwathi /83, R M. P. Salida , R5 000,00. W. B. Molefe /8183, R T. Manciya ()...1/5IS4, R7 201,00. M. Sethole lmS5, RI7 119,00. A. J. Minnaar Il , R5 487,00. V. C. Gumede /86, RI 352,00. M. S. van Greunen. 4I lJII/86, R5 000,00. H. W. Herfurth /87, R35 404,00. D. M. Luzipo /3/88, R3 311,00. W. M. Sebatlel /8180, RI 446,00. R. K. Monnapula lJ9179,R5 000,00. L. W. Bulani /1171, RI 550,00. D. J Jacobs; H. M. S. Jacobs , RI 000,00. M. M. E. Matthews ()...1I3176. R A. M. Mmethi , R2 000,00. C. P. J. v/d M. Engelbrecht R3 000,00. Z. Z. Mapekula , R5 000,00. E. P. Makwala /7/82, R6 000,00. A. N. Diko /6/83, R3 000,00. V. A. Manfengu R5 OOO,()(). V. M. Mahlangeni () /84, R7 172,00. M. G. Malangeni /1lI84, R3 OOO,()(1 A. Tyers m87, R14 553,00. M. S. Ngesi /87, R25 000,00. D. Alberts /87, R41 132,00. E. T. Ndebe , R14 000,00. N. M. Molabe , R13800,OO. M. M. B. Guzana /88, R52 988,00. A. N. Mvubu /6/80, R15 385,00. G. P. von Rheede lJlO178, R3 955,00. A. Z. Zulu , R3 002,00. K. C. Mohlake. Momentum Lewensversekeraars Beperk, Posbus 7283, Pretoria, X , R J.,hannes Hendrik Schoeman Ie Roux /5/64, R Maria Margaretha Lambrechts X 1-28/12/81, R Walter Brian Kramer X3-8/1OISO, R Robert Edward Marsh X8-6/8182, RIO 560. Cornelius Johannes van Rooyen; Donna Antoinette van Rooyen , R Martin William van Graan X2--13/6178, R Christiaan Phillippus Cloete /62, R Caml Wilhe1mus Broekman IX , RI lohanoes Hermanus Visser X4-1516/81, R Willem Hoenderdos /8172, R Willem Hoenderdos X2-5/3/84, R Raginald Mullaoey /6/61, R Magdalena Johanna Janse van Rensburg X , R Georg Brits; Santambank Beperk X5--819/81, R Paul William Brisley X3-6/6/84, R Leon Casper Becker X9-4/8/87, R Eric Gavin Francis Plant X5-30/10184, R Laura Franca Churchill Xl-30110/84, R52 ()().<l. Laura Franca Churchill X2-22/9/87, R Hamilton Hendriksen X5-23/10179, R Lodewikus Johannes Opperman ~2116/61, Rl 000. Jacobills van der VyferScheepers /62. R D niel Johannes Broekman X9-1I 10167, R JacominaJacoba Maree.

181 Norwich Life South Africa Limited STAATSKOERANT. 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No A , RIO 000. Arnaratlalleewa. 23 I0250A RI Mohamed Faizel Essop Bodhanya N-313I77, R Paul Brandwood L , R Anna Gertruida Jacoba Huysamen; Jacobus Hendrik Huysamen. 235OO83F , R John Arnold Klosser A , R Rajagopal Jaiybalan Moodley K , R Michael Hirst Y-1I8180, R Keith Henry Posner L-13/10180, Rloo 000. Riaz Ahmed Khan; Fazeela Khan A , R Robert de Burgh Riordan IL-9/8/67, R380. Estate late Alan Milne F-9/8/67, R436. Estate late Alan ~1ilne K-9/8167. R734. Estate late Alan Milne OJ-11I2/88, RI John Stephen Thomas W-11I8188, R Peter Brian Dahlmann I L-311 0/84, RI Sivamathan Rajah W-30!l2182, R Karamchand Misra T , R Fathima Goolam Hoosen Cassimjee U-5/3/84, R Karamchand Misra U , R Musawenkosi David Nkomo T , RI John Hendrick Kruger. 8oo7825F , R Estate late Qhathimpi Sikhakhane. 8I01587U-27/1182, R Keith Leslie Coleman. 8I01759A-1911/82, R4 0%. Catherine Frost A-30111i82, R Derek Fong Lip. 8 I03680K-20!l 21K'I, R Keith Leslie Coleman. 8I05735T , R Patrick Arthur Jackson IW , RI Daniel Hoffman Smith L-91 I2/86. R Henri Francois Robert Ghislain Radelet J-11I3/86, RI Anthony Trevor Clayton K-919/83, Rloo 000. Sean Dennis Manstleld /9/83, R Edwin Walter Bauer L-30/9/85, RIO 000. Martha Thandekile Mpethwane T-1 2/2/86, R Christian Loate; Myers Tyre Supply ofs.a. (Ply) Ltd K , R Dina Herculina Margrietha Strydom A-12/8/86, R Bruce RobertWilian L-24/4/85, R Rosemary Elaine Birch U , R Eugene Karl Wannenburg; Christian Ferdinand Geyer and Henricus Franciscus Vlek F-217!85, Rloo 000. Bonaventure Bernard Risungulu Nyathi J-29/6/81, R Christiaan Johannes Meyer; Maria Cecilia Meyer