CONSTITUTIONALIST. VOL. XXXVI. PLAINF1ELD. N. J.. IHURSDAY. Jm.r 30, 190}. NO. 31. Headquartera-Cbl*r* Wa*on EDUIR. TAYLOR

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1 THE CONSTTUTONALST. VOL. XXXV. PLANF1ELD. N. J.. HURSDAY. Jm.r 30, 190}. NO. 31 H Platnflold JoiUf Proud ts Flramon and th* Apparatus Th*>y UB«. ANNUAL KKPORT BSUKD POUTOAX. STATSTCS AS TO THE ftcsdent CONDTON Of DtPAtTMCRT. kilt Dun*» * KliAiililuli Abl rira rigblere Boaae *f tfea VirkllH!' «la BstUlag nainfleld * Jeetly proad bar re a*p*.rtn>ent. M tffldaacy la aaqi ip*l a blafbll will b* a qatat oa*. tioaed ; t* equipment la oomplete ud Tb* prlnetpal OODK will be la tb* ap -da ; M* aeieaaail la admlrmm* ; alaottaa acttn OooDotlaea, tbal aad M affaira are dlr*o*y by a ebl Dumber from tb* prcaoat body red* aad aa iaaletaal chief in whom ibli year TboM who tarau a* rightly repaid impilait ooa<d*aoo. pir«ar* J. F Baebl*, prmhm*%; W Tb* oily baa b**a remarkably free. Olaak, f root tb* nibt ward, chair from Bret daring b* paat two yeara. i oi tb* lloaaao ooaihlttaa D< Far MS. f b* detraction b* Baboook balldlag be trnvkd. b* tal damag* romltiag troaa flre* wa* Si. laolading tb* Babcook t t waafls7.m«.m nearaaoe co*ei Th* report Of b* oblef, T. Doaa*, far be year Mg, baa )i been leaaed a pamphlet form eaaia* m*wb bai la later***, aad teal rr*e*nl*d * correct ep data. No abaaga* bav* ooeonwd atao* 1* foro* iba dapartbmbl fortyone Bo*r«aad mas, otaiaf. wo wiatui *Bgia**i li driven or apparataa, oaa tiller BH, n drlv*r obl*f'a wagoa. n*t a*** ud pipe M*a. oa«nflimt tr, oa call, owe vwrtaary oar- a call, foar Tb* tbraa baaam aaad by ibe d*- partmeat are *wa*d by la* otty Tbe No. (1 Ofcemioal. Mo.» BOM Cotapuy. Cbiaf' w*gon. ad eierfiaee wagon Tbe anglei boeee ea W**t Second Mreet la pi*d by Mo. 1 Steamer ud No. 1 How* Wagoa. Tbe boa** oa W**t Feerth NiMi oppoeite Darrew aveaae, la oc- «*pl*dl by No. 1 Hoe* Wagon, tbe U*mblaaU*a OboMlaal aad Boaa Wagaa. sad Ho 1 Ttaek. Tb* following epparatm la B Mrvlo* : Third MM doable pamp Amoabeec Maamit. 000 gallon capacity; HayM A.rial taratabla book aad tad dar freak. «-> f**t extension ladder; tare* bow wagoni; doable 55 gallon Hnliowar combination chemloal aad bom wagoa ; doable W gauaa Hollo Way chemical eagiae; algbl three galloo Hollo wey *itt*g*tahen. ran fr*m* book ud ladder iraok. oa aall; eiemim wagoa Chief, wagaa. a*w Chief'* wage*. Old. Tb* water mpptr ooaeiam Wl feel af beaa af* la oee. aad *J**wa b*rae*>ra lialaag for tb* artke. Tb* re Mm it B*di» B every Tber* wor* elgkiy ** * elatmi MS, aat lam***! elgbtaem over preoedlag year- Th. MMM af raa raaged from tb* deadly cigarette ud raapa gm eiploao* Bad Ore- Ai fat Hi. VuHer wars* Chimney* ud d*t*e*lte flaaa a probability a* win retire from na*eed m*ae ta* trwahl* aad locomotive aparke aad ebildiea with dalle* at pllmbl which call him away da a nil B* bm BM; piuam DiusbM w*r* ibe a*it meet freqqeal from b* city mott tbe ttaw. Be Meaae cm talked f*t tb* poalllmi preei Tb* Chief d«at tbie year. b*i h* fast tea* a* U lha balldlag a a*' aat wa a* Math led tb* aalee eaetara pan tb* oily aad tb* aar- Mabaa la ottu la i»* Oeiotal Boaatcal at Bridgepart aakarlaaj fraaa a cvm pn*ed frutar* al tfc* left 1*C Q «w*a paaebaa fr.afc tmm m U Knau HHH, A fall eat af fun; frail la ajeraya la ink, laoladlaa;mm tumm The Constitutionalist. BALLOTED 1 LUf Municipal Offlcehold- Tenni Bxpir«ThU TalL BTUATOK nuoent BUCKLE OF THE COMMON COUNCL MAT SEEK KTtEHENT. ColUrtar H* ty*«c«r Chaoaa by ibe PMM* ta b* ElHl.4 W*rk ma ooaaajltt***; Jam. M iba Baooaid ward, BMcabar ba atroota aad aawan, ra ud baildiag* ud llgbta aad tr**a ooaimltaa. L*i- Ua U Daniel, fro* ba Third war4, af tb* nun aoi»ltla* aad Mabu t ka* n ud ballalaea ooaamlte**: Robert L. Ur, froaa tb* Konrth ward, *bairtcko tba ara aad baildldgi oonmllwe tad otember tb* aadiiidb eoaimlma*; fbaraaina L. HarpBy, fro*n tba Koniih ward, chair- au tba llfhte aod tree* coanlt **, aod aaaaibar af tb* BUBO* BB«iHlMaaa; B. JE. Pray, fro* Second ward, cbilinin tba auditing OOaallMOa aad ntmbti ;b* atr**u aad a* we re. flaaaoa, ligbta aad traao aai Ai Majr«r a 1. Jaaklaa waa elected ta bla flo* a yaar ago, ba amtbar yoar Mm. OoU**r Ssttb la Me oat b* battd* af tba will be»p be Oomaoo Ooaaotl tba«fia* aad bera t*«r.ry believe tbal Mr. Btnlth will for Tarn BV pomilly b* a f*w Ju. tie** tb* Peao* aad oaaatable elect, ba» Midi from ta*** tb* tlcet will bo a aaaall on*. t la y«t a trifli early determine apoa bo wb< are xp*et*d k* tb* BOMlnatiM Eleaaer Small, New York, arrived for mamaera tb* OoaaelL Preal day aboard b* North German deat Baekle will ao daabt retire. H' Lloyd liner KaleerWllbalmdor Groeee. bm aervod tb* oily ooollnnoealy aa e Flak WM Married abaal fear aoubma foe several year* and ha a ago la Edlaberg. Sootlsad. ha* givea a great daal hi* tin., am wife otle* Karope with areek. Prior tbe proaeat y«af children. he acted aa chairman th* polio* bo r Piik had not oaly tbe mperial aad WM *Uo a Member MOM i, bbl ihe oaptale'a room, bat tbe impotraat committee*. 01* Jadgt baa been oonaldered fair and UM e*at lataeka city aad M B preeidlag fioer he baa bed tbe r* apwi aad adnlratlan tb* wbol' Mr. Oloak la alao one UM aider teamr aad wbmbajr ba will ml is ratara for aaotber yaar la Bat loowi Aaa at Ml. Hackle. Altbaogb R*b*rt L*e bm *»r»*d b* Opeaail mwil year*, b* t* one tb* yar aeeaabwra aaid ha* b**a ail Mgaged la looking afr tb* later- *M tb* rht. lepiilauy a* regain fa*» departmrat Ha * epokaa af We wleb Mate farr, bat tb* aa a eaadtdaa* for r*-*l*e*ea aad Mfallen Mr Hooley. aad OT bii ra, ha* aaear fraea waa waald Hk* aim earn uotber term Thi* 1* irae af Olaieac* L Mar pay. aa atbat af taw ywaaawr atatft Tb* ifwmm tbaa Ca> Balead by Mr vpay ba* bad a Madeaey ta t him Mill kitler for tb* poaltioa af Oaaaell- Headquartera-Cbl*r* Wa*on tba* b* Ooascll ok np tb* mattar af tie** aprlnkllag end mad* mantel tprlakllng a fact. Of alt ta- Mben aseob ooald he aald M what UM* hate doe*, for derlag tbetr *er*!a* y bare baea ead ibkrodaaed anay li aenta,»oiably tbe OeaMWell polio* patrol : Ma, wblle tbe aacotion tb* plan* b* Board r eata for a sew High School, iboald be tb* general opinion daring tb* paet year Fleiaftald bm b*en well governed and BM more abow for tbe mooey eapaaded than aay or city M tie*. PLNY F i y p AGAN RETURNS WTH HS BRDE ON KAJStf Sketch Wki WLHELM DE CROSSE. HM KMaaar gaiall elder** Win. Pliny Flea, th* basking firm Harvey Flak dc Boa*, al 19 Ha treat, with bit bride, formerly HM later fooad ibal be aa**t ioit* aboard mtgbl b* obtained and ok it. otil h»r ico moo Ba rope la b* winter. Miaa Small, wbo la an oaly child with aa ibdepaadaal for. Wed with her pareata la th* Ua apartmaat kem at H*T 117 WM FKiy-elibtn Mreet, «York Her aoqaalntaaea with Mr. Flak be- Chemical. i very fauhfal la bla almuduo* Wm eaall probably kaaw a>or* eoareely anr medicine 1* gtt*e la iaaklbc»fier aacb work aa bm aboat tb* mieot (BOM later," Mid Tb* aalpbar aprlbge»r* mj tirobg i laaai bis. Aa o hat T en Oyrae Small, b* bride* far, a end peraeai liring within a Mil*»M alaia t-nmiii*. tbla y*a>. B M tb* oo**e ira Maokey m ait«t have tb* naalerta. * MtMb laeproreeiwt la ttad la thai Small, at No. W Front etr**t. y*atmj. " ta abla ll jo* now. (b* tan MB do tb* work. tboagb bey do not drink tbe wai however, tbal bey were married at a tboagbl at ntlbmlooam noi gal ~ WMaai Epieoopal Ohaicb ia Kdln- atd ta*m bal foand did. Al bargh, ann fc* ereddtag WM M- led by a an* party af friend. They had»y fall MeeeUf. and oon *Hat*aa*M tb* rabu«. mber ml panne*, tbo Boere af th* lint Halloa*! Bank de*ir* aawe Mr. Kdwia a Hooley. wbo rapaatly failed, li M Direcr wl in* baak.. a* baviag rraigned M Di re**a* ea April «tb, la*t K. 8. Bool*j A OB., lime aat la aaj ray a»t0m tbe baak. J W ibe iee. Pnwtd**>l A. J. Braaeoa,Te Pretfdrai D «Bear. OMhier CBalr'a UwOag. Far Bgaa. *t a*. Mary'* Obareh. 'ill take ib* okoir af tb* obareb Aib«ry Park, Tanadar, Aagart 4. r a day'* ovting. Taae* ace akajat John Hall, af Hecborwood, backed bla nalamiiklli dawa a baaft, Jiitu day, aad emamid all artjiiao. Tb* maaala* la aaw baiag do*mr*d la local aatamabu* EDUR. TAYLOR ntereating Latter From City Missionary How Sojourning at Clifn Spring*. TELLS OF A TREATMENT WHAT SULPHUR SPRNGS CAN DO TO REPAR NflRMATORY. Chief Deui aod AMMlawt Oblaf Maga, at be Fir* >* part meat, hare remlred title a*w**ti*g lemer from Kdaiaad ft Tayr, Ut Fifth Mreet, wbo. with' Mrs. Taylor ia.pending thw aewjwa at Clifn Jnly 14, "Oblaf T. O Doaae,'Bror'Jaa- BlBg*. sad or frtndi B tbe De- O«od morntng- " bar* taa boegbt yoa 'Si laddie*' during ibe pam wo moatl and re*olt*d Mnd Ton a note i laaat. We ara glad report thai w< Hr*. Taylor and myeelf, are bcth bei tar end hope retera Ptaanleld i aboet Rii waaka. Frosi bar* w* go eoatbera Ohio, my wife old home ib* aaaaal rial! tb* old folk*. "f Baa* yoa w*ra erer her* rliti woald be r%rj lutereking The bath., wblob re le hardly aa nt yoa think jam amell aa aai liml ««. bat after a while yea become food tbe water Oar farorite ba are 'all ran' *l«^ro rmal, and Malic eleotrlolty. will give yon a MMCM la aall rebbiag f yon wait 1L Thl* plan DM been eaubllahed ore* Uty yean and * ta tbom boarding eataid* tb* nltarintn bslldiag proper, if one la ama OOBM H Abe baib room aad take tb*a>. Tba plant «T Tbe batii roomi were rthailt *igbt y*ara ago at b* 11 - bea t le o la**, gal dlaooeraaed aad commit *aield*. LaM week tber* wen wo eheffl* f tb* BMBi Mil, oaa by baagiag aad tb* by tantag oa ah* gm; bal <tbe aawera thai ba' haah ap tba facia or a wreck* might try Jala la* Majority by dot eg tb* earn*. W* had a lr* bar* MOT kfoaday which 1 wlab y«mlga* all bar* **aa. Tbe refaae r frata tba gm plant tre oa ihe anrfm at a amau thai rone tbroagb tba wa. kink WM MM Unil *p. bat lined it* bed aver eiuo-. At on* time ft looked M thimirli ih* en. over tbe atratm and il.e blgb mlgbt go, M ajell aa B cl.if.r t near by ib* alo*er.nil bold* a Serf red ba*. t U ib* Bnt time b her* bearo a land«o*p* beralng. The Tillage ' Hoee Line Cu. ' ta oat M did tb* whole wn and tber* WM apoaneona confaaloo for hoor or io. Tb* WRtar work* bar* are flne bal tbe bom la.boot M light worn by tb* ladle*. " will) all tbe boji ooold go orei Like OananaalgBa, near. here, for a day'a oatlag. t 1* abooc alzteen mile* long and frotfl one-half one one-half wide. Tb* bank* are m bluffy, aod for oilti yon can nothing bat Tineyardi. Tbe lit. :, la Many placei 400 (*nt deep, and tbe beaoh 1* covered wlib lime rock filled with foaeila ihelle, aad planu, ebowlag tbat Utfe la Of tb* oldem rock (ermahoaa oa ileanl Tbe water ia a greeatab blee aad with ibe nnligbt, and abadowa floating olonda, ii baaati fat beyond description pau on* n mind BB ope) or emerald la a bean tifol»etting Tber»11 aa labing 1* BM b*re. Deep trolling and lake treat oan BlWB7i ba bad, bue o are attendant. Tbe brook flanitrg 1* don* WHO a 'fly' at M do not know bow "i ien> have not tried my lock. "Bnt B afntd yoa are gattlng tired thi* -note' eo 1 will olo with a verae or two tbat have boa belpfnl me ilnoe faav* bean tint The* broth th* cobweb* oat yonr tj And (mil* Look otraighi n fao* tl world Andgtta f it kake ;oa down, jeet try egkii And don't gri«r«orer wbm 'might have been* BeHmil*' H naabla* aad gudaan llamim ifayfao* Twill help eome one elee ' w**t,' Do trouble oppnm tbee, let God be 'Tl* MJ algk, bat 'til better Thy eaaahiae will oom* la H* owo So trnetingly try keep aweet.' "With klad reaarda all 'UM boy*' from both Mr*. T. aad myaelf " Sincerf ly yonra, "at L Taylor." BESLEK-8 KNDNESS. Edwin & Hooley indltldoally. Tbe This man, wbo bad et bli wtf*, WM made. t WM atsttd, on tb* meld hardly flnd word! expma hie lavlu* AtbuTj Park om«lata laiia 60 a ahare. Tha eaa! tranaaetioe. however, and terse af gratllatde. "Why," aaid ba, "jaat * Tak* Trip At'.otle blak 11 f haja-t been for yoa deal WOT* BO* oonolnded nmil late aad thii camp. might bare had CUT- yeerday afternoon. i " Q. Bealer. vioa pr.iij»»t ud tl U a*ld la Wall street eaaral aiaaaaar Of h* Raw Jeraay ooley 1* la a fair war < r*a o Hallraad Park. Caatral. baa *n*ad*d an latttata A report bm beea la etrealatloa for ba BMaibar* tb* Beaoh OoaiBeloa ot Aebary Park, aa wall a* n* CitT Cooncil aad tb* railroad committee ot be Board Trade tbal city, m be hla gaaata oa bla fpaotat nlawii n lioa amine No. 900 on a trip Atlaatlo Cily Vr. Beeler will aceo*»- paay tb* party- Tb* trip la Mate so mvernl darn tbal be New Jereey OMral le trying porobaa* tb* property oa Fourth atreet aad Park evens*, itendlog tbe railroad, for tba parpom makfbg a part. Tbe report la thai all af tb* property OBB be *d except tbe* occupied by MM flew Tork and Hew Jomy Telepbea* ' i b Company aad tba Miller bnildlag' Da Tn Katw. f we did not *<lt*rtiae y*a woald aot know thai Kirby cigar More le laaadad al 10* Park avoaa*, wbar* y oa obtain a cool UM Wabaag Spring lai water, (fi**) aad bar a e, 10, is, la caai cigar thai will give BMMt*. Cigar* at «1L Ttt* CAN T REMOVE i i Water Company U nable Baar* Scotch Plains Thoroughfare*. THOMAS DOUD TALKS SUPtfflNTENDENT EXPLANS WHY CON CERN SEEM NEGLGENT. Agre«meat Made With Tawaahla OaMMttte* Preweata Ceaaair rroa rial.bta, Job- Marb Dlaeaaeloa oa «abj««l. Charge* ba** b**a mad* thai at*r oompuy, aftar laying te pi pee la Bcob Plain*, did not fulfill,raot by patting tbe atrvet n tb* oonditioa it WM origlaallr 'o*i Sapetlntendenl Thomaj Daod wl a**n aboat h* mailer tint morn aald: "Tb* contract read ba roadway BM be pat la tba BUM oonditioa WM b*for* tb* piping laid. A* we went along laying pip* tb* tranche* were ailed np asd tbe orpin dirt B laid aaid* n Oarttd a way. "Mr. Clark earn* m* while we were remotlag dirt and mid tba th* Townabip Committee wanted th* dirt BMd oa Sooh Plaint itreet for repair work. ld him we woald M* t M be directed -na h n said thai he wuterl Booh Plaint Bjan bard tl.e work. X acceded td. Tbe Scotch Plaint got tba job and work WM ita 't WM never finiihed beoea** npply money ran oajt and when Bni.hed laying th* pip* left th dlit oa roadway where t waa be CBBM William R. OodlBgn, tb* < Hi for tbe wuhip, lamed written lnatrnetiona ma not remove dirt itnoe it WMbe ie*d only on ten Plain* itreet work. A Beotah Plain* man got he treci pal tbe traeta we damaged n tpalt aad em be mrphm dirt, f he. waned. n repelri otbei i la tbe Tillage. Tot thla work rater company fered him a tain Mm money bnt before tb* work waa done bii fanda gav* oat th* work bm never been com pis remote tb* dirt became we nave been forbidden do eo. Tbi p, not tha Water Oompany, * bla for lha oonditioa thi NORTH PLANFELDER HAKES EXT AS HEAD OF TElfflE HAUTE. by tb* been beyoad tbalr own blook, ta Road How Controlled ry Soak Biaatng, laltboagh re are element UlMBd-rrlaco People Who Want pathoa mixed in. OB* girl Ounning For t. requeated 'Mor" Carry "look Ae a malt be tail a re Edwin it big pn**j aai with wooden atloka oa * b*ad." Bhe bad referano*. Hooley * Co., * Hvaaarill a cow. Anor *oaa H*r, aeelog Tarn Haute Railroad, at w tb* bird* and tenfng ir BOUK*, rin a Hooley. North Plainfleld, WM preeldent, hit paieed n ibe Rook mooh alarmed ov*r tb* feat an* had aaoaped from ir eac**. id-frlaoo camp. Tbe deal carried tbroagb late yeaterday afteri. within a few boar* t* oepuoa, aad R F. Yoakntn. at a bamily called mmllag tb* board Mora, WM erected a direcr company ud pfealdeal tbe road, BBOOMd Edwin 8. Hooley. WM reported-ear T vreteidaj B Fell meet tbat a bid had b**a audi for control all be common rek af tbe Svanavllle and Terr* Bute owi Ed win 9. BoolejC * Co.. aad rualag at B.raegat- Wm. H. Kircb, oontraolor, Doer HM, * gtvina; hi* ampler* Ml oatag day and f tb«y do not rorn >om* tbia etening with a big atrlag >1 lih it will not b* fail fmll. Than rere eleven la tb* party, including oho ROM ud Fzod Klreh. Tbe atari aa BMd* thla morning at 3 JO o'clock or BaraagBl, aad it it not expaod tbat party will n GOSMOPOLflN LFE T Make Up Happy Family at Flainfiald'* Fraah Air Camp. MOTHEH"CDEET8 WORK HEALTH AND HAPf 1NESS TO BE round FAR FROM THE TENEMENTS. tr ud Patbaa a Mlxtar* fomm4 laatltauoa-aaam Wmmmf To appreciate tb* am oaa t good tbal ia being aoeobipilatwd by tba Nalbarwood Freeb Air Home. Oaa iboald vlalt tb* camp paraoaally. laipeot iti beastlrnl earroondinga, tab* a RlintpM iti nterior, nasl and homelike, and talk with lta able, anmatron. And n for a TinoinK pro, look at itb* obudraa maaltm, Maraaaa aad J*w, talian aad rtab. rolllb n tb* graat, digvlng la n* dirt, playing gaaua, langhlog and ahoallbg and drinking la tb* pare air, M Nelnr* lntenn*d tbey ihoald. Qlanoe at tb* molnera, itaadly eewlng n tb* ihad* a big elm. Think tb* wboie*ob>* food, tba clean bed* eleep la, tb* tboaght and «ympathy glvoa t0w"jottt>«ir moral wf lll>f li>,: ( Mlaa Carry, * meiron, bringa light id Un motbara and ohlldren M well M health and ilranfth tbeli MHh And n for anor tain Via, aglne a crowded New York t*n*- ut, tb* noieome order* tb* atfmt, nd nolle M4 dirt, wtib, rttll n ibe oart B pamim vendor only gllmpm BBtttrl afforded. Think h* wr*teb«dn*m tb* borne*, and rice, aad than ooaildar tba inmate* th* Ner wood Horn* are brought fiom t iciom M wall ai tba M'OM dmtlta ola**. LookfrgalB oa tb* bappia*** and beajtb children, b* reeled faoea ot ba mor* cleared eome oaeei from mark! Tie* aad tame, and i*y wher or not thla work i* worth while. Nor li lnfiseaoe Home confined tb* two week* allowed ba iain. t apraads. Tb* aiolbera bo oome tb* camp teach b*lr 'lend*, when tbay return, tb* Tlrlnee t cdeanlln*** and decency. Tb* nibandi and fars who vult camp Bandaya are taoght b* m«aalag family aad horn* lit*. Tb* influence growa ten aoboonaoiooalj and perfaapf la greater for laaoa. Tn* a oant ignorance dliplayad hildrm, many whom bar* tb* older people di.puy Ba Mniiblng lack familiarity with tbe lore tb* wood* and tb* field*. M lubbtratad by on* old womaa who WM dlaoorered la a llaalng aitltade with her ear (troood A*ke4 what *b* waa doing, ab* replied he "wanted hear tbe corn grow." Patbapa tbe moel heartfelt conpll- *nt HM Corry bm ever n- oalt*d with nfaresoe bar work from b* far three little rbo were oared for al th* HoM*. tnretlgahoa prove* tba n a o r be aatra*, and tbal tb* railroad oomnany la eot Mzloaa gel tb* propparty yoeog men froei ily. oompoeed Jack W*ar*e, J*j aok Dow, Baa* Apaar. Jaa Apgar, M* Apgw aad WUllaa WUUBMM,

