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1 FULBRIG HT SCHOLAR PROGRAM Visiting Scholar Directory A Resource for the Occasional Lecturer Program

2 F ulbright V isitin g Scholar Program Staff To obtain U.S. contact inform ation fo r a S cholar liste d in this directory, please speak w ith the CIES s ta ff member responsible fo r the S c h o la r s home country. A frica (Sub-Saharan) T he M iddle East, North A frica and South A sia Debra Egan, Assistant Director and degan@cies.iie.org Michelle Grant, Senior Program Coordinator and mgrant@cies.iie.org Nicole Trudeau, Program Associate and ntmdeau@cies.iie.org E ast A sia and the Pacific Susan Me Peek, Program Officer and smcpeek@cies.iie.org Amelia Saunders, Senior Program Associate and asaunders@cies.iie.org Europe and E urasia Sone Loh, Senior Program Coordinator andsloh@cies.iie.org Rachel Kolb, Program Associate and rkolb@cies.iie.org Austria Bulgaria Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Netherlands Belgium/Luxembourg European Union (E.U.) Research Program Rachel Showalter, Program Officer and rshowalter@cies.iie.org Poland Portugal Tajikistan Turkmenistan Uzbekistan Jessica Barnes, Senior Program Associate andjbames@cies.iie.org Albania Armenia Azerbaijan Belarus Croatia Georgia Moldova Romania Bosnia and Herzegovina Federal Republic o f Yugoslavia Former Yugoslav Republic o f Macedonia Russia Slovenia Ukraine E rika Schmierer, Senior Program Coordinator and eschmierer@cies.iie.org Rachel Kolb, Program Associate and rkolb@cies.iie.org Tracy M orrison, Program Officer and tmorrison@cies.iie.org Dylan Gipson, Program Associate and dgipson@cies.iie.org W estern H emisphere Carol Robles, Senior Program Officer and crobles@cies.iie.org Michelle G rant, Senior Program Coordinator and mgrant@cies.iie.org Nicole Trudeau, Program Associate and ntmdeau@cies.iie.org Special Programs Micaela S. Iovine, Senior Program Officer and miovine@cies.iie.org New Century Scholars Program Stacey Bustillos, Program Officer and sbustillos@cies.iie.org New Century Scholars Program Karen Watts, Senior Program Officer and kwatts@cies.iie.org European Union Scholar-in-Residence Program Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence Program Rimma K arlin, Senior Program Coordinator and rkarlin@cies.iie.org Occasional Lecturer Program Richard Pettit, Senior Program Officer and rpettit@cies.iie.org U.S.-Germany International Education Administrators Program Susan McPeek, Program Officer and smcpeek@cies.iie.org U.S.-Korea International Education Administrators Program Program A dministration Laura Perry, Assistant Manager and lperry@cies.iie.org Fulbright/APSA Congressional Fellowship Program M ilitary Academies Initiative Aegean Initiative Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Iceland Latvia Lithuania M alta Norway Slovak Republic Spain Sweden Turkey United Kingdom Council for International Exchange of Scholars 3007 Tilden Street, NW, Suite 5L, Washington, DC Telephone: Fax: scholars@cies.iie.org Web site: Cover photographs, fro m top le ft: M ariana George-Nascimento, C hile; Guodong Xu, C hina; and S ifu n i Mchome, Tanzania. A ll photos by John Consoli.

3 FULBRIGHT VISITIN G SCHOLAR PROGRAM Directory o f Visiting Scholars FULBRIGHT F U LB R IG H T SC H O LAR PRO G RAM Sponsored by the U nited States D epartm ent o f State, Bureau o f Educational and C u ltu ra l A ffa irs CIES is a division o f the Institute o f International Education.

4 Po lit ic a l Sc ie n c e Ps y c h o lo g y...60 Pu blic A d m in is t r a t io n...62 Relig io us St u d ie s Sociology and So c ial W o r k...64 TEFL/Applied Lin g u is t ic s...66 Theater an d Da n c e Seminar Pr o g r a m s New Century Scholars Pr o g r a m...71 Alphabetical in d e x...73 Host State I n d e x Home Geographic Area in d e x Special Programs I n d e x Visitin g Fulbright Sc h o l a r s Geographical listings in this publication are a matter o f administrative convenience and are not intended to im ply a U.S. Government position on the legal status o f the areas listed. 4

5 INTRODUCTION The 800 F ulbright V isitin g Scholars who come to the United States each year o ffe r a w onderful resource fo r U.S. campuses and comm unities across the country. A ll o f the scholars, fo r example, are available to make subsidized short-term visits through the Occasional Lecturer Program in order to share their academic expertise as w e ll as insights into their homelands and cultures. This annual directory provides a cross-indexed listing o f most o f the V is itin g Scholars and provides instructions on how to request a Fulbright Scholar to v is it your campus or community under the Occasional Lecturer Program. The complete lis t o f scholars, in clu d in g those confirm ed after the dire cto ry s publicatio n, is available online at A lso on the W eb site is comprehensive in fo rm a tio n on the F u lb rig h t V isitin g Scholar Program, as w e ll as instructions fo r requesting a V is itin g Scholar fo r an academic term or year. You can request a brochure on the program from scholars@ cies.iie.org or by ca llin g We urge you to take advantage o f the V is itin g Scholar Program. C ontact any o f the sta ff listed on the inside fro n t cover o f th is d ire cto ry fo r additional inform ation. Occasional Lecturer Program The C ouncil fo r International Exchange o f Scholars (C IES) provides travel awards through the Occasional Lecturer Program (O LP), w hich enable F u lbright V is itin g Scholars to accept guest lecturing invitations at colleges and universities. OLP Awards are granted at three different levels, depending upon the distance traveled. CIES w ill determ ine the award amounts. Financial assistance is also available fo r V is itin g Scholars to present papers at scholarly and professional conferences. The program enables V is itin g Scholars to share th e ir specific research interests, speak on the h isto ry and culture o f th e ir countries, exchange ideas w ith U.S. students, fa c u lty and com m unity organizations, become better acquainted w ith U.S. higher education and create linkages between th e ir home and host in stitu tio n s. A rra n g in g an Occasional Lecturer V is it. I f you fin d a scholar in the d ire cto ry w hom you w o u ld lik e to in v ite to your campus, you may contact the scholar d ire c tly via the fa cu lty associate and departm ent provided. Y o u can also contact CIES s ta ff to obtain a contact telephone number o r e-m ail address. (See the sta ff lis tin g on the inside o f the fro n t cover.) O ccasional Lecturer A w ards are provided d ire c tly to the pa rticip a tin g scholar. To apply fo r an award, the V is itin g Scholar m ust subm it to CIES a fo rm a l letter o f in v ita tio n from the host in s titu tio n or organization, along w ith dates o f travel, at least one m onth before the v is it is to take place. ( I f possible, scholars are asked to subm it th e ir requests even fu rth e r in advance.) W ith in one week o f receiving the application, CIES w ill in fo rm the scholar whether the award has been approved. The scholar is responsible fo r purchasing an a irlin e tic k e t or arranging some 5

6 other means o f transportation, such as a train, bus or rental car. A fte r the visit, the Fulbrighter w ill receive the award. M u ltip le Occasional Lecturer V isits and V isits to M in o rity-s e rvin g In stitu tio ns. Due to lim ited funding, each scholar is eligible fo r only one trip; however, requests to v is it more than one institution on a single trip w ill be considered. An exception to the one-trip rule may be made i f the scholar is invited to guest lecture at m inority-serving colleges and universities. A dditional monies are available to scholars visiting these institutions. Attendance at Professional Meetings. Scholars invited to professional meetings as presenters may also receive travel funds through the Occasional Lecturer Program. Conference coordinators are encouraged to arrange participation by contacting V isiting Scholars directly. Responsibilities o f Institu tio n s and O rganizations H osting Occasional Lecturers. Institutions wishing to host a Fulbright Scholar should develop a comprehensive plan o f activities and arrangements to share w ith the scholar w e ll in advance o f the proposed visit. Host institutions are asked to provide Occasional Lecturers w ith local transportation, accommodations and meals. It is important to inform the scholar, p rio r to arrival, about the support the host institution or organization w ill provide. Institutions should also provide the scholar w ith a form al letter o f invitation as early as possible. The scholar w ill need this letter to form ally request travel funds from CIES. Length of V isit. The length o f the lecturer s stay at the institution w ill depend upon the particular interests o f the academic community or organization and the facilities available. The period, however, should allow an opportunity for the scholar to become acquainted w ith the host institution or organization. A program o f two to three days is suggested; a longer period may be advisable i f visits to several institutions are planned. Suggested A ctivitie s fo r O ccasional Lecturers. V isitin g Lecturers have engaged in the follow ing activities in the past: department- or school-wide lectures to students or faculty or both, lectures in classrooms where the scholar can make a contribution to the discipline, faculty meetings that allow fo r an exchange o f ideas, inform al gatherings o f students and faculty, home hospitality offered by faculty, meetings w ith community organizations or religious groups that have a special interest in international relations and panel participation at professional conferences. Occasional Lecturer Stories The follow ing are examples o f the many ways campuses, communities and V isiting Scholars have benefited from the Occasional Lecturer Program: D r. Krishnan Rajam, a Fulbright V isitin g Scholar from M alaysia, was affiliated w ith the Bloomberg School o f Public Health at Johns Hopkins U niversity in Baltimore, Maryland where he both lectured and continued his research on the assessment o f injury prevention policies in Asia. His wide expertise in injury prevention in Asia made him a desired lecturer in a variety o f organizations and institutions throughout the United States. During his four-month grant, Dr. Rajam visited the Lewis College o f Business in Michigan, the Morehouse School o f Medicine in 6

7 Georgia, Lin co ln U n iversity o f M issouri and the University o f H aw aii System in H onolulu as an Occasional Lecturer. Dr. Rajam m et the faculties and discussed w ith the students the global and national perspective o f in ju ry prevention. He never missed the chance to acquaint his audience w ith the people, the culture and the beauty o f M alaysia. In addition to his w o rk w ith George W ashington U niversity w h ile on his Fu lb rig h t grant, D r. T irth K h a n iy a s professional experience beyond the W ashington, DC area turned out to be dearly appreciated by his U.S. colleagues and very beneficial fo r him. As a p a rticip a n t in the Occasional Lecturer Program, he com bined a v is it to Penn State U n ive rsity w ith a v is it to Lin c o ln U niversity, a m in o rity-se rvin g in s titu tio n in Lincoln, Pennsylvania, where he also received a certificate o f appreciation. He also visite d the Center fo r International and D evelopment Education at U C L A, where he shared w ith fa cu lty members and students the achievements o f his research in Nepal on the id e n tify in g factors contributing to educational reform. D uring her occasional le cturing vis its to the U niversity o f Tennessee-Chattanooga and the U niversity o f Nebraska at L in c o ln, D r. O lga Ouchakova spoke on T.S. E lio t s reputation in Russia and la id the groundw ork fo r future professional collaboration w ith both institutions. D r. Ouchakova is an associate professor and head o f the Departm ent o f Foreign Languages at Tyumen State U n ive rsity in Russia. She was awarded a F u lb rig h t grant to conduct research on T.S. E lio t and Russian C ulture: Aspects o f C ross-c ultural C om m unications at Grand V a lle y State U niversity in A llendale, M ichigan. D r. Mukhammadzakhrab Ism anov is a professor in the Departm ent o f A g ric u ltu ra l Engineering at Tashkent State Technical U n ive rsity in Uzbekistan. Through the Occasional Lecturer Program, D r. Ism anov successfully introduced his strategy fo r protecting crop plants from both to xic levels o f salts in the soils and the loss o f soil m oisture at the U nited States A g ricu ltu ra l In fo rm a tio n N etw ork (U S A IN ) 2003 Conference, title d A g ric u ltu ra l In fo rm a tio n fo r the N ew M ille n n iu m : N ew Crops, B iotechnology and Saving the Past. D r. Ism anov is constantly updating the results o f his research on cotton production and the movement, organization, and societal status o f U.S. cotton farmers. Visiting Scholar Stories Occasional Lecturers are drawn from a large pool o f V is itin g Scholars who are in the United States as F ulbright researchers and lecturers. These scholars routinely express how personally and professionally g ra tifyin g their F ulbright experiences have been, whether they are here fo r only a few months or a fu ll academic year. Institutions hosting these visitin g Fulbrighters are equally pleased w ith how much th e ir visitors are able to share w ith their students and faculty, from cultural details about their home countries to technical expertise in a variety o f disciplines as diverse as astrophysics, music and literature. These stories are ju st a few examples o f successful recent visits. To read more scholar stories, v is it our Web site at A fric a Examining theater as a force fo r social change was the focus o f Juliana Om oifo Okoh, a faculty member in the Department o f Creative A rts at the U niversity o f Port Harcourt in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. H er goal was to examine the potential o f theater as a medium to convince N igerian women that they can achieve positions o f authority in society i f they liberate 7

8 themselves from stereotyped roles. In the Sm ith College Theater Department, she was able to study Latin Am erican playwright Augusto B oal s Theater o f the Oppressed and German dramatist B ertolt Brecht s Epic Theater theories and practice and the role they have played in Am erican fem inist theater. John Connolly, provost/dean o f the faculty at Smith College, took a special interest in her research program and helped fund an extension to her grant. He and Dean Susan Bourque also arranged fo r the college to donate 10 computers fo r O m oifo Okoh to take back to N igeria to help set up a women s resource center at the U niversity o f Port Harcourt. E ast A sia and the P a cific I saw m y grant as a w onderful opportunity to pursue m y research w ithout the diversions and responsibilities that are part o f being a university teacher, says C la ire Smith, an expert in A ustralian A borigina l culture w ho teaches at Flinders U niversity in Adelaide, Australia. As part o f her F ulbright research project to develop principles fo r using indigenous m aterial in m ultim edia, Sm ith worked w ith N ative Am ericans in various parts o f the U nited States at comm unity, state and federal levels. She also had the opportunity to w o rk w ith H arriet M ayor F ulbright, w idow o f Senator J. W illia m Fulbright. Sm ith met M rs. Fu lb rig h t at a F ulbright Scholars enrichment function and in vited her to be patron fo r the F ifth W orld A rchaeological Congress, held in W ashington, DC in June Sm ith and Joan Gero, a F ulbright alum and professor o f anthropology at Am erican U n ive rsity, organized this conference on indigenous peoples and cultures. E urop e S triving to fin d a w ay o f identifying those children in Poland who are at risk fo r lead poisoning, D r. D orota Jarosinska spent her year as a Fulbright Scholar in Research Triangle Park, N orth Carolina. Jarosinska, a fe llo w at the Institute o f Occupational M edicine and Environmental H ealth in Sosnoweic, came to the N ational Institute o f Environmental Health Science to compare lead screening programs between children in Poland and the U nited States. She plans on using her new insights to start projects in Poland combating the problem o f lead poisoning. E u ra sia Leonid Yablonsky, a Russian archaeologist and professor in the department o f Scythian-Sarmatian at the Russian Academy o f Sciences, came to the U niversity o f C alifornia at Santa Barbara to promote understanding among Russian and Am erican archaeological scholars. He traveled to a number o f other universities where he noticed significant differences in the knowledge possessed by students in both countries. He explained that w h ile U.S. scholars are better educated in traditional fields such as Greece, Rome, and South Am erica, Russian scholars have access to fa cilitie s offering research on a w ider scope o f w o rld history. C iting the language barrier and current economic situation in Russia as obstacles to the exchange o f inform ation, Yablonsky is confident that his presentations helped im prove understanding among Am erican and Russian archaeologists. T he M id d le E ast and N o rth A fric a A n assistant professor o f architecture at Jordan U n ive rsity o f Science and Technology in Irb id, Jordan, R ami Farouk D aher held a semester-long F u lb rig h t lecturing grant, during w h ich he took a socio-critical approach to conservation and Islam. H is focus was the Ottoman and contemporary periods in the area known as Greater Syria (B ilad al Sham), w hich encompasses Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel and the Palestinian areas. D uring his F u lb rig h t semester, Daher jo in e d the Center fo r 8

9 M iddle Eastern Studies (C M ES) at the U n iversity o f C aliforn ia-b erkeley. W hat attracted him to CMES were the diversity and the strength o f its faculty and scholars in areas related to heritage and globalization, colonial and post-colonial theory, and Ottoman studies. Daher was also involved in research related to another o f his m u ltid iscip lin a ry interests: the polities o f T h ird W o rld tourism in a global economy. He presented several lectures on this topic to undergraduate and graduate anthropology classes at Berkeley. South A sia Sundari Krishnamurthy was determined to create a deeper understanding o f her homeland, India, during her tim e as a F ulbright Scholar-in-Residence in the United States. She lectured on Indian philosophy at H illsborough Comm unity College in Tampa, Florida, traveling also to D ix ie State College o f Utah and Polk Community College in Florida. Her lectures focused p rim a rily on the ways in w hich Indian philosophy can be viewed as manifestations o f art, culture and religious practices. Her students were eager to learn about Indian culture and found her lectures valuable in dispelling misperceptions about the country. W e ste rn H em isphere Jorge Ibanez-Cornejo summed up his year in Chicago on a F ulbright grant as one o f the best years w e ve had as a fa m ily. A chemistry professor from M exico C ity, Mexico, Ibanez-Cornejo came to Loyola U niversity w ith his w ife, th e ir tw o daughters, and, at various tim es, three nieces and a nephew. Ibanez-Cornejo taught and conducted lab w ork at the university, set up an environmental chemistry lab, gave guest lectures in W est V irg in ia and Texas, presented papers at a number o f professional meetings and had one paper published. He also form ed close friendships w ith many o f his new colleagues, tw o o f whom have visited him in M exico C ity. The Iberoamericana U niversity, Ibanez-Cornejo s home in stitu tio n, w ill be w elcom ing a researcher from Loyola in the near future. 9

10 FULBRIGHT V is it in g S c h o l a r s b y A c a d e m ic F ie l d Agriculture A it E l M e kki, A kka Professor, Department o f A g ricu ltu ra l Economics, National School o f A griculture, Meknes, M orocco Research: Proposed Am erican-m oroccan Free Trade Zone: A n Assessment o f Q uantitative Effects on A gricultural and Food Sectors in M orocco Purdue U niversity, Department o f A g ricu ltu ra l Economics, West Lafayette, IN c/o Dr. Wallace Tyner July October 2003 A laoui, Si Bennasseur Professor, Department o f Agronomy, Hassan II Agronomy and Veterinary Institute, Rabat, Morocco Lecturing and Research: Development o f a Community W ith More Sustainable A griculture fo r Morocco U niversity o f Minnesota T w in C ities, Minnesota Institute fo r Sustainable A griculture, Department o f Agronomy and Plant Genetics, St. Paul, M N c/o Dr. Donald Wyse June September 2003 G aliba, G abor O tto Project Manager, Ag ricu ltura l Research Institute, Hungarian Academy o f Sciences, Budapest, Hungary Research: Characterizing the Arabidopsis CBF Transcriptional A ctiva to r-like Genes in Wheat U niversity o f C alifornia Davis, Department o f Agronomy and Range Science, D avis, CA c/o Prof. Jorge Dubcovsky September January 2004 Hammade, H usni Associate Professor, Department o f A nim al Production, Faculty o f A griculture, University o f Aleppo, Aleppo, Syria Research: Im proving Poultry Production by Genetic Engineering V irgin ia Polytechnic Institute and State U niversity, College o f Agriculture and L ife Sciences, Department o f A nim al and P oultry Sciences, Blacksburg, V A c/o Dr. Ed Smith September March 2004 Issa, Taleb A. Associate Professor, Department o f Plant Production, Faculty o f A griculture, M u tah U niversity, Al-K arak, Jordan Research: Genotype Differences in Drought and Heat Tolerance in Wheat and Barley Colorado State U niversity, Department o f Soil and Crop Sciences, Fort C ollins, CO c/o D r. Patrick F. Byrne June September 2003 (Fulbright Program fo r Ira q i Expatriates) Jakse, Jernej Doctoral Candidate, Agronom y Department, U niversity o f Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia Research: Can the Sm aller Asparagus Genome Be Used to Clone a M ajor Locus Conditioning Correlated Flavor and Health-Enhancing Properties o f the Onion U nive rsity o f W isconsin M adison, Department o f H orticulture, Madison, W I c/o D r. Michael Havey August January 2004 L a fi, Shawkat Q.M. Department Head, Faculty o f Veterinary M edicine, Jordan U niversity o f Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan Research: A Prospective Epidemiological Study o f the Effects o f Somatic Cell Count on M ilk Production and Soft Cheese Y ie ld in D airy Goat M ilk F ort V alley State U niversity, College o f A g ricu ltural, Home Economics and A llie d Programs, Georgia Sm all Ruminant Research and Extension Center, Fort V alley, G A c/o Dr. S. M obini September June 2004 Sadamate, Vishw anath Vishnu A dditional Commissioner, M in istry o f A griculture, New D elhi, India Research: The Public-Private Partnership in A g ricu ltura l Extension Management M ichigan State U niversity, M ichigan State U niversity Extension, East Lansing, M I c/o Dr. M ary P. Andrews September December 2003 Salikhova, Sayyora Associate Professor, General Chemistry Department, Tashkent Pediatric M edical Institute, Tashkent, Uzbekistan Lecturing and Research: Processing Seeds fo r New Healthy Foods: Technology o f Amaranth Beverages 11

11 A gricu lture Texas A & M U niversity, Institute o f Food Science and Engineering, Industry Services Program, Food Protein Research and Development Center, College Station, T X c/o Dr. Steven Gregory August A p ril 2004 Shah, Zahir Professor, Department o f Soil and Environm ental Sciences, Northwest Frontier Province A g ricu ltura l U niversity, Peshawar, Pakistan Research: Changes in Soil M icro bial Biomass and M ineralizable Carbon and N itrogen in Soils Under D ifferent Cropping, Tillage, and F ertilizer Colorado State U niversity, Department o f S oil and Crop Sciences, F ort C ollins, CO c/o Dr. Dwayne G. W estfall September June 2004 Tert, Mohamed A li Lecturer, Department o f Soil and Land Reclamation, School o f A griculture, University o f Aleppo, Aleppo, Syria Lecturing and Research: Exceedingly W etter Conditions and Consequent Damage in A gricultural Lands in the Coastal Area and Al-G hab Region o f Syria U niversity o f Idaho, Department o f B io lo g ica l and A g ricu ltura l Engineering, Moscow, ID c/o Dr. M arkus Tu lle r September M arch 2004 American H istory Cho, Ji-Hyung Associate Professor, Department o f H istory, Ewha W omen s U niversity, Seoul, Korea Research: A dm inistrative Efficiency Verses Personal Rights: A C onstitutional Dialogue on Federalism and the Transform ation o f Federal Habeas Corpus Law U niversity o f M issouri Columbia, School o f Law, Columbia, M O c/o Dr. P h ilip G. Peters, Jr. July July 2004 Gervais, Pierre Professor, U niversity o f Paris I (Pantheon-Sorbonne), Paris, France Research: Technical Innovation, Business Management and Economic R ationality in the Early Industrial Revolution Harvard U niversity, Charles Warren Center fo r Studies in Am erican H istory, Department o f H istory, Cambridge, M A c/o Dr. Laurel Thatcher U lrich September August 2004 Kacharava, Vasili Associate Professor, Departm ent o f H istory, T b ilis i State U nive rsity, T b ilis i, G eorgia Research: Three Republican Decades: 1920s, 1950s and 1980s U nive rsity o f W isconsin M adison, Departm ent o f H istory, M adison, W I c/o Dr. John M ilto n Cooper Jr. September A p ril 2004 Lee, Ju Cheon Professor, H istory Departm ent, College o f Liberal A rts, W onkwang U nive rsity, Iksan, Korea Research: H isto ry o f Am erican W ars U n ive rsity o f M issouri St. Louis, Departm ent o f H istory, St. Louis, M O c/o Dr. W inston Hsieh December December 2004 Lee, Young Hyo Assistant Professor, Departm ent o f H istory Education, Chonnam N ational U nive rsity, K w angju, Korea Research: D a ily L ife o f C olonial V irg in ia Planters U nive rsity o f V irg in ia, Corcoran Departm ent o f H istory, C harlottesville, V A c/o Dr. Stephen Innes August August 2004 Melegoda, Nayani Senior Lecturer, Department o f H isto ry and International Relations, U n ive rsity o f Colombo, Colombo, Sri Lanka Research: The Role o f W omen in the Am erican C iv il W ar U n ive rsity o f Tennessee K n o xville, College o f A rts and Sciences, Center fo r the Study o f W ar and Society, K n o xville, TN c/o D r. G. K u rt Piehler September June 2004 Perevezentsev, Alexander L. C hair, Departm ent o f H istory, Zhubanov State U nive rsity, Aktobe, Kazakhstan Research: U.S. H istory and Foreign P o licy in the 1920s and 1930s Stanford University, Department o f History, Stanford, CA c/o Prof. D avid M. Kennedy September June 2004 Praszalowicz, Dorota Associate Professor, Department o f International and P olitical Studies, Institute o f Polish Diaspora and Ethnic Studies, Jagiellonian U niversity, Krakow, Poland Research: O ld Neighbors in a N ew W orld: The Germans, Polish and Jewish Im m igrating From Prussia to New Y o rk C ity 12

12 Am erican L ite ra tu re New Y ork U niversity, Faculty o f A rts and Sciences, Skirball Department o f Hebrew and Judaic Studies, New Y ork, N Y c/o Dr. Hasia D iner September June 2004 American Literature Amaglobeli, Vakhtangi Vice Rector and Assistant Professor, Departments o f External A ffa irs and Development and H istory o f Foreign Literatur, Kutaisi State U nive rsity, Kutaisi, Georgia Research: Algernon Charles Swinburne and the American Novelists o f the First H a lf o f the 20th Century U niversity o f C alifornia Santa Cruz, Departm ent o f American Studies, Santa Cruz, C A c/o D r. Michael Cowan August December 2003 Bak, Joannes Theodorus Jozef Professor, Department o f English and Am erican Studies, Catholic U niversity o f N ijm egen, N ijm egen, Netherlands Lecturing and Research: Complete E d itin g o f The Selected Letters o f M alcolm C ow ley U niversity o f Iowa, Department o f Am erican Studies, Iowa C ity, IA c/o Prof. John Raeburn August January 2004 Cenuser, D idi Ionel Lecturer, Department o f B ritish and Am erican Studies, School o f A rts and Letters, Lucian Blaga U niversity o f Sibiu, Sibiu, Romania Lecturing and Research: W ritin g and Speaking in Faulkner s W orks Southeast M issouri State U nive rsity, Departm ent o f English, Center fo r Faulkner Studies, Cape Girardeau, M O c/o Dr. Robert H am blin September M arch 2004 Cruz, Isagani Ronquillo Chair, Department o f Literature and P hilippine Languages, College o f Liberal A rts, De la Salle U niversity, M anila, Philippines Research: A Literary Biography o f Bienvenido N. Santos W ichita State U niversity, U niversity Lib ra ry, Department o f Special Collections, W ichita, KS c/o Dr. M ichael K e lly September November 2003 Ghosh, N ib ir Kanti Reader, Department o f English Studies and Research, Agra U niversity, Agra, India Research: Recent Trends in A fro-a m erican Fiction W ith Special Reference to the W ritings o f Charles Richard Johnson U nive rsity o f W ashington, Department o f English, Seattle, W A c/o Dr. Richard J. Dunn September May 2004 Golovacheva, Irina Associate Professor, School o f Philology, St. Petersburg State U niversity, St. Petersburg, Russia Research: The Am erican Aldous Huxley: Literature, M ysticism and Science U nive rsity o f Nebraska Lincoln, Department o f English, Lincoln, NE c/o Dr. Linda Pratt September A p ril 2004 Kolbuszewska, Zofia Halina Assistant Professor, Department o f English, Catholic U nive rsity o f L ub lin, L u b lin, Poland Research: A Complementary V ision: The Sublime and the Apocryphal Mode in Thomas Pynchon Novels C olumbia U niversity, Graduate School o f Arts and Sciences, Department o f English and Comparative Literature, New Y ork, N Y c/o Dr. Edward Mendelson September M ay 2004 Kopecky, Petr Lecturer, Department o f English and American Studies, Ostrava U niversity, Ostrava, Czech Republic Research: Nature W ritin g o f Post-Indigenous Tribes o f the American Southwest San Jose State U niversity, College o f Humanities and the A rts, San Jose, CA c/o Dr. K a rl Toepfer October June 2004 Kusnir, Jaroslav Senior Lecturer, Department o f English Language and Literature, U niversity o f Presov, Presov, Slovak Republic Research: Am erican F iction Between 1980 and 2002 U nive rsity at B uffalo, The State U niversity o f New Y o rk, Department o f English, Buffalo, N Y c/o Dr. Howard W o lf February June 2004 Lashkevich, Anatoly Professor, Department o f Western Literature, U dmurt State U niversity, Izhevsk, Russia Research: From Exceptionalism to M ulticultu ral G lobality: Am erican V oice in Contemporary C ultural Theory 13

13 American Literature Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Kennan Institute, Washington, DC c/o M r. A tiq Sarwari September February 2004 (Fulbright-Kennan Institute Research Scholarship) Lee, Haiyoung Professor, Department o f English, Sangmyung University, Cheonan, Korea Research: American Feminist Drama New York University, Tisch School o f the Arts, Department o f Drama, New York, N Y c/o Dr. Robert H. Vorlicky August January 2004 Leypoldt, Guenter Associate Professor, Department o f American Studies, University o f Tubingen, Tubingen, Germany Lecturing and Research: The Rhetoric o f Homology in American Cultural Politics From 1810 to 1920 University o f Maryland College Park, Department o f English, College Park, MD c/o Dr. Charles Caramello August January 2004 Marin, Ileana Lecturer, Department o f Romanian Studies, Ovidius University, Constanza, Romania Lecturing and Research: Americans on Romania Versus Romanians on America University o f Washington, College o f Arts and Sciences, Department o f Slavic Languages and Literatures, Seattle, W A c/o Dr. James E. Augerot December June 2004 Maszewska, Jadwiga Marta Assistant Professor, Department o f American Literature and Culture, University o f Lodz, Lodz, Poland Research: Violence, Otherization, and Counter-Hegemonic Resistance in the Literature o f Southern, Chicana, and Native American Women University o f Texas El Paso, Department o f English, El Paso, TX c/o Dr. Shelley Armitage February July 2004 Miyamoto, Yoichiro Associate Professor, Institute o f Literature and Languages, University o f Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan Research: Tw ilight Zone: Constructions o f Postmodern Subjects in American Culture, University o f Maryland College Park, Department o f English, College Park, M D c/o Dr. Jonathan Auerbach September June 2004 Naghiyeva, Shahla Associate Professor, Department o f English, The University o f Languages, Baku, Azerbaijan Research: A Comparative Approach in Poetry Translation o f American and Azeri Literatures East Carolina University, College o f Arts and Sciences, Department o f English, Greenville, NC c/o Dr. Bruce Southard September March 2004 Oliver Rotger, Maria Antonia Assistant Lecturer, Department o f English, Autonomous University o f Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain Research: The U.S.-Mexico Border in Chicano/a and Mexicano/a Turn o f the Century Narratives University o f California Berkeley, Department o f Ethnic Studies, Berkeley, CA c/o Dr. Norma Alarcon June December 2003 Pukhnata, Svitiana Assistant Professor, Department o f Theology and History o f W orld Literature and Culture, Gorlivka Pedagogical Institute o f Foreign Languages, Gorlivka, Ukraine Research: Narrative Strategies in the Novels o f Modem Afro-American Women Writers San Diego State University, Department o f Afficana Studies, San Diego, CA c/o Dr. Charles P. Toombs September M ay 2004 Schulz, Dieter Professor, Department o f Modem Languages, University o f Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany Lecturing and Research: Lecturing in 19th-Century American Literature and Research on Southwestern W riting University o f New Mexico, Department o f English, Albuquerque, N M c/o Prof. Scott P. Sanders January September 2004 Suarez Toste, Ernesto Jesus Postdoctoral Researcher, Department o f English, University o f La Laguna, La Laguna, Spain Research: Surrealist Roots, Affinities, and Influences in Elizabeth Bishop s Poetry Vassar College, Special Collections and Archives, Poughkeepsie, N Y c/o M r. Ronald D. Patkus January May 2004 Sung, Kyung Jun Associate Professor, Department o f English, Hankuk University o f Foreign Studies, Seoul, Korea Research: The Representations o f American Regions: The Case o f Mark Twain 14

14 A nthropology and Archaeology U niversity o f W ashington, Department o f English, Seattle, W A c/o Dr. Richard Dunn August August 2004 Yang, Seok Won Associate Professor, Department o f English, Yonsei U niversity, Seoul, Korea Research: Between W hite and Black: M apping Out Modes o f Representing the Black Subject in Antebellum America U niversity o f C alifornia Irvine, Departm ent o f English and Comparative Literature, Irvine, CA c/o Dr. Brook Thomas August July 2004 Zhang, Jun Dean and Associate Professor, English Department, School o f Foreign Languages, Northeast Norm al University, Changchun, China Research: Quest o f the Century: Saul B e llo w s Fiction U niversity o f Chicago, Department o f English Language and Literature, Chicago, IL c/o Dr. B ill Brown September August 2004 American Studies Fujita, Yuko Takahashi Associate Professor, Department o f English, Tsuda College, Kodaira C ity, Japan Research: H istory o f H igher Education fo r Women in the United States: H istorical Connections and International N etworking W ith Japanese Women Stanford University, Department o f History, Stanford, CA c/o Dr. Carolyn Lougee Chappell July March 2004 Iwasaki, Yoshitaka Lecturer, School o f Engineering, K in k i University, Higashi Hiroshim a, Japan Research: Analysis o f the Social, Cultural, and P olitical Im pact o f M ixed-b lood Members in Native American Tribes on the Development o f Relations W ith the United States University o f Oklahoma, Department o f Native American Studies, Norman, OK c/o Dr. Robert W arrior August November 2003 Oldenziel, Ruth Associate Professor, Netherlands Institute fo r the Social Sciences, University o f Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands Research: Changing Meanings o f the American Empire Georgetown U niversity, History Department, W ashington, DC c/o Prof. M ichael Kazin August December 2003 Pinter, Karoly Robert Assistant Professor, Institute o f English Studies, Faculty o f Humanities, Peter Pazmony Catholic U niversity, Budapest, Hungary Research: Developing Introductory Am erican Society and Culture Courses fo r Hungarian Students Texas C hristian U niversity, Department o f H istory, Fort W orth, TX c/o Dr. Frank T. Reuter September February 2004 Anthropology and Archaeology Barta, Miroslav Assistant Professor, Faculty o f Arts, Czech Institute o f Egyptology, Charles U niversity, Prague, Czech Republic Research: Process and Interaction: Ancient Egyptian Society During the O ld Kingdom Period ( B.C.) U niversity o f Pennsylvania, U niversity Museum, Egyptian Section, Philadelphia, PA c/o Dr. D avid Silverman August June 2004 Channa, Subhadra Associate Professor, Department o f Anthropology, U niversity o f D elhi, Delhi, India Lecturing: Gender Studies From an Indian Perspective; Caste in H istorical and Contemporary Perspective Auburn U niversity M ain Campus, College o f Liberal A rts, Department o f Sociology, Anthropology, C rim inology and Social W ork, Auburn, AL c/o Dr. K e lly D. A lle y September December 2003 Charvat, Petr Zdenek D irector and Associate Professor, Department o f A frica and the Near East, O riental Institute, Czech Academy o f Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic Research: From Theocracy to Profane Government in the Ancient Near East: The C ity o f U r in the T hird Pre-Christian M illennium U niversity o f Pennsylvania, Department o f Asian and M iddle Eastern Studies, Philadelphia, PA c/o Dr. Erie Leichty October August 2004 Di Giovanni, Vincenzo Senior Archaeologist, New Archaeology Cooperative Society, Pozzuoli, Ita ly Lecturing: Classical Archaeology and Greco-Roman Culture 15

15 A nthropology and Archaeology Northwestern State U niversity, Louisiana Scholars College, Natchitoches, LA c/o D r. Jean D Am ato Thomas The U niversity o f Louisiana at M onroe, Departm ent o f H istory and Government, Monroe, L A c/o D r. H o lly W ilson August June 2004 (Scholar-in-Residence Program ) Guerra Maldonado, Debbie Elena A djunct Professor, Institute o f Social Sciences, A ustral U nive rsity o f C hile, V a ld ivia, C hile Lecturing: W omen s New W orld: Recreating W omen s Relationships Across Boundaries U niversity o f South Alabama, College o f A rts and Sciences, International Studies Program, M ob ile, A L c/o D r. Stephen M orris January M ay 2004 (Scholar-in-Residence Program ) Hershkovych, Yakiv Senior Researcher, Institute o f Archaeology, N ational Academy o f Sciences o f U kraine, K y iv, U kraine Research: C ultural Developm ent and Economic and E cological Systems o f the Bronze Age From the Balkans to the U rals D uring the 2nd M ille n n iu m BC W ellesley College, International Program fo r Anthropological Research in the Caucasus, W ellesley, M A c/o Prof. P h ilip L. K o hl September A p ril 2004 Horstmann, Alexander Klaus Erich Lecturer, Institute fo r Ethnology, U nive rsity o f M unster, Munster, Germany Research: From Shared Cosmos to M o b iliza tio n o f Hatred in Southern Thailand Harvard U nive rsity, Department o f A nthropology, Cambridge, M A c/o Prof. Enseng Ho February November 2004 Hsieh, Shih-chung Tristan Professor, Departm ent o f Anthropology, N ational Taiwan U nive rsity, Taipei, Taiwan Research: Ethnic Structure and D ynam ic Identities: M u lti-t a is and H ill Tribes as Im m igrant Social W orlds in N orth Am erica U niversity o f W ashington, Departm ent o f Anthropology, Seattle, W A c/o Dr. Stevan H arrell October July 2004 Khairy, Nabil Ibrahim Professor, Departm ent o f Archaeology, Faculty o f Social and Human Sciences, U nive rsity o f Jordan, Amman, Jordan Lecturing and Research: Nabatean M in o r A rts and Their C ultural Interpretation La Sierra U nive rsity, School o f R eligion, Riverside, C A c/o D r. John Jones September August 2004 M isra, Kamal Kanta Professor, Departm ent o f A nthropology, Hyderabad U nive rsity, Hyderabad, India Lecturing: C ultural A nthropology A u stin C ollege, Departm ent o f Psychology, Sociology and A nthropology, Sherman, T X c/o Dr. Janet L ow ry August M ay 2004 (Scholar-in-Residence Program ) Tkachuk, Taras Head, D avniy H alych N ational Preserve o f M onuments, Halych, U kraine Research: Ware Ornamentation as a Language o f Prehistoric Cultures Stanford U niversity, Departm ent o f C ultural and Social A nthropology, Stanford, C A c/o D r. Ian Hodder September M ay 2004 Valk, Ulo Professor and Chair, Departm ent o f Literature and F olklore, U nive rsity o f Tartu, Tartu, Estonia Research: Im agination, Genre and B e lie f in F olk Dem onology U n ive rsity o f Pennsylvania, School o f A rts and Sciences, Center fo r Folklore and Ethnography, Philadelphia, PA c/o D r. Dan Ben-Am os September July 2004 Velinova, Iskra Ivanova C hair, Departm ent o f Social Studies, Am erican College o f Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria Lecturing and Research: Losing a W orld, Finding a W orld: The East European Com m unity in the United States U nive rsity o f Pittsburgh, Center fo r Russian and East European Studies, Pittsburgh, PA c/o Prof. Robert M. Hayden February July 2004 Vlizos, Stavros Assistant D irector, Benaki Museum, Athens, Greece Research: Museum Management: The M etropolitan Museum o f A rt, New Y o rk and Athens in Roman Times: The Evidence o f the Cemeteries Yale U niversity, Department o f Classics, New Haven, CT c/o Prof. V ic to r Bers M etropolitan Museum o f A rt, N ew Y o rk, N Y c/o M r. Philippe de M ontebello August October

16 A rchitecture and U rban Planning Wu, Tien-tai Professor, Institute o f Ethnic Relations and Culture, N ational Dong Hwa U niversity, Hualien, Taiwan Research: Indigenous Students in H igher Education: A Comparative Study Between Taiwan and the United States Ohio State U niversity Columbus, Department o f Anthropology, Columbus, OH c/o Dr. C lark Spencer Larsen July September 2003 Architecture and Urban Planning Adam, John P hillip Landscape H istorian, Endangered Gardens, Auckland, New Zealand Research: The American Career o f Fred Tschopp, Landscape Architect C alifornia State Polytechnic U niversity Pomona, Department o f Landscape Architecture, Ponoma, CA c/o D r. P hilip N. Pregill December M arch 2004 Aruninta, A riya Assistant Professor, Department o f Landscape Architecture, Faculty o f Architecture, Chulalongkom U niversity, Bangkok, Thailand Lecturing and Research: Public Land Management Policy Evaluation and Conclusion Chapters; Case Study o f Under-Utilized Spaces in Bangkok, Thailand U niversity o f Illin o is Chicago, Graduate Program in Public Adm inistration, Great C ities Institute, Chicago, IL c/o Dr. M ichael Pagano September December 2003 Assi, Eman Shafiq Mohamed Assistant Professor, Department o f Architecture, Faculty o f Engineering, An-Najah N ational U niversity, Nablus, West Bank Research: C ultural Heritage and Sustainable Development: Assessment o f Recent Initiatives in C ultural Heritage Conservation Projects in Palestine U niversity o f C alifornia Berkeley, School o f Architecture, Berkeley, CA c/o D r. Nezar AlSayyad September June 2004 Bocharov, Y ury Senior Research Fellow, Central Institute fo r Town Planning, Moscow, Russia Research: Development o f an Urban Planning Credential Program fo r Russia U niversity o f Texas A rlington, School o f Urban and Public A ffairs, Center fo r Economic Development Research and Service, A rlington, TX c/o D r. Sherman Wyman October March 2004 Bradbury, Matthew Lecturer, Landscape Architectural Programme, School o f Landscape and Plant Sciences, UNITEC Institute o f Technology, Auckland, New Zealand Research: The Am erican Career o f Fred Tschopp, Landscape Architect C alifornia State Polytechnic U niversity Pomona, Department o f Landscape Architecture, Pomona, C A c/o Dr. P hilip N. P regill November January 2004 Chiang, Wei-Hwa Associate Professor, Department o f Architecture, National Taiwan U niversity o f Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan Research: Contemporary Concert H alls and Perform ing Arts Centers in N orth America U niversity o f Oregon, School o f M usic, Eugene, OR c/o D r. Randall S. Moore June February 2004 Ciambrone, Giuseppe Research Scholar, Department o f Preservation o f A rchitectural and Environmental Values, U niversity o f Naples, Naples, Ita ly Research: Urban Planning in Southern C alifornia U niversity o f C alifornia Los Angeles, Department o f Urban Planning, Los Angeles, CA c/o Prof. V in it M ukhija September June 2004 Cremaschi, Marco Research Professor, Department o f Planning and Architecture, Terza U niversity o f Rome, Rome, Ita ly Lecturing: International Planning and Urban Policies U niversity o f Pittsburgh, Urban Studies Program, Pittsburgh, PA c/o Dr. Carolyn L. Carson August November 2003 Golobic, Mojca Lecturer, Department o f Landscape Architecture, School o f Biotechnology, U niversity o f Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia Research: Knowledge Base fo r Future Scenarios Harvard University, Graduate School o f Design, Landscape and Architecture Planning, Cambridge, M A c/o Dr. Carl Steinitz September January 2004 Ism ail Abdellatif, Ayman Mohamed Assistant Professor, Department o f Architecture, Faculty o f Engineering, Cairo University, Fayoum, Egypt 17

17 A rchitecture and U rban Planning Research: C ritica l Environmental Indicators for Estim ating the Urbanization C arrying Capacity Ohio State U niversity Columbus, College o f Engineering, School o f Architecture, Columbus, OH c/o D r. Steven I. Gordon November M ay 2004 Kukina, Irina Associate Professor, Department o f Urban Planning, Krasnoyarsk State Architecture and B uilding Academy, Krasnoyarsk, Russia Research: Urban Planning Ecology in B u ffe r Zones U niversity o f W ashington, Department o f Urban Design and Planning, Seattle, W A c/o Dr. H ilda Blanco September May 2004 Pai, Hyung M in Professor, Department o f Architecture, U niversity o f Seoul, Seoul, Korea Research: Transform ations o f A rchitectural Pedagogy in Postwar America Massachusetts Institute o f Technology, Department o f Architecture, History, Theory and C riticism Section, Cambridge, M A c/o Dr. M ark M. Jarzombek August August 2004 Tanishita, Masayoshi Associate Professor, Department o f C iv il Engineering, Faculty o f Science and Engineering, Chuo U niversity, Tokyo, Japan Research: Im pact Analysis o f Car-Related Taxation Systems and Regulations on C 02 Emissions U niversity o f C alifornia Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Energy Analysis Department, Berkeley, CA c/o Dr. Jonathan Sinton October July 2004 Valenzuela Aguilera, Alfonso Research Professor, College o f Architecture, Autonomous U niversity o f Estado de M orelos, Cuernavaca M orelos, M exico Research: Public Space Strategies fo r Restructuring Latin American Cities Massachusetts Institute o f Technology, Special Program fo r Urban and Regional Studies fo r Developing Areas, Cambridge, M A c/o Dr. John de Monchaux August August 2004 Wang, Xu Professor, Institute o f Am erican H istory Studies, Department o f H istory, Xiamen U niversity, Xiamen, China Research: A Short Reversal W ithin a Long Trend: Reconsideration o f Counterurbanization Since the 1970s U niversity o f Delaware, Graduate School o f Urban A ffa irs and Public Policy, Newark, DE c/o D r. Jeffrey A. R affel September July 2004 A rt Guimaraes, Leda M aria de Barros Professor, Department o f V isual A rts, Federal U niversity o f Goias, Goiana, Bra zil Research: The Role o f M u lticu ltu ra l Aspects in Contemporary A rt Teaching O hio State U niversity Columbus, Department o f A rt Education, Columbus, OH c/o Dr. M ichael Parsons August August 2004 Mutebi, Fred Kato A rtis t, A frica 2000 N etw ork, Kampala, Uganda Lecturing: H istory o f A rt in Uganda; H istory o f P rin t M aking C hristian Brothers U niversity, School o f the Arts, Department o f R eligion and Philosophy, M em phis, TN c/o Dr. Janet M ccord August M ay 2004 (Scholar-in-Residence Program ) Osojnicki, Vesna A rtis t, Croatian Freelance A rtis t Association, Zagreb, Croatia Lecturing: H istorical O verview o f European Culture Through Ceramics and Sculpture Delgado Comm unity College, Delgado Northshore, C ovington, L A c/o D r. M ax Reichard August December 2003 (Scholar-in-Residence Program ) A rt History B itar, Zeinat Assistant Professor, Department o f Fine A rt and Archaeology, Faculty o f Human Sciences, Lebanese U niversity, B eirut, Lebanon Research: O rientalism in American A rt o f the 19th Century: The M irro r o f C ultural Dialogue Between East and West Smithsonian Institution, Am erican A rt Museum, W ashington, DC c/o Ms. V irgin ia M ecklenberg November August 2004 Kunicki-Goldfinger, Jerzy Jakub Assistant Professor, Institute o f N uclear Chemistry and Technology, Warsaw, Poland 18

18 Biological Sciences Research: Unstable Glass in Museums: Technological and Environmental Influences C om ing Museum o f Glass, C om ing, N Y c/o Dr. Robert H. B rill October February 2004 Varunts, Victor Professor, Department o f the H istory o f Western M usic, M oscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory, M oscow, Russia Research: The Heritage o f Post-1917 Russian Emigree M usicians L ib ra ry o f Congress, O ffice o f Scholarly Programs, W ashington, DC c/o Dr. Lester I. Vogel September December 2003 Biological Sciences Abdurahimova, Zuvaydajan Haitovna Senior Research Scientist, Laboratory o f Plant Resources, National Institutes o f Deserts, Flora and Fauna o f Turkmenistan, Ashgabat, Turkm enistan Research: Diagnosing A ir P o llu tio n in Turkmenistan Using Lichens Test-Indication Organisms Smithsonian Institution, N ational Museum o f Natural H istory, Department o f Botany, Washington, DC c/o D r. Paula T. DePriest September January 2004 Aleryani, Samir L u tf Assistant Professor, Biochem istry Department, School o f M edicine and Health Sciences, Sana a U niversity, Sana a, Yemen Research: Fatty A cid E thyl Ester (FA EE ) Synthesis and Fatty A cid B inding Protein (FABP) Massachusetts General Hospital, D ivisio n o f Laboratory M edicine, Departm ent o f Pathology, Boston, M A c/o Dr. M ichael Laposata September June 2004 AlSharif, Fadel A. M. Associate Professor, Medical Technology Department, Islam ic U niversity o f Gaza, P rim al, Gaza Research: Development o f a M u ltic o lo r Fluorescence In Situ H ybridization Assay fo r Detection o f Balanced Chromosomal Aberrations in Cancer Yale U niversity, School o f M edicine, Department o f Genetics, New Haven, CT c/o D r. M azin Qumsiyeh September June 2004 Aminigo, Ebiokpo Rebecca Senior Lecturer, Department o f M icrobiolo gy, U nive rsity o f Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt, N igeria Research: Production and Evaluation o f a Y o gu rt-l ike Product From the A frica n Yam Bean (Sphenostylis Stemocarpa Harms) U niversity o f M innesota T w in C ities, Department o f Food Science and N u tritio n, St. Paul, M N c/o D r. L lo yd M etzger September June 2004 Ara, Jehan Lecturer, Department o f Food Science and Technology, U niversity o f Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan Research: Fungal Postharvest D eterioration o f Fruits and Vegetables U nive rsity o f C alifornia Davis, Department o f Vegetable Crops, D avis, CA c/o Dr. M arita C antw ell October June 2004 Atmani, Fouad Professor, B iology Departm ent, Faculty o f Sciences, Mohamed I U niversity, Oujda, M orocco Research: E ffect o f H em iaria Hirsuta Extract on Cell C ulture M ayo C lin ic, D ivisio n o f Nephrology, Rochester, M N c/o D r. John C. Lieske July October 2003 Bataineh, Ziad M. Assistant Professor, Departm ent o f Anatomy, Faculty o f M edicine, Jordan U niversity o f Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan Research: C ontribution o f U b iq u itin in N orm al and Pathological Human Prostate Gland U niversity o f Iowa, Departm ent o f Anatom y and Cell B iology, Iowa C ity, IA c/o D r. Paul Heidger September June 2004 Comtois, Paul Professor, Department o f Geography, U niversity o f M ontreal, Montreal, Canada Research: Atm ospheric Flows o f Organisms M ichigan State U niversity, Department o f Entom ology, East Lansing, M I c/o Dr. Stuart H. Gage January August 2004 Del Prado M illan, Ruth Independent Scholar, M adrid, Spain Research: Evolution o f Ascoma Types in Lichen-Form ing Fungi and Related Ascomycetes Field Museum o f N atural H istory, Department o f Botany, Chicago, IL c/o Dr. Thorsten Lumbsch October September 2005 Diouf, Diaga Research Professor, Faculty o f Sciences and Techniques, University o f Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar, Senegal 19

19 Biological Sciences Research: Id en tificatio n o f M olecular M arkers Linked to Hyper N itrogen Fixation in Cowpeas V irg in ia Polytechnic Institute and State U niversity, Department o f B iology, Blacksburg, V A c/o Dr. H ilu K h id ir March December 2004 Domagala, Alina Assistant Professor, Institute o f Human Genetics, Polish Academy o f Sciences, Warsaw, Poland Research: Proteomic Analysis o f Human Sperm A ntigenic Determinants: Inducing Anti-Sperm Antibodies in Sensitized In fe rtile Adults U niversity o f V irg in ia, School o f M edicine, Center fo r Research in Contraceptive and Reproductive Health, C harlottesville, V A c/o Dr. John C. H err September February 2004 Dorrington, Rosemary Ann Senior Lecturer, Department o f Biochem istry, M icrobiology, and Biotechnology, Rhodes U niversity, Grahamstown, South A frica Research: The Establishment o f a B io lo g ica l System fo r Studying the Replication o f Tetraviruses U niversity o f Alabama Birm ingham, Department o f M icrobiology, Birm ingham, A L c/o Dr. Andrew B a ll September March 2004 Fassouane, Abdelaziz Professor, Department o f B iology, Chouaib D oukkali U niversity, El-Jadida, Morocco Research: Bioactive Substances Produced by M arine Organisms: Screening, Isolation, and Structure Determ ination U niversity o f C alifornia Santa Cruz, Department o f Chemistry, Santa Cruz, CA c/o Dr. P hil Crews July October 2003 Gaj, Malgorzata Danuta Assistant Professor, Department o f Genetics, Faculty o f B io lo g y and Environment Protection, Silesian U niversity, Katowice, Poland Research: The Use o f T-D N A Insertional Mutagenesis for Tagging Genes Involved in Somatic Embryogenesis U niversity o f C alifornia Berkeley, Department o f Plant and M icro b ia l B iology, Berkeley, C A c/o Dr. Peggy Lemaux September June 2004 Kershanskaya, Olga Ivanovna Head, Laboratory o f Photosynthesis, Institute o f Plant Physiology, Genetics, and Bioengineering, Alm aty, Kazakhstan Research: Genetic M od ifica tio n o f Wheat Photosynthesis to Increase Y ie ld : Introducing Gene-Encoding C4 Photosynthesis Enzymes W ashington State U niversity, School o f B iological Sciences, Pullm an, W A c/o Prof. M aurice S. B. K u M arch December 2004 Khamas, Wael A. Professor and Head, Departm ent o f V eterinary Basic Sciences, Faculty o f V eterinary M edicine, Jordan U nive rsity o f Science and Technology, Irb id, Jordan Lecturing: Gross Anatom y, H istology, Applied Anatom y and Em bryology Purdue U niversity, School o f V eterinary M edicine, International Programs in V eterinary M edicine, West Lafayette, IN c/o D r. A.Y.M. Nour September June 2004 (F ulbright Program fo r Ira q i Expatriates) Koitabashi, Ritsuko S ta ff E ditor, N ikke i Biotechnology, N ik k e i Business Publications, Inc., Tokyo, Japan Research: Risk Analysis and Management o f Biotechnology U nive rsity o f C alifornia San Francisco, School o f N ursing, Institute fo r Health and A ging, San Francisco, C A c/o D r. Patrick J. Fox January December 2004 Kusalwong, Anusorn Senior Pathologist, Field Crop Research Institute, Department o f A griculture, M in is try o f A griculture, Bangkok, Thailand Lecturing and Research: The Thai and Hawaiian Knowledge Exchange on N atural Resources and Ecology Management fo r People in Comm unity-based Development U nive rsity o f H aw aii Manoa, School o f Social W ork, H onolulu, H I c/o D r. John K. Matsuoka October A p ril 2004 Laczko, Jozsef Associate Professor, Department o f Biomechanics, Faculty o f Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Semmelweis U niversity o f M edicine, Budapest, Hungary Research: M odeling the Control and Biomechanics o f M amm alian Locomotion New Y o rk U niversity, School o f M edicine, Department o f Physiology and Neuroscience, New Y ork, N Y c/o Dr. K erry W alton M arch June 2004 Maestre G il, Fernando Tomas Research Assistant, Department o f Ecology, University o f Alicante, Alicante, Spain 20

20 B iological Sciences Research: Im pact o f Changing Atm ospheric C 02 on Shrub Grass Transitions: A n A nalysis o f Potential Responses U sing C ontrolled Environments D uke U n ive rsity, D ivisio n o f Environmental Science and P o licy, Departm ent o f B io lo g y, Durham, NC c/o D r. James F. Reynolds O ctober September 2005 Magwa, Michael Libala Professor and D irector, Departm ent o f Botany and E le ctron M icroscope U n it, Faculty o f Science and Technology, U niversity o f Fort Hare, A lice, South A fric a Research: Sustainable Plant U tiliz a tio n U n iv e rsity o f Connecticut, Department o f Plant Science, Storrs, CT c/o D r. M ark H. Brand September January 2004 Masi, Antonio Researcher, Department o f A g ricu ltu ra l B iotechnology, U niversity o f Padova-Agripolis, Legnaro, Ita ly Research: Comparative Proteomics o f O xidative Stress Responses in Plants C ornell U niversity, Department o f Plant B iology, Ithaca, N Y c/o Prof. Klaas van W ijk A p ril December 2004 Mendoza Garcia, Manuel Postdoctoral Researcher, Departm ent o f B iology, U nive rsity o f Malaga, M alaga, Spain Research: Analysis o f the B io tic Processes Involved in the M iocene Biome Transition B row n U niversity, Department o f B io lo g y and M edicine, Providence, R I c/o D r. Christine Janis U n ive rsity o f C alifornia Santa Barbara, Department o f E cology, E volution, and M arine B iology, Santa Barbara, CA c/o D r. John Damuth October September 2005 Moawad, Tarek Ibrahim Saad Lecturer, Zoology Departm ent, Faculty o f Science, Suez Canal U niversity, Ism ailia, Egypt Research: Isolation and Sequence Analysis o f Vespa O rientalis Phospholipase Genes East C arolina U niversity, Brody School o f M edicine, G reenville, NC c/o D r. Donald H offm an O ctober A p ril 2004 Munday, Philip Laing Postdoctoral Fellow, School o f M arine B io lo g y and Aquaculture, James Cook U n ive rsity o f N orth Queensland, Tow nsville, Australia Research: Sex D eterm ination: The Role o f Genes and the Environment U niversity o f C alifornia Santa Barbara, Departm ent o f Ecology, E volution and M arine B iology, Santa Barbara, CA c/o Dr. Robert W arner October M ay 2004 Nagy, Nina Elisabeth Research O ffice r, Norw egian Forest Research Institute, As, Norw ay Research: M olecular Compounds Involved in the Signaling o f Defense Responses in Norwegian Spruce Trees W ashington State U nive rsity, School o f B io lo g ica l Sciences, Pullm an, W A c/o D r. V incent R. Franceschi January August 2004 Naro, Fabio Researcher, Department o f H istology and Em bryology, M edical School, U nive rsity o f Rome La Sapienza, Rome, Ita ly Research: Role o f PDE4 in the Pathogenesis o f Asthma Stanford U niversity, School o f M edicine, Departm ent o f Obstetrics and Gynecology, Stanford, C A c/o D r. M arco C onti October December 2003 Njock, Thomas Eku Lecturer, Department o f L ife Sciences, Faculty o f Science, U niversity o f Buea, Buea, Cameroon Research: Mechanisms o f Recovery o f Cassava Infected W ith Cassava A frica n M osaic Gemini virus (C A M V ) Donald D anforth Plant Science Center, International Laboratory fo r T ropical A g ricu ltu ra l Biotechnology, St. Louis, MO c/o D r. Claude Fauquet August A p ril 2004 Odriozola Moncayola, Leticia Postdoctoral Researcher, Department o f B io lo g y, U niversity o f Navarra, Pamplona, Spain Lecturing and Research: Functions o f Phosphatase and Tensin Homolog on Chromosome 10 (PTEN ) Tumor Suppressor M ediated by Its A c tiv ity in the C ell Junction M ount Sinai School o f M edicine, The Deraid H. Ruttenberg Cancer Center, New Y ork, N Y c/o Dr. Andrew Chan November October 2004 Ramahaleo, Tiana Andriambolasoa Lecturer, B iology o f Parasital Populations Laboratory, Department o f A n im a l B iology, U niversity o f Antananarivo, Antananarivo, Madagascar Research: M olecular Phylogeny o f the C rayfish Genus Astacoides (Decapoda: Parastacidae) o f Madagascar 21

