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1 DIE PROVINSIE TRANSVAAL! laffistele Rotrant (As 'n Nuusblad by die Poskantoor Geregistreer) PRYS: S.A. 40c Plus 5c A. V.B. OORSEE: 50c Vol. 229 PRETORIA menik. HE PROVINCE OF TRANSVAAL ' Official iiia3ette 'to, 14e21i14/4,. 1 K ffg... (Registered at the Post Office as a Newspaper) w..z.v 30 APRIL 30 APRIL PRICES: S.A XIticeIG'..S.T. OVERSEAS: 50c c" (..i.t...;'s ' 1, I '\1/4, cd BELANGRIKE AANKONDIGING IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT SLUITINGSDATUM VAN A DMINISTRA CLOSING TIME FOR ADMINISTRATOR'S NO TEURSKENNISGEWINGS, ENS. TICES, ETCETERA Aangesien 8 Mei 1986 'n openbare vakansiedag is, sal As 8 May 1986 is a public holiday, the closing time for die sluitingstyd vir die aanname van Administra acceptance of Administrator's Notices, etc., will be as teurskennisgewings, ens. soos volg wees: follows: 1.6h00 op Maandag 5 Mei 1986 vir die uitgawe van die 16h00 on Monday 5 May 1986 for the issue of Provin Provinsiale Koerant van Woensdag 14 Mei cia! Gazette on Wednesday 14 May LET WEL: Laat kennisgewings sal in die daaropvol N.B.: Late notices will be published in the subsequent gende uitgawe geplaas word. issue. CGDGROVE CGDGROVE Provinsiale Sekretaris Provincial Secretary OFFISIELE KOERANT VAN DIE TRANSVAAL OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF THE TRANSVAAL (Verskyn elke Woensdag) (Published every Wednesday) Alle korrespondensie, advertensies, ens. moet aan die All correspondence. advertisements. etc. must be ad Provinsiale Sekretaris, Privaatsak X64, Pretoria, geadres dressed to the Provincial Secretary, Private Bag X64, Preseer word en indien per hand afgelewer, moet dit by toria, and if delivered by hand, must be handed in at Room Kamer A1020(a), Provinsiale Gebou ingedien word. Gra A1020(a), Provincial Building. Free copies of the Provintis eksemplare van die Of/isiele Koerant of uitknipsels van cial Gazette or cuttings of advertisements are not supplied. advertensies word nie verskaf nie. Subscription Rates (payable in advance) lntekengeld (vooruitbetaalbaar) Transvaal Official Gazette (including all Extraordinary Gazettes) are as follows: Transvaalse Offisiele Koerant (met inbegrip van alle Buitengewone Koeran te) is soos volg: Yearly (post free) R21,00 plus GST. 111 Jaarliks (posvry) R21,00 plus AVB. Zimbabwe and Overseas (post free) 50c each plus. Zimbabwe en Oorsee (posvry) 50e elk plus AVB. GST. Prys per eksemplaar (posvry) 40c elk plus AVB. Price per single copy (post free) 40c each plus GST. Verkrygbaar by Kamer A600, Provinsiale Gebou, Obtainable at Room A600, Preto Provincial Building, Pretoria ria Sluitingstyd vir Aannarne van Advertensies Closing Time for Acceptance ofadvertisements Alle advertensies moet die Beampte betas met die Offi All Advertisements must reach the siele Koerant bereik nie Officer in later nie Charge of as 16h00 op Dinsdag 'n week the Provincial Gazette not later than voordat die Koerant 16h00 on uitgegee word. Advertensies the Tuesday before the Gazette is published. Advertisements received wat na daardie tyd ontvang word, word oorgehou vir publi after that time will he held over for publication in the kasie in die uitgawe van die volgende week. issue of the following week. Advertensietariewe Kennisgewings wat vol ens Wet in die Offisiele Koerant geplaas moet word: Advertisement Rates Notices required by Law to be inserted in the Official Gazette: Dubbelkolom R5,00 per sentimeter of deel daarvan. Double column R5,00 Herhaling R4,00. thereof. Repeats R4,00. per centimetre or portionn Enkelkolom R1,80 per sentimeter. Herhaling Single column R1,80 per centimetre. Repeats R1,20. R1,20. Intekengelde is vooruitbetaalbaar aan die Provinsiale Subscriptions are payable in advance to the Provincial Sekretaris, Privaatsak X64, Pretoria Secretary, Private Bag X64, Pretoria CGDGROVE CGDGROVE Provinsiale Sekretaris Provincial Secretary ii r

2 1494 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 30 APRIL 1986 _ Proklamasies Proclamations 4 No 24 (Administrateurs ),1986 No 24 (Administrator's), 1986 PROKLAMASIE PROCLAMATION Nademaal by artikel 90 van die Wet op Provinsiale Bestuur, 1961, aan my die bevoegdheid verleen word out 'n Whereas power is vested in me by section 90 of the Pro. Ordonnansie, waarin die StaatspresidentinKabinet toe vincial Government Act, 1961, to promulgate an Ordi gestem het, of te kondig. nance, assented to by the State President incabinet. So is dit dat ek hierby die Ordonnansie op Ongemag Now therefore, I do hereby promulgate the Unautho tigde Uitgawe (1983/84), 1986 wat hieronder gedruk is, af rised Expenditure (1983/84), Ordinance, 1986' which is kondig. printed hereunder. Gegee onder my Hand te Pretoria, op hede die The dag Give under my Hand at Pretoria, on this 16th day of van April, Eenduisend Negehonderd SesenTagtig. April, One Thousand Nine Hundred and EightySix, W A CRUYWAGEN W A CRUYWAGEN Administrateur van die Provinsie Transvaal Administrator of the Province Transvaal PR 411 (1986/1) PR 411 (1986/1) ORDONNANSIE NO 1 VAN 1986 ORDINANCE NO 1 OF 1986 (Toestemming verleen op 9 April 1986) (Assented to on 9 April 1986) (Afrikaanse eksemplaar deur die Staatspresident onderteken) (Afrikaans copy signed by the State President) 4 'N ORDONNANSIE Tot aanwending van 'n verdere bedrag geld vir die diens van die Provinsle Transvaal gedurende die jaar gaindig op die 3lste dag van Maart 1984 om sekere ongemagtigde uitgawe te henry en to dek. DIE Provinsiale Raad van. Transvaal VERORDEN expenditure. LI SOOS VOLG: AN ORDINANCE To apply a further sum of money towards the service of the Province of the Transvaal donut the year ended on the 31st day of March 1984 for the purpose of meeting and covering certain unauthorised Ma E IT ENACTED by the Provincial Council of Transvaal as follows: Provinsiale 1. Die Provinsiale lnkomstefonds word Inkomnefonda belay met hierby Provincial betas met 'n bedrag van viermiljoen Revenue Fund 1. The Provincial Revenue Fund is hereby Ft '13. agthonderd en sestienduisend agthonderd rrich charged with the sum of four million eight negeen twintig rand dertien sent om sekere hundred and sixteen thousand eight hundred uitgawe, bo en behalwe die bedrag toege and twenty nine rand thirteen cents to meet staan vir die diens van die Provinsie vir die certain expenditure over and above the jaar gedindig op die 31ste dag van Maart 1984 amount appropriated for the service of the te bestry. Hierdie uitgawes word uiteengesit Province for the year ended on the 31st day in die Bylae by hierdie Ordonnansie en word of March Such expenditure is set forth nader omskryf op bladsy 1 van die Verslag in the Schedule to this Ordinance, and is (wat aan die Provinsiale Raad voorgelo is) more particularly specified on page 1 of the van die Provinsiale Ouditeur oor die Reke Report (which has been submitted to the Pro flings van genoemde jaar. vincial Council) of the Provincial Auditor on For. owl. 2. Hierdie Ordonnansie heet die Ordon the Accounts of the said year. nansie op Ongemagtigde Uitgawe (1983/84), Salon mfr. 2. This Ordinance shall be called the Unau thorised Expenditure (1983/84) Ordinance, BYLAE SCHEDULE No. van Begrotings Titel van Begrotingspos Bedrag No. of a pos Vote Title of Vote Amount R R 6 Paaic ,13 6 Roads ,13 7 Plaaslike Bestuur ,00 7 Local Goverdment ,00 TOTAAL R ,13 TOTAL R ,13 4 No 25 (Administrateurs ), 1986 No 25 (Administrator's), 1986 PROKLAMASIE PROCLAMATION 4 Nademaal by artikel 90 van die Wet op Provinsiale Bestuur, 1961, aan my die bevoegdheid verleen word om 'n Whereas power is vested in me by section 90 of the Pro

3 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 30 APRIL D Ordonnansie, waarin die StaatspresidentinKabinet toe vincial Government Act, 1961, to promulgate an Ordi gestem het, af te kondig. nance assented to by the State Presidentin Cabinet. So is dit dat ek hierby die Wysigingsordonnansie op Now, therefore, I do hereby promulgate the Major Road Groot Paduitrusting, 1986, wat hieronder gedruk is, afkon Plant Amendment Ordinance, 1986, which is printed dig. hereunder. Gegee onder my Hand te Pretoria, op hede die 16e dag van April, Eenduisend Negehonderd Sesentagtig. W A CRUYWGEN Administrateur van die Provinsie Transvaal ORDONNANSIE NO 5 VAN 1986 (Toestemming verleen op 9 April 1986) Pr 411 (1986/5) (Afrikaanse eksemplaar deur die Staatsptesident anderteken). Given under my Hand at Pretoria, on this 16th day of April, One thousand Nine hundred and Eightyssix. W A CRUYWAGEN Administrator of the Province Transvaal PR 411 (1986/5) ORDINANCE NO 5 OF 1986 (Assented to on 9 April 1986) (Afrikaans copy signed by the State President) 11 ORDONNANSIE AN ORDINANCE 0 Tot vrysiging van die Ordonnansie op Groot Paduitrusting, 1960, ten einde die perk op enige Icredtetsaldo in die reserwerekening in arti kel 4(3) beoog, af te skaf; en om vir bykomstige aangeleenthede voorelening te maak. 1Th IE Provinsiale Raad van Transvaal VERORDEN D 1/SOOS VOLG: To amend the Major Road Plant Ordinance, 1960, In order to abolish the limit on any credit balance in the reserve account contemplated in section 4(3); and to provide for molten incidental thereto. E IT ENACTED by the Provincial Council of Trans al Pvaal as follows: WysIging van 1. Artikel 4 van die Ordonnansie op Groot Amendment of 1. Section 4 of the Major Road Plant Ordiartikel 4 van scaion 4 of Ordonnarnie Paduitrusting, 1960, word hierby gewysig ordinance 10 nance, 1960, is hereby amended lo van 1960, of as amended re:gacmgi (a) deur die eerste voorbehoudsbepaling io. 1:/ (a) by the deletion of the first proviso to van Ordinance 9 by subartikel (3) te skrap; en of subsection (3); and Ordonnansie 9 van 1969 en 1969 and section 1 of artikel 1 van (b) deur in die tweede voorbehoudsbepa Ordinance IS (b) by the deletion in the second proviso to Ordonnansle of van ling by daardie subartikel die woord that subsection of the word "further". "voorts" te skrap. Shon tide. 2. This Ordinance shall be called the Major Kort titel. 2. Hierdie Ordonnansie heet die Wysi Road Plant Amendment Ordinance, gingsordonnansie op Groot Paduitrusting, No 26 (Administrateurs),1986 No 26 (Administrator's), 1986 PROKLAMASIE PROCLAMATION Ingevolge artikel 49(1) van die Registrasie van Aktes Wet, 1937 (Wet 47 van 1937), gelees met artikel 82 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordon nansie 25 van 1965), brei ek hiermee die grense van die dap Messina Uitbreiding 2 uit deur Gedeelte 4 en Gedeelte 5 ('n gedeelte van Gedeelte 2) albei van die plans Messina 4 MT, distrik Messina (welke plaasgedeeltes nou bekend staan as Erf 891, Messina Uitbreiding 2) daarin op te neem onderworpe aan die voorwaardes uiteengesit in die bygaande Bylae. Gegee, onder my hand te Pretoria, op hede die 7de dag van April, Eenduisend Negehonderd Sesentagtig. In terms of section 49(1) of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937 (Act 47 of 1937), read with section 82 of the Townplanning and Townships Ordinance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), I hereby extend te boundaries of Messina Extention 2 Township to include Portion 4 and Portion 5 (a portion of Portion 2) both of the farm Messina 4 MT, district of Mes sina (which farm portions are now known as Erf 891, Mes sina Extension 2) subject to the conditions set out in die Schedule thereto. Given under my Hand at Pretoria, on this 7th day of April, One thousand Nine hundred and Eighty six. III W A CRUYWAGEN W A CRUYWAGEN Administrateur van die Provinsie Transvaal Administrator of the Province Transvaal PB PB A..

4 1496 PROVINS1ALE KOERANT, 30 APRIL 1986 BYLAE SCHEDULE VOORWAARDES WAAROP DIE AANSOEK GE CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH THE APPLICATION DOEN DEUR FRIKKIE EN RASSIE LANDGOED MADE BY FRIKKIE AND RASSIE LANDGOED (EIENDOMS) BEPERK INGEVOLGE DIE BEPALINGS (EIENDOMS) BEPERK UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF VAN ARTIKEL 82 VAN DIE ORDONNANSIE OP SECTION 82 OF THE TOWN PLANNING AND TOWN DORPSBEPLANNING EN DORPE, 1965 (ORDONNAN SHIPS ORDINANCE, 1965 (ORDINANCE 25 OF 1965), SIE 25 VAN 1965), OM TOESTEMMING OM DIE FOR PERMISSION TO EXTEND THE BOUNDARIES GRENSE VAN DIE DORP MESSINA UITBREIDING 2 OF MESSINA EXTENSION 2 TOWNSHIP TO INCLUDE UIT TE BREI OM GEDEELTE 4 EN GEDEELTE 5 ('N PORTION 4 AND PORTION 5 (A PORTION OF POR GEDEELTE VAN GEDEELTE 2) ALBEI VAN DIE TION 2) BOTH OF THE FARM MESSINA 4 MT (WHICH PLAAS MESSINA 4 MT (WELKE PLAASGEDEELTES FARM PORTIONS ARE NOW KNOWN AS ERF 891, NOU BEKEND STAAN AS ERF 891, MESSINA UIT MESSINA EXTENSION 2) PROVINCE OF TANSVAAL, BREIDING 2) PROVINSIE TRANSVAAL, IN TE HAS BEEN GRANTED SLUIT, TOEGESTAAN IS 1. VOORWAARDES VAN UITBREIDING 1. CONDITIONS OF EXTENSION (1) Beskikking oor Bestaande Titelvoorwoardes Die erf moet onderworpe gemaak word aan bestaande voorwaardes en serwitute, as daar is, met inbegrip van die voorbehoud van die regte op die minerale. (2) Sloping van Geboue en Strukture (1) Disposal of Existing Conditions of Title The erf shall be made subject to existing conditions and servitudes, if any, including the reservation of rights to minerals. Die erfeienaar moet op eie koste alle bestaande geboue (2) Demolition ofbuildings and Structures en strukture wat binne boulynreserwes of kantruimtes The erf owner shall, at its own expense cause all existing gelee is, laat sloop tot bevrediging van die plaaslike be buildings and structures situated within the building line stuur wanneer die plaaslike bestuur dit vereis. reserves or side spaces to be demolished to the satisfaction of the local authority, when required to do so by the local (3) Verpligtinge ten opsige van Noodsaaklike Dicnste authority. Die erfeienaar moet binne sodanige tydperk as wat die plaaslike bestuur mag bepaal, (3) Obligations in regard to Essential Services sy verpligtinge met betrekking tot die voorsiening van water, elektrisiteit en sanitere The erf owner shall within such period as the local audienste en die installering van stelsels daarvoor, soos thority may determine, fulfil its obligations in respect of vooraf ooreengekom tussen die erfeienaar en die plaas the provision of water, electricity and sanitary services and like bestuur, nakom. the installation of systems therefor, as previously agreed upon between the erf owner and the local authority. 2. TITELVOORWAARDES Die erf is onderworpe aan die volgende voorwaardes 2. CONDITIONS OF TITLE opgele deur die Administrateur ingevolge die bepalings van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965: The erf shall be subject to the following conditions im (1) Die erf is onderworpe aan 'n serwituut 2 m breed, vir posed by the Administrator in terms of the provisions of riolerings en ander munisipale doeleindes, ten gunste van the Townplanning and Townships Ordinance, die plaaslike bestuur, langs enige twee grense, uitgeson (1) The erf is subject to a servitude, 2 m wide, in favour derd 'n straatgrens en, in die geval van 'n pypsteelerf, 'n ad of the local authority, for sewerage and other disionele serwituut vir munisipale doeleindes 2 m municipal breed purposes, along any two boundaries other than a oor die street toegangsgedeelte van die erf, indien en wanneer boundary and in the case of a panhandle erf, and addiverlang deur die plaaslike bestuur: Met dien verstande dat tional servitude for municipal purposes 2 m wide across te die plaaslike bestuur van enige sodanige serwituut mag af access portion of the erf, if and when required by the local sien. authority: Provided that the local authority may dispense (2) Geen geboue of ander struktuur mag binne die voor with any such servitude. noemde serwituutgebied opgerig word nie en geen Boot (2) No building or other structure shall be erected within wortelbome mag binne die gebied van sodanige serwituut the aforesaid servitude area and no large rooted trees of binne 'n afstand van 2 m daarvan geplant word nie. shall be planted within the area of such servitude or within (3) Die plaaslike bestuur is geregtig om enige materiaal 2 m *mot wat deur hom uitgegrawe word tydens die aanleg, onderhoud of verwydering van sodanige rioolhoofpypleidings en ander werke wat by volgens goeddunke noodsaaklik ag, tydelik te plaas op die grand wat aan die voornoemde serwi tout grens en voorts is die plaaslike bestuur geregtig tot redelike toegang tot genoemde grand vir die voornoemde doel, onderworpe daaraan dat die plaaslike bestuur enige skade vergoed wat gedurende die aanleg, onderhoud of verwyderings van sodanige rioolhoofpypleidings en ander veroorsaak word. mains and other werke (3) The local authority shall be entitled to deposit tem porarily on the land adjoining the aforesaid servitude such material as may be excavated by it during the course of the construction, maintenance or removal of such sewerage mains and other works as it, in its discretion may deem ne ce,ssary and shall further be entitled to reasonable access to the said land for the aforesaid purpose subject to any da mage done during the process of the construction, maintenance of removal of such sewerage works being made good ty the local authority. 1

5 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 30 APRIL _ Administrateurskennisgewings Administrator's Notices Administrateurskennisgewing April 1986 Administrator's Notice April 1986 STADSRAAD VAN VEREENIGING: INTREKKING TOWN COUNCIL OF VEREENIGING: WITHDRAWAL VAN VRYSTELLING VAN EIENDOMSBELAST1NG OF EXEMPTION FROM RATING Die Administrateur maak hierby bekend dat die Stads The Administrator hereby notifies that the Town Counraad van Vereeniging hom versoek het om die bevoegd cii of Vereeniging has requested him to exercise the heid aan horn verleen deur die bepalings van artikel 9(9) authority convened on him by section 9(9) of Ordinance 17 van Ordonnansie 17 van 1939, uit te oefen en die be of 1939, and withdraw the existing exemption from the pro staande vrystelling van die bepalings van die Plaaslike Be visions of the Local Authorities Rating Ordinance, 1933, in stuur Belasting Ordonnansie, 1933, ten opsigte van die respect of the farm portions, as set out in the Schedule. plaasgedeeltes, soos uiteengesit in die Bylae, in te trek. Alle All interested persons are belanghebbende persona entitled to is bevoeg om binne 30 dae submit reasons in na die eerste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing skriftewriting to the Director of Local Government, Private Bag lik by die Direkteur van X437, Pretoria, within 30 days of Plaaslike the first Bestuur, publication of Privaatsak this notice X437, Pretoria, redes aan te voer waarom daar nie aan die why the request of the Town Council of Ver Stadsraad van Vereeniging eeniging should not be granted. se versoek voldoen moet word nie. PB PB BYLAE Gedeeltes 95, 145, 146, 161, 174, 181 en 199 van die plaas Vlakfontein 546 IQ; SCHEDULE Portions 95, 145, 146, 161, 174, 181 and 199 of the farm Vlakfontein 546 IQ; Gedeeltes 9, 12, 17 en Restant van die plaas Quaggas Portions 9, 12, 17 and the Remainder of the farm Quag fontein alias Lapdooms 548 IQ; gasfontein alias Lapdoorns 548 IQ; Gedeelte 34 van die plaas Kookfontein ; Portion 34 of the farm Kookfontein 545 IQ; Ll (Gedeelte 2) en Gedeelte 67 van die plaas Waldrift LI (Portion 2) and Portion 67 of the farm Waldrift IQ; IQ; Gedeelte 2 en die Restant van die plaas Smaldeel 542 Portion 2 and the Remainder of the farm Smaldeel 542 IQ; en IQ; and Gedeeltes 21 en 22 van die plaas Damfontein Portions 21 and 22 of the farm Damfontein 541 IQ. Administrateurskennisgewing April 1986 Administrator's Notice April 1986 'N ONTWERPORDONNANSIE. A DRAFT ORDINANCE Tot wysiging van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestoor (Uitbreiding van Bevoegdhede), 1962, om voorsiening te maak vir die verkiesing van lede van 'n plaaslike bestuur in artikel 3(3) beoog; en vir by to provide aangeleenthede for matters voorsiening incidental te maak. komstige To amend the Local Government (Extension of Powers) Ordinance, 1962, to provide for the election of members of a local authority contemplated in section 3(3); and thereto. 1 %IE Provinsiale Raad van Transvaal VERORDEN la E IT ENACTED by the Provincial Council of Trans L SOOS VOLG: BE as follows: WYsiging van 1. Artikel 3 van die Ordonnansie op Amendment of artikel 3 van 1. Section 3 of the Local section 3 of Government Ordonnansie Plaaslike Bestuur (Uitbreiding van Bevoegd Ordinance V (Extension of Powers) Ordinance, van hede), 1962 (hierna die Hoofordonnansie ge " '62. (hereinafter referred to as the principal Ordi noem), word hierby gewysig nance), is hereby amended (a) deur subartikel (3) deur die volgende (a) by the substitution for subsection (3) of subartikel te vervang: the following subsection: "(3) Na oorweging van die verslag van "(3) After consideration of the report of die komitee ingevolge subartikel (1) the committee appointed in terms of aangestel, kan die Administrateur met subsection (1), the Administrator may, die goedkeuring van die Minister en on II with the approval of the Minister and danks andersluidende wetsbepalings, 'n notwithstanding any other law to the

6 1498 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 30 APRIL 1986 plaaslike bestuur van 'n sekere tipe in contrary, establish a local authority of a stel vir die gebied ten opsigte waarvan certain type for the area in respect of die ondersoek ingestel is of vir enige which the investigation was made or for gebied daarbinne ingevolge die Ordon any area therein in terms of the Local nansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939 (Or Government Ordinance, 1939 (Ordi donnansie 17 van 1939): Met Bien ver nance 17 of 1939): Provided that a refer stande dat 'n verwysing in daardie ence in that Ordinance to a commission Ordonnansie na 'n kommissie in artikel contemplated in section 9(11) shall be 9(11) beoog, uitgele word as 'n verwy construed as a reference to that comsing na daardie komitee."; en mittee."; and (b) deur die volgende subartikels daarby by (b) by the addition thereto of the following te voeg: subsections: "(4) Die lede van 'n plaaslike bestuur in "(4) The members of a local authority subartikel (3) beoog, word verkies. contemplated in subsection (3) shall be elected. (5) Die bepalings van (5) The provisions of (a) artikel 153 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939; (a) section 153 of the Local Government Ordinance, 1939; (b) die Ordonnansie op Munisipale Verkiesings, 1970 (Ordonnansie (b) the Municipal Elections Ordi 16 van 1970), nance, 1970 (Ordinance 16 of 1970), is mutatis mutandis op 'n plaaslike be shall apply mutatis mutandis to a local stuur in subartikel (3) beoog, van toe authority contemplated in subsection passing, en by die toepassing van laas (3), and for the purposes of the latter genoemde Ordonnansie Ordinance (i) a reference to a voter shall be (i) word 'n verwysing na 'n kieser uit construed as a reference to a voter gele as 'n verwysing na 'n kieser who is a member of the same wat 'n lid is van dieselfde groep as group as the members of the madie lede van die bestuurskomitee nagement committee or manageof bestuurskomitees vir wie se ge ment committees for whose area bied of gebiede die plaaslike be or areas the local authority has stuur ingestel is; been established; (ii) the reference in section 14(1) to a (ii) word die verwysing in artikel 14(1) white person shall be construed as na 'n blanke uitgele as 'n verwy a reference to a person who is a sing na 'n persoon wat 'n lid is van member of the same group as the dieselfde groep as die lede van die members of the management combestuurskomitee of bestuurskomi.mittee or management commit tees vir wie se gebied of gebiede tees for whose area or areas die plaaslike bestuur ingestel is.". the local authority has been established.".. Wysiging van 2. Artikel 4 van die Hoofordonnansie =Wel 4 van Amendment of 2. Section 4 of the principal Ordinance is Ordonnansie word hierby gewysig deur paragraaf (h) van section dot 22 van 1962, subartikel (1) te skrap. orclinnszen hereby amended by the deletion of para :',8: as y graph (10 of subsection (1). 'd amended b van section 3 of Ordonnansie Ordinance van Mort Inel. 3. Hierdie Ordonnansie heel die Wysi Short title. 3. This Ordinance shall be called the gingsordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur (Uit Local Government (Extension of Powers) breading van Bevoegdhede), Amendment Ordinance, (0.0.21) (D.O. 21) Administrateurskennisgewing Apri11986 Administrator's Notice April 1986 'N ONTWERPORDONNANSIE A ORDINANCE Tot wysiging vanthe Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Beduin (Administrasie en Verkiesings), 1960, oar in artikel 62A(2)(a)(i) voorsiening te To amend d the Local Government (Administration and Elections) Ordinance, 1960, to provide in section 624(2)(a)(i) for the compila maak vir die opstel van 'n benoemingslys dear die verenig' ing wat die Administrateur bepatd, in die Bon( geval van 'a plaaslike hesitate in a nomination list by such association as the Administrator IN artikel 3(3) van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Besheur (Uithreiding may determine, in the case of a local authority contemplated in sec.1 1

