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1 FULBRIGHT SCHOLAR PROGRAM Visiting Scholar D irectory D rectory of Visiting Fulbright Scholars and Occasional Lecturers

2 V i s i t i n g F u l b r i g h t S c h o l a r P r o g r a m S t a f f To obtain U.S. contact inform ation fo r a scholar listed in this directory, please speak with the CIES staff member responsible fo r the sch olar s home country. A f r ic a (Su b-sa h a r a n ) Debra Egan, Assistant Director and degan@cies.iie.org Michelle Grant, Senior Program Coordinator and mgrant@cies.iie.org E a s t A s ia a n d t h e Pa c if ic M ary Johnson, Senior Program Officer and mjohnson@cies.iie.org China Indonesia Japan Korea Malaysia Mongolia Philippines Singapore Taiwan Thailand Vietnam Australia New Zealand E u r op e a n d t h e N e w I n d e p e n d e n t St at es Sone Loh, Senior Program Coordinator and sloh@cies.iie.org Austria Bulgaria Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Netherlands Portugal Uzbekistan Belgium/Luxembourg European Union (E.U.) Research Program Katie Tremper, Program Officer and ktremper@cies.iie.org Albania Armenia Azerbaijan Belarus Croatia Georgia Macedonia Moldova Romania Russia Slovenia Ukraine Bosnia and Herzegovina Megan Kennedy, Senior Program Coordinator and mkennedy@cies.iie.org Denmark Iceland Finland France Malta Latvia Lithuania Sweden Norway Poland Slovak Republic Turkey Czech Republic Spain United Kingdom Estonia T h e M id d l e E a s t, N o r t h A f r ic a and So ut h Asia M arilee Muchow, Senior Program Coordinator and mmuchow@cies.iie.org Algeria Bahrain Bangladesh Egypt Gaza India Israel Jordan Kuwait Lebanon Morocco Nepal Oman Pakistan Qatar Sri Lanka Syria Tunisia West Bank Yemen Saudi Arabia Iraqi Expatriates United Arab Emirates W es ter n H emisp he re C arol Robles, Senior Program Officer and crobles@cies.iie.org M ichelle Grant, Senior Program Coordinator and mgrant@cies.iie.org Sp e c ia l Pr o g r a ms Christine Djondo, Senior Program Officer for Special Programs and cdjondo@cies.iie.org European Union Scholar-in-Residence Program Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence Program C hristopher Emanuel, Senior Program Associate for Special Programs and cemanuel@cies.iie.org Occasional Lecturer Program Richard Pettit, Senior Program Officer and rpettit@cies.iie.org U.S.-Germany International Education Administrators Programs Jean McPeek, Program Officer andjmcpeek@cies.iie.org U.S.-Japan International Education Administrators Programs U.S.-Korea International Education Administrators Programs Council fo r In te rn a tio n a l Exchange o f Scholars 3007 Tilden Street, NW, Suite 5L, Washington, DC Telephone: Fax: scholars@cies.iie.org Web:

3 Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program D irectory o f Visiting Scholars and Occasional Lecturers FULBRIGHT F U L B R IG H T S C H O L A R P R O G R A M S ponsored b y th e U n ite d States D e p a rtm e n t o f State, B ureau o f E d u ca tio n a l and C u ltu ra l A ffa irs CIES is affiliated with the Institute o f International Education.

4 The impact o f Dr. Der, our V isiting Fulbright Scholar, and his courses have been tremendous on our liberal arts program. We don t offer that many courses on A frica, so his contribution was extremely good fo r fu lfillin g our international education m ission Because o f the impact he has made on our students, many o f them w ill be seeking to take courses w ith a focus on A fric a. Dr. Paschal Kyoore, Associate Professor o f French, Gustavus Adolphus College V isiting Fulbright Scholar Arben Kumbaro called attention to a part o f the w orld which received inadequate attention in our curriculum, and that is Eastern Europe. More than anything else, he made us aware o f a gap in our w ork that w ill need to be fille d by visitin g scholars and curriculum adjustments. Dr. D avid McKenzie, Professor o f Philosophy, B erry College Professor Tobi created a connective bridge between our campus and the Orthodox and Conservative Jewish communities that we never had before, and we are both richer fo r this! These working relationships and friendships are a lasting legacy o f Professor Tobi s efforts. Dr. Catherine Cookson, Director, Center fo r the Study o f R eligious Freedom, and Associate Professor o f Religious Studies, Virginia Wesleyan College Cover Photographs Clockwise from left: Fulbright Visiting Scholars Francis Ngwaba (Nigeria), Elizabeth Anne Meade (New Zealand) and Masakatsu Ota (Japan). A ll photos 2000 by John Consoli.

5 C o n t e n t s V is it in g F u l b r ig h t Sc h o l a r Pr o g r a m St a f f...inside front cover In t r o d u c t io n... 5 Occasional Lecturer Program...5 Occasional Lecturer Stories...6 Other V isitin g Scholar Stories...7 V is it in g Sc h o l a r s b y A c a d e mic Fie l d A g ricu ltu re American H isto ry American L ite ratu re Anthropology and Archaeology Architecture and Urban P lanning Area S tudies A r t A rt H is to ry Biological Sciences Business A dm inistration...28 C hemistry Communications and Journalism Computer Science Economics Education Engineering Environmental Sciences...48 Geography G eology...52 H istory (non-u.s.) Language and Literature (n o n-u.s.) L a w Library Science Linguistics M athem atics M edical Sciences M u s ic i

6 Philosophy...73 Physics and Astronomy P olitical Science...78 Psychology Public A dm inistration Religious Studies...85 Sociology and Social W ork TEFL and Applied L in gu istics...88 Theater and Dance...88 Se min a r Pr o g r a m s A l p h a b e t ic a l In d e x H o s t St a t e I n d e x H o me G e o g r a p h ic A r e a In d e x Sp e c ia l Pr o g r a ms In d e x V is it in g Fu l b r ig h t Sc h o l a r s A d min is t r a t io n a n d Fu n d in g o f t h e Fu l b r ig h t Pr o g r a m... inside back cover Geographical listings in this publication are a m atter o f adm inistrative convenience and are not intended to imply a U.S. government position on the legal status o f the areas listed. iv

7 I n t r o d u c t i o n The 800 F ulbright V isitin g Scholars who come to the U nited States each year offer a wonderful resounce for campuses and communities across the country. A ll o f the scholars, fo r example, are available to make subsidized short-term visits through the Occasional Lecturer Program in order to share their academic expertise as w e ll as insights into their homelands and cultures. This annual directory provides a cross-indexed listing o f most o f the Visiting Scholars and provides instructions on how to request one to come to your campus or comm unity under the Occasional Lecturer Program. A complete listin g o f scholars, including those confirmed after the directory s publication, is available online at w w w.cies.org. A lso on the Web site is comprehensive inform ation on the entire Fulbright V isiting Scholar Program, as w e ll as instructions for requesting a V isitin g Scholar fo r an academic term or year. You can request a brochure on the program from scholars@ cies.iie.org or by calling We urge you to take advantage o f the V isiting Scholar Program. Contact any o f the staff listed on the inside fro nt cover o f this directory for additional information. Occasional Lecturer Program The C ouncil fo r International Exchange o f Scholars (C IES) provides funds through the Occasional Lecturer Program to cover the round-trip travel costs o f Fulbright V is itin g Scholars invited to U.S. colleges and universities and local communities fo r short-term guest lecturing visits. Financial assistance is also available for V isiting Scholars to present papers at scholarly and professional conferences. The program enables V isiting Scholars to share their specific research interests speak on the history and culture o f their countries exchange ideas with U.S. students, faculty and community organizations become better acquainted with U.S higher education create linkages between their home and host institutions A rranging an Occasional Lecturer V isit. I f you find a scholar in the directory whom you would like to invite to your campus, contact the scholar directly, using the faculty associate names and addresses provided. You can also contact CIES staff to obtain a contact telephone number or address. (See the staff listing on the inside o f the front cover.) Occasional Lecturer travel funds are provided directly to the participating scholar. To obtain funds to cover round-trip transportation costs, the Visiting Scholar must submit to CIES a formal letter o f invitation from the host institution or organization, along with dates o f travel and approximate cost o f round-trip economy airfare, at least one month before the vis it is to take place. (If possible, scholars are asked to submit their requests even fu rther in advance.) W ithin two weeks o f receiving the letter and travel itinerary, CIES w ill inform the scholar whether the request for funding has been granted. The scholar is responsible for purchasing an airline ticket or ticket for some other means o f transportation, such as a train, bus or rental 5

8 car. A fter the trip takes place, the Fulbrighter w ill be reimbursed for up to a maximum o f $750 for travel only. M u ltip le Occasional L e ctu re r Visits and V isits to M in o rity-s e rvin g In stitu tio n s. Due to lim ited funding, each scholar is eligible fo r only one trip; although requests to vis it more than one institution on a single trip w ill be considered. An exception to the onetrip rule may be made i f the scholar is invited to guest lecture at m inority-serving colleges and universities. A dditional monies are available to scholars visitin g these institutions. Attendance at Professional M eetings. Scholars invited to professional meetings as presenters or discussants may also receive travel funds through the Occasional Lecturer Program. M eeting coordinators are encouraged to arrange participation by contacting Visiting Scholars directly. R esponsibilities o f In s titu tio n s and O rganizations H osting Occasional Lecturers. Institutions wishing to host a Fulbright Scholar should develop a comprehensive plan o f activities and arrangements to share w ith the scholar w ell in advance o f the proposed visit. Host institutions are asked to provide occasional lecturers with local transportation accommodations meals It is important to inform the scholar, prior to arrival, about the kind o f support the host institution or organization w ill provide. Institutions should also provide the scholar w ith a form al letter o f invitation as soon as possible. The scholar w ill need it to form ally request travel funds from CIES. Length o f V is it. The length o f the lecturer s stay at the institution w ill depend upon the particular interests o f the academic community or organization and the facilities available, but the period should allow an opportunity fo r the scholar to become acquainted with the host institution or organization. A program o f two to three days duration is suggested; a longer period may be advisable i f visits to several member institutions of a consortium are planned. Suggested A c tiv itie s fo r V is itin g Lecturers. Occasional Lecturers have engaged in the following activities in the past: Department- or school-wide lectures to students and/or faculty Lectures in classrooms where the scholar can make a contribution to the discipline Faculty meetings that allow fo r an exchange o f ideas Inform al gatherings o f students and faculty Home hospitality offered by faculty Meetings w ith community organizations or religious groups that have a special interest in international relations Panel participation at professional conferences Occasional Lecturer Stories The follow ing stories illustrate the many ways campuses, communities and V isiting Scholars benefited from the Occasional Lecturer Program last year. Kwadwo Opoku-Agyemang, a scholar from Ghana, visited three elementary schools in Louisiana as an occasional lecturer. Speaking on Ghanaian customs and folklore, he gave the students insight into life beyond the rural parish or the New Orleans projects in which many o f them live. Opoku-Agyemang, a scholar in residence, spent his Fulbright year at Grand Valley State in M ichigan lecturing on African and African American literature. During her occasional lecturing visit to Ohio Northern, Russian scholar M arina Karaseva shared 6

9 her considerable knowledge o f music as w e ll as methods o f ear training. Her host, chair o f the university s music department and a Fulbright alumnus, stated that Karaseva m otivated our students to strive fo r higher goals. In addition to her campus visit, the scholar gave a presentation at an Ohio Music Educators meeting on ear training methodology taught at Russian conservatories. The associate professor at the Moscow State Conservatory had a nine-month grant at the o f M aryland-c ollege Park, where she conducted research on cognitive musicology and practical psychology. The Women s Studies Group at Brandeis U niversity invited F ulbright scholar Niaz Zaman, professor and chair o f the English department at the U niversity o f Dhaka in Bangladesh, to speak to faculty and students. D uring her v is it, the scholar gave a presentation on Bonds and Borders: Women Novelists and the Creation o f India and Pakistan. Zaman reported that the lecture was w e ll attended and that the audience displayed considerable interest in the political and social conditions in her country. The vis it was also o f great benefit to her because she was able to make trips to Amherst and Concord to v is it the homes o f E m ily Dickinson and Louisa May A lcott as w ell as to read manuscripts at the Boston Public Library. Zaman s Fulbright research project was on the male models and mentors in the lives and works o f Margaret Fuller, Dickinson and A lc o tt. Josef Glasa, a lecturer at the Postgraduate School o f M edicine in Bratislava, Slovak R epublic, spent his two-day occasional lecturer trip to Illin o is speaking at the Center fo r Bioethics and Human D ignity and T rinity International U niversity. Glasa addressed a number o f bioethical issues currently being discussed in Central and Eastern Europe and compared them to the debates surrounding sim ilar issues in the United States. As one o f his hosts explained, he helpfully added light rather than merely heat to often controversial bioethical topics. Georgetown s Kennedy Institute o f Ethics hosted Glasa during his three-month research grant. Other Visiting Scholar Stories Occasional Lecturers are drawn from a much larger pool o f V isiting Scholars who are in the United States as Fulbright lecturers and researchers. These scholars routinely express how personally and professionally gratifying their Fulbright experiences have been, whether they are here for only a few months or a fu ll academic year. Institutions hosting these visiting Fulbrighters are equally pleased with how much their visitors are able to share w ith their students and faculty from cultural details about their home countries to technical expertise in a variety o f disciplines as diverse as astrophysics, music and literature. These stories are just a few examples o f successful recent visits. To read more scholar stories, visit The Fulbright Experience section on our Web site at A frica Through the Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence Program, Heartland Community College (HCC) in Bloomington, I ll., hosted Francis Ngwaba, a professor at Abia State U niversity in Nigeria. Ngwaba taught African literature at HCC, conducted collaborative research and gave several presentations about his country. During his grant, the scholar worked closely w ith his faculty associate, Dr. Glen Bush. The two met when Bush was a Fulbrighter at the o f Jos in Nigeria in 1991 and Ngwaba was chair o f the English department there. Both hope for continued contact and exchange in the years to come. Ngwaba returned to Nigeria in June 2000 with a large collection o f textbooks and other educational materials donated by his colleagues at HCC. He remarked that the support he received from his host institution was unprecedented in all o f his years o f teaching. 7

10 East A s ia and t h e Pa c if ic K ara Ka Wah Chan's academic-year Fulbright to Bradley in Peoria, I l l., allowed both scholar and host to learn more about communications and advertising in a global economy. The associate professor from Hong Kong Baptist spent much o f her tim e at Bradley teaching advertising and advertising research and working on both independent and collaborative research projects. In addition to these tasks, Chan participated in staff meetings, sat on the search committee for advertising faculty and aided the department as it rethought its curriculum and investigated developing a graduate program in global communication strategies. The scholar also used her time in the United States to view commercials broadcast in the fiftie s, sixties and seventies; publish a paper on the public perception o f environmentally frie n dly products; and observe and participate in the consumer environments o f the M idwest and the W orld Wide Web. Eu r o pe M arek Wasilewski, an assistant professor at the Academy o f Fine A rts in Posnan, Poland, spent the spring 2000 semester at Florida A tlantic U niversity teaching courses on experimental sculpture and eastern European art and cinema. When he was not teaching or w orking on his own projects, the w idely exhibited artist and published art scholar participated in a number o f community events, often speaking about his home country and the Polish art movement to w hich he belongs. H is activities included addressing the Palm Beach Institute o f Contemporary A rt and making presentations to the Polish Am erican C ultural Society to commemorate Polish C onstitution Day. In addition, he shared his art w ith his host institution through a video installation at the university s gallery and installed a second exhibition at the Out North Contemporary Art House in Anchorage during a guest lecturing visit he made to Alaska in May T h e N ew I nd ep e nd e nt St at es During her nine-month stay in the United States, Maria Tysiachniouk, the chair o f the Department o f Environmental Sociology at the Center fo r Independent Social Research in Russia, conducted research on sustainable development practices and environmental grassroots groups and taught three courses on topics related to her research at Ramapo College o f New Jersey. Tysiachniouk published a book w ith her students at Ramapo, a culm ination o f parallel research conducted by colleagues at her host and home institutions. In September 1999, Tysiachniouk invited a group o f her Russian colleagues to present data and share their experiences w ith her students and colleagues in New Jersey. As a result, the tw o groups collaborated on an extensive fie ld investigation and are planning to continue the collaboration. In March 2000, the scholar received a grant from the Trust fo r M utual Understanding, which allowed her to continue to research and lecture in the United States on environmental studies. T h e M id d l e E a s t A nd N or t h A f r ic a D uring spring 2000, V irginia Wesleyan s Center for the Study o f R eligious Freedom and the Jewish communities o f Hampton Roads hosted Yosef Tobi, chair o f the Department o f Hebrew and Comparative Literature at the U niversity o f H aifa in Isra el. A renowned Judaic scholar, Tobi taught two Jewish studies courses, assisted w ith the development o f a new Judaic Studies Program and gave a presentation during the center s Spring Symposium. The latter talk, The Status o f Jews in M uslim and C hristian Nations, w ill be included in an upcoming monograph o f Symposium presentations. 8

11 upcom ing m onograph o f Sym posium presentations. Through h is p u b lic ta lk s and personal in te ractio n s, the scholar ch allen ge d the stereotypes and presuppositions o f fa c u lty, s ta ff and students about O rth o d o x Judaism and created b rid g e s betw een the campus and the local Jew ish co m m u n ity. T o b i s w ife also became in vo lve d in co m m u n ity a c tiv itie s by teaching at the H ebrew A cademy o f T id e w a te r and g iv in g a slide presentation at the u n ive rsity. U po n h is retu rn, T obi w ill co ntin ue to p la y a ro le in the o n g o in g developm ent o f the new Judaic S tudies P rogram b y h e lp in g the u n iv e rsity locate resources and a d v is in g fa c u lty on c u rric u lu m and program guidelines. So u t h A s ia C hatham C o lle g e, a sm all w om en s co lle g e in P ittsburgh, Pa., hosted F u lb rig h t S cholar in Residence C hhaya D a ta r, the reader and head o f the U n it fo r W om en s Studies at the Tata In s titu te o f S ocial S ciences in In d ia. In a d d itio n to teaching a sem inar course on fe m in is t th e o ry and g iv in g several guest lectures to students in o th e r courses, D atar assisted Chatham in g re a tly fro m her presence and gave the w om en s studies fa c u lty the to o ls th e y needed to inclu de nonwestern approaches in th e ir courses. W es ter n H em is p h e r e M a ria C ava lcan ti, an associate professor at the Federal U n iv e rs ity o f R io de Janeiro, B ra z il, spent her F u lb rig h t year at the C o lu m b ia U n iv e rsity In s titu te o f L a tin A m e rican and Ib erian Studies researching anth ro p olog y, fo lk lo re and contemporaneous urban rite s. D u rin g her stay, she de live red a paper at the L a tin A m e rica n A sso ciatio n M e e tin g in C hicago, w h ic h was slated fo r p u b lica tio n in B ra z il. A fte r presenting an in v ite d paper on the O x-d ance Festival in P a rin tin s / A m azonas, her recent to p ic o f research, the scholar was encouraged by a U.S. colleague to w rite a book on the subject. Upon her re tu rn to B ra z il in June 1999, the grantee began gathering m ore source m aterials fo r the proposed book, w hich she intends to publish in th is co u n try. Cavalcanti was granted a 12-m onth extension b y the D epartm ent o f State to continue her w o rk. the p la n n in g and im plem entation o f its G lo b a l Focus P rogram. Each year, the in s titu tio n chooses a co u n try o r re g io n on w h ic h to focus coursew ork, events, p e rfo rm in g arts program s and student a c tiv itie s, and in , the fo cus was South A sia. D u rin g her stay at C hatham, D a ta r helped the In te rn a tio n a l Students A sso cia tio n organize a celebration o f D iw a li, the O cto b er H in d u F e stiva l o f L ig h ts ; b ro u g h t a group o f G u je ra ti w om en to cam pus to teach students a fo lk dance fro m the w estern In d ia n state o f G u je rat; and organized a sym posium, W omen S haping T h e ir L ive s in South A s ia, in co lla b o ra tio n w ith the W om en s Studies P rogram a t the U n iv e rsity o f P ittsb u rg h. A cco rd in g to D a ta r s hosts, the in s titu tio n benefited 9

12 FULBRIGHT V isiting Scholars by Academic Field

13 A g r ic u l t u r e Abebe,Getachew Associate Professor, Faculty o f Veterinary M edicine, Addis Ababa U niversity, Debre Zeit, Ethiopia Research: Development and V alidation o f a Geographic Inform ation Systems Risk Assessment Model fo r the Control o f Cattle Trypanosomosis in Ethiopia Louisiana State and A g ricu ltura l and Mechanical College, School o f Veterinary M edicine, Department o f Veterinary M icrobiology and Parasitology, Baton Rouge, LA c/o Dr. John Malone September 2000-June 2001 Agic, R ukije Research Assistant, Department o f Vegetable Crops, Institute o f A griculture, Skopje, Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic o f Research: Possibilities fo r Sustainable Vegetable Production in the Republic o f Macedonia Cornell U niversity, College o f A griculture and L ife Sciences, Department o f Fruit and Vegetable Science, Ithaca, N Y c/o Dr. Anusuya Ranagaran June O ctober 2001 Ahmad, Mushtaq Senior Subject M atter Specialist, Entomology Section, Central Cotton Research Institute, M ultan, Pakistan Research: Determ ination o f Mechanisms o f Insecticide Resistance in Crop Pests M ichigan State, Department o f Entomology, East Lansing, M I c/o Dr. Robert M. H ollingw orth January 2001-O ctober 2001 Aitasheva, Zaure Senior Scientist, Laboratory fo r C ell Engineering, Institute o f M olecular B iology and Biochemistry, Kazakh Academy o f Sciences, Alm aty, Kazakhstan Research: Isolation and Characterization o f Insertional Mutants in Each o f the Arabidopsis Receptor-Like Kinase Genes that are Expressed in Pollen U niversity o f C alifornia-berkeley, Department o f Plant Biology, Berkeley, CA c/o Dr. Sheila M ccorm ick September 2000-M arch 2001 Al-Abdulsalam, Khaled Professor and Head, Department o f Plant Protection, King Faisal U niversity, H ofuf, Saudi A rabia Research: Com Silage IPM and B t Resistance Management U niversity o f Kentucky, College o f A griculture, Department o f Entomology, Lexington, K Y c/o Dr. Grayson C. Brown June 2000-December 2000 B u llrich, Laura Researcher, B io lo g ica l Research Institute, National Institute o f A g ricu ltu ra l Research, Buenos Aires, Argentina Research: M apping o f an Earliness Per Se Gene in Triticum M onococcum U niversity o f C a lifo rn ia-d avis, Department o f Agronomy and Range Science, Davis, CA c/o Dr. Jorge D ubcovsky January 2001-A p ril 2001 Calderon, Jose Fernando Cortes Research Professor, Institute fo r Veterinary Science Research, Autonomous U nive rsity o f Baja C alifornia, Mexicali, M exico Research: Design o f a M athematical Model to Predict Starch D ig e stib ility o f Feed Grains U niversity o f C a lifo rn ia-d avis, Desert Research and Extension Center, Departm ent o f A nim al Science, Davis, CA c/o Dr. Richard A. Z inn September 2000-December 2000 Chaarani, Bahija Professor, Departm ent o f A nim al Production, National School o f A griculture, Meknes, M orocco Research: R eproduction A c tiv ity and Performances o f Goats in M orocco U niversity o f M innesota-t w in Cities, Department o f Animal Science, M inneapolis, M N c/o Dr. Jonathan E. Wheaton July 2000-September 2000 Chafai Elalaoui, A li Professor, Departm ent o f Agronomy, National School o f A griculture, Meknes, M orocco Research: Sustainable A g ricu lture and Crop Diversification U niversity o f M innesota-tw in C ities, College o f Agricultural, Food, and Environm ental Sciences, Minnesota Institute for Sustainable A g ricu lture, M inneapolis, M N c/o Dr. Donald Wyse July 2000-October 2000 Cladera, Jorge Investigator, In stitute o f Genetics, National Institute o f A g ricu ltura l Research, Buenos Aires, Argentina Research: Evaluation o f Genetic Sexing Strains o f the Medfly U niversity o f H aw aii-m anoa, U.S. Pacific Basin Agricultural Research Center, H onolulu, H I c/o Dr. Donald O. M cln nis 12

14 A g r ic u l t u r e U niversity o f H aw aii-m anoa, Department o f Genetics and M olecular B iology, Honolulu, H I c/o Dr. David Haym er A p ril 2001-July 2001 D iakite, Lam ine Professor, Departm ent o f Irrig atio n, Autonomous U niversity o f Chapingo, Fuentes de Aragon, M exico Research: Spectral Signature Separability o f Coffee Crop and Coastal Grass Species Using Combined New Remote Sensing Technology U niversity o f Delaware, Center fo r Remote Sensing, Graduate College o f M arine Studies, Newark, DE c/o Dr. V icto r Klemas August 2000-July 2001 El-N ahhal, Yasser Vice Chairman, Environmental Protection and Research Institute, Gaza, Gaza Strip Research: Interaction o f Organic Molecules w ith Clays M ichigan State U niversity, School o f Environmental Soil Sciences, Departm ent o f Crop and Soil Sciences, East Lansing, M I c/o Dr. Stephen A. Boyd October 2000-June 2001 G ullner, Gabor Senior Research Specialist, Plant Protection Institute, Hungarian Academy o f Sciences, Budapest, Hungary Research: The Role o f Glutathione in the Regulation o f Signaling Pathways Involved in Plant Defense Responses Western M ichigan U niversity, Department o f B iological Sciences, Kalamazoo, M I c/o Dr. Alexander J. Enyedi January 2001-June 2001 Hachicha, Mohamed Researcher, N ational Institute o f Rural Engineering, Water, and Forest, Ariana, Tunisia Research: Saline Water Use in A griculture: New Approaches, Techniques and M odeling U niversity o f C alifo rnia-r iverside, U.S. Sa linity Laboratory, Department o f Environmental Sciences, Riverside, CA c/o Dr. Donald L. Suarez A p ril 2001-October 2001 Ham daoui,fatiha Researcher, Departm ent o f Plant Breeding, N ational Institute o f A griculture Research, Settat, Morocco Research: Id en tificatio n o f D N A M arkers Linked to the Frost- Resistant Genes in Chickpeas Colorado State U niversity, Department o f S o il and Crop Sciences, Fort Collins, CO c/o Dr. Duane Johnson June 2000-September 2000 Ho, An Huu Lecturer, Department o f Horticulture, Hanoi Agricultural U niversity I, Hanoi, Vietnam Research: Socioeconomic Impact o f the Commercial G rowing o f Plastic Greenhouse Vegetables U niversity o f Arizona, College o f Agriculture, Sponsored Research, Tucson, A Z c/o Dr. M erle Jensen September 2000-June 2001 Kalna-Dubinyuk, Tetyana Associate Professor, Department o f Agricultural Management, National Agricultural o f Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine Research: Development o f A gricultural Extension Education in Ukraine Iowa State U niversity o f Science and Technology, Extension, O ffice o f the Vice Provost, Ames, IA c/o Dr. Stanley R. Johnson August 2000-April 2001 K irsten, Johann Head, Department o f A gricultural Economics, Extension and Rural Development, U niversity o f Pretoria, Pretoria, South A frica Research: Empowering Black Farmers in South A frica Through Innovative Institutional Arrangements w ith Agribusiness International Food Policy Research Institute, Markets and Structural Studies D ivision, Washington, DC c/o Dr. Chris Delgado September 2000-January 2001 Kiss, Istvan Diagnostician, Department o f Virology, Veterinary Institute o f Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary Research: The A ctivity o f the Feline Immune System During Coronavirus Infections U niversity o f California-Davis, School o f Veterinary M edicine, Department o f M edicine and Epidemiology, Davis, CA c/o Dr. N iels C. Pedersen January 2001-June 2001 Landa Del Castillo, Blanca Researcher, Department o f Crop Protection, Institute o f Sustainable Agriculture, Spanish Council for Research, Cordoba, Spain Research: B iological Control o f Soilborne Pathogens by Introduced and Naturally O ccurring Rhizobacteria in Disease Suppressive Soils 13

15 A g r ic u l t u r e /A m e r ic a n H is t o r y U.S. Department o f A g ricu lture, A griculture Research Service, Washington State, Root Disease and B io lo g ica l C ontrol Research U nit, Pullm an, WA c/o Dr. David M. W eller July 2000-June 2001 Leguizamon, Eduardo Sixto Professor, Department o f Plant Science, School o f Agronom y, N ational o f Rosaro, Santa Fe, Argentina Research: M odeling the Germ ination and Sprouting Dynamics o f Sorghum Halepense Propagules U.S. Department o f A griculture, Research, Education and Economics A g ricultural Research Service, N orth Central Soil Conservation Research Laboratory, M orris, M N c/o Dr. Frank Forcella May 2001-July 2001 M orin, Shai Lecturer, Department o f Field Crops, Vegetables and Genetics, Faculty o f A griculture, Food, and Environmental Q u a lity Sciences, Hebrew U niversity o f Jerusalem, Rehovot, Israel Research: Identification o f Insecticide-D etoxification Genes in the W h ite fly Pest Bemisia Tabaci Using DN A M icroarray and Comparative Genomic Approach U niversity o f Arizona, College o f A griculture, Departm ent o f Entomology, Tucson, A Z c/o Dr. Rene Feyereisen September 2000-September 2001 Naimi, Mustapha Associate Professor, Department o f Soil Science, Hassan II Institute o f Agronom y and Veterinary M edicine, Rabat, M orocco Research: A pplication o f Remote Sensing, Geographical Inform ation Systems and Ground Positioning System Technology to Crop and Range Management Studies U niversity o f M innesota-tw in C ities, College o f A g ricu ltu ra l, Food, and Environmental Sciences, Department o f S oil, Water, and Climate, M inneapolis, M N c/o Dr. Pierre C. Robert July 2000-October 2000 Nyaga, P hilip Professor and Dean, Department o f Veterinary Pathology and M icrobiology, Graduate School, U niversity o f N airobi, N airobi, Kenya Research: Interaction o f Newcastle Disease Virus and Avian Influenza Virus Envelope G lycoproteins w ith C ell Receptors U.S. Department o f A griculture, A griculture Research Service, Southeast Poultry Research Laboratory, Athens, GA c/o Dr. Bruce Seal January 2001-October 2001 Togersen, G eir Research Technologist, Department o f Analytical Methods, Norwegian Food Research Institute, Norwegian College of A g ricu lture, M atforsk, N orw ay Research: Rapid A n alytica l Techniques fo r Determination of Q uality Parameters o f Im portance fo r End Production Q uality in M uscle Foods U niversity o f Georgia, College o f Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Department o f Food Science and Technology, Athens, G A c/o Dr. W illiam K err August 2000-August 2001 Turcani, M arek Research W orker, Departm ent o f Forest Protection and Game Management, Research Station, Forest Research Institute, Banska Stiavnica, Slovak Republic Research: The R ole o f Predators in Gypsy M oth Population Dynamics in Central European and N orth American Forest Types U.S. Departm ent o f A griculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Research Station, M organtown, W V c/o Dr. Andrew Liebhold A p ril 2001-A u gu st 2001 A m e r ic a n H is t o r y Del Pero, M a rio Teaching Assistant, Department o f D iplom atic and International Science, Faculty o f P o litica l Science Forli Center, U niversity o f Bologna, F o rli, Ita ly Research: Ita ly, the U nited States and N ATO from Korean War to M u ltila te ra l Force, Columbia U niversity, Department o f History, New York, NY c/o Dr. Anders Stephanson January 2001-June 2001 Duong, Anh Hong Lecturer, Departm ent o f International Studies, College o f Social Sciences and A dm inistration, Vietnam National U niversity, Hanoi, Vietnam Research: Toward Understanding M ulticulturalism in America U niversity o f C a lifo rn ia-b erkeley, Department o f History, Berkeley, C A c/o Dr. Peter Zinoman August 2000-M ay 2001 Frendo, Henry Professor, Departm ent o f H istory, U nive rsity o f Malta, Msida, M alta Research: Early M altese Settlement in N orth America with Special Reference to Louisiana,

16 A me r ic a n H is t o r y /A me r ic a n L it e r a t u r e Loyola U niversity, Department o f History, N ew Orleans, L A c/o Dr. Bernard C ook July 2000-A ugust 2000 G iant, T ib o r Assistant Professor, N orth Am erican Department, Lajos Kossuth Un ive rsity, Debrecen, Hungary Research: Am erican-hungarian Relations, George W ashington, Department o f American Studies, W ashington, DC c/o Dr. Teresa M urphy September 2000-June 2001 H e lo,a ri Researcher, Departm ent o f H istory, U niversity o f Tampere, Tampere, Finland Research: A fte r the R evolution: The E thical Premises o f Republican Thought in a Slave Society, U niversity o f V irg in ia, Department o f H istory, Charlottesville, VA c/o Dr. Peter S. O n u f August 2000-August 2001 Henry, M onica Teacher, Jean-Pierre Timbaud Secondary School, Bretigny Sur Orge, France Research: The U nited States and the Independence o f the South Am erican Countries The Library Company o f Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA c/o M r. James Green July 2000-September 2000 L istiko v, Serguei Senior Researcher, Sector o f W orld Wars, Institute o f W orld H istory, Russian Academy o f Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation Research: B.A. B akhm eteff and the E volution o f Russo- Am erican Relations A fte r the D ow nfall o f the Tsarist Regime Columbia U niversity, The Harriman Institute, New York, N Y c/o Dr. Leopold H. Haimson L ib ra ry o f Congress, Manuscript D ivision, Washington, DC c/o Dr. John E arl Haynes January 2001-September 2001 Manaa, Mohammed Associate Professor, Department o f English, o f Annaba, Annaba, A lgeria Research: The Student s ABC o f American C ivilization Western M ichigan, Department o f American Studies, Kalamazoo, M I c/o Dr. Katherine Joslin September 2000-March 2001 P retelli, Matteo Researcher, Department o f P o litical Science, o f Florence, Florence, Italy Research: Fascist A ctivities in America in the Interwar Period N ational Archives and Records Administration, College Park, M D c/o M r. Tom Fortunato September 2000-December 2000 Stan, Valentin Lecturer, Center for E uro-atlantic Studies, o f Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania Research: The Romanian-U.S. Security Relationship and the European Security and Defense Identity George Washington U niversity, Institute fo r European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies, Washington, DC c/o Dr. James Goldgeier August 2000-April 2001 Van Cassel, Elke Assistant Researcher in Training, Department o f American Studies, Roosevelt Study Center, o f Nijmegen, M iddleburg, Netherlands Research: The Reporter Magazine ( ): A C ritical H istory Boston, Department o f Special Collections, Boston, M A c/o Dr. Howard G ottlieb September 2000-December 2000 A m e r ic a n L it e r a t u r e Anastasiev, N ikolai Professor, Department o f Philology, Moscow State, Moscow, Russian Federation Research: The American Accent U niversity o f M ississippi, Barnard Observatory, Center for Study o f Southern Culture,, MS c/o Dr. Charles W ilson September 2000-May 2001 Andrukhovych, Y uriy Independent Author and Journalist, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine Research: American Poetry o f the 1950s and 1960s: The New Y ork School, the Beat Generation, the Black M ountain School Translation and Interpretation 15

17 A me r ic a n L it e r a t u r e Pennsylvania State -U niversity Park, Department o f Germanic and Slavic Languages and Literature, Park, PA c/o Dr. Michael M. Naydan September 2000-May 2001 C iocarlie, lleana Senior Researcher, Department o f Literary Theory, Institute o f Literary History and Theory, Bucharest, Romania Research: Contemporary C ultural Methodology Between Theory and Practice Duke, Department o f English, Durham, NC c/o Dr. Leigh DeNeef August 2000-January 2001 Cui, Shaoyuan Associate Professor, Department o f English, X i an Foreign Languages, X i an, China, People s Republic o f Research: From American Nationalism to Cosmopolitanism: A Cultural Critique o f Henry James s International Novels Stanford, Department o f English, Stanford, CA c/o Dr. Gavin Jones August 2000-M ay 2001 Datchi, Corinne Lecturer, Department o f American Studies, o f Vincennes-St. Denis, St. Denis, France Research: Women s W riting: Domestic Space and the C ontinuity o f Collective Identity New M exico State, Department o f History, Las Cruces, N M c/o Dr. John M. Nieto-Phillips January 2001-June 2001 Dizdar, Srebren Associate Professor, Department o f English, Faculty o f Philosophy, o f Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Research: The Development o f an American Studies Curriculum W ithin the Department o f English, o f Sarajevo o f C alifornia-san Diego, Department o f Literature, La Jolla, CA c/o Dr. Donald T. Wesling October 2000-July 2001 Fedosenok, Irin a Associate Professor, Department o f Intercultural Communications, Moscow Linguistic, Moscow, Russian Federation Research: Facets o f Romantic Consciousness: Nathaniel Hawthorne as a Man and a W riter Harvard, Faculty o f Arts and Sciences, Department 16 o f English and American Literature and Language, Cambridge, M A c/o Dr. Elisa New September 2000-January 2001 Fjellestad, Danuta Professor, Department o f Humanities, College o f Karlskrona/Ronneby, Karlskrona, Sweden Research: Masters and Monsters: Intellectual Self-Fashioning in American Autobiography Bucknell, Department o f English, Lewisburg, PA c/o Dr. Harold Schweizer November 2000-February 2001 Jin, L i Associate Professor, Department o f English, Beijing Foreign Studies, Beijing, China, People s Republic o f Research: The Image o f the New Woman at the End o f the 19th Century Yale, Department o f English, New Haven, CT c/o Dr. Elizabeth D illon August 2000-June 2001 Katsarova, Vesela T. Associate Professor, Department o f English and American Studies, U niversity o f Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria Lecturing and Research: Bulgarian Women s Literature: Mothers and Daughters in the Bulgarian Feminist Tradition; Women s Literary Tradition: East and West Northwestern, College o f Arts and Sciences, Department o f Slavic Languages and Literatures, Evanston, IL c/o Dr. Andrew Wachtel August 2000-January 2001 Kim, Dal-Yong Professor, Department o f English Education, Chonnam National, Kwangju, Korea Research: Ezra Pound s Cantos: Modem Eleusis o f M issouri-c olumbia, Department o f English, Columbia, MO c/o Dr. Tim othy M aterer September 2000-February 2001 M in e tti, Francesco Researcher, Department o f Language and Literature, o f Salerno, Fisciano, Salerno, Ita ly Research: Edward Taylor s Colonial Baroque: The Verbal and Visual Relationships Between Taylor s Poetry and 17th- Century Emblem Books CUNY-Graduate School and Center, Department o f A rt History, New York, N Y c/o Dr. Katherine Manthome June 2001-A ugust 2001

18 A me r ic a n L it e r a t u r e Roudeau, Cecile Lecturer, Departm ent o f Literature and Languages, Teacher Training College, Paris, France Research: A N ew England o f Their Own: ACross-Reading o f Sarah Ome Jewett, M ary W ilkins Freeman and A lice Brown Harvard U niversity, Department o f English and American Literature and Language, Cambridge, M A c/o Dr. Lawrence Buell August 2000-O ctober 2000 Sakelliou, Evangelia Professor, Department o f English Studies, School o f Philosophy, U niversity o f Athens, Zografou, Greece Research: Voices o f Inner Am erica: Poets o f the M idwest Northwestern, Department o f English, Evanston, IL c/o Dr. Christopher Herbert October 2000-March 2003 Shimokobe, M ichiko Professor, Department o f English, Seikei U niversity, Tokyo, Japan Research: C ultural M emory in the H istorical Discourse o f the United States Yale, Department o f English, New Haven, CT c/o Dr. Shoshana Felman August 2000-August 2001 Simacek, David Junior Lecturer, Department o f English and German Languages, Pedagogical Faculty, Palacky U niversity, Olomouc, Czech Republic Research: Racial Otherness in Am erican Literature: A C ritical Reader o f Hawaii-M anoa, Department o f English, Honolulu, H I c/o Dr. Paul Lyons January 2001 July 2001 Sorin, C laire Teaching Assistant, Department o f English, U niversity o f Provence, Aix-En-Provence, France Research: Representation o f the Body in 19th-Century American Women s Diaries o f M ichigan-a nn Arbor, Women s Studies Program, Ann Arbor, M I c/o Dr. Sidonie Smith Wellesley College, Department o f French and English, Wellesley, M A c/o Dr. Lawrence Rosenwald July 2000-September 2000 Sukhumvada, Sarawanee Assistant Professor, Department o f English, Faculty o f Humanities, Chiang M ai, Chiang M ai, Thailand Research: The Postmodern Pastoral W ritings in Selected Native American and A frican American Women Poets and Essayists W ellesley College, Center fo r Research on Women, V isiting Research Scholar Program, Wellesley, M A c/o Dr. Sumru Erkut September 2000-February 2001 Tae, Yasuhiro Associate Professor, Department o f Engineering, Faculty o f Education, Kagoshima U niversity, Kagoshima-Shi, Japan Research: Holocaust Education in the United States U niversity o f Vermont, Center fo r Holocaust Studies, Old M ill, Burlington, VT c/o Dr. David Scrase August 2000-November 2000 Wardoyo, Subue Lakamono Lecturer, Department o f English, IK IP Negeri Semarang, Semarang, Indonesia Research: Chinese American W riters Sensibility to Identity, H istory and Stereotype New York, Department o f English, New York, N Y c/o Dr. Josephine Hendin June 2001-Ju ly 2001 W ilczynski, M arek Associate Professor, Department o f American Literature, School o f Medicine, Adam M ickiewicz, Poznan, Poland Research: The Abortive Romanticism: The Literary Movement in New England, Harvard, Department o f English and American Literature and Language, Cambridge, M A c/o Dr. Lawrence Buell August 2000-M ay 2001 Yamada, Kumiko Associate Professor, Department o f Law and P olitics, Rikkyo U niversity, Tokyo, Japan Research: The Last Okueshi and M e iji Painter Kano Tomonobu Harvard, H istory o f A rt and Architecture Department, Cambridge, M A c/o Ms. Deanna Dalrymple September 2000-July

19 A me r ic a n L it e r a t u r e / A n t h r o p o l o g y a n d A r c h a e o l o g y Zahraw i, Samar Lecturer, Department o f English, Faculty o f Letters, Al-Baath, Homs, Syria Research: The Human and the Icon: A Comparative Study o f Female Representation in American and Syrian Dramas SUNY-Binghamton, Center fo r Research in Transition, Binghamton, N Y c/o Dr. M arilyn Gaddis Rose September 2000-March 2001 Zaporozhets, Halyna Docent, Department o f English Philology, K iev M ohyla Academy-M ykolaiv, M ykolaiv, Ukraine Research: The Women s Movement in American History: The Literary Dimensions and Reflections U niversity o f M aryland-college Park, Department o f Women s Studies, College Park, M D c/o Dr. Deborah Rosenfelt September 2000-May 2001 A n t h r o p o l o g y a n d A r c h a e o l o g y Abu Al-Hassan, Husain Director, Department o f Scientific Publishing, M inistry o f Education, Riydah, Saudi Arabia Research: Lihyinaite Inscriptions from the A l-u L A Region: A Comparative A nalytical Study U niversity o f M iami, Department o f History, Coral Gables, FL c/o Dr. David G raf January 2001-August 2001 Azimova, Nodira K. Director, Sharh Center for Sociological and Ecological Analysis, Tashkent, Uzbekistan Research: Women s World and the Production and Reproduction o f Value in the Uzbek M ahalla (Residential Community) Indiana U niversity-bloom ington, Department o f Central Asian and M iddle Eastern Studies, Bloomington, IN c/o Dr. M. N a zif Shahrani September 2000-May 2001 Beliaev, Leonid Head, Department o f Moscow Archaeology, Institute o f Archaeology, Russian Academy o f Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation Lecturing: The History and Culture o f the Muscovite State: Recent Archaeological Approaches U niversity o f Chicago, East European, Russian, and Eurasian Center, Chicago, IL c/o Dr. Richard Hellie September 2000-March 2001 Bocoum, Hamady Researcher and Associate Professor, Department o f History, Prehistory-Protohistory Laboratory, Fundamental Institute for Black A frica, Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar, Senegal Research: Archaeological Investigations in the M iddle Senegal Valley Rice U niversity, Department o f Anthropology, Houston, TX c/o Dr. Susan Keech McIntosh September 2000-June 2001 Borsanyi, Laszlo Professor, Department o f Cultural and V isual Anthropology, Faculty o f Humanities, U niversity o f M iskolc, M iskolc, Hungary Lecturing and Research: Symbolic Forms o f Cultural Identity in Native American Music o f M innesota-duluth, College o f Liberal Arts, Department o f Sociology and Anthropology, Duluth, M N c/o Dr. Tim othy G. Roufs August 2000-January 2001 Brands, G unnar Professor, Institute fo r Oriental Archaeology and A rt, M artin Luther U niversity at Halle-W ittenberg, Halle, Germany Research: Late Antique Cities in Northern Syria Dumbarton Oaks, O ffice o f the Director, Washington, DC c/o Ms. Carol A. Sellery January 2001-July 2001 Chowdhury, Anwarullah Professor, Department o f Anthropology, Dhaka U niversity, Dhaka, Bangladesh Lecturing: South Asian Studies, A pplied and Development Anthropology and Advanced Research Methods in A nthropology Minnesota State U niversity-m ankato, Department o f Anthropology, Mankato, M N c/o Dr. Paul F. Brown August 2000-M ay 2001 (Scholar-in-Residence Program ) Dananjaja, James Professor, Department o f Anthropology, Faculty o f Social and P olitical Sciences, U niversity o f Indonesia-Depok, Depok, Indonesia Research: American Folklore o f C alifornia-berkeley, Department o f Anthropology, Berkeley, CA c/o Dr. Alan Dundes June 2000-December

20 A n t h r o p o l o g y a n d A r c h a e o l o g y Doronitchev, V ladim ir Director, I.P.E. Laboratory o f Prehistory, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation Research: The Low er Paleolithic o f the Caucasus and the Near East: A Comparative Study Harvard U niversity, Department o f Anthropology, Cambridge, M A c/o Dr. O fer Bar-Yosef O ctober 2000-M ay 2001 Garcia, M anuel Heras* Researcher, Departm ent o f Prehistory, School o f H istory and Geography, Complutense U niversity o f M adrid, M adrid, Spain Research: N orm alization o f the New TXR T Technique fo r Studying the Provenance o f Archaeology Ceramics Sm ithsonian In stitu tion, Conservation A nalytical Laboratory, W ashington, DC c/o Dr. Ronald Bishop January 2000-January 2001 Ghaleb,Abdu Professor, Department o f Archaeology, Sana a, Sana a, Yemen Research: Prehistoric Archaeology o f the Highland Yemen: The Surveys and Excavations at Bidbidah, Hadur Havdan and Nihm U niversity o f Chicago, The Oriental Institute, Chicago, IL c/o Dr. M cguire Gibson July 2000-April 2001 Kleine, Lev Director, Faculty o f Ethnology, European, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation Lecturing: Theoretical Archaeology: Development and Trends U niversity o f Washington, Department o f Anthropology, Seattle, WA c/o Dr. M iriam Kahn September 2000-M ay 2001 Korstanje, M aria Alejandra A djunct Professor, School o f Natural Sciences, National U niversity o f Tucuman, S.M. de Tucuman, Argentina Research: Archaeobotany and Early Agropastoral Problems: Los Viscos Shelter and Its Relations in Northwestern A rgentina U niversity o f C alifornia-berkeley, Archaeobotany Laboratory, Department o f Anthropology, Berkeley, CA c/o Dr. C hristine A. H astorf September 2000-December 2000 Laneri, Nicola Giovanni Luigi Collaborator, Department o f Archaeology and A rt H istory o f the Ancient Near East, U niversity o f Rome - La Sapieza, Rome, Italy Research: Fertility and Reproduction in Funerary Rituals Columbia, Department o f Anthropology, New York, NY c/o Dr. Michael Taussig September 2000-June 2001 Muldagaliyeva, Aizhan Professor and Head, Department o f Foreign Languages, National State Al-Farabi, Almaty, Kazakhstan Research: The Kazakhs and the Plains Indians: Kinship Systems, Terminologies, Traditions and Rituals U niversity o f Oklahoma, Department o f Anthropology, Norman, OK c/o Dr. M orris Foster and Dr. Susan Vehik August 2000-April 2001 Nayyar,Adam D irector o f Research, Lok Virsa National Institute o f Folk and Traditional Heritage, Islamabad, Pakistan Research: Music and Popular Islam U niversity o f C alifornia-lo s Angeles, School o f the Arts and Architecture, Department o f Ethnomusicality, Los Angeles, C A c/o Dr. Hiromi Lorraine Sakata September 2000-June 2001 Nikonorov, Valeri Scientific Worker, Department o f Central Asia and the Caucasus, Institute o f the History o f M aterial Culture, Russian Academy o f Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation Lecturing: The M ilita ry Archaeology o f the Ancient World: Armament and Warfare o f Iran, Western Central Asia and the Eurasian Steppes from the Early Iron Age Through Early Medieval Times U niversity o f Houston, Department o f History, Houston, TX c/o Dr. Thomas F. O Brien November 2000-May 2001 Ortega, M arietta Perrier Lecturer, Department o f Anthropology and History, o f Tarapaca, A rica, Chile Research: Gender and Entrepreneurship Among Aymara Migrants in Arica, Chile Yale, Department o f Anthropology, New Haven, C T c/o Dr. Enrique Mayer March 2001-June

21 A n t h r o p o l o g y a n d A r c h a e o l o g y / A r c h it e c t u r e a n d U r b a n Pl a n n in g Ozgen, Ilk n u r Chair, Archaeology and H istory o f A rt Department, Faculty o f Humanities and Letters, B ilkent, B ilkent, Ankara, Turkey Research: Anatolian Archaeological M aterial Bryn M awr College, Department o f Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology, Bryn M awr, PA c/o Dr. Stella M iller-c ollett September 2000-March 2001 P ie tila, T u u lik k i Researcher, Department o f Social Anthropology, The Foreign M in istry o f Finland, H elsinki, Finland Research: Postcolonial Subjectivities and the Private Sphere in Kilim anjaro, Tanzania Boston, A frican Studies Center, Boston, M A02215 c/o Dr. James McCann September 2000-September 2001 Sm ith, C laire Lecturer, Department o f Anthropology, School o f C ultural Studies, Flanders U niversity o f South Australia, Adelaide, Australia Research: The Impact o f G lobalization on Indigenous Knowledge Systems American, Department o f Anthropology, Washington, DC c/o Dr. Voon Gero June 2000-June 2001 Tsipopoulou, Metaxia Senior Archaeologist, Directorate o f Prehistoric and Classical A ntiquities, M inistry o f Culture, Athens, Greece Research: Publication o f the Excavation o f the M iddle M inoan I Fortified Rectangular B uilding at Aghia Photia, Siteia S U N Y-Buffalo, Department o f A rt History, Buffalo, N Y c/o Dr. L. Vance Watrous January 2001-M ay 2001 Yablonskiy, Leonid Professor, Department o f Scythian-Sarmatian, Institute o f Archaeology, Russian Academy o f Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation Lecturing: The Early Nomads o f the Eurasian Steppes U niversity o f Califomia-Santa Barbara, Department o f Anthropology, Santa Barbara, CA c/o Dr. P h illip L. Walker October 2000-June 2001 A r c h it e c t u r e a n d U r b a n Pl a n n in g Barclay, Sandra Architect, School o f Architecture, Paris, France Research: Steel Architecture: The Example o f Great Masters American Institute o f Architects, A IA /A A F Scholarship Programs, Washington, DC c/o Ms. M ary Felber August 2000-A pril 2001 Blake, Sheri Lee Assistant Professor, Department o f C ity Planning, Faculty o f Architecture, U niversity o f M anitoba, W innipeg, Canada Research: C om m unity Design M ethodologies: A Community- Driven Approach to Planning and Design Pratt Institute, Center fo r Community and Environmental Development, Brooklyn, N Y December 2000-August 2001 Daher, Ram i Assistant Professor, Department o f Architecture, Jordan U niversity o f Science and Technology, Irb id, Jordan Lecturing: Heritage Conservation and Islam: A Socio-Critical Approach; the Case o f B ilad al Sham Throughout Ottoman and Contemporary Periods U niversity o f C alifom ia-b erkeley, Center fo r M iddle Eastern Studies, Berkeley, CA c/o Dr. Nezar Al-Sayyad January 2001-July 2001 Desai, M ik i Associate Professor, School o f Architecture, Center for Environmental Planning and Technology, Ahmedabad, India Lecturing: Architectural Design U niversity o f Texas-Austin, School o f Architecture, Austin, TX c/o Dr. D. Andrew Vemooy A pril 2001 July 2001 Fadare, Samson Senior Lecturer, Department o f Urban and Regional Planning, Obafemi Awolowo, Ile-Ife, N igeria Lecturing: Comparing Issues o f Local Transportation and Development Between M oral Areas in N igeria and Rural American Indian Reservations o f the Northwest Eastern Washington, Department o f Urban and Regional Planning, Cheney, WA c/o Dr. D ick W inchell January 2001-October 2001 (Scholar-in-Residence Program ) 20

22 A r c h it e c t u r e a n d U r b a n Pl a n n in g /A r e a St u d ie s Gutmanis, Arm ands Advisor to the Foreign M inister, M in istry o f Foreign A ffairs o f Latvia, Riga, Latvia Research: The U.S. Northern European In itia tive and the N ational Security Interests o f Latvia Johns H opkins -School o f Advanced International Studies, Washington, DC c/o Dr. Bruce Parrott September 2000-February 2001 Khadka, Geeta Reader, Department o f English, Tribhuvan, Kathmandu, Nepal Research: From M onistic to Pluralistic Reconstruction o f American Studies Wayne State, College o f Lifelong Learning, Interdisciplinary Studies Program, Detroit, M I c/o Dr. M o ti Nissani August 2000-January 2001 H erbly, Lamis Lecturer, Department o f Urban Planning, Faculty o f Architecture, U nive rsity o f Aleppo, Aleppo, Syria Research: Planning o f Pedestrian Areas in C ity Centers w ith Living H istorical Parts U niversity o f Florida, College o f Architecture, Department o f Urban and Regional Planning, Gainesville, FL c/o Dr. Paul D. Zw ick October 2000-A pril 2001 Regev, Eyal Instructor, Department o f Land o f Israel Studies, Bar-Ilan, Ramat Gan, Israel Research: Cult, Ritual and the Social Order in the Land o f Israel During the Hasmonean and Herodian Periods Harvard, Center fo r Jewish Studies, Cambridge, M A c/o Dr. Gary A. Anderson September2000-September 2001 P arpairis, Apostolos Professor, Department o f Environmental Studies, o f the Aegean, Lesvos, Greece Research: Cross-Border Collaboration and Cooperation for Better Tourism Development: The Case o f Turkey and Greece A ffilia tio n to be determined, c/o Ms. Sone Loh, CIES October 2000-M arch 2001 (Aegean In itia tive Program) Rodionov, M ikhail Head, Department o f South and South West Asia, Peter the Great Museum o f Anthropology and Ethnography, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation Lecturing: History and Anthropology o f Yemen: From the Seventh Century to the Present U niversity o f M ichigan-a nn Arbor, Department o f Near Eastern Studies, Ann Arbor, M I c/o Dr. Alexander Knysh August 2000-January 2001 R atti, C arlo Flippo Research Assistant, Department o f Architecture, The M artin Center fo r Architectural and Urban Studies, o f Cambridge, Cambridge, Italy Research: Urban Texture Analysis w ith Image Processing Techniques Massachusetts Institute o f Technology, School o f Architecture and Planning, O ffice o f the Dean, Cambridge, M A c/o Dr. W illiam J. M itchell December 2000-August 2001 W u, Tsai-Chu Associate Professor, Department o f Land Management and Development, Chang Jung Christian, Tainan, Taiwan Research: A Public Choice Perspective on Zoning Regulation: A Comparative Study Between the United States and Taiwan U niversity o f C alifom ia-berkeley, Institute fo r Urban and Regional Development, Berkeley, CA c/o Dr. John M. Quigley July2000-January 2001 A r e a St u d ie s Fahmy, Ninette Lecturer, Sadat Academy o f Management Sciences, Cairo, Egypt Lecturing and Research: The Human Rights o f M in ority Groups in the M iddle East: Case o f the Copts in Egypt U niversity o f Richmond, Department o f International Education, Richmond, VA c/o Dr. U liana F. Gabara August 2000-M ay