21 Biological Sciences Brigham Young University, Department o f Integrative Biology, Provo, UT c/o Dr. K eith A. Crandall September May 2004 Ribeiro Bronze da Rocha, Elsa M aria Assistant Professor, Department o f Biochemistry, Polytechnic Institute o f Oporto, Oporto, Portugal Research: Establishment o f MCP1 Protein as a Component o f the Pre-RC or Pre-IC at the Origins in D N A Replication and M olecular Identification o f MCP1 Partners National Institutes o f Health, Laboratory o f M olecular Pharmacology, Center fo r Cancer Research, Bethesda, M D c/o Dr. M irit Aladjem October September 2004 Rodriguez Lopez, M ilagros Postdoctoral Scholar, Institute o f Agrobiotechnology and N atural Resources, U niversity o f Navarra, Pamplona, Spain Research: Identifying Functional Determinants o f Hormone Responses in Cereal Aleurone U niversity o f C alifornia Berkeley, Department o f Plant and M icrobial Biology, Berkeley, CA c/o Dr. Russell L. Jones October September 2005 Schmitter Soto, Juan Jacobo Senior Researcher, Department o f Aquatic Ecology and Systematics, D ivision o f B iodiversity Conservation, College o f the Southern Frontier (ECOSUR), Chetumal, Quintana Roo, Mexico Research: A Systematic Revision o f the Astyanax Fasciatus Complex (Teleostei: Characidae) U niversity o f M ichigan Ann Arbor, Division o f Fishes, Museum o f Zoology, Ann Arbor, M I c/o Dr. W illia m Fink August July 2004 Simegn, Afew ork Bekele Dean, Department o f Biology, Science Faculty, Addis Ababa U niversity, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Research: Phylogeography o f Some Ethiopian Small Mammals Using M olecular Techniques Texas A & M U niversity, Department o f W ild life and Fisheries Sciences, College Station, TX c/o Dr. Rodney Honeycutt October June 2004 Srijunngam, Jirarach Lecturer, Department o f Biology, Faculty o f Science, Chulalongkom U niversity, Bangkok, Thailand Research: Effect o f Crude Extract From Mucuna Macrocarpa on Gonadal Structure and Function o f the N ile Tilapia Oreochromis N iloticus Boston University, Department o f Biology, Boston, M A c/o Dr. Ian P. Callard September February 2004 Suntornwat, O ranart Assistant Professor, Department o f Chemistry, Silpakom U niversity, Nakompathom, Thailand Research: Biochemical and M olecular B iological Studies o f the Softening Process o f Mango and Tomato Fruits U niversity o f C alifornia Davis, Department o f Pomology, Davis, CA c/o Dr. John M. Labavitch October March 2004 Tassoni, Annalisa Postdoctoral Fellow, Department o f B iology, U niversity o f Bologna, Bologna, Ita ly Research: Polygene Mapping o f Hormones That C ontrol Tuber Sprouting Cornell University, Department o f Plant B iology, Ithaca, N Y c/o Prof. Peter Davies May November 2004 Van Doninck, Karine M.F. Doctoral Candidate, Department o f Freshwater B iology, Royal Institute o f Natural Sciences o f Belgium, Brussels, Belgium Research: Silencing Mechanisms in Ancient Asexual Bdelloid Rotifers Harvard U niversity, Department o f M olecular and C ellular B iology, Cambridge, M A c/o Prof. Mathew Meselson October October 2004 Vidulescu, C ristina Felicia V irginia Senior Lecturer, Department o f C ell Biology and H istology, Carol Davila U niversity o f M edicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania Lecturing and Research: The Role o f Phospholipase D in C ell L ife and Death Responses to M olecular Stress Tulane University, School o f Medicine, Department o f Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, New Orleans, L A c/o Dr. Sanda Clejan October March 2004 Business Administration Ascigil, Semra Feriha Instructor, Business Adm inistration Department, M iddle East Technical U niversity, Ankara, Turkey Research: Organizational Justice and Employee Behavior 22

22 Business A dm inistration Western Kentucky U niversity, Gordon Ford College o f Business, Department o f Management, B ow ling Green, K Y c/o D r. Afzal Rahim August February 2004 Bajzikova, Lubica Head, Faculty o f Management, Comenius U niversity, Bratislava, Slovak Republic Lecturing and Research: Comparative Human Resource Management: Learning From D iversity C ornell U niversity, School o f Industrial and Labor Relations, Department o f Human Resource Studies, Ithaca, N Y c/o Prof. Patrick W right February June 2004 Chen, A n-lin Professor, Department o f Business Management, N ational Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan Research: The Role o f Investment Bankers in the Stabilization o f In itia l Public O fferings Louisiana State U niversity and A g ricultural and M echanical College, E.J. Ourso College o f Business A dm inistration, Department o f Finance, Baton Rouge, L A c/o D r. Ji-Chai L in September June 2004 Chen, Cheng-Hsui A rth u r Professor and Chair, Department o f Business A dm inistration, N ational Y u n lin U niversity o f Science and Technology, Touliu, Taiwan Research: Influencing Factors on the Reciprocal Effects o f Brand Extension U nive rsity o f Southern C alifornia, M arshall School o f Business, Marketing Department, Los Angeles, CA c/o D r. C. Whan Park September June 2004 Chen, Guoquan Professor, Department o f Management, School o f Economics and Management, Tsinghua U niversity, B eijing, China Research: Theory and Practice o f Organizational Learning in the United States and Its Im plications in China Massachusetts Institute o f Technology, Sloan School o f Management, Cambridge, M A c/o D r. Peter M. Senge September August 2004 Chen, Shyh-jer Professor and D irector, Institute o f Human Resource Management, N ational Sun Yat-sen U niversity, Kaohsiung, Taiwan Research: Human Resource Management Systems, O rganizational Strategy and F irm Performance: A Comparison Between U.S. and Taiwanese Firms U niversity o f Illin o is Urbana-Champaign, Institute o f Labor and Industrial Relations, Champaign, IL c/o Dr. John J. Law ler September June 2004 Fukukawa, H ironori Associate Professor, Faculty o f Economics, Nagasaki U niversity, Nagasaki, Japan Research: The Q uality o f Financial Statements Assured by Auditing U nive rsity o f Southern C alifornia, Leventhal School o f Accounting, Los Angeles, CA c/o Dr. Theodore J. M ock September August 2004 Huang, Jia-C hi Associate Professor, Department o f Business A dm inistration, Soochow U niversity, Taipei, Taiwan Research: A Cross-Level Study on the Effects o f Team Composition on Knowledge Sharing and Innovation Indiana U niversity Bloomington, K elley School o f Business, Department o f Management, Bloomington, IN c/o Dr. George F. Dreher September June 2004 Kavanagh, Donncha Lecturer, Department o f Management and M arketing, U niversity College C ork-national U niversity o f Ireland, Cork, Ireland Research: Management: The Postmodern U niversity U niversity o f C alifornia San Diego, Department o f Comm unication, La Jolla, CA c/o Prof. G eoff Bow ker January July 2004 L in, Jin-Kwan Professor and Chair, Department o f Industrial Management, N ational Pingtung U niversity o f Science and Technology, Pingtung, Taiwan Research: Professional Service Organization (PSO) Innovation Strategies and Innovation Management in N orth Am erica: Im plications fo r Taiwanese PSOs U niversity o f C alifornia Berkeley, Haas School o f Business, Institute o f Management, Innovation and Organization, Berkeley, CA c/o Dr. O liver E. W illiam son September June 2004 L iu, Feng Chair and Professor, Department o f Accounting, School o f Business, Zhongshan U niversity, Guangzhou, China Research: Examination o f the Form ulation and Im plementation o f the Sarbanes-Oxley A ct o f 2002 W ith Lessons fo r China 23

23 Business A dm inistration Brigham Young U niversity, M arrio tt School o f Business, Department o f Accounting and Inform ation Systems, Provo, UT c/o Dr. W. Steve Albrecht September August 2004 Liu, Jinlan Professor, Department o f Management Science and Management Inform ation Systems, Management School, T ianjin U niversity, T ianjin, China Research: Customer Satisfaction Evaluation Methods in American Enterprises U niversity o f M ichigan Ann Arbor, Business School, N ational Q uality Research Center, Ann Arbor, M I c/o Dr. Claes Fom ell September August 2004 Nguyen, Dinh Van Head, Business School, National Economics U niversity, Hanoi, Vietnam Research: Transferability o f Experiences in Investment Fund Development From the U nited States to the Vietnam Stock Market U niversity o f Texas Austin, McCombs School o f Business, Department o f Finance, Austin, T X c/o Dr. Laura T. Starks September M ay 2004 U niversity o f C incinnati, College o f Business A dm inistration, Department o f Q uantitative Analysis and Operations Management, C incinnati, OH c/o Prof. A m it Raturi October August 2004 Wang, Dong Associate Professor and Research Fellow, Research Center fo r Finance and Securities, Department o f Finance, Guanghua School o f Management, Peking U niversity, B eijing, China Research: M odeling Credit R isk: A Comparative Analysis o f Commercial Bank R isk Management in China and the United States Columbia U niversity, Business School, Department o f Finance and Economics, New Y ork, N Y c/o Dr. W ei Jiang August August 2004 Yu, Chian-Son Chair, Department o f Inform ation Management, Shih Chien U niversity, Taipei, Taiwan Research: E-Global Operations and Supply Chain Management Purdue University, Krannert Graduate School o f Management, Quantitative Methods, West Lafayette, IN c/o Dr. K w ei Tang September August 2004 Noh, Jeon Pyo Professor, Department o f Business Adm inistration, Yonsei U niversity, Seoul, Korea Research: Best Practices in New Product and Brand Management: Korea and the United States U niversity o f Washington, Business School, Department o f M arketing and International Business, Seattle, W A c/o Dr. Michael Song August August 2004 Saidiev, Ulugbek Associate Professor, Specialized Business School, Tashkent State Economic University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan Research: B uilding Reliable Small and M edium Enterprise M arketing Databases in Uzbekistan U niversity o f W isconsin Madison, School o f Business, Madison, W I c/o Prof. Ramon Aldag August M ay 2004 Vavrla, Lukas Doctoral Candidate, Department o f Econometrics, Prague School o f Economics, Prague, Czech Republic Research: The Productivity Increase o f M anufacturing Companies Through Operations Chemistry A ltel, Taleb H.T. Associate Professor, Department o f Chemistry, An-Najah National U niversity, Nablus, West Bank Lecturing and Research: Synthesis, Characterization and Physico-Chemical Analysis o f a New Generation o f Reversible Polymers Duke U niversity, P.M. Gross Chemical Laboratory, Department o f Chemistry, Durham, NC c/o Dr. Stephen L. Craig August M ay 2004 Andersson, K a rl K ristoffer Professor, Department o f Biochemistry, U niversity o f Oslo, Oslo, Norway Research: Advanced Spectroscopic Studies o f Im portant Iron Enzymes W hich React W ith Oxygen Stanford University, Department o f Chemistry, Stanford, CA c/o Dr. Edward Solomon September August 2004 Chohan, Zahid Hussain Associate Professor, Department o f Chemistry, Bahauddin Zakariya U niversity, Multan, Pakistan Research: Synthesis o f Isomeric D iisopropylsalicylic Acids and Their Copper Chelates 24

24 Chem istry U niversity o f Arkansas Pine B lu ff, School o f Arts and Sciences, Pine B lu ff, A R c/o Dr. W illia m W illingham October July 2004 Chotpattananont, Datchanee Lecturer, Department o f Industrial Chemistry, Faculty o f Science, Chiang M ai University, Chiang M ai, Thailand Research: Development o f Polythiophene fo r Actuator A pplications Case Western Reserve U niversity, The Case School o f Engineering, Department o f M acrom olecular Science and Engineering, Cleveland, OH c/o D r. Alexander M. Jamieson September March 2004 E lci, L a tif Dean, Department o f Chemistry, Faculty o f A rts and Sciences, Pamukkale U niversity, D en izli, Turkey Research: Speciation o f Inorganic Arsenic in Various W ater Samples Using a Combination o f Solid Phase Extraction and Hydride Generation A tom ic Absorption Spectrometry U niversity o f Massachusetts Am herst, Department o f Chemistry, Amherst, M A c/o Prof. Julian F. Tyson July December 2003 Etchenique, Roberto Argentino Assistant Professor, Department o f Inorganic Chem istry, College o f Exact and Natural Sciences, U niversity o f Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina Research: Applications o f a New Fam ily o f Caged Compounds Based in Photocleavable Transition M etal Coordination Complexes Columbia U niversity, Graduate School o f A rts and Sciences, Department o f B io lo g ica l Sciences, New Y o rk, N Y c/o Dr. Rafael Yuste September November 2003 Goldberg, Frederick W oolf D octoral Candidate, Chemistry Department, Im perial College o f Science, Technology and M edicine, London, United Kingdom Research: Investigating N ovel Synthetic Routes to Synthesize Nakadomarin as a Promising Anti-Cancer Lead U nive rsity o f Texas A ustin, College o f Natural Sciences, Department o f Chemistry and Biochem istry, A ustin, TX c/o Prof. Ph ilip D. Magnus January January 2005 Hansen, Trond V idar Postdoctoral Researcher, School o f Pharmacy, U nive rsity o f Oslo, Oslo, Norw ay Research: New Approaches to Osmium-Catalyzed Am ino-h ydroxylation Scripps Research Institute, Skaggs Institute fo r Chemical B iology, Department o f Chemistry, La Jolla, CA c/o Dr. K. Barry Sharpless January August 2004 Ionita, Petre Ion Senior Researcher, Institute o f Physical Chemistry, Bucharest, Romania Research: New Free Stable (Poly) Radicals as Advanced Materials N orth Carolina State U niversity, Department o f Chemistry, Raleigh, NC c/o Dr. David A. Shultz January August 2004 M ajor, Dan Thomas D octoral Candidate, Department o f Chemistry, B ar-ilan U niversity, Ramat-Gan, Israel Research: Computer Sim ulations o f Protein-Drug Complexes U niversity o f M innesota T w in C ities, Department o f Chemistry, Minneapolis, M N c/o Dr. Jia li Gao September September 2004 M elkani, Anand Ballabh Senior Lecturer, Chemistry Department, D.S.B. Campus, Kuman U niversity, N ainital, India Lecturing and Research: General Lab Courses; Pim pinella, Anaphalis and Sanicula Plant Species C alifornia State Polytechnic University Pomona, Chem istry Department, Pomona, CA c/o Dr. Vasu Dev January July 2004 M uhidinov, Zayniddin Scientist, Institute o f Chemistry, T a jik Academy o f Sciences, Dushanbe, Tajikistan Research: A pplication o f Pectin Gels fo r the D rug D elivery System Temple University, School o f Pharmacy, Philadelphia, PA c/o Dr. Reza Fassihi September March 2004 Poolman, Berend Professor, Department o f Biochemistry, U niversity o f Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands Research: C rystallization o f Membrane Transport Proteins C alifornia Institute o f Technology, Department o f Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Pasadena, CA c/o Dr. Douglas C. Rees July October 2003 Preis, Sergei Senior Research Scientist, Department o f Chemical Engineering, Ta llin n Technical U niversity, Tallinn, Estonia 25

25 Chemistry Research: Transient and Constant-Flow Photocatalytic Oxidation o f Oxygenated M otor Fuel Additives in Gaseous Phase University o f Colorado Boulder, Department o f Chemical Engineering, Boulder, CO c/o Dr. John Falconer June September 2004 Simpson, Graham Lorimer Postdoctoral Scholar, School o f Chemistry, University o f B ristol, B ristol, United Kingdom Research: Rapid and E fficient Cascade Synthesis o f Marine Ladder Toxins Massachusetts Institute o f Technology, Department o f Chemistry, Cambridge, M A c/o Prof. Tim othy Jamison March March 2005 Szalay, Peter Gyorgy Associate Professor, Department o f Theoretical Chemistry, Eotvos Lorand U niversity o f Budapest, Budapest, Hungary Research: Applying High-Level Quantum Chemistry to Processes Involving Electronically-Excited Molecule States U niversity o f Texas Austin, College o f Natural Sciences, Department o f Chemistry and Biochemistry, Austin, TX c/o Dr. John F. Stanton August May 2004 Trippier, Paul Charles Postdoctoral Researcher, Dyson Perrins Laboratory, U niversity o f O xford, Oxford, United Kingdom Research: Synthesis and Evaluation o f Novel AK G Kinase Site Inhibitors Georgetown U niversity, M edical Center, Department o f Neurology, Washington, DC c/o Prof. Alan P. Kozikow ski March M arch 2005 Trojanowicz, Marek Andrzej Professor, Department o f Chemistry, U niversity o f Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland Research: Developing a Lab-On-Chip Portable M icro-a nalyzer fo r Detecting Organophosphorus Pesticides Using Im m obilized G enetically-m odified Enzymes U niversity o f C alifornia Riverside, Bourns College o f Engineering, Department o f Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Riverside, CA c/o Prof. Ashok Mulchandani August February 2004 Communications and Journalism Chepelyk, Oksana Filmmaker, Ukrainian Documentary Film Studio, K yiv, Ukraine Research: The Interactive A rtis tic Textual Gene Project as a M odel o f Intercultural Communication Research U niversity o f C alifornia Los Angeles, Department o f Design and M edia Arts, Los Angeles, CA c/o Dr. V ictoria Vesna October June 2004 Esquivel Lopez, Enrique Javier Professor, Humanities Department, Ibero-Am erican U niversity, M exico C ity, Mexico Lecturing: M ulticultu ral Issues in the Americas: An Interpretative Approach Moorhead State U niversity, College o f Arts and Humanities, Moorhead, M N c/o Dr. Peter Q uigley August M ay 2004 (Scholar-in-Residence Program ) Fujiyoshi, Naomi Editor, E ditorial Center, M ainichi Newspaper, Tokyo, Japan Research: Overview o f Charter Schools in the United States and How to Proceed in Japan U niversity o f C alifornia Berkeley, Graduate School o f Education, Department o f Public Policy and Education, Berkeley, CA c/o Dr. Bruce Fuller August July 2004 Godoy Etcheverry, Sergio Jose Professor, Faculty o f Communications, School o f Journalism, Catholic U niversity o f Chile, Santiago, Chile Research: M ethodological Reinforcement o f W orld Internet Project (W IP) - Chile U niversity o f C alifornia Los Angeles, Center fo r Communication Policy, Los Angeles, CA c/o Dr. Jeffrey Cole December March 2004 Huang, Yi-Hui Professor, Department o f Advertising, N ational Chengchi U niversity, Taipei, Taiwan Research: A Framework for Understanding Cross-Cultural C onflict Resolution Harvard U niversity, Harvard Law School, Program on N egotiation, Cambridge, M A c/o Prof. Jeswald W. Salacuse August June 2004 Leone, Massimo Lecturer, Department o f Communication Sciences, U niversity o f Siena, Siena, Ita ly 26

26 Com puter Science Research: Comm unicating the W ar o f God: A nthropology, Theology and Rhetoric o f W ar in M onotheistic Religions (Judaism, C hristianity, Islam) Jesuit School o f Theology Berkeley, Graduate Theological Union at Berkeley, Department o f Systematic Theology, Berkeley, C A c/o Prof. Alejandro G arcia-rivera M ay December 2004 M ilne, K irsty M a iri C olum nist and Leader-W riter, E d ito ria l, The Scotsman, Edinburgh, U nited Kingdom Research: The Im plications o f N ew Protest Movements and Campaigns fo r P o litica l Journalism Harvard University, Nieman Foundation, Cambridge, M A c/o Ms. Susan Goldstein August June 2004 Oyama, Y uki Reporter, News D ivision, Iwate N ippo Company Ltd., Iw ate, Japan Research: Public Construction and Environmental Policy in the United States: The Case o f Dam Removal and Cooperation W ith Governments and Citizens B ryn M aw r College, Special English fo r Japanese Scholars (SPENG), Haverford, PA c/o Dr. Eleanor H. Jorden Stanford U niversity, Department o f Comm unication, K n ig h t Fellowships, Stanford, C A c/o Dr. James Bettinger July July 2004 Shin, Young Chul Announcer, Announcer s D ivisio n, Seoul Broadcasting System, Seoul, Korea Research: A Study o f the System and W orking Rules o f News Programs o f the U nited States From a Broadcaster s Perspective U nive rsity o f C alifornia Berkeley, Graduate School o f Journalism, Berkeley, CA c/o D r. Carolyn Wakeman August July 2004 Sisatto, Seppo Matias Chair, Tampere e-global Conference, Tampere, Finland Lecturing and Research: e-everything: The Media Convergence Stanford U niversity, Department o f Comm unication, Stanford, CA c/o Prof. Henry Breitrose August February 2004 Youssef, Ezzat Ibrahim M ikh a il Journalist, Foreign Desk, Al-A hram Establishment, A1 Ahram D aily, Cairo, Egypt Research: Breaking a Stereotype: Addressing the M isperception o f the U.S. D ecision-m aking Processes in the M iddle East Brookings Institution, Foreign Policy Studies Program, Saban Center fo r M iddle East Policy, Washington, DC c/o Dr. Peter W. Singer Am erican P o litical Science Association, Congressional Fellowship Program, Washington, DC c/o Dr. J e ff Biggs September August 2004 (Fulbright/APSA Congressional Fellowship Program ) Computer Science Chang, C hih-kai Assistant Professor, Department o f Inform ation Management, Da-Yeh U niversity, Chang Hua, Taiwan Research: Novel Educational Technology to Im prove Teaching and Learning U niversity o f M ichigan A nn A rbor, College o f Engineering, Department o f E lectrical Engineering and Computer Science, A nn A rbor, M I c/o Dr. E llio t Soloway September July 2004 Hewahi, N abil M.A. Associate Professor, Islam ic U niversity o f Gaza, R im al, Gaza Research: Genetic A lgorithm s and Neural Networks: A H ybrid Adaptive Rule-Based System U niversity o f Texas A ustin, Department o f Computer Science, Austin, T X c/o Dr. Risto M iikku la ine n October M ay 2004 Hwang, San-Yih Associate Professor, Department o f Inform ation Management, N ational Sun Yat-sen U niversity, Kaohsiung, Taiwan Research: Process M in ing in Support o f Customer Relationship Management U niversity o f Minnesota T w in Cities, Department o f Computer Science and Engineering, Minneapolis, M N c/o Dr. Jaideep Srivastava August June 2004 K irikova, M arite Docent, D ivisio n o f Systems Theory, Faculty o f Computer Science and Inform ation Technology, Riga Polytechnical Institute, Riga, Latvia Lecturing and Research: A pplication o f Knowledge Management in Inform ation Systems Development and Distance Learning Boise State U niversity, College o f Business and Economics, Department o f Networking, Operations, and Inform ation Systems, Boise, ID c/o Dr. W ita W ojtkow ski September March

27 Computer Science Losik, George D irector, Speech Technology Laboratory, United Institute o f Inform atics, N ational Academy o f Sciences o f Belarus, M insk, Belarus Research: Development o f Speech Synthesizer Capabilities in Slavic Language Stanford U niversity, Center fo r the Study o f Language and Inform ation, Stanford, CA c/o Dr. K eith D evlin September December 2003 Tamosiunaite, M in ija Associate Professor, Department o f Inform atics, Vytautus Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania Research: Coronary Lesion Detection Through Nonlinear M odel Based Electrocardiogram Analysis Yale University, Department o f Electrical Engineering, New Haven, CT c/o Dr. J. Rimas Vaisnys October A p ril 2004 Economics Ackland, Neil A lbert Senior Economist, Fiscal Strategy Branch, New South Wales Treasury, Sydney, Australia Research: Managing Structural Change in Rural Regions U.S. Department o f A griculture, Economic Research Service, Food and Rural Economics D ivision, Washington, DC c/o Ms. Betsey Kuhn September January 2004 Anderson, Volodym yr Associate Professor, Department o f Economic Geography, Odessa National U niversity, Odessa, Ukraine Research: The Role o f Geomarketing in Promotion o f Local and Regional Economic Development U niversity o f Idaho, College o f M ines and Earth Resources, Department o f Geography, Moscow, ID c/o Dr. Harley Johansen September M ay 2004 Brush, Paul James Head o f Corporate Inform ation, Invest Northern Ireland, Belfast, United Kingdom Research: Entrepreneurial A c tiv ity in the U nited States and Lessons fo r Northern Ireland Policy Development University o f Minnesota Twin Cities, Hubert Humphrey Institute for Public Affairs, Minneapolis, M N c/o M r. Thomas Vellenga September September 2004 Brzeszczynski, Janusz Jacek Chair o f Econometric Models and Forecasts, Department o f Economics, U nive rsity o f Lodz, Lodz, Poland Research: M icrostructure o f the Financial M arket: A Study o f the Stock and Currency M arkets in Poland Arizona State U niversity, College o f Liberal A rts and Science, Department o f Economics, Tempe, A Z c/o Prof. M ichael M elvin July A p ril 2004 Cheong, Insuk Associate Professor, Department o f Economics, Hankuk U niversity o f Foreign Studies, Seoul, Korea Research: C ontribution o f Inform ation Technology to Economic W elfare: E m pirical and Theoretical Studies Princeton U niversity, Department o f Economics, Princeton, NJ c/o D r. D ilip Abreu September August 2004 Chowdhury, Muhammad A bdul Mannan Professor and Chair, Department o f Economics, Chittagong U niversity, Chittagong, Bangladesh Research: A Study o f Environmental M arketing Strategy in the United States and Lessons fo r Bangladesh U niversity o f New Orleans, Department o f Economics and Finance, New Orleans, LA c/o D r. M. K abir Hassan September March 2004 Chuang, Yih-C hyi Professor, Department o f Economics, N ational Chengchi U niversity, Taipei, Taiwan Research: Human Capital, Trade, Technology A ssim ilation and Asian Economic G rowth Under G lobalization Harvard U niversity, Fairbank Center fo r East Asian Research, Cambridge, M A c/o D r. W ilt L. Idema September June 2004 C ordier, Jean Emile Professor, College o f Advanced Studies in A griculture, Rennes, France Research: Farm Risk Management: Finance and Insurance U niversity o f Illin o is Urbana-Champaign, Department o f A griculture and Consumer Economics, Urbana, IL c/o Prof. Raymond Leuthold February August 2004 Dobesova, Katerina D octoral Candidate, Department o f International Economics, Prague School o f Economics, Prague, Czech Republic 28

28 Economics Research: Renewable Support Mechanisms in the U nited States E le ctricity M arket Carnegie M ellon U niversity, Department o f Engineering and Public Policy, Pittsburgh, PA c/o Prof. M. Granger M organ October August 2004 Fevrier, Philippe Vincent M ethodologist, N ational Institute o f Statistics and Economics, Paris, France Research: A Study o f Treasury Auctions U nive rsity o f Chicago, Department o f Economics, Chicago, IL c/o Prof. Hugo F. Sonnenschein September June 2004 Furtan, W illiam Professor, Department o f A g ricu ltura l Economics, U nive rsity o f Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada Research: U.S.-Canada A g ricu ltural Trade: Trade Disputes or P olicy Harm onization U nive rsity o f M aryland College Park, Department o f A g ricu ltu ra l and Resource Economics, College Park, M D c/o D r. Bruce Gardner January M ay 2004 Gotsias, Apostolos Assistant Professor, Department o f Business A dm inistration, U niversity o f the Aegean, Chios, Greece Research: Prospects fo r Tourism Cooperation Between Greece and Turkey: The Greek N orth Aegean Islands and the Turkish Aegean Coast M ichigan State U niversity, Department o f Park, Recreation and Tourism Resources, East Lansing, M I c/o Prof. Daniel Stynes M arch June 2004 (Aegean Initiatives) Gulbrandsen, K ristin D irector, Department o f M onetary P olicy, Norges Bank, Oslo, Norway Research: Inflation-Targeting in a Small Open Economy U n ive rsity o f C alifornia San Diego, Department o f Economics, La Jolla, CA c/o Prof. A lla n Timmerman A ugust July 2004 Ko, Jong Hwan Associate Professor, Faculty o f International and Area Studies, Pukyong National U niversity, Pusan, Korea L ectu rin g and Research: Analysis o f the Economic Im pact o f a Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement: A Computable General E quilibrium Approach C olum bia U niversity, East Asian Institute, Center fo r Korean Research, New Y ork, N Y c/o D r. Charles K. Arm strong August August 2004 Kudebayeva, Alma Senior Lecturer, Faculty o f Economics and Business, A l-farabi Kazakh State N ational University, A lm aty, Kazakhstan Research: Economic G rowth and Regional Poverty Indiana U niversity Bloomington, Department o f Economics, Bloom ington, IN c/o Dr. M ichael Alexeev September January 2004 Men, M ing Professor, School o f International Trade and Economics, University o f Business and Economics, B eijing, China Lecturing: Business in China; International Business Universidad M etropolitana, Ana G. Mendez U niversity System, School o f Business Adm inistration, San Juan, PR c/o Prof. Pedro Hernandez January July 2004 (Scholar-in-Residence Program ) Ngo, Binh Xuan V ice Director, Vietnam Center fo r Japanese Studies, N ational Center fo r Social Sciences and Humanities o f Vietnam, Hanoi, Vietnam Research: U nited States A id to Vietnam A fter the Cold W ar: Features and Trends C ornell U niversity, Department o f Asian Studies, Ithaca, N Y c/o Dr. K eith W. Taylor A p ril September 2004 Ongan, Serdar Assistant Professor, Department o f Economics, Istanbul U niversity, Istanbul, Turkey Research: Prospects fo r Tourism Cooperation Between Turkey and Greece: The Greek N orth Aegean Islands and Turkish Aegean Coast M ichigan State U niversity, Department o f Park, Recreation and Tourism Resources, East Lansing, M I c/o Prof. Donald Holecek M arch M ay 2004 (Aegean Initiatives) Park, Sung Hoon Professor, Graduate School o f International Studies, Korea U niversity, Seoul, Korea Lecturing and Research: A lternative Scenarios o f Long-Term Development o f Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation and the U.S. Strategy; The Contemporary Korean Economy and the Korean Financial Crisis U niversity o f C alifornia San Diego, Graduate School o f International Relations and P acific Studies, Korea-Pacific Program, La Jolla, CA c/o Dr. Stephan Haggard July July

29 Economics Petrovic, Pavle Professor, Faculty o f Economics, Belgrade University, Belgrade, Serbia Research: Currency Crises in Transition Economies: Causes, Dynamics and Managing Harvard U niversity, Kennedy School o f Government, Cambridge, M A c/o Dr. Jeffrey Frankel September June 2004 Rey Raggio, Jose Carlos Economic Advisor, O ffice o f Planning and Budget, Government o f the Republic o f Uruguay, M ontevideo, Uruguay Lecturing: Latin Am erican Economics San Jose State U niversity, College o f Social Sciences, Department o f Economics, San Jose, C A c/o Dr. Lydia D. Oretega August June 2004 (Scholar-in-Residence Program ) San, Gee Professor, Research Center fo r Taiwan Economic Development, N ational Central U niversity, Chung-li, Taiwan Research: Pension Reform Program in Taiwan U niversity o f Kansas, Department o f Economics, Lawrence, KS c/o Dr. Joseph S icilian August May 2004 Shadiyev, Tursun Senior Lecturer, Faculty o f Business, W estminster International U niversity in Tashkent, Tashkent, Uzbekistan Lecturing and Research: Econometric Models for Predicting W orld Cotton Fiber Prices U niversity o f C alifornia Los Angeles, Von Grunebaum Center fo r Near East Studies, Los Angeles, CA c/o Prof. Leonard Binder August February 2004 Sommervoll, Dag Einar Research Fellow, Department o f Research, Statistics Norway, Oslo, Norway Research: E fficiency o f the Housing M arket Stanford U niversity, Department o f Economics, Stanford, CA c/o Prof. Peter Hammond June June 2004 Tang, Zhong Professor and Chair, Department o f A gricultural Economics, People s U niversity o f China, B eijing, China Research: Biotechnology Regulations, Food Safety Administrations and Their Im pact on Trade: A Comparative Study International Food Policy Research Institute, Development Strategy and Governance D ivision, Washington, DC c/o Dr. Shenggen Fan November September 2004 Tran, Ut Thi Head, Department o f Rural Development Studies, Faculty o f Economics, Nong Lam U niversity, Ho Chi M inh C ity, Vietnam Research: Management o f Sustainable Resources in Coastal Areas fo r Poverty A lle via tio n C alifornia State U niversity Sacramento, Department o f Economics, Sacramento, CA c/o Dr. Rossitza Wooster September June 2004 Tursunov, Rasul Head, International Business Department, Tashkent State Economic University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan Research: Application o f Statistical Methods in Business Under the Conditions o f a M arket Economy SUNY College at Fredonia, School o f Business, Fredonia, NY c/o Dr. James R. Hurtgen August M ay 2004 Uchida, H irofum i Associate Professor, Faculty o f Economics, Wakayama U niversity, Wakayama, Japan Research: Comparative Study on Bank Regulation Between the United States and Japan Bryn M awr College, Special English fo r Japanese Scholars (SPENG), Haverford, PA c/o Dr. Eleanor H. Jorden Indiana U niversity Bloom ington, K elley School o f Business, Finance Department, Bloomington, IN c/o Dr. Gregory F. U dell July June 2004 Verwim p, Philip Researcher, Economics Department, Catholic U niversity o f Leuven, Leuven, Belgium Research: The P olitical Economy o f C on flict and Development Yale U niversity, Genocide Studies Program, New Haven, CT c/o Dr. Ben Kieman January A p ril 2004 Vlachos, Jonas D im itrios Research Fellow, Research Institute o f International Economics, Stockholm, Sweden Research: Institutions, Endowments and Technological Change U niversity o f Chicago, Graduate School o f Business, Chicago, IL c/o Prof. L u ig i Zingales September June

30 Education W iner, Stanley L. Professor, Department o f Economics, School o f Public P olicy and A dm inistration, Carleton U niversity, Ottawa, Canada Research: The Evolution o f the Fiscal System in the United States Duke U niversity, O ffice o f the Provost, Durham, NC c/o Dr. G ilbert M erkx University o f California Irvine, School o f Social Sciences, Center for the Study o f Democracy, Irvine, CA c/o Dr. Russell Dalton August June 2004 Education Akm ataliev, Almazbek Akm atalievich Rector, Naryn State U niversity, Naryn, Kyrgyz Republic Research: The Management o f Education U niversity o f Montana M issoula, O ffice o f the President, Missoula, M T c/o D r. George M. Dennison October March 2004 Arnesen, Anne-Lise Associate Professor, Faculty o f Education, University o f Oslo, Oslo, Norway Research: Inclusion and Exclusion in Professional Practice as Seen From a Socio-Cultural Perspective: In stitutional Relations and Dilemmas in School U niversity o f W isconsin M adison, School o f Education, Department o f C urriculum and Instruction, Madison, W I c/o D r. Thomas Popkewitz August December 2003 A ydin, Cengiz Hakan Assistant Professor, School o f Communication Sciences, Anadolu U niversity, Eshisehir, Turkey Research: B uilding an O nline Learning Comm unity in Large-Size Distance Learning Classes U niversity o f New M exico, O rganizational Learning and Instructional Technologies Program, Department o f Educational Leadership and Organizational Learning, Albuquerque, N M c/o Dr. Charlotte Gunawardena August February 2004 Bezzina, Christopher George Lecturer, Department o f Education Studies, Faculty o f Education, U niversity o f M alta, Msida, Malta Research: Developing Professional Learning Communities in Schools U niversity at B uffalo, The State U niversity o f New Y ork, Department o f Educational Leadership and P olicy, B uffalo, N Y c/o Dr. Stephen L. Jacobson June September 2004 Biletska, Svitlana Associate Professor, Department o f Comparative Education and H istory o f W orld Pedagogy, K harkiv State Pedagogical U niversity, Kharkiv, Ukraine Research: Child-Centered Education: H istorical Context and Contemporary Debate U niversity o f Minnesota M orris, Division o f Education, M orris, M N c/o Dr. Judith Kuechle September March 2004 C hroni-kakourou, Georgia Curator, National G allery o f Greece, Sparta, Greece Research: The Role the Museum Plays in Promoting Inter-C ultural Education in the Greek N ational C urriculum School o f the A rt Institute o f Chicago, Department o f Museum Education, Chicago, IL c/o Ms. Jane H. Clarke M arch May 2004 Fang, Rong-Jyue Professor, Industrial Technology Education Department, College o f Education, National Kaohsiung Norm al U niversity, Kaohsiung, Taiwan Research: Impacts o f W ireless Net Environments on Higher Education Pennsylvania State University U niversity Park, College o f Education, W orkforce Education and Development Program, University Park, PA c/o Dr. Kenneth Gray August September 2003 Ho, Sui chu Esther Assistant Professor, Department o f Educational Adm inistration and P olicy, Faculty o f Education, Chinese U niversity o f Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong Research: School Decentralization and Parental Involvement in C hildren s Education: A Comparative Case Study U niversity o f Pittsburgh, School o f Education, Department o f A dm inistrative and P olicy Studies, Pittsburgh, PA c/o Dr. David M. Post Pennsylvania State U niversity U niversity Park, College o f Education, Department o f Education P olicy Studies, U niversity Park, PA c/o Dr. Suet-Ling Pong July December

31 Education Huang, Kun-Gin Professor and D irector, Center fo r Teacher Education, Institute o f Education, N ational Chiao Tung U niversity, H sinchu, Taiwan Research: General Education and the U nive rsity Presidents Role on Reform ing General Education at Harvard U niversity Harvard University, University Archives, Cambridge, M A c/o D r. B rian A. S ullivan September December 2003 Kim, Hyun Joo Senior Manager and Leadership Development Specialist, Human Resource Development, C heil Jedang, Seoul, Korea Research: Trends and Issues in Leadership: A n Instructional Systems Approach Duke U nive rsity, The Fuqua School o f Business, Duke Corporate Education, Durham, NC c/o Dr. B la ir Sheppard M arch August 2004 Lai, Rubina Shanker Senior Lecturer, Departm ent o f Special Education, Shreemati N athibai Damodar Thackersey (SN D T) W omen s U nive rsity, Bombay, India Research: The Effe ct o f Inclusive Education on Language and Social Development o f C hildren W ith A utism Kansas State U nive rsity, College o f Education, Department o f Special Education, M anhattan, KS c/o D r. M ary K ay Zabel October June 2004 Loury, A li Abdulrahman Mohammed Associate Professor, Sphere o f Educational Studies, College o f Graduate Studies, Arabian G u lf U niversity, Manama, Bahrain Research: D eveloping, Evaluating and R efining C urricular A c tiv itie s Based on the M u ltip le Intelligences Theory U nive rsity o f A rizona, College o f Education, Departm ent o f Special Education, Rehabilitation, and School Psychology, Tucson, A Z c/o Dr. C. June M aker August June 2004 Maslak, Anatoli Professor, State Pedagogical Institute o f Slavyansk-on-Kuban, Slavyansk-on-Kuban, Russia Research: Rasch Measurement o f Latent Variables in Education U nive rsity o f Illin o is Chicago, Applied Measurement and Statistics Program, Department o f Educational Psychology, Chicago, IL c/o D r. George Karabatos August M arch 2004 Mukhamedyarova, Zhanna Userbayevna Associate Professor, Departm ent o f Hum anities, Kazakh-Am erican U nive rsity, Alm aty, Kazakhstan Research: In te rcu ltu ral Competence Through C ognitive Education U n ive rsity o f Tennessee K n o x v ille, College o f Education, Departm ent o f Educational Psychology, K n o x v ille, TN c/o D r. Katherine Greenberg September June 2004 Narayan, Jayanthi Assistant Professor and Head, Departm ent o f Special Education, N ational In stitu te fo r the M en tally Handicapped, Secunderabad, India Research: C ognitive Processing in C hildren W ith D e a f Blindness Boston College, Lynch School o f Education, Department o f Teacher Education, Chestnut H ill, M A c/o Dr. Susan Bruce August A p ril 2004 Novikova, Anastasia Teacher, Departm ent o f Social Pedagogy, Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute, Taganrog, Russia Research: Integrating Media Education Into the Teaching o f E nglish as a Foreign Language U n ive rsity o f Central F lorida, College o f Education, Departm ent o f Instructional Technology and Instructional Systems, O rlando, FL c/o D r. R ichard A. C ornell September M arch 2004 Pandian, Cynthia Professor and D irector, Academic S ta ff College, U nive rsity o f Madras, Madras, India Research: Reaching the Disadvantaged W ith Q u a lity Education Davidson College, South Asian Studies Program, Davidson, NC c/o Dr. I. Job Thomas August October 2003 Penne, Sylvi Johanne Associate Professor, Departm ent o f Education, U nive rsity o f Oslo, Oslo, Norw ay Research: N orw egian as a School Subject in Tim es o f Change: Constructing M eaning, Self-Awareness and Id en tity Through Language and Texts U nive rsity o f W isconsin M adison, School o f Education, Departm ent o f C urriculum and Instruction, M adison, W I c/o D r. Thomas Popkewitz August December 2003 Rollnick, Marissa Susan D irector, College o f Science, U nive rsity o f the W itwatersrand, Johannesburg, South A frica 32

32 Engineering Research: W hat Does Research T e ll Us About Science Access Programs and Their Students? Western M ichigan U niversity, The M allinson Institute fo r Science Education, Kalamazoo, M I c/o D r. A letta Zietsman-Thomas September December 2003 Schwebs, Ture Helge Wilhelm Associate Professor, Faculty o f Education, Bergen U nive rsity College, Bergen, Norw ay Research: From the Conveyance o f Inform ation to the Creation o f M eaning: Studies in the Pedagogic Potential o f e-leaming Resources U niversity o f C alifornia San Diego, Department o f Com m unication, La Jolla, CA c/o Prof. G eoffrey Bowker August June 2004 Shirobokov, Sergey D irector, Inter-U niversities Center fo r International Cooperation and Academic M o b ility, Omsk Pedagogical Institute, Omsk, Russia Research: The System o f Evaluation and Assessment o f Educational Q uality and Its Role in Training C om petitive Specialists SUNY College at Cortland, Cortland, N Y c/o D r. Henry Steck October M ay 2004 Tafa, Eufimia Assistant Professor, Department o f Preschool Education, University o f Crete Rethymnon, Rethymnon, Greece Research: Literacy Instruction fo r Kindergarten C hildren o f Diverse Backgrounds Rutgers, The State University o f New Jersey New Brunswick, Graduate School o f Education, Departm ent o f Learning and Teaching, New Brunswick, NJ c/o Prof. Lesley M orrow February A p ril 2004 Teferra Kidanemariam, Tirussew Head, Department o f Educational Psychology, Addis Ababa U niversity, Addis Ababa, E thiopia Research: A Book o f Readings on Selected Topical Issues o f D isa b ility in Ethiopia Indiana U niversity Bloomington, School o f Education, Special Education Program, Bloom ington, IN c/o D r. Samuel Odom M arch December 2004 Toledo Sarracino, David Guadalupe Teacher, School o f Languages, Autonomous U nive rsity o f Baja C alifornia, Ciudad Juarez, M exico Lecturing and Research: Cross-Border Pre-Service Teacher Education C ollaboration U n ive rsity o f C alifornia San Diego, Teacher Education Program, San Diego, CA c/o D r. Randall Souviney September June 2004 Tran, Huong Thi Xuan O ffic ia l, Prim ary Education Department, M in is try o f Education and Training, H anoi, Vietnam Research: A ctive Teaching Style New Y ork U niversity, Steinhardt School o f Education, Department o f Teaching and Learning, New Y ork, N Y c/o Dr. M ark A lte r September M ay 2004 Xiao, Fei Dean, Department o f Special Education, B e ijin g N orm al U niversity, B e ijin g, China Research: Realization o f Educational Rights o f Handicapped Children in the U nited States U nive rsity o f Massachusetts Boston, Departm ent o f Counseling and School Psychology, Rehabilitation Counseling Program, Boston, M A c/o D r. Nan Zhang Hampton September June 2004 Zolotareva, Larisa Associate Professor, School o f Foreign Languages, Yakutsk State U niversity, Yakutsk, Russia Research: Development o f Interactive C ollaborative Internet Projects in E nglish Teaching George W ashington U niversity, Graduate School o f Education and Human Development, Departm ent o f Teacher Preparation, Washington, DC c/o D r. Anna Chamot August A p ril 2004 Engineering Atzori, Luigi Assistant Professor, Department o f E lectrical and Electronic Engineering, U niversity o f C agliari, C agliari, Ita ly Research: Speed-Up o f Telecommunication N etw ork Simulations Based on Fractal Analysis o f Input T raffic U nive rsity o f Arizona, Department o f E lectrical and Computer Engineering, Tucson, A Z c/o Prof. M arwan M. Krunz November June 2004 Basnyat, Divas Bahadur Consultant, N ational W ater Plan, Water and Energy Commission Secretariat, Kathmandu, Nepal Research: A Decision Support System fo r R iver Basin Planning and Management 33

33 Engineering Columbia U niversity, Henry Krumb School o f M ines, Department o f Earth and Environmental Engineering, New Y ork, N Y c/o D r. Upmanu L a ll September March 2004 Berdouzi, Brahim Professor, Department o f Chemical Engineering, N ational School o f M ineral Industry, Rabat, M orocco Research: Industrial Gas Cleaning and P ollution C ontrol: Survey and Case Studies U niversity o f Florida, Department o f Environmental Engineering Sciences, G ainesville, FL c/o Dr. Chang-Yu W u June August 2003 Bonfiglioli, Aldo Assistant Professor, Department o f Engineering and Environmental Physics, Basilicata U niversity, Potenza, Ita ly Research: Accurate Heat Transfer Calculations Using F ully Unstructured Grids U niversity o f M ichigan Ann A rbor, Department o f Aerospace Engineering, Ann A rbor, M I c/o Prof. P h ilip Laurence Roe October A p ril 2004 Bonifaz Conto, Edison Alfredo Professor, Department o f M echanical Engineering, Superior Polytechnic School o f Chimborazo, Riobamba, Ecuador Research: M odeling o f the Mechanical Behavior in Single-Pass Welds U niversity o f Illin o is Chicago, College o f Engineering, Department o f C iv il and M aterials Engineering, Chicago, IL c/o Dr. J. Ernesto Indacochea July October 2003 Chiang Sanchez, Luciano Eduardo Chair, Department o f M echanical Engineering, C atholic U niversity o f C hile, Santiago, Chile Research: Autonomous Unmanned Vehicles: A pplications in M ining, Forestry, and A griculture Carnegie M ellon U niversity, N ational Robotics Engineering Consortium, Pittsburgh, PA c/o D r. John Bares October January 2004 Coulibaly, Yezouma Lecturer, Department o f Infrastructure, Energy and Sanitation Engineering, Inter-State School o f Engineers fo r R ural Equipment (EIER), Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso Research: Energy E fficiency in Buildings and Industry N orth Carolina State U n ive rsity, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Departm ent, Raleigh, NC c/o Dr. Richard Johnson August December 2003 Dedic, Remzo Professor, Department o f M echanical Engineering, U niversity o f M ostar, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina Research: M echanization o f Above-Knee Prosthesis Carnegie M ellon U nive rsity, Robotics Institute, Pittsburgh, PA c/o Dr. Jaramaz Branislav October June 2004 Dlodlo, Mqhele Enock-Hershal Dean, Faculty o f Industrial Technology, National U niversity o f Science and Technology, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe Research: Advances Towards Fourth Generation Comm unication Systems A pplications: Standardization, Patents, In te lle ctua l Property Rights, and Internet-Based Teaching V irg in ia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Faculty Development In stitu te, Educatipnal Technologies, Blacksburg, V A c/o Dr. John F. M oore August February 2004 Ghosh, Arindam Professor, Department o f E lectrical Engineering, Indian Institute o f Technology Kanpur, Kanpur, India Lecturing: G rid Connection o f Inverters fo r D istributed Generation U niversity o f Illin o is Urbana-Champaign, Power and Energy Systems Area, Departm ent o f Electrical and Computer Engineering, Urbana, IL c/o Dr. M.A. Pai M ay July 2003 Haddad, Marwan Najeh Amin Professor, Department o f C iv il Engineering, Faculty o f Engineering, An-Najah N ational U niversity, Nablus, West Bank Research: Transboundary In stitu tio n fo r Wastewater Management in the M iddle East U niversity o f Texas A ustin, Lyndon Baines Johnson School o f Public A ffa irs, A ustin, TX c/o Dr. David Eaton October July 2004 Hauser, Hans Associate Professor, Institute o f Industrial Electronics and M aterial Science, Vienna U niversity o f Technology, Vienna, A ustria Research: Wireless and Passive Magneto-Optical Sensors 34

34 Engineering Iow a State U niversity o f Science and Technology, C ollege o f Engineering, Department o f M aterials Science and Engineering, Ames, IA c/o Prof. David C. Jiles August February 2004 Heneghan, Conor Joseph Lecturer, Department o f Electronic Engineering, U nive rsity College D ublin, D ublin, Ireland Research: Signal Processing Perspectives on M u lti-c a rrie r Communications Stanford U niversity, Space, Telecommunications, and Radioscience Laboratory, Stanford, CA c/o Prof. John M. C io ffi July July 2004 Huang, Kuo-Chen Senior Staff, C rim inal Investigation Bureau, National Police Adm inistration, M in istry o f the Interior, Taipei, Taiwan Research: Safety Management From a M acroergonom ic Perspective U niversity o f W isconsin M adison, College o f Engineering, Department o f Industrial Engineering, M adison, W I c/o D r. M ichael J. Smith July June 2004 Kerschen, Gaetan Fons Research Fellow, Department o f Engineering, U nive rsity o f Liege, Liege, Belgium Research: M odal Analysis in N on-linear Structural Dynamics U niversity o f Illin o is Urbana-Champaign, Department o f Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering, Urbana, IL c/o Prof. Lawrence Bergman March October 2004 Koziei, Slawomir Marcin Assistant Professor, Department o f Telecommunications and Inform atics, Faculty o f Economics, Technical U niversity o f Gdansk, Gdansk, Poland Research: Analysis and Design o f Continuous-Tim e Transconductance-Capacitor Filters Texas A & M University, Department o f Electrical Engineering, College Station, TX c/o D r. Edgar Sanchez-Sinencio September May 2004 Lopez-Suevos Fraguela, Francisco Postdoctoral Researcher, Department o f Chemical Engineering, Higher Technical Engineering School, U nive rsity o f Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, Spain Research: The Influence o f Phenolic Additives on the D u ra b ility o f Poly (V in y l Acetates) Latex Adhesives V irgin ia Polytechnic Institute and State U niversity, Department o f Wood Science and Forest Products, Blacksburg, V A c/o Dr. Charles E. Frazier October September 2005 Louvier Hernandez, Jose Francisco Doctoral Candidate, M aterials Laboratory, Center fo r Research and Advanced Studies (C IN V E S TA V ), Queretaro, M exico Research: Supercritical Fluid-Based Biopolym er Nanoparticles fo r Biomedical Applications Auburn U niversity M ain Campus, Department o f Chemical Engineering, Auburn, A L c/o Dr. Ram B. Gupta July January 2004 Lozano Guzman, Alejandro D irector, Queretaro State C ouncil o f Science and Technology, Queretaro, M exico Research: Crashworthiness and Rollover S tability o f Heavy-Duty Tanker Trucks West V irgin ia U niversity, Department o f M echanical and Aerospace Engineering, Morgantown, W V c/o Dr. V icto r H. M ucino November August 2004 Ngundam, John Mucho Professor, Department o f E lectrical Engineering, U niversity o f Yaounde I, Yaounde, Cameroon Research: Electric Power Systems B ulk Load Point M odeling as V irtu a l Generators Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL c/o Dr. V la d im ir K o ritarov September M ay 2004 Nowbuth, Manta Devi Senior Lecturer, Department o f C iv il Engineering, Faculty o f Engineering, University o f M auritius, Reduit, M auritius Research: A pplication o f the Principles o f Geophysics to Evaluate the Dynamism o f Salt W ater M ovement in a Coastal A quifer U.S. Geological Survey, Desert/Eastem Sierra Area Program, San Diego, C A c/o Dr. John Izb icki February October 2004 Ould Lahoucine, C herif Head o f Research, Thermal Laboratory, Center fo r the Development o f Renewable Energies, Algiers, Algeria Research: A pplication o f the M olecular Dynamic Sim ulation to B o ilin g Heat Transfer Georgia Institute o f Technology, G.W. W o o druff School o f M echanical Engineering, Atlanta, GA c/o Dr. Yogendra Joshi September M arch

35 Engineering Plazl, Igor Assistant Professor, Department o f Chemistry and Chemical Technology, U niversity o f Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia Research: M odeling o f Activated Sludge Processes Oregon State U niversity, Department o f Chemical Engineering, C orvallis, OR c/o Dr. Goran Jovanovic September February 2004 Rothschild, Avner Doctoral Candidate, Faculty o f M aterials Engineering, TEC H N IO N Israel Institute o f Technology, H aifa, Israel Research: Advanced Gas Sensor Technology Based on Integration o f Semiconducting M etal-o xide Thin Film s W ith M icroelectromechanical Systems (M EM S) fo r N ovel Applications Massachusetts Institute o f Technology, Department o f M aterials Science and Engineering, Cambridge, M A c/o Dr. H arry L. T u lle r July July 2004 Shabana, Yasser Mohamed A li Mohamed Assistant Professor, M echanical Design Department, Faculty o f Engineering, Helwan U niversity, Cairo, Egypt Lecturing and Research: Fracture-Noise Response o f the Functionally Graded M aterials U niversity o f M aryland College Park, O ffice o f International Programs, College Park, M D c/o Dr. Saul Sosnowski October July 2004 Stojkovic, Nino Assistant Professor, School o f Engineering, University o f Rijeka, R ijeka, Croatia Research: A New Design o f Electronic Filters fo r Comm unication Equipment Texas A & M U niversity, Department o f E lectrical Engineering, College Station, T X c/o Dr. Edgar Sanchez-Sinencio August M ay 2004 Tan, Ming Jen Associate Professor, School o f M echanical and Production Engineering, Nanyang Technological U niversity, Singapore Research: Promoting Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Factors and Impediments U niversity o f C alifo rn ia Los Angeles, The Anderson School o f Management, International Management Program, Los Angeles, CA c/o Dr. Hans Schollhammer Northwestern U niversity, Kellogg School o f Management, Evanston, IL c/o Dr. Robert P. Magee January M ay 2004 Zak, Jacek Andrzej Assistant Professor, Institute o f M achines and M otorvehicles, Faculty o f W orking Machines and Transport, Poznan U niversity o f Technology, Poznan, Poland Lecturing and Research: M odeling and O ptim ization o f Transportation Decision Problems U nive rsity o f C alifornia Berkeley, Institute o f Transportation Studies, Berkeley, C A c/o D r. Carlos F. Daganzo September M ay 2004 Environm ental Sciences Albrechtova, Jana Assistant Professor, Department o f Plant Physiology, Faculty o f Science, Charles U nive rsity, Prague, Czech Republic Lecturing and Research: Assessment o f Environm ental Damage Using Plant P hysiological and Anatom ical Methods U nive rsity o f New Hampshire, Departm ent o f Plant B io lo g y, Durham, N H c/o D r. Garrett E. Crow November May 2004 Andersen, Signe Bech Scientist, Department o f Research, M id dle Atmosphere Section, Danish M eteorological Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark Research: Statistical M odelling o f Ozone Trends: Preparing the Detection o f a Turnaround U nive rsity o f Colorado Boulder, Cooperative Institute fo r Research in Environm ental Sciences, Boulder, CO c/o Dr. Elizabeth C. Weatherhead August July 2004 Awadh, Galal Abdulelah Mohammed Assistant Professor, Department o f Plant Protection, School o f A griculture, Sana a U niversity, Sana a, Yemen Research: The Photodegradation o f Dimethoate U niversity o f Nevada Reno, Center fo r Environm ental Science and Engineering, Reno, N V c/o D r. Glen C. M ille r August M ay 2004 Ibraev, Kuban Sagynovich V ice Dean, Department o f Ecology and Geology, Osh Technological U niversity, Osh, Kyrgyz Republic Research: M onitoring W ater Resources Using Geographic Inform ation Systems (GIS) Technology 36

36 E nvironm ental Sciences E nvironm ental Protection Agency, Ecosystems Research D ivisio n, N ational Exposure Research Laboratory, Athens, GA c/o D r. Rosemarie C. Russo O ctober July 2004 Karageorgis, Aristomenis Researcher, National Center fo r M arine Research, In stitu te o f Oceanographic and Fisheries Research, Athens, Greece Research: P article D istrib utio n in the Eastern M editerranean Sea Texas A & M U niversity, Department o f Oceanography, C ollege Station, T X c/o P rof. W ilfo rd D. Gardner Ju ly October 2003 Kurbanov, Eldar Associate Professor, Department o f Forest Inventory and Measurements, M ari State Technical U niversity, Yoshkar-O la, Russia Research: C rite ria and Guidelines fo r Joint Im plem entation Projects o f Carbon Sequestration in Russian Forests Oregon State U nive rsity, Departm ent o f Forest Sciences, C orvallis, OR c/o D r. O lga Krankina N ovember July 2004 M ourino Carballido, Beatriz Researcher, M arine B io lo g y Station da Grana, U n iv e rsity o f Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, Spain Research: Impacts o f Eddies on Biochemical Cycling in the Ocean: Regulation by a Complex Biological System W oods H ole Oceanographic In stitu tio n, Department o f A p p lie d Ocean Physics and Engineering, Woods H ole, M A c/o D r. Dennis M cg illicu d d y Jr. N ovem ber October 2005 M ulla, E dlira A ssistant Professor, Departm ent o f Chem istry, Polytechnic U niversity o f Tirana, Tirana, Albania Research: Urban A ir Q u ality Im provement: C ontem porary Methods Used fo r Determ ination o f the C oncentration o f A ir Pollutants and Management Techniques U n iv e rs ity o f C alifo rn ia R iverside, Department o f C hem ical and Environmental Engineering, Riverside, C A c/o D r. Joseph Norbeck September M arch 2004 Nechaev, Y ury Senior Research Scientist and Professor, G.V. K u rdu jm o v Institute o f M etal Physics and Functional M ate ria ls, B ardin Central Research Institute fo r Ferrous M ettalurgy, TsN IIC herm et, Moscow, Russia Research: Physico-Chemical Foundations and Perspectives o f Using N ovel Carbon Nanomaterials in Hydrogen Fuel C ell Systems fo r E cologically Clean Electric Vehicles U nive rsity o f M iam i, College o f Engineering, Clean Energy Research Institute, Coral Gables, FL c/o D r. T. N ejat V eziroglu September M ay 2004 Pidlisnyuk, Valentyna C hair and Professor, Agroecological Department, N ational A g ricu ltu ra l U nive rsity, K y iv, Ukraine Research: Governmental Policies and Practices fo r Environmental Management: Status and Perspectives fo r U kraine U nive rsity o f Georgia, C arl Vinson Institute o f Government, Athens, G A c/o Dr. Jim K undell October M ay 2004 Safi, Mohamed Jomaa Professor, Department o f Industrial Engineering, N ational School o f Engineering, Tunis, Tunisia Research: A lternative Resources o f W ater and Energy fo r Sustainable Development in Remote H ot Zones U nive rsity o f Texas E l Paso, Department o f C iv il Engineering, El Paso, T X c/o D r. John W alton September June 2004 Salazar-Vallejo, Sergio Ignacio Senior Researcher, Departm ent o f Aquatic Ecology, College o f the Southern Frontier (ECOSUR), Chetumal, Quintana Roo, M exico Research: Revision o f Flabelligeridae de Saint-Joesph, 1894 (Annelida: Polychaeta) Sm ithsonian In stitu tio n, N ational Museum o f N atural H istory, Departm ent o f Invertebrate Zoology, W ashington, DC c/o D r. Kristian Fauchald Los Angeles County Museum o f N atural H istory, Research and C ollections Branch, Invertebrate Zoology Section, Los Angeles, CA c/o D r. J. K irk Fitzhugh July M arch 2004 Sandoval Rodriguez, Sonia M argarita Executive D irector, Ecuadorian N atural Science Museum, Q uito, Ecuador Lecturing: L atin Am erican Environmental Challenges B aldw in-w allace C ollege, Departm ent o f B io lo g y, Berea, OH c/o D r. M ichael M elam py January June 2004 (Scholar-in-Residence Program ) 37

