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3 380 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK HORACE STERN 2 Philadelphia SELIGMAN J. STRAUSS 2 Wilkes-Barre CYRUS L. SULZBERGER! New York HON. MAYER SULZBERGER 1 Philadelphia A. LEO WEIL ' Pittsburgh JULIUS S. WEYL 1 Philadelphia EDWIN WOLF ' Philadelphia HONORARY VICE-PRESIDENTS ISAAC W. BERNHEIM l Louisville REV. DR. HENRY COHEN 2 Galveston Louis K. GUTMAN ' Baltimore REV. DR. MAX HELLER 3 New Orleans S. W. JACOBS 2 Louis E. KIRSTEIN 2 Montreal Boston JULIAN W. MACK 2 New York REV. DR. MARTIN A. MEYER 2 San Francisco SIMON W. ROSENDALE 3 Albany MURRAY SEASONGOOD ' Cincinnati M. C. SLOSS ' San Francisco SIGMUND B. SONNEBORN 3 Baltimore REV. DR. JOSEPH STOLZ 3 Chicago SIMON WOLF 2 Washington PUBLICATION COMMITTEE HON. MAYER SULZBERGER, Chairman Philadelphia DR. CYRUS ADLER Philadelphia REV. DR. HENRY BERKOWITZ Philadelphia DR. S. SOLIS COHEN Philadelphia DR. HERBERT FRIEDENWALD Washington FELIX N. GERSON Philadelphia DR. JACOB H. HOLLANDER Baltimore RABBI JACOB KOHN New York REV. DR. J. L. MAGNES New York DR. MAX L. MARGOLIS Philadelphia DR. ALEXANDER MARX New York LEON S. MOISSEIFF New York REV. DR. DAVID PHILLIPSON Cincinnati DR. A. S. W. ROSENBACH Philadelphia REV. DR. H. G. ENELOW New York HORACE STERN : Philadelphia OSCAR S. STRAUS New York SAMUEL STRAUSS New York HENRIETTA SZOLD New York 1 Term expires in 1923.! Term expires in ' Term expires in 1925.

4 JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 381 DR. CYRUS ADLER, Chairman REV. DR. H. G. ENELOW DR. LOUIS GINZBERG REV. DR. KAUFMAN KOHLER DR. JACOB 2. LAUTERBACH DR. HENRY MALTER DR. ALEXANDER MARX REV. DR. F. DE SOLA MENDES REV. DR. DAVID PHILIPSON REV. DR. SAMUEL SCHULMAN HON. MAYER SULZBERGER JEWISH CLASSICS COMMITTEE Philadelphia New York New York New York Cincinnati Philadelphia New York New York Cincinnati New York Philadelphia The Board of Trustees meets in January, March, May, and October. The Publication Committee meets in the afternoon of the first Sunday in January, February, March, April, May, June, October, November, and December.

5 THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY OF AMERICA The Annual Meeting of the Jewish Publication Society of America was held on Sunday evening, March 26,1922, at the Dropsie College for Hebrew and Cognate Learning, Philadelphia, Pa. The President of the Society, Mr. Simon Miller, acted as Chairman, and Mr. I. George Dobsevage, of Philadelphia, as Secretary. The President read the following report of the Society's activities: THE PRESIDENT'S ADDRESS A generation ago the Jewish population of America numbered about 300,000. It had its fair proportion of Jewish institutions of worship, of learning, and of social service, also a reasonable number of students, scholars, and authors. When these scholars and writers wished to publish their literary output, they either paid for it themselves or occasionally secured a publisher for a small edition. It was left to that enthusiastic group of sturdy Jews who gathered in this city in 1888 to create an organization for "the publication and dissemination of literary, scientific, and religious works, giving instruction in the principles of the Jewish religion and in Jewish history and literature." Before the Society's existence there had been a number of learned works issued by such scholars as Leeser, Kohut, Jastrow, Szold, Samuel Hirsch, and Wise, while a small number of pseudo-scholars and writers of Jewish miscellanies flou-

6 JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 383 rished without great injury to Jewish literature, for their books found a very small market. These individual efforts, even of the worthy kind, lacked in definiteness of purpose as well as in the scope of the appeal to the general public. With the establishment of the Jewish Publication Society, there arose in America not only a publisher of books of merit but a great distributing agency as well. It is hard to estimate what the progress of Jewish literature in America might have been had the society not been established. Certain it is that some of the writings of Graetz, Dubnow, Karpeles, Abrahams, Radin, Philipson, Greenstone, Jacobs, Bentwich, Malter, Margolis, Halper, Lazarus, Schechter, Wolfenstein, Isaacs, Perez, and Zangwill, would either not have appeared at all or would never have reached so many thousands of readers. The Society has issued more than 120 books, and has distributed more than a million and three-quarters copies of these publications. These figures by no means represent the numbers who have read our books, nor the influence they have had in educating the Jew to know himself or in creating an intelligent public opinion. Authoritative books on Jewish history, Jewish religion, Jewish literature, and Jewish thought were needed, not only for self-instruction but to present to the world the facts of Jewish history, religion, literature, and thought. With due modesty, we may proclaim that no educational society in the world, certainly no Jewish society, has accomplished so much. We have done this work without having been adequately supported by our community. For thirty years the Society tried to supply three or four books a year to its members on an income from membership

7 384 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK dues barely sufficient to pay the cost of revising manuscripts, editing them, seeing them through the press, and paying for their production and distribution. Owing to the financial crisis brought about by the war and the consequent readjustment, even a five-dollar membership is not enough to meet the expenses. For a long time we have been running short in our finances, but particularly so since the war. Last year we appealed to the American Jews to help us raise a Sustaining Fund of $200,000, which would not only pay our debts but place the Society in a position where it could with the necessary capital carry on more than a hand-tomouth existence. This fund is essential, not only to meet the heavy indebtedness but to bring to fruition the large projects which are necessitated by the increasing demands of a population that has risen from three hundred thousand of a generation ago to over three millions. Moreover, a group that numbers three millions certainly requires a greater literary output than has been rendered thus far, and its budget must include not only money for the relief of sufferers abroad and the amelioration of physical discomfort at home, but must also supply the spiritual food, without which the body cannot thrive and the soul cannot function. Shall we cease spreading Jewish knowledge? Shall our boys and girls have no Jewish Bibles, no Jewish histories, and no Jewish literature to inspire them to be better Jews? Had not these questions been answered affirmatively, the New Translation of the Bible a version by Jews for Jews Graetz's "History of the Jews," Dubnow's "History of the Jews in Russia and Poland," Lazarus' "Ethics," and the essays by Schechter and Ahad Ha-'am, and the list of worthy books by worthy authors too long to be mentioned,

8 JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 385 would not have seen the light of day. If we are to cease spreading Jewish knowledge, we must cease at once the work on the Jewish Classics; stop the progress of the Jewish Commentaries on the Bible; cancel our arrangements for the preparation of biographies of celebrities; discontinue the books dealing with the movements in Judaism and the many manuals on the Bible. If we are to cease spreading Jewish knowledge, we ought to scrap the New Hebrew Press, which promises to make America the centre for the finest Hebrew printing of our sacred literature. Shall we stop combating prejudice? Racial and religious prejudice must not be allowed to take root in the free soil of America. If we are to impress our neighbors favorably, they must learn that we are the bearers of something worth preserving. To gain the respect of our neighbors we must learn to respect ourselves as Jews, and this can only come through a knowledge of Jewish history, religion, and literature. Through its books the Society has helped to produce a cultured Jewry and sympathetic public. Jewish literature not only reveals the Jew to the Jew, but the Jew to the Gentile. Jewish books should be in the hands of American statesmen, legislators, editors, teachers, clergymen, and leaders of business and public opinion. Shall we discontinue our contributions to Americanism and Jewish ideals? Shall thirty-four years of sacred service be ended now for lack of funds? Among all denominations, shall the Jews be the only people whose literature is inaccessible to themselves? Shall the Jewish Publication Society of America, with its great record of service, live or die? We require the $200,000 to help distribute the Bible; disseminate information about Jews and Judaism; encourage

9 396 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK she would give the matter consideration because she had often felt "an ancestral thrill." There is in the work of many of these Jewish geniuses little evidence of even "an ancestral thrill." What has been the result of our policy of neglecting to learn to know ourselves, and instead of devoting our time and attention and thought in our efforts so to comport ourselves as to win the approval of our Christian neighbors? Having placed ourselves in the attitude of apologists, our neighbors have been only too willing to accept us at our own valuation, and they have called upon us and are still calling upon us to furnish adequate explanation, and even excuse, for our continued existence. And this is not confined to the rabble, the ignorant, and the depraved among them. Never in the history of our people has anti-semitism been more prevalent. Never has it been more virulent and destructive. Not only in the backward countries where superstition and ignorance hold sway, but even in the enlightened countries of Europe and in our America, the Jew as a Jew is more hated and despised than ever before. I have not in mind illiterate fanatics, such as that benighted manufacturer of cheap automobiles, who, having demonstrated that he is a successful mechanic and self-advertiser, is suffering from the megalomaniac delusion that he is a great statesman, an eminent journalist, and in his leisure moments a crusader, divinely appointed to save the world from the menace of the Jew. I am thinking of men who are, in fact, statesmen men of letters and distinguished scientists into whose veins the virus of anti-semitism has crept and who adroitly, sometimes consciously, but sometimes unconscious of it themselves, display a malignity toward the Jew as a Jew, which must

10 JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 387 volume of "Post-Biblical Hebrew Literature" by Dr. B. Halper. This book will serve as an introduction to the Jewish Classics which will appear in due course. Together with its Hebrew volume, it was very enthusiastically received by the public, the press, and scholars throughout the world. Reviews have appeared and are still appearing in many periodicals, Jewish and non-jewish, and the impression created is that the Society has produced a volume which, as an anthology of Jewish literary treasures, gives a glimpse into the vast storehouse of Hebrew literature from the conclusion of the biblical period down to recent times. The reviewers have emphasized the availability of this book for practical use in colleges, universities, and in school-rooms. It bids fair to become a standard text-book. The current Year Book has maintained the standard of other issues. The leading article in this volume is a biographical sketch of the late Jacob H. Schiff, from the pen of Dr. Cyrus Adler. Dr. Adler incorporates many interesting details of various phases of Mr. Schiff's career. Dr. Adler was a close friend of Mr. Schiff and his enthusiastic co-worker in many enterprises, especially those dealing with the promotion of Jewish education and learning, and has succeeded in portraying the life and activities of a great man. This article has been reprinted by the American Jewish Committee in attractive form. This sketch is followed by an article dealing with the story of the life and death of Professor Israel Friedlaender; his remarkable activities in all Jewish causes are ably described by his admirer and pupil, Rabbi Jacob Kohn. Mr. Lewis M. Isaacs contributed a biographical sketch of the lamented Professor Abram S. Isaacs, a number of whose books the Society pub-

11 388 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK lished. Dr. Charles S. Bernheimer, former secretary of the Society, contributed an interesting article on Jewish Americanization agencies. The society also issued the first book under the terms of the Morris Loeb Foundation, Professor Maker's "Saadia Gaon His Life and Works," which has been favorably reviewed and due credit given it as a volume of exceptional scholarship. In interpreting for modern times the life and works of the greatest of the Geonim, Professor Malter has brought to his task a love for his subject and a rare familiarity with all the literature on Saadia. Professor Malter has taken into account everything known that bears upon his topic, and he thus has succeeded in drawing not only a vivid picture of the man Saadia the founder of Jewish science, the revivifier of Jewish faith and learning but also in depicting the historical background and throwing new light upon an obscure period in Jewish history. While the chief value of the book is to students and teachers, its interest is not confined to these alone. As a contribution to the history of culture it appeals with special force to Jews who wish to become better acquainted with the life and times of the great Gaon. We are about to send to our members a volume by Professor Max L. Margolis entitled "The Hebrew Scriptures in the Making." It gives a remarkable account of the problems connected with the Bible, traditional and untraditional. Needless to say that this subject treated by such a scholar as Professor Margolis may be regarded as authoritative and accurate. Though small in size, it is full of valuable information and will be welcomed by those who seek eliable information about the Bible. It would make an

12 JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 389 admirable text-book for Jewish educational institutions. This book will be followed by a volume by Yehoash, consisting of impressions of Jewish life in Palestine at the beginning of the World War. It is a description of the Holy Land as it appears to an eminent poet and keen observer. The original was published in Yiddish, and the Society thus adds another volume to those we have already issued from the growing literature written by eminent Yiddish authors of to-day. Another Yiddish work which we shall publish in English translation will be Sholom Asch's "Kiddush Ha- Shem." It is a historical novel of great power, and deals with a period of Cossack outrages, not of the twentieth, but of the seventeenth century. Among the books that are to follow are "Studies in Judaism," Third Series, by Schechter, and Slousch's volume on "Travels in Northern Africa." If our work is not interrupted through lack of funds, we shall issue speedily volumes from the many series that have been projected, some of which are ready or are being completed by the score of Jewish writers at present engaged in this work. In enumerating the miscellaneous and the varied nature of the books that we issue, it may be well to remark upon the results of a referendum taken by the Society when the membership was asked to indicate whether it wished the Year Book or some other book in its place. Of the 3500 who have replied, 1800 specified that they wished the Year Book, while 1700 thought that they would like to have such books as "The Talmud," "Jewish Contributions to Civilization," and similar substantial publications. This would in a measure indicate that the so-called heavy books are the books a large proportion of our membership wish to read

13 390 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK and study. The Trustees and the Publication Committee are considering a plan under which the Society may publish a considerably larger number of books than it does, but issue them in smaller editions, thus affording the members a larger choice from which they may select books that would specially appeal to them. This would, in a measure, do away with the criticism that is occasionally levelled that it is impossible to issue books to satisfy all tastes. It is a pleasure to announce that the first volume in the Classics Series will in all likelihood appear sometime in the coming year. The book comprises a selection of Ibn Gabirol's poems, the text having been edited and annotated by Professor Israel Davidson and translated into English verse by Mr. Israel Zangwill. This classic volume of the Classics Series may be described as being the finest fruit of the noblest mind of mediaeval Jewry rendered into English by the foremost literary figure of modern Jewry. The New Hebrew Press is an accomplished fact, using machinery and processes which revolutionize the art of Hebrew printing. Originally designed for the printing of the Series of Jewish Classics, it will adequately meet all the needs of American publishers in the matter of Hebrew printing. For the first time in the history of Hebrew printing, vowel-points are set by machine. All conceivable- kinds of Hebrew composition, with or without vowel-points, notes, Bible texts with musical accents; may be set by this process. Scientific articles requiring a mixture of English and Hebrew and all sorts of faces and sizes can be set by the New Hebrew Press. The convenience of this can be readily seen when setting up glossaries and dictionaries; that is to say, wherever several languages and variations of style of type are

14 JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 391 required. The New Hebrew Press combines beauty with clearness. Publishers generally, universities and learned societies in particular, as well as private individuals, may utilize all its advantages. Already a number of books have been set up, some of which will soon appear, and it promises to become a busy press. The trustees announce again that manuscripts which are to be submitted in competition for a $1000 prize offered under the terms of the "Henry and Diana L. Gitterman Memorial Fund for an original study in the English language dealing with Contributions of Jews to Hygiene" must be in the hands of the Society on or about September 1, The committee looks forward to the awarding of the prize for a study which will be thorough and popular in presentation. The coming year is the crucial test whether Jewry is alive or dead to its opportunities and its obligation to perpetuate the ancient faith on American soil. We boast now of our communal work, which is dependent on the free offerings of money and service. But American Jewry must see that this community feeling will become attenuated and unresponsive unless a true Jewish ideal actuates it. In the hostile religious environment this ideal can only be implanted by a knowledge of our literature and history. Unlike the preceding generation, this and succeeding ages must look to the vernacular for information, and unless this is supplied they will lose contact with Judaism and these communal activities of which we boast will lose their constituencies. Let us hope that the "saving remnant" will rise up so that this Society will be able to fulfil its mission. Membership had been stabilized in number by means of paid agents. This proved so expensive that we were forced to abandon the

15 392 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK plan. We must rely on the Jewish interest of individuals, many of whom need only to have their attention drawn to the needs of the Society. It is the duty of our rabbis to awaken this interest. No class should be more helpful nor any more eager to prevent the dissolution of this publishing agency than the rabbinate. We believe it is their desire to awaken American Israel to this danger. We feel that with the whole-hearted support of the rabbinate, the laity will assume the responsibility of perpetuating the Society. MR. SOLOMON STROOCK'S ADDRESS It has been repeatedly charged, and we must admit, with justice, that we Jews have a cosmopolitan habit of mind. Released only a few years ago from the confinement of the ghetto walls, the Jew, like a spring which had been held down and fastened and suddenly let go, sprung with a bound into the intellectual life of those of other faiths and other beliefs. His sense of perspective, so long pent up, broadened rapidly, ever widening like the circles upon a pool of water into which a stone has been cast. But this cosmopolitan habit of mind has strangely enough caused us to grow more and more self-conscious,as distinguished from self-possessed, and we have not concerned ourselves at all with the Socratic doctrine: "Know Thyself." We have been more than anxious to know what our neighbors think of us. It has become to us a matter of little moment what we are, so long as we feel that we are making a favorable impression upon our neighbors. In the diaspora, and especially in this America of ours, our attitude has been almost constantly apologetic. We are eternally afraid that we shall make a faux pas and

16 JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 393 so betray our lack of so-called "breeding and refinement." This attitude we have carried into effeqt not merely in our manners, not merely in practising the approved dictates of etiquette, but we show it in our intellectual pursuits and in our contributions to literature, to the arts, and to the sciences. Deep down in our hearts sometimes suppressed, as our psycho-analyst friends say, but never forgotten even the most loyal of us feels that as a Jew he is not merely a little lower than the angels, but perceptibly quite a bit lower than his neighbor who is lucky enough to have been born without the characteristic Semitic features or the equally characteristic Semitic arrogance. In an effort to escape from the awful heritage which is ours the surgeon's knife has frequently been employed to alter our all-too-prominent noses, and the law-courts have been overburdened with applications to change our names, the repetition of which sounded dreadful to our sensitive ears, and by changing which we hoped to disguise our identity. Some of us have even bemoaned the fact that we have not been as clay in the hands of the potter as far as our features are concerned, so that they might be more easily moulded out of their Jewish conspicuousness. All of this is in fact the attempt upon our part to indulge in that pastime which might be regarded as humorous if it were not so tragic, and which Mr. Zangwill has so felicitously dubbed "protective mimicry." Protective mimicry is that quality with which Nature has endowed certain birds and animals in permitting them to escape the snare of the fowler or the bullet of the hunter by throwing out a sort of protective coloring which makes them appear as if they were merged in the surrounging landscape. But while Nature has thus been kind to some birds and animals, she has not

17 394 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK been equally kind to others. She bestows her bounty where she wills, and woe betide him who seeks to appropriate unto himself a gift intended for others! Witness the ostrich, whose hiding of his head in the sand has served only to make him more conspicuous to the hunter! Yet ostriches have ever hidden their heads in the sand, and I suppose they will continue to do so until they have no more heads to hide. This desire to please our neighbors, and in so doing to hide our Jewishness, has caused us, in our attempt not to be ostentatious, to become more and more ostentatious. Who, in the late war, proclaimed his patriotism more often and more loudly than the Jew? The story is the same in all countries, in England, in France, in America, and even in Germany. Here in America, our own country, this certainly was the experience of many of us, but the fact remains that while the Jew may have felt consciously what other citizens took as a matter of course, his patriotism might often well be regarded as ultra-patriotism. Lest his Christian neighbor might have doubts as to his loyalty to his country, this same spirit of ostentation, this constant desire to stand "right" with his Christian neighbor, caused him to shout his patriotism from the housetops in season and out of season, and he who was most vociferous was the envy of his less-gifted brother. The Jew, pillaged and cuffed and kicked from land to land, came to this new land not to change his country as did other immigrants, but he came in search of a country, and when he found that he was permitted to establish himself and to live in peace, his craving for liberty, his tradition of justice made him love this land which to him was the land of opportunity, realizing at last the saying of Proverbs

18 JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 395 that righteousness exalteth a nation. Such a righteous nation was to him indeed exalted; he loved it, for it he wished to live; to preserve it, he was ready to die. That Jew and his descendants and thank God, their name is legion lived among us, and they still live among us. But to how many of us was not this vociferous ultra-patriotism but another form of that "protective mimicry" to which we have just referred? We pride ourselves upon the inestimable contributions we Jews of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries have made to science, to music, to art, to literature, to philosophy, to commerce, to diplomacy, to law, to industry.and to civilization. We have produced geniuses entirely out of proportion to our numbers. This is no longer a debatable statement, but an accepted postulate. But the men who have made these contributions did so not as Jews, often in spite of the fact that they were Jews, and, almost as often, even they have adopted some sort of "protective mimicry" to hide the unpleasant evidence of their Jewishness. Our men of genius, those who have left footprints on the sands of time, with a few notable exceptions, have not been interpreters of the Jew nor of the Jewish spirit. I am reminded of a remark made by a Jewess who successfully founded and has built up a flourishing and exceedingly useful institution in one of our larger cities. This institution is called "non-sectarian," which means generally that it is an institution supported by Jews for the benefit of non-jews another form of "protective mimicry." This lady was asked if she did not believe that she might, without lessening the importance of her work, introduce something of the Jewish spirit into her institution. She answered that

19 396 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK she would give the matter consideration because she had often felt "an ancestral thrill." There is in the work of many of these Jewish geniuses little evidence of even "an ancestral thrill." What has been the result of our policy of neglecting to learn to know ourselves, and instead of devoting our time and attention and thought in our efforts so to comport ourselves as to win the approval of our Christian neighbors? Having placed ourselves in the attitude of apologists, our neighbors have been only too willing to accept us at our own valuation, and they have called upon us and are still calling upon us to furnish adequate explanation, and even excuse, for our continued existence. And this is not confined to the rabble, the ignorant, and the depraved among them. Never in the history of our people has anti-semitism been more prevalent. Never has it been more virulent and destructive. Not only in the backward countries where superstition and ignorance hold sway, but even in the enlightened countries of Europe and in our America, the Jew as a Jew is more hated and despised than ever before. I have not in mind illiterate fanatics, such as that benighted manufacturer of cheap automobiles, who, having demonstrated that he is a successful mechanic and self-advertiser, is suffering from the megalomaniac delusion that he is a great statesman, an eminent journalist, and in his leisure moments a crusader, divinely appointed to save the world from the menace of the Jew. I am thinking of men who are, in fact, statesmen men of letters and distinguished scientists into whose veins the virus of anti-semitism has crept and who adroitly, sometimes consciously, but sometimes unconscious of it themselves, display a malignity toward the Jew as a Jew, which must

20 JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 397 cause the thinking Jew who loves his people and who is proud of his heritage, to pause and wonder, if not to despair. Read your magazines, not the yellow sort, but those which are supposed to represent learning and culture and intellectual development and answer if I overstate the case. Read the best sellers among the novels, which are turned out in ever-increasing numbers, and observe if you will how Jews as Jews are discussed with contumely and despite. Examine the history' of the so-called Americanization movements. Study the arguments of those who would shut the doors of our country to the persecuted immigrant seeking refuge from death and the despoiler, and again you will find anti-semitism rampant and triumphant. America for Americans! What a noble slogan! But behind that slogan, sometimes conceded, sometimes thinly covered over, there is a propaganda which refuses to concede that Jews are or can be regarded as Americans, irrespective of whether they were born in this country or whether they first saw the light in some other land from whose unfriendly shores they fled to seek shelter in this land of freedom. Another phase of our protective mimicry has led many among us to join these movements and to become among the most vociferous shouters. If we are to favor any slogan, let it be not "America for Americans," but "America for all Americans;" that is, for all who love America because they love liberty and also "All Americans for America," that is, all who love liberty for America, the land of liberty, the incarnation of freedom and the hope of the world.

21 398 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK You may rightly and justly ask me: What are you going to do about it? To paint the picture in such drab colors, to indulge in destructive criticism without any constructive suggestion, might well justify your severest condemnation, but before we can construct, we must look fearlessly at the conditions which surround us, and we must equally fearlessly turn the X-ray upon ourselves and search out and bring to life and destroy those influences which have undermined us, not only as Jews, but as citizens of our country. If we do this and frankly and truly admit not only to the world, but to ourselves, that we have sinned, we will have made the first step in the right direction. I speak to you as one who himself has sinned grievously, and it will do us all good if we can gather together in this assemblage and admit freely, as we do in our synagogues on the Day of Atonement, year in and year out, that we have indeed sinned. But let our profession of sin be with an understanding heart. Let us not mouth the words as we often do in our so-called prayers. Let us truly mean what we say, and, meaning it, understand what we say. Too often we indulge in mere formulae, which by frequent repetition lose their meaning and of which we cease to have understanding. We repeat these formulae like the child who, running home to his father, proclaimed in ecstasy that he knew what the Equator was and then proceeded to state that he had learned in school that it was a menagerie lion running around the centre of the earth and that he had seen its tracks upon a globe at school. But in this admission of our sin, it is not necessary for us to go so far as to hate ourselves, nor to hate one another. We may well take a

22 JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 399 leaf out of the book of our Christian neighbors, and while learning to hate the sin, learn to love the sinner. How shall we learn to know ourselves? How shall we learn to recover our self-respect as Jews and in that way not seek, but merit and earn, the respect of our neighbors? Some future historian, writing the history of the times in which we live, will probably designate this age as an age of discovery. It is not the age of discovery of new lands or of new peoples, but it is the age of discovery of ourselves. In discovering a thing, we do not find something new we uncover something which has always existed but which through time and neglect has been covered and hidden. Men all over the world are to-day, in an effort to get their bearings after the cataclysm resulting from the great war, seeking to discover, if they can, the causes which brought about the great upheaval so as to take measures to render avoidable such a catastrophe in the future. That is the meaning of the recent conference at Washington for the Limitation of Armament; that is the meaning of the conference which is soon to be held at Genoa, and that was the meaning, in the larger and broader sense, of the attempted establishment of the League of Nations. And just as nations are seeking these discoveries this uncovering so men, as individuals, as families, as groups of all sorts, as members of the same faith, are seeking to discover the causes which have brought about their present unhappy conditions, in order that by appropriate measures they may be remedied and cured. We, as Jews, have often talked a great deal about our ancient lineage and our great traditions, but we have talked

23 400 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK about them in the most general way, without seeking to delve too deeply into the history of our past, to discover the traditions of our people and the wisdom of our forefathers. We have been content to regard ourselves as the heirs of this heritage of learning, but we have not sought in our own lives to make use of that heritage. We are like those who inherit a vast and productive estate, containing fields which have produced bountifully, but who neglect to continue to cultivate those fields to which they have fallen heir, with the result that they are no longer productive, but fall into stubble and thistles and thorns. But we are discovering that these fields are fruitful fields; that by cultivating them we can again make them fruitful and productive, and that we can again give to the world in the same measure, as did our forefathers, the fruits of Jewish learning, of Jewish traditions, and of the true Jewish spirit. In this work the Jewish Publication Society has rendered yeoman service. The edition of the Jewish classics in the vernacular, which will be published and circulated, containing a faithful exposition of Jewish tradition and Jewish spirit, will bring to our people a knowledge of what they really are and what they truly can become. We are indeed learning to know ourselves. We are taking from the past the wrappings which have so long covered the wisdom of our sages, and we are bringing to light and to life all that is best in our past. This Society has among its greatest achievements the proud privilege of having published and circulated works like Graetz's "History of the Jews," and Schechter's "Studies in Judaism," but we have not circulated these books sufficiently. We should place these books in the

24 JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 401 hands of our children when they are still of tender age. Our children are our gardens, and in this way we may properly cultivate them. We should place these books in the hands of our youth and in the hands of our young men and of our young women, and of our older men and of our older women, too, and impress upon them all that in reading them and in studying them they are being provided not only with a rich source of entertainment, but that we are placing in their hands a torch which they themselves must light and keep burning brightly; to hold on high and illumine the pathway, not only for ourselves, but for those with whom we come in contact. If we do this we shall bring to ourselves a knowledge of ourselves. We shall prove that we are not merely descendants of great ancestors, but that we are worthy of our inheritance; that we have been weighed in the balance and found not wanting. Jewish art and learning are not dead. We have permitted them to lie dormant. We shall not attain our purpose, however, merely by studying the history of our past. It is not only necessary that we take advantage of the epoch-making work of a Schechter, who, by his discoveries in the Genizah, brought to the world and to light an almost inexhaustible store of Jewish learning and poetry, which under the auspices of societies like this is being made available for us all; we must do more. We must cultivate the same fields, endowed and enriched as we are by the possession of our great heritage. Jewish art did not die with Bezalel. Jewish architecture did not die with Hiram. Jewish philosophy did not die with Philo.

25 402 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK Jewish poetry did not die with David. Jewish wisdom did not die with Ben Sira. Jewish learning did not struggle on through the ages only to die with the brilliant rabbis and sages of the eighteenth century. A revival of Jewish art and of Jewish learning is at hand. It is for us to seek out and find our Jewish mute and inglorious, but who will yet give to the world another song of Miriam and another Song of Songs. When we understand ourselves, as we are coming to understand ourselves, we shall rid ourselves for ever of that protective mimicry which has led us so far astray, and has brought to us only sorrow and distress. Our men of genius will become not merely interpreters of the times in which they live, intermediaries, as it were, among the different peoples with whom they come into contact, but will become, as were our sages of old, interpreters of the Jew, champions of the Jewish spirit. These will be our fruits which we will give to the world. When we come to know ourselves there will be little difficulty in making others come to know us as we are, and not for what we pretend to be. PUBLICATIONS The publications issued during were as follows: 1. Post-Biblical Hebrew Literature. By B. Halper. 2. The American Jewish Year Book The Hebrew Scriptures in the Making. By Max L. Margolis. 4. Saadia Gaon. By Henry Malter. (Not for distribution among members.)

26 JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 403 STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES, FEBRUARY 28, 1922 Assets Cash in Bank $1, Cash on Hand $1, Dues Receivable Estimated Net 9, Accounts Receivable Estimated Net 24, $33, Stocks and Bonds 46, Unexpired Insurance Advanced to Loeb Fund for Publication of Saadia Gaon Inventory Bound Books (% Replacement) 9,03960 Paper. 1,57584 Books in sheets (% Replacement) 14, , Deficit 60, Total Assets $168, Liabilities Debts $54, Notes 4, Loans 25, Funds: Hebrew Press 4, Gitterman Fund 3, Loeb Fund 10, Life Fund 8, Classics Fund 58, , Total Liabilities $168,084.40

27 404 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK STATEMENTS OF RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDING FEBRUARY 28, 1922 Receipts Balance March 1, 1921 $3, Receipts: Members Dues 50, Sales of Books 29, Interest Received 2, Sustaining Fund 15, Sales of Bible ' 2, Sales of Pulpit Bible , Loans 10, Total Receipts 110, Total with Balance $113, Disbursements General Publications $57, Bible Fund Classics Fund 2, Commentaries 1, Pulpit Bibles Hebrew Press 9, , Salesmen, Commission, and Expenses 9, Salaries 12, Miscellaneous Expenses 17, Total Disbursements $112, Balance 1,489.48

28 JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 405 INVESTMENT^ FEBRUARY 28, 1922 Bonds Par Value Cost Value 9 Electric & Peoples Traction Co. 4% $9, $8, Lehigh Valley Cons. Mort. Loan iy 2 % 1, , " " " Annuity Bond 4J^%... 1, , City of Phila. Coupon 4%, due , , " " , , " ' " " , , n/ 2 " "Registered " " , , NOTES Coupons 11M Long Island R. R. Refund 4%... $11, $9, Coupons 5M Canadian Pacific 6% Notes due , , STATEMENT OF MEMBERSHIP, FEBRUARY 28, 1922 Alabama 115 Louisiana : 211 Alaska 1 Maine 24 Arizona 39 Maryland 637 Arkansas 48 Massachusetts 495 California 295 Michigan 349 Colorado,. 82 Minnesota 157 Connecticut 196 Mississippi 30 Delaware? 52 Missouri 189 District of Columbia 102 Montana 23 Florida 34 Nebraska 78 Georgia ' 205 Nevada 2 Idaho 8 New Hampshire 7 Illinois 1356 New Jersey 798 Indiana 250 New Mexico. 11 Iowa. 171 New York 4040 Kansas 26 North Carolina 122 Kentucky 127 North Dakota 40

29 406 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK STATEMENT OF MEMBERSHIP, FEBRUARY 28, 1922 Continued Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania.. Rhode Island South Carolina 121 South Dakota 5 Tennessee 88 Texas 367 Utah 11 Vermont 3 Virginia 263 Washington 55 West Virginia. 155 Wisconsin 201 Australia 22 British Columbia. Canada Central America.. Cuba Denmark Egypt England 62 France 1 India 2 Palestine 8 Panama...., 2 Philippine Islands 1 Portugal, 2 South Africa. 37 Spain 1 Virgin Islands 1 Annual Members ($5 a year) 15,030 Library Members ($10 a year) 449 Patron Members ($20 a year) 45 Friends ($50 a year) 3 Life Members (one payment of $250).. 63 Sustaining Members ($100 a year) 1 Total Membership 15,591

30 JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 407 ELECTIONS The committee on nominations presented the following report: President (for one year), Simon Miller, of Philadelphia. First Vice-President (for one year), Abram I. Elkus, of New York. Second Vice-President (for one year), Horace Stern, of Philadelphia. Trustees (for three years), Hart Blumenthal, of Philadelphia; Leo M. Brown, of Mobile; Ephraim Lederer, of Philadelphia; Alphonse B. Miller, of Philadelphia; Simon Miller, of Philadelphia; William M. Lewis, of Philadelphia. Honorary Vice-Presidents (for three years), Max Heller, of New Orleans; Simon W. Rosendale, of Albany; Joseph Stolz, of Chicago; Sigmund B. Sonneborn, of Baltimore; Martin A. Meyer, of San Francisco. The secretary was instructed to cast a unanimous ballot for the nominees, and the chairman declared them duly elected. AMENDMENT The Board of Trustees presented the following amendment to be acted upon at a special meeting. Amend Article III, Section 1, to read: "There shall be thirty-six directors to be elected by ballot at the annual meetings, provided that at the meeting of the society at which this section is adopted there shall be elected fifteen members in addition to those then serving, five to serve for one year, five to serve for two years, and five to serve for three years, and at each annual meeting hereafter twelve directors shall be elected." On motion the meeting adjourned. I. GEORGE DOBSEVAGE, Secretary.

31 408 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [Alabama Andalusia Berman, I. Anniston Levy, J., 1721 Quintana Av. Saks, Joe Bessemer Erlick, Sam, 1701 Clarendon Av. Green, Morris Rosenbush, Joe Birmingham Abelson, F. A., 1311 N. 24th Abelson, I., 1111 S. 13th Abelson, S., 514 N. 16th Abramson, H., d Av. N. Adler, Ike, 116 JiN. 21st Arbetter, C, st Av. Band, M., 903 S. 18th Birmingham Young Judean Council,7th Av. &17th Cooley, Ben, 512 N. 16th Emanu El Congr. Sunday School, th Av. S. Ezekiel, B. F., 1111 S. 20th Fein, M., st Av. Feldstein, J., 1620 S. 15th Av. Fellheimer, S., 1106 S. 26th Friedman, J., th Av. S. Ginsburg, Samuel, 1019 Central Goldner, H., th, N. Goldstein, D. B., 1502 Milner Crescent Jacobs, Bertram, d Av. N. Jaffe, P., 1410 Nolan Av. Kroman, M., 1032 S. 26th Newfleld, Rabbi M., th Av. S. Pizitz, L., 3425 Highland Av. Rich. David, 1222 S. 12th Sewelovitz, S., 1631 N. 16th Shevinsky, F., 206 N. 18th Steiner, Leo K., 2173 Highland Av. The Bar-Mitzvah Club, 1700 N. 7th Av. Demopolis Folda, Louis Ensley Goldstein, I., th Goldstein, S., 1720 Av. G. Gadsden Blum, C. H. Frank, Ferd, 802 Chestnut Frankel, Oscar Freibaum, Gus MEMBERS ALABAMA Freibaum, Lee Hecht, Hugo H. Kahan, Joe Mobile LIFE MEMBERS Brown, Leo M., Box 953 Hammel, Mrs M., 930 Government Kahn, S., 250 Church LIBRARY MEMBER Hammel, Julius, Battle House Adler, J. G., Box 303 Altmayer, A. P., 501 Foot Ct. Bloch, Monroe D., P. O. Box 406 Brown, H., 59 N. Royal Cohen, H., 400 Davis Av. Gans, M. L., 912 Dauphin Hess, Henry, P. O. Box 406 Jacoby, Meyer, 266 Beauregard Kahn, M., 55 S. Bayon Moses, Rabbi Alfred G., 64 Monterey Postol, M., 457 Dauphin Reiss, J., 107 S. Dearborn Schwartz, Leon, 1058 Government Shaaral Shomayim Cong. 19 S. Water Montgomery LIFE MEMBER Schloss, Mrs. B. LIBRARY MEMBER Greil, M. L., Box D Asher, Ph. H., 72 Caroline Baum, P., 602 S. Hull Beton, Sam, 18 S. Court Cahn, C. C, 441 S. Hull Eisenberg, M., Julia & Me Donough Eisenberg, M. L., 830 S. Me Donough Finklestcin, Mrs. J. C, 810 S.Hull Gassenheimer, L., 637 S. Court Gassenheimer, S., 640 S. Perry Gerson, B. F., 211 S. Perry Harris, L., Capital City Shoe Shop Kahn, David, 1120 S. Court Kahn, Mose F., 1050 S. Perry Kaufman, S., 37 Sayre Lippman, I., 807 S., Hull Lobman, B., 442 S. Lawrence Lobman, W., 442 S. Lawrence Loeb, Lucien S., 912 S. Perry Loeb, S. H., 1223 S. Perry Loeb, V., 441 S. Hull

32 Arkansas] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 409 Moritz, Chas. F., 424 S. Perry Mount, Dr. B., 443 S. Hull Rice, Saml., 61 Sayre Roswald, S., Jr., 606 Madison Av. Rutenberg, P. M., 408 Monroe Schener, M., 212 S. Lawrence Seligman, Mrs. R. L., 122 Sayre Spottheim, J., 500 N. Union Stern, JuleB, 15 Sayre Sternfeld, J., 401 S. Perry Weil, Bert, C, Carter Hill Road Weil, E., 1250 S. Perry Weil, J. Harry, 401 S. Perry Selma Bendersky, N., 731 Selma Hagedorn, Max, 320 Broad Hohenberg, Morris, Water Av. Meyer, A., 331 Church Bisbee LIBRARY MEMBER Frankenberg, S., Drawer F. ANNUAL MEMBER Frankenberg, B. Chandler Lukin, Abe Douglas Binshimol, David, P. O. Box 430 Kline, M., P. O. Box 434 Levy, B., th Rosenfeld & Klein, The Bazaar Samuels, S., 933 G Av. Miami Rosenburg, Dr. J. A. Nogales LIBRARY MEMBER Berk, J., Ill Movely Av. Block, R., 219 Protero Davison, H., 113 Grand Av. Forrest City Barnett, Louis, Box 684 Fort Smith Cohen, Louis, 923 N. 6th Meyer, M. J., 516 Dallas Av. Schuster, B. J., Box 466 Tach, I., 523 Wash. Frenkel, S. H. Talladega Thomaston Lion, Chas. Tuscaloosa Birnbach, I. Brown, A., 2709 Broad Miller, J. Newman, M., st Tuscumbia Kohn, Herman Perry, Harry ALASKA Anchorage LIBRARY MEMBER Loussae, Z. J., 4th& D ARIZONA Fleisher, L. B. Leeker, N., P. O. Box 422 Leeker, S. Loeb, Dave Weinberg, H., c,o El Paso Store Phoenix Berger, B., 604 W. Van Buren Bollsun, S., 815 N. Central Av. Edelman, H., 1101 E. Fillmore Friedman, H., 21 S. 1st Av. Friedman, S. M., Central & Clarendon Avei Granow, D., 2047 W. Jefferson Karp, Abe., 394 N. 3d Av. Kubelsky, L., 112 E. Wash. Liknaitz, Rev. D. L., Westminster Apt. Marks, Barnett E., 33 W. Willetta Rice, Mrs. B., 22 E. Wash. Steinberg, C, 1341 E. Fillmore Wilson, 5., 200 E. Pierce Tucson Friedman, B., 423 E. 3d Goldschmidt, L., "The Owls" Krupp, Harris Miller, F., 125 N. Stone Av. Roaenfeld, B., 446 S. 3d Steinfeld, Albert ARKANSAS Cohen, W. V., 820 N. 20th Friedman, I. J., 307 N. 6th Feenberg, L., 1318 S. 11th Langfelder, L. Marks, M. H., 411 N. 14th Ney, Rudolph, 923 N. 6th

33 410 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [California Helena Goldstein, M., 1109 Perry Mark, Rabbi Jerome, Beth El Cong. Nelken, B., 818 Pecan Seelig, B. 806 College Solomon, L., Beech St. Hot Springs Fellheimer, H., Box 85 House of Israel Cong., 315 W. Grand Av Newman, Mrs. S., 11H Central Av. Little Rock Abeles, Chas. T., 1423 Louisiana Back, Wm., 201 E. 15th Besser, L., 519 Broadway B'ne Israel Congr. Sabbath School Cohn, Mark M., Abeles Apt. No. 8 Cohn, Morris M., 1001 W. 2d Daniel, Dan, 909 Cumberland Epstein, E., Frederick Hotel Frauenthal, Hon. S. Frong, A., 516 H W. 6th Jacobson, Chas Gains Kempner, Mrs. D. W., Abeles Apt. Lasker, H., 1820 Broadway Lasker, Henry, 2200 Arch Pfeifer, L. F 619 W. 3d Safferstone, I. L., 1213 Cumberland Y. M. H. A., 114 E. 7th Krow, Ira Marvell Newport Grossman, I., 421 Main No. Little Rock Baum, R., 1101 Scott Osseola LIBRARY MEMBER Miller, Ike Pine Bluff LIBRARY MEMBER Weil, B. B., 1521 S. Main Anshe Emeth Sabbath School Gurdin, C, 310 Main Rosenberg, F. M., 121 W. 6th Av. Rothstein, Rabbi L. J., Box 611 Sherman, Mrs. M., 5th & Pine Smulian, J. E., 718 W. 6th Av. Weil, Chas., 112 W. Barrque Weil, H. H., 714 W. 3d Texarkana Scherer, M. E., Broad Alhambra Kahn, P. M., 208 N. Granada Av. Bakersfield Abro, Chas., th Lafee, Rabbi A. G., 104 Morgan Bldg. Lichtenstein, M. M., th Berkeley Popper, Dr. Wm., 6 The Alameda Chico Goldstein, J. O., Box 932 Koltanowski, B., 243 Broadway Korn, S. Colton Helman, Mrs. H., 164 N. 9th Corona Margolies, S., Box 334 El Centra Schireson, B., 604 Adams Av. F0I50BI Wahrhaftig, P. S., Route 1 CALIFORNIA Fresno Mendelson, L. M., 1030 N. Van Ness Av. Segel, Rabbi A., c.o Univ. Club Tyre, Ben, 467 Valeria Tyre, S. M., 1314 B'way Garden Grove Horowitz, S. Hollywood Kress, S Carlos Av. Minsky, B., 1769 N. Wilton PI. Long Beach Messing, Rev. M. Rueb, L., 958 Lime Ave. Los Angeles LIBRARY MEMBERS Aaron, H. J., 509 S. Mariposa Av. Dolkart, L., 306 S. Main Hillkowitz, S., 630 E. 9th Isaacs, L., 725 S. Broadway Los Angeles Lodge 487,1. O. B. B. 701 Waterloo Abell, A., 2936 Kenwood Av.

34 California] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 411 Adelmau, M., 1212 N. Alexandria Albaum, A. D., 888 E. 20th Appel, B., 933 Menlo Av. Bakerman, Dr. B., 207 Higgins Bldg. Barbanell, J. L., 2401 Central Av. Beaver, Ch W. 5th Behrstock, J., 402 Title Guar. Bldg. Benioff, S., 717 W. 7th Berg. M., 6180 Mesa Av. Berman, S., 839 E. 27th Blackstone, Wm. E., 5425 Pasadena Av. Blass, Dr. L., 427 W. Temple Blum, B., 717 E. 23d Breitstein, Morris, 342 S. Broadway Brick, A., 745 S. Broadway Burstein, H., 740 E. Adams Cahen, Dr. Caesar, 1220 Westlake Av. Cahn, Henry S., 629 S. Norton Av. Cole, Louis M., 3240 Wilshire Blvd. Cross, L., 1516 N. Kingsberg Dr. Cummins, A. B., 423 W. 49th Cushner, Chaa. I., 535 W. Pico Deitch, Wm., 430 S. Broadway Deman, M., 1174 Edgemont Depper, D., 319 N. St. Louis Deutech, Jacob, 204 N. Main Dubnoff, P., 1417 N. Kenmore Av. Edelman, Dr. D. W., 1018 Elden Av. Elias, E., 1811 S. Kingaley Dr. Feder, H., 238 N. Main Fink, Albert, d Finkelstein, Selig, 2436 Cincinnati Fisch, A., 306 E. Jefferson Formaker, B., 240 N. Main Friedman, W., 1403 Mateo Gereeht, E. F., 418 Fay Bldg. Ginsburg, E. S., 1514 E. 4th Gold, H. B., 1104 E. 21st Goldman, A., 1812 W. 5th Goldman, A. L., 1814 E. 4th Goldman, A., 1812 W. 5th Goldman, A. L., 1814 E. 4th Gordon, D., 932 Windsor Blv'd. Greene Jos., 319 S. Vendome Greenberg, ChaB., 174 S. Kingsley Drive Greenfield, Mrs. A., 604 W. 43d PI. Groman, Lou, 532 S. B'way. Grossman, M. I., 311 C. N. Beaudry Av. Gubin, Oscar, 515 S. Broadway Haber, P. R., 1742 Westmoreland Blvd. Hagen, S., 922 Victoria Av. Hackel, A. W., 820 S. B'way. Harris, Mrs. S. H., 1816 N. Wilton PL Hecht, Rev. Dr. S., 817 Beacon Hellman, Irving H., 674 Catalina Hiller, H., 829 N. Soto Holzer, H. A., 2322 Juliet Horn, N., 2028 W. 28th Isenstein, Chas Arapahoe Isenstein, P., 102 S. Main Jacobs, P., 446 S. Spring Jacobson, H. P., 2305 Brooklyn Av. Jonas, Jos. L., 2737 W. 8th Joneae, Wm. A., 4208 Latona Av. Karl, Pinches, 2165 Echo Park Av. Kaufman Mrs. Jules, 692 Kingsley Drive Kirstein, L,, 1723 N. Garfleld PI. Klugman, M., 1235 W. 7th Laufe, M., 2007 E. 77th Lazard, Dr. E. M., 6475 Kingsley Dr. Leve, J., 300 Centennial Levine H., 140 S. Rio Levi, S., 796 Market Ct. Lewinsohn, J. L., 620 S. Berendo Lindenbaum, L., 2807 S. Flower Lindenbaum, Morris, 1443 W. 11th Lissner, Dr. H. H., 2156 S. Hobart Blvd. Loeb, Joseph P., 159 S. Norton Av. Los Angeles Public Library Lyon, R. 600 N. Temple Magnin, Rabbi Edgar F., 9th & Hope Marks, D. H., 118 W. 54th Mimmer, F. E., 640 S. B'way Moss, A., 1328 W. 50th Morton, B. C, 331 S. Los Angeles- Moses, Marks, 2211 Elsinore Moss, C. A., 505 Title Guarantee Bldg. Myers, Rabbi I., 1910 Kent - Naumoff, I., Bumiller Bldg. Neches, Rabbi Dr. S. M., 1240 Ionia Newmark, Marco R., 977 Arapahoe Newmark, S. M., 627 S. Kingsley Dr.- Nordlinger, L. S., 1537 W. 9th Norton, S. T., 1100 Grand View- Ostrow, M., 228 Mt. Wash. Dr. Pacht, I., 5462 Boyer Pehr, M. H., 2065 B'Hillhurst Av. Preluzsky, Jos. I., 1644 Gramercy PI. Raphael, I., 616 S. Bonnie Bra Raphael, R. H., 1363 Alvarado Ter. Rappaport, M., 1575 W. Adams Raskin, S., 1626 Champlain Ter. Redmond, Wm., Story Bldg.- Reich, Mrs. Jacob, 1616 Winfield- Reiss, Dr. Oscar, 160 S. Gromsocy Religious School of Cong, Sinai 12th & Valencia Reynolds, Mrs. L. G., 622 S. Kenmore Av. Reinhart M. H., 3566 E. 3rd Rittenberg, Mrs. W. B., 515 S. Cummlngs. Robinson, K., 233 E. 7th Robbin, M. S., 607 S. Spring Rosenberg, S. R., 414 St. Andrews Place Rosenkranz, J. A., 809 S. Figueroa Rosenthal, Rabbi, M. 12th & Valencia Rosenthal, H., 226 Rosemont Av. Sachs, A. M., 2301 E. 1st Schireson, J., 337 Westminster Av. Schireson, L., S. 614 W. 50th Schulberg, B. P., 525 Lorraine Blvd. Schultz, M. B., 258 S. Harvard Bldg. Shapiro, J., 609 S. Gramacy PL Sheekan, S., 920 E. 25th Shillman, S. R.

35 412 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [California Shpisman, C, 914 Marsh Strong Bldg. Siegel, H., 2931 Raymond Av. Silverberg, Dr. H. M., 707 Haas Bldg. Silverman, Rev. A., 16B2 W. 12th Simpson, Mrs. J. K., 2727 W. 1st Stein, P., 275 E. 49th Steinbock, C, 1921 W. 41st Sklar, J., 2319 W. 11th Sohmer, Theo., 418 Germain Bldg. Steinberg, J., 134 S. Vay Ness Av. Tannebaum, M., 2300 E. 11th Tanner, % B., 536 S. B'way. Union Mffc. Co., 757 S. Los Angeles Weil, Adolph, 103 Oak Terrace Wellington, S. A., 4145 Monroe Weinberg, I., th Av. - Y. M. H. A., 610 V % W. Temple Zeitlen, M. G., 838 S. Normandie Marysville Cheim, H. 620 D. Oakland LIBRARY MEMBERS Jonas, Abraham, Hotel Oakland Lavenson, A. S., 697 Walsworth Berman, M., 479 Cheney Av. Camp, H., 574 Excelsior Av. Coffee, Rabbi, R. I., 28th & Webster Friedman, A., 841 Walker Av. Ghinsberg, S., 3500 Park Blvd Goldwater, M., 358 Grand Av. Kahn, Fred'k, 673 Walsworth Av. Lesser, Jacob, H., 9th & Washington Miller, D., Sheridan Rd. - Mosbacher, B. L., th Oakland Lodge, No. 252 I. O. R. R. Samuels, Hon. Geo. E., Easton Bldg. Samuels, Dr. H. J., Dalziel Bldg. Schneider, Morris N., 348 Grand Av. Silverstein, Union Sav. Bk. Bldg - Oxnard Lehman, L., 159 D Petaluna Farbman, B. R. 2, Box 117 Kahn, Wm., Chapman Av. Padvitz, M. R. 2, Box 131 Riverside Weitzman, J., 60 Allen PI. Sacramento Abramowitz, W., th Cohan, I. E., Howe Apts. Elkus, Albert, 9th & K Fried, Rev. Michael, 1905 O Lubin, J. I., 400 K Lubin, S. J., th Wahrhaftig, M. S., th San Bernardino Cohn, C, Court & E Hearst, D., 465 G. Lindenbaum, W., 588 3d Nathanson, M., 566 3rd Reich, H. A., 637 Court Robinson, S., 644 3rd San Diego Fox, S. F., th Ostrow, M. P., 2938 Beech Rosenthal, A., 611 Title Bldg. Weinberger, J., 1st Natl. Bk. Bldg. Weinberger, Dr. J., Tinken Bldg. Wolf, Hyman S., Hotel St. James San Francisco LIFE MEMBERS Ebrman, M., 2618 Jackson Gross, D., Bellevue Hotel Jacobs, Isidor, 1811 California Levi, J., Jr., c,o H. Levi Co. Lilienthal, E. R., Stanford Ct., Apts. Meyer, D., Alaska Commercial Bldg. Neustadter, Mrs. J. H., Hotel St. Francis Rosenthal, I. L., 1964 Pacific Av. Scheeline, S., 1431 Leavenworthe Tokelas, Ferd, Hotel Minster Weinstock, Harris, 19 Presidio Ter. Wiel, L. P., c,o Buckingham & Hecht Wiell, Raphael PATRONS B'nai B'rith Library, 149 Eddy Stahl, Adolfo, 150 California LIBRARY MEMBERS Anspacher, Philip, 315 Clunie Bldg. Benfield, B., Rialto Bldg. Goldstein, Alex., 100 California Meyer, Rabbi A., 3108 Jackson Redlick, Henry, 1264 Page Spiegl, L. M., 447 Front Walter, Isaac N., 1803 Franklin Alter, Marcus, 60 Moss Anspacher, Simon, 315 Clunie Bldg. Benas, Louis H., 509 Sansome Bender, Albert M., 1369 Post Bendheim, Ferd, 3312 Clay Bernstein, Wm., 819 Devisadero Beth Israel Rel. School, 1839 Geary Blum, Max, 3216 Jackson Cerf, Dr. Alvin E., 366 6th Av. Coffee, Mrs. M. H., 3055 Clay Cohen, A. E., 726 Market Cowen, A. H., 16 California Dinkelspiel, H. G. W., Chronicle Bldg. Goldman, Heim, 302 Mills Bldg. Gottlieb, Dr. A., 1661 Santa Gruhn, J. M., 1916 Pine Heineberg, J. A., 2-20th Av. Heller, E. S., Nevada Bank Bldg.

36 Colorado] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 413 Herzberg, S. A., 1713a Eddy Hyman, Jos., 1916 California Jacobi, J. J., 2855 Pacific Av. Koshland, M. S., 3800 Washington Kuhn, Saml., 2036 Hyde Lesser, A. M., 877 Market Levey, E. C, 315 Montgomery Levinson, J. B., 2420 Pacific Levy, Miss Amelia, 2315 Webster Levy, M. H., 436 OTarrell Lipsitch, I. I., 2916 Clay Lissauer, Rabbi Herman, 2054 Baker Martin, Mrs. Rabia A., 1194 Green Musin, E. H., 59 3d Newman, Juda, 110 Market Rapken, M. A., 2439 Sutter Rinder, R. R. Keystone Apt. Ringolsky, G. C, Glaus Spreckles Bldg. Rubin, Myer C, 322 Russ Bldg. Samuelson, S., 1332 Fillmore Sapiro, A. L., First Natl. Bk. Bldg. Savannah, M., 1856 Franklin Schloss, Ben., th Av. Schwabacher, L. A., Hotel St. Francis Sinsheimer, Henry, 110 Market Sloss, Mrs. M. C, Powell & Ross Starr, N., 2318 Mission Temple Emanu, El Rel. School, 1337 Sutter Tuchler, Dr. A. S., 703 Van Ness Av. Waiss, Milton, 1342 Green Wascerwitz, M. H., 550 Baker Wolff, Harry K., 112 Arguello Blvd. Y. M. H. A., 121 Haight Zionist Bureau for Pacific Coast Zussman, Dr. S., 141] Scott San Jose Franklin, Rabbi H. B. 847 Clintonia Av. Santa Ana Hurwitz, Saml., 515 E 2d Roth, S., 1205 Ross N. Santa Rosa Rosenberg, Max, 511 B Trachman, Dr. H. J., 801 Humboldt Sierra Madre Schlesinger, T., Box 124. South Pasadena SUBSCRIBER Ruth, Anna F., 1503 El Centro Stockton Gunzendorfer, F., 426 E. Main Neustadt, S., 129 S. Center Ryhim Ahoovim Congr., Box 405 Stamer, Dr. J. A., 702 F. & M. Bldg. Stein, M. P., 33 W. Rose Taft Farbstein, J., P. O. Box 439 Borach, B. Yolo Boulder Phi Sigme Delta Fraternity th Colorado Springs Schaefer, Dr. S. W., 1029 N. Nevada Av. Denver LIBRARY MEMBER Rude, Mrs. I., Argonant Hotel Adelman, Dr. Louis, 1240 Ogden Anfenger, Hon. M. L., 332 Symes Bldg. Baron, R. J., 1451 Lorimer B. M. H. Religious School, 1567 York Block, Morris H., Adams Hotel Blumberg, Dr. A. M., 3135 W. Colfax Central Jewish Aid Soc'y, th Chernoff, H., 2410 Downing Claff, Benjamin, 1641 Curtis Dveirin, Dr. H. E., 1483 King Eisner, Dr. Jno., Box 395 Emerson, Myer, 700 Knox Ct. Ettenson, Chas. M., 500 Williams COLORADO Expatients Tubercular Home 3135 W. Colfax Av. Feingold, L., 1605 Larimer Feldman, Jos. S., 1574 Irving Fine, John S., 1315 E, 13th Av. Fox, Michael, c,o Y. M. C. A. Frankle, H., 1249 Humboldt Friedman Rev. W. S., 733 E. 8th Av. Frumess, H. H., 1220 Clayton Goalstone, L., 1139 Detroit Goldbloom, Dr. I., County Hospital Grimes, J., 1st & Larimer Grimes, S., 1631 St. Paul Hayutin, Henry, 3243 W. Colfax Av. Heller, Simon J., 520 E & C Bldg. Hillkowitz, Dr. P., 1376 Madison Hornbeim, Philip, 1124 Steele Jaffa, Jos. S., 1110 Pennsylvania Kahn, Isaac, 1945 W. 14th Av. Kauvar, Rabbi C. H., 1607 Gilpin Kolinsky, Is. J., 1721 Park Av. Krohn, Dr. H., N., 256 Metropolitan Bldg. Krohn, Dr. M. J., 2220 High Levy, M. M-, Mining Exchange Bldg.

37 414 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK (Connecticut Levy, Dr. Robt., 1528 Ogden Lieberman, Jac, 966 Madison Lorber, J. N., 1689 Adams Lovins, J. A., 2301 Champa Miller, Dr. L. I., 2715 Humboldt Mortimer, Dr. J. L., 577 Lafayette Morris, Ernest, 1559 Vine National Jewish Hospital for Consumptives, 3800 E. Colfax Av. Neusteter, Meyer, 1243 Fillmore Priess, S., 2814 Marion Radetsky, M. S., 768 Gilpin Radinsky, A. D., 1432 Zum Robbins, J. L., 1523 Stout Robinson, Mrs. H. H., 900 Adams Robinson, M. H., 2300 Lawrence Rosenberg, S., 2501 Marion Schayer, M. S., Empire Bldg. Schnett, H. M., 3201 W. Colfax Schreiber, M. S., 1667 York Schwartz, B., 1166 Detroit Schwartz, H., 1270 Lafayette Schwartz, N., 2730 Downing Av. Shere, Dr. O. M., 1443 Adams Shwayder. J., 2053 Gaylord Simon, D. B., 646 Marion Sobol, J., 1457 Pearl Spivak, Dr. C. D-, 1421 Court PL Striker, Nathan, 1367 York WasUn, J., 2701 Larimer Yaker, M., 324 W. 13th Av. Zigmond, Jos., 1635 Albion Zwetow, S. R., Merchants Bk. Edgewater Isidore Hurwitz Library Marshak, Dr. M. I., Box 634 Ft. Collins Cohen, J., 242 Lenden Greener, C. I., 171 N. College Av. Tittman, O., 412 Linden Pueblo Braun, M., 410 W. 10th Trinidad Gordon, Ben E., 166 Commercial Hamersloueh, N. B. Levenson,., 417 W. 3d Mahler, J., 213 N. Commercial Sanders, Leopold, 448 W. Main Strasburg, Max, 105 W. Main CONNECTICUT Ansonia Blume, R. L., 99 Tremont Grossman, M. A., 263 Main Luria, K., 120 S. Cliff Bridgeport Bernstein, Dr. A., 472 State Brody, Saml., 138 Parrott Av. Cohen, F. S., 489 E. Main Cohen, Jacob, 153 Beach Elson, Irving, 1401 Fairfield Av. Goldberg, Paul, 106 Sanford Goldstein, H. A., 945 Main Hart, Dr. B. I., 323 State Hirsch, Marcus, 670 E. Main Horn, Dr. M. I., 915 North Av. Horwitz, Dr. M. T., 605 Union Av. Klein, J. B., 837 Fairfield Av. Kornblut, Louis A., 54 Grove Kotler, Rev. H., 72 Center Lifshitz, Ely, 231 Fairfield Av. Maccabaean, Socy, 54 Cleveland Av. Mellite, Saml., 2681 Fairfield Av. Rubinstein, B., 1204 Main Saltman, B. P., Meigs Bldg. Saltman, Henry, 126 Savoy Scherman, W., 216 Railwood Av. Schnee, A., 289 Laurel Av. Schnee, S. N., 35 Laurel Av. Shapiro, Chas. H., Meigs Bldg. Shapiro, J. G., 312 Meigs Bldg. Silverstone, Harry, 1115 E. Main Solomon, Joseph, 1188 Main Spitz, H. E., 493 Fairfield Av. Steinlauf, Sam., 83 Fairfield^Av. Bristol Appell, D. A., 105 N. Main Colchester Manis, Elias, Box 24 Danbury LIBRARY MEMBER Papish, J., 16 Robinson Av. Botler, Harris, P. O. Box 168 Sands, A., 12 Bank Scheinuck, M., 108 White Singer, Abr., 23 Greenville Av. Derby Cohen, Meyer, 136 Oliver Hampton Menken, Mrs. J. S. Hartford LIFE MEMBER Herrup, SoL R., 435 Farmington Av.

38 Connecticut] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 415 Abramson, M., 202 Vine Berman, S., 650 Albany Av. Berman, Wm. G., 120 Windsor Av. Cantarow, Dr. J. I., 63 Campfleld Av. Cohen, Dr. G. H., 120 Capitol Av. Dragat, Harris, 340 Windsor Av. Feinblum, J., 99 Windsor Av. Finkelstein, Frank, 178 State Fischer, Dr. A., 563 Albany Av. Freedman, Jos. M., 1026 Main Goldberg, I. E., 1109 Main Goldenthal, M., 161 Affleck Goldstein, A., 294 Windsor Av. Hartman, E. M., 115 N. Oxford Hartman, S., Highland Ct. Hotel Hershman, S., 25 Vineland Ter. Hoffenberg, Jos. A., 13 Seyms Hoffman, Abraham, 35 Brook Hurwitz, Dr. H. M., 65 Windsor Av. Joseph, Henry, 58 Elmer Katz, Louis H., 6 Florence Kaufman, M. G., 165 Edgewood Kopplemann, H. P., 83 Canton I^evin, H., 33 Congress Levine, Dr. Sinclair S., 69 Windsor Levy, H. P., 96 Main Levy, Josiah W. 904 Main Liebman, Dr. Wm., 179 Kenyon Liftig, Dr. M. D., 524 Albany Av. Lippman, J. L., 88 Church Luntz, Dr. B., 100 Windsor Av. Nirenstein, E., 622 Albany Av. Nowak, Rabbi A., 423 Edgewood Porris, R., 128 Bellevue Porris, I., 322 Maple Av. Rosenthal, Simon M., 127 Clark Rosenthal, S., Pigord Bldg. Schwolsky, J., 147 Edgewood Sechtman, Wm. F., 1326 Broad Shapiro, A., 336 Trumbell Sholom Aleachon Bible Socy, 124 Market Silverstein, J. S., 46 Asylum Simons, A. M., 317 Gordon Tuch, Dr. M., 1333 Main Wernick, Dr. B., 442 Main Meriden Bush, Alexander, 45 W. Main Rosenberg, Dr. H. S., 60 Pleasant Zimmerman, M., 55 North Middletown Edelberg, S., 57 Warwick Eisenstein, N., 90 William Poliner, Jacob, 546 Main Press, H., 230 Main Naugutuch Kierman, S. J., 113 Gorman New Britain Axelrod, M. A., 12 Maple Davidson, S. M., 195 Main Gans, G. L., 434 Main Goldstein, I. M., 53 Church Le Witt, G., 227 North Le Witt, M. C, 71 Russel Saxe, M. D., 74 Hart Shurberg, S., 55 Franklin Volkenheim, Dr. M., 458 Main New Haven LIBRARY MEMBER Jacobs, A., 7 Waverly PI. Adler, J., 506 Winthrop Av. Alderman, Jos. S., 40 Spruce Alderman. M. H., 61 Park Alderman, S. B., 15 Ailing Bezner, Jacob H., 491 Chapel Botwinik, Hyman, 21 Sylvan Av. Caplan, Jacob, 42 Church Cohen, Chas., 865 Chapel Friedman, A. M. 388 Whalley Av. Glouskin, Elias L., 272 Dwight Goldberg, Geo., 37 Sylvan Av. Gordon, Israel, 696 Elm Guttman, Rev. Dr. A., 97 Linden Hoffman, Bernard E,, 293 Division Kleiner, Isaac L., 188 Livingston Komroff, Saml., 524 Winthrop Av. Kraft, Herman, 87 Norton Lax, Dr. Albert, 825 Grand Av. Lear, Dr. Maxwell, 33 Sylvan Av. Levinberg, Rabbi I., 84 Park Mann, Louis L., 92 Linden Merriam, S. B., 513 Howard Av. Nathanson, S. J., 18 Howe Prince, L., 190 Ellsworth Av. Sachs, M., 97 Oak Saslansky, N., 830 Chapel Steinbach, A. D., 191 Sherman Av. Suttin, P. W., 577 Orange Ullman, Isaac M., 558 Whitney Av. Ullman, Jos. H., 115 Linden Wolfe, Isaac, 42 Church Y. M. H. A., 304 Crown New London Fraternity Lodge, 743 I. O. B. B. Gruskin, Isidor, 7 Shapley Hollandersky, P. J., 247 Huntington Norwalk Miller, A. J., 43 Orchard Weinstock, Iieon, 5 Main Yedlin, M. Norwich Gordon, A., 51 Fairmount

39 416 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [Delaware Gordon, Chaa. M., 259 W. Main Gordon, David N., 259 W. Main Kaplan, Emauel, 5 Rockwell Tr. Levin, M., 113 Wash. Shapiro, M. M., 5 Coit Silverman, M. I., 24 Asylum Strom, A., 255 W. Main Seymour Rogul, Mayer, 33 Bank Shelton Krelger, A. So. Manchester Marlow, N. t Main South Norwalk Gans, Edward M., 92 S. Main Harris, A., 92 S. Main Roodner, Saml. Roth, A., 50 Spring Udelman, L., 11 Fairfield Av. Stamford Adler, Noah, 451 Summer Freed, Mrs. H., 32 Pacific Gordon, Saml., 29 Hawthorn Krumholz, P. H., 67 Jefferson Nemoitin, Dr. J., 96 Main Polis, E., 36 St. Johns PI. Siegelbaum, A., 302 Summer Silberman, P., 233 Summer Wilk, M. M., 69 Lafayette Wise, M., 28 Pacific Dover Nurock, B. M., Bookerman Houston Station Kelso, Rev. John M. Gordon, Hyman Laurel Middletown Berkman, Joseph Fogel, Mrs. A. Lessin, M. Main Hoffman, Louis Wilson, Sol Greenabaum, E. Van Leer, Chas. Newark Seaford DELAWARE Thompsonville Squireky, Harry, 173 Enfield Waterbury Alexander, Julius, 278 N. Main Baer, S. J., 34 Corke Berman, Dr. M. D., 220 N. Main Bernstein, P. N., 65 Bank Dorfman, L., 21 Buckingham Av. Fromer, E. S., 78 Abbott Av. Gutowitz, I., 36 Dickman Herzenberg, John J., 42 Spencer Av. Holczer, B., 53 Clinton Jennes, J. K-, 18 Crescent Joseloff, M., 17 Brown PI. Jurman, Rabbi I. D., 239 N. Main Levine, M., 282 Cherry Margolis, J., 80 E. Main Muster, M. H., 35 Elizabeth Prillig, I., 103 S. Main Rosengarten, C, 257 Lincoln Ross, J., 469 N. Main Ruby, B., 232 Pine Sachs, M. 477 W. Main Silver, R., 225 Elm Sossin, S. 108 Bank Spirt, Morris, 135 Willow Spirt, S., 157 Willow Traurig, Wm., 83 Abbot Walzer, Chas., 252 Hillside Y. M. H. A. Zucker A. S. 25 Burton West Haven Cutler, J., 71 Grove Wilmington LIBRARY MEMBERS Ginns, J. N., 1905 Boulevard Miller, N., 612 N. Broome Baer, L. I., 623 King Baroway, M., 513 McCabe Av. Bareky, Nathan, 904 West Braunstein, H., 610 Market Breskman, R., 506 W. 23d Breuer, Chas. K., 724 Market Breuer, Max, 305 Market Caplan, Ph., 705 Church Cohen, I., 6th & Spruce Faber, Jacob, 724 King Finger, Aaron, 2305 Harrison Ginns, O., 424 McCabe Av. Greenblatt, E., 602 Wash. Gross, S., 301 W. 7th Himler, J., 1020 Poplar Katz, J., 700 Lombard

40 Dist. of Col.] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 417 Keil, Max, 300 E. 4th Kety, Harry, 7th & Spring Levy, Morris, 228 Market Liebowitz, J. L., 5 E. 2d Main, Chas., 1315 King Poland, M. D., 603 M Market Rabinowitz, Rabbi S., 2 Marquette Apts. Reckes, M., 2421 Latuall Rich, B. O., 2420 Madison Rosenblatt, Jacob, 312 W. 14th Rosenblatt, Louis, 2206 Jefferson Roth, Ignatz, 210 Market Schagrin, C. W., 2403 Harrison Scher, David N., 3d & King Shtofman, N., 612 King Shtofman, Wm., 725 Market Snellenburg, David, 1020 Rodney Tanzer, Morris, Lancaster Av. & Lincoln Topkis, Chas., 1914 Boulevard Topkis, Harry, 413 W. 21st Topkis, Louis, 2302 Boulevard Topkis, Wm., 2100 Boulevard W'lmington Institute Free Library Wolfman, Benj., 1317 Washington Wolters, Mrs. R. W., 600 N. Broome Washington PATRONS Berliner, E., 1458 Columbia Rd. Simon, Louis, 2620 Conn. Av., N. W. LIBRARY MEMBERS Brandeis, Justice Louis D., Stoneleigh Ct. Cohen, Myer, 2146 Wyoming Av. Friedenwald, Dr. H., Cosmos Club Gichner, F. S., 1214 D, N. W. Hecht, Alex., 515 7th, N. W. Kaufman, J. D., 1007 Penn. Av. N. W. Nordlinger, G., Amer. Natl. Bk. Bldg. Rich, M. M., 1448 Harvard, N. W. Rosenberg, M.D., 7th & E Sworzyn, M., 1219 G., N. W. Aaronson, R., 1106 Fairmount Abramson, H., 7th & L. N. W. Abramson, M., 1001 Eye, S. E. Alper, B., 432 9th Alpher, Dave, 907 G, N. W. Aronstein, M., th Av. Atlas, S., 927 D, N. W. Behrend, R. B., 3814 Keokuk Berkman, A. W., 409 7th S. W. Brotman, S., th, N. W. Buckner, J. H., th, N. W. Cohen, L., 1656 Euclid Cohen, Louis J., th, N. W. Cooper, E., th, N. W. Conn, H., 46 Arcade Mkt. Colish, Rabbi N. H., 45 New York Av. N. W. Cohn, H., 46 Arcade Mkt. Colish, Rabbi N. H., 45 New York Av. N. W. Denwitt, I., 1824 N. Capitol Edelson, N., 1001 G, S. E. Ehrlich, H., th, N. W. Felsen, A. E., 729 H, N. E. Fishel, A. M., 2614 Conn. Av., N. W. Freedman, J., 1021 Florida Av., N. E. Friedman, N., th, N. W. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Garfinkle, M., 602 M, N. W. Gelman, Elias, th, S. W. Glanzman, H., 919)4 9th, N. W. Glushak, Dr. L., 704 M. Gordon, Dr. Chas., th, N. W. Gottlieb, L. S., 615 Irving, N. W. Gusack, S. V., 4001 Harrison, N. W. Hankow, S., 1200 Florida Av., N. E. Heckman, J., 519 Col. Rd., N. W. Heilprin, G. F., 2620 University PI. Herzmark, D., 705 Florida Av., N. W. Hochman, Max, th, S. W. Jacobson, M. L., 1424 Madison Jeffrey, H., 1133 Columbia Rd Kahn, Hon. Julius, 451 Home Office Bldg. Kandel, Benj., th, N. W. Katz, J. H., th, N. W. Lemin, J., 1438 Meridian, N. W. Lesser, I., 925 N, N. W. Liebman, A., th, N. W. Loeb, Rabbi J. T., 609 8th, S. W. Londow, E. J., The Alabama Apts. Lyon, Simon, 2029 Conn. Av. MeyeroVitz, Jos., th Meyernvitz, Rabbi B., th, N. W. Michelson, H. W., 3425 M, N. W. Mintz, I., 938 F, N. W. Mitchell, Saml., 1300 Harvard, N. W. Musher, N., th, N. W. Newhouse, Dr. Benj., 1206 D, N. E. Oppenheimer, Mrs. G., 1736 Columbia Rd., N. W. Oppenheimer, Mrs. S., 1736 Col. Rd., N. W. Peyser, J. I., th, N. W. Potashnick, Rev. M., 316 3rd, N. W. Raine, M. J., 1213 Harvard, N. W. Reamer, Edward, Coblentz Apts. Rudash, I., th, N. W. Sacks, L., 1201 F, N. E. Sacks, Dr. Saml. M., 1000 N, N. W. Schoen, A., 1404 First, S. W. Schumacher, M., th, N. W. Schwartz, C, 708 7th, N. W. Scottish Rite, The, 16th & S Seigel, L. J., th, N. W.

41 418 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [Georgia SeliB, Jacob, R., 920 O, N. W. Shabshelowitz, Rabbi Theo., 302 M, N. W. Shefferman, Rev. A., 435 Mass. Av., N. W. Simon, Rev. A., 2802 Cathedral Av. Smith, S., P. O. Box 1710 Stein, Jos. B., 486 Louisiana Av., N. W. Stein, J. M., 1421 Belmont, N. W. Stolar, Mrs. L., 2913 M, N. W. Strasburger, Hon.Milton, 315 John Marshall PL, N. W. Strausburger, Jos., The Kenesau Tash, Abe, th Tash, Rev. Wm, th Tendler, M., 913 D, N. W. Tepper, B. L., 1339 Maryland Av. N. E. Tepper, J. L., Jenifer, Bide. Tobriner, Leon, 317 John Marshall Washington Heb. Congr., 1924 Penna. Ai Weinberg, Dr. B., th, N. W. Wilner, J. A., 2603 Conn. Av. Wladovsky, S., th N. W. Wolf, Alexander, 2653 Woodley Rd. Wolf. Hon. Simon, 518 Woodward Bldg. Wolpe, J. H., th, N. W. Wolpoff, Mrs. A., 3126 Dumberto Av. Y. M. H. A., Penn. Av. & 11th Rosin, S. Arcadia Ft. Pierce LIBRARY MEMBER Holtsberg, Max Gainesville Kesler, S. B., 711 E. Main, N. Jacksonville LIBRARY MEMBER Springer, Dr. Max, 24 W. 3d Bernstein, E., 1525 Park Cohen, J. E., 604 Laura Davis, Mrs. D., 630 Rogan Finkelstein, Neal, 139 W. Ashley Hirschberg, Julius, 1417 Blvd. Kaplan, Rabbi Israel L., 121 S. King Klepper L., 419 Georgia Klepper, S., J., 1521 Dellwood Av. Lippman, Gabe, P. O. Box 252 Newman, Paul, 1433 Walnut Peiser, I., 2142 Pearl Pollak, M. S., 1320 Main Rubin, Mrs. Max, 1206 E. Church Shoratein, N., 11 W. 4th Witten, Jos., 902 Davis Albany Adler, Ben Farkas, Sam, Estate of Feingold, P., 209 S. Monroe Fisher, I. Landau, Rev. E. A., 511 Commerce Marks, C, 431 Broad Meyer, J. A., 328 Broad FLORIDA GEORGIA Miami CaBSel, I. M., Box 565 Cohen, Isidor Cromer, Daniel, 125 8th Dubler, Max Engler, A. Engler, J., 1714 Av. D Plikansky, M., th Pensacola Levey, Morris, 206 N. Gregory Stark Leviton, M. Tampa LIBRARY MEMBER Maas, I., 223 Hyde Park Av. Augustine, Dr. L. S., 306 Curry Bldg. Falk, O., 821 S. Edison Av. Katz, A., th Av. Katz, Manuel, 719 Main Maas, Ernest, 835 S. Edison Av. Steinberg, E. H., 2812 Nebraska Av. Steinberg, Oscar, 2806 Nebraska Av.. West Palm Beach Schupler, Josef Ybor City Katz, Adam, th Prager, Jacob Rosenberg, M., 141 E. Broad Rubin, S. W., 609 Commerce Simon, S. K., 517 Highland Av. Stern, Siegmund, 504 Pine Bukantz, M. Americus

42 Georgia] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 419 Cohen, S.. Hoffman, Reuben Macey, J. M. Stein, Frank, 224 Jackson Athens Morris, Lee, 190 Umv. Drive University of Georgia Library Atlanta Abelson, Harry, 216 Capitol Av. Abelson, I., 220 Marietta Alpert, Dr. N., 380 Wash. Apte, D. J., 425 Washington Asher, S. 10 Peachtree Bach, N. H., 218 Wash. Berman, Gus, 234 Richardson Bukofsky, B. Terminal Hotel Clarke, Dr. L. B., 568 Washington Cohen, M. H., 280 Decatur Eplan, S. B., 30 Decatur Feibelman, M., 461 Washington Frank, M., Atlanta Natl. Bank Bldg. Friedman, A., 235 E. Hunter Fuchs, B. B., 268 Myrtle Galanter, L., 270 Capitol Av. Gershon, Geo. A., 53 W. 14th Gertler, L., 340 Spray Goettinger, B., 31 Ponce de Leon PI. Goldberg, A., 251 Woodward Av. Goldberg, Jos., 405 Capitol Av. Golden, N., 228 Richardson Goldstein, M. F., 37 Park Lane Goldstein, M. 337 Washington Goldstein, S., 147 Deeatur Guthman, S., 73 W. 14th Haas, Herbert J., 303 Washington Haas, I. H., 749 Ponce de Leon Av. Haas, L. Jr., 1220 Piedmont Av. Hadas, D., 17 Hill Heyman, Arthur, 507 Conolly Bldg. Hirmes, Rabbi A. P., 384 Wash. Hirech, Harold, 70 Waverly Way Hirshberg, I. A., 218 Washington Horwitz, M., 342 Central Av. Jacobs, H. S., 928 Piedmont Av. Jacobs, M. B., 409 Wash. Kaplan, H., 174 Bass, Apt. 7 Klein, Milton, 1180 Piedmont Av. Leavitt, J. H., 434 Capitol Av. Levinson, A., 805 W. Peachtree Levitas, Louis J., 921 Grant Bldg. Lichtenstein, M., 192 E. Fair Liebman, I., 311 Washington Marx, Rev. David, Druid Apt. Mayer, A. E., Dreiped Apt. Mendel, H., 130 Washington Merlin, L. A., 96 Capitol Meyer, A. A., 59 W. 11th Minsk, J., 719 Edgewood Av. Montag, Sig., 24 Oakdale Naman, J., 719 Edgewood Av. Oberdorfer, E., 1124 Piedmont Av. Paradies, I. Jacob, 405 Capitol Av. Rauzin, J., 306 N. Jackson Rich, M., 598 Capitol Av. Rosenberg, L. A., 348 Central Av. Rouglin, Dr. L. C, 409 Washington Saltzman, N. H., 49 Windsor Schoen, I., 707 Ponce de Leon Schreiber, M., 2140 Capitol Av. Segalowitz, J., 200 Rawson Selig, S. S. 37 Springfield Rd. Siegel, N., 86 Sinclair Av. Silver, Wm, 35 Elmwood Dr. Silverman, Harry, 58 Fairview Rd. Solomon, H., 250 Bass Solomon H. L., 71 Selk Av. Strasburger, L. S., 424 Wash. Temple Sisterhood Weinman, A., 396 Wash. Wilensky, H., 272 Washington Wolfsheimer, Carl, 608 Empire Bldg. Yalovitz Bros., 46 Piedmont Av. Augusta Baron, S., 2204 Richland Av. Blum, L., 1412 Johns Rd. Nachman, D., 2428 Williams Sawilowsky, J., 966 Broad Schneider, J., 1441 John's Rd. Brunswick Pfeiffer, Fred, 1800 Norwich Silberstein, Louis Lubin, B. Macey, Isadore Camilla Columbus LIBRARY MEMBER Hirsch, Miss Addie, d Av. Arenowitch, I., 537 First Av. Cohn, Sam, st Av. Davis, L. H., 1038 Broad Garber, S., 801 4th Av. JaSe, S., 312 9th Julius, H., d Av. Loeb, Morris, d Av. Rosenberg, Max, d Av. Rosenthal, Rabbi F. L., th Av. Cordele Boniske, R., th Av. Kantziper, N. D. Katzif, F. Miller, Louis, 11th Av. Ginsburg, N. Seligman, L. Douglas

43 420 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [Georgia Douglasville Austell, Alfred, R. F. D. 6 Eastman Caplan, B. Levine, J. Lipsey, Joe Miller, Harry Schwartz, J. M. Elberton Berman, Mrs. M., Mclntosh Landau, M. Patz, S., College Av. Silverman, Mrs. S. L. Fitzgerald Abram, Sam Cohen, Dr. M. S., 302 W. Pine Garber, B. Gottlieb, M. Kruger, F., 210 E. Pine Ft. Valley Arenson, S. Griffin Goldenberg, I. Haisfield, B. S. Macon Goldgar, B., 403 Spring Gordon, H., 205 New Harris, J., 720 2d Hebrew Social Club, 454^ 1st Hirsch, Jacob, 352 Plum Seligman, J., Fredonia Apts. Ulman, E., 314 New Weinstein, M., 273 Wash. Av. Witman, M. J., 121A Appleton Av. Moultrie LIBRARY MEMBER Friedlander, Nathan Friedlander, J. Friedman, Sam Golden, Isidore Nashville Bornett, M. Quitman Lazarus, P. Rome Lesser, J. H., 902 N. Broad Savannah LIBRARY MEMBER Alexander, H. R., 118 Bryan, W. Adler, S. G., c,o L. Adler Appel, M., 306 Liberty Av. W. Basch, H. B., 23 E. 33rd Blumberg, I., 119 E. Liberty Blumenfeld, M., 222 Montgomery Av. Blumenfield, I., 409 E. Huntingdon Blumenthal, H., 321 W. 35th Blumenthal, M., 115 W. 36th Chassy, S., Box 1071 Dub, B., 811 Whitaker Ehrenreich, H. S., 303 W. Gevinett Epstein, E. S., 210 W. 37th Eiseman, D., 914 W. Broad Fialkow, I., 526 E. Broughton Fischer, Jr. I. M., 610 W. Broad Gazan, Jacob, 122 E. 37th Gronse, L. E., 225 W. Bay Guckenheimer, A. S., 811 Whitaker Halpern, K., 1116 Lincoln Hornstein, M., 572 W. Bay Hornstein, S., 21 E. Gordon Horovitz, I. A., M., 401 Broughtan Horovitz, H., 108 W. Congress Jewish Educational Alliance 328 Barnard Kanter, H., 417 Broughton W. Kravitch, A., Citz. Trust Bldg. Lewin, Geo., 211 E. Jones Lieberls, R., 314 Huntington E. Lipsitz, M., M., 120 W. Broughton Lipsitz, S., 316 Bolton, W. Marcus, Wm., 204 E. 44th Mirsky, L., 412 W. Broad Palefsky, H., 401 W. Oglethorp Av. Pinsker, Wm., c,o Jewish Educational Alliance Portman, S., 424 Broughton W. Rabban, Jack, 401 Gordon E. Ranzin, A., 529 Manpas Av. Raplan, A. E., 320 W. Broughton Raskin, B., 412 W. Gevinitt Richman, J., 147 W. Broad Rochlen, M., 409 E. Broughton Roos, L. J., 213 W. 35th Rosenthal, E. W., 15 E. 36th Salkin, Jos. A., 912 E. Park Av. Schoenberg, L., 1911 Whitaker Shapiro, A., 116 W. Taylor Slotin, M., 106 W. 36th Small, A. L., 327 Whitaker Sutker, Jacob, 307 W. Hull Sutker, L., 413 W. Jones Victor, J., 510 Barnard Weitz, B., 18 W. 38th Weitz, Sr. L., 121 W. 37th Wilensky, W., 20 E. 33d Sparta Bunim, H. B. Friedman, Chas. Kroysky, D. B. Levine, Mrs. J. I.