23 A r t Dashper, Julian A rtist, Auckland, New Zealand Lecturing and Research: Neo-M inim alism and A rtist Archives in America Chinati Foundation, Marfa, TX c/o M r. Rob Weiner December 2000-December 2001 Daucikova,Anna A rtist and Tutor, KRESBA Department, Academy o f Fine Arts, Bratislava, Slovak Republic Lecturing and Research: Video A rt as an A rtifa ct Rutgers, The State U niversity o f New Jersey-New Brunswick, Mason Gross School o f the Arts, Department o f Visual Arts, New Brunswick, NJ c/o Dr. Diane Neumaier January 2001-M ay 2001 Lee, Sung Soon Professor, D ivisio n o f A rts and Crafts, College o f A rt and Design, Ewha Womans U niversity, Seoul, Korea Research: Recent Trends o f Fiber A rts and Its Education in the United States School o f the A rt Institute o f Chicago, Chicago, IL c/o Dr. M ichael M ille r and Dr. Joan Livingstone September 2000-February 2001 Lim, Young K yun Associate Professor, Department o f Photography, Chung Ang, Ansung-Kun, Kyong K i Do, Korea Research: American Contemporary Photography New York U niversity, Department o f Photography A rt and Art Professions, New York, N Y c/o Dr. Gerald Pryor July 2000-January 2001 El Noshokaty, Shady Graduate Assistant, Department o f Drawing and Painting, Faculty o f A rt Education, Helwan, Cairo, Egypt Research: The Role o f M edia A rt in the Expression o f Human Emotions A ffilia tio n to be determined, c/o Ms. M arilee Muchow, CIES January 2001-June 2001 Grass, Tenis Professor, Department o f Stained Glass A rt, Latvian Academy o f A rt, Riga, Latvia Research: The Analysis o f the Contemporary A rt in the United States C U N Y -H unter College, Department o f A rt, New York, N Y c/o Dr. Sanford Wurmfeld U niversity o f Washington, B altic Studies Program, Department o f Scandinavian Studies, Seattle, W A98195 c/o Dr. Guntis Smidchens August 2000-A pril 2001 P eril, Boris Senior Lecturer, Department o f Social Sphere Management, St. Petersburg State U niversity o f Economics and Finance, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation Research: C ultural Institutions and C ultural Policy in the United States: Analysis o f Current Experience Columbia C ollege, The Graduate School, Department o f Arts, Entertainment, and M edia Management, Chicago, IL c/o Dr. J. Dennis Rich September 2000-M ay 2001 S ironka, N icholas Independent A rtis t, Kiserian, Kenya Lecturing: B a tik A rt and the Massai C ulture W hitw orth College, Department o f A rt, Spokane, WA c/o Dr. Gordon W ilson August 2000-M ay 2001 (Scholar-in-Residence Program ) Kaiser-Plaskowska, Joanna Assistant Professor, Department o f Graphic Arts, Krakow Academy o f Fine Arts, Krakow, Poland Research: Aspects o f C reativity in the C urricula o f Academies o f Fine Arts U niversity o f Connecticut, School o f Fine Arts, Department o f A rt and A rt History, Storrs, CT c/o Dr. Gus Mazzocca August 2000-M ay

24 A r t H is t o r y B a rtra, E lio n o r Professor, Department o f Politics and Culture, School o f Social Sciences and Humanities, Autonomous M etropolitan U niversity-x ochim ilco, M exico, D. F., Mexico Research: Women and Folk A rt Duke U niversity, Women s Studies Program, Durham, NC c/o Dr. Jean O Barr August 2000-M ay 2001 Buisson, A ntoine Student, Departm ent o f Restoration o f Furniture, French Institute fo r Conservation, Saint Denis La Plaine, France Research: Id e n tificatio n o f Ancient M arquetry Woods by Comparison w ith A rtific ia lly Aged Samples The J. Paul Getty Museum, Conservation Institute, Department o f D ecorative Arts and Sculpture, Los Angeles, CA c/o M r. B rian B. Considine July 2000-September 2000 Cros, C aroline Inspector, Department o f Visual Arts, Delegation o f Plastic A rts, Paris, France Research: Analysis o f Curatorial Methods in Two Architecture Museums in the United States The J. Paul G etty Museum, Research Institute fo r the History o f A rt and the Humanities, Department o f Special Collections and Visual Resources, Los Angeles, CA c/o M r. W im De W it U niversity o f Califomia-Santa Barbara, Architecture and Design C ollection, A rt Museum, Santa Barbara, CA c/o M r. K u rt G.F. H elffich January 2001-June 2001 G enari S antori, Flam inia Researcher, Department o f H istory and C ivilization, European U niversity Institute, Florence, Ita ly Research: The Am erican M illio n a ire and Europe s Famous Paintings: Modem Collecting o f O ld Masters, U niversity o f Chicago, Department o f English Language and Literature, Chicago, IL c/o Dr. John Brewer January 2001-September 2001 Gera t, Ivan Chair, Department o f Research, Institute fo r A rt History, Bratislava, Slovak Republic Research: The Interpretation o f Late M edieval Pictorial Hagiography in Central Europe Princeton, Department o f A rt and Archaeology, Princeton, NJ c/o Dr. Thomas DaCosta Kaufmann September 2000-December 2000 Lozano, Luis-M artin Independent Curator and A rt C ritic, Mexico City, M exico Lecturing: Using Local M urals to Communicate, Educate and Celebrate Latin Culture and Its Links to C alifornia C ity College o f San Francisco, School o f Liberal Arts, San Francisco, CA c/o Dr. Bruce Smith August 2000-December 2000 (Scholar-in-Residence Program ) Nandadeva, Belinda Senior Lecturer, Department o f Fine Arts, o f Kelaniya, Kelaniya, Sri Lanka Research: Characterization o f Materials and Technology o f Buddhist Temple Paintings Selected for a UNESCO-Sri Lanka Restoration Project o f Delaware, Museum Studies Program, Laboratory fo r Analysis o f C ultural Materials, Neward, DE c/o Dr. Chandra L. Reedy September 2000-December 2000 Rocha, G regorio C arlos Documentary Director, M inistry o f Education, M exico, D.F., Mexico Research: The Architecture o f Robert B. Stacy-Judd: The Lost Reels o f Pancho V illa Visits to various institutions, c/o Ms. Carol Robles, CIES September2000-February 2001 Spielmann, Yvonne Assistant Professor, Department o f Media Studies, o f Siegen, Siegen, Germany Research: The Idea and Concept o f Cities Cornell, Andrew D. White Center fo r Humanities, The Society for the Humanities, Ithaca, N Y c/o Dr. Dominick LaCapra August 2000-June 2001 W itte, Arnold Assistant Researcher in Training, Department o f European Cultural History, U niversity o f Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands Lecturing and Research: Landscape Painting in Rome in the Early Baroque Johns Hopkins, Zanuyl Krieger School o f A rts and Sciences, Department o f the H istory o f A rt, Baltim ore, M D c/o Dr. Daniel Weiss August 2000-December

25 B io l o g ic a l Sc ie n c e s Acquistapace, P atrizia Apprentice, Department o f A nim al B iology and Genetics, U niversity o f Florence, Florence, Ita ly Research: Behavioral Responses to Predator and Food S tim uli by the Crayfish Orconectes V irilis (Crustacea, Decapoda, Cambaridae) U niversity o f M ichigan-ann A rbor, Department o f Biology, Ann Arbor, M I c/o Dr. Brian A. Hazlett January 2001-October 2001 A l-g hais, S aif Secretary General, Environmental Research and W ild life Development Agency, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Research: Development o f Environmental Science and Coral Reef Conservation in the Arabian Region Western Washington, Huxley College o f Environmental Studies, Bellingham, W A c/o Dr. Bradley F. Smith January 2001-October 2001 A l-layl, Khaled Chair, Department o f Biology, Faculty o f Applied Sciences, Umm Al-Q ura, M akkah, Saudi Arabia Research: The Effect o f Biotoxins from Red Tide W right State, Department o f B iological Sciences, Dayton, OH c/o Dr. Wayne W. Carmichael October 2000-May 2001 Ashenafi, Mogessie Professor, M icrobiology and Im m unology U nit, Institute o f Pathobiology, Addis Ababa U niversity, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Research: M olecular Characterization o f Bacteriocins Produced by Lactobacillus Subspecies Isolated from Indigenous Fermented Foods Iowa State o f Science and Technology, Department o f Food Science and Human N utrition, Ames, IA c/o Dr. Bonita Glatz September 2000-June 2001 Babiak, Ig o r Assistant Professor, Department o f Anim al Biochemistry, Olsztyn U niversity o f A griculture and Technology, Olsztyn, Poland Research: Genomic Inform ation Transfer in Aquaculture Fish Species by Transplanting Em bryonic Cells Ohio State -Colum bus, School o f Natural Resources, Columbus, OH c/o Dr. Konrad Dabrowski September 2000-June 2001 Badr, Abdel Fattah Professor and Head, Department o f Botany, Faculty o f Science, Tanta U niversity, Tanta, Egypt Research: M olecular Search fo r the Ancestors and Domestication H istory o f the Egyptian C lover (Trifolium Alexandrium ) M iami, Department o f Botany, O xford, OH c/o Dr. Linda Watson February 2001-O ctober 2001 B arron, Andrew Postdoctoral F ellow from the U nited Kingdom, School o f B iological Sciences, U niversity o f Sydney, New South Wales, A ustralia Research: Biogenic Amines and Honey Bee Behavior U niversity o f Illin o is, College o f Liberal A rts and Sciences, Department o f Entomology, Urbana, IL c/o Dr. Gene Robinson January 2001-January 2002 Bensasson, Douda Science Advisor, Genetic Engineering N etw ork, London, UK Research: Insect Gene and Genome E volution Harvard U niversity, Department o f Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Cambridge, M A c/o Dr. Daniel L. H artl January 2000-January 2001 Bou Areualo, German Postdoctoral Researcher, Department o f B io lo g ica l Sciences, Autonoma U niversity, M adrid, Spain Research: Interaction o f the Human Im m unodeficiency Vims Proteins w ith the Signal Transduction Pathways in Immune System Cells Mayo Graduate School, Laboratory o f V ira l Immunology, Department o f Immunology, Rochester, M N c/o Dr. Carlos V. Paya July 2000-July 2001 Braam, Lavienja J. Postdoctoral Student, Department o f Biochem istry, M aastricht U niversity, M aastricht, Netherlands Research: The Effects o f Vitam in K Supplements on Bone and Vascular Development Tufts, Human N u tritio n Research Center on Aging, Vitamin K Laboratory, M edford, M A c/o Dr. Sarah L. Booth July 2000-October 2000 B rogren, C a rl-h e n rik Senior Research Biochemist, D ivision o f M icrobiological Safety, Institute o f Food Safety and Toxicology, M inistry o f Food, Agriculture, and Fisheries, Soborg, Denmark 24

26 B io l o g ic a l Sc ie n c e s Research: Innovative M utation Analysis: Lessons from Cancer B iology The Burnham Institute, La Jolla, CA c/o Dr. N ick Rampino January 2001-July 2001 Bujdakova, Helena Assistant Professor, Department o f M icrobiology and V irology, Faculty ofn atural Sciences, Comenius, Bratislava, Slovak Republic Lecturing and Research: The Role o f FHP1 in Candidiasis O hio State U niversity-c olum bus, Department o f M olecular V irology, Im munology, and M edical Genetics, Columbus, OH c/o Dr. Paula Sundstrom August 2000-December 2000 Research: Olfactory Receptors: Simulation Studies on the Discrim ination o f Odorance Johns Hopkins, School o f M edicine, Department o f Physiology, Baltimore, M D c/o Dr. Thomas W oolf October 2000-October 2001 G isbert, Enric Researcher, Department o f Anim al Biology, Faculty o f Biology, o f Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain Research: Development and Management o f a Shortnose Sturgeon Acipenser Brevirostrum Broodstock U niversity o f C alifom ia-d avis, Department o f Anim al Science, Davis, CA c/o Dr. Serge I. Doroshov January 2001-December 2001 Campos, Eleonora Research Fellow, Department o f Biotechnology, National Institute o f Agronomy and Technology, Buenos Aires, A rgentina Research: B. Abortus Gene Products in Development o f a Vaccine Against Bovine Brucellosis East Carolina, Brody School o f Medicine, Department o f M icrobiology and Immunology, Greenville, NC c/o Dr. R. M artin Roop II June 2001-August 2001 Ibanez de Sans, M aria Elena Assistant Professor, Department o f Physiology and Immunology, Faculty o f Sciences, Autonomous o f Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain Research: Sustaining Rare Domestic Breeds Germplasm Through Nuclear Transfer and Assisted Reproduction Technologies Tufts, School o f Veterinary Medicine, Department o f Biomedical Sciences, Medford, M A c/o Dr. Eric W. Overstrom August 2000-July 2001 C ruciani, F ulvio Postdoctoral Scholar, Department o f Genetics and Molecular Biology, U niversity o f Rome- La Sapienza, Rome, Italy Research: Analysis o f Y-Chromosome Polymorphisms in African Populations Stanford U niversity, School o f M edicine, Department o f Genetics, Stanford, CA c/o Dr. L. Luca Cavalli-Sforza October 2000-December 2000 E riksson, C a rl Assistant Professor, Department o f A nim al Ecology, Swedish U niversity o f A gricultural Sciences, Umea, Sweden Research: Beyond Population Ecology: Extending the Human Dim ension into Swedish W ild life Management U niversity o f W isconsin-m adison, College o f A gricultural and L ife Sciences, Department o f Rural Sociology, Madison, W I c/o Dr. Thomas Heberlein September 2000-September 2001 Ib a rra de S iri, S ilvia E m ilia Senior Researcher, Department o f Ecology, Scientific Research Center and Higher Education o f Ensenada, Ensenada, Mexico Research: Effect o f Changes in Light N utrient Levels and H erbivory on Turtlegrass Biomass and Production Dauphin Island Sea Laboratory, Dauphin Island, A L c/o Dr. Kenneth Heck Jr. A pril 2001-December2001 Kaya, Zeki Professor, Department o f Biological Sciences, M iddle East Technical, Ankara, Turkey Research: Genetic Characterization o f Ancient C onifer Wood Specimens SUNY-College o f Environmental Science and Forestry, Department o f Environmental and Forest Biology, Syracuse, N Y c/o Dr. Scott O. Rogers October 2000-April 2001 Forrest, Lucy D octoral Student, Department o f Biochemistry, Laboratory o f M olecular Biophysics, U niversity o f O xford, Oxford, United Kingdom Koh,Chong-Lek Professor, Institute o f B iological Sciences, U niversity o f Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 25

27 B io l o g ic a l Sc ie n c e s Research: Characterization o f the Regulation o f B-Lactamase Genes in A lg+ and A lg - Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Strains Florida International, Department o f B iological Sciences, M iami, FL c/o Dr. Kalai Mathee November 2000-March 2001 Koning, F rits Senior Investigator, Department o f Immunohematology and Blood Transfusion, Leiden U niversity M edical Center, Leiden, Netherlands Research: The Role o f N K T C ells in the Development o f Celiac Disease La Jolla Institute fo r A llergy and Immunology, D ivision o f Developmental Immunology, San Diego, CA c/o Dr. M itch e ll Kronenberg August 2000-July 2001 Lloret Romero, F. Javier Research Associate, Department o f Biology, Faculty o f Sciences, Autonomous o f M adrid, M adrid, Spain Research: Synthesis, Regulation and Role o f the Exopolysaccharides in the Infection Process and Module Development Massachusetts Institute o f Technology, Department o f Biology, , Cambridge, M A c/o Dr. Graham C. Walker October 2000-September 2001 Ludlow, Anna Ph.D. Student, School o f B io lo g ica l Sciences, U niversity o f Manchester, Manchester, U nited Kingdom Research: Regulation o f TG F-BETA Activation in V ivo Beth Israel Deaconess M edical Center, Department o f Pathology, Boston, M A c/o Dr. Jack Lawler September 2000-September 2001 Lushnikova, Tamara Senior Scientist, M olecular and C ell B iology Institute, U niversity o f Tartu, Tartu, Estonia Research: Phylogenetic Approach fo r Identification o f the Candidate Genes in Human Chromosomal Region 9p22-p23 M arshall, Department o f B iological Sciences, Huntington, W V c/o Dr. V icto r Fet August 2000-M arch 2001 M aroti, Peter Head, Department o f Biophysics, Josef A ttila, Szeged, Hungary Research: Role o f Protons in Energy-Converting Proteins U niversity o f Illinois-U rbana-c ham paign, School o f Life Sciences, Department o f M olecular and Integrative Physiology, Champaign, IL c/o Dr. Eric Jakobsson October 2000-M arch 2001 Mensah, M e rlin Senior Lecturer, Department o f Pharmacognosy, Faculty o f Pharmacy, U nive rsity o f Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana Research: R egulating Q uality Standards fo r Botanicals- M edicines and Food Supplements Purdue U niversity, Department o f M edicinal Chemistry and Pharmacology, West Lafayette, IN c/o Dr. C hing-jer Chang January 2001-June 2001 M erican, A m ir Feisal Lecturer, Institute o f B iological Sciences, U niversity o f Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Research: B ioinform atics Analysis o f Bacterial Genome: Predicting Gene Function and Genome Evolution Harvard U niversity, Department o f M olecular and Cellular Biology, Cambridge, M A c/o Dr. Walter G ilbert September 2000-January 2001 M e rila ita, Sami Postdoctoral Researcher, Department o f B io lo g ica l and Environmental Science, U niversity o f Jyvaskyla, Jyvaskyla, Finland Research: E volution o f C ryptic A nim al C oloration U niversity o f C alifom ia-s anta Barbara, Department o f Ecology, E volution, and M arine B iology, Santa Barbara, CA c/o Dr. John A. Endler June 2000-June 2001 M ontoro, Rafael Jesus Lecturer, Department o f M edical Physiology and Biophysics, Faculty o f M edicine, U niversity o f S eville, Seville, Spain Research: Role o f E lectrical Synapses in the Development o f Neuronal C ircuits Columbia U niversity, Department o f B io lo g ica l Sciences, New Yoric, N Y c/o Dr. Rafael Yuste July 2000-June 2001 M oya Larano, Jorge Researcher, Department o f Anim al B iology, Plant Biology, and Ecology, Autonomous U niversity o f Barcelona, Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain 26

28 B io l o g ic a l Sc ie n c e s Research: Behavioral Mechanisms in Extreme Interference Com petition U niversity o f Kentucky, College o f A griculture, Department o f Entomology, Lexington, K Y c/o Dr. D avid H. Wise July 2000-June 2001 N avarro, Federico G arcia* Assistant Professor, Department o f M icrobiology and V irology, School o f Pharmacy, Complutense U niversity o f M adrid, M adrid, Spain Research: Isolating Substrates o f the N-End Rule Pathway o f Protein Degradation to Understand its Physiological Function in Saccharomyces Corevisiea C alifo rn ia In stitute o f Technology, Department o f Biology, Pasadena, C A c/o Dr. A lexander Varshavsky January 2000-December 2000 O gilvie-g raham, Thomas Senior V eterinary S taff O fficer, Arm y Veterinary and Remount Services, Hampshire, United Kingdom Research: G M A nim al Feed Manufacture and User Reaction in the U nited States C ornell U niversity, College o f Veterinary M edicine, Ithaca, N Y c/o Dr. Katherine Houpt A p ril 2001-A u gu st 2001 Papadopoulos, George Professor, Laboratory o f Biochem istry and Biophysics, Faculty o f A g ricu ltu ra l Technology, Technological Educational Institute o f Epirus, Arta, Greece Research: Investigation o f H LA-D Q B inding Properties to Antoantigens o f Type 1 Diabetes U niversity o f Washington, Robert H. W illiam s Laboratory, Department o f M edicine, Seattle, WA c/o Dr. Ake Lemmark July 2000-September 2000 Pedraza, M a rio Reyes Professor, Experim ental Biology Research Institute, School o f Chemistry, U niversity o f Guanajuato, Guanajuato, Mexico Research: Role o f the Mismatch Repair System in the Adaptive M utation Process o f B acillus Subtilis U niversity o f Texas-Dallas, Department o f M olecular and Cell Biology, Richardson, T X c/o Dr. Ronald E. Yasbin January 2001-October 2001 Perez, Marcos Losado Researcher, Department o f Evolutionary Genetics, U niversity o f Vigo, Vigo, Spain Research: The Phylogenetic Relationship Among Freshwater Aeglidae Brigham Young U niversity, Department o f Zoology, Provo, UT c/o Dr. Keith Crandall September 2000-September 2001 Perez, M iriam Mateos* Researcher, Department o f Fish Food Technology, Cold Institute, Higher Council fo r Scientific Research, M adrid, Spain Research: Fortification o f Surimi Products w ith Essential Fatty Acids and Fat Soluble Vitamins North Carolina State, Department o f Food Science, Raleigh, NC c/o Dr. Tyre C. Lanier and Dr. Jonathan D. Allen September 2000-August 2001 Radwan,Jacek Assistant Professor, Department o f Zoo Psychology and Anim al Ethology, Institute o f Environmental Sciences, Jagiellonian, Cracow, Poland Research: Experimental Test for Association Between Phenotypic Quality and Mutational Load o f New M exico, Department o f Biology, Albuquerque, N M c/o Dr. Paul J. Watson September 2000-June 2001 Rudolph, M aria Isolde Professor, Department o f Pharmacology, o f Concepcion, Concepcion, Chile Lecturing: Cyclooxygenases Gene Expression in Mammary Carcinomas Ohio State -Colum bus, Department o f M olecular Virology, Immunology and Medical Genetics, Columbus, OH43210 c/o Dr. Fredika Robertson October 2000-January 2001 Salama, Mohamed Associate Professor, Department o f Entomology, Faculty o f Science, A in Shams, Abbassia, Cairo, Egypt Research: M olecular Approach fo r the Control o f the Pink Bollworm Using Autocidal Biological Control (ABC ) Strategy 27

29 B io l o g ic a l Sc ie n c e s /B u s in es s A d min is t r a t io n U niversity o f C alifom ia-r iverside, College ofn atural and Agricultural Sciences, Department o f Entomology, Riverside, CA c/o Dr. Thomas M ille r May 2001-October 2001 Santamaria, Inigo Researcher, Department o f Biochemistry and M olecular Biology, U niversity o f Oviedo, Oviedo, Spain Research: Signal Transduction Pathways Analysis Im plicated in In V ivo Processes o f Tumor Intravasation and Invasion C U N Y -M ount Sinai School o f M edicine, D ivision o f M edical Oncology, Department o f M edicine, New York, N Y c/o Dr. Liliana Ossowski July 2000-June 2001 Santos, Carlos Ocana* Assistant Professor, Department o f Economics and Business Administration, School o f Experimental Sciences, Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla, Spain Research: The Effects o f the CLK-1 Geneon Levels and Intracellular D istribution o f Coenzyme Q U niversity o f C alifom ia-los Angeles, Department o f Chemistry and Biochemistry, Los Angeles, CA c/o Dr. Catherine F. Clarke September 1999-August 2001 Settem brini, Beatriz P atricia Associate Director, Argentina Museum ofn atural History, Buenos Aires, Argentina Research: Gene Expression o f Transmitter Molecules in the O lfactory Pathway o f Disease Vector Insects U niversity o f Arizona, A rizona Research Laboratories, D ivision o f Neurobiology, Tucson, AZ c/o Dr. Alan Nighom Arizona State, D ivision o f Neurobiology, A rizona Research Laboratories, Tempe, A Z c/o Dr. John Hildebrand January 2001-A p ril 2001 V ilcek, Stefan Principal Scientific Worker, Department o f Infectology and Tropical Diseases, U niversity o f Veterinary M edicine, Kosice, Slovak Republic Research: Genetic D iversity and Analysis o f BVD V2 Strains National Anim al Disease Center, A gricultural Research Service, M idwest Area, Ames, IA c/o Dr. Julia F. Ridpath September 2000-December 2000 B u s in e s s A d m in is t r a t io n Abdel Rahman, A shraf Associate Professor, Department o f Business Administration, Faculty o f Commerce, Cairo U niversity, El-Giza, Egypt Research: Professors as Mentors; Exploring Cultural Differences U niversity o f La Verne, School o f Business and Economics, Department o f Human Resource Management, La Verne, CA c/o Dr. R ita Thakur October 2000-February 2001 Agrawal, M ohan Professor and Coordinator, Department o f M arketing, Circuit House Area (East), Center fo r Services Management, Jamshedpur, India Lecturing: Preparing and Understanding Indian Service Markets and Consumers in the Post-M odern Marketing Era: The Approach fo r the G lobal India Bentley College, Department o f M arketing, Waltham, M A c/o Dr. Joby John A pril 2001-July 2001 Ahmed, Jamal Professor, Department o f Finance and Banking, o f Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh Research: C redit Management by the U nited States Commercial Banks: A pplying the Experience fo r the Commercial Banks in Bangladesh U niversity ofn ebraska-lincoln, College o f Business Administration, Lincoln, NE c/o Dr. Gordon V. Karels December2000-May 2001 A l-a d im i, M ansour Assistant Professor and Vice Dean, Department o f Accounting, Faculty o f Commerce and Economic, Sana a, Sana a, Yemen Research: D eveloping Accounting and A u d itin g Standards in Yemen B all State U niversity, Department o f A ccounting, College o f Business, M uncie, IN c/o Dr. Paul Parkison September 2000-June 2001 Andersen, Torben Associate Professor, Department o f O rganization and Management, Aarhus School o f Business, Aarhus V., Denmark Lecturing and Research: Start-Up, Operations and Development: The Changing International Role o f Human Resource Management 28

30 B u s in es s A d min is t r a t io n San Francisco State, College o f Business, Department o f International Business, San Francisco, CA c/o Dr. Joel D. N icholson August 2000-December 2000 Bebek, B orna Associate Professor, Department o f Organization and Management, Faculty o f Economics, Zagreb, Zagreb, C roatia Lecturing and Research: Regional Approach to Administrative and Business Ethics in a G lobalized W orld George W ashington, School o f Business and Public Management, Research Program in Social and O rganizational Learning, Washington, DC c/o Dr. Stuart A. Um pleby September 2000-June 2001 B ibu, Nicolae Associate Professor, Department o f Business Management, Faculty o f Economic Sciences, U niversity o f the West, Timisoara, Romania Research: Transferring O rganizational Change Management Knowledge and S kills from U.S. Companies to Romanian Companies U niversity o f West Florida, College o f Business, Department o f Management and M IS, Pensacola, FL c/o Dr. Kenneth L. M urre ll October 2000-M ay 2001 B oljuncic, V a lte r Research and Teaching Assistant, Faculty o f Economics and Tourism, U niversity o f Rijeka, Pula, Croatia Research: E fficiency Evaluation o f Telecommunication Networks Using Data Envelopment Analysis and Related Management Science Methods S U N Y -S tony Brook, Harriman School fo r Management and Policy, Stony Brook, N Y c/o Dr. Jadranka Skorin-Kapov October 2000-June 2001 C hatterjee, Debashis Associate Professor, Indian Institute o f Management, Lucknow, India Research: Leadership and Human Values: A Cross-Cultural Study Harvard U niversity, Kennedy School o f Government, Center fo r Public Leadership, Cambridge, M A c/o Dr. Ronald H eifetz August A p ril 2001 Hsieh, Shui-Yang Senior O fficer, Department o f Social A ffa irs, M inistry o f Interior, Taipei, Taiwan Research: Management o f N on-p rofit Organizations New School, Graduate School o f Management and Urban Policy, Department o f N on-profit Management, New York, N Y c/o Dr. Aida Rodriguez New School, Community Development Research Center, Graduate School o f Management and Urban Policy, New Yoik, NY c/o Dr. Edwin Melendez F ebruary 2001-M ay 2001 Kang, Hyosuk Professor, Department o f Business Administration, Hankuk U niversity o f Foreign Studies, Seoul, Korea Research: The Future o f Corporate Governance and Shareholder Activism in Korea: Evidence from the United States U niversity o f Washington, School o f Business Administration, Department o f Finance and Business Economics, Seattle, WA c/o Dr. Lawrence Schall January 2001-June 2001 K h e ir E l D in,a m r Assistant Professor, Department o f Business Administration, Faculty o f Commerce, A in Shams, Cairo, Egypt Research: Environmental Responsibility: What Leading Companies Do in Response to the Challenge U niversity o f C alifom ia-los Angeles, International Health Program, Los Angeles, CA c/o Dr. Osman Galol June 2001-October 2001 Kortam,W ael Assistant Professor, Department o f Business Administration, Faculty o f Commerce, Cairo, Giza, Egypt Research: The Im plications o f Bench M arking to the V alidity o f M arketing Performance Measurement A ffilia tio n to be determined, c/o Ms. Marilee Muchow, CIES May 2001-September 2001 Kukenov, Talgat Investment Analyst, Kazakhstan Post-Privatization Fund, Alm aty, Kazakhstan Research: Mutual Funds and Securities Markets in the United States Case Western Reserve U niversity, Weatherhead School o f Management, Entrepreneurial Studies, M arketing and Policy Studies, Cleveland, OH c/o Dr. Robert D. Hisrich September 2000-May

31 B u s in e s s A d m in is t r a t io n Lou,Yung-C hien Associate Professor, Department o f Business Administration, National Chengchi, Taipei, Taiwan Research: A Cross-Cultural Comparison o f Nonprofit Marketing: The Social Initiative on Management Education Brandeis, Waltham, M A c/o Dr. Shih-Fen Chen February 2000-August 2000 Mannan, Mohammad Professor, Department o f Management, o f Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh Research: Approaches to Total Quality Management in America: A Study o f the Transferability o f Total Quality Management Know-How to Bangladesh Western Kentucky, Department o f Management and Information Systems, Bowling Green, K Y c/o Dr. M. Afzalur Rahim September 2000-March 2001 Novak, Branko Associate Professor, Department o f Economics, Josip Juraj Strossmayer, Osijek, Croatia Lecturing and Research: Acquisitions, Mergers and Company Restructuring Southern Illinois -Carbondale, Department o f Finance, Carbondale, IL c/o Dr. Ike Mathur September 2000-February 2001 O ho gartaigh, Ciaran Lecturer, School o f Business, Dublin City, Dublin, Ireland Research: Reconciliation o f Irish and U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles in Annual Reports: A Decision- Making Perspective Northeastern, College o f Business Administration, Boston, M A c/o Dr. Ira Weiss August 2000-August 2001 Om ran, Mohammed Lecturer, Department o f Business Administration, Arab Academy for Science and Technology, College o f Management and Technology, Alexandria, Egypt Research: The Impact o f Egypt s Economic Reform Program on Stock Market Performance A ffiliation to be determined, c/o Ms. Marilee Muchow, CIES October 2000-April 2001 Pauler, G abor Janos Assistant Professor, Department o f Management Science, Faculty o f Business and Economics, Janus Pannonius, Pecs, Hungary Research: Use ofneuro-fuzzy Distribution-Free Estimators in Market Segmentation and Customer Preference Mapping SUNY-Buffalo, School o f Management, Department o f Marketing, Buffalo, N Y c/o Dr. Arun K. Jain September 2000-June 2001 S u,y u H u i Associate Professor, Department o f Accounting, Soochow, Taipei, Taiwan Research: The A udit Committee System in the United States and Its Implementation in Taiwan Yale, School o f Management, New Haven, CT c/o Dr. Jeffrey E. Garten September 2000-August 2001 Sumilo, E rik a Associate Professor and Head, Department o f International Economics and Business, o f Latvia, Riga, Latvia Research: Cross-Cultural Business Environment and Behavior: Gap Problems in Transition Economics Georgetown, Department o f Economics, Washington, DC c/o Dr. George Viksnins October 2000-February 2001 Tosun, Cevat Assistant Professor, School o f Tourism and Hotel Management, Bilkent, Ankara, Turkey Research: Cross-Border Collaboration and Cooperation for Better Tourism Development: The Case o f Turkey and Greece o f Northern Iowa, School o f Health, Physical Education and Leisure Services, Cedar Falls, IA c/o Dr. Christopher A. Edginton January 2001-M a y 2001 (Aegean In itia tiv e Program ) Tsai, Yuh-Yuan Associate Professor, Department o f Business Management, National Dong Hwa, Hualien, Taiwan Research: Innovation Strategies and Innovation Management in American Enterprises: Implication for Films in Taiwan ofcalifom ia-berkeley, Haas School o f Business, Institute o f Management, Innovation, and Organization, Berkeley, CA c/o Dr. David J. Teece September 2000-July

32 B u s in es s A d min is t r a t io n /C h e mis t r y Wu, Xiaobo Professor, School o f Management, Zhejiang, Hangzhou, China, People s Republic o f Research: Linking Technology and Business Strategies Massachusetts Institute o f Technology, Sloan School o f Management, Cambridge, M A c/o Dr. James Utterback September 2000-June 2001 Yen, Jin-Ru Associate Professor, Department o f Shipping and Transportation Management, National Taiwan Ocean, Keelung, Taiwan Research: A Framework to Build Up the Training and Operations Systems o f Taiwan C ivil Aviation Through an In- Depth Study o f the Systems o f the United States o f Illinois-Urbana-Champaign, Department o f Civil and Environmental Engineering, Champaign, IL c/o Dr. Peter Chen September 2000-July 2001 Ch e mis t r y Abboudi, Mostafa Professor, Department o f Chemistry, Faculty o f Sciences, o f Abdelmalek Essaadi, Tetouan, Morocco Research: Synthesis and Characterization o f New Phosphors Based on Rare Earth Oxysulfide o f Florida, Department o f Materials Science and Engineering, Gainesville, FL c/o Dr. Paul H. Holloway July 2000-October 2000 Al-D erzi,afaf* Associate Professor, Department o f Chemistry, A1 Al-Bayt, Mafraq, Jordan Research: The Application o f Quantum Mechanical Methods to Structure Determination and Energetics o f Vanderwaals Clusters o f Florida, Department o f Chemistry, Gainesville, FL c/o Dr. Rodney J. Bartlett October 2000-January 2001 (F u lb rig h t Program fo r Ira q i Expatriates) Awan, Iftikh a r Associate Professor, National Center o f Excellence in Physical Chemistry, o f Peshawar, Peshawar, Pakistan Research: The Pyrolysis of2-ethoxypropene: The Shock Tube Kinetics National Institute o f Standards and Technology, Experimental Kinetics and Thermodynamics Group, Gaithersburg, MD c/o Dr. Robert E. Huie September 2000-June 2001 Barkauskas, Jurgis Associate Professor, Department o f General and Inorganic Chemistry, Vilnius, Vilnius, Lithuania Research: Synthesis and Investigation o f Functional Groups on the Surface o f Activated Carbons Pennsylvania State - Park, College o f Engineering, Department o f Civil and Environmental Engineering, Park, PA c/o Dr. Fred S. Cannon F ebruary 2001-August 2001 Cornejo, Jose Manuel Bravo Professor, School o f Chemistry and Engineering, Autonomous o f Baja California, Tijuana Baja California, Mexico Research: Parotid Saliva as a Biomarker to Monitor Environmental Exposure San Diego State, Department o f Chemistry, San Diego, CA c/o Dr. Dale A. Chatfield September 2000-December 2000 Costantino, Valeria Assistant Professor, Department o f Organic Chemistry, o f Naples-Federico II, Naples, Italy Research: Assessing the Chemical Defenses o f Caribbean Sponges: The Ecological Roles o f Glycolipids o f North Carolina-Wilmington, Department o f Biological Sciences, Wilmington, NC c/o Dr. Joseph Pawlik August 2000-November 2000 De La Mora, Marco Antonio Ramirez Ph.D. Student, Department o f Chemistry, National Autonomous o f Mexico, Mexico, D.F., Mexico Research: Generation o f Free Radicals from Arenediazonium Salts Under Non-Reducing, Tin-Free Conditions o f Illinois-Chicago, Department o f Chemistry, Chicago, IL c/o Dr. David Crich September 2000-June 2001 Doughty, Victoria Postgraduate Student, Chemical Laboratory, Department o f Chemistry, o f Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom Research: Synthesis o f Peptidomimetics Using Pyrrolinone Scaffolds 31

33 C h e mis t r y o f Pennsylvania, Department o f Chemistry, Philadelphia, PA c/o Dr. A.B. Smith III January 2000-January 2001 Edis, Zehra Researcher, Institute for Inorganic Chemistry, o f Cologne, Cologne, Germany Research: Heterogeneous Catalysis with Cross-Linked LC- Assemblies; Metal-Based Catalysis o f Diels-Alder Reactions o f Califomia-Berkeley, College o f Chemistry, Berkeley, C A c/o Dr. Douglas L. Gin February 2000-February 2001 Evans, Una Researcher, Department o f Chemistry and Environmental Science, o f Limerick, Limerick, Ireland Research: Investigation o f the Conductivity o f Nanowires Prepared at the Liquid/Liquid Interface o f South Carolina, Department o f Chemistry and Biochemistry, Columbia, SC c/o Dr. Michael L. M yrick April 2000-March 2001 Fernandez Gacio, Ana Isabel Postdoctoral Researcher, Department o f Organic Chemistry, Faculty o f Chemistry, o f Santiago o f Compostela, Santiago o f Compostela, Spain Research: Design, Synthesis and Development o f 125- Dihydroxyvitamin D3Dimers as Potential Antagonists o f the Physiological Actions o f 125(OH)2D3 Boston, School o f Medicine, Department o f Bioorganic Chemistry and Structural Biology, Boston, M A c/o Dr. Rahul Ray September 2000-November 2000 Fontes, E lita Assistant Professor, Department o f Biochemistry, Biological Science Institute, Federal o f Juiz de Fora, Juiz de Fora, Brazil Research: Bioassay-Guided Fractionation ofnatural Products Using the Dereplication Process o f Illinois-Chicago, Department o f Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacognosy, Chicago, IL c/o Dr. Geoffrey A. Cordell August 2000-August 2001 G arcia V ilo ca, M ire ia Assistant Professor, Department o f Chemistry, Autonomous o f Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain Research: Optim izing the Industrial Production o f Fructose: The Study o f Isomerization Glucose-Fructose Catalyzed by D-Xylose Isomerase Enzyme o f M innesota-twin Cities, Institute o f Technology, Department o f Chemistry, Minneapolis, MN c/o Dr. Jiali Gao October 2000-September 2001 Hodgson, D avid Postdoctoral Fellow, Department o f Chemistry, Lash Miller Chemical Laboratories, o f Toronto, Toronto, Canada Research: Searching for RNA Catalysts that Use Cofactors SUNY-Buffalo, Department o f Chemistry, Buffalo, NY c/o Dr. Hiroaki Suga September 2000-September 2001 Ibanez-C ornejo, Jorge G uillerm o Professor, Department o f Science, Iberoamericana, Mexico, D.F., Mexico Research: Electroosmotic Transport and Monitoring o f Pb in Soils Loyola Chicago, Department o f Chemistry, Chicago, IL c/o Dr. Alanah Fitch July 2000-July 2001 Ic li, S id d ik Professor, Department o f Chemistry, Faculty o f Science, Ege, Bomova-Izmir, Turkey Research: Studies on Photo-Electron Transfer Reaction Mechanisms o f Aromatic Diim ide Molecules on Route to Utilization o f Solar Energy o f C alifom ia-los Angeles, Department o f Chemistry and Biochemistry, Los Angeles, CA c/o Dr. Christopher S. Foote October 2000-February 2001 Ja g ird a r, B a la ji Rao Assistant Professor, Department o f Inorganic and Physical Chemistry, Indian Institute o f Science, Bangalore, India Research: Chemistry o f Heteronuclear Metal Sulfide Complexes as Models for Heterogeneous Metal Sulfide Catalysts o f Colorado-Boulder, Department o f Chemistry, Boulder, CO c/o Ms. M ary Rakowski DuBois June 2000-September

34 Ch e mis t r y Jordan Bueso, M a ria J. Researcher, Department o f Chemistry, o f Marcia, Marcia, Spain Research: Quality Enhancement o f Fruit Products U.S. Department o f Agriculture, Agriculture Research Service, Citrus and Subtropical Products Laboratory, South Atlantic Area, Winter Haven, FL c/o Dr. Robert A. Baker July 2000-June 2001 Kek, D a rin ka Researcher, National Institute o f Chemistry, Ljubljana, Slovenia Research: Electrochemical and Transport Properties o f Solids Massachusetts Institute o f Technology, School o f Engineering, Department o f Materials Science and Engineering, Cambridge, M A c/o Dr. Harry L. Tuller March 2001-July 2001 Kogan, G rig o rij Senior Research Scientist, Institute o f Chemistry, Slovak Academy o f Sciences, Bratislava, Slovak Republic Research: The Role o f Cell Wall Polysaccharides from Pathogenic Yeast in Modulation o f Innate Immunity East Tennessee State, James H. Quillen College o f Medicine, Department o f Surgery, Johnson City, TN c/o Dr. David L. Williams October 2000-January 2001 Leach, Andrew Research Student, Chemical Laboratory, o f Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom Research: Improving Antibody Catalysis by Computationally Assisted Design o f Califom ia-los Angeles, Department o f Chemistry and Biochemistry, Los Angeles, CA c/o Dr. K.N. Houk February 2000-February 2001 Manev, Emil D. Associate Professor, Department o f Physical Chemistry, Faculty o f Chemistry, Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria Research: Thin Liquid Film Study Related to Colloidal Dispersions Stability o f Califomia-Berkeley, Department o f Chemical Engineering, Berkeley, CA c/o Dr. Clayton J. Radke October 2000-March 2001 M artirosyan, Suren Lecturer, Department o f Ecology and Chemical Technologies, Laboratory o f Electrochemistry, State Engineering o f Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia Research: Advanced Electrochemical CdSe Solar Energy Converter Michigan State, Department o f Physiology, East Lansing, MI c/o Dr. H. Ti Tien October 2000-January 2001 M auring, K o it Senior Research Associate, Institute o f Physics, o f Tartu, Tartu, Estonia Research: Investigation o f the Green Fluorescent Protein by Optical Spectroscopy Stanford, Department o f Chemistry, Stanford, CA c/o Dr. Steven G. Boxer September 2000-September 2001 M ohareb, Rafat Professor, Department o f Chemistry, Faculty o f Science, Cairo, Giza, Egypt Research: Synthesis o f Chiral Nonracemic 3,4-Disubstituted Azepanes o f Califomia-Berkeley, Department o f Chemistry, Berkeley, CA c/o Dr. Henry Rapoport October 2000-February 2001 Montes-Bayon, M aria Researcher, Department o f Physical and Analytical Chemistry, Faculty o f Chemistry, o f Oviedo, Oviedo, Spain Research: Tunable Plasma Sources to Obtain Atomic and Molecular Information for Speciation Studies o f Cincinnati, Office o f the Dean, McMicken College o f Arts and Sciences, Cincinnati, OH c/o Dr. Joseph A. Caruso July 2000-June 2001 M unzarova, Marketa Ph.D. Student, Department o f Theoretical and Physical Chemistry, Faculty o f Science, Masaryk, Brno, Czech Republic Research: The Concept o f Orbital Interactions in Bridging Different Bonding Schemes and Developing New Tools for Analytical Quantum Chemistry Cornell, Baker Laboratory, Department o f Chemistry, Ithaca, NY c/o Dr. Roald Hoffmann October 2000-April 2001 Paneth, P iotr Professor, Department o f Chemistry, Technical, Lodz, Poland Research: Kinetic Isotope Effects on Decarboxylation o f Pyridylacetic Acid 33

35 C h e mis t r y o f Minnesota-Twin Cities, Department o f Chemistry, Minneapolis, MN c/o Dr. Donald G. Truhlar August 2000-May 2001 Pershad, Harsh Doctoral Student, Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory, o f Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom Research: Biogenesis o f the Novel Quinocofactor Found in Lysyl Oxidase o f Califomia-Berkeley, Department o f Chemistry and Molecular and Cell Biology, Berkeley, CA c/o Dr. Judith P. Klinman July 2000-July 2001 Rabaa, Hassan Professor, Department o f Chemistry, Ibn Tofail, Kenitra, Morocco Research: Modeling the Adsorption o f Ammonia on Alumina Cornell, Baker Laboratory, Department o f Chemistry, Ithaca, NY c/o Dr. Roald Hoffman August 2000-November 2000 R a h a rin irin a, Annie Professor, Department o f Chemistry, Faculty o f Science, o f Antananarivo, Antananarivo, Madagascar Research: The Dianion o f Tetraphenylstannole o f Wisconsin-Madison, Department o f Chemistry, Madison, W I c/o Dr. Robert West August 2000-January 2001 R itzen, Andreas Ph.D. Student, Center for Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Department o f Organic Chemistry, Lund, Lund, Sweden Research: Total Synthesis o f Trichodimerol Scripps Research Institute, Department o f Chemistry, La Jolla, CA c/o Dr. K.C.Nicolaou January 2000-January 2001 Sezer, Esma Assistant Professor, Department o f Chemistry, Istanbul Technical, Istanbul, Turkey Research: Synthesis and Polymerization o f Novel Comonomers Based on N-Substituted Carbazoles o f Michigan-Ann Arbor, Department o f Chemistry, Ann Arbor, M l c/o Dr. M. David Curtis August 2000-December 2000 Suzer, S efik Professor, Department o f Chemistry, Bilkent, Ankara, Turkey Research: Preparation and Characterization ofnovel PVC Composites for Advance Electrical/Optical Applications o f M ichigan-ann Arbor, Department o f Chemistry, Ann Arbor, M I c/o Dr. Mark M. Banaszak Holl August 2000-February 2001 Tserunyan, V ardan Senior Research Associate, Water Chemistry Laboratory, Institute o f General and Inorganic Chemistry, National Academy o f Sciences, Yerevan, Armenia Research: Control o f Chloro-Organic Pollutants and Foulants by Oxidation and Related Processes o f Southern California, School o f Engineering, Department o f C ivil and Environmental Engineering, Los Angeles, CA Ujaque Perez, G regorio Researcher, Department o f Chemistry, Autonomous o f Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain Research: M olecular Biotechnology: Rational Design of Catalytic Antibodies o f C alifom ia-los Angeles, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Los Angeles, LA c/o Dr. Kendall N. Houk June 2000-June 2001 V adillo Perez, Jose Associate Researcher, Department o f Analytical Chemistry, Faculty o f Sciences, o f Malaga at Teatinos, Malaga, Spain Research: Instrumental Developments and Analytical Applications o f Time o f Flight Mass Spectrometry with Continuous and Pulsed Ionization Sources Stanford, Department o f Chemistry, Stanford, CA c/o Dr. Richard N. Zare October 2000-September 2001 Zuy, O leg Senior Researcher, Department o f Analytical Chemistry, Institute o f C olloid Chemistry and Water Chemistry, National Academy o f Sciences o f Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine Research: Investigation o f Highly Sensitive Reactions for the Detection o f Trace Toxicants o f Colorado-Boulder, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, Boulder, CO c/o Dr. John W. Birks September 2000-M ay

36 C o mmu n ic a t io n s a n d J o u r n a l is m Ang, Peng H wa Vice Dean, School o f Communication Studies, Journalism and Publishing Division, Nanyang Technological, Singapore, Singapore Research: The Impact o f Law and Policy on the Diffusion o f the Internet Harvard, John F. Kennedy School o f Government, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Cambridge, M A c/o Dr. Lewis Branscomb September 2000-December 2000 Berger, G uy Head, Department o f Journalism and Media Studies, Rhodes, Grahamstown, South Africa Research: African Journalism Training in an Age o f Globalization and the Internet o f North Carolina-Chapel H ill, School o f Journalism and Mass Communication, Chapel H ill, NC c/o Dr. Richard Cole Duke, Center for Africa and the Media, Durham, NC c/o Dr. Tamela Hultman October 2000-May 2001 Fagerjord, Anders Research Fellow, Department o f Media and Communication, o f Oslo, Oslo, Norway Research: The Convergence o f Digital Media Rhetoric Brown, Scholarly Technology Group, Providence, RI01912 c/o Dr. E lli Mylonas January September 2001 G illard, P atricia Principal, User Insite Pty. Ltd., Lyneham, ACT, Australia Research: Museum Visitor Research and Audience Development National Museum o f American History, Smithsonian Without Walls, Washington, DC c/o Ms. Judy Gradwohl February 2001-M ay 2001 Hagiwara-Nishino, Kum iko Staff Writer, Life Style Department, The Yomiuri Shimbun, Osaka, Japan Research: Labor and Family Welfare Policies o f the United States from the Viewpoint o f Japanese Society o f Califomia-Berkeley, Industrial Relation Institute, Berkeley, CA c/o Dr. George Strauss July 2000-May 2001 Hsu, M ei-ling Associate Professor, Department o f Journalism, National Chengchi, Taipei, Taiwan Research: Social Versus Scientific Construction o f Health and the Representations in the News Harvard, School o f Public Health Kresge Building, Department o f Health and Social Behavior, Cambridge, M A c/o Dr. Karen Emmons August 2000-February 2001 L u, X inyu Associate Professor, Department o f Broadcasting and Television, School o f Journalism, Fudan, Shanghai, China, People s Republic o f Research: Theories and Practice o f Television Documentary San Francisco State, Department o f Broadcast and Electronic Communication Arts, San Francisco, CA c/o Dr. Phil Kipper September 2000-July 2001 M e rlo Flores, Tatiana G ilda Professor, Department o f Sociology, Catholic, Buenos Aires, Argentina Research: The Role o f the Media in the Lives o f Children and Adolescents o f Massachusetts-Amherst, Department o f Communication, Amherst, M A c/o Dr. Michael Morgan September December 2001 M iy a i-m o ri, Yumiko Assistant Editor, Department o f English Newspaper, The Yomiuri Shimbun, Tokyo, Japan Research: How the United States Has Attempted to Ensure Transparency at the Government Level Columbia, East Asian Institute, New York, N Y c/o Dr. Madeleine Zelin August 2000-February 2001 Mulyana,Deddy Senior Lecturer, Faculty o f Communication Science, Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonesia Research: Indonesia in America: A Study o f Intercultural Adjustment Northern Illinois, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, DeKalb, IL c/o Dr. Susan D. Russell July 2000-January

37 C o mmu n ic a t io n s a n d J o u r n a l is m/ C o mp u t e r Sc ie n c e O gisawa, H ideaki Reporter, Urawa Branch, M a in ich i Shimbun, Urawa, Japan Research: The Americans with Disabilities Act and Accessib ility as a Human Right o f Southern California, School o f Social Work, Los Angeles, CA c/o Dr. Marilyn Flynn o f Califomia-Los Angeles, Department o f Communication Studies, Los Angeles, CA c/o Dr. Thomas Plate July 2000-April 2001 Tabakova, Vessela Associate Professor and Chair, Faculty o f Journalism and Mass Communication, Sofia -St. Kliment Ohridski, Sofia, Bulgaria Research: The Media and the Citizens Influence on Politics o f Northern Iowa, Communications Arts Center, Department o f Communication Studies, Cedar Falls, IA c/o Dr. John Burtis October 2000-March 2001 Co mp u t e r Sc ie n c e Bellamine-Ben-Saoud, Narjes Associate Professor, Preparatory Institute for Engineering Studies o f Tunis, Montfleury, Tunis, Tunisia Research: Complexity Studies Based on Agents: Modeling and Designing Cooperative Systems o f Califomia-Irvine, Department o f Computing, Organizations, Policy and Society, Irvine, CA c/o Dr. Gloria Mark February M ay 2001 Costas, Hie Research Director, Department o f Cybernetics and Informatics, Scientific Center and Production Information Technologies and Systems, Academy o f Economical Studies, Chisinau, Moldova Research: Information Technologies Development and Information Resources Management in Perspective o f Kentucky, College o f Business and Economics, Department o f Decision Sciences and Informatics Systems, Lexington, K Y c/o Dr. Albert L. Lederer August 2000-May 2001 De Jong, Edwin D. Researcher, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Vrije o f Brussels, Brussels, Belgium Lecturing and Research: Evolution o f Recurrent Neural Networks Using Rewrite Grammars Brandeis, Volen National Center for Complex Systems, Department o f Computer Science, Waltham, MA c/o Dr. Jordan Pollack September 2000-August 2001 F itzp a trick, D onal Lecturer, School o f Informatics, National College o f Ireland, Dublin, Ireland Research: Obtaining More Natural Synthetic Speech Florida State, Department o f Geography, Tallahassee, FL c/o Dr. Dan Jacobson September 2000-September 2001 Hung, Yung Chen Professor and Chair, Department o f Computer and Information Science, Soochow, Taipei, Taiwan Research: Electronic Commerce and Virtual Organization o f Califom ia-los Angeles, IM M E X Software Development Laboratories, Los Angeles, CA c/o Dr. Ronald Stevens October 2000-August 2001 Kounchev, Ognyan Associate Professor, Institute o f Mathematics, Bulgarian Academy o f Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria Lecturing and Research: Partial Differential Equations and Their Applications; the Polyharmonic Paradigm in Wavelet Analysis o f Wisconsin-Madison, The Wavelet IDR Center, Department o f Computer Science, Madison, W I c/o Dr. Carl De Boor o f Wisconsin-Madison, Department o f Computer Science, The Wavelet IDR Center, Madison, W I c/o Dr. Amos Ron August 2000-January 2001 M alo-lopez, Jesus Assistant Lecturer, Department o f Vision, Faculty o f Physics, o f Valencia, Burjassot Valencia, Spain Research: Application o f Novel Computational Human Perception Models in MPEG Representation and Video- Coding Schemes National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Ames Research Center, Department o f Vision Research, Moffett Field, CA c/o Dr. Andrew Beau Watson October 2000-September

38 C o mp u t e r Sc ie n c e /E c o n o mic s T iplea, Ferucio Associate Professor, Faculty o f Computer Science, A l.i. Cuza o f Iasi, Iasi, Romania Research: Partial Order Verification Methods o f Finite-State Concurrent Systems in Hardware and Software Carnegie M ellon, School o f Computer Science, Department o f Computer Science, Pittsburgh, PA c/o Dr. Edmund M. Clarke January A p ril 2001 Ec o n o mic s Akacem, Kada Professor and President, Department o f Economic Sciences, Faculty o f Economic Sciences and Management, o f Algiers, Algiers, Algeria Research: An Optimal Pace for Algeria s Economic Reforms o f Arizona, Center for M iddle Eastern Studies, Tucson, A Z c/o Dr. Mark Tessler September 2000-February 2001 Aydogus, Osman Associate Professor, Department o f Econometrics, Gazi, Ankara, Turkey Research: The Measurement o f Efficiency and Welfare Costs o f Price Distortions in a Partial Equilibrium Framework o f Maryland-College Park, College o f Agricultural and Natural Resources, Department o f Agricultural and Resource Economics, College Park, M D c/o Dr. Robert G. Chambers August 2000-February 2001 Boissay, F rederic Ph.D. Student, Macroeconomics Laboratory, CREST, Malakoff, France Research: A Comparison o f the Financial Structures o f French and American Small Enterprises Boston, Department o f Economics, Boston, M A c/o Dr. Simon Gilchrist September 2000-August 2001 B riguglio, Pascal Head, Department o f Economics, o f Malta, Msida, Malta Lecturing and Research: Small Island Economies Bryant College, Department o f Marketing, Smithfield, RI c/o Dr. Joseph Bonnici July 2000-July 2000 B u i, Dung The Head, Research Management and International Relations Office, Faculty o f Economics, Hue, Hue City, Vietnam Research: Erosion, Productivity and Adoption Analysis o f Typical Land-Use Systems in Highly Erodible H illy Areas in Thua Thien Hue Province, Central Vietnam Purdue, National Soil Erosion Research Laboratory, Department o f Agricultural and Biological Engineering, West Lafayette, IN c/o Dr. Mark A. Nearing Purdue, National Soil Erosion Research Laboratory, USD A Agricultural Research Service, West Lafayette, IN c/o Dr. Chihua Huang September 2000-June 2001 Cappelen, Alexander Doctoral Student, Department o f Economics, Norwegian School o f Economics and Business Administration, Bergen, Norway Research: The Just Distribution o f the Right to Tax Columbia, Department o f Philosophy, New York, NY c/o Dr. Hami Gaifman September 2000-March 2001 C hen,yulu Professor, School o f Finance, Renmin o f China, Beijing, China, People s Republic o f Research: Monetary Policy in the United States Columbia, Graduate School o f Business, New York, NY c/o Dr. Robert Hodrick November 2000-September 2001 C ie slik, A n drzej Assistant Professor, Department o f Economics, Macroeconomics and International Trade Theory Division, Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland Research: Foreign Direct Investment and Regional Knowledge Capital Diffusion Columbia, Department o f Economics, New York, NY c/o Dr. Ronald Findlay September 2000-June 2001 De La C roix, David P. Professor, IRES-Catholic o f Louvain, Louvain-La- Neuve, Belgium Research: The Overlapping Generations Model: A Tool to Address Today s Policy Issues 37