37 E nvironm ental Sciences Smital, Tvrtko Research Assistant, Laboratory fo r M olecu lar E cotoxicology, Departm ent fo r M arine and Environm ental Research, R udjer B oskovic Institute, Zagreb, C roatia Research: Id e n tifica tio n o f the Presence o f M u ltid ru g Resistance-Associated P rotein (M R P ) in A quatic Organisms Stanford U nive rsity, Pacific G rove, C A c/o Dr. D avid Epel O ctober June 2004 Soto Jimenez, M a rtin Frederico Professor, Departm ent o f M arine Sciences, National Autonomous U n ive rsity o f M exico, M azatlan, Sinaloa, M exico Research: Biogeochemical Cycles o f Trace Metals in an A ltered Sub-Tropical M arsh System U nive rsity o f C a lifo rn ia Santa Cruz, Long M arine Lab, Institute o f M arine Science, Santa Cruz, CA c/o Dr. Russel Flegal September September 2004 Tirado Fernandez, M aria de los Reyes Postdoctoral Research Associate, E xperim ental Station o f D ry Zones, Alm eria, Spain Research: Interactions Am ong Chaparral Shrubs A fte r Fires Stanford U nive rsity, Departm ent o f B io lo g ica l Sciences, Stanford, C A c/o Dr. D avid D. A cke rly October September 2005 W illiams, Stella Annie Assistant Professor, Departm ent o f A g ricu ltu ra l Economics, O bafem i A w olow o U nive rsity, Ile -Ife, N igeria Lecturing: Environm ental Economics Bellevue Com m unity College, L ib era l Arts Center, A rts and Hum anities, Bellevue, W A c/o Ms. Diane Douglas August M ay 2004 (Scholar-in-Residence Program ) Yong, Jean Wan Hong Assistant Professor, Departm ent o f N atural Sciences, N ational In stitu te o f Education, Nanyang Technological U nive rsity, Singapore Research: M anaging G lobal Change in Singapore: Lessons From the Am erican Experience Brow n U nive rsity, W atson Institute fo r International Studies, Providence, R I c/o Dr. Steven Hamburg November February 2004 Zektser, Igor Head o f Lab, H ydrology Lab, Water Problems Institute, Russian Academy o f Sciences, Moscow, Russia Research: E co lo g ica lly Safe Use and Protection o f G roundwater as an Environm ental Component U n ive rsity o f C a lifo rn ia Santa Barbara, Vadose Zone M o n ito rin g Laboratory, Santa Barbara, C A c/o D r. Lom e G. Everett November Ju ly 2004 Geography Du, Debin Professor, Institute fo r W est European and N orth A m erican Geographical Studies, East China N orm al U nive rsity, Shanghai, China Research: M u ltin a tio n a l C orporation Research and Development Investm ent in the U nited States U n ive rsity o f C alifo rn ia B erkeley, Departm ent o f Geography, Berkeley, C A c/o Dr. Richard A. W alker September August 2004 Hennayake, Shantha Kum ara Senior Lecturer, Departm ent o f Geography, U n iv e rs ity o f Peradeniya, Peradeniya, S ri Lanka Research: P o litica l and A d m in istra tive C ontrol o f Space: Lessons to be Learned From the Experience o f the United States U n ive rsity o f C alifo rn ia Los Angeles, D iv is io n o f Social Sciences, Departm ent o f Geography, Los Angeles, CA c/o Dr. John A. Agnew August November 2003 Palang, Hannes Senior Researcher, In stitu te o f Geography, U n ive rsity o f Tartu, Tartu, Estonia Research: Landscape and M eaning in Estonia U n ive rsity o f C alifo rn ia Los Angeles, Departm ent o f Geography, Los Angeles, C A c/o D r. Denis Cosgrove January July 2004 Geology Bouhlel, Salah Professor, Departm ent o f G eology, Faculty o f Science o f Tunis, Tunis, Tunisia Research: M odelization and Comparison o f Ore Deposits in Northern Tunisia and the U.S. M ississippi V alley U.S. G eological Survey, M ineral Resource Program, Denver, CO c/o Dr. D avid Leach O ctober July 2004 De Grave, Johan Research Assistant, Departm ent o f Geology and S oil Science, U niversity o f Ghent, Ghent, Belgium 38

38 H isto ry (non-u.s.) Research: Far Field Effects o f the India-Eurasia C o llis io n in Central Asia as Revealed by Low Temperature Therm ochronology Stanford U nive rsity, School o f Earth, G eological and Environm ental Sciences, Stanford, CA c/o D r. M ichael M cw illiam s February January 2005 Delic, Edin Senior Teaching Assistant, Departm ent o f Energy and E cology, School o f M in ing, Geology and C iv il E ngineering, U niversity o f Tuzla, Tuzla, Bosnia and H erzegovina L ecturing and Research: Computer A p plica tion in M in ing Operations W est V irg in ia U niversity, College o f Engineering and M in e ra l Resources, Department o f M in in g Engineering, M organtown, W V c/o D r. Sid S. Peng O ctober May 2004 D hital, Megh Raj Associate Professor, Central Departm ent o f Geology, T ribhuvan U niversity, K irtip u r, Nepal Research: The Mechanics o f Rain-Induced Landslides and Debris Flows Purdue U niversity, School o f Science, Department o f Earth and Atm ospheric Sciences, W est Lafayette, IN c/o Dr. A rvid Johnson November M ay 2004 Eid A ltarazi, Eid Abdel Rahman Associate Professor, Department o f Earth and E nvironm ental Sciences, Hashemite U niversity, Am m an, Jordan Research: Seismic Hazard Assessment Study fo r Jordan U n ive rsity o f M issouri C olumbia, Department o f G eological Sciences, C olumbia, M O c/o D r. E ric Sandvol February November 2004 G inter, Michal Stanislaw A d ju n ct Faculty, Institute o f G eology, University o f W arsaw, Warsaw, Poland Research: The D iversity and E volution o f Teeth in Palaeozoic Sharks M ich iga n State U niversity, Departm ent o f Vertebrate Paleontology, East Lansing, M I c/o P rof. Michael D. G ottfried September February 2004 Guedes Abrantes, Fatima Filomena Professor, G eological and M in in g Institute, Lisbon, Portugal Research: C irculation and P roductivity in the Southeast P acific at O rbital and M illen n ia l Tim e Scales Oregon State U niversity, C ollege o f Oceanic and Atm ospheric Sciences, C oravallis, OR c/o Prof. A lan M ix August August 2004 Israfilov, Rauf Head, H ydrogeology Laboratory, Geology Institute, N ational Academy o f Sciences o f Azerbaijan, Baku, Azerbaijan Research: A n Integrated Assessment o f Urban W ater Resources: Quantity, Q uality and D istribution Systems U nive rsity o f South F lorida, Department o f C iv il and Environmental Engineering, Center fo r M odeling H ydrologic and Aquatic Systems, Tampa, FL c/o D r. M ark A. Ross October M ay 2004 M oraru, Constantin Head, Hydrogeology Lab, Institute o f Geophysics and G eology, Academy o f Sciences, Chisinau, M oldova Research: Complex A nalysis o f A q uife r System W ater Q uality: Development and Social Importance U nive rsity o f M emphis, H e rff College o f Engineering, Departm ent o f C iv il Engineering, M emphis, TN c/o D r. Jerry Lee Anderson September A p ril 2004 Panahi, Bahruz Researcher, Seismology Laboratory, Geology Institute, N ational Academy o f Sciences o f Azerbaijan, Baku, Azerbaijan Research: Assessment o f G eological Hazards in Eastern Azerbaijan San Diego State U nive rsity, College o f Sciences, Departm ent o f G eological Sciences, San Diego, C A c/o D r. Robert J. M ellors October M ay 2004 Shrestha, Suresh Das Lecturer, Central Departm ent o f Geology, Tribhuvan U niversity, K irtip u r, Nepal Research: Studying the Probable Causes o f Arsenic Poisoning o f Him alayan Waters U nive rsity o f Texas D allas, Geosciences Department, Richardson, T X c/o Dr. Robert J. Stem November M ay 2004 H istory (non-u.s.) Alonge, Andrea Giaime Associate Professor, Departm ent o f Architecture, U niversity o f T urin, Tu rin, Ita ly Lecturing: Ita lian Neo-Realism: From Ossessione to Um berto D. and Contended Memories: The Image o f the Resistance in the Italian Culture 39

39 H istory (non-u.s.) U niversity o f Chicago, Department o f Romance Languages and Literature, Chicago, IL c/o Prof. Rebecca West January A p ril 2004 Andrieu, Claire Jeannina Francoise Senior Lecturer, Center fo r Social H istory, University o f Paris I (Pantheon-Sorbonne), Paris, France Research: Comparing C ivic Cultures in W artim e Europe: The Spontaneous Reception o f Fugitives in W orld W ar I I Europe Princeton U niversity, Department o f Politics, Princeton, NJ c/o Dr. Ezra N. Suleiman M arch M ay 2004 Cheddadi, Abdesselam Professor, Institute o f S cientific Research, Mohamed V U niversity, Rabat, Morocco Research: Ibn Khaldun and H is W ork: A New Synthesis Yale U niversity, Department o f Near Eastern Languages and C ivilizations, New Haven, CT c/o Dr. D im itri Gutas September December 2003 Devos, Isabelle M. Research Assistant, Department o f E arly M odem H istory, U niversity o f Ghent, Ghent, Belgium Research: M o rta lity in Belgium in the 19th and 20th Centuries Indiana U niversity Bloom ington, Population Institute fo r Research Training, Bloomington, IN c/o Prof. George A lte r U niversity o f C alifornia Berkeley, Department o f Demography, Berkeley, CA c/o Prof. John W ilm oth September August 2004 El Mansour, Mohamed Professor, Departm ent o f H istory, Mohamed V U niversity, Rabat, M orocco Lecturing: M odem M iddle Eastern H istory Roanoke College, O ffice o f International Education, Salem, V A c/o Dr. Jon C raw ford August M ay 2004 (Scholar-in-Residence Program ) Fulop, M ihaly Professor, European Research and Education Center, Budapest U nive rsity o f Economics and Public A dm inistration, Budapest, Hungary Research: U.S. Peacemaking E fforts in Europe Between 1943 and 1955 George W ashington U niversity, Institute fo r European, Russian and Eurasian Studies, Washington, DC c/o Dr. James Goldgeier M arch July 2004 Glomozda, Kostyantyn Associate Professor, Department o f H istory, K yiv-m o h yla Academy, K y iv, Ukraine Research: A Free W orld o f H istory : The Importance o f the Am erican Experience fo r Post-Soviet Ukrainian H istorical Science W oodrow W ilson International Center fo r Scholars, Kennan Institute, Washington, DC c/o M r. A tiq Sarwari September February 2004 (Fulbright-Kennan Institute Research Scholarship) Havers, Robin Paul Senior Lecturer, Department o f W ar Studies, Royal M ilita ry Academy, Sandhurst Surrey, United Kingdom Lecturing: Race and Power in the U nited States Arm y: W estm inster College, Department o f H istory, W estm inster, MO c/o Prof. Sam G oodfellow August August 2004 Hentosh, Liliana Research Associate, Institute fo r H istorical Research, L v iv N ational U niversity, L v iv, Ukraine Research: The Vatican Between Tradition and M odernity: Two Patterns o f Papal P olitics in Eastern Europe and the U nited States From 1914 to 1922 Harvard U niversity, U krainian Research Institute, Cambridge, M A c/o D r. Roman Szporluk October June 2004 Holstein, Diego Ph.D. Instructor, Department o f H istory, Hebrew U niversity, Jerusalem, Israel Research: Toledo in the Mozarab Era (12th -13th Centuries): Economy and Society Boston U niversity, Institute fo r M edieval H istory, Boston, M A c/o Dr. Thomas F. G lick September September 2004 Jahama, Mona J. H. Associate Professor, Department o f H istory, U niversity o f Jordan, Amman, Jordan Lecturing: Islam and the West H ollins U niversity, Roanoke, V A c/o D r. L. Wayne M arkert August M ay 2004 (Scholar-in-Residence Program ) Jeppesen, Torben Grongaard D irector, Odense C ity Museums, Odense, Denmark Research: Danes in the U nited States, : A Demographic, Social, and Human Geographic Study o f the Danish Immigrants and Their Descendents 40

40 H isto ry (non-u.s.) U n ive rsity o f W isconsin M adison, Center fo r the Study o f Upper M idwestern Cultures, Madison, W I c/o P rof. James P. Leary August June 2004 Khomich, Siarhei Research F ellow, Department o f Contemporary H isto ry o f Belarus, Institute o f H istory, Academy o f Sciences o f Belarus, M insk, Belarus Research: Soviet N ationality P olicy in Belarus During the Interw ar Era: Comparative Analysis Stanford University, Department o f History, Stanford, CA c/o D r. A m ir W einer September January 2004 Klavins, Kaspars Lecturer, Department o f Latvian H istory, Faculty o f H isto ry and Philosophy, U niversity o f Latvia, Riga, L a tvia Lectu rin g and Research: The L iv in g M iddle Ages in Europe o f the 18th - 20th Centuries Roosevelt U niversity, College o f A rts and Sciences, Departm ent o f H istory, Schaumburg, IL c/o D r. M argaret Rung September March 2004 Konovalova, Olga Viktorovna Associate Professor, Department o f Social and Econom ic Disciplines, Siberian Law Institute, Krasnoyarsk, Russia Research: V.M. Chernov, Theorist and Ideologist o f the N ew Populists Stanford U niversity, Center fo r Russian and East European and Eurasian Studies, Stanford, CA c/o D r. Nancy Kollm ann August December 2003 Lee, Pui-Tak Research O ffice r and H onorary Lecturer, Center o f A sian Studies, U niversity o f Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong Research: The M aking o f the Banking Business in Shanghai: P oliticians, Managers and Employees o f the Shanghai Comm ercial and Savings Bank, C o rne ll U nive rsity, Department o f H istory, Ithaca, N Y c/o D r. Sherman G. Cochran January June 2004 Lepyavko, Serhiy Professor, Department o f H istory o f Ukraine, C he m ig iv State Teachers Training U niversity, C hem igiv, Ukraine Research: Two Great Frontiers: A Comparative H is to ry o f European and N orth Am erican C olonization U nive rsity o f Colorado Boulder, Center o f the Am erican West, Boulder, CO c/o Dr. Patricia L im erick September M ay 2004 N Diaye, Papa Amadou Awa Associate Professor, Center fo r N orth Am erican Studies, Center o f H igher Education fo r S cientific Studies, Paris, France Research: A Socio-Economic H istory o f Death in 20th-Century America C olumbia U niversity, Department o f H istory, New Y o rk, N Y c/o Prof. A lan B rinkle y M arch M ay 2004 Ostlund, O lof David Lecturer, Department o f Literature and H istory o f Ideas, Stockholm U niversity, Stockholm, Sweden Lecturing: Hildeman Grant in Swedish Language and Scandinavian Area Studies U nive rsity o f M ichigan A nn Arbor, Department o f Germanic Languages and Literatures, Ann A rbor, M I c/o Dr. Frederick Amrine January June 2004 Pak, Bella Senior Researcher, Departm ent o f Korea and M ongolia, Institute o f O riental Studies, Russian Academy o f Sciences, M oscow, Russia Research: P olicy o f Powers Toward Korea, W oodrow W ilson International Center fo r Scholars, Kennan Institute, W ashington, DC c/o M r. A tiq Sarwari September February 2004 (Fulbright-Kennan Institute Research Scholarship) Panananon, Chatchai Associate Professor, Departm ent o f H istory, Srinakharinw irot U nive rsity, Bangkok, Thailand Lecturing: Southeast A sian H istory and Culture N orth Central College, International Programs, N aperville, IL c/o Dr. John H. Shindler August June 2004 (Scholar-in-Residence Program ) Pravilova, Ekaterina Researcher, Department o f Russian H istory, St. Petersburg Institute o f H istory, Russian Academy o f Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia Research: Finances o f Em pire: Economic Aspects o f Russian Regional P olitics W oodrow W ilson International Center fo r Scholars, Kennan Institute, Washington, DC c/o M r. A tiq Sarwari September February 2004 (Fulbright-Kennan Institute Research Scholarship) 41

41 H istory (non-u.s.) Sanikidze, George D irector, Institute o f O riental Studies, National Academy o f Sciences o f Georgia, T b ilis i, Georgia Research: Islam, G lobalization and the Caucasus University o f California Berkeley, Institute o f Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies, Berkeley Program in Soviet and Post-Soviet Studies, Berkeley, CA c/o Dr. Edward W. W alker October June 2004 Sato, Chitose Associate Professor, Department o f Literature, Faculty o f Letters, Seinan Gakuin U niversity, Fukuoka, Japan Research: W omen s W ork in the A ircra ft Industry During W orld W ar II: A Comparative H istorical Study o f the U nited States and Japan Harvard U niversity, Reischauer Institute o f Japanese Studies, Cambridge, M A c/o Dr. Andrew Gordon September August 2004 Schoonheim, Marloes M arrigje Doctoral Candidate, Department o f H istory, Catholic U niversity o f Nijm egen, Nijm egen, Netherlands Research: Female Labor Force Participation and F e rtility: A Comparison Between Taiwan and the Netherlands Stanford U niversity, Department o f Anthropological Sciences, Stanford, CA c/o Prof. Arth ur P. W o lf November February 2004 Stuart, Reginald Professor, Department o f H istory and P olitical Studies, M ount St. Vincent U niversity, H alifax, Canada Research: Dispersed Relations: Americans, Canadians and N orth Am erica s Perforated Border W oodrow W ilson International Center fo r Scholars, Canada Institute, Washington, DC c/o M r. D avid Biette January May 2004 Wickramasinghe, Nira K onjit Senior Lecturer, Department o f H istory and International Relations, U niversity o f Colombo, Colombo, Sri Lanka Research: Designing C iv il Societies in the South: The Role o f Transnational Institutions New Y ork U niversity, International Center for Advanced Studies, Department o f H istory, New York, N Y c/o Dr. M arilyn B. Young October July 2004 Language and Literature (non-u.s.) Alembong, Nol Tanyi Assistant Professor, Department o f A frican Literature, U niversity o f Yaounde I, Yaounde, Cameroon Lecturing: Societies and Values in A frican Literature U niversity o f West Alabama, College o f Liberal A rts, Livingston, A L c/o Dr. Roy Underwood January A p ril 2004 (Scholar-in-Residence Program ) Hall, Roger Leighton Self-Em ployed/w riter, Auckland, New Zealand Lecturing: New Zealand Literature on the Screen; H istory o f New Zealand Theater Georgetown U niversity, School o f Foreign Service, Center fo r Australian and New Zealand Studies, Washington, DC c/o Prof. Richard W. Teare August December 2003 Huang, Bikang V ice Chair, English Department, Peking U niversity, B eijing, China Research: An Interpretive A nthropological Approach to the Problems o f Otherness and Intellectual Id e n tity in Literary and C ultural Studies U niversity o f C alifornia Irvine, Department o f English and Comparative Literature, C ritica l Theory Emphasis, Irvine, CA c/o Dr. John Carlos Rowe September September 2004 Kambourov, Dim itar Kostadinov Assistant Professor, Department o f Literary Theory and Comparative Literature, Faculty o f Slavic Studies, Sofia U niversity St. Klim ent Ohridski, Sofia, Bulgaria Research: Speaking Out From In-Between: The Balkans, Literature, and an Interspace Theory U niversity o f C alifornia Irvine, Department o f English and Comparative Literature, Irvine, CA c/o Prof. Steven M aillo u x September February 2004 Martins Ribeiro Sanches, M aria Manuela Assistant Professor, Department o f Germanic Studies, U niversity o f Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal Lecturing and Research: D islocating Europe: Post-Colonial Perspectives in Literary, Anthropological and H istorical Studies U niversity o f C alifornia Santa Cruz, Oakes College, Department o f H istory o f Consciousness, Santa Cruz, CA c/o Dr. James C liffo rd U niversity o f C alifornia Santa Cruz, Oakes College, Department o f Literature, Santa Cruz, CA c/o Dr. Christopher Connery 42

42 Language and L ite ra tu re (non-u.s.) Indiana U nive rsity Bloomington, Department o f Comparative Literature, Bloomington, IN c/o Dr. Oscar Kenshur September March 2004 Mazzoni, Guido Researcher, Department o f Philsophy and Literature, U n ive rsity o f Siena, Siena, Ita ly Research: A Theory o f the Modem N ovel U n ive rsity o f Chicago, Department o f Romance Languages and Literatures, Chicago, IL c/o Prof. Thomas Pavel O ctober July 2004 Miltenova, Anissava Lubenova C hair, Institute o f Literature, Bulgarian Academy o f Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria Research: Computer-Assisted Analysis o f the Structure o f M edieval Slavic M ixed-content M iscellanies U n ive rsity o f Pittsburgh, Faculty o f A rts and Sciences, Departm ent o f Slavic Languages and Literatures, Pittsburgh, PA c/o Dr. D avid J. Bim baum September December 2003 N air Rethidevi, Hema Selection Grade Lecturer, Department o f English, N.S.S. College fo r Women, U nive rsity o f Kerala, K erala, India Lecturing: L iterary Women o f Kerala: Texts and Contexts U n ive rsity o f W isconsin M adison, Women s Studies Research Center, Madison, W I c/o Dr. A ili Tripp August December 2003 Narzullaeva, Norkhol Docent, Department o f Russian Language, Uzbekistan State W o rld Languages U niversity, Tashkent, U zbekistan Lecturing: Developing Speech Habits and Learning G ramm ar Through M odels: A Practical Uzbek Language Course fo r Beginners U n ive rsity o f Washington, Jackson School o f International Studies, Russian, East European and C entral Asian Studies, Seattle, W A c/o Dr. Stephen E. Hanson September June 2004 Onukawa, Monday Chibudo Senior Lecturer, Department o f Linguistics and C omm unication Studies, Abia State U niversity, U tu ru, Nigeria L ectu rin g: Studies on Igbo Place Names F o rt V a lle y State U niversity, A frica n W orld Studies In stitu te, Fort V alley, GA c/o Dr. D orothy B. Conteh A ugust M ay 2004 (Scholar-in-Residence Program ) Pronkevich, Oleksandr Dean, Foreign Languages Department, Petro M ohyla M ykolayiv State U niversity fo r the Humanities, M ykolayiv, Ukraine Research: N ational Id entity in Spanish and Ukrainian Literatures From 1900 to 1936 U niversity o f W isconsin M adison, College o f Letters and Science, Department o f Spanish and Portuguese, M adison, W I c/o Dr. W illia m R. R isley September A p ril 2004 Ryndova, Jitka Lecturer, Institute fo r Language and Preparatory Studies, Charles U niversity, Prague, Czech Republic Lecturing: Czech Language U niversity o f Washington, Department o f Slavic Languages and Literatures, Seattle, W A c/o Prof. Galya Dim ent September June 2004 Saed, Ivonne Grego Professor, Department o f Literature, Ibero-Am erican U niversity, Mexico C ity, M exico Lecturing: Contemporary L a tin Am erican Literature Chemeketa Comm unity College, Curriculum Resource Center, Salem, OR c/o Dr. Maureen McGlynn September June 2004 (Scholar-in-Residence Program ) Szonyi, Gyorgy Endre Associate Professor, Institute o f English and American Studies, Hungary and East-Central Europe International Studies Center, U niversity o f Szeged, Szeged, Hungary Lecturing and Research: From the Austro-Hungarian M onarchy to the V elvet Revolutions U niversity o f Kansas, Department o f German, Lawrence, KS c/o Prof. W illia m D. Keel U niversity o f Kansas, Department o f English, Lawrence, KS c/o Prof. Richard Hardin January M ay 2004 Tumbo-Masabo, Zubeida Zuberi Senior Research Fellow, Institute o f K isw ah ili Research, U niversity o f Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Lecturing: K isw a h ili Language Texas Southern U niversity, Department o f H istory, Geography and Economics, Houston, TX c/o Dr. Gregory H. M addox August M ay 2004 (Scholar-in-Residence Program ) 43

43 Language and L iteratu re (non-u.s.) Vojtech, Daniel Research Fellow, Department o f Lexicography and Literary H istory, Institute fo r Czech Literature, Czech Academy o f Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic Lecturing: Modem Czech Literature and Early Czech Literary Modernism U niversity o f W isconsin M adison, Department o f Slavic Languages and Literatures, Madison, W I c/o Dr. D avid Danaher September January 2004 Weisz Carrington, Harold Gabriel Professor, Literature Graduate Department, Department o f Philosophy and Letters, National Autonomous University o f M exico, M exico C ity, Mexico Research: Quest o f the Exotic San Diego State University, Department o f Spanish and Portuguese, San Diego, CA c/o Dr. Kathleen Kish July July 2004 Law Amaya-Castro, Juan Manuel Doctoral Candidate, Department o f International Law, Erasmus U niversity o f Rotterdam, Rotterdam, Netherlands Research: The Public-Private D istinction and Human Rights Discourse Harvard U niversity, European Law Research Center, Cambridge, M A c/o Prof. D avid Kennedy September February 2004 Ashurova, Roziyamo Ashurovna President, The Odamiyat ( Hum anity ) Association, Dushanbe, Tajikistan Research: Sociological Research Into L ife Conditions o f Teenagers in Tajikistan at Risk o f Sexual Exploitation U niversity o f Pennsylvania, School o f Social W ork, Center fo r Youth Policy Studies, Philadelphia, PA c/o Dr. Richard J. Estes September December 2003 Cheng, Jie Assistant Professor, Law School, Tsinghua U niversity, B eijing, China Research: Inform ation Protection Under the Freedom o f Inform ation Laws in the United States Yale U niversity, School o f Law, China Law Center, New Haven, CT c/o Prof. Paul G ewirtz September August 2004 Cholponkulova, Ainura Orozbekovna Docent, School o f International Relations, Kyrgyz National U niversity, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic Research: Non-Governmental Organizations and the Decision-M aking Process in Kyrgyzstan: Lessons and Practices Johns Hopkins U niversity School o f Advanced International Studies, Central Asia-Caucasus Institute, Washington, DC c/o Dr. Svante E. Cornell October July 2004 Chong, Jong Sup Professor, College o f Law, Seoul N ational U niversity, Seoul, Korea Research: Legitim acy o f Judicial Review: R eality and Theory in America Duke U niversity, School o f Law, O ffice o f International Studies, Durham, NC c/o Dr. Judith A. H orowitz August February 2004 Dedieu, Jean-Philippe Doctoral Candidate, Department o f Sociology, Center o f H igher Education fo r S cientific Studies, Paris, France Research: The Incorporation o f M in o rity Lawyers Into the Legal Profession in France and the United States U niversity o f C alifornia Berkeley, Department o f Sociology, Berkeley, CA c/o Prof. Loic Wacquant A p ril M ay 2004 Fedotov, M ikhail V ice President, Regional Foundation, Inform ation Technologies fo r Democracy, Moscow, Russia Research: Public Television: U.S. Experience and Russian Prospects W oodrow W ilson International Center fo r Scholars, Kennan Institute, Washington, DC c/o M r. A tiq Sarwari M arch August 2004 (Fulbright-Kennan Institute Research Scholarship) Frasheri, Ermal Head o f Section, Department o f Approxim ation o f Legislation, M in istry o f Justice, Tirana, Albania Research: The Effects o f the Developments o f the Am erican Commercial Legislation and Their Im pact on the European Union Acquis Communautaire Catholic U niversity o f Am erica, School o f Law, Washington, DC c/o Dr. George Garvey September January 2004 Hoang, Giao Ngoc Senior Lecturer and Vice D irector, The Center fo r Legal Research and Services, The Law Faculty, Vietnam National U niversity, Hanoi, Vietnam Research: State Sovereignty in Contemporary Public International Law 44

44 Law Boston U nive rsity, School o f Law, Boston, M A c/o D r. Robert B. Seidman September M ay 2004 Janda, Richard Alexander Associate Professor, Faculty o f Law, M c G ill U nive rsity, M ontreal, Canada Research: A via tio n Security as a G lobal Public Good: A chieving Convergence Between Domestic and International Regimes M ichigan State U niversity, D etroit College o f Law, East Lansing, M I c/o Prof. John Reitenberg September December 2003 Kembayev, Zhenis Head, Departm ent o f Law, Kazakh-Am erican U nive rsity, Alm aty, Kazakhstan Research: W o rld Trade Organization and Regional Integration Agreements Southwestern University, School o f Law, Los Angeles, CA c/o Prof. Robert E. Lutz September June 2004 Khoo, Boo Teong Associate Professor and Head, Legal and Management Services U n it, U niversity o f M alaya, Kuala Lum pur, M alaysia Research: Legal Approaches to M odernizing the L im ita tio n s o f Orthodox Islam ic Law to be Consonant W ith C onstitutionalism and International Human Rights in a M odem D em ocratic State Em ory U nive rsity, School o f Law, A tlanta, G A c/o Dr. A b du llah i A. A n -N a im Georgetown U niversity, Center fo r M uslim -C hristian Understanding, W ashington, DC c/o Dr. John L. Esposito A p ril June 2004 Lim, Chong Fong Partner, Azm an, Davidson & Co., Advocates & S olicitors, Kuala Lum pur, Malaysia Research: Securing Payment and the Expeditious Recovery o f the Aggrieved B u ild e r s Claim U n ive rsity o f H aw aii Manoa, The W illia m S. Richardson School o f Law, H onolulu, H I c/o Prof. Hazel Glenn Beh October January 2004 Mersel, Yigal Lecturer, Law Department, Hebrew U niversity, Jerusalem, Israel Research: The Constitutional Status o f the Parliam entary Opposition N ew Y o rk U niversity, School o f Law, Jean M onnet Center fo r International and Regional Economic Law and Justice, New Y ork, N Y c/o Dr. Joseph H.H. W eiler August July 2004 M iculet, Larisa Head, Financial-Economic Investigation Department, General Prosecutor s O ffice, Chisinau, M oldova Research: Comparative Legal Analysis o f American and M oldovan Legislation in Fighting Economic Crime Am erican U niversity, School o f Public A ffa irs, Center fo r Transnational Organized Crim e and C orruption, W ashington, DC c/o D r. Louise Shelley September January 2004 Mogirzan, Emanoil Corneliu Associate Lecturer, Faculty o f Law, Alexandm loan Cuza U niversity, Iasi, Romania Research: Freedom o f Expression and Connected Issues in Mass M edia Law : A Comparative Study o f U nited States and European U nion Systems U nive rsity o f Iowa, College o f Law, International and Comparative Law Programs, Iowa C ity, IA c/o D r. John C. Reitz January September 2004 Nauryzbayeva, Raushan Consultant, A lm aty, Kazakhstan Research: Rights o f N ational M inorities and Problems o f Regional Security M ichigan State University, School o f Crim inal Justice, Global Community Security Institute, East Lansing, M I c/o Dr. Edmund F. M cgarrell October July 2004 Nesterowicz, Malgorzata Anna Assistant Professor, M aritim e Law Institute, Nicholas Copernicus U niversity, Torun, Poland Research: Am erican A n titrust Law and Its A pplication to the Shipping Industry U nive rsity o f Richmond, T.C. W illiam s School o f Law, Richmond, V A c/o Prof. John P. Jones September June 2004 Nishitani, Yuko Associate Professor, Graduate School o f Law, Tohoku U niversity, Sendai, Japan Research: The Protection o f Intellectual Property in the International Arena: A Comparative and Comprehensive Study o f Am erican and Japanese International Intellectual Property Law Columbia U niversity, School o f Law, Kemochan Center fo r Law M edia and the A rts, New Y ork, N Y c/o Dr. Jane Ginsburg August M arch 2004 O rtino, Federico Lecturer, School o f Law, U nive rsity o f Trento, Trento, Ita ly Research: The N ational Treatment Principle as the Fundamental N orm in the Regulation o f International Trade: Is It Tim e to M ove On? 45

45 Law New Y ork U niversity, School o f Law, Jean Monnet Center fo r International and Regional Economic Law and Justice, New York, N Y c/o Dr. Joseph H.H. W eiler September August 2004 Parmar, Sejal Researcher, Law Department, European U niversity Institute, Florence, Ita ly Research: The European U nion s Rise to Prominence? A Human Rights Approach to Sustainable Development and the European U nio n s New International Role New Y o rk U niversity, School o f Law, Jean Monnet Center fo r International and Regional Economic Law and Justice, New Y ork, N Y c/o Dr. Joseph H.H. W eiler September August 2004 Tiryakioglu, Bilgin Professor, Department o f Private International Law, Ankara U niversity, Ankara, Turkey Research: Extraterritorial Application o f Anti-Trust Laws Am erican U niversity, Washington College o f Law, Washington, DC c/o Prof. Andrew Popper September January 2004 Wang, Keng-Ling Section Chief, Government Inform ation O ffice, Taipei, Taiwan Research: National Security Versus Freedom o f the Press U niversity o f Illin o is Urbana-Champaign, Department o f Journalism, Urbana, IL c/o Dr. Steve Helle August February 2004 Wang, Sang Han Associate Professor, College o f Law, Sogang U niversity, Seoul, Korea Research: A n Analysis o f U.S. Legislative Efforts to Establish a Healthy Environment fo r Cyberspace and Electronic Commerce George Washington U niversity, School o f Law, International Rule o f Law Center, Washington, DC c/o Prof. Susan L. Karamanian August August 2004 Wu, Kuang-Ming Professor and Dean, Graduate School o f Law, National Taipei U niversity, Taipei, Taiwan Research: Am icable Composition in International A rbitration Georgetown U niversity, Law Center, Asian Law and P olicy Studies Program, Washington, DC c/o Dr. James V. Feinerman August October 2003 Xiao, Jianhua Professor, Procedural Law Research Center, China U nive rsity o f P o litica l Science and Law, B eijing, China Research: A pplication o f M ediation Systems in P retrial C iv il Action Proceedings Northwestern U niversity, School o f Law, Chicago, IL c/o Prof. Ronald J. A lle n September August 2004 Young, Raymond A d ju n ct Professor, School o f Comm unity and Regional Planning, U niversity o f B ritish Columbia, Vancouver, Canada Research: Urban Planning, G rowth Management, Land-Use Regulation and Comparative Takings Law : Canada, the U nited States and the N orth A tla n tic Free Trade Agreement G eorgia State U niversity, School o f Law, Atlanta, G A c/o Prof. Julian Juergensmeyer January M ay 2004 Zoll, Fryderyk Andrzej Associate Professor, Center fo r Foreign Law Schools, Jagiellonian U niversity, Krakow, Poland Research: The Global Lawyer C atholic U niversity o f Am erica, Columbus School o f Law, Washington, DC c/o Dr. Leah W ortham August February 2004 L ib ra ry Science Gerencser, Judit Librarian, European Documentation Center, Berlsenyi D aniel College, Szombathelt, Hungary Research: The U nited States and Hungary: Inform ation Processing as a Bridge Between Two Nations and Cultures, Past, Present and Future Cleveland State U niversity, Cleveland State U niversity L ib ra ry, Cleveland, OH c/o Dr. Glenda Thornton September February 2004 Heinstrom, Jannica Elisabet Researcher, Departments o f Social and P o litica l Sciences and Inform ation Studies, Abo Academy U niversity, Abo, Finland Research: Psychological Factors Behind Recounting Inform ation Rutgers, The State U niversity o f New Jersey New Brunswick, School o f Communication, Inform ation and Library Studies, Department o f Library and Inform ation Science, New Brunswick, NJ c/o Prof. Carol C. Kuhlthau January June

46 Linguistics Oladele, Benedict Adekunle L ibrarian, N ational Institute fo r P olicy and Strategic Studies, Plateau State, Nigeria Research: A n Assessment o f the Im pact o f Inform ation and Comm unications Technologies on Think Tank Libraries in Am erica: Lessons fo r N igeria U nive rsity o f C alifornia Los Angeles, Young Research L ib ra ry, Los Angeles, C A c/o M s. Ruby Bell-G am September February 2004 Linguistics Bobrova, Larysa C hair, Departm ent o f Translation, H o rlivka State Pedagogical Institute fo r Foreign Languages, H orlivka, Ukraine Research: L in g u istic D iversity: L in g u istic and C ross-cultural Differences in U krainian and Am erican English Pennsylvania State U niversity U nive rsity Park, Germ anic and Slavic Languages and Literatures, U nive rsity Park, PA c/o Prof. M ichael M. Naydan August A p ril 2004 Chaichompoo, Chaiermchai Instructor, Department o f Foreign Languages, Faculty o f Hum anities and Social Sciences, Rajabhat Institute, Chiang M ai, Thailand Research: V ariation o f Vietnamese in the Northeast o f Thailand U nive rsity o f Texas A rling ton, College o f Liberal A rts, Program in Linguistics, A rlin g to n, TX c/o D r. Jerold A. Edmondson August January 2004 Fassi Fehri, Abdelkader D irector, Department o f A rabic Language and Literature, Mohamed V U niversity, Rabat, Morocco Lecturing and Research: A rabic Language and Lexicon Massachusetts Institute o f Technology, Department o f Lin gu istics and Philosophy, Cambridge, M A c/o Dr. A lec M arantz August October 2003 Fenk-Oczlon, Gertraud C hair and Associate Professor, Institute fo r Linguistics and Computer Linguistics, U niversity o f Klagenfurt, K lagenfurt, A ustria Research: Systemic Typology and Crosslinguistic R egularities U nive rsity o f H aw aii Manoa, Department o f L in guistics, H onolulu, H I c/o Prof. W illia m O Grady December February 2004 H arry, Otelemate Gaibo Lecturer, Department o f Language, Linguistics and Philosophy, School o f Humanities and Education, U niversity o f the West Indies Mona, Kingston, Jamaica Lecturing: Phonology, Phonetics and Tone in A frica n Languages; A frican Language and Culture S u ffo lk County Com m unity College Ammerman, Selden, N Y c/o Dr. James C an niff August June 2004 (Scholar-in-Residence Program ) Ishii, Yasuo Professor, Department o f English, Faculty o f Foreign Languages, Kanda U niversity o f International Studies, Chiba-shi, Japan Research: The Logical Structures o f Japanese Sentences and Their Im plications fo r the Study o f the Com putational System o f Human Language U nive rsity o f Southern California, College o f Letters, A rts and Sciences, Department o f Linguistics, Los Angeles, CA c/o Dr. Hajim e H o ji February February 2003 Issers, Oxana Professor and Chair, Department o f General and A pplied Linguistics, Omsk State U niversity, Omsk, Russia Research: Am erican and Russian Communicative Strategies and Tactics: A Comparative Perspective Florida State U niversity, College o f Comm unication, Tallahassee, FL c/o Dr. M arilyn Young September December 2003 Lee, Hyunoo Associate Professor, Department o f English Education, Inha U niversity, Incheon, Korea Lecturing and Research: A Comparative Study o f Reciprocal Expressions in English and Korean Indiana U niversity Bloomington, Department o f East Asian Languages and Cultures, Bloom ington, IN c/o Dr. Hyo Sang Lee August August 2004 Mekonnen, Baye Yimam Teacher, Department o f Linguistics, Institute o f Ethiopian Studies, Addis Ababa U niversity, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Research: Definiteness in Ethiopian Semitic Languages: Towards Classification M ichigan State U niversity, Department o f Linguistics and Germanic, Slavic, Asian, and A frican Languages, East Lansing, M I c/o Dr. Grover Hudson September M ay

47 Linguistics Rhee, Seongha Associate Professor, Department o f English Education, Hankuk U niversity o f Foreign Studies, Seoul, Korea Lecturing and Research: A Comparative Analysis o f English Prepositions and Korean Postpositions From a Gramm aticalization Perspective Stanford U niversity, Stanford Language Center, Stanford, CA c/o Dr. Elizabeth B. Bernhardt July July 2004 Szekely, Anna Doctoral Candidate, Department o f General Psychology, Eotvos Lorand U niversity o f Budapest, Budapest, Hungary Research: Comparative Language Studies o f Hungarian and English Using Reaction-Tim e Measures in Online Research U niversity o f C alifornia San Diego, Center fo r Research in Language, San Diego, C A c/o D r. Elisabeth Bates M ay October 2003 Tokareva, Irina Head, Department o f English Lexicology, M insk State Linguistic U niversity, M insk, Belarus Research: The Ethnography o f Comm unication W ith in the Framework o f Cross-Cultural Sociolinguistics Harvard U niversity, W.E.B. du Bois Institute fo r Afro-A m erican Research, Fellows Program, Cambridge, M A c/o Ms. Saran D. Kaba October January 2004 Vakulenko, Maksym Research Scientist, Institute fo r Theoretical Physics, National Academy o f Sciences o f Ukraine, K yiv, Ukraine Research: Acoustic Invariant Approach to Speech Analysis and Spelling: A Comparative Analysis o f Am erican English and Ukrainian U niversity o f Texas A rlington, Department o f Linguistics, Arlington, TX c/o Dr. D avid J. Silva September January 2004 Villalobos, Jose S. Professor, School o f M odem Languages, U niversity o f Los Andes-Merida, Merida, Venezuela Research: Research on W riting: Revision Techniques by N on-native English-Speaking W riters U niversity o f Iowa, Department o f Spanish and Portuguese, Iowa C ity, IA c/o Dr. Judith Liskin-Gasparro January June 2004 Yermilov, Artem Senior Lecturer, Department o f Foreign Languages fo r Natural Studies, A l-f arabi Kazakh State N ational U niversity, A lm aty, Kazakhstan Research: Practical Im plementation o f Radio-Ecological N otions and Term inology in Kazakhstan U niversity o f Georgia, Franklin College o f A rts and Sciences, Department o f English, Athens, GA c/o Dr. Michael Moran October June 2004 Mathematics Bakic, Damir Associate Professor, Department o f Mathematics, U niversity o f Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia Research: Frames, Wavelets and H ilb e rt C*-m odules W ashington U niversity, Department o f Mathematics, St. Louis, MO c/o Dr. Guido Weiss September M ay 2004 Burmistrova, Valentina Ivanovna Assistant Professor, Computer Technology Faculty, Turkmen A g ricu ltura l U niversity, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan Research: Methods fo r Solving Ill-Posed Problems fo r Parabolic and E llip tic Equations Iow a State U niversity o f Science and Technology, Department o f Mathematics, Ames, IA c/o Prof. Howard Levine January June 2004 Fetecau, Constantin Professor, Department o f Mathematics, Gheorghe Asachi Technical U niversity o f Iasi, Iasi, Romania Research: Analytical and Num erical Solutions fo r Some M otions o f Heat Conductive Non-Newtonian Fluids Texas A & M U niversity, Dw ight Look College o f Engineering, Department o f Mechanical Engineering, College Station, TX c/o Dr. Kumbakonam Rajagopal October A p ril 2004 Godinez Jaimes, Flaviano Doctoral Candidate, Department o f Statistics, College o f Postgraduates, Autonomous U niversity o f Guerrero, M ontecillo, Mexico Research: C ollinearity in Logistic Regression Tulane U niversity, School o f Public Health and Tropical M edicine, Department o f Biostatics, New Orleans, LA c/o Dr. Janet C. Rice September June

48 M edical Sciences Jablan, Slavik Professor, College o f Post, Telegraph and Telephone, Belgrade, Serbia Research: V isual Mathematics U nive rsity o f W isconsin M adison, Department o f M athematics, Madison, W I c/o D r. Donald Crowe N ew Jersey Institute o f Technology, Department o f M athematical Sciences, Newark, NJ c/o D r. Jay K appraff September May 2004 M artinez Diaz, Sonia Professor, Department o f A pplied Mathematics, P olytechnical U niversity o f Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain Research: Trajectory Planning and Coordination o f M u ltip le Underactuated Vehicles U n ive rsity o f Illin o is Urbana-Champaign, Coordinated Science Laboratory, Urbana Champaign, IL c/o Prof. Francesco B u llo October September 2005 M ihai, Ion Professor, Faculty o f Mathematics, U niversity o f Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania Research: M odem Topics in Subm anifold Theory M ich iga n State U niversity, Department o f M athem atics, East Lansing, M I c/o D r. Bang-Yen Chen September January 2004 Ranestad, Kristian Professor, Department o f M athematics, University o f O slo, O slo, Norway Research: Decomposition o f Forms and the Geometry o f Special Varieties M edical Sciences Research Institute, Berkeley, CA c/o Prof. Robert E. Megginson A ugust July 2004 R iffi, Mohamed I. M. Associate Professor, Department o f Mathematics, Isla m ic U niversity o f Gaza, Prim al, Gaza Research: Using Technology as a Tool When Teaching M athematics U n iv e rsity o f W isconsin Eau C laire, Mathematics D epartm ent, Eau Claire, W I c/o D r. Mohamed E lgindi September June 2004 Savas, Ekrem Professor, Department o f Mathematics, Yuzuncu Y il U n ive rsity, Van, Turkey Research: Absolute Summability Indiana U niversity Bloomington, Department o f Mathematics, Bloom ington, IN c/o Dr. B illy Rhoades August February 2004 Medical Sciences Al-A ni, Falah Khalil Professor, Department o f Veterinary C linical Sciences, Jordan U niversity o f Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan Research: M astitis Prevention and Control Project Kansas State U niversity, College o f Veterinary M edicine, Department o f C lin ica l Sciences, Manhattan, KS c/o Dr. Jerry R. Roberson September March 2004 (F ulbright Program fo r Ira q i Expatriates) Aromdee, Chantana Associate Professor, Department o f Pharmaceutical Chem istry, Faculty o f Pharmaceutical Sciences, Khon Kaen U niversity, Khon Kaen, Thailand Lecturing and Research: Traditional M edicine: A Scientific Approach U niversity o f Minnesota T w in C ities, College o f Pharmacy, Department o f M edicinal Chemistry, M inneapolis, MN c/o Dr. W. Thomas Shier October A p ril 2004 Asatryan, Lev Emergency Room Physician, Intensive Care U nit, General and Angioneurology Department, Yerevan C ity Emergency H ospital, Yerevan, Arm enia Research: C riteria o f M edical Ethics in Western Countries and Arm enia in Comparative Perspective U niversity o f V irgin ia, Center fo r Biomedical Ethics, C harlottesville, V A c/o Dr. Jonathan M oreno September M ay 2004 Bahar, Ismail Hakki Professor, Department o f M icrobiology, Faculty o f M edicine, Dokuz E ylu l U niversity, Izm ir, Turkey Research: The Effects o f Proteasome Inhibitors on H odgkin and Reed-Stemberg Cells Loyola U niversity Chicago, U niversity M edical Center, Department o f Pathology, M aywood, IL c/o D r. Serhan A lkan August February 2004 Barbeito Erba, Luis H. Professor and Head, Department o f C ellular and M olecular Neurobiology, Institute o f B iological Investigations (IIB C E ), M ontevideo, Uruguay Research: Astrocytes and M otor Neuron Apoptosis 49

49 M edical Sciences Oregon State U niversity, The Linus Pauling Institute, Department o f Biochemistry, Corvallis, OR c/o Dr. Joseph S. Beckman September November 2003 Bares, M artin Head, Department o f C linical Neurophysiology, St. Anne s Faculty Hospital, Brno, Czech Republic Research: Interactions Between C ortical and Subcortical Structures in Central Regulatory Systems and in the Physiology o f Diseases U niversity o f Minnesota T w in Cities, Department o f Neuroscience, M inneapolis, M N c/o Dr. James Ashe September July 2004 Bari, Ferenc Professor, Department o f Physiology, Faculty o f M edicine, U niversity o f Szeged, Szeged, Hungary Research: M itochondrial Mechanisms o f Perinatal Hypoxic Brain Injury Wake Forest U niversity, School o f M edicine, Bowman Grey Campus, Department o f Physiology and Pharmacology, Winston-Salem, NC c/o Dr. D avid W. Busija July December 2003 Biiaj, Fatm ir Radiologist, Department o f Radiology, Mother Theresa U niversity Hospital Center, Tirana, Albania Research: The Role o f C T/M R I in Evaluation o f Body and M uscular-skeletal Diseases University o f N orth Carolina Chapel H ill, School o f M edicine, Department o f Radiology, Chapel H ill, NC c/o Dr. Richard Semelka September February 2004 Cigrina, Lilia Lecturer, Department o f Pharmacology and C linical Pharmacology, N. Testemitanu State U niversity o f M edicine and Pharmacy, Chisinau, M oldova Research: Advancement o f M edical Education in M oldova: Im plem enting H ybrid C urricula in Pharmacology Teaching Pennsylvania State U niversity U niversity Park, Department o f Pharmacology, Hershey, PA c/o Dr. Joan Summy-Long September January 2004 Cryan, Sally-Ann Postdoctoral Researcher, School o f Pharmacy, Royal College o f Surgeons o f Ireland, Dublin, Ireland Research: The A pplication o f Membrane-Translocating Peptide and Targeted Liposome Technologies to the D elivery o f Cystic Fibrosis Gene-Based Therapies U niversity o f N orth Carolina Chapel H ill, School o f Pharmacy, D ivisio n o f D rug D elivery and D isposition, Chapel H ill, NC c/o Dr. Anthony H ickey July June 2004 Farre Pueyo, Javier Manuel Post-Residency Fellow, Department o f M olecular Pathology, National Center o f Oncological Investigations, M adrid, Spain Research: Comprehensive Gene Expression A nalysis o f the Inflam m atory Component o f P roliferative Inflam m atory A trophy o f the Prostate Johns Hopkins U niversity, Department o f Pathology and U rology, Baltim ore, M D c/o Dr. Angelo M. De M arzo October September 2005 Gualco Neves, M aria Gabriela Assistant Pathologist, Department o f Pathology, Central Hospital, M ontevideo, Uruguay Research: Comparative Study Between a Uruguayan Laboratory and a U.S. Laboratory o f Im m unohistochemistry in Lym ph Node Pathology W ith Genetic A lteration Determ ination by Fluorescent In Sita H ybridization U niversity o f Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Department o f Hematopathology, Houston, T X c/o Dr. Jeffrey L. Medeiros September October 2003 Gurcharan Singh, Harbindar Jeet Singh al Associate Professor, Department o f Physiology, School o f M edical Sciences, Science U niversity o f M alaysia (USM ), Kubang Kerian, Kelantan, M alaysia Research: Expression and Actions o f Ephs and E phrins D uring Cytotrophoblast D ifferentiation in N orm al and Pre-Eclamptic Pregnancy U niversity o f C alifornia San Francisco, School o f M edicine, San Francisco, CA c/o Dr. Susan Fisher November June 2004 Helland, Aslaug M edical Doctor, Department o f Oncology, Norw egian Radium Hospital, Oslo, Norway Research: M olecular Studies o f Tumor Response and Tissue Sensitivity to Radiation Therapy Among Patients W ith Breast Cancer Stanford U niversity, School o f M edicine, D ivisio n o f General Surgery, Stanford, CA c/o Dr. Stefanie Jeffrey July June 2004 Kasvosve, Ishmael Lecturer, Department o f Chemical Pathology, M edical School, University o f Zimbabwe, Harare, Zimbabwe 50

50 M edical Sciences Research: Genetics o f A frica n Iron Overload: H aptoglobin and Transferrin Genetic Variation in Iron Metabolism and Infection (TB and H IV ) Howard U nive rsity, Center fo r Sickle C ell Disease, Departm ent o f M edicine, Washington, DC c/o D r. V ic to r R. Gordeuk August January 2004 Korreman, Stine Sofia Scientist, Department o f Radiation Physics, The N ational U nive rsity Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark Research: Respiratory Gating fo r Intensity-M odulated R adiation Therapy Stanford U niversity School o f M edicine, D ivision o f R adiation Physics, Stanford, CA c/o Prof. A rth u r Boyer August A p ril 2004 Kriskova, Anna Lecturer, Faculty o f Health and Social W ork, Tmava U nive rsity, Bratislava, Slovak R epublic Lecturing: International Nursing and Health Otero Junior College, La Junta, CO c/o D r. Tom Arm strong A ugust M ay 2004 (Scholar-in-Residence Program ) Lai, Tsung-Hsuan A ttending Staff, Department o f Obstetrics and Gynecology, Cathay General H ospital, Taipei, Taiwan Research: Advanced Techniques in Human Reproduction fo r In fe rtile Couples Johns H opkins U niversity, School o f M edicine, Assisted Reproductive Technologies Laboratory, B altim ore, M D c/o Dr. Y u lia n Zhao August July 2004 Lennartsson, Johan K je ll Robert Postdoctoral Scholar, Ludw ig Institute fo r Cancer Research, U niversity o f Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden Research: M olecular Mechanisms U nderlying the Synergistic Signaling Between Cytokines N ational Institutes o f Health, National Cancer Institute-Frederick, Basic Research Laboratory, Frederick, M D c/o Dr. Diana Linnekin August February 2004 M arkova, Marketa Physician, Transplantation and Intensive Care U nit, In stitu te o f Hematology and Blood Transfusion, Prague, Czech Republic Research: The Relationship Between Hyperhomocysteinem ia and Transplant-Related Com plications U niversity o f M innesota T w in Cities, Department o f M edicine, Bone M arrow Transplant Program, M inneapolis, M N c/o Prof. P h illip McGlave October June 2004 Nyarko, Alexander Kwadwo Associate Professor, Noguchi M emorial Institute for M edical Research, U niversity o f Ghana, Legon, Ghana Research: A ctivity-g u ide d Isolation o f Bioactive Compounds From a Ghanian Plant M edicine, N M IM R -02 A V I, as Potential Agents Against Human Im m unodeficiency and Herpes Sim plex Vim ses U nive rsity o f N orth Carolina Chapel H ill, School o f Pharmacy, Natural Products Laboratory, Chapel H ill, NC c/o Dr. Kuo-H siung Lee October June 2004 Ozpinar, Aysel Chair, Department o f Basic Science, Faculty o f Veterinary M edicine, Istanbul U niversity, Istanbul, Turkey Research: The E ffect o f Stress on Reproductive Functions U nive rsity o f C alifornia Davis, Department o f A nim al Science, Davis, C A c/o Prof. Thomas E. Adams June December 2003 Petersson, K arin Berit D octoral Candidate, Departm ent o f M olecular Biophysics, Center fo r Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, U niversity o f Lund, Lund, Sweden Research: Ligand Recognition and Signaling by Receptor GP130 Stanford U niversity School o f M edicine, Department o f M icrobiology, Im m unology and Structural B iology, Stanford, C A c/o Prof. K. Christopher Garcia August July 2004 Risbridger, Gail Petuna P rincipal Research F ellow and Associate D irector, Center fo r U rological Research, Monash Institute o f Reproduction and Development, Monash U niversity, C layton, A ustralia Research: Regulation o f A d u lt Stem Cells in the Prostate by A ctivins Columbia U niversity, C ollege o f Physicians and Surgeons, Department o f U rology, New Y ork, N Y c/o Dr. Ralph Buttyan July December 2003 Schoots, Ivo Gerardus D octoral Candidate, Surgical Laboratory, Academic M edical Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands 51

51 M edical Sciences Research: The Role o f Early Growth Response-1 (EGR1) in M ediating the E ffect o f H ypoxia on Endothelial C ell Phenotype o f Human and M urine Coronary Arteries In V itro Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard M edical School, Department o f M edicine, Boston, M A c/o Dr. W illia m A ird August July 2004 Schwetz, Herbert Professor, Teacher Training College, Graz, Austria Research: Health, Health Behavior and W ell-b eing From the Perspective o f Contexts, Perception o f School Clim ate, Empowerment and Participation o f Young Students Harvard U niversity, School o f Public Health, Department o f Health and Social Behavior, Center fo r Society and Health, Boston, M A c/o Dr. Venkara S. Sankaranarayanan January A p ril 2004 Servetti, Simona Resident, Department o f Anesthesia, Intensive Care and Pain Therapy, University o f Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, Ita ly Research: Pulmonary Hemodynamics Assessment and Pre-Operative Cardio-Pulm onary Related M orta lity in Patients W ith Portopulm onary Hypertension Undergoing L ive r Transplantation U niversity o f Pittsburgh, School o f M edicine, Department o f Surgery, Pittsburg, PA c/o Dr. John J. Fung October July 2004 Sollid, Ludvig Magne Professor, Institute o f Im m unology, U niversity o f Oslo, Oslo, Norway Research: The Biochemistry o f Celiac Disease Stanford U niversity, Department o f Chemistry, Stanford, CA c/o Dr. Chaitan Khosla July July 2004 Thong, Meow-Keong Associate Professor, Department o f Pediatrics, Medical Center, University o f Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Research: Epidemiology and Prevention o f M ajor B irth Defects in Malaysia Centers fo r Disease Control, N ational Center on B irth Defects and Developmental D isabilities, Atlanta, GA c/o Dr. A d olfo Correa October December 2003 Tsuhako, Sumiko Professor, Department o f N ursing, Tenshi College, Sapporo, Japan Research: Interventional Adaptation Program Development in Relation to C ognitive Processing and Coping Mechanisms o f C hildren W ith Pain Stim uli Boston College, School o f Nursing, Chestnut H ill, M A c/o Dr. C allista Roy August January 2004 Van D ijk, Sabine Jolanda D octoral Candidate, Departm ent o f Pediatric Surgery, M edical School, Erasmus U niversity o f Rotterdam, Rotterdam, Netherlands Research: Functional Genomics o f the Rat Renal Failure Genes: Rf-1 Through Rf-5 M edical College o f W isconsin, Human and Molecular Genetics Center, Milw aukee, W I c/o Dr. H.J. Jacob August A p ril 2004 Videm, Vibeke Assistant Professor, Department o f Laboratory M edicine, Children s and W omen s Health, Norwegian U niversity o f Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway Research: Functions o f Heparan Sulfate in B Cell Development and D iffe re ntia tion U niversity o f C alifornia San D iego, G lycobiology Research and Training Center, Department o f C ellular and M olecular M edicine, La Jolla, CA c/o Prof. Jeffrey D. Esko July June 2004 Visted, Therese Postdoctoral Researcher, Department o f Anatomy and C ell B iology, University o f Bergen, Bergen, Norway Research: Neural Stem Cell M ediated Therapy in M alignant Brain Tumors Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard M edical School, Peripheral Nerve Center, Brain Tumor Center, Boston, M A c/o Dr. E. Antonio Chiocca August August 2004 Vorobeva, Natalya Professor, Perm State M edical Academy, Perm, Russia Research: Diagnosis o f Babesiosis as a New Infectious Disease Harvard School o f Public Health, Department o f Im m unology and Infectious Diseases, Boston, M A c/o Dr. Andrew Spielman September February 2004 Voutilainen, Sari Laura M aarit Research Fellow, Research Institute o f Public Health, U niversity o f Kuopio, Kuopio, Finland Research: Interaction Between N u tritio n and Genes, and Their Role in Preventing Chronic Diseases 52

