Presidents Report

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1 Hope College Digital Hope College Hope College Alumni Magazine College Publications Presidents Report Alumni Association of Hope College Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Archival Science Commons Recommended Citation Alumni Association of Hope College, " Presidents Report" (1972). Hope College Alumni Magazine. Book This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the College Publications at Digital Hope College. It has been accepted for inclusion in Hope College Alumni Magazine by an authorized administrator of Digital Hope College. For more information, please contact


3 Tradition isstrong at Hope! T h e class pennants illustrated here and o n the cover w e r e 'discovered' early in the fall of b y three College w o m e n w h o b e c a m e curious a b out w h a t m i ght be in the 'attic' of V a n Raalle Hall. W i t h permission f r o m the d e a n of students, they w e n t to the fourth floor of V a n Raalte a n d f o u n d these pennants in a dark dusty corner. T h e y b e c a m e excited over the distinctive d e sign of each a n d 'felt' the pride each class had taken in them. T h e s e w o m e n Jackie S tegeman, Barb S m a l l i n g a n d Jackie Bigelow, i m m e diately s a w the possibility of the p e n nants as g o o d decoration for the m o d e m D e W i t t Center a n d also as a m e d i u m to bridge College generations. T h e y h a d t h e m cleaned a n d f ound the perfect spot for them: in the o pening a b o v e the Kletz b e t w e e n the 'bridge' a n d the wall. T h e bridge is a nicely furnished quieter p o r tion of the Kletz a w a y from, yet a part of the busy coffee shop. S purred o n b y the desire to m a k e H o m e c o m i n g m o r e interesting to returning alumni, the girls c a m e to the A l u m n i Office to register their interest in other things pertinent to former students. T h e y r e a s o n e d that returning H o p m e n and w o m e n w o u l d be pleased wit e v i d e n c e that the current student revered the nostalgic things of the Col lege. T h e A l u m n i Office w a s pleased t< cooperate. Class pictures of early Pre) a n d College classes w e r e brought o u a n d a r r a n g e m e n t s w e r e m a d e to ge others o u t of a r c hives for displa p u r p o s e s. T h e girls w e r e disheartened becaus they could not get the pictures frame< a n d h u n g before H o m e c o m i n g. It tool so m u c h time. T h e y kept their enthu siasm, h o w ever, until the job w a s done T h e photos are n o w hanging in th- :i s e c o n d floor hall of D e W i t t C e nte leading to the theatre balcony. T h e dis play is a favorite area observed b y the atre goers during intermissions. A l u m n i will be pleased to k n o w tha the Traditions C o m m i t t e e is carryinj. ( on offerings and suggestions are soli- 1 cited a n d m a y be sent to the A l u m n i Office. T h e fervor of this committee a n d the delight with w h i c h each find w a s r e p o r t e d will b e recognized b y m a n y alumni as the traditional H o p e Spirit! 1

4 Contents President's Message Annual Fund Contributors. A l u m n i Friends Parenls Business & Industry M a t c h i n g Gifts Foundations Designated Gifts Chur c h e s Build Hope Fund.. Individuals Business & Industry. Foundations _ 29 _ 29 _ 31 _ 31 _ _ 44 Hope Heritage Fund Theatre Patrons Second Century Club Planned Giving The Board of Trustees...49 C O V i i R -Acrylic rendorinc W.'v'n.ii Dfin.-.i': Alumni Association Officers. iditoi - vflsrir;r. A, Sirvk-.r :.'nd T e n Renner 'G? Hopi: Coils:':!; Alumni Association Pver.idont Harold M. Hal-Uon '4 i President- Jnck l-lu-.c-jp 'GS St-owti-i'v Miiriiin A. Stryker '31 Treasurer- WiiSi-irn K. Andoison RiUifl -J^k Du Win. '3'! i-topi: Colloge Alumni Mag*j?inrj A u t u m n!973,vol. u. no. A Publlrh-:/;! q.jftmtiiv Winifir. Spring. S u mmer. Autuirm by H o p * Colleae. Alumni OixiCi?. 1 l2. 1 Pith Sr... Holliind, Micnigan SntAoiJ ir. tiro Post Offioj ;jl Hollund, Micl.lsan as second olnss rnattor under iho A ct cr August?4, 19 I2. Printed by Stykotoc-Viin Huio. Itic., Moilnno. Tbo m'3g*.<mo i» -.ont to.;:!l i-iopu alumni, primms ano Invndn. Charts & Graphs Sources of Operating Funds Financial Statement Gifts to H o p e College... Annual Fund Class Representatives.. A l u m n i Gifts b y Class Enrollment Report Build H o p e F u n d Objectives Facility Objectives of Build H o p e F u n d

5 t 1 The President's Message A n annual report, if it is to enjoy a n y significant audience, m u s t be brief and to the point. H o w difficult this is for me, as 1 write m y first annual report f r o m H o p e College. For, having disalumni a n d friends. T h e c h a n g e f r o m covered m a n y interesting, exciting a n d unique qualities a n d activities at H ope, m y natural desire is to share them with engineering to liberal arts, from a p u b lic to a private institution, f r o m a large graduate-oriented university to a small undergraduate college, has served to bring the unique qualities a n d strengths of H o p e College into focus, and has provided for m e m a n y contrasts, challenges a n d rewards. In this report I will share s o m e of these impressions, present s o m e of the highlights of this past year a n d outline s o m e of o u r concerns and plans for the future. Students T h e m o s t striking change has been to be totally involved in a private institution where the central mission and prim ary focus is to provide the best possible liberal arts education for undergraduates, At H o p e even this mission is conducted within the context of the unique character of the college. W h a t is it that m a k e s H o p e College so unique? F o r p n e thing, even though the student b o d y ranges in ability (by virtue of both natural ability a n d prior experience) f r o m g o o d to truly exceptional, H o p e seems to have the capability to bring out the very best in each student. There is abun-

6 dant evidence, b o t h a m o n g alumni a n d present students, that the great majority of our students develop essentially their full potential, often exceeding the expectations of themselves a n d others. A n d h o w does this c o m e about? P r o b ably n o n e of us fully understands. But it seems to m e that the important factors are a genuine c o m m i t m e n t b y both faculty and students to academic excellence, the dedication a n d personal interest in individual students o n the part of the faculty, a n d a concern for the total d e v e l o p m e n t of the students their character, their values, a n d their spiritual a n d personal c o m m i t m e n t s. This total d e v e l o p m e n t is accomplished in m a n y different w a y s t w o h u n d r e d fifty students serving as big brothers or big sisters to disadvantaged children through the Higher Horizons program, science students.who love m usic a n d participate in the C h a p e l C h o i r or S y m - phonette, p r e - m e d i c a l students w h o c o m b i n e academic excellence with active participation in inter-collegiate athletics (and without athletic scholarships!), a n d a n openness a n d diversity in the development a n d expression of religious convictions. W h a t e v e r the f o r m, this c o m m i t m e n t to excellence a n d integrity in the total de v e l o p m e n t of the student gives a distinctive quality to H o p e College. A n o t h e r aspect of the a c a d e m i c life w h i c h impressed m e this past year is the emphasis on individual and personal a c a d e m i c pursuits. This m i g h t take the f o r m of an art exhibition, a recital, a student-directed play, the execution of a radio p r o g r a m o n a local station, or a s u m m e r spent o n research in association with a faculty m e m b e r. Preparation for life, for leadership and responsibility, involves a blend of disciplined learning as well as innovative and original work. T h e former has alw a y s been the hallmark of a liberal arts college; today there is a great emphasis o n the practical, the vocational, a n d the p r e p a r a t i o n for the first job. A t H o p e there is a blend of these t w o e m p h a s e s p r e p a r a t i o n for one's life w o r k, a n d the d e v e l o p m e n t of the total person. A n d the blending of these t w o e m p h a s e s, with a m p l e opportunity to d o so in a m a n n e r that best suits each individual, is a n important dimension of academic life. In this regard, m e n t i o n should be m a d e of the importance of external support for the research programs. Support is vigorously pursued, and as a result, during , H o p e received $163,970 in grants f r o m federal agencies, such as the National Science Foundation, a nd private foundations a n d institutions. In H o p e ranked third a m o n g all four-year colleges in the m i d w e s t in the a m o u n t of funds received from the N a tional Science Foundation. Because of the importance of this external support for research a n d a c a d e m i c programs, the Office of Research a n d A c a d e m i c D e v e l o p m e n t w a s established this past year, with Professor E u g e n e Jekel as the chairman. This office has the responsibility to p r o m o t e a n d m a n a g e external grants for our research o perations. T h e s e grants are essential for our continued emphasis o n innovative a n d original w o r k b y -both students a n d faculty, a n d w e will continue to vigorously seek such support. Financial Affairs N o o n e can a s s u m e the presidency of a private liberal arts college without immediately b e c o m i n g i m m e r s e d in the total financial operation of the institution, In reporting o n this aspect of H o p e College, I should first recognize the outstanding w o r k d o n e b y Mr. Clarence Handlogten during the six years he directed the college s financial affairs. U n d e r his leadership an excellent b u d g et a n d control system w a s developed, with the result that H o p e w a s recognized as financially well managed. W h e n M r. H a n d l o g t e n left H o p e o n A u g u s t 1, 1972, he left not only an excellent syst e m a n d well m a n a g e d operation, but also a n able assistant, Mr. William A n d e r s o n, w h o has a s s u m e d the duties a n d position of Controller a n d Chief Financial Officer. U n d e r his leadership, the college completed another year the fifth in a r o w of deficit-free operation. T h e m a j o r sources of operating funds for a private college are tuition a n d fees, en d o w m e n t income, and gifts and grants.

7 Sources of Operating Funds.Student Tuition & Fees....$4,085, % Student R o o m & Board.... 1,440, C h u r c h e s , A l u m n i ,. 139, Parents & Friends......,. 44,395.6 Business & Industry ,115.7.Foundations , E n d o w m e n t , Auxiliary Enterprises , Extra Curricular ,396.6 O t h e r , $6,846, % Endowment Comparison Endowment A l b i o n $13,000,000 A l m a $ 2,888,000 S Berea $70,000,000 Carleton $28,639,000 D e P a u w $17,137,000 Hillsdale $ 4,100,000 B H o p e $ 2,300,000*1 Kalamazoo $13,648,000 Oberlin $82,040,000 S w a r l limore $66,000,000 W o o s t e r $15,091,000

8 A f e w w o r d s a bout these data are in order. First of all, o ur tuition, fees, a n d r o o m a n d b o a r d for w e r e $2,960. This is lower than virtually every other private college of co m p a r a b l e quality. This has been d o n e deliberately to e n sure that every qualified student w h o so desires, can, with financial aid, attend H o p e. H o w e v e r, these fees m u s t still cover 8 1 % of the operating budget. This p e r c e n t a g e is h i g h in c o m p a r i s o n to m o s t c o m p a r a b l e colleges. T h e p rimary reason for this is the fact that H o p e College has a very small e n d o w m e n t, a b o u t $2,300,000. F or purposes of c o m parison, the e n d o w m e n t at a n u m b e r of other private colleges is given elsewhere o n page 4. T h e m a j o r offsetting factor is that H o p e receives substantial annual support from alumni, friends, parents, foundations, industry, a n d c o n gregations of the R e f o r m e d C h u r c h in America. H o p e alumni contributed $462,586 to the College during the fiscal year. Unrestricted, undesignated gifts to the A n n u a l F u n d a m o u n t e d to $139,297 and designated gifts to specified accounts w e r e $323,289 excluding contributions given t h r o u g h the C o l lege s d e f erred giving p r o g r a m. O f 11,134 alumni o n o ur records, 3,250 ( m o r e than 2 9 % ) participated in the fin ancial s u p p o r t of H o p e during the year of this report. This is substantial participation in c o m parison to other colleges and is a reflection of the loyalty of our alumni, and of the effective leadership of a l u m n u s Jack D e Witt, national c h a i r m a n of the A n n u a l F u n d a n d his committee of class representatives. T h e giving of R e f o r m e d C h u r c h e s to H o p e College is significant a n d substantial, particularly w h e n c o m p a r e d to m a n y o t h e r c h u r c h related colleges. T h e $351,873 received f r o m churches w a s contributed b y 398 of the 937 c o n gregations that comprise the R e f o r m e d Church in America. This generous giving b y m a n y congregations is a reflection of the c o m m i t m e n t within the R e f o r m e d c o m m u n i t y to a c o m p r ehensive Christian w o r l d a n d life view, a n d the importance of such a v i e w in higher education. W e are grateful for this support, a n d assure the churches of our c o m m i t m e n t to p r o v i d e the best in C hristian h i g h e r e d u c a t i o n for the y o u n g people of our denomination, a n d to p r o m o t e the welfare, strength a n d m i s s i o n of the church as w e are able. W e are also c o m m i t t e d to i m p r o v i n g o ur c o m m u n i c a t i o n with the churches. D u r i n g this past year, as part of the Build H o p e campaign, a faculty m e m ber a n d an interested l a y m a n visited essentially all of the consistories in the six western M i c h i g a n Classes. T h e result wa s a renewed interest in achieving our individual a n d m u t u a l goals, a n d a greater c o m m i t m e n t for financial support by the churches. W e are anxious to establish similar contacts with churches in other areas a n d are m a k i n g plans to d o so in this next year. W e value deeply the prayers, encouragem e n t a n d financial s u p p o r t of the C h u r c h e s. O n e cannot c o m m e n t o n those w h o give generously to the College without m e n tioning the W o m e n ' s League for H o p e College. M y personal introduction to this spirited g r o u p occurred just three w e e k s after w e m o v e d to H o p e, w h e n w e experienced o u r first Village Square. This w a s a delightful occasion for all of ou r family, as it g a v e us a dramatic insight into the generous a n d sacrificial support w h i c h plays a m a j o r role in m a k i n g H o p e College w h a t it is. It should also be noted that H o p e participates in the Michigan Colleges Foundation, an association of sixteen private colleges that join together in soliciting b u s iness a n d i n d u s t r y for o p e r a t i n g funds. O f the a m o u n t listed o n page 11 u n d e r foundations, $67,418 w a s received f r o m the M i c h i g a n Colleges F o u n d a tion, w h i c h represents primarily support f r o m industrial a n d commercial firms in Michigan. A substantial increase in o u r e n d o w m e n t w o u l d d o m u c h to p r o v i d e a stronger financial base for the operation of the College. O n e of the i m p o r tant objectives of the Build H o p e Fund, is to provide endo w m e n t for scholarships a n d faculty salaries. M e n t i o n should also be m a d e of the college's deferred giving p r o g r a m w h i c h has received r e n e w e d e m p h a s i s u n d e r the leadership of M r. William Stone of the D e v e l o p m e n t Office staff. A deferred giving program can be tailored to meet

9 the needs of each individual, providing i n c o m e as long as it is needed, a n d yet leaving the principal to H o p e College. T h e s e gifts, as they b e c o m e available to the College, will be added to the En d o w m e n t Fund. Finally, within the E n d o w m e n t w e h a v e set u p the H o p e H e r itage Fund, the income from which provides scholarships for students. It w a s decided this past year that all m e m o r i a l gifts, unless they are specifically designated, w o u l d b e a d d e d to the H o p e Heritage Fund, a n d thus use t h e m for our permanent endowment. O n e final wor d on endowment. Important as this is to the College, far m o r e important is the "living e n d o w m e n t " of t h o u s a n d s of a l u m n i, p a r e n t s a n d friends w h o give regularly a n d sacrificially, w h o offer e n c o u r a g e m e n t a n d counsel, w h o e n c o u r a g e prospective students to attend H o p e. T o all of you, w e express our deepest appreciation. In regard to operating expenditures the only w a y our college can succeed financially, in v i e w of its limited e n d o w m e n t a n d l o w tuition, is to carefully a n d wisely control expenses. This is in fact d o n e in a substantial measure. But the result is that o u r salaries are lower, for both faculty a n d staff, than those in c o m p a r a b l e institutions. W i t h inflation a n d rising costs, w e need to give this matter our attention in the i m m e diate future. W e sometimes tend to curtail m a i n t enance in order to balance the budget. But this is false e c o n o m y, for it eventually leads to m a j o r ex- p e n s e s. M a n y important a c a d e m i c proj- start in O u r strong financial ects are not pursued because of inade- aid p r o g r a m continues to be responsive quate resources. 1 have c ome to dis- to the legitimate needs of students and cover the truth of the statement w hich the p r ogram continues to g r o w at a rate w a s m a d e b y the Chicago Tribune in at least equal to the g r o w t h of educa- 1958: H o p e College "probably a c c o m - tional expenses at H o p e, plishes m o r e in proportion to its resources than a n y other educational in- CampUS Development stitution in the country." Though times j a. * h a v e c h a n g e d since this statement w a s m a d e, this is still true today. O u r goal Build Hope Fund is to provide resources to accomplish ^,... r r> >. r,.. more in order to improve effectiveness. ^ ne bject,ve of Build H o p e is to increase the e n d o w m e n t f u n d with parti- Financial assistance programs continue c^ ar emphasis o n scholarships and facto aid increased n u m b e r s of H o p e stu- u ^ s*1*31"'65. T h e second m a j o r objecdents. Sixty-seven percent of the stu- is to complete the campus deveiopdent b o d y in received s o m e m e n t P lan needed for the next decade, f o r m of financial assistance and the Last fall the Board of Trustees publicly a v e r a g e aid g i v e n to s t u dents w a s a n n o u n c e d the Build H o p e F u n d w h i c h $1,260. Financial assistance totaled has a $8,850,000 goal in capital funds. $1,760,676 last year with scholarships T h e trustees pledged $2,200,000 toward an d grants sponsored b y the College this goal, an d the faculty, staff, and stugoing to 718 students. The total schol- dents pledged $130,000. arship and grant budget increased near- in regard to c a m p u s development, it ly 7/o over the preceding year a n d the should first be noted that the D e Witt numb e r of recip.ents showed a 6% rise. Student and Cultural Center has m a d e Important recent d e velopments o n the possible a substantial i m p r o v e m e n t in state and national scene laid the ground- student life and cultural activities. The w o r k for increased financial assistance availability of the n e w theatre has perfrom the federal government and the muted the College to stage some signi- Michigan Department of Education. T h e ficant Productions. T h e major produc- Michigan scholarship and tuition grant tion during tlus past year was the prew a s increased f r o m $800 to $1,200 a n d miere of a musical version of "Cyrano^ the federal government approved the de Bergerac under the direction of Jose addition of a gift aid p r o g r a m entitled Ferrer, w h i c h played to full houses for the " B asic Ed u c a t i o n a l Opp o r t u n i t y t w o w e eks. G r a n t P r o g r a m, " b o t h scheduled to T h e n e w Peale Science Center, housing Acodomy Award winning ncrordlrecior Jose Ferrur spent no<irly two months on the Hops campu* lust year as a theatre department artlst-jn-rosidat Porror directed a musii Cyrano which received it* world

10 the d epartments of biology, chemistry, geology, a n d psychology, will be in full operation for the start of the fall semester. Dedication ceremonies are scheduled for October 26. This attractive functional center has alleviated the serious o v e r c r o w d i n g in the old science hall and provides opportunities to strengthen o u r p r o g r a m s in the sciences. W i t h the current interest a n d e m p hasis o n the health sciences, the c o m p l e t i o n of the Peale Science Center is particularly strategic for the d e velopment of n e w academic programs. T h e remaining indebtedness o n this building is a $1,650,000, 30-year, 3 % loan f r o m the federal g overnment. O n e of the important projects of Build H o p e is to raise this a m o u n t of m o n e y as a sinking f und, the i n c o m e f r o m w h i c h will p a y b o t h the interest a n d principal, relieving the General F u n d of this obligation. T h e only n e w building planned for this decade is a physical education center. T h e need for a n e w facility for physical education is well k n o w n b y alumni. A n d r e w C a r n e g i e d o n a t e d the funds for o u r present facility w h i c h w a s built in w h e n the enrollment w a s 40 0 students. E v e n t h o u g h the college enr o l l m e n t is n o w 2,100, C a r n e g i e - S c h outen g y m n a s i u m is still our only physical education facility. N o t only has the enrollment increased, but the College has developed a p r o g r a m of intercollegiate athletic competition in fifteen sports nine for men, six for ical education majors, a n d a diverse p r o g r a m of physical education for all students. In addition, there is considerable interest in intramural sports a n d general recreational activities. T h e fact is that w e are attempting to carry o n a p r o g r a m of excellence in an inadequate facility. A functional, economical building is planned. N o large spectator arena is included, since the College plans to c o n tinue scheduling intercollegiate basketball in Holland Civic Center. T h e building will provide space for instruction, recreation and intramural and intercollegiate sports. Its design features versatile, multi-use spaces a n d includes three g y m n a s i u m s, a n indoor track, squash a n d h a n d b a l l courts, several locker rooms, offices, classrooms a n d a s w i m m i n g pool. T h e cost of this building is estimated at $2,500,000. A site for this building has already been acquired o n the edge of the c a m p u s (just south of the tennis courts o n C o l u m b i a A v e n u e, between 13th and 14th streets). H o w ever, w e d o not plan to begin construction of this facility until the total a m o u n t needed is available in gifts a n d pledges. This is n o w o u r m a j o r project. T w o m a j o r remodeling projects are also part of Build Hope. T h e first is the conversion of the old science hall into a humanities a n d social science center. O u r desire is to d o a t h o rough re m o d e l ing, m a k i n g this building comparable, as m u c h as possible, to a n e w facility, T o this end, plans h a v e b e e n completed, a n d the estimated cost of remodeling is $300,000. T h e second m a j o r r e m o d e l ing project is the conversion of V o o r h e e s Hall to a n administrative center. B e cause this building does not m e e t the c o d e as a dormitory, it is used solely for faculty offices. This is a very attractive building, of Flemish (Dutch) architecture. It is appropriate to preserve this for c a m p u s use. Like the propo s e d p h y s ical education center, the College has a d o p t e d a policy of not proceeding with projects until funding is available. A w o r d a b o u t V a n Raalte Hall. For s o m e years, the College has been u nder pressure to d o extensive remodeling in order to bring the building u p to code for classroom use. Further, w i t h the collapse of a ceiling in a classroom last N o v e m b e r, the Fire M a r s h a l prohibited a n y further use of this hall for teaching purposes. Considering the quality of the basic structure, and the cost of remodeling, it appears that remodeling w o u l d not be a wise course to follow. Further, with the remodeling of the old science hall a n d Voorhees, V a n Raalte w o u l d n o longer b e n e e d e d for classrooms and offices. Thus, w h e n the rem o d e l i n g of V o o r h e e s a n d the old science hall is completed, w e can r e m o v e this building a n d o p e n u p this part of the c a m p u s as a central mall. T h e s e are the tentative plans w h i c h w e are p u r suing at present. T h e complete list of Build H o p e projects is s h o w n on page 36 of this issue.