39 E c o n o mic s o f Califomia-Los Angeles, Program for Dynamic Economics, Department o f Economics, Los Angeles, CA c/o Dr. Costas Azariadis August 2000-August 2001 De Leon, Ignacio Luis President, Pro-Competencia, Caracas, Venezuela Research: Competition Policy in Latin America: A New Appraisal for Regulation in Developing Countries New York, Department o f Economics, New York, NY c/o Dr. Mario Rizzo January 2001-July 2001 Dezseri, Kalm an Senior Research Fellow, Department o f European Studies and Integration, Institute for World Economics, Hungarian Academy o f Sciences, Budapest, Hungary Lecturing: Transatlantic Relations After the European Union Enlargement o f Kansas, European Studies Program, Department o f French and Italian, Lawrence, KS c/o Dr. Diane Foumy September 2000-December 2000 (European Union Scholar-in-Residence Program ) Djaynbaev, Djalalidin I. Chair, Department ofpublic and Business Administration, Osh Technological, Osh, Kyrgyzstan Research: Savings, Investment and Economic Forecasting Problems in Small Developing Countries SUNY-College at Old Westbury, Department o f Politics, Economics, and Society, Old Westbury, N Y c/o Dr. Sachi G. Dastidar October 2000-March 2001 Domingues, Edson Paulo Ph.D. Candidate, IPE-FEA o f Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil Research: Policy Impacts in the Brazilian Economy: Spatial Projections in the State o f Sao Paulo o f Illinois-Urbana-Champaign, Regional Economics Applications Laboratory, Champaign, IL c/o Dr. Geoffrey J.D. Hewings August 2000-August 2001 Fontaine, Philippe Professor, Department o f Economics, Teacher Training College, Cachan, France Research: The Incorporation o f Non-Selfishness into Economics, Duke, Department o f Economics, Durham, NC c/o Dr. Crawford Goodwin July 2000-August 2000 Freo,M arzia Research Associate, Institute o f General Mathematics and Finance, U niversity o f Bologna, Bologna, Italy Research: Financial Option Strategies and Volatility Forecasting for Pricing, Hedging and Arbitrage o f Pennsylvania, The Wharton School, Department o f Finance, Philadelphia, PA c/o Dr. Andrew B. Abel January 2001-June 2001 Huang, C hung-h uang Professor, Department o f Economics, National Tsing Hua, Hsin Chu, Taiwan Research: Dynamic CGE Modeling o f Greenhouse Gases Reduction Under Uncertainty and Imperfect Competition o f Maryland-College Park, College o f Agriculture and Natural Resources, Department o f Agricultural and Resource Economics, College Park, M D c/o Dr. Robert G. Chambers August 2000-February 2001 Istile u lo va, Yelena Lecturer, Kazakh Institute o f Management, Economics, and Forecasting, Kazakh-American, Almaty, Kazakhstan Research: Application o f the Alternative Unemployment Measures and Construction o f Math: Economic Model of the Labor M arket in Kazakhstan Bureau o f Labor Statistics, Washington, DC c/o Ms. Darlene Forte August A pril 2001 Kanw ar, Sunil Lecturer, Department o f Economics, Delhi School o f Economics, o f Delhi, Delhi, India Research: Intellectual Property Rights with Reference to Agriculture Yale, Department o f Economics, New Haven, CT c/o Dr. Jennie Lanjouw July 2000-March 2001 Khom an, S irilaksana Dean, Faculty o f Economics, Thammasat, Bangkok, Thailand Lecturing: International Economics o f Oregon, Southeast Asian Studies Program, Eugene, OR c/o Dr. Kathie Carpenter September 2000-March

40 Ec o n o mic s Kim,Kwang-yim Research Fellow, Department o f Environmental Policy, Korea Environmental Institute, Seoul, Korea Research: Measuring Economic Value o f Environmental Quality: Focusing on the Value o f Water Quality o f Illinois-Urbana-Champaign, Department o f Agricultural and Consumer Economics, Program in Environmental and Resource Economics, Champaign, IL c/o Dr. Madhu Khanna June 2000-December 2000 Le Vinh, Danh Vice Dean, Ton Due Thang o f Technology, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Research: Public Policy in the Pre-Development Period o f the United States George Washington, School o f Business and Public Management, Department o f International Business, Washington, DC c/o Dr. Scheherazadi Rehman September 2000-June 2001 Lee, Jong Won Professor, Department o f Economics, Sungkyunkwan, Seoul, Korea Lecturing and Research: The Korean Economy Yale, Department o f Economics, New Haven, CT c/o Dr. T.N. Srinivasan September 2000-July 2001 Lesnykh, V alery* Head, Laboratory o f Risk Problems in Energy, Energy Systems Institute, Russian Academy o f Sciences, Irkutsk, Russian Federation Research: Economic Risk Management: Potentialities and Constraints Case Western Reserve, Department o f Marketing and Policy Studies, Cleveland, OH c/o Dr. Robert D. Hisrich February 2000-January 2001 Levine, Elaine Researcher, North American Research Center, Mexico, D.F., Mexico Research: The Occupations and Incomes o f Mexicans and Mexican Americans o f Califom ia-los Angeles, Department o f Sociology, Los Angeles, CA c/o Dr. Ivan Light September 2000-September 2001 L iu, Jin-Long Associate Professor, Graduate Institute o f Industrial Economics, National Central, Chung-Li, Taiwan Research: General Equilibrium Effects in Measuring the Benefits o f Environmental Policies Duke, Nicholas School o f the Environment, Durham, NC c/o Dr. Randall A. Kramer September 2000-July 2001 L uu, T rin h Ngoc Head, Department o f Developed Market Economics, Institute o f World Economy, Hanoi, Vietnam Research: The Role o f Educational Training Systems in Improving the Quality o f Human Resources in the United States and Japan Columbia, School o f Business, Department o f International Business, New York, NY c/o Dr. Hugh T. Patrick February 2001-October 2001 Mayer-Foulkes, David A rie Research Professor, Division o f Economics, Center for Research and Teaching Economics, Mexico, D.F., Mexico Research: Economic Growth by Income Strata: A Comparison for the United States and Mexico Brown, Department o f Economics, Providence, RI c/o Dr. Oded Galor July 2000-April 2001 M ontoya, Silvia Researcher, Mediterranean Foundation, Cordoba, Argentina Research: Rates o f Return on Human Capital and Poverty in Argentina, o f Chicago, Department o f Economics, Chicago, IL c/o Dr. James Heckman January 2001-A p ril 2001 Nagao, K enkichi Associate Professor, Institute for Economic Research, Osaka City, Osaka, Japan Research: Geographical Anatomy o f Industrial Clusters: A Case o f the Multimedia Industry o f Califomia-Los Angeles, Department o f Geography, Los Angeles, CA c/o Dr. Allen Scott December 2000-September 2001 N avarra, Pietro Senior Lecturer, Institute o f Economics and Finance, o f Messina, Messina, Italy 39

41 E c o n o mic s Research: The Economics o f Elections: A General Theory o f P olitical Markets Carnegie M ellon, Department o f Social Decision Sciences, Pittsburgh, PA c/o Dr. W illiam R. Keech September 2000-January 2001 Nazarov,Alidjan Head, Accumulation o f Means Department, Fund o f State Support o f Development o f Posts and Telecommunications, Tashkent, Uzbekistan Research: M arketing Research in Telecommunications and Their Role in Development and Perfection o f Branch Indiana -Bloom ington, Department o f Telecommunications, Bloomington, IN c/o Dr. Herbert A. Terry September 2000-April 2001 Nudelsman, Susana Ester Professor, School o f Economics, U niversity o f Buenos A ires, Buenos Aires, Argentina Research: Saving in Latin Am erica and East Asia: The Eighties and the Nineties American, Department o f Economics, Washington, DC c/o Dr. Daniel Schydlowsky September 2000-December 2000 Resosudarmo, Budy Prasetyo Scientist, Agency fo r the Assessment and A pplication o f Technology, Jakarta, Indonesia Research: The Economy-Wide Im pact o f Energy P ricing in Indonesia: A Computable General E quilibrium Analysis Harvard, Department o f Economics, Cambridge, M A c/o Dr. Dale Jorgensen A p ril 2001-June 2001 Saether, E rik Doctoral Student, Health Economics Research Program, Ragner Frisch Center fo r Economic Research, U niversity o f Oslo, Oslo, Norway Research: Private/Public M ix in Healthcare Provision and Financing U niversity o f C alifom ia-berkeley, School o f Public Health, D ivision o f Health Policy and Management, Berkeley, C A c/o Dr. Ralph Catalano August 2000-August 2001 Shen, Chung-Hua Professor, Departm ent o f M oney and Banking, National Chengchi U niversity, Taipei, Taiwan Research: The Asym m etric E ffect o f M onetary Policy on Output When the Decision is Endogenous Federal Reserve Bank o f St. Louis, O ffice o f Research, St. Louis, M O c/o M r. Robert H. Rasche August 2000-February 2001 Slukhai, Sergii Associate Professor, Faculty o f Economics, K iev Shevchenko, K iev, Ukraine Research : Theoretic Substantiation o f the Fiscal Equalization System fo r Ukraine Indiana U nive rsity-b lo om in g ton, School o f Public and Environmental A ffairs, Bloomington, IN c/o Dr. Robert Kravchuk August A p ril 2001 Solodkov, Vasiliy Head, Banking Department, H igher School o f Economics, M in istry o f Economics, Moscow, Russian Federation Lecturing: International Finance and Economics R ollins College, Department o f Economics, W inter Park, FL c/o Dr. Charles P. Rock August 2000-June 2001 (Scholar-in-Residence Program ) Thabet, Abdulkarim Advisor fo r M onitoring and Evaluation, Innovation Development in the A g ricu ltu ra l Sector Project, German Agency for Technical Cooperation, Taiz, Yeman Research: Sustainability o f Donor Supplied Rural Development Projects (RDPs) in Yemen Ohio State U niversity-c olum bus, School o f Natural Resources, Columbus, OH c/o Dr. Mohan W ali A p ril 2000-January 2001 TYombetta, M aria Research Fellow, Department o f Economics, Bocconi, M ilan, Ita ly Research: Protected Areas, Conservation and Development: A Comparative Analysis Albany Law School o f Union U niversity, Government Law Center, Albany, N Y c/o Dr. Patricia E. Salkin Esq. June 2001-March

42 E c o n o mic s /E d u c a t io n Urmambetov, Baktybek Associate Professor, Kyrgyz-European Faculty, Integration Institute o f the International Education Program, Kyrgyz National State U niversity, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan Research: Microeconomics and Econometrics Indiana U niversity-b loom ington, Departm ent o f Economics, Bloomington, IN c/o Dr. M ichael V. Alexeev January 2001-July 2001 Zheng, Zhenlong Professor, Departm ent o f Finance and B anking, Xiamen, Fujian, China, People s R epublic o f Research: Early W arning System o f Financial Crisis o f C a lifo m ia -L o s Angeles, Anderson School o f Management, Department o f Finance, Los Angeles, CA c/o Dr. M ichael Brennan September 2000-July 2001 E d u c a t io n Akyeampong, A lb e rt Lecturer, Institute o f Education, U nive rsity o f Cape Coast, Cape Coast, Ghana Research: Q uality Assurance Mechanisms fo r Teacher C ertification and Effectiveness Georgia State U niversity, College o f Education, Atlanta, GA c/o Dr. Ronald Colarusso January 2001-O ctober 2001 Alybaeva, Guldana D. Vice Rector, International Relations O ffice, Osh Higher College, Osh, Kyrgyzstan Research: The Theory and Practice o f Management o f Education U niversity o f M innesota-tw in C ities, Center fo r A pplied Research and Educational Im provement, M inneapolis, M N c/o Dr. Karen Seashore Louis September 2000-February 2001 AsIanov,Afgan Head, Registration and Record O ffice, Khazar U niversity, Baku, Azerbaijan Research: Education Systems and the Development o f Inform ation Systems at the New U niversities o f Azerbaijan U niversity o f C alifo m ia -L o s Angeles, Graduate School o f Education and Inform ation Studies, Department o f Education, Los Angeles, CA c/o Dr. Val D. Rust September 2000-M arch 2001 Bazylevych, Roman Chair, Software Department, Lviv Polytechnic State, Lviv, Ukraine Research: Comparative Study o f U.S. and Ukrainian Higher Educational Systems: The Ways o f Improvement Harvard U niversity, U krainian Research Institute, Cambridge, M A c/o Dr. James Clem September 2000-May 2001 Belaw ati, Tian Head, Center fo r Indonesian Studies, Research Institute, Indonesian Open Learning, Jakarta, Indonesia Research: Decentralization Management Model fo r Distance Higher Education Florida Community College, Center, Distance Learning Consortium, Tallahassee, FL c/o Dr. Susie Henderson A p ril 2001-August 2001 C astro, Loreta N avarro Director, Center fo r Peace Education, M iriam College, Dilim an, Quezon City, Philippines Research: Developing a H o listic Teacher-Training Design and Training Manual fo r Peace Education Teachers College, Columbia, Peace Education Program, New Yoik, N Y c/o Dr. Betty Reardon September 2000-November 2000 Choo, Kyung-Nan Professor, Department o f Education, Sejong, Seoul, Korea Research: Toward the Development o f a New Education M odel o f Korean Junior Colleges Through the Comparative Study o f Junior Colleges and American Community Colleges U niversity o f C alifom ia-los Angeles, Department o f Education, Los Angeles, CA c/o Dr. A rthur M. Cohen September 2000-February 2001 Gafurova, Lola H. Leading Specialist, Department o f International A ffairs, U niversity o f W orld Economy and Diplomacy, Tashkent, Uzbekistan Research: Reforming Education Administration in the Republic o f Uzbekistan U niversity o f M innesota-twin Cities, The College o f Education and Human Development, Department o f Educational Policy and Administration, Minneapolis, M N c/o Dr. Darwin Hendel September 2000-May

43 E d u c a t io n Georgescu, Dakmara Senior Researcher, Curriculum Department, Institute fo r Educational Sciences, Bucharest, Romania Lecturing and Research: Theory and Practice o f Education fo r Democratic Citizenship in the U nited States: The Challenge o f R einforcing Democracy Through Education Teachers College, Columbia U niversity, Department o f International and Transcultural Studies, New York, N Y c/o Dr. G ita Steiner-Khamsi January 2001-September 2001 Groux, Dominique Professor, Department o f Education Sciences, Teacher Training Institute o f Versailles, Versailles, France Research: The Status o f and Research in Comparative Education at American U niversities U niversity o f C alifom ia-los Angeles, Graduate School o f Education and Inform ation Studies, Department o f Inform a tion Studies, Los Angeles, CA c/o Dr. Val D. Rust June 2000-September 2000 Hoang, Nguyen Phung Lecturer, Department o f Physics, College o f Education, U niversity o f Hue, Hue, Vietnam Research: Vietnamese Students in Academe Indiana U niversity-b loom ington, Department o f Education, Bloomington, IN c/o Dr. Sharon Pugh August 2000-M ay 2001 Iram,Yaacov Professor, School o f Education, B ar-ilan U niversity, Ramat- Gan, Israel Lecturing and Research: B ridging C ultural Boundaries: Education fo r M ulticulturalism, Coexistence and Peace Ohio State -Colum bus, Mershon Center, Columbus, OH c/o Dr. Chadwick F. Alger o f W isconsin-m ilwaukee, Department o f Educational P olicy and Community Studies, M ilwaukee, W I53208 c/o Dr. Ian M. Harris September 2000-March 2001 Kanu, Okpete Rosalyn Professor, Department o f Educational H istory, College o f Education, Abia State U niversity, Uturu, Abia State, N igeria Lecturing: Educational H istory Fort Valley State College, O ffice o f Academic A ffairs, Fort Valley, G A c/o Dr. Josephine D. Davis August 2000-June 2001 (Scholar-in-Residence Program ) K arteroliotis, Konstantinos Assistant Professor, Faculty o f Physical Education and Sport Science, U nive rsity o f Athens, Athens, Greece Research: School Partnerships to Influence the Development and Maintenance o f Healthy Environments fo r Elementary School Children Kansas State, Department o f Kinesiology, Manhattan, KS c/o Dr. David D zewaltowski August 2000-July 2001 Kaur,Abtar Lecturer, Departm ent o f Pedagogy and Psychology, Faculty o f Education, U nive rsity o f M alaya, Kuala Lumpur, M alaysia Research: Im plementation o f a Web-Based Constructivist Learning Environment in M alaysian Schools Indiana U nive rsity-b lo om in g ton, School o f Education, Department o f Instructional Systems Technology, Bloomington, IN c/o Dr. Charles M. Reigeluth October 2000-February 2001 Kennedy, Graeham David Malcolm D istrict Superintendent, New South Wales Department o f Education and Training, Campbelltown D istrict O ffice, Campbelltown, N ew South Wales, A ustralia Research: Vocational Education and Transition to Work U niversity o f C alifom ia-b erkeley, N ational Center for Research in Vocational Education, Berkeley, CA c/o Dr. David Stem F ebruary 2001-M a y 2001 Kreso,Adila Associate Professor, Department o f Education, Faculty o f Philosophy, U nive rsity o f Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Research: Schooling, C urricula and Teaching in Diverse (M u lticu ltu ra l and M ultie th n ic) Society U niversity o f Dayton, School o f Education and A llied Professions, Department o f Educational Administration, Dayton, OH c/o Dr. Charles J. Russo October 2000-A pril 2001 Madale, Nagasura Timan Professor, Departm ent o f H istory, College o f Social Sciences and Humanities, M indanao State U niversity-m arawi City, M arawi City, Philippines Lecturing and Research: Peace Education and Peace Studies U niversity o f N ebraska-lincoln, Teachers College, Center for Curriculum and Instruction, Lincoln, N E c/o Dr. Jeffrey A. M illig a n May 2000-September

44 E d u c a t io n Mazibuko, Edmund Lecturer and Head, Department o f C urriculum and Teaching, Faculty o f Education, U niversity o f Swaziland, Kwaluseni, Swaziland Research: Developments in the Teaching o f H istory and Social Studies Rutgers, The State U niversity o f New Jersey-New Brunswick, Graduate School o f Education, Social Studies Education Program, Department o f Educational Theory, Policy, and A dm inistration, New Brunswick, NJ c/o Dr. Kenneth Carlson and Dr. James B liss August 2000-January 2001 M elikidze, V alerian Associate Professor, Department o f Human Geography, Tbilisi State U niversity, T b ilis i, Georgia Research: Education and Labor M arket in Transitional Economies: A Case Study o f Georgian H igher Education Boston, School o f Education, Departm ent o f Administration, Training, and Police Studies, Boston, M A c/o Dr. Charles L. Glenn August 2000-M ay 2001 Mifsud, Carmelo Head, Department o f A rts and Languages in Education, Faculty o f Education, U niversity o f M alta, M sida, M alta Research: A Comparative Study o f International Literacy Trends and Developments o f Pennsylvania, International L iteracy Institute, Philadelphia, PA c/o Dr. Mohamed M aamouri July 2000-August 2000 Moisseeva, M arina Senior Researcher, Institute o f Secondary Education, Laboratory o f Distance Education, Russian Academy o f Education, Moscow, Russian Federation Research: Training Course fo r Coordinators o f Distance Education Stanford U niversity, Stanford Learning Laboratory, Stanford, CA c/o Dr. Larry Leifer September 2000-M arch 2001 Moosa, Samira Director, Educational Research Center, C ollege o f Education, Sultan Qaboos U niversity, Muscat, Oman Research: Dimensions o f C hild-r earing Practices, Educational Beliefs and Parent Involvement in the Schools: Comparing First and Second Generation Arab M others Livin g in the United States Eastern M ichigan, Department o f Psychology, Ypsilanti,M I48197 c/o Dr. Stuart A. Karabenick August 2000-M ay 2001 Mwamwenda, Thntufye S. Professor and Executive Assistant, O ffice o f the Vice Chancellor, U niversity oftranskei, Umtata, South A frica Lecturing: Educational Psychology: An African Perspective Audrey Cohen College, School fo r Human Services, New Yoric, N Y c/o Dr. Grace Roosevelt J anuary August 2001 (Scholar-in-Residence Program ) Naoumova, Irina Docent and Head, Department o f Management, College o f Economics and Management, Kazan State, Kazan, Russian Federation Research: Distance Education in Organizational Behavior George Washington U niversity, School o f Business and Public Management, Research Program in Social and Organizational Learning, Washington, DC c/o Dr. Stuart A. Umpleby October 2000-June 2001 Nguyen, Thi Hong Thuy Lecturer, Faculty o f Management Science, National Economics, Hanoi, Vietnam Research: Economics and Business Training in Am erican U niversities U niversity o f Houston-Clear Lake, School o f Business, Houston, T X c/o Dr. Van Tran September 2000-June 2001 Nur, Agustiar Syah Senior Lecturer, Graduate School, Faculty o f Languages, State U niversity o f Padang, Padang, Indonesia Research: Discovering W orld Countries Educational Systems and Dominant C riteria Patterns C atholic U niversity o f Am erica, Department o f Education, Washington, DC c/o Dr. Sarah M. Pickert June 2000-December

45 E d u c a t io n Onocha, Charles Professor, Institute o f Education, U niversity o f Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria Research: Higher Education Project C ornell U niversity, Africana Studies and Research Center, Ithaca, N Y c/o Dr. N d ri Assie-Lumumba October 2000-March 2001 P arkatti, H eikki Principal, Teacher Training School, U niversity o f Jyvaskyla, Jyvaskyla, Finland Lecturing and Research: Education Reform in the United States and Finland V irginia Commonwealth U niversity, School o f Education, D ivision o f Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, Richmond, VA c/o Dr. Richard C. Gayle Center fo r Advanced Research and Technology, Clovis, CA c/o Dr. Patrick White August 2000-February 2001 Prista e Silva, Antonio Manuel Machado* Assistant Professor, Faculty o f Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Pedagogical U niversity, Maputo, Mozambique Research: Growth, Health and M otor Development o f Mozambiquan Children George Washington, School o f Public Health and Health Services, Exercise Science Programs, Department o f Prevention and Community Health, Washington, DC c/o Dr. Wayne M ille r Syracuse, School o f Education, Exercise Science Department, Syracuse, N Y c/o Dr. Bo Fenhell September 2000-December 2000 Shandar, Elena Associate Professor, Department o f the English Language, Yanka Kupala State U niversity o f Grodno, Grodno, Belarus Research: A New Intercultural Perspective to Improve Education Management at Regional Universities o f Belarus U niversity o f M innesota-twin C ities, College o f Education and Human Development, Department o f Educational Policy and Administration, M inneapolis, M N c/o Dr. Josef A. Mestenhauser August 2000-December 2001 Shaton, Galina Vice President, Envila Non-State Women s Institute, M insk, Belarus Research: Internationalization o f Higher Education Management in Belarus as a Key Factor o f Its Development New York U niversity, School o f Education, M ultinational Institute o f Am erican Studies, New York, N Y c/o Dr. P h ilip M. Hosay January 2001-M a y 2001 Shrim ali, S hridhar Director, Academic S ta ff College, U niversity o f Mumbai, Mumbai, India Research: Educational A dm inistration Fairleigh D ickinson -Teaneck-Hackensack, Teaneck,NJ c/o Dr. M ichael Adams August 2000-February 2001 Somerkoski, B rita Teacher, Ihala School, Raisio, Finland Lecturing and Research: Am erican Fire Prevention and Safety Programs: M odel fo r Finland The Saint Paul Departm ent o f Fire and Safety Services, St. Paul, M N c/o M r. Tim Fuller Federal Emergency Management Agency, Department o f Preparedness, Training, and Exercise, Washington, DC c/o Ms. C lair B long A p ril 2000-October 2000 Strand, T o rill Research Fellow, Institute fo r Educational Research, o f Oslo, Oslo, Norway Research: The Epistem ology o f Early C hildhood Education U niversity o f C alifom ia-b erkeley, Haas School o f Business, Department o f Sociology, Berkeley, CA c/o Dr. Trond Petersen August 2000-August 2001 Teran, M aria Yolanda National Coordinator, Department o f Education, National Council o f Indigenous Women, Q uito, Ecuador Lecturing: The Development o f C ultural Awareness Sisseton Wahpeton Community College, O ffice o f Instruction, Sisseton, SD c/o Dr. Harvey DuM arce August 2000-June 2001 (Scholar-in-Residence Program ) Tiittanan,R aija Teacher, The Deacon Institute o f H igher Education, Pieksamaki, Finland Lecturing and Research: Developing N ursing Education Indiana State U niversity, School o f N ursing, Terre Haute, IN c/o Dr. Bonnie L. Saucier August 2000-December

46 E d u c a t io n /E n g in e e r in g Yemenici,Alev Assistant Professor, Department o f Foreign Language Education, Faculty o f Education, M iddle East Technical, Ankara, Turkey Research: A New Perspective: M ultiple Intelligences in the English as a Foreign Language Classroom ofcalifomia-riverside, Extension, Department o f Education Extension, Riverside, CA c/o Dr. Sue Teele July 2000-November 2000 Yuan, G uilin Professor and Vice Director, The National Experimental Center for Elementary Education, Changchun, Jilin Province, China, People s Republic o f Research: Postmodernism Educational Philosophy Louisiana State and Agricultural and Mechanical College, School o f Education, Baton Rouge, L A c/o Dr. William F. Pinar September 2000-June 2001 En g in e e r in g Akel, A fif Associate Professor, Department o f Mechanical Engineering, Birzeit, Birzeit, West Bank Research: Heat Transfer Enhancement Through PCM and Polymeric Solutions o f Florida, College o f Engineering, Solar Energy and Energy Conversion Laboratory, Gainesville, FL c/o Dr. Yogi Goswami September 2000-June 2001 Awrejcewicz, Jan Professor and Head, Department o f Automatics and Biomechanics, Faculty o f Mechanical Engineering, Technical o f Lodz, Lodz, Poland Research: Bifurcation and Chaos Control: Analytical and Numerical Investigations o f Califomia-Berkeley, Department o f Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Berkeley, CA c/o Dr. Leon O. Chua Januaiy 2001-October 2001 Barry, Michael Noel Lecturer, Department o f Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Cork Institute o f Technology, Bishopstown, Cork, Ireland Lecturing: Power Electronic Systems: Control and Simulation o f South Carolina, Swearingen Engineering Center, Department o f Electrical and Computer Engineering, Columbia, SC c/o Dr. Jerry L. Hudgins J anuary 2001-September 2001 B ialecki, Ryszard Professor, Institute o f Thermal Technology, Silesian Technical, Gliwice, Poland Research: Solving Conjugate Heat Radiation and Convection Problems o f Central Florida, College o f Engineering, Department o f Mechanical, Material, and Aerospace Engineering, Orlando, FL c/o Dr. Alain Kassab October 2000-July 2001 B isztray-b alku, Sandor Associate Professor, Faculty o f Mechanical Engineering, Institute o f Machine Design, Technical o f Budapest, Budapest, Hungary Lecturing: Advanced Machine Design: Triboligy, Bearings and Guideways ofnebraska-lincoln, Department o f Mechanical Engineering, Lincoln, NE c/o Dr. David Y. Lou January 2001-June 2001 B ocianoski Rebelo, Irla Researcher, Department o f Production and Systems Engineering, Virtual Reality Laboratory, Federal o f Santa Catarina, Florianopolis, Brazil Research: Virtual Reality Interface Environment Platform to Teleoperate Engineering and Sciences Experimentation Massachusetts Institute o f Technology, Center for Advanced Educational Services, Hypermedia Training Facility, Cambridge, MA c/o Dr. Nishikant Sonwalkar August 2000-August 2001 Bom pard, Ettore Francesco Assistant Professor, Department o f Electrical Engineering, Polytechnic o f Torino, Turin, Italy Research: Assessment and Analysis o f Congestion Management in Competitive Electricity Markets o f Illinois, Power and Energy Systems Area, Department o f Electrical and Computer Engineering, Urbana,IL c/o Dr. George Gross January 2001-October 2001 Bozic, M ilo ra d Associate Professor, Faculty o f Electrical Engineering, o f Banja Luka, Banja Luka, Bosnia Herzegovina Research: Neural Networks in Identification and Adaptive Control 45

47 E n g in e e r in g U niversity o f C alifom ia-d avis, Department o f Electrical and Computer Engineering, Davis, CA c/o Dr. A. N azli Gundes September 2000-April 2001 B ria, Oscar N orberto Assistant Professor, School o f Computer Science, National U niversity o f La Plata, La Plata, Argentina Research: Electroencephalogram/Magnetoencephalogram Propagating Dipole Source Estimation U niversity o f Illinois-C hicago, Department o f Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Chicago, IL c/o Dr. A rye Nehorai January A p ril 2001 Dias, W ira n jith Associate Professor, Department o f C iv il Engineering, U niversity o f Moratuwa, M oratuwa, Sri Lanka Research: Constructing a Philosophy o f Engineering Carnegie M ellon, Institute fo r Complex Engineered Systems, Department o f C ivil and Environmental Engineering, Pittsburgh, PA c/o Dr. Susan Finger August 2000-M ay 2001 Dragulanescu, Nicolae Associate Professor, Faculty o f Electronics and Telecommunications, Polytechnics, Bucharest, Romania Research: U.S. Inform ation Society as a M odel fo r Social, Economic and P olitical Changes in Romania U niversity o f Pittsburgh, School o f Inform ation Sciences, Department o f Inform ation Science and Telecommunications, Pittsburgh, PA c/o Dr. Anthony Debons September 2000-May 2001 Fat-Helbary, Raafat Researcher, Department o f Seismology, Aswan Seismological Center, Aswan, Egypt Research: Assessment and M itigation o f Seismic Hazard in the Tushka Area o f South Eygpt Columbia U niversity, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Department o f Seismology, Geology, and Tectonophysics, Palisades, N Y c/o Dr. A rt Lemer-Lam June 2000-March 2001 Karim,Abid Associate Professor, Department o f Electronic Engineering, Sir Syed U niversity o f Engineering and Technology, Karachi, Pakistan Research: S pectrally Pure, 2-5 M icron Wavelength Laser Diodes U niversity o f Iowa, Department o f Electrical and Computer Engineering, Iow a C ity, IA c/o Dr. W inston Chan October 2000-July 2001 Kassem, M agdy Associate Professor, Department o f M etallurgical Engineering, Faculty o f Petroleum and M ining Engineering, Suez Canal U niversity, Suez, Egypt Research: The A p p lica tio n o f the P ettifor Structure Maps to the Refractory M etals T ri-a lum inides North Carolina State U niversity, College o f Engineering, Department o f M aterials Science and Engineering, Raleigh, NC c/o Dr. Carl C. Koch October 2000-M arch 2001 Kramm er, G ernot Professor, Departm ent o f Chemical Apparatus Design, Particle Technology, and Combustion, U niversity o f Technology, Graz, Austria Lecturing and Research: Chemical Reaction Engineering: Formation o f Carbon Nanostructures Brown U niversity, D ivisio n o f Engineering, Department o f Graduate Studies, Providence, R I02912 c/o Dr. Robert H urt March 2001-July 2001 Kuzm anic, Nenad Assistant Professor, Department o f Chemical Engineering, Faculty o f Chemical Technology, U niversity o f Split, Split, Croatia Research: M ixin g in M ultiphase Reactors U niversity o f M isso u ri-r o lla, Department o f Chemical Engineering, R olla, M O c/o Dr. Gary K. Patterson October 2000-July 2001 L in, Liang-Tay Associate Professor, Department o f T ra ffic, Transportation Engineering, and Management, Feng Chia, Taichung, Taiwan Research: Integrated Design o f the Tim ing Plan o f a Computerized T ra ffic Signal System in an In te llig e n t Transportation System Massachusetts In stitu te o f Technology, Department o f C ivil and Environm ental Engineering, In te llige nt Transportation Systems Programs, Cambridge, M A c/o Dr. Moshe E. B en-a kiva June 2000-January

48 E n g in e e r in g Mahmoud, M. Hesham Researcher, Department o f E xtractive M etallurgy, Central M etallurgical Research and Development In stitu te, Helwan, Egypt Research: Recovery o f Platinum Group M etals from Secondary Resources o f M ontana-m issoula, Department o f M etallurgical Engineering, M issoula, M T c/o Dr. Courtney Young January 2001-June 2001 Nigim, Khaled Director, Project Management O ffice, Palestinian Economic Council for Development and Reconstruction, E l Rim al, Gaza Strip Research: Energy and Power Q u ality Management Through the Development o f an E nergy-e fficient A ir C onditioner Power Supply Regulator Arizona State U niversity, College o f Engineering and A pplied Sciences, Department o f E lectrical Engineering, Tempe, A Z c/o Dr. Gerald Heydt September 2000-June 2001 Petrinovic, Davor Research Assistant, D ivisio n o f E lectronic Systems and Information Processing, Faculty o f E le ctrica l Engineering and Computing, Zagreb, Croatia Research: E fficie nt Speech C oding A lg orithm s Based on Interframe Coding o f C alifom ia-santa Barbara, School o f Engineering, Department o f E le ctrica l and Computer Engineering, Santa Barbara, CA c/o Dr. Allen Gersho August 2000-January 2001 Pinto Da Luz, Rodolfo Coordinator, Department o f Production and Systems Engineering, V irtual R eality Laboratory, Federal U n ive rsity o f Santa Catarina, Florianopolis, B razil Research: Design and Development o f a G eneric Software Environment to Tele-Operated Experiments into Engineering and Sciences Massachusetts Institute o f Technology, Center o f Advanced Studies, Hypermedia Teaching F acility, Cambridge, M A c/o Dr. Nishikant Sonwalker April 2000-April 2001 Quintero, M argarito Nunez Researcher, Institute o f Engineering, Autonomous U niversity o f Baja California, M exicali, Baja California, M exico Research: Sustainable A ir Q uality in the Imperial Valley- M exicali Region: A Community Outreach Program San Diego State, C alifornia Center for Border and Regional Economic Studies, San Diego, CA c/o Dr. Kim berly Collins September 2000-January 2001 Raupenstrauch, H arald Professor, Department o f Apparatus Design, Particle Technology, and Combustion, o f Technology, Graz, A u stria Lecturing and Research: Integration o f an Advanced Particle M odel into a Fixed-Bed Reactor Model Rutgers, The State o f New Jersey-Piscataway, Department o f Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Piscataway, NJ c/o Dr. Johannes G. Khinast September 2000-November 2000 R udenja, Sergei Researcher, Department o f M aterials Technology, Technical U niversity, Tallinn, Estonia Lecturing and Research: Electrochemical and Biocompatible A pplications o f Hard Coatings U niversity o f Illinois-Urbana-Champaign, Center for M i croanalysis o f Materials, Urbana, IL c/o Dr. Joseph E. Greene September 2000-July 2001 S charle, Peter Professor, Department o f C iv il and M unicipal Engineering, Szechenyi Istvan College, Gyor, Hungary Lecturing and Research: Public Private Partnership in Transport Infrastructure Development as a Social Game V irg in ia Polytechnic Institute and State, Center for Transportation Research, Blacksburg, VA c/o Dr. Ray D. Pethtel September 2000-January 2001 S elih, Jana Head, Department o f M aterials, Laboratory for Concrete, Slovenian National B uilding and C ivil Engineering Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia Lecturing and Research: M odeling o f High-Strength Concrete Subjected to Triaxial Loading U niversity o f Colorado-Boulder, Department o f C ivil, Environm ental, and Architectural Engineering, Boulder, CO c/o Dr. Pui-Shum Benson Shing February 2001-Ju ly

49 E n g in e e r in g /E n v ir o n me n t a l Sc ie n c e s Silva Filho, Donato Doctoral Student, Department o f Electrical Engineering, Engineering School o f Sao Carlos, U niversity o f Sao Paulo, Sao Carlos, Brazil Research: A New Approach to the Dimensioning o f Hydroelectric Power Plants: Analysis o f How the Adoption o f D ifferent Operation Policies fo r the Reservoirs Can Influence the Optimal Size o f a Plant Cornell, School o f C iv il and Environmental Engineering, Ithaca, N Y c/o Dr. Daniel P. Loucks August 2000-February 2001 Tepper, Tamar Ph.D. Student, Department o f M aterials Engineering, Technion-Israel Institute o f Technology, Haira, Israel Research: Fabrication and Characterization o f M agnetic T hin Films Massachusetts Institute o f Technology, Department o f Materials Science and Engineering, Cambridge, M A c/o Ms. Caroline Ross January 2001-January 2002 E n v ir o n me n t a l Sc ie n c e s Alimbekova, Bibigul I. Deputy Program Director, Project Hope, National Tuberculosis Center, Alm aty, Kazakhstan Research: Sanitary-Epidemiological System: Reforming and Bridging the System w ith Environmental Health Emory, Rollins School o f Public Health, Department o f International Health, Atlanta, GA c/o Dr. Christine Moe September 2000-May 2001 Alves, Humberto Prates Doctoral Student, Department o f Sociology, U niversity o f Campinas, Campinas, Sao Paulo, B razil Research: A Spatial Analysis o f the Inter-Relations Between Socio-Demographic Changes and the Trajectories o f Land Use/Cover in Ribeiro Valley, B razil Indiana U niversity-bloom ington, Department o f Anthropology, Bloomington, IN c/o Dr. Eduardo S. Brondizio August 2000-August 2001 Anissimova, Lioudmila Senior Scientist, Skryabin Institute o f Biochemistry and Physiology o f Microorganisms, Russian Academy o f Sciences, Moscow Region, Russian Federation Research: M olecular Genetic Analysis o f Determinants o f Tellurite and Chromate Resistance in Gram-Negative Bacteria o f Illinois-C hicago, College o f Medicine, Department o f M icro b io lo g y and Immunology, Chicago, IL60612 c/o Dr. Simon D. S ilver September 2000-M ay 2001 Chirchova, Lioudm ila Senior Scientist, Institute o f Basic B iological Problems, Russian Academy o f Sciences, Pushchino, Russian Federation Research: Heavy M etal Binding by S oil Humic Acids: Approaches to the Development o f Humic Technology fo r R ehabilitation o f Polluted Soils Northeastern U niversity, Barnett Institute o f Chemical Analysis and M aterials Science, Boston, M A c/o Dr. G eoffrey Davies September 2000-M ay 2001 Clough, Tim othy John Research Scientist, Center fo r Soil and Environmental Quality, Lincoln U niversity, Canterbury, New Zealand Research: The Movem ent and Fate o f a Greenhouse Gas (Nitrous Oxide) in the Subsoil U niversity o f C alifo m ia -D avis, Department o f Land, Air, and Water Resources, Davis, CA c/o Dr. Dennis E. Rolston August 2000-December 2000 Conides, Alexis Researcher, Departm ent o f Agriculture, Institute o f Marine B iological Resources, National Center fo r M arine Research, Athens, Greece Research: Incorporating Coastal Zone Management into Bio- Economic A nalysis o f the Prawn A rtisanal Fisheries in Western Greece U niversity o f M aryland-c ollege Park, Department o f A griculture and Resource Economics, College Park, MD c/o Dr. Ivar E. Strand Jr. October 2000-January 2001 De Jesus kiojas, Javier D irector, Department o f Social Sciences and Humanities, Iberoamerican U niversity, Puebla, M exico Lecturing: Development, Environmental C risis and Education fo r Sustainability U niversity o f San Francisco, College o f A rts and Sciences, San Francisco, C A c/o Dr. Jerardo M arin August 2000-June 2001 (Scholar-in-Residence Program ) 48

50 E n v ir o n m e n t a l Sc ie n c e s D im itrieva, G alina Associate Professor, Department o f General Ecology, Far Eastern State U niversity, Vladivostok, Russian Federation Research: Isolation and Characterization o f a B iostim ulatory Protein Produced by an E piphytic Bacterium o f the Pseudoalteromonada Group U niversity o f Idaho, Environm ental B iotechnology Institute, Moscow, ID c/o Dr. R.L. Crawford August 2000-A pril 2001 Hamad, Ibtissam* Professor, Department o f M icrobiology and Plant Biology, Faculty o f Science, U niversity o f Damascus, Damascus, Syria Research: Bioremediation and Phytoremediation o f Polluted Soils and Waters Pennsylvania State U niversity-u niversity Park, Department o f Soil Biochemistry, U niversity Park, PA c/o Dr. Jean-Marc Bollag March 2001-June 2001 Dragoi, M arian Lecturer, Faculty o f Forestry, U niversity o f Suceava, Suceava, Romania Research: Developing Market-Oriented Economic Instruments fo r Sustainable Forest Management N orth Carolina State U niversity, College o f Forest Resources, Department o f Forestry, Raleigh, NC c/o Dr. Joseph P. Roise August 2000-January 2001 Ernsteins, Raim onds Associate Professor, Center fo r Environmental Science and Management Studies, U niversity o f Latvia, Riga, Latvia Research: Theory and Practice fo r Sustainable Development Education Sonoma State U niversity, Department o f Environmental Studies and Planning, Rohnert Park, CA c/o Dr. W.J. Rohwedder January 2001-Ju ly 2001 Fares, F arouk* Professor, Departm ent o f S oil Science and Land Reclamation, Faculty o f A g ricu lture, Damascus U niversity, Damascus, Syria Research: The Environm ental Impacts o f Reuse o f Treated Urban Wastewater fo r Irrig a tio n on S oil Q u ality Pennsylvania State U n ive rsity-u n ive rsity Park, Department o f Biochemistry, U niversity Park, PA c/o Dr. Jean-Marc B ollag March 2001-June 2001 Gebre-M ariam, Zinabu President, Southern, Awassa, E thiopia Research: Preparation o f Book Chapters on Ethiopian R ift- Valley Lakes o f Florida, Department o f Zoology, G ainesville, FL c/o Dr. Lauren Chapman September 2000-December 2000 Hassellov, M artin Postdoctoral Researcher, Department o f Analytical and M arine Chemistry, Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden Research: Colloid-M ediated Transport o f Trace Elements in Groundwater Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Department o f M arine Chemistry and Geochemistry, Woods Hole, M A c/o Dr. Ken O. Buesseler Massachusetts Institute o f Technology, Department o f Nuclear Engineering, Cambridge, M A c/o Dr. Kenneth Czerwinski January 2001-January 2002 H uba,m ikulas Senior Research Worker, Institute o f Geography, Slovak Academy o f Sciences, Bratislava, Slovak Republic Research: Sustainability: A Comparison o f Approaches in the U nited States and the Slovak Republic College o f the A tlantic, O ffice o f Academic A ffairs, Bar Harbor, ME c/o Dr. Richard Borden September 2000-December 2000 Khan, Ik h tia r Associate Professor, Department o f Chemistry, U niversity o f Peshawar, Peshawar, Pakistan Research: Investigations on Organic Carbon Content o f Atmospheric Aerosol U niversity o f C alifo m ia -Irvine, Department o f Community and Environmental M edicine, Irvine, CA c/o Dr. M ichael T. Kleinman September 2000-June 2001 Kocasoy,Gunay Professor, Institute o f Environmental Sciences, Bogazici U niversity, Bebek, Istanbul, Turkey Research: Environmental Education fo r the Promotion o f Cultural Understanding 49

51 E n v ir o n me n t a l Sc ien c es Affiliation to be determined. c/o Megan Kennedy, CIES May August 2001 (Aegean Initiative Program) Koukouroudza, Marine Assistant Professor, Department o f Physical Geography, Lviv National, Lviv, Ukraine Research: Economic Aspects o f Management as an Indispensable Condition for Effective and Sustainable Nature Protection in Ukrainian National Parks SUNY-College o f Environmental Science and Forestry, Faculty o f Forestry, Syracuse, NY c/o Dr. Miklos A.J. Gratzer September 2000-March 2001 Kraouzova, Valentina Researcher, Laboratory o f Gene Systematics o f Microorganisms, Institute o f Biochemistry and Physiology o f Microorganisms, Russian Academy o f Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation Research: Microbial Degradation o f Halomethanes for Environmental Bioremediation o f Maryland, Biotechnology Institute, Center o f Marine Biotechnology, Baltimore, MD c/o Dr. Frank T. Robb August 2000-April 2001 Levenko, Boris Head, Department of Genetic Engineering, Institute o f Plant Physiology and Genetics, National Academy o f Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine Research: Production o f Transgenic Plants that Are Resistant to Pathogens Cornell, New York State Agricultural Experiment Station, Department of Horticultural Sciences, Geneva, NY c/o Dr. Bruce I. Reisch October 2000-June 2001 Marouli, Christina Lecturer, Department of Primary School Education, of the Aegean, Rhodes, Greece Research: Environmental Education for the Promotion of Cross-Cultural Understanding Ohio State -Columbus, College o f Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, School of Natural Resources, Columbus, OH c/o Dr. Rosanne W. Fortner Second Nature, Boston, M A c/o Mr. Anthony Cortese June 2001-September 2001 (Aegean In itiative Program) Masque Barri, Pere Teaching Assistant, Department o f Physics, Faculty o f Sciences, Autonomous o f Barcelona, Bellaterra, Spain Research: Natural and Artificial Radionuclides as Tracers o f Particle Transfer Processes in the Arctic Ocean SUNY-Stony Brook, Marine Sciences Research Center, Stony Brook, NY c/o Dr. J. Kirk Cochran September 2000-August 2001 Meniailo, Oleg Researcher, Department o f Soil Microbiology, Institute o f Forestry-Siberian Branch, Russian Academy o f Sciences, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation Research: The Fluxes and Stable Isotopic Composition of N2O Emitted from the Siberian Forest Soils in Response to Global Change Northern Arizona, Department o f Biological Sciences, Flagstaff, AZ c/o Dr. Bruce A. Hungate September 2000-May 2001 Micheli, Erika Associate Professor, Department o f Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Godollo o f Agriculture, Godollo, Hungary Lecturing: Soil Science and Global Soil Geography Purdue, Department o f Agronomy, Crop Soil, and Environmental Science, West Lafayette, IN c/o Dr. William W. McFee August 2000-January 2001 Ng, Felix Junior Research Fellow, Mathematical Institute, Oxford, United Kingdom Research: Modeling the Global Properties o f Subglacial Water Drainage o f Washington, Quaternary Research Center, Seattle, WA c/o Dr. Bernard Hallet January 2001-January 2002 Pijanowska, Joanna Associate Professor, Department o f Hydrobiology, o f Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland Research: Molecular Basis o f Phenotypic Response in Daphnia: Bridging the Gap Between Ecology and Genetics 50

52 E n v ir o n me n t a l Sc ien c es /G eo g r aph y M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Texas Medical Center, Department o f Molecular Genetics, Houston, TX c/o Dr. Laurence D. Etkin March 2001-August 2001 Pivoriunas, Danielius Senior Scientist, Department o f Landscape Ecology, Institute o f Botany, Vilnius, Lithuania Research: Lithuanian Soil Classification Development Using U.S. Soil Taxonomy U.S. Department o f Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, World Soils Resources, Washington, DC c/o Dr. Hari Eswaran September 2000-July 2001 Pujol I. Sagaro, Antoni Assistant Professor, Department o f Physics, o f Girona-Montilivi, Girona, Catalonia, Spain Research: Detection o f Faint Signals in the Climate System Texas A & M, Department o f Meteorology, College Station, TX c/o Dr. Gerald R. North June 2000-June 2001 Ramjeawon, Toolseeram Head, Department o f C ivil Engineering, Faculty o f Engineering, o f Mauritius, Reduit, Mauritius Research: Online Automatic Control System for Monitoring High-Rate Anaerobic Reactors Subject to Organic Overloads Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State, Department o f Biological Systems Engineering, Blacksburg, VA c/o Dr. Theo Dillaha February 2001-May 2001 Schauberger, Gunther Associate Professor, Institute o f Medical Physics and Biostatistics, o f Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, Austria Research: Improvement o f an Odor Dispersion Model to Calculate the Separation Distance Between Livestock Units and Residential Areas Purdue, Department o f Agricultural and Biological Engineering, West Lafayette, IN c/o Dr. Albert J. Heber August 2001-November 2001 Sifakis, Nicolaos Senior Scientist, Institute for Space Applications and Remote Sensing, National Observatory o f Athens, Athens, Greece Research: The SAPPHIRE Project: Utilization o f Satellite Data to Produce an Air-Pollution Haze and Inherent Health-Risk Atlas NASA Office o f Earth Science. Division of Applications, Commercialization, and Education. Washington, DC c/o Dr. Nancy G. Maynard August 2000-November 2000 G e o g r a p h y Awumbila, Mariama Lecturer, Department o f Geography and Resource Development, o f Ghana, Legon. Ghana Research: Social and Household Dynamics Affecting Young Child Feeding in Northern Ghana Harvard, School o f Public Health, Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies, Cambridge, MA c/o Dr. Allan Hill January October 2001 Chan, Ngai Weng Associate Professor, School o f Humanities, Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia Lecturing and Research: Management of Flood Hazards in the United States: Causes and Solutions o f Memphis, Department of Geography and Planning, Memphis, TN c/o Dr. Hsiang-te Kung August 2000-February 2001 Markova, Anastassia Senior Scientific Researcher, Department of Biogeography, Institute o f Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation Research: Principal Features o f Mammal Zoogeography in Eastern Europe and North America During the Late Pleistocene-Holocene Period o f Iowa, Department o f Geoscience, Iowa City, IA c/o Dr. Holmes A. Semken Jr. January June 2001 Solomina, Olga Senior Researcher, Department of Glaciology, Institute o f Geography, Russian Academy o f Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation Research: Retreat o f Mountain Glaciers of Northern Eurasia Since the Little Ice Age Maximum o f Colorado-Boulder, National Snow and Ice Data Center, World Data Center for Glaciology, Boulder, CO c/o Dr. Roger G. Barry August 2000-April

53 Geo g r aph y /G e o l o g y Yeoh, Brenda Saw Ai Associate Professor, Department o f Geography, Faculty o f Arts and Social Sciences, National of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore Research: Transnational Flows, Gender Relations and Globalizing Cities o f California-Berkeley, Department o f Geography, Berkeley, CA c/o Dr. Richard Walker April 2000-July 2000 G e o l o g y Al-Zoubi, Abdallah Head, Department o f Geology, Natural Resources Authority, Amman, Jordan Research: Crustal Structure and Tectonism o f the Dead Sea Rift Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Department o f Geology and Geophysics, Woods Hole, MA c/o Dr. Uri Ten Brink September 2000-June 2001 Bayerly, Mazhar Head, Department o f Geology, Faculty of Sciences, Tishreen, Lattakia, Syria Research: Global Positioning System Techniques for Measurements o f Fault Slip Rates and Regional Deformation Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Earth Resources Laboratory, Cambridge, M A c/o Dr. Robert Reilinger February 2001-July 2001 Ciulavu, Daniel Lecturer, Faculty o f Geology and Geophysics, Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania Research: Transition to Intracontinental Tectonics in the Final Stage o f Collision o f Texas-Dallas, Department of Geosciences, Richardson, TX c/o Dr. Robert J. Stem October 2000-December 2000 D Agostino, Nicola Research Associate, Department o f Geology, o f Rome, Rome, Italy Research: Global Positioning System Estimates o f Tectonic Strain in Central Italy California Institute of Technology, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Satellite Geodesy and Geodynamics Group, Pasadena, CA c/o Dr. Donald F. Argus September 2000-February 2001 Duguay, Claude Rene Professor, Department o f Geography, Laval, Sainte-Foy, Quebec, Canada Research: The Role o f Shallow Tundra Lakes in Land- Atmosphere Interactions and Feedbacks: Implications for Climate Change and Variability in Arctic Canada and the United States o f Alaska-Fairbanks, Geophysical Institute and International Arctic Research Center, Fairbanks, AK c/o Dr. Martin O. Jeffries June 2000-December 2000 Gonzalez-Bonorino, Gustavo Researcher, School o f Geology, National o f Salta, Salta, Argentina Research: The Use o f Soil-Loss Prediction Technology to Evaluate Sediment Yield from Burned and Unburned Forests and Shrublands U.S. Geological Survey, Desert Laboratory, U.S. Department o f the Interior, Tucson, AZ c/o Dr. Waite R. Osterkamp February M ay 2001 Goussev, Evgueni Head, Soil Water Physics Laboratory, Institute o f Water Problems, Russian Academy o f Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation Research: Effects o f Conservation Tillage on Soil Quality and Water Availability in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas U.S. Department o f Agriculture, George E. Brown Jr. Salinity Laboratory, Riverside, CA c/o Dr. Rien van Genuchten November 2000-June 2001 Kovda, Irina Research Scientist, Soil Geography and Evolution Laboratory, Institute o f Geography, Russian Academy o f Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation Research: Environmental Reconstruction o f Vertisols Using Microfabric, Submicroscopy and Stable Isotope Analysis Texas A & M, School o f Agriculture and Life Sciences, Department o f Soil and Crop Sciences, College Station, TX c/o Dr. Larry P. W ilding o f Tennessee-Knoxville, Department o f Geological Sciences, College o f Arts and Sciences, Knoxville, TN c/o Dr. Steven G. Driese November 2000-July

54 H is t o r y (n o n -U.S.) Alavi, Seema Associate Professor, Department of History, Jamia M illia, New Delhi, India Lecturing: Aspects of South Asian History o f Texas-El Paso, Department o f History, El Paso, TX c/o Dr. Samuel Brunk August 2000-May 2001 (Scholar-in-Residence Program) Casu, Igor Professor. Department o f History. Moldova State, Chisinau. Moldova Lecturing: The Balkans in the 20th Century Lenoir-Rhyne College. Department of English. Hickory. NC c/o Dr. Rand Brandes August 2000-December 2000 (Scholar-in-Residence Program) Baida, Jamaa Professor, Department o f History, Faculty o f Letters and Human Sciences, Rabat, Morocco Research: Moroccan Political Parties and Jewish Emigration Harvard, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Department o f Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, Cambridge, M A c/o Dr. Susan G. M iller July 2000-October 2000 Bjerg, M aria Monica Adjunct Professor, Department o f Social Sciences, National o f Quilmes, Buenos Aires, Argentina Research: European Immigrants Political Participation in the Argentine Pampa and the American Midwest, o f California-Berkeley, Department o f History, Berkeley, CA c/o Dr. Jon Gjerde January A p ril 2001 Boutier, Jean Director, Department o f Social Sciences, School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences, Marseille, France Research: History o f the Cultural Practices o f European Nobility, 16th 18th Centuries Cornell, Department o f History, Ithaca, N Y c/o Dr. Isabel V. Hull April 2001-June 2001 Bresc, Cecile Doctoral Student, Department o f History, o f Paris- Sorbonne, Paris, France Research: Monetary History o f Iran from the Taharids to the Samanids The American Numismatic Society, New York, N Y c/o Dr. Michael L. Bates April 2001-May 2001 Chakrabarti, Kunal Professor, Center for Historical Studies, School o f Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru. New Delhi, India Research: Imaging the Forest in Indian Tradition o f Chicago, Department o f South Asian Languages and Civilizations, Chicago, IL c/o Dr. Sheldon Pollack August April 2001 Charton, Helen Doctoral Student, Department o f History, o f Paris V II, Paris, France Research: American Involvement in the Higher Education of Kenyan Students, Columbia, Department of History, New York, NY c/o Dr. Marcia Wright September November 2000 Consuelo, Susana Aldana Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru, Lima. Peru Lecturing: Peruvian National Construction in the 19th Century o f Alabama, Department o f History, Tuscaloosa, AL c/o Dr. Lawrence Clayton January December 2001 (Scholar- in- Resi dence Program) Guechi, Fatima-Zohra Maitre de Conference, Department of History, Faculty o f Human and Social Sciences. of Mentouri- Constantine, Constantine. Algeria Research: Women s History: Between Local Context and International Waves an Essay About Maghribian and Mediterranean Studies CUNY-Graduate School and Center, Department o f History, New York, NY c/o Dr. David Nasaw September 2000-December

55 H is t o r y (n o n -U.S.) Hjeltnes, Guri Researcher, Institute o f Defense Studies, Oslo, Norway Research: Trygve Lie: A Biography Yale, Department o f United Nations Studies, New Haven, CT c/o Dr. Bruce Russett September 2000-June 2001 Isayevych, Yaroslav Director, I. Krypiakevych Institute o f Ukrainian Studies, National Academy o f Sciences o f Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine Lecturing and Research: Ukrainian, Polish and Jewish National Associations as Factors o f Civil Society: Galicia and the United States Harvard, Ukrainian Research Institute, Cambridge, MA c/o Dr. Roman Szporluk October 2000-June 2001 Ivanov, Serguei Research Associate, Institute o f Slavic Studies, Russian Academy o f Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation Research: Mission Versus Messianism: Cultural History o f Byzantine Missionary Activities o f Maryland-College Park, Russian Area Studies Program, College Park, MD c/o Dr. George P. Majeska November 2000-February 2001 Kirim li, Hakan Associate Professor, Department o f International Relations, Bilkent, Bilkent, Ankara, Turkey Research: Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic: The Golden Years Harvard, Ukrainian Research Institute, Cambridge, MA c/o Dr. Terry Martin September 2000-February 2001 Lee, Sung Tae Visiting Scholar from Korea, Faculty o f Letters, o f Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan Lecturing: How Time is Experienced the Japanese Way: Toward a Comparative Understanding o f Time Experience Moravian College, Department o f History, Bethlehem, PA c/o Dr. Curtis A. Keim August 2000-May 2001 (Scholar-in-Residence Program) Loft, Edward Lecturer, Department o f History, Queen Mary and Westfield College-Mile End, London, United Kingdom Lecturing and Research: The Legacy o f the Great War in U.S. Elite Perspectives Westminster College, Fulton, MO c/o Dr. Robert A. Seelinger August 2000-August 2001 Loyer, EmmanueIle Associate Professor, Department o f History, of Lille III, Villeneuve, France Research: Paris in New York: The Exile o f French Cultural Elites in the United States SUNY-Stony Brook, Department o f History, Stony Brook, NY c/o Dr. Herman Lebovics August 2000-October 2000 Magnetto, Anna G. Pasquali Fellow, Department of Classics and Greek History, Class of Letters, Scuola Normale Superiere, Pisa, Italy Research: Interstate Arbitration in the Greek World o f California-Berkeley, Department o f Classics, Berkeley, CA c/o Dr. Erich Gruen November 2000-August 2001 M eijer Drees, Laurie Professor, Department o f First Nations Studies, Malaspina College, Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada Research: The Fairbanks Native Association and Indian Association o f Alberta: A Comparison, o f Alaska-Fairbanks, Northern Studies Program, Fairbanks, A K c/o Dr. Judy Kleinfeld September 2000-May 2001 Merino Hernando, Maria Asuncion Researcher, Institute for Migratory Research, Comillas, Madrid, Spain Lecturing and Research: Spanish Immigration to Rio De Janeiro: Social Characteristics Yale, Department o f History, New Haven, CT c/o Dr. Stuart B. Schwartz September 2000-September 2001 Naveda, Adriana Researcher, Social Historic Research Institute, of Veracruz Xalapa, Xalapa, Mexico Research: Sugar and Tobacco Planters: Free Slaves in a Small Town, Cordoba, o f Texas-Austin, Institute o f Latin American Studies, Austin, TX c/o Dr. Nicolas Shumway August 2000-April