2 F R FOR 1 1 BUYRS AMONG MEN N Tft SHOPS Kjurr KTCKuca rw T H LOCA* AKAK tuob. "wv ««" «f i. o. HUM. Warn Wwwmt HrM 0Mt«M kmflm 7 M M W * Ntlk Why do WM«M4 Mr aufc BB M Maw T«k win. right krt la fcla eilj trat ttlm lidut' ftaj KM foa.4 B link, * UB r w Making la iba lataat. WlM. Kn»> aua n unan at O*M«praa. ti WVaa j«bar stllk aad (ba plant Waltar Hoou A Ciajpaay. War Ltaoaay * Son, H B«ach. «f Oarawft, ipnd avoaoa. TO* fat ba baat dairy prodaota. obtala*d aodtf atrlet liar* lag bla oollata Taoatloa worktaa at ba Pawd MtchlM Tool Oaaipaay'i ralaa *»d wttb th. approval th. last. avwrd af H.ailft Tbara M hnmr ObailM Tnfif, ba Potter Pr*M lk iirwtan iba* ld by thta te tala*d at hoaa by illa*«a for in* Bava M M M,N4M wo wmki, U (lowly ihprotlaf flaa> crap. Jalo* fro- ib* Jtar Boot* * Coopj f o HT. t AraatttMg oa Park 1 with work aad itia ooaoan t t* nallr k* MO* oooiiaf Slag far a alibi tmng Aa MM aatltfamnrr»amm*r drink aa *Bomb machinist* can b* wcirid s Mid WM ran taka ««. jm want iba fbd«will ba start**. d no uoail lb*m will Tbo atrlka ablp carpramra ud }olat*r* af Oaaidar. for a Bin* UMDJ hlak tt»*"whaa day at thirty-foci eoata aa boai la MM la folly M «1M" la b. pnwiieally o»«r, all bnt tblrry tba MirahM* immflm. M atrikan barlag riiiriid work f par* tabla ppllra. Tha btallh cl feo tup yard*, or aooarod work al UM faailly ii M» B. V. Baron, a>bara. Park THO >, aukaa a paclaily MNriif oolj lb«par*m Altni Barry Harah o.rrowly Trad* lima ud M MM trat acap*>d barfag bli baad aaipatad a* tba Potlor Praaa Coaipanj» worki "Tkm M»* from Mr wn, rway. Toaaf Hank WM work ltd M WM W«*4f«M WlM, M j'! abeal a «rar-oatuoii ataoblm la a brambud baab aad aoraioted h»a bu baad lippad and WM oaa«bl «at both bla (7M. " Hirry do-. D< r«a M eattsr sad iba faar. Bat aay. boamr, b«w*at Oari for tba tlbmly actloa "Al" MM llll optloal aiora oa witwil ba wi. foraaiaa af tb* u ( Manb'a UMl bava glaaam liad Tbtra M mad «roa,u aa*a > bowed bt* wiadoai Da ib«a lka- Allfa««ah M Haw Tarh Palattac Hi DMorMln OMaaaay'a Mala«M ii Park ifnit hm jaal panamad by J. triad OaWlM'a Witch Hu*J itajra. t M. Oahasl. bu doaa aot a w imwill MM wl M atmdah wok will b* watad daaw ttiii la OB M ooalrary M aa part or (raid* at i«oa* af tli*ai 1 aaffarod troai work dan* by MaMM lnitlag aad protradiag pllaa far Maaad Ml ba w proprier will M ty yaan. WM M by dibar piaaaad q»aaa y«a laaraa on attlwr E«laillBs. daoermng ar paparis* laa, bat akaaiaiad ao ralf Balii aal DaWM'a Wlb Baaal Sain at M M tbia aalva aarad» Tba luw JaiMr Oaalial will raa u SMraioai M*Mh Otwak M R««day. had a lomb tba pilm rtaoa. BL A. Aagaal. UOB. BM trip fi M. Oa, Snmascro. 8. O. Par Bllad. hlldma. TV, rraas Plaialald at w xl lveg. biag aad ProtmdiDg m. Haaob Obaok la PM aa remedy rqaala DoWitt' Bbarajta* i h Haaal Balrt. Sold by U W. blaaaotlaa. rip arar M gravity mllroad SaatatH aal Ml Plagah la a** af Munio graadaar aad a inp CTY JOTTNOS. Will D*T«r b* forgoman. Afr tba rip o*»r t* Switch back 70a ihonld -EoR*>a O'Ratlley aod Patrick g* Olaa Oneko hit yoa will lad falteae. -*»» Maldooa, o* lht» ibis O'Hrtlr oity,w«at smf.wsa)»1- M Ktaabsy Xrmmbmj HalrMk Muter Monday for > aabtag trip. 1 farob,bt iroagbl boaa* boa* t a a flahi.g Oo. m, TMr Boa otecb oala ol weak nu lih. Rotwrt T. JoboMa M4 faaiily. af Park irtio*. MBT( r*otad a ootufi at MM Uraot WaMtar, Baat Third Da yoar ay* tlr* wbaa reading m MM, ii pandlbf h«r vaoauoa ta ba arralatit A pair laa>m aaok Piwldaao*. K M w* ssaaa will roaiody tb«iroabla. MM Trottia K»uh, Balrldar* Otaaaaa ura»m*d Bllic* * Oa. «, WM MM baaa with 17 PhtladalpbU Bra Bpaeiallata. 107 Baat phwtd f»t.f f llowlt lajprovlbf Front «rent, Plalalald, irarj Tbars- ay- Mn Da«1< Aa«*raaMr aad daagh at, Mariaaj, Libarty Brut, liava R«c*rm, Bagtaa Oaas Sjaaa M> larafa lor (b* iianir paay Ro. S. Bllaabatb aad Wtlllam 00U Poatar aad faailly, af Maw 1'nn.r iba Bllaabatb PM Dapart- 1 war* la bt* olty. Soadmy. Tba; n Joba Biu. aaagkr K B Olark, af ONMM. Ma goao l*k«oaorga apmd a faw waaka Mr aad Mn Harbm Mania. Hasar (JUy, wbo ba*«fc filial Taaa fa aa«aaa T. Oawsia. GUwa wba la daniiii M hta \ BM la»1 ** ' Baaa, B*M Oaaipaaj f. *. kas rataraw txm fc, -inllii aa WUMM Laala DHMM, atf MN MM* Patrol m» Uaorga UnffT wast Maw Tor* yeamrday. whin ha DDdargo an opararloa M Flowar Hoapltal for a troabl* loos tasdlag. 1 aalartalaad by Chief Daaaa kaalataa* Obi Jmmmim^a. Tbay qaarra k«pt la aaab good ooaditloa Mr aad Hr. DBT«U RaayM. af H. T. Mia, H«*nqB.«. Haw Tark, la Jate O'Kaate. af Baatt m m MM Ball Mi gn, wt Monk BT«'bvaaaaMa isa wbar* aha wtu ba u» gwaat Ma»aa far ib* ram b* woak MB. Aiksiy Pvt, arc tb* M im 111 P. Oaahia. af Waat W Mr Ma Mr* V W Bollaad otnat, will p. M Wapptaiari PalU. J. M. tf Ml, C Mania, o w Tart, as aaaataaj ud la»«as Moadar with bit tmm Mr a«] Mrm " 1 MBJ A. id MO. af Malta itrai*. will van «oa Prtaay ta oajay tbatr b*a Haad U aakaa aa i tbm CaUa Mag. Th., -ill Mara ab**l th* 1 ifat ***!. aad '-'nmii M. rat ml BaptnWr T***» Ar» H"t mtmml BdlaaMtaabU la aay faauly. 1 M M MM. B* tmbmgjiwi BBirat < ilgiamaa. Tata tea 1*, ifcmll M raomdad Paaaklllar F*» ac MM - Pw r wo ka«* loaad ti af gnat nlaa aoaotty Mawa roaaamaaajd it for * Ob E PLANHELD DALY PRESS? JULY 19, Decoy Fly Paper, 3 double sheets, 5c Decoy Fly Paper, 3 double sheets, 5c CBRCALS. FLOOR. A. BUtE CATCH a aye *>!* '.'.'.'.'.'... J #, J 1 ^^ - g"ilp7*"t g* "" CANNED MEATS, ETC Monday, Monday. July 27th Saturday, August 1st 1st A BEAUTFUL ndian Scrap Basket CELERY SALT SOUPS. Bl Only 1 AUTB Bon OTHS. Given FREE ALL PufcKiMn Pifly Canta worth af Taaa. Cfaaa. A * P»piooa. A * P Bxtraata laonoar LAUNOftT GOODS, book-, ETC. rre. rttilt taf2.unz Ti'f"" - - an * T ara rurw t -r _. ^ ^AiP A p ft iyiss^feas^ ^ HSSfe:=;iii:^ il P Bormx Borax Soap J*7 ;tts %?* g p.ayah g, CMDW. A & P Blend Golden-Tipped ndia-ceylon Tea 25c A HALF-POUND TWtakltw f" t Mmdrf T«bBHrU4 «A> ar. t f Hchttf kl H*d tj-'b b^>. wt** ndn nni M * > xfa ar Ovlon TM. gi«aw i f Bb«4 in.l Wi iwai«n TO.»il] k> Hn v/fyvnpayy i) ro* ro-r /ess /ced tea Darifj BEST SLVER LEAF LARD 10c 10c b. lb West Pront Tront St. Aumobile Company, Of Or Plalleld. P.nfield. w >» E. Fourth Str««(. Stroot. N. N. L BCCM. NcCn. B(r. Mgr. Charging, Srage and Repair Station Cnl tli Cctrlc A M H M H lir.nnm. fllmm finn«.l P»irfai». Art* NortlMni w l Wriu for CaMlogx. 1 an* 8*0 Si TiL fti c.. - O* 1 "tv a- ieh. a. ft< *-*teifcna a i*e» s«waapwri tsz. Sirup USE PPESS WANT RD EHDBESS. H0Y/ HOV/ CftM Y «y «>^=.-.^^3/ EXFCCT TO 5LEEP "' ; k±*4» WTHOUT a f\ GrRS RRH&E-- That THM" CO«L coal RAN&t ranu sunns, burms n^ 0«y. pry. MRHES MHHES TMC THCDEO BED poor«5 RookS HOT Au. *UL NOHT HlfcHt *$0J «*m jci 4L*J± tt 'THUUCUf <Cewit * Plchre Frames. Looking USE PRESS WANT AOS. Picture Frames. Looking Glasses. Artists ArUsts 1 Materials. Paintings Gleaned and Resred Besred. ReSiWinS ReftHdk* and and Repairing Bepairinj Novelties Suitable for season. PHLP SWAM, OLDER MD FU«Ulil. JT «M from St. THE CHEAT CRtAT FHWTUKE FUKTUKE STORE. ~] MULLNS a. sons, & SONS, ai8(] Market Street, Newark. 21&J Market Street, Newark. Remnant Sale Remnant Sale Carpets & Rugs. Carpets & Rugs. Axminsters, Reg grade. 89c. Yard. Brussels, Brussels, Best Qual., Qua!., Reg t.oo i.oo grade. Good Qual., Reg 85c grade, 69c. Yard. 49c. Yard. All-Wool ngrains, Regular 75c Grade, 55c. Yard. Cash or Credit Velvets, Regular 1.30 Grade. Grade, 87c. Yard. 2-Ply ngrains, Good Quality, 39c. Yard. One Brostels Rag.. size 8 ft. 2 3 One Brussels Rtig.. size 8 ft. 3 "We, o One Bmssek Rug.. size 7 ft. 6 wide, wide, o ft. ft. 6 long long One AxrainstaT Rng size 9 ft. wide, wide ft. long One Axminster Rng, size 7 ft. 6 o One Axmiuster Rag size 9 ft. 3 wide. io ft. 3 long 6 One Axminster Rag size 8 ft, 6 wide, wide, ft. ft. 5 f> long long One Velvet Rag size 9 ft. loog One Velvet Rng size 8 ft. 3 wide, wide, ft. ft. 6 3 long long One Velvet Rng size 9 ft. wide, 13 2 ft. long At 5O Per Cent Reduction n Price. MULLNS & SONS City and Brooklyn. The Best Glothing Glothin^ Values -Ever Cver Offered. 250 Suits Men's Men s and.. -. A Q Youths' Youths Clothing at - - 4*9 Every suit worth from ; "left left overs" overs" from our spring and summer sck. Take advantage an an opportunity seldom fered. A Beautiful Assortment. Negligee Shirts at - - OL WERNER'S CLOTHNG HOUSE, 206 WEST FBONT STREET.. M. BOEHM West w **t Front Street, and ia6 136 Park Park Avenue. NOTCE TO THE PUBLC. About August third, owing alterations we we tend oar it will be necessary indone land making close oar our Front our Street sre, entrance it will for for be m a nrreaaary few few days. days. Our Park Avenue entrance will be open as as usual. ALTERATON SALE, MLLNERY DEPARTMENT We oar and at lees fer leas than all one-half our Trimmed end regular Untrimmed price in in Millinery order order close done out oat our Spring and end Summer Sommer Scks 1 and make make Scks. All hats as will win room be for trimmed Pall Siocka. All bate purchased ns Free Charge. USE Cash or Credit 3 wide, 13 (t. 3 long At 50 Per Cent Reduction in Price. CASH GASH OR CREDT. Mattlnge $4.98, Roll 4O 40 Yards. Yard*. WERNER S CLOTHNG HOUSE, 806 WST FBONT 8TKKET.. H. BOEHM. Hygeia ce. Hygeia ce. YOU DON'T DON T HAVE TO BOL T. T. F. '. T. OSTROlf, OSTROM, Watchung Watchung Avenue. Avenu

3 THE PEOPLE S PEOPLES PARTY Two F»cto» Jola Hud* and 1MH«S.D Address. MUJUT UUSL1TFOR FM 1DB \D TB TE KSTU rwle PLA1NPELU DALY PRESS, JULY OKXVKB. i ->U, July Tit lanigs One Hundred Sres in One. WASHNGTON. Jntj SB An -laboriip prokmiutuf for iiimvtttrr (ration in'r..-or tarty n. brat* cfrwu*.. tic- two fartoa W Vuplr'a parly la natfnool mrffwwr TV fojluwv buadred hundred sres is striving, in a spirit good natured oatured rivalry, outdo or in your NU or Nrw KTKUM atvl *<>ng nland Sounds like a t fairy tale, talc, doesn't it?? Yet 'tis absolute truth and each se aarth Atlaullc BfM f in*"- "a. -M: Bears service spreading before you tbe choicest seasonable merchandise from all parts noun! during tbr montb A.i«u-t baa -n»- ipanifm gnm whtrta very. boca pivimin-.. at tin- imy.m f!, «*«n tb» Mtlnn (i-ttwo globe, at prices unheard outside this great shopping centre. Signature S_2r"" """ i "" Frtd "" 1 «W -!M "'""«4 The Kraeral r«alun-«for t* tno- #f tk» atalpfl will be worknl mil by UM Uon UHy Trt4at rtmrat. l«vlns lu Ailuilral itarkm, Just a Reminder: KiiST ** comibtumuiut oibtit, Uu> D detail- ncident ttav auaorurer tiii tbe 3d Klta Main uf la* prapte arif gov- for i h iirulili-in will p Things Most Wanted r House and Garden wii'ii Caxtport and t'nl"' Ann. Tbla M be had for m"-* 1 1» * -. will idolndc an fllort on tbe (wrt a and tm Hflr awatrrtly. Therefor* we. thousand* tbe summer furniahings moot in anmnlilt boatlk- qottdmn rnt«r ibe r.^.uli-r- Hi- mited fttatea, day, Our and big while basement tbe showing is filled n is not with especially thousands pret pretty, y, it needed it la is eminently rammer practical, furnishing, and most prices n demand lower an..k.rh»r grnnnd la tbi> fan* harinc this day at Hiy Dearer than you'll find hud anywhere for goods good. as «reliable as a. se t are. defend lac Hcvt. KoHowlntt ililj tbmtt nnlteit r»n*eii with tlw dt-tlnrt under will tw s ccaaatlon two da;». during - wlini thai sll patnl Aitt-mm as fh Governor Refrigerar Otitside case is Fram*a Walnut which romblned Oeet will promed' j shall be.tkl mow aiw permanent- made genuine oak 1 lumber, amber, golden oak finlih. finish, sire. Window Framna-Walnnt stained, large wire, i 17- Latv latand Kwnd and anchor l» wlllnl. and i-ipvrtpnf* bsrlttg dvtn- lined with gnh-raized galvanized iron, iron. nsulated insulated with min- regular 40x40, Jar 19c. complete without wife. 4 Special. 1 7n lit 1 v ibreaat Ojntrr Day on nlfht otistratetl he futility any alt' aspt tn oral eral wool and non-conducting nonconducting J 4 C (2 O CL C Saturday, AUK. S nnr> be.-!. tnrnl owr truth eltber thfwuah be fmtmu-a., or -raoo- beas ntung. sheathing, aim size No (. 8, leg reg 19.98, 19.9S. at luiau Caa Onna Donble They will remain Uwr» durln«baaday. and on Monday y will be re- Oil bess lined, and regular Can Ovens-Doable as- 4 Special QQ O9 i-rstlc psrttni. we brtler* daks s rlew«d and napected by Pn^hlent now st hand skra (be 'nlted Pwcytt's Screen Scrn Doors Natural Deora Natural finished frames, Caa Hanfa-With RoMwrelt From about tbe 22d lb«party haald det-bire tself emphartcsl beat bna wire, regain regular t.t, 1.19 and., Spe- ggg OC tubing, Can regular Range With j Spedal Special 6 ft. X-inch at? A AQ He.^fO 29th AUffiut Uior.. W. be joint dt-manirrailona by combined fleet want lea Frawxar Sire O O Q UBt batterlea at Portland. Me. f.1 v-.r iif udfl Thirty Years CASTORA aw«aa(27 Lawn Mownra The alewttra The Dewey 4-bl*4e 4-bUde cut- quarts, Cam regular ce Cream >.49. Frearer Sire Special 4 Q QQ tp will eontlnue day and nl(ht. and "OW fnnd p p h^tigb, ter,. li«f light rmming. mnainj, teguur regular J-.9- Q 2.25 QC Garbage - t ft all th* arta nlmte warfare will he known in all npwifctb. ami are noshore brtmt stated thai hi bat m coven. SpecUl. Tight-fitting CalvanlMd Carbsgt covers, Urge large size, Cans No.04 A A N X v Q resort«..jn by br men--war Rain «7 nfr entraac* n tbe harbor. Unplna nwrtal <*WH rannrlatht at unabi will decide on tbe merits tbe contest Jaly 4. WW. 1OW-T»T. for ihe b*-m*flt When tbe rammer maneuver* ara»f tlw nninfnnn**. we dertare nnr an cobclndml ablpa will go Muth an* begin a Maaon tarc«t practice at 4*1 a annirj wfcwtbar atamped on DM. Outdoor Sports > and Gay Head, n M.lnli.v Mnrtha's 1 «..r f H-r. be coined and issued Summer Vineyard. Thla will ron-unw Brat week n September, and at ts conelomutl- a full legal trader for alt debt*. ion ahlp* will dlapara* tbe Taricn» nary yarda for rppaln preparary puultr and private; it., a synem <>* Sumi mer Pastimes. transportation and tbe trmnmnmwkw ir winter crnlae n UVut ladles. More than thirty reawla an? ex- rhrmhr-n-.' ownnl hy tbe public and MD-SUMMER SALE OF Tennis Nets, jaj6 3x36 feet JM3 3x45 feet, single Full nperateil by KHHTUBPH at tbe coat or doable conrt. court, from Ope 69c wood, Fall jtut sized just thing Lawn for this Swing, wear, rar, made 2 Q T 75 hard C pected participate n intineuvrrs. T«(< - M law) for > ratfcer than for».il»ilon. awl abntltmn lira WNDOW AND DOOR SCREENS. and Guy 10c t O. f O nf land; i*1r American ship* 6.50 A.goper Tennis pair. Poles sod Gay Ropes from tec Fancy tplndlc, hardwood doors, filled sad Tarnished in.natural 8 Ball and 8 Ballet Mallet Croquet Sets, made GLLETTE. Wyo., July 29. n a T, with Golf is.gain again in favor and we are only put up -if knob, complete (or. r far - **.."