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2 Ideas on Issues Today's Children Are Tomorrow's Leaders Camping Makes A Difference By Stephanie Hearn (Kansas), Foundation Director and The Crescent Editor When you were 10, did you know how to roast a marshmallow? Sure, everyone knows how to do that. Not every 10year old. Jennifer knows how to avoid the blows of her frustrated father, comfort her frightened mother, and care for her younger siblings. But she never in her life squashed a marshmallow onto the end of a stick and sat beside a fire watching it tum golden. At Ciamma Phi Betasponsored camps a girl has the chance to roast a marshmal low, paddle a canoe to be a child for at least a few days of her life. For kids like Jennifer kids who have been abandoned, neglected or hurt by abuse camps are a safe and wonderful place to be, a world away from the difficult circumstances of everyday life. Camping has endured as Ciamma Phi Beta's intemational philanthropy since 1929 because it offers: Diversity and vision While some philanthropies go out of st^le or actually become obsolete, camping for girls can be adapted to meet the needs of current societal issues and concems. Chapters may choose to send girls to camps that support specific issues, such as sending a homeless child or one with a specific disease like cancer or diabetes to camp. Preventive programming c;amping ft)r girls is a proactive means lo pre venting problems. The wholesome, nurturing experience of camping for >oung girls can have a positive impact on lives during crucial formative years. Recent studies have shed light on the posi tive benefits of camping experiences for children at risk. Aid to women Historically, more dollars are spent on camping for boys than girls. By focusing on camping for girls. Gamma Phi Beta helps narrow the gender gap Local involvement Every Gamma Phi member or chapter can be involved in camping for girls. All communities offer camping experiences. Members and chapters can select from a wide range of camps and campers to support with "hands on" service or through monetary gifts. (For information on camps in your area, contact the Foundation Office at Intemational Headquarters.) Environmental appreciation As our society becomes more urbanized, a camping experience may be the necessary link to nature for young girls. This issue of The Crescent honors and thanks our members and friends who have given from their hearts to help others (see the donor list beginning on page 10). Gifts to the Gamma Phi Beta Foundation have given Jennifer and young girls like her a taste of a roasted marshmallow and of securit)', caring and selfesteem. The future is in the hands of today's children. M) In addition to supporting the Sorority's philanthropy, special camping for girls, the Gamma Phi Beta Foundation supports: Financial Aid The Gamma Phi Beta Foundation assists Sorority members in reaching scholastic success with scholarships, fellowships and grants. The Foundation annually awards at least 35 scholarships and fellowships to deserving imdergraduate and graduate students. Educational Programming Foundation grants to the Sorority provide educational programming that includes leadership development designed to foster individual and chapter growth. Programs include Sorority conferences. Leadership Training School and workshops at Intemational Conven tion. These experiences help collegians and alumnae hone skills that contribute to success in careers and community involvement after college. See the Foundation donor list in this issuefor information on Gamma Phi's own camp. Camp Sechelt in Vancouver, British Columbia. Andfor information on how chapters can supplement their donations to camps by applying for fundsfrom the Foundation, also see the donor list in this issue. 2 Fall 1994

3 Contents Volume 94 No. 4 Departments Ideas on Issues 2 Foundation Donor List 9 Crescent Classics 25 CoUegiate Honors 35 Alumnae News 40 PACEsetters 42 Features My First Gamma Phi Beta Convention Find out what Gamma Phi Conventions are reauy au about through the eyes of a chapter delegate from Califomia State FuUerton, a firsttime attendee. Chapter Directory ia Officer Directory 45 In II K E 48 Sister Space 48 In Memoriam 50 Memorial Gifts 51 In Celebration 55 Extension: Sonoma State University Rohnert Park, Califomia was the backdrop for the latest grand Gamma Phi installation when Zeta Gamma was added to the rou on May 7, Deadlines Winter October 1 Spring January 1 Summer April 1 FaU July 1 On the Cover Traveling Gamma Phi Experts Assist Chapters Meet eight of Gamma Phi's finest, young leaders who are now on the road visiting chapters. 30 Fighting Member Triumphed Disease: How One Nancy Jacobs (Indiana) tells her story of struggling through and wirming over ulcerative coutis. 32 Gamma Phi enjoyed leadership training and educational workshops in Naples, Florida last July. Editors Editor: Stephanie Heam, E. EucUd Drive, Englewood, CO Feature Editor: PhyUis Donaldson Choat, 2116 S. 113thAve., Omaha, NE Alumnae/CoUegiate News Editor: Kristyn Wiggin Golberg, #2 Desert WUlow, Littleton, CO Graphic Artist: Jody Toth Business Manager: Marjory MUls Shupert, Intemational Headquarters Financing College Educations "Whether you're returning to school or sending a child, you have to answer the question, "How Are We Going to Pay for This?" 46 Gamma Phi Beta USPS The Crescent is published quarterly in FaU, Winter, Spring and Summer by the Gamma Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., E. Euclid Drive, Englewood, CO Subscription price is $6.00. Produced in the U.S.A. by Maury Boyd & Associates. Second class postage paid at Englewood, CO and additional mailing offices. Copyright 1994, Gamma Phi Beta Sororit^'. Postmaster: Send address changes to The Crescent, Gamma Phi Beta Sorority, E. Euclid Drive, Englewood, CO Printed in the U.S.A. Subscribers: Send changes of address, notices of marriages and deaths to Gamma Phi Beta Sorority, E. Euclid Drive, Englewood, CO (Phone number: 303/ ) The Crescent 3

4 .. our Nn ril II fhi FUMM NI Gamma Phi Beta Convention By Kristi Recchia, President Delta Delta Chapter at Califomia StFuUerton I'm on an airplane from Orlando to Fort Meyers. I'm so excited! I spent the mom ing looking at all the women in the airport wondering if they are Ciamma Phis going to Convention. I can't beueve this week has finally come. I have been looking forward to this au year! I've heard so much about Convention yet I'm not quite sure what to expect. After a fun van ride tilled with Florida trivia questions, we arrived at the hotel. There is Gamma Phi Beta "stuff everywhere! I was so amazed at how organized and efficient everything was. After 1 was situ ated in my room, I went down to register with Gamma Phi. Everyone was friendly and smiling. I am so excited to be here. After a deli buffet dinner the first night we broke into s. This was a great opportunity to meet people from all over. It's fascinating how easy it is to start talking about anything. 1 wondered before I came if 1 would have anything in common with people outside of Gamma Phi Beta from au over but it seems like we all have common interests or experiences and everyone is open to discussing them and truly enjoys hearing about one another. I'm staying with two other chapter presidents and we had fim talking about the differences in our chapters. By the end of the night we were talking and laughing so much you would have thought we were from the same chapter! It's so amazing how a stranger can tum into a friend and in this special situation at Convention how our sisterhood opens the door for extra ties. Tomorrow is a. big day first business session and awards night. I can't wait! ^^^^Wi^^ i7i^z7^ /994 I carried the Delta Delta flag during the flag proces.sional at the first business meet ing where we walked in and sat in Greek chapter order. We won the Mary A. Bingham award for overau chapter exceuence. 1 can't beueve it! 1 am so excited! What an unbelievable honor. I'm so proud of our chapter. I could never have imagined anything so wonderfiu. I can't wait to tell the chapter. It was a fabulous night. I was excited and nervous and we cried and screamed when we won. We mu.st have taken 1 00 pictures and I'm still smiling. Wlien we finally got back to our rooms we called our parents. My mom was so excited for me. It was so much fun to teu her about it. I guess working hard, doing the best you can, having fun and giving it your au can help you go places and achieve the greatest things! Our first session was about the Gamma Phi Beta Foundation. I leamed so much about its three branches camping, financial aid and leadership development. What a wonderful aspect of Gamma Phi. Soon I will be able to participate in the Senior Camation Appeal which wiu lead the way in my lifetime involvement! Next was our rush information presen tation. We heard three speakers on prerush, rush school, conversation and snap bidding. TTie Panhellenic luncheon fouowed. My chapter won three honorable mention awards! Now we have 6 awards to bring home. 1 wonder how IU carry them au?! The most touching part of the luncheon was when a 90yearold woman went to the podium and spoke. She talked about the times she spent with Frances E. Haven in the Haven home. It brought my eyes. tears to In the aftemoon we discussed future visions for Gamma Phi Beta and I spoke with some of the new CoUegiate Lead ership Consultants. It was fun brain storming for ideas. Tonight was the ( onfirmed Conven tioneers dinner. We all wore straw hats Fall 1994

5 , Convention Hn Fil II THI FUUM lil HOT FUN IN THE FLORIDA SUN Dorothy Blackball Lenington, (Illinois '24) spontaneously spoke at tbe Panhellenic luncheon about the times she spent with Frances E. Haven. and one camation for each Convention we had attended. It was the biggest party I had ever been to. There was a D.J. and we sang and danced. Some women had 10 or 20 carnations on their hat. I want to keep coming to Convention and get enough carnations to walk in the Conventioneers parade. I hope I wiu be able to come to every Convention! FrU^, i7f4/^^9, r994 1 cannot beueve how quickly this week is going! I don't want it to end. Today was a truly special day. We started off with a ritual memorial service for au the Gamma Phis that we have lost in the past bienni um. It was so touching and it made me reauze that although 1 didn't know those women personally, I care about them and am thankful for their membership in Gamma Phi. All of the Delta Delta Chapter members agreed that the ritual service was the most amazing, beautiful experience to be a part of because it not only united 550 people today but thousands of others everyday. At the Public Relations luncheon we leamed a lot about using our best PR tool to help strengthen our chapters and images ourselves. At the final business session we elected the slate of Intemational CouncU, the 1996 nominating committee and discussed and voted on 18 resolutions. After the business was completed, we were invited to the next Convention in Kansas City in I can't wait! We celebrated the Foundation tonight at the Foundation Dinner. It was again fun and festive. There was a raffle and a treasure chest prize. We raised so much money for the Foundation?it was wonder ful! It was the most exciting fundraising I had ever seen! ^aufrt^ofy i^i/^30^ /994 Wow the last day. This has been the most unforgettable week. With our free time on Saturday after noon I chose to sit by the pool and talk with other members. Every time you meet someone you could have an hour conver sation (at least) with them about Gamma Phi or anything! That is probably the best thing about Convention we are all members of the same group and although we come from different places and differ ent backgrounds, we have a great deal in common and a lot to share. Tonight was the Pink Carnation "When I first walked into the Banquet. ballroom, I was in awe. It was so beautiful and classy. The room was set for the most beautiful preference ceremony although we were just celebrating Gamma Phi Beta. Dinner was delicious and the video of Convention was fun. It was neat to see a recap of the week and be reminded of the excitement of Gamma Phi. ^ /.r^v lllore flian 600 Gamma Phi Betas. benefitted from leadersliip training and sisterhood at the 66th International iii Naples, Florida last July. Members cnfoyedifynamu'spea^cs^ ;^ informationpacked workshops' and * " roundtable disiussions as well as jbod food and entertainment ihared with good friends. >. Highlights of the week induded: Internationlil President Diane tjad^/^ Thompson's (Iowa St.) message to v 5' ^Convention attendees: "The world, x. : is (h6iiging and we must.^ =?:.*; tliange' '"with it." '' L'Cena BrunskiH Rite's (USC) address at the Public Relation's luncheon: "A message of challenge and encouragement." The Gamma Phi Beta Eoimdatbn's raffle and dinher that raised mdre than $30,000 to support Sorority leadership programming, financial did for mentbers (ind special campimi for girls. Sherry Tilley, Zeta Tau Alpha's ' National PcinheUenic Delegate's inspirati(fital ialic at the PanheUenic luncheon: "We ar>ifriend^iinil family'^ a Greek phrase; Idng before MCI thought of it!" * " The Crescent

6 ^ A^^H ^^^ *'~'^ ^.vv o CLOCKWLSE FROM UPPER LEFT: L'Cena BrunskiU Rice (USC) encouraged Gamma Phis to accept Ihe chauenge of change at the Public Relations luncheon. Northern Virginia area alumnae generously supported the Foundation raffle. Doris B. Gorden and her husband Bill accepted their raffle winnings from foey Stiver, Foundation Chairwoman, and then donated $5,000 back! Confirmed conventioneers enjoy the songfest. Barbara Ames. Vancouver Camp Board President carried the Canadian flag during tlje processional. Fall 1994

7 CLOCKWISE FROM TOP: Tiffany fohnsonhester (Oklahoma City) conducted a workshop for collegians. Barbara Nicholson Conkiin (Syracuse) and Ellie Hatzis Bounakes (Boston) served on the Convention Committee. The Convention Committee with Convention Chairwoman Alana Markley Bott fwest Virginia) third from left in front row. Beach Olympics took Gamma Phis to the beach on Saturday afternoon. The Crescent 7

8 ^^^ H T Fll II THI FUIIM HI ELECTIONS Gamma Phi Beta's International Council Seated, left to right: Collegiate Vice President Linda Daniel fohnson (Vanderbilt), Intemational President Diane Tjaden Thompson (Iowa St.) and Executive Director Marjory Mills Shupert (Colorado St.). Standing left to right: National Panhellenic Conference Delegate Betty Ahlemeyer Quick (Indiana), MemberatLarge Cinda Keating Lucas (USC), Financial Vice President Sandra Rettke Nauman (Arizona) and Alumnae Vice President Sharon Witt Dunham (Nebraska). Nominating Committee Area I (Provinces L HI, TV): Delegate: Barbara Missert Wessel (Syracuse) Alternate: Patricia Pivonka Wagar (Bowling Green St.) Area II (Provinces H, VIU, XIV): Delegate: Dianna L. Johnson (West Virginia) Alternate: Marsha D. Snow (Georgia) Area III (Provinces V, VI, XV): Delegate: Mar>' Anne Fitzgibbon Rennebohm (Iowa St.) Alternate: Beverly Gaabo Ahlin (Michigan St.) Area IV (Provinces VU, IX, X): Delegate: Judy E. Graham (Oklahoma) Alternate: Sue Ann WUtse Fagerberg (Kansas St.) Watch for information on new bylaw amendments voted on at the 1994 Convention in the Winter 1995 issue of The Crescent. Area V (Provinces XL XVI): Delegate: (San Diego St.) Patricia Lazos Giesea Alternate: Kay Wetzel Graham (USC) Area VI (Provinces XN, XIII): Delegate: Corinne Y. Martinez (CaUfomiaBerkeley) Alternate: EUen Penne Solum (California Polytechnic St. San Luis Obispo) 8 Fall 1994

9 'HAJNKYOU rom the Ganuna 'hi Beta Foundation J the following donors: Jpha Chapter yracuse University :old Circle arbara Missert Wessel*", 1874, TEII jlier Circle (arilyn Smith Tennity* riiinders Circle lelen Uhtenwoldt Baier* eanne Stauffer Beaudry* mnvandemark Butler** leanne Rice Clark'* larbara Dudley Cottman** ludltb Smith Kaspar* (athleen Smith Nilsen*.oyalty Circle loan Brownell Bacall Jrsula Owen Belyea** iarbara Nicholson Conkiin** 'alricla Covert Harris** Jusan Kosloski Jaffe* (athleen Leigh Kerns** 5oris Heidgerd Kuenning** Jorothy Thomsen Little*** W\el McCormick Murphy** Seen Day O'Brien* leanne Cramer O'Brien** toion Osborn*** ta Betts Smith* Iancy Lynn Wagner* ^nlbia Townsend Colway*** Caroline Centner Conlon* Maiy McCune Cornelius Siisan Beil OeWolf* Phyllis Grant Earls* Barbara Kenney Fortenbaugh*** leanne Hughes Greenhaigh* Marjorie McClure Hotchner* loan Silcock King [feabeth Snyder Komanecky* larole Snider McDermott* frauty Mohr Mercer luditli Manley Miller* lanet Ellen Montgomery Karian Munger* ;apt. Barbara Ann Patrick* ieatrice Morrison Petty** iaily Posthill Rittgers**.oil Miller Salvo* lean Hart Savage jelen Anderson Seely* lliarlohe Brightman Stone*** lanet Stone Wiggins* )orothy McElwain Will** tae Johnson Williams Iarnation Circle loans Amon* ;iiarlot1e Muschlitz Arbogast* ilacy Bierlein 'irguerite Brugler Bonino Margaret Durkee Bowker Mary Smith Bowman Elizabeth Ellis Carruthers* Miss Andrea Eileen Clune* Mary Turnbull Davenport** Margaret Peck Deipriore* Eleanor Barlow Evans Mary Winshurst Goodwin* Christina Swenson Jones Woodra Boyd Keene Nancy Price Lilly Melissa Marshall Nichols Marilyn Drake Osmun Jane Huttenloch Purtield* Shirley Fenner Reidenbaugh* EIna Thomson VanMoppes Helen Robinson Whearty' Lee Donahue Wiedersum* Nancy Yoder P. Christina Allen Jean Brewster Bishop* Patricia Bull Linda Erskine Burns Jennifer L Busch, SCA Karen Anett Carmody Susan Ann Davison.SCA Judith Herbert Dillon Dr. Lana Rittmann Grauer Linda Forbush Najjar llene Hottman Susan Shoemaker Hutchins Nancy Bruce Leader Nancy Dunne Martinson Joan Alexander Mills Michelle Leigh Plaatsman Jane Sheldon Sharpe Barbara Wells Natalie Fitch Welty' Beta Chapter University of Michigan Gold Circle Jackie Reid Allee Silver Circle Delphine Johnston Andrews* Katherine Lathrop Ehrlich*** Louise Sprague Lake*** Kathryn Lynch MacPherson** Nancy Townsend Reynolds** Susan Kennedy Sismondo Mary Savage Taylor Ernestine Hall Walker* Judith Towsley Alexander* Virginia Becker* Carolyn Beltramini Caldwell* Katherine Chase*** Janet Mewhort Hogan* Mary Davis Holt** Kathryn Alice Mewhort* * * Dorothy Maitland Sanders* Susan Rowe Stoll* Elizabeth McCallum Straith*** Carol Heysett Warren Frances Klein Carson*** Marlene Blair Dariing* Christine Allen Dodds Nancy White Edieman Winifred Gridley Keller*** Jane Eley Kimbal' Marian Seitz Kolm" Jane McCarthy Leary* Rosemary Shevchik Malbin*** Chartotte Hamilton Mason"* Evelyn Spamer Munson*" Dorothea Ortmayer Novak Anne Shields Dorothy Cant Tyler' Caroline Savage Wanstall* Joan Nash Watts Nancy Herkenhoff Winch* Cheryl Horvath Yuhas* Dawn Elizabeth Balmforth Margaret Beckett Boynton* Dona Schneider Browne Sharon Carey Brubaker* Garland Kellogg Carson Sally Dillon Conover Gwendolyn Sperlich Crawley Virginia Handeyside Gould' Mary Alice Smith Gulino* Frances Jarc Lois Bassett Johnston* Marcia Keep Judge* Esther Gommesen Kelly* Lou Ann Koval" Margaret Gage Lamont Mary Affleck Lutomski' Susan Fletcher Martzowka' Margaret Ihling Nelson' Lydia Anne Nichols' Martha Chapman Nyboer' Margaret Zavela Raven' NancyAnn Reid' Phyllis Collins Rembowski" Janet Buckwalter Saxon' Edna Hyatt Schaub'" Stephanie Shirk Schwabe* Mary Potter Sharp Margaret Spencer St. Amour Mary Gage Summerhays** Elise Marie Bergeron Tapp Joyce Oetjens Wambold* Phoebe Power Wyland** Mary Anne Pahl Zinn Jennifer Bauman Helen Kortenhoff Breed Kerri Bacsanyi Comai Dorothy Brooks Darling Lois Lamdin Davenport Rana Topelian Emmons Carolyn Hopkins Form Christine Gale, SCA Susan Christine Gusho, SCA Lori Jeanne Hamer Ruth Pittelco Hart Rana Su Huisman Diana Schultz Kestly Sandra Koch Gail Cartson Landazuri Janet Scesny Legel Susan Denean Maskell Paula Mercuri Carol Colwell Messer Jennifer Sellgren Miljan Betty Houk Miller Mary Boer Romero Beth Anne Rudner Karen Graham Sherrin Susan Konchal Stag Ellen Lauppe Truesdell Lisa Kathryn Waggoner Mary Anne McCusker Wilson* Gamma Chapter University ot Wisconsin Madison Gold Circle Alice Woodson Forester***, 1874 Suzanne Wilmeth Anderson* Louise Marston Conkiin*** Katherine Sue Miller* Alyce Langenberg Anawalt* Elise Bossort Bell*** Marjoree Nee Deo* Sandra Brecke Heitz* Gloria Hubred Komppa Jane Pihringer Mueller*" Lynne Clark Nordhoff** Audrey Jones Petersen***, TEII Marion Ehrtinger Swanson*** Rebecca Jane Vair* Eloise Poock Wagner*** Frances Sullivan Waters* Mary Josephson Adamson" MaryJo Banholzer* Christine Friedly Battat Virginia Becker Beckett*** Helen Henry Burtch*" Kathleen Browning Bush" Jacqueline Fontaine Conaway' Nancy Wilterdlng Davis' Lynne Ann Dittman' Mary Alice Findorfl' Dorothy Marshall Frawley", TEII Edith Holmes Frelinger'** Kyle Marie Fritzinger* Helen Cady Griffith* Dorothy Bateman Guetzlaff" Patricia Bernick Holly Mary Shepard Kosloske** Patricia Straub Lange* Phoebe Amelia Miller' Nancy Spiegel Mitchell" Eleanor Hulce Normington" Elizabeth Holcomb Norton Diane Cyzmoure Peterson'" Marjorie Tafel Pfeif" Estelle Lindow Pfeifer' Cathenne Kilpatrick Rice* Susan Watklns Rudosky" Elizabeth Holloway Schar Eleanor Stoddard Seibold' Mary Tuteur Sherman" Florence Vellenga Spindler" Ruthanne Strohn" Frances Shuter Taylor Jean Gundlach Tress' Miriam Youmans Wellford' Karen Nusbaum Buchfinck' Charlotte Atwell Chaney" Patricia Katzenmeyer Cormaney Kathryn Pagels Croak Dorothy Proudfoot Crow Nancy Helminiak Denz Kim Elizabeth Petrie Deriaz Elisabeth Johnson Fisher Margaret Webster Glendenning Bonnie Nicholas Grossenbach* Tami HansonMunroe M. Jill Hughson' Patricia Hunt Marcia Peterson Johnson Mary Sedgwick Johnson" Pamela Moen Keehn' Josephine E. Kremers' Ann Carpenter Krug" Tami Jo Shong McLaughlin Margaret Somers Murphy Mildred Rowlands Nelson Catherine Camille Oak' Margaret Schalmo Pagel Stella Williams Reyer' Janet Walsh Schalmo' Margaret Smith Schuemann Susan Znidorka Schultz' Charlotte Swanson Smollen Patricia Greiner Solberg Marjorie Werner Stockwell* Susan Graham Tredwell Jean Sellery Trukenbrod' Karen Koski Udell Constance Wolcott Walker' * Margaret Rothermel Watson"" Judith Oakland Willis"* Margaret Houghton Womer' Kristin Anderson Alison Meryweafher Barthenheir Annette Nelson Bennett Nan Washechek Bush Margaret Burg Byrnes Carlyn Patelski Carlson Lisa Marie Chandek Amy Gartock Rowena Margaret Henricks Dorothy Dean Jordan Lucina Meloy Kalscheur Susan Catherine Kleinheinz Mary Wilber Kremkau Jennifer P. Larson. SCA Louise Clothilde MacDonald Ruth Winney Martin* Carol Elaine McAvoy Paula Prickril Menn Christine Moren Mary Beth Moseley Lifetime Giving Levels Emerald Circle gifts of $1 00,000 or more Ruby Circle gifts of $50,000 to $99,999 Pearl Circle gifts of $25,000 to $49,999 Gold Circle gifts of $10,000 to $24,999 Platinum Circle gifts of $5,000 to $9,999 Silver Circle gifts of $2,500 to $4,999 gifts of $1,000 to $2,499 gifts of $500 to $999 gifts of $250 to $499 gifts of $100 to $249 * Each asterik stands for five years of consecutive giving. SCA = Senior Carnation Appeal participant = member of this year's 1874 Society TEII = Tau Epsllon Pi member Katharine O'Brien, SCA Natalie Potas Amy Ptashek. SCA Ann Marie Rails Beth Danielle Silver Elizabeth Cook Smith Patricia Lynn Smith Mary Kerwin Syslack Janna Heiligenstein Vuyk Margaret Kilbourn White* Carole RIckerd WllkinsStuenkel Delta Chapter Boston University Platinum Circle Marta Lombardi Brown** Elizabeth Thornton Troy* Silver Circle Dorothy Roberts Mattheson***,TEII Anne Swadel Marvin*** Kathleen L Bowser* Alice Julia Dwinell** Ruth Bellatty Johnson* Jane Milier Leavitt* Florence Barrett Lehman' Kimberly Marie Pedroni Marcia Rizzotto' Phyllis Hannah Schroeter" Ethel Norry Zimmerman* Carolyn Dutton Ashworth" Marie Keefe Brader* Deborah Brewer Brown Elizabeth Hosmer Cutcliffe Capt. Julia J. DiLorenzo' Lorraine Geiger Jefferies Irene Koehrmann Kaplan C. Chnsfine Maynard* Catherine Barr Murphy Wilma Cunningham Nichols' Polly Noonan Rutnik' Sandra Bergstrom Ryan* Dorothy Andrews Soule* Margaret Everett Wischusen Maryellen McKelvey Bashioum Ellie Hatzis Bounakes Kristin Nicole Brief Beverly Peterson Davis* Marilyn Kramer Fait Theresa Hanlon, SCA Karen E Isaacson Clarinda Keir Johnson Hilary Regan Keates Kerri Kunkel Holly Elizabeth Shultz, SCA Lisa Jacqueline Siegel Amy Judith Steinberg Carol Isherwood Walden Epsilon Chapter Nortlimestern University Platinum Circle Dorothy Somers Hoehn**, 1874 Greta Astrom Koerber** Josephine Fawcett Tope Silver Circle Jocelyn Birch Burdick" Lynn Baker Mueller* Nancy Probst Crandall*** Jeanne McGauran Douglas* Mary Le Cron Foster** VernaAmling Hauser*** Deborah Hayes" Lois Moore Kircher*** Ardis McBroom Marek", TEII Rosalie Gay Mortell"* Jean Couch Perry* Jean Ballantyne Ransom*** Jean Summers Smith***, TEII Helen Lenehen Van Kirk*** Gamma Phi Beta 9

10 OR EVERY GAMMA PHI, ' ' " " " " " * Gwendolyn Powers Whitehead*" Charlotte Knape Andrea Andrea Woolard Borch" Shirley Hallgren Brereton**" Jean [Doherty Countryman"** Patricia Koulogeorge Damisch* Jacquelyn Powers Evans*** Barbara Sommer Fisher Marilyn Otto Goll" Grace Dodge Kirk* Dr. Eleanor Merrifield Luse*** Ernestine Dobler McDonald" *, TEII Nancy Furst Mitchell** Maryjane Coleman Samuels" Natalie Kamen Tate*"" Suzanne Maurer Thorne* Sue Sayer Wernecke*** Beverley Williams Whitehead*** Janice Maher Winterbottom*** Felice Pomierski Allen"' Frances Appleby Andrews' Frances Williamson Applehans". TEII Charlotte Cole Bouten'" Jan Eaton Burress' Gail Nelson Bush' Mary Schlecht Cameron Geraldine Benthey Ciader Eulalyn Wilson Clark" Dorothy Marshall Dain* Marilyn Cady Donnelly' Mary Lemke Ely""" Pauline Grove Haliday"" Frances Koblegard Harcus""" Virginia Smith Hartshorn""" Lois Hay Huggett"" Marilyn McCready Little' Charlane Whitlock Mowery Jean Brooks Oliver""" Laura McCarty Palmberg Virginia Park* Susan Repke Peachey Cheryl Wynona PertI Marjorie Johnston Peterson"" Carol Harrison Rawlings* Carol A. Robinson** Nancy Landolt Schellhase * Carolyn Robson Schwem* Helen Lea Hansen Shaffer* Ann Harris Straw* Beveriy Kallman Weber" Jan Ellen Abrams Elizabeth Schultz Andersen * Holly Hill Barnhart " Laurel Batka"" Mary Flowers Batts" Carol Lindner Beaton' Kathleen West Brandt* Virginia Lee Brierley Ann Hipskind Campbell" Gladys Hartenbower Campbell Marjorie Lasker Carey June Zettergren Cooke* Laurel Veith Crane* Amy Elizabeth Dase* Allie Phelps Dunlevy * Sally McAndrews Fox Kathryn Dollahan Friedberg* Theresa Lederer Fulton" Jolene Larson Gardner" Drew Velde Gay Kathleen A Glicker* Vivien Skinner Grant* Frances Black Green* "" Suzanne Janet Hanney* Eleanor Garm Hemminger""", TEII Mary Robinson Kalmus Jane Leffler Kreuter""" Barbara Ryan Lewis Fern Older Lundberg* Joan Widau Marshall Louise Seidl Martell* Shiriey Warren Martin""" Dons Gerrity McAuliffe" Aline Erickson McDaniel Lori Miller" Ruth Mount Miller Dons Cliff Morgan* Ray Yohe Monroe Betty Carey Noble" Joanne Herrnstein O'Neill Cynthia Koerber Patterson Carol Ralph Perkins Barbara Bushby Royden' Joyce Ferguson Saunders' Virginia Haskins Scudamore' Paula Miller Trienens Veronica Ann Varga Donna Mernll Vorce Mary Elise Wachenheim Catherine Soper White Carla Cathleen Alexander, SCA Susan Debra Apkon Patricia Hellweg Arnold Carolyn Traugott Brunn Peggy Sherrod Cantwell Joan Colletta Leslie Ann Corbett Karia Frost Davis Mary Brower Henderson Frances Martin Hoffhine Elizabeth Horan Marilyn Haigh Kearney Christine Klamm Kelly Regina Kramer Janet Hill Modrall Helen McClarnan Sanders Jessica Schlenk Louise Timberlake Shearon Karyn Jurgens Stancy Sue Erbaugh Timyan Carol Beachler Wagner Kimberly L Moore Wall Winifred Olson Warner Lynn Zengen Thomas Zeta Chapter Gaucher College Anne Wollman Almond* Carribelle Waters Conway* Janet Feiker Delaney" Margaret Harvey Gault*** Nancy Gale Callaghan*** Louise Owens Franciscus** Dorothy S Pringle ** Margaret Wilstort Carroll** Corinna Fowler Mathews* * * Lura Ellen Warren" Eleanor Connor Ricards* Rev. June R. Taylor*** Annette Challis Carter* Dorothy Cule Spencer Eta Chapter Univ of Call! Berl<eley Emerald Circle Virginia Porter Farquhar*"" Platinum Circle Corinne Yvette Martinez* Linda Brooks Drevno** Kay Spnnkel Grace. 1874, TEII Elsa Behr Grether Alice Martinelli Kett*** Marlon Weller MacDonald" Virginia Bentley Williams" Maryjane Nolting Birdsall" Edith Johnson Dickman* Mary Diepenbrock Draeger""" Jean Kraemer Hagenstein "" Edwina Ruth Hamm " Morna Scott Nock"" Frances Field Olmsted*"" Janice Slater Parker"" Barbara Bnggs Pratt** Katherine Bloom Remaley""" Martha Locarnini Shine Mary Lopes Vines" Marion Stowell Younger" Margarette Smith Bianco" " " Olive Steitz Blanchard""" Roxane Rockwell Bomersine Dorothy Grennan Burke* Margaret Homer Coultas*** Emily Hass Don* Marcia Gray Doty*" Elizabeth Fallows Hammond*** Cecilia Simonich Hobin Sally Byrd Kerr*" rdllllid ividrbfl IVIIUUV Sally Gorrill Nichols"" Karen Sue Pelham" Cynthia Isabel Wong Rosas Annette Vollmann Ruhstaller""" LoieJudkins Shires'* Frances Woodward Taylor* * Margaret Ayotte ** Maureen S Boro Linda Benamati Bower* Sandra Lynn Campbell Sheryl Fleming Consort Elizabeth Dickey Barbara Pinger Doyle Orpha Johnstone Erkenbrecher Margaret Cleary Felkins* Ann Whitton Giedt Ellen Graham Gllliat Jennifer Burnett Harris* Annette Gimbal Hass* Barbara Oakley Hoyt Elizabeth Ann Itakura Grayle Tully James Jennifer Kurumada Carol McLean McGhee* Margie Morris* Shirley Higgins Palmer* Robin Haseltine Robinson Jeanne Bettencourt Scott" Carolyn Hunter Slater' Kristin Sue Stephany Ardath Busby Swobe Michele Irene Walsh Sheri Salloway Yarosh Amy Elizabeth Albright Stasia Hobrecht Bernadis Patncia Sullivan Boles Joan Puckhaber Burkett' Catherine Brigid Doherty Rebecca Lynn Elia Susanne Elizer Naomi Adrienne Fujimoto. SCA Paula Jean Grintjes Frances Moss Hendricks' Gall Rodrick Highberg Geraldine Weirick Irola Kim Kawaratani Francesca Mecia Krauel Leigh Macdonald Patricia Ann McGaffigan Rhonda Hillary Mehlman Monique Simone Michal Gail Yun Nishimura Katherine Stubb Petray Stacey Reddish Smersfelt Phyllis Chlhping Tien Joy Tom Kayoko Yamato Theta Chapter University ol Denver Gold Circle Kathryn Allen Woodward Louise Robinson Wyatt" Platinum Circle Bette Gnmm Murray', 1874 Sliver Circle Mary Gin Kennedy ' Louise Stegner Steinbruner'", TEII Greta Puckett Weston, TEII Virginia Hoots Evans' Virginia Shannon Heckman"" Elizabeth Mullare Messenger""" Janette Jones Strickland " " Heidi Johnson Thomas" Lorraine Amman Bower"" Catherle Marinoff Den" Susan Hall Orr""" Eleanor Jane Patterson" * * Robin Kathleen Rice* Rebecca Syverson Young Patty Teal Zemke""" Evelyn Richter Baker"* Dana Bleakley*" Elizabeth Baker Brunjes* Anita Brown Fenn Gail Applegate Fritz* Debra Byrnes Griffin" Juanita Dunlop Heckman " " * Ann Spector Lleff* Marjorie Karr Maylott" Jean Omohundro iviil.iuyiiiiii Norma Warner Nichols* Jenniter Leigh Peden Vivienne Weaver Saunders* * Ottilie Stafford Seeber** Joan Thompson*** Helen Messenger Cass Karen France Cramer Virginia Gorin Daday* Judy Russell Davis Barbara Lawson Fredrickson* Tammie GlunzBenyk Ann Horner Hall* Oawn Dalin Heil* Marcella Henry Herbert*** Maryan Weber Hoipp*** June Johnston Irwin* Deanna G Miller Lang* Elizabeth W. McNichols** Hope Hanscom Mitchell Martha Sutherland Northcutt Winifred Wise Page* Nellouise Franz Peloff* Jeannine Marie Pratt Maryjane Halter Raabe* Dorothy Knauss Reid Hortense Addison Roberts" Lucretia Charies Sprowell""" Carol Todd Thomas" Mary Davis VanBergen Brenda Nitz Vanderberry Mary Lou Kelly Wyatt* Elizabeth Winchell Beckman Beth Kliss Bennett"" Susan Lynn Best Karen Boge Browne" Knsten Bruesehoff Dalessio Maurine Nelson Eckloff Karen Elaine Gieseker Jessica M Giraldo, SCA Pamela Goren Ann Jovanovich Hunsaker Catherine Ann Jaltuch, SCA Helen Dowdy Johnson Winnie Unger Johnson Mary Lisa Kurtz Marcetta Rhoads Lutz Janet Martin McKinney Patricia Musick Montgomery R Cook O'Hara Janet Mann Robertson" Susan Hardin Ryden Darby Schneider Karlynn Kan Schramm Janice Warner Serro Linda Abbott Spitzer Mary Beth Harcourt Starzel Alice Peck VallSplnosa Velda Grunwald Wilson Kappa Chapter University of MNMinneapolis Gold Circle Joan Erdall Warner""" Margaret Spence Larsen Marion Gere Baumann* Helen Titelmaier Clark*** Jeanne Abendroth Derrick" " Eleanor Evenson Ericson"" Barbara Olson Gabbert Marguerite Lagerman Kirkpatnck**" Mary Ruth Holloway Manthey Susan Genskow Mayer* Virginia Hynes Tenge** Catharine O'Connor Terwilliger*** Barbara Burnap Donoho*" Nancy L, Evans*** Caroline Cashman Huhndort""" Helen Thompson Kay* Virginia Anderson Kelley* Carol Burns Laybourn** Ruth S. McLaren*** Ann Lajoie Pickler""* Ruth Josse Raney* Marillyn Butcher Reynolds* Helen Bezoier Webster* Mabeth Skogmo WIckersham'* Gloria Gillespie Badgley Rhonda L Bettschen Glona Granfield Bodine* Alice Dunnell Brown* Linda Bouffard Cohen Joan Roth Finnie Jane Westerdahl Fontius Claire Wilson Frazer Barbara Tanner French Bertha Horner Godward Helen Page Gray* Catherine Combacker Hughes" Marlon Ashley Hunter" Aleen Junge Klass Geraldine Rein Krier Virginia Tincher Lemon* Merrilee Mattson Lundquist Betty Ann Blesi Massie Mary Cardie McDonald Margery Krafft Mellentin* Roberta Velin Moe Nora Quinlan O'Leary Margery Nash Payne"* Maryjane Reed* Ellen Stephen Small Michele Andre' Marie Spiller Cathenne Lajoie Stevens Vartey Fletcher Bodsgaard Kristin Mary Bormes Elizabeth Anne Fisher Virginia Gussner Gaspard Sharon M. Giorglnl Diane Gellersted Gregg Ann Guetzlaff Harding Julie Ann Hautman Elaine Isackson Hepp Marion Renshaw Honey Dorothy Butcher Kosower Virginia Gieseke Lewis" Lynn Baumeister Luce Cynthia Bjorklund Mayeron Maureen Mordaunt Monchamp Jean Robinson Paine Suzanne Morris Peterson Janet Christofferson Rhame Laun Ann Uehlin Roberts Ann Conway Ross Rachel Therese Scanlan Sara SheilTeal Jane Chnstina Widseth Patncia Williams Zimmerman Lambda Chapter University ol Washington Silver Circle Jean Fisher McTavish ** Kathryn Ludington Sinclair* Billie Jo Hodge Campbell* Kafhenne Daman Garrett*" Marjorie Williams Myers" Myrn Kinnear Philbrick"" Kafhenne Brehm Pohlman""", TEII Jean Foster Radford"* Phyllis Graham Richmond " " " Gwendolyn Goodwin White* Mabel Chesnut Woodruff* * * Jean Anderson Allard"" Sally Marion Anderson"" Jean Harbaugh Austin""" Martine Baker' Annis Morgan Day" Annabell Brown Douglass" Barbara Harshberger Fletcher""" Julia Eaton Frank" Margaret Featherstone Galbraith"" Grace Epperson Hill** Frances McLallen Meeks" Anne Adams Moldrem*. TEII Annette Byford Scaff*, TEII Evelyn Lewis Shirrell"" Constance Johnson Strope"** Mary Shultz Thornton* Ava Pattee Allenberg'"" Jane Cummins Brown' Betty Churchill Cochran' Harriet Rickerson Eisenbeis" Margaret Brewster Ford Kathryn Graham Funk" Sharon Lee Givan" Sandra Shaub Goelzer*** Carol Cox Griffin** Dorothy Gerald Jaeger** Knsten Lindskog Jarvis* Barbara Neville Lentz" Ellen Brehm Lewis* Patncia Riley McNeal* Ellenor Wright Naden"" Dorothy Spragg O'Brien" Diane Ahlskog Pearson Lifetime Giving Levels Emerald Circle gifts of $100,000 or more Ruby Circle gifts of $50,000 to $99,999 Pearl Circle gifts of $25,000 to $49,999 Gold Circle gifts of $10,000 to $24,999 Platinum Circle gifts of $5,000 to $9,999 Silver Circle gifts of $2,500 to $4,999 gifts of $1,000 to $2,499 gifts of $500 to $999 gifts of $250 to $499 gifts of $1 00 to $249 * Each asterik stands for five years of consecutive giving. SCA Senior Carnation Appeal participant = 1874 member of this year's 1874 Society = TEII Tau Epsilon Pi member = Judy McLean Pitcher*** Karen Lundin Possehl* Patncia McGovern Regalia* Chris Steig Richards** Rheta Whitman Ruthertord** Suzanne Gunderson Sedlewicz* Janet Hartman Skadan* Helen Coburn Tuell" Barbara Cady Wilderman* Jean Osborne Wilhelm'*' Corinne Carpenter Yoder* * ' Janet Sanders Benkwith Susan Bergeron Blumenfeld Janet Sumner Borgen* Margaret Cushnie Burso Jean Lawrence Fairbourn Karin Peterson Farrar** Jane Cortelyou Galbraith Eleanor Milner Ginsberg Phyllis Klinker Hawes** Norma Hall Henderson Gwendolyn Myer Jacques" Sandra Naff Keefe Elizabeth Siemens Keeney" Maniyn Foxworth Kennedy Margaret Lamping Maguire" Patsy Herley Matz"" Kathryn Paulson McCroskey* Mary Helen Corbett McFadden" Mary Cleave Mickelson Jacqueline Carpenter Minor Lisa Roehl Pascualy" Letitia Clarke Portelance Karen Marcotte Rogstad Naida Marshall Sanders Ann Fauchald Sherman* Mary Carpenter Skewis* Dorothy Shaw Toland Patricia Osborne Wright" Julianne Williams Zimmerman** Julie Ogata Alan Patricia Larsen Ambrose Paula Day Bevegni Shannon Brown Michele Bourdeau Capeloto Angela Lee Covey Victoria Hirst Dellinger Jane Polwarth Ekberg Melissa Renee Harding Lizabeth Lippke Haven Diane Fasano Hermann Janine Fischer Hurn Jean Herm Krogstad Jennifer Ballard Lane Valerie Haigh Lasater Katherine Kendall McAnulty Shannon Rose McLaughlin Lisa Kilgore Nelson Carol Jahns Orr Teri McKinley Pratt Kimberiy Denise Ramick Marianne Harrison Rankin Karen Cleghorn Russell Martha Hunter Sabo Athena Delimitros Sarantinos Joan Cartano Savard Patricia Hreha Shields Melissa Lee Stewart" Marianne Brunke Thornton Deborah Jones Vitulli Carolyn Jean Weisfield. SCA Gail Hurley Wham Peggy Bushnell Wllkerson Dale Parsons Worthingtoni Mu Chapter Stanford University Margaret Morse Watts*"" Barbara Lyon Baxter"*" Elizabeth Jones Netcher"" Joan Kester Armstrong" Margaret Wade Aubry* Jeanne Kesler Benn* Elizabeth Card Carpenter" Jane Spalding Levitt""" Betty Hale McLaughlin Joan Coffeen Mullinex" Martha Hall Niccolls"" Ema Demond Webster" Margaret Kempenlch Bootbi Bette Brock Colm" Eloise Courtright Goodhew Lorraine Strove Litchfield" Marjorie Smith Manwaringii Helen North Reynolds'** Barbara Thrasher Robesky*" Elizabeth Anne Oswald Nu Chapter University ol Oregon Platinum Circle Mignon Phipps Michele"" Silver Circle Tony Lucas Eames Barbara Essex Eckelman" Maribeth Wilson Collins"' Martha Harrold MacBride' Florence Sloniger Page*" Mina Miner Smith" Bibbits Strong Brown" ' Katherine Hayward Graham"' Julia Ann HartLawson' Eleanor Forrest Hillar" Anne Halderman McGowan*' Joyce Herbert Syford"" Doris Padrick Blunt Ruth Hillman Carter"" Suzanne D. Davis" Elizabeth Steed DePrez" Jocelyn Fancher Gay"" Dorothy Dickey Harn""" Miss Mary Lenore Holloway Elizabeth Weinziri Johnstor Irene McLeod Kleen" Lyn Perkins Mesner*** Jane Spann O'Donnell Mary Anderson Page" Nancy Hamilton Samson" Laura Tallant Schroeder" Teresa West Shields' Marjorie Roehm Stevenson" Margaret Masters Vonirick'i Barbara Leiter White". TEI Jacqueline Jordan Wiedinai Rosamond Fraser Wyche" Donors