Y-4/I2/80, RI 845. Estate late Maurice Franks T-4/12/80, R930. Estate late Maurice Franks. Old Mutual Group Schemes, P,O. Box 73, Cape Town (8) , R T. P. Elias (2)-1112/84, RI T. H. Hendrikz (3)-l/6168, R C. D. Davids (6) , R R. Erickson (7) , R M. P. Hlatshwayo (3)-1110/84, R J, J. Frans (4)-114/60, R L. J. Habig (0) , R556. Late A. R. Landers (9)-112/82, R B. Koko (1)-26/7/48, R5oo. Late 1. J. C. Jacobs (6)-113/55, RI Late D. 1. Hillhouse (7)-111 \162, R Late H. S. Weideman (6)-1/5157, R2 000, A. J. Jordaan (1)-118/62, RI 000. M. M. du Plessis (3)-119/80, RI 000. Late A. M. Sekoboto (2)-116/51, R4oo. LateJ. W. Venter (5)-114/68, RI M. R. du Toil (9)-117/43, R M. R. du Toit (7) , RIO 000. J. D. Jordaan. Old Mutual, P.O. Box 66, Cape Town, , RI T. S. Mafu R C. Burger /3185, Rloo 901. G. P. James /8/84. R K. R. Sekobane; A. R. Sekobane , R T. T. Goba , R W. J. Swanepoel R L. M. van Vuuren /7/77, R R. K. Mulder /80, R R. K. Mulder , R N. 1. Marshall /12187, R B. A. J. Maseti /88, R D. H. M. Adshade , R J. Matheus /8186, R P. K. Mashele.

182 182 No GOVERNMENT GAZETIE, 4 NOVEMBER /4184, R J. A. Engelbrecht /83, R K. O. N. Matlholwa; T. P. Matlholwa /83, R C. S. D. Moitse (nie Matlakale) n/82, RI M. Nyabaza /6/85, R L. S. S. Zulu;C. T. Zulu , R N. J. G. Coetzee. (ADOO/9L) /12/86, R J. J. Potgieter /8/87, R A. M. D. Lorunon-Davis; Escom /1187, RI B. D. Burke; Alfred Pearson (Pty) Ltd , R O. M. Pailman & Santambank Illn5, R C. A. Shardelow; R. Shardelow nO, R G. J. de Klerk-de Klerk; A. W. de Klerk-tle Klerk , RI 500. S. M. Roche; T. Roche ~ , R W. A. Cronje; M. J. Cronje /4n8, R447. M. E. Matjila /64,R V. des. Ribeiro;S. P. Ribeiro /3188, R A.I. Lean & Other; Anglovaal Ltd Retirement Plan /88, R J. S. Cloete & Other; Anglovaal Ltd Retirement Plan /3188, R J. Coates & Other; Anglovaal Ltd Retirement Plan /88, R K. Penderis & Other; Anglovaal Ltd Retirement Plan /3/88, R H. f. Bezuidenhout & Other; Anglovaal Ltd Retirement Plan /88, R L. T. P. Bolha & Other; Anglovaal Ltd Retirement Plan /88, R I. J. de Jager & Other; Anglovaal Ltd Retirement Plan /88, R F. Hackl & Other; Anglovaal Ltd Retirement Plan /86, R D. N. Mwandla /81, R E.lIJovindsamy. (AD 10211O3.) , R S. N. Kula n8, R W. It. Lubowsld /86, RI A.1. E. A. Lubowsld n180, R C. O. Osborne n9, R M. M. Shozi /3/81, R J. T. Potgieter /12/80, R F. Vandara /8/87, R P. F. Sibisi /8nO, RlO 000. J. G. B. Pitout; M. C. A. P. Pitout , R M. C. P. A. Pitou! m, R D. IL Vermeulen; M. G. C. Vermeulen /63, R H. A. Kilbourn , R400. O. C. Steenkamp /5/87,R H. V. Carstens /84, R E. N. Gibe /11182, R C, N. Mafuya n188, R M. P. Mncwango /3187, RI7 090,72. N. C. E. Baker /9185, R M. E. Sokamisa /85, R E. M. Mazula. (AD 104/105.) /5/88, Rll 051. N. P. Mbondwana /5188, ROO 594. N. M. Manyuka /10/87, R O. N. Tunzi n186, Rll 576. E. Smit /86, R D. A. Winter /84, R L. E. Coetzer /82, R O. W. de Vos llln6, Rl 083. W. Jansen /69, RI 000. D. M. Brazier , R C. J. de Klerk /3/86, R K.Katjijova. 485OO /1ll85, RI No F. Marwick nl84, R C. J. Gobey. (nie Hall) /81, R C. J. Hall /12/81, R J. A. Smit /3n7, RlO 000. J. J. Opperman /5n6; R J. F. Hattingh n5, Rl 779. N. E. Tshabalala; S. Tshabalala ~/lznl, R300. H. U. Goliath /2m, R J. M.. Powell. (ADI06/107.) , R atetwyleJ. J. Calitz;estate latelboedel wylej. J. Calitz n163, Rl 500. latei'wyle J. J. Calitz; estate latelboedel wyle J. J. Calitz /11/69, R G. M. Vermaak /1l168, Rl 411. S. M. Lutshaba. 31l /5n7, R A. K. Yende lOn6, R H. J. Smit nn5, R Myburgh; G. G. Myburgh /lOn4, RIO 000. A. T. Cullinan; P. W. Cullinan nm, R612. A. M. 11mit /1l182, R O. O. Gaothaelwe /6/88, R S. H. Botha , R V. Lembede n184, R M. E. Tlhabanyane /6/86, R V. J. Makhathini.