***:.. u * :. hook." d drdaken quarrel among- s number - house $1.00 boose in Newark with a complete line. B.G.. strong maple boxes, and nicely at 7*c varnished, 75c 3.50 per pat set. np in good talians at Felix. Wyo.,'two men wen and aad Vardoo Vardon Drivers and Brassies from 75c 7,0 killeo and n not her ao badly wounded l<- reforms we argr tbe rale tbe peo a.50. s. o. dubs 3.35 bass tint! be will probabl; die. Joe Datli il- thmugti tbe ncrtlnnal referendnss WHDOW SCREEMS Adjostabte kind, fits any- window, hardwood and vsmiabed. ns dipa. Note prices and sires i 1.00 Aluminum Clubs each. rons i.oo a.«5 Rubber Balls, and initiative and recall dere- C Cft and 'liiniiiii'k Kfiifi- got n an altrrlict nan. lab gmaranteed guaranteed for each. is 18 botes, Robber holes, at 3.7$ 5.75 Cored dosen. Golf Bella, regular 9 ft. Ping price Pong 9.50; Tables this week, seasoned at bom g wood, dozen. >n. and Datrl stmek Kttaie orer thi each O.OU bead with a bottle. nflicting a aever* -VnftfjtSent D tbe Juwlre tbe prilt Height Open Closed Price acalp woni»l Kiiirl.' stabbed Dstrl i-lpk-s here aet forth, nraly -*, M M! three (inn>n, fnnictids fatal wounds, j Free Deliveries by Our Own Wagons and Alt All Railroad Prank BHlnirnlla and Nlok Essie, a woum br tar th.- host n term ta *4 34» S«bror Domlntck, licn " ntcred people, we rail opna patrlottt-.1(1 >S 37 M Stations Within a Hundred Miles Newark. llbht. taking opposite aides. Bellngalll sen-..( tin-.. uiiiryjo4a With as D brlna-nw atw-rt tbetr eoscuneat late 3» 37 «4 * shot and nstantly hilled Nick Eggta Dotnlnlck KKRO and Bellairalla n law With se principlesflrmlyea- j6 +a s«48e exchanged several sbota. tbe latter being killed and tbe former badly wound- Koocked down frames, stained, fits any sue op 43-iDcbes sqnsiv. HAHNE & CO.: NEWARK.: HAHNE & CO. ftertal privileges moiim be eliminated OUR 1TOHE WaTEK COOLERS Just tbe thing this warn ed. ami nor* wtmld lie. ss patriot* ererywberp ur-lr*. a «*»^rniwnl tbe Wit* Wk> Will B* B, BaNtaD Ha..ball la>->lm. ka.plsa.1 wear. 3 gallon ahx Ballon sue i.$o. people, for (he people and by tbe f* CwMaw, illilnalflt n *"W*f ten cause tal -^ SHRT WASTS CM FOOD CHOrrtRS With, Vegetable Knives, PTTBBUBU. Jnly Peaont Batter Plate. 1 Cook Book, special al : 73c PTTNB RJ. July». President AN \H ACCDENT A MARK-DOWN SALE OF rryfqm Dtuiburg team Nations! Dreyfus* ational B* Baflpball or ball ntutxir* league lm»o* t«nn aanounceai iddodbcn tbs 119 and 123 your eyes will f tttuburjr wina tbe loafoe f ponnant rittntunr pennant winner tbo National tha tbe A. M. Griffen il"- Knropran Hinulrm. BOW on a rlam E. Front Street blindness, but how One most striking ferings American lea sue pennant will be challenged a serlea eleven gamee One most striking ferings we have ever fered. n [ «!u««i. ha* anil tbr fnllawlnjt n- many people have 98c 98c Shirt Wlists marked down down... lilrcrani " Hi** nary drpamn^nt from (l.'.'i.h- championablp world, at sight from ir own ncgct; when by consulting an Bye 1..UL.ii ' MjM-tf. raanniandla* athem 50 jo Shirt Waists marked down.. condltiona being winner and prrwinitl -i.ilt h*\r h*vn rrrvlrad SPECAL FOR THURSDAY ONLY. a.oo Shirt Waists marked down receive 7."i per wut gate r»- lecialist in time when tbe trouble Mg Shirt Waists marked down n "p> 'i '"' * hy itw kin«*or- 25 Shirt Waists marked down.. celpth and loser 25 ret stalled y could have saved Unl tatnrna >H airmi air by tb* alao visit tbe west and 9.98 Shirt Waists marked down... fcum ii irra....ini: wbk-b w* evisioa. coaflt a* world's champions sud tba Ladies' and Children's Fast Black' 3.50 Shirt Waists marked down... il in iltr.,m-'ii n apwial f you desire, we will give > ou Dreaa and Walking Skirts will be ld regardless coat at Dress and Walking Skirts will be sold regardless cost at BMM 1 i" qwwaj, our vlnmt and free examination. Sckings, ribbed or plain, «A ^ MM af '. irtlmi HilnMpfa w«r* etom 2O.-At a sessloa i. nirlmmt. Tnnlfrht dinner will.w «lr.-n BM n- mlnuttr "* ma- gate Wllcox urttil rodrren be regular price 15c, at vfa-r " v THE PARS CLOAK STORE, HONOLri.f. July 2P. HUES &CO. borne convention ex-deltv rtm-.'! WML TH-klaaj will TMt 322 West Front Street. cate Wlieex bom* rule «r*nd ' onrev memorialised grant Hawaiian lndependem-e. He alao atrongly farorsd STORE. my feioal i»nnrday." 91 $1 wonli wonh Rod Star Stamps glwen given with ovary every pair. At At 311 West Front Street. establishment a (orerniuent for Philadelphia iladelpbia ETE EYE SPECALSTS SPECALSTS sinnds similar Cuba. t JtAftm.. 1. :- nl.i ;ii AdrWt, WHEN BUYNG s probable tbat B petition { tdbodylng ftmn imtii A+H- A-L.1- Al.** give furr details nr th.-! ".. htmi-nt lh» BTlW Nlle N.Y. BARGAN 107 E. Front St. 107 E. Front St. ear-*4itlmi.1nm hy W. V M.CMHM 3x4 WEST FRONT ST., nf Ki im't',' whkt wa* attempt ng tn PLAMFELD, *. j. rtewh fipresaed by Wllrox will be prepared for presentation conrretm by Delegate Kalantanole. H11.1 an ap., peal would doubtless receive stgnairrs many natives. f-iplerv k*- -mr~ (be Him- Nile for Every Thursday. HARDWARE (Lte purpose nf finding a.tractcsjrie Every Thursday. trade mute tn UedllerraneaB. TaW JOHN H. H. TER, Bom: 11:15 L a 1 p. n. Cultivate Cultirmte habit economy econon ^ H - Ha.. 1,.-U»-. sil'lm My thai an stletupt *M made ours: 11:15 a. m. 1 p. it!, but Voo and 145 p_ m- *:,o r 8T. PETEBHll'K). July ai.-a tarrtfle CTCOO* ha* paahpd nu-oaicb dis- liy Brtltnh (cvpmiiwn! relieve bnt not stinginess. Yon know price and 1:45 p. m. 4:30 f tn. CE CREAM AND CONFECTONS poaaiblc below possible a certain manufacture mannfactnre pice it is Goo Good imtrict Tchemls. Tbree Tillages wen fro in KltsrtBjBi t rsatrs#?wl nosn*isawa\. i mile* above Menusr. as tbr Hits* 1M1 utpvk AvTt 32 Bak Pc T«4. Stac*7M; iia«.70(. ROGERS' Hardware any kind. Our Onr lifte trier lin destroyed deatrurvd Trhernls. Three rlllico. D a few minutes. Cburcbas Tools, Planes, Saws, Hammer and hoawa n house* were a frw llfletl minute*. lifted bodily Char aad and carried a long dtftam-e. Tbe or» life Nile, wbel-r t * MO >pfd hy tbe el- -eptleitallt W watn- and failed Tl«r-s Late Hous. Ooen for tka Season Levels is complete, and % prices ROGERS rud ons rtl.l.n The low nieet tbe right, also. Enameled Wi Nickel and Tin Ware, Cutlery, CoklBal MlBlMcr (.. W«-4 puuamlbt LtADiac luoiac fact anything 70a would ei r.v ill S July 2».-Tbe en»gent Seafood Market, 6P0KTN0 SPORTNG GOODS HOUSE. 1OUSL p*ct find in a hardware sre Mini-t.T M.i r PelletSU tn Mile, d* This week we are making a sped M««'. a tni.-ii.-r in a Tarts Brbool. la fc* two fnai.s SJMa. s. tparii lii.'-iti t K stated tbe marriage will o.tiir at i-nd Auirust. 232 West 2d ad Street effort clear oat our Ref rigersp rft ttw trtiln* J. T. fall n tt»* Screens, Screen Door', Hammock n thr 3"Z\ tr i >M Ua drtr«-. ' KNLmOK and or Summer Goods, wbic Hintky. wa«a-rtn*h>ly lni«rrd % ALL KND* Or CONDENSED DSPATCHES. will be effered at a Liberal Discoun uff.ntl fma bntlacw oa Ma Urad and will * Ufct ur for "CWCH.-.O auos food FTinrp Ferdinand Bulgaria has left Sea f oodl "fka n tbr rft orrt pam-uw FVU urn* aroaicju. Oobnra: for Unnlcta. Milr H. m* th* Bra* b*at and la-atauatawflfav T-JMMM N 9KASON. Tbe Stewart)*' cup at tbe Ooodwood PaTorltH irm n all > * < trramos. «rc Gayle Hardware Co race meeting waa won by Dumbarn Caatle. Harry Dreier, peels! Cash Sales Saturday*. Tbe rallrasd systems tbe south and Front OTHTCK BAY.x V, Jnly 2B a6.-»6j Wa«t Front StfMt. St. & Park Ave. Tel. 682 southwest are all buying more locomo- O-es hi prrparatlon for crop -nortag. l l"a> a*, who la tlantic nau 'RED VAMY, Proprier. Arthur J..\r.illJ..iii, lawyer Bes> u. was arrested at Ware. MBHL. *n prvaldrnt tanarmw or FrhUy H* will PUTNAM \ XJTNAK & DEGRAW DEORAVV Japanese Teas or Luncheons. ohante larrenj from an estate. return Wanlilnjrn fraatt kn* a** A boy has aettwted *'hirago pouc will mmr li(«omirtt n tbr W SRBCALS; McCullough s riccullough's Anything for th«above Anything for above bavins trrrin«l blm in making aenwatkiii murder muwt hi- own MM next Monday, tt hi w Plnrad Lawoa and Battste at «, w am. tec nrtj STCAM 8T6AM MLL. MUU. can b«had at can be had at thai Mr Pmynr'* kwaltk ha* ladies- LK«Hoaier, at,s,,t. lslnd)i<rul> aatrrialty atawfc* wfl Wa«ktncn P«rc*le Shirt., two collar,, at... s bill s be in^need ts Oriental Mental Tea Tea Rooms, Rooms. 326 W. W. Front St St Boys' Shirt Waiata for Brttisb parliament suoll.blng, nx or tlloaj*. tin* duty on taw at Us beat at Fort KrW Kcortte wf fesrare erwnt D a H=»tln* flnli *tth HonlbsayM' a»d TslaU waatld taa> track i 1 n thr»«f*r- CASTORA P or n fan ta an d Chi 1 dxe n. The Kind Yon Have Always Bought QTBAU/Q A/Q SennH D r\mwo fc Flat Sailors, Sennit AWO and Split SplH Braids. «lae. las. R. Blair, Blair. PLANFELD DALY Sre Open* at : 8:30 3 o a. m. Opens at HERMAN HANSEN, JtRPERTERAHD BULDER, ai Regent Street. lii-l : -.. ', 111, i:. Variety Vartet. da as Crna«Creat-Prlc. Priaoa s >s Lam Low As Hew Dam York Srwa. Sres. NAVAL MANEUVERS. Sre Closed Programme For Dlatpl&y Dlaplay la Hahne liahne Sc 2c Go. War Ships n Action. NEWARK. N. J. at 1 p. m. NEWARK, N. J. fill WLL BE U SPCTU> SSPtCEO BY B! PRESDEST Wo Challenge Casnpariaon With Ray Dam York Sre. Saturdays. P1ESDUT Ye Comparison «n,... PETROLEUM HAR TONC X. S. ARMSTRONG. Th- pollre n Fart* bm ibtk-terfrs) HtSsli Of No4r>! m» r-»rb«lral during DU! after eii c««for Vrjac J**. The gotprnn.fiit n-port wtys tbe cot-s imp needs rain, th* SDring wheat ootlook s onfatorablv. V.,M- tbe mprovomosrt n ration. i«u decided.

4 The Constitutionalist 4 DKHOOATC m i l l Tb«ML OUv«B«p«M Gbanh ptff fu4 li M i l ftmatrlkalim. f af a blgh ball *a lamlar la late ik«mb* * night b* did aa* r*i«* TkM aewi from hi., WM pr tar*. Tb* Am trio.* OtfRM mil singing Maaebarla "eeea ttm " Taa aaa "oeeal year ssaay Mae* laaa" wbee TOO oaaelder what a wall Mt rate yo* be*e pay wb*a UviBg la *e*h a prtpwln our M Plata sum Wlffi. DMDN Alia Dwfaat**. Hop* la a Poorl j Play ad Gam* on it Oral. PL Af 8 BUT ST. VAST'S pltabad gaad hall until tba g auawlag bat broa blta, bard at tt>* modem WlUlaai Morris. af tbaaa a baa* raa by MaMaaaa. TTaaitf la how ssaay M H ab tba 'Plaia* baya got Bagli*b ftmjim weald ip«al ha4 g oab aa aad for la* *lead*r laraa Uan far oaa tbrao-haggor.tbroa! 1 Mb* aad oaa alag, aaarlag The T d ha* ra di*c*a*lai Bt. Mary'a aaarad twloa tba ftaaaalal qaaamaa. Tbae's what aba Rflb, aa4 ninaiif iba robhar tw la. VaaaUaa ttar* ait-nth Al tb* bagiaalag af tba alghlb t loobad aa boagb iba tb* Ttatra woald t* tbo aoora, bat tb* 'Flaiaa aoaai braood afr allow io! two Uiaa. O14 Uaol-n hit tn «l at MetbodlM ntampal Obareh. PrataUr ba la BUamptiag 1 adlaa U. dead ndian." Prlatan' lafc. tmoplmd a* eteadard >o«raal for BdrarUaer tali ooaatry, pebllebe* la its cm maee'-tbe largeot eiroalatloa* la Ntfih AllMlie HUM) " n U af New Jaiaay B.wapapera t M; "Tbe Pram baa larger otreelatloo ratlaf haa la ainsrail eay Mb* Mtp.1! PlainSeld " bare tba pliann T»rm*t Pr d O aatlag. Tba former leedar J***r oa-* dehaera daaa *ot aaom ta ba dead politloally bj any miaaa Waald U ba a aeeeltar spaotaala aaa party aadoraa blm at tbo next f oaav*ntl*a. ooaatdertbg how treegor thlaga tbae ba** bop- aa Olrt i. teat beoomtag raa govoa* for a meinal admlrallaa at atatj. Tba "Mg gaaa" who fr.n 1KB lawa wblla aaloylng a little ool lag tbara look with pride at tb* taas'i avfoador*. while tb* laate glad ga ibroagh tbalr ataata for tb* aba Of having aa opportanlly aai lag open tba treat aae* ''«*> as waab llai* ia heatltng bill* thr ba Legialaaa re never allowing bem 0 get leal ia b* (heffl* tad ap by a playar fro*» tba la a paper oa " What aaell w* do Paaraalla Jaraay Oily. batag t*apaaalm* far Pag* play aa Bataroay witb oar Mrde." delivered before tbe alsai Coaaly Board Agrloaltar* Spanal faaaaraa af tb* play aa tba fii»fa*ani Jaba B 8mth, waa part Alia worn tb* two a b a»d galaad i*p*ll*»» for bl* maa aaonbaa, oa* by Ladaru. D laf t baailsa, rsobm-saaed apart d tb* atbar by Haartq*** at aa ba allowed bill romaa. s Tba latarr ga*«a la«axblbltloa eptaiea r bev* beooai* a aalaaaoe by a** troy leg ih* cherry oropa allai Smllb will have hla bead* fall la third and Un doallag with lb* noaqelte aed t wll be gwall "/or bim ao* mak* a ti Byaa. iba a*w tbird baaamea foi lie. WB»o«aa fast aa bt ia laaem aad hla throw B* * AMeeta baa beam oalled taa a waa aaly fair. Bop*, a yeaagot lerg* n*mb*r af b»»«y traefce, aar bratbor Sam. Hop., th* fetmer UwM aad ramelb tbara for ladol alt* parted* at lb* wlu af tbe drivers. partiaelulr heat tbe faat af aba location r* heeqdeartera i. th* e UllMttWl Jedgtag tram ba laagtb ot tiat wme af ta* track* are silew«***** on tbe etreet. li leaka aa beagb tb* tn.n at* akablag M a ea vealaaoa aalag t, la fact, far Maaea. lam* af ib* drltan allow heir ben** t* Head la aaa eaat a* leaf a* rrem 10 la in* mooing aali 1 la tba *r**r**ea, eaa y do it day after day Farr aad meet m aal polal af all y aagieel te ti. tbalr Harass. At li*.m daring tbe day* tbsre ate tem twaaly M forty boroae Mix along Beat liaaad etreae arttb alao aai *v*ry tea aabliobaa. " aa a*aka»iaa a win i a day. aa4 u will UTTU SMK EXCTW WD WlU ruvtd-w6 CROWDS ATTUDCD. SCOTCH nju«,,8-, ST. MARY'S, 4. Fatty halaalajan raai oud ba Scotch PUtaa aw ba mgmak St. Mary' Ala ouf, aafaad by a asara af Par ajaiaa laalagb tbo gas taaat aad aaa ateltlag af ba KM. Gavr. ba M. Mary boa artlat, HOPE HOPELESS. Tbe aaly faatare aboat tbe gem* eebell satwasa Alls aad Hop. T. M A. aa Ore at Oval, ialarday after i, wae bat All* boys war* make ran* whoawtar tbay wealed aad tboir opponent! wan bath at th* bat and la tb* BetA They made any aombsr error* li tbe neld and alger y seemed have a oaa* af stag* frlgb*. Oa tbe or band All* hatted well aad pal ip a faat naldlag pet Th* anal sore we* S a ia favor Alia The snap we* takae oet tbo gam* la tbe flr*t two laalag* whoa Alit le a taaai it ran*, eaeb iag. Hop* opened ba gam< hit* (iff Of 'Warry" MasLaagblla la tb* Si laaiag, bai aft bat ttt* atta war* f*w aad far bttwaaa. "Warr*" Mtrol ih. ball Bad ba ptael puyed aaaaad be*, tar Be**. OUHLUN, 12: CLNTON AVENUE, 1. Tba CUaaan Avoaaa aia* saet d* aa at tbe baade ef DenaUan A.. oa tba lataat-s giaaada Setarday altereoaa by a sear* ef it ta a. Dyer, iba Cilataa Avoaae et.b artm*. atraok aat twelve m*m, bet laaaivod poor sapper* EtUagar. Deaallaa'a regati alleher. waa aaated aat ef tb* has : inai bmlag. aad Oil**, B h ptaoe. ptmbed gaad ball fat aavoo i, * Taa bamartea wave: riailli A. O, Kttlaeer. Oil** and Bovu Otleeaa Aveaae, Dwyer it* Baemai ara by taaiaga: Daoallaa AC HUllOlft- Uasea Aveee* t Cmptra, Mr Taa Haas. 11 OaHattta. **;Oaaifall. aa; tf; Taaolaa.»b: W. ~~ af 4 o»oooe»oi AEOLAN, 6; ROSCLLE, 0 Tbe aael A. a Jeeneyai Uer Forty mombara bo life) Ward aaa*!- A aaaaaa alam «r t*, ibt wood aaserdny aad w*r* Mulil ta a Seotal Clab weal ta Hiaabetb, Betarday avaalag, ta attaaw a daflba plaaf lag tba ra batata aal af batbtak eaat ef whtmweeb by th* atmroa. th* claaglag af tba goag. aad heettam*. Maaiei far Aeolian ptiob*d "* T ** *** * *aolel *rab ta*r*. Tb* aboat half tba bonaa waald ha all euewlag ealy two blu lrip» - ** by H * * trailer oar. a*ar ba road Bvaa if tba Ti wbll* Homes, tbe* twirl**, ' Ai M* Girl. «U M aaoro, tbata woald ba baraly gh far ba M botaaa Ale ieeeii* WBTFELO. 7: LLURH. 2. Tba WesCaold aflgngaclaa addod or vjery ao tbalr already hang Hot ay aftsraaaa at Mllbara, doj tb* Sprtegtald MUbara Oaaasllswssd ale* a* a aaere 7 i Baa" Waller twirled far WaaalaH. eat b.i eppoeoala aatll ba Berry,. Mallaa, rf ll, ef; abiaaoa. lb; Boob, f Bereh, th: JOB**, m: Barkr. lb Wallet, a. BprlagJUld - Mllbara - M*eA>, f nim. cf: Sobreeeer. lb;boary, a Melatyr*. Ml Boatlll*r. p; <Jalaa rf; Oardiwr. tb; MiU*r, m Soor* by loaloga: Waalteld... OO0O0JM-' Dtrara OOOOOOOOt! Cmpiree, Flnnagae and Beboaaer. NO BENEVOLENCE D THS. The gam* ol b bail *oa*d«*d b* plated on JoboMoa avraai roondi on Satarday. b*tw**n team from Benevolent and Somareat Ooao ells, Jr. O. D.., resetted 0 la favor af BomeraH OaaaalL Tba team from Boeevoleal Ooeiutl failed pal ia aa appaaraae* PREPARNG DEFENSE Dr. Voa da War lataada COWJpol Mr. Witt Dotstl Cbargoa Bev. Dr. O>orge R Tea D* Water BL Andrew's Proetaat Bpiaoopel laklng oativ* ptipara, hi! roan**!, for bla da fanee egalaet aiteeki have beeo apoa him by Commodore Archibald Wait in tbe nil and * leraott with tba latter'* wife, Adele Watt, Boekview terraoe, tbi* city. Kotwltaadlag repealed romi tbat aoilon woald be abandoaed la V*W York Stale te avoid a scan die, la send Dr Vaa Da Watar'i aaeel be* ssued papers for an applatloe te compel Mr. Watt fa lab a Mil partlcelara apaaffytng! detail ba tiaaaa aad plaoe. wbcreta la alleged Mr. Van Da Water gellry mleeoodect with Mra. Watt. obargea beve been denied by both Mr*.»