11 Virgima Farquhar Leaves A Legacy Bv.4nn Mullen Bronsing (Indiana St.), Foundation Chairwoman, As usual, in San Diego, it was a beauti ful day, but this day ivas especially beauti ful to me because I was able to spend most of it with a fascinating Gamma Phi sister. Virginia Porter was Fanjuhar initiated into Eta Chapter of Gamma Phi Beta at ihf University of CaliforniaBerkeley in She loved her Sorority experiences in college and continued alumnae involve ment as she traveled the world with her husband Jack, a Naval medical officer. Since I had spoken to Virginia several times regarding her generous Foundation contributions, I decided to eall her while I was on a vacation trip to the area. Virginia, always the gracious lady, invited me to lunch at the San Diego Naval Base. She was proud of her husband's service in Virginia and Jack in die Navy and welcomed the opportunity to a provide midwestern tourist a chance to see the famed Naval base's Captain Kidd's Officers Club. At the time of this visit in March of 1991, Virginia had been a widow for almost two years. She was suffering from an acute spinal comhtion which limited her abihtv to stand straight and walk with ease. She was stul active in cai"ing for her home and occasionally visiting with other Naval wives. She gave me a tour of her home situated in the Point Loma area of San Diego, overlooking the Naval base that had played such a role in her life. She was especially pleased when I noticed her Gamma Phi Beta badge on a gold pendant aroiuid her neck. At the Captain Kidd Club, overlooking San Diego Harbor, was Virginia treated with respect and affection. Her "Pearl Harbor Survivor" hcense plate was saluted at the gate on the way in and out. I found her to be a dynamic conversationahst who charmed me with iememl)rances of living in Hawaii, Corpus Christi, Texas and Guam. Virginia was a charter member of the Foimdation's Tau EpsUon Pi Society and an 7874 Society member in both 1992 and She was rhsappointed in not being able to attend the 1874 Society reunion at International Headquarters in the spring of 1993 due to an extensive hospital stay and recovery period. On July 28, 1993, Virginia died. Her love of Ganuna Phi Beta hves on through a bequest of approximately $300,000 one third of her estate to the Foundation. With the first $125,000 of this generous gift, the Foundation Board of Trustees set up a leadership endowment in Vir ginia's name that wul provide funding for Sorority educational leadership programming. With 1150,000 of the remainder expected this fall, the Foimdation wul estabhsh an endowment to fund emergency financial aid for Gamma Phi Betas. Gamma Phis wul have Virginia to thank for leadership development at au future Conven tions and Leadership Training Schools. I personauy thank her for an unforgettable memory of a day in San Diego. Patricia Maulding Aeder'" Jessie Bennett Belt Eleanor Holman Burkitt* Carolyn Carr Choate* Diane Mead Donovan* porothy Harbaugh Eward** Mary Lou Dyer Ferguson* Kathleen Tison Gowdy Deanna Bishop Hansen* Marjorie Smith McCredie Connie Lamb McRae Kathleen Newell Newell* Doris Drager Saffron** Lucille Kraus Sandeberg" * McMullen Scolari* Jeanne Krier Silsby' iv Sekermestrovich Stein Carleen Rose Sullivan' Marjone Biswell Watson" *i'9inia Swart Zafiratos Tina Mane Widder Anderson Sharron Woodworth Church Alyce Davis Cratt Jill Erin Dennis Julie Ann Diebenow Carol Kraus Frankel Dawn Hanavan Mario Niko Jones Jacklyn Creager King Michlen TaylorManning Joan Sears McGilvray Kristine Lynne McMahon Margaret Rederich McShatko Carolyn Sewall Muir Loren Joy Petrowski Elizabeth Parker Pfau Carole Michelle Quigley Kari Lynn Ragnes Sally Frank Shafer Lisa Gilmore Totte Janet Kyle Zeider Xi Chapter University ol Idaho Platinum Circle Ralphine Ronald Stanng" Diane Olmsted Hartley Betty Detweiler McGregor" Virginia Evans Miles'" Helen Patterson Brandt'" Joanne Voiten Campbell" Carol Bennett Chipman" Diana Kay Conrad'" Patricia Bailey Dittman* Eleanor Hoyt Felton** Susan Malcolm Frazier* Diane Soderstrom Goff* Margaret Murphy Goss* Nancy Grange Jones Pam Brennan Maguire' Dorothy Simmons Nutting' Rinda Young Olson" Ruth Ramstedt Peterson' Ann Molenaar Schram' Sharrol Bartlett St, Marie' Patricia Bartlett Taylor" Jerre Clayton Coleman Eileen Gilbertson Evenden Tonya McMurtrey Hall Dawn Brunzell Holt" Cecelia Jones Lafavour Elizabeth Dotzler McKissick Mary Burch Nelson Nancy Coe Smithson Julia Taylor Trail' Emelyn Jane Whitlock"" Suzanne Best Williams Sallie Latimore Young' Gloria Gartield Zinn" Kirsten Rae Cannon Deborah Lynn Freeman, SCA Catherine Ann Kennedy Eleanor Anderson Lauer'" Jerry Davidson Lillge' Judith Ann Miller Madeline Meltvedt Naser Marilyn Cox Neal Kay Salyer Pitt Ann Jacobs Rees Mary Patricia Rosholt Celeste Jones Shipp Frances Adams Spofford Marjorie Childs Stearns Brooke Clittord Veltrie Mabel Lovel Vogt Marjorie Jones Waddel Omicron Chapter University of Illinois Ruby Circle Marlon Kaeser Piper'" Silver Circle Midge Barrett". TEII Cariotta Hagen Bielfeldt"' Helen Elliott Davies" Jane Piper Gleason' Col, M Evelyn Bane"" Lisa Ann Felice' Beverly Menz Figge"" Jean Bartle Hemphill*** Nathalie Irwin Hise* Phyllis Armstrong Johnson***, TEII Marilyn Schnirring Kennedy* Margaret Rayner Leedy* Lorraine Zeisler Schneider*** Judy Lee Sennett* Beatrice Sloan Simmons* Frances Knight Voris*** Mary Spencer Bash*** Millicent Simonds Bates* Ruth Cundall Benedict'** Wilma Bartle Berg*** Linda Susan Bielfeldt* Pauline Gucker Blair* Jeanne Potter Bowman*** Jeanne Harshbarger Brenneman*** Lynn Allard Ellis*"* Mary Ann Harrison Foutch Margaret Ramsey Graham*"" Jeannien Gustavison Grossman*** Ronda Mann Hemphill Mabel Kirkpatrick Hohenboken* Donna Jordan Mamer*** Sarah Lou Morse*** Frances Voris Myers"' Mary Carison Paterson Joyce Heath Pennington*" Janet Mosher Rasmessen* ' Alice Profrock Reedy* Ada Rost Scales*** Doris Kaulfuss Simon*** Elizabeth Dean Wanderer*** Virginia Hill Whiting" Chariotte Tanton Bash*** Peg Merriam Blaylock Dixie Nelson Borus" Eleanor Kelly Brandon"" Margaret Engel Brockhouse Betty Gwinn Canmann" Ann Roy Cole'* Dorothy Sharp Espenscheid* Billie Higgins Frese Mildred Smith Frese* Louisa McMein Friend* Elaine Sebastian Gompf** Margaret Scott Grittiths** Jackie Sibley Gunn* Sandra Snow Hillier Emmabelle Clements Horning*** Virginia Brubaker Johnson*** Laura Mayle Letsch" June Johnson Lewis" Frances Wamsley McColl Kristine Melby McCulloch""* Phyllis Hiob Nester* Nancy Ellis O'Brien* Kristine McConachie Quisling* Chariotte Hepner Rosenstiel*** Eleanor Rundell Rowley* Betty Hanes Sulzbacher* Kathleen Fleming Theis"" Carolyn Witruk Turner Elizabeth Fleming Weber" Clara Elwell Ball Mary Scovill Beamer" Dorothy Potter Benjamin Miriam Behrens Bethards Phyllis Way Boardman' Rebecca BoydObarski' Karen White Brienzo" Elizabeth Jean Buerckholtz Beth Adelhelm Campbell Donna James Chisholm Eleanor Schlecht Cox" Karyl Fraley Dean' Nancy Schreiber Dolan* Patricia Michelman Drew" Kaye Gerulski Freischlag Patricia Oram Gillespie Joy McCollum Gray Dorothy Bowen Hageman" Jane Mraz Haugaard Janet Rasmussen Hllgers Susanne Oehler Keller"" Janice Johnson Kuhn Dorothy Blackball Lenington" Helen Smejkal Lindquist Ellen MacGregor' Clare Downey Malysiak Hazel Herzog Manella* Mary Lindquist McDonough Marion Bollinger Melnke Lois Fleming Norman"" Theresa Parker Gwendolyn M, Patterson* Jacqueline Grear Reitsch Kris Marie Rembowski' Mariorie Packalen Santer Ellen Hyndman Schmidt Alice Jacobsen Sprague" Anne Marie Straznickas' Audley Nichols Swartz Nancy Ann Tuman Laura Feldkamp Waldoch Maria Elizabeth Arcila Brett Batten Jane Driessen Bley Pamela Lynn Brady Heather Anne Carroll Jane Howard Chalupny Regina Marie Doyle Kathleen Marie Feldkamp' Anna MacGregor Gore Kathleen Redding Greisch Annette Gross Johannsen' Joy Rickert Johnson Joy Lawicki Joyce Leslie Todd Kiesel Mary Ehler Lansford Denise Lee Maple Louise Malony Markovitch Mary Holland Maschoff' Gail Wedding Mork Kimberiy Koelker Murphy Laurie Coomans Pajor Frances Pride Pleasance' Phyllis Dolan Richmond' Cheryl Kristine Roge Diane Marie Stanislowski Emily Crihfield Veach Dorothy Brunkow Walker Ruth Roselle Wallace" Mary Northam Welge Pi Chapter University ol Nebrasl<aUncoln Silver Circle KrisL, Baack. PhD" Phyllis Donaldson Choat'" Bonnie GayneU Clifford' Betty Roessler Griffin"*. TEII Doris Carlson Kath'" Carol Chapman Sides'" Shirley Lentz Weddle'" Barbara Hansen Weinberg' Eileen Hepperiy Arpke" Margaret Neumann Dietz Dorothy Kent Dorothy*** Sharon Witt Dunham* Mary Jean Lauvetz Hart* * * Marylou Luther Imparato Dr, Jane Ann Kugier* Patricia Dunn Millar"* Helene Byers Turnley* Neva Skinner Bernatz* Marian Paul Butcher** Detta Rohn Carison' Margaret Weber Collins** Sara Brandt Conron Jane MacCuaig Cory*** Katharina Dewald* Jerrie Langelett Eicher*** Jodeen Mueller Fletcher* Lois Lillian Hanson* Peggy Larson Hirschberg* Marion Campen Mahone* Sandra Jean Milby" Laverie Herman Morehouse"" Ardis Fuhrman Nuss Frances Stowell Park* Bonnie Altman Steiner** Julia Greene Tyrrell*** Nancy White Welton*** Bernice Lyons Wilson** Elsie Frampton Wilson* Lori Fuglsang Belford* Beverly Sorensen Bowen** Janet P, Bumgarner, MD Mary Ault Dutcher" Janet Gibson Flory** Kay Gleason Hays' Margaret Henderson Cheryl Renee Hilderbrand Elizabeth Briard Hotmeister" Lucille Ackerman James' Piper Lowe Keating Betty Tomsen Kempf" Joan Wagoner Kopf Helen Sornberger Langdon Nancy Weir Mead' Judith Easter Miller' Catherine Ham Munson Susan Roddy Olson' Barbara Tanking Orton" Jennifer Fix Reck' Theresa McDonald Reinhard' Patricia Bechan Rosenquist" Roberta Nielsen Saalfeld Brenda Fernau Schimenti* Paula Little Thorson Maureen Gotch Vinton* Katherine Rommel Warner* Kristin Westin Behmer Shannon Michelle Bradley, SCA Kimberly Bichlmeier Coffey Kathleen Sommers Collins Gillian Rachel Coolidge Mary Eileen Schanbacher Davey Shelli Ann Dorn, SCA Carolyn Kittelson Fenster Cathy Housel Foster* Ann Paulson Galley Phyllis Weber Gillaspie Suzanne Hruza Granger Helen Kiesselbach Greene Karen Brandt Hassler Mary Young Johnson Colleen Ann Kelly Ardith Smith Lenneville Jeanne Frances McBride Mary Janean Nelson Patricia Keister Petrocine Jennifer Putensen Frances Brune Quigley* Julie Johnson Sarver Doreen Davis Schelkopf Jo Berry Schleiger* Diane Davis Warneke' Janice Marie Wiebusch Rho Chapter University ol iowa Platinum Circle Cherie McElhinney Olsen""", 1874 Jane Dunlap Carver Cynthia Casserly Maggio Doris Havercamp Nelson"* Gretchen Meier Oostenink"** Elaine McCaddonSellmer** Virginia Husman Cheney*** Mary Olmsted Froschauer*** Mrs Jack Haller* Pamela Heeren Hennenfent*** Tucky Wheeler Hobbs" Marion Norris Steele" Cathryn Mary Taylor' Nadine Bright Bell* Gamma Phi Beta

12 ,FOR E\EMV G\MM\ P 28 Joan ' The 1874 Society ofthe Ganuna Phi Beta Foundation Celebrates RecordSetting Foui'th Year In its fourth year, the 1874 Society ofthe Ganuna Phi Beta Foundation celebrates its largest nunujer of annual members yet loyal Gamma Phis and two alumnae chapters! The 1874 Society is comjjosed of individual Gamma Pliis and chapters who have each provided imrestricted gifts of at least $1,874 to help the Foundation continue its important phuanthropic work for the Sorority. The names of loyal Gamma Phi Beta sisters that are hsted here are those women who have given an unrestricted gift of at least $ 1,874 during the last fiscal year. These women support the Gamma F'hi Beta Foundation in this im[)ortaiit way because they know that their gtft, given with love and loyalty, auows the Foimdation to grow in both programs and service to tbe meml)ers of Gamma Phi Beta. The 1874 Society, which holds a yearly reunion, is a vital [lart of the Foundation. We salute these sisters! Thank you to the Members: The Gamma Phi Beta Society ofthe Syracuse University St. Louis Alumnae Chapter Be\('rly AdamsHoward (Colorado St.) Jane DuiUai) Carver (Iowa St. ami Iowa) Sue Schlessman Dimean (Colorado CoUege) Barbara Endres (North Dakota) Posy Roodhouse Erb (Washington St.) AUce Woodson Forester (Wisconsin) Kay Spi"inkel Grace (UCBerkeley) Dorothy Somers Hoehn (Northwestern) Cinda Keating Lucas (USC) Katherine Busbormi Magrath (Iowa St.) (Corinne \ vi'tte Martinez (UCBerkeley) Georgiana Post McClenaghan (Oregon St.) Judi.Nesbitt McMahon (Calif. St.Long Beach) Barbara Pratt McMullin (Colorado) Bette Grimm Murray (Denver) (jherie McElhinney Olsen Joey Sfiier, Foundation (Iowa) Chainvoman, ami Jo Warner Helen ^'ard Pustmueller (UCL\) Karyl Lynn Reed (CaUf. St.FuUerton) Joanne CaUis Roman (V^anderbUt) Ruth Andrea Seeler, M.D. (Vermont) Robyn Forsyth Steele (Nevada) Jolene Lessard Stiver (North Dakota St.) Gladys Eite Taylor (Arizona) Marilyn Smith S\vift Temiity (SjTacuse) Ehzabeth Thornton Troy (Boston) Mary Agnes Welsh (Memphis St.) Barbara Missert Wessel (Syracuse) Lynn Towsley \^Tiite (Colorado) Founding Meitdjers: Beverly AdamsHoward, Kris Baack. PhD.. Herzig Braitsch, Jocelyn Birch Burdick. CamUle A. Cestone, Paula Janis Dean. Barbara Endres. Posy Roodhouse Erb. Doris Bii"d Gorden, Frances Rea Griffin. Barbara Junker. Karen Wander Kline. SaUy Erikson Lewis, Cinda Keating Lucas, Corinne Yvette Martinez, Georgiana Post McClenaghan. MaiT Jane Hipp.Misthos. Gloria Swanson Nelson. L'Cena BrunskUl Rice. Kris Brandt Riske, Marjoi7 MiUs Shupert, Ralphine Ronald Staring, Jolene Lessard Stiver. Gladys Eite Taylor. Mary Agnes Welsh, Barbara Missert Wessel, Lyim TowsleyWliite, Carla Evans ^'Usey. M.D. Imelda Gatton DeGraw Patricia Irish Freeland Marian Hansen Gray** Carol Carpenter Hanson* Margaret Farrish Hasse' Ruth Knight Lundquist Mary Helen Moriing" Mary Rost Oehler Bettie Jayne Reed Olson" CarolAnn Maxant Phillip' Betty Kelly Ruud"" at the 1874 Society Reception at Convention. Vivienne Bowers Barker Marcella Gray Cass' Frances Stearns Fox Mildred Ingvoldstad Haxton"' Barbara Mores Johnson Helen Christensen Kelley Ms Jean Brandt Kemmerer" Schariott Junge Lapham" Maryann Ruud LeZotte" Janice Liepold Loveton' Diane Artus Miller' Diane Hawkinson Morain' Lois Wetzstein Redenbaugh" Ruth Jane Runke" Jo Olson Schurman Marylou Warnholtz Slowey"" Cheron Karns Allcott Belinda Nielsen Anderson Cathy Ann Berke, SCA Dian Brown, SCA Shawn Kelleen Burke Virginia Glass Carison Janet Freese Dallman Linda Hamilton Edsall Deanne Gourley, SCA Susan Millet HawesKatz Dawn Hugelier, SCA Victoria Holland Hurst Kristin lllian, SCA Kathy Johnson Luedtke Anne Cooney Martens. SCA Gretchen Bickel Pool Miki Racine. SCA Virginia Hazen Ris Kristina Scott, SCA Mary Van Gerpen Smith Donna Dybbro Snyder Mary Brush Utiey Jaime Renee Welte Leone McNally White Christine Anne Zinger" Mary Balkema Zoeckler Sigma Chapter University of l<ansas Pearl Circle Lucile McVey Dunn' Platinum Circle Sara Clawson Colt'" Sara Fair Sleeper'" Mildred Odell Blum"* Sue Wright Brownlee" Kathryn Moore Coen" Betty Hailey Crooker" Susan Eggleston Donaghue" Catherine Campbell Dunmire" Dorothy Graber Eriksen* Amanda Wulf Fortenbaugh Dorothy Stone Haren'" Jananne Hewett McLaughlin* Barbara Ossian Williamson*** Margaret Overall Burnett"" Pauline Laptad Deaver" Marjorie Siegrist Ebling*' Susan Kay HarperStanbrough' Helen Hughes Kloepfer' Jean Stephenson Maynard' Sarepta Pierpont Ostrum' Mazzie Lane Steger' Jane Atwater Tinklepaugh ' ' Barbara Felt Welton' Emily Allen Witham" Susan Owens Bloom Marcia Nelson Cassidy'" Anita Kopmanis Collister Marjorie Walker Cowell'" Jan McEv/en Davey' Stephani Calhoun Davis" Edith Senner Dickinson" Helen Lockhart Egy'" Connie Jo Carney Erickson' Emily Stacey Evanow Susan FischerLukens* Janet Allen Fithian*** Lois Moon Garver** Lou Murray Hansen'** Stephanie Hearn. TEII Jane Elizabeth Heeney Mary Ewers Heimann* Beth Weir Jones** Anabel Walter Joyce** Jeri KadelBoyd Suzanne Kastner Kerwin*** Patricia Bailey King** Bette Brook Lathram Marimae Voiland McDonald*" Jill Remsberg McGee** Marilynn Konantz Miller** Mary Felt Moore* Donna Hauser O'Neal** Sarah Pickett Richardson* Pamela Castor Roberts Sandra Miller Shutler* Lifetime Giving l,evels Emerald Circle gifts of S or more Ruby Circle gifts of $50,000 to $99,999 Pearl Circle gifts of $25,000 to $49,999 Gold Circle gifts of $10,000 to $24,999 Platinum Circle gifts of $5,000 to $9,999 Silver Circle gifts of $2,500 to $4,999 gifts of $1,000 to $2,499 gifts of $500 to $999 gifts of $250 to $499 gifts of $100 to $249 * Eacti asterik stands for five years of consecutive giving. SCA Senior Carnation Appeal participant = 1874 member of this year's 1874 Society = TEII Tau Epsilon Pi member = Lucile McVey Dunn, (Kansas), moved up to Pearl Circle this year! Nancy Jackson Street" Doris Tlhen Uhlig Jean Elson Woods* Marilyn Pollom Adams* Julia Piper Beckwirth Vickie Anderson Bradley Jean Brown Diane Lynette Sader Sandra Rasmussen Cobb Joan Fordyce Cooke* Barbara Wilson Creighton Marsha Bovos Deitchman** Jane Barber Doherty Mary Lawrence Engle Martha Mueller Gentry* Becky Goodbar Gibson Elizabeth Ann Grigg Toni Delmonico Gunter Brenda Press Harden** Judy Kay Shepherd Hawkins' Janet Gorman Hoven' Mary Valentine Husted"' Mary Lois Ruppenthal James' Margaret Zurn Kaul" Jean Bailey Knox Rosemary Kinney Larrabee Patricia Armstrong Matchulaf Judy Bailey Mclntire Jane Henry Michener'" Deborah Reid Mountsier' Marcheta McKenzie Neale" Amy Ann Oeding Sue Haines Ott"' Jamie Pachter Marjorie Heimbrook Penrod Joan McGregor Prater Margaret Purves' Jenniter Joy Reber Carol Walker Searcy" Jannell D, Senn" Margaret Grumman Shields Ellen Winkler Slicker Cynthia Lynn Stockwell Anna Muhlenbruch Stucker June Thompson Toland" Shirley Hoyt VonRuden'" Claire Connelly Wallingford" Carol Reber Wilson' Melanie Shiriing Allbaugh Brandy Bruno Claudia Bushey Burch" Suzanne Schwantes Coil* Vicky Karlin Cole Joanne Emerick Denton Lisa Ann Frerker' Kathy Hanan Guamer Margaret Ann Gels Netta Flummertelt George Regina M, Gilbert Tittini Boyd Gregory Ruth Davis Irby Ramona Goering Keenan Laura Dunmire Klotz Roxanne Reber Lallier Gwen Lee McClure Mary Molden Miller" Dana Franklyn Myers Cara Zanotti Newell Amy Farrar Osborn' Cynthia Emig Penzler Patricia Mills Petersen Judy VanDeventer Pfadt Cathy Koeppen Purcell Kelly Stavros Simari Sandra Falkenstten Simonetl Belinda Borders Smiley Cynthia Lynne Smith Mary Ellen Stadler Julie Reebel Waites Nancy Kinter Weir Penelope Paris Wilton Tau Chapter Colorado State University Gold Circle Beverly AdamsHoward", 1874 Platinum Circle Marjory Mills Shupert"* Silver Circle Anne Hofer Shepard** Adele Taylor Cresswell**" Jane Bacheller Habermann**, TEII Jeanette Robinson Hawkins' Linda Lee Hinshaw' Roberta Ann Kirschbaum'" Sharon Weiss Rittgers"* Maradith Ensor Wilkins' Patricia O'Neill Colket**' Glenda Beach Condon Ann Marie Platz Denham* Jo Bole Jetters* Ruth Stone McCreary* Karen Estes McElliott Cheryl Broyles Moore* Bridget Combs Paich Margaret Kight Richardson* Patricia Koerner Southwick Donna Hahn Tomlin*' Bettyann Huskins Ungemach"" Constance Cramer Banks Christine Larson Basford" Sharon Gallagher Blackstock" Jane Heubner Blair" Sammie Broyles Beverly Tucker Carter Christine Smith Frey Jean Keller Heimann" Betty Gillett Husted" Donors

13 Tethemehemenae Tau Epsilon Pi Society The Gamma Phi Beta Foundation is proud to welcome 15 new members to the Tau EpsUon Pi Society. Membership in the Tau EpsUon Pi Society is the Foundation's way of honoring those members and friends who are securing the Foundation's future through a planned gu't or bequest. The Society is named after the Sorority's open motto Epi Founded Petran Upon a Rock. Its members are the "rock" upon which the future of the Foundation is buut. NotUying the Foundation of your planned gift today enables the Foundation to plan for tomorrow. Planned gtfts help ensure that the Foundation can continue to honor its commitment to provide fmiding for quahty educational and leadership programs, special camping for girls and fmancial aid. Planned gifts can take several forms. The simplest and most fretpiently used planned gift is a bequest in a wiu. Tmsts, annuities and gifts of life insurance and real property are other types of planned gifts. GUts may take the form of cash, securities, real and personal property. In addition to supporting the Foundation beyond the hfe of a donor, planned gtfts may also reduce tax burdens. The Tau EpsUon Pi Society members honored below enjoy the tremendous satisfaction of knowing that tomorrow's yoimg women wul enjoy the same opportunities for growth, leadership development and friendship that they have valued and known in Gamma Phi Beta. If you would like to join these caiing and farsighted sisters in the Tau EpsUon Pi Society, contact Stephanie Heam, Foimdation Director at Intemational Headquarters, E Euchd Drive, Englewood, CO ; (303) , F.\X (303) Susan Schwartz Winter" Nancy Auchmoody Zintek Chi Chapter Oregon State University Gold Circle Georgiana Post McClenaghan"" TEII Glee Clark Heikes"* Carol Carr Henderson Glydas Henderson Cameron" Mildred Dariing DeGroot Helen Anne Donovan*** Laura Mason Doyle** Lucille Van Loan Eldridge** Alice Lehman Irma Hoech Matthew** Eleanor Martinson Mclnnis* Helen Fisher McMenamin** Ottilie Schupp Olesen* Deva Chisholm Vaught*** Honorary Chairwoman: Ardis McBroom Marek (Northwestern) Founding Members:,yi.5on Shafer Bond (Missouri) Joan Herzig Braitsch (San Diego St.) Ann Mullen Bronsing (Indiana St.) Joyce Humphrey Cares (Syracuse) Camille A. Cestone (Bowling Green) Sue Schlessman Duncan (Colorado College) Elizabeth Anne Enunert (S. Methodist) Virginia Porter Farquhar (UCBerkeley) Dorothy Marshall Frawley (Wisconsin) Kathleen Benyo Gill)o (Kent St.) Kay Sprinkel Grace (UCBerkeley) Betty Roessler Griffin (S. Methodist) Joyce E. Hatch (Rutgers) Eleanor Garm Henmiinger (Northwestern) Elizabeth Hutchison Hughes (Northwestern) Barbara HurtSimmons (NebraskaKearney) Phyllis Armstrong Johnson (luinois) Qarabeth Holt Kerner (Oklahoma) Anne Louise Lajton (McGill) Sally Erikson Lewis (Bradley) Catherine Guthiie Lindauer (Iowa St.) Ardis McBroom Marek (Northwestern) Dorothy Roberts Matheson (Boston) Georgiana Post McClenaghan (Oregon) Mary Jane Hipp Misthos (Colorado College) Anne Adams Moldrem (Washington) Sandra Rettke Nauman (Arizona) Gloria Swanson Nelson (Oklahoma) Linda Hallenbeck Peiegrino (Cal. St.Long Beach) Katherine Brehm PoUman (Washington) Kris Brandt Riske (Wyoming) Annette Byford Scaff (Washington) Dr. Ruth Andrea Seeler (Vermont) Alberita Richards Semrad (Wisconsin) Allison London Smith (Missouri) Jean Summers Smith (Wisconsin) Jolene Lessard Stiver (N. Dakota St.) Helen Berg Towne (Idaho) Elizabeth K. Ware (Michigan) Mary Agnes Welsh (Memphis St.) Barbara Missert Wessel (S)Tacuse) Greta Puckett Weston (Denver) Mary Craft Wheat (Ohio Wesleyan) Evelyn Virginia Wiley (BirminghamSouthern) Noreen Linduska Zahour (Illinois) TEH niend)ers Lois Kirchner Abbott (San Jose St.) Fran Williamson Applehans (Northwestern) Midge Barrett (Illinois) Carol Goshaw Blanchard (USC) Kendra Gates Bocher (Cal. St.Long Beach) Christi BoyettThompson (Southwest Texas St.) Mary Butler (Oklahoma St.) Pegg)' CosteUo (Pemi. St.) Mary Crannel Craven (St. Louis) Kathleen Dinshaw (San Jose St.) Carolyn Hansen Dorn (Wyoming) Marj' Gates Eckmeyer (Nevada) Lyman French, Jr. MUdred Carlson Glaser (Ohio Wesleyan) Jane BacheUer Haberman (Colorado St.) Doris Erwin Hawkins (Iowa St.) Stephanie Hearn (Kansas) Lisa Lepley Hiles (Indiana) Kimberly Dawn Hodges (Te.xax Tech) Mary Margaret Holthouse (Oregon St.) Lynn Jorgenson Jacobs (North Dakota) Marjorie MaxweU Jones (Missouri) Jeannine Sheldon KaUal (MiamiOhio) Kathiyn L. Lathim (Oklahoma) Cinda Keating Lucas (USC) Maggie Magee (Iowa) Ernestine Dobler McDonald (Northwestern) Martha Koons Nissley (Penn St.) Audrey Jones Peterson (Wisconsin) Karyl Reed (Calif. St.FuUerton) Geraldine Epp Smith (Missouri) Mary Jane Soechtig (Iowa) Virginia Spaven (Miami) Tracy Lea Stack (Florida St.) Louise Stegner Steinbruner (Denver) Diane Tjaden Thompson (Iowa St.) Barbara Leiter White (Oregon) Peggy Stimmel Hutchinson*** Barbara Thompson Kerr Diane Saltgaver Lau Laura Ann Wilson Pfister Peg Dorsey Riley*** Jeanne Isham Scott** Stevie Marcus Sturia* Elizabeth Hinds Wagner* Dariine Durand Wilson*** Jill Wandel Woods Carol Kob Andrews Sandra R, Brewick Patricia Kallminzer Davis Elaine Schoendaller Ennis Virginia Stubbs Frazier* Charlene Leedy Gail Susan Hamilton Grant, SCA Jane Counts Hanna*"" Nancy Maisto Hewett Mary Hickey Lacock Gertrude Lauche Patticia Thayer Marrou Mary Butter Mathiesen' Andrea Jean Meyer. SCA Elizabeth Gage Murray Jane Powell Pelletier Karen Linn Ryser Teri Donaldson Spanswick. SCA Holly Tegtmeier Upsilon Chapter Hollins College Mary White Coppage" Suzanne Ruthertord Hamilton' Mary Thomson King Phi Chapter Washington University Silver Circle Gladys Hecker Myles*" Wilmot Snyder Lange** Katherine Busboom Magrath Louise Brouster Young*** Joan Davis Brookshire*" Martha Severson Camp*** Mae Augusta Cella*'* Patricia McGahey Henderson*** Shirley Tacke Hunt' Margot Hardaway Osborne' Elizabeth Sloan Phillips'" Quanita Stocker** Lisa Marie Maddox' Susanne Eileen Deborah Mabes Crist" Lisette Wetteroth Marsh McHale June Fowler Heger"" Leila Fonyo Murek Virginia Helen Griffiths Kaiser"" Louise Berger Rost"* Borrenpohl Gloria West Pier"" Jacqueline Heitman Meyer Carol Hohengarten Ruthsatz*** Sandra Louise Ramsey" Shiriey Boeter Stahlheber* Moss Dr. Sylvia Ann Steiiing*** Beverly McLeod Lisa Brockmeyer Elizabeth Henby Sutter*** Vandervoort* Osgood Clara Tarling Tremayne"" Ingeborg Hartleb Vonholle*' Karen R, Pollins* Jill Ferguson Wilkis"' Pamela McGowen Williams Judith Renie Patricia Callahan Sue Bindbeutel Wurbs Seybt*" Zimmerman* Ariene Boresi Orah Shaetter"* Lamke Ahlborg Christie Grossheider Sandra Sue Bartlett Carolyn Kirk Carter*** Tina Marie BetzBacon Shapiro* Cynthia Dee Chin' Sandra Herrmann Brooks' Georgia Flynn Fletcher' Marian Goin Crocker Carolyn Keck Elizabeth Joan Gillespie Gloria Grafe Krimmel" Karen Diehl Greening" Nickie Langland Faye Morris Haley,^ Gamma Phi Beta