11 Each o n e has been carefully evaluated a n d reviewed, a n d is essential lor the c o n t i n u e d strength of the College. U n d e r the capable leadership of a l u m n u s J a m e s M. V e r M e u l e n, the B u ild H o p e F u n d has reached 5 0 % of its goal. M u c h o! the giving to date has been in terms of long-term or deferred gifts. A s the College is n o w gearing its efforts to solicit the entire alumni b o d y through the Build H o p e Fund, w e are hopeful that with their generosity w e can proceed on capital projects. Academic Programs Ibis w a s the first year of operation u n d e r the n e w a c a d e m i c calendar. Classes for the fall semester b e g a n in A u g u s t with semester e x a m s completed before Christmas. T h e second semester b e gan in mid-january; c o m m e n c e m e n t took place M a y 14. A successful threew e e k " M a y T e r m " offered a n u m b e r of unique courses including an archeological dig in the M i d d l e East, a geological field trip to Colorado, a n d internships in local industry, business, and government. Overall, (he n e w calendar w a s well received b y faculty a n d students, a n d provided a n u m b e r of opportunities for innovative courses. D u r i n g (he year, the A c a d e m i c Affairs B o a r d continued to study the core curriculum. T h e College continues to believe that a core curriculum, in an a p propriate context, will ensure a liberal arts focus in the a c a d e m i c p r o g r a m of each student. Vet w e d o w a n t to be sun.- that this core p r o g r a m is the right one, that recognition is given for w o r k taken in high school, a n d that there is a d e quate flexibility within the c u r n c u l u m to respond to individual interests and aspirations. W h i l e m a n y students continue graduate or professional studies after g r a d u a tion, a substantial numb e r wish to begin their careers immediately. O n e of our m a j o r concerns is to ensure offering adequate opportunities for using undergraduate years as preparation for a career. In prior years m a n y of our students w e r e education majors w h o took leaching positions u p o n graduation. In view of the m a r k e d decrease in the n u m b e r of teaching positions available, it is important for us to provide alternate courses of study. A m o n g those to w h i c h w e are giving particular attention, either through e x p a n d e d or n e w programs, are business administration, c o m p u t e r science, a n d the health sciences. W e anticipate that early in this n e w year a n n o u n c e m e n t s will be m a d e on these programs. W e are e n c ouraged b y the success that our graduates are having in admission to graduate a n d professional schools a n d in securing positions. A t least 19 of the graduates of last M a y h a v e been a d mitted to medical schools, including institutions such as Johns Hopkins, the University of C h i c a g o a n d the University of Michigan. It is also significant that a n u m b e r of 1973 graduates h a v e b e e n admitted to outstanding graduate schools. Figures for the n u m b e r of the 1973 education majors w h o obtained positions are not yet available; in 1972, 8 2 % of the education majors w h o w e r e s e e k i n g positions received a p p o i n t m e n t s (the national average w a s 50%). It is evident that there are still o p p o r tunities for those w h o pursue their acad e m i c p r o g r a m w i t h enthusiasm a n d excellence, a n d thus h a v e s omething special to offer w h e n t h e y s e e k a position. Some Concerns and Plans for the Future T h e m a j o r long-range concern of alm o s t every private college relates to enrollment a n d finances, T h e s e are, of course, closely related. If tuition is raised too high, colleges price t h e m selves out of the market. If tuition is too low, they d o not h a v e the resources that are needed for a quality p r o g r a m. This is a particularly crucial issue for a college such as H o p e w h i c h is heavily dependent u p o n tuition for operating funds. In regard to enrollment, there is another m a j o r factor w h i c h lies ahead. T h e n u m b e r of high school graduates will increase a s m all a m o u n t for the next few years, a n d then d r o p off rather sharply over the next 18 years. T h ere are n o w about 18 million persons in

12 this country aged 1.8 through 21; this n u m b e r will d r o p to 11 million in Further, the percentage of high school students w h o attend college has d r o p p e d off in the past few years. Thus, the total n u m b e r of y o u n g people in college will probably decrease over the next t w o decades. It follows that H o p e will have to offer s o m e t h i n g extra, something special, s o m e t h i n g distinctive to students in the years ahead. In 1965, after a rather extensive study k n o w n as the Profile Report, it w a s d e cided that H o p e College should g r o w to 2,600 students. Last fall the enrollment w a s about 2,100 a n d it is n o w evident at 2,600 is a n unrealistic projection. W e h a v e just initiated a n e w study, under the direction of Professor D e a n Bryson of the Education D e p a r tment, o n the p rojected size of the College. T h i s study, after review b y the faculty a n d trustees, should f o r m the basis for s o m e specific planning regarding the future size of the College. There is one other matter which is receiving m a j o r attention in college a n d university circles. This is the matter of tenure. T h e reason this is such a crucial issue is that in prior years, w h i c h were years of expansion in higher education, there w a s little concern over the n u m ber w h o w e r e given tenure, because w i t h e x p a n s i o n a n d hiring of y o u n g faculty m e m b e r s, the fraction of the faculty w h o xvere tenured r e m ained at a reasonable level. W i t h little prospect for expansion in the future and perhaps even s o m e contraction, the fraction of tenured faculty is n o w a m a j o r concern in m o s t colleges. A high percentage of tenured faculty reduces flexibility, increases cost (because a high percentage of the faculty will be at the associate or full professor rank), a nd m a k e s it difficult to bring in y o u n g e r faculty. N e w y o u n g teachers often bring in n e w perspectives, particularly those w h o ha v e b e e n trained in recently d e v e l o p e d fields. T h e entire matter of size, tenure, a n d financial strength for the future will be receiving careful attention in this next year. T h e r e is o n e related matter w h i c h is of i m m e d i a t e concern to us, a n d this is the fact that there will be s o m e decline in the size of the freshman class this fall. T h e reasons for this are not immediately clear, but this matter is being carefully evaluated, a n d plans for our a d mission's p r o g r a m for next fall are being carefully reviewed a n d revised. W i t h m o r e than 900 high schools in the State of Michigan, over 900 congregations in the R e f o r m e d C h u r c h in America, a n d over 11,000 alumni, to m e it does not s e e m at all unreasonable that there are 600 high school graduates each year w h o w o u l d truly enjoy a n d profit f r o m being a part of the student b o d y of a college w h i c h has the quality a n d e n v i r o n m e n t of H o p e. A n enrollment of 600 freshmen w o u l d enable the college to maintain its present student b o d y size. M o s t educators a n d scholars w h o have studied the situation in the private colleges stress that the strength of private colleges in the future will rest u p o n those colleges having something unique and distinctive to offer that each college m u s t h a v e a clear a n d well-defined mission a n d character w h i c h sets it apart f r o m public institutions. Thus, it is particularly important for H o p e to h a v e well-defined purposes a n d goals. A start in formulating such a statement w a s m a d e this past year a n d a draft of this has been discussed b y the faculty, a n d h a d preliminary review b y the B o a r d of Trustees. In this regard, it has also b e c o m e apparent that a review of certain statements in the Articles of Incorporation is in order. This entire matter is being studied and the B o a r d of Trus- T o the m a n y students, faculty, admi n i strators, staff, a l u m n i, parenls, a n d friends w h o h ave contributed so gentees will, in all probability action during next year. be taking In reviewing this past year, it is evident that I o w e a real debt of gratitude to m o r e people that I could possibly mention in a report such as this. H o w ever, 1 w o u l d m e n t i o n the support a n d c o u n s e l w h i c h M r. H u g h D e Tree, C h a i r m a n of the B o a r d of Trustees, a n d M r. Willard Wichers, Secretary, h a v e given to m e personally a n d to the C o l lege as a whole. Their devoted service a n d loyal support h a v e b e e n a t o wer of strength for H o p e College a n d 1 k n o w that students, faculty a n d alumni join in expressing our deep appreciation.

13 erously of time, resources a n d energy, I express m y personal appreciation as well as that of the entire c o m m u n i t y. W e are indeed grateful. Ultimately, our gratitude is to G o d w h o has provided generously a n d continues to use H o p e College to accomplish His purposes in the lives of students a n d faculty, a n d through t h e m in a w o r l d w h i c h seems in such need of purpose, integrity a n d love. A n d this is, in a significant m e a s ure, what H o p e College is all about. G o r d o n J. V a n W y l e n July 1, 1973

14 Financial Statement Gifts to Hope College For the fifth consecutive year, H o p e C o l l e g e e n d e d its o p e r a t i o n s with a m o d e s t surplus. This achievement, in light of the financial plight being e n c o u n t e r e d b y m a n y colleges, is one w h i c h the H o p e C o m m u n i t y can be proud. T h i s year, the C h u r c h, A l u m n i a n d friends of the College contributed a p p r o x i m a t e l y 8. 8 % of the operating budget in addition to those designated for capital expansion, e n d o w m e n t, a n d research. T o a large degree, this participation has m a d e the difference between the C o l lege operating with a surplus or a deficit. W e are indeed thankful for y o u r support and confidence in H o p e College, its staff, and its students. W illiam K. A n d e r s o n Chief Financial Officer /t Purpose A n n u i t y A g r e e m e n t s $ 814,500 Capital ,735 Unrestricted for O p e rations ,412 E n d o w m e n t ,803 Pooled Life Income A g r e e m e n t s ,896 Research... 47,400 O t h e r Restricted ,980 Student Loan Funds.. 10,500 Total.... $2,352,226

15 The Annual Fund I :h I i^-' i1-1.'.- The Hope College Annual Fund is composed of undesignated, unrestricted contributions from alumni, churches, friends, parents, industry and foundations. The Annual Fund helps to make up the difference between income from tuition and the day-to-day operating cost of the College. The loyal annual support of Hope's constituency has enabled the College to operate deficit-free these past years. It isthis continuing annual support which gives great encouragement to the faculty and administration in their mission to provide excellence in Christian higher education. Annual Fund contributions are allocated and administered at the discretion of the President and Board of Trustees. It is by unrestricted giving to the Annual Fund that donors can eloquently express confidence in the College administration and their faith in the Hope tradition. 'T ace Setters P,ia- Setters /-ire a i u m n i, ij-jrcioib,.nid h l en ds w h o h;;vt: c o n t r i o u t e d -SjOO or m o r e to the A n n u a l K i n d.

16 P R E P A R A T O R Y S C H O O L Van Zyi, Bertha Browor De Witt, Richard A. Dlekema, WilHs A. Aeiits, Grace Engle Stielstra, Marfan Hoersplnk Tazclaar, Lillian Hoffman Hylnk, Bernard J. Jalvlng, Clarence L. Hsverdink, Evelyn Klelnhekse Meengs, Margoret G. Evers, Jeannette Pas Voldhuis, Zachary Jacobs, Cora VorMoulen Weerslng, Frederick J. Wleringa, Hilda C L A S S O F 1902 Winter, Anna Riemens C L A S S O F 1903 Strick, Edward J, C L A S S O F 1907 Oe Young. Beniamin Sr, Hinkamp, C. Martha DeJong Van Peursom, Gerrlt O. C L A S S O F 1908 'Pelgrlm, Estelle Kollon Ronskars, Herman C L A S S O F 1909 Blckklnk, Victor J. Oggel, Louise Warnshuls C L A S S O F 1910 Evers, Cornelius Veenker, August R. C L A S S O F 1911 Te Peske, Flossie Oe Jong DeVries, John W. Oggel, Melvin V. Scholton, George 8. C L A S S O F 1912 Brooks, Earnest C, Garvelink, Frank L. Stegeman, Gertrude Hoekje Mulder, James B. Stronks, William J. Van Zoeren, G. John C L A S S OF 1913 Steininger, Della Baker Dame, Clarence P. Hekhuis, Lombertus Hekhuls, Jennie Imrnlnk Coith, Moo Lehuls Loenhouts, William J. Moordyk, William J. Holt, Ruth Post Brush, Agnes Vlsscher Wichers, Edward C L A S S O F 1914 Marion, Tena Oamots "ree, Chat >mker, A< Jacobs, Henry C. Moeusen, Kathryn Pelgrlm GUI, Helen Roelofs Veenschoten. H. M, C L A S S O F 1915 Vender Velde, Margaret Oen Herder Whitwam, Wilma Oxner Lounsbarry, Marguerite Pieters McLean, Rena Raven Johnson, Wilhelmina Schuelko Steganga, Miner Meyer, Marguerite Vanden Brink Vondor Velde, Otto C L A S S OF 1916 Aeilts, Johanna A. Beltman, Henry Claver, Willard L._ Hyma, Elizabeth De Vries Douma, Frank W * Kieinhoksel, Ethyl Dykstra Gebherd, John G., Jr. Hospers, Henry Ihrman, Harmlno M. Meyer, Harris M. Miller, Bruno H. Mulder, Janet 8. Schwlnd, Martha Ossewaarde * Lindoman, Nolle Pelgrirr Rozeboom, William A. Beltman, Sara Helene Tromper Van Westenburg, Christine Van Raalte Barnett, Henrietta V. Zwemor, Sara Winter Yntoms, Clara E. C L A S S O F 1917 Blokklnk, Ruth Everts, William R. Vander Broek, Gert Moyer, Eve Loenhouts Lubbers, Irwin J. Van Wyk, Amelia Menning Prins, Marguerite Meyer Moore, John S. Stokcteo, Gertrude M. Ten Haken, William H. Lokker, Elizabeth van Burk Van Putten, M. William Stanton, Anne Vlsscher Vlsscher, Grace Yeomans C L A S S O F 1918 Stegeman, Ella Atwood Atv Coburn, Clara M. Den Harder, Harm< Klaoren, John A. Kortarlng, Florence Floi Louise Kulzenga, Eldred Jr C., Moerdyk, Cornelia rr Loenhouts I Rove, Lillian Peet Ramoker, Harvey J, Schotten, Walter A. Stegeman, James A. Blandford, Marlon Struik Tar Borg, Amelia Sywasslng Tlmmer, Gerrit Ten Have, Fenna Van Vessem Heemstra, Marie Welling C L A S S OF 1919 Hospers, Anna Ameele Prins, Harriot Baker Dodson, Olive Bertsch *Den Uyl, Simon D. De Jong, Martina M. Heemstra, Clarence R. Heeren, Enos E. Hospers, Rudolf O. * Ktels, Clarence Koop, Eggo Kortellng, Ralph G. Mulder, Bernard J. Rozeboom, Cynthia Pannings Post, John C. Reeverts, Clara Stegeman, Wilson Ter Borg, John Van Zoeren, Irene Van Zantan Kortellng, Anna Winter C L A S S O F 1920 Cooper, Peter Dalenborg, John R. Du Vries, Charles Lubbers, Henrietta Dulmes Gesgh, Mary E. Giles, Roscoe M. Hakken, Bernard D. Giles, Dorothy Hunt Muyskens, Gerrit D, Osterhof, Gerard G. Pietenpol, Clarence J. Prins, Peter N. Reeverts, E m m a M, Steketee, John R. Vanderborgh, George H. Mol, Hattie Vermeer Voss, Fred Danhof, Marie Welktey Mulder, Louise Weaver Westmeas, Adorn J. Welters, Edward J. Zwemer, Evelyn A. C L A S S O F 1921 Dean, FI >rence Dalenborg De Graff, Neltje Vanden Bosch, Frances Dumoz Hartgerink, Elizabeth C. Kempers, John R. Kennedy, Vera Jane Keppel Lawrence, Lewis W. leaver, Myra Manting Meyer, Nella K. De Ruyter, Jedidah Osscwaarde Landis, Grace Peet Weler, Katherine Schmid Dlekema, Beatrice Stekete Lyon,,Marion M Sywasslnk Scholten, Frances Thoms Yntema, Kathryn Van Loo, Maurict Dalenberg, Helene Von Raalte Veldman, Harold Walvoord, Anthony C. Klaaren, Deana Weerslng Yntema, Theodore O. C L A S S O F 1922 Blocker, Richard J. Burggraaff, Winfield DeJong, Garrett E. Oe Vries, Pater H. Flikkema, John M. Hogenboom, Dena Habink Hamelink, Marinus H. Brower, Susanna Hamelink Vander Haar. Jeanette Hoffmar Kamps, Jacob R. TePaske, Laona Kh Rynbrandt, Abrahi Schlpper, tipper. Stanley Stanle. Mu^ iyskens, Mamie '' ' Scholten Schi luurmans, Meinte Dunn, Helen H«elan Smitf Trompen, Paul E. ailor, Agnes ivan tdewal Lubbers, Margare garot Van Donselner VanDyke, Lillian Van Oostenburg, lostenburg, Matthew W. C L A S S O F 1923 Althuls, jjs. Henrietta W. Baker, Tunis Borgman, nan,lr Irvin iker, Janet Boi ookema, ;ema, fruth Hoffs. Alice Brower Brower, Bart Van Koevering, Nita Caldwell Coburn, Herman L. l

17 * Do Jongs, Helen B. * DeVries, Jerry Zoorner, Wogdelene DeYoung Elbers, John W. Hesselink, Ira J. Kots, George T. DeJong, Everdent Bloomendal, Ethe Lowsma, Henry *Reed. Wilma Mayor Nadherny, Helen Mo: Pollegrom, Ruth Scherpenisse, Isaac TePaske, Leo H. Strub, Edythe Tyner Irwin, Joan Van der Spek Van Nederynen, Alben, Sr. Veneklasen, Lucille Vander Werf Probst, Kathryi hryn Wass 'Zoorr lornor, William A. Zwemor, Raymund L. C L A S S OF 1924 Bloemendei, Willard B. Wierks, Mary iry Boor Brower, Frances G. Cupery, Martin E. Den Herder, Nella C. Dykstra, Harry B. Heemstra, Simon Kempers, Bert Trltenbach, Marion Klaasen Blaauw, Marie Kruyf TerKeurst, Ruth Laug Lubbers, Cfarence R. Peelen, Ruth Miller Miller, Martha Muller Costing, Cornelia Ossewaarde Veldman, Pearl Paalman Pas, Henry A. E. Prins, Jacob Van Eenenaom, Isia Prium Schaap, Jeanette Roos Roosenraad, Christian H. Senko, Minnie Rozeboom Beuker, Margaret Trompen MacEachron, Jean Van D a m Kempers, Mabel Van Dyke Van Farowe, Richard J. Veneklasen, Oliver Ver Moulen, John W. Verduin, Mary Vlsschei Wierks, Harold Zwemor, Winifred C L A S S OF 1925 Barkema, Martha Blaauw, Jacob Veldman, Adelaide Borgman Bussias, Justin L. Caldwell, Alice DeBoom, Adrian Dethmers, Aleen DeJong DeWoif, Grace E. Martlnoau, Margaret Donnelly Dykhulzen, Cornelius Kamps, Isabel Evorse Blcknell, Martha Gabbard Burggraaff, Ruth Hardie HHmert, William J. ;ob O. Martin. iette Kinkema, Percy J. Kobes, John J. Hoekseme, Martha Koppenaol Kuyper, Jean Mosler, Dwight J, Herder, Ethel Newiand Nylond, Hilda G. Van Lare, Deane Pelgrim Keohane, Mary Pieters Pleune, Russell E. Gebhard, Angcline Poppon Klerekopor, Helene Post Nash, Francos Tate Franck, Karl Natolie Reed Schormer, Anton A. Van Zoeren, Alice Scholten Storck, Margaret Tate Ten Pas. Alwin S. Vander Moor, Floyd R. Vander Ploeg, Theodore L. Van Lenta. Kenneth Steggerda, Marion Ven Vessem Van Zoeren, Raymond C. VerSchure/Gerene Fisher, Anne Voskuil Voss, Henry Vander Meer, Jane Welling Wiersma, Henry G. Yonkman, Frederick F. C L A S S O F 1926 DaPree, Margaret Anderson Medendorp, Edith Banninga Bos, Henry L. Bosch, Randall Cher rest nnis, Lois Brbcknn leler Brockmaier, mi Ri Cook, Carl S. Damson, George H. De Bell, Peter J. De Pree, James F. Derks, Albertus * DeVries, Harry DeWitt, Everett Dick. Dorothy Jensen, Hattie Doornink Fret, Maboile Du Mez Dykhulzen, Adelaide Dykhuizen, Geraldine Fieldhouse, Edward J. Hinkamp, Franklin J. Rynbrandt, Annetta Karsten Kemme, Gerrit J. Kinney, Delbert L. Klerekoper, William I. Klerk, Edythe Sisson, Marian Landaal Langius, Adrian Nelson Luben, Barnard M. Comstock, Ruth Nibbelink Pennlngs, Marion Pool, Gerard C. Ramaker, Mildred E. Ross, Metta J, Shoemaker, Bernard H. Farnsworth, Leona Slxhes Steketee, George V. Northcott, Harriet Vanderbush Vander Hart, Norman E. Van Dulne, Henry J. Van Putten, Carol Van Hartesveldt Veldman, Jeannette Ver Seek, John J. VerMeulen, James M. Weler, T. Elliot Wierenga, Alonzo i, Dwigh C L A S S O F 1927 Van Es, Henrietta Boyers Bonnama, William Borst, Lawrence J. Bovenkerk, Henry G. Brockmeier, Eunice Burggraaff, Henry J. Kuit, Mabel Coburn Cook, Viola Zwemer, Mary Crouch Damstra, Russell D. Saunders, Marie De Cook Dosk, A. Nelson Vander Borgh, Sussnne Dragt Ten Haken, Florence Dulmes Goerllngs, Clyde Kempers, Harriot Heneveld Huizinga, Rutherford G. Hyink, Joseph W, Ihrman, Alice C. Keizer, Nicholas T, Klaasen, Raymond K. Korver, Mathilda J. Beach, Pearle Leenhouts Liovonse, Harold Ferguson, Hazel Lokker Lubbers, Melvin B. Meat, William G. Mersen, Cothalone D.. Nettinga Bovenkerk, Hester Ossewaarde latthow e Peets jol, Elsa Sch Ichmid Schutt, Sandre Smith, D. Harris Soeter, John J. Tan Cate, Vernon O. Geerllngs, Ardean Van Arendonk Vandon Berg, Gerrit J. Van Es, Peter Van Ess, Helen Hoffmyer. Ruth Van Kersen Van Oostenberg, Nall Wagenaar, Edward H. Workman, Frank R, C L A S S O F 1928 Huyser, Evelyn Acterhof Boot, Theodore Bosmnn, Ivan A. Trapp, Margaret Boter Boven, Gelmer Bowen Colthurst, Priscilla Brink, J. Russell Bornn, Regina Buss Colo, Clinton S. Cook, George R. Dalrnan, LaVerne C. Damstra, Eugene F. Shoemaker, Dorothy Dekksr DoWcerd, Esther J. Johnson, Helen Guhi Van Eonenasm, Della Holder Hesselink, Harold Rozeboom, Delia Hoffman Hondollnk, Margaret E, Klels, Alice Marie Hyrna Kleis, Russell * Kollon, Harvey Kropschot, Frank M. Smith, Mabel Moeke Damstra, Theresa Mooi Krulzenga, Dorothy Mulder Nyboer, Jan Ooms, William Popma, Alfred M, Rozeboom, Garret B. Schlpper, Julius Sluyter, Howard R. Smith, Raymond L. Legter, Florence TeWinkle Laug, Jeanette Vandemaold Wabeke, Anne Vander Werf Van Hartesveldt, L. Philip Jones, Alice Van Hattem Reckes, Jeane Van Zyl Vredevoogd, Lucille Walvoord, Geraldine C L A S S O F 1929 Anonymous Rask, Ada Boone Boone, Harriet Bosch, Leon A.