44 Illinois^ JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 421 Sylvester Baniske, N. R. Levy, Sam Talluah Park Magid, L9uis B. Thomasville Bluestein, Sam Feinberg, H., 101 S. Broad Boise Kahn, C. M., 214 W. Bamock Mayfleld, M. Slatkin, M. Idaho Falls Rudman, S. 311 Bway Scheinberg, A. Argo Learner, J. B., nd PI. Mann, Dr. S. L. Aurora Adler, A. L. C. N. W. Railway Berman, R., 234 S. La Salle Joseph, I., 32 Holbrook Simon, J., City Hall Swimmer, J., 218 N. View Weiner, L. E., 146 Fox Zidell, J., 364 Grand Ave. Beardstown Pearlman, B., 1008 E. 7th Belvidere Berman, Mrs. H., 119 N. State Elias, S., 120 N. State Katawsky, I., 219 E. Locust Silver, L., 311 S. Main Silverman, D. L., 903 Garfleld Stein, P., 518 S. State Benton Hochman, Paul Saletra, Joe Bloomington Epstein, H., 305 M S. Gridley Furstman, Dr. J. M., 303 S. East Goldman, F., 405 N. Main Greenspan, A., 215 S. Anter Griesheim, J. S., Griesheim Bldg. Grossman M. Heldman, Sig., 501 Jefferson W. IDAHO ILLINOIS Feinberg, W. Steyerman, L. S. Broad Bohrman, J. Cohen, J. S. Heyman, M Tifton West Point rtha Pocatella Morgan, N., 622 S. 8th Av. Salmenson, A., 423 S. 3rd Av. Haas, Bernard Weiser Livingston, M., 408 E. Wash. Livingston, M., 1212 Clinton Blvd. Livingston, Sig., Livingston Bldg. Mandel, O., 507 E. Wash. Ochs. Herman S., Griesheim Bldg. Press, M. D., 203 H S. Madison Romier, B., 502 N. Center Rosen, M., CO W. H., Roland Rosenberg, C, 109 S. Center Rosenbluth, S., 420 N. Center Schwarzman, A. Seltzer, D., 423 N. East Silver, C. W., 1001 S. Madison Stein, B., 1312 S. Feller Av. Waldman, S., 203 E. Olive Bushwell LIBRARY MEMBER Wiener, Sol ANNUAL MEMBER Coppersmith, D. Cairo Cohen, W., 6th & Ohio Pearson, I., 822 Charles Canton Deutsch, S., 222 S. 2d Av. Gavenda, B. Gavenda, S., 352 S. 2d Av. Gilbert, G. M.,. 167 E. Elm Centralia Gudder, B., 408 S. Chestnut

45 422 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [Illinois Champaign Brown, B., 215 S. Market Zimmerman, M., 510 E. White Chicago LIFE MEMBERS Fish, Mrs. Jos., 1811 Prairie Av. Lidov, G. R., 1244 Independence Bl'vd. Rosenwald, Julius, 4901 Ellis Av. PATRONS De Lee Dr. J. B., 5028 Ellis Av. Hoffman, J., 237 S. Market Platt, S. P., 308 S. Market Turner, A., 1444 S. Sangamon LIBRARY MEMBERS Abraham, A., 3060 E. 92d Broyde, S., 1547 S. Sawyer Av. Dressner, S., 500 S. Peoria Eisenberg, J. I., 2639 Lincoln Av. Eisendrath, B. D., 130 N. Wells Eisendrath, H. J., 4722 Ellis Av. Elkan, L. H., 1521 Webster Av. Epstein, S. B., 3407 Douglas Blvd. Feder, Harry, 1378 Milwaukee Av. Frankenstein, W. B., 110 S. Dearborn Friedman, J., 6733 Newgard Friedman, M., 3929 N. Hayne Av. Glass, J. H., 1630 Fargo Av. Goldberg, S. B., 3855 Van Buren Goodman, M. D., 811 Drexel Sq. Grollman, L., 11 W. Monroe Grossman, M. M., 56 W. Randolph Horween, J., 3934 Pine Grove Av. Jewish Daily Forward, 1128 Blue Island Av. Kaplan, I. H., 1410 S. Central Pk. Av. Kaplan, N. D., 110 S. Dearborn Klee, Max, 1200 Milwaukee Av. Leopold, N. F., 1517 Conway Bldg. Levine, J. E., 1111 S. Washtenaw Av. Levine, Wm, 4701 Drake Av. Lieberman, J., 3401 Douglas Blvd. Loeb, A. F., 6221 Ingleside Av. Lubin, F., 3607 Douglas Blvd. Lurie, Max, 1810 Blue Island Av. Nartzik, J. J., 4139 Springfield Av. Norden, G. J., 30 N. La Salle Phillipson, F., 5438 Harper Phillipson, I., 5479 Hyde Park Rhein, J. A., 5939 S. Michigan Rigot, M., 1706 Kenilworth Av. Rosenbaum, E. F., Post Tel. Bldg. Rosenblatt, S. J., 38 S. Dearborn Rosenwald, M. S., 4924 Woodlawn Av. Rubovits, T., 4439 Drexel, Blvd. Selzer, Ph Logan Blvd. Simon, N., 549 Swiff Smidt, J., 6152 S. Aberdeen Stern, M., 646 Wellington Av. Sultan, Wm., 7700 N. Marshfteld Av. Ware, S. N., 4537 Woodlawn Av. Weinberg, M. A., Harris Trust Bide Weinfeld, Chas., 4538 Grand Blvd. Wolfsohn, M. E., 6223 S. Park Av. Wormser, L. F., 4745 Kimbark Av. Aaron, Chas., 5745 Indiana Av. Aaron, Harry, 1106 W. 63d Abram, Harry, 1425 S. Trumbull Av. Abrams, L., 7632 N. Marshfield Av. Abrams, Meyer, 1607 Ashland Blk. Abramson, A., 923 Marquette Ter. Adelman, J. S., 1227 S. Newbery Av. Adler, A., 1236 S. Spaulding Av. Adler, D., 2703 Potomac Av. Adler, I., 3140 Sunnyside Av. Adler, N., 3335 Lexington Adler, O., 1401 Noble Adlerblum, I., 1225 S. Troy Africk, A., 3909 W. 13th Ainbinder, M., 4140 Clarendon Av. Alban, Jos., 3533 W. Madison Alexander, E., 5138 Cornell Av. Aling, L. I, 1548 Kedzie Av. Altbach, L., 1426 S. Trumbull Alter, J., 420 E. 49th Altschul, P., 3851 W. 13th Amsel, A., 4749 Lincoln Av. Andalman, M. N S. Ada Andelson, Dr.,D Roosevelt Rd. Antonow, J. B., 1254 S. Millard Av. Antonow, S. L., 3642 W. 13th Apter, J. W., 658 E. 51st Arbetman, Florence, 611 Addison Aren, Dr. M. L., 739 W. 12th Arkin, Dr. M. L., 1122 N. Oakley Blvd. Armin, Mrs. Chas., 1549 W. 69th Aron, David, 508 E. 61st Aronoff, N. K., 5148 Mich. Av. Aronson, D., 1419 S. Turner, Av. Arvey, J. M., 3433 Douglas Blvd. Ascher, Dr. D. H., 1300 N. Western Av. Ascher, F., 4826 Prairie Av. Auerbach, M. 324 S. Market Augustus, M., 108 S. La Salle Aureck, E., 2651 Wabansia Av. Bach, Ch9s. B., 3641 S. Halsted Bach, I*opold, 237 E. U3l,b Bach, Saml., Calumet Av. Bachrach, M. M., 910 Grace Baer, J., 3120 Logan Blvd. Baim. W., 6156 Rhodes Av. Bank, Dr. M. U., 2501 W. Division Barancik, B., 9000 Buffalo Av. Baskin, J., Mallevs Bldg. Baskind, M., 1204 W. Chicago Av. Baskind, Dr. N. I., 819 W. 61st Bauer, L. Lester, 4046 N. Ashland Av. Baum, H. H., 4825 Grand Blvd. Bazer, Dr. P., 3915 Roosevelt Rd. Becker, A., 4711 N. St. Louis Av. Becker A. G., 137 S. La Salle

46 Illinois] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 423 Becker, M., 1646 S. St. Louis Av. Beiersdorf, S. R., 831 Sheridan Rd. Beilin, L., 2437 N. Albany Av. Bendler, E., 1623 N. Humboldt Blvd. Bendheim, Moritz, 1621 W. Division Bensinger, B. E., 623 S. Wabash Av. Berenson, F. B., 1358 S. Halsted Berger, H. A., 3057 E. Cheltenhan PI. Berger, I., 1413 S. Jefferson Berger, M. I., 1800 Selden Berkman, Mrs. H, Lexington Av. Berkman, I. S., 4833 Mich. Av. Berkowitz, A., 1003 Collins Berkson, E., 1256 Independence Berkson, J. M., 643 W. 63d Berman, Chas., 3601 N. 13th Berman, L. G., 1380 Hyde Pk. Blvd. Bernheim, J., 4246 Sheridan Rd. Bernstein, A., 1007 Milwaukee Av. Bernstein, A. L., 355 Englewood Av. Bernstein, Fred, 6125 Vernon Av. Bernstein, G. D., 1151 E. 47th Bernstein, H., 6033 N. Winthrop Av. Bernstein, L., 3445 W. Roosevelt Rd. Bernstein, L., 600 E. 51st Bernstein, L. H., 3914 W. 19th Bernstein, M. A., 6532 Peoria Sq. Bernstein, M. A., 751 Rush Bild, M., 3216 Potomac Av. Binswanger, A., 69 W. Wash. Birk, M., 614 E. 51st Birkenstein, Al., 939 Argyle Birkenstein, H., 450 Wnghtwood Av. Birkenstein, L., 444 "Wrightwood Av. Bishkow, Dr. I. E., 3861 W. 12th Black, S., 7837 S. Halsted Blair, Saml., 707 Briar PI. Bleadon, J. B., 1107 S. Western Av. Blink, M., 6212 Eberhart Av. Bloch, A., 3323 Wash. Blvd. Bloch, M. N., 3136 Douglas Blvd. Bloch, Walter, 5134 S. Park Av. Block, A. L., 8413 Buffalo Av. Block, Dr. L. H., 1444 Milwaukee Av. Bloom, David, 144 S. Wabash Av. Bloom, H., 4828 S. Ashland Av. Bloom, M., 6520 Drexel Av. Bloom, M. W., 2619 W. Division Bloom, S., 916 S. Halsted Blum, H. S., 1619 S. Millard Blum, Dr. N. W., 4515 N. Albany Av. Blumenthal, A., 2124 Alice PI. Blumenthal, A. J., 840 W. Roosevelt Blumenthal, Dr. A. R Ind. Av. Blumenthal, B., 1364 N. Sedgwick Blumenthal, S., 104 S. Clinton Boettger, F. H., 1944 W. Adams Bogorad, A., 2060 W. Division Boosel, Jos., 2448 Logan Blvd. Borges, B. E., 1436 E. 65th Bornstein, M., 949 W. Hayne Av. Borovik, J., 3254 Pierce Av. Botkowsky, M., 4722 S. Ashland Av. Bower, H., 7916 S. Halsted Botkowsky, M., 4722 S. Ashland Av. Bramson, D., 1214 S. Spalding Av. Braman, M., 3330 W. 12th Braude, A., 501 Indepednence Blvd. Braude, L., 3146 Lyndale Brazen, Harry, 1654 S. Hamlin Bregstone, Judge P. B., Ashland Blk. Breit, A. M., 6424 Dorchester Brettschneidee, J., 1633 Hamlin Av. Brodsky, Dr. J. A., 2427 N. Kedzie Blv'd. Brodsky, L., 26 Quincy Brown, H., 1212 S. Miller Buchhalter, Mrs. E. H., 3304 Douglas Blvd. Buchsbaum, S., 5430 Michigan Av. Burr, Maurice, 1215 Independence Blvd. Callner, Jos. M., 3151 W. 15th Callner, M. H., 654 Gordon Ter. Camp, N. H., 1311 S. Kedzie Av. Cann, I., 108 N. Hamlin Av. Caro, M., 1930 W. Division Chaperon, H., 1647 S. Central Park Av. Charleson, B., 3441 Greenshaw Chesler, J., 1149 E. 55th Chodzinsky, I., 5253 S. Princeton Av. Chulock, Dr. A. W., 1234 N. Hoyne Claus, J. D., 1300 S. Troy Clonict, A. J., 1475 S. State Cohen, Kabbi A., 5046 Michigan Av. Cohen, A. E., 3435 Douglas Blvd. Cohen, Archie H., 3829 Fillmore Cohen, B., 130 N. Hickory Cohen, C. E., 1812 S. Troy Cohen, Geo. B., 4636 Drexel Blvd. Cohen, H. A., 3913 Wentworth Av. Cohen, I., 742 Buena Av. Cohen, J. A., 1641 W. 61st Cohen, J. J., 5749 Michigan Cohen, J., 248 N. Fairfield Av. Cohen, J., 3913 Lawrence Av, Cohen, J., 6638 S. Halsted Cohen, L-, 115 S. Dearborn Cohen, Louis A., 1256 Milwaukee Av. Cohen, Miss. M., 3433 W. 13th Cohen, M. M S. Ridgeway Cohen, M., 1837 Humboldt Bk. Cohen, N., 1306 Milwaukee Av. Cohen, N. J., 4637 Prairie Av. Cohen, S Wentworth Av. Cohen, S. J., 25 S. Market Cohen, Theo., 1441 Milwaukee Av. Cohn, A. A., 636 E. 51st Cohn, Archie, 302 S. Market Cohn, C. H., 4322 Clarendon Av. Cohn, J. W., 857 Margate Terr. Cohn, Jos., 5400 S. Michigan Blvd. Cohn, Lee, 5709 Michigan Av. Cohn, S., 837 W. Madison Cohon, Rabbi S. S., 1619 Howard Coleman, C. L., 5100 Ellis Av. Comroe, Dr. Jos., I., 25 E. Wash.

47 424 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [Illinois Conheim, Max, 5926 S. Park Av. Copeland, A., 1117 Independence Coplon, Dr. A. G., 2658 W. Division Cooper, M., 4157 W. Central Pk. Av. Cowen, Isidore, 5634 S. Park Av. Cowen, I., 437 E. 48th Cowen, Millie, 5848 Michigan Av. Cutterman, S., 358 W. Madison Daiches, Eli, 25 E. Jackson Blvd. D'Ancona, E. N., 1038 Stock Exchg. Bldg. D'Anconna, A. E., 4455 Greenwood Av. Daniels, H., 3827 Cottage Grove Av. David, Mrs. J. B., 839 County Bldg. Davidson, D. A., 6229 Vernon Av. Davidson, M. J., 5436 Harper Av. Davis, Col. Abel, 5125 Ellis Av. Davis, Dr. H. I., 4708 Drexel Blvd. Davis, I. C, 6752 Evans Av. Davis, Jos., 1400 Milwaukee Av. Davis, M., 4919 Michigan Av. So. Davis, Meyer, 2319 Thomas Davis, Wm. M., 501 Plymouth Ct. Dee, Frank, 1514 S. Millard Av. De Koven, Dr. B., 749 Independence Blvd Deitch, Ph., 1658 Chicago Av. W. Dekofsky, A., S., 3221 W. 12th De Koven, J., 1315 S. Halsted Delson, I.ouis J., 56 W. Randolph Dentlebaum, Leopold, c,o Chicago Home {or Jewish Orphans Dept. of Biblical Literature, Y. M. C. A. College Dettelbach, D., 5433 Indiana Av. Deutsch, Saml., 4936 Ellis Av. Diamond, Jacob, 5 N. La Salle Diamond, M., 4621 St. Lawrence Av. Dobsevage, Israel, 17 N. Wabush Av. Docter, A. M., 5139 Ellis Av. Donooltsky, A., 1343 S. Jefferson Dorfman, A., 3352 S. State Dottenheim, H. H., 4745 Kenwood Av. Drell, Paul, 515 W. Madison Dresner, E., 650 Grace Dubaw, H., 1224 N. Washtenaw Dubow, S., 2153 Alice PI. Dulsky, Louis, 29 S. La Salle Dunsay, Geo., 910 Independence Blvd. Durchslag, H., 2308 Iowa Dushkin, S., 1421 N. Fairfeld Av. Ehrensaft, J. B., 3418 Potomac Av. Eisen, F., 1754 W. Chicago Av. Einstein, D. G., 5211 Indiana Av. Eisenberg, J., 505 W. 65th PI. Eisenstaedt, R., 320 S. Franklin Eisler, Chas., Bush Temple Bldg. Elenbogen H., 1600 W. 12th Elfenbaum, Dr. A., 3427 Lawrence Av. Elkan, H., 18 W. Austin Elgart, M., 1142 S. St. Louis Av. Ellis, J., 5709 Indiana Av. Elman, Rabbi A., 3531 W. 12th PI. Ellman, Edw. I., 6620 N. Ashland Av. Emanuel Sabbath School, 701 Buckingham PI. Enelow, B. F., 110 S. Dearborn Entin, Joe, S. State Epstein, B. P., 5323 Hyde Pk. Blvd. Epstein, Dr. H., 1259 W. 12th Epstein, K., 4656 S. Ashland Av. Epstein, S., 1334 S. Sawyer Av. Ettelson, Julius, 5016 Sheridan Rd. Ettelson, S. A., 3659 Michigan Av. Fagenholz, M., 451 W. North Av. Falk, A., 3228 Bway Farber, A. S., 4918 Vincennes Av. Faust, Abr., 822 E. 46th Feder, Ph., 1409 S. Union Av. Feinberg, S. J., 6440 S. Artesian Av. Feist, M., 3661 S. Wood Feiwell, M. E., 1405 Trumbull Av. S. Feldman, D., 3403 N. Paulina Feldman, M. J., 343 E. 55th PI. Feldman, S., 3136 Fullerton Av. Feldsher, Dr. N. Z., 3434 W. 12th Feldstein, M., 804 S. Walbash Av. Felsenthal, Eli B., 1123 Chetfield Rd. Fenchel, S. H., 910 Glengyle PI. Ferson, Mrs. B., 3923 Jackson Blvd. Feuer, Dr. M., 3515 W. Roosevelt Rd. Fienberg, J., 2541 Cottage Grove Av. Fine, Chas., 1006 Milwaukee Av. Fine, Jacob M., 1404 N. Kedzie Av. Finegold, E S. Millard Av. Finkel, Dr. M., 1868 Central Pk. Av. Finkelstein, Dr. H. t 2900 Roosevelt Rd. Fishbein, Dr. M., 910 Margate Ter. Fisher H. H. 443 S. Halsted Fisher, Hon. H. M., County Bldg. Fishman, F., 426 S. Kedzie Av. Fleischman, I. S., 7918 S. Halsted Fleischman, M., 3347 W. Monroe Folk, Dr. M. L., 228 E. 16th Foreman, C, 1935 Ogden Foreman, Oscar G., 30 N. La Salle Fox, Dr. N. H., 807 S. Marshfield Fox, N. I., 3501 Douglas Blvd. Fox, Nathan, 510 Roscoe Fram, Rabbi L., 1227 Independence Blvd. Frank, Henry, L., 1608 Prairie Av. Frank, J., 4919 Mich. Av. Frank, L., 33 So. Central Park Blvd. Frank, Nate, 6132 Greenwood Av. Frank, Sol, 1404 W. Roosevelt Rd. Frazin, A. L., 9123 Exchange Av. Frazin, M. M Mich. Av. Freed, I. B., 4836 N. Kimball Av. Freed, N., 1502 Jonquial Ter. Freedman, Dr. I. V., 5816 Kenmore Av. Freeman, D., 1504 N. Washtenaw Freeman, H., 1832 S. Kedzie Fridstein, S. H., 10 S. La Salle Fridus, Dr. S. L., 1700 Garfield Blvd. Fried, A., 1221 S. St. Louis Av. Fried, Isidore, 1124 Independence Blvd.

48 Illinois] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 425 Friedland, Morris N., 155 N. Clark Friedlander, H., 169 E. 16th Friedlen, H. I.., 6441 Lakewood Av. rriedman, J., 1956 Humboldt Friedman, Dr. J., Mich. Av. Friedman, M. L., Chicago Beach Hotel Friend, W., 16 S. State Gaertner, L., 1304 Monadnock Bldg. Galantier, David A., 3344 W. Division Gartenstein, Dr. J., 1606 W. 12th Gazan, S. H., 1011 Roosevelt Rd. Gedwitz, M., 2039 S. Morgan Gelbspan, Mrs. L., 501 Plymouth Ct. Gerngross, Leo., 5742 S. Park Av. Gesas, Michael 5062 Sheridan Rd. Gethner, N., 2152 Walton Ginsburg, Mrs. J., 1342 Independence Blvd Ginsburg, J., 1223 Blue Island Av. Ginsburg, J., 3553 W. Roosevelt Rd. Ginsburg, S., 1306 Independence Blvd. Glaser, Wm., 3609 Greenshaw Glassenberg, J., 2157 Alice PI. Glick, L. G., 1001 S. Ashland Blvd. Glickman, F., 7838 S. Sangaman Glickson, O., 915 Ainalie Gobidma, H., 1131 Whipple Goldberg, B., 1326 Blue Island Av. Goldberg, Dr. J. B., 3200 Douglas Blvd. Goldberg, M., 849 N. Leavitt Goldberg, Max, 9020 Commercial Av. Goldberger, R. J., 1558 S. Trumbull Av. Goldblatt, P., 717 S. Lawndale Av. Golden, Dr. I. J. K., 2238 W. North Av. Goldfarb, S., 516 Ashland Blk. Goldfine, Dr. A. H. C, 3425 W. 16th Goldman, B., 2760 W. Division Goldman, D., 1959 W. Division Goldman, Louis, 6051 Eberhard Av. Goldman, Ph., 1337 S. Halsted Goldsmith, Dr. A. A., 29 E. Madison Goldstein, A., 430 W. 63rd Goldstein, A. H., 3212 Potomac Av. Goldstein, A. W., 2435 N. Albany Av. Goldstein, D., 1272 N. Wood Goldstein, D., 1410 Thorndale Av. Goldstein, I. O., 6416 Lakewood Av. Goldstein, Isadore, 811 Rector Bldg. Goldstein, J., 6249 Drexel Av. Goldstein, M., 2467 N. Albany Av. Goldstein, S., 1375 Milwaukee Av. Goldstine, M. T., 4942 Mich. Av. Gollen, Dr. I. S., 2200 W. Division Golub, M., 1253 N. Rockwell Gomberg, Dr. H., 4552 S. Ashland Av. Goodman, Jos., 5153 Bway. Goodman, I., 4511 Grand Blvd. Goodman, J. W., 3844 W. 15th Goodman, M., 1000 N. Oakley Blvd. Goone, M. N., 1900 W. Division Gordon, A. M., 3619 Douglas Blvd. Gordon, H. A., 1900 Sunnyside Av. Gorden, N. L., 3724 Grenshaw Goren, M., 1750 Taylor Gorodetsky, J., 2130 W. Chicago Av. Gottlieb, H. A., 5639 Michigan Av. Gould, L. L., Esq., 1214 Unity Bldg. Gratch, S., 2235 W. Division Green, R. B., Dr., 3346 W. Roosevelt Rd. Greenberg, Dr. I. M., 2050 Pierce Av. Greenberg, M., 5759 S. Mich. Av. Greenberg, M., 1730 N. Halsted Greenberg, Saml., Parnell Av. Greene, Ben., 1426 Birchwood Av. Greenspan, I., 523 E. 63rd Greenspan, Dr. J., 2643 W. Division Greenspan, S., 3236 Roosevelt Rd. Grodson, S. G., 4601 Indiana Av. Grollman, I., 310 S. Racine Av. Gross, B., 324 E. Kensington Av. Gross, Louis J., 5356 Michigan Av. Gross, M. M., 1356 S. Racine Av. Gross, P. A., 175 W. Jackson Blvd. Grossman, B. J., 5447 Kenmore Av. Grossman, J., Harris Trust Bldg. Gumbiner, H. L., 2325 Giddings Gumpert, J., 912 Margate Ter. Gunther, Mrs. S. L., 30 N. Mich. Av. Gusfield, J. J Grand Blvd. Guthman, Max, 106 N. La Salle Hackner, Elias, 129 S. Market Hadzinsky, C, 3349 W. Roosevelt Halber, M., 1568a Haque Av. Handler, H., 1403 Wicker Pk. Av. Handelman, Dr. E. D., 1656 W. 12th Handmacher, M., 4442 Sheridan Rd. Harris, L., 2636 W. North Av. Harris, Wm. A., 4736 S. Ashland Av. Hart, O. H., 5242 Prairie Av. Hart, Wm. S., 3322 N. Ashland Av. Hartman, A., 4527 Ellis Av. Hartman, Jos. S., 5435 Hyde Pk. Blvd. Hayden, M., 7837 S. Halsted Hebrew League Library, 1113 S. Ashland Blvd. Hebrew School of the United Cong. Hirsch & Rockwell Helman, S., 1421 S. Halsted Heldman, J. N., 108 S. La Salle Heller, S., 1214 Blue Island Av. Helman, S., 1421 S. Halsted Heldman, J. N., 108 S. La Salle Heller, S., 1214 Blue Island Av. Heldman, J. N., 108 S. La Salle Heller, S., 1214 Blue Island Av. Heller, S., 1923 Irving Pk. Blvd. Heinmelstein, 1.1., 836 N. Robey Herr, Simon, 3142 W. 15th Herskovitz, M., 5830 Park Av. Herst, F., 4536 Drexel Blvd. Herat, H. A., 2643 Evergreen Av. Herst, Julius, 2643 Evergreen Av. Herzog, N., 431 S. Dearborn Heshin, H., 3621 Wilton Av. Hevesh, Rabbi J., 1032 N. Mozart

49 426 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [Illinois Heyman, G., 6652 S. Park Av. Himmelstein, I. I., 2736 Crystal Hirschberg, Rev. A., 2634 Lake View Av. Hoffman, S. A N. Robey Honig, H., 3113 Lincoln Av. Horberg, H., 3210 Arlington Homer, Hon. H., 4801 Forrestville Av. Horvitz, A., 5732 Winthrop Av. Horvitz, D., 3828 Park Av. Horwich, A. N., 6722 Michigan Av. Horwich, B., 2456 Archer Av. Horwich, L. J., 6150 Greenview Av. Horwitz, A., 1124 N. Western Av. Horwitz, S. C, 111 W. Monroe Huttner, R. L., 717 Cornelia Av. Hurwitz, L., 3140 Sunnyside Av. Hurwitz, Wm, 3131 Lincoln Av. Iker, H., 3906 W. 13th Isaiah Sabbath School, 5035 Greenwood Av. Isacovitz, J. H., 3127 W. Roosevelt Rd. Israel, M. H., 929 E. 47th Isenson, E. M., 1574 Milwaukee Av. Israeltsam A., 1417 S. Millard Av. Jacob, H. A., 3857 W. Van Buren Jacobson, D., 902 Union Av. Jacobson, J. S., 720 E. 50th PI. Jacobson, Dr. J., 4750 Bway. Jacobson, Dr. J., 7516 S. Green Jadwin, B., 1316 Independence Blvd. Jaffe, Ernest, M., 1024 E. 46th Janov, Dr. M. M., 1514 S. Kedzie Av. Janowitz, I., 1431 Wicker Pk. Av. Jasko, Wm. N., 1319 Hastings Jewish Educational Alliance 1243 N. Wood Juschinsky, F., 1425 S. Kedzie Av. Kagan, B. R., 64 E. 50th Kahn, Dr. H., 30 N. Michigan Av. Kahn, H., 4320 Clarendon Av. Kahn, Dr. H., 5058 S. Ashland Av. Kahn, Jos., 2627 N. Mozart Kahn, J., 2122 Potomac Av. Kahn, M., 35th & Wood Kahn, Dr. M., 4627 S. Ashland Av. Kahn, M. S., 5427 S. May Kahn, M. T., 7640 Bond Av. Kahn, Marcus, 7027 Jeffery Av. Kahn, N., 3648 W. Polk Kallis, M., 1404 S. Albany Av. Kalish, K., 1213 S. Halsted Kalish, L. P., 5811 Indiana Av. Kamen, H., 1426 E. 55th Kan, Dr. C. P., 2524 W. Division Kane, H. L., 1255 S. Turner Kanne, J., 3230 S. State Kantor, H. E., 6448 Greenview Av. Kaplan, J., 400 Westminster Blk. Kaplan, I. H., 3739 Pine Grove Av. Kaplan, Dr. M. I., 3819 W. Roosevelt Kaplan, M. P., 1410 N. Hoyne Av. Kaplan, S., 631 N. Clarke Karno, L., 1141 Independence Blvd. Karpen, Adolph, 810 S. Wabash Karpf, M. J., 1040 N. Levitt Katz, H., 1362 N. Lincoln Katz, H., 833 Wash. Blvd. Katz, J., 504 E. 49th Katz, J., 1457 N. Long Av. Katz, L., 1643 S. Millard Av. Katz, Mayer, 1244 W. Division Katz, Samuel, 1617 N. Irving Av. Kaufman, Dr. L. E., 803 W. 12th Kaufman, N. S., 5615 Calumet Av. Kaufman; M., 936 Leland Av. Kaufmann, S., 5108 Woodlawn Av. Kehilath Jacob Library 1435 S. Hamlin Av. Kirshheimer, E., 5212 S. Park Av. Kite, A., 900 W. 12th Kite, B., 2559 W, North Av. Klafter, D. S., 64 W. Randolph Klapman, A. A., 2612 W. Division Klawans, Nathan M., 619 Gary PI. Klein, Morris, 747 N. Clark Klempter, Dr. D., 1903 N. Oakley Blvd Koch, Ph. E., 5616 S. Wabash Av. Koenig, H. D., 1001 Conway Bldg. Koenigsberg, D., 2448 W. Division Koenigsberg, S., 612 Ashland Av. Kohn, H. N., 932 Margate Ter. Kohn, I^ouis, 2857 W. Durham Komaiko, S. B., 1651 Clifton Park Av. Kompel, Morris, 102 S. Hamlin Av. Koolish, M., 848 Ainslee Koolish, S. H., 6730 Drexel Av. Koplan, L., 1810 W. Chicago Av. Koretz, Leo., 22 W. Monroe Korshak, M. M., Natl. Bk. Bldg. Kotzin, H., 807 W Roosevelt Rd. Kovach, H., 5239 Calumet Av. Krainer, Mrs. S., 4741 N. Albany Krakaw, O., 2636 Crystal Krakower, N., 2320 N. Clark Kramer, J., 2333 W. Madison Kramer, N., 5718 Indiana Av. Krantz, S., 1646 W. Chicago Av. Kraus, Adolph, 4518 Drexel Blvd. Krechefsky, I., 3648 Lawrence Av. Kreeger, M., 213 W. 63d Kremen, B., 669 W. 12th Krengal. S. 5 S. Wabash Av. Kriloff, A., 205 W. Madison Krinsky, H. H., 1632 S. Clilton Pk. Kritchevsky, Dr. W., 1015 N. Sacramento Blvd. Kritz, Rev. A., 1430 Washbourne Av. Kulp, J., 1146 Hyde Park Blvd. Kuper, T. F., 420 Wrightwood Av. Kupersmith, C, 3214 Crystal Kupferberg, J. H., 914 Milwaukee Av. Kuppin, Gilbert, 4214 Grand Blvd. Kurtzon, Mrs. G. B., 1430 S. Talman Av. Kurtzon, M., 14th and Talman St. Lachman, N., 130 S. Market Lackritz, P. N., 1814 Milwaukee Av. Lampert, L., 702 W. 12th

50 Illinois] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 427 Landau, H., Stevens Bide. Landfield, H. S., 163 W. Wash. Lang, H., 4617 N. Campbell Av. Lapidus, J., 543 E. 50th Lappe, M. M Washburn Av. Lappen, M., 1418 Harrison Lasker, H. H Lincoln Av. Lasker. I S. Ashland Blvd. Laskov, D*. J., 1201 N. Artisian Av. Lassers, I. A., 1828 Euclid Av. Latin. S., 2505 Crotez Laykin, Sol., 1470 Milwaukee Av. Lazar, J. G., 5138 Grand Blvd. Lazar, S., 6453 Glenwood Av. Lazerson, A., 1624 S. Trumbull Av. Leavitt, Dr. S. H., 2634 W. North Av. Lebensohn, Dr. M. H., 3928 Jackoon Blvd. Lefley, L. D., 5839 Michigan Av. Legator, Dr. B. H., 1579 Milwaukee Av. Lehtman, B., 3523 W. Roosevelt Rd. Leibovitz, J., 127 N. Dearborn Leibovitz, J., 2039 Ogden Leibowich, A., 838 E. 47th Leserman, M., 4929 Grand Blvd. Lev. S. O., 2030 W. Chicago Av. Levin, H., 717 Independence Blvd. Levin, H., 1323 S. Fairfield Levin, I., 1848 W. North Av. Levin, Dr. J. D., 1716 Stevens Bldg. Levin, Dr. L. M., 4800 Milwaukee Av. Levin, Louis, 816 Gait Av. Levin, Dr. M. L., 1265 S. Fairfield Av. Levin, Dr. Wm., 2716 W. Division Levine, B., 2319 S. State Levine, D. A. 163 W. Wash. Levine, L., 4314 Lincoln Av. Levine N., 4032 W. 26th Levine, S. D., 520 S. Ashland Blvd. Levinkind, H., 7400 Oglesby Av. Levinson, B., 6224 S. Park Av. Levinson, L., 5606 S. Park Av. Levinson, M. K., 30 N. La Salle Levinson, Dr. S. A., 3534 Roosevelt Rd. W. Levitetz, H., 1802 S. Millard Av. Leviton, Aaron, 3556 Douglas Blvd. Leviton, H. C, 1412 S. St. Louis Av. Leviton, P. B., 155 Clark Levitt, Geo. G., 5154 Indiana Av. Levy, C, 5227 Kenmore Av. Levy, D. R., 5542 Blaekstone Av. Levy, F. A., 707 Melrose Levy, I., 844 Oakdale Av. Levy, O., 907 Ainslee Levy, Sidney E., 4904 Vincennes Av. Levy, S., 210 E. 47th Lewis, J. L., 4818 Kimball Av. Lewis, J., 7204 Wentworth Av. Lewis, L., 1427 S. Spaulding Av. Lewison, Dr. M., 3867 W. Van Buren Lewison, P. A., Torrence Av. Lichtenstein, M. A., 4832 Vincennes Av. Lieberfarb, Dr. N. D., 1444 Milwaukee Av. Lieberman, I. K., 110 S. Dearborn Lieberman, J. L., 5824 Michigan Av. Lieberman, J., 327 S. La Salle Lifschitz, D., 1538 Flourney Light, S., 959 Montana Ligier, L. A., 1549 S. California Av. Lindenbaum, M., 36 S. State Lipsky, H. A., 1214 S. Halstead Iipsky, J. P., 3004 W. Roosevelt Rd. Iissitz, L., 1253 S. Fairfield Av. Lissner, Chas., 2449 Armitage Av. Lissner, S., 2518 W. Chicago Av. Litt, L., 248 S. State Littenberg, I., 4729 Lincoln Av. Livitan, B., 327 Jackson Blvd. W. Loeb> I. A., 155 N. Clark, R. 322 Loeb, J. M., 4860 Kimbark Av. Loeb, Dr. L. M., 5214 Kenwood Av Loeb, S., 924 E. 50th Loewenberg, M. L., 1317 S. Avers Av. London, A., 817 S. MarshfieldAvJj London, H., 1148 Independence Blvd. London, Dr. G. J., 3346 Roosevelt Rd. W. Louis, M., 1308 Washburn Av. Lupin, Dr. L., 1102 N. Ashland Av. Lurie, J., 915 Ainslie Lurie, S., 41 E. Main Lurye, B., 331 S. Central Pk. Luster, M., 127 N. Dearborn Lustman, I., 2041 Qgden Av. Maltz, S. W., 1653 ST Springfield Mandel, Mrs. Emanuel, Highland Park Manilow, Dr. L., 851 N. Western Av. Mann, Dr. P., 4709 Spaulding Av. Marcus, J., 2712 Montrose Av. Marcus, Dr. M. C, 1241 Blue Island Av. Margolis, A., 705 Cornelia Av. Margolis, H., 697 Milwaukee Av. Margolis, S., 4127 W. Congress Marienthal, I. L., 1040 E. 46th Markels, W., 3611 W. North Av. Markowitz, Ph., 3137 Wash. Blvd. Marks, Seymour, 1305 Independence Blvd. Marland, B., 5118 Greenwood Av. Marshall, Dr. N. W Kimball Av. Mautner, S., 5258 S. Park Av. Mayer, H. H Mich. Av. Mayer, Mrs. Levy, Blaekstone Hotel Melamed, Dr. S. M., 1214 S. Halsted Mendelsohn, Rabbi S. F., 4652 N. St. Louis Av. Mendelsohn, Wm., 3615 W. Polk Mendes, M., 534 W. 63rd Mesirow, H. S., 2753 N. Whipple Metzer, A., 5828 Michigan Av. Meyer, D. A., 635 Addison Meyer, J. H., 30 N. La Salle Meyer, S., 1257 N. Artesian Av. Meyers, H., 4942 S. Ashland Av. Meyers, Dr. J. K., 3703 W. Roosevelt Rd. Miller, B., 1443 N. Talman Av. Miller, J., 1109 N. Sacramento Av.

51 428 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [Illinois Millner, Rabbi I. A., 4651 Monticello Av. Mills, M. A., 1323 Pratt Blvd. Milstein, J., 1528 N. Talman Av. Minker, M. J., 2656 W. Division Minkus, A. J., 1659 Humboldt Blvd. Minkus, H. L., 4808 Christiana Av. Missner, M. I., 500 New York Life Bldg. Molay, J. W., 4181 Montros Av. Moment, H., 1518 S. Albany Av. Morris, B. I., 140 N. Dearborn Morris, H., 3451 Douglas Blvd. M*orris, S. D., 908 E. 55th Morrison, T. S., 2632 N. Spaulding Av. Moses, Dr. J. J., 1310 S. Albany Av. Moss, F. W., 1702 Kenilworth Av. Mossier, M. L., 2639 W. North Av. Mozinsky, S., 30 E. 25th Myer, H. B., 2614 E. 74th PL Nathan, R. S., 5318 Ellis Av. Nathanson, M. J., 502 Ashland Blk. Natkin, Mrs. I., 3569 Douglas Blvd. Nechin, H., 1314 S. Troy Neimark, D., 1451 Madison Nemiro, Dr. A. F., 631 S. Ashland Blvd. Neuburger, C. A., 237 S. Wells Newart, H. B., 1449 Garfield Bldg. Newberger, Dr. C, 3646 Douglas Blvd. Newberger, H. H., 5006 Grand Blvd. Newman, A. R., Standard Club Newman, J., 11 S. La Salle Newman, J. J., 212 E. 54th Newman, M., 343 N. Central Av. Neymark, Dr. J. L., 3150 W. 12th Nickelson, B. L., 2907 E. 78th PL Niederman, M., 1417 Milwaukee Av. NosMn, H. J., 1618 W. Chicago Av. Notkin, M., 1306 S. Halsted Novak, Thomas, 3300 Lawrence Av. Ogus, A. L., 1414 S. Albany Av. Okun, H., 3719 W. 13th Olech, J. B., 190 N. State Olenick, H., 6443 Bosworth Av. Oppenheimer, Leo., 5928 Prairie Av. Osherman, M. E., 4434 Grand Blvd. Osman, S. H., 1237 N. Lincoln Ovson, M., 811 S. Spaulding Av. Oxenhandler, A., 3556 W. 15th Packer, D., 1502 S. Albany Av. Palast, N., 1056 N. Oakley Blvd. Pann, Judge, H., 3843 Mich. Av. Passin, M., 1609 S. Lawndale Av. Paullin, H. J., 737 Independence Blvd. Pennish, L., E., 50 W. Randolph Pearlman, Dr. S. J., 1369 W. Garfield Blvd. Perlsman, I. B., 1624 Otis Bldg. Perlstein, L. S., 6852 Mich. Av. Perlstein, M., 3131 Douglas Blvd. Persky, D., 820 S. Lincoln Perrell, H. Z., 140 N. Dearborn Peyser, S. J., 2800 Wash. Blvd. Pflaum, H., 12th & Halsted Phillips, Dr. A., 2759 Augusta Phillips, Bros., 17 S. Wabash Av. Phillips, H., 6110 S. Mich. Av. Phillips, H., 6140 Eberhardt Av. Phillipson, Jacob, 508 Franklin Phillipson, S., 631 Sheridan Rd. Picker, H., 750 Independence Blvd. Pierce, D., Torrence Av. Pimstein, Hyman, 6118 Ellis Av. Pincus, Saml., Z., City Hall Sq. Bldg. Piser, L., 3351 W. Adams Piser, S. S S. Clifton Pk. Av. Piser, Thomas, 1431 Catalpa Av. Platt, B. N., 1414 S. Albany Plotke, C, 550 Roscoe Plotke, Isidore, 111 W. Monroe Podolsky, H., 2247 Division Pollak, Chas., 4407 Beacon Pollan, B., 1149 W. Chicago Av. Pollock, S. S., 5855 Magnolia Av. Portman, S Greenshaw Posner, I., 2946 W. 12th Priess, S. M., 1237 Independence Blvd. Pritzker, I. L., 404 S. Albany Prockter, J. M., 5504 Mich. Av. Quasser, J. H., 5457 Woodlawn Av. Rabin, Dr. N. S., 3703 W. 12th Rappaport, Rev. J., 1324 W. 14th Reader, G., 4740 N. St. Lawrence Av. Redner, A., 1482 Milwaukee Av. Reinhold, E., 6129 Drexel Blvd. Reis, Mrs. I. J., 4463 Berkeley Av. Reisapfel, R., 3557 Roosevelt Rd. Reizen, J., 100 N. Kedzie Av. Reizen, S., 1276 Blue Island Av. Resnikoff, A., 1261 Ardmore Av. Rest, Dr., M. D., 1308 N. Oakley Blvd. Rest, Rev. S., 1959 Evergreen Av. Rice, M., 8714 Commercial Av. Richman, D., 1318 S. Kedvale Av. Richman, H., 1224 Independence Blvd. Richman, S. S., 1402 S. Peoria Richter, Simon, 114 E. 31st Rightman, Dr. S. M., 849 W. 12th Rissman, S., 1128 S. Francisco Av. Ritter, Dr. M. M., 25 E. Wash. Ritter, Dr. S., 2756 W. Division Robins, M., 216 N. Franklin Robinson, R., 6559 S. Green Rockoff, Dr. A. L., 3623 Douglas Blvd. Rodin, Dr. B., 3149 W. Roosevelt Rd. Roe, A. S., 2832 Cambridge Av. Rofsky, Wm. T., 4515 N. Albany Av. Roe, H. N., 4024 Sheridan Rd. Rohde, A. M., 2037 Iowa Romberg, Mrs., E Calumet Av. Ronch, I., 1224 S. Albany Rose, D. L., 6411 Sangamon Roseman, I., 358 W. Madison Rosen, S., 209 E. 16th. Rosenbaum, H., 5356 Indiana Av. Rosenberg. A. H., 2052 Pierce Av. Rosenberg, A. P., 1140 Independence Blvd.

52 Illinois] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 429 Rosenberg, B. D., 2402 N. Kedzie Blvd. Rosenberg, J., 837 Read Ct. Rosenberg, Mrs. J., 1357 Madison Pk. Rosenberg, M., 1466 Blue Island Av. Rosenberg, S., 1557 Milwaukee Av. Rosenbloom D., 3430 Roosevelt Rd. Rosenfeld, Mrs. M., 1300 N. State Rosenfels, I. S., e,o Sears, Roebuck & Co. Rosenfleld, L., 169 W. Randolph Rosenman, Saml., 947 Winona Av. Rosenstein, J., 5743 S. Mich. Av. Rosenthal, Dr. B. J., 3523 Roosevelt Rd. Rosenthal, E., 3012 Irving Pk. Blvd. Rosenthal, J. J., 4711 Drexel Blvd. Rosenthal, N., 612 Medinah Bldg. Rosenthal S., 1352 N. Lincoln Rosenthal, W. W., 4727 Forrestville Av. Rosenzweig, I., Chicago Beach Hotel Roth, A., 2421 N. Western Av. Rothschild, Mrs. M-, 5133 Kenmore Av. Rousso, J., 164 W. Wash. Ruben, Chas., 4800 S. Ashland Av. Ruben, Dr. H. L., 3800 Roosevelt Rd. Rubenstein, S., 485 Champlain Av. Rubin, S., 1226 W. Taylor Rubinovich, S., 1138 Marshfleld Av. Ruderman, N. E., 711 Independence Blvd. Ruekberg, B., 2301 S. Crawford Av. Ruekberg, B. P., 1135 Independence Blvd. Sabath, Hon. A. J., 2006 S. Ashland Av. Sabath, M., 1914 S. Ashland Av. Sabel, Joseph, 6656 Stewart Av. Sachs, F., 6122 S. Halstead Sachs, Ph. P., 701 Independence Blvd. Sacks, M. N., 1408 Independence Blvd. Sacks, Dr. D., 1529 Edgemont Av. Sackheim, A., 3747 Douglas, Blvd. Sackheim, M., 1316 S. Lawndale Av. Sakanovsky, H., 1511 Milwaukee Av. Saks, J., 2752 Roosevelt Rd. Salinger, J., 2431 Lincoln Av. Salita, Jos., 4701 Sheridan Rd. Salk, M., 2008 N. Thomas Salkind, B., 4934 Prairie Av. Salita, Jos., 4701 Sheridan Rd. Salk, M., 2008 N. Thomas Salkind, B., 4934 Prairie Av. Saltzberg, M. I., 3441 W. 12th Salzman, Dr. H. A., 1105 Independence Blvd. Samuel, Dr. J., 9113 Com. Av. Samuels, B., 6226 Drexel Av. Sandack, J. M., 5706 Mich. Av. Sanderow, Dr. B. R., 1109 Balmorn Saul, I., 923 Randolph Schaar, B. E., 65 Jackson Blvd. Schacoff, Dr. H., 3800 W. Roosevelt Rd. Schack, Jos., 1739 Milwaukee Schaeter, I. N., 1930 S. Avers Av. Schaffer, I., 849 Lafayette Pkway. Schaffner, R., 137 S. La Salle Schanfarber, Rev. T., 5016 Grand Blvd. Schapiro, J. R., 1009 W. 14th Scheftel, Ben., 1812 S. Clifton Pk. Av. Schenker, Helen R., 6550 Glenwood Av. Scherr, Wm. E., 2027 Fowler Av. Schetnitz, Mrs. E., 539 N. Cicero Av. Schiff, Chas., 423 W. 63d Schiller, Mrs. M., 965 Milwaukee Av. Schloesinger, H. J., Standard Club Schnayer, M., 131 E. 53rd Schneider, B. B., 938 Lawrence Av. Schoenstadt, Mrs. H., 1137 E. 50th Schoolman, H. M., 1556 W. Chicago Av. Schulgasser, H., 5416 S. Park Av. Schur, H., 5437 Greenwood Av. Schwab, Louis, A., 624 W. Adams Schwait, Mrs. J., 543 E. 49th Schwartz, H., 5121 Kenmore Av. Schwartz, H. A., 1579 Milwaukee Av. Schwartz, Rev. I., 2258 N. Avers Av. Schwartz, J., 1204 E. 55th ' Schwartz, J. J., 918 So. Marshfield Av. Seelenfreund, A. B., 1228 Tribune Bldg. Seelig, Leo., 3855 Van Buren Segal, A., 607 Wells No. Segal, Henry, 5822 Prairie Av. Segal, Samuel, 748 N. Wells Segal, S., 4705 Mich. Av. Segall, Frank, 1424 Congress W. Segil, L. J., 640 Aldine Av. Seiden, B., 1412 Jains Av. Seiden, Frank, 144 S. Wabash Seifer, L. H., 6037 St. Lawrence Av. Seifer, N., 96 W. 15th Sentinel Publishing Co., 14 W. Washington Seidenberg, Dr. L., 1902 S. Harding Av. Seidner, Dr. M. R., 3507 Douglas Blvd. Seken, S., 2057 W. Chicago Av. Seman, Ph. L., 1258 Taylor Shabad, H. M., 4041 Indiana Av. Shachter, M., 1226 S. Avers Av. Shaffer, H., 359 E. 53rd Shaffner, Chas., 924 E. 46th Shagam, A., Torrence Av. Shapera, C. M., 849 W. 12th Shapiro, A., 929 S. Winchester Av. Shapiro, B., 903 Cypress Shapiro, B. J., 1306 S. Lawndale Av. Shapiro, D. H., 1612 Otto Blvd. Shapiro, I., 3351 Douglas, Blvd. Shapiro, I. G., 215 E. 63rd Shapiro, Rabbi S., 1802 S. Clifton Pk. Av. Shcolnik, M., 1331 S. Sawyer Av. Sheffner, Dr. N. S., 1329 S. Turner Av. Sher, S. M., 197 E. 16th Sherman, Chas., 3114 W. 16th Sherman, L., 2139 Fowler Sherman, Dr. R. I., 3466 W. Roosevelt Rd Shernoff, Wm., 6811 Cornell Shipper, S. P., 3136 Carlisle PI. Shulman, B., 817 Ashland BIk. Shulman, M., 1637 W. 12th Shultz, N. H., 924 N. Hayne Av.

53 430 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [Illinois Shure, Mandel, 1104 Independence Blvd. Shure, Nathan, 237 W. Madison Siden, L., 3837 W. 18th Siegel, J., 2102 W. Division Silberman, A., 4239 Grand Blvd. Siegler, Chas. F., 2127 Leland Av. Silbert, M., 2443 N. Kedzie Blvd. Silver, Rabbi S., 729 S. Ashland Blvd. Silverman, B., 4016 W. 26th Silverman, H. N., 1559 S. Cal. Av. Silverman, J., 1250 Independence Blvd. Silverman, L., 3237 W. Hirsh Silverman, R., 3516 Leland Av. Silverstein, J., 1302 S. Lawndale Av. Simon, A., 3553 W. North Av. Simon, B., 901 N. Campbell Av. Simon, Chas., 1648 S. Hamlin Av. Simon, Geo. W., 2108 Crystal Simon, R., 1512 Cornelia Av. Simon, S. J., Mich. Av. So. Singer, Mrs. D., 3404 Roosevelt Rd. Singer, J. S., 1426 S. Spaulding Av. Skibelsky, Dr. J. W., 9144 Commercial Av. Slotkovitz, Edw. H., 3551 W. Lei. Smoler, B., 438 S. Central Smoler, M., 1834 W. North Av. Soble, Aaron, 3139 Palmer Sq. Soboroff, Saml., 1456 Fargo Av. Sochat, A., 1258 N. Kedzie Av. Sochat, Jos N. Kedzie Av. Soldinger, J. L., 2424 W. Division Solomon, A., 12 E. 16th Solomon, Ben., 5154 S. Park Av. Solomon, C. M., 1050 W. Ashland Sonnenschein, Dr. R., 4534 Michigan Av. Sopldn, B., 366 W. Adams Sopkin, C. J., 1008 Aslhand BIk. Sopkin, I., 5616 Winthrop Av. Sopkin, L., 366 W. Adams Sosna, M. W., W. Division Spencer, Isidor, 1125 S. Troy Spiegel, D., 2521 W. North Av. Spiegel, M., 1818 S. Millard Av. Spiesberger, H. T., 416 S. Franklin Spinner, Isidore, 610 S. Federal Spinner, M., 525 S. Dearborn Spira, S., 2852 Logan Blvd. Spiro, I. S., 3010 W. Roosevelt Rd. Spiro, N., 309 E. 53d Spitz, S., 320 S. Franklin Spivek, Herman, 1647 Farwell Av. Srere, Geo., 1227 Madison Pk. Stargardter, L., 1139 Winona Av. Stein, Louis, 2852 Logan Blvd. Stein, L., 32 N. State Stein, Maxwell, 5418 Greenwood Av. Stein, N., 324 S. Market Stein, Hon. P., 4340 Grand Blvd. Stein, Saml., Lakota Hotel Steinberg, B., 4932 Calumet Av. Steinberg, P., 4256 N. Western Av. Steindler, A., 11 N. Green Steiner, Sam., 326 S. Market Stern, B., 130 N. Wells Stern, C. H., 2259 S. Ashland Av. Stern, H. B., 5926 Prairie Av. Stern, H. M., 3541 Lawrence Av. Stern, Max, 1118 N. Ashland Av. Stern, Max, 18 W. Austin Stern, M., 6049 St. Lawrence Av. Stillerman. Dr. J. H., 6101 S. Halsted Stol, Dr. S., 1911 S. Spaulding Av. Stolz, Rev. Dr. J., 4714 Grand Blvd. Stone, J. D., 5166 Mich. Av. Stone, Mrs. J., 5014 Grand Blvd. Stone, N. M., 3311 Douglas Blvd. Straus, Leo., 1507 Conway Bldg. Stuhlman, I., 131 E. 59th Stulman, Dr. S. J., 1379 E. 55th Sulton, Dr. Geo., 3325 W. 12th Sulzberger, S. L., 4404 Michigan Av. Susman, L. f 3419 Flournoy Taman, L., 5013 S. Ashland Av. Tarlow, E., 2709 Crystal Tasenkin, N. B., 4822 S. Ashland Tatz, D., 1060 N. Kedzie Av. Tay, Dr. C. D., 1406 W. Taylor Teixler, Dr. A. S., 4750 Bway. Teller, Carrol A., 127 N. Dearborn The Moody Bible Inst., 153 Institude PI. Thorek, Dr. M., Michigan Blvd. Bldg. Ticktin, C, 6443 Green Tint, Dr. L., 121 S. Ashland Blvd. Torgownik, Wm., 4039 W. 26th Totoff, L., 825 E. 63d Towbin, E., 1663 S. Homan Av. Trotzkey, E., 1550 S. Albany Av. Ungerleider, Dr. M., Lakota Hotel Ury, I. B., 33 W. Monroe Van Gelder, J., 3542 W. Jackson Blvd. Van Gelder, M., 2231 W. Madison Van Hasselt, H., 5225 Calumet Av. Vogilhut, E. A., 22 N. Hermitage Av. Wald, Benedict, 1445 E. 55th Wald, L, 1218 Independence Blvd. Wallerstein, H., 1022 W. 12th Walpert, Dr. B. E., 8700 Commercial Av. Wasserman, H., 5337 Cuyler Av. Wasserman, J., 839 N. Sacramento Blvd. Wechsler, I. W., 8840 Commercial Av. Weil, Emanuel, 5833 Calumet Av. Weil, Louis, 700 E. 51st Weinberg, J., 715 Belmont Av. Weinberg, Ph., 3006 E. 78th Weinberger, Saml. B., 1346 Granville Av. Weinfield, Dr. H., 2758 W. Van Buren Av. Weinfield, Dr. S., 1458 W. Roosevelt Rd. Weinger, Sol, 918 Maxwell Weinreb, A., 69 W. Wash. Weinrib, Meyer, 39 S. LaSalle Weinstein, Adolph, 543 Melrose Weinstein, E. B., 3806 Wash. Blvd. Weinstein, P., 1146 E. 55th Weinstein, Wm., 2225 Iowa

54 Illinois] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 431 Weintraub, H., 127 N. Dearborn Weis, Berthold, 5754 Kenmore Av. Weiss, V. M., 869 Lawrence Av. Weissenbach, J., Tribune Bldg. Wejss, H., 4054 W. 26th Weiss, S. H., 913 Salt Av. Weissbourd, C, 3342 Greenshaw Weissburg, Ed., 4728 N. Rockwell Weissburg, Zoltan D., 2718 Leland Av. Weitzenfeld B., 4720 St. Lawrence Av. Wilk, Harry, 1250 W. 12th Willner, J. Z., 4608 N. Seelay Av. Wilson, M., 3131 Douglas Blvd. Wineberg, I., 566 W. 12th Winsberg, Geo., 308 W. Division Witkowsky, D., 1220 Hyde Park Blvd. Witt, M., 3258 Greenshaw Witt, S. G., 6237 Evans Av. Witz, Samuel, 1133 N. California Woldenberg, M., 54 W. Kinzie Wolf, H. M., 3914 Ellis Av. Wolf, J. D., 2324 Thomas Wolf, W. J., 3103 Douglas Blvd. Wolff, H., 3645 Douglas Blvd. Wolff, J., 2030 Burling Wolff, S. H., 1310 S. Albany Av. Wolfe, Lee W., 1737 Rascher Av. Wolfson, C. J., 6144 Indiana Av. Wolfson, W. L., 1454 Fargo Av. Wolson, Dr. A. M., 2946 W. Roosevelt Rd. Yalowitz, J., 8461 Baltimore Av. Yoffe, Dr. S., 1036 W. Marquette Rd. Yonkelson, R., 2235 Campbell Young, M., 3108 W. 16th Yudelson, A. B., 6153 S. Park Av. Zak, S., 3357 W. Roosevelt Rd. Zolla, David M., 370 E. 26th Zucker, S., 5038 Kenmore Av. Zuekerman, I., 3217 W. 15th Zuckerman, M. W., 3654 Lexington SUBSCRIBERS Bell, Dr. E. A., 22 Quincy Lewek Rev. J. P., 3719 Roosevelt Rd. Clinton Berkson, 223 Wash. Shapiro, L., 214 E. Main Tick, Jacob, 402 N. Madison Danville Cohen, D., 508 N. Vess Epstein, Mrs. B. J., 408 W. Main Decatur Greenberg, A. L., 615 W. Prairie Av. Kurtz, Sam., 155 N. Water Loeb, A., 744 E. Eldorado Rubinstein, H., 260 Central Av. Dekalb Gordon, J., 232 S. 5th Iskowitch, CH., 610 S. 2d Wolff, M. J., 610 E. Lincoln H'way De Pue Dobovsky, Max Dixon Hasselson, Mrs. B., 221 Monroe Av. Simon, J. Wienman, B., 816 Galend Av. Du Quoin Fish, M., 25 W. Main East St. Louis Hurwitz, Meyer, 557 N. 19th Robert, S. J., 719 Collinsville Av. Eldorado LIBRARY MEMBER Schwartz, N. Elgin LIBRARY MEMBER Edelstein, E., 1050 N. Spring Jacobs, Dr. M., 282 Douglas Av. Jacobson, Rev. B., 214 Center Evanston Bernstein, H., 2638 Railroad Av. W. Freedman, A., 1939 Jackson Av. Graff, I., 915 Forest Av. Rosenberg, H. M., 1804 Sherman Av. Rubin, D., 819 Foster Salzman, A. L., 2640 Virginia Ter. Singer, H. S., 1020 Davis Toloff, J. D., 1623 Orrington Av. Flanagan Weinberg, Dan Forest Park Wolf, M., 7438 Madison Ft. Sheridan Horowitz, Col. Nathan Freeport Feinger, J. R., Senate Hotel Koppel, H., 110 Stephenson Kornblith, E., 330 E. Empire Lump, Pete, 124 M N. Chicago Av. Warsawsky, Jos., 20 Beaver Galesburg Diamond, S., 289 W. Main Gilbert, S. M., 74 S. Prairie Gross, Jos. Halper, D. C, Ferris & Cedar Nirdlinger, S. Sherman, A. S., 235 Court PI. Zeldas, J., 56 Pine

55 432 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [Illinois Geneseo Waterman, Henry Great Lakes Rosenberg, Lt. A. M. Harvey Marks, I., th Highland Park Eisenstaedt, Dr. M., 616 Crescent Ct. Joliet Berger, S. & Son, 208 Jefferson Goldstein, C. G., 306 2nd Av. Itkin, Rabbi J., 510 S. Desplaines Klein, Dr. B., 920 Collins Rubens, L. M., 206 Richard Singer, M., 119 S. Joliet Stern, Wm., 304 Union Tomber, Abe, Kankakee Ellman, L. P., 276 S. East Av. Epstein, H., 284 S. East Av. Evelove, A., 4th Av. & Water Lassers, H., 141 N. Schuyler Av. Kewanee LIBRARY MEMBER Szold, A., 611 S. Tremont Chapman, M., 128 Roosevelt Av. Etshokin, S., 803 N. East Goldstein M., 103 W. Division Mandel, H., 301 E. 3rd Myers, I. F., 121 W. 2nd La Grange Hork, A. E. Kalish, B. R., 406 N. Kensington Av. La Salle Gordon, M., 629 1st Hirsh, Dr. S., 2 St. Marquette Neustadt, R. M., 153 Marquette Ramenofsky, M. & Son Rhodie, Ph., th Lincoln Rovick, S., 410 Polaski Macomb Manfield, B., 213 E. Calhorn Madison Cohen, A., 209 Madison Av. Mattoon Goldsmith, S Richmond Schulhoff, F. M., 1312 Wabash Av. Sternberg, J. N., 1520 Wabash Av. Maywood Levitansky, A., 205 S. 13th Av. Melrose Park Galst, B. A., 19th & Lake Weissenborn, E. P., 137 S. 17th Av. Wispe, N., 142 Bway Mendota Hirsh, Henry Koopersmith, S. Shapiro Moline Dolkart, L., th Harris, J. J., th Rosenstein, L., th Av. Sklovsky, Max, th Mounds SUBSCRIBER Galvin, Rev. J. P. Mt. Carmel Fishman, Philip Mt. Vernon Cornick, Max Miller, D., 405 N. 9th Murphysboro Kiger, Chas., Chestnut Wides, Jul., N. 10th Oak Park Dunkleman, G., 329 S. Oak Park. Av. Jacoby, H. S., 639 N. East Av. Lome, Mrs. P., 528 Clarence Av. Ottawa Engel, M., 645 E. Pearl Frank, H., 432 3rd Av. Richard, Jos., 603 La Salle Wasserman, A., 102 Madison Pana LIBRARY MEMBER Tanner, H., 200 E. Wash. Pekin Berman, A., 221 Court Kahn, Bros., 3rd & St. Mary Rosenberg, F., 119 Court Peorla LIBRARY MEMBER Woolner, W. B., Peoples Gas Bldg.

56 Illinois] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 433 Applebaum, Dr. A., 707 Munson Bloom, Mrs. H. T., 936 N. Glen Oak Av. Bottingheimer, Rev. S. G., 205 Bradley Av. Brown, I. E., 304 North Cappel, Chas., 1120 Knoxville Av. Cohen, H., 601 W. Park PL Federman, L., Peoria Dry Goods Frankel, H., 704 7th Frankel, H., 631 S. Adams Friedman, D. S N. Monroe Gross, Ludwig, 404 Evans Halbrohr, J. J. 706}^ Main Heller, Dr. E. A., 1010 S. Wash. Av. Hiraeh, Jacob, th Horwitz, Dr. S., Jefferson Hotel Jacobson, A., Peoria Life Bldg. Kahn, Rosa, 105 High Levitin, Dr. E. Z., Jefferson Bldg. Lovitch, Rabbi M., 303 E. McClure Av. Miller, M. C, 143 High Nathan, Chas., Jefferson Bldg. Schiff, A. E., Peoria Dry Goods Co. Schwartz, A. H., 706 Main Smith, Dr. C. M., Jefferson Bldg. Solomon, N., 204 First Szold, Jacob, 515 George Ullman, C. A., 203 Bradley Av. Volkman, Rabbi A., 218 Hillyer PI. Wagner, M. Adams St. Wolner, Mrs. M. S., Jefferson Hotel Wolfner, I. W., 143 High Wolfner, W. F., High & Elizabeth Woolner, Adolph, Jr., 439 Moss Av. Pontiac Sacks, C, 636 W. North Princeton Fendelman, I., 423 Lincoln Klass, I., Main Rosen, M. Quincy Pockras, H., 321 Hampshire Reib, J. J., 631 Hampshire Rosen & Subeck, 918 Hampshire Rosenheim C. M., 1248 Park PI. Rock Falls Chapman, L., 219 1st Av. Rockford LIBRARY MEMBERS Block, A., 1700 Post Av. Horwitz, H., 307 N. 4th Rubin, H., 1603 Camp Av. Wolfson, B. S., 1129 Glenwood Av. Behr, Joe, 768 N. 2nd Berman, H., 1708 Clifton Av. Epstein, A., 1208 Elm Fagen, Joe, 408 N. 1st Frolich, Gus, 1131 Greenwood Av. Goldman, J., Ft. Morgan St. Bridge Gordon, Mrs. L., 799 N. 2nd Leibowitz, S., 201 S. 4th Leventhal, Mrs. B., 217 S. 4th Marks, M., 817 Island Av. Mayer, Sig., care of Hotel Mayer Miller, J., 1021 S. Main Portugal, I., 623 Mich. Av. Rubin, Geo. A. Ashton Bldg. Schreiber, Ben, 1222 S. Church Seidler, Geo., 1708 Cumberland Shanhouse, Chas., 1035 Haskell Av. Simon, Geo., 1603 Camp Av. Udelowich, P., 1622 Harlem Blvd. Varon, Joe, 411 Island Av. Warshawsky, S., 1021 S. Main Rock Island Dockterman, A., th Av. Friedman, Dr. H. J., th Geffln, S., d Av. Gellerman, S., th Greenblatt, M., th Hill, Jacob, st Levenstein, J. L., d Morris, Harry, th Stewart, B. A., rd Rockville LIBRARY MEMBER Druker, M., 602 1st Av. Sesscr Jackson, E. J. Springfield Cohn, John, 721 E. Wash. Eckstein, M., 1826 S. 4th Gingold, I., 117 S. 14th Greenberg, D., 1150 N. 5th Landman, Rabbi S., 815 S. 5th Lange, B. A., 710 S. 7th Meyers, Albert, 811 S. 7th Meyers, J. M., Meyers Bldg. Myers, Louis M., 1115 S. 7th Riseman, S. A., 1236 N. 4th Spring Valley Bernstein, S., c,o The Boston Store Frank, N., 119 E. St. Paul Miller, M., City Meat Mkt. Ostrowsky, Rabbi M. Rosenzweig, B., 222 St. Paul Shere, Dr. John A. Zand, H. J., 122 E. St. Paul Sterling Chapman, H., 101 Ave B. Genstel, Ben, 408 6th Av.

57 434 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [Indiana Marsfield J., 506 Locust Schapiro, J., 408 6th Av. Streator Friedman, N., 603 E. Bridge Van Der Hack, Dr. M., 121 S. Monroe Taylorville Erensky, D., 831 W. Market Summer, H., 816 W. Main Urbana Litman, Prof. Simon, 807 W. California University of Illinois Library Zeitlin, J., Univ. Club Waukegan Blumberg, J., G41 N. Gennesee Glass. Sam, 311 S. Gennesee Gordon, A. M., 205 S. Sheridan Rd. Jacobs, C, 311 Julian Kaye, Dr. N. Y-, 1020 McAHster Av. Miller, J. A., 1019 McAlister Av. Morrison, Chas., 126 Gillette Av. Rubin, A. M., 132 Gillette Av. Rubin, M. H., 318 Ridgeland Av. Schwartz, S., 36 N. Sheridan Rd. Winnetka Faroll, Mrs. B., 741 Prospect Av. Solomon, Mrs. H. G., 1337 Asbury Av. Anderson Seligman, I. Louis Sobel, Jos., 6 E. S. Attica Levor, Mrs. Levi S. Bedford Jacobs, Abe S. Mayer, Sidney B. Seletz, I. Clinton Fishman, M., 318 S. Main Columbus Kroot, Jos., 619 Lafayette Av. Tross, A., 227 Wash. East Chicago Given, Albert, 602 Chicago Av. Lewin, A. B., 702 Chicago Av. Lewin, M., 1359 Amy Av. Nassau, M., 810 Chicago Av. Pitzele, H., 4869 Melville Av. Seifer, L. H., 4116 Magoun Av. Silverman, J., 4848 Alex. Av. Elkhart Horwich, P., 1311 N. Franklin Lapin, F., 307 W. Marion Minkoff, Z. B., 503 S. Main EUwood Wolf, T., 1121 S. Anderson EvansviUe LIBRARY MEMBER Perelmut, H. C. Anchilevich, Max, 203 S. 4th Belgrade, M., 715 Main INDIANA Bernstein, D. T., 1511 S. 2d Chivian, Philip, 423 Upper 8th Cohen, Sol, 712 Locust Coleman, J., 2000 Main Ehricb, Dr. Wm., Citizens Bk. Bldg. Emdin, Rabbi B., 200 Grant Fine, I. J., 318 Cherry Fine, Joe, 208 Locust Fishman, A., 706 Main Fuchs, I., 518 S. 4th Green, Max, 831 William Grusin, S. H., 15 E. Tennessee Gumberts, F. A., 114 Main Hamberg, A., 1406 E. Delaware Heinmann, Dr. L., Citizens Tr. Svg. Bldg. Horn, Elias, 715 Cherry Ishenhauser, S., 440 Chandler Av. Israel, Rabbi Edw. L., 1404 S. 1st Kaiser, M., 616 Upper 6th Kessler, H., 840 John Levy, Henry, 916 Powell Av. Perelmut, H. J., 717 Main Raphael, D., 10 College Raphael, P., Wash. Ct. Ravdin, Dr. M., 426 Grant Skora, Philip, 1117 Pulton Av. Stein, M. J., 521 Line Wells, E. J., 307 Main Wolf, K., 504 S. 4th Fort Wayne Achduth Vesholom Cong. Baum, Mrs. A., 1726 Cal. Av. Fishman, M., 802 E. Lewis Gladstone, M., 1220 Lafayette Hurwitz, Rev. M., 1323 Maumel Av. Komisarow, H., 1202 E. Wash. Levy, L., 524 E. Wayne Peltz, Mrs. A., 1618 Colbun Reddner, Ben, 1401 Ohio Saffron, S., 223 E. Main Schwartz, D., 1608 E. Wayne Seschinsky, H., 1843 Hanna

58 Indiana] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 435 Tepper, E., 1333 Home Av. French Lick Gottliebson, Geo. E. Gary LIBRARY MEMBER Koltinaky, M., 7th Av. and Bway. Bernstein, Flo., 820 Madison Bloom, I., 776 Delaware Blumenthal, A., 832 Monroe Conn, J. A., 720 Broadway Eisler, S. L., 800 Washington Faber, H., 701 Bway Feder, William, 1112 Broadway Ferguson, I., 537 Connecticut Ferman, J. W., 515 Broadway Friedberg, A. T., 1638 Broadway Given, H., 65 E. Wash. Goodman, L. Gross, E. A., 814 Jefferson Kan, Dr. Alex. M., 825 Tyler Karpel, J., 467 Broadway Katz, Miss Anna, 777 Adams Lieberman, Morris, 2200 Broadway Milgram, D. H., 761 Jefferson Milgram, E., 726 Pierce Morris, J., 1525 Adams Nuabaum, M., 601 Broadway Rosenbloom, H., 708 Bway. Samuelson, F., 356 Adams Sensibar, M., 1028 W. 6th Av. Simon, L., 328 W. 6th Av. Weinhouse, H., 809 Delaware Gosh en Lewis, Sam., 410 S. Main Salinger, N. Greencastle Sudranski, Sol. L. Hammond Brown, J. H., 110 Dyer Blvd. Friedman, D., 439 E. Sibley Levin, S., 236 E. State Huntington Bronstein, P., 1060 N. Byron Wolf, K. R., 531 W. Matilda Indiana Harbor Aronoff, M., 3722 Ceden Glassman, M., 3711 Cedar Sauer, S., 3806 Cedar Indianapolis Bamberger, M., 3330 N. Meridian Bamberger, R., 2937 Wash. Blvd. Barouch, S., 918 M S. Meridan Bloch, J. M., 2710 Sutherland Av. Borinstein, L. J., 4137 Meridian, N. Brill, Henry, 1919 N. Meridian Coraz, Sam, 519 N. Illinois Davidson, I., 846 Fletcher Av. : Davis, Lawrence, B., 808 Kahn Bldg. Deutsches, J., 438 N. Illinois Efroymson, G. A., 2036 N. Delaware Efroymson, Meyer, 2207 N. Penna. Epstein Brothers, 528 S. Capitol Av. Ettinger, Leo, 410 Indiana Av. Feuerlicht, Rev. M. M., 3034 Wash. Blvd. Fleishman, J., 821 E. 11th Glazer, R. D., 1426 Marlowe Av. Goldberg, I., 2363 N. Meridan Hecht, Leon, 46 W. Fall Creek Blvd. Horovitz, D., 748 Union Ind. State Library, 47 State House Indianapolis Heb. Congr., 3743 Illinois Kahn, Ruth, 1100 S. East Katz, Max, 1708 S. East Kiser, Sol. S., 2128 W. Penn Levin, E., 107 W. 33d Levy, M., 12 N. West Levy, R., 3050 Park Av. Lewis, H., 2854 Bellefontaine Lyman, B., 2457 N. Delaware Mantel, Emli. 205 W. Washington Mayer, B., 2951 N. New Jersey Mazo, B., 735 Union Medias, C, 721 N. Delaware Moyer, B., 2951 N. New Jersey The Jewish Federation, 17 W. Norris Perk, Maurice, 948 S. Illinois Serrensky, Louis Rj, 1320 Union Simon, M. N., 31 W. 26th Kokomo Levi, J. S. Lafayette LIBRARY MEMBER Schultz, M., 517 Lingle Av. Bachman, K. R., 120 Chauncey Av. Bercovitz, D., 821 N. 9th Berger, B., 627 N. 6th Berger, J., 14 N. 9th Friedman, Mrs. M., 826 Main Goodman, F., 118 S. 7th Horwitz, B. L., 828 Main Loeb, J. L., 721 Cinn Messing, A. L., 516 Columbia Pearlman, Dr. L. H., Lafayette Life Bldg. Pearlman, Dr. S., 119 N. 6th Ruttenberg, J., 516 N. 6th Ruttenberg, J., 1020 Brown Singer, Jacob, 3rd & Columbia Zimmerman, Win., Queen City Store Laporte Elovitz, Ben, 112 Lincoln Way

59 436 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [Indiana Hoffman, I. H., 619 Lincoln Way Levi, Jos., 1202 Clay Levine, J.,BOO Lincoln Way WaUeratein, A., 107 Noble Zoller, Joe, 616 Rumelly Ligonier Henoch, S. Jacobs, Irvin Linton Bach, Ben., E. & N. Main Cooper, Julius Goldberg, Wm., 133 N. Main Werbner, I., 130 F. N. E. Werbner, S., 690 S. A. Madison Kahn, Chas., 622 N. West Sulzer, Louis.. 2nd & Church Marion Shift*, N., 1001 W. 3rd Wolkoff, M., 206 N. Hill Martinsville Barskin, Mrs. Saral. Michigan City Bernstein, N. M., Sherman Apt. Lewin, H. P., 5th & Franklin Miller, I. M., 223 2nd Moritz, M., 602 Spring Pass, D. A., 506 E. 10th Shon, H., 1412 Wash. Spero, S., 318 E. Seventh Mishawaka Alexander, L. Gilburt, S. Z., 614 Lincoln Way E. Piser, Abr., 225 Smith Rosen, H., 119 E. Mishawakee Mitchell Effron, Jacob Muncie Dalinsky, A., 107 W. Howard Gold, Sam, 113 E. Seymour Roberts, G. D., 613 W. Jackson Schwartz, S., 914 E. Jackson Seligson, W., 514 S. Walnut Shapero, N., 614 S. Liberty Zeigler, Ben, 1905 Univ. Av. Ziegler, H. Y. M. C. A. New Albany Bliss, S. Lipnik, N., 311 Pearl New Castle Blumenfeld, M., 1327 S. 17th Schuflman, A. E., 1432 N. Broad North Vernon Gumble, W., & Son Orleans Sharwell, J. Plymouth LIBRARY MEMBER Franklin, Mrs. M., Minor Portland Hersch, F. L., 303 W. High Richmond Fred, Saml., 710 Main Harsh, A., 100 S. 3d Vigran, S. S., 45 S. 11th ' Rushville Schatz, Hyman, 504 W. 3d Sellesburg Gladstein A. Seymour Slung, G., 10 N. Chestnut Shelbyville LIBRARY MEMBER Joseph, Julius ANNUAL MEMBER Goodman, A., 319 W. Wash. South Bend Boorda, M., 817 Chapin Boorda, S., 413 S. Chapin Brodsky, M., 402 E. Duhaides Buntman, D., 714 S. Chapin Buntman, S., 714 S. Chapin Cohen, B., 116 W. Garst Cohen, Miss F., 721 Oak Cohn, Ph., 320 S. Chapin Cohn, S. C, 1119 S. Michigan Dekelboum, Z., 350 Farmers Trust Frank, L. J., 218 S. Chapin Friedman, Meyer, 620 S. Scott Gilbert, Meyer, 1207 S. Main Gilman, M. E., 518 S. Columbia Greenblatt, H., 122 E. Paris Horowitz, T., 206 E. Kedzie Av. Hurwich, D., 332 S. Taylor Medow, M. S., 416 S. Chapin Minda, Rabbi A. G., Rushton Apts. Plotkin, B., 1015 Corby Polis, H., 1511 Portage Av. Roth, Chas., 602 N. Francis Shapiro, N., 1609 S. Franklin Sullivan LIBRARY MEMBER Kaplan, David L.