52 Philosophy U nive rsity o f North Carolina Chapel H ill, School o f P ublic Health, Department o f Epidemiology, Chapel H ill, NC c/o Dr. Gerardo Heiss November A p ril 2004 Wang, Chao-Yi S ta ff O ffice r, Bureau o f Pharmaceutical A ffairs, Departm ent o f Health, Taipei, Taiwan Research: Regulation o f C ellular and Tissue-Based Products O hio State U niversity Columbus, School o f Public Health, D ivision o f Epidemiology and Biometrics, Columbus, OH c/o Dr. Judith A. Schwartzbaum September December 2003 Music Brajovic, Ana Zorana Conductor o f National Theater Opera, Belgrade N ational Theater Opera House, Belgrade, Serbia Research: Professional Development in Opera C onducting Johns H opkins University, Peabody Conservatory In stitu te, Graduate Conducting Program, Baltim ore, M D c/o D r. M arkand Thakar September May 2004 Chaigne, Antoine Jean Marie Professor and Head, Department o f Mechanical Engineering, National College o f Advanced Technical Studies, Palaiseau, France Lecturing and Research: Developing V irtu a l M usical Instruments Stanford U niversity, Center fo r Computer Research in M usic and Acoustics, Department o f M usic, Stanford, C A c/o Prof. Chris Chafe September November 2003 Leahy, Anne Marie Lecturer, Conservatory o f M usic and Drama, D ublin In stitu te o f Technology, D ublin, Ireland L ecturing and Research: Text-M usic Relationships in the B M in o r Mass o f Johann Sebastian Bach U niversity o f Louisville, School o f M usic, Louisville, K Y c/o Dr. Jean Christensen August December 2003 O Regan, Tarik Hamilton Supervisor, Department o f M usic, University o f Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, U nited Kingdom L ectu rin g and Research: Composition o f the Chamber Opera, Heart o f Darkness Columbia U niversity, Department o f M usic, New Y ork, N Y c/o Prof. Fred Lerdhal M arch March 2005 Overoye, Odd Johan Associate Professor, Department o f M usic, Norwegian U niversity o f Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway Lecturing and Research: Combining Electronically-M anipulated Sounds W ith Traditional Acoustic Instruments fo r Orchestration C alifo rnia State U niversity Northridge, Department o f M usic, Northridge, CA c/o Prof. Elizabeth Sellers October March 2004 Yin, Aiqing Dean, School o f M usic, Northeast Norm al U niversity, Changchun, China Research: M usic Teacher Training: Adapting to the Implementation o f M usic Curriculum Reform New England Conservatory o f M usic, M usic-in-education Program and the Research Center, Boston, M A c/o Dr. Larry Scripp September September 2004 Philosophy Abu Sawi, Mustafa Mahmoud Yousef Associate Professor, Islam ic Research Center, Al-Q uds U niversity, East Jerusalem, West Bank Lecturing: Islamic Philosophy Florida A tlantic U niversity, W ilkes Honors College, Department o f P o litica l Science, Jupiter, FL c/o Dr. M ark Tunick August May 2004 (Scholar-in-Residence Program ) Al-Bitar, Sawsan Mustafa Lecturer, Philosophy Department, U niversity o f Damascus, Damascus, Syria Research: Semantics o f the Theory o f Logical Analogy o f Aquinas Catholic U niversity o f Am erica, School o f Philosophy, Washington, DC c/o Dr. K u rt P ritzl December June 2004 Attucci, Claudia Doctoral Candidate, Department o f Social and Political Sciences, European University Institute, Florence, Italy Research: Legitim acy o f the European Union Between the International and Domestic Sphere: Conception o f the Person 53

53 Philosophy Columbia U niversity, Department o f Psychology, New Y ork, N Y c/o Prof. Thomas Pogge March October 2004 Carnevali, Barbara Research Assistant, Institute o f Philosophy and Pedagogy, University o f U rbino, U rbino, Ita ly Research: A uthenticity and Recognition: M ediation and Im m ediacy in M odem S ubjectivity U niversity o f Chicago, Department o f Philosophy, Chicago, IL c/o Prof. Charles Larmore October July 2004 Ferreira, Fernando Inocencio Associate Professor, Department o f Mathematics, U niversity o f Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal Research: The Logical Expression o f A rithm etic Harvard U niversity, Department o f Philosophy, Cambridge, M A c/o Prof. Richard Heck February July 2004 Fullsack, Manfred Docent, Department o f Philosophy, U niversity o f Vienna, Vienna, Austria Lecturing and Research: The S cientific Self-Description o f Soviet Society: Aspects in the H istory o f Soviet Social Science M ichigan State U niversity, Department o f Sociology, East Lansing, M I c/o Prof. V la d im ir Shlapentokh September December 2003 Gemmeke, Linus Postdoctoral Researcher, Department o f Philosophy, U niversity o f Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany Research: A Break in the Thinking o f Rene Descartes Dominican School o f Philosophy and Theology, Department o f Philosophy, Berkeley, C A c/o Dr. Richard Schenk January August 2004 Gichure, Christine W anjiru Senior Lecturer, Department o f Philosophy, Kenyatta U niversity, N airobi, Kenya Research: Leadership and Ethics Management for Organizations U niversity o f Richmond, Jepson School o f Leadership Studies, Richmond, V A c/o Dr. Joanne C iulla September February 2004 Crigic, Filip Researcher, Institute o f Philosophy, Zagreb, Croatia Research: Aristotle and Ancient Skepticism Harvard U niversity, Emerson H all, Department o f Philosophy, Cambridge, M A c/o Dr. Gisela Striker September May 2004 I oan, Augustin Marian Associate Professor, Faculty o f Philosophy, Ion M incu U niversity o f Architecture and Urbanism, Bucharest, Romania Lecturing and Research: Recent Philosophies o f Public Space: The Question o f Sacred Space Today U niversity o f C incinnati, College o f Design, Architecture, A rt, and Planning, Department o f Architecture and In te rior Design, Cincinnati, OH c/o Dr. John Hancock February July 2004 Kalnicka, Zdenka Associate Professor, Department o f Philosophy, Faculty o f Arts, Ostrava U niversity, Ostrava 1, Czech Republic Lecturing: Women s Studies and Aesthetics SUNY College at Cortland, Department o f P o litica l Science, Cortland, N Y c/o Dr. Henry Steck January M ay 2004 (Scholar-in-Residence Program ) Man, K it Wah Eva Associate Professor and Head, Humanities Program, Hong Kong Baptist U niversity, Hong Kong, Hong Kong Research: The M aking o f Hong Kong Bodies: The C ultural, Social and P olitical Im plications o f B o dily Representation in Hong Kong Cinema Since the 1990s U niversity o f C alifornia Berkeley, Center fo r Chinese Studies, Berkeley, CA c/o Dr. X in L iu January M ay 2004 Mras, Gabriele Monika Assistant Professor, Department o f General Education and Philosophy, Philosophy D ivision, Vienna U niversity o f Economics, Vienna, Austria Lecturing: Philosophy o f M ind and Language; Epistemology and H istory o f M odem Philosophy U niversity o f Minnesota T w in Cities, Department o f Philosophy, M inneapolis, M N c/o Dr. Douglas Lewis January M ay 2004 Narboux, Jean-Philippe Pierre Lecturer, Department o f Philosophy, U niversity o f Paris I (Pantheon-Sorbonne), Paris, France Research: The Problem o f Universals in Philosophy A fte r Wittgenstein 54

54 Physics and Astronom y U n ive rsity o f Chicago, Department o f Philosophy, Chicago, IL c/o P rof. M ichael Forster September February 2004 Oleksy, Mateusz Wieslaw Assistant Professor, Department o f Epistemology and Philosophy o f Science, Institute o f Philosophy, U n ive rsity o f Lodz, Lodz, Poland Research: The Realism /Anti-Realism Dilem m a From the Anthropo-Linguistic Perspective U n ive rsity o f C alifornia Berkeley, Department o f Philosophy, Berkeley, CA c/o P rof. B arry Stroud September June 2004 Physics and Astronomy Barlow, Roger John Professor, Department o f Physics and Astronomy, U n ive rsity o f Manchester, Manchester, United K ingdom Research: Studying the Tau Lepton Particle Using BaBar Detector Recordings Stanford U niversity, Department o f Physics, Stanford, C A c/o P rof. Doug O sheroff September August 2004 H arlaftis, Emilios Associate Research Scholar, Institute o f Astronomy and Astrophysics, National Observatory, Athens, Greece Research: The Physics o f Black H ole X-R ay Novae U n ive rsity o f C alifornia Berkeley, Department o f A stronom y, Berkeley, CA c/o P rof. A lexei V. Filippenko January A p ril 2004 Harutyunyan, Valeri Head o f Laboratory o f M aterials Research, Department o f S olid State Physics, Yerevan State U niversity, Yerevan, Arm enia Research: Form ation o f N ative Point Defects in GaN H eteroepitaxial Film s Depending on Parameters o f the B u ffe r Layer U n iv e rs ity o f C alifornia Berkeley, Department o f M aterials Science and Engineering, Berkeley, CA c/o Dr. Eicke Weber September July 2004 Ibrahim, Kamarulazizi bin Professor, School o f Physics, Science U niversity o f M alaysia (USM ), Penang, Malaysia Research: Organic-Based L ig h t E m itting Devices U n ive rsity o f Arizona, Department o f O ptical Sciences, Tucson, A Z c/o Dr. Nasser Peyghambarian O ctober A p ril 2004 Koleva, Ivanka Teneva Associate Professor, Department o f Optics and Spectroscopy, Faculty o f Physics, Sofia U niversity St. K lim ent O hridski, Sofia, Bulgaria Research: Atm ospheric Pressure Cold Plasmas U niversity o f Houston, Plasma Processing Laboratory, Department o f Chemical Engineering, Houston, T X c/o Dr. Demetre J. Economou September February 2004 Mekkaoui Alaoui, Ismail Professor, Physics Department, Faculty o f Sciences Semlalia, Cadi Ayyad U niversity, Marrakech, M orocco Research: Fingerprint Development W ith Lasers Texas Tech U niversity, Physics Department, Lubbock, T X c/o Dr. E. Roland Menzel July October 2003 Morales Arboleya, Rafael Assistant Professor, Department o f Physics, U niversity o f Oviedo, Oviedo, Spain Research: A rtific ia lly Nanostructured Magnetic M aterials fo r U ltra-h igh Density Recording Media: Fabrication and M agnetic Properties U niversity o f C alifornia San Diego, Department o f Physics, La Jolla, CA c/o Prof. Ivan K. Schuller October September 2005 Nagler, Bob Research Assistant, Department o f A pplied Physics and Photonics, Free U niversity o f Bmssels, Brussels, Belgium Research: Physics o f Laser-Plasma Accelerators: Catching the Waves U niversity o f C alifornia Lawrence Berkeley N ational Laboratory, Center fo r Beam Physics, Accelerator and Fusion Research D ivisio n, Berkeley, CA c/o Prof. W im Leemams October October 2004 Obrou, O livier Kouadio Assistant Lecturer, Atm ospheric Physics Laboratory, U niversity o f Cocody A bidjan, Abidjan, Cote d Ivoire Research: Im provement o f the International Reference Ionosphere (IR I) M odel at Equatorial Latitudes NASA/G oddard Space F lig h t Center, Space Physics Data F a cility, Greenbelt, M D c/o Dr. Robert E. M cguire October July 2004 Praszalowicz, Michal Pawel Associate Professor, Particle Theory Department, M. Sm oluchowski Institute o f Physics, Jagiellonian U niversity, Krakow, Poland Research: Theory o f M atter Under Extreme Conditions 55

55 Physics and Astronom y Brookhaven N ational Laboratories, Nuclear Theory Group, Department o f Physics, Upton, N Y c/o Prof. Larry M clerran September June 2004 Ruiz Garcia, Antonia Assistant Professor, Department o f Fundamental and Experimental Physics, University o f La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain Research: Theoretical Analysis o f P roxim ity Resonances in Quantum M ultiple Scattering Harvard U niversity, Department o f Physics, Cambridge, M A c/o Prof. E ric J. H eller October September 2004 Stoyanov, Chavdar Penev Head, Department o f Nuclear Physics, Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Bulgarian Academy o f Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria Research: Correlation Entropy and C om plexity o f the Excited States in Atom ic Nuclei M ichigan State U niversity, National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory, Department o f Physics and Astronomy, East Lansing, M I c/o Prof. V la d im ir Zelevinsky November March 2004 Toledo, Eran Lecturer, The Abramson Center fo r M edical Physics, School o f Physics and Astronomy, Tel A v iv U niversity, Tel A v iv, Israel Research: Q uantitative Detection o f Ischemic Heart Disease Using Computer Analysis o f Real-Time Three-Dimensional Ultrasound Images U niversity o f Chicago, Department o f M edicine, Cardiology Section, Chicago, IL c/o Dr. Roberto M. Lang June June 2004 Valkunas, Leonas Head, M olecular Compound Physics Laboratory, Institute o f Physics, Vilnius, Lithuania Research: Exciton Dynamics in Photosynthetic Pigment Protein Complexes U niversity o f C alifornia Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Department o f Chemistry, Berkeley, CA c/o Dr. Graham Fleming October July 2004 P o litica l Science Ashimbayev, M aulen D irector, Kazakh Institute fo r Strategic Research, Alm aty, Kazakhstan Research: Ensuring Security in Central Asia in the Framework o f U.S./Kazakh Cooperation Johns Hopkins University School o f Advanced International Studies, Central Asia-Caucasus Institute, Washington, DC c/o Prof. S. Frederick Starr September December 2003 Ayman, Saadet Gulden Associate Professor, Department o f International Relations, Faculty o f Social and Adm inistrative Sciences, Marmara U niversity, Istanbul, Turkey Research: United States-European Union Dilemmas and the Resolution o f the Greek-Turkish C on flict Yale U niversity, Center fo r U nited Nations Studies, New Haven, CT c/o Prof. Nicholas Sambanis July September 2003 (Aegean Initiatives) Badescu, Gabriel Associate Professor, Department o f P o litical Science, School o f P olitical Science and Public A dm inistration, Babes-Bolyai U niversity, Cluj-Napoca, Romania Research: Democracy and Associations in the Form er Communist Countries U niversity o f M aryland College Park, Department o f Government and P olitics, College Park, M D c/o Dr. Eric Uslaner September March 2004 Bal, Idris Assistant Professor, Faculty o f Security Sciences, Police Academy, Ankara, Turkey Research: Turkey s Place in U.S. Foreign P olicy A fte r the September 11th Attacks Harvard U niversity, Center fo r M iddle Eastern Studies, Cambridge, M A c/o Dr. Cemal Kafadar August February 2004 Baroudi, Sami Emile Associate Professor, D ivision o f Education and Social Science, Lebanese Am erican U niversity, Beirut, Lebanon Lecturing: International Relations o f the M iddle East V illanova U niversity, Department o f P olitical Science, V illanova, PA c/o Dr. Ann Lesch August December 2003 (Scholar-in-Residence Program) Carreira da Silva, Filipe Miguel D octoral Candidate, Faculty o f Social and P o litica l Sciences, U niversity o f Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom Research: Im agining a P lu ra lity o f Language, Id en tity, and Citizenship in the European Union 56

56 P olitical Science Harvard U niversity, M inda de Gunzberg Center fo r European Studies, Cambridge, M A c/o Prof. Peter H all October October 2004 Cipto, Bambang Lecturer, Faculty o f Social and P o litica l Science, M uhammadiyah U niversity at Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia Research: The Im pact o f U.S. Foreign P olicy on the Indonesian Transition to Democracy A rizona State U niversity, Center fo r Asian Studies, Tempe, AZ c/o Dr. Claudia Brown August February 2004 CoreLl, K im Elisabeth Research Fellow, Swedish Institute o f International A ffa irs, Stockholm, Sweden Research: Non-Governmental Organizations in Global Environm ental Regimes Colorado State U niversity, Department o f P o litical Science, F ort C ollins, CO c/o D r. M ichele M. B e tsill January M ay 2004 Dancak, Bretislav Secretary fo r Research, International Institute o f P o litica l Science, Masaryk U niversity, Brno, Czech Republic Research: U.S. Foreign P olicy Towards Central Europe From 1990 to the Present Columbia U niversity, East Central European Center, New Y o rk, N Y c/o D r. John S. M icg ie l September July 2004 Ding, Shuhfan Research Fellow, Research D ivisio n III, Institute o f International Relations, N ational Chengchi U nive rsity, Taipei, Taiwan Research: Weishe and Deterrence: How China Conceives Deterrence Harvard U niversity, Fairbank Center fo r East Asian Research, Cambridge, M A c/o D r. W ilt L. Idema September June 2004 E l Hedeny, Amany Massoud Mohamed Lecturer, Department o f P o litica l Science, Faculty o f Economics and P o litica l Science, Cairo U niversity, C airo, Egypt Lecturing: Women in Islam Nebraska Wesleyan U niversity, Department o f P o litic a l Science, Lincoln, NE c/o Dr. K e lly Eaton August M ay 2004 (Scholar-in-Residence Program ) Flitton, Daniel Howarth Associate Lecturer, School o f Social and International Studies, Deakin U niversity Melbourne Campus, Burwood, Australia Lecturing and Research: A ttitudes and Perceptions: K ey Opinions on the A ustralia-u nited States Relationship Georgetown U niversity, School o f Foreign Service, Center fo r Australian and New Zealand Studies, W ashington, DC c/o Prof. Richard Teare December June 2004 Goncharov, Dm itry C hair and Professor, Orenburg Institute o f the M oscow State Law Academy, Orenburg, Russia Research: Democratic In stitutional Development in Post-Communist Polities U nive rsity o f Georgia, The International Center fo r Democratic Governance, Athens, GA c/o Dr. Dan Dum ing September M ay 2004 Kang, Jung In Professor, Department o f P o litica l Science, Sogang U niversity, Seoul, Korea Research: Re-Examining Human Rights Discourse fo r Cross-Cultural Dialogue U niversity o f C alifornia Davis, Department o f P o litica l Science, Davis, CA c/o Dr. John T. Scott August August 2004 Karayev, Begench Saparowich Head, Department o f Foreign P o litica l Inform ation and Analysis, M in istry o f Foreign A ffa irs, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan Lecturing and Research: Development o f a W orkable Mechanism to M aintain Regional Stability and Security in Central Asia Indiana U niversity Bloom ington, Department o f P o litica l Science, Bloom ington, IN c/o Dr. Henry Hale January October 2004 Kolodii, Antonina Senior Research Fellow, Department o f Contemporary Ethnology, Ethnology Institute, N ational Academy o f Sciences o f Ukraine, L v iv, Ukraine Research: N ational Consolidation in the U nited States: Ways and Means o f M anaging E thnic-c ultural D iversity W oodrow W ilson International Center fo r Scholars, Kennan Institute, Washington, DC c/o M r. A tiq Sarwari September February 2004 (Fulbright-Kennan Institute Research Scholarship) 57

57 P olitical Science Latypov, Rachit Associate Professor and D irector, Institute o f Regional H istory, Astrachan State Pedagogical U niversity, Obninsk, Russia Research: The Dialogue o f the D eaf Across the A tlantic: Am erican and B ritish Approaches to a New W orld Order in as a C ulture Shock? W oodrow W ilson International Center fo r Scholars, Kennan Institute, Washington, DC c/o M r. A tiq Sarwari March August 2004 (Fulbright-Kennan Institute Research Scholarship) Lemos, Leany Barreiro de Sousa Legislative Assistant, Federal Senate, O ffice o f Senator Ana Julia Carepa, B rasilia, B razil Research: Oversight on the Executive Branch: Lessons From the Am erican Experience fo r the Brazilian Congress Georgetown University, Center fo r Latin American Studies, Department o f Government, Washington, DC c/o Dr. Arturo Valenzuela American Po litica l Science Association, Congressional Fellowship Program, Washington, DC c/o Dr. Je ff Biggs August August 2004 (Fulbright/APS A Congressional Fellow ship Program) Lim, Seong Ho Associate Professor, Department o f P o litica l Science, Kyung Hee U niversity, Seoul, Korea Lecturing and Research: P olitics in the Republic: Congress and the Presidency; D ivided Government in the United States and South Korea: Comparative Im plications Yale U niversity, Department o f P olitical Science, New Haven, CT c/o Dr. David Mayhew Simmons College, Department o f P o litical Science and International Relations, Boston, M A c/o Dr. Cheryl B. Welch August August 2004 Marutyan, Harutyun Senior Researcher, Department o f Ethnography, Institute o f Archeology and Ethnography, National Academy o f Sciences o f Arm enia, Yerevan, Armenia Research: The Role o f H istorical Mem ory in the Democratization o f Society Massachusetts Institute o f Technology, Anthropology Program, Cambridge, M A c/o Dr. M ichael Fischer September May 2004 M iroiu, Mihaela Professor, Faculty o f P olitical Sciences, N ational School fo r P o litica l Studies and Public Adm inistration, Bucharest, Romania Research: Conservatism and Em ancipation Strategies in Contemporary Romania Indiana U niversity Bloom ington, Center fo r the Study o f Democracy and Public L ife, Bloomington, IN c/o D r. Jeffrey C. Isaac September February 2004 Mostafa, Mohamed Mohamed Hussein Associate Professor, Department o f P o litica l Sciences, Cairo University, Orman, Giza, Egypt Lecturing: Islam ic C iviliza tio n and P olitics Nazareth College o f Rochester, Center fo r International Education, Rochester, N Y c/o Dr. George Eisen August M ay 2004 (Scholar-in-Residence Program ) Pandey, Sushil Raj Professor, Central Department o f P o litica l Science, Tribhuvan U niversity, Kathmandu, Nepal Lecturing: P o litica l Science Tallahassee Comm unity College, Department o f H istory and Social Sciences, Tallahassee, FL c/o Dr. Richard Murgo Florida State U niversity, Department o f P o litica l Science, Tallahassee, FL c/o Dr. John Scholz August M ay 2004 (Scholar-in-Residence Program ) Panin, Victor Professor and D irector, Center fo r North Caucasus Studies, Department o f Management, Sociology and P o litica l Science, Pyatigorsk State Lin gu istic U niversity, Pyatigorsk, Russia Research: Strategic Perspectives o f the Caucasus Harvard U niversity, Davis Center fo r Russian and Eurasian Studies, Cambridge, M A c/o Prof. Tim othy J. Colton September May 2004 Pintea, Iurie F irst Secretary, International Security Department, M in istry o f Foreign A ffairs, Chisinau, M oldova Research: Adaptation o f N ational Security Systems to New Threats and Risks Harvard U niversity, John F. Kennedy School o f Government, Black Sea Security Program, Cambridge, M A c/o Dr. Sergei Konoplyov September May 2004 Sergunin, Alexander Professor and Chair, Department o f International Relations and P olitical Science, N izhny Novgorod Linguistics U niversity, N izhny Novgorod, Russia Lecturing: Russia s American P olicy in the Age o f Uncertainty: Challenges and Opportunities 58

58 P olitical Science C ornell U niversity, Department o f Government, Ithaca, N Y c/o D r. V alerie Bunce January July 2004 Shvedova, Nadezda Aleksandrovna Leading Researcher, Institute o f U.S. A. and Canada Studies, Russian Academy o f Sciences, Moscow, Russia Lecturing: Post-Cold W ar M igration and Russia: W om en s and C hildren s Issues T rin ity College, Programs in International A ffairs, W ashington, DC c/o D r. Robert Maguire August May 2004 (Scholar-in-Residence Program ) Sokolsky, Joel Professor, Department o f P o litica l Science, Royal M ilita ry College o f Canada, Kingston, Canada Lecturing and Research: Home From the Sea? The M a ritim e Dimensions o f U nited States Homeland Security P olicy and Its Im plications fo r Canada B ridgew ater State College, Department o f Economics, B ridgew ater, M A c/o D r. A nthony Cicerone September May 2004 Spicar, Radek D octoral Candidate, Department o f P o litica l Science, Faculty o f A rts, Charles U niversity, Prague, Czech R epublic Research: Central European Ethnic Lobbies in the U nited States and Their Influence on U.S. Foreign P o licy A fte r the End o f the Cold W ar Georgetown U niversity, Department o f Government, W ashington, DC c/o P rof. Yossi Shain January September 2004 Stepanenko, V iktor Senior Research Fellow, Institute o f Sociology, N atio na l Academy o f Sciences o f Ukraine, K yiv, U kraine Research: C iv il Society in Post-Soviet Democracy and the U nite d States: Concepts and P olicy W oodrow W ilson International Center fo r Scholars, Kennan Institute, Washington, DC c/o M r. A tiq Sarwari February July 2004 (Fulbright-Kennan Institute Research Scholarship) Tabachnick, David Edward Lecturer, Department o f P o litica l Studies, Augustana U n ive rsity College, Ottowa, Canada Research: Regulating Therapeutic C loning: Ethical and P olicy Challenges Portland State U niversity, International Studies, Portland, OR c/o M r. Shawn Smallman September July 2004 Tlemcani, Rachid Professor, Institute o f P o litica l Science and International Relations, Hydra A lgiers, A lgeria Research: United States-Algerian Relations: From Ideological C onfrontation to M ilita ry Cooperation Harvard U niversity, Center fo r M iddle Eastern Studies, Cambridge, M A c/o Dr. E. Roger Owen September March 2004 Tsakonas, Panagiotis A djunct Faculty, Department o f Mediterranean Studies, University o f the Aegean, Rhodes, Greece Research: United States-European Union Dilemmas and the Resolution o f the Greek-Turkish C onflict Yale University, Department o f P olitical Science, U nited Nations Studies Program, New Haven, CT c/o Dr. Nicholas Sambanis July September 2003 (Aegean Initiatives) Uzgel, Ilhan Assistant Professor, Department o f International Relations, Faculty o f P o litica l Science, Ankara U niversity, Ankara, Turkey Research: Development o f the National Security Concept in Turkey and the United States Georgetown U niversity, Institute o f Turkish Studies, W ashington, DC c/o Dr. Sabri Sayari August February 2004 Wang, Xinsheng Head, Institute o f Southeast Asian Studies, Department o f International Relations, Zhongshan U niversity, Guangzhou, China Research: The U.S. Anti-Terrorism W ar and Its Im pact on Southeast Asia U niversity o f C alifornia Los Angeles, Center fo r Southeast Asian Studies, Los Angeles, CA c/o Dr. David C. Rapoport September August 2004 Yuval, Fany Instructor, Department o f P o litica l Science, H aifa U niversity, Haifa, Israel Research: The Democratic Space: A Non-Economic Approach New Y o rk U niversity, College o f Arts and Science, Department o f P olitics, New Y ork, N Y c/o Dr. Steven Brams August June

59 P olitical Science Zhu, Liqun Deputy D irector, Institute o f International Relations, B eijing Foreign A ffa irs College, Beijing, China Research: Factors A ffecting Sino-Am erican Security Cooperation George W ashington U niversity, E llio tt School o f International A ffa irs, China P olicy Program, Washington, DC c/o Dr. D avid Shambaugh August August 2004 Psychology Baccino, Thierry Fernand Professor, Department o f Psychology, University o f Nice, Nice, France Research: Using the Cognitive Integration/Latent Semantic Analysis M odel to Understand Contextual Effects on M etonym y Comprehension U niversity o f Colorado Boulder, Cognitive Science Institute, Boulder, CO c/o Prof. W alter Kintsch February June 2004 Butterworth, Iain M ark A cting Team Leader, Local Government Partnerships Team, Public H ealth Group, Department o f Human Services, M elbourne, Australia Research: Healthy Cities, M unicipal Public Health Planning, Sense o f Community and Sense o f Place U niversity o f C alifornia Berkeley, School o f Public Health, Department o f Health Policy and Management, Berkeley, CA c/o Dr. Leonard J. Duhl September November 2003 Chiang, Chung-Hsin Assistant Professor, Department o f Psychology, National Chung Cheng U niversity, Chia-Y i, Taiwan Research: The Study o f Psychopathology o f Autism U niversity o f Washington, Department o f Psychology, Center fo r M ind, Brain and Learning, Seattle, W A c/o Dr. Andrew N. M e ltzo ff September February 2004 Corkalo, Dinka Assistant Professor, Department o f Psychology, School o f Philosophy, U niversity o f Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia Research: Transform ing Nationalism in to National Identity U niversity o f Massachusetts Amherst, Department o f Psychology, Amherst, M A c/o Dr. E rvin Staub September M ay 2004 Duvvuru, Jamuna Associate Professor, Department o f Psychology, Sri Venkateswara U niversity, T irupati, India Research: Models o f Elder Care Services in the United States and India: A Comparative Study Pennsylvania State U niversity U niversity Park, College o f Health and Human Development, Department o f Human Development and Fam ily Studies, U niversity Park, PA c/o Dr. Steven H. Zarit September M ay 2004 Evers, Catharina Allegonda Josephina Maria D octoral Candidate, U niversity o f Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands Research: Gender, Anger Regulation and Social Context Stanford U niversity, Department o f Psychology, Stanford, CA c/o Prof. James J. Gross August December 2003 Fantoni, Carlo D octoral Candidate, Department o f Psychology, U niversity o f Trieste, Trieste, Ita ly Research: 3-D Interpolation: A Comparison o f Computational Models U niversity o f C alifornia Los Angeles, Department o f Psychology, Los Angeles, CA c/o Prof. P hil Kellm an M ay September 2004 Fenko, Anna Associate Professor, Department o f Psychological Consultation, Moscow State Psychology Teaching U niversity, Moscow, Russia Research: Gender Differences in A ttitude to Money and Economic Behavior Rice U niversity, Jesse H. Jones Graduate School o f Management, Houston, TX c/o Dr. Richard Bagozzi August A p ril 2004 Gupta, Ashum Professor, Department o f Psychology, University o f D elhi, Delhi, India Research: Gender Differences in E tiology and Depressive Symptom M anifestation Among American and Indian U niversity Students: Im plications fo r Counseling and Psychotherapy U niversity o f Louisville, Department o f Educational and Counseling Psychology, Louisville, K Y c/o Prof. Daya S. Sandhu November June 2004 Hermens, Frouke Doctoral Candidate, Department o f Biophysics, Catholic U niversity o f Nijm egen, Nijmegen, Netherlands 60

60 Psychology Research: A n tic ip a to ry C ontrol o f O bject M a n ip u la tio n P ennsylvania State U n ive rsity U n ive rsity Park, D epartm ent o f Psychology, U n ive rsity Park, PA c/o P ro f. D a vid Rosenbaum September January 2004 Homan, A strid Carlotta D o cto ral C andidate, Departm ent o f W o rk and O rga niza tion al Psychology, U n ive rsity o f A m sterdam, Am sterdam, Netherlands Research: The E ffects o f In fo rm a tio n a l D ive rsity and Team S tructure on Team Perform ance M ich ig a n State U n ive rsity, Departm ent o f M anagem ent, East Lansing, M I c/o P ro f. John R. H ollenbeck August December 2003 Kapadia, Shagufa Gautam A ssistant Professor, Departm ent o f Human D evelopm ent and F am ily Studies, Facu lty o f Home Science, M aharaja Sayajirao U n iv e rsity o f Baroda, Baroda (G ujarat), India Research: G ender Perspectives on A dolescents and Parents S ocial and M o ral Reasoning A b o u t C ultu ra l C o n flicts N ew S chool U n iv e rs ity, Graduate F acu lty o f P o litic a l and S ocial Science, D epartm ent o f Psychology, N ew Y o rk, N Y c/o M s. Joan G. M ille r A ugust A p ril 2004 Lazarus, Sandra Professor, F a cu lty o f Education, U n iv e rsity o f the W estern Cape, B e llv ille, South A fric a Research: D eveloping a C om m unity-b ased Education Support System Boston College, Lynch School o f E ducation, Chestnut H ill, M A c/o D r. M. B rin to n Lykes U n iv e rsity o f N ew M exico, Departm ent o f F am ily and C om m un ity M edicine, A lbuquerque, N M c/o Pro f. B onnie M. Duran A ugust November 2003 Lee, T atia M ei Chun A ssociate Professor, D epartm ent o f Psychology, U n iv e rsity o f H ong K ong, H ong Kong, H ong K ong Research: A C ross-c ultural Study o f the D etection o f D eception U n iv e rsity o f Texas H ealth Science Center at San A n to n io, M R I D iv is io n, Research Im aging Center, San A n to n io, T X c/o D r. Jia-H ong Gao July December 2004 Lee, Tsung Chin A ssociate Professor, Psychology D epartm ent, Fu Jen C a th o lic U n iv e rs ity, Taipei Hsien, T aiw an Research: H ow to Set U p a Dance Therapy T ra in in g Program in Taiwan N aropa U n ive rsity, Somatic Psychology Departm ent, B oulder, CO c/o D r. C hristine C aldw ell September January 2004 Lievens, F ilip R.O. Associate Professor, Departm ent o f Personnel M anagement and W o rk and O rganizational Psychology, U n ive rsity o f Ghent, Ghent, Belgium Research: The Effects o f C oaching on Situational Judgment Test Perform ance in a Student A dm ission C ontext U n iv e rsity o f M innesota T w in C ities, D epartm ent o f Psychology, M inneapolis, M N c/o P rof. Paul R. Sackett September December 2003 M atsum ura, Nobutaka Professor, Departm ent o f E ducation, Faculty o f Letters, Kansai U n ive rsity, Osaka, Japan Research: Addressing Psychological Needs o f the G ifte d and Talented in Talent Development fo r A ll Students U n iv e rs ity o f C onnecticut, Neag School o f Education, Neag Center fo r G ifte d Education and Talent D evelopment, Storrs, CT c/o D r. Joseph S. R en zulli A ugust M arch 2004 Pant, Hans Anand A ssistant Professor, D epartm ent o f E ducational Science and Psychology, Free U n ive rsity o f B e rlin, Berlin-D ahlem, Germany Research: C hildhood Sexual V ic tim iz a tio n and H ealth B ehavior in Young A d u lts: Gender, Self-Concept and S elf-e fficacy U n ive rsity o f M ichigan A n n A rb or, In stitu te fo r Research on W omen and Gender, A nn A rb or, M I c/o D r. Janet M a lle y September A p ril 2004 Steca, Patrizia D octoral Candidate, D epartm ent o f Psychology, U n iv e rs ity o f Rome La Sapienza, Rome, Ita ly Research: E a rly D eterm inants and Correlates o f W e ll-b e in g D uring Adolescence and Y outh Stanford U n ive rsity, D epartm ent o f Psychology, Stanford, CA c/o P rof. P h ilip Zim bardo N ovem ber January 2004 Stojakovic, Petar Professor and C hair, D epartm ent o f Psychology, U n iv e rs ity o f Banja Luka, B anja Luka, Bosnia and H erzegovina Lecturing and Research: Teachers Training and Interactive Learning: Success fo r Beginning Teachers 61

61 Psychology A rizona State U niversity, College o f Education, D ivisio n o f Psychology in Education, Tempe, AZ c/o Dr. Elsie G.J. M oore October July 2004 Supratiknya, Augustinus Lecturer, Faculty o f Psychology, U nive rsity o f Sanata Dharma, Yogyakarta, Indonesia Research: Finalization o f the Proceedings Volum e o f the Sixteenth Congress o f the International Association fo r Cross-Cultural Psychology W estern W ashington U niversity, Departm ent o f Psychology, Center fo r Cross-Cultural Research, Bellingham, W A c/o Dr. W alter J. Lonner September February 2004 Tokhtamysh, Oleksandr D irector, A p plie d Psychology Center, Boris G rinchenko K y iv M unizipal Pedagogical U niversity, K yiv, Ukraine Research: E ffective Psychological and Psychosocial Assistance fo r Handicapped C hildren From E thn ica lly and C u ltu ra lly Diverse Com m unities W idener U nive rsity, Institute fo r Graduate C lin ica l Psychology, Chester, PA c/o D r. K athryn Healey September A p ril 2004 Tovt-Korshynska, Marianna Associate Professor, Departm ent o f Internal and Fam ily M edicine, Faculty o f Postgraduate Study, Uzhgorod N ational U nive rsity, Uzhgorod, Ukraine Research: Cross-Cultural Issues in Psychological and M ood Disorders Measurement: Gender D ifferences in Psychological Distress and Its Health Outcomes U nive rsity o f Pittsburgh, School o f M edicine, Departm ent o f Psychiatry, Pittsburgh, PA c/o D r. M ary Amanda Dew U nive rsity o f Georgia, School o f Social W ork, Athens, G A c/o Dr. Bonnie L. Yegidis September M ay 2004 Woolnough, Penny Sheila Senior Researcher, Strategic Developmental Departm ent, Grampian Police, Aberdeen, U nited K ingdom Research: P redicting the Behavior o f Urban and Rural M issing Persons Police Foundation, Institute fo r In te g rity, Leadership and Professionalism in P olicing, Washington, DC c/o Dr. Karen Am endola February M ay 2004 Public A dm inistration Baron, M aria Florencia D irector, Center fo r the Im plem entation o f Public Policies Promoting E q uity and G rowth, Buenos A ires, A rgentina Research: Access to Public Inform ation Right: Im plementation in the U nited States Congress P ublic Citizen, Congress Watch, W ashington, DC c/o Dr. Craig Holman Am erican P o litica l Science Association, Congressional Fellow ship Program, Washington, DC c/o D r. J e ff Biggs September August 2004 (Fulbright/APSA Congressional Fellow ship Program ) Brown, K erry Louise Evaluation O fficer, Corporate Development Department, Police Headquarters, Durham, United Kingdom Research: The Role o f E valuation in Performance Management Police Foundation, Institute fo r In te g rity, Leadership and Professionalism in P o licin g, Washington, DC c/o Dr. Karen Am endola October January 2004 Chang, Ker-Chang Professor and Chair, Departm ent o f Business A dm inistration, Chang Gung U nive rsity, Tao-Yuan, Taiwan Research: Knowledge M ap Generation fo r Leadership in the Formosa C orporation and Its R elationship W ith Taiwanese Economic Development: A Rationale Study o f the T hin Goose Theorem U n ive rsity o f A rizona, Departm ent o f Management In fo rm atio n Systems, A rtific ia l Intelligence Lab and H offm an E-Commerce Lab, Tucson, A Z c/o Dr. Hsinchun Chen September November 2003 Spiridonova, Em iliya Vasileva Dean and Professor, School o f Law, Bourgas Free U nive rsity, Bourgas, B ulgaria Lecturing and Research: Enhancing the Capacity o f Local Government A d m inistration B a rry U nive rsity, School o f A d u lt and C ontinuing Education, Departm ent o f P ublic A dm inistration, Palm Beach Gardens, FL c/o Dr. R ichard Orman October March 2004 Van Tinteren, Jennifer Rowan Team Leader, Inform ation Technology Development Program, A cce ssibility Solutions Team, Departm ent fo r W ork and Pensions, S heffield, United K ingdom Research: A cce ssibility fo r Disabled People o f Government Inform ation Technology Systems and Electronic Services 62

62 Religious Studies University o f Minnesota Twin Cities, International Fellowship Program, Hubert Humphrey Institute for Public Affairs, Minneapolis, M N c/o Ms. Karen Lokkesmoe August July 2004 White, Linda Ann Assistant Professor, Department o f Political Science, University o f Toronto, Toronto, Canada Research: Law, Public Policy, and Women s Rights: Comparing Canada and the United States Georgetown University, Public Policy Institute, Washington, DC c/o Dr. W illiam T. Gormley January August 2004 Zhou, Zhiren Professor, School o f Government, Peking University, Beijing, China Research: Public Sector Performance Management: Relevance o f American Practices for China Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School o f Government, China Public Policy Program, Cambridge, M A c/o Dr. Anthony J. Saich September August 2004 Religious Studies Chakhnovitch, Marianna Professor and Chair, Department o f Philosophy o f Religion and Religious Studies, School o f Philosophy, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia Lecturing: Religions in Russia University o f Rochester, Department o f Religion and Classics, Rochester, NY c/o Dr. Th. Emil Homerin September January 2004 Fabiny, Tibor Director and Professor, Department o f English Literatures, Center for Hermeneutical Research, Karoli Gaspar University o f the Reformed Church, Budapest, Hungary Research: Trends in 20th-Century American Research on Martin Luther: Hermeneutics, Theology o f the Cross, and Ecclesiology Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, NJ c/o Dr. Scott Hendrix February June 2004 Gasimzada, Nariman Associate Professor, Department o f Foreign Languages, Higher Diplomatic College, Baku, Azerbaijan Research: Challenges o f Muslim Nations in Adaptation to Globalization Processes Georgetown University, Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding, Washington, DC c/o Dr. John L. Esposito October April 2004 Gudmundsdottir, Arnfridur Assistant Professor, Department o f Theology, University o f Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland Research: Christ in the Limelight: Contemporary Films and Christological Discourse Emory University, Candler School o f Theology, Atlanta, GA c/o Dr. Joy Ann Mcdougall August June 2004 Havrda, Matyas Researcher, Center for Patristic, Medieval and Renaissance Texts, Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic Research: Hippolytus Refutatio Omnium Haeresium : Investigating the Sources and Intentions o f Heterodox Christianity and Hellenic Judaism in the First Two Centuries A.D. Claremont Graduate University, Claremont School o f Theology, Institute for Antiquity and Christianity, Claremont, CA c/o Dr. Dennis MacDonald September July 2004 Kim, Chae Young Associate Professor, Department o f Religion and Philosophy, Kangnam University, Kyunggi, Korea Research: A Comparative Study o f W illiam James and Charles Sanders Peirce s Pragmatism: Special Reference to Their Thought o f Religion Harvard University, D ivinity School, Cambridge, M A c/o Dr. David Lamberth December August 2004 Martinez, Patricia Anne Senior Research Fellow, Asia-Europe Institute, University o f Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Lecturing and Research: Islam in Modem Malaysia: Configurations and Constructions Ohio University, Southeast Asian Studies, Athens, OH c/o Dr. Drew McDaniel Stanford University, Institute for International Studies, Asia/Pacific Research Center, Stanford, CA c/o Dr. Donald K. Emmerson October March 2004 Nel, Annes Francois Senior Lecturer, Department o f Religion and Theology, University o f Namibia, Windhoek, Namibia Research: Reconstructing Christian Theology in a Suffering Society Graduate Theological Union, San Anselmo, CA c/o Dr. Herman Waetjen August February

63 Religious Studies Some, Magloire Senior Lecturer, Department o f H istory and Archaeology, U n it fo r Training and Research fo r Social Sciences, U niversity o f Ouagadougou, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso Research: Study on Religious and S ociopolitical Dynamics o f Protestant Churches in B urkina Faso U niversity o f Illin o is Urbana-Champaign, Department o f Anthropology, Urbana, IL c/o D r. M ah ir Saul August M ay 2004 Sociology and Social W ork Alvarado Mendoza, A rturo Professor, Center fo r Sociological Studies, The College o f M exico, Pedregal, Mexico Research: C onstructing the Rule o f Law: Public Security, Justice and Democracy B u ild in g in M exico Massachusetts Institute o f Technology, Center fo r International Studies, Program on Human Rights and Justice, Cambridge, M A c/o Dr. Balakrishnan Rajagopal September July 2004 A rita, Keiko Associate Professor, Department o f Social W elfare, Osaka Prefecture U niversity, Osaka, Japan Research: A Comparison Between American and Japanese Teenagers in H IV Prevention Programs: A Study on Peer Relationships, Em powerm ent and Com m unity Development Perspectives B ryn M awr C ollege, Special English fo r Japanese Scholars (SPENG), Haverford, PA c/o D r. Eleanor H. Jorden U niversity o f C alifornia San Francisco, Center fo r A ID S Prevention Studies (CAPS) International Program, San Francisco, C A c/o Dr. Jeffrey S. Mandel U niversity o f C alifo rn ia Berkeley, School o f Social W elfare, Berkeley, C A c/o Dr. James M idgley July July 2004 Cefai, Daniel M arie Lecturer, Departm ent o f Sociology, U nive rsity o f Paris Nanterre (Paris X ), Nanterre, France Research: Back to Chicago: Field W ork and P olitics in the Chicago School o f Sociology U niversity o f Chicago, Department o f Sociology, Chicago, IL c/o Prof. Edward O. Laumann September January 2004 Chan, Lean Heng Associate Professor, School o f Social Sciences, Science U niversity o f M alaysia (U S M ), Penang, M alaysia Research: The Development o f and Current Practices in Occupational Social W ork U nive rsity o f C alifornia Berkeley, Institute o f In dustrial Relations, B erkeley, CA c/o Dr. M argaret W eir U nive rsity o f Southern C a lifo rn ia, School o f Social W ork, International Center fo r the Inclusive W orkplace, Los Angeles, C A c/o D r. M ichal E. M or Barak November March 2004 C hiuri, Lois W anjiku Dean, Department o f Educational A rts, Egerton U nive rsity, Nyahururu, Kenya Lecturing: Sociology o f Sub-Saharan A frica ; Social Science Perspectives on Environmental and Development Studies B e lo it College, Departm ent o f B iology, B e loit, W I c/o D r. M arion Fass August June 2004 (Scholar-in-Residence Program ) Crankshaw, Owen Associate Professor, Departm ent o f Sociology, U nive rsity o f Cape Town, Cape Town, South A fric a Research: Class, Race, and A frica n U rbanization: A Study in Social Polarization U nive rsity o f C alifornia Los Angeles, Departm ent o f Geography, Los Angeles, C A c/o D r. W illia m Clark November M ay 2004 Gao, Jianguo Professor, Department o f Sociology, School o f Philosophy and Social Development, Shandong U niversity, Jinan, China Research: Community Research in the United States: A Sociological Perspective U nive rsity o f C alifornia Riverside, Department o f Sociology, Riverside, CA c/o D r. Alexandra M aryanski September August 2004 Guan, Xinping Professor, C hair and Deputy Dean, Department o f Sociology, The School o f L aw and P o litica l Science, Nankai U niversity, T ia n jin, China Research: U.S. W elfare P o licy Reform in the Era o f G lobalization: Lessons From and fo r Asia U nive rsity o f C alifornia Berkeley, School o f Social W elfare, Berkeley, C A c/o Dr. James M idgley September September

64 Sociology and Social W o rk Halasz, A ttila Laszlo Senior F ellow, Demographic Research Institute, Central S tatistical O ffice, Budapest, Hungary Research: East/W est Discourses and S ocio-p olitical O rder Rutgers, The State U nive rsity o f New Jersey Piscataway, Departm ent o f Sociology, H ungarian Studies, Piscataway, NJ c/o P rof. Jozsef Borocz January M ay 2004 Hellesund, Tone Postdoctoral Researcher, Departm ent o f C ultural Studies, U n ive rsity o f Bergen, Bergen, N orw ay Lecturing and Research: The Back Side o f the New R e fle x iv ity : Lesbian and Gay Teenagers and Suicide U n ive rsity o f Chicago, Departm ent o f H istory, Chicago, IL c/o P rof. George Chauncey August December 2003 Kim, Joong Seop Professor, Departm ent o f Sociology, Gyeongsang N ational U n ive rsity, C hinju C ity, Korea Research: Human Rights Education in the U nited States C olumbia U n ive rsity, Center fo r the Study o f Human R ights, N ew Y o rk, N Y c/o D r. J. Paul M a rtin February January 2005 Kis, Oksana Research F e llo w, Departm ent o f E thnology o f M od ernity, The Ethnology Institute, National Academy o f Sciences o f U kraine, L v iv, Ukraine Research: W omen in U krainian Peasant Culture, C om m unity, and F am ily in the 19th and E arly 20th Centuries Rutgers, The State U nive rsity o f N ew Jersey New B runsw ick, Departm ent o f W omen s and Gender Studies, N ew B runswick, NJ c/o D r. M a ry Hawkesworth September February 2004 Kurasawa, Fuyuki Assistant Professor, Departm ent o f Sociology, Faculty o f A rts, Y o rk U nive rsity, Toronto, Canada Research: The Dem ocratic D e fic it in the Genomic Age: Com paring the Canadian and Am erican Experiences Yale U n ive rsity, Departm ent o f Sociology, New Haven, C T c/o D r. Je ffrey C. Alexander N ew Y o rk U n ive rsity, Social Science Research C ouncil, N ew Y o rk, N Y c/o D r. C raig J. Calhoun September M ay 2004 Larner, Wendy Joan Senior Lecturer, Departm ent o f Sociology, U n ive rsity o f A uckland, Auckland, New Zealand Research: A fte r N eo-liberalism?: Local Partnerships as a N ew Form o f Social Governance U nive rsity o f W isconsin M adison, College o f Letters and Science, Department o f Geography, Madison, W I c/o D r. Jamie Peck January July 2004 Liskova, Katerina D octoral Candidate, Departm ent o f Sociology, Faculty o f Social Sciences, M asaryk U nive rsity, Bm o, Czech R epublic Research: Pornography: S ociological Aspects o f Representations o f S exuality and V iolence Against W omen N ew School U nive rsity, Transregional Center fo r D em ocratic Studies, N ew Y o rk, N Y c/o Prof. Elzbieta M atynia October August 2004 Lyssova, Alexandra Senior Lecturer, Departm ent o f Psychology, Institute o f Psychology and Social W ork, Far Eastern State U nive rsity, V ladivostok, Russia Research: F am ily V iolence: Social Factors and Methods o f Reduction N ew Y o rk U nive rsity, Faculty o f A rts and Sciences, Departm ent o f Sociology, New Y ork, N Y c/o Dr. Jo Dixon January September 2004 Narayanan, Ganapathy Assistant Professor, Department o f Sociology, N ational U nive rsity o f Singapore, Singapore Research: V ic tim s Experiences W ith Police: R ethinking the Role o f C rim ina liza tion in Domestic V iolence U n ive rsity o f Nebraska L in co ln, Departm ent o f C rim in a l Justice, L in co ln, N E c/o Dr. Chris Eskridge September December 2003 Nemedi, Denes Professor, Institute o f S ociology and Social P olicy, Faculty o f Humanities, Eotvos Lorand U nive rsity o f Budapest, Budapest, H ungary Research: Am erican Sociology Between 1892 and 1937 Yale U nive rsity, Departm ent o f Sociology, New Haven, CT c/o D r. Ivan Szelenyi October December 2003 Norkus, Zenonas Professor, Departm ent o f S ocial Theory, U nive rsity o f V iln iu s, V iln iu s, Lithuania 65

65 Sociology and Social W o rk Research: Comparative Historical Sociology in the United States U niversity o f C alifornia Berkeley, Institute o f Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies, Berkeley, C A c/o D r. V icto ria Bonnell September June 2004 Pokrovskiy, N ikita Professor and C hair, Department o f General Sociology, Higher School o f Economics, Moscow State U niversity, Moscow, Russia Research: R adicalizing the Outsiders: C onfronting Rural/Urban Ostracization in Today s Russia Indiana U nive rsity Northwest, Department o f Sociology and A nthropology, Gary, IN c/o Dr. B arry Johnston September December 2003 Rata, Elizabeth Mary Research Fellow, Auckland College o f Education, Auckland, New Zealand Research: The P o litica l Regulation o f Ethnic Revivalism Georgetown U niversity, School o f Foreign Service, Center fo r A ustralian and New Zealand Studies, W ashington, DC c/o Prof. Richard W. Teare September December 2003 Silneva, L id ija Rector, The Higher School o f Social W ork and Social Pedagogics A ttistib a, Riga, Latvia Research: Management and Leadership in Social W ork M onmouth U niversity, Department o f Social W ork, West Long Branch, NJ c/o Dr. M ark Rodgers September M ay 2004 Szabo-Kovacs, Judit Professor, Research U nit, Police College Budapest, Budapest, Hungary Research: D eterm ining the Hallm arks o f Gangs and Drugs Los Angeles S h e riffs Department, Los Angeles S h e riff s Departm ent, Rancho Dominguez, C A c/o D r. Leroy D. Baca October March 2004 Takubo, Yuko Lecturer, College o f Environment and Disaster Research, F u ji Tokoha U niversity, F u ji-sh i, Japan Research: The Im pact and Outcome o f Contentious P olitics at the Local, N ational and International Level, W ith Special Reference to the Environm ent and G lobalization Columbia U nive rsity, Institute fo r Social and Economic Research and P olicy, New Y o rk, N Y c/o D r. Charles T illy September A p ril 2004 Wilson, Paul C h ie f o f Police, Neighborhood Renewal U nit, O ffice o f the Deputy Prime M in ister, M etropolitan Police, London, U nited Kingdom Research: C om m unity P olicing and the S ocially Excluded Northwestern U niversity, Institute fo r P olicy Research, Evanston, IL c/o Prof. W esley Skogan September December 2003 Xia, Jianzhong Professor, Department o f Sociology, People s U nive rsity o f China, B e ijin g, China Research: Local Governance Systems and Popular P articipation Mechanisms in Urban Comm unities in the United States U nive rsity o f Chicago, Departm ent o f Sociology, Chicago, IL c/o Dr. Terry N. C lark September July 2004 Zakar, Muhammad Zakria Associate Professor and Chair, Departm ent o f Sociology, U niversity o f Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan Research: S ociopolitical Functionalism o f the Madrassa (Islam ic School) in Pakistan Stony Brook U niversity, Departm ent o f Sociology, Stony Brook, N Y c/o D r. Said A m ir Arjom and November August 2004 TEFL/Applied Linguistics Bazergan, Etty Head, Language Centre, Hasanuddin U niversity, Makassar, Indonesia Research: D escribing Teacher T hinking on an English as a Foreign Language Reading Course: M oving Tow ard a Teacher Training Program at Hasanuddin U nive rsity School fo r International T raining, Department o f Language Teacher Education, B rattleboro, V T c/o Prof. Paul LeVasseur October January 2004 Chen, Yuh-Mei Dora Associate Professor, Departm ent o f Foreign Languages and Literature, N ational Chung Cheng U niversity, C hia -Y i, Taiwan Research: English as a Foreign Language P o rtfo lio Instruction and Assessment U nive rsity o f M issouri C olumbia, College o f Education, Departm ent o f M iddle and Secondary Education, Columbia, M O c/o Dr. Roy F. Fox July December

66 Theater and Dance Liang, Tsai-Ling Lecturer, Department o f Common Courses, National Changhua University o f Education, Changhua, Taiwan Research: Teacher Development in Cooperative Learning W ashington U niversity, V isitin g East Asian Professionals Program, St. Louis, MO c/o Dr. Rebecca Copeland July August 2003 Lin, Yu-Hui Associate Professor, Department o f Foreign Languages and Literatures, Chung Hua U niversity, Hsinchu, Taiwan Research: English as a Foreign Language Phonology and M orphology: Variations in Interlanguage S yllable S im plifications and A cquisition and Use o f English Pronouns U niversity o f C alifornia Los Angeles, Department o f Sociology, Los Angeles, CA c/o D r. Emanuel Schegloff U niversity o f C alifornia Los Angeles, Department o f Psychology, Center fo r Culture, Brain, and Development, Los Angeles, CA c/o Dr. Patricia M. Greenfield July August 2003 Tran, Quang Manh Senior Lecturer and Vice Head, English Department, College o f Education, U niversity o f Danang, Danang C ity, Vietnam Research: Renovating the Curriculum and A pplying Inform ation Technology to Im prove the Q uality o f Teaching and Learning Stanford U niversity, Stanford Center fo r Innovations in Learning, Stanford, CA c/o D r. John Baugh September May 2004 Theater and Dance Alanne, Anne M arita Lecturer, Department o f Speech Communications, U n ive rsity o f Jyvaskyla, Jyvaskyla, Finland Lecturing and Research: Voice Teacher Training C olum bia U niversity, School o f the A rts, Theater Arts D ivisio n, New York, N Y c/o Prof. K ris tin Linklater September February 2004 Cakare, Valda Professor and Head, Department o f the History and Theory o f Culture, Latvian Academy o f Culture, Riga, L atvia Research: Current Theoretical Approaches and the Stage Practice o f Postmodern Theater U niversity o f W isconsin M adison, Department o f German, Madison, W I c/o D r. Sabine Gross September January 2004 Calingacion, Belen Divinagracia Professor, Department o f Speech Communication and Theater A rts, College o f A rts and Letters, University o f the Philippines D ilim an, Quezon C ity, Philippines Lecturing: Theater and Performance Kennesaw State U niversity, International Center, M arietta, G A c/o Dr. Dan Paracka Georgia Southern U niversity, Center fo r International Studies, Statesboro, G A c/o Dr. Nancy Shumaker August M ay 2004 (Scholar-in-Residence Program ) De Pury, Marianne Free-Lance Director, Bern, Switzerland Lecturing: Ancient Greek Tragedy and Drama San Juan College, Fine A rts Division, Department o f Theatre, Farmington, NM c/o Dr. Sally Heath August M ay 2004 (Scholar-in-Residence Program ) Hamatani, Hitoshi Stage Manager, Nippon Steel A rts Foundation, Tokyo, Japan Lecturing: Traditional Japanese Theater U niversity o f H awaii Manoa, Department o f Theater and Dance, Honolulu, H I c/o Ms. Julia A. Iezzi January M ay 2004 (Scholar-in-Residence Program ) Hur, Young II Professor, Department o f Dance Studies, Korean N ational U niversity o f the Arts, Seoul, Korea Research: Comparative Analysis o f American Indian Dance and Korean R itual Dance U niversity o f C alifornia Los Angeles, Department o f East Asian Languages and Cultures, Center fo r Korean Studies, Los Angeles, CA c/o Dr. John B. Duncan August February 2004 Rayamajhi, Sangita Lecturer, Central Department o f English, Tribhuvan U niversity, K irtip u r, Nepal Research: Cultural Memories as Reflected in Dramaturgy: Nepali and Am erican Women s Experiences 67