14 OR EVERY GAMMA PIII, Seniors Answer Appeal to Build Leadership Development Funding Started just four years ago, the Senior Carnation.\pi)eal provides resourres for Sorority leadersliip programming at Conventions and Leadership Training Schools, collegiate leadership considtant and interna tional rush consultant visits and PACE programs. Each year, seniors are asked to make a fiveyear commitment to support this appeal. The first year after graduation each participant is asked to let International Head( uarters know her new address, the second year she makes a gift to the Foundation of $10, the third year ALPHA CHAPTER.Syracu.se Univtirsity Kristin Elizalieth Cormier BETA CtLUTER IJnii'prsity ofmifliigan.\llison ( iomlis Stefannie Ehrmantraut ETA CHAPTER inivfrsity of t'.alifffniiuberkeley Kard Dullman.Irnnil'cT kunilliuda LIMBDA CHAPTER Vniversity of Wcmhington Angela l^ee Covey NU CHAPTER Vniversity oforegon Tracy Lynn MrDonald XI CIUPTER iltiiveraity of Idaho Kimherly.\lhers Suann Praest Heather.Mitchell Smith PI CHAPTER University of JSebrmtiaLincoln Amy Kamphau.s Jennifer Putensen CHI CHAPTER Oregon State Vnii'ersitv.ha.\rmstrong PSI CHAPTER ihiiversity ufolilalwma Heidi.lean Green Stephanie Mar^ierite Shirley o>ie(;a chapter loua Stale I niversity Daun \ amlcr \\ eide ALPHA BETA CHAPTER i'niversity ofi^ortti Datiota Nikki GeisI Tami.lean Kartio ALPRA GAIMMA CHAPTER University of NemdaReno Heather Procter ALPRA THETA CHAPTER \anderhht Umversity Elizabeth Barber Darla Iwan.ski Jennifer Coleman Lortz.\bby Pierson ALPHA LA.MBDA CHAPTER University of British Columbia Valerie Jane \^ ilson ALPR* NU Ca4PTER \i'ittenix'rg University Karen Ki^ht.\LPHA XI CH.4PTER Soutliern Methodist University Paige Dawson. \niy Karlstail Heather Anne Hobijison A1.PHA UPSILON CH.4PTER I'ennsylvunixi State University Leshe \hehele Uewellyii ALPa4 PHI CHAPTER Colorado College Juli Schneider Mart;arel Kiiller Simpson BETA.\LPHA CHAPTER Vniversity of Soutliern California Jacqueline %'eintrauj) BETA GAMMA CHAPTER Bowling Green State Universitv Paula Mclntyre BETA DELTA CHAPTER Michigan State Universitv Kristin Ann Kelly BETA ETA CHAPTER Bradley University Gweneviere Willi BETA MU CHAPTER Ftorifta State Julie Dunn BETA PI CHAPTER Indiana State Unversity Shawna Currv.\my Filler Kristina Korbov Alison Mctiinley.\aney Mcintosh (Christine Niemeyer BETA UPSILON CHAPTER KatLsas State Vniversity Kathy Lynn.Alexander Elizabeth Morgan Frisch,\nn Marie Zondca BETA PHI CttVPTER Indiana Universitv Camilla Coriime Crane BETA CHI Ca\PTER Wichita State University TLsha Diarm Barber Tricia Culley Jeny Koiilia Melanie Lynn Mehl CarolyTi Mosteller Jenny R. Toon BETA PSI CRAPTER Oklahoma State University Sarah Lvnn Counsell BETA OMEGA CRAPTER?iorthern.irizona University Kelly.Marie.Allen Cami Crane Melinda.\nn McDonald Heather Ryan.Miller $20, the fourth year $30 and the fifth year $40. By the time she celebrates her fdth anniversary of graduation, Gamma Phi Beta will ceiehrate with her by welcoming her to the Foundation's of giving. Packets are sent to chapter presidents in the fall with a pledge card, membership card and a letter lor each senior asking her to join the Senior Carnation Appeal. Last year the following 115 members joined the more than 495 current mend)ers who have made a fiveyear pledge to the Fmmdation; GAMMA BETA CHAPTER Gettysburg College Sarah Berthelsen Jes.siea R. Lynch GAMMA ZETA CHAPTER Ea.st Texa^ State University Amy Ehzabeth Bouck Su.san Connelly Jidie Flowers Holly Graham Elizabeth Pitts Laura Stephens Kelli Mantle Walston GAMVH ETA CRAPTER California State Vniversityhmg Betuh Kristen D. Harmon GA>IM4 PS! CRAPTER Vniversity oflsorthern loiva Sheila Barthman lisa Hoffman Lisa Kay DELTA DELTA CHAPTER Californiii State UniversityFullerton Viviana Melgar Traci.Ann Steele DELTA EPSILON CRAPTER Texas Wesle)an Universitv Jennifer Moody DELTA ETA CHAPTER University ofcaliforniairvine Meredith Purcell Gayatri Sitaraman DELTA IOT\ CHAPTER Purdue I iiiit'r\ilv Michelle lilackouski Llin Lynn Carney Lisa Eileen Howe Jenniler.Ann Joslin Emily Schiller Erica Lynn Te.sar DELTA KAPPA CHAPTER Lehigh Uniiersity Rachel Cain DELTA ML CR\PTER Rutgers State University Beth Feder DELTA NX' CHAPTER Southwest Missouri State Michelle Blue Rona Amber Wright DELTA SIGMA CHAPTER Florida Institute of Technology Deborah Strunk DELTA TAU CHAPTER Colgate University Mary Cidley Femke de Ruyter DELIA CHI CHAPTER California State UniversitySaeratiiento Lee Ann Inderbitzen Cyndi Nelson DELTA PSI CIUPI ER Universitv ofcaliforniasanta Barbara Julie Morrison EPSILON ALPHA CHAPTER Ll Salle University Su.san TiuTman()vi('h EPSRON GAMMA CRAPTER University of San Diego Tiffany Addy Paula Dalmada Shelljy DePriest Stefanie Derington Tracy Kay Monique Logan Stacey Monnastes Kristi Neal Kari Norton Tracy Reines Kelly Robinson Su.sie Varni EPSRON DELTA CRAPTER Creighton University Kell\ Anne Luksetich EPSILON THETA CRAPTER Clemson University Carla Mayfield.Anne \'andenberghe EPSILON LAMBDA CRAPTER University of.auibania Gma Williams Bird Crissy Buchanan.Angela Hanners Carrie Kleifgen.Amy Mixer EPSILON MU CHAPTER Loyola University Cindy Huber EPSRON NX: CHAPTER Chapman Vniversity Kimberly.Ann Gray EPSILON TAU CHAPTER University of Rochester Erica Friday Sarah Hartman Serra Pradhan EPSRON OMEGA CHAPTER University ofmiami, Florida Elise Beekendorf \ Cynthia Marie Anderson Terri Kennedy Briggs* Margaret Miller Browne* Pauline Boston Hafenrichter' Chariotte Haskins Heffley Christine Lindauer Kilpatrick* Eleanor Fenton Langer* Mary Ann McDermott* Virginia Lee Montag Michele Suzanne Penson" ' Margaret Quigg Kimberly Sherrell Ruthertord' Carolyn Cramer Steward" Barbara Weiss Boenzli' Marguerite Gillchrest Bromley*" Mariaine Rogers Brown' Frances Ormandy Coffield ' * Jennifer Jacobson Cooper Dorothy Dunham Cornwell Shiriey Stage Deutsch" Valeria Coon Dotterrer Ann Lawrence Emerson" Joan Wassenar Forrest' Marilyn Grace Gilmore Cynthia Mecklem Hoppe' Harriette Heath Johnson' Helen Diesner Kuckens" Elsie Miller Lasher" Susan Chappelie Meland Lorelei Stewart Moersch Janet Lindley Paxson* Barbara Hendrickson Quisenberry* Judith Lively Sandstrom" ' Patricia Nickens Schroeder' Cornelia Clausen Spanier' Margaret Brandeberry Spence" Mariorie Duckwall Talley* Helen Robinson Torbet Sheila Griep Vanzandt Lois Redford Wellen*** Barbara Babson Wolfgang* Marjorie Peterson Acker* Nancy Dick Andre' Susan Landstrom Carter Miss Patricia Suzanne Cody Mary Ruef Filers Frances Leicester Faulkenberry* Dorothy Tripp Glynn* Brenda Ellen Hedge Sandra Surbaugh Hill Mary Margaret Holthouse***, TEII Patricia Moore Johnson Joann Borde Johnston Sally Sherwood Kissell Janet Ormandy Marshall Dawn Melanie Peters Melissa Jean Phiiippi Dianne Henrie Reiter Jane Crider Ringo Janice Fortler Sarvis Jane Uthaug Sears Elizabeth Bowe Smythe Gale McLain Sperry Anita Gilby Sunday Denise Moore White Carol Jacobsen Williams Merlene Hanscam York Psi Chapter University ol Oklahoma Silver Circle Gloria Swanson Nelson***. TEII Karen Gamel Urette** Fay Cameron Young* Georgia Reeves Crow* Bette Byrd Filip** Clarabeth Holt Kerner", TEII Elizabeth Johnson Reidy*** Caroline Reigle Williams*** Dons Schobert Courtney*' Judy Elaine Graham"* Margo Sue Hilfinger Rhonda Badeen Lunn* Margaret West Pape*** Wylodean Cornelison Saxon* Patricia Murrell Thompson*" Dorothy Butler Welsh** Cynthia Donalson Wright" Floreine Dietrich Allen" Leah Pearce Bond Helen Boggs Bradley" Eleanor Erickson Brewster'' Mary Livermore Bush Shiriey Woodruff Crawford*** Vicki Stover Crocker* Shirrell Finley Davis* Margaret Switt Fair"* Ban S. Johnson* Annabel Marie Jones* Patricia Pinney Kelley* *' Jan Fritschen Mason Marie Meeks Neudorff* " Susan Fisher Peterson*" Cynthia Spring Redding Angelique Roland Sickman" Dr, Rebecca Jan Swaney, Eleanor Tracy** Mary Roach Casady" Ellen Matthews Duncan* Dorothy Shurtleff Fredericid Margie Williams Gray Kay Malcolm Gwinn*** Janet Werner Harris** D, Catherine Head" Mary Myers Heck" Pauline Rangeley Holden" Helen Ringer Hughes Mary Yetman Jennings"' Melinda Worsham Klabzutir Linda Polk Klos" Paula McPherson Koy Kathy Cornelison Kravitz I Kathryn Lathim"**, TEII Charlotte Babione Lovett* ^ Patricia Pritchett Metzingerj Sydney Ronish Moran* Mildred Whiteman Moseley** Sally Lynn Neal Linda Ahr O'Neill Letia Fay Parker* Cleta Smith Puckett Carolyn Jane Reed Suzanne Sanders Rickerts" Helen F, Hough Roach""" Jill Johnson Roberson"" Ann Williams Ross" Deborah Kay Maxey Samaras" Juneal Saunders** Kathleen Lucinda Shook Julie Kay Skierkowski Barbara Houck Sowers Jane Boone Taylor Cheryl Annette Vaught Beverly Diane Buckles Teri Buek Denise Stubbs Buthion Shannon Buttertield* Lmda Talkington Curtis Kelly Davis Nancy Addington Dunn Thalia Welborn Eddleman* Kimberiy Kae Fortney Heidi Jean Green Maxine Adair Hare Regina Parks Hays* Marci Ann Murphy Hendrick Kristin Rachel Herring Kristi Lyn Hintergardt Anne Hardy Hitchcock* Shirley Clarke Hoel Betty Sullivan Irvine' Linda Johnson Tracy Schlecht Kennedy Jennifer Johnson Kinnear. Mary Kline Maley" Lynn Hofmann Michal Elizabeth Osgood Miller Kathryn Milchell Gina Gail Preston Mary Ann Roberts Laura Kinnear Sattertield Frances Tabor Sego Caryn Hickman Short, SCA Holly Swanson Carmen Messer Vlahos Kari Newell Wheeler Omega Chapter Iowa State University Platinum Circle Karen Wander Kline""" Silver Circle Cathy Guthrie Lindauer' TEII Gertrude Call Hirt*"" June Hughes Mouden*'" Donors

15 " amp Sechelt f Barbara Ames, Vancouver Camp Board President Camp Sechelt, the Gamma Phi Betaowned camp in Vancouver, British Columbia is operated by the Vancouver Camp Board, a group of 20, hardworking alumnae volunteers. Each summer Camp Secheh accommodates 108 underprivileged girls age 8 to 12 who are referred from pubhc heakh nurses and social workers as chudren who would benefit from the unique camping experience that Sechelt offers. Camp Secheh is open from the end of June until the middle of August with 3 sessions, each lasting 12 days. All food, clothing and transporta tion is provided for campers for only $45. However, no cliild is denied an opportunity to attend if her family is unable to pay. '0 Debra Bryan Johnson Claire Kaldor Karistad Susan Wold Kraft Stephanie Knudsen Larson Sandra Anderson Martz Alice Girdvain Mortenson Elizabeth Sampson Pakola Leota Lee Paulsen"" Georgia Bray Ponciano Margaret Brooks Puetz Patricia Peterson Rafferty Deborah Fowler Swanson Mary Miller Thorsen Kimberly Perry Veil Nancy Tait Youlden Alpha Gamma Chapter University of NevadaReno Gold Circle Robyn Forsyth Steele", 1874 Doris Patterson Sumner* Dawn Marie Tuffanelli** The ratio of counselors to chudren is 6 to 1, and because of this low ratio, counselors are able to establish special relationships with campers. The counselors are dedicated Gamma Phi who volunteer their tune in exchange for transportation to and from camp and a small honorarium. The Camp Director and the Waterfront Director are paid small salaries. Local people are hired for cooking, kitchen and laundry help, as well as nursing duties. Requirements for coimselors are an interest, experience, or teaching abuity in: outdoor cooking, crafts, nature, husing, swimming, drama, dance, songs, puppetry and games. The Director is chosen for her leadership quahties and the Waterfront Director for her waterfront experience. Camp staff apphcations are avauable in the Foundation packet sent to chapters in January and through International Headquarters. Apphcations should be sent to Sue Gadsby, W. 13th Ave., Vancouver, B.C.. Canada V6H 1N7, Rutli Hendrix Stouter*** Rta McCarthy Swartz** Diane Tjaden Thompson*' TEII Loyally Circle June Blake Bernick*** Helen Hill Grant*** Mildred McBeath Harvey* Susan Gulliford Hornung* *e Cooley Hult* Beverly Beaty Johnson* Caroline Woodruff Martens** fatyconleypepper* Mlyn Burchard Spencer* Mtierine Colman Spika** n Walby Steben** Sylvia Hardy Trewin*** ry Gillespie Whiting** Marion Wilton Whitmore* Barbara Hershe Zimmerman*** Patricia Vance Aust Carollee Deruyter Balloun' Mikell Mouw Bonnell" Virginia Nye Brockett** Mary Ann Lindauer Callan*** Elizabeth Jinkins Cooper* Deanna Scott Engelke*** Frances J, Flick'" Marion Billington Fuechsel" Bernice Umlandt Hahn*" Mary Smith Hanger* Margaret Jeanson Hawkings*" Winifred McBeath Jones" Betty Jones McAlpin'" Margery Welp McCarten' Irma Paul Nash" Elizabeth Johnson Neal* Dorothy Vaughan Park" Gwen Lankford Rogers*** Catherine Schanche Sanders" Mary Brugmann Schmidt' Mynnette Lomas Sheller" Nancy Cole Spencer*" Margaret A, Stewart** Susan Breckenfelder Thilo" Alice McMahlll Wesenberg Margery Molden Wiltamuth" Martha Morgan Youngdale""" Mary Brown Bergen'" Mary Ellen Porter Burchfield' Stella Brinkman Butterivorth Katherine Blackburn Caldwell' Gwendolyn Griffith Chegwidden Michelle Annette Cook Pauline Johnson Cook' Nancy Chase Coolley' Norma Templeton Davis' Margaret Maurice Denkhoff Susan Long Dinsdale" Mary Stephany Eby Helen Schultz Fisher Blanche Fasold Forster' Linda Marie Gazzo Janet Booth Gerdom Edna Carlson Gord Maxine Wood Hagemann' Helen Bruns Hebbein Angela Boyle Heller Donna Burtis Hershe Sue Harter Hixson Caroline Hardy Howard' Julia Stevenson Jackowski Jeannette Gilliland Lanning' Nancy Froeberg Morgan' Lois Larsen Nash' Jean Schissel Norman' Beth Lichty O'Rourke" Chariotte Doughty Patch" Beverly Wertz Smith" Dorothy Haley Snyder Karla Baur Tillotson Maralyn Brown Tipping Elizabeth Butler Vancisin* Jane Candor Walby*" Barbara Cummings Wanner" Patricia Christine Weiss Theresa Donohue Wolter Otiier Linda Perry Abercrombie Shyla Swan Allard Karen Waggoner Appel Jessie Ann Berg Lydia King Botham Sharon McDonald Carlson Amy Jo Chapman Susan Lea Clabaugh Virginia Northrop Denman" Peggee Leonard Ellefson Carmel Ann Faber Chariotte Stone Fullgraf Molly Jean Goebel Janice Neltzke Halsne Barbara Seabury Hutchinson Deena Barton Jones Dorothy Norgaard Lohry Mary Barrett Medberry Kelly Jo Eckerman Myer Bonnie Beer Orth Susan Schulze Shell Sally Collins Tucker Dawn Vander Weide Sarah Rowland Wells Alpha Alpha Chapter University of Toronto Elizabeth Bertram*"" Mary Carruthers Maxwell* Miriam Allison Graham* Ruth OrrGraydon" Jessie MacPherson Stuart Melanie Bruce Assing* Dr, Megan Wynne McKee Gloria Levine Pinkus* Joyce Tedman Austin Margaret Teskey Sager Alpha Beta Chapter University ol North Dal<ota Platinum Circle Barbara A, Endres*,1874 Virginia Smith Whitson""* Lois Forbes Spahr"" Louanna Lunseth White*"" Marvel Kristjanson Williamson"" Melanie Hoover Armstrong Cecilie Henry Boyum"" Bernice Rustad Cunningham" Ceanne Leslie Evans" Joyce Sorensen Northrop* Phyllis Traynor Walter" Gayle Shemorry Williamson" Virginia Roberts Alexander" Geraldine Haugen Bergen Dorothy Grandy French" Merte McGuire Gaffrey Mary Ann Kennedy Hansen* Jeanette Pietron Haskell Robin Merrie Heine Nancy Peterson Heising* Lynn Jorgenson Jacobs". TEII Solveig Peterson Matlock* Suzanne Preusse Melissa Simons Schoellkopf Gladys Stannard*" Helen Steiner Stebleton Gerri Gillund Twomey Charlotte Hills West* Cheryl Lynn Bakken Jean Leeby Callahan Nancy Clairmont Carr Barbara Shafer Crowell* Mary Guloien Davis Sherryl Anderson Duncan Ruth Ann Peterka Gregoire Betty F, Hennessy" Susan VanVeghel Hoffelt Allison Steinwand Howland Margery McKnight Carr*** Jacki Ennis Falkenroth*** Ida Kellough Gildone*** Robbin Schoff Kleinsorge Margaret Walts Ligon** Marlon Anderson Russell* Laverne Blundell Burch*** Jean Nash Clemens** Frances Smith English"* Dorothy Sewell Gallagher* Virginia Heck Gottfredson* Barbara Barott Lentz" Carolyn Mather Mahoney*** Ethel Kem McNeely** Mickey Kelly Murray* Elsie Shaver Perske* Mariann Humphreys Belanger' M, Beth W. Bornet' Joan Drisdale Burger Lois Bona Clark Eleanor Doan Merilee Priewe Evasovic' Joyce Harris Grove' Dorothy Howell Huffey* Bobetta Robertson Laca* Pamela Kay Lourentzos Stephanie Ann Siri Marilou Gerrans Victor* Georgiana Harriman Kennedy Kathleen Maxam Eleanor Bonnenfant Wheeler Alpha Delta Chapter University ol Missouri Columbia Platinum Circle Virginia Forsythe Vint*" Silver Circle Audrey Weldon Shafer"* Nancy LupferStattler** Alison Shafer Bond", TEII Sue Dorsey Durrett""" Chariene McPheeters Greener"* Alice Vanhorne Huff*** Mariorie Maxwell Jones*** TEII Geraldine Epp Smith*"", TEII Susan West" Louise Heinlein Bacchus* Jane Bowen Bolte*** Elizabeth Endres Borders* Dr, Shiriey Ann Hill Dawn Heckman Johnson Leigh Bedard LeMoyne Linda Francis Northrip** Laura Maxwell Riggs"* Virginia Youngman Scholin*" Allison London Smith. TEII Jane McConkey Vogt*' Audrey Allen Walsworth" Loreen Mohler Dorsey' Ruth Schaeffer Fleming Bonnie Klund Hana" Sondra Adams Hannafan' Betty Campbell Hocker" Marietta Lenox Kint** Sally Adams Klausing*" Gamma Phi Beta 15

16 ' OR EVERY GAMMA PH ' DonorSi * i Lifetime Giving Levels Emerald Circle gifts of $1 00,000 or more Ruby Circle gifts of $50,000 to $99,999 Pearl Circle gifts of $25,000 to $49,999 Gold Circle gifts of $1 0,000 to $24,999 Platinum Circle gifts of $5,000 to $9,999 Silver Circle gifts of $2,500 to $4,999 gifts of $1.000 to $2,499 gifts of $500 to $999 gifts of $250 to $499 gifts of $100 fo $249 * Each asterik stands for five years of consecutive giving. SCA = Senior Carnation Appeal participant 1874 = member ot ttiis year's 1874 Society TEII = Tau Epsilon Pi member Martha Lloyd Marshall"" Katherine Brokaw McCormick" Deborah Schwartz Miller" Constance Claiborne Putney Sharlyn Spragg Sappington"* Candice Greene Schwarz Jarene Anderson Stanford** Rose Krueger Stubbs* Joyce Myers Sweeney* * * ' Barbara Lewis Thompson Sharon Fitzgerald Thompson" Barbara Craig Weakley' Marilyn Prichard Weigand" Susan Kelly Wheeler' Cynthia Gates Wood" Rozelle Myers Alnutt" Helen Trippe Ball"" Sharon Kountzman Bower" Marsha Mulford Campbell" Stacey Schweitzer Cassimatis' Irene Intagliata Clasen Ma, Jennifer Marker Findlay"" Arlene Corbin Haley Jacgueline Blass Kriegshauser" Lois Seiferth Lenz Maniyn Boiling Lewis" Martha Potts Logan" Sally Brownfield Marshall' Molly Jane McGrath' Susan Ezell Mitchell Nancy Fries Murphy Jan Kurowski Oberle Sonia Downie Smith Susan WrightKuhrt Patricia Cooper Abel" Karen Campbell Cangelose Jeanne Middlebrook Clark Dorothy Vann Cox Gail Selander Dineen Elinor Joslyn Findley Helen Fling"" Michelle Lynn Graef Debra Niederschulte Horn Cheryl Christine Mercer Virginia Peck Miller Suzanne Hartman Morton Lisa Mane Pfeiffer Carla Williams Qualy Sandra Willis Sellers Ellen Endres Spengemann" Moira Mulhern Stevens Julie Rebecca Willingham Alpha Epsilon Chapter University of Arizona Gold Circle Gladys Eite Taylor" "".1874 Pauline Hickox Bayless" Mary Babbitt Bilby""" Lora Clayton Byerly""" Rebecca White Goodman" Mary Jones Higley" Sandra Rettke Nauman"". TEII Vicki Carison Read" Sharon Moiola Barnebee" " Mary Lou Cumming Edwards* Nancy Finley" Julie Horton Green** Kathryn Johnston Hoover* " Mathilde French Hutchison" Peggy McNeely McKennon Ruth Jo Mellen Mendenhall"" Nancy Wilfert Nichols"** Barbara Corr O'RIelly*" Agopie Poulos Pappas' Margaret Windsor Rogers' Evelyn Hayes Ryder Marian Webb Schmidt" Mary Lou Jordan Smith" ' Mara Vitolins Tyree" Betty Skaggs Vinall" Mary Alberthal Watkins"* Bettie Houston Crawford** Ellen Fuqua Dick*" Betty Ogg Favour" Jean Murray Gratzer" Joanne Goelitz Haase"" Edith White Hales' Amanda McCoy Harries" " Jennifer Hanley Kaiser Helen Harbison Kroese" JoAn L McDonald* Jean Holderness Miller""" Joan Blaney Rogers""" Debra Brooks Rosenberg Kathleen Sage" Beatrice Tetreau Schou"" Janice Lemke Shelton" Sarah R Simmons* Laura HunterTiedemann" Debbie Ann Wick Nancy Leach Bayless" Shauna Gates Bell Karen Paulson Belt" Jacqueline Gentleman Birdsell Carolyn Morell Boll Carolyn Foltz Brandon' Lucia Long Causey" Bobbye Bennett Childers Stephanie Cisowski Sylvia Slangier Culpepper Debbi Anthony Douglas Bonnie Fee Fahy" Karen Kellogg Fain' Linda Holmes Fritsch' Roberta Tulin Grabau Nancy Beekley Groh' Patricia Huddleston Gryson Jean Hansen Hendrix Diana Christenson Levin Ann Elizabeth Lutich Suzanne Dresser May Evelyn Williams Petty' Chariotte Brehm Ring" Dorothy Seller Ryel Elizabeth Moore Schneider Elsie Collier Smith Maurine Maddox Suytar Katherine WillettGoehring' Butt Baird Elladean Hayes Bittner Catherine Elizabeth Bloom Susan Keene Blumkin Brandi Melissa Burns Elizabeth Harris Evans Kelly Francine Fleming. SCA Babbi Lyn Gabel 5lt' )il,illlh l\,iy'^ ijjii' [1,11 Katherine Susan Hunt Elizabeth Light Ingbretson Dorothy Clapp King Carolyn Haas Knehans Betty RufhrauffKrohn" Susan Dickey Paulsen Marian Kohn Poston" Diana Patricia Powles Sandra Jay Reagan Alicia R Rusler Leslie Richardson Simpson Lois Wilky Swenson Audrey Suzanne Vogelsberg Kirsten Brooke Webster Alpha Zeta Chapter University of Texas Gold Circle Dons Lea Koontz Silver Circle Frances Rea Griffin'" Dr Mary Louise Alexander Margaret Elizabeth Newton"" Frances Woolverton Tysor*" Loyally Circle Ann Grappe Capps" NancyAnn Chuoke Enright"" Naomi Sweeney Godfrey Maxine Butcher Leaton Cathryne G Melton*" Elizabeth Higgins Rilat""" Peggie Patterson Suttle'" Joeanne Faulk Brabham Sharon Blake Bromberg" Marion Wier DeFord** Julia Barton Dunbar* Linda Ayers Gallatin**' Sandra Kay Gillen* Eleanor Luetcke Heino" Gloria Very Kent* Jeanette Waltz Poole Joni Ballard Stover Claudia Lovett Taylor" Fanelle Hankamer Thurman" Joyce Bennett Ullom" Virgie Olle Cabell"* Martha Harden Eubanks*** Joanna Tipton Fitzpatrick** Dorothy Moore Giroux* Martha Brouse Knobelsdort* Linda Buchanan Maclver' Janice Vesper Martin Dana Bramlette Mondrik Melinda Collier Mounts" Susan Foulk Reeves" Brenda Dunn Rickert" Julia Ann Vowell Mary Anderson Wicker Ann Krochman Young* Mary Cain Abshier Margaret Coleman Barney" Ola Butler Bell" Christine Ann Deakin Madeline Dupont Suzanne Schlegelmilch Huber Donna Dubois Hussey Barbara Fountain Miller Susan Carpenter Shatter Deborah Ann Solga Linda Joyce Sterett Christina Yampanis Alpha Eta Chapter Ohio Wesleyan University Betty Fouse Helpbringer* Joan Spoerr Shank*** Mary Fraser Andrews*** Clare Lehner Callender** Martha Borden Campbell** Margaret Valentine Collins Barbara Termohlen Cooper**" Mildred Carison Glaser". TEII Carol Twining Grazda"" Mary Ann Lee Gnffith" Shirley Oviatt Kindell""" Barbara Schaaf Kortwich""" Jenniter Brown Lidecis*** Lois Bletscher Miller" Virginia Dohner Moore" Jo Welch Myers* Foundation Supplements Chapter Gifts to Camps During the past vear. 32 alumnae chapters anil two collegiate chapters apphed Koiiridatioii for supplemental funds to add to their supjiort of 41 cam )s for girls. Local liiiids. 1 to the (iiiiliined with Foundation funds, enabled 135 campers to experience 1,014 days of camping. Has your chajtler taken advantage of this opportunity? If not, a youve missing chance to bring Gamma Phi Beta's intemational philanthropy to your commumty.. Vpi)hcatioiis for supplemental rampership funds may be sidjmitted at any time, with a deadhne of."vprd 15 for the 1995 summer season. Funds must be used for special camping for girls, such as those with specific illnesses or those who are physically disabled, emotionally disturbed. under )riviledged or mentally retarded. For more information, contact Interna tional Headquarters. The following chapters received supplemental funds for camperships during the past year: All)U([uerque. New Mexico Alpha Phi (Colorado College) Amarillo, Texas.4mes, Iowa Atlanta, Georgia Aurora. Illinois Cedar Rapids, Iowa Cleveland, Ohio Cleveland East, Ohio Cleveland West, Ohio Dallas, Texas Dayton. Ohio Denver, Colorado Eugene. Oregon Evansville. Indiana Gamma Mu (Moorhead State University) Greater Kansas City, Missouri Hawaii Katherine Haddaway Scanland Ruth West Sivon'* Prisciila Venman Swift** Susan Bender Bloch" Sarah Church Ford Anne Atkinson Lang Dorothy Harmer McDonald Nancy Meeks Mousel* Adelia Tilton Muir Geraldine Davidson Roberts" Mildred Roush" Virginia Hamilton Schulze" Dorothy Nesbitt Schwartz" Gladys M Sterns" Gail Allis Tunnell Martha Helpbringer Van Brunt" Mary Lou Thornton Vanpelt" Jane Chitty Vogel Marilyn Sidnell Agnew*' Ellen Archea Berghamer Doris Steinorth Culver Laura McLean Edelson' Patricia Wiles Jettreys' Barbara Stafford Jones Patricia Blasdell Lacy Charlotte Loeffler Reynolds Alpha Theta Chapter Vanderbilt University Platinum Circle Joanne Callis Roman"* Catherine Gardner Bowling""" Eileen Mary Effinger"" Linda Daniel Johnson*** Anne Phillips Hartje" Mariory Letner Jones'" t\lancy Schaffer Lodding"" Marianna Revell Mandl" Lucille Corkran Nabors""* Cynthia Hendrix Ravenna" Elizabeth Huth Schonrock Jane Krabill Todd" Elise Pritchett Alexander" ' Mary Bonholzer Baggenstoss'" Marie Rogers Barnard Jacquelyn White Forrest' Doris Steelman Frakes' Susan Guritz Grier" Sherry Elizabeth Ingram* Karen Lee Kendall** Gloria Gilbert Lyle* Marcia Nelson McCartin* * Tracy Hooper Moulder' Virginia Place Myer' Caroline Benz Neal'" Debra Domino Pulley" Norma Mousson Shaw'" Cindy Heinemann Waites" Janet Crosby Alvarez Wllla Hamncr Bates Linda Williamson Bramblett Laina Maria Bush Rebecca Olive Cummings* Jessie McCracken Doyle Edith Moore Dugger* Mary Huth Fowler* Sallye Martin Galloway* Elisabeth T Geibel Carole Schlich Harper Brenda Thomas Harris* Margaret HarrisonWolfe* Jane Stearns Hauenstein" " " Cynthia Fisher Hoxbauer" Nancy Lassiter Kurtz Manon Blackman Mills"" Margaret Moss Neeld" Dr, Sheree L. Peglow Jackson. Michigan Loiusville, Kentucky Milwaukee, Wisconsin Monterey, Cahfomia Northem Virginia, Virginia Omaha. Nebraska Philadelphia North Suburban, Pennsylvania Philadelphia West Suburban, Pennsylvania Princeton. New Jersey Quad Cities, lowa/iuinois Raleigh, North Carolina Saint Louis, Missouri San Diego. Cahfornia South Jersey, New Jersey Tampa Bay Area, Florida Toledo, Ohio Clara Yelser Phillips Evelyn Pugh Thompson Jean Clark Thorp""' Beth Mcintosh Vanderbeek Melissa Massar Walk Betty Renn Zuccarello* Claire L, Bowen Martha Hightower Campbell Laurie Beth Evans Judy Oliver Hinton* Cary Hunt Johnston Nina Mary Larsen Margaret Oman Leu" Nettie Harding Parks Abby Pierson. SCA Sandra Vandegritt Schneider Kathleen Jeanette Swan" Alison Lee Wade. SCA Betty Jorgensen White""" Holly Register Yates" Alpha lota Chapter Univ of Cam Los Angeles Platinum Circle HelenWard Pustmueller'" Elizabeth Richert Bowers" Helen Douglas Brazil'" Ellen Reed Burns'" Rachelann Thompson Daniel" Marylou Lindsay Stutsman*** Nancy Trever*** Dorothy G, Brotchner Margaret Dolese Brown*" Linda Veach Buzzard* Pamela Garside Coe"* Mary Keene Maclnnes*' Dorothy Setnan Radcliffe' ' Nannell Dickey Ruckenbrod' Carol Arth Schwab" Beverly Daugherty Stockert** Lila Hanson Wallich** ' Cynthia Marie van Empel' Patricia Spencer Alford'" Jan Harbaugh Angus' Suzanne Lynne Becker" ' Linda Benning Beisswanger"" Marjorie Priaulx Christensen"" Stephanie Foster Coutts Bettye Quandt Cromwell" Margarets. Dicks" Virginia GrondahlEyerly"' Laurie Ann Gooch"" Marty Walsh Gorry Carol DeMarchi Gregory' Elyse Ausmus Gruber" Margaret Selby Hook"' Mary Caward Lindsay" Jean Montague"" ii Lorraine l^ahas Nuss Mary Anne Alpine Rindge" Margaret Proctor Tyler" Frances Conrad Young"' Leslie Brotchner Zentner Lee Tyler Argabrite" Mary Jane Frances Babyak Pamela Elizabeth Baker' Trudy Lynch Barron'" Betty Bruner Buckman" Mane Vogeley Collier" Shiriey Krehbiel Conger' Dorothy Packard Coon" Betty Russell Conson" ^_ ; Jacqueline Goulette Curti" ' Gloria Thatcher DeMent' Judith Flint Detamore" Ellen Jones English" Janet Glenny" Marilyn Jackson Gravelle' ;

17 " Hoelzel Gumbinger" Martin Knox Waring Landis' Allen Lindamood Cochran Linneman Jones Maag* Magno* Clarabut McCormick Karen Maureen McCrea Carrington Meester Ann Michaels* Orth Morris* Murray Mullen Funk Myers*** Coburn O'Neal McAllister Paige* Tulloch Powers Gooch Riley Gimbel Rogers King Ross Wald Sink* Cate Stokes** Berry Whitehill* * Hudson Bering Lang Bryan* Sue DeSantis, SCA Deming Maria Diekmann Dortman. SCA Teague Erie piqctpr Marie Golitzen, SCA Hadjian AJewSlaven Jean Lawrence Leonard Lynn McFadden* Pasquini nstance M Petersen Woodworth Rode Puis Rodway Ann Rosenthal Lee Skeeter White Swanson Teglia, SCA Wherry Veith Wozniak, SCA Kappa Chapter of Manitoba Circle Jane Glass Sliarpe Whyte Lambda r of British Circle Jean Junker*** Circle Christine Lambert* Circle Beamer Howery* Circle Thomson Campbell Murray Schon Circle Poole Haggerty* Pye Hartord Thomson Tailing* Witbeck Vick* Louise Crane Harris Prentice Jarvis Schwabe McCarrell Oebra West Mu Chapter College tamm Barker*'* ui Cochran** Seavey Mischuck* Parker Moore* Trapkin Creager igg Setzer Nu Chapter rg University Circle ean Geiszler' Circle ^nn Gatchel Petty* Gay Pierce" Circle Cashy* Barbara Jean Ehler** Mary Bramkamp Gutermuth* Jane Bayley HoUenbeck* Karen McGinnis Hopper* Margaret Baker King* Margery Brubaker Prakel* Jeanette Bauer Ward** Marguerite Marie Brandon* Margaret Cook Bush* Laura Ann Cashy* Tracy Wakefield Cross Carol Unger Grove Marianne Laine Haberbusch Jennifer Lodge Hoffman * * * Patricia Corvey Kelso Jane Kuhn* Nina Soderiind Mayhew* Margaret McGregor*** Kathleen Hannegan Meyer" Lillian Fisher Schnabel* Karen Dean Schnorrenberg" Laura Anne Shaw* Abby Suzanne Vaile** Elizabeth Watson Vandivier Barbara Florey White* Elizabeth Anne White Karen Halgren Baker Margaret Oehmler Bartholomew* Janet Leedale Boland Jamie Ann Brown Joan Ulmer Fisher Joan Brassel Gerace Audrea Planner Heeter* Jo Hartstein Huette Joanne Jolly Hunt Melanie Kemper Karst Deborah Benton Kitchin Nancy Papineau Mahan Myra McLean Ruth Merz*** Kristen Nagle Mourltsen Gertrude Giffin Scroggins Alexandra Anne Smith Dorothy Lather Smith Margaret Harvey Snow Victoria Van Hariingen Alpha XI Chapter Southern Methodist University Silver Circle Maryjane Langham Ann Clapp Scott*** Leona Davis Drouet*** Jacquelyn Hilger Graves*** Dorothy Newby McCaw* Nicki Nicol Margaret Godbold Briscoe*** Myra Autry Giller** Mary Chambers Pandres*** Kathleen RobertsStevenson* Nancy Lutt Vermeer* Myra Garrett Baker*" Sharon McMeans Berish Gina Elder Betts* Charlotte Gray Booth* MaryJo Forrest English* Betty Bell Frierson*** Ann Fisher Gardner** Wynonne Tribble Hart*** Mary Monroe Myers*** Elizabeth Marie Nassar* Betty Bell Robison" Helen Harris Thompson" Ann Cox Thornton** Susan Unvert Bingham Betty Irion Bookout* Marci Borders Holly Hawkins Bowler Elizabeth Eileen Bruening Carol Turner Chappell* Kay Philp Elle* Elizabeth Anne Emmert**, TEII Sallie Roach Fawcett Diane Lewis Fish' Virginia Mullaney Gibbs** Ann Mc Connell Glynn Early Cook Irwin Norma Hall Johnson* Cheryl DunnLuck* Patricia Wernecke Martin* Suzanne Osborn Martin Elizabeth Unvert Menard Vicki Jan Moores" Jenniter Raddatz Mary See Roach" Ellen Ownby Rosson* Kathryn Hartman Scott Victoria Bychok Seitz* Teresa Sue Sherburne Inez Gibson Volkman* Betty Sneyd Werner** Lounelle Campbell Black Patricia Pickett Ewert Lisa Pospahala Ford Patricia Bunn Greene Margaret Cuca Hogan Carolyn Vestal Kelly** Carol Prater King Andrea Louise Kirsten, SCA Virginia Ellen Maurer Mary Jo Crampton Montgomery* Carol Asel Short* Sarah Tollett Mary Ann Trapalis Margaret Cate Weaver**" Kristin Lynn Wood Alpha Omicron Chapter North Dakota State University Platinum Circle Jolene Lessard Stiver*", 1874, TEII Suzette Kay Peltier** Janet Abrahamson Doerner* Mary Walstad Hoffmann* Jeanne Paris Sowinski* Joyce Gunvaldsen Hilden** Marilyn Anderson Mann* Regina Garrity Martin* Gloria Reseland O'Brien" Paula NemzekSondag" Eunice Lundquist Toussaint"' Betty Jo Peltier Wilson' Martha Blair Zimoski' Carolyn Hill Chaffin' Dorothy Burton Fisher** Frances Biever Ford Ellen Blair Fredrikson* Patricia Kennedy Hansen Marcia Carlson Hardy* Roberta Diehl Hess* Chrystine Hogan Beverly Kraus Horne Wilda Bridgeford Kovich* Patricia Roach Kratky Michelle Triggs Madsen* Joan Laura Marso* Carolyn Callenbach Nelson* Vonney Kern Northrop* Sheila Miedema Peterson* Geraldine Martin Reed* Janice Peltier Samuelson*** Jane Blair Weis* Judy Jensen Brown Susan Moum Cherches Brenda Cruz Eid Diane Wegge Froehlich Judy Blake Gunkelman Joan Edhlund Hjortland Rachel Mary Klosterman. SCA Suzanne Jenson Lervick Virginia Wright Magnus Gloria Aas Novaria Patricia O'Hara Smith Julie Wiskow Wink* Sara Glldersleeve Wyatt Alpha Pi Chapter West Virginia University Mary Cooke Humphreys'" Paulette Susan Justice'" Teresa Ann Westfall** Alana Markley Bott*** Olivia Turney Walton' Carolyn Vick Anderson** Virginia Ahern Cline* Linda Anderson Dehaemers* Joyce G. Diacopoulos* Carol Snyder Hine* Dianna Lee Johnson' Convention Leadership 1 J* Endowments K 4n ^^ ^ slj^r ^^^^I s An Opportunity to Benefit )^^m^^tlb : Your Chapter Forever To ensure that all chapters may fully benefit from the excellent opportimities for women to enhance their leadership skills, gain confidence m themselves and the Sorority's P^Jmm^mk hm m"m K >4n^Hy.^ra ^^^H^^^ '^^;^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^jf^^eu^^^^^ mission and experience sisterhood with ^^C "^^^^^^^^B8HH7^jR^fjHntf^y6r Gamma Phi Betas from around the continent. the Foundation is offering an opportunity for fcfe ^^>> ^^^^^ A alumnae and collegiate chapters to create Convention Endowments in the Gamma Phi Beta Foundation. Aliunnae and collegiate chapter Convention Endowments provide funds to enable individ ual chapters to send as many representatives as possible to Gamma Phi Beta Intemational Conventions. These endowments, created with a taxdeductible gift of $10,000 or more, will be set administered by the Foundation. The principal remains intact and may be increased with addi up by L^man French, Jr. for Sigma Chapter, two representatives benefitted from outstanding educational program ining and leadersliip training at the tional gifts. Each biermium, the distributable income will be granted to the chapter to be used exclusively for expenses of members attending Convention. Barbara Knothe Stella Latorte Planck** Patricia Knight Villani* Judy Swanson Altman Carolyn Schwab Backus Jean Hayes Butt* Pamela Deem Yagle' Alpha Rho Chapter BirminghamSouthern College Chariotte Andress** Ruth Huffman Beal Shirley Palmiter Jordan** Adelia de Yampert Sartor* Mattie Guthrie Sharp* Barbara Callaway Morgan' Alpha Sigma Chapter RandolphMacon Women 's College Silver Circle Barbara Woolman Preston" Jean Rankin Suter* Mary Louise Klauer Turner* Catherine Barham Chilton* Madge Hutchinson Poole Alpha Tau Chapter McGill University Sliver Circle Anne Louise Layton*, TEII Margaret Buchan Rieger* Gwen Nicholson Macrae** Eleanor Blanchard Rooks*** Carol Parkinson Bailey** Dorothy Cushing Bailey* Judy Blood Milne** Muriel Kay Watier* Frances Marr Dariing* Marie Gravelle Prisciila Lee Reid Margaret Patterson Trimble* Lynn Andrea Gariepy, SCA Maurica Anne Gilbert Shirley Nowlan Gail Lynne Rose Susan McCann Wydra Alpha Upsilon Chapter Pennsylvania State University Barbara BrodeMcDermott Louella Bell Haarde** Ariene Weaver Moore*** Sheila G, SullivanSprague* Mary Craft Wheat"*, TEII Mary Morgan Youngwood' Lillian Merkel Baldwin* Marian Doty Bickford* Dorothy Beachley Burkhart*** Lynn Dailey Clancy** Deborah Foulsham Freisheim"* Dorothy Samuels Johnston* * Helen Szot McGervey* Beth Giebelhaus Mundy* Fay Hazelwood Olson* Donna Eckfeld Ramsden* lone Trovaioli Romeika Feme Warner Aughenbaugh* Harriett Dayton Bain* Dorothy Limber Bittle* Ruth Thomas Blackwood* Joyce McLaughlin Boyle Nancy Smith Brown Margaret Ann Costello*, TEII Laurette Torre Creveling Mary Stewart Fisler* Janet Soyster Nohaile Doreen Noecker Reitnauer ^^^H^^H^^^B^^^^^^^IBBI^h&^Sy^^^ Thanks to the Jane Benton French Convention Leadership Endowment 1994 Convention last summer. Christina Rees Ross* Betty Mason Shambach*** Christine White Tyler Janet Sutinen West* Jean Tucker Witmer Roseann Monack Wolfram Carolyn Werts Wood* Isabelle Pfeiffer Yohn Elizabeth Agnew Alburger* Margaret Lams Babcock* Mildred McCowan Butler*" Barbara Schweiker Cissone Tanya Day Kellie Ryan Dietz, SCA Dorothy Shigley Farwell' Elizabeth Beveridge Finkbelner Noreen Ann Gopez, SCA Elizabeth Berkhlmer Gregory Dorothy Martsolf Hutton Marty Jo Irvin Mary Ellen KeeganPerry Stacey Rene MacNeal Dawn Menegos Randolph' Linda Bolig Rhoads Terrie Heinrich Rizzo MarieLouise Kean Ross' Clar Monna Darby Scott Julie Lynn Shields Barbara Goetz Sly' Nancy Zartman Struck Mimi Joy Weaver Alpha Phi Chapter Colorado College Pearl Circle Sue Schlessman Duncan"'. 1874, TEII Platinum Circle Maryjane Hipp Misthos***, TEII Silver Circle Donna Wolf Steigerv;aldt Sarah Bridgeman Blockhus* Mary Thomson Gilkes*** Joan Woolfenden Rollins** Pattie Menefee Taylor*** Kay Jensen Carmody'" Susan B, Day Bonnie Kindel Dillon" Dr, Nancy LindsleyGriffin' Beverly Wellborn Hammer*** Phyllis Stephens Heyl Trina Jacobson** Lucy Bates Jolas** Weslee Anne Klein* Natalie Johnson McBee* Marilyn Burnham McBride* Margaret E Myers*** Julie Reddan Salmon** Margaret Charison Schisler* Eleanor Severa Steen* Paula Vanvalkenburgh Wardwell* Olive Landahl Young" Phyllis Thompson Anderson Patricia Quaal Angell* Sandra Ferguson Boyd Elisabeth Apeland Burgess Marcia Brothers Christianson Dorothea Irion Edwards* Mary Fisher Erickson* Lauren Evans Gipe Sue Keller Gubser' De De Staskal Hicks Michelle Marchese Johnson Virginia Havens Korns"* Judith Haigler Krueger Fay Mariko Matsukage* Denne Chisholm McHale Mary Todd McLaird*** Adeline Zanotti Melton** Pamela Haag Meyer Alice Anderson Northcutt Andrea Karin Peterson C. Susan Presti* Margaret Cochran Van Arsdale Anne Denise Viseur Betty Thaxton Wilson* Cynthia Olsen Season Patricia Adams Black Linda Lewis Bryson* Sally Buckmaster* Hermine Vanhouten Bybee Phi Beta 17