7 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 30 APRIL van Bevoegdhede), 1962, heoog; en om vir hykomstige aangeleenthede voorsiening te mask. lion 3(3) of the Local Government (Extension of Powers) Ordi Nance, 1962; and to provide for matters incidental thereto. ijp E IT ENACTED by the Provincial Council of Trans eh W 1Th IE Provinsiale Raad van Transvaal VERORDEN it BOOS VOLG: BE as follows: wyslsirr 1. Artikel 62A van die Ordonnansie op Amendmenthr 1. artikel Section 62A of the Local 6 A van Government section 62A of Ordonnansie Plaaslike Bestuur (Administrasie en Verkie Ordinance 40 (Administration and Elections) Ordinance, 40 vsairagle9v60,mgsings), 1960, word hierby gewysig deur subpa :19 'Lc , is hereby amended by the substitution deur anikel 12 ragraaf (i) van paragraaf (a) van subartikel sad' 12 f for subparagraph (i) of paragraph (a) of sub nfm 21 O ordonnansie (2) deur die volgende subparagraaf te ver of section (2) of the following subparagraph: 21 van yang: "(i) one shall be a person who, in the opi "(i) een iemand moet wees wat, na die me nion of the Administrator, has the ne ning van die Administrateur, oor die cessary knowledge and experience of nodige kennis en ervaring van plaaslike local government, and such member bestuurswese beskik, en sodanige lid shall be nominated from a list of names word benoem uit 'n lys van name vir die compiled for that purpose in such mandoel opgestel op die wyse wat die Ad ner as the Administrator may deterministrateur bepaal mine (aa) deur die Munisipale Vereniging (aa) by the Transvaal Municipal Asso van Transvaal; ciation; (bb) in die geval van 'n plaaslike be (bb) in the case of a local authority stuur in artikel 3(3) van die Or contemplated in section 3(3) of the donnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur Local Government (Extension of (Uitbreiding van Bevoegdhede), Powers) Ordinance, 1962 (Ordi 1962 (Ordonnansie 22 van 1962), nance 22 of 1962), by such associabeoog, deur die vereniging wat tion as the Administrator may dedie Administrateur bepaal: termine: Provided that if the association fails to 'Met dien verstande dat indien die ver submit the list within such period as the eniging versuim om binne die tydperk Administrator may prescribe, the Adwat die Administrateur voorskryf die ministrator may, of his own accord and lys voor te 18, die Administrateur uit without such list having been submitted ern beweging en sonder dat die lys aan to him, nominate any person who shall hom voorgel8 is, iemand kan benoem be deemed to be a representative of the wat geag word 'n verteenwoordiger van association; and". die vereniging te wees; en". Short tide. 2. This Ordinance shall be called the Kon the!. 2. Hierdie Ordonnansie heet die Wysi Local Government (Administration and gingsordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur (Ad Elections) Amendment Ordinance, ministrasie en Verkiesings), (D.O. 22) (0.0.22) Administrateurskennisgewing April 1986 Administrator's Notice April 1986 'N ONTWERPORDONNANSIE A DRAFT ORDINANCE la I Tot wysiging van die Ordonnansie op Munisipale Verkiesings, 1970, deur sekere verouderde verwysings te vervang. To amend the Municipal Elections Ordinance, 1970, by substituting certain obsolete references. 1NIE Provinsiale Raad van Transvaal VERORDEN E IT ENACTED by the Provincial Council of Transit SOOS VOLG: BE ilvaal as follows: Wysiging van 1. Artikel 27 van die Ordonnansie op Mu anikcl 27 van Amenerf 1. Section 27 of the Municipal Elections Ordonnansie nisipale Verkiesings, 1970 (hierna die Hoof 16 van 1970, set16 Ordinance, 1970 (hereinafter referred to as soosgeig hierb ordonnansie y wr genoem), word gewysig of mo,.1 the principal Ordinance), is hereby amended anikel 3 deur paragraaf (b) van subartikel (1) deur die dveanur sediart32 by the substitution for paragraph (b) of sub Ordonnansie 9 Ordinance 9 volgende paragraaf te vervang: van 1972, 1972, section6of section (1) of the following paragraph: artikel 6 van,_ of Ordinance Ordonnansie ID) by 'n lid van die Parlement van die Re nop9mand 23 van 1978 en scan 1 I artikel I van publiek van SuidAfrika is;". "(b) he is a member of the Parliament of the Ordinance 9 of Ordonnansic Republic of South Africa;". van Amendment wysiging 2. Artikel 30 van die Hoofordonnansie f 2. Section 30 of the principal Ordinance is arlikc13 van _

8 1500 PRO VINSIALE KOERANT, 30 APRIL 1986 onnansic word hierby gewysig deur paragraaf (d) van section hereby amended by the substitution for para 16 Ipovan 1970, ce subartikel (1) deur die volgende paragraaf te ofordinan 1970,as16 graph (d) of subsection (1) of the following sdoos govizests 2 amended vervang: mx.; 2:2' paragraph: vorndonname Ordinance van 19731, "(d) by 'n lid van die Parlement van die Re ono. section "(d) he becomes a member of the Parlia artikel 7 van rdinance Ordonnanne publiek van Suid Afrika word;". B of 1978, ment of the Republic of South Africa;". 23 van 1978, anikel 2 van Ordonnansic and van 1980 cn secfion 2of artikel 2 van Ordinance 15 Ordonnansie of van grelmmcor Kan Mel. 3. Hierdie Ordonnansie heet die Wysi Shontidc. 3. This Ordinance shall be called the Mugingsordonnansie op Munisipale Verkie nicipal Elections Amendment Ordinance, sings, (0.0.23) (D.O. 23) 4 Administrateurskennisgewing April 1986 Administrator's Notice April 1986 MUNISIPALITEIT BREYTEN: WYSIGING VAN ELEK BREYTEN MUNICIPALITY: AMEDMENT TO ELEC TRISITEITSVERORDENINGE TRICITY BY LAWS Die Administrateur publiseer ingevolge artikel 101 van The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 of the die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, die verorde Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes the bylaws ninge hierna uiteengesit. set forth hereinafter. Die Elektrisiteitsverordeninge van die Munisipaliteit The Electricity Bylaws of the Breyten Municipality, I Breyten, deur die Raad aangeneem by Administra adopted by the Council under Administrator's Notice 143 teurskennisgewing 143 van 2 Februarie 1983, soos gewysig, of 2 February 1983, as amended are hereby further word hierby verder gewysig deur die Tarief van Gelde amended by amending the Tariff of Charges under the onder die Bylae soos volg te wysig: Schedule as follows: 1. Deur in item 2(2)(e)(i) en (ii) die syfers "5,08c" en 1. By the substitution in item 2(2)(e)(i) and (ii) for the fi "7,22c" onderskeidelik deur die syfers "5,59c" en "7,94c" gures "5,08c" and "7,22c" of the figures "5,59c" and te vervang. "7,94c" respectively. 2. Deur in item 3(2)(c) die syfer "7,22c" deur die syfer 2. By the substitution in item 3(2)(c) for the figure "7,94c" te vervang. "7,22c" of the figure "7,94c" 3. Deur in item 4(2)(b) die syfer "4,49c" deur die syfer 3. By the substitution in item 4(2)(b) for the figure "4,94c" te vervang. "4,49c" of the figure "4,94c" Die bepalings in hierdie kennisgewing vervat, word geag The provisions in this notice contained, skirl be deemed op 1 Februarie 1986 in werking te getree het. to have come into operation on 2 February PB PB Administrateurskennisgewing April 1986 Administrator's Notice April 1986 MUNISIPALITEIT DELAREYVILLE: AANNAME VAN DELAREYVILLE MUNICIPALITY: ADOPTION OF I STANDAARD ELEKTRISITEITSVERORDENINGE STANDARD ELECTRICITY BYLAWS 1. Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel 1. The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 of 101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, dat the Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes that the die Dorpsraad van Delareyville die Standaard Elektrisi Village Council of Delareyville has, in terms of section teitsverordeninge, afgekondig by Administrateursken 96bis(2) of the said Ordinance, adopted without amendnisgewing, 1959, van 11 September 1985, ingevolge artikel ment, the Standard Electricity By laws, published under 96bis(2) van genoemde Ordonnansie, sonder wysiging Administrator's Notice 1959, dated 11 September 1985, as aangeneem het as verordeninge wat deur genoemde Raad bylaws made by the said Council. opgestel is. 2. The Electricity Bylaws of the Delareyville Municipal 2. Die Elektrisiteitsverordeninge van die Munisipaliteit ity, adopted by the Council under Administrator's Notice Delareyville, deur die Raad aangeneem by Administra 1401, dated 23 August 1972, as amended, excepting the Ta teurskennisgewing 1401 van 23 Augustus 1972, soos gewy riff of Charges under the Schedule, are hereby repealed. sig, met uitsondering van die Tarief van Gelde onder die Bylae, word hierby herroep. PB ' PB _ Administrateurskennisgewing April 1986 Administrator's Notice April MUNISIPALITEIT GROBLERSDAL: WYSIGING VAN GROBLERSDAL MUNICIPALITY: AMENDMENT TO ELEKTRISITEITSTARIEF ELECTRICITY TARIFF Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 of the

9 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 30 APRIL van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, die Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes the bylaws verordeninge hierna uiteengesit. set forth hereinafter. ik lir Die Elektrisiteitstarief van die Munisipaliteit Groblers The Electricity Tariff of the Groblersdal Municipality, dal, afgekondig by Administrateurskennisgewing 230 van 7 published under Administrator's Notice 230, dated 7 Fe Februarie 1973, soos gewysig, word hierby verder gewysig bruary 1973, as amended, are hereby further amended by deur item 2 van die Tarief van Gelde onder die Bylae soos amending item 2 of the Tariff of Charges under the Schevolg te wysig: dole as follows: 1. Deur in subitems (1) en (2) die syfer "6,40c" deur die 1. By the substitution in subitems (1) and (2) for the fi syfer "7,36c" te vervang. gure "6,40c" of the figure "7,36c." 2. Deur in subitems (3)(b) en (c) die syfers "R4,75" en 2. By the substitution in subitems (3)(b) and (c) for the fi "3,70c" onderskeidelik deur die syfers "R11,80" en gures "R4,75" and "3,70c" of the figures "R11,80" and "4,25c" te vervang. "4,25c" respectively. PB PB Administrateurskennisgewing April 1986 Administrator's Notice April 1986 HEIDELBERG MUNICIPALITY: ADOPTION OF MUNISIPALITEIT HEIDELBERG: AANNAME VAN STANDAARDVERORDENINGE BETREFFENDE DIE STANDARD BY LAWS RELATING TO THE KEEPING p AANHOU VAN DIERE, VOELS EN PLUIMVEE EN OF ANIMALS, BIRDS AND POULTRY AND BUSI BESIGHEDE WAT DIE AANHOU VAN DIERE, NESSES INVOLVING THE KEEPING OF ANIMALS, VOELS, PLUIMVEE OF TROETELDIERE BEHELS BIRDS, POULTRY OR PETS 1. Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel 1. The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 of 101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, dat the Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes that the die Stadsraad van Heidelberg die Standaardverordeninge Town Council of Heidelberg has, in terms of section Betreffende die Aanhou van Diere, Voels en Pluimvee en 966is(2) of the said Ordinance, adopted without amend Besighede wat die Aanhou van Diere, Voels, Pluimvee of ment, the Standard Bylaws Relating to the Keeping of Troeteldiere behels, afgekondig by Administrateursken Animals, Birds and Poultry and Businesses involving the nisgewing 2208 van 9 Oktober 1985, ingevolge artikel Keeping of Animals, Birds, Poultry or Pets, published 966is(2) van genoemde Ordonnansie, sonder wysiging, under Administrator's Notice 2208, dated 9 October 1985, aangeneem het as verordeninge wat deur genoemde Raad as bylaws made by the said Council. opgestel is. 2. Die Pluimveeverordeninge van die Munisipaliteit 2. The Poultry Bylaws of the Heidelberg Municipality, Heidelberg, afgekondig by Administrateurskennisgewing published under Administrator's Notice 227, dated van 24 Februarie 1982, word hierby herroep. February 1982, are hereby repealed. PB PB ! Administrateurskennisgewing April 1986 Administrator's Notice April 1986 MUNISIPALITEIT HEIDELBERG: WYSIGING VAN MUNICIPALITY OF HEIDELBERG: AMENDMENT VERORDENINGE BETREFFENDE VASTE AFVAL TO REFUSE (SOLID WASTES) BY LAWS The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 of the Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes the bylaws 101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, die set forth hereinafter. verordeninge hiema uiteengesit. The Refuse (Solid Wastes) By laws of the Heidelberg Die Verordeninge Betreffende Vaste Aval van die Mu Municipality, published under Administrator's Notice 197, nisipaliteit Heidelberg, afgekondig by Administra dated 20 February 1980, as amended, are hereby further teurskennisgewing 197 van 20 Februarie 1980, soos gewy amended by amending the Schedule as follows: sig, word hierby verder gewysig deur die Bylae soos volg te wysig: 1. By the substitution in item 2(1) for the words "bulky refuse" of the words "garden refuse." 1. Deur in item 2(1) die woorde "lywige afval" deur die woord "tuinvafval" te vervang. 2. By the substitution for subitem (3) of item 2 of the following: 2. Deur subitem (3) van item 2 deur die volgende te ver yang: "(3) bulky refuse: as per agreement with the Council per "(3) lywige afval: soos per ooreenkoms met die Raad year: R2 520.". per jaar: R2 520.". PB PB

10 1502 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 30 APRIL 1986 Administrateurskennisgewing April 1986 Administrator's Notice April 1986 MUNISIPALITEIT HENDRINA: WYSIGING VAN HENDRINA MUNICIPALITY: AMENDMENT TO BY VERORDENINGE VIR DIE HEFFING VAN GELDE LAWS FOR THE LEVYING OF FEES RELATING TO MET BETREKKING TOT DIE INSPEKSIE VAN ENIGE THE INSPECTION OF ANY BUSINESS PREMISES AS BESIGHEIDSPERSEEL SODS BEOOG BY ARTIKEL CONTEMPLATED IN SECTION 14(4) OF THE LI 14(4) VAN DIE ORDONNANSIE OP LISENSIES, 1974 CENCES ORDINANCE, 1974 Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 of the 101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, ge Local Government Ordinance, 1939, read with section 63 lees met artikel 63 van die Ordonnansie op Lisensies, 1974, of the Licences Ordinance, 1974, publishes the bylaws set die verordeninge hiema uiteengesit. forth hereinafter. Die Verordeninge vir die Heffing van Gelde met Betrek The Bylaws for the Levying of Fees Relating to the In king tot die Inspeksie van Enige Besigheidsperseel, soos spection of Any Business Premises as contemplated in secbeoog by artikel 14(4) van die Ordonnansie op Lisensies, lion 14(4) of the Licences Ordinance, 1974, of the Hen 1974, van die Munisipaliteit Hendrina, afgekondig by Ad drina Municipality, published under Administrator's ministrateurskennisgewing 197 van 15 Februarie 1978, soos Notice 197, dated 15 February 1978, as amended, are gewysig, word hierby verder soos volg gewysig: hereby further amended as follows: 1. Deur in die Engelse teks die woord "completed" deur 1. By the substitution in section 3 for the word "comdie woord "contemplated" te vervang. pleted" of the word "contemplated". 2. Deur die Bylae deur die volgende te vervang: 2. By the substitution for the Schedule of the following: "BYLAE "SCHEDULE Insyeksiegelde ten opsigte van Besigheidspersele: Inspection fees for Business Premises: R10.". 41 R10.". PB PB Administrateurskennisgewing April 1986 Administrator's Notice April 1986 MUNISIPALITEIT KRUGERSDORP: WYSIGING VAN BIBLIOTEEKVERORDENINGE KRUGERSDORP MUNICIPALITY: AMENDMENT TO LIBRARY BY LAWS Die Administrateur publiseer hierby, ingevolge artikel The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 of the 101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, die Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes the bylaws verordeninge hierna uiteengesit. set forth hereinafter. Die Biblioteekverordeninge van die Munisipaliteit Kru The Library Bylaws of the Krugersdorp Municipality, gersdorp, deur die. Raad aangeneem by Administra adopted by the Council under Administrator's Notice 218, teurskennisgewing 218 van 23 Maart 1966, soos gewysig, dated 23 March 1966, as amended, are hereby further word hierby verder gewysig deur Bylae 1 soos volg te amended by amending Schedule 1 as follows: wysig: 1. By the insertion in item 2 after the word "day" of the 1. Deur in item 2 na die woorde "oorskry nie" die vol following: gende in te voeg: "and all applications for the hire of the auditorium shall ", en alle aansoeke om die huur van die gehoorsaal be done on a form contained in item 4 under the Tariffs for moet gedoen word op 'n vorm soos in item 4 onder Ta the Hire of the Library Auditorium.". riewe vir die Huur van die Gehoorsaal van die Biblioteek 2. By the insertion after item 3 of the Tariffs for the Hire vervat". of the Library Auditorium of the following: 2. Deur na item 3 van die Tariewe vir die Huur van die Gehoorsaal van die Biblioteek die volgende item in te "3. KRUGERSDORP MUNICIPALITY voeg: "3. MUNISIPALITEIT KRUGERSDORP GEBRUIK VAN DIE GEHOORSAAL VAN DIE OPEN BARE BIBLIOTEEK Ek/Ons USE OF THE PUBLIC LIBRARY AUDITORIUM I/We die ondergeteknde/s in my/ons hoedanigheid as doen hiermee alansoek namens the undersigned in my/our capacity as herewith apply on behalf of om die Gehoorsaal van die Openbare Biblioteek op van to make use of the Public Library Auditorium on from

11 , spreeklik PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 30 APRIL tot vir gebruik deur to for use by en vir die doeleindes van and for the purposes of to gebruik. Administrateurskennisgewing 396, van 30 Maart 1977, Administrator's Notice 396, dated 30 March 1977, as soos gewysig, bepaal soos volg: amended, provides as follows: "1. Die gehoorsaal gratis vir kulturele, opvoedkundige "1. The auditorium shall be used free of charge for culen biblioteek uitbreidingsbedrywighede gebruik word. tural, educational and library extension activities. 2. Aansoeke word afgehandel in die volgorde waarin 2. Applications shall be dealt with in the order in which hulle ontvang word. Tensy vooraf goedkeuring van die bib they are received. Unless the prior approval of the libraliotekaris verkry word, word aansoeke beperk tot 'n tyd Han is obtained, applications shall be limited to a period perk wat nie een dag oorskry nie, en alle aansoeke om die not exceeding one day, and all applications for the hire of.. huur van die Gehoorsaal moet gedoefi word op 'n vorm the auditorium shall be done on a form contained in item 4 soos in item 4 onder die Tariewe vir die Hunr van die Ge under the Tariffs for the Hire of the Library Auditorium. hoorsaal van die Biblioteek vervat. 3. The Council shall not under any circumstances accept 3. Die Raad aanvaar onder geen omstandighede verantwoordelikheid of aanspreeklikheid ten opsigte van enige loss of any property, article or thing whatsoever, placed or responsibility or liability in respect of any damage to or skade of verlies aan enige eiendom, artikel of ding wat left upon the premises by the user, or for his use or pur ook al, wat die gebruiker op die pence! plan of laat, of vir pose, or to any person or the clothing of such person entersy gebruik of doel of teenoor enige persoon of die klere ing the premises or making use of the equipment on the van sodanige persoon wat die perseel betree of gebruik premises and it is specifically agreed that the user shall in maak van die toerusting op die perseel the, en daar word demnify the Council against any claim made by any person uitdruklik ooreengekom dat die gebruiker hierby die or persons on any ground whatsover. Raad vrywaar ten opsigte van enige eis wat enige persoon of persone op watter grond ook al instel. 4. The right of admission to the auditorium is reserved. The Council shall not be liable for any loss to the user in 4. Die reg van toegang tot die gehoorsaal word voorbe consequence of any failure or defect in the power supply to hou. Die Raul is nie aan enige gebruiker aanspreeklik vir enige verlies as gevolg van 'n gebrek of tekortkoming in i die kragtoevoer na die gehoorsaal nie. the auditorium. 6. It shall be a specific stipulation that users shall be re 6. Daar word uitdruklik bepaal dat die gebruiker aan sponsible for and shall make good, any breakage or dais vir vergoeding van enige breek of ander wage whatsoever to the auditorium, public telephone, furskade wat ook al aan die gehoorsaal, openbare telefoon, niture, fittings or any other property of the Council that meubels, toebehore of enige ander eiendom van die Raad has occurred during the period of use. Should any furniwat tydens die gebruik ontstaan het. As die gebruiker be ture, or other equipment be found to be defective by the vind dat enige meubelstuk of ander toerusting gebrekkig user, same shall be pointed out before being used, failing is, moet hy die aandag daarop vestig voordat hy dit ge which everything shall be considered as being in proper bruik. By gebreke hiervan word daar geag dat alles in order. Any article owned by the Council, which is lost or goeie orde is. Die gebruiker moet betaal vir enige artikel missing from the moms during or in connection with any wat aan die Raad behoort en wat tydens of in verband met engagement, shall be paid for by the user. enige bespreking uit die kamers verlore raak of vermis word. 7. The cloakrooms shall be in the care and supervision of the person applying for the use of the auditorium and he shall be responsible for any damage or loss that may occur. 7. Die kleedkamers is onder die van die persoon wat aansoek doen om die gebruik toesig van die saal en hy is aanspreeklik vir enige skade of verlies wat mag voorkom. 9. No mural decorations of any description shall be al 9. Geen muurversierings van watter aard ook al word lowed and no interior or exterior decorations, flags and toegelaat nie, en geen binne of buiteversierings, vlae en emblems or similar articles shall be permitted without the embleme of derglike artikels word sonder die goedkeuring sanction of the librarian. No placards or similar advertising van die bibliotekaris toegelaat nie. Geen aanplakbiljette matter shall be exhibited at the entrance of the auditoof derglike advertensies mag by die ingang van die gehoor rium. saal tentoongestel word nie. 10. Die gebruiker moet toesien dat die saal in 'n netjiese 10. The user shall see to it that the auditorium be left in toestand gelaat word voordat hy die saal aan die einde van a clean and tidy condition before he leaves the auditorium die bedrywigheid verlaat. at the end of the activity. 16. Geen toegangsgeld hoegenaamd mag vir enige bedrywigheid wat in die gehoorsaal aangebied word, gevra word nie.". 16. No admission fee whatsoever shall be charged in re spedof any activity presented in the auditorium.". Ek/Ons verklaar hiermee dat ek/ons ten voile vertroud is 1/We hereby declare that I am/we are familiar with all pl met al die voorwaardes van die gebruik van die gehoorsaal the conditions of the use of the auditorium and that, en dat, indien die gebruiker 'n persoon enders as 'n pershould the user be a person other than a person belonging

12 1504 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 30 APRIL 1986 soon behorende tot 'n groep soos bedoel in artikel 12(1)(a) to the group as intended by section 12(1)(a) of the Group van die Wet op Groepsgebiede, 1966, is, die skriftelike Areas Act, 1966, the written permission of the Council d toestemming van die Raad eers verkry moet word en soda shall first be obtained and such user shall not allow any per 111 nige gebruiker mag Been persoon van 'n ander bevolkings son of another population group in the auditorium or groep sonder die skriftelike goedkeuring van die Raad in allow him to appear therein without the written consent of die gehoorsaal toelaat of toelaat dat by daarin optree nie. the Council. Ek/Ons bevestig hiermee dat die volgende groepe persone gedurende die gebruik die gehoorsaal sal besoek of optree: I/We confirm hereby that the following groups of persons shall be allowed or be allowed to appear in the auditorium during the time of use: Blank Asier Kleurling Swart Blank Asier Kleurling Swart White Asian Coloured Black White Asian Coloured Black Merk toepaslike spasie. Indicate in appropriate space. In geval van teenwoordigheid van ander groepe as In case of the presence of groups other than Whites, this Blankes, is hierdie aansoek om die gebruik onderhewig application to use is subject to written consent by the aan die vooraf skriftelike goedkeuring deur die Raad en Council and for the purposes of such consent I/we declare vir doeleindes van sodanige goedkeuring verklaar ek/ons that population groups other than Whites shall for the fol dat anderskleuriges die lokaal vir die volgende doel sal be lowing purposes be allowed in the auditorium or be alsock of daarin optree: lowed to appear therein: I Ek/ons bevestig dat die inligting hierby verstrek korrek is en verklaar dat 'n valse verklaring tot summiere kansel lasie van die gebruik sal lei. Geteken namens Volledige adres Uwe confirm that the information given above is correct declare that a false statement shall lead to a summary cancellation of the use. Signed on behalf of Full address Telefoonnommer Telephone number Datum Date Bespreking aanvaar Booking accepted namens Stadsekretaris for Town Secretary Datum Date Written approval, where applicable, granted by the Skriftelike goedkeuring waar van toepassing deur die Raad verleen onder item Council under item van ". :of PB PB I Administrateurskennisgewing April 1986 Administrator's Notice April 1986 MUNISIPALITEIT KLERKSDORP: AANNAME VAN KLERKSDORP MUNICIPALITY: ADOPTION OF STANDAARDVERORDENINGE BETREFFENDE DIE STANDARD BY LAWS RELATING TO THE KEEPING AANHOU VAN DIERE, VOELS EN PLUIMVEE EN OF ANIMALS, BIRDS AND POULTRY AND BUSI BESIGHEDE WAT DIE AANHOU VAN DIERE, NESSES INVOLVING THE KEEPING OF ANIMALS, VOELS, PLUIMVEE OF TROETELDIERE BEHELS BIRDS, POULTRY OR PETS Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 of the 101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, dat die Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes that the Stadsraad 'van Klerksdorp die Standaardverordeninge Be Town Council of Klerksdorp has in terms of section treffende die Aanhou van Diere, Voels en Pluimvee en 96bis(2) of the said Ordinance adopted the Standard By a Besighede vat die Aanhou van Diere, Voels, Pluimvee of laws Relating to the Keeping of Animals, Birds and Poultry g Troeteldiere behels, afgekondig by Administrateurskennisgewing 2208 van 9 Oktober 1985, ingevolge artikel Poultry or Pets, published under Administrator's and Businesses Involving the Keeping of Animals, Birds, Notice