18 Bremer, Clarence De Roos, George Do Vries, EMda Den Herder DePreo, Bernard De Voider, Walter De Young, Howard S. Diephouse, Clarence Hougen, Mildred Dulmes Colvin, Jeane Grooters Kloote, Margaret Grooters Curtis, Hilda Hansen Harms, Herman P. Homkes. Robert J. Peelen, Ethel Heneveld Hoekzema, George R. Hyink, Walter J. B. Kastein, Myron J. Klaasen, Clarence Kleinheksel, Stanley H. Kloote, George Knowles, Clarence C. Kole, Harry W, Kuyper, Adrian C. Laug, Herman F. Lenters, Josephine Lippengs Martin, J. Dean Vander Hart, Edith McGllvra Mouw, Dirk Boot, Bertha Nienhuis Pelon, J. Charles Smies, Daniel G, Russcher, George A. Bremer, Dorothy Stroop Swarthout, Edward L, Martin, Ida Townsend McGilvray, Eva Tysse Harris, Martha Van Buren VandarBush, Alvin W. Vander Hill, Laverne J. Maat, Ruth Vander Linden Van Ess, Paul R. VerSchaack, E Vinstra, Andre' Westrate, Millard Cody, May E. Westveer C L A S S O F 1930 Arendshorst. Bernard Zuidema, Harriet Baron Muller, Doris Bn Brower Vredevoe, Verna Brower Scott, Alice Brui mson Stilwill, Ruth D >»"«aane Hamelink. Edith Damson De Klein, Cornelia DePree, Mildred F. De Pree, Stanley Tan Cate, Lois DeWoif Fowler, Anne DeYoung Bosmah, Lois Dressel Teusink, Anna May Englesman Westrate, Mabel Essenburg Inset, Roxie Haldane Heersma, H. Sidney Hulzenga, Ann Hayboer Hogenboom, Leonards. DaPree, Gladys Huizinga Beukema, Ernestine Klerekoper Krulzenga, Herman A. Meengs, Marvin B. Mosiar, Earl E. Scott, Elizabeth Neuta Sonnema, Hazel Nienhuis Van Farowe, Nellie Pyle Rynbrandt, Frank J. Schaal, John H. Scholten, Howard 8. Schutt, Paul J. DeValois, Bernadine Siebers Russcher, Theresa Smallegan Steffens, Henry J. Tollman, Kathryn E. Van Leuwen, Myra Ten Cate Tigelaar, Jac H. Brieve, Joan VandorWerf Von Lente, tte, C. \ Vernon Costing,,Julia VanC VanOss Van Vyven, Morgan t Ver Meulen, Victor R. isser, John, Sr. Arendshorst. Geneva Gei Von Brink Wolthorn, Henry J. Woltman, Harvey J. C L A S S O F 1931 Stryker. Marian Anderson Arendsen, Purcel L. Becker, Clarence J. Bloemers, Harms W. Bos, Alvin D. Bosman, Nelson Hoek, Annn Boter Phillips, ips, Margaret _ - Boter Brouwer, sr, Paul J. Wyma, Josephine DeHaan Hinkamp, Edith Dings Dykhuizen, Arnold E. OeVIsser, Sarah Fox Heffron, Evelyn F. Bloemers, Vei'a Holle Hondelink, J, Antoinette Bos, Eunice H y m a Juist, Jacob Klaesen, H. Cobe Juist, Anna Koeman Scholten, Gertrude Korver Wackerbarth, Esther Mulder Mulder, John G. Nykerk, Glenn Oosting, Melvin Healy, Cynthia Palmer Pawley, Olive Peeke Poppink, Everett Nykerk, Dorothy Schipper Schuppert, Mildred Smies, Lillian Becker, Elizabeth Smith Stielstra, Clarence Vande Bunte, Donald L. Vanden Belt, Elwln L. Vander Kolk, Ik, Justin V W. Van n Dyke,,Harold L. Vann Tol, CCornelius Busker, Lucilte jcilte Walvoord Wal1 Westrate, Harris E. Steffens, Margaret Westveer C L A S S O F 1932 Klaesen, Elizabeth Arendshorst Schutz, Helen Berre Beaver, Thomas Berens, George Van Hartesveldt, Vetda Blair Bossenbroek, Albertus G. Dalrnan, Howard B. De Cook, Lawrence G. De Cook, Marian DenHerder Nichols, Lois DePree Bouma, Nella Derks DeWitt, Jack H. Dykhulzen, Geneva Dogger Marcotte, Ruth Geerllngs Hinkamp, Evelyn M. Hoffman, Harold J. Hoffman, Harvey B. Hoodema, Richard L. Bohart, Ruth Hospers Johnson,Ivan C. Klaasen, Russell A. Harms, Marie Kiefs Kosegarten, Mary F. Kannell, Greta MacLeod Marcotte, Reo J. Meengs, Chester Mool, H. Roy Nichols, Rudolph H., Jr. Nienhuis, Arthur Punt, Jeanette Nienhuis Notier, Robert Oosting, Chester J. Schade, Howard C. Spoelstra, Watson N. Smith, Ilona Szabo Tarrant, Albert A., Jr. TerKeurst, Arthur J. Rottschafer, Ruth Van Dyke Mentlnk, Vera Van Duran Van Haitsma, Titus Voskuyl, Roger J. Walvoord, Carl A. Wichers, Willord C. Wyma, John H. C L A S S O F 1933 Japinga, Eula Champion Docker, Irving H. Do Jonge, Marcellos Mouw, Sara" csol, C Kammoraad, Adrian Nienhuis, Josephine Kaper Lambers, Louise Kioft Kieft, William Howard Kole, Margaret J. Swets, Ethel Leestma Wolf, Alyce Mansen Marsilje, Isaac H. Meengs, Lorenzo Meengs, Willard G. Muilenburg, John P. Phipps, Esther Nelson Walvoord, Helen Pelon Scherpenisse, Lester J. Wolf, Helen Sprietsma Brunson, Margaret Steketee Hilligan, Evelyn Van Bree van Leuwen, Bruce G. Veldman, George Monroe, Evelyn Wlerda White, Annette Witanek Zegerius, Harri Zwemer, James H. C L A S S O F 1934 Aalborts, Gradus A. Royal, Marjorie Atwater Otdenburger, Josephine Ayers Hartman, Vivian Behrmann Dalrnan, Evelyn Bolhuis De Voider, Harriet Boot Collins, F e m e Boshke Dalrnan, Andrew J. Dietz, Franklin S. Gray, Julia Den Herder Chapman, Lois De Pree Timmers, Adelaide Dethmers Conley, Edith DeYoung Marx, Hazel Dick Vanden Bosch, Mildred Essenburg Fielstra, Clarence Fredricks, Kathryn M. Hering, Ferris E. Holland, Albert Bloemers, Vera Holle Meengs, Gertrude Holleman Homkes, Justin D. Notier, Ann Jackson Kinkema, Lois Ketel Reeves, Mildred Kooiman Bossenbroek, Hilda Lenting Luidens, Preston Ider, George F. rtinga, James Z.

19 Paalman, Russell J. Rlnoenoldus, Harold C. Ripley, Willard. Roelofs, Dennis Scholton, Harvey L. Holland, Lenore Sikkema Slagh, Milton. Brouwer, Cornelia Stryker ton Hoor, Beatrice Vlsser Tysse. Clarence J. Vanden Belt, John M. Van Zee, Gertrude Walvoord, Marie Verduin Visscher, Frank E. Ten Hoor, Beatrice Vlsser Walvoord, Christian H. Klein, Joan Walvoord Van Wyk, Julia Walvoord 'Van Oostenburg, Marian W a Keene, Jewel Winslow C L A S S O F 1935 Albers, G. Donald Beach, Loland K. Brouwer, Mark N. Chapman, Lloyd G. Crounse, Ernest DeBruyn, Donald Oekker, Ruth M. Engolsman, John C. Fugazzorto, Pout Hoekman, Martin Hoffman, Benjamin J. Kleis, Guy Luidens, Virginia Kooiker Kropscott, Earle Daiman, Lillion Mulder Meekers, M. Carlyle Nienhuis, Elmer W. Price, Sherwood R, Berens, Doris Rasmussen Van Pernls, Sarah Sterken Tenpas, Henry w. Thompson, Kent B. Van Anrooy, Crystal Vande Poel, Earle Piet, Wlima Vander Wende Van Dyke, Reinhardt Freeman, Ruth VanOss Albers, Agnes Van Oostenbruggo Van Pornis, Paul A. Bell, Gertrude Vai Van Peursem Ringenoldus, Dorothea Don VanSaum Van n Zanton, Zanta Arnold Ver Steog, J. DeBoer, Camilla Ha VWarren Woldring, Marie Kool Wray, Marian E. C L A S S O F 1936 Buys, Hermlne Becker Phflleo, Myrtle Beouwkes Boven, Stanley Buteyn, John E., Sr. Huizenga, Anne Dethmers De Witt, George H. Douma, George C. Snyder, Anne Frissel Boven, Elizabeth Goehner Haysom, Wilhelm K. Heeringa, George Joeckol, Stanley V. Kleinheksel, Henry 'Koiien, Myron H. Kooiman, Donald Laman, David A, *Laman, Harriet E. Leestma, Roger A. Mansen, Albert F. Jetfery, Ruth Muilenburg Patterson, Agnes Piet, John H. Relntjes, Gerrit H. Teusink, Howard G. Tysse, Kenneth R. Van Ark, Herman F. Vonder Meuien, John M. Hildebrand, Janice Van Koevo Meekers, Doris Van Lente Heeringa, Lucile Varschura Douma, Florence Vis Vogelzang, Leonard Walvoord, Derwin J. Welmers. William E. Yntema, E m m a Jean Zaggers C L A S S O F 1937 Scheerhorn, Hildegarde Bos Buys, Ekdal J. Van Eerden Marie Dalrnan De Dee, Clarence Breen, Jane Etdridge Havinga, Sidney P. Hulse. J. Spencer Keeler. Richard P., Jr. 'Kinkema, Henry J. Kronemeyer, Victor E. Kuyper, Marian Nicholas, Sarah Lacey 'Martin, Donald M. McBride, Lester V. Ongna, Reuben Osterhaven, M. Eugene Luyendyk, Dorothy Parker Rens, WHiard Smith, Homer W. Steketee, Charles A. VandenBerge, Peter N. VerSteeg, Mildred VandonBos Derbyshire, Ethel VanderZalm Veltman, Clarence Vermeer, Henry J. C L A S S O F 1938 Arendshorst, William Kropscott, Mildred Baron thy Boac Becker, thur C. Beukema, Hem Woodby, >V, M Mar Burkett, t, Jack Ja< De Dee, ( Lucille Buter Joeckel, ckel. Fern Cortcvl Wildschut, Stella DeJong *De Pree, Hugh Faber, Earl H. Folkert, Morris G, Golds, John E. Kollen, Clarissa Gunneman Haack, Robert W. Hadden. Mayo A., Jr. Hesselink, Kenneth H. Hinkamp, Esther H. Holleman, Paul W. Hyma. Andrew Bouws, Julia Kllnge Vermeer, Alberta Kooiker Lumpen, Barbara Paplawsky, Margaret Lemke Svobodo, Cornelia Lievense Tenpas, Edna Mooi Houtman, Elizabeth NIeusma Gabbard, Alma Nyland *Mack, June Pomp Rigterink, Raymond H. Reonders, Theresa Ruster Scheerhorn, i. LaV«LaVern maker, Clarence J. Sluyter, Eunice H. Groenevelt. Marian Stegenga Stewart, Paul D. Tollman, H. Clay Thomas, Donald iffj. Tlmmer, J. Norman Strom, Lois Tysse Wallick, Ruth Van Anrooy Van Domelen, Harold Stoner, Geraldine Van Eenwyk Rens, Marjorie Van Westenburg Purchase, Patricia Verhulst VerSteeg, Benjamin Dumville, Inez Vonlns Wing, Chester A. Ziegler, George F. C L A S S O F 1939 Beattie, Orville C. Do Pree, Margaret Boggon Boyink, /Ink, Paul J. Marcus, Esther Bult. man Schrler, G< D DeGroot, I lard Donia, Rol ibert A. Donia, Anyelir leline Dornbos Dumvllte, Chai Ties Weimers, Beatrice Fairbanks Folkert, Floyd J. Folkert, Jay E. Goodwin, Heath Van Sluyters, Co Haltan, James A. Hartgarink, Elmer E, Heneveld, Edward H, Faber, Mildred Kirkwood Vegter, Margaret Laman Lampen, J. Oliver Marcus, Clifford Goodwin, Alice Munro Pape, Cornelius J, Wldman, Loraine Pomp Ponstoin, Jacob Solies, Anno M. Stielstra, Peter Bartelmez, Mildred Strabbing VanderLaan, Willard P. Vander Ploeg, William H. Van Eerden, John Van Haven, Leonard Jay Davis, Katharine Van Realte Vegter, Alvin J. Warner, Donald T. C L A S S O F 1940 Beckofort, Howard F. Sratt, Raymond Bulthuis, Jorry E. DeHosg, Frederick C. Dlnkoloo, John G, Esther, Kathryn Boers, Evelyn Folkert Groenewoud, Cornelius Hampton, Florence Joldersma, Alfred T. Roberts, Lucille Kardux Koster, Gerard J. Luidens, Edwin M. Lundbom, Juno Macus, Carl J, Thomas, Martha Morgan Mouw, Henry Olert, Florence M. Postma, Chester Joldersma, Mildred Potter Hallan, Francos Price Purchase, Earl R. Jolsma, Eunice Scholten Brown, Dorothy Schutmaat Stegeman, Ruth E. Toren, Grace E. Poore, Esther Vandenbelt VandenBerg, Allison R, De Free, Ruth Van Popering Viswat, Alma Weetdreyer Whltefleet, Anthony J. C L A S S O F 1941 Mouw, Emily Bielefeld

20 Lommur, Margaret Bilkort Menning, Irene Bogard Bosch, Eloise Boynton Bruggers, Laurence Cupery, Harold E. Curtis, Robert S. DoGtgllo, Joseph A. Potts, Ruth Oe Young Dykstra. Robert T. Glerum, Lois Hakken, Harold M. Hakken, Mary Ruth Jacobs June, Willard Wossunaar, Ruth Klaas Kronemeyer, Aruthr J Munson, Marjorie Last Snow, Esther MacFariano Miersma, Tunis Miller, William B. Page, Oliver Prlndlo, Forrest R. Eenlgenburg, Edith Rameau Folkert, Hulda Rigterink Rynbrandt, Thurston J. Spoelstra, Jennie Swart, J. Robert Toren, Chester J. Bsahre, Elsie Ulmer Van Dyk, Robert F. Dykstra, Marthene Van Dyke Dlnkoloo, Jlnkeloo. Thelma Van Dyke Van Egmond, r Howard reus, Helen I Van Kooy >Vile VHet, Theodore Veenschoten, 3nsch< Girard Vegter, J. Robert Robi Verburg, srburg, R o r ' Voogd, Henry VandenBerg, Jean Wishmelar C L A S S O F 1942 Albers, Gordon D. Boor, James W. Baas, R. Jack Hesselink, Lenora Banninga Bax, Gerald A. Bokkan, Martin L. Borr, Alvin H. Vandervelde, Dorothy Bonga Prlndlo, Nancy Boynton Brower, Henrietta J. Van Ark, Llleeth Brouwer Dykemo, Dorothy Curtis Dykoma, Harold J. Loackman, Harriet Dykoma Fopmo, Robert J. Girod, Gordon H. Gottwald, Paul Hletbrink, John Harmoling, Ruth Houmos Kronemeyer, Estella Kamps Kuipers, S. Walter Maatman, Howard Marcus, Beth E. Meerdlnk, Vernon J. Morgan, Elmer Muller, John H. Osterhaven, Margaret Nagy Schrotenboer. Bernice Oatmoi Moore, Dorothy Renzomo Baas, Jeanette Rylsersdam Smith, Dayton B. Luidens, Ruth Stegenga Stoppels, Charles J. Tappan, William M. Van Ark, Donald VandenBerg, Kenneth June, Mary Vander Linden Swart, Morrell Webber Wicks, Arthur Wormuth, Wilbur J. C L A S S O F 1943 Blauwksmp, Gerald Lumsdon, Marjorie Brouwer Burger, James T. DeVries, Janet Clark OeKleine, Fenny Ten Clay, Arlyno De Vries DeVries, Calvin Morgan, Florence Dykems Dykstra. George I. 'Tlmmer, Barbara Folonsbee Folkert, Irvin Hellenga, Irving D. Kammerasd, Gertruds Jalving Kleinjnns, Edith Klaaren Kleinjans, Everett Koop, Harvey Hai Lemmon, Wayi :huimsat, Pat ulder. Harvey O. John, Morehouse, Eleanor Schoonmoker Schumaat, Alvin Schrotenboer, Gordon H. Slocombe, Willis W, Banninga, Irmn Stoppels Van Oostenburg, Mildred Tlmmer Vandervelde, Clarence laukamp, amp, Florence VandcrWoude 'an Wyk. Judson J. 'elhuis, iuis, Andrew H. loekstra, Adelaide Wandschoer Weenink, Allen J. C L A S S O F 1944 Bennett, Mary Blair Biel, Raymond P. Boorsmo, Vernon L. Brink, Harold A. Fenton, Louise Bussies Claver, George C. Dema, Paul W, Davis, Roy A, Wynia, Dorothy DeValois Hletbrink, Marian Deweerd Stevens, Melba Dings Borr, Mary Jane Dinkeloo Hail, Willis E. Boersma, Lois Hinkamp Sonnett, Fritzi Jonkman Kooyers, Lucile Nettles, Elaine Lokker Lucking, Robert G. Lumsden, George J. McCley, Adam C, Van Wyk, Persis Parker Smith, Anna Parsons Schrotenboer, Paul G, Shoemaker, Gradus L. Lemmen, Iona Strick Todd, Carl E. Vande Bunte, Marian R. Vande Wego, Jean Burger, Phyllis Van Duzor Von Wienon, John Claver, Dorothy Wichers C L A S S O F 1945 Von Dis, Mary Aldrich Bonzelaar, Alvin Bonzelaar, Marvin Great, Dorothy Cross DeGroot, eot, Kenneth DuMor>nt, Hert Elliott, t,victoria \ Hlne, Richard Miles, Betty Kamps Lemmon, Lloyd J. Kammoraad, Shirley / Anne Lemmen Morgan, Harriet Maati Raftory, Vivian Mono Myaard, John Nienhuis, Lester Porsso, Robert prince, Margery Davis, Jane Reus Bawlnkol, Constance Scholten Stephan, Elaine Scholten 'Nienhuis, Mildred Scholten Scorza, Sylvio J. 'Smallegan, Marian De Witt, Jane Smies Maatman, Rosoy Smith Lemmen, Carleen Stroop Hine, Barbara Tezolaar Biel Mabel VendorLInden Van Dyke, Harold E. Van Lummel, Arnold J. Voogd, Helen Thompson Woodworth, Everett W. C L A S S O F 1946 Baron, Philip H. Battjes, Donald I. Walchenbach, Elaine Bielefeld Boorsmo, Max D. Bosman, :man, Natalie G. 1 thuls, Glenn I- Klomparens, Betty Clerr Veldhuis, Betty DeVries DaWItt, William A. Oe Young, Burrell H. DeYoung, Maynard T. Lowando, Louise Ed war Fried, Paul G. Heersma, James R. Koop, Mary Lou Hai Huizenga, Janet }td, Carol Kile Hegyl,, FRuth Webster, Frances Koem Leigh-Manuell, Herbert Levey, Gerrit Smith, Marian Mastenbroek Boersma, Elaine Mensinger Mooi, James R. Dudley, Eleanor Mulder 'NIeusma, Edwin J. Outhouse, Shirley Otteman Lamb, Elsie Parsons Koning, Martha Pleasant Rezelman, Alvin P. *Hillegonds, Elizabeth Romalne Sybcsma, Adeline Toren, Lucille Teninga Seaman, Joyce Tlmmer Van Huls, Allan J. Rezelman, zelman, Ethstyn \ Van Leeuwen Van Lente, Dale E. " Van Oostenburg, iburg, Gordon L. Dannenbring, ibrlng, Betty Ben Vantatenhove Van Zoeren, Jay Veldman, John Vidas, William C. Walters, Glenn M. Welling, Laverne C L A S S OF 1947 Mulder, Barbara BMkert DeYoung, Irene Boer Bogart, M. Esther Pfromm, Ellcne Bosland Hoekstra, Marian Dame Danhof. Robert J. Dekker, Randall M. Oe Votte. Russell B. DeVoogd, Albert, Jr. Drew, Dale R. Droog, Chester Krause, Vivian Dykema Hartjo, Vada Efird Felton, Martha H. Boss, Ann Flkse Fris, Dale ' Melnei uners, Betty Fuller Henc\ ncveld, Harriet Main: Heneveld, nevoid, Lowell Lowi Maassen, Edith Herlein