**» and Dr. Van Da Water. Mt. Park la. Sold, la order protest tale property agaiaat aay peaalue lavaaa by a trolley park. V <1* L Hyde, president th* Union Ooenty nreetmaat Oom peay. laat w**k perobaead from tbi French eatm* by a foreclosure on arty ea Wabaag moaateia known aa MoaateiB Perk nn Th* de«d ha* not yet bean paaaad Altbosgh Byda ir * --- aboat U acre, be baa only kept between 80 aad a. The real be baa ooavayed Pstralau Qwlta. Patrolmao J.mM K Tota. Waat Blith «re*t. boa reaignad froi* tb* dty polio* n*. Ma radgaatran te *ffm* imandlalely. H* ha* **rv*d olao yoara in tba department Hla ao- HOC la doe an *zoaptnal op itty aalat ia tb* raal ca aod srooary haalatiaati HkirwoHl HOB. Pally two hand red people attcadad tha ragalar Batdav avaalog hop al ba Hotel Nataorwood fatarday alag. Tba bal «o*iu wan foaoad la aaaibara by aaaay froa> aotghbortnk oottagoa aad tb* city. y A yo«ag BOB baa arrivod brigbn tb* baaa* Mr. aad Mra. rioaobar. Brooklyn Mra. Plalobar Al Aabwtry Park. Qeorge T. TanBoakerak, 9a, 13 at Tba follow! at Plus. d BaaaH 86, 4 Bt; Lelghta* ragiarod at Aabary Park ho**t 8atarday W. W Baayaa oag «Thome* B. VaaBeakarek, 9a, 9 Oalklna, an, 8-8» o. W. Abbott, 88, 4 ifa Boaaa; Halaon Baaywa aad 84; Evarti Tracy, 100, ife. r. T. Aatroa aad wife. Margaarl Aatroa. and Mr* Obarlaa Taa. Oolf rsbmlieu oap al tb* Hill- Tad* 1* tbe saaaaing by pasnts for W*abol, Tba La.fc.ja; Hif b Faw aid* Tonal* aad Golf Olab: ortt. Tb* Sabarbaakar. Walter Potereea & Reeve Soki Olef Seegotad Two ostra aprtakllag otvrta, foraaorly aoad la thi. oily, bavo boaa aallad Angaetas R. Fii Arthar Marphy a aarra agala aad axe BOW with tb* «ii aow a Tb* Color 1,1 B* PiaWB. aaaagaaiaai al Oalrta'a Farh paapt* an allowed tba Part arivuago* oa Tbandaya oaly, aad otbar MOM 1 00 MADE FUST GOLF Hoorg at Park Clab Won by McCntchan and Fabar Ti«at HiUaide. HC CM1E1Y SAW WECKLV COB- PETmOW AT BOTH CLUBS. PARK CLUB. tbe Park Golf Olab ooarea ea aatarday, for tbe ly Stay n tbo President's Park Golf Olab oonjpetitions. Tba Bane era* in esaaueat condition mat no score* generally goad. Several lemben remain»n al tfa* olnbbooaa»r lnnobeon aerved by Steward indaraoa. & St. John MoOataboa won rat man's for tbe Preaidenfi oap. Tba. tamainldk palau ware divided hf G. W. Fabar aad Dr. A, laaa, wbo were sled with a a af SL For tha Park Goll Clnb oap, acratch event, G. W. Fabar tbe list three points, John McCahen.two pcriat* and J. H. Howall tbe eaa remaining point Thee* are ib* aeores for tbe eapa: & SL John McOotchen, 98, G W. Fabar, 89, t wll Dr. A. W, Aaderaon, 101, M> 81; J. H. HowUa, «. 14 H*; Obarla* Dep^,», W. B Vabar, ; Leea R. Tbnrlow, 109, 9S M; O. O. Fabar, 101. t 891 Rev. a L. Goodrich, 108, 14 M; J. B. Bebta. J15, 10-H; A Ken worthy, 1SS, SO-96; a Niohol.. ll, ts «e;oharlea A. Bead, 111, 14 gg. Thti la tb* standiag by pointa for tbo Preatdeat'a oap at Park Golf CBabr _. Dn d ley, Jr. ( Joe O. MoKelvey Dr. H. K. OarreU Dr.._ Obarlaa A. Beed: T. W. Morris. Jr 4 J B. Hewell t H. a Welu K Cheiies B. Mara* W. Halleak rt 8. nog a.. Bev. O L. Goodricb S a Bt. J. MoOatebea Frank Rogers Mergaa T Tt O. W F.ber Oaorge T. Rogers Arthur Peck C L. BTtebem This ta tbe standing by points for Park Golf Olab cap _ -lerrla, Jr. O. W. Fabar Lonls Cbaaa. m. A. Townoand Harnert 8. Rogan Artfaar P*ck J. fas. d*l. R. Aadaraaa 1 HLLSDE. The Hillside Tenon and Golf Clnb oar a* was crowdtd with playars aaiarday. Low aooraa war* th* rale and tba play alg*th*r waa good. weekly competition for Golf Ootamiltat oap, W. L. Uleaaey aad Welter Patenon divided flnt honors, neb BMklag a not score 75. Thi* gives eaeh J>, pota, aad Mr. Pi eon lead witb l-io point*. W. * Ulenney, ;«. 1 71; Walter otersoa, 84, t-7b; a & Margaa. 9S. B 77 ; Art bar Merphy. 88, 10 78; A. U. L BUiott T. 1 D. H Rowlud Dr. F. a Ard o. B. r E E. s a. A. O. Beadcrsae, 111, 1»-W Mlse May Holly and George T. Tea Beakerea, 111. li ag, a tba piay-o«fot ba coeaolatioa Weartald, Jaly X Tbor* wer* two v.cts an tb* Weetteld Odf Clab oarae Satarday, one ragalar aeatbly bandtcap. which wat we. ay L L Tewnley and tbe or ef tb* qaallfying play far competition. a tba **r Towniey and M. L. Foaqaa ere Va* two saooeaatal con teat ant weak ago C. S. BalMed and 3. J Woodward qaalinad, making elgl len still la qa allied. tbe «ae meking g«m*. Tble eight This prs- llmlnarj mlamry play la eaatlaaa continoe for eight eigl waohe. «ekt, Preal deat'ecep after tart's cop will which bog bagia a play by for ho Pr**1 ihooo those qoalify qaalify «Th*** war* tbe aoor*s on Batarday at L Townlay. SO, 1-8S: M. L. Feaqaot. S o; L. a Jeokaoa 11, 6S7-S8; B. Talbot, 118, 90-88; F P. Oondit. 102, 14 88; R. H. Stern 119, ao 89; F. G. Harris, 117, SO M W. J. Bogart, Jr., 108, 8 96; a Breweter, 196, BOYS GONG J G EARLY TWO EGHT-YEAR-OLD LADS AMES TED FOR ATTEMPTNG BURGLARY. TblroaOgraaolors ta Coert Today Scrap" at Bol BeaeU Wi n*r Gave Offleer ngkt. Patrol man Tottan aad Speelal Offlear Aiera bad ir basda foil Sararday Bight arresting Saainel Warner, wfa< g a general dietnrbanoe n (root police headquarter.. Wl was "abbbed" after a atraggla, getbar with Mlsnael Oleaeon, arralgbad this morning before Oily Judge Banyon for dranken aad disorderly conduct. War ner, whoa* previoo* reoord waa good ralcaaed oa impended aanb Oomega, won. who wbo had m a bad record, reoord, wae role mood wed mlao alao la n coandormtloa conaideration far hie hi* family. faatlly. MeNevn, and mad Barney Joho John aboohma McRerla. aheetuw mdalgod Edward lodnlged la Dooley n a from free gbt gbt in tb* Boaell Satarday night. Bight la Sheehan Hotel Sheeban woo Roaoll Smrday waa tbe nag loader t and Moot blameworthy and wae flood & Sente ore was impended lo loat blameworthy and wa* Sentence was impended la tbe oaa* tbe or two Two ot tb* yonogeat fenders who have elalved police attention thy year 'ered a charge attempting break and enter. They ware Frank Green and David Friedman, eaot eight yoara old. Last night y wen igbl by Patrolman Measler lasitft McDononffh Brotberi' coal fice oi Madiaoa aeocoe r *DB* wbiob (boy y bad aa- entered bnak'lag th* witt rad aa by break log tbo window with alao Ayera' point aso. paint shop, They.bop, bat hot obtaiatd aleo entered obtald nothin* Ayers notfaldg la itbar eir Tb* Jadge repri maadod place. ir pareole Tba Jadgo paresis for allowing day rsprl- «he boyt boys rao ran la in tba atroots, streets, mod and e aadad aenlence. Bdgnr ;Fr**saaa, Alfred Snonelein and Jaeksoa Bedgeman ma<u tbei: for riding bicycle, on tbe walki Tbe Jadge waa lenient. Clifford Randolph, a oolored boy, "op" me fense, waa lectured eavaraly for trying ^evade th* troth But h* o experienced clemency Of court Richard Campbell was >ed Bard.y on impended far tb* like fens*.» or ease* oomplaled long Raphael Zoppy baa bean drink ng beavily and threatening Kill hla wife. Tb* latter failed ap against him. however, and bo Jodie ibligod release him. Tbe Annio ArietBDO, charged with being c.relei* la tb* aaa a re valver, waa adjonmod al tbe reqaaw oonneel, William Newcoro. K. OF a AT THE SHORE.. C- Ckirck P»tar»l Order Oolobrat* KmbavrkatloB Colambn.. Tba aaalvaraary af tba Ot Oolnmbni from Palo*. Spain, fay tba Kalgbta af Baw Jaraay la Atlantic mdn.t. ADD 3. JoLa O'Koefa. tbli city, i* a memb ilt* af. A large m and probably nany ot m b* on baad aoxt Monday. t la ben tba order will Join n for thai i. a. With tb* Pilai trophy packed away a a box conspicnomly marked ana lly wearing tbe m*dau reoaaly tb* AneriRaa rifle team left lialey Oolaidaj moratag for lamlinsi. where tbay went aboard tba saaam- Bhlp Laoaaia r thi. country. The baa pnaaatad Col Braoa a ailvarviagoepaaakaaaetea-. NNSYLVANA RALROAD. Pon auar Mmiion T» *, u and n VBiwMin. EORGE W. DAY, G General Auctioneer 3alea Personal Propnrty solicited P. O. Box 133, lmneuen, N }., or ad drees in o*re OonstltationaUgt Terms reaaooable A. WOLFF. M»aufacturer fmaafaotarer bolff, CGARS. CGARS. Clark, Oreesent avsaa*. haa gone ad dealer n_ail kdnda BmoMag Lake Oeorge apcad a faw waaka. from 961 Vest Mia* Bertha Manning haa jnit ratamed from Bliaabetb, where aba aad aolicite tbe palronage ol a um enjoyable week with trtenda and pablio gvaezallj. AGENTS WANTED. H, by Mi. Woolsn & Buckle' Buckle; PANTERS. VaU Papers. Paintcrf Suppllec North a^ Reading System cw New Jersey Jer»«y Central.» p. - dally txotyt nnd.yi "Wllte*. Bam uid Boraan gipreaa ' Solid vi hula train Wilkr^H.m- Tbrouajh Pi Car via D. * H. B. R Sonnu and BOB BBv 1 u-i ana M FOB LOHO BKARCH, ABUBV PABK, OCUH OiOTi anr roime oa Niv You A.HD on luna LK.,4E,tM,1lli aliu, BSETBVWMURW- N,U,taindT*)pm w«ek-da*a. Bundoja,aHBa*U)Bt, imiibl!«pa. Sp at inrtajlen for Aibnrv Park sod Ocean Grove on SoDdara.!S-w5-<2ffv& t b-sf-fs-e Arrive M p. at, 01 aaa MB a. m. B. B. BRD, r. M. Rev. Mr. Bakar'a Thank*. Rev. B. H. Barer, in lui iiea* Ot Sabbath Recorder, ia an arliola written by himself, thanks tboae who ok part n reoedt remembrance Of his anniversary at Berea bla Seventh-Day lb birthday Day Baptist mo a eboroh. re rear; ohurob. He refers pleasantly tha sereri Mveral latten fan received n honor event and tbo rooolrod be part lake? lo hooor taken by Rot. tbo Bev. O ore E B. Hhaw, w local cbnrob. Mlaa Oraoe Webiter, Eaat Third treat, la spandlnc her vacation in Providence. B. L rv-c Lchlgb Valley Railroad. Arrival ipuunild 111 liparliri ranumet ( Halil raw rou rand. SOHUTLLtaat larmi. [an Trotlie Smltb, Bel*id*ra avenne, wbo bat been 111 with typhoid f*ter. s slowly mproving Mra. David Aagerbaaer and danght*r, Marion, af Liberty street, ben 3n* Saraga for tnmmer Boon rooter aad f.mily, or New York, are epping at tba home D. K. Oroeodyka. Meroar avanae. Mrs. John Swan, deagnter E. B. t. and Mra. Herbert Mania, T City, wbo have been spending a weak with Plalnfleld relative*, havs tamed bom*. Thus far tbara has beeo no noticeable change in tbe condition Denial OUwaon. who wbo s la detained at bis hii wa in Brook avenee, with lypnold l atsoao, with typhoid William Boos, Hoa* Company No. baa returned from bl* vacation and Loals Dooavan, tha same comiy, oomnjenoed his vacatioti ten days yesterday. Among recent raglatratians at Colaman Hoase, Asbary Park, ar* th. a at Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Holland,. Bay and F. L. CL Martin, Plaialald, wbo were oa aa aamoblllagtrip.

5 union Ti.Boroa.h Board Po«U>l. D,( lor School Tmx. go Acnojr AT CWWTO* ROW N THS CTY. HCMSY 1HDB Frank HtntM, ot Thi. City. Dr.»*^ " Mlaa Oorri*, L. LM4i tbe LOT* HU H. Btcw Pmrtkrfp.tdrf A* Youth Altar. tha iawm COURTED XV ORMAHT KCC-TKM TO BC HtLO THO CTY t THE CONSTTUTONALST. T GWS P Oaly AdmltUd EmrtOni Day is tha W««lt ia UMABOtt P0XBX0.TJU<nri0H CHAME oat/moat vt PATBOW or THE PUASUH SKOUMD. MMtAJCE N THE UFE Of -US. LLY WJWM, Of CETTUL CTY. t Saaa-Tko Sry MM OH HAS WAT TO WORK WOMAN RENDERED UNCONSCOUS r A Pbnletaa Trolley Osr aa t fa: OVtR At* HOUR. HarrlodJj liaaawl -Takaa MM OWB HOB Sanitary Plumbing D. W. LTTELL, o. lit Vorth Av*,. PlalaOeld. H. J. TkM» will M,». Beara ef lulls r> Md bt kttmik ef Worth Flaiatald lor be w w > «f eortnin b i Phil edelpfala obnreb wbaa Frank Baatbit oil?. Md Miss F«td MbOOt 00 Mary A. BilBM, dao«m*r ef Ml Ant boa 7 TVHBomaii, M B.ord Of BnaMSlM M Header-. Philadelphia, wen marrtvd M.H. Allboagb tbe w>in a» [a tbe little Otratt Tillage i rt4* d H vtki matter M UM table mamwrg, wblob WM warns il aiter uiii ib* Mit rfmlar MMnag. Jeba las BoraeMaa's.H. tbo bride Wli»»i. «> ebairama ih«bnaace Md groom af day playtd ger M oobhlitm etama w be amlaad oa oel- obudraa. Side by aide y etadiad wiing th«komt sow OTerdee. Ao- la school, M aeit door neighbors ibeir otdlag be opl*ioe tbe Oerporen«Ooaaeel. Baa* be pala. M UMotbers oompaay aad ger tbay hoars raarsamaa wm apau in saah M* sobool»w almiaetly Hji tbe row maabew and womanhood Beard U entitled tt. PreaMt M meeting war* Praet- MJMM R. Jey.CUrt R. H. Pou- MD Md ammbets. woearaff, OfwtN, Him. ill Valiant The chief MD f basinea* WM UM dlaeaaea OOtleoltM Of UM bmk MlWOl from»m borea«b which Wt M 1MM. Aa MM la Daily Praes UM U a MU OTOT U i.»: A dommt WM mate a (] MO UM OOMMM Ooaael W k* MU M WM reoaatly dissevered ibm UM Board WM aatluad be (nil BM MM oapaid tasee ii»i>i-r UMJ '" sallaaaai ot Al ba laat meotlag UM Ooeooil no opiaioo Corporation Goaassl Reed aad a atansmmk be eotlm MkM by ba Ooaaell oa tbo atksr tbe Board. l were 1/ wbiob were rwmlved laat a Tea tag. While, la Mr Meed's opinion. sobool >w, M revised la M, aara ii.i ibe Board la eatllled M May ead should nave t. be prao tieally aaye»nat tbe Ooaaell will not pay be UJS aatll ordered by bo aonrls ao do. He otems bal tbe Mly practicable method by wbloh tba Board OM ooueot tba mee*r aader tbe i.,iim,iuini t. bv keestaa' tbe leai ot ih. statn by M lsaaasma a MMdaaas eoeapelllag tbe Baroagb Collecr ta pay ever tbe MM whi.-h weald rasall n a Mas MM. Several nmmbara spoke on tba tar Joaa Valiant said be WM prepared lake laaae wllb Hr. Reed. Tbe State law. he eoassnded, was rribt Md proper and tba Board woald eaoimd a uric* obeer*ano«rtatate. Confining ba aald be Beard WM no* responsible far tbe preamt laws aad tba all! assumed by tbe Oonnoll WM keep be las rate oo MO side be gw* M down at tba sipenae ba or aids. "Tba oilisant have paj tbe bills, Myway, aad t woald not bi additional berdsa wher tbe aaaeaat was paid BOW ot at My tiara la tbe fatare." aald ba. Hr. Valiant aald while ba bad ao reeling la be maltar aad did not MM la bare My frlm with tba trsat from tbe posit e ba bad takm la ba matter Md latmdod aaelag hroegn. A partlm a latter from Mr. Tewaaaad. wbo WM a assart, WM nmi sy Hr. Tattaa* la waab Mr Town with Mr. Abbott, ea) tbe prsseat sttim la tbu ally, tbe latter Mid tbe ream way UM point bad Ml raited la this saaatelpalltt WM MM ks Board did aat wtsfc salagmlas be ottv Tba BMW bs BUM ap agala at tba BOS* wbea all tbe saaasasrs wul be rrloaa tar tbe Hill lln at a eeulag at ibo Watabaag Babaal, Motived. A aseeaaed ateal oaulag WU east 1U Md B OOlltBg over fob iatb tih wmdm hmb, Heater, * - trsl will be rtetlon tt tba balldlag aad graaadi eemmtws*. Tba arrival tbe wi saaaty af eaal - - r Bills amoanilag ta tl weva erdeted paid. OM tboaaai ' will be borrow** bv bo sno Clerk, rm a.msad witb wbtea BMaa ih. MlVs. Tbe OelMers revert» «,«Hsr.ipt*. t4mm: dtsbaraa msam, *M;. sals as..»eoi,» A - CUT. i amill- *-" * ** P" tfrsttag Fred 1 rank Bnarand aaoarod a position la a -rilibfi ta a sinaallli aoaat One day, a relative af Mr. Born ill MaMl from AnMTlM Wllb wealth aad position Ba ld bo great wealtb af kbla ooeniry His aides sries ot tbe tabeleot wealtb lib* M la eeareb af a rne. TotblBf as aver beard be "r Bor siaa ta tba Tillage again Prank TSBT thi. ooaatry am A bis Henry. Bo bed given ap.west heart af bla yaatb far dead. la a t af dejbtlm be enlisted n be roienteers at ks tims tbe panub Amerao War and fongbt bravely la Oaba. There ba woo hoc arable BMBMOB M a sharpabaooar. tl «MM tbe war Ua motbei e this Mavtry at mil ber aoaa. f/bile bore ebo vialted frifda ta Philadelphia. By accident she ] tarnsf Ml Baraaataa family lived Bearby. A few data af n leottag two lover, weddlag rta WM Maoanond far Jslr 17. HMday la St. AlphMM'a R Cberch, Philadelphia. Rev. rar imel made be iwa BSM and wife. HM BllMbatb naalkel WM tbo bridos- d and A B t hoo y BoiMmtn, Jr., i ba best nan Barry Kennedy Dr. Joho Boraenaaa, Brooklyn, were nanera aad tba flower glru wore > easier tbe bride Md Hint Emma Qalohmlre. A abort wedding trip will bs en Joyed Md apoa ir rttem y will net, Mortb Plaiaaeld. frank Baarand is manager a bilbai'i oafs aa Kaat Froot afreet. Ha la a well known ef tbo lndepandeat Usn Glnb Md la lentibrrl wllb eeveraj lodgm la tbla :ty. Upon