67 Theater and Dance Pomona C ollege, Departm ent o f Theater and Dance, Claremont, CA c/o Dr. Carol Davis September December 2003 Susilo, Joko Lecturer, Departm ent o f M usic, U n ive rsity o f Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand Lecturing: Indonesian Shadow Puppet Theater and Gamelan M usic Bates College, O lin A rts Center, M usic Departm ent, Lewiston, M E c/o D r. James Parakilas January December 2004 (Scholar-in-Residence Program ) Talwar, Neelima Professor, Departm ent o f H umanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute o f Technology M um bai, M um bai, India Lecturing: New Performance Genres in a G lobalized W o rld N ew Y o rk U nive rsity, Tisch School o f the A rts, Departm ent o f Performance Studies, New Y ork, N Y c/o D r. Richard Schechner October December 2003 U hlar, Blahoslav D ire ctor, Stoka Association, Bratislava, Slovak R epublic Research: The S piritual State o f the Theater Phenomenon in an Open Society C U N Y Graduate School and U nive rsity Center, M a rtin E. Segal Theater Center, New Y ork, N Y c/o Prof. Daniel Gerould February M ay

68 Sem inar Programs for A dministrators The F u lb rig h t International Education Administrators Program brings administrators from participating countries to the U nited States fo r short summer seminars. D uring th eir tim e here, seminar participants meet w ith government o ffic ia ls and representatives o f higher education associations, speak w ith colleagues, to ur U.S. campuses and attend meetings and cultural events. U.S.- K o r e a I n t e r n a t io n a l E d u c a t io n A d m in is t r a t o r s P r o g r a m Jo, Sung Hoon C oordinator fo r International Programs, D ivisio n o f International Cooperation, Chung-Ang U niversity, Seoul, Korea Park, So Young International Student A dvisor, O ffice o f International A ffa irs, Seoul N ational U niversity, Seoul, Korea Sung, Hye Jean Manager, O ffice o f External Relations, Sookmyung Women s U niversity, Seoul, Korea Yoon, Chang Sook C oordinator, O ffice fo r External Cooperation, Pusan National U niversity, Pusan, Korea 69

69 N ew C entury Scholars Program The New Century Scholars Program (NCS) is a new research in itia tive w ithin the Fulbright Scholar Program w hich seeks to expand the outreach and impact o f the traditional Fulbright exchange experience. Each year an international group o f outstanding research scholars and professionals in a variety o f disciplines w ill engage in research and collaborative thinking on a theme o f global significance. For , the New Century Scholars focused on the theme Addressing Sectarian, Ethnic and Cultural C onflict W ithin and Across National Borders. Badeng, Nima Dean, Faculty o f Education, Sichuan Norm al U niversity, Chengdu, China Research: M ulticultural Education as a Tool for Am eliorating Ethnic C onflict University o f Washington, College o f Education, Seattle, W A Faculty Associate: Dr. Theodore Kaltsounnis E-m ail: qqds2001@hotmail.com Brown, David Senior Lecturer, School o f Politics and International Studies, Murdoch University, Perth, Australia Research: National Identity Strategies: A n Analysis o f the Im pact o f Governments National Identity Strategies on Ethnic C onflict U niversity o f Wisconsin-Madison, Department o f P olitical Science, Madison, W I Faculty Associate: Dr. M ark Beissinger E-m ail: d.brown@murdoch.edu.au Buadaeng, Kwanchewan Researcher, Social Research Institute, Chiang M ai U niversity, Chiang M ai, Thailand Research: Ethnic and Religious Id en tity o f the Karen Peoples Along Thailand-Burma Border Yale U niversity, Program in Agrarian Studies, New Haven, CT Faculty Associate: Dr. James Scott E-m ail:srxxo0 12@chiangmai.ac.th Coppieters, Bruno Associate Professor and Head, Department o f P olitical Science, V rije U niversiteit, Pleinlaan, Brussels Research: Secession and the Use o f Force: A Comparative Analysis Harvard U niversity, John F. Kennedy School o f Governemt, Boston, M A Faculty Associate: Dr. Steven M ille r E-m ail: Bruno.Coppieters@vub.ac.be Darby, John Professor Emeritus, Ethnic Studies Network, U niversity o f Ulster, United Kingdom Research: Violence: Post-Accord Problems During Peace Processes University o f Notre Dame, Kroc Institute, South Bend, IN Faculty Associate: Dr. Scott Appleby E-m ail: J.Darby@ ulster.ac.uk Du Toit, Pierre Professor, Department o f P o litica l Science, University o f Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch, South A frica Research: Post-Settlement Settlements U niversity o f Denver, Graduate School o f International Studies, Denver, CO Faculty Associate: Dr. Tim Sisk E-m ail: pdt@sun.ac.za Feischmidt, M argit Assistant Professor, Department o f Anthropology, U niversity o f Pecs, Pecs, Hungary Research: R ival Nations, Sym bolic Conflicts and Their Social Perception in Eastern Europe University o f California Los Angeles, Department o f Sociology, Los Angeles, CA Faculty Associate: D. Rogers Brubaker E-m ail: fm argit@ btk.pte.hu Follesdal, Andreas Professor, Program o f Advanced Research on the Europeanisation o f the Nation-State U niversity o f Oslo, Oslo, Norway Research: Fair Europe? The Political Theory o f the European Union Harvard U niversity, Center fo r European Studies, Boston, M A Faculty Associate: Dr. Andrew M oravcsik E-m ail: andreas.follesdal@ filosofi.uio.no Korostelina, Carina Associate Professor, N ational Taurida Vernadsky U niversity, Sim feropol, Ukraine Research: The Impact o f N ational Identity and C iv il Society George Mason U niversity, Institute fo r C onflict Resolution and Analysis, Fairfax, V A Faculty Associate: Dr. Sarah Cobb E-m ail: carina@ bair.crimea.com Macklem, Patrick F u ll Professor, Faculty o f Law, University o f Toronto, Toronto, Canada 71

70 New C entury Scholars Research: E thnic, C ultural, N ational, and Indigenous Populations W ith in and Across N ational Borders: The Role o f International Human R ights Law Harvard Law School, Boston, M A Faculty Associate: D r. David Kennedy E -m ail: utoronto.ca Mercado, Eliseo Professor, Peace and Development Studies N ational C ouncil fo r Peace, N otre Dame U nive rsity, Cotabato C ity, Philippines Research: The Im pact o f M ilita n t E thnic and R eligious Groups in the Separatist Struggles and Peace B u ild in g in Indonesia, M alaysia, Pattani, Thailand and Southern Philippines Georgetown U nive rsity, Center fo r M uslim -C hristian Understanding, Washington, DC Faculty Associate: D r. John V o ll E -m ail: junmeromi@ yahoo.com Onta, Pratyoush Convener, Centre fo r Social Research and Development, Kathmandu, Nepal Research: Radio and the Politics o f C ulture in Nepal, C ornell U nive rsity, Departm ent o f A nthropology, Ithaca, N Y Faculty Associate: D r. K athryn M arch E -m ail: sinhas@ mos.com.np Oomen, Barbara Assistant Professor, Van Vollenhoven In stitu te fo r Law, Governance and Developm ent, Leiden U nive rsity, Leiden, The Netherlands Topographies o f Justice: A Com parative Socio-legal Study into the In stitu tio n a l Responses to the 1994 Rwanda Genocide Columbia U nive rsity, Institute o f A frica n Studies, New Y o rk, N Y Faculty Associate: D r. M ahmm od M am dami E -m ail: B.M.O om en@ law.leidenuniv.nl Pouligny, Beatrice Senior Research Fellow, Center fo r International Studies and Research, Sciences Po, Paris, France Research: B u ild in g Peace in Situations o f Post-Mass C rim e: A Trans-disciplinary and Com parative Research (Guatemala, Sierra Leone/Liberia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Cambodia) Syracuse U n ive rsity, M axw ell Scool, Program on the A nalysis and R esolution o f C onflicts, Syracuse, N Y Faculty Associate: D r. Julia Lou gh lin E -m ail: pouligny@ ceri-sciences-po.org Rabinowitz, Dan Senior Lecturer, Departm ent o f S ociology and A nthropology, T el A v iv U nive rsity, T el A v iv, Israel Research: A Com parative Study o f the Use o f Demographic Forecasts in E th n ica lly D ivided Situations Princeton U nive rsity, O ffice o f Poplation Research, Princeton, NJ Faculty Associate: D r. Joshua G oldstein E -m ail: msdan@ post.tau.ac.il Rajasingham-Senanayake, D arini Senior Research Fellow, International Centre fo r E thnic Studies, Colombo, S ri Lanka Research: U nm aking M u lticu ltu ra lism in the Post-M odern W ar M achine: Transnational Networks, W ar Economies, and N ew Identities in Sri Lanka N ew Y o rk U nive rsity, International Center fo r Advanced Studies, New Y o rk, N Y F aculty Associate: D r. M a rily n Young E -m ail: dr214@ slt.lk Rodins, M ihails Lecturer, Departm ent o f P o litic a l Science, U niversity o f Latvia, Riga, L atvia Research: National Id e n tity and Democratic Integration in Latvia, Estonia and the South Ukraine Rutgers U niversity, Center fo r G lobal Change and Governance, Newark, N ew Jersey Faculty Associate: D r. A lexander M o ty l E -m ail: rodins@ acad.latnet.lv Stojanovski, Trpe Professor, M in is try o f In te rio r, Skopje, Republic o f M acedonia Research: The Police and Human R ights in P ost-c onflict, M u ltie th n ic Areas in Macedonia Northeastern U niversity, College o f C rim inal Justice, Boston, M A Faculty Associate: D r. Jack Greene E -m ail: tstojano@ m oi.gov.m k Sy, Hamadou Journalist, Agence France Presse, Dakar, Senegal Research: The Separatist Casamance C o n flict in Senegal: Ethnic, Religious or Id e n tity Crisis? U niversity o f C alifornia Los Angeles, Institute for C onflict Analysis and Resolution, Los Angeles, CA Faculty Associate: D r. Sara Cobb E -m ail: syacc@cyg.sn Waseem, Mohammad Professor and Chairman, International Relations Departm ent, Q uaid-i-azam U nive rsity, Islamabad, Pakistan Research: Ethnic and Islam ic M ilita n c y in Pakistan The Brookings In stitu tion, Foreign P o licy Studies Program, W ashington, DC Faculty Associate: D r. Stephen Cohen E -m ail: waseem l007@ hotm ail.com 72

71 A l p h a b e t ic a l I n d e x To fin d out more about a scholar, turn to the in d ivid u a l s complete directory entry, which can be found in the section corresponding to the discipline listed after the scholar s name. A Abad Grau, Maria del M ar; Computer Science; Spain* Abdurahim ova, Zuvaydajan Haitovna; B iological Sciences; Turkmenistan A bu Sawi, Mustafa Mahmoud Yousef; Philosophy; West Bank Acevedo, A lberto; A griculture; A rgentina* Ackland, N e il A lbert; Economics; A ustralia Acquaviva, Paola; Communications and Journalism; Ita ly * Adam, John P h illip ; Architecture and Urban Planning; New Zealand A it E l M ekki, Akka; A griculture; M orocco Akm ataliev, Alm azbek A km atalievich; Education; Kyrgyz Republic A l Homaid, Abdullah M.; Po litica l Science; Saudi A rabia* A l-a n i, Falah K h a lil; Medical Sciences; Jordan Alanne, Anne M arita; Theater and Dance; Finland A laoui, Si Bennasseur; A griculture; M orocco A l-b ita r, Sawsan Mustafa; Philosophy; Syria A lbrechtova, Jana; Environmental Sciences; Czech Republic Alcaraz Casademunt, Jordi; B iological Sciences; Spain* Alembong, N o l Tanyi; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Cameroon A leryani, Samir L u tf; B iological Sciences; Yemen Alonge, Andrea Giaime; H istory (non-u.s.); Ita ly Alsaygh, Abdulhamid Ahmad A.; Chemistry; Saudi A rabia* A ls h a rif, Fadel A. M.; B iological Sciences; Gaza A lte l, Taleb H.T.; Chemistry; West Bank Alvarado Mendoza, A rturo; Sociology and Social W ork; M exico A lvarez M ontaner, Josep; M athematics; Spain* A m aglobeli, Vakhtangi; Am erican Literature; Georgia Am aya-castro, Juan Manuel; Law; Netherlands A m inigo, Ebiokpo Rebecca; B io lo g ica l Sciences; N igeria Andersen, Signe Bech; Environmental Sciences; Denmark Anderson, V olodym yr; Economics; U kraine Andersson, K arl K ristoffer; Chemistry; Norway Andrieu, C laire Jeannina Francoise; H istory (non-u.s.); France Apezteguia, Heman Patricio; Environmental Sciences; A rgentina* Ara, Jehan; B iological Sciences; Pakistan A rita, K eiko; Sociology and Social W ork; Japan Amesen, Anne-Lise; Education; Norway Aromdee, Chantana; M edical Sciences; Thailand Aruninta, Ariya; Architecture and Urban Planning; Thailand Asatryan, Lev; M edical Sciences; Arm enia A scigil, Semra Feriha; Business Adm inistration; Turkey Ashimbayev, Maulen; P o litica l Science; Kazakhstan Ashurova, Roziyamo Ashurovna; Law; Tajikistan Assi, Eman Shafiq Mohamed; Architecture and Urban Planning; West Bank Atm ani, Fouad; B iological Sciences; Morocco A ttucci, Claudia; Philosophy; Ita ly A tzo ri, Lu ig i; Engineering; Ita ly Averbach, Margara Noemi; Am erican Literature; Argentina* A vittathur, Balram; Business Adm inistration; India* Awadh, Galal Abdulelah Mohammed; Environmental Sciences; Yemen A yd in, Cengiz Hakan; Education; Turkey Ayman, Saadet Gulden; P olitical Science; Turkey B Baccino, Thierry Fernand; Psychology; France Badescu, G abriel; Po litica l Science; Romania Bahar, Ism ail H akki; M edical Sciences; Turkey Bajzikova, Lubica; Business Adm inistration; Slovak Republic Bak, Joannes Theodoras Jozef; Am erican Literature; Netherlands Bakic, Dam ir; Mathematics; Croatia Bal, Idris; Political Science; Turkey Baldi, Pablo Cesar; Biological Sciences; Argentina* Baldochi, Laercio Augusto; Computer Science; B ra zil* Banin, Ehud; Biological Sciences; Israel* Barbeito Erba, Luis H.; M edical Sciences; Uruguay * A complete listing fo r this scholar can be found in the Visiting Scholars section at the end o f the directory. 73

72 Alphabetical Index Barcena M artin, Montserrat; B iological Sciences; Spain* Bares, M artin; Medical Sciences; Czech Republic Bari, Ferenc; M edical Sciences; Hungary Barlow, Roger John; Physics and Astronomy; United Kingdom Bamaby, Loraine Angela M arie; M edical Sciences; Jamaica* Baron, Maria Florencia; Public A dm inistration; Argentina Baroudi, Sami Em ile; P olitical Science; Lebanon Barrero Nunez, M aria Jose; B iological Sciences; Spain* Barta, M iroslav; Anthropology and Archaeology; Czech Republic Basnyat, Divas Bahadur; Engineering; Nepal Bataineh, Ziad M.; B iological Sciences; Jordan Bazergan, E tty; TEFL/Applied Linguistics; Indonesia Bebeli, Penelope; A griculture; Greece* B ellido, Maria Del Mar; M edical Sciences; Spain* Berdouzi, Brahim ; Engineering; M orocco Bergs, Alexander Thomas; Linguistics; Germany* Bezzina, Christopher George; Education; M alta B ila j, Fatm ir; M edical Sciences; Albania Biletska, Svitlana; Education; Ukraine Bitar, Zeinat; A rt H istory; Lebanon Bobrova, Larysa; Linguistics; Ukraine Bocharov, Y ury; Architecture and Urban Planning; Russia Boeger, Astrid; Area Studies; Germany* Boeri, Roberto Enrique; Engineering; Argentina* B o n fig lio li, Aldo; Engineering; Ita ly Bonifaz Conto, Edison A lfredo; Engineering; Ecuador Bouhlel, Salah; Geology; Tunisia Bradbury, M atthew; Architecture and Urban Planning; New Zealand Brajovic, Ana Zorana; M usic; Serbia Brown, K erry Louise; Public A dm inistration; United Kingdom Brush, Paul James; Economics; U nited Kingdom Brzeszczynski, Janusz Jacek; Economics; Poland Bueno, Adeney de Freitas; Agriculture; Brazil* Burell, M attias Anders; P olitical Science; Sweden* Burm istrova, Valentina Ivanovna; Mathematics; Turkmenistan Butterworth, Iain M ark; Psychology; Australia Bystrom, Jonas Bengt; Medical Sciences; Sweden* c Cabanillas, Ana M aria; B iological Sciences; Argentina* Cakare, Valda; Theater and Dance; Latvia Calingacion, Belen Divinagracia; Theater and Dance; Philippines C apilla Campos, Encamacion; B iological Sciences; Spain* Camevali, Barbara; Philosophy; Ita ly Carreira da Silva, Filipe M iguel; P o litica l Science; United Kingdom Castells Caballe, Eva; B iological Sciences; Spain* Cavalcanti, V irgin ia de Saboia M oreira; Psychology; B ra zil* Cefai, Daniel M arie; Sociology and Social Work; France Celati, G iovanni; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Ita ly * Cenuser, D id i Ionel; Am erican Literature; Romania Chaichompoo, Chalermchai; Linguistics; Thailand Chaigne, Antoine Jean M arie; M usic; France Chakhnovitch, Marianna; Religious Studies; Russia Chan, Lean Heng; Sociology and Social W ork; Malaysia Chang, C hih-k ai; Computer Science; Taiwan Chang, Ker-Chang; Public A dm inistration; Taiwan Channa, Subhadra; Anthropology and Archaeology; India Charvat, Petr Zdenek; Anthropology and Archaeology; Czech Republic Cheddadi, Abdesselam; H istory (non-u.s.); Morocco Chen, An -Lin; Business Adm inistration; Taiwan Chen, Cheng-Hsui A rthur; Business Administration; Taiwan Chen, Guoquan; Business A dm inistration; China Chen, Shyh-jer; Business Adm inistration; Taiwan Chen, Yuh-M ei Dora; TE FL/A pplied Linguistics; Taiwan Cheng, Jie; Law; China Cheong, Insuk; Economics; Korea Chepelyk, Oksana; Communications and Journalism; Ukraine Chiang, Chung-Hsin; Psychology; Taiwan Chiang, Wei-Hwa; Architecture and Urban Planning; Taiwan Chiang Sanchez, Luciano Eduardo; Engineering; Chile Chica Lara, Antonio; Chemistry; Spain* C hiuri, Lois W anjiku; Sociology and Social Work; Kenya Cho, Ji-Hyung; American H istory; Korea Chohan, Zahid Hussain; Chemistry; Pakistan Cholponkulova, Ainura Orozbekovna; Law; Kyrgyz Republic Chong, Jong Sup; Law; Korea Chotpattananont, Datchanee; Chemistry; Thailand Chowdhury, Muhammad A bdul Mannan; Economics; Bangladesh Chroni-Kakourou, Georgia; Education; Greece Chuang, Yih-C hyi; Economics; Taiwan Ciambrone, Giuseppe; Architecture and Urban Planning; Ita ly 74 * A complete listing fo r this scholar can be found in the Visiting Scholars section at the end o f the directory.

73 Alphabetical Index Ciechanowski, Jan Stanislaw; History (non-u.s.); Poland* Cigrina, L ilia ; Medical Sciences; M oldova Cipto, Bambang; P o litica l Science; Indonesia Comtois, P aul; B io lo g ica l Sciences; Canada Cordier, Jean E m ile; Economics; France Corell, K im Elisabeth; Po litica l Science; Sweden Corkalo, D inka ; Psychology; Croatia Correia, Roberta Targino Pinto; Engineering; B ra zil* C oulibaly, Yezouma; Engineering; B urkina Faso Crankshaw, Owen; Sociology and Social W ork; South A frica Cremaschi, M arco; Architecture and Urban Planning; Ita ly Cmz, Isagani R on qu illo ; Am erican Literature; Philippines Cryan, S ally-a nn; M edical Sciences; Ireland D Dancak, B re tisla v; P o litica l Science; Czech Republic Darrag, Fathi Abdalla; Theater and Dance; Egypt* De Gandarias, Igor; M usic; Guatemala* De Grave, Johan; Geology; Belgium De Los Santos Sans C u ffi, M iguel; M edical Sciences; Spain* De Pury, M arianne; Theater and Dance; Switzerland Dedic, Remzo; Engineering; Bosnia and Herzegovina Dedieu, Jean-Philippe; Law ; France Del Prado M illa n, Ruth; B iological Sciences; Spain Del Rio Alonso, Laura; M edical Sciences; Spain* D elic, Edin; G eology; Bosnia and Herzegovina Devos, Isabelle M.; H istory (non-u.s.); Belgium D hital, M egh R aj; Geology; Nepal D i G iovanni, Vincenzo; Anthropology and Archaeology; Ita ly Diaz, M aria Soledad; Engineering; Argentina* Diaz Carretero, M aria Isabel; Chemistry; Spain* D ing, Shuhfan; P o litica l Science; Taiwan D iou f, D iaga; B io lo g ica l Sciences; Senegal D lodlo, M qhele Enock-Hershal; Engineering; Zim babwe Dobesova, K aterina; Economics; Czech Republic Dobrescu, Caius; P o litica l Science; Romania* Domagala, A lin a ; B iological Sciences; Poland D orrington, Rosemary Ann; Biological Sciences; South A frica Du, D ebin; Geography; China D uvvuru, Jamuna; Psychology; India D ylawerska de Lagarde, Agnieszka; H istory (non-u.s.); M exico* E Eid A ltarazi, Eid Abdel Rahman; Geology; Jordan E l Hedeny, Am any Massoud Mohamed; P olitical Science; Egypt E l Mansour, Mohamed; H istory (non-u.s.); Morocco E lci, L a tif; Chemistry; Turkey Elosua Llanos, Roberto; M edical Sciences; Spain* El-Sayed, Gouda Abdel-K halek; Economics; Egypt* E l-w err, Abdel Khalek M ahmoud; Geology; Egypt* Esquivel Lopez, Enrique Javier; Communications and Journalism ; M exico Etchenique, Roberto Argentino; Chemistry; Argentina Evers, Catharina Allegonda Josephina M aria; Psychology; Netherlands F Fabiny, Tibor; Religious Studies; Hungary Fang, Rong-Jyue; Education; Taiwan Fantoni, Carlo; Psychology; Ita ly Farber, Marisa Diana; B io lo g ica l Sciences; Argentina* Farre Pueyo, Javier M anuel; M edical Sciences; Spain Fassi Fehri, Abdelkader; Linguistics; Morocco Fassouane, Abdelaziz; B io lo g ica l Sciences; M orocco Fedotov, M ikh a il; Law; Russia Fenko, Anna; Psychology; Russia Fenk-Oczlon, Gertraud; Linguistics; Austria Ferraz, S ilvio Frosini de Barros; Environmental Sciences; B razil* Ferreira, Fernando Inocencio; Philosophy; Portugal Fetecau, Constantin; M athematics; Romania Fevrier, Philippe Vincent; Economics; France Fitz, Karsten; Area Studies; Germany* F litton, Daniel Howarth; P o litica l Science; Australia Fondevila Campo, Constantino; M edical Sciences; Spain* Frasheri, Erm al; Law; A lbania F ujita, Yuko Takahashi; Am erican Studies; Japan Fujiyoshi, Naomi; Comm unications and Journalism; Japan Fukukawa, H ironori; Business A dm inistration; Japan Fullana, Andres; Engineering; Spain* Fullsack, M anfred; Philosophy; Austria Fulop, M ih aly; H istory (non-u.s.); Hungary Furst, Edgar Franz Josef; Economics; Costa Rica* Furtan, W illiam ; Economics; Canada G Gaj, M algorzata Danuta; B io lo g ica l Sciences; Poland Galhardo, Edvaldo Pereira; Physics and Astronomy; B ra zil* G aliba, Gabor O tto; A g ricu lture ; Hungary Galobart Cots, Jaume; A griculture ; Spain* * A complete listing fo r this scholar can be found in the Visiting Scholars section at the end o f the directory. 75

74 Alphabetical Index Gao, Jianguo; Sociology and Social W ork; China Garcia-Osta, Ana M aria; M edical Sciences; Spain* Gascon, Margarita Susana; H istory (non-u.s.); Argentina* Gasimzada, Nariman; Religious Studies; Azerbaijan Gazzotti, Juliana; Political Science; B razil* Gebe, Boniface Yao Dzube; Po litica l Science; Ghana* Gemmeke, Linus; Philosophy; Germany Gerencser, Judit; Library Science; Hungary Gervais, Pierre; American H istory; France Ghosh, Arindam; Engineering; India Ghosh, N ib ir K anti; American Literature; India Giambartolomei, G uillerm o Heman; B iological Sciences; Argentina* Gichure, Christine W anjiru; Philosophy; Kenya Ginter, M ichal Stanislaw; Geology; Poland Glomozda, Kostyantyn; History (non-u.s.); Ukraine Godinez Jaimes, Flaviano; Mathematics; M exico Godoy Etcheverry, Sergio Jose; Communications and Journalism; Chile Goldberg, Frederick W oolf; Chemistry; United Kingdom Golobic, Mojca; Architecture and Urban Planning; Slovenia Golovacheva, Irina; Am erican Literature; Russia Gomez-Ceballos Retuerto, G uillelm o; Physics and Astronomy; Spain* Goncharov, D m itry; Po litica l Science; Russia Gonzalez-Martinez, Santiago Cesar; A griculture; Spain* Gotsias, Apostolos; Economics; Greece Grgic, F ilip ; Philosophy; Croatia Gruppi, Adriana; Medical Sciences; Argentina* Gualco Neves, Maria Gabriela; Medical Sciences; Uruguay Guan, X inping; Sociology and Social W ork; China Gudmundsdottir, Amfridu r; Religious Studies; Iceland Guedes Abrantes, Fatima Filomena; Geology; Portugal Guerra, Ricardo Luis Fernandes; Medical Sciences; B ra zil* Guerra Maldonado, Debbie Elena; Anthropology and Archaeology; Chile Guimaraes, Leda M aria de Barros; A rt; B razil Gulbrandsen, K ristin ; Economics; Norway Gupta, Ashum; Psychology; India Gurcharan Singh, Harbindar Jeet Singh al; M edical Sciences; M alaysia H Haddad, M arwan Najeh A m in; Engineering; West Bank Hadi, A m irul; Religious Studies; Indonesia* Halasz, A ttila Laszlo; Sociology and Social W ork; Hungary H all, Roger Leighton; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); New Zealand Hamatani, H itoshi; Theater and Dance; Japan Hammade, Husni; A griculture; Syria Hansen, Trond V idar; Chemistry; Norway H arlaftis, E m ilios; Physics and Astronomy; Greece Harry, Otelemate Gaibo; Linguistics; Jamaica Harutyunyan, Valeri; Physics and Astronomy; Arm enia Hassan, Ashraf Ibrahim ; Engineering; Egypt* Hauser, Hans; Engineering; Austria Havers, Robin Paul; H istory (non-u.s.); United Kingdom Havrda, Matyas; Religious Studies; Czech Republic Heinstrom, Jannica Elisabet; Library Science; Finland Helguera, M arcelo; A griculture; Argentina* Helland, Aslaug; Medical Sciences; Norway Hellesund, Tone; Sociology and Social W ork; Norway Heneghan, Conor Joseph; Engineering; Ireland Hennayake, Shantha Kumara; Geography; Sri Lanka Hentosh, L iliana; History (non-u.s.); Ukraine Hermens, Frouke; Psychology; Netherlands Hernandez Fernandez, M anuel; Environmental Sciences; Spain* Hershkovych, Y akiv; Anthropology and Archaeology; Ukraine Hewahi, N abil M.A.; Computer Science; Gaza Ho, Sui chu Esther; Education; Hong Kong Hoang, Giao Ngoc; Law; Vietnam Holstein, Diego; History (non-u.s.); Israel Homan, Astrid Carlotta; Psychology; Netherlands Horstmann, Alexander Klaus Erich; Anthropology and Archaeology; Germany Hsieh, Shih-chung Tristan; Anthropology and Archaeology; Taiwan Huang, Bikang; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); China Huang, Jia-Chi; Business A dm inistration; Taiwan Huang, Kun-G in; Education; Taiwan Huang, Kuo-Chen; Engineering; Taiwan Huang, Y i-h u i; Communications and Journalism; Taiwan Hur, Young II; Theater and Dance; Korea Hwang, San-Yih; Computer Science; Taiwan I Ibanes Miguez, M arta; Physics and Astronomy; Spain* Ibraev, Kuban Sagynovich; Environmental Sciences; Kyrgyz Republic Ibrahim, Kamarulazizi bin; Physics and Astronomy; Malaysia loan, Augustin M arian; Philosophy; Romania Ionita, Petre Ion; Chemistry; Romania Ishack, Wael Farouk; M usic; Egypt* 76 * A complete lis tin g fo r this scholar can be fo u n d in the V isiting Scholars section at the end o f the directory.

75 Alphabetical Index Ish ii, Yasuo; Linguistics; Japan Isidore Ramirez, Daniel; Agriculture; Spain* Ism ail A b d e lla tif, Ayman Mohamed; Architecture and Urban Planning; Egypt Israfilo v, Rauf; Geology; Azerbaijan Issa, Taleb A.; A griculture; Jordan Issers, Oxana; Linguistics; Russia Iwasaki, Yoshitaka; American Studies; Japan J Jablan, S lavik; Mathematics; Serbia Jahama, Mona J. H.; H istory (non-u.s.); Jordan Jakse, Jemej; Agriculture; Slovenia Janda, Richard Alexander; Law; Canada Jeppesen, Torben Grongaard; History (non-u.s.); Denmark Jo, Sung Hoon; U.S.- Korea International Education Adm inistrators Program; Korea K K abir, Mohammad Humayun; P o litica l Science; Bangladesh* Kacharava, V a sili; Am erican H istory; Georgia K a ffi, Ya riv; Physics and Astronomy; Israel* Kalnicka, Zdenka; Philosophy; Czech Republic Kambourov, D im ita r Kostadinov; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Bulgaria Kang, Jung In ; Po litica l Science; Korea Kapadia, Shagufa Gautam; Psychology; India Karageorgis, Aristomenis; Environmental Sciences; Greece Karayev, Begench Saparowich; P o litica l Science; Turkm enistan Kasvosve, Ishmael; M edical Sciences; Zimbabwe Kavanagh, Donncha; Business A dm inistration; Ireland Kembayev, Zhenis; Law; Kazakhstan Kerschen, Gaetan Fons; Engineering; Belgium Kershanskaya, Olga Ivanovna; B io lo g ica l Sciences; Kazakhstan Khachikyan, Arm en E m il; H istory (non-u.s.); Arm enia* K hairy, N a b il Ibrahim ; A nthropology and Archaeology; Jordan Khamas, Wael A.; Biological Sciences; Jordan Khom ich, Siarhei; H istory (non-u.s.); Belarus Khoo, Boo Teong; Law ; M alaysia Kim, Chae Young; Religious Studies; Korea Kim, Hyun Joo; Education; Korea K im, Joong Seop; Sociology and Social W ork; Korea Kim, Kyu Hyun; TEFL/Applied Linguistics; Korea* K irikova, M arite; Computer Science; Latvia Kis, Oksana; Sociology and Social W ork; Ukraine K lavins, Kaspars; History (non-u.s.); Latvia Ko, Jong Hwan; Economics; Korea Koenig, Thomas; Political Science; Germany* Kogut, Lio r; Engineering; Israel* Kohiyama, Rui; Area Studies; Japan* Koitabashi, Ritsuko; B io lo g ica l Sciences; Japan Kolbuszewska, Zofia H alina; Am erican Literature; Poland Koleva, Ivanka Teneva; Physics and Astronomy; Bulgaria K o lo d ii, Antonina; P o litica l Science; Ukraine Konovalova, Olga V iktorovna; H istory (non-u.s.); Russia Kopecky, Petr; Am erican Literature; Czech Republic Korreman, Stine Sofia; M edical Sciences; Denmark K oziel, Slawomir M arcin; Engineering; Poland Kriskova, Anna; Medical Sciences; Slovak Republic Krog, Georg P hilip; Law; Norw ay* Kudebayeva, Alm a; Economics; Kazakhstan Kukina, Irina; Architecture and Urban Planning; Russia K unicki-g oldfinger, Jerzy Jakub; A rt History; Poland Kurasawa, Fuyuki; Sociology and Social W ork; Canada Kurbanov, Eldar; Environm ental Sciences; Russia Kusalwong, Anusom; B io lo g ica l Sciences; Thailand K usnir, Jaroslav; Am erican Literature; Slovak Republic L Laczko, Jozsef; B iological Sciences; Hungary L a fi, Shawkat Q.M.; Ag riculture; Jordan Lai, Tsung-Hsuan; M edical Sciences; Taiwan Lai, Rubina Shanker; Education; India Lamer, Wendy Joan; Sociology and Social W ork; New Zealand Lashkevich, Anatoly; Am erican Literature; Russia Lashley, Beverley Patricia; L ib ra ry Science; Jamaica* Latypov, Rachit; Po litica l Science; Russia Lazarus, Sandra; Psychology; South A frica Leahy, Anne M arie; M usic; Ireland Lee, Haiyoung; Am erican Literature; Korea Lee, Hyunoo; Linguistics; Korea Lee, Ju Cheon; Am erican H istory; Korea Lee, Pui-Tak; History (non-u.s.); Hong Kong Lee, Tatia M ei Chun; Psychology; Hong Kong Lee, Tsung Chin; Psychology; Taiwan Lee, Young Hyo; Am erican H istory; Korea Leiro-Perez, Carlos A.; Psychology; Panama* Lemos, Leany Barreiro de Sousa; Po litical Science; B razil Lemus-Sandoval, Jorge Ernesto; Linguistics; E l Salvador* * A complete listin g fo r this scholar can be found in the Visiting Scholars section at the end o f the directory. 77

76 Alphabetical Index Lennartsson, Johan K je ll Robert; M edical Sciences; Sweden Lennartsson, Johan K je ll Robert; M edical Sciences; Sweden* Leone, Massimo; Communications and Journalism; Ita ly Lepyavko, Serhiy; History (non-u.s.); Ukraine Leypoldt, Guenter; Am erican Literature; Germany Liang, Tsai-Ling; TE FL/A pplied Linguistics; Taiwan Lievens, F ilip R.O.; Psychology; Belgium Lim, Chong Fong; Law; M alaysia Lim, Seong Ho; P olitical Science; Korea Lim a, Ana Laura Godinho; Education; B razil* L in, Jin-Kwan; Business Adm inistration; Taiwan L in, Y u-h ui; TEFL/Applied Linguistics; Taiwan Liskova, Katerina; Sociology and Social W ork; Czech Republic L iu, Feng; Business Adm inistration; China L iu, Jinlan; Business Adm inistration; China Locatelli, Carla; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Ita ly * L oitto, Vesa M a tti; B iological Sciences; Sweden* Lopez Garcia, Esther; Medical Sciences; Spain* Lopez Lam bertini, Paola M aria; B iological Sciences; Argentina* Lopez-Esteban, Sonia; Engineering; Spain* Lopez-Garcia, Pilar; M edical Sciences; Spain* Lopez-Suevos Fraguela, Francisco; Engineering; Spain Losik, George; Computer Science; Belarus Loury, A li Abdulrahman Mohammed; Education; Bahrain Louvier Hernandez, Jose Francisco; Engineering; M exico Lozano Guzman, Alejandro; Engineering; M exico Lyssova, Alexandra; Sociology and Social W ork; Russia M Maestre G il, Fernando Tomas; B iological Sciences; Spain Magwa, M ichael Libala; B iological Sciences; South A frica M ajor, Dan Thomas; Chemistry; Israel M an, K it Wah Eva; Philosophy; Hong Kong M arin, Ileana; Am erican Literature; Romania M arin Guzman, Roberto; H istory (non-u.s.); Costa Rica* M arini, Matteo Benedetto; Economics; Ita ly * M arkova, M arketa; M edical Sciences; Czech Republic M artinez, Patricia Anne; Religious Studies; Malaysia M artinez D iaz, Sonia; Mathematics; Spain M artins Ribeiro Sanches, M aria Manuela; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Portugal Marutyan, Harutyun; Political Science; Armenia M asi, A ntonio; B io lo g ica l Sciences; Ita ly M aslak, A n a to li; Education; Russia Maszewska, Jadwiga M arta; Am erican Literature; Poland Matsumura, Nobutaka; Psychology; Japan Mattos, Paulo Todescan Lessa; Law; B razil* M azzoni, Guido; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Ita ly M ekkaoui A laoui, Ism ail; Physics and Astronomy; M orocco Mekonnen, Baye Yim am; Linguistics; Ethiopia Melegoda, Nayani; Am erican H istory; Sri Lanka M elgar, Ricardo Jose; A griculture; Argentina* M elkani, Anand Ballabh; Chem istry; India M en, M ing; Economics; China Mendoza Garcia, M anuel; B iological Sciences; Spain M ersel, Y ig a l; Law; Israel M iculet, Larisa; Law; M oldova M ih ai, Ion; M athematics; Romania M iln e, K irsty M a iri; Communications and Journalism ; United Kingdom M iltenova, Anissava Lubenova; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Bulgaria M iro iu, M ihaela; P o litica l Science; Romania M isra, Kamal Kanta; Anthropology and Archaeology; India M iyam oto, Yo ichiro; Am erican Literature; Japan M lambo, Alo is Mhosua; Am erican H istory; Zim babwe* Moawad, Tarek Ibrahim Saad; B iological Sciences; Egypt M ogirzan, Em anoil Com eliu; Law; Romania M ongardini, Carlo; P olitical Science; Ita ly * M orales Arboleya, Rafael; Physics and Astronomy; Spain M oraru, Constantin; Geology; M oldova M ori Sanchez, Paula; Chemistry; Spain* Mostafa, Mohamed Mohamed Hussein; Po litica l Science; Egypt M ourino C arballido, Beatriz; Environmental Sciences; Spain Mras, Gabriele M onika; Philosophy; Austria M uhidinov, Zayniddin; Chemistry; Tajikistan Mukhamedyarova, Zhanna Userbayevna; Education; Kazakhstan M ulla, Edlira; Environmental Sciences; Albania Munday, Ph ilip Laing; B iological Sciences; A ustralia M utebi, Fred Kato; A rt; Uganda M ycoo, M ichelle Anne; Architecture and Urban Planning; Trinidad and Tobago* N Naghiyeva, Shahla; Am erican Literature; Azerbaijan Nagler, Bob; Physics and Astronomy; Belgium 78 * A complete listing fo r this scholar can be found in the Visiting Scholars section at the end o f the directory.

77 Alphabetical Index Nagy, N ina Elisabeth; B iological Sciences; Norway N air R ethidevi, Hema; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); India Narayan, Jayanthi; Education; India Narayanan, Ganapathy; Sociology and Social W ork; Singapore Narboux, Jean-Philippe Pierre; Philosophy; France Naro, Fabio; B iological Sciences; Ita ly N arzullaeva, Norkhol; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Uzbekistan N asuruddin, Mohamed Ghouse; Theater and Dance; M alaysia* Nauryzbayeva, Raushan; Law; Kazakhstan N D iaye, Papa Amadou Awa; H istory (non-u.s.); France Nechaev, Y u ry; Environmental Sciences; Russia Nel, Annes Francois; Religious Studies; Namibia Nemedi, Denes; Sociology and Social W ork; Hungary Nesterow icz, M algorzata Anna; Law; Poland Ngo, B in h Xuan; Economics; Vietnam Ngundam, John Mucho; Engineering; Cameroon Nguyen, D inh Van; Business Adm inistration; Vietnam N ish ita n i, Y uko; Law; Japan N jock, Thomas Eku; Biological Sciences; Cameroon Noh, Jeon Pyo; Business Adm inistration; Korea N orkus, Zenonas; Sociology and Social W ork; L ithuania N ovikova, Anastasia; Education; Russia N owbuth, M anta D evi; Engineering; M auritius Nunez Garcia, Juana; Mathematics; Spain* N yarko, Alexander Kwadwo; M edical Sciences; Ghana Nycander, Jonas; Physics and Astronomy; Sweden* o Obrou, O liv ie r Kouadio; Physics and Astronomy; Cote d Ivo ire O driozola Moncayola, Leticia; B io lo g ica l Sciences; Spain Oladele, Benedict Adekunle; Library Science; Nigeria O ldenziel, Ruth; American Studies; Netherlands O leksy, Mateusz W ieslaw; Philosophy; Poland O live r Rotger, Maria Antonia; Am erican Literature; Spain Ongan, Serdar; Economics; Turkey Onukawa, M onday Chibudo; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Nigeria Opp, Guenther Heinrich; Education; Germany* O Regan, Tarik Ham ilton; Music; United Kingdom O rtino, Federico; Law; Italy O sojnicki, Vesna; A rt; Croatia Ostlund, O lo f David; H istory (non-u.s.); Sweden Otamendi Herrera, Ainhoa; Psychology; Spain* O uld Lahoucine, Cherif; Engineering; Algeria Overoye, Odd Johan; M usic; Norway Oyama, Y uki; Communications and Journalism; Japan Ozpinar, Aysel; Medical Sciences; Turkey P Padilla, Nelson David; Physics and Astronomy; Argentina* Pai, Hyung M in; Architecture and Urban Planning; Korea Pak, Bella; H istory (non-u.s.); Russia Palang, Hannes; Geography; Estonia Panahi, Bahruz; Geology; Azerbaijan Panananon, Chatchai; H istory (non-u.s.); Thailand Pandey, Sushil Raj; P o litica l Science; Nepal Pandian, Cynthia; Education; India Panin, Victo r; P olitical Science; Russia Pant, Hans Anand; Psychology; Germany Papakonstantinou, Anastasia; Linguistics; Greece* Park, So Young; U.S.- Korea International Education Adm inistrators Program; Korea Park, Sung Hoon; Economics; Korea Parmar, Sejal; Law; Ita ly Pascual Gasco, Roberto; Business A dm inistration; Spain* Pazdniak, Viachaslau Eduardovich; P olitical Science; Belams* Penne, S ylvi Johanne; Education; Norway Perevezentsev, Alexander L.; Am erican History; Kazakhstan Perez Folgar, Jorge Rodolfo; B iological Sciences; Guatemala* Pesce, Sara; American Literature; Ita ly * Petersson, K arin B erit; M edical Sciences; Sweden Petrovic, Pavle; Economics; Serbia Philips, Julian Montagu; M usic; United Kingdom * P idlisnyuk, Valentyna; Environmental Sciences; Ukraine Pintea, Iurie; P olitical Science; M oldova Pinter, K aroly Robert; Am erican Studies; Hungary Pinto V ila, Agusti; Physics and Astronomy; Spain* Plazl, Igor; Engineering; Slovenia Pokrovskiy, N ikita ; Sociology and Social W ork; Russia Poolman, Berend; Chemistry; Netherlands Praszalowicz, Dorota; Am erican History; Poland Praszalowicz, M ichal Pawel; Physics and Astronomy; Poland Pravilova, Ekaterina; H istory (non-u.s.); Russia Preis, Sergei; Chemistry; Estonia Premoli I l Grande, Andrea C.; B iological Sciences; Argentina* Pronkevich, Oleksandr; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Ukraine Pukhnata, Svitlana; American Literature; Ukraine * A complete listing fo r this scholar can be found in the Visiting Scholars section at the end o f the directory. 79

78 Alphabetical Index R Rahimipour, Shai; Chemistry; Israel* Rahman, Mustafizur; Economics; Bangladesh* Ramahaleo, Tiana Andriambolasoa; B iological Sciences; Madagascar Ramos Palencia, Fernando Carlos; Economics; Spain* Rampersad, Sheila; Sociology and Social W ork; Trinidad and Tobago* Ranestad, K ristian; Mathematics; Norway Rannikmae, M iia ; Education; Estonia* Rata, Elizabeth M ary; Sociology and Social W ork; New Zealand Rayamajhi, Sangita; Theater and Dance; Nepal Reguant Miranda, Cristina; B iological Sciences; Spain* Reka, Blerim ; Law; Kosovo* R evilla Rodriguez, Marta Isabel; B iological Sciences; Spain* Rey Raggio, Jose Carlos; Economics; Uruguay Rhee, Seongha; Linguistics; Korea Riano Arribas, David; Environmental Sciences; Spain* Ribeiro Bronze da Rocha, Elsa M aria; B iological Sciences; Portugal R iffi, Mohamed I. M.; Mathematics; Gaza Risbridger, G ail Petuna; Medical Sciences; Australia Rivera Canales, Jose M auricio; Agriculture; Honduras* Rivera-Canales, Delia Rebeca; M edical Sciences; Honduras* Rodriguez Lopez, M ilagros; Biological Sciences; Spain Rodriguez-Pena, Carlos Manuel; B iological Sciences; Dominican Republic* R ollnick, Marissa Susan; Education; South A frica Rothschild, Avner; Engineering; Israel Roumie, Mohamad Ahmad; Environmental Sciences; Lebanon* Roye, Marcia Elaine; B iological Sciences; Jamaica* Ruiz Garcia, Antonia; Physics and Astronomy; Spain Ryndova, Jitka; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Czech Republic s Sadamate, Vishwanath Vishnu; A griculture; India Saed, Ivonne Grego; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); M exico Safi, Mohamed Jomaa; Environmental Sciences; Tunisia Sahni, Varan; P olitical Science; India* Saidiev, Ulugbek; Business Adm inistration; Uzbekistan Sainz Menendez, Rosa M aria; B iological Sciences; Spain* Salas Velasco, Manuel; Economics; Spain* Salazar A llen, Noris; B iological Sciences; Panama* Salazar-Vallejo, Sergio Ignacio; Environmental Sciences; M exico Salikhova, Sayyora; A griculture; Uzbekistan Salvatore, Ricardo; History (non-u.s.); Argentina* Sampaio, Andre Luiz Lopes; B iological Sciences; B ra zil* San, Gee; Economics; Taiwan Sanchez Roman, Jose A ntonio; History (non-u.s.); Spain* Sanchez Sarmiento, Gustavo; Engineering; Argentina* Sandoval Rodriguez, Sonia M argarita; Environmental Sciences; Ecuador Sanikidze, George; H istory (non-u.s.); Georgia Sanzol Sanz, Francisco Javier; A griculture; United Kingdom * Sato, Chitose; History (non-u.s.); Japan Savas, Ekrem; Mathematics; Turkey Schmitter Soto, Juan Jacobo; B iological Sciences; M exico Schoonheim, Marloes M arrigje; History (non-u.s.); Netherlands Schoots, Ivo Gerardus; M edical Sciences; Netherlands Schulz, Dieter; Am erican Literature; Germany Schwebs, Ture Helge W ilhelm ; Education; Norway Schwetz, Herbert; M edical Sciences; Austria Semaan, Mym a Tanos; Biological Sciences; Lebanon* Sergunin, Alexander; Po litica l Science; Russia Servetti, Simona; Medical Sciences; Ita ly Shabana, Yasser Mohamed A li Mohamed; Engineering; Egypt Shadiyev, Tursun; Economics; Uzbekistan Shah, Zahir; A griculture; Pakistan Shin, Young Chul; Communications and Journalism; Korea Shirobokov, Sergey; Education; Russia Shrestha, Suresh Das; Geology; Nepal Shvedova, Nadezda Aleksandrovna; Po litical Science; Russia Silneva, Lid ija ; Sociology and Social W ork; Latvia Simegn, A fework Bekele; B iological Sciences; Ethiopia Simpson, Graham Lorim er; Chemistry; United Kingdom Singh, Nandita; Environmental Sciences; India* S irozi, Muhammad; Education; Indonesia* Sisatto, Seppo Matias; Communications and Journalism; Finland Skrtic, Stanko; Medical Sciences; Sweden* Sm ital, Tvrtko; Environmental Sciences; Croatia Sokolsky, Joel; Political Science; Canada S ollid, Ludvig Magne; Medical Sciences; Norway Some, M agloire; Religious Studies; Burkina Faso Sommervoll, Dag Einar; Economics; Norway 80 * A complete listing fo r this scholar can be found in the Visiting Scholars section at the end o f the directory.

79 Alphabetical Index Soto Jimenez, M artin Frederico; Environmental Sciences; M exico Souvermezoglou, Ekaterini; Environmental Sciences; Greece* Spicar, Radek; P olitical Science; Czech Republic Spiridonova, E m iliya Vasileva; Public Adm inistration; B ulgaria Srijunngam, Jirarach; B iological Sciences; Thailand Steca, P atrizia; Psychology; Ita ly Stepanenko, V ikto r; P olitical Science; Ukraine S tojakovic, Petar; Psychology; Bosnia and Herzegovina S tojkovic, N ino; Engineering; Croatia Stoyanov, Chavdar Penev; Physics and Astronomy; B ulgaria Stuart, Reginald; History (non-u.s.); Canada Suarez Toste, Ernesto Jesus; Am erican Literature; Spain Sung, H ye Jean; U.S.- Korea International Education A dm inistrators Program; Korea Sung, K yung Jun; American Literature; Korea Suntomwat, Oranart; Biological Sciences; Thailand Supratiknya, Augustinus; Psychology; Indonesia Susilo, Joko; Theater and Dance; New Zealand S u tta jit, S iritree; M edical Sciences; Thailand* Szabo-Kovacs, Judit; Sociology and Social Work; H ungary Szalay, Peter Gyorgy; Chemistry; Hungary Szekely, Anna; Linguistics; Hungary Szonyi, G yorgy Endre; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Hungary T Tabachnick, David Edward; P o litical Science; Canada Tafa, E u fim ia ; Education; Greece Takai, Y ukari; History (non-u.s.); Japan* Takubo, Y uko; Sociology and Social W ork; Japan T alw ar, Neelim a; Theater and Dance; India Tamosiunaite, M in ija ; Computer Science; Lithuania Tan, M in g Jen; Engineering; Singapore Tang, Zhong; Economics; China Tanishita, Masayoshi; Architecture and Urban P lanning; Japan T a iju e lo Capdevila, Isabel; Biological Sciences; Spain* Tassoni, Annalisa; B iological Sciences; Ita ly Teferra Kidanemariam, Tirussew; Education; Ethiopia Tert, M ohamed A li; Agriculture; Syria Thong, M eow-keong; M edical Sciences; Malaysia Tirado Fernandez, M aria de los Reyes; Environmental Sciences; Spain T irya kio g lu, Bilg in ; Law; Turkey Tkachuk, Taras; Anthropology and Archaeology; U kraine Tlem cani, Rachid; P o litica l Science; A lgeria Tohme, Fernando Abel; Economics; Argentina* Tokareva, Irina; Linguistics; Belarus Tokhtamysh, Oleksandr; Psychology; Ukraine Toledo, Eran; Physics and Astronomy; Israel Toledo Sarracino, David Guadalupe; Education; M exico Tolosa de Talamoni, N ori; Chemistry; Argentina* Tovt-Korshynska, M arianna; Psychology; Ukraine Tran, Huong Thi Xuan; Education; Vietnam Tran, Quang Manh; TE FL/A pplied Linguistics; Vietnam Tran, U t Thi; Economics; Vietnam Trippier, Paul Charles; Chem istry; United Kingdom Trojanow icz, Marek A ndrzej; Chemistry; Poland Tsakonas, Panagiotis; P o litica l Science; Greece Tsuhako, Sumiko; M edical Sciences; Japan Tumbo-Masabo, Zubeida Zuberi; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Tanzania Tursunov, Rasul; Economics; Uzbekistan u Uchida, H iro fum i; Economics; Japan U hlar, Blahoslav; Theater and Dance; Slovak Republic Umar, Nasaruddin; R eligious Studies; Indonesia* Uzgel, Ilhan; Political Science; Turkey V Vaidyanathan, Ramamurthy; Business Adm inistration; India* Vakulenko, Maksym; Linguistics; Ukraine Valenzuela Aguilera, A lfonso; Architecture and Urban Planning; M exico V alk, Ulo; Anthropology and Archaeology; Estonia Valkunas, Leonas; Physics and Astronom y; Lithuania Van D ijk, Sabine Jolanda; M edical Sciences; Netherlands Van Doninck, Karine M.F.; B iological Sciences; Belgium Van Tinteren, Jennifer Rowan; Public A dm inistration; United Kingdom Varunts, V icto r; A rt H istory; Russia Vasquez B onilla, Sebastian; Chemistry; Panama* Vavrla, Lukas; Business A dm inistration; Czech Republic Velinova, Iskra Ivanova; Anthropology and Archaeology; Bulgaria Verwim p, Philip; Economics; Belgium Videm, Vibeke; M edical Sciences; Norway Vidulescu, Cristina Felicia V irgin ia ; B iological Sciences; Romania V ila Ujaldon, Roger; B iological Sciences; Spain* * A complete listing fo r this scholar can be found in the Visiting Scholars section at the end o f the directory. 81

80 Alphabetical Index V illalobos, Jose S.; Linguistics; Venezuela Visted, Therese; M edical Sciences; Norway Vlachos, Jonas D im itrios; Economics; Sweden V lizos, Stavros; Anthropology and Archaeology; Greece Vojtech, D aniel; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Czech Republic Vorobeva, Natalya; M edical Sciences; Russia Voutilainen, Sari Laura M aarit; M edical Sciences; Finland w Wang, Chao-Yi; M edical Sciences; Taiwan Wang, Dong; Business Adm inistration; China Wang, K eng-ling; Law; Taiwan Wang, Sang Han; Law; Korea Wang, Xinsheng; P olitical Science; China Wang, Xu; Architecture and Urban Planning; China Weisz Carrington, Harold Gabriel; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); M exico W hite, Linda Ann; Public Adm inistration; Canada W ickramasinghe, N ira K o n jit; H istory (non-u.s.); Sri Lanka W illiam s, Stella Annie; Environmental Sciences; N igeria W ilson, Paul; Sociology and Social W ork; United Kingdom W iner, Stanley L.; Economics; Canada W oolnough, Penny Sheila; Psychology; United Kingdom Wu, Kuang-M ing; Law; Taiwan Wu, Tien-tai; Anthropology and Archaeology; Taiwan X X ia, Jianzhong; Sociology and Social W ork; China X iao, Fei; Education; China X iao, Jianhua; Law ; China Y Yang, Seok W on; Am erican Literature; Korea Y erm ilov, Artem; Linguistics; Kazakhstan Yfantis, Konstantinos; P olitical Science; Greece* Y in, Aiq in g ; M usic; China Yong, Jean Wan Hong; Environmental Sciences; Singapore Yoon, Chang Sook; U.S.- Korea International Education Adm inistrators Program; Korea Young, Raymond; Law ; Canada Youssef, Ezzat Ibrahim M ikh a il; Communications and Journalism; Egypt Y u, Chian-Son; Business Adm inistration; Taiwan Yuval, Fany; P olitical Science; Israel z Zak, Jacek Andrzej; Engineering; Poland Zakar, Muhammad Zakria; Sociology and Social W ork; Pakistan Zektser, Igor; Environmental Sciences; Russia Zhang, Jun; Am erican Literature; China Zhou, Zhiren; Public Adm inistration; China Zhu, Jie; M edical Sciences; Sweden* Zhu, Liqun; Po litical Science; China Zimm er, M arcia Cristina; Linguistics; B razil* Z o ll, Fryderyk Andrzej; Law; Poland Zolotareva, Larisa; Education; Russia Zurek, Slawomir Jacek; Religious Studies; Poland* 82 * A complete listing fo r this scholar can be found in the Visiting Scholars section at the end o f the directory.