56 H is to r y (n o n-u.s.) Neumann, Victor Associate Professor. Department of History, Faculty of Letters, Philosophy, and History, of Timisoara- West, Timisoara, Romania Research: Nation-State and Ethnic Minorities in East-Central Europe: The Case of Romania Catholic of America, School o f Philosophy, Washington, DC c/o Dr. George F. McLean September 2000-May 2001 Nordahl, Per Assistant Professor, Department o f Historical Studies, Umea, Umea, Sweden Research: Comparing Organizational Strategies Among American Immigrants from Scandinavia, Germany and Italy, Indiana -Bloomington, Henry Radford Hope School o f Fine Arts, Department o f History o f Art, Bloomington, IN c/o Dr. Bruce Cole September 2000-December 2000 O hogartaigh, M argaret Tutor, Department o f History, St. Patrick s College, Dublin, Ireland Lecturing and Research: Kathleen Lynn, Patriot Doctor Boston College, Department o f Irish Studies, Chestnut Hill, MA c/o Dr. Kevin O Neill August 2000-August 2001 Ocampo, Lamberto Raymundo Assistant Professor, Department o f History, Ateneo de Manila, Manila, Philippines Research: American Pioneers in Philippine Archaeology Smithsonian Institution, Museum o f Natural History, Department of Anthropology, Washington, DC c/o Dr. Paul Taylor July 2000-December 2000 Perbi, Akosua Senior Lecturer and Head, Department o f History, of Ghana-Legon, Accra, Ghana Lecturing: Women and Slavery Manchester College, Department o f Political Science, North Manchester, IN c/o Dr. Benson C. Onyeji August 2000-May 2001 (Scholar-in-Residence Program ) Pietikainen, O lli Fellow, Department o f History, o f Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland Research: Psychological Utopias Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Department of History. Cambridge. MA c/o Dr. Bruce Mazlish September June 2001 Preda, Dumitru Director. Diplomatic Archives, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Bucharest, Romania Research: Romania-United States. I963 78: From Dialogue to Cooperation Georgetown, Department o f Government, Washington. DC c/o Dr. Charles E. King January April 2001 Rodeghero, Carla Simone Graduate Student. Federal Do Rio Grande Do Sul, Porto Alegre. Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Research: Catholic Anti-Communism by the View o f Its Reception: A Comparative Study o f Maryland College Park, Department o f History, College Park. MD c/o Dr. Barbara Weinstein September 2000 March 2001 Rosenberger, Veit Assistant Professor, Department of Ancient History. o f Augsburg, Augsburg, Germany Lecturing and Research: The Body in Early Greece Emory. Faculty o f Arts and Sciences. Department o f Arts and Sciences. Atlanta. GA c/o Dr. Steven E. Sanderson September May 2001 Rupieper, Hermann J. Professor, Department o f History. Martin Luther. Halle, Germany Lecturing: German History in the 20th Century Vanderbilt. College of Arts and Sciences. Nashville, TN c/o Dr. E.F. Infante August 2000-June 2001 Umunc, Himmet Professor, Department of English Language and Literature. Faculty o f Letters, Hacettepe. Beytepe. Ankara, Turkey Research: In the Land o f the Sunrise: A Historical and Cultural Study o f the American Experience in Turkey Suffolk, Department o f History. Boston. MA c/o Dr. Robert Allison August 2000-December

57 H is t o r y (n o n -U.S.)/ L a n g u a g e a n d L it e r a t u r e (n o n -U.S.) Vidal, Cecile Associate Professor, Department o f History, o f Pierre Mendes, Pierre Mendes, France Research: The European Society o f Lower Louisiana During the French Period, Louisiana State Museum Historical Center, Office o f State Museum, New Orleans, LA c/o Ms. Kathryn Page July 2000-September 2000 Y iftah,u ri Graduate Student, Faculty o f Humanities, School o f History, Tel-Aviv, Tel-Aviv, Israel Research: Formulaic Tradition and Legal Praxis: Greek Law in Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt Columbia, Department o f Classics, New York, N Y c/o Dr. Roger S. Bagnall August 2000-August 2001 Zaytsev, Oleksandr Assistant Professor and Chair, History o f Ukraine Department, Ukrainian State o f Forestry and Wood Technology, Lviv, Ukraine Research: Fascism and Ukrainian Nationalism in the 1920s and 1930s Columbia, The Harriman Institute, New York, N Y c/o Dr. Mark L. Von Hagen September 2000-May 2001 Zeidan-Khoury, Liliane Lecturer, Department o f History, St. Esprit-Kaslik, Kaslik, Lebanon Research: The Role o f the United States in Lebanon During the French Mandate, Villanova, Department o f History, Villanova, PA c/o Dr. Adele Lindenmeyr August 2000-December 2000 o f California-Los Angeles, Department o f French, Los Angeles, CA c/o Dr. Francoise Lionnet November 2000-April 2001 Alexandre, Manuel, Jr. Associate Professor, Department o f Classical Studies, Faculty o f Letters, o f Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal Research: Ancient Rhetoric and Hermeneutics in Modem Rhetorical and Literary Criticism Baylor, Division o f Spanish and Portuguese, Department o f Modem Foreign Languages, Waco, TX c/o Dr. Lizbeth Souza Fuertes Baylor, Department o f Modem Foreign Languages, Division o f Spanish and Portuguese, Waco, TX c/o Dr. James Vardaman January June 2001 Andersen, L e if Associate Professor, Department of Literature, Culture, and Media, Odense, Odense, Denmark Lecturing and Research: Literature and Culture in Medieval and Modem Scandinavia o f Minnesota-Twin Cities, Department of German, Scandinavian and Dutch, Minneapolis, MN c/o Dr. James Parente September 2000-January 2001 Avila, Eliana Doctoral Researcher, Department o f Foreign Language and Literatures, Federal o f Santa Catarina, Florianopolis, Brazil Research: Dissonance as Expansion: Elizabeth Bishop s Intercultural Poethics Wayne State, Department o f English, Detroit, MI c/o Dr. Renata Wasserman October 2000-October 2001 L a n g u a g e a n d L it e r a t u r e (n o n - U.S.) Achille-Tranquille, Danielle Lecturer, Center for Mauritian Studies, Mahatma Gandhi Institute, Moka, Mauritius Research: The Turn into Cultural Studies: A Prelusive Reflection on Mauritian Literature Bialas, Zbigniew Associate Professor, Department o f English, of Silesia, Sosnowiec, Poland Research: The Vocal Grove: Soundscapes and the Construction o f Wilderness Creighton, Department o f English, Omaha, NE c/o Dr. Greg W. Zacharias January 2001-October

58 L a n g u a g e a n d L it e r a t u r e (n o n -U.S.) Boitani, Pietro Professor, Department o f English, o f Rom e- La Sapienza, Rome, Italy Lecturing: Biblical and Graeco-Roman Rewritings Throughout Italian Literature o f Notre Dame, College o f Arts and Letters, Department o f English, Notre Dame, IN c/o Dr. Chris Vandenbosch August 2000-November 2000 Cemusova, Jana Instructor, Institute o f Language and Professional Preparation, Charles, Prague, Czech Republic Lecturing: Communicative Torture : A Cultural Approach to Teaching Czech o f Kansas, Center for Russian and East European Studies, Lawrence, KS c/o Dr. Maria Carlson August 2000-May 2001 Chengyuan, Gao Professor, Department o f Foreign Languages, Wuyi, Jiangmen, China, People s Republic o f Lecturing: Chinese Language, Civilization and Culture SUNY-College at Old Westbury, Office o f Academic Affairs, Old Westbury, N Y c/o Dr. Ruben Gonzalez August 2000-May 2001 (Scholar-in-Residence Program ) Cioni, Fernando Research Fellow, Department o f Modem Philology, o f Florence, Florence, Italy Research: Shakespeare s Shrews: Editions and Stage Adaptations o f The Taming o f the Shrew George Washington, Department o f English, Washington, DC c/o Dr. Gail Kern Paster and Dr. Faye Moskowitz March June 2001 Dinh, Kieu Chau Lecturer, Department o f Linguistics, Hanoi National, Hanoi, Vietnam Lecturing: Vietnamese Language o f Wisconsin-Madison, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Madison, W I c/o Dr. Michael Cullinane June 2000-August 2000 (Southeast Asian Studies Summer Institute) Dlam ini, Nester Sizakele Head. Department of Primary Education. of Swaziland, Kwaluseni, Swaziland Lecturing: African Languages and Literature Albany State College, College of Arts and Sciences, Albany, GA c/o Dr. James L. Hill January September 2001 (Scholar-in-Residence Program) Eifring, Halvor Professor, Department of East European and Oriental Studies, of Oslo, Oslo, Norway Research: Psychological Themes in The Red Chamber Dream Harvard, Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations, Cambridge, M A c/o Dr. Michael Puett February August 2001 Fortunato, Teresita Chair, Department of Philippine Languages, De La Salle, Manila, Philippines Lecturing: Filipino Language o f Wisconsin-Madison, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Madison, Wl c/o Dr. Michael Cullinane June 2000-August 2000 (Southeast Asian Studies Summer Institute) Gasparov, Mikhail Research Director, Stylistics and Poetics Section, Institute of Russian Language, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation Research: New Standard Commentary on the Complete Poems o f O. Mandelstam o f Michigan-Ann Arbor, Department o f Slavic Languages and Literatures, Ann Arbor, MI c/o Dr. Omry Ronen April July 2001 Harfouch, Mohammad Assistant Professor, Department of English, Faculty o f Arts, Tishreen, Lattakia, Syria Research: Modem Arabic Literature Through Selected Anglo- American Translations and Studies Indiana -Bloomington, Department o f Near Eastern Languages and Cultures, Bloomington, IN c/o Mr. Salman Al-Ani September 2000-March

59 L a n g u a g e a n d L it e r a t u r e (n o n -U.S.) Honcharyk, Eleonora Senior Research Associate, Institute o f Literature, Academy o f Sciences o f Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine Research: Philosophical Poetry in World Literature: A Comparative Study Harvard, Ukrainian Research Institute, Cambridge, M A c/o Dr. George G. Grabowicz October 2000-June 2001 King, Michael Author, Whangamata, New Zealand Lecturing: New Zealand Studies Georgetown, Center for Australian and New Zealand Studies, Washington, DC c/o Mr. Richard W. Teare January 2001-June 2001 Leang, Kheang Head of Teacher Training and Lecturer, Institute of Foreign Languages, Royal o f Phnom Penh, Phnom Penh, Cambodia Lecturing: Khmer Language, Literature and Culture o f Wisconsin-Madison, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Madison, WI c/o Dr. Micheal Cullinane Northern Illinois, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, DeKalb, IL c/o Dr. Susan D. Russell June December 2000 (Southeast Asian Studies Summer Institute and Scholar-in- Residence Program) Magnan-Park,Anne Doctoral Student, Department o f English, of Rennes II, Renes, France Research: Circumvolutions in the Works of Malcolm Lowry: Margins in Operation o f Tulsa, Faculty o f English Language and Literature, Tulsa, OK c/o Dr. Gordon O. Taylor July 2000-October 2000 Megh,R.K. Visiting Professor, Department o f Indian Literature, Lucknow, Lucknow, India Lecturing: Social Development Through Indian Culture, Aesthetics, Art and History o f Arkansas-Pine Bluff, Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Pine Bluff, AR c/o Dr. Richard L. Hilliard August 2000-May 2001 (Scholar-in-Residence Program) M illar, Paul Senior Lecturer, Department o f New Zealand Literature, School o f English, Film, and Theater, Victoria of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand Research: Representations o f Culture and Identity in the Literatures o f Hawaii and the Pacific o f Hawaii-Manoa, Department o f English, Honolulu, HI c/o Dr. Robert Onopa July 2000-July 2001 Nguyen, Thi Thuan Lecturer, Vietnamese Language and Culture for Foreigners, Vietnamese National, Hanoi, Vietnam Lecturing: Vietnamese Language o f Wisconsin-Madison, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Madison, WI c/o Dr. Michael Cullinane June 2000-August 2000 (Southeast Asian Studies Summer Institute) Olaru, Victor Senior Lecturer, Department of English and American Studies, Faculty o f Letters and History, o f Craiova, Craiova, Romania Lecturing: Romanian Language and Civilization Boston College, Department o f Romance Languages and Literatures, Chestnut Hill, M A c/o Dr. Laurie A. Shepard August 2000-April 2001 Permkesorn, Nuanthip Assistant Professor and Director, Department o f Thai, Certificate Program, Thammasat, Bangkok, Thailand Lecturing: Thai Language of Wisconsin-Madison, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Madison, WI c/o Dr. Michael Cullinane June 2000-August 2000 (Southeast Asian Studies Summer Institute) Sheridan, Geraldine Frances Assistant Dean and Associate Professor, College o f Humanities, Department o f Languages and Cultural Studies, of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland 58

60 L a n g u a g e a n d L it e r a t u r e (n o n -U.S.)/Law Research: Women in the Book Trades in the 18th Century Boston College, Department o f Romance Languages and Literatures, Chestnut Hill, M A c/o Dr. Ourida Mostefai September 2000-August 2001 Sridhar, Melukote Professor, Department o f Sanskrit, The National College, Basavanagudi, Karnataka, India Lecturing: Indological Studies in the United States and Their Global Relevance and Impact in the 21 st Century o f South Carolina, Department o f Religious Studies, Columbia, SC c/o Dr. Seshagiri Rao October 2000-December 2000 Stegmann, Tilbert Professor, Institute for Romance Languages and Literature, Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany Lecturing and Research: Euram-Com: Euro-American Comprehension College o f New Jersey, Spanish Department, Trenton, NJ c/o Dr. John Landreau August 2000-March 2001 Wahyana,Antonius Director, Language Center, Satya Wacana Christian, Salatiga, Indonesia Lecturing: Indonesian Language o f Wisconsin-Madison, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Madison, WI c/o Dr. Michael Cullinane June 2000-August 2000 (Southeast Asian Studies Summer Institute) Zimmermann, Heinz Otto Senior Lecturer, Department o f English, Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany Lecturing: Renaissance Literature and Modem Drama Central Michigan, Department o f English Languages and Literature, Mount Pleasant, M I c/o Dr. Stephen C. Holder January 2001-M a y 2001 L aw Agius, Carmel Senior Judge, Judges Chambers, Courts o f Justice, Valletta, Malta Research: Human Rights and the Rome Statute on the International Criminal Court Rutgers, The State of New Jersey-Camden, School o f Law, Camden. NJ c/o Dr. Roger S. Clark August 2000-September 2000 Amano, Yoshiko Associate Professor, Department of Law, Nara Sangyo, Nara, Japan Research: Relationship Between Confidential Commercial Information and Exemptions Under the United States Freedom of Information Act Georgetown, Law Center, Washington, DC c/o Dr. Carl Goodman July 2000-April 2001 Aragones, Ana Maria Researcher and Professor, Department o f Research, National o f Mexico-Acatlan, San Juan, Totoltepec, Mexico Lecturing: The Relationship Between Mexico and the United States in the Area of Economic Development and Its Impact on the Migration Process Salisbury State, Office o f Admissions, Salisbury, MD c/o Dr. Gary Grodzicki August 2000-June 2001 (Scholar-in-Residence Program) Asanova, Kunduz Head, Department o f Customs Law Discipline, Kyrgyz State National, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan Lecturing and Research: The Problems o f International Private Law in Kyrgyzstan o f Iowa, College o f Law, Department o f International and Comparative Law, Iowa City, IA c/o Dr. John Reitz September 2000-March 2001 Ashiagbor, Diamond Researcher, Department o f Law, European Institute, Florence, Italy Research: Labor Law, Economic Theory and the European Union Employment Strategy: Comparisons Between Labor Market Regulation Within the European Union and the United States 59

61 L aw Columbia, School o f Law, European Legal Studies Center, New York, NY c/o Dr. George A. Bermann Columbia, School o f Law, New York, NY c/o Dr. Mark Barenberg August 2000-December 2000 (European Union Affairs Research Program) Atapattu, Sumudu Senior Lecturer, Faculty o f Law, o f Colombo, Colombo, Sri Lanka Research: Environmental Rights and Human Rights George Washington, School o f Law, Washington, DC c/o Dr. Ralph Steinhardt September 2000-June 2001 Attard, David Professor and Head, Department o f International Law, Faculty o f Laws, of Malta, Msida, Malta Research: The Maltese Maritime Jurisdiction Legislation in the Light o f the New Law o f the Sea Yale, Law School, New Haven, CT c/o Dr. Michael Reisman August 2000-August 2000 Basic, Nedzad Associate Professor, Department o f International Law, Faculty o f Law, o f Bihac, Bihac, Bosnia Herzegovina Lecturing and Research: International Law and Security Dilemma in Multiethnic Society George Washington, School of Law, Washington, DC c/o Dr. Ralph Steinhardt August May 2001 Biryukov, Oleksandr Assistant Professor, Department o f Private International Law, Institute o f International Relations, Kiev, Kiev, Ukraine Lecturing and Research: Commercial Law and Private International Law with Free-Market Orientation New York, School oflaw,new York,NY c/o Dr. Andreas F. Lowenfeld September 2000-May 2001 Broadbent, Paul Detective Chief Inspector, Department o f Criminal Investigation, Doncaster Central District Headquarters, South Yorkshire, United Kingdom Research: Police Corruption: Vulnerability Profiling, Examining Incidents, Causes and Possible Remedies Federal Bureau o f Investigation, Law Enforcement Ethics Unit, Quantico, VA c/o Mr. John J. Flood April 2001-July 2001 Cerezo,Ana Isabel Assistant Professor, Department o f Public Law, Faculty of Law, o f Malaga-Teatinos, Malaga, Spain Research: Irregular Practices in Public Administration: Criminal Law and Criminological Aspects o f Public Corruption Rutgers, The State o f New Jersey-Newark, School of Criminal Justice, Newark, NJ c/o Dr. Marcus Felson July 2000-June 2001 Chen, Zexian Professor, Department o f Criminal Law, Law Institute, Chinese Academy o f Social Sciences, Beijing, China, People s Republic o f Research: Comparative Studies in Judicial Systems and Judicial Reforms o f China and the United States Columbia, School oflaw,new York,NY c/o Mr. Randle Edwards August 2000-June 2001 Christie, Andrew Frederick Associate Professor, School of Law, of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia Research: A Legislative Model for Home Copying of Digital Broadcasts in Australia Duke, School o f Law, Durham, NC c/o Dr. Deborah De Mott June 2001-June 2002 Gatt, Lucilla Research Fellow, Department of Economics, Pavia, Pavia, Italy Research: The Consideration Doctrine in American Law of Chicago, Law School, Chicago, IL c/o Dr. Eric A. Posner March 2001-July 2001 Harfield, Clive Detective Inspector, Department o f Strategic Management and Corporate Development, National Crime Squad Headquarters, Crawley, West Sussex, United Kingdom Research: The U.S. Perspective on International Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters 60

62 L aw Georgetown, Department o f Government, Washington, DC c/o Dr. Roy Godson January 2001-A p ril 2001 Hsu,Tzong-li Professor, Faculty of Law, National Taiwan. Taipei. Taiwan Research: Public Participation in the Administrative Decision Making Harvard, Harvard Law School, East Asian Legal Studies Program, Cambridge, MA c/o Dr. William P. Alford September 2000-June 2001 Kamenova, Tzvetana Dean, School o f Law, Plovdiv, Plovdiv, Bulgaria Research: Clinical Legal Education in the United States Columbia, Columbia Law School. Department of Public Interest Law Initiative, New York, NY c/o Dr. Edwin Rekosh July 2000-December 2000 Lahlou,AbdeIkader Professor, Department o f Public Law, Faculty o f Law and Economics, Rabat, Morocco Research: The Present State o f the United Nations Law o f the Sea Convention United Nations, Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law o f the Sea, New York, NY c/o Dr. Annick De Marffy April 2001 July 2001 Mahmoud, Ahmed Professor, Department o f Law, Faculty o f Law, Cairo -Khartoum, Giza, Egypt Research: Democracy for Students in the Affiliation to be determined. c/o Ms. Marilee Muchow, CIES October 2000-April 2001 Matyasek, Patrik Junior Lecturer, Department o f Labor and Social Security Law, Faculty o f Law, Masaryk, Brno, Czech Republic Research: Discrimination in Law and Society John Marshall Law School, Fair Housing Legal Clinic, Chicago, IL c/o Dr. Michael P. Seng October 2000-December 2000 Mursaliyev, Vahid Legal Advisor, Entrepreneurship Development Foundation, Baku, Azerbaijan Research: Corporate Management in the United States: Participants. Their Rights and Obligations Case Western Reserve, Weatherhand School of Management. Entrepreneurial Studies Marketing and Policy Studies. Cleveland. 0 H c/o Dr. Robert D. Hisrich September January 2001 Natov, Nikolay Associate Professor. Department o f International Law and Relations, Faculty o f Law, o f Sofia St. Kliment Ohridski, Sofia, Bulgaria Lecturing and Research: Foreign Investments in Bulgaria: Foreign Investments in the United States Tulane, School o f Law. New Orleans, LA c/o Dr. William Lovett August 2000 January 2001 Oh, Byung-Sun Professor. Department o f Law, Sogang. Seoul, Korea Research: How to Achieve Justice in Legal Interpretation in American Courts Yale, School o f Law. Graduate Programs, New Haven, CT c/o Dr. Judith A. Couture September February 2001 Puri, Poonam Assistant Professor, Osgoode Hall Law School, York, Toronto, Ontario. Canada Research: A North American Market for Lawyers Cornell, School o f Law, Ithaca. NY c/o Dr. Lee E. Teitelbaum August 2000-May 2001 Rahman, Mizanur Chair. Department of Law. of Dhaka. Dhaka. Bangladesh Research: The Social Justice Mission o f Clinical Legal Education: The U.S. Experience o f Baltimore, School of Law. Center for International and Comparative Law. Baltimore. MD c/o Dr. Michele Gilman January July 2001 Rodriguez Abascal, Luis Associate Professor. School o f Law. Autonomous o f Madrid, Madrid. Spain Research: Group Rights 61

63 L aw New York, School o f Law, New York, NY c/o Dr. David A. J. Richards August 2000-July 2001 Salikov, Marat Professor, Department o f Constitutional Law, Urals State Law Academy, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation Lecturing: Comparative Federalism Saint Louis, School o f Law, St. Louis, MO c/o Dr. Isaak Dore January 2001-June 2001 Sazhina, Varvara Associate Professor, Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Faculty o f Law, Belarusian State, Minsk, Belarus Research: The Presidency in the United States and Belarus: Comparative Legal Research Texas A&M, Bush School of Government and Public Service, Center for Presidential Studies, College Station, TX c/o Dr. George C. Edwards Ill September 2000-December 2000 Schneiderman, David Associate Professor, Faculty o f Law, o f Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Research: The Impact o f Globalization on Constitutionalism: North American Free Trade Agreement and Beyond New School, The Wolfson Center for National Affairs, New York, NY c/o Dr. Sondra Farganis January 2001-June 2001 Shumi, Mitsuo Professor, Department o f Law, Asahi, Gifu, Japan Research: Constitutional Limits on the Nonpunitive State of California-Davis, School of Law, Davis, CA c/o Dr. Floyd Feeney July 2000-October 2000 Vazquez Del Rey, Antonio Villanueva Associate Professor, Department o f Finance and Tax Law, o f Navarra, Pamplona Navarra, Spain Lecturing and Research: Tax Treatment o f Income Obtained in the United States by Non-Resident Aliens and Foreign Entities: Double Tax Conventions and U.S. Regulations New York, School o f Law, Tax and International Tax Programs, New York, NY c/o Dr. Paul R. McDaniel September 2000-August 2001 Wang,Zhenmin Associate Professor and Vice Dean, School o f Law, Tsinghua, Beijing, China, People s Republic o f Lecturing and Research: Judicial Review in the American Legal System Harvard, Harvard Law School, East Asian Legal Studies Program, Cambridge, MA c/o Dr. William P. Alford August 2000-June 2001 Xalabarder Plantada, Raquel Assistant Professor, Department of Law Studies, Open o f Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain Research: Copyright: Choice of Law and Jurisdiction in the Digital Age Columbia, School oflaw,new York,NY c/o Ms. Jane C. Ginsburg July 2000-July 2001 Zhan,Zhongle Associate Professor, School o f Law, Peking, Beijing, China, People s Republic of Research: Recent Development o f the Administrative Procedure Act in America o f Miami, School o f Law, Pompano Beach, FL c/o Mr. Stanley I. Langbein September 2000-June 2001 Soydan, Billur Associate Professor, Department of Tax Law, Faculty o f Law, of Marmara, Istanbul, Turkey Research: Taxation of Electronic Commerce: Controversies and Solutions New York, School o f Law, International Tax Program Department o f Tax Law, New York, NY c/o Dr. R. Paul McDaniel August 2000-December

64 L ib r a r y Sc ie n c e/l in g u is t ic s Davydova, Leonora Head, Department o f Foreign Languages, Komi National Library, Syktyvkar, Russian Federation Research: Pitirim Alexandrovitch Sorokin: A Biobibliographical Index Northeastern, College o f Arts and Sciences, Department of Sociology, Boston, M A c/o Dr. T. Anthony Jones September 2000-January 2001 Leontieva, Olga Head Specialist, Archives Department, Tver Regional Administration, Tver, Russian Federation Research: Electronic Records: Professional Training of Archivists o f Texas-Austin, Graduate School o f Library and Information Science, Department o f Archival Enterprise, Austin, TX c/o Dr. David B. Gracy Il August 2000-December 2000 Poulain, Martine Director, Department o f Library Science, o f Paris X, St. Cloud, France Research: Library Training and Continuing Education in the United States Rutgers, The State o f New Jersey-New Brunswick, Department o f Library and Information Science, New Brunswick, NJ c/o Dr. Betty Turock April 2001-M ay 2001 Ye, Ying Director, Library o f Science and Technology, Zhejiang, Hangzhou, China, People s Republic of Research: Library Integrated Management: Automation, Network and Administration o f Arizona, School o f Information Resources and Library Science, Tucson, AZ c/o Dr. Martin Fricke September 2000-July 2001 L in g u is t ic s Askeland, Norunn Associate Professor, Faculty o f Education, Vestfold College, Tonsberg, Norway Research: Metaphors o f Communication in the Subject Curriculum for Teaching Norwegian o f California-Berkeley, Department o f Linguistics, Berkeley, CA c/o Dr. Eve Sweetser January July 2001 Berguelson, M ira Associate Professor, Department of Intercultural Communication, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Moscow State, Moscow, Russian Federation Research: A Linguistic Approach to Cross-Cultural Communication: The Use o f Discourse Strategies and Metaphors in Storytelling by Alaskans of Alaska-Fairbanks, Department o f Anthropology, Fairbanks, AK c/o Dr. Patricia B. Kwachka of California-Berkeley, Department o f Linguistics, Berkeley, CA c/o Dr. George P. Lakoff May December 2001 Bondaruk, Anna Adjunct Professor, Department o f Modem English, Catholic o f Lublin. Lublin, Poland Research: Empty Categories in English, Polish and Irish o f California-Santa Cruz, Adlai E. Stevenson College, Department o f Linguistics, Santa Cruz, CA c/o Dr. James McCloskey February November 2001 Burkitbayeva, Gulmira G. Associate Professor, Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, Kazakh State of International Relations and World Languages, Almaty, Kazakhstan Research: Business Documents: How to Reach Maximum Effectiveness Using Better Language of Pennsylvania, Penn Graduate School of Education, Language in Education Division, Philadelphia, PA c/o Dr. Teresa P. Pica September 2000-May 2001 Chliakhov, Vladimir Docent, Pushkin Russian Language Institute, Moscow, Russian Federation Research: Linguistic Foundation o f an English-Russian Dictionary and Thesaurus o f Contemporary American Slang Middlebury College, Department of Classics, Middlebury, VT c/o Dr. Eve Adler November 2000-July 2001 Fairon,Cedrick Research Assistant, Laboratory o f Linguistics and Documentary Automation, o f Paris 7, Paris. France Research: Finite-State Grammars for Language Skills Assessment Systems 63

65 L in g u is t ic s New York, Department of Linguistics, New York, NY c/o Dr. Ray C. Dougherty April 2001-March 2002 Gourevitch, Izabella Senior Research Worker, Far East Section, St. Petersburg Branch Institute o f Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation Research: The History o f the Vernacular Chinese: The Changes in the Grammar Structure Throughout the Period Between the Third and the 14th Centuries Cornell, School o f Arts and Sciences, Department o f Asian Studies, Ithaca, NY c/o Dr. Daniel Boucher August 2000-January 2001 Hellan, Lars Professor, Department o f Linguistics, of Trondheim, Trondheim, Norway Research: Event Typology and Construction Typology in a Constraint-Based Grammar and Lexicon Stanford, Department of Linguistics, Stanford, CA c/o Dr. Ivan Sag August 2000-July 2001 Huang, Lillian Meei-jin Professor, Department o f English, National Taiwan Normal, Taipei, Taiwan Research: Austronesian Linguistics SUNY-Buffalo, Department o f Linguistics, Buffalo, NY c/o Dr. Robert Van Valin Jr. June 2000-December 2000 Kim, Alexandra Head, Department of Linguistics, Tomsk State Pedagogical, Tomsk, Russian Federation Research: Indigenous Siberian and North American Peoples: A Comparative Ethno-Linguistic Study Western Washington, Department o f Modem and Classical Languages. Bellingham, WA c/o Dr. Edward J. Vajda March October 2001 Kitahara, Hisatsugu Associate Professor, Institute o f Cultural and Linguistic Studies, Keio, Tokyo, Japan Research: A Derivational Approach to Syntactic Relations and Their Interpretation Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department o f Linguistics and Philosophy, Cambridge, M A c/o Dr. Alec Marantz September 2000-June 2001 Maldonado, Ricardo Researcher, Institute o f Philology, National Autonomous o f Mexico, Ciudad Universitaria, Mexico Research: Cognitive Processing o f Dative Constructions o f California-San Diego, Department o f Linguistics, La Jolla, CA c/o Dr. Ronald Langacker September 2000-April 2001 Mendes, M aria Amalia Research Assistant, Center o f Linguistics, o f Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal Research: Corpus Linguistics and Contrastive Syntactic and Semantic Corpus-Based Study o f Polysemous Predicates Rice, Department of Linguistics, Houston, TX c/o Dr. Michael Barlow January July 2001 Miyamoto, Yoichi Associate Professor, Department of English, Faculty of Language and Culture, Osaka, Osaka, Japan Research: A Study o f Theoretical Linguistics Massachusetts Institute o f Technology, Department of Linguistics and Philosophy, Cambridge, MA c/o Dr. Alec Marantz September 2000-June 2001 Reznikov, Andrei Assistant Professor, Department o f English, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Karelian State Pedagogical, Petrozavodsk, Russian Federation Research: The Unknown Orwell: The Theory o f Language of George Orwell o f Vermont, Department o f English, Burlington, VT c/o Dr. Alfred Rosa August 2000-April 2001 Rozwadowska, Bozena Adjunct Professor, The Institute o f English, of Wroclaw, Wroclaw, Poland Research: Aspectual Properties o f Psychological Predicates in English and Polish Rutgers, The State o f New Jersey-New Brunswick, Department o f Linguistics, New Brunswick, NJ c/o Dr. Veneeta Dayal February 2001-November

66 L in g u is t ic s /M a t h e ma t ic s Sazonova, Tatiana Assistant Professor, Department of Foreign Languages, Kursk State Pedagogical, Kursk, Russian Federation Research: Psycholinguistic Model o f World Identification in Reading of California-San Diego, Center for Research in Language, La Jolla, CA c/o Dr. Elizabeth A. Bates January September 2001 Sung, Li-May Associate Professor, Graduate Institute o f Linguistics, National Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan Research: A Comparative Analysis o f Reflexives: A Case Study o f Tsou, Sediq and Rukai o f Delaware, Department o f Linguistics, Newark, DE c/o Dr. Peter Cole September 2000-July 2001 Yerchenko, Paraskeviya Associate Professor, Foreign Languages for Humanities Department, I. Franko National, Lviv, Ukraine Research: Idiomatic Language o f Newspapers: Comparative American and Ukrainian Newspaper Discourse Analysis Vanderbilt, Department o f Political Science, Nashville, TN c/o Dr. George J. Graham Jr. August 2000-March 2001 Zhabotynska, Svitlana Professor and Chair, Department o f English, Cherkasy State, Cherkasy, Ukraine Research: Cognitive Linguistics in the United States: Contemporary History o f California-San Diego, Department o f Linguistics, La Jolla, CA c/o Dr. Ronald W. Langacker September 2000-May 2001 Zonned, Lazhar Associate Professor, Department o f Arabic, La Manouba, Tunis, Tunisia Research: The Organization o f the Mental Lexicon o f Massachusetts-Amherst, Department o f Linguistics, Amherst, M A c/o Dr. John McCarthy April 2001-July 2001 M a t h e ma t ic s Alimov, Shavkat Vice Rector, o f World Economy and Diplomacy. Tashkent. Uzbekistan Lecturing and Research: Investigation of Spectral Properties o f the Operators Associated with Equations o f Mathematical Physics California Institute of Technology, Department o f Mathematics, Pasadena, CA c/o Dr. Barry Simon September 2000-May 2001 Furati, Khaled Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences, King Fahd o f Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia Research: Wave Propagation and Second-Harmonic Generation in Nonlinear Optical Structures: Finite-Difference Time- Domain Approach North Carolina State, Department of Mathematics, Raleigh, NC c/o Dr. H.T. Banks October 2000-June 2001 Granados-Sanandres, Ana Researcher, Department o f Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences, Autonomous of Madrid, Madrid, Spain Research: Geodesic Curvature and Conformal Mappings o f Washington, Department of Mathematics, Seattle, WA c/o Dr. Stephen Rhode July 2000-June 2001 Haggag, Salah Eldin Associate Professor and Head, Department o f Mathematics, Faculty o f Science, Al-Azhar, Assuit, Egypt Research: Application o f Optimal Control to Gravitational Systems Affiliation to be determined. c/o Ms. Marilee Muchow, CIES October 2000-February 2001 Liu, Fuh-Hwa Franklin Professor, Department o f Industrial Engineering and Management, College of Management, National Chiao-Tung, Hsin Chiu, Taiwan Research: The Development of Demand Chain Management in the United States Georgia Institute o f Technology, School of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Atlanta, GA c/o Dr. Gunter Sharp April 2001-September

67 M a t h e ma t ic s /M e d ic a l Sc ien c es Malchiodi, Andrea Ph.D. Student, Department o f Functional Analysis, International School for Advanced Studies, Trieste, Italy Research: Critical Point Theory Applied to Problems Arising in Differential Geometry Rutgers, The State o f New Jersey-New Brunswick, Department o f Mathematics, New Brunswick, NJ c/o Dr. Yanyan Li November 2000-July 2001 Morales-Perez, Jose Luis Professor, Department o f Mathematics, Autonomous Technological Institute o f Mexico, Mexico, D.F., Mexico Research: Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming Northwestern, McCormick School of Engineering, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Evanston, IL c/o Dr. Jorge Nocedal September 2000-December 2000 Nanda, Sudarsan Professor, Department o f Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India Lecturing and Research: Fuzzy Logic and Application to Algorithm, Database and Image Processing o f Central Florida, Department of Computer Science, Orlando, FL c/o Dr. Ratan Kumar Guha January 2001-April 2001 Rodriguez, Suemi Romo Senior Professor, Center o f Theoretical Research, National Autonomous -Cuautitlan, Cuautitlan Izcalli, Mexico Research: Inneractions o f Hope Algebras and Large Deviations Rutgers, the State o f New Jersey-Piscataway, Center for Mathematical Science Research, Piscataway, NJ c/o Dr. Joel L. Lebowitz Rutgers, the State o f New Jersey-Piscataway, Department of Mathematics, Piscataway, NJ c/o Dr. Earl Taft September 2000-February 2001 Tveitereid, Morten Dean, Faculty o f Engineering, Agder College, Grimstad, Norway Research: The Stability o f Nonlinear Pattern Formation Systems o f California-Davis, College of Engineering, Department o f Civil and Environmental Engineering, Davis, CA c/o Dr. M. Levent Kavvas January December 2001 M e d ic a l Sc ie n c e s Albarwani, Sulayma Assistant Professor, Department o f Physiology, Sultan Qaboos, Muscat, Oman Research: Identifying Ion Channels in Cerebral Arteries Exposed to High Blood Pressure Medical College of Wisconsin. Department o f Pharmacology and Toxicology, Milwaukee, WI c/o Dr. Nancy J. Rusch August 2000-May 2001 AI-Shaibani,Tarik Assistant Professor, College of Medicine and Medical Sciences, Arabian Gulf, Manama, Bahrain Research: Regulation of Acid Secretion in the Human Stomach Harvard, Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital, Department o f Surgery, Research West, Boston, M A c/o Dr. Susan J. Hagen August 2000-April 2001 Al-Shehabi, Zuhir Assistant Professor, Department o f Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Tishreen, Lattakia, Syria Research: Diagnostic Lymph Node Pathology Using Multiparameter Approach o f Southern California, School o f Medicine, Department o f Hematopathology, Los Angeles, CA c/o Dr. Bharat Nathwani September 2000-March 2001 Antoci, Valentin Director, Department of Orthopedics, Edinets Central District Hospital, Edinets, Moldova Lecturing and Research: External Osteosynthesis and Femur and Knee Endoprothesis in Traumatology and Orthopedics o f Louisville, School of Medicine. Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Louisville, KY c/o Dr. Craig S. Roberts June 2001-December 2001 Ariceta Iraolo, M aria Gema Research Specialist, Department o f Pediatrics, Clinical Hospital, o f Santiago o f Compostela, Santiago o f Compostela, Spain Research: State o f the Art in Pediatric Dialysis and Renal Transplantation 66

68 M e d ic a l Sc ien c es Northwestern Medical School, Children s Memorial Hospital, Division o f Nephrology, Department of Pediatrics, Chicago, IL c/o Dr. Craig B. Langman September 2000-March 2001 Bartakova, Hana Assistant Professor, Department o f Internal Medicine, Faculty o f Medicine, Charles, Prague, Czech Republic Research: Pulmonary Complications After Bone Marrow Transplantation o f Minnesota-Twin Cities, Division o f Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, School o f Medicine, Department o f Pediatrics, Minneapolis, MN c/o Dr. David Cornfield October 2000-August 2001 Bekteshi, Erald Psychiatric Resident, Department o f Psychiatry, Mother Theresa Hospital Center, Tirana, Albania Research: Treatment o f Patients with Opiate Addiction o f Illinois-Chicago, College o f Medicine, Department o f Clinical Psychiatry, Chicago, IL c/o Dr. Sylvia Dennison November 2000-May 2001 Berg, Soren Senior Consultant, Department o f Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Heart Center Hospital, Linkoping, Linkoping, Sweden Research: Liver and Gut Function in Sepsis and Shock o f Pittsburgh Medical Center, Department o f Critical Care Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA c/o Dr. Michael P. Fink September 2000-September 2001 Bessar, Majedah Assistant Consultant, Department o f Pediatrics, King Fahad National Guard Hospital, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Research: Kluver-Becy Syndrome (Familiar Pattern): Is There a Mode o f Inheritance o f This Disease? Harvard, Massachusetts General Hospital East, Molecular Neurogenetics Unit, Charlestown, M A c/o Dr. James F. Gusella August 2000-April 2001 Beutel, Manfred Professor, Clinic for Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, o f Giessen, Giessen, Germany Lecturing and Research: Functional Neuroimaging o f Neuropsychological and Neurobiological States: Application in Psychotherapy Research New York Hospital. Cornell Medical Center. White Plains, NY c/o Dr. John Clarkin February 2001-July 2001 Caixas Pedragos, Maria-Assumpta Researcher, Department o f Endocrinology and Nutrition, Hospital o f Sant Pau, Barcelona, Spain Research: Effects o f Invivo Insulin, Glucose and Dexamethasone on Serum Lipid Levels in Humans Columbia, St. Luke s-roosevelt Hospital Center College of Physicians and Surgeons, Division o f Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Nutrition, New York, NY c/o Dr. F. Xavier Pi-Sunyer September 2000-September 2001 Calvo, Alfonso Gonzalez Assistant Professor, Department of Histology and Pathology, School o f Medicine, o f Navarra, Pamplona, Spain Research: The Effects o f Antiangiogenesis Agents in Mammary and Prostate Cancer Progression in Transenic Mice National Institutes o f Health, National Cancer Institute, Laboratory o f Cell Regulation and Carcinogenesis, Bethesda, MD c/o Dr. Jeffrey Green June 2000-June 2001 Corchero, Javier Romero Researcher, Brain Cartography Division, Pluridisciplinary Institute, Complutense of Madrid, Madrid, Spain Research: The Role o f a Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor Alpha (PPAR) in Hypolipidemic Therapy and Hepatocarcinogenesis National Institutes o f Health, Laboratory of Metabolism. Bethesda, MD c/o Dr. Frank J. Gonzalez June 2000-June 2001 Creemers, Johannes Postdoctoral Researcher, Laboratory for Molecular Oncology, Center for Human Genetics, Leuven. Belgium Research: Intracellular Transport and In Vivo Characterization o f Protein Processing-Enzymes of the Novel Furin Family o f Colorado Health Sciences Center, Barbara Davis Center for Childhood Diabetes, Denver. CO c/o Dr. John Hutton August 2000-July

69 M e d ic a l Sc ien c es Dagdeviren,Attila Professor, Department o f Histology-Embryology, Medical Faculty, Hacettepe, Ankara, Turkey Research: Image Supported Tissue Distribution Database on CD-Designated Cell Surface Antigens o f Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Department o f Medicine, Oklahoma City, OK c/o Dr. Rodger P. McEver Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, Cardiovascular Biology Research Program, Oklahoma City, OK c/o Dr. James H. Morrissey June 2000-October 2000 c/o Dr. Richard Casaburi August 2000-July 2001 Hagberg, Henrik Professor, Perinatal Center, Institute for the Health o f Women and Children, Goteborg, Goteborg, Sweden Research: Role o f Poly ADP-Ribose Polymerase and Caspases in Perinatal Brain Injury Johns Hopkins, School o f Medicine, Department o f Neurology and Pediatrics, Baltimore, MD c/o Dr. Michael V. Johnston September 2000-June 2001 Degreve, Bart Scientific Researcher, Rega Institute for Medical Research, Catholic o f Leuven, Leuven, Belgium Research: Detailed Enzymologic Study of NDP Kinases Involved in the Activation of Anticancer and Antiviral Drugs Yale, School o f Medicine, Department o f Pharmacology, New Haven, CT c/o Dr. Yung-Chi Cheng October 2000-October 2001 Dorogoi, Vera Doctor, Department o f Obstetrics and Gynecology, Maternity Hospital, Balts, Moldova Research: Management o f Hypothyroid Disease in Pregnancy Ohio, College o f Osteopathic Medicine, Athens, OH c/o Dr. Bruce Dubin August 2000-December 2000 Dyb,Grete Ph.D. Student, Department o f Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, Norwegian o f Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway Research: The Impact of Alleged Sexual Abuse and Related Stressors on Children of California-Los Angeles, School o f Medicine, Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, Los Angeles, CA c/o Dr. Robert S. Pynoos August 2000-July 2001 Emtner, Ingegerd Senior Lecturer, Department o f Neuroscience Physiotherapy, Faculty of Medicine, Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden Research: Pulmonary Rehabilitation of California, Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, Division o f Respiratory and Critical Care Physiology and Medicine, Torrance, CA Handzic-Cuk, Jadranka ENT Specialist, Department o f Otorhinolaryngology, Clinical Hospital Center School o f Medicine, Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia Research: The Influence of Orofacial Cleft Types on the Middle Ear and Eustachian Tube Function o f Pittsburgh, School o f Dental Medicine, Division of Oral Biology, Pittsburgh, PA c/o Dr. Mary L. Marazita August 2000-May 2001 Howlett, Kirsten Fiona Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Health Sciences, Deakin, Burwood, Victoria, Australia Research: Regulation of Skeletal Muscle Glucose Uptake Harvard, School of Medicine, Joslin Diabetes Center, Cambridge, MA c/o Dr. Laurie Goodyear June 2000-June 2001 Jadue, Liliana Soraya Professor, Faculty o f Medicine, Los Andres, Santiago, Chile Research: Equity-Oriented Allocation o f Resources to Primary Health Care in Chile Harvard School o f Public Health, School o f Public Health, Center for Society and Health, Boston, M A c/o Dr. Ichiro Kawachi January A p ril 2001 Januszewski, Andrzej Adjunct Professor, Department o f Genetics, Agricultural in Wroclaw, Wroclaw, Poland Research: Inhibition o f Advanced Glycoxidation End Products Formation in Diabetes o f South Carolina, Department o f Chemistry and Biochemistry, Columbia, SC c/o Dr. John W. Baynes October 2000-July

70 M e d ic a l Sc ien c es Jarosinska, Dorota Assistant Professor, Outpatient Clinic o f Environmental Medicine, Institute o f Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health, Sosnowiec, Poland Research: Clinical Validation of Cut-Off Values Used in Environmental Lead Screening Programs in Children National Institutes o f Health, Epidemiology Branch, Research Triangle Park, NC c/o Dr. Walter Rogan October 2000-July 2001 Jonsdottir, Birna Radiologist, Radiology Clinic, Domus Medica, Reykjavik, Iceland Research: The Significance o f Very Low BMD Measurements in QCT George Washington, Institute for Medical Imaging and Image Analysis, Washington, DC c/o Dr. David J. Goodenough August 2000-August 2001 Kaddu, Steven Assistant Professor, Department o f Dermatology, o f Graz, Graz, Austria Research: Histopathology o f Soft Tissue Tumors with Special Emphasis to Diagnosis o f Cutaneous Soft Tissue Tumors Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Women s Hospital, Department of Pathology, Boston, M A c/o Dr. Christpher D.M. Fletcher October 2000-March 2001 Kamal, Sanaa Assistant Professor, Department o f Tropical Medicine and Infectious Diseases, Faculty o f Medicine, Ains Shams, Cairo, Egypt Research: Specific Cellular Responses and Cytokine Patterns in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Co-Infected with Schistosmoiasis Harvard, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Department o f Medicine, Infectious Disease Division, Cambridge, MA c/o Dr. Margaret Koziel October 2000-April 2001 Khalifa, Sherif Lecturer, Faculty o f Pharmacy, Biotechnology Research Institute, Suez Canal Institute, Ismailia, Egypt Lecturing and Research: Microbial Models for Mammalian Drug Metabolism Georgia State, College o f Arts and Sciences, Atlanta, GA c/o Dr. Ahmed T. Abdelal September 2000-January 2001 King, Susan Associate Professor, Department o f Pediatrics, Division of Infectious Diseases, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Research: Evaluation of Safety and Toxicity of Exposure to Antiretroviral Agents in Pregnancy Centers for Disease Control, Epidemiology Branch, Division of HIV/AIDS, Atlanta, GA30333 c/o Dr. Mary Glenn Fowler September 2000-May 2001 Kramers, Cornelis Lecturer, Department o f Pharmacology and Toxicology, of Nijmegen, Nijmegen, Netherlands Research: The Mechanism of Preconditioning in the Kidney Harvard, School o f Medicine, Department of Medicine, Cambridge, M A c/o Dr. Joseph V. Bonventre September 2000-September 2001 Kranjec, Igor Cardiologist, Department o f Cardiology, Medical Center, Ljubljana, Slovenia Research: Lipid-Lowering and Antioxidant Therapy for Patients with Coronary Heart Disease and Low LDL- Cholesterol: Quantitative Angiographic Studies of Washington, School of Medicine, Division of Cardiology, Seattle, W A c/o Dr. B. Greg Brown March October 2001 Kumlien, Eva Consultant, Department o f Neurology, Hospital, Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden Research: Clinical and Preclinical Studies o f Partial Epilepsy of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Department of Clinical Neurology, St. Paul, MN c/o Dr. John R. Gates August 2000-June 2001 Legros, Benjamin Resident, Department o f Neurology, Erasme Hospital, Brussels, Belgium Research: Drowsiness, Sleep and Circadian Rhythms in Patients with Non-Temporal Lobe Epilepsy New York Presbyterian Hospital at Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center, The Neurological Institute, Department of Neurology, New York, NY c/o Dr. Timothy A. Pedley September 2000-September

71 M e d ic a l Sc ien c es Marino, Giovanni Resident, Department of Surgery, Garibaldi Hospital, o f Catania, Catania, Italy Research: Impact of the Right Lobe Living Donor Liver Transplantation in Adult Patients on Organ Shortage o f Pittsburgh, Transplantation Institute, Pittsburgh, PA c/o Dr. Thomas E. Starzl January October 2001 Markosyan, Karine Research Analyst, Department o f Public Health, Center for Health Services Research, American o f Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia Research: Exploration o f Issues Surrounding Effective School Health Programs in the United States: Development o f a Culturally Appropriate Health Program for Armenian Schools Emory. School o f Public Health, Department o f International Health, Atlanta, GA c/o Dr. Jennifer Hirsch August 2000-May 2001 Martinez Munoz, Maria Staff Member, Department o f Hematology, Hospital Clinic, Barcelona, Spain Research: Targeting Clontypic Myeloma Cells for Serotherapy After Stem Cell Transplantation Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cell Unit, New York, NY c/o Dr. Raymond L. Comenzo September 2000-August 2001 Mathov de Sacerdoti, Irina Lecturer, Department of Immunology, o f Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina Research: Role of the Interleukin-6 Type o f Cytokines and Their Receptors in Aging-Associated Bone Loss o f Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Division o f Endocrinology, Department o f Internal Medicine, Center for Osteoporosis and Metabolic Disease, Little Rock, AR c/o Dr. Teresita Bellido November 2000-February 2001 Mayerova, Dita Graduate Student, Department of Immunology, Second School o f Medicine, Charles, Prague, Czech Republic Research: The Pathogenic Mechanisms o f Skin Autoimmune Disease of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Center for Immunology Medical School, Department o f Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, Minneapolis, MN c/o Dr. Kristin A. Hogquist August 2000-June 2001 Mokhtar, Najat Professor and Director, Department o f Biology, Faculty o f Science Nutrition Unit, Ibn Tofail, Kenitra, Morocco Research: Reframing Obesity in Morocco: Women, Diet and Culture Johns Hopkins, School o f Hygiene and Public Health, Baltimore, MD c/o Dr. Benjamin Caballero July 2000-October 2000 Morawski, Krzysztof Associate Professor, Second ENT Department, Silesian Medical Academy, Zabrze, Poland Research: Identifying the Intraoperative Monitoring of Cochlear Function During Neuro-Otologic Surgery o f Miami, School o f Medicine, Department o f Otolaryngology, Miami, F L c/o Dr. Brenda L. Lonsbury-Martin September 2000-March 2001 Neurath, Markus Assistant Professor, I. Medical Center, of Mainz, Mainz, Germany Research: Transcriptional Regulation o f Cytokine Gene Expression by T-Bet in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Women s Hospital, Gastroenterology Division, Boston, M A c/o Dr. Richard S. Blumberg March August 2001 Pal, Deb Resident in Pediatric Neurology, Institute o f Child Health, Neurosciences Unit, College, London, United Kingdom Research: Laboratory Methods in Genetics and the Statistical Analysis o f Gene-Environment Interactions CUNY-Mount Sinai School o f Medicine, Department o f Psychiatry, New York, NY c/o Dr. David A. Greenberg Columbia, Department o f Neurology and Public Health, School of Public Health College o f Physicians and Surgeons, New York, NY c/o Dr. W. Allen Hauser March 2000-March 2001 Panariti, Edmond Deputy Director and Head, Department o f Environmental Toxicology, Bilal Golemi Institute o f Veterinary Research, Tirana, Albania 70

72 M e d ic a l Sc ie n c e s Lecturing and Research: Pyrolizidine Alkaloids Toxicology and Analytics; Characterization o f Colchicine s Excretion and Tissue Distribution Patterns Mississippi State, College o f Veterinary Medicine, Veterinary Medical Research, Mississippi State, MS c/o Dr. A. Jerald Ainsworth April October 2001 Prieto, Juan Carlos Dominguez Associate Professor, Cardiovascular Center, School of Medicine, of Chile, Santiago, Chile Research: The Design and Management o f Clinical Trials Duke, Duke Clinical Research Institute, Durham, NC c/o Dr. Robert A. Harrington November 2000-February 2001 P rifti, Skerdi Vice Chief, Gastroenterology Clinic, Mother Theresa Hospital Center, Tirana, Albania Research: Role o f Endoscopic Retrograde Colangio- Pancreatography in the Treatment o f Hepato-Biliary and Pancreatic Diseases Georgetown, Georgetown Hospital, Gastroenterology Fellowship Experience, Washington, DC c/o Dr. Stanley B. Benjamin March September 2001 Reneman, Liesbeth Research Assistant in Training, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands Research: Comparison of 1H Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and PET as Methods for Detecting MDMA (Ecstasy) Neurotoxicity: Studies in Nonhuman Primates Johns Hopkins, Department o f Neurology, Baltimore, MD c/o Dr. George A. Ricaur July 2000-December 2000 Ribeiro, Mariceli Araujo Assistant Professor, Department o f Infectious Diseases, Biomedical Center, Federal o f Espirito Santo, Vitoria, Espirito Santos, Brazil Research: Genotype and Molecular Study o f Possible Mechanisms o f Resistance to Antifungal Drugs by Yeast Isolated from HIV-Infected Patients Duke, Medical Center, Division o f Infectious Diseases, Durham, NC c/o Dr. Gray Mattew Cox September 2000-August 2001 Sanchez, Gilma Guadalupe Burgos Researcher, Department o f Arboviruses, National Institute of Public Health. Cuernavaca, Mexico Research: Virulence Factors of the Influenza Virus: The NSI Protein New York, Department of Microbiology, New York, NY c/o Dr. Adolfo Garcia-Sastre January October 2001 Sarkadi, Balazs Head, Department of Cell Metabolism, National Institute of Haematology and Immunology, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary Research: Investigation o f the Role o f ATP-Dependent Transporters in Cystic Fibrosis of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, School o f Medicine, Cystic Fibrosis/Pulmonary Research and Treatment Center, Chapel Hill, NC c/o Dr. Richard C. Boucher September 2000-June 2001 Sarndahl, Eva Assistant Professor, Department of Cell Biology, Faculty of Health Sciences, Linkoping, Linkoping, Sweden Research: The Battle Between Anti-Inflammatory Signals (Lipoxins) and Pro-Inflammatory Signals (Chemotactic Signals) in Inflammation Harvard, Harvard Medical School, Department of Anesthesia, Boston, M A c/o Dr. Charles N. Serhan July 2000-JuIy 2001 Sediva,Anna Vice Head, Institute o f Immunology, Hospital Motol, Prague, Czech Republic Research: Immunology: A Multidisciplinary Field o f North Carolina-Chapel Hill, School o f Medicine, Department o f Medicine, Division o f Nephrology and Hypertension, Chapel Hill, NC c/o Dr. Gloria Preston March June 2001 Shihab, Azza Lecturer, Department o f Opthalmology, School o f Medicine, Minia, Minia, Egypt Research: Electrophysiology Study or Retinal Pigment Epithelium and Photoreceptors Transplant in Experimental Animal Models for Retinitis Pigmentosa o f California-Los Angeles, Vision Genetics Center, Los Angeles, CA c/o Dr. J.R. Heckenlively October 2000-July