183 STAATSKOERANT, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No /3/86, Rll 056. Z. Frosler /87, R A. van Net /6/86, Rl 754. P. M. Groves , R P. D. Crous /12n7, RS 301. L J. van Rooyen /11181, R S. G. Zulrnan; Mcjannet& Co Pharmacy. (ADI08/109) /86, R C. A. Nkosi /3181, R G. N. Venneulen /4/86, R G. N. Venneulen nt86, R G. N. Venneulen /85, R W. C. Holmes Jr.; W. C. Holmes Sr /85, R S. Holmes; W. C. Holmes /65, RS 500. G. F. Muller ll86, RS 565. J. M. Muller; G. F. Muller /81, R A. Samodien /2/56, R M. C. Barnard lI8n6, R445. S. M. Heyns; J. J. Pieters /1188, R22 391,80. D. J. Pretorius , R D. J. Pretorius /1n I, RS 000. L. Spann; V. L Spann /1l169, RS 000. A. D. Brink; D. vanz. Brink /67, R352. P. A. V. Maitland /67, Rl 000. W. J. vander Laag; H. E. van der Laag /10/65, R L. D. G. Chambers /6nO, R G. C. Engelbrecht & Distriksbank /6n3, R G. C. Engelbrecht & Distriksbank. (AD1101 I I I) /3n8, RI3 261.late/wyle C. T. Maree; estate latelboedel wyle C. T. Maree /lln5, R473.late/wyle J. H. EIs; estate latelboedel wyle J. H. Els /11187, R9 767.late/wyle P. N. Mashinini;estate latelboedel wyle P. N. Mashinini /3/:57, RS 660. late/wyle S. F. Roberts; estate latelboedel wyle S. F. Roberts , Rl OOO.late/wyle H. N. J. Holtzhausen; estate latelboedel wyle H. N. J. Holtzhausen /82, R latelwyle C. A. Willemse; H. P. Willemse /52, Rl 571. late/wy1e R. D. H. Baigrie; M. B. Baigrie /5/54, Rl 564. latelwyle R. D. H. Baigrie; estate late/boedel wyle R. D. H. Baigrie /12/53, Rl 501. late/wyle R. D. H. Baigrie; M. B. Baigrie nt53, Rl 619. late/wyle R. D. H. Baigrie; M. B. Baigrie /10/34, Rl 000. late/wyle D. C. Uys; estate latelboedel wyle D. C. Uys /6188, R late/wyle S. Yaya; estate latelboedel wyle S. Yaya , R latelwyle C. A. Willemse; W. J. Willemse /1/85, R late/wyle P. E. Klue;estate latelboedel wyle P. E. Klue /5106, RI20. late/wyle F. P. Pieterse; estate latelboedel wyle F. P. Pieterse /85, R P. N. Gwala /218:5,RI W. A. Diergaardt /80, R P. K. Seoka /10n9, R L. N. Petse;A. N. Petse /1n9, R D. N. S. Reynders. (AD1l3/114). : /12/86, R N. M. Goliath I12n6, RSO 000. L B. du Toit /6/87, R M. M. Enslin lOnt52, Rl 084. M. C. Eksteen; estate latelboedel wyle S. F. Eksteen /4m, R J. L. de Waal I11ns, R J. E. de WaaL /69,R C. P. van Gend I2Illn6, RIO 000. J. van Gend;C. P. van Gend /6/54, R870. M. C. Eksteen; estate latelboedel wyle S. F. Eksteen /8nI, R A. B. W. Palmer /6/86, RI J. G. Malan. : , RI M. Renney /3185, RS S. E. Nut! l9ns, RS82. E. Jackals , R213. K. S. E. Joubert /9159, Rl 908. C. Truter; B. O. Truter /IDn5, R904. K. Christie; H. M. Christie A-6/lOnO, Rl 000. J. van Z. Pretorius , R J. Earle /85, R J. Earle. (AD ) /10187, R837. C. Tredoux :5-25/9186, R420. E. W. Wurth; W. G. Wurth /85, R E. B. Masilela /4184, R P. A. du Plessis; J. P. du Plessis /4n4, R J. J. du Plessis; J. P. du Plessi /82, RIO 270. E. Q. Namundjebo /3182, Rll 972. G. Boltina /81, RIO 881. T. W. Mulock-Bentley /9/87, R B. A. Sebapu nt86, R V. N. Mkovana /12/87, R S. Titus /85, R962. E. Goba , R133 5Z1. J. P. Ie Roux & Other; Die Boy Ie Roux Trust. 3632{)()()'-219/80, R C. M. Mashonga.