81 H o s t S t a t e I n d e x To fin d out more about a scholar, turn to the individual s complete directory entry, which can be found in the section corresponding to the discipline listed after the scholar s name. Alabama Alembong, N ol Tanyi; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Cameroon; University o f West Alabama Avittathur, Balram; Business Adm inistration; India; Auburn University Main Campus* Boeri, Roberto Enrique; Engineering; Argentina; University o f Alabama Tuscaloosa* Channa, Subhadra; Anthropology and Archaeology; India; Auburn University Main Campus Dorrington, Rosemary Ann; Biological Sciences; South A frica; University o f Alabama Birmingham Galobart Cots, Jaume; Agriculture; Spain; Auburn University Main Campus* Guerra Maldonado, Debbie Elena; Anthropology and Archaeology; Chile; University o f South Alabama Louvier Hernandez, Jose Francisco; Engineering; M exico; Auburn University M ain Campus M elgar, Ricardo Jose; Agriculture; Argentina; International Fertilizer Development Center; Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical U n ive rsity*,** Arizona A tzori, L u ig i; Engineering; Italy; U niversity o f Arizona Brzeszczynski, Janusz Jacek; Economics; Poland; Arizona State University Chang, Ker-Chang; Public Administration; Taiwan; U niversity o f Arizona Cipto, Bambang; Political Science; Indonesia; Arizona State U niversity Ibrahim, Kamarulazizi bin; Physics and Astronomy; M alaysia; University o f Arizona Loury, A li Abdulrahman Mohammed; Education; Bahrain; University o f Arizona Stojakovic, Petar; Psychology; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Arizona State University Arkansas Chohan, Zahid Hussain; Chemistry; Pakistan; U niversity o f Arkansas Pine B lu ff California Acevedo, Alberto; Agriculture; Argentina; U.S. Department o f Agriculture* Acquaviva, Paola; Communications and Journalism; Italy; University o f California Los Angeles* Adam, John Phillip; Architecture and Urban Planning; New Zealand; California State Polytechnic University Pomona A l Homaid, Abdullah M.; Political Science; Saudi Arabia; University o f Southern California* Alcaraz Casademunt, Jordi; Biological Sciences; Spain; University o f California Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory* Alsaygh, Abdulhamid Ahmad A.; Chemistry; Saudi Arabia; University o f California Santa Barbara* Amaglobeli, Vakhtangi; American Literature; Georgia; University o f California Santa Cruz Andersson, Karl Kristoffer; Chemistry; Sweden; Stanford University Ara, Jehan; Biological Sciences; Pakistan; University o f California Davis A rita, Keiko; Sociology and Social Work; Japan; Bryn Mawr College; University o f California San Francisco; University o f California Berkeley** Assi, Eman Shafiq Mohamed; Architecture and Urban Planning; West Bank; University o f California Berkeley Averbach, Margara Noemi; American Literature; Argentina; University o f California San Diego* Barlow, Roger John; Physics and Astronomy; United Kingdom; Stanford University Bradbury, Matthew; Architecture and Urban Planning; New Zealand; California State Polytechnic University Pomona Butterworth, Iain Mark; Psychology; Australia; University o f California Berkeley Chaigne, Antoine Jean Marie; Music; France; Stanford University Chan, Lean Heng; Sociology and Social Work; Malaysia; University o f California Berkeley; University o f Southern C alifornia** Chen, Cheng-Hsui Arthur; Business Administration; Taiwan; University o f Southern California Chepelyk, Oksana; Communications and Journalism; Ukraine; University o f California Los Angeles * A complete listing fo r this scholar can be found in the Visiting Scholars section at the end o f the directory. * * Indicates a scholar with m ultiple affiliations. 83

82 Host State Index Chica Lara, Antonio; Chemistry; Spain; University o f California Berkeley* Ciambrone, Giuseppe; Architecture and Urban Planning; Ita ly; University o f C alifornia Los Angeles Crankshaw, Owen; Sociology and Social W ork; South A frica; U niversity o f California Los Angeles De Grave, Johan; Geology; Belgium; Stanford University Dedieu, Jean-Philippe; Law; France; University o f C alifornia Berkeley Devos, Isabelle M.; H istory (non-u.s.); Belgium; Indiana U niversity Bloomington; U niversity o f C alifornia Berkeley* * Du, Debin; Geography; China; University o f C alifornia Berkeley El-Sayed, Gouda Abdel-Khalek; Economics; Egypt; University o f Southern C alifornia* Evers, Catharina Allegonda Josephina M aria; Psychology; Netherlands; Stanford U niversity Fantoni, Carlo; Psychology; Italy; University o f California Los Angeles Fassouane, Abdelaziz; Biological Sciences; Morocco; U niversity o f California Santa Cruz Fondevila Campo, Constantino; M edical Sciences; Spain; U niversity o f C alifornia Los Angeles* Fujita, Yuko Takahashi; American Studies; Japan; Stanford University Fujiyoshi, Naomi; Communications and Journalism; Japan; University o f C alifornia Berkeley Fukukawa, H ironori; Business Adm inistration; Japan; U niversity o f Southern C alifornia Gaj, Malgorzata Danuta; Biological Sciences; Poland; U niversity o f California Berkeley Galiba, Gabor Otto; Agriculture; Hungary; U niversity o f C alifornia Davis Gao, Jianguo; Sociology and Social W ork; China; U niversity o f California Riverside Gazzotti, Juliana; P olitical Science; Brazil; University o f C alifornia San Diego* Gemmeke, Linus; Philosophy; Germany; Dominican School o f Philosophy and Theology Godoy Etcheverry, Sergio Jose; Communications and Journalism; Chile; University o f C alifornia Los Angeles Gonzalez-Martinez, Santiago Cesar; Agriculture; Spain; University o f C alifornia D avis* Guan, Xinping; Sociology and Social W ork; China; U niversity o f C alifornia Berkeley Guerra, Ricardo Luis Fernandes; M edical Sciences; B razil; U niversity o f C alifornia Berkeley* Gulbrandsen, Kristin; Economics; Norway; University o f C alifornia San Diego Gurcharan Singh, Harbindar Jeet Singh al; Medical Sciences; Malaysia; University o f C alifornia San Francisco Hansen, Trond V idar; Chemistry; Norway; Scripps Research Institute Harlaftis, Em ilios; Physics and Astronomy; Greece; U niversity o f C alifornia Berkeley Harutyunyan, Valeri; Physics and Astronomy; Arm enia; U niversity o f C alifornia Berkeley Havrda, Matyas; Religious Studies; Czech Republic; Claremont Graduate University Helguera, Marcelo; A griculture; Argentina; U niversity o f California Davis* Helland, Aslaug; Medical Sciences; Norway; Stanford U niversity Heneghan, Conor Joseph; Engineering; Ireland; Stanford U niversity Hennayake, Shantha Kumara; Geography; Sri Lanka; U niversity o f C alifornia Los Angeles Huang, Bikang; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); China; University o f C alifornia Irvine Hur, Young II; Theater and Dance; Korea; U niversity o f C alifornia Los Angeles Ibanes Miguez, Marta; Physics and Astronomy; Spain; Salk Institute for Biological Studies* Ish ii, Yasuo; Linguistics; Japan; University o f Southern C alifornia Isidoro Ramirez, Daniel; Agriculture; Spain; University o f C alifornia Davis* Kambourov, Dim itar Kostadinov; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Bulgaria; University o f C alifornia Irvine Kang, Jung In; P olitical Science; Korea; University o f C alifornia Davis Kavanagh, Donncha; Business Adm inistration; Ireland; University o f C alifornia San Diego Kembayev, Zhenis; Law; Kazakhstan; Southwestern U niversity Khairy, N abil Ibrahim ; Anthropology and Archaeology; Jordan; La Sierra U niversity Khomich, Siarhei; History (non-u.s.); Belarus; Stanford University Kogut, Lior; Engineering; Israel; University o f C alifornia Berkeley* Koitabashi, Ritsuko; Biological Sciences; Japan; U niversity o f C alifornia San Francisco Konovalova, Olga Viktorovna; History (non-u.s.); Russia; Stanford U niversity Kopecky, Petr; American Literature; Czech Republic; San Jose State University Korreman, Stine Sofia; M edical Sciences; Denmark; Stanford U niversity School o f Medicine Krog, Georg Philip; Law; Norway; Stanford U niversity* * A complete listing fo r this scholar can be found in the Visiting Scholars section at the end o f the directory. 84 * * Indicates a scholar w ith m ultiple affiliations.

83 Host State Index Leone, Massimo; Communications and Journalism; Italy; Jesuit School o f Theology Berkeley Lin, Jin-Kwan; Business Adm inistration; Taiwan; U niversity o f C alifornia Berkeley Lin, Y u-h ui; TEFL/Applied Linguistics; Taiwan; U niversity o f C alifornia Los Angeles; U niversity o f C alifornia Los Angeles** Lopez-Esteban, Sonia; Engineering; Spain; University o f C alifornia Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory* Losik, George; Computer Science; Belarus; Stanford U niversity Man, K it Wah Eva; Philosophy; Hong Kong; U niversity o f California Berkeley Martinez, Patricia Anne; Religious Studies; Malaysia; Ohio University; Stanford U niversity** Martins Ribeiro Sanches, Maria Manuela; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Portugal; U niversity o f C alifornia Santa Cruz; University o f C alifornia Santa Cruz; Indiana U niversity Bloomington* * M elkani, Anand Ballabh; Chemistry; India; California State Polytechnic U niversity Pomona Mendoza Garcia, Manuel; Biological Sciences; Spain; Brown U niversity; University o f C alifornia Santa Barbara** Morales Arboleya, Rafael; Physics and Astronomy; Spain; University o f C alifornia San Diego M ulla, Edlira; Environmental Sciences; Albania; U niversity o f California Riverside Munday, P hilip Laing; Biological Sciences; Australia; U niversity o f California Santa Barbara Nagler, Bob; Physics and Astronomy; Belgium; U niversity o f California Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Naro, Fabio; Biological Sciences; Ita ly; Stanford U niversity Nel, Annes Francois; Religious Studies; Namibia; Graduate Theological Union Norkus, Zenonas; Sociology and Social Work; Lithuania; University o f C alifornia Berkeley Nowbuth, Manta Devi; Engineering; M auritius; U.S. Geological Survey Oladele, Benedict Adekunle; Library Science; Nigeria; U niversity o f California Los Angeles Oleksy, Mateusz Wieslaw; Philosophy; Poland; U niversity o f California Berkeley O liver Rotger, Maria Antonia; American Literature; Spain; University o f California Berkeley Overoye, Odd Johan; Music; Norway; California State U niversity Northridge Oyama, Y uki; Communications and Journalism; Japan; Bryn M awr College; Stanford U niversity** Ozpinar, Aysel; Medical Sciences; Turkey; University o f C alifornia Davis Palang, Hannes; Geography; Estonia; U niversity o f C alifornia Los Angeles Panahi, Bahruz; Geology; Azerbaijan; San Diego State U niversity Park, Sung Hoon; Economics; Korea; U niversity o f C alifornia San Diego Perevezentsev, Alexander L.; American History; Kazakhstan; Stanford U niversity Petersson, Karin Berit; M edical Sciences; Sweden; Stanford U niversity School o f Medicine Pinto V ila, Agusti; Physics and Astronomy; Spain; U niversity o f California Irvine* Poolman, Berend; Chemistry; Netherlands; C alifornia Institute o f Technology Pukhnata, Svitlana; American Literature; Ukraine; San Diego State University Rahimipour, Shai; Chemistry; Israel; Scripps Research Institute* Ranestad, Kristian; Mathematics; Norway; Medical Sciences Research Institute Rayamajhi, Sangita; Theater and Dance; Nepal; Pomona College Reka, Blerim ; Law; Kosovo; University o f Southern C alifornia* Rey Raggio, Jose Carlos; Economics; Uruguay; San Jose State U niversity Rhee, Seongha; Linguistics; Korea; Stanford U niversity Riano Arribas, David; Environmental Sciences; Spain; University o f California Davis* Rivera Canales, Jose M auricio; Agriculture; Honduras; University o f California Davis* Rodriguez Lopez, M ilagros; Biological Sciences; Spain; University o f C alifornia Berkeley Roumie, Mohamad Ahmad; Environmental Sciences; Lebanon; University o f C alifornia Davis* Salazar-Vallejo, Sergio Ignacio; Environmental Sciences; Mexico; Smithsonian Institution; Los Angeles County Museum o f Natural H istory** Sanikidze, George; History (non-u.s.); Georgia; U niversity o f California Berkeley Schoonheim, Marloes M arrigje; History (non-u.s.); Netherlands; Stanford U niversity Schwebs, Ture Helge W ilhelm ; Education; Norway; U niversity o f California San Diego Semaan, Myma Tanos; Biological Sciences; Lebanon; University o f California Berkeley* Shadiyev, Tursun; Economics; Uzbekistan; U niversity o f California Los Angeles Shin, Young Chul; Communications and Journalism; Korea; University o f C alifornia Berkeley Sisatto, Seppo Matias; Communications and Journalism; Finland; Stanford University Smital, Tvrtko; Environmental Sciences; Croatia; Stanford University * A complete listing fo r this scholar can be found in the V isiting Scholars section at the end o f the directory. * * Indicates a scholar with multiple affiliations. 85

84 Host State Index Sollid, Ludvig Magne; Medical Sciences; Norway; Stanford University Sommervoll, Dag Einar; Economics; Norway; Stanford University Soto Jimenez, M artin Frederico; Environmental Sciences; Mexico; University o f C alifornia Santa Cruz Steca, Patrizia; Psychology; Italy; Stanford U niversity Suntomwat, Oranart; Biological Sciences; Thailand; U niversity o f California Davis Szabo-Kovacs, Judit; Sociology and Social W ork; Hungary; Los Angeles S h e riffs Department Szekely, Anna; Linguistics; Hungary; University o f C alifornia San Diego Tan, M ing Jen; Engineering; Singapore; University o f California Los Angeles; Northwestern U niversity** Tanishita, Masayoshi; Architecture and Urban Planning; Japan; University o f C alifornia Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Tirado Fernandez, Maria de los Reyes; Environmental Sciences; Spain; Stanford U niversity Tkachuk, Taras; Anthropology and Archaeology; Ukraine; Stanford University Tohme, Fernando Abel; Economics; Argentina; University o f California Berkeley* Toledo Sarracino, David Guadalupe; Education; Mexico; University o f C alifornia San Diego Tran, Quang Manh; TEFL/Applied Linguistics; Vietnam; Stanford University Tran, U t Thi; Economics; Vietnam; C alifornia State University Sacramento Trojanowicz, Marek Andrzej; Chemistry; Poland; U niversity o f California Riverside Valkunas, Leonas; Physics and Astronomy; Lithuania; U niversity o f California Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Videm, Vibeke; Medical Sciences; Norway; U niversity o f California San Diego Wang, Xinsheng; P olitical Science; China; University o f C alifornia Los Angeles Weisz Carrington, Harold Gabriel; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Mexico; San Diego State University Winer, Stanley L.; Economics; Canada; Duke University; U niversity o f California Irvine** Yang, Seok Won; American Literature; Korea; U niversity o f C alifornia Irvine Zak, Jacek Andrzej; Engineering; Poland; University o f California Berkeley Zektser, Igor; Environmental Sciences; Russia; University o f California Santa Barbara Colorado Andersen, Signe Bech; Environmental Sciences; Denmark; U niversity o f Colorado Boulder Baccino, Thierry Fernand; Psychology; France; U niversity o f Colorado Boulder Bouhlel, Salah; Geology; Tunisia; U.S. Geological Survey Corell, Kim Elisabeth; Political Science; Sweden; Colorado State U niversity Ferraz, S ilvio Frosini de Barros; Environmental Sciences; Brazil; Colorado State U niversity* Gebe, Boniface Yao Dzube; P olitical Science; Ghana; United States A ir Force Academy; National Defense U n ive rsity*,** Issa, Taleb A.; A griculture; Jordan; Colorado State U niversity Kriskova, Anna; Medical Sciences; Slovak Republic; Otero Junior College Lee, Tsung Chin; Psychology; Taiwan; Naropa U niversity Lepyavko, Serhiy; History (non-u.s.); Ukraine; U niversity o f Colorado Boulder Preis, Sergei; Chemistry; Estonia; U niversity o f Colorado Boulder Premoli I l Grande, Andrea C.; Biological Sciences; Argentina; University o f Colorado Boulder* Shah, Zahir; Agriculture; Pakistan; Colorado State University Connecticut A ls harif, Fadel A. M.; Biological Sciences; Gaza; Yale University Ayman, Saadet Gulden; Political Science; Turkey; Yale University Cheddadi, Abdesselam; History (non-u.s.); Morocco; Yale University Cheng, Jie; Law; China; Yale U niversity Hernandez Fernandez, Manuel; Environmental Sciences; Spain; Yale U niversity* Kurasawa, Fuyuki; Sociology and Social W ork; Canada; Yale University; New Y ork U niversity** Lim, Seong Ho; Political Science; Korea; Yale University; Simmons C ollege** Lopez Lambertini, Paola M aria; Biological Sciences; Argentina; Yale U niversity* Magwa, Michael Libala; Biological Sciences; South A frica; U niversity o f Connecticut Matsumura, Nobutaka; Psychology; Japan; University o f Connecticut Mattos, Paulo Todescan Lessa; Law; B razil; Yale U niversity* Mlambo, Alois Mhosua; American H istory; Zimbabwe; United States Coast Guard Academy* * A complete listin g fo r this scholar can be found in the V isiting Scholars section at the end o f the directory. 86 * * Indicates a scholar with m ultiple affiliations.

85 Host State Index Nemedi, Denes; Sociology and Social W ork; Hungary; Yale University Rahman, M ustafizur; Economics; Bangladesh; Yale University* Sirozi, Muhammad; Education; Indonesia; Hartford Seminary; Ohio U niversity*,** Tamosiunaite, M inija; Computer Science; Lithuania; Yale University Tsakonas, Panagiotis; Political Science; Greece; Yale University Verwimp, Philip; Economics; Belgium; Yale University Vlizos, Stavros; Anthropology and Archaeology; Greece; Yale University; Metropolitan Museum o f A rt** Delaware Wang, Xu; Architecture and Urban Planning; China; University o f Delaware D istrict o f Columbia Abdurahimova, Zuvaydajan Haitovna; Biological Sciences; Turkmenistan; Smithsonian Institution Ackland, N e il A lbert; Economics; Australia; U.S. Department o f Agriculture A l-b itar, Sawsan Mustafa; Philosophy; Syria; Catholic University o f America Ashimbayev, Maulen; P olitical Science; Kazakhstan; Johns Hopkins University School o f Advanced International Studies Baron, Maria Florencia; Public Administration; Argentina; Public Citizen; American Political Science Association** Bitar, Zeinat; A rt History; Lebanon; Smithsonian Institution Brown, Kerry Louise; Public Administration; United Kingdom; Police Foundation Cholponkulova, Ainura Orozbekovna; Law; Kyrgyz Republic; Johns Hopkins University School o f Advanced International Studies Fedotov, M ikhail; Law; Russia; Woodrow W ilson International Center for Scholars Flitton, Daniel Howarth; P olitical Science; Australia; Georgetown University Frasheri, Ermal; Law; Albania; Catholic University o f America Fulop, M ihaly; History (non-u.s.); Hungary; George Washington University Gasimzada, Nariman; Religious Studies; Azerbaijan; Georgetown University Glomozda, Kostyantyn; History (non-u.s.); Ukraine; Woodrow W ilson International Center for Scholars Hadi, Amirul; Religious Studies; Indonesia; American U niversity* H all, Roger Leighton; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); New Zealand; Georgetown University Ishack, Wael Farouk; Music; Egypt; Catholic University o f America* Kasvosve, Ishmael; Medical Sciences; Zimbabwe; Howard University Khachikyan, Armen Em il; History (non-u.s.); Armenia; Library o f Congress* Khoo, Boo Teong; Law; Malaysia; Emory University; Georgetown U niversity** K olodii, Antonina; Political Science; Ukraine; W oodrow W ilson International Center for Scholars Lashkevich, Anatoly; American Literature; Russia; W oodrow W ilson International Center for Scholars Latypov, Rachit; Political Science; Russia; Woodrow W ilson International Center for Scholars Lemos, Leany Barreiro de Sousa; Political Science; B razil; Georgetown U niversity; American Political Science Association** M iculet, Larisa; Law; Moldova; American U niversity Mongardini, Carlo; Political Science; Italy; Georgetown U niversity* Oldenziel, Ruth; American Studies; Netherlands; Georgetown University Pak, Bella; History (non-u.s.); Russia; Woodrow W ilson International Center for Scholars Papakonstantinou, Anastasia; Linguistics; Greece; Georgetown U niversity* Pravilova, Ekaterina; History (non-u.s.); Russia; Woodrow W ilson International Center for Scholars Rata, Elizabeth Mary; Sociology and Social W ork; New Zealand; Georgetown University Sahni, Varun; P olitical Science; India; National Defense University* Salazar-Vallejo, Sergio Ignacio; Environmental Sciences; Mexico; Smithsonian Institution; Los Angeles County Museum o f Natural H istory** Salvatore, Ricardo; History (non-u.s.); Argentina; Georgetown U niversity* Shvedova, Nadezda Aleksandrovna; Political Science; Russia; T rinity College Spicar, Radek; Political Science; Czech Republic; Georgetown University Stepanenko, V iktor; Political Science; Ukraine; Woodrow W ilson International Center for Scholars Stuart, Reginald; History (non-u.s.); Canada; Woodrow W ilson International Center for Scholars Tang, Zhong; Economics; China; International Food Policy Research Institute Tiryakioglu, B ilgin; Law; Turkey; American University Trippier, Paul Charles; Chemistry; United Kingdom; Georgetown University * A complete listin g fo r this scholar can be found in the Visiting Scholars section at the end o f the directory. * * Indicates a scholar with multiple affiliations. 87

86 Host State Index Umar, Nasaruddin; Religious Studies; Indonesia; Georgetown University; Georgetown U niversity*,** Uzgel, Ilhan; Political Science; Turkey; Georgetown University Varunts, Victor; Art History; Russia; Library o f Congress Wang, Sang Han; Law; Korea; George Washington University White, Linda Ann; Public Administration; Canada; Georgetown University Woolnough, Penny Sheila; Psychology; United Kingdom; Police Foundation Wu, Kuang-Ming; Law; Taiwan; Georgetown University Youssef, Ezzat Ibrahim M ikhail; Communications and Journalism; Egypt; Brookings Institution; American Political Science Association** Zhu, Liqun; Political Science; China; George Washington University Zoll, Fryderyk Andrzej; Law; Poland; Catholic University o f America Zolotareva, Larisa; Education; Russia; George Washington University Florida Abu Sawi, Mustafa Mahmoud Yousef; Philosophy; West Bank; Florida Atlantic University Baldi, Pablo Cesar; Biological Sciences; Argentina; University o f South Florida* Berdouzi, Brahim; Engineering; Morocco; University o f Florida Darrag, Fathi Abdalla; Theater and Dance; Egypt; Florida State University* Israfilov, Rauf; Geology; Azerbaijan; University o f South Florida Issers, Oxana; Linguistics; Russia; Florida State University Nechaev, Yury; Environmental Sciences; Russia; University o f Miami Novikova, Anastasia; Education; Russia; University o f Central Florida Otamendi Herrera, Ainhoa; Psychology; Spain; Florida State University* Pandey, Sushil Raj; Political Science; Nepal; Tallahassee Community College; Florida State U niversity** Rivera-Canales, Delia Rebeca; Medical Sciences; Honduras; University o f Florida* Singh, Nandita; Environmental Sciences; India; University o f Florida* Spiridonova, Em iliya Vasileva; Public Administration; Bulgaria; Barry University Georgia Baldochi, Laercio Augusto; Computer Science; B razil; Georgia Institute o f Technology* Calingacion, Belen Divinagracia; Theater and Dance; Philippines; Kennesaw State University; Georgia Southern U niversity** Goncharov, Dm itry; Political Science; Russia; University o f Georgia Gudmundsdottir, Am fridur; Religious Studies; Iceland; Emory University Ibraev, Kuban Sagynovich; Environmental Sciences; Kyrgyz Republic; Environmental Protection Agency Khoo, Boo Teong; Law; Malaysia; Emory University; Georgetown U niversity** Lafi, Shawkat Q.M.; Agriculture; Jordan; Fort V alley State University Onukawa, Monday Chibudo; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Nigeria; Fort Valley State University Ould Lahoucine, Cherif; Engineering; Algeria; Georgia Institute o f Technology Pidlisnyuk, Valentyna; Environmental Sciences; Ukraine; University o f Georgia Thong, Meow-Keong; Medical Sciences; Malaysia; Centers for Disease Control Tovt-Korshynska, Marianna; Psychology; Ukraine; University o f Pittsburgh; University o f Georgia** Vaidyanathan, Ramamurthy; Business Adm inistration; India; Georgia State University* Yerm ilov, Artem; Linguistics; Kazakhstan; U niversity o f Georgia Young, Raymond; Law; Canada; Georgia State University Hawaii Fenk-Oczlon, Gertraud; Linguistics; Austria; University o f Hawaii Manoa Hamatani, Hitoshi; Theater and Dance; Japan; University o f Hawaii Manoa Kusalwong, Anusom; Biological Sciences; Thailand; University o f Hawaii Manoa Lim, Chong Fong; Law; Malaysia; University o f Hawaii Manoa Idaho Anderson, Volodymyr; Economics; Ukraine; University o f Idaho Kirikova, Marite; Computer Science; Latvia; Boise State University Tert, Mohamed A li; Agriculture; Syria; University o f Idaho * A complete listing fo r this scholar can be found in the Visiting Scholars section at the end o f the directory. 88 * * Indicates a scholar with m ultiple affiliations.

87 Host State Index Illin o is Alonge, Andrea Giaime; History (non-u.s.); Italy; U niversity o f Chicago Aruninta, A riya; Architecture and Urban Planning; Thailand; U niversity o f Illinois Chicago Bahar, Ism ail Hakki; Medical Sciences; Turkey; Loyola U niversity Chicago Boeger, Astrid; Area Studies; Germany; University o f Illin o is Chicago* Bonifaz Conto, Edison Alfredo; Engineering; Ecuador; U niversity o f Illinois Chicago Camevali, Barbara; Philosophy; Italy; University o f Chicago Castells Caballe, Eva; Biological Sciences; Spain; U niversity o f Illinois Urbana-Champaign* Cefai, Daniel Marie; Sociology and Social Work; France; University o f Chicago Celati, Giovanni; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Italy; U niversity o f Chicago* Chen, Shyh-jer; Business Administration; Taiwan; U niversity o f Illinois Urbana-Champaign Chroni-Kakourou, Georgia; Education; Greece; School o f the A rt Institute o f Chicago Cordier, Jean Emile; Economics; France; University o f Illin o is Urbana-Champaign Del Prado M illan, Ruth; Biological Sciences; Spain; Field Museum o f Natural History Dobrescu, Caius; Political Science; Romania; U niversity o f Chicago* Fevrier, Philippe Vincent; Economics; France; U niversity o f Chicago Ghosh, Arindam; Engineering; India; University o f Illin o is Urbana-Champaign Hellesund, Tone; Sociology and Social Work; Norway; University o f Chicago Kerschen, Gaetan Fons; Engineering; Belgium; U niversity o f Illinois Urbana-Champaign Klavins, Kaspars; History (non-u.s.); Latvia; Roosevelt University Martinez Diaz, Sonia; Mathematics; Spain; University o f Illin o is Urbana-Champaign Maslak, Anatoli; Education; Russia; University o f Illin o is Chicago Mazzoni, Guido; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Ita ly; University o f Chicago Narboux, Jean-Philippe Pierre; Philosophy; France; U niversity o f Chicago Ngundam, John Mucho; Engineering; Cameroon; Argonne National Laboratory Panananon, Chatchai; History (non-u.s.); Thailand; N orth Central College Salazar A llen, Noris; Biological Sciences; Panama; Southern Illin o is University Carbondale; Michigan Technological U niversity*,** Sanchez Sarmiento, Gustavo; Engineering; Argentina; Illinois Institute o f Technology* Some, Magloire; Religious Studies; Burkina Faso; University o f Illinois Urbana-Champaign Tan, M ing Jen; Engineering; Singapore; University o f California Los Angeles; Northwestern U niversity** Toledo, Eran; Physics and Astronomy; Israel; University o f Chicago Vasquez Bonilla, Sebastian; Chemistry; Panama; Northwestern University* Vlachos, Jonas Dim itrios; Economics; Sweden; University o f Chicago Wang, Keng-Ling; Law; Taiwan; University o f Illin o is Urbana-Champaign Wilson, Paul; Sociology and Social Work; United Kingdom; Northwestern University Xia, Jianzhong; Sociology and Social Work; China; University o f Chicago Xiao, Jianhua; Law; China; Northwestern University Zhang, Jun; American Literature; China; University o f Chicago Indiana A it El Mekki, Akka; Agriculture; Morocco; Purdue University De Gandarias, Igor; Music; Guatemala; Indiana University Bloomington* Devos, Isabelle M.; History (non-u.s.); Belgium; Indiana University Bloomington; University o f California B erkeley * * Dhital, Megh Raj; Geology; Nepal; Purdue University Huang, Jia-Chi; Business Administration; Taiwan; Indiana University Bloomington Karayev, Begench Saparowich; Political Science; Turkmenistan; Indiana University Bloomington Khamas, Wael A.; Biological Sciences; Jordan; Purdue University Kudebayeva, Alma; Economics; Kazakhstan; Indiana University Bloomington Lee, Hyunoo; Linguistics; Korea; Indiana University Bl oomington Locatelli, Carla; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Italy; University o f Notre Dame* Martins Ribeiro Sanches, Maria Manuela; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Portugal; University o f California Santa Cruz; University o f California Santa Cruz; Indiana University Bloomington* * M iroiu, Mihaela; Political Science; Romania; Indiana University Bloomington Pokrovskiy, N ikita; Sociology and Social Work; Russia; Indiana University Northwest * A complete listing fo r this scholar can be found in the Visiting Scholars section at the end o f the directory. * * Indicates a scholar with multiple affiliations. 89

88 Host State Index Savas, Ekrem; Mathematics; Turkey; Indiana University Bloomington Teferra Kidanemariam, Tirussew; Education; Ethiopia; Indiana University Bloomington Tolosa de Talamoni, Nori; Chemistry; Argentina; University o f Notre Dame* Uchida, Hirofumi; Economics; Japan; Bryn Mawr College; Indiana University -Bloomington** Yu, Chian-Son; Business Administration; Taiwan; Purdue University Zurek, Slawomir Jacek; Religious Studies; Poland; University o f Notre Dame* Iowa Bak, Joannes Theodorus Jozef; American Literature; Netherlands; University o f Iowa Banin, Ehud; Biological Sciences; Israel; University o f Iowa* Bataineh, Ziad M.; Biological Sciences; Jordan; University o f Iowa Burmistrova, Valentina Ivanovna; Mathematics; Turkmenistan; Iowa State University o f Science and Technology Hauser, Hans; Engineering; Austria; Iowa State University o f Science and Technology Mogirzan, Emanoil Comeliu; Law; Romania; University o f Iowa Rannikmae, M iia; Education; Estonia; University o f Iowa* Villalobos, Jose S.; Linguistics; Venezuela; University o f Iowa Kansas A l-a ni, Falah Khalil; Medical Sciences; Jordan; Kansas State University Cruz, Isagani Ronquillo; American Literature; Philippines; Wichita State University Lai, Rubina Shanker; Education; India; Kansas State University San, Gee; Economics; Taiwan; University o f Kansas Szonyi, Gyorgy Endre; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Hungary; University o f Kansas; University o f Kansas** Kentucky Ascigil, Semra Feriha; Business Administration; Turkey; Western Kentucky University Cabanillas, Ana Maria; Biological Sciences; Argentina; University o f Louisville* Gupta, Ashum; Psychology; India; University o f Louisville Leahy, Anne Marie; Music; Ireland; University o f Louisville Louisiana Chen, An-Lin; Business Administration; Taiwan; Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College Chowdhury, Muhammad Abdul Mannan; Economics; Bangladesh; University o f New Orleans D i Giovanni, Vincenzo; Anthropology and Archaeology; Italy; Northwestern State University; The University o f Louisiana at Monroe** Giambartolomei, Guillermo Heman; Biological Sciences; Argentina; Tulane University* Godinez Jaimes, Flaviano; Mathematics; Mexico; Tulane University Osojnicki, Vesna; Art; Croatia; Delgado Community College Vidulescu, Cristina Felicia Virginia; Biological Sciences; Romania; Tulane University Maine Susilo, Joko; Theater and Dance; Indonesia; Bates College Maryland Apezteguia, Heman Patricio; Environmental Sciences; Argentina; University o f Maryland College Park* Badescu, Gabriel; Political Science; Romania; University o f Maryland College Park Brajovic, Ana Zorana; Music; Serbia and Montenegro; Johns Hopkins University Bystrom, Jonas Bengt; Medical Sciences; Sweden; National Institutes o f Health* Ciechanowski, Jan Stanislaw; History (non-u.s.); Poland; National Archives and Records Administration* Farre Pueyo, Javier Manuel; Medical Sciences; Spain; Johns Hopkins University Furtan, W illiam; Economics; Canada; University o f Maryland College Park Lai, Tsung-Hsuan; Medical Sciences; Taiwan; Johns Hopkins University Lennartsson, Johan K jell Robert; Medical Sciences; Sweden; National Institutes o f Health Lennartsson, Johan K jell Robert; Medical Sciences; Sweden; National Institutes o f Health* Leypoldt, Guenter; American Literature; Germany; University o f Maryland College Park * A complete listing fo r this scholar can be found in the Visiting Scholars section at the end o f the directory. 90 * * Indicates a scholar with m ultiple affiliations.

89 Host State Index Miyamoto, Yoichiro; American Literature; Japan; University o f Maryland College Park Obrou, O livie r Kouadio; Physics and Astronomy; Cote d Ivoire; NASA/Goddard Space F light Center Perez Folgar, Jorge Rodolfo; Biological Sciences; Guatemala; Johns Hopkins U niversity* Revilla Rodriguez, Marta Isabel; Biological Sciences; Spain; University o f Maryland Center for Environmental Science* Ribeiro Bronze da Rocha, Elsa Maria; Biological Sciences; Portugal; National Institutes o f Health Shabana, Yasser Mohamed A li Mohamed; Engineering; Egypt; University o f Maryland College Park Skrtic, Stanko; M edical Sciences; Sweden; National Institutes o f Health* Massachusetts Abad Grau, M aria del Mar; Computer Science; Spain; U niversity o f Massachusetts Amherst; Boston U n ive rsity*,** Aleryani, Samir Lutf; Biological Sciences; Yemen; Massachusetts General Hospital Alvarado Mendoza, Arturo; Sociology and Social W ork; Mexico; Massachusetts Institute o f Technology Amaya-Castro, Juan Manuel; Law; Netherlands; Harvard U niversity Bal, Idris; P olitical Science; Turkey; Harvard U niversity Burell, M attias Anders; Political Science; Sweden; Harvard U niversity* Carreira da Silva, Filipe M iguel; P olitical Science; Portugal; Harvard University Cavalcanti, V irginia de Saboia Moreira; Psychology; Brazil; Harvard University* Chen, Guoquan; Business Adm inistration; China; Massachusetts Institute o f Technology Chuang, Yih-C hyi; Economics; Taiwan; Harvard U niversity Corkalo, Dinka; Psychology; Croatia; University o f Massachusetts Amherst Correia, Roberta Targino Pinto; Engineering; Brazil; U niversity o f Massachusetts Amherst* Diaz Carretero, Maria Isabel; Chemistry; Spain; U niversity o f Massachusetts Amherst; University o f Minnesota Tw in C ities*,** Ding, Shuhfan; Political Science; Taiwan; Harvard U niversity Dylawerska de Lagarde, Agnieszka; History (non-u.s.); Mexico; Greenfield Community College* Elci, La tif; Chemistry; Turkey; U niversity o f Massachusetts Amherst Elosua Llanos, Roberto; M edical Sciences; Spain; Tufts University; Boston U niversity*,** Fassi Fehri, Abdelkader; Linguistics; Morocco; Massachusetts Institute o f Technology Ferreira, Fernando Inocencio; Philosophy; Portugal; Harvard University Fitz, Karsten; Area Studies; Germany; Harvard University; American Antiquarian Society*,** Furst, Edgar Franz Josef; Economics; Costa Rica; U niversity o f Massachusetts Amherst* Gervais, Pierre; American H istory; France; Harvard U niversity Golobic, Mojca; Architecture and Urban Planning; Slovenia; Harvard U niversity Gomez-Ceballos Retuerto, G uillelm o; Physics and Astronomy; Spain; Massachusetts Institute o f Technology* Grgic, Filip ; Philosophy; Croatia; Harvard U niversity Hentosh, Liliana; History (non-u.s.); Ukraine; Harvard University Hershkovych, Yakiv; Anthropology and Archaeology; Ukraine; W ellesley College Hoang, Giao Ngoc; Law; Vietnam; Boston University Holstein, Diego; History (non-u.s.); Israel; Boston U niversity Horstmann, Alexander Klaus Erich; Anthropology and Archaeology; Germany; Harvard University Huang, Kun-Gin; Education; Taiwan; Harvard U niversity Huang, Y i-h ui; Communications and Journalism; Taiwan; Harvard U niversity Kabir, Mohammad Humayun; Political Science; Bangladesh; Boston U niversity* K a fri, Yariv; Physics and Astronomy; Israel; Harvard U niversity* K im, Chae Young; Religious Studies; Korea; Harvard University Lazarus, Sandra; Psychology; South Africa; Boston College; University o f New M exico** Lim, Seong Ho; P olitical Science; Korea; Yale University; Simmons C ollege** Lopez Garcia, Esther; Medical Sciences; Spain; Harvard U niversity* Marutyan, Harutyun; Political Science; Armenia; Massachusetts Institute o f Technology M ilne, K irsty M airi; Communications and Journalism; United Kingdom; Harvard University Mourino Carballido, Beatriz; Environmental Sciences; Spain; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Narayan, Jayanthi; Education; India; Boston College Nycander, Jonas; Physics and Astronomy; Sweden; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution* Pai, Hyung M in; Architecture and Urban Planning; Korea; Massachusetts Institute o f Technology * A complete listing fo r this scholar can be found in the Visiting Scholars section at the end o f the directory. * * Indicates a scholar with m ultiple affiliations. 91

90 Host State Index Panin, Victor; Political Science; Russia; Harvard University Petrovic, Pavle; Economics; Serbia and Montenegro; Harvard University Philips, Julian Montagu; Music; United Kingdom; Harvard University* Pintea, Iurie; Political Science; Moldova; Harvard University Ramos Palencia, Fernando Carlos; Economics; Spain; Harvard University* Rothschild, Avner; Engineering; Israel; Massachusetts Institute o f Technology Ruiz Garcia, Antonia; Physics and Astronomy; Spain; Harvard University Sanzol Sanz, Francisco Javier; Agriculture; Spain; University o f Massachusetts Amherst* Sato, Chitose; History (non-u.s.); Japan; Harvard University Schoots, Ivo Gerardus; Medical Sciences; Netherlands; Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Schwetz, Herbert; Medical Sciences; Austria; Harvard University Simpson, Graham Lorimer; Chemistry; United Kingdom; Massachusetts Institute o f Technology Sokolsky, Joel; Political Science; Canada; Bridgewater State College Souvermezoglou, Ekaterini; Environmental Sciences; Greece; Harvard University* Srijunngam, Jirarach; Biological Sciences; Thailand; Boston University Suttajit, Siritree; Medical Sciences; Thailand; Harvard University* Tlemcani, Rachid; Political Science; Algeria; Harvard University Tokareva, Irina; Linguistics; Belarus; Harvard University Tsuhako, Sumiko; Medical Sciences; Japan; Boston College Valenzuela Aguilera, Alfonso; Architecture and Urban Planning; Mexico; Massachusetts Institute o f Technology Van Doninck, Karine M.F.; Biological Sciences; Belgium; Harvard University V ila Ujaldon, Roger; Biological Sciences; Spain; Harvard University* Visted, Therese; Medical Sciences; Norway; Massachusetts General Hospital Vorobeva, Natalya; Medical Sciences; Russia; Harvard School o f Public Health Xiao, Fei; Education; China; University o f Massachusetts Boston Yfantis, Konstantinos; Political Science; Greece; Harvard University* Yin, Aiqing; Music; China; New England Conservatory o f Music Zhou, Zhiren; Public Administration; China; Harvard University Michigan B onfiglioli, Aldo; Engineering; Italy; University o f Michigan Ann Arbor Chang, Chih-Kai; Computer Science; Taiwan; University o f Michigan Ann Arbor Comtois, Paul; Biological Sciences; Canada; Michigan State University Fullsack, Manfred; Philosophy; Austria; Michigan State University Ginter, Michal Stanislaw; Geology; Poland; Michigan State University Gotsias, Apostolos; Economics; Greece; Michigan State University Homan, Astrid Carlotta; Psychology; Netherlands; Michigan State University Janda, Richard Alexander; Law; Canada; Michigan State University Liu, Jinlan; Business Administration; China; University o f Michigan Ann Arbor Mekonnen, Baye Yimam; Linguistics; Ethiopia; Michigan State University M ihai, Ion; Mathematics; Romania; Michigan State University Nauryzbayeva, Raushan; Law; Kazakhstan; Michigan State University Ongan, Serdar; Economics; Turkey; Michigan State University Ostlund, O lof David; History (non-u.s.); Sweden; University o f Michigan Ann Arbor Pant, Hans Anand; Psychology; Germany; University o f Michigan Ann Arbor Rodriguez-Pena, Carlos Manuel; Biological Sciences; Dominican Republic; University o f Michigan Ann Arbor* Rollnick, Marissa Susan; Education; South Africa; Western Michigan University Sadamate, Vishwanath Vishnu; Agriculture; India; Michigan State University Salazar Allen, Noris; Biological Sciences; Panama; Southern Illinois University Carbondale; Michigan Technological U niversity*,** Schmitter Soto, Juan Jacobo; Biological Sciences; Mexico; University o f Michigan Ann Arbor Stoyanov, Chavdar Penev; Physics and Astronomy; Bulgaria; Michigan State University Minnesota Alaoui, Si Bennasseur; Agriculture; Morocco; University o f Minnesota Twin Cities * A complete listing fo r this scholar can be found in the Visiting Scholars section at the end o f the directory. 92 * * Indicates a scholar with multiple affiliations.

91 Host State Index Alvarez M ontaner, Josep; Mathematics; Spain; U niversity o f Minnesota Tw in C ities* Am inigo, Ebiokpo Rebecca; Biological Sciences; N igeria; U n ive rsity o f M innesota T w in Cities Aromdee, Chantana; M edical Sciences; Thailand; U n ive rsity o f M innesota T w in Cities Atm ani, Fouad; B iological Sciences; M orocco; Mayo C lin ic Bares, M artin ; M edical Sciences; Czech Republic; U n ive rsity o f M innesota T w in C ities B iletska, S vitlana; Education; Ukraine; U niversity o f M innesota M orris Brush, Paul James; Economics; United Kingdom ; U n ive rsity o f M innesota T w in Cities Diaz C arretero, M aria Isabel; Chemistry; Spain; U n ive rsity o f Massachusetts Am herst; University o f M innesota T w in C itie s *,** Esquivel Lopez, Enrique Javier; Communications and Journalism ; M exico; Moorhead State University Hwang, San-Yih; Computer Science; Taiwan; U n ive rsity o f Minnesota T w in Cities Lievens, F ilip R.O.; Psychology; Belgium ; U niversity o f M innesota T w in Cities M ajor, Dan Thomas; Chemistry; Israel; U niversity o f M innesota T w in Cities M arkova, M arketa; M edical Sciences; Czech Republic; U n ive rsity o f M innesota Tw in Cities Mras, Gabriele M onika; Philosophy; Austria; U n ive rsity o f Minnesota Tw in Cities Sampaio, Andre Luiz Lopes; B iological Sciences; B ra z il; U n ive rsity o f Minnesota T w in C ities* Van Tinteren, Jennifer Rowan; Public Administration; United Kingdom ; University o f Minnesota Twin Cities Mississippi Pazdniak, Viachaslau Eduardovich; P o litica l Science; Belarus; Jackson State U niversity* M issouri B akic, D am ir; Mathematics; Croatia; W ashington U n ive rsity Cenuser, D id i Ionel; American Literature; Romania; Southeast M issouri State U niversity Chen, Y uh-m ei Dora; TEFL/Applied Linguistics; Taiw an; U nive rsity o f M issouri Columbia Cho, Ji-H yung; Am erican H istory; Korea; University o f M isso u ri Columbia Eid A lta razi, Eid Abdel Rahman; Geology; Jordan; U n ive rsity o f M issouri Columbia Havers, R obin Paul; H istory (non-u.s.); United Kingdom ; Westminster College Koenig, Thomas; P o litica l Science; Germany; Washington U niversity* Lee, Ju Cheon; American H istory; Korea; University o f M issouri St. Louis Liang, Tsai-Ling; TE FL/A pplied Linguistics; Taiwan; Washington U niversity N jock, Thomas Eku; Biological Sciences; Cameroon; Donald Danforth Plant Science Center Roye, Marcia Elaine; B iological Sciences; Jamaica; Donald Danforth Plant Science Center* Montana Akm ataliev, Almazbek Akm atalievich; Education; K yrgyz Republic; University o f Montana M issoula E l-w err, Abdel Khalek Mahmoud; Geology; Egypt; Montana Tech o f the U niversity o f Montana* Nebraska Bueno, Adeney de Freitas; Agriculture; Brazil; U niversity o f Nebraska Lincoln * E l Hedeny, Am any Massoud Mohamed; P olitical Science; Egypt; Nebraska Wesleyan U niversity Golovacheva, Irina; American Literature; Russia; U niversity o f Nebraska Lincoln Narayanan, Ganapathy; Sociology and Social W ork; Singapore; U niversity o f Nebraska Lincoln Nevada Awadh, Galal Abdulelah Mohammed; Environmental Sciences; Yemen; U niversity o f Nevada Reno New Hampshire Albrechtova, Jana; Environmental Sciences; Czech Republic; U niversity o f New Hampshire New Jersey Andrieu, C laire Jeannina Francoise; H istory (non-u.s.); France; Princeton U niversity Cheong, Insuk; Economics; Korea; Princeton U niversity Fabiny, Tibor; Religious Studies; Hungary; Princeton Theological Seminary Halasz, A ttila Laszlo; Sociology and Social W ork; Hungary; Rutgers, The State U niversity o f New Jersey Piscataway A complete listing fo r this scholar can be found in the Visiting Scholars section at the end o f the directory. ** Indicates a scholar with multiple affiliations. 93

92 Host State Index H einstrom, Jannica Elisabet; L ib ra ry Science; Finland; Rutgers, The State U n ive rsity o f N ew Jersey N ew Brunsw ick Jablan, S la vik; M athematics; Serbia and M ontenegro; U n ive rsity o f W isconsin M adison; N ew Jersey Institute o f Technology * * K im, K yu Hyun; T E F L /A p p lie d L in g u istics; Korea; Rutgers, The State U n ive rsity o f N ew Jersey N ew B ru n sw ick* K is, Oksana; S ociology and S ocial W o rk; U kraine; Rutgers, The State U n ive rsity o f N ew Jersey N ew Brunsw ick Silneva, L id ija ; S ociology and S ocial W o rk; L a tvia ; M onm outh U n ive rsity Tafa, E u fim ia ; Education; Greece; Rutgers, The State U n ive rsity o f N ew Jersey N ew B ru nsw ick New Mexico A yd in, C engiz Hakan; E ducation; T urke y; U n ive rsity o f N ew M exico De Pury, M arianne; Theater and Dance; S w itzerland; San Juan College Lazarus, Sandra; Psychology; South A fric a ; Boston C ollege; U n ive rsity o f N ew M e x ic o ** Schulz, D iete r; A m erican Lite ratu re; G erm any; U n ive rsity o f N ew M exico New Y o rk Alanne, A nne M a rita ; Theater and Dance; F inland; C olum bia U n ive rsity A ttu c c i, C laudia; P hilosophy; Ita ly ; C olum bia U n ive rsity B a jziko va, L u b ica ; Business A d m in istra tio n ; S lovak R epublic; C orne ll U n ive rsity Bam aby, Loraine Angela M arie; M edical Sciences; Jamaica; N ew Y o rk U n iv e rs ity * Barrero N unez, M aria Jose; B io lo g ic a l Sciences; Spain; R ocke fe lle r U n iv e rs ity * Basnyat, D ivas Bahadur; E ngineering; N epal; C olum bia U n ive rsity Bezzina, C hristopher George; E ducation; M alta ; U n iv e rsity at B u ffa lo, The State U n iv e rs ity o f N ew Y o rk C a p illa Campos, Encamacion; B io lo g ic a l Sciences; Spain; S tony B ro o k U n iv e rs ity * C hakhnovitch, M arianna; R eligio us Studies; Russia; U n iv e rs ity o f Rochester Dancak, B re tisla v; P o litic a l Science; Czech R epublic; C olum bia U n ive rsity D e l R io A lo nso, Laura; M ed ica l Sciences; Spain; C orne ll U n iv e rsity * Etchenique, R oberto Arg en tino ; C hem istry; A rgentina; C olum bia U n iv e rs ity Garcia-Osta, Ana M aria ; M edical Sciences; Spain; M ou nt Sinai School o f M ed icin e * H arry, O telemate Gaibo; L in g u istics; Jamaica; S u ffo lk C ounty C om m unity College Am m erm an K alnicka, Zdenka; Philosophy; Czech Republic; S U N Y C ollege at C ortland Kapadia, Shagufa Gautam; Psychology; India; New School U nive rsity K im, Joong Seop; S ociology and Social W ork; Korea; C olum bia U n ive rsity K o, Jong Hw an; Econom ics; Korea; C olumbia U n iv e rs ity K ohiyam a, R u i; A rea Studies; Japan; Binghamton U n iv e rs ity * Kolbuszewska, Z ofia H alina; Am erican Literature; Poland; C olum bia U n iv e rs ity K u n ic k i-g o ld fin g e r, Jerzy Jakub; A rt H isto ry; Poland; C om ing Museum o f Glass Kurasawa, F uyuki; Sociology and Social W ork; Canada; Y ale U n iv e rsity ; New Y o rk U n iv e rsity ** K u sn ir, Jaroslav; A m erican Literatu re; Slovak R epublic; U n iv e rs ity at B u ffa lo, The State U n ive rsity o f N ew Y o rk Laczko, Jozsef; B io lo g ic a l Sciences; H ungary; New Y o rk U n ive rsity Lashley, B everley Pa tricia ; L ib ra ry Science; Jamaica; C orne ll U n iv e rs ity * Lee, H aiyoung; A m erican Lite ratu re; Korea; New Y o rk U n ive rsity Lee, P ui-t ak; H is to ry (non-u.s.); H ong Kong; C orne ll U n iv e rsity L isko va, K aterina; S o ciolo gy and Social W o rk; Czech R epublic; N ew School U n iv e rsity Lyssova, Alexandra; S ociology and Social W ork; Russia; N ew Y o rk U n iv e rsity M asi, A n to n io ; B io lo g ic a l Sciences; Ita ly ; C ornell U n iv e rs ity M ersel, Y ig a l; Law ; Israe l; New Y o rk U n ive rsity M ostafa, M ohamed M oham ed Hussein; P o litica l Science; E gypt; N azareth C ollege o f Rochester N D iaye, Papa Am adou A w a ; H is to ry (non-u.s.); France; C olum bia U n iv e rsity N go, B in h X uan; E conom ics; V ietnam ; C ornell U n ive rsity N is h ita n i, Y u ko ; Law ; Japan; C olum bia U n ive rsity O drio zola M oncayola, L e tic ia ; B io lo g ic a l Sciences; Spain; M o u n t S inai School o f M edicine O Regan, T a rik H a m ilto n ; M u sic; U n ite d K ingdom ; C olum bia U n iv e rs ity O rtin o, Federico; L aw ; Ita ly ; New Y o rk U n ive rsity P a dilla, N elson D avid ; Physics and A stronom y; A rg en tina ; C orne ll U n iv e rsity * *A complete listing fo r this scholar can be found in the Visiting Scholars section at the end o f the directory. 94 ** Indicates a scholar w ith m ultiple a ffilia tio ns.

93 Host State Index Parmar, Sejal; Law ; U nited Kingdom; New Y o rk U niversity Pascual Gasco, Roberto; Business Adm inistration; Spain; N ew Y o rk U nive rsity* Pesce, Sara; Am erican Literature; Ita ly ; New Y o rk U niversity* Praszalowicz, D orota; Am erican H istory; Poland; New York U niversity Praszalowicz, M ichal Pawel; Physics and Astronomy; Poland; Brookhaven N ational Laboratories Rampersad, Sheila; Sociology and Social W ork; Trinidad and Tobago; St. Lawrence U n ive rsity* Reguant M iranda, Cristina; B iological Sciences; Spain; Cornell U niversity Geneva Campus* Risbridger, G a il Petuna; M edical Sciences; A ustralia; Columbia U niversity Salas Velasco, M anuel; Economics; Spain; Columbia U niversity* Sergunin, Alexander; P olitical Science; Russia; Cornell U niversity Shirobokov, Sergey; Education; Russia; SUNY C ollege at Cortland Suarez Toste, Ernesto Jesus; Am erican Literature; Spain; Vassar College Takai, Y u ka ri; H istory (non-u.s.); Japan; Columbia U niversity* Takubo, Y uko; Sociology and Social W ork; Japan; Columbia U niversity Talwar, Neelim a; Theater and Dance; India; New Y ork U niversity Tassoni, A nnalisa; Bio lo g ica l Sciences; Ita ly; C ornell U niversity Tran, Huong Thi Xuan; Education; Vietnam; New York U niversity Tursunov, Rasul; Economics; Uzbekistan; SUNY C ollege at Fredonia Uhlar, Blahoslav; Theater and Dance; Slovak Republic; C U N Y Graduate School and U niversity Center Vlizos, Stavros; Anthropology and Archaeology; Greece; Y ale U niversity; M etropolitan Museum o f A rt** Wang, Dong; Business Adm inistration; China; Columbia U niversity W ickramasinghe, N ira K o n jit; H istory (non-u.s.); Sri Lanka; New Y o rk U niversity Yuval, Fany; P o litica l Science; Israel; New Y ork U niversity Zakar, Muhammad Zakria; Sociology and Social W ork; Pakistan; Stony Brook U niversity North Carolina A lte l, Taleb H.T.; Chemistry; West Bank; Duke U niversity B ari, Ferenc; M edical Sciences; Hungary; Wake Forest U niversity B ila j, Fatm ir; M edical Sciences; Albania; U niversity o f N orth Carolina Chapel H ill Chong, Jong Sup; Law; Korea; Duke University C oulibaly, Yezouma; Engineering; Burkina Faso; N orth Carolina State U niversity Cryan, Sally-Ann; M edical Sciences; Ireland; U nive rsity o f N orth Carolina Chapel H ill Galhardo, Edvaldo Pereira; Physics and Astronomy; B ra zil; East Carolina U n ive rsity* lon ita, Petre Ion; Chemistry; Romania; N orth Carolina State U niversity K im, Hyun Joo; Education; Korea; Duke U niversity L oitto, Vesa M atti; B iological Sciences; Sweden; U niversity o f North Carolina -Chapel H ill* Maestre G il, Fernando Tomas; B iological Sciences; Spain; Duke U niversity Moawad, Tarek Ibrahim Saad; Biological Sciences; Egypt; East Carolina U niversity M o ri Sanchez, Paula; Chemistry; Spain; Duke U niversity* Naghiyeva, Shahla; Am erican Literature; Azerbaijan; East Carolina U niversity Nyarko, Alexander Kwadwo; M edical Sciences; Ghana; U niversity o f N orth Carolina Chapel H ill Pandian, Cynthia; Education; India; Davidson College Voutilainen, Sari Laura M aarit; M edical Sciences; Finland; U niversity o f N orth Carolina Chapel H ill W iner, Stanley L.; Economics; Canada; Duke U niversity; U niversity o f C alifornia Irvin e ** Ohio Chotpattananont, Datchanee; Chemistry; Thailand; Case Western Reserve U niversity De Los Santos Sans C u ffi, M iguel; M edical Sciences; Spain; Case Western Reserve U niversity* Fullana, Andres; Engineering; Spain; University o f D ayton* Gerencser, Judit; Library Science; Hungary; Cleveland State U niversity Guimaraes, Leda M aria de Barros; A rt; B razil; Ohio State U niversity Columbus loan, Augustin M arian; Philosophy; Romania; U niversity o f Cincinnati Ism ail A b de llatif, Aym an Mohamed; Architecture and Urban Planning; Egypt; O hio State U niversity Columbus M artinez, Patricia Anne; Religious Studies; Malaysia; Ohio U niversity; Stanford U niversity** Sanchez Roman, Jose Antonio; H istory (non-u.s.); Spain; Ohio State U niversity Columbus* Sandoval Rodriguez, Sonia M argarita; Environmental Sciences; Ecuador; Baldwin-W allace College A complete listing fo r this scholar can be found in the Visiting Scholars section at the end o f the directory. ** Indicates a scholar with multiple affiliations. 95

94 Host State Index S irozi, M uham m ad; E ducation; Indonesia; H a rtfo rd Sem inary; O hio U n iv e rs ity *,** V a vrla, Lukas; Business A d m in is tra tio n ; Czech R epublic; U n iv e rsity o f C in cin n a ti W ang, C h a o -Y i; M ed ica l Sciences; T aiw an; O hio State U n iv e rsity C olum bus W u, T ie n -ta i; A n th ro p o lo g y and A rch ae olog y; T aiw an; O hio State U n iv e rs ity C olum bus Oklahom a Iw asaki, Yo shita ka ; A m erican Studies; Japan; U n iv e rsity o f O klahom a Oregon B arbeito Erba, L u is H.; M e d ica l Sciences; U ruguay; Oregon State U nive rsity C hiang, W e i-h w a ; A rch ite ctu re and U rban Planning; T aiw an; U n iv e rs ity o f O regon Guedes Abrantes, Fatim a Filom ena; G eology; P ortugal; O regon State U n iv e rs ity Kurbanov, E ldar; Environm ental Sciences; Russia; Oregon State U n iv e rsity P lazl, Ig o r; E ngineering; S lovenia; O regon State U n iv e rs ity Saed, Ivonne G rego; Language and L ite ratu re (no n-u.s.); M e xico ; Chemeketa C om m un ity C ollege Tabachnick, D a vid Edw ard; P o litic a l Science; Canada; Portland State U nive rsity T arjue lo C apdevila, Isabel; B io lo g ic a l Sciences; Spain; O regon In s titu te o f M arine B io lo g y * Pennsylvania A rita, K e ik o ; S ociology and S ocial W o rk; Japan; B ryn M a w r C olleg e; U n iv e rsity o f C a lifo rn ia San Francisco; U n iv e rsity o f C a lifo rn ia B e rke le y ** Ashurova, R oziyam o Ashurovna; Law ; T ajikistan; U n iv e rsity o f P ennsylvania B aroudi, Sami E m ile ; P o litic a l Science; Lebanon; V illa n o v a U n iv e rsity B arta, M iro s la v ; A n th ro p o lo g y and A rchaeology; Czech R ep u b lic; U n iv e rsity o f Pennsylvania B obrova, Larysa; L in g u istics; U kra in e ; Pennsylvania State U n iv e rsity U n iv e rs ity Park Charvat, Petr Zdenek; A nthropology and Archaeology; Czech R e p ub lic; U n iv e rs ity o f P ennsylvania Chiang Sanchez, Luciano Eduardo; Engineering; C h ile ; C arnegie M e llo n U n iv e rs ity C ig rin a, L ilia ; M e d ica l Sciences; M o ld o va ; Pennsylvania State U nive rsity U n ive rsity Park Crem aschi, M arco; A rchitecture and Urban Planning; Ita ly ; U n iv e rs ity o f P ittsburgh D edic, Rem zo; Engineering; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Carnegie M e llo n U n iv e rsity D iaz, M aria Soledad; Engineering; Argentina; Carnegie M e llo n U n iv e rs ity * Dobesova, Katerina; Econom ics; Czech Republic; Carnegie M e llo n U n iv e rs ity D u v v uru, Jamuna; P sychology; In d ia ; Pennsylvania State U n iv e rs ity U n iv e rsity Park Fang, R ong-jyue; E ducation; Taiw an; Pennsylvania State U n iv e rs ity U n iv e rsity Park Herm ens, Frouke; P sychology; Netherlands; P ennsylvania State U n iv e rs ity U n ive rsity Park H o, Sui chu Esther; E ducation; H ong Kong; U niversity o f P ittsburgh; P ennsylvania State U n iv e rs ity U n iv e rs ity P a rk** Lem us-sandoval, Jorge Ernesto; L in g u istics; El Salvador; P ennsylvania State U n ive rsity U nive rsity P ark* Lopez-G arcia, P ilar; M edical Sciences; Spain; U n iv e rs ity o f P ittsb u rg h * M a rin i, M atteo Benedetto; Econom ics; Ita ly ; U n iv e rsity o f P ittsb u rg h * M ilte n o va, A nissava Lubenova; Language and L ite ratu re (no n-u.s.); B u lg a ria ; U n ive rsity o f P ittsburgh M u h id in o v, Z a yn id d in ; C hem istry; T a jikista n ; Tem ple U n iv e rsity O yama, Y u k i; C om m unications and Journalism ; Japan; B ryn M a w r C ollege; S tanford U n iv e rs ity ** S ervetti, Sim ona; M e d ica l Sciences; Ita ly ; U n ive rsity o f P ittsburgh Tokhtam ysh, O leksandr; P sychology; Ukraine; W idener U n iv e rsity Tovt-K orshynska, M arianna; Psychology; Ukraine; U n iv e rsity o f P ittsbu rg h; U n iv e rs ity o f G e orgia ** U chida, H iro fu m i; E conom ics; Japan; B ryn M aw r C ollege; Indiana U n iv e rs ity B lo o m in g to n ** V a lk, U lo ; An th ro p o lo g y and A rchaeology; Estonia; U n iv e rsity o f P ennsylvania V e lin o va, Iskra Ivanova; A n th ro p o lo g y and A rchaeology; B u lg a ria ; U n iv e rsity o f Pittsburgh Zhu, Jie; M e d ica l Sciences; Sweden; U n ive rsity o f P ennsylvania* Z im m er, M a rcia C ristin a ; L in g u is tic s ; B ra z il; Carnegie M e llo n U n iv e rsity * Puerto Rico M en, M in g ; Econom ics; C hina; U niversidad M etropolitana * A complete lis tin g fo r this scholar can be fo u n d in the V isiting Scholars section at the end o f the directory. 96 ** Indicates a scholar w ith m ultiple a ffilia tio ns.