60 Iowa] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 437 Sunmitville Warner, L. Terre Haute Basan, M., 1270 Lafayette Av. Blumberg, Ben, Star Bldg. Fink, Rabbi J. L., Temple, Israel Hoffman, D., 602 S. Centre Hornstein, M. E., 1266 Lafayette Av. Leopold, Mrs. Lena, 525 S. 4th Leventhal, J., 600 S. Centre Levi, Simon, 667 Mulberry Levin, Meyer M., 724 S. 6th Levin, Morris, L., 626 Walnut Plost, Mrs. P., 506 S. 6th Shultz, H., 711 S. 6^ Albia Gendler, H., 304 B Av., West Goodman, H., 109 N. Main Moses, E., 418 S. Main Teitel, E. Weiner, M. Boone Arie, B. Goodside, I., 922 8th Burlington Burdman, H., 303 Division Chanen, L., 204 N. Main Cohen, Geo., 200 N. Main Cohen, M., 101 S. 9th Garland, L., 1215 S. 3rd Gross, H. S., 913 N. 4th Hirsh, E. L., 1031 N. 4th Iskovitz, M., 303 Division Klein, L. E., 818 N. 4th Weinrop, S., 208 N. Main Cedar Rapids Braverman, M., 223 S. 3rd Bugenstein, M., 112 S. Second Av. Franklin, J. A., 1527 Beaver Av. E. Goldberg, M., d Av. E. Greenblatt, S., th Av. Greenberg, C, th Av. Orensky, H., 2329 Beaver Av. Rozen, Soil, th Av. Schoen, C, 210 3d Av. Silver, Chas., 112 F. Av., W. Smulekoff, R., th Av. Centerville Appelbaum, Sam Bernstein, N., 603 E. Maple Berstein, L. Bromberg, L., 924 S. 16th Silverberg, E., 1353 Wabash Av. Stern, S. M., 669 Oak Tatelman, Mrs. J., 1619 S. 4th Wolberg, W., d Av. Valparaiso Lowenstine, M. R., 408 N. Wash. West Baden Bahar, Lee Eliezer, Meyer Whiting LIBRARY MEMBER Seifer, P., 428 Laport Av. IOWA Davis, A., 1011 S. 18th Frankel, J. J., 800 Drake Av. Long, J., 1121 S. 18th Long, M. E., 512 E. Walsh Morris, P. Patterson, L. Ritchel, S., 1216 S. 16th Rosenbaum, B. Rosenbaum, M., 426 E. Maple Rosenbaum, Sol. Shkolnick, J., 415 S. 16th Sidransky, B. Clinton Franklin, L., 621 S. 2nd Morris, M., 508 2nd Council Bluffs Aginskee, A., 210 Frank Kramer, M., 632 W. Broadway Rosenfeld, Julius, 222 S. 7th Davenport PATRON Adler, E. P., 2104 Main Baron, J. L., 513 W. 78th Farber, I., 624 W. 3rd Petersberger, I., 1526 Arlington Av. Shapiro, H., 409 E. 6th Sigel, Abie, 615 W. 7th Waxenberg, H. H., 2231 Scott St. Decorah Bear, Ben. Des Moines LIBRARY MEMBER Frankel, Mrs. B., th Mandelbaum, M., th

61 438 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK Iowa Ashkeeraze, L., 504 Laurel Beckennan, J., 927 W. 2d Bernstein, H., 633 Lyen Blotcky, A., th Blotcky, S. H., 1336 W. 12th Bramson, A. A., 417 Walnut Brody, A., 312 Court Av. Brody, D. I., 2832 High Brody, H., th Brody, J. I., 924 Penn Av. Brody, Jos., 1215 W. 41st Buckley, E., 635 Polk Blvd. Burger, Rabbi A., th Cohen, Bros., 307 E. 3d Cohen, M. H., 727 Fleming Bldg. Cohen, O., 909 W. 4th Cohen, S. H., 1303 W. 4th Davidson, A., 412 Walnut Davidson, J., 717 Franklin Av. Davidson, Louis, 1934 Arlington Av. Davidson, M., 3814 Forest Av. Ellman, J. B., 849 W. 8th Fleischman, Dr. A. J., 211 Hippee Bldg. Frankel, Mrs. Belle G., th PI. Friedlich, A., 5515 Waterbury Rd. Garsh, L., 1507 Bluff Garsh, R. M., 906 W. 3d Ginsberg, H., 2931 Ingersoll Ginsberg, J., 950 6th Av. Glickman, M. L., 152 Ewing Apt. Goldman, M. D., Walnut Gordon, M. M., th Gottstein, J., 417 W. 38th Kahn, M. O., th Katz, Dr. S. A., 2205 E. 12th Lappen, Robert, 1400 Bluff Levitt, J., 922 W. 5th Lince, J. B., 3811 Cottage Grove Av. Mannheimer, Rabbi E., 1808 Ingersoll Av Marks, R., 213 W. 3d Mendelsohn, Bros., 2932 Cottage Grove Av. Miller, Dr. S., 836 Penn. Av. Oransky, L., 3425 Kingman Blvd Rosenbaum, C. H., 1001 W. 3d Rosenfleld, Mrs. M., 207 W. 37th Sherman, A. E., 1004 W. 3d Sheuerman, J. L., th Silberman, Chas., 1012 Penn Av. Silver, M. G., 1543 W. 12th Silver, Marcus, 320 Walnut Smith, Reubin, 401 Walnut Strauss, Oscar, 505 Crocker Bldg. Tatz, Jacob, 1245 W. 5th Taubes. L., 1309 E. Grand Av. Unger, Dr. D., 528 E. Locust Weinberg, B., 702 W. 42d Dubuque Belsky, Motor Co., 6th & Iowa Buckhantz, J., 345 Main Carlin. J., 1057 Main Cohen, C, Box 314 Levi, A. D., Box 693 Magdal, M., 1980 Elm Motulsky, Bros. Rothman, L., 142 Locust Urbach, Bros., 159 Langworth Av. Fairneld Finkel, W. Fort Dodge Glazer, R., 612 Central Av. Steinberg, M., 141 N. 7th Ft. Madison Goldman, W. Grinwell Berman, D., 803 Pearl Iowa City LIBRARY MEMBER Brenner, H. L. Albert, J., 226 Washington E. Hilfman, A. N., 426 S. Clinton Keokuk Bernstein, S., 710 Main Ginsburg, R., 602 Main Lyons Wolpert, B., 719 Main Marshalltown Friedman, J. M. Gervich, M., 1102 N. Main Levin, M. H., Mason City Tamres, H., 519 S. Adams Av. Muscatine Brower, J. M., 322 E. 2d Gladstein, I., 429 E. 2d Zorchy, M. A. Newton Ottumwa Barmash, M., 424 E. Main Redman, C, 417 E. 2d Sioux City Baron, B., 1810 Pearl Baron, E. E Jones Baron, F., 1621 Center Brodkey, Max, 716 4th Courshon, Dr. B., 3315 Jackson Davidson, Abe, th Davidson, Dave, 1709 Nebraska

62 Kentucky] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 439 Dryfois, O. G., 1715 Summit Av. Emlein, R. H., 1414 Douglas Galinsky, A. L., 1524 Summit Av. Galinsky, Herman, 2301 Jackson Goodsite, A., 412 4th Helfgott, Dr. M. A., 1604 Main Hoffman, A. F., 411 George Isaacson, Rabbi I., Mt. Sinai Temple Jewish Socialist Federation, 501 Pearl Lasensky, M., 1507 W. 5th Lipschitz, M., 1300 W. 5th London, M. N., 2323 Jackson Merlin, D., 321 4th Moson, S., th Mt. Sinai Library, 1410 Pierce Pickus, N. W., 2908 Pierce Prusiner, B. W., 1722 Jackson Resnetzky, S., 5th & Pearl Skolowsky, M. E., 301 Mass Bldg. Stillman, A., 716 4th Weinberg, I., th Shine, Louis Weiser, M. Spencer Valley Junction Waterloo Krensky, H., 1429 Commercial Plymack, M. H., 935 W. 3rd Atchison Kohn, S., 1001 Atchinson Cawker City Rothchild, Jacob El Dorado Bennett, L. L., P. O. Box, 731 Kahn, Z. L., 114 S. Main Leben, S. B., 211 N. Main Scrinopskie, I., c,o The Palace Hutchinson Gottlieb, I., 212 A East Kansas City Lustig, L., 26 N. James Schuman, I., 49 Central Av. Shaw, M., 1605 Minnesota Av. Werblowsky, L., 1905 Quindaro Blvd. Werby,_Minnie, 613 N. 8th Leavenworth Ettenson, Mrs. R. H., 514 Pottawatomie KANSAS Pittsburg Degen, Harry, 316 W. Washington Rose, S. A. Topeka Galitzski, Mrs. S., 1012 N. Jackson Wichita LIBRARY MEMBER Brick, H., 116 W. Kellogg Boxer, H., 1447 N. Emporia Cohen, S. Z., 617 E. Douglas Croney, S-, 121 S. Main Gerson, Bros., 504 E. Douglas Gerson, David, 723 S. Lawrence Ginns, H. L., 239 N. Lorraine Av. Kamenesky, S., 147 S. Erie Pinsker, Mrs. B., 1746 S. Lawrence Rosenbloom, H., 411 S. Lawrence Semryck, B., 1041 N. St. Francise Southwest Brokerage Co. Wallenstein, H., 832 N. Topeka Av. Ashland Edelson A. Kahn, B., nd Katz, Rabbi I., 706 E. Greenup Av. Radin, J., 16th and Greenup Av. Rafful, E. D., th Strauss, Geo., 804 Win Av. Youngkan, A., th Bowling Green Mahra, Chas. S., ' Moskovits, Sam, Pushin, Sam, KENTUCKY Catlettsburg Josselson, Alex., Box 535 Masinter, Sol. Cynthania Cooper, A. Goldberg, M., 5 E. Pike Gordon, M. Kahn, E. H. Rubin, Aaron Danville

63 440 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [Kentucky Frankfort Davis, I., 120 W. Todd Henderson Bernstein, Benj Ḣopkinsville Goldberg, D. Klein, S. Sacks, Sam I)., Box 533 Tannier, Louis Lebanon Kahn, Wm. Shapiro, B. Lexington Ader, D., 237 E. Main Kaufman, M., 504 W. High Levy, M. I., Justright Tailoring Co. Lowenthal, Rabbi J., 243 E. 4th Newburger, B., 113 State Puskin, C, 111 Church Simon, H., 224 W. Main Louisville PATRON Bernheim, I. W., Main St. LIBRARY MEMBER Bernheim, B., 648 Main Adath, Israel Cong., 834 3rd Ades, Moses W., 406. Chestnut Baer, Sadie, 235 E. Madison Berman, B., 705 Lucas PI. Berman, M., 216 W. Market Blieden, I., 628 W. Market Bloom, Dr. N., d Blum, J. J., 621 W. Main Brith Sholom Relig. School, c,o Herman Meyer, 111 W. Hill Bronner, Dr. H., 431 Kensington Ct. Brookst Mrs. J. V., 1508 S. 1st Chodosh, I., 313 E. Walnut Cohen, M. R., 300 W. Market Ehrman, Hilmar, d S. Evans, J. S., 208 E. Market Galanter, Dr. H., 232 W. Market Gawronsky, J., 619 S. 7th Gittleman, Rabbi J. J., 1143 S. Brook Goldberg, N., 206 S. 4th Goldstein, H. H., 218 E. Burnett Av. Goldstein, Hattie, 927 S. 1st Grabfelder, M., 1521 S. 1st Grabfelder, R. A., Seelbach Hotel Grossman, Louis, 1312 S. 2d Haas, S., Kensington Ct. Hoenig, Nat, 2022 S. 3d Av. Horvitz, M-, 343 E. Jefferson Isaacs, Minnie D., 316 E. College Isler, L., 827 S. Brook Klawansky, Rabbi S., 222 E. Madison Levi, Abe C. & Co., 528 4th Av. Levi, H., 1626 EUwood Av. Levin, L., 739 W. Main Levy, S. J., 307 Inter-Southern Bldg. Levy, Sol., 209 E. Je'ierson Linker, Barnet, 110 W. Ormsby Lipnick, S., 425 W. Hill Louisville Free Public Library Marks, A., 721 W. Market Marx, Gus, 2104 New East Main Meyer, Herman, 111 W. Hill Meyers, Dr. Sidney J. Francis Bldg. Morris, C, 1417 S. 2d Mueller, Rev. Dr. Ign., 1116 Brook Ortner, E. H., 1112 S. Brook Rabinowitz, I. L., 634 E. Chestnut Raueh, Rabbi J., Temple Adath Israel Rosenberg, G. S., st Rosenthal, L. A., 1211 S. 2d Rothstein, A., 310 W. Market Sachs, Edw., 4th & Jefferson Sachs, M. D., Columbia Bldg. Sales, G. G., Inter-Southern Bldg. Schaffner, N., 735 Shelby Shaffet, A. J., 303 E. Madison Schulman, M. W., 1109 S. 1st Selligman, Alfred, 1462 S. 1st Selligman, Jos., Paul Jones Bldg. Shapinsky, Allan, 1827 S 3d Shapinsky, Simon, 1905 S. 3rd Simon, M. H., 411 E. Chestnut Simons, L. L., 1317 Highland Av. Stavitzky, S d Steinberg, A., 232 E. Madison Steinfeld, E., 1642 Lucia Av. Strull, Chas., 1734 Chichester Av. Switow, M., 408 4th Turnheim, S., 628 Paul Jones Bldg. Washer, B. T., d Wolkow, I. Leo., 128 W. Market Y. M. H., A., 729 S. 2d Zarchy, Rabbi A. L., 330 E. Walnut Madisonville Arkowitz, S., Grand Central Hotel Newport Jacobs, Herman, 807 Monmouth Nicholasville Stainboock, Mrs. A. Paducah Bright, A. P., Madison Apts. Cohen, Mrs. I., 106 S. 2nd Friedman, H., 2d & Jefferson Marks, M., Broadway Dept. Store Marks, M. Michael, M. & Bro. Simon, Moses, 335 H N. 7th

64 Louisiana] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 441 Steinfeld, Dr. M., 609 Broadway Temple Israel, Bway. Paris Elbove, J., 336 W. 7th Shelbyville Atla9 t Sam t Jr. Somerset Frehling, Norman Goldenberg, A., Mt. Vernon Harvins, M. Joseph, A. J., Main Kohler, Ben Shrabery, D. Winchester Berkowitz, H., 112 Main Bloomfleld, V., 124 Lex. Av. Feld, M., 12 N. Main Green, B. Alexandria Bauer, Geo., 405 3d Caplan, D., d Fried, Sam Gehr, Gus, 406 Elliot Ginsberg, G. J., 207 Com. Bldg. Mermelstein, J., 9th & Lee Pressburg, S. B., 1811 Polk Robbins, M. P. O. Box 146 Rubin, Abe, 729 Baumgard Shapiro, S., 826 Lee Simon, A. E. Baton Rouge Brainis, H., 418 Main Cohen, M., 1024 Convention Davis, D., 1418 N. Blvd. Elgutter, A. Gilman, J. M., 200 Main Godchaus, J., 1744 Main Mayer, B. S., 315 North Sommer, Lep., 312 Main The Temple Library Bogalusa Berenson, Morris, 420 Virginia Levin, Gus Marx, M. Singerman, Meyer Warnick, Chas. M., Crowley Frankel, J. Donaldsonvitle Bloch, Leo, cor Lexington Av. & Iberville Netter, Adolph Samuelson, S. J. Franklin Friedman, A., Box 386 Popkin, Mrs. I. Jeanerette Karnofsky, Louis Wormson, C. LOUISIANA Lake Charles PATRON Calcasien Lodge, No. 506, Box 355 LIBRARY MEMBER Rosenthal, M., Box 526 ANNUAL MEMBER Kaufman, L., 725 Bilbo Monroe LIBRARY MEMBER Meyer, Mrs. Sol., 128 Catalpa Kaliski, J. L., 403 Catalpa Kaplan, Saml. Silberg, C, 520 De Siard Morgan City Goldman, Mrs. J. J., Box 267 Norman, Mrs. M. E. Napoleaville Klotz, Sol Natchitoches Semmelman, M. New Iberia Dreyfus, Leon, Main New Orleans LIFE MEMBER District Grand Lodge, I. O. B. B., 212 Whitney Central Bldg. LIBRARY MEMBERS Beer, Bertrand, 4035 St. Charles Av. Bonart, Sam, Paydras & Rampart Julius Weis Home, 3516 Prytania Steinberg, M., 525 Decatur Bagelman, B. D., 162 S. Rampart Barkoff, Marry, 1624 Magnolia

65 442 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [Louisiana Barkoff, H., 5414 Magazine Barnett, M., 1743 Carondelet Bennett, B., & Co., 2613 Napolean Av. Bernicker, Mrs. H., 1700 Frenchman Botkofsky, I., 509 Canal Botkofsky, S., 1930 Magazine Bratman, H., 5015 Constance Brener, E., 2102 Baronne Brenner, P., 1626 Baronne Burglasa, A., 1400 Canal Cahn, Edgar, M., 1930 Napoleon Av., Cohen, Chas., 2041 Magazine Cohen, J., 2431 Dryades Cohen, J., 221 Chartres Cohen, M., 2301 Peters Av. Cohen, N., 1706 Jackson Av. Cornman, I. N., 1609 Orleans Dresner, J. D., 211 Camp Feingold, Dr. M., 4206 St. Charles Av. Feldman, Wm., 2504 CheBtnut Fine, Chas., 1121 St. CharleB Av. Fine, Wm., 906 Canal Flomacher, Lee, 1938 Berlin Forbert, J., 1718 Josephine Frank, L., rd Gerber, O., 762 S. Rampart Gerson, Abr., 526 Lopez Godchaux, Mrs. P. L., 1237 Jackson Av. Goldberg, A., th Goldberg, Eabbi M. H., 1763 Jackson Av. Goldman, T., 1113 Poydras Goldstein, Sam J., 918 Howard Av. Goodman, A., 2819 Carondelet Hayem, L., 817 Gravier Heller, Rev. Dr. Max, 1658 Joseph Hershberg, H., 1722 Tholia Hess, Bernard, 1721 State Heyman, H. L., Wells Fargo Bldg. Hyman, M., 8141 Oak Israel, Sam, 6323 St. Charles Av. Itzkovitch, C, 4122 Magazine Av. Jacobs, S. L., 2022 Robert Jewish Orphan Home, St. Charles & Peters Avs. Joseph, L., 1807 Magnolia Joseph, Mrs. B., 624 Frenchmen Kaiser, H. W., 300 Marine Bk. Bldg. Klein, L., 417 Camp Kling, P., 1529 Nashville Av. Kohler, M. N., Dixie Laundry Co. Korn, Rabbi J., 4912 Constance Kottwitz, Mrs. M., 5417 S. Franklin Leipziger, Rev. Dr. Emil W., 1708 Dufossat Lemle, G., 3413 St. Charles Av. Levin, Louis, 1728 Bayou Rd. Levitan, L., 1200 Dryades Levy, Chas., 701 Pine Levy, M. M., 6015 St. Charles Lubitz, A., 829 N. Dorgenois Malter, J., 4326 S. Franklin Manheim, B., 2732 Milan Mayer, Erhard, 1806 Robert Mendelvitz, M., 910 Poydras Midlo, J. W., 1012 Lafayette Moss, W. I., 1311 Valmont New Orleans Pub. Lib., 1001 St. Chas. Av. Palter, L., 1628 Baronne Pastel, M., 327 S. Rampart Perloff, H., 1636 Tulave Av. Pessed, Z. V., 817 Poydras Pokorny, Mrs. Dave, 2113 St. Charles Av. Robbins, Isidore, 2207 Baronne Rosen, D., 1600 Dryades Rosenberg, H., 2120 Palmyra Rosenblum, H., 1558 Camp Rosenson, D. & Son, 1600 Baronne Rosenson, H., 8233 Panola Rubin, P., 1512 Baronne Sabludowsky, J., 1137 S. Franklin Sazer, M., 2017 Chestnut Schultz, J., 640 Royal Schwarz, Lewis E., 2102 Octavia Schwarz, Ralph, Pen-in Bldg. Segal, B., 1531 St. Charles Av. Segall, S., 4916 Saratoga Sherman, H., 1906 Magazine Shushan, G., 2033 Milan Siegel, H. N., 4425 Dryades Silverman, S., 2701 Carondelet Silverstein, A. N., 1334 Louisiana Av. Simmons, N., 3203 Prytania Sinai, Joseph, 4218 Perrier Singer, B., 1821 Terpsichore Singer, E., 3329 Magnolia Singer, M., 2503 Gen. Pershing Av. Solomon, A., 2214 Gen. Taylor Stahl, J., 1632 Thalia Steinman, J., 2739 Bourbon Steinman, M., 2000 Wash. Av. Stern, P., Octavia Apts. Sternhardt, A., 1529 Amelia Stewer, H., 4306 Magazine Av. Stolier, A., 5230 Magazine Temple Sinai Sisterhood, 1237 Jackson Av. Tolmas, Chas., 1912 Magazine Trestman, L., 243 S. Claiborne Wasserman, A., 1301 Carondelet Weinberger, Chas., 708 Union Weinstein, H., 2600 Cadiz Weinstein, J., 615 Ursuline Weinstein S., 3632 Magazine Welsch, H., 2701 Peniston Av. Welsch, L., 2023 Milan Witkoff, D., 1705 Baronne Wolbrette, H., 1907 Bway. Wolff, Solomon, 1522 Aline Y. M. H., A., 1206 St. Charles Av. Zemurray, Saml., Whitney Bldg. Zion, L., 1013 Canal Zion, S., 1934 Burgundy Shreveport SUSTAINING MEMBER Herold, S. L., 554 Stoner Av.

66 Maryland] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 443 Anisman, M., 1339 Woodrow-Ashplanate Barren, M., 1127 Everett Bath, M. L., 308 Stoner Av. Bazelon, J. L., 444 Stoner Av. Bernstein, Ernest R., 1239 Park PI. Blumberg, B., 935 College Bodenheimer, Dr. J. M., Hutchinson Bldg. Brill, Rabbi Abr. Dreyfuss, A., 525 Spring Elfant, Leo, 549 Wilkinson Freyer, A. B., 616 Jordan Frumer, I., 1535 Laurel Gallant, D., 1141 Texas Av. Gold, Louis, 721 Texas Goldstein, E., P. O. Box 221 Goldstein, Nathan, 314 Stoner Av. Goodman, M., 1224 Sprague Graeber, Jos., 1539 Anna Graff, J., 1419 Texas Av. Greenfield, N., 728 Travis Herold, J. K., 563 Stoner Av. Hochberger, S. H., 709 Texas Katz, A. J., 810 Texas Av. Kosakofsky, J., 1101 Busby Leman, E. M., 819 Market Loeb, Herman, 522 Edwards Meyer, A. F., 1114 Hamilton Ter. Meyer, H. T., 1200 Highland Av. Meyer, P. V., 1172 Louisiana Av. Murov, N., 864 Texas Av. Nagy, H., 212 Milan Ober, J., 294 Wall Phelps, E., 309 Edwards Picard, Dr. M., Hutchinson Bldg. Roos, A. W., 1406 Louisiana Av. Vilensky, D. L., 280 Stoner Av. Weil, H. M., 519 Fannin Weisman, M., 2418 Pinehurst Blvd. Wilier, S., 612 Travis Y. M. H. A., Levy Bldg. MAINE Auburn Kople, Eli, P. O. Box 161 Lichtenstein, M., Box 169 Bangor Adelman, Eli, 370 Broadway Byer, J. A., 68 Jefferson Cohen, Simon, 118 Main Friedman, A. B., 174 Jefferson Levinson, H. A., 340 Center, Bath Povich, N-, 28 Shepherd La. Biddeford Polakewich, Lewis, 120 Main Fairfield Seltzer, Wm., 9 Lawrence Av. Annapolis Goodman, A. L., 19 Randall Horwitz, E. H. Klavans, D., 126 Dock Legum, M., 63 Wash. Lipman, Jos., Main Shacks, Oscar, 37 West Stern, L., 39 Corn Hill Baltimore LIBRARY MEMBERS Berny, Albert, 2245 Eutaw PI. MARYLAND Lew is ton Gottesfeld, D., 90 College Tarr, I., 107 Main Portland Berman, J. H., 64 Eastern Promenade Bernstein, Israel, 97 Exchange Caplan, Dr. Elias, 81 Morning Davis, Dr. John, L., 62 Morning Jacobs, Wm., 23 Hampshire Levine, Mark, 76 Beckett Markson, E., 35 Melbourne Morrison, J. H., 72 Park Av. Rosen, Maurice E., 85 Exchange Sacknoff, S. J., 88 Morning Simonds, Max, W. 45 Mountfort Sulkowitch, M. A., 55 Hampshire Water ville Seltzer, Morris Cone, Mrs. M. H., 1800 Eutaw PI. Fleischer, M., 2109 Linden Av. Friedenwald, Mrs. Jane, 2319 Eutaw Place Friedenwald, Dr. J., 1013 N. Charles Goldenberg, M., The Esplanade Levy, Julius, 105 Ridgwood Rd. Roland Pk. Levy, Wm., Faca & Lombard Ottenheimer, B. M., 3405 Alto Av. Pels, Dr. I. R., Marlborough Apts. Salabas, J., 3200 Clifton Av. Sonneborn, S. B., 2420 Eutaw PI. Abramson, C, 3739 North Rd.

67 444 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [Maryland Adath, B'nai Israel, 114 Aisquith Aitz, Chain Cong., S. Eden Alexander, Mrs. F., 3607 Keisterstown Rd. Alter, Jennie, 1713 E. Eager Ansell, J. P., 593 N. Gay Applefeld, S. C, 2301 Tioga PI. Applestein, A. S., 2032 E. Balto. Applestein, Ben. S., 10 S. Patterson Pk Av. Applestein, P. L., 2300 Tioga PL Ashman, 1 L. S., 1525 E. Baltimore Austerlitz, John, S E. Lombard Bainder, R. L., 2501 Drexel Hill Av. Balachow, J. D., 23 E. Cross Balder, Chas. M., 131 Jackson PL Balto. Hebrew College, 1038 N. Eutaw Bamberger, Jacob, 818 Whitelock Bank, S. M., 802 Chauncey Av. Baroway, Aaron, 2554 McCulloh Baura, E. M., 210 N. Chester Baylin, Dr. M. J., 212 Aisquith Bearman, Sol., 11 N. Front Bechhofer, Mrs. A., Windsor Ct. Apt. Beck, Benj., 804 Reservoir Becker, Miss M., 3810 Pk. Heights Av. Benesh, Sam'l, 651 W. Lexington Bereston, Dr. A., 1724 E. Baltimore Berger, Jacob, 1037 N. Gilmor Berkow, Nathan, 652 W. Balto. Berkowitz, Jos. M., 232 N. High Berman, Frank, 521 E. Baltimore Berman, J., Alhambra Apts. Berman, N. M., 217 N. Arlington Av. Berney, B. S., 26 Talbot Rd. Bernstein, J., 3514 Reisterstown Rd. Bernstein, Rev. Dr. L., Bolton & Wilson Bernstein, M. M., 2409 Linden Av. Bernstein, Saml., 246 N. Exeter Beser, N., 4027 Reisterstown Rd. Binder, L., 1822 N. Smallwood Birnbaum, I., 837 Greenmont Av. Blaustein, S., 821 E. Baltimore Blivess, Aaron, 1749 Belt Block, Jacob, 43 E. Cross Block, Wm., 2204 Eutaw PL Bloom, M. L., 3310 Auchentoroly Ter. Blumberg, Alex., 2204 Linden Av. Blumberg, H., 9 E. Camden Blumberg, I., 1521 E. Pratt Blumberg, Ralph, 109 W. Redwood Bordensky, Dr. N. B., 2114 Wilkens Av. Brash, A., 2473 Callow Av. Brave, M., 3417 Guyim Oak Av. Brenner, L. I., 821 Chauncey Av. Brenner, Sol M., 937 Brooks Lane Brodie, I. B., 28 Talbott Rd., Windsor Hills Brodie, M., 1009 W. North Av. ' Brown, Benj., 328 S. Paca Brown, J., 1925 E. Fairmount Av. Buchman, M., 2220 Presstman Buckner, Israel, 4702 Garrison Av. Burdwise, A., 2331 Druid Hill Av. Cahn, Frank B., 2401 Eutaw PL Calmen, Samuel, 1815 Barclay Caplan, Abr., 434 Equitable Bldg. Caplan, David, 2303 Brookfield Av. Caplan, H. L., 2280 Mondawmin Av. Caplan, Michael, 825 W. North Av. Caplan, Nathan, 1614 Appleton Caplan, Oscar, 620 E. Balto. Caplan, R. J., 1125 N. Fulton Av. Castelle, George, 1911 Eutaw PL Charkatz, Harry, 1419 E. Baltimore Cherney, A., 825 Chauncey Av. Cherry, Mrs. J., 516 Light Chideckel, Dr. M., 2328 Madison Av. Chizuk, Emunah Congr., 734 W. North Av. Clarke, Emile, 2349 Eutaw PI. Clarke, H., 2345 Eutaw PL Cline, Bernhard, 4035 Belle Av., N. Forest Pk. Coblenz, Rabbi A., 2029 Eutaw PI. Cohen, A., 1500 E. Monument Cohen, A. M., 2543 McCulloh Cohen, Aaron, 2409 Madison Av. Cohen, B., 1709 Linden Cohen, Mrs. B. M., 3415 Beech Av. Walbrook Cohen, Bertha, 415 N. Charles Cohen, I., 2702 Reisterstown Rd. Cohen, Julius, 616 S. Charles Cohen, L., 814 Brook Lane Cohen, M. S., 213 E. Redwood Cohen, Simon, 1006 N. Broadway Cone, Dr. Sydney M., 2326 Eutaw PL Cooper, I., L., 2036 Brookfield Av. Cordin, J. L., 1730 E. Balto. Cordish, I., 720 E. Baltimore Cordish, L., 2206 Mondawmin Av. Crockin, Emil, 2124 Chelsea Ter., Walbrook Dalsheimer, Simon, Lord Baltimore Press Danker, Dr. I., 244 Aisquith Dashew, Jacob, 417 W. Baltimore Davidson, I. W., 9 S. Eutaw Davidson, Isaac, 2301 Brookfield Av. Davis, Morris, 535 Aisquith Dinovitz, Isidore, 1618 W. Lanvale Dobres, M. A., 2917 Norfolk Av. Dornberg, L., 231 E. 25th Drukman, I., 1816 Linden Av. Eggnatz, I., 807 Park Av. Ehrlich, F., 2205 Callow Av. Ellin, M., 1717 E. Lombard Ellison, D., 3424 Auchentoroly Ter. Emanuel, S. H., 406 Galvin Av. Ember, Dr. A., 16 Queen Anne Rd. Engel, Jacob, 2422 Eutaw PL Ephraim, R. L Linden Av. Epstein, A., 1603 N. Beutalou Epstein, Jacob, 2532 Eutaw PI. Erkes, Charles, 734 W. North Av. Fader, A., 210 E. Baltimore Fagan, A., 1631 N. Bentalou Farber, L., 3543 Park Heights Av. Farbman, H., 1119 Watson

68 Maryland] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 445 Farbman, J., 2107 McElderry Fax, J., 131 Aisquith Feikin, B., 124 N. Eutaw Feikln, Meyer, 721 W. Baltimore Feldman, D., 2200 Mondawmin Av. Fell, Mrs. D., 4711 Pk. Heights Av. Fineman, S., 800 Newington Av. Fisher, Mrs. S., 6 N. Collington Av. Flam, Carl J., 1900 E. Baltimore Fleischer, S. M., 1700 Eutaw PI. Folick, I., 1606 McCulloh Folkoff, Saml., 2305 Madison Av. Fox, Michael J., 4006 Springdale Av. Fox, Morton, e,o Union Stock Yards Fox, Wm. L., 2 Market PI. Fradin, H., 512 S. Pulaski Frank, Eli, 1504 Bolton Frank, J., 2216 Brookfield Av. Frank, Mrs. R., 1829 Eutaw PI. Frank, Sol., Emersonian Apt. Franklin, Dr. David, 122 W. Lee Freedman, H., 2234 Mondawmin Av. Freedman, M. J., 1645 Ruxton Av. Freedom, Dr. A. G., Edmondson Av. & 14th Freiman, Jos. O., 3009 Winfield Av. Friedel, Mayer, 1415 E. Baltimore Friedenwald, Dr. Edgar B., 1616 Linden Av Friedenwald, Dr. Harry, 1029 Madison Av. Friedman, B., W. Lombard Fould, Manes E., The Marlborough Galoon, Miss R., 107 S. Exeter Gamse, Herman, 2811 Allendale Rd. Geare, M., 2113 E. Pratt Gerber, L. A., 433 N. Gay Ginsberg, A., 16 Queen Anne Rd. Ginsberg, S., 734 W. North Av. Ginsburg, A., 1817 Madison Av. Ginsburg, J., 22 S. Howard Glass, Sam, 129 N. Front Glasser, A. I., 1602 N. Monroe Glassman, H., 1312 E. Monument Gold, H., 137 N. Broadway Goldberg, C, 1536 Moreland Av. Goldberg, H. H., 1520 E. Balto. Goldberg, R. S., 2808 Suffolk Av. Goldbloom, L. S., 613 W. Balto. Goldenberg, J., Esplanade Apts. Goldheim, Mrs. L. A Callow Av. Goldheim, L. W., 2426 Madison Av. Goldman, J., 844 Konig Goldsmith, J. S., 2335 Eutaw PI. Goldsmith, Jos., Ill Dolphin Goldsmith, M. B., Emersonian Apt. Goldstein, I., 2900 Norfolk Av. Goldstein, J. I., 947 Brooks Lane Goldman, Isaac, 108 Park Av. Goodman, I., 108 Park Av. Gordon, Irving, 2022 Brookfield Av. Gordon, P., 2236 Mondawmin Av. Gorflne, E., 344 Equitable Bldg. Green, B., 802 Newington Av. Green, H., 1726 N. Appleton Greenbaum, L. E., 1614 Eutaw PI. Greenbaum, M. D., 2206 Linden Av. Greenebaum, Simon, 2442 Callow Av. Greenberg, Isaac, 212 Dolphin Greenberg, L., 1201 Madison Av. Greenfeld, R. E., 1900 E. Pratt Greenthal, I., 2421 Madison Av. Grinsfelder, Mrs. H., 2020 Eutaw PI. Grollman, G. S., 3724 Reisterstown Rd. Grollman, S., 2520 McCulloh Grossfeld, L., 1704 Bentalon Gundersheimer, Mrs. M. E., 21 Talbot Rd., Windsor Hills Gutman, J., Emersonian Apt. B6 Gutman, L. K., N. Eutaw Guyes, M. I., 2219 Brookfield Av. Habelson, S., 2219 Whittier Av. Halle, Isaac, 1904 Eutaw PI. Halle, M. S., 2222 Callow Av. Halpern, Dr. S., 949 N. Gay Hamburger, Mrs. H. I., 2319 Eutaw PI. Hamburger, Dr. L. P., 1207 Eutaw PL Hamburger, Mrs. S. I., 2315 Eutaw PI. Hamburger, Sydney J., 2213 Linden Av. Handler, L. M., 1710 Eutaw PI. Hankin, D. E., 2212 Baker Hanline, Alex M., 2208 Linden Av. Harris, Max, 817 Brooks Lane Harris, S. A., 2753 W. North Av. Harsh, G. M., The Riveria Apt. Hartogensis, B. H., 1940 Linden Av. Hebrew Young Men Sick Relief Assn., 1039 N. Broadway Hecht, Mrs. J. F., 1916 Eutaw PI. Herman, B., 1808 E. Baltimore Hettleman, J., 2012 Brookfield Av. Hettleman, Joseph, 215 Courtland Himmel, L. W., 2028 Eutaw PI. Hirshberg, A., 3316 Auchentoroly Ter. Hirschhorn, S., 203 N. Front Hochheimer, L., 438 Equitable Bldg. Hochschild, M., Emersonian Apts. Hoffman, I. S., 2310 Tioga PI. Hoffman, Jos., 1531 W. 36th Hollander, Dr. J. H., 1802 Eutaw PI. Hollander, L., 127 Jackson Place Hornstein, J. D., Esplanade Apts. Hurwitz, A., 900 E. Lombard Hurwitz, H., 24 S. Washington Hutzler, Albert D., 10 Lauria Rd. Hutzler, A. G., 1801 Eutaw PI. Hutzler, Mrs. D., 1801 Eutaw PI. Hutzler, Edwin, 212 N. Howard Hyman, B. H., 430 N. Bway Ind. Order Brith Sholom, 1012 E. Balto. Jacob, Mrs. A. M., 913 E. Madison Jacob, Fannie E., 2326 E. Baltimore Jacobs, J. H., 4106 Fernhill Av. Jacobson, H-, 436 Aisquith Jeffrey, L. D., 1729 Linden Av. Kann, B., 1621 N. Appleton Kanter, Robt., 811 Aisquith

69 446 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [Maryland Kaplan, Joe S., 1507 Penna Av. Katz, Chas., 920 Chauncey Av. Katz, J. G., 2305 Elsinor Av. Katz, J. L., 1434 Gough Katz, Jos., 209 N. Liberty Katz, Meier, 2214 Linden Av. Katzen, J., 1919 E. Pratt Kaufman, D. J., 814 Whitelock Kaufman, F., 301 N. Eutaw Kaufman, J., 29 N. Central Av. Kaufman, Lawrence, S McCulloh Keiles, Wra., 129 N. Broadway Keilis, Mrs. C, 844 Konig Kellman, H. T., 12 Montgomery Rd. Kippnes, Hyman, 2129 E. Lombard Kirsh, Jacob, 612 W. Baltimore Klavans, S. H., 1654 Bentalou Kling, Morris, 2127 E. Pratt Kohn, A. J., 618 Equitable Bldg. Kohn, Benno, Mt. Washington Kohn, L. B., Howard & Lexington Kohn, M. J., Paca & German Kolker, Ben., 30 N. Chester Kramer, L., 2206 Brookfield Av. Kramer, M., 1818 Bentolou Kremen, A., 2310 S. Balto. Kremer, N. D., 1151 E. Baltimore Kriegel, J., 2503 McCulloh Krieger, Dr. E., 129 S. Broadway Krulewitch, A., 2803 Parkwood Av. Laken, J., 25 N. Patterson Pk. Lampe, D., 3720 Pk. Heights Av. Landy, Bros., 2417 Lakeview Av. Landy, David Z., 2417 Lakeview Av. Lauchheimer, S. H., 1524 Eutaw PI. Lauer, Mrs. L., Esplanade Apt. 3A Lauer, M., 2001 Eutaw PL Lebawitch, L., 4012 Bateman Av. Lebovitz, N., 1100 E. Baltimore Lebow, Lewis J., 2228 Callow Av. Lehman, J. M., 3107 Oakfield Av. Lefkowitz, M., 1623 N. Monroe Leibowitz, Wm. A., 916 Chauncey Av. Leopold, Dr. E. I., 803 Park Av. Leopold, I., 2218 Eutaw PL Levenson, M. A., 21 N. Broadway Levin, Benj., 816 Druid Hill Av. Levin, Ellis, 138 Aiaquith Levin, Harry O-, 822 Brooks Lane Levin, I. A., 1734 E. Fayette Levin, L. H., 2104 Chelsea Ter. Levin, R., 2223 Mondawmin Av. Levin, Sylvan, 826 Brooks Lane Levine, A. H., 220 E. Baltimore Levy, A. Z., 1411 Madison Av. Levy, H., 228 N. Monroe Lewis, Jack, 1411 E. Baltimore Libauer, M., 2506 Keyworth Av. Libowitz, Chas., 1025 W. Broadway Lichtenstein, William, 030 Jackson PL linden. Dr. H., 14 S. Bway Lipnick, J., 14 W. Lee Lipnick, R., 654 W. Baltimore Lutzky, Louis, 3422 Park Heights Av. Maas & Kemper, 2336 Eutaw PL Macks, Dr. Isaac M., 2352 Eutaw PL Mahr, J. L., 306 Sharp Mainen, Caiman, 1426 E. Pratt Makover, B., 3112 Auchentoroly Ter. Malkin, S., 1136 E. Pratt Mandelbaum, Mrs. Seymour, Hotel Belve dere Mandelberg, A. H., 1410 E. Fayette Mansbach, Dr. I. T., 2306 Madison Av. Marcus, Louis, 2309 Tioga PI.! Mazer, Dr.M. L.,3115 E. Baltimore Meyerhoff, Mrs. F., 1205 Clendenau Mcyrowitz, T., 2302 Callow Av. Michaelson, N. J., 1827 E. Balto. Michelson, I., 2113 E. Baltimore Michelson, Jerry, 1719 W. North Av. Michelson, Dr. R. A., 2230 Eutaw PI. Miller, Dr. C. E., 142 N. Broadway Miller, H. G., 3417 Pk. Heights Av. Miller, Harry J., 1200 Park Av. Miller, H. P., 1610 N. Pulaski Miller, M., 704 Equitable Bldg. Miller, Max, 2111 Bolton Miller, S. S., 1407 E. Pratt Miller, Mrs. Wm., Esplanade Apts. Mintz, Julius, Lake Court Apt. Morgenatein, L., 3710 Clifton Av. Morris, L., 1618 W. Lanvale Morstein, M., 1602 E. Fayette Moses, D. J., 754 Pratt W. Moses, J. M., 2324 Eutaw PL Moses, Leslie Wm., Emerson Apt. Muskin, Hyman, 514 E. Lombard Myers, Sig., 145 Spaulding Av. Needle, H. A., 3000 Brighton Needle, S., 2320 Eutaw PI. Newhouse, D. H., 506 S. Fremont Nordin, Dr. E., 223 S. Broadway Notkin, M., 2539 McCulloh Nusinow, N., 2004 Christian Nyburg, S: L., 2414 Linden Av. Oheb Sholom Congr. Sunday School Oliner, A., Lake Court Apts. Oppenheimer, H-, 9 Lawina Rd. Oppenheimer, Wm., 3819 Clifton Av. Orlov, H. A., 919 N. Broadway Ostrov, Nathan, 1708 Linden Av.! Pear, Jos. J., 829 Brooks Lane Pearlman, Isidore, 218 W. Franklin Perel, M., 2213 Callow Av. Petasky, Benj., 2432 Linden Av. Phoenix Club, 1505 Eutaw PI. Pincus, Louis, 2509 Linden Av. Pitlik, S., 2206 E. Baltimore Pogorelslrin, Alex., 139 N. Broadway Polan, J. N., 2306 Tioga PL Poland, Saul, Edin & Lombard PoliakolT, M., 1742 E. Baltimore Poliakoff, R., E. Ba!l808 timore

70 Maryland] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 447 Potts, Isaac, 511 N. Kenwood Av. Proser, S., 2051 Fleet Pushkin, Dr. Benj., 1804 Eutaw PL Putzel Memorial Library, 1029 E. Balto. Quail, Abr., 2336 Madison Av. Rand, Mrs. J., 2233 Eutaw PI. Rayner, A. W., Fidelity Bldg. Reamer, M., 452 Aisquith Richman, L., 149 W. Montgomery Robinson, L. B., 1420 Poplar Grove Robinson, M., 107 S. Hanover Robinson, M. R., 1603 Ruxton Av. Robinson, Maurice, 2216 Eutaw PI. Robinson, Paul, 2518 Madison Av. Rodman, H. M-, 2323 Madison Av. Rogers, S., 925 Brooks Lane Rombro, Herman, 1251 E. Fayette Rombro, J., 2605 Keyworth Av. Rombro, M., 24 S. Patterson Pk. Av. Rome, M. A., 2225 Linden Av. Romm, M., 3471 Reisterstown Rd. Rosen, F., 1728 Bentalou Rosen, M. L., 1043 Ridgely Rosen, Raphael, 2016 Madison Av. Rosen, Dr. S., 515 S. Broadway Rosenau, Rev. Dr. W., 1515 Eutaw PI. Rosenberg, D. B., 1527 Penna. Av. Rosenberg, E., 2411 W. Lanvale Rosenberg, S. I., 913 Calvert Bldg. Rosenbloom, S., 3410 Auchentoroly Terrace Rosenblum, Wm, 3606 Reisterstown Rd. Rosenburg, L. S., The Marlborough Rosenfeld, A., 114 N. Howard Rosenfeld, Aaron, 3201 Presbury Rosenfeld, Mrs. G., 1720 Eutaw PI. Rosenfeld, Leo., 228 W. Fayette Rosenzwog, M. J., 779 Columbia Av. Rothholz, S., 515 W. Lombard Round, Solomon, 1604 N. Monroe Rubenstein, Rabbi C, Sheffield apts. Rubenstein, S., 1422 N. Fulton Av. Rudo, B. H., 123 N. Patterson Pk. Sachs, R., 2115 Pennsylvania Av. Sachs, Sarah, 2235 Brookfield Av. Sacks, Herman Z., 2127 Bolton Safranek, H., 2222 E. Lombard Sagner, L. J., 2541 Brookfield Av. Salzman, Abr., 3208 Baker Samuels, L., 642 Equitable Bldg. Sandier, J. S., 917 E. Baltimore Sauber, N., 3003 Garrison Blvd. Saul, A. W., 1703 Linden Av. Savage, Dr. M., 1729 Madison Av. Saxon, Wm., Nelmar Apts. Schaffer, Rabbi S-, 2566 McCulloh Schapiro, D., 2302 Tioga PI. Schapiro, Moses, 3913 Maine Av., W. Forest Pk. Schenthal, S., 929 Brooks Lane Scher, J. W., C 3 Seville Apts. Scherr, S., 535 Cumberland Schimmel, I. W., 3900 Reisterstown Rd. Schloss, L. S., 2541 McCulloh Schloss, M., 2217 E. Pratt Schloss, Meyer, 2446 Eutaw PL Schloss, Michael, 11 Carrol Rd., Windsor Hill Schloss, N., 2410 Eutaw PI. Schloss, Toney, 1933 E. Baltimore Schuman, Rev. J., 2305 Brookfield Av. Schwab, Solomon, A., Hotel Rennert Schwartz, Dr. H. B., 2216 McCulloh Schwartz, Mrs. M., 2326 Whittier Av. Schwartzman, A., 2212 Mondawmin Av. Schwartzman, C, 2232 Mondawmin Av. Schwartzman, H., 2307 Madison Av. Schwartzman, J., 619 E. Balto. Schwartzman, M., 1216 Whitelock Se.ff Robert, 231 Coiirtland Segall, M. R., 901 E. Fort Seidel, Dr. H., 2404 Eutaw PI. Seidman, Alex., 5021 Wilson Av. Selenkow, M. E., 2315 Madison Av. Selis, Leon E., 145 Jackson PI. Seltzer, Samuel 1742 E. Lombard Shalowitz, Abr., 156 N. Exeter Shalowitz, Hyman, 129 S. Bway. Shapiro, H., 3840 Bonner Rd. Shapiro, Mrs. I., 2308 Tioga PL Shapiro, Oscar, 515 Sanford PI. Shapiro, S., 17 S. Exeter Shavitz, H., 1 S. Hanover Shochet, A. S., 2108 E. Pratt Shochet, J. Louis, 244 Equitable Shuger, M., 136 S. Patterson Pk. Av. Shuham, M., 2911 Edmondson Av. Siegel, I., 2318 Whittier Av. Siegel, Joseph, 1438 Gough Siegel, Jos., 1730 Pulaski Silberman, T-, 2000 Madison Silberstein, Israel, 705 Lake Drive Silesky, M. B., 850 W. North Av. Silver, L. M-, 435 N. Broadway Silverman, S., 2428 Lakeview Av. Silverstein, J. D., 3235 Abell Av. Silverstein, Dr. S., 22 S. Broadway Simon, Aaron J., Ill N. Charles Singer, S. M-, 2708 Reisterstown Rd. Sinsky, Dr. H. L., 3510 Springdale Av. Siskind, A. H., 949 Brooks Lane Slesinger, L., 2203 Brookfield Av. Small, P., 501 S. Broadway Smeyne, Moses, 3038 E. Baltimore Smotritsky, J. B., 3806 Pk. Heights Av. Sneider, M., 1616 Ruxton Av. Snyder, B. B., 2532 McClellan Sobelman, M., 3433 Reisterstown Rd. Soberloff, Simon, 301 Title Bldg. Social Service Dept., c,o Henry Sonneborn &Co. Sollod, Jos. A., 101 S. Broadway Sollod, Nathan, 2231 E. Pratt Solomon, David, 311 W. 29th Solomon M.& Sons, M., 1702 N. Bentalou

71 448 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [Maryland Solorz, S., 3602 Fairview Av. Sondheim, W., 1621 Bolton Sonneborn, Dr. F., Esplanade Apts. Sopher, Isadore, 1382 N. Calhoun Soypher, Benjamin, 402 E. Oliver Speert, S., 2453 W. North Av. Stein, L. W., 3616 Fales Rd. Stein, M., Lake Drive Steinberg, Jacob, 1011 W. 36th Straus, A., 410 Equitable Bldg. Strause, Benj., Riviera Apt. Strauss, M., Esplanade Apts. 8F Streich, Dr. Henry, 601 N. Gay Stulman, M., 2406 Liberty Hgts Av. Sugar, Max M., 2220 E. Lombard Suls, Maxwell, 1723 N. Smallwood Swartz, Mano, Liberty & Saratoga Sykes, A., 1602 Mondawmin Av. Sykes, Philip, L., 25 N. Chester Tepper, David, 901 Druid Hill Av. Thaler, Louis, 1521 Riggs Av. Thalheimer, S., Riviera Apts. Theodore, N., 1630 Ruxton Av. Tifereth Zion Assn. of Balto., 1012 E. Balto. Trepolsky, S., 301 S. Calhorn Trupp, N., 1232 Greenmount Av. Udell, Bernard, 1037 N. Caroline Van Leer, M., 2218 Brookfield Av. Voloshen, J., 2219 Eutaw PI. Waghelstein, C, 2205 Baker Walter, Mrs. M. R., 2801 N. Charles Waranch, A. L., 736 Reservoir Waxman, M. E., 2515 Madison Av. Weglein, D. E., 2400 Linden Av. Weinberg, Abr. I., 2310 Eutaw PI. Weinman, M., 2123 Callow Av. Weisberger, S., 2537 Madison Av. Weinstein, Morris, 1025 W. 36th Weiskopf, Hiram J., 2421 Woodbrook Av. Wiesenfeld, B., 2328 Eutaw PI. Wiesenfeld, Mrs. H., The Emersonian Apts Wiesenfeld, J., 1712 Linden Av. Wolbarsht, H., 2022 Madison Av. Wolman, Dr. S., 2444 Eutaw PI. Wolpert, H. K., 2241 Eutaw PI. Woolf, B. S., 101 Wylie Av. Workmen's Circle Free Library, 1200 E. Lexington Wyman, J. H., 1530 McCulloh Wyman, M., 19 W. Lexington Zeligman, B., 663 W. Lexington Zetlin, M. W., 2324 Madison Av. Zetzer, J. S., 1732 E. Balto. Zilber, Israel, 917 Lemmoy SUBSCRIBER Burdick, Dr. A. A., 122 S. Patterson Park Av. Getz, David B. Beiair Bladensburg Brown, Hyman Mostow, Samuel Brentwood Hoffman, Max Brunswick Ephrain, Nathan Kaplan, Victor Werntz, H. N. Box 362 Cambridge Jacobson, D. I., 34 Poplar Waxier, H., 9 West End Av. Weintrob, D. CenterviUe Baker, C. B., Queen Anne County Cumberland LIBRARY MEMBERS Rosenbaum, Simon, 70 Wa3h. Rosenbaum, Susman, 67 Wash. Baron, M., 526 Green Bernstein, L., 33 Columbia Dantzic, Jacob, 100 N. Centre Dantzic, Jacob Gerstein, Israel, 394 Bedford Goldfine, J., 49 Avirett Av. Grossman, M. S., 215 Fayette Hebrew Library Soc, Be'er Chajim Congr., Hirsch, Isaac, 77 Wash. Hirsch, Jos., 322 Green Kaplan, S. W., 93 Balto. Kaplon, Robt., 50 S. Smallwood Klawan, Jos., 18 Decature Kline, A. J., 130 Arch Kline, L., 98 Bedford Lazarus, Solomon Miller, Benj., 42 Polk Morgan, S., 117 Balto. Sheffler, Saml., 28 S. George Steinweg, Arthur, 6 N. Lee Waingold, C, 216 N. Mechanic Yankelowitz, S., 43 Polk Curtis Bay Bross, Dr. A. A., 902 Pennington Av. Elkton Haberman, Jacob Rubenstone, Jacob Singman, Jacob Ellitott City Caplan, Mrs. R. Ellis, Edw. Paul Goldberg, Harry Rosenstock, H, J.

72 Massachusetts] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 449 Frederick Jacobson, Karl, 75 S. Market Lowenstein, Mrs. David, Rosenstock, J., Rose Haven Weinberg, Leo, 211 N. Market Frostburg Abramson, Julius Dubich, Abraham, 93 E. Main Gerson, Myer Klompers, M., 137 Wood Stern, George Hagerstown Adelman, Nathan, 244 Frederick Brenner, Joe, 121 W. Jonathan Faber, S. C, 929 Oak Hill Feld, Isaac, 18 Wayside Av. Fleisher, Max, 41 W. Franklin Freedman, Rev. A. B., 132 W. Church Garonzik, H., 463 Park PI. Greenwald, M., 17 W. Franklin Greenwald, M., 17 W. Franklin Kahn, I. S., 36 N. Potomac Krichevsky, M., 11 S. Jonathan Lyon, Mrs. M. R., 213 E. Wash. Mansh, S. S. 57 W. Franklin Myers, Mrs. S., 66 W. North Opack, Manuel, 461 Park PI. Rogers, M., 239 W. Side Av. Rubin, Max., 10 S. Potomac Saltzman, M., 7-11 W. Franklin Schindler, M. M., 258 Frederick Shepsle, Dr. Chas. A., Ridenour Apt. Smith, M. L., 600 N. Prospect Smulson, M., 428 N. Prospect Hancock Conn, Isaac Conn, Nathan Rosen, H. N. Havre-de-Grace Davis, Jacob Hecht, Emanuel Newmeyer, E., 220 Wash. Hyattsville Deitz, Max Edlavitch, Moses J. Landsdowne Katz, Abraham Saval, Morris Laurel Block, Harry A., Main Lonaconing Rosenberg, I. Mt. Rainier Fine, Julius Leibovitz, Harry Pocomoke LIBRARY MEMBER Givarz, B. Fisher, A. Rodbell, Abr. Israel Riderwood Billstein, A. M., Billstein, Nathan Salisbury Benjamin, I. L., 223 Main Feldman, S. S., 233 Camden Feldman, Mrs. Wm., Camden Ct. Kishner, Geo., 310 Main Schlichtraan, M., Main & Dock Stoltz, S., 247 Main St. George Levy, Paul S. Westminster Cohen, Chas. Feldman, H. Rosenstock, Milton Allston Wolkwich, E., 16 St. Luke's Rd. Attleboro Sielman, S., 5 Crandoll Beachmont 51 Fleisher, S., 123 Crest Av. Boston PATRON Kirstein, L. E., c,o Filene & Co. MASSACHUSETTS LIBRARY MEMBERS 1 Agoos, S., 207 South Agoos, S. L., 145 South Harrison, S. H., 672 Washington Hirshberg, A. S., 373 Washington Ind. Workingmen's Circle of America Inc., 86 Leverett Kalman, M. M., 294 Wash. Kaplan, J. J., 161 Devonshire Padover, Simon, 29 Troy Rutstein & Sons, 111 Fulton Scheinfeldt, S., 93 Broad

73 450 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK (Massachusetts Weinberg, C. F., 79 Chambers Abrahamson, M. N., 262 Wash. Abramson, L. A., 77 Bedford Alberts, M. Z., 129 Devon Alford, N., 212 Hanover Arkin, Dr. L., 366 Commonwealth Av. Baer, D., 196 Columbia Rd. Bailen, Saml., L., 73 Tremont Beal, Julius, 43 Tremont Bearak, Joseph, 20 Pemberton Sq. Belin, Mrs. H., 7 Chambers Bennett, Morris, 7 Federal Bergman, J., 68 Harrison Av. Bergson, Harry, 18 Tremont Berman, S., 14 Portland Berman, S., 14 Portland Berry, Dr. S-, 101 Tremont Black, Jos., 30 Leverett Bloomfield, Meyer, 6 Beacon Bluestone, D., 717 E. 5th Blumberg, H., 115 Wash. Bolonsky, L. W., 9 Chardon Brand, A. A., 294 Wash. Brilliant, S., Albany Brin, Alexander, 76 Canal Brody, E. J., 129 Portland Brody, M., 217 Friend Broomfield, R., Summer Brown, Hyman J., 75 Leverett Burroughs, Harry E., 39 Chambers Byer, Selick J., 17 Nazing Caplan, Moses, 35 Hancock Castleman, Dr. Philip, 483 Beacon Cohen, A. K., 645 Beacon Cohen, Carl, 34 Lynde Cohen, D. H., 70 Essex Cohen, D. J., 73 Tremont Cohen, E. M., 54 Elm Hill Av. Cohen, G., 52 Chauneey Cohen, H., 694 Wash. Cohen, Dr. H. E., 184 Boylston Cohen, Samuel, 72 Lincoln Collins, A. M., 132 Lincoln Cooper, Dr. B., 39 Chambers Cooper, H. D., 65 Chauncey Dana, Meyer, 204 Pemberton Bldg. Dana, Saml., L., 34 School David, Dr. C. T., 49 Chambers Deitch, I., 149 Dover Edelstone, H. E., 146 Summer Ellis, David A., 12 Keswick Epstein, Abr. J., 52 Chaumcey Fedr. Jewish Charities, 25 Tremont Feins, Raphael, 60 Summer Fernald, M. L., 52 Chauncy Finkel, Hon. S. B., 184 Summer Finkelstein, Dr. H., 366 Commonwealth Av. Finkelstein, S., 77 Bedford Flink, Dr. A. H. N., 210 Hanover Fox, Isidor, 206 Barristers Hall Freedman, Dr. L. M., 419 Boylston Friedman, Dr. B., 35 Allen Friedman, Lee M., 206 Bay State Rd. Friedson, S. B., 30 Leverett Gerstein, Carl, 18 Tremont Gilman, S., 212 Essex Ginsburg, Paul M., 68 Chauncy Ginzberg, A. A., 294 Washington Glaser, H., 68 Essex Glashow, M., 218 Chambers Glick, A. A., 19 Washington Gold, Rabbi H. R., 43 Crawford Goldberg, Edw. B., Pemberton Bldg. Golden, Leo, 53 State Goldberg, Lewis, 398 Post Office Bldg. Goldman, A. C, 164 South Goldman, Chas., 164 South Goldstein, Louis, 10 Foyston Goodrich, B. H., 47 Cornhill Gorberg, M., 1091 Wash. Gordon, Harry, 79 Milk Gordon, M., 83 North Goulston, E. S., Hotel Lenox Green, Chas., 783 B. Tremont Grosberg, Mrs. O., 572 Washington Grossman, Rev. B. L., 39 Hancock Guterman, H. N., 127 Devon Halperin, Philip, 57 Meridian Harris, Isaac, 6 Beacon Hebrew Teachers College, 25 Tremont Helpern, C. K., 38 La Grange Helpern, M. E., 38 La Grange Hermon, A., 26 Broad Herman, Mrs. J. M., 424 Marlborough Herscovitz, Chas., 684 Washington Horblit, Mark H., 53 State Hurvitz, A. A., 19 Eliot Hurwitz, Albert, 18 Tremont Hurwitz, Dr. I. J., 13 Chambers Hurwitz, Dr. Simon, 32 McLean Jacobson, A. H., 60 Chambers Jolles, Louis, 111 Beach Jonas, Saml., 38 Causeway Kate, Chas. E., 18 Haymarket Sq. Kateeff, M., 284 Columbia Rd. Kolovson, B. L., 108 Vi Blackstone Koplow, Nathan, 77 Bedford Langenthal V. M., 59 Temple PI. Leavitt, M. J., 17 Homestead Leavitt, P. M., 113 State Lebowich, Jacob, 27 School Lebowich, S-, 40 Nottingham Rd. Levenson, H. H., 27 School Levenson, J., 82 Lincoln Levenson, J. M., 749 Old South Bldg. Levenson, Max L., Old South Bldg. Levine, Dr. J. H., 366 Commonwealth Av. Levins, Dr. N. N., 30 Chambers Levy, Ben. A., 73 Tremont Levy, B. F., 137 Oliver Louis, P. H., 564 Washington Lurie, A. C, 27 School

74 Massachusetts] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 451 Lurie, R. L., 141 Milk Mancovitz, D., 43 Tremont Markwett. L., 57 Kneeland Mayers, S., 56 Brunswick Medalia, Dr. Leon S., 483 Beacon Mehlinge r,albert, 1868 Commonwealth Av. Meyers, Dr. S., 93 Lexington Mirsky, I., 32 Otis Mishel, M., 60 South Morrison, Dr. H., 33 Schuyler Mydans, M. I., 18 Tremont Navison, Jos., 60 State Nemser, L., 15 Hansborough Nesson, I., 101 Tremont Nollman, H-, 42 Harrison Av. Orkin, Harry, 373 Washington Orkin, Wm. J. 53 Stratton Oshry Bros., 12 Spring Paipert, I., 58 Salem Paisner, Chas., 151 Dover Palder, A., 144 Ruthsten Public Library Rabalsky, B., Charles Bank Homes Ratzkoff, J., 120 Tremont Rittner, Dr. M., 60 Chambers Robinson, J., 6 Allston Robinson, Robt., 7 Chambers Rogers, Jos. L., 453 Washington Rogolsky, Freda, 109 Chambers Rombach, H. M., 1857 Commonwealth Av Rose, A., 1050 Old South Bldg. Rosen, Dr. David W., 321 Hanover Rosen, Morris, 112 Poplar Rosenblatt, I., 67 Fulton Rothblatt, Dr. Geo., 41 McLean Rubenowitz, Rev. H. H., 76 Hutchings Rubenstein, Philip, 60 State Rubin, Dr. M. S., 213 Lexington Rudnick, Carl, Scollay Bldg. Rudnick, J., 16 Gannett Rudnick, M., 18 Tremont Sachs, Mrs. A., 31 Bedford Salow, Elvin, 102 Broad, cor. Wharf Salter, T. R., 18 Haymarket Sq. Saltz, Dr. S. M., 113 Chambers Schooner, S. G., 45 Milk Scott, David, 6 Beacon Seckman, Miss F., 50 Allen Shapiro, L., 95 Mason Ter. Shocket, A., 104 Hanover Shpunt, Saml., 160 North Silverman, J. J., 43 Tremont Simmons, L., 30 Kingston Simon, A., 1198 Blue Hill Av. Siskind, Henry, 53 State Slobodkin, G. W., 36 Lowell Slobodkin, Hyman E., 36 Lowell Smith, L. J., 75 Leverett Snider, B., 18 Tremont Solomon, B. D., 40 Court Solomont, Oscar H., 36 Salem Stein, Albert A., 43 McLean Stoneman, David, Pemberton Bldg. Victorson, H. S., 219 Allen Wasserman, J., 7 Alpha Rd. Webb, S. L-, Pemberton Bldg. Weinberg, Jos., Ill Milk Weiss, Dr. H., Harvard Medical School Werby, A. Benj., 108 Howland White, Nathan I., 148 Hanover Wolfson, Lewis W., 109 Kingston Wyzanski, Max E., 199 Washington Yaffe, I., 131 Kingston Yellin, S., 15 Washington Y. M. H. A. Asso., 108 Seaver Zionist Bureau of New England, 27 School Brighton Yaffe, F. J., 5 Leamington Rd. Brockton Barren, Jos., 33 Wenena Burdman, B., 175 School Cohen, Joe, 84 Bay Green, Jos., 201 Center Grossman, S. D., 256 Spring Kibrick, I. S., 264 W. Elm Polinsky, S., 175 School Richman Bros., 390 Center Rubin, I. Manuel, 20 Waverly Y. M. H. A., Main Brookline LIBRARY MEMBERS Cauman, M., 25 Crowninshield Rd. Norton, S. M., 202 St. Paul Abrams, Rabbi S. J., 24 Fuller Adelman, Saml., 187 Winchester Amster, N. L., 6 Hawes Andrews, J., 149 Winthrop Rd. Charak, Wm., 134 Fuller Fineberg, Simon, 67 Kenwood Garb, Chas., 108 Washington Golden, E. I., 96 Rawson Rd. Golub, Dr. J. J., 45 Mason Ter. Green, B., 15 Gibbs Hurwitz, Dr. A. J., 397 Harvard Kramer, V. A., 672 Wash. Levi, Rabbi Harry, 24 Verndale Levine, Edward, 81 Gibbs Rosenbush, A. A., 135 Thorndike Sawyer, M. J., 12 Fuller Shapiro, J. S., 162 Naples Rd. Solomon, Jacob, 81 Gibbs Cambridge Cohen, Edward, 33 Bowdin Sq. Edelstone, Wm. W., 116 Bedford Gorovitz, Rabbi A., 11 Boardman Kellner, D. D., Prof. Max L., 17 Lawrence Hill Siegel, B. M., Harvard Univ.

75 452 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [Massaehusett. Chelsea Bakalar, Wm, 197 Chestnut Beckerman, S., 14 Warren Budnefsky, A., 7 Bloomingdale Av. Caro, M-, 161 Shurtleff Cohen, H., 39 Carry Av. Davidson, Dr. A., 155 Chestnut Ettinger, L. E., 296 Wash. Av. Goldberg, Dr. Elias, 198 Chestnut Gordon, Geo. E., 3 Maverick Gruzen, Geo., 67 Everett Av. Lourie, David A., 11 Clark Av. Paulive, S. E., 322 Wash. Av. Pollack, Dr. J., 214 Chestnut Saievetz, B., 61 Heard Salter, Abram, 67 Spruce Schechter, B., 47 Congress Av. Smith, Harry, P. 208 Chestnut Tobey, Maurice, 25 County Rd. Walper, Dr. D., 263 Bway Weinstein, N., 28 Elm Chicopee Cohen, Mrs. M., 98 Dwight Wiener, Saml., 43 Pine Dorchester Alberts, Mrs. I., 29 Brinsley Berger, Wolf, 4 Michigan Av. Berman, Dr. M. I., 1071 Blue Hill Brody, Israel, 478 Geneva Av. Byer, L. E., 16 Abbot Chertok, Dr. M. A., 470 Warren Cohen, A., 11 York Cohen, M. W., 110 Glenway Davis, Isaac, 26 Abbott Ginsburg, L., 947 Blue Hill Av. Goldberg, Isaac, 67 Fowler Goldman, A. K., 39 Esmond Goldstein, H. M., 31 Johnston Rd. Goldstein, Meyer, 57 Stratton Goldwasser, D., 52 Spencer Gordon, A. O., 205 Columbia Rd. Gorflnkle, P., 77 Stratton Guttentag, J., 64 Charles Home for Jewish Children, 160 Canterbury Jacobson, J. L., 15 Wolcott Kemelman, I., 60 Deering Rd. Kuhn, B., 568 Blue Hill Levowich, H. N., 41 Glenway Lourie, Myer, L., 50 Bradshaw Lubit, Jos. M., 38 Harlem Meyer, Julius, 57 Stratton Michelman, J. H., 38 McLellan Miller, D. H., 38 McLellan Miller, Morris A., 4 Michigan Av. Reingold, Rubin, 18 Mountain Av. Rubin, Morris, 181 Woodrow Av. Sedar, Moses L., 247 Callender Selig, Mrs. H. L., 22 Angell Shur, H. I., 36 Harlem Thurman, Jacob, 15 York Wyner, Henry, 29 Aspinwall Rd. Zallen, J., 56 Erie Zallen, Z., 434 Geneva Av. Fall River LIBRARY MEMBER Schiff, E. E., 312 Florence Bilsky, Mrs. D., 305 E. Main Bloom, Morton, 682 2d Feitelberg, M., 66 William Kaplan, M., 344 Columbia Kavolsky, F., 57 N. Main Leviss, Wm. H., 1148 Globe Nerenb >rg, C, 497 Ferry Radovsky, D. R., 1316 Highland Av. Radovsky, H. W., 272 Whipple Schwartz, Mrs. R., 570 S. Main Sherman, Louis, 1732 S. Main Simpson, J., 821 S. Main Winarsky, J. L., 16 Bedford Yamins, N., 61 Forest Farmingham Bean, B., 52 Waverly Kraslofsky, Dr. M. I., 55 Irving Solomon, S., 38 Cedar Haverhill Gordon, Leo, 27 Essex Holyoke LIFE MEMBER Barowsky, Jos. H., 1552 Dwight Barowsky, D. H., 1552 Dwight Barowsky, Max, 1977 Northampton Bernstein, M. M., 101 Elm Gold, Louis, 161 Beech Hertzmark, Wm, 65 Pleasant Koplinsky, I., 80 Mosher Plotnick, Julius, 317 High Press, Miss Celia, 12 Carleton Robinson, Benj., 171 High Saltman, Jos., 845 Main Silverman, B., 160 Walnut Skolnik, A., 471 Dwight Stein, Max, 289 Elm Stone, N., 282 Pine Lawrence Astroff, S., 37 Custex Berenson, L. P., 48 Thorndike Goldberg, M. H., 487 Bway Grossman, Dr. M. F., 353 Bway Levek, Dr. J. A., 29 Custer Oppenheim, D., 1076 Essex Solomon, Rabbi H., 483 Lowell

76 Massachusetts] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 453 Lowell Baker, Sol., 100 Forrest Leshinsky, A., 228 Cheimsford Ostroff, H., 252 Westford Pouzzner, Mrs. B. S., Majestic Apts. Silverblatt, Bennet, 71 Central Ziskind, David, 75 Gates Lynn Bayard, Ben., 816 Western Av. Frankel, S., 25 Kensington Pk. Goodman, H., 9 Pierce Rd. Kramer, Dr. F., 120 S. Common Loewenstein, Dr. L. C, 15 Kimball Rd. Mark, Mrs. E. R. 99 Ocean Maiden Appel, Carl, 525 Eastern Av. Boruchoff, Rabbi B., 211 Bryant Brown, F., 17 Essex Cibel, A. B., 69 Tremont Covner, Louis R., 42 Belmont Hoberman, Dr. S., 115 Salem Isaacson, Meyer H., 73 Mt. Vernon Kramer, Dr. Geo., 45 Upham Levitzky, P., 254 Broadway Morrison, Henry I., 368 Ferry Pickard, H., 74 Suffolk Sharpe, Dr. Max, 410 Cross Sigilman, Saml., 36 Grace Slobodkin, Myer H., 28 Clark Slobodkin, Dr. S. H., 395 Cross Marlboro Lafstein, H., 36 Cutting Av. Marshfield Feinberg, B. M. Mattapan Meyers, A., 29 Hazelton Mittell, A., 64 Deering Rd. Natick Deitch, J. L., 35 Harvard New Bedford Barnet, S., 675 Cottage Berkowitz, Julius, 105 South Brawdy, S., 1301 Acushmet Av. Cohen, M., 227 Mt. Pleasant Davidow, Wm, 907 S. Water Herman, L., 324 Pleasant Kaplan, S., 992 S. Water Leen, S. D., 72 S. 6th Lider, H. A., 236 Mt. Pleasant Margolis, Max, 202 Mt. Pleasant Pobirs, Dr. L. J., 1208 Acushnet Av. Rosenberg, Solomon, 465 Purchase Russotto. Barnet, A., 431 Mill Segall, S. K., 1205 Acushnet Y. M. H. A., 858 Purchase North Adams Kronick, H. H., 174 Liberty Northampton Astman, Harry, 252 Prospect Goldman, H., 217 Main Levin, I., 25 Main Pittsfield Eisner, M. L., 69 Commonwealth Av. England, Simon, 186 Wendell Av. Gans, Isaac, 632 North Michelman, A. M., 190 Pomeroy Av. Rosenthal, M. G., 158 Frances Av. Susman, L., 140 Robbins Quincy Berman, John, 117 Quincy Grossman, L., 22 Federal Av. Paris, David, 200 School Revere Fritz, M. M., 50 Nahant Av. Hebrew Educational Centre, cor Shirley < Nahant Avs. Lefkovitz, M., 38 Thornton Miller, Leon, 42 Bradstreet Av. Seidenberg, Harold, 565 Beach Shafer, H., 207 Shirley Av. SMrball, Miss E., 155 Crescent Av. Tuttle, S. S., 32 Shirley Av. Roxbury Adelman, Mrs. A., 62 Hutchings Aronson, Mrs. H. I., 64 Lawrence Av. Axelrod, J., 91 Georgia Brilliant, Frank, 100 Maple Deitch, Dr. J., 438 Warren Epstein, Rabbi L. M., 133 Ruthven Feingold, David, 114 Elm Hill Av. Finn, Mrs. M. E., 75 Waumbeck Glunts, J. D., 278 Humboldt Av. Green, Jacob L., 69 Homestead Greenhood, Mrs. B., 86 Harold Holzman, Dr. J., 1 Elm Hill Av. Hurwitz, Dr. M., 357 Blue Hill Av. Kaplan, S. P., 118 Elm Hill Av. Kasanof, D. M., 235 Blue Hill Av. Landan, J., 206 Townsend Langenthal, J. M., 62 Elm Hill Av. Lebowich, M., 96 Elm Hill Av. Levin, Mrs. C, 250 Seaver Mann, Gertrude C, 68 Waumbeck Moskin, S. A., 92 Waumbeck Moskovite, Jacob, 25 Kingsbury Nernzoff, S., 211 Quincy Nigrosh, Max, 183 Walnut Av. Palais, Maurice, 139 Harold PinansM, Nathan, 15 State Pokroisky, L., 10 Sunderland Shocket, H., 490 Blue Hill Av. Shohan, W., 6 Dennison

77 454 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [Michigan Simons, S., 2 Mascoma Solomont, S., 36 Brookledge The Mishkan Tefila School, 36 Crawford Wagner, Mrs. Chas., 69 Waumberok Salem Winer, Dr. M., 70 Washington Somervilie Hillson, H. M., 16 Taylor Hillson, J., 16 Taylor South Framingham Mason, H., 134 Franklin Springfield Abrams, S., 144 Franklin Adaskin, H., 44 Summer Av. Adler, D., 592 Belmont Av. Becker, Bros., 90 Ferry Blanc, Neil, 27 Spruceland Av. Bloome, Chas. P., 22 Riverdale Cheiffetz, A., 198 Central Chereskin, Dr. J. L., 720 North Cohen, Julius A., 387 Main Cohen, M. A., 28 Beaumont Conn, Frederick, 244 Main Daniel, Harry, 26 Mass. Av. Dick, Edw., 122 Chestnut Ehrlich, Harry M., 387 Main Ehrlich, Hyman, 540 Dickinson Feischman, G., 317 Dwight Gelfman, Abr., 1497 North Gelfman, Jos. W., 82 Calhoun Gelin, Wm., 514 Main Ginsburg, Jacob, 161 Magazine Goldstein, N. E., 390 Summer Av. Goldstick, Isidore, 137 Main Granstein, H., 453 Summer Av. Hirschen, I., 529 Main Kamberg, A., 117 Florida Kelson, P., 244 Main Kingsberg, J. D., 36 Summer Terrace Kushner, Isaac, 44 Hebron Lasker, Henry, 244 Summer Av. Levison, S., 1030 Worthington Magaziner, J., 464 Chestnut Nirenstein, N., 83 Seargeant Penn, Abr. B., 4 Ferry Penn, Marcus, 533 Dickinson Price, Rev. S., 67 Ft. Pleasant Av. Prowler, Dr. J. E., 49 Firglade Av. Rabinowitz, F., 25 Chenyvale Av. Ratner, Moses, 72 }> 2 Linden Sagalyn, R., 11 Worthington Silbert, P. S., 244 Main Slavin, A. H., 70 Firglade Av. White, R., 35 Bottlet Taunton Reizner, J., 2 Myrtel PI. Teplow, J., Taunton Coal Co. Waltham Bayard, H. P. O. Box 78 Mendelsohn, C. M., 319 Moody Wellesley Antin, Miss M., 5 Waban Winter Hill 45 Teplitz, H. S., 21 Sewall Winthrop Podolsky, J., 35 Forrest Schmidt, S. M., 15 Nevada Worcester Bienenfeld, Rabbi J., 14 Jones Elias, Saul, 320 Highland Elkin, Dr. H. B., 125 Franklin Feingold, Louis E., 51 Providence Freed, Rev. Meyer, 101 Dorchester Friedman, S. G., 152 Elm Goldstein, Saml. I., 112 Elm Hillman, A. M., 75 Providence Isenberg, David B., 340 Main Rome, Nathan, 17 Heywood Rosenthal, J., 49 Arlington Seder, Jos. S., 100 Harrison Tunstall, Wm. B., 2 W. Hampton Wolkowitch, B., 154 Front Adrian Bacharach, Th. E., 621 W. Maumee Ahmeek Glass, Mrs. Fruma Albion Lafer, Mrs. S., 202 E. Porter Rosenthal, H., 410 Allen PI. Wiener, N. H. MICHIGAN Ann Arbor Margold, C. W., P. O. Box 216 Sharfman, I., Leo, 1039 Baldwin Av. Battle Creek Blick, S., 50 E. Main Franklin, M. J. Bay City Gelbard, K., 910 5th Av. Karbel, M., 208 N. Lincoln Kessler, David, th

78 Michigan] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 455 Kessler, Sam, 115 3d Levy, Mrs. S. O., 70S Green Av. Lichtig, Edw. Seibner, B. G., th Av. Benton Harbor Block, D., 165 Fair Av. Coldwater Donley, Mrs. J. C, 227 N. Hudson Crystal Falls Miller, E. Warshawsky, Nathan Deerfield Ginsburg, Mrs. H. D. Detroit LIFE MEMBER Rosenberg, Louis J., Hammond Bldg. LIBRARY MEMBERS Beisman, Dr. Jos., 412 Frederick Berkowitz, J. H., 545 E. Kirby Av. Berman, Julius, 1317 Dime Bank Bldg. Brawer, L., 1424 Michigan Av. Brown, David A., 98 Lawrence Av. Kahn, Albert, 62 Rowena Klein, A., 93 Eliot Klein, Mrs. H., 8418 Hoodward Av. Netzorg, J. M., 291 Forest, E. Rosenzweig, S. D., 66 Connecticut Av. Srere, Abe, 1337 Beaubien Abramovitz, A., 814 Michigan Av. Abramsohn, Wm., 5915 Beaubien Alexander, M. M., 291 Forest Av. Alpert, H., 1345 Chene Arnkol, L., 39 State Aronstam, Dr. N. E., 36 Gladstone Av. Atlas, H. C, 95 Colburn Av. Barnard, A. L., 9040 Jos. Campau Av. Barnet, M., 141 Michigan Av. Baron, Herman, 660 Brush Baron, N., 93 Horton Av. Becher, H. A., 313 Bawles Bldg. Bennett, Dr. C. A., 93 Mass. Av., Highland Pk. Berman, B., 163 E. Ferry Av. Berman, Frank, 1989 Virginia Pk. Berman, H., 6609 Michigan Av. Bernstein, Dr. E. J., 1212 Kresge Bldg. Bernstein, J., 482 Hastings Beth El Temple Sabbath School Block, J. A., 1306 John R Blumberg, M., 1485 Chicago Blvd. Blumenthal, D., 51 Pallister Av. Braun, I. L., 238 E. Kirby Av. Braun, J., 618 E. Kirby Braun, Max M., 1222 Atkinson Av. Buchhalter, Wm., 576 E. Palmer Av. Burnstein, I., 1345 Chene Burrows, J., 1724 Burlingame Av. Butzel, F. M., Union Trust Bldg. Butzel, H. M., Union Trust Bldg. Caplan, P., 4640 Brush Chernoff, Louis, 80 Glandel Cohane, Louis 830 Penobscot Bldg. Cohen, A. N., 2100 Monroe Av. Cohen, B., 387 Cameron Av. Cutler, S., 552 Glendale Davidson, Ralph, 5010 Brush Derovan, M., 1520 Mack Av. Dreifus, Isaac, 805 Ford Bldg. Dreifuss, M., 805 Ford Bldg. Duscoff, L., d Av. Edwards, Max, 389 Calvert Av. Ehrlich, Mrs. J. H., th Blvd. Ehrlich, Moe, 310 Edison Ellman, Hon. James I., 26 Waverly, Highland Pk. Farber, Mrs. I. C, 902 Pennsylvania Feldman, S., 1206 Penobscot Bldg. Fink, D., 174 Palmer E. Fink, Morris L., 150 Trowbridge Finstenwald, Adolph, 67 Monroe Fishman, M., 276 Ferry Av. E. Fixel, R. W., 1011 Hammond Bldg. Fordon, Ralph, 312 Murphy Bldg. Frank, Harry, 290 Garfield Av. Frank, Saml., 279 Rowena Frankel, J., 232 Medbury Freedman, Max, 592 Alger Av. Freund, Adolph, 52 Chicago Blvd. Friedberg, J., 306 Erksine Friedberg, M., 1254 Griswold Friedman, Miss I., 175 Frederick Friedman, Nathan, 101 Rhode Island Friedman, W., 108 Erskine Frohlich, E., 269 Edmund PI. Garvett, M., 1681 Glynn Ct. Gelstein, J. M., 347 Hastings Gerson, Jos., 466 Kirby Av. W. Ginsburg, L., th Gittleman, A. B., 227 Winona Av. Gittleman, L., 233 Winona Av. Glickman, H., 262 Canfield E. Goldberg, Isaac, 69 Seward Av. Goldberg, Israel, 550 Rivard Goldman, A., 726 W. Bethune Goldman, Bros., 2341 Hastings Gordon, A. L., 524 Book Bldg. Gordon, Louis, 235 Gnglewood Gordon, Saml., 692 Winder Gorsky, Harry, 241 E. Kirby Av. Gottesman, A. A., 458 Alger Av. Grabowsky, L., 3734 Brush Greenberg, J. R., 398 Elmhurst Av. Greenberg, M., 6609 Michigan Av, Greenfield, A., 2627 Hastings Gurovitch, H., 3502 Brush Heineman, D. E. University Club

79 456 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [Michigan Herach, A. D., 115 Bethane Av. W. Hershman, Rabbi A. M., 1056 Brush Hirschfeld, J., 428 Griswold Hirsehfeld, M. A., 947 Hazelwood Av. Hoffman, L., 190 E. Hancock Av. Hokin, D. E., 216 Greenfield Horvitz, Miss A., 327 Medbury Av. Horwitz, Harris, 2236 Glynn Ct. Isenberg, Wm. B., Ford Bldg. Jacob, Ben, 248 Gladstone Av. Jacob, Ben, B., 104 Eowena Jacob, Max, 85 W. Kirby Av. Jacob, Wm., 120 E. Ferry Av. Jacobs, Harry, 3764 Brush Jacobs, S. A., S., 1154 Virginia Park' Jacobson, Dr. A. H., 226 Hague Av. Jacobson, Benj., 520 Dime Bldg. Joseff, J., 2038 Wadworth Av. Kaplan, Jos., 557 Qratiot Av. Kaplan, L., 393 Taylor Kaplan, Wolf, 654 W. Palmer Av. Kass, Dr. Jos. B., 8590 Jos. Campau Keidan, H. B., 598 Gratiot Av. Keidan, Jos. N., 114 Farnsworth Kolitch, S., 324 Macomb Kopel, Dr. J. O., 1422 Collingwood Kopman, Jos., 177 E. Forest Av. Krawitz, Ph., 503 Liggett Bldg. Krell, B., 145 Farnsworth Krell, Max, 7425 Greenfield Av. Krolik, Mrs. H. A., 95 Rowena Kroll, E., 633 King Av. Krolik, J. H., 435 Chicago Blvd. Kruger, D., 1514 Michigan Av. Kushner. J., 1403 Mich. Av. Leemon, J. R., 437 Watson Lester, Abr. A., 88 Lovett Av. Levenson, I., 1463 Michigan Av. Levin, Rabbi J. L., 3700 Brush Levin, Dr. N. P., 119 Canfield, E. Levin, S. M., 5426 Brush Levine, P., 2440 W. Grand Blvd. Levitt, M., 1040 Michigan Av. Lichtig, Wm., 68 Glym Ct. Lieberman, B. D., 465^ Jos. Campau Av. Lieberman, M., d Av. Lightstone, Louis, 1472 Virginia Pk. Lindenbaum, J., 559 Woodland Av. Liss, Mortimer J., 666 Brush Loewenberg, J. S., 1485 Virginia Pk. Loewenberg, Robert, 412 Farnsworth Av. London, I. J., 726 Ford Bldg. London, W. A., 75 Farnsworth Av. Lunick, M. M., 102 California Av. Markowitz, S., 2174 Jos Campau Av. Marks, Herman, 107 Erskine Mitshkun, Dr. M. D., 3401 Hastings Nathan, J., 499 Atkinson Av. Oflner, H. M., 426 Gratiot Av. Oppenheim, Jacob, 1631 Glynn Ct. Parish, Jos., 2214 Dime Bk. Bldg. Payne, Isaac, 19 Kipling Pearl, C, 504 King Av. Perin, Harry, 445 Russel Pohl, A., 398 Hastings Rabinowitz, J., 630 St. Antoine Redblatt, A., 179 Frederick E. Reich, Emanuel, 393 Hastings Robinson, C, 2477 Blaine Av. Robinson, D., 399 Hastings Robinson, Louis, 399 Hastings Rosenberg, H., 1190 Longfellow Av. Rosenberg, H., 1440 Mich. Av. Rosenthal, E. M., Detroit Svgs Bk. Bldg. Rothman, E. M., 945 Cass Av. Rubiner, J., Ill Westminister Av. Ruby, Joseph L., Detroit Svgs Bk. Bldg. Sarasohn, S., 88 28th Sarasohn, S., 979 Gratiot Av. Schechter, Morris, 2701 Hastings Schechter, S., 1013 Michigan Av. Scheinman, I. L., 90 Rowena Schorr, S., 119 Owen Av. Schwartz, C. L., 205 Moffat Bldg. Schwartz, S., 1421 Chene Selik, Jos., 259 Kirby Av. E. Selvyansky, A., 746 Antone Sempliner, A. W., 457 Chicago Blvd. Shapiro, Louis J., 387 Gratiot Av. Shetzer, Isaac, 2897 E. Grand Blvd. Shimasin, M., 4136 Brush Shur, Mishel M., st Siderman, L., 196 Gratiot Av. Simon, A., 33 Alfred Simon, Chas. C, 24 Connecticut Av. Simons, D. W., 160 Pallister Av. Singer, W. B., 284 Michigan Av. Sivy, J., 709 Gratiot Av. Slomovitz, Phil., 545 Kenilworth Av. Smilansky, H. H., 7329 Greenfield Av. Smilansky, L., 101 Rowena Smilansky, M. D., 378 W. Grand Blvd. Smitt, Sam, 426 Fort, W. Sofen, Israel, 134 Eliot Solomon, H. R., 364 Tuxedo Av. Sosensky, H., 187 Hancock Av. E. Starr, M., 2428 Hastings Steingold, M., 430 Farnsworth Av. Stern, Milford, 560 E. Grand Blvd. Stacker, David R., 1238 Longfellow Av, Stoll, Louis, 520 Penobscot Bldg. Stone, A., 315 Burlingame Av. Stone, Meyer, 418 Delaware Av. Stone, P., 965 Brush Subar, M. L., 940 E. Warren Av. Sulzberger, M. B., 221 Delaware Av. Topolinsky, N., 107 Wilkins Touff, L. C, 483 Edison Av. Trunsky, Peter, 323 Adelaide Victor, A., 603 Josephine Waiss, H., 332 St. Clair Av. Weinberg, Mrs. H., 4818 Avery Av. Weinberg, J. I., 7365 Hanover Weinstein, Mrs. H. N., 4610 Brush

80 Michigan] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 457 Weintraub, B., 353 K Medbury Weisa, H., 92 Merrick Av. Westen, Chas. 338 Elmhurst Av. Wetsman, Joseph, 44 Virginia Pk. Wetsman, Mrs. S., 396 St. Clair Winokur, H. J., 194 Medbury Wolf, E. A., 50 Jefferson Av. Wolf, I., 30 Grant Ct. Yollis, Jos., 1522 Michigan Av. Zeehman, J., 6640 E. Lafayette Av. Zeff, Abraham, 1446 Mack Av. Zemon, D. S., 190 Virginia Pk. Zilber, I., 1237 Bway. Escanaba Gessner, H., 301 Campbell Flint Agree, N., 2417 Adams Av. Chimovitz, Louis, 739 Leath Dann, Mrs. E., 1534 N. Saginaw Dickstein, Geo., 827 N. Saginaw Fienberg, A., 2214 Detroit Frunkin, J., 551 E. Fort Av. Golden, Dr. J. N., 1817 Donald Jaffe, S., 121 Grace Kostoff, Mrs. R., 419 Asylum Kroll, Harry, 1406 Av. B. Lebster, Louis S. F 922 Garland Leff, Mrs. H., 800 E. Court Pearlstine, S. S., F. P. Smith Bldg. Rosenberg, Wm. H., 314 N. Saginaw Rosenthal, Mrs. M., 1624 Lyon Rubenstein, P., 425 5th Av. Seitner, Mrs. S., 849 E. 7th Wiener, Benj. F., 837 E. 9th Winegarden, H., 1650 Miller Rd. Grand Rapids Armour, W., 815 Watson Ginsburg, Wm., 407 Ionia Av. N. W. Grombacher, L., 301 Crescent N. E. Hootkins, H., 1229 Scribner Av. Houseman, H. L., 326 Madison Av. ICramer, Rev. Z., 232 Summer Av. May, M. S., 450 Madison Av. Roden, I., M., 18 Carlton Av., S. E. Schwartzberg, M., 1248 Quigley Ct. Wolf, G. A., 451 Prospect Av., S. E. Hancock Arne, Benjamin Joelson, N., 309 Franklin Shoer, M., 512 Quincy Highland Park LIBRARY MEMBER Weinman, Sidney S., 74 McLean Av. Iron River Miller, Simon Ironwood Ladin, Mrs. A., 437 N. Hamlieh Tobin, J., 152 Pewabic Weinberg, H. Jackson LIBRARY MEMBER Insky, J. H. Franklin, C. H., Box 125 Natches, Shay, 911 Francis Snyder, S. A. 213 Gilbert Sabel, S. I., 125 S. West Av. Tannenbaum, R., 710 W. Biddle Kalamazoo Aach, D., 126 Portage Desenberg, Mrs. B. L., 304 W, Lowell Fisher, Max, 318 E. South Folz, Saml., Federal Bldg. Friedman, H., 215 N. Burdick Goldberg, M., 320 N. Burdick Gumbinsky, H., 130 E. South Gumbinsky, H., 130 E. South Kantor, H. L., 506 Reed Miller, C, 315 E. Dutter Newlander, M. M., 122 Pratt Blk. Oppenheim, B., 308 W. WalnutJ Rosenbaum, L., 811 S. Park Stern, Selig, 135 E. South Vellerman, A., Park-Av. Hotel Lansing Ban-, S. H., 711 N. Larch Kamins, L., 143 E. Saginaw Penfll, J., 108 S. Hosmer Simon, J. B., 606 Wash. Av. N. Smith, B., 204 S. Cedar Ludinton Miller, Bros. Manistique Rosenthal, L. Rubin, Robert Marcellus Stern, S., & Co., North & Centre Mount demons Alper, S., 53 Church Davis, Rev. M., 87 South Av. Edelstein, M., 234 Cass Av. Fleisher, M., 80 Church Friedman, M., 128 Walnut Levine, H., 17 Morosse Levine, Ph., 71 Church Malbin, C. Muscovich, B., Albany Hotel Owosso Kaufman, A., 105 S. Wash. Lebovsky, J. H., 816 W. Main

81 458 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [Minnesota Polasky Rosenthal, A., 718 Michigan Pontiac LIBRARY MEMBER Goffe, Mrs. S., 22 Blaudette Allen, S., 22 Railroad Fine, Mrs. M., 108 Prall Hershovitz, S., 153 Wessen Meyer, J. A., 87 S. Parke Rappaport, Gabriel J. Pt. Huron Berg, L. C, 924 Military Herbert, W. L., th Levy, Joe L., 221 Huron Av. Seitovitz, F., 2772 Military Saginaw Cronenwald, B., 621 Benjamin Greenbaum, Mrs. A., 106 Cornelis Junior Aux. Temple Beth El, 333 N. Jefferson Av. Kramer, B., 132 S. Wash. Levinsohn, A. S., 215 Burt Never, M., 712 S. Jefferson Oserowsky, A., 817 Van Buren Philippe, A. D., 121 N. Hamilton Seitner, Mrs. S., 316 Genesee Av. Stark, J. H., 223 N. Porter Traverse City Rabinowitch, M., 409 State Heller, Israel Kahn, Sam Belle Plaine Buhl Medalie, B. J., Medalie, M. A. Chisholm Goldenberg, J. E., 403 Elm Goldenberg, S. W. Peck, M., 605 2nd Av. S. Saper, S., 109 E. Maple Falk, H. L. Hoffman, Isaac Kronick, Alex. Crookston Duluth Bergstein, A., 503 W. 3d Clarfleld, A. B., th Av. E. Davis, H. W., Providence Bldg. Garber, N. S., 2317 W. 3d Gittelson. S. E., 1432 E. Superior Hammel, Louis, 1423 E. 3d Hirschfleld, Dr. M. S., 830 E. 4th Keil, F., 1820 W. 2d Labovitz, F., 1109 E. 3rd Lebendiger, Rabbi I., 501 E. 2nd Lefkovits, Rabbi M., 1st Natl. Bk. Bldg. Liberman, M., 30 W. 1st Meyers, Chas. P., 610 Alworth Bldg. Mogelson, A., 226 W. Michigan Reskin, F. M., 1825 W. 1st Silberstein, B., 9 W. Superior Silvian, W., 1028 E. 2nd Slomin, S. M., 1419 E. 2nd Waner, H., 316 E. 4th MINNESOTA Eveleth Goldberg, Abe., 323 Grant Av. Sax, Solomon, 316 Grant Av. Hibbing Bloom, H., 127 Pine Hallock, C, 429 Sellers Av. Nides Bros., 407 3rd Av. Rosenberg, M., 315 3rd Av. Sachs, L., 426 Sellers International Falls Burton, W. Irving, 327 3d Rubin, S. N., 423 3d Av. Sher, Julius A., Box 566 Kinney Ladin, Morris D. Minneapolis LIBRARY MEMBERS Goldberg, Chas., 709 2d Av. N. Robitshek, M., 2125 Oliver Av. S. Abeles, A. M., 2115 Aldrich Av. S. Adelsheim, E., 1958 Penn Av., S. Arnold, B. H., 5001 Colfax Av., S. Barrman, L., 2629 Dupont Av., S. Barron, Dr. M., 503 7th S. E. Bearman, A. N., 1128 N. Sheridan Av. Berman, Mrs. A., 711 Elwood Av. N. Blooston, I., 509 2d Av., S. Borushak, I. L., 318 Lumber Exchg. Brin, A., 2566 Lake of Isles Blvd. Brochin, Solomon, 701 6th Av., N. Central Library, 10th & Hennepin Av. Cohen, Dr. J. T., 642 6th Av., N. Cohen, M. L., 2600 Bryandson Cohen, Dr. N., 642 6th Av. N.