18 OR EVERY GAMMA PHI * * * * * Tracy Lees Grant Jennifer Lynn Gubser Susan John Elizabeth Russell Johnson Karin Reisbeck Debra Elaine Roark Hannah Palmer Rottman Mary Emily Jones Tanner Deborah Lynne Tulloch* Regina Marie Walter Roberta Browne Wiesner' Alpha Chi Chapter College of William & Mary Silver Circle Emerald Erickson Kuepper'" Byrd Smith Heaton' Mary Wilcox Rietman"" Helen Holbrook Tunstall""" Betty Virginia Zable" Marjorie Briscoe Gentile' Harriette Harcum Hobbs' Janet Moscicki Martin'"" Ruth Dumper Singe: Hope Bitting Szabo*"" Jane Groggins Beard"" Elaine Neibuhr Breen" Ann B, Carlson* Karen Yanity Darch* Louise Martin Doyle Edith Mattison Horn* Dorothy Dettmer McLaughlin* Jan Marie Pickrel* Gretchen KImmell Price" Roxanne Harris Sheppard" Helen Grace Stapf"" Ruth Schank Stevens"" Carrie Massenburg Stevenson" Elizabeth Wood Walton"" Martha Ann Adams" Catharine Tomlinson Bartlett"" Kim Ellen Buchanan Shiriey Noell Chafee" Marjorie Dearhart" Mary Chambertain Howard""" Sue Herzog Johnson"" Gale Gibson Kohlhagen Virginia Longino Sanders" Selena Dovel Swanson'" Mary Lee Bateman Bennett Linda C, MentesanaCox Kerry Lynn Deal Bridget Sullivan Hampson Elizabeth Gunn Howe Elizabeth Ann Martin Sarah Catherine Morgan Marjone Brown Neal Deborah Louise Reed Charlene Baumbach Smith' Margaret Richards Snyder Veronica Hurwitt Townsend Alpha Psi Chapter Lake Forest College Margaret Kay Dega""" Frances Yarnall Burns"" Ruth Lavery Groebe" Audrey Franzen Mensching Geraldine Marquardt Stewart"" Marjorie Davis Adams" Rose Petty Bailey* Margaret Juhrend Gressman Doris Oilman Hansen* Judith Weston Henley* Jane Ruhnke Jensen* Janet Ritchey Moran* Gloria J, Nelson Genevieve Schaick Schwartz* Mary Yarnall Todd Jean Eaton Deutser Margaret Behlen Morgan Ruth White Wood Alpha Omega Chapter University ol Western Ontario Joan Norma Boddy* Jean Campbell Phyllis Musselman Neilson*** Joan Ridpath Yule** Marion Dickson Barkwell* Margaret Beck Clark Glennie Green Dickout Mary Louise Tasker*** Deborah Frances Ulbrick* Gay Marsh Brema* Lori Ann SahaidakClark Deborah Scott Gray H, Ingnd Perry Peacock Betty Colvin Townshend Eleanor Munnoch Culver Jane Elizabeth Fenwick Catherine M Healy Jean Marie Ingartield, SCA Robyn Kyle Molyneau Julie Allison Rennle Iveagh Reiche Schaus Beta Alpha Chapter University of Southern Calilornia Emerald Circle Cinda Keating Lucas**, 1874, TEII Gold Circle L'Cena Brunskill Rice*** Silver Circle Una Mae Brunskill Marker" Joan Chapman Jani* Linda Lyons Malony* Jananne Throop Rice Francine Keese Routt Elizabeth Cumming Tulloch*"" Carol Moss Winn" Miriam Rowell Awenius*** Paula Ann Bonadelle DeYoung** Geraldine Clitt Ford*** Frances Johnson Franzen* Christi Kinkle Fredricks Jneil Ludwick Nelson" Susan Broz Ogden** Barbara Peterson Reily* Suzanne RobinsonYost* Carole Pittack Stavert* Pamela Strother* Dr Sharon Nugent Wallace** Jane Newcomb Whiting* Beveriy Edgerton Adair* Kathryn Turquand Chapman* Margaret Martin Davies** Irene Bergum Donoghue** Kay Wetzel Graham*** Rilla Casey Griffin""" Julia Pink Henderiong' Joan Welty Ingle* Mary Ann Ryan Johnson* * Lynne Palo Lawlor* Mary Ransom Macleith* Susan Durney Mickelson Margaret Hirth Morrison* Melinda Grubb Prentice* Helen Morrissey Smith""" Beverly Gould Stern Katherine Gillllan Suiter""" Diane Hillman Tietjen""" Sue Chnstensen Tilbury* Carolyn Simpkins Tobin* Bonnie MittlerVacchina* Phyllis Johnson Wilson*** Chariene Gonzales Zettel* Ann Cottingham Benttey* Michelle Higue Brenner Mary Minton Busche* Virginia Howells Campbell* Betty Baker Cooper* Mariana Mueller Cox* Alice Jangaard Cuchna Janene Verge Ferguson* Barbara Lee Garner" Merrie McColl Gottschalk" Rita Kreiziger Holman"" Patricia Smith Labonge" Mary Borton Loscher Sheila Whitehill Magnuson" Teresa Giannini McNee" Barrett Owen Moore Mary Jean Hast Muff Margaret Porter Orlando Jean Sturdevant Ranee Joanne Gladden Reese Jeanne Callan Richter' Ellen Weston Swagerty* Esther Pearson Weld* Wendy Harder Wetzel Janis Feltz Zaharis Kimberiy Ann Hellman Burstein Margery Hansen Capps* Amy Bedolla Cardona Tanya Mallls Chrlstodoulelis Marilyn Cashion Currier Cathleen McNamara Fox Nancy Barbara Frusetta Julie Anne Gillespie Harriett Stevens Gurley Reynette Wallace Hauswald* Leslie D. Heublein Jance Richardson Huribut Mariedora Thompson Moore Renee Joy Naness Cinda Goold Redman Victoria Michele Repka, SCA Carole Brown Rich Frances Stouter Waller Angie Riches Weber Elizabeth Schaeffer Wilson Beta Beta Chapter University ol Mar/land Martha Lyn Dippell*** Shiriey Sacks Du Tell* Mildred Burton Lawrence*** Cecelia Buckner Bouma*** Manon Benson Hasttngs*** Renee Feldman Lambnght*** Shirley Serrin Landon* Margaret T Loar* Ramona Randall Louisa White Riggs*** Luann DeTar Steriing*** Helen Hale Welton*** Lmda Kerr Agreen Deborah BabcockDaley* Marilyn Bartlett" Becky Bennett Connelly* Lisa Ann Dixon Garriques Mary Margaret Mercer Mildred Sears Miller*** Hazel Burton Richards** Stanley Helm Speakman* Dorothy White Tessier** Nancy Scollon Black* Margaret Hemple French* Jo McLelland Garey* Josephine Porlino Hochheimer' Jean Happ Hudson Christine Dzikowski LeBlanc' Diana Wickman Lillevig'" Mariene Shepel Powell" Anna Gaddis Rauch Beverly Loss Reed Eleanor Hoppe Reed* Lon Lynn Scialabba* Anne Bengel Slater Doris Thompson Snider Alison Dippell Somerville Betty Sullivan Tilley Mary Pariett Webster** Josephine Muzzy Wells* Elizabeth Munyon Barbe Catherine Kaifer Barth Anne Kern Branson' Prisciila Riutort Brookens Karen Michelle Cahill Teresa Bruno Capparelli Rosa Ridge Culleen' Margaret Hughes Cutler Mary Moore Day" Andrea Frock Diggs Barbara Snow Fink Jane Kirby Foy Emily Allen Gold Circleberg' Elaine Dobihal Gosey Jacqueline Stamm Grose Mary Reiney Harvey' Victoria Lucas Kley Kathleen Moran Martin* Marcia Kuhl Poling Stephanie Ann Shortt Angela Johnson Stephenson' Anna Jenkins Young Beta Gamma Chapter Bowling Green State University Pearl Circle Doris Bird Gorden'" Silver Circle CamilleA, Cestone", TEII Pauline Miller Albaugh' Sally Dickinson Andrews'" Ann Clark Arnold'" Rita Gamble Heltrich' Carole DeMore Morris*** Evalyn McClelland Preston** Patncia Lindberg Sheehan** Mary Anne Richardson Tigges'" Lois Papcke Babson Glenna Steele Bache* Cynthia Chapman Colvin* Jennifer White Comstock* Darrene Hicken Ernst' Chariotte Felsted" Marlene Adrick Gulas** Peggy Byerly Harmon* Kimberly Bode Hepburn* Mary Levak Smith Ellen Bowen Thompson* Virginia Dawe Thompson Patricia Pivonka Wagar** Avonelle Speigel Andrews Lisa Gravette Apt*' Rebecca Jane Cochran' Lorraine Lawrence Costella Nancy Looman Cully Tern Lynn Dunlap' Betty Goodenough Glaeser"* Virginia Clayton Heckler** Beth Singleton Kilchenman Miriam Hamman Kish* Sally Luscher Klippel* Denise Lou Marsh Mary Purdy Miller* Nancy Donovan Montgomery** Sharon Donnelly Nelson Lifetime Giving Levels Ennerald Circle gifts ot $1 00,000 or more Ruby Circle gifts of $50,000 to $99,999 Pearl Circle gifts of $25,000 to $49,999 Gold Circle gifts of $10,000 to $24,999 Platinum Circle gifts of $5,000 to $9,999 Silver Circle gifts of $2,500 to $4,999 gifts of $1,000 to $2,499 gifts of $500 to $999 gifts of $250 to $499 gifts of $100 to $249 ' Each asterik stands for five years of consecutive giving. SCA = Senior Carnation Appeal participant 1874 member of this year's 1874 Society = TEII Tau Epsilon Pi member = Louise Morris Phillips* Martha Pryatel Ragones" Helen Moles Roberts" Marjorie Fordyce Ronan" Dorothy Bishop Scott Betty Reese Searles* Diahn Sedlak* Deborah Wiseman Sferrazza Kristine Clements Shaffer* Maureen Clark Sirney Dianne Hanson Stebbins Bonnie Benbrook Wilcox Elizabeth Simmons Wolfe Christine Noelle Amos Janice Kimberly Bair Donna Rue Bidlack* Cynthia Koppenhafer Bogner* Lisa Ann Brooks Heather Ann Chase Vivian McAdow Copeland Krista Spanninger Davis Susan Van Buren Eakin Janet Kristine Ediy Betty Stearns Fellers Nancy Lockwood Fisher Joyce Sullivan Fox Nancy Wetherwax Furnas* Christy Schmidt Gariety" Karen Dunipace Goins Sally Dorsey Guilford Connie Jean Hagey Karen Baker Hammer Mary White Hower Maureen Cathenne Hughes Mary M, Ignat Kelly Kauss Denise Chrlen Knvitzkin Norma Meyers Moon Ellen Sue Morris Cathenne L. Myers Tricia Naramore. SCA Alayne Elizabeth Passiatore. SCA Kristin Koranda Per Anita Frank Plazzo Theresa Ballway Ravencraft Karla Meade Roarty Wanda Tyjeski Ronni Leslie Morrison Ross Paulette Clark Schnipke Lisa Morris Smith Merridelle Depue Sowers* Lisa Morris Spencer Julie Scholz Tate* Virginia Cole Vescovi* Michelle Workman Beta Delta Chapter Michigan State University Shiriey Taleen Bibbings*** Mona Dorsey Cline*** Barbara Magnus Small* Susan Henning Kirkpatrick*** Colleen West Leavengood* Carol Friedman Levy*** Sheila LorenzOsann* Helen Pass Swanson*** Mary Burdick Thorne* Elizabeth Winston Turner** Sarah Bristor Villeneuve** Susan Hoban Workman* Diane E Zdunczyk** Dianne Montgomery Cornel Margaret Degroot Danrecki. Mary Doering** Janet Bartels Hummon" Patricia Pinch Jehle"" Mildred Runnells Martin"" Kimberly DeMayer Meyers' Fredncka Hoxie Older Joyce Brenner Penman"" Mary Crane Shellenbarger" Julie Dyer Teplis"" Florence Kolata Wojan" Janet Silky Andre" Cynthia Bartz Coffman" Ann Cronander Hagen" Mary Schierholz Hogan""' Patricia Blaney Hubbell Susan Udry Hughey Janet Sweebe Isaak* Peggy Hart Jewell* Judith Leavengood King" Carole Woriine Lady** Suzanne Sheldon Levy*" Karen Hahn May" Virginia Labbitt McGuire Gertrude Jackson Palmer' Marilyn Spohn Randolph" Beth Marie Rowney"" Ann Gessert Sanford" Marie B Schnefer" Nancy Leith Smith" Lon Ann ThornhillChildresst Rebecca Kimber Tucker Sarah Wells Van De Mark Barbara Ann Wilson Diana Gay Winterhalter Michelle Ashton Heather Lynn Baley Jacquelyn Thompson Bell Sherri Thompson Borer Lisa M, Centner Margaret Cartier Cottrell Mary Bridges Harmeson Renee Clancy Hayes Cheryl Ann Heidt Janet Lynn Heuerman Heather Leigh Hunwick Barbara Inhulsen Virginia Scheld Judge Jennifer Caroline Kulczycki,, Mary Fauth Kushner ;; Susan Page Meyers Linda Smith Mittelstaedf Karen Kramer Mummert Kim Reap Oderkirk" Joyce Brooke Overhoff \ Julianna Kae Prickett Suzanne Ravin Rudy Erika Michelle Smiley Cheryl Alicia Szego Beta Epsilon Chapter Miami University tohio) Jeannine Sheldon Kallal"" TEII Margaret Glover Mauter" Lunar Circte Gretchen Ann Amstutz" Sandra Biegelman Burba" Pamela Cartwright DeHari Linda Mistier Dunkle" Karen Zateslo Gray"* Donors

19 ' Uurie Huffmire Jelinek* Susan Kinderman Lovell** Velma Blackard Maxwell** Elizabeth Novak Mitrione Alberta Wiggins Pettis* Linda James Ramey Camation Circle Marilyn Vincent Anderson Joan Williams Broerman Dorotiiy Baxter Cibula*** Maristel Sullivan Conry Barbara Miller Faltas Beth Beachy Haney* Maria Papas Heide* Carol Glos Hinshaw Mary Ann Fox Judson Joyce Deatherage Kirkendall Patricia Horvath Mahan*** Sally Clendenin Martin* Karen Berger Marvin** Beverly Hause McLarry Shiriey Keats Moser*** Janice Durrant Nicholson* Elizabeth Doyle Raffel* Donna Duesing Rouster* Patricia Taylor Stolk Caroline Crouch Wood** Margaret Hopkins Ashton Margaret Tyrrell Boehm Emily Bowen Sheila Marie Bradley Mary Shriner Brown Betsy Moore Clapp Brynne Farmer Coletti Catherine McLaughlin Frick Julie Lenore Gannon Carol Petersen Hacker** Kristen Lee Hanacek Janice Hanlin Michelle de Laine Hanson Constance Pickett Heiland* Barbara Mohr Hetzer Gwendolen Ann Johnson, SCA Jennifer Olberding Kahny Lisbeth Ann Kuss Nora Louney Marcella Colson Love Linda Maclejewski MacLean Judith Broughan Martinson Calbleen Crittenden Miller Rulh Freer Plenschke Lynn Marie Burman Ritchey Nancy Susan Sparks Erin Elizabeth Wheary Pamela Willson Beta Zeta Chapter Kent State Universily Sheila Smith* Loreen Haas Martin Susan Ann Miiler* Linda Zaugg Oster* Jonelle Hanna Rothfuss* Marcia Allen Schmitz'** Shirley Woody Stacey'" Mary Jane Avenll Becherer Mary Peri Caldwell Nancy CulpDamlani* Lilly Bergstrom Kaighin* Elizabeth Hoy Kentosh Jeanne Bigler Edwards Violet J Gardner Linda Webb Klein Diane Auerbach Myers Gloria Grzybowski Orsog Marilyn Kunz Shott' Carole Bigler Stump Beta Eta Chapter Bradley University Platinum Circle SallyErikson Lewis"", TEII olette Cooley Hays" Sfcnda Lea Bloom* Audrey Pearson Clair* :tabeth Printz Freeman*** ludilh Benthaus Ingersoll* <orma Rodems Kottemann** ielsy Althoff Les*" 'line McCoy Miller*** tojoriemacklinneff'" 'ary Martin Swain' unar Circle liwa Wilson Bourgeois Wanda Siegfried Brewster*** Frances Amyre Coleman* Ann Caldwell Dearman Ruth KengottGrockis*** Laura Turton Munkel* Carolyn Harshbarger Orsi** Joan Christy Pelletier* Wendy Whitaker Schultz* Nancy Weidner Tober** Ellen Jean Trzaska* Bonita Raymond Alexander Carolyn Sullivan Beatty Koren Sue O'Kane DeSplinter Nancy Adams Deem Constance Sheldon Dunbar** Janis Michaels Hill' M. Jane Haas Hunt Corinne Pfiester Richman"* Elizabeth Caster Russell* Donna Herbst Bohrnell LilaFirnhaber Bolinger Brendi Kaplan Bugalla Julie Busscher Julie Ann Byrnes Laureine Johnson Chisholm Laura Lindstrom Christensen Sandra Hauser Gaylord** Marilyn Lee Goad Jennifer Harris Linda Istel Klier Michelle Kolet Dr. Jacklyn S. Levy Rosalie Maier Morey Andrea Nevotti Anne O'Neil Kenna Pope Perkins Janice Heinz Ruggerio Sheryl Grottola Skinner Debra Eaton Smith Rosemary Clinebell Thomson Carole Hermann Vissering' Beta Theta Chapter San Jose State College Lois Kirchner Abbott'", TEII Consuelo C, Ford' Patricia Temple Compton' ' Trudi Brownton Diffendaffer" Barbara Lanning LaMarca** Jean Murphy Terkildsen* June Bibb Baxter Jane Kessler Brownton' Thelma Grothe Carter" Terry Webel Cassietto" Valerie Vetch Caveglia* Linda Schroebel Christopherson* Judith Beasley Denton Jacqueline Baker Holmes* Linda Bullock Hutaff* Arlene Francis Mackovic** Dyan Debenedetti Mart** Joyce Lyman Mather" Thais Mola O'Neil" Gayle Marie Paride Lynda Newman Petru* Diane McCroskey Smith* * Dolores Freitas Spurgeon* Barbara Brewster Ward* Jean Goodloe Whiteley JoAnn York Tomalene Borgman Anderson* Janet McCall Bawanan Alice Kent Bergna** Kathleen Elizabeth Dinshaw*, TEII Ellen Erichsen Downing Jeannette Grattan Fry* Chariotte Harder Guntii Christina Nielsen Hisken Janice McCullough Jacobovitz Virginia Jones* Renee Harman Mitchell** Gayle Burris Plette Joan Carlson Satrap Marcella Smith Stull* Eleanor Gabler Wilson Mary Youngren Collins Sandra Steinacker Gilliam Miriam Johnson Goode* Gloria Ferrari Hardwick Noreen Hassell Sawfyer Mary Wright Say Beta lota Chapter Idaho State College Michele PondBell** Lela Boyer Geisenberg* Louanna Chavez Maheras* Christine Jefferies Peterson Kathleen Pond Rudeen" Rozalys Bogert Smith Lynda Osborne Wimbush Cindy Maguire Albers Kara Ferguson Deverall Eleanor Pattis Francis Joyce Merman Gale Karen Ferguson Trevino Patricia Anne Weakland Beta Kappa Chapter Arizona State University Marcia McConoughey Fisher*' Barbara Wedge Alberts' Carol L, Caruso" Daria Click Dakin'" Vera Terkelsen Perry JoAnne Wallace Plutt' Janet Wallace Barr* Marilyn Coor Burton* Janet Robison Dixon Sarah Blessing Dunn* Amy Franks Gannon' Kathy Gately Freda Wilson MacDonald ' ' ' Florence Mclntire Murray' Nancy Anderson Rotman' Catherine Ellen Bourne Catherine Marie Dotseth Margaret Mllliken Griffitts Jane Nicholson Holcomb Margaret Ames Hooper Rachel Love Jenkins Heidi Alyceson Munson Elizabeth Cowen Reese Beta Lambda Chapter San Diego State University Silver Circle Joan Herzig Braitsch'", TEII Beverly Smith Gosnell" JoAnn Gail Dickie'" Beveriy Elliott Ingram' Sally Stevens Jones' Betty Ragenovich Kurkjian*** Nancy Hall Pawka*** June Riechers Skalecky* Mindy Hersh Weiss" Karen Mueller Brown" Nancy Powell Eisenstadt" Patricia Lazos Giesea" Claire Lewis Gietzen' Alexis Lagos Parkes' Merry Greig Wong** Catherine Schaffer Bohlen* Donna Benedict Hall' Dolores Roeckel Hallett" Donna Hanifin Harper** Linda Honey* Cynthia Montgomery Livingston Barbara Davis McKewen* Kathryne Ann Meade' Frances Maloney Mehling' Anne Pelonis Newlee" Kathleen Houser Nolan" Kathleen Rail' Janet Mackerras Sand strom** Gilberta King Seatz* Dianne Wilson Yarnell* Denise Elien Davidson Zelda Hunter Dunn Nina Jean Parker Ebner' Rosemary Kachel Hagan' Jane Jenson Hensel' Kimberly Louise Jordano Bonnie Graham Knowlton' Susan Mulligan Kukta' Jolene Louise Logue Ann Copeland Milburn' Kathleen Matzen O'Neill Dianne Smales Oldham' Karia Markus Overturt Grace Culver Pletcher' Donna Stoner Geneva Shaw Thomas' ' Pamela Ruth Woodberry Suzanne Jeffrey Zwair Marilou Lange Baumgarten Mara Berns Mary Frey GreenWynn Ellen Scott Hahn April Egnoski Hart Hillary Mack Kanigher Carol Claire Marchand Kelly MartinezMorrissey Ellen Wendt Naegeli Robyn NoelGreene Noelle Anne Shapiro Kathleen Meadows Smith" Karen Casares Stewart" Alice McKee Stull Karen Rose Thompson Beta Mu Chapter Florida State University Rosemary Stone Bunn* Lee Spencer Hicks*** Alice Lupo Bischoff* Joan Van Sant McDonald" Kathleen Ann Monahan Karen Skarda Rand Catherine Guleslan Shllen "" " Lorraine Dey Summers" Judith Meyers Edwards* Robin Urkowitz Hackett" Judith Ellen Hankins" Betty Swartz Holmes' Sandra Adsit Johnston" Elizabeth Lynn' Marian Parker Miller' Deborah Orthman Norris' Robin Phillips Patterson' Jean Fishback Roye' ' Elizabeth King Wajdowicz' Janis Raines Abernathy' Nancy Bourquardez Armer Gayle Christensen Avant' Karen Criswell Boyd Florne Roberts Evans Sandra Jaques Evenhouse" " Frances Brooks Everett' Genevieve Elizabeth Everett'" Clelia Lancaster Grider* MaryBeth Holzbach* Louise Schumacher Koch* Michele Margaret LeBlanc" " Edwina Jenkins Morse Annette Kilgore O'Brien Martha Jane Morgan Proctor Marian Baum Russell" Lorene Abney Secord Rebecca Brickert Simpson" Sue Ann Smith Betty Pierce Symmes' Marian Fabry Thompson' Billie Edge Trocke'" Michelle Dragoo Babb. SCA Gill Todd Bodziony Stephanie Kroll Dross Phyllis Bodeker Eckler Desiree Catherine N Hoey BJ. Carbeau Kane' Regina Corso Mangum Catherine Bell Melton Courtney Shea Moore Dorothy McKeeman Orthman Maria A, Santoro Tracy Lea Stack, SCA, TEII Jacqueline Ann Tarr Suzanne Blxby Ullmann Melissa Williams. SCA Beta Nu Chapter University ol Vermont Silver Circle Ruth Andrea Seeler. M.D,", 1874, TEII Betsy Evams Isham"* Alayne Tomlinson Trombley" Rebecca Hazen O'Donnell Sarah Bradley Presser'" A Tribute to Lifelong Friendship In a society where lifelong marriages are tndy something to be appreciated, it is refreshing and inspirational to meet a man who so adored his wife. It "s not difficidt to see how deeply devoted Lyman French was to his wife of 48 yt^ars, Jane Benton French (Kansas, "39). It's evident in everything he says and does. Fivi^andahaU years after her death, Jane's on his mind every day. Lyman remembered, as if it were yesterday, the day he met the young woman who would become his loving wife: / met Jane on Surulay, November 27, 1939, at a drug store gathering place in Kansas City. Jane was sitting at a table with Antiabel Walter, anotlier Sigma Chapter Gamma Phi, and anotherfriend. 1 stepped over the back ofthe oldfashioned, ice cream table wire chair and introduced myselfby saying, ''Hello girls. My name is 'Tex', what's yours?" They told me their names and later that same day Jane and Antiabel attended a church bridge party. I saw them there and played bridge with them. 1 remember saving to Jane that I would bet a "YankeeDime" on my bridge h/md ami when Jane sai<l that she didn't know what a YankeeDime was, 1 told her it was a kiss. Two weeks later Jane and Lyman were engaged. We announced our engagement at midnight on December 31, 1939 at a party where all the girk were Sigma Gamma Phi friends ofjane's. It's because of memories hke these of Jane's lifelong Gamma Phi friendships that Lyman has chosen to honor Jane's memory through gifts to the Gamma Phi Beta Foundation. Most recently Lyman estabhshed the Jane Benton French Memorial Endowment for Sigma a Chapter through charitable unitrust. Lyman set up a trust with more than $230,000 worth of appreciated stock which will provide immediate tax benefits for himself as well as lifetime income. When the trust is turned over to the Foundation, the intei"est income from the trust will go to support the educational leadership training and philanthropic programs of Sigma Chapter. But tliis was not Lyman's first gift. He has also remembered Jane through a scholarship endowment and Convention Leader ship Endowment for Sigma Chapter as well as through sigruficant gifts to Sigma's campaign to improve the educational portions of the chapter house in Lawrence. Because of Lyman's devotion and thoughtfidness. Jane's memory as a lifelong friend of Gamma Phi Beta, will truly live on forever. 'amma Phi Beta 19

20 OR EVERY GAMMA PH ' ' ' Cornelia Washburn Crawford Linda Borgos Hirst Sara Bradley Moran Hetty White Andrews Beryl Oliver Haskell Geraldine Labecki' Linda McVay Titus Beta XI Chapter Ohio State University Platinum Circle Marty Everett Bowman'" Susan Jane Bonnell" Sally Mettee Keeler*" Carole McKie Savan'" Maria DeMaggio Cioffi'" Norma Orlando Hasen" Janet Campbell Mahan' Anna Robinson Baker' Sheryl Braumlller Gray Susan Scott Hibbitts' Carolyn Sanford Vetter" Gaye Gnmsley Bricker Mary Ellen FIcocella Mary Ehrensberger Giachino' Lois Heath Lockhart Eloise Kaye Wagers Beta Omicron Chapter Oklahoma City University Clarice Braker Mornson" ' Verona Dilbeck Lynam Maytha Wagner Mead"* Adra Mason Cheek** Sherryl Hall Peterson Margie Jo Smith Watters* * Dorothy Downing Burg*** Lavonne Mayhugh Clinton' Cherie Chesshir Danielle' Mae Douglas Garrett Marie Russell Harkey'" Betty Donaldson Hite Deborah Ryder Parker* Gayle MIka Boone Linda Rice Galloway Mary Helen Hailey Lisa Dee Hallmark Tiffany JohnsonHester. SCA Patricia Myers Howell Lisa Luke Mayfield Ruth Marshall Richardson* Beta Pi Chapter Indiana State University Silver Circle Ann Mullen Bronsing***. TEII Marty Kuhn Pool*** Karen Nilson Grafe** Donna Davis Prior*** Kay Schultz Catanach*** Nancy Ingersoll Livesay** Tamera Brinza Manka* Margie Calvert Bianchetta** Gail Irwin Klein Janet A, Morgan* Sally Scarlett Schaper*** Patricia Cuel Spurr* Cheryl WoollsDeLap* Deborah Woerner Dodson* * Carolyn Edwards Fisher* Maretta Jackson Garvey Barbara Wilson Hinshaw* Virginia Nichols Johnson*** Bennita Baker Kennedy* Rea Kinkade Linville Marita Kirkpatnck Mahan* Karen Herring Matthews Carmi Grecco Murray Lola Sims Norns Juha Hazlett Ritter* Rose Marie Harris Ruu>ui Denise Raley Saxman' Katherine Kruger Scott' Karen Hollars Shepherd Joan Courter Smith Jean Osha Wellman Chariotte Slazas Zachary Elizabeth Ann Cole, SCA Christine Reidy Corcoran Kris Huber Downing Mary Thomas Hayward Lynn Cahill Masching" Linda Taylen Mokrycki Margaret Huber Remke" Holly Jean Squire Snook Dr, Dixie Lee Stahr Joan Clodfelter Stallsworth Sandra Sue Ton WIttmer Beta Rho Chapter University ol ColoradoBoulder Emerald Circle Lynn Towsley White*** Silver Circle Barbara Pratt McMullin"", 1874 Hon. Dynda Andrews Kirby""" Donabeth Kerner Downey* Cheryl Greene Fitzpatrick** JJ, Stoll Kaelin""" Pamela Templeton Wootten" Jeanne Schroll Aden"** Anne Golseth""" Ginny Harris Hammond""" Evelyn Vivlano Harms" Marilyn Beardmore Hull"" Ina Vanslyke Mullis Sandra Caughran Anderson""" Marilyn Watson Beatty* * * Johnna Ferguson Cashill* Pamela Bruce Cronin Candace Hertneky Crumb* Anita Hix Friesen** Kathryn Epeneter Johns" " " Valerie Johnson Kates" Liz Crosby Martin" Diana Pipher Murphy Diane Hertneky Phillips** Dorothy Rekstad Phillips*** Gayle Kotzelnick Wilson Lindesay Kaminsky Abron* Elizabeth Cresap Aikin** Judith Flickinger Bahney* Leslie Mabie Bradshaw Chariene Midyett Carpenter* Suzanne Richmond Daniel Jane Klingensmith Della Badia Linda Krai Dix Mary Jacobson Eisner Ellen R. Fales* Barbara Peterson Gerhardt Gayle Haugen Long* Julie Moriarty McCarty Esther Gambill McGuire Karlin Lanz Morris Joyce Rickards Newcomb* Penny Sacks Newmark* Nancy Gauvreau Osborne Elizabeth Kindem Spieldenner* Joy DunkleyTolin* Ako Asano. SCA Lynne Abdnor Barnett Vicki Imig Beaudet Virginia Evans Cresap Mario Edwards Lesa Ann Foster Lucinda Ledgerwood Gaven Laura Hatch Julia Porter Herring Lisa Weiler Houston Leslie Kramer Ariene Armour Larsen Choux Grayson MacLean Pamela Thompson Michener Suzanne Hood MIers Jennifer M. Okes Sandy Orr Margaret Sexton Pearce Elizabeth Wallis Price Kathleen McGuire Propp** Linda Mason Reinacher Alicia Smith Linda Ann Valdez Kristeen Tadich VonBuettner Marcia Bragg Weygant Ann Burroughs Wisnom Beta Sigma Chapter Washington State University Gold Circle Posy Roodhouse Erb'" Lisa Kayceen Bliss" Diane Clark Coblentz" Trudy Hennksen Kramer' Ernestine Freitas Brennon' Patricia McDermott Foreman' Amy Fortier' Brooke Healy' JoAnne Hinrichs Hungate Tracey Santa Rosa Kipp Cpt Mary Thoennes Kretzschmar' Betsy Ankeny Lyle'" Kelly Suzanne Clarke Turner Carol Hill VanSickle* Shauna Revello Bristol. SCA Roberta Elmore Coffee' Carol Hunter Marsha Lee Morrow Nancy Mueller Renfro Noelle Elizabeth Rice Shelly Simmons Russell, SCA Beta Tau Chapter Texas Tech University Peggy Campbell Clark'" Patricia Johnson Hutchens" Catherine Balzer Lorino' ' Susan Jack Banks" Karen Hanison Davis" Terri McMurray Nieser** Sharron Butler Owens** Ava Willingham Ray'" Anna Balzer Rothrock' Vickie Hudspeth Baker' Paula Bell" Barbara Teal Berry' Dolores Hunt Foster' Marilyn Foster Lookadoo* Miriam Jennings Mayhew* Jennifer A, Andrews' Ernestene Lee Bowman' Patticia McKinney McWilliams' Robbie Springer Mullennix Karen Mann Patterson M Paula Brownlow Sledge Nancy Pinto Steen' Elizabeth Hicks Vernier Lynda Hooper Weaver Ruth Moore Willingham Erin Leigh Yeary Stacy Roberson Austin Tracy Spencer Brown Deborah Robertson Edson Marisa Gilles Gay Caryn Eileen C Kelley Kimberiy Suzanne Purcell Donna Kay Reed Renee Ramsey Schmidly' Adrianna White Schwartz Wanda Wood Suter' Marianne Kluge Zimmer Beta Upsilon Chapter Kansas State University Sue Ann Wiltse Fagerberg Kay Johnson Marovich' Gloria Delich Anderson" Mary Eaton Matuszak'" Rosemary Wineinger Butler"* Terry Thies Foster Jo Goetz Heasty*** Mildred Goreham MacKenzie** Caroline Preddy Pickens* ** j,ilqiitinit uuiiiiiif;! luin tjnruh" Mary Lindsey Vanier" Mary Kathryn Reese Joanne Starkweather Chapman" Janice Edwards Christie" Janet Claycomb Crowe" Flo Haymond Haynes" Barbara Schrader Hess*" Beveriy Gerhardt Howard"" Capt, Sherry Mooney Howard" Jean Dawson Husted Linda Lee Johnson Andrea Krug Krauss Nancy Hammel Kuehler Fran Mayfield Lapham Jams Pattison McKenney Babette Brous Moore" Debbie Steiner Smith' Jan Townsend Teeter Lon Hellman Thomas' Linda Lansdown Anderson Nanci Reiff Benefiel Krista Kaye Brooks Judith Mai Colebank" Jane Harmless Conway Theresa Kunz Cooper Tana Jean Farrell Elizabeth Morgan Frisch, SCA Lisa Marie PfannenstielGarrison Mary Hinsey Goya Julia Bollenbacher Hickey Jill Suzanne Kippes, SCA Christine Perez Kuhlmann Jennifer Paula Modic Lindsey Knox PtafI Susan Wendlandt Prochaska Christi Shmidl Sharon Stoecker Spratt Karen Ferguson Tennant Jill Suzanne Townsend, SCA Kathryn E Trouttetter Deborah Kay Turnbull. SCA Melissa M. Updegrove Donna Hansen Vailas Sharon Paige White, SCA Tamara Barham Wineinger Ann Marie Zondca, SCA Beta Phi Chapter Indiana University Elizabeth Ahlemeyer Quick'" Margaret Haag Watson ' ' ' Carol Ellingwood Franks'* Melody Kay Nedrud"* Judith Ruhl O'Neill""" Dianne Christine Weidner" Sandra Kroczek Blackwell" Ellen Meier Brockmann" Susan Ann Dudley** Madeleine Yucevicius Fouts'* Carolyn Meshberger Fryback* Susan Waller Kinnamon Sara Mernck* Diane Dross Nichols*** Stephanie Risch Riggs Martha Kincaid Shuck** Kathleen Nolan Andres* Patricia Vonesh Chambers Leslie Dauble Collins* ^,Jl^ly^ ivliiiciie uensdom" Judith Hensley George* Jacqueline Foster Godfrey Marjorie Goding Gorman Lisa Lepley Hiles*, TEII Marilou Krueger Hivnor' Terry Hollander" Sandra Kathleen Kincaid Maniyn Thiel Knilans' Mildred Bailey Kramer"" Susan Lower Long Sara Zimmerman Mayes Jacqueline Diane Moser Chnsfine Frances Podd* Martee Baker Renzema Kathryn Hosier Rethlake" Susan Wagner Schlecht Barbara Dietrich Thompson" Christine M. Altmeyer Kathleen Wright Anderson Kathy Sater Arnold" Maresa Lynn Beazley Kelly Nemeth Bluish Ann Brewer Lorraine Buck Jane Elizabeth Callahan Carol NutinI Colacurcio Lori Harvey Cook Melanee Marie Dooley Dorothy Chalfant Dreibelbis" Melissa Elaine Johnston Kristine KellumJarosinski Susan Cole Kelly Andrea Lyn Leggett Camille Lynn Morns Jennifer Smith Quinlan Linda Clem Rowland Debra Witherbee Ruckman Katherine Pickell Smith Lori Ann Senesac Susan Lynn Webb Lisa Gayle Wolfe Jill Gregory York Beta Chi Chapter Wichita State University Verla Ruthertord Eston** Joyce Cole Hultgren*** Julienne Champlin* Teresa Salsman Craig* Vinita Hood Hoffman' Nellie Graber Schriock* Margaret Robinson Small* * Corinne Miller Davis* Sue Young Fulks* Renee Farha Hahn* Marcene Solomon Larkin* Janet Wasinger Moody Dianne Kreissler Rosell* Kerry Engle Shurtz* Diesa Bostic Snyder* Paula Shanbour Zarich* Jana Knight Belew* Pamela Furst Buxton Donna Gifford Elder Robyn Whitten Johnson Marjorie Romine Marckx Cara Anne McCall. SCA Karen Sue Mischlich Mary Sims Mross Shawna Rowe Jeanne Campbell Thompson* Sandra Thompson Torre Stacy Elaine Wallace, SCA Marilyn Jacobs Wood Sally Bernhart Young A Special Thaiiks to Mil Chapter Upon the closing of Mu Cha[>ter at Stanford University, $19,870 was given to the Foundation. The foyer of the residential area of Intemational Headquarters will be named in the chapter's honor. Lifetime Giving Levels Emerald Circle gifts of $1 00,000 or more Ruby Circle gitts of $50,000 to 599,999 Pearl Circle gifts of $25,000 to $49,999 Gold Circle gifts of $10,000 to $24,999 Platinum Circle gifts of $5,000 to $9,999 Silver Circle gifts of $2,500 to $4,999 gifts of $1,000 to $2,499 gifts of $500 to $999 gifts of $250 to $499 gifts of $100 to $249 * Eacfi asteril< stands for five years of consecutive giving, SCA = Senior Carnation Appeal participant 1874 = member of this year's 1874 Society TEII = Tau Epsilon Pi member Beta Psi Chapter Oklahoma State University Melba Ouick Spurrier** Carta Evans Wilsey, M,D* Mary Casady Haiges' Joyce Wingfield Choplin* Linda Ferguson Flowers*** Louise Monney Johnson" Phyllis Baker Kriegel*" Jamie Louise Maher Janet Balkenbush Prescott* Donese Whitaker Carole Johnson Antilla* Judy Rickard Barber Mary Lee Atwood Cale* Paula Ketehen Clover"" Catherine Wienecke Hathcoat Wilma Kindt Henderson*** Mary Gunn Hodnett* Laurie Erner Marks Julie Danielson O'Connell Paula Choplin Shryock*** Colleen Duesberry Smith Torie Oxman Wilson* Hanna Dunlap Wise** Sally Stinson Anderson Dorothy Goodman Blackwell** Kimberly Roush Boggs Kathryn Roberts Curtis Vicki Lewis Dorrough Janine Teague Eggers Eren Hays Lmda Ruth Hemphill Donna Lehman Howell Andrea Gail Nielsen* Linda Tysor Nowlin** Judith Canfield Simon Diane Long Voth Holly Wiidman GayIn Ann Gray Zajic" Beta Omega Chapter Northern Arizona University Platinum Circle Jennie K. Curtis'"* Christina Louise Hogan Marni Shonerd Hood* Lisa Garner Inglis* Gayla Patterson Kartchner* Elaine Grangaard Morrison Keena Kline Sampson** Virginia Martin Stroup** Prisciila Williams* Deborah Pinner Birdsell* Patricia Ball Blanchard** Vicki Gardner Corea* Elizabeth Ann Hoffmann Margaret Reinhold Merrow Joanne Davis Tudor" Kelly Ulichny Balthazor Kathleen Mae Coffey Lora Davis Lisa Nafziger Hollifield Lisa Nihan Lillie Ann Jeannette Schmausser Gamma Alpha Chaptt Memphis State Universily Gold Circle Magnes Welsh***. 1874, TEII Sandra Graham Cude" Michele Hope Meason Dr. Susan Boesvert Smith, Gamma Beta Chapter Gettysburg College Karen Hewitt Scariett" Dr, Toby 0 Graham" Lynnae Betts Steinberg" Judith Curchin Vandever Cynthia Eni Yingling** Laura Davio DeGroat Constance Bowlby Fayen* Linda Luttrell Hayden* Carol Louise Paton* Suzanne Boorujy Michelle Cosulich, SCA Darla Ann Fabian Christine Marshall Leety Linda MerriamKuc* Jaci Wagner Schlemmer Phoebe Guiley Strome Cynthia Smith Wineke Gamma Gamma Chapter University of WisconsinMilwaukee Marylee Miller Bleiler Dorothy Clark Nagy** Peggy S, Peters Carol Pielech Chmiel Lyn Ann Hildenbrand* Sara Czarnecki Hmielewski" Nancy Burmeister Plank Teresa Marie Velk Katie Anderson Susan Hug Bremer" Shannon Couch, SCA Gayle Szczesny Hayek Holly Hetzel Kazyak Diane Edwards Schaaf** Amy Wilson, SCA Sharon Rowland Zurawski" Gamma Delta Chaptei University of Wyoming Silver Circle Kris Brandt Riske"*. TEII Martha Dougherty DeLanoy*** Carolyn Hansen Dorn. TEII Linda Pennington* Donors,