21 Huizenga. Ruyrm Ingham, Don 6. Knooihuizen, sen, Che i arl Koranda, Leroy F. Kornoeije, Kathryn Lock De Pree, Elaine Moausen Baron, Mary Jone Mulder Fish. Doris Ople Kammoraad, l.ueila Pyle Ratering, Edwin G. Resch, Robert P. 1] Riotberg, Roger J. Gslnsborg, Rosalind Scholten Schuller, Robert H. Stoppels, A. Dale Claver, Louise Ter Beak Vande Waa, Alfred J. Van Dis, Robert W. Arnold, Rhea Van Heest Von Oeweren, John F. Lorn, Martha Van Saum Van Zylen, Charles Stephens, Marjorie Voss Bruggers, Phyllis Voss Vredeveld, Gertrude Wierenga, H. James C L A S S O F 1948 Bsrendse, :,Jack' J Doggett, iggett, Ri Ruth Ann Bartholomew Bobeldyk, boldyk, H. Lloyd Bocks, Donald A. Bootkins, Robert N. Boersma, Wendell C. Barense, Dorothy Boot Brewer. Gordon M. Van Reenen, Margery Brower Post Mary Brower Bruggers, Glenn Brewer, Lorraine Bult Buter, Harvey J, Claver, Charles W. Clootfngh, Russell S.. Jr. Cook, James I, Tor Book, Ruth Dalenborg *Hinkamp, Joan DeYoung DePree, Max O, McCasky, Gloria Diehl Cornell, Phyllis Dietrich Hemmstra, Raymond W. Kennedy, Carol Hermanco Hooksema, Renze L. Holkeboer, Earl Jalvlng, Lois Hospers Holland, Anna Jonkman Kleis, Paul M. Korver, Ronald G. Kraal, Vernon T. Kraay, Gwendolyn Lemmon French, Marjorie Lucking Morehouse, H. Paul Mulder, Donald G. Pennings, Alfred G. Ponsteln, Lambert J. Post, Ernest H Jr. DeYoung, Audrey Reagan Ver Hey. Louise Rove Folkert, Jereen Rynbrandt Scholton, Donald J. Sparling, Leon H. MocKenzie, Katherine Stekete Toren, Marian Terborg Toren, George A. Moeusen, Geraldine Uppleger Van Dehm, Thomas E. Van Eck, Arthur O. Van Pernls, Elton L. Van Zanten, Robert J. Buter, Jeane Verberg Hoogerhyde, Mildred Vermain Rycenga, Bertha Visscher Helmink, Shirley Vissar Weller, Kenneth C L A S S O F 1949 Arnold, John J. Bade, Nells Baskin. Charles L., Jr. Bennett, William C. Boerman, Elizabeth Boelklns *Boerman, Walter J. Boeve, Tod E. Bool, Du Boss, LeVerne H. Noordhoff, Lucille Brunsting Buis. Harry Sparling, Marie Buttlar Cornell, Ralph Decker, Rodger W. OoHeen, John Scott, Lois OeKleine DeMeester, William A. Besaw, Betty Derykc Dykstra, Vergil H, Dykstra, William D. Folkert, Robert French, John D. Frledberg, Wallace Froetich, Robert Camp, Irene Heemstra Heneveld, Lloyd A. Hillegonds, William C. Boersma, Connie Hinga Hinkamp, Paul E. Hoftlezer, Henry W. Hoogerhyde, Dovld M. Hospers, Gerrit H. Ihrman, Donald L. Chandler, Carolyn Ingham Jalving, Marvin J. Josser, J Wierong, Ruth Jorgei Kammernad, tad, Haro! Harold Kassig, Edward J. Kempers, Roger D. Kennedy, Walter T. Klomparens, James T. Leslie, Shirley Knol Kraay, Russell J. Lam, Donald A. 1 Larson, Charles J, Latimer, Robert B. Dykstra, Shirley Leslie Krudys, Verna Mason Meengs, Philip G. 'Moeusen, Ernest J. Pyle, Alice Moolenaar Nyboer, Jean Moore Bender, Joyce Muildenburg Norden, Russell L. Nyboer, Robert P. DeHaon, Marguerite, Prins Ridder, Herman J. Rinkus, Donald Schrogerdus. Leonard Shaw, Henry 1. Dekker, Joan Sheel Smith, Harvey J. Smith, John M. Stool, Theresa C. Tangenberg, Edward Myaard, iris Vande Bunte Vandonberg, Donald A. Vander Kolk, Anno M. VanderLaan, Robert H. Boeve, Mary Vande Wage Vends Waa, Barbara Van Dyke Van Hall, Clayton E. Ven Heest, Gerard J. Von Kampen, Russell Van Reenen,Jock 'Vienlng, Gerald Walchenboch. Donald Walchenbach, Roy P. Weener. Jay R. Vender Kolk, Claire Wierenga Weener, Jean Wiersma Wise, Stephen P. Cram, Anno Ruth Workman C L A S S O F 1950 Emrtck, Marguerite Aardama Aldarlnk, Gordon E. Aldorlnk. Paul J. Baker, Avery D. Visser, Jayne Baker Srlevo, Joyce Baker Kerr, Beverly Berne Beid, Gordon G. Froolich, Ellen B Boelklns, William J. Boorman, Gerald H. Boss, Donald Bouma, Harlen C. *Bouwons, Glenn *Boven, Ronald J, Brieve, Fred Bruggars, Howard Bonzelaar, Annette Cousins Cronhoim, Al Kempers, Marciu Den Herder Do Mull, Clair De Voogd, Lawrence R. devries, Abraham Da Vries, Margaret Dinger, Elsa DeWitt De Win, Donald E. De Witt, Warren D. DeYoung, Jacob J, DeYoung, Robert A. De Young, Robert D, Dinger, John Gramm, Lorraine Drake Delay, Melon Dykstra Dykstra, Loon Ebneth, Alox Do Mull, Carol Elston 1Failing, John F., Jr. *Foilor, Harlan J. Fredrickson, Philip A. Ganley, Oswald H. McGoe, Rovilia Gonoto Weller, Shirley Gess Harvey, Louis R. Hendricks, Rogar P. Hermance, Myron E. Hill, Robert A. Hill, Shirley Ann Hoekstra, John Hogan, Robert W. Saunders, Felicia Hrbek 'Wosterhoff, Norma Hungerink Jalvlng, Howard A. Zwemor, Ann Jonsma Jasporsc, R. Paul Jorgenson, Richard W. Joseph, Thomas F. Kerr, Rodorick M. Klels, Kenneth J. Kline, Welter J. Wheeler, Audrey Kllppel Robinson, Elizabeth Koch Do Votte, Doris Koskamp Kraay, Louis P. Bosch, Dorothy Kranendonk Kranendonk, Paul Kranendonk, Robert L. Laman, Harvey M. Lambers, Marlin Lsmpen, Edgar Moos, Marilyn Laruors

22 Mackay, William L, Maremo, Jack McCrum, Joseph McGee, T. Manford Kapenga, June Meeusen Mepyans, Marvin G. Meyer, Hendrik Vondor Broek, Doris Miller Walchenbach, Dorothy Milne Moes, Harvoy W. Nelson, Christina-Marie Von Kampen, Dolores Nelson Proctor, Shirley Nienhuis Noordhoff, M. Samuel Oostorbaon, Norman Koopman, Caryl Paarlberg Pannings, Burrotl Pickens, Samuel C. Alderink, Doris Prins Pyle, Wendell Klels, Lois A. Rameau Fairbanks, Marlon Reichert Hughes, Beatrice Reyst Rltsema, Herbert Cook, Jean Rlvenburgh Ross, Ernest Ryskamp, John H, Jorgenson, Barbara Scarlett Schneider, George H., Jr. Scott, Bernard W. Sharpe, John H. Bool, Phyllis Sherman Sikkel, Antoinette C. Henkel, Julia Smith Spencer, Floyd A. Ven Dahm, Lois Stanton Stegeman, Nelson Schlpper, IslaStreur Studdiford, Walter B. Turpin, Roberta Swander Ter Seek, Norman A. Ter Beest, David Warnshuls, Dolores Thomas Toonder. Thomas D. devries, Jeanne Toussalnt Smallegan, Evelyn V e n D e m Van Heist, Janice Vander Borgh Carson, Ruth VanderPloeg Van Eenenaam, Robert D. Van Hoeven, Gordon Van Raalte, Lloyd H. Veltman, Dean K. Ver Hey, William J. Visser, Henry Walters, Sherwin Warnshuls, Paul R. Bruggers, Henrietta Weener Welch, Richard F. Dykstra, Anita Wells Westerhoff, Robert J. Kleis, Margaret Wolffensperger Fredrickson, Ann Wolters Zwemer, Frank L. C L A S S O F 1951 Akker, Levi W. Blene, James Boers, Albert J. Birdwell, W. Rolan Bbuman, Elaine Brower Kamps, Joyce Brunsell Campbell, Gena C. Campbell, Hugh Hill, Elizabeth Cookman Marema, Nancylee Corp Carlson, Ruth Cramer Bald, Martha Debblnk DeWoif, John E. De Young, James De Young, Robert F. Dykema, James A, Murphy, Mary Essenbeggo Etterboek, Kenneth J. Fairchild, Donald L. Gaines, Anita Fischer Campbell, Dolores Freyllng Haight, Kathleen Hagstrom Haight, Ernest E. Hakken, James A. Vienlng, Lois Hall Hamelink, William D. Hartley, Robert P. Hazokamp, Donald H. Ven Heest, Eloise Hinkamp Shaw, Juanita Hubble Joldersma, John M. Lonkonsu, Janice Kamp Weebor, Shirley Kimball Moor, Janet Klnkeme Kooyers. Harold C. Kooyers, Lloyd E. Martin, Kamala Kortellng Leslie, Craig W. Llddlo, Keith H. Markloin, Lothar K. McConnell, Kenneth B. Mcllvride, Edith Myers Newton, Howard E. Tangenberg, Wilma Osterhaven Proctor, Norman W. White, Margaret Radcliffe Zoellner, Eleanor Robinson Rycenga. Ted Van Wyk, Anita Rynbrandt Schlpper, Vern Kranendonk, Catherine Sharp Kraay, Margaret Schoonveld Folkert, Genevieve Seeley Shay, Mervyn C. Norden, Eleanor Short Smallegan, John Smouse, Kenneth W. Snel ell, Barbara ' ' A. Van Pernls, Beatrice Soodsme Van /^rk, Myron D. Van Bruggen, Cornelia W. Van Eenenaam, John P, Vandenberg, Helen Van F Van Ingen, Donald L. Ihrman, Lynn Van Wcelden Hermance, Alicia Van Zoerer Rltsema, Jeanno VerSeek Visscher, Harrison C. Visscher, Robert D. Vruggink, Elmer Van Hall, Nancy Vyverberg Petersen, Barbara Woods Workman, John E. C L A S S O F 1952 DeYoung, Doris Adams Albers, Robert DeYoung, Barbara Baker Bakker, Durwerd J. Bolthouse, Elaine C. Borgman, Clayton H. Bos, Robert C. Brink, Irwin J, Brown, James H. Henninges, Barbara Bruins Baker, Molly Buttles Caldwell, Richard C. Christensen, O w o n E. Crichton, David Fern, Carol Crist Cross, O. Betty Cupery, Harold S. Ewart, Caryl Jane Curtis Tien, Yvonne DeLoof De Pree, Gordon Do Young, Delbert N. DeYoung, Donald H. Smouse, Batty D o w d DuMez, John R. DuMez, Rae Eustace Gearhart, Ezra Vlsser, Genevieve Gore Brulnlnks, Gloria Gore Boers, Elaine Groustra Hager, David J. Harvoy, L. James 11 Henninges, Robert W. Holbrook, Anna Herder Rothschild, Annette Hezlnger Hooner, Edmund L. Hoffman, Donald Richardson. Norma Hoffman Hoogevoen, Lovina C. Burrmo, Muriel Hulst Hunt, Jack Jekel, Eugene C. MIHsauskes, Ruth Johnson Do Young, Ruth Koeppe Kromer, Rodger E. Vandor Woude, Carolyn Lange Lankonau, Arnold Leotsma, Kenneth N. Ondra, Louise Loulo Lumsdon, Roy Kuyper, Eunice Mayo Peokstok, Duane G. Potroolje, Glenn E. Lalng, Erna Piek Priest, George J. Troast, Shirley Pyle Robertson, George L, Jr. Ward, Carolyn Robinson Roos, Robert C. Saunders, Harold J. Vandenbelt, Eunice Schipper Rinkus, Frances Scholten DeWoif, Annette Siderlus Newton, Jeannette Siderlus Silcox, A m y Sloan, John C., Jr. Ten Brinke, Nellie Tor Hoor, Clayton E. Thompson, Richard C. Tion, John W. Vondar Woude, M. Paul Vande Water, Randall P. Van Gessel, Douglas Van Harn, Mary A. DeYoung, Jacqueline Ven Heest Van Hemart, Kenneth A. Van Wyk, Kenneth W. Vlsser, «r, Roger Rogei L. Voss, Melvin Wisslnk, /issln! Barbara Wierenga Wilterdink, Garret Howard, Catherine Wines Wisslnk, Charles J. Hamelink, Elma Wolters Yonkman, Frederick Visscher, Mary Zweizig C L A S S O F 1953 Block, Russell C. Bosch, Randall B. Boven, Paul F. Brulnlnks, Adrian Shay, Carol Buseman Nlcholl, Catherine Christie DeVries, David A. DeWItte, Roy W. Wagner, Muriel Droopers Visscher, Marjorie Dykema Dykstra, Charles L. Klaasen, Constance Ferguson Beerthuls, Jacquelyn Ferris Kooyers, Joanne Geerds Bergstrom, Mary Geerlings Blackstock, Helena Gill Grundon, William O. Hanson. David P. Muyskens, Joan Harmelink Hascup, Jack H. Zlmmermann, Betty Harr Hillobrands, Donald B. Hoffman, William M.

23 Alumni Class Representatives H o g e n b o o m, Kermit G. Holstege, A n n Howard, Donald C. Sanders, Henrietta Jacobs Japinga, Martin * K a m p, Robert L. * Kamps, George Sutherland, Mary Karsten Laumbach, Lois Kleis Campbell, Jeanette Kruiswyk Bolema, Joanne Lager Sikkema, H. Mary Lahuis Laing, William D. Langwig, Robert F. Leppink, Richard A. Lubbers, Arend D. Reynolds, Helen Markusse Mayer, Walter G. Miller, Donald E. Moessner, Barbara J. Monroe, Donald D. *Moolenaar, Robert J. Miller, Maxine Mulder Muller, Donald R. Muyskens, Joseph B. Nelsen, Robert J. Newton, John P. O'Donnell, William R. Ondra, Robert J. W o rkman, Lois Opt Holt Dykema, Shirley Plaggemars Pollard, Kenneth E. Raak, Kenneth W. Miller, Betty Roelofs Rookus, John Roon, Peter Kessel, Gladys Roos Erickson, Mary Schrier Schroeder, Carl J. Sikkema, Wesley W. Brown, Verlaine Siter Forwood, Barbara Soper Spencer, Robert E. Stone, Robert N. Kleis, Helen Studdiford Albers, Rose Tardiff Bails, Maryjean Terborg Thomas, Gayle S. Thomas, Gordon E. T h o m pson, N o r m a n W, VandenBerg, Fredrick E. *Van D e n Brink, Paul L. Vander Aarde, Stanley B. VanderBush, Elizabeth E. Vander Jagt, G u y A. Good, Phyllis Vander Schaaf Ward, Joyce V a n Drunen V a n Farowe, Carl V a n Eck, Beatrice V a n Heest Langwig, Betty V a n Lente V a n Oss, Forrest W. Scorza, Phyllis V a n Setters V a n Zoeren, Harold R. Ryskamp, Constance V a n Zylen Veening, Hans Ward, A n n VerMeulen Y o n k m a n, Kathleen VerMeulen Viening, Edward Weeber, Collins David Overbeek, Mary Ellen Weessies C L A S S O F 1954 Bauer, Frederick A. Beerthuis, Timothy P. French, Joyce Bierens Hascup, Ruth Bloodgood ''Bolema, Robert M. Thomas, Jeananne Bondhouse B o u w k a m p, Richard 20 Lubbers, Nancie Carpenter Culbertson, Susan Rae Dethmers, John Robert Post, Phyllis De Weerd Dr. Zachary Veldhuis 1909 Hamilton, Michigan Mr. August R. Veenker Santo ivjomfca, California Mrs. A. J.Te Paske Morrison, Illinois Mr. Earnest Brooks Holland, Michigan Dr. Clarence P. Dame Kalamazoo, Michigan Miss Charlotte De Pree Zeeland, Michigan Mrs. James E. Whit warn Detroit, Michigan Mr. Harris M. Meyer Hoiland, Mic.higan Mrs. John C. Van W y k FJolland, Michigan Mr. Harvey J.Ramaker Thiensville, Wisconsin Dr. Simon D. Den Uyl Delray Beach, Florida Dr. George H. Vanderborgh Sayville, New York Miss Nella K. Meyer Holland, Michigan Mrs. Carlton B. Failor Oostburg, Wisconsin Dr. lerry DeVries Ottawa, Illinois Mrs. Cornelia Ousting Durham, North Carolina Dr. Fredrick F. Yonkman Marion, Massachusetts Misses Adelaide & 1958 Geraldine Dykhuizen Holland, Michigan Mr. Clyde H. Geerlings Tucson, Arizona Mr. Howard R. Sluyter Dallas, Texas Dr. Dirk M o u w Grand Rapids, Michigan Mr. Jac H. Tigelaar Birmingham, Michigan Mr. Paul J. Brouwer Berea, Ohio Dr. H. Roy Mooi Coldwater, Michigan Mrs. John Wolf Des Moines, Iowa Miss Gertrude Van Zee Kalamazoo, Michigan Mr. Guy Kleis Easton, Maryland Mr. Myron H. Kollen Vicksburg, Michigan Mr. Willard J.Rens, Sr. Tucson, Arizona Rear Admiral Mayo A. Hadden Brunswick, Maine Mrs. William E. Welmers 1940 Los Angeles, California 1972 Mr. John G. Dinkeloo Hamden, Connecticut Dr. Laurence Bruggers Saginaw, Michigan Miss Beth E. Marcus New York, New York Dr. Everett Kleinjans Honolulu, Hawaii Mr. Paul W. Dame Kalamazoo, Michigan Mrs. Roy E. Berry Fa irfa x, V irg inia Mr. Max D. Boersma Grand Rapids, Michigan Judge A. Dale Stoppels Grand Rapids, Michigan Dr. James P. Yuk Richm and, Virginia Mr. Ernest 1.Meeusen Jackson Michigan Dr. Robert J.Westerhoff Grand Rapids, Michigan Dr. Robert D. Visscher Grand Rapids, Michigan Mr. Richard C. Caldwell A mm Arbor, Michigan The Honorable Guy A. Vander Jagt Great Falls, Virginia Mrs. Gretchen Y. Vandenberg Grand Rapids, Michigan Mr. John C. Sdirier Muskegon, Michigan Mr. G. Robert Cook Almont, Michigan Mrs. Lois A. Van Lare Defiance, Ohio Mr. Kenneth M. Faber Grand Rapids, Michigan Dr. John C. Kraus Philomath, Oregon Mr. David E. White Marina, California Dr. Gary VandenBerg, Jr. San Diego, California Mrs. Silvia Nelson Arvada, Colorado Reverend Jack D. Cooper Glenmont, New York Mr. Ronald L. Hartgerink Edison, New Jersey Miss Marion L. Hoekstra Laurel, Maryland Mrs. Mary Mulder Princeton, New Jersey Mr. David C. Bergner Alexandria Bay, New York Mrs. Frances M. Bruggers Clinton, North Carolina Mr. Bruce A. Rond a New Haven, Connecticut Mrs. Lois Sterenberg Oak Lawn, Illinois Mr. Marshall W. Anstandig Oflfc Park, Michigan Mrs. Jos Gentel Shelby, Michigan

24 C L A S S O F 1954 Cont. Forth, William E. Fowler, Joseph Giobink, John W. Gysbers, Norman Pcnty, Alyce Hiln Hoeksama,, Robert J. an, J Hanson, Helen F Huizenga, Lois Huizenga, Philip B. Hylnk, James L, Jackson, Roderic Bosch, Carol Jacobs Monroe, Eleanor Johnson Kanode, Richard F. Fowler, Bernice Keizer Kompker, David L. Kisken. William A. Klaasen, Donald F, Kleis, Carl M. Lubbers, Donald A. MacClary, Ronald G. Martin, Edwin Craul, Marlene Menlnga Menning, Norman Miller, Jack H. Mol, Neal J. O'Donnell. Sheila Moran Nattress, LeRoy Oppermann, Harold Powley, Kenneth A. Prenrice, Donald D. Prins, Robert J. Proos, Richard Rail linsteln, Frederick K. Riei etberg, Warren loundhouse, John H. antinga, Inga, John T Schoeneigh. Eugene A. Schut, Robert N. Shull, Donald M. Vos, Barbara Slagh Muller, Marilyn Spackm; Miller, Shirle' ' Smith, lith, Je Jane > Van n Loo, Helen A. Van Roekel, ael James H. Van Voorst, jorst, L. Bruct Burns, D. Jei Jean Veldt Vermeer, er, K' Ken H. Visser,, Robt Robert A. "'egner, Robert ~ 'iertj, J, 'eisiger, Richard K. Otto, Jean Wierenga Wisstnk, Rodney W. Witte, John J. Vandenberg, Gretchen Yonkman Gysbers, Mary Lou Ziegler Vlsser, Suzanne Zwemer C L A S S O F 1955 Awais, George M. Baird, Donald R. Baker, Donald A. Benes, Louis usee, Evelyi yn Berens... tt, Ardis Bishop Richardson, ichordson,1 Ernestine Bruin Burgess,. «, Eugene Eui tussles ties, Donald ~ ' L. Horndorp, Eleanor Cas Coventry, William W. Cramer, Margaret A. Both, Shirley Decker De Jong, David C. Neff, Darlyne Detunco Doorenbos, Harvey Dykema, Alan H. De Jong, Dorothea Essonbaggers Johnson, Marilyn Fischer Boven, R. Evelyn Fischer Fortlner, Robert H. Nostrand, Frances Frye Geiger, Elizabeth H. Earle, Ethel Groenevold Hand, Shirley Jean Hendrickson, Robert W. Hoyboer, Donald J. Haydorn, William H. Bos, Carole Hoffs Hofman, J, Samuel Hondorp, David W, Hulsingh, Delvln Huls, Richard Jacobusse, K, Don Keizer, Thomas D. Kempers, David W. Heydorn, Joan Kilian MacIntyre, Margaret Jane Knapp Le Fovre, Benjamin E, Kempers, Marjory MacEwan Mulder, Mary Anne Meyers Hoffman, Linda Miner Mulder, John H. Ouderkirk, Eugene N. Vander Kolk, Joan Pyle Kisken, Mary Jane Rietvetd Schrier, John C. Siderlus, William P, Bauer, Rosalind Smith Boelklns, Avis South Stremler, Bernard J. Tan, Horry H. Hooksema, Lucille Tysse Siderlus, Jeannine Upton Vander Kolk, Alvin L. Vander Velde, Gerald Schroeder, Lucille Van Heest Veldman, Jerold P. Jesse, Marilyn Werner York, Irene Wesch York, Donald L. C L A S S O F 1956 Dykema, Mary Jane Adams Ver Seek, Margery Addis Barkel, Donald J. Nock, Wilma Beets Bierl, Arthur M. Vandor Kooy, Mary Burggraaff Meinen, Muriel Caljouw Carey, Thomas Baird, Christine Cloetlngh Hesselink, Janice Conklin Vander Aarde, Agnes De Beer Decker, Richard H. De Grew, Ronald J. Van Koevering Alyce De Pree Shull, Irma Derks Pallor, Carlton B., Jr. Oe Vree, Marilyn Glupker Van Farowe, Meryl Gowens Martin, Ruth Haadsma Kraus, Virginia Hartsema Jacobs, Annetta Havinga Colapietro, Julia Herrick Warnock, Phyllis Heyboer Hoffman, Vernon D. Hogenboom, J. Dean Rlchman, Frieda Hoogerhyde Doorenbos, Margaret Hospers Neevel, Barbara Jeffrey Jentz, Arthur H., Jr. Joffer, Helena Kools. John Kremer, James E. Davies, Barbara Kruizenga Kuiper, James W. Laman, Gordon Smith, Barbara Larsen Marsh, Gerard E, Moermond, Jack Neevel, vel.j) James A. ' Lanier, Marjorie Newton Fritts, Audrey Nienhouse Niles, Earl T. Birdsall, Sommlo Jane Pas Huls, Marcia Pasma Kromer, Barbara Pennings Post, Lynn l. Lumsden, Penelope Ramaker Samse, Robert K. Sentkeresty, Joseph A. Shufelt, Rainey A. Latham, Doris Stoffregen Tan Hoove, Thomas Voldman, LoisTornga Van Ark, Bernard Wright, Lois Vandelinder Vander Laan, Karl E. Vander mder Worff,. Lyle. Vander Yacht, Clifford J. Van Elten, Donald D. Ross, Suzie Van Slagoren Thompson, Marcia Veldman Von Eenenaam, Marianne Wierks Young, Henry P.. C L A S S O F 1957 Albrecht, Ronald Baker, James A. Barr, Robert A. Berens, Jay E. Birdsall, Fredric R. Miller, Patricia Bont Hager, Kay Bruce Buitendorp, Warren R. Buys, James F. Byro, Donald E. De Moya. Peter V. DenUyl, Ronald De Vree, Carl L, Hoffman, Carol DeVries De Vries, Donald L. Van Emburg, Adeie Dlngee Durkee, R. Peter Moolenaar, Laura Evers Evert, Janice K. Rltsema, Mary Alice Ferguson Gould, Richard H, Van Harn, Anjean Hasper Hayes, Sewell S. Vander Werf, Dorothy Hesselink Van Lare, Lois Hoeksema Hook, Gerrit Kane, Warren W. Klaasen, A. John Koets, Frances Kramer Miller, Jean Kromann Lindahl, Charles E. Hamrick, Elsie Lou Lower Markusse, David J. Cassidy, Carol Mathels Petty, Neil DenUyl, Sally Range Relnink, Ronald J. Rhem, Richard A. Ritsema, Harold J. Rltsema, Robert A. Roelofs, Roger A. Buys, Kay Rynbrand Santinga, Reda Rynbrandt Soeter, John R. Laman, Evon Southland Veening, Elizabeth Timmerman Ten Hoeve, Suzanne Underwood Reinink, Mary Vander Hoven VanderWerf, Nathan VanderWilt, Marlin A. Redeker, Elsie Vande Zande Van Doornik, Merwin Keizer, Erma Van Dyke Van Eenenaam, David O. Van Emburg, George H. Van Farowe, Harvey Van Iwaarden, John L. Van Lare, Donald H.