73 M e d ic a l Sc ien c es Shivalkar, Bharati Research Associate, Center for Experimental Healing and Anesthesiology, Leuven, Belgium Research: Chronic Ischemic Left Ventricular Dysfunction The o f Virginia, Health Sciences Center, Cardiovascular Division, Charlottesville, VA c/o Dr. George Beller January December 2001 Shukuryan, Arthur Chief, Department of ENT, Yerevan State Medical, Yerevan, Armenia Lecturing and Research: Surgical Rehabilitation o f Patients with Conductive Deafness Cornell, Joan and Sanford L. Weill Medical College, Department o f ENT, New York, NY c/o Dr. Samuel H. Selesnick January September 2001 Stancak,Andrej Associate Professor, Department of Normal, Pathological, and Clinical Physiology, Third Faculty o f Medicine, Charles, Prague, Czech Republic Research: The Post-Movement Cortical Inhibition in Simple Finger Movements: EEG and NISR Study o f Minnesota-Twin Cities, Medical School, Department of Radiology, Center for Magnetic Resonance Research, Minneapolis, MN c/o Dr. Seong-Gi Kim January May 2001 Taimr, Pavel Consultant, Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Prague, Czech Republic Research: The Role o f Apoptosis as a Factor Leading to the Progression o f End-Stage Liver Disease Mayo Graduate School, Center for Basic Research in Digestive Diseases, Rochester, MN c/o Dr. Gregory J. Gores September July 2001 Topor, Boris Professor and Director, Department o f Morphology and Operative Surgery, State Medical and Pharmaceutical, Chisinau, Moldova Lecturing and Research: Curricular Development in Anatomy and Surgery o f Louisville, School o f Medicine, Department o f Surgery, Louisville, KY c/o Dr. Susan Galandiuk September 2000-February 2001 Ugur, Omer Professor, Department o f Nuclear Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Hacettepe, Ankara, Turkey Research: Radionuclide Therapy with Pentavalent Rhenium- 188 Dimercaptosuccinic Acid Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Division o f Nuclear Medicine, New York, NY c/o Dr. Steven M. Larson August 2000-December 2000 Vellayan, Subramaniam Head and Veterinarian, Zoo Hospital, Zoo Negara, Selangor, Malaysia Research: Captive Breeding o f Malaysian Elephants and Sumataran Rhinoceros o f Florida, College o f Veterinary Medicine, Department o f Small Animals Clinical Sciences, Gainesville, FL c/o Dr. Darryl Heard January A p ril 2001 Vranckx,Jan Medical Specialist, Department o f Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Leuven Hospitals, Leuven, Belgium Research: Clinical Parameters o f Growth Factors and Wound Healing: Tissue Engineering o f Fibro-Elastic Cartilage and Subcutis Harvard Medical Center, Brigham and Women s Hospital, Laboratory o f Wound Healing and Gene Therapy, Boston, M A c/o Dr. E lof Eriksson, M.D. August 2000-August 2001 Zorec, Robert Lecturer, Laboratory o f Neuroendocrinology-Molecular Cell Physiology, Institute o f Pathophysiology Medical Faculty, o f Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia Research: Regulation o f Unitary Exocytic Events in Pituitary Cells o f Colorado Health Sciences Center, School of Medicine, Department o f Physiology and Biophysics, Denver, CO c/o Dr. William J. Betz June 2000-December

74 Mus ic /Ph il o s o p h Y Garbosa, Guilherme Student, Graduate Music Program, Federal of Bahia, Salvador, Brazil Research: Ernst Mahle Clarinet Concert: An Idiomatic and Pedagogical Analysis Indiana -Bloomington, School o f Music, Bloomington, IN c/o Dr. James Campbell August 2000-August 2001 Kartacheva, Zinaida Professor, Department of Theory and History o f Music, Moscow State of Culture and Arts, Moscow, Russian Federation Research: Jazz in the United States: 1970 to the 1990s New England Conservatory o f Music, Department o f Jazz Studies, Boston, M A c/o Dr. Allan S. Chase October 2000-June 2001 Koulikova, Irina Associate Professor, General Piano Department, Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory, Moscow, Russian Federation Lecturing: Rachmaninoff, Stravinsky, and Prokofiev: Outstanding Composer-Pianists of the 20th Century The Style and Interpretation o f Their Piano Works Catholic o f America, Benjamin T. Rome School of Music, Piano Division, Washington, DC c/o Dr. Marilyn Neeley October 2000-April 2001 Okuda, Keiji Professor, Department o f Education, Tokoha Gakuen, Shizuoka, Japan Research: The Contributions o f Charles Ives to the Development o f American Music Indiana -Bloomington, School o f Music, Department o f Musicology, Bloomington, IN c/o Dr. J. Peter Burkholder July 2000-March 2001 Samy, Ramz Free Lancer and Music Composer, Cairo, Egypt Research: Music Composition Affiliation to be determined, c/o Ms. Marilee Muchow, CIES October 2000-April 2001 Ph il o s o p h y Boruah, Bijoy Professor, Department o f Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute o f Technology, Kanpur, India Research: Centerless World and Decentered Selves: Echoes o f Vendantic Non-Dualism in Contemporary American Philosophy of Texas-Austin, Department of Philosophy, Austin, TX c/o Dr. Stephen Phillips August 2000-April 2001 De Boer, Jelle Postdoctoral Student, Department of Philosophy, o f Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands Research: Rationality and Collective Intentionality of Connecticut, Department o f Philosophy, Storrs, CT c/o Dr. Margaret Gilbert September 2000-December 2000 Ditchev, Ivaylo Associate Professor, Department of Cultural Studies, Faculty o f Philosophy, of Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria Lecturing and Research: Uses and Abuses of Forgetting Harvard, Department o f Slavic Languages and Comparative Literatures, Cambridge, MA c/o Dr. Svetlana Boym August 2000-December 2000 El-Bouazzati, Bennacer Professor, Department o f Philosophy, Faculty o f Letters and Human Sciences, Rabat, Morocco Research: The Place o f Optics in the Scientific Renaissance of Europe Harvard, Department o f the History o f Science, Cambridge, MA c/o Dr. Abdelhamid 1. Sabra July 2000-October 2000 Fernandez, Jose Assistant Professor, o f Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina Research: Art and Politics in the 21st Century: A New Beginning? New School for Social Research, Department of Philosophy, New York, NY c/o Dr. Dmitri Nikulin January A pril

75 Ph il o s o p h y Gefenas, Eugenijus Senior Researcher, Department o f Ethics, Institute o f Philosophy and Sociology, Medical Faculty, Vilnius, Vilnius, Lithuania Lecturing: Justice and Health-Care Reform: A Cross-Cultural Perspective Union College, Graduate Management Institute, Schenectady, NY c/o Dr. Martin Strosberg August 2000-December 2000 (Scholar-in-Residence Program) Gensler, Marek Assistant Professor, Department o f Philosophy, o f Lodz, Lodz, Poland Research: Walter Burley s De Generatione Et Corruptione Commentary: A 14th-Century Attempt to Unify Aristolelian Physics Boston College, Institute o f Medieval Philosophy and Theology, Department o f Theology, Chestnut H ill, MA c/o Dr. Stephen F. Brown September 2000-June 2001 Guillaumin, Godfrey Ernesto Juarez Professor, Faculty o f Philosophy and Letters, Ex-Convent o f Valenciana, Guanajuato, Mexico Research: Evidence and Epistemic Values: How Values Enter in the Scientific Evaluation o f Evidence of Pittsburgh, Center for Philosophy o f Science, Pittsburgh, PA c/o Dr. James Lennox August 2000-May 2001 Haapala,Arto Professor, Department o f Aesthetics, o f Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland Research: Existential Aesthetics and the Ethics o f Interpretation Temple, College o f Liberal Arts, Department o f Philosophy, Philadelphia, PA c/o Dr. Richard Shusterman January September 2001 Hlobil, Tomas Assistant Professor, Department o f Dramatic Arts, Faculty o f Arts, Palacky, Olomouc, Czech Republic Research: Language, Poetry and the Theory o f Imitation in British and German Philosophy and Aesthetics o f the 18th Century Johns Hopkins, Department o f German, Baltimore, MD c/o Dr. David E. Wellberg March June 2001 Ibrulj, Nijaz Professor, Department o f Philosophy and Sociology, Faculty o f Philosophy, o f Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia Herzegovina Research: Inquiries into Multiple Tolerance: Consequences of Tolerance o f California-Berkeley, Department of Philosophy, Berkeley, CA c/o Dr. John R. Searle August 2000-May 2001 Krishnam urthy, Sundari Reader and Head, Department o f Sociology, Stella Maris College, Tamilnadu, India Lecturing: Indian Art, Culture, Religion and Society as Manifestations o f Indian Philosophy Hillsborough Community College, District Administrative Offices, Education and Student Development Division, Tampa, FL c/o Dr. Antoinette D Oronzio August 2000-June 2001 (Scholar-in-Residence Program ) Kristjansson, Kristjan Professor, Department o f Education, o f Akureyri, Akureyri, Iceland Research: Justifying Emotions: Pridefulness and Jealousy Cornell, The Sage School o f Philosophy, Department o f Philosophy, Ithaca, NY c/o Dr. Terence Irwin March June 2001 Lautner, Peter Research Fellow, Department o f Classical Studies, Hungarian Academy o f Sciences, Budapest, Hungary Research: The Relation Between the Two Neoplatonic Schools in Late Antiquity Rutgers, The State o f New Jersey-New Brunswick, Department o f Classics, New Brunswick, NJ c/o Dr. W illiam Fortenbaugh September 2000-February 2001 Lee, M ing-huei Research Fellow, Institute o f Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Nankang, Taipei, Taiwan Research: Confucianism and Communitarianism o f California-Berkeley, Department o f Philosophy, Berkeley, CA c/o Dr. Kwong-loi Shun December 2000-September

76 Ph il o s o p h y /Ph y s ic s a n d A s t r o n o my Mawondo, Simon Lecturer, Department o f Religious Studies, Classics, and Philosophy, of Zimbabwe, Harare, Zimbabwe Research: Truth Reconciliation and Justice: The Search for Peace Harvard, W.E.B. Dubois Institute for Afro- American Studies, Department o f Afro-American Studies, Cambridge, M A c/o Ms. Annie Byrd September 2000-February 2001 Reyes Rivas, Roxana Assistant Professor, Women s Studies Program, o f Costa Rica, San Jose, Costa Rica Lecturing: Women s Studies Illinois College, Department o f History and Political Science, Office o f International Studies, Jacksonville, IL c/o Dr. Winston Wells August 2000-May 2001 (Scholar-in-Residence Program) Tong,Shijun Professor, Department o f Philosophy, East China Normal, Shanghai, China, People s Republic o f Research: New Frankfurt School and American Pragmatism Columbia. Department of Philosophy, New York, NY c/o Dr. Thomas Pogge September 2000-July 2001 Zaytsev, Evgeny Research Fellow, History o f Mathematics Department, Institute for the History o f Science and Technology, Russian Academy o f Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation Research: The School o f Charters and the 12th-Century Renaissance of Wisconsin-Madison, History of Science Department, Madison, WI c/o Dr. David C. Lindberg September 2000-May 2001 Schmidtke, Sabine Professor, Institute for Islamic Studies, Free of Berlin, Berlin, Germany Research: Edition and Study o f an Anonymous Arabic Recension o f Aristotle s Parva N aturalia in Ms. Rampur (India), 1752 National Institutes of Health, National Humanities Center, Research Triangle Park, NC September 2000-June 2001 Sun, Hsiao-Chih Associate Professor, Department o f Philosophy, National Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan Research: Ethical Truth Between Subjectivism and Objectivism: A Reflection on the Subjectivistic Tendency in Contemporary Ethical Theories Georgetown, Kennedy Institute o f Ethics, Washington, DC c/o Dr. Kevin W. Wildes August 2000-June 2001 Szubka,Tadeusz Assistant Professor, Department o f Logic and Theory of Knowledge, Catholic o f Lublin, Lublin, Poland Research: Sources and Limits o f Objectivity o f Pittsburgh, Department o f Philosophy, Pittsburgh, PA c/o Dr. John H. McDowell October 2000-July 2001 Ph y s ic s a n d A s t r o n o my Al-Share, Mohammad Chair, Department of Physics, Mu tah, Mu tah, Jordan Research: Temperature-Induced Structural Change in the Aqueous Solutions and Dimixing Phenomena to Study Hydrogen Bonding/Impurity Complexes of North Texas, Department of Physics, Denton, TX c/o Dr. James A. Roberts August 2000-May 2001 Anongba, Patrick Norbert Blaise Associate Professor, Department o f Materials Science and Technology, Faculty o f Science, National o f Cote d Ivoire, Abidjan, Cote d'ivoire Research: Physics of Fracture: Influence of Crack-Tip Dislocations Emission on the Shape of a Crack Front o f Pennsylvania, School of Engineering and Applied Science, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Philadelphia, PA c/o Dr. V. Vitek August 2000-May 2001 Ben Saoud, Slim Associate Professor, Department o f Physics, National Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology o f Tunis, Tunis, Tunisia Research: Application o f Co-Design Methodology in the Design o f a Real-Time Emulator 75

77 Ph y s ic s a n d A s t r o n o my o f California-Irvine, Center for Embedded Computer Systems, Department o f Information and Computer Science, Irvine, CA c/o Dr. Daniel D. Gajaski February 2001-M ay 2001 Buckman, Stephen John Professor and Head, Atomic and Molecular Physics Laboratories, Research School o f Physical Science and Engineering, Australian National, Canberra, Australia Research: The Search for Positron-Atom (Molecule) Bound States o f California-San Diego, Department o f Physics, La Jolla, CA c/o Dr. Clifford M. Surko September 2000-September 2001 Diez, Javier Alberto Assistant Professor, College o f Sciences, National o f the Province o f Buenos Aires, Tandil, Argentina Research: Interface Dynamics and Pattern Formation in Thin Liquid Film Flows New Jersey Institute o f Technology, Department o f Mathematical Sciences, Newark, NJ c/o Dr. Lou Kondic December 2000-February 2001 Doron, Rami Racah Instructor, Institute o f Physics, Hebrew o f Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel Research: Investigation o f Plasma Columns Produced By a Fast Capillary Discharge Toward the Realization o f a Soft X-Ray Laser Below 300 A Department o f the Navy, Naval Research Laboratory, Solar Terrestrial Relationship Branch, Washington, DC c/o Dr. George A. Doschek August 2000-July 2001 El-Kawni, Marwan Professor, Department o f Physics, Al-Quds Open, Nablus, West Bank Research: Preparation and Characterization o f Fluorinated TI Single Crystals Florida State, National High Magnetic Field Group, Magnet Science and Technology Group, Tallahassee, FL c/o Dr. Yusuf S. Hascicek October 2000-July 2001 Fuentes, Miguel Angel Cabrera Researcher, Department o f Fundamental and Experimental Physics, o f La Laguna, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Isla, Spain Research: Molecular Dynamics o f Framework and Porous Materials Arizona State, Department o f Physics and Astronomy, Tempe, AZ c/o Dr. Otto F. Sankey May 2000-April 2001 Garcia, Francisco Javier de Abajo Associate Professor, Department o f Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, o f the Basque Country, San Sebastian, Guipuzcoa, Spain Research: Simulation o f Spin Effects During Photoelectron Diffraction in Solids o f California-Berkeley, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Material Sciences Division, Berkeley, CA c/o Dr. Michel A. Van Hove July 1999-June 2000 Guimpel, Julio Juan Researcher, Bariloche Atomic Center, Rio Negro, Argentina Research: Physical Properties o f Magnetic Submicron Dot Arrays o f California-San Diego, Thin Film Laboratory, Department o f Physics, La Jolla, CA c/o Dr. Ivan K. Schuller January 2001 April 2001 Hallak, Hanna Associate Professor, Department o f Physics, Bethlehem, Bethlehem, West Bank Research: Tracing Perovskite Ferroelectrics Quantum Clusters by XRD Under High Electric Field o f California-Los Angeles, School of Engineering and Applied Science, Department o f Electrical Engineering, Los Angeles, CA c/o Dr. Oscar M. Stafsudd January 2001-August 2001 Iskef, Hussein Professor, Department o f Physics, o f Aleppo, Aleppo, Syria Research: Absolute Nanodosimeters for Direct Measurement o f Radiation Risk at the Biomolecular Level Texas A & M, College o f Engineering, Department o f Nuclear Engineering, College Station, TX c/o Dr. Leslie A. Braby October 2000-April

78 Ph y s ic s a n d A s t r o n o my Jimenez Lopez, Concepcion Researcher, Department of Physics, of Granada, Granada, Spain Research: Controlled Synthesis o f Magnetite and Siderite at Low Temperature and the Morphologic Characterization of Inorganic/Bacterial Precipitation o f Georgia, Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, Athens, GA c/o Dr. Christopher S. Romanek October 2000-September 2001 Joffrain, Walter Ph.D. Student, Department of Physics, of Genova. Genova, Italy Research: New Trapping Techniques and Spectroscopy of Ultracold Atomic Hydrogen Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Physics, Cambridge, MA c/o Dr. Daniel Kleppner November 2000-August 2001 Jogad, Mahantappa Senior Lecturer, Department of Physics, Sharanabasaveshwar College o f Science, Karnataka, India Lecturing and Research: Improving Undergraduate Physics Instruction in India Michigan State, Department o f Physics and Astronomy, East Lansing, MI c/o Dr. Wolfgang Bauer o f Nebraska-Lincoln, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Lincoln, NE c/o Dr. Roger D. Kirby o f Missouri-Columbia, Department o f Physics and Astronomy, Columbi, MO c/o Dr. Meera Chandrasekhar August 2000-August 2001 Juzeliunas, Gediminas Senior Researcher, Department o f Theory o f Structures and Processes, Lithuanian Institute o f Theoretical Physics and Astronomy, Vilnius, Lithuania Research: Polaritons in Atomic Bose-Einstein Condensates: A Microscopic Analysis o f Oregon, Oregon Center for Optics, Department o f Physics, Eugene, OR c/o Dr. Howard Carmichael September 2000-July 2001 Luna Estevez, Monica I. Researcher, Department o f Physics and Materials Sciences, Autonomous o f Madrid, Madrid, Spain Research: Liquid Structures o f Nanometric Size by Means o f Non-Contact Scanning Force Microscopy and High Pressure Syncrotron Radiation Techniques of Califomia-Berkeley, Materials Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA c/o Dr. Miguel Salmeron October 2000-September 2001 Mutihac, Radu Associate Professor, Department of Electricity and Biophysics, Faculty of Physics, of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania Research: Modeling and Simulation o f a Mitral Cell of the Olfactory Bulb Yale, Department o f Computer Science, New Haven, CT c/o Dr. Michael Hines October 2000-April 2001 Piazza, Vincenzo Researcher, G. Polvani Laboratory, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy Research: Novel Phases in the Quantum Hall Regime California Institute o f Technology, Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Pasadena, CA c/o Dr. James Eisenstein September 2000-December 2000 Ribas Canudas, Ignasi Collaborator, Department of Astronomy and Meteorology, o f Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain Research: The Cosmological Distance Scale: Accurate Distances to the Large Magellanic Clouds and the Small Magellanic Clouds from Eclipsing Binaries Villanova, College o f Liberal Arts and Sciences, Department o f Astronomy and Astrophysics, Villanova, PA c/o Dr. Edward F. Guinan February 2000-February 2001 Santolik, Ondrej Assistant Professor, Department o f Electronics and Vacuum Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles, Prague, Czech Republic Research: Polarization and Propagation Properties o f Plasma Waves Using Advanced Techniques of Iowa, Department o f Physics and Astronomy, Iowa City, IA c/o Dr. Donald A. Gurnett September 2000-July 2001 Scholl, Eckehard Professor, Institute o f Theoretical Physics, Technical of Berlin, Berlin, Germany 77

79 Ph y s ic s a n d A s t r o n o my /P o l it ic a l Sc ie n c e Research: Nonlinear Dynamics and Pattern Formation in Semiconductors Duke, Department o f Physics, Durham, NC c/o Dr. Stephen W. Teitsworth March 2000-September 2000 Schwarzacher, Walther Lecturer, H.H. Wills Physics Laboratory, o f Bristol, Bristol, United Kingdom Research: In-Situ Investigation o f Electrodeposited Alleys National Institute o f Standards and Technology, Electrochemical Processing Group, Gaithersburg, M D c/o Dr. Thomas P. Moffait October 2000-October 2001 Serrano, Maria Dolores Hernandez Assistant Professor, Crystal Growth Laboratory, Department o f Material Physics, Autonomous o f Madrid, Madrid, Spain Research: Crystal Growth o f Proteins o f Alabama-Huntsville, Center for Microgravity and Materials Research, Huntsville, AL c/o Dr. Peter Vekilov May 2000-May 2001 Sharon, Eran Ph.D. Student, Racah Institute o f Physics, Hebrew o f Jerusalem, Givat-Ram, Israel Research: Pattern Formation During Dynamic Material Failure o f Texas-Austin, Center for Nonlinear Dynamics, Department o f Physics, Austin, TX c/o Dr. Harry L. Swinney July 2000-July 2001 Tafuri, Francesco Assistant Professor, Department o f Information Engineering, Seconda o f Napoli, Aversa, Italy Research: Macroscopic Quantum Effects in High Critical Temperature Superconductors in Frustrated Geometries for Quantum Digital Circuits Stanford, Laboratory for Advanced Materials, Department o f Applied Physics, Stanford, CA c/o Dr. Katherine A. Moler March December 2001 Tuzemen, Sebahattin Professor, Department o f Physics, Faculty o f Arts and Sciences, Ataturk, Erzurum, Turkey Research: Optical and Electrical Characterization o f Semi- Insulating and Semi-Conducting III-V Compounds for the Use o f Microelectronic Device Technology Wake Forest, Department o f Physics, Winston- Salem, NC c/o Dr. Richard T. Williams October 2000-April 2001 Vazquez, Manuel Ramallo* Researcher, Department o f Condensed-Matter Physics, Low- Temperature and Superconductivity Laboratory, o f Santiago o f Compostela, La Coruna, Spain Research: Electrodynamics and Other Properties of High- Temperature Superconductors o f Illinois-Urbana-Champaign, Department of Physics, Champaign, IL c/o Dr. Anthony J. Leggett January 2000-December 2000 Weiss, Achim Scientific Staff Member, Max-Planck Institute, Garching, Germany Research: Age Determinations o f Individual Globular Cluster Stars Princeton, Department o f Astrophysical Sciences, Princeton, NJ c/o Dr. Bohdan Paczynski September 2000-December 2000 Po l it ic a l Sc ie n c e Balthazar, Louis Professor Emeritus, Department o f Political Science, Laval, Quebec, Quebec, Canada Lecturing: Canada, Quebec and the United States Bridgewater State College, Canadian Studies Program, Bridgewater, M A c/o Dr. Anthony Cicerone September 2000-January 2001 Barak, Eitan Evaluator o f Senior Faculty, Department o f Political Science, Center for the Advancement o f Teaching, Tel-Aviv, Tel-Aviv, Israel Research: Israel, the Middle East and the Chemical Weapons Convention Harvard, John F. Kennedy School o f Government, International Security Program, Cambridge, M A c/o Dr. Steven M iller September 2000-June 2001 Barkaoui, M iloud Senior Lecturer and Associate Professor, Department of English, o f Annaba, Annaba, Algeria Research: Security and Socio-Political Stability in the Maghreb: The Role and Impact o f U.S. Foreign Policy 78

80 Po l it ic a l Sc ie n c e Boston, Department o f International Relations, Boston, MA c/o Dr. Andrew J. Bacevich October 2000-January 2001 Bin Huwaidan, Ebtesam Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, United Arab Emirates, A l Ain, United Arab Emirates Research: Legislative Institutions in the G ulf Cooperation Council, : A Comparative Study George Washington, Department of Political Science, Washington, DC c/o Dr. Nathan Brown January July 2001 Bossine, lo u ri Associate Professor, Department o f the Near and Middle East, Institute o f Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation Research: U.S. and Russian Interests in Post-Soviet Central Asia: Conflict? Balance? Cooperation? Harvard, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Central Asian Studies Forum, Cambridge, M A c/o Dr. John S. Schoeberlein January September 2001 Brooks, Stephen Professor, Department o f Political Science, of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada Lecturing and Research: American Politics o f Michigan-Ann Arbor, Department o f Political Science, Ann Arbor, MI c/o Dr. Daniel H. Levine September 2000-December 2000 Calleya, Stephen Deputy Director, Mediterranean Academy o f Diplomatic Studies, o f Malta, Msida, Malta Research: Regionalism in the Post Cold War World American, School o f International Service, Washington, DC c/o Dr. James H. Mittelman August 2000-September 2000 Deheza, Grace Ivana Professor, Department o f Political Science, San Andres, La Paz, Bolivia Research: Institutional Reforms in Bolivia: The Congress Florida International, Latin American and Caribbean Center, Miami, FL c/o Dr. Eduardo Gamarra August 2000-February 2001 Dunn, David Senior Lecturer, Department o f Political Science and International Studies, of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham, United Kingdom Research: The European Union, European Studies, Defense Policy and the Future o f Transatlantic Security Relations National Defense, Department o f Defense, European Security Unit, Washington, DC c/o Dr. Kori Schake December 2000-April 2001 (European Union Affairs Research Program) Eddahar,NabyI Professor, School o f Law, Hassan II, Casablanca, Morocco Research: Conflict Resolution George Mason, Institute of Conflict Analysis and Resolution, Fairfax, VA c/o Dr. Denise Sandole Eastern Mennonite, Conflict Transformation Program, Harrisonburg, VA c/o Dr. Ronald Kraybill January 2001-July 2001 Emagna, Maximin Associate Researcher, Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, of Picardie, Amiens Cedex I Belgium Lecturing and Research: International Administrative Cooperation (Technical Assistance in the Field o f Public Management and the Training o f Civil Servants) in the Context of Globalization of Pittsburgh, Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, Division o f International Development, Pittsburgh, PA c/o Dr. Louis A. Picard January October 2001 (European Union Affairs Research Program) Gabrielyan, Oleg Head, Department of Political Sciences and Sociology, Tavrichesky National, Simferopol, Crimea, Ukraine Research: Ethnic Conflicts in Post-Soviet Space: A Comparative Analysis George Mason, Institute of Conflict Analysis and Resolution, Fairfax, VA c/o Dr. Sandra I. Cheldelin January 2001-September 2001 Gegeshidze, Archil Head, Department o f Foreign Policy Analysis, State Chancellery, Tbilisi, Georgia 79

81 Po l it ic a l Sc ie n c e Research: The Eurasian Transport Corridor: Catalyst for Peace or Conflict in the South Caucasus? Stanford, Institute for International Studies, Stanford, CA c/o Dr. Gail W. Lapidus August 2000-May 2001 Lecturing and Research: Center o f European Studies New York, The Vernon Center for International Affairs, Center for European Studies, New York, NY c/o Dr. M artin A. Schain January 2001-June 2001 (European Union A ffairs Research Program) Georgieva, Lidija Assistant Professor, Faculty o f Philosophy, St. C yril and Methodius, Skopje, Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic o f Research: U.S. Policy and Southeastern Europe: Challenges in Conflict Prevention o f Maryland-College Park, School o f Public Affairs, Center for International and Security Studies, College Park, MD c/o Dr. Frances G. Burwell August 2000-May 2001 Gueye, Babacar Professor, Department o f Law and Political Science, Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar, Senegal Research: International Law and African Integration: The West African Experience Georgetown, School o f Foreign Service, The African Studies Program, Washington, DC c/o Dr. Gwendolyn M ikell March November 2001 Hagtvet, Bernt Professor, Department o f Political Science, o f Oslo, Oslo, Norway Research: Civil Society and the Breakdown o f Democracy: A Reexamination o f the Weimar Republic Yale, Department o f Political Science, New Haven, CT c/o Dr. Ian Shapiro August 2000-June 2001 Hamzeh, Ahmad Nizar Associate Professor. Department o f Political Studies and Public Administration, American o f Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon Research: Lebanon s Islamists: From M ilitia to Party Politics o f Southern California, Department o f Political Science, LosAngeles, CA90089 c/o Dr. Richard Dekmijian February November 2001 Hashmi, Nadia Post Graduate, Department o f Social and Political Science, European Institute, Firenze, Italy Hong, Sung G ul Assistant Professor, Department o f Public Administration, Kookm in, Seoul, Korea Lecturing and Research: Strategies to Advance the Korean IT Industry: Lessons from the United States o f North Carolina-Chapel H ill, Department of Political Science, Chapel H ill, NC c/o Dr. John D. Stephens August 2000-June 2001 Kim ura, Masataka Associate Professor, Faculty o f Humanities, Ibaraki, Ibaraki, Japan Research: F ilipino Migrants and Their Children o f Intermarriage: A Comparative Study o f Racially and/or Ethnically M ixed People in the United States, Japan and Australia o f Hawaii-M anoa, Center for Philippine Studies, Department o f Ethnic Studies, Honolulu, HI c/o Dr. Dean T. Alegado August 2000-February 2001 Ku, Daeyeol Professor, Department o f Political Science and Diplomacy, Ewha Womans, Seoul, Korea Research: The Opening o f Korea: Western Perceptions of Korea and Korean Reactions o f Minnesota-Twin Cities, College o f Liberal Arts, Department o f History, Minneapolis, M N c/o Dr. Edward Farmer January 2001-June 2001 Lang, Sabine Assistant Professor, Department o f Political and Social Sciences, John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies, Free Berlin, Berlin, Germany Research: Local Public Spheres and Citizen Participation: A Comparative Analysis o f Germany and the United States o f Califomia-Berkeley, Center for German and European Studies, Department o f International and Area Studies, Berkeley, CA c/o Dr. Beverly Crawford September 2000-March

82 Po l it ic a l Sc ie n c e Mead, Kullada Kesboonchoo Assistant Professor, Department o f Political Science, Chulalongkom, Bangkok, Thailand Lecturing: Thai State, Society and the World Economy Cornell, Southeast Asia Program, Ithaca, NY c/o Dr. Thak Chaloemtiarana December 2000-May 2001 Meena, Ruth Professor, Department o f Political Science and Public Administration, o f Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Lecturing: Mainstreaming Gender/Women s Studies in Institutions o f Higher Learning: Experiences from the United States Beloit College, Department o f Women s Studies, Beloit, WI c/o Dr. Catherine M. On- August 2000-June 2001 (Scholar-in-Residence Program) M itchell, Paul Lecturer, Department o f Politics, Queen s o f Belfast, Belfast, United Kingdom Lecturing and Research: Coalition Governance in Parliamentary Democracies Harvard, Department o f Government, Cambridge, M A c/o Dr. Kenneth A. Shepsle September 2000-August 2001 Nardon, Laurence Researcher, Interdisciplinary Center for Research on Peace and Strategic Studies, Neuilly, France Research: The Role o f Space Observation in International Relations After 2000 Brookings Institution, Center on the United States and France, Washington, DC c/o Dr. Phil Gordon September 2000-December 2000 Nunes, Fabio Jose* Ph.D. Candidate, Department o f Political Science, o f Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil Research: The Brazilian Public Prosecutor s Office in a Comparative Context New York, Department o f Politics, New York, NY c/o Dr. Adam Przeworski January 2000-January 2001 Payre, Renaud Doctoral Student, Institute o f Political Studies o f Grenoble, Grenoble, France Research: Municipal Atlantic Crossings: The Importation o f American Municipal Government in Europe Columbia, Department o f History, New York, NY c/o Dr. Victoria De Grazia January March 2001 Peri, Yoram Senior Lecturer, Department o f Communication and Journalism, Hebrew, Jerusalem, Israel Lecturing and Research: Yitzhak Rabin: Architect o f U.S.- Israel Special Relations American, School o f International Service, Washington, DC c/o Dr. Louis Goodman September 2000-September 2001 Picard, Elizabeth Director o f Research, National Center for Scientific Research, Aix-En-Provence, France Research: From International Relations to Transnational Configuration Princeton, Center o f International Studies, Princeton, NJ c/o Dr. Michael W. Doyle January 2001-July 2001 Plasser, F ritz Professor, Department o f Political Science, o f Innsbruck, Wien, Austria Lecturing: Political Consultancy: A Transnational Perspective George Washington, The Graduate School o f Political Management, Washington, DC c/o Dr. F. Christopher Arterton July 2000-January 2001 Reis, Rossana Doctoral Student, Department o f Political Science, o f Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil Research: Human Rights and National Sovereignty: Migration and Nationality Policies in Western Democracies New School for Social Research, International Center for Migration, Ethnicity, and Citizenship, Department o f Political Science, New York, NY c/o Dr. Aristide R. Zolberg August 2000-August

83 Po l it ic a l Sc ie n c e/p s y c h o l o g y Sarangi, Prakash Professor, Department o f Political Science, o f Hyderabad, Hyderabad, India Lecturing: Democratic Processes in India and Other South Asian Countries o f Wisconsin-Madison, Department o f Political Science, Madison, WI c/o Dr. Aseema Sinha September 2000-December 2000 Soremekun, Kayode Producer, Department o f International Relations, Obafemi Awolowo, Ile-Ife, Nigeria Research: Washington and the Democratic Imperative in Nigeria and Kenya National Endowment for Democracy, International Forum for Democratic Studies, Washington, DC c/o Dr. Marc Plattner November 2000-August 2001 Spenlehauer, Vincent Researcher, RIVES Research Center, National School o f Public Works, Vaulx-En-Velin, France Research: Social Sciences and Public Action: The Case o f American Policy Science After the Second World War o f California-Los Angeles, Department o f History, Los Angeles, CA c/o Dr. Brenda Stevenson March 2001-M ay 2001 Tsubouchi, Jun Lecturer, Faculty o f Education and Human Sciences, Yamanashi, Yamanashi, Japan Research: U.S. Security Policy in the Asia-Pacific Region Harvard, John F. Kennedy School o f Government, International Security Program, Cambridge, M A c/o Dr. Steven M iller April 2001-December 2001 Zhao, Weiming Deputy President, Academy o f Social Sciences, Shanghai International Studies, Shanghai, China, People s Republic o f Research: U.S. Middle East Policy After the Cold War Princeton, Department o f Near Eastern Studies, Princeton, NJ c/o Dr. Andras Hamori August 2000-June 2001 Ps y c h o l o g y Beersma, Bianca Researcher in Training, Department o f Work and Organizational Psychology, o f Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands Research: The Functional and Dysfunctional Aspects of Conflict in Teams Michigan State, Eli Broad Graduate School of Management. Department o f Management, East Lansing, MI c/o Dr. John R. Hollenbeck August 2000-December 2000 Bellagamba, Francesca Researcher, Department o f Developmental and Social Psychology, o f Rom e-"la Sapienza, Rome, Italy Research: The Emergence o f Symbolic Communication in Mother-Infant Interaction in the Second Year of Life o f Utah, Department o f Psychology, Salt Lake City, UT c/o Dr. Alan Fogel August 2000-M ay 2001 Benjelloun, Noufissa Child Psychiatrist, Department o f Child Psychiatry, Children Hospital, Rabat, Morocco Research: A Cross-Cultural Study o f Body Image in Physically Deformed Children Harvard, Harvard Medical School, Department of Social Medicine, Boston, M A c/o Dr. M yron L. Belfer September 2000-December 2000 Brand, M uriele Doctoral Student, National Center o f Scientific Research, Faculty o f Science, o f Burgundy, Dijon, France Research: The Cognitive Processes Involved in Reading Stanford, Department o f Psychology, Stanford, CA c/o Dr. Daniel H. Spieler October 2000-January 2001 Costa, A lbert M artinez* Assistant Professor, Department o f Basic Psychology, o f Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain Research: Mechanisms Involved in Lexical Access in Bilingual Subjects with Language Disorders Harvard, Department o f Psychology, Cambridge, MA c/o Dr. Alfonso Caramazza January 2000-December

84 Ps y c h o l o g y Delle Fratte, Alessandra Research Assistant, Department o f Psychology, Faculty o f Psychology, o f Rome- La Sapienza, Rome, Italy Research: The Self in Transition: Family Relationship and Vocational Choices Stanford, Department o f Psychology, Stanford, CA c/o Dr. Albert Bandura February A p ril 2001 Eryuksel, G ul Assistant Professor, Department o f Psychology, Ege, Bomova-Izmir, Turkey Research: Family System Test: Assessing Relationships in Turkish Families o f Connecticut, School o f Family Studies, Storrs, CT c/o Dr. Sandra A. Rigazio-Digilio August 2000-February 2001 Kamio,Yoko Assistant Professor, Department o f Neuropsychiatry, Faculty o f Medicine, Kyoto, Kyoto. Japan Research: Semantic Processing for Kana, Kanji and Alphabetic Words in Autistic Children o f Connecticut, Department of Psvcholosy, Storrs, CT c/o Dr. Charles A. Lowe July 2000-April 2001 Karanci, Ayse Nu ray Chair and Lecturer, Department o f Psychology, Middle East Technical, Ankara, Turkey Research: The Comparison o f Community Participation in Disaster Management in Bursa (Turkey) and the United States o f Delaware, Disaster Research Center, Newark, DE c/o Dr. Joanne M. Nigg August 2000-December 2000 Fish bach, Ayelet Lecturer, Department o f Psychology, Academic College o f Tel-Aviv-Yaffo, Tel-Aviv, Israel Research: The Human Goal System: The Influence o f Goals on the Emotional Experience o f Maryland-College Park, Department of Psychology, College Park, MD c/o Dr. Arie Kruglanski August 2000-August 2001 Giami, Alain Senior Researcher, National Institute o f Health and Medical Research, Le Kremlin-Bicetre, France Research: The Medicalization o f Sexuality: Sociological and Historical Aspects Columbia, The Joseph L. Mailman School o f Public Health, Division o f Sociomedical Sciences, New York, NY c/o Dr. Gerald M. Oppenheimer March M a y 2001 Kaufmann, Geir Professor, Department o f Knowledge Management, Norwegian School o f Management, Oslo, Norway Research: Mood and Strategic Cognition California State -Fullerton, Creativity Research Journal, Fullerton, CA c/o Dr. Mark Runco Center for Creative Leadership, Greensboro, NC c/o Dr. Stan Gryskiewich June 2000-June 2001 Kokkonen, M arja Doctoral Student, Department o f Psychology, o f Jyvaskyla, Jyvaskyla, Finland Research: Valence, Intensity, Identification and Regulation o f Emotion Among School-Aged Children Yale, Department o f Psychology, New Haven, CT c/o Dr. Peter Salovey January 2001 July 2001 Jakovlevska-Josevska, Lela Advisor, M inistry o f Emigration, Skopje, Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic o f Research: Educational Psychology in Peace Education Service George Mason, Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, Fairfax, VA c/o Dr. Sandra I. Cheldelin August 2000-May 2001 Mukambayeva, Maira M. Chair, Department o f Pedagogy and Psychology, Zhubanov o f Aktobe, Aktobe, Kazakhstan Research: Ethnic Stereotypes and Their Roles in the Democratization Processes Yale, Department o f Psychology, New Haven, CT c/o Dr. Mahzarin R. Banaji August 2000-April

85 Ps y c h o l o g y /Pu b l ic A d min is t r a t io n Prakash, Padakannaya Reader, Department o f Psychology, o f Mysore, Mysore, India Research: Reading and Reading Disability in Bilingual/ Multilingual Societies Texas A & M, Department o f Psychology, College Station, TX c/o Dr. Jyotsna Vaid August 2000-April 2001 Sekowski, Andrzej Professor, Department o f Psychology, Catholic o f Lublin, Lublin, Poland Research: Category o f Assessment and Achievements o f Gifted Students Yale, Department o f Psychology, New Haven, CT c/o Dr. Robert J. Sternberg October 2000-July 2001 Tsygulska, Tetyana Associate Professor, Department o f Psychology, Kirovohrad State Pedagogical, Kirovohrad, Ukraine Research: Student Critical Thinking Development and Self- Actualization in Ukraine: A Psychological Perspective James Madison, Center for Assessment and Research Studies, Harrisonburg, V A c/o Dr. Steve Wise November2000- April 2001 Vale Martinez, Anna Assistant Professor, Department o f Psychobiology and Methodology o f Health Sciences, Faculty o f Psychology, o f Barcelona. Bellaterra, Spain Research: Evaluation o f the Effects o f Selective Cholinergic Lesions on Recognition Memory and on Episodic Representations Boston, Laboratory o f Cognitive Neurobiology, Department o f Psychology, Boston, M A c/o Dr. Howard Eichenbaum October 2000-September 2001 Yamagishi,Toshio Professor, Department o f Behavioral Science, Faculty o f Letters, Hokkaido, Sapporo, Japan Research: Roles o f Culture and Socioeconomic Incentive Structures in the Formation o f Social Intelligence and Trust Stanford, Department o f Sociology, Stanford, CA c/o Dr. Karen S. Cook October 2000-March 2001 Pu b l ic A d min is t r a t io n De Vera, Julian Prospero Estabillo Assistant Professor, National College o f Public Administration and Governance, o f the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines Lecturing and Research: Analyzing Innovative Practices of Legislative Bodies that Enhance the Advocacy Activities o f C ivil Society Organizations Johns Hopkins -School o f Hygiene and Public Health, School o f Hygiene and Public Health Suite 310, Center for Communication Programs, Baltimore, MD c/o Dr. Phyllis T. Piotrow September 2000-January 2001 Gallagher, Anthony Lecturer and Consultant Psychologist, Department of Psychology, Queen s o f Belfast, Belfast, United Kingdom Research: International Validation o f an Objective Skills Assessment Battery for Laproscopic Surgeons Yale, School o f Medicine, Department of Surgery, New Haven, CT c/o Dr. Richard M. Satava September 2000-September 2001 Ibragimova, Ivanna Deputy Director, Center for Legal Reform and Legislative Drafting, M inistry o f Justice o f Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine Research: Information Systems to Support Public Administration Carnegie Mellon, Heinz School o f Public Policy and Management, Department o f Social and Decision Sciences, Pittsburgh, PA c/o Dr. Kathleen Carley September 2000-May 2001 Jafarov, Jafar Docent and Chair, History o f Azerbaijan Department, Baku, Baku, Azerbaijan Research: The Potential Impact o f Non-Governmental Organizations and Community-Based Organizations in Countries in Transition: The Case o f Azerbaijan New York, Wagner Graduate School o f Public Service, New York, NY c/o Dr. Demetrios Argyriades August 2000-February 2001 Kim,Jong-Ho Associate Professor, Department o f Public Administration, Kyung Hee, Yongln, Kyonggi-Do, Korea Research: The Policy Formulation Models in the Electronic Government: Comparative Perspectives o f Korea and U.S. Local Governments Focusing on the PC-Network Model 84

86 Pu b l ic A d min is t r a t io n /R e l ig io u s St u d ie s o f Califomia-Irvine, Center for Research on Information, Technology, and Organizations, Irvine, CA c/o Dr. Kenneth L. Kraemer September 2000-March 2001 McMahon, Denis Principal Officer and Executive, Department o f Health and Social Services, Belfast, United Kingdom Research: The Development o f Partnerships and Care Networks in U.S. Healthcare Systems o f Minnesota-Twin Cities, Hubert Humphrey Institute o f Public Affairs, Minneapolis, MN c/o Dr. John E. Brandi September 2000-August 2001 Nour El-Din, Mostafa Lecturer, Department o f Health Administration and Behavioral Sciences, High Institute o f Public Health, Alexandria, Alexandria, Egypt Lecturing and Research: Developing a Plan for Upgrading the Current Management Information System o f Egyptian Insurance Organizations to Enhance Quality Improvement Affiliation to be determined, c/o Ms. Marilee Muchow, CIES September 2000-April 2001 Rahman, Mohammed Associate Professor, Department o f Public Administration, o f Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh Research: American Local Government and Its Possible Application to Local Government Reforms in Bangladesh Syracuse, Maxwell School o f Citizenship and Public Affairs, Public Administration Programs, Syracuse, NY c/o Dr. Larry Schroeder February August 2001 Weckman, J y rk i Detective Sergeant, National Bureau o f Investigation, Vantaa, Finland Lecturing and Research: Professional Development Studies New York Police Department, Office o f the Chief o f Personnel, New York, N Y c/o Mr. Leo G. Callaghan March 2000-September 2000 Wu, Fu-Hsin Associate Professor, Department o f Public Administration, National Open, Taipei, Taiwan Research: Assessment Center Method: Theory, Applications and Recent Developments o f Georgia, Department o f Political Science, Athens, GA c/o Dr. Robert T. Golembiewski September 2000-March 2001 R e l ig io u s St u d ie s Bayuk, Dim itry Research Fellow, History o f Physics. Astronomy, and Mechanics Department, Institute for History o f Science and Technology, Russian Academy o f Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation Research: Faith and Human Rights in the Cases o f Galileo and Florensky Saint Louis, Department o f Mathematics and Computer Science, St. Louis, MO c/o Dr. Charles E. Ford October 2000-June 2001 Engberg-Pedersen, Troels Associate Professor, Department of Biblical Exegesis, o f Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark Research: New Testament Paraenesis Moral Exhortation ' in its Ancient Context Yale, Divinity School, New Haven, CT c/o Dr. Harold Attridge February July 2001 Mukonyora, Isabel Lecturer, Department o f Religious Studies, Classics, and Philosophy, o f Zimbabwe, Harare, Zimbabwe Research: Womanhood in the Wilderness Movement o f Virginia, Department o f Religious Studies, Charlottesville, VA c/o Dr. Cynthia Hoehler-Fatton August 2000-May 2001 Pakhomova, Klavdia Head, Department o f Humanities, Omsk Banking School. Central Bank o f Russia, Omsk, Russian Federation Research: The Church in the Modern World: Its Impact on Drug Abuse Luther Seminary. Department o f Pastoral Care, St. Paul, MN c/o Dr. Richard Wallace August 2000-April 2001 W inkler, Dietmar Lecturer, Institute for Liturgiology, Christian Arts, and Hymnology, o f Graz, Graz, Austria Research: The Oriental Churches in Dialogue Institute for Ecumenical and Cultural Research, Collegeville, MN c/o Dr. Patrick Henry January 2001-June

87 So c io l o g y a n d So c ia l W o r k Aslanyan, Svetlana Scientific Secretary, Office o f International Relations, National Academy o f Science, Yerevan, Armenia Research: Post-Communist Armenia: A Women s Role in Establishing a Democratic Society Rutgers, The State o f New Jersey-New Brunswick, Center for Russian, Central, and East European Studies, Local Democracy in Poland Program, New Brunswick, NJ c/o Dr. Ann Graham September 2000-June 2001 Azevedo, Jose Professor, Department o f Sociology, Faculty o f Letters, o f Porto, Porto, Portugal Research: Social Policy and Science Research: Monitoring Science Issues in the Daily Press and Magazines o f Portugal and the United States o f Texas-Austin, Department o f Sociology, Austin, TX c/o Dr. Norval D. Glenn May August 2001 C aroli, Dorena Jean M onnet Fellow, Department o f History, European Institute, San Domenico, Italy Lecturing: The Subcultures o f the Young Who Are at Risk: History and Actuality o f the Prevention o f Young Deviants in Europe in the 20th Century Pennsylvania State - Park, O ffice o f International Programs, International Partnerships and Academic Linkages, Park, PA c/o Dr. Khalipha B ility January 2001-M a y 2001 (European U nion Scholar-in-R esidence Program) Dhaoudi, Mahmoud* Professor, Department o f Sociology, o f Tunis I, Tunis, Tunisia Research: The State o f American Sociology and the End of the 20th Century o f Oregon, International Studies Program, Eugene, OR97403 c/o Dr. Anita Weiss September 2000-March 2001 Boreczky, Elemerne Senior Lecturer and Researcher, Department o f Educational Science, Teacher Training College, Eotvos Lorand, Budapest, Hungary Lecturing: Social Change Through the Experience o f Families and Individuals in Hungary in the 20th Century Rutgers, The State o f New Jersey-New Brunswick, Institute for Hungarian Studies, Department o f Sociology, New Brunswick, NJ c/o Dr. Jozsef Borocz January June 2001 Bortolini, Matteo Research Assistant, Department o f Sociology, o f Bologna. Bologna, Italy Research: The Modernity o f Talcott Parsons: Sociology and Political Philosophy Boston, Institute for the Study o f Economic Culture, Boston, M A c/o Dr. Adam B. Seugman October 2000-January 2001 Bourcier, Marie-Helene Postdoctoral Fellow, Department o f Women s Studies, o f Vincennes-St. Denis, St. Denis, France Research: Queer Theory and French Philosophy: The Politics o f Inverted Translation CUNY-Graduate School and Center, The Center for Lesbian and Gay Rights, New York, N Y c/o Dr. Alisa Solomon September 2000-June 2001 Gidron, Benjamin Professor, Israeli Center for Third-Sector Research, Ben Gurion o f the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel Research: The Role o f the Third/Nonprofit Sector in the Promotion o f Peace Between Israel and its Neighbors Princeton, Woodrow W ilson School o f Public and International Affairs, Princeton, NJ c/o Dr. Stan Katz o f Cal ifom ia-los Angeles, School o f Public Policy and Social Research, Los Angeles, CA c/o Dr. Yeheskel Hasenfield September 2000-September 2001 Hernadi, M iklos Publications Officer, Hungarian Academy o f Sciences, Budapest, Hungary Research: Children o f Divorce: Ways o f Alleviating Their Predicament A Case Study in Cross-Cultural Sociology o f Georgia, Department o f Comparative Literature and Cultural Anthropology, Athens, G A c/o Dr. Dezso Benedek September 2000-February 2001 Kahanoff,Maya Assistant Professor, Department o f Sociology and Anthropology, Hebrew, Jerusalem, Israel Research: Encounter Between the Jews and Arabs in Israel: Dialogue in a Situation o f Conflict George Mason, Institute o f Conflict Analysis and Resolution, Fairfax, VA c/o Dr. Tamra D. d Estree January 2001-November

88 So c io l o g y a n d So c ia l W o r k K im, Kyung Man Associate Professor, Department o f Sociology, Sogang, Seoul, Korea Research: Developing World Class Sociology in Korea: Suggestions from the Comparative Analysis o f the American and Korean Sociological Community o f Illinois-Urbana-Champaign, College o f Communications, Institute o f Communications Research, Champaign, IL c/o Dr. Norman K. Denzin January 2001-July 2001 Lie, Anne Karine Director, Social Counseling Center, o f Oslo, Oslo, Norway Research: Student Counseling o f Califomia-Berkeley, Tang Center, Health Services, Berkeley, C A c/o Dr. Jeffrey Prince August 2000-December 2000 Popescu, Livia Associate Professor, Department o f Social Work, Faculty o f History and Philosophy, Babes-Bolyai, Cluj, Romania Research: The Non-Governmental Sector in a Changing Welfare System o f North Carolina-Chapel Hill, School o f Social Work, Chapel Hill, NC c/o Dr. Richard L. Edwards August 2000-April 2001 Romanenkova, Lyudmyla Assistant Professor, Department o f Psychology and Social Projects, Zaporizhzhe State, Zaporizhzhe, Ukraine Research: Health Care and Human Services in Ukraine o f Maryland-Baltimore, School o f Social Work, Baltimore, MD c/o Dr. Howard Pal ley October 2000-January 2001 Magradze, Guguli Professor, Department o f Social Psychology, Tbilisi State, Tbilisi, Georgia Lecturing and Research: Women in Conflict and Peace- Building Processes George Mason, Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, Fairfax, VA c/o Dr. Sandra Cheldelin November 2000-May 2001 Malysheva, Olga Associate Professor and Head, Department o f English, Grodno State, Grodno, Belarus Research: Multiculturalism, Ethnicity and an American-Type Model o f Tolerance o f Wyoming, American Studies Program, Laramie, WY c/o Dr. Eric J. Sandeen August 2000-December 2000 Patsiorkovski, V aleri Professor, Laboratory o f the Social Infrastructure, Institute for Socio-Economic Studies o f Population, Russian Academy o f Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation Research: Rural Russia from 1991 to 2000 o f Missouri-Columbia, College o f Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources, Department o f Rural Sociology, Columbia, MO c/o Dr. David J. O Brien October 2000-June 2001 Tan, Lin Professor, Population and Development Research Institute, Nankai, Tianjin, China, People s Republic o f Research: Gender Equality in the Workplace in the United States: What China Should Learn to Continue Its Market Economy Brown, Department o f Sociology, Providence, RI c/o Dr. Michael White September 2000-September 2001 Triandafy llidou, Anna Jean Monnet Fellow, Robert Schuman Center and European Forum, European Institute, San Domenico Di Fiesole, Italy Lecturing: Immigration Policy Implementation in Europe and the United States: A Comparative View o f Informal Practices and Administrative Routines New York, The Vernon Center for International Affairs, Center for European Studies, New York, N Y c/o Dr. Martin Schain January August 2001 (European Union Scholar-in-Residence Program ) Wagner, Ina Professor, Institute for Technology Assessment and Design, Vienna o f Technology, Vienna, Austria Research: Ethical Issues o f Built Information Environments o f Califomia-San Diego, Department o f Communications, La Jolla, CA c/o Dr. Susan Leigh Star September December

89 T E F L /A p p l ie d L in g u is t ic s /T h e a t e r a n d D an c e Baysara, Lyudmyla Associate Professor, Department o f Psychology and Sociology, Dnipropetrovsk State, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine Research: Changing Obstacles into Opportunities Through M ultiple Intelligence Approach to Teaching English o f Utah, 2300 Languages and Communications Building, Department o f Linguistics, Salt Lake City, UT c/o Dr. Mary Ann Christison January September 2001 Bezroukova, Anguelina Docent, Department o f Foreign Languages, Faculty o f Psychology and Pedagogy, Khakas State, Abakan, Russian Federation Research: English Language Training for Kindergarten and Elementary School Teachers o f Kansas, Applied English Center, Lawrence, KS c/o Mr. Charles Seibel August April 2001 El Kommos, Omnia Lecturer, Department o f English, Faculty o f Arts, Helwan, Helwan, Cairo, Egypt Research: Egyptian Humor: A Pragmatic Analysis o f Selected Social and Political Cartoons Purdue, Natural Language Processing Laboratory, West Lafayette, IN c/o Dr. Victor Raskin October 2000-January 2001 Morozova, Alevtina Head, Department o f English, Institute o f Foreign Languages, Samara State Pedagogical, Samara, Russian Federation Research: Cultural Interpreter: A Textbook on U.S. Culture for Students o f Teacher Training Institutes and English as a Foreign Language Teachers o f Maryland-College Park, Maryland English Institute, College Park, M D c/o Dr. Marsha W. Sprague February 2001-June 2001 Nold,Guenter Professor, Department o f Applied Linguistics, Dortmund, Lehvstuhl, Germany Lecturing and Research: Linguistics: Second-Languages Acquisition in the Context o f Instruction o f North Carolina-Charlotte, Department o f English, Charlotte, NC c/o Dr. Cy Knoblauch September 2000-December 2000 Zhexembiyeva, Nurgaisha Director, Language Center, Kazakh State of International Relations and World Languages, Almaty, Kazakhstan Research: Comparative Approach to the Preparation o f EFL Teachers in U.S. Universities o f Ulinois-Urbana-Champaign, English as an International Language, Champaign, IL c/o Dr. Numa Markee September 2000-March 2001 T h e a t e r an d Da n c e Avan, Ghislaine Dancer and Choreographer, Company Tempo Cantabile, St. Gervais-En-Belin, France Research: Perfecting a Tap Dancing Technique Company Beauties in the Beat, New York, NY c/o Ms. Roxanne Butterfly July 2000-August 2000 Doho, G ilbert Associate Professor, Department o f Arts and Archaeology, o f Yaounde I, Yaounde, Cameroon Research: Theater and the Empowerment o f the Urban and Rural Masses: A Comparative Study o f Theater for Development in Cameroon and Forms o f Participatory Theater in the United States SU N Y-U niversity at Albany, School o f French Studies, Department o f Languages, Literatures and Cultures, Albany, N Y c/o Dr. Eloise Briere September 2000-June 2001 El-Shayal, Dalia Assistant Professor, Department o f English, Faculty o f Arts, Cairo, Cairo, Egypt Research: The Search for Form: The Dramatic Function o f Music in African American Theater Harvard, W.E.B. Dubois Institute for Afro- American Research, Department o f Afro-American Studies, Cambridge, M A c/o Dr. Henry Louis Gates October2000-April 2001 Him m elfarb, Evgeni Artistic Director and Professor, Department o f Theater, Kharkov Puppet Theater, Kharkov Institute o f Arts, Kharkov, Ukraine Lecturing: The Innovations in the Methods o f Teaching Skills o f a Puppet Theater Actor Gonzaga, Department o f Communication Arts, Spokane, WA