82 Minnesota] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 459 Conner, Michael, 1222 Knox Av., N. Cooper, C. B., 2540 Aldrich Av., S. Cutte, DT. Geo., 1323 Oliver Av., N. Dalin, A., 1600 W. Lake Dockman, B., 223 S. Wash. Av. Feigelman, L., B22 Nicollet Av. Felsenthal, J. I., Curtis Hotel Goldberg, Aaron, 122 N. 3d Goldberg, B., 582 6th Av., N. Goldberg, Mrs. H., 2431 Dupont Av. S. Goldberg, Mrs. M. J., 1222 Queen Av. N. Goldberg, Mrs. S. R., 2829 Irving Av. S. Goodman, Jno., 2012 Chicago Av. Gordon, Dr. Geo. J., 1717 Portland Av. Gordon, N. Z., 612 1st Av. Grodnick, Louis, 13 S. 4th Gross, Mrs. A. M., 2434 Blaisdell Gymal Doled (Club, 11 Western Av. Haas, D., 1231 Morgan Av. N. Harris, A. M., 3315 Portland Av. Harris, M. H., 3200 Irving Av., S. Hochman, Abe., 2440 Garfield Av., S. Juster, M. M., 400 Nicollet Av. Kantrowitz, Mrs. J., 1915 Humboldt Av., S. Kaplan, M. J., 1106 Knox Av., N. Kohen, M. H., 13 S. 5th Kreiner, I., 72 Central Market Kronick, C, 2101 Fremont Av., S. Lenske, E., 611 Tremont Av., N. Leonard, G. B., 700 Andrus Bldg. Levitt, Chas. L., 1612 W. 25th Licht, B., 37 Highland Av. Lifshitz, B., 339 Metropolitan Bank Bldg. Markus, Peter, 801 Logan Av., N. Matt, Rabbi C. D., 1611 Eliot Av. Mirviss, Ph., 116 Wash. Av. No. Newark, E., 919 Marquette Av. Picus, Wm, 2544 Central Av. Pink, Dr. D., 1511 S. 7th Rabitshek, I., 2124 Penn Av., S. Richman, B., 107 S. 7th Schanfeld, J. H., 727 E. 17th Schulman, I., 520 6th Av., N. Schwartz, L. F., th Av., S. Shapiro, Leo, 2659 Lake of Isles Blvd. Shapiro, M., 647 Ellwood Av., N. Silberman, C, 1924 Elliot Av., S. Siever, Paul, 107 S. 7th Stromberg, Geo., 2216 Irving Av., S. Sweet, H., 27 N. 4th Temple Israel Rel. School, Metropolitan Bk. Bldg. Weil, Isaac, 715 Nicollet Av. Weil, J., 2109 Fremont Av. So. Weinberg, B. L., th Av. N. Weinstein, J., 1130 Lyndale Av., W. Weisberg, B. M., 1204 Upton N. Weiskopf, H-, 2440 Bryant Av., S. Woolpy, J. H., 1817 Chicago Av. Zieve, Rimal, 1128 Sheridan Av. Ziskin, Dr. T-, 410 La Salle Bldg. Moorhead Wilk, Herman, 323 7th, S. Rochester Bemel, Chas., Rubinstein, H., 718 N. Bway. Steinberg, S., 205 N. Bway. St. Cloud Stone, J. J., 509 St. Germain St. Paul LIBRARY MEMBERS Frankel, L. R., 97 N. Oxford Rosenfleld, Jacob, 251 W. 9th, Berman, S-, 743 Ashland Blehert, M. B., 193 E. Robie Braverman, B., 481 Dyton Av. Calmenson, J. B., 714 Pioneer Bldg. Fink, Benj., 3d & Roberts Firestone, M. P., 1866 Portland Av. Frankel, H. D., 1034 Ashland Av. Goldberg, S. J., 1184 Hague Av. Greenberg, A. N., 15 E. Fillmore Grosby, S. L., 722 Aurora Av. Harris, N., 1287 Dayton Harris, Wm., 1428 Lincoln Av. Hart, Lewis, 1S03 Goodrich Av. Hertz, A. J., 1854 Portland Av. Hirshman, B. M., 849 Laurel Av. Kleinman, Rabbi Ph., 771 Hague Av. Levy, A. I., 786 Ashland Av. Loevinger, G., 1699 Portland Av. Michall, W., 180 E. 7th Orlorl, I., 580 Dayton Ravits, M. H., 864 Hague Av. Rosen, I., 310 Commercial Bldg. Ryder, L. J., 545 Ashland Av. Schwab, Max, 888 Lincoln Av. Shedorsky, L. A., 208 E. 7th Sherper, Dr. M., 598 Endicott Bldg. Solomon, A. B., 161 Dale N. Spector, D. S., 711 Portland Av. Weiss, Dr. L. R., 139 W. Summit Av. Winburgh, H., 910 Linwood PI. South St. Paul Blumenfeld, D. Calmenson A. M., Weiller, Mrs. H. Stillwalcr LIBRARY MEMBER Lott, N. Virginia Finn, H., 97 2nd Av. Lewis, Max, 612 S. Central Av. Winona Jacobi, J. R-, 376 W. 4th Shapero, M. S., 217 E. 7th Weintraub, J., 115 E. 3rd

83 460 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [Missouri Aberdeen Bergman, Max Lasky, M., P. O. Bxl36 Anquilla Kline, Abe Kline, Henry Lewinthal, Max Canton Clarksdale Segal, Sol Columbus Kaufman, 1.I. Corinth Rubel, Abe, 1109 Jackson Greenville Goldstein, Nathan, 607 Main Kaufman, M., 502 Main Solomon, M. L., 221 Washington Av. Hattiesburg Dreyfus, M., 606 Court Greenburg, L. Segnoff, C, 125 Mobile Boonville Ruskin, Harry Zuzak, H. T. Brunswick Bowen, Dr. C. W., 101 E. Bway Columbia Glickman, D., 6th & Walnut Wolfson, I., Miller Bldg. Hannibal Landau Bros., 1112 Hill Joplin Berliner, R., 709 N. Byers Fleischaker, Wm, 631 Moffet Hurwitz, H., 618 Main Newman, A. Kansas City PATRON Reefer, Miss Z., 638 W. 59th Ter. LIBRARY MEMBERS Benjamin, Alfred, 3618 Campbell B'nai Jehudah Cong., Linwood Bid. & Flora Av. MISSISSIPPI MISSOURI Jackson Cohen, M., 730 E. Fortification Dreyfus, I., 644 S. State Feibelman, A., 521 S. State Lehman, I., 650 S. State Laurel Fabricant, P., c,o Fine Bros. Matison, Dave A., 7 Av. Meridian Loeb, Alex. Natchez Geisenberger, A. H., 916 Main Geisenberger, Ben. C, 912 Main Memorial, Library, 115 Linton Av. Vicksburg Baer, Leon, CO Brown & Baer Hirsh, J., 1110 South Kaufman, Mozart, 1330 Baum Kory, Rabbi S. L., 1318 Baum Landau, M. D., Box 432 Rose, Mrs. A., 1414 Cherry Susman, S., 1001 Jackson West Point Semmelman, Hon. Barney S. Achtenberg, B. M., 3312 Brooklyn Belove, A. J., 2739 Park Av. Belove, Dr. B., 501 Chambers Bldg. Berkowitz, W. J., 19th & Campbell Berkson, S., 3127 Tracy Av. Brenner, A., 3640 Park Av. Brenner, Max, 925 Main Chan, Sol., 5 W. 57th Cohen, Rabbi H. M., 3312 Highland Av. Cohen, I. J., 3112 Linwood Blvd. Davidson, Julius, 3128 Paseo Eisberg, Saml., 1700 E. 12th Eisen, S. G., 3245 Benton Blvd. Goldman, Geo., L., 2515 Benton Blvd. Hansberg, A., 2301 E. 18th Hansberg, Louis, 3022 Campbell Josephson, F., Westgate Hotel Kessel, Mrs. Paul, 2640 Victor Lieberman, Mrs. B. A., 3516 Holmes Lorie, J. L., 608 American Bk. Bldg. Louis, A. I., 1314 E. 27th Mayer, Rabbi H. H., 1200 E. Armour Blvd. Nathan, R. D., 4339 Gilham Rd. Passamaneck H. Y. M. H. A. Public Library, 9th & Locust

84 Missouri] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 461 Rabin, Z., 3519 Olive Rieger, A., 4121 Warwick Blvd. Rosenwald, Dr. L., 3318 Benton Blvd. Rubin, Heimanl, 10th & Main Sadowsky, J., 1104 E. 15th Shure, M. N., 2800 Prospect Siegel, H-, 1002 E. 26th Spiwak, A. B., 3041 Holmes Stern, Edgar J., 2417 Linwood Blvd. Stern, Sigmund, 3717 Harrison Weinberger, Jack, 1012 Balto. Av. Wolf, Dr. I. J., 3710 Tracy Av. Y. M. H. A., 3123 Troost Av. Young Maccabean, The, c,o The Jewish Educ. Inst. Kirkwood Sakowski, I. L., 325 E. Jefferson Av. Louisiana Michael, Isidore, 118 S. 8th Michael, Sam, 216 N. 3d Moberly Bierman, Morris, 1201 W. Fanklin St. Joseph Diamond, Ph. A., 4th & Felix Diamond, Ph. A., 4th & Felix Droher, Dr. I. H., 626 S. 14th Hassenbusch, S., 514 N. 10th Jackson, L. A., 1005 S. 33rd Joseph Lodge, No. 73 I..O. B. B. Rosen, J., 113 N. 17th Rosenthal, J., 422 N. 16th St. Louis PATKON Missouri Pants Co., 923 Wash. LIBRARY MEMBERS Ebn Ezra Lodge, No. 47 I. O. O. B. Goldman, M., 15 Beverly PI. Hirshfield, E., 905 Wash. Av. Jacobson, S., 120 N. Main Lesem. Col. I. H., Buckingham Hotel Magid, A., 517 Wash. Av. Nathan, E., 5037 Waterman Av. Silverman, J. E., 1209 Wash. Av. Steinberg, M. C, 7108 Delmar Av. Abbey, Adolph, 4407 Wash. Av. Aloe, L. P., 36 Kingsbury PL Baris, Henry, 5069A Vernon Av. Baron, M. G., 1324 Temple PI. Bass, S. S., 4396 Forest Pk. Blvd. Berger, H. I., 4715 McPherson Av. Bierman, I., 934 N. Newstead Bierman, S., 5846 De Giverville Av. Blumenkranz, L., 3938 McPherson Bowman, S., 345 Rosedale Av. Bunn, H., 4702 Page Av. Caraflol, A., 1209 Wash. Chackes, L., 6272 Enright Av. Charak, David, 6023 Maple Av. Cohen, H., 5026 Minerva Av. Cohen, L. J., 22 Wash. Ter. Cohen, P., 1519 Franklin Av. Cohn, M. M., 5720 Van Verson Cong Shaare Emeth, 3868 Lindell De Vorkin, Dr. M. I., 1502 Franklin Elbert, H., 4611A McMillan Av. Engel, J., 6028 Maple Av. Exstein, Edw Flad Av. Faier, Isadore, 1512 Franklin Av. Ferer, S., 15 Yale Av. Fischlowitz, F., 1271 Goodfellow Av. Fox, Saml., 226 W. 7th Freund, A. J., 5666 Waterman Av. Friedman, M., 1225 Franklin Friedman, S. S., 4212 W. Pine Blvd. Fry, Isadore, 5928A McPherson Fuchs, Rose, 5135 Garfield Gallant, C. L., 4032 Castelman Av. Gallant, Edw. J., 5950 Page Blvd. Gamm, Ph., 5941 Waterman Garber, Geo., 2934 Dickson Gillerman, Gus, 1520 N. Bway Glaser, E. W., National Chair Co. Gleick, H. A.-, Chemical Bldg. Glicksberg, L., 5380 Easton Av. Glueck, I., 5715 Westminster Av. Goldman Bros., 1104 Olive Goldman, Wm. H., 5790 McPherson Av. Gordon, Louis, 1123 Wash. Av. Greensfelder, B., 5175 Cabanne Av. Grosberg, Barney, 4407 Wash. Av. Guntzier, Theo. L., 4 S. Main Halpern, Rabbi A. E., 5038A Maple Av. Harrison, Rev. Dr. L., 5515 Cabanne Hoffman, Dr. P., 3657 Delmar Blvd. Horwitz, Dr. A. E., 6930 Watterman Av. Jackman, P., 5788 Berlin Av. Jewish Educational Alliance, 3636 Page Av. Kalish, R., 5548 Delmar Av. Kleban, Max, 1816 N. Main Kleinhauser, M., 4908 Pershing Av. Kowalsky, M., 1210 Olive Langfelder, D., 6135 Wash. Levi, A. L., 4223 Page Av. Levin, Ph., 4225 Evans Av. Levinson, M. G., 1323 Central Natl. Bk. Bldg. Levis, Edgar S., 1115 Washington Levy, Dr. Aaron, 4500 Olive Levy, M., 1280 Hamilton Av. Lippman, A. I., 4360 Page Blvd. Lippman, J. M., 4360 Page Av. Lipsitz, Dr. S. T., Metropolitan Bldg. Loeb, Dr. H. W., 537 N. Grand Av. Mackler, J. H., 300 Fullerton Bldg. Mange, J., 5119 Enright Mayer, Emil, 5539 Waterman Av.

85 462 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [Montana Mayer, Isaac, 4569 Laclede Av. Mendle, Isador, 5247 Cabanne Av. Meyers, John, 8 N. Jefferson Av. Michael, E., 4383 Westminster PI. Nussbaum, Silk Co., 1118 Wash. Av. Palan, A., 5885 Bartmer Av. Pearline, S., 1344 N. Garrison Av. Pearlstone, L., 1367 Arlington Pollock, Saml., 6105 Waterman Av. Portuoy, A., 1231 Franklin Av. Press, Dr. M. J., 820 Hamilton Av. Public Library, Olive, 13th & 14th Raigor, J., 1519 Franklin Av. Reis, Jeanette, 5260 Waterman Resnikoff, H., 1439 Granville PI. Roberts, Paul, 714 Clara Av. Rosen, Paul, 5752 Westminster Rosen, Wm., 2232 S. Broadway Rosenfeld, A., 5043 Cabanne Av. Rosenfeld, M. G., 5746 Kingsbury PI. Rosentreter, Rev. A., 5605 Maple Av. Rothman, S., 1729 Franklin Av. Rovee, L., 5185 Vernon Av. Rozovsky, J. A., 1026 N. 14th Rubinowitz, M., 1371 Arlington Rubinstein, T. H., 901 Lucas Av. Rudman, Saml., 1400 Blair Av. Sager, J. L., 905 Washington Av. Sale, Judge M. N., 5632 Cabanne Sale, Dr. S., 5646 Waterman Av. Samuels, Ed. R., 5636 Waterman Av. Sayvetz, J., 1416A Semple Av. Schmukler, I., 2951 Sheridan Av. Schwartz, F., 6282 Cates Av. Schwartz, S., 5124 Maple Av. Seltzer, P., 5536 Pershing Av. Shapiro, Jacob, 1106 Franklin Shapiro, M-, Frisco Bldg. Sher, Louis B., 5727 McPherson Av. Sigoloff, M., 4027 Lafayette Av. Simon, Wm., 5942 Clemens Ay. Singer, Dr. Jacob, J. Metropolitan Bldg. Solkey, J., S., 4944 Lindell Blvd. Spector, Dr. I., 2801 Dayton Spizer, Abe, 4845 Page Av. Sterneck, S. S., 4051 Olive Stillman, I., 1016-A Hodiamont Av. Stix, Wm., 4642 Lindell Blvd. St. Louis Mercantile Library, 510 Locust Straus, Louis, Buckingham Hotel Thurman, Rabbi S., 5080 Vernon Toin, L., 4163A Delmar Tucker, Rose L., 2801A Dayton Ullman, P., care of Stix, Baer & Fuller United Hebrew Congr. Sunday Sch'l Vetsburg, K. M., 6185 Westminster Vogel, Miss E. M., 2200 Dickson Waldman, N., 714 Wash. Av. Witt, Rabbi L., 5575 Waterman Av. Yavitz, F., 1809 Franklin Av. Yawitz, H. L., 1426 Franklin Av. Yawitz, Saml., 5785 Kingsbury PI. Y. M. H. A., 3645 Delmar Blvd. Zuckerman, S., 820 N. 9th Sedalia Chasnoff, M., 400 Delwheimo Springfield Levy, M., 769 E. Wabash Levy, J. Webb City Billings Friedwald, M., 2501 Montana Av. Maimon, Michael, Box 599 Butte Binnard, J., 88 Owsley Blk Brinig, Henry, 14 N. Main Coddon, Henry, 852 W. Granite Engel, Carl, P. O. Box 624 Girshowsky, B., 502 S. Wash. Goldstein, J., 63 E. Park Hechtman, B., 24 N. Main Meyer, Wm., 827 W. Granite Perelson, M., 304 S. Main Phililps, H., 114 N. Main Pincus, A., Thomas Blk. Rosenberg, R., 721 W. Park Schiffman, J. M., 1100 N. Gold MONTANA Shiner, Sam., 103 S. Excelsior Wein, John H., 827 W. Park Whitelaw, H., 5 N. Main Bloom, Sam Glendire Helena Barnett, Ben., 1014 Bedford Weinstein, Max Winestein, N., 42 N. Howie Missoula Berman, H., 511 W. Main Girson, David, 120 W. Front Kohn, Irvin L.

86 Nevada] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 463 Grand Island LIBRARY MEMBER Wolbach, S. N, Lincoln Friend, M., 1845 E Goldberg, A. J., 821 S. 18th Goldberg, H., 926 P Mozer, C, 432 S. 11th Pepperberg, Julius, 815 O Sabbath School, 1845 E Sandlovich, J., 1319 R Singer, Rabbi Jacob, 2345 'B" Omaha PATRON Temple Israel Sab. School, 1302 Park Av. LIBRARY MEMBERS Alperin, A. B., 404 N. 22d Cohn, A., 922 S. 20th Gilinsky, E. E., St. Regis Apt. Alperson, J., 321 S. 16th Auerbach, H. H., Saunders Kennedy Bldg. Belmont, P. A., 2210 California Block, E., 3701 N. 24th Brodkey, David, 545 S. 25th Av. Chait, J., 1107 Douglas Cohn, Rev. Fredk., 1302 Park Av. Cohn, Sol., 949 N. 25th Dansky, Dr. I., 1401 Douglas Davidson, M., 1559 N. 19th Farber, A., 2611 Mason Finkelstein! D. S Douglas Freeman, D. A., 2869 Davenport Friedel, M., 610 N. 22d Gitlin, M., 2413 Charles Gluck, I., 534 Park Av. Goldner, Dr. O. C, 142 E. 35th Greenberg, Dr. A., 120 S. 30th Greenberg, D., 2710 Burt Greenberg, J. J., 2561 Jones Greenberg, P., 3621 S. 26th NEBRASKA Grodzinsky, W., 2637 Davenport Grossman, L., 1817 Chicago Hirsch, Rev. D., 2506 Franklin Holtzman, Wm. L., 304 S. 38th Katleman, Carl C, 2776 Webster Katleman, S., 929 N. 26th Katskee, Abr., 4519 S. 23d Kawich, H., 822 N. 16th Kesselman, S., 1113 Douglas Kneeter, L., 507 S. 16th Kooper, Hannah, 2404 Burt Kulakofsky, J. Harry, 811 S. 30th Kulakofsky, L., 2605 St. Marys Av. Kulakofsky, Mrs. R., 2202 Fowler Av. Lansky, S., 1415 Douglas Lapidus, H. H., 2205 S. 32d Leon, S. J., 1005 Farnam Leserovitz, A., 613 N. 19th Levy, Morris, 15th & Farnam Linsman, N., 2508 Sherman Av. Lustgarten, Ida, 5302 S. 28th Monsky, Henry, 431 N. 39th Omaha Public Library Pollak, J., 619 N. 34th Romm, Dr. A., 2008 Burt Rosenberg, J., 2209 California Rosenblatt, M. M., th Av. S. Rosenblum, A., 5020 Izard Rosenthal, L., 4912 Dodge Saxe, A., 3557 Jackson Segal, H., 112 S. 36th Sher, Dr. Phillip, 614 N. 33rd Simon, B. A., 2315 S. 32d Simons, N., 3411 N. 24th Stalmaster, I. A., 1028 N. 32d Sugarman, M. L., 216 S. 35th Av. Taxon, Rabbi M. N., 3559 California Weiner, H., 2109 Webster Weinstein, H. B., 2764 California Weiss, A., 6551 N. 24th White, J., 2763 Webster Wilinsky, R., 1912 Wirt Wohlner, H., 5402 N. 16th Wolf, H. A., 514 Ware Block Wolfson, Judah L., 1008 N. 24th Yaffe, Nathan, S. 118 S. 17th Ziegler, I., 701 S. 37th Venango Levin, Dr. I. H. NEVADA Sax, P., The Toggery Elko Reno Jacob, Bros., 30 E. Com. Row.

87 464 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK" [New Jersey Dover Freaman, W. A., 134 Wash. Kates, Ira C, 257 Central Av. Manchester Chase, E. M., 90 Harrison NEW HAMPSHIRE Musnitzky, Rev. C, 355 Beech Saidel, L., 236 Pearl Nashua Edelstein, M., 23 Factory Rudnick, L., 121 W. Pearl Simon, Jos., 141 Amherst Angelsea Nidorf, H. Arlington Fine, Mrs. I., 172 Midland Av. Goldstein, I., 544 Chestnut Asbury Park Banker, H., Cookman & Madison Av. Berger, D. t 612 Cookman Av. KlinghofTer, H., 650 Cookman Av. Silvergleit, J., 715 Cookman Av. Y. M. H. A., 715 Mattison Av. Atlantic City LIBRARY MEMBERS Reefer, E. J., 406 S. Derby Av. Rothschild, E. L., 178 States Av. Abrahams, S., Beverly Ct. Apt. Barbash, Dr. S., 1902 Pacific Av. Bloom, M., 2603 Pacific Av. Cassman, H., 1421 Atlantic Av. Civin, L. J., 11 N. Maryland Av. Cohn, Abr., 1715 Atlantic Av. Faber, S., 1215 Pacific Av. Finkelstein, M., 166 S. Virginia Av. Fisher, Rabbi H., 205 Seaside Av. Gorson, M. M., 404 Guarantee Trust Bldg. Gottlieb, I., 267 S. Congress Av. Green, S., 2231 Boardwalk Greenburg, Max A., 924 Atlantic Av. Grossman, J., Grossman's Hotel Heidelberger, C, 114 Atlantic Av. Hevessy, B., Hotel Imperial Hillman, J., The Breakers Hirsch, Aaron, 1605 Atlantic Av. Klein, Wm, 4021 Atlantic Av. Kline, H. S., 15 S. Laclede PI. Lande, M., 1505 Atlantic Av. libman, F., Royal Palace Hotel Lichtenstein, J., 1611 Atlantic Av. Loeb, Max, 228 S. Rhode Island Av. Ost, Dr. M. R., Cologne Apts. Perakie, J. B., 5 N. Plaza PI. Podolnick, D., 1119 Arctic Av. Poland, Dr. J., 1906 Pacific Av. NEW JERSEY Roschovsky, Dr. J., 1826 Atl. Av. Schwartz, I., Hotel Alamac ^ Shapiro, Jos., 623 Arctic Av. i Shore, J. B., N. W. cor. Penna. & Atlantic Av. Stern, L. E., Hotel Sterling Tobach, J., Penn. & Atl. Avs. Wagenheim, J., 7 N. Kentucky Av. Weinberg, Dr. C. B., 22 S. Illinois Av. Weiner, Dr. S. E., 904 Pacific Av. Weintraub, B., 411 Oriental Av. Youtie, S., 2231 Atlantic Av. Avon Temeles, B., 120 Main Bayonne Berger, J. C, 90 E. 21st Brodsky, H., 70 W. 32nd Elbaum, S., 16 E. 38th Feinberg, J. J., 678 Av. C. Frank, Dr. Morris, 920 Av. C. Goldberg, Carl, 437 Broadway Jacobs, M., 559 Av. C. Kohn, Dr. Ben. H., 473 Broadway Lazarus, Hyman, Times Bldg. Lazarus, L., 650 Av. C. Melniker, A. A., 31 W. 31st Meyers, I., Opera House Bldg. Nalitt, Dr. D., I., 24 E. 22d Nayer, Aaron, 665 Av. C. Rose, Julius A., 661 Av. C. Sager, S., 20 Andrew Seclow, Alex., 112 W. 42nd Solinsky, Max L., 35 Av. B Spector, M., 36 W. 46th Tepper, Dr. M., 665 Av. C. Warshawsky, Dr. J., 516 Bway Watman, G., 74 W. 45th Belmar LIBRARY MEMBER Michelsohn, H. Lewin, B. t 1406 F Michelsohn, Mrs. E., 16th Av. & F

88 New'jersey] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 465 B loomfield Hanser, Wm.,'186 Franklin Olinger, Dr-IN. A., 23 Broad Bridgeton Blumenfield, D., 5 S. Laurel Cohen, N., 41 N. Laurel Fisher, M., 27 E. Commerce Goldberg, M., 35 E. Commerce Krauss, Mr., 55 S. Laurel Steinberg, Simon, 47 N. Laurel Camden PATRON Goldstein, M., 1413 Haddon Av. Bush, Sol., 1422 Haddon Av. Cooper, Dr. D. E., 1000 Bway Detofsky, L., 416 Kaighn Av. Diamond, N., 1146 S. 3rd Feldman, J., 422 Kaighn Av. Fuhrman, Abe, 444 Broadway Fuhrman, N., 933 Broadway Furer, Jacob L., 346 Kaighn Av. Gordon, Eli, 793 Kaighn Av. Grossberg, J., 827 Broadway Heine, I., 540 Federal Heine, Saml., 1024 Bway. Jaspen.^Miss Lillian, 320 Point Jossem/Dr. M. H., 446 Bway Kaplan, S., 1128 Princess Av. Kleinberg, A., 1000 Kaighn Av. Lashman, Dr. Wm. M., 1314 Bway. Liberman, Lewis, 2417 Federal Lichtenstein, H. S., 1450 Wildwood Av. Lippman, S., 765 Kaighn Av. Mackler, Saml., 1382 Haddon Av. Markowich, A. L., 1404 Broadway Markowich, H. W., 1251 Langham Av. Markowitz, L., 562 Line Naden, Mrs. M., 773 Kaighn Av. Natal, Ben., 1246 Princess Av. Nurock, Mrs. E. H., 1318 Princess Av. Obus, Mark, 1362 Haddon Av. Ostroff, Wm., 536 Kaighn Av. Paletz, A. S., 327 Kaighn Av. Palitz, S. L., 514 Federal Praissman, O., 253 Kaighn Av. Reiter, Dr. O., 1411 Haddon Av. Rosenberg, J., 526 Liberty Rubinstein, Dr. S. M., 33 Bway Ruttenberg, Dr. Max, 1439 Bway Shane, S., 1026 Bway Silverman, I. E., 1126 Princess Av. Siris, Dr. I. S., 936 Broadway Sloan, Adam R., 631 Federal Tarter, Louis, 701 Kaighn Av. Tomkins, Dr. S. S., 1000 Newton Av. Varbalow, H., 1510 Wildwood Av. Varbalow, J., 540 Federal Visor. M., 403 B'way Weitzman, I., Louis & Chestnut Young Men's Hebrew Assn., 572 Walnut Clarksburg Carpe, Solomon J. Clifton Goldberg, L., 22 Highland Av. Just, Dr. J. B., 233 Dayton Av. East Orange Cannold, L., 41 Norman Dimond, A. J., 98 Harrison Gittleson, J., 489 Central Av. Victor, S. S., 114 Harrison Wiederhorn, J., 10 Washington Elizabeth David, Judge Abe, 1248 Clinton PI. Feldman, M. H., 207 Broad Finkel, J., 245 Lincoln Av. Freedman, Jos., 655 Westfield Av. Friedman, B., 105 1st Gerendasy, Dr. J., 255 E. Jersey Gormise, Max, 119 3d Heller, Dr. J. B., 121 Broad Isaac, A., 405 Westfield Av. Jacobson, B., 247 3rd Jacobson, S. M., 171 4th Kaufman, A., 245 W. Jersey Kessler, Harry, 905 Elizabeth Av. Lerman, Dr. I., 1024 E. Jersey Paskow, Dr. H. A., 414 Elizabeth Av. Price, Max, 917 Elizabeth Av. Reiner, Dr. J., 225 E. Jersey Stamler, Jno. J., 314 1st Av. Stein, Dr. Emil, 151 2d Strauss, H., 601 Elizabeth Av. Yadwin, Louis E., 516 Chilton Elmora Heilbrun, D., 857 Colonia Rd. Englewood LIBRARY MEMBER Levinsohn, Jos., 15 Tenafly Rd. Cohen, J., Otsego PI. Cohen, N., 41 Liberty Rd. Katz, J., Elmore Av. Scherer, N. De, 44 Engle Fords Gross, Mrs. Wm. Gloucester Ginsburg, H., 18 N. King Green, M., 106 N. King Kalikman, Ph., 125 King

89 466 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [New Jersey Hackensack Plager, Oscar, 193 Moore Rosenberg, Charles, 162 Main Haddon Heights Bushell, Wm. P. Hellyer, Rev. H. L., 16 Ninth Av. Harrison Gordon, Dr. H., 312 Harrison Av. Gordon, Dr. J. M., 202 Harrison Av. Grossman, M., 114 N. 4th Jacob, Max J., 207 Harrison Av. Rosenzweig, Alfred L., 238 Harrison Hoboken Bernfeld, M., 1220 Hudson Davidson, Dr. L. J., 453 1st Grossbein, Rev. Dr. S., 115 Park Av. Levy, Moe, 269 1st Lichtenstein, J., 604 River Lubash, S-, 605 Hudson Moore, Dr. M., 610 Hudson Rosinoff, Dr. H., 220 Wash. Weintraub, M., 115 Washington Irvington Buechler, I., 18 Prospect Av. Rothstein, L., 676 Stuyvesant Av. Slott, L., 765 Stuyvesant Av. Iselin Kuntz, Henry Jersey City Barison, M. E., 386 Baldwin Av. Ben-Asher, Dr. S. I., 108 V-i Clinton Av. Berman, Harold, 78 Romaine Av. Bitterman, Rev. Dr. J. I., 587 Summit Av. Blumberg, Max, 712 Newark Av. Cohen, Dr. David T., 170 4th Cohen, Dora R-, 173 4th Cohen, Dr. H. F., 569 Jersey Av. Davis, J. S-, 279 York Fineberg, D., 33 Brunswick Gerstein, L., 284 Harrison Av. Goldenhorn, I. F., 243 Wash. Goldstein, A. J., 176 Bergen Av. Gross, E., 895 Bergen Av. Gross, M., 2 Pawlmier PI. Hass, J. I., 266 Barrow Hebrew Orphan Home, Fowler Av. Idelson, Rev. I., 364 Bergen Av. Inselbuch, S., 112 Glenwood Av. James, P. H., 1 Montgomery Joseph, I., 2560 Boulevard Kleinhans, H. I., 121 Garrison Av. Kriegel, L. J., 228 Ogden Av. Kuhl, Morris, 120 Maple Last, M-, 898 Bergen Av. Lerner, Mrs. S. A., 28 Duncan Av. Lesser, S., 114 Bright Lichtenstein, Dr. S., 351 Henderson Lieberfeld, C, 46 Cottage Loeb, D. D., 110 Glenwood Av. Mendelsohn, Dr. L., 272 Montgomery Miller, Dr. I. S., 263 Warren Neibart, S. B., 157 Hopkins Av. Nemser, S., 427 Jersey Av. Posner, J., 235 5th Rabin, M., 407 Grove Rosenstein, Dr. J. L., 78 Brinkerhoff Rosthal, B., 326 Montgomery Roth, H., 155 Hancock Av. Ruskin, S., 24 Brinderloff Schlossberg, B., 3270 Boulevard Shackter, I. M., 54 Newark Av. Singer, B., 326 Montgomery Singer, J. S., 326 Montgomery Thorner, Rabbi M., 2672 Boulevard Waldman, R. I., 345 Henderson Weitz, E., 75 Montgomery Weitz, Sadie, Wolf, Geo. J., 389 Jackson Av. Yellen, S., O., 7 Frazer PI. Y. M. H. A., Community Centre, 438 Summit Av. Kearney Stern, M. M-, 115 Johnson Av. Keyport Prager, Isidore, 23 Main Salz, A. Singer, Solomon, 35'Front Lakewood Farber, S. W., 436 Ocean Av. Jacobson, Rev. S., Fairmount Lodge Mohel, S., 502 Princeton Av. Linden Gresser, Jos., R. F. D. No. 2 Long Branch Cohen, S. G., 92 Chelsea Av. Frey, Sol., 129 Broadway Heimlich, S. M., 339 Bway. Horowitz, F. S., 230 Bway Tepperman, A., 398 Savis Av. Tucker, H., 139 Bway Wolf, S., Columbia Baths Madison Kemelhor, B., 43 Main Manasquan Paperth, E., Main Metuchen Kunte, Dr. L F., 467 Middlesex Av. MillviUe Morway, O., 220 E. Oak Sheffer, Harry, 318 E. Main

90 New Jersey] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 467 Montclair Brown, J., 417 Bloomfield Av. Caro, D. M., 41 Forest Cohen, M., 395 Bloomfield Av. Harris, Jacob, 11 Warren PI. Rosenstein, C, 164 Bloomfield Av. Morristown Bernard, Rev. I., 65 Mills Fisch, Mrs. J., Belview Ter. Goldstein, L., 13 Pine Kasdin, Jos. N., 93 Speedwell Av. Mount Holly LIBRARY MEMBER Krupnick, H. M., 40 Main Cerlin, D., 51 Main Cohn, I., 2 Wash. Feinberg, M., 26 Mill Lerman, Sam, 16 Mill Ruman, F., 70 Main Newark PATRON Bamberger, Louis, 135 Market LIBRARY MEMBERS Hollander, Ben, W., 143 East Kinney Kaufherr, J. F., 667 High Kussy, Myer, 30 Navin PI. Lefkowitz, C, 300 Johnson Av. Levenson, J., 54 Bock Av. Miller, S., Murray & Austin Straus, L., 508 Frelinghuysen Av. Abeles, E., 47 Penn Av. Abelson, J. J., 64 Monmouth Abrahamson, H., 158 Springfield Av. Adelman, M., 208 Renner Av. Adler, M. M., 11 Astor Alenick, P., 163 Prince Alexander, M., 900 S. 18th Apter, P., 100 Morton Bachrach, A., 95 S. 8th Beck, Chas., 71 Seymour Av. Beim, S., 82 Murer Benedict, Reuben, 579 Orange Berla, Amzi, 213 Plane Berla, Sol., 232 Mulberry Bram, Dr. Wm. M., 835 Clinton Av. Bressler, I., 9 Peshine Av. Brodsky, N. H., 9 Monmouth Brotman, Dr. M. M., 90 Avon Av. Buchler, Dr. H., 566 High Buechler, Irving, 529 Clinton Av. Busch, Dr. H., 29 Pennington Busch, Hyman, 20 Clinton Cannold, L., Central High School Chaim, Morris, 719 S. 11th Chinich, Dr. L., 569 Springfield Av. Cohen, S., 116 Milford Av. Cohn, Jos. E., 264 Seymour Av. Cohn, S., 59 Hillside PI. Cohn, Wolf, 351 Morris Av. Cone, Dr. Arthur S., 61 West Constam, Mrs. J., 922 Essex Bldg. Cowen, Rev. M., 529 Clinton Av. Danzis, Dr. M., 608 High Echikson, E., 142 prchard Eisenberg, I., 790 Broad Elin, Dr. Jos., 20 Farley Av. Emmerglick, Chas., 45 Sterling Erlich, Nathan, 84 Columbia Av. Fast, Louis A., 719 High Federman, Dr. P. H., 220 Fairmount Av. Feldberg, M. A., 122 Waverly Av. Fenning, Herman H., 309 Avon Av. Field, Dr. H. J., 130 Market Fisch, Jos., 2 Stratford PI. Fischel, Jacob, 129 Littleton Av. Fleischman, Dr. M., 252 Springfield Av. Fleischmann, Dr. S., 83 Vesey Flink, J. E., 763 Broad Foster, Rabbi S., 90 Treacy Av. Fox, Mrs. M. A., 484 Clifton Av. Frankel, E. H-, 61 Hinsdale PI. Freider, S, 43 Clark Friedman, L. L., 768 S. 10th Friedman, R. W., 52 Girard PI. Furst, A., 21 Tichenor Furst, Geo., 39 Belmont Av. Galinkin, Dr. L., 234 Springfield Av. Gallop, B., 800 S. 13th Gallop, M. M., 198 Pacific Gann, Rev. M., 124 Johnson Av. Geller, A., 8 Rose Ginsburg, B., 40 Beacon Glaser, Dr. Emil, 687 Clinton Av. Glass, Samuel, st Glueckfield, I. B., 391 Belmont Av. Glushak, Rabbi J., 305 Hunterdon Goldstein, D., 800 Broad Goodman, Dr. I. I., 26 Johnson Av. Green, Abr., 927 Chestnut Green, Harry, 156 Market Greenbaum, M. M., 40 Barclay Greenberg, H., 109 Van Buren Greenberg, M. G., 32 Runyon Greenwood, J. W., 916 Bergen Gross, E. J., 407 Mulberry Gross, Rudolph, 640 High Grubstein, Chas., New & Nuttman Hahn, Henry, 63 Avon PI. Halperin, Dr. C. J., 641 High Hamerlin, A., 38 16th Av. Harris, A., 21 Johnson Av. Hatofl, M.E., 715 High Hauptman, A., 31 Van Ness PI. Heller, Sol., 11 Baldwin Av. Henig, A., 795 S. 13th Herbstman, M. H., 350 Ridgewood Av.

91 468 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [New Jersey Herman, Sam, 790 Broad Herr, Aaron, 584 Bergen Herr, Geo., 586 Bergen Hertz, Max, 68 Olive Herzberg, M. J., 18^ Thomas Hochberg, Wm., 94 Barclay Hoffman, Rev. C. I., 334 Belmont Av. Hoffman, Dr. W. A., 235 W. Kinney Hollander, A., 24 Johnson Av. Hollander, Michael, 143 East Kinney Hollander, Sam M., 790 Broad Hood, Charles, 79 Lincoln Park Hood, Louis, 85 Lincoln Park Hookaylo, J., 412 Belmont Av. Jay, F., Lenox Hotel Jay, Leopold, 681 High Jedell, Helen, 153 Miliord Av. Kaladin, H., 22 Ingraham PI. Kalisch, Abner, 164 Market Kalisch, H., 83 Girard PI. Kalisch, Saml., 745 High Kamm, S., 75 Baldwin Av. Kanengieser, A. Sigmund, 88 Newton Kanter, Elias, A., 747 Broad Kaplan, Dr. Ben., 771 Bergen Kaplan, J. I., Union Bldg. Katz, Saml., Kinney Bldg. Katzin, H. S., 43 Centre Katzin, M., 149 Johnson Av. Katzin, S., 68 Mulberry Kenarik, H., 438 Springfield Av. King, Nathaniel, 348 Clinton Av. Klein, P., 185 Smith Kohn, Leon A., 19 Seymour Av. Kohn, Richard, 31 Clinton Kohn, Sylvan H., 59 Treacy Av. Konwiser, Louis, 123 Wilson Av. Kraemer, Jos., 31 Clinton Krasner, J., 271 Hunterdon Krieger, L., 1090 Broad Kupperman, Dr. I., 62 Hillside PI. Kurtz, Jacob, 206 Bruce Kussy, Herman, 59 Treacy Av. Kussy, Nathan, 790 Broad Lancit, Dr. L. A., 83 Springfield Av. Leavitt, A. B., 360 High Leber, Saml., F., 786 Broad Leopold, S., 631 So. Belmont Av. Lerner, H. B., 141 Fleming Av. Lesnick, David, 28 Baldwin Av. Lesser, L., 333 S. 6th Levias, Caspar, 42 Treacy Av. Levy, A., 9 Watson Av. Levy, Chas., 218 S. 7th Levy & Fenster, 31 Clinton Levy, Dr. Julius, 191 Littleton Av. Lewis, A. I., 67 Treacy Av. Lewis, B., 583 High Lewis, Harry, 48 Shanley Av. Lewis, H. C, 156 Market Lewitt, Max, 68 Howard Lewitter, I., 171 Van Buren Linn, H. W., 570 Hawthorne Av. Lowenstein, E., 21 Hedden Ter. Lowenstein, Isaac, 12 Baldwin Av. Lowy, Arthur, 760 S. 10th Lowy, Mrs. Otto, 190 Clinton Av. Lubetkin, Jacob, 92 Quitman Lubin, H., 300 Johnson Av. Marx, Herman, 284 S. 11th Marx, Meier, 49 Avon PI. Matz, Dr B. B., 624 High Mendelsohn, M., 184 Weeguahic Av. Mendelsohn, M. R., 53 Avon Av. Miller, B., 71 Treacy Av. Miller, Ben Wm., 98 Quitman Miller, M., 79 Baldwin Av. Mindes, Selick, 114 Johnson Av. Misroch, H., 737 S. 20th Muehlfelder, A., 65 Tracy Av. Nadel, M. J., Union Bldg. Naidis, Max, 35 Summer Av. Nash, Dr. H. S., 565 Berger Neiwirth, H. S., 78 Stratford PI. Newman, B., 45 Baldwin Av. Newman, J. H., 20 Farley Av. Newman, Jacob L.,529 Ridge Newman, A., 681 Hgh Newmark, N., 301 Johnson Av. Oheb Shalom Hebrew School, 45 Elizabeth Olshin, Meyer, 114 Congress Olsan, Carl, 39 Colyman Pansy, Dr. A. A., 120 Fleming Av. Parsonnet, Dr. Aaron, 93 Avon Av. Plant Memorial School, 225 Prince Polevski, Dr. J., 44 West Poznak, S. V., 42 Orange Av. Queen, Dr. H. W., 97 Spruce Rabinowitz, B., 315 Park Av. Rachlin, A. H., 31 Clinton Eachlin, Dr. I. J., 32 Shanley Av. Radin, Dr. H. R., 158 Bergen Ramo, Kibe, 81 S. 11th Reich, Dr. J., 130 Court Reichlin, E. G., 155 Springfield Av. Religious School of Temple B'nal Jeshurum, Waverly Av. & High Resky, H. W., 207 Market Rich, Leopold, 21 Treaey Av. Rich, Wm. S., 201 Springfield Av. Roessler, Saml., 9 Clinton Rosensohn, H., 188 Market Rothfeld, S., 106 Orchard Rothschild, B., 571 Orange Rouse, Dr. M., 98 16th Av. Rubens, Rev. C. C, 534 Clinton Av. Rubinow, Dr. S., 775 High Rutkin, B., 17 Gladstone Av. Rutkin, M., 64 Millington Av. Schafier, Dr. J., 53 Pesline Av. Schechter, M., 94 Osborn Ter. Schiffmann, Dr. S., 107 Spruce Schlessinger, Louis, 74 Clinton Av.

92 New Jersey] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 469 Schneider, J., 625 Kinney Bldg. Schotland, Phil. J., 743 High Schwartz, M. f 43 Montgomery Schwartz, S., 642 High Schwartz, Dr. E., 561 High Segal, J., 150 Monmouth Shalit, I., 108 Fleming Av. Shapiro, H., 60 Union Sichel, Moses, 69 Shanley Av. Siegler, Jos., 8 Farley Av. Silberfeld, Rev. J., 148 Hunterdon Smith, Mrs. J. J., 771 S. 12th Spielman, M., 24 Mapas Av. Spies, Ph., 176 Springfield Av, Spitz, E. I., 27 Johnson Av. Stahl, L., 639 Belmont Av. Stalford, Wm., 126 Newton Stein, Leo, 210 S. 7th Stein, Le Roy, 93 Spruce Steiner, Herman, 25 Treacy Av. Steiner, J., Market & Braod Tendler, Dr. M. E., 285 Belmont Av. Unger, Harry, Ordway Bldg. Unger, Saml., 114 Pacific Warner, B., 7 Baldwin Av. Warner, Edward 121 Hillside Av. Warner, P. J., 114 Johnson Av. Weinberg, B., 20 Mt. Prospect PI. Weinberg, S. B., 400 Central Av. Weinthal, Dr. B., 222 Court Weiss, Dr. L., 544 Springfield Av. Weiss, Dr. M., 472 Broad Welanko, A., 538 S. 12th Wilner, Dr. I., 18 Waverly Av. Wolf, B., 36 Shanley Av. Wolf, B., 11 Astor Wohl, Sam, 187 Osborn Ter. Woolf, Dr. B. H., 40 Waverly Av. Yadkowsky, Dr. E., 637 High Yawitz & Yawitz, 243 Springfield Av. Zinkoff, Dr. A. A., 132 S. Orange Av. Zucker, Emil, 99 Johnson Av. New Brunswick Bruskin, P. H., 259 Delivan Gruessner, A., 143 Albany Jelin, A., 213 Redmond Karshmer, L. P., 31 S. 4th Lipman, J., Experiment Station Roeder, Rabbi L., 123 Somerset Siegel, Dr. S., 119 Albany Strauss, J., 226 Seaman Y. M. H. A., 62 New Norma Jacobs, J., Box 37 NuUy Padgug, H., 53 Passaic Av. Orange Bloch, B., 18 Webster PI. Bloch, J., 139 Elm Diamond, L., 178 N. Center Engel, Isidor, 70 Essex Av. Nisnoff, Dr. L. I., 149 William Phillips, Paul M., 94 N. Essex Av. Pinsky, Dr. John, 40 Elm Passaic LIBRARY MEMBER Stein, H., 201 Lexington Albert, H., 85 2d Feder, Dr. H. M., Main Av. & Jefferson Feld, S., 99 Jackson Fortgang, L. H., 136 2nd Fortgang, Dr. M. J., 140 2nd Friedman, Max, 249 Main Av. Glass, Samuel, 270 Madison Ger, M., 169 Columbia Av. Hebrew Free School, Columbia Av. Jaffe, John, 170 Passaic Kalin, M., 445 Gregory Av. Kantrowitz, R. B., 271 Passaic Korshet, Dr. M., 136 Pennington Av Levy, E. A., 194 Jefferson Lipshitz, Dr. L., 67 Passaic Av. Mass, I. H., 237 President Miller, M., 68 Quincy Miller, P., 95 Jackson Moskovitz, E., 324 Harrison Preskel, A., 263 Madison Ranzenhofer, F. S., 340 Paulison Av. Rapps, I. 51 3rd Rosenberg, J., 161 Hamilton Av. Sidlovsky, Dr. B. I., 48 2d Simon, Dr. A. L., 174 Columbia Av. Slaff, Chas., 72 Ascension Slaff, Max, 205 President Slaff, Samuel, 81 Grove Slavin, Michael, 251 Harrison Stein, B., 168 2nd Steinberg, J., 307 Paulson Av. Steiner, I., 136 Prospect Topchik, B., 704 Main Topelsohn, B., 46 Monroe Warsaw, D., 52 Hamilton Av. Weinberger, H. H., 158 Gregory Av. Wisnev, Dr. S. S., 704 Main Av. Y. M. H. A., 167 Jefferson Paterson LIBRARY MEMBERS Abjash, A., 726 Broadway Bloom, Ed., 600 Park Av. Bornstein, H. A., th Av. Diamond, P., 284 E. 32d Fabian, J., 150 Fair Schottland, A., 614 Park Av. Atkins, Ralph, 103 Governor

93 470 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [New Jersey Barnert, N., 258 Broadway Bilder, D. H., 220 Hamilton Av. Bloom, A., 23 Market Bluestein, A. I., 26 18th Av. Blumenthal, Dr. I., 210 Main Bnai Jeshuran Rel. School, Bway & Straight Bornstein, M., 253 Governor Buckin, Rev. L., 11 Governor Cohen, C, th Av. Cohen, J., 273 Hamilton Av. Cohen, Peter, 49 13th Av. Cohen, Mrs. S., th Cohn, Bertha Simon, 49 13th Av. Cohn, David, 112 Ellison Cohn, M., 427 E. 32d Collier, A., 333 Fair Federbush, S., 40 Broadway Gilbert, M. M., 126 Market Gold, Max, th Av. Goldy, M. A., 606 E. 26th Green, E., 640 Bway Jacobs, Saml., 103 Straight Joelson, Dr. M. S., 87 Fair Kitay, Benj., 264 N. Main Kitay, I. J., 315 Main Kitay, Mrs. H. B., 376 Bway. Letz, D., 361 Fair Levin, Morris F., 460 E. 31st Lincoln, Rabbi R., 260 Van Houten Lowenthal B., 222 Hamilton Av. Pansy, Jos., 123 Governor Pansy, Simon, 492 E. 26th Perlstein, H., th Av. Platt, Edw., 83 Fair Platt, Jos., 149 Broadway Pollock S., 687 E. 24th Progress Club, 52 Church Rappaport, P. J., 485 E. 29th Rosenstein, F. L., 224 Hamilton Av. Schoen, H. L., 277 E. 32nd Simon, I., 470 Boulevard Simon, L A., 52 Park Av. Slater, A. H., 176 E. 32d Smith, D. G., th Av. Spitz, Louis, 720 E. 25th Spitz, M., 96 Hamburgh Av. Stamm, Max, 468 E. 19th Stave, L., 100 Carroll Stein, Henry, 335 Fair Steinberg, Max, th Av. Surnamer, Dr. I., 306 Broadway Urdang, L., 484 E. 27th Weingaertner, M., 599 E. 24th Yanaft, W., th Av. Y. M. H. A., 305 Broadway Pennsgrove Livingstone, A., Broad & Main Zebooker, M. A., Box 416 Perth Amboy LIBRARY MEMBERS Dobbs, David, 86 Jefferson Wurtzel, Max, 142 Gordon Alpern, I., 147 Smith Altschuler, S., 283 Front Blitzer, Chas., 139 Lewis Fishkoff, H., 354 State Freedman, Rabbi E., 107 Lewis Goldberger, M., L., 90 High Kohn, Rabbi E., 46 Gordon Kummer, Alex. S., 103 Lewis Medinets, H. S., 338 State Michaels, M., 87 Market Miller, Geo. J., 309 Madison Av. Schonceit, C, 101 Brighton Silk, Dr. C. I., 39 Gordon Slatkoff, S. P., 159 Hall Av. Tucker, S., 58 Brighton Av. Y. M. H. A., Smith & McClellan Plainneld LIBRARY MEMBERS Newcorn, Wm., Queen City Hotel Rothstein, D. L., 36 Myrtle Av. Schwartz, J. J., 240 W. Front Tepper, A., 669 W. 7th Gorkin, B., 27 Somerset Kornfield, L., c,o Com. Mills Krauthamer, S., 1202 Watching Av. Kunzman, I., 636 W. Front Kurtzman, C, 146 E. Front Mintz, Dr. S., 171 E. Front Perlmutter, M., 436 Wathcing Av. Rosenbaum, H., 431 Park Av. Rosenbaum, S-, 420 Madison Av. Rosenthal, S. M., 1227 Denmark Rd. Rothberg, H., 928 W. Front Schwartz, I., 3 Myrtle Av. Tepper, M., 933 W. 7th Yood, Dr. R., 401 Grant Av. Princeton Kaplan, L., 12 Madison Rahway Cohn, Jos., 118 Irving Engelman, B., 128 Main Engelman, Dr. David Katzman, Dr. S., Main & Cherry Rabinowitz, Rev. M., 118 Irving Y. M. & W. H. A., 30 Main Red Bank LIBRARY MEMBER Eisner, Sigmund Eisner, M., Broad Finkelstein, J. M. Kridel, Mrs J. E., Front

94 New Jersey] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 471 Ridgefield Park Heyman, B. B., 143 Euclid Av. Riverside LIBRARY MEMBER Miller, M., 434 Gridgeboro Levin, H., 119 Pavillion Av. Lichtenthal, C, 117 Pavillion Av. Schreiber, M. Stern, Sam, 4th & Delaware Av. Rosenhayn Venezky, H., Box 23 Rutherford Danziger, S., 3 Ayer PI. Salem Gecenok, S., 107 Market Goldring, H., 5th & Griffith Klein, S-, 192 E. Bway Levitzky, J.- Smith, C, 121 Griffith Stevens, B., 194 E. Bway Weinstein, Sol. Secaucus Pollak, Dr. B. S. Somerville Schwed, Chas., 41 N. Bridge Werblin, I. L., 39 Eastern Av. South Orange PATRON Fuld, Felix, 602 Centre ANNUAL MEMBER Roth, J., 478 Centre South River Davidovitz, S., Ferry St. Rottenberg, H. A. Summit Mantel, J. R., 12 Maple Swedesboro Kolker, Samuel Teaneck Doskow, I., Elm Av. & North Trenton Abrams, S., 130 Jackson Alberts, I. H., 236 Jackson Alexander, H., 1 Union Bash, S., 310 Union Berkowitz, S., 101 Factory Black, I. M., 36 Atterbury Av. Budaon, Alex., 85 Jackson Citron, Israel, 24 Union Cohen, J-, 312 S. Broad Cohen, L., 177 S. Broad Eisner, Leo, 700 S. Broad Fishberg, C, 475 Hamilton Av. Forman, P., 112 N. Montgomery Garb, I., 314 N. Broad- Green, Hyman, 221 N. Broad Julian, Dr. W., 23 Atterbury Av. Kalish, Theo, 28 E. Front Kaplan, J. D., 555 N. Clinton Kelsey, D. L., 106 Centre Konwitz, Rabbi J., 326 Market Koplin, Dr. N. H., 507 S. Warren Kraemer, M. A., 314 S. Broad Kramer, N., 40 Dunham Lavine, Dr. B. D., 630 N. Clinton Av. Lavine, L., 321 Southard Lavine, M., 1318 Hamilton Av. Lavinthal, S., 504 Riverside Av. Levie, H., 2300 S. Broad Litowitz, S. G., 231 N. Broad Marcus, S., 29 General Greene Av. Millner, F., 225 Bellevue Av. Millner, H., 66 Union Perlman, S. P., Amer. Mech. Bldg. Reich, Wm., 305 Am. Mech. Bldg. Rosenblatt, Mrs. A. M., 649 W. State Schragger, E., 226 S. Warren Shankman, S. B., 141 S. Broad Spector, J., 313 S. Broad Swern, S., 22 Murray Vine, P. S., 113 Union Weiss, Dr. M. H., 869 S. Broad Y. M. H. A., 18 S. Stockton Union Hill Rappaport, Dr. M., 82 Liberty Av. Sherman, J., 396 Palisade Av. Upper Montclair Spier, A. R., Ill Edgemont Rd. Ventnor Berkowitz, Rev. Rr. Henry, 104 S. Derby Av. Friedenwald, M. S., 110 S. Cambridge Av. Vineland Greenwood, Dr. N. S., 614 Wood Hebrew Civic Club, Smith Bldg. Joseph, J. H., 242 Elmer Lipman, R. M., R. F. D. No. 6 Niggen, A. M., 239 Landis Av. Rosenthal, D-, 919 Pear Saefer, Ph., 115 N. 3rd Waxman, N. M., 725 Elmer Webster, Mrs. E. M. C. Weehawken Guold, Peter, 31 Eldorado PI.

95 472 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [New York Gutfreund, S., 50 Eldorado PI. Heyman, S., 57 Hudson PI. Lieberman, W., 4 Grauert PI. Rasch, S., 34 King Av. Saperstein, S., 120 Shippen Schneider, S., 843 Blvd. E. Taft, Louis, 25 Liberty PI. West Hoboken Friedenberg, C. A., 436 Clinton Av. Schweber, B., 156 Weehawken Shapiro, Dr. N. J., 192 Palisade Av. Umansky, M., 212 Clinton Av. Urevitz, Dr. Abr., 495 Clinton Av. Weitz, E., 417 Clinton Av. West New York Benjamin, O., 680 Bergenline Av. Cohn, M., th- Diska, Dr. L. A., 627 Harrison PI. Levitan, A., 478 Park Av. Schultz, A., 647 Bergenline Av. West Orange Arnstein, Mrs. R. R., 440 Gregory Av. Wildwood LIBRARY MEMBERS Saltzman, J., 4402 Pacific Av. Segel, L., Boardwalk & Poplar Avs. Adelman, S., 3415 Pacific Av. Baker, Ch., Baker & Pacific Avs. Barish, H., 3807 Pacific Av. Braslow, M., Lincoln & Pacific Avs. Empol, J., Pacific & Garfield Avs. Fishman, I., 4207 Pacific Av. Garfinkle, N. Gidding, B., Davis & Pacific Avs. Konowitch, Mrs. A., 118 Pine Av. Rasnek, M., Lincoln & Pacific Senekotf, L., 4420 Pacific Av. Staller, L-, 3608 Pacific Av. Worobe, Max, Roberts & Pacific Woodbine Feldman, Jacob, Woodbridge Frankel, L., 89 Main Sherman, H., 47 Main Woodbury Lewis, Geo., P. O. Box 374 Herman, H., 210 S. Broad Polsky, H. Woodstown Brandeis, Saml. Wolkowitz, B. Albuquerque Bergman, Rabbi M., 123 K S. 7th Fleischer, A., Ill S. 4th Kahn, Siegfried, 706 W. Gold Maharam, E., 516 W. Central Av. Mandel, Julius, 300 W. Central Schweizer, H. East Las Vegas Rosenwald, Cecilio, th Albany LIFE MEMBEB Rosendale, Hon. S. W., 57 State LIBRARY MEMBERS Hessberg, Saml., 78 State Illch, Julius, 17 N. Hawk Mann, Isaac, 493 Western Av. Bernstein, D., 40 Trinity PI. Beth Emeth Sunday School Library Bookheim, L. W., 133 S. Lake Av. NEW MEXICO NEW YORK Schorr, Rev. Dr. C, th Winternitz, D. Las Vegas Bronstein, Rabbi David Davis, Isaac Ilfeld, Chas. Rosenwald, D. E. Boochever, S., 457 Del. Av. Einstein, M., 64 Franklin Fenster, P. W., 47 S. Allen Freedman, I., 108 Grand Friedman, J. S., 1011 Madison Av. Goldberg, Wm, 30 Cuyler Av. Gordon, I., 71 Grand Hessberg, Mrs. A., 352 State Illch, Abraham, 248 Hamilton Kobling, B., 41 Trinity PI. Lieberman, L., 40 Morris Mannesovitch, Wm. I., 78 State Morin, J., 319 Ontario

96 New York] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 473 Muhlfelder, David, 702 Madison Av. Muhlfelder, J., 1000 Madison Av. Myers, D. H., 137 South Lake Av. Naumoff, M. S., 444 Morris Naum, N., 78 State Neuman, Dr. L. H., 194 State Phillips, Harry, 141 S. Pearl Poskanzer, R. C, 385 Myrtle Av. Sonnenfeld, S. T., 680 Madison Av. Sporborg, Mrs. H. J., 106 Lake Av. S. Stern, C. M., 121 S. Lake Av. Swire, A., 164 S. Pearl Waldman, L. I., 78 Willett Wander, E., 644 Morris Wander, J., 575 Western Av. Weinstock, I., 240 S. Pearl- Werlin, Rev. I., 46 Majestic Av. Y. M. &. W. H. A., 56 Franklin Y. M. H. A., 60 Franklin Amsterdam Gray, Max, 70 Grove Lurie, A. D., 195 Guy Park Av. Arverne Gorman, B. I., 561 Beach 69th Roaenbaum, A., Larkin Rosenberg, J., 8 Wave Crest Av. Wetzler, Arnold Astoria, L. I. Mendelsohn, H., 307 Steinway Av. Bath Beach Iger, Mrs. Chas. W., th Av. Iger, Mrs. Joseph, th Av. Bayside Helfgott, A. M., Chambers Beacon Beskin, S., 20 South Av. Bensonhurst, L. I. Feller, Harry S., 107 Bay 32d Binghamton Bloom, Dr. M. S., 110 Oak Chermin, B. H., 55)^ Pine Ginsburg, Bros., 141 Wash. Pierson, Chas., 152 State Public Library Rosenthal, S. C, 132 Oak Sherman, A., 42 Tomplins Bronxville Eliscu, Ed., 390 Rossmore Av. Brooklyn LIFE MEMBERS Straus, H. Grant, 422 Fulton Sunday School Beth Elohim, Garfield PI. & 8th Av. LIBRARY MEMBERS Brightman, S. D., th Cohen, Louis, 1323 President Cooper, Leon, 1425 Union Friedman, J. P., 205 Hooper Gelber, M., th Gittelson, Dr. M., 1921 Bergen Goldberg, S., 1137 Eastern Parkway Gordon, Dr. M. B., th Av. Heller, Dr. J., 928 Eastern Pkway Hirsh, Hugo, 100 Bway Joachim, C. J., 170 Westminster Rd. Meseritz, I., 851 Park PI. Onish, A. H., 136 W. 23rd Pasner, J. D., 828 Eastern Pkway. Religious School of Temple Emanuel, Borough Pk., 49th & 14th Av. Rottenberg, S., 1660 E. New York Av. Shapiro, N. D., 627 Willoughby Av. Walkof, N., 832 Eastern Pkway Winstian, S. C, rd Av. Abelow, S. P., 1423 Sterling PI. Abrams, H., 404 Crown Adelman, H. E., th Affachiner, Miss R. G., 2916 W. 36th Ain, W., th Alper, S. H., 596 Bedford Av. Apfelbaum, H., th Apteker, B., th Av. Aptheker, M., d Aronowitz, J., 247 Snediker Av. Ausubel, Dr. H., 346 Bedford Av. Bachrach, C. G., 585 E. 22nd Bachrach, Milton, 1022 E. 10th Baker, S. A., 1067 Coney Island Av. Ball, Dr. G., 297 Hinsdale Barnett, H. I., th Ben Ami, Jacob, 876 Driggs Av. Beck, D., 477 Van Buren- Becker, B. J., th- Berger, L., 108 Manhattan Av. Berger, M., 1124 E. 12th Berger, M. A., th Berkowitz, Dr. B. B., 200 New York Av. Berlin, I., th Bernstein, A. A., 1690 Ditmas Av. Bernstein, A. N., Ralph Av. & Pacific Bernstein, E., 1014 Park PI. Bernstein, I., 280 Bradford Bernstein J. L., 397 Stratford Rd. Bernstein, R. B., 1317 Union- Bialick, H., th Blank, S. A., 280 Troy Av. Blatt, Dr. W. S., 73 Manhattan Av. Bloom, M., th Blumberg, Meyer, 285 Pulaski Bonoff, L. A., 1525 E. 28th Boochever, G., 272 E. 16th Borker, M., 1207 St. Johns PI. Brenner, Hon. Jacob, 252 Carroll

97 474 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [New York Breslauer, M, th Bresler, H. S., 62 Marlborough Rd. Brightman,,T. W., 863 E. 13th Brooke, B. H., 868 Flatbush Av. Brooke, J. J-, 663 Argyle Ed. Bruckheim, D., d Brunschwig, F., 2316 Quentine Rd. Brusilowsky, Dr. A., 1301 E. New York Av. Buchman, L. t 24 Jackson Av. Cantor, Wm., 139 Kosciusko Caplin, S., 338 McDonough Carmel Wine Co., 345 Hewes Casper, A., 1401 Parkway Chertoff, Rabbi P., nd Chizner, M., 502 Georgia Av. Cohen, A. S., 275 Bedford Av. Cohen, B., th Cohen, F., d Cohen, Dr. H., 848 Filching Av. Cohen, I., 175a Vemon Av. Cohen, I., nd Cohen, J., 175 Hewes Cohen, J. H., 420 Oakland Cohen, Rev. S. R., 1421 Ditmas Av. Cohn, Dr. M. A., 1457 Eastern Parkway Cohn, Max, 969 DeKalb Av. Colman, Reuben, W., 92 Bristol Covitz, S. J., th Dankman, I., 606 Belmont Dattelbaum, Dr. M. J., 1125 E. Parkway Davidson, A., 56 Marlborough Rd. Davidson, Dr. B., 686 Lafayette Av. De Waltoff, Dr. D. B., th Dietz, Leo, 1492 Bedford Av. Doft, Max, th Drashinikap, S., 530 McDonough Drechsler D., st Av. Duberstein, S. C, 7010 Bay Pkway Dumay, Dr. C, 600 Bedford Av. Dumbrow, Abr., 1858 Prospect PI. Dunn, Dora, 1211 President Dunn, I., st. Edelson, H. L. t 889 Essex Ehrlich, M., 345 Clinton Eisenberg, Dr. A. D., 586 Leonard Eisenberg, I. P., 1869 Park PI. Eisenberg, Louis, 1278 Ocean Parkway Ellenbogen, M., 531 Bedford Av. Ellman, A., th Esakov, Dr. N., 2013 Douglas- Ettinger, L., 863 Eastern Pkway Fankucken, Dr. W., 1302 Carroll Fertel, M-, 364 S. 5th Finkelstein, A. A., th Finkelstein, B. I., 5 Beekman Finkelstein, Dr. R., 257 Utica Av. Fish, N., 654 Hart Fischer M., 60 Bay 23rd- Fisher, J., 4621 Ft. Hamilton Parkway Fishman, J., 558 Bedford Av. Fleiss, H., 106 Middleton Fox, B. J., 146 Penn. Av. Frackman, M., st Franks, B. J., 42 Hampton PI. Franks, H. S., 275 Windsor PI. Freedman, Isaac, 340 Pulaski Friedberg, L., 700 Willoughby Av. Friedland, S., th Friedman, E. M., rd Friedman, Wm. I., 320 Wyona Fruchtbaum, Dr. L. M., 370 S. 2d Fuerth, J. M., 917 Av. N. Gabriel, B., 460 Halsey Ganz, Ethel, 869 Park Av. Gasner, Simon, 129 Powell Geisler, C. A., Sea Gate German, L., 412 8th Av. Getz, D. B., 208 Christopher Av. Gittleson, M., 2301 Av G. Gliekman, Z., 362 Oshorn- Gluckman, J., 668 Flushing Av. Goffen, Dr. A. M., 518 Monroe Gold, Ed., 843 Myrtle Av. Gold, Louis, 2 Rector Goldberg, L., 225 Division Av. Goldberg, L. P., 1565 E. Parkway Goldenberg, C, d Av. Goldfarb, Rabbi I., 360 Clinton Golding, I., 1120 E. 12th Goldman, L. A., 674 Hendrix Goldstein, B. H., 269 Kosciusko Goldstein, C. J., 87 Woodruff Av. Goldstein, J., 1744 Brooklyn Av. Goldstein, J., th Goldstein, S., 91 Hooper Goldstone, Wm., st Goodman, I. H., 316 Montgomery Goodman, S. L., 218 St. Johns PI. Gordon, Dr. M., 321 Stone Gottlieb, J. W., 44 Court Grafman, Rev. S., 1507 Eastern Parkway Gratz, L., 145 Bay 32d Green, H. L., 303 Wyona Greene, I. F., 1305 E. New York Av. Greenfogel, W. L., 3120 Clarendon Rd. Greenhaus, J., 20 Duryea PI. Greenschpoon, Dr. J., 393 Miller Av. Greenstone, M. S., 21 Smith Greenwald, Dr. H. M., 323 Ditmas Av. Groden, Elias, 182 Pulaski Groden, Morris, 1434 Park PI. Gross, Morris, 472 Linwood Grubin, Dr. H., 83 Highland PI. Haber, J., 1005 Lincoln PI. Hahn, Jacob, 914 Av. K Halle, Jos., st Halperin, A., 1410 Lincoln PI. Hamburger, S. L., nd Hammer, L., 305 New York Av. Harbater, J., th Av. Harris, Max, 575 6th Harris, M. L., st Harrison, B. L., 115 Belmont Av. Haupt, George, 1020 E. 13th

98 New York] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 475 Heckelman, I., 251 S. 3rd Heckelman, J. C, 251 S. 3d Hendler, I., 1136 Park PI. Herzfeld, Max, 773 Willoughby Av. Hitlin, Dr. A., 685 Willoughby. AM Horwitz, Louis, 499 Macre Hyde, Dr. Wm. H., 1536 St. Johns PI. Jacobson, H. I., nd Jaffe, A. L., 1475 President Jaffe, I., th Jaffe, L. J., 156 Westminster Rd. Jaffin, G. M., nd Janowitch, J. H., 214 Stratford Rd. Jarkow, J. S., 1716 President Joachim, B., 591 Putnam Av. Josephson, J., 1783 Pitkin Av., Kahan, S., 1720 E. 19th Karalunsky, B., 61 Meserole Karash, S., 1569 President Karasik, L., 44 Court Karper, Dr. A. S., 48 Graham Av. Kasindorf, S. J., st Kaufman, Dr. B., 482 Stone Av. Kessin, B-, 636 Sutter Av. Kiss, M., 29 De Kalb Av. Klein, D., 126 Myrtle Av. Koenig, Dr. L., 1394 Union Kohn, Dr. L., 184 Cornelia Kohn, Mrs. M., 725 Eastern Pkway. Komar, A., 217 Riverdale Av. Konoff, A., th Kornblith, Dr. R., 82 Baimbridge Korn, Hyman, 1007 Manhattan Av. Koven, Dr. B.; 1129 E. Pkway. Koven, M. N., 215 Montague Kovner, H., th Kramer, D., th Kramer, J., 1050 E. 13th Kratter, L., 199 S. Portland Av. Krimsky, Dr. J., 1374 Carroll Kurz, P. W., 1160 President Kurshan, O. S., 1417 Carroll Kushner, I., 77 Blake Av. Ladin, I., 68 Schenck Av. Landes, Dr. Wm. B., 101 Church Av. Largeman, Morris, 896 Park Av. Lashner, P., 97 Pulaski Latner, M. H., 350 Fulton Lehr, Max, 6 Ainslee Leibowitz, H-, 235 Russell Leifert, P. H., 506a Fifth Levine, Dr. A., M., 1575 E. Parkway Levine, Ph., th Levine, Saml., th Levinson, I., 1103 E. 17th Levinson, Dr. S., 157 Tompkins Av. Levinson, Rabbi S. J., 522 E. 8th l^vinthal, Rabbi I. H., 1233 E. Pkway. Levitt, Charles, H., 112 Middleton Levitt, Dr. M. J., 258 Vernon Av. Levy, Dr. A. M., 835 Lafayette Av. Levy, A., 557 5th Levy, Elliot, 163 Bay, 31st Levy, M. G., 151 Stratford Rd. Levy, S., 697 St. Johns PL Lewis, Dr. A. S., 802 DeKalb Av. Lieberman, Nathan, 68 First PI. Lifschitz, J. M., 1484 Eastern Pkway. Lifton, A. J., 1515 President Linker, G., 3134 Fulton Littinsky, J., 107 Bristol Littman, J., 357 Vernon Av. Livingston, Wm., 1085 E. 22nd- London, Dr. E., 245 Troy Av. London, H., 317 W. 93rd Lubell, J. E., 262 Sullivan Lukovsky, M-, 417 Saratoga Av. Lyons, Rev. A., 526 8th Machzikei Talmud Torah, d Manaccus, S., 875 Driggs Av. Manheimer, S. S., th Av. Manulis, F., 495 3rd Av. Marcus, S., th Margoshes, J., 280 S. 2nd- Markel, A. J., 110 Graham Av. Marks, I., st Massel, J., th Av. Mathew, J. B., 203 Pulaski Matz, I., 1522 Albermarle Rd. Mayer, Dr. J. M., th Meinwald, Dr. H., 107 India Meller, John, 436 Stratford Rd. Mersel, Alex., d- Meyerson, Dr. J., 80 Graham Av. Michaels, A. M., 80 Underhill Av. ' MichnofI, Dr. S., th Michtom, M., 273 Van Sinderen Av. Millendorf, S. B., 390 Sterling PI. Moeller, H., th Av. Moritz, Comdr. Albert, 723 E. 18th Mormar, J., 1144 President Morton, A. S., st Moseson, Rabbi C, E Park PL Moss, L. J., 165 Rodney Nagourney, D., 283 Hewes Naimark, Max, 58 Lewis Av. Nathanson, A., 112 Bay 29th Neaderland, H., 452 Fulton Nestel, M., 168 Vernon Av. Neuwirth, L., 1010 Eastern Pkway Nussbaum, Dr. B. P., 2029 Surf Av. Nussbaum, Dr. S., 2029 Surf Av. Pacht, E., 132 Bushwick Av. Pecker, Bernard, 917 Glenmore Av. Perkiss, M., 522 Van Sicklen Perlman, A., th Peyser, Miss B. L. B., 1586 St. Marks Av. Peyser, Dr. N., 974 St. Marks Av. Pfeffer, J., 1174 Eastern Pkway. Phillips, A. M., 399 Ocean Pkway. Phillips, D., nd Plesen, M. A., 160 E. 15th Pines, David, 828 E. Parkway Pines, Joseph, th-

99 476 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [New York Pines, Dr. L., 745 Franklin Av. Polisar, Dr. J. M., 391 Penn. Av. Polonsky, Dr. Leon, 628 Sutter- Ponoroff, Harry, 1677 Myrtle Ac. Posner, Dr. A., 141 Roebling Prensky, Jos., 1445 Union Price, A., 61 Whipple Prokesch, S. Z., 1316 E. 8th Queen, Charles, 215 Dahill Rd. Queen, Rae, th Av. Rabbin, M. M., 665 Georgia Av. Rabinowitz, Dr. H. M., 276 Buffalo Av. Rabinowitz, H. R., 204 Sheffield Av. Rabinowitz, S., 459 Stone Av. Rachlin, Dr. L., 204 Pulaski Radack, Dr. C, 276 Throop Av. Raices, H., 1834 Coney Island Av. Raisin, Rev. Dr. M., 1093 Sterling PI. Rand, J. H., 89 Hooper Ratnoff, Dr. H., L., 860 E. Pkway. Reichler, Rabbi M., 84 Bay 25th Reiss, Max, 124 Stuyvesant Av. Reiter, M., 416 Livonia Av. Reitman, Dr. R., 466 Sackman Rieger, M., 1141 Park PI. Ries, Dr. I. P., 788 Sutter Av. Rivkin, Dr. J. G., 458 Stone Av. Robbinovitz, Dr. S., 71-A Summer Av. Robinson, Dr. E. M., 329 Bradford Robinson, Dr. M., 1788 St. John PI. Robinson, M., 1018 Pk. PI. Rokeach, Dr. A., 62 McKibben Rose, Abr., th Rose, G. A., st Rose, I., th Rose, Joa. H., 1512 Union Rosen, M. A., 480 E. Pkway Rosen, S., 173 Seigel Rosenberg, Dr. H. D., 913 Glenmore Av. Rosenblum, P., 49 Johnson Av. Rosenfeld, Dr. R., 516 Stone Av. Rosenfeld, Dr. W., 315 Penna. Av. Rosengard, Rabbi B. H., th Rosenheck, I., 52 Argyle Rd. Rosenthal, E. J., th Rosenzweig, A. A., 1530 Eastern Pkway. Rothschild, S. F., c,o Abraham & Straus Rottenberg, M., 1660 E. New York Av. Rubin, I., A., 542 5th Av. Rubin, Jos., 653 E. 17th Rubinstein, Harry, 106 Van Buren Rubinstein, I., 1536 St Johns PI. Rubenstein, N., 2028 E. 17th Sachs, Isidor, th Sacks, Dr. H. M., 25 Bond Safren, J. & L., 356 Broadway Sakin, Dr. B. M., 1547 E. Parkway SalMn, A., Loeb, 1575 President Salomon, L. J., 268 Norman Av. Salpeter, S., 775 DeKalb Av. Salwen, Moe, 1475 President Salwen, S. J., d Salzman, Mrs. R. B., 361 Highland Blvd. Sambur, M., 550 Bushwick Av. Sambur, Dr. S. J., 223 Lewis Av. Sarachek, Rev. J., 16 Maiyer Sargent, I., 914 Herkimer Sass, S., 1040 E. 13th Scharfstein, Z., 2647 Kenmore PI. ScheUenberg, J., 412 8th Av. Schlesinger, Pauline, th Schmerler, E., th Av. Schnur, Dr. H., 187 Varet Schoenfeld, N., th Av. School, A., 345 Wyona Schreiber, Dr. M., 105 Penna. Ave. Schwartz, Dr. A. S., th Schwartz, J. L., 3418 Av. K Schwartz, Mrs. D., 107 6th Av. Schwartz, Dr. Jac. R., 235 Utica Av. Schwartz, J. L., 3418 Av. K. Segal, J., 583 Hinsdale Seidman, J. A., 551 Mansfield PI. Seifman, B., 329 Hinsdale Seigle, C. H., 47 Graham Av. Seinfel, Henry, 1535 President Selikowitz, S. D., 964 E. Parkway Shankroff, Dr. L., 1148 Dean Shapiro, C, th Shiplacoff, A. I., 177 Fountain Av. Siegel, F., 293 Vermont Siegel, Julius, 75 Manhattan Av. Silberman, Dr. M., 61 Lewis Av. Silverman, A., 1401 E. Pkway. Silverman, Dr. E. G., th Av. Silverman, S., 1100 E. 3rd Simon, A. H., 293 New York Av. Slobodien, J., th Slotkin, Samuel, 139 Ocean Parkway Smallen Dr. H. M., 317 Riverdale Smirnow, L., 577 New Lots Rd. Sobel, D., 135 Vernon Av. Solin, Rev. F. B., 27 Throop Av. Sonnenschein, N., 1086 President Sookne, Dr. Jos., d Spindler, L. O., d Starr, Dr. I. P., 1199 E. Parkway Stein, Jacob, 1578 Union Stoloff, Dr. B., 31 Thatford Av. Strahl, Justice J. S., 74 Chauncey Strully, Dr. J. M., th Stulman, Jos., 828 Lafayette Av. Sumberg, I., 1474 Carroll Sussman, P., 774 Rockaway Av. Sweedler, N., 1188 Union Tawil, M., 42 y 2 Allen Teitelbaum, Dr. H., 30 Throop Av. Telsey, S. A., 241 Utica Av. Tepper, Dr. B., 1153 E. 19th Topkins, Dr. E. M., 132A Summer Turberg, Ph., th Tuttle, M. M., 88 Sutter Av. Tykulsker, A., 587 Greene Av. Vladeck, Baruch Charney, 1547 President

100 New York] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 477 Walder, J., th Wechsler, Dr. A. H., 91 Lewis Av. Wechsler, M., 154 Ocean Parkway Weilerstein, Rabbi B. E., 1738 Union Weinberg, M., 1076 Eastern Pkway. Weinberger, I., 2185 Pacific Weinstein, A. A., 1475 Carroll Weisman, J., 557 Willoughby Av. Weitzman, Dr. I., st Weltsch, M. J., 281 Saratoga Av. Wiener, George, 741 Saratoga Av. Wiesen, Samuel, 1004 E. Parkway Wilson, Dr. S. J., 119 Summer Av. Wolfman, M., 247-A Throop Av. Wolodarsky, A., 1515 E. Parkway Wolodarsky, Dr. A. Z., 323 Penn. Av. Woronock, Morris, 373 New Lots Rd. Yondorf, Meyer, 522 E. 8th Y. M. H. A., Cropsey & 20th Avs. Y. M. H. A., of Greenpoint, 161 Milton Zadek, F., 1310 Av. S. Zaslow, J., 1312 Park PI. Zeehnowitz, J., 1240 Union Zeigler, J. J., nd Zinaman, J. M., th Buffalo Abrams, I., 80 William Adler, H., 309 Gibson Aronson, M., 955 Lafayette Av. Barlow, B. A., 899 Lafayette Av. Bear, Abr., 199 Walnut Bernstone, M-, Prudential Bldg. Block, Marvin A., 556 Potomac Brode, S-, 576 Jefferson Buffalo Public Library Carrel, M. F., 259 Spring Clark, H. L., 100 Pratt Cohen, I., 451 Huntington Av. Cohen, Sol., 60 Manchester PI. Cohn, M. M., 611 Linwood Av. Cornblum, M., 397 3rd Av. Cristall, S., 827 Ellicott Sq. Darlich, S. B., 392 Hickory Dautch, Chas., 131 Richmond Av. Desbecker, L. E., Buffalo Club Diamond, M., 163 Hickory Dickman, I., 986 Broadway Ebin, Rabbi N. H., 58 Pratt Eichler, Rabbi M. M-, 212 Richmond Av. Feinstein, J., 464 Adams Fleischman, Simon, 190 Edward Fybush, A., Mutual Life Bldg. Gilberg, S., 331 Gibson Gilden, J. H., 569 Auburn Av. Gintzler, H., 119 Richmond Av. Goldberg, J. B., 1376 Fillmore Greenbaum, S., 441 Bird Av. Grossman, H. J., 544 Elmwood Av. Harris, C. A., 84 St. James PI. Harris, I. E., 174 Soldiers PI. Harris, Samuel J., 583 Linwood Av. Harriton, Harry, 16 Linden Pk. Heilbrun, B., 425 West Av. Hesch, H., 477 W. Av. Hofeller, Theo., 59 Ashland Av. Hoffman, H., 70 Pratt Holender & Holender, 740 Prudential Bldg Jacobson, S., 515 Richmond Av. Kauffman, Dr. Lesser, 367 Elmwood Av. Keiser, August, 566 Ferry W. Levintan, M-, 910 Eillmore Av. Liebeskind, S., 1035 Bway. Luskin, S., 398 Hickory Maisel, L., 573 Richmond Av. Marcus, Judge Louis W., 63 Barker Marein, H., 647 W. Delavan Miller, L. H., 190 Cleveland Av. Mohilewsky, H., 734 Auburn Av. Munson, W., 29 Randall Oppenheim, W. H., 345 Richmond Av. Polokoff, C, Prudential Bldg. Ravnitzky, Jacob, 274 William Raych, B. I., 15 Eureka PL Rosing, Jacob, 326 William Rubenstein, E., 613 Erie Co. Bk. Bldg. Ruslander, D., Erie County Bk. Bldg. Sapowitch, J. A., 196 Walnut Saylin, Dr. G. J., 264 Spring Schaffer, B. N., 396 Lafayette Av.. Sehanzer, Sigmund, 672 William Sernoffsky, B., 569 Auburn Av. Sernoffsky, Dr. I., 645 W. Delavan Shapiro, T., 203 Walnut Shroder, M., 710 Auburn Av. Siegel, M., 295 Walnut Siegel, S., 295 Walnut Simon, D. H., 997 Filmore Smertenko, J., 198 Monroe Storroff, M., 34 Bedwell Pk. Stulberg, J., 775 Fillmore Av. Sugarman, I., 593 Linwood Av. Sukernek, L., Jr., 145 Richmond Av. Sunday School Temple Beth El., 151 Richmond Av. Swiados, Jos. H., 329 Pratt LUlman, Dr. J., 400 Franklin Wallens, Marcus, 327 E. Eagle Weintraub, Max, 320 Pratt Weiss, Morris, 719 W. Delevan Av. Wile, H., Ellicott & Carroll Wolfsohn, Dr. M. D., 165 William Yellen, J. S., 291 Cedar Yellen, M. M., Brisbane Bldg. Zackheim, J. B., 313 William Goldman, Isaac Slavin, J. H. Carthage Cedarhurst, L. I. Roman, P. S., Summit Av. Schwartz, A.,

101 478 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [New York Centreville Station Lipman, Samuel, 736 W. 181st Rothenberg, I. Coney Island Dubroff, Dr. I., 3327 Mermaid Av. Plaut, Geo. W., 439 Neptune Av. Shapiro, S., 2847 W. 31st Cortland Kaplan, B., 42 Church Crestwood LIBRARY MEMBER Shiman, Abraham Delmar Zippin, C, Box 5 DolgevtHe Samuels, A. E., Main Dunkirk Aronson, Eli, 48 W. 4th East Elmhurst Perlo, Saml. Eggcrtsville Coplon, Joseph Ellen ville Albert, A., 78 Center Elmhurst Startz, Dr. I. S., 43 21st Elmira Council of Jewish Women, 314 Madison Av. Eckstein, Rabbi M., 218 Wash. Epstein, Charles, 410 E. 2d. Goldstein, H., 106 Dewitt Av. Levine, Samuel, 501 Euclid Av. Levy, Ben. F., 454 W. Water Markson, Leon, 358 W. 2d Pierre, D. H., 753 E. Market Steele Memorial Library Y. M. H. A., Mechanics Socy. Bldg. Elmsford Morey, S. M., Hartsdale Rd. Starr, Hyman Far Rockaway LIBRARY MEMBER Sack, S., Greenwood Av. & Greenwood Ct. Barnett, S-, 1022 Gipson PI. Bauro, Dr. J., 1316 Sheridan Blvd. Davidson, P. W., 36 Seneca Denenholz, Mrs. J. H-, 1120 Neilson Av. Hecker, I., 1240 Seneca Landman, Rev. I., 1380 Cedar Av. Lichter, Rev. Dr. B., 1413 Hude Lidz, I., 1160 Neilson Av. Melamed, Rev. Dr. R. H., 1295 Central Av. Rosenfield, Abner B., Kensington Garden Rubin, Max, 99 Gibson PI. Sivin.'S., 1137 Neilson Av. Sokolski, A., Trist PI. Solomon, I., 145 Cedar Av. Steiner, S. J., 60 Gibson Place- Zucker, H. D., 1520 Point Breeze PI. Ferndale Hirsch, L. Flushing Bach, J. J., 22 Whitestone Av. Richmond, H. R., 150 State Freeport Knapp, D. B., 18 Miller Av. Geneva Rich, Max, 136 High- Glen Cove Bessel, Saml. Jospe, Theo., 49 School Leven, A., Box 586 Lindheimer, Mrs. N. R. Glens Falls Marcus, S., 184 Ridge Solomon, G., 6 Elm Gloversville Bernstein, M., 9 Cayadutta Horwitz, W., 26 N. Judson Madora, S., 5 Market Moses, Joe, 52 1st Av. Moses, Ralph A., 37 1st Av. Tatar, M., 44 Steele Av Harrison Kugel, Harry J. Havcrstraw Adler, Henry, 15 Broadway Adler, Louis Hempstead Cohen, I., 47 Cathedral Av. Kaufman, L-, 45 Grand Av. Krotinger, A. D. Sack, L., 18 Main Herkimer Schermer, Benj., 328 N. Wash.