25 ToHennepo, Anita Van Lente Vaughan, Richard W, Vor Steog, Jackson Maddy, Judith Whltsitt Wldmor, Herbert T. C L A S S O F 1958 Vander Laan, Jean Albers Weislgar, Janet Baird Vander Borgh, Jo Ann Barton Bast, Robert L. Beckerlng, Raymond E. Dowdy, Barbara Bonnama Beukor, Ronald J. Borr, Roger H. Harris, Hope Brahs Brower, Keith L. Van Eeneneom, Elena Bylsma Bozeman, Adeie Cramer Vaughan, Deanna Deas DeFouw, John DeJong, Garrett E. Dethmers, David C. Borgoson, Charlene De Votte 'Faber, Kenneth M, Bussies, Jocelyn Fryling Gantos, Richard L. Garvelink, Roger Rltsema, Anne Geitner Vinstra, Sharon Hackman Soeter, Marianne Hagem Hardenberg, Donna M, HHmert, James E. Brlnkerhoff, Carol HoughtaJing Schmidt, Mary Hunter Kaleo, Robert Kelly, Richard J. Evenhuis, Rosemarie Kish Tor Hoar, Carol Klfnesteker Koets, Paul D. Kots, David E. Langejans, Calvin Beckerlng, Joyce Leighley Lenters, Derick J. Loses, Calvin Pearson, Dorothy Maines Matthews, Bruce E. Bradford, Carol McCahan on, Co Nyboer, Wayne Dressel, Yvonne Nyonhuls Ogawe, Yoshie Relsig, Carl DeFouw, Phyllis Slenstra Carey, Julie Smrt Boal, SaUte Smith Stegink, Lewis D. Su, Joseph Chung Won Hofman, Helen Taylor TeHonnepe, Eugene K, Tor Haar, Gary Teusink, Dwayne D. Tlmmer, Blaine Borr, Ruth Vanden Berg Vander Kolk, Roger Vander Kooy, Edward J. VenderLugt, Robert W. Izenbart, Joanne Van Lierop Von Verst, George Veldman, Jay E. Ver Boek, John G. Nyboer, Joyce VsrSchure Van Verst, Mary Vugteveen Schrier, Ruth Wierenga Wlnkols, Roger Wltteveon, Meurlce E. Yonkers, Harvey W. Zuvorink, Vernon L. C L A S S O F 1959 Boelte, Eugene J. Boeve, Arnold J. Bogart, William F. Bredeweg, Corwin J. Brookstra, William R. Brouwer, John E. Brown, Harley Brumels, Bruce c. Coster, loster, Linda Buys Roelofs, oetofs, Marilyn Marllv Campbell Coster, aster, David tl. >Forest, Robert Robs. DeJong, Peter J, DeJongh, tejongh, Don C. Widmer, Nancy Demarost Relsig, Anne DePree Ver Seek, Sandra Dressell DuMez, Theodore A. Wens, Matle Fischer Fragale, John, Jr. Gazan, Harold S. Geschwendt, Ronald Bierl, Janet Groenewold Heneveld, Joan Hesselink, Charles B, Ratmcyer, Una Hunt Izenbart, Larry Jansen, Donald J. Willing, Winona Keizer Kot, Henrietta Kissack, W. Gardner Klaaren, Eugene M. Westerbeks, Jane Klaasen Knapp, Donald E. Knoper, Ronald Korterlng, Vernon D. Lonnlng, Nicholas E. Leaske, Frederick G. Lin, Stanley H. Lohmen, Donald P. Lokhorst, Ronald D. McCarthy, Franklin L. Houtman, Shirley Molste Miller, Janice VanderWilt, Judith Mulder Noorlag, William Nyhof, Diane Oldenburg Paarlberg, Donald Pearson, Bruce Ritsema, Joan Peelen Smith, Barbaro Reuss Harter, Doris Schmidt Schotten, Carolyn M. Schoon, Dale R. cott, Doneld W. tout, James R. Swanson, Bertll W, Ten Pas, John H. Tor Molen, Larry R, Vander Broek, Kenneth Baker, Elizabeth Vander Jagt *Ver Meulen, Isla Van Eenensar Van Grouw, Steven Van Hattem, Melcholr H. Ver Beek, Carl E. Richardson, Shirley Volkema Beuker, Helen Wade Wasslng, Jerome H. --- Wessi C L A S S O F 1960 Anker, Jane A, Biery, David M. Boeve, Ronald E. Dlekman, Barbara Scotsman Bosker, Stanley G. Evers, Maryiin Boughton Bratton, Robert W. Brink, Kenneth W. Brown, Kenneth H, Bryson, John G. Clark, David L. Gomory, Elizabeth Clelland Stockhoff, Harriet Davenport Beede, Sandra Decker DeJong, Marcia Baldwin DeJong, Marvin L. Dephous, Donald A. De Vries, Roger De Witte, Henry J. Dlekman, Fred W. Paarlberg, Suzanne Edwards Engbers, James A. Evenhuis, James Evers, James L. Boelte, Elizabeth Fell Franken, Robert E. Bosker, Margo Gotta Korterlng, Lois Griffes Britt, Carol Ham Heeres, Dale W. *Tojl, Lorraine Hellenga TerMoIen, Edna Hollander Carter, Evalyn Hughes Huizenga, Peter H. Huizenga, Paul A. Andersen; Mary Klaaren De Jongh, Miriam Klaaren Kleinheksel, John R. Kleinheksel, Roger E. Kleinheksel, Sharon Kober, Albert R. Kraal, Franklin Kompker, Mary Lammers Custer, Ruth Laning LaTarte, Clyde Law, Jeremy Looman, Gary J, Vander Werff, Phyllis Lovlns Maortons, Herman Henry McCarthy, Thomas L. Van Dyke, Catherine Michlelsen Page, Barbara Monroi Moore, Richard W. Hesselink, Carol Nelson Garvelink, Carol Nieuwsma Brower, Elizabeth Oosterhof Peelen, George Plersmo, Donald D. Raterlnk, Gary J. Ritsema, Raymond L. Bienchflower, Elizabeth Rothwell Mac Gregor, Carol Rylance Rynbrandt, Atyn J. Schlafer, Sheryl J. Sikkema, Ronald Garthwaite, Carol Slkkenga Wells, Diane Sluyter Smith, Francis Tv Stockhoff, Ronald C. Stryker, John A. Ten Pas, Ethelanne Swets Buitendorp, Carol Tenhaken Kteinheksel, Virginia Top Goad, DoreneTornga Tysse, John P. Vander Borgh, Clarence N. Warn, Cynthia Vandermyde Vonder Woude, Calvin R. Stryker, Mary Van Koevering Chassels, Marjorie Vermeer Ver Steeg, Melvin A. Kelly, Edna Wagnar Shearer, Greta Weeks. Law, Elsie Wenhuo Workman, Duane T. White, David E. Anderson, Anne Wlegerink Engbers, Harriet Wisslnk C L A S S O F 1961 Akker, Lee R. Stegink, Barbara Amos

26 Bakor, Kenneth Boode, Atan O. Betke, James Booriflter, George Bolthouse, James J. * Bos, Thomas G. Brouwer, Robert D, Burggraaff, Winfield J. Buurma. Allen G. Schoon, Arlene Ciz< Clayton, Joan H. Cook, James W. Bolthouse, Sharon Crossman DeBoer, Norma Ann DeBruyn, Thomas N. Klaaren, Mary Decker DeWitt, Mark Bixel, Sandra Ekster Elfring, Gary L. Chase, Marie Feoron Weller, Marilyn Ferris DeVries, Marilyn Freeman Karochy, MyraGiemsoe McNally, Marlene Gouwens lary A. Holt, Robert U Hulbregtse, William H. Lokhorst, Karon Hylnk Seymour, Laona Janse Wlegerink, Margery Kempers Klaasen, Thomas A. Klelnhuizen, Merlin N. Koolstra, Sandra Scott, Constance Kregar Krulthof, Frederick R. Lebbin, Leo Kong, Connie Ling Looyanga, Robert W. Mackay. Gordon W. VanderLugt, Ruth M a k m a Matthews, Clark J. Meyer, Klaas M. Tlmmer, Nancy Mulder Mulder, Roger L. Neste, Sharon Lee Parsll, Bruce M. Carr, Nancy Plewes Brown, Phyllis Prins Cox, Marilyn Rocks Rozeboom, James P. Rynbrandt, Calvin J. Seymour, Lowell A. Den Uyl, Phyllis Smith Smoss, Tioes, Robert F L. ' Arthur, IPhyllis Steenland Stegink, Gordon A. Taubald, Richard C Truby, Charias P. Ven Buren, Wallaci VandenBerg, Gary, Jr. Vander Molen, Barbara J, Van Der Velk, William L, VandeVusse, Frederick J. Anderson, Mary Van Dyk Van Dyke, David H. Cook, Judith Van Laewen DuMez, Elizabeth Wichers Wlegerink, Ronald Wood, Barbara J. Van Buren, Adfna Yonan C L A S S O F 1962 Van Doornik, Alice Abrahamse Anderson, James K. Benes, Carl J. Blauwkamp, Marie Betke, Barbara Bloemers Bates, Marilyn Boehrlnger Boersma, James Bouman, Willian Brink, Brui Id E. ton, John T. Bud :ley, Richard A. Burggnaaff, " Johi H. Buys, Ekdal cku si *>., J., - Wells, Diane Clm nussen Robbins, Sharon Cook Becker,,Jean Cramer Dalrnan,,Paul *Doitz, Allen F. Do Ruyter, Marion DeVries, David Brown, Heldred De Witt Dragt, Gordon R. Endert, Carolina M. Nelson, Silvia Fischer Brower. Margaret Friedrich Kronemeyer, Ellen Frink White, Mary Fryling Cary, Lois Garber Jenner, Margaret Greenshields Zimmer, Nancy Guldenschuh Buckley, ;kley, Dorothy Hall Hamlin, omlln, Ross Parry, irry, Jane Hearemt Heareme Epplnga, Ann Herfsi Tolly, Joanne Hornbachor Hesselink. Paul S. Holloman, Willian William H. Williamson, Marcia Hondorp Hsu, Peter Von Genderen, Beverly Joeckel Kehtor, Margo Ann DeWitt, Elvirie Kajdy Kamper, Reuben M. Kensfiold, Norman J. Karachy. Waloed S. VanDyke, Janet Koopman Jones, Elizabeth Kraus Kuiper, Edward H. Piersa, Janet Lincoln Brink, Barbara Lowir Lutz, Sayers A. 'agon _»,Michael O. Marls, oris, David Mastenbrook, aster Judith Me CuHough. Cullough. William < Moyer, David Miller, Rogor D. Sanborn, Barbara Mortensen Needham, David C. Bones, Sharon Norris Olson, Harry M. Ortman, Sherwin R. Overbeek, Karl L. Plewes, Thomas J. Jayne, Judith Reichhold Woods, Janet Riemersma Ponis, Roberto Russall Kamper, Carol Sikkema Smalt, Edward S. Millar, Nancy Sonneveldt Ho, Esther Su De Forest, Carole Su< Brumels, DorisTaylo Hoffman, Joanne Ter Ten Haken Teusink, John T. Bryson, Claire Trembath Vande 'ande Hoef, Hoef. Paul N M. 'an Hekken, Sara Vande Poel Saccani, Nancy Vander Kolk Rynbrandt, Marilyn Vander Wilt Vander Woude, Sherwood e, Johanns Van Leuwen, Bruce G. Van Ernst, Glenda Vane Shuck,E,Barbara Van Vugteveen, Stanley Waanders, David W. Weerstre, David L. Jackson, Betty Whitaker deforest, Mary Whitlock Parsil, CoralieWolf Wyckoff, David C. C L A S S O F 1963 Clark, Susan Atkinson Bochor, Charles Borghorst, B. J. Vender Woude. Mary Alice Berghorst Boukemo, George G. Biel, Kenneth R. Blevins, Keith S. Btom, John A. Bolhuis, David A. Brandsmo, Richard W. Bredeweg, Robert Bronson, David L. Loomon, Roberta Brookmann Bultmon, James E. Byrne, William E. Blom, Sharon Cady Campbell, John R. Cooper, Jack D. Cramer, Paul J. Hulz< Huizenga, Ardis Gaining DeJong. John H. Brink, Priscilla DeJong Tysse, Patricia Dorks Dunn, Judith DeRyko Elfring, Sandra Dragt Dunn, John S. Epplngo, Petor L. Nedcrveld, Marilyn Elzinga Evers, Darwin W. Sirusz, Sara Ewing Faas, John J. Huyler, Martha Faulk Fugazzotto, David J. Gougtor, Robert W. Evers, Nency Grabinski Byrne, Carolyn Heideman Buckner. Linda Hepburn Hess, Norman L. Hoekstra, Thomas F. Holleman, Kenneth W. Rummlngar. Shirley Hoover Kunnen, Esther Huyser Jenner, John H. Jones, William Maris, Beula Kampen Kern, Charles W. Kiel, Wayne Klebe, Robert O. Kleis, David J. Vinstra, Linde Kloosterhouse Kootsier, Ardeane DeVries, Ruth Kremer Kronemeyer, Kelvin L. Kudlle, Ronald A. Meeuwsen, Sharon Mooshie, John S. Lyttle, Virginia Mortensen Nedcrveld, Gary L. Nettles, Earl W. Nieuwsma, Milton J. Wolter, Christina Nykamp Godlsh, Diana Oster Paauwe, Noll Peelen, Jean Paduch Tigelaar. Mary Peelen Pennington, Gail G. Hodgson, Grace Poppink Holleman, Mary Rotors Schaap, James Scheerhorn, Dale Seely, Edward Siebers, bars. Jack A. Tomlinson, on, S. E. " Bultman, i. Martha Tucker Valencourt, Richard Riel VanDam, Edwin M. Bos, Sharon VanEerden Van Genderen, Kurt Heltkamp, Lois Veenstra Vinstra, Kenneth J. Vuurens, Donald Wabeke, Gene A.


28 Hahnfold. John H. Mulder. Mary Hakken Hormolink, Philip J. Houslnkvold, David M. Sorum, Marilyn Hoffman Hopper, Paul C. De Vlssor, Alverna Havlngh Hultgron. Williom C. Jackson, Robert Joeckel, Anita G. Beemer, Baity Kelder Klolnhoksol, Russell Koch, John fl. Chase, Kathleen Kronemoyor Kroodsmo, Roger Ueughlin, Michael D. Lee, James C. Dickinson, Judith Lee Leenhouts. Thelma K. Siegel, Mory Leastma Lemmones, Mark G. * Leppla, Leslie A. Luther, Martha Ann McCiow, Donald T. Charron, Carolyn Meacham Momeyor, Barbara A. Monsma, Joel H. Richter, Gloria Mooi 'Marsllje, June Muehlenbrock Oostorhof, Albert C. Oosiorhouse, Bruce E. Panglo, Robert L. Rosenthal, Kathryn Post Saggers, Jorry W. Welch, Carol Sheoherri Strong, Susan Short Sill, Donald A. Stogeman, Timothy L. Strong, Frederick S., IV Egan, Ann Sutton Willis, Mary Jo Suydam Buck, Marcia Swets Taylor, Glenn H. Tencklnck, Kenneth D. Brown, MarieaTon Trolko, Dorothy R. Van Boek, Dirk L. Blevins, Mary Vanden Berg Welsh, Judy Vander Nsald Van Hoven, Jay Waldron, Jeffrey L. Jackson, Kathleen Watsma Walz, Kenneth G. Wepfer, Richard Westervelt, Robert D. Westrate, Larry Wiersma. Ronald J. Huisman, LoisWolbrink Wolters, Richard M. Wormuth, John H. Chiles, Charyte Veager Yntema, David C. C L A S S O F 1967 Simon, Barbara Alhart Anderson, David L. * Auten, Gerald E. Brulnsma, Karen Beck Bergner, David C. Boor, Calvin P. Bowman, Harold O. Rietveld, Leslie Brueggemeyer Elzinga, Barbara Brunson Mullally, Constance Chappell Walters, Cynthia Clark Weesting, Anne Cobb Cole, Leslie L. Smith, Joan Crossman Edman, G w enn Dacus Schwonger, Dyann DeAngells De Fouw, David O. Renner, Carole De Young Dlllbcck, John Donla, Robert J. Dykema, Henry James Emerson, Frederick A,, III Etheridge. Robert D. Neckors, Susan Evans Johnson, Carole Fields Van Zooron, Ann Fischer Jotdorsmn, Barbara Granborg Handlogten, Mary E. Woodward, Marsha Hendricks Bowers, Marcia Heyns Haynes, Johannas Huber Huisman, John D, Justeson, Akiko Ishli Jung, Jaan K. Justesen, Roy Keel, Gerald O. Oosterhof, Darlene Kobes Koeppe, John K. Mace, Lynn Kraomar Kulpor, Richard A. Lnngoland, Samuel J. Norton, Gloria Langstraat Larkin, J. Stephen Levey, Stuart J. * Lindauer, Judith A. Mace, James A. Cox, Patricia MacEachron Marstoller. John H. Sawka, Carol Meier Stialstra, Sandra Mitrer Mulder, John W. Pedersen, Susan Neher Schweglar. Nancy N e w m a n Nionhuis, Marian Noel, David M. Van Lento, Elizabeth Oostlng Anker, Ellen Osterhaven Pearson, A. Eugene Sright, Ruth Pennington eterson, Morris L. Race, Bradford E J....,sky. Raj sky, Nancy L. Renner. Thomas L. Greenfield, Norma Bens ~ Reyon, --- Paul f Rietveld, tirotwid, Richard RlChb.u Poveromo, < Hope Rimondi Roberts, t Eugene E. Rottsr ttschafor, Kirk W. Russell, M. Patricia Pearson, Sandra Set :haper End, Cheryl Schuer ineman Tonchinck, Arlene'! Schutt Smith, Richard W. Meekers, Susan Sonneveiai Porr, Judith Tanis Terpstra, Paul L. Troost, Donald P. Van Dyke, William G. Von't Hof. Paul L. Wessllng, Stephen Zoerhof, Mary Westenbroek Wormuth, Deanna Wilkens Hoberg, Caryl Yzenbeard Zulthoff, Kenneth C L A S S O F 1968 Appleton, Richard D. Arendsen, Nancy L. Austin, Robert H. Bitar, Victor G. Blahut, Carol Bird Biahut, Eric Blood, Clinton H. Boezemen, Kathy A. Bolhuls, T o m G. Braun, John M. DeYoung, Bernance Brunstlng Fylstra, Charlotte Buis McKittrinck, Norma Sutterworth Honholt, Karen Candelora Clifford, Daniel C. Koch, Elizabeth Conklin Cramer. Coreen Dykstra, Nancy Culber De Boer, William J. DeKock, Joseph develder, David Donnelly, Robert W. Dultsman, David L. Dykstra, Timothy E. Feit, Kenneth J. Henevcld, Elaine f olkert Williams, Sandra Fratoni Query, Barbara Fugazzotto Grtssen, Jerry L. *Hardy, James E. Bergner, Carolyn Hart Hartman, Paul Lemmenes, Mary Hosselink Hoogstra, William R. Denman, Sue Houghteling Race, Dorothy Hull Hahnfeld, Arol Jacobusse Johnson, Marilyn Kemink, Janice F. Kershner, Daniel R. Peterson, Barbara Klaasen Dunn, Linda Kiooto Bowman, Joyce Knot Grace, Marilyn K oman Tremoulot, Jeanette Krauss Kroodsmo, Donald E. Krueger, Daniel Carr Lenel, Margaret E. Lubbers, David Hartman, Roberta Luyendyk Ogden, Dorothy Manuel Dultsman, Mary Jane Muller Murphy, Nelson R. Nagel, Simon Nykamp, Benjamin W. Dixon, Kathleen Olson Owen, Marjorie Jane Kroodsmo, Melissa Parker DeKock, Susan Pickard Patrick, Sharon Pierce Query, James Quist, J. Robert Roberts, Carol Rajsky Read, Peter Vander Woele, Pamela Reynolds Saggers, Cheryl Roberts Van't Hof, Carole Roden Rowe, Carol A. Rozeboom, Roger W. Runchey, Nancy Troost, Carol Schakel Schalk, John E. Schwegler, Robert A. Sill, Ruth Sevensm Shiels, Richard D. Sobanis, Neal Ferguson, Florence Sova Sutherland, Jame* Techy, Geza B. Tenpas, Carl J. Rozeboom, Sandra Tomlinson Johnson, Janno Van Sloten Shiels, Louise Verhoek Walters, Carol D. Walters, Lawrence J. WHIcocks, Ernest G., 11 Nykamp, Barbara Zandstra C L A S S O F 1969 Anonymous Arwady, George E, Barrow, Douglas A.,Phyllis J. Berens, Lea E, Binder, E. Stevens Bone, Lawn.awrance Bosnian, Su: Susan Crandall, Lynda Brown VandenBorg, Mary E Bruggers, Richard Bruggink, Thomas 1 Butterfield, Miriam L. Candelora, Kent Teall, Elaine Carlin Schalk, Bernica Carr Conlon, Edward Chris Zuithoff, Sally Cook Cook, William E. Crandall, Timothy L.