184 ""'- Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February No GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 4 NOVEMBER /88, R27 81S. T. V. Majola /3/53, R J. D. C. Uitenweerde; Reed Schneider & Uitenweerde. 49 II249-14/2/86, R T. D. Lempe;T. L. Lempe /8n6, Rl 024. B. Grover; K. C. Grover /8n6, RI 33S. E. P. Grover; K. C. Grover /Sn6, Rl 150. A. Grover; K. C. Grover. (ADI17/11S) /9/S7, R C. M. Botha /SnO, R241. S. W. H. Zemke; K. I. Zemke. 50S IS6, R K. J. Zemke /6n5, R764. C. R. Uberbacher; J. Uberbachei. 309IS24-2S/3m, R2 S3O. P. I. Badenhorst I3S--6/lOns, R P. N. Makumsha l3ns, R G. P. Jones /9n4, R R. Ii. Hinze. 2380(m~1I6m, Rl 047. M. O. du Plooy /5nl, R P. J. Nieman Sr /10/87, R P. J. van Niekerk /5/87, R K. A. vanzyl /3188, R V. Moodley; S. Moodley /1/87, R G. W. Rivombo /4/83, R J. B. Noble /5/84, Rll 645. M Gqoboka /83, R D. T. Clark; M. Gregoratos l181, R E. V. Mbotya nt81, R P. Nattan S-16/3/81, R G. M. Nel;J. T. vanderwall. (AD119/120) /8/87, R P. F. Mantz /10185, RIO 748. V. L. R. Venables S-14/11186, R V. L. R. Venables /5/85, R A. S. Adriaanse; E. Adriaanse /5/84, R L. Pretorius , R I. V. Zacharowitz /6188, R F. Jansen /4188, R B. M. Mthembu /6164, R2 OIl. S. Day /67, RI 346. J. C. Geyser /86, RIO 988. B. C. Godlwana /6n6, RIO 936. S. D. van Rhyn /2n3, R I. M. Snyman S-16nnl, R736. Q. D. Gutmann; I. H. Gutmann /3/69, R E. A. Beardsley '!r-1616ns, RIO 000. C. W. Truter m, R C. W. Truter /6/82, RIO 000. C. W. Truter /12160, R J. J Grobler /11/83. R I. I. Grobler. (ADI21/122) /11ns. Rl 000. C. M. Schoeman /1 Ins, Rl 000. K H. Strydom /IOn9, R D. H. Mynhardt /1On9, R L. J. van Wyk /83. RIO 793. B. J. Pithey nt85. R R. Coetzee /85, R Sanokeng R. Ntsoane /85, RI A. Sihundje /11186, R A. B. Manyoni /80, R M. D. Nwaila nn2. R E. I. Breytenbach /4/88, RI S. C. Erasmus /85, R A. P. J. de Vries /3/85, R M. C. Bhengu , RI ~~. E. Dwane :-lOnt58, R P.JR. BiaJey; C. F. Bailey Il187, R Ludick /12184, R E. G. Hellenberg , R J. B. Bames /3188, R R, Rochat; F. C. Rochat. (ADI23/124) /6/88, R T. P. Motlhanke S-lOnt87, RI J. T. Ndwandwe /1l186, RIO 992. M. S. Leso /3/87. RI S. S. H. Bezuidenhout /10186, RI D. G. Wilkinson /84, R :>. M. Rheeder /9n4. R J. J. Weideman nt83, R M. 1. van Blerk /10/83, R I. M. M. Goedecke /8183, R A. B. Munoko , R D. P. Mkhize /12183, R P A. I. Breytenbach n187, Rl P. A. J. Breytenbach , RI T H. Maithufi.

185 /2n6, R G. Perry ~/2186, RIO 432. M. S. Lekalake llm85, RIO 070. P. E. L. James ~7/5/84, RI H. L. Ntombini /10/87, RI S. G. Phlrl /10187, R S. G. Phlrl. (ADI25/126.) Onderlinge Versekeringsgenootskap AVBOB, Posbus 1661, Pretoria, 0001 AUlO22749x6-1m84, R F. A. Nolte. AUlO5691lxl-1/9/87, R B. J. Binneman. AUlOI6436x8--112/84, R L. Pypers. Rand Lewensversekeraars Bpk., Posbus 7283, Pretoria, /6/82, R Barend Johannes Vorstman /6/82. II 323. Christoffel Frederick Muller Joubert /3/84, RI Michael Mkbize /5/84, R Ntokozo Raymand Zando /4/85, R Thomas Khorombi Muvhango /12184, RIO 811. Zenzele Panwell Vusumuzi Sithole /85, R Andrew Tsie Mahala /80, RI 930. Frank Khoza. B3OO29/68--20/6/68, R4OO. Thomas Gardener. STAATSKOERANT, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No The South African Trade Union Assuranee Society Ltd, Traduna Centre, 118 Jorissen Street, Braamtontein, Johannesburg /69, Rl 000. Louis Comelis Lourens I11!73, RS 000. Pieter Johannes Bester ~ , RS 000. Elizabeth Catharina Bester I6n4, R Johan Wilhelm Smalberger I12n6, RI 000. Johannes Mohlabula /5n9, R John Henry Dickason van der Westhuizen lnn9, R Karel Oerson lm81, R Johannes Hendrik Loots , R Hendrik Christoffel Veldman; Santambank /82, R Gideon Louis Zeelie /83, R Abraham Filander /10/83, R Petrus Hermanus Halgreen /1184, R Henry Jacobus Arendse lnt84, R Thembekile Michael Bonga \14185, RSO 000. Daniel Nicolaas Pretorius /85, R Daniel Nicolaas Pretorius ~ , RS 000. Klaas van Staden , RS 000. Barend Petrus RudOlph /11/85, R John Jacobs Saunders /8/86, RIO 000. Johann Abraham Lloyd /1187, R Anna Jacoba Maria van Wyk , RS 000. Erika van Wyk. 6846I~In/87, R Albertus Lodewikus du Plessis /88, R Colleen Dorothy Jansen van Vuuren. The Southern Lire Association Limited, P.O. Box 1114, Johannesburg, /1169, R J. P. Slambee. 740 I77-lI3nI, R D. van der Westhuizen /84, R N. A. Moolla /85, RI C. A. N. Ntabeni liOns, Rl 649,90. W. S. Stock /83, R K. J. Nebel /8n9, RIO 000. G. Reddy /1183, R S. K. Mokgoetsi /12n2, RIO 000. W. P. Zuma /86, R M. D. Modiba /82, R A. Ndhambi. G /1/82, R6 685,70. P. Nzimande , R P. J. L. Sieglaar /2/55, R H. M. Wolpert , R H. M. Wolpert /52, R H. M. Wolpert /57, R H. M. Wolpert /53, R H. M. Wolpert /56, R H. M. Wolpert /5/83. R R. Meyer RS 000. B. Gajadhur l/lOm, R D. Petersen , Rloo 000. J. A. Liebenberg /9/80, R D. Z. Heimans. G /3n9. RI4 306,30. M. M. P. Headbush /83, R G. A. Koekemoer , RI 000. G. M. Gerber D. A. Chetty /9n3. R C. H. Joubert /2188. W. A, Engelhard.