ir arrival la bis elty a reotption WUl be bold la tboir honor at tbetr newly tarnished flat on Somertel street wbaa a family raaaim beibe members both will take place WASTE Of WATER, Tbe waste water tram leaking Tdreats abaa* wn hm bm» tiderabla la** Bern* peopla Uw haaod t t* tbe driven tbe aprtak»«oarw; bet all aba lag tbe bnlldiags M a tbaader almwai apprmebed aad tba atrrlaaa bad as be bold indoor* Two aausdred visl awmdad and saw for tbemaalvat good work wbleb la beta* doaa ew Tort's poor RST. Dr. K. H Rodman, rscr inert. af Urnoe Epitcopal Obaroh, Mllvared tha fltdiuaaiiij tlliaas. SJMslBg aa behalf ba local barobm. Tbe work was explained and good already aooompllsbed (viewed. The leader at tbe meeting wai. Biglow. who praauli in usiani Oeotgo A. ObapmM, who a* llttalatlt on aocoest illness. A naif bonr sobg eervlce WM bold. Seriptare reading WM OMdeoted by Rev. O. M. Sboet, ol Beoh Plains, aad a prayt r iallvarod by Bev. Qtatgi Shaw. Mi. Biglow.poke wards welcome. D. M Tomy read a letter from Alexander a Morgan, wbo pnrohi ibo balldlbga aad started tbe work ( ibe beano at a east The tar etaled Hr. Morgan, wba U a n J. Plarpoat Morgan. KM great laaaeler. ngreted bla immlliy u be prasmt. Hr. Torrey explained ihat, al be death ef bla wife, wubing beooma latersassd la same oharitawerk af ibo kind. Hr. Morgan lataoroa hi. atrrloea HM Carin ber misaina many aad earn for iibliisi ef Hew Teak ba drawa so, engrossed Md presented This BBottaa oarrled with aiaah enthnaiaam. wtbea ilaa bad olaend away ht meeting adjonrned tbe lawn hers Him Carrie, tbo mat llaanalsil tb* ohnraater aad aoopa he work, la tba camp ara BO*. aers Md children. loclodar bla aambei are reprseeautlvea all nattnoalitift: rish. Habrewt, tnuaba, AS Md American, predomim Hlaa Onrria said n.pi cosmopolitan aspect tl oamp, paaoe relgm within k from ae week's Md UM or. Tbo onde^nl transformation in tbo n mdilloa tba inmates ef tba home i» rimimmkii apoe partutblarly. Spiritaal taanbinga farm a large part tbe work al tbe amp i " prayer aad praiao enrrioea held eaob #r*ntng Those are nn ba anspioee tbo varns Christian BadMTor Socialise la this city, Kll«ahetb, Cranford. WeatnaM aad or laaaa. Tbe iiimmlll.i la ebarge be MfTMM ysakacilar wan: - H. low, nkslimaa U K. Ball, Hlsa B1U k D. H. Terra*, Vka Sara Oarrle aad Mies Ploreaoe Hawk in*. faamre tbe aft. WM aan bnfcm by M camp. Little Willis i alrawly verttaed take plaos aad if tbere la wtfaw weak*. DlaradmM UkM Mra. Raaor baa baan ipancliog two Milt f«llow la giltrlbg tights uti at UM aao r alar, Mra. aalltag hmvmwatd on tba.winging Oaa. Saruridf, Bad Seyenth itreet, Tba Sign MBMd OMM Woobis Dntil it. meantng WM made plain. Tbanday for Sooth Africa. Sbo preparary s MftrlBf New Tork BOX! arty Saaday afternoon people taakoa UM trip wllb bot two unail JM gar at tbe park in large boya, aiad foar aad iii yoara raopaorely, and COM moat bar hubud, imberm. Two stalwart men sod lard at rustic gataa aad paaaad Oaorn Raaor, wbo U t inperioundent a gold mina la Johann«- la white folks bat rsfnsed admlt jalartd patroba. Borne triad faros ir m in witb tha reeolt tba* tbe aforenentioaed French tram Haw Tork Md will be atalwart BSM "talked baaiaem" wttb weeka oo tbe water bo arrir m Md finally parrsadsd m lag at Uapewn wbe»c«aba will My. Only loor colored travel 1,100 miles by rail Johannesin gaining ndmitanms ncluding be distnaoe 1,700 tbsy did as* ismiln M tbe milt, bom Central (Jity, wbloh she da img ift Jo!j j, te Mew Tork, tbe tal ngh, wha dat BMaa," aald OM mima foal up R.00O. aba WM abaat enter tbe gales. Jim Crows law gwiaa ba faraad la dls yero Stela loo? Tit la dt wns 1 sb.r saw.' and aba walked ay la board a oar fat Coney sland. Many or* made some snefa reark aad wart away. Paaoe reigned M tbe park all day Sunday. Mr GalTic WM asm yesterday aad WM asked why ba axeladod oolored people from bo park. Ba aaid: va raaalved many complaints Bay patron, tbere ware o colored people 1B be park. ~ decided thai woald give m dav ban for ir own ate whan people will be excluded tram regtat thai web bat tbe be park demanded H. " MAJORTY OF BOROUGH HEALTH BOARD TO REVOKE ACTON. OoaTtaood Taat There WM 1 PMlaaaM om tbo Property Wtlllawi L. Saaadara. A pabial nootuf UM iforth Plalnflald Board Haaitb WM ranted ld laat week n aldar t action preraaly takoa re- «mraiq«bo alleged BoloMOa en For aar Mayo* William L. Sannder. iroptrty. tha oau baing atgbod by ihree UM fire member! tba board, aaahly, JoaephlO. Oaajoad, Dr. D. a A«MM asd Joaa U. MMlawfJii aublo pramlslali i aad are now in faror retrading tba nota tekse al ba Jnly Elgbt tbonaand Mll» ll a loag dla- «M UavoL tna tba axparianoed Lo irowar ailgbt wall liaalkaii - 'ore nndertaklos ao HOJUoan B joor- Ytt la t diataoco bal Eight yeara ago, Hra. Baser made M am trip, than witb all tbo Joy ol anticipation n yoong girl going oat meet and marry ber betrod, wbo d ft ber years before Md with wbom aha bad become engaged by correspondence. Her sought id fraud hie fortune, Md bo ycroag iooopla lived happily witb tneii litlle boya Md prospered until teak af Beer war, whoa all tbe VMM Md children Rngllahman aad forelgaara wara roed quit tb* ooaatry. Then Hit. Baaor for her girl hood bone o HebraakV where aba bna remained looi yeai aatll setting oal OB ber present JOB: aey. The joy ol ba reenioo ot tbe Md. wife ud children which will follow tbe tedlooi at and land trip may bo imagined. NOTHNG N COMPLfllNTtHE NSURED 1 MAYOR NSURANCE AGENT FORCED HS HONOR TO TAKE OUT A POLCY. Gained Admittance tbo Docr'. Presence by Htatlag Be Heeded Hodlenl Help. The clever method, Ufa loanrnn agents have long been n source wonderment, but it s left a local represented a big iottu peay capture prim for playlnc bit oards aooaastallv. His Honor, Mayor O. L. JcBkiBt, WM rietl Of tbla agent who WM di tnlnad re tbe docr', life. Four ware made o tbe Mayor', home, each time tha agmt met with a du- For bla fifth aad laat attempt. UM ily aolicir played hi. plan full* Ba MMmod a bold front, nag door ball Md informed he WM lick Md wiabaa la OMMH aoox. T r, bmtiag bua, aottld hardly re many m tagt Ting a. wllb After en wring Cendaeter af tbe Car. ML Margaret Tottea, aged.nty wo year., a widow Uvlng at «S Wat- hang avoaaw, WM knocked down Md Mvarely njared by a trolley oar at ba corner Clinn arenae and Watt Front atreet HMday aftamoon. WM rendered nnconsoious for aa boar daring wblob time Tritu worked over bar steadily. WM removed bar home ud it now i a preoarlom condition. Hra. Totten la a Bane ud WM oa bar way bs home Mrs. Ponod, niatob nraaaa Md Watt Third, s engaged at prea- Hhe boarded a trolley oar al Park avaaao and rode aa far M Oiln BOB areaae, wbea *bs signaled idoer sp. Ba did ao and at she wna Jo.t stepping f mnnlng board be condsor is aald have gltm tbe signal go ahead. Tbe oar sd, throwing bar groand with moeh force. ssmgers roabed Hrs. Tettea's bwoa and fonnd bal tba woman serereiy njured and was nrcon- ;. Dr. TritU was called ud he had ba woman takm n lha boma Bennet Brlttln nearby. Tbere tba gained consciousness after tbe wound, bad bean dresssd. Jn.t M woman was being removed tba hospital, bar dnnghter. frm. Edward Tarry, arrived and ok Mr mor her own borne OB WMifaaag inaii. Dr. Zeglio WM called n ai tbe home be wo ud aaid bar spine WM strained. Tbe oar WM in charge Mormu lea Hip. AFFARS OF THE WATCHUHG KNTTNG MLL AMCABLY SETTLED. Baal* Bottlomont Tbo faery be Reopeaed la tba After a year dispute among tb* partner, tba Wahnni Knitting Company a settlement hm amicably made. Tbe dispute bit partners dates from Jane, Henry Dronsln, one flrm, applied tba Conrt Obuoory for a ~ a. represented by Ood ngn A Swaoknamar while tbe oi partner. Leo J. Stndley, wbo was pra anted by WinBeld & Angelman, le lifted: tba appointmeot A recelvei WM atked u aoooontinj oonld Tbo Court refused grul application bot ordered tbo good* be bald until MMH la Chancery oonld secure nn accounting. After mnoh testimony waa taken before Special Master Melaoa P. Rnnyon. Draaala olaimed bis paitner. Rtndley, owed him ffito as bi. share la tbe parner.bip. Bindley paid Droeiin fjoo for bla olalm Md ok tbe goods ud machinery, wbiob' s valoed al 11,000. Tbe opposing litigants oaob paid ir own cost t 1* BBdoreod Hr. Stadlay will reopen tbe facry la tba fatera. PATENTS NEW N EVERY DETAL! Mr new barber shop at 143 NORTH AVE. CARNEY BROS., MADSON AVENUE, Between Front end Seocmd «ir»i. Tinners, Plumbers Gas Fitters, plumbers, and best gu-atten ta this section. We use none but tha very best materials, and our work alwaya gives satisfaction. Keya ot all kinds are made here. Tinware made order. Ranpea, brick and portable furnace*. Snnitary plumbing. DME Savings nstitution.. Of Plainfield. 1. J., s DOW receiving deposit* with interest, allowed on ail sums from *6 99,000. J.FKAXK HCBBARU, Preeidcni, QBO. W. ROC«LLOW, Vlce-Prea. J. 0. PopE,*Treaaurei.. ocoa. UM aajml oooly informed t WBO nrtd tbe Shot 7 ferns atari alt Two kydmats ystsry at tbo Baat Knd await* reported badly waklog last* U (explanation Last Bight al by n BOtrelmaa. M Omrttel o'clock, Patrolman Messier Board -yy aad tan eebor M Fraaklla plaaa. Aad major dailariil bal tbay war* so FOarxmn COBXY RDE. shot at a revolver in vloialty Counwlror-at lj«wd bm tney aaajd net paaatbl* Bast Ninth street. Be promptly n drain in tbe brook, a wins strip B nan isma* asms bla charge CommlMionT Deeds, lfa»t*r-loonuoery. Notary Public. OffloM M unable o dlaoover amnf and gravel separating m from far aa aenoe v* si t Tbe in fomu nquiry al he Corner c( Fark arenui- and SaoOml lasasdlaglj ajtsnaati tbe given, tba agent agreed la pay nloag tbe street, aomo whose <rf aba bjiimm M fee**, ta i were invited by Mr Saai ap and pot n tbe time talking Ufa pasts bad beard tbe shot mselves, i sad tba* etbora do»o laapeol tbe oaadlta af affairs r PJMN. Tbla be did eaob good allotted M explanation. t was perrbo "did*' know il M nil f ntm bt) aa, «bemaslvm wbloh tbe majority did 'act maeb badgered Mayor ALBERT ntuuen.baald be raamdied at «MB aad found M already stated tally consented adding a few mining a weapon aad Ml aaahnmla ta mm af ir*. baadred dollars iaaaraboe be Eh BOS do aarlom Livery & Boarding Stables O Blaftli have BM b^n beard Btliiac dark wns almady carrying. damage himself or ors. Stivers aprtsuufam saava nave Aad aaw ibe encoaaafnl agmt Barry OaiaiM. wbo hmm between Watcbung i BM f tram be hydrant. Md thrown oat bis abaat. abewa hie 11 billing dark al t freight Contract BmM. ritl int-olmb LlTery. Horoea boardad tawll ban have MbM advmlaga win Plaileld'i chief A Mil r for breach at by wwk or mooth Telephone call, tbe not la draw atmm in. Ta have atlve at.tbe bead, snd rake, ta»o tram broagbt by Craig aceiaet Parlee k. baa* at tba «r» aapattmm ter victims aad farr dollar*. laanblaa Wall aanat la HM» lor will be beard by JntUoe Hud, Hoedav at 10 la tbe moroing Tbe plain t babm tjiilia ymmrdaj aiatalag WM la aaahiaf t Ti tiff ii itpteasnud by Jobs B. Van Uatb Oaatary dyar. bat t,, r, well kaowa la Wm. A. Woodruff WiBkls * Sea. _ ntesa*. i citj. whose ibrilling parsall Flro and life V«fM WM Fwartb street few'tha Or»r coald not be held..twmtletb Century flyer oat «ago gavs bis batty r.m-n Wail M B. TaMM io t<m nvesr.- i CASTOR A otmo. NSURANCE AGENT, M a mslodiamatio uch, WM bols- N it Homo fnrnrahlm. lj Coapu' Tba till" M thi«l be waa lia Tsnait a Mnly tmar-ed M tba floor Tester New Tork, M Thuraday, 1 alr Mn) erty aad aae laat wbh Hr. Tailtb aad at allaad, au laa or sfaau ui ChlUroa. 1 ian McLocbian, lu t Ma moiniag A lay tralb waa broagh* ftjoaa tbis company WM Mr rmter OTaibaaiad tbe Tweatietb Tti KM YH -m Ahrirt SwJfW ctrnr Promt St. and Put TCM, later ud dragged arestl la bla tees hurt at lag al ba fice ef Oaatary trala aad ha reams idm< WM tb. grat direrso itnlnjuld, M, J. CMy Jadge Baayva. Hr. TaMM Will Terk ja.t bafom»-*0 o 1 aleak yceterbwua eta kiaait M B'b mreet, wbioh day awrmlng. Tbe trip te Tatede from ta for Hale or 1 Honey d ry tenth

6 PLANFELD DALY PRESS, JULY»9. '9 3 LEO'S REQUEM MASS Ctel.brated n Statin. Ch.p.1 by Cardinal V«nnut-UL CSK lultlrll ill S'UL ROMK. July» TW * mt tbe Salve greai re#j a! " 01 n-aanaj# BJL mi-lr tbe. (.T tha> aa<tv4 pt>n«ae. far ihe Mpoae be aoail 1*npe x-i baa lern rrmmted n tbe MtMllte rhapet. All tin* rtlluabi twnr la Home, il-r ili > katli' i-nrpa. be Kami* naltlllty and l i; or dl«ilii1rtahr*d >lfim were ka Ron* altw*, 1«- X 1* tbe m-nite.-iiapei awt a but* M it. Mpaa. l«r* mrm Lf hi am rert 4 a triple iwi gam. shlalnc brightly in tbr h*hf a bmdred ran ke aliar Aa tbe arti rantlaahi and nrij eontlavlata «.itwr«l arotmd be ratafakiue and sltrmatcly knelt and roae hetr movemxnia rrnembw a* araastag kaletdownb* nt irtnaoa and Thilet. wltb i-olnra sn bright u he aloat trrhlg lo tbe eye*. Thf Abb* Peroal. taly's famnea «ralar inwpawr. waved his baios aad tbe alienee w u broken with be notea ff "dea ra- " Tboaw who know WTHN WALLS Of OURV. LOMiO.tlir.HHy, rrland. Jaly 3».-!3at; Edwari and Qmtmu Akuadn vr*at rx rpltaw om.arc* crowd* fraaa en br tb- may.-r TW aanal nwuber MreaaM wctf i-ail*.. n r--t«ly s «M.. be kin*'' t» tb- a(,iri< -f i t f-ihr an* harmanj pervadf*> a:i rhx-< n n-land. * "ng f hi* T. i..-:i«i *> e«- 1 Bad **ip*i l!-> 1 it,' t'l ( fi:nx b% * waa br prraralafvii «f a ac-riil adwtttx fl tt*t>'l*^a tbr [.anrinbdrry la aa laipartaat aad!- blgbrr Tbe klax. reply-ms la l.-lwlf Qneeai Alexandra. r%rlrmm il he iriwio be "higher el.iwst.on.if n-..n.-n ia one if happlenl fa-attrn-» nf imr time." After tbe king had nm tbe founda.n Brooke purk ir m*j«rile*. wbo repel vwl an eii1ti.i«la«tl- Bead f. left l>mml»wlvrry for liinrrana, where hey asahnrkod on he royal yartat W- tarta aad Albert for s rrular along tbe Rne cbotr nrnr MM an wll bufw*. Through tbe hlnlurt*- rhaph tin- votrea f buya and HM* rww and fell and welled trtumpnantly f with»( paradise, tbr tulifn 'lying away il MM la a wbwajrr at tlw mentima Vatli K. be rardlaala aat spellbound at thi«prrfea-tloii «Jnv aienlal [i]ij-i. waa hoard rlir»n«tiout k* MM, Then n b r tbe «,i«rlw -Hartr n* ' m.^til.t^l nlm.-t n» whlapvr. ("ntldit fui-t-iin» rna* rb<- '-en arm until MlrbsH Angela's fanxma "l-nat Jodamx ' ' «> nlm i hidden fna rww. Tor aba«ni>ot meeting n»- grega'loa.arilimnl" waa vrrj abort. After an 'lrlmnf TFW on rurrrnt affair* Mir Urn? -lei Val. aerrptsry af roimlaiial congregation, gar* Mrh 'antlnal a dlavram ahnwtas Wbvrr bla apartmrata la tbr Vatkan Will 1* kx-attil.liirlm nr mwliw Tbr Babprman'i ring, wlil.-h roald not bp found aftrr tbr dmtb tbr popr, Mr b* dl». r«l in aflid*- drawn whtrh waa a-au-d up and rannot br apronl until aftrf tbr rlrrtn tfc* Brw pop* Thr iaiim-mnr> < p anltn«l Qrrgtu. Ua» M4rrrd * MM for aa» bi lb«ymbollr 'rrrmoay whtcfa mm BaMdtatrly af.t tbr a.^raaor U«-\ PBAJM'BCO. July 2- -At lat eat amoauta he troop* apd be poaaea nised by tbe aberlffa tbe dlffernanurm are keeping n rloae acfa wltb tbe rx»[ivk*ta wbo broke oat te pri-».n at Polaom. taking along ink and or Jail nfllrlal* mttt tc The convicts are uinrlnc 'ard Comma, where eltiwm have armed ibenwelveb ami are preparing an attack. They have.warned advsmr tbe ramvicta awl will unite wltb tbe autborittea. t b> reported by tbe driver a stage whirl, paaaed between Pilot Hill and -a be saw tbe ront-lfta walk ng doee ger Tbey were aocompnajed by men wbo were evidently reeibla vti inlty. whom tbey bad apparently forreaj lo go with m aa Bides. A poaae from.laferrllle. nn- PT HbertlT BoMwlck. waa reported not ir beblnd m, following tbe trail. Tbe light between tbe convlcta and «* aacera near llot Hill. n El Dorado rovnty. resulted n tbe death Howard, a convict, wbo waa killed outright, and be wounding ler <f>n *.< «. negro named Seavla. Tbr t f anard who nbrr tbr r rlnrmjr th^ rpqnl^n maaa bj tw UMno iiiujwl whib> on dory br- Mr tbr ralafal.)".- waa loiinl Htampa, arb» a frw dayi ( > waa pla<^d nndrr rr*at r frlsnlak llnraa (t la '» 11r iimmrh «1 n ad- HOoa tbf will tbr ut- pnpr and krbaratr from t.--.. Mil l.ft «trl nc pnvrnl t» m<-h at a ** ttat fvlatlrh iwml-r«hr papal tnnarfeom.' prrultra, <! t.m. rardinaia. Mr. Aa nianr fitmialltww mvi- f nl>wrrrd. t will.r..i.»i.lj - MHP (ror brforr «>rar alf<- ar* drlitrrrd. That tbrrw la a mnrk^tm at thf Tat- raa hr i-im-larp will b#»b«rt twratti -.mi"l.t br fact all bili Mti.i arr " rntrr br mncliirr atl>l*1rr lo tbr waota tbr rardtnata ba*r twn iicnk-'-il for o»y thiw daya. Tbr twn.