29 Alumni Gifts by Class YEAR CLASS ALUMNI % OF ALUMNI ALUMNI GIFTS ROLL CONT. PARTICI PATION ANNUAL FUND GIFTS T O SPECIFIED FUNDS S 755 $ , , , , , ,980 11, ,963 5, , ,383 1, ,758 1, , ,670 66, ,305 1, ,616 1, ,437 4, ,924 23, , , ,923 16, ,180 9, ,380 1, , , , ,149 7, , ,920 17, ,595 5, , , , ,300 1, , ,328 2, ,087 2, ,055 1, , , , , ,369 1, ,925 1, , ,960 1, , , , , , , ,692 1, , , , , T O T A L 11, % $139,297 $323,289* *Does not include gift annuities or pooled life income agreements.

30 Currie, V\ De Boer, Pessy Dean Appleton, i,deborah Delp Den Uyl, Jack A. De Young, David Diggeimann. Henry W. Dixon, R. Douglas Bruggink, _3lnk,S Susan Emerick Eriks, Kenneth Wayne Kooyers, Hilary Everett Fennema, Constance Lubbers, Barbara Fordham Franco, Elaine Fuller, Delcone R. Fulton, Pamela L. Fylstra, Raymond A. Spadafore, Carolyn Gauglor WHIcocks, Mary Jo Girton Gorton, Philip Green, Jeffrey J. Grit, Dele H, Wittwer, Ann Gunkler Gunther, James B. 'Gearhart, Virginia Hager Mol, Laurie H a m m o n Heneveld, Harvey Wakelee, Molly Halm Paplawsky, Cara Lee Hendrickson Honholt, Douglas Willis, Lois Hultquist Ronda, Priscilla tnkpen Kuiper, Susan Johnson Kamm, Harold J. Klein, Robert P. Ughtenborg, Mary Kooiman Arwady, Mary Lynn Koop Hegstrand, Linda Kozet Loetz, Linda Larkin Ligtenberg, L. Jack Lee. Lucy Ling York Wang Mackey, Barbara R. MacQueen, Ewan C. Maines, Philip C. Kazen, Christine March Martensen, Kenneth T. Herman, Pamela Mayeu McMullin, Charles W. Mol, Norman J. Morgan, Julia Powell, Jean Moyer Myers, Elliott H. O'Rtodan, Michael W. Paplawsky, Peter A. Kirecofe, Gail Peelle Ridder, Lenora Riothor, Meryiee A. Ronda,,Bruct Bruce Schrotenboer, Kim A. Smoker, Jon Terpstra, Martha A. MacQueen, Barbara Timmer Tlmmer, Richard Toothakor, James C. VandenBerg, Richard A. Vander Weele, Stephen Voenstra, Richard D. Werley, Collenn VerHage Grit, Lou Voskull Walther, Peter C. Williams, Diana L. Wilson, William J., Jr. Woodby, Timothy J. Workman, Judith Rae Meeusen, Marilyn Yzenbaard Zavacky, John E. C L A S S O F 1970 Anonymous Adams, Robb E. Qualman, Connie Aldrich Alperin, Jeffrey 8. Boer, Karen Arnold Bates, Robert J. Beekmen, Jonis A. Bergevino, George J. Berry, Michael Bos, Thomas A. Buurma, Kathleen Chapman, Candace R. Clapham, Brian Cortett, David G. Cripe, Jerry Schector, Susan Daniels Currie, Janice DeBoer DeGraff, Jean Spelt, Arlene DenHaan Veenstra, Kathleen DeWitt Markal, Deborah DeYoung Edyvean, Dave Eiferink, Janet M. Sweet, Sharon Fortuin Clark, Norma Joan Foster Gersbacher, Elizabeth Dillbeck, Barbara Glelchmann Watters, Joanne Granzpw Henderson, Thomas W. Postmus, Marcia Horrema Elgersma, Elizabeth Hook Horst, Arthur G., Jr. Housman, Richard J. DeGraff, Michele Jewell Layton, Marilyn Jonas Greller, Jane Kasmersky Kazen, Donald H. Lane, Kathryn Kleyn Koolstra, Thomas A. Latham, Caroline C. Vense, Susan LeMalre Lemmer, Richard A., Jr. Liggett, Timothy C. Marcotte, Keith A. Marema, Donald Market, Steven Anstandig, Nancy Meryl Miller, Alan H. Mouw, Carole Neznek, Mary Rumohr, Jill Nyboer Marema, Karon Oostorhouse Otto, Ernest P. Peacock, Christine C, Paterson, Robert L. Phillips, Sara L. Post, Helene Postmus, David Qualman, Alfred C. Donnelly, Karen Quist Robbins, Robert Roelofs, Nathetee Rumohr, Harry Schecter, Duane Seevers, Giles M. Zenno, Barbara Sick els Bruggers, Jacqueline Spaeth K a m m, Janet Spooner Sterenberg, Lois ten Hoor Thomas, Herbert J., II Clapham, Karen Toonder VandenBergo, Julie A. Vandenberg, Robert W. Thomas, Constance Vander Vel Sproul, Marsha Wallace Ward, Stephen R. Warnock, Nancy Reynen, Sharon Weaver Weessles, Marylou Witherspoon, Eric McMullin, Janice Wolf C L A S S O F 1971 Anstandig, Marshall W. Bolhouse, Roger J. Vander Byl, Lynn Bonacqulst Brown, Thomas H. Chandler, William T. Crellin, Sally Louise De Meester, Robert J. Dykhuis, Lee Ebeling, Frederick A. Adams, Barbara Ferguson Milfer, Mary Goeman Grehmann, Robert Hempenius, David A, Hfne, Judith Holthuis, Adolhaid Huizonga, Roe Jean Robbins, Ruth Huizenga Wing, Martha Jenkins Onkon, Lynnette Jones Kemink, John L. Schuren, Linda Knapp Koop, Brian Leimbach, Carol Candelora, Laurie Lovell Lowe, Glenn G. Hoogheem, Elizi abeth Maassen Morklo, H. Bart Michalak, Barbara Lynn Mrlzek, Virginia E. Nolce, Elizabeth H. Norden, John M. O'Connor, William J. Thornburg, Pamela Parker Norden, Nancy Riek'se Rubins, James D. Ryon, Marcia E. Rynbrandt, Carol S. Scheffel, Arline E. Schuren, Richard Scott, Marry E. Sherman, Margaret M. Quist, Sharon Staai Bolhoui se, Susar Marcia S S Kemp, f Vender Byl, Wayne A. Veezie, William H., Sr. Ver Plank, Anne Vial, J. Richard O'Connor, Susan von Bergen Grahmann, Grai Patricia White Markle, kle. Anne A m Wildgen Wing, Stephei len R. C L A S S O F 1972 Anonymous Alto, William L. Bossenbroek, Margaret Breen, David P. Cook, Jeffrey Lane De Boer, James E. De Graff, Garrett Liggett, Barbara DeHaen DeVries, Janet M. Douglass, Robert C Draft, >reft, Linda fk. Essink, Flloyd H Faletti, Craig Hankamp, Jack Hlllegonds, Timothy Holleman, Kevin M. ughes, L".ouise Susan " ensma, Jeanne L. Johnson, Nancy R. Keizer, Jerry R. Hlllegonds, Lynn Klaasen Kooy, Barbafa Laug, Deborah A. Witherspoon, Beth Mills Osenga, Sharon L. Pago, Kathryn Paplawsky, Thomas S. Prulksma, Joyce A. Rissl, Gayie Puite Remo, Donald J. Rankes, Gordon D. Ritsema, David J. Roberts, Mark Shiffner, Patricia Swears, Julie M. Tanis, Robert Vanden Heuvel, Sheri Vrugglnk, Gary E. Gentel, Jose Willems Zinl, Dina C L A S S O F 1973 Bos, Phillip Vrugglnk, Boble Sue Marsh

31 Friends H o p e College friends w h o h a v e contributed to the A n n u a l Fund. Alonso, Mr. and Mrs. Noah Ambrose, Mr. and Mrs. Rlc Bailey, Miss Lois Beardslee, Mrs. John W,. Ji Becker, Mr. and Mrs. Waite Beld, Mr, and Mrs. Georgs Sell, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Benos, nos. Dr. and Mrs. Louis Bones Birdsaii, Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Boeve, Mr. and Mrs, Ronald Bolmsn, :>lman. Miss Joan >rgman, 'rgman, Miss La Vina \ sman, ' Mrs. :.John ulton, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne G, Bradford, Mr. Charles L., Jr. Brakeley, Mr. George A.. Jr. Brandt, Mr. and Mrs, I,W. Brink, Mrs. John, Jr. Brower, Miss Florence A. Brown, Dr, Donald F. Brunsting, Rev. Bernard Burt, Mrs. Dorothy Congor, Mr. Graham H. Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Cahries Coughenour, Dr. Robert Crook, Dr. Philip G. Dean, Ben De Jonge, Miss Relna G. DoProe, Mrs, James C. DaVere, Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Do Vree, Henrietta DoWitte, Mr. and Mrs. Maurico K. Do Young, Miss Helen Dickson, Mr. and Mrs. James Dood, Or. and Mrs. Aronld R. Dressner. Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Dykohouse, Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Dykema. Mrs. John N. Dykema, Mr. and Mrs. William Dykstra, Mr. and Mrs. Jock Enema, Jeannette Rke, Mr. Francis George Fordham, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Foreman, Mr. end Mrs, Marvin H. Gideon, Mr. and Mrs. M. Howard Godfrey, Miss Harriet M. Grand Rapids Rotary Club Mr. Robert Robei S. Hager, Titus J. Heemstra, Mi Mrs. Gerrit Holder, Mr. end Mrs. Charles Hellworth, Mr, and Mrs. Arien R. Herscher, Mr. Julius J, Heusinkveld. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hinken, Mrs. Jacob O. Hoebeke, Mrs. William G. Hoaksema, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hoekstra, Mr. Theodore Hoekzema, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kent Hoesch, i,mr. and Mrs. Vernon S. Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs, Junior J, Hofman, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Holkoboer, Mrs. Winifred Holland Jaycees Holland Junior Welfare League Hollander. Mr. Laurence H. Holleman, Miss Jontlna Holmes, Mr. Jock E. Hondorp, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Howard, Mrs. Clarence S. Huenink, Miss Jo Anne Hugan, Mr. Wilbur B. Italiaonder, Rolf Jaeekor, Mr. Harry C., Jr. Johnson, C. F Jr. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Herman C. Jones, Norman H, Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Robert H., Ill Klueson, Mrs. Adrian Klower, Mrs. Donna L. Komlino, Mr. Thomas Koolker, Or. Anthony Kramer, Mr. and Mrs. Harry, Kramer, Mrs. Jacob Lambert, Dr. Ronald J.. Lapporre, Mr. and Mrs. John H. I *Lehman, Mr, and Mrs. Duane S. J *Lenel, Dr, and Mrs. Fritz V., Llndblom, Mr. and Mrs, Robert M. I Lupkes, Mrs. Willis 'MoclaocJ, Mr. Roger I Marker, Mr. David Markert, Mrs. Laura H. Morslljo, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Me Bride, Mr. and Mrs. A. Charles Meermon, Mr. and Mrs. John Meyaerd, Mr. Clyde A. Mlklo, Mr. M. Harold "Morgan, Mrs. Marie Muilenburg, Mrs. Murray, Dr. and Mrs. Roger F. Myaard, Mr. John H. Myers, Dr. and Mrs. David G. Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Ohhoff, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L, Overbeek, Mr. Lawrence Peata, Mrs. Norman Vincent Pott, Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Plerpont, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Plulm, Mr. Williom. ill Ramakor, Mr. Richard A. Redekor, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Retmold, Mr. and Mrs. O. S.. II Rider, Or. ond Mrs. Morrette Rocks, Mr. Gerald J. * Roper, Mr, Walter J. Rozeboom, Rev. and Mrs, Gerrit J. Rozeboom, Rev. and Mrs. Nickolas Souberan, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton H. Sawyer, Mrs. A. L. Schakel, Dr. and Mrs. Peter J. Schipper, Mr. and Mrs. Dell Schmidt, Or. end Mrs. Chris Shonerd, Mr. William A. Schoon, Mrs. Helen V. Seeser, Or. James W. Savin, Mr. Fred W. Shrader, Dr. and Mrs. Sterl A. Slot, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Soeiers, Mr. and M r, Robert G, Splekhout, Mr. and M r.john A. Stoogstro, Rev. and M r.j. Stoinlnger, Mrs. George Stone, Mr. and M r.william K. Struck, Dr. and M r.william A. Takenako, Mr. Jlro Tanis, Dr. end M r. Elliot A. TonClay, Rev. and M r. Henry J. Ton Hoeve, M r.thomas Toren, Miss Marian A. Townsend, Mr. and M r,james E. Vande Bunte, Rev. Russell W. Vander Plocg, Mr. Henry Vander Roost, Mr. Robert D. Vandevelde, Dr. and M r. Richard A. Vonde Water, Mr, and M r.william H. Van Dis, Mr. Howard Von Dis, Mr. and M r.melvin Van Dop, Mr. and Mrs. William Van Haefton, Mr. and Mrs. Garret Van Heyningen, Mr. and M r,earle M, Van Voorst, Miss Cornelia Van Wyk, Rev. Herbert Van Wylen, Dr. and Mrs. Gordon J. * Voenstra, Mr. and Mrs- Harold A. Veenstra, M r.henry J. Vennemn, Mr. and M r,john. Jr. Walther, M r.anna Werd, Mr. Roy J. Watt, M r. Ethel M. Werkems, Mr. and Mrs. Thon Wierdo, Mrs. Anne S. Wierenga, M r.cornelius R. Wlorlnga, Mr. and Mrs Wlersme, Miss Karen I Willard, Mr. and Mrs. Warren L. Williams, Dr. and M r. Donald H. Williamson, Lydia Wilson, Mr. ond M r, Ronald G. Winstrom, Mr. and M r.william F. Witherspoon, Elizabeth Wolbrink, Robert Women's League for Hope College WORP' " Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Yonkman, M r. Fredrick Youngberg,,Mr. and M r.harold

32 Parents Business & Industry H o p e College parents w h o h a v e contributed to the A n n u a l Fund. Alhart, Mr. and Mrs. G. IRobert Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Thoi mas E. Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mr. and Mrs Bertelson, Mr. and Mrs. Bert I. Binder, Mr. and Mrs. Cerl F. Blalsdell,... Mr. and id Mrs. Edward I Robert Boger, Mr. and Mrs. Ro! Bultman, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bumford, Mr. and Mrs, William H. Busard, Mr, T. R. Clapham, Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Clark, Mrs. Helen D. Cook, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Cramer, Mr. and Mrs. Arand F. Currie, Mr. and Mrs. George Daudt, Mr. and Mrs. William H. De Boer, Mr. and Mrs. E. W, Deckard, Mr. and Mrs. John I. Decker. Mrs. Barbara M. Delp, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis B. Den Herder, Mrs. Ruth De Vette, Mr. and Mrs. Paul, Jr. DeYoung, Mr. and Mrs. William M. Diephuls, Dr. Bert Doom, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene R. Duryee, Rev. and Mrs. Eugene C. Dykstra, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Eiferink, Mr. and Mrs. Dirk H. Etheridge, Mr. and Mrs. Da Fisher, Dr. and Mrs. Henry Folensbee, Mrs. Bradley J. Fowke, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Garter, Mr. and Mrs. Max J. Gotterup, Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Gow, Mr. and Mrs. Jack F. Graham, Mr. and Mrs. David Hardy, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Heusinkveld, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hilliard, Mr. and Mrs. Rollis Hoesch, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Houghteling, Mr. and Mrs. Harold E, Housman, Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Huizenga, Mr. and Mrs. P aul J. Katt, Mr. and Mrs. Jack H. Klaner, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson O. Knapp, Mr. and Mrs. John J. Kooistra, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Kroodsma, Mr, and Mrs. Dick Kruizenga, Mr. and Mrs. Herman A. Kupfrian, Mr. Laurence B. Lieder, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Lyons, Mr, and Mrs. L. Raymond Machiele, Mr. and Mrs. Richard, Sr. Mallory, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Maurus, Mr. and Mrs. Jack B. M e Cultough, Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Maurus, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Merkle, Dr. and Mrs. H. B. Myers, Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. O'Connor, Mr. and Mrs. John J. Qosterhouse, Mrs. Neil Otto, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest C. Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Albert P. Parker, Mr. Robert Pattie, Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Pedelty, Dr. and Mrs. Norman L. Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Ward E. Pett, Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Price, Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Puehl, Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Roden, Mr. and Mrs. Walter D. Roos, Rev. and Mrs. Arvin W. Safer, Mr. and Mrs. Tiber Schellenberg, Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Schofield, Mrs. Muriel Schueneman, Dr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Seevers, Dr. and Mrs. M. H. Strlngor, Dr, C. J. Toppen, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Traas, Mr. and Mrs. John M. Turkstra, Mr. John C. Vander Lugt, Dr. and Mrs. William Van Engen, Mr. and Mrs. Garold Van Reken, Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Van Sfoten, Mr. and Mrs. David Van Wyke, Rev. and Mrs. Herbert S. Ver Plank, Mr. and Mrs. William Ward, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert J. Watt, Mr. and Mrs. James M. Wickstra, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Witter, Mr. and Mrs. Hermon F. Wojcickl, Mr. Sylvester Workman, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wykhuis, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Business & Industry Printing } & B Equipment Company Baker Book House Baker Furniture, Industries R. E. Barber Ford Beech-Nut, Incorporated Ken Beelen Builder, Inc, Big Dutchman Boer's s Transfer & Storage Co. Radio & T.V. Service Bontekoe Glass Company Borgman Ford, Incorporated Borr's Bootery Bouwens and Sons Construction Boven Dry Goods Store W.J. Bradford Paper Company Brooks Products, Incorporated Buis Mattress & Upholstering Bulford* Studio Bunte's Pharmacy Sr Medical Supply Burger King Bursma Radio Supply Co. Camfield Fiberglass Plastics Cohfessco Consumers Power Company Cramer Electric Company DeBruyn Foundation O o F o u w Electric Company The DePree Company } Electric Comp: aphy DeWaard Carpet and Draperies, Inc. Donnelly Mirrors, Inc. Downtown Service "Econo-Jet"'spoi Sport Shoe Company Elhart Pontiac, In Equitable Life Assurance Society % mily Fare First t Michigt Michigan Bank and Trust Company First National Bank Fox s Jewelers Fris News Company, Inc. Gerber Baby Foods Glanz and Killian Company Halliburton Education Fdn., Inc. Hart & Cooley Manufacturing Co. Health Learning Systems, Inc. Heidema Brothers, Inc. Holland Concrete Products Co. Holland Hitch Company Holland Hitch Forwarding Compai Holland Hitch Sales Company Holland Motor Express Holland Motor Homes Corporatioi Holland-Pacific Hitch Company Holland-Pacific Sales Company Holland Peanut Store Holland Photography Holland Ready Roofing Co. Holland Wire Products, Inc. Household Finance Corporation Kalkman Redi-MIx Company Karr Spring Company Keuntng Development Company Koop Insurance a Agon< Agoi Lamb, Incorporated Lear Sieglor Foundation The Lokker-Rutgers Company Maes, Incorporated Michigan Tile, Inc. Miles Laboratories,.Inc, Herman Miller, Incorpon :orporated Howard Miller Clock Coi impany Model Drug Company Ottawa County Abstract Ottawa Savings & Loan Louis Padnos Iron & Metal Co. Parkway Electric Company Paul's Pharmacy, Inc. J.C. Penny Company, Inc. People's State Bank of Holland People's State Benk-Lynden, Washington Pitney Bowles, Ct. Philleo Engineering & Architectural Service Point West, Incorporated Post Jewelry and Gift Shop Reliable Cycle & Ski Haus Reliable Distributors Repco-Ute Paints, Inc. Rooks Transfer Linos, Inc. Schreur Printing Co. Steketee-Van Huis, Incorporated Taylor Produce and S- Storage Co. Thermotron Corporation Corporet Vandenberg 'andenberg Motors, Inc. John A. Van Den Bosch Company Chris Vanden Heuvel anc and Son VHetstra Construction, 1 Westenbroek rtenbroek Service Willard..lard Motors, Inc. Williams Jewelers Wolbrink Agency, Inc, Wooden Shoe Motel Zeeland Iron & Metal Company Zeeland Lumber and Supply Company

33 Enrollment Report Academic Year Geographical Distribution of Students Foreign Countries Represented Austria Brazil C a n a d a C o l o m b i a D o m i n i c a n Republic E c u a d o r Ethiopia France H o n g K o n g India J a pan K o r e a Malaysia N e w Zealand Nigeria Peru Q a t a r R o m a n i a Singapore Yugoslavia Enrollment by Class F r e s h m e n S o p h o m o r e s Juniors Seniors Specials Men W o men Total 3 1 M T O T A L