186 186 No GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 4 NOVEMBER /53, R W. A. Engelhard , Rl 000. G. C. Ll.jbke ~ , R C. R. Davies /2184, R M. M. A. Kwawe /51, R700. V. M. Heiberg /64, RS 000. A. M. Fetreira ~1/6/84, R F. KOt$ngondo lnl80. RI G. J. duplessis lIlJ183. R W. P. J. de Beer /81. R W. P. J. de Beer n8. D. R. Adams I11nt, RI 000. G. C. Lupke R W. P. de Beer /81. R W. P. de Beer l/lln2. R M. F. N. de Andrade /84. T. D. Goba I8n8, RI 338. L. T. Khumalo I8nO, R W. Frank (}-1I8/85, RJO 000. C. H. Ferreira I5n8. RS 000. D. J. Kraukamp /86. R V. V. Buthelezi /69. R L. M. Levey. G I12/81, R A. F. Lessing. G /3n9, R A. F. l-essing /1 Ins, R H. C. Lendrum /87. P. B. Duys M. Jacob. G /6m. A. T. Gaelejwe: , RS 037. P. A. Kolesky m, R C. M. Merrick /67, R S. Zissimides. G nlSO, R H. 1. linnsloo. G I12m, RJ H.Brown. 567()()6(}-116/84. J. M. Maketsana , R J. J. Abrie /87, RSO 000. P. J. Molopyane I5181. A. Rossouw /87, R E. M. Baloyi , R A. H. Zulman , R N. vall Zy\ /87. K. van Rensburg. Please, acquaint yourself thoroughly with the "Conditions for Publication" of legal notices in the Government Gazette, as well as the new tariffs in connection therewith Maak uself asseblief deeglik vertroud met die "Voor waardes vir Publikasie" van wetlike kennisgewings in die Staatskoerant, asook met die nuwe tariewe wat daarmee in verband staan

187 STAATSKOERANT,4NOVEMBER 1988 No.llS Use it it water is for everybody Werk mooi daarmee water is kosbaar ~ '

188 188 No GOVERNMENTGAZE"ITE, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 Please keep our country, South Africa, clean! HeJp om ons land, Suid-Afrika, skoon te hou!

189 STAATSKOERANT, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No I8? For purposes of reference, all Proclamations, Govermnent Notices and General Notices published are included in the following table of contents which thus forms a weekly Index. Let yourself he guided by the Gazette numhers in the rlghthand column: No CONTENTS and weekly Index PROCLAMATIONS Republic of South Africa Constitution Act ( ): Declaration of certain matters to be own affairs of the While populations group and the assignment of the administration of the Public Resorts Ordinance, 1969 (Ordinance 18 of 1969) (Transvaal), to the Minister of Budget and Works: House of Assembly... Group Areas Act (36/1966): Deproclarnation of White and Coloured group areas at Misgund, District of Uniondale, Province of the Cape ofgood Hope... ".. do.: Amendment to Proclamation 73 of 1983 and the declaration of a group area at Strand, District of Strand, Province of the Cape of Good Hope... do.: Amendment of Proclamation 174 of 1966 and the declaration of group areas at Britstown, Administrative District of Britstown, Province of the Cape ofgood Hope... do.: (I) Amendment of Proclamation 205 of 1962; (2) establishment of a free trading area in terms of section 19 (I); and (3) the making of a detennination in terms of section 19 (3) of the Group Areas Act, 1966, at Stellenbosch, District of Stellenbosch, Province of the Cape of Good Hope... do.: Amendment of Proclamation 262 of 1958 and the declaration of a group area at Ermelo, District of Ermelo, Province of the Transvaal... do.: Declaration of a group area: Kimberley, District of Kimberley, Province of Cape of GoodHope... do.: do.: Prince Alfred Hamlet, Administrative District of Ceres. Province of the Cape ofgood Hope... do.: Deprnclamation of a portion of the White group area and the future White group area at Humansdorp, District of Humansdorp, Province of the Cape of Good Hope... do.: Declaration of a group area on the farm Rietvallei 241 IQ, District of Krugersdorp, Province ofthe Transvaal... Usury Amendment Act (100/1988): Commencement... Page No. GOVERNMENT AND GENERAL NOTICES Administration: House of Assembly Gazette No Government Notice 2251 Public Resorts Ordinance (18/1969): Placing of resorts under supervision of Board for Public Resorts Agricultural Economics and Marketing, Department of Government Notices R.2178 R.21'19 Marketing Act ( ): Chicory Scheme: Levy and special levy... do.: Citrus Scheme: Prohibition of the sale of R.2209 lemons: Revocation... Marketinfe Act (59/1968): Winter Cereal R Scheme: vies and special levies... do.: do.: Special levy on white bread flour, brown bread meal and whole-wheat meal in stock at commercial bread bakers on 31 October R do.: do.: Selling prices of meal: Amendment AIle Prokiamasies, Goewermentskennisgewings en A1gemene Kennisgewings gepubliseer word vir verwysingsdoeleindes in die volgende inboudsopgawe ingeslult wat dus 'n weeklikse indeks voorstel. Laat u selfdeur die Koerantnommers in die regterhandse kolom lei: No. INHOUD en weeklikse Indeks PROKLA.