90 T h e a t e r an d D an c e c/o Dr. John Hofland August 2000-January 2001 (Scholar-in-Residence Program) c/o Dr. Walter Bilderback August 2000-May 2001 (Scholar-in-Residence Program) Khedr, Tamer Freelancer, Film Editor and Director, Cairo, Egypt Research: Theoretical and Practical Training in Film Directing and Digital Imagery Creation Affiliation to be determined, c/o Ms. Marilee Muchow, CIES October 2000-February 2001 Lihamba,Amandina Professor and Head, Department o f Fine and Performing Arts, o f Dar Es Salaam, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania Research: The Theater: In Search o f the Popular o f Califomia-Los Angeles, Department o f Theater, Los Angeles, CA c/o Dr. Beverly Robinson October 2000-June 2001 Maniam, Manogaran Actor and Director, Co-Curriculum Section, o f Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Lecturing and Research: American Theater Development and Its Production San Diego State, Department o f Theater, San Diego, CA c/o Dr. Randy Reinholz Loyola Chicago, Playwright s Center, Native Voices, Chicago, IL c/o Dr. Sarah Gabel August 2000-March 2001 M ikhailov, Alexander Artistic Director and Producer, Free Space, Orel State Theater for Youth, Orel, Russian Federation Lecturing: Acting for Stage: The Stanislavsky System and Script Analysis California State -Monterey Bay, Center for Science, Technology, and Information Resources, Institute for Teledramatic Arts and Technology, Seaside, CA c/o Dr. Shannon Edwards August 2000-December 2000 Okoh, Juliana Lecturer. Department o f Creative Arts. o f Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt, Nigeria Research: Toward an Effective Feminist Theater in Nigeria Smith College, Comparative Literature Program, Northampton, M A c/o Dr. Katwiwa Mule Smith College, Department o f Theater, Northampton, M A c/o Dr. Andrea Hairston October 2000-July 2001 Sano, Kemoko President, College o f Choreography o f Guinea, Ministry o f Youth, Culture and Arts, Conakry, Guinea Lecturing: Dance, Music and Theater/Diversity in Dance Long Island -C.W. Post, School o f Visual and Performing Arts Grants Office, Department o f Theater, Film and Dance, Brookville, NY c/o Dr. Cara Gargano September 2000-June 2001 (Scholar-in-Residence Program) Silva, Zenaide Cecilia Independent Performing Artist/'Researcher, Praia Grande/Sao Paulo, Brazil Lecturing: I Am a Cosmic Rainbow Pennsylvania State -Altoona, Division o f Arts and Humanities, Altoona, PA c/o Dr. Michael Wolfe July 2000-May 2001 (Scholar-in-Residence Program) Sukula-Lindblom, L illi Actress, Theater Geist, Degerby, Finland Lecturing and Research: Clowns in the Community New York, Tisch School o f the Arts, Drama Department, New York, NY c/o Dr. Arthur Bartow September 2000-January 2001 Milosevic, Dijana Artistic Director and Founder, Dah Theater Research Center, Belgrade, Yugoslavia Lecturing: Formation o f the Actor s Physical and Vocal Training Georgia College and State, College o f Arts and Sciences, Department o f Theater, Milledgeville, GA * Indicates a scholar who has received an extension or whose gra nt did not begin u n til the academic year. 89

91 Se m in a r P r o g r a m s The Fulbright International Education Administrators Program bring administrators from participating countries to the United States for short summer seminars. During their time here, seminar participants meet with government officials and representatives of higher education associations, speak with colleagues, tour U.S. campuses and attend meetings and cultural events. U.S.-Japan I n t e r n a t io n a l Ed u c a t io n A d min is t r a t o r s Pr o g r a m Kihara, Kenichi Associate Professor. Department of Comparative Culture, Kitakyushu, Kitakyushu, Japan Matsumoto, Kumiko Associate Professor, International Student Center, Nagasaki, Nagasaki, Japan Ohashi, Takayuki Chief, Administration Bureau, Hokkaigakuen, Sapporo, Japan Okuno, Yukiko Specialist, Research Cooperation Division, Administrative Department, International Research Center for Japanese Studies, Kyoto, Japan Washio-Miyazawa, Yuko Program Officer, Educational Training Division, The Japan Foundation, Japanese-Language Institute, Saitama, Japan U.S.-K o r ea I n t e r n a t io n a l Ed u c a t io n A d min is t r a t o r s Pr o g r a m Bang, Jung-Ja Administrator of Overseas Study, National Institute for International Education Development, Ministry o f Education, Seoul, Korea Kim, Choon Chief Administrative Coordinator, Center for International Exchanges. Kyung Hee, Seoul, Korea Kim,M inho Director, International Office, Chonbuk National, Chonju, Korea Kim, Won-Bae Manager o f International Relations, Hannam, Taejon, Korea Kim, Ja-Kyung International Coordinator, Office of Research and International Relations. Inha, Seoul, Korea 90

92 Indexes Alphabetical Index (page 92) Host State Index (page 101) Home Geographic Area Index (page 117) Special Programs Index (page 127)

93 A l p h a b e t ic a l I n d e x To fin d out more about a scholar, turn to the individual s complete directory entry, which can be fo u n d in the section corresponding to the discipline listed after the scholar s name. *A complete listing fo r this scholar can be found in the Visiting Scholars section at the end o f the directory. A Abboudi, Mostafa; Chemistry; Morocco Abdel Rahman, Ashraf; Business Administration; Egypt Abebe, Getachew; Agriculture; Ethiopia Aberg, Martin; Area Studies; Sweden* Abu Al-Hassan, Husain; Anthropology and Archaeology; Saudi Arabia Achille-Tranquille, Danielle; Language and Literature (non- U.S.); Mauritius Acquistapace, Patrizia; Biological Sciences; Italy Agic, Rukije; Agriculture; Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic o f Agius, Carmel; Law; Malta Agrawal, Mohan; Business Administration; India Ahmad, Mushtaq; Agriculture; Pakistan Ahmed, Jamal; Business Administration; Bangladesh Aitasheva, Zaure; Agriculture; Kazakhstan Akacem, Kada; Economics; Algeria Akel, A fif; Engineering; West Bank Akyeampong, Albert; Education; Ghana A1 Meer, Jehan; Chemistry; Qatar* Al-Abdulsalam, Khaled; Agriculture; Saudi Arabia Al-Adim i, Mansour; Business Administration; Yemen Al-Derzi, Afaf; Chemistry; Jordan Al-Doori, May Abdul-Muhsin; Biological Sciences; Jordan* Al-Ghais, Saif; Biological Sciences; United Arab Emirates Al-Layl, Khaled; Biological Sciences; Saudi Arabia Al-Shaibani, Tarik; Medical Sciences; Bahrain Al-Share, Mohammad: Physics and Astronomy; Jordan Al-Shehabi. Zuhir; Medical Sciences; Syria Al-Zoubi, Abdallah; Geology; Jordan Alavi. Seema; History (non-u.s.); India Albarwani, Sulayma; Medical Sciences; Oman Alexandre. Manuel, Jr.; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Portugal Alimbekova, Bibigul I.; Environmental Sciences; Kazakhstan Alimov. Shavkat; Mathematics; Uzbekistan Alves, Humberto Prates; Environmental Sciences; Brazil Alybaeva, Guldana D.; Education; Kyrgyzstan Amano, Yoshiko; Law; Japan Anastasiev, Nikolai; American Literature; Russian Federation Andersen, Torben; Business Administration; Denmark Andersen, Leif; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Denmark Andrukhovych, Yuriy; American Literature; Ukraine Ang, Peng Hwa; Communications and Journalism; Singapore Anissimova, Lioudmila; Environmental Sciences; Russian Federation Anongba, Patrick Norbert Blaise; Physics and Astronomy; Cote d Ivoire Antoci, Valentin; Medical Sciences; M oldova Aragones, Ana Maria; Law; M exico Ariceta Iraolo, Maria Gema; Medical Sciences; Spain Asanova, Kunduz; Law; Kyrgyzstan Ashenafi, Mogessie; Biological Sciences; Ethiopia Ashiagbor, Diamond; Law; Italy Askeland, Norunn; Linguistics; Norway Aslanov, Afgan; Education; Azerbaijan Aslanyan, Svetlana; Sociology and Social Work; Armenia Atapattu, Sumudu; Law; Sri Lanka Attard, David; Law; Malta Avan, Ghislaine; Theater and Dance; France Avila, Eliana; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Brazil Awan, Ifitikhar; Chemistry; Pakistan Awrejcewicz, Jan; Engineering; Poland Awumbila, Mariama; Geography; Ghana Aydogus, Osman; Economics; Turkey Azevedo, Jose; Sociology and Social Work; Portugal Azimova, N odira K.; Anthropology and Archaeology; Uzbekistan B Babiak, Igor; Biological Sciences; Poland Badr, Abdel Fattah; Biological Sciences; Egypt Baida, Jamaa; History (non-u.s.); Morocco Balthazar, Louis; Political Science; Canada Bang, Jung-Ja; Education; Korea Barak, Eitan; Political Science; Israel Barclay, Sandra; Architecture and Urban Planning; France Barkaoui, M iloud; Political Science; Algeria Barkauskas, Jurgis; Chemistry; Lithuania Barron, Andrew; Biological Sciences; United Kingdom Barry, M ichael Noel; Engineering; Ireland Bartakova, Hana; Medical Sciences; Czech Republic Bartra, Elionor; A rt History; Mexico Basic, Nedzad; Law; Bosnia and Herzegovina Bayerly, Mazhar; Geology; Syria Baysara, Lyudmyla; TEFL/Applied Linguistics; Ukraine Bayuk, D im itry; Religious Studies; Russian Federation Bazylevych, Roman; Education; Ukraine Bebek, Boma; Business Adm inistration; Croatia Beersma, Bianca; Psychology; Netherlands Begne, Patricia; Law; Mexico* Bekteshi, Erald; Medical Sciences; Albania Belawati, Tian; Education; Indonesia 92

94 A l p h a b e t ic a l I n d e x Beliaev, Leonid; Anthropology and Archaeology; Russian Federation Bellagamba, Francesca; Psychology; Italy Bellamine-Ben-Saoud, Narjes; Computer Science; Tunisia Ben Saoud, Slim; Physics and Astronomy; Tunisia Benjelloun, Noufissa; Psychology; Morocco Bensasson, Douda; Biological Sciences; United Kingdom Berg, Soren; Medical Sciences; Sweden Berger, Guy; Communications and Journalism; South Africa Berguelson, Mira; Linguistics; Russian Federation Bessar, Majedah; Medical Sciences; Saudi Arabia Beutel, Manfred; Medical Sciences; Germany Bezroukova, Anguelina; TEFL/Applied Linguistics; Russian Federation Bialas, Zbigniew; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Poland Bialecki, Ryszard; Engineering; Poland Bibu,Nicolae; Business Administration; Romania Bin Huwaidan, Ebtesam; Political Science; United Arab Emirates Biryukov, Oleksandr; Law; Ukraine Bisztray-Balku, Sandor; Engineering; Hungary Bjerg, Maria Monica; History (non-u.s.); Argentina Blake, Sheri Lee; Architecture and Urban Planning; Canada Bocianoski Rebelo, Irla; Engineering; Brazil Bocoum, Hamady; Anthropology and Archaeology; Senegal Boissay, Frederic; Economics; France Boitani, Pietro; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Italy Boljuncic, Valter; Business Administration; Croatia Bompard, Ettore Francesco; Engineering; Italy Bondaruk, Anna; Linguistics; Poland Boreczky, Elememe; Sociology and Social Work; Hungary Borsanyi, Laszlo; Anthropology and Archaeology; Hungary Bortolini, Matteo; Sociology and Social Work; Italy Boruah, Bijoy; Philosophy; India Bossine, Iouri; Political Science; Russian Federation Bou Areualo, German; Biological Sciences; Spain Bourcier, Marie-Helene; Sociology and Social Work; France Boutier, Jean; History (non-u.s.); France Bozic, Milorad; Engineering; Bosnia and Herzegovina Braam, Lavienja J.; Biological Sciences; Netherlands Brand, Muriele; Psychology; France Brands, Gunnar; Anthropology and Archaeology; Germany Bresc, Cecile; History (non-u.s.); France Bria, Oscar Norberto; Engineering; Argentina Briguglio, Pascal; Economics; Malta Broadbent, Paul; Law; United Kingdom Brogren, Carl-Henrik; Biological Sciences; Denmark Brooks, Stephen; Political Science; Canada Buckman, Stephen John; Physics and Astronomy; Australia Bui, Dung The; Economics; Vietnam Buisson, Antoine; A rt History; France Bujdakova, Helena; Biological Sciences; Slovak Republic Bullrich, Laura; Agriculture; Argentina Burkitbayeva, GulmiraG.; Linguistics; Kazakhstan c Cabral, Augusto; Business Administration; Brazil* Caixas Pedragos, Maria-Assumpta; Medical Sciences; Spain Calderon, Jose Fernando Cortes; Agriculture; Mexico Calleya, Stephen; Political Science; Malta Calvo, Alfonso Gonzalez; Medical Sciences; Spain Campos, Eleonora; Biological Sciences; Argentina Cappelen, Alexander; Economics; Norway Caroli, Dorena; Sociology and Social Work; Italy Castro, Loreta Navarro; Education; Philippines Casu, Igor; History (non-u.s.); Moldova Cemusova, Jana; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Czech Republic Cerezo, Ana Isabel; Law; Spain Chaarani, Bahija; Agriculture; Morocco Chafai Elalaoui, A li; Agriculture; Morocco Chakrabarti, Kunal; History (non-u.s.); India Chan, Ngai Weng; Geography; Malaysia Charton, Helen; History (non-u.s.); France Chatterjee, Debashis; Business Administration; India Chen, Yulu; Economics; China, People s Republic o f Chen, Zexian; Law; China, People s Republic o f Chengyuan, Gao; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); China, People s Republic o f Chirchova, Lioudmila; Environmental Sciences; Russian Federation Chliakhov, Vladimir; Linguistics; Russian Federation Choo, Kyung-Nan; Education; Korea Chowdhury, Anwarullah; Anthropology and Archaeology; Bangladesh Christie, Andrew Frederick; Law; Australia Cieslik, Andrzej; Economics; Poland Ciocarlie, Ileana; American Literature; Romania Cioni, Fernando; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Italy Ciulavu, Daniel; Geology; Romania Cladera, Jorge; Agriculture; Argentina Clough, Timothy John; Environmental Sciences; New Zealand Conides, Alexis; Environmental Sciences; Greece Consuelo, Susana Aldana; History (non-u.s.); Peru Corchero, Javier Romero; Medical Sciences; Spain Cornejo, Jose Manuel Bravo; Chemistry; Mexico Costa, Albert Martinez; Psychology; Spain Costa, Newton Cameiro Affonso da; Business Administration; Brazil* Costantino, Valeria; Chemistry; Italy Costas, Ilie; Computer Science; Moldova Creemers, Johannes; Medical Sciences; Belgium Cros, Caroline; Art History; France Cruciani, Fulvio; Biological Sciences; Italy Cui, Shaoyuan; American Literature; China, People s Republic o f 93

95 A l p h a b e t i c a l I n d e x d Dagdeviren, Attila; Medical Sciences; Turkey D Agostino, Nicola; Geology; Italy Daher, Rami; Architecture and Urban Planning; Jordan Dajani, Nabil; Communications and Journalism; Lebanon* Dananjaja, James; Anthropology and Archaeology; Indonesia Dashper, Julian; Art; New Zealand Datchi, Corinne; American Literature; France Daucikova, Anna; A rt; Slovak Republic Davydova, Leonora; Library Science; Russian Federation De Boer, Jelle; Philosophy; Netherlands De Jesus Riojas, Javier; Environmental Sciences; Mexico De Jong, Edwin D.; Computer Science; Belgium De La Croix, David P; Economics; Belgium De La Mora, Marco Antonio Ramirez; Chemistry; Mexico De Leon, Ignacio Luis; Economics; Venezuela De Vera, Julian Prospero Estabillo; Public Administration; Philippines Degreve, Bart; Medical Sciences; Belgium Deheza, Grace Ivana; Political Science; Bolivia Del Pero, Mario; American History; Italy Delle Fratte, Alessandra; Psychology; Italy Desai, M iki; Architecture and Urban Planning; India Dezseri, Kalman; Economics; Hungary Dhaoudi, Mahmoud; Sociology and Social Work; Tunisia Diakite, Lamine, Agriculture; Mexico Dias, Wiranjith; Engineering; Sri Lanka Diez, Javier Alberto; Physics and Astronomy; Argentina Dimitrieva, Galina; Environmental Sciences; Russian Federation Dinh, Kieu Chau; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Vietnam Ditchev, Ivaylo; Philosophy; Bulgaria Dizdar, Srebren; American Literature; Bosnia and Herzegovina Djaynbaev, Djalalidin I.; Economics; Kyrgyzstan Dlamini, Nester Sizakele; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Swaziland Doho, Gilbert; Theater and Dance; Cameroon Domingues, Edson Paulo; Economics; Brazil Dorogoi, Vera; Medical Sciences; Moldova Doron, Rami Racah ; Physics and Astronomy; Israel Doronitchev, Vladim ir; Anthropology and Archaeology; Russian Federation Doughty, Victoria; Chemistry; United Kingdom Dragoi, Marian; Environmental Sciences; Romania Dragulanescu, Nicolae; Engineering; Romania Duguay, Claude Rene; Geology; Canada Dunn, David; Political Science; United Kingdom Duong, Anh Hong; American History; Vietnam Dyb, Grete; Medical Sciences; Norway E Eddahar, Nabyl; Political Science; Morocco Edis, Zehra; Chemistry; Germany Eifring, Halvor; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Norway El Kommos, Omnia; TEFL/Applied Linguistics; Egypt El Noshokaty, Shady; A rt; Egypt El-Bouazzati, Bennacer; Philosophy; Morocco El-Kawni, Marwan; Physics and Astronomy; West Bank El-Nahhal, Yasser; Agriculture; Gaza El-Shayal, Dalia; Theater and Dance; Egypt Emagna, Maximin; Political Science; Belgium Emtner, Ingegerd; Medical Sciences; Sweden Engberg-Pedersen, Troels; Religious Studies; Denmark Eriksson, Carl; Biological Sciences; Sweden Emsteins, Raimonds; Environmental Sciences; Latvia Eryuksel, Gul; Psychology; Turkey Evans, Una; Chemistry; Ireland F Fadare, Samson; Architecture and Urban Planning; Nigeria Fagerjord, Anders; Communications and Journalism; Norway Fahmy, Ninette; Area Studies; Egypt Fairon, Cedrick; Linguistics; France Fares, Farouk; Environmental Sciences; Syria Farias, Jose Fernando de Castro; Law; Brazil* Fat-Helbary, Raafat; Engineering; Egypt Fedosenok, Irina; American Literature; Russian Federation Feldens, A ray M iguel; Economics; B razil* Fernandez, Jose; Philosophy; Argentina Fernandez Gacio, Ana Isabel; Chemistry; Spain Fishbach, Ayelet; Psychology; Israel Fitzpatrick, Donal; Computer Science; Ireland Fjellestad, Danuta; American Literature; Sweden Fontaine, Philippe; Economics; France Fontes, Elita; Chemistry; Brazil Forrest, Lucy; Biological Sciences; United Kingdom Fortunato, Teresita; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Philippines Frendo, Henry; American History; M alta Freo, M arzia; Economics; Italy Fuentes Cabrera, M iguel Angel; Physics and Astronomy; Spain Fung, Daniel R.; Law; Hong Kong* Furati, Khaled; Mathematics; Saudi Arabia G Gabrielyan, Oleg; Political Science; Ukraine Gafurova, L o la H.; Education; Uzbekistan Gallagher, Anthony; Public Adm inistration; United Kingdom Garbosa, Guilherme; Music; Brazil Garcia, Manuel Heras; Anthropology and Archaeology; Spain 94

96 A l p h a b e t ic a l I n d e x Garcia, Francisco Javier de Abajo; Physics and Astronomy; Spain Garcia Viloca, Mireia; Chemistry; Spain Gasparov, M ikhail; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Russian Federation Gatt, Lucilla; Law; Italy Gebre-Mariam, Zinabu; Environmental Sciences; Ethiopia Gefenas, Eugenijus; Philosophy; Lithuania Gegeshidze, Archil; Political Science; Georgia Genari Santori, Flaminia; Art History; Italy Gensler, Marek; Philosophy; Poland Georgescu, Dakmara; Education; Romania Georgieva, Lidija; Political Science; Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic o f Gerat, Ivan; A rt History; Slovak Republic Ghaleb, Abdu; Anthropology and Archaeology; Yemen Giami, Alain; Psychology; France Gidron, Benjamin; Sociology and Social Work; Israel Gillard, Patricia; Communications and Journalism; Australia Gisbert, Enric; Biological Sciences; Spain Giant, Tibor; American History; Hungary Gonzalez, Francisco; Law; Chile* Gonzalez-Bonorino, Gustavo; Geology; Argentina Gourevitch, Izabella; Linguistics; Russian Federation Goussev, Evgueni; Geology; Russian Federation Granados-Sanandres, Ana; Mathematics; Spain Grass, Tenis; Art; Latvia Groux, Dominique; Education; France Guechi, Fatima-Zohra; History (non-u.s.); Algeria Gueye, Babacar; Political Science; Senegal Guillaumin, Godfrey Ernesto Juarez; Philosophy; Mexico Guimaraes, Liliane De Oliveira; Business Administration; Brazil* Guimpel, Julio Juan; Physics and Astronomy; Argentina Gullner, Gabor; Agriculture; Hungary Gutmanis, Armands; Architecture and Urban Planning; Latvia H Haapala, Arto; Philosophy; Finland Hachicha, Mohamed; Agriculture; Tunisia Hagberg, Henrik; Medical Sciences; Sweden Haggag, Salah Eldin; Mathematics; Egypt Hagiwara-Nishino, Kumiko; Communications and Journalism; Japan Hagtvet, Bernt; Political Science; Norway Hallak, Hanna; Physics and Astronomy; West Bank Halpin, Kate; Public Administration; United Kingdom* Hamad, Ibtissam; Environmental Sciences; Syria Hamdaoui, Fatiha; Agriculture; Morocco Hamzeh, Ahmad Nizar; Political Science; Lebanon Handzic-Cuk, Jadranka; Medical Sciences; Croatia Harfield, Clive; Law; United Kingdom Harfouch, Mohammad; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Syria Haro Provinciale, Alejandro; Mathematics; Spain* Hashmi, Nadia; Political Science; Italy Hassellov, Martin; Environmental Sciences; Sweden Hauser, Stefan; Anthropology and Archaeology; Germany Hellan, Lars; Linguistics; Norway Helo, Ari; American History; Finland Henry, Monica; American History; France Herbly, Lamis; Architecture and Urban Planning; Syria Hemadi, Miklos; Sociology and Social Work; Hungary Herz, Dietmar Franz Josef; Political Science; Germany* Himmelfarb, Evgeni; Theater and Dance; Ukraine Hjeltnes, Guri; History (non-u.s.); Norway Hlobil, Tomas; Philosophy; Czech Republic Ho, An Huu; Agriculture; Vietnam Hoang, Nguyen Phung; Education; Vietnam Hodgson, David; Chemistry; Canada Honcharyk, Eleonora; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Ukraine Hong, SungGul; Political Science; Korea Hong, Yinxing; Economics; China, People s Republic of* Howlett, Kirsten Fiona; Medical Sciences; Australia Hsieh, Shui-Yang; Business Administration; Taiwan Hsu, Mei-Ling; Communications and Journalism; Taiwan Hsu, Tzong-li; Law; Taiwan Huang, Chung-Huang; Economics; Taiwan Huang, Lillian Meei-jin; Linguistics; Taiwan Huba, Mikulas; Environmental Sciences; Slovak Republic Hung, Yung Chen; Computer Science; Taiwan I Ibanez de Sans, Maria Elena; Biological Sciences; Spain Ibanez-Comejo, Jorge Guillermo; Chemistry; Mexico Ibarra de Siri, Silvia Emilia; Biological Sciences; Mexico Ibragimova, Ivanna; Public Administration; Ukraine Ibrulj, Nijaz; Philosophy; Bosnia and Herzegovina Icli, Siddik; Chemistry; Turkey Iram, Yaacov; Education; Israel Isayevych, Yaroslav; History (non-u.s.); Ukraine Iskef, Hussein; Physics and Astronomy; Syria Istileulova, Yelena; Economics; Kazakhstan Ivanov, Serguei; History (non-u.s.); Russian Federation J Jadue, Liliana Soraya; Medical Sciences; Chile Jafarov, Jafar; Public Administration; Azerbaijan Jagirdar, Balaji Rao; Chemistry; India Jagoe, Robert; Medical Sciences; United Kingdom* Jakovlevska-Josevska, Lela; Psychology; Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic o f Jamil, Adil Mohalhil; Creative Writing; Jordan* Januszewski, Andrzej; Medical Sciences; Poland Jarosinska, Dorota; Medical Sciences; Poland Jimenez Lopez, Concepcion; Physics and Astronomy; Spain 95

97 A l p h a b e t i c a l I n d e x Jin, Li; American Literature; China, People s Republic o f Joffrain, Walter; Physics and Astronomy; Italy Jogad, Mahantappa; Physics and Astronomy; India Jonsdottir, Bima; Medical Sciences; Iceland Jordan Bueso, Maria J.; Chemistry; Spain Juzeliunas, Gediminas; Physics and Astronomy; Lithuania K Kaddu, Steven; Medical Sciences; Austria Kahanoff, Maya; Sociology and Social Work; Israel Kaiser-Plaskowska, Joanna; Art; Poland Kalna-Dubinyuk, Tetyana; Agriculture; Ukraine Kamal, Sanaa; Medical Sciences; Egypt Kamenova, Tzvetana; Law; Bulgaria Kamio, Yoko; Psychology; Japan Kang, Hyosuk; Business Administration; Korea Kanu, Okpete Rosalyn; Education; Nigeria Kanwar, Sunil; Economics; India Karanci, Ayse Nuray; Psychology; Turkey Karim, Abid; Engineering; Pakistan Kartacheva, Zinaida; Music; Russian Federation Karteroliotis, Konstantinos; Education; Greece Kassem, Magdy; Engineering; Egypt Katsarova, VeselaT.; American Literature; Bulgaria Kaufmann, Geir; Psychology; Norway Kaur, Abtar; Education; Malaysia Kaya, Zeki; Biological Sciences; Turkey Kek, Darinka; Chemistry; Slovenia Kennedy, Graeham David Malcolm; Education; Australia Khadka, Geeta; Area Studies; Nepal Khalifa, Sherif; Medical Sciences; Egypt Khan, Ikhtiar; Environmental Sciences; Pakistan Khedr, Tamer; Theater and Dance; Egypt Kheir El Din, Amr; Business Administration; Egypt Khoman, Sirilaksana; Economics; Thailand Kihara, Kenichi; Education; Japan Kim, Alexandra; Linguistics; Russian Federation Kim, Choon; Education; Korea Kim, Dal-Yong; American Literature; Korea Kim, Ja-Kyung; Education; Korea Kim, Jong-Ho; Public Administration; Korea Kim, Kyung Man; Sociology and Social Work; Korea Kim, Kwang-yim; Economics; Korea Kim, Minho; Education; Korea Kim, Won-Bae; Education; Korea Kimura, Masataka; Political Science; Japan King, Michael; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); New Zealand King, Susan; Medical Sciences; Canada Kirimli, Hakan; History (non-u.s.); Turkey Kirsten, Johann; Agriculture; South Africa Kiss, Istvan; Agriculture; Hungary Kitahara, Hisatsugu; Linguistics; Japan Kleine, Lev; Anthropology and Archaeology; Russian Federation Klingenberg, Christian; Mathematics; Germany* Knubel, Franz Rudolf; Art; Germany* Kocasoy, Gunay; Environmental Sciences; Turkey Kogan, Grigorij; Chemistry; Slovak Republic Koh, Chong-Lek; Biological Sciences; Malaysia Kokkonen, Marja; Psychology; Finland Koning, Frits; Biological Sciences; Netherlands Korstanje, Maria Alejandra; Anthropology and Archaeology; Argentina Kortam, Wael; Business Administration; Egypt Kortmann, Bemd; Linguistics; Germany* Koukouroudza, Marine; Environmental Sciences; Ukraine Koulikova, Irina; Music; Russian Federation Kounchev, Ognyan; Computer Science; Bulgaria Kovda, Irina; Geology; Russian Federation Kramers, Comelis; Medical Sciences; Netherlands Krammer, Gemot; Engineering; Austria Kranjec, Igor; Medical Sciences; Slovenia Kraouzova, Valentina; Environmental Sciences; Russian Federation Kreso, Adila; Education; Bosnia and Herzegovina Krishnamurthy, Sundari; Philosophy; India Kristjansson, Kristjan; Philosophy; Iceland Ku, Daeyeol; Political Science; Korea Kukenov, Talgat; Business Administration; Kazakhstan Kumlien, Eva; Medical Sciences; Sweden Kuzmanic, Nenad; Engineering; Croatia L Leach, Andrew; Chemistry; United Kingdom Lahlou, Abdelkader; Law; Morocco Landa Del Castillo, Blanca; Agriculture; Spain Laneri, Nicola Giovanni Luigi; Anthropology and Archaeology; Italy Lang, Sabine; Political Science; Germany Lautner, Peter; Philosophy; Hungary Le Vinh, Danh; Economics; Vietnam Leang, Kheang; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Cambodia Lee, Jong Won; Economics; Korea Lee, Ming-Huei; Philosophy; Taiwan Lee, Sung Soon; Art; Korea Lee, SungTae; History (non-u.s.); Korea Legros, Benjamin; Medical Sciences; Belgium Leguizamon, Eduardo Sixto; Agriculture; Argentina Leontieva, Olga; Library Science; Russian Federation Lesnykh, Valery; Economics; Russian Federation Levenko, Boris; Environmental Sciences; Ukraine Levine, Elaine; Economics; Mexico Li, Qiang; Sociology and Social Work; China, People s Republic o f 5 Lie, Anne Karine; Sociology and Social Work; Norway 96

98 A l p h a b e t ic a l I n d e x Liharaba, Amandina; Theater and Dance; Tanzania Lim, Young Kyun; Art; Korea Lin, Liang-Tay; Engineering; Taiwan Lindbladh, Matts; Biological Sciences; Sweden* Lippert, Stefan; Philosophy; Germany* Listikov, Serguei; American History; Russian Federation Liu, Jin-Long; Economics; Taiwan Liu, Fuh-Hwa Franklin; Mathematics; Taiwan Lloret Romero, F. Javier; Biological Sciences; Spain Loft, Edward; History (non-u.s.); United Kingdom Lou, Yung-Chien; Business Administration; Taiwan Loyer, Emmanuelle; History (non-u.s.); France Lozano, Luis-Martin; A rt History; Mexico Lu, Xinyu; Communications and Journalism; China, People s Republic o f Ludlow, Anna; Biological Sciences; United Kingdom Luedecke, Christa Martha; Chemistry; Germany* Luna Estevez, Monica I.; Physics and Astronomy; Spain Lunden, Rolf; A rt History; Sweden* Lushnikova, Tamara; Biological Sciences; Estonia Luu, TrinhNgoc; Economics; Vietnam M Madale, Nagasura Timan; Education; Philippines Magnan-Park, Anne; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); France Magnetto, Anna; History (non-u.s.); Italy Magradze, Guguli; Sociology and Social W ork; Georgia Mahmoud, M. Hesham; Engineering; Egypt Mahmoud, Ahmed; Law; Egypt Malchiodi, Andrea; Mathematics; Italy Maldonado, Ricardo; Linguistics; Mexico Malo-Lopez, Jesus; Computer Science; Spain Malysheva, Olga; Sociology and Social Work; Belarus Manaa, Mohammed; American History; Algeria Manev, Emil D.; Chemistry; Bulgaria Maniam, Manogaran; Theater and Dance; Malaysia Mannan, Mohammad; Business Administration; Bangladesh Manzanas-Calvo, Ana Maria; American Literature; Spain* Mariano, Marco; American History; Italy* Marino, Giovanni; Medical Sciences; Italy Markosyan, Karine; Medical Sciences; Armenia Markova, Anastassia; Geography; Russian Federation Maroti, Peter; Biological Sciences; Hungary Marouli, Christina; Environmental Sciences; Greece Martinez Munoz, Maria; Medical Sciences; Spain Martirosyan, Suren; Chemistry; Armenia Masque Barri, Pere; Environmental Sciences; Spain Mateos, Federico; Economics; Argentina* Mathov de Sacerdoti, Irina; Medical Sciences; Argentina Matsumoto, Kumiko; Education; Japan Matyasek, Patrik; Law; Czech Republic Mauring, Koit; Chemistry; Estonia Mawondo, Simon; Philosophy; Zimbabwe Mayer-Foulkes, David Arie; Economics; Mexico Mayerova, Dita; Medical Sciences; Czech Republic Mazibuko, Edmund; Education; Swaziland Mbuh, Mathias; History (non-u.s.); Cameroon* McMahon, Denis; Public Administration; United Kingdom Mead, Kullada Kesboonchoo; Political Science; Thailand Meena, Ruth; Political Science; Tanzania Megh, R.K.; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); India M eijer Drees, Laurie; History (non-u.s.); Canada Melikidze, Valerian; Education; Georgia Mendes, Maria Amalia; Linguistics; Portugal Meniailo, Oleg; Environmental Sciences; Russian Federation Mensah, Merlin; Biological Sciences; Ghana Menzhulin, Vadym; Psychology; Ukraine* Merican, Am ir Feisal; Biological Sciences; Malaysia Merilaita, Sami; Biological Sciences; Finland Merino Hernando, Maria Asuncion; History (non-u.s.); Spain M erlo Flores, Tatiana Gilda; Communications and Journalism; Argentina Micheli, Erika; Environmental Sciences; Hungary Mifsud, Carmelo; Education; Malta M ikhailov, Alexander; Theater and Dance; Russian Federation M illar, Paul; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); New Zealand Milosevic, Dijana; Theater and Dance; Yugoslavia M in, Weifang; Education; China. People's Republic of* M inetti, Francesco; American Literature; Italy M ira Llambi, Pablo; Economics; Argentina* M itchell, Paul; Political Science; United Kingdom M iyai-m ori, Yumiko; Communications and Journalism; Japan Miyamoto, Yoichi; Linguistics; Japan Mohareb, Rafat; Chemistry; Egypt Moisseeva, Marina; Education; Russian Federation Mokhtar, Najat; Medical Sciences; Morocco Montes-Bayon, Maria; Chemistry; Spain Montoro, Rafael Jesus; Biological Sciences; Spain Montoya, Silvia; Economics; Argentina Moosa, Samira; Education; Oman Morales-Perez, Jose Luis; Mathematics; Mexico Morawski, Krzysztof; Medical Sciences; Poland Morin, Shai; Agriculture; Israel Morozova, Alevtina; TEFL/Applied Linguistics; Russian Federation Moya Larano, Jorge; Biological Sciences; Spain Mukambayeva, Maira M.; Psychology; Kazakhstan Mukonyora, Isabel; Religious Studies; Zimbabwe Muldagaliyeva, Aizhan; Anthropology and Archaeology; Kazakhstan Mulyana, Deddy; Communications and Journalism; Indonesia 97

99 A l p h a b e t i c a l I n d e x Munzarova, Marketa; Chemistry; Czech Republic Mursaliyev, Vahid; Law; Azerbaijan Mutihac, Radu; Physics and Astronomy; Romania Mwamwenda, Tuntufye S.; Education; South A frica N Nabi, Abdul; Chemistry; Pakistan* Nagao, Kenkichi; Economics; Japan Naimi, Mustapha; Agriculture; Morocco Nanda, Sudarsan; Mathematics; India Nandadeva, Belinda; A rt History; Sri Lanka Naoumova, Irina; Education; Russian Federation Nardon, Laurence; Political Science; France Natov, Nikolay; Law; Bulgaria Navarra, Pietro; Economics; Italy Navarro, Federico G arcia; Biological Sciences; Spain Naveda, Adriana; History (non-u.s.); Mexico Nayyar, Adam; Anthropology and Archaeology; Pakistan Nazarov, A lidj an; Economics; Uzbekistan Neumann, Victor; History (non-u.s.); Romania Neurath, Markus; Medical Sciences; Germany Ng, Felix; Environmental Sciences; United Kingdom Nguyen, Thi Hong Thuy; Education; Vietnam Nguyen, Thi Thuan; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Vietnam Nigim, Khaled; Engineering; Gaza Nikonorov, Valeri; Anthropology and Archaeology; Russian Federation Nold, Guenter; TEFL/Applied Linguistics; Germany Nordahl, Per; History (non-u.s.); Sweden Nour El-Din, Mostafa; Public Administration; Egypt Novak, Branko; Business Administration; Croatia Nudelsman, Susana Ester; Economics; Argentina Nunes, Fabio Jose; Political Science; Brazil Nunzi. Emilia; Engineering; Italy* Nur, Agustiar Svah; Education; Indonesia Nyaga, Philip; Agriculture; Kenya o O hogartaigh, Ciaran; Business Administration; Ireland O hogartaigh, Margaret; History (non-u.s.); Ireland Ocampo, Lamberto Raymundo; History (non-u.s.); Philippines Ogilvie-Graham, Thomas; Biological Sciences; United Kingdom Ogisawa, Hideaki; Communications and Journalism; Japan Oh, Byung-Sun; Law; Korea Ohashi, Takayuki; Education; Japan Okoh, Juliana; Theater and Dance; Nigeria Okuda, Keiji; Music; Japan Okuno, Yukiko; Education; Japan Olaru, Victor; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Romania Omran, Mohammed; Business Adm inistration; Egypt Onocha, Charles; Education; N igeria Ortega, Marietta Perrier; Anthropology and Archaeology; Chile Ozgen, Ilknur; Anthropology and Archaeology; Turkey p Pakhomova, Klavdia; Religious Studies; Russian Federation Pal, Deb; Medical Sciences; U nited Kingdom Panariti, Edmond; M edical Sciences; Albania Paneth, Piotr; Chemistry; Poland Papadopoulos, George; B iological Sciences; Greece Parkatti, Heikki; Education; Finland Parpairis, Apostolos; Architecture and Urban Planning; Greece Patsiorkovski, Valeri; Sociology and Social Work; Russian Federation Pauler, Gabor Janos; Business Adm inistration; Hungary Payre, Renaud; Political Science; France Pedraza, M ario Reyes; B iological Sciences; Mexico Perbi, Akosua; History (non-u.s.); Ghana Perez, Marcos Losado; B iological Sciences; Spain Perez, M iriam Mateos; Biological Sciences; Spain Peri, Yoram; Political Science; Israel Peril, Boris; A rt; Russian Federation Permkesorn, Nuanthip; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Thailand Pershad, Harsh; Chemistry; U nited Kingdom Petrinovic, Davor; Engineering; Croatia Piazza, Vincenzo; Physics and Astronomy; Italy Picard, Elizabeth; Political Science; France Pietikainen, O lli; History (non-u.s.); Finland Pietila, Tuulikki; Anthropology and Archaeology; Finland Pijanowska, Joanna; Environmental Sciences; Poland Pinto Da Luz, Rodolfo; Engineering; Brazil Pivoriunas, Danielius; Environmental Sciences; Lithuania Plasser, Fritz; Political Science; Austria Popescu, Livia; Sociology and Social Work; Romania Poulain, Martine; Library Science; France Prakash, Padakannaya; Psychology; India Preda, Dumitru; History (non-u.s.); Romania Pretelli, Matteo; American History; Italy Prieto, Juan Carlos Dominguez; M edical Sciences; Chile Prifti, Skerdi; Medical Sciences; Albania Prista e Silva, Antonio Manuel Machado; Education; Mozambique Pujol I. Sagaro, Antoni; Environmental Sciences; Spain Puri, Poonam; Law; Canada Q Qian, Y i; Engineering; China, People s Republic of* Quintero, Margarito Nunez; Engineering; Mexico 98

100 A l p h a b e t i c a l I n d e x R Rabaa, Hassan; Chemistry; Morocco Radwan, Jacek; Biological Sciences; Poland Raharinirina, Annie; Chemistry; Madagascar Rahman, Mizanur; Law; Bangladesh Rahman, Mohammed; Public Administration; Bangladesh Ramjeawon, Toolseeram; Environmental Sciences; Mauritius Ratti, Carlo Flippo; Architecture and Urban Planning; Italy Raupenstrauch, Harald; Engineering; Austria Regev, Eyal; Area Studies; Israel Reis, Rossana; Political Science; Brazil Reneman, Liesbeth; Medical Sciences; Netherlands Resosudarmo, Budy Prasetyo; Economics; Indonesia Reyes Rivas, Roxana; Philosophy; Costa Rica Reznikov, Andrei; Linguistics; Russian Federation Ribas Canudas, Ignasi; Physics and Astronomy; Spain Ribeiro, Mariceli Araujo; Medical Sciences; Brazil Ritzen, Andreas; Chemistry; Sweden Roberts, Jeannie; Anthropology and Archaeology; Australia* Rocha, Gregorio Carlos; Art History; Mexico Rodeghero, Carla Simone; History (non-u.s.); Brazil Rodionov, Mikhail; Area Studies; Russian Federation Rodriguez Abascal, Luis; Law; Spain Rodriguez, Suemi Romo; Mathematics; Mexico Romanenkova, Lyudmyla; Sociology and Social Work; Ukraine Rosenberger, Veit; History (non-u.s.); Germany Roudeau, Cecile; American Literature; France Rozwadowska, Bozena; Linguistics; Poland Rudenja, Sergei; Engineering; Estonia Rudolph, Maria Isolde; Biological Sciences; Chile Rupieper, Hermann J.; History (non-u.s.); Germany s Saether, Erik; Economics; Norway Sakelliou, Evangelia; American Literature; Greece Salama, Mohamed; Biological Sciences; Egypt Salikov, Marat; Law; Russian Federation Sarny, Ramz; Music; Egypt Sanchez, Gilma Guadalupe Burgos; Medical Sciences; Mexico Sano, Kemoko; Theater and Dance; Guinea Santamaria, Inigo; Biological Sciences; Spain Santolik, Ondrej; Physics and Astronomy; Czech Republic Santos, Carlos Ocana; Biological Sciences; Spain Sarangi, Prakash; Political Science; India Sarkadi, Balazs; Medical Sciences; Hungary Samdahl, Eva; Medical Sciences; Sweden Sazhina, Varvara; Law; Belarus Sazonova, Tatiana; Linguistics; Russian Federation Scharle, Peter; Engineering; Hungary Schauberger, Gunther; Environmental Sciences; Austria Schmidtke, Sabine; Philosophy; Germany Schneiderman, David: Law: Canada Scholl, Eckehard; Physics and Astrononn; Germany Schwarzacher, Walther; Physics and Astronomy: United Kingdom Sediva, Anna; Medical Sciences; Czech Republic Sekowski. Andrzej; Psychology: Poland Selih, Jana; Engineering; Slovenia Serrano Hernandez. Maria Dolores: Physics and Astronomy; Spain Settembrini, Beatriz Patricia; Biological Sciences; Argentina Sezer, Esma; Chemistry; Turkey Shandar, Elena; Education; Belarus Sharon, Eran: Physics and Astronomy: Israel Shaton, Galina; Education; Belarus Shen, Chung-Hua; Economics; Taiwan Sheridan, Geraldine Frances; Language and Literature (non- U.S.); Ireland Shihab, Azza; Medical Sciences; Egypt Shimokobe, Michiko; American Literature; Japan Shivalkar, Bharati; Medical Sciences: Belgium Shrimali, Shridhar; Education; India Shukuryan, Arthur; Medical Sciences; Armenia Shumi, Mitsuo; Law; Japan Sifakis, Nicolaos; Environmental Sciences; Greece Silva, Zenaide Cecilia; Theater and Dance: Brazil Silva Filho, Donato; Engineering; Brazil Simacek, David; American Literature; Czech Republic Sironka, Nicholas; Art: Kenya Slukhai, Sergii; Economics; Ukraine Smith Ferrer, Patricio; Medical Sciences; Chile* Solodkov, Vasiliy; Economics; Russian Federation Solomina, Olga; Geography; Russian Federation Somerkoski, Brita; Education; Finland Soremekun, Kayode; Political Science; Nigeria Sorin, Claire; American Literature; France Soydan, Billur; Law; Turkey Spenlehauer, Vincent; Political Science; France Spielmann, Yvonne; Art History; Germany Sridhar, Melukote; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); India Stan, Valentin; American History; Romania Stancak, Andrej; Medical Sciences: Czech Republic Stegmann, Tilbert; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Germany Strand, Torill; Education; Norway Su, Yu Hui; Business Administration; Taiwan Sukhumvada, Sarawanee; American Literature; Thailand Sukula-Lindblom, L illi; Theater and Dance; Finland Sumilo, Erika; Business Administration: Latvia Sun, Hsiao-Chih; Philosophy; Taiwan Sung, Li-May; Linguistics; Taiwan Suzer, Sefik; Chemistry; Turkey Szubka, Tadeusz; Philosophy; Poland 99

101 A l p h a b e t ic a l I n d e x t Tabakova, Vessela; Communications and Journalism; Bulgaria Tae, Yasuhiro; American Literature; Japan Tafuri, Francesco; Physics and Astronomy; Italy Taimr, Pavel; Medical Sciences; Czech Republic Tan, Lin; Sociology and Social Work; China, People s Republic o f Tepper, Tamar; Engineering; Israel Teran, Maria Yolanda; Education; Ecuador Thabet, Abdulkarim; Economics; Yemen Tiittanan, Raija; Education; Finland Tiplea, Ferucio; Computer Science; Romania Togersen, Geir; Agriculture; Norway Tong, Shijun; Philosophy; China, People s Republic o f Topor, Boris; Medical Sciences; Moldova Torbakov, Igor; History (non-u.s.); Ukraine* Tosun, Cevat; Business Administration; Turkey Triandafyllidou, Anna; Sociology and Social Work; Italy Trombetta, Maria; Economics; Italy Tsai, Yuh-Yuan; Business Administration; Taiwan Tserunyan, Vardan; Chemistry; Armenia Tsipopoulou, Metaxia; Anthropology and Archaeology; Greece Tsubouchi, Jun; Political Science; Japan Tsygulska, Tetyana; Psychology; Ukraine Turcani, Marek; Agriculture; Slovak Republic Tuzemen, Sebahattin; Physics and Astronomy; Turkey Tveitereid, Morten; Mathematics; Norway U Ugur, Omer; Medical Sciences; Turkey Ujaque Perez. Gregorio; Chemistry; Spain Umunc, Himmet; History (non-u.s.); Turkey Urmambetov, Baktybek; Economics; Kyrgyzstan v Vadillo Perez, Jose; Chemistry; Spain Vale Martinez, Anna; Psychology; Spain Van Cassel, Elke; American History; Netherlands Vazquez, Manuel Ramallo; Physics and Astronomy; Spain Vazquez Del Rey, Antonio Villanueva; Law; Spain Vellayan, Subramaniam; Medical Sciences; Malaysia Vidal, Cecile; History (non-u.s.); France Vilcek, Stefan; Biological Sciences; Slovak Republic Vranckx, Jan; Medical Sciences; Belgium w Wagner, Ina; Sociology and Social Work; Austria Wahyana, Antonius; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Indonesia Wang, Zhenmin; Law; China, People s Republic o f Washio-Miyazawa, Yuko; Education; Japan Wardoyo, Subue Lakamono; American Literature; Indonesia Weckman, Jyrki; Public Administration; Finland Weiss, Achim; Physics and Astronomy; Germany Wilczynski, Marek; American Literature; Poland Winkler, Dietmar; Religious Studies; Austria Witte, Arnold; Art History; Netherlands Wu, Fu-Hsin; Public Administration; Taiwan Wu, Tsai-Chu; Area Studies; Taiwan Wu, Xiaobo; Business Administration; China, People s Republic o f Wujin, Yu; Philosophy; China, People s Republic of* x Xalabarder Plantada, Raquel; Law; Spain Y Yablonskiy, Leonid; Anthropology and Archaeology; Russian Federation Yamada, Kumiko; American Literature; Japan Yamagishi, Toshio; Psychology; Japan Yanez Solorza, Jorge Carlos; Chemistry; Chile* Ye, Ying; Library Science; China, People s Republic of Yemenici, Alev; Education; Turkey Yen, Jin-Ru; Business Administration; Taiwan Yeoh, Brenda Saw A i; Geography; Singapore Yerchenko, Paraskeviya; Linguistics; Ukraine Yifrach, Ofer; Biological Sciences; Israel* Yiftah, U ri; History (non-u.s.); Israel Yuan, Guilin; Education; China, People s Republic o f Z Zahrawi, Samar; American Literature; Syria Zaporozhets, Halyna; American Literature; Ukraine Zatti, Sergio; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Italy* Zaytsev, Evgeny; Philosophy; Russian Federation Zaytsev, Oleksandr; History (non-u.s.); Ukraine Zeidan-Khoury, Liliane; History (non-u.s.); Lebanon Zhabotynska, Svitlana; Linguistics; Ukraine Zhan, Zhongle; Law; China, People s Republic o f Zhao, Weiming; Political Science; China, People s Republic of Zheng, Zhenlong; Economics; China, People s Republic of Zhexembiyeva, Nurgaisha; TEFL/Applied Linguistics; Kazakhstan Zikovska, Petra; Theater and Dance; Czech Republic Zimmermann, Heinz Otto; Language and Literature (non- U.S.); Germany Zonned, Lazhar; Linguistics; Tunisia Zorec, Robert; Medical Sciences; Slovenia Zuccheri, Nicoletta; Sociology and Social Work; Italy* Zuy, Oleg; Chemistry; Ukraine 100

102 H o s t St a t e I n d e x To fin d out more about a scholar, tu rn to the ind ivid ua l's complete directory entry, which can be fo un d in the section corresponding to the discipline listed after the scholar s name. *Indicates a scholar with m ultiple state affiliations. A l a b a ma Consuelo Aldana, Susana; History (non-u.s.); Peru; of Alabama Ibarra de Siri, Silvia Emilia; Biological Sciences; Mexico; Dauphin Island Sea Laboratory Serrano Hernandez, Maria Dolores; Physics and Astronomy; Spain; of Alabama-Huntsville Al a s k a Berguelson, Mira; Linguistics; Russian Federation; o f Alaska-Fairbanks; o f California- Berkeley* Duguay, Claude Rene; Geology; Canada; o f Alaska-Fairbanks Meijer Drees, Laurie; History (non-u.s.); Canada; of Alaska-Fairbanks Ar iz o n a Akacem, Kada; Economics; Algeria; o f Arizona Fuentes Cabrera, Miguel Angel; Physics and Astronomy; Spain; Arizona State Gonzalez-Bonorino, Gustavo; Geology; Argentina; U.S. Geological Survey Ho, An Huu; Agriculture; Vietnam; o f Arizona Meniailo, Oleg; Environmental Sciences; Russian Federation; Northern Arizona Morin, Shai; Agriculture; Israel; o f Arizona Nigim, Khaled; Engineering; Gaza; Arizona State Settembrini, Beatriz Patricia; Biological Sciences; Argentina; o f Arizona; Arizona State Ye, Ying; Library Science; China, People s Republic of; o f Arizona Ar k a n s a s Mathov de Sacerdoti, Irina; Medical Sciences; Argentina; o f Arkansas for Medical Sciences Megh, R.K.; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); India; o f Arkansas-Pine B lu ff Ca l if o r n ia Abdel Rahman, Ashraf; Business Administration; Egypt; o f La Verne Achille-Tranquille, Danielle; Language and Literature (non- U.S.); Mauritius; o f California-Los Angeles Aitasheva, Zaure; Agriculture; Kazakhstan; o f California-Berkeley Alimov, Shavkat; Mathematics; Uzbekistan; California Institute o f Technology Al-Shehabi, Zuhir; Medical Sciences; Syria; o f Southern California Andersen, Torben; Business Administration; Denmark; San Francisco State Askeland, Norunn; Linguistics; Norway; of Califomia-Berkeley Aslanov, Afgan; Education; Azerbaijan; o f California-Los Angeles Awrejcewicz, Jan; Engineering; Poland; of California-Berkeley Bellamine-Ben-Saoud, Narjes; Computer Science; Tunisia; o f California-Irvine Ben Saoud, Slim; Physics and Astronomy; Tunisia; o f California-Irvine Berguelson, Mira; Linguistics; Russian Federation; o f Alaska-Fairbanks; o f California- Berkeley* Bjerg, Maria Monica; History (non-u.s.); Argentina; o f California-Berkeley Bondaruk, Anna; Linguistics; Poland; o f California-Santa Cruz Bozic, Milorad; Engineering; Bosnia and Herzegovina; o f California-Davis Brand, Muriele; Psychology; France; Stanford Brogren, Carl-Henrik; Biological Sciences; Denmark; The Burnham Institute Buckman, Stephen John; Physics and Astronomy; Australia; o f California-San Diego Buisson, Antoine; Art History; France; The J. Paul Getty Museum Bullrich, Laura; Agriculture; Argentina; o f California-Davis Calderon Cortes, Jose Fernando; Agriculture; Mexico; o f California-Davis Choo, Kyung-Nan; Education; Korea; o f California-Los Angeles Clough, Timothy John; Environmental Sciences; New Zealand; o f California-Davis Cornejo Bravo, Jose Manuel; Chemistry; Mexico; San Diego State Cros, Caroline; Art History; France; The J. Paul Getty Museum; o f California-Santa Barbara Cruciani, Fulvio; Biological Sciences; Italy; Stanford 101

103 H os t St a t e I n d e x Cui, Shaoyuan; American Literature; China, People s Republic of; Stanford D Agostino, Nicola; Geology; Italy; California Institute o f Technology Daher, Rami; Architecture and Urban Planning; Jordan; o f California-Berkeley Dananjaja, James; Anthropology and Archaeology; Indonesia; o f California-Berkeley De Jesus Riojas, Javier; Environmental Sciences; Mexico; o f San Francisco De La Croix, David P.; Economics; Belgium/Luxembourg; o f California-Los Angeles Delle Fratte, Alessandra; Psychology; Italy; Stanford Dizdar, Srebren; American Literature; Bosnia and Herzegovina; o f California-San Diego Duong, Anh Hong; American History; Vietnam; o f California-Berkeley Dyb, Grete; Medical Sciences; Norway; o f California-Los Angeles Edis, Zehra; Chemistry; Germany; o f California- Berkeley Emtner, Ingegerd; Medical Sciences; Sweden; o f California Emsteins, Raimonds; Environmental Sciences; Latvia; Sonoma State Garcia de Abajo, Francisco Javier; Physics and Astronomy; Spain; o f California-Berkeley Gegeshidze, Archil; Political Science; Georgia; Stanford Gidron, Benjamin; Sociology and Social Work; Israel; Princeton ; o f California-Los Angeles* Gisbert, Enric; Biological Sciences; Spain; o f California-Davis Goussev, Evgueni; Geology; Russian Federation; U.S. Department o f Agriculture Groux, Dominique; Education; France; o f California-Los Angeles Guimpel, Julio Juan; Physics and Astronomy; Argentina; o f California-San Diego Hachicha, Mohamed; Agriculture; Tunisia; o f California-Riverside Hagiwara-Nishino, Kumiko; Communications and Journalism; Japan; o f California-Berkeley Hallak, Hanna; Physics and Astronomy; West Bank; o f California-Los Angeles Hamzeh, Ahmad Nizar; Political Science; Lebanon; o f Southern California Hellan, Lars; Linguistics; Norway; Stanford Hung, Yung Chen; Computer Science; Taiwan; o f California-Los Angeles Ibrulj, Nijaz; Philosophy; Bosnia and Herzegovina; o f California-Berkeley Icli, Siddik; Chemistry; Turkey; o f California-Los Angeles Kaufmann, Geir; Psychology; Norway; California State -Fullerton; Center for Creative Leadership* Kennedy, Graeham David Malcolm; Education; Australia; of California-Berkeley Kheir El Din, Amr; Business Administration; Egypt; o f California-Los Angeles Kim, Jong-Ho; Public Administration; Korea; of California-Irvine Kiss, Istvan; Agriculture; Hungary; o f California- Davis Koning, Frits; Biological Sciences; Netherlands; La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology Korstanje, Maria Alejandra; Anthropology and Archaeology; Argentina; o f California-Berkeley Lang, Sabine; Political Science; Germany; of California-Berkeley Leach, Andrew; Chemistry; United Kingdom; of California-Los Angeles Lee, Ming-Huei; Philosophy; Taiwan; o f California-Berkeley Levine, Elaine; Economics; Mexico; o f California- Los Angeles Lie, Anne Karine; Sociology and Social Work; Norway; o f California-Berkeley Lihamba, Amandina; Theater and Dance; Tanzania; o f California-Los Angeles Lozano, Luis-Martin; Art History; Mexico; City College of San Francisco Lu, Xinyu; Communications and Journalism; China, People s Republic of; San Francisco State Luna Estevez, Monica I.; Physics and Astronomy; Spain; o f California-Berkeley Magnetto, Anna; History (non-u.s.); Italy; of California-Berkeley Maldonado, Ricardo; Linguistics; Mexico; of California-San Diego Malo-Lopez, Jesus; Computer Science; Spain; National Aeronautics and Space Administration Manev, Emil D.; Chemistry; Bulgaria; o f California-Berkeley Maniam, Manogaran; Theater and Dance; Malaysia; San Diego State ; Loyola Chicago* Mauring, Koit; Chemistry; Estonia; Stanford Merilaita, Sami; Biological Sciences; Finland; of California-Santa Barbara Mikhailov, Alexander; Theater and Dance; Russian Federation; California State -Monterey Bay Mohareb, Rafat; Chemistry; Egypt; o f California- Berkeley 102