102 New York] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 479 Hudson Freinberg, Miss E., 23 N. 1st Kline, Samuel, 438 E. Allen Huntington Millman, Echiel M. Ithaca Blastein, H., 411 Cascadilla Roseman, E., 205 W. Buffalo Jamaica Elson, S., 11 Washington Grossman, M., 30 Hedges PI. Jamestown Davis, S., 35 Barrett Av. Greenberg, L., 312 E. 3d Klugsberg, J., 5 Roosevelt Sq. Lazarus, M. L., 67 Barrett Av. Minsker, E., 151 Foote Av. Weinstein, A., Fenton PI. Zuckerman, S., Jr., 19 Main Kingston Baker, Max, 58 St. James Blankfeld, Leon, 41 Down Klein, H., 288 Fair Oppenheimer Bros., 578 Broadway Stern, Dr. A. A., 20 Home Larchmont Burton, Theo. D., Cedar Av. Jacobson, G. S., 8 Bayard Lawrence Landman, Rev. I., Lord Av. Markowitz, Rabbi M., Fulton Liberty Antonowsky, Dr. B. S., 210 N. Main Rayevsky, Dr. Chas. Rozofsky, L., 32 N. Main Singer, Dr. E., 244 N. Main Little Falls Grieff, S., 93 Prospect Long Island City Albert, I., 60 Carver Dolcort, S., 385 Jackson Av. Glaser, M., 393 Jackson Av. Hamburger, S.B., 365 Jackson Av. Kopelman, Dr. I M., 307 Steinway Av. Rabinowitz, Dr. C, 532 Jamiaca Av. Roochvarg, E., Box 111 Steiner, G., 596 Jackson Av. Lynbrook LIBRARY MEMBER Cott, Lewis, Blossom Heath Inn. Manhattan Beach Feldman, L. B., 42 Amherst Massena Friedman, I., 15 Clark Kaplan, D. L. Kauffman, J. J. N., Main Landsman, H., 58 Liberty Av. Mallinson, J. I., 223 Main Nadler, N., 80 Center Shulkin, J., 150 E. Orins Slavin, S. B., 12 Water Weiner, A. I., 56 N. Main Middletown Hirschkorn, H., 13 Houston Av. Kirshenbaum, Dr. H., 125 Wickham Av. Monticello Marcus, J. Bway Novick, M. A. Rosenthal, Dr. J. M., 205 Broadway Mountain Dale Levine, Joseph, P. O. Box 404 Mount Vernon Davis, H. B., Chester Hill Pk. Davis, J., 121 Wallace Av. Essrig, Dr. J., 144 Urban Feist, Mrs. Leo., Coccoran Manor Fell, A., 248 S. 6th Av. Fertig, Max, 220 Rich Av. Friedman, H. S., 352 Franklin Av. Fromm, Mrs. J., 27 S. 7th Av. Gorflnkle, Rabbi J., I. 319 N. Fulton Av. Heymann, Mrs. M., 141 Wallace Av. Kitt, P., 72 S. 4th Av. Lubetkin, Ph., 238 Claremont Av. Mann Leon, 32 Winfield Av. Marcuse, M., 20 Pearl Margolis, Rabbi E., 129 Urban Oleet, I., 311 S. 3d Ay. Robinson, M., 109 Primrose Av. Robison, Mrs. G. J., N. Columbus Av. Sachs, J. D., 355 Summit Av. Samuels, Mrs. I., Westchester Villa Schafler, M., 106 Primrose Av. Sims, B., 276 Claremont Av. Tausend, Felix, 52 Winfield Av. Temple Sinai Library, 211 E. Lincoln Av. Trivers, N., 110 Wallace Av. Wall, Max, 280 Rich Av. Zeitlin, Mrs. S., 418 Homestead Av. New Brighton Isaacs, C. D., 320 Bement Av. Lasker, P., 72 Winter Av. Scheinberg, C. T., 42 Westervelt Av. Spitaer, H. L., 163 Westervelt Av.

103 480 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [New York Newburgh Fatt, H., 63 Liberty Gibbs, Bros., 60 Montgomery Gottlieb, I., 123 Water Herman, H. F., 68 2d Hirschberg, M. H. Kempler, R. & A., 86 S. Water Loewenberg, Rabbi Wm., 3 Catherine Reeback, J., 40 Liberty Stern, F., 193 Grand New Rochelle LIBRARY MEMBERS Amdur, N. W., 120 Broadview Av. Elbert, A., 554 Webster Av. Berdich, J., 9 Bridge Bloom, L., 86 North Av. Cohen, Nathan, 16 Hickory Grant, Adolph, 131 Lockwood Av. Heyman, Mrs. O., 26 Slocum Lesser, George, 1707 Mayflower Av. Potter, S. A., 133 Lockwood Av. Prince, J. Rosett, Mrs. F. S., 11 Sound View Av. Sampter, Miss J. E., 245 Beechmont Drive New York City LIFE MEMBERS Buttonweiser, J. L., 200 5th Av. Elkus, Abram, I., Ill Broadway Fischel, Harry, 118 E. 93d Goodhart, P. J., 21 W. 81st Lamport, S. C, 333 Central Pk. W. Levy, Aaron J., 307 E. Broadway Marshall, Louis, 47 E. 72d Naumberg, E., 48 W. 58th Schiff, Mrs. Jacob H., 52 William Schiff, Mortimer L., 52 William Schweitzer, P. J., 109 Broad Straus, Hon. Oscar S., 42 Warren Sulzberger, C. L., 516 West End Av. Warburg, Mrs. F. M., th Av. Warburg, Felix M., th Av. Wiesen, Max, 640 Riverside Dr. FRIEND Schiff, Mrs. Jacob H., 965 5th Av. PATRONS Beth El Sab. School, 5th Av. & 76th Brown, J. C, 15 Park Row Cohen, Jos. H., 30 E. 33d Erlanger, Hon. Abraham, 50 W. 54th Erstein, B., 50 W. 75th Goldman, Julius, 132 E. 70th Guggenheim, Daniel, 120 Broadway Guggenheim, Sol. R., 120 Broadway Hays, Daniel P., 115 Broadway Katz, Eugene, 895 West End Av. Lehman, Hon. Irving, 51 Chambers Lissberger, Miss A. L., 302 W. 86th Lowenstein, B., 5 E. 93d Ochs, Adolph S., 308 W. 75th Robbins, B. R., 12 W. 23rd Robertson, L. J., 41 Spruce Unterberg, Israel, 90 Franklin Vogelstein, L., 570 Park Av. LIBRARY MEMBERS Arkush, R., 345 W. 88th Berlin, Irving, 30 W. 70th Bernheimer, Leopold A., 7 E. 57th Berolzheimer, Emil, 703 E. 13th Bob, H. D., 40 Leonard Bondy, E. L., 317 W. 99th Brandon, I., Ardsley-on-Hudson Bril, I. L., 146 W. 111th Butler, I. L., 56 E. 87th Cohen, Simon, 206 Broadway Curiel, H., 420 W. Bway Dettelbach, M., 354 4th Av. Educational Alliance, E. Bway. & Jefferson Eichberg, Mrs. S., 65 Nassau Eisemann, E., 63 W. 38th Elman, S., 2345 Broadway Erlanger, A. L., 214 W. 42d Erlanger, M. L., 260 W. 72d Feiner, B. F., 66 Pine Fischbein, L., 562 W. 113th Fischman, Wm., 15 E. 26th Fox, Geo. I., 164 W. 25th Frank, J. J., 680 West End Av. Frankel, F., 37 W. 37th Freudenheim, H. W., 410 Riverside Dr. Friedkin, Israel, 77 Bowery Friedman, I. M., 219 W. 81st Friedman, J., Jr., 680 West End Av. Gainsburg, I., 258 Broadway Glass, M. L., 10 Pinehurst Av. Glemby, Harry, 12 E. 22d Goldsmith, A., 36 W. 69th Goodfriend, M., 274 W. 113th Gottlieb, I., 945 West End Av. Guggenheim, Simon, 22 E. 47th Guggenheim, Wm., 833 5th Av. Guinzburg, Mrs. Victor, 21 W. 89th Hamburger, Saml. B., 2 Rector Harrison, A. E., 349 W. 72d Hebrew Actors Club, 108 2nd Av. Hebrew Orphan Asylum, 1560 Amsterdam Av. Heb. Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society 229 E. Broadway Heller, I. P., 846 Manida Hendricks, H. S., 128 Broadway Herbst, J. H., 870 Riverside Dr. Herzog, S. A., 64 E. 86th Hurewitz, M., 2 W. 88th Ind. Order Free Sons of Israel, 200 5th Av. Israel, Leon, 667 Madison Av. Jaffe, M., 130 W. 25th Johl, H., 271 Central Park, W.

104 New York] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 481 Joseph, M. N., 545 Broadway Jurist, Benj., 73 Vesey Kahn, Louis, 170 Broadway Kahn, O. H., 54 William Kapell, M., 585 Broadway Kaplan, Dr. I. I., 1155 Park Av. Kastor, A., 14 W. 70th Kohns, Lee, 38 E. 52d Kohnatamm, E., 175 W. 72d Kohnstamm, Jos., 320 Central Pk. W. Koplik, C. M., 600 W. 116th Krieger, A. S., 51 E. 96th Lachman, S., 35 Nassau Lamport, A. M., 590 West End Av. Lamport, S., 1 W. 93d Lehman, A., 31 W. 66th Levine, E. J., 55 5th Av. Levy, W., 202 Riverside Drive Libman, J., 333 7th Av. Liebovitz, S., 31 W. 89th Lipetz, A. I., Woolworth Bldg. Louis, Harry J., 45 E. 17th Lurie, I. J., 57 2nd Av. Marcus, B. K., 574 West End Av. Marqusee, J., 141 Water Marx, Jos. L., 242 4th Av. Mayer, Otto L., 164 Water Meltzer, Mark C, 76 William Meyer, Jr. E., 14 Wall Miller, N. J., 120 Broadway Monfried, M., 2366 Gd. Concourse Morgenthau, H., 30 W. 72d Morrisons, Inc., 920 Broadway Moskowitz, I., 454 Ft. Wash. Av. Munk, Otto, 575 Riverside Drive Naitove, Samuel, 725 Bway Nathan, C. S., 46 W. 83d Nathan, Edgar J., 127 W. 74th Newburger, Joseph E., 1 W. 70th Oelbaum, Alex, 264 Riverside Dr. Oelbaum, Max, 373 Broadway Ottinger, Moses, 23 W. 75th Faskus, Martin, 2 Rector Phillips, M., 260 Ft. Wash. Av. Platzek, Hon. M. Warley, 171 W. 71st Polack, I., 249 Pearl Popper, Wm. C, 106 Central Pk. W. Portugal, I., 80 4th Av. Posner, L. S., 15 Broad Raisler, S., 202 Riverside Dr. Rheinauer, D., 31 E. 126th Rich, M. B., 66 Broadway Robinson, Dr. M. R., 950 Park Av. Rosen, H. B., 272 W. 90th Rosen, Jos. A., Croton-on-Hudson Rosenbaum, L. N., 82 Wall Rosenberg, M. H. t 41 Convent Av. Rosenblatt, A., 8725 Bay 27th Rosenwasser, H., 322 W. 100th Rothchild, Morris, H. 993 Park Av. Rubin, J. H., 271 Central Pk. W. Saks, H. A., 36 W. 86th Saxe, Sig., Ill W. 78th Selznick, L. J., 590 West End Av. Sherr, Irens, 546 Broadway Shiman, David, 87 Maiden Lane Siegel, J., th Av. Silberetein, Abr., 315 Central Pk. W. Silberstein, E., 350 W. 88th Stern, Leopold, 68 Nassau Stern, Meyer, 325 E. 50th Straus, Jr. N., 13 W. 76th Strauss, Mrs. M., 401 West End Av. Strauss, Samuel, 21 E. 82d Strauss, S., 34 University PI. Stroock, Louis S., 525 West End Av. Stroock, S. M., 141 Broadway Teschner, Dr. J., 134 E. 61st Thurman, I. N., 342 Madison Av. Unger, Henry W., 1239 Madison Av. Unterberg, D. W., 11 W. 86th Untermeyer, I., 483 West End Av. Wallach, M., 53 E. 80th Walter, Mrs. W. I., Hotel St. Regis Warburg, P. M., 17 E. 80th Wasseroogel, Hon. I., 244 E. 86th Weil, S., 196 Franklin Weinstock, Joseph, Pk. Row Wertheim, M., 5 Nassau Wiernik, P., 220 Henry Wilner, Max, 749 West End Av. Wimpfheimer, Chas. A., 456 4th Av. Winter, B., 725 Riverside Dr. Wise, E. E., 550 Park Av. Wise, Geo., 130 5th Av. Y. M. H. A., 148 E. 92d Zimbalist, Efrem, 315 W. 100th Zinke, A. U., 129 W. 97th Aaronson, J., 75 Leonard Aaronson, M., 187 E. Broadway Abbend, Max, 138 Reade Abel, Dr. S., 1525 Madison Av. Abelson, Dr. P., 1 W. 101st Aber, Dr. S. S., 33 W. 42nd Abraham, Dr. S., 10 Pinehurst Av. Abrahams, H., 856 Elsmere PI. Abrahams, Dr. R., 260 W. 72nd Abrahams, S., 41 Park Row Abrahamson, H., 260 Riverside Dr. Abramson, N. M., 1674 Bway Abramson, Wm., 977 Intervale Av. Ackerman, H. H., 1417 Prospect Av. Addelston, Dr. W. M., 73 E. 92d Ader, Dr. Jos., 314 E. 3d Adler, I. J., 725 Riverside Dr. Adlerblum, I. S., 1 Madison Av. Adlerstein, I., 844 Dawson Ahrend, D. H., 52 Duane Aine, I. S., 659 Morris Pk. Av. Alexander, B., 220 5th Av. Alexander, I., 34 W. 116th Alkan, Milton, 377 4th Av.

105 482 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [New York Allen, Isaac, 132 Nassau Allmayer, E., 83 Crosby Alperin, S., 82 E. 7th Alperstein, A., 16 Mt. Hope Plaza Alpert, I., 960 Av. St. John Altschul, B., 464 Riverside Dr. Amdur, J. M., 21 W. 4th Amdur, M., 21 W. 4th American Jewish Congress, 1 Madison Av. Amster, Henry, 746 St. Nicholas Av. Ancholowitz, Wm., 204 6th Andron, J. L., 952 Whitlock Av. Antakolsky, J. G., 1126 Fox Antin, B., 299 Broadway Apfel, Chas., 35 Nassau Appelbaum, Dr. C, 833 E. 167th Appelbaum, M. J., 43 W. 24th Appleton, Wolf, th Av. Arens, M., 261 Bway Arnoff, N., 405 W. 117th Arnstein, A., 1125 Madison Av. Arnstein Bros. & Co., 170 Broadway Arnstein, Simon, 170 Broadway Aronin, M., 276 7th Av. Aronson, D., 268 West End Av. Aronson, Rabbi D., 11 W. 118th Aronson, H. E., 24 Peck Slip Aronson, M. M-, 112 Spring Aronson, P. N., 272 W. 90th Aronstam, S., 359 E. 156th Aronstein, Dr. Wm., th Av. Arzt, Rabbi Max, 358 E. 8th Asch, Dr. A. J., 331 Madison Av. Ascheim, M. J., 61 E. 86th Ascher, Mrs. M., 895 West End Av. Aserinsky, Dr. B., 72 Madison Ash, Mark, 92 William Asinof, M., 575 West End Av. Atkins, Ira S., 89 Delancy Atlas, Harry, 556 W. 140th Atlass, A. C, 242 Madison Av. Auerbach, Z., 92 St. Nicholas Av. August, R., 543 W. 146th Axelbaum, S., 1100 W. Forais Rd. Bache, L., 220 Bway Bachrach, H., 50 E. 96th Bader, Dr. David, 115 2d Baegel, Dr. Max, 24 Montgomery Baitler, Simon, 395 Broadway Bakst, Dr. Jos., 1107 Hoe Av. Balagur, M., 245 W. 113th Balloll, Geo. H., 1598 Park Av. Banner, E., 33 Spruce Barnett, B. A., 54 White Barnett, I. M., 66 Gold Baron, D., 251 W. 89th Barondess, Jos., 80 Maiden Lane Bashlow, J., 41 St. Nicholas Ter. Basil, M., 36 St. Marks PI. Baskin, Pavid, 185 6th Av. Baskin, Harris, 185 6th Av. Baskind, Louis, 200 W. 113th Bassman, Morris, 783 Beck Baumgart, I., 928 Broadway Bayer, Saul, 1047 Morris Av. Becher, Morris M., 538 W. 143d Beck, H., 64 Fulton Beck, I., 82 Beaver Beckhardt, M., 64 E. 122d Behrman, M. H., 210 W. 44th Belais, H., 102 W. 75th Beline, Elie, 1452 Bryant Av. Bendheim, S., 29 Broadway Benedek, M. H., 1133 Bway Benenson, Ben]., 787 E. 176th Benjamin, J., 861 Macey PI. Benkovitz, R., 597 Bway Bennenson, R., 265 E. 197th Bennett, J., 507 E. 139th Bennett, M. L., 104 5th Av. Benyunes, J. De. A., 495 West End Av. Bereano, Dr. P. L., 1316 Fulton Av. Berg, Max, 949 Broadway Berger, Dr. I. S., 870 E. 170th Berger, S., 2537 Valentine Av. Berger, S. A., 56 E. 87th Bergman, B. A., 149 W. 12th Berkowitz, M., 596 Broadway Berkson, H., 48 Greenwich Berlin, Alfred, 1199 Eastern Parkway Berliner, Ephraim, 66 W. 118th Berlinger, Dr. R., th Berman, C, 758 Kelly Berman, L. E., 677 W. 204th Bernard, M., 200 W. 113th Bernbaum, B., 320 Broadway Bernhardt, J., 418 E. 84th Bernheimer, Dr. C. S., 2612 Bway Bernstein, B., 960 Prospect Ac. Bernstein, B., 299 Bway Bernstein, H. B., 405 W. 117th Bernstein, H. W., 1295 Fulton Av. Bernstein, Dr. I. I., 780 E. 169th Bernstein, M., 1502 Crotona Pk. E. Bernstein, P., 1472 Broadway Bernstein, P., 521 W. 175th Bernstein, Saml., 3875 Bway Bernstein, Saul, 149 Broadway Bers, Jos. L., 10 Desbrosses Berwald, A., 715 Riverside Drive Berzinsky, S., 186 Ludlow Bierman, J. J., 1494 Crotona Pk., B. Bierman, L., 39 W. 118th Bijur, Hon. Nathan, 160 W. 75th Bilgore, Ua'vid, 261 Wash. Binder, Abe W., 231 W. 120th Bing, Alexander M., 1155 Park Av. Birkhahn, Dr. A. M., 523 W. 112th Biscow, Charles, 333 7th Av. Black, M. J., 353 4th Av. Blankfort, Henry, 80 5th Av. Blau, William, 40 Av. C. Blauner, I., 272 W. 90th Blaustein, Joseph, 174 2nd Av.

106 New York] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 483 Blechman, Rabbi Nathan, 56 E. 122d Blechman, Simon, 502 Bway. Bloch, Arthur, 944 Park Av. Bloch, Harry, 214 Audubon Av. Bloch, Rev. Dr. J., 346 E. 173d Bloch, M. E., 783 Beck Bloch Publishing Co., 26 E. 22nd Bloch, Simon, 49 E. 88th Bloch, S. A., 121 E. 125th Block, A. J., 1025 Lexington Av. Block, Dr. Isaac, 1845 Madison Av. Block, J. W., 186 5th Av. Block, J. L., 105 W. 120th Bloom, Abraham, 912 Broadway Bloom, H., 808 West End Av. Bloom, H. I., 23 W. 70th Bloom, Rev. I. M., 559 W. 164th Blumberg, S., th Av. Blumenkranz, Dr. I. J., 234 Rivington Blumenstock, M., 619 W. 163d Blumenthal, M. B., 35 Nassau Blumenthal, S., 305 W. 90th Blumgart, L., 325 West End Av. Bob, Maurice H., 425 Broadway Bodner, Dr. H., 1650 Lexington Av. BoemerwalH, I. I,., 164 W. 29th Bogart, Bernard, 92 St. Nicholas Av. Bogart, John, 63 Park Row Bogen, B. D., 4 W. 101st Boorstein, Dr. S. W., 529 Courtland Av. Booth, R., 129 W. 27th Borg, Sidney C, Hotel Chatham Borgenicht, L., 1115 Broadway Boskey, M., 55 William Bosniak, Rabbi J., 520 W. 188th Bosniak, M., 132 E. 112th Bossowick, I., 809 Trinity Av. Boudin, J. B., 110 W. 40th Boudin, L. B., 110 W. 40th Bralower, Louis & Sons, 55 White Brand, Herman, 404 E. 48th Brand, I. H., c,o Sobel & Brand Brandt, Sol., 230 Riverside Drive Branower, Dr. Win, th Av. Braslau, A., 225 W. 86th Braun, Dr. J., 266 West End Av. Bregman, D., 129 W. 27th Breier, Benj., 481 Broadway Brenner, J., 60 Division Brentano, Mrs. F. I., 225 5th Av. Bresler, M. H., 507 Bway Bresler, S. L., 66 Ft. Wash. Av. Bressler, D. M., 91 William Bressler, Dr. J., 391 E. 8th Bressler, M. L., 833 E. 167th Brick, S. Chas., 870 E. 175th Brill, A. H., 825 W. 178th Brill, Max, 26 W. 17th Brilliant, I. N., 21 W. 111th Brinberg, Selig., 467 Broadway Brinn, S., Park Row Brodlie, J., 860 Union Av. Brodman, Dr. Hi, 186 Suffolk, Byrod, Nathan, 12 W. 27th Bromberg, A. J., 516 W. 174th Bromberg, Dr. B. B., 133 E. 34th Brooke, M. M., 149 Broadway Broom, S., 1312 Madison Av. Brous, Leonard, 134 W. 37th Brower, Dr. J. L., 43 St. Marks PI. Brown, Dr. A., 274 E. 10th Brown, A. A., 3 E. 117th Brown, David, 38 E. Broadway Browndorff, H., 1160 E. 12th Brucar, Dr. D., 251 E. 10th Bruckman, A., 21 Waverly PI. Bruner, S., 64 Fulton Buchdahl, M. G., 560 W. 163d Buchler, Rev. Dr. S., th Av. Bullowa, A. M., 981 Madison Av. Bullowa, Miss A. M., 148 E. 71st Bureau Jewish Social Research, 114 5th Av. Burstein, Dr. S. H., 343 E. 142d Burnstine, A. A., 306 W. 100th Butler, Max H., 945 Aldus Cahn, Arthur L., 43 Exchange PI. Calem, Jacob, 74 Delancey Caiman, Dr. M. S., 60 E. 108th Caplin, Abr., 1237 Bway Cardoza, B. N., 16 W. 75th Carlinger, J., 104 2d Av. Caspe, Dr. A., 210 E. Broadway Caspe, Dr. M., 73 W. 119th Celniker, Dr. S., J., 128 Lewis Chalmers, T. M., 2654 Marion Av. Chanania, I. Ph., 2095 Gd. Concourse Charnas, H., 268 W. 113th Charney, C, 5 W. 4th Chertoff, N., 51 Hamilton Terrace Cherurg, Dr. L., 911 Tiffany Chipkin, I. S., 210 W. 119th Chopak, Paul, 600 W. 116th Chorosh, Wm., th Chuck, R. H., 248 Audubon Av. Cinberg, Dr. M., 146 Stanton Cisin, Dr. M., 755 Beck Citron, J. H., 501 W. 143d Citron, Dr. G. B., 66 E. 111th Civic, Maxwell, 44 W. 28th demons, Miss Julia, 104 W. 70th Clurman, Dr. S. M., 1502 Crotona.Park, E. Coden, S., 437 Amsterdam Av. Cohen, A., 20 E. 97th Cohen, Dr. A. B., 347 5th Av. Cohen, Abr., 255 W. 90th Cohen, Benj. D., 53 E. 112th Cohen, Benno, 308 W. 94th Cohen, Chas., 507 Bway Cohen, Dr. David H., 865 Fox Cohen, E. A., 206 Broadway Cohen, Dr. H., 109 W. 111th Cohen, H., 530 Manhattan Av. Cohen, Dr. H. E., 27 Montgomery Cohen, H. E., 288 Grand

107 484 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [New York Cohen, H. & Sons, 38 W. 21st Cohen, I., 16 E. 96th Cohen, Jacob, d Cohen, I., 38 Ft. Washington Av. Cohen, J., 1049 Kelly Cohen, J. E., 666 E. 164th Cohen, Leo, 299 Bway Cohen, L., 853 St. Nicholas Av. Cohen, Morris, 102 Grand Cohen, Moses, 51 Chambers Cohen, S., 206 Bway Cohen, S., 590 Sest End Av. Cohen, Rabbi S. M., 531 W. 123d Cohen, Samuel, 233 W. 25th Cohen, S., 69 E. 121st Cohen, Solomon, 71 W. 23d Cohn, A., 25 W. 123d Cohn, Dr. A. E., 315 Central Pk., W. Cohn, Herman, 15 Park Row Cohn, Dr. I., 102 W. 119th Cohn, J. C, 982 Prospect Av. Cohn, Dr. S., 2018 Belmont Av. Cohn, Sol. A., 302 Broadway Colish, N. H., 253 Madison Conheim, Hermann, 70 H Pine Conning, Rev. J. S., 156 5th Av. Constad, Wm. W., 225 5th Av. Corn, J., 121 W. 27th Currick, S. F., 552 Riverside Dr. Dalidansky, L., 187 E. Bway Danis, Theo., 1264 Amsterdam Av. Danzig, H., 1350 Stebbins Av. Danziger, Mrs. M., 25 W. 71st Danziger, Mrs. Max, 11 E. 79th Daub, Wm., 810 Fox Dauber, J., 524 Broadway David Wolfson Zion Club, 433 Grand Davidoff, D., 61 W. 114th DavidBon, G., 174 2d Av. Davidson, Dr. Israel, 531 W. 123d Davidson, Jos. E., 49 Wall Davidson, M. P., 261 Broadway Davidson, Philip, 80 Maiden Lane Davis, A. M., 152 W. 118th Davis, Morton I., 949 Broadway Davis, Moses, University PI. Dazian, Henry, 144 W. 44th De Haas J., 50 Morningside Dr. De Lancey, J., 1018 Faile Derow, Dr. David, 24 E. 3d Deutch, Miss H., 114 5th Av. Deutsch, B. S., 1013 Faile Diamond, Dr. B., 1488 Wash. Av. Diamond, Dr. H., 257 2d Diamond, Henry, 11 E. Eldridge Diamond, Dr. J. S., 45 St. Marks PI. Diamond, Milton, 41 Park Row Dickheiser, S. J., 137 W. 110th Dickstein, Sam, 304 E. Broadway Dist, I. O. B. B., 2307 Broadway Dittenheim, W., 1131 Forest Av. Dittenhoefer, I. M., 32 Broadway DU, Henry A., 116 W. 14th Dlugasch, M., 233 Broadway Dobsevage, I. G., 2146 Vyse Av. Dobsevage, S. A., 148 E. 57th Dolowit, Dr. M. A., 158 W. 121st Dolowitz, A., 66 Bway Dorb, Abraham, 552 Riverside Dr. Dorfan, M. I., 1911 Prospect Av. Dorfman, L., 509 W. 110th Dorfman, R., 120 Delancey Doskow, Dr. S., 562 5th Av. Douglis, Charles, 826 Broadway Down Town Talmud Torah, 394 E. Houston Dretzin, B., 30 E. 33d Dreyfuss, J., 527 W. 110th Drob, Rev. Max, 47 Ft. Wash. Av. Drucker, M. A., 2311 Tiebout Av. Druckerman, Simon, 50 Canal Druskin, Dr. Louis, 127 W. 111th Dube, Newman, 657 Broadway Dubovsky, Dr. B., 207 W. 110th Dukas, Julius J., 335 Broadway Dushkin, Dr. A. M., 55 W. 86th Dvorkin, M., 3 W. 122d ' Dworetzky, M., 26 Ferry Dworsky, P., 53 E. 93d Ecker, Dr. M., 147 4th Av. Eckert, Dr. M. M., 1130 Union Av. Edelhertz, B., 400 W. 150th Edelman, S., 120 Broadway Edelstein, S. M., 257 W. 85th Edlin, Wm., 1841 Marmion Av. Edman, S., 414 W. 120th Ehrlich, Dr. Moses L., 233 E. 7th Ehrman, Isidor, 41 Park Row Einstein, S. E., 20 Broad Eiseman, Rev. A., 611 W. 156th Eisen, J. M., 151 W. 26th Eisenberg, I., 115 E. Broadway Eisenberg, J., 2062 Grand Av. Eisenberg, Jos., 305 5th Av. Eisenson, A. J., 697 Union Av. Eisler, I., 229 W. 97th Eisler, Sol. H., 261 Bway Eliassof, H. N., 9-13 Maiden Lane Elion, Dr. R., 1773 Madison Av. Elish, M. M. & Co., Inc., 29 Beekman Elsohn, Mrs. E., 934 E. 181st Elster, Dr. H. B., 175 Forsyth Elyachar, H. R., 52 W. 110th Emanuel Temple, School Com., 43d & 5th Av. Endel, Chas. W., 251 W. 98th Enelow, Rev. Dr. H. G., 521 5th Av. Engel, Wm. M., 115 W. 27th Engelman, Morris, 1837 Madison Englander, E., 189 Greene Englander, O., 302 Broadway Englander, P., Ill Bway Engler, B., 433 Broadway Eno, Mrs. Chas. H., 1046 Morris Av. Entmacher, C, 31 1st

108 New York] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 485 Epstein, A., 326 Central Park, W. Epstein, B., 725 Riverside Drive Epstein, D. H., 960 Whitlock Av Epstein, E., 461 Produce Exchg. Epstein, Ed., 1331 Madison Av. Epstein, H., 25 Beaver Epstein, Dr. H., 1456 Wash. Av. Epstein, Dr. H. J., 1738 Crotona Pk, E. Epstein, I., 954 Jenning Epstein, J., 105 E. 29th Epstein, M. S., 638 W. 160th Epstein, M. S., 140 W. 42d Epstein, M. W., 314 W. 100th Epstein, N. B., 1323 College Av. Epstein, S-, Hunter Greene Co. Erdman, A. J., 54 W. 53d Ernst, I. L., 151 W. 86th Eron, Jos. E. t 187 E. Bway Ettinger, D. A., 56 Norfolk Ettlinger, M., 124 W. 120th Exkert Dr. M. M., 1130 Union Av. Fabricant, L., 19 Park Place Falk, L. A., 5 W. 29th Falk, Saml., 338 W. 51st Farber, I., 1 E. 115th Farer, Isidor, 870 Macy, PI. Faust, Dr. I. S., 783 Prospect Av. Feder, H., 315 4th Av. Federman, M. J., 838 West End Av. Fein, M., 1370 Lyman PI. Feinberg, A. W., 280 Madison Av. Feinberg, Benj. G., 515 W. 187th Feinberg, Jos., 968 Fox Feinberg, Max, 91 Mercer Feinberg, Sol., 51 Chambers Feinstein, A., 75 Spring Feinstein, A. L., 277 Broadway Feist, Max, 52 W. 38th Feitelson, Dr. J., 55 Delancey Feld, M., 835 Hunts Point Av. Feldman, Dr. I., 250 E. Broadway Feldman, M., C, 123 William Feldman, Rev. S., 160 W. 98th Felsenthal, J., 404 E. 48th Fensterstock, J., 70 Lenox Av. Ferber, Jacob, 115 W. 30th Feuerlicht, James, 83 Av. C. Fichter, Mrs. L., 562 W. 148th Fierst, Harry P., 7 Waverly PI. Fife, Elias, 115 W. 129th Fine, S., 200 W. 111th Fine, S. L., 519 W. 147th Finelite, A., 150 Nassau Fink, R., 601 W. 135th Finkelstein, Miss L. R., 1758 Walker Av. Finkelstein, Rabbi L., 631 E. 168th Finkelstein, Dr. M., 755 Dawson Finkelstein, N. B., 51 Chambers Finkelstein, N. B., 215 W. 98th Finkelstein, Sulim, 4 Wash. PI. Finkelstone, Ed., 214 W. 110th Finkelstone, M., 850 E. 161st. Fisch, Dr. G. G., 1298 Madison Av. Fischer, Jos., 115 Broadway Fischer, Julius, 45 Pinehurst Av. Fish, Nathaniel, 1051 Boston Rd. Fishbein, M., 562 W. 113th Fishel, Max, 230 Fifth Av. Fishman, Mrs. A., 239 E. 18th Fishman, Dr. J., 51 E. 117th Fishman, Louis, 28 W. 27th Flaxman, A., 72 Bowery Flegenheimer, A., 267 8th Av. Fleischman, S., 303 W. 107th Flexner, Bernard, 50 E. 41st Florea, M., 103 E. 123d Florin, Ph., 465 Broome Fluegelman, N., 260 Riverside Drive Fohs, F. J., 1000 Park Av. Fortgang, A., 336 Wash. Fortgang, G., 756 Trinity Av. Foster, M. C, 815 West End Av. Fox, Benj., 72 8th Av. Fox, Mrs. T., 67 E. 95th Fraenkel, O. K., 547 Riverside Dr. Frank, Louis J., 70 Jefferson Frank, M., 850 E. 161st Frank, M., 200 5th Av. Frankel, Dr. Julius, 218 E. 15th Frankel, Dr. Lee K., 1 Madison Av. Frankel, M., 42 Bway Frankel, W. B., 39 E. 31st Frankfurt, B., 1123 Broadway Frauenthal, Mrs. H. W., 160 W. 59th Frauenthal, Dr. H. W., 160 W. 59th Freedman, Mrs. B. L., 57 W. 55th Freedman, D. M., 7 E. 118th Freedman, Morris, 27 E. 95th Freedman, R., 1382 Prospect Av. Freidus, M., 210 Center Freidus, Sol., 516 5th Av. Freiman, L., 302 Broadway Frenkel, Emil, 8 E. 81st Freundlich, I., 286 Ft. Wash. Av. Frey, Dr. D. I., 1590 Washington Av. Frey, S. S., 50 W. 77th Friedenberg, Saml., 2176 Grand Concourse Friedland, Dr. E. J., 530 Willis Av. Friedlander, M., 5 W. 75th Friedman, A., 108 E. Broadway Friedman, C, 894 Riverside Dr. Friedman, E., 492 E. Houston Friedman, Dr. E. D., 74 E. 91st Friedman, F. B., 871 E. 164th Friedman, H., 134 W. 29th Friedman, I., 256 Grand Friedman, Jacob H., 132 Nassau Friedman, L. M., 200 W. 111th Friedman, Dr. L. M., 318 E. 4th Friedman, M., 1454 Gd. Concourse Friedman, M., 155 Riverside Drive Friedman, Max, 55 Liberty Friedman, S., 36 E. 31st Friedman, S. A., 132 Nassau

109 486 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [New York Friedman, Saml. D., 255 W. 98th Frisch, Rabbi E., 140 Claremont Av. Fromberg, H. G., 320 Bway Fromberg, H. G., 320 Bway Frost, S., 236 E. 5th Fuchs, Max, 284 E. 2d Fuerst, W. F., 87 Nassau Fuerth, J. M., 621 Broadway Furgatch, S. H., 915 Prospect Av. Furman, Edw. I., 625 W. 156th Furman, Leo S., 625 W. 156th Galinko, Philip, 5 E. 16th Ganz, S. H., 150 Nassau Garbat, Dr. A. L., 71 E. 91st Garfunkel, A., 145 W. 119th Garmesey, J. H., 51 Chambers Geiger, Chas., 602 W. 157th Geller, H. J., 2153 Amsterdam Av. Genn, S. B., 57 E. 110th Gerber, Dr. J., 346 E. 10th Gerber, J. A., 309 Bway Gettenberg, Dr. S., 251 E. 119th Gettenberg, Dr. S., 1861 Madiaon Av. Gettinger, Dr. J. H., 729 Kelly Getz, M., 140 W. 44th Gilman, Jacob, 116 Nassau Gimbel, Mrs I., 771 Madison Av. Ginsberg, Sol., 621 Bway Ginsburg, M., 1890 Crotona Parkway Ginsburg, Max, 119 Wooster Ginzberg, Dr. L., 568 W. 149th Gisnet, Morris, 1482 Broadway Gitelson, M. L., 1532 Minford PI. Gitterman, J. L., 215 E. 22d Glauber, M., 21 Claremont Av. Glenn, Max G., 1 Attorney Glick, B., 454 Riverside Dr. Glickman, P. S., 203 W. 113th Gluckman, Max, 826 Broadway Glucksman, H. L., 385 Edgecombe Av. Glucksman, J., 220 W. 42d Goetz, I., 55 W. 27th Goldberg, H. M., 609 W. 110th Goldberg, Henry, 46 E. 14th Goldberg, I., 936 E. 178th Goldberg, M., 555 Cauldwell Av. Goldberg, Dr. M. A., 292 E. Bway Goldberg, P., 108 W. 34th Goldberg, Wm. H., 251 W. 95th Goldberg, Z., 85 E. 99th Goldberger, Dr. A., th Av. Golde, Louis, 574 West End Av. Golde, Morris, 35 W. 87th Goldenberg, D., 55 W. 17th Goldenberg, Dr. M., 155 W. 177th Goldenberg, Dr. M. L., 941 Av. St. John Goldner, L., 498 W. 33d Goldfarb, Prof. A. J., College City of N. Y. Goldfarb, D. E., 35 Nassau Goldfarb, H., 2100 Mapes Av. Goldfarb, P., 302 Broadway Goldin, Rev. L. Z., 18 E. 120th Goldman, Dr. A., 1446 Prospect Av. Goldman, B., 702 Broadway Goldman, S., 23 W. 4th Goldman, Wm., 58 E. 83d Goldner, L., 498 W. 33d Goldsehmidt, H. E., 2 Pinehurst Av. Goldsmith, A., 33 Gold Goldsmith C. R., 885 West End Av. Goldsmith, M., 754 E. 161st Goldsmith, M., 353 W. 85th Goldsmith, S. A., 839 W. 179th Goldsmith, S. J., 151 Central Pk., W. Goldsmith, S. M., 302 Convent Av. Goldstein, B., 176 Madison Av. Goldstein, C, 18 White Goldstein, E., th Av. Goldstein, Rabbi H. S., th Goldstein, J., 654 W. 161st Goldstein, J. J., 72 Madison Goldstein, Max, 48 W. 25th Goldstein, S. E., 552 Riverside Dr. Goldstein, Dr. Wm., 2146 Hughes Av. Goldston, A., 105 W. 72d Goldwasser, J. E., 345 4th Av. Goldwater, Dr. A. L., 141 W. 121st Goldwater, Dr. S. S., Mt. Sinai Hospital Goldzier, Morris, 63 W. 38th Golub, J. S., 936 Hoe Av. Goodfriend, Jacob, 305 W. 100th Goodman, A., & Son, 640 E. 17th Goodman, Abr., 33 Essex Goodman, Dr. A., 63 St. Marks PL Goodman, E., 19 E. 105th Goodman, S. A., 1328 Bway Gordon, Bernard, 198 Broadway Gordon, D., 50 W. 112th Gordon, David, 132 Nassau Gordon, G. S., 3440 Broadway Gordon, H., th Av. Gordon, J., 1123 Broadway Gordon, Dr. N., 1720 Madison Av. Gordon, Phineas, 53 St. Marks PI. Gosslar, E., 255 W. 90th Gottfried, Felix, 749 Jennings Gottheil, Dr. R. 417 Riverside Drive Gotthelf, P., 26 E. Union Sq. Gottlieb, J., 728 Woolworth Bldg. Gottschall, Louis, 44 W. 96th Gottschall, S., 15 Claremont Av. Grabelsky, Mrs. B., 319 W. 99th Grabelsky, Jos., 78 5th Av. Grabenheimer, N., 2643 Broadway Graef, A., 143 W. 111th Graff, Ab., 29 Canal Granet, Dr. Adolph, 62 E. 91st Granowitz, J., 163 Henry Grant, D. I., 35 Mt. Morris Pk., W. Green, Jos., 484 Grand Greenbaum, D., 299 Bway Greenbaum, L. S., 2 Rector Greenbaum, Hon. Saml., 2 E. 94th Greenberg, Dr. D., 1220 Grand Concourse

110 New Yorkl JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 487 Greenberg, D. B-, 838 Columbus Av. Greenberg, Dr. Geza, 120 E. 34th Greenberg, H., 43 Suffolk Greenberg, Harry, 286 Broome Greenberg, Louis E., 2136 Clinton Av. Greenberg, M., 99 Nassau Greenberg, Morris, 325 E. 4th Greenberger, M., 568 W. 192d Greenblatt, P., 233 Broadway Greenblatt, S., 822 Broadway Greene, D., 825 W. 179th Greene, I. M., 220 Bway Greenebaum, S., 562 W. 148th Greenfield, N. C, 1372 Broadway Greenhaus, Joel, 316 E. 22d Greenhill, Jos., 1654 Weeks Av. Greenhut, J. B., 325 West End Greenstein, M., 206 W. 29th Greenwald, I., 317 E. 57th Gribbin, Angel, 229 E. Broadway Grinberg, Dr. L., 141 W. 110th Grollman, J. W., 1041 Kelly Gronich, Anton, 305 Broadway Gross, J., 160 Bway Gross, Leopold, 25 Beaver Gross, Dr. S., 746 E. 5th Grossman, Ch., 149 Bway Grossman, M. H., 210 Riverside Drive Grossman, Rev. Dr. R., 1347 Lexington Av. Grossman, S. S., 446 Central Pk., W. Grossman, Dr. W., Ill E. 81st Grossman, Wm, 229 W. 97th Grumbach, L. J., 116 E. 78th Grunauer, R., 49 St. Nicholas Ter. Guelman, Dr. H., 245 E. 24th Guggenheim, Murry, 120 Broadway Guggenheimer, Mrs. J. C, 318 W. 100th Guggenheimer, Mrs. R., 923 5th Av. Guinzburg, Rev. T., 50 W. 77th Gutfreund, Hugo, 406 W. 43d Gutman, J., 252 W. 85th Gutman, Louis, 1186 Madison Av. Haas, S. A., 9 E. 48th Haber, Louis I., 508 W. Broadway Haberman, J., 132 Nassau Hafer, H. E., 287 Edgeeomb Av. Hahn, Julius, 124 Rivington Halle, L. J., 29 Broadway HBlpern, Benj., 2342 Ryer Av. Halprin, A., 47 Maiden Lane Hamburger, H., 86 John Hammer, A., 2081 Madison Av. Hammer, J. W., 1479 Wash. Av. Hand, Sol S., 124 W. 114th Hano, A. R., Ansonia Hotel Hano, Philip, Hotel Beleclair Harring, Paul, 600 W. 161st Harris, Abraham, 18 E. 106th Harris, Jacob M., 924 W. End Av. Harris, Rev. Dr. M. H., 418 Central Pk., W. Harris, M., 93 Hamilton Terrace Haskell, H., 501 W. 110th Hauswirth, Dr. L., 120 W. 86th Hazay, Dr. M. H., 152 E. 35th Hecht, Chas., 300 Madison Av. Hecht, Jacob, 166 E. 95th Hecht, Meyer, 8 Jacob Heckler, Dr. M. A., 323 E. 86th Hein, Mrs. H., 2 W. 88th Held, I. W., 3 E. 84th Held, Max, 891 Kelly Helfand, A., 800 E. 168th Helfat, J. N., 66 Ft. Wash. Av. Helfmani Dr. S., 616 W. 207th Heller, A. A., 68 Nassau Heller, Philip, 27 E. 21st Heller, Saml., 318 W. 100th Heller, Zachery, 507 Broadway Hemley, Fredk., 115 Broadway Hendricks, Mrs. Chas., 325 West End Av. Herbst, Dr. Louis, 142 W. 71st Herman, E., 150 E. 72d Herman, S., 40 E. 22d Hermann, Robt., 1 W. 93d Hermes, Esther E., 121 W. 114th Hernsheim, J., 307 W. 106th Herold, Jacob, 75 Leonard Herrick, A. J., 99 Nassau Hersch, A. L., 74 E. 114th Hershfield, Isidore, 99 Nassau Hershfield, Levi, Hotel Ansonia Hertz, Emanuel, 149 Broadway Herwit, S. T., 20 W. 31st Herzbram, H., th Av. Herzenberg Bros., 779 Broadway Heraog, Mrs. Jos., 808 West End Av. Heyman, D. M., 1 E. 56th Heymsfeld, N. A., 1477 Wash. Av. Hill, Dr. I. J., 72 Rivington Hill, M. C, 317 W. 92d Hillquit, M., 19 W. 44th Himmelstein, Dr. U., 51 E. 100th Himwich, Dr. A. A., 1871 Madison Av. Himowich, Nathan, 35 W. 110th Hirsch, Dr. Al, 407 E. 138th Hirsch, M. J., 160 Broadway Hirsch, Dr. Sol., 574 E. 141st Hirschfeld, Dr. D. B., 1843 Madison Av. Hirsh, Dr. A. B., 71 W. 94th Hirsh, Adolph, 56 John Hochberg, D., 30 Church Hochberg, Dr. M. B., 269 E. Bway Hodes, Hal, 556 W. 180th Hoenig, M. H., 64 Pitt Hoexter, J., 257 4th Av. Hoffman, Herman B., 331 W. 101st Hoffman, S. D., 66 Ft. Wash. Av. Hoffman, S. L., 138 W. 25th Hofheimer, H., 306 W. 94th Hollander, M. L., 37 7th Holoschutz, Ike, 200 W. 111th Holstein, Dr. A. L., 1615 University Av. Holtzoff, Alex., 27 Pine Holzbauer, F., 31 Walker

111 488 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [New York Holzman, M., 327 Church Honig, E., 377 Edgecombe Av. Honig, Jos., 1633 Madison Av. Honor, Leo L., 114 5th Av. Hoppenfeld, Harry, 907 S. Boulevard Horn, Dr. Benj., 1361 Madison Av. Horowitz, C, 1061 Hall PI. Horowitz, Jos., 597 E. 170th Horowitz, J. L., 320 Grand Horowitz, L., 369 B. 4th Horowitz, M. A., 71 E. 96th Horowitz, M. M., 46 Ft. Wash. Av. Horowitz, S. I., 373 E. 4th Horvitz, H., 250 Riverside Dr. Horwitz, B., 41 Pinehurst Av. Houdini, Mr. & Mrs. H., 278 W. 113th Housman, C. J., 20 Broad Huhner, Leon, 320 Central Pk., W. Hyans, L. J., 334 5th Av. Hymah, Dr. A., 144 E. 36th Hyman, Mrs. C, 16 W. 111th Hyman, Jos., 699 Eagle Av. Hyman, Mrs. Saml. I., 981 Park Av. Illoway, Dr. H., 1113 Madison Av. Isaacs, Lewis M., 52 William Isaacs, Stanley M., 505 5th Av. Isaacson, H. B., 930 Fox Isman, Felix, 501 5th Av. Israel, M. M., Blackstone Hotel Ittelson, Henry, 46 E. 82d Jablow, M., 391 Manhattan Av. Jacklowitz, S., 121 Chambers Jackson, H., 890 Irvine Jackson, J. H., 116 Nassau Jacobs, J. J., 235 W. 111th Jacobs, M. L., 245 Ft. Wash. Av. Jacobs, Ralph J., 37 W. 70th Jacobs, Dr. S. M., 1018 E. 163d Jacobson, H. L., 29 Bway Jacobson, J. G., 57 Worth Jacobson, Dr. N. B., 271 E. 169th Jacobson, Samuel J,, 51 Chambers Jacoby, A., 55 W. 27th Jane, Moses, 1170 Broadway Jahlon, J. M., 371 Edgecomb Av. Jais, J. D., 325 West End Av. Jalien, John J., 365 W. 118th Jalkut, Benj., 40 W. 20th Janko, Dr. N., 135 W. 123d Jarcho, Dr. J., 53 W. 110th Jarcho, M., 358 W. 31st Jasper, H., 2 W. 29th Javitz, M. P., 749 Trinity Av. Jedeikin, I., th Av. Jerskey, Dr. Abr., 118 W. 112th Jewish Agricultural & Aid Soc, 174 2d Av. Jewish Theological Seminary, 531 W. 123d Jewish Welfare Board, 352 4th Av. Joffe, J., 789 West End Av. Jonas, A., 32 W. 22d Jonas, L. C, 217 E. Fordham Rd. Joseph, L., 15 W. 107th Judson, S., 77 Bowery Jurist, Dr. D., 315 E. 79th Juster, Jos. A., 11 E. 26th Kadushin, M., 445 W. 124th Kahan, H. O., 153 Second Av. Kahan, M. J., 2 Av. A Kahn, Alex, 320 Broadway Kahn, H., 2112 Honeywell Av. Kahn, J., 203 W. 117th Kahn, J. M., 200 W. 113th Kahn, Dr. Max, 395 Ft. Wash. Av. Kaiden, Dr. M. H., 1200 Hoe Av. Kallen, Dr. H. M., 465 W. 23d Kalich, Bertha, 1400 Broadway Kalisky, Abr., 1548 President Kallen, Dr. H. M., 465 W. 23d Kalmanovitz, L., 143 Madison Av. Kanrich, S., 200 W. 111th Kantrowitz, Dr. B. A., 1018 E. 163d Kantrowitz, Dr. B. D., Ill E. Broadway Kantrowitz, J., 791 Lexington Av. ' Kaplan, Dr. A. P., 49 E. 7th Kaplan, Gustave, 663 Bway Kaplan, H., 1820 Trafalgar PI. Kaplan, J., 1271 Morris Av. Kaplan, Rev. M.M,1W. 89th Kaplan, Dr. P., 63 E. 114th Kaplan, S. M., 40 E. 83d Kaplan, Samuel, 2564 Creston Av. Kapp, I., 624 Hudson Karch, M., 35 Spruce Karmel, A., 35 W. 90th Karp, H., 1243 Wash. Av. Karp, Solomon, 961 Faile Kasdan, Meyer, 25 Vermilyea Av. Kass, Emanuel, 236 5th Av. Kassner, Moses, 15 Clinton Kassow, Dr. I. O., 861 Elsmere PI. Kastor, Sigmund, 109 Duane Katz, Dr. David, 200 W. 113th Katz, Jos. P., 181 E. Broadway Katz, Rabbi J., 945 E. 163d Katz, Rev. M., 107 W. 114th Katz & Stanler, 140K Stanton Katzel, L. J., 706 Fairmount PI. Kaufman, E., B. 19 E. 26th Kaufman, Edw., 115 Broadway Kaufman, H., 116 W. 23d Kaufman, H. B., 915 Fox Kaufman, Samuel, 935 E. 163d Kaufman, Wm., 615 W. 143d Kehlmann, H., 954 Hoe Av. Kehlman, Leopold, 330 E. 43d Kehlman, M., 1061 Hall PI. Kehlman, N. M., 23 W. 119th Kehlman, P., 229 W. 28th Keibel, Erich, 116 Broad Keller, Dr. M. D., 27 W. 114th Kempner, R., 215 4th Av. Kendall, Dr. H., 1364 Madison Av. Kern, R. M., 544 W. 150th Kesselman, R. D., 1 Madison Av.

112 New York] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 489 Kirech, J., 461 4th Av. Kishor, Jacob Ish., Order Sons of Zion Kleban, L. B., 1714 Crotona Pk., E. Kleban, S., 884 West End Av. Klein, D. E., 29 East End Av. Klein, Dr. David c,o College of City of N. Y Klein, E., 291 E. 4th Klein, H. H., 860 E. 161st Klein, Jacob, 664 W. 161st Klein & Vikol, 723 Lexington Av. Klein, Dr. W., 1413 Prospect Av. Kleinfeld, P. M., 1133 Bway Kleinman, Sol., 31 W. 31st Kliatshko, Dr. H. G., 232 Henry Kling, Dr. Jehiel, 924 E. 181st Klipper, M., 656 W. 162d Knapp, H., th Av. Knobel, M., 145 W. 30th Knopf, Saml., 220 W. 42d Koch, Jonas, 37 Maiden Lane Koch, M., 2061 Davidson Av. Koefler, Saml., 152 W. 42d Koenig, Hon. Saml. S., 27 Cedar Koenigsberg, B., 68 Pitt Koenigsberg, I., 170 Suffolk Kohler, Max J., 574 West End Av. Kohn, J., 65 Nassau Kohn, Rabbi J., 235 W. 110th Kohn, Sol., 277 Broadway Kohnstaum, E. V., Hotel Majestic Kohut, Rev. G. A., 220 W. 87th Kolodney, L, 224 Delancey Komito, I. O., 305 Bway Kommel, Aaron, 333 Central Pk., W. Kommel, N. A., 71 E. 96th Konovitz, Leah M., 749 Jennings Kopelman, B. E., 316 W. 97th Kopeloff, I., 620 W. 116th Koplowitz, P., 2008 Daly Av. Kopold, S., 700 Morris Pk., Av. Koppal, Dr. J., 954 2d Av. Korensky, M., 943 Whitlock Av. Korn, H., 924 West End Av. Kornbrodt, M. A., 1928 Richmond Ter. Kornfeld, A. E., 114 E. 71st Kornheim, J., 935 St. Nicholas Av. Kornreich, H., 356 Greenwich Kosiver, A. H., 1830 Clinton Av. Kossaw, Dr. M. I., 1318 Stebbins Av. Krakower, Dr. T. B., Ill W. 119th Krakowski, Dr. M., 1665 Washington Av. Krass, Rabbi N., 2370 Bway Kraushaar, Meyer, 51 Chambers Krengel, S., 68 Nassau Kresh, Robt., 458 Broadway Krieger, Mrs. S., 51 E. 96th Krinsky, H. J., 299 Bway Krinsky, Jacob, 18 E. Broadway Kruger, H. B., 2103 Vyse Av. Krulewitch, Harry, 416 W. 122d Krumbein, A., 106 Grand Kruskal, Dr. N., 2638 Marion Av. Kubie, Saml., 80 Wall Kugel, S. H., 165 Bway Kupferberg, F., 696 Bway Kursheedt, M. A., 302 Broadway Kurz, M., 781 Dawson Kutcher, Sam, 432 4th Av. Kutz, A., 291 Broadway Laemmie, Carl, 378 W. End Av. Lake, H., H Crotona Av. Lamport, A., 405 Bway Lamport, J. H., 76 W. 86th Landa, Dr. M. G., 281 E. Broadway Landau, Adolph B., 157 E. Bway Lande, M. B., 1200 Madison Av. Landres, S., 1200 Hoe Av. Landsberg, J., 11 W. 27th Landsman, S., 1380 Prospect Av. Landy, J., 680 St. Nicholas Av. Lane, L., 120 Broadway Lasdon, S. D., 640 W. 139th Lashinsky, Dr. I. M., 25 E. 112th Laski, L., 160 Broadway Lasky, S. D., 280 Bway Lasner, Isidore, 48 W. 4th Lattman, Dr. J., 1229 Park Av. Lauterbach, Ed., 22 William Lazaroff, M., 5 Wash. PI. Leavin, B., 640 W. 171st Le Bayer, M. J., 839 Kelly Lederman, M., 1472 Broadway Leff, J. H., 2536 Bway Lehr, I. A., 100 5th Av. Leibowitz, John L., 45 W. 25th Leichter, A., 464 Ft. Wash. Av. Leichtman, Max, 837 Cauldwell Av. Leiserson, L., 102 Madison Av. Leitman, Samuel, 116 W. 117th Leppert, Louis S., 149 Av. C Lerman, Charles, 55 W. 110th Lerner, Leo., 52 St. Marks PI. Leslie, Dr. R., 896 Tinton Av. LeRser, Henry, 305 Broadway Levensohn, Miss L., 435 W. 119th Levenson, Dr. B., 66 Essex Levenson, Jos., 243 Canal Levenson, M., 568 Bway Leventritt, Hon. David, 34 W. 77th Levey, Isaac, 3573 Broadway Levi, Jos. C, 216 W. 100th Levin, Harry, 132 Nassau Levine, A. M., 15 Broad Levine. David, 15 Waverly PI. Levine, Jos. M., 832 Manida Levine, Rabbi M., 1915 Daly Av. Levinger, Rabbi L. J., 410 Central Pk. W. Levinson, Chas., Ansonia Hotel Levinson, I., 467 Bway Levitsky, L. M., 405 W. 117th Levow, Benj., 971 Kelly Levy, A., 22 Mt. Morris Pk. W. Levy, A. A., 771 West End Av. Levy, Aaron Wm., 60 Wall

113 490 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [New York Levy, D., th Av. Levy, David N., 69 Nagle Av. Levy, E. B., 27 E. 73d Levy, Elias, 53 Canat Levy, Eugene N., Waverly PI. Levy, F., th Av. Levy, F., 110 William Levy, H., 797 U. 170th Levy, H., 129 E. 80th Levy, Isaac, B., 317 W. 99th Levy, J., 840 West End Av. Levy, Jacob, 35 Mt. Morris Pk., ~W. Levy, Julius, 5 Beekman Levy, L., 19 E. 22d Levy. Mrs. L. Napoleon, 18 W. 72d Levy, Meyer, 165 Bway Levy, R., 786 9th Av. Levy, S. L., 34 University PI. Levy, S. M., 20 Vessey Levy, Saml., 128 Bway Lewek, Kev. J. R., 690 8th Av. Lewi, Isidor, N. Y. Tribune Lewin, Leo, 25 Ft. Wash. Av. Lewine, F., 135 Bway Lewinson, Benno, 2880 Broadway Lewis, C. M., 262 W. 83d Lewis, I., 1370 W. 57th Lewis, I., 114 5th Av. Lewis, Isaac, 900 Riverside Drive Lewis, S. Jr., 417 E. 85th Lewisohn, Adolph, 61 Broadway Le Witter, Dr. Arnold, 1108 Times Bldg. Lhowe, Harold R., 526 W. 113th Liben, J., 32 W. 111th Liberman, Jos., 798 Fairmount PI. Liberman, Saml., 109 W. 26th Lichtenstein, L., 830 7th Av. Lichtenstein, S., st Av. Lichtman, M., 14 Schiff Pkway Lieberman, Dr. Leo, 130 W. 119th Liebovitz, E. J., 500 West End Av. Liebowitz, A., 75 Leonard Liebowitz, H. H., 885 West End Av. Liebson, Edw., 162 Norfolk Liff, Dr. J., 738 Kelly Lifshitz, J. S., 2075 Haveland Av. Lilienthal, S., 427 W. 154th Limon, Rev. Joel, 1498 Crotona Pk. LinHeld, H. S., 114 5th Av. Linker, John, 175 E. 79th Lipman, H. J., 220 Wadsworth Av. Lippit, M., 512 Bway Lipehitz, B., 303 Mercer Lipshitz, H. S., 867 Macy PL Lipshitz, I., 869 Macy PI. Lipton, Abr., 1010 Rogers PI. Lissman, Rev. Dr. Edw., 417 Riverside Dr. Littenberg, Dr. S. J., 957 Kelly Littman, H., 243 W. 46th Liverman, H., 24 W. 39th Loeb, J. F., 100 Broadway Login, Paul, 29 E. 21st London, Abr., 830 E, 163d London, Hon. Meyer, 276 E. Bway London, Monte, 55 Liberty London, S., Sherman Sq. Hotel London, Sol., 263 Front Long, Bernhard, 171 W. 71st Lorsch, Fannie, 266 Lenox Av. Louchheim, W. C, 111 Broadway Louis, Mrs. M. D., 9 Livingston PI. Lovin, I. D., 49 Lafayette Low, Samuel M., 945 Tiffany Lowenfeld, I., 2 Rector Lowenstein, S., 808 West End Av. Lowinson, Oscar, 6 W. 91st Lubarsky, S., 309 Bway Lubell, A. D., 158 E. 179th Lubell, A. P., th Av. Lubell, J. J., 502 Broadway Lubell, Morris M., 502 Broadway Lubell, S. L., 789 West End Av. Lurie, H. I., 664 W. 161st Lurie, Mrs. M., 278 E. Bway Lurie, Mrs. M., 1186 Madison Av. Mack, Harry, 52 William Mack, Hon. J. W. Woolworth Bldg. Mageses, Abe, 252 Broom Magida, A. S., 1336 Wash. Av. Magnes, Rev. Dr. J. L., 114 5th Av. Malin, J., 31 Bond Malsin, A., 24 W. 39th Malsman, A., 40 E. 19th Mandel, Max, 574 West End Av. Mandel, Max, 32 Orchard Mandel, S., 127 W. 26th Mandelbaum, Rabbi A. N., 145 Lenox Av. Mandelkern, I., 892 Prospect Av. Mandell, K., 90 West Mandelowitz, M., 923 Home Manithow, S. M., 64 E. Tremont Av. Mann, Saml., 1121 Forest Av. Manner, Miss J., 226 W. 70th Marcus, Nathan, 121 Canal Margaretten, Dr. I., 64 Av. D Margolies, Rabbi M. S., 1225 Madison Av. Margolis, A., 247 Church Margolis, Louis, 25 W. 112th Margolish, M. L., 627 Bway Margulis, A., 226 Broome Marion, Saml., 291 Broadway Markel, Max, 1326 Madison Av. Markell, J. L., 120 Bway Markewich, Saml., 51 Chambers Markowitz, R., 300 Water Marmor, C. K., c,o Jewish Forward Marrow, I. L., 55 White Marrus, Philip, 923 Barretto Martus, Mrs. A. S., 32 W. 114th Marx, Dr. A., 100 Morningside Drive Masliansky, P., 601 W. 160th Mayer, B., 5 Beekman Mayer, Hon. J. M., 25 E. 30th Mayers, Jacob, 25 E. 93d

114 New Yorkl JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 491 Mayers, J. N., 103 Essex Mayper, A. A., 149 Bway Mayper, Samuel, 51 Chambers Medalie, Geo. Z., 51 E. 129th Mehler, Aron, 51 Beach Mehlman, Dr. I. D., 79 Clinton Meinhard, M. H., 102 E. 101st Meirowitz, Dr. Phil., 601 W. 110th Meltsner, Chas. N., 501 W. 110th Meltsner, O., 268 E. Houston Meltzer, Harry, 46 E. 98th Mendelsohn, M., 43 Leonard Mendelssohn, J., 2111 Daly Av. Mendelson, Julius, 2-16 W. 33d Mendes, Rev. Dr. H. P., 2 W. 70th Mendoza, 1., 15 Ann Metzger, H. J., 12 W. 32d Meyer, H. D., 225 W. 86th Meyerowitz, A., 149 Broadway Meyers, A., 950 Whitlock Av. Meyerson, Ph., 1065 Boston Rd. Meyrich, Eli, 30 University PI. Michaelson, Ben. S., 200 5th Av. Michels, Solomon, th Av. Mikol, M., d Av. Milberg, Samuel, 30 W. 24th Milch, J., 146 Central Pk., W. Miller, C. A., 734 E. 160th Miller, Dr. D., 1771 Madison Av. Miller, Dr. G., 4 W. 129th Miller, H., 14 E. 120th Miller, Dr. I., 901 E. 172d Miller, Dr. I., 9 Delancey Miller, Dr. L., 76 Rivington Miller, N., 29 W. 30th Miller, S., th Av. Mindlin, H., 122 Bowery Mintz, Mrs. Sadie, 160 W. 95th Mirken, M., 636 Broadway Mirsky, Michael D., 116 W. 23d Mischkind, Rabbi L. A., 230 E. 176th Mitchell, L., 594 Bway Mitchell, S., 35 Mt. Morris Pk., W. Mittelman, Dr. J. H., 116 Columbia Moes, I., 160 Lenox Av. Moisseiff, Leon, S., 148 E. 57th Moolten, Dr. R. J., Aeolian Hall Morais, Rev. H. S., 23 W. 120th Morell, I., 123 Bleeker Morey, Samuel, 643 W. 172d Morgenstern, David, 26 W. 17th Morris, G., 1412 Wilkins Av. Morrison, I. D., 320 Broadway Morrison, I. S., 45 Maiden Lane Moses, D. K., 10 W. 30th Mosessohn, David N., 894 Riverside Dr. Moshkovitz, Dr. Z., 296 E. 3d Moskowitz, Dr. Henry, 147 E. 38th Moskowitz, Sol., 262 W. 149th Moss, A., 1161 Broadway Moss, Nathan, 16 Exchange Fl. Murzin, I., 148 Henry Mutterperl, Sol., 18 W. 18th Nadell, J. J., 235 E. 50th Nahemow, Louis, 15 Park Row Nahon, A. J., 59 E. 9th Nash, J., 893 Stebbins Av. Nash, S., 40 Lispenard Nashly, L., 46 Ft. Washington Av. Nathan, E. J., 120 W. 86th Nathan, Siegmund, 71 Nassau Naum, H. D., d Av. Nearman, B., 832 Whitlock Av. Neuburger, Max, 8 E. 94th Neulander, Rabbi J., 950 Leggett Av. Neuman, S., 302 W. 87th Neustadt, S., 927 5th Av. Nevard, Dr. J. D., 23 E. 88th Nevelson, B., 42 Bway. Nevins, A., 103 Park Av. Newberger, Lester M»., 100 Bway. Newburger, Afred H., 100 Broadway Newburger, S. M., 220 W. 87th Newman, I., 86 W. 119th Newman, Rabbi L. I., Columbia Univ. Newman, Dr. S. L., 263 Henry New York Public Library, 476 5th Av. Norden, J., 352 Central Pk., W. Noahpitz, I., 1471 Vyse Av. Novick, P., 41 Park Row Nusbaum, Myer, 51 Chambers Nusebaum, John D., 84 Rivington Ofsevitz, Miss S., 1656 Madison Av. Oichman, S., 29 Howard Ollendorf, I., 15 Maiden Lane Ornstein, Dr. M. E., 137 W. 110th Oshlag, Dr. J., 1060 Madison Av. Osserman, Simon E., 805 St. Nicholas Av. Ostrin, S., 106 Fulton Ottinger, Marx, 31 Nassau Paikotf, H., 452 Bedford Paleg, Dr. B., 1136 Clay Av. Palestine, Jacob, 48 W. 4th Palitz, S., 340 W. 86th PaskuB, Gasa, 103 Gold Pasternack, M. Municipal Bldg. Payson, H., 2 W. 86th Pell, L., 155 W. 44th Pereles, M., Flat Iron Bldg. Perla, Morris, 22 Lenox Av. Perlberg, Dr. E., 272 W. 125th Perlman, Max, 15 Park Row Perlman, Hon N. D., 445 E. 5th Perman, Samuel, 80 Maiden Lane Peyser, G. B., th Av. Pfeitter, Alex., 220 W. 98th Phillips, E. K., 252 W. 85th Phillips, L., 143 Keap Phillips, Max, 346 Broadway Phillips, Capt. N. T., 114 W. 74th Pincus, J. W., 741 Jennings Pines, Julius L., 217 Broadway Pinski, D., 773 Beck Piskosh, J., 3 E. 117th

115 492 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [New York Flaut, Leopold, 356 2d Av. Plonsky, Ezelriel, 524 Broadway Plotkin, B., 135 W. 26th Podolsky, D., 1242 Madison Av. Polak, Edw., 1806 Arthur Av. Pollack, H. C, 1 Madison Av. Pollack, J., 12 E. 22d Pollak, Chas. N., 1000 Park Av Pollak, S. B., 63 Park Row Pollock, Henry, W., 515 W. 110th Pompan, M. A., 38 Park Row Pool, Rev. Dr. D. de Sola, 102 W. 75th Posner, S., 667 W. 161st Pozarik, Simon, 242 W. 41st Prager, A. L., 105 William Prager, Wm., 2 Reclor Prashker, R., 315 W. 115th Preiser, Miss Edith, 169 Broome Preiss, Elias, 65 Ft. Wash. Prenowitz, S. L., 1601 University Av. Presman, B., 1808 Marmion Av. Pretzfeld, Mrs. E., 170 W. 74th Projector, Dr. H., 717 Kelly Propp, D., 302 E. 120th Propp, Morris, 122 W. 114th Proskauer, J. M., 23 W. 69th Pullman, Leo y 1034 Hoe Av. Pulver, S., d Av. Quat, Eflhron, 1680 Park Av. Quint, A., 314 W. 100th Rabinovitch, M. A., 1226 Evergreen Av. Rabinowitz, A., 55 W. 17th Rabinowitz, Aaron, 840 Broadway Rabinowitz, L. M. t 175 Wooster Rabinowitz, M., 10 W. 98th Rabinowitz, S., 149 Bway. Rachofsky, A., 116 W. 45th Radin, Harris J., 505 Claremont Pkwy. Radzyner, S., 785 Hewitt PI. Ratner, Aaron, 1804 Arthur Av. Ratner, Benj., 644 St. Pauls PI. Raymond, R., 62 E. Broadway Raymond, S. S., 338 Pearl Reader, Meyer, 238 Ft. Wash. Av. Redalieu, Dr. G., 571 E. 140th Reich, B., 838 West End Av. Reichler, Rabbi M., 860 E. 161st Reichman, Bros., 99 Canal Reimer, Sophie, 161 Henry Reinthaler, Dr. J. E., 22 W. 89th Reis, B., 418 Central Park, W. Reis, Bernard, 2147 Wash. Av. Reiser, A., 315 E. 103d Reissman, Dr. Irving I., 59 St. Marks PI. Reit, H. J., 3671 Bway. Religious School, Congr. Shaaray Tefila, 160 w! 82nd Relkin, Henry, 850 E. 161st Relkin, I- 649 Bway. Retzker, Michael, 101 W. 106th Reubens, R., 326 W. 83d Rich, B., 255 W. 108th Richards, B. G., 1 Madison Av. Richman, C, 463 Broadway Richman, Rabbi J., 46 Canal Richter, Max, 22 E. 94th Ricklin, I., 132 Mulberry Rieger, A., 1358 Brook Av. Rifkind, S. H., 463 E. 171st Riglander, J. W., 57 Maiden Lane Ringer, Dr. A. I., 141 W. 78th Ritter, Dr. R., 61 St. Marks PI. Ritter, Louis, th Av. Robenson, L. G., 803 Prospect Av. Robbins, B., 849 St. Nicholas Av. Robbins, H. G., 815 W. 119th Robbins, J. J., 317 W. 93d Robert, Saml., 906 Park Av. Roberts, Chas., 1404 Broadway Robins, J. H., 1932 Crotona Pkway. Robinsohn, Dr. D., 245 E. Bway. Robison, A., 137 W. 110th Robison, I., 26 W. 22d Robison, Louis, 26 W. 22d Rodef, Shalem Religious School. Rodgers, Dr. W. A., 161 W. 86th Roeder, S. M., 174 E. 95th Rogers, Chas. A., 11 John Rogers, G. A., 311 W. 84th Rogers, Mrs. H. Rogers, M. H., 912 Bway. Roggen, H., 653 Bway. Roggen, Julius, 1229 Park Av. Roggen, L. A., 653 Broadway Roggen, Sol., 381 4th Av. Rongy, Dr. A. J., 345 W. 88th Rorenthal, Wm., 611 W. 141 Rosalsky, Hon. Otto A., 225 W. 86th Rosansky, J. H., 80 St. Nicholas Av. Rose, L. S., 708 Broadway Rose, Mrs. S. W., 1 W. 94th Rose, Wm. R., 309 W. 81st Rosen, A. H., 128 Rivington Rosen, A. W., 1403 Grand Concourse Rosen, David, 23 Great Jones Rosen, Dr. I., 44 E. 51st Rosen, Jos., 44 E. 23d Rosen, Dr. S., 1091 Prospect Av. Rosen, S. S., 256 Greene Rosen, Samuel S., Hotel Monterey Rosenbaum, 1.1., 1454 Gd. Concourse Rosenbaum, Dr. M., 604 E. 5th Rosenbaum, S. G., 207 W. 24th Rosenberg, A., 1333 Broadway Rosenberg, A. J., 427 Ft. Washington Av. Rosenberg, Albert, V., 114 W. 27th Rosenberg, E., 346 Broadway Rosenberg, H. D., 333 7th Av. Rosenberg, H. L., 114 W. 27th Rosenberg, I., 1432 Crotona Pk., E. Rosenberg, J. N., 74 Bway. Rosenberg, L., 1341 Franklin Av, Rosenberg, Louis, 568 W. 149th Rosenberg, Louis Chas., 56 E. 87th

116 New York] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 493 Rosenberg, M. G., 408 W. 130th Rosenberg, S., 346 E. 67th Rosenberger, Carl, Belnord Apts. Rosenblatt, Mrs. J., 60 W. 120th Rosenblatt, L. C, 645 W. 35th Rosenblum, D., 185 Madison Av. Rosenfeld, B., 44 W. 85th Rosenfeld; Jessie, 1 W. 81st Rosengarten, Saml. D., 20 W. 20th Rosenmond, David, 540 W. 144th Rosensohn, S. J., 165 Bway. Rosenstock, Fannie, 57 E. 96th Rosensweig, C. S., 80 Maiden Lane Rosensweig, L., 219 E. 178th Rosenthal, H. H., 15 Park Row Rosenthal, Dr. I., 201 Henry Rosenthal, J., 58 E. 13th Rosenthal, A-. S., 10 Pinehurst Av. Rosenthal, Stephen B., 2 Rector Rosenthal, S. M., th Av. Rosenwasser, H., Hotel Majestic Rosenzweig, Jos., 135 W. 123d Rosenzweig, Dr. Saml., 811 Cauldwell Av. Rosett, Louis J., 198 Broadway Rosoff, Dr. M., L., 529 Cortlandt Av. Ross, A. L., 555 W. 160th Rosston, W. J., 527 W. 110th Rosthal, Jerome, 114 Liberty Roth, Dr. Henry, 409 E. 140th Roth, Dr. Herman, 471 E. 139th Roth, Ignatz, 277 Bway. Roth, Louis, 99 Madison Av. Roth, Master M., 952 Whitlock Av. Rothbart, H., 2516 Grand Concourse Rothenberg, Henry, 118 Maiden Lane Rothenberg, Morris, 5 Beekman Rothenstein, A. E., 87 University PI. Rothschild, H. V., 212 E. 51st Rothschild, W. N., 970 Park Av. Rothstein, A. C, 653 Broadway Rottenberg, I., 564 Broadway Rottenberg, Dr. I. M., 105 W. 118th Rous, B., 52 Bay 29 Bath Beach Rouse, Calmann, Est. of, 265 6th Av. Rovinsky, Dr. A., 1340 Madison Av. Rozoff, Dr. H., 430 W. 118th Rubin, Dr. I. C, 261 Central Park W. Rubin, Dr. M., 498 E. 140th Rubinsky, H. A., 1242 Madison Av. Rubinsky, S., 204 W. 104th Rubinstein, Dr. J. L., 1667 Washington Av. Rudnick, M. A., 185 Canal Runsheim, Joseph, 54 W. 40th Ruskay, Cecil B., 302 Bway. Russin, Uriel, 1764 Weeks Av. Rutensky, Benj., 24 W. 111th Ruttenberg, Benj., 286 Ft. Wash. Av. Sabsevitz, A., 20 E. Broadway Sachs, E., 40 W. 20th Sachs, Geo. M., 1182 Broadway Sachs, Sig. H., 129 W. 27th Sachs, Louis, 44 W. 21st Sachs, N., 291 Bway. Sachs, N. I., 291 Broadway Sachs, Wm. M., 1513 Webster Sacks, M., 520 W. 160th Saenger, S., 215 W. 88th Sakolskf, A. M., 512 W. 122d Saks, I., 2 E. 55th, "St. Regis" Saks, W. A., Bway. & 34th Salinger, J., 2789 Bway. Salit, Michael, 1018 E. 163d Salman, Wm., d Av. Salomon, S. W., 1701 University Av. Salzberg, M., 57 Warren Salzman, S., 1566 Madison Av. Samich, Albert, 75 Leonard Sampter, Morris, 322 W. 76th Sandberg, H. O., 527 W. 110th Sandier, Bernard H., 15 W. 107th Sanville, F., 2514 Creston Av. Saperstein, B., 521 E. 146th Saque, M., 892 Broadway Saruya, Abr. L., 225 E. 79th Saviet, Dr. N., 357 E. 78th Scaison, Mrs. H., 4817 White Plains Av. Schaap, Michael, 12 5th Av. Schaeffer, Samuel, 431 Audubon Av. Schafer, A. S., 120 Broadway Schafran, B., 16 E. 33d Schapiro, J., d Av. Schapiro, J., 41 Park Row Schechter, Mrs. M., 468 Riverside Drive Schechter, Dr. N., 31 Jefferson Scheiber, I. B., 51 Chambers Scheinberg, J. R., 24 W. 30th Scheinhorn, S., 178 Rivington Scherer, L., 38 Park Row Schickler, Jos. J., 59 E. 9th Schiff, Jacob R., 2 W. 88th Schiller, H., 119 W. 24th Schindler, S., 128 W. 117th Schlager, Rev. S., 220 Wadsworth Av. Schlachter, R., 396 Broadway Schlansky, Dr. H., P. 83 Madison Schleider, I., 167 Rivington Schlossberg, J., 2068 Daly Av. Schmidt, Dr. I., 1275 Webster Av. Schmukler, P., 183 E. Bway. Schneer, Dr. J. B., 159 Delancy Schneider, A., 1139 Vyse Av. Schneider, L., th Av. Schneiderman, H., 31 Union Sq. W. Schneyer, Dr. L., 561 Cauldwell Av. Schnur, B. H., 43 E. 12th Schoenbaum, Dr. G. L., 850 Longwood Av. Schoenberg, B. J., 941 Intervale Av. Schoenberg, M., 1410 Grand Concourse Schoenberg, N., 47 W. 34th Schoenbrun, Rev. M., 939 Dawson Schoenman, M., Tyndale Av. & 259th Schofler, I., 1140 Tinton Av. Schomer, A. S., 120 W. 129th Schoncite, Paul, 1710 Hoe Av.