13 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 30 APRIL bis(2) van genoemde Ordonnansie met die volgende wy 2208, dated 9 October 1985, as bylaws made by the said sigings, aangeneem het as verordeninge wat deur ge Council, with the following amendments: noemde Raad opgestel is: 1. By amending the Index 1. Deur die Inhoudsopgawe te wysig (a) by the insertion opposite to section 3 after the word (a) deur teenoor artikel 3 na die woorde "lewende "livestock" of the word "rabbits.". hawe" die woord "konyne" in te voeg. (b) by the substitution opposite to section 5 for the '(b) deur teenoor artikel 5 die woorde "Diere en Pluim words, "Animals and Poultry" of the words "pigs, goats vee" deur die woorde "varke, bokke en konyne" te vet and rabbits.". yang. (c) by the substitution for sections 23 and 24 of the fol (c) deur artikels 23 en 24 deur die volgende te vervang: lowing: "23 Prohibition on Hawking.". "23 Verbod op Smous.". 2. By the substitution in section 2(4) for the word "ten" 2. Deur in artikel 2(4) die woord "tien" deur die woord of the word "twenty.". "twintig" te vervang. 3. By the insertion in the heading of section 3 after the 3. Deur in die opskrif van artikel 3 na die woorde "Le word "livestock" of the word "Rabbits.". wende Hawe" die woord "konyne" in te voeg. 4. By the insertion of the following after section 3(b): 4. Deur die volgende na artikel 3(b) in te voeg. "(c) keep more than ten rabbits and twenty head of poul "(c) meet as tien konyne en twintig stuks pluimvee op try on any premises situated in a proclaimed township.". enige perseel wat in 'n geproldameerde woongebied gelee is, aanhou nie.". 5. By the substitution in the heading of section 5 for the words "Animals and Poultry" of the words "Pigs, D Goats Deur in die opskrif 5. van artikel 5 die woorde "There en and Rabbits.". Pluimvee" deur die woorde "Varke, Bokke en Konyne" te vervang. 6. By the substitution for paragraph (a) of section 5(1) of the following: 6. Deur paragraaf (a) van artikel 5(1) deur die volgende "(a) te vervang: keep any pigs, goats and rabbits, unless he is the holder of a permit issued by the health officer in the form "(a) enige varke, bokke en konyne aanhou nie, tensy by set out in Schedule 1 hereto: Provided that such a permit die houer is van 'n permit uitgereik deur die gesondheids shall not be required for the keeping of rabbits in connecbeampte op die vorm soos uiteengesit in Bylae 1 hierby: tion with the business of a pet shop.". Met dien verstande dat sodanige permit nie nodig is vir die aanhou van 7. By the konyne in verband met die substitution in section besigheid van 'n 5(1)(b) for the words troeteldierwinkel nie. "animal or poultry" of the words "pigs, goats and rab bits.". 7. Deur in artikel 5(1)(b) die woorde "dier of pluimvee" 8. By the substitution in section 5(3) for the words "the deur die woorde "varke, bokke en konyne" te vervang. animals or poultry" of the words "pigs, goats and rabbits.". 8. Deur in artikel 5(3) die woorde "die diere of pluim vee" deur die woorde "varke, bokke 9. By the substitution in section 5(4) for en konyne" te vetthe words yang. "animals and poultry" after the words "to keep the" of the words "pigs, goats and rabbits" as well as the words "ani 9. Deur in artikel 5(4) die woorde "diere en pluimvee" mals or poultry" after the words "number of" of the words deur die woorde "varke, bokke en konyne" asook die "pigs, goats and rabbits.". woorde "diere of pluimvee" deur die woorde "varke, 10. By the deletion in section 5(5)(b) of the words "or p bokke en konyne" te vervang.. poultry" where it occurs for the second time. 10. Deur in artikel 5(5)(b) die woorde "of pluimvee" waar dit die tweede maal voorkom te skrap. 11. Deur in artikel 14(a) die woord "konynhok" deur die woord "konynhuis" te vervang. 12. Deur in artikel 18(2)(a) die woorde "Behoudens die bepalings van artikel 31, moet" te skrap en die woord "moet" na die syfer 4.'15" in te voeg. 13. Deur in artikel 22(f) die woord "uitbrei" deur die woord "uitbroei" te vervang. 11. By the substitution in section 14(a) of the Afrikaans text for the word "konynhok" of the word "konynhuis.". 12. By the deletion in section 18(2)(a) of the words "Sub jest to the provisions of section 31.". 13. By the substitution in section 22(f) of the Afrikaans text for the word "uitbrei" of the word "uitbroei.". 14. By the substitution for sections 23 and 24 of the fol lowing: 14. Deur artikels 23 en 24 deur die volgende te vervang: "Prohibition on Hawking "Verbod op Smous 23. Niemand mag lewende hawe of enige ander lewende dier smous nie.". 23. No person shall hawk livestock or any live animal.". 15. By the deletion in section 30(1)(b) of the words "or a hawker of poultry or rabbits.". 15. Deur in artikel 30(1)(b) die woorde "of 'n smousery van pluimvee of konyne" te skrap. 16. By the deletion in Schedule 1 of the word "poultry" 16. Deur in Bylae 1 die woord "pluimvee" en die and the words "or poultry" after the word "animals" where woorde "of pluimvee" op alle plekke waar dit na die they appear. woord "diere" voorkom te skrap. 17. Deur in Bylae 2 die woorde "diere/pluimvee/ko 17. By the substitution in Schedule 2 for the words "aninyne" deur die woorde "varke/bokke/konyne" te vervang mals/poultry/rabbits" of the words "pigs/goat/rabbits" and

14 1506 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 30 APRIL 1986 en die woorde "pluimvee/konyne" na die woorde "Besonderhede van die diere" te skrap. by the deletion for the words "poultry/rabbits" after the words "Details of the animals.". PB PB Administrateurskennisgewing April 1986 Administrator's Notice April 1986 MUNISIPALITEIT KRUGERSDORP: WYSIGING VAN VERORDENINGE BETREFFENDE DIE HUUR VAN SALE EN TOEBEHORE KRUGERSDORP MUNICIPALITY: AMENDMENT TO BYLAWS RELATING TO THE HIRE OF HALLS AND APPURTENANCES Die Administrateur publiseer hierby, ingevolge artikel The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 of the 101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, die Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes the bylaws verordeninge hiema uiteengesit. set forth hereinafter. Die Verordeninge betreffende die Huur van Sale en The Bylaws Relating to the Hire of Halls and Appurte Toebehore van die Munisipaliteit Krugersdorp, afgekon nances of the Krugersdorp Municipality, published under dig by Administrateurskennisgewing 1533 van 1/ No Administrator's Notice 1533, dated 11 November 1981, as vember 1981, soos gewysig, word hierby verder soos volg amended, are hereby further amended as follows: gewysig: 1. By the substitution in section 1 in the definition of 1. Deur in artikel 1 in die woordomskrywing van "nomi "nominal tariff' for the word "half' of the expression nale tarief ' die woorde "die helfte" deur die uitdrukking. "10 %". "10 %" te vervang. 2. By the insertion after section 14(2) of the following: 2. Deur na artikel 14(2) die volgende in te voeg: "(3) No bar for the sale of alcoholic or other liquor shall "(3) Geen buffet vir die verkoop van alkoholiese of be conducted at any function except under the control of a ander drank mag by enige byeenkoms bedryf word nie, holder of a liquor licence for the sale of such liquor, in tensy dit onder beheer is van 'n houer van 'n dranklisensie which case the hirer shall make all arrangements and pro vir die verkoop van sodanige drank, in welke geval die vide for the necessary liquor licence and shall also comply huurder alle ratings moet tref en vir die nodige drankli with all laws and regulations in respect of the sale of li sensie voorsiening moet maak, en alle wette en regulasies quor.". betreffende die verkoop van sterk drank moet nakom. 3. By the insertion in section 18 between the words "of" 3. Deur in artikel 18 tussen die woorde "van" en "ba and "bazaars" of the expression "functions" and in the Af sears" die uitdrukking "funksies," in te voeg, en tussen die rikaans text between the words "vendusies" en "mag" the woorde "vendusies' en "mag" die uitdrukking "en onder expression "en onderhewig aan die voorskrifte van artikel hewig aan die voorskrifte van artikel 14(3)" in te voeg. 14(3)." 4. Deur na artikel 26 die volgende in te voeg: 4. By the insertion after section 26 of the following: "Verhuur van die Hofsaal in die Ou Landdroshofgebou "Hiring of Court Room in Old Magistrate's Court Building 26A. Hierdie verordeninge is mutatis mutandis van toe 26A. These bylaws shall be mutatis mutandis applicable passing op die verhuring van die hofsaal in die Ou Land to the hiring of the courtroom in the Old Magistrate's droshofgebou deur die Raad: Met dien verstande dat met Court building by the Council: Provided that with prior apvoorafverkred goedkeuring van die Raad, die hofsaal gra proval of the Council, the court room may be made availtis beskikbaar gestel kan word aan bona fidegodsdienstige able free of charge to bona fide religious institutions, edugenootskappe, opvoedkundige, kulturele en geregis cational, cultural and registered welfare bodies.". treerde welsynliggame.". 5. By the substitution for Schedule I of the following: 5. Deur Bylae I deur die volgende te vervang: "SCHEDULE I 4 4 "BYLAE I STADSRAAD VAN KRUGERSDORP DEPARTEMENT VAN STADSADMINISTRASIE Vir Amptelike Gebruik Volgnommer Kwitansie No. Datum AANSOEK/OOREENKOMS: HUUR VAN SALE EN/OF TOEBEHORE Die Stadsekretaris Posbus 94 KRUGERSDORP 1740 TOWN COUNCIL OF KRUGERSDORP TOWN ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT For Official Use Serial No. Receipt No. Date APPLICATION/AGREEMENT: HIRE OF HALL AND/OR APPURTENANCES The Town Secretary PO Box 94 KRUGERSDORP

15 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 30 APRIL Meneer Ek/Ons die ondergetekendes in my/ons hoedanigheid as doen hiermee aansoek namens Sir I/We the undersigned in my/our capacity as herewith apply on behalf of om die lokaaulokale/geriewe/dienste soos hieronder aan to hire the hall/halls/facilities/services as indicated here gedui op under on van tot vir gebruik deur from to for use by en vir doeleindes van to huur. and for the purpose of Rede waarom verminderde tarief gedis word (indien van toepassing) Reason for claiming reduced tariff (if applicable) Lokaal Vir Amptelike Gebruik For Official Use Deposito Gebruik Totaal Deposit Use Total Hall ) Geriewe Facilities pdienste Services 1. Brandweer 1. Fireman 2. Elektrisien 2. Electrician Voorbereiding Preparation Van From tot to TOTALE TOTALS BEDRAG BETAALBAAR AMOUNT PAYABLE Ek/Ons verklaar hiermee dat ek/ons ten voile vertroud is 1/We hereby declare that Uwe are fully conversant with met die tariewe en al die voorwaardes van huur volgens the tariffs and all the conditions of hire as set out in the die bepalings van die Verordeninge Betreffende die Huur provisions of the Bylaws Relating to the Hire of Halls and van Sale en Toebehore, en besonderlik artikel 19(1) daar Appurtenances, and especially section 19(1) thereof which van wat as volg lees: "Geen lokaal word aan enige persoon reads as follows: "No hall shall be let to any person other anders as aan 'n persoon behorende tot 'n groep soos be than a person belonging to the group as intended by secdoel in artikel 12(1)(a) van die Wet op Groepsgebiede, lion 12(1)(a) of the Group Areas Act 1966, without the ex 1966, sander die skriftelike toestemming van die Raad ver plicit consent of the Council and such hirer shall not allow huur nie en sodanige huurder mag geen persoon van 'n any person of another population group in a hall or to ap

16 1508 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 30 APRIL 1986 ander bevolkingsgroep sonder die skriftelike goedkeuring van die Raad in 'n lokaal toelaat of toelaat dat by op die verhoog verskyn of optree nie.". Vir doeleindes van gemelde artikel bevestig ek/ons hiermee dat die volgende groepe persone gedurende die huurtermyn die lokaal sal besoek, daarin vertoef of op die verhoog verskyn: Blank Asier Kleurling Swart pear or perform on stage without the explicit consent of the Council." For the purposes of the said section Uwe confirm hereby that the following groups of persons shall be allowed in a hall or shall appear or perform on stage during the time of hiring: White Asian Coloured Black Indicate in appropriate space Merk toepaslike blokkie In the race of the presence of groups other than Whites, Ingeval van ander teenwoordigers as Blankes, is hierdie this application to hire shall be subject to prior written con aansoek om huur onderhewig aan die vooraf skriftelike sent by the Council and for the purposes of such consent goedkeuring deur die Raad en vir doeleindes van sodanige Uwe declare that population groups other than Whites goedkeuring verklaar ek/ons dat anderskleuriges die loshall for the following purposes be allowed in the hall or kaal vir die volgende doel sal besoek, daarin vertoef of op appear or perform on stage: die verhoog verskyn: I/We confirm that the information given above is correct and declare that a false statement shall lead to a Ek/Ons bevestig dat die inligting hierbo verstrek kopek summary is en verklaar dat 'n valse verklaring tot summiere kansel cancellation of the letting with the forfeiting of any monies lasie van die verhuring sal lei met verbeurdverklaring van already paid. edge gelde reeds betaal, SIGNED GETEKEN ON BEHALF OF NAMENS FULL ADDRESS VOLLEDIGE ADRES Telephone number Date 4 Telefoonnommer Datum Booking accepted Bespreking aanvaar for TOWN SECRETARY namens STADSEKRETARIS Date Datum Written consent by the Council where applicable granted Skriftelike goedkeuring waar van toepassing deur die under item Raad verleen ander item van of If 6. Deur na item 7(f) onder Bylae 2 die volgende in te 6. By the insertion after item 7(f) under Schedule 2 of the voeg: following: "(g) Nageregbakkies 20c vir 10 50c vir 10 "(g) Dessertplates 20c for 10 50c for 10 (h) Dessertlepels 30c vir 10 (h) Dessertspoons 30c for 10 50c for 10.". 50c vir 10.". 4 PB PB Administrateurskennisgewing Apri11986 Administrator's Notice April 1986 MUNISIPALITEIT KRUGERSDORP: WYSIGING VAN WILDTUINVERORDENINGE KRUGERSDORP MUNICIPALITY: AMENDMENT TO GAME RESERVE BYLAWS Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 of the 101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, die Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes the by laws verordeninge hierna uiteengesit. set forth hereinafter. Die Wildtuinverordeninge van die Munisipaliteit Kru The Game Reserve Bylaws of the Krugersdorp Municigersdorp, afgekondig by Administrateurskennisgewing 785 pality, published under Administrator's Notice 785, dated van 29 Junie 1977, soos gewysig, word hierby verder soos 29 June 1977, as amended, are hereby further amended as volg gewysig: follows: 1. Deur na artikel 4 die volgende in te voeg: 1. By the insertion after section 4 of the following: "Aansoek om Huur van Geriewe "Application for Hire offacilities 4.A. Alle aansoeke om die huur van geriewe in die Wildtuin moet gedoen word op 'n vorm in item 6 van die 4A. All applications for the hire of facilities in the game Bylae vervat. Die vorm moet deur die hoarder onderteken reserve shall be made on a form included in item 6 pf the word en by die Hoof, Departement van Parke en Ontspan Schedule. The form shall be signed by the hirer and handed ning of 'n gemagtigde beampte van die Raad ingedien in at either the Head, Department of Parks and Recreation word.". or an authorized officer of the Council.". 4

17 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 30 APRIL Deur item 3 van die Bylae deur die volgende te ver 2. By the substitution for item 3 under the Schedule of 0 yang: the following: "3. Huurgelde "3. Charges for Hire (1) Lapa's en Saal (1) Lapa's and hall Per dag of gedeelte daarvan: R100. Per day or part thereof: R100. (2) Kleinkraal (2) Kkinkraal Gedurende die week per dag of gedeelte daarvan: R100. During the week per day or part thereof: R100. (3) Oukraal (3) Oukraal R300 deposito, plus die volgende huurgeld: per dag of gedeelte daarvan: R500." deposit, plus the following rental: Per day or part thereof: R500.". 3. Deur na item 5 onder die Bylae die volgende in te 3. By the insertion after item 5 under the Schedule of the voeg: following: "6. AANSOEK OM HUUR VAN GERIEWE "6. APPLICATION TO HIRE FACILITIES Ek/Ons die ondergetekende(s) in my/ons hoedanigheid as I/We the undersigned in my/our capacity as doen hiermee aansoek namens herewith apply on behalf of 0 0 om 'n vakansiehuis/lapa/saal/oukraal/woonwastaanplek to hire a holiday hut/lapa/hall/oukraal/caravan site (delete (skrap wat nie van toepassing is nie) van tot which is not applicable) from to vir gebruik deur for use by en vir doeleindes van and for the purposes of te huur. I/We declare herewith that I/We are fully familiar with Ek/Ons verklaar hiermee dat ek/ons ten voile vertroud is the tariffs and conditions in respect of the hire of the met die tariewe en alle voorwaardes ten opsigte van die abovementioned, and that should the hirer be a person huur van bogemelde, en dat indien die huurder 'n persoon other than a person belonging to a group as intended by anders as 'n persoon behorende tot 'n groep coos bedoel in section 12(1)(a) of the Group Areas Act, 1966, the written artikel 12(1)(a) van die Wet op Groepsgebiede, 1966, is, consent of the Council shall first be obtained and such a die skriftelike toestemming van die Raad eers verkry moet hirer shall not allow any person of another population word en sodanige huurder mag geen persoon van 'n ander group, without the written consent of the Council, on the bevolkingsgroep sonder die skriftelike goedkeuring van hired premises or allow him to appear, stay or remain die Raad in die gehuurde perseel toelaat of toelaat dat by therein. daarin optree, vertoef of oorbly nie. I/We confirm hereby that the following groups of persons Ek/Ons bevestig hiermee dat die volgende groepe per shall visit, appear, stay or remain in the holiday hut/lapa/ sone gedurende die huurtermyn in die vakansiehuis/lapa/ hall/oukraal/carvan site (delete which is not applicable) saalloukraauwoonwastaanplek (skrap wat nie van toepas during the time of hiring. sing is nie) sal besoek, daarin optree, vertoef of oorbly: White Asian Coloured Black Blank Asia'. Kleurling Swart I (merk toepaslike blokkie) (indicate in appropriate space) Ingeval van die teenwoordigheid van ander groepe as In case of the presence of groups other than Whites, this Blankes, is hierdie aansoek om huur onderhewig aan die application to hire shall be subject to prior written consent vooraf skriftelike goedkeuring deur die Raad en vir doel by the Council and for the purposes of such consent I/we eindes van sodanige goedkeuring verklaar eklons dat an declare that population groups other than Whites shall for derskleuriges 'n/die vakansiehuis/lapa/saal/ the following purposes visit a/the holiday hut/lapa/hall/ Oukraal/woonwastaanplek (skrap wat nie van toepassing is Oukraal/caravan site (delete which is not applicable). nie) vir die volgende doeleindes sal besoek: Ek/Ons bevestig dat die inligting hierbo verstrek korrek is en verklaar dat 'n valse verklaring tot summiere kansellasie van die verhuring sal lei met verbeurdverklaring van enige gelde reeds betaal. Geteken: Namens: Volledige adres: Telefoon: I/We confirm that the information given above is correct and declare that a false statement shall lead to a summary cancellation of the letting with the forfeiting of any monies already paid. Signed On behalf of: Full address: Datum 0/ BESPREKING AANVAAR BOOKING APPROVED namens Stadsraad Telephone. Date. on behalf of the Town Council

18 1510 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 30 APRIL 1986 Datum Skriftelike goedkeuring waar van toepassing deur die Written consent by the Council where applicable granted Raad verleen onder Item van under item of PB PB Date Administrateurskennisgewing April 1986 Administrator's Notice April 1986 MUNISIPALITEIT MACHADODORP: ELEKTRISI MACHADODORP MUNICIPALITY: ELECTRICITY TEITSVERORDENINGE BYLAWS KENNISGEWING VAN VERBETERING CORRECTION NOTICE Administrateurskennisgewing 685 van 16 April 1986 Administrator's Notice 685, dated 16 April 1986, is word hierby verbeter deur die Tarief van Gelde onder die hereby corrected by correcting the tariff of Charges under Bylae verbeter: the Schedule as follows: 1. Deur in item 1(2) en (3) die syfers "4,8c" en "R15" on 1. By the substitution in item 1(1) and (3) for the figures derskeidelik deur die syfers "5,4c" en "R16,50" te vervang. "4,8c" and "R15" of the figures "5,4c" and "R16,50" res 2. Deur in item 2(2) en (3) die syfers "5,7c" en "R20" on pectively. derskeidelik deur die syfers "6,4c" en "R22" te vervang. 2. By the substitution in item 2(2) and (3) for the figures "5,7c" and "R20" of the figures "6,4c" and "R22" respecti 3. Deur in item 3(1), (3) en (4) die syfers "R8", "5,7c" en vely. "R50" onderskeidelik deur die syfers 'R11,80", "6,4c" en "R55" to vervang. 3. By the substitution in item 3(1), (3) and (4) for the fi gures "R8", "5,7c" and "R50" of the figures "R11,80", 4. Deur in item 4(1) en (2) die syfers "15c" en "R25" on "6,4c" and "R55" respectively. derskeidelik deur die syfers "20c" en "R30" te vervang. 4. By the substitution in item 4(1) and (2) for the figures 5. Deur in item 5(2), (3), (5) en (6) die syfers "R10", "15c" and "R25" of the figures "20c" and "R30" respecti "R25", "R5" en "R6" onderskeidelik deur die syfers vely. "R15", "R40", "R7,50" en "R10" te vervang. 5. By the substitution in item 5(2) and (3), (5) and (6) for 6. Deur item 7 te hernommer 6. the figures "R10", "R25", "R5' and "R6" of the figures 7. Deur na item 6 die volgende in te voeg: "R15", "R40", "R7,50" and "R10" respectively. 6. By the renumbering of item 7 to read 6. "7. Deposito's 7. By the insertion after item 6 of the following: Die minimum deposito betaalbaar ingevolge artikel "7. Deposits 6(1)(a) is R60.". The minimum deposit payable in terms of section 6(1)(a) shall be R60.". 8. Deur na item 7 die volgende in to voeg: 8. By the insertion after item 7 of the following: "Die bepalings in items 1 tot en met 4 vervat, word geag "The provisions in items 1 to 4 inclusive contained, shall 4 op 1 Februarie 1986 in werking te getree het". be deemed to have come into operation on 1 February PB PB Administrator's Notice April 1986 Administrateurskennisgewing April 1986 HEALTH COMMITTEE OF MODDERFONTEIN: GESONDHEIDSKOMITEE VAN MODDERFONTEIN: AMENDMENT TO PARKING GROUNDS REGULA. WYSIGING VAN PARKEERTERREINREGULASIES TIONS 4 Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 164(3) of 164(3) van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, die the Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes the reregulasies hierna uiteengesit, wat deur hom ingevolge arti gulations set forth hereinafter, which have been made by kel 126(1)(a) van genoemde Ordonnansie gemaak is. him in terms of section 126(1)(a) of the said Ordinance. Die Parkeerterreinregulasies van die Gesondheidskomi The Parking Grounds Regulations of the Modderfontein tee van Modderfontein, afgekondig by Administra Health Committee, published under Administrator's No teurskennisgewing 923 van 12 Augustus 1981, soos gewysig, tice 923, dated 12 August 1981, as amended, are hereby word hierby verder gewysig deur die Bylae deur die vol further amended by the substitution for the Schedule of gende te vervang: the following: "BYLAE "SCHEDULE Gelde vir die Gebruik van Parkeerterreine Charges for the Use ofparking Grounds Huur per parkeerplek, per maand of gedeelte daarvan: Rental per parking bay, per month or part thereof:

19 I I PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 30 APRIL Highstraat, onderdakparkering: R6, High Street covered parking: R6,50. Nobelstraat, onderdakparkering: R6, Nobel Street covered parking: R6, Ooshek, onderdakparkering: R6, East Gate covered parking: R6, Pinelands onderdakparkering, bestaande huurders: 4. Pinelands covered parking, present occupiers: R4,50. R4, Pinelands covered parking, new occupiers: R6, Pinelands onderdakparkering, nuwe huurders: R6, Al open parking: Free of charge.". 6. Alle oopparkering: Gratis.". PB PB Administrateurskennisgewing April 1986 Administrator's Notice April 1986 NIGEL MUNISIPALITEIT: AANNAME VAN STAN DAARD ELEKTRISITEITSVERORDENINGE NIGEL MUNICIPALITY: ADOPTION OF STANDARD ELECTRICITY BYLAWS 1. Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel 1. The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 of 101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, dat the Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes that the die Stadsraad van Nigel die S tan daardelektrisi Town Council of Nigel has, in terms of section 96bis(2) of teitsverordeninge, afgekondig by Administrateursken the said Ordinance, adopted with the following amendnisgewing 1959 van 11 September 1985, ingevolge artikel ments, the Standard Electricity Bylaws, published under van genoemde Ordonnansie, met die volgende wy Administrator's Notice 1959, dated 11 September 1985, as sigings aangeneem het as verordeninge wat deur ge bylaws made by the said Council: noemde Raad opgestel is: I96bis(2) (1) By the substitution in section 1 for the definition of (1) Deur in artikel 1 die woordomskrywing van "tarief' "tariff' of the following: deur die volgende te vervang: " 'tariff means the charges as determined from time to "'tarief die gelde betaalbaar soos van tyd tot tyd deur time by the Council, by special resolution, in terms of secdie Raad, by spesiale besluit, ingevolge artikel 80B van die tion 80B of the Local Government Ordinance, 1939;". Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, vasgestel;". (2) By the substitution for section 29 of the following: (2) Deur artikel 29 deur die volgende te vervang: "Voorsiening van Stroombrekers "Provision of CircuitBreakers 29. Wanneer die Raad dit vereis, moet die eienaar een 29. When required by the Council the owner shall supply of meer goedgekeurde toevoerstroombrekers verskaf en and install one or more approved supply circuit breakers in installeer op 'n wyse en in 'n posisie deur die Raad be a manner and position determined by the Council.". paal.". 2. Die Elektrisiteitsverordeninge van die Munisipaliteit 2. The Electricity Bylaws of the Nigel Municipality, Nigel, deur die Raad aangeneem by Administrateursken adopted by the Council under Administrator's Notice 1722, nisgewing 1722 van 4 Oktober 1972, soos gewysig, word dated 4 October 1972, as amended, are hereby repealed. hierby herroep. PB PB Administrateurskennisgewing April 1986 Administrator's Notice April 1986 MUNISIPALITEIT VAN NIGEL: AANNAME VAN NIGEL MUNICIPALITY: ADOPTION OF STANDARD STANDAARDVERORDENINGE BETREFFENDE DIE BYLAWS RELATING TO THE KEEPING OF ANI AANHOU VAN DIERE, VOELS EN PLUIMVEE EN MALS, BIRDS AND POULTRY AND BUSINESSES IN BESIGHEDE WAT DIE AANHOU VAN DIERE, VOLVING THE KEEPING OF ANIMALS, BIRDS, VOELS, PLUIMVEE OF TROETELDIERE BEHELS POULTRY OR PETS 1. Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel 101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, dat die Stadsraad van Nigel die Standaardverordeninge Betreffende die Aanhou van Diere, Voels en Pluimvee en Besighede wat die Aanhou van Diere, Voels, Pluimvee of Troeteldiere Behels, afgekondig by Administrateursken nisgewing 2208 van 9 Oktober 1985, ingevolge artikel 96bis(2) van genoemde Ordonnansie, sonder wysiging aangeneem het as verordeninge wat deur genoemde Raad opgestel is. 1. The Administrator hereby in terms of section 101 of the Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes that the To Council of Nigel has in term s of section 96bis(2) of the said Ordinance adopted without amendment the Standard Bylaws Relating to the Keeping of Animals, Birds and Poultry and Businesses Involving the Keeping of Animals, Birds, Poultry or Pets, published under Administrator's Notice 2208, dated 9 October 1985, as bylaws made by the said Council. 2. Hoofstukke 2 en 14 van Deel IV van die Publieke Gesondheidsverordeninge van die Munisipaliteit Nigel, afge 2. Chapters 2 and 14 of Part IV of the Public Health Bykondig by Administrateurskennisgewing 11 van 12 Janua laws of Nigel Municipality, published under Administra rie 1949, word hierby geskrap. tor's Notice 11, dated 12 January 1949, are hereby deleted. PB PB

20 1512 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 30 APRIL 1986 Administrateurskennisgewing April 1986 Administrator's Notice April 1986 MUNISIPALITEIT NYLSTROOM: WYSIGING VAN NYLSTROOM MUNICIPALITY: AMENDMENT TO. VERORDENINGE MET BETREKKING TOT PARKE, BYLAWS RELATING TO PARKS, GARDENS, OPEN TUINE, OOPRUIMTES, DAMME, SPRUITE EN RI SPACES, DAMS, SPRUITS AND RIVERS VIERE The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 of the Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes the bylaws 101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, die set forth hereinafter. verordeninge hierna uiteengesit. Die Verordeninge met Betrekking tot Parke, Tuine, Oopruimtes, Damme, Spruite en Riviere van die Munisipaliteit Nylstroom, afgekondig by Administrateursken nisgewing 1899 van 1 November 1972, soos gewysig, word hierby verder soos volg gewysig: 1. By the insertion in section 1 after the definition of "boat" of the following: The Bylaws Relating to Parks, Gardens, Open Spaces, Dams, Spruits and Rivers of the Nylstroom Municipality, published under Administrator's Notice 1899, dated 1 November 1972, as amended, are hereby further amended as follows: 1. Deur in artikel 1 na die woordomskrywing van "fami "'charges' the charges as determined from time to time lie" die volgende in te voeg: by Special Resolution by the Council in terms of section 80B of the Local Government Ordinance, 1939;". " 'gelde' die gelde soos van tyd tot tyd deur die Raad by Spesiale Besluit ingevolge artikel 80B van die Ordonnan 2. By the substitution in section 3 for the expression sie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, vasgestel;". "fees prescribed in Schedules A and B hereto" of the words "charges prescribed." 2. Deur in artikel 3 die uitdrukking "Bylaes A en B hierby" te skrap. 3. By the substitution in section 12 for the expression "tariffs prescribed in Schedule A hereto" of the words 3. Deur in artikel 12 die uitdrukking "in Bylae A hierby" "charges prescribed." te skrap. 4. By the substitution in section 13 for the expression 4. Deur in artikel 13 die uitdrukking "in Bylae A hierby" "fees for such prescribed in Schedule A hereto" of the te skrap. words "charges prescribed for such use." 5. Deur Bylaes A en B te skrap. 5. By the deletion of Schedules A and B. PB PB Administrateurskennisgewing April 1986 Administrator's Notice April 1986 MUNISIPALITEIT NYLSTROOM: WYSIGING VAN NYLSTROOM MUNICIPALITY: AMENDMENT TO SWEMBADVERORDENINGE SWIMMING BATH BYLAWS Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 of the 101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, die Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes the bylaws ' verodeninge hierna uiteengesit. set forth hereinafter. Die Swembadverordeninge van die Munisipaliteit The Swimming Bath Bylaws of the Nylstroom Municistroom, afgekondig by Administrateurskennisgewing 61 pality, published under Administrator's Notice 61, dated van 18 Januarie 1967, soos gewysig, word hierby verder 18 January 1976, as amended, are hereby further amended soos volg gewysig: as follows: 1. Deur in artikel 22 die woorde "in die tarief venal in 1. By the deletion in section 22 of the words "in the tariff die Bylae hierby" te skrap. contained in the Schedule hereto". 2. Deur in artikel 27 die woorde "in die Bylae hierby uit 2. By the substitution in section 27 for the words "set out eengesit" deur die volgende te vervang: in the Schedule hereto" of the following: "van tyd tot tyd deur die Raad by Spesiale Besluit inge "determined from time to time by Special Resolution by volge artikel 80B van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Be the Council in terms of section 80B of the Local Governstuur, 1939, vasgestel.". ment Ordinance, 1939.". 3. Deur Bylae 1 te skrap. 3. By the deletion of the Schedule. PB PB Administrateurskennisgewing Apri11986 Administrator's Notice April 1986 MUNISIPALITEIT PRETORIA: REINIGINGSVEROR' DENINGE ICENNISGEWING VAN VERBETERING PRETORIA MUNICIPALITY: CLEANSING BYLAWS CORRECTION NOTICE Administrateurskennisgewing 1526 van 31 Julie 1985 Administrator's Notice 1526, dated 31 July 1985, is word hierby soos volg verbeter: hereby corrected as follows:

21 ' I PROVINCIAL GA2E1 th, 30 APRIL l 1. Deur in artikels 2(2), 14(1)(a) en 16(2)(c) die uitdruk 1. By the substitution in sections 2(2), 14(1)(a) and king "80(B)" deur die uitdrukking "80B" te vervang. 16(2)(c) for the expression "80(B)" of the expression 2. "SOB." Deur in die tweede reel van artikel 7(c) in the Engelse teks die woord "place" deur die woord "placed" te ver 2. By the substitution in section 7(c) for the word "place" yang. of the word "placed." I 3. Deur in die eerste reel van artikel 16(12) in die Engelse teks die woord "the" deur die woord "The" te veryang. 4. Deur in die eerste reel van artikel 18 die uitdrukkings "artikel 19(d)" deur die uitdrukking "artikels 19(d), 21(a)" te vervang. 3. By the substitution in the first line of section 16(12) for the word"the" of the word "The." 4. By the substitution in section 18 for the expression "section 19(d)" of the expression "sections 19(d)), 21(a)." PB PB Administrateurskennisgewing April 1986 Administrator's Notice April 1986 MUNISIPALITEIT RANDBURG: WYSIGING VAN NA MATRIKULASIE STUDIEBEURSVERORDENINGE RANDBURG MUNICIPALITY: AMENDMENT TO POSTMATRICULATION BURSARIES BYLAWS Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 of 101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, die Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes the bylaws verordeninge hierna uiteengesit: set forth hereinafter. Die Na Matrikulasie Studiebeursverordeninge van die The PostMatriculation Bursaries Bylaws of the Rand Munisipaliteit Randburg, afgekon dig by Administra burg Municipality, published under Administrator's Notice teurskennisgewing 1725 van 22 Desember 1976, soos gewy 1725, dated 22 December 1976, as amended, are hereby sig, word hierby verder gewysig deur in artikel 4 die uit further amended by the substitution in section 4 for the exdrukking "7 Desember" deur die uitdrukking "31 pression "7 December" of the expression "31 December". Desember" te vervang. PB PB Administrateurskennisgewing April 1986 Administrator's Notice April 1986 MUNISIPALITEIT SANDTON: WYSIGING VAN ELEK TRISITEITSVERORDENINGE SANDTON MUNICIPALITY: AMENDMENT TO ELEC TRICITY BYLAWS Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 98 of the 98 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, die Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes the bylaws verordeninge hierna uiteengesit. set forth hereunder: Die Elektrisiteitsverordeninge van die Munisipaliteit Sandton, deur die Raad aangeneem by Administra The Electricity Bylaws of the Sandton Municipality, teurskennisgewing 425 van 31 Maart 1976, soos gewysig, adopted by the Council under Administrator's Notice 425, Iword hierby verder gewysig deur in item 2 van Deel I van dated 31 March 1976, as amended, are hereby further die Tarief van Gelde onder die Bylae: amended by the substitution in item 2 of Part I of the Tariff of Charges under the Schedule: (a) in subitems (1)(c) en (d)(ii) die syfer "6,02c" deur die syfer "6,68c" te vervang; (a) in subitem (I)(c) and (d)(ii) for the figure "6,02c" of (b) in subitems (2)(c)(ii)(aa) en (bb) die syfers "8c" en "7,4c" onderskeidelik deur die syfers "8,87c" en "8,21c" te vervang; (c) in subitems (3)(c)(ii) en (iii) die syfers "R18" en "2c" onderskeidelik deur die syfers "R20" en "2,18c" te veryang; (d) in subitem (4)(c)(ii) die syfer "9,5c" deur die syfer. the figure "6,68c"; "/ lc" te vervang; "1k"; and (e) in subitem (5)(c) die syfer "R33,50" deur die syfer "R38" te vervang. (b) in subitem (2)(c)(ii)(aa) and (bb) for the figures "8c" and "7,40c" of the figures "8,87c" and "8,21c" respectively; (c) in subitem (3)(c)(ii) and (iii) for the figures "R18" and "2c" of the figures "R20" and "2,18c" respectively; (d) in subitem (4)(c)(ii) for the figure "9,5c" of the figure (e) in subitem (5)(c) for the figure "R33,50" of the figure "R38". P PB Administrateurskennisgewing Apri11986 Administrator's Notice April 1986 MUNISIPALITEIT: WYSIGING DWATERVAL VAN ELEKTRISITEITSVERORDENINGE BOVEN WATERVAL BOVEN MUNICIPALITY: AMENDMENT TO ELECTRICITY BYLAWS Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 of the

22 1514 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 30 APRIL van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, die Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes the bylaws A verordeninge hierna uiteengesit. set forth hereinafter. I Die Elektrisiteitsregulasies van die Munisipaliteit Wa The Electricity Regulations of the Waterval Boven terval Boven, op die Raad van toepassing gemaak by Ad Municipality, made applicable to the Council under ministrateurskennisgewing 61 van 17 Januarie 1973, coos Administrator's Notice 61, dated 17 January 1973, as gewysig, word hierby verder gewysig deur die Tarief van amended, are hereby further amended by amending the Gelde onder die Bylae te wysig deur in item 2 Tariff of Charges under the Schedule by the substitution in item 2 (a) in subitems (1) en (3)(b) die syfer "4,85c" deur die syfer "5,24c" te vervang; en (a) in subitems (1) and (3)(b) for the figure "4,85c" of the figure "5,24c"; and (b) in subitem (2) die syfer "5,35c" deur die syfer "5,890 te vervang. (b) in subitem (2) for the figure "5,35c" of the figure "5,89c". PB PB Administrateurskennisgewing Apri11986 Administrator's Notice April 1986 PRETORIA WYSIGINGSKEMA 1513 PRETORIA AMENDMENT SCHEME 1513 Die Administrateur verklaar hierby ingevolge die bepa The Administrator hereby, in terms of the provisions of lings van artikel 89(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbe section 89(1) of the Townplanning and Townships Ordi planning en Dorpe, 1965, dat by 'n wysigingskema synde 'n nance, 1965, declares that he has approved an amendment wysiging van Pretoria dorpsbeplanningskema, 1974, wat scheme, being an amendment of Pretoria Town uit dieselfde grond planning as die dorp Garsfontein Uitbreiding 14 Scheme, 1974, comprising the same land as included in the 4 bestaan, goedgekeur het. township of Garsfontein Extension 14. Kaart 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysigingskema Map 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment scheme word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike are filed with the Director of Local Government, Pretoria, Bestuur, Pretoria, en die Stadsklerk, Posbus 440, Pretoria and the Town Clerk, PO Box 440, Pretoria and are open en is beskikbaar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye. for inspection at all reasonable times. Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Pretoria wysiging This amendment is known as Pretoria Amendment skema Scheme PB 4923H1513 PB 4 923H1513 Administrateurskennisgewing April 1986 Administrator's Notice April 1986 PRETORIA WYSIGINGSKEMA 1760 PRETORIA AMENDMENT SCHEME 1760 Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel It is hereby notified in terms of section 36(1) of the 36(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dope, Townplanning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that the 1965, bekend gemaak dat die Administrateur goedgekeur Administrator has approved the amendment of Pretoria het dat Pretoriadorpsbeplanningskema, 1974, gewysig Townplanning Scheme, 1974, by the rezoning of Err 1412, word deur die hersonering van Erf 1412, Pretoria North, na Pretoria North, to "Special Residential" with a density of "Spesiale Woon" met 'n digtheid van "Een woonhuis per "One dwelling per m2" m2". Map 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment scheme Kaart 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysigingskema are filed with the Director of Local Government, Pretoria word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike and the Town Clerk, Pretoria and are open for inspection Bestuur, Pretoria en die Stadsklerk, Pretoria en is beskik at all reasonable times. boar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye. This amendment is known as Pretoria Amendment Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Pretoriawysiging Scheme skema PB 4923H1760 PB 4923H Administrateurskennisgewing Apri11986 Administrator's Notice April 1986 PRETORIA WYSIGINGSKEMA 1803 PRETORIA AMENDMENT SCHEME 1803 Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel It is hereby notified in terms of section 36(1) of the 36(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, Townplanning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that the 1965, bekend gemaak dat die Administrateur goedgekeur Administrator has approved the amendment of Pretoria het dat Pretoriadorpsbeplanningskema, 1974, gewysig Townplanning Scheme, 1974, by the amendment of condiword deur die wysiging van voorwaarde I van Bylae III B, lion I of Schedule III B, by the replacement of the expresdeur die uitdrukking "90 vierkante meter", waar dit voor sion "90 square metre", where it appears, by the expres 4 kom, te vervang met die uitdrukking "100 vierkante sion "100 square metre". meter".

23 a PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 30 APRIL Kaart 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysigingskema Map lk 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment scheme word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike are filed with the Director of Local Government, Pretoria IP Bestuur, Pretoria en die Stadsklerk, Pretoria en is beskik and the Town Clerk, Pretoria and are open for inspection baar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye. at all reasonable times. Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Pretoriawysiging This amendment is known as Pretoria Amendment skeina Scheme PB 4923H1803 PB 4923H1803 Administrateurskennisgewing April 1986 Administrator's Notice April 1986 WET OP OPHEFFING VAN BEPERKINGS, 1967: REMOVAL OF RESTRICTIONS ACT, 1967: ERVEN 459 ERWE 459 EN 460, DORP CONSTANTIAPARK AND 460, CONSTANTIA PARK TOWNSHIP Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel It is hereby notified in terms of section 2(1) of the Re 2(1) van die Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings, 1967, be moval of Restrictions Act, 1967, that the Administrator has kend gemaak dat die Administrateur goedgekeur het dat approved that conditions iv(d) and v(d) in Deed of voorwaardes iv(d) en v(d) in Akte van Transport /76 Transfer120458/76 be removed. opgehef word. PB PB April 1986 Administrator's Notice April 1986 iadministrateurskennisgewing l. WET OP OPHEFFING VAN BEPERKINGS, 1967: GE REMOVAL OF RESTRICTIONS ACT, 1967: PORTION DEELTE 186 ('N GEDEELTE VAN GEDEELTE 185) 186 (A PORTION OF PORTION 185) OF THE FARM VAN DIE PLAAS GARSTFONTEIN 374 JR, DISTRIK GARSTFONTEIN 374 JR, DISTRICT PRETORIA PRETORIA Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel 2(1) van die Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings, 1967, be It is hereby notified in terms of section 2(1) of the Rekend gemaak dat die Administrateur goedgekeur het dat moval of Restrictions Act, 1967, that the Administrator has voorwaarde 1 in Akte van Transport T48539/1980 opgehef approved that condition 1 in Deed of Transfer T48539/1980 word. be removed. PB PB Administrateurskennisgewing April 1986 Administrator's Notice April 1986 SANDTON WYSIGINGSKEMA 849 SANDTON AMENDMENT SCHEME 849 Die Administrateur verklaar hierby ingevolge die bepa The Administrator hereby, in terms of the provisions of lings van artikel 89(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbe section 89(1) of the Town planning and Townships Ordiplanning en Dorpe, 1965, dat by 'n wysigingskema synde 'n fiance, 1965, declares that he has approved an amendment wysiging van Sandton dorpsaanlegskema, 1980, wat uit scheme, being an amendment of Sandton Town planning dieselfde grond as die dorp Fourways Uitbreiding 10 be Scheme, 1980, comprising the same land as included in the staan, goedgekeur het. township of Fourways Extension 10. Kaart 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysigingskema Map 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment scheme word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike are filed with the Director of Local Government, Pretoria Bestuur, Pretoria en die Stadsklerk, Posbus 78001, Sand and the Town Clerk, PO Box 78001, Sandton 2146 and are ton 2146 en is beskikbaar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye. open for inspection at all reasonable times. Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Sandtonwysiging This amendment is known as Sandton Amendment skema 849. Scheme 849. PB H849 PB H849 Administrateurskennisgewing Apri11986 Administrator's Notice April 1986 VERKLARING TOT GOEDGEKEURDE DORP DECLARATION AS APPROVED TOWNSHIP 10 Ingevolge artikel 69 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbe In terms of section 69 of the Town planning and Town planning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van 1965), ver ships Ordinance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), the Admiklaar die Administrateur hierby die dorp Fourways Uit nistrator hereby declares Fourways Extension 10 Township breiding 10 tot 'n goedgekeurde dorp onderworpe aan die to be an approved township subject to the conditions set voorwaardes uiteengesit in die bygaande Bylae. out in the Schedule hereto. PB PB

24 .1516 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 30 APRIL 1986 BYLAE SCHEDULE VOORWAARDES WAAROP DIE AANSOEK GE CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH THE APPLICATION 111 DOEN DEUR AMAPROP TOWNSHIPS LIMITED IN MADE BY AMAPROP TOWNSHIPS LIMITED UNDER GEVOLGE DIE BEPALINGS VAN DIE ORDONNAN THE PROVISIONS OF THE TOWNPLANNING AND SIE OP DORPSBEPLANNING EN DORPE, 1965, OM TOWNSHIPS ORDINANCE, 1965, FOR PERMISSION TOESTEMMING OM 'N DORP TE STIG OP GE TO ESTABLISH A TOWNSHIP ON PORTION 189 AND DEELTE 189 EN GEDEELTE 190, ALBEI VAN DIE PORTION 190, BOTH OF THE FARM ZEVENFONTEIN PLAAS ZEVENFONTEIN 407 JR, PROVINCE TRANS 407 JR, PROVINCE OF TRANSVAAL, HAS BEEN VAAL, TOEGESTAAN IS GRANTED 1. STIGTINGSVOORWAARDES 1. CONDITIONS OF ESTABLISHMENT (1) Naam (1) Name Die naam van die dorp is Fourways Uitbreiding 10. ' The name of the township shall be Fourways Extension 10. (2) Ontwerp (2) Design Die dorp bestaan uit erwe en strate soos aangedui op The township shall consist of erven and streets as indi Algemene Plan LG No A11275/84. cated on General Plan SG No A11275/84. (3) Storm waterdreinering en Straatbou (3) Stormwater Drainage and Street Construction (a) Die dorpseienaar moet op versoek van die plaaslike (a) The township owner shall on request by the local bestuur aan sodanige bestuur 'n gedetailleerde skema, vol authority submit to such authority for its approval a deledig met planne, deursnee en spesifikasies, opgestel deur tailed scheme complete with plans, sections and specifica 'n siviele ingenieur wat deur die plaaslike bestuur goedge lions, prepared by a civil engineer approved by the local keur is, vir opgaar en afvoer van stormwater deur die authority, for the collection and disposal of stormwater hele dorp deur middel van behoorlike aangelegde werke throughout the township by means of properly constructed en vir die aanle, teermacadamisering, beranding en kana works and for the construction, tarmacadamising, kerbing lisering van die strate daarin, tesame met die verskaffing and channelling of the streets therein together with the van sodanige keermure as wat die plaaslike bestuur nodig provision of such retaining walls as may be considered neag, vir goedkeuring voorle. cessary by the local authority. Verder moet die skema die roete en belling aandui deur Furthermore, the scheme shall indicate the route and middel waarvan elke erf toegang tot die aangrensende gradient by which each erf gains access to the street on straat verkry. which it abuts. (b) Die dorpseienaar moet, wanneer die plaaslike be (b) The township owner shall, when required by the local stuur dit vereis, die goedgekeurde skema op eie koste na authority to do so, carry out the approved scheme at its mens en tot bevrediging van die plaaslike bestuur, onder own expense on behalf and to the satisfaction of the local toesig van 'n siviele ingenieur deur die plaaslike bestuur authority under the supervision of a civil engineer apgoedgekeur, uitvoer. proved by the local authority. (c) Die dorpseienaar is verantwoordelik vir die instandhouding van die strate tot bevrediging van die plaaslike bestuur totdat die strate ooreenkomstig subklousule (b) gebou is. (c) The township owner shall be responsible for the maintenance of the streets to the satisfaction of the local authority until the streets have been constructed as set out in subclause (b). (d) Indien die dorpseienaar versuim om aan die bepa (d) If the township owner fails to comply with the provi lings van paragrawe (a), (b) en (c) hiervan te voldoen, is sions of paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) hereof, the local die plaaslike bestuur geregtig om die werk op koste van authority shall be entitled to do the work at the cost of the die dorpseienaar te doen. township owner. (4) Beskikking oor Bestaande Titelvoorwaardes (4) Disposal ofexisting Conditions of Title Alle erwe moet onderworpe gemaak word aan be All erven shall be made subject to existing conditions staande voorwaardes en serwitute, as daar is, met inbegrip and servitudes, if any, including the reservation of rights to van die voorbehoud van die regte op minerale, maar uit minerals, but excluding gesonderd (a) the following servitude which does not affect the (a) die volgende serwituut wat nie die dorp raak nie: township area: "The withinmentioned property is subject to a servitude "The withinmentioned property is subject to a servitude for sewerage purposes ceded to the City Council of Johan for sewerage purposes ceded to the City Council of Johannesburg by Deed of Cession No K394/80 registered 7th nesburg by Deed of Cession No K394/80 registered 7th February 1980.". February 1980.". (b) die volgende serwituut wat slegs Ed 1162 en 'n straat in die dorp raak: (b) the following servitude which affects Ed 1162 and a street in the township only: 4 4 "The withinmentioned property is subject to a sewer ser "The withinmentioned property is subject to a sewer ser vitude 10 metres wide ceded to the City Council of Johan vitude 10 metres wide ceded to the City Council of Johannesburg by Deed of Cession No 1(512/19185 dated 20th nesburg by Deed of Cession No K512/19815 dated 20th February 1981.". February 1981.". i