21 at IHfor debriefing last spring, the CoUegiate leadership Consultants called former consultants to raisefunds to build a leadership endowment forfuture consultant programming. This new endowment will honor past Grand President and thefirst traveling secretary Evelyn Gooding Dippell, who died last year. Sliaron Blaes Sherman Nina Frazier Svoboda* Susan Kay Butcher Di Ann HammondBlessing Linda Cheatham Hart Vickie Sue Zimmer Gamma Epsilon Chapter Umversity of Puget Sound Jenniler Watts Fox* Joan Salzer Kuhlmann* Martha Anne Wangeman* Nancy Baker Bacon Constance Hafling Chambers* Janet McLellan Cochran Lauren Eising Jacox Sharon Wells Seiden Ann Osborne White* Barbara Leighton Davies Marguerite Ann Dega Lenita Krueger Johnson Sherrill KelsoMcDowell Liana M Mezo Kristen Dianne Steiner Gamma Zeta Chapter fast Texas State University Judy Sandidge Barnes** Michele Hlbbitt Clark* Carol Gann Lee* Mona Gail Tinsley** Donna Moore Collum* Carmela Madden Frels*** Jerre Parker Geiger Helen Kindle McGraw Jan Lovell Riley Terry Carpenter Shamley* Paula Copeland Donaldson Pamela Del Jernigan Theresa Lou Walton Cane Williams Watson Gamma Eta Chapter M State Univ.Long Stich ''latinum Circle Wi Nesbitt McMahon*** Silver Circle Randy Stevens Allard*** Linda Hallenbeck Peiegrino***, TEII Linda Watson Wheeler** Keri Gee Barnett* Kendra Gates Bocher, TEII* Barbara Gorey Gllcrest* Linda Marzullo" Linda S, Babcock* Donna Murray Bog danovich* Nancy K, Gorey* Michelle Mazure Hardy* Kim Spilsbury Peterson* Cynthia Dorris Ray** Mary Severdia Wohlgemuth* Karla Roberts Alfano Carol Bosman Anderson Susan Pick Anderson* Diana Puccio Berbiglia* Cari Lynn Burich Carol Margaret Clyde* Martha Hill Cox* Joan Ashworth Hennessy Cynthia Bettencourt Icardo*" Kathleen Louise Jones Phoebe McAuley Lambeth" Karen Alice Leuer' Janine MacKay Leyrer' Pamela Godinez Ling* Lisa Bole Montijo* Diana Martha Ortiz** Virginia Steiger Rhoden* Loretta Trutanich Ricciardi* Carol Saalwaechter Kim Andrea Trainor Jayne Lynn VanWinkle Anne Killen Wolf Pauline Plooster Accetta* Cynthia Pearson Arentsen Kirsten Annette Bauman* Kimberly Renee Brink Evelyn Ward Carrasco Mara Lyn Clements Chavez Susan Galloway Etheridge* Lori Mahoney Giacomini* Nancy Crawford Graham Karen Elizabeth Mitchell Ludwick Kimberly Dawson Meckelborg Jo Morrison Myers Anne Burns Pollinger Tabor Anne Price Chnsfine Lynn Rowe* Cory Pugh Steck Gamma Theta Chapter University ol Pacilic Dr Gloria Farthing Castle** Peggy Smith Fellows* Johanna Hershberger Cleveland* Janice Sanguinetti Graves** Corinne OshimaKoseda*** Elinor Harrold Sagehorn* Julie Parsons Cole* Linda Pond Heinemeyer* Claudia Merrick Olsen Katherine Mack Ortin* Berniece Anderson Yeakel' Barbara Jonte Boswell Gayle Vachon Flinn' Phyllis Jean Rankin Gamma lota Chapter Midwestern State University Phyllis Haubert Laughon" * Laura Lynn Wyman* Angela Cannon Cravrford Ginger Giles Giuck Debra Wigington Hulse Gamma Kappa Chapter University of NebraskaKearney Barbara HurtSimmons**, TEII Kathryn Ann Kempf Suzan Zetterman Culver** Laurie Lea Fink Hannan** Connie Jo Shivers Hatcher* Melinda Harrison Bazata** Jeanette Macleod Doerr* Amy Diane Kempt Marilyn A Fairley Kolesar Judith Carison Nanfito* Kelly Paradies Taylor Karen Bellingtier Acker Betty Gillespie Armagost* Rebecca Theis Bachle Julie Torpin Billeter Kimberly Anderson Loeffelholz Judith Linhorst Mullally Tammy Travis Nelson S, Michelle Groskopf Rice Michelle Lee Tompsett Jodi Elliott Treat* Jan Riggert Troester Gamma Lambda Chapter Louisiana State University Cathy Boudreaux Griffin** Jane Opal Rinehart* Cheryl Berot Boutte** Deidri Lockwood Spaulding Nancye Tucker Duhon Krystyna Osiecki Keller Molly Tedesco Landry Patricia Palmer Mitchell Roberta Larsen Peebles Sheryl Benson Pender Gamma Mu Chapter Moorhead State University Lmda Lee Acosta*** Paulette Hagen Anderson Barbara Tattey Inch Jackee Johnston Melissa Lynn Lakoduk Brenda Jane Lium Amy Peterson Susan Phillips, SCA Judy Lynne Rydzik Kathleen Bonnett Waterman Cynthia Hehn Westgate Gamma Nu Chapter Lamar University Laura Taylor McMurray** Mane Cain Richards Marguerite Gribble Tatum' Kathleen Pearce Villarreal Melanie Ann Bergeron Laura Genevieve Gonzalez Katha Coriey Nelson Gamma Xi Chapter University of Tennessee Carol Chilton' Dr, Cheryl Darcel Gunter" Patricia Ann Blissltt" Gail Herndon Fennimore' Dr. Chariotte Headrick' Patncia Nickels Helsley Jamey Weems Mclntire' Susan Carpenter Whipple"* Sarah Singleton Chariet Teresa Mayfield Giblin Cynthia Ann McClard* Gamma Omicron Chapter University ol Kentucky LuAnn Holmes" Mary Hatcher Conover' Diane Kroggel Crandell" Melinda Risse Nutter" Bettie CochranPoole*" Ann Strunk Jost* Missy Estelle Creevy' Judy Stewart Ladd Bernadette Giilet Long Terri Hartley Adamson Jackie JordanNail Gamma Pi Chapter Mankato State University Betty McElhenny Confer" Diane Hemmingson Gomez' Kathleen Slater Hunt Margaret Boynton McEwen" Deanna Kaufenberg Boyer Lisa Katherine Frank Kelly Hoick Jeannette Emma King Janel Kroeger Madden. SCA Susan Brewer Riesgraf Lori Jane Sandquist Joanne Pauley Sundem' Gamma Rho Chapter University ol Wisconsin Oshkosh Marilyn Bachnik Callahan" Katherine Wehner Reff' Linda Ann Rondeau' Katherine Maloney Strycker' Sandra Kleczka Swiderek' Christina Diana Hartmann Michelle Kutis, SCA Terra Paulsen Ellen Louise Yoder Gamma Sigma Chapter Western Michigan University Linda Eschenburg Ryden' Patricia Sager Klein" Melissa Hill Porter Nancy StoutPurkis Applications for Foimdation scholarships and fellowships wul be available January The deadline for applying is February 24, Chapters will receive applications in the January Foundation mailing. Metnbers may also contact Lisa Hintze at International Headquarters, (303) for fmancial aid information. Marta Kristine Abramson Cheryl Patterson Clark Molli Kearney Hoover Linda Karsted Newton Gamma Tau Chapter St Louis University Jill Tennis Heitzman*** Linda Marie McMahon Anne Uhl Davis Judy Handrick Dyckman Linda Mitchell Bnce Jayne DeRousse Corley* Mane Christen Gutzler Chnsfine Cecelia Jansen Sharon Zgiet Lowenthal' Mary Beth Reich Mary Jennings Schuermann Nicole Straub LuAnne Rosenbaum Szopa Gamma Upsilon Chapter Drake University Patricia Ann Korengel Vicki Asprooth Roy" Suzanne ZeinEldin Powell' Linda Engelbert Lane Lezlie Ann Lenz Elizabeth W, McNichols Martha Sue McKlveen Karen Hohenstein Nelsen' Mary Oudsema Stevens Mary Eloise Stoikes" Anita Johnson Westerhaus Carol Jardine Dworak' Jane Mabb Sersland Gamma Phi Chapter Auburn University Latane Jordan Graham"* Laura Mortensen Gladney* Sally Sanders McCammon*** Margo Petroski** Jacquelyn Lufkin Stuart" Alice Berry Hagler' Janet Mahaffey Hoomes' Mary Tackett Keel Deborah Doster Terrell Melody Hooper Cathey Donna Wester Gentry Bobbie Perry Haggerty* Karen Martin McAlarney Carol Smith Neeley Mary Tate Spires Jane Luster Williams Gamma Chi Chapter Southwest Texas State University Kathleen KostelnikGlsin** Chnsfine Boyett Thompson*. TEII * ' Beverly Badough Curtice Katherine Ford Mary Mireur Lotton' Kathryn Sue Major Deborah Geriing Ulczynski* Lillie Jo Dotson Beth Ann Fiddeike Gruenke* Carol Turnipseed Haberie Leslie Hildreth Masters Elizabeth Ann Pyndus Gamma Psi Chapter University of tjorthern Iowa Virginia Chizek Schene** Rhonda Hessel May*** Christine Mineart Turnipseed*** Barbara Teig Adams*** Ella Cowlishaw Bartley** Carolyn Seymour Hansen Jo Whitehead Neiss Shelly Smith Rumler* Jane Hicok Baldwin Brenda Hughes Bauermeis ter Ariene Dewolfe Bubbico Lisa Ann Hintze, SCA Jeanne Allbee Hosch Melissa Kirsten Hove Teresa Ann Linn Caroline Courtney Meline Andrea Sue Neighbors Shelley Nicole Neville Stephanie Nicole Parent, SCA Bette Anderson Rathjen** NancyAnn Ostendort Thompson Denise Sloan Tippie Gamma Omega Chapter University of WisconsinPlatteville Jo Halstead Gruenwald* Jennifer Madeleine Porter* Nancy Truitt Fellows* Susan Kay Tatge** Lisa Maraszek Alexander' Cathryn Anne Caballero Ellen Bartling Carter Rose Holder Dreis* Kristine Knox Tamara Mayberry. SCA Cheryl Johnson Saarinen Diane Gunderson Schulz Delta Alpha Chapter Wisconsin State University MaryJo Callahan Cater* Judy Robbins Gehler* Floy Swanson Born Delta Beta Chapter Boise State University Patricia Ann Crepps Toni Portmann Jamma Phi Beta 21

22 FOR EVERY GAMMA PHI other Deborah Louise Bngante Kimberly Cox Carole Kaurlsch Gabrlelson Delta Gamma Chapter Univ of NebraskaOmaha Mickey Walmer Burrell"" Delta Delta Chapter Calif State Univ FuUerton KarylLynnReed. 1874, TEII Rene Catherine Matz" Chnsfine Gaugler Ritger* Cheryl Anne Speer"" Vicki Kunesh Braddock Sandra Christina Garcia Christine Man HadianKaul Mary Lee Knaup"" Deborah Dykes MIslag" Alaire Hinkel Outlaw"" Amy Lee Mel Packer** Suzanne Elizabeth Foucault Anne Krickl Hofferth"" Sheila Boyce King Marybeth Norgren* Julie Smith Barbara Thomson Velasquez" Ruth Labac Wright* Susan Marie Abrahams Eilean Dominguez Cathenne GhyselsBorowski Alana Guithues McKeag Tammy Kay Mufich Laurel Alexander Nordin* Audry Miller Wiens" Delta Epsilon Chapter Texas Wesleyan University Martha Morphis Sholars* Jennifer Lynn Walker* Mary Barker Herring Sonia Torres Remy Delta Zeta Chapter Southwestern Oklahoma State University Sandra Reiswig Mahan Jenifer Ann Handle Delta Eta Chapter Univ ol Calil Irvine Janice Elaine Hiller* Bonnie Burdette Anderson* Anne Heise Lara'" Helga Wurster Russell"' Janice Lum Dallons' Wanda De'Prey Eyre' Deborah Lynn Harris Rosemary Gay Milew Victoria Munoz Parvin' Wendy Ann Blair, SCA Allison Burns Julie Drew Renee Kilmer Kye Sook Kim Elizabeth Anne Lansford Lisa Michelle Levy Stephanie Laroque Richards' Lotte Marie Shoar. SCA Barbara Wayne Wise Delta Theta Chapter Calif Polytech State Univ. Bette Bartow Newberger" Ellen Penne Solum" Karen CnbbmsKuklm' Deborah Silk Detiveaux' Kimberly Blakkolb Frank" Beverly Bnntnall Merwln" Polly Simpson Thomas' Kristin Funkhouser Schwartz Diane Hiller Sikora" Maria Adams Suzanne Beaumont Loree Vaillancour Donaldson Lori Horenstein Freedman" Cynthia Gretzinger Goodell Christie Black Kjellman Janelle Ann Mau Laurel Ann Naffress Cynthia Ann NIkssarlan Susan Abraham Olivas Jenell Marie Reinstein, SCA Gwyn Thurston Williams, SCA Delta lota Chapter Purdue University Kimberly West Vogt" Carolyn Schnirring Dungan" Ann Verdecchia Moore"" Ann Cibula Zultner"" Cynthia Carter Andres" Elizabeth Fntzsche Campbell" Deryn Robinson Pilliod' Susan Waterman Steel" Mary Renberg Tara Kara Watkins Beutel Cheryl Lynn Camp" Patricia Blank Coker Jennifer Lynn Croxall Melissa Fisher Marianne Brandwyn Hibbard' Kimberly Anne Kiley Mary Agnor Kirkpatnck' Karen Jane Lenyo Clare Boland McCormick Kim D Parshall Miriam Bright Tornrose' Sarah Elizabeth Balasky' LiesI Marie Bayouth Linda Sue Benson Carol Davis Derucki Monica Dodd Shan Kay Fieldhouse Cynthia Bolger Frein Kim Weston Harman Mary Server Hartkorn Renee Heiser Stacey Seybold Hiller Paula Cook Kosiak Leona Westerberg Leist' Michelle Renee McQuInn Kristina Hoffman Peach, SCA Cynthia Goeke Sweeney Esther Louise Ann Thoele Michelle Jindrich Tucker Janet Kay Wnght Delta Kappa Chapter Lehigh University Dr Geralyn Marotta Prosswimmer" Donna Tice McGee' Ann Werley Price" Rose Welllver Conrad" Julie Ann Johnson Leslie Ann Konigsberg"" Michele Miller" Janine Louise Nelson Jill Sugarman Van Hoesen" Arlene Joyce Helminski Lesley Shorr, SCA Delta Lambda Chapter Univ of Calif. Riverside Roberta Martinez Bollin" Nina Mane Comito Freeman' Janet Johnson Peters' Suanne Junko Gonwa Lee Ann Herdman Marilin McWane Branum" Dawn Franchi Gamberale" Melinda Vest Grayson Etha Catherine Hoban Christine Rungaldier Kennedy Robin Sue Pavlosky" Laura Browning Richards Sherri Rae Robinson Katherine Martha Atikian Margaret Titus Darlington Laurie Ann Davies Heather Ariail Dietz, SCA Christine Bernice Hall Cathy Lynn Levine Glenda Erin McGihon Karen Eileen McVeigh Kathy Lynne Jones Pharies, SCA Terry Puente Philpott" Karyn Louise Schlunt, SCA Delta Mu Chapter Rutgers State University Nina Rodriguez Bonnet Joyce Elizabeth Hatch", TEII Kathleen Mary Horan"" Linda Thomson McMahon Leslie Baker Susan Maria Cevoli Joanne Shaffer Meloro Holly Leahy O'Shaughnessy" Andria Watskin Posner Sharon June Simandl' Elizabeth Cheney Tormey Laurie Anne Craghan Virginia Marie Daly' Kelly Demaio DuMoulm CarolAnn Keohane Jennifer Kyle Pamela SouthardKelliher Meredith Lee Stern Irene Marie Boczar Stewart Karen Henning Walent Delta Nu Chapter Southwest Missouri State University Elizabeth Anne Lampe' Lisa Stidham Spragg" Lisa Bergman Carder"" Leading the Way with annual gilts between $500 and $1000 in were: Marta Jjom])ardi Brown (Boston) Bonnie GayneU Chfford (Nebraska) Maryibeth Wilson Collins (Oregon) Jennie K. Curtis (Northern Arizona) Lisa Aim Felice (Illinois) Jane Piper Gleason (Illinois) Elsa Behr (Jiether (Califoi"niaBerkeley) Juililh Smith Kaspar (Syracuse) Mary Gin Kennedy (Denver) Greta Astrom Koerber (Northwestern) Mary Jane Langham (Southern Metho(hst) Margaret Spence Larsen (Minnesota) Margaret Rayner Leedy (Ilhnois) Cyntliia Casserly Maggio (Iowa) Margaret Buchan Rieger (McGill) Arm Clapp Scott (Southern Methodist) Anne Hofer Shepard (Colorado St.) Susan Kennedy Sismondo (Michigan) Nancy Trever ( Idaho) Fay Cameron Yoimg (Oklahoma) Cary GumCosta Denise Marts Eschenbrenner" Susan Jean Hlland Joanne Carien Chappell" Angela Haley Dempsey Suzanne Rupe Swyden Beth Ann Taylor Kristin Winter Delta Xi Chapter Bucknell University Gail Lawson Anderson"' Dawn Marie Becker' Sandra Beth Solomon" Karyn B Visscher' Anne Louise Bennett" Joanne Michele Bonifanti" Catherine Palmer Dare Nancy Duran Evanoff Katherine Dowler Murphy" Cheryl Lesser Baton" Audrey Fessler Jessica Weichsel Zdravecky* Delta Omicron Chapter Southern College ot Technology Susan Konrad Munson"" Georgiana Mane Conger Britt Teresa Irene RobertsonPope Judith Bay Bruton Jeanna Lynette Gnssom Cynthia Quilling Delta Pi Chapter Illinois State University Kelli Sue Clausen Elizabeth Klein Manning" Christine HopkinsWahls Cheryl Busch, SCA Lisa Lyn England Debora Plack Ludolph Deborah L Sandvik Karen Patncia Stauder Delta Rho Chapter Dickinson College Milissa McKeever Rhodes' Diane KlawansArons" Susan Trott BIzenov Amy Sue Zuckerman Delta Sigma Chapter Florida Institute ol Tech. Theresa Ellen Coleman" Calhanna Dubbelday Haynes" Gaye Gargiula Vannoy Michele Mannello Everett" Shelly Irene Carey Lisa Ann Delaney Margaret Berger Halisky Beth Anne Hartield Delta Tau Chapter Colgate University Julie Campbell Fein" Megan Margaret Anne Pezzuti' Sandra Wohlleber' Carolee Bongiovi Elizabeth P,S. Dinsmore Lisa Kester Pamela Anne Raines Delta Upsilon Chapter University ol Georgia Susan Pinkard Crav/ford' Nancy Davies Jacobson" Janet L Wyche' Theodora Zotto DeMaria' uarnanon uircle J Paige Burns Sydney Mills Jelinek* Katherine Sheay Kelly Lori Nichole Logan Sandra Hale Anderson Susie Blum Bott Caroline Elberger Campbell Sheila Michele Connor' Sammi Elliott Wendy Whipple Ginn Kathp/n Nichols Gunter Kathleen Marie Harries Mary Beth McCurdy Hoeger Michelle Diane Hood Diana Michelle King Jennifer Morton Susanne Eckert Newbauer Bndget Ann O'Rourke Deborah Ann Patterson Delta Phi Chapter Calli State Univ. Bakerslield Kathleen Anne LaBrie Emily Kavanaugh Allen Dawn Lorainne Fairchild Sonja Mae Hernandez Danielle McKinney Margaret Jean Rimmer Delta Chi Chapter Calli State Univ Sacramento Jennifer Lynne Hixon Tonette Theresa Steeb* Catherine Mary Stemmler Tamara Lynn Chambers Ann Monteverde Collard Stacy Lynn Crandall Debra Joy Ebersole Enn Huff Karen Johnston Lisa Wittke, SCA Delta Psi Chapter Univ of Calil Santa Barbara Valerie Johnson Freeman' Kimberiy Eichorn Glassman" Andrea Zander Norman Rhonda Kroll Clark" Laurie Sweet Dahlerbruch" Kathryn Holden Glynn Robin Arbuckle Jones' Susan French Wade Jenese Allen Cynthia Hill Biek' Kathleen Bordin Knstil Ann Copland Rebecca Certeza Goulet Johanna Gabrielle King. SCA Deneen Gayle Narwitz Ingnd Schmitz Audrey Leigh Smith, SCA Delta Omega Chaptei Oakland University Mana Elizabeth Garzaniti Beth Ellen Kosak Anna Marie Taianol Epsilon Alpha Chapter La Salle University Patncia Barks* Lisa Marie Giacometti Melissa Mary Guenther Amy Maria Jelen Kristy Elizabeth O'Malley Epsilon Beta Chapter Alma College Dorene Dunn Lewis' Amy Elizabeth Kunse' Rebecca Alane Boston Tania Cargill Carter Beth Marie Christenson Lori Chura Anne Laura Couch Margot Leigh Kinnear Julie Smith Pingston Carolyn Elizabeth Schultz Erin Mary Shirey Lisa CramerSmith Lisa Mane Ward Epsilon Gamma Chapter University ol San Diego Christine Trausch Holguin' Anne Doyle Grey Tiffany Addy, SCA Paula Dalmada. SCA Megan Ward Baker, SCA Shelby DePriest, SCA Stefanie Derington, SCA Anne Fuchs, SCA Elizabeth Elaine Hornbrook Michelle Lee Hudgins Tracy Kay, SCA Monique Logan, SCA Stacey Monnastes, SCA Kristi Neal, SCA Kan Norton, SCA Jamie Selway Tracy Reines, SCA Kelly Robinson, SCA Susie Varni. SCA Jennder Lisa Walsh Kerri Lynne Wintringham Leading the Way Collegiate Chapters were: Alpha (Syracuse) Alpha Beta (North Dakota) Alpha Epsilon (Arizona) Beta Psi (Oklahoma St.) Beta Upsilon (Kansas St.) Delta Tau (Colgate) Gamma Eta (Calif. St.Long BeacH Xi Chai)ter (Idaho) Donors

23 Leading tlie Way Alunmae Chapters and House Corporation Boards (HCB) were: Alpha Epsilon HCB Alpha Omicron HCB Gainma Eta HCB Greater Kansas City Aliunnae Chapter Treasure Coast Crescent Circle Epsilon Delta Chapter Creighton University Jennifer WelchO'Brien* Bridgette Cain Janet Lynn Chleborad Laura Anne Coleman Mary K.Curry' Mary Lou Kuntz Karrie Peters Lingo Stephanie Prinster Lisa Bireline Sarver Epsilon Epsilon Chapter Umn College Lori Jean Lesher Valerie Burnstein Riback' Mario Constance Amendola Carolyn Jo Anne Schaaf Konig Tina Sciocchetti Amy Catherine E. Walsh Epsilon Zeta Chapter Jacksonville University Shani Barnett Susan Elane Chrirton Jacqueline Leduc Gray Lea Sattele Madren, SCA Diane Pechavar Epsllon Eta Chapter Sridgewater Slate College Jeanette Humphreys McNulty Kimberly Marie Molle Gately. SCA Hepinstall Catherine McElroy Lori Anne Metzger, SCA falricia Ann Taylor Whalen, SCA Epsilon Theta er University WieAnnAleshire Marie Sobeth Bouharoun Mandy Cook Cooke, SCA Fassett Gail Ledbetter Michele Procopio Lynn Scarbrough Harmon Spence Iota Chapter er Newport College arnatlon Circle le Mayhew other Melinda Day Goddin Epsilon Kappa Chapter Calif State Univ Chico Carrie Horan Cynthia Junta Epsilon Lambda Chapter University of Alabama Amy Margaret Wilde Denise Laura Clarke Epsilon Mu Chapter Loyola University Kim Sheree Weathersby Epsilon Nu Chapter Chapman University other Heidi Ankenbrandt Andrea Marie Schnepp Epsilon XI Chapter Rhodes College Christi Leigh Barr, SCA Epsilon Sigma Chapter Morehead State University Melinda Clark Cynthia Coleman Paula Daniels Yvette Lynn DePoy Stacey Fischer Epsilon Tau Chapter University ol Rochester Erica Fnday, SCA Megan Healey Epsilon Phi Chapter Bentley College Katherine Augustine Jennifer Hill Wendy Olson Epsilon Chi Chapter Marquette University other Chris Lukas Epsilon Omega Chapter University ol Miami (Florida) other Monica Smith Zeta Beta Chapter University of Virginia other Susan Bunce Alumnae Chapters Albuquerque' Atlanta Bakersfield Balboa Harbor Cedar Rapids ChampaignUrbana Chicago Chicago NW Suburban ' Cleveland East Cleveland West' Columbia Columbus Dallas Denver EvanstonNorth Shore Evansville Fort Collins Fort Worth Glen Ellyn Area' Glendale Greater Balttmore Greater Fort Meyers Greater Kansas City Greater Orange County Hawaii* Houston' La Jolla Lake County Lincoln Lubbock Milwaukee MinneapolisSt.Paul Monterey New Jersey Metro North Houston' Northern Virginia Oklahoma City Omaha' Palo Alto Peninsula Philadelphia North Philadelphia West Pittsburgh' Portland Princeton Pullman Riverside Area Rochester Reno San Antonio San Diego San Fernando Valley Santa Barbara St, Louis', 1874 South Bay South Peninsula State College Stillwater' Syracuse Topeka Tucson Tulsa Tuscaloosa Washington DC* Crescent Circles Deerbrook Crescent Circle Sun City, Arizona Gamma Phis Treasure Coast Collegiate Chapters Alpha (Syracuse) Theta (Denver) Mu (Stanford) Xi (Idaho) Pi (Nebraska) Omega (Iowa St.) Alpha Beta (North Dakota) Alpha Epsilon (Arizona) Alpha lota (UCLA) Alpha Phi (Colorado College) Alpha Xi (Southern Methodist) Alpha Tau (McGill) Beta Alpha (USC) Beta Beta (Maryland) Beta Gamma (Bowling Green St) Beta Epsilon (MiamiOhio) Beta Upsilon (Kansas St.) Beta Psi (Oklahoma St) Gamma Gamma (WisconsinMilwaukee) Gamma Epsilon (Puget Sound) Gamma Zeta (East Texas St,) Gamma Eta (California St,Long Beach) Gamma Pi (Mankato St,) Delta Epsilon (Texas Wesleyan) Delta Tau (Colgate) Delta Chi (California St,Sacramento) Delta Psi (CaliforniaSanta Barbara) Epsilon Nu (Chapman) Epsilon PI (George Mason) Epsilon Sigma (Morehead) Epsilon Psi (North CarolinaAshville) Zeta Beta (Virginia) Friends Walter Adams Mike Aiken Judith Alford Alpha Epsllon House Corporation Board Alpha House Corporation Board Alpha Omicron House Corporation Board Aphco International, Inc, Cynthia Ardell John Armstrong Rick & Jacquie Arnold Arthur Bartholomew Terry Bassett Ronald Baxter Beta Lambda House Corporation Board Mr, & Mrs, Robert Bird Diane BlackShearer Wayne Blackburn Michael Blivess Sven Blomquist Matthew Bloomfield Sherri Boese Fred Bonn Rodney Bottone James Bounds Donald Bowman Greg Boyd Arthur Briesch Roger Brooks Margaret Burdge Gary Bushong CL 4 Associates Tracie Cain James Cape William Carmody Joselyn Carreras Anthony Cascioli Dawn Catalano R. Chapin Checkbook Expressions Paul Cheney Charles Coffee William CoHey Robert Collins Columbine Carpet Co. Thomas Conlon John Conti John Crispen Opal Gulp Ken Dacas Hunter Davis Paul Davis Bernard Day Delta Delta House Corporation Board Delta Eta House Corporation Board Delta Tau House Corporation Board Denver Tech Instant Print John Derdzinski Dan Derrick Digital Equipment Corporation John Draheim Sue Dunn Granville Eckert Nick Efstratis Doris Fhlers Mrs, Sherry Ehm Mr, & Mrs, James Emmi Jim Favor Mildred Ferguson Ms. Carol Flippo Mrs. Lois Floyd Ralph Fodell Lyman French, Jr,', TEII Gamma Eta House Corporation Board Larry Gaston Glaxo Inc, Great Impressions Daniel Grimsich Edward GroH James Guthrie Gamma Mu House Corporation Board Erwin Haas Mr, & Mrs, Bart Hackley Larry Ham Leon Halrie AsaHamblyM.D, Michael Hammond Hal Hanley Jim Harmon Gregory Harrison Terry Hartnagle Steve Hawks Ted Henry Peter Hetzler Michael Hilborn Ms. Virginia Hill William Hill Lewis Hirsch Ron Hoffman Ray Holmes John Hoover William Houseweart John Hughes Imprints Unlimited Tom Jobman Bruce Johnson Kansas University House Directors Robert Kaul John Keith Jared Kennish Norm Kinkade Dr. Marshall Klavan Bill Klesse Walter Knapp Mrs. Carol Knox Richard Lamb Jack & Marena Larson Frances Latimore Elizabeth Lawrence Warren Lee Ed Letrak Susan Levine Jeffrey Liggett Mr, & Mrs. Lowell Lindholm Greg Long Nancy Lucking Fred Lutger Kenneth Maisch Howard Malin Linda Manning Charles Martin Frank Martin Yacoub Massuda William Matheson Robert McDonald Pamela Meals Joseph Medeiros Fred Meyer Vernon Mitchell Billie Molina William Moran Pat Morici Robert Murphee Carol Murrell Bernard Narusis Cynthia Newlon Joe Newton Karl Nilsen Jean & Paul Nitchman Raymond Novak Michael O'Rourke Dorothy O'Sullivan John Osmolski Steve Otto William Pachter William Paiihe Kern County Panhellenic C, Jeffrey Patch Purshottam Patel Province II PfetterWagner Mfg, Co. Philip Morris Gerald L. Pollack J.O. Pollack Sheldon Pollack Province XlVa Wayne Porter Pate Rawak Vincent Reclne Mr, & Mrs, Merrick Reese Elmer Reherman Larry Reilly Louis Riley Barry Robbins Donna Robert Tom Rogers Otto Rohleder Thomas Rohr Joe Romary David Roussel Dr. Elizabeth Rubin William Ruff Cathy Salmon Mel Schaines Walter Schroeder Seattle Foundation Shel Sheridan Joseph Sebastian David Silverstein Robyn Forsyth Steele (Nevada (right, kicked a new off Advisors' Convention Education Endowment icith a $5,000 donation at Convention. L'Cena Brunskill Rice (USCfleft, pledged $1,000 to the new endowment. Watch for the winter issue o/the Crescent /or/itu details about this new endowment. Mr, & Mrs, Calvin E, Smith Samuel Smith Ms, Sharon SmithWahto Thomas Sorensen Ben Spangler Susan Stanbrough Vincent Stebbins Marshall Steele Martin Stein Richard Stewart Tracy Stickel Robert Swanson William Swartz Ms. Cynthia Sykes Betty Taylor Bob Thompson Roger Thompson Ted Thull Crisanto Torres Travel Care, Inc.' Charles Traxler Robert Travis Charles Valk U.S. West Joseph Wagner Dan Walker William Walsh Susan Welch Barbara White William Williams Dan Williamson Donald Wilson Larry Woolweaver Marguerite Wright Michael Wright Jerome Zacker The Foundation gratefully acknowledges the follow ing memhers. chapters and friends for their donations of goods and services during the past year: Alexander & Co, Alpha Epsilon Chapter Alpha Epsilon House Corporation Board Alpha Epsilon Advisory Board CL & Associates Alison Bond Ann Bronsing Chess Cleveland East Alumnae Chapter Columbine Carpet Corporation Damze Co, Jo Ann Durham Five Star Associates Fraternally Yours Cheryl Gunter Hawaii Alumnae Chapter Stephanie Hearn J, Houser Products Huntsville Alumnae Lynn Jacobs Rob Kitchener/Checkbook Expressions Mary Kosloski Rene Matz Maury Boyd & Assoc, Susan Mayer McCartney, Inc. Barbara McKewen Lyn Mesner Cheryl Broyles Moore Nike Noonan Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter The Office Place PfefferWagner Manufacturing Co, Philadelphia West Alumnae Chapter J.O. Pollack Jennifer (JP) Porter Silver Elegance Kathleen Smith South Bay Alumnae Chapter Joey Stiver Travel Care Tucson Alumnae Chapter Magnes Welsh Jerra Lea White This list reflects gifts frfven to the Fouiulation from August to July [four records do not agree with yours, please feel free to contact the Foundation Director at Intcrnatiunal Hiad(]uarters. Phi Beta 23

24 Jennifer Icnows Pill how to avoid the blows of her to care for her younger siblings. But she doesn't know how to be Gamma Phi Beta KfJr, d\ Gamma Plii Beta m^' Foundation

25 RESCENT ro^b TSHIRTS CTSlSS CTSlPD CTS1431 Creme tshirt with applique and embroidery. MXL. $25.95 (Available in 9 oz. sweatshirt for $37.95) Dark green tshirt with appliqued crescents. MXL. $24.95 (Available in 9 oz. sweatshirt for $34.95.) Creme tshirt with appliqued sunflower letters. MXL. $19.95 (Available in 9 oz. sweatshirt for $30.95) (Add $2.50 for XXL tshirt and $4.50 for XXL sweatshirt.) r(i>b SWEATSHIRTS CCN4 HE CCN443 CCN4731 Dark green sweatshirt with heart embroider)'. MXL. $36.95 Creme sweatshirt with applique and embroidery. MXL. $39.95 Navy sweatshirt with triple letters. MXL. $36.95 (bottom left picture) CCN4732 White sweatshirt with triple letters. MXL. $36.95 CCN4CC CCN4733 Burgundy sweatshirt with appliqued crescent. MXL. $32.95 Ash sweatshirt with triple letters. MXL. $36.95 (Add $4.50 for XXL sweatshirt on above styles.) ajeih3 CECm2 CEMIH oz. high cotton, crossgrain sweatshirt with letters and embroidered bar. L, XL. $ oz. sweatshirt with embroidered crest. L, XL. $ Champion sweatshirt with pink embroidered logo, white or grey. L, XL. $49.95

26 CRESCENT SANTA Nylon applique flag. vertically. $28.00 UNIQUE GAMMA PHI BETA GIFTS Handcrafted, metal sculptures that are made of environmentally friendly, recy cled material. CC40 CC4l "Welcome $17.95 Small crescent windchime r(l)h GIFTS CCl Car sunshades. $6.95 CC2 Waterbottlc. $3.95 CC3 Plastic 14 oz. mug. Microwave/dishwasher safe. $5.00 CC4 Twotoned embroidered baseball cap. Greek letters on back with fabriccovered elastic band. $14.95 CC5 32 oz. tumbler. $2.75 CC6 Memo cube. $3.95 CC7 Bucket. $4.50 r*b TSHIRTS CTSlZZ2 CTSlZZ1 Navy tshirt with MXL. $19.95 zigzag" embroidery. White tshirt with "zigzag" embroidery. MXL $19.95 (Both designs are available on 9 oz. sweatshirts for $2995) (Add $2.50 for XXL tshirt and $4.50 for XXL sweatshirt.) r<i)b STATIONERY CC23 Window decal. $2.00 CC24 Checkbook cover. $2.95 CC25 Confetti notepad. $1.95 CC26 Crescent notepad. $1.95 CC27 Camation notepad. $1.95 CC28 Gingham button. $1.30 CC29 "Sisters Forever" button. $1.30 CC30 ID holder key chain. $2.95 CC31 Stickers (6 per pack). $1.20 CC32 Organizer. $13.00 CC33 Foldover notes. $4.95 CC34 Highlighter. $2.00 CC35 Bookmark. $1.30 CC36 Dark pink pencil. $0.50 CC37 Light pink pencil. $0.50 CC38 Clicktop pen. $1.30 CC39 Pen with black cap. $1.30

27 CARNATION JEWELRY collectible American silverware Highly camation pattem exclusively reproduced in jewelry form. (Available in silver (SP) or gold plate (GP).) Pins. SP = $15.00, GP = $17.00 Earrings. SP = $16.00, GP = $18.00 Key rings/pendants. SP = $15.00, GP = $17.00 rob RINGS AND THINGS (Rings available in lok gold (10k) or sterling silver (SS).) CC731 CC803 CC199 CC21 Mini monogram ring. 10k = $98.00, SS = $55.20 Sisterhood ring. 10k = $85.00, SS = $50.00 Crest band ring. 10k = $177.10, SS = $33.10 Crescent ring. (Available in 10k only.) $39.95 CC22 Black enamel pen. $12.95 r$b GIFTS CCl4 Appliqued pillow. 8"xl4" with eyelet trim. $17.00 CC15 Crescent pin pillow. $3.95 CCl6 Suncatcher (includes suction cup). $6.95 CC17 Baby bib $10.95 FOR r<i>b's ON THE MOVE! CC8 CC9 Alumna brass license plate frame. $14.95 Pink/white license plate frame. $6.95 CCIO Mirror key chain. $4.95 chain. $4.95 ecu Acr>'lic key CC12 Acrylic crescent key chain. $4.95 CC13 Heart shaped key chain. $4.95 For information or to order, call tou free Pacific time. Crescent Classics is Gamma Phi Beta's own sportswear and gift shop. All proceeds benefit collegiate and alumnae programs.