34 T h e following c o m p a n i e s supported H o p e College b y matching gifts from employees w h o are alumni or friends of H o p e College. Abbott Laboratories Fund Aetna Life & Casualty Company Allis Chalmers Foundation American Con Co. Foundation A m o c o Foundation, Inc. The Anaconce Co. Armstrong Cork Company Arthur Andersen & Company Atlantic Richfield Foundation BASF Wyandotte Corp. The e Bee Bocton, Dickinson F< Bristol Laboratories Laborotor The Brunswick Foundation, F Inc. C.N.A. Foundation The Chase Manhattan Bank CIBA-GEIGY Corporation Carpenter Foundation The Carrier Corp. Fdn., Inc. Cities Service Foundation Commercial Credit Companies Fdn., Inc. The Continental Corporation Fdn. The A.B. Dick Foundation D o w Chemical Company D o w Doming Corporation Dresser Foundation Equitable Life Assurance Society Esso Education Foundation Ethyl Corporation Exxon Education Foundation Firestone sstono Tiro &( Rubber Co. Ford d Motor Coi Company Fund Frank E, Gannett Newspaper Fdn., Inc. Ganeri al Electric Foundation The Gillette Company Gulf Oil Corporation, i Hanford Insurance Group Fdn., Inc, Hoi ughton Mifflin Company H ui mble Companies Foundation lllir nols Tool Works Fdn. international lernational Business Machine N Corp. International Telephone and Telegrapl graph Corp. Marathon Oil Foundation, Inc. Maytag Company Fdn. Metropolitan Life insurance Minnesota Mining & Mfg. Fc dn., I Vlobil Foundation, tncoi rated Mutual Life Insurance Nabisco Foundation North A Occi< Inc. Olln Corporation Charitable Trust Parker Hannifin Corporation Personal Products Company The Pren-Hall Foundation, Inc. Prudential Insurance Co. of America Rockwell 'ell International Corporation The Sherwin-Williams Founds idetlon Toledyno Charitable Trust Fdi Texaco, ;aco, Incorporated incorporate The Textron Charitable Trust Time, Incorporated Transamorica Corporation United Aircraft Corp< The Upjohn C o m p e m Xerox Coi Foundations Armco Foundation Atlantic Richfield Foundation Bonner Foundation R. I.Busard Memorial Foundation Chrysler Corporation Fund Peter Si Emojean Cook Charitable Trust De Bruyn Foundation E. i, DuPont de Nemours & Co. General Motors Corporation Good Fellows Foundation Hager Family Foundation Henry Foundation Knox Gelatine Foundation Loar-Siegler Foundation The Loutit Foundation Marble Men's League Foundation Mead Johnson & Company Foundation, I Michigan Colleges Foundation, Inc. Jessie Smith Noyes Fdn., Inc. Louis & Helen Padnos Foundation Pullman Inc. Foundation Schotenus Foundation Scars-Roobuck Foundation Shell Companies Fdn., Inc, The Sklllman Foundation The M. & H. Sommer Foundation Thomas F. Staley Foundation Standard Oil (Indiana) Fdn., Inc. Union Carbide Corporation Westinghouse Educational Foundation Non-Cash Donations Arendshorst, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard One Exercyle Boeve, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Table "Econo-J. Athletic Equipment Dr. Paul Fried Gifts of Art Mr. and Mrs. Paul Klels Automobile Laser Alignment, Inc. Three Tunnel Laser Systems One Power Converter Maes, Incorporated Accounting Machine Herman Miller, Inc. Furniture General Plant Building Fund Becker, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence J. Mersllje, Isaac H. Morgan, Mrs. Marie K. Marigold Lodge Fund Rider, Dr. and Mrs. Morrette Physical Education Building Fund Boeve, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E, Douma, Mr. and Mrs. George Geelhoed, Mr. E. Bruce Harvey, Dr. and Mrs. L. James Hlllegonds, Rev. and Mrs. William Hoesch, Karla M. Hoesch, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon S. Howltt, Miss Donna Osterhaven, Calvin E. Osterhaven, Dr. Eugene Schrler, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Siedentop, Dr. and Mrs. Daryl Physics Math Building Fund Lompen, Barbara Peak Science Center Bowen, Mr. end h OeenTk. Mr. and h Elenbaas, Mr. Marvin Hinkami ;amp, Dr. and a Mr Hollander,,Mrs. I Janice Maas, Mr. h and Mrs. Leoi Moser, Dr. ond Mrs. i Neckers, Dr. and Mrs. James W Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Owens, Mrs. Bobbi Jo Russell, Mr. and Mrs, R Veenlng, Dr. and Mrs. F Wichers Building Fund Borgman, Miss La Vina Gouwens, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Vilek, Mr. and Mrs. Justin G. Warner, Dr. and Mrs. Donald T. Chapel Choir Sweester, Mr. and Mrs. Steven G. Van De Hoof, Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Chaplain's Fund DInkeloo, Mr. and Mrs. John G. Unrestricted Endowment Fund Fllpse, Dr. and Mrs. M. Jay Susan Dykema Loan Fund Dykema, Dr. and Mrs. Frank E.

35 In the General S y n o d of the R e formed Church in America gave its final approval for the establishment of H o p e College. C h u r c h contributions since that time h a v e been important in sustaining and strengthening the College as m a n y R e f o r m e d C h u r c h congregations considered H o p e College a necessary a n d w o r t h y mission e n d e a v o r of the Reformed Church, The following churches have contributed to Hope College during the period July 1,1972 through June 30, These churches have contributed to one or more of the following College funds; The Annual Fund {for general operations and current expenses)...the Build Hope Fund (for capital improvement,, debt retirement, and endowment)...the Peale Science Center...General Scholarship Fund... Brumler Hall...Dykstra Hall... Wichers Hall of Music...The Chapel Choir.,.The Symphonette. A L B A N Y CLASSIS Albany, ClnrksvfJlo Community Albany, First Coxsackio, Second Dolmar Selkirk, First Bethlehem West Coxsackio, First B E R G E N CLASSIS Sergenfieid, Clinton Avenue russkill skill, Chui Dumoni ont. Old North Fair Lawn Hackensack, Second Hackensack, Third Hasbrouck Heights, First Ridgefield, English Neighborhood Rochelle Park, First Teanock, Community B R O O K L Y N CLASSIS Brooklyn, Flatlands Brooklyn, Woodland C A L I F O R N I A CLASSIS (Arlzonnl Phoenix, Christ's Community Tucson (California) Aaesla, N e w Life Community Bellflower, Bethel Buena Park, Community Chino, Chino Valley El Monte, Trinity Escondido,, Con immunity Garden don Grove, Community Paramount, Ei Emmanuel Redlands, Bethan\ Santa Ana, Parkview C A S C A D E S CLASSIS (Montana) Conrad, First (Washington) Ington) Lynden, Faith Nooksack, Nooksack Valley C E N T R A L C A L I F O R N I A CLASSIS Moriesta, Paradise Community Ripon, Calvary San Jose, Church of the Chimes C H I C A G O CLASSIS (Florida) Venice Gardens, Calvary (Illinois) Berwyn, Faith Community Berwyn, First Chicago, Bethany Chicago, Calvary Chicago, First of Mount Greenwood Cicero, West Sldi Lombard, Fellov Oak Lawn, Groan Palos Heights ;hip Oak nd. Thorn Creek C O L U M B I A G R E E N E CLASSIS Chatham, First Claverack, First Germantown, Livingston Memorial Hudson, First Philmont, Second of Clavcrack West Ghent D A K O T A CLASSIS Sioux Falls, First Springfield, Emmanuel Valley Springs

36 E A S T S I O U X CLASSIS Everly, Cloy County First Hospers. N e w Kirk Orange City, First Sheldon, Bethel H O L L A N D CLASSIS Holland, Bethel Holland, Calvary Holland. Central Park Holland, Christ Momorlnt Holland, Fellowship Holland, First Holland, Fourth Holland, Grace Holland, Hope Holland, Maplewood Holland, Rose Park Holland, Sixth Holland, Third Holland Trinity ILLIANA CLASSIS (Florida) Lake Worth, Palm Springs {Illinois) Danforth Harvey, Bethel Homewood Lansing, First Lansing, Grace St. Ann, Pembroke Community South Holland, Calvary Soulh Holland, Faith South Holland, First Tinley Park Wichort, First (Indiana) OeMolte, American DeMotte, First Gory. Ross Hammond, Riverside Park Indianapolis, Christian Pork Lafayette, Community Lafayette, First Munster, Trinity ILLINOIS CLASSIS (Florida) Sarasota, Church of the Cross (Illinois) Baileyville Erie, Newton-Zion Fairvlew Freeport, Community Fulton. First Fulton, Second Fulton, Spring Valley Fulton, Trinity German Valiev, Silver Creek Lanark, Faith Morrison, Ebenezer Morrison, Emmanuel Pekin, Normandale Raritan K A L A M A Z O O CLASSIS Battle Creek, Trinity Hopkins, Community Kalamazoo, Bethany Kalamazoo, Bethel Kalamazoo, Calvary Kalamazoo, First Kalamazoo, Fourth Kalamazoo, Greenwood Kalamazoo, Haven Kalamazoo, North Park Kalamazoo, Southridge Kalamazoo, Second Kalamazoo, Third Kalamazoo, Trinity Kalamazoo. Twin Lakes Martin Portage, First outh Ha\ L A K E ERIE CLASSIS (Michigan) Allen Park. Grace Detroit, Faith Community Detroit, First Detroit, Rivorford Heights Royal Oak, Redeemer Southgate, Calvary Community Warren, Church of the Master (Ohio) Cleveland, Brooklyn Cleveland, Parkview Community Cleveland. Riverside Community M I D - H U D S O N CLASSIS Kingston, Fair Street N e w Paltz, Ptiltz Poughkeepsie, Arlington Poughkeepsie Woppinger Falls, New Hackensack M I N N E S O T A CLASSIS Hollandsle Roseland St. Paul, Peace Silver Creek Steen Woodstock, American M O N T G O M E R Y CLASSIS Canajoharie Fort Plain Mohawk Owasco Sprakers Syracuse M U S K E G O N CLASSIS Cedar, Glen Lake Community Coopersville Coopersville, Church of the Savior Fremont, First Grand Haven, First Grand Haven. Hope Grand Hoven, Second Grand Haven. Trinity Lucas, Rohoboth Montague, Ferry Memorial Muskegon, Central Muskegon, East Lawn Muskegon, Faith Muskegon, Fifth Muskegon, First Muskegon, Forest Home Muskegon, Laketon-Betbe! Muskegon, Olivet Muskegon, Unity Muskegon, Westwood Muskegon Heights, Covenant New Era, First Scottville, Mason County Spring Lake, Christ Community Traverse City, Faith N A S S A U S U F F O L K CLASSIS Locust Valley West Sayville. First Williston Park N E W A R K CLASSIS Irvington, First Linden Plainfield, Nevherwood Upper Montclair, Montclair Heights N E W B R U N S W I C K CLASSIS BrieNe, Church in Bridle Middletown N e w Brunswick, First N o w Brunswick, Magyar N o w Brunswick, Second N e w Shrewsbury South River, First N E W Y O R K CLASSIS N ow York City. Bethany Memorial N e w York City, Fort Washington Collegiate N e w York City, Marble Collegiate N o w York Middle Collegiate Staten Island, Prince Bay (Virgin Islands) St. Thomas N O R T H G R A N D RAPIDS CLASSIS Ada Flint, Bet.hnny Flint, Resui irand Rapi Jrand Rapi ids, Bethony i Rapi ids, Bethel Grand J Rapids, Calvary Grand Rapids, Central Grand Rapids, Fairvlew Grand Rapids. Fourth Grand Rapids, Knapp Street Grand Rapids, Remembrance Grand Rapids, Richmond Grand Rapids, Seventh Grand Rapids, Stendalo Grand Rapids, Third Grand Rapids, Trinity Grant Rockford O N T A R I O CLASSIS Guelph O R A N G E CLASSIS Montgomery, Brick Newburgh, Meadow Hill Pine Bush, N e w Prospect Port Jervis. Deorpark Walden Wallklll, Showangunk Wallkill Warwick PALISADES CLASSIS Jersey City, St. John's North Bergen, Grove North Bergen. Woodcllff Community Union City, First P A R A M U S CLASSIS Closter Franklin Lakes, Union Glen Rock, Community Harrington Park, Community Midland Park, First Midland Park, Trinity Wortendyke Oakland, Ponds Upper Saddle River, Saddle River Westwood Wyckoff, Second Wyckoff PASSAIC CLASSIS Boomon, onton, First FI Clifi Clifton, Allwood Community CHfi ton, Athonia Cllfi ton Hawthorne, First

37 Little Falls, First Little Falls, Second Passaic. Bethel Paterson, Riverside Pompton Lakes, Pompton Pompton Plains, First Wanaque Wayne, Preakriess P E L L A CLASSIS DesMoines, Calvary DesMoines, Meredith Drive Leighton, Ebei Pella, First Pella. Third Pella, Trinity P H I L A D E L P H I A CLASSIS P L E A S A N T PRAIRIE CLASSIS Ackley, Washington Alexander Allison, Trinity Appling n, Bell Applin gton. First Bristow, v. First Buffalo 3 Center, First Stout Titonka, Ramsey Q U E E N S CLASSIS Douglaston, Community Flushing, ilng. Church on the Hill Flushing, ling, Protestant Dutch Glendale Queens Village Ridgewood. Trinity Woodhavon, Forest Park R A R I T A N CLASSIS East Millstone Galdstone, Peapock Lebanon North Branch Somerville, Flnderne Somerville, Hillsborough Somerville, Second of Raritan Three Bridges R O C H E S T E R CLASSIS CJymor, Abbe Marion, First Marion, Second Palmyra Rochester, Brighton Rochester, First Williamson R O C K L A N D - W E S T C H E S T E R CLASSIS Bronxville Hastlngs-on-Hudson, First Hawthorne North Tarrytown, First Nyeck, First Spring Valley Spring Valley, West N e w Hempstead Tarryton, Second West Nyack, Clarkstown Yonkers, Park Hill Church of the Redeemer S A R A T O G A CLASSIS Schuylerville, Bac Wyantskill, First eenbusl i Hill S C H E N E C T A D Y CLASSIS Duanesburg, Princeton Gujlderland Center, Helderberg Schunetady, Lisha's Kill Schenectady, Niskayuna Schenectady, Trinity S C H O H A R I E CLASSIS Amsterdam, Florida Fonda Lawyersville Roxbury, Jay Gould Memorial Schoharie, St. Andrews S O U T H G R A N D RAPIDS CLASSIS Byron rron Centt Center, Cori inth Byron /ron Centt Center,, First Byron Center, Woodh oodhaven Grand Rapids, Eighth Grand Rapids, Fifth Grand Rapids, Garfield Park Grand Rapids, H o m e Acres Grand Rapids, Immanuel Grand Rapids, Oakdale Park Grand Rapids, Unity Grandville, First Grandville, Olivet Grandville, Zion Jenlson, Rosewood Lansing, Immanuel Community Middleville, Peace W E S T C E N T R A L CLASSIS {Colorado) Denver, First Denver, Mountain View Denver, Our Saviour's (Nebraska) Adams, Pella Firth, First Holland W E S T S i O U X CLASSIS Boyden, First Hull, American Hull, First Rock Rapids, First Rock Valley, Carmel Rock Valley. First Sioux Center, Central Sioux Canter, First Sioux City, Mornlngside (Minnesota) Ellsworth, Bethel W ISCONSIN CLASSIS (Florida) Bradenton, Bay Shore Gardens (Wisconsin) Baldwin, First Brandon, Alto Brandon, Bethel Cedar Grove, Faith Cedar Grov< Clinton, Err Emmanuel Fond De Lac, Grace Friesian stand Hinghar iham Mllwaul lllwaukee,. First Oostburg, ostburg. First Randolph, First Rlngle, ingle, For* Foirestvllle leboygan, Bethany Sheboygan, Hope Sheboygan Falls, First Sheboygan Falls, Gibb: Waupun, Atto Waupun, Emmanuel Waupun, First Waupun, Trinity Wisconsin Rapids, Faith Z E E L A N D CLASSIS Allendale Hamilton, Benthoim Hamilton Hamilton, Haven Holland, Community Holland, Ebenezer Holland, North Holland Holland, Overlsel Hudsonville, Fellowship Hudsonvllle, Forest Grove ' udsonville Hie Hudsonville, IsonvL.u, South ww Blendon West Olivo, Ott* Ottawa )tta Zeelem nd, Beaverdam Zeeland, islani Faith ilarid, First land. Sec* ond and, VrUlasland O T H E R S Minneapolis, Minnesota Knox Presbyterian Boonton, New Jersey First Presbyterian Alden, N e w York United Presbyterian

38 T h e Build H o p e F u n d The Build Hope Fund is an $8,850,000 fund-raising effort designed to complete the College campus development program, increase endowment for scholarships and faculty salaries, and supplement academic programs. Success in this formidable undertaking will provide Hope with the basic physical facilities needed for the foreseeable future and will enhance the continued financial stability of the College as we endeavor to fulfill our mission in Christian higher education. This program was officially launched on October 13, 1972 and will continue through Program presentation and opportunities for participation were presented initially to the College family (trustees, faculty, administration and students) and in western Michigan. As the program develops, alumni and friends from coast to coast will be given the opportunity to participate in this most important program. The following individuals and organizations have either contributed or pledged their support to the Build Hope Fund. TftBuild HopFund w -1 >;..iuhiici y lau nvhyd in the Fall of National Chairman James M. Ver Moulen shows President Van Wylen Board of Trustees Chairman Hugh De Free Hut 3 IT of The $8.8150,000 goal had been reachea it kickoff rime.

39 Build Hope Fund Objectives 1. HOPE HERITAGE FUND to endow scholarships for young people from the Reformed Church in America and other worthy students seeking opportunities at Hope $ 520, FACULTY D E V E L OPMENT to endow faculty salaries and retirement benefits... 1,820, STUDENT RESIDENCES to purchase and renovate homes on the edge of the campus for student cottages , ENVIRONMENTAL/ECOLOGICAL SCIENCES - to supplement the work of the biology, chemistry and geology departments this area , PEALE SCIENCE CENTER to establish a sinking fund equal to the federal loan on this building... 1,655, DEWITT STUDENT A N D CULTURAL CENTER - to retire the short term indebtedness incurred on the construction and equipping of this facility , CREATIVE A R T EDUCATION CENTER - to complete the remodeling of the Rusk Bakery building , SOCIAL SCIENCES A N D HUMANITIES CENTER - to renovate the present science building and relocate several departments now scattered about the campus in unsatisfactory quarters , ADMINISTRATIVE CENTER to renovate Voorhees Hall for improved, adequate, organized administrative offices , C O M P U T I N G CENTER to provide facilities and equipment for administrative and academic purposes , A N E W PHYSICAL EDUCATION CENTER - to complement the present gymnasium built in ,500,000 T O T A L $8,850,000

40 Abel, Mr. Gar} L. Acocelle, Miss Phyllis A. Adam, Miss Dora Jean Agre, Miss Virginia S. Akutagawa, Miss Mabel C. Aldrich, Miss Gale A. Alexander, Mr. David L, Allen, Mr. Richard L. Alto, Mr. Williom Atvorson, Mrs. Joe American Business Women's Association, Grand Rapid? Anderson, Miss Susan J. Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. William Anker, Mr. and Mrs, Roy M. Anonymous Apsey, Miss Olano Kay Arms nstrong, Mr. James 8. Armtold. Miss Cynthia M. AscI hbrenner, Mr. Charles C. Aten, Miss Deboroh A. Atherley, Miss Lois Eileen Auckerman, Mr. William J. Avery, Mr. Kurt E. Awals, Mr. George Bear, Miss Deborah E. Bache, Miss Beverly A. Badeau, Miss Deborah J, Bahrt, Miss Patricia Ann Baillie, Miss Michelle Baker, Mr. Blaine A. Baker, Mr. Fred J. Bakker, Dr. Durward J. Bakker, Mr. W. Harold Balducci, Miss Sandra M. Baldwin, Mrs. John C. Balksma, Mr. Lorry Barnett, Miss Jane V. Barnhart, Miss Katherine L. Barrowman, Miss Margery M. Barthel, Miss Linda Lea Basnett, Miss Barbara Bassett, Miss M. Allison Bast, Mr. David M\ Batema, Mr. Donald L. Bates, Miss Cynthia G. Baughman, Miss Carol Anno Bauman, Miss Nora Jane Baxter, Miss Loretta Sue Bazaz, Mr. Gregory Kermit Beach, Dr. and Mrs. Leslie R. Beahm, Mr. John M. Beard, Miss Marcia Anne Beattie, Mr. David C. Becker, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence J. Becker, Miss Melissa J, Becksvoort, Mr. Terry D. Bedell, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Beebo, Mr. and Mrs. William F. Begley, Mr. Gory T. Belanus, Mr. Gary R. Bold, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Benchley, Mr. Robert, III Bender, Mrs. Alfred, Jr. Benfield, Miss Cathy C. thin, Mr. m, Mr. Jsmes Lee Berends, Miss imary l\ L. Berger, Mr. Rol Berghorst, Mr. and Mrs. Ford A. Berghorst, Mr. and Mrs, Ford A.. Jr. Berghorst, Mr. Harold E. Bortran, Mr. Ross F. Bertsch, Mr. and Mrs, Fred S., Ill Betar, Mr. Eugene A. Beugel, Miss Marcia L. Bisn, Miss Deborah S. Binder, Mr. Charles R. Bixby, Dr. and Mrs. Donald E., Jr. Black, Miss Bonnie K. Blalsdell, Mr. E. Robert Bloke. Miss Marian E, Blanksma, Mr. Emery J. Blaske, Miss Kathy Jo Bleckley, Mr. Craig A. Blokklnk, Miss Ruth B. Bocanelli, Miss LaVerne Boddy, Mr. Paul C, Boelens, Mr. Gregory S. Boelens, Mr. Michael G. Boelkins, Mr. Robert N. Boelkins, Mr. and Mrs. William Boer, Mrs. Dorothy Boerigter, Rev, George Boorigtcr. Mr. Roger A. Boersoma, Mr. David B. Boorsemu, Miss Nancy L. Boersma, Mr. Hanry Boersma, Dr. James Boersma, Mr. and Mrs. Max D. Boersma, Mr, William R. Boeve, Mr. Brian C. Boeve, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Boeve, Mr. Theodore J. Boger, Miss Janet L., Miss Jill A. Bolt, Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Bonetti, Miss Christine L. Bonnoma, Mr end Mrs. William Boht, Mr. John Boogard, Miss Louise K. Boota, Miss Brenda J. Boote, Miss Carey J. Boote, Miss Cathy J. Boote, Mr. Daniel Jay Borgort, Miss Carolyn A. Borgman, Miss Joyce E. Bos, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin D, Bos, Miss.Charlona Ruth Bos, Miss Jane Bos, Mr. Louis Bos, Miss Mary L. Bos, Mr. Philip Bos, Miss Susan E. Bos, Mrs. Thomas Bos, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Bosch, Dr. and Mrs. Leon A. Bosman, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Bosman, Mr. Roger J. Boss, Mr. Henry Boss, Mr. Richard S. Bosscher, Mr. James R. Bossenbroek, Rev. and Mrs. Albertus G. Bossenbroek, Miss Donna L. Bossenbroek, Miss Margaret Boumaster. Mr. and Mrs. John Bouwens. Mr. Joel G, Bouwmo, Mr. Robert M. Boven, Miss Joan. Boven, Dr. and Mrs. Paul F. Boven, Miss Sharon E. Boven, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bowne, Miss Mary A. Brasksma, Mr. Randall W. Brady, Dr. ond Mrs. Allen R. Bragg, Mr. Thomas O. Brand, Dr. and Mrs. Edward E. Brassard, Mr. Arthur C. Brett, Mrs. Hero Breen, Mr. David P. Breen, Miss Dorothy J. Breen, Mrs. Richard Brehm, Miss Barbara L. Bremer, Dr. and Mrs. Roy Brevlck, Miss Janet Lynn Brower. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brewer. Mr, Robert J. Brink, Dr. and Mrs. Irwin J. Srockmeiar, Dr. end Mrs. Richard T, Broekstra, Mr. Brad R. Brokow, Mr. Dale George Brouwer, Mr. Alvin G. Brouwer, Mrs. Clarence Brouwer, Dr. and Mrs. Paul J. Brouwer. Mrs. William J. Brown. Miss Bettina K. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Brown, Miss Jennifer N. Brown. Miss Karen L. Brown, Dr. and Mrs. Robert S, Brown, Miss Sandra Ann Brown, Mr. Timothy L. Browning, Mr. Keith D. Brownleo, MissTokl R. Bruggers, Mr. David J. Bruins, Dr. and Mrs. Ellon J. Brulnooge, Mr. Robert W. Brunsting, Rev. and Mrs, Bernard Bryson, Dr. and Mrs. Doan Buchan, Miss Rena J. Buckman, Miss Susan D. Budc. Mr. David L. Buffington, Miss Henrietta Buffum, Mr. Roger J. Buis, Miss Debra Bulterman, Mr. Dick C. Bulthuis, Dr. Jerry E. Bultman, Dr. ond Mrs. James A. Burg, Mr. Jon L. Burgering, Miss Marcia L. Burgess, Mr. Ronald C. Burke, Mr. and Mrs. Hector Surkhour, Mr. Harvey E., Jr. Burt. Mrs. Dorothy Buserd, Mr. Thomas Alan Bush, Miss Linds F. Bush, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Busk, Mr. Chadwick C. Busman, Mr. Stanley C. Busse, Miss Linda L. Buter. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey J. Outer, Miss Linda L. Buter, Mr. James M. Butterfield, Mr. and Mrs. Ira W. Buys, Mr. and Mrs. Ekdal J. Buysman, Miss Anite Bytsma, Mr. William G. Callam, Mr. Gordon J. Campbell, Miss Allison Campbell, Miss Cialre L. Carayanni, Miss Evdokia Crave, Miss Candance K. Carlson, Miss Joneile Carr, Mrs. Martha Case, Mr. Daniel T. Castetter, Miss Lynne D. Castillo, Dr. Maria Caswell, Mr. Arthur Cavalio, Mr. John H, Cavanaugh, Dr. and Mrs. Robert Caven, Mr. John D. Cecil. Mr. Robert M. Cerny, Miss Sheila Anne Anni Chadwick, Miss Mary L. Chenoweth, Miss Cheri A. Christenson, Mr. Paul E. Clark. Dr. and Mrs. David L. Clark, Mr. James C. Clark, Mr. Paul Claus, Mr. Thomas H. Clegg, Mr. Bradley J. Ciuley, Mr. David Scott Coburn, Mr. Michael Allan COlenbrander, Miss Martha Colvin, Mr. Sidney W. Colver, Miss Anne M. Combs, Mr. Vincent W. Comstock, Mr. Drew Comstock, Col. and Mrs. Edwin A. Conklin, Miss Carol D. Constant, Mr. Gary D. Convoy, Mr. Mark A. Conway, Miss Joan