25 1 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 30 APRIL (5) Grond vir Munisipale Doeleindes (5) Land for Municipal Purposes Erwe 1163 en 1164 moet deur en op koste van die dorps Erven 1163 and 1164 shall be transferred to the local III eienaar aan die plaaslike bestuur as parke oorgedra word. authority by and at the expense of the township owner as 0 (6) Toegang (a) Tensy die skriftelike toestemming van die Direkteur, Transvaalse Paaidepartement verkry is moet geen ingang (6) Access van Provinsiale Pad 1027 tot die dorp en geen uitgang tot (a) Except with the consent in writing of the Director, Provinsiale Pad 1027 uit die dorp toegelaat word Me. Transvaal Roads Department, no ingress from Provincial (b) Ingang van Provinsiale Pad K56 tot die dorp en uit Road 1027 to the township and no egress to Provincial gang tot Provinsiale Pad K56 uit die dorp word beperk tot Road 1027 from the township shall be allowed. die kruising van Kareeboom en Bush Willowlaan met so (b) Ingress from Provincial Road K56 to the township danige pad. and egress to Provincial Road K56 from the township shall be restricted to the junctions of Kareeboom and Bush Wil (7) Ontvangs en Versorging van Storm water low Avenues with the said road. parks. Die dorpseienaar moet die stormwaterdreinering van die dorp so reel dat dit inpas by die van Pad 1027 en moet (7) Acceptance and Disposal ofstormtvater die stormwater wat van die pad afloop of afgelei word, ontvang en versorg. The township owner shall arrange for the drainage of the township to fit in with that of Road 1027 and for all stormwater running off or being diverted from the road to be re. (8) Verpligtinge ten Opsigte van Noodsaaklike Dienste ceived and disposed of. Die dorpseienaar moet binne sodanige tydperk as wat die plaaslike bestuur mag bepaal, hul verpligtinge met be (8) Obligations in Regard to Essential Services trekking tot die voorsiening van water, elektrisiteit en sanitere dienste en die installering van stelsels daarvoor, The township owner shall within such period as the local authority may, determine, fulfil its obligations in respect of the provision of water,' electricity and sanitary services and the installation of systems therefore, as previously agreed 2. TITELVOORWAARDES upon between the township owner and the local authority. soos vooraf ooreengekom tussen die dorpseienaar en die plaaslike bestuur, nakom. Die erwe hieronder genoem is onderworpe aan die 2. CONDITIONS OF TITLE voorwaardes soos aangedui, opgele deur die Administrateur ingevolge die bepalings van die Ordonnansie op The erven mentioned hereunder shall be subject to the Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, conditions as indicated imposed by the Administrator in disionele (1) Alle Erwe met Uitsondering van die Erwe genoem in Klousule 1(5) terms of the provisions of the Town planning and Town ships Ordinance, (I) All Erven with the Exception of the Erven mentioned (a) Die erf is onderworpe aan 'n serwituut 2 m breed, vir in Clause 1(5). riolerings en ander munisipale doeleindes, ten gunste van die plaaslike bestuur, langs enige twee grense, uitgeson (a) The erf is subject to a servitude, 2 m wide, in favour derd 'n straatgrens en, in die geval van 'n pypsteelerf, 'n ad of the local authority, for sewerage and other municipal serwituut vir munisipale doeleindes 2 m breed purposes, along any two boundaries other than a street oor die toegangsgedeelte van die erf, indien en wanneer boundary and in the case of a panhandle erf, an additional verlang deur die plaaslike bestuur: Met dien verstande dat servitude for municipal purposes 2 m wide across the acdie plaaslike bestuur van enige sodanige serwituut mag af cess portion of the erf, if and when required by the local sien. authority: Provided that the local authority may dispense with any such servitude. (b) Geen geboue of ander struktuur mag binne die voornoemde serwituutgebied opgerig word nie en geen groot (b) No building or other structure shall be erected within wortelbome mag binne die gebied van sodanige serwituut the aforesaid servitude area and no large rooted trees of binne 'n afstand van 2 m daarvan geplant word nie. shall be planted within the area of such servitude or within 2 m thereof. (c) Die plaaslike bestuur is geregtig om enige materiaal wat deur horn uitgegrawe word tydens die aanleg, onder (c) The local authority shall be entitled to deposit ternhoud of verwydering van sodanige rioolhoofpypleidings en porarily on the land adjoining the aforesaid servitude such ander werke wat by volgens goeddunke noodsaaklik ag, ty material as may be excavated by it during the course of the delik to pleas op die grond wat aan die voornoemde serwi construction, maintenance or removal of such sewerage tuut grens en voorts is die plaaslike bestuur geregtig tot re mains and other works as it, in its discretion, may deem nedelike toegang tot genoemde grond vir die voornoemde cessary and shall further be entitled to reasonable access to doel, onderworpe daaraan dat die plaaslike bestuur enige the said land for the aforesaid purpose subject to any skade vergoed wat gedurende die aanleg, onderhoud of damage done during the process of the construction, verwyderings van sodanige rioolhoofpypleidings en ander maintenance or removal of such sewerage mains and other werke veroorsaak word. works being made good by the local authority. i (2) Erwe 882, 883 en 961 (2) Erven 882, 883 and 961 Die erwe is onderworpe aan 'n serwituut vir munisipale The erven is subject to a servitude for municipal pur doeleindes ten gunste van die plaaslike bestuur, soos op poses in favour of the local authority, as indicated on the die algemene plan aangedui. general plan.

26 1518 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 30 APRIL 1986 Administrateurskennisgewing Apri11986 Administrator's Notice April 1986 DORP BEDFORD VIEW UTIBREIDING 317 BEDFORDVIEW EXTENSION 317 TOWNSHIP VERBETERINGSKENNISGEWING CORRECTON NOTICE Administrateurskennisgewing 704 van 16 April 1986 Administrator's Notice 704 dated 16 April 1986 is hereby word hiermee verbeter deur die bylae in sy geheel te ver corrected by substitution for the entire schedule of the fol yang met die volgende nuwe bylae: lowing new schedule: PB PB BYLAE SCHEDULE VOORWAARDES WAAROP DIE AANSOEK GE CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH THE APPLICATION DOEN DEUR MARLENE ROSALIE GRAF (GE MADE BY MARLENE ROSALIE GRAF (MARRIED TROUD BUITE GEMEENSKAP VAN GOEDERE MET OUT OF COMMUNITY OF PROPERTY TO JORG JORG GRAF) INGEVOLGE DIE BEPALINGS VAN GRAF) UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE TOWN DIE ORDONNANSIE OP DORPSBEPLANNING EN PLANNING AND TOWNSHIPS ORDINANCE, 1965, DORPE, 1965, OM TOESTEMMING OM 'N DORP IE FOR PERMISSION TO ESTABLISH A TOWNSHIP ON STIG OP GEDEELTE 958 VAN DIE PLAAS ELANDS PORTION 958 OF THE FARM ELANDSFONTEIN 90 IR, FONTEIN 90 IR, PROVINSIE TRANSVAAL, TOEGE PROVINCE OF TRANSVAAL, HAS BEEN GRANTED STAAN IS. 1. CONDITIONS OF ESTABLISHMENT 1. STIGTINGSVOORWAARDES (i) Name (1) Naam The name of the township shall be Bedfordview Exten sion 317. Die naam van die dorp is Bedfordview Uitbreiding 317. (2) Design (2) Ontwerp The township shall consist of erven and a street as indi Die dorp bestaan uit erwe en 'n straat soos aangedui op cated on General Plan No. A9462/83. Algemene Plan No. A9462/83. (3) Streets (3) St rate (a) The township owner shall form, grade and maintain (a) Die dorpseienaar moet die strate in die dorp vorm, the streets in the township to the satisfaction of the local skraap en in stand hou tot bevrediging van die plaaslike authority until such time as this responsibility is taken over bestuur totdat did aanspreeklikheid deur die plaaslike be by the local authority: Provided that the Administrator stuur oorgeneem word: Met dien verstande dat die Admi shall be entitled from time to time to relieve the township nistrateur geregtig is om die dorpseienaar van tyd tot tyd owner wholly or partially from this obligation after refergedeeltelik of geheel van die aanspreeklikheid te onthef ence to the local authority. na raadpleging met die plaaslike bestuur. (b) The township owner shall, at its own expense, re (b) Die dorpseienaar moet op eie koste alle hindernisse move all obstacles from the street reserves to the satisfac in die straatreserwes tot bevrediging van die plaaslike be tion of the local authority. stuur verwyder. (c) Indien die dorpseienaar versuim om aan die bepa (c) If the township owner fails to comply with the provi lings van paragrawe (a) en (b) hiervan te voldoen, is die sions of paragraphs (a) and (b) hereof the local authority plaaslike bestuur geregtig om die werk op koste van die shall be entitled to do the work at the cost of the township dorpseienaar te doen. owner. (4) Begiftiging (4) Endowment (a) Betaalbaarbaar aan die plaaslike bestuur: (a) Payable to the local authority: (i) Die dorpseienaar moet kragtens die bepalings van artikel 63(1)(b) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en (i) The township owner shall, in terms of the provi ions Dorpe, 1965, aan die plaaslike bestuur as begiftiging 'n of section 63(1)(b) of the Town planning and Tow iships globale bedrag van R2 763,00 betaal welke bedrag deur die Ordinance, 1965, pay a lump sum endowment of R2 763,00 plaaslike bestuur aangewend moet word vir die verkryging to the local authority for the provision of land for a cemevan 'n stortingsterrein en begraafplaas. tery and depositing site. Sodanige begiftiging is betaalbaar kragtens die bepalings van artikel 73 van genoemde Ordonnansie. Such endowment shall be payable in terms of section 73 of the said Ordinance. (ii) Die dorpseienaar moet kragtens die bepalings van artikel 63(1)(b) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning (ii) The township owner shall, in terms of the provisions en Dorpe, 1965, aan die plaaslike bestuur as begiftiging 'n of section 63(1)(b) of the Townplanning and Townships Or globale bedrag betaal op die grondwaarde van spesiale dinance, 1965, pay a lump sum endowment to the special woongrond in die dorp, die grootte waarvan bepaal word residential land in the township, the extent of which shall deur 52 m2 te vermenigvuldig met die getal woonsteleen be determined by multiplying 52 m2 by the number of flat hede wat in die dorp gebou kan word. Spesiaal residen units which can be erected in the township; each special re sieel erwe in die dorp. sidential erven in the township. 4

27 I PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 30 APRIL 19M Die waarde van die grond word bepaal kragtens die be The value of the land shall be determined in terms of the palings van artikel 74(3) en sodanige begiftiging is betaal provisions of section 74(3) and such endowment shall be 0 baar kragtens die bepalings van artikel 73 van genoemde payable in terms of section 73 of the said Ordinance and Ordonnansie en die plaaslike bestuur moet sodanige begif the local authority shall use such endowment for the pur tiging gebruik vir die verkryging van parke binne die muni pose of acquiring parks within the municipal area. sipale gebied. (b) The township owner shall in terms of the provisions (b) Die dorpseienaar moet ingevolge die bepalings van of section 63(1) of the Town planning and Townships Ordi artikel 63(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en nance, 1965, pay to the local authority as endowment such Dorpe, 1965, as begiftiging aan die plaaslike bestuur be sums of money equal to 15% of the land value of erven in drae geld betaal gelykstaande met 15% van die grond the township, which amount shall be used by the local auwaarde van erwe in die dorp, welke bedrag deur die plaas thority for the construction of streets and/or stormwater like bestuur aangewend moet word vir die bou van strate drainage in or for the township. en/of stormwaterdreinering in of vir die dorp. Such endowment shall be paid in accordance with the Sodanige begiftiging moet ooreenkomstig die bepalings provisions of section 74 of the aforesaid Ordinance. van artikel 74 van die genoemde Ordonnansie betaal word. (5) Disposal ofexisting Conditions of Title, oorgedra 0 (5) Beskikking oor Bestaande Titelvoorwaardes All erven shall be made subject to existing conditions Alle erwe moet onderworpe gemaak word aan be and servitudes, if any, including the reservation of rights to staande voorwaardes en serwitute, as daar is, met inbegrip minerals, but excluding van die voorbehoud van die regte op minerale, maar uit (a) the following rights which shall not be passed on to gesonderd the erven in the township: (a) die volgende regte wat nie aan die erwe in die dorp (i) "This holding is entitled to a moet word nie: right to convey electric ity by means of cables, wires or underground transmission (i) "This holding is entitled to a right to convey electric over Lot No. 8 Primrose, held under Deed of Transfer No. ity by means of cables, wires or underground transmission 19871/1938, with certain ancillary rights and subject to con over Lot No. 8 Primrose, held under Deed of Transfer No. ditions as will more fully appear from the said Deed of I 19871/1938, with certain ancillary rights and subject to con Transfer." ditions as will more fully appear from the said Deed of (ii) "This Holding is entitled to a Transfer." right to convey electric ity by means of cables, wires or underground transmission (ii) "This holding is entitled to a right to convey electric over Lot No. 52, Primrose held under Deed of Transfer ity by means of cables, wires or underground transmission No. 1081/1939 with certain ancillary rights and subject to over Lot No. 52, Primrose held under Deed of Transfer conditions as will more fully appear from the said Deed of No. 1081/1939 with certain ancillary rights and subject to Transfer." conditions as will more fully appear from the said Deed of (b) the following servitude which affects a Transfer." street in the township only: (b) die volgende serwituut wat slegs 'n straat in die dorp raak: "THE withinmentioned property is subject to a perpe tual "THE right of way and use over a withinmentioned property portion measuring is subject to 6,74 a perpetual right of way and use over a portion square metres as indicated on Diagram S.G. measuring No. 6,74 %A2332/76 annexed to Notarial Deed of Servitude No. square indicated on Diagram S.G. No. K.2476/1977S, made in favour of Bedfordview %A2332/76 annexed to Notarial Deed of Servitude No. Village K2476/19775, made in favour of Bedfordview Village Council, and registered on the 8th day of August, 1977.". Council, and registered on the 8th day of August, 1977.". (6) Sloping van Geboue (6) Demolition ofbuildings Die dorpseienaar moet op eie koste alle bestaande ge The township owner shall at her own expense cause all boue wat binne boulynreserwes, kantruimtes of oor ge existing buildings situated within the building line remeenskaplike grense geled is, laat sloop tot bevrediging serves, side spaces or over common boundaries to be devan die plaaslike bestuur wanneer die plaaslike bestuur dit molished to the satisfaction of the local authority, when revereis. quired by the local authority to do so. 2. TITELVOORWAARDES 2. CONDITIONS OF TITLE Die erwe is onderworpe aan die volgende voorwaardes The erven shall be subject to the following conditions opgele deur die Administrateur ingevolge die bepalings imposed by the Administrator in terms of the provisions of van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, the Townplanning and Townships Ordinance, (1) Die erf is onderworpe aan 'n serwituut 2 m breed, vir riolerings en ander munisipale doeleindes, ten gunste van die plaaslike bestuur, langs enige twee grense, uitgeson derd 'n straatgrens en, in die geval van 'n pypsteelerf, 'n ad disionele serwituut vir munisipale doeleindes 2 m breed oor die toegangsgedeelte van die erf, indien en wanneer verlang deur die plaaslike bestuur: Met dien verstande dat die plaaslike bestuur van enige sodanige serwituut mag of sien. (1) The erf is subject to a servitude, 2 m wide, in favour of the local authority, for sewerage and other municipal purposes, along any two boundaries other than a street boundary and in the case of a panhandle erf, an additional servitude for municipal purposes 2 m wide across the ac cess portion of the erf, if and when required by the local authority: Provided that the local authority may dispense with any such servitude. (2) Geen geboue of ander struktuur mag binne die voor (2) No building or other structure shall be erected within noemde serwituutgebied opgerig word nie en geen groot I the aforesaid servitude area and no large rooted trees

28 ' 1520 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 30 APRIL 1986 wortelbome mag binne die gebied van sodanige serwituut of binne 'n afstand van 2 m daarvan geplant word nie. shall be planted within the area of such servitude or within I A 2 m thereof. (3) Die plaaslike bestuur is geregtig om enige materiaal (3) The local authority shall be entitled to deposit temp wat deur horn uitgegrawe word tydens die aanleg, onder rarity on the land adjoining the aforesaid servitude such houd of verwydering van sodanige rioolhoofpypleidings en material as may be excavated by it during the course of the ander werke wat by volgens goeddunke noodsaaklik ag, ty construction, maintenance or removal of such sewerage delik to plaas op die grond wat aan die voomoemde serwi mains and other works as it, in its discretion may deem ne tuut grens en voorts is die plaaslike bestuur geregtig tot re cessary and shall further be entitled to reasonable access to delike toegang tot genoemde grond vir die voornoemde the said land for the aforesaid purpose subject to any dadoel, onderworpe daaraan dat die plaaslike bestuur enige mage done during the process of the construction, skade vergoed wat gedurende die aanleg, onderhoud of maintenance or removal of such sewerage mains and other verwyderings van sodanige rioolhoofpypleidings en ander works being made good by the local authority. werke veroorsaak word. Administrateurskennisgewing April 1986 Administrator's Notice April 1986 WET OP OPHEFFING VAN BEPERKINGS 1967: ERF REMOVAL OF RESTRICTIONS ACT, 1967: ERF DORP FOREST TOWN FOREST TOWN TOWNSHIP Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel It is hereby notified in terms of section 2(1) of the Re 2(1) van die Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings, 1967, be moval of Restrictions Act, 1967, that the Administrator has kend gemaak dat die Administrateur goedgekeur het approved that dat 1. Condition 3 in Deed of Transfer T26283/1984 be re ' 1. Voorwaarde 3 in Akte van Transport T26283/1984 op moved. gehef word. 2. The Johannesburg Town planning Scheme, 1979, be 2. Johannesburg dorpsbeplanningskema, 1979, gewysig amended by the rezoning of Erf 734, Forest Town Townword deur die hersonering van Erf 734, dorp Forest Town, ship, to "Residential 1" with a density of "One dwelling tot "Residensieel 1" met 'n digtheid van "Een woonhuis per m2" and which amendment scheme will be known per m2" welke wysigingskema bekend staan as Johan as Johannesburg Amendment Scheme 1395, as indicated nesburgwysigingskema 1395, soos toepaslik aangedui op on the relevant Map 3 and scheme clauses which are open die toepaslike. Kaart 3 en skemaklousules wat ter insae 16 for inspection at the offices of the Department of Local in die kantore van die Departement van Plaaslike Bestuur, Government, Pretoria and the Town Clerk of Johannes Pretoria en die Stadsklerk van Johannesburg, Bus burg, PO Box PB PB Administrateurskennisgewing April 1986 Administrator's Notice April 1986 KENNISGEW1NG VAN VERBETERING CORRECTION NOTICE Aangesien dat Administrateurskennisgewing 363 foutief As Administrator's Notice 363 is incorrect, it is hereby is, word dit hiermee herroep en met die volgende kennis withdrawn and replaced with the following notice: gewing vervang: "Removal of Restrictions Act, 1967: Remaining "Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings, 1967: Resterende of Erf 6, Kelvin Township. Extent' Gedeelte van Ed 6, dorp Kelvin. "It is hereby notified in terms of section 2(1) of the Re "Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel moval of Restrictions Act, 1967, that the Administrator has 2(1) van die Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings, 1967, dat approved that condition k(v) in Deed of Transfer die Administrateur goedgekeur het dat voorwaarde k(v) in T18870/1984 be removed.". Akte van Transport T18870/1984 opgehef word.". PB PB Administrateurskennisgewing April 1986 Administrator's Notice April 1986 WET OP OPHEFFING VAN BEPERKINGS, 1967: ERF REMOVAL OF RESTRICTIONS ACT, 1967: ERF 125, 125, DORP DARRENWOOD DARRENWOOD TOWNSHIP Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel It is hereby notified in terms of section 2(1) of the Re 2(1) van die Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings, 1967, be moval of Restrictions Act, 1967, that the Administrator has kend gemaak dat die Administrateur goedgekeur het dat approved that condition 111(n) in Deed of Transfer voorwaardes 111(n) in Akte van Transport /1968 op /1968 be removed. gehef word. PB PB Administrateurskennisgewing Apri11986 Administrator's Notice April JOHANNESBURG WYSIGINGSKEMA 1126 JOHANNESBURG AMENDMENT SCHEME 1126 Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel It is hereby notified in terms of section 36(1) of the

29 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 30 APRIL (1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, Townplanning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that the lk 1965, bekend gemaak dat die Administrateur goedgekeur Administrator has approved the amendment of Johannes het dat Johannesburg dorpsbeplanningskema, 1979, gewy burg Townplanning Scheme, 1979, by the rezoning of sig word deur die hersonering van Erwe 23, 24, 25, 26 en Erven 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27, Maryvale to "Residential 1" 27, Maryvale tot "Residensieel 1" met 'n digtheid van with a density of "One dwelling house per err. "Een woonhuis per erf." Map 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment scheme Kaart 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysigingskema are filed with the Director of Local Government, Pretoria word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike and the Town Clerk, Johannesburg and are open for in Bestuur, Pretoria en die Stadsklerk, Johannesburg en is spection at all reasonable times. beskikbaar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye. This amendment is known as Johannesburg Amendment Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Johannesburgwysi Scheme gingskema PB PB 4922H Administrateurskennisgewing April 1986 Administrator's Notice April 1986 STANDERTON WYSIGINGSKEMA 3 STANDERTON AMENDMENT SCHEME 3 Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel It is hereby notified in terms of section 36(1) of the 36(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, Townplanning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that the 1965, bekend gemaak dat die Administrateur goedgekeur Administrator has approved the amendment of Standerton het dat Standerton dorpsbeplanningskema 3, 1980, gewysig Townplanning Scheme 3, 1980, by the rezoning of Erven word deur die hersonering van Erwe en 107 "Resi and 107 "Residential 4", Erven 103 and 141 "Private densieel 4", Erwe 103 en 141 "Private Oop Ruimte" en Erf Open Space" and Erf 102 "Business" to Portions 132 from 102 "Besigheid" tot Gedeeltes 132 van gekonsolideerde consolidated Erven 285, 107 and 141 "Residential 1" with a Erwe 285, 107 en 141 "Residensieel 1" met 'n digtheid van density of "One dwelling per Erf" and Portion 33 and Re "Een Woonhuis per Erf" en Gedeelte 33 en Restant van maining Extent of Erf 285 to "Existing Open Space". Erf 285 tot "Bestaande Openbare Paaie." Map 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment scheme Kaart 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysigingskema are filed with the Director of Local Government, Pretoria word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike and the Town Clerk, Standerton and are open for inspec Bestuur, Pretoria en die Stadsklerk, Standerton en is be tion at all reasonable times. skikbaar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye. This amendment is known as Standerton Amendment Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Standertonwysiging Scheme 3. skema 3. PB 49233H3 PB 49233H3 Administrateurskennisgewing April 1986 Administrator's Notice April 1986 WET OP OPHEFFING VAN BEPERKINGS, 1967: RE REMOVAL OF RESTRICTIONS ACT, 1967: THE RE STERENDE GEDEELTE II VAN DIE PLAAS NOOIT MAINING EXTEND II OF THE FARM NOOITGE GEDACHT 268, (DEEL VAN DIE VOORGESTELDE DACHT 268, (PART OF THE PROPOSED TOWN CAS DORP CASSIMPARK, UITBREIDING 2, ERMELO) SIM PARK EXTENSION 2, ERMELO TOWNSHIP) Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel It is hereby notified in terms of section 2(1) of the Re 2(1) van die Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings, 1967, be moval of Restrictions Act, 1967, that the Administrator has kend gemaak dat die Administrateur.goedgekeur het dat approved that condition A(b) in Crown Grant 361/1957 be voorwaarde A(b) in Grondbrief 361/1957 opgehef word. removed. PB PB Administrateurskennisgewing April 1986 Administrator's Notice April 1986 VEREENIGING WYSIGINGSKEMA 1/285 VEREENIGING AMENDMENT SCHEME 1/285 Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel It is hereby notified in terms of section 36(1) of the 36(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, Townplanning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that the 1965, bekend gemaak dat die Administrateur goedgekeur Administrator has approved the amendment of Veree het dat Vereeniging dorpsaanlegskema 1, 1956, gewysig niging Townplanning Scheme 1, 1956, by the rezoning of word deur die hersonering van Hoewe 24, Glen Donald the Holding 24, Glen Donald Agricultural Holdings, Dis Landbouhoewes, distrik Vereeniging tot "Landbou" met trict Vereeniging to "Agricultural" with an Annexure. 'n Bylae. Map 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment scheme 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysigingskema are filed with the Director of Local Government, Pretoria lkaart a word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike and the Town Clerk, Vereeniging and are open for inspec Bestuur, Pretoria en die Stadsklerk, Vereeniging, en is be tion at all reasonable times. skikbaar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye. This amendment is known as Vereeniging Amendment Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Vereenigingwysiging Scheme 1/285. skema 1/285. PB PB