95 Host State Index Rhode Island Mendoza Garcia, M anuel; Biological Sciences; Spain; Brown U nive rsity; University o f C alifornia Santa Barbara** Yong, Jean W an Hong; Environmental Sciences; Singapore; Brown U niversity Tennessee Melegoda, Nayani; American H istory; Sri Lanka; U niversity o f Tennessee K n oxville M oraru, Constantin; Geology; M oldova; U niversity o f M emphis Mukhamedyarova, Zhanna Userbayevna; Education; Kazakhstan; University o f Tennessee K n oxville M utebi, Fred Kato; A rt; Uganda; C hristian Brothers U niversity Texas Bebeli, Penelope; A griculture; Greece; Texas A & M U niversity* Bocharov, Y ury; Architecture and Urban Planning; Russia; U nive rsity o f Texas A rlin g to n Chaichompoo, Chalermchai; Linguistics; Thailand; U nive rsity o f Texas A rling ton Fenko, Anna; Psychology; Russia; Rice U niversity Fetecau, Constantin; Mathematics; Romania; Texas A & M U nive rsity Gascon, M argarita Susana; H istory (non-u.s.); Argentina; U niversity o f Texas A u stin * Goldberg, Frederick W o o lf; Chemistry; United Kingdom ; U niversity o f Texas A ustin Gualco Neves, M aria Gabriela; M edical Sciences; Uruguay; U niversity o f Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center Haddad, M arwan Najeh A m in; Engineering; West Bank; U nive rsity o f Texas A ustin Hassan, A sh raf Ibrahim ; Engineering; Egypt; Southern M ethodist U niversity* Hewahi, N a b il M.A.; Computer Science; Gaza; U niversity o f Texas A ustin Karageorgis, Aristom enis; Environm ental Sciences; Greece; Texas A & M U niversity Koleva, Ivanka Teneva; Physics and Astronom y; Bulgaria; U niversity o f Houston K oziel, Slaw om ir M arcin; Engineering; Poland; Texas A & M U niversity Lee, Tatia M ei Chun; Psychology; Hong Kong; U niversity o f Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio M arin Guzman, Roberto; H istory (non-u.s.); Costa Rica; U nive rsity o f Texas A u stin* Maszewska, Jadwiga Marta; American Literature; Poland; University o f Texas E l Paso Mekkaoui Alaoui, Ism ail; Physics and Astronomy; M orocco; Texas Tech U niversity M isra, Kamal Kanta; Anthropology and Archaeology; India; Austin College M ycoo, M ichelle Anne; Architecture and Urban Planning; Trinidad and Tobago; Texas A & M U niversity* Nguyen, Dinh Van; Business Adm inistration; Vietnam; University o f Texas Austin Pinter, Karoly Robert; American Studies; Hungary; Texas Christian U niversity Safi, Mohamed Jomaa; Environmental Sciences; Tunisia; University o f Texas E l Paso Sainz Menendez, Rosa M aria; B iological Sciences; Spain; University o f Texas Health Science Center at San A ntonio* Salikhova, Sayyora; A griculture; Uzbekistan; Texas A & M U niversity Shrestha, Suresh Das; Geology; Nepal; U niversity o f Texas Dallas Simegn, Afew ork Bekele; Biological Sciences; Ethiopia; Texas A & M U niversity S tojkovic, N ino; Engineering; Croatia; Texas A & M U niversity Szalay, Peter Gyorgy; Chemistry; Hungary; U niversity o f Texas Austin Tumbo-Masabo, Zubeida Zuberi; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Tanzania; Texas Southern U niversity Vakulenko, M aksym; Linguistics; Ukraine; U niversity o f T exas A rlington Utah L iu, Feng; Business A dm inistration; China; Brigham Young U niversity Ramahaleo, Tiana Andriambolasoa; B iological Sciences; Madagascar; Brigham Young U niversity Vermont Barcena M artin, Montserrat; B iological Sciences; Spain; University o f V erm ont* Bazergan, E tty; TE FL/A pplied Linguistics; Indonesia; School fo r International Training V irginia Asatryan, Lev; M edical Sciences; Arm enia; U nive rsity o f V irg in ia * A complete listing fo r this scholar can be found in the Visiting Scholars section at the end o f the directory. * * Indicates a scholar with multiple affiliations. 97

96 Host State Index D iou f, Diaga; B iological Sciences; Senegal; V irg in ia Polytechnic Institute and State U niversity D lodlo, Mqhele Enock-Hershal; Engineering; Zimbabwe; V irg in ia Polytechnic Institute and State U niversity Domagala, Alin a ; B iological Sciences; Poland; U niversity o f V irgin ia E l Mansour, Mohamed; H istory (non-u.s.); M orocco; Roanoke College Gebe, Boniface Yao Dzube; P o litica l Science; Ghana; U nited States A ir Force Academy; National Defense U n iv e rsity *,** Gichure, Christine W anjiru; Philosophy; Kenya; U niversity o f Richmond Hammade, H usni; A griculture; Syria; V irg in ia Polytechnic Institute and State U niversity Jahama, M ona J. H.; History (non-u.s.); Jordan; H ollins U niversity Lee, Young H yo; Am erican H istory; Korea; U niversity o f V irg in ia Leiro-Perez, Carlos A.; Psychology; Panama; V irg in ia Polytechnic Institute and State U nive rsity* Lopez-Suevos Fraguela, Francisco; Engineering; Spain; V irg in ia Polytechnic Institute and State U niversity Nesterowicz, M algorzata Anna; Law ; Poland; U niversity o f Richmond Nunez Garcia, Juana; M athematics; Spain; George Mason U niversity* Opp, Guenther Heinrich; Education; Germany; V irginia Commonwealth U niversity* Washington B e llid o, M aria Del M ar; Medical Sciences; Spain; Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center* Chiang, Chung-Hsin; Psychology; Taiwan; U niversity o f W ashington Farber, M arisa Diana; B iological Sciences; Argentina; W ashington State U niversity* Ghosh, N ib ir K anti; American Literature; India; U niversity o f W ashington Gruppi, Adriana; M edical Sciences; Argentina; U nive rsity o f W ashington* Hsieh, Shih-chung Tristan; A nthropology and Archaeology; Taiwan; U niversity o f W ashington Kershanskaya, Olga Ivanovna; B iological Sciences; Kazakhstan; W ashington State U niversity Kukina, Irina ; Architecture and Urban Planning; Russia; U nive rsity o f W ashington M arin, Ileana; Am erican Literature; Romania; U niversity o f Washington Nagy, N ina Elisabeth; Bio lo g ica l Sciences; Norway; Washington State U niversity Narzullaeva, Norkhol; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Uzbekistan; U niversity o f W ashington N oh, Jeon Pyo; Business A dm inistration; Korea; U niversity o f Washington Ryndova, Jitka; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Czech Republic; U nive rsity o f W ashington Sung, Kyung Jun; Am erican Literature; Korea; U niversity o f W ashington Supratiknya, Augustinus; Psychology; Indonesia; Western W ashington U nive rsity W illiam s, Stella A nnie; Environm ental Sciences; N igeria; Bellevue Com m unity College West V irginia D elic, Edin; G eology; Bosnia and Herzegovina; W est V irg in ia U niversity Lozano Guzman, A lejandro; Engineering; M exico; W est V irg in ia U nive rsity Nasuruddin, Mohamed Ghouse; Theater and Dance; M alaysia; West V irg in ia U niversity at Parkersburg* Wisconsin Amesen, Anne-Lise; Education; Norw ay; U n ive rsity o f W isconsin M adison Bergs, Alexander Thomas; Linguistics; Germany; U niversity o f W isconsin M ilw aukee* Cakare, Valda; Theater and Dance; Latvia; U n ive rsity o f Wisconsin Madison C hiu ri, Lois W anjiku; Sociology and Social W ork; Kenya; B eloit College Huang, Kuo-Chen; Engineering; Taiwan; U n ive rsity o f W isconsin Madison Jablan, S lavik; M athematics; Serbia and M ontenegro; U niversity o f W isconsin M adison; New Jersey Institute o f Technology** Jakse, Jemej; Ag ricu lture ; Slovenia; U nive rsity o f W isconsin Madison Jeppesen, Torben Grongaard; H istory (non-u.s.); Denmark; U niversity o f W isconsin M adison Kacharava, V asili; Am erican H istory; Georgia; U niversity o f W isconsin M adison Lamer, W endy Joan; Sociology and Social W ork; New Zealand; U niversity o f W isconsin M adison Lim a, Ana Laura Godinho; Education; B razil; U niversity o f W isconsin M adison* N a ir R ethidevi, Hema; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); India; U nive rsity o f W isconsin M adison Penne, S ylvi Johanne; Education; Norw ay; U n ive rsity o f W isconsin M adison * A complete listing fo r this scholar can be found in the Visiting Scholars section at the end o f the directory. 98 ** Indicates a scholar with m ultiple affiliations.

97 Host State Index Pronkevich, Oleksandr; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Ukraine; University o f W isconsin Madison R iffi, M ohamed I. M.; Mathematics; Gaza; University o f W isconsin Eau Claire Saidiev, Ulugbek; Business Adm inistration; Uzbekistan; U niversity o f Wisconsin Madison Van D ijk, Sabine Jolanda; Medical Sciences; Netherlands; M edical College o f Wisconsin V ojtech, D aniel; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Czech Republic; University o f Wisconsin Madison Visits to Various Institutions Jo, Sung Hoon; U.S.- Korea International Education Administrators Program; Korea Park, So Young; U.S.- Korea International Education Administrators Program; Korea Sung, Hye Jean; U.S.- Korea International Education Administrators Program; Korea Yoon, Chang Sook; U.S.- Korea International Education Administrators Program; Korea * A complete listing fo r this scholar can be found in the Visiting Scholars section at the end o f the directory. ** Indicates a scholar with multiple affiliations. 99

98 H ome Geographic A rea I ndex To fin d out more about a scholar, turn to the in d ivid u a l s complete directory entry, which can be found in the section corresponding to the discipline listed after the scholar s name. Albania B ilaj, Fatm ir; Medical Sciences Frasheri, Erm al; Law M ulla, Edlira; Environmental Sciences Algeria Ould Lahoucine, C herif; Engineering Tlemcani, Rachid; Political Science Argentina Acevedo, A lberto; A griculture* Apezteguia, Heman Patricio; Environmental Sciences* Averbach, Margara Noemi; Am erican Literature* Baldi, Pablo Cesar; Biological Sciences* Baron, M aria Florencia; Public Adm inistration Boeri, Roberto Enrique; Engineering* Cabanillas, Ana M aria; Biological Sciences* Diaz, M aria Soledad; Engineering* Etchenique, Roberto Argentino; Chemistry Farber, M arisa Diana; Biological Sciences* Gascon, Margarita Susana; H istory (non-u.s.)* Giambartolomei, G uillerm o Heman; B iological Sciences* Gmppi, Adriana; Medical Sciences* Helguera, M arcelo; A griculture* Lopez Lam bertini, Paola M aria; B iological Sciences* Melgar, Ricardo Jose; Agriculture* Padilla, Nelson David; Physics and Astronomy* Prem oli I l Grande, Andrea C.; B iological Sciences* Salvatore, Ricardo; H istory (non-u.s.)* Sanchez Sarmiento, Gustavo; Engineering* Tohme, Fernando Abel; Economics* Tolosa de Talamoni, N ori; Chemistry* Armenia Asatryan, Lev; M edical Sciences Harutyunyan, Valeri; Physics and Astronom y Khachikyan, Armen E m il; History (non-u.s.)* Marutyan, Harutyun; Political Science Australia Ackland, N e il Albert; Economics Butterworth, Iain M ark; Psychology Flitton, Daniel Howarth; P olitical Science Munday, Philip Laing; B iological Sciences Risbridger, Gail Petuna; Medical Sciences Austria Fenk-Oczlon, Gertraud; Linguistics Fullsack, Manfred; Philosophy Hauser, Hans; Engineering M ras, Gabriele M onika; Philosophy Schwetz, Herbert; M edical Sciences Azerbaijan Gasimzada, Nariman; R eligious Studies Israfilo v, Rauf; Geology Naghiyeva, Shahla; Am erican Literature Panahi, Bahruz; Geology Bahrain Loury, A li Abdulrahman Mohammed; Education Bangladesh Chowdhury, Muhammad A bdul Mannan; Economics K abir, Mohammad Humayun; P olitical Science* Rahman, M ustafizur; Economics* Belarus Khomich, Siarhei; H istory (non-u.s.) Losik, George; Computer Science Pazdniak, Viachaslau Eduardovich; Political Science* Tokareva, Irina; Linguistics Belgium De Grave, Johan; Geology Devos, Isabelle M.; H istory (non-u.s.) Kerschen, Gaetan Fons; Engineering Lievens, F ilip R.O.; Psychology Nagler, Bob; Physics and Astronom y Van Doninck, Karine M.F.; B iological Sciences Verwim p, Philip; Economics Bosnia and Herzegovina Dedic, Remzo; Engineering D elic, Edin; Geology Stojakovic, Petar; Psychology Brazil Baldochi, Laercio Augusto; Computer Science* Bueno, Adeney de Freitas; Agriculture* * A complete listing fo r this scholar can be found in the Visiting Scholars section at the end o f the directory. 101

99 Home Geographic Area Index C avalcanti, V irg in ia de Saboia M oreira; P sychology* Correia, Roberta Targino Pinto; Engineering* Ferraz, S ilv io Frosini de Barros; E nvironm ental Sciences* Galhardo, Edvaldo Pereira; Physics and A stronom y* G azzotti, Juliana; P olitical Science* Guerra, Ricardo Luis Fernandes; M edical Sciences* Guimaraes, Leda M aria de Barros; A rt Lemos, Leany Barreiro de Sousa; P o litic a l Science Lim a, Ana Laura Godinho; Education* M attos, Paulo Todescan Lessa; L a w * Sampaio, A ndre Lu iz Lopes; B io lo g ic a l Sciences* Zim m er, M arcia C ristina; L in g u istics* Bulgaria Kam bourov, D im ita r K ostadinov; Language and Literature (non-u.s.) K oleva, Ivanka Teneva; Physics and A stronom y M ilte no va, Anissava Lubenova; Language and Literature (non-u.s.) Spiridonova, E m iliya Vasileva; P ublic Ad m in istra tio n Stoyanov, Chavdar Penev; Physics and Astronom y V elinova, Iskra Ivanova; A n th ro po log y and A rchaeology B urkina Faso C ou lib aly, Yezouma; Engineering Some, M agloire ; R eligious Studies Cameroon Alem bong, N o l Tanyi; Language and Literature (non-u.s.) Ngundam, John Mucho; Engineering N jo ck, Thomas Eku; B io lo g ica l Sciences Canada Com tois, Paul; B iological Sciences Furtan, W illia m ; Economics Janda, Richard Alexander; Law Kurasawa, Fuyuki; Sociology and Social W ork Sokolsky, Joel; P o litic a l Science Stuart, R eginald; H istory (non-u.s.) Tabachnick, D avid Edward; P o litic a l Science W hite, L in da A n n ; P ublic Ad m in istra tio n W iner, Stanley L.; Economics Young, Raym ond; Law Chile C hiang Sanchez, Luciano Eduardo; Engineering G odoy E tcheverry, Sergio Jose; C omm unications and Journalism Guerra M aldonado, Debbie Elena; A n th ro po log y and A rchaeology China Chen, Guoquan; Business A dm inistration Cheng, Jie; Law Du, D ebin; Geography Gao, Jianguo; S ociology and S o cial W ork Guan, X in p in g ; S o ciolo gy and S ocial W ork Huang, Bikang; Language and Literature (non-u.s.) L iu, Feng; Business A d m in is tra tio n L iu, Jinlan; Business A d m in is tra tio n M en, M in g ; Economics Tang, Zhong; Econom ics W ang, D ong; Business A d m in is tra tio n W ang, Xinsheng; P o litic a l Science W ang, Xu ; A rch itectu re and U rban Planning X ia, Jianzhong; S ociology and S ocial W ork X iao, Fei; Education X iao, Jianhua; Law Y in, A iq in g ; M usic Zhang, Jun; Am erican Literature Zhou, Z hiren; P ublic A d m in is tra tio n Zhu, Liq u n ; P o litic a l Science Costa Rica Furst, Edgar Franz Josef; Econom ics* M a rin Guzman, R oberto; H is to ry (non-u.s.)* Cote d Ivoire Obrou, O livie r Kouadio; Physics and Astronomy Croatia B a kic, Dam ir; M athem atics C orkalo, D inka; Psychology G rgic, F ilip ; P hilosophy O so jnicki, Vesna; A rt Sm ital, T vrtko ; Environm ental Sciences S tojkovic, N ino; Engineering Czech Republic Albrechtova, Jana; Environm ental Sciences Bares, M artin ; M edical Sciences Barta, M iroslav; A nthropology and Archaeology Charvat, Petr Zdenek; A nthropology and Archaeology Dancak, Bretislav; P o litica l Science Dobesova, Katerina; Econom ics Havrda, Matyas; R eligious Studies K alnicka, Zdenka; Philosophy Kopecky, Petr; Am erican Literature Liskova, Katerina; Sociology and Social W ork M arkova, M arketa; M edical Sciences Ryndova, Jitka; Language and Literature (non-u.s.) Spicar, Radek; P olitical Science V avrla, Lukas; Business A dm inistration Vojtech, D aniel; Language and Literature (non-u.s.) 102 * A complete listing fo r this scholar can be found in the Visiting Scholars section at the end o f the directory.

100 Home Geographic Area Index Denm ark Andersen, Signe Bech; Environmental Sciences Jeppesen, Torben Grongaard; H istory (non-u.s.) Korrem an, Stine Sofia; M edical Sciences Dom inican Republic Rodriguez-Pena, Carlos Manuel; B iological Sciences* Ecuador B o nifa z C onto, Edison A lfre do ; Engineering Sandoval Rodriguez, Sonia M argarita; Environmental Sciences Egypt Darrag, Fathi Abdalla; Theater and Dance* E l Hedeny, Am any Massoud Mohamed; P o litica l Science El-Sayed, Gouda Abdel-Khalek; Economics* E l-w e rr, A b de l Khalek Mahmoud; G eology* Hassan, A sh raf Ibrahim ; Engineering* Ishack, W ael Farouk; M usic* Ism ail A b d e lla tif, Aym an Mohamed; A rchitecture and Urban Planning M oawad, Tarek Ibrahim Saad; B io lo g ica l Sciences M ostafa, Mohamed Mohamed Hussein; P o litica l Science Shabana, Yasser Mohamed A li Mohamed; Engineering Youssef, Ezzat Ibrahim M ikh a il; Comm unications and Journalism E l Salvador Lemus-Sandoval, Jorge Ernesto; Linguistics* Estonia Palang, Hannes; Geography Preis, Sergei; Chemistry Rannikmae, M iia ; Education* V a lk, U lo ; A nthropology and Archaeology Ethiopia M ekonnen, Baye Yim am ; Linguistics Sim egn, A fe w o rk Bekele; Bio lo g ica l Sciences Teferra Kidanemariam, Timssew; Education Finland Alanne, Anne M arita; Theater and Dance H einstrom, Jannica Elisabet; L ib ra ry Science Sisatto, Seppo M atias; Comm unications and Journalism V outilainen, Sari Laura M aarit; M edical Sciences France A ndrieu, C laire Jeannina Francoise; H istory (non-u.s.) Baccino, T hierry Fernand; Psychology Cefai, D aniel M arie; S ociology and Social W ork Chaigne, Antoine Jean M arie; M usic C ordier, Jean Emile; Economics Dedieu, Jean-Philippe; Law Fevrier, Philippe V incent; Economics Gervais, Pierre; Am erican H istory N arboux, Jean-Philippe Pierre; Philosophy N Diaye, Papa Amadou Aw a; H istory (non-u.s.) Gaza A ls h a rif, Fadel A. M.; B io lo g ica l Sciences Hewahi, N ab il M.A.; Computer Science R iffi, Mohamed I. M.; M athematics Georgia A m aglobeli, Vakhtangi; Am erican Literature Kacharava, V a sili; A m erican H istory Sanikidze, George; H istory (non-u.s.) Germany Bergs, Alexander Thomas; Linguistics* Boeger, A strid ; Area Studies* Fitz, Karsten; Area Studies* Gemmeke, Linus; Philosophy Horstm ann, Alexander Klaus E rich; A nthropology and Archaeology Koenig, Thomas; P olitical Science* Leypoldt, Guenter; A m erican Literature Opp, Guenther H einrich; Education* Pant, Hans Anand; Psychology Schulz, Dieter; Am erican Literature Ghana Gebe, Boniface Yao Dzube; P olitical Science* Nyarko, Alexander Kwadwo; M edical Sciences Greece Bebeli, Penelope; A griculture * C hroni-kakourou, G eorgia; Education Gotsias, Apostolos; Economics H arlaftis, Emilios; Physics and Astronomy Karageorgis, Aristom enis; Environm ental Sciences Papakonstantinou, Anastasia; Lin gu istics* Souvermezoglou, E katerini; Environm ental Sciences* Tafa, E ufim ia; Education Tsakonas, Panagiotis; P o litica l Science V lizos, Stavros; A nthropology and Archaeology Y fantis, Konstantinos; P o litica l Science* Guatemala De Gandarias, Igor; M usic* Perez Folgar, Jorge R odolfo; B iological Sciences* * A complete listing fo r this scholar can be found in the Visiting Scholars section at the end o f the directory. 103

101 Home Geographic Area Index Honduras Rivera Canales, Jose M auricio; Ag ricu lture * Rivera-Canales, Delia Rebeca; M edical Sciences* Hong Kong Ho, Sui chu Esther; Education Lee, Pui-Tak; H istory (non-u.s.) Lee, Tatia M ei Chun; Psychology Man, K it Wah Eva; Philosophy Hungary Bari, Ferenc; M edical Sciences Fabiny, Tibor; Religious Studies Fulop, M ihaly; History (non-u.s.) Galiba, Gabor Otto; Agriculture Gerencser, Judit; Library Science Halasz, A ttila Laszlo; Sociology and Social W ork Laczko, Jozsef; B iological Sciences Nemedi, Denes; Sociology and Social W ork Pinter, K aroly Robert; Am erican Studies Szabo-Kovacs, Judit; Sociology and Social W ork Szalay, Peter Gyorgy; Chemistry Szekely, Anna; Linguistics Szonyi, Gyorgy Endre; Language and Literature (non-u.s.) Iceland Gudmundsdottir, A m fridur; Religious Studies India Avittathur, Balram ; Business Adm inistration* Channa, Subhadra; Anthropology and Archaeology D uw uru, Jamuna; Psychology Ghosh, Arindam ; Engineering Ghosh, N ib ir Kanti; American Literature Gupta, Ashum; Psychology Kapadia, Shagufa Gautam; Psychology Lai, Rubina Shanker; Education M elkani, Anand Ballabh; Chemistry M isra, Kamal Kanta; Anthropology and Archaeology N air Rethidevi, Hema; Language and Literature (non-u.s.) Narayan, Jayanthi; Education Pandian, Cynthia; Education Sadamate, Vishwanath Vishnu; A griculture Sahni, Varan; P olitical Science* Singh, Nandita; Environmental Sciences* Talwar, Neelim a; Theater and Dance Vaidyanathan, Ramamurthy; Business Adm inistration* Indonesia Bazergan, Etty; TEFL/Applied Linguistics Cipto, Bambang; P olitical Science Hadi, A m iral; Religious Studies* Sirozi, Muhammad; Education* Supratiknya, Augustinus; Psychology Umar, Nasaraddin; Religious Studies* Ireland Cryan, Sally-Ann; M edical Sciences Heneghan, Conor Joseph; Engineering Kavanagh, Donncha; Business Administration Leahy, Anne M arie; Music Israel Banin, Ehud; Biological Sciences* Holstein, Diego; History (non-u.s.) K a fri, Y a riv; Physics and Astronomy* Kogut, L io r; Engineering* M ajor, Dan Thomas; Chemistry M ersel, Y ig al; Law Rahimipour, Shai; Chemistry* Rothschild, Avner; Engineering Toledo, Eran; Physics and Astronomy Yuval, Fany; P olitical Science Ita ly Acquaviva, Paola; Communications and Journalism* Alonge, Andrea Giaime; H istory (non-u.s.) A ttucci, Claudia; Philosophy A tzo ri, L u ig i; Engineering B o n fig lio li, A ldo; Engineering Camevali, Barbara; Philosophy C elati, G iovanni; Language and Literature (non-u.s.)* Ciambrone, Giuseppe; Architecture and Urban Planning Cremaschi, Marco; Architecture and Urban Planning D i Giovanni, Vincenzo; Anthropology and Archaeology Fantoni, Carlo; Psychology Leone, Massimo; Communications and Journalism Locatelli, Carla; Language and Literature (non-u.s.)* M arini, Matteo Benedetto; Economics* Masi, Antonio; Biological Sciences Mazzoni, Guido; Language and Literature (non-u.s.) M ongardini, Carlo; P olitical Science* Naro, Fabio; Biological Sciences O rtino, Federico; Law Parmar, Sejal; Law Pesce, Sara; American Literature* Servetti, Simona; M edical Sciences Steca, Patrizia; Psychology Tassoni, Annalisa; Biological Sciences Jamaica Bamaby, Loraine Angela M arie; Medical Sciences* Harry, Otelemate Gaibo; Linguistics Lashley, Beverley Patricia; Library Science* Roye, Marcia Elaine; Biological Sciences* 104 * A complete listing fo r this scholar can be found in the Visiting Scholars section at the end o f the directory.

102 Home Geographic Area Index Japan A rita, K e ik o ; Sociology and Social W ork F u jita, Yu ko Takahashi; American Studies F u jiyo sh i, N aom i; Communications and Journalism Fukukaw a, H iro no ri; Business Adm inistration H am atani, H itosh i; Theater and Dance Is h ii, Yasuo; Linguistics Iw asaki, Yoshitaka; American Studies K ohiyam a, R ui; Area Studies* K o itabashi, Ritsuko; B iological Sciences M atsum ura, Nobutaka; Psychology M iya m oto, Y o ichiro; American Literature N is h ita n i, Y u ko; Law Oyama, Y u k i; Communications and Journalism Sato, C hitose; H istory (non-u.s.) Takai, Y u k a ri; H istory (non-u.s.)* Takubo, Y u ko ; Sociology and Social W ork Tanishita, Masayoshi; Architecture and Urban P lanning Tsuhako, Sumiko; M edical Sciences U chida, H iro fu m i; Economics Jordan A l-a n i, Falah K h a lil; M edical Sciences B ataineh, Ziad M.; B iological Sciences E id A lta ra z i, E id Abdel Rahman; Geology Issa, Taleb A.; Agriculture Jahama, M ona J. H.; H istory (non-u.s.) K h a iry, N a b il Ibrahim ; Anthropology and Archaeology Khamas, W ael A.; Biological Sciences L a fi, Shawkat Q.M.; Agriculture Kazakhstan A shim bayev, Maulen; P olitical Science Kem bayev, Zhenis; Law Kershanskaya, Olga Ivanovna; B io lo g ica l Sciences Kudebayeva, Alm a; Economics M ukham edyarova, Zhanna Userbayevna; Education N auryzbayeva, Raushan; Law Perevezentsev, Alexander L.; Am erican H istory Y e rm ilo v, Artem ; Linguistics Kenya C h iu ri, L o is W anjiku; Sociology and Social W ork G ichure, Christine W anjiru; Philosophy Korea Cheong, Insuk; Economics Cho, Ji-H yu ng ; American H istory Chong, Jong Sup; Law H ur, Y oung II; Theater and Dance Jo, Sung Hoon; U.S.- Korea International Education A d m in istra to rs Program K ang, Jung In ; P olitical Science K im, Chae Young; Religious Studies K im, H yun Joo; Education K im, Joong Seop; Sociology and Social W ork K im, Kyu Hyun; TEFL/Applied Linguistics* Ko, Jong Hwan; Economics Lee, Haiyoung; American Literature Lee, Hyunoo; Linguistics Lee, Ju Cheon; American H istory Lee, Young Hyo; American History L im, Seong Ho; P olitical Science Noh, Jeon Pyo; Business Adm inistration Pai, Hyung M in ; Architecture and Urban Planning Park, So Young; U.S.- Korea International Education Administrators Program Park, Sung Hoon; Economics Rhee, Seongha; Linguistics Shin, Young Chul; Communications and Journalism Sung, Hye Jean; U.S.- Korea International Education Administrators Program Sung, Kyung Jun; Am erican Literature Wang, Sang Han; Law Yang, Seok Won; Am erican Literature Yoon, Chang Sook; U.S.- Korea International Education Adm inistrators Program Kosovo Reka, Blerim ; Law * Kyrgyz Republic A km ataliev, Alm azbek Akm atalievich; Education Cholponkulova, Ainura Orozbekovna; Law Ibraev, Kuban Sagynovich; Environmental Sciences Latvia Cakare, Valda; Theater and Dance K iriko va, M arite; Computer Science Klavins, Kaspars; History (non-u.s.) Silneva, Lid ija ; Sociology and Social W ork Lebanon Baroudi, Sami Em ile; P o litica l Science B ita r, Zeinat; A rt H istory Roumie, Mohamad Ahmad; Environmental Sciences* Semaan, M yma Tanos; Biological Sciences* Lithuania Norkus, Zenonas; Sociology and Social W ork Tamosiunaite, M in ija ; Computer Science Valkunas, Leonas; Physics and Astronomy Madagascar Ramahaleo, Tiana Andriambolasoa; B iological Sciences Malaysia Chan, Lean Heng; Sociology and Social W ork * A complete listing fo r this scholar can be found in the Visiting Scholars section at the end o f the directory. 105

103 Home Geographic Area Index Gurcharan Singh, Harbindar Jeet Singh al; M edical Sciences Ibrahim, Kamarulazizi bin; Physics and Astronomy Khoo, Boo Teong; Law Lim, Chong Fong; Law M artinez, Patricia Anne; Religious Studies Nasuruddin, Mohamed Ghouse; Theater and Dance* Thong, Meow-Keong; Medical Sciences Malta Bezzina, Christopher George; Education M auritius Nowbuth, Manta Devi; Engineering Mexico Alvarado Mendoza, A rturo; Sociology and Social W ork Dylawerska de Lagarde, Agnieszka; History (non-u.s.)* Esquivel Lopez, Enrique Javier; Communications and Journalism Godinez Jaimes, Flaviano; Mathematics Louvier Hernandez, Jose Francisco; Engineering Lozano Guzman, Alejandro; Engineering Saed, Ivonne Grego; Language and Literature (non-u.s.) Salazar-Vallejo, Sergio Ignacio; Environmental Sciences Schmitter Soto, Juan Jacobo; B iological Sciences Soto Jimenez, M artin Frederico; Environmental Sciences Toledo Sarracino, David Guadalupe; Education Valenzuela Aguilera, Alfonso; Architecture and Urban Planning Weisz Carrington, Harold Gabriel; Language and Literature (non-u.s.) Moldova Cigrina, L ilia ; M edical Sciences M iculet, Larisa; Law M oraru, Constantin; Geology Pintea, Iurie ; Political Science Morocco A it E l M ekki, Akka; A griculture A laoui, Si Bennasseur; A griculture Atm ani, Fouad; B iological Sciences Berdouzi, Brahim ; Engineering Cheddadi, Abdesselam; H istory (non-u.s.) El Mansour, Mohamed; H istory (non-u.s.) Fassi Fehri, Abdelkader; Linguistics Fassouane, Abdelaziz; B iological Sciences Mekkaoui Alaoui, Ism ail; Physics and Astronomy Namibia Nel, Annes Francois; Religious Studies Nepal Basnyat, Divas Bahadur; Engineering D hital, Megh Raj; Geology Pandey, Sushil Raj; P olitical Science Rayamajhi, Sangita; Theater and Dance Shrestha, Suresh Das; Geology Netherlands Amaya-Castro, Juan Manuel; Law Bak, Joannes Theodoras Jozef; American Literature Evers, Catharina Allegonda Josephina Maria; Psychology Hermens, Frouke; Psychology Homan, Astrid Carlotta; Psychology Oldenziel, Ruth; American Studies Poolman, Berend; Chemistry Schoonheim, Marloes M arrigje; History (non-u.s.) Schoots, Ivo Gerardus; Medical Sciences Van D ijk, Sabine Jolanda; Medical Sciences New Zealand Adam, John P h illip ; Architecture and Urban Planning Bradbury, Matthew; Architecture and Urban Planning Hall, Roger Leighton; Language and Literature (non-u.s.) Lamer, Wendy Joan; Sociology and Social W ork Rata, Elizabeth M ary; Sociology and Social W ork Susilo, Joko; Theater and Dance Nigeria Am inigo, Ebiokpo Rebecca; B iological Sciences Oladele, Benedict Adekunle; Library Science Onukawa, Monday Chibudo; Language and Literature (non-u.s.) W illiam s, Stella Annie; Environmental Sciences Norway Andersson, K arl K risto ffe r; Chemistry Amesen, Anne-Lise; Education Gulbrandsen, K ristin ; Economics Hansen, Trond V idar; Chemistry Helland, Aslaug; M edical Sciences Hellesund, Tone; Sociology and Social W ork Krog, Georg Philip; Law * Nagy, Nina Elisabeth; B iological Sciences Overoye, Odd Johan; M usic Penne, S ylvi Johanne; Education Ranestad, K ristian; Mathematics Schwebs, Ture Helge W ilhelm ; Education Sollid, Ludvig Magne; M edical Sciences Sommervoll, Dag Einar; Economics Videm, Vibeke; Medical Sciences Visted, Therese; M edical Sciences 106 * A complete listing fo r this scholar can be found in the Visiting Scholars section at the end o f the directory.

104 Home Geographic Area Index Pakistan Ara, Jehan; B io lo g ica l Sciences Chohan, Z ahid Hussain; Chemistry Shah, Z ahir; Agriculture Zakar, Muhammad Zakria; Sociology and Social W ork Panama Leiro-Perez, Carlos A.; Psychology* Salazar A lle n, N oris; Biological Sciences* Vasquez B o nilla, Sebastian; Chemistry* Philippines C alingacion, Belen Divinagracia; Theater and Dance Cruz, Isagani Ronquillo; American Literature Poland Brzeszczynski, Janusz Jacek; Economics C iechanowski, Jan Stanislaw; H istory (non-u.s.)* Domagala, A lin a ; B iological Sciences Gaj, M algorzata Danuta; B iological Sciences G inter, M ic h a l Stanislaw; Geology Kolbuszewska, Zofia Halina; Am erican Literature K o ziel, S law om ir M arcin; Engineering K u n icki-g o ld fln g e r, Jerzy Jakub; A rt H istory Maszewska, Jadwiga M arta; Am erican Literature N esterowicz, M algorzata Anna; Law O leksy, M ateusz W ieslaw; Philosophy Praszalow icz, Dorota; American H istory Praszalow icz, M ichal Pawel; Physics and Astronom y T rojanow icz, Marek Andrzej; Chemistry Zak, Jacek A ndrzej; Engineering Z o ll, F ryd e ryk Andrzej; Law Zurek, Slaw om ir Jacek; Religious Studies* Portugal Ferreira, Fernando Inocencio; Philosophy Guedes Abrantes, Fatima Filomena; Geology M artins R ibe iro Sanches, M aria Manuela; Language and Literature (non-u.s.) R ibeiro Bronze da Rocha, Elsa M aria; B iological Sciences Romania Badescu, G abriel; P olitical Science Cenuser, D id i Ionel; Am erican Literature Dobrescu, Caius; Political Science* Fetecau, Constantin; Mathematics loan, A u g u stin M arian; Philosophy Io n ita, Petre Io n; Chemistry M a rin, Ileana; Am erican Literature M ih a i, Io n ; Mathematics M iro iu, Mihaela; P olitical Science M ogirzan, Em anoil Com eliu; Law V idulescu, C ristina Felicia V irgin ia ; B iological Sciences Russia Bocharov, Yury; Architecture and Urban Planning Chakhnovitch, Marianna; Religious Studies Fedotov, M ikhail; Law Fenko, Anna; Psychology Golovacheva, Irina; American Literature Goncharov, D m itry; Political Science Issers, Oxana; Linguistics Konovalova, Olga Viktorovna; History (non-u.s.) Kukina, Irina; Architecture and Urban Planning Kurbanov, Eldar; Environmental Sciences Lashkevich, Anatoly; American Literature Latypov, Rachit; Political Science Lyssova, Alexandra; Sociology and Social W ork M aslak, A natoli; Education Nechaev, Yury; Environmental Sciences N ovikova, Anastasia; Education Pak, Bella; H istory (non-u.s.) Panin, V icto r; P olitical Science Pokrovskiy, N ikita ; Sociology and Social W ork Pravilova, Ekaterina; H istory (non-u.s.) Sergunin, Alexander; P olitical Science Shirobokov, Sergey; Education Shvedova, Nadezda Aleksandrovna; Political Science Varunts, Victo r; A rt H istory Vorobeva, Natalya; M edical Sciences Zektser, Igor; Environmental Sciences Zolotareva, Larisa; Education Saudi Arabia A l Homaid, Abdullah M.; P o litica l Science* Alsaygh, Abdulhamid Ahmad A.; Chemistry* Senegal D iouf, Diaga; Biological Sciences Serbia B rajovic, Ana Zorana; M usic Jablan, S lavik; Mathematics Petrovic, Pavle; Economics Singapore Narayanan, Ganapathy; Sociology and Social W ork Tan, M ing Jen; Engineering Yong, Jean Wan Hong; Environmental Sciences Slovak Republic Bajzikova, Lubica; Business Adm inistration K riskova, Anna; M edical Sciences K usnir, Jaroslav; Am erican Literature Uhlar, Blahoslav; Theater and Dance Slovenia G olobic, M ojca; A rchitecture and Urban Planning Jakse, Jemej; A griculture * A complete listing fo r this scholar can be found in the Visiting Scholars section at the end o f the directory. 107

105 Home Geographic Area Index Plazl, Igor; Engineering South Africa Crankshaw, Owen; Sociology and Social W ork Dorrington, Rosemary Ann; B iological Sciences Lazarus, Sandra; Psychology Magwa, Michael Libala; B iological Sciences R ollnick, Marissa Susan; Education Spain Abad Grau, M aria del M ar; Computer Science* Alcaraz Casademunt, Jordi; B iological Sciences* Alvarez Montaner, Josep; Mathematics* Barcena M artin, Montserrat; Bio lo g ica l Sciences* Barrero Nunez, Maria Jose; Biological Sciences* Bellido, M aria Del Mar; M edical Sciences* Capilla Campos, Encamacion; B io lo g ica l Sciences* Castells Caballe, Eva; Biological Sciences* Chica Lara, Antonio; Chemistry* De Los Santos Sans C u ffi, M iguel; Medical Sciences* Del Prado M illa n, Ruth; B iological Sciences Del Rio Alonso, Laura; M edical Sciences* Diaz Carretero, M aria Isabel; Chemistry* Elosua Llanos, Roberto; M edical Sciences* Farre Pueyo, Javier Manuel; M edical Sciences Fondevila Campo, Constantino; Medical Sciences* Fullana, Andres; Engineering* Galobart Cots, Jaume; Agriculture* Garcia-Osta, Ana M aria; Medical Sciences* Gomez-Ceballos Retuerto, G uillelm o; Physics and Astronomy* Gonzalez-Martinez, Santiago Cesar; Agriculture* Hernandez Fernandez, Manuel; Environmental Sciences* Ibanes M iguez, M arta; Physics and Astronomy* Isidoro Ramirez, Daniel; Agriculture* Lopez Garcia, Esther; M edical Sciences* Lopez-Esteban, Sonia; Engineering* Lopez-Garcia, Pilar; M edical Sciences* Lopez-Suevos Fraguela, Francisco; Engineering Maestre G il, Fernando Tomas; Biological Sciences M artinez D iaz, Sonia; Mathematics Mendoza Garcia, Manuel; B iological Sciences Morales Arboleya, Rafael; Physics and Astronom y M ori Sanchez, Paula; Chemistry* M ourino Carballido, Beatriz; Environmental Sciences Nunez Garcia, Juana; Mathematics* Odriozola Moncayola, Leticia; B iological Sciences O liver Rotger, M aria Antonia; Am erican Literature Otamendi Herrera, Ainhoa; Psychology* Pascual Gasco, Roberto; Business A dm inistration* Pinto V ila, Agusti; Physics and Astronomy* Ramos Palencia, Fernando Carlos; Economics* Reguant M iranda, Cristina; B iological Sciences* R evilla Rodriguez, M arta Isabel; B iological Sciences* Riano Arribas, David; Environmental Sciences* Rodriguez Lopez, M ilagros; Biological Sciences Ruiz Garcia, Antonia; Physics and Astronomy Sainz Menendez, Rosa M aria; B iological Sciences* Salas Velasco, Manuel; Economics* Sanchez Roman, Jose A ntonio; H istory (non-u.s.)* Suarez Toste, Ernesto Jesus; American Literature Tarjuelo Capdevila, Isabel; B iological Sciences* Tirado Fernandez, M aria de los Reyes; Environmental Sciences V ila Ujaldon, Roger; B iological Sciences* Sri Lanka Hennayake, Shantha Kumara; Geography Melegoda, Nayani; Am erican History W ickramasinghe, N ira K o n jit; History (non-u.s.) Sweden B urell, M attias Anders; P olitical Science* Bystrom, Jonas Bengt; M edical Sciences* C orell, Kim Elisabeth; P o litica l Science Lennartsson, Johan K je ll Robert; Medical Sciences Lennartsson, Johan K je ll Robert; Medical Sciences* Loitto, Vesa M atti; B iological Sciences* Nycander, Jonas; Physics and Astronomy* Ostlund, O lo f D avid; H istory (non-u.s.) Petersson, K arin B erit; Medical Sciences Skrtic, Stanko; M edical Sciences* Vlachos, Jonas D im itrios; Economics Zhu, Jie; M edical Sciences* Switzerland De Pury, Marianne; Theater and Dance Syria A l-b ita r, Sawsan M ustafa; Philosophy Hammade, Husni; A griculture Tert, Mohamed A li; Agriculture Taiwan Chang, C hih-k ai; Computer Science Chang, Ker-Chang; Public Adm inistration Chen, A n -Lin ; Business Adm inistration Chen, Cheng-Hsui A rthur; Business Adm inistration Chen, Shyh-jer; Business A dm inistration Chen, Yuh-M ei Dora; TE FL/A pplied Linguistics Chiang, Chung-Hsin; Psychology Chiang, W ei-hwa; Architecture and Urban Planning Chuang, Y ih-c hyi; Economics D ing, Shuhfan; P olitical Science Fang, Rong-Jyue; Education Hsieh, Shih-chung Tristan; Anthropology and Archaeology Huang, Jia-Chi; Business Adm inistration Huang, Kun-G in; Education Huang, Kuo-Chen; Engineering Huang, Y i-h u i; Communications and Journalism Hwang, San-Yih; Computer Science 108 *A complete listing fo r this scholar can be found in the Visiting Scholars section at the end o f the directory.

106 Home Geographic Area Index Lai, Tsung-Hsuan; M edical Sciences Lee, Tsung Chin; Psychology Liang, Tsai-Ling; TEFL/Applied Linguistics Lin, Jin-Kwan; Business Adm inistration Lin, Yu-Hui; TEFL/Applied Linguistics San, Gee; Economics Wang, Chao-Yi; M edical Sciences Wang, Keng-Ling; Law Wu, Kuang-M ing; Law Wu, Tien-tai; Anthropology and Archaeology Yu, Chian-Son; Business Adm inistration Tajikistan Ashurova, Roziyamo Ashurovna; Law Muhidinov, Zayniddin; Chemistry Tanzania Tumbo-Masabo, Zubeida Zuberi; Language and Literature (non-u.s.) Thailand Aromdee, Chantana; M edical Sciences Aruninta, A riya ; Architecture and Urban Planning Chaichompoo, Chalermchai; Linguistics Chotpattananont, Datchanee; Chemistry Kusalwong, Anusom; B iological Sciences Panananon, Chatchai; H istory (non-u.s.) Srijunngam, Jirarach; B iological Sciences Suntomwat, Oranart; B iological Sciences Suttajit, Siritree; M edical Sciences* Trinidad and Tobago Mycoo, M ichelle Anne; Architecture and Urban Planning* Rampersad, Sheila; Sociology and Social W ork* Tunisia Bouhlel, Salah; Geology Safi, Mohamed Jomaa; Environmental Sciences Turkey Ascigil, Semra Feriha; Business Adm inistration Aydin, Cengiz Hakan; Education Ayman, Saadet Gulden; Political Science Bahar, Ism ail H akki; Medical Sciences Bal, Idris; P olitical Science Elci, L a tif; Chem istry Ongan, Serdar; Economics Ozpinar, Aysel; M edical Sciences Savas, Ekrem; Mathematics Tiryakioglu, B ilg in ; Law Uzgel, Ilhan; P olitical Science Turkmenistan Abdurahim ova, Zuvaydajan Haitovna; B iological Sciences Burm istrova, Valentina Ivanovna; Mathematics Karayev, Begench Saparowich; Political Science Uganda M utebi, Fred Kato; A rt Ukraine Anderson, Volodym yr; Economics Biletska, Svitlana; Education Bobrova, Larysa; Linguistics Chepelyk, Oksana; Communications and Journalism Glomozda, Kostyantyn; H istory (non-u.s.) Hentosh, Liliana; History (non-u.s.) Hershkovych, Y akiv; Anthropology and Archaeology K is, Oksana; Sociology and Social W ork K o lo d ii, Antonina; P o litica l Science Lepyavko, Serhiy; H istory (non-u.s.) P idlisnyuk, Valentyna; Environmental Sciences Pronkevich, Oleksandr; Language and Literature (non-u.s.) Pukhnata, Svitlana; Am erican Literature Stepanenko, V ikto r; Po litica l Science Tkachuk, Taras; Anthropology and Archaeology Tokhtamysh, Oleksandr; Psychology Tovt-Korshynska, M arianna; Psychology Vakulenko, Maksym; Linguistics United Kingdom Barlow, Roger John; Physics and Astronomy Brown, K erry Louise; Public Adm inistration Brush, Paul James; Economics Carreira da Silva, F ilipe M iguel; Political Science Goldberg, Frederick W oolf; Chemistry Havers, Robin Paul; H istory (non-u.s.) M ilne, K irsty M a iri; Communications and Journalism O Regan, Tarik H am ilton; M usic Philips, Julian Montagu; M usic* Sanzol Sanz, Francisco Javier; Agriculture* Simpson, Graham Lorim er; Chemistry Trippier, Paul Charles; Chemistry Van Tinteren, Jennifer Rowan; Public Adm inistration W ilson, Paul; Sociology and Social W ork Woolnough, Penny Sheila; Psychology Uruguay Barbeito Erba, Luis H.; M edical Sciences Gualco Neves, Maria Gabriela; M edical Sciences Rey Raggio, Jose Carlos; Economics Uzbekistan Narzullaeva, N orkhol; Language and Literature (non-u.s.) A complete listing fo r this scholar can be found in the Visiting Scholars section at the end o f the directory. 109

107 Home Geographic Area Index Saidiev, U lugbek; Business A dm inistration Salikhova, Sayyora; A griculture Shadiyev, Tursun; Economics Tursunov, Rasul; Economics Venezuela V illalobos, Jose S.; Linguistics Vietnam Hoang, Giao Ngoc; Law Ngo, Binh Xuan; Economics Nguyen, D inh Van; Business Adm inistration Tran, Huong Thi Xuan; Education Tran, Quang Manh; TEFL/Applied Linguistics Tran, U t T h i; Economics West Bank A bu Sawi, M ustafa M ahmoud Yousef; Philosophy A lte l, Taleb H.T.; Chemistry A ssi, Eman Shafiq Mohamed; Architecture and Urban Planning Haddad, Marwan Najeh Am in; Engineering Yemen A leryani, Samir L u tf; Bio lo g ica l Sciences Awadh, G alal Abdulelah Mohammed; Environmental Sciences Zimbabwe D lodlo, Mqhele Enock-Hershal; Engineering Kasvosve, Ishmael; M edical Sciences M lambo, A lo is Mhosua; Am erican H istory* 110 * A complete listing fo r this scholar can be found in the Visiting Scholars section at the end o f the directory.

108 Special Programs I ndex To fin d out more about a scholar, turn to the in d ivid u a l s complete directory entry, which can be found in the section corresponding to the discipline listed after the scholar s name. Aegean Initiatives Prompted by President C linton s vis it to Greece and Turkey in 1999, the Aegean Initiatives Program was established to promote the development o f mutual understanding between the two countries. The program brings together two to three teams o f one Greek and one Turkish scholar fo r three-month research awards, to conduct studies on a problem common to both countries, including issues such as environmental advocacy, economic development and tourism. Aym an, Saadet Gulden; P olitical Science; Turkey B ebeli, Penelope; Agriculture; Greece* Gotsias, Apostolos; Economics; Greece Ongan, Serdar; Economics; Turkey Souvermezoglou, Ekaterini; Environmental Sciences; Greece* Tsakonas, Panagiotis; P olitical Science; Greece Yfantis, Konstantinos; P olitical Science; Greece* European Union Affairs Research Program The European Union A ffa irs Research Program offers tw o- to 12-month research awards to scholars from the 15 m ember states o f the European U nion. The program is sponsored by the Comm ission fo r Educational Exchange between the United States, Belgium and Luxembourg, located in Brussels. A ttu cci, Claudia; Philosophy; Ita ly O rtino, Federico; Law; Italy Parmar, Sejal; Law; U nited Kingdom Fulbright Program for Ira q i Expatriates This program funds qualified Iraq i Expatriates residing in other countries in the M iddle East and South Asia that have a F ulbright program to come to the United States as Fulbright Scholars. A l-a n i, Falah K h a lil; M edical Sciences; Jordan Issa, Taleb A.; Agriculture; Jordan Khamas, Wael A.; B io lo g ica l Sciences; Jordan Fulbright/APSA Congressional Fellowship Program The Fulbright/A P S A Congressional Fellowship Program is a p ilo t program, w ith in the traditional Fulbright Scholar Program, w hich provides 12-month awards to give V isitin g F ulbright Scholars the opportunity to study the w orkings o f Congress as a congressional fe llo w and sta ff person w orking fu ll tim e in a Congressional office. The U.S. State Departm ent s Bureau o f Educational and C ultural A ffa irs (E C A ), in partnership w ith APSA, is sponsoring three grants fo r the academic year. Baron, M aria Florencia; Public Adm inistration; A rgentina Lemos, Leany Barreiro de Sousa; Political Science; Brazil Youssef, Ezzat Ibrahim M ikh ail; Communications and Journalism; Egypt 111

109 Fulbright/Kennan Institute Research Scholarship The Fulbright/Kennan Institute Research Scholarship program is a new jo in t in itia tive w ith the W oodrow W ilson Center s Kennan Institute, which seeks to promote m utual understanding by awarding up to 12 fellowships in the fields o f the humanities and social sciences. The scholarships are available to researchers and lecturers from higher educational institutions in Russia and Ukraine. Scholars who receive the prestigious award w ill lecture or conduct research for 6 months at the Kennan Institute in Washington. Fedotov, M ikh a il; Law; Russia Glomozda, Kostyantyn; H istory (non-u.s.); Ukraine K o lo d ii, Antonina; P olitical Science; Ukraine Lashkevich, Anatoly; American Literature; Russia Latypov, Rachit; P olitical Science; Russia Pak, B ella; History (non-u.s.); Russia Pravilova, Ekaterina; History (non-u.s.); Russia Stepanenko, V iktor; P olitical Science; Ukraine M ilita ry Academies Initiative The M ilita ry Academy In itia tive is a p ilo t program designed to enable the U.S. m ilita ry service academies and other professional m ilita ry education institutions the opportunity to host Fulbright V isitin g Scholars fo r a semester or academic year. The goal o f the program is to expose U.S. m ilita ry officers-in-training to foreign perspectives and to assist w ith the internationalization o f the curriculum o f U.S. m ilita ry institutions o f higher learning. Gebe, Boniface Yao Dzube; Political Science; Ghana* Mlambo, Alois Mhosua; American History; Zimbabwe* Sahni, Varan; Political Science; India* Scholar-in-Residence Program The Scholar-in-Residence Program allows U.S. comm unity colleges and small liberal arts and m inority-serving institutions to apply fo r the opportunity to host visiting Fulbright lecturers fo r a semester or academic year to assist w ith the internationalization o f their campuses. For more inform ation about this program, please v is it our Web site at and click on V isiting Scholar Program. Abu Sawi, M ustafa Mahmoud Yousef; Philosophy; West Bank Alembong, N ol Tanyi; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Cameroon Baroudi, Sami Em ile; P olitical Science; Lebanon Calingacion, Belen Divinagracia; Theater and Dance; Philippines Chiuri, Lois W anjiku; Sociology and Social W ork; Kenya De Pury, Marianne; Theater and Dance; Switzerland D i Giovanni, Vincenzo; Anthropology and Archaeology; Ita ly Dylawerska de Lagarde, Agnieszka; H istory (non-u.s.); M exico* El Hedeny, Am any Massoud Mohamed; Political Science; Egypt El Mansour, Mohamed; H istory (non-u.s.); Morocco Esquivel Lopez, Enrique Javier; Communications and Journalism; M exico Guerra Maldonado, Debbie Elena; Anthropology and Archaeology; C hile Hamatani, H itoshi; Theater and Dance; Japan Harry, Otelemate Gaibo; Linguistics; Jamaica Jahama, Mona J. H.; H istory (non-u.s.); Jordan Kalnicka, Zdenka; Philosophy; Czech Republic Kriskova, Anna; M edical Sciences; Slovak Republic Men, M ing; Economics; China M isra, Kamal Kanta; Anthropology and Archaeology; India M ostafa, Mohamed Mohamed Hussein; P olitical Science; Egypt M utebi, Fred Kato; A rt; Uganda Nasuraddin, Mohamed Ghouse; Theater and Dance; M alaysia* Onukawa, Monday Chibudo; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); N igeria O sojnicki, Vesna; A rt; Croatia Panananon, Chatchai; H istory (non-u.s.); Thailand Pandey, Sushil Raj; Political Science; Nepal Pazdniak, Viachaslau Eduardovich; P olitical Science; Belarus* Rey Raggio, Jose Carlos; Economics; Uruguay Saed, Ivonne Grego; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Mexico Sandoval Rodriguez, Sonia M argarita; Environmental Sciences; Ecuador Shvedova, Nadezda Aleksandrovna; P olitical Science; Russia Susilo, Joko; Theater and Dance; Indonesia Tumbo-Masabo, Zubeida Zuberi; Language and Literature (non-u.s.); Tanzania W illiam s, Stella Annie; Environmental Sciences; N igeria 112

110 V is it in g F u l b r ig h t S c h o l a r s Agriculture Acevedo, Alberto Coordinator, Institute o f B iological Resources, N ational Institute o f A g ricu ltu ra l Technology, Castelar-Buenos Aires, Argentina Research: Characterization o f a Promising Source o f Genetic Resistance to Pathogens in Wheat U.S. Department o f A griculture, P acific West Area Western Regional Research Center, A gricultural Research Service Research, Education, and Economics, A lbany, CA c/o D r. O lin D. Anderson February May 2003 Bebeli, Penelope Assistant Professor, Department o f Crop Science, Laboratory o f Plant Breeding and Biom etry, A g ricu ltu ra l U niversity o f Athens, Athens, Greece Research: Root Growth in Drought-Resistant and Drought-Susceptible Genotypes o f Upland Cotton Texas A & M U niversity, Department o f Soil and Crop Sciences, College Station, TX c/o D r. C. Wayne Smith M ay August 2002 (Aegean Initiatives) Bueno, Adeney de Freitas D octoral Candidate, Department o f B iology, Faculty o f Science Letters and Philosophy, U niversity o f Sao Paulo Ribeirao Preto, Ribeirao Preto, B razil Research: Economic Thresholds fo r Leafminers on Potato, Soybean and M elon Crops U nive rsity o f Nebraska Lincoln, Department o f Entomology, Lincoln, NE c/o D r. Leon G. H igley January January 2004 G alobart Cots, Jaume Researcher, Veterinary Department, Autonomous U niversity o f Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain Research: Use o f D ifferent Com Strains on B ro ile r Feeding and the Effect on B ro ile r M eat Q uality Auburn U niversity M ain Campus, College o f A griculture, Department o f P oultry Science, Auburn U niversity, A L c/o Dr. Edwin T. Moran Jr. M arch March 2004 Gonzalez-Martinez, Santiago Cesar Researcher, U n it o f Forest Genetics, Center fo r Forest Research, National Institute o f A griculture, M adrid, Spain Research: Id entifying Candidate Genes and Developing Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) M arkers fo r W ater-d eficient Pines U niversity o f C alifornia Davis, Department o f Environmental Horticulture, Davis, CA c/o Dr. David B. Neale January June 2004 Helguera, Marcelo Researcher, Marcos Juarez Experimental Station, N ational Institute o f A g ricu ltural Technology, Cordoba, Argentina Research: Development o f M olecular Markers fo r Vernalization by U sing the A Genome From Wheat as a M odel U niversity o f C alifornia Davis, College o f A gricultural and Environmental Sciences, Department o f Agronomy and Range Science, Davis, CA c/o Dr. Jorge Dubcovsky October December 2001 Isidoro Ramirez, Daniel Postdoctoral Researcher, Department o f Soils and Irrig atio n, Ag ricultural Research Service, Government o f Aragon, Zaragoza, Spain Research: Geographic Inform ation Systems (GIS)-Based Pesticide Transport M odelling at Watershed Scale U niversity o f C alifornia Davis, Department o f Land, A ir and W ater Resources, Davis, CA c/o Dr. M iguel A. M arino March February 2005 M elgar, Ricardo Jose Principal Researcher, N ational A gricultural Technical Institute, Pergamino, Argentina Research: S uitability o f Local Rock Phosphates fo r F ertilizer Use in Argentine Agriculture International F ertilizer Development Center, Resource Development D ivision, Muscle Shoals, A L c/o Dr. Sen H. Chien Alabama A gricultural and Mechanical U niversity, Department o f Plant and Soil Science, Norm al, A L c/o Dr. Robert Taylor January March