41 ook, Mr, Paul ook, Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Cook, Mr. Rlchnrd C. Cooper, Mr. Michool K. Cooper, Mr. R. S. Cornell, Mr. Paul T o m Couahonour, Dr. and Mrs. Robert Couslneou, Mr. Charles, Jr. Cravotte, Mr. Louis Crichton, Mr. David Crank, Miss Jill Alison Cupary. Rav. Harold S. Currie, Mr, Lee W. Curry. Dr. and Mrs. Earl R. Dornour, Mr. David L. Damstra, Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Daniels, Mr. Gregory R. Dargeno, Mr. Mark J. Daubenspeck, Mr. David V. Deusor, Mrs. William C., Jr. Develaar, Mr. Thomas P. Davis, Miss Mary J. Davis, Mr, and Mrs. Roger E. Doan, Miss Dorothy E. DoBlock, Mr. William J. DeBoer, Mr, James E. Do Boer, Mr. Fred DeBruyn, Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. DeBruyn, Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Packard, Miss Anne L. De Grant, Dr. and Mrs. Clarence DeGroot. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. I QeHoun, Mr. Garrett H. DoHaan, Miss Virginia L. DeHeus, Mr. John W. DeJong, Mr. Jack W. DoJonge, Mrs, Alda DoJonge, Miss Diane De Jonge, Mr. Marcellus De Jongh, Dr. and Mrs. Don C. DeKem, Miss Marjorie Ann DeKem, Miss Patricia L. Dokker, Mr. and Mrs. Randall M. DeLeouw, Mr. Gerdt DeLeouw, Mr. Warner DeLong, Mr. and Mrs, Tod W. DeLong, Mr. and Mrs. William P. DeMoar, Miss Yvonne S. Demurest, Mr. R. Garret, III DoMeostor, Mr. John A. DeMeostor, Miss Karon L. DoMoestor, Dr. end Mrs. Wiliinm A. Demos, Miss Constance DenHerdor, Mrs. J.H. Denison, Miss Lisa R. DsPrae, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce DoPree. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh D. De Proe, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley DoRoo, Mr. Mark H. Dorshom, Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Dethmers, Mr. Daniel A. De Volte, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Do Votto, Mr. and Mrs. Russell OoVree, Miss Henrietta DeVries, Miss Ellyce J. DeVries, Miss Janot M, Do Vries, Dr. and Mrs. Jerry DeWitt, Dr. and Mrs. Donald E. DoWitt, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob H. DeWitt, Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Do Witt, Dr, William A. De Wolfe, Mrs. Martin DeWolff, Miss Debbie L. DeYoung, Mrs, Chris A. De Young, Dr, Jacob J. eyoung. Mr. and Mrs. F icyoung, Mr. Roger D. DeYoung, " i,mr. Steven J DeYoung, Dr. Ward Diokema, Mr. and Mrs. Willis A. Dietz, Mr. Marvin R. Diller, Mr. David M. Dinkeloo, Mr. end Mrs. John G. Dirkso, Mr. David L. Dirkse, Mr. end Mrs. Lament Doff, Miss Deborah D. Donaldson, Miss Joan E. Donnelv, Mr. Stephen Doom, Miss Debra Carol Doro, Mr. Frank Joseph Douglass, Mr. Robert O. Doumu, Mr. and Mrs, Gone Dowlyn, Miss Dsbra Lou Doyle, Dr. and Mrs. Michael P. Drake, Miss Donna C, Druko, Miss Donna L. Drolon, Miss Joyce E. Droog, Rev. and Mrs. Chester Droog, Miss Judith N. Dunning, Mr. Charles P. Durr, Miss Marrion DuShono, Mr. LeRoy, III Dussoau, Dr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Dustin, Miss Cynthia A. Duvekot, Miss JoAnn Dyer, Miss Janet K. Dyer, Miss Katherine E. Dyke, Mrs. Nelson Oykoma. Mr. John P. Dykoma, Miss Judith Ann Dykomo, Miss Mary L. Oykhuizen, Miss Adelaide Dykhulzon, Miss Geraldine Dykstra, Dr. and Mrs. D. Ivan Dykstra, Mr. Daniel M. Dykstra, Mr. Jon D. Dykstra, Miss Leslie F. Dykstra, Miss Marcia L, Dzurina, Miss Mary Lynn Eorhart, Miss Carol L. Ebbers, Mr. Michael A. Echart, Mr. Kevin S. Edema, Mr. Douglas A. Edgington, Miss Pamelas. Edward, Mr. David A. Ecnigonburg, Miss Joanne K. Eichhorn, Miss Laura B. Elkonhout, Mrs. Ralph Elder, Dr. and Mrs. Robert Elenbaas, Mr. Herbert A. Elferink, Miss Linda K, Elliott, Miss Jean A. Ellison, Mr. Ralph J. Enslng, Mr. Kenneth P. Ernest, Miss Miriam W. Ervin, Dr. and Mrs. Edward L. Esslnk, Mr. Floyd H. Etheridge, Mr. Theodore S. Evans, Mr. Robert S. Everds, Mias Barbara E. Evers, Mr. Chester L,. Ill Foas, Mr. John D. Faber, Miss Berna Deane Faber, Mr. Folkert Fader, Mr. Ronald E. Fairbanks, Dr. and Mrs. Harold C. Fairchild, Miss Deborah R. Falettl, Mr. Craig Farquhar, Mr. Duncan H. Feduk, Mr. Alfred V. Fedo, Miss Mary E. Felden, Miss Jane W. Fell, Mr. Kenneth Fenton, Mr, Christian A. Field, Mr. Timothy C. Fiko, Or. and Mrs. Francis G., Jr. Filipok, Miss Josephine A. Finn, Mr. end Mrs. Donald Flrmbach, Miss Deborah Fisher, Miss Anne H. Fisher, Mr. Charles Lee Fisher, Miss Debra Lynn Flshar. Miss Pamela Jean Fishor, Mr. William Fitzgerald, Mr, Harold A. Fitzgerald, Mr. Harold A., II Flikkema, Mrs. R. E. Floworday, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Max Folkert, Mr. Carl J. Folkert, Dr. Jay E. Folkert, Mr. Victor J. Fordham, Mis* Muriel E. Foss, Miss Virginia A. Fowke, Miss Marlon E. Fraaza, Miss Janice Kay Frelsatz, Mr. Wayne B. French, Miss Mario E. Fried, Dr. Paul G. Frifeldt, Miss Dobra K. Frissel, Dr, and Mrs. Horry Fritz, Miss Natalie M. Fritz, Mr. Timothy D. Fuller, Miss Nancy Seth Fuller, Miss Teresa L. Gabbard, Miss Barbara L. Garter. Mr. Thomos C. Gates, Miss Molly R. Gavdos, Miss Bette J, Gaylord, Miss Marilyn B. /'-arhart, Gearl Mr. Carl E. Gearhart, arhart. Or. end Mrs. E. 1 F. Gebben, m, Mrs. Mr; John Gentol. Mr. Dean E. George, Miss Michelle Gerrie, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gest, Mr. Raymond A. Getty, Miss Pamela J. Goyer, Mr. Bruce D. Ghiselln, Miss Jennifer L. Gibson, Miss Kerry Ann Glorveld, Miss Joanna D. Glerum, Miss Susan Y. Gooman, Miss Jane L. Goetz, Miss Wanda K. Goldman, Mr. James D. Gomes, Mr. Carl W.. 11 Gordon, Miss Deborah L. Gordon, Miss Lucinda S. Gorzeman, Miss Rosalyn B Gosselar, Mr. David R. Gossett, Mr. Charles W. Gottorup, Miss Marie Graham, Mr. Scott T, Graham, Mr. Timothy R. ralow. Miss Karen A. Grant, Mr. Robert S S. Gray, Mr. Gory A. Gray, Mr. Jeffrey D. Grei ''"ten. Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Ore; lenwood. Miss LuAnn 3regory, Mr. and Mrs ;.Marlon J. 3rofj, Dr, and Mrs. Elv. Gresham, Mr. James A. Griep, ' s. Dr. John A. Griffen, an, Mr. M Charles Evan Grlndstaff, fstaff, Mr, and Mrs. Michael Grit, Mr. Martin jj. ' Gronwall, Mr. Greg M. Grout, Mr. Randall L. Grube, Miss Donna L. Gustin, Miss Mary K. Guth, Miss Linda Gale Haack, Mr, and Mrs. Robert W. Hagberg, Mr. Lawrence R. Hakken, Mr. Richard A. Hole, Mr. James M. Hollan, Mr. and Mrs. James A, Hamlin, Mr. Ryan J. Hamm, Mr. Norman C. Handlogten. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence J. Hands, Miss Elizabeth Haney, Miss Debra K. Haney, Mis Susan J. Hankamp, Mr, Jack Hann, Miss Elizabeth D. Hansen, Miss Karin L. Hansen, Mr. Ralph N. Hansen, Mr. Richard D. Haros, Mr. David L. Harju, Dr. and Mrs. Melvin Herlow, Mr. Selwyn E. Harmolink, Mr. David W. Hnrrldge, Mr. Robert W. Hart, Mr. Christopher 8, Hart, Mr. Thomas G,

42 Hartje, Miss Diane E. Hartman, Miss Cynthia S. Harvey, Mr. end Mrs. James Haulenbeek, Mr. Eugene Hawkins, Miss Linda S. Hector, Miss Carol Sua Heemstra, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Heerema, Dr. and Mrs, Douglas Heeringa, Mr. and Mrs. George Hegedus, Miss Susan A. Heintz, Miss Nadine Helsler, Mr. Clifford L. m, Mr, and Mrs. Hei ion, Mr. and Mrs. Jai Heneveld, Mr. Lloyd A., Jr. Herchanroder, Miss Debra J. J Hermenet, jrmenet, IMiss Lynn C. Hern, jrn, Mr. J, James Hornberg, unberg Miss Joanne B. Heyboer, Mrs.,Paul Hayer, Miss Nancy M. Hickman, Mr. James D. Hicks, Miss Susan J. Hietbrlnk, Mr. David W. Hiotbrink, Mr. Keith E. Hill, Mr. Lester E. Hillegonds, Mr. and Mrs. Timothy HMIegonds, Rev. and Mrs. William Hillis, Mr. George W. Hills, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Hills, Miss Kristine L. Himebaugh, Mr. and Mrs. R. Bruce Hina, Mr. Richard D, Hinkamp, Dr. and Mrs. James B. Hite, Miss Celestine J. Hoard, Mr. Stephen B. Hoebeke, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hoebeke, Miss Sara J. Hoefie, Miss Diane S. Hoehler, Mr. Richard Hoeksema, Dr. and Mrs. Renze Hoekstra, Miss Carol J. Hoepfinger, Dr. and Mrs. Lynn M. Hoesch, Miss Karla M. Hoesch, Mr. Kenneth W. Hoffman, Miss Beverly Hoffman, Mr. Robert D. Hof tiezer. Miss Jeanne M. Hdftiezer, Mr. John H. Hogenboom, Miss Celia R. Hogroian, Miss Nancy Jeon Holloman, Miss Jantina W. Holleman. Mr. Kevin M. Hotlenbach, Dr. and Mrs. John W. nner, tl n J. Holmes, Mr. Jack Holmes, Miss s Went Wendy J Holstrom, Mr. David Hoithuls. Miss Diana F. Holthuis, Mr. Henry Holton, Miss Nency Jean Holtz, Mr. Robert G. Hondorp, Miss Carol D. Hondorp, Miss Joan K. Hoops, Miss Kathleen S. Hooyman, Mr. Thomas J. Hop, Miss Susan K. Hopkins, Dr. and Mrs. John Hopp, Mr. James A. Hostetler, Miss Karen L. iwe, i, Mr. Gary M..well, HI, Mr. Randall F P. Hrushka, ushka. Miss Christii Hubbard, ibbard. Miss Kay L. Huber, ir,miss Chrlstl Christine Huey, Miss Paula M. Hufford, d, Mr. F Richard Hughes s, Miss Louise S. Huiskei n, Mr. and Mrs. Jon J. Huizenga, Mr. ''.Johi John Huizenga, Mrs. Peter Huizenga, Mr. Philip B. Hull, Mr. and Mrs. Oenr Huntsman, Mr. Brian J. Huysman, Miss Anli lams. Mr. and Mrs. Howard lauch, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ingham, Dr. Don E. Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. John Jackson, Mr. Stuart D. Jacobusse, Miss Kristy Jalving, Miss Judith A. Jansma, Mr. Frank Japlnga, Miss Jodi Sue Japinga, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jekel, Dr. and Mrs. Eugene C. Jellema, Mr. and Mrs. R. Dirk Jeltes, Mr. Thomas C. Jensen, Mr, David A. Jansen, Miss Meredith G. Jentz, Dr. Arthur H., Jr. Johnson, Miss Daryl D. Johnson, Mr. David B. Johnson, Miss Emily L. Johnson, Miss Esther K. Johnson, Mr. George M. Johnson, Miss Jane L. Johnson, Miss Karen M. Johnson, Mr. Mark A. Johnson, Miss Martha J. Johnson, Miss Nancy Johnson, Mr. Robert S. Johnson, Miss Sharon Joldersma, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred T. Jones, Mr. T o m Paul Jonker, Miss Nancy L. Jorck, Mr. Werner Jousma, Miss Shirley R. Junor, Mr. Ned T. Juth, Miss Carol Kallemyn. Miss Phyllis W. Kalmbacher, Mr. John G. Kansfield, Rev. and Mrs. Norman Kafle, Miss Kathleen Karsten, Miss Kimberly A. Katt, Mr. John P. Katt, Mrs. Martha Blaln Keizer, Mr. Clifford Keizer, Mr. David G. Keizer, Mr. Jerry Robert Kempers, Dr. and Mrs. Roger Kempker, Mr. Garry P. Kent, Miss Karen M. Korle, Miss Susan H. Ketchum, Mr. Floyd Kibbey, Mr. Ro' lobert G., Jr. Kiefer, ifer, Mr. R u issel J. Kieft, Dr. Lester King, Miss Margaret Kinkema, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kiphort, Miss Linda M. Klaasen, Mrs. Adrian Klaasen, Mr. and Mrs. Russell A. Klahr, Miss Sharon J. Klapthor, Mr. Robert W. Kleder. Miss Phyllis J. Klein, Dr. and Mrs. David Kleis, Mr. Clarence Klewer, Miss Donna L. Kleyn, Mr. John K. Kline, Miss Mary J. Klomp, Miss Linda R. Klooster, Mr. John J. Kloosterboer, Mr. John A. Klunder, Mr. Jack Klungte, Mr. John Kniowskl, Mr. George P. Koberstine, Miss Heidi E. Kobus, Mr. Wilhelm, Jr. Koeman, Miss Diann Lynn Koeppe, Miss Mary E. Kooistra, Mr. Dale A. Kooistra, Mr. John Kooistra, Mr. Kenneth J. Kooistra, Mr. and Mrs. Martin H. Kooistra, Thomas A. Koop, Miss Berbera A. Koop, Miss Janet Allison Koopman, Miss Janet L. Kooy, Miss Barbara L. Kooyers, Miss Reka Kopf, Miss Vicki A. Kornoelje, Miss Carol R. Korstange, Mr. Cornelius Korstange, Mr. Robert J. Kort, Miss Patricia J. Korte, Miss Marilyn J Kortman, Mrs. Johan Miss Koster, Miss;Eunice J. Kor ttyan, M ss Patricia L Krai 3ft, Dr. and Mrs. George Kraker, Mr. anc id Mrs. Loonar Kruizenga. Miss Marcia G. Krumm, Miss Susan A. Krutz, Mr. Roger A. Krzemen, Miss Susan Mario Kuiper, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Kuipers, Mrs. John A. Kuipers, Dr. and Mrs. S. Walter Kupres, Mr. Steven M. LaBaugh, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lege, Mr. end Mrs. Marcus Lager, Mrs. J. E. LaHue, Mr. Alan R. Lake, Mr. and Mrs. David L. Lam, Miss Leslie Ellen Lam, Mr. Nicholas B. Lamberts, Miss Anita K. Lamer, Mr. James H. Lange, Miss Linda D. Langejans, Mr. Calvin Langerlaan, Miss Jean C. Larsen, Miss Barbara K. Lasher, Miss Susan E. Latham, lam. Miss ICaroline < Laug, 3,Mr. M and Mrs. Herman F. Lauver, Mr. Jerry A. Law, Miss Janice Lee Lawhead, Mr. Robert J. Lawrence, Mr. Randal! L. Lee, Dr. and Mrs. Sang H. Leenhouts, Mr. James S. Leenstra, Miss Berthe Leestma, Mr, David B. Leostma, Miss Pamela J. Lehman, Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Lemken, Miss Willa H. Lemmen, Miss Kathleen Lemmen, Mrs. Lucile W. Lenel, Dr. and Mrs. Fritz V. Leslie, Mr. Dwight E. Levey, Mr, Larry W. Lichte, Mrs. Charles Liggett, Mr. Chris W. Lightfoot, Mr. and Mrs. David L. Lincoln, Miss A m y L. Llndhout, Miss Gayle A. Lodden, Mr, Kenneth J. Lohman, Miss Chris A, Longhurst, Miss Constance J. Loomis, Mr. Marshall R. Loosenort, Mr. Kurt M. Lovelace, Miss Annie M. Lubben, Miss Lois B. Lubbers, Dr. and Mrs. Irwin J. Lucieer, Mr. Philip J. Luidens, Mr. Robert J. Lukens, Miss vliss. Kristin J. Luyendyk, Mr. Robert P. Lyons, Mr. Bradford jdford T. T 'laatmat man, Mr. Vaughn D. icleod, Mr. and Mrs. Roger J. MacWood, Miss Joan C. Major, Mr. Terry C. Mangun, Miss Nancy J. Mann, i,mr. Gregory P. Mann, Miss Jane E. Monnes, Mrs. John H. Manus, Miss Rosetta Marcellus, Miss Julie W. Maiirch.,Miss Donna J. ireus. Miss Beth E.



GERMAN UNION CEMETERY THREE-GENERATION GENEALOGY CREATED BY: RONALD R. PRINZING INDEX WITH BURIAL RECORDS BY LAST NAME FIRST Abel Anna April 8, 1877 November 29, 1880 Certificate 54e 1 Abel Dora March 10, 1866 November 22, 1880 Certificate - Obituary 54a 2 Abel Elizabeth Sophia Dora June 1840 March 16, 1902 None Available 53c

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Woburn High School, Graduation Portraits Photograph Collection, (bulk , , 1935, 1938) Photograph Collection, PH-27

Woburn High School, Graduation Portraits Photograph Collection, (bulk , , 1935, 1938) Photograph Collection, PH-27 Woburn High School, Graduation Portraits Photograph Collection, 1924-1938 (bulk 1924-1928, 1930-1931, 1935, 1938) 2 linear feet (2 boxes) Photograph Collection, PH-27 Administrative History: The first

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