30 1522 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 30 APRIL 1986 Administrateurskennisgewing April 1986 Administrator's Notice April 1986 EDENVALE WYSIGINGSKEMA 98 EDENVALE AMENDMENT SCHEME 98 4 Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel It is hereby notified in terms of section 36(1) of the 36(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, Townplanning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that the 1965, bekend gemaak dat die Administrateur goedgekeur Administrator has approved the amendment of Edenvale het dat Edenvale dorpsbeplanningskema, 1980, gewysig Townplanning Scheme, 1980, by the rezoning of Portion 6 word deur die hersonering van Gedeelte 6 van Erf 9, Eden of Erf 9, Edenvale to "Commercial". vale tot "Kommersieel". Map 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment scheme Kaart 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysigingskema are filed with the Director of Local Government, Pretoria word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike and the Town Clerk, Edenvale and are open for inspection Bestuur, Pretoria en die Stadsklerk, Edenvale en is beskik at all reasonable times. baar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye. This amendment is known as Edenvale Amendment Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Edenvalewysiging Scheme 98. skema 98. PB 49213H98 PB H98 Administrateurskennisgewing April 1986 Administrator's Notice April 1986 GERMISTON WYSIGINGSICEMA 18 GERMISTON AMENDMENT SCHEME 18 Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel It is hereby notified in terms of section 36(1) of the 36(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, Townplanning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that the 1965, bekend gemaak dat die Administrateur goedgekeur Administrator has approved the amendment of Germiston het dat Germiston dorpsaanlegskema, 1985, gewysig word Townplanning Scheme, 1985, by the rezoning of Erf 123, deur die hersonering van Ed 123, Suid Germiston tot South Germiston to "Special" for medical consulting "Spesiaal" vir mediese spreeldcamers. rooms. Kaart 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysigingskema Map 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment scheme word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike are filed with the Director of Local Government, Pretoria Bestuur, Pretoria en die Stadsklerk, Germiston en is beskikbaar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye. and the Town Clerk, Germiston and are open for inspec tion at all reasonable times. Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Germistonwysiging This amendment is known as Germiston Amendment skema 18. Scheme 18. PB 4921H18 PB 492 1H18 4 Administrateurskennisgewing April 1986 Administrator's Notice April 1986 WITBANK WYSIGINGSKEMA 1/183 WITBANK AMENDMENT SCHEME 1/183 Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel It is hereby notified in terms of section 36(1) of the 36(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, Townplanning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that the 1965, bekend gemaak dat die Administrateur goedgekeur Administrator has approved the amendment of Witbank het dat Witbank dorpsaanlegskema 1, 1948, gewysig word Townplanning Scheme 1, 1948, by the rezoning of Erf 234, deur die hersonering van Erf 234, Die Heuwel, Witbank Die Heuwel, Witbank from "Special Residential" with a tot "Spesiale Woon" met 'n digtheid van "Een Woonhuis density of "One Dwelling per m2". per m1." Map 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment scheme Kaart 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysigingskema are filed with the Director of Local Government, Pretoria word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike and the Town Clerk, Witbank and are open for inspection Bestuur, Pretoria en die Stadsklerk, Witbank, en is beskik at all reasonable times. baar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye. This amendment is known as Witbank Amendment Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Witbankwysiging Scheme 1/183. skema 1/183. PB PB Administrateurskennisgewing April 1986 Administrator's Notice April 1986 WET OP OPHEFFING VAN BEPERKINGS, 1967: ERF 22, DORP SENDERWOOD REMOVAL OF RESTRICTIONS ACT, 1967: ERF 22, SENDERWOOD TOWNSHIP Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel 2(1) van die Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings, 1967, be It is hereby notified in terms of section 2(1) of the Rekend gemaak dat die Administrateur goedgekeur het moval of Restrictions Act, 1967, that the Administrator has dat approved that

31 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 30 APRIL Voorwaardes B(b), B(k) en B(I) in Akte van Transport 1. Conditions B(b), B(k) and B(1) in Deed of Transfer opgehef word; 79923/1983 be removed; IT9923/ Noordelike Johannesburg Streekdorpsbeplanning 2. the Northern Johannesburg Region Townplanning skema, 1958, gewysig word deur die hersonering van Erf Scheme 1/1958, be amended by the rezoning of Erf 72, Sen 22, dorp Senderwood, tot "Spesiale Residensieel" met 'n derwood Township, to "Special Residential" with a dendigtheid van "Een woonhuis per vk vt" welke sity of "One dwelling per sq ft" and which amendwysigingskema bekend staan as Noordelike Johannesburg ment scheme will be known as Northern Johannesburg. Streek wysigingskema 1415, soos toepaslik aangedui op Region Amendment Scheme 1415, as indicated on the rele die toepaslike Kaart 3 en skemaklousules wat ter insae 16 vant Map 3 and scheme clauses which are open for inspec in die kantore van die Departement van Plaaslike Bestuur, lion at the offices of the Department of Local Govern Pretoria en die Sekretaris Transvaalse Raad vir die Ont ment, Pretoria and the Secretary of the Transvaal Board wikkeling van Buitestedelike gebiede. for Development of the Pen Urban Areas. PB PB Administrateurskennisgewing April 1986 Administrator's Notice April 1986 WET OP OPHEFFING VAN BEPERKINGS, 1967: ERF REMOVAL OF RESTRICTIONS ACT, 1967: ERF 129, 129, DORP SAVOY ESTATES SAVOY ESTATES TOWNSHIP Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel It is hereby notified in terms of section 2(1) of the Re 2(1) van die Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings, 1967, be moval of Restrictions Act, 1967, that the Administrator has kend gemaak dat die Administrateur goedgekeur het dat approved that condition B(15) in Deed of Transfer B(15) in Akte van Transport No T13780/1968 T13780/1968 be removed in order to remove the restrictive opgehef word ten einde die beperkte boulyn op to hef. building line condition. Dvoorwaarde PB PB Administrateurskennisgewing April 1986 Administrator's Notice April 1986 FOCHVILLEWYSIGINGSKEMA 23 FOCHVILLE AMENDMENT SCHEME 23 Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel It is hereby notified in terms of section 36(1) of the 36(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, Townplanning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that the 1965, bekend gemaak dat die Administrateur goedgekeur Administrator has approved the amendment of Fochville het dat Fochville dorpsbeplanningskema, 1980, gewysig Townplanning Scheme, 1980, by the rezoning of Erf 1247, word deur die hersonering van Erf 1247, Fochville Uitbrei Fochville Extention 1, to "Parking". ding 1, tot "Parkering". Map 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment scheme Kaart 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysigingskema are filed with the Director of Local Government, Pretoria word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike and the Town Clerk, Fochville and are open for inspection Bestuur, Pretoria en die Stadsklerk, Fochville en is beskik at all reasonable times. baar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye. This amendment is known as Fochville Amendment Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Fochvillewysiging Scheme 23. eh skema H23 IF PBPB 49257H23 Administrateurskennisgewing April 1986 Administrator's Notice April 1986 WET OP OPHEFFING VAN BEPERKINGS, 1967: ERF REMOVAL OF RESTRICTIONS ACT, 1967: ERF DORP SAXONWOLD SAXONWOLD TOWNSHIP Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel It is hereby notified in terms of section 2(1) of the Re 2(1) van die Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings, 1967, be moval of Restrictions Act, 1967, that the Administrator has kend gemaak dat die Administrateur goedgekeur het dat approved that condition (a), (b), (d), (e), (f), (g) and (h) in voorwaardes (a), (b), (d), (e), (0. (g) en (h) in Akte van Deed of Transfer F 13567/1973 be removed and altered Transport F 13567/1973 opgehef word en wysig voorwaarde condition (c) "The Transferee shall not have the right to (c) "The Transferee shall not have the right to open or open or allow or cause to be opened upon the Lot any allow or cause to be opened upon the Lot any place for the place for the sale of wine, beer or spirituous liquors." sale of wine, beer or spirituous liquors." PB PB Administrateurskennisgewing Apri11986 Administrator's Notice April 1986 "WET OP OPHEFFING VAN BEPERKINGS, 1967: ERF REMOVAL OF RESTRICTIONS ACT, 1967: ERF DORP PINEPARK PINE PARK TOWNSHIP Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel It is hereby notified in terms of section 2(1) of the Re

32 1524 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 30 APRIL (1) van die Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings, 1967, be moval of Restrictions Act, 1967, that the Administrator has kend gemaak dat die Administrateur goedgekeur het approved that dat 1. Condition A(m) in Deed of Transfer T45012/1982 be 1. Voorwaardes A(m) in Akte van Transport altered to permit the building line to be relaxed; T45102/1982 gewysig word ten einde dit moontlik te maak 2. the Johannesburg Town planning Scheme, 1979, be dat die boulyn verslap kan word; amended by the rezoning of Ed 93 Pine Park Township, so 2. Johannesburg dorpsbeplanningskema, 1979, gewysig as to permit the erection of buildings 1,5 m from te side word deur die hersonering van Erf 93 dorp Pinepark, sodat and/or rear boundaries of the property, and which amend die oprigting van geboue 1,5 m van die sygrens en/of ag ment scheme will be known as Johannesburg Amendment terste grens van die terrein toegelaat kan word, welke wy Scheme 1489, as indicated on the relevant Map 3 and sigingskema bekend staan as Johannesburg wysigingskema scheme clauses which are open for inspection at the office 1489, soos toepaslik aangedui op die topaslike Kaart 3 en of the Department of Local Government, Pretoria and the skemaklousules wat ter insae le in die kantore van die De Town Clerk of Johannesburg. partement van Plaaslike Bestuur, Pretoria en die Stadsklerk van Johannesburg. PB PB Administrateurskennisgewing April 1986 Administrator's Notice April 1986 PIETERSBURG WYSIGINGSKEMA 52 PIETERSBURG AMENDMENT SCHEME 52 Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel It is hereby notified in terms of section 36(1) of the 36(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, Townplanning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that the 1965, bekend gemaak dat die Administrateur goedgeketu Administrator has approved the amendment of Pietersburg het dat Pietersburg dorpsbeplanningskema, 1981, gewysig Townplanning Scheme, 1981, by the Rezoning of the Reword deur die hersonering van die Resterende Gedeelte maining Extent of Erf 234, Pietersburg to "Public Garage". van Ed 234, Pietersburg tot "Openbare Garage". Map 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment scheme Kaart 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysigingskema are filed with the Director of Local Government, Pretoria word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike and the Town Clerk, Pietersburg and are open for inspec Bestuur, Pretoria en die Stadsklerk, Pietersburg en is be don at all reasonable times. skikbaar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye. This amendment is known as Pietersburg Amendment Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Pietersburgwysiging Scheme 52. skema. PB PB Administrateurskennisgewing April 1986 Administrator's Notice April 1986 TZANEEN WYSIGINGSKEMA 21 TZANEEN AMENDMENT SCHEME 21 4 Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel It is hereby notified in terms of section 36(1) of the 36(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, Townplanning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that the 1965, bekend gemaak dat die Administrateur goedgekeur Administrator has approved the amendment of Tzaneen het dat Tzaneen dorpsbeplanningskema, 1980, gewysig Townplanning Scheme, 1980, by amendment of the word deur die wysiging van die skemaklousules ten opsigte scheme clauses in respect of use zones V and VI in order to van gebruiksones V en VI ten einde die parkeervereistes increase the parking requirements to 3 parking spaces per te verhoog na 3 parkeerplekke per 100 m m2. Kaart 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysigingskema word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Pretoria en die Stadsklerk, Tzaneen en is beskik baar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye. Map 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment scheme are filed with the Director of Local Government, Pretoria and the Town Clerk, Tzaneen and are open for inspection at allreasonable times. Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Tzaneen wysiging This amendment is known as Tzaneen Amendment skema 21. Scheme 21. PB H21 PB 49271H21 4 Administrateurskennisgewing April 1986 Administrator's Notice April 1986 BRAKPANWYSIGINGSKEMA 69 BRAKPAN AMENDMENT SCHEME 69 Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel It is hereby notified in terms of section 36(1) of the 36(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, Townplanning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that the 1965, bekend gemaak dat die Administrateur goedgekeur Administrator has approved the amendment of Brakpan het dat Brakpan dorpsbeplanningskema, 1980, gewysig Townplanning Scheme, 1980, by the rezoning of Portion of word deur die hersonering van gedeelte van Ed 129, geiee Ed 129, situated on Watt Street, Lahore Township to "In aan Wattstraat, dorp Labore na "Nywerheid 2" onder dustrial 2" subject to certain conditions. worpe aan sekere voowaardes. Kaart 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysigingskema Map 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment scheme word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike are filed with the Director of Local Government, Pretoria

33 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 30 APRIL Bestuur, Pretoria en die Stadsklerk, Brakpan en is beskik and the Town Clerk, Brakpan and are open for inspection ar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye. at all reasonable times. ehbahierdie wysiging staan bekend as Brakpanwysiging This amendment is known as Brakpan Amendment skema 69. Scheme 69. PB 4929H69 PB Administrateurskennisgewing April 1986 Administrator's Notice April 1986 WET OP OPHEFFING VAN BEPERKINGS, 1967: REMOVAL OF RESTRICTIONS ACT, 1967: ERVEN 236 ERWE 236 EN 237, DORP SELCOURT AND 237, SELCOURT TOWNSHIP Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel It is hereby notified in terms of section 2(1) of the Re 2(1) van die Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings, 1967, be moval of Restrictions Act, 1967, that the Administrator has kend gemaak dat die Administrateur goedgekeur het approved that dat 1. Conditions (g), (m) and (n) in Deeds of Transfer 1. Voorwaardes (g), (m) en (n) in Aktes van Transport F8011/1968 and F9805/1968 be removed; F8011/1968 en F9805/1968 opgehef word; 2. the Springs Town planning Scheme 1, 1948, be 2. Springsdorpsaanlegskema 1, 1948, gewysig word deur amended by the rezoning of Erven 236 and 237, Selcourt die hersonering van Erwe 236 en 237, dorp Selcourt tot Township to "Special Residential" with a density of "One "Spesiale Woon" met 'n digtheid van "Een woonhuis per dwelling per sq m" and which amendment scheme will m2" welke wysigingskema bekend staan as Springs be known as Springs Amendment Scheme 1/305, as indiwysigingskema 1/305, soos aangedui op die toepaslike cated on the relevant Map 3 and scheme clauses which are aart 3 en skemaklousules wat ter insae 16 in die kantore open for inspection at the offices of the Department of van die Departement van Plaaslike Bestuur, Pretoria en Local Government, Pretoria and the Town Clerk of die Stadsklerk van Springs. Springs. PB PB Administrateurskennisgewing April 1986 Administrator's Notice April 1986 VERKLARING TOT GOEDGEKEURDE DORP DECLARATION AS APPROVED TOWNSHIP Ingevolge artikel 69 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbe In terms of section 69 of the Town planning and Town planning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van 1965), ver ships Ordinance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), the Admiklaar die Administrateur hierby die dorp Jetpark Uitbrei nistrator hereby declares Jet Park Extension 4 Township to ding 4 tot 'n goedgekeurde dorp onderworpe aan die be an approved township subject to the conditions set out voorwaardes uiteengesit in die bygaande Bylae. in the Schedule hereto. PB PB BYLAE SCHEDULE WAAROP DIE AANSOEK GE CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH THE APPLICATION OEN DEUR BABCOCK AFRICA (PROPRIETARY) MADE BY BABCOCK AFRICA (PROPRIETARY) LIitVOORWAARDES IMITED AND BABCOCK PROPERTIES ELANDS MITED AND BABCOCK PROPERTIES ELANDSFON FONTEIN (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED INGEVOLGE TEIN (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED UNDER THE PRO DIE BEPALINGS VAN DIE ORDONNANSIE OP VISIONS OF THE TOWN PLANNING AND DORPSBEPLANNING EN DORPE, 1965, OM TOE TOWNSHIPS ORDINANCE, 1965, FOR PERMISSION STEMMING OM 'N DORP TE STIG OP DIE RESTANT TO ESTABLISH A TOWNSHIP ON THE REMAINDER VAN GEDEELTE 462 VAN DIE PLAAS RIETFONTEIN OF PORTION 462 OF THE FARM RIETFONTEIN 63 IR 63 IR EN DIE RESTANT VAN GEDEELTE 57 VAN DIE AND THE REMAINDER OF PORTION 57 OF THE PLAAS DRIEFONTEIN 85 IR PROVINSIE TRANS FARM DRIEFONTEIN 85 IR PROVINCE OF TRANS VAAL, TOEGESTAAN IS VAAL, HAS BEEN GRANTED 1. STIGTINGSVOORWAARDES I. CONDITIONS OF ESTABLISHMENT (1) Naam (1) Name Die naam van die dorp is Jetpark Uitbreiding 4. The name of the township shall be Jet Park Extension 4. (2) On twerp Die dorp bestaan uit erwe en 'n straat soos aangedui op Algemene Plan LG A2201/83. (3) Strate (a) Die dorpseienaars moet die strate in die dorp vorm, raap en in stand hou tot bevrediging van die plaaslike.stuur totdat die aanspreeklikheid deur die plaaslike betuur oorgeneem word: Met dien verstande dat die Administrateur geregtig is om die dorpseienaars van tyd tot tyd (2) Design The township shall consist of erven and a street as indicated on General Plan SG A2201/83. (3) Streets (a) The township owners shall form, grade and maintain the streets in the township to the satisfaction of the local authority until such time as this responsibility is taken over by the local authority: Provided that the Administrator

34 1526 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 30 APRIL 1986 gedeeltelik of geheel van die aanspreeklikheid te onthef shall be entitled from time to time to relieve the township na raadpleging met die plaaslike bestuur. owners wholly or partially from this obligation after refea rence to the local authority. (b) Die dorpseienaars moet op eie koste alle hindemisse in die straatreserwes tot bevrediging van die plaaslike be (b) The township owners shall, at their own expense, re stuur verwyder. move all obstacles from the street reserves to the satisfac Lion of the local authority. (c) Indien die dorpseienaars versuim om aan die bepalings van paragrawe (a) en (b) hiervan te voldoen, is die (c) If the township owners fail to comply with the proviplaaslike bestuur geregtig om die werk op koste van die sions of paragraphs (a) and (b) hereof the local authority dorpseienaars te doen. shall be entitled to do the work at the cost of the township owners. (4) Begiftiging (4) Endowment Betaalbaar aan die plaaslike bestuur: Payable to the local authority: Die dorpseienaars moet ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 63(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en The township owners shall, in terms of section 63(1) of Dorpe, 1965, as begiftiging aan die plaaslike bestuur be the Townplanning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, pay to drae geld betaal gelykstaande met 71/2 % van die grond the local authority as endowment sums of money equal to. waarde van erwe in die dorp, welke bedrag deur die plaas 71/2 % of the land value of erven in the township, which like bestuur aangewend moet word vir die bou van strafe amount shall be used by the local authority for the conen/of stormwaterdreinering in of vir die dorp. struction of streets and/or stormwater drainage in or for the township. Sodanige begiftiging moet ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel 74 van die genoemde Ordonnansie betaal word. Such endowment shall be payable in accordance with the provisions of section 74 of the aforesaid Ordinance. (5) Beskiicking oor Bestaande Titelvoonvaardes (5) Disposal of Existing Conditions of Title Alle erwe moet onderworpe gemaak word aan be I staande voorwaardes en serwitute, as daar is, met inbegrip All erven shall be made subject to existing conditions van die voorbehoud van die regte op minerale. and servitudes, if any, including the reservation of rights to minerals. (6) Toegang (6) Access (a) Ingang van Provinsiale Pad P63 1 tot die dorp en nitgang tot Provinsiale Pad P63 1 uit die dorp word beperk tot (a) Ingress from Provincial Road P63 1 to the township die grens van Erf 91 aangrensend aan sodanige pad tussen and egress to Provincial Road P63 1 from the township die punte g en h soos op die algemene plan aangedui. shall be restricted to the boundary of Erf 91 abutting on the said road between the points g and h as indicated on the (b) Die dorpseienaars moet op eie koste 'n meetkundige general plan. uitlegontwerp (skaal 1:500) van die in en uitgangspunte genoem in (a) hierbo en spesifikasies vir die bou van die (b) The township owners shall at their own expense, sub aansluitings laat opstel en aan die Direkteur, Transvaalse mit a geometric design layout (scale 1:500) of the ingress Paaiedepartement, vir goedkeuring voorle. Die dorpseie and egress points referred to in (a) above, and specifica naars moet, nadat die ontwerp en spesifikasies goedge tions for the construction of the accesses, to the Director, keur is, die toegange op eie koste bou tot bevrediging van Transvaal Roads Department for approval. The township die Direkteur, Transvaalse Paaiedepartement op versoek owners shall after approval of the layout and specifica na sodanige Direkteur. tions, construct the said ingress and egress points at their own expense to the satisfaction of the Director, Transvaal (7) Ontvangs en Versorging van Stormwater Roads Department when required to do so by the said Di Die dorpseienaars moet die stormwaterdreinering van rector. die dorp so reel dat dit inpas by die van Pad P63 1 en moet (7)Acceptance and Disposal ofstormwater I die stormwater wat van die pad afloop of afgelei word, ontvang en versorg. The township owners shall arrange for the drainage of the township to fit in with that of Road P631 and for all (8) Konsolidasie van Erwe stormwater running off or being diverted from the road to Die dorpseienaars moet op eie koste Erf 91 en Erf 92 in be received and disposed of. die dorp, laat konsolideer. (8) Consolidation oferven (9) Verpligtinge ten Opsigte van Noodsaaklike Dienste The township owners shall at their own expense cause Die dorpseienaars moet binne sodanige tydperk as wat Erf 91 and Erf 92 in the township to be consolidated. die plaaslike bestuur mag bepaal, sy verpligtinge met be (9) Obligations in Regard to Essential Services trekking tot die voorsiening van water, elektrisiteit en sanitere dienste en die installering van stelsels daaryoor, The townships owners shall within such period as the soos vooraf ooreengekom tussen die dorpseienaars en die local authority may determine, fulfil their obligations in plaaslike bestuur, nakom. respect of the provision of water, electricity and sanitary services and the installation of systems therefore, as pre 2. TITELVOORWAARDES viously agreed upon between the township owners and the Die erwe is onderworpe aan die volgende voorwaardes local authority. opgele deur die Administrateur ingevolge die bepalings 2. CONDITIONS OF TITLE van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, The erven shall be subject to the following conditions (1) Die erf is onderworpe aan 'n serwituut 2 m breed, vir imposed by the Administrator in terms of the provisions of riolerings en ander munisipale doeleindes, ten gunste van the Townplanning and Townships Ordinance, die plaaslike bestuur, longs enige twee grense, uitgeson a derd 'n straatgrens en, in die geval van 'n pypsteelerf, 'n ad (1) The erf is subject to a servitude, 2 m wide, in favour

35 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 30 APRIL disionele serwituut vir munisipale doeleindes 2 m breed of the local authority, for sewerage and other municipal die toegangsgedeelte van die erf, indien en wanneer purposes, along any two boundaries other than a street verlang deur die plaaslike bestuur: Met.dien verstande dat boundary and in the case of a panhandle ell, an additional die plaaslike bestuur van enige sodanige serwituut mag af servitude for municipal purposes 2 m wide across the acsien. cess portion of the erf, if and when required by the local authority: Provided that the local authority may dispense (2) Geen geboue of ander struktuur mag binne die voor with any such servitude. noemde serwituutgebied opgerig word the en geen grootwortelbome mag binne die gebied van sodanige serwituut (2) No building or other structure shall be erected within of binne 'n afstand van 2 m daarvan geplant word nie. the aforesaid servitude area and no large rooted trees shall be planted within the area of such servitude or within 2m thereof. (3) Die plaaslike bestuur is geregtig om enige materiaal wat deur horn uitgegrawe word tydens die aanleg, onder (3) The local authority shall be entitled to deposit ternhoud of verwydering van sodanige rioolhoofpypleidings en porarily on the land adjoining the aforesaid servitude such ander werke wat hy volgens goeddunke noodsaaklik ag, ty material as may be excavated by it during the course of the delik to plaas op die grond wat aan die voomoemde serwi construction, maintenance or removal of such sewerage tuut grens en voorts is die plaaslike bestuur geregtig tot re mains and other works as it, in its discretion may deem endelike toegang tot genoemde grond vir die voomoemde cessary and shall further be entitled to reasonable access to doel, onderworpe daaraan dat die plaaslike bestuur enige the said land for the aforesaid purpose subject to any da skade vergoed wat gedurende die aanleg, onderhoud of mage done during the process of the construction, mainte verwyderings van sodanige rioolhoofpypleidings en ander nance or removal of such sewerage mains and other work; werke veroorsaak word. being made good by the local authority. Poor April 1986 Administrator's Notice April1986 padministrateurskennisgewing BOKSBURGWYSIGINGSKEMA 325 BOKSBURG AMENDMENT SCHEME 325 Die Administrateur verklaar hierby ingevolge die bepa The Administrator hereby, in terms of the provisions of lings van artikel 89(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbe section 89(1) of the Town planning and Townships Ordiplanning en Dorpe, 1965, dat hy 'n wysigingskema synde 'n nance, 1965, declares that he has approved an amendment wysiging van Boksburg dorpsaanlegskema 1, 1946, wat uit scheme, being an amendment of Boksburg Town planning dieselfde grond as die dorp Jetpark Uitbreiding 4 bestaan, Scheme 1, 1946, comprising the same land as included in goedgekeur het. the township of Jetpark Extension 4. Kaart 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysigingskema Map 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment scheme word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike are filed with the Director of Local Government, Pretoria Bestuur, Pretoria en die Stadsklerk, Boksburg en is be and the Town Clerk, Boksburg and are open for inspection skikbaar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye. at all reasonable times. Hierdie wysing staan bekend as Boksburgwysiging This amendment is known as Boksburg Amendment skema 325. Scheme 325. PB PB Administrateurskennisgewing Apri11986 Administrator's Notice April 1986 RUSTENBURG WYSIGINGSKEMA 67 RUSTENBURG AMENDMENT SCHEME 67 Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel It is hereby notified in terms of section 36(1) of the 36(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, Townplanning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that the 1965, bekend gemaak dat die Administrateur goedgekeur Administrator has approved the amendment of Rusten het dat Rustenburgdorpsbeplanningskema, 1980, gewysig burg Townplanning Scheme, 1980, by the rezoning of Por word deur die hersonering van Gedeelte 152 ('n gedeelte tion 152 (a portion of Portion 1) of the farm Town and van Gedeelte 1) van die plaas Town and Townlands of Rus Townlands of Rustenburg 272 JQ, to "Institution". tenburg 272 JQ. tot "Inrigring". Map 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment scheme Kaart 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysigingskema are filed with the Director of Local Government, Pretoria word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike and the Town Clerk, Rustenburg and are open for inspec Bestuur, Pretoria en die Stadsklerk van Rustenburg, en is tion at all reasonable times. beskikbaar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye. This amendment is known as Rustenburg Amendment Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Rustenburgwysiging Scheme 67. skema 67. PB 49231H67 PB 49231H67 D. Administrateurskennisgewing April 1986 Administrator's Notice April 1986 VERKLARING TOT GOEDGEKEURDE DORP DECLARATION AS APPROVED TOWNSHIP Ingevolge artikel 69 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbe In terms of section 69 of the Town planning and Town planning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van 1965), ver ships Ordinance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), the Admi.