*n>i- lni«wln.-h tbr aa<vrd rotlrar a <!m>t>il apprar br m i* lag dally M»TT rrmmrlublr. and t ta rrbirrd if nr.-«r«ry t«drfrat tbr oppnaltkin hr) will «P L-. lo tbr tatutth «f.ninitimiim a fnrrlcn rardlnal. rbr Mar ranlmal K.w. Mabap Rrralan. til monllnimhl n thl* mnnrr. (km, h«jt waa hardly mmmrrrd arrl aaly awlnc W hr vllrl Kwlar arvantt rondllkao- <br rtrvattnn a Orrman tbr \mt*ry micbt niran Vrrparahtr h»» ' ' THB- t* (br boljr l.allmt.>u itw- imbmu- has at f-iiumi Hr aaya ibal» MTlbinx! i»-rr.t tly i Oket. and be an Urlpate. n«u-r- troabb- Mr <iudcn llknl D ileny MB MM atil «'ouidmktpr Minrtt. nltn.1 H warj. wl» ba* bera am br M Wbrrlloa for ibr- aaot two yrara. irrlrmt Urn- frtnii l*anfd 'aaao Mr rrtbe i-htefo tbe molmtron remain la ihe Beat, vtt ha.i a cntap near Saata Urta. has snrreadervd ittm wal. locetber wttb #»> mr.. tbetr TuiiiiM.i l'i:> S». Tbr als-yna W daotbtrr nt llkrbah Ralrrlra a Kalian frail dr*w. frll n a boitar «T ara aj wblrb waa hrta* prn-ar-d far tbr faaillt dlnnrr aad n> anlated t» ratk r.-f i trial i TROOr*S N PURSUT. isfi UM N J. July 39.-WU- Walker, a Nrw York lawyer, wbo ad OB Valley road, Montrtalr. baa died imddrnlf typhoid ferrr at a Loadon ho-piial Mr Walker aalled 'or Europe abovt two wrrka aco- Mr. Walkrr waa a rradoatr ot Yalr iinlty Hr waa an athlrte and pbiyed on thr football team tbr MooUlr Athletic Mob. ll* mor, brarinc Knew, aalktl lo nurmr him aad la aa am. WOOMKN'KKT. H.. Jnly 2»-Tbr irrtlnc tbe Nrw Knil-n.1 half mile irrall brno H-* with thrrr f\«nl> Tbr 2 1H pan- t» hp br*1 rarr tbr day. and farile. Ma; gum. waa defeated n «traljrht brat* hy tanlel rtrbater. The 4'olnnrl. tbr farnritr n br 2tS parr. tn"k. «-»en«wltbgat llflral*/ Wlltnn H in* hr 2.T> tret froni be tmrxtriir. Kuran. aftrr (br arroad beat 'UK if.\ fun Ml \W. July».- Mb* A lie* Rmwt-Hi. dautrbtrr pmtda-nt. la br Kttpst for at raat a wrrfc r. -t.1- in* York Harhor For Rork L«d«e. br avaimrr roltajrr \'l..n 'a«v. by her friend MM* tru Bbr will hr tbe M Jaark-r U.Knm hr Tnitrd Rt rt and itanghtrr dnrlnc ber abrriff tbr r m do hla dary TW KOT*TMM- t TTNTHlANA. Ky. Juij 29. Wben be wurk nt ar^nring a )»trj t* Jen and Thnma* White alr meat and ph-aded not guilty. The de> fenw nie.1 a demarrer tbe indict men), bsl t waa avemoled- Captain R«re i rhlef wlt^ts for (be atate. r* Bialn-> ndrr tbe proteruoaj nc troopa. n sitxlt-ut; Walter Mehard Hetver. Pa., a attxlent «f Johoa Hnpkins. with i mtuli Hoatai.-k. set oat from Ora 'enharst la a mnoe on ftandaj- Tbe paddle* and Mebard'*.-oat were picked or on Thr lake h> feared all > tb* nil*- tbr* froaa nrtaj warfare bave won notlbed by tbe :rr here an indettr af tbr.-onrt-brtlan. 6 Price Starters OUT OF A THOUSAND Sale is "On" All flonth! $3.49 $6.50 $1.89 $5.85 Was$S.N WastSJ WnSLN W.s S7.00 Carpets, Rugs, Mattings and Linoleums Cheaper Than Ever! $4.89 W.5J7.00 Was JS.50 Oet a "Perfect" Wlcklew Blue Flame Oil Sve n Your Home) "Clearance." Price* Rule Now AMOSH^A^ORN,jua. Get Your Groceries W.W.DUNN'S PARK GROCER, Cor. Du«r St. a Lincoln P, nd be satisfied. Tel W. W. Warnock, TH UKER. 44 West Front St., BUS. cms. RES. rrt M»fe be«m.leiuk.. AR.V MONNO DSUVBKT. ce Cream a Specialty. Mrs.John Brown JOmm HHl -«JDBU A CO. Cesspools and Vaults Cleaned raw wmw'rrvilm E.B. MAYRARO. Tonsorial Artist 141 wu n.. Plal 1 tu. j. A. H. ENANDER, TEN EYCK * HARRS, Lehigh Val ley Cool. WM. HAND * SONS, lloring Vans and Srage Warehouse 136 K. Second St., PlafanfeU. N. J. Tclepk-ne tfam, TRUCKMEN AND ROGBKS. innrt<hng REAL K8TATB AND NSURANCE. MONXT TO LOAM TRY DOBBNS' -w-nckbb YARA- GGARS. 1 rut m. John Johnsn. All tbe best gradei YES! We will send you A Bottle or Cane WATCHUNG WATER. ~TeL 756- SCHREHERS COBPOUftD BLACHBERRT COROHL A safe and pleasant remedy for Diarrhoea, Cholera aforbna, Dysentery and all forms rammer complaint. 26c Bottle. SCHRENERS Pharmacy, SODA With Fruit Syrups Second None. MALLNSON'S LBMTT MD FOUTTM»T* Mosqui Bite Gure t Anti Skeet A PREVEHTATVE. -CM B HS *T- MLLER'S PHARMACY, Pram* D.ll,,r,. THE RGHT TME. it we m tmltif»7 iriiin«'.fl ST b*~a a -infe «r-****j x*t-um. Hodges Pharmacy. Reliable goods in all Departments. Agency for Belle Head Sweets. TeL 210 A. Y.l.C.A.Bnildin(. flovey. New Jersey Loan Co., OMM. m. j. BRANCH OFFCE^ Hotel Rosel J^OTEL WALDORF, H-MT WSDHB. Pro*. UOTEL KEHSHCTOH:: n en i) J. t SUM*, Prop. FRANK VAN WNKLE, l»» NORTH AVE.. Bicycles. Pho Supplies, Kodaks and Cameras. Bicycles Sred. Gleaned am Repaired. Developing, Printing and Mounting. BEST SPECTACLES $1.00. CARL SLBERT, M. ARMSTRONG, PLUMBER, 330 Park Avenue, Ctlffn Bonding. Special price on Spalding Nyac Bicycles $ PnaaJrt Cycle and Export *- «Part MN. 939 Sontb Ave. 'Phone 193 ALEX. LUSARD, F«rein»4 DMHttlc Fmitt, Choice Coifectioitrr. ita, Cifan. 1c TELEPHONE MARY BECKER, VAULTS» CESSPOOLS GLEANED>>»323. PWnfleU. N. J. M. R. GLES'BARKET»afk»»«. and W. Second St. cakmca NUT or AU. Knfsa. R. B. Van Aradale, ruencu mi urn*»*»»» nn. nm, *mm mum cunmit aim. No WATCHUNG SPRNGS. Henry J. Wierenga, Eiprttimin and Truckman. j. W.»A«: SCKLE, *».** *~-. ri.i.aiia, i. Fresh ft Salted Meats Hn Tdtal CocaHoi.**..osedals s Linden Park Cemeteries Beautiful o^hcctssibie l«rules FROM NEW YORK Ol Hah Liu PimjnilJ B>Hrii( 1> Ufc» ta»a CliaiHa Hiilll Urn A0SB U.OCD.noOTmM Fund provid SM B M which will kff*p (hi prop KAriE "ich 1 pari-tn. W1 r nd i fnual WLL ' "?' -Ultn^LNBD fek bumftlt 144 BBALTFtl, PAWS AFTM THK 1NCOMH PROM KK SALS OF LOTS HAS BEKN XUAUTSU. *KCArSK afoxb ADVAVTAr.KS AR] LOT BUVEKB b ( Mi BSCAf SK thrr ga nrc lo lucre _ LOWWrrUC «nd n ADVAKTAGBOS TERMS. EXPBET WATCH REPARNG AtTKMNE'8.» [LM0RALLER4S0H, WATCHMAKERS JEWELERS. 219 Park Av T A HE NEW WOMA Her Fads mt NMes MAX fell n Ul uld 1 n!.h ititcrnl ta till tcrpria* iii. lady wliv reaotred ta do t for Urn. ^»klns at herself admlrlngl. la tbe mirror Kb* aatd U.-rself. -f% ba a busineaa woman." Then she oro. CM-VRl -play smaoh.- aa «peat Bbe hired a aet Bcea, fumubnl tbem like a lady's pink tea boudoir ami pat ber otnee bojra lo livery. Bb«mported from England a lady t nimnager tbe flce. re being ppamuly no young woman n America aura. cietiilj np n euquetle tbe altu- Oon undertake tbe task. Thr English young woman ok charge Her Mea and lady who eta ployed ber were evidently run in rottwnrkeni' shop on tbe nstbetlc sai-ial important roamer «., - do- roaa getting a large OT*PT Dlln] mmediately. t w u necessary for blu «ee manager. That lady, with tbe ntention showing him bow an were done over water, con.. leutly n exactly rlxlit wny. made an oppolntment with him n,., r ber tesuietlc otlice at a cenalu date- To keep t be* had travel a <mi Uerable duunce, bat hla buitlaeaa *n* mportant. ao be made engagement. " le appeared at tbe votbetlc flce at tbe boar appointed. Menials ushered him through aeveral rooms n tbe sesihethally drapeil pink tea aanttum tbe Udy manager. He waited half an " our. Nobody came. lie waited a hile longer, n sent one llteried pages D queat tbe managfr. After consldenitily more time she cami' Dpatience and annoyance wrlttrn berblgb ned brow. Six-.n. not ask her onstnnier nit down. He re minded her abe herself h.iil made appointment and reguealeit him meet her nt boar. "Oh. can't you. 1 can't ap talk you at " said this bualnes* woman. "We in> have company at tbe bouse and go borne and make tli> salad.'* tt tt tbe ranian race la yet n tbe nury stage numil and ntellectual development, but sometimes ippears be particularly so. A ln<ly. fl club woman wbo wears besufnl clos, was called aa witnena n lawsuit which, let aa say, Mr. While brought againat Mr. Black. Tbe dab lady wbo wear* beaatifal clos mil believes n tbe Huperlor elevating moral ne womanhood icave evidence on tbe atde Black. Hue declaral uuili-r ber solemn oath certain stateibe made were Turin. After trial waa ended thla club Udy, talking tbe case wrfj, Whlte'a nwyer, said, "Bat why didn't Hr. White make - me «n fer before 1 testified T" tt tt sn't t aboat time for preachers and er men sp bowling at women concerning tbe enormltr divorces and begin instruct men on tbe mportance behaving tbemaelves in surf] a way women will not need get vorcea? Man's misdeed-., m 11 nlaaa oat ten, forre women Hue for Mate women for t. Queer world (He R tt Women are abowink tbemseli-es u«e ful and ttni-nmmi.nly capable n tbe ad ti.-m. Mniiy are now adver olmtnch, ottiera are writen idvcrtlw-.ii.iltn, while.jnii-- a num bet* are an'mnpllfihed press agent. " tbew trarel n advance and entertainment rompules. K tt ntiorm have been madi- 1 tb? depart me tits 1 ] women'a apiiarei, -J ns have been mode bj ladle* mftelvea, a promlsinr field n now open for w.itnnn pat^nr itmey and expert. Think a nun expert glvlitg bin solemn opinion on tbe anbject a baby* clothing! Tbere has been established by soni blbintbrnplc folk an aajrlntn for 1.- : minded women. Would tt coum bol.l m all! ' tt *t Mrs. Alice Uoore McConini. ncti> paper woman, baa two brilliant an! gifted daugbtera n pras»lonal U'' One, MM Alice, la a concert plnnlxt Or, Carroll, ban wblstlfd berwlt tnce in a good living and tbe pu!> ere. MM Carroll al*o BlngK. ami abe baa recently closed an adrama geoo* five years' contract with one < > tbe leading American Bnus tbeat manager*. All this 1* what on' mlgtit expect from daughters r woman. * tt lot long ago, when it waa proposed 11. tbe llinois legislature erect a statute MM Prances Wlllard. one wl < superior aex govnms women row apeak n opposition tbe bill. H d he was emphatically against tin proposition becanae Prances Wlllari "no more oeaervlng honor than thousand or rootbera." Bow mud me lawmakers do know! * m Aa over tbe Union ary bu ben apread bow an American glri has re foaed marry tbe Servian belr. Petei KamgwrReviU'lj- Well, wbgt tt? «tt t givea me pleasure call attention tbe fact Lydla Carpenter. Brea-yi'arVd schoolgirl PUttaburg». V-. baa made a running[ mt 4 feet S>4 nches, tboa making a new record for tbe feminine K L ELZA ARCHABD CONSEBpr~ PLANFELD DALY LEO S REQUEM MASS 0*Ubr»t«d 1b Sis tin* Cbopnl by Gnrdtnnl VnnnuUllL MUSC luctlfcl All SCBU1L TV tail's faaxa ern- Ma pn»r. waved bla bataa a ad lb*- silence... Men with tv fieatb K>ra tv rardhasbi aa«**ell- boa ad at th parfata tv k. (arts a rbaat. Nat a aotr laetra TWi raw i a til Michael Angelos fan M Jade >»1aw Mac tka, gregatloa mt cardinal* waa my A Mar aa exchange.laws aa correal air* Mgr Marry dal Tal. secretary 9t tka aaaalatnrtal rnngregatn. earn ark rardiaal a dlaxraa showing Where kia a part manta la tka Vatlraa aka a taw day* ago waa placed arrant far feigning 111 new \t s ficially anneunred tkat la ad tltlaa la tv will tv lata pnpe and arparaw trmm M -eo X left a trt lac praaaaf aark nf a low* list before tv gifts are delivered Tkat tkere s a "a»wba at tka Vat ra a tkat ba r»h*rtara will ba short ved by V fact tkat all Wheeltwa far past two years, kas mired bate flow 'augw 'lago Hr Pe- parta tv Anwrtrna govern awat la V "higher education ntm~n la one tv happiest feat are. oar time " After tv bias V Utd tv found, ttaa ft moke port tkatr rwje-fles y Matert**l sa royal yacht tv TROOFK N FUR»U T. AN KBAMTlCXi. Jaly -At 1st it arrwaata fv troops and poaara orsaallot by tv sheriffs tv differ pnaoa at Folsom taking awmg guards and or jail ficials la self protection TV marlrta are moving «la reals! aa attack. They bin been warned ot ad*a rear tv ron- Ykla and will unite with aothort- ng rioar ger They were arrow- MBled by men who were evidently»*» dents lie «trinity, whom y bid apparently forred go with m aa a. A posse from llsrer. lle. oa heriff llnstwlck. wa< reported not far behind m, follow nc tbr trail aa ffght between markta and odkrera near Pitt Hill. n El >w > county resalted la tbr death Fred Howard a convict, who waa billed outright, and tv wounding sf anor convict, a negro named Meavla. MONTri.AlH N J. inly B-Wll- am Walker, a New York lawyer. wv aided an Valley mad. Montclair, kaa died suddenly typhoid fever at a -aadoo hospital Mr Walker -ailed Corap* about two weeks ago Mr. Walker was a gradnat* Yale uni veralty He waa an athlete and played aa tv football team br Montclair Athletic rinb. lls aaotvr. hearing llaeaa. aalwd nurse him and la an V ara WOOMWM-KKT. t 1, Jaly 3» - TV meeting tbr New England half mile ctrcnlt began here with three events. 1M poce was tv beat race tv day. a ad tbr favorite. May tjaeeo. waa defeated n straight heat, by Haalel Webster The i nwwl tv favorite la tv 2X2 pare ok even* without WMou F ok V BR rrot favorite Knegn after see* YORK H ArtfV.U Me Jaly J»- Miss Alice Roosevelt daughter president la tv gin-st for at least York Harbor Far Hock Ledge. tv rammer rottace Mr. Thomas >el.«page, by her friend MV Field FV will he tv gaeut Jasrtre McKenna tv t ailed States HOMo\l» Va_ Jaly : ceedlngs la tv llear-o musty rot far V removal M aimou i sheriff sf tv musty fsr Vvlug ft n» ds kla duty tu tv srreet car nr TW governor MV ah had deruaed ta ask fsr (V trwnps gad meat and pleaded not guilty TV V fenar died a demurrer n tv ndict- neat bat H was overruled Paptala Eire l chief «Ul#*s fur tv at ate malas under tv protection mi troops. ==== JULY *9. 6 Price Starters OUT OF A THOUSAND Sale is On All rionth! $3.49 $630 $1.89 $5.85 W«* $5M Wo SAP Wo S2J1 WoS7.N Carpets, Rugs, Mattings and Linoleums Cheaper Than Ever! $4.89 Wo P.M $5.49 Wo$A50 Oct a Perfect Wicldeo Bloe Flame OU Sve n Your Home! Clearance." Price* Rule Now! AMOS H.VAN HORN, Ltd. 70 MARKET ST. / O MARKET ST., NEWARK. N. J. Get Your Groceries W.W. DUNN S PARK GROCER, Cor. Dusr St. A Lincoln F, «od be utis ed Tel W. W. Warnock. THE BAKER. 144 West Front St., BREAD. CAKES. FBS, BTC. turn at ke bat MuerUk. bajllv MORNNG DELVERY ce Cream a Specialty. Mrs. John Brown jo«a Mint sad joan ca.. Cesspools and Vaults Cleaned rsrrsrr-isic-sa a. L 1 1 idisa.t wam Mi as* L. B. MAYNARD Tons*rial ArtisL ega 141 Bank A tv PUlM*. j. A. H. EHANDER, TER EYCK ft HARRS, Lehigh Valley CosL WM. HAND ft SONS, liering Vans and Srage Warehoose ij6 B. Second St., PtefaiAeM. N. J. Telephone 17,1. TRUCKMEN AND RGGERS AU wet *U1 raemn an REAL ESTATE AND NSURANCE. MOST TO LO&R. TRY DOBBNS > NCKEL YARA GQARS. ul FAR MX. John Johnsn. All tbe beat tedee ot eoal 9*9 Seat* Are. Pbooe 193 ALEX. LUSARD, Fmi > Rid DmcMc Frmiu, CMa C«fecti#.err. n* ClfRre. etc MARY BECKER, - o~ bou VAULTS* GC66f>OOL Gt ANU> P.OBelU WlUfllU. N. J. M. R. GLES ush F*rh k««. and «. lacaad U. R. B. Van A rad ale, PRACTCAL TU WTTER. YES! We will send you A Bottle or Case WATCHUNG WATER. TeL 756. Phtnucy SCHRENER'S COUFOURD SLACRBRRV CORDAL r«fl mod all forma mm plaint. 36c Bottle. SCHRENERS Pharmacy, LOWStrS CARDES. SODA With Fruit Syrups Second None. MALLNSON S LlMKTY aao FOiffTi STS. abaraaraaaa mt mv a aao lei tins Mosqui Bite Cure ft Anti 6keet A PREVENTATVE. -cab si aao it MLLER S PHARMACY, Oar- PM in. and Fourth Strset»' Frwmp* Vltvevy. AAX FOt AAOUra blood potmn. u. M. NAQLB'B ratacviftioi f«aim act Hodges Pharmacy. Reliable goodm 1* all Department*. A fancy for Belle Mead Sweet* Tel. aio A. Y. M.C.A. Building. HONEY. Hew Jersey Loan Co., ram. i. %. BRANCH OFFCE^ FlrwA aueaal ksak JJOTEL WALDORF, HERAT WHDHAH. Fra#. HOTEL KENSNGTON : J. t SUata, P, tar ta*. m aaara Nvtrac eery*ring Bsw sag «g k* ««*. FRANK VAN WNKLE, a«north AVC.. D~»r. Bicycles. Pho Supplies. Kodaks and Cameras. Bicycles Sred. Gleaned and Repaired. Developing, Printing and Mounting. BEST SPECTACLES $1.00. aa ggggxsarr CARL 8LBERT, M. ARMSTRONG, PLUMBER, 330 Park Avenue, CliUn Building. T A HE NEW WOMA Her Ms Ml FHbles MAX Ml l«. ll Win,, M emjld in loager attm. g. M«y wife mnlrad do t tar kla, U-*lng at hemeir tdaunui, M U» mirror» aid tt Ma.-ra M bmlnra,bmd." Tbe. it, p^, MMd play naaek."» be hired. eet ooreo. rontalwd tbom like dy', pdob o biodolr,od pot bor fice bore lo liver,, gbe Special price on Nyack ^ Frvcht Cycle and Export Co. d-*m Fg»k kvass*. TELEPHONE No WATCHUNG SPRNGS. Henry J. Wierenga, Ex eomamoa and Trockaan. j. «. van; sickle. Fresh ft Salted lleati EXPECT WATCH REPARNG At DOANC S. Ms TSes EuSSih iiosedale s Linden Park Cemeteries Begutiful'^HcccssibU Oi Mais UaPwmhuli Kxilruf he. k HM«f M» mt k-«kn. f v.t^ - ee. in Lot owjtkaa. ". XrrZ.UXi'w: Kim udi s guarssavf. sot (mod is ny SES-STK; 'sv ' ilaue tavm d"r k«^ iearttwtly AS BMAUTFL'L PARKS AFTR* TNB MCOMM FROM THK WALK OF LOTS HAS KD XHACBTKD tire A CMC au AFTAGH Madera Psrk Cemetery ku n those uup A GlKATm N HU1 OF DRAL LOCA- ss- m\ TUM MORS ADVAfTAGKOVR. d JCCATURlife! moat noertahi and 8VKRT OHM BMOCLU A HT 1C P ATM THM NRV 1TABLM BY MAKDVG A CHOlCH HOW OF A FXHAL R MAT WO PLACE. LOTS Hi PROVE AS ADe*irK*oi «-5^**M*, * * TO.