104 H o s t St a t e I n d ex Moisseeva, Marina; Education; Russian Federation; Stanford Nagao, Kenkichi; Economics; Japan; o f California-Los Angeles Navarro, Federico Garcia; Biological Sciences; Spain; California Institute o f Technology Nayyar, Adam; Anthropology and Archaeology; Pakistan; o f California-Los Angeles Ogisawa, Hideaki; Communications and Journalism; Japan; o f Southern California; o f California - Los Angeles Parkatti, Heikki; Education; Finland; Virginia Commonwealth ; Center for Advanced Research and Technology* Pershad, Harsh; Chemistry; United Kingdom; o f California-Berkeley Petrinovic, Davor; Engineering; Croatia; o f California-Santa Barbara Piazza, Vincenzo; Physics and Astronomy; Italy; California Institute o f Technology Quintero Nunez, Margarito; Engineering; Mexico; San Diego State Ritzen, Andreas; Chemistry; Sweden; Scripps Research Institute Saether, Erik; Economics; Norway; o f California- Berkeley Salama, Mohamed; Biological Sciences; Egypt; o f California-Riverside Santos Ocana, Carlos; Biological Sciences; Spain; of California-Los Angeles Sazonova, Tatiana; Linguistics; Russian Federation; of California-San Diego Shihab, Azza; Medical Sciences; Egypt; o f California-Los Angeles Shumi, Mitsuo; Law; Japan; o f California-Davis Spenlehauer, Vincent; Political Science; France; o f California-Los Angeles Strand, Torill; Education; Norway; o f California- Berkeley Tafuri, Francesco; Physics and Astronomy; Italy; Stanford Tsai, Yuh-Yuan; Business Administration; Taiwan; of California-Berkeley Tserunyan, Vardan; Chemistry; Armenia; o f Southern California Tveitereid, Morten; Mathematics; Norway; o f California-Davis Ujaque Perez, Gregorio; Chemistry; Spain; o f California-Los Angeles Vadillo Perez, Jose; Chemistry; Spain; Stanford Wagner, Ina; Sociology and Social Work; Austria; of California-San Diego Wu, Tsai-Chu; Area Studies: Taiwan; o f California-Berkeley Yablonskiy, Leonid; Anthropology and Archaeology; Russian Federation; o f California -Santa Barbara Yamagishi, Toshio; Psychology; Japan; Stanford Yemenici, Alev; Education: Turkey; o f California- Riverside Yeoh, Brenda Saw Ai; Geography; Singapore: o f California-Berkeley Zhabotynska, Svitlana; Linguistics; Ukraine; o f California-San Diego Zheng, Zhenlong; Economics: China. People's Republic of; o f California-Los Angeles C o l o r a d o Creemers, Johannes; Medical Sciences; Belgium/Luxembourg; o f Colorado Health Sciences Center Hamdaoui, Fatiha; Agriculture: Morocco; Colorado State Jagirdar, Balaji Rao; Chemistry; India; o f Colorado-Boulder Selih, Jana; Engineering; Slovenia; o f Colorado- Boulder Solomina, Olga; Geography; Russian Federation; o f Colorado-Boulder Zorec, Robert; Medical Sciences; Slovenia; o f Colorado Health Sciences Center Zuy, Oleg; Chemistry; Ukraine; o f Colorado- Boulder C o n n e c t ic u t Attard, David; Law; Malta; Yale De Boer, Jelle; Philosophy; Netherlands; o f Connecticut Degreve, Bart; Medical Sciences; Belgium/Luxembourg; Yale Engberg-Pedersen, Troels; Religious Studies; Denmark; Yale Eryuksel, Gul; Psychology; Turkey; o f Connecticut Gallagher, Anthony; Public Administration; United Kingdom; Yale Hagtvet, Bernt; Political Science; Norway; Yale Hjeltnes, Guri; History (non-u.s.); Norway; Yale Jin, Li; American Literature; China. People's Republic of; Yale Kaiser-Plaskowska, Joanna; Art; Poland; o f Connecticut Kamio, Yoko; Psychology; Japan; o f Connecticut Kanwar, Sunil; Economics; India; Yale Kokkonen, Marja; Psychology; Finland; Yale Lee, Jong Won; Economics; Korea; Yale 103

105 H ost St a t e I n d e x Merino Hernando, Maria Asuncion; History (non-u.s.); Spain; Yale Mukambayeva, Maira M.; Psychology; Kazakhstan; Yale Mutihac, Radu; Physics and Astronomy; Romania; Yale Oh, Byung-Sun; Law; Korea; Yale Ortega Perrier, Marietta; Anthropology and Archaeology; Chile; Yale Sekowski, Andrzej; Psychology; Poland; Yale Shimokobe, Michiko; American Literature; Japan; Yale Su, Yu Hui; Business Administration; Taiwan; Yale D e l a w a r e Diakite, Lamine; Agriculture; Mexico; o f Delaware Karanci, Ayse Nuray; Psychology; Turkey; o f Delaware Nandadeva, Belinda; Art History; Sri Lanka; o f Delaware Sung, Li-May; Linguistics; Taiwan; o f Delaware D is t r ic t o f C o l u m b ia Amano, Yoshiko; Law; Japan; Georgetown Atapattu, Sumudu; Law; Sri Lanka; George Washington Barclay, Sandra; Architecture and Urban Planning; France; American Institute o f Architects Basic, Nedzad; Law; Bosnia and Herzegovina; George Washington Bebek, Borna; Business Administration; Croatia; George Washington Bin Huwaidan, Ebtesam; Political Science; United Arab Emirates; George Washington Brands, Gunnar; Anthropology and Archaeology; Germany; Dumbarton Oaks Calleya, Stephen; Political Science; Malta; American Cioni, Fernando; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Italy; George Washington ; George Washington Doron, Rami Racah; Physics and Astronomy; Israel; Department of the Navy Dunn, David; Political Science; United Kingdom; National Defense Garcia Heras, Manuel; Anthropology and Archaeology; Spain; Smithsonian Institution Gillard, Patricia; Communications and Journalism; Australia; National Museum o f American History Giant, Tibor; American History; Hungary; George Washington Gueye, Babacar; Political Science; Senegal; Georgetown Gutmanis, Armands; Architecture and Urban Planning; Latvia; Johns Hopkins -School o f Advanced International Studies Harfield, Clive; Law; United Kingdom; Georgetown Istileulova, Yelena; Economics; Kazakhstan; Bureau o f Labor Statistics Jonsdottir, Birna; Medical Sciences; Iceland; George Washington King, Michael; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); New Zealand; Georgetown Kirsten, Johann; Agriculture; South Africa; International Food Policy Research Institute Koulikova, Irina; Music; Russian Federation; Catholic o f America Le Vinh, Danh; Economics; Vietnam; George Washington Listikov, Serguei; American History; Russian Federation; Columbia ; Library o f Congress* Naoumova, Irina; Education; Russian Federation; George Washington Nardon, Laurence; Political Science; France; Brookings Institution Neumann, Victor; History (non-u.s.); Romania; Catholic o f America Nudelsman, Susana Ester; Economics; Argentina; American Nur, Agustiar Syah; Education; Indonesia; Catholic o f America Ocampo, Lamberto Raymundo; History (non-u.s.); Philippines; Smithsonian Institution Peri, Yoram; Political Science; Israel; American Pivoriunas, Danielius; Environmental Sciences; Lithuania; U.S. Department o f Agriculture Plasser, Fritz; Political Science; Austria; George Washington Preda, Dumitru; History (non-u.s.); Romania; Georgetown Prifti, Skerdi; Medical Sciences; Albania; Georgetown Prista e Silva, Antonio Manuel Machado; Education; Mozambique; George Washington ; Syracuse * Sifakis, Nicolaos; Environmental Sciences; Greece; NASA Office o f Earth Science Smith, Claire; Anthropology and Archaeology; Australia; American Somerkoski, Brita; Education; Finland; The Saint Paul Department o f Fire and Safety Services; Federal Emergency Management Agency* Soremekun, Kayode; Political Science; Nigeria; National Endowment for Democracy 104

106 H o s t St a t e I n d e x Stan, Valentin; American History; Romania; George Washington Sumilo, Erika; Business Administration; Latvia; Georgetown Sun, Hsiao-Chih; Philosophy; Taiwan; Georgetown Fl o r id a Abboudi, Mostafa; Chemistry; Morocco; o f Florida Abu Al-Hassan, Husain; Anthropology and Archaeology; Saudi Arabia; o f Miami Akel, Afif; Engineering; West Bank; o f Florida Al-Derzi, Afaf; Chemistry; Jordan; o f Florida Belawati, Tian; Education; Indonesia; Florida Community College Bialecki, Ryszard; Engineering; Poland; o f Central Florida Bibu, Nicolae; Business Administration; Romania; of West Florida Deheza, Grace Ivana; Political Science; Bolivia; Florida International El-Kawni, Marwan; Physics and Astronomy; West Bank; Florida State Fitzpatrick, Donal; Computer Science; Ireland; Florida State Gebre-Mariam, Zinabu; Environmental Sciences; Ethiopia; o f Florida Herbly, Lamis; Architecture and Urban Planning; Syria; o f Florida Jordan Bueso, Maria J.; Chemistry; Spain; U.S. Department o f Agriculture, Agriculture Research Service Koh, Chong-Lek; Biological Sciences; Malaysia; Florida International Krishnamurthy, Sundari; Philosophy; India; Hillsborough Community College Morawski, Krzysztof; Medical Sciences; Poland; of Miami Nanda, Sudarsan; Mathematics; India; o f Central Florida Solodkov, Vasiliy; Economics; Russian Federation; Rollins College Vellayan, Subramaniam; Medical Sciences; Malaysia; o f Florida Zhan, Zhongle; Law; China, People s Republic of; of Miami Ge o r g ia Akyeampong, Albert; Education; Ghana; Georgia State Alimbekova, Bibigul I.; Environmental Sciences; Kazakhstan; Emory Dlamini, Nester Sizakele; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Swaziland; Albany State College Hemadi, Miklos; Sociology and Social Work; Hungary; o f Georgia Jimenez Lopez, Concepcion; Physics and Astronomy; Spain; o f Georgia Kanu, Okpete Rosalyn; Education; Nigeria; Fort Valley State College Khalifa, Sherif; Medical Sciences; Egypt; Georgia State King, Susan; Medical Sciences; Canada; Centers for Disease Control Liu, Fuh-Hwa Franklin; Mathematics; Taiwan; Georgia Institute o f Technology Markosyan, Karine; Medical Sciences; Armenia; Emory Milosevic, Dijana; Theater and Dance; Yugoslavia; Georgia College and State Nyaga, Philip; Agriculture; Kenya; U.S. Department o f Agriculture Rosenberger, Veit; History (non-u.s.); Germany; Emory Togersen, Geir; Agriculture; Norway; o f Georgia Wu, Fu-Hsin; Public Administration; Taiwan; of Georgia H a w a ii Cladera, Jorge; Agriculture; Argentina; o f Hawaii- Manoa; o f Hawaii-Manoa Kimura, Masataka; Political Science; Japan; of Hawaii-Manoa Millar, Paul; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); New Zealand; o f Hawaii-Manoa Simacek, David; American Literature; Czech Republic; o f Hawaii-Manoa I d a h o Dimitrieva, Galina; Environmental Sciences; Russian Federation; o f Idaho I l l in o is Anissimova, Lioudmila; Environmental Sciences; Russian Federation; o f Illinois-Chicago Ariceta Iraolo, Maria Gema; Medical Sciences; Spain; Northwestern Medical School Barron, Andrew; Biological Sciences; United Kingdom; o f Illinois Bekteshi, Erald; Medical Sciences; Albania; o f Illinois-Chicago Beliaev, Leonid; Anthropology and Archaeology; Russian Federation; o f Chicago Bompard, Ettore Francesco; Engineering; Italy; of Illinois 105

107 H o st St a t e I n d e x Bria, Oscar Norberto; Engineering; Argentina; o f Illinois-Chicago Chakrabarti, Kunal; History (non-u.s.); India; o f Chicago De La Mora Ramirez, Marco Antonio; Chemistry; Mexico; o f Illinois-Chicago Domingues, Edson Paulo; Economics; Brazil; o f Illinois-Urbana-Champaign Fontes, Elita; Chemistry; Brazil; o f Illino is- Chicago Gatt, Lucilla; Law; Italy; o f Chicago Genari Santori, Flaminia; Art History; Italy; o f Chicago Ghaleb, Abdu; Anthropology and Archaeology; Yemen; o f Chicago Ibanez-Comejo, Jorge Guillermo; Chemistry; Mexico; Loyola Chicago Katsarova, Vesela T.; American Literature; Bulgaria; Northwestern Kim, Kwang-yim; Economics; Korea; o f Illinois Urbana-Champaign Kim, Kyung Man; Sociology and Social Work; Korea; o f Illinois-Urbana-Champaign Leang, Kheang; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Cambodia; Northern Illinois Lee, Sung Soon; Art; Korea; School o f the Art Institute o f Chicago; School o f the Art Institute o f Chicago Maniam, Manogaran; Theater and Dance; Malaysia; San Diego State ; Loyola Chicago* Maroti, Peter; Biological Sciences; Hungary; o f Illinois-Urbana-Champaign Matyasek, Patrik; Law; Czech Republic; John Marshall Law School Montoya, Silvia; Economics; Argentina; o f Chicago Morales-Perez, Jose Luis; Mathematics; Mexico; Northwestern Mulyana, Deddy; Communications and Journalism; Indonesia; Northern Illinois Novak, Branko; Business Administration; Croatia; Southern Illinois -Carbondale Peril, Boris; Art; Russian Federation; Columbia College Reyes Rivas, Roxana; Philosophy; Costa Rica; Illinois College Rudenja, Sergei; Engineering; Estonia; o f Illinois- Urbana-Champaign Sakelliou, Evangelia; American Literature; Greece; Northwestern Vazquez Ramallo, Manuel; Physics and Astronomy; Spain; o f Illinois-Urbana-Champaign Yen, Jin-Ru; Business Administration; Taiwan; o f Illinois-Urbana-Champaign Zhexembiyeva, Nurgaisha; TEFL/Applied Linguistics; Kazakhstan; o f Illinois-Urbana-Champaign I n d ia n a Al-Adim i, Mansour; Business Administration; Yemen; Ball State Alves, Humberto Prates; Environmental Sciences; Brazil; Indiana -Bloomington Azimova, Nodira K.; Anthropology and Archaeology; Uzbekistan; Indiana -Bloomington Boitani, Pietro; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Italy; o f Notre Dame Bui, Dung The; Economics; Vietnam; Purdue ; Purdue El Kommos, Omnia; TEFL/Applied Linguistics; Egypt; Purdue Garbosa, Guilherme; Music; Brazil; Indiana - Bloomington Harfouch, Mohammad; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Syria; Indiana -Bloomington Hoang, Nguyen Phung; Education; Vietnam; Indiana -Bloomington Kaur, Abtar; Education; Malaysia; Indiana - Bloomington Mensah, M erlin; Biological Sciences; Ghana; Purdue Micheli, Erika; Environmental Sciences; Hungary; Purdue Nazarov, Alidjan; Economics; Uzbekistan; Indiana -Bloomington Nordahl, Per; History (non-u.s.); Sweden; Indiana -Bloomington Okuda, K e iji; Music; Japan; Indiana -Bloomington Perbi, Akosua; History (non-u.s.); Ghana; Manchester College Schauberger, Gunther; Environmental Sciences; Austria; Purdue Slukhai, Sergii; Economics; Ukraine; Indiana - Bloomington Tiittanan, Raija; Education; Finland; Indiana State Urmambetov, Baktybek; Economics; Kyrgyzstan; Indiana -Bloomington I o w a Asanova, Kunduz; Law; Kyrgyzstan; o f Iowa Ashenafi, Mogessie; Biological Sciences; Ethiopia; Iowa State o f Science and Technology Kalna-Dubinyuk, Tetyana; Agriculture; Ukraine; Iowa State o f Science and Technology Karim, Abid; Engineering; Pakistan; o f Iowa Markova, Anastassia; Geography; Russian Federation; o f Iowa Santolik, Ondrej; Physics and Astronomy; Czech Republic; o f Iowa 106

108 H o s t St a t e I n d e x Tabakova, Vessela; Communications and Journalism; Bulgaria; o f Northern Iowa Tosun, Cevat; Business Administration; Turkey; of Northern Iowa Vilcek, Stefan; Biological Sciences; Slovak Republic; National Animal Disease Center K ansas Bezroukova, Anguelina; TEFL/Applied Linguistics; Russian Federation; o f Kansas Cemusova, Jana; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Czech Republic; o f Kansas Dezseri, Kalman; Economics; Hungary; o f Kansas Karteroliotis, Konstantinos; Education; Greece; Kansas State K e n t u c k y Al-Abdulsalam, Khaled; Agriculture; Saudi Arabia; of Kentucky Antoci, Valentin; Medical Sciences; Moldova; o f Louisville Costas, Ilie; Computer Science; Moldova; o f Kentucky Mannan, Mohammad; Business Administration; Bangladesh; Western Kentucky Moya Larano, Jorge; Biological Sciences; Spain; of Kentucky Topor, Boris; Medical Sciences; Moldova; o f Louisville L o u is ia n a Abebe, Getachew; Agriculture; Ethiopia; Louisiana State and Agricultural and Mechanical College Frendo, Henry; American History; Malta; Loyola Natov, Nikolay; Law; Bulgaria; Tulane Vidal, Cecile; History (non-u.s.); France; Louisiana State Museum Historical Center Yuan, Guilin; Education; China, People s Republic of; Louisiana State and Agricultural and Mechanical College M a in e Huba, Mikulas; Environmental Sciences; Slovak Republic; College o f the Atlantic M a r y l a n d Aragones, Ana Maria; Law; Mexico; Salisbury State Awan, Iftikhar; Chemistry; Pakistan; National Institute o f Standards and Technology Aydogus, Osman; Economics; Turkey; o f Maryland-College Park Calvo Gonzalez, Alfonso; Medical Sciences; Spain; National Institutes o f Health Conides, Alexis; Environmental Sciences; Greece; o f Maryland-College Park Corchero Romero, Javier; Medical Sciences; Spain; National Institutes o f Health De Vera, Julian Prospero Estabillo; Public Administration; Philippines; Johns Hopkins -School o f Hygiene and Public Health Fishbach, Ayelet; Psychology; Israel; o f Maryland-College Park Forrest, Lucy; Biological Sciences; United Kingdom; Johns Hopkins Georgieva, Lidija; Political Science; Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of; o f Maryland-College Park Hagberg, Henrik; Medical Sciences; Sweden; Johns Hopkins Hlobil, Tomas; Philosophy; Czech Republic; Johns Hopkins Huang, Chung-Huang; Economics; Taiwan; o f Maryland-College Park Ivanov, Serguei; History (non-u.s.); Russian Federation; o f Maryland-College Park Kraouzova, Valentina; Environmental Sciences; Russian Federation; o f Maryland Mokhtar, Najat; Medical Sciences; Morocco; Johns Hopkins Morozova, Alevtina; TEFL/Applied Linguistics; Russian Federation; o f Maryland-College Park Pretelli, Matteo; American History; Italy; National Archives and Records Administration Rahman, Mizanur; Law; Bangladesh; o f Baltimore Reneman, Liesbeth; Medical Sciences; Netherlands; Johns Hopkins Rodeghero, Carla Simone; History (non-u.s.); Brazil; o f Maryland-College Park Romanenkova, Lyudmyla; Sociology and Social Work; Ukraine; o f Maryland-Baltimore Schwarzacher, Walther; Physics and Astronomy; United Kingdom; National Institute o f Standards and Technology Witte, Arnold; Art History; Netherlands; Johns Hopkins Zaporozhets, Halyna; American Literature; Ukraine; o f Maryland-College Park M a s s a c h u s e t t s Agrawal, Mohan; Business Administration; India; Bentley College Al-Shaibani, Tarik; Medical Sciences; Bahrain; Harvard Al-Zoubi, Abdallah; Geology; Jordan; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution 107

109 H o st St a t e I n d e x Ang, Peng Hwa; Communications and Journalism; Singapore; Harvard Awumbila, Mariama; Geography; Ghana; Harvard Baida, Jamaa; History (non-u.s.); Morocco; Harvard Balthazar, Louis; Political Science; Canada; Bridgewater State College Barak, Eitan; Political Science; Israel; Harvard Barkaoui, Miloud; Political Science; Algeria; Boston Bayerly, Mazhar; Geology; Syria; Massachusetts Institute o f Technology Bazylevych, Roman; Education; Ukraine; Harvard Benjelloun, Noufissa; Psychology; Morocco; Harvard Bensasson, Douda; Biological Sciences; United Kingdom; Harvard Bessar, Majedah; Medical Sciences; Saudi Arabia; Harvard Bocianoski Rebelo, Irla; Engineering; Brazil; Massachusetts Institute o f Technology Boissay, Frederic; Economics; France; Boston Bortolini, Matteo; Sociology and Social Work; Italy; Boston Bossine, Iouri; Political Science; Russian Federation; Harvard Braam, Lavienja J.; Biological Sciences; Netherlands; Tufts Chatterjee, Debashis; Business Administration; India; Harvard Chirchova, Lioudmila; Environmental Sciences; Russian Federation; Northeastern Costa Martinez, Albert; Psychology; Spain; Harvard Davydova, Leonora; Library Science; Russian Federation; Northeastern De Jong, Edwin D.; Computer Science; Belgium/Luxembourg; Brandeis Ditchev, Ivaylo; Philosophy; Bulgaria; Harvard Doronitchev, Vladimir; Anthropology and Archaeology; Russian Federation; Harvard Eifring, Halvor; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Norway; Harvard El-Bouazzati, Bennacer; Philosophy; Morocco; Harvard El-Shayal, Dalia; Theater and Dance; Egypt; Harvard Fedosenok, Irina; American Literature; Russian Federation; Harvard Fernandez Gacio, Ana Isabel; Chemistry; Spain; Boston Gensler, Marek; Philosophy; Poland; Boston College Hassellov, Martin; Environmental Sciences; Sweden; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; Massachusetts Institute o f Technology Honcharyk, Eleonora; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Ukraine; Harvard Howlett, Kirsten Fiona; Medical Sciences; Australia; Harvard Hsu, Mei-Ling; Communications and Journalism; Taiwan; Harvard Hsu, Tzong-li; Law; Taiwan; Harvard Ibanez de Sans, Maria Elena; Biological Sciences; Spain; Tufts Isayevych, Yaroslav; History (non-u.s.); Ukraine; Harvard Jadue, Liliana Soraya; Medical Sciences; Chile; Harvard School o f Public Health Joffr ain, Walter; Physics and Astronomy; Italy; Massachusetts Institute o f Technology Kaddu, Steven; Medical Sciences; Austria; Harvard Medical School Kamal, Sanaa; Medical Sciences; Egypt; Harvard Kartacheva, Zinaida; Music; Russian Federation; New England Conservatory o f Music Kek, Darinka; Chemistry; Slovenia; Massachusetts Institute o f Technology K irim li, Hakan; History (non-u.s.); Turkey; Harvard Kitahara, Hisatsugu; Linguistics; Japan; Massachusetts Institute o f Technology Kramers, Cornelis; Medical Sciences; Netherlands; Harvard Lin, Liang-Tay; Engineering; Taiwan; Massachusetts Institute o f Technology Lloret Romero, F. Javier; Biological Sciences; Spain; Massachusetts Institute o f Technology Lou, Yung-Chien; Business Administration; Taiwan; Brandeis Ludlow, Anna; Biological Sciences; United Kingdom; Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Marouli, Christina; Environmental Sciences; Greece; Ohio State -Columbus; Second Nature* Mawondo, Simon; Philosophy; Zimbabwe; Harvard Melikidze, Valerian; Education; Georgia; Boston Merican, Am ir Feisal; Biological Sciences; Malaysia; Harvard Merlo Flores, Tatiana Gilda; Communications and Journalism; Argentina; o f Massachusetts-Amherst Mitchell, Paul; Political Science; United Kingdom; Harvard Miyamoto, Yoichi; Linguistics; Japan; Massachusetts Institute o f Technology 108

110 H o s t St a t e I n d e x Neurath, Markus; Medical Sciences; Germany; Harvard Medical School 0 hogartaigh, Ciaran; Business Administration; Ireland; Northeastern 0 hogartaigh, Margaret; History (non-u.s.); Ireland; Boston College Okoh, Juliana; Theater and Dance; Nigeria; Smith College; Smith College Olaru, Victor; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Romania; Boston College Pietikainen, O lli; History (non-u.s.); Finland; Massachusetts Institute o f Technology Pietila, Tuulikki; Anthropology and Archaeology; Finland; Boston Pinto Da Luz, Rodolfo; Engineering; Brazil; Massachusetts Institute o f Technology Ratti, Carlo Flippo; Architecture and Urban Planning; Italy; Massachusetts Institute o f Technology Regev, Eyal; Area Studies; Israel; Harvard Resosudarmo, Budy Prasetyo; Economics; Indonesia; Harvard Roudeau, Cecile; American Literature; France; Harvard Sarndahl, Eva; Medical Sciences; Sweden; Harvard Sheridan, Geraldine Frances; Language and Literature (non- U.S.); Ireland; Boston College Sorin, Claire; American Literature; France; o f Michigan-Ann Arbor; Wellesley College* Sukhumvada, Sarawanee; American Literature; Thailand; Wellesley College Tepper, Tamar; Engineering; Israel; Massachusetts Institute of Technology Tsubouchi, Jun; Political Science; Japan; Harvard Umunc, Himmet; History (non-u.s.); Turkey; Suffolk Vale Martinez, Anna; Psychology; Spain; Boston Van Cassel, Elke; American History; Netherlands; Boston Vranckx, Jan; Medical Sciences; Belgium/Luxembourg; Harvard Medical Center Wang, Zhenmin; Law; China, People s Republic of; Harvard Wilczynski, Marek; American Literature; Poland; Harvard Wu, Xiaobo; Business Administration; China, People s Republic of; Massachusetts Institute o f Technology Yamada, Kumiko; American Literature; Japan; Harvard Zonned, Lazhar; Linguistics; Tunisia; o f Massachusetts-Amherst M ic h ig a n Acquistapace, Patrizia; Biological Sciences; Italy; o f M ichigan-ann Arbor Ahmad, Mushtaq; Agriculture; Pakistan; Michigan State Avila, Eliana; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Brazil; Wayne State Beersma, Bianca; Psychology; Netherlands; Michigan State Brooks, Stephen; Political Science; Canada; o f M ichigan-ann Arbor El-Nahhal, Yasser; Agriculture; Gaza; Michigan State Gasparov, M ikhail; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Russian Federation; o f M ichigan-ann Arbor Gullner, Gabor; Agriculture; Hungary; Western Michigan Jogad, Mahantappa; Physics and Astronomy; India; M ichigan State ; o f Nebraska-Lincoln* Khadka, Geeta; Area Studies; Nepal; Wayne State Manaa, Mohammed; American History; Algeria; Western Michigan Martirosyan, Suren; Chemistry; Armenia; Michigan State Moosa, Samira; Education; Oman; Eastern Michigan Rodionov, M ikhail; Area Studies; Russian Federation; o f M ichigan-ann Arbor Sezer, Esma; Chemistry; Turkey; o f Michigan- Ann Arbor Sorin, Claire; American Literature; France; o f M ichigan-ann Arbor; Wellesley College* Suzer, Sefik; Chemistry; Turkey; o f Michigan-Ann Arbor Zimmermann, Heinz Otto; Language and Literature (non- U.S.); Germany; Central Michigan M in n e s o t a Alybaeva, Guldana D.; Education; Kyrgyzstan; of Minnesota-Twin Cities Andersen, Leif; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Denmark; o f Minnesota-Twin Cities Bartakova, Hana; Medical Sciences; Czech Republic; o f Minnesota-Twin Cities Borsanyi, Laszlo; Anthropology and Archaeology; Hungary; o f Minnesota-Duluth Bou Areualo, German; Biological Sciences; Spain; Mayo Graduate School Chaarani, Bahija; Agriculture; Morocco; o f Minnesota-Twin Cities Chafai Elalaoui, A li; Agriculture; Morocco; of Minnesota-Twin Cities 109

111 H ost St a t e I n d e x Chowdhury, Anwarullah; Anthropology and Archaeology; Bangladesh; Minnesota State -Mankato Gafurova, Lola H.; Education; Uzbekistan; o f Minnesota-Twin Cities Garcia Viloca, Mireia; Chemistry; Spain; o f Minnesota-Twin Cities Ku, Daeyeol; Political Science; Korea; o f Minnesota-Twin Cities Kumlien, Eva; Medical Sciences; Sweden; o f Minnesota-Twin Cities Leguizamon, Eduardo Sixto; Agriculture; Argentina; U.S. Department o f Agriculture Mayerova, Dita; Medical Sciences; Czech Republic; o f Minnesota-Twin Cities McMahon. Denis; Public Administration; United Kingdom; o f Minnesota-Twin Cities Naimi, Mustapha; Agriculture; Morocco; o f Minnesota-Twin Cities Pakhomova, Klavdia; Religious Studies; Russian Federation; Luther Seminary Paneth, Piotr; Chemistry; Poland; o f Minnesota- Twin Cities Shandar, Elena: Education; Belarus; o f Minnesota-Twin Cities Somerkoski, Brita; Education; Finland; The Saint Paul Department o f Fire and Safety Services; Federal Emergency Management Agency* Stancak, Andrej; Medical Sciences; Czech Republic; o f Minnesota-Twin Cities Taimr, Pavel; Medical Sciences; Czech Republic; Mayo Graduate School Winkler, Dietmar; Religious Studies; Austria; Institute for Ecumenical and Cultural Research M is s is s ip pi Anastasiev. Nikolai: American Literature; Russian Federation; o f Mississippi Panariti, Edmond: Medical Sciences; Albania; Mississippi State M issouri Bayuk. Dimitry; Religious Studies; Russian Federation; Saint Louis Jogad, Mahantappa; Physics and Astronomy; India; M ichigan State ; o f Nebraska-Lincoln; o f Missouri-Columbia* Kim. Dal-Yong; American Literature; Korea; o f Missouri-Columbia Kuzmanic, Nenad; Engineering; Croatia; o f Missouri-Rolla Loft, Edward; History (non-u.s.); United Kingdom; Westminster College Patsiorkovski, Valeri; Sociology and Social Work; Russian Federation; o f Missouri-Columbia Salikov, Marat; Law; Russian Federation; Saint Louis Shen, Chung-Hua; Economics; Taiwan; Federal Reserve Bank o f St. Louis M o n t a n a Mahmoud, M. Hesham; Engineering; Egypt; of Montana-Missoula N e b r a s k a Ahmed, Jamal; Business Administration; Bangladesh; o f Nebraska-Lincoln Bialas, Zbigniew; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Poland; Creighton Bisztray-Balku, Sandor; Engineering; Hungary; of Nebraska-Lincoln Jogad, Mahantappa; Physics and Astronomy; India; Michigan State ; o f Nebraska-Lincoln* Madale, Nagasura Timan; Education; Philippines; o f Nebraska-LincoIn N e w Jer s ey Agius, Carmel; Law; Malta; Rutgers, The State of New Jersey-Camden Aslanyan, Svetlana; Sociology and Social Work; Armenia; Rutgers, The State o f New Jersey-New Brunswick Boreczky, Elememe; Sociology and Social Work; Hungary; Rutgers, The State o f New Jersey-New Brunswick Cerezo, Ana Isabel; Law; Spain; Rutgers, The State o f New Jersey-Newark Daucikova, Anna; Art; Slovak Republic; Rutgers, The State o f New Jersey-New Brunswick Diez, Javier Alberto; Physics and Astronomy; Argentina; New Jersey Institute o f Technology Gerat, Ivan; A rt History; Slovak Republic; Princeton Gidron, Benjamin; Sociology and Social Work; Israel; Princeton ; o f California-Los Angeles* Lautner, Peter; Philosophy; Hungary; Rutgers, The State o f New Jersey-New Brunswick Malchiodi, Andrea; Mathematics; Italy; Rutgers, The State o f New Jersey-New Brunswick Mazibuko, Edmund; Education; Swaziland; Rutgers, The State o f New Jersey-New Brunswick; Rutgers, The State o f New Jersey-New Brunswick Picard, Elizabeth; Political Science; France; Princeton 110

112 H o s t St a t e I n d e x Poulain, Martine; Library Science; France; Rutgers, The State of New Jersey-New Brunswick Raupenstrauch, Harald; Engineering; Austria; Rutgers, The State o f New Jersey-Piscataway Rodriguez, Suemi Romo; Mathematics; Mexico; Rutgers, the State o f New Jersey-Piscataway; Rutgers, the State o f New Jersey-Piscataway Rozwadowska, Bozena; Linguistics; Poland; Rutgers, The State o f New Jersey-New Brunswick Shrimali, Shridhar; Education; India; Fairleigh Dickinson -Teaneck-Hackensack Stegmann, Tilbert; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Germany; College o f New Jersey Weiss, Achim; Physics and Astronomy; Germany; Princeton Zhao, Weiming; Political Science; China, People s Republic of; Princeton New M ex ic o Datchi, Corinne; American Literature; France; New Mexico State Radwan, Jacek; Biological Sciences; Poland; o f New Mexico New Y o r k Agic, Rukije; Agriculture; Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of; Cornell Ashiagbor, Diamond; Law; Italy; Columbia ; Columbia Avan, Ghislaine; Theater and Dance; France; Company Beauties in the Beat Beutel, Manfred; Medical Sciences; Germany; New York Hospital Biryukov, Oleksandr; Law; Ukraine; New York Blake, Sheri Lee; Architecture and Urban Planning; Canada; Pratt Institute Boljuncic, Valter; Business Administration; Croatia; SUNY- Stony Brook Bourcier, Marie-Helene; Sociology and Social Work; France; CUNY-Graduate School and Center Boutier, Jean; History (non-u.s.); France; Cornell Bresc, Cecile; History (non-u.s.); France; The American Numismatic Society Caixas Pedragos, Maria-Assumpta; Medical Sciences; Spain; Columbia Cappelen, Alexander; Economics; Norway; Columbia Castro, Loreta Navarro; Education; Philippines; Teachers College, Columbia Charton, Helen; History (non-u.s.); France; Columbia Chen, Yulu; Economics; China, People s Republic of; Columbia Chen, Zexian; Law; China, People s Republic of: Columbia Chengyuan, Gao; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); China, People s Republic of; SUNY-College at Old Westbury Cieslik, Andrzej; Economics; Poland; Columbia De Leon, Ignacio Luis; Economics; Venezuela; New York Del Pero, Mario; American History; Italy; Columbia Djaynbaev, Djalalidin I.; Economics; Kyrgyzstan; SUNY- College at Old Westbury Doho, Gilbert; Theater and Dance; Cameroon; SU N Y- at Albany Fairon, Cedrick; Linguistics; France; New York Fat-Helbary, Raafat; Engineering; Egypt; Columbia Fernandez, Jose; Philosophy; Argentina; New School for Social Research Gefenas, Eugenijus; Philosophy; Lithuania; Union College Georgescu, Dakmara; Education; Romania; Teachers College, Columbia Giami, Alain; Psychology; France; Columbia Gourevitch, Izabella; Linguistics; Russian Federation; Cornell Grass, Tenis; Art; Latvia; CUNY-Hunter College; o f Washington* Guechi, Fatima-Zohra; History (non-u.s.); Algeria; CUNY- Graduate School and Center Hashmi, Nadia; Political Science; Italy; New York Hodgson, David; Chemistry; Canada; SUNY-Buffalo Hsieh, Shui-Yang; Business Administration; Taiwan; New School ; New School Huang, Lillian Meei-jin; Linguistics; Taiwan; SUNY-Buffalo Jafarov, Jafar; Public Administration; Azerbaijan; New York Kamenova, Tzvetana; Law; Bulgaria; Columbia Kaya, Zeki; Biological Sciences; Turkey; SUNY-College of Environmental Science and Forestry Koukouroudza, Marine; Environmental Sciences; Ukraine; SUNY-College o f Environmental Science and Forestry Kristjansson, Kristjan; Philosophy; Iceland; Cornell Lahlou, Abdelkader; Law; Morocco; United Nations Laneri, Nicola Giovanni Luigi; Anthropology and Archaeology; Italy; Columbia Legros, Benjamin; Medical Sciences; Belgium/Luxembourg; New York Presbyterian Hospital at Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center Levenko, Boris; Environmental Sciences; Ukraine; Cornell Lim, Young Kyun; Art; Korea; New York Listikov, Serguei; American History; Russian Federation; Columbia ; Library o f Congress* ///

113 H o st St a t e I n d e x Loyer, Emmanuelle; History (non-u.s.); France; SUNY-Stony Brook Luu, Trinh Ngoc; Economics; Vietnam; Columbia Martinez Munoz, Maria; Medical Sciences; Spain; Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Masque Barri, Pere; Environmental Sciences; Spain; SUNY- Stony Brook Mead, Kullada Kesboonchoo; Political Science; Thailand; Cornell Minetti, Francesco; American Literature; Italy; C U N Y - Graduate School and Center Miyai-Mori, Yumiko; Communications and Journalism; Japan; Columbia Montoro, Rafael Jesus; Biological Sciences; Spain; Columbia Munzarova, Marketa; Chemistry; Czech Republic; Cornell Mwamwenda, Tuntufye S.; Education; South Africa; Audrey Cohen College Nunes, Fabio Jose; Political Science; Brazil; New York Ogilvie-Graham, Thomas; Biological Sciences; United Kingdom; Cornell Onocha, Charles; Education; Nigeria; Cornell Pal, Deb; Medical Sciences; United Kingdom; CUNY-M ount Sinai School o f Medicine Pauler, Gabor Janos; Business Administration: Hungary; SUNY-Buffalo Payre, Renaud; Political Science; France; Columbia Prista e Silva, Antonio Manuel Machado; Education; Mozambique; George Washington ; Syracuse * Puri, Poonam; Law; Canada; Cornell Rabaa, Hassan; Chemistry; Morocco; Cornell Rahman, Mohammed; Public Administration; Bangladesh; Syracuse Reis, Rossana; Political Science; Brazil; New School for Social Research Rodriguez Abascal, Luis; Law; Spain; New York Sanchez Burgos, Gilma Guadalupe; Medical Sciences; Mexico; New York Sano, Kemoko; Theater and Dance; Guinea; Long Island -C.W. Post Santamaria, Inigo; Biological Sciences; Spain; CUNY-M ount Sinai School o f Medicine Schneiderman, David; Law; Canada; New School Shaton, Galina; Education; Belarus; New York Shukuryan, Arthur; Medical Sciences; Armenia; Cornell Silva Filho, Donato; Engineering; Brazil; Cornell Soydan, Billur; Law; Turkey; New York Spielmann, Yvonne; A rt History; Germany; Cornell Sukula-Lindblom, L illi; Theater and Dance; Finland; New York Tong, Shijun; Philosophy; China, People s Republic of; Columbia Triandafyllidou, Anna; Sociology and Social Work; Italy; New York Trombetta, Maria; Economics; Italy; Albany Law School of Union Tsipopoulou, Metaxia; Anthropology and Archaeology; Greece; SUNY-Buffalo Ugur, Omer; Medical Sciences; Turkey; Memorial Sloan- Kettering Cancer Center Vazquez Del Rey Villanueva, Antonio; Law; Spain; New York Wardoyo, Subue Lakamono; American Literature; Indonesia; New York Weckman, Jyrki; Public Administration; Finland; New York Police Department Xalabarder, Raquel Plantada; Law; Spain; Columbia Yiftah, Uri; History (non-u.s.); Israel; Columbia Zahrawi, Samar; American Literature; Syria; SUNY- Binghamton Zaytsev, Oleksandr; History (non-u.s.); Ukraine; Columbia Zikovska, Petra; Theater and Dance; Czech Republic; New York No r t h Ca r o l in a Bartra, Elionor; Art History; Mexico; Duke Berger, Guy; Communications and Journalism; South Africa; o f North Carolina-Chapel H ill; Duke Campos, Eleonora; Biological Sciences; Argentina; East Carolina Casu, Igor; History (non-u.s.); Moldova; Lenoir-Rhyne College Christie, Andrew Frederick; Law; Australia; Duke Ciocarlie, Ileana; American Literature; Romania; Duke Costantino, Valeria; Chemistry; Italy; o f North Carolina-Wilmington Dragoi, Marian; Environmental Sciences; Romania; North Carolina State Fontaine, Philippe; Economics; France; Duke Furati, Khaled; Mathematics; Saudi Arabia; North Carolina State Hong, Sung Gul; Political Science; Korea; o f North Carolina-Chapel H ill Jarosinska, Dorota; Medical Sciences; Poland; National Institutes o f Health 112

114 H o s t St a t e I n d e x Kassem, Magdy; Engineering; Egypt; North Carolina State Kaufmann, Geir; Psychology; Norway; California State -Fullerton; Center for Creative Leadership* Liu, Jin-Long; Economics; Taiwan; Duke Nold, Guenter; TEFL/Applied Linguistics; Germany; o f North Carolina-Charlotte Perez Mateos, Miriam; Biological Sciences; Spain; North Carolina State ; North Carolina State Popescu, Livia; Sociology and Social Work; Romania; o f North Carolina-Chapel H ill Prieto Dominguez, Juan Carlos; Medical Sciences; Chile; Duke Ribeiro, Mariceli Araujo; Medical Sciences; Brazil; Duke Sarkadi, Balazs; Medical Sciences; Hungary; o f North Carolina-Chapel H ill Schmidtke, Sabine; Philosophy; Germany; National Institutes of Health Scholl, Eckehard; Physics and Astronomy; Germany; Duke Sediva, Anna; Medical Sciences; Czech Republic; of North Carolina-Chapel H ill Tuzemen, Sebahattin; Physics and Astronomy; Turkey; Wake Forest Oh io Al-Layl, Khaled; Biological Sciences; Saudi Arabia; Wright State Babiak, Igor; Biological Sciences; Poland; Ohio State -Columbus Badr, Abdel Fattah; Biological Sciences; Egypt; Miami Bujdakova, Helena; Biological Sciences; Slovak Republic; Ohio State -Columbus Dorogoi, Vera; Medical Sciences; Moldova; Ohio Iram, Yaacov; Education; Israel; Ohio State - Columbus; o f Wisconsin-Milwaukee* Kreso, Adila; Education; Bosnia and Herzegovina; of Dayton Kukenov, Talgat; Business Administration; Kazakhstan; Case Western Reserve Lesnykh, Valery; Economics; Russian Federation; Case Western Reserve Marouli, Christina; Environmental Sciences; Greece; Ohio State -Columbus; Second Nature Montes-Bayon, Maria; Chemistry; Spain; o f Cincinnati Mursaliyev, Vahid; Law; Azerbaijan; Case Western Reserve Rudolph, Maria Isolde; Biological Sciences; Chile; Ohio State -Columbus Thabet, Abdulkarim; Economics; Yemen; Ohio State -Columbus O k l a h o m a Dagdeviren, Attila; Medical Sciences; Turkey; o f Oklahoma Health Sciences Center; Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation Magnan-Park, Anne; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); France; o f Tulsa Muldagaliyeva, Aizhan; Anthropology and Archaeology; Kazakhstan; o f Oklahoma; o f Oklahoma O r eg o n Dhaoudi, Mahmoud; Sociology and Social Work; Tunisia; o f Oregon Juzeliunas, Gediminas; Physics and Astronomy; Lithuania; o f Oregon Khoman, Sirilaksana; Economics; Thailand; o f Oregon Pe n n s y l v a n ia Andrukhovych, Yuriy; American Literature; Ukraine; Pennsylvania State - Park Anongba, Patrick Norbert Blaise; Physics and Astronomy; Cote d Ivoire; o f Pennsylvania Barkauskas, Jurgis; Chemistry; Lithuania; Pennsylvania State - Park Berg, Soren; Medical Sciences; Sweden; o f Pittsburgh Medical Center Burkitbayeva, Gulmira G.; Linguistics; Kazakhstan; o f Pennsylvania Caroli, Dorena; Sociology and Social Work; Italy; Pennsylvania State - Park Dias, Wiranjith; Engineering; Sri Lanka; Carnegie Mellon Doughty, Victoria; Chemistry; United Kingdom; o f Pennsylvania Dragulanescu, Nicolae; Engineering; Romania; o f Pittsburgh Emagna, Maximin; Political Science; Belgium/Luxembourg; o f Pittsburgh Fares, Farouk; Environmental Sciences; Syria; Pennsylvania State - Park Fjellestad, Danuta; American Literature; Sweden; Bucknell Freo, Marzia; Economics; Italy; o f Pennsylvania Guillaumin Juarez, Godfrey Ernesto; Philosophy; Mexico; o f Pittsburgh Haapala, Arto; Philosophy; Finland; Temple 113

115 H ost St a t e I n d e x Hamad, Ibtissam; Environmental Sciences; Syria; Pennsylvania State - Park Handzic-Cuk, Jadranka; Medical Sciences; Croatia; o f Pittsburgh Henry, Monica; American History; France; The Library Company o f Philadelphia Ibragimova, Ivanna; Public Administration; Ukraine; Carnegie Mellon Lee, Sung Tae; History (non-u.s.); Japan; Moravian College Marino, Giovanni; Medical Sciences; Italy; o f Pittsburgh Mifsud, Carmelo; Education; Malta; o f Pennsylvania Navarra, Pietro; Economics; Italy; Carnegie Mellon Ozgen, Ilknur; Anthropology and Archaeology; Turkey; Bryn Mawr College Ribas Canudas, Ignasi; Physics and Astronomy; Spain; Villanova Silva, Zenaide Cecilia; Theater and Dance; Brazil; Pennsylvania State -Altoona Szubka, Tadeusz; Philosophy; Poland; o f Pittsburgh Tiplea, Ferucio; Computer Science; Romania; Carnegie Mellon Zeidan-Khoury, Liliane; History (non-u.s.); Lebanon; Villanova Rh o d e I s l an d Briguglio, Pascal; Economics; Malta; Bryant College Fagerjord, Anders; Communications and Journalism; Norway; Brown Krammer, Gemot; Engineering; Austria; Brown Mayer-Foulkes, David Arie; Economics; Mexico; Brown Tan, Lin; Sociology and Social Work; China, People s Republic of; Brown So u t h Ca r o l in a Barry, Michael Noel; Engineering; Ireland; o f South Carolina Evans, Una; Chemistry; Ireland; o f South Carolina Januszewski, Andrzej; Medical Sciences; Poland; o f South Carolina Sridhar, Melukote; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); India; o f South Carolina So u t h Da k o t a Teran, Maria Yolanda; Education; Ecuador; Sisseton Wahpeton Community College T enn essee Chan, Ngai Weng; Geography; Malaysia; o f Memphis Kogan, G rigorij; Chemistry; Slovak Republic; East Tennessee State Kovda, Irina; Geology; Russian Federation; Texas A & M ; o f Tennessee-Knoxville* Rupieper, Hermann J.; History (non-u.s.); Germany; Vanderbilt Yerchenko, Paraskeviya; Linguistics; Ukraine; Vanderbilt T ex as Alavi, Seema; History (non-u.s.); India; o f Texas- El Paso Alexandre, Manuel, Jr.; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Portugal; Baylor ; Baylor Al-Share, Mohammad; Physics and Astronomy; Jordan; o f North Texas Azevedo, Jose; Sociology and Social Work; Portugal; o f Texas-Austin Bocoum, Hamady; Anthropology and Archaeology; Senegal; Rice Boruah, Bijoy; Philosophy; India; o f Texas- Austin Ciulavu, Daniel; Geology; Romania; o f Texas- Dallas Dashper, Julian; Art; New Zealand; China, People s Republic ofti Foundation Desai, M iki; Architecture and Urban Planning; India; o f Texas-Austin Iskef, Hussein; Physics and Astronomy; Syria; Texas A&M Kovda, Irina; Geology; Russian Federation; Texas A&M ; o f Tennessee-Knoxville* Leontieva, Olga; Library Science; Russian Federation; o f Texas-Austin Mendes, Maria Amalia; Linguistics; Portugal; Rice Naveda, Adriana; History (non-u.s.); Mexico; of Texas-Austin Nguyen, Thi Hong Thuy; Education; Vietnam; of Houston-Clear Lake Nikonorov, Valeri; Anthropology and Archaeology; Russian Federation; o f Houston Pedraza Reyes, Mario; Biological Sciences; Mexico; o f Texas-Dallas Pijanowska, Joanna; Environmental Sciences; Poland; M.D. Anderson Cancer Center Prakash, Padakannaya; Psychology; India; Texas A&M 114

116 H o s t St a t e I n d e x Pujol I. Sagaro, Antoni; Environmental Sciences; Spain; Texas A&M Sazhina, Varvara; Law; Belarus; Texas A & M Sharon, Eran; Physics and Astronomy; Israel; o f Texas-Austin Utah Baysara, Lyudmyla; TEFL/Applied Linguistics; Ukraine; o f Utah Bellagamba, Francesca; Psychology; Italy; o f Utah Perez Losado, Marcos; Biological Sciences; Spain; Brigham Young Ver mo n t Chliakhov, Vladimir; Linguistics; Russian Federation; Middlebury College Reznikov, Andrei; Linguistics; Russian Federation; of Vermont Tae, Yasuhiro; American Literature; Japan; o f Vermont Vir g in ia Broadbent, Paul; Law; United Kingdom; Federal Bureau o f Investigation Eddahar, Nabyl; Political Science; Morocco; George Mason ; Eastern Mennonite Fahmy, Ninette; Area Studies; Egypt; o f Richmond Gabrielyan, Oleg; Political Science; Ukraine; George Mason Helo, Ari; American History; Finland; o f Virginia Jakovlevska-Josevska, Lela; Psychology; Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of; George Mason Kahanoff, Maya; Sociology and Social Work; Israel; George Mason Magradze, Guguli; Sociology and Social Work; Georgia; George Mason Mukonyora, Isabel; Religious Studies; Zimbabwe; of Virginia Parkatti, Heikki; Education; Finland; Virginia Commonwealth ; Center for Advanced Research and Technology* Ramjeawon, Toolseeram; Environmental Sciences; Mauritius; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Scharle, Peter; Engineering; Hungary; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Shivalkar, Bharati; Medical Sciences; Belgium/Luxembourg; The o f Virginia Tsygulska, Tetyana; Psychology; Ukraine; James Madison W a s h in g t o n Al-Ghais, Saif; Biological Sciences; United Arab Emirates; Western Washington Fadare, Samson; Architecture and Urban Planning: Nigeria; Eastern Washington Granados-Sanandres, Ana; Mathematics; Spain; o f Washington Grass, Tenis; Art; Latvia; CUNY-Hunter College; o f Washington* Himmelfarb, Evgeni; Theater and Dance; Ukraine; Gonzaga Kang, Hyosuk; Business Administration; Korea; o f Washington Kim, Alexandra; Linguistics; Russian Federation; Western Washington Kleine, Lev; Anthropology and Archaeology; Russian Federation; o f Washington Kranjec, Igor; Medical Sciences; Slovenia: o f Washington Landa Del Castillo, Blanca; Agriculture; Spain; U.S. Department o f Agriculture, Agriculture Research Service, Washington State Ng, Felix; Environmental Sciences; United Kingdom; o f Washington Papadopoulos, George; Biological Sciences; Greece; o f Washington Sironka, Nicholas; Art; Kenya; Whitworth College W est V ir g in ia Lushnikova, Tamara; Biological Sciences; Estonia; Marshall Turcani, Marek; Agriculture; Slovak Republic; U.S. Department o f Agriculture W is c o n s in Albarwani, Sulayma; Medical Sciences; Oman; Medical College of Wisconsin Dinh, KieuChau; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Vietnam; o f Wisconsin-Madison Eriksson, Carl; Biological Sciences; Sweden; of Wisconsin-Madison Fortunato, Teresita; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Philippines; o f Wisconsin-Madison Iram, Yaacov; Education; Israel; Ohio State - Columbus; o f Wisconsin-Milwaukee* Kounchev, Ognyan; Computer Science; Bulgaria; o f Wisconsin-Madison; o f Wisconsin- Madison Leang, Kheang; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Cambodia; o f Wisconsin- Madison Meena, Ruth; Political Science; Tanzania; Beloit College

117 H o s t St a t e I n d e x Nguyen, Thi Thuan; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Vietnam; o f Wisconsin-Madison Permkesom, Nuanthip; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Thailand; o f Wisconsin-Madison Raharinirina, Annie; Chemistry; Madagascar; o f Wisconsin-Madison Sarangi, Prakash; Political Science; India; o f Wisconsin-Madison Wahyana, Antonius; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Indonesia; o f Wisconsin-Madison Zaytsev, Evgeny; Philosophy; Russian Federation; o f Wisconsin-Madison W y o min g Malysheva, Olga; Sociology and Social Work; Belarus; o f Wyoming A f f il ia t io n t o be De t e r min e d El Noshokaty, Shady; Art; Egypt Haggag, Salah Eldin; Mathematics; Egypt Khedr, Tamer; Theater and Dance; Egypt Kocasoy, Gunay; Environmental Sciences; Turkey Kortam, Wael; Business Administration; Egypt Mahmoud, Ahmed; Law; Egypt Nour El-Din, Mostafa; Public Administration; Egypt Omran, Mohammed; Business Administration; Egypt Parpairis, Apostolos; Architecture and Urban Planning; Greece Samy, Ramz; Music; Egypt V is it s t o V a r io u s I n s t it u t io n s Bang, Jung-Ja; Education; Korea Kihara, Kenichi; Education; Japan Kim, Choon; Education; Korea Kim, Ja-Kyung; Education; Korea Kim, M inho; Education; Korea Kim, Won-Bae; Education; Korea Matsumoto, Kumiko; Education; Japan Ohashi, Takayuki; Education; Japan Okuno, Yukiko; Education; Japan Rocha, Gregorio Carlos; A rt History; Mexico Washio-Miyazawa, Yuko; Education; Japan 116

118 H o me G e o g r a p h ic A r ea I nd ex To fin d out more about a scholar, tu rn to the ind ivid ua l s complete directory entry\ which can be fo un d in the section corresponding to the discipline listed after the scholar s name. *A complete listing fo r this scholar can be found in the Visiting Scholars section at the end o f the directory. Al b a n ia Bekteshi, Erald; Medical Sciences Panariti, Edmond; Medical Sciences Prifti, Skerdi; Medical Sciences Al g e r ia Akacem, Kada; Economics Barkaoui, Miloud; Political Science Manaa, Mohammed; American History Guechi, Fatima-Zohra; History (non-u.s.) Ar g en t in a Bjerg, Maria Monica; History (non-u.s.) Bria, Oscar Norberto; Engineering Bullrich, Laura; Agriculture Campos, Eleonora; Biological Sciences Cladera, Jorge; Agriculture Diez, Javier Alberto; Physics and Astronomy Fernandez, Jose; Philosophy Gonzalez-Bonorino, Gustavo; Geology Guimpel, Julio Juan; Physics and Astronomy Korstanje, Maria Alejandra; Anthropology and Archaeology Leguizamon, Eduardo Sixto; Agriculture Mateos, Federico; Economics* Mathov de Sacerdoti, Irina; Medical Sciences Merlo Flores, Tatiana Gilda; Communications and Journalism Mira Llambi, Pablo; Economics* Montoya, Silvia; Economics Nudelsman, Susana Ester; Economics Settembrini, Beatriz Patricia; Biological Sciences Ar me n ia Aslanyan, Svetlana; Sociology and Social Work Markosyan, Karine; Medical Sciences Martirosyan, Suren; Chemistry Shukuryan, Arthur; Medical Sciences Tserunyan, Vardan; Chemistry Au s t r a l ia Buckman, Stephen John; Physics and Astronomy Christie, Andrew Frederick; Law Gillard, Patricia; Communications and Journalism Howlett, Kirsten Fiona; Medical Sciences Kennedy, Graeham David Malcolm; Education Roberts, Jeannie; Anthropology and Archaeology* A u s t r ia Kaddu, Steven; Medical Sciences Krammer, Gemot; Engineering Plasser, Fritz; Political Science Raupenstrauch, Harald; Engineering Schauberger, Gunther; Environmental Sciences Wagner, Ina; Sociology and Social Work Winkler, Dietmar; Religious Studies A z e r b a ij a n Aslanov, Afgan; Education Jafarov, Jafar; Public Administration Mursaliyev, Vahid; Law B a h r a in Al-Shaibani, Tarik; Medical Sciences Ba n g l a d e s h Ahmed, Jamal; Business Administration Chowdhury, Anwarullah; Anthropology and Archaeology Mannan, Mohammad; Business Administration Rahman, Mizanur; Law Rahman, Mohammed; Public Administration Bel ar u s Malysheva, Olga; Sociology and Social Work Sazhina, Varvara; Law Shandar, Elena; Education Shaton, Galina; Education Be l g iu m Creemers, Johannes; Medical Sciences De Jong, Edwin D.; Computer Science De La Croix, David P; Economics Degreve, Bart; Medical Sciences Emagna, Maximin; Political Science Legros, Benjamin; Medical Sciences Shivalkar, Bharati; Medical Sciences Vranckx, Jan; Medical Sciences Bo l iv ia Deheza, Grace Ivana; Political Science Bo s n ia an d H er zeg o v in a Basic, Nedzad; Law Bozic, Milorad; Engineering 117