117 494 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [New York Schorr, A., 15 Maiden Lane Schottenfels, Sara X., 59 W. 92d Schreiber, B. F., 617 W. 141st Schreiber, Wm., 654 Beck Schulb«rg, B. P., 576 5th Av. Schulman, M., 572 Amsterdam Av. Schulman, Rev. Saml., 55 E. 92d Schultz, Jos. N., 101 W. 112th Schumer, Dr. H., 770 Hewitt PI. Schusters, Lena, 238 Clinton Schwartz, A., 20 W. 33d Schwartz, B., 688 Broadway Schwartz, Chas., 123 E. 94th Schwartz, E., 718 W. 178th Schwartz, J., G., 961 Southern Blvd. Schwartz, N., 40 Union Sq. Schwartz, S. P., 41 Maiden Lane Schwartzman, B. P., 33 1st Av. Schwarz, Julius, 225 W. 86th Schwarzschild, S. M., 305 Canal Schweibish, R., 512 E. 76th Seckel, Harry W., 842 Bway. Seidel, M., d Av. Seidel, Dr. M., 778 E. 179th Seidenstein, J., 940 Simpson Seidman, Rev. S., 1431 Madison Av. Seiffer, David I., 521 W. 181st Seinfel, S., 100 W. 121st Seinfeld, M., 1728 Crotona Pk., E. Seitzick, S., 107 Franklin Seligsberg, Alice L., 549 W. 113th Seligson, Abr. A., 207 Wooster Selikowitz, A., 304 E. 23d Selzer, Louis, 381 E. 3d Semel, Bernard, Greene Sena, Harry, 280 Bway. Seril, A., 106 Grand Serwer, S., 220 W. 98th Seutner, Richard, 255 West End Av. Seville, J., 894 Riverside Dr. Shall, Carl, 134 W. 37th Shaff, J. G-, 74 Cortland Shaftan, Dr. T., l E. 112th Shaine, M. L., 299 Broadway Shalita, Pincus, 306 W. 109th Shandel, Dr. B. L., 870 Jennings Shapiro, A., 200 W. 111th Shapiro, A. J., 1904 Crotona Av. Shapiro, B. O., 238 Madison Shapiro, J., 261 Bway. Shapiro, Meyer, 530 Bway. Shapiro, Solomon, 98 Canal Sharlot, I. J., 350 Bway. Sheifer, Dr. Saul, 309 E. Bway. Sheinman, Dr. K., 1032 Faile Sher, Edward, 1431 Madison Av. Shinensky, Hyman, 70 E. Broadway Shoobin, J. S., 183 E. Bway. Shufro, J. J., 1391 Stebbins Av. Shulman, H. L., 45 W. 25th Sidenberg, R., 157 W. 57th Siegel, I., 104 E. 116th Siegel, J., th Av. Siegelstein, B. E., 99 Nassau Siegman, S. B., th Av. Sigman, Morris, 31 Union Sq. Sigmund, S., 200 W. 112th Signer, I., 405 W. 117th Silberman, E., 155 E. 4th Silberman, Morris, 125 E. 95th Silberatein, Meyer, 3-5 Wash. PI. Silver, I., 395 Broadway Silver, M. H., d Av. Silverman, H., 93 Prince Silverman, H., 302 Bway. Silverman, Rev. Dr. J., 45 E. 75th Silverman, L., 601 W. 113th Silverman, M. R., th Av. Silverman, M., 318 Haven Av. Silverman, Nat., 498 7th Av. Silverman, Sol., 2124 Harrison Av. Silverstein, A. M., 14 W. 18th Silverstein, J. B., 745 E. 178th Simiansky, M., th Av. Simmons, H. L., 340 W. 86th Simmons, M., 620 W. 190th Simmons, Sol., 233 Broadway Simmons, Sol., 113 University PI. Simon, Jos. L., 234 W. 111th Simon, M., 181 Vermilyea Av. Simonson, A., 600 W. 116th Sincoff, J., 127 Greene Singer, Dr. D. A., 85 W. 113th Sinsheimer, J., 330 W. 102d Sirowich, Dr. W., I., 539 E. 6th Sivin, I., 601 W. 113th Slater, J. P., 750 Beck Slatkin, Dr. H. E., 882 Kelly Slobodin, H. L., 1455 Broadway Slutzky, L. P., 2118 Clinton Av. Smith, D. T., 106 Northern Av. Smolowitz, Elias A., 79 Eldridge Snyder, M., 140 Nassau Sobel, H., 302 Convent Av. Sobel, Mrs. J., 140 W. 122d Sobel, Jacob, 30 W. 22d Sobel, Dr. S. P., 35 W. 110th Sobel, Saml., 320 Broadway Sobel, Samuel, 66 Ft. Wash. Av. Soc'y for the Advancement of Judaism 41 W. 86th Sohon, B., 109 N. 27th Sohon, J., 1770 Grand Concourse Solat, F., 234 E. 86th Solis, Elvira N., 127 W. 74th Soil, Wm., 25 Bway. Solomon, Rev. Elias L., 1326 Madison Av. Solomon, W., 823 Hunts Point Av. Soman, N., 33 Spruce Some, Max, 84 Delancy Sommerfeld, Rose, 225 E. 63d Sonderling, S. J., 16 William Sondheira, P., 305 West End Av. Sorkin, M., 47 Maiden Lane

118 New York] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 495 Sossnitz, Dr. I., 1796 Bathgate Av. Spachner, L., 647 W. 147th Spanier, Dr. Benj., 177 Rivington Sparrow, John L., 8220 Bay Pkway. Spector, Jos., 37 Hamilton Terrace Spicehandler, Abe, 17 W. 18th Spicehandler, Chas., 15 W. 18th Spiegel, E., 1046 College Av. Spiegel, Max, 54 Lisperjard Spjegelberg, F., 36 W. 76th Spiegelberg, I. N., 1017 Madison Spielberg, Mrs. H., 404 Riverside Drive Spinner, Dr. Jonas, 52 W. 111th Spira, Dr. Joa., 881 E. 170th Spitzer, Oscar, 771 West End Av. Spivacke, Dr. C. A., 253 E. Broadway Stackell, H., 842 Manida Stander, I. J., 118 E. 28th Stark, Dr. M. M., 156 W. 86th Starr, Regina, 2073 Mayses Av. Stavisky, Bros., 103 Bleecker Stavitsky, M. A., 114 5th Av. Steckler, D., 241 W. 101st Stein, A. E., 100 St. Nicholas Av. Stein, Elias, 30 Crosby Stein, Max Z., 57 W. 87th Stein, Morton, 251 W. 89th Steinam, Ed. S., cor Williams & Pine Steinberg, M., 733 Crotona Pk., N. Steinfeld, H. A., 2115 Mohegan Av. Steinhardt, J. H., 310 W. 103d Steinweg, A., 1391 Madison Av. Sterman, Sol., 1182 Bway. Stern, A., 52 E. 61st Stern, A., 49 W. 114th Stern, H. A., 1229 Park Av. Stern, J. F., 321 Bway. Stern, Louts, 464 Riverside Drive Stern, Rev. Dr. N., 201 W. 79th Stern, Mrs. W. A., 251 W. 89th Sternberg, S. H., 176 Rivington Stettiner, L., 115 W. 73d Stiefel, Herman, 229 W. 78th Stimmel, S., 508 W. Broadway Stock, I., 130 W. 28th Stoll, Harry, 33 E. 33d Stoltz, B., 63 Nassau Stone, J., 101 W. 118th Stone, N. H., 158 W. 81st Strasbourger, Saml., 641 W. 113th Straus, Hon. A. D., 45 E. 82d Straus, J. I., 399 Park Av. Straus, N., 29 W. 42d Straus, Simon W., 565 5th Av. Strauss, Ben., 562 W. 113th Strauss, Lewis, Jr., 52 William Strauss, Nathan, 128 E. 80th Strauss, Dr. S., 440 West End Av. Strisik, P. R-, 174 Second Av. Stroock, M. J., 88 Central Pk., W. Stroock, Mark E., 1000 Park Av. Strunsky, Dr. Max, 236 W. 70th Sulzberger, Leo., 354 4th Av. Sundel, D. J., 144 W. 111th Sundelson, Mrs. R. W., 1873 Madison Av. Suskind, B., 35 W. 36th Suskind, Harris, 2427 Morris Av. Susman, Louis, d Av. Sverdik, A., 219 E. 178th Swick, Dr. D. A., 414 W. 145th Szold, Henrietta, 219 W. 100th Tannenbaum, Dr. J., 235 W. 113th Tannenbaum, Pauline, 207 E. 15th Tarshis, M., 23 E. 124th Tausig, E., 820 8th Av. Teachers Institute Jewish Theological Seminary, 34 Stuyvesant Teitelbaum, Rabbi A, 145 Lenox Av. Teller, L. H., 8 W. 32d Temple Center, 114th & 7th Av. Tenenbaum, Mrs. D., 1824 Marmion Av. Tepper, Dr. S., 985 Tiffany Thomashefsky, H., 495 Claremont Pkway. Tintner, Rev. Dr. B. A., 5 W. 122d Tischler, F. Wm., 851 E. 163d Trachman, Morris, 863 Beck Trau, G., 315 W. 79th Traub, Ralph, 1062 Faile Trilling, D. W., 478 Central Pk., W. Tropp, Dr. H., 615 W. 162d Trosky, Chas., 65 Bleecker Turkel, Bernard, 220 W. 113th Ualinsky, A., 712 E. 176th Unger, Mrs. C. Hecht, 73 E. 90th Unger, E. F., 352 W. 117th United Heb. Com., 203 E. Bway. Uptown Talmud Torah Assn., 142 E. 111th U. S. Grand Lodge, 266 Grand Van Neen, A., 2 Pinehurst Av. Van Raalte, Z., 30th & 5th Av. Victorins, M. L., 300 Central Pk., W. Vogel, Dr. H., 1421 Madison Av. Vogel, N., 1443 Washington Av. Vorhaus, Louis J., 115 Broadway Wachman, J. M., 889 St Nicholas Av. Wacht, S., 790 Riverside Drive Wager, M. L., 1789 Fulton Av. Wahrman, Dr. H. A., 414 E. 169th Wald, Louis, 63 E. 104th Waldman, H., 778 Prospect Av. Walerstein, J., 419 W. 128th Wapnik, Max, 439 W. 212th Warshaw, Adolph, 2412 Webb Av. Wartell, D., 1611 University Av. Waterman, F., 525 W. 152d Wechsler, Dr. I. S., 1291 Madison Av. Wechsler, S., 395 Ft. Wash. Av. Weckstein, I., 61 Park Row Weil, David L., 60 W. 115th Weil, Loui-, 772 St. Nicholas Av. Weil, S., 103 Park Av. Weil, H. M., 203 W. 33d Wineberg, A., 823 Hunts Point Av.

119 496 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [New York Weinberg, A. I., 168 W. 29th Weinberg, J., 351 E. Houston Weinberg, Jacob, 347 7th Av. Weinberg, Max N., 110 Nassau Weinberg, Samuel, 625 Wales Av. Weinberger, Dr. B. W., 601 W. 113th Weinberger, Louis, 450 W. 149th Weinheim, Mrs. E., 305 West End Av. Weinrib, E. C, 299 Broadway Weinstein, Dr. A., 689 E. 170th Weinstein, E. M., 654 W. 161st Weinstein, L., 600 W. 140th Weinstein, M., 1036 Bryant Av. Weinstein, S. J., 461 Produce Exch. Weiser, S., 2418 University Av. Weisman, J. J., 110 Bleecker Weisman, S. G., 953 E. 165th Weis, Rabbi J. M., 305 W. 98th Weiss, Louis B., 1045 Hoe Av. Weiss, Morris, 860 E. 161st Weiss, Dr. Saml., 16 E. 96th Weiss, Wm., 619 E. 5th Weissman, Z., 270 Ft. Wash. Av. Weitzman, H., 131 W. 28th Weitzner, Emil, 210 W. 107th Werthman, Adolph, 618 W. 142d Wessel, Mrs. E., 668 Riverside Dr. Westin, M. H., th Av. Wiener, D., 1372 Franklin Av. Wiener, M., 339 Grand Wilensky, S., 1051 Faile Wiley, Louis, 55th & 7th Av. Wilkes, A. P., 63 Park Row Wilkins, J. Y., 102 Madison Av. Wilner, A. J., 445 W. 153d Wilner, Dr. Anna, 9 E. 97th Wilson, S. L., 36 W. 25th Wincor, Dr. H. G., 2128 Hughes Av. Winchevsky, M., 555 W. 151st Winer, H. L., 154 Nassau Winer, S. J., 9 E. 97th Winograd, Hyman, 508 W. 139th Wise, Mrs. L. H., 28 E. 63d Wise, Rev. Dr. S. S., 23 W. 90th Wittenberg, Mrs. S., 203 W. 112th Witty, S., 50 Eldridge Wodiska, Julius, 231 W. 113th Wohlfarth, Leon, 400 W. 150th Wolbarst, Dr. A. L., 792 Lexington Av. Wolbarst, S., 32 W. 114th Wolf, A., 120 W. 57th Wolf, F. N., th Av. Wolf, Frank, 600 West End Av. Wolf, R., 116 Broadway Wolf, Simson, 277 Broadway Wolfe, Arthur, 225 W. 39th Wolfe, A. M., 29 Canal Wolfe, M. H., 225 W. 39th Wolfenstein, S. C, 32 Spruce Wolff, Aaron H., 560 W. 163d Wolff, Dr. Alex., 141 E. 34th Wolff, Mrs. J. R., 33 W. 69th Wolff, Leo., 47 Ft. Washington Av. Wolfson, Dr. A., 401 W. 59th Wolfson, Alex., 1540 Seabury PI. Wolinsky, Jacob, 387 Grand Wollman, Henry, 470 W. 145th Woolf, M. L., 135 Central Pk., W. Workman, Izador, 718 Broadway Wurf, & Bank, 103 Eldridge Wyler, S., 204 W. 110th Yankauer, A., 251 W. 92d Yavarkovsky, J., 186 Ludlow Yochelson, M. S., 320 Broadway Y. M. H. A., of Washington Heights, 975 St. Nicholas Av. Y. W. H. A., 31 W. 110th Younker, H., 303 6th Av. Zadek, Jacob, 1 W. 92d Zagor, H. I., 838 West End Av. Zeisler, Dr. M. H., 86 E. 4th Zelickson.N., 795 Crotona Pk., N. Zipser, Dr. M. A., 122 E. 34th Zorn, F., 61 E. 97th Zubow, Jos., 329 4th Av. Zucker, S. A., 807 Tinton Av. Zucker, Peter, 1 W. 70th Zuckerman, Emma, 108 W. 113th Zuckerman, H., 666 St. Nicholas Av. Zukunft, The, 175 E. Bway. Zvirin, N., 140 Rivington Zwilling, E. J., 229 W. 11th SUBSCRIBER Rupp, A., 14 Hamilton Ter. Niagara Falls Halpert, L., 1225 E. Falls Lifshitz, Dr. M. M., 362 9th Av. Moss, L., th Silberberg, Bros., 2118 Main Norfolk Kauffman, Isaac L. Norwich Friedman, M., 10 Birdsall Mann, Leo, 39 S. Broad Salkowitz, S., 27 N. Broad Nyack Neisner, J., 36 2d Av. Ogdensburg Dobisky, R. W., 401 Riverside'Av. Fisher, H. S., 20 J^ Washington Frank, B., 115 Franklin Frank, J., 117 Franklin Katzman, M., 51 Green Olean Davidson, Harry, 324 N. 3d Levin, H., 511 W. State Marcus, H. W., 131 S. Union

120 New York] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 497 Rappoport, Isadore, 210 W. 4th Rosokoff, Leo, 316 W. State Oneida Kooll, Mrs. B., 61 Williams Ossining Pinkelstein, Chas., 44 M William Society for the Aid of Jewish Prisoners Oswego Karch, J., 301 W. 1st Peekskill Burger, E., 170 Union Av. Pelham Mendes, Rev. Dr. F. de Sola, Chester Park Port Chester Glock, Samuel Lefferman, Elias, 55 Purdy Av. Wang, Dr. I., 342 N. Main Port Richmond Enziger, W., 163 Richmond Av. Jacobson, I., 327 Herberton Av. Levy, M., 217 Morningstar Rd. Lifshitz, A., 131K Richmond Av. Pinchenson, M., 1940 Richmond Ter. Roberts, J., Ill Richmond Av. Susskind, Wm, 159 Charles Av. Umans, B., 155 Charles Av. Poughkeepsie Effron, S., 2 )4 S. Clinton Eisner, M., 174 Main Elting, E., 296 Main Kahn, J., 11 N. Clinton King, S., 150 Franklin Mazansky, B., 57 Cannon Nathan, A. M., 11 Fountain PI. Perlmutter, J., 385 Main Rodin, H., 215 Main Rosen, Mrs. M. S., 52 Academy Rosenthal, R., 179 Mill Siegel, J., 388 Main Sobel, Dr. Aaron, 22 N. Hamilton Weiss, M., 521 Main Richmond Hill Cahn, Sigmund, 451 Guion Av. Ulman, N., 319 Park Riverhead, L. I. Meyer, Jacob Rochester LIBRARY MEMBER Michaels, J., c,o Michaels, Stern & Co. Adler, I., 25 Buckingham Aiole, S., 373 Central Av. Amdursky, S. S., 34 Somerset Appelbaum, Dr. S. J., 188 Culver Rd. Bender, Chas., 549 Monroe Av. Bloom, Celia, 42 Av. A B'nai Zion Hebrew Library, 52 Chatham Cohen, M., 3 Grauger PI. Davidson, Dr. S. C, 381 Andrews Frankel, C., 207 Barrington Frankel, L., 30 Vick Pk., A. Goldblatt, Dr. B., 35 Chestnut Goldman, A., 39 Gorham Greenhouse, S. H., 777 Harvard Grossman, S., 42 Berkshire Hart, A., 17 Ontario Joffe, I., 1068 Harvard Klonick, H., 961 Harverd Koike, H., 57 Nassau Landsberg, Rev. Dr. M., Mercantile Bldg. Lempert, D. S., 640 Joseph Av. Marks, H. H., 13 Franklin Sq. Marks, Louis, 98 Av. A Miller, Wm., 571 University Av. Minkin, Rabbi J. S., 15 Rowley Neivert, Dr. H., 236 ]4 Oxford Pearlman, A. I., 345 Wilkins Posner, M., 552 Humboldt Present, Philip, 2161 East Av. Rockoff, M. A., 200 Joseph Av. Rose, B., 376 Harvard Rosenberg, N., 45 Hudson Av. Rubenstein, N., 266 Joseph Av. Sarachan, H. A., 109 Sellinger Schoenberg, D., 286 S. Goodman Shulman, L., 79 Beverly Snyder, S., 52 Vick Pk., B Stern, Chas., 19 Andrews Stone, N. I., 1155 Clinton Av. N. Strauss, D. M., 1077 Harvard Temple, Beth El, Park Av. & Meigs Weinrib, Jacob, 313 Central Bldg. Weiss, Julius, 638 Harvard Wolf, Rabbi H. J., 117 Gibbs Rockaway Beach Friedman, Dr. E. L., 343 Boulevard Gottlieb, Jos., 378 Boulevard Rockville Centre Lampert, J., 54 Lenox Rd. Segal, H. R., 104 Bway. Rome Gardner, M., 220 W. Thomas Levitan, Dr. M., 225 N. Washington Sebelowitz, D. A., 218 Lawrence Segal, M., 308 W. Liberty Shapiro, M. S., 110 E. Dominick Spear, Mrs. M., 709 N. George

121 498 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [New York Rye Ralf, Theodore Sacandaga Kurzman, Chas. Salamanca Rappaport, H. B., 68 Wilson Steinhart, Sol., 89 Clinton Salvay Biben, M., 2243 Milton Av. Cohen, Abe, 2283 Milton Av. Saranac Lake Feustmann, Maurice M., 36 Church Matthews, S. D., Box 379 Saratoga Goldsmith, B. J., 187 Grand Av. Schenectady LIBRARY MEMBER Ldchtenberg, Capt. C, 136 Waverly PL Cohen, Henry, 209 Bway. Cohen, I. J., 408 Summit Av. Dworsky, A., 628 Hamilton Felton, Dr. Geo. M., 308 S. Center Gold, H. J., 1337 State Grosberg, Jos., 636 Hamilton Horwitz, P. G., 1634 Union Lefkowitz, D., 429 Summit Av. Levine, L. B., 421 Paige Lifset, A., 445 Hulett Lobel, Clara, 104 Howard Loew, Morris, 576 Broadway Pletman, Dr. A., 420 State Schaffer, H., 19 De Camp Av. Shulman, M., 728 State Siegel, Win., P. O. Box 98 Sokolov, I., 601 Broadway Stein, Mrs. S., 38 Glenwood Blvd. Trone, S. A., 9 Parkwood Blvd. Scotia Dushman, Dr. S., 1 Hueston Skaneateles Brounstein, E. South Dayton Dunn, R«v. D. R. Spring Valley Bernstein, H., Box 663 Schiller, M., P. O. Box 714 Springville Simon, Carl, 17 Woodward Av. Staten Island Lakeview Home, Arrocbar Mord, Dr. Geo., 1026 Bay Suffern Greenstein, Samuel Rubin, I., 36 Lafayette Av. Sonnenfeld, Max, 23 Lafayette Av. Syracuse LIBRARY MEMBER Holstein, A. M., 748 Comstock Av. Belloff, I., 1012 E. Genesee Belloff, L. A., 532 H Cedar Bleeman, B., 118 Standard Bernstein, B., 136 Roosevelt Av. Braude, Rev. M. J., 184 Rennick PI. Brenner, Miss B., 1210 Almond Burman, Dr. Aaron, 537 E. Genesee Cohen, H. C, 1207 Harrison Cohen, Simon A., 230 N. Salina Cooper, Dr. Philip, 810 E. Genesee Copinsky, Harry M., 441 S. Warren Doctor, G., 1039 Montgomery Ehrlich, Morris, 200 Maple Elstein, M. J., 808 Grape Federman, J., 826 Maryland Av. Finkelstein, N., 130 Rose Av. Friedman, Rabbi B., 409 S. Crouse Av. Gais, Mrs. M., 550 Cedar Gerber, W,, 860 Livingston Av. Gilbert, Harry, 710 E. Raynor Av. Gilbert, M., 732 Irving Av. Given, B. B., 423 Euclid Av. Goldberg, -N., 812 S. State Golden", M., 206 S. State Goldstein, E., 1417 E. Genesee Hachtman, H. I., 313 S. Salina Harris, Dr. L. H., 1107 Madison Herzog, S., 405 S. Clinton Holstein, A. E., 211 Comstock Av. Holstein, D. M., 112 Circle Rd. Hurwitz, M., 712 Comstock Av. Isaacs, A., 612 Westcott Joseph, H., 109 W. Lafayette Av. Kallet, Dr. A. H., 108 Comstock Av. Kaplan, I., 706 Irving Av. Kopp, S. S., 305 E. Castle Lasky, Sol. S., 222 Cedar Lavine, M. H., 451 S. Beach Lavine, S., 116 Renwick PI. Levy, Dr. I. H., 717 E. Genesse Lisson, M., 108 Renwick PI. Manheim, Sarah, 1300 Grape Markson, I., 205 Comstock Av. Mayer, Mrs. M., 1521 E. Genesee Morrow, B. M., 513 J^ S. Crouse Av. Morrow, M. I., 513 S. Crouse Av. Orester, J., 561 Cedar

122 New York] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 499 Paine, Paul M., Public Library Pliskin, B., 207 Van Buren Putziger, S., 2507 W. Genesee Rosenbloom, S., 613 Irving Av. Roth, Philip, 759 Irving Av. Rothman, M., 822 Grape Rubenstein, A., 1226 Orange Rubin, M. D., 608 E. Fayette Rudolph, Ben., 826 Almond Rudolph, Max H., 713 E. Adams Serling, H., 503 University Av. Serling, J., 749 Harrison Shapiro, L., 110 Stadium PI. Shapiro, S-, 309 Euclid Av. Shulman, Ralph, 128 Dorset Rd. Siegel, Moses, 347 E. Onondage Silverman, Dr. A. C, 183 Renwick PI. Solomon, S. D., 942 Euclid Av. Spevak, Eli, 910 Grape Stolz, Ben., 718 E. Jefferson Sturman, R., 172 W. Brighton Av. Sugarman, D. B., 503 University Av. Thalheimer, G., 1030 E. Genesee Tupper, W. A., 125'Stadium PI. Wechsler, M. L., 159 Renwick PI. Weinstein, M., 322 Madison Winkelstein, M., 164 Cambridge Winkelstein, M. ( 707 Irving Av. Wolfson, Louis, 115 Renwick PI. Tarrytown Slifkin, S., 69 Orchard Sussman, P., 136 Main Troy Berner, P., th Cohen, Rabbi M. N. A., Box 375 Lazdon, Jacob E., 64 Washington Troy Public Library Utica Abelove, Barney, 126 Thomas Abelson, Barney, 1541 Oneida Ball, Jacob, 111 Genesee Bengloff, Chas., 110 Wash. Federman, R., Boston Store Garfunkel, Sol., 1 Claremont Ter. Goldstone Bros., 1014 Seymour Av. Harrison, S., 106 Hotel Jacobson, Abe, 1110 Hilton Av. Jacobson, Jos., 18 Washington Kaufman, Dr. R., 1612 Miller Kowalsky, Dr. H. E., 113 Wall Krohn, L. E., 13 Parkside Ct. Krohngold, Jacob, 202 Whitesboro Lichtman, Max, 362 Columbia Reichler, S., 115 Genesee Shapiro, Chief Rabbi A., 446 Whitesboro Walashin, M., 1910 Haland Av. Tannenwald, T. Valatie Watertown ' LIBRARY MEMBER Ellis, H., 1133 Academy Bennett, H. A., 1210 Madison Av. Berkowitz, D., 508 Lansing Byer, A., 434 Court Cohen, S. A., 78 Public Sq. Fink, I., 82 Public Sq. Krupkin, L., 224 Court Lebovsky, J., 231 Paddock Zeitlin, L., Ill Bronson Waverly Zansamer, S., 426 Penn Av. West New Brighton Ancelevitz, S., 371 Oakland Av. Cantor, R., 387 Oakland Av. White Plains Brand, C. S., 47 Park Av. Friedman, H. G., 35 Putnam Av. Leonard, J. N., 9 Bank Schott, M., Old Mamaroneck Rd. Sloan, L., 51 Court Strasser, L. G., Miles Av. Weinstein, J., 82 Brookfield Weiss, Samuel, 84 Fisher Av. Woodhaven.Werbin, Harry, 4134 Chichester Av. Woodmere LIBRARY MEMBERS Altheimer, A. B., Box 251 Rosenbaum, Wm., Broadway & Wood Lana Woodrldge Wolf, I. D. Yonkers Abrahams, J. L., 17 Carroll Altaian, M., 105 Bruce Av. Aronowitz, Dr. H., 38 Herriot Berkman, A., 6 Rockland'Av. Bleich, M. A., 35 Main Blumner, S., 550 Van Cortland Pk AT. Cooper, J., 10 Main Durst, Jos., Durst PI. Feldman, W., 62 Riverdale Av. Finkelstein, M., 90 Riverdale Av. Freudenheim, M., 9 Marshall Rd. Friedman, S., 283 Nepperhan Av. Goodhart, E. J., 165 Bruce Av. Harris, J., 59 Hamilton Av. Jutkowitz, J., 11 Overlook Terrace Levy, M. J., Crestwood Mendelsohn, Rabbi J. I., 122 S. Bvray. Miller, Dr. S., Flagg Bldg.

123 500 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [North Carolina Rabinowite, H., 123 New Main Rosen, Dr. Harry, 656 Van Cortland Pk. Av Salkow, M., 237 N. Main Steinmetz, Dora, 31 Ravine Av. Stern, M., 205 Beenn Victor Av. Wolkowitz, Leon, 39 Hamilton Av. Asheville Black, A. Finkelstein, H. L., 213 Broadway Fox, Rabbi E., 192 Bway. Graud, L., 14 Maxwell Henry, Philip S., Zealandia Lichtenfels, G., 39 Courtland Av. Lipinsky, S. Long, Mrs. M. D., 50 Park Av. Lowenheim, Rutenberg Co. Pollock, I. H., 218 Bway. Schochet, J. B., 9 Bway. Sternberg, S. Weasel, Rabbi H., 18 Vance Burlington Goodman, B. Levin, Solomon Mazur, S. J. Wainer, M. Carthage Charlotte Arenson, L., 503 E. 5th Cohen, M., 809 S. Mint Goldsmith Bros. Goldstein, J., 402 W. 11th Kirschbaum, M., 803 W. Bth Levy, Dr. Sam, 7 E. Trade Pittle, A., 1708 Winthrops Av. Schwartz, I., 221 N. McDowell Steinberg, A. M. Supero, Chas., Box 98 Concord Love, J. E., 27 W. Corbin Durham Allen, V. A., 823. Mangurer, N. Enock, B. Gladstein, M., 608 Roxboro Margolis, M., 705 N. Queen Rapport, Dr. S. Rosenberg, C, 118 W. Main Stadiem, L., 112 E. Main Zuckerman, C. T., Box 88 Zuckerman, I. L., 802 Roxboro Zuckerman, S., 312 Morhead Av. Elizabeth City Siff, Louis Fayetteville Fleishman, Edward NORTH CAROLINA Goldberg, M. Kesner, L., 129 Person Kramer, H. Stein, Mrs. K. H., 114 Dick Gastonia Honigman, J., 214 W. Main Karesh, A. S. Libowitz, D., 337 Main Sherman Bros. Sherman, L. I. Silver, Max, 120 E. Main Slatkin, S. L., 119 W. Main Goldsboro PATRON Weil, Mrs. Sol., 204 Chestnut, W. LIBRARY MEMBERS Weil, Mre. Henry, 200 W. Chestnut Weil, Lionel Epstein, M. N. Meyers, J. M., 108 Ash Rosenthal, Jos. Shrago, A. M. Shrago, Mrs. M. M. Tonkel, R., 211 Va. Weil, Leslie 610 Park Av. Greensboro Bynum, W. P., 501 Arlington Klein, J., 319 S. Elm Public Library Schiffman, S., 310 S. Spring Sternberger, E., 715 Summit Av. Temko, Max, Wash. & Ash Henderson LIBRARY MEMBER Moscovitz, Sam Barker, Z. Cohn, H. Hayes, Saml. M. Roth, Gus., Box 273 Teiser, S. F. & Son Hendersonville Brenner, N., P. O. Box 848 Kantrowitz, Abr., Box 528 Lewis, A. Patterson, H., Main

124 [North Dakota JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 501 High Point Schwartz, I. Kinston Adler, Aaron Hirshfeld, Jos., 314 W. Blout Nachamson, Mrs. E., 108 Independent Stadiem, H., 216 E. Gordon Morgantown Taggart, Rev. R. B. New Bern Cohen, Hyman Coplan, S. & Sons Goldman, M. Jacobs, M. L., 54 Craner Lipman, Sam Lipman, Solomon Marks, H. B. Oxford Cohn, & Son Wolf, Isaac Raleigh Berwanger, S., 209 N. Wilen Dworsky, M., 801 N. Bloodworth Dworsky, S. H., 222 W. Morgan Kline, J. L., 601 E. Lane Lazarus, G., 525 E. Lane Reidsville Weinstein, A. Rocky Mount Baker, I. L., 416 B. Thoma3 Baker, J. S., 416 E. Thomas Breen, S., 603 Beal Goodman, L. F., Box 893 Levy, Gaston G. Rosenbloom, J. A. Sherman, L. I., 416 E. Thomas Silverman, I., 153 S. Wash. Wallace, L. C. Salisbury Washington Susman, B. L., 2d & Market Wilmington Bluethenthal, L., 501 Dick Finkelstein, C, 419 Red Cross Jacobi, Marcus W., 302 N. 3d Mendelsohm, Rev. Dr. S., 511 Orange Rubin, S., 310 Dover Wilson Barker, M., 204 W. Vance Barker, Morris Oettinger, E. R. Ward, S. Winston-Salem Levin, Louis Orleans, P. Ronsh, Abr., 420 W. 7th Silbert, IL, 1212 W. 4th Smulin, Rabbi K., 419 W. 7th Swartz, B., 713 N. Main Teichman, Max Ashley Kelber, Max Bismarck Julius, Mrs. N. F., 623 Front Lasken, H., 5th St. Stationery Lasken, Sam, 522 3d Rigler, Chas., 802 Av. B. Rosen, Alex. Rosen, C. B. Devil's Lake Glickson, Julius Glickson, Morris Dickinson Mackoff, H. A. Fargo Goldberg, Max, st Av. S. John, Hay Lodge, No. 634, I. O. B. B. NORTH DAKOTA Lashkowitz, Harry, Stern Bldg. Naftalin, D., 225 Front Naftalin, Sandel Naftalin, T. P. O. Box 348 Paper, S., 202 1st Av., S. Simon, Sol. Stern, Max, 19 Broadway Stern, Sam SUBSCRIBER Snyder, Rev. Dr. J., Edw. Grand Forks Bergman, S. J., 407 De Mers Av. Panovitz, M. Papermaster, I., 407 Elm Papermaster, N., 113 Walnut Papermaster, S., 224 Fenton Av. Rabinovich, Max Solow, H., 717 Chestnut

125 502 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [Ohio Halpern, S. P. Hebron Jamestown Baker, S. Tine, Louis Rabinowitz, S. J. Cohen, C. W. Lisbon Manden Greengard, Nathan Rosen, Morris Minot Diamond, Rev. I., Box 393 Lyons, B. Z., 21 1st Av. 8. W. Rose, E. Valley City Dreyer, M. H. Stern, Herman Watford Citv Losk, Jacob Willis ton Greengard, J. J. Greengard, S. S. Kreisel, H. Akron Alexander, Rabbi D., TempleJIsrael Arenson, Max, 82 Hall Bear, Max, 254 S. Main Birnbaum, Isidor H., 122 Conger Av. Brandwon, S., 133 Corson Av. Braver, Chief Rabbi Jehudah, 350 W. Cedar Cohen, J., 493 Edgewood Av. Dashewsky, R., 182 S. Balet Epstein, L. J., 1151 S. Main Freedman, D., 365 Euclid Av. Freeman, S. J., 968 W. Market Friedman, B., 500 Wooster Av. Guren, S. B., 147 Hollinger Av. Krohngold, H., 530 W. Market Rrohngold, M., 530 W. Market Levinthal, J., 504 Wooster Av. Loeb, Louis, 137 Conger Av. Medvinsky, H., 416 W. Exchange Mikochinski, B., 276 Merriman Rd. Ostrov, L., 406 Woodland Av. Reder, I., 475 W. Market Sarlson, M., 430 Wooster Av. Sicherman, Dr. A., 291 W. Market Sokol, I., 84 Aqueduct Temple Israel Rel. School Library, 133 Merriman Rd. Winer, S. Z., 170 Rhodes Av. Wise, Myer, 501 Permanent Title Bldg. Woloveck, A., 130 S. Portage Pott Yaffe, S., 944 Hereford Dr. Zoob, M., 185 Balch, S. Alliance Brutkin, J. W., 685 W. Main Cohn, M., 6 E. State Segel, I., 21 S. Liberty Av. Ash tabula Kahne, A., 183 Main Legomsky, A. H., 5 Spring OHIO Barberton Umansky, J. Weisberger, H., 123 W. Lake Bellaire Blum, H., Belmont St. Blum, Mrs. I. Feinberg, B., 3026 Union Jacobs, I., 2633 Union Lando, C, 4754 Jefferson Kapenr, S. J. Lichtig, L., 3000 Union Weil, J., 4166 Harrison Bellefontaine Brown, H., 421 S. Mandreva Geiger, Mrs. E., 207 E. Chillicothe Av. Rosenberg, A., 122 S. Main Bellevue Wolf, Jos. E., 250 W. Main Bluffton Wise, Julius Bucyrus Browarsky, P., 666 Middletown Av. Cambridge Schultz, Wm., 624 Foster Av. Canton Glaser, J. M., 602 E. Tusco Glaser, S., 1307 Logan Av. Lavin, Harry, 607 High Av., N. W. Lunitz, S., 1645 Cleveland Av., N. W. Margolies, M. E., 326 S. Market Av. Margolis, H., 1603 Short Av. Pelchovitz, Rabbi E., th, S. E. Scholnik, N., 1004 W. 9th Sperling, Leo, 1253 Market Av., S. Yellln, C, 911 6th N. E.

126 Ohio] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 503 Cincinnati LIFE MEMBERS Freiberg, J. Walter, 3583 Alaska Av. Heinsheimer, E. L., 3584 Alaska Av. Seasongood, M., 3661 Wash. Av. Union of Amer. Heb. Congs. LIBRARY MEMBERS Berman, Oscar, 3d & Plum Fechheimer, S. M., 4050 Rose Hill Av. Freiberg, Dr. A. H., 3577 Alaska Av. Freiberg, J. W., 3688 Wash. Av. Freiberg, M. J., 3576 Alaska Av. Freiberg, S., 2300 Upland PI. Unger, Ennis, 215 W. 4th Adler, Mrs. J., 3637 Alaska Av. Aronoff, H., 1239 Main Baeffsky, L., 630 Greenwood Av. Bazel, Sol. N., 521 W. Ridgeway Av. Becker, Sam, 310 Sycamore Becker, S., 234 Hearne Beckman, N. H., Alms Hotel Ben Zion Doll, 716 Central Av. Bene Jeshurun S. S. Lib. Benjamin, J. E., 3635 Wash. Av. Berman, A., 849 Windham Av. Berman, A., 834 Rockdale Av. Berman, H., 311 E. 2d Bernstein, A., 310 Forest Av. Bernstein, G., 742 W. Court Bernstein, Nathan, 907 Race Bershadsky, D., 633 W. Court Bettman, A., 1st Nat'l. Bing, Ben M., 739 N. Crescent Av. Blachschleger, E., 684 Glenwood Av. Block, L. Z., 820 Cleveland Av. Bloom, Isaac, 3511 Burnet Av. Bookstaber, P. D., 3348 Burnett Av. Clayton, I., 3440 Harvey Av. Cohen, Alfred M., 3557 Reading Rd. Cohen, B., 429 Hickory Danziger, M. M., 427 Rockdale Av. Diamond, J., Court & Baymiller Dine, Harry N., 1355 Myrtle Av. Dorfman, Rev. B. H., 617 W. 8th Dunsky, M., 519 Prospect Av. Egelson, Rabbi L. I., 62 Duttenhofer Bldg. Englander, Prof. H., 904 Lexington Av. Ezer, Louis, 528 W. 6th Feinberg, Abr., 251 Ehrman Av. Feinberg, Rabbi L., 3435 Hallwood PI. Fisher, M., 416 W. 6th Fishman, H., 1325 Central Av. Fishman, S. L., 3144 Reading Rd. Fleck, J., 2151 Central Av. Fogel, Dr. E. I., 839 Hutchins Av. Fox, Max, 753 W. Court Franklin, L., 1424 Central Av. Freed, Abr., 2332 Victor Freehof, Rabbi S. B., 3354 Burnett Av. Freiberg, A., 759 Greenwood Av. Friedman, A., 130 Elder Furnam, S., 436 Armory Av. Glicklich, E., 1514 Central Av. Godfrier, E., 3341 Reading Rd. Goldberg, S., 1116 Main Golden, I. R., 528 Race Goldfarb, N., 1419 Central Av. Gordon, H., 225 Northern Av. Gordon, N., 346 Rockdale Av. Grad, Ben, 556 Prospect PI. Greenwald, I. L., 671 Prospect PI. Greenwald, M., 1105 N. Walnut Grossman, Rev. Dr. L., 528 Camden Av. Heller, Rabbi J. G., 3634 Reading Rd. Hirschield, Wm, 409 Warren Av. Hirschman, A., 337 W. 6th Hirschman, I., 3321 Drexel PI. Hochstein, M., 2100 W. 8th Hoenig, S., 302 Rockdale Av., W. Hoffheimer, H. M., 2335 Grandview Av. Holzberg, J., Ehrman & Wilson Av. Horwitz, S., 679 Hale Av. Huttenbauer, E., 690 N. Crescent Av. Hyman, Jacob, 861 Hutchins Isaac, Morris, 2856 May Jacobs, J. David, 3437 Larona Av. Johnson, Hon. S. M., 3427 Burch Av. Jonap, H., 415 Race Jordan, S. B., 352 Rockdale Av. Joseph, Leopold, 3573 Bogart Av. Kahn, Felix, Alms Hotel Kahn, Lazard, 3975 Beechwood Av. Kahn, L., 538 Rockda.e Av. Kahn, Mrs. S., 975 Lenox PI. Katz, L., 348 Albany Av. Kauffman, A., 1574 Central Av. Kaufman, A., North Bend Rd. Kinsella, A. J., 2613 Ashland Av. Kline, J. J., 1430 Central Av. Kohler, Rev. Dr. K., 3016 Stanton Av. Krohn, Irwin M., 1144 Edward Rd. Krohn, L., 2902 Gilbert Av., W. H. Kuppin, M., 3573 Wilson Av. Landman, Dr. L. H., 5 Garfield PI. Latinsky, A., 1060 Freeman Av. Lauterbach, I., 826 Hutchins Av. Lauterbach, Rev. Dr. J. Z., Heb. Union Coll Lesser, Rabbi A. J. G., 627 Richmond Lesser, M., 1321 Locust Levenson, L., 629 Forest Av. Levi, Louis S., P. O. Box 517 Levine, Bros., 424 E. 2d Levine, Rabbi J. M., 1036 Wesley Av. Levinson, M. E., 35i Probasco Av. Levy, A., 690 N. Crescent Av. Levy, H. M., 309 Traction Bldg. Lifshitz, T., Hebrew Union College Livingston, H. S., Hotel Alms Loshensky, M., 629 W. Court Lurie, Jos., 307 Northern Av. Lurie. Dr. L. A., 530 Richmond

127 504 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [Ohio Mack, A., 853 Lexington Av. Mack, Jacob W., 984 Burton Av. Mack, Ralph W., 887 Mitchell Av. Mallin, H., 891 Clinton Springs Manischevitz, The B., 2100 W. 8th Marcus, J. R., 2346 Ohio Av. Mark, Julius, 1038 Wesley Av. Mark, M. S., 617 W. 8th Markowitz, S. H., Hebrew Union Col. Marks, L. D., 3556 Alaska Av. Marks, L. V., 4009 Beechwood Av. Marks, Martin, 698 S. Crescent Av. Marx, Louis, 2829 Melrose Av. Maz, M., 3488 Dury Av. Meckler, J., 506 W. 5th Meiss, Harry, 960 Lenox PI. Meiss, Leon, 3972 Rose Hill Av. Meyer, Jos. L., 712 Cholsom Av. Meyers, M., 1518 St. Leger Av. Mielziner, B., 852 Windham Av. Miller, Dr. R. W., 3559 Reading Rd. Moch, M. E., 3704 Reading Rd. Morris, M., 3415 Woodburn Av., W. H. Nathan, B. & Son, 504 W. 6th Nathan, D. S., 338 Albany Av. Nelson, Dr. A. W., 3584 Bogart Av. Oettinger, M., 824 Beecher Oseherwitz, G., 2186 Selim Av. Peiser, W. G., 3465 Reading Rd. Pepinsky, Robt., 204 Hearne Av. Philipson, Rev. Dr. D., 3947 Beechwood Av Pinski, Ben, 1209 TexasiAv. Pollak, Mrs. E., 2648 Stanton Av. Posner, Jean, 1350 Burdett Av. Pritz, C. E., 4064 Rose Hill Av. Pritz, S. E., 101 Union Trust Bldg. Rabkin, Dr. Samuel, Maple Park, Hyde Pk. Rappaport, J. E., 300 Provident Bank Bldg. Redfick, P. L., 832 Hutchins Av. Rheinstrom, Sig., 771 Greenwood Av. Rich, L., 530 W. 5th Rosenberg, I., 29 Landau Ct. Rosenthal, C. H., Textile Bldg. Rosenthal, J., 3640 Alaska Av. Rosenzweig, E., 3565 Rosedale PI. Rosin, H. L., 1021 Central Av. Rothenberg, Saml., 22 W. 7th Rothman, R., 537 Bitta Rotter, S., 530 Walnut Roughton, Rev. G., 320 E. 5th Rubels Bakery, 576 W. 6th Rubenstein, L., 6th & St. John Rubinowitz, H., 701 W. Court Ruskin, Moses, 3415 Reading Rd. Samuels, Julius R., 3597 Bogart Av. Sanders, M. R., 827 Lexington Av. Schiff, Saul, 918 Richmond Schottenfels, J., 219 Hearne Schwartz, M., 1533 Central Av. Schwarz, Rabbi J. D., 1541 Dixmont Av. Seasongood, P. L., 885 Clinton Springs Av. Seinsheimer, H. A., 3560 Wash. Av. Senior, Edw., 2220 Frances Lane Senior, Max, 3580 Washington Av. Shapiro, S., 1201 Central Av. Shohl, Chas., 714 S. Crescent Av. Siegel, Ben, Lyric Theatre Bldg. Silberstein, Dr. E., 410 Armory Av. Simmons, M. F., 824 Walnut Skurow, H. t 574 Mt. Hope Solke, A., 1015 Purcell Av. Spiegel, F. S., 655 Forest Av. Spielberg, S., 836 Windham Av. Stern, A., 3418 Reading Rd. Sternberger, M. S.<, 6th & Central Sternscher, Wm., Hebrew Union College Stewart, Dr. T. M., 3325 Burnet Av. Straus, Isaac S., 2323 Park Av. Strauss, Sam, 2530 May Sway, D., 778 E. Ridgway Av. Tahl, J. A., 122 E. Water Tauff, Harry E., 2155 Central Av. Thau, M. A., 1028 Wesley Av. Theol. & Rel. Lib. Assn. Trager, J. G., 944 Marion Av. Trager, I. Newton, 944 Marion Av. Trost, Sam W., 510 Forest Av. Udow, Miss M., 933 W. Court Unger, S. E., Hebrew Union College United Jewish Social Agencies 731 W. 6th Wacksman, F., 524 W. 6th Weil, S., Oak & Stanton Av. Weiland, F., 883 Blair Av. Weiland, L., 3161 Harvey Av. Weinberg, L., 529 Bitts Weinstein, A. L., 910 Sunset Av. Weiss, Dr. H. B., 3314 Perkins Av. Weiss, Sam, 1543 Central Av. Westheimer, M. F., 3557 Rosedale PI. Winkler, Eli, 1st Natl. Bk. Bldg. Wise, I. M., 2450 W. McMicken Av. Wolff, J., 628 Melish Av. Wolk, S., Heb. Union College Workum, D. J., 678 N. Crescent Av. Zepin, Rabbi G., 62 Duttenhofer Bldg. Ziv, Wm., 907 Lexington Av. SUBSCRIBER Hersh, John, 15 The Ortiz Bldg. Cleveland LIFE MEMBERS Mahler, Mr. & Mrs. B., 711 Electric Bldg. Peskind, Dr. A., 2414 E: 65th LIBRARY MEMBERS Bukstein, Mrs. F., 2548 Overlook Rd. Cohen, M., 322 Champlain Eisenman, Chas., Guardian Bldg. Feiss, Julius, 632 St. Clair, N. W. Feiss, Paul L., Cedar Rd. Haas, R. M., Ashbury Av. Halle, Mrs. M., Bellflower Rd. Hartman, S., 1327 W. 9th

128 Ohio] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 505 Joseph, I., 1827 E. 82d Joseph, S., 1927 E. 93d Klein, Geo. J., Churchill Av. Klein, H., 2164 Chatfleld Dr. Price, H., 5117 Woodland Av. Rosenberg, Dr. E., 8231 Woodland Av. Ulmer, J. M., 1005 Hippodrome Bldg. Aaron, Dr. Theo. H., 5512 Woodland Av. Abrams, Louis, 2244 E. 82d Adams, S. A., 1128 E. 98th Adelbert, College Library Apple, Max, Orville Av. Arnoff, J. E., N. Blvd. Arnold, J. K., Ashbury Av. Auerbach, Alex., Westchester Av. Auerbach, H., 730 E. 152d Baker, E. M., Hippodrome Bldg. Band, A., 6529 St. Clair Av. Barron, M. M., 6307 Franklin Bassett, Dr. H., 5801 Hawthorn Av. Becker, Eli, Grantwood Av. Belkowsky, Dr. I. M., Ashbury Av. Benesch, A. A., 1333 E. Boulevard Benjamin, Rabbi S., S. Blvd. Berick, M., 6018 Thackery Av. Berkowitz, Mrs. H., Barrington Av. Berman, Max H., 3628 E. 118th Bernstein, M., 7301 Hough Av. Bialosky Bros. & Co., 780 Kinsman Bloch, Judge J. C, Williamson Bldg. Block, Sundel, Kempton Av. Bloomfield, S., 1824 Forresdale Av. Bramson, Ely., Hopkins Av. Braun, O., 690 E. 99th Breitbart, A., Parkgate Av. Brody, Dr. J. G., 925 Pkway. Rd. Brody, Dr. Myer, 1377 E. Boulevard Brower, 3. A., 2214 Lorain Av. Brudno, E., Sooy for Savg. Bldg. Bubis, Dr. J. L., 1716 E. 84th Burkin, Geo., St. Clair Buxbaum, L., Hotel Olmsted Cahen, A., Kempton Av. Caplin, Dr. E. S., 5000 Woodland Av. Carmel, Isaac, 2291 E. 55th Chertoff, A., Somerset Av. Chertoff, P. M., 9508 Adams Av. Cleveland Heb. School & Inst., 2491 E. 55th Cohen, H. H., 3205 Lorain Av. Cohn, M. M., 1664 Eddington Rd. Cook, Samuel, 1350 Ontario Cooper, Dr. B. H., 2545 E. 130th Coplan, Dr. M., 2031 W. 25th Dembro, W. L., 799 E. 88th Deutsch, A. S., 1397 E. Blvd. Av. Deutsch, B., 454 E. 118th Deutsch, S. J., 510 Ulmer Bldg. Dorfman, B. M., Temblett Av. Dorsey, Sol., 1373 W. 6th Dubin, M., 5714 Scovill Av. Efros, M., 719 Garfield Bldg. Ehrman, G. B., 2509 Norfolk Rd. Eisenberg, L., 1169 E. 79th Engelman, N. D., 322 Leader Bldg. Englander, Dr. I., Fairport Av. Epstein, Dr. J. W., Drexel Av. Epstein, M. L., 2911 Scranton Rd., S. W. Feher, M., 8805 Buckeye Rd. Feigenbaum, I., 985 E. Blvd. Feuer, I., 488 E. 125th Frankel, E. F., 888 E. 105th Freeman, S., 3020 W. 104th Friedland, H. S., 1038 E. 105th Friedland, Dr. L. A., Superior Friedman, A., 9617 Thorne Av. Friedman, Mrs. A., Lake Av. Friedman, Max, Pasadena Av. Frutkin, J. W., 3095 Berkshire Rd. Fryer, J., 1569 E. Blvd. Galowitz, Castle Co., 3648 Woodland Av. Galvin, Dr. M. B., 1417 E. 85th Garber, A., 1101 Hippodrome Bldg. Garber, Dr. M., 6204 St. Clair Av. Gellin, H., Savannah Av. Ginsberg, Dr. H. E., 5116 Woodland Av. Ginsberg, N. N., 7722 Bway. Gittelsohn, Dr. R., 2584 E. 55th Gittelson, A. D., 5013 Woodland Av. Glick, Henry F., 1101 Parkside Rd. Goldberg, L. A., 5008 Woodland Av. Goldberg, M., Greenview Av. Goldberg, Dr. P. L., 2178 E. 80th Goodman, D. N., 1327 E. Blvd. Goodman, Max P., 2401 Coventry Rd. Gordinsky, J., 1037 E. 105th Gordon, B. D., 710 Ulmer Bldg. Gordon, H. S., 9114 Parkgate Av. Gross, A. F., 1087 E. 97th Gross, J., 211 High Grossman, Mrs. E. L., 1954 E. 82d Grossman, L. J., Lake Shore Blvd. & Doan Grossman, S., 3869 Carnegie Av. Grunauer, B. P., 1900 Euclid Gurss, S., 9511 Euclid Av. Haber, Ben E. Blvd. Hahn, Dr. A., 1048 B. of E. Bldg. Haiman, A. W-, 1751 Bryan Mawr Rd. Halle, S. P Bellflower Rd. Hambourger, J. I., 1401 Edendale Rd. Heimlich, Dr. D., 8401 Wade Pk., Av. Heller, Jacob, 2326 Lorain Av. Heller, M. I., 1836 W.25th Helper, M., Drexel Av. Herman, Harry,2176 E. 71st Hirsch, Dr. S. F., 10725Hampden Hollander, I., 2289 E. 89th Horwitz, Saml., Williamson Bldg. Huebsch, Dr. D. A., Lake Shore Blvd. Hurvitz, S., 510 Ulmer Bldg. Hurwitz, A., 932 Bway. Joseph, Emil, 1689 E. 115th Jung, Rabbi L., Columbia Av.

129 506 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [Ohio Kalish, A. A., 641 Engineers Bldg. Kane, M. A., 3717 Iron Ct. Kangesser, H. A., Park Bldg. Kanton, H. S., 2429 E. 55th Kasinow, Joe, 6116 Quincy Av. Katz, A. A., 9020 Parmelee Av. Katz, L. A., 320 Williamson Bldg. Katz, Samuel H., 927 Thornhill Dr. Kaufman, E. M., 8337 Woodland Av. Kirtz, A., 2330 Ontario Klein, A., 571 E. 109th Klein, A. M., Greenlawn Klein, David, 2389 W. 5th. S. W. Klein, Harry S., 8642 Buckeye Rd. Klein, J., Woodland Av. Klein, S., Parkgate Av., N. E. Kline, Dr. D. R., 4713 Rose Bldg. Klusner, L. W., 217 The Arcade Knoll, S., 1026 E. 99th Koblitz, H. D., 211 The Arcade Koch, I. M., 2685 Euclid Blvd. Kohn, D. S., 1357 E. Blvd. Kohn, Herman, 1600 E. 55th Kohn, W. S., 105th & St. Clair Av. Kollin, Abraham, 713 Society for Savings Bldg. Kollin, H. L., Morrison Av. Kolinsky, I. L., 3610 Woodland Av. Koshet, A., Pierpont Av. Kraus, A. S., 209 Republic Bldg. Kraus, H. S., Parmalee Krause, H. H., 1946 E. 70th Krieger, L., 959 Lakeview Rd. Krupnick, L., 2551 E. 51st Labowitch, D., 2210 E. 40th Landy, R., 2519 Detroit Av. Laronge, Jos., Drexel Av. Laufman, G-, Parkgate Lefkowitz, H., 7827 Burke Av. Leibowitz, A., 9605 Thorn Av. Lesser, Leo. A., 6109 Quincy Av. Lev, Abraham, 1859 E. 73d Levenberg, Dr. B., 1496 E. 107th Leventhal, A., 1523 E. Blvd. Levin, Rev. A., Somerset Av. Levine, Dr. B., 9902 Adams Av. Lifschitz, L., Ostend Av. Linsey, Dr. P. R., 215 Ellington Loeser, N., Lake Shore Blvd. Lowenthal, Siegfried, 2184 St. James Pkway Lustig, O., 3224 Berkley Av. Makoff, J., 3533 Woodland Av. Margolies, Rev. Dr. J. H., Box 107 Markowitz, Miss M. B., Ashbury Av. Marks, Mrs. M., Greenlawn Av. Mecholovitz, S., 2372 E. 61st Mellen, J. H., 911 Ulmer Bldg. Mesae, Mrs. S., 1260 Euclid Av. Meyer, J. F., 807 Columbia Bldg. Milcoft, Dr. I., 5512 Woodland Av. Milder, S., Ostend Av. Miller, J. H., Pierpont Av. Miller, S. H., 429 Soc. Savings Bldg. Morgenstern, J., 301 Williamson Bldg. Moses, A., 1646 Belmar Rd. Nebel, B., 482 E. 117th Novak, S., 1447 E. 115th Orthodox Old Home, 5912 Scoville Av. Ozersky, Max M., 1867 E. 66th Paler, Joe, 2409 E. 61st Peiser, Rabbi S., 1636 E. 117th Persky, A. E., 6916 Hough Av. Rabinowitz, Rinson, 4211 Woodland Av. Randell, B., 2322 E. 95th Resnick, H., Hotel Doanbrooke Richardson, Sidney, Euclid Av. Robins, B., 2362 E. 61st Rocker, H. A., 311 Williamson Bldg. Rocker, S., 2194 E. 71st Rogen, P., 9112 Thorn Av. Rosenblatt, M., 880 E. 105th Rosenthal, S., 1257 W. 6th Rothenberg, Wm, 2058 E. 102d Rothkopf, Adolph, Speedway, Overlook Rothschild, B. L., Pierpont Av. Rothschild, I. J., Somerset Av. Rubenstein, E., 105th & Superior Av. Rubin, David, 1665 E. 73d Sabbath, School Temple, B'nai Jeshurum Sacheroff, M., 2626 Euclid Av. Sacks, Dr. M. J., 1112 E. 99th Saks, Ira, 829 E. Boulevard Sands, M., Tuscora Av. Sarbinsky, M., 4008 Prospect Av. Scharfeld, M. B., 1610 E. 105th Schier, Ralph, 322 Leader Bldg. Schwartz, B. H., 311 Williamson Bldg. Schwartz, E., Williamson Bldg. Schwartz, L., 1347 W. 89th, N. Selker, S., Somerset Av. Shapiro, Aaron 6924 Carnegie Av. Shapiro, M., 412 W. Superior Av. Shulman, C. E., 1294 W. 6th Silbert, Judge S. H., 4708 Woodland Av. Silver, Rabbi A. H., The Temple Simon, D. I., 1067 E. 98th Simon, H., 9924 Ostend Av., S. E. Simon, H., 634 E. 115th Simon, M., 1631 Hillcreat Rd. Sobel, L. S., 1947 E. 71st N. E. Soglovitz, Geo. L., 9817 Ramona Blvd./S. E Soglovitz, S., 6311 Kinsmand Rd. Spero, H., Euclid Arcade Bldg. Spielman, J., 4727 Woodland Av. Spitz, Rabbi I., 1117 E. 105th The Euclid Av. Temple Sunday School Library The Temple Congr., E. 55th & Central Av. Ulmer, S., 2443 Edge Hill Rd. Vineberg, S., 3754 Woodland Av. WachB, I., Tacoma Av. Weidenthal, L., 2040 E. 83d Weil, E. S., Suite 1, 2077 E. 93d

130 Ohio] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 507 Weiss, A. L., 8906 Buckeye Rd. Weitz, Sidney N., 95 Belmore Rd. Wiener, L., 5915 Lexington Av. Wolf, E. E., Engineers Bldg. Wolf, J., Glenville Av. Wolfe, H., 1387 E. Blvd. Wolfenstein, Dr. Leo, 1624 Compton Rd. Wolkov, N., 6428 St. Clair Av. Wolpaw, Jacob, 2785 Edgehill Rd. Wolsey, Rabbi L., 8206 Euclid Av. Zinner, O. J., 5118 Bway. Zwick, Dr. I., 1935 N. St. Clair Columbus LIFE MEMBER Schonthal, Jos., 247 W. 8th Av. FRIEND Lazarus, Fred, High PATRON Hersch, W. A., 950 E. Broad LIBRARY MEMBERS Luper, M., 486 E. Maund Weinfeld, A. B., 51 E. Chestnut Basch, Joe, 1299 Bryden Rd. Bayer, M. L., 922 S. 22nd Beekman, Prof. T. N., 1316 Wesley Av. Berman, O., 216 E. Main Brier, B., 395 Donaldson Cohen, H. A., 997 E. Livingston Av. Cohen, H. H., 298 Wilson Av. Columbus Pub. Liby. Cowan, Harris, 542 Marion Delson, I Mt. Vernon Av. Dransch, A. J. 99 E. High Gilberg, A., 85 E. Spring Gilberg, H., 1520 Menlo PI. Gilberg, J. H., 210 E. Town Ginsburg Bros., High & Chestnut Goldberg A., 647 Linwood Av. Goodman, L. J., 1852 Franklin Av. Gordon, Dr. E. J., 394 E. Town Greenberg, M., 245 E. Gay Grundstein, S. L., 174 W. Chsetnut Gumble, H., 781 Bryden Rd. Gumble, M. H., 60 E. Broad Gundersheimer, A., 1844 Franklin Av. Herskowitz, N., 599 E. Rich Horkin, Dr. M., 894 Parsons Av. Hyman, Mrs. L., 17 W. Oakland Av. Josephson, L. W., 20 E. Broad Kantrovitch, D., 451 S. Wash. Av. Kobacher, A., Boston Store Kobacher, A. J., 1319 E. Broad Kobacher, Jerome, Boston Store Kornfeld, Rev. Jos., 1150 Bryden Rd. Levinson, B. F., 1350 Franklin Av. Levinson, M. M., 319 E. Gay Luper A., 563 E. Maund Mandel, Louis, 545 N. High Mottlin, J., 667 Linwood Av. Neches, Rabbi S. M., 474 E. Mound Newman, E. M., 1450 E. Broad Office, H., 528 E. Mound Ohio State Library, State House Polster, L. R., 636 S. 22d Polster, M., 751 Kimball PI. Av. Popper, I., 1350 Franklin Av. Rapenport, L., 181 N. Monroe Ratner, Mrs. H., 596 Linwood Av. Richman, R., 414 S. Monroe Av. Roth, Flora, 39 Auburn Av. Ruben, Saul, 1144 E. Long Schanfarber, E. J., 1424 Franklin Av. Schottenstein, Max, 227 N. 5th Schussheim, Rabbi M., 418 Berkeley Rd. Schwartz, S., 755 Bryden Rd. Silberstein, H. A., 368 Stoddard Av. Silberstein, M., 1295 Cole Smith, Abe, 166 N. High State Library, Capitol Stein, Ben, 474 E. Rich Stern, J. H., 453 Donaldson Stone, R. J., 1591 Bryden Rd. Topper, I. D., 228 Wilson Av. Wallace M. F., Bryden Rd. Wasserstrom, N., 433 N. High Weiler, Mrs. A. R., 91 Miami Av. Weinberger, M. M., 390 E. Town Weinfeld, S., 508 Parkview Av. Wolman, Bert, 414 Livingston Av. Zeckhauser, J. N., 1414 Madison Av. Zeta Beta Tau, 174 E. Woodruff Av. Coshocton Golden, A. Cuyahoga Falls Wiener, L. H., 23 Wadsworth Dayton LIBRARY MEMBERS Ach, F., Harvard & Amherst Av. ' Rauh, E., 162 Oxford Av. Stern, M. C, 66 Oxford Av. Burrick, Rev. S., 635 Hickory Dorfman, Chas. R., 42 E. Hudson Ettinger, T. D., 523 Lexington Av. Fred, M. L., Schwind Bldg. Goldzwig, D., 125 Park Israel, Mrs. M., 1131 Salem Av. Katz, Mrs. M., 909 Five Oaks Av. Kusworm, Sidney G., Gibbons Hotel Liehtenstein, Rabbi M., 541 Richard Ldeberman, V., 423 E. 6th Margolia, H. S., 28 Jones Margolis, Mrs. M., 136 Cambridge Margolis, M. K., 601 Dayton Savings & Trust Bldg.

131 508 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [Ohio Margolis, Oscar, 419 Oxford Av. Margolis, S. H., 1308 Grand Av. Maximon, S. B., 20 Quitman Mayer, Mrs. H. D., 1708 E. 5th Mayerbard, Dr. S. S. Gibbons Hotel Roth & Klein, 765 Troy Rothenberg, S., 268 Chestnut Simon, Louis, 422 Lexington Av. Sokol, P., 128 E. 5th Sussman, M., 2020 N. Main Wulkan, S. J., 122 Maple YassenofF, Rebecca, 104 Xenia Av. Dennison Feingold, M. R. Sales, Alex., 303 N. 2d East Liverpool Bendheim, G., 245 W. 4th Benett, M. C, 108 6th, W. Erlanger, B., 319 W. 5th Erlanger, Wm. Jr., 332 W. 5th Gordon, Harry, 206 E. 5th Horowitz, Rev. I., 114 Jackson Sq. Reich, M., 120 6th Rubin, Leon, 336 W. 4th Stein, J., 344 W. 4th Elyria Altfeld, A., 324 4th Schultz, Philip, 383 Broad Greenfield Heidingsfeld, O., 259 Jefferson Hamilton Berezin, A., 211 S. 3rd Cohen, J., 329 Park Av. Cohen, Miriam, 612 S. Front Elias, David, 126 S. "B". Kohen, M., 612 S. Front Lowitz, Mrs. M., 311 S. 4th Iiowitz, M., 24 S. 3rd Mintz, Miss M., 648 Heaton Pressman, T., 118 High StrausB Harry, 311 Ludlow Hilfsboro Free, S. R. Ironton Brumberg, A. B. Jacobson, B. M., 2 E. Park Av. Mearon, I. A., 16 Wash. Sale, E. Salle, J., 1112 S. 5th Steiner, Wm., 1217 S. 6th Stern, R., 410 S. 7th Iakewood Kaplan, Mrs. H., Madison Av. Lancaster Molar M., 205 Water Rothbardt, G., 162 W. Man Lebanon Fohlen, Chas. Fred, Solomon, W. Main Lima Latzoff, L., 406 W. Grand Av. Michael, N. L., 554 W. Market Logan Cohen, M. Quasser, L., 34 W. 2d Lorain Barker, S., 852 Bway Av. Gordon, I. I., 1803 E. 33rd Gross, Armin, 1735 E. 31st Jacoby, D., th Klin, M., 1769 E. 31st Lerner, S. M., 1771 E. 29th Levin, A., 1724 Bway. Schwartz, S., 546 E. Erie Av. Shift, Isaac, 1778 E. 28th Mansfield Freundlich, L., 400 W. Park Av. Haupt, Joseph, 218 W. 3rd Weil, Henry, 550 W. 4th Marietta Axelrod, S., 522 4th Beren, L., 412 Warren Ginsburg, L., 510 Warren Goldish, A. M., 729 4th Katz, B., 310 Montgomery Martins Ferry Kurz, Fred, 128 V 2 N. 4th Massillon Cohen, Sol. L., Columbia Heights Grossman, D., 612 E. Oak Middletown Bergstein, S., 7th & Park Mehl, Geo., 544 Yankee Rd. Schneider, Max, 3d & Clinton Mount Vernon Rosenthall, Mrs. A., 601 E. Vine Nelsonville Shamansky, M., 135 Watkins New Albany Coplan, N. f fw t oston Kaufman, A.

132 Ohio] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 509 Shaffet, A. Stecker, M. New Straitsville Norwalk Preis, L. M., 204 W. Main Painsville Ginsberg, B., Riverside PI. Piqua Kuppin, B., 226 Water Louis, Leo, 621 Caldwell Louis, R., 321 Boone Portsmouth LIBRARY MEMBER Horchow, Saml., th Atlas, Henry, 1822 Timmonds Av. Braffman, J. B., 720 Chillicothe Jacobs, P., th Kline, A., 939 3rd Lerman, M., 1801 Oakland Av. Ozarch, Louis Quasser, L., 907 Gallia Warsaw, P., 1309 Kinney's Lane Salem Bahm Bros. Cohen, Phil, 34 E. School Sandusky Byer, Jos., 335 E. Adams Herman, H. L., 214 W. Market Isaacs, Harry Kaplan, Saml., 903 Central Av. Rosenblum, H., 226 Water Sidney Chickering, A. Halberstein, L. Springfield Blattner, J., 11 W. Southern Av. Cronstein, B., 1921 E. Main Ebner, Jos. 370 E. Cassidy Goldsmith, H., 1611 S. Fountain Av. Hart, P. E., 450 E. Cassilly Jaffa, S. J., 226 E. Cassilly Levine, M., 20 S. Fountain Av. Levy, H. L., 169 Maple Mickler, J., 643 E. High Mintz, R. B., 551 E. Yortherin Av. Reich, L., 26 E. High Rosenfield, P. H., 551 E. Northern Av. Salzer, G. M., 215 Circle Dr. Schadel, Mrs. J. 222 W. North Tohoph, S., 228 Oakwood PI. Steubenville Adler, I., 347 S. 5th Brown, I., Sinclair Bldg. Caplan, Rev. I., 219 S. 3d Danenberg, B., 113 S. 8th Esakovich, A. S., 118 S. 8th Glick, J., 311 S. 3d Greenberger, H., Sinclair Bldg. Lazier, Celia 519 Slack Levinson, Ralph, S. 4th Reichblum, J., 438 Market Reiner, S., 328 Mrket Rosen, Chas., Slack & Linden Av. Weinstein, Dr. A. E., 104 N. 4th Wolfe, Wm., 406 S. 3d Tiffin Berson, M., Boston Store Toledo LIBRARY MEMBERS Gerson & Son, I., 2202 Glenwood Av. Kobacker, Mrs. J. I., 2311 Glenwood Av. Morgan, D. S., 711 Islington Netzorg, L. Z., 2484 Scottwood Av. Rosen, H., 2119 Franklin Abrams, M. J., 2049 N. 14th Applebaum, J., 2441 Warren Baer, Jacob, 905 Cherry Baer, K., 229 Erie Bamberger, Dr. H., 2450 Park Wood Basch, S. L., 2724 Collingwood Binzer M., 2232 Ashland Av. Bloom, J., 820 Walnut Calisch, Sol. H., 2232 Rosewood Av. Cohen, A. S., 2301 Glenwood Av. Cohn, A. B., 2354 Warren Davis, Samuel, 1502 Elm Dreyfus, M., 2275 Lawrence Av. Edelstein, S., 638 Winthrop Eppstein, J. O., 2415 Franklin Av. Fain Ben., 644 Stratford Frank, R., 1414 Walnut Freeland, Mrs. E., 433 Boston PI. Geleerd, M., 2232 Scottwood Av. Goldberg, I., 3103 Cherry Gordon, H. M., 140 Austin Green, B. M., 2405 Putnam Gross, O., 1715 Spielbusch Av. Herbert, Mrs. R., 2311 Lawrence Av. Hirsch, H., 137 S. Huron Horwitz, Wm., 22 Kenilworth Dr. Igdolofl, L., 321 Floyd Jacobs, M., 2058 Glenwood Av. Jacobson, Mrs. R. L., 2447 Scottwood Av. Jewish Federation, Southward & Linwood Kabacker, Mrs. M., 2486 Robinwood Av. Kaplan, L., 420 Islington Kasle, Abe., 318 E. Woodruff

133 510 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [Oklahoma Kasle, Joe., 1728 W. Bancroft KaBle, Sam, 2339 Franklin Av. Kastle, A. I., 15 Page Kohn, Samuel, 2148 Glenwood Av. Landman, Chas. P., 1402 Madison Av. Landman, Otto, 2225 Fulton Levison, Harry, 2226 Putnam Levitt, L., 2012 School PI. Mayer, M., 2323 Glenwood Av. Messer, H., 315 Sherman Messing, S. M., 2714 Brentwood Av. Mostov, S., 1130 E. Bancroft Nathan, Mrs. M. B., 2140 Glenwood Ave. Nathanson, I., R., 11 Rockingham Dr. Nathanson, L., A Glenwood Av. Perlis, Sam, 414 Mochen Rice, Mrs. S., 2316 Locust Ringold, J. H., 1031 W. Woodruff Av. Shaw, E. E., 1119 Oakwood Av. Shomer Emoonim Sabbath School Silverman, I., 2116 Glenwood Av. Smith, Oscar J., 940 Spitzer Bldg. Thorner, A. J., 434 Kenilworth Av. Toledo Public Library Treuhaft, M. E., 2440 Warren Unger, H. Z., 2040 Franklin Av. Zanville, H., 2479 Parkwood Av. Zimmerman, H-, 2272 Franklin Av. Zimmerman, J., 2114 Linwood Av. Upper Sandusky Stern, Jacob, 226 N. Sandusky Av. Warren Greenstein, S., 6 First Klivans, S., 109 E. Market Mark, Leo, 209 Mahoning Av. Wilmington Kaufman, Isidor Supowitz, L. B., 121 N. South Wooster Amster, N., Quinby Av. Youngstown LIBRARY MEMBERS Crow, Mrs. Eugene, 1460 Elm Wilkoff, Wm., 287 Madison Av. Altshuler, O. H., 714 Ford Ay. Bazel, Rev. J. M., 1542 Kensington Bernstein, B. H., 104 Willis Av. Block, H., 218 W. Boardman Block, Rev. S. J., 66 Halleck Brody, J., 215 E. Federal Brunswick, H. W., 350 Crandall Av. Burger, L. B., 409 Alameda Av. Cohen, M., 704 W. Norwood Av. Drabkin, S., 1323 Ohio Av. Eidelman, C, 1095 W. Federal Eidelman, J., 137 N. Prospect Edelman, M., 388 Lora Av. Fried, Louis, 230 Kyle Friedman, Jos., Stambaugh Bldg. Giber, B., 260 E. Boardman Goldberg, H. S. W., 363 Custer Av. Goldsmith, I. G., Box 58 Hain, Max, 244 Norwood Av. Harrison, M., 73 E. Evergreen Av. Hartzell, E., 240 Lora Av. Hartzell, R. L., 1716 Elm Hyman, M., 21 Madison Kamenetsky, A., 1343 Elm Kaufman, M., 146 E. Marion Av. Kirkorsky, J., 418 Norwood Klivans, Abram, 258 Crandall Av. Klivans, Jacob, 117 E. Federal Klevans, I., 275 E. Federal Livingston, A. E., 583 N. Walnut Lyman, Dr. Chas. B., 109 W. MadiBOnAv. Magid, J., 78 Ellenwood Av. Mallrin, J., 105 Grove Ozersky, L., 42 Wickoral Philo, Rabbi I. E., 19 Illinois Av. Rand, D. J., 825 5th Av. Ravinson, M., 778 Bryson Regenstreich, Louis, 262 Fulton Rheuban, A. H., 1322 Republic Av. Rodef Sholem Sab. School, Elm & Woodbine Schwartz, Ignace, 27 Thornton Av. Sedwitz, Dr. S. H., 377 N. Sora Shaw, H., 572 W. Madison Av. Sherman, C, 42 Bway Steiner, D., 1053 Marshall Wilkoff, Leo S., 278 Norwood Av. Yarmy, S. J., 704 Mahoning Bk. Bldg. Ardmore Bodovitz, Jake A., 619 A. N. W. Daube, Mrs. Saml. Macoff, M., 13 Caddo Jacobson Morris Joels, Sam Zweigel, A. Atoka OKLAHOMA Bartlesville LUBRARY MEMBER Degen, Harry, 729 Delaware Av. Brin, Leopold Morrison, Lee, 703 Armstrong Av. Cleveland Ratner, Dave

134 Oklahoma] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 511 Joseph M. Milstein, Morris Coalgate Cushing Futoransky, Mrs. I. G., 117 E. Bway Enid Singer, Morris, 929 E. Bway. HaileyviUe Futoransky, Ch. Goldberg, M. Serwinsky, H. Hartshorne Lehigh Byera, Ben. McAlester Cohn, H. S., 215 E. Cherokee Glatstein, B., 36 W. Ottawa Av. Levin, Herman Muskogee Ginsburg, N. S. & Unger JaMnsky, M., 1203 W. Bway. Sondheimer, Saml. Stern, H. L., 3d & Bway Winetrob, J., 109 W. Bway. Oklahoma City LIBRARY MEMBER Levy, I. B., 808 W. 17th Blatt, Rabbi Jos., 901 W. 24th Barth, Sol. 906 W. 16th Engelsman, A. D., 1205 Colcard Bldg. Gordon, Abe, 421 E. 9th Herskowitz, Harry, 515 W. 13th Hirechland, Ben, 118 W. 21st Hoffman, H. R., 22 N. Robinson Kahn, B. M., 1321 N. Bway. Lewinsohn, M. M., 817 W. 19th Lewisohn, N., 108 Main Madansky, P., 617 W. 18th May, B. H., 1100 W. 19th Pack & Rosen, 9 S. Broadway Rose, Ralph, 5XW. Grand Okmulgee Goodman, C. I., Box 427 Roff James, John G. Sand Springs Krous, Joseph Sapulpa Josephson, A., 3 S. Main Katz, A. J. Minsky, A., 619 E. Lee Stillwater Rosinsky, Louis Tulsa PATRON Travis, M. M., 1702 S. Boulder ANNULAR MEMBERS Aaronson, A. E., 529 E. 21st Aaronson, L. E. Z., 1151 E. 23d Albert, J., 202 N. Denver Bello, N., 302 S. Wheeling Bereutt, Mrs. M., 304 S. Phoenix Birnbaum, J., 502 S. Victor Blazer, I. E., 1202 N. Denver Boorstein, Saml. A., Mayo Bldg. Brumberg, Ph., 212 E. Jasper Cohen, Evelyn, Box 85 Comer, A., Ill E. 14th Davis, Jos, 1421 S. Carson Av. Douglis, Bernard, P. O., Box 1893 Feldman, R., 1227 N. Denver Flaisher, David, 10 E. First Freed, A., 239 E. Illinois Galitzky, Bros., 122 N. Main Gore, H., 305 Kennedy Bldg. Himmelstein, Rev. M., 919 S. Cheyenne Hordan, J., 415 E. 3d Hyman, J., 510-A S. Main Kahn, Julius, 603 E. 18th Kahn, Max, 1202 S. Denver Av. Kaufman, Sol H., 105 Independence Av. Krasner, Sam, 216 W. Brady Landan, Eva, 436 N. Boston Latz, Rabbi C. B., 1733 S. Main Levine, Dr. M. B., 2104 E. Admiral Levy, Joseph, 1435 S. Denver Lewis, A. J., 725 E. 19th Livingston, J. K., 1527 S. Cinn. May, Max, 2141 Norfolk Ter. Miller, Sara, Produce Supply Co. Ravitz, R., 106 S. Lewis Revel, Dr. B., 511 E. 20th Rips, A. S., 551 S. Wheeling Rips, N. S., 517 S. Victor Rips, Dr. O., 517 S. Wheeling Selinger, S., 519 E. 1st Sitrin, Sam., 1702 S. Boston Av. Solow, Eugene, 1618 S. Norfolk Stekoll, H., 314 E. 19th Stekoll, J. M., 148 E. Jasper Stekoll, R. A., 1139 N. Denver Stone, H. J., 39 N. Zunis Stern, Rabbi D., 1308 N. Elwood Teller, Rabbi Morris, 1709 S. Boston Av. Travis, D. R., 718 Kennedy Bldg.

135 512 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [Pennsylvania Travis, M. R., 1702 S. Boulder Travis, S. R., 923 Boston Av. Turner, Max M., 202 N. Denver Wasserman, M. S., Box 231 Zeligson, J., 919 S. Cinn Wilbur ton Baer, Mrs. Ike Joseph, Mrs. Jno. Lapp. A. Yourman, I. Corvallis Oregon Agricultural College Lib. Eugene Univ. of Oregon Library McMinnville Pacific University Library Mosier Strauss, Edw. M. Portland LIBRARY MEMBERS Selling, Ben, 4th & Morrison Simon, Hon. J., 429 Vista Av. Berg, C. F., 1124 Franklin Bernstein, Mrs. A., 776 Overton Bischoff, S. J., Board of Trade Bide. B'nai Brith Bldg. Asso., 13th & Mill Cohen, David S., Chamber of Commerce Friedenthal J., c o F. Mayer & Co. Fulop Bros., 104 3d Allegheny Harter, A., 107 Parkhurst Allentown Caplan, M-, 533 Allen Cohen, Abr., 393 Hamilton Cohen, H. A., 32 S. 11th Cohen, Reuben, 417 N. 2d Coleman, A. E., 121 N. 7th Efron, Abe, 244 N. 5th Peldman, Dr. J., 31 N. 2d, Goldbammer, J., 738 Hamilton Hess Bros., 1244 Hamilton Isaacovitz, H., Liberty Jewish Community Center, 245 N. 6th Kline, Chas., 1230 Hamilton Parnet, Dr. D. H., 436 Tilghman Persky, W., 175 Telghman Rockmaker, H., 40 S. 18th Schattenstein, J., 1615 Linden Siegel, Morris J., 606 Grant Silberatein, Louis, 644 Front OREGON PENNSYLVANIA Gevurtz, Louis, 185 1st Goldstein, M. A., 768 Marshall Goodman, B. B., 405 E. 8th, N. Hirsch, Mrs. S., 171 St. Clair Krueger, Rabbi N. B., 709 Lovejoy Av. Lesser, J., 600 Dekum Bldg. Levitt, S. J., 162 Hazelfern PI. Library Assn. of Portland Library Assn. of Portland, 10th & Yamhill Lipman, Sig., 673 Johnson Meyer, S. C., Hippodrome Theatre Miller, Alex. E., 148 N. 18th Neighborhood House, 2d & Wood Nelson, R. C, Yeon Bldg. Nemerovsky A., 786 Johnston Portland Library Assn., 10th Reed College Ricen, Dr. L., 816 Journal Bldg. Rubin, B. W., 675 Overton Shemanski, J., 405 "Washington Swett, I., 456 E. 24th, N. Sweet, Z.,.126 6th Teiser, S., th Weinbaum, Edw., N., 997 E. 16th, N. Weinstein, A., 516 E. 12th,N. Weinstein, Alexander, Morgan Bldg. Wise, Rev. Dr. J. B., 466 S. 19th Sussman, Miss H., 601 N. 2d Unger, S., 1424 Lincoln Wasserman, J., 633 Hamilton Altoona Abels, Rabbi M. J. S., th Av. Abelson, A., th Av. Altoona Mechanics' Library Arstein, M., 515 4th Beerman, S., th Av. Berman, M., th Av. Gendel, S., th Av. Goldstein, A. D., 2808 Broad Av. Goldstein, S. L., th Av. Hebrew Reform Cong. School, 13th Av. &15th Grossman, J. D., th Av. Henderson, M., 1927 W. Chestnut Av. Lang, I., 1906 W. Chestnut Av. Leopold, B., th Av. Levin, Jos., th Av. Luddeke, Mrs. F., th

136 (Pennsylvania JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 513 March Sons, S., th Av. Marcus, I., th Av. Montgomery, M. E., th Av. Pachter, M., 2322 Union Av. Rosefsky, S., th Scheeline, I., 2005 Maple Av. Sealfon, H., 2416 Beale Av. Silverman Bros., th Av. Slutzker, H., th Av. Smith, H. B., th Ambridge Levin, Barnard, Box 84 Ardmore Balaity, J. S., 18 E. Lancaster Av. Harrison, H., 25 Lancaster Av., W. Harrison, N., 8 W. Lancaster Av. Harrison, T., 47 W. Lancaster Av. Katz, David, 6 Cricket Av. Kapalman, H. Arnold Barnesboro LIBRARY MEMBER Luxenberg, Lewis Airov, M., 1105 Maple Friedman, Max Lipman, Max Beaver Falls Davis, B. W., 814 3d Av. Markson, H., 818 7th Av. Solomon, Mrs. Max, th Av. Wasbutzky, L., th Av. Bellefonte Cohen, Walter, 19 N. Spring Finkelstein, David, Bush Arcade Ichkowitz, Nathan Kalin, Mrs. Max Schlow, Charles Bentleyville Goldman, G-, MalakoCf, Mrs. O. H., 4 1st MalakoiT, S. Berwick Berman, A. W., 132 W. 2d Heicklen, Jacob, th Av. Krauss, M. E., 127 W. Front Moss, Jos., 417 E. Front Schain, J. M. Shafier, M. Bethlehem Baumel, M., 405 E. 3d Cohen, B., 451 Carlton Av. Finkelstein, M., 321 E. 3d Gordy, Dr. M., 427 E. 3d Lowy, C, 521 Ontario Michelson, P., 305 E. 3d Stone, F., 85 W. Broad Blairsville Friedman, B. M. Goldfarb, B. W., 123 E. Market Rosenthal, David L. Blandburg Sinclair, H. Bloomsburg Cohen, L., 262 West Mayer, David, 38 W. 3d Boardman Stalberg, Dr. S. Braddock Hirchsprung, Rabbi, M., 705 Talbot Av. Isaacson, E., 1112 Braddock Av. Kline, A., 866 Braddock Av. Levitt, Chas., 245 Hawkins Av. Markowitz, B., 1017 Talbot Av. Matz, Louis, 900 Braddock Av. Polk, Dr. O. I., 430 2d Sacks, H., 569 Corey Av. Schmidt, S., 728 Braddock Av. Schwartz, S., 317 7th Shapiro, E. M., 553 M Corey Av. Stark, L., 503 Center Stark, S., 869 Braddock Av. Weiss, B., 220 Holland Av. Bradford Auerheim, S., 36 PI. Berwald, P. M. Bryman & Orange, 2 Bushnell Carnegie Public Library Finkelstein, D., 61 Main Greenewald, D. C, 103 Congress Harris, Mrs. N. E-, 114 South Av. Kreinson, L. J., 28 Bushnell Nichols, N., 40 Main Nusbaum, B., 56 Congress Si:, Samuel, 75 Congress Simons, L. H., 86 Congress Steinberger, F., 105 Congress Weiss, John, 58 School Yasgur, Abe, 150 Davis Brownsville Brown, S., 628 Front Goldstein, Frank E. Neaman, A. H. Schwartz, Ben Bryn Mawr Harrison, Ph., 818 Lancaster Av.