*.J?u TUCTAty utlu ead TOWn* H Ueelro «U.. KOT TM* On UlT* 1. UD11 d! tl KTwSyTSb oilxris s L. HORALLER ft SOU, WATCHMAKERS JEWELERS. ZB Part Avasai. irdy fora M«r tw flrv, tvrv Vlug i iy no young woman la America auffl cotiy m* tv nhittvua tv ai. don uodertakf task. TV Eaffllsli young woman ok chars* Hsr kva and Hut Bin lady wtt9 ployed Wr wets wijvmly run an iron workers' shop oo tbr matvtlr *.>i, buu Aa mportant cusmer waa de. atroua getting a large order HWd mmediately. t waa neceaanry for l.l u see tv manager Thai lady, with tbe intention allowing him ho. things were duoe over tbe water, con- aaquratly in exactly tv right way. made an appointment wllb kliu tu meet her n Vr mstbetlc fice at a certain date. To keep it Wd travel a coo derablsdistance, hut bla hualrwsa... mportant, ao V made t V engagement Ka appaaced at tv wstbettc fice at tv hoar appointed Meiiula nahersd him through sever* rooms n tv watbette ally draperl pink tv aa net urn tv lady manager He waited half an boor. Nobody cam# lie waited. white longer, n sent ooe He- arted page# in quant manager Altar oonaftderably more time»v «stw- in. impatience and annoyance written her blgb ned brow 8V did not ter cusmer att down lie re. she Vrself bud made appointment and requested him "Ok. can't aas yon. can't sp talk you at alir aaid this business woman. "We are have company at tbe bonw and l musk go home and make tv salad * Was this like a woman, or waa t not? «m AU tv mman race la yet n tv nadlov-otary stage moral and ntel- leeai development, but sometimes woman appears V particularly an A lady, a dab woman who wears bean tlful dot be*, was called aa witness n a lawsuit which, let us say. Mr While brought ngainst Mr Rlaefc TV rluli lady wv wears besutlfal clos snd believe* in tv superior elevating moral ne sf womanhood gave erdeate on tv side Black HV declared under her solemn oath certain state- ments sv made were fseta. After V trial was ended this ctub lady, talking over lbs rase wflfc White's lawyer, aaid. "Hat wby didn't Mr. White make sa# an fer before testified?~ * * sn't t a boat time for preachers and er men sp bowling at women cam vetting tbe enormity divorces and begin nstruct own on tv tnpor tano* behaving tbemselvss in seeb a way women will not need get ffirorree? Man'a mladeeda. n nine cases out ten. force women sue for divorce, n male moralists tarn sn<l borate women for t Queer world hh «M Women are showing tvmselves u*e fn] and niwntmmonly tspahle n tv id eertlalng PM. Many sre now adver daement solicir*, ors are writers ot odvertlsmh nt*. while qwlte a nan her are arrompllabed press agent* Some se travel n advance atrical and entertainment com- panies * So many nventions have been made and patented n tv departments household and or wooieo'i apjwrrl. so many nvention* have been made by ladles m selves, a pmmmrr field la now open for tv woman patent atrney and expert Think a man expert giving hi* solemn opinion on tv subject a Vby'ft clothing! ffi m There Vs been eats Wished by aotn philanthropic folk aa asylum for fsehp minded women. Would t roa d bold m all! 1 m at Mr*. Alice Moors licconao. t V n*-«s psp*r woman, baa two brilliant an gifted daughters in proosional life One. Mlaa Alice, la a concert plauut tv or. Carroll, has whistl'd herself at once n a good living and tv po'< Be eye Mlaa rarroll also sings, anu sv Vs recetitly rhised an advanta goons five years' con tig ct with one ol tv lending American firms tvnt rtcnl manager*. All thin s wvt os might expect from tv daughters s * * Not long ago. tbn t was proposed it. tv nine** legislature erect a statu, Mlaa Frances Willard, ooe t^e win superior sex tkat governs women rusr apeak n opposition tv bill. * aaid V was emphatically against tb. lion because Frances WUUnJ ns deasrvlng booor than fused marry tv Kerri.a Vlr. Petrt Karsgeorgeriu b Well what t? m m t given me pleasure mil attenuet tv fact Lydia Carpenter. Aft own-year-ad schoolgirl Plattaburg «. Y, ef 4 feet 8\% k record for tv f LZA ARCHARD OON!fE»-

7 A Daughter 2LS5 slss Sioux )akr Bad thr iluf'tar,** < By GEN. CHARLES KNG. Methia* r«w h* lad from tba h.n«l. "f rfmpomd which had e»- nm Kim. That nl«ht "Pk~ War M>. flay'*. (ajtbfat bookfctwper») drrk ti<r many yar. osw-annrh ivmraa ' «' * "» '! war. ajliajr. u waa kin ln»»rublt» rwtnn wkn ike trait"» *ba»»t, tn lea*e b* k*ya,,1 (he Hft and iwka wtut Mr*. Hat. tirprlaed l«bud her ia Bind tear*, for whirl, ah* rwlineri all ripiannlion. ift nlfkt Pete, half-brrnt. al<>tm-hia t away -.<-.! he.' (..-«u Marble rioted lit, fair, murr than snfft*>t*d raiiite. f.,r "F'lfih" had km* dlaiappvn.wj kat T'iunir man That nl,fht C'ra-, )>!,! ih'...her tahlewiaa. had acaav flall?**) >rr* >ulli*an. tlw hark***per, d old MH.ana. Webb'* Hibernian M l,r dnnxi. hj ibutniptlaa; ir KUd ih d y la.l he -ml twn drtnkln*. ai»d by furr *K1 rlnff in t iirloita 1 b rrst*. 1M a BJBMBJBBJ miilura DakMa Pr#«M-k amt Krnwh inknta, wb#n oumnirtl; luried nut. Tbal night, kit* u 13 'n. with a rapabte -,\.«k. MM. Unj. arowj by h* nr-indik' awind hiaa (>ma»la «f fourth at thr aorh thlnica wrre br.n n-adi ulltp t.ran.-h»>-. and furr disturbed akroa <m bla rriial. Tram, nfo* hi th* anaptrloih urnwiittf-a an<t chatl and riritrr rcrtalnlj wrr* >-n hand. il T. pp p bat thr nn tnnfcrd Hrkrtv, %n did d frntn ibr WBr»n..' H<1 thf.rt-t. who bad wiad"* and plainly okntnn.u m nrimixr f'<r la...l.lirr mtrraim at W-k lifi. t wa> (l.i. Ha- or antbin*. howi la apilr uf a murt'on rv fn»ir. and ifiilrml what he»«- MM found alm.nt Hlake*. quarter- rrquif m mim-h attrntlna. Thraj ah* l-r«m- M M «f > third form. rtft> drtnnnl thr "fnitflt." tittt. bmrlnr. and alnatlj parinir ho rur>mr Mar nf br bluff th* mfmtrj, b#- * aril t r^^t 1^ th rrr h'>iirv la t ^r. TBf r<l r«a titnr aad frinni«' <*fi an itnprn- ),«.! dxiim. Who, hr*. wrrv Um*. HT. whi> had aim tally riiupp»rpd? Kbr h.p.iirht aprak»f t rdrr latn m mrky ihrtm aad with in JaMBata in thr m.-raldj. and Uira S«n>l hr inir who il-nrnfi bmakht tl"'. thrir mrr* rraaum ar driirr. The mm tit»(.> inniiui uliru, nf any kind «r»r* rr tnmns hswrubl b»t «-rrt«l ttn-n Trntn Mr* Blak* A airavirn barf ha-ea Bent frun Port * tal tl.^r>...«r.*-.mi.pmulr why Rtio»«l an<l hla report waa anrh j " Mr* Hay NM ant fnrcvt t. Waller r...m ant let t * in full j And irln. bur au. nner Ma patlenl. Th*> had tarried old ward four ovkwk, thr prililni aehher bark tn raatp aad aarh a(d aa.lukin/ nf thr trlrirraph lamtruaawat amid be it*»en by tba rude baada at thr adjutant's irfcw panrkt ke aavni wn ««all hr had for rat-! lb««-ntrv. wb«in tlmr stirrrd r!, 24 boara and hh>.uffrriar had «p taa nprriior, aad a "ri " aaao gnat. niernaii tajui'ka. n waa «f««a> Ut*r thnut in ihr hand feared, bad been muatalaed. and at at «aj Mini. d*db»ll*hinb- a duj-old hla advanced aft*- waa raatlr la W air. almoat fatal. No wtmtder Waller waa worried. The* Flint ok alarm at FT r..u.-- clover at aaad. Up «l'r! rn r*)a»1 VH yaar be bad baaa nwrrlfuhy e.1 all peraobal oaadbct with our an *»r.l.,, an.l when he waa ld by kla aentrtaa twice la aamaa ion nigrht rider* had been beard on wmtward "beach," aad p"nv rarka la al.iin.laare had rwa found nurru niatkj XM. xt 11. at tha upper ford be al 8tabbat^a 'luaitr and ora.till Ennla m.,1',1 awiftlj la tbr w«ck tba( MhHMal 'a ri ira la n BO- war* ta ba aeaa ia thr st fttnnai.f.. in K. Urn. firi.i. bmn-rrr, wn* ot far from Har*. corral, tbe major»l,.«u ri-a.-hinjf Ffirt Kmnri and. waa aaore than atartled. At thia tar- * *«* proceedini^, Berfttn thr fp.rrt>h unn-.t aad tim-nta] Crabb. cavalry, waa ta* moat tronblr <>f thr ma, waa aow addnl a experienced ndiaa fighter left at l^'tlab aavlrty «.n thr fatbrr'a a*^ port. Crabb waa - t for, aad nn MaaM lhal an mmplt.-ai'tl br attuaiw.n M n arivo Dr. imaw «ra»r eaua* bad probably acattered before tncbinirly ra'e hia riewa. Tbe Biom r-r alarm. Thm it «a* thai. ljrnnrin( a^uadrona tent after m from tba»»rtj in..iii-lii..f brltatl'ir <>a tb* part T. M. RCMHAM, north: hatffled in thr hllla, and.. n hr yoiinjf Ttrrr ward ihr (frn- U baada, probably, w«re now raidjntm ward tba Platlc, well ^SCAVENGER" <! ifirl H ih-ar tu hrm. ant iialy Mra. ttlakr and Mr*. Raj. but Mr*. irinaf re wera few aomlerb left* Mflr nn hrlan madr lo defead Fort Prayaw, aad ao earahry uw <>f nolmrd «b-inir prrmittrd ere re rhaaa m. ' (.' in n. bmwldr and tarn tn "What brine* ' h "» herr " What do l j h y hope ««t at g*a?~ aakaal inltrnnr atwt dtatmard. Walkr,i t otrr and nrrnmnrd. Thr lad <*» no \,,ngrt drllriima. at lraat. **xl f hr rr*ralrd anvlhlnaj nf wbat " do a*t kaow. air," aajawared -.. upprrmrmt la Ma ail-d t woald rabb. -Bat tbia 1 do kaow. y an W a roaum-iniu ami mluntart rvrcla- i*icr awaaathlaj aad cxpact get '» TWrr -rrr araw thltw* tir had a t amaftlt make an bold, atr, au and (hat Wallrr aloo* bad hrard. bink major M. ke*p o» eye a m Wanted kalfbrvada at Hay'a." t -el Fliat aer-m thinkinr Ma and Crapaad. paid vorboti :a* trader.had kwea laktaaradvantage f tbeir *»»p*«>yvr'«.!» «aad e«lelac after tbe maaaer at ir THE, Oik* bia obcm, S*W like HEW.a* adtaaw. had bad ri«-..unter with j a nthrr rraaoa for tbia. two ral>ba>d hla am Fran thr r«aaaaaadla«navrr at ba d far UM wraoc way. A aaratry. i ««1»ly raaip at t»l Bfltiaffa had aiiii,i hi. duty, bad waraa-j { " mr. aallj a Wttrr waa full» mm -H«*aar -way fruaa raar J fnrrbudhtc Un. WU. t said, waa(.m a haw be,.r awa. alawaj o«- ; *'i»ii i>i»fnl aad aalgfet aot aarvlvr. - row. aad had bea. M go \ tkr riraartaarat iiiaaaiaaali r kmi arol or wurtla eatect. They, " ty brrm at Oaaaaa or Chrjnm*. a* W anti.-u. f.iarr kaatntrd rrwfc «* mm l«ll thai aaltal iaii..n from (be railway Frayw*»'* affordni hk. <.W lint* ixan*. nes OF OP ORDCt TO LMT CREDTORS. M, Klrtd akrmak pcnnsylvaa f RALROAD. mss CETURT TYPEWRTER. Hariaiatea cheerfany itvea. jo Maaff ptrotbfhly aticndcad. JOHN WDTH HAlWWhLD PAiLT PKESs, JULY >9, foj. MJUXPHvLX) PAU.T JULY Reading Systert ts l*nmj Ccatral. Lehigh Lehlgh Valley Railroad Railmd. D. * B. B. E! mmt Oar* STONE H. Eggerding XUDSLCTS AST STOBC Do You Wish To Borrow Money? ORS. LEOUHD, 104 E. Front St., Plalnfleld. LEFKEALANG, LEFKE&LANG, FOWLER'S, The Han.tacturta» OonfecUoner Andrew Roach, Bin* Sne Flagging and Curbi Plant*. Skaara Trass, larre and.mall. FnitTreea and Boahea,»d Canada Unleashed Hardwood Aakaa. We bars lun ncreased Our Delivery Dallvery Service ia City and Borough and Serve You With Milk and Cream n Early Hours, Ttte two or waa*>ln wbrfh «tsru4 B tbe rac». TUatlo and lit* Laac*. > matter where yon lira. Order wer* not n -KM wb*>n thr nvumar by mail or can at farm. flnlabed. One thr rwawu. name at which could not br dial KU lotted, paaatxl Fire khand two bonm nnd d««mintitr* after th* nm.nmr [untwd tbat point Wm. LindsayS 4 Son Son BelltTlcw rerat lancrj FRESH FSH aa fair ^r- kept trader ice. Popular Price lamm -f l nttnafi Oian - tka Kaliaaal t-rrlru l,r.a.r.. C«t tct Our Oar ESTF»»TE fstnst on on Ton Yoar NATONAL. LaBAQUB. At NVw T< ~ Baan T.^.'rr. i... i 11 o- Painting, Mil*. rork _. 1 l 9 a _ - llta Dian. t* NPW lurk, t- Err«r» ffitetaas&bs n. 1: N*w York, 1 Ha.ttw1«Wllaod Muran; Halhawaon and Decorating and Bowav nsurance and Real Estate No. 146 Park Aye. MPORTED WALLPAPER lirtral at Snjanin ( Milii -3 English, French and German Carman aafcea. Makes. Urn. F-H at.-f..1* T J. C. Pope & Co., C. CONOVER & CO. CO. tlevbland. O...ln!> 3U.-n itpiu thp v,^ii.i nf i.ltl.i-m plared at NSURANCE; PaiaUra ft Pafarkaagrra (ii-in-mi.' trade bj Mayor OoK HS!! w**d Place. Tel. «* 1. liandbooks have been operated and AGENTS. many winter* were made, tbe bookmiker* paanlnr oat tr patron* O Beat Front St.", Plainfield, N. J. We W* call your yarn attention oar oor fitfloe diepuy bine tlcketa. No anream were mid«, a. display tbe work waa done very quietly and without aanrtlon tbe F"«M l.iilun New Wallpapers. The q>t wu» in>*t dexpite tba pracllcml atxtence N>(tins, fa*t time Wt We can't describe, be twine mnde n all tbe event*. The y can t are new,striking new. rtri king and aad patterns, effect!v effective. bat flmt rare, th- 2:14 trot, went tn lillly and with our large assortment webock wltbimt inurl) ffr.ri. HP RPhllng are sore please. :i ipnrrnt!y nutclhralng 111* Held. n (ha 223 race Eln*tlr 'olnter won without P.lnU.OM* Palnta.OHe and Varnlah«a Varnish difficulty, nlthough!» waa forced t* reduce hi* record from 2:10 -J.iK.%. W00LST0N WOOLSTON & ft BUCKLE, Hiiir ii proved (be H -i a fieldot U5 twelve in 2:17 (rat. taking tbe aeeond and third heat*, tbe nnt brtnf 145 North Sortli Avenue. won liy li-'t it.ild. "rt^l Bartle s Battle's Sne Yard Boice, Runyon & Co Park Avenue, 0pp. Opp. North Horth Ave., S*a.. P*nfield, M.nfield, «. S.J.. J Dealers Dealer.!a iaf Best Lchigh Lehigh Coal Coal, Lumber, Mason Materials, 4c Ac 131B rrontst Sol* Agents H.J. Pulp PlaaU Allen B. Laing, Electrician.34 Korth»«. SMALLEY BROS., Chas. E. Vail Vail, p B47 North A.-renuw. 103 Park Avenue,. nfc* hr -day kappeard Watches, Jewelry and Silverware. f They virtaally damard aad letted hlam. o- ^ ^ Butchers. RepairinjalHU brancies. EXAMNED FRXB AdTertised Advertised Mail Matter WLLAM H. H. KRCH, KRCH, TEL»3«. Carpenter and and Builder, Builder, Keep Your^^On Us MDaarSL TW We have in sck eu lateet «Oue.SC " JERRY F088" FOSS w and rare Plowerin, Sbnha, Roae ratlin, Vine, end Hedge ODEL MODEL SEAFOOD MARKET, tuqhunm OF NAVWNK. K t, Jaly 2».-la th» AtUntk? Tael* etub'a omn r«rr from Brvalon'. Baat _,, cat NPWJK.P. H. lo tba comaad llfbtrtlp. f Ntrw York tartar. M. r. Plant'* arhooner yacht! > ffmnar flntabrd flrrt. Tb» WMll'i ilnw «*«r B* MFOTM, which la dssmnct? 390 mllra. WM Bpproxlmatrl> ffi bofitra and 28 mhv otpa, fp^fctnf an hourly avrraie ape** BASEBALL SCORES. firti::::.:..» 1 _*»» Decorating and Papering. iit;} j it! i:: 1 a Fim-claas First-class work is is oar oor reputation... V. PalnUnc Palatine and and Decorating Co., Co.. tibeluiuug suncssa itfspsi. ta S&CSASU ' ^SBStr 2 ^Ui*JUt! c^s^-;! j f s; s: ts Hit* Bt. L.,nlai. ; cnira«-n. t Bmita ft LAB. 7 rhica»k i. BattartM-. N. H. WYCKOFF, O'Nflll anil iikmii; T»>-lor. Kilns aaol PANTER and DECORATOR, 44' 441 W«at Woot Front Street. Straot. rgjgfem Oool for hocaoa. o ft 00 pn gal Jas. C. Hansen, E. A. Front Street. Straot. MPORTED WALLPAPERS TA.U, or rnc^taoga. ^ 1 ira.::::::::::::::::::: S g :8 Philadelphia 9 17 n fru mtmurm. t SEW YORK. July 30.-.uhlans, hearlly played at «1, won tba Orn-nfleld lakm for wo-year-olda at Jamaica. Tbe si Gatleii ally, after being buck n ddked with a tcreat burnt «[> 1 n ntrt-tch and won ilrulrik by one lengtb. NameokL tbe favorite, ran below ht* form and Dnlabed > ' poor fourth. ahlana, tb«trlnoer. wan bid tip «.*. an advance»2jkki over her entered «-llln«phce. A. tilmona wa* tho bidder. The table bid tbe raamnry $5 and ra- Ulned ta fllly >h rmtloti n tbe ant race broke tbe track rerord for ore and a balf rnrlorie* by rarertnc tbe dlav n lrfrt 4-fi. The beat prerloih rfntttvm CHCAflO. Joly 2D.-Two beada. a oae and neck were all aeparated flve tbe Held at all D tbe mil* handicap at Hawtboroe. t waa a d#aerata atnuqtle from bead tba retell borne, una Dot until Jodcaa UBR out nnmbem waa t knows how tbe boran nngnied. Tbe deataa aarlala gmn UM ncc Bralore, an S 1 ahot. The winner was extreme ontalder la bet- _ Aldhnttw.wuMmnd. Tba Giver waa third, a M M n front HaTlland. Bragg-, favorite, was HL OaM. l-r Makta. A.BAKT, N. T, Jnly 2B.-Tbe wtav nine three harora* racea at la- Und park, even nhadln* tne (lay Hake., waa entirely devoid nten-at. n earh erent winner ok tbe beat* stnitvlii and eaally. tn tbe nay take* Senar Nail walked f with honor* eamllr. implr takln* bfa. (mr la tbr mmnd beat. la HK elaaa only two heata had be run bn-aiw Peeler 1'iimn won botk. ajo Park nnuc, Oppoalte Korth lyixw, /H*W. J'-y an.-rnrrtutnd beat a inod Held tn f.u- feainre at DelaMr cooled by electric breezea. All ark- <1 M a all fnrlonic <Uafa for kinda renr-omn. Forehand went tba FRESH FSH rr lotik, j* froat at tbe. anrt T awl held tbe U>a4 wlrv. BalnlBOd made a Mnang bid down atn>;*u. l»:i: fell abort aai 0nl«Unl aecond.