119 H o me G e o g r a p h ic A r e a I n d e x Dizdar, Srebren; American Literature Ibrulj, Nijaz; Philosophy Kreso, Adila; Education B r a z il Alves, Humberto Prates; Environmental Sciences Avila, Eliana; Language and Literature (non-u.s.) Bocianoski Rebelo, Irla; Engineering Cabral, Augusto; Business Administration* Costa, Newton Carneiro Affonso da; Business Administration* Domingues, Edson Paulo; Economics Farias, Jose Fernando de Castro; Law* Fontes, Elita; Chemistry Garbosa, Guilherme; Music Guimaraes, Liliane De Oliveira; Business Administration* Nunes, Fabio Jose ; Political Science Pinto Da Luz, Rodolfo; Engineering Reis, Rossana; Political Science Ribeiro, Mariceli Araujo; Medical Sciences Rodeghero, Carla Simone; History (non-u.s.) Silva Filho, Donato; Engineering Silva, Zenaide Cecilia; Theater and Dance B u l g a r ia Ditchev, Ivaylo; Philosophy Kamenova, Tzvetana; Law Katsarova, Vesela T.; American Literature Kounchev, Ognyan; Computer Science Manev, Emil D.; Chemistry Natov, Nikolay; Law Tabakova, Vessela; Communications and Journalism C a mb o d ia Leang, Kheang; Language and Literature (non-u.s.) Ca me r o o n Doho, Gilbert; Theater and Dance Mbuh, Mathias; History (non-u.s.)* Ca n a d a Balthazar, Louis; Political Science Blake, Sheri Lee; Architecture and Urban Planning Brooks, Stephen; Political Science Duguay, Claude Rene; Geology Hodgson, David; Chemistry King, Susan; Medical Sciences Meijer Drees, Laurie; History (non-u.s.) Puri, Poonam; Law Schneiderman, David; Law Ch il e Gonzalez, Francisco; Law* Jadue, Liliana Soraya; Medical Sciences Ortega, Marietta Perrier; Anthropology and Archaeology Prieto, Juan Carlos Dominguez; Medical Sciences Rudolph, Maria Isolde; Biological Sciences Smith Ferrer, Patricio; Medical Sciences* Yanez Solorza, Jorge Carlos; Chemistry* Ch in a, Pe o p l e s Re p u b l ic of Chen, Yulu; Economics Chen, Zexian; Law Chengyuan, Gao; Language and Literature (non-u.s.) Cui, Shaoyuan; American Literature Hong, Yinxing; Economics* Jin, L i; American Literature Li, Qiang; Sociology and Social W ork* Lu, Xinyu; Communications and Journalism Min, Weifang; Education* Qian, Yi; Engineering* Tan, Lin; Sociology and Social Work Tong, Shijun; Philosophy Wang, Zhenmin; Law Wu, Xiaobo; Business Administration Wujin, Yu; Philosophy* Ye, Ying; Library Science Yuan, Guilin; Education Zhan, Zhongle; Law Zhao, Weiming; Political Science Zheng, Zhenlong; Economics Co s t a Ric a Reyes Rivas, Roxana; Philosophy Co t e d I v o ir e Anongba, Patrick Norbert Blaise; Physics and Astronomy Cr o a t ia Bebek, Boma; Business Administration Boljuncic, Valter; Business Administration Handzic-Cuk, Jadranka; Medical Sciences Kuzmanic, Nenad; Engineering Novak, Branko; Business Administration Petrinovic, Davor; Engineering Cz e c h Rep u b l ic Bartakova, Hana; Medical Sciences Cemusova, Jana; Language and Literature (non-u.s.) Hlobil, Tomas; Philosophy Matyasek, Patrik; Law Mayerova, Dita; Medical Sciences 118

120 H o me G e o g r a p h ic A r e a I n d ex Munzarova, Marketa; Chemistry Santolik, Ondrej; Physics and Astronomy Sediva, Anna; Medical Sciences Simacek, David; American Literature Stancak, Andrej; Medical Sciences Taimr, Pavel; Medical Sciences Zikovska, Petra; Theater and Dance De n ma r k Andersen, Leif; Language and Literature (non-u.s.) Andersen, Torben; Business Administration Brogren, Carl-Henrik; Biological Sciences Engberg-Pedersen, Troels; Religious Studies Ec u ad o r Teran, Maria Yolanda; Education Eg y pt Abdel Rahman, Ashraf; Business Administration Badr, Abdel Fattah; Biological Sciences El Noshokaty, Shady; Art El Kommos, Omnia; TEFL/Applied Linguistics El-Shayal, Dalia; Theater and Dance Fat-Helbary, Raafat; Engineering Haggag, Salah Eldin; Mathematics Kamal, Sanaa; Medical Sciences Kassem, Magdy; Engineering Khalifa, Sherif; Medical Sciences Khedr, Tamer; Theater and Dance Fahmy, Ninette; Area Studies Kheir El Din, Amr; Business Administration Kortam, Wael; Business Administration Mahmoud, Ahmed; Law Mahmoud, M. Hesham; Engineering Mohareb, Rafat; Chemistry Nour El-Din, Mostafa; Public Administration Omran, Mohammed; Business Administration Salama, Mohamed; Biological Sciences Samy, Ramz; Music Shihab, Azza; Medical Sciences Es t o n ia Lushnikova, Tamara; Biological Sciences Mauring, Koit; Chemistry Rudenja, Sergei; Engineering Et h io p ia Abebe, Getachew; Agriculture Ashenafi, Mogessie; Biological Sciences Gebre-Mariam, Zinabu; Environmental Sciences Fin l a n d Haapala, Arto; Philosophy Helo,Ari; American History Kokkonen, Marja; Psychology Merilaita, Sami; Biological Sciences Parkatti, Heikki; Education Pietikainen, O lli; History (non-u.s.) Pietila, Tuulikki; Anthropology and Archaeology Somerkoski, Brita; Education Sukula-Lindblom, L illi; Theater and Dance Tiittanan, Raija; Education Weckman, Jyrki; Public Administration F r an c e Avan, Ghislaine; Theater and Dance Barclay, Sandra; Architecture and Urban Planning Boissay, Frederic; Economics Bourcier, Marie-Helene; Sociology and Social Work Boutier, Jean; History (non-u.s.) Brand, Muriele; Psychology Bresc, Cecile; History (non-u.s.) Buisson, Antoine; Art History Charton, Helen; History (non-u.s.) Cros, Caroline; Art History Datchi, Corinne; American Literature Fairon, Cedrick; Linguistics Fontaine, Philippe: Economics Giami, Alain; Psychology Groux, Dominique; Education Henry, Monica; American History Loyer, Emmanuelle; History (non-u.s.) Magnan-Park, Anne; Language and Literature (non-u.s.) Nardon, Laurence; Political Science Payre, Renaud; Political Science Picard, Elizabeth; Political Science Poulain, Martine; Library Science Roudeau, Cecile; American Literature Sorin, Claire; American Literature Spenlehauer, Vincent; Political Science Vidal, Cecile; History (non-u.s.) Gaza El-Nahhal, Yasser; Agriculture Nigim, Khaled; Engineering Ge o r g ia Gegeshidze, Archil; Political Science Magradze, Guguli; Sociology and Social Work Melikidze, Valerian; Education 119

121 H o me G e o g r a p h ic A r ea I n d e x G e r ma n y Beutel, Manfred; Medical Sciences Brands, Gunnar; Anthropology and Archaeology Edis, Zehra; Chemistry Hauser, Stefan; Anthropology and Archaeology* Herz, Dietmar Franz Josef; Political Science* Klingenberg, Christian; Mathematics* Knubel, Franz Rudolf; Art* Kortmann, Bemd; Linguistics* Lang, Sabine; Political Science Lippert, Stefan; Philosophy* Luedecke, Christa Martha; Chemistry* Neurath, Markus; Medical Sciences Nold, Guenter; TEFL/Applied Linguistics Rosenberger, Veit; History (non-u.s.) Rupieper, Hermann J.; History (non-u.s.) Schmidtke, Sabine; Philosophy Scholl, Eckehard; Physics and Astronomy Spielmann, Yvonne; Art History Stegmann, Tilbert; Language and Literature (non-u.s.) Weiss, Achim; Physics and Astronomy Zimmermann, Heinz Otto; Language and Literature (non-u.s.) G h a n a Akyeampong, Albert; Education Awumbila, Mariama; Geography Mensah, Merlin; Biological Sciences Perbi, Akosua; History (non-u.s.) G r e e c e Conides, Alexis; Environmental Sciences Karteroliotis, Konstantinos; Education Marouli, Christina; Environmental Sciences Papadopoulos, George; Biological Sciences Parpairis, Apostolos; Architecture and Urban Planning Sakelliou, Evangelia; American Literature Sifakis, Nicolaos; Environmental Sciences Tsipopoulou, Metaxia; Anthropology and Archaeology G u in e a Sano, Kemoko; Theater and Dance H o n g K o n g Fung, Daniel R.; Law* H u n g a r y Bisztray-Balku, Sandor; Engineering Boreczky, Elememe; Sociology and Social Work Borsanyi, Laszlo; Anthropology and Archaeology Dezseri, Kalman; Economics Giant, Tibor; American History Gullner, Gabor; Agriculture Hemadi, Miklos; Sociology and Social Work Kiss, Istvan; Agriculture Lautner, Peter; Philosophy Maroti, Peter; Biological Sciences Micheli, Erika; Environmental Sciences Pauler, Gabor Janos; Business Administration Sarkadi, Balazs; Medical Sciences Scharle, Peter; Engineering I c e l a n d Jonsdottir, Bima; Medical Sciences Kristjansson, Kristjan; Philosophy I n d ia Agrawal, Mohan; Business Administration Alavi, Seema; History (non-u.s.) Boruah, Bijoy; Philosophy Chakrabarti, Kunal; History (non-u.s.) Chatterjee, Debashis; Business Administration Desai, M iki; Architecture and Urban Planning Jagirdar, Balaji Rao; Chemistry Jogad, Mahantappa; Physics and Astronomy Kanwar, Sunil; Economics Krishnamurthy, Sundari; Philosophy Megh, R.K.; Language and Literature (non-u.s.) Nanda, Sudarsan; Mathematics Prakash, Padakannaya; Psychology Sarangi, Prakash; Political Science Shrimali, Shridhar; Education Sridhar, Melukote; Language and Literature (non-u.s.) I n d o n e s ia Belawati, Tian; Education Dananjaja, James; Anthropology and Archaeology Mulyana, Deddy; Communications and Journalism Nur, Agustiar Syah; Education Resosudarmo, Budy Prasetyo; Economics Wahyana, Antonius; Language and Literature (non-u.s.) Wardoyo, Subue Lakamono; American Literature I r e l a n d Barry, Michael Noel; Engineering Evans, Una; Chemistry Fitzpatrick, Donal; Computer Science O hogartaigh, Ciaran; Business Administration O hogartaigh, Margaret; History (non-u.s.) Sheridan, Geraldine Frances; Language and Literature (non- U.S.) I s r a e l Barak, Eitan; Political Science Doron, Rami Racah; Physics and Astronomy Fishbach, Ayelet; Psychology 120

122 H o me G e o g r a p h ic A r ea I n d ex Gidron, Benjamin; Sociology and Social Work Iram, Yaacov; Education Kahanoff, Maya; Sociology and Social Work Morin, Shai; Agriculture Peri, Yoram; Political Science Regev, Eyal; Area Studies Sharon, Eran; Physics and Astronomy Tepper, Tamar: Engineering Yifrach, Ofer; Biological Sciences* Yiftah, Uri; History (non-u.s.) I t al y Acquistapace, Patrizia; Biological Sciences Ashiagbor, Diamond; Law Bellagamba, Francesca; Psychology Boitani, Pietro; Language and Literature (non-u.s.) Bompard, Ettore Francesco; Engineering Bortolini, Matteo; Sociology and Social Work Caroli, Dorena; Sociology and Social Work Cioni, Fernando; Language and Literature (non-u.s.) Costantino, Valeria; Chemistry Cruciani, Fulvio; Biological Sciences D Agostino, Nicola; Geology Del Pero, Mario; American History Delle Fratte, Alessandra; Psychology Freo, Marzia; Economics Gatt, Lucilla; Law Genari Santori, Flaminia; Art History Hashmi, Nadia; Political Science Joffrain, Walter; Physics and Astronomy Laneri, Nicola Giovanni Luigi; Anthropology and Archaeology Magnetto, Anna; History (non-u.s.) Malchiodi, Andrea; Mathematics Mariano, Marco; American History* Marino, Giovanni; Medical Sciences Minetti, Francesco; American Literature Navarra, Pietro; Economics Nunzi, Emilia; Engineering* Piazza, Vincenzo; Physics and Astronomy Pretelli, Matteo; American History Ratti, Carlo Flippo; Architecture and Urban Planning Tafuri, Francesco; Physics and Astronomy Triandafyllidou, Anna; Sociology and Social Work Trombetta, Maria; Economics Zatti, Sergio; Language and Literature (non-u.s.) * Zuccheri, Nicoletta; Sociology and Social Work* Jap a n Amano, Yoshiko; Law Hagiwara-Nishino, Kumiko; Communications and Journalism Kamio, Yoko; Psychology Kihara, Kenichi; Education Kimura, Masataka; Political Science Kitahara, Hisatsugu; Linguistics Matsumoto, Kumiko; Education Miyai-Mori, Yumiko; Communications and Journalism Miyamoto, Yoichi; Linguistics Nagao, Kenkichi: Economics Ogisawa, Hideaki; Communications and Journalism Ohashi, Takayuki; Education Okuda. Keiji; Music Okuno, Yukiko; Education Shimokobe, Michiko; American Literature Shumi, Mitsuo; Law Tae, Yasuhiro; American Literature Tsubouchi, Jun; Political Science Washio-Miyazawa, Yuko; Education Yamada, Kumiko; American Literature Yamagishi, Toshio; Psychology J o r d a n Al-Derzi, A fa f; Chem istry Al-Doori, May Abdul-Muhsin; Biological Sciences* Al-Share, Mohammad; Physics and Astronomy Al-Zoubi, Abdallah; Geology Daher, Rami; Architecture and Urban Planning Jamil, Adil Mohalhil; Creative Writing* K a z a k h s t a n Aitasheva, Zaure; Agriculture Alimbekova, Bibigul I.; Environmental Sciences Burkitbayeva, Gulmira G.; Linguistics Istileulova, Yelena; Economics Kukenov, Talgat; Business Administration Mukambayeva, Maira M.; Psychology Muldagaliyeva. Aizhan; Anthropology and Archaeology Zhexembiyeva, Nurgaisha; TEFL/Applied Linguistics K e n y a Nyaga, Philip; Agriculture Sironka, Nicholas; Art K o r e a Bang, Jung-Ja; Education Choo, Kyung-Nan; Education Hong, SungGul; Political Science Kang, Hyosuk; Business Administration Kim, Choon; Education Kim, Dal-Yong; American Literature Kim, Ja-Kyung; Education Kim, Jong-Ho; Public Administration Kim, Kwang-yim; Economics Kim, Kyung Man; Sociology and Social Work Kim, Minho; Education Kim, Won-Bae; Education 121

123 H o me Ge o g r a p h ic A r e a I n d e x Ku, Daeyeol; Political Science Lim, Young Kyun; Art Lee, Jong Won; Economics Lee, Sung Soon; Art Lee, Sung Tae; History (non-u.s.) Oh, Byung-Sun; Law K y r g y z s t a n Alybaeva, Guldana D.; Education Asanova, Kunduz; Law Djaynbaev, Djalalidin 1.; Economics Urmambetov, Baktybek; Economics L a t v ia Emsteins, Raimonds; Environmental Sciences Grass, Tenis; Art Gutmanis, Armands; Architecture and Urban Planning Sumilo, Erika; Business Administration L e b a n o n Dajani, Nabil; Communications and Journalism* Hamzeh, Ahmad Nizar; Political Science Zeidan-Khoury, Liliane; History (non-u.s.) L it h u a n ia Barkauskas, Jurgis; Chemistry Gefenas, Eugenijus; Philosophy Juzeliunas, Gediminas; Physics and Astronomy Pivoriunas, Danielius; Environmental Sciences M a c e d o n ia, F o r me r Y u g o s l a v Re p u b l ic o f Agic, Rukije; Agriculture Georgieva, Lidija; Political Science Jakovlevska-Josevska, Lela; Psychology M a d a g a s c a r Raharinirina, Annie; Chemistry M a l a y s ia Chan, Ngai Weng; Geography Kaur, Abtar; Education Koh, Chong-Lek; Biological Sciences Maniam, Manogaran; Theater and Dance Merican, Amir Feisal; Biological Sciences Vellayan, Subramaniam; Medical Sciences M a l t a Agius, Carmel; Law Attard, David; Law Calleya, Stephen; Political Science Briguglio, Pascal; Economics Frendo, Henry; American History Mifsud, Carmelo; Education M a u r it iu s Achille-Tranquille, Danielle; Language and Literature (non- U.S.) Ramjeawon, Toolseeram; Environmental Sciences M e x ic o Aragones, Ana Maria; Law Bartra, Elionor; Art History Begne, Patricia; Law* Calderon, Jose Fernando Cortes; Agriculture Cornejo, Jose Manuel Bravo; Chemistry De Jesus Riojas, Javier; Environmental Sciences De La Mora, Marco Antonio Ramirez; Chemistry Diakite, Lamine; Agriculture Guillaumin, Godfrey Ernesto Juarez; Philosophy Ibanez-Comejo, Jorge Guillermo; Chemistry Ibarra de Siri, Silvia Emilia; Biological Sciences Levine, Elaine; Economics Lozano, Luis-Martin; Art History Maldonado, Ricardo; Linguistics Mayer-Foulkes, David Arie; Economics Morales-Perez, Jose Luis; Mathematics Naveda, Adriana; History (non-u.s.) Pedraza, M ario Reyes; Biological Sciences Quintero, Margarito Nunez; Engineering Rocha, Gregorio Carlos; Art History Rodriguez, Suemi Rom o; Mathematics Sanchez, Gilma Guadalupe Burgos; Medical Sciences M o l d o v a Antoci, Valentin; Medical Sciences Casu, Igor; History (non-u.s.) Costas, Ilie; Computer Science Dorogoi, Vera; Medical Sciences Topor, Boris; Medical Sciences M o r o c c o Abboudi, Mostafa; Chemistry Benjelloun, Noufissa; Psychology Baida, Jamaa; History (non-u.s.) Chaarani, Bahija; Agriculture Chafai Elalaoui,Ali; Agriculture Eddahar, Nabyl; Political Science El-Bouazzati, Bennacer; Philosophy Hamdaoui, Fatiha; Agriculture Lahlou, Abdelkader; Law Mokhtar, Najat; Medical Sciences Naimi, Mustapha; Agriculture Rabaa, Hassan; Chemistry 122

124 H o me G e o g r a p h ic A r ea I n d ex M o z a mb iq u e Prista e Silva, Antonio Manuel Machado ; Education Nep a l Khadka, Geeta; Area Studies Ne t h e r l a n d s Beersma, Bianca; Psychology Braam, Lavienja J.; Biological Sciences De Boer, Jelle; Philosophy Koning, Frits; Biological Sciences Kramers, Comelis; Medical Sciences Reneman, Liesbeth; Medical Sciences Van Cassel, Elke; American History Witte, Arnold; Art History New Z e a l a n d Clough, Timothy John; Environmental Sciences Dashper, Julian; Art King, Michael; Language and Literature (non-u.s.) Millar, Paul; Language and Literature (non-u.s.) Nig e r ia Fadare, Samson; Architecture and Urban Planning Kanu, Okpete Rosalyn; Education Okoh, Juliana; Theater and Dance Onocha, Charles; Education Soremekun, Kayode; Political Science No rw ay Askeland, Norunn; Linguistics Cappelen, Alexander; Economics Dyb, Grete; Medical Sciences Eifring, Halvor; Language and Literature (non-u.s.) Fagerjord, Anders; Communications and Journalism Hagtvet, Bemt; Political Science Hellan, Lars; Linguistics Hjeltnes, Guri; History (non-u.s.) Kaufmann, Geir; Psychology Lie, Anne Karine; Sociology and Social Work Saether, Erik; Economics Strand, Torill; Education Togersen, Geir; Agriculture O ma n Albarwani, Sulayma; Medical Sciences Moosa, Samira; Education Pa k is t a n Ahmad, Mushtaq; Agriculture Awan, Iftikhar; Chemistry Karim, Abid: Engineering Khan, Ikhtiar; Environmental Sciences Nabi. Abdul; Chemistry* Nayyar, Adam; Anthropology and Archaeology P e r u Consuelo, Susana Aldana; History (non-u.s.) Ph il ip p in e s Castro, Loreta Navarro; Education De Vera, Julian Prospero Estabillo; Public Administration Fortunato. Teresita; Language and Literature (non-u.s.) Madale, Nagasura Timan; Education Ocampo, Lamberto Raymundo: History (non-u.s.) P o l a n d Awrejcewicz, Jan; Engineering Babiak, Igor; Biological Sciences Bialas, Zbigniew; Language and Literature (non-u.s.) Bialecki, Ryszard; Engineering Bondaruk, Anna; Linguistics Cieslik. Andrzej; Economics Gensler, Marek; Philosophy Januszewski, Andrzej; Medical Sciences Jarosinska, Dorota; Medical Sciences Kaiser-Plaskowska, Joanna; Art Morawski, Krzysztof; Medical Sciences Paneth, Piotr; Chemistry Pijanowska, Joanna; Environmental Sciences Radwan, Jacek; Biological Sciences Rozwadowska, Bozena; Linguistics Sekowski, Andrzej; Psychology Szubka, Tadeusz; Philosophy Wilczynski. Marek; American Literature Po r t u g a l Alexandre, Manuel, Jr.; Language and Literature (non-u.s.) Azevedo, Jose; Sociology and Social Work Mendes, Maria Amalia; Linguistics Q a t a r A1 Meer, Jehan; Chemistry* R o m a n ia Bibu, Nicolae; Business Administration Ciocarlie, lleana; American Literature Ciulavu, Daniel; Geology Dragoi, Marian; Environmental Sciences Dragulanescu, Nicolae; Engineering Neumann, Victor; History (non-u.s.) Mutihac, Radu; Physics and Astronomy Olaru, Victor; Language and Literature (non-u.s.) 123

125 H o me G e o g r a p h ic A r e a I n d e x Popescu, Livia; Sociology and Social Work Preda, Dumitru; History (non-u.s.) Stan, Valentin; American History Tiplea, Ferucio; Computer Science R u s s ia n F e d e r a t io n Anastasiev, Nikolai; American Literature Anissimova, Lioudmila; Environmental Sciences Bayuk, Dimitry; Religious Studies Beliaev, Leonid; Anthropology and Archaeology Berguelson, Mira; Linguistics Bezroukova, Anguelina; TEFL/Applied Linguistics Bossine, louri; Political Science Chirchova, Lioudmila; Environmental Sciences Chliakhov, Vladimir; Linguistics Davydova, Leonora; Library Science Dimitrieva, Galina; Environmental Sciences Doronitchev, Vladimir; Anthropology and Archaeology Fedosenok, Irina; American Literature Gasparov, Mikhail; Language and Literature (non-u.s.) Gourevitch, Izabella; Linguistics Goussev, Evgueni; Geology Ivanov, Serguei; History (non-u.s.) Kartacheva, Zinaida; Music Kim, Alexandra; Linguistics Kleine, Lev; Anthropology and Archaeology Koulikova, Irina; Music Kovda, Irina; Geology Kraouzova, Valentina; Environmental Sciences Leontieva, Olga; Library Science Lesnykeh, Valery; Economics Listikov, Serguei; American History Markova, Anastassia; Geography Meniailo, Oleg; Environmental Sciences Mikhailov, Alexander; Theater and Dance Moisseeva, Marina; Education Morozova, Alevtina; TEFL/Applied Linguistics Naoumova, Irina; Education Nikonorov, Valeri; Anthropology and Archaeology Pakhomova, Klavdia; Religious Studies Patsiorkovski, Valeri; Sociology and Social Work Peril, Boris; Art Reznikov, Andrei; Linguistics Rodionov, Mikhail; Area Studies Salikov, Marat; Law Sazonova, Tatiana; Linguistics Solodkov, Vasiliy; Economics Solomina, Olga; Geography Yablonskiy, Leonid; Anthropology and Archaeology Zaytsev, Evgeny; Philosophy Sa u d i A r a b ia Abu Al-Hassan, Husain; Anthropology and Archaeology Al-Abdulsalam, Khaled; Agriculture Al-Layl, Khaled; Biological Sciences Bessar, Majedah; Medical Sciences Furati, Khaled; Mathematics Se n e g a l Bocoum, Hamady; Anthropology and Archaeology Gueye, Babacar; Political Science Sin g a p o r e Ang, Peng Hwa; Communications and Journalism Yeoh, Brenda Saw Ai; Geography Sl o v a k R e p u b l ic Bujdakova, Helena; Biological Sciences Daucikova, Anna; Art Gerat, Ivan; Art History Huba, Mikulas; Environmental Sciences Kogan, Grigorij; Chemistry Turcani, Marek; Agriculture Vilcek, Stefan; Biological Sciences Sl o v e n ia Kek, Darinka; Chemistry Kranjec, Igor; Medical Sciences Selih, Jana; Engineering Zorec, Robert; Medical Sciences So u t h A f r ic a Berger, Guy; Communications and Journalism Kirsten, Johann; Agriculture Mwamwenda, Tuntufye S.; Education Sp a in Ariceta Iraolo, Maria Gema; Medical Sciences Bou Areualo, German; Biological Sciences Caixas Pedragos, Maria-Assumpta; Medical Sciences Calvo, Alfonso Gonzalez; Medical Sciences Cerezo, Ana Isabel; Law Corchero, Javier Romero; Medical Sciences Costa, Albert Martinez; Psychology Fernandez Gacio, Ana Isabel; Chemistry Fuentes, Miguel Angel Cabrera; Physics and Astronomy Garcia Viloca, Mireia; Chemistry Garcia, Francisco Javier de Abajo; Physics and Astronomy Garcia, Manuel Heras; Anthropology and Archaeology Gisbert, Enric; Biological Sciences Granados-Sanandres, Ana; Mathematics Haro Provinciale, Alejandro; Mathematics* Ibanez de Sans, Maria Elena; Biological Sciences 124

126 H o me G e o g r a p h ic A r ea I ndex Jimenez Lopez, Concepcion; Physics and Astronomy Jordan Bueso, Maria J.; Chemistry Landa Del Castillo, Blanca; Agriculture Lloret Romero, F. Javier; Biological Sciences Luna Estevez, Monica L; Physics and Astronomy Malo-Lopez, Jesus; Computer Science Manzanas-Calvo, Ana Maria; American Literature* Martinez Munoz, Maria; Medical Sciences Masque Barri, Pere; Environmental Sciences Merino Hernando, Maria Asuncion; History (non-u.s.) Montes-Bayon, Maria; Chemistry Montoro, Rafael Jesus; Biological Sciences Moya Larano, Jorge; Biological Sciences Navarro, Federico Garcia; Biological Sciences Perez, Marcos Losado; Biological Sciences Perez, Miriam Mateos; Biological Sciences Pujol I. Sagaro, Antoni; Environmental Sciences Ribas Canudas, Ignasi; Physics and Astronomy Rodriguez Abascal, Luis; Law Santamaria, Inigo; Biological Sciences Santos, Carlos Ocana; Biological Sciences Serrano, Maria Dolores Hernandez; Physics and Astronomy Ujaque Perez, Gregorio; Chemistry Vadillo Perez, Jose; Chemistry Vale Martinez, Anna; Psychology Vazquez Del Rey, Antonio Villanueva; Law Vazquez, Manuel Ramallo; Physics and Astronomy Xalabarder Plantada, Raquel; Law Sr i L a n k a Atapattu, Sumudu; Law Dias, Wiranjith; Engineering Nandadeva, Belinda; Art History Sw a z il a n d Dlamini, Nester Sizakele; Language and Literature (non-u.s.) Mazibuko, Edmund; Education Sw e d e n Aberg, Martin; Area Studies* Berg, Soren; Medical Sciences Emtner, Ingegerd; Medical Sciences Eriksson, Carl; Biological Sciences Fjellestad, Danuta; American Literature Hagberg, Henrik; Medical Sciences Hassellov, Martin; Environmental Sciences Kumlien, Eva; Medical Sciences Lindbladh, Matts; Biological Sciences* Lunden, Rolf; Art History* Nordahl, Per; History (non-u.s.) Ritzen, Andreas; Chemistry Samdahl, Eva; Medical Sciences Sy r ia Al-Shehabi, Zuhir; Medical Sciences Bayerly, Mazhar; Geology Fares, Farouk; Environmental Sciences Hamad, Ibtissam; Environmental Sciences Harfouch, Mohammad; Language and Literature (non-u.s.) Herbly, Lamis; Architecture and Urban Planning Iskef, Hussein; Physics and Astronomy Zahrawi, Samar; American Literature T a iw a n Hsieh, Shui-Yang; Business Administration Hsu, Mei-Ling; Communications and Journalism Hsu, Tzong-li; Law Huang, Chung-Huang; Economics Huang, Lillian Meei-jin; Linguistics Hung, Yung Chen; Computer Science Lee, Ming-Huei; Philosophy Lin, Liang-Tay; Engineering Liu, Fuh-Hwa Franklin; Mathematics Liu, Jin-Long; Economics Lou, Yung-Chien; Business Administration Shen, Chung-Hua; Economics Su, Yu Hui; Business Administration Sun, Hsiao-Chih; Philosophy Sung, Li-May; Linguistics Tsai, Yuh-Yuan; Business Administration Yen, Jin-Ru; Business Administration Wu, Fu-Hsin; Public Administration Wu, Tsai-Chu; Area Studies T a n z a n ia Lihamba, Amandina; Theater and Dance Meena, Ruth; Political Science T h a il a n d Khoman, Sirilaksana; Economics Mead, Kullada Kesboonchoo; Political Science Permkesom, Nuanthip; Language and Literature (non-u.s.) Sukhumvada, Sarawanee; American Literature T u n is ia Bellamine-Ben-Saoud, Narjes; Computer Science Ben Saoud, Slim; Physics and Astronomy Dhaoudi, Mahmoud; Sociology and Social Work Hachicha, Mohamed; Agriculture Zonned, Lazhar; Linguistics T u r k e y Aydogus, Osman; Economics Dagdeviren, Attila; Medical Sciences Eryuksel, Gul; Psychology 125

127 H o me G eo g r a p h ic A r e a I n d e x Icli, Siddik; Chemistry Karanci, Ayse Nuray; Psychology Kaya, Zeki; Biological Sciences Kirimli, Hakan; History (non-u.s.) Kocasoy, Gunay; Environmental Sciences Ozgen, Ilknur; Anthropology and Archaeology Sezer, Esma; Chemistry Soydan, Billur; Law Suzer, Sefik; Chemistry Tosun, Cevat; Business Administration Tuzemen, Sebahattin; Physics and Astronomy Ugur, Omer; Medical Sciences Umunc, Himmet; History (non-u.s.) Yemenici, Alev; Education U k r a in e Andrukhovych, Yuriy; American Literature Baysara, Lyudmyla; TEFL/Applied Linguistics Bazylevych, Roman; Education Biryukov, Oleksandr; Law Gabrielyan, Oleg; Political Science Halpin, Kate; Public Administration* Himmelfarb, Evgeni; Theater and Dance Honcharyk, Eleonora; Language and Literature (non-u.s.) Ibragimova, Ivanna; Public Administration Isayevych, Yaroslav; History (non-u.s.) Jagoe, Robert; Medical Sciences* Kalna-Dubinyuk, Tetyana; Agriculture Koukouroudza, Marine; Environmental Sciences Levenko, Boris; Environmental Sciences Menzhulin, Vadym; Psychology* Romanenkova, Lyudmyla; Sociology and Social Work Slukhai, Sergii; Economics Torbakov, Igor; History (non-u.s.)* Tsygulska, Tetyana; Psychology Yerchenko, Paraskeviya; Linguistics Zaporozhets, Halyna; American Literature Zaytsev, Oleksandr; History (non-u.s.) Zhabotynska, Svitlana; Linguistics Zuy, Oleg; Chemistry U n it e d A r a b E mir a t e s Al-Ghais, Saif; Biological Sciences Bin Huwaidan, Ebtesam; Political Science U n it e d K in g d o m Barron, Andrew; Biological Sciences Bensasson, Douda; Biological Sciences Broadbent, Paul; Law Doughty, Victoria; Chemistry Dunn, David; Political Science Forrest, Lucy; Biological Sciences Gallagher, Anthony; Public Administration Harfield, Clive; Law Leach, Andrew; Chemistry Loft, Edward; History (non-u.s.) Ludlow, Anna; Biological Sciences McMahon, Denis; Public Administration Mitchell, Paul; Political Science Ng, Felix; Environmental Sciences Ogilvie-Graham, Thomas; Biological Sciences Pal, Deb; Medical Sciences Pershad, Harsh; Chemistry Schwarzacher, Walther; Physics and Astronomy U z b e k is t a n Alimov, Shavkat; Mathematics Azimova, Nodira K.; Anthropology and Archaeology Gafurova, Lola H.; Education Nazarov, Alidjan; Economics V e n e z u e l a De Leon, Ignacio Luis; Economics V ie t n a m Bui, Dung The; Economics Dinh, Kieu Chau; Language and Literature (non-u.s.) Duong, Anh Hong; American History Ho, An Huu; Agriculture Hoang, Nguyen Phung; Education Le Vinh, Danh; Economics Luu, Trinh Ngoc; Economics Nguyen, Thi Thuan; Language and Literature (non-u.s.) Nguyen, Thi Hong Thuy; Education W e s t B a n k Akel, A fif; Engineering El-Kawni, Marwan; Physics and Astronomy Hallak, Hanna; Physics and Astronomy Y e m e n Al-Adim i, Mansour; Business Administration Ghaleb, Abdu; Anthropology and Archaeology Thabet, Abdulkarim; Economics Y u g o s l a v ia Milosevic, Dijana; Theater and Dance Z im b a b w e Mawondo, Simon; Philosophy Mukonyora, Isabel; Religious Studies 126

128 Sp e c ia l Pr o g r ams I n d ex To fin d out more about a scholar p a rticip a tin g in a special program, turn to the ind ivid ua l s complete directory entry, which can be found in the section corresponding to the discipline listed after the scholar s name. Eu r o p e a n U n io n A f f a ir s R e s e a r c h Pr o g r a m The European Union Affairs Research Program offers two- to 12-month research awards to scholars from the 15 member states o f the European Union. The program is sponsored by the Commission for Educational Exchange Between the United States, Belgium and Luxembourg, located in Brussels. Ashiagbor, Diamond; Law; Italy Dunn, David; Political Science; United Kingdom Emagna, Maximin; Political Science; Belgium Hashmi, Nadia; Political Science; Italy Eu r o p e a n U n io n Sc h o l a r -in -R e s id e n c e Pr o g r a m The European Union Scholar-in-Residence Program allows U.S. institutions to apply for the opportunity to host an expert in European Union Affairs as a resident fellow for a semester or academic year. For more information about this program, please visit our Web site at and click on Visiting Scholar Program. Dezseri, Kalman; Economics; Hungary Caroli, Dorena; Sociology and Social Work; Italy Triandafyllidou, Anna; Sociology and Social Work; Italy Sc h o l a r -in -R e s id e n c e Pr o g r a m The Scholar-in-Residence Program allows U.S. community colleges and small liberal arts and minority-serving institutions to apply for the opportunity to host visiting Fulbright lecturers for a semester or academic year to assist with the internationalization of their campuses. For more information about this program, please visit our Web site at and click on Visiting Scholar Program. Alavi, Seema; History (non-u.s.); India Aragones, Ana Maria; Law; Mexico Casu, Igor; History (non-u.s.); Moldova Chengyuan, Gao; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); China, People s Republic of Chowdhury, Anwarullah; Anthropology and Archaeology; Bangladesh Consuelo, Susana Aldana; History (non-u.s.); Peru De Jesus Riojas, Javier; Environmental Sciences; Mexico Dlamini, Nester Sizakele; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Swaziland Fadare, Samson; Architecture and Urban Planning; Nigeria Gefenas, Eugenijus; Philosophy; Lithuania Himmelfarb, Evgeni; Theater and Dance; Ukraine Kanu, Okpete Rosalyn; Education; Nigeria Krishnamurthy, Sundari; Philosophy; India Leang, Kheang; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Cambodia Lee, SungTae; History (non-u.s.); Korea Lozano, Luis-Martin; Art History; Mexico Meena, Ruth; Political Science; Tanzania Megh, R.K.; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); India Milosevic, Dijana; Theater and Dance; Yugoslavia Mwamwenda, Tuntufye S.; Education; South Africa Perbi, Akosua; History (non-u.s.); Ghana Reyes Rivas, Roxana; Philosophy; Costa Rica Sano, Kemoko; Theater and Dance; Guinea Silva, Zenaide Cecilia; Theater and Dance; Brazil Sironka, Nicholas; Art; Kenya Solodkov, Vasiliy; Economics; Russian Federation Teran, Maria Yolanda; Education; Ecuador 127

129 So u t h e a s t A s ia n St u d ie s Su mme r I n s t it u t e The Southeast Asian Studies Summer Institute (SEASSI) brings scholars from countries in Southeast Asia to teach their native languages at an intensive language institute held each summer on an American campus. In the summer o f 2000, SEASSI was held at the o f Wisconsin-Madison. Dinh, Kieu Chau; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Vietnam Fortunato, Teresita; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Philippines Leang, Kheang; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Cambodia Nguyen, Thi Thuan; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Vietnam Permkesom, Nuanthip; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Thailand Wahyana, Antonius; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Indonesia 128

130 Visiting F ulbright Scholars

131 V is it in g F u l b r ig h t Sc h o l a r s A me r ic a n H is t o r y Mariano, Marco Researcher, Department o f Political Studies, o f Turin, Turin, Italy Research: Democracy Mediterranean Style: American Attitudes and Policies Toward Italy, Columbia, Department o f History, New York, NY c/o Dr. Alan Brinkley March 2000-August 2000 A me r ic a n L it e r a t u r e Manzanas-Calvo, Ana Maria Associate Professor, College o f Arts and Sciences, Department o f Modem Filology, o f Castilla, Ciudad Real, Spain Research: Intercultural Mediations: Literature, History and Hybridity in the United States and the Caribbean Cornell, Office of the Chair, Department o f English, Ithaca, NY c/o Dr. Harry Shaw April 2000-July 2000 A n t h r o p o l o g y a n d A r c h a e o l o g y Hauser, Stefan Professor, Freie, Berlin, Germany Research: Status and Ritual: The Social Structure o f Ashur in the Neo-Assyrian Period National Gallery o f Art, Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts, Washington, DC c/o Dr. Henry A. Millon January 2000-September 2000 Roberts, Jeannie Director, Center for Aboriginal Studies, Curtin Indigenous Research Center, Curtin, Perth, Australia Lecturing: Aborigines in Modem Australia Elon College, Department o f International and Special Programs, Elon College, NC c/o Dr. William G. Rich August 2000-December 2000 (Scholar-in-Residence Program ) A r e a St u d ie s Aberg, M artin Senior Research Fellow, College o f South Stockholm, Huddinge, Sweden Research: Putnam s Social Capital Theory Goes East: A Case Study o f Western Ukraine and Lviv Harvard, Ukrainian Research Institute, Cambridge, MA c/o Dr. James Clem February 2000-June 2000 A r t Knubel, Franz Rudolf Professor, Department o f Design and Art Education, o f Essen, Essen, Germany Research: Modem Germany Reflected in Architecture, Sculpture and Visual Arts California State, Department o f Romance, German, and Russian Languages and Literatures, Long Beach, CA c/o Dr. Jutta Birmele January 2000-May 2000 A r t H is t o r y Lunden, Rolf Professor, Department o f English, Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden Research: Choosing Oblivion: The Divided Life of David Estrom o f California-Los Angeles. Department of English, Los Angeles, CA c/o Dr. Thomas Wortham November 1999-March 2000 B io l o g ic a l Sc ie n c e s Al-Doori, May Abdul-Muhsin Senior Lecturer, Department of Biological Sciences, o f Al-al-Bayt, Mafraq, Jordan Research: Isolation o f Antimutagens and Anticarcinogens from Agricultural Products o f Iliinois-Urbana-Champaign, College of Agricultural Consumer and Environmental Sciences, Department o f Crop Sciences, Champaign, IL c/o Dr. Michael J. Plewa July 2000-September 2000 (Fulbright Program fo r Iraqi Expatriates) Lindbladh, Matts Research Scientist, Southern Swedish Forest Research Center, Alnarp, Sweden Research: The Use o f Paleuecology and Dendrochronology in the Selection and Management of Forest Reserves o f Maine, Institute for Quaternary Studies, Orono, ME c/o Dr. George L. Jacobson Jr. December 1999-July

132 V is it in g F u l b r ig h t Sc h o l a r s Yifrach,O fer Researcher, Department o f Structural Biology, Weizmann Institute o f Science, Rehovot, Israel Research: Mapping the Pathway of the Potassium Channel Gating Reaction by Protein Engineering Rockefeller, Department of Structural Biology, New York, NY c/o Dr. Roderick MacKinnon November 1999-November 2000 B u s in e s s A d m in is t r a t io n Cabral, Augusto Researcher, FACE/CEPEAD, Department o f Business Administration, Federal o f Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil Research: Organizational Learning as a Competitive Strategy in the Telecommunication Sector o f the State o f Ceara. Brazil Carnegie Mellon, Schenley Park, Graduate School o f Industrial Administration, Pittsburgh, PA c/o Dr. Linda Argote May 1999-April 2000 Costa, Newton Carneiro Affonso da Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Federal o f Santa Catarina, Florianopolis, SC, Brazil Research: International Portfolio Diversification in Emerging Capital Markets Columbia, Graduate School o f Business, New York, NY c/o Dr. Robert Hodrick October ctober2000 Guimaraes, Liliane De Oliveira Adjunct Professor, Department o f Administration, Pontifical Catholic o f Minais Gerais, Pocos de Caldes, Brazil Research: Education o f Entrepreneurs: Programming Content and Formation o f Teachers Indiana -Bloomington, Kelley School o f Business, Bloomington, IN c/o Dr. Harvey Hegarty September 1999-August 2000 C h e mis t r y A l Meer, Jehan Assistant Professor, Faculty o f Science, Department o f Chemistry and Biochemistry, Qatar, Doha, Qatar Research: Epidemiological Study and Dietary Related Factors in Qatar Tufts, Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging, U.S. Department o f Agriculture, Medford, MA02155 c/o Dr. Jose Ordovas July 2000-October 2000 Luedecke, Christa M artha Professor, Department o f Physics and Chemistry, o f Applied Sciences, Konstanz, Germany Research: Supercritical Fluids and Technology Education of Female Students and Foreign Students Massachusetts Institute o f Technology, Program for Environmental Education and Research, Department of Chemistry, Cambridge, MA02139 c/o Dr. Jeffrey I. Steinfield Wellesley College, Department o f Chemistry, Wellesley, MA 2181 c/o Dr. Shane Ohline February 2000-August 2000 Nabi, Abdul Associate Professor, Department o f Chemistry, of Balochistan, Quetta, Pakistan Research: Dynamic Surface Tension Detection o f Polymers and Proteins Using Flow Interjection Analysis o f Washington, Department o f Chemistry, Seattle, WA98195 c/o Dr. R.E. Synovec January 2000-October 2000 Yanez Solorza, Jorge Carlos Biochemist, School o f Chemistry, Department o f Analytic and InorganicChemistry, o f Concepcion, Concepcion, Chile Research: Determination o f Chemical Arsenic Species in Contaminated and Uncontaminated Soils and Water o f Massachusetts-Amherst, Lederle Graduate Research Center, Department o f Chemistry, Amherst, MA c/o Dr. Ramon M. Bames January 2000-April 2000 C o mmu n ic a t io n s a n d J o u r n a l is m Dajani, Nabil Professor, Department o f Social and Behavioral Sciences, American o f Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon Research: Mass Media and Social Consciousness in Lebanon Georgetown, Center for Contemporary Arab Studies, Washington, DC c/o Dr. Michael C. Hudson February 2000-June

133 V is it in g F u l b r ig h t Sc h o l a r s Cr e a t iv e W r it in g Jamil, Adil Mohalhil Assistant Professor, Department o f English, Amman, Amman, Jordan Research: Creative Writing: Responses and Assessments Reconsidered North Carolina State, College o f Humanities and Social Sciences, Raleigh, NC c/o Dr. Robert C. Kochersberger Jr. January 2000-July 2000 (Fulbright Program fo r Ira q i Expatriates) Ec o n o mic s Feldens, Aray Miguel Professor, Department o f Economics, Federal o f Rio Grande Do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil Lecturing: International Economics Rose-Hulman Institute o f Technology, School o f Humanities and Social Sciences, Department o f Latin American Studies, Terre Haute, IN c/o Dr. Antonio De La Cova November 1999-February2000 (Scholar-in-Residence Program ) Hong, Yinxing Professor and Vice President, School o f International Business, Department o f Economics, Nanjing, Nanjing, China, People s Republic of Lecturing: U.S.-China Fulbright Program 20th-Anniversary Distinguished Lecturers Program Visits to various institutions, c/o Ms. Jean McPeek, CIES September 2000 Mateos, Federico Specialist, Public Investment National Office, Ministry o f Economy, Buenos Aires, Argentina Research: Benefits Indicators for Public Investment Projects in Security Texas A & M, Department o f Economics, College Station, TX c/o Dr. Morgan Reynolds February 2000-April 2000 Mira Llambi, Pablo Senior Economist, Bureau o f Methodology, Household Expenditure Office, National Institute o f Statistics and Census, Buenos Aires, Argentina Research: Improving the Design o f the Argentinian Consumer Expenditure Survey for Microeconomic Purposes Bureau o f Labor Statistics, Division o f Price and Index Number Research, International Labor Statistics Program Center, Washington, DC c/o Ms. Thesia Gamer March 2000-April 2000 E d u c a t io n M in, Weifang Executive Vice President, Peking, Beijing, China, People s Republic o f Lecturing: U.S.-China Fulbright Program 20th-Anniversary Distinguished Lecturers Program Visits to various institutions, c/o Ms. Jean McPeek, CIES November 1999 E n g in e e r in g Nunzi, Emilia Researcher, Department o f Electronics Engineeringand Information, of Perugia, Perugia, Italy Research: Analysis o f Dynamic Element Matching Techniques for Analog to Digital to Analog Converters o f Califomia-San Diego, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, La Jolla, CA c/o Dr. Ian Gabon May 2000-September 2000 Qian, Yi Professor, Department o f Environmental Engineering, Tsinghua, Beijing, China, People s Republic of Lecturing: U.S.-China Fulbright Program 20th-Anniversary Distinguished Lecturers Program Visits to various institutions, c/o Ms. Jean McPeek, CIES June 2000 H is t o r y (n o n -U.S.) Mbuh, Mathias Lecturer, Faculty o f Arts, Letters and Social Sciences, Department o f English, ofyaounde I, Yaounde, Cameroon Lecturing: West African History Trident Technical College, Office of Academic Affairs, Charleston, SC c/o Dr. Noelle Wharton January 2000-December 2000 (Scholar-in-Residence Program) 133

134 V is it in g F u l b r ig h t Sc h o l a r s Torbakov, Igor Correspondent, Kiev Bureau, Russkaya Mysl, Kiev, Ukraine Research: National History and Nationalist Myth: A Case Study of Post-Communist Historiography in Ukraine Columbia, The Harriman Institute, New York, NY c/o Dr. Mark L. von Hagen January 2000-September 2000 Gonzalez, Francisco Professor, School o f Law, Department o f Private Law, o f Chile, Santiago, Chile Research: Modernization o f the Private Law Curriculum in Chile Yale, School o f Law, New Haven, CT c/o Dr. Owen Fiss January 2000-March 2000 L a n g u a g e a n d L it e r a t u r e (n o n - U.S.) Zatti, Sergio Associate Professor, Faculty o f Humanities, Department of Italian Literature, o f Pisa, Pisa, Italy Lecturing: Forms of Literary Intertextuality: The Parody of Chicago, Department o f Romance Languages, Chicago, 1L c/o Dr. Elisa Weaver March 2000-June 2000 L aw Begne, Patricia Professor, School o f Law, of Guanajuato, Guanajuato, Mexico Lecturing: Women s Studies Pennsylvania State, The Capital College- Harrisburg, Women s Studies Program, Middletown, PA c/o Dr. Carol Nechemias January 2000-May 2000 (Scholar-in-Residence Program) Farias, Jose Fernando de Castro Professor. School o f Law, Department o f Public Law, Fluminense Federal, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Research: Justice, Community and Discourse Columbia, Department o f Philosophy, New York, NY c/o Dr. David Sidorsky October 1999-September2000 Fung, Daniel R. Senior Counsel, Hong Kong Bar, Hong Kong, Hong Kong Lecturing: Distinguished Lectureship in Law Visits to various institutions. c/o Ms. Jean McPeek, CIES April 2000 L in g u is t ic s Kortmann, Bernd Professor, English Seminar I, Albert-Ludwigs - Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany Lecturing: Current Issues in Linguistics Portland State, Department o f Applied Linguistics, Portland, OR c/o Dr. Jeanette DeCarrico March 2000-June 2000 M a t h e m a t ic s Haro Provinciale, Alejandro Assistant Professor, Department o f Mathematics Applications and Analysis, o f Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain Research: Breakdown o f Invariant Tori The o f Texas-Austin, Department o f Mathematics, Austin, TX c/o Dr. Rafael De La Llave January 2000-December 2000 Klingenberg, Christian Professor, Department o f Applied Mathematics andstatistics, Wurzburg, Wurzburg, Germany Research: Numerical Modeling o f Flows in Astrophysics California Institute o f Technology, JPL, Space Research Division, Pasadena, CA c/o Dr. Harold W. Yorke September 1999-February 2000 M e d ic a l Sc ie n c e s Jagoe, Robert Resident, Department o f Respiratory Medicine, Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom Research: Biochemical Mechanisms for Muscle Wasting in Cancer Cachexia Harvard, Harvard Medical School, Department of Cell Biology, Boston, M A

135 V is it in g F u l b r ig h t Sc h o l a r s c/o Dr. Alfred L. Goldberg October 1999-August 2000 Smith Ferrer, Patricio Lecturer, School of Odontology, Department o f Chemistry and Physics Sciences, o f Chile, Santiago, Chile Research: Application o f in Situ Polimerase Chain Reaction for the Study of Healthy and Diseased Human Dental Tissues Washington, School o f Medicine, Department o f Pediatrics, St. Louis, MO c/o Dr. William C. Parks January 2000-February 2000 Ph il o s o p h y Lippert, Stefan Assistant Professor, Institute for History, o f Kiel, Kiel, Germany Research: The Intellectual Foundations o f the Economic and Informational Globalization Process Harvard, Harvard Law School, Committee on Liberal Arts Fellowships in Law, Cambridge, M A c/o Dr. Lewis D. Sargentich September 1999-August 2000 Wujin, Yu Chair, Department o f Philosophy, Fudan, Fudan, China, People s Republic o f Lecturing: U.S.-China Fulbright Program 20th-Anniversary Distinguished Lecturers Program Visits to various institutions, c/o Ms. Jean McPeek, CIES April 2000 Po l it ic a l Sc ie n c e Herz, Dietmar Franz Josef Professor, Department o f Political Science, o f Bonn, Bonn, Germany Lecturing and Research: Transatlantic Political Partnerships, European Economic Integration and German Politics Vanderbilt, Center for European Studies, Nashville, TN c/o Dr. M. Donald Hancock August 1999-June 2000 Research: American and Ukrainian Interpretations o f C.G. Jung s Analytical Psychology and Their Place Within the History o f Science and Medicine Harvard, History o f Science Department, Cambridge, M A c/o Dr. Anne Harrington January 2000-August 2000 Pu b l ic A d min is t r a t io n Halpin, Kate Detective Inspector, Department of Crime Management, Metropolitan Police Service, London, United Kingdom Research: The Success o f the Los Angeles Police Department and Its Partners in Reducing Gang-Related Criminality Los Angeles Police Department, 7600 South Broadway, South Bureau-Operations, Los Angeles, CA c/o Mr. Mark Leap o f Califomia-Irvine, Department of Criminology, Law, and Society, Irvine, CA c/o Dr. Henry N. Pontell February 2000-October 2000 So c io l o g y a n d So c ia l W o r k Li, Qiang Professor and Dean, Department o f Sociology, People s o f China, Beijing, China, People s Republic of Lecturing: U.S.-China Fulbright Program 20th-Anniversary Distinguished Lecturers Program Visits to various institutions, c/o Ms. Jean McPeek, CIES Between February 2000-March 2000 Zuccheri, Nicoletta Researcher, Post-Graduate School of Health, Department of Sociology, o f Bologna, Bologna, Italy Research: The Perception of Risk for Human Health Related to the Consumption and Abuse o f Alcohol o f Califomia-Berkeley, School o f Public Health, Berkeley, CA c/o Dr. Patricia Morgan April 2000-September 2000 Ps y c h o l o g y Menzhulin,Vadym Senior Researcher, Family Studies Center, Ukrainian Institute for Social Research, Kiev, Ukraine 135

136 A d m in is t r a t io n a n d F u n d in g o f t h e F u l b r ig h t Sc h o l a r P r o g r a m The flagship international educational exchange program sponsored by the U.S. Government, widely known as the Fulbright Program, is designed to increase mutual understanding between the people o f the United States and the people of other countries. With this goal as a starting point, the Fulbright Program has provided more than 230,000 participants chosen for their leadership potential w ith the opportunity to observe each others political, economic and cultural institutions, exchange ideas and embark on jo in t ventures o f importance to the general welfare o f the world s inhabitants. The Fulbright Program was established in 1946 under legislation introduced by former Senator J. William Fulbright o f Arkansas. The Fulbright Program is administered by the Bureau o f Educational and Cultural Affairs o f the United States Department of State. Since the establishment o f the o f the Program, 34,000 visiting scholars have conducted research or taught in U.S. universities, and more than 32,000 U.S. scholars have engaged in similar activities abroad. The Fulbright Program awards approximately 800 grants to visiting scholars each year. Currently, the Program operates in 140 countries worldwide. The primary source o f funding for the Fulbright Program is an annual appropriation made by the United States Congress to the Department of State. Participating governments and host institutions in foreign countries and in the United States also contribute financially through cost-sharing and indirect support, such as salary supplements, tuition waivers and university housing. The Congressional appropriation for the Fulbright Program in fiscal year 2000 was $ million. Foreign governments, through their binational commissions or foundations, contributed an additional $28 million directly to the Fulbright Program. The J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board (FSB), composed o f 12 educational and public leaders appointed by the President of the United States, formulates policy for the administration o f the program, establishes criteria for the selection o f candidates and approves candidates nominated for awards. The United States Department of State, Bureau of Educational and C ultural A ffairs develops policies to assure fulfillment of the purposes of the Program and administers it with the assistance o f binational education commissions and foundations in some 51 countries that have executive agreements with the United States for continuing exchange programs. United States embassies in 89 other countries and a number o f cooperating agencies in the United States. Binational commissions and foundations draw up the annual program plan for exchanges, in consultation with participating universities and organizations in the host country. They also screen, interview and recommend to the FSB qualified candidates for student and faculty grants under their exchange programs. In a country without a commission or foundation, the Public Affairs Section o f the U.S. Embassy develops the program and supervises it locally. The Council for International Exchange of Scholars (CIES) under a cooperative agreement with the Department o f State, administers the Fulbright Scholar Program for faculty and professionals. CIES is affiliated with the Institute of International Education (HE) and has close working relationships with the major disciplinary bodies in the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences. During the terms of their grants in the United States, Fulbright lecturers and researchers are assisted by CIES. DEPARTMENT OF STATE PUBLICATION Bureau o f Educational and C ultu ra l A ffairs Released November 2000

137 FULBRIGHT SCHOLAR PROGRAM Sponsored by the United States Department o f State, Bureau o f Educational and C ultu ra l Affairs F o r more information, please contact COUNCIL FOR INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE OF SCHOLARS 3007 Tilden Street, NW, Suite 5L Washington, DC W W W.C IES.O R G

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