111 Visiting Fulbright Scholars Rivera Canales, Jose Mauricio Head, Department o f Plant Protection, Honduran Foundation o f A gricultural Investigation, Cortes, Honduras Research: Development o f Skills on Advanced Techniques fo r V iral and Bacterial Diseases Diagnosis and Identification o f V ira l Diseases o f Vegetable Crops in Honduras U niversity o f C alifornia Davis, Department o f Plant Pathology, Davis, CA c/o Dr. Michael Davis A p ril October 2003 Sanzol Sanz, Francisco Javier Postdoctoral Researcher, Plant Sciences Division, School o f Biosciences, U niversity o f Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom Research: Identification and Characterization o f Ovary Factors Involved in the Control o f Pollen Tube Growth and D irectionality U niversity o f Massachusetts Amherst, Department o f Biochemistry and M olecular B iology, Amherst, M A c/o Dr. A lice Cheung A p ril March 2005 American History Mlambo, Alois Mhosua Associate Professor, Department o f Economic History, U niversity o f Zimbabwe, Harare, Zimbabwe Lecturing: U.S. H istory; Political Development: Sub-Saharan A frica United States Coast Guard Academy, Humanities Department, New London, CT c/o Prof. N ils Wessell January M ay 2003 (M ilitary Academies Initiative ) American Literature Averbach, Margara Noemi Assistant Professor, Department o f Letters, School o f Philosophy and Letters, U niversity o f Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina Research: Literature as a Tool fo r Resistance: Native American Novels U niversity o f C alifornia San Diego, Department o f Ethnic Studies, La Jolla, CA c/o Dr. George Lipsitz March June 2003 Pesce, Sara Doctoral Candidate, Modem Philosophy, U niversity o f Florence, Florence, Ita ly Research: Frank Capra and Harry Cohn New Y ork U niversity, Graduate School o f Arts and Sciences, American Studies Program, New York, N Y c/o Dr. Andrew Ross February August 2002 Architecture and Urban Planning Mycoo, Michelle Anne Lecturer, Department o f Surveying and Land Inform ation, Planning and Development Program, U niversity o f the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago Research: Integration o f Land Use Planning, Site Selection fo r Public F acilities and Disaster Preparedness Texas A & M U niversity, College o f Architecture, Department o f Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning, College Station, T X c/o Dr. W alter G illis Peacock September December 2003 Area Studies Boeger, Astrid Assistant Professor, Department o f English, Am erican Studies Institution, U niversity o f Duesseldorf, Duesseldorf, Germany Research: Showcases o f Tom orrow: The Early Am erican W o rld s Fairs as Sites o f Nation Form ation U niversity o f Illin o is Chicago, Department o f English, Chicago, IL c/o Prof. W alter Benn Michaels September July 2003 Fitz, Karsten Assistant Professor, Department o f English and Am erican Studies, U niversity o f Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany Research: The Am erican Revolution Remembered: The Revolution in Am erican Literature and Culture From the Jacksonian Era to Reconstmction Harvard U niversity, Faculty o f A rts and Sciences, H istory o f Am erican C iviliza tio n Program, Cambridge, M A c/o Dr. Werner Sollors Am erican Antiquarian Society, Worcester, M A c/o Ms. Caroline F. Sloat September July 2003 Kohiyama, Rui Associate Professor, Department o f Area Studies, College o f Culture and Communication, Tokyo Women s Christian U niversity, Tokyo, Japan Research: From Ecumenism to Internationalism : Am erican W omen s Ecumenical Foreign M ission Movement From 1890 to

112 Visiting Fulbright Scholars Binghamton U niversity, Department o f H istory, Center fo r the H istorical Study o f Women and Gender, Binghamton, N Y c/o Dr. Kathryn K. Sklar A p ril March 2004 Biological Sciences Alcaraz Casademunt, Jordi Postgraduate Fellow, Biophysics U n it, University o f Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain Research: Probing Ligand-Receptor Forces in Norm al and M alignant Cells by A tom ic Force M icroscopy U niversity o f C alifornia Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Department o f M olecular and Cell B iology, Berkeley, CA c/o Dr. Carlos Bustamante A p ril March 2004 Baldi, Pablo Cesar Assistant Researcher, Institute fo r the Study o f H um oral Im m unity, Department o f Immunology, School o f Pharmacy and Biochemistry, University o f Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina Research: Molecules Secreted by the virb System in Bartonella Henselae and Their Relationship W ith Proteins Secreted by Brucella spp U n ive rsity o f South Florida, College o f M edicine, Department o f M edical M icrobiology and Im m unology, Tampa, FL c/o Dr. Burt Anderson M arch June 2003 Banin, Ehud D irector, Data Research Department, Glycominds Ltd., M accabim, Israel Research: B io film Development U n ive rsity o f Iowa, College o f M edicine, Department o f M icrobiology, Iowa C ity, IA c/o D r. E. Peter Greenberg January December 2003 Barcena M artin, Montserrat Postdoctoral Researcher, Biocomputing U nit, Faculty o f Chemistry, Autonomous U niversity o f M adrid, M adrid, Spain Research: Eukaryotic G lycolysis Regulation: Studying the Structure and Functional Relationships o f Phosphoffuctokinase (PFK) U niversity o f Vermont, College o f M edicine, Department o f M olecular Physiology and Biophysics, Burlington, VT c/o D r. Teresa Ruiz January December 2004 Barrero Nunez, M aria Jose Postdoctoral Fellow, Department o f Biochemistry and M olecular Biology, Faculty o f Pharmacy, U niversity o f Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain Research: Mechanistic Analysis o f the Functions o f the Trap Complex and Other Coactivators in the A ctivation o f T3 Responsive Promoters Rockefeller U niversity, Laboratory o f Biochemistry and M olecular B iology, New York, NY c/o Dr. Robert Roeder January January 2004 Cabanillas, Ana M aria Assistant Professor, Department o f C linical Biochemistry, School o f Chemical Sciences, N ational U niversity o f Cordoba, Cordoba, Argentina Research: Transcription Factor Zfhep in T-Lym phocyte Development U niversity o f Louisville, School o f Medicine, Center for Genetics and M olecular M edicine, Louisville, K Y c/o Dr. Douglas D. D arling June October 2003 Capilla Campos, Encarnacion Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department o f B iology, University o f Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain Research: Identifying the Sequences o f the Insulin-Sensitive Glucose Transporter s (G LU T4) E xit From the Trans-G olgi Network (TGN) and Subsequent D istribution Into the Intracellular Insulin-Sensitive Compartments Stony Brook U niversity, Department o f Pharmacology, Stony Brook, N Y c/o Dr. Jeffrey Pessin A p ril October 2004 Castells Caballe, Eva Postdoctoral Researcher, Department o f Biology, Autonomous U niversity o f Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain Research: Evolutionary Changes in the Chemical Defense o f Poison Hemlock: Their Importance in the Use o f B iological Controls U niversity o f Illin o is Urbana-Champaign, Department o f Entomology, Urbana, IL c/o Prof. M ay R. Berenbaum January December 2004 Farber, Marisa Diana Junior Researcher, Institute for Biotechnology, National Institute o f A gricultural Technology, M oron, Buenos A ires, Argentina Research: Identification and Characterization o f V irule nt Genes o f Anaplasma M arginale W ashington State U niversity, College o f Veterinary M edicine, Department o f Veterinary M icrobiology and Pathology, Pullm an, W A c/o Dr. Guy H. Palmer February August

113 Visiting Fulbright Scholars Giambartolomei, Guillermo Hernan Assistant Researcher, Institute o f Humoral Im m unity Studies, School o f Pharmacology and Biochemistry, Argentine N ational Council o f S cientific and Technological Research (CO NICET), Buenos Aires, Argentina Research: Role o f Brucella Lipoproteins as Potential Virulence Factors in the Pathogenesis o f Brucellosis Tulane U niversity, Tulane National Primate Research Center, D ivision o f Bacteriology and Parasitology, Covington, LA c/o Dr. M ario T. Philipp June September 2003 Loitto, Vesa M atti Postdoctoral Fellow, Department o f M olecular and C linical M edicine, D ivision o f M icrobiology, U niversity o f Linkoping, Linkoping, Sweden Research: C ell M igration in Infection and Cancer University o f North Carolina Chapel H ill, Department o f Cell and Developmental Biology, Chapel H ill, NC c/o Prof. Kenneth A. Jacobson November November 2003 Lopez Lambertini, Paola Maria Researcher, Institute o f Vegetal Phytopathology and Physiology, National Institute o f A gricultural Technology, Cordoba, Argentina Research: A ctivation o f Transgene Expression by V ira l Infection Yale U niversity, Osborn M em orial Laboratories, Department o f M olecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology, New Haven, CT c/o Dr. Savithramma P. Dinesh-Kumar December A p ril 2002 Perez Folgar, Jorge Rodolfo D irector, Faculty o f Chemical Sciences and Pharmacy, Research Institute o f Chemical and B iological Sciences, U niversity o f San Carlos o f Guatemala, San Carlos, Guatemala Research: Plasmodium V ivax M alaria in Guatemala: Genetic D iversity o f the Parasite and M ixed Infections Johns Hopkins University, Bloomberg School o f Public Health, Department o f M olecular M icrobiology and Immunology, Baltim ore, MD c/o Dr. N irbhay Kumar February August 2003 Premoli IP Grande, Andrea C. A djunct Professor, Ecotono Laboratory, Bariloche Regional Center, National U niversity o f Comahue, Bariloche, Argentina Research: M olecular Polymorphisms in Nothofagus Pumilo: A Model System for Phylogeographic Analysis U niversity o f Colorado Boulder, College o f Arts and Sciences, Department o f Environmental, Population, and Organismic Biology, Boulder, CO c/o Dr. Jeffrey B. M itton February A p ril 2003 Reguant Miranda, Cristina Researcher, Department o f Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Faculty o f Chemistry, Rovira y V irg ili, Tarragona, Spain Research: The Interaction o f Yeast and Bacteria in W ine: A Physiological and Biochemical Characterization C ornell U niversity Geneva Campus, New Y ork State A g ricu ltura l Experiment Station, Department o f Food Science and Technology, Geneva, N Y c/o Dr. Thomas H enick-k ling September December 2003 Revilla Rodriguez, M arta Isabel Research Assistant, Department o f Plant Biology and Ecology, Faculty o f Science, U niversity o f the Basque Country, Bilbao, Spain Research: H arm ful A lg al Blooms and Nutrients in Estuaries: N utrition a l Mechanisms Taking Part in Blooms o f Aureococcus Anophageefferens U niversity o f M aryland Center fo r Environmental Science, Horn Point Laboratory, Cambridge, MD c/o Dr. Patricia M. G libert September September 2004 Rodriguez-Pena, Carlos Manuel Professor, Department o f B iology, Autonomous U niversity o f Santo Domingo, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Research: Phylogenetic Analysis o f the Fish Subfamily Poeciliinae (Cyprinodontiform es: Poeciliidae) U niversity o f M ichigan Ann Arbor, Museum o f Zoology, Ann Arbor, M I c/o Dr. Gerald R. Smith M ay October 2003 Roye, Marcia Elaine Lecturer, Biotechnology Center, University o f the West Indies Mona, Kingston, Jamaica Research: M olecular Investigations o f Recombination Between Cabbage Leaf C url Virus and M acroptilium Golden Mosaic Virus, A W eed-infecting G eminivirus Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, International Laboratory fo r Tropical A g ricu ltura l Biotechnology, St. Louis, MO c/o Dr. Claude Fauquet M ay August 2003 Sainz Menendez, Rosa Maria Research Scientist, Department o f M orphology and C ellular B iology, Cancer Research Institute, U niversity o f Oviedo M edical School, Oviedo, Spain 116

114 Visiting Fulbright Scholars Research: The Dual Role o f M elatonin and Its A n tioxid an t M etabolites in Radiotherapeutic Effects on Cancerous and Non-Cancerous Cells U nive rsity o f Texas H ealth Science Center at San A ntonio, Department o f C e llu la r and Structural B io lo g y, San A ntonio, T X c/o Dr. Russel Reiter June June 2004 Salazar Allen, Noris Professor, Department o f Botany, School o f N atural Sciences and Technology, U n ive rsity o f Panama, Panama C ity, Panama Research: M olecular Systematics and Ecology o f Tropical Bryophytes Southern Illin o is U nive rsity Carbondale, Department o f Plant B iology, Carbondale, IL c/o Dr. Barbara C randall-s totler M ichigan Technological U n ive rsity, Department o f B io lo g ica l Sciences, H oughton, M I c/o Dr. Janice M. d im e July January 2004 Sampaio, Andre Luiz Lopes Postdoctoral Student, Postgraduate Health Sciences Program, School o f Health Sciences, U niversity o f B rasilia, B rasilia, B ra zil Research: The Role o f Pneumococcal Peptidoglycan-Polysaccharide in Mucous C ell M etaplasia o f Rat M iddle Ear U n ive rsity o f Minnesota T w in C ities, Ear, Head, and N eck C lin ic, Department o f O tolaryngology, M inneapolis, M N c/o Dr. M ichael M. Paparella August August 2003 Semaan, M yrna Tanos C hair, Faculty o f Health Sciences, Am erican U nive rsity o f Technology, H alat Byblos, Lebanon Research: Population Ecology o f the Remnant Cedrus L ib a n i Forests in Lebanon U n ive rsity o f C alifornia B erkeley, D ivisio n o f Ecosystem Science, Departm ent o f Environmental Science, P olicy, and Management, Berkeley, CA c/o D r. Richard S. Dodd July October 2003 Tarjuelo Capdevila, Isabel Postgraduate Fellow, Departm ent o f A nim al B iology, Faculty o f B iology, U nive rsity o f Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain Research: Population Structure and B io lo g y o f M arine Invertebrates: A Comparison o f Sheltered and Open Sea Environments Oregon Institute o f M arine B io lo g y, Departm ent o f B io lo g y, Charleston, OR c/o D r. Craig M. Young October October 2004 V ila Ujaldon, Roger Postdoctoral Researcher, Department o f Biochemistry, Autonomous U niversity o f Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain Lecturing and Research: The Role o f K aryotype-e volution in the Diversification o f Lysandra and Plebicula: A M olecular Phylogenetic Study H arvard U niversity, Museum o f Comparative Zoology, Departm ent o f O rganism ic and Evolutionary B io lo g y, Cambridge, M A c/o Prof. Naomi E. Pierce January October 2004 Business A dm inistration A vittathur, Balram Assistant Professor and Coordinator, Operations Management Group, Indian Institute o f Management, Calcutta, India Research: Comparison o f Logistics Management Practices in India and the U nited States A uburn U niversity M ain Campus, College o f Business, Departm ent o f Management, A uburn U niversity, A L c/o Dr. Paul Swamidass December August 2003 Pascual Gasco, Roberto Associate Professor, Departm ent o f Economics and Business, U nive rsity o f the Balearic Islands, Palma de M allorca, Spain Research: The L iq u id ity Provision in O rder-d riven M arkets and the Inform ation Content o f Trades New Y o rk U niversity, Stem School o f Business, Departm ent o f Finance, New Y o rk, N Y c/o D r. Ingo W alter M arch February 2004 Vaidyanathan, Ramamurthy Chair, Departm ent o f Finance and C ontrol, Center fo r Insurance Research and Education, Indian In stitu te o f Management, Bangalore, India Research: Study o f the Pension Schemes fo r the Self-Em ployed in the U nited States Georgia State U nive rsity, Robinson College o f Business, Departm ent o f R isk Management and Insurance, A tlanta, G A c/o Dr. H arold D. Skipper February October 2003 Chemistry Alsaygh, Abdulham id Ahmad A. Assistant Professor, Departm ent o f Science, K in g A bdul A ziz M ilita ry Academy, Riyadh, Saudi A rabia 117

115 Visiting Fulbright Scholars Lecturing and Research: Synthesis and Characterization o f New Types o f Asym m etric Homogeneous Catalysts and Their A pplication in Pharmaceutical and Petroleum Industries U niversity o f C alifornia Santa Barbara, Department o f Chem istry and Biochemistry, Santa Barbara, C A c/o Dr. G uillerm o Bazan July A p ril 2004 Chica Lara, Antonio Researcher, Institute o f Chemical Technology, Polytechnical U niversity o f Valencia, Valencia, Spain Research: Development o f a New S ulfur Removal Process fo r Cleaner Fuel Production U niversity o f C alifornia Berkeley, Department o f Chemical Engineering, Berkeley, C A c/o Dr. Enrique Iglesia September August 2004 Diaz Carretero, Maria Isabel Postdoctoral Fellow, Autonomous U niversity o f M adrid, M adrid, Spain Research: Investigations on Nucleation and Growth o f Nanoporous Z e o litic Particles and Film s U niversity o f Massachusetts Am herst, Department o f Chemical Engineering, Amherst, M A c/o Prof. M ichael Tsapatsis U niversity o f Minnesota T w in Cities, Institute o f Technology, Department o f Chemical Engineering and M aterials Science, Minneapolis, M N c/o Prof. M ichael Tsapatsis September September 2004 M ori Sanchez, Paula Researcher, Department o f Physical and A nalytical Chemistry, U niversity o f Oviedo, Oviedo, Spain Research: Non-O rthogonal O rbitals and Linear Scaling in the Electronic Structure Theory o f Molecules and Crystals Duke U niversity, Paul M. Gross Chemical Laboratory, Department o f Chemistry, Durham, NC c/o Dr. Weitao Yang September September 2004 Rahimipour, Shai Research Associate, Department o f Organic Chemistry, Weizmann Institute o f Science, Rehovoth, Israel Research: Design and Discovery o f N ovel A rtific ia l Enzymes and Peptide-Based Catalysts o f B iological Importance Scripps Research Institute, Departments o f Chemistry and M olecular B iology, La Jolla, CA c/o D r. M. Reza Ghadiri M arch March 2004 Tolosa de Talamoni, N ori Assistant Professor, Departm ent o f Biochemistry and M olecular B iology, School o f M edical Sciences, U nive rsity o f Cordoba, Cordoba, Argentina Research: Mechanisms o f V ita m in D-Induced Apoptosis U niversity o f N otre Dame, College o f Science, Department o f B io lo g ica l Sciences, Notre Dame, IN c/o Dr. JoEllen W elsh M arch June 2003 Vasquez Bonilla, Sebastian Professor, Department o f Physical Chemistry, School o f Natural Sciences and Technology, U niversity o f Panama, Panama C ity, Panama Research: Synthesis, Characterization and Use of Environm ental Catalysts Northwestern U niversity, Department o f Physical Chemistry, Evanston, IL c/o Dr. W olfgang Sachtler September December 2003 Communications and Journalism Acquaviva, Paola D octoral Candidate, Department o f Literary Comm unication, U niversity o f Rome La Sapienza, Rome, Ita ly Research: H ollywood Screenwriters: Ben Hecht U nive rsity o f C alifornia Los Angeles, Film and Television Archive, Los Angeles, CA c/o Prof. Steve Ricci January September 2002 Computer Science Abad Grau, Maria del M ar Assistant Professor, Department o f Computer Systems and Languages, University o f Granada, Granada, Spain Research: Using Bayesian Networks to M odel the Im pact o f Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) on Human Disease Response U niversity o f Massachusetts Am herst, Department o f Mathematics and Statistics, Am herst, M A c/o Dr. Paola Sebastiani Boston U niversity, School o f Public Health, Department o f Biostatistics, Boston, M A c/o Dr. Paola Sebastiani M arch March 2004 Baldochi, Laercio Augusto Doctoral Candidate, Department o f Computer Science and Statistics, U niversity o f Sao Paulo Sao Carlos, Sao Carlos, Brazil 118

116 Visiting Fulbright Scholars Research: Supporting the Storage, Retrieval and Extension o f Inform ation Produced by Capture-Based Applications Georgia Institute o f Technology, College o f Computing, Atlanta, G A c/o Dr. Gregory D. Abowd January July 2003 Economics El-Sayed, Gouda Abdel-Khalek Professor, Department o f Economics, Faculty o f Economics and P o litica l Science, Cairo U niversity, Cairo, Egypt Research: Bad Policies Versus Systemic Dysfunction: Regarding the Causes o f International Financial Crises U niversity o f Southern C alifornia, College o f Letters, A rts and Sciences, Department o f Economics, Los Angeles, CA c/o Dr. Cheng Hsiao December August 2003 Furst, Edgar Franz Josef Professor and Senior Research Fellow, International Center o f Economic P olicy fo r Sustainable Development (CINPE), N ational U niversity o f Costa Rica, Heredia, Costa Rica Research: Rewarding Environm ental Services as a Procedural Outcome fo r E volutionary Learning and Empowerment o f Social Actors in G lobalizing Southern Societies U niversity o f Massachusetts Am herst, P o litical Economy Research Institute, Department o f Economics, Am herst, M A c/o D r. James K. Boyce July December 2003 M arini, Matteo Benedetto Assistant Professor, Department o f Economics, Faculty o f P o litica l Science, University o f Calabria, Arcavata d i Rende, Ita ly Lecturing: Regional Cultures and Economic Development in Ita ly U nive rsity o f Pittsburgh, Center fo r Western European Studies, Department o f Economics, Pittsburgh, PA c/o D r. Alberta Sbragia M arch M ay 2002 Rahman, Mustafizur Professor, Department o f Accounting, Faculty o f Business Studies, University o f Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh Research: U.S. Trade and Development A ct 2000 and Bangladesh-U.S. Trade Relations: Potential Impact and Future Strategies Yale U niversity, Economic Growth Center, New Haven, CT c/o Dr. T.N. Srinivasan M ay September 2003 Ramos Palencia, Fernando Carlos Professor, Department o f Economic History, Faculty o f Social Sciences, Carlos III University o f M adrid, Getafe (M adrid), Spain Lecturing and Research: Spain and the Pre-Industrial European Economies, Harvard U niversity, Department o f Economics, Cambridge, M A c/o Dr. Jeffrey G. W illiam son January January 2005 Salas Velasco, Manuel Associate Professor, Department o f Applied Economics, U niversity o f Granada, Granada, Spain Research: Evaluating the Internal E fficiency o f Spanish Schools: P ublic Versus Private Schools Columbia U niversity, Teachers College, N ational Center fo r the Study o f Privatization in Education, New York, N Y c/o Dr. Henry M. Levin June August 2003 Tohme, Fernando Abel Associate Professor, Department o f Economics, N ational U niversity o f the South, Bahia Blanca, Argentina Research: Construction o f a Formal Model o f C ircular Causation Between In dividual Decision-M akers and Social Structures: D e fin a b ility, Existence, Com plexity and C om putability U niversity o f C alifornia Berkeley, Department o f Mathematics, Group in Logic and the M ethodology o f Science, Berkeley, C A c/o Dr. W. Hugh W oodin M arch M ay 2003 Education Lima, Ana Laura Godinho D octoral Candidate, Department o f Teaching M ethodology, School o f Education, University o f Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil Research: Knowledge and Recommendations fo r the Education o f the Problem C hild : A Study Based on the Legislation and the Educational Literature From U niversity o f W isconsin Madison, Department o f C urriculum Instruction, Madison, W I c/o Dr. Thomas S. Popkewitz January July 2003 Opp, Guenther Heinrich Professor, Institute fo r Special Education, School o f Education, M artin Luther University, Halle, Germany 119

117 Visiting Fulbright Scholars Research: A Comparative Study o f Special Education: Vocational Inclusion o f Adults W ith Learning D isabilities V irgin ia Commonwealth U niversity, School o f Education, Richmond, V A c/o Dr. Paul Gerber February August 2003 Rannikmae, M iia Research Scientist, Department o f Science Didactics, Faculty o f B iology and Geography, University o f Tartu, Tartu, Estonia Research: Developing an In-Service Teacher Education Program to Promote Permanent Change in 21 st-century Teaching U niversity o f Iowa, Science Education Center, Iowa C ity, IA c/o Dr. Robert Yager February November 2003 Sirozi, Muhammad D irector, Postgraduate Studies, State Institute o f Islamic Studies, Palembang, Indonesia Lecturing and Research: A Case Study o f Islamic Education in the United States H artford Seminary, Macdonald Center fo r the Study o f Islam and Christian-M uslim Relations, Hartford, CT c/o Dr. Ibrahim M. Abu-Rabi Ohio U niversity, Southeast Asian Studies, Athens, OH c/o Dr. Drew M cdaniel February February 2004 Engineering Boeri, Roberto Enrique Professor and Researcher, Institute fo r M aterial Science and Technology Research, School o f Engineering, N ational U niversity o f M ar Del Plata, M ar Del Plata, Argentina Research: Austempered Thin-W all D uctile Iron and Compacted Graphite Iron Castings Produced Through E arly Shake-Out U niversity o f Alabama Tuscaloosa, College o f Engineering, Department o f M etals and M etallurgical Engineering, Tuscaloosa, A L c/o Dr. Doru M. Stefanescu A p ril July 2003 Correia, Roberta Targino Pinto Assistant Professor, Department o f A griculture, Center o f Technology, Federal U niversity o f Rio Grande do Norte, Natal/R N, B razil Research: S olid Substrate Fermentation o f F ruit Residues Inoculated by Yeasts U niversity o f Massachusetts Amherst, Department o f Food Science, Am herst, M A c/o Dr. Kalidas Shetty February November 2003 Diaz, M aria Soledad Associate Professor, P ilo t Plant o f Chemical Engineering (PLAPQ U I), N ational Research Council (C O NICET), Bahia Blanca, Argentina Research: Dynamic M odeling and O ptim ization o f Large-Scale Cryogenic Separation Processes Carnegie M ellon U niversity, Department o f Chemical Engineering, Pittsburgh, PA c/o Dr. Lorenz T. B iegler M arch June 2003 Fullana, Andres Associate Professor, Department o f Chemical Engineering, University o f A licante, Alicante, Spain Research: The Catalytic E ffect o f Ashes in the Form ation and Destruction o f Pollutants U niversity o f Dayton, Department o f Environmental Science and Engineering, Dayton, OH c/o D r. Sukh S. Sidhu October September 2004 Hassan, Ashraf Ibrahim Assistant Professor, Department o f M echanical Engineering, Benha H igher Institute o f Technology, Benha, Egypt Research: A New Large Deform ation Finite Element M odel o f Abrasive W ateijet M achining Southern M ethodist U niversity, Research Center fo r Advanced M anufacturing, Richardson, TX c/o Dr. Radovan Kovacevic A p ril January 2004 Kogut, Lior D octoral Candidate and Instructor, Faculty o f M echanical Engineering, TECHNIO N Israel Institute o f Technology, Haifa, Israel Research: Tribological Behavior o f N ano-/m icro-e lectro Mechanical Systems (NEM S/M EM S): M odeling and Testing U niversity o f C alifornia Berkeley, Surface Mechanics and Tribology Laboratory, Department o f Mechanical Engineering, Berkeley, CA c/o Dr. Kyriakos Komvopoulos M arch M ay 2003 Lopez-Esteban, Sonia Postdoctoral Researcher, M aterials Science, Polytechnical U niversity o f M adrid, Madrid, Spain Research: New Functionally-Graded Coatings fo r Orthopedic Implants U niversity o f California Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Materials Science D ivision, Berkeley, CA c/o M r. A ntoni P. Tomsia June June 2004 Sanchez Sarmiento, Gustavo Professor, Department o f Physics, School o f Engineering, University o f Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina 120

118 Visiting Fulbright Scholars Research: Prediction o f M icrostructure and Mechanical Properties o f Heat-Treated Steels by Computer Simulation Illin o is Institute o f Technology, Arm our College o f Science and Engineering, Mechanical, M aterials and Aerospace Engineering Department, Chicago, IL c/o Dr. P h ilip Nash M ay August 2003 Environmental Sciences Apezteguia, Hernan Patricio Professor and Chair, Rural Mechanization and Engineering Department, School o f A gricultural Sciences, U niversity o f Cordoba, Cordoba, Argentina Research: The Use o f the Erosion P roductivity Impact C alculator (EPIC) M odel to Sim ulate Impact o f A griculture on Soil Organic M atter in Central Cordoba U niversity o f M aryland College Park, Joint Global Change Research Institute, College Park, M D c/o D r. R. Cesar Izaurralde October December 2001 Ferraz, Silvio Frosini de Barros Doctoral Candidate, Department o f Rural Engineering, College o f Agriculture, Forest Resources Program, U niversity o f Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, B razil Research: Landscape Structure Dynamics Assessment o f Amazon Rainforest Deforestation and Its Influence on Water Q uality in Central Rondonia, B razil Colorado State U niversity, N atural Resource Ecology Laboratory, Fort C ollins, CO c/o Dr. David Theobald January October 2003 Hernandez Fernandez, Manuel Postdoctoral Fellow, Department o f Paleobiology, Complutense U niversity o f M adrid, M adrid, Spain Research: B ioclim atic Analysis o f Large Mammal Faunas From A frican Neogene-Quatemary Yale University, Kline Geology Laboratory, Department o f Geology and Geophysics, New Haven, CT c/o D r. Elisabeth S. Vrba January December 2004 Riano Arribas, David Postdoctoral Researcher, Department o f Geography, U niversity o f A lcala de Henares, A lcala de Henares (M adrid), Spain Research: Using Remote Sensing in G lobal W ild fire Hazard Detection U niversity o f C alifornia D avis, Department o f Land, A ir, and W ater Resources, Davis, CA c/o D r. Susan L. Ustin January December 2004 Roumie, Mohamad Ahmad Head, Accelerator Laboratory, Lebanese A tom ic Energy Commission, National Council fo r S cientific Research, Beirut, Lebanon Research: Use o f Nuclear A nalytical Techniques fo r Trace Elements Determ ination in Environmental and Biological Samples U niversity o f C alifornia Davis, Department o f A pplied Science, College o f Engineering, Detection and Evaluation o f Long-Range Transport o f Aerosols Group, Davis, CA c/o Dr. Thomas A. C a h ill November May 2003 Singh, Nandita Scientist C, N ational Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow, India Research: Phytoremediation o f Soils, Sediments and W ater Contaminated W ith Arsenic Using Macrophytes U niversity o f Florida, Institute o f Food and A gricultural Sciences, Soil and Water Science Department, G ainesville, FL c/o Dr. Lena Q. M a January August 2003 Souvermezoglou, Ekaterini Researcher, Institute o f Oceanography, National Center fo r Marine Research, Hellinikon, Athens, Greece Research: Lower Trophic Level Ecosystem Functioning in Rhodes Basin, Eastern Mediterranean Harvard U niversity, Museum o f Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, M A c/o Dr. James J. M ccarthy A p ril August 2002 (Aegean Initiatives) Geology El-W err, Abdel Khalek Mahmoud Professor, Faculty o f Science, A in Shams U niversity, Cairo, Egypt Research: Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR) Studies in Egypt Montana Tech o f the U niversity o f Montana, Geophysical Engineering Department, Butte, M T c/o Dr. M arvin Andrew Speece M arch August 2003 H istory (non-u.s.) Ciechanowski, Jan Stanislaw Doctoral Candidate, Institute o f H istory, U niversity o f Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland Research: Polish Intelligence Service A c tiv ity During W orld W ar II 121

119 Visiting Fulbright Scholars National Archives and Records Adm inistration, O ffice o f Records Services, College Park, M D c/o Dr. M ichael J. Kurtz A p ril July 2002 Dylawerska de Lagarde, Agnieszka Professor, Department o f H istory, Faculty o f Humanities, National Autonomous U niversity o f M exico, Cuernavaca, M exico Lecturing: The Evolution o f M exican Culture Through D ifferent H istorical Periods and Its M odem Aspect in the Process o f G lobalization Greenfield Community College, Humanities D ivision, Greenfield, M A c/o Dr. Ana M. G aillat January June 2003 (Scholar-in-Residence Program ) Gascon, M argarita Susana Associate Researcher, Regional Research Center, National C ouncil fo r Scientific and Technological Research (CO NICET), Mendoza, Argentina Research: The Southernmost Region o f the Indies D uring the 17th Century: The Case o f Settlements in Transition From Peripheral to Frontier Colonies U niversity o f Texas Austin, Institute o f Latin American Studies, Department o f Anthropology, Austin, T X c/o Dr. Charles R. Hale September February 2003 Khachikyan, Armen Emil Associate Professor, Department o f H istory and Jurispmdence, Armenian State Pedagogical U niversity, Yerevan, Arm enia Research: Comparative Analysis o f U.S. Foreign Policy in the Near East and Arm enia at the Beginning and End o f the 20th Century Library o f Congress, O ffice o f Scholarly Programs, Washington, DC c/o Dr. Lester I. Vogel March November 2003 M arin Guzman, Roberto Professor, Department o f H istory, U niversity o f Costa Rica, San Pedro, Costa Rica Research: Fanaticism: A M ajor Obstacle in the M uslim -C hristian Dialogue The Case o f 20th-Century Islamic Fundamentalism U niversity o f Texas Austin, Center fo r M iddle Eastern Studies, Austin, TX c/o Dr. Abraham Marcus July January 2004 Salvatore, Ricardo Associate Professor, Department o f H istory, Torcuato D i Telia U niversity, Buenos Aires, Argentina Research: The Enterprise o f Knowledge: Libraries, Archives and Reading Clubs Georgetown U niversity, Department o f History, Washington, DC c/o Dr. E rick D. Langer M ay August 2003 Sanchez Roman, Jose Antonio Researcher, Department o f Latin American Studies, U niversity Ortega y Gassett, M adrid, Spain Research: Industrial Entrepreneurs in Brazil and Argentina D uring the Export-Led Growth Period ( ) Ohio State U niversity Columbus, Department o f H istory, Columbus, OH c/o Prof. Donna Guy March February 2005 Takai, Yukari Associate Professor, Department o f B ritish and Am erican Studies, Faculty o f Foreign Studies, A ic h i Prefectural University, Nagoya, Japan Research: Rethinking Gender and Race: Transnational Movements o f Japanese, Korean and French Canadian Im m igrant Women in the United States Columbia U niversity, Center fo r the Study o f E th n ic ity and Race, New Y ork, N Y c/o Dr. Gary Y. O kihiro M ay July 2003 Language and Literature (non-u.s.) Celati, Giovanni Retired Professor, Department o f Modem Languages and Literatures, U niversity o f Bologna, Bologna, Ita ly Lecturing and Research: Journeys in Distant Lands: Studying the Diaries and A rticles o f Italian W riters Traveling in Non-W estem Countries U niversity o f Chicago, Department o f Romance Studies, Chicago, IL c/o Dr. Rebecca West M arch June 2003 Locatelli, Carla Professor, Department o f English and Comparative Literature, University o f Trento, Trento, Ita ly Lecturing and Research: Intercultural Dialogues: The Case o f C riticism and Theory U niversity o f Notre Dame, Department o f Romance Languages and Literatures, Notre Dame, IN c/o Prof. J. W elle October December 2002 Law Krog, Georg Philip Research Fellow, Norwegian Research Center fo r Computers and Law, Faculty o f Law, U niversity o f Oslo, Oslo, Norway 122

120 Visiting Fulbright Scholars Research: Jurisdiction to Adjudicate International Commercial C opyright Disputes in the Global D igital Marketplace Stanford U niversity, School o f Law, Stanford, CA c/o Dr. M argaret Jane Radin December August 2003 Mattos, Paulo Todescan Lessa Researcher, Department o f Philosophy and General Legal Theory, Faculty o f Law, U niversity o f Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil Research: Regulatory Agencies and Democracy: Public Participation and Legitim acy Yale U niversity, School o f Law, New Haven, CT c/o D r. Owen Fiss January July 2003 Reka, Blerim Professor, Department o f P o litica l Sciences and Public A dm inistration, School o f Philosophy, U niversity o f Pristina, Pristina, Kosovo Research: Rule o f Law in a Post-C onflict Society Under the United Nations Adm inistration: The Case o f Kosovo U niversity o f Southern C alifornia, School o f Law, Los Angeles, CA c/o Dr. Edwin M. Smith M arch June 2003 Libra ry Science Lashley, Beverley Patricia Project Coordinator and Librarian, Caribbean Disaster Inform ation Network, Science Lib ra ry, University o f the West Indies Mona, K ingston, Jamaica Research: The Development o f a Cooperative Plan and Disaster Recovery Strategy fo r the Collections o f Selected Research Libraries in the State o f New Y ork C ornell U niversity, Department o f Preservation and Conservation, Ithaca, N Y c/o Prof. John F. Dean A p ril August 2003 Linguistics Bergs, Alexander Thomas Assistant Professor, Department o f English Language and Linguistics, H einrich Heine U niversity Duesseldorf, Duesseldorf, Germany Lecturing: Language and Society in a Global Perspective U niversity o f W isconsin M ilw aukee, Department o f Foreign Languages and Linguistics, Milwaukee, W I c/o Dr. Gary Davis M arch May 2003 Lemus-Sandoval, Jorge Ernesto D irector, School o f Languages, Don Bosco U niversity, San Salvador, E l Salvador Research: An Analysis o f Salvadoran Spanish Phonology and Other Central American Dialects Pennsylvania State U niversity U niversity Park, Department o f Spanish and Linguistics, University Park, PA c/o Dr. John Lipski January July 2003 Papakonstantinou, Anastasia Associate Professor, English Department, D ivisio n o f Language and Linguistics, University o f Athens, Athens, Greece Research: Didactics and Translation: A Process and a Product in TEFL Georgetown U niversity, Department o f Linguistics, Washington, DC c/o Dr. James Alatis M arch M ay 2002 Zimmer, Marcia Cristina Doctoral Candidate, Postgraduate Linguistics Program, School o f Linguistics, P ontifical Catholic U niversity o f Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, B razil Research: L1 (B razilian Portuguese) Grapheme-Phoneme Knowledge Transfer in L2 (English) Phonological Recoding: A Connectionist Account Carnegie M ellon University, M ellon Institute, Department o f Psychology, Pittsburgh, PA c/o Dr. David C. Plaut August August 2003 Mathematics Alvarez Montaner, Josep V is itin g Professor, Department o f Applied Mathematics, Polytechnical U niversity o f Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain Research: Local Cohomology Modules U niversity o f M innesota T w in Cities, Department o f Mathematics, Minneapolis, M N c/o Dr. Gennady Lyubeznik January December 2003 Nunez Garcia, Juana Junior Developer, mcentric Software Company, M adrid, Spain Research: Dimension in Topological Groups George Mason U niversity, Department o f Mathematics, Fairfax, V A c/o Dr. John S. Kulesza M arch M arch

121 Visiting F ulbright Scholars M edical Sciences Barnaby, Loraine Angela M arie Senior Lecturer, Community Health and Psychiatry, University o f the West Indies Mona, Kingston, Jamaica Lecturing and Research: The Efficacy o f Acupressure Versus Acupuncture in the Treatment o f Drug Addiction in an Inpatient and an Outpatient Setting New Y ork University, School o f Medicine, Department o f Psychiatry, New York, N Y c/o Dr. M artin Gittelman July January 2004 Bellido, M a ria Del M a r Researcher, Department o f Hematology, Molecular Hematology Section, La Santa Creu i Sant Pau Hospital, Barcelona, Spain Research: Using Microarray Technology to Genetically Profile Patients W ith Acute M yeloid Leukemia and Normal Karyotypes Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Clinical Research Division, Seattle, W A c/o Dr. Jerald P. Radich January December 2003 Bystrom, Jonas Bengt Postdoctoral Scholar, Department o f Medical Sciences, Division o f Clinical Chemistry, U niversity o f Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden Research: The Molecular Effects o f Interleukin-5 (IL-5) In V ivo in Mouse Bone M arrow National Institutes o f Health, Eosinophil Biology Unit, Laboratory o f Host Defense, Bethesda, M D c/o Dr. Helene Rosenberg February January 2004 De Los Santos Sans C uffi, M iguel Physician, Gastroenterology Department, Hospital C linic, Barcelona, Spain Research: Characterization o f the Mechanisms o f Lymphocyte Activation in Patients W ith Inflammatory Bowel Disease Case Western Reserve University, University Hospitals o f Cleveland, Department o f Gastroenterology Research, Cleveland, OH c/o Dr. Claudio Fiocchi A p ril June 2003 Del Rio Alonso, Laura Postdoctoral Fellow, Department o f Veterinary Medicine, University o f Murcia, Murcia, Spain Lecturing and Research: The Role o f Neutrophils During Toxoplasma Gondii Infections Cornell University, College o f Veterinary Medicine, Department o f M icrobiology and Immunology, Ithaca, N Y c/o Dr. Eric Denkers August July 2004 Elosua Llanos, R oberto Research Fellow, Lipids and Cardiovascular Epidemiology Unit, M unicipal Institute o f Medical Research, Barcelona, Spain Research: Comparison o f Individual Cardiovascular Risk in Girona, Spain and Framingham, M A Populations Tufts University, Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging, Nutrition and Genetics Laboratory, Boston, M A c/o Dr. Jose M. Ordovas Boston University, Department o f Biostatistics, Boston, M A c/o Dr. Adrienne Cupples September A p ril 2004 F ondevila Cam po, C onstantino Research Assistant, Hospital Clinic, University o f Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain Research: A d ult L ivin g Donor and Split Liver Transplantation University o f California Los Angeles, The D um ont-u CLA Transplant Center, Division o f L ive r and Pancreas Transplantation, Los Angeles, CA c/o Dr. Ronald W. Busuttil June August 2003 Garcia-O sta, Ana M a ria Postdoctoral Fellow, Department o f Pharmacology, University o f Navarra, Pamplona, Spain Research: Gene Expression Regulation in Long-Term M emory M ount Sinai School o f Medicine, Department o f Physiology and Biophysics, New York, N Y c/o Dr. Cristina A lberini June June 2004 G ruppi, A driana Professor, Department o f C linical Biochemistry, School o f Chemical Sciences, National University o f Cordoba, Cordoba, Argentina Research: Mechanisms Underlying IL-4-Induced Apoptosis Resistance in B Cell From Trypanosoma Cruzi University o f Washington, Department o f M icrobiology, Seattle, W A c/o Dr. Edward E. Clark September September 2003 G uerra, R icardo Luis Fernandes Doctoral Candidate, Laboratory o f Nutrition and Applied Metabolism to Exercise, Center o f Biological Sciences and Health, Federal University o f Sao Carlos, Sao Carlos, Brazil Research: Effects o f Different Frequencies o f Continuous Exercise on Variables o f the Lipidic Metabolism and Adipsosity Celularity in Normo and Hypercholesterolemic A d u lt Rats 124

122 Visiting Fulbright Scholars University o f California Berkeley, Department o f Nutritional Sciences and Toxicology, Berkeley, CA c/o Dr. Marc Hellerstein May November 2003 Lennartsson, Johan K je ll Robert Postdoctoral Scholar, Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, University o f Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden Research: Molecular Mechanisms Underlying the Synergistic Signaling Between Cytokines National Institutes o f Health, National Cancer Institute-Frederick, Basic Research Laboratory, Frederick, MD c/o Dr. Diana Linnekin August August 2003 Lopez Garcia, Esther Research Scholar, Department o f Preventive Medicine and Public Health, Faculty o f Medicine, Autonomous University o f Madrid, Madrid, Spain Research: Effects o f Dietary Patterns and Lifestyles on Cardiovascular Disease Among Diabetics Harvard University, School o f Public Health, Department o f Nutrition, Boston, M A c/o Dr. Frank B. Hu January December 2004 Lopez-Garcia, Pilar Medical Doctor, Department o f Psychiatry and Medical Psychology, University Hospital, University o f Navarra, Pamplona, Spain Research: The Pathophysiological Basis o f Attention in Schizophrenia University o f Pittsburgh, Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, Clinical and Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory, Pittsburgh, PA c/o Dr. Cameron S. Carter October September 2004 Rivera-Canales, Delia Rebeca Professor, Department o f Microbiology, National Autonomous University o f Honduras, Tegucigalpa, Honduras Research: Immunophenotyping o f Leukocytes by Flow Cytometry University o f Florida, College o f Medicine, Department o f Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Gainesville, FL c/o Dr. Raul Braylan July December 2003 Skrtic, Stanko Research Associate, Department o f Internal Medicine, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Goteborg, Sweden Research: Magnetic Resonance Imaging o f Genetically-Modified Mice National Institutes o f Health, Laboratory o f Functional and Molecular Imaging, Bethesda, MD c/o Dr. Alan P. Koretsky January March 2003 Suttajit, Siritree Doctoral Candidate, College o f Public Health, Chulalongkom University, Bangkok, Thailand Research: Involvement o f Civil Society in a Strategy to Reduce the Use o f Antibiotics in the Treatment o f Adults With Upper Respiratory Infections From Viral Origins Harvard University, Harvard Medical School, Department o f Ambulatory Care and Prevention, Boston, M A c/o Dr. Dennis Ross-Degnan March February 2004 Zhu, Jie Associate Professor, Division o f Geriatric Medicine, Huddinge Hospital, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden Research: The Role o f IL-12 Cytokine in the Immunopathogenesis o f Experimental Autoimmune Neuritis University o f Pennsylvania, School o f Medicine, Department o f Neurology, Philadelphia, PA c/o Dr. A.M. Rostami July November 2003 Music De Gandarias, Igor Director and Professor, Department o f Fine Arts, San Carlos University, Guatemala City, Guatemala Research: Present Trends in Musical Composition in Central America Indiana University Bloomington, School o f Music, Latin American Music Center, Bloomington, IN c/o Dr. Carmen Tellez July January 2004 Ishack, Wael Farouk High-Institute o f Music, Academy o f Arts, Cairo, Egypt Research: Piano: Skill Development Catholic University o f America, Benjamin T. Rome School o f Music, Washington, DC c/o Dr. Marilyn Neeley February November 2003 Philips, Julian M ontagu Free-Lance Composer, Guildhall School o f Music, London, United Kingdom Research: Music Composition: Creative Research, Artistic Development, and Promotion o f Existing Works Harvard University, Department o f Music, Cambridge, M A c/o Dr. Bernard Rands May October

123 Visiting F ulbright Scholars Physics and Astronomy G alhardo, Edvaldo Pereira Physicist, Department o f Radiotherapy, School o f Medicine, University o f Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil Research: Dosimetric Study o f Photon Beams o f High Energy in Bone-Tissue Interface East Carolina University, Brody School o f Medicine, Department o f Radiation Oncology, Greenville, NC c/o Dr. Claudio Sibata September May 2003 Gomez-Ceballos Retuerto, G uillelm o Postdoctoral Fellow, Department o f Modem Physics, Faculty o f Science, University o f Cantabria, Santander, Spain Research: Analyzing Various Collider Detector Experiments at the Fermilab Massachusetts Institute o f Technology, Laboratory for Nuclear Science, Department o f Physics, Cambridge, M A c/o Prof. Christoph M.E. Paus September September 2004 Ibanes Miguez, M arta Associate Professor, Department o f Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Technical University o f Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain Research: Modeling the Establishment o f Left/Right Asymmetries in Vertebrates Salk Institute for Biological Studies, Gene Expression Laboratory, La Jolla, CA c/o Dr. Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte January August 2004 K a fri, Y a riv Postdoctoral Fellow, Department o f Physics o f Complex Systems, Weizmann Institute o f Science, Rehovoth, Israel Research: Application o f Statistical Physics to Biologically Related Problems Harvard University, Department o f Physics, Cambridge, M A c/o Dr. David R. Nelson November November 2003 Nycander, Jonas Senior Researcher, Department o f Meteorology, University o f Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden Research: The Interaction o f Oceanic Flows W ith Bottom Topography and a Lagrangian Analysis o f Ocean Circulation Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Physical Oceanography Department, Woods Hole, M A c/o Dr. Joseph Pedlosky May July 2003 Padilla, Nelson D avid Fellow, Astronomical Observatory o f the National University o f Cordoba, National Council o f Science and Technology (CONICET), Cordoba, Argentina Research: The Galaxy Dark Matter Connection Cornell University, Astronomy Department, Ithaca, N Y c/o Dr. Riccardo Giovanelli November January 2002 Pinto V ila, Agusti Researcher, Department o f Optics and Optometry, Center for Sensors, Instruments, and Systems Development, Technical University o f Catalonia, Terrassa Barcelona, Spain Research: Segment Phasing and Other Factors Affecting Image Quality in Giant, Segmented, M irror Telescopes University o f California Irvine, Department o f Physics and Astronomy, Irvine, CA c/o Dr. Gary A. Chanan January January 2004 P olitical Science A1 Hom aid, Abdullah M. Assistant Professor, Department o f Political Science, K ing Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Lecturing and Research: The Lim its o f the Dialogue Among Civilizations in Contemporary Islamic Political Thought University o f Southern California, College o f Letters, Arts and Sciences, Department o f Political Science, Los Angeles, CA c/o Dr. Richard H. Dekmejian October July 2003 B urell, M attias Anders Postdoctoral Scholar, Department o f Government, University o f Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden Research: China s Entry Into the W orld Trade Organization: Legal Compliance and Political Consequences Harvard University, Fairbank Center for East Asian Research, Cambridge, M A c/o Ms. Stefanie Van Pelt A p ril July 2003 Dobrescu, Caius Associate Professor, Department for Romanian Language and Literature, Transilvania University o f Brasov, Brasov, Romania Research: Terrorism as a Global Political Culture: 1960s to the Present University o f Chicago, Committee on Social Thought, Chicago, IL c/o Dr. Robert Pippin January September

124 Visiting Fulbright Scholars Gazzotti, Juliana Doctoral Candidate, Department o f Political Science, Federal University o f Sao Carlos, Sao Carlos, Brazil Research: Ideology and Cultural Industry: A Study o f Press Under Dictatorship in Brazil University o f California San Diego, Department o f History, La Jolla, CA c/o Dr. Kenneth Serbin November November 2003 Gebe, Boniface Yao Dzube Research Fellow, Legon Center for International Affairs, University o f Ghana, Legon, Ghana Lecturing: Geopolitics; Model African Union; Politics o f National Security Policy; International Organizations and Global Issues; Building a Post-Cold War Security Architecture for Africa United States A ir Force Academy, Political Science Department, USAFA, CO c/o Prof. Jim Faber National Defense University, Africa Center for Strategic Studies, Arlington, V A c/o Dr. Monde Muyangwa December November 2003 (M ilita ry Academies Initiative ) K a bir, Mohammad Humayun Research Director, Bangladesh Institute o f International and Strategic Studies, Dhaka, Bangladesh Research: Harnessing India-Bangladesh Common Rivers: Relevance o f the United States Experiences as a Co-Riparian State in North America Boston University, Department o f Geography, Boston, M A c/o Dr. Curtis Woodcock August January 2004 Koenig, Thomas Professor, Department o f Politics and Management, University o f Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany Lecturing and Research: Comparative and International Politics in German Studies Washington University, Department o f Political Science, St. Louis, MO c/o Dr. Lee Epstein August May 2003 M ongardini, Carlo Chair and Professor, Department o f Political Science, University o f Rome La Sapienza, Rome, Italy Lecturing: Modernity and Politics in Europe: Representative Democracy and Its Evolution Georgetown University, Edmund A. Walsh School o f Foreign Service, BM W Center for German and European Studies, Washington, DC c/o Dr. Jeffrey Anderson January May 2003 Pazdniak, Viachaslau Eduardovich Director, Department o f Political Science and European Integration, European Humanities University, Minsk, Belarus Lecturing: International Relations and Geopolitics Jackson State University, Department o f Political Science, Jackson, MS c/o Dr. Mary D. Coleman January June 2003 (Scholar-in-Residence Program ) Sahni, Varun Associate Professor and Chair, Center for International Politics, Organization and Disarmament, School o f International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India Lecturing and Research: Illusions and Instabilities: The Problems in Building a Deterence Relationship Between India and Pakistan National Defense University, Institute for National Strategic Studies, Washington, DC c/o Dr. Jim Schear A pril July 2003 (M ilita ry Academies Initiative ) Yfantis, Konstantinos Assistant Professor, Department o f Political Science and Public Administration, University o f Athens, Athens, Greece Research: Escaping the Greek-Turkish Security Dilemma: Toward a Strategic Plan Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School o f Government, The Kokkalis Program, Cambridge, M A c/o Dr. Elaine Papoulias May July 2002 (Aegean Initiatives) Psychology Cavalcanti, V irginia de Saboia M oreira Professor, Department o f Psychology, University o f Fortaleza, Fortaleza, Brazil Research: The Meaning o f Depression in the Contemporary World Harvard University, Harvard Medical School, Department o f Social Medicine, Boston, M A c/o Dr. Byron Good August August 2003 Leiro-Perez, Carlos A. Marriage and Family Therapist and Part-Time Professor, Department o f Psychology, Santa Maria La Antigua University, Panama City, Panama Research: Therapeutic Factors That Contribute to the Successful Outcome o f Male Domestic Violence Offenders Treatment Programs 127

125 Visiting Fulbright Scholars Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Marriage and Family Therapy Program, Northern Virginia Center, Department o f Human Development, Falls Church, V A c/o Dr. Eric McCollum February May 2003 Otamendi H errera, Ainhoa Doctoral Candidate, Faculty o f Psychology, University o f Malaga, Malaga, Spain Research: The Vulnerability Factors o f Depression: Nature, Cause and Treatment Florida State University, Department o f Psychology, Tallahassee, FL c/o Dr. Thomas E. Joiner March March 2004 Religious Studies Hadi, A m iru l Lecturer and Chair, Department o f Islamic Education, State Institute o f Islamic Studies, Aceh, Indonesia Research: War and Peace in a Muslim People o f Sumatra: A Study o f Acehnese Heroic Poems American University, School o f International Service, Center for Global Peace, Washington, DC c/o Dr. Abdul Aziz Said January July 2003 Umar, Nasaruddin Lecturer, Faculty o f Theology, State Institute o f Islamic Studies, Ciputat, Indonesia Research: Gender Biases in the Qur anic Exegesis: A Study o f Scriptural Interpretation From a Gender Perspective Georgetown University, Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding, Washington, DC c/o Dr. John O. Voll Georgetown University, Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding, Washington, DC c/o Dr. Amira Sonbol January January 2004 Zurek, Slawom ir Jacek Associate Professor, Department o f Polish Literature and Language, Institute o f Polish Philology, Catholic University o f Lublin, Lublin, Poland Research: Christians and Jews in Dialogue: The U.S. and Polish Experiences University o f Notre Dame, Department o f Theology, Notre Dame, IN c/o Prof. Michael Signer November June 2003 Sociology and Social W ork Rampersad, Sheila Lecturer, Department o f Liberal Arts, Faculty o f Humanities and Education, University o f the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago Research: Inter-Ethnic Hegemonies: A Comparison Between Indian/African Relations in Trinidad and Tobago and Black/Hispanic Relations in the United States St. Lawrence University, Department o f Global Studies, Canton, N Y c/o Dr. Eve Stoddard June December 2003 TEFL/Applied Linguistics K im, Kyu Hyun Associate Professor, School o f English, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea Lecturing and Research: Grammar and Interaction in Korean and English Conversation: Implications for Turn-Constructional Practice in Native and Nonnative Korean Discourse Rutgers, The State University o f New Jersey New Brunswick, Asian Languages and Cultures, New Brunswick, NJ c/o Dr. Young-mee Cho January January 2004 Theater and Dance Darrag, Fathi Abdalla Professor, English Department, Faculty o f Education, A in Shams University, Cairo, Egypt Research: Immigration and Integration in Modem Drama: A Comparative Study in Multicultural Contexts Florida State University, English Department, Tallahassee, FL c/o Dr. Hunt Hawkins June January 2004 Nasuruddin, Mohamed Ghouse Professor, School o f Arts, Science University o f Malaysia (USM), Penang, Malaysia Lecturing: Asian/Malay Dance and Theater West Virginia University at Parkersburg, Humanities Division, Parkersburg, W V c/o Dr. Nancy Nanney January June 2003 (Scholar-in-Residence Program ) 128

126 A d m in is t r a t io n a n d F u n d in g o f t h e F u l b r ig h t S c h o l a r P r o g r a m The flagship international educational exchange program sponsored by the U.S. Government, widely known as the Fulbright Program, is designed to increase mutual understanding between the people o f the United States and the people o f other countries. With this goal as a starting point, the Fulbright Program has provided more than 250,000 participants chosen for their leadership potential with the opportunity to observe each others political, economic and cultural institutions, exchange ideas and embark on joint ventures o f importance to the general welfare o f the world s inhabitants. The Fulbright Program was established in 1946 under legislation introduced by former Senator J. William Fulbright o f Arkansas. The Fulbright Program is administered by the Bureau o f Educational and Cultural Affairs o f the United States Department o f State. Since the establishment o f the Program, nearly 44,000 Fulbright Visiting Scholars have conducted research or taught in U.S. universities, and approximately 42,000 Fulbright U.S. Scholars have engaged in similar activities abroad. The Fulbright Program awards approximately 800 grants to Visiting Scholars each year. Currently, the Program operates in 140 countries worldwide. The primary source o f funding for the Fulbright Program is an annual appropriation made by the United States Congress to the Department o f State. Participating governments and host institutions in foreign countries and in the United States also contribute financially through cost-sharing and indirect support, such as salary supplements, tuition waivers and university housing. The Congressional appropriation for the Fulbright Program in fiscal year 2003 was $ million. Foreign governments, through their binational commissions or foundations, contributed an additional $28 m illion directly to the Fulbright Program. The J. W illiam Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board (FSB), composed o f 12 educational and public leaders appointed by the President o f the United States, formulates policy for the administration o f the program, establishes criteria for the selection o f candidates and approves candidates nominated for awards. The United States Department o f State, Bureau of Educational and C ultural A ffairs develops policies to assure fu lfillment o f the purposes o f the Program and administers it with the assistance o f binational education commissions and foundations in some 51 countries that have executive agreements with the United States for continuing exchange programs, United States Embassies in 89 other countries and a number o f cooperating agencies in the United States. Binational commissions and foundations draw up the annual program plan for exchanges, in consultation with participating universities and organizations in the host country. They also screen, interview and recommend to the FSB qualified candidates for student and faculty grants under their exchange programs. In a country without a commission or foundation, the Public Affairs Section o f the U.S. Embassy develops the program and supervises it locally. The Council for International Exchange of Scholars (CIES), under a cooperative agreement with the Department o f State, administers the Fulbright Scholar Program for faculty and professionals. CIES is a division o f the Institute o f International Education (HE) and has close working relationships with the major disciplinary bodies in the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences. During the terms o f their grants in the United States, Fulbright lecturers and researchers are assisted by CIES. DEPARTMENT OF STATE PUBLICATION Bureau o f E ducational and C u ltu ra l A ffairs Released October 2003

127 United States Department of State Internationalize Your Campus Through the F u lb rig h t Occasional Lecturer Program The Occasional Lecturer Program (OLP) provides travel awards to Fulbright V isitin g Scholars fo r round-trip transportation, which enables scholars to accept short-term guest lecturing invitations at colleges and universities as w ell as to make presentations at conferences. Occasional lecturers offer department- or schoolwide lectures to students and/or faculty; lecture to classes where the scholar can make a contribution to the discipline, meet w ith faculty fo r an exchange o f ideas and engage in inform al discussions w ith students; enjoy home hospitality offered by the faculty or department host; and address com m unity organizations that have a special interest in international relations. Every F u lb rig h t V isiting Scholar is eligible fo r one O LP trip. Scholars who v isit institutions that serve predom inantly m inority-student populations are eligible fo r more trips. The F ulbright Visiting Scholar D irectory lists V isiting Scholars who are in the United States fo r the current academic year. Use this listing to fin d and extend invitations to scholars whose research or lecturing topics are o f interest to your institution. The directory is also available online at w w w.cies.org. The Fulbright Program is sponsored by the United States Department o f State Bureau o f E d uca tio na l and C u ltu ra l A ffa irs F u lb rig h t S cholar P ro g ra m C ouncil fo r International Exchange o f Scholars 3007 Tilden Street, N W, Suite 5L Washington, DC A division o f the Institute o f International Education Web site:

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