\1ASIES 180 Grondwet van die ReITbliek van Suid- Afrika (110/1983): Ver aring van sekere aangeleenthede lot eie saak van die Blanke bevolkings~oep en oordrag van die uitvoering van ie Transvaalse Ordonnansie op o~nbare Oorde, 1969 (Ordonnansie 18 van 1 69), aan die Minister van Begroting en Werke: Volksraad Wet op GroeKsgebiede ( ): Deproklamering van lanke en Gekleurde groepsgebiede te Misgund, distrik Uniondale, provinsie die Kaap die Goeie Hoop do.: Wysiging van Proklamasie 73 van 1983 en die verklaring van 'n groepsgebied te Strand, distrik Strand, provinsie die Kaap die Goeie Hoop do.: Wysiging van Proklamasie 174 van 1966 en die verklaring van groepsgebiede te Britstown, administratiewe distrik Britstown, provinsie die Kaap die Goeie HoS' do.: (I) Wysiging van Proklamasie 20 van 1962; (2) instelling van 'n vryhandelsgebied kragtens artikel 19 (I); en (3) die maak van 'n aanwysing kragtens artikel 19 (3) van die Wet op Groep ebiede, 1966, te Stellenbosch, distrik tellenbosch, provinsie die Kaap die Goeie Hoop do.: Wysiging van Proklamasie 262 van 1958 en verklaring van 'n groepsgebied te Ermelo, distrik Ermelo, provinsie Transvaal 186 do.: Verklaring van 'n troepsgebied: Kimber1ey, distrik Kimber ey, provinsie die Kaap die Goeie HOO~ do.: do.: Prince Al red Hamlet, administratiewe distrik Ceres, provinsie die Kaap die 188 ~:i~~k.t~~ ri ~g ~~~. ; n g~d~~'li~' ~an di~ Blanke groepsgebied en die toekomstige Blanke groepsgebied te Humansdorp, distrik Humansdorp, provinsie die Kaap die Goeie Hoop do.: Verklaring van 'n groepsgebied op die plaas Rietvallei 241 IQ, distrik Krugersdorp, 190 W~~s~;:~~~~~~~i.. (iooii98si;'" in~~~: kingtreding... Bladsy No GOEWERMENTS EN ALGEMENE KENNISGEWINGS Administrasie: Volksraad Goewermemskennisgewing ", Ordonnansie op Openbare Oorde ( ): Plasing van openbare oorde onder toesig van die Raad viropenbare Oorde...,., Binnelandse Sake, Departement van Goewermentskennisgewings 2186 Wet op Publikasies ( ): Publikasies of voorwerpe: Ongewenste publikasies of voorwerpe: Lys P " do.: do.: Voorwaardes... do.: do.: Vrystelling van anikel9 (4)... do.: do.: Verbod op besit van ongewenste publikasies ofvoorwerpe... do.: do.: Tersydeslelling van verbod op besit Wet op Vreemdelinge (1/1937): Vansverandering: Naidoo in Naylen... _... Wet op Vreemdelinge (l1l937): Vansverandering: Farquharson in Ferguson. do.: do.: Kisten in Chelty... do.: do.: ~ohamed in Adams J Staatskoerant No

190 190 No GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 4 NOVEMBER 1988 Page Gazette Bladsy Staats- No. No. No. No. No. iroeranl No. Central Statistical Service Buitelandse Sake, Department van General Notice 765 Consumer Price Index: Septeinber 1988,,.,., Goewermentskennisgewings 2236 Geloofsbriefoorhandiging: Frankryk in die Development Planning, Department of Republiek van Suid-Afrika do.: Republiek van Suid-Afrika in Australii: Government Notices 2238 Opgradering van Konsulaat tot Konsulaat R,2170 National States Constitution Act (2li 1971): generaal: Republiek Transkei in Oos-Londen Coming into operation of item 32 of Schedule I Finansies, Departement van 2257 Black Communities Development Act (4/1984): Designation and settmg aside of Goewermentskennisgewings land as a development ajj'ea: District of R.2172 Doeane- en Aksynswet ( ): Wysiging Nigel. Re~istration Division'Transvaal... II van Bylae 3 (No. 3/42) do.: do.: ape Rats. Admimstrative District R.2173 do.: Wysiging van Bylae 1 (No ) of the Cape... II t'i563 R.2174 do.: Wysiging vim Bylae 1 (No ) Finance, Department of R.2175 do.: Wysiging van Bylae I (No. 112/8) Veiling van goedere: Doeane en Aksyns. Government Notices Johannesburg,..., Woekerwet ( ): Vrystelling van huur R.2172 Customs and Excise Act (9VI964): Amend- en k.rediettransaksies ment of Schedule 3 (No. 3/4~) R.2173 do.: Amendment of Schedule I (No. 1/1185) Algemene Kennisgewing R.2174 do.: Amendment of Schedule I (No. 1/1/86) II R.2l7S do.: Amendment of Sched~le 1 (No, 1/2/8) V oorlopige opgawe van handelstatistiek van 2222 Sale of goods: Customs ancs Excise. Johannesburg die RSA: Januarie tot September Usury Act (73/1968): Exeneption of leasing Handel en Nywerheid, Departement van and credit transactions...,... i Algemene Kennisgewings General Notice 737 Maatskappywet (61/1973): Inlywing van 767 Preliminary statement of trade statistics of maatskappye: Nuwe maatskappye en the RSA: January to September omskeppings van beslote korporasies in maatskappye..., Foreign Affairs, Department of 738 do.: Deregistrasie van maatskap&ye..., Wet op Beslote Korporasies ( ): In- Government Notices lywing van beslote korporasies: Nuwe beslote korporasies en omskeppings van Presentation of credentials: france in the Republic of South Africa...,.., maatskappye in beslote korporasies do.: Republic of South Afri;:a to Australia do.: Deregistrasie van beslote korporasies Upgradinl from Consulatl: to Consulate- 769 Doeane- en Aksynstariefaansoeke: Lys General: epublic of Tran!ikei in East Lon 32/88...,..., don...,...,., Kantoor van die Staatspresident Home Affairs, Department of Goewermentskennisgewing GOI'ernment Notices 2133 No. 101 van 1988: Derde Wysigingswet op 2186 Publications Act (42/19741: Publications or die Grondwet ,..., objects: Undesirable publications or objects: List PS8/54.. ".,.,...,... I Landbou-ekonomie en -bemarking, Departement van 2187 do.: do.: Conditions... I Goewermentskennisgewings 2188 do.: do.: Exemption from section 9 (4)..., do.: do.: Prohibition on possession of unde R.2178 Bemarkingswet (59/1968): Sigoreiskema: sirable publications or objects...,.,.,.., Heftin en spesiale hefting do.: do,: Setting aside of prohibition on pos R.2179 do.: Sllrusskema: Verbod op die verkoop session... ' van suurlemoene: Opheffing Aliens Act (1/1937): Change of surname: R.2209 Bemarkingswet (59/1968): Winter- Naidoo to Naylen graanskema: Heftings en spesiale heftings Aliens Act (1/1937): Ch,mge of surname: R do.: do.: Spesiale hefting op witbroodmeel- Farquharson to Ferguson...,.., blom. bruinbroodmeel en volkoringmeel in 2249 do.: do.: Kisten to Chetty.... "..., voorraad by kommersiele broodbakkers op 225() do.: do.: Mohamed to Adams Oktoher R.2211 do.: do.: Verkooppryse van meel: Wysiging Law and Order, Ministry of Mannekrag, Departement van Government Notice Goewermentskennisgewings 2230 Public Safety Act (3/1953;: Order under the Security Emergency Regullations R.2191 Wet op Arbeidsverhoudinge (28/1956): Bounywerheid. 005-Kaap...,..., Manpower, Department of R.2192 do.: do.: Wysiging van Mediese Hulpfondsooreenkoms... '.,..., GOI'ernmenl Notices R.2212 Wet op Arbeidsverhoudinge ( ): R.2191 Labour Relations Act (28/1956): Building Meubelnywerheid. Oranje-Vrystaat: Her- Industry. East Cape: Amendment of Main nuwing van Hoofooreenkoms,...,., Agreement J R.2213 do.: Bounywerheid (Westelike Provinsie): R.2192 do.: do.: Amendment of Medical Aid Fund Wysigin~ van die Ooreenkoms vir die Agreement Kaapse kiereiland..." R.2212 Labour Relations Act (28/1956): Furniture R.2214 do.: Bounywerheid, Westelike Provinsie: Manufacturing Industry. Orange Free State: Wysiging van Ooreenkoms vir die Boland Renewal of Main Agreemfnt..., R.2215 do.: Bounywerheid, Port Natal: Verlenging R.2213 do.: Building Industry (Western Provin('e): van Hoofooreenkoms... ".., Amendment of the Agreement for the Cape R.2216 do.: do,: Wysiging van Hoofooreenkoms Peninsula...,...,'..,... '.., R do.: Bounywerheid. Pietermaritzburg en R.2214 do.: Building Industry. Western Province: Noordelike Gebiede: Wysiging van Hoof- Amendment of Agreement for the Boland ooreenkoms...,...,