28 MORE r<i)b SPORTSWEAR CTS1432 CTSlCB CTS % cotton, nav>', "stars and stripes" tshirt. MXL. $19.95 (Available in 9 oz. sweatshirt. MXL. $30.95) 100% cotton, white, crescent embroidered tshirt. MXL. $ % cotton, na\7, celestial lettered tshirt. MXL. $19.95 (Available in 9 oz. sweatshirt. MXL. $30.95) CTOTE Natural canvas bag. $19.95 MORE rcpb GIFTS CC46 Photo album with 100 pages. $45.00 CC47 Crescent glass ornament. $6.00 CC48 Ruler and magnet. T<i>B sisters are immeasurable". $4.95 CC49 Phone message. "Gamma Phi Beta's listen with the heart". $7.95 CC50 Handmade doll (specify hair color). $28.50 CC51 Wooden hearts. "A sister is connected, heart to heart". $6.95 (Add $2.50 for XXL tshirt and $4.50 for XXL sweatshirt.) CRESCENT CLASSICS ORDER FORM Name: Date: Mailing Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: ( ) Alumnae: Collegian: : Item number Brief description Size Quantity Price Total SHIPPING AND HANDLING CHARGES Under $25 S4.nO $25.01$50.$5.25 $S().()1$100 $6.75 $100.01$200 $8.50 Each addl $100 add $6.00 shipping Method of payment: 0 Check (make payable to Crescent Classics) 0 Monev Order Subtotal California residents add 7.75% sales tax 0 Credit Card Card No: Shipping and handling 0 Visa 0 Mastercharge mjjn:iri ire F.xp. Date: Canada orders add 1 ()'>(> CAirrency exchange Total ITS next day and second day air avaijableplease call To place your order by phone or for general information, please contact us at 1 (800) Pacific Time, or send with payment to: CRESCENT CLASSICS East Euclid Drive Englewood, CO Crescent Classics is Gamma Phi Beta's own sportswear and gift shop. All proceeds benefit couegiate and alumnae programs.

29 By Ako Asano (Colorado) On May 7, 1994, Gamma Phi Beta's newest colony received its char ter, becoming the Zeta Gamma Chapter of Gamma Phi Beta. The chapter is located at Sonoma State University in Rohnert Park, Califomia. Fortyfive collegians and eight alumnae were initiated after a fun, intensive six week pledge program. Zeta Gamma marks the 147th chapter The group came together of Gamma Phi Beta. when four courageous women left the colonization of Alpha Gamma Delta and formed the local sorority, Epsilon Rho Omega. Within a few years, Epsilon Rho Omega had grown so large that they began to look for a national organization. Presentations were made to the group at the end of February by Linda Lyons Malony (USC), Director of Extension; Beth Martin (William and Mary) and Julie Gannon (Miami, Ohio), Collegiate Leadership Consultants. The women of Epsilon Rho Omega unanimously accepted Gamma Phi's offer and were now officially the newest Gamma Phi Beta colony. The next six weeks were very busy. Activities included a fundraising car wash, fraternity mixers, a grabadate party, the pledge program, and the elections of officers. Congratulations go to President Sharon Green, Alumnae Vice President Alicia Rodriguez, Financial "Vice President Glenda Ambrose, Membership Vice President Kirsten Otto, Public Relations Vice President Jennifer Okal, Membership Education Vice President Edie Denten and Panhellenic Delegate Tami Bowman. The highlight of the colony period was Inspiration Week. Each day consisted of activities following our Creed: Love, Labor, Learning, and Loyalty. A fireside was the final activity before initiation. The initiation ceremony and Installation Banquet were held at the Red Lion Hotel. Almost 200 guests attended the celebra tion. Representing Intemational Gamma Phi Beta were Audrey Weldon Shafer (Missouri), Intemational Ritual Chairwoman and past Grand President; Cinda Keating Lucas (USC), MemberatLarge on Intema tional Council; Janet Parker Whitcomb (Calif. St.Long Beach), Assistant Director of ExtensionInstallations; Catherine Kennedy (Idaho), Province Xllla Collegiate Director; Merr)' Greig Wong (Calif. St. San Diego), International Rush Consultant; Verona Dilbeck Lynam (Nebraska), Province Xlll Alumnae Director, Ako Asano (Colorado) and LaTisha MacRae (Washington State), Collegiate Leadership Consultants. Attending for the university Link, Vice President of Student Affairs; were Rand Dave Farrell, Student Life Coordinator, Jan Hitchcock, Faculty Advisor, and members from Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Delta Sigma Phi, and Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternities. During the banquet. Rand Link gave a brief background about Sonoma State University, which was followed by a very inspirational address by Cinda Lucas, titled "Expectations". The new chapter members were introduced by Ako Asano, and the Zeta Gamma Chapter was officially installed by Cinda Lucas. Accepting the charter was Christiana Wilson, the outgoing president. The women of Zeta Gamma have worked very hard, and have so much to be proud of. They will be a valuable asset to Gamma Phi Beta.^ The Crescent 29

30 Feature Collegiate Leadership Consultants Traveling Gamma Phi Experts Assist Chapters By Laura Hatch, Chapter Seri'ices Coordinator The Collegiate Leadership Consultants (CLCs) are on the road with luggage, laptops and lots of expertise. One of these dynamic, young women who represents the best that Gamma Phi Beta has to offer, will be visiting your chapter this year. CLCs are Gamma Phi Beta experts that can help your chapter with leadership devel opment, chapter programming, membership recruitment, alumnae relations and a great deal more. Through their collegiate experience and intensive training, they have what it takes to make a difference in your chapter! Introducing the CLCs: Julie Dunn Beta Mu c;hapter, Florida State University Major: Marketing Offices: Panhellenic President, Member Education Vice Presi The Collegiate Leadership Consultants are (seated, left to right): Tracy McDonald, Abby Pierson:(standing, left to right): Anne Fuchs. Heidi Green, Traci Steele, Jennifer Kurumada, Julie Dunn and Jennifer Putensen. Honors/Activities: (ireek Woman ofthe Year, FSU Hall of Fame, Rho Lambda (Panhellenic honorary' society), Order of Omega, Golden Key, Greek Amba.ssadors, Student Senate, Lady Scalphunters, Student Alumni Association, American Marketing Association Annie Fuchs Epsilon Gamma Chapter, University of San Diego Major: Commimications/ Business Offices: Administrative Vice President. Standards C^ommittee Honors/Activities: Homecom ing Queen candidate, pledge class Leadership Award, Com munication Studies Club, Ameri can Marketing Association, Cedallion Society (community Heidi Green Psi Chapter, University of Oklahoma Major: Communications/ Business Offices: Public Relations Vice President, Assistant Pledge Chairwoman Honors/Activities: Dorothy Braily scholarships (Psi chapter). Outstanding Leader ship Award (Communication Department), Campus Activities Council, Homecoming Commit tee, Howdy Week staff. United Way volunteer Jennifer Kurumada Eta Chapter, UCBerkeley Major: Ethnic Studies Offices: Member Education Vice President (two yrs.). Assistant Ritual, Assistant Honors/Activities: University Honor scholarship. National Merit scholarship. Who's Who, Chancellor's Advisory Commit tee, A.sian American Christian Fellowship, Minority PreLaw (Coalition, Greek Extemal Affairs Committee Tracy McDonald Nu Chapter, University of Oregon Major: English Offices: Member Education Vice President, House Manager, Oescent Correspondent Honors/Activities: Order of Omega, Peer Counselor, Rush Counselor, Los Embajadores, Publicity Coordinator, National Pool and Water Safety Associa tion, Social Coordinator (residence hall) Abby Pierson Alpha Theta Chapter, Vanderbilt University Major: Elementary/Special Education Offices: Administrative Vice : ' dent. Public Relations Vice President relations). Junior League, peer counselor, peer ministry Philanthropy, Song Chair President, Social Chairwoman 30 Fall 1994

31 .. you Catherine.. it's.. it's I Honors/Activities: Dean's List, Chancellor's Student Advisory Board, Homecoming Court, Vucept Executive Board, Van derbilt Student Education, Council for Exceptional Chil dren, Accolade Executive Board Jennifer Putensen Pi Chapter, University of Nebraska Major: Business Administra tion/psychology Offices: Administrative Vice President, Financial Vice President, Activities Chairwoman Honors/Activities: Dean's List, Future Leader Award, Chancellor's Award nominee. Homecoming Royalty, UNLHonors program. Golden Key, Student Foundation, Odyssey Mentor/Protege program. Corporate Partners program, Panhellenic/IFC Alcohol Education Committee Traci Steele Delta Delta Chapter, CSUFullerton Major: Child Development Offices: President, Membership Vice President, House Manager, Homecoming Chairwoman Honors/Activities: Outstand ing Executive Officer Award, Child Development Student Associated, University Appeals Board, MakeAWish Founda tion Corporate Sponsor Coordi nator, GAMMA, GRACE (Greeks for Racial Awareness and Cultural Education), Student Leadership Institute The Collegiate Leadership Consultant program Is partially funded by the Gamma Phi Beta Foundation. Present and former CLCs, CCs and traveling secretaries reunited at the Confirmed Conventioneers Banquet in Naples, Florida last July. Why Ry Laura Hatch, Chapter Be a CLC? Services Coordinator Why places, to make a difference, to impact young women be a CLC? The chance to travel to new the lives of If you ask any former or current CLC, that's probably what she'll say. She'll also tell you about the incredible learning experience, and how her personal growth during that year helped her through the years that followed. with some former CLCs/CCs We've caught up (Collegiate Consultants) who are now involved in and find themselves still a variety of professions, relying on what they learned during their year on the road. Here are their answers to the question, "Why be a CLC?" "It puts everything together that you learned in the classroom, at the chapter house, during rush retreats. can pull them all together to become a pol ished and professional woman. That can't happen so rapidly with any other entrylevel position." Mary Beth Holzbach (Florida St. '90), Coordinator of Greek Life University of South Carolina CLC "Now when I walk into a courtroom, I'm able to fake my fears a little better it gave me a sense of selfassurance. It is one ofthe best opportunities for personal growth a woman can have. It's impossible to not walk away a better person." Kennedy (Idaho, '87), attorneymatheny, Poidmore & Sears Law Firm, PCD Xllla, CC "Meeting people, seeing things work, making things work. rewarding to be able to help, like with. officer training rewarding to see it in their faces." AI<o Asano, currently studying business in Tokoyo, Japan, CLC "It was very helpful going into medical school hav ing a better sense of who I was. I still use the organi zational and leadership skills. In whatever you do, you can apply the skills you learn." Kathy Vitton Farrell (Nebraska, '88), Pediatric resident, St. Louis Children's Hospital, CC "You come into a new career a step ahead of everyone else thanks to the skills you learn from Gamma Phi Beta. While everyone else is learning them, you're improving them." Lynn Jacobs (North Dakota, '89), Assistant Account ExecutiveCampbellMithunEsty (public relations agency). Gamma Phi Beta Public Relations Director, CC "There's no other job like it wouldn't... give up that year for anything." Linda Johnson (Vanderbilt, '75), Collegiate Vice President, CC Applications for the CLC team are available now! To learn more about how you can be a CLC, contact International Headquarters. The Crescent 31

32 Fall 1994 Fighting Disease: How One Gamma Phi Triumphed By Nancy C. Jacobs (Indiana) Attempted an easy threemile run today and could not do it. 1 don't know ivhat's wrong with me. Just a month and a half ago 1 competed in a tenmile run. Today 1 do not have the strength or energy to run onethird that distance. So began what would eventu ally be my lifethreatening battle with ulcerative colitis. WTiile over two million Ameri cans suffer from ulcerative colitis, one of two Inflammatory Throughout my ordeal, I had taken solace in still having my mind and even my personality, if my looks had been taken away. By the beginning of June, 1993, I had nothing. Bowel Diseases (IBDs), the other being Crohn's disease, its cause is yet unknown. The only cure for ulcerative colitis is the removal of the entire colon (also known as the large intestine) and the lining of the rectum. There is no cure, surgical or otherwise, for Crohn's disease. What is known about IBD is that the disease often strikes young, otherwise healthy individuals, drastically altering their lifestyles and becoming a lifetime burden. Given the very personal nature of the symptoms and because an individual suffering from IBD may appear healthy to the casual observer, there is perhaps a diminished under standing of the diseases among the general population. Increas ing public awareness as to the nature and severity of IBD is a key to understanding and eventually conquering these diseases and a must for anyone directly affected by the diseases, be it as a sufferer or as a friend, sister or family member. IBD attacks the walls of the digestive system causing inflam mation and ulceration. Common symptoms of IBD include abdominal pain. Nancy Jacobs diarthea, and rectal bleeding. If not controlled, IBD can lead to severe weight loss, malnutri tion and lifethreatening complications such as perfora tion of the bowel and the resulting peritonitis. Little did 1 know I would experience all of those compli cations and more. At 30 years of age I was building a career as an attorney, active in my community and committed to physical fitness. I ran several times a week and maintained a healthy lowfat diet. I had been diagnosed with ulcerative colitis about two and a half years earlier, but had experi enced only two or three minor flareups that time. of the disease in Ma^c\\ 2.9, ^993 I've been in the hospital in my home toivn of Madison, Indi anafor two weeks now. When admitted, myfamily doctor assured me that I would only be in the hospitalfor a couple of days just long enough to

33 build my strength with some intravenous nutrition and administer some intravenous steroids to accelerate the healing of my colon. That has not happened. I have contin ued to lose weight My colon is still grossly inflamed and now my doctor suggests transfer me ring to the Indiana University Medical Center in Indianapolis. For the first time. Perhaps the most positive thing anyone can take from an experience like my own, is a renev^ed confidence in the incredible ability of the human body and spirit to adapt to physical challenges. and mental Tm reallyfrightened by this disease. After transferring to the IU Med Center, I was told that my red blood count was danger ously low because of the severe rectal bleeding I had experi enced. Transfusions were a must. After my gastroenterologist attempted a colonoscopy, he informed me that my colon was so diseased he could not complete the colonoscopy for fear of perforation. He identi fied deep ulcerations and told lie that I may not have ulceraive colitis at all; I might have rohn's disease. The doctors 'gain bumped up my steroids, liscontinued all nutrition by nouth and ordered a central feeding line through a vein in my neck to completely rest my digestive system. "While insert ing the central feeding line, my lung was punctured. It seemed as if things could get no worse. A second look at my colon a week later revealed very little improvement. ApHi 9y 1993 My husband, who has been at my side throughout this ordeal, has returned to Madi son to work, but my sister has flown upfrom Texas to visit with me for a few days in the hospital About noon I get out of bed to use the restroom when I am struck with a dev astating pain in my abdomen. My sister gets me back to bed and pages a nurse. Through out the afternoon the pain continues and worsens. By the time my husband arrives in the evening, I am screaming in pain. By midnight I want to die. In the wee hours ofthe morning the doctors determine that my colon has perforated and that fecal waste is seeping into my abdominal cavity. The surgeon tells my husband that he must remove my colon immediately. There are no options. I wake up in the intensive care unit ofthe hospital I have a teninch vertical inci sion down the middle of my stomach. A rubber wafer is affixed to the lower right portion of my abdomen. Attached to the wafer is a plastic bag designed to collect the waste emitted by the end of my small intestine which now protrudes outside my stomach. My worst fears have been realized. I have an ostomy. Mine was a toned, smooth, scarless body; this is not my body. Removal of the colon and living with an ostomy is one of the biggest fears anyone with ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease faces. It is necessarywhen the colon perforates and is often recommended if the ulcerative colitis has been a consistently recurring problem for ten or more years. 'While surgical removal of the colon or resection of the colon is some times advised with Crohn's disease, it does not cure the dis ease and for that reason is avoided if at all possible. May 19, 1993 / am supposed to be at a reunion with my Gamma Phi pledge sisters at the chapter house at Indiana University, but I'm not there. I was dischargedfrom the hospital about a month ago. I weighed 88 pounds and did not have the strength to lift my body weight the height of a street curb, but that did not matter. All that mattered was that I was going home afterfive weeks in hospitals. My condi tion seemed to improve after my return home. I began experiencingfevers and ended up back in the IU Med Center. As it turns out I now have an infection in my abdominal cavity. I am experiencing a number of negative side effects from the continued high doses of steroids. I feel myself becoming very depressed. A number of drugs are used to treat IBD, perhaps the most common of which is pred nisone, a steroid which has proven successful in treating the inflammation associated with IBD. Prednisone can also have some devastating side effects, the most serious of which are longterm weaken ing of bones, decreased muscle mass and the development of cataracts on the eye. In the short term, temporary side effects include the swelling of the face, enlargement of the body's trunk, diabetes, a decrease in the body's ability to heal wounds and fight infec tion, loss of hair, acne, growth of facial hair, mood swings, disorientation and depression. In the course of my treatment, 1 experienced almost every shortterm side effect. While the changes in physical appearance caused by the steroid drugs are devastating for the selfimage, nothing compares to the mental and emotional havoc they can wreak. Throughout my ordeal, I had taken solace in still having my mind and my personality, even if my looks had been taken away. By the beginning of June, 1993, I had nothing. My attention span was limited and I was at times so disoriented that I could not watch a 30minute sitcom, much less read a news paper or book a frightening prospect for someone whose career revolves around their ability to learn, to think, and to concentrate. Even more frightening was that drastic mood swings and depression sometimes caused me to lash out at or withdraw from my family and friends the people who were trying to help me and support me, the people I loved most. Fortunate ly, my friends and my familyparticularly my husbandwere very dedicated. As hard as it was, they stuck with me through even the worst of times. 5une 23, 1993 My condition has improved dramatically. I am back at work part time. Although still on the steroids, the side effects are gradually disappearing. Soon, I will run again. I will beat this thing! Once I began improving, the improvement was fast and furious. Although 1 continued taking the steroid dmgs until after my second surgery, as the he Crescent 33

34 This is ine on vacation in Jamaica Just one tnonth prior to entering the hospital. Like many IBD patients look sick. I do not dosage was gradually decreased so were the negative side effects. My mood and attitude improved. My strength improved and I realized that my life would eventually return to normal. With these realizations came a desire to take control of my situation and enhance my recover) as much as possible. Wliile I returned to work, 1 also recommitted myself to fitness. Although slow, the progress was apparent and it motivated me to keep going. I'll never forget the joy I felt when I first retumed to aerobics class. surgery is the most complicat ed ofthe three. My surgeon says it will likely take six to eight hours. I will be in the hospital seven to ten days postsurgery and will then recover at home for several weeks. Perhaps the most positive thing anyone can take from an experience like my own, is a renewed confidence in the incredible ability of the human body and spirit to adapt to physical and mental challenges. While the magnitude of my experience is paled by compari son to the experience of a person who loses, for example, a limb or their sight or hearing, it did give me insight thoughts, into the fears and emotions faced by someone in that situation. Decembe^ 11, 1993 / hosted my law firm Christ inas party tonightjust as I had done this time last year. It was a sitdown dinner for thirteen people. While I think everyone enjoyed it, no one enjoyed it more than I did. Just 1 1 days ago I underivent my third and final surgery. Ulcerative colitis may have won a battle by taking my colon, but I have won the war. I am healthy with no chance of a recurrence of the disease. Such were my thoughts in early December, My experience with ulcerative colitis was in many ways atypical of the individual suffering from inflammatory bowel disease. I had not suffered for years, as many people do, prior to my colon perforating and being removed. I did not have to routinely take dmgs to control the disease. I was not forced to drastically alter my diet or battle chronic diarrhea. But, because of this, I had also failed to educate myself about the disease. I disregarded symptoms thinking they would quickly pass and convinced myself that, as with the common cold, this disease would periodically return but not cause me much problem. I was wrong. I now work full time, have been made a partner in the law firm and have even declared my candidacy for Prosecuting Attorne)' for the Fifth Judicial Circuit of Indiana. The ulcerative colitis experience will forever be a part of my life and 1 hope to use it in a positive way to educate others. If you suffer from IBD, then learn about the disease and encourage those around you to do the same. If a friend, a sister or family member suffers from IBD, discuss their experience with them. 1 found that the more my friends knew and the more comfortable they became with my situation, then the more confident and comfortable I became with myself. ^ September 19, 1993 Took part in a fivemile run today. Tlje ostotnydoes not limit me physically and I have adapted and accepted my body image. The ostomy is a part of inc. After all, ifi didn t have it. 1 icouldn't be alive. My second snrgeiy is less than tivo iveeks atvay and the doctors say I'm in great shapefor it. This Educational literature on IBD can be obtained from the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America. Many cities and states have local chapters. The address for the national headquarters is: 444 Park Avenue South, I Ith Floor, New York, N.Y By educating yourself and others, you can be a part of the quest for the cure. Fall 1994

35 Collegiate Honors Panhellenic President Maria Albertini (Bradley) Nicky Anderson (British Columbia) Ashli Reitebach (CSU Sacramento) Andrea Wade (Eastern Washington) Julie Dunn (Florida St.) Sheay Kelly (Georgia) Joella Foster (Illinois) Janna Basler (Illinois St.) Abby Lorenz (Loyola) Alicia McGinnis (Michigan St.) Rebecca Miller (Nebraska Keamey) Anna Rinaldi (North Carolina Asheville) Julie Norton (North Dakota) Aimee Stone (Oklahoma) Lisa Rogers (St. Louis) Danielle Elliot (San Diego) Christine Kattan (South Dakota) Missy Morrison (Southem Methodist) Greek Woman of the Year Tiiu Owston (British Columbia) Amy Going, Darby Schneider, Kris Whipple (Denver) Julie Dunn (Florida St.) Order of Omega Angela Harmers, Rustee Karoiyi, Amy Richard (Alabama) Sarah Enman, Rosemary Gencarelli, Dawn Hollander, Sarah Camper (Illinois) Heather Aust, Stacey Baron, Amy Bosse, Julie Derix, Meghan Donzelli, Jennifer Meyer, Beth Parchert, Gretchen University of San Diego Gamma Phis are leading their campus to excellence Back row, left to right: Panhellenic AdoptaSchool Chairperson Mary Stewart, Panhellenic President Dannielle Elliot, Ashley Thomas, Stephanie Beckford, Allison Martin, and Jennifer McCann all Order of Omega. Front row: Panhellenic Financial Director Jesse Dobson, Order of Omega Heather Underwood, Panhellenic V. P. ofprogramming Chris Filosa andasb V.P. Elizabeth Fraim. Carrie Neiner (Kansas) accepts the University's Panhellenic Leadership Atvard. Panhellenic Vice President Jen Bartram (Bowling Green) Jennifer Lin (Califomia Berkeley) Kristen Collins (Chapman) Blair White (Christopher Newport) Stephanie Speckman (Denver) Juli Ross Gdaho) Sarah Camper (Illinois) Kelley Knight (Oklahoma City) Lesley Little (Oklahoma St.) fulie Dworak (Nebraska Keamey) "indy Quilling (Southern ollege of Technology) ^lichelle Clark (Wichita St.) Tanya Coll, Rochelle Rubin, Ariane Zohar (Miami, FL) Marcy Phillips (Oklahoma) Melodic Krausch (St. Louis) Missy Uecker (South Dakota) Mindy EstesArd (Southem College of Technology) Rho Lambda Tate Hackney, Tiffany Lachtman, Jennie Peterson, Darby Schneider Stephanie Speckman, Theresa Trujillo, Kris "Whipple (Denver) Kristen Heine, Michelle Patch, Rachel Wilson, JiU Zacker (Florida St.) Annemarie Kesler (Georgia) Angie Abramson, Elise Beekendorf, Danielle Busson, Sally Mignone, Rochelle Rubin (Miami, FL) Kellee Brehmer, Becca Harris, Kristi Seeman, Julie Zapp (NebraskaKeamey) Saera Arain, Juliene Britz, Kristin Rendall, Beth Jackson (Northwestern) Shadna Lee (Texas Tech) Emily Smith (Boston) Audrey Chiang, Yvonne Chien, Kara Dullman, Jennifer Lin, NataUe Lising, Marisa Monteleone, Pamela Palacios, Lisa Sanzone, Naalla Sirota, Teresa Ting, Stacie Wong, Stephanie Wong (CaliforniaBerkeley) Gena Filippini, Nickii Frink, Sarah Parkinson, Melissa Sage, Gwen WUU (Bradley) Robyn Brahinsky, Stacey Goldwasser, Sharon Isaksen, Paula Jenkins, Johanna MiUer, Julie Morrison, Trish StUes (CaliforniaSanta Barbara) Tammi Fan, Megan Prenger, Janet Santuccio (Colorado Boulder) Tate Hackney, Darby Schneider, Stacey Smith, Kris Whipple (Denver) Julie Dunn (Florida St.) Carrie Hodge, Maggie Holmes, HoUy Terrell, Elizabeth Waters (Georgia) Kim Albers, Bridget Lux, JuU Ross (Idaho) Peters, Chris Rogers (Illinois St.) Ronna Glasgow (Iowa) Kristy Abel, Jennifer Briscoe, Kate Lundholm, Jen Maddox, Carrie Neiner, Jamie Pachter (Kansas) Desa Marmie, Karla Metzen (Kansas St.) Elizabeth Jenkins, Celeste John, RocheUe Strada (Loyola) AnnCasey Campagnolo (Maryland) Marcy Myers (Michigan) Shelly Ashton, Dania Baunan, Megan Fogle, Dana Goldberg, NicoUe Greenwood, AU Harnisch Karen Sockolosky, Lori Ward, Erika Watnick (Michigan St.) Kristi Seeman, Bobbi Travis (NebraskaKearney) Beth Dinger (North Dakota) Saera Arain, Beth Plank (Northwestem) Aimee Stone, Holly Swanson, Vicki Williamson (Oklahoma) Lesley Little (Oklahoma St.) Amy Billings, April Campbell, Jen Fleury, Leslie Llewellyn, rhe Crescent 35

36 Collegiate Honors JulieJordon (Jacksonville) teas aivarded the Noble.Medal for Scholarship for tbe highest grade point average in her graduating class. J idle earned a perfect 4.0. Shelly Niggel, Tanya Paoh, Constance Prinios, Steph Ziegal (Penn St.) Kari Eckberg, Christy Henry (Pugct Sound) Julie Butler, Nicole Hess Melodic Krausch, Carrie Schuermann, Theresa Schuh, Alii Tagliarine (St. Louis) Danielle Elliot, Stephanie Beckord, Allison Martin, Ashley Thomas, Heather Underwood (San Diego) Erica Switzer, Natalie Wink, (Southem Califomia) Jenniter C;ook, Paige Dawson, Diana Eckhardt Ann Poole, Karen Sammis (Stnithem Methodist) Amy Green, Shadna Lee, Kim Wamick (Texas Tech) Marlee Bertholf, Heather Hastings, Jennifer Rathlow, Kim Voly (Wichita St.) Maria Sanchez, Margery Shirk, Erika Shubert (Wittenberg) Phi Beta Kappa Kirstie MacDonald (Alma) Darby Sclmeider, Kris WTiipple (Denver) Haley Belt (Florida St.) Kim Albers, Gloria Uscola (Idaho) KJ. Leekley (Northwestem) Uiura Glickman (Penn St.) Paige Dawson (Southem Methodist) Suzarme Dial, Jennifer Garman, Julie Levengood, Kristen Nuebauer (Wittenberg) Phi Eta Sigma Mist>' Bagwell, Pamela MiUer, Karen Russell (Alabama) Tracy Levstick (Bradley) Brooke Boston, Sara Hettich, Aimee Hodges, Terri Hoffman, Danielle Karosis, Gigi Latumo, Niki Latumo, Diane Persek (Florida St.) Kim Albers, Aimee Bechard, Brooke Bennet, Julie BerryhUI, Christine Brown, Maggie Carey, Karen Eckert, Kim Franz, Gretchen Goss, Gretchen Greer, Elissa Henckel, Lori Jones, Barbara Martin, Abbie Parker, Karin Sparks, Jill Thomas, KeUie Tunnicliff, Gloria Uscola (Idaho) Kelly Bloyer, Lindsey Brown, Sarah Camper, Teri Carlson, Jen Doughney, Casey Garza, Julie Goodman, Meg Obenauf, Jodi Pass, Kim, Peterson, Brooke Puccini, Jandy Rahn (Illinois) Amy Bosse, Gretchen Peters (Ulinois St.) Jill Carson, Tani Long, Kari Palmer (Iowa) Dena Soenke, Stephanie Stroud, Lisa Kinkade (Iowa St.) Carrie Neiner (Kansas) Shira Kandel (Maryland) Cathy Chochon, Laura Leising, Angie Richter, Mitzi Ritzman (NebraskaLincoln) Linda Beier, Lisa Erickson, Dayna Gossett, Beth Jackson, Amy Schlichtemeier (Northwestem) Kimber Littarding (Oklahoma City) Shana Baggerly, Tammy TomberUn (Texas Tech) Alpha Lambda Delta Pamela MUler, Karen Russell (Alabama) Stephanie Shum, Kelly Smith (Clemson) Kimberly Keyton, Terena Thyne (Denver) Kim Albers, Aimee Bechard, Christine Brown, Kim Franz, Elissa Henckel, Jill Thomas, Kelli Tunniclift' (Idaho) Linsey Brown, Sarah Camper, Sara Campion, Teri Carison, Casey Garza, Julie Goodman, Meg Obenauf, Jodi Pass, Jandy Rahn (Illinois) Nicole Johnson, Gretchen Peters (IlUnois St.) Dena Soenke, Stephanie Stroud, Lisa Kinkade (Iowa St.) Susan Donoghue (Kansas) Ariane Zohar (Miami, FL) Stephanie Cohen, Melissa Bezner (Mar)'land) Bethany Bergmeyer, Laura Leising, Kristi Mietzner, Angie Richter, Mitzi Ritzman (NebraskaLincoln) Tanya Klaven, Kristen Wahlund (North Dakota) Kelly Baisden, Paige Dawson, Kristin Fargher, Amy Haller, Mindy Sutton, Lauren White (Southem Methodist) Shana Baggerly, Tammy TomberUn (Texas Tech) Jamie Fisher, Kasey Margette, Beth Michelfelder, Tara Stortz, Elicia Troese, EUen Wemer, Kelly Zachocki (Wittenberg) Omicron Delta Kappa Crissy Buchanan, Rustee Karoiyi (Alabama) Lisa Knowles, Stacy Schattsneider (Alma) Amy Bosse, Jen Shook (Illinois St.) Charity Hastings, Shannon Roesler (Kansas) Eli,se Beckendort", Danielle Busson, Mia Laudato, Sally Mignone, RocheUe Rubin, Heather Sygall (Miami, PL) Sandi Ulrich (Oklahoma St.) Shadna Lee (Texas Tech) Linda Keller, Kristen Michelson, Kristen Neubauer (Wittenberg) Mortar Board Crissy Buchanan (Alabama) Gina Filippini, Nickii Frink, Nikki Jones, Annie Lutger, Gwen Willi (Bradley) Louise Lamothe, Jennifer Manske, Stephanie Shum (Clemson) Megan Prenger (Colorado Boulder) Erin Geisick, Jennie Peterson (Denver) Lisa Read (Georgia) 36 Fall 1994

37 Collegiate Honors Karmen Esser, Denise Hopkins, Juli Ross, Karin Sparks (Idaho) Sarah Camper, Jennifer Carmichael, Bemadette Connolly, Joella Foster, Lynda Kowalczyk, Meg Obenauf, Gayle SUagyi, Marie Truzpek (Illinois) Stacey Baron, Amy Bosse ailinois St.) Natalie Hoffmeier Qowa St.) Jenny Briscoe, Charity Hastings, Jamie Pachter, Shannon Roesler (Kansas) Jana McKee, Julie White (Kansas St.) Rochelle Rubin (Miami, FL) Ali Harnisch, Kierstin Sandell (Michigan St.) Kristi Seeman (Nebraska Kearney) Bethany Bergmeyer, Julie Koch, Annie Loo (Nebraska Lincoln) Lisa Erickson, Amy Pitsenbarger, Irene Shuman (Northwestem) Kelly Baisden, Paige Dawson, Nicole Katrana, Karen Sammis (Southern Methodist) Carolynn MosteUer (Wichita St.) Linda KeUer, Kristen Michelson, Kristen Neubauer, Jennifer Kristen Reed, Erika Shubert, Lisa Skirmer (Wittenberg) Queens Homecoming Queen Julie Thomas (Alma) Twister QueenMindy Maynard (Bowling Green) Sigma Chi SweetheartShannon Harris (British Columbia) Miss BakersfieldMicheUe Cooper (CSUBakersfield) Sigma Chi SweetheartVicki Templeton (CSUSacramento) White Rose QueenSheUa Woodcock (Chistopher Newport) XO SweetheartJen Eastridge (Florida St.) Miss Virginia Personality and 3rd Place Miss Virginia PageantMaryann Chinisaz (George Mason) SAE QueenBonnie Spears, Alpha Kappa Lambda Sweet heartsara Daly (Idaho) Alpha Gamma Rho Queen Joella Poster (Illinois) Sigma Tau Gamma White Rose QueenAmy Bosse; Pi Kappa Alpha Sweetheart Cheryl Janicek; Alpha Tau Omega SweetheartGretchen Peters (Illinois St.) Miss CongenialityGenevieve Imhof (JacksonviUe) Delta Chi SweetheartJaqui Viess (Mar>'land) Student Government Officers Outgoing CCSO President Crissy Buchanan; Incoming CCSO PresidentRustee Karoiyi (Alabama) Student Congress Vice PresidentNancy Devine; Student Congress Secretary Gina Gleason; Student Congress PresidentKim Kraii (Alma) Nebraska Gamma Phis initiated into Mortar Board are from left to right: Kristin Warner, Angie Richter, Annie Loo, Julie Koch, Bethany Bergmeyer and Amy Kamphaus. Pi Kappa Phi Rose Queen Nikke Geist; Sigma Chi Queen Sheila Debrovolny (North Dakota) Homecoming QueenMarcy PhiUips; Miss Greek OU Jenny Weatherford (Oklahoma) Miss Indian Oklahoma City UniversityApril Holder; Miss Oklahoma City University Shea SuUivan (Oklahoma Cit>0 Derby Days Pageant Queen Darci Opitz (Oklahoma St.) Homecoming CourtJenny Fehlig (St. Louis) Jr. Class QueenJennifer McCaun (San Diego) Dakota Days Royaltj'Missy Uecker (South Dakota) Miss Southem TechKaren Bland (Southern CoUege of Technology) Associated Students Inc. Representative and Student Union Governing Board ChairpersonLori Whitlock; Associated Students Incorpo rated Vice President Adela Lucchesi (CSU Bakersfield) Student InterviewersDawn HoUander, Allison Sisk, Emily Smith; Dean's Hosts Rosemary GencarelU, Jennifer Kastner, Wendy Leif, Allison Sisk; President's HostWendy Leif; School of Communications Sophomore Representative Catherine Markman (Boston) MemberatLarge for CSUS UnionLisa Binkley (CSU Sacramento) SenatorSuzanne Foxworth; 2nd Vice President Marguerite Mcafee; Speaker of the House Tiffany Pa>ton Gina Webber; (Chapman) Senate TreasurerKim House Clerk Auerbach; Senate President Jennie Peterson; Senators Chelsey Hess, Shannon Olander (Denver) SenatorDanielle Karosis (Florida St.) SenatorMaryann Chinisaz; Student Government Court Executive LegislatorMaryann Chinisaz (George Mason) ASUI Rec Advisory BoardJuli Ross (Idaho) Student Government Officer Linsey Brown (Illinois) Kristy Abel, Kara Laricks, Jeni Miller, Jill Tibbetts (Kansas) Ambassadors for College Arts & ScienceChristine Hathaway, Jocelyn Viterna; Ambassador for CoUege of Agriculture Tammy Hoobler; Student Body Ambassador Jocelyn Viterna (Kansas St.) Arts and Science RepsJennifer Bath and Abby Lorenz; Congressperson at LargeChris tine Mora (Loyola) Business School Senator Carmen Panego (Miami, FL) CouncU on Academic GovernanceLori Ward (Michigan St.) Student Body PresidentJen Prince (NebraskaKeamey) Teachers College Advisory BoardJulie Koch, Mitzi Ritzman, Debbie Steckeberg; Business College Advisory BoardBethany Bergmeyer (NebraskaLincoln) Freshman SenatorBeth Daniels (North Carolina AshevUle) Chairman of College RepubUcans"Whitney Anderson, President of OptimaeAmy Schubert (Oklahoma) Student Activities Approx. Committee controuerssam Choi, Kristi Lewis (Rochester) Business School Andrew; SAB Rep Jenny Pehlig; Association SenatorStaphanie Hiegel; Elec tion Commissioner Melodic Krausch; Administra tion Secretary' Melissa Landry; SGA Rep Carrie Schuermann (St. Louis) ASB PresidentJennifer The Crescent 37

38 Collegiate Honors McCann; Vice President of Student Issue.sLiz Fraim (San Diego) President of Student Union BoardLori Stone (Sonoma St.) Student SenateAmanda Haley; Student Ambassadors Amy Majer, Stacy Trove, Missy Llecker, Maureen Zukas (South Dakota) Program CouncilKelly Baischen; Sing Song Chairman for Program ("ounciltori Brand; VP of Programs for Women in CA)mmunicationsPaige Dawson; Student Senator Diana Eckhardt; Treasurer for Women in Communication (Catherine Fischer; Ads Director and Graphic Artist for Program CouncilEmily Hughes; Program Director of Speaker's Committee for Program C^ouncilJaye Hughes; PR Officer of Visual Arts for Program CouncilZivy Johnson; Pom Squad Program Coimcil Mindy Roberts (Southern Methodist) Golden Key Ois.sy Buchanan, Rustee Karoiyi (Alabama) Silvan Harnik, Dawn Hollander, Emily Smith (Boston) Audrey Chiang, Natalie Lising, Stacie Wong (CaliforniaBerkeley) Stacey C^ampbell, Kelley Fenders, Stacy Porter, Nora Reinhart, Vicki Templeton (CSUSacramento) Paula Jenkins, Julie Morrison, Stacey Greer, Jamie Henderson, Sharon Isak.sen, Johanna Miller (CalUornia Santa Barbara) Tammi Fan, Megan Prenger, Janet Santuccio ((Colorado Boulder) Michelle Doolittle, (;indy Ehrlich, Julie Hocevar, Louise Lamothe. Jessica MacMillian, Jennifer Manske, Kelly Smith ((;iemson) Jennie Peterson, Dawn Szymborski (Denver) HalcN Belt. Brooke Boston, Julie Dunn. Kristen Heine. Aimee Hodges, Terri Hoffman, Danielle Karosis. Trina Nappi (Florida St.) MeUssa Alleman, Jenny Briscoe, Kara Laricks, Amy O'Neal, Jamie Kim Albers, Aimee Bechard, Christine Brown, Karmen Esser, Lori Jones (Idaho) NataUe Hoffmeier, Renee Olson (Iowa St.) Jen Carmichael, Katie Dries, Joella Foster, Meg Obenauf, Gayle Silagyi, Tracy Wilson (Ulinois) Stacey Baron (Illinois St.) Jamie Pachter (Kansas) Monique Fournier, Sumie Gupta, Kathy Walden, JuUe Wliite, Andrea Zakrzewski (Kansas St.) Curi Kim, Arm Maloney (Michigan) Dana Goldberg, Kierstin Sandell (Michigan St.) Bethany Bergmeyer, Cathy Chochon, Laura Leising,. Jennifer Miratsk) Debbie Steckelberg, Nicki Votava (NebraskaLincoln) Adrienne Clements, Michele Barr\' (NevadaReno) Lisa Erickson, KJ Leekley, Amy Schlichtemeier, Irene Shuman (Northwestern) Lisa Davidson, Julie Stalcup, Vicki WiUiamson (Oklahoma) Brooke Landau, Ally Neistadt, Michelle Marcoe, Rachel Tunick (Rochester) Julie Arconoti, Voula Salas (St. Louis) Lisa Chapman, Jacqueline Genevieve linhof (Jacksonville) ivas named Miss Congeniality in the loth annual.missj U Pageant, the preliminary pageant to.miss America. Weintraub (Southem California) Paige Dawson, Kim Katrana, Nicole Katrana, Alison Rector, Karen Sammis (Southern Methodist) Ihiblication Editors Mercdity Cummings (Alabama) JiU Rubin (Boston) Jamie Henderson (California Santa Barbara) Haley Belt (Florida St.) Christen Wilmer (Idaho) Sarah Mathews (Illinois) Kathy Sattem (Iowa St.) Tina Bergeron (Loyola) Ariane Zohar (Miami, FL) Maggie Pricke (Nebraska Kearney) Jean DeShazer, Jennifer Miratsk)' (NebraskaLincoln) Ashley Rice (Oklahoma) Michelle Dean (Oklahoma St.) Nicole Ferrise (Penn St.) Jenny Pehlig (St. Louis) Outstanding Athletes Terri McDowellTrack; Kristin SnellSoccer (Alma) Shannon Braden, Karyn Laing, Megan McNeiU Swimming (CSUBakersfield) JuUe WillanPield Hockey (British Cxjiumbia) Annie WongLacrosse (CaliforniaBerkeley) Anna StrasburgRowing; Meredith ThomasonCycling (CaliforniaSanta Barbara) Susan Caton, Kim Gray Softball; Leanne Orr, Terri PerkinsSoccer (Chapman) Melissa Johnson, Kelly Pritchard, Kelli Purdy (Christopher Newport) Ciail AddisonSoccer (Clemson) Sonya Ellison, Kimberly MullenTennis (Eastem Washington) Maryann ChinisazTennis; Sheri CostaSoftball (George Mason) Devrie Demarco, Andrea Leino, Jennifer Marshall, l"ara Nash (Georgia) Krista Edmonds, Beth HopkinsTrack Jill Morris Volleyball, Elizabeth Palmer Track (Idaho) Beckv Dmmmond 38 Fall 1994

39 Collegiate Honors Gymnastics; Cathy KeUy, Marti Terrell, Justine Sleezer Rugby (Illuiois) Sarah Diserio, Britny Fix, Heidi (iarten, Sarah Gregory Heidi Hein (Kansas) Summer RuckmanTennis (Kansas St.) Jen DawsonSynchronized Swimming; Kristen Lester Soccer (Michigan St.) Kimber HiUiusGolf; Rose PetersonSoftbaU (Nebraska Kearney) Elissa Steffen, Nathalie SteffenVolleyball (North CaroUnaAsheville) Lisa Erickson, Marnie KalmusDance; Shawna GodzikSoftball (Northwestem) Suzanne ClaudePolo; Courtey StoneSoccer; Wendy WebbGoU (Oklahoma) Molly AbrahamSwimming; Kari EckbergSoccer and SoftbaU; Rachel SaxSki Team; Sarah Zeisler VoUeybaU (Puget Sound) Connelia RossCross Country (Rochester) Alii TagliareniSwimming (St. Louis) Carrie Arm ProbstSoccer (South Dakota) Kim CalabranoTennis; Celeste McVeyTrack (Southem California) Kim Irelan; Laurin Schultz Cross Country/Track (Southern Methodist) Chapter Honors Alabama3rd Place Homecoming Competition Bradley3rd Place Derby Days British ColumbiaBest All Round Sorority; Anchor Splash 1st Place CalifomiaBerkeley3rd Place DaffodU Days PhUanthropy CSUSacramento 1st Place Powderpuff FootbaU Toumament; 2nd Place Water melon Fest, 1st Place Anchor Spash; 3rd Place Derby Days ChapmanGreek Week Champions; 2nd Place Homecoming; Highest GPA on Campus ColoradoBoulderlst Place Homecoming DenverDirector's Cup for Gamma Phis from across the country attended the Greek Classic in Nashville last February. Workshops centered on relationships leadership and spiritual growth. Most Outstanding Greek Chapter on Campus Eastem Washington2nd Place Homecoming Float; 1st Place Greek Week Florida St. 1st Place Overall Homecoming; 1st Place Homecoming Float; 3rd Place Greek Week Carnival Georgia2nd Place Homecoming Idaholst Place Grades; 1st Place Intramurals; Greek Public Relations Award; Scholarship Award; Chapter ExceUence Award Illinois2nd Place Scholarship; 1st Place Anchor Splash Iowa St.lst Place Greek Week; 3rd Place Varieties Kansaslst Place Derby Days Kansas St.intramural Champions LoyolaBest Philanthropy Award Maryland3rd Greek Week Place in Miamilst Place Sportsmanship and 2nd Place Organized Cheer/Greek Week Michigan2nd Place Campus and Community Involvement Michigan St.3rd Place in Stepshow Best OveraU GPA MinnesotaOutstanding Philanthropy and Community Service Award; Outstanding Chapter Management Award; 1st Place in Ballyhoo Dance Oklahomalst Place Greek Week; Most Outstanding Chapter for Greek Involvement, Award of Excellence in Chapter Programming, Pledge Programming and Greek Involvement; 2nd Place Delta Tau Delta Dive VoUeybaU Oklahoma St.lst RunnerUp Alumnae Relations; 2nd RunnerUp Campus Involvement; 3rd RunnerUp Pledge Programming; 4th RunnerUp Scholarship Programming; 2nd Place Derby Days Rochesterlst Place Philanthropy, Social Risk Management, Educational Programming and Greek Week; 2nd Place New Member Education and Inter Greek Relations; 3rd Place Outside Leadership and Scholarship St. LouisHighest GPA of AU Greek Organizations; Most Improved Chapter; 2nd Place in Spirit Contest; 2nd Place in Derby Days; 2nd Place in Greek Week South Dakota3rd Place Dakota Days Float; 2nd Place Greek Week Southern Methodistlst Place SMU Intramurals; 3rd Place Sing Song; Best Director for Sing Song Wichita St.Best Greek Organization on Campus; 2nd Place Spring Homecoming; 1st Place Sigma Alpha Epsilon Trike Race; 1993 Most Improved Sorority GPA The Crescent 39

40 Alumnae News San Antonio alumnae held a successful walk last May. Seventysix alumnae from the University of Califomia at Santa Barbara joined together to celebrate the loth anniver sar)' of their charter. Alumnae were greeted at the chapter house where they enjoyed a reception and then partici pated in Founders Day traditions. It was amazing how quickly alumnae remembered songs and other Ganima Phi traditions! The EvanstonNorth Shore Alumnae Chapter held their Founders Day celebration on November 7, 1993 at the Omni Orrington Hotel in Evanston. Eleanor Bennett Buckmaster (Northwestem) received her 75year pin. Marilyn (Northwestem) and Sally Buckmaster (Colorado Streitmatter Woodman College), daughter of Eleanor Buckmaster, both received their 50year pins. Fort Myers Alumnae began and ended the year honoring long time members of Gamma Phi Beta. Two 50year pins were presented at the chapter's Founders Da) celebration last fall. Dorothy Blackball Lenington (Illinois) was the guest of honor this past spring. Dorothy tumed 90 dinner on the River this past year and has had almost perfect attendance in over 70 years of Gamma Phi meetings! The alumnae are pleased to report a ver>successful card party which raised funds for the Gamma Phi Beta Foundation and the Fort Myers AlUance for the Arts summer camp program. Albuquerque Alumnae had a great tum out in celebration of Founders Day. The event was held at the home of the chapter's president, Patty Teal Zemke. The theme for the day was "What Does Ciamma Phi Mean to You?" This question brought about quite a bit of reminiscing about couege days and how meaningful Gamma Phi has been to so many alumnae. Delta Chapter at Boston University made Round Robin letters famous in the 1930s and 1940s. These letters auowed sisters to keep in touch with one another during their summers apart. A few years ago Ruth Thompson Hanchett and Margaret Durkee Benton made it their mission to revive this old tradition. Through their efforts, the Round Robin letters are again a success. Currently there are 18 corre spondents and the youngest is from the class of ! The letters make their way from Maine to Florida and west to Arizona. These Boston Alumnae can now enjoy a yearroimd reunion. The House Corporation Board at the Southern Methodist University recently dedicated their backyard garden to Virginia Forsythe Vint (Missouri) in honor of her years of dedicated service to Gamma Phi and to the chapter. Virginia is credited with the following achievements: National Recommendations Chairman, Alumnae Vice President, Service Award, Honor Award, National Research Chairman, Loyalty Award, Dallas Alumnae President, Dallas Alumna ofthe Year, and Alpha Xi Reconunendations Chairman. She continues to be a tme and constant friend to the Alpha Xi Chapter and has provided guidance and support to numerous officers, members and advisors throughout the years. The Dallas Alumnae Chapter held a spring salad luncheon to raise money for Camp Esperanza, a local camp for chudren with cancer. A raffle was held with prizes donated by members. This event gave alumnae the chance to "catch up" as well as to raise money for a great cause. Ames alumnae came up with a new way to motivate members to attend events they offered a reward. Each time a member attended an event they had a better chance of receiving a hand crocheted afghan made and donated by Cheryl Gunter (Tetmessee). Pat Gustofson (Iowa St.) was awarded this prize at the alumnae's final event of the year, the Senior Celebration Dinner. Alumnae from Kent State University held a reunion for alumnae from at the Hilton Hotel in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. This was a wonderful opportunity old college days. The group looks forward to planning to reminisce about addiional reunions in the coming years and is currently.scheduling a luncheon in the fall of to commemorate the formal installation of the Beta Zeta Chapter on October 25, The Houston Alumnae Chapter continues to generously support The Brookwood Community as their local philanthropy. The Brookwood Community is a home and work environment for mentauy and physically disabled adults. This past Christmas season, alumnae helped Brookwood by staffing their Galleria mall gift shop. This past spring the alumnae held a gathering for the residents and the family and friends of Gamma Phi. This event included games, visors and cookie decoration, and an exciting game of fellowship for all involved. Greater Kansas City alumnae enjoyed a lecture titled "Being a Winner at the Career Game" this past March. Janice Benjamin, president of the Career Management Center, discussed how to refocus and present one's unique features and benefits during a brief interview. In April, alumnae leamed how to better care for crystal and silver. Of course time was also taken to chat with friends and enjoy hors d'oeuvres! 40 Fall 1994

41 Alumnae News New Alumnae Chapters Formed The Piedmont Alumnae Chapter of Greenville/Spartanburg, South Carolina received their charter May 19, Southern Methodist University chapter inembers honored Virginia Forsythe Vint (Missouri) by naming their backyard garden after her. International Headquarters Request Form Members celebrated the Harrisburg (Pennsylvania) Area Alumnae Chapter's installation June II, 1994 at the Harrisburg Marriot Hp^BBBBMBi^^^^^^^!^^ff''^^^^^^H ^H{ 1 ^1 ^fm^:xl$ bm 1 c'a't;,^'^ UCSanta Barbara alumnae gathered to celebrate their chap ter's loth anniversary. Please send me information about: Q Closest Alumnae Group d SisterLink Career Network Q TranSISter Program Q Alumnae Initiate Program Q Volunteer Opportunities? Area Recommendations Q State Recommendations 3 Crescent Catcher Program Q Ll Foundation TEP Society Foundation 1874 Society d Crescent Classics Catalog \A Legacy Introduction \A Reunions U Convention? r*b Visa Card d Mothers/Parents Clubs? Ll Enclosed is a check for $ 1 5 annual membership dues. {Dues are not tax deductible.) ^ Enclosed is a tax deductible donation to the Foundation for $_ Name Address (first) (maiden) (last) (street) (city) state) (zip) Phone ( ) Collegiate Chap ter Mail to: Gamma Phi Beta Sorority East Euclid Drive, Englewood. CO Phone: (303) Fax: (303) The Crescent 41

42 I PAC Esetters star Volleyball Setter During her four years as a starter and captain of the UNCA Bulldog Volleyball team, setter Danielle "Dani Meyer (North CarolinaAshville) has proven herself a leader and a champion. She led her team to Big South Championships in 1991 and The psychology major also helped take the Bulldogs to the 1991 NIT in " Dayton, Ohio and "as.sisted them to a remarkable 326 record in She holds the record for assists in a conference match 81, and an outstanding 5,287 assists in her four years of NCAA Division I play, a school and conference record! Dani's accomplishments have earned her honors as Big South Tournament CoM"VP in 1992, member ofthe first team AllBig South in and Female Athlete of the Year at UNCA. Rachelle Chong Appointed To FCC The newest appointee to the five member Federal Communications Commission FC(") is Rachelle B. Chong (Calif Berkele\). Last March when President (;iinton nominated Rachelle to fill a vacanc) on the C^ommission, he said, "I am confident that Rachelle (Phong's experience and commitment in the area of telecommunications will prove invaluable to this most important committee." The Commission regulates television, radio, satellites, telephones, maritime radio and helps set intemational telecommunica tions policy. After being confirmed by the United States Senate in a record nine days last May, she began fiung the unfinished portion of a fiveyear term that will expire in mid1997. Of her appointment Rachelle said, "It is a great honor to be chosen as an FCC Commissioner at this historic time when the administration. Congress and the telecommunications industry' are poised to radically restructure the outdated telecommunications laws, and to build an exciting new national information... superhighway expect to be very busy for the next three years." Rachelle is looking forward to do to the opportunity' public service. She said, "I took the FCC job because it is a chance to give back to the people of the United States." Rachelle's confirmation marks the first time since that a practicing communications attorney has been appointed to the Commission. She is also one of the youngest Commission ers ever appointed and the first AsianAmerican appoint ed to that regulatory body. According to Henry Der, the executive director of the San Franciscobased advocacy group, (Chinese for Affirma tive Action, her appointment is significant because "Asian,\mericans have seldom been considered for highlevel positions in the federal government in "Washington." During the confirmation process, Rachelle received high marks for her preparation and independent thinking from both coueagues and government officials. James Troup, an attorney with whom she worked while at a Washington law firm, described her as thorough and accurate and said, "I don't think she wul be influenced by politics, and that might be ver) refreshing.' Representative Robert Matsui (DCal.) said she would be "a strong, independent voice on FCC." Prior to joining the FCC, she was a partner in the San Francisco intemational law firm of Graham and James, where she specialized in telecommunications law, particularly cellular phones. She also headed the firm's Regulatory Department and was a member of its Intemational Telecommunications Group and Management Center Committee. Her clients have included cellular phone giants like Bay Area Cellular Telephone Company and McCaw Cellular Telecommunications. She has also been active in probono work, having served on the Legal Service Trust Fund Commission of the Califomia State Bar, and she has represented indigent clients in Social Security cases at Graham and James. Rachelle was bom and raised in Stockton, California, and graduated from the University of CaliforniaBerkeley in science and 1981 with degrees in political joumalism, as well as a Phi Beta Kappa key. Of her Gamma Phi Beta experience at Eta Chapter, she said that it gave her social confidence and "brought of my shell. I gained the abuity to talk to anyone about anything me out for 20 minutes. Rush is wonderful training for anyone interested in politics." Rachelle also recaued that she was attracted to Eta Chapter because of its academic standards. She noted that her class was "academically driven" and produced many professionals lawyers, doctors, engineers and an economist. She obtained her law degree from Hastings College ofthe Law in 1984 where she was editor of "Law Joumal." She is a member of the California and District of Columbia state bar associations. She and her husband. Kirk Del Prate, also an attorney, now make their home in Washington, DC. Clarice Morrison Honored The Oklahoma City Alumnae Panhellenic Association honored Clarice Braker Morrison (Oklahoma Cit)') as the Oklahoma City Alumnae Panhellenic Woman of the Year. Clarice was recognized at their annual Christmas bmnch for the out.standing time and service she 42 Fall 1994

43 " PAC Esetters has given Ciamma Phi Beta, the Panhel lenic Association and her community. Clarice, who is on Gamma Phi's Service Roll and Merit RoU, has served Intema tional Gamma Phi Beta for nine years as Province LX Alumnae Director and Assis tant to the Alumnae "Vice President Exten sion. She has served as president of the Oklahoma City Alumnae Chapter is presently Corporation Board. and she on the Beta Omicron House Dottie McCaw Aw^ards Scholarships at Purdue 20th edition Baird's Manual of American College Fraternities <!GAM/v\A ITA CHI rrt W ^appa Ganima r*^ mm px <OMEGi! tilelta,f, PSI SIGMA < CHI AtPHJl tpsiloh PHI THETA tau piji i..^., < cvti om.e ATA < aires M\M,'.\) Ot AMfcKK \N roilrcr rrairitninc'; * q^ The Baird's Manual of American College fraternities has been the authoritative reference work on college first published Greekletter societies since in The 20th edition features over 1000 pages in its new larger are: 8x11 size. Features Detailed listing for men's, women's, professional, honor, and recognition societies Over 800 campus listings; 100 more than last edition 6 5 page appendix 72page origin and development of fraternities introduction on the Books are now available for purchase for $ Make checks payable to Baird's Manual Foundation and send to: Baird's Manual; 3901 West 86th Street, Suite 390; Indianapolis, IN Include letter stating desired shipping address (no P.O. Boxes) and contact telephone number. Dottie McCa IV (center) with this year's award recipients Laura Connor and Tricia Myer. Call for more information. Delta Iota Chapter (Purdue) celebrated a wonderful spring evening in April with visiting alumna Dorothy "Dottie Newby McCaw (SMU) of Corpus Christi, Texas. Each spring Dorothy returns to the chapter house to personally present the Dorothy Newby McCaw Citizens Scholar ship Awards at a special dinner. These awards are presented to chapter members who have distinguished themselves by their service to Gamma Phi Beta, the campus and the commumty. Dottle's awards honor "wellrounded young women" who have set an example by their service, leadership and citizenship. This year's recipients, graduating seniors Laura Conner and Tricia Myer, plan to use their $1,000 awards to pursue graduate studies. Dottie, who lived in West Lafayette at the time, helped colonize Delta lota Chapter in Since then, the chapter has held a special place in her heart. She spent countless hours at the chapter house, and she and her husband Tom have made generous gifts to the chapter, including their first set of living room fumiture. In 1987 Dottie estabushed her award for Delta lota within the Purdue Research Foundation. Dottle's belief in recognizing and encouraging excellence is also demonstrated by the scholarship for Alpha Xi Delta Sorority and an award at the Purdue Libran' that she established in memory of her mother, as weu as the in the School of Earth Science scholarship she established in memor\' of her father. She has also established awards in honor of each of her chudren and their spouses at their respective universities. Each year Dottie looks forward to personauy presenting the awards to the young women selected by a local commit tee. Dottie inspires the chapter with her memories and thoughts about her life as a Gamma Phi Beta and what the Sorority means to her. Delta lota Chapter values Dottle's friendship, loyalty and dedication and is indeed fortunate to know her. Notice: The annual meeting ofthe Delta Upsilon House Corporation Board will be held November 27, at 2:00 p.m. at the chapter house in Athens. The Crescent 43

44 Chapter Directory Collegiate Chapters ALPHA (Syracuse U.) November (lb) BETA (U. of Michigan) June (IVa) GAMMA (U. of Wisconsin).November 1i (Va) DELTA (Boston U.) April "'19"'0, Reactivaietl 198S (la) EPSILON (Northwestem V.) October 1.^ 1888 (Vb) ZETA (Goucher College) 189.V1950 ETA (U. of CaliforniaBerkelcv) April (Xlllb) THETA (U, of Denver) December (Xla) IOTA (Barnard College) KAPPA (U. of Minnesota) Mav 2% (VI) LAMBDA (U, of "Washington) Mav ^ (XII) MU. (Stanford U. ) Januarj NU (U, of Oregon) December (Xllla) XI (U. of Idaho) Februar)' 3, 1910 (Xll) OMICRON (U. of Illinois) May ^ (Vb) PI (U. of Nebraska) June (XVb) RHO (U. of Iowa)Junc (XVa) SIGMA (U. of Kansas) October CX) TAU (C;oIorado State U. ) October (Xla) UPSILON (Hollins College) 191(>1929 PHI (Washington f.) Febmar) CHI (Oregon St) April 2() (Xllla) PSI (U. of Oklahoma) September (IX) OMEGA (Iowa Stale U. ) December (XVa) ALPHA ALPHA (U of Toronto) October (Ic) ALPHA BETA (U. of North Dakota) June 16, (W) ALPHA GAMMA (U. of Nevada) May 14, 1921 (Xllla) ALPHA DELTA (U. of Missouri) May CX) ALPHA EPSILON (U. of Arizona) April 29, 1922 (Xlb) ALPHA ZETA (U. of Texas) ALPHA ETA (Ohio Wesleyan U. ) ALPHA THETA (Vanderbilt U. ) lune (XlVb) ALPHA IC:)TA (U of CaliforniaLos Angeles).lune ALPHA KAPPA (U of Manitoba) ^5 ALPHA LAMBDA (U of British C:olumbia ) April (XII) ALPFLA.Ml' (Rodins College) AIPHA NU (Wittenberg I ) (une (III) AIJ>R\ XI (Southern.Methodist U.).September (VII) ALPHA OMICRON (North Dakota State U ) February ALPFL\ PI (West Virginia U. ) 'ALPHA RHO (Birmingham Southem College) ALPFL\ SIGMA (RandolphMacon Women s College) ALPFL\ TALI (McGill U. ) September 26, 1931 (Ic) ALPHA UPSILON (Pennsvlvania State U.) May (ID ALPHA PHI (Colorado CoUege) October (Xla) ALPHA CHI (College of William and Man) Januar) (XlVa) ALPHA PSI (Uke Forest College) ALPHA OMEGA (U. of Westem Ontario) October (Ic) BETA ALPFL\ (U. of Southem Califomia) September (X\aa) BETA BETA (U. of Mar)land) October OCI\'a) BETA GAMMA (Bowling Green State LI.) Oct (III) BETA DELTA (Michigan State U. )June (FVa) BETA EPSILON (Miami U.. Ohio) April (111) BETA ZETA (Kent State U. ) BETA ETA (Bradley U. ) April 3, 1948 CVb) BETA THETA (San Jose State U. ) BETA IOTA (Idaho State U. ) BETA KAPPA (Arizona State U. ) Decem ber Reactivated 1990 (Xlb) BETA Ij\MBDA (San Diego State U. ) October (X'\'lb) BETA MLi (Florida State Li. ) April (VIIIb) BETA NU (U. of Vermont) BETA XI (Ohio State U. ) BETA 0MIC;R0N (Oklahoma City U. ) November 3, 1951 (IX) BETA PI (Indiana State U.) September (IVb) BETA RHO (U. of Colorado) March 13, 1954 (Xla) BETA SIGMA (Washington State U. ).March (XII) BETA TAU (Texas Tech U. ) March (VID BETA IIPSILON (Kansas State U. ) March CX) BETA PHI (Indiana U ) November (IVb) BETA CHI (Wichita State U. ) Febmar) (X) BETA PSI (Oklahoma State U ) Febman' (IX) BETA OMEGA (Northem Arizona U. ) Febmar) (Xlb) GAMMA ALPFU (Memphis State U. ) GAMMA BETA (Gettysburg C;ollege) Febman GAMMA GAMMA (U. of Wisconsin MU waukee).march CVa) GAM.MA DELTA (U of Wvoming) GAMMA EPSILON (U of Puget Sound) April (XII) GAMMA ZETA (East Texas State U. ) March CVII) GAMMA ETA (Califomia State ULong Beach).March 10, 1962 CXVIa) GAMMA THETA (LI. of the Pacific) GAMMA IOTA Midwestern State U. ) March (VID GAMMA KAPPA (U. of NebraskaKear ney) May CXV) GA,MMA LAMBDA (Louisiana State U. ) GAMMA MU (Moorhead State U. ) April 25, 1964 (VT) GAMMA NU (Lamar Li. ) Febmar) GAMMA XI (U. of Tennessee) GAMMA OMICRON (V. of Kentucky) GAMMA PI (MarUcato State U. ) Febmar) (VD GAMMA RFiO (U. of Wisconsin Oshkosh) May , Reactivated 1985 (Va) GAMMA SIGMA (Western Michigan U.) GAMMA TAU (St Louis U. ) November (X) GAMMA UPSILON (Drake U) GAMMA PHI (Auburn U. ) GAMMA CHI (Southwest Texas State U.) Febmar) 3, 1968 (VID GAMMA PSI ai of Northem Iowa) November (XV) GAMMA OMEGA (U. of Wisconsin Plattevilie) March CVa) DELTA ALPHA (U. of WisconsinRiver Falls) DELTA BETA (Boise State U. ) DELTA GAMMA (V. of Nebraska Omaha) "'6 DELTA DELTA (Califomia State U. FuUerton) April 3, 1971 (X'VTb) DELTA EPSILON (Texas Wesleyan U. ) April (Vll) DELTA ZETA (Southwestem Oklahoma State U. ) DELTA ETA (U. of CalifomiaInine) January 29, 1974 (XVTb) DELTA THETA (Califomia Pol)technic State U. San Luis Obispo) January 18, 1975 CXIllb) DELTA IOTA (Purdue U ) April (FVb) DELTA KAPPA (Lehigh U. ) Januar)' 31, 1976(10 DELTA LAMBDA CU. of CaUfomiaRiverside) Januar)' CXVIa) DELTA MU (Rutgers State U ) April (ID DELTA NU (Southwest Missouri State U.) November 12, DELTA XI (BuckneU U.) DELTA OMICRON (Southern Technical Institute) January (Villa) DELTA PI (Illinois Slate U ) April 19, 1980 DELTA RHO (Dickinson College) DELTA SIGMA (Florida Institute of Technology) May (Vlllb) DELTA TAU (Colgate U. ) November 14, 1981 Ob) DELTA UPSILON (U. of Georgia) Febmary (Villa) DELTA PHI (California State CoUege Bakcrsfield) April 23, 1983 CXllIb) DELTA CHI (CaUfomia State U. Sacramento) May (Xllla) DELTA PSI (U. of CaUfomia Santa Barbara) November (XVIa) DELTA OMEGA (Oakland U) April 7, 1984 (TVa) EPSILON ALPHA (LaSaUe U ) December (10 EPSILON BETA (Alma CoUege) September (IVa) EPSILON GAMMA (U. of San Diego) October (XVIb) EPSILON DELTA (Creighton U. ) Febmar)' (XVb) EPSILON EPSILON (Union CoUege) May (lb) EPSILON ZETA (JacksonviUe U. ) November (VTIIb) EPSILON ETA (Edgewater State CoUege) November (Ta) EPSILON THETA (Clemson U ) April (Villa) EPSILON IOTA (Christopher Newport College) April (XFVa) EPSILON KAPPA (CaUfomia State U Chico) November (XITIa) EPSILON LAMBDA (U. of Alabama) Feb mar)' CVIIIa) EPSILON MU (Lovola U, ) April (VTIIb) EPSILON NU (Chapman College) April CXVIb) EPSILON XI (Rhodes College) October (XTVb) EPSILON OMICRON (U of CaUfomia Santa Cmz) Febmary (XTIIb) EPSILON PI (George Mason U (XFVa) ) April EPSILON RHO (Stephen P. Austin U ) May EPSILON SIGMA (Morehead State U. ) Januar)' 19, 1991 (XlVb) EPSILON TAU (U. of Rochester) Febru ary 2, 1991 (lb) EPSILON UPSILON (U. of South Dakota) April CXVb) EPSILON PHI (Bentley CoUege) Decembers, 1991 (la) EPSILON CHI (Marquette U.) April 11, 1992 EPSILON PSI (U. of North Carolina AshevUle) November (XlVb) EPSILON OMEGA (U. of Miami, Florida) (VTIIb) April ZETA A1.PFL\ (Eastem Washington U.) November (XII) ZETA BETA (U. of Virginia) April 9, 1994 CXrVa) ZETA GAMMA (Sonoma St. University) May (Xlllb) 'Chapter Inactive To amtcicl a cr>lleniate or atumnae chapter, send correspondence to internationat Headcjuarters. 44 Fall 1994

45 Officer Directory Founders: Helen M Dodge Ferguson, Frances E. Haven Moss. E. Adeline Curtis Curtis. Mar)' A Bingham WiUoughby Intemational Council Internationat President: Diane Tjaden Thompson, P.O. Box 85, Clear Lake, LA Atumnae Vice President: Sharon Witt Dunham, S. 75th Ave. Cir., Ralston NE (SI 27 Cottegiate Vice President: Linda Daniel Johnson, Rhett, Houston, TX financial Vice President: Sandra Rettke Nauman, 136 Great Oaks Lane. RosweU. GA MemberatLarge: Cinda Keating Lucas, 4565 Vista de la Tierra, Del Mar. CA National Pankiettenic Conference Delegate: Elizabeth Atlkmeyer Quick Garth Rd. SE, HuntsvUle, AL Executive Director: Marjor)' MUls Shupert, E. Euclid Drive, Englewood, CO Alumnae Department Atumnae Vice President: Sharon Witt Dunham Assistants to the Alumnae Vice Presi dent: Operations: Rebecca Boyd Obarski. 836 BclUngrath Ct., NapervUle, IL 60563; Membership: Jacki Eonis FaUcenroth. 89 Tumbleweed Ct., San Ramon, CA 94583; Programs: Patricia Pivonka Wagar, 9675 Maninique, Concord OH Province Alumnae Directors I: Susan Bender Bloch, 10 New England Dr., Rochester, NY II: Dons Bird Gorden, 22 Andrews Rd.,.Malvcm, PA : Sandra Biegelman Burba, Claythomc Dr., Solon, OH IVa: Debra Oberbrumner Duon, 2931 zwalbridgc Dr., Rochester HiUs. Ml IVb: G, Arm Orbaugh Brewer, 121 W. North C Street, Elwood. IN Va: Chrish Lindauer Kilpatrick, 1001 lochtyn Ridge Rd., Wales, Wl Vb: Rebecca BoydObarski, 836 Bellingrath Ct., Naperville, IL VI: Shannon Koppen Hansen, 108 Reves Ct., Grand Porks, ND VII: MarUyn BachnUi CaUahan, 2437 Fairway Dr.. Richardson, TX Villa: Lisa Lepley Hiles Littie Brooke Dr., Dunwoody. GA Vlllb: Nancy Donovan Montgomer)', 3104 Waverly Ave., Tampa. FL K:.Melba Quick Spunier. 815 HiUcrest Dr., StiUwater. OK X: Hamet (Tucky) Whedcr Hobbs, 5205 W. 84th St., Shawnee Mission, KS H: Darla Click Dakm, 7929 S. Vincennes Way, Englewood, CO XU: Christine L Crane, W. 10th Ave., Vancouver. BC V6l 2A4, CANADA XIU: Verona Dilbeck Lynam. 672 Duffin Dr., Ridgemont Coumtry Club. HoDister CA XlVa: Sally Lwcher Klippdl Kemlworth Driveway, Chevy Chase, MD XlVb: Janet Mahaffey Hoomes River Bend Dr., #D2. LouisviUe, KY XV: CheryT D. Guoter. 218 Howard Ave. Ames, la XVI: Rene C. Matz, Buckingham PI.. Tustin, CA Alimuiae Department Officers: Alumnae Initiates and Mothers/parents Ctubs: Paula ChopUn Shryock. 623 Ute Dr. Stillwater, OK 74075; Atumnae Extension: Clarice Braker Morrison, Edgewater Dr.. Oklahoma City, OK ; Alumnae PACE: Elizabeth Sturges Bihn Spring Valley Road, Lansdak. PA 1944(>51 10, Rec ommendations: Liz Crosby Martin, E. Powers Dr., Englewood. CO ; Alumnae/Collegiate Relations: Sally Dick inson Andrews, 1044 Sundown Rd.. Spring field. OH 45503; PI}ilantl}ropy Chairman: Beth Singleton Kilchenman, 104 SUverstone Rd,. Lexington. SC SisterLink: Cindv Shiriey Schultz Sciby. St. Paul. MN 55104; TranSISter: Maraha McCoUum Schu macher, 2434 Rose HoUow. Katy.TX Collegiate Department Collegiate Johnson Vice President: Linda Daniel Assistants to the CoUegiate Vice Presi dent: Advisors: Melissa (Mo) Martyr Wagn er, 237 Jackson St., Trenton, NJ 08611; Rush: Vicki Carbon Read, 7389 N. Camino Sin Vacas, Tucson, AZ 85718; Operations: WestTerri Kennedy Briggs Addinston Ct., Dublin, OH 43017; EastJoanne Shaffer Meloro, 520 Woodbridge Cir., Harleysville, PA New Chapter Directors: West: Christine N. Amos Baltimore Ave., Westerville, OH East: Carol Camso, P.O. Box 26509, Tempe, AZ Province Collegiate Directors: la: Joyce E. Hatch, 565 Commonwealth Ave.. Newton Centre.,MA lb: EUeen M. Effinger. 300 East 74th St., 22E, New York. NY Ic: Kathryn HarreU Manners, 241 College St.. Belmont. ON Canada NOL IBO 11: Cathy Boudreaux: Griffin, 340 Plainsboro Rd., Plainsboro, NJ : Krista Spanninger Davis, 406 High Meadows VUlage Dr.. Powcli. OH TVa: Patricia A. Diroff Sheridan Dr, Beveriy HiUs, MI Vb: Mart) Kuhn Pool, 609 Sugar Tree Road, CrawfordsvUle. IN Va: Lyn A, HUdenbrand, 926 N. Cass St., #27, Milwaukee. Wl Vb: Elien 1. Trzaska W. County Fann Ln., Schaumburg. IL VI: EUzabeth Holcomb Norton 5757 Colfax Ave. S., MinneapoUs, MN VII: Kim Anderson Loeffdhdz Dane Dr., Hewitt, TX Villa: Susan Pinkard Crawford. 807 Jones Ave,. Rockmart. GA Vlllb: Marianne (Brandy) Hibbard, 38 Ramona St.. Ponte Vedra Beach, FL FX: MarBaret West Pape WUshue Ave., Norton, OK X: Karen Harris Story. 318 E. Cypress St. Charleston. MO Xla: Cvnthia Hunter McNamara S. Biltmore Way, Highlands Ranch. CO Xlb: Carleen Rose Sullivan 2751 W. Drachman. Tucson. AZ XII: Suzanne Best Williams Sunset Ln.. Missouri. MT 5980M708 Xllla: Catherine Kennedy Teneighth Way. Sacramento. CA Xlllb: Merry Greig Wong, 21 Bay Tree HoUow. Novato. CA XlVa: Suzan Zetterman Culver. 35 Gumsq Dr, Newark. DE 19"'13 XlVb: Barbara Chadwick. 280 HUlsboro PI.. Nashville. TN XVa: Nancy Ann Ostendorf Thompson, 317 S. 8th St.. Townhowe Apts. 9, Fort Dodge, LA XVb: Barbara Hansen Weinberg, Douglas, Omaha. NE XVIa: Nancy Preston ScheDhase Apache Ln, Chino HiUs, CA XVTb: Mary Lee Knaup Las Lanas Ln,. FuUerton. CA Collegiate Leadership Consultants: Julie Dunn, Anne Puchs. Heidi Green, Jennifer Kummada. Trac) McDonald. Abby Pierson. Jennifer Putensen. Tracie Steele Financial Department Financial Vice President: Sandra Rettke Nauman Assistants to the Financial Vice Presi dent: Housing: Virginia Heck Gottfredson San Felipe Ct., Boulder City. NV 89005; operations: Joanne Callis Roman, 7215 Shajflesbuty Ave,. University City, MO ; Ta.\ Matters: Anm Cibula Zultner. 12 Wallingford Dr.. Princeton, NJ Province Financial Directors: la.b: PatridI Hor\ath.Mahan. 8 Breezewood Ct.. Pairpon. NV Ic: Marie Gravelle, 73 Eard Grey Rd.. Toronto. ON M4J 3L6 CANADA II: Jean Morrow Southard, 112 Preston Dr., North Wales. PA : Christine Sayers Yokajty Rose mont Blvd.. Dayton, OH IVa: Rose Peck Tylawski, 3939 Harri,son Rd., Alma, Ml FVb: Christine Sayers Yokajty, 1920 Rosemont Blvd.. Dayton, OH V: Mary Ellen Porter Burchfield. 320 E. Chicago Ave.. Naperville, IL VI: Amy M. Peterson, Fairway Dr. Eden Prairie, MN VII: Janette Jones Strickland Stanford Ave., Dallas, TX VTTl: to be announced IX: Anmabe; M.Jones, 2300 Riverside Dr., 8A, Tulsa. OK X: Arm L McCarthy, 23 W. Lt due Estates Dr, St. Louis, MO Xla: Jeri KaddBoyd, 631 High St., Denver, CO Xlb: Terry Carpenter Shamley N. 51st Dr. Glendale, AZ XII: Mollv Lu Knoff Cox W. Edna St., Boise, ID Xllla: Barbara Wdu Boenzli, Riverside Dr. SW. Albany. OR Xlllb: Roberta Martinez BoUin Redondo Way, Salinas, CA XFVa: Julie P. Pawdczj'k N St. NW. Washington. DC XTVb: Georgiana Post McClenaghan Brownlee Rd,. Nashville, TN XV: Peggee Leonard EDcfson, RR 13, Box 33, Eldors. la XVIa: Rita McCarthy Swartz, 2038 Daladier Dr. Rancho PiUos Verdes, CA XVIb: Anne Hesc Ura, Via VaDartl, Yorba Linda, CA National Panhellenic Conference NPC Delegate: Elizabeth Ahlemeyer Quick 1st Alternate Delegate: Karen Gamel Urette. 532 Rivera Dr.. Tampa. FL ncl Alternate Delegate: Arme Louise Layton. 88 Gothic AYC. Toronto. ON Canada,M6P 2V9 3rd Alternate Delegate: G therine Guthrk Lindauer S, Beder. Englewood, CO MemberatLarge Department MemljeratLarge: Cinda Keating Lucas Directors: Collegiate Programming: Kris L. Baack. PhD Raleigh. LincoUi. NE "'69; Public Relations: Lynn Jorgenson Jacobs. 401 S. 1st St, 514, Minneapolis. MN 55401: Leadership Training: Suzanne Ehzabeth Foucault th St.. Del Mar. CA 920 U Department Officers: Collegiate P.ACE Chairman: S, Paige Wliite, \T213 Dover Squire. Lawrence. KS Pledge Chairman: Jeanette OJ) StoU Kadin Top O' The imoor W.. Monument, CO Scholarship Chaiiinan: Elizabeth (Kiki) Sloan Phillips Westeriy Parkway State College. PA The Crescent Editor: Stephanie Heam 1273^ E. Euclid Dr. Englewood, CO ; Atuinmae/Collegiale News Editor: Kristyn Wiggin Golberg, ~2 Desert WUlow Littletcm. CO 80127; Feature Editor PhyUis Don.ildson Choat. 2116S. 113th Ave., Om:ili.i, M: (>.S144; Business.Manager: Marjor).Mills Shupert Awards Committee Coordinator: Karen Hewitt Scarlen, 1018 Adcock Rd,. LuthervUle, MD International Bylaws Chairman: Carol Chapman Sides, 2550 S. Fairfax Place, Denver. CO 80222, 1996 Convention Atrangements Chairman: Randy Stevens, 2609 W, 1 18th St., Leawood.KS Convention Coordinator: Sally Erikson Lewis, 535 N, Michigan Ave,, #907, Chicago, IL 60611, Director of Extension: Linda Lyons Malony, 4230 W. 104th Terrace Overiand Park,KS Historian: Debby Warren Manning. MP 0,71 Mabee Mines Rd,. Washougal, WA Nominating Cotnmittee Chairman: to be appointed Parliamentatian: Jennie K. Curtis, 20 Lake Place, Walnut Creek, CA Research Chairman: Ann MuUen Bronsing, 31 Chescrton Ln, Chesterfield, MO Ritual Chairman: Audrey Weldon Shafer, 6808 RockhiU Rd., Kansas City. MO Song Chairman: Jeannette (IJ ) Stoll Kadin Top O' The Moor W.. Monument, CO Financial Advisory Board Susan Genskow Mayer, 7112 Witchinghour Ct. CUrus Heights. CA Barbara A, Endres, 8108 W, 1 10th St, Cr Bioomington. MN Annabel M. Jones, 2300 Riverside Dr., 8A, Tulsa. OK L'Cena Bmnskill Rice. 124 Via Monte D'Oro, Redondo Beach, CA Sandra Rettke Nauman Marjory Mills Shupert Caiama Phi Beta Foundation Tmstees Chainnan: Jolene Lessard Stiver, E. Jefferson Blvd.. South Bend. IN Camping Committee Chainnan: Barbara J. Junker Haywood Ave,, W, Vancouver, BC. Canada V7V 1X6 Development Committee Chairman: Barbara.Missert Wessel, 4842 Hydk Rd., Manlius NY Financial Aid Committee Chainnan: Joan Herzig Braitsch Copley Ln., McLean, VA Financial and Investment Committee Chairman: Frances Rea Griffin, 830 Wanvick Rd,. Deerfield, IL Public Relations Committee Chairman: AUson Shafer Bond, c/o Argosy of Louisian na, 100 St, James. Bldg, K. Baton Rouge. LA International Council Representative: Cinda Keating Lucas SecretaryTreasurer: Marjory MUls Shupert The Crescent 45

46 r e a t u r e for or and k Financing College Educations How Are We Going to Payfor This? By Allison Smythe ( Northwestern) You don't need to be old to say of your college days: an education \\ as a lot less expensive then. In fact, vou don't need to even have finished your four years to make that observation. Throughout most ofthe 1980s, cost increases at pub lic and private institutions aver aged 8 percent per year, significantly outpacing the rate of infiation and the median family income during that time. According to the American Council on Education, 10 years ago a year's tuition and other expenses at a private university averaged $8,350. Today that figure has more than doubled, to $17,530. During the same period, the price of a public university education increased more than 70 percent, from an average of $4,686 to $8,096. Rising college costs have driven increasing numbers of.students and their families to ask the big question: How does a family pay for all of this? "It's important to squash the notion that financial aid is only available to families that can prove serious financial need," says Larry Hough, President and Chief Executive Officer of Sallie Mae, a holder and,ser\'icer of guaranteed student loans. 'The need factor is important to obtain certain grants, scholarships and workstudy programs, but there are many places families at all income levels can tum to find the hinds necessary to pay for college. You just have to be diligent in search ing them out. " Getting Started Although the process may be daunting at first, there is a logical first step to applying for financial aid: As early as November of each year, students should obtain a federal financial aid application form from the financial aid office at the school thev are interested in attending, fill it out and submit it. The form requires the family's pre vious year's income statement, so it cannot be mailed before your employer provides that informa tion? usually early in January. schools award aid Because many on a firstcome, firstserved basis as a way of rationing the limited dollars they have to give, students should mail their forms as close to January 1 as possible. The application determines eligibility' for federal financial aid in the form of workstudy pro grams and grants, which do not have to be paid back, and loans, which do. Aid eligibility is based on family income but also on such factors as the number of family members attending college, the family's current circumstances such as a parent's recent job loss or major illness cost of the school. So a the total middleclass family with three children, attending private colleges might be ju.st as likely to receive aid as a family with similar earnings with one child at a lowercost institution. Sometime between March and May, most schools determine the level of aid each applicant will receive and the types of aid it will offer. Aid is presented to the student as a package. The package might be a combination of grants, workstudy opportunities, lowinterest (5 percent) Perkins loans.students the very neediest three of the more commonly awarded loans for 46

47 ^ r e a t u r e families without exceptional need: Stafford loans (currently 6.22 per cent), SLS loans for students (6.64 percent) or PLUS loans for parents (6.64 percent). Many schools also give their own funds from their endowments or other sources to you are likely to make. "With prepa ration as part of your decision, student loans shouldn't be impossible to pay back." Free Options varies from lender to lender, too, so it is worthwhile to shop around to find the lender that provides the best deal on student loans and the one that is most responsive customers. to its help students defray costs. But what if the school turns you down for needbased aid? Many families in this situation, or those who find that the aid package they received does not cover all their Before borrowing, Hough says, students should seek out scholar " ships and other sources of "free aid. There are literally thousands of scholarships available through national and local civic groups and Student Loan Shopping "When shopping for a student loan, families should consider a number of points: costs, make up the difference through student loans. Recently, Congress created the Unsubsidized Stafford loan, which is now avail able to students from families at all income levels. The difference between it and the needbased, or subsidized Stafford loan, is that interest that accrues on an unsubsi dized loan whue the student is in college must be paid, either during school or as part of the loan after finishing college. "With both the unsubsidized and subsidized Stafford loan, principal payment does not begin until a 6month grace period school. after the student leaves A second type of federallyguaranteed student loan is the PLUS loan for parents. PLUS loans allow parents of all income levels to borrow up to the total cost of their child's education, less any other financial aid received. Parents must begin repayment within 60 days of receiving the funds. A similar loan, the SLS loan (Supplemental Loan for Students), is available to indepen dent undergraduate and graduate students. To Borrow or Not to Borro"w "Stories of students graduating with huge debts should not keep one from carefully studying how to responsibly use credit to pay for college," says Hough. "First and foremost, students should borrow only after exhausting all other sources of aid available to them and borrow only what they need. If it is necessary to borrow, keep in mind your future payments and the salar>' businesses. The Gamma Phi Beta Foundation, for example, offers more than 40 scholarships and fellowships per year for undergraduate and graduate studies. Many scholarships are based on academic standing, athletic ability, community service or other criteria. Scholarship applications usually have deadlines, so students should begin their search riglit when they mail their aid application forms. Good sources for scholarship infor mation are college financial aid offices and scholarship directories available at local libraries. New software programs available in many high school libraries are another good source. Student loans are often used to supplement other sources of aid, or in many cases, they can be the student's chief source of financing. "If borrowing looks like your best option, the good news is that student loans in saw lower interest rates than they have in years. And there are a number of new repayment options available that make paying them back easier, especially when borrowers are just " starting their careers, says Hough. At the vast majority of schools, students obtain federal student loans through private lenders. (During the school year, approximately 5 percent of student loan volume will be available to students through their schools as part of the government's direct lending program.) "While student loan terms and conditions are set by law, many lenders offer their own repayment options beyond what is required. Customer service often How much flexibility will I have in repaying my loan? 9 What repayment options does the lender offer? # What level of customer service will 1 get? Will 1 get quick, accurate answers to my telephone inquiries or written correspondence? Are there tollfree numbers 1 can call after business hours? # Does the lender sell its student loans to a secondary market (an organization that buys and usually services student loans)? Personal Assistance Perhaps the best assistance fami lies can get in exploring financial aid options is to visit their college financial aid officer. FAAs have a wealth of resources that they regularly share with families. In addition, most schools offer parents and students information seminars on financial aid as part of freshman orientation. And more and more high schools are sponsoring finan cial aid fairs. The bottom line is, gather as much information as possi ble and apply for as many sources of aid as you can. You never know if you're eligible for aid until you apply. Editors Note: Allison Smythe (Northwestern) is a Senior Academic Service Representative for the Student Loan Marketing Association in Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois. The interest rates in this article were subject to change afterfuly I, Applications for Foundation scholarsliips and fellowships will be available January I, The deadline for applying is February 24, Chapters will receive applications in the January Foundation mailing. Members may also contact Lisa Hintze at international Headquarters, (303) for financial aid information.

48 In nke Changing with the Times It's time Gamma Phi Beta gets with the 90s! The headline on page 8 of the summer '94 Crescent is totally outdated. "Chairmen?!" How about using the term "chairwomen," "chairpersoncs)," or just "chair"? Like Cinda Keating Lucas' inside cover article quoted Bob Dylan "The Times They Are A Changing," let's change this outdated term. I think all Gamma Phis would agree. Thanks for listening. Debra Rikalo Cotter (Washington) Editor's note: A resolution voted on at Convention has changed our use of Chairman to Chairwoman. Kudos Many thanks and kudos to you for the very meaninghil article you wrote about my mother ["A Part of Our Heritage" by Marjy Shupert, Summer 1994], I'm sure her Heavenly tea cup shook just a bit as she looked down and felt surprised and pleased. And I have already heard from old friends who read it and decided to recon nect. Elizabeth DePrez (Oregon) I loved the back cover of the spring issue of The Crescent. It is nice coverage for the Foundation long overdue. It adds a lot of professionalism to the Foundation's efforts. Jennie K. Curtis (Northern Arizona) I am writing to you on behalf of Camp Titan, A.S.I., California State University, FuUerton 's only philanthropy. Camp Titan is a program that takes about 140 underprivileged children to a oneweek camping excursion at no cost to their families. During the week of April 1622, the Gamma Phi Beta Sorority of Cal State FuUerton, in conjunction with the other campus sororities and fraternities raised and donated more than $15,500. The money raised by these organizations will allow more than 60 children to go to camp this summer. Since 1969, Camp Titan has reached out to children in need with the help of Gamma Phi Beta. Thanks to the support ofthe individuals of your organization. Camp Titan has become a strong and successful program. We at Camp Titan would like to thank the Cal State FuUerton Chapter for its continued dedication and support during Sister Space Alpha Betas: Plan to attend UND Homecoming '95 and celebrate the 75th anniversary of Alpha Beta Chapter! Watch your mall for further information! Beta Gamma Hey Women of '81 '86, Where are you? There were 21 ot us at Convention. Thinking of you. Write or Call! JP 1764 Heron Ln. Mound MN (612) The Epsilon Gamma Chapter of Gamma Phi Beta from the University of San Diego is planning an October 1994, 10 Year Anniversary Gala. All members of the classes interested In getting together for a weekend of reminiscing are asked to conduct the chapter advisor, Julie Hart Lawson as soon as possible at Basswood A/e., Carlsbad, CA 92008; (619) Attention MinneapolisSt. Paul Gamma Phi Beta Alumnae! If you are interested in joining dynamic women al social events and philanthropies, or lust becoming reacquainted with all that Gamma Phi Beta has to offer, please call Teri Schatzle at Real Estate Services Interested In buying, selling or investing in a home in the Colorado Springs, Colorado area? Want to work with a professional, dedicated Realtor? Call Jennifer Bertrand, active Alpha Phi, for Gamma Phi Betaquality service! M&M Realty (719) Relocating to Southern California? Subletting furnished one bedroom apartment at the beach in Santa Monica. Summer Call Cindy (310) To place an ad in Sister Space, simply fouow these guidelines: 1. Submit your typed ad by mail, to Intemational The seniors of Gamma Tau Chapter (St. Louis University) enjoyed a Senior Appreciation Dessert organized by We are ver>' lucky to have such wonderful and strong alumnae support in the St. Louis area. We love out St. Louis Alumnae Chapter. They have helped to make our Gamma Tau Chapter so successful! Jill "Vonderhaar (St. Louis) St. Louis Alumnae. the past 26 years. Their efforts truly deserve recognition and praise. Alison Robertson Camp Titan Director Headquarters, attn; Sister Space, Gamma, Phi Beta Sorority, E. Euclid Dr., Englewood, CO Ads must be submitted by The Crescent deadhnes listed on the Contents page. 3. Checks must accompany the ads. The fee is $.50 per word per issue. 4. Ads are limited to 75 words. 5 The Crescent reserves the right to edit, limit or refuse ads. 6. No display ads, artwork or photographs will be accepted. 7. Gamma Phi Beta is not responsible for handling responses to ads. Ads must include an address or phone number for responses. 48 Fall 1994

49 $24, ^ ML/USG illio $32iO J $3.60 $34,50 38J J.O. 1.SR/366C 2. SR/135G 3. SR/531G 4. SR/731G 5. BR/OlG SR;803C Signet Signet Signet Pierced MiniMonogram PinOn Badge Ring* Sislerhood (not luuslraied) 'Badges not included. Fits all adsling badges. Pins 23. MG/UG 24. a/25g 25. MP/G 26. CB/G 27. CG/G 28. SP/02VG 29. SP/CrescentG SP/1896G 30. SP/CrestG Symbol ^V 17. SL/40G Crescent Monogram Crest Mother's Pin Crescent Collar Button Crest GuardEnameled Vert. Monogram Stick Pin Crescent Stick Pin 1896 Monogram Stick Pin (Not illustrated) Crest StKk Pin Co. lok GOLD lok WHITE STERLING KASE GOLD GOLD SILVER $33.35 $120J $ i JO $ GOLD GOLD Kig. STERLING KASE FILLED GOLD SILVER $10J ni5 $ 7.75 $ $ Lavalier Charms J GOLD GOLD GOLD lok STERLING PLATE KASE FILLED GOLD SIL\'ER ^r 18. SL/58<; 18% Monogram llio V 19. p SL/37G CiescentEnamel W 20. FCP/IO&O Founder's Crest $ ^^fil (Not illustrated), i _ 21. PC/12G Paddle Charm f SC/G Script Charm SB/6frG Crescent Bracelet (Not illustrated) Lavalier Charms. _ $21.85 _ _ 3.60 lok lok GOLD GOLD lok WHTTE STERLING GOLD GOLD lok WHITE STERLING KASE FILLED GOLD GOLD SILVER KASE FILLED GOLD GOLD SILVER 1 Stapered Monogram 6. ML/02VG Vertical Monogram $ 8,05 $11,80 with Cultured Pearl $ ML/02SG Staggered Monogram ML/33DG 3D Extra Heavy ML/12G Heart Monogram 11, ML/15G Mini Monogram ML/09G Circle Monogram CC/07G Crest LavaUer ML/14MG Sculptured Lavalier C/OlG 18" Chain BP/G PinOn Badge Pendant' $ 'Badges not included. Fits all existing badges. Pendants cinr( wilb 26' gf endless chain. Optional 18 Gold Filled or Sterling Silveineclcchaim(C/01G)available. Sec above. Order Form For r<^b on. TTEM NO SIZE/ DESCRIPTION PRICE EACH TOTAL D Check Enclosed Price (Tbtal of Above) $ n Monqj Order Sales Tax (1L& MO Only) 8.75% $ Greek name and letters for chapter MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: Gamma Phi Beta Jewelry DIRECT ORDERS TO: Gamma Phi Beta Intemational Headquarters Dept NBJ E. EucUd IWve Englewood, CO Postage Handling & Insurance (Min. $3.25) 6% of Total $ TOIAL $ Clip foim, place in stamped envelope and mail to Gamma Phi Beta Sororitty, E. Euclid Drive, Englewood CO ; (FAX) Maiden Name CHANGE OF ADDRESS OR NAME REPLY New name if different from the label: Last First Chapter.Middle Spouse's first name U Check here if change of address is for other than addressee. Entire NEW address: Street Phone. Q Check here if you currently hold any volunteer position in Gamma Phi Beta. Q Check here if you would like to be a TranSISter. City Member * (from label)_ State Zip_ Former Address:

50 Memorial Gifts Elizabeth Trever Baker Mary Lou Lindsay Stutsman Nancy G. Trever Mar}' E. "Betty" Bartholomew A.P. BartholomewJr. Marabelle Bashill (Mother of Charlene Porter, Administrative Assistant at Intemational Headquarters) Sandra Rettke Nauman Marjoty Mills Shupert Jolene Lessard Stiver John C. Buckingham (Husband ofsharon Fisher Buckingham) Melba Quick Spurrier Virginia Allmand Haass Charlotte Hamilton Mason Mary Ann Haliburton Phyllis Baker Kr legal Melba Quick Spurrier Dr. Sue M. Hall Jennie K Curtis Grace Hammarstrom Nancy Hall Pcttvka Jeanne Loiifs Henry Hasten Marilyn Lee Goad Judith Benthaus Ingersoll Carole Hermann Vissering Sally Erikson Lewis Rosalie and Albert Morey Glen Herstine (Father of B. Mae Sage (Mother of Kathleen Sage) Tucson Alumnae Chapter Betty Skaggs Vinall Laura Ball Schaper Louise Heinlein Bacchus Jean Courter Smith Karen Hollars Shepherd Luella Jo Buckley Stringer Anna Balzer Rothrock Dorothy Potter Swindell Dorothy Potter Benjamin Jeanine Potter Boivman Carol Saalivaechter Etleen Alice Teahan Kansas University House Directors Walter M. Schroeder Mr. & Mrs. Calvin B. Smith Mr. Samuel B. Smith Mary Lou Lindsay Stutsman Thomas & Elizabeth Taylor Dorothy Vann Vemon Tuscaloosa Crescent Circle Claire Casady Wagner and Jack Wagner Lubbock Alumnae Chapter Sandra Rettke Nauman Aimee Thomas Williams Louisa WTjite Riggs Helen Holbrook Tunstall Ardis Wisner Delphinefohnston Andrews Tobi Marie Burkhart Columbus Ohio Alunmae Chapter Cynthia Chapman Colvin Beatrice Watson Dfesner (Mother of Helen Dfesner Kuckens) South Peninsula Alumnae Chapter NeJat Ezal (Son of Anne Woodard Ezal) Kern County Panhellenic Natalie Marie Fitzpatrick Alpha Xi Chapter Lyle Gamel (Father of Karen Gamel Urette) Sandra Rettke Nauman Sally Harris) Sheila Robert Magnuson Mary Millsom Higdon State College Pennsylvania Alumnae Chapter Annette Gross Johannsen Frances Koblegard Harcus Margaret Virginia Johnson Tuscaloosa Alumnae Chapter Virginia TanzeyJordan Sue Ann Wiltse Fagerberg Ernestine Dobler ivicdonald DorothyJ. O'Sullivan Audrey Weldon Shafer Beverly Ann Matheson William G. Matheson Kay A. Calkins Thigpen Betsy Ankeny Lyle Margaret D. Towsley (Mother of Lynn Towsley White) Ann Mullen Bronsing Barbara A. Endres Karen Wander Kline Randy Stevens Jolene Lessard Stiver Magnes Welsh Barbara Missert Wessel Nadine Smith Verge (Mother ofjanene Verge Ferguson) Cynthia Sieling Ardell Rick & Jacquie Arnold Wayne & Christine Blackburn Mr. & Mrs. Donald Nuss Key: In Memory of Given by Donations in memory of friends, sisters and loved ones may be sent to the Gamma Phi Beta Foundation, E. Euclid Dr., Englewood, CO If you would like a card sent in recognition of your memorial gift, please include a family member's name and address. Dr. Albea Godbold (Father Elizaeth Woller Mr. & Mrs. Bart Hackley ofmargaret Godbold Briscoe) Patricia McGahey Henderson Kendra Green (Daughter of Sharon Green) Momingstar Marion Kaeser Piper Helen Lamar Nelson Maigaret Elise Moss Neeld, M.D. James & Velma Emmi Charles & Mildred Ferguson Janene Verge Ferguson & Family Barbara & L. Peniston Garner Dr. & Mrs. Jack B. Larson JennieK Curtis Margaret Scott Griffiths Marion Kaeser Piper Grace Bergan Palmer Jean Leeby Callahan Cinda Keating Lucas Jean Nitchman & the Nitchman Family Arthur & Charlotte A. Patch LauraJoslyn Robertson Delphine Johnston Andrews C.Jeffrey & Paidaf. Patch Catherine Sieling Salmon SO Fall 1994

51 In Memoriam ALPHA Charlotte More Meloney, '15 BETA Jana Kaler Smith, '63 GAMMA Virginia Buswell Abbott, '29 Mary Bossort, '32 EPSILON Anne Hinrichs Robinson, '32 Henrietta Dies Combs,* '34 MaryAageson Brink, '59 ZETA Charlotte Sprenkel, '15 THETA Jo Anne Aspinall Flora, '51 Edith Kennedy Wilson, '30 Jacqueline Reid Webster, '48 LyyiBDA Dorothy Havens Smalllng, '31 Kathryn Callow Wandel, '27 PSI Phyllis Burt Grubb, '26 Dorothy Thompson Tidwell, '20 ALPHA DELTA Gladys Danielson Simpson, '21 ALPHA EPSILON Camilla Dalgleish McDonald, '22 ALPHA ZETA Fannie Eisenlohr Twichell, '26 Mary Smith Haliburton, '59 ALPHA ETA Katharine M. Whitney, '25 ALPHA THETA Grace Weller Powers, '24 Vallie Smith Miller, '25 Dorothy Rich, '31 ALPHA IOTA Elizabeth Trever Baker, '34 BETA CHI Eleanor Eaton Carr, '58 GAMMA ALPHA Allene Brown Dienna, '58 * ** Merit Service The Sororit}' appreciates the return of a deceased members badge, when possible, so that it might be preserved in our archives. MU Marjorie Sands Freyermuth, '36 Virginia Tanzey Jordan,* '29 NU Anne Roberts Holzschuh, '20 Gertrude Livermore Heusner,** '17 ALPHA LAMBDA Geraldine Whittaker Vanderlinde, '28 Mary McGregor Boulter, '48 ALPHA TAU Beverly Robertson Matheson, '46 XI Gustava Bamhart Seeber, '21 OMICRON Dorothy Potter Swindell, '43 Helen Sieferman Kammlade, '45 Olive Bamicoat Ruehe, '44 SIGMA Roberta Cook Anschuetz, '36 TAU Adrian 'Vanmatre Fuhr, '52 ALPHA PHI Jean Jenkins Johnson, '41 Marianna L. Wintz, '48 Mary Sevier Osbom, '33 ALPHA OMEGA Marion Turner Clark, '36 BETA ALPHA Ann Springer Haile, '61 Nadine Smith Verge, '40 BETA DELTA Elayne Fishleigh Bramwell, 'A4 Wliile riding her bicycle to Woodstock last August, Leslie Kempa (Colgate) shown here third from the left with her pledge sisters, tragically fell and was killed by a tmck. Leslie's pledge sister, Alison Paijit (far right) remembers her sister: Leslie was a free spirit She lived each day of her life to thefidlest. She was a true and constant friendl She was a cherished sister due to her unyielding generosity and neverending concern. We will never forget this young woman who taught us so much about life through example. PHI Hortense Stone Hackbarth, '28 CHI Margaret Wasner Anderson, '34 BETA ETA Jara Viscardi Heimessy, '68 Jeanne Henry Hasten, '56 BETA PI Helen Newton, '52 The Crescent 51

52 650% EvanstonNorth Carnation Award winners: The Carnation award is given at Convention to recognize members whose outstanding achievements in fields outside the Sorority have brought them regional or national honor or great distinction. COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARD Princeton, New Jersey Alumnae CRESCENT CIRCLE AWARD BartlesviUe, Oklahoma Crescent Circle Marian Crittenden Bergeson (UCLA), Senator ThirtyFifth District Califomia State Senate Helen Andrews Guthrie (Westem Ontario), Nutrition Professor Pennsylva nia State University Mary Jean Lauvetz Hart (Nebraska), CTiairman for the National Catholic Committee for Girls Scouts and Camp Fire Girls Katherine Busboom Magrath (Iowa St.), Founding Partner and Chief Investment Officer ValueQuest Ltd. Louisa White Riggs (Maryland), President and CEO Damascus Fuel Com pany and Riggs Transportation Service Tampa Bay Alumnae win the Hall of Fame Award. Donna Wolf Steigerwaldt (Colorado College), Chairman of the Board and CEO Jockey International, Inc. HALL OF FAME AWARD This award is given as special Alumnae Awards ALUMNAE PANHELLENIC COOPERATION AND PARTICIPATION AWARD Glen Ellyn, Illinois Alumnae South Bay, California Alumnae recognition for a consistently superior level of activity covering more than 10 years of service, participation, philanthropy, efficiency and collegiate/alumnae relations. Winner: Tampa Bay Area, Florida Alvunnae ALUMNAE PANHELLENIC LEADERSHIP AWARD Houston, Texas Alumnae BEATRICE LOCKE HOGAN AWARD Gloria Nelson Dallas, Texas Alumnae Polly Haliday Illinois Alumnae Shore, The Tampa Bay Area Alumnae Chapter, only 1 3 years old, has eamed this highest alumnae chapter award by consistently enjoying growth and sister hood among its members, and by providing support to Intemational Gamma Phi Beta, the Foundation, numerous collegiate chapters, the Alumnae Panhellenic and the Tampa Helen Andrews Guthrie, Western Ontario iiiitfsf^liiim S9m' ^^^^m mk^^wm ^S^^ \ ^^^W\ '. 1; ; Donna Wolf Steigerwaldt, Colorado College Senator Marian Crittenden Bergeson, UCLA Katherine Busboom Magrath, Iowa State CHICAGO AWARD FOR SISTERHOOD Miami, Florida Alumnae CLARA WORDEN AWARD for the greatest annual percent increase in duespaying members Winner: San Francisco Alumnae 157% increase in duespaying members Winner: Pomona, Califomia Alumnae increase in duespaying members community. Its proud members have served as intemational officers, including Intemational Council; planned and executed a wonderful Convention; and have supported Camp Sechelt, as well as the Children's Home Society and the Spring shelter for battered women and their children. They have participated in all of Gamma Phi Beta's services, such as SisterLink and TranSISter; served as officers and participated in all of the activities of the Tampa Bay Panhellenic Association; attended all leadership conferences 52 Fall 199

53 Cresce M^M: 53.. and Conventions; and provided PACE programming, such as group dynamics, financial planning, hurricane prepared ness and museum tours. The chapter's reporting efficiency and programming excellence over the past 10 years have earned it the Circle of Excellence from In , it achieved the highest Diamond Circle. During this biennium it has been in the Pearl and Diamond Circles. It also won both the Labor and Loyalty awards at the Province Vlllb Leadership Conference. NEWSLETTER AWARD Denver Alumnae Tau Chapter representativesfrom Colorado State University. OUTSTANDING ALUMNAE CHAPTER SERVICE AWARD Greater Kansas City Alumnae OVERALL EXCELLENCE IN MAGAZINE SALES EvanstonNorth Shore, Illinois Alunuiae PACE AWARD Denver, Colorado Alumnae SCRAPBOOK AWARD Greater Kansas City Alumnae SPECIAL GIRL AWARD Diablo Valley, Califomia Alumnae The Crescent A^vards EDITOR'S AWARD FOR EXCEPTIONAL CONTRIBUTIONS Laura Gray Allen (Bowling Green) MOST CONSISTENT REPORTING San Diego, Califomia Alumnae Collegiate Awards MARY A. BINGHAM AWARD given in recognition of overall chapter excellence in rush, scholarship, pledge, ritual, PACE, efficiency in reporting, Panhellenic participation, campus and community activities, philanthropic activities, collegiate/al umnae relations, campus standing and quality of leadership. Winner: Delta Delta (Califomia StateFullerton) Delta Delta has consistently made quota and been above total; they largest sorority at FuUerton and have are the maintained that distinction for the entire biennium. They are in the forefront of risk management areas on campus; their commitment was demonstrated when they walked out of an exchange in which the fraternity involved was serving from a hidden keg during the party. They have fully implemented all of the chapter programming in the biennium with creativity and success. Programming, leadership, Panhellenic participation and community service are all exemplary. Members are currently challenging themselves to improve their scholarship even though they still maintain a grade point average above both the all women's and au sorority averages. E. ADELINE CURTIS AWARD presented in recognition of consistency of excellence in the Five Standards of Membership, through the demonstra tion of sisterhood, friendship, cordiality, concern and consideration of others. Winner: Alpha Lambda (University of British Columbia) This chapter exists on a large, commuter, nongreek campus; members do not live close to campus, yet they manage to maintain a very positive image on campus and are a favorite visit for collegiate leadership consultants and province collegiate directors. They open their apartments, homes and frequently, their parents' homes, to each other and their visitors. Quoting from a recent report, "They are polished women and are great representatives of Gamma Phi Beta. All ofthe chapter members work each other well together and. support I was sorry I was not staying longer." Chapter members consistently exhibit the five standards of membership and are being recognized to Gamma Phi Beta's ideals. for their commitment FRANCES E. HAVEN AWARD presentedfor outstanding improvement in all areas of chapter life. Winner: Tau (Colorado State University) During the biennium Tau Chapter has experienced significant growth ship, recognition of accountability in leader for the their actions, internal and external public relations, maturity in decision making and awareness ofthe "big picture". They have aggressively handled standards and disciplinary matters while promoting numerous events to improve sisterhood, relations and selfimage. They have used events with faculty, administration, house directors on campus, letter days and involvement in campus organizations and activities to improve their "social/party" image to that of a more diverse, wellrounded group of vibrant sorority women. In addition, alumnae relations have improved measurably since the chapter acquired a supportive advisory board and many new house corporation board members. Both boards have significantly improved working relations with Tau Chapter. MCCORMICK MEDALLION for outstanding participation in campus, community and philanthropic activities, and activities and honors of individual members. (Under 12,000): Epsilon (Northwestern University) Ganuna Tau (St. Louis University) (Over 12,000): Beta Epsilon (Miami University, Ohio) Beta Mu (Florida State University) HELEN M. DODGE AWARD given for outstanding guidance and support of a collegiate chapter by an advisor. Winner: Julie TraU, Xi (University of Idaho) Both Julie and the chapter have been consistently recognized on campus for outstanding support and overall chapter excellence. During the past biennium, Julie has assisted the chapter with the death of a current member (in a forest

54 54 Fall 1994 fire), an accident involving injury of another sororitn's pledge due to alcohol consumption which caused media and administration scnitiny of the Greek system, a meeting of national representa tives of all Greek groups on campus and systemwide formulation and adoption of a campus alcohol policy. She is also serving as advisor to the Panhellenic Judiciar)' committee and has been consistently reported as an out.standing advisor by every collegiate leadership consultant and province collegiate director visiting the chapter. OUTSTANDING ADVISORY BOARD Sigma (University of Kansas) COl.LEG L\TE/ALl IMNAE REIATIONS AWARD EpsUon Pi ((ieorgc Mason University)/ Northern Virginia Alumnae MOST IMPROVED COLLEGIATE/ ALUMNAE REIATIONS AWARD EpsUon Delta (Creighton University)/ Omaha, Nebraska Alumnae NEWSLETTER TO ALUMNAE Delta Phi (Bakersfield) EFFICIENCY AWARD Alpha EpsUon (University of Arizona) HOUSE CORPORATION BOARD EFFICIENCY AWARD Beta Kappa House Corporation Board (Arizona State University) HOUSE C:0RP0RAT10N/C0LLEGL\TE RELATIONS AWARD Beta Alpha (University of Southem (;alifornia)/beta Alpha House Corporation Board MOST IMPROVED HOUSE CORPORATION BOARD/C;OLLEGL^TE REIA'l IONS AWARD Alpha Xi (Southern Methodist University)/Alpha Xi House (Corporation Board OVERALL EXCELLENCE IN MA(iAZINE SALES First Place: Beta Psi (Oklahoma State University) Second Place: Psi (Universit)' of Oklahoma) OVERALL PACE PROGRAMMING AWARD Xi (liniversit)' of Idaho) PACE NK;HT PROCiRAM AWARD Delta Delta (Califomia State I 'niversit\ FuUerton) Sigma Chapter. University of Kansas Outstanding Advisors. LILLIAN THOMPSON AWARD Presented to an individual ivho exemplifies Greek system and the community. Panhellenic ideals to the LesUe Little (Beta Psi, Oklahoma State University) PANHELLENIC PARTICIPATION AND LEADERSHIP AWARD Gamma Eta (Califomia State UniversityLong Beach) PANHELLENIC SPIRIT AWARD EpsUon Zeta (Jacksonville University) COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARD Theta (Universit)' of Denver) POLIACK AWARD for contributions toward special camping for girls. Beta Psi (Oklahoma State University) Alpha Phi (Colorado College) SPECIAL GIRL AWARD for quality and quantity of chapter support in regard to special camping for girls. Alpha Phi (Colorado College) EXCELLENCE IN PLEDGE PRO(iRAMMlN(; AWARD given in recognition ofpositive, innova tive pledge meetings and programs. This includes absence of hazing, high pledge retention, effective use ofkrop, efficiency in reporting, effective use of Lifetime Membership Manual and local information, and well organized, thoughtftil Inspiration Week plans. Winner: Alpha Nu (Wittenburg University) The.strength of the Alpha Nu Chapter pledge program is based on the chapter's positive, warm and welcoming attitude toward their pledges. Pledge meetings are brief (no more than an hour) and consist of Gamma Phi Beta information, leaming.songs and meetings with chapter officers. The chapter has also taken a strong, proactive stand agal^^>t hazing by educating both the initiated members and the pledges with each pledge class. An active KROP (Keep Rushing Our Pledges) program throughout the duration of the pledge period, incorporates the pledges activities and insures that into chapter members and pledges become wellacquainted during the pledge period. Inspiration Week is a positive finish to the pledging period and initiated members, new and old, look forward to beginning the process again after the next rushing period. MOST IMPROVED PUBLIC RELATIONS AWARD Xi (University of Idaho) OUTSTANDING ADMINISTRATION/ FACULTY RELATIONS AWARD EpsUon (Northwestem University) OUTSTANDING PUBLIC RELATIONS AWARD EpsUon Delta (Creighton University) MOST IMPROVED RUSH AWARD Eta (University of CaliforniaBerkeley) chanc;ellor e. o. haven award for the highest chapter grade point averagefor the biennium. Omicron (University of Illinois) SCHOIASTIC EXCELLENCE AWARD EpsUon (Northwestem University) Eta (University of CaliforniaBerkeley) Theta (University of Denver) Xi (llniversity of Idaho) Pi (University of NebraskaLincoln) Alpha Nu (Wittenburg University) Alpha UpsUon (Pennsylvania State University) Beta EpsUon (Miami University) Beta Mu (Florida State University) Beta Omicron (Oklahoma Cit\' University) Gamma EpsUon (University of Puget Sound) Delta Mu (Rutgers University) EpsUon Delta (Creighton University) EpsUon Mu (Loyola University) EpsUon Xi (Rhodes College) MOST IMPROVED SCHOLARSHIP AWARD EpsUon Alpha (I^Salle llniversity) Alpha Alpha (University of Toronto) SCRAPBOOK AWARD Alpha EpsUon (University of Arizona) MOST CONSISTENT REPORTING AWARD Beta Gamma (Bowling Universit)') Green State

55 ' A^ 0 G r Gifls have been given to the Gamma Phi Beta Foundation in celebration of Sisterhood To Judy Nesbitt McMahon for her love and dedication when we were collegians from Cari Burich and Michelle Mazure Hardy. To Epsilon Xi, Epsilon Sigma, Epsilon Upsilon, Epsilon Psi, Epsilon Omega, Zeta Alpha, Zeta Beta, and Zeta Gamma from New Chapter Directors, Chris Amos and Carol Caruso. To celebrate 70 years of sisterhood from Alpha Iota Chapter. To Jeanne Cramer O'Brien to celebrate her aesthetic pursuits on our behalf from the Syracuse Alumnae Chapter. Thirty years of sisterhood and friend ship with my Psi sister Margaret Pape from Ann Ross. Thank you Janet Crowe for your devo tion to the Beta Lambda Chapterfirst as a pledge advisor and for the past three advisor. You have set a years as chapter wonderful example for our collegians from Barbara McKewen. To Edie Bixel for 1 3 years of dedicated service as our Panhellenic representative including service as President of Panhel lenic from the San Diego Alumnae Chapter. Barbara Missert Wessel's dedication to (iamma Phi and a special thanks for her work on the Endowment Loan Board from the Syracuse Alumnae Chapter. For Janet Crowe's service to the Beta Lambda House Corporation Board as vice president in charge of house and grounds and more recently representing the collegians as chapter advisor from the Beta Lambda House Corporation Board. To Cele Eifert for all of her contribu tions to the Tampa Bay Area Alumnae Group of state from Bette Bartow Newberger. and best wishes as she moves out Teresa Neilson 's outstanding work as Financial Advisor to our collegians at San Diego State University from the San Diego Alumnae Chapter. In honor of Barbara HurtSimmons, Janet Whitcomb, and Audrey Shafer's outstanding work in extension during the biennium from Linda Malony. The women of South Carolina who have dedicated their time and energy to organizing the Lowcountry Alumnae Chapter and the Columbia Crescent Circle from Lisa Hiles. Thank you to the Chicago Northwest Suburban Alumnae Chapter during my last two years as president for all your help, support and sisterhood; the Chicago Alumnae Chapter who gave me the opportunity and to Bonnie Jelinek who started it all from Laurel P. Batka. To Lisa Hiles for all she has done for our alumnae chapter from the Atlanta Alumnae Chapter. To Janet Crowe for being a devoted, successful, inspirational chapter advisor to Beta Lambda as well as being member of the San Diego Alumnae an active Chapter from the San Diego Alumnae Chapter. Barbara HurtSimmons for doing an outstanding job of mnning the conces sions at the Senior PGA Golf Toumament from the Atlanta Alumnae Chapter. Congratulations To the Princeton Area, Philadelphia North Suburban, Philadelphia West Suburban, and State College Alumnae Chapters for eaming the Diamond Circle of Excellence Award and to the New Jersey Metro Aliunnae Chapter for eaming the Pearl Cirle of Excellence Award from Doris B. Gorden, Province II Alumnae Director. Sharon Dunham's election as Alumnae Vice President from the Province Alumnae Directors A "job well done" to Laurel P. Batka who served as the President of the Chicago Suburban Alumnae Chapter from Sally Lewis. The initiation of Alpha Gamma legacies Kathleen Graham, Emily Nash, Jamie Purcel and Amy Wilson from the Reno Aliminae Chapter. In honor of the 60th wedding anniver sary of my Sorority daughter, Mildred Leritz Worthy and James C. Worthy from Jean Summers Smith. Helena Schwassberger Hartig's new position as Sales & Leasing Associate at Nooney Krombach in St. Louis from Barbara Wessel. My daughter Jennifer's initiation into Zeta Beta Chapter, University of Virginia, from Ann Vandemark Butler. To the Harrisburg Area Alumnae Chap ter for it's installation from the Princeton Alumnae Chapter, Philadelphia West Suburban Alumnae Chapter, Philadelphia North Suburban Alumnae Chapter, and the State College Alumnae Chapter. Nina Bonnet being honored as outstanding alumnae advisor by Rutger's University Panhellenic from Barbara Wessel. Births and Birthdays The birth of a.son, James Henry, to Linda Drevno from Barbara Wessel and Magnes Welsh. The birth of Beth Kimble's son, Alexander Cole Kimble, bom Feb. 12, 1994 from Tia Zotto DeMaria. Virginia Steiger Rhoden s new legacy, Brooke Ashley, from Godmother Linda S. Babcock. Hank & Pam Prieb Reed's new baby girl, Nicole Elizabeth, bom June 18th, from Stephanie Hearn. Vesta Voss' 80th birthday Endres Spengemann. from Ellen The birth of our daughter, Katherine Maria Russell from Ellie Wurster Russell. Cele Eifert's newbom son, Robert Charles Eifert, bom April 20, 1994, from Bette Bartow Newberger. All the Alpha Gamma births this past year: sons to Kieran Kalt and Cat Simmons and daughters to Debbie Gallatti and Rebecca Oberg from the Reno Alumnae Chapter. The birth ofjana Seale Laurence's daughter, Lisa, from C. Christine BoyettThompson. >nima Phi Beta 4<^1 Ky/^^ ^'"'e^^ ^"^r 55

56 L

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