36 1528 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 30 APRIL 1986 klaar die Administrateur hierby die dorp Garstfontein Uit nistrator hereby declares Garstfontein Extension 14 Town breiding 14 tot 'n goedgekeurde dorp onderworpe aan die ship to be an approved township subject to the conditions voorwaardes uiteengesit in die bygaande Bylae. set out in the Schedule hereto. PB PB BYLAE SCHEDULE VOORWAARDES WA AROP DIE AANSOEK GE CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH THE APPLICATION DOEN DEUR BONAEROPARK (EIENDOMS) BE MADE BY BONAERO PARK (EIENDOMS) BEPERK PERK INGEVOLGE DIE BEPALINGS VAN DIE OR UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE TOWN PLAN DONNANSIE OP DORPSBEPLANNING EN DORPE, NING AND TOWNSHIPS ORDINANCE, 1965, FOR 1965, OM TOESTEMMING OM 'N DORP TE STIG OP PERMISSION TO ESTABLISH A TOWNSHIP ON THE DIE RESTANT VAN GEDEELTE 48 VAN DIE PLAAS REMAINDER OF PORTION 48 OF THE FARM GARST GARSTFONTEIN 374 JR, PROVINSIE TRANSVAAL, FONTEIN 374 JR, PROVINCE OF TRANSVAAL, HAS TOEGESTAAN IS BEEN GRANTED 1. STIGTINGSVOORWAARDES 1. CONDITIONS OF ESTABLISHMENT (1) Naam Die naam van die dorp is Garstfontein Uitbreiding 14. (1) Name he name of the township shall be Garstfontein Exten siotn 14. (2) Ontwerp (2) Design Die dorp bestaan uit erwe en strate soos aangedui op The township shall consist of erven and streets as indi Algemene Plan LG No A6981/84. 4 cated on General Plan SG No A6981/84. (3) Storm waterdreinering en Straatbou (3) Stormwater Drainage and Street Construction (a) Die dorpseienaar moet op versoek van die plaaslike (a) The township owner shall on request by the local bestuur aan sodanige bestuur 'n gedetailleerde skema, vol authority submit to such authority for its approval a deledig met planne, deursnee en spesifikasies, opgestel deur tailed scheme complete with plans, sections and specifica 'n siviele ingenieur wat deur die plaaslike bestuur goedge tions, prepared by a civil engineer approved by the local keur is, vir die opgaar en afvoer van stormwater deur die authority, for the collection and disposal of stormwater hele dorp deur middel van behoorlike aangelegde werke throughout the township by means of properly constructed en vir die aanle, teermacadamisering, beranding en kanaworks and for the construction, tarmacadamising, kerbing lisering van die strate daarin, sesame met die verskaffing and channelling of the streets therein together with the van sodanige keermure as wat die plaaslike bestuur nodig provision of such retaining walls as may be considered neag, vir goedkeuring voorle. cessary by the local authority. Verder moet die skema die mete en helling aandui deur Furthermore, the scheme shall indicate the route and middel waarvan elke erf toegang tot die aangrensende gradient by which each erf gains access to the street on straat verkry. which it abuts. (b) Die dorpseienaar moet, wanneer die plaaslike be (b) The township owner shall, when required by the local stuur dit vereis, die goedgekeurde skema op eie koste na authority to do so, carry out the approved scheme at its mens en tot bevrediging van die plaaslike bestuur, onder own expense on behalf and to the satisfaction of the local toesig van 'n siviele ingenieur deur die plaaslike bestuur authority under the supervision of a civil engineer apgoedgekeur, uitvoer. proved by the local authority. 4 (c) Die dorpseienaar is verantwoordelik vir die instand (c) The township owner shall be responsible for the houding van die strate tot bevrediging van die plaaslike maintenance of the streets to the satisfaction of the local bestuur totdat die strate ooreenkomstig subklousule (b) authority until the streets have been constructed as set out gebou is. in subclause (b). (d) Indien die dorpseienaar versuim om aan die bepa (d) If the township owner fails to comply with the proilings van paragrawe (a), (b) en (c) hiervan te voldoen, is sions of paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) hereof the local die plaaslike bestuur geregtig om die werk op koste van authority shall be entitled to do the work at the cost or the die dorpseienaar te doen. township owner. (4) Beskikking oor Bestaande Titelvoorwaardes (4) Disposal ofexisting Conditions of Title Alle erwe moet onderworpe gemaak word aan be All erven shall be made subject to existing conditions staande voorwaardes en serwitute, as daar is, met inbegrip and servitudes, if any, including the reservation of rights to van die voorbehoud van die regte op minerale, maar uit minerals, but excluding gesonderd (a) the following conditions and servitudes which do not (a) die volgende voorwaardes en serwitute wat nie die affect the township area: dorp raak nie: (i) "THE portion transferred to DIRK CORNELIS (i) "THE portion transferred to DIRK CORNELIS PRINSLOO by Deed of Transfer No 14867/1920 of which PRINSLOO by Deed of Transfer No 14867/1920 of which the property hereby transferred forms a part and Remainthe property hereby transferred forms a part and Remain ing Extent of said portion of the said farm measuring as ing Extent of said portion of the said farm measuring as such 883,9989 Hektares are jointly subject to servitude of such 883,9989 Hektares are jointly subject to servitude of water rights in favour of the Northern Portion of the 4 said water rights in favour of the Northern Portion of the said

37 1 riele PROVINCIAL GAZE! lb, 30 APRIL farm, as will more fully appear from certain Deed of Servi farm, as will more fully appear from certain Deed of Servitude No 43/1894." tude No 43/1894." (ii) "The water in the dam and water furrow situate on. (ii) "The water in the dam and water furrow situate on Portion 2 of the portion of the aforesaid farm measuring Portion 2 of the portion of the aforesaid farm measuring 96,7881 Hectares shall be for the use of the owner of the 96,7881 Hectares shall be for the use of the owner of the Remaining Extent of the said farm, measuring as such Remaining Extent of the said farm, measuring as such 257,1994 Hectares (of which the property transferred under 257,1994 Hectares (of which the property transferred under this paragraph is a portion) and the owner of aforesaid this paragraph is a portion) and the owner of aforesaid Portion 2 of the following proportion: Portion 2 of the following proportion: (a) The owner of the said Remaining Extent four days out of every six days water out of the dain and water fur row situate as aforesaid. (a) The owner of the said Remaining Extent four days out of every six days water out of the dam and water furrow situate as aforesaid. (b) The owner of said Portion 2 two days water out of (b) The owner of said Portion 2 two days water out of every six days. The said two days to be Monday and Tues every six days. The said two days to be Monday and Tuesday. One day shall be reckoned from 6 o'clock in the morn day. One day shall be reckoned from 6 o'clock in the morn ing till 6 o'clock in the afternoon." ing till 6 o'clock in the afternoon." (iii) "Die water waarop die Resterende Gedeelte van (iii) "Die water waarop die Resterende Gedeelte van Gedeelte van Gedeelte van die plaas Garstfontein No 374 Gedeelte van Gedeelte van die plaas Garstfontein No 374 distrik Pretoria, geregtig was, sal voortaan as volg geniet distrik Pretoria, geregtig was, sal voortaan as volg geniet word: word: Die eiendom hierby getransporteer sal geregtig wees tot Die eiendom hierby getransporteer sal geregtig wees tot drie dae se water uit elke ses dae en die beurt sal op drie dae se water uit elke ses dae en die beurt sal op Woensdag, Donderdag en Vrydag geneem word. Ge Woensdag, Donderdag en Vrydag geneem word. Gedeeltes 226 en 227 gehou kragtens Transport No 9794/1955 deeltes 226 en 227 gehou kragtens Transport No 9794/1955 gedateer 21 April 1955, sal gesamentlik geregtig wees tot gedateer 21 April 1955, sal gesamentlik geregtig wees tot een dag se water uit elke ses dae en die beurt sal op Sater een dag se water uit elke ses dae en die beurt sal op Saterdag geneem word." dag geneem word." (iv) "Die voormalige Restant van Gedeelte 48 ('n ge (iv) "Die voormalige Restant van Gedeelte 48 ('n gedeelte van Gedeelte 2) van die plaas Garstfontein 374, Re deelte van Gedeelte 2) van die plaas Garstfontein 374, Registrasie Afdeling JR, Transvaal, groot 47,5242 (SEWE EN gistrasie Afdeling JR, Transvaal, groot 47,5242 (SEWE EN VEERTIG komma VYF TWEE VIER TWEE) hektaar is VEERTIG komma VYF TWEE VIER TWEE) hektaar is onderhewig aan 'n pyplyn serwituut onteien en sedeer aan onderhewig aan 'n pyplyn serwituut onteien en sedeer aan die Republiek van Suid Afrika soos meer ten voile sal blyk die Republiek van Suid Afrika soos meer ten voile sal blyk uit Akte van Sessie K2715/19755." uit Akte van Sessie K2715/1975S." (b) die volgende serwituut wat slegs Erwe 3562, 3563, (b) the following servitude which affects Erven 3562, 3568, 3575 tot 3577, 3588, 3589, 3610, 3611, 3672, 3673 en 3563, 3568, 3575 to 3577, 3588, 3589, 3610, 3611, 3672, 3673 strate in die dorp raak: and streets in the township only: "Die eiendom hiermee getransporteer is kragtens Nota "Die eiendom hiermee getransporteer is kragtens Nota Akte K629/835 onderhewig aan twee serwitute vir al riele Akte K629/83S onderhewig aan twee serwitute vir algemene munisipale doeleindes respektiewelik aangetoon gemene munisipale doeleindes respektiewelik aangetoon deur die figuur abcdef middel van Moreletaspruit a en deur die figuur abcdef middel van Moreletaspruit a en GHJK soos meer ten voile sal blyk op Kaart LG No GHJK soos meer ten voile sal blyk op Kaart LG No A5569/81 by bogenoemde Notariele Akte aangeheg.". A5569/81 by bogenoemde Notariele Akte aangeheg.". (5) Grond vir Munisipale Doeleindes (5) Landfor Municipal Purposes Erwe 3673 en 3674 moet deur en op koste van die dorpseienaar aan die plaaslike bestuur as parke oorgedra word. (6) Toegang Geen ingang van Provinsiale Pad K69 tot die dorp en geen uitgang tot Provinsiale Pad K69 uit die dorp word toegelaat nie. (7) Verskuiwing ofdie Vervanging van Munisipale Dienste Indien dit as gevolg van die stigting van die dorp nodig word om enige bestaande munisipale dienste te verskuif of te vervang moet die koste daarvan deur die dorpseienaar gedra word. (8) Beperking op die Vervreemding en Ontwikkeling van Erwe Erven 3673 and 3674 shall be transferred to the local authority by and at the expense of the township owner as parks. (6) Access No ingress from Provincial Road K69 to the township and no egress to Provincial Road K69 from the township shall be allowed. (7) Removal or Replacement ofmunicipal Services lf, by reason of the establishment of the township, it should become necessary to remove or replace any existing municipal services, the cost thereof shall be borne by the township owner. (8) Restriction on the Disposal and Development oferven Die dorpseienaar mag nie Erwe 3652 tot 3656 en 3674 The township owner shall not dispose of or develop vervreem of ontwikkel en oordrag van die erwe sal nie toe Erven 3652 to 3656 and 3674 and transfer of the erven shall gelaat word totdat Provinsiale Pad K69 geproklameer en not be permitted until Provincial Road K69 has been pro vir verkeer oopgestel is nie. claimed and opened to traffic. 2. TITELVOORWAARDES 2. CONDITIONS OF TITLE Die erwe met die uitsondering van die erwe genoem in The erven with the exception of the erven mentioned in

38 1530 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 30 APRIL 1986 Klousule 1(5) is onderworpe aan die volgende voor clause 1(5) shall be subject to the following conditions imwaardes opgele deur die Administrateur ingevolge die be posed by the Administrator in terms of the provisions of palings van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en the Townplanning and Townships Ordinance, Dorpe, (1) Die erf is onderworpe aan 'n serwituut 2 m breed, vir (1) The erf is subject to a servitude, 2 m wide, in favour riolerings en ander munisipale doeleindes, ten gunste van of the local authority, for sewerage and other municipal die plaaslike bestuur, langs enige twee grense, uitgeson purposes, along any two boundaries other than a street derd 'n straatgrens en, in die geval van 'n pypsteelerf, 'n ad boundary and in the case of a panhandle erf, an additional disionele serwituut vir munisipale doeleindes 2 m breed servitude for municipal purposes' 2 m wide across the acoor die toegangsgedeelte van die erf, indien en wanneer cess portion of the erf, if and when required by the local verlang deur die plaaslike bestuur: Met dien verstande dat authority: Provided that the local authority may dispense die plaaslike bestuur van enige sodanige serwituut mag af with any such servitude. sien. (2) Geen geboue of ander struktuur mag binne die voor (2) No building or other structure shall be erected within noemde serwituutgebied opgerig word nie en geen groot the aforesaid servitude area and no large rooted trees wortelbome mag binne die gebied van sodanige serwituut shall be planted within the area of such servitude or within of binne 'n afstand van 2 m daarvan geplant word nie. 2 m thereof.. (3) Die plaaslike bestuur is geregtig om enige materiaal wat deur hom uitgegrawe word tydens die aanleg, onder (3) The local authority shall be entitled to deposit ternhoud of verwydering van sodanige rioolhoofpypleidings en porarily on the land adjoining the aforesaid servitude such ander werke wat by volgens goeddunke noodsaaklik ag, ty material as may be excavated by it during the course of the delik plaas op die grond wat aan die voornoemde serwi construction, maintenance or removal of such sewerage tuut grens en voorts is die plaaslike bestuur geregtig tot re mains and other works as it, in its discretion may deem delike toegang tot genoemde grond vir die voornoemde necessary and shall further be entitled to reasonable access doel, onderworpe daaraan dat die plaaslike bestuur enige to the said land for the aforesaid purpose subject to any 4 skade vergoed wat gedurende die aanleg, onderhoud of damage done during the process of the construction, mainverwyderings van sodanige rioolhoofpypleidings en ander tenance or removal of such sewerage mains and other werke veroorsaak word. works being made good by die local authority. Y Administrateurskennisgewing April 1986 Administrator's Notice April 1986 VERKLARING TOT GOEDGEKEURDE DORP DECLARATION AS APPROVED TOWNSHIP ''r Ingevolge artikel 69 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbe In terms of section 69 of the Town planning and Town planning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van 1965), ver ships Ordinance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), the Admi klaar die Administrateur hierby die dorp Germiston Uit nistrator hereby declares Germiston Extension 20 Townbreiding 20 tot 'n goedgekeurde dorp onderworpe aan die ship to be an approved township subject to the conditions ' voorwaardes uiteengesit in die bygaande Bylae. set out in the Schedule hereto. PB PB a BYLAE SCHEDULE VOORWAARDES WAAROP DIE AANSOEK GE CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH THE APPLICATION DOEN DEUR SIMMER AND JACK AND DEVELOP MADE BY SIMMER AND JACK LAND DEVELOP MENT COMPANY LIMITED INGEVOLGE DIE BE MENT COMPANY LIMITED UNDER THE PROVI PALINGS VAN DIE ORDONNANSIE OP SIONS OF THE TOWN PLANNING AND TOWNSHIPS DORPSBEPLANNING EN DORPE, 1965, OM TOE ORDINANCE, 1965, FOR PERMISSION TO ESTAB STEMMING OM 'N DORP TE STIG OP GEDEELTE 982 LISH A TOWNSHIP ON PORTION 982 OF THE FARM VAN DIE PLAAS ELANDSFONTEIN NO 90 IR, PRO ELANDSFONTEIN NO 90 IR, PROVINCE OF TRANS VINSIE TRANSVAAL, TOEGESTAAN IS VAAL, HAS BEEN GRANTED a 1. STIGTINGSVOORWAARDES 1. CONDITIONS OF ESTABLISHMENT (1) Naam (1) Name Die naam van die dorp is Germiston Uitbreiding 20. (2) Ontwerp Die dorp bestaan uit erwe en strate soos aangedui op Algemene Plan LG No A8176/84. The name of the township shall be Germiston Extension 20. (2) Design The township shall consist of erven and streets as indicated on General Plan SG No A8176/84. (3) Storm waterdreinering en Straatbou (3) Stormwater Drainage and Street Construction (a) Die dorpseienaar moet op versoek van die plaaslike bestuur aan sodanige bestuur 'n gedetailleerde skema, vol (a) The township owner shall on request by the local ledig met planne, deursnee en spesifikasies, opgestel deur authority submit to such authority for its approval a de 'n siviele ingenieur wat deur die plaaslike bestuur goedge tailed scheme complete with plans, sections and specificakeur is, vir die opgaar en afvoer van stormwater deur die tions, prepared by a civil engineer approved by the local hele dorp deur middel van behoorlike aangelegde werke authority, for the collection and disposal of stormwater 4

39 (e) The former Remaining Extent of portion of the said (e) The former Remaining Extent of portion of the said farm Elandsfontein, measuring as such 767,1977 hectares farm Elandsfontein, measuring as such 767,1977 hectares (a portion whereof is held hereunder) is entitled to a servi (a portion whereof is held hereunder) is entitled to a servii PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 30 APRIL en vir die aanle, teermacadamisering, beranding en kana throughout the township by means of properly constructed van die strate daarin, tesame met die verskaffing works and for the construction, tarmacadamising, kerbing van sodanige keermure as wat die plaaslike bestuur nodig and channelling of the streets therein together with the ag, vir goedkeuring voorle. provision of such retaining walls as may be considered necessary by the local authority. 1 Verder moet die skema die roete en helling aandui deur middel waarvan elke erf toegang tot die aangrensende Furthermore, the scheme shall indicate the route and straat verkry. gradient by which each erf gains access to the street on which it abuts. (b) Die dorpseienaar moet, wanneer die plaaslike be stuur dit vereis, die goedgekeurde skema op eie koste na (b) The township owner shall, when required by the local mens en tot bevrediging van die plaaslike bestuur, onder authority to do so, carry out the approved scheme at its toesig van 'n siviele ingenieur deur die plaaslike bestuur own expense on behalf and to the satisfaction of the local goedgekeur, uitvoer. authority under the supervision of a civil engineer approved by the local authority. (c) Die dorpseienaar is verantwoordelik vir die instand houding van die strate tot bevrediging van *die plaaslike (c) The tonwnship owner shall be responsible for the bestuur totdat die strate ooreenkomstig subklousule (b) maintenance of the streets to the satisfaction of the local gebou is. authority until the streets have been constructed as set out in subclause (b). (d) Indien die dorpseienaar versuim om aan die bepalings van paragrawe (a), (b) en (c) hiervan te voldoen, is (d) If the township owner fails to comply with the providie plaaslike bestuur geregtig om die werk op koste van sions of paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) hereof, the local die dorpseienaar te doen. authority shall be entitled to do the work at the cost of the township owner. (4) Beskikking oor Bestaande Titelvoorwaardes (4) Disposal ofexisting Conditions of Title Alle erwe moet onderworpe gemaak word aan bestaande voorwaardes en serwitute, as daar is, met inbegrip All erven shall be made subject to existing conditions van die voorbehoud van die regte op minerale, maar uit and servitudes, if any, including the reservation of rights to gesonderd die volgende serwitute wat nie die dorp raak minerals, but excluding the following servitudes which do nie: not affect the township area: plisering "(a) The fanner Remaining Extent of portion of the "(a) The former Remaining Extent of portion of the farm Elandsfontein 90, Registration Division IR Trans farm Elandsfontein 90, Registration Division IR Trans vaal, measuring as such 976,4393 hectares (a portion whe vaal, measuring as such 976,4393 hectares (a portion whereof is held hereunder) is entitled to a right of way 6,30 reof is held hereunder) is entitled to a right of way 6,30 metres wide on certain portion "S" of the said portion of metres wide on certain portion "S" of the said portion of the farm Elandsfontein in extent 22,0029 hectares, held by the farm Elandsfontein in extent 22,0029 hectares, held by Rand Refinery Limited, by Deed of Transfer No 2017/1921, Rand Refinery Limited, by Deed of Transfer No 2017/1921, dated 8th February 1921, along the line of the Company's dated 28th February 1921, along the line of the Company's water main which traverses the said portion "S" as illus water main which traverses the said portion "S" as illustrated by the figure lettered fghj on the diagram annexed trated by the figure lettered fghj on the diagram annexed to the said Deed of Transfer No 2017/1921, with the right to to the said Deed of Transfer No 2017/1921, with the righi'to reasonable access to the said water main for purposes of reasonable access to the said water main for purposes of inspection, maintenance and repair thereof. inspection, maintenance and repair thereof. (b) The former Remaining Extent of portion of the farm (b) The former Remaining Extent of portion of the farm Elandsfontein 90, Registration Division IR Transvaal, Elandsfontein 90, Registration Division IR, Transvaal, measuring as such 870,3922 hectares (a portion whereof is measuring as such 870,3922 hectares (a portion whereof is eld hereunder) is entitled to a servitude 2,52 metres in held hereunder) is entitled to a servitude 2,52 metres in phvilidth for underground high tension cables over Portion width for underground high tension cables over Portion MMM of the said portion formerly held by Deed of MMM of the said portion formerly held by Deed of Transfer No 7970/1926, dated 31st July 1926, as indicated by Transfer No 7970/1926, dated 31st July 1926, as indicated by the figure lettered TUVWXY on diagram of the said Por the figure lettered TUVWXY on diagram of the said Portion MMM SG No A2361/26 annexed to the aforesaid tion MMM SG No A2361/26 annexed to the aforesaid Deed of Transfer No 7970/1926. Deed of Transfer No 7970/1926. (c) The former Remaining Extent of portion of the f&nn (c) The former Remaining Extent of portion of the farm Elandsfontein 90, Registration Division IR Transvaal, Elandsfontein 90, Registration Division IR Transvaal, measuring as such 870,3922 hectares (a portion whereof is measuring as such 870,3922 hectares (a portion whereof is held hereunder) is entitled to a servitude 2,52 metres in held hereunder) is entitled to a servitude 2,52 metres in width for overhead electrical owner lines over Portion width for overhead electrical power lines over Portion MMM aforesaid as indicated by the letters Za on the said MMM aforesaid as indicated by the letters Za on the said Diagram SG No A2361/26 of the said Portion MMM. Diagram SG No A2361/26 of the said Portion MMM. (d) The former Remaining Extent of portion of the said (d) The former Remaining Extent of portion of the said farm Elandsfontein, measuring as such 780,9614 hectares farm Elandsfontein, measuring as such 780,9614 hectares (a portion whereof is held hereunder) is entitled to a right (a portion whereof is held hereunder) is entitled to a right of way 9,45 metres in width over Portion XXX of the said of way 9,45 metres in width over Portion XXX of the said portion held by Deed of Transfer No 11668/1935, dated 21st portion held by Deed of Transfer No 11668/1935 dated 21st August 1935, as indicated by the letters HDJK on the dia August 1935, as indicated by the letters HDJK on the Diagram of the said Portion XXX SG No A1740/35 annexed to gram of the said Portion XXX SG No A1740/35 annexed to the aforesaid Deed of Transfer No 11668/1935. the aforesaid Deed of Transfer No 11668/1935.