8 .S.FREDERKK*S CUE JRSEHKlf r POT Cwnt Ex pomd SnrfitM Vow by»ncx n»ftil Onfte. MAQKXnOX* OF CVTCLB COMMUTE LST (K THOSE WHO HAVE 6ABED THER AMK. euaat >t Oraeolaadi Acoordiag u serial Ma kla afcyatrtu. over foar-lftba UM deevoyed akin oa tha Hbdy Wllaoa Piodartck, Daaallaa. baa been roataoeo by cstlcls ooalrlbakm by men kl tbu rlly aaa *l**wk«re ilnce th«ok la grafting operation WM OOBB- BMBMHM wm* monthi ago. Tb* opera lien i* Mill going Ml nl»nt*rvalt in Mablaabarg Hospital aad tbe recovery f ih«tajered man ) naw aanwt The MMB * oaa has provaa be fallacy af aa aeoepd ory in msdteal aoteaoe herefore t betag tka auiial belief tkat f oa* third a nerae* i akla waa daatniytd mil wobld aaraly raaatt. Oa* half h kla VM bbfwad a black arp ery amam la be fatal wne*. a* Oraa kaad as Juaary JT aad UM BMB aaw la goad pkyaal iilwa* Ta kta amudir- M w.ll M, w. a T y J H, DMM, William D. Pike, Robert A. Baoker, B W OMU, f. ft Pop*. W H P. HiMT, Frank P. MM, Boban ToikM. JoMph O. BMM, B. H flrudoa. John JMWMMJ. Will A. Mavk.r. B L (>r«tei b, William Albert, QUrk Lowria, E. ft Oooroy. lllta S Oubwd, fclm«r Oatting. all PUlaleld. Barry H>Mkbunir. F. T. Dirt.rMM, J. T. aphaa. Jr.. Tkaaawre W. Dv, SL B. BMjatM, lort t. Oral* a B. MaMU, Percy Abbott, 11. B. Wyckaff, J. FtMk TOMM, Fred Balnm), William Terry WT Vlaet. Oeorg* A pear, Oharl*a M. Wyba.kay. O. T. Cawkey. suben Ball, Maw luitil Fred R. Milk. Albert R BMltk. Homarville. Harry Betpbes, Loaf Braaah; & O. Deiy. Elisabeth. P. W tniwlw, J. T. Walikall, J«ra*y City; O. B. MlllikM Bad Baak: a O. Wolfa,.rih T. Oalkrasat, Niwuk ; J. Oreeaweod, Laaawood. Frank H MUlaV, Prank U Marta, Hatr*r C Stall, Buam; O. B. BMH, Paroy biaitj, Aabary Path ; Marry Headea,Vlaelud ; F ~fc Pa. ; Harry DaBre*. Js*a OUail, Lao Miel*. Blak kimioai'i, Ban? NeOanfar Pl«a>irlck Laiay. PhlUjtlpati. O. D aakaar. kba«> Oaaak. 'a. H Aaamt. M. teorg*, Pa, OaaWf* AMall, Btdtlatan. 1 W O. Pnpt. Oaawja O«M. WUMB B B*aMl. B. O. OaH«t, W V. avw. J J Martta. K«w Tut. J. aalkirt. BaftTalo. K T. aa>d H C OWMU, OraJtaa, W V., BBBBBBM *f ktl af Agaattaa. Tat* la anil** at afcallibil Par yana 1 * wua nsiina tb* 8 Don. Sour Sumach. Worms JOMVUSHRS,Fc«crtshand LOSS OF SLEEP. CASTORA For nflm sad ChOdiwa. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears Signature n Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORA THE CONSTTUTONALST nail with rst game reaches dignified ecclesiastic. Bat f does, ciato* WM illegal, which oaa aau it pomstifnn s~oei very riirh. sari ir diseololion. Banco Mr. Bn»NOVAT1NGCHURCH limrfor PUNFELD BOY MEES KNG tko Philadelphia Public Ledger. ifforta n baao dlraotlon* oame PBh-baaks Famllv la AmsrMB. a* m Oa* day laat aummer, when 1 naughl. t reonlted, however, society for hisrical pbrponea. leading teanu were running- vi PflOVtUCNTS lehc auoc AT THE main r. KOOM AT me MQUET tranaferring him Mew Eagland. rinse, a reporter called on Cardil CNUiOt Or THE HOLY CTOSS. TtlOCKD Y. EDWAJTO V. objects family xbtereat and (llbbons ask him tint queitiona Mr. Bail beoam* ganeial pa. BMte education t* memberb regarding pope'* encyclical which ar agant tfae Kibborg Rail ravsrdlsc >** pops'* «SO«SUl which la sbbjaeta reuliag> ir family had reeeatlj been published. Tbe ud lanar. when tha Flhbarg hlatnry. Th* society will boy " cardinal hsd rscrnlj Vm published. TV. granted nterview and WM abeorbed try Bosn ud Dedham hoaaemead and make tke rranted later*lew and room Hewaagoing down dowa Halao, he beeame ibe assistant gen ts keadawarter*. aad will donbtless nr reporter left steps steps room when when He was his emihla goera! cm! passenger agent thai road. ralae aa large a fund BS ia nita sry oence. leaning nver landing, called Tb* etaaaatv* reaatra MM M H With thi. valuable New England ex Paadhly re * hat one Fham- provide n luftvsent annual income wet: a#ace. leanlar over laadiac. called oat: M laaartar «t kt Baly Orw Okarek M#r wbo balde tba kaaar af kavtag carry on ta work. Tbe project "Have -day's arore met King Edward TL That paraoa MM mi adapted furnish s good "Yes," Hare *ald yon heard -day a reporter score?" parlanoe, an axpuleaoe whioh oat mrally famulanmd him with tb«forward M rapidly M 1111 Laelaa T. TM. Saadford deal lawful and innocent entertainment at small eoat. and s likely -Mood," said tbe cardinal, with a ple ~tt was S S»nd n our faror. transporting large nnmbara peo- t Tea.- sai saw 1 aad surprised la our reporter. favor Tka aaw akarak aalllaa; has kaaa B«, wbo ta travelling abroad aad " oa qaiok rnnnlng trains ud namplilil aad at aa lafmmai wbo WM at DuhilB. ralaad. mat week commend tself or families smile, -Good- aald tha cardinal, with a mile, put us two points ahead ihort latervsli oolv, tba opening af UM oaa re h vestry bald yeaiwo akadm af brewa war* d* thai are scattered- over tbe United doesa't " t?" pet oa two points ahead, wanting bring blm n som* a Bis Majesty laaded oa bis vialt States. The reporter didn't know, but he UM Urge railway ajatema. Tb* death tm tba rish people. Tka meeting ipaa for k* paiataat tka realised allied tbe cardinal knew Oueral PaaMngar Agent Baldwin ok place at u informal laaobaoa oa great walla and oailiag Tbe bad* t ba Crest many maay hingb thlafs cardlaal he HidrT be Oeatzal Railroad New Jane* rnaa* (j real tba King's affl b» bro w n color ud tbar* will ka Made tba opening raqalrad. WM though oa* tbeea, Li a red brow, rlnpt far decoration. Edward H. Bujamln, u Bcer ia WHAT "AGNET" COMES FROM quickly aakad lake Mr. Baldwin'! Tba ootauaaaiaa oolort 1* emmedposition, ud bm aino* filled la a UM BriUab army, aad a favorlt* rasing UM ay*. io*t satiifaciory manner. M King wben Prinoa Wale*, < been danlilsf lay a aaw Mt UM maetln g waa arranged. Li a* - AT along alony At Jan Atlantic Mr coaat. coast, from The He* Jersey Outral 1* m ta UM abaaeal and all varwork M Mali, choir-etalli aad Florid* Maine atainat. re are tbe lending i»ibeeng*i carrying; reads nant Benjamin it Kooa'i anal*. eeores cores summer hotels, with cottagea annexed m, abettering Thousand* years ago a mineral ba coon try ud etpaolauy doaa tbii Tbe r«i( traveller, wbo is MM a tnges manner hotel*, with tha eotrails wlu be rs-poliahed. apply tb«suburban ballot**, which party three, WM especially formaoe la being at Dublin tbu paat weak fnel. They have tin smiling «ad waa in country anct guest* fneata anaesed m, aheltertar pey for rent, food havlog strb&ite Tbe aeelmrj alownaaa be reiirm will Make t lmpcaalble agala and will proceed on kla trip Tne*d*y. bid m welcome T called MagvesU. in A.i«Minor. Bart aenmed tbe helm be bm grown phenomually sino* Mr. nor fool. who pay They neir hare for «rent, amfliar food having Thoussads af years sgo a mineral effulgent clerk bid m weloome ron sod strange power attracting bald aarvtuee n tb* obarob no til tke He baa Moarad pa**** through tba BBd put ir n Uie safe; this eauntry baa rivpd ui r in April, Ode. sad pat ir valuables la safe; ly railed was found Magne.,,. la n eountrv Asia Minor ancient- The ilddl* September The early morn fortrea* Qllbnltar and wiu ipand no bo bell boya boys at,tbe at. call: mil: no waiter* no welters word name "magnet." magnet.- thta aountry mi-«eaya an an baa article gives "Abont About ua tha mgsv department la April MW tbe bauding ap a Oration by Bon. Poster M. Voorig coon»on n oalebratlon* and tbi nay at Mroagbold before prooead tip; tip: no no telephone connection with with a Magnet*." Magnets * n la St. 8t. Nicholas. Nlcho Thi* las mineral, eral. wbicb la now called lode ipany la thi* connection, aad be ' Star Spangled Banner" by band. This iw groat min- tbs possibility building up ud probtablo bnainee* for hii Me*. rteraaoa arris M ban keea 4mm.g on hi. trip. near-by livery liver* stable stable Their Their namea names away wltb and tb* manias; earvlaa are n newspapers. ). icted i want work along propei BuBdietlon by grabd obaplnlb. bald la iba Parlab Hoaae la aow tba He Will mars *o this oily about They not aeek seek published wrlutior. sedation, la not not newspapers. noriety. noriety. ne which s now called lode tention (not loadsne), attracted af tbe curious, and it waa dueovered a piece ron which bad core a reanll which has not only only OB* UM week. Middle September after having bad warm wlthoi At oonclbbion tbe exerol*** u eimastva trip braagb Franoe. flres; for re is a fire re rubbed wftb tbe Kodesne proven Mtlafaory from a financial be Maaonlo fraternity will eaoort tb* «res: They foe keep where mselves re s warm a dre without re covered la a piece ron and which t was had die. HAHD8OMB HOMES BOLD. Oermuy, taly, Africa, ud UM Hair generally sad would be- same power attractingiron: n or worda. piece iron Bart n tbe front ranks tbe general standpoint but which bm placed Mr. omoer* tb* Grand Lodge tba federally smoke, and smoke would be- quired been robbed with Wdeane ac- tbem. When dsrknena falls tfcei) Kau baildlng, where tb* lodge will day tray ia is m. done, dsae. When for for light light darkness (bluing shining falls through tkrough ir res; n hrr aame words, power piece attracting iron irae a magnet. t was afterward Maenger agents America. ileeed n daa form. wonld *oon»* * af by A. *. Thaataooa such an ron or artificial One Mr. Bnrt'i most hap, 1 o'clock be ficers tb* make shuttered m homelee*. homeless, windows or or transfer would m m soon found such an ron or artificial could be used like lode- irea n connection with Grand Lodge will proceed tbe BJe»Wy room Jaoob'i Tbaalr*. at Private Sale. Tka PoawJar Beiaaoa Moathly for from a hotel a Jail. eae magnet could be used like he lode- in by nibbing. Still baildtng in horban bndn*** A. D. Thompson ka raoutly sold All this, report a an eastern exchange. ron AagaM wtalai tb«fotwlag am- n tself magnets convert a by or making rubbing. pieces mag- BtW 'blob will bo approprialely decorated wo hutaemi prapartma u Belvtuare - " M s on authority * tramp who loatloa tb* Suburbanite, u -itn TF nf Millii," ay a meerts eleeiricity waa oiacoverrd,, by wrapplcr a piece laqaal will be server!. wltb palm* Ud flags, ud here ' «o»t wn partlea Sidaey B Bob*ylar, m preaaal a realdui has been through mill, ea ke aaj nets more recently a mode making maglln.trated monthly magaal Sir <Mlrar Lodga; " Tka Tralntng a preased it a eon*1*ble n Connecticut a few dayb ajro. wken confronted insulated wire many time* around Tbe pratiding floar will be United covered. by means «f electricity was dis- n* merit, which it distributed by Praaldaat Darld lasnlatsd wire s. by many wrapping timer a aroand piece aidily tbroagbont ra*i af Orutard. MM a Mm her af tbt with BB opportunity ror work bar and n canslnjr a ewrrebt latea Senar Joba Kau, wbc will T«rk Sck Exchange, baa par for tba atate or trllii r hii Ule and electricity pass through he wire. dentlal BBOtiona New York City, ai *k* a brief addrem Ba*. B. M. ohaabd tke larga Colonial boa** aa retting out wmm save UM The familiar small j magnels are wall M along ba line ud whioh ti ogu, St. Mary's Oat hollo Onareb. bringing eetitfacry returns, as oal acrur BalTMata NN aad limply steal bar* which kave been Rabwsy, bm accepted an nvitation Charlotte road, ud will tak* ap bu nbbed a few time* agal atteat*d by hoo*e owaen i nflar prayer. and real eaait* agente erarj city atdaao* tbar* early kl Bep«"TB1BTT POSOHODS PLAHTS." ud wn between Naw York A number brief addreete* will be bbrt B DBYTMB. a Hew Tots, SoMarrllU, e-ntin diataaoe being ada, and among those wbe ara B tka owi D aotne countries walk injr-tt rk* are.mak, la addition Senar E*M. ef tka most beabilfnl aad demr-, ud wiu nvfaetnred from shark flns. Pronj Bra Judge Vail, Direcr Habbard, Hetbsrwood Tke jraperum MM* la laprtt. Ketbatwood. aae la ke atttaetj** sprnb ut at bnt a* faralob MM O. Hatting; "Bacteria grtsnlsbib, " by Dr. A : "Tka Bm*r <** An by J. E. Q. m)u _ ;-Tka Daolialag Birtk Bake 3a*aa,- by Dr PROFUHClATOf OF "GOLP-" A S«otck rolf*r wbo played golf ta U3S, before ib* railway era aad ag kefora tba Enyli»h ok ap ke fitt writes London Times \] Kngtisb are mi.p-onouneirir naa af national frame in a *ay di»- rnaif him. Be proceed* *ay a^nf gentleinen who bed been la EnrUnd or ndia, u d were free 1 pmtionnrfri Scotch accent, i-ame warn eallrd "ire." by oodlet aad those apcakin^ a broad Scotck it was "eowf." The pbnw, "folk plsy golf," was prtnonaced by treotlrmea "foke play ge." "golt" rhyninff wltji "loaf." Bj eaddlea it <u pronoud **fowk pl»i gowf." There was a third pronunciation, but t was an affectation, "uf." Thuw wbo *o pronon t kere were opposed' ipesk high Engitah, sroidlntc broad pronundation letter "a." a prevatest Scotch *ab*titnte for " " "V naed abort li "i." thn». "heffpeat itin." for half-past seren. Thi«pecuMir dialeett* pre.tlj admired by aiy fellow countrymen, he say*, and known tbem aa Eriinbnrjr Kn^ bat eren in Tinnnded "1" n go!i coald y b«*e foreieen what thi actual lax-art mlipronunclatlon th< English on takir up tfae game wouu ba*e been with what joy would y h»»e called t "giwvt." t would h*vc seemed m "so F.rplUh." AT NCORPORATED FAMLY. Tke acale boslneaa being pmeperona and leaf lard la brink demand UM tribe Fairbanks thoagkt itaelf warranted in kouhmg a reunion but Angn*t at tke Fairbanks homest la Drdkam, Wa... Jonathan Fair kaauta waa th* original American eeater. and from UM are dftended im Anerleaa familwa. says Harper') Weekly. Tka rennlaa tnnwd owt U be tateresttag and sneeeesfvl aat am* af Ha reanlt. la reeevt flllng af article* ef ncorporation Bead tke department are at Waahingn. a C, (or tree pamphlet entitled "Thirty PoUonona PlBBf.** Every one who lovea roam n fields aad forest should know plant*, aaja "Xatar* «nd Science.- m St..\k>bolaa. tlavbtjortunai* for thoae wko are found ib:iag tkrongh ke Selds aad woods moat tha plant* la tkat goveraaeat Uat are pobboba OBV wben eata. Xearir all ra.«akin poisobing,re from p-ilenn vy or poiaon lumae. t will doabtleir BBrpriae many wko read th» pamphlet -Thirty Poiaan- B laii,- i Cower* are inelnded in list. A poiaoaonm oil imiur BO>S«H ivy Uaecreted ke leaf hair*. e*perla!y at froitseaaob. The leave* and wer*, wbe. taken rterwaltj" Tke la.t". ever. i> very Utter, ao BO oa* i. likely eat t beat. * The beswtiul noai«lr Marr M,. deatb. tkat rkn farmer rail. t >h**v- t s rbinwd.: *< tax record fo. Fa-acHaaT a. kwu by J.**ph L.., B, (sirjfg 7oiic-Mar<.,,a(y 3: yean old, who *as r--wwd atmmm O»* railroad eoenpany with flcei! Chicago ha* (on*; =ad- atud] etiquette otw dwtjea i' trainmen. The Men must not swear nor use slang, nor bo peeviah. nor <Ji* conrteous. say* k* Chicago ntel Oeaaa. Tba Erie Hamaid company now aianaa lone with ma»t stiff always a ««r»r appear Men. a* Tka baseball fever la no reapeetor peraoas. The broker with thi high hat and tfae bank account am tka barefooted boy stand side by sidi aad eagerly await tbe next nning Bnt re s HUM little interest who t tames out tkat tbe fever tha 1ES m lira ii n Generml Twenty-Fiwe Y. C1SE1R 1011H comes along with ft in a aewer; idea. Tho trainmen m*-t slways appear a* dapper aa Bs a stroller on on tha boulevard. BEGAN AS AH AUDTOR THE STONE N POSTON They moat keep fbeir shoe* wel hlsed. Their' ekubci must at tbem ORGNATED THE SCHEME TO CON AFTER PARADE THE CEREMONES WLL fbultlessy. and, most all. re DUCT "THE SUBURBANTE, most be cressea is trouvera a 1 COMMENCE AT COURT HOUSE. vary every uniformed employe tbe tha roadroad. * Down n ndian*, at n divialoaj Banqnet Follow -Ma*oal«Vra- point, Dowa la odiunn. at a division ur tailors are kept -Later Made a Chief Bate tntfortna. Botb fa taralty ta Kaeert OtBcera or busy three foar tailors are kept Chicago pressing vnlfnrma. Both H CbieBgo at he or end tb* Graad iodge t>a«ter*a Ba,Bd rua and at or end nm bootbiacka a. c kei ataawtted Oth«r Detail*, clean loan bootblacks (ho"boot*" hoot* ««employed employe*. (be employes. krsp workman are engaged in pdttidf idea making a dapper-look yonng man wbo hai made hi tbe Dniihlng tenobea on be cnrnir- nf The tng company dea oat o*t maring tbe. dapper-look employe* employes li s k D railroad world, ud wbo ne which waa placed D position ia new Chiriffn. irthriiiirh idea bai BMlBl cilea li oonsidersd oonrt honaa building at Ell**, been Chicago. a'though Wes baa in east fur sever* tbe moat thoroughly oompetant pa* betb Friday, preparary ta ib* wreka. tried in ks east for several wxeka. At Jemey City *ix tallurs Br* :er man in America, ia Cliarle ixerolees day. constantly At Jersey City sis tailors are sonatantly and tbe bootblack* are kept Minion Bart, general peaaenger agen blacks employed busy. bnsy. and bo. tbe Central Uailroad Mew Jer On b* aide tne which face* im eiven two tickets NT, aaya Ballroad Employe. Broad street hare been oat Oiorti oae Each one which employe pa»'es pa..e«1. given current current two with with lie beta tbe or s a* good a* Althoagh m young man, declare 19M," wbila an. Babway BVWD* with thi' bootblack*. Bach this emoeuent publication, k be ke flgnrea "1811," tbe a tailor, while or la aa rood aa mploye is ld o use ticket* been twenty five yean in tbe rail latter indicating year n wbion employe dime la with ld bootblacks. nee tickets Each ta welt all time*, and way buknn. Be Brat began in be old court BOOM wae oonilrnotad. freely, look well all times, aad mot be bashful about asking for andit's departmanl ) 1 meeting tbe oommlttee tm.kaia be cu.k«i* wben wbsa Ka-hful. tbs«.ld ooea ones asking are are goi gossn. for new York, Pennsylvania and Ohio Ball eirangemaut* for be oorn«rasone ezeralaea waa bald yesterday road, familiarly spoken aa THE NATONAL RATONAL (SAME. UAME. Y., P. * O. n 1889 be left railroad afternoon n tba effloe Oounty Cold ud d he th final nrrugf- ng for a brief time take a position lecr Wood, la United BtatM QoartarmaMer' ~ Ml ant, bat before year wai bo WM la UM employ UM WOM Shore Railroad a* rate olerk, 1W» ho WM made chief rate clsrk n Trunk Lin* PamnngnT Aa skin animal la obtained a stioa. He afterward bold thi position, but in SM tba So prome Court decided tbe rejtnla Of pnlmpgbt ratct by lull M piet«d*tmu r ^xatdaea W huso on SDisRSd lo.sil hs holshlo, hoosbss 00 tbs oons suus which wss plsosd lb posllloo lbs osw soar, booss bslldio. ss Kiiss. meata ware completed, at far at poaiimi Tbe invitation* tb* coonty fl. lala, mayors b* variom monioipaiittet, chairmen th* wnablp jarda, tbe pram ud othar*. bav* MB sent ont. DBtter 1 * band haa been engaged, u d will head tbe nrcoeealoa Fre* from Maaanlo Ball n th* K*aa mtldfng th* oonrt boa**. Bare a large platform will be ooo*lrtiot*d. on whioh will be aeated th* floen Orud Lodge New Jere*y, imbers Board Oboaen Freeholder*, u d nvited gaetta. Tin Ttrioil lodgaa Free MaKni i ibe city anil county bite been reseated by ir various ptaaidltig fioer* aassmble in tbe ball Washingn Lodge, lu tba Kean buildat la 30 o'clock thia morn act ai eaoott UM OlUd Lodga Member* tbe fraternity ara aakad wear frook ooata ud dark "onaera. A 11 o'clock, on arrival tb* procession at tbe aoart house, foliwlag wlu be tho ardor *x*rewe*. M agrmd apan by com ml tie* Overture by tb* bud. Addrem> by Direor J. Pruk Hobbard. Ode by te Cadral goarleti* Prayer by grud chaplain Ode by aaartatta. Oeremooy laying corntrtne. by Orud Maetar W Holt Apgar. n vocation by grud ohaplain. Delivorifia tbe Maaotile mpl*. nuts. ohoars tbs Mason la tha f rale Ormad roily will ndia assort tb Kaon building, whsr. tha lodga w he Board PrMuoldcra; SnrragaM.kin anioial 1. obtaiaed >nitabl«for ataking ivrord. n o Uaitad Stale*. Parrott, Bfaariff Oorlall ud COBBT CoUecr Wood. gripaoad lear suitable far making sworvfpsand arttctes. Sharks n tbe organ!sating aad naaagaai Tba invitation tba banqoat M**t abound aad on many tke eoast const fancy articles Nicaragua, Mr.rags., Sharks and and tbe working fore* aadar hie dj n*o*mlly be limited, and have been (k>ii.chalk, thr nilcd Siatea eoaat San Jnan del forte, s.ngge*t* Mlble aad liberal mrtboda wblob ao Pall, member* tb* Board Oboeta m Mr. Bart employee tbe m orwarded Jadgea VuSyokal and sal Mr. Dot tac ha k. lulled States eontkat at ftaa Joan del Jfarte. suggests t tkefina.backbone aad sklbindght omlbaatlx characttrixei tbe preaaot rneboldei* ud Meyor* ef tbe vsnooi with t-itfa advantsre advantage Una. backbone he be imported and skins in lata might 111** la Ualoa Oaantr, OoBBty flnf tba Orud Lodge. ew Stntca for indnstrial pvrpoae*. kaagement tbe company, t The killing af ohark> shark* encoaragrd encouraged b.r by reanlt every employ* w a varioa* wnibip Xlearagaaa Asbery Uwa, aod re lung worker aad gtraa kla beat > * preai, Br. ud polio* o> appears KimragMa ftsbcrj laws, and re ippeara he no export daty on mi evorta la tb«nteteatt tha oorporaoa wblob afford, him employm luduatrul lo Bdnstrial prodtn-i product he no derived capon from from duty m. se oa aa, Palalt a.».ne*. president ;he United Darlag tba absence Pasr L. will rill The presidest ;he United States kave a entrance for kam. Bowaid, palnti at Bop* Uhapal maai la oraar bat ibera may be DO miaaaderstaadlog. Tba buaact will rlf have a private entrance for himm-i famil; in ibe line new railttatioa BOW beinr eonstruct^ K a. Kenneth Bobbie and G. con, BBd DaMat'a bond, will plav *s- wiu bo occspted by tbeeo pereona: ooonpy ba early part tbe aft*'- ed and family in n# new rail-, slatbsu now being eowatrwcted.ihiaga. Mr. Oereland nsrd Smart Simons; Angwat 9. Rev O. 8. xnas between tb* speeches. Res* *ape Washingn Mr. Cleveland Oard tkeerowdsby having;ku driver Boa will B*rv* tko bboqa«t. Shaw ; Aagnet 15, Bar. T. B. Newake he tha crowds by haring hi. drlv*, hlm f..i eadi thi Tbe committee having la charge M ralaa. him «n forward ends Of Trenn; AagaM 38. Rev. nstead eatrriag i*rouaa in ooanaotlon wltb tb* layag tbe ooraoraaa U oompoaed r instead entering at front.iatloa. but even thi. refuge i, f. B Oeaaat, How York; Aagoat no laager so he private SO. Bar. O. B. Sbaw. Direcr Bnbbard, Pre*bold«rf Fsi - longer station, practicable, hot even so tbl. refuge private. nil, Bracklaober. MaQaaaleM.AdaaM, entrance, has been The Mia*** O'Ks.fe, B*w Bun, "". OUrk Ryno aad County Col- Maa.. at* viaitlnx ibeir bror. nrr eoplsias 'oka O'Cecfa, af Booth avena*. Mr, ud Mrs. David M. Buyoa. _ la CekU near quend fcjgkw»j. in.t. MlM WM1 Meaainger. North aveam, left day for ML Poeaao, Pa.. Arlingn aveaae, are bam from a rbera aba will ka tbe gueet frtaads aad MM. L M. Weal, We* Fifth street, an vlalitng ralaheea Bt ar tka raat tke weak. Pllendahlp, M. T. mamkaw P. (Ml>. af Weat Sixth aad family, ' MM, will go M WappLBgari PalU. aw Tort, as HaaaMday aad ratarn i oa Monday with bit family.

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