191 STAATSKOERANT, 4 NOVEMBER 1988 No No. R.2215 Labour Relations Act (28/1956): Building Industry, Port Natal: Extension of Main Agreement... R.2216 do.; Amendment of Main Agreement... R.2217 do.: Building Industry. Pietermaritzburg and Northern Areas: Amendment of Agreement General Notice 768 Labour Relations Act (28/1956): Cancellation of registration of a trade union: Durban Municipal Transport Employees' Union... Mineral and Energy Affairs, Department of General Notice 761 Mining Rights Act (20/1%7): Reservation of land for the purpose of a public road: Farm La Riviera 289: Mining District of the Orange Free State.... National Education, Department of Government Notice 2259 Heraldry Act (18/1962): Application for registration of heraldic representations, and objections thereto... ""..... Parliament of the Republic of South Africa General Notices 762 Meetings of committees Meetings of committees... South AfricaJ;! Defence Force Government Notices R.2193 Armaments Development and Production Act (57/1%8): Armaments import and transit control.... ".... R.2194 do.: Armaments development and production control.... ".".... South African Police Government Notice R Public Safety Act (311953): Security Emergency Regulations, 1988: Correction notice State President's Office Government Notice 2133 No. 101 of 1988: Constitution Third Amendment Act, Trade and Industry, Department of General Notices 737 Companies Act ( ): Incorporation of companies: New companies and conversions from close corporations into companies do.: Deregistration of companies..., Close Corporations Act (69/1984): Incorporation of close corporations: New close corporations and conversions from companies into close corporations...,..., 740 do.: Deregistration of close corporations Customs and Excise tariff applications: List 32/ Water Affairs, Department of Government Notices 2224 Water Act (54/1956): Rietspruit Government Water Control Area, Districts of Westonaria and Vanderbijlpark, Transvaal: (A) General pernlission in terms of section 62 (2B) (a) of the Water Act, 1956, in connection with the abstraction and use of public water for irrigation purposes from certain streams, and (B) prohibition on the construction of dams Water Act (54/1956): Kalahari East Water Board: Establishment..., Page No I I7 18 Gazette No \ No. Aigemene Kennisgewing 768 Wet op Arbeidsverhoudinge (28/1956): 1ntrekking van registrasie van n vakvereniging: Durban Municipal Transport Employees' Union... Mineraal en Energiesake, Departement van Aigemene Kennisgewing 761 Wet op Mynregte (20/1967): Uithou van grond vir die doeleindes van 'n openbare pad: Plaas La Riviera 289: Myndistrik Oranje-Vrystaat... Nasiooale Opvoeding, Department van Goewermentskennisgewing 2259 Heraldiekwet (18/1%2): Aansoek om registrasie van' n heraidiese voorstellings en besware daarteen... '"... Ontwikkelingsheplanning, Departement van Goewermentskennisgewings R Grondwet van die Nasionale State ( ): Inwerkingtreding van item 32 van Bylae I Wet op die Ontwikkeling van Swart Gemeenskappe (4/1984): Aanwysing en afsondering van grond as 'n ontwikkelingsgebied: Distrik Nigel, Regjstrasieafdelin~ Transvaal 2258 do.: do.: Kaapse Vlakte, admidistratiewe distrik Kaap...,... Parlement van die RepubIiek van Suid-Afrika Aigemene Kennisgewings 762 Vergaderings van konlitees..."',,'" 766 Vergaderings van konlitees..."... Sentrale Statistiekdiens Aigemene Kennisgewing 765 Verbruikersprysindeks: September 1988 Suid-Afrikaanse PoIisie Goewermentskennisgewing R Wet op Openbare Veiligheid (3/1953): Veiligheidsnoodregulasies, 1988: Verbeteringskennisgewing.... Suid-Afrikaanse Weermag Goewermentskennisgewings R.2193 Wet op Krygstuigontwikkeling en -vervaardiging (57/1968): Beheer oor invocr en deurvocr van krygstuig... R.2194 do.: Beheer oor ontwikkeling en vervaardiging van krygstuig "..."... Waterwese, Departement van Goewermentskennisgewings 2224 Waterwet (54/1956): Rietspruit-staatswaterbeheergebied, distrikte Westonaria en Vanderbijlpark, Transvaal: (A) Algemene vergunning kragtens artikel 62 (2B) (a) van die Waterwet, 1956, met betrekking tot die uitncem en gebruik van open bare water vir besproeiingsdoeleindes uit sekere strome, en (B) verbod op die bou van damme Waterwet ( ): Kalahari-Oos-waterraad. Instelling... Wet en Orde, Ministerie van Goewermentskennisgewing 2230 Wet opopenbare VeiIigheid (3/1953): Bevel kragtens die Veiligheidsnoodregulasies, ,,... Bladsy No Staatskoerant No BOARD NOTICE 95 Sea-Shore Act ( ): Mossel Bay: Gas Development: Proposed lease of a portion of sea-shore and sea to make provision for pipelines to be laid in the sea and under the seashore at Vlees Bay".. ".. "... "...,.. 23 I 1563 RAADSKENNISGEWING 95 Strandwet (21/1935): Mosselbaai: Gasontwikkelingsprojek: Voorgestelde verhuring van gedeelte strand en see vir die Ie van pyp \yne in die see en onder die strand te VleesbaaL... "

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