137 514 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [Pennsylvania Silvert, H-, 846 Lancaster Av. Weintraub, N., 812 Lancaster Av. Butler Berman, M. A., 170 Oak Cohn, A. H., 210 Elm Conn, Saml. N., 108 S. Main Horwitz, Ch., 214 Elm Horwitz, Wm., 621 N. McKean Jaffe, I. M., 228 W. Penn Oram, S., 215 2d California Abramson, H. Foreman, J. Sale, Fred Yoffee, Max B. Cambridge Springs Goldston, A. L., Highland Hotel Rockoff, A. A. Cannonsburg Galanty, J., 45 Jefferson Av. Levin, J. D., 201 E. Pike Carlisle Berg, Mrs. Chas., 41 S. College Berg, Jr., Herman, 236 S. Hanover Berg, Selma, 55 S. College Ettinger, Reuben, 49 S. Pitt Rosenau, A., 227 W. Lonther Carnegie Bachrach, Rev. J., 203 W. Main Meyer, A., 17 W. Main Raskin, D., 417 Anthony Smilowitz, A., 227 Caruthera Wertheimer, J., 732 Idlewood Av. York, Jacob T. Centralia Lippman, P. Chamberbsurg Bloom, Eli F., 75 W. Queen Bloom, Harry, 125 5th Av. Goodman, Conn., 6th & Nelson Lewenberg, C, 38 S. Franklin Lyons, L. G., 58 S. Main Myer, Raphael, 104 W. Catherine Sacks, Lewis, 158 S. 3d Sleutzker, H. Slutzker, H., 243 S. 4th Charleroi Birken, I., 522 McKean Av. Brill, A., 600 McKean Av. Gins, S. C, Fair Blvd. Lichter, J., 412 Fall Av. Porter, H. Wayne, Ph., 708 McKean Zeidman, J. Chester Berman, Frank, 33 W. 8th Bloom, Saml., 212 W. 7th Deutsch, M. R., 2610 W. 3d Ginns, Chas., 26 W. 3d Grossman, S., 1522 Chestnut Gurvitz, A. I., 2407 Edgemont Av. Kramer, Ch. W., 2215 W. 3d Lessy, A. E., 605 E. 14th Levy, Moses, 15 W. 3d Marker, Wm., B., 245 Market Ozer, Geo., 2606 W. 3d Silberman, Jos., 243 E. 23d Turk, Simon, 532 E. Broad Wolson, A. W., 337 W. 9th Clearfield Littman, Jos., 218 Vi Pine Shapiro, L., 235 Market Coal Centre Kotler, Max M. Coaldale Dumtschin, M., 2d Rachman, J. D., 117 Ruddle Coatesville Apfelbaum, Louis, 356 E. Lincoln Highway Appelbaum, A., 356 E. Main Chertock, Meyer, 315 W. Main Cohen, Wm. I., 423 E. Chestnut Goldberg, I., 589 Chestnut Heisman, S., Gibson & 1st Av. Levitt, Chas., 253 Harmony Margolies, Dr. M., 567 Chestnut Morris, I., 408 S. 1st Av. Segal, S., 710 Main Smulowitz, Miss R., 8 N. 2d Av. Smulowitz, S. D., 20 S. 6th Av. Spitz, H., 530 S. 1st Av. Stark, H., 530 S. 1st Av. Trachtenberg, L., 117 Main Weiss, B., 625 E. Main Collingsdale Levit, Simon, 535 Beechwood Av. Wiseman, Harry S., 431 Pusey Av. Columbia Clafter, S. Morris, Wm., 241 Locust Conemaugh Selkov, J., 409 Chestnut Connellsville Elpern, L. H., 130 N. Pittsburg Goldsmith, Henry, 148 W. Main Goldstone, H., Lincoln Av. Oppenheim, S. D.

138 Pennsylvania] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 515 Conshohocken Gabin, A., 345 Springfield Av. Gabin, David, 32 Fayette Jaeobson, J., 127 W. 8th Av. Kessler, F., 40 Fayette Corapolis Goodman, M., th Av. Corry Gumbinsky, A. Smith, Don F., 310 E. South Ciafton Krieger, Mrs. L., 225 Crafton Av. Bender, S. L. Greenberg, L. Mailman, M. Millman, A. Cresson Crum Lynne Cunvensville Robinson, Mrs. R. R. Darby LIBRARY MEMBER Maimed, A. T., 25 Overfull Rd. Bass, Jacob, 528 Main Bron, Geo., 872 Main Greenbaum, M., 504 Main Klein, Chas., 886 Main Shuman, Abr. A., 1116 Main Shuman, S., Theatre Bldg. Dickson City Cantor, Dr. Aaron S., 941 Main Rube], Louis, 106 Main Donora Appelbaum, H., 909 Thompson Av. Elefant, Rev. G. A., 420 McKean Av. Friedlander, B., 634 Thomson Av. Heatter, Dr. M. H., 537 Thompson Av. Hirsch, Harry, 675 McKean Av. Miller, Mose, th Doylestown Baker, J., 298 E. Court Krimstock, R., 142 W. State Pearlman, M., Main & Oakland Av. Sprintz, I., 72 W. Court Du Bois Greenblatt, D. Kass, W., Ill W. Bong Av. Steinberg, L. L., 18 N. Brady Duryea Kurlancheek, J., 411 Main East Brady Miller, Samuel Easton Arkin, H. M., 149 Northampton Becker, Dr. L. R., 415 Northampton Cohen, J. S., 732 Northampton Hershon, Rabbi R. B., The Lafayette Kline, J., 343 Northampton Kowotz, M., 132 S. 3d Krohn, H., 6 S. 7th Mayer, B. D., 468 Northampton Mayer, H., 41 S. 10th Mayer, Jacob, 115 N. 14th Potts, A. G., 446 Northampton Ralph, L. M., 137 N. 7th Sherer, S., 203 Northampton Edwardsville Jacobs, A. E. Elkins Park PATRON Wolf, Louis LIBRARY MEMBER Wolf, August ANNUAL MEMBER Magill, Saml. N. Ellsworth Levin, M. Ellwood City Feldman, Nathan, 522 Weyne^Av. Simon, Jos. D., 117 5th Ephrata Harris, Jos. S. Erie LIBRARY MEMBER Sobel, Isador, 717 Poplar Ansche Chesed Congr., 1608 Peach Aronoff, A., 12 E. 11th Berman, Mrs. B., 314 W. 10th B'nai B'rith Orphanage, Home for Friendless Children of District No. 3 Cohen, M., 353 W. 9th Cohen, O., 912 State Cowan, L., 814 W. 5th Currick, Rabbi M. C, 523 W.J9th Dryfoos, Mrs. M., 818 W. 8th J Eisenberg, Mrs. A., 643 W. 9th Eisenberg, H. M., 645 W. 9th Hershey, J., 918 State

139 516 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [Pennsylvania Katz, Rabbi Dr. M., 647 W. 7th Kramer, Mrs. I. H., 816 Wash. PI. Kramer, Mrs. J., C, 2922 Poplar Levin, J. L., 649 Downing Ct. Levy, H. F., 405 W. 7th Levy, M. D., 612 W. 10th Lipkin, M., 1341 W. 10th Margolis, Chas., 345 E. 7th Morris, Mrs. A., 929 W. 8th Ostrow, Mrs. S., 437 W. 7th Roeenthal, I., 136 W. 26th Rosin, M. J., 1319 Parade Rubin, D. I., 321 E. 24th Rubin, H. H., 244 E. 21st Schaffner, J., 325 W. 9th Schaffner, M., 239 W. 21st SchaHner, M., 239 W. 21st Schlesinger, W. L., 618 Marine Bank Bldg. Schnurman, Sol., 1301 W. 9th Silin, Isaac J., 952 W. 8th Simon, Isidor, th Zachs, B. A., 358 W. 9th Zachs, H. L., 1237 W. 10th Zaoks, J. H., 1222 W. 10th Etna Caplan, Harry, 8 Freeport Farrel LIBRARY MEMBER May, Patrick, 622 Fruit Av. Landay, Dr. L. R., 1013 Bway. Polangin, Wm. Schlesinger, I. G., 409 Fruit Av. Weis, J., 508 Wallis Av. Fayette City Newman, E. Fredericktown Kaufman, M. Freeland Chenetz, Morris, 529 Centre Pollakotf, O., 423 Centre Gettysburg Kirssin, L. E., 30 W. Middle Lestz, P., Center Sq. Shmukler, B., 112 Hanover Viener, H. B., 217 N. Scrattan GirardviUe Block, Charles Glassport Benovitz, D., 214 6th Glenside Cohen, Max, 161 Willow Grove Pike Lewis, Arthur L., 154 Lismore Av. Greensburg Corman, J., 235 Hamilton Friedlander, H. M., 332 Hamilton Harris, B. M., 113 Talbot Av. Hochberg, J, 126 Vannear Av. Kahanowitz, I., 112 Washington Ratner, B., 22 Otterman Shapiro, J., 816 W. Otterman Tansky, Edw., Box 603 Ziskind, Jos., 4th & Penna. Av. Greenville Friedman, E., 149 Main Goldsmith, M., 25 Louisa Av. Hesse, Abe, 401 S. Main Hanover Blmenthal, I., 144 North Greenbaum D., 133 Bway. Topaz, S., 208 Frederick Harrisburg LIBRARY MEMBER Cornick, Isidor Abram, H. S., Broad & Current Begelfer, L., 414 N. 3d Claster, Henry C, 2001 N. 3d Claster Jos., 801 N. 2d Cohen, J., 1801 N. 7th Cooper, A., 123 N. Cameron Fishman, Samuel, 111 Evergreen Freedman, Abe, 1103 Montgomery Freiberger, Rae, 1419 Wallace Furman, David, 612 Briggs Goldman, Dr. L. C, 710 N. 6th Goldsmith, Jos., 6% N. Market Sq. Goldstein, Eli, 1934 N. 3d Haas, Rabbi Louis Jacob, 810 N. 2d Hirschler, A., 803 N. 6th Klompus, S., 416 Calder Lehrman, S., 323 Broad Levi, J., 11 N. 5th Levin, D-, 300 Boas Levin, S., 417 Boas Levinson, S., 2210 N. 5th Michlovitz, S. Paxton, St. P. R. R. Rosenberg, R., 1835 Whitehall Rubin, Dr. H. B., 1825 N. 2d Silberman, Jos., 320 S. 14th Williams & Friedman, 1939 N. 2d Zuckerman, H., 38 N. 10th Hazleton, Benjamin, Mrs. D., 325 W. Diamond Av. Benjamin, H. M., 432 W. Diamond Av. Dessun, Dr. L. A., 145 N. Laurel Friedlander, I., 715 W. Diamond Av. Friedlander, M., 103 W. Diamond Av. Frumkin, H. N. Wyoming

140 Pennsylvania] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 517 Goodstein, P., 725 W. Diamond Av. Honig, J. L., 809 W. Diamond Hyman, J. W., Diamond Av. Kaplin, Jacob, 68 N. Wyoming Koplin, H., 26 W. Broad Markman, H. K., 432 W. 1st Rosenblatt, M. I., 433 W. Diamond Hollidaysbuqg Krelitz, Wm. Lasser, O., 311 Allegheny Holmes Samuelson, Alex. Homer City Kriwawnik, A., Box 415 Marks, Abe Homestead Carpe, M., 312 Dixon Feinberg, I., 213 8th Av. Fink, S. I., c,o Homestead Valve Mfg. Co. Fischel, M., 601 8th Av. Friedlander, B., 218 E. 11th Av. Grinberg, M. I., 335 E. 12th Av. - Grinberg, M., th Av. Gross, A., 3423 Beechwood Blvd. Grossman, I., 605 8th Av. Haupt, H., 527 Dickson Katz, J. I., 601 8th Av. lineal, I., 345 8th Av. Mervis, M., 140 W. 11th Av. Huntington Swartz, L. J., 911 Washington Indiana Brody, H. J., 1006 Church Jeanette Cohen, Henry, 304 Clay Av. Levin, Frank Neumann, I., 211 N. 5th Ratner, Chas., 414 Clay Av. Sandson, Yale Jenkintown Loeb, Rudolf, 227 Summit Av. Lowenberg, Mrs. A. R., 103 Summit Av. Jersey Shore Padolf Israel Johnsonburg Stein, Wolfe, 426 Center Weiss, Jacob Johnstown LIBRARY MEMBERS Elsasser, N. A., 521 Tioga Rosenberg, A., 632 E. 15th Boris, Hyman, 119 Broad Callet, S. L., 134 Clinton Glosser, Bella, Franklin Glosser, Nathan, 626 Oak Lipman, J., 604 Napoleon Lisowitz, C. G., 209 Hickory Nathan, M., 416 Vine Nesselson, B. S., 414 Wash. Schwartz, Max, 516 Main (Shapiro, H. C, Rear 109 Dibert Kane Cohn, A. B., 319 Greene Elson, T., Fraley Faxstein, A., 116 Clay Faxstein, I. M., 237 Bayan Hirsch, S., 121 Biddle Strauss, Bros., 234 Chas. Kittanning Gruskin, A. S., 508 N. Jefferson Gruskin, J. M., 119 Market Rambach, D. Lancaster Dembo, M., 10 E. James Eisenberg, Robt., 257 S. Ann Ellins, Dr. H. A., 220 N. Queen Golden, Isaac, 722 E. King Hirsh, Mrs. A., 21 N. Lime Jacobs, J., 19 W. Chestnut Lancaster Lodge, No. 228 I. O. B. B. Lestz, J. L., 511 S. Shippen Lestz, Saml., 37 S. Lime Lurio, B., 626 N. Duke Lurio, M., 230 N. Duke Miller, I., 301 Green Rosenthal, Rev. I., 445 N. Duke Shaarai Shomayim Congr. Liby. Shear, Dr. L. M., Manor & Dorwart Siegel, H. L., 521 Locust Lansdale Beinhaker, L. Fi uit, Louis Neiburg, Samuel Lansford Zevin, Rev. J. Latrobe Bigg, Bernard, 512 Brinker Av. Click, H., 623 Spring Lowenstein, Fred., 202 Depot Marks, Mrs. D., 328 Washington Michael, R. H., 223 Main Miller, S., 607 Fairmount Tucker, Sam, 307 Main Lebanon Brenner, L., 4th & Willow Caplan, Julius H.

141 518 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [Pennsylvania Deutsch, S. J., 821 Walnut Silberman, Max Y. M. H. A. Leetsdale Gross, Max Lehighton Gruneberg, Leo. C, 238 N. 1st Rauscher, Emanuel, Box 25 Weiss, Wm., 143 N. 1st Lewistown Hollem, S., 104 Green Av. Katz, Joe Wallner, David, 19 S. Wayne Lock Haven Baer, Morris, 114 Bellefonte Av. Claster, Harris Claster, M. L., 46 W. Bald Eagle Hecht, Edw., 423 W. Main Hecht, Norman L., W. Main Hurwitz, I. S., 127 E. Main Lipez, Max J., 44 Bellefont Av. Raff, Mrs. L. L., 48 W. Main Simon, A. & Sons Teah, Dr. T. E. Zimmerman, Mrs. S., 215 E. Bald Eagle Luzerne Freedman, Max, Freedman Bldg. McAdoo Chenetz, J., 6 N. Tamaqua McKeesport Alstet, Rabbi M. A., Temple B'nai Israel Barney, H. R., 704 Wylie Av. Blattner, I. S., 553 6th Av. Friedman, Henry, 531 Shaw Av. Glosser, E., 740 W. 5th Av. Itscovitz, Dr. S., 123 5th Av. Kimelman, A., 1100 S. Soles Krow, E., 515 N. Park Moskowitz, J. M., 629 Madison Av. Nayhouse, J. L., 604 Union Av. Rosenbleet, C. H., 701 6th Ruben, Jos. H., Ruben Bldg. Sull, E. R., 1112 Jenny Lind Sunstein, Dr. Noah, 607 Shaw Av. Victor, I., The Savoy Victor, I., c,o Victor Theatre Weissberg, Max, 519 5th Av. McKees Rocks Caplan, Joseph, 328 Helen Zionts, Louis A., 318 Helen Mahonoy City Shanfield, Sydney Manha 11 Jaffe, A., 954 8th Av. Marcus Hook Ezkowitz, L., 310 E. 10th Mark, J. Rosenblatt, M., 922 Market Spielman, M. H# Masontown Kaplan, Harry Rosensheim, S., P. O. Box 748 East Mauch Chunk Weiss, S., Jr. Meadville Hershrield, H. L., 685 Alden Ohlman, L. W., 913 Water Ratner, D., 1317 Park Av. Mechanicsburg Jacobson, A. S., 14 W. Main Media LIBRARY MEMBER Seitchik, J., 102 S. Orange Fishman, H., State & Monroe Fleegler, J., 128 S. Orange Goldberg, I., 26 W. State Kaufman, K., 118 S. Orange Rudnick, I., 209 S. Orange Melrose Park LIBRARY MEMBER Hirsh, H. B., 1213 Stratford Av. ANNUAL MEMBER Rosenthal, Miss B., 1125 Stratford Av. Mifflintown Schott, Freda, Mrs. Melbourne Heights Levy, P., 24 Wellington Rd. Millsboro Silverblatt, S. Minersville Jacobs, L. Mocanaqua Simon, Joseph Monaca Stein, Chas. Monessen Eisenberg, H., 401 Schoonmaker Av.

142 Pennsylvania] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 519 Herberg, S. H., 511 Schoonmaker Av. Meyers, Rev. D. S., 138 Schoonmaker Av. Nayhouse, A., 409 McKee Av. Rozner, M., 251 Schoonmaker Av. Tanzer, Alfred, c,o Monessen S. & Trust Co. Monongahtla City Ginsberg, A., 414 Main Janoff, Max, 149 W. Main Oppenheim, Louis R., Main & 2d Sklar, M., 217 Park Av. Mount Airy LIBRARY MEMBER Weyl, M. N., 6506 Lincoln Drive Nusbaum, E., 143 W. Sharpnack Nusbaum, J., 7137 Cresheim Rd. Mount Carmel Cohen, H., 146 S. Oak Cohen, N., 130 Oak Grossman, Louis, 321 S. Oak Miller, Walter, 32 W. 3d Unger, D. A. Munhall Moss, Dr. M. H., 434 8th Av. Sapeer, H., 631 9th Av. Schermer, R., 516 8th Av. Nanticoke Fisher, Daniel, 47 S. Market Levi, Ben & Bros., E. Main Levi, L., 103 Prospect Nanty Glo. Book Bros. Donofsky, Herman Edelsten, A. I. Harris, J. P. Slutsky, Harry Nazareth Freeman, Samuel, 150 Main New Brighton Saul, Ellis I., 601 6th New Castle Cohen, H., 210 Fairmount Cosel, Mrs. J., 35 N. Mercer Feuchtwanger, Mrs. M., 223 N. Mercer Frank, DT. H. A., 120 E. Long Av. Kaplan, Dr. E., 30 N. Mercer Kline, B., S. Mercer Klivans, H., 411H E. Reynolds Levin, S., 1330 Moravia Moss, Rev. A., 42 Blokley Av. Rosenblum, L., 411H E. Reynolds New Cumberland Smarr, Jos. B., 12th & Bridge New Kensington LIBRARY MEMBERS Harris, H., th Av. Steiner, J. J., 64 6th Av. Crown, H. L., 444 4th Av. Edelson, S., 965 4th Av. Eiges, Julius, 933 5th Av. Levendorf, Rabbi H. Newport Lipsitt, Henry Norristown Berks, Mrs. H. B., 156 Main Bloch, S. E., 524 Haws Av. Northampton Lerner, George Roth, I. Northumberland Schwartz, Wm. Oak Lane Alkus, Morris, th Av. Schilt, Mrs. L., 9 Asbury Av. Oil City Frank, Sam, Y. M. C. A. Grant, H. J., 1432 Buffalo Keller, A. J., 304 Central Av. Lewis, Saml., 311 Seneca Mintz, Dr. C. A., 7 Division Rosen, Sam, cor. State & First Rosenberg, B., 219 Seneca Rosenthal, S., The Oil City Blizzard. Slesnick, M. R., c,o M. Goldstein Stahl, H. L., 310 State Olyphant Raker, David K., 202 Lack Av. Patton Goldman, Miss Hester Philadelphia LIFE MEMBERS Bloch, S. L., Broad & Wallace Louchheim, Mrs. J., 1218 Walnut Schechtman, M., 2459 N. 33d Silberman, Mrs. S., 1727 Spring G irden Snellenburg, N., 12th & Market Snellenburg, S., 12th & Market Teller, Mrs. B. F., 1727 Spring Garden SUBSCRIBER FOR LIFE Peirce, Harold, 222 Drexel Bldg.

143 520 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [Pennsylvania SUSTAINING MEMBER Maatbaum, J. E., 2307 N. Broad PATRONS Alexander, Benj., 258 S. 18th Fels, Maurice, 4805 Spruce Pels, S. S., 39th & Walnut Fleisher, Edwin A., 2220 Green Gerstley, L., 1411 N. Broad Gerstley, Wm., Majestic Hotel Miller, Simon, 901 N. 16th Stern, Edward, 140 N. 6th Sulzberger, J. E., 1303 Girard Av. Sulzberger, Hon. M., 1303 Girard Av. WoU, Albert, N. 12th Wolf, Ben., 1313 N. Broad Wolf, Clarence, 1521 N. 16th WoU, Edwin, 1517 N. 16th LIBRARY MEMBERS Bayuk, Myer, 3d & Spruce Berger, D., 1737 N. 32d Bernheimer, L. G., 233 W. Harvey Blieden, S. T., 1419 Girard Av. Blumenthal, Hart, 1921 N. Park Av. Dalsimer, Walter, 1208 N. Broad Fernberger, Henry, 1306 N. Broad Fleisher, Arthur A., 2301 Green Fleisher, Benj. W., 2301 Green Fleisher, Mayer, 2223 Green Fleisher, S. B., 2220 Green. Gimbel, Mrs. E. A., 1830 S. Rittenhouse Sq. Gimbel, Jacob, 2115 Spring Garden Greenwald, Mrs. R. R., 404 S. 42d Hackenburg, Mrs. Wm., B., 953 N. 8th Hagedorn, J. H., 1626 Chestnut Herzberg, M. H., 4130 Parkside Av. Keneseth Israel Congr., Broad above Columbia Av. Klein, Rabbi M. D., 1808 N. Broad Kohn, H. E., 5847 Woodbne Av. Korn, M., 4539 N. 12th lit, J. D., 8th & Market lit, Samuel D., 204 W. Rittenhouse Sq. Ludlow, B. H., 1100 Lincoln Bldg. Masteroff, L. P., 945 N. 40th Mercantile Club, 1422 N. Broad Miller, A. B., 404 S. 42d Miller, Chas., 16th & Reed Pfaelzer, Mrs. Morris, 1524 N. 16th Raken, S. C, 1912 Erie Av. Rose, A. & Son, 1748 Frankford Av. Samuel, J. Bunford, 1609 Spruce Schlesinger, Abe, 331 Walnut Simons, Dr. B. R., 6901 Lincoln Dr. Snellenburg, J. N., Market & 12th Steinbach, Mrs. L. W., 1511 Oxford Stern, Judge Horace, 1524 N. 16th Stern, Rev. Dr. J. L., 12th & Green Lane Weyl, J. S., 140 N. 6th WoU, M., Real Estate Trust Bldg. Y. M. H. A., 1616 Master Aaron, M. N., 1937 N. Broad Aarons, A., 1701 Pine Aarons,,G. P., 1909 N. Park Av. Abel, S., 2229 S. 5th Abraham, Benj., 116 S. 8th Abraham, H., 6043 Christian Abrahms, J., 1901 Berkshire Abramson, D., 1500 N. 6th Abrams, Edw., Penn Sq. Bldg. Abrahamson, Dr. P., 1341 S. 6th Acron, Dr. Jno., 421 S. 8th Adath Jeshurum Library Adler, Dr. Cyrus, 2041 N. Broad Adler, Mrs. C, 2041 N. Broad Aprons, P., 2444 N. 30th Aisenstein, S., 5902 Walnut Albert, J., 3li4 Montgomery Av. Alexander, C, 890 N. 23d Allman, H. D., 3819 Walnut Allman, J. P., 1508 Oxford Alperovich, M., 3233 W. Monument Av. Altman, C. L., 739 South Altman, Tobias, 1530 N. 16th Altschuler, M., 8th & Morris Amram, D. W., Real Est. Trust Bldg. Amster, Ignatz, 2859 N. 5th Apple, Abe, 40l3 Lancaster Av. Apt, M., 721-Arch Apt, Max, 6729 N. 13th Armon, A., 15 Banks Arnold, Corinne B., 1419 Master Arnold, I., 5532 Catherine Arnold, Mrs. M., Hotel Royal Aron, Mac, 941 N. 8th Arronson, H., Commercial Trust Bldg. Asbell, Jos., 5917 Walnut Ash, Alex., 925 Filbert Ashin, Sam, 1403 N. 7th Assn. for Protection of Jew. Immigrant., 275 S. 4th Auerbach, J., 353 Snyder Av. Auerbach, S., 702 Snyder Av. Axe, B., 1315 Cherry Axelrod, M., 721 S. 12th Bacharach, S., 1434 N. 17th Bachman, F. H., 1425 Walnut Bader, J., 1110 Diamond Baird, P., 826 Arch Balaban, H., 5631 Chester Av. Bamberger, A. J., 201 Ashbourne Rd. Barenbaum, Sol., 3341 Ridge Av. Barlow, Dr. A., 1431 N. Franklin Barnett, Jacob, 902 N. 16th Barnett, Michael, 1822 Erie Av. Barol, H., 1025 Wingohocking Barrist, I., 1033 Race Baskin, Jos., 822 Corinthian Av. Bass, C. P., 5616 Walnut BatoS, L., Real Est. Trust Bldg. Bauer, Mrs. Benj., 1841 Erie Av. Bauer, G., 1817 Venango

144 Pennsylvania] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY S21 Bauer, Jacob, 330 N. 12th Baum, N., 2125 Gratz Baylson, I., 5030 Kingsessing Av. Baylinson, Max C, 4828 Sansom Becker, D., 4032 Parkside Av. Becker, W. G., 301 Summit Av. Behrend, Dr. M., 1427 N. Broad Behrend, Max, 419 Locust Av. Belatzky, S., 3110 W. Clifford Belber, A. S., 1523 N. 16th Belber, H. S., 1300 Hunting Pk. Av. Belber, Dr. M. Y., 6th & Pine Belimow, Jos., 1413 Point Breeze Av. Belmont, Leo, 1833 Erie Av. Bender, Joe, 2528 Ridge Av. Bender, O. G., 803 Bailey Bldg. Bendiner, H., 1818 W. Erie Av. Benoliel, S. D., 4508 Locust Berg, Abram, 887 N. 23d Berg, D., 1715 Jefferson Berg, N., 141 Apsley Berger, J., 239 N. 2d Berger, S., 5605 Spruce Berkenau, A., 2247 S. 71st Berkowitz, A., 2034 S. 6th Berkovitz, A. S., 3850 N. Smedley Berman, A., 1317 N. 7th Berman, Aaron, 6019 Market Berman, H., Drexel Bldg. Bernheim, Dr. A., 1212 Spruce Bernholz, Rosie, 631 S. 9th Bernstein, B. L., 1108 Moyamensing Av. E. Bernstein, C, 2020 N. 32d Bernstein, J., 5311 Baltimore Av. Bernstein, L., 1129 Wingohoeking Bernstein, L., 310 Drexel Bldg. Bernstein, R. M., 1851 E. Cambra Bernstein, S., 1707 S. 18th Bernstein, Saml., 5843 Chestnut Bernstein,. S., 4338 Germantown Av. Beth-El Cong., 58th & Walnut Biberman, J. M., 321 Carpenter Lane Biberman, Jos., 607 W. Aspel Biberman, L., 6639 Lincoln Dr. Bienenstock, S., 5035 N. Warnock Biernbaum, M. H., Stephen Girard Bldg. Binder, Dr. J., 833 S. 3d Blai, B., 5030 Aspen Blatstein, Marcus, 315 S. 5th Blanc, Saml., 5178 Parkside Av. Blatt, F., 4101 Lancaster Av. Blatt, M., Esq., 4025 Girard Av. Blank, J., 6165 Catherine Blauner, H., 833 Market Blieden, G. L., Liberty Bldg. Blieden, Dr. M. S., 1310 S. 5th Bloch, Mrs. M. L., 1136 American Block, J., 1343 N. 7th Bloom, Louis, 4701 Wayne Av. Bloom, N., 1030 Windrim Av. Bloom, Rudolph, 4104 Girard Av. Bloom, S. S., 4617 N. Broad Blumberg, A. M., Bulletin Bldg. Blumberg, Mrs. J., 510 S. 9th Blumenthal, Wm., 1001 Filbert Bobloski, L., 1701 S. 55th Bochroch, Dr. M, H., 1539 Pine Bodek, W., 1601 N. 33d BogdanofT, I., 523 South Bonze, H., 5630 Larchwood Av. Borow, Samuels, 6912 Woodland Av. Borowsky, A. G., 305 Widener Bldg. Bortin, David, 4322 Spruce Brake, Lear, 6113 Carpenter Brag, S., 808 N. 5th Bram, Dr. Israel, 1714 N. 7th Braslawsky, H., 519 S. 4th Braslovsky, A., 4th & Lombard Braude, H. W., 6221 Ellsworth Brav, Dr. A., 917 Spruce Brav, Victor, 1514 Lindley Av. Braverman, Jos., 845 N. 6th Brecher, Chas., 3723 N. Gratz Brenner, H. N., 515 Pine Brenner, Julius, 1522 Lindley Av. Brenner, M., 5025 Walnut Bricketta, Wm. J., 901 S. 6th Briskin, Osher, York & Douglas Brod, H., 6030 Wash. Av. Brod, Jos., 6203 Christian Brodsky, B. H., 5101 Wynnefield Brodsky, F., 3218 Market Brodsky, N., 843 Ritner Brody, Mrs. Louis, 122 N. 2d Bromberg, J., 2907 N. 23d Bronenberg, A., 219 Vine Bronner, Mrs. H., 1535 Girard Av. Brooks, B., 11th & Diamond Brooks, Chas., 5928 Market Brown, L., 1301 N. Marshall Brylawski, Mrs. E., 626 W. Cliveden Av. Buchsbaum, S., 723 Walnut Buckanoif, M., 1007 N. 40th Bucks, W., 2251 N. Park Av. Burd, A. M., 1719 N. Franklin Burnstine, J., 127 N. 10th Bumstine, J. I., 5009 Penn Burstein, H., 6225 Carpenter Byruch, J., 328 McKean Cahan, L. H., "The Clinton' Cahan, S., 2421 N. 24th Camitta, S., 707 S. 60th Cantor, H. L., 2943 Frankford Av. Cantor, Philip, 854 N. 10th Caplan, J. L., 234 Queen Caplan, Jos., 2244 N. Park Av. Caplan, Samuel, 718 S. 11th Carabell, S-, 5717 Woodland Av. Chabrow, D. P., 5937 Latona Chaiken, Dr. J. B., 1338 N. Franklin Chalphin, J. J., 56th & Girard Av. Citron, A., 2505 N. 27th Clyman, Dr. J, H., 1363 Germantown Av. Cohan, M., 3866 Poplar

145 522 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [Pennsylvania Cohen, A., 4120 Leidy Av. Cohen, Dr. A. J., 1630 Spruce Cohen, Aaron, 1725 Columbia Av. Cohen, Albert, B Cedar Av. Cohen, C. J., 510 Ludlow- Cohen, Charity Solis, 1537 N. 8th Cohen, D., 615 W. Clearfield Cohen, D. H. Solis, 1715 N. 18th Cohen, E. J., 2311 Brown Cohen, H., 216 Chestnut Cohen, H., 3229 W. Norris Cohen, Mrs. H., 321 S. 51st Cohen, Harry, 5908 N. Hutchinson Cohen, L., 706 Pine Cohen, L., 3802 N. 18th Cohen, Max, 617 Snyder Av. Cohen, Max & Co., 57 N. 3d Cohen, Dr. Myer S., 2113 Chestnut Cohen, N., 1125 N. 4th Cohen, S-, 4541 N. 13th Cohen, Dr. S. Solis, 135 S. 17th Conn, B., 3038 Girard Av. Cohn, B. R., 3846 N. 17th Cohn, G., 5518 N. Lawrence Cohn, H. J., 68th Av. & 18th Copperman, M-, 1140 S. 5th Coplin, S. H., 45 N. 61st Cornfeld, Dr. M., 1336 S. 4th Cournos, G. W., 2d & Jefferson Coyne, M. A., Widener Bldg. Creshkoff, R. S W. Norris Creskoff, J. A., 5262 Parkside Av. Crown, Abe, 1240 South Crown, M. Jr., 5149 N. Sydenham Dalsimer, L., St. James Hotel Daniels, F. G., 2414 Mayfleld Dannenbaum, M., 930 Market Dannenberg, G., 1747 N. 33d Dannis, S. W., 3019 W. York Daroff, S., 1813 N. 33d Dash, J., 60th & Larchwood Av. Dash, Sam, 515 Bainbridge Davis, Max, 4062 Lancaster Av. Dayno, Julius, 802 N. 2d Dembitz, A., 1703 N. 7th De Ford, Dr. F. A., 2046 N. 20th Deutsch, Saml., Ill S. 8th Diamond, Dr. H. N., 2136 S. 5th Diamond, Philip, 1207 S. Broad Diamond, Wm., 714 South Dilsheimer, F., 3021 Diamond Dintenfass, B., 524 W. Hortter Dintenfass, Dr. Henry, 415 Pine Doman, A., 2410 Napa Dorenblum, J., 940 Fairmount Av. Dorshow, B., 2462 N. Napa Dreifus, M., 1529 Diamond Drucker, A. B., 427 S. 20th Dubois, M. N., 5330 N. 12th EckBtein, Wm., 1809 N. 11th Edelstein, J., 1023 Wingohocking Ehrenreich, F., 2326 N. Front Ehrlich, Irwin, 1910 W. Erie Av. Eichholz, Adolph, 257 S. 16th Einhorn, B. E., 423 Cross Eiseman, F. F., 1323 N. E. Blvd. Elfman, L. R., 5762 Delancey Eliel, Mrs. L. S., St. James Annex Elion, Leona, 919 Snyder Av. Ellis, A. M., 2227 N. 33d Ellis, Kain, 2401 N. 54th Elmaleh, Rev. L. H., 2322 N. Broad Englander, D., 314 Catherine Englander, J. B., 125 S. 63d Englander, S., Crozer Bldg. Epstein, O., 5943 Pine Eshner, Augustus A., 1019 Spruce Estia, W., 727 Sansom Ettelson, Rev. H. W., 1505 Diamond Ettelson, Jos., 913 S. 60th Fabinsky, M., 1316 N. 52d Falkowitz, M., 2538 N. 30th Farber, M. M., 3012 Euclid Av. Fastman, A., 512 S. 57th Fastman, Jos. I., 3840 Girard Av. Faxstein, B., 4224 Parkside Av. Fayer, J. A., 202 N. 61st Feigenbaum, B., 1207 Wyoming Av. Fein, M., 2927 W. Norris Feinstein, Dr. A., 867 N. 7th Feinstein, H., 3935 Pennsgrove Feinstein, M. A., 10th & Poplar Feitz, Jacob, 3001 N. 22d Feld, Samuel, 416 S. 4th Feldman, Rabbi A. J., 1717 N. Broad Feldman, Dr. D., 4101 W. Girard Av. Feldman, David, 3001 N. 22d Feldman, David N., 444 S. 57th Feldman, H., 3205 Ridge Av. Feldman, Jos., 209 Lincoln Bldg. Feldman, S., 2902 N. 24th Feldstein, J., 828 Arch Ferguson, D. F., 5335 Woodland Av. Fernberger, H. W., 1825 N. 17th Feustmann, M., 715 Arch Finberg, E., 2201 N. 33d Fineman, Dr. H. E., 1324 S. 5th Fineman, S. S., 4036 Parkside Av. Finestone, L. J., 404 Green Fingles, Dr. A. A., 2229 Vine Finkelstein, Abr., 3120 W. York Finney & Son, 529 N. 12th Fischer, E., 1637 W. Wyoming Av. Fischer, J. J., 612 Bulletin Bldg. Fish, M. L., 622 Bainbridge Fisher, I. Irwin, 5218 Irving Fisher, Joseph, 1901 N. 33d Fisher, Dr. R-, 1719 N. 52d Fishman, E., 6336 Woodland Av. Fishman, S., 2416 S. Mildred Flamm, Mrs. R., 2232 Ridge Av. Fleisher, Mrs. A., 2030 Sping Garden Fleisher, A. W., 1514 N. 17th Fleisher, Dr. H., 2656 Allegheny Av.

146 Pennsylvania] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 523 Fleisher, Louis, 2045 Green Fleisher, Manuel, 1238 N. 42d Fleisher, P., 1218 Walnut Fleisher, W., 1504 N. 17th Fleisher, W. A., City Line & Lakeside Av. Fogel, Alex., 671 N. 52d Folstein, Abe, 5800 Hazel Av. Folz, L. H., Real Estate Trust BIdg. Forman, I., 333 S. 5th Forst, H. S., Cherry Forstein, Sol. B., 971 N. 10th Fox, Chas. E., Drexel Bldg. Fox, William, 5439 Walnut Frank, M., 718 Arch Frankel, L., 2219 N. 33d Frantz, I., 1105 N. 40th Fredman, Rabbi S., 6046 Wash. Av. Free Library, 13th & Locust Freed, M., 201 N. 61st Freed, M., 1513 S. 47th Freedman, Chas., 311 Market Freedman, J., 5040 Kingsessing Av. Freedman, Jos., 1030 Arch Freedman, N., 5926 Cobbs Creek Pkway. Freeman, S. D., 5160 Parkside Av. Freides, Dr. R., 1333 S. 6th Freister, Sol., 83d & Eastwick Av Freudenheim, A., 252 N. 61st Freudenheim, J., 24 Strawberry Freund, H., 2220 N. Van Pelt Fried, Alex., 1900 N. 18th Friedman, B. C, 618 S. 7th Friedman, H N. 19th Friedman, H., 1307 S. 6th Friedman, Lionel, 4845 Pulaski Av. Friedman, M., 5844 Rodman Friedman, S. G., 1422 N. 16th Friedman, S. M., 39 N. 60th Fruckbaum, E., 5660 Pine Fuerstenberg, Mrs. F. Muhr, 2315 N. Broad Furth, Emanuel, 1218 Chestnut Gaber, D., 3204 Clifford Gamborow, J. H., 623 S. 8th Geiss, Samuel, 509 S. 63d Gerson, F. N., 3413 Race Gerson, L., 5th & Pine Gerstley, Mrs. H., Majestic Hotel Gerstley, Isaac, 1707 Jefferson Getzow, Dr. J. A., 251 Pine Gevov, E., 244 W. Girard Av. Gimbel, Mrs. B., 1415 N. Broad Ginns, Dr. R. S., 30 Carpenter Lane Ginsburg, A., 432 Market Ginsburg, H. H., 4627 N. Broad Ginsburg, Jacob, E. York & Aramingo Av. Ginsburg, Jos., 1021 N. 2d Ginsburg, Jos., 931 Market Ginsburg, L. S., Commonwealth Bldg. Ginsburg, Dr. S. A., 1901 S. Broad Ginsburg, Wm., Lincoln Bldg. Ginsburg, W. B., 1119 Somerville Av. Gittelson, Dr. S. J., 1017 Spruce Gitomer, M., 1327 S. 58th Glantz, M., 824 S. 4th Glassgold, S. S., 436 W. Wyoming Av. Gold, A. R., 809 Spruce Goldbaum, Dr. Jacob S., 4234 Spruce Goldberg, H. R., 2531 N. 31st Goldberg, Mrs. H., 939 Wyoming Av. Goldberg, Dr. M., 1724 S. Broad Goldberg, S. S., 2838 N. Bailey Golden, Dr. M. H., 1611 S. 3d Goldenberg, M., 2551 N. Marston Goldenberg, M., 4110 Lancaster Av. Goldenberg, P., 430 Spruce Goldenring, S., 134 N. Hobart Goldensky, E., 2321 Tioga Golder, Ben., 2011 N. 33d Goldfarb, J., 822 S. 5th Goldfield, J. E., 1826 S. 58th Goldhaber, J., 5th & Wharton Goldich, M. S., 31 S. 50th Goldich, Max, 4618 N. 13th Golding, Dr. E. i, 1722 N. 8th Goldman, D., 1739 S. 4th Goldman, H., 1739 S. 4th Goldman, J. B., 6207 Ellsworth Goldman, M. D., 1919 Erie Av. Goldman, N. I. S., 1505 Nedro Av. Goldner, A., Franklin & Brown Goldring, Dr. C. H., 6036 Carpenter Goldsmith, E. M., 2308 N. Broad Goldsmith, Katherine, 1311 Columbia"Av. Goldstein, B. G., 710 Pine Goldstein, D., 4601 N. Camac Goldstein, L., 703 W.- Girard Av. Goldstein, M., 2544 N. 31st Goldstein, R., 4148 Leidy Av. Goldstein, S., 1828 S. 5th Goldstein, N. L., 2607 N. Myrtlewood Goodfriend, Harry, 2420 S. 21st Goodfriend, L., 1218 Filbert, Goodman, Chas., 2327 N. 33d Goodman, Isaac, 13th & Callowhill Gorchov, Chas. J., 3732 N. 18th Gorchov, M-, 1822 Cadwalder Gordon, Dr. B. L., 6026 Carpenter Gordon, Max, 5922 Walnut Gordon, Dr. S., 2003 S. 4th Gorson, S., 3218 N. Broad Gorvit, A., 1125 Columbia Av. Gosch, H. M., Morris Bldg. Gottlieb, H., 2209 N. Natrona Gottlieb, Isidor, 264 S. 5th Gottlieb, M., 2310 E. Allegheny Av. Gottlieb, Morris, 6219 Carpenter Gottlieb, Morris, 935 N. 8th Gottlieb, N. J., 1803 Erie Av. Gottlieb, Yetta, 623 Bainbridge Goward, Geo., 1616 N. Marshall Grabosky, S., 21 N. 2d Gradess, Dr. M., 2932 N. 6th Gradess, S., 2207 N. 18th Grass, Jacob, 1301 N. 54th

147 524 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [Pennsylvania Grass, M., 5823 Cedar Av. Grass, S., 6911 Lotona Av. Gratz, College, Broad & York Green, B., 515 S. 3d Green, Jacob, 3858 Poplar Green, J. L., 1317 S. 5th Green, Dr. Max, 2007 S. 4th Green, Dr. A. M., 708 Snyder Av. Green, Saml., 2139 S. 8th Greenbarg, Ben., 4912 N. 8th Greenbaum, Mrs. M., 2002 N. Broad Greenbaum, S., 22d & Arch Greenberg, J., 1347 S. 6th Greenberg, J. J., 15th & Locust Greenberg, Jos., 101 N. Gross Greenberg, N. N., 2912 Columbia Av. Greenblatt, I., 512 Market Greenblatt, L., 3110 Montgomery Av. Greenblatt, N., 1703 S. 55th Greene, B. R., 11th & Poplar Greenfeld, Carl, 1210 N. 52d Greenfield, A. M., 15th & Chestnut Greenhouse, M. E., 1507 N. 16th Greenstein, Dr. I., 1941 N. 31st Greenstone, Dr. J. H., 1926 N. 13th Gribbel, Jno., 1513 Race Groskin, H., Land Title Bldg. Gross, Benj., 1104 W. Columbia Av. Gross, Harry, 331 S. 6th Gross, Jos., 706 Bulletin Bldg. Gross, Morris, 1223 Market Gross, S.j 2569 N. Hollywood Av. Grossman, Chas., 1818 N. 28th Grossman, Chas., 3716 N. 18th Grossman, D., 211 Market Grossman, H. R., 4023 Girard Av. Grossman, I., 1411 Pt. Breeze Av. Grossman, I. S., 1915 E. Dauphin Grossman, Mrs. J., 5758 Larchwood Av. Grossman, L., 2342 N. 31st Grossman, Martin, 2007 South Grossman, Mordecai, 1960 N. 29th Grossman, S., 1430 Susquehanna Av. Gubler & Co., 118 S. 4th Gusdorff, A., 615 Market Gutman, B., 6214 Carpenter Haber, Morris, 1627 N. 33d Hahn, Mrs. F. E., 1511 Oxford Hahn, Henry, 3340 N. 16th Halper, Dr. B., 1723 N. 33d Halpert, N., 714 Samson Halpert, S. N., 725 Sansom Halpren, Jacob, 4946 Walnut Halprin, L., 5914 Christian Hammerschlag, P., 4626 N. Camac Hanick, Samuel J., 212 S. 9th Hano, H., Ritz Carlton Harris, B., 2031 W. Tioga Harris, Rev. N. H., 5000 N. 9th Harris, Sol., 1102 Snyder Av. Harris, S., 127 E. Roosevelt Blvd. Hartman, A., 721 Union Harzenstein, S., 7052 Woodland Av. Hassler, I., 2261 N. 21st Havsey, J., 3024 Euclid Av. Hebrew Lit. Socy. 310 Catharine Heb. Sunday School Society, 10th & Carpenter Heb. Sunday School Society, 1527 N. 7th Hecht, I., 1218 Chestnut Heidelberger & Co., 219 S. 2d Heineberg, Dr. Alfred, 16th & Spruce Helfand, David, 318 S. 2d Heller, Max, 528 N. 4th HenWn, I., 2930 N. 5th Henly, Elkan, 16th & Reed Henly, Jacob, 1214 N. 16th Herbach, Jos., 1819 Newkirk Herbach, Sam, 3115 Clifford Herman, Benj., 522 S. 60th Herman, C. L., 231 S. 49th Herman, M. E., Lincoln Bldg. Herman, S., 5835 Hazel Av. Herold, Milton, 2039 N. Broad Hershkowitz, A., 1646 S. 4th Hershcovitz, M., 2419 S. Alder Herson, M.,.500 N. 6th Herzberg, G., 1531 N. 8th Herzberg, Herbert I., 315 N. 12th Herzberg, Max, 901 N. 16th Hess, Mrs. L. E., 1725 N. 33d Hillerson, David, 709 Sansom Hillerson, Dr. M. S., 422 Green Hinitch, D., 2809 N. 22d Hirsch, Max, 725 Arch Hirsch, R. C, 1130 W. Columbia Av. Hirschberg, H., 308 N. 3d Hirsh, Mrs. A., Hotel Majestic Hirsh, Mrs. Gabriel, 2311 Green Hirshorn, H. K., 9th & Walnut Hochman, P., 3714 N. 19th Hoffman, B., 54th & Greenway Av. Hoffman, I., 1449 Point Breeze Av. Hoffman, J. B., 4914 N. 8!h Hoffman, Jacob, 1622 S. 4th Holmstock, M., 6123 Woodland Av. Horowitz, Frank, 1137 S. 8th Horvitz, H., 3605 Market Horvitz, S., 4077 Lancaster Av. Horwitz, M., 12th & City Line Hoschander, Dr. J., 3222 Ridge Av.! Hultzman, L., 258 S. 52d Hurewitz, M., 831 N. 6th Hurshman, A.E., Lincoln Bldg. Hurwitz, B., 2438 N. Broad Husik, Isaac, University of Penna. Hyman, Mrs. C, 1220 S. 58th Hyman, L., 6201 Reedland Hyman, Wm., 1617 Ruscomb Hyneman, J. E., The Union League Ignatinsky, M., 3946 Parrish Illoway, B. A., 6638 Greene Imber, Harry J., 613 S. 6th Ingber, D., 5842 Rodman

148 Pennsylvania] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 525 Ingber, D. A., 1307 Market Ingber, Edna, 7904 Eastwick Av. Ingber, I. W., 1006 Rockland Isaacman, Jos. I., 2007 N. 33d Isaacs, J. L., 3331 N. 16th Isaacs, Lester, 935 Wyoming Av. Isaacs, Morris, 1511 N. 21st Isaacs, Phil., 4901 Walnut Israeli S. M., 5243 Chester Av. Isser, M., 1133 W. Girard Av. Isserman, Rabbi F. M., c.o Rodeph Shalom Jacobs, Henry S., 1813 Oxford Jacobs, Dr. Louis, 517 S. 8th Jacobson, P. D., 335 W. Girard Av. Jaffe, Louis, 4112 Parkside Av. Jaffe, S., 6237 Wash. Av. Jaspan, Jos., 226 S. 2d Jastrow, The Misses, 1919 Green Jeitles, Saml., Majestic Hotel Jewish World, The, 233 S. 5th Joffe, N., 134 N. 13th Jonas, Chas., 12th & Callowhill Joseph, I., 1132 Columbia Av. Kaas, Andrew, 1510 Chestnut Kahn, Dr. B. L., 2125 S. 4th Kahn, E., 1235 N. Frazier Kahn, H. S., 3235 N. 17th Kahn, Reba C, 1824 W. Brie Av. Kaizen, Julius, 3031 Euclid Av. Kalish, Dr. M. E., 1930 N. Franklin Kamen, N., 722 N. 3d Kamens, Isaac, 1542 N. Franklin Kandell, Geo., 478 N. 3d Kane, Ben]., 412 S. 5th Kanofsky, Ike, 1630 Pt. Breeze Av. Kaplan, Chas. M., 2313 W. Tioga Kaplan, M., 927 Passyunk Av. Kaplan, W., 720 S. 11th Karmatz, J., 2511 N. 28th Karmel, S. H., 821 Arch Karpl, I., 528 S. 60th Kates, Louis, 1429 S. 2d Katz, Arnold, 2444 N. 19th Katz, B., 605 Mifflin Katz, Isaac, 332 S. 3d Katz, Louis, 7131 Woodland Av. Katz, Maurice B., 1920 N. Patton Katz, Myer, 6012 Woodland Av. Katz, Simon, 431 Walnut Kauffman, M., 3728 N. Sydenham Kaufman, Dr. A. S., 16th & Spruce Kaufman, E., 617 W. Hortter Kaufman, M. A., 2110 Spring Garden Kaufman, N., 4400 N. 8th Kaufman, Wm, 2447 N. 33d Kaysen, Morris, 701 Chestnut Kebanoff, D., 16th & Cumberland Kempler, Adolph, 722 Pine Kempler, David M., 2931 Oxford Kenig, A., 2430 Ridge Av. Kern, Harry M., 1913 N. Franklin Kerstine, H. E., 3813 N. 17th Kessler, Dr. F., 40th & Girard Av. Kimmelblatt, H., 332 Titan Kimmelsman, Morris, 3834 N. 17th Kirschbaum, Mrs. A., Majestic Hotel Klebansky, Wolf, 246 S. 3d Klein, Eugene, 44 N. 50th Klein, Louis, Penn Sq. Bldg. Klein, M., 2026 N. 21st Kleinman, Ph., 5505 Greenway Av. Kline, E., 5th & Ellsworth Kline, H. H., Penn Sq. Bldg. Knee, C. S., 135 S. 49th Koch, Dr. I. M., 4422 Walnut Koff, Harry, 4850 Parkside Av. Koffman, B., 1733 N. Front Koffman, E. M., 465 E. Girard Av. Kofsky, H. M., 250 N. E. Blvd. Kohn, Mrs. A. M., 1841 N. 17th Kohn, Dr. Bernard, 1516 N. 15th Kohn, H. S., 2344 S. 6th Kohn, H. S., 12th & Snyder Av. Kohn, Isidore, 1517 N. 16th Kohn, Israel, 1512 S. 5th Kohn, Jos., 2204 Natrona Kohn, Louis, 3214 Montgomery Av. Kolodner, A., 1905 N. 30th Kolodner, Dr. E. J., 3015 S. 84th Kolodner, H. E., 416 Federal Koplin, F. I., 3938 Poplar Koppelman, I., 717 S. Cecil Koppelman, L., 640 Diamond Kopperman, S^ 307 Florist Kopperman, Wm., 4908 N. Hutchinson Korenbleth, S., 4813 Woodland Av. Korn, Harry, 4132 Mantua Av. Korn, Henry, 2018 S. 7th Kornberg, A., 4824 Woodland Av. Korost, M., 429 S. 20th Kossoy, A., 6132 Wash. Av. Kotzin, A., 2236 S. 5th Kotzin, R., 2236 S. 5th Kraftsow, A., Juniper & Vine Kraftsow, M., 1806 N. Franklin Krakovitz, A., 5712 Larchwood Av. Krakow, M., 3338 Chestnut Kramer, Jos., 61st & Larchwood Av. Kramer, L. A., Powelton Apts, H6 Kramer, Nathan, 3001 N. 22d Kramer, Simon, 2124 N. Natrona Kramer, S., 2209 W. Somerset Krasnow, Abr., 1931 S. 7th Kratzok, S. E., 2408 S. 4th Kraus, G. J., Real Est. Trust Bldg. Kraus, Herman, 5539 Media Kraus, Meyer, 5539 Media Kraus, S. C., 512 S. 5th Kraus, S. K., 5539 Media Kraus, S. L., 900 Liberty Bldg. Krauskopf, Rev. Dr. J., 4715 Pulaski Av. Kravitz, A., 4114 Viola Kreisel, M. A., 1404 N. Franklin Kremer, Dr. D. N., 5916 Spruce

149 526 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [Pennsylvania Krischer, Morris, 5852 Hazel Av. Kron, L., 1347 N. 7th Kuchuck, H., 5240 Market Kun, Joseph L., 507 Lincoln Bldg. Kurtz, J., 5120 Parkside Av. Kurtz, Robt., 1840 N. 32d Labe, Mrs. J., 6307 N. Camac Ladenheim, S-, 731 Snyder Av. Laison, F., 4215 Viola Laison, M., 6212 Woodland Av. Lam, Chas. M., 5922 Pulaski Av. Lampert. H., 3141 Columbia Av. Landau, H., 920 S. 60th Landes, David, 728 N. 2d Landsburg, J. M., Drexel Bldg. Lang, Isaac M., 537 Bourse Bldg. Lang, L. M., 308 Walnut Langbord, Dr. J. A., 1037 S. 5th Langfeld, M. F., Hotel Lorraine Langman, Joseph, 515 S. 63d Lapayowker, I., 430 Spruce Lasson, L-, 5818 Spruce Lauter, Abe, 41 N. 6th Laver, R., 3115 W. Gordon Laveson, N. A., 2211 N. 33d Laveson, S., 1011 Wyoming Av. Leaf, M., 3 Strawberry Leberman, Jos. W., 2411 N. Broad Leblang, Isaac, 3644 N. Broad Lederer, Ephraim, Franklin Bldg. Leinweber, Harry, 326 Reed Lemisch, Mrs. H., 1228 South Leopold, Mrs. S., 2025 Spruce Lerman, Jos. J., 420 Heed Bldg. Lerner, A., 924 N. 10th Lerner, Harry, 5437 Pine Letofsky, Louis, 811 S. 3d Levenberg, D., 2035 N. Front Leventhal, M. B., 107 S. 2d Leventhal, N., 3122 Clifford Levi, I. D., Hotel Majestic Levi, Julius C, 3016 Diamond Levick, M. E., 5847 Christian Levin, Aaron, 409 Olney Av. Levin, Don, 234 S. 9th Levin, I., Bulletin Bldg. Levin, M., 6018 Oxford Levin, N., 2419 S. Beulah Levin, Rabbi O., 5721 Chestnut Levin, Robert, 6211 Pine Levine, Abraham, 311 S. 3d Levine Edw., 520 N. Creighton Levine, M., 806 Arch Levine, M. B., 3966 Poplar Levinson, H. D., 805 Bailey Bldg. Levinthal, Rev. B. L., 716 Pine Levinthal, Louis Edward, 728 Pine Levis, A. L., 507 S. 6th Levit, Benj., 313 S. 6th Levy, Anna M., 1624 Erie Av. Levy, Sergt. Chas., 425 S. 8th Levy, I., 2104 N. Front Levy, I. K., 2530 N. Hollywood Levy, Isaac, 6012 N. 11th Levy, Dr. Jacob, 1920 S. 5th Levy, J. M., 211 S. American Levy, Mrs. L. E., 1424 N. 15th Levy, Louis, 943 Newmarket Levy, Martin O., 1014 Rockland Levy, Max, The Lenox Levy, Raphael, 2265 N. Park Av. Lewis, Wm. M., 1914 N. 32d Liberman, B., 2127 N. Gratz Lichtenstein, Leo, 4750 Sansom Lichtenstein, M., 11th & Arch Liebeman, Chas., 1108 N. 41st Lieberman, A. H., 709 Chestnut Lieberman, M N. 31st Lifter, Mrs. J. J., 3710 N. 19th Lincoln, F. W., 1600 Chestnut Lindauer, Dr. E., 2018 N. 32d Linet, L. R., 2411 N. Stanley Linse, A. S., 4108 N. Broad Lipkin, L., 5903 Cedar Av. Lipkin, Wm., 4947 Chestnut Lipkis, Philip, 2017 S. 17th Lipschitz, A. B., 4214 Thompson Lipschutz, B., 11th & Wharton Lipschutz, I. L., Majestic Hotel Lipshutz, Chas., 1135 WingohocHng Lisberger, L., Hotel Majestic Litman, B., 2514 S. Franklin Litman, Mrs. E., 1306 Pt. Breeze Av. Liveright, Mrs. S., Hotel Majestic Loeb, Adolph, N. 3d Loeb, Arthur, 1510 Oxford Loeb, H. A., 431 Chestnut Loeb, Horace, 1410 Chestnut Loeb, Leo, 1631 Walnut Loeb, Dr. Ludwig, 1421 N. 15th Loeb, Oscar, 6704 N. 12th Loewenberg, Dr. S. A., 1528 S. 5th Loewenstein, Sidney, Land Title Bldg. Lofferman, M., 1221 N. 16th Lotman, M., 4433 Frankford Av. Louchheim, J. A., 11th & Wood Louchheim, S. K., 1919 Green Love, J. D., 315 Pine Lowengrund, E., Land Title Bldg. Lubarsky, J., 19th & Carpenter Lubin, Dr. Cecelia, 84th & Eastwick Lush S. B., 505 Chestnut Lyons, L. E., 1521 Nedro Av. Madway, M., 4278 Parkside Av. Magil, Myer, 3215 Diamond Maimon, S., 22 N. 3d Malerman, S., 404 S. 5th Mahckson, Phil. S., 1433 Vine Manasses, Dr. J. L., 1414 N. 15th Mandel, David, Jr., 3218 Damond Mann, Dr. Bernard, 6033 Chestnut Mann, David I., 2241 N. 33d Mansky, Louis, 1924 S. 7th Mapow, B., 23 S. 7th

150 Pennsylvania] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 527 Margolies, H. S., 2229 N. 33d Margolies, Ph., 1322 Girard Av. Margolis, H., 5259 Jefferson Margolis, Dr. M., 152 Hortter Margolis, M. L., 4913 Chancellor Margulies, M., 121 N. Dewey Marinsky, F., 1115 W. Columbia Av. Marion, Max, 5044 Baltimore Av. Mark, B., 1705 N. 52d Mark, Rose M., 4210 Girard Av. Markman, M. J., 6511 N. 11th Markman, M., Com. Trust Bldg. Markowich, Jack, 1215 S. 17th Markowitz Bros., 321 Market Marks, A. A., 3619 Germantown Av. Marks, Mrs. Abram, 1621 Jefferson Marks, A. S., 35th & Powelton Av. Marks, Barney, Gimbel Bros. Marx, Mrs. M., 1520 Spruce Marx, S. J., 4910 Pulaski Av. Masel, Isaac, 214 S. 12th Master, Harris, 1914 N. 31st Matusow, Harry, 3236 W. Norris Maxmin, H. J., 6218 Wash. Av. Maybaum, Philip, 1918 Erie Av. Mayer, Alfred, 1851 N. 17th Mayer, C. O., 1218 Chestnut Mayer, G. H-, 728 Sansom Mayer, I., 1620 N. Broad Mayer, Jacob, Hotel Lorraine Mazer, Dr. Chas., 2238 S. Broad Mazer, J., 1209 Arch Mazia, A., 6147 Elmwood Mechanic, M., 1543 N. Marshall Medoff, Harry, 5148 Parkside Av. Medoff, Dr. Jos., 2135 N. 13th Medway, Charles, 307 Fitzwater Meisach, S., 1224 Snyder Av. Melamed, Sol., 5th & Master Melmed, Nathan, 428 Moore Melnicoff, Dr. J., 408 W. Girard Av. Meltzer, A., 821 N. 6th Meltzer, R. H., 240 Church Merz, Leon, Juniper & Vine Mesirov, H. S., Real Est. Trust Bldg. Mesirov, Isaac, 4408 Walnut Meyers, M. L., 700 S. 5th Michaelson, B., 1904 Arch Michaelson, I., 1803 Arch Mickve Israel Congr. School, Broad & York Middleling, M. L., 60th & Arch Milgrim, A., 4535 York Rd. Miller, Miller, Miller; Miller, Miller, Miller, Miller, Miller, Miller, Miller, A. E., 1827 N. 17th Mrs. A. S., 3812 Girard Av. Benj. F., 1703 N. Franklin D., 715 N. 5th Harry, 1837 N. 33d H. M., 516 Tasker J., 2039 W. Norris Mrs. L., 818 N. 7th Morris, 443 Cross Morris L., 911 N. 8th Miller, M. L., 5856 Pine Miller, W., 730 Sansom Mink, C. W., 1134 Ritner Minsky, I., 515 S. Randolph Minsky, Louis, 513 S. Randolph Mintz, Alex., 119 S. 60th Mitosky, Jos., 110 S. 4th Monheit, Albert D., 5105 N. 15th Morais School, 4026 Lancaster Av. Mordell, A., 4137 Leidy Av. Morganroth A. L., 2930 Richmond Morris, Wm., 106 S. 13th Morse, M. Greens Hotel Mosco, Dr. S. F., 1733 N. Franklin Moses, Dr. Albert, 7th & Market Moskovitz, B., 731 Arch Moskovitz, I., 413 S. 55th Moskowitz, B., 2233 N. 13th Moskowitz, H., 1649 N. Redfield Moskowitz, I., 437 S. 60th Moskowitz, M., 530 Tasker Moss, Emanuel, 321 Pine Moss, Jos., 1835 Erie Av. Muldower, Dr. I. J., 2023 S. 4th Muller, B., 5105 Hazel Av. Myers, A. C, 130 S. 11th Myers, M., 1618 Lindley Av. Myers, Paul M., th Av. Nabliotsky, H., 309 Arch Nalibotsky, J., 2258 George Lane Nachman, L., 320 S. 59th Nathan, Rev. M., 3417 Ridge Av. Nelson, B., 2323 S. Front Nelson, Mrs. B., 413 S. 9th Nemcof, Chas., 21 S. 3d Neufeld, I. B., 2453 N. 31st Neuman, Rev. Dr. A. A., 3213 Diamond Neuman, H., 905 N. 8th Neumann, M. D., 324 N. 9th Newburger, Frank, 1410 Chestnut Newhouse, Florence, 3502 Powelton Av. Newman, D., 4516 Old York Rd. Nosanow, May, 2519 N. 16th Nusbaum, Harry, 1835 Tioga Nusbaum, Lee, 141 W. Sharpnack Nusbaum, Louis, 137 W. Sharpnack Obermayer, L. J., 1916 W. Erie Av. Oliver, Dr. B. O., 1528 Morris Orloff, Dr. H. S., 1429 S. 4th Ornstein, Dr. A. M., 1539 N. Franklin Orsher, Dr. I. A., 7th & Mifflin Ost, Edward, 931 Market Ost, Louis, 4327 Main Ostroff, D., 1026 Poplar Otroff, E., 817 N. 33d Ostroff, H., 1430 S. 52d Ostroff, M., 3200 Woodland Av. Ostroff, N., 11th & Poplar Palter, M-, 341 Fitzwater Parnes, H. L., 5325 Walton Av. Parris, Dr. M. B., 1045 S. 5th Parris, M. J., 2635 N. 30th

151 528 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [Pennsylvania Pastemack, J. A., 811 N. 63d Pepp, H., 1229 N. 16th Perez, Abr., 6002 Wash. Av. Perilatein, H., 515 S. 6th Perla, Bernard, 49 N. 58th Perlberg, N., 721 Arch Perlman, Dr. H. D., 1932 N. 7th Perlowitz, Joseph, 1922 E. Monmouth Perlstcin, B., 4334 Germantown Av. Perlstein, Harry, 12th & Arch Peskoff, H., 918 N. 28th Peterzell, A., 1211 Chestnut Peterzell, H. L., 831 Cherry Petrosky, H., 418 S. 62d Pfaelzer, F. A., 1522 N. 17th Phillips, David, 2230 S. Broad Pinsor, J., 1402 N. Marshall Pintzuk, Sol., 36 N. 9th Pleet, D. H., 1835 Diamond Pockrass, B., Drexel Bldg. Pockrass, Louis, 3023 Morris Podolnick, Louis, 320 South Pogost, Dr. S. B., 945 N. 40th Polin, D. H., 5 N. 7th Polin, M N. Napa Polin, Morris, 605 W. Upsal Polonsky, S., 1333 S. 58th Polotzky, Isaac, 1504 S. 8th Pomerantz, A., 624 W. Cliveden Av. Portner, Wm., 234 S. 5th Posner, Frank, 5202 Greenway Av. Posner, S. J., 29 S. 3d Pransky, David L., 5739 Rodman Prayer, Jos., 5913 Walnut Preis, David, 2137 South Press, Jos., 8th & Chestnut Prizant, H., 1328 W. Columbia Av. Prussel, Max, 2533 N. 30th Pudlicker, P., Swanson & Tasker Rabinovitch, L. G., 2911 Oxford Rabinowiz, D., 2453 N. Front Raff, Abr., 5724 Haxel Av. Raichlin, Abr., 1020 W. Girard Av. Raiziss, Dr. Geo. W,, 450 S. 57th Ralph, J. J., 6206 Woodland Av. Rappaport, J., Front & Christian Rappaport, Benj., 1532 Columbia Av. Rathsmill, M. A., 1032 S. 55th Reibstein, Benj., 809 Wingohocking Reichlin, S., N. E. cor. 11th & Arch Reidenberg, Bertha S., 5540 Cedar Av. Reisman, E., 423 N. Redfleld Riedenberg, Rose, 1429 Nedro Av. Reinish, J. C, 905 Arch Resnick, Chas., 4536 N. Carlisle Richman, Dr. M., 1641 N. 33d Rieder, Dr. Joseph, 128 Market Riesman, Dr. David, 1715 Spruce Riff, Jos., Drexel Bldg. Rittenberg, H., 156 N. Broad Ritter, Max, 1801 S. 18th Rivkind, Jacob, 4109 Leidy Av. Robbins, B., 2317 N. 38d Robinson, A., 3223 Monument Av. Rochwarger, S., 700 Master Root, M. J., Lafayette Bldg. Rose, Abr. M., 5938 Pine Rose, Leon H., 916 S. 5th Roseman, Geo., 6134 Locust Rosen, Ben, 1512 Walnut Rosen, H. L., 1720 N. 51st Rosenbach, Dr. A. S., 1505 N. 15th Rosenbach, Philip H., 1505 N. 15th Rosenbaum, Dr. Geo., 2529 N. 33d Rosenbaum, H., 4844 Pulaski Av. Rosenbaum, M., 1821 Diamond Rosenbaum, O., 4842 N. Warnock Rosenberg, David, 3926 Girard Av. Rosenberg, Jacob, 614 S. American Rosenberg, L., 1826 S. 7th Rosenberg, Mrs. M., 2009 N. Broad Rosenberg, W., 2428 N. Napa Rosenberger, H., 228 S. Melville Av. Rosenblatt, S., 2649 Germantown Av. Rosenbloom, A. N., 11th & Girard Av. Rosenblum, D., 6217 Pine Rosenblum, Adolph, 506 Pine Rosenblum, Jacob, 1930 E. Moyamensing Av. Rosenfeld, Mrs. B., 717 Wyoming Av. Rosenstein, A. A., 1201 Chestnut Rosenthal, Harry, 2631 Kensington Av. Rosin, Sig. M., Flanders Bldg. Rosner, Louis R., 1045 S. 54th Rossinsky, J., 3026 Euclid Av. Rosskam, Wm. B., 2300 N. Broad Roth, Albert A., 215 South Rothbard, G., 1133 N. 41st Rothberg, J., 3018 Euclid Av. Rothschild, M., 1704 N. 28th Rothschild, S., 1307 Market Rothschild, Wm., 4238 N. Park Av. Rovno, Dr. Philip, 423 Pine Rubenstone, Dr. A. I., Clinton Apts. Ruberg, Kohn, 2225 N. Front Ruberg, Lewis, 621 Green Ruberg, Morris, 2109 Chestnut Rubin, A., 1909 N. 32d Rubin, Alex. N., 4614 N. Warnock Rubin, Isaac, 147 N. 10th Rubin, Jos. H., St. James Hotel Rubin, Dr. N. L., 4th & Girard Av. Rubinsohn, B. L., 608 Lincoln Bldg. Rudman, Ellis, 458 N. Marshall Rudofker & Son, S., 238 S. 3d Rudolph, A., 59th & Chestnut Russ, Leo A., 1327 Wingohocking Sacks, Harry, 1228 Cherry Sane, M., 237 Federal Sagorsky, I. S., 5932 Walnut Saks, David, 1144 S. 5th Saks, Mrs. I. S., 4146 Market Salus, Herbert W., 614 S. 11th Salus, J. H., 13th & South

152 Pennsylvania] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 529 Samuels, S., 1721 Creighton Sandman, M., 49th & Woodland Av. Satinsky, B., 2217 N. 33d Savansky, Sol., 1938 S. 9th Savitz, M. B., 1538 S. 9th Savitz, Dr. Samuel A., 1825 Tasker Savransky, W., 266 S. 56th Sax, Percival M., 6429 Drexel Rd. Schaefer, Maurice B., 2841 N. 5th Schamberg, Jesse J., Empire Bldg. Schamberg, Dr. Jay, F Spruce Schatz, J., 2838 Richmond Schachman, Dr. M., 6200 Christian Schechter, Dr. Isaac, 505 Pine Schimmel, Samuel, 1605 N. 33d Schindler, H. L., 1704 N. 59th Schmookler, Dr. H., 1208 Spruce Schmuckler, A., 520 Spruce Schneyer, Benj., 7024 Woodland Av. Schneyer, Louis A., 13th & Arch Schneyer, M. L., 608 Chestnut Schoenfeld, Morris 5837 Chestnut Schonwald, A., 117 W. Girard Av. Schorr, Henry W., 1118 Real Estate Trust Bldg. Schreibman, Isaac, 4339 Main Schreibner, Myer, 738 S. 3d Schuchar, Win., 6027 Catherine Schultz, D., 757 Passyunk Av. Schwab, Max B., N. E. cor 13th & Market Schwab, N., 2334 N. Broad Schwartz, Dr. B., 1020 Snyder Av. Schwartz, H., 934 Girard Av. Schwartz, J. I., 441 S. 62d Schwartz, Joseph, 1911 N. 7th Schwartz, Dr. M., 218 Ritner Schwartz, S. G., 1211 Chestnut Schwarzman, H., 652 N. 53d Schwarzman, Wm., 63d & Vine Segal, David, 425 S. 6th Segal, Herman, 2310 N. Natrona Segal, K., 3914 Girard Av. Segal, W., 5939 Haverford Av. Segall, O. N., 1401 N. 8th Seidel, Dr. F., 3037 W. York Seideman, Henry, 212 South Seideman, M., 2213 N. 33d Seidenberg, H. M., Bulletin Bldg. Seidler, O., 718 Sansom Seitchik, L., 1023 Race Seitchik, Morris, 1027 Race Seitchik, Wolf, 3011 Oxford Selig, B., 6501 N. 13th Selig, E. K., Broad & Carpenter Selig, Emil, Majestic Hotel Selig, Sol., 6501 N. 11th Sens, Morris J., 204 Federal Seltzer, Dr. N., 3230 W. York Serber, David, Lincoln Bldg. Shaham, Dr. S., 9th & Snyder Av. Shane, H., 1410 Ridge Av. Shapiro, A. M., 1631 N. 33d Shapiro, B. R., 6313 N. Broad Shapiro, Rabbi M., 1330 S. 6th Shapiro, M. S., 2427 N. 33d Shapiro, Morris, 523 Commerce Sharp, H. P., 1042 S. 54th Shechter, E., 4231 Stiles Sheerr, Philip, L., Howard & Berks Sheinman, Max, 5737 N. Park Av. Shenker, Morris, 1824 South Shiller, Wm., 1001 Filbert Shindler, Benj., 2121 S. 4th Shochet, Rabbi M., 2132 S. 4th Shore, H. I., 152 S. 3d Shore, S. D., Green's Hotel Shoulberg, H., 1348 Ridge Av. Shultz, Isaac, 4102 Girard Av. Sickles, A., Majestic Hotel Sickles, Edw., 900 Chestnut Sickles, Louis, 900 Chestnut Sickles, Sol., 2214 W. Tioga Siedenbach, Mrs. A., 1327 Spruce Siegel, S., 3237 Montgomery Av. Sigmund, B. J., 3847 N. 17th Silberstein, S., 5637 Christian Silver, J., 535 Spruce Silverberg, M., 2721 W. Seltzer Silverman, A., 7th & Medary Av. Silverman, Chas., Ashbourne Rd. Silverman, I. H., Land Title Bldg. Silverman, Wm., 6th & South Silvert, M., 2521 S. 6th Simkins, Dr. Daniel, 1637 S. 5th Simon, D. E., 400 Drexel Bldg. Simon, Elmer D., 2253 N. Park Av. Simon, Sam, 1021 Columbia Av. Simsohn, Dr. J. S., 909 N. Franklin Singer, Dr. Benj., 1304 N. Broad Singer,-Dr. E. A., 670 N. 52d Singer, J., 1218 Chestnut Sinkow, I., 608 S. 60th Sklar, Ph., 5837 Pine Sklar, Dr. W., 1007 S. 3d Sklaroff & Sons, S., 714 S. 2d Slepak, Aaron, 944 N. 2d Slonimsky, N. N., Liberty Bldg. Slovak, D., 1501 N. 8th Slovak, H., 54 N'. 60th Smallock, Wm. H., Commonwealth Bldg. Smilowitz, N., 436 Christian Smith, S., 1046 N. 2d Snyder, B., 4818 Woodland Av. Snyder, William, 5358 Greenway Av. Snyderman, Dr. H. S., 1920 N. 7th Sochis, M. S., 4055 Girard Av. Sollott, H., 1021 Vine Solomon, B., 2429 S. Front Solot, S., 2114 N. 31st Sonlmer, Harry B., 1502 N. 8th Sondheimer, Benj., 1839 W. Erie Av. Sonnenfeld, A., 287 S. 63d Sorcus, I., 5728 Chester Av. Speiser, M. J., 521 Tasker

153 530 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [Pennsylvania Spiegelman, I., 3800 N. 10th Spiwack, N., 2020 N. 32d Sporkin, M. W., 1219 Penn Bldg. Springer, Dr. E. J., 3956 Market Springle, Sol., 714 S. 19th Stadlen, Max, Penn. Bldg. Stambler, L. G., 123 N. 13th Stein, J., 2131 S. 7th Stein, Morris, 18th & Ritner Stein, W. M., 4418 Walnut Steinberg, A., Marshall & Fairmount Av. Steinberg, D. L., 5138 N. Fairhill Steinberg, Mrs. L., 1206 Col. Av. Steinberg, Mrs. P., Fruit Trade Bldg. Steinberg, Win., 5844 Chestnut Steinig, Harry 1330 S. 3d Steinman, Abe, 525 S. 6th Steinman, D., 5943 Christian Sterling, Louis, 5150 Parkside Av.. Stern, Abe, 418 S. 55th Stern, Bernard, 726 Market Stern, E. M., 2109 Spring Garden Stern, Dr. H., 1015 Columbia Av. Stern, Isadore, 709 Lincoln Bldg. Stern, Lafayette, 36th & Powelton Av. Stern, Louis, 1901 N. 18th Stern, M., 2839 N. 26th Stern, Mrs. M. H., 1609 Diamond Stern, Morris, 907 N. 8th Stern, Oscar, Herbert, Adolph, 1935 N. 12th Stern, Sidney M., 1613 Poplar Stern, Saml., North American Bldg. Stern, S. R., 4146 Market Sternthal, W. H., 269 N. 12th Stone, Irvin L., 2221 N. Park Av. Stone, Louis, 2208 Natrona Strauss, Sigmund, c,o N. Snellenberg & Co. Strouse, Mrs. A., 213 N. 3d Strouse, H., Real Est. Trust Bldg. Strouse, N. B., 1934 Diamond Strousse, Morris, 3415 Race Strug, John, 232 Catherine Strumpf, David, 2322 N. Front Stumacher, Morris, 828 Arch Sundheim, H. G., St. James Hotel Sundheim, Jos. H., 303 Earlham Ter. Sunstein, Leon C, 22d & Arch Surkin, Jacob, 1726 S. 55th Sussman, L., 5746 Warrington Av. Swaab, S. M., 1629 Diamond Swartz, M., 22 S. 61st Swirren, Rabbi D. B., 5925 Larchwood Av. Switt, Herman, 5920 Walnut Taine, Dr. L. N., 601 Parrish Tamorin, M., 2441 W. Cumberland Tannenbaum, T., 6151 Woodland Av. Tartar, J. J., 3840 N. 19th Tartar, L. H., 328 S. Delaware Av.'. Taylor, Mrs. N., 1639 N. 19th _ Teitelbaum, H 1749 N. 29th Teller, Jacob, Hotel Lorraine v Teller, Dr. Wm. H., 1713 Green Tierkel, David, 332 S. 5th Titleman, A., 4601 N. 13th Tokifl, P., 2914 N. 5th Toll, Morris, 3948 Folsom Toll, William, 2521 N. 33d Tonik, Dr. Chas., 434 S. 60th Tonsky, Dr. Bernard, 1011 S. 4th Trachtman, Abe, 1208 N. 42d Tralis, D., 5537 Spruce Trassoff, Dr. A., 5907 Walnut Tumin, Dr. B. O., 1301 S. 5th Tunick, Abraham, 716 S. 11th Tunick, Jacob, 716 S 11th Tutelman, Harry, 5230 N. Broad Uchin, H., 6052 Vine Uditsky, Harry, 1325 N. Franklin Uditzky, M. M., 20 N. 3d Unterberger, E., 309 Real Estate Bldg. Verbit, Harry, 321 N. 8th Waber, Louis, 5928 Pine Wachs, A., 4021 Girard Av. Wachtel, J., 5926 Ellsworth Wald, David, 2d and Girard Av. Waldman, A., 25 S. 2d Waldman, Isadore, 916 N. 2d Wallen, Louis, 447 S. 61st Wallerstein, David, Land Title Bldg. Walter, H. J., 2312 N. Broad Waltman, A., 1633 N. 32d Wasserman, B. J., Hotel Majestic Wasserman, I., Hotel Majestic Wasserman, Mrs. Jos., Wissahickon Av., & Hutter Wax, Morris, 4114 Parkside Av. Waxman, A., 115 S. 58th Waxman, S., 2013 S. 7th Weber, David, 53d & Gainor Rd. Weber, Herman, 3852 Girard Av Weber, Jos. R., 4905 N. Camac Weil, D. G., 4000 Pine Weil, Jacob, 11th & 69th Av. Weiman, Dr. M. N., 1512 S. 6th Weinberg, Dr. C, 5944 Walnut Weinberg, Chas., 4048 Girard Av. Weinberg, D., 2218 E. Cambria Weinberg, Maurice G., 915 Wyoming Av Weinberg, Myer, 744 Passyunk Av. Weinberg, S., 3232 Berks Weiner, M., 2009 N. 33d Weinroch, Morris, 675 N. 52d Weinrott, Leo., Land Title Bldg. Weinstein, A., 716 Market Weinstein, Chas., 1939 S. 5th Weinstein, Jos., 3323 Ridge Av. Weinstein, J., 1921 N. Gratz Weinstein, J. I., Penna. Bldg. Weinstein, Miss M., 3626 Wallace Weinstein, Dr. M. A., 615 Pine Weintraub, Leo I., 333 S. 5th Weiser, David, 744 Passyunk Av. Weisman, Harry, 1003 S. 54th Weiss, Chas. J., 1620 Lindley Av.

154 Pennsylvania] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 531 Weiss, Dr. Chas., 1728 Memorial Av. Weiss, Elias, 2142 Ridge Av. Weiss, F., 60th & Girard Av. Weiss, J., 5938 Haverford Av. Weiss, Max, 1740 S. 24th Weiss, M., 5812 Addison Weiss, Philip, 1610 S. 5th Weiss, Dr. Wm., 5511 Spruce Weiswasser, A. H., 1126 S. 60th Wenick, D., 719 S. 20th Wernick, A., 275 S. 63d Wesnefsky, H., 247 S. 12th Wexelblot, Elias, 528 Market Wexler, H., 5840 Pine Whitehill, Edw., 1509 N. 17th Wiener & Poliner, 416 Market Wildstein, M., 631 N. 2d Wilf, Bros., 1422 S. 7th Williams, L. W., 2421 Natrona Wimenitz, Dr. R., 4129 Girard Av. Winkleman, Philip, 2340 N. Front Winokur, Rev. A., 5858 Christian Winokur, S., 3rd & Lombard Wintrob, J. M., 2209 W. Venango Wolf, Benj. H., 1509 South Wolf, David, 15 Bank Wolfif, B., 1000 N. 40th Wolf, E., 5619 Malcolm Wolf, L., 427 Dickinson Wolf, Simon, 1737 Montgomery Av. Wolfe, M. B., 3934 Pennsgrove Wolfson, Dr. J., 1001 S. 6th Wolfson, M., 2355 N. 32d Wurzel, J., 3718 N. 19th Yaskin, J. C, 1719 N. 52d Yellin, H., 239 S. 60th Zabludoff, I., 5807 Chestnut Zahn, Dr. S. F., 6031 Chestnut Zall, Dr. B. C, 923 N. 6th Zeenkov, V., 1701 N. 42d Zeitz, H., 2909 N. 23d Zeitz, Saml., 3001 N. 22d Zellner, Carl Sina, 213 S. Front Zieger & Nemirofsky, 718 Sansom Zimmerman, Dr. M. L., 2205 N. 33d Zinman, J. M., 313 Walnut Zonies, Nathan, 2848 Diamond Zubrin, M., 6218 Christian Zubrow, B., 4737 Sansom Zucker, Abr., 5535 Chester Av. Zucker, M., 1215 Columbia Av. SUBSCRIBER Hellyer, Rev. H. L., 1024 Wolf Phoenixville Baer, I., 211 Bridge Lang, Morris, 134 Bridge Neumann, M., 212 Church Pittsburgh LIFE MEMBERS Frank, Mr. & Mrs. I. W., 5601 Irwin Av. Raub, Mr. & Mrs. E., 5837 Bartlett Weil, A. Leo., 5931 Howe PATRON Kaufman n, E. J., 5th & Smithfield- LIBRARY MEMBERS Dreyfuss, Barney, 5547 Bartlett- Giffen, I. L., 5519 Black Falk, Leon, 342 Atlantic Av. Goff, M., 1200 Farragut- Klee, Wm. B., 5307 Northumberland Mars, A. L., 1206 Colwell Mayer, Dr. E. E., 5815 Farrel- Neiman, B., 5405 Northumberland Av. Rauh, A. L., 951 Penn Av. Rauh, M., 5621 Northumberland Av. Rosenbloom, S., 207 Market Sachs, C. H., 5541 Hays Seder, J. Isaac, 830 Sheridan Av. Sedler, B., 521 Lockhart, N. S. Stadtfeld, Jos., 815 Frick B,dg. Stein, Hon. A. C. 720 Frick Bldg.- Sunstein, A. J., 5639 Bartlett St. Aaron, Chas., 372 Winebiddle Av. Aaron, Marcus, 402 Winebiddle Av. Abramovitz, H., 612 N. St. Clair Abrams, Israel A., 909 Adelaide Adelman, L. F., 1623 Denniston, E. E. Adler, Mrs. L. H., Mt. Oliver Post Office Adler, L. J., 5846 Bartlett Adler, J., 6370 Burchfield Av. Alpern, Lewis M., 381 Union Arcade Alpern, Sam, 2135 Centre Av. Amdursky, M. I., 904 5th Av. Amshel, Louis, 250 Darragh Arnfeld, M., 415 Winebiddle Av. Aronson, I. L., 2000 Wendover Ashinsky, Rabbi A. M., 2840 Centre Av. Avner, M. L., 5847 Beacon Bagron, N. G., 1440 Barnsdale Barach, Louis V., 992 Lilac Barton, B. C, 226 N. Negley Av. Bay, I. H., 43 Vine Bazell, D. L., 2326 Tilbury Av. Benedict, J., 6556 'A Darlington Rd. Berkman, Jos., 4747 Baum Blvd. Bernstein, I. A., 816 S. Braddock Av. Bernstein, Jos. B., 2205 Vodeli Bloom, Rev. J., 71 Marion Bloomberg, Dr. S., 1608 Centre Av. Blumenthal, Dr. A. A., 1005 Wylie Av. Blumer, Dr. M. A., 1631 Denniston Av. Braunstein, E. L., 200 Smithfield Braunstein, M., 214 9th Broida, J. J., 65 Miller Caplan, Abe, 5871 Douglass Av. Caplan, Dr. Louis, 328 Frick Bldg. Caplan, M. L., 5507 Margaretta Carnegie Library of Schenley Pk. Chaitken, Maurice, Bakewell Bldg.