40 1532 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 30 APRIL 1986 tuck of water pipeline over Portion EEEE of the said Por luck of water pipeline over Portion EEEE of the said por tion held under Deed of Transfer No 9978/1937, dated 25th tion held under Deed of Transfer No 9978/1937, dated 25th A May 1937, as indicated by the line ab on the diagram of the May 1937, as indicated by the line ab on the diagram of the said Portion EEEE SG No A818/37 annexed to the afore said Portion EEEE SG No A818/37 annexed to the afore I said Deed of Transfer No 9978/1937. said Deed of Transfer No 9978/1937. (f) The former Remaining Extent of portion of the said (f) The former Remaining Extent of portion of the said farm Elandsfontein, measuring as such 767,1977 hectares farm Elandsfontein, measuring as such 767,1977 hectares (a portion whereof is held hereunder) is entitled to a servi (a portion whereof is held hereunder) is entitled to a servi tude of electric power line and cables over portion EEEE tude of electric power line and cables over Portion EEEE aforesaid as indicated by the line cd on the said diagram of aforesaid as indicated by the line cd on the said diagram of the said Portion EEEE SG No A818/37. the said Portion EEEE SG No A818/37. (g) The former Remaining Extent of portion of the said (g) The former Remaining Extent of portion of the said farm Elandsfontein, measuring as such 766,1578 hectares farm Elandsfontein, measuring as such 766,1578 hectares (a portion whereof is held hereunder) is subject to a perpe (a portion whereof is held hereunder) is subject to a perpe tual servitude of right of way 7,87 metres wide for the pur tual servitude of right of way 7,87 metres wide for the pur pose of a Railway Siding in favour of Portion EEEE afore pose of a Railway Siding in favour of Portion EEEE aforesaid together with ancillary rights as will fully appear from said together with ancillary rights as will fully appear from Notarial Deed No 768/1937S registered on 14th September Notarial Deed No 768/1973S registered on 14th September 1937 and Diagram SG No A1591/37 annexed thereto and Diagram SG No A1591/37 annexed thereto..(h) The former Remaining Extent of portion of the said (h) The former Remaining Extent of portion of the said farm Elandsfontein, measuring as such 631,3620 hectares farm Elandsfontein, measuring as such 631,3620 hectares (a portion whereof is held hereunder) is subject to a servi (a portion whereof is held hereunder) is subject to a servi tude of pipeline together with ancillary rights for the con tude of pipeline together with ancillary rights for the con veyance of water in perpetuity in favour of the Rand veyance of water in perpetuity in favour of the Rand Water Board as will more fully appear from Notarial Deed Water Board as will more fully appear from Notarial Deed No 427/1959S, dated 13th February No 427/1955, dated 13 February (i) The former Remaining Extent of Portion 2 of the said (i) The former Remaining Extent of Portion 2 of the said farm Elandsfontein, measuring as such 521,5740 hectares farm Elandsfontein, measuring as such 521,5740 hectares (a portion whereof is held hereunder) is subject to Nota (a portion whereof is held hereunder) is subject to Nota rial Deed No K2725/1978S executed on the 13th April 1978 rial Deed No K2725/19785 executed on the 13th April 1978 and registered on 8th November 1978 whereby the right has and registered on 8th November 1978 whereby the right has been granted to Electricity Supply Commission to convey been granted to Electricity Supply Commission to convey electricity over the property with ancillary rights and sub electricity over the property with ancillary rights and subject to conditions, as will more fully appear on reference to ject to conditions, as will more fully appear on reference to the said Notarial Deed and Diagram SG No A1896/75 at the said Notarial Deed and Diagram SG No A1896/75 attached thereto. tached thereto. (j) The former Remaining Extent of Portion 2 of the said 0) The former Remaining Extent of Portion 2 of the said farm Elandsfontein, measuring as such 512,3912 hectares farm Elandsfontein, measuring as such 512,3912 hectares (a portion whereof is held hereunder) is subject to Nota (a portion whereof is held hereunder) is subject to Nota rial Deed No K2045/19825 executed on the 8th April 1982 rial Deed No K2045/19825 executed on the 8th April 1982 and registered on 4 August 1982 whereby the right has been and registered on 4 August 1982 whereby the right has been granted to Electricity Supply Commission to convey elec granted to Electricity Supply Commission to convey elec tricity over the property with ancillary rights and subject to tricity over the property with ancillary rights and subject to conditions, as will more fully appear on reference to the conditions, as will more fully appear on reference to the said Notarial Deed and Diagram SG No A attached said Notarial Deed and Diagram SG No A1029/74 thereto.". thereto.". attached. (5) Verpligtinge ten Opsigte van Noodsaaklike Dienste (5) Obligations in Regard to Essential Services Die dorpseienaar moet binne sodanige tydperk as wat The township owner shall within such period as the local die plaaslike bestuur mag bepaal, hul verpligtinge met be authority may determine, fulfil its obligations in respect of trekking tot die voorsiening van water, elektrisiteit en sa the provision of water, electricity and sanitary services and nifere dienste en die installering van stelsels daarvoor, the installation of systems therefore, as previously agreed soon vooraf ooreengekom tussen die dorpseienaar en die upon between the township owner and the local plaaslike bestuur, nakom. authority. 2. TITELVOORWAARDES 2. CONDITIONS OF TITLE (1) Voorwaarde Opgele deur die Staatspresident Inge (1) Condition imposed by the State President in terms of volge Artikel 184(2) van die Wet op Mynregte No 20 van Section 184(2) of the Mining Rights Act No 20 of All erven shall be subject to the following condition: Alle erwe is onderworpe aan die volgende voorwaarde: "As this erf forms part of land which is or may be under "Aangesien hierdie erf deel vorm van grond wat onder mined and liable to subsidence, settlement, shock and myn is of ondermyn mag word en onderhewig mag weer cracking due to mining operations past, present or future, aan versakking, vassakking, skok en krake as gevolg van the owner thereof accepts all liability for any damage mynbedrywighede in die verlede, die hede en die toekoms thereto and to any structure thereon which may result aanvaar die eienaar daarvan alle verantwoordelikheid vir such subsidence, settlement, shock or cracking.". enige skade aan die grond of geboue daarop as gevolg van from, 111 sodanige versakking, vassakking, skok of krake."..

41 1 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 30 APRIL (ii) Geen geboue of ander struktuur mag binne die voor (ii) No building or other structure shall be erected within noemde serwituutgebied opgerig word nie en geen groot the aforesaid servitude area and no large rooted trees wortelbome mag binne die gebied van sodanige serwituut shall be planted within the area of such servitude or within of binne 'n afstand van 2 m daarvan geplant word nie. 2 m thereof. (iii) Die plaaslike bestuur is geregtig om enige materiaal (iii) The local authority shall be entitled to deposit tern wat deur horn uitgegrawe word tydens die aanleg, onder porarily on the land adjoining the aforesaid servitude such houd of verwydering van sodanige rioolhoofpypleidings en material as may be excavated by it during the course of the ander werke wat by volgens goeddunke noodsaaklik ag, ty construction, maintenance or removal of such sewerage delik to pleas op die grond wat aan die voomoemde serwi mains and other works as it, in its discretion, may deem im grens en voorts is die plaaslike bestuur geregtig tot re cessary and shall further be entitled to reasonable access to delike toegang tot genoemde grond vir die voomoemde the said land for the aforesaid purpose subject to any doel, onderworpe daaraan dat die plaaslike bestuur enige damage done during the process of the construction, mainskade vergoed wat gedurende die aanleg, onderhoud of tenance or removal of such sewerage mains and other venvyderings van sodanige,rioolhoofpypleidings en ander works being made good by the local authority. werke veroorsaak word. ptuut (2) Voorwaardes Opgele deur die Administrateur Krag (2) Conditions imposed by the Administrator in terms of tens die Bepalings van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplan the Provisions of the Townplanning and Townships Ordi ning en Dorpe 25 van 1965 nance 25 of 1965 (a) Alle erwe (a) (i) Die erf Al! Erven is onderworpe aan 'n serwituut 2 m breed, vir riolerings en ander munisipale doeleindes, ten gunste van (i) The erf is subject to a servitude, 2 m wide, in favour die plaaslike bestuur, langs enige twee grense, uitgeson of the local authority, for sewerage and other municipal derd 'n straatgrens en, in die geval van 'n pypsteelerf, 'n ad purposes, along any two boundaries other than a street disionele serwituut vir munisipale doeleindes 2 m breed boundary and in the case of a panhandle erf, an additional oor die toegangsgedeelte van die erf, indien en wanneer servitude for municipal purposes 2 m wide across the ac verlang deur die plaaslike bestuur: Met dien verstande dat cess portion of the erf, if and when required by the local die plaaslike bestuur van enige sodanige serwituut mag af authority: Provided that the local authority may dispense skn. with any such servitude. (b) Erwe 1376, 1377, 1380, 1389 en 1390 (b) Erven 1376, 1377, 1380, 1389 and 1390 Die erwe is onderworpe aan 'n serwituut vir transforma The erven are subject to a servitude for transformer/sub tordoeleindes ten gunste van die plaaslike bestuur, soos op station purposes in favour of the local authority, as indi die algemene plan. cated on the general plan. Administrateurskennisgewing April 1986 Administrator's Notice April 1986 GERMISTON WYSIGINGSKEMA 16 GERMISTON AMENDMENT SCHEME 16 Die Administrateur verklaar hierby ingevolge die bepa The Administrator hereby, in terms of the provisions of lings van artikel 89(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbe section 89(1) of the Townplanning and Townships Ordiplanning en Dorpe, 1965, dat by 'n wysigingskema synde 'n nance, 1965, declares that he has approved an amendment wysiging van Germiston dorpsaanlegkema, 1985, wat uit scheme, being an amendment of Germiston Town planning dieselfde grond as die dorp Germiston Uitbreiding 20 be Scheme, 1985, comprising the same land as included in the staan, goedgekeur het. township of Germiston Extension 20. Kaart 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysigingskema Map 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment scheme word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike are filed with the Director of Local Government, Pretoria Bestuur, Pretoria en die Stadsklerk, Posbus 145, Germis and the Town Clerk, PO Box 145, Germiston 1400 and are ton 1400 en is beskikbaar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye. open for inspection at all reasonable times. Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Germistonwysiging This amendment is known as Germiston Amendment skema 16. Scheme 16. P H16 PB 4921H16 Algemene Kennisgewings General Notices KENNISGEWING 464 VAN 1986 NOTICE 464 OF 1986 BOKSBURG WYSIGINGSKEMA 466 BOKSBURG AMENDMENT SCHEME 466 Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreen The Director of Local Government gives notice in terms komstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie of section 46 of the Town planning and Townships Ordiop Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van nance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application has, III 1965) kennis dat die eienaars,petradie Investments (Pro been made by the owners, Petradie Investments (Proprie rprietary) Limited, Philger Investments (Proprietary) Li tary) Limited, Philger, Investments (Proprietary) Limited mited en Adiepet Investments (Proprietary) Limited aan and Adiepet Investments (Proprietary) Limited for the soek gedoen het om Boksburg dorpsaanlegskema 1, 1946, amendment of Boksburg Town planning Scheme 1, 1946,

42 1534 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 30 APRIL 1986 te wysig deur die hersonering van Erwe 5 tot 10 en 16 tot by rezoning Erven 5 to 10 and 16 to 21, Cason Township, si 21, dorp Cason, gelee aan Casonweg en Championstraat tuated on Cason Road and Champion Street from "Spe a vanaf "Spesiaal" vir professionele kamers, bank; bouge cial" for offices, professional suites, banks and building so III nootskappe en kantore tot "Spesiaal" vir professionele ka cieties to "Special" for offices, professional suites, banks, mers, banke, bougenootskappe, kantore, winkels asook building societies, shops and any other uses as approved by enige ander gebruike deur die Raad goedgekeur. the Council. Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat The amendment will be known as Boksburg Amendment Boksburgwysigingskema 466 genoem sal word) le in die Scheme 466. Further particulars of the scheme are as open kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, TPA for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Boksburg Gebou, Kamer B206, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria en in die and the office of the Director of Local Government, TPA kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Boksburg ter insae. Building, Room B206, Pretorius Street, Pretoria. Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te ehiger Any objection or representations in regard to the appli tyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van hier cation shall be submitted to the Director of Local Governdie kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur ment, in writing at. the above address or Private Bag X437, by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die Pretoria and the Town Clerk, PO Box 215, Boksburg 1460 Stadsklerk, Posbus 215, Boksburg 1460, skriftelik voorgele at any time within a period of 4 weeks from the date of this word. notice. Pretoria, 23 April 1986 Pretoria, 23 April 1986 PB PB KENNISGEWING 465 VAN 1986 NOTICE 465 OF 1986 MALELANE WYSIGINGSKEMA 44 MALELANE AMENDMENT SCHEME 44 MN Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreen The Director of Local Government gives notice in terms komstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie of section 46 of the Town planning and Townships Ordi op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van nance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application has 1965), kennis dat die eienaar, Robunda Circle Service Sta been made by the owner, Robunda Circle Service Station tion (Proprietary) Limited, aansoek gedoen het om Male (Proprietary) Limited, for the amendment of Malelane lanedorpsbeplanningskema, 1972, te wysig deur die herso Townplanning Scheme, 1972, by the rezoning of Erven 294 nering van Erwe 294 en 295 geled aan Impalastraat, and 295 situated in Impala Street, Malelane Extension 1 of Malelane Uitbreiding 1 van Erf 294 "Openbare Garage" Erf 294 "Pubiic Garage" and Erf 295 "Special for offices" en Eli 295 "Spesiaal vir kantore" tot "Spesiaal" vir win to "Special" for shops, offices and professional rooms. kels, kantore en professionele kamers. Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat The amendment will be known as Malelane Amendment Malelane wysigingskema 44 genoem sal word) 11 in die Scheme 44. Further particulars of the scheme are as open kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, TPA for inspection at the office of Transvaal Board for the De Gebou, Kamer B206, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria en in die velopment of Peri Urban Areas, and the office of the Di kantoor van die Transvaalse Raad vir die Ontwikkeling rector of Local Government, TPA Building, Room B206, van Buitestedelike Gebiede ter insae. Pretorius Street, Pretoria. Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te eniger Any objection or representations in regard to the appli tyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van hier cation shall be submitted to the Director of Local Governdie kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur ment, in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437, by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die Pretoria and Transvaal Board for the Development of T.R.O.B.G., Posbus 1341, Pretoria 0001, skriftelik voor PeriUrban Areas, PO Box 1341, Pretoria 0001, at any time gels word. within a period of 4 weeks from the date of this notice. Pretoria, 23 April 1986 Pretoria, 23 April 1986 PB PB a KENNISGEWING 466 VAN 1986 NOTICE 466 OF 1986 ALBERTONWYSIGINGSKEMA 274 ALBERTON AMENDMENT SCHEME 274 Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreen The Director of Local Government hereby gives notice komstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie in terms of section 46 of the Town planning and Townships op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van Ordinance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application 1965), kennis dat die eienaar, Sarlina Johanna Filippina has been made by the owner, Sarlina Johanna Filippina Mare, aansoek gedoen het om Alberton dorpsbeplanning Mare, for the amendment of Alberton Townplanning skema, 1979, te wysig deur die hersonering van Erf 753, Scheme, 1979, by the rezoning of Erf 753, New Redruth, si New Redruth, gelee in St Columbweg van "Residensieel tuated in St Columb Road from "Residential 1" with a 1" met 'n digtheid van een woonhuis per erf tot "Besigheid density of one dwelling per erf to "Business 1". I". Verdere besonderhede van hierdie aansoek (wat as Alberton wysigingskema 274 bekend sal staan) le in die Iran Furthermore particulars of the application (which will be. known as Alberton Amendment Scheme 274) are open for

43 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 30 APRIL toor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Provinsiale inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Alberton and a Gebou, Kamer B506A, h/v Pretorius en Bosmanstraat, the office of the Director of Local Government, Room W Pretoria en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Alberton B506A, TPA Building, cnr Bosman and Pretorius Streets, ter insae., Pretoria. Enige beswaar of vertoo teen die aansoek kan te eniger Any objection or representations in regard to the applityd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van hier cation shall be submitted to the Director of Local Govern die kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur ment, in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437, by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die Pretoria 0001, and the Town Clerk, PO Box 4, Alberton Stadsklerk, Posbus 4, Alberton 1450 skriftelik voorgele 1450 at any time within a period of 4 weeks from the date word. of this notice. Pretoria, 23 April 1986 Pretoria, 23 April 1986 PB 4922H274 PB 4922H274 KENNISGEWING 467 VAN 1986 NOTICE 467 OF 1986 JOHANNESBURG WYSIGINGSICEMA 1626 JOHANNESBURG AMENDMENT SCHEME 1626 Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie The Director of Local Government hereby gives notice op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van in terms of section 46 of the Town planning and Townships 1965), kennis dat die eienaar, Parco Investments (Proprie Ordinance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application tary) Limited, aansoek gedoen het om Johannesburg has been made by the owner, Parco Investments (Proprie dorpsbeplanningskema, 1979, te wysig deur die hersone tary) Limited, for the amendment of Johannesburg Town ring van Erf 168, Hurst Hill van "Residensieel 1" tot "Be planning Scheme 1, 1979, by the rezoning of Erf 168, Hurst sigheid 1". Hill from "Residential 1" to "Business 1". Verdere besonderhede van hierdie aansoek (wat as Jo Furthermore particulars of the application (which will be hannesburg wysigingskema 1626 bekend sal staan) le in die known as Johannesburg Amendment Scheme 1626) are kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Provin open for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Johansiale Gebou, Kamer B506A, h/v Pretorius en Bosman nesburg and the office of the Director of Local Governstreet, Pretoria en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van ment, Room B506A, TPA Building, cnr Bosman and Preto Johannesburg ter insae. rius Streets, Pretoria. Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te eniger Any objection or representations in regard to the appli tyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van hier cation shall be submitted to the Director of Local Governdie kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur ment, in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437, by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die Pretoria and the Town Clerk, PO Box 1049, Johannesburg Stadsklerk, Posbus 1049, Johannesburg 2000, skriftelik 2000, at any time within a period of 4 weeks from the date voorgele word. of this notice. Pretoria, 23 April 1986 Pretoria, 23 April 1986 PB 4922H1624 PB 4922H1626 ill KENNISGEWING 468 VAN 1986 NOTICE 468 OF 1986 ALBERTONWYSIGINGSKEMA 118 ALBERTON AMENDMENT SCHEME 118 Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby kennis The Director of Local Government hereby gives notice kragtens artikel 18 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplan in terms of section 18 of the Townplanning and Townships ning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van 1965), dat die Ordinance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that the Town Stadsraad van Alberton 'n voorlopige skema, wat 'n wysi Council of Alberton has submitted a provisional scheme, gingskema is, te wete die Alberton wysigingskema 118 which will be an amendment scheme, to be known as Alvoorgele het om die betrokke dorpsbeplanningskema in berton Amendment Scheme 118, which was submitted by werking, te wete, die Alberton dorpsbeplanningskema, the Alberton Townplanning Scheme 1979 as aforesaid. 1979, te wysig. The provisional scheme is as follows: Die voorlopige skema is soos volg: Die erwe in New Redruth hieronder vermeld, onderverdeel mag word met die voorbehoud dat die onderver The erven mentioned hereunder in New Redruth may be deelde gedeeltes oor 'n straatfront van minstens 25 meter subdivided, provided that the undermentioned portions beskik en nie kleiner as 90 m2 is nie: over a Erwe 2, 39, 40, 41, streetboundary of at least 25 metres and not less 42, 59, 60, 80, 81, 82, 99, 101, 119, 120, 139, 140, 141, 159, than 90 m2: Erven 2, 39, 40, 41, 42, 59, 60, 80, 81, 82, 99, 1 160, 161, 162, 181, 200, 202, 219, 239, 279, 297, 298, 300, 318, 01, 119, 120, 139, 140, 141, 159, 160, 161, 162, 181, 200, 202, 377, 379, 471, 510, 512, 530, 531, 598, 616, , 239, 279, 297, 298, 300, 318, 377, 379, 471, 510, 512, 530, 531, 598, 616, 617. it Die voorlopige skema is vir inspeksie beskikbaar op die antoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike The provisional scheme is Bestuur, Kamer available for inspection at the 206A, Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria en office of the Director of Local Government, Room B206A, van die Stadsklerk van die Stadsraad van Albertan. Provincial Building, Pretorius Street, Pretoria and the Town Clerk of the Town Council of Alberton. I

44 , openbare 1536 PROV1NSIALE KOERANT, 30 APRIL 1986 Waar kragtens die bepalings van artikel 32 van voor Where in terms of section 32 of the aforementioned Or noemde Ordonnansie, enige eienaar of besitter van onroe dinance, any owner or occupier of immovable property, or rende eiendom en enige eienaar of besitter van onroe owner or occupier of immovable property and Local Au rende eiendom en enige Plaaslike Bestuur die reg het om thority, has the right to object or to represent in regard to 'n beswaar in te dien of vertoe te rig in verband met soda such provisional scheme, must lodge such objection or re nige voorlopige skema, moet sodanige beswaar of soda presentation within four weeks of the first publication of nige vertoe binne vier weke vanaf die eerste publikasie this notice in the Provincial Gazette to the Director of van hierdie kennisgewing in die Provinsiale Koerant skrif Local Government at the above address or Private Bag telik aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur by boge X437, Pretoria. melde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria, voorgele word. Pretoria, 23 April 1986 Pretoria, 23 April 1986 PB 4924H118 PB 4924H118 KENNISGEWING 469 VAN 1986 NOTICE 469 OF 1986 ROODEPOORT WYSIGINGSKEMA 693 ROODEPOORT AMENDMENT SCHEME 693 Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreen The Director of Local Government gives notice in terms komstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie of section 46 of the Townplanning and Townships Ordi op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van nance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application has 1965), kennis dat die eienaar, Rami Barnes Properties been made by the owner, Rami Barnes Properties (Pro (Proprietary) Limited, aansoek gedoen het om Roode prietary) Limited, for the amendment of RoodepoortMapoortMaraisburg dorpsaanlegskema 1, 1946, te wysig deur raisburg Townplanning Scheme 1, 1946, by rezoning Erf die hersonering van Erf 86, Stormill Uitbreiding 3, geled 86, Stormill Extension 3, situated on Shaft Street and Rat aan Shaftstraat en Ratchetlaan van "Spesiaal" slegs vw ny chet Avenue from "Special" for industrial and commercial werheids en/of kommersi8le doeleindes tot "Spesiaal" vir use to "Special" for industrial purposes, shops, takeaway nywerheidsdoeleindes, winkels, wegneemgeriewe, 'n facilities, a public garage and a tea room, subject to cergarage en 'n teekamer, onderworpe aan sekere lain conditions. voorwaardes. The amendment will be known as Roodepoort Amend Verdere besonderhede van hierdie aansoek (wat as ment Scheme 693. Further particulars of the scheme are Roodepoort wysigingskema 693 bekend sal staan) le in die open for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Provin Roodepoort and the office of the Director of Local Gosiale Gebou, Kamer B506A, h/v Pretorius en Bosman vernment, Room B506A, Provincial Building, Pretorius straat, Pretoria en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Street, Pretoria. Roodepoort ter insae. Any objection or representations in regard to the appli Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te eniger cation shall be submitted to the Director of Local Govern tyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van hier ment, in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437, die kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Pretoria and the Town Clerk, Private Bag X30, Roode by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die poort 1725, at any time within a period of 4 weeks from the Stadsklerk, Privaatsak X30, Roodepoort 1725, skriftelik date of this notice. voorgele word. Pretoria, 23 April 1986 Pretoria, 23 April 1986 PB PB KENNISGEWING 470 VAN 1986 NOTICE 470 OF 1986 ROODEPOORT WYSIGINGSKEMA 694 ROODEPOORT AMENDMENT SCHEME 694 Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreen The Director of Local Government gives notice in terms komstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie of section 46 of the Town planning and Townships Ordiop Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van nance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application has 1965), kennis dat die eienaar, Cornelis Johannes van der been made by the owner, Cornelis Johannes van der Colff Colff aansoek gedoen het om Roodepoortdorpsaanleg for the amendment of Roodepoort Town planning Scheme skema 1, 1946, te wysig deur die hersonering van Erf 130, 1, 1946, by rezoning Erf 130, Helderkruin, situated on Gail Helderkruin, gelee aan Gailstraat van "Spesiale Woon" Street from "Special Residential" with a density of "One met 'n digtheid van "Een woonhuis per erf" tot "Spesiale dwelling per err' to "Special Residential" with a density of Woon" met 'n digtheid van "Een woonhuis per m2". "One dwelling per m2". Verdere besonderhede van hierdie aansoek (wat as The amendment will be known as Roodepoort Amend Roodepoort wysigingskema 694 bekend sal staan) 16 in die ment Scheme 694. Further particulars of the scheme are kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Provin open for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, siale Gebou, Kamer B506A, h/v Pretorius en Bosman Roodepoort and the office of the Director of Local Go straat, Pretoria en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van vernment, Room B506A, Provincial Building, Pretorius Roodepoort ter insae. Street, Pretoria. Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te eniger Any objection or representations in regard to the appli tyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van hier cation shall be submitted to the Director of Local Governdie kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur ment, in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437, by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die Pretoria and the Town Clerk, Private Bag X30, Roode Stadsklerk,00rt 1725, at any time within a Privaatsak X30, Roodepoort 1725, skriftelik P period of 4 weeks from the date of this notice. voorgele word. Pretoria, 23 April 1986 PB Pretoria, 23 April 1986 PB II

45 il en 1 Erf 1 1 Verdere 1 bank PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 30 APRIL KENNISGEWING 471 VAN 1986 NOTICE 471 OF 1986 IlUIDELIICE JOHANNESBURG STREEKWYSIGING SOUTHERN JOHANNESBURG REGION AMEND SKEMA 180 MENT SCHEME 180 Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreen The Director of Local Government hereby gives notice komstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie in terms of section 46 of the Townplanning and Townships op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van Ordinance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application 1965), kennis dat die eienaar, Transvaalse Raad vir die has been made by the owner, Transvaal Board for the De Ontwikkeling van Buitestedelike Gebiede, aansoek ge velopment of PefiUrban Areas, for the amendment of doen het om Suidelike Johannesburg streekdorpsaanleg Southern Johannesburg Region Town planning Scheme, skema, 1962, te wysig deur die hersonering van (a) Erf 1962, by the rezoning of (a) Erf 2405, situated in Impala 2405, gelee in Impalastraat van "Openbare Oopruimte" Street, from "Public Open Space" to "Special Residential" tot "Spesiale Residensieel", en (