155 532 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [Pennsylvania Cohen, Mrs. A., 380 Winebiddle Av. Cohen, J. H., S114 Avalon, E. E. Cohen, J. Howe & Maryland Av. Cohen, Dr. M. A., 5540 Baywood Cohen, R., 2645 Perryville Cohen, Ray, 625 Wylie Av. Cohn, Mrs. W. H., 5867 Hobart Davis, Mrs. Barnet, 318 Aiken Av. Davis, I. M., 5716 Forbes DeRoy, A. J., 5731 Bartlett Diamond, H. 207 Pacific Av. Edelstein, H., 2034 Beaver Av. Edlis, Adolph, 1106 De Victor PI. Engelman, S., 5623 Jackson Englesberg, P., 742 N. Beatty Escovitz, Bros., 824 5th Av. Fechheimer, C. J., 1716 Wightman Feldstein, B. H., 1122 Mellon Finkelpearl, Dr. H., 3594 Beechwood Blvd. Foster, L. B., 5533 Aylesboro Av. Frank, J. H., 344 5th Av. Frankel, Chas. W., 4139 Murray Av. Friedberg, Ch., 904 Vickroy Friedberg, H., 6533 Dalzell PI. Friedberg, L., 114 N. Euclid Av. Friedland, J., 3136 Avalon Friedman, M., 4213 Murray Av. Glick, A. L., 30 Stevenson Glick, Peter, 5521 Bartlett Goldberg, A., 5518 Jackson, E. E. Goldberg, H. M., 818 Linden Av. Goldenson, Rev. S. H., 5th & Morewood Av Goldinger, A., 5619 Penn Av. Goldman, David, 5700 Solway Goldman, J., 2928 H Webster Av. Goldstein, A., 6364 Forward Av. Goodman, H., 906 Vickroy Goodstone, Dr. M. A., 929 5th Av. Goorin, C. B., 1012 N. Negley Av. Gordon, Anna T., 359 S. Atlantic Av. Gordon, Louis, Jr., 15 Buffalo Gratz, Abraham, 747 Chislett, E. E. Green, L. A., 6358 Phillips Av.- Greenberger, J., 1845 Webster Av. Greenberger, L., 206 Bakewell Bldg. Gross, Dr. A. & J. E., Jenkins Arcade Bldg. Half, Morris, 6410 Bartlett Half, Rudolph, 5537 Darlington Rd. Hanauer, A. M., 359 S. Pacific Av. Harris, L. M., th Av. Harter, Leon, 211 Stratford Av. Hartz, David, 1932 Carson Hast, A. M., 1512 Beechwood Blvd., E. E. Hebrew Institute of Pittsburg, Wylie Av., & Green Heller, Benj., 322 Meyran Av. Hepner, Jacob M., 205 Dinwiddie Heymann, Ph. S., 205 S. Pacific Av. Hirsch, B., 1623 Centre Av. Hirsh, F. I., 906 Seitz- Hor.itz, B., 5708 Forbees Cottage Isaacs, Dr. N. Chamber of Com. Bldg. Jackson, Henry, 954 Liberty Av. Jackson, Dr. J. M., 1543 Denniston Av. Joseph, A. P., 5637 Beacon Joseph, C. H., 5735 Darlington Rd. Kalish, Miss Rose, Rear 442 Amberson Av. Kann, B., 5528 Baywood Kann, M., Arrott Bldg. Kaufman, Isaac, 5035 Forbes Av.- Kingsbacher, M., 5625 Madboro Rd. Klein, Jos., Smithfield near 7th Av.- Kostman, M., 1314 Federal- Landay, L. W., 6607 Woodwell Lando, Morris, Century Bldg. Lando, S., 5458 Stanton Av. Lehman, Leo, 914 Penn Av. Lesher, M. B., 2126 Murray Av. Levin, L. S., 1356 Denniston Av. Levine, Chas., 3104 Avalon Levy, Mrs. B., 331 S. Fairmount Av. Levy, Mrs. J. L., 5745 Beacon Lewin, Dr. A. L., 3703 Penn Av. Lieberman, H., th Av. Lieberman, S., 501 Wilmot Ludin, J. C, 2552 Center Av.- Marcus, B., 840 Chislett, E. E. Marcus, F. L., 224 S. Mathilda Marcus, J. H., 8 Ellzey- Margolis, M., 5433 Jackson, E. E. Marick, Dr. S. W., 1520 Center Av. Mazure, Rabbi M. M., 218 Craft Av. Mellinger, S., 5826 Hobert Middleman, S., 3123 W. Carson Miller, A., 104 Perry Miller, H. I., 1704 Colwell- Mittman, Joseph Neaman, Harry I., 7612 Bennett Neaman, Morris, 308 Roberts- Obernauer, Harold, 1841 Centre Av. Olitzky, H., 5833 Hobart Oppenheim, G. H., 929 5th Av. Osgood, N. H., 5510 Black, E. E. Osgood, Sam, 1135 Mellon Ozen, Max, 708 N. Naglyn Palley, J. L., 1115 Fayette Pearlman, B., 5541 Darlington Rd. Pearlman, Ben, 1128 Mellon Pearlstein, Chas., 1720 Cliff Pearlstein, Max, 2309 Sherbrook, W. Perrin, S-, 1134 N. Euclid Av., E. E. Pittsburgh Lodge No. 44, I. O. B. B.- Portno, E. C, 3592 Beechwood Blvd. Raphael, Benj., 2306 Tilbury Reich, Jos. H., 5564 Forbes- Ress, A. M., th Av. Rosen, Sol. D., 415 Stratton Lane, E. E. Rosenbaum, W., 6323 Darlington Rd. Rosenthal, Dr. D. A., 4109 Jenkins Arcade Rosenthal, M., 1723 Blutf Rosenzweig, M., 1529 Irwin Av., N. S. Roth, Ignatius H., 5 Holdane Ruben, Maurice, d- Ruslander, M., 230 S. Rebecca

156 Pennsylvania] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 533 Sacklowsky, J., 1410 Penn Av. Sandomire, B., 35 Marion Sanes, Dr. K. I., 250 S. Atlantic Sehein, Saul, 725 N. St. Clair Schulman, A., 606 Hollace- Seder, A., 5707 Wellesley Av. Seegman, M. P., 912 Adelaide Seegman, Dr. S., 8113 Jenkins Arcade Bldg. Sharoye, A., 6337 Monitor Sidenberg, H., Federal Reserve Bldg. Siegel, H., 848 Chislett Silverman; H., 5434 Baywood Simon, Dr. D. L., 403 Nixon Bldg. Simon, Oscar, 1801 Bluff Simon, Jacob I., 5656 Beacon Snitzer, Dr. H. M., 1536 Centre Av. Spann, Max J., 5731 Hobart Spear, Nathaniel, 915 Penn Av. Spitz, Chae. L., 119 E. Ohio Steinberg, B. L., 322 Melwood Stept, Solomon, 7231 Monticello Stewart, A. N., 750 Anaheim Stewart, S. S., 902 Locust Swiss, I. A., 5511 Stanton Av. Teplita, A. C, 720 Frick Bldg. Teplitz, B., 527 Lorimer Av. Topolsky, Wm, 46 Miller Vixman, A. H., 2619 Felbury Av. Volkman, Rabbi A., 304 Fall Alley Wasser, I. A., 741 Chislett Weberman, I., 502 S. Linden Av. Wechsler, Dr. B. B., 4943 Center Av. Wechsler, Dr. L., 1554 Center Av. Weil, Henry E., 401 Winton Weinberg, Dr. M. H., 1315 Methyle Weiner, M., 418 Lincoln Av. Weinstein, F. A., 723 N. Negley Av. Weisbrode, S., 5512 Hay White, Chas., 5711 Pocusset Wiedman, Wm. B., 729 Mellon Wilkoff, D. L-, 2508 Shady Av. Williams, I., 4753 Baum Wiseman, L., 2243 Wightman Pittston Fleischer, Cecilia, 51 Church Rubinstein, Dr. Harry, 51 N. Main Plymouth Salisburg, S., 388 W. Main Portage Nidetch, Harry Wittan, Dave Potts town Berger, B., 330 Jefferson Av. Feuerman, S., 323 High Gussman, L., 308 King Magitson, H., 619 N. Evans Markowitz, S. H., 719 Walnut Meyerhoff, Moe L. Miller, Isaac Pollack, Nathan, 110 S. Franklin Prince, J. L., 601 N. Evans Sickerman, J. Cherry & Evans Pottsville Brenner, Isaac, 216 N. 12th Gellert, J., 707 W. Norwegian Lefkowitz, N., 214 N. Center Lilienthal, Emanuel, 117 W. Market Miller, James H., 9 S. Center Rosenzweig, J. S., 212 N. 12th Smith, S., 314 N. Center Weiss, S. S., 1705 Manhantonga Punxsutawney Brody, Mrs. A., 106 Morisson Av. Dunn, I. Kaufman, Abe B. Krauss, Harry, Box 147 Rosenthal, A. G. Quakertown Cohen, Herman M., 230 W. Broad Klein, A., 116 E. Broad Weiss, Elias, Box 81 Rankin Green, Harry, 229 2d Reading LIBRARY MEMBER Luria, Max, Colonial Bldg. Chudnoff, E. B-, 139 S. 3d Cohen, Julius L., 46 N. 11th Cohen, Nathan H., 540 N. 8th Epstein, Jonas, 1228 Eckert Av. Einhorn, Jacob, N. 6th Fisher, Henry, 416 N. 10th Frank, Rabbi J., 1147 Franklin Goldman, E., 436 Penn Kaufman, E. I., 1212 Eckert Av. Koralsky, Jacob, 17 S. 7th Levin, P., 13 S. 7th Liever, H-, 409 S. 6th Lurio, S. R., 1605 Perkiomen Pear, Sam, 614 Elm Rabinovitch, D., 126 Orange Rosenberg, Harry N., 216 Wash. Rosenthal, J., 1129 Chestnut Rosenthal, M., 541 N. 8th Rudolph, Alex., 431 N. 11th Rudolph, Sam'l., 347 N. 6th Schwartz, M., 1234 Eckert Av. Sherr, L. & Sons, 130 Court Skaist, M. J., 419 N. 5th Sondheim, Dr. S. J., 119 S. 5th Zable, B. D.

157 534 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [Pennsylvania Renova Baer, J. S., 410 Erie Av. Roscoe Eisenberger, S. F. Horwitz, Morris- Roxborough Berg, A., 435 Fleming Rydal Nathanson, Mrs. H. M. St. Marys Gross, John Kohn, Joseph Sayre Weiss, Harry, 219 S. Elmer Av. Scranton Allen, Israel, 244 Penn Av. Ball, Chas., 811 Gibson Beegal, J., 325 Franklin Av. Bloch, L., 827 Adams Av. Blume, Max, 228 N. Main Cohen, Harry A., 416 Webster Av. Cohn, A. B, 121 Mulberry Ejsner, I., 841 Jefferson Av. Finkelstein, M. J., 401 Franklin Av. Friedman, B., 404 Cedar Av. Ganz, A., 543 Kressler Ct. Gerson, I., 313 Lack Av. Ginsberg, Harry, 425 Monroe Av. Grass, L., 611 N. Washington Av. Guterman, Rabbi H., 402 Penn Av. Harris, D., 320 Penn Av. Heller, Rabbi B., 711 Linden Jewish Federation, 440 Wyoming Av. Kabatchnick, M., 820 Mulberry Av. Kahn, Rabbi A. H-, 901 Monroe Av. Kaplan, Max, 914 Pine Klein, Louis, 401 Franklin Av. Krotosky, I., 531 N. Washington Landau, David, 839 Taylor Av. Miller, J. S., 434 Webster Av. Needle, H., 823 Connell Bldg. Newman, Dr. L. E., 317 Taylor Av. Olsdtein, Dr. H. J., 421 Lack Av. Schik, A., 1519 Mulberry Silverberg, M., 2140 N. Wash. Av. Silverstein, R. P., 540 Wyoming Av. Tannenbaum, D., 1009 Quincy Av. Temko, J. M., 924 Monroe Av. Weinberg, Samuel, 306 Penn Av. Wolfgamy, E. J., 419 Penn Av. Y. M. H. A., 440 Wyoming Av. Selins Grove Michaels, S. R. Sewickley Levin, Abr., Box 323 Shamokin Miller, A., 13 E. Commerce Robinz, Leon, 421 N. Washington Y. M. H. A. Sharon Cohen, H. M., 46 S. Oakland Av.- Cohen, Simon, 196 Sterling Av.. Davis, Mrs. M., 766 S. Ironie Av. Hendel, H., 10 M N. Water Kanofsky, R., 328 Ohio Koester, Mrs. Simon, 29 W. State Lurie, Miss C, 387 W. State Lurie, Max E., 25 River Rosenblum, A. M., 156 Vine Sand, Louis, 365 Loraine Shohet, Rev. H., 246 Shenango Sharpsburg Segel, H., Main Sheffield Pinsler, Leo, Center Shenandoah Blatt, Rev. H. G., 27 E. Coal Levit, Max Shickshinny Racusin, R. Shippensburg Kirssin, Jos. South Bethlehem Alstat, Philip R., 413 E. 3d Frankel, S. H., 415 E. 3d Goodman, B., 112 E. 3d Hartman, J., 511 Pecker Av. Huppert, E., 341 W. 4th Sell, Anton, 215 E. 3d Unity League, 3d & Cherokee Wiesenberger, Sam, 232 E. 3d South Brownsville Gerechter, Paul South Fork.Sherer, Louis, 707 Maple State College Hurwitz, M. Steelton Baker, David P., 433 Pine Margolies, Harry, 274 Frederick Morrison, D. H., 4 S. Front

158 Pennsylvania] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 535 Sunbury Biow, Ely, Market St. Freedman, Mrs. Wolf, 114 N. 4th Friedman, Rev. Saml., 42 S. 4th Markley. M. H., 211 N. 2d Miller, Mike, 361 S. 4th Netzky, Samuel, 239 S. 4th Tamaqua Kaplan, I., 413 Wash. Tarentum Farkas, Max, 520 2d Av. Levitt, A., 117 5th Av. Lewis, I. A., 124 E. 8th Av. Titusville Davis, Bennett, 310 W. Spruce Uniontown Caplan, Louis, 16 Broadway Davis, B. A., 48 Murray Av. Friedman, S. Goldberg, D., 63 Murray Av. Greenwald, M., 67 E. Fayette Jaffe, Eli, 100 Walnut Kahn, Morris, 143 Walnut Katz, Mrs. Y., 76 Cleveland Av. Kronick, H., 32 Hortense Av. Kronick, Mrs. J. M., Box 105 Levinson, Aaron, 75 E. Fayette Levinson, S. Joe, 17 Wilson Av. Lonik, J., 16 Ray Rosenbaum, Jos. Rosenberg, E. H., 410 E. Main Silverman, G. M., 58 Wilson Av. Sinay, H., 23 Wilson Av. Wersbe, M., 70 S. Beason Av. Zakon, Louis I., 12 Wilson Av. Warren Ball, Dr. M. V. Berson, Samuel Brown, J. S., 409 4th Av. Glassman, E. I., 3d Av., & Hickory Kornreich, S., 112 Oak Prinsky, R., 13 S. Carver Punsky, Chas., 12 Linwood Shulman, A., 205 N. Carver Stein, E. L., 405 Liberty Washington Berman, S., 99 Dounow Av. Cohen, A. S., 324 Locust Av. Elinsky, H., 215 Duncan Av. Finkel, H., 114 Hall Av. Freedman, J. I., 37 Hall Av. Goldfarb, Rev. J., 34 N. Franklin Goldman, J. E., 32 N. Franklin Hanan, R., 19 Sherman Av. Landay, C, 342 Jefferson Av. Levine, F. M., 151 Church Ochs, Louis, 114 Hall Av. Ruben, Dr. S. A., 9 North Av. Shapiro, H., 114 W. Beau Waynesboro Bloom, I. H., 2 E. 3d Dreyfuss, Mrs. B., 227 E. 3d Goldberg, C. S., 68 W. Main Goldberg, R. H. Goldsmith, S. Grossman, I., 341 West Grossman, L. Harrison, Max Levin, Joe Stern, S. W. Weiner, H. J., 114 Wayne West Brownsville Herskovitz, A. B. Schwimmer, M., Box 762 Shapo, Rabbi J. West Chester LIBRARY MEMBER Benson, Samuel T. Clompus, I. M., 300 W. Biddle Cohen, M., 107 W. Market Kauffman, Wm. J., 153 W. Gay Margolies, J. H., Market & Walnut Rubinstein, I., 40 E. Market Weiss, Morris, 508 S. Walnut Wilkes-Barre PATRON Strauss, Hon. Seligman J., 196 S. Franklin LIBRARY MEMBER Feinberg, H., 62 S. Main Bloch, C, 71 S. Welles Burgunder, Belle, 21 Cumberland Casper, Louis, 310 S. River Casper, Max, 481 S. Franklin Coons, Jos. D., 275 S. River Coons, Jos. S., 77 W. Ross Freeman, H. L., 11 Odd Fellows Temple 1 Freeman, M. I., 46 Mallery PI. Glasstein, Louis, 176 S. Main Goldberg, H. J., 127 S. Wash. Groh, Isador, 290 Carey Av. Haltzel, Harry, L., 58 Terrace Heinz, Maurice, 338 S. Franklin Hirshowitz, H. R., 278 Northampton, E. Israel, Ralph, 68 E. South Kaufman, Dr. A., 51 N. Washington Kaufman, Dr. I., 127 Academy Leibson, Jos., 488 S. Franklin Levy, Felix T., 421 S. Franklin Long, Dr. Chas., 33TS. Washington

159 536 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK (Rhode Island Long, Millard F., 281 S. Franklin Mendelsohn, Dr. I. W., 12 E. Market Oppenheimer, David, 74 Terrace Robinson, S. L., 678 S. Franklin Rosenthal, David, Cumberland Apts. Rosenthal, Louis, 363 S. Franklin Rutstein, Abe, 239 Lincoln Salzman, Rev. Marcus, 94 W. Ross Shapiro, Henry, 524 S. Franklin Silverblatt, J., 66 Molbery PI. Stern, Harry F-, 259 S. Franklin Tintner, L., 568 S. Franklin Weissman, C. H., Araer. Auto. Accessoriei Stores Weitzenkorn, J. K-, S. Main St. Williamsport LIBRARY MEMBER Brozman, J. L., 349 Pine Feldman, M., 108 Chatham Goldenburg, H. N., 343 Pine Meckler, Nathan, 400 Park Av. Pechter, H. B., Park Hotel Y. M. H. A., 51 W. 3d Windber Bricker, Sol York Bernstein, W., 505 Madison Av. Biederman, S., 130 S. Newberry Epstein, Abe, 35 N. Belvidere Av. Field, I., 19 Columbia Av. Grumbacher, Max, 1416 E. Market Hoffman, Wm., 144 S. George Jaspan, D., 900 W. College Av. Kalisch, M., 812 S. George Leibowitz, J., 610 Vandar Av. Miller, J., 732 E. Phila. Morris, J. B., 176 E. Jackson Petow, L. A., 878 Madison Pracker, S. M., 276 W. Princess Samuels, David, 317 Carlisle Av. Simmons, A., 819 S. Duke Singermam, A., 345 E. King Wolovsky, Wm., c,o Shapiro Bros. Zvaifler, D., 837 Linden Av. Arctic Olevson, Samuel A. Central Falls Albert, Dr. Lionel F., 50 Pacific Central Falls Pub. Library, 205 Central Av. Morgan, L., 405 High Pearl, S. L., 151 Camp Slefkin, Hyman L., 446 Mill East Greenwich Silberman, H., Main Newport Ball, N., 6 Pleasant Y. M. H. A., 263 Thames Pawtucket Friedman, H., 267 High Jacques, J., 88 W. Clifford Providence LIFE MEMBER Misch, Mrs. C, 400 Westminster LIBRARY MEMBER Karpeles, M. J., 56 Price Abel, B., 129 Prairie Av. Abrich, A., 216 Bellevue Av. Alper, Benj. L., 120 Alney Anshen, L. J., 140 Hamilton Beck, H. S., 52 Canington Av. RHODE ISLAND Bellin, Henry D., 112 Elton Bliss, M. W., 157 Orms Bolotow, L., 3 Pleasant Brooks, Geo. B., 27 Mulberry Cohen, Simon, 12 Jenckes Conn, J., 214 Friendship Edelston, A., 69 Mitchell Einstein, Mrs. M., 121 Moroe Fain, A. H., 802 Elmwood Av. Fox, C. J., 58 Brenton Av. Garfinkle, I., 24 Wheatau Goldowsky, B. M., 64 Baker Hassenfeld, H., 216 N. Main Joslin, Philip, C, 148 Prospect Kaplan, S., 131 Somerset Lebow, Dr. M., 6 Goddard Loeb, Mrs. Wm., 150 Chestnut Magid, S. M., 102 Halsey Marcus, L. A., 228 Saratoga Marinsky, I., 210 Lenox Av. Orenstein, S. H., 106 Davis Paris, P. B., 31 Saunter Priest, S., 232 Norwood Av. Rabinowitz, Wm., 222 N. Main Robinson, D. A., 100 Fountain Robinson, J. R., 74 Charles Robinson, Maurice, 685 Eddy Rosen, H. R., 214 Saratoga Rosenfeld, J. J., 901 Turks Head Bldg. Rosenfield, F. L., 158 Reynolds Rubinstein, S., 55 Benefit Sabbath School Cong, of Israel & David, 150 Gallatin

160 South Carolina] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 537 Schneider, D. G., Industrial Trust Bldg. Silverman, A., 9 Mawney Smith, C, Box 914 Smith, JOB., 48 Goddard Swartz, F. M., 16 Temple Temkin, Max, 115 Benefit Zura, A. J., 21 Camp Woonsocket. LIBRARY MEMBERS Darman, A. I., 309 Prospect Y. M. H. A., 6 S. Main Cole, Adolph, 128 Sweet Av. Fellman, H., 224 Coe Israel, Rev. Dr. P., 23 Hamlet Av. Aiken Poleakoff, M. Polier, M. S., 1020 Greenville Rudnick, Morris Suransky, B. N., 919 Pendelton Bennettsville Isaacsohn, Jacob Mayer, M. E. Sugar, Julius Strauss, L. Bishopville LIBRARY MEMBER Cohn, Bros. Gallum, J. Katz, Frank Krasnoff, A. M. Levinson, Ben Levy, O. Sindler, Mrs. F. Blackville Brown, Herman Branchville Widelitz, J. Camden Wittkowsky, L. A. Charleston Banov, S., 595 King Barkowitz, P., 467 King Bercoff, Mrs. E., 364 King Blank, I., Charleston Hotel Cohen, M., 155 King Goldberg, I. M., 474 King Goldstein, S., 487 King Gorman, M. H., 332 King Hepler, J., 601 King Hornick, M. J., St. Johns Hotel Hyman, I., 351 King Jacobs, L., 64 Fishburne Janofsky, S., 633 King Jewish Council of Women, 3 Colonial Karesh, J. L., 477 King Karesh, H., 32 Parkwood SOUTH CAROLINA Karesh, W. M., 20 Pitt Lipner, Simon, 633 King Loeb, Mrs. L., 53 Gibbes May, Casper H., 348 King Mayers, David, 357 King Monash, I. A., 6 Mill Nathan, M. H., 103 Wentworth Olasov, B., 69 Broad Pincusshon, Isadore, Gilbert & Rutledge Pinkussohn, J. S., 217 Meeting Pinosky, Sam, 15 Oak Raisin, Rev. J. S., 14 Wragg Rittenberg, Sam, 187 Rutledge Av. Rubin, I. D., 151 Broad Rubin, Sol, 181 King Shimel, Louis M., 178 St. Philip Simon, Ben., 427 King Simonhoff, H., 70 St. Philip Triest, M., 73 Rutledge Av. Turtletaub, J., 401 King Visanska, Mrs. J. M., 19 E. Battery Wilensky, Harry L., 496 King Columbia American Metal & Waste Co., 711 Gervais Billig, L., 1407 Park Citron, M., 1421 Elmwood Av. Joseph, L. H., 1123 Henderson Karesh, Rev. D., 1319 Park Katz, Meyer, 1523 Park Kramer, Geo., 1610 Main Orenstein, H., 1705 Main Reznick, L., 1338 Assembly Schayer, Isadore, Palmetto Bldg. Tannenbaum, N., 715 Elwood Webber, B. M., Webber Bldg. Darlington Alexander, C, Lock Box 394 Block, Mrs. B., 270 Grove Hening, H., Broad Hill, Ben, 404 Broad Hyman, Mrs. A., Broad St. Lumiansky, M. S.,.142 Spring Weinberg, A. Witcover, D. D. Florence Cohen, A. A., 112 E. Evans Finkelstein, L., 129 W. Evans

161 538 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [Tennessee Gibbs, B., Gibbs Bros. Goodstein, S., 313 W. Evans Greenberg, L. Insel, C. KaUsky, Chas., 15 N. Darzam Poborze, E., 125 E. Evans Rosenfeld, M. Gaffney Sinkovitz, E. I. Wolfson, B. S. Greenville Endel, Mrs. H., Lindel Av. Katz, Dr. Samuel, 213 S. Main Meyers, A. B., 118 Earle, No. Saul, I., 217 S. Main Greenwood Greenberg, C. S., 421 Main Rosenbaum, H. Rosenberg, J. H. Rosenberg, S. W., 124 Blake Kingstree Marcus, S. Tucker, C. Weinberg, L. S. Lake Cily Abrams, J. Trarkin, Joseph Manning Dubrow, H. D. Ness, M. Newberry Morris, L., 1008 Main Vigodsky, T., Harrington Orangeburg Levy, Ph. H., Box 398 St. George Klauber, R. L. Lourie, L. St. Matthews LIBRARY MEMBERS Loryea, J. H., P. O. Box 97 Pearlstine, Shep Seabrook Keyserling, Michael Spartanburg Blotcky, A. G., 186 Oakland Av. Harris, G., 104 E. Main Summerville Alexander, Saul Sumter LIBRARY MEMBER Phelps, A. C. Alpert, L., 13 N. Main Goldberg, M., 16 S. Sumter Hirsch, Rabbi F. K., 11 Church Kirschner, D., 37 N. Main Krassnoff, S. L. Levi, M., 228 E. Liberty Schwartz, E., 102 W. Liberty The Peoples Mercantile Co. Timmonsville Schafer, Mrs. S. S. Union Cohen, J. Krasnoff, S. Aberdeen LIBRARY MEMBER Sudow, S. A. Hess, Rabbi J., Ill 2d Av., N. E. Freeman Kutcher, L. J. Bristol Levine, I., c,o Radinsky &JLevine, State Chattanooga Adler, H. C, 415 W. 5th SOUTH DAKOTA TENNESSEE Parker Lindenbaum, Abe Sioux Falls Schwab, Rev. S. J., 526 W. 10th Stern, Dr. M. A. Feld, M., 718 Market Reevin, Sam E., 789 E. 4th Silverman, B., 204 % S. Prospect Silverman, M. H., 620 W. 6th Silverman, N. M., 218 E. 9th

162 Texas] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 539 Spurlock, F., Times Bldg. Wise, Harry, c,o Wise Creamery Co. Columbia Cheslar, W. L., Box 212 Jackson Nord, L., 380 Hayland Rosenbloom, J. L., 370 Highland Av. Rosenbloom, S. D., 210 E. Lafayette Johnson City Gump, L. D., 112 Watanaga Av. Silver, Wm., 112 W. Unaka Av. Knoxville Caplan, Isaac, 1225 W. 5th Collins, I., 305 E. Vine Av. Finkelstein, M., 215 Gay Frank, Manuel Friedman, M., 141 S. Gay Gourse, Geo., Gay Kern, H. T-, Cumberland Hotel Lippner, H., 616 Union Robinson, M. B., 412 E. Jackson Av. Rosenthal, D. A., 617 W. Church University of Tennessee Winick, B. R., 201 E. Vine Av. Wise, A., 712 W. Wayne Memphis LIBRARY MEMBER Newburger, J., Falls Bldg. Bacarat, Rabbi Dr. C, 715 Adams Bluthenthal, H., 1252 Peabody Av. Cossitt Library Fineshriber, Rev. Dr. W. H., 144 N. Montgomery Gates, Elias, 257 S. Pauline Goltman, M., 1500 Union Av. Haase, Chas., 1261 Peabody Hexter, S. G., 300 N. Waldran Blvd. Hottendorf, J., 279 Lewis Isenberg, S., 244 N. McNeill Kornowsky, N., 168 Beale Av. Loeb, Henry, 300 S. Pauline Morris, H., Manhattan Bk. Peres, H., 1442 Carr Pinstein, T., 177 Beale Av. Rosenthal, M., 292 Pauline Steinberg, S., 1576 Peabody Av. Teitlebaum, A., 1264 Peabody Av. Wolf, H., 197 S. Idlewild Y. M. H. A., Y. M. H. A. Bldg. Nashville Bernstein, C, 2005 Broad Blum, L., 131 7th Av., S. Brown, H., th Av., S. Cohen, A., 3612 Richland Av. Cohen, L., 3509 Richland Av. Cohen, R., Aberdeen Apts. Cohn, Nathan, th Av., S. Diamond, Louis, 407 Public Sq. Ehrenwald, J., 1701 Primrose Av. Ellis, M. W., 202 6th Av., S. Eskind, H., 1910 West End Av. Feld, Morris, 718 Market Fensterwald, J., 112 7th Av., N. Frank, Mrs. J. P., 3809 Richland Av. Frank, Mrs. J. M., 3802 Whitland Av. Garfinkel, E., 509 6th Av., N. Ghertner, S., 1702 Ashwood Av. Goldberg, A. L., Jr. Goldstein, S., 647 E. 5th Jonas, L., 2312 West End Kottler, B., 200 Broad Leintan, B., d Av. Levine, J. L., Volunteer Bldg. Levy, Saml., 222 Public Sq. Lewinthal, Rev. I., 24 Courtland PI. Loventhal, Lee J., 308 Church May, Jack, 2014 West End Av. Meyer, A. H., 2212 Patterson Pilsk, M., 408 Broad Rich, H. L., th Av., S. Schulman, I., th Av., S. Silverfield, S., st Av., N. Silverschatz, M., 3110 Long Blvd. Simon, Jos., 2002 Terrace PI. Spitz, Dr. H., 1406 Beechwood Av. White, Mrs. M., d Av., S. Y. M. H. A., Polk & Union TEXAS Austin Goodstein, D. A., 608 Blanco Israel,M., 407 W. 6th Koen, Joe, 304 E. 9th Novy Bros., 503 E. Av. Fosenbaum, Rabbi D., 1010 Lavaca Scottish Rite Cathedral, Box 977 Snaman, Max, 1105 W. 6th Stern, J.; 500 E. 7th Beaumont Blum, B., 1122 Hazel Feinberg, M., 1267 Calder Feinberg, S., 1592 Bway. Gordon, J. S., 1082 Bway. Greenberg, Dr. P. B., 1310 Bway. Harris, H., 800 Pearl

163 540 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [Texas Hurvitz, M. L., 1547 Broadway Lederer, S., 837 Magnolia Av. Levy, Leon R., 201 Main Mothner, M. M., 1063 Calder Av. Rosenthal, J., 1063 Bway. Rosinger Rabbi S., 1445 Magnolia Av. Sharfstein, J., 1187 Broadway Temple Literary Society, 1445 Magnolia Av Uhry, H., Box 866 Bonham Hermer, Max Zidcll, Harold Cleburn Cohen, Jake, Lone Star 105 Maxel, Sam, 106 S. Main Pilen, W., 213 E. Henderson Weinberg, F. M., 117 E. 1st Corsicana Grossman, H. Jarett, H., 418 W. 5th Av. Levi, M. S., c/o Ideal Theatre Marks, Sydney, c/o Marks Bros. Miller, Harry, c/o Miller Feed Store Stolz, Rabbi J. H., Box 885 Dallas LIBRARY MEMBERS Hexter, Victor, 1420 S. Okard Sanger, Alex, 711 S. Ervay Ablon, Ben, 2605 Maple Av. AbrahamB, T., 2019 Jackson Abramson, I., 1304 Powhatan Aronoff, Jos., 1215 Gano Aronofeky, E., 2313 Elm Barish, Joe, 2216 Browder Baron, A., 1318 Peabody Av. Barzune, L., 1206 Gano Bernbaum, D., 1602 Corinth Berwald, J., 1417 S. Akard Berz, Isaac, 2718 Lake Av. Brenner, H., 710 E. Elm Buckspan, A., 1829 S. Boulevard Cerper, B., 1924 Elm Cobbel, M., 1613 Park Av. Cohen, Mrs. J., 2716 Vz Elm Cohen, M. B., 2826 Cleveland DoctorqS, Mrs. R., Cor. Penn. Av. & Wendelkein Dreyfus, G., c,o Dreyfus & Son Dysterbach, S., 5205 Swiss Av. Eilenberg, I., 907 Jefferson Av. Engle, Morris, 2560 Elm Epstein, K., 1216 Marilla Fair, D., 2818 S. Boulevard Feldman, M., Box 933 Fife, Leo, 2313 Elm Fox, Dave, 3020 S. Boulevard Fox, Mrs. Max, 3020 S. Blvd. Freedberg, L., 1215 Hughes Friedman, I., 1421 Sanger Av. Friedman, Max, 4912 Junius Garonzik, I..215 N. Ervoy Garonzik, P., 1326 Canton Garonzik, W., 1813 Park Av. Glazer, L. S., 2523 Colby Glick, Bros., 1318 Forrest Av. Goldberg, A., 2316 Elm Goldin, J., 1801 Gould Goldstein, F., 1912 S. Boulevard Goldstein, L. A., 2700 Grand Av. Goldstein, N., 1214 S. Norwood Goldstein, P., 3245 Swiss Av. Goodman, S., 3906 Smpson Greene, L., 2226 Caroline Gross, Ben, 3613 Wendelkein Grossman, A., 917 McKinney Av. Guttman, T., 4201 Leland Av. Harris, Sol., 3600 Wendelkein Hesselson, H., 821 Marion Hexter, J. K., 420 Linz Bldg. Kahn, E. M., 900 Elm Kahn, Dr. J., 1805 Forrest Av. Kaplan, A. A., 1900 Park Av. Kaplan, M., 1900 Park Av. Kaufman, Ch., 1106 Powhatten Kaufman, S., 2806 Cleveland Kessler, H., 1323 Penna. Av. Klar, H., 1410 Forest Av. Kleinman, Louis, 1822 Sanger Av. Klepak, I., 1928 V$ Elm Kramer, A., 4934 Gaston Av. Kurlan, J., 1205 Bellview Lefkowitz, Rev. D., 1833 Forest Av. Levinson, H. M., 2210 N. Pearl Lichtenstein, J. S., 3605 Wendelkein Lipman, N., 1930 Elm Lipsitz, Mrs. R., 1311 McKinney Malowitz, W., 911 Wai Margules, A., P., 2901 Cleveland Masinter, R., 2628 Elm Michaelson, L. A., c.o Sanger Bros. Michaelson, L., 2827 S. Boulevard Michelson, Mrs. M., 2303 Forest Av. Neuman, Dr. A., 325 Wilson Bldg. Novin, Louis, 2621 Hickory Rabinowitz, D., 2535 Forrest Av. Roos, Gus, 1833 Forrest Rosenberg, L. B., 2216 Elm Rosenberg, L., 1833 Clarence Rosenfield, J., 1814 Park Row Rosenfield, M., 1924 S. Bouevard Rosenstock, B., 1800 Elm Rosenthal, H., 2924 S. Blvd. Sachs, Louis, 2829 S. Boulevard Saizow, J. E., 1706 Commerce Schiif, S., 1323 McKinney Av. Schneider Bros., 323 N. Akard Schwartz, B., 1524 Seegar Seltzer, I., 2934 Elm

164 Texas] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 541 Shay, R., 1213 Cadiz Siegel, L., 319 N. Willomet Siegel, S., 2314 S. Boulevard Sigel, Harry, 2606 S. Blvd. Simonson, F., 2505 McKinnon Singer, Mrs. J. C, 1211 S. Harwood Smilowite, Eli, 2904 Bryan Smith, A. J., 2719 S. Ervay Smith, Harry, 2016 H Elm Stein, L., 1211 McKinney Av. Stern, E., 1904 Penna. Av. Stone, Abe, 3416 Wendelkein Toblowsky, R., 3115 Holmes Toplitz, A., 1905 Penna. Av. Turner, E., 1508 Hughes Circle Vener, Mrs. R., 1420 S. Akard Weinstein, M., 1200 Hughes Wolf, David, 1209 Bellview Wyll, I., 2518 Caroline Yonack, Jacob, 2803 S. Boulevard Zeff, Max A., 3625 Wendelkein Zesner, I., 1518 Elm Denison Cohen, R., 200 Main Morris, Mrs. A. M., Box 267 Rotchstein, I., 133 W. Bond Yeidel & Son, Box 256 Eagle Lake Nuesbaum, H. Eagle Pass Goldburg, Ed. Hausman, Louis Riskind, A. I., 314 Main Riskind, M., 314 Main Serriff, A., 314 Main El Paso LIBRARY MEMBERS Katz, Ben, 403 So. El Paso Zork, G., Box 700 Alpern, S. L., 918 E. Rio Grande Arenson, C, 1017 California Berg, Sol Berg, Sol., 1016 E. Rio Grande Blaugrand, A., 112 S. Stanton Blumenthal, B., 901 N. Stanton Dubinsky, B. P., 108 S. Stanton Ehrenberg, T., 710 Dallas El Paso Loaning Co., 308 S. El Paso Farber, Ben, 114 E. Overland Feder, N., 2529 Grant Fischbein, L., Blumenthal Bldg. Friedkin, J., 216 W. Rio Grande Given, Charles, 215 El Paso Given, Saml., 1209 San Antonio Goldbloom, L., 221 S. Stanton Goodman, Joe, H., 1300 N. El Paso Harris, Abe, White House Horwitz, L., 1710 Montano Jaffe, H., 1019 E. Nevada Klein, E., 212 E. California Krakauer, A., 1506 Golden Hill Terrace Krupp, Hayman, 501 Los Angeles Levenson, M. S., Box 269 Levenson, S. H., 122 E. Overland Merkin, Joe, 1530 Mundy Miller, D., 1214 Montana Miller, J., Buckler Bldg. Potash, Mrs. M. L., Patterson Apt. Ravel, Mrs. M., 1922 Montana Rosenberg, H., 235 Porfirio Diaz Rosenfeld, Leo, Millg Bldg. Rosenfield, L. A., 802 Cinn. Rosing, Wm., 221 San Antonio Schwartz, Maurice, Popular Dry Goods Co. Shay, I. H., 1129 E. California Stark, S., 800 Arizona Stolaroff, A., 8 Rosemont Apts. Stolaroff, Mrs. J., 819 N. Oregon Talpis, J. H., 503 Bryan Talpis, Ralph T., 630 Prospect Av. Weinstein, Reuben, 617 Cinn. Weiss, I., 1011 N. Campbell Widoff, J., 906 Cliff Yaffe, Albert, 409 S. El Paso Zielonka, Rabbi M., Temple Mt. Sinai Zlabovsky, F., 1016 Olive Zlabovsky, H. ( 1237 Myrtle Av. Ennis Raphael. Edmond, West Ennis Av. Fort Worth Abramowitz, Rabbi A. E., 501 S. Lake Ahavath Sholom Cong., 109 W. Weatherford Antwell, Dr. A., 424 Wheeler Council of Jewish Women, 712 Henderson Fox, Rabbi G. George, 287 W. 10th Fred, M. A., 1309 Main Gernsbacher, H., 1415 Texas Gilbert, E. L., c,o Dan Waggoner Bldg. Gilbert, I. G., 308 S. Adams Gilbert, Max, 2211 Fairmount Goldsobel, S., 109 Main Isidor Straus Lodge, 3037 Lipcomb Lesser, M. A., 1101 Main Levy, Saml., Box 457 Mack, Theodore, 918 E. Weatherford Mehl, A. M., th Av. Mehl, I. N., 1211 Main Mehl, M., 2118 Fairmount Av. Pliner, D., 1201 Main Simon, U. M., 322 S. Adams Wolflson, J., 2132 Jennings Av. Cohn, John Gainesville

165 542 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [Texas Galveston LIBRARY MEMBER Lasker, E., 1726 Bway. Bnai Israel Cong., d Brock, Moritz Buchwald, R., 2318 Av. H. Cohen, Rev. H., 1920 Broadway Cohen, Robt. I., st Forman Bros., 2606 Market Framer, I., 2609 Av. K. Mendel, A. B., 1115 Av. D. Moskowitz, G. I., 1215 Av. C. Sakowitz, S., 2016 Bway. Silberman, L., 2211 Post Office Singer, J., 2220 Av. M. Swiff, J., 2606 Av. K Gonzales Stahl, Jacob, P. O. Box 327 Greenville LIBRARY MEMBER Mosesman, N., Box 193 Glassman, Sam, Box 403 Levinson, George Rosenberg, Wm, 3204 Stonewall Swartz, Sam Hearne Levine, I. Hillsboro Gerick, Joe Hoffman, H., 98 Vineyard Mittenthal, P. Houston LIBRARY MEMBER Aronson, J. L., 1302 Chenevert Barnstow, Rev. Dr. H., 3515 Main Blumenthal, Philip, 2814 Brazos Cohen, H. J., 200 Westmoreland Blvd. Cohen, Moses D., 502 Drew Av. Cohn, L. S., 2618 Hamilton Daily, Dr. L., Kress Bldg. Finkelstein, M. B., 1412 Chenevert Freeman, H. W., Union Natl. Bk. Bldg. Geller, Rev. J., 1814 Franklin Av. Harris, L. L., 3708 Fannin Hirsch, Maurice, 1617 Rusk Av. Houston Lyceum & Carnegie Library Jacobson, J. H., 1918 Fulton Kaplan, H. C, 1806 Pease Levy, A. M., 309 Avondale Maas, Saml. J., 33 Stanley Nathan, M. H., 2406 Hamilton Prince, H., Rice Hotel Rodoff, H. V., 84 Stanley Sachs, J., 2722 Odin Av. Scheps, Benj., 902 Hawthorn Schnitzer, Max, 802 Stuart Av. Silverstein, L. B., 1503 Congress Av. Tiras, I., 906 Chartres Weil, Sol. B., 1818 Texas Av. Werlin, J. B., 1417 Holly Westheimer, S. J., 3517 Merkel Willner, Rev. Dr. W., 1913 Hamilton La Grange Alexander, Jake Weinbaum, A. Jacobs, Leon Lockhart Luling Marshall Applebaum, J. S., Wash. Av. Hirsch, Joe, Box 376 Meyers, E. A. Silberstein, C, Box 54 Waghalter, A., Box 179 Merkle Siegel, E., The Ecomony Store Mineola Bromberg, I. G. Orange Aronson, G., 502 Front Mossiker, Dave, Box 746 Sokolsky, Sam, White House Paris Booken, S., Box 494 Gardlin, Mrs. E. Port Arthur Jacobs, J., 319 Lake Shur Leavy, Jack Simon, Ben Zuber, J. L. Port Neches Rosenberg San Antonio Baer, L. A., 127 W. Evergreen Barasch, J., 415 Live Oak Berman, H., 724 Camden Burg, Dr. S., Conroy Bldg. Brooks, S. p., 207 W. Houston Carnegie Library Charles, I., 607 W. Commerce

166 Utah] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 543 Chasman, J., 114 Newton Cohen, L., 315 Idaho Cohen, M., 1124 Victorio Cristol, Louis, 1613 Av. D. Eldridge, S. C, 845 Erie Av. Feller, Dr. I. L., 227 W. Locust Gerstein, Mrs. N., 203 W. Poplar Gutman, Mrs. H. J., 715 Howard Hirshberg, Henry A., 102 Lewis Karin, N., 125 S. Cherry Lee, Chas. M., 235 Woodlief Lee, L. N., 511 E. Macon Lee, S. N., 501 W. Salinas Levenson, J., 724 Cameran Mazur, M., 912 W. Poplar Oppenheimer, Jesse D., 309 Madison Rosenstein, H., 420 Warren Scharlack, M., 315 Alamo Plaza Sinkin, Mrs., 206 Bois Dare Sugerman, H., 401 W. Houston Trottner, N., 624 E. Cincinnati Vexler, A., 639 W. Elmira Washer, N. M., 1401 Main Av. Weiner, A. S., 1616 W. Commerce Wiederman, S., 629 W. Elmira Saratoga Sterenberg, H. Sherman Elias, Max, 407 Walnut Exstein, Ike, 804 S. Travis Exstein, Jake, 910 S. Travis Marks, Abe, 617 N. Travis Salley, J. Sauer, Otto, 1300 S. Walnut Weingarten, Mandel Sulphur Springs Englander, Sam Glasser, Julius Meyerson, Alberts Taylor Cinamon, Mrs. M., 218 Main Gottlieb, J. Roberts, M. S., 108 Main Rosenberg, A. Terrell Alexander, M., Box 153 Ogden Kaplan, S. J., 2684 Washington Av. Salt Lake City Alexander, Daniel, Prescott Apts. Finkelstein, H-, 74 S. Wolcott Av. UTAH Heidenreich, S., 105 S. Virginia Texarkana Eldridge, S. Farber, Rev. Dr. R., 908 Wood Friedman, B., 619 Spruce Friedman, N. Garber, S., 304 Broad Grossman, H., 215 Beach Kaplan, H., 318 W. Broad Matier, I., 308 Broad Roth, D. S., 409 Maple Sandberg, M., 805 State Line Av. Wexler, S., 219 W. Broad Tyler Bruck, S., 429 S. Mary Av. Heller, H., 875 N. Bois d'arc Av. Horowitz, Rev. H. J., 815 N. Border Av. Liebreich, H. Lipstate, J. Wadel, B., Mary Av. Wunch, David, West Side Sq. Victoria Bettin, Max Kleinsmith, R., 201 Stayton Av. Waco Berkman, A., 107 S. 3d Freeman, N., 710 S. 11th French, Dr B. J., 114 H N. 5th Genecov, J. J., 1223 S. 11th Harris, D., 515 N. 18th Roddy, L. N., 1717 N. Wash. Rosenberg, L. I. Siegel, Rabbi I., 701 N. 4th Wolf, J., 524 S. 10th Wharton Davis, Herman Wichita Falls Boraf, Chas., 812 7th Erenstein, S., 705 H 7th Goldberg, Rabbi D., Temple Israel Kleinman, Philip Kruger, Sam, 725 Ohio Av. Pink, Louis, th Shain, M. Lipkis, Dr. Abram, 856 E. 1st, S. Ottenheimer, A., 1218 E. 1st. South Public Library Rosenblatt, N., 840 S. 4th, W. Shapiro, J., 66 E. 2d, S. Shapiro, Simon, 166 S. W. Temple Zimmerman, J., New Temple Hotel

167 544 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [Virginia Burlington Lewin, Charles, 25 Decture Rutland Wolk, H. H., 54 S. Main Berkeley Adler, D., 700 Faquier Fox, S. H., 1202 Liberty Scheuer, Louis Berryville Cape Charles Brown, Ben, Box 266 Kellam, Louis H. Charlottesville Vitkin, Max, 413 E. Main Zimmerman, N., 214 W. Main Clifton Forge Fleiss, M. S. Rooklin, H. Rosen, Abe, 51 Ridgeway Covington Goodman, Harry Cradock Liebman, Jos., 66 Afton Sq. Culpeper Lerner, Max Rosenberg, L. Lee Schreiber, Samuel Danville Bailin, Morris, 547 Main Belov, P., 227 Main Friedman, Mrs. I., 629 Wilson Greenberg, H. S., 746 Wilson Halperin, M., 605 Wilson Klaff, N., Wilson Levinson, Dr. B., 1st Natl. Bk. Bldg. Rippe, B. A., 444 Wilson Tyrolis, S., 520 Main Franklin Myer, Sigmund Front Royal Sager, L. Scheuer, M. L. Galax Perelman, L. VERMONT VIRGINIA Hanson, M., 46 Main Winooski Hampton Epstein, Mollie, 28 W. Queen Fisher, Rev. I. K., 249 W. King Kantor, A., 8 W. Queen Morewitz, H. A., 14 Manteo Av. Harrisonburg Loewner, Mrs. C. E., 340 E. Market Schwanenfeld, J., 254 W. Market Spiro, Morris, 345 E. Wolf Lexington Lenowitz, H., 12 Main Lyons, L. M., Box 728 Lyons, S. Weinberg, I. Lynchburg LIBRARY MEMBER Goodman, L., 6 Courtland Apt. Berman, H. Cooper, M., 439 Rivermount Av. Crowell, L. I., 2008 Rivermount Av. Feinman, J. H., 1701 Main Fogel, M., 105 9th Guggenheimer, Mrs. Max, 1902 Grace Lichtenstein, S. N., 433 Rivermount Av. Rosenthal, L. E., th Weinstein, Julien, 1115 Harrison Martinsville Berlin, Max Goldman, A. Heiner, S. Kolodosky, Sam Newport News LIBRARY MEMBER Levinson, M., th Berman, B. I., 2909 Madison Av. Berman, S., th Blechman, J., d Brenner, J., th Caplan, H., th Cohen, I., th Conn, B. J., 2403 Jefferson

168 Virginia] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 545 Coplon, H. L., th Coplon, Jacob, th Davidson, L., th Dorf, S. L., 2807 Wash. Av. Friedland, F., 2401 Jefferson Av. Gordon, A., th Greenspon, M. W., th Greenspon, R., 3500 Wash. Av. Levin, Max, th Levinson, I., 2612 Jefferson Av. Levinson, S. D., 3015 Madison Av. Lupshutz, J. A., 1900 Jefferson Av. Mirmelstein, L. B., 2705 Chest Av. Mirmilstein, S., 3215 Wash. Av. Ornoff, I., th Richter, J. A., 2911 Madison Av. Rosenbaum, A., 2608 Wash. Av. Scoll, M., th Siegel, I., 2606 Wash. Av. Siegel, Wm, 4811 Huntington Av. Smith, D. G., th Tuchscher, M. H., th Norfolk Albert, W., 718 Charlotte Barkas, P., 620 W. 26th Belkor, L., 815 Holt Belkov, A., 1126 Holt Berlin, Dr. L., 420 Freemason, E. Birshtein, C, 1027 Highland Av. Blaustein, Mrs. D., 602 Fairfax Av. Blaustein, J. M., 924 Church Block, N., 222 Arlington PI. Braunstein, A., 901 Cumberland Brill, S., 6th & Market Codd, B. N., 515 Fenchurch Cohen, A. I., 572 Front Cohen, Nat., 406 Main Cohen, Simon, 812 Westover Av. Colodne, M., 735 Graydon Pk. Crockin, H., 545 Church Crockin, Jacob, 614 Church Crockin, N., 1126 Redgate Av. Eisensan, L., 707 Charlotte Finestone, S., 1110 Highland Av. Finkelstein, W-, 741 S. Hampton Frieden, H., 427 Westover Av. Frieden, Jessie, 901 Church Friedman, Dr. L., 618 Freemason Galumbeck, R. M., 1039 Church Garber, M. H., 5 Rosedale Apt. Glasser, M. A., 950 Liberty Glasser, R. B., 727 Rosewell Av. Goldberg, S., 440 Church Goodman, H., 820 Falkland Hackner, L., 1310 Liberty Haskell, J., 710 Graydon Pk. Jacobson, J. W., 756 Duke Jaffe, A., 620 W. Raleigh Av. Jaffee, L. J., 357 W. 13th Kahn, M., 233 W. 20th Kaminsky, B., 220 Church Kaplan, L., 26 Commerce Katzoff, Dr. M., 507 Church Klaff, J., 610 Graydon Pk. Kruger, A. B., 700 Liberty Legum, I. W., 1036 W. Highland Av. Leiderman, A., 555 Queen Leipsiger, S., P. O., Box 1070 Leitman, A., 3 B. Rosedale Apts. Lipkin, W., 3611 Granby Margolius, Benj., Monticello Hotel May, Philip, 718 E. Main Naiman, Dr. B. L., Dickson Bldg. Orleans, N., 908 Liberty Plant, L., 562 Front Port, C, 1029 Church Richter, J., 727 Roswell Av. Richter, S., 617 Church Rottenberg, J., 429 Warren Sacks, H. A., Bk. of Commerce Bldg. Saks, J., Dresden Apt. Samlar, D., 308 Granby Scheinman, S., 411 E. Freeman Schneer, Wm., 716 Graydon Pk. Schreier, A., 34 Bedford Apt. Schreier, Eugene, 526 W. 36th Seldner, A. B., 1201 Stockley Gardens Seligman, L., 1107 Holt Shapiro, H., M., 6 Norwood Apts. Shefsky, L., 1-5 Campbells Wharf Simon, B., 115 W. 17th Spigel, B., 1028 N. Westover Av. Stam, S., 743 E. Charlotte Stutson, J. B., 609 Graydon Pk. Tevss, J., 116 W. 20th Wagenheim, H., 412 Raleigh Av. Waranch, D. S., 901 Reservoir Av. Wax, M., 726 Calvert Petersburg Cooper, Rev. I., 243 Halifax Gellman, A., 316 W. sycamore Gellman, D., 114 Franklin Jacobs, M., Centre Hill Apts. Kramer, B., 22 E. Bank Meltsner, H., 41 N. Union Rosenstock, L. A., 305 S. Jefferson Sachs, Walter, Sycamore Sandier, B., 147 Halifax Sollod, Harry, 312 W. Sycamore Pocahonlas Boch, M. Lubliner, Mrs. H. Raffel, Louis Portsmouth LIBKAEY MEMBER Fass, Isaac, 805 Court Bangel, E. I., 706 Chestnut Blackman, M. J., 729 High

169 546 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [Virginia Bord, Harry D., 732 High Cohen, B. R., 706 High Crockin, M. M., 215 High Goldstein, N., 1110 Court Goodman, A. H., 723 King Himber, J., 708 County Hirsch, A., 705 South Karp, L. H., 419 5th Kootz, L., 616 High Lasting, H. B., 704 Wash. Messenger, Miss H. V., 215 4th Mirvis, I., 623 4th Moss, M. J., 212 South Segalin, M., 801 Green Shapiro, L-, 1316 Wash. Smith, Jacob, 731 High Weinberg, G. Inc., 506 1st Ziv, B., 1201 Washington Richmond LIBRARY MEMBER Straus, A. L., 712 N. Boulevard Amster, L., 1502 N. 22d Beth Ahabah Remembrance Library Binswanger, H. S., 2220 Monument Av. Binswanger, M. I., 6th & Byrd BrennerrB., 518 W. Clay Brown, A., 106 S. Addison Brown, Jos., 1806 E. Broad Brown, N., 209 N. Foushee Calisch, Rev. E. N., 1643 Monument Av. Chasen, N., 1805-A E. Broad Cohen, H., E., 2013 W. Grace Finger, M-, 220 E. Broad Flegenheimer, M., 1814 Hanover Av. Friedman, F., 2912 Monument Av. Friedman, H., 2824 Q. Gandel, N., 320 Brook Av. Gellman, A., 228 W. Broad Glick, S., 2319 Venable Goldin, H., 1039 N. 17th Gray, Edward, 1561 E. Main Hutzler, A. B., 1032 Mutual Bldg. Hutzler, H. S., 1013 E. Main Hutzler, L., 2512 Monument Av. Hyman, A., 521 N. 4th Justa, Abram, 1724 W. Beverly Kaminsky, A., 1818 E. Broad Kaplin, I. J., 1224 N. 1st Karp, Dr. L., 2001 W. Grace Kessler, David, 2216 Carrington Kirsh, A. J., Old Dom. Trust Bldg. Levensohn, N., 501 North Av. Levy, H., Brook & Marshall Lewis, J. H., 1601 W. Cary Lieberman, M., 1902 E. Main Lowenstein, Jacob, 520 E. Broad Marcus, Rabbi I., 216 N. 20th Meyers, H., 1301 N. 27th Ronim, M., 1125 N. 22d Rosen, L., 2420 E. Broad Rubens, J. M., 2806 Monument Av. Rubenstein, A. M., 2622 Park Av. Rudlin, N., 1400 N. 27th Salsbury, L., 825 N. 3d Scheer, G. F., 1411 E. Main Shere, L., 2034 A W. Grace Sherman, A., 948 W. Grace Solomon, M., 226 N. 17th Spigel, F. H., 15 S. Elm Sternheimer, F., 322 N. Harrison Strauss, M. J., 1809 Park Av. Ullman, E., 211 E. Grace Ullman, L. E., 1523 Porter Weinstein, A., 1515 W. Main Roanoke Brenner, J., 704 Marshall Av., S. W. Cohen, H., 1305 Clark Av. Fine, Henry, Cor. 15th & Patterson Fisher, J., 539 8th Av., S. W. Goldstin, J., 717 Marshall Hahn, Rabbi J. L., 1307 Clarke Av. Lyons, L. S., 205 Day Av., S. W. Masinter, M. L., 715 6th Av., S. W. Moss, H. D., 213 S. JeTerson Progress Club, 601 1st Natl. Bk. Rosenberg, H., 1305 Hamilton Tr. Savage, L., 306 Henry S. W. Schlossberg, M. J., 402 Wash. Av., S. W. Spigel, Jos. Vigran, B., 316 S. 16th Weinstein, D., 10 S. Jefferson Weinstein, J. H., 904 Park, S. W. Wilenisky, S., 22 W. Salem Av. Wolloch, D. S., 23 E. Campbell Av. Rosslyn Himmelfarb, Paul Shultz, Albert Staunton Suffolk Altschul, Victor, 119 Main Cohen, M. Herman, B., 939 Washington Sq. January, H.i 905 Washington Av. January, I. P., 905 Washington Av. Miller, C. L. Niler, C. L. Shere, S., 723 Wash. Yafle, I. Werble, M., 942 Washington University University of Va. Library Walkerton Borton, Harry

170 West Virginia] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 547 Bellingham Brenner, P., 219 W. Holly Centralia Shanedling, Jacob Everett Spiro, S., 2906 Hewett Av. Seattle LIBRARY MEMBERS Eckstein, N., th Av., N. Lindenberger, R., st Av., N. Temple de Hirsch Cong., 15th & E. Union Asia, S. B., d Av. Bernstein, A., 3408 E. Ward Block, Saml., d Av. Bornstein, M. S., 1528 E. Madison Brick, A. M., 301 Cheasty Bldg. Cohen, A. G., 1021 Summit Av..Cooper, I., 1104 Minor Av. & Spring Friedenthal, Sol., 1184 E. Newton Friedlander, S., 2d and Univ. Glesin, N., d Av. Goldman, Alex. K., 1304 Seattle Blvd. Greenberg, Abe, d Av. Grunbaum, O. S., 722 Harvard Av. N. Heiman, I., d Av. Kreielsheimer Bros., Arctic Club Lang, J.'C, d Av., N. Lindenberger, B., d Av., N. Lurie, Mrs. I., 1202 Madison Monheimer, M., 178 L. C. Smitli Bldg. Metzenbaum, W., 500 Pacific Blk. Neft, Max, th Av. Prottas, Sol., th Av. Bluencld Cohen, I., 204 North Greenspon, Mrs. S., 208 North Lowenatein, J., 477 Princeton Av. Rodgin, Mrs. H., 49 Roger Stoltz, H. Charleston Baer, Ben, 204 Bradford Bedwinek, M., 615 Kanawha Briggs, Mrs. P., 330 Laidley Av. Cohen, Simon, Virginia Av. Frankenberger, H., 904 Edgewood Av. Galperin, Simon H., 720 Kanawha Galperin, Hyman, 328 Laidley Goldman, Mrs. M. R., 2020 Kanawha Horowitz, M. N. 20 Capitol Kaaplander, Rabbi M. H., 220 Clend ennin WASHINGTON WEST VIRGINIA Rogers, S., st Av. Rosenthal, A., th Av. Schermer, Carl, 1520 E. Mauson Schoenfeld, H. A., 2639 Harvard, Av. N. Seattle Public Library Shafer, J., th Av. Shane, Ph. E., 1207 Barclay Ct. Shemanski, A., d Av. Stern, L. M., th Av., N. Teller, Soil., th Av., N. E. Weinstein, Benj., th, S. Wolfson, D. L., 2339 Federal Av. Spokane Cassell, D. B., 614 W. 14th Av. Cohen, H. L., 923 S. Elm Council of Jewish Women Davis, I., 503 Main Av. Goldblatt, Wm., 814 Ash Gradwohl, Sidney, th Av. Kaye, A. E., 803 W. Nora Av. Leibert, Rabbi J. A., 314 W. 19th Silberstein, N. J., 451 Shoshone Soss, S. H., st Av., W. Temple Emanu El Rel. School, th Av Tacoma Feist, Theo., 705 N. "G" Friedman, P. B., 942 Pacific Av. Walla Walla Neslin, H. L. Wertheimer, S., 116 W. Poplar Vakima Brown, I. L., Barge & Superior Grinspan, Ben Loeb, Leo., 945 Ridgemont Av. Lowenstein, L, 114 Bradford May, Ph. M., 1509 Va. MendeloJ, 217 y- Capitol Palley, J. N., 236 Capitol Polan, H., Box 216 Pushkin, M., 1516 Jackson Sclove, L. J., 312 Brooks Shor, I. J., 520 Maxwell Silverstein, A. P., 1532 Jackson Y. M. H. A., Davidson Bldg. Webb, J., Box 742 Charlestown Palmbaum, M., & Bro. Clarksburg Caplan, H. A., 318 W. Pike

171 548 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [West Virginia Cohen, Jacob Edlavitch, S. L., 228 S. Chestnut Franz, D. B., 157 W. Pike Franz, D. M., 157 W. Pike Friedlander, M. Goodfriend, L., 333 Lee Guttman, M., Star Cash Mkt. Hiller, Louis, 116 W. Main Jacobs, J., 121 N. Chestnut Jay, J., 170 W. Pike Kaplan, Jos., 320 W. Main Lampe, M. M., Hotel Waldo Lefkowitz, Ben Marks, J., 427 Mechanic Nachman, M., Haymond Ct. Newman, S., Empire Bldg. Nusbaum, W., 134 3d Oliker, Louis, 206 Walnut Percoff, S., 411 Clark Rose, Max Slavem, Jacob, 319 W. Pike Spiro, Louis Trub, Rev. B., 204 Walnut Elkins Goldberg, G., 121 3d Goldberg, S., Davis Golden, Dr. Wm. W. Fairmont LIBRARY MEMBER Goodman, Simon, Masonic Temple Deitz, E., 219 Fairmount Funt, I. Goffan, J., 105 Madison HoSman, R., 648 Pierpoint Av. Lipson, P. P., 317 Fairmount Av. Meyers, A., 124 Jackson Oliker, D. B., 1111 Carleton Osgood, D. M., 614 Fairmount Av. Zosloff, I., 226 Madison Farmington Marcus, Jacob R. Huntington Biern, Samuel, th Brownstein, H., 322 8th Av. Cohen, D. Cohen, Joseph, th Av. Feinstein, Rabbi A., th Av. Fox, David, th Av. Gideon, Samuel, d Av. Glick, S. H., th Av. Gore, Sam, d Av. Hartz, L. H., 421 4th Av. Hirschman, M. K., th Av. Hyman, Mrs. I. S., 636 Trenton PI. Radinsky, R. S., th Romer, I. B., Hyman Apt. Samson, S., Box 552 Schonthal, D. C, th Sweing, I., 827 3d Av. Keyser Baer, J. Leonard Kaplon, E., 127 N. Main Keystone Budnick, H. Kimball Beth Jacob Congregation Forman, A. Logan Tobin, Mrs. Benj. Martinsburg Katz, George, 109 W. Martin Montgomery Meyer, Aaron Morgantown Cohen, Israel De Lynn, I. A., 412 High Green, Ben Kirsch, C. E., 223 Richwood Av. Lyon, Chas., Box 143 Possner, Sam, 642 High Slaven, M. S-, 41 Prairie Av. Wdlf, J. P., 321 High Moundsville Gordon, Samuel J. North Fork Catzen, A., Box 335 Rosen, Jack Seligman, H. Parkesburg Goldstein, J., 1704 Avery Kahn, D. H., 1001 Ann Lasky, S., 317 Market Lerner, H., 121 3d Stem, J., 423 Market Piedmond Abramson, A., 69 Ashfield Abramson, David Princeton Borinsky, B., 207 Mercer Tomchin, Jos., 110 Mercer Baker, H. Thomas LIBRARY MEMBER

172 Wisconsin] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 549 Bear, L. Rubenstein, Ruby Schilansky, B. Schilansky, J. Schilansky, Dr. P., P. O. Box 70 Welch Enron, J. Gottlieb, Louis Sameth, Dr. J. L. Weston Blumberg, H. Kaplan, B. Malkow, Wm. Wheeling Baer, B. S., 1 Virginia Banov, C, 1040 Market Barach, H. H., 1100 Main Darris, S., 1014 Main Elpern, S. G., 1106 Main Eoff, St. Religious School Appleton Bahcall, I., 815 Lowe Kiss, I. Ashland Gorewich, C, 213 6th Av., W. Latts, Abe, Royal Theatre ' Beloit Bloom, Max, Box 130 Kapitanoff, Sam, 721 Oak Sternlieht, A., 635 Central Chipperva Falls Moskevitz, S. Moskowitz, S., 26 Jefferson Delafield Rosenthal, H. Eau Claire Abramson, H., 213 N. Barstow Goldstone, M. J., 520 E. Grand Av. Horn, M. M., 1211 State Kann, Mrs. D. J., 454 Summit Av. Grand Rapids Fridstein, M., 4th & Grand Av. Garber, F., 483 N. 2d Green Bay Abrahams, B., 1411 Cedar Goldman, H., 625 S. Jackson Rossman, M., 422 S. Monroe Av. Sauber, Wm., 635 Cherry WISCONSIN Frank, S. K., 1212 Main Friedman, A. J., 1059 Main Front, H. M., 1301 Main Front, J., 1109 Main Goldinger, T., 1039 Main Gordon, I., 2228 Chapline Graff, M., st Grossman, F., 63 15th Jacobs, C. H., 305 S. Front Jacobs, Mrs. M., 800 Main Kirness, Sol., 2234 Main Kraft, L., Kraft Mfg. Co. Levine, H. S., 2349 Market Levine, J., 827 Market Moss, J. E., 432 N. Front Neistadt, L., 1102 Market Reichblum, A., 90 14th Robinson, Mrs. J., th Rosenbloom, B. L., Univ. Club Sachs, S. H., 1064 Market Schafer, Max, 524 S. York Sonneborn, M., 97 14th Stein, L. B., 18 Maple Av. Sweetwine, H., 1030 Market Kenosha Cohen, L., 354 Market Epstein, E., 209 Main Gottlieb, J., 689 S. Exchange Korf, Dave, 270 Main Lapp, Dr. S. M., 517 Elizabeth Maltz, Alex., Quince & Sheridan Rd. Marks, J. 670 Pleasant Pious, Louis, 689 Exchange Rose, Dr. Harold L., 169 Main Rosenblum, J. D., 430 Fremont Av. Madison Cohn, Louis, 915 W. Wash. Av. Ellman, Miss F., 16 N. Hancock Jastrow, Mrs. J., 237 Langdon Kasdin, Saul, 234 Lakeside Kay, Dr. H. M., Univ. Club Kneller, S., 203 King Levitan, S, 10 E Gorham Mack, Mrs. H., 450 W. Gilman Perlman, Prof. S., 12 S. Orchard Schein, S. B.; Gay Bldg. Simon, J, 445 W Gilman Woldenberg, S. A., 456 Marston Wolfenson, Prof. L. B., 11 S. Warren ManitowoC Balkansky, D., 733 N. 9th Marshfield Laemle, Louis Miller, Mrs. B., 703 W. 6th

173 550 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [Wisconsin Milwaukee LIBRARY MEMBERS Barnett, I., 216 Muskego Av. Freschl, Edw., 481 Terrace Av. Nickall, B. E., Caswell Bldg. Stone, N., Boston Store Aarons, C. L., 629 Hackett Av. Ackerman, M., st Adashek, R., 642 9th Adler, Sam D., c,o D. Adler & Sons Co. Arne, Louis, 1023 Milwaukee Av. Bender, Dr. A., 1004 Walnut Berg, S. D., 582 5th Birnbaum, A., 743 3d Bitker, Mrs. J. L., 396 Linnwood Av. Brachman, O., 1396 Downer Av. Cohen, I., th Cohen, T., 378 Western Av. Cohen, Theo., 248 W. Water Coplin, Chas., th Daniels, O. W., 604 Halena De Nosoquo, Dr. S., th Dresner, Sam, 580 3d Eisenberg, M., 644 9th Eisenberg, Dr. P. J., Palace Theatre Bldg. Epstein, F. I., th Fein, J. S., th, Apt. 3 Fishier, H., 611 Sherman Friend, Chas., 401 Summit Av. Froelich, M. L.,'792 Stowell Av. Geisenfeld, C, 574 5th Gendelman, H., 443 Murray Av. Goldberg, A. S., th Goldberg, J., 1002 Walnut Goldberg, Sam, 403 Becher Goldberg, S., th Greenberg, I., 569 Stowell Av. Grossman, F., 785 Stowell Av. Grossman, Jos., 1404 Clarke Heller, Mrs. S., 468 Bradford Av. Heller, Rudolph, 329 Wells Hellman, H., 121 Reed Hess, T. A., d Hirshberg, Rev. S., 546 Kenwood Blvd. Horwitz, Hayim, 654 1st Hyman, H., 3426 Hadley Jankovitz, H., 1404 Clark Kahn, Abr., th Kaufman, N., 320 North Av. Krasno, J. E., 3609 Highland Blvd. Krieger, A. D., 1034 Summit Av. Landauer, A., 639 Jefferson Landesco, J., 3223 McKinley Bldg. Lentus, J., 542 Farwell Av. Levi, Rabbi C. S., 444 Broadway Litow, Chas., th Lubotzky, Ben, 828 9th Luck, M., th De Levin, H., th Malnikoff, Jos., 916 Walnut Manhoff, Miss Sarah H., 921 Pulaski Markson, Dr. S. M., 1320 Lloyd Mayer, J., 2701 McKinley Blvd. Miller, Morris, 110 Buffalo Milw. Baron Hirsch Lodge, c,o J. Previant, Secy., th Morgenstein, S., 1022 Walnut Mosher, A., th Nathan, Harry, th Nathan, S. W., 602 Frederick Av. Oberndorfer, R. F., 802 Farwell Av. Padway, H. E., th Padway, J. A., 502 Walnut, Patek, G. W., 467 Webster PI. Pessin, J. H., d Pivar, J., th Posner, I., 313 Reed Post, J. A., 540 4th Rabin, H., th Rosenberg, A. P., 607 Farwell Av. Rotter, L. H., 618 6th Rottman, M. B. F st Rubin, Wm, 595 Hackett Av. Rubin, W. B., 885 Summit Av. Russoe, Joe, th Schapiro, A., 650 6th Schlomovitz, A., 342 E. Water Schlomovitz, Dr. B. H., 415 Galena Schoen, Geo. B., 318 Grand Av. Seidelman, Dr. J., 916 Walnut Shapiro, A. N., 439 7th Shapiro, J. L., 1702 Clarkn Shapiro, L., 496 Cromer Shapson, Abe, 1518 Galena Shelesnyak, J., 615 Wells Sherwood, M. W., 606 Frederick Av. Sibbar, H. J., 820 3d Av. Siegel, D., 1606 Meinecke Av. Silverstone, Wm., 396 Linwood Av. Smith, B., 1018 Vine Smoller, J., 584 ^ 11th Soble, J., 525 Market Sosofl, Goldie, th Spier, B., 526 H 5th Av. Stein, O. N., 850 Maryland Av. Stern, Morris, 1009 Hackett Av. Sure, Dr. J. H., 423 Kenwood Blvd. Sweed, J., 1429 Galena Temple Emanu-El Religious School, Broadway & Martin Ulevitch, J., 910 Walnut Ullman, Leo, 444 Wyoming PI. WaUman, M., 722 Walnut Weinshel, E., 788 6th Weintrob, M. H., 691 6th Weiss, I., 229 Reed Wellen, A., d Werba, Henry, 341 Chestnut Wiener, Dr. A. R., 623 Galena Wiener, L., th Wishner, Max, th

174 Australia] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 551 Wolfsohn, Leo A., th Wollheim, S. H., 783 Maryland Av. Ziebelman, S., 626 Walnut Minocqua Ehrenreich, Rev. B. C. Nashotah Gavin, Rev. F., Nashotah House Berckman, L. J. Oconto Oshkosh Block, Morris, 52 Jefferson Av. Racine Aronin, E. J., 1010 Wash. Baumblatt, L. P., th Feigera, H., Racine Cloak Co. Goldberg, J. S., 401 S. Main Goodman, J., 1810 Wisconsin Gottlieb, Wm., 1529 Deane Blvd. Grant, B., 1232 Center Grant, S., 1017 Park Av. Grant, S., 1230 Center Klein, K., 1318 Wash. Av. Leiser, Rabbi J., 1948 Grand Av. Levin, Joe, 1712 Hamilton Loeb, Sam, 308 Main Rothfield Bros. Schwartz, N. N., 1300 State Silver, N. S., 17th & Holborn Waiaman, F. Robock, Sam Red Granite Rhinelander Cohn, L. M. Elkon, E. Wiseman, J., 315 Dahl Stevens Point Lipman, C. M., 401 Clark Superior Ansell, J., 1823 N. 6th Lasky, E., 708 Tower Av. Marcus, C, 1128 Hughitt Av. Siegel, A'., 1905 John Av. Siegel, Mrs. E., 1610 Hughett Av. Weiner, A., 725 Tower Av. Washburn Segal, Mrs. Jacob Watertown Lieberman, A. B-, 204 N. Church Wausau Fox, Sam, 2707 N. 6th Natorus, A., 115 yi Scott Rightman, Dr. N., 320 3d Aucland, New Zealand Nathan, David L. Brisbane, Queensland Blumberg, D., Inkerman St. Blumberg, J. A., Survey Office, Dept. of Public Lands Blumberg, JOB., Inkerman Cohen, J. H., 158 Baines, Kangaroo Pt. Crawford, C. E., Prospect Ter., Kelvin Grove Lock Dent, Henry, 289 Queen Hertzberg, Abraham Hertzberg, Marcus, Charlotte Solomon, L. E-, Edward East Melbourne Abrahams, Rabbi Dr. Jos., 15 Lansdowne WYOMING Cheyenne Lipson, L. 102 W. 17th AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND Footscray, Victoria Benjamin, Arthur, c,o Footscray Tannery Benjamin, L., 63 Bunbury Malvern, Melbourne Jona, Dr. J. Leon, 104 Watterletree Rd. Melbourne, Victoria Abrahams, Rabbi Dr. Jos. E., 15 Lansdowne Altson, B. H., Collins Rothberg, S., Pasadena, High, Kew Silberberg, Dr. M. D., 14 Collins Taft, Messrs. H. & M., "Centreway," Collins Yinder, M., 39 Davis New Castle Becker, E., Hunter Av. Morris, Rev. I. "Allenby," 32 Dawson

175 552 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [Canada St. Kilda, Victoria Barnett, Nahum, 117 Alma Rd. Blashlri, G. L., Fairfax Danglow, Rev. Jacobs, S. Leonards Av. Hallenstein, W. B., Doonsocket Barkley Sydney, New South Wales Blashki, Aaron, 352 George Cohen, Rabbi F. L. Cohen, M. A., 33 Park Road Stedman, S., c/o Berman Bros., Wentworth Av. Wolff, H. I., 33 Park Rd. Williamstown, Victoria Jona, Dr. Jacob, Bakau, Douglas Parade Kingston Jamaica Andrade, Jacob A. P. M., 22 White Church BELGIUM Antwerp Tolkowsky, Maurice, 39 Avenue Plantin BRITISH COLUMBIA Vancouver Grossman, M. M., 1637 Harwood BRITISH WEST INDIES Finzi, Arthur S., Goodwin House, 47 S. Camp Rd. Myers, Horace V. 188 Harbour Brantford, Ontario Lazarus, L., 64 Colborne Calgary. Alba. Allen, H. J., Allen Theatre Goldberg, Louis, 5-6 Sanes Blk. Smolensky, Rev. S., 417 5th Av., E. Campbellton, N. B. Goldenberg, D. Chipman-Alberta Olyan, Harry Edmonton, Alberta Dower, A. A., th Friedman, H. A., 720 Tegler Bldg. Goldberg, A. H., st Katzin, M., White Av. Fort William, Ontario Tritt, S., 405 Victoria Av. Glace Bay, N. S. Fried', Mrs. M., Catherine Halifax, N. S. Arinoff, C. S., 130 Edward Aronoff, M., 555 Barrington Byalin, M., 166 Windsor CANADA Cohen, J., 264 Maynard Ferguson, H. L., 263 Brunswick Heinich, M. J., 17 Gottinger Kunitzky, D., 17 Smith Selter, Chas., 161 Lower Water Simon, J., 103 Upper Water Webber, H., 123 Argyle Webber, L., 202 Argyle Webber, S., 125 Argyle Hamilton, Ontario LIBRARY MEMBER, Siderski, H., 27 Eastborne Av. Berger, Rabbi J-, 101 Garfield Av., S. Epstein, M., 194 McNab, N. Frank, Bros., 83 St. Catherine, E. Levy, M., 213 Park, N. Levy, M., 129 King, E. Lyons, Saul, 57 Proctor Blvd. Mintz, S., 62 King, W. Semel, I., 421 Sherman, N. Shacofsky, Myer I., 260 Aberdeen Av. Silverman, Morris, 130 Ontario Av. Sweet, Dave, 21 Robert Kenora, Onario Shragge, A., Box 324 Kingston, Ontario Cohen, I., 209 Kingston Oberndorffer, M., 88 Queen

176 Canada] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 553 Lachine, Quebec Gameroff, S. D., 1151 St. Louis Goldwater, M., 201 St. Joseph Miller, M., 357 Broadway London, Ontario Goldstick, I., 318 Oxford Harris, Mrs. R., 359 King LefF, Wm, 281 William Lewis, B., 174 Hamilton Rd. Medicine Hat, Alba. Freedman, Joseph, 637 6th Lewis, J., 410 S. Railway Montreal, Quebec LIFE MEMBERS Cohen, Lyon, 25 Rosemont Av. Jacobs, S. W., 83 Craig, W. LIBRARY MEMBER Freedman, H. W., 366 Kensington Av. Abramowitz, H., 867A St. Lawrence Abramowitz, Rev. Dr. H., 507 Argyle Av. Abramowitz, M., 1701 St. Urbain Adelstein, L., 215 St. Lawrence Blvd. Adelstein, M-, 56 St. Catherine Albert, Moses, 271 St. Lawrence Blvd. Alexander, A. J., 428 St. Paul, W. Aronowitch, H., 867A St. Lawrence Aronson, Dr. A. M., 1636 Hutchinson Baittle, B. J., 237 St. Paul, W. Baron de Hirsch Inst., 410 Bleury Bass, Louis, 418 St. Paul, W. Bercovitch, Peter, 337 Roslyn Av. Berman, I., 283 Del Epel Av. Bernstein, B., 65 Hutchison Bernstein, M. M., 128 Bleury Bishin, Wm. C, 1825 Esplanade Av. Blankstein, N. J., 1621 St. Dominique Blaustein, S., 1040 St. Hubert Blumenthal, Robert, 4689 Westmont Av. Borkowitz, M., 225 Pine Av., W. Boulkind, S., 673 City Hall Av. Bromberg, H., 29 St. Elizabeth Brown, M. L., 90 St. James Brucker, Max, 169 Stanley Budyk, J. A., 101 St. Famille Bye, Henry, 303 Marlowe Caiserman, H. M., 1078 Sherbrooke, E. Carpman, Harry 478 Colonial Av. Cohen, A. S., Powers Bldg. Cohen, A. Z., 36 Prince Cohen, Rabbi H., 152 Laval Av. Cohen, Harry, 401 Esplanade Av. Cohen, Jacob, 130 Pine Av., E. Cohen, J., 1202 St. Lawrence Cohen, Louis, 2458 Mance Cohen, M. H., 1683 Notre Dame, W. Cohen, S., Sommer Bldg. Cooper, A., 86 Victoria Sq. Cooper, A., 46 Alexander Crown, Myer, Box 321, Station B Darwin, R. A., 20 Glencoe Av. De Zvirek, Mrs. S-, 1005 Dorchester, W. Dickstein, M., 220 Bishops Diner, Louis, 511 St. Dennis Eagle, Pub. Co., Ltd., 10 Ontario, W. Eliasoph, M. B., 2312 Mance Etzin, Mrs. M., 99 St. Elizabeth Fainer, Philip, 709 St. Denis Feldstein, S., 114 Sherbrooke, W. Fels, S. Z., 668 Belmont Av. Figler, I., 290 Colonial Av. Fitch, Louis, 79 Chesterfield Av. Fogel, J., 1677 Hutchison Freedman, Max, 415 Argyle Av. Freedman, Moe, 1648 Hutchison Frossman, M., 10 Ontario, W. Garber, M., 1232 Clarke Gardner, Adolph, 1646 Mance Gardner, C, 36 Bagg Av. Ginsberg, M. C, 484 Wood Av. Gittleson, A. L., 4260 Dorchester, W. Gleeck, M., 922 St. Lawrence Blvd. Glickman, F., 4323 Western Av. Glickman, M. J., 124 St. Lawrence Blvd. Glickman, P., 328 Redfern Av. Glickman, P. G., 207 St. Catherine, w. Godinsky, N. H., 11 Souvenir Av. Gold, I., 324 Del Epee Av. Gold, S., 922 St. Lawrence Blvd. Goldenberg, B., 2459 Park Av. Goldfarb, M., 482 Laval Av. Goldman, B. B., 1900 Hutchison Goldman, Dr. I., 490 Wilson Av. Goldman, Leon, 615 Bloomfleld Av. Goldstein, G., 1616 Notre Dame, W. Goldstein, M., 57 Royal Ins. Bldg. Gordon, Nathan, 428 Wood Av. Gordon, S., 390 Notre Dame, W. Greenberg, E., 90 Colonial Av. Greenford, Saml., 24 Pine Av., W. Greenspon, J. L., 1232 St. Urbain Gross, Dr. H. S., 919 St. Lawrence Blvd. Guttman, J., 727 St. Catherine, E. Guttman, S., 727 St. Catherine, E. Haimovitz, H., 711 Ontario. E. Hamer, L., 126 Crescent Hamer, M., 339 Esplanade Av. Hart, A. J., 600 Argyle Av. Hart, H. S., Ontario, E. Heillig, L. E., 206 McGill Heller, M. J., 442 Henri Julien Av. Herman, Moe, 462 Henri Julien Av. Hershman, H., 50b Park Av. Hoffman, L., 315 Esplanade Av. Holstein, A. L., 457 Strathcona Av. Horn, H. P., 798 Clarke Illievitz, Dr. A. B., 81A St. Famille Jackel, D., 591 St. Catherine, W. Jacobs, E. W., 4185 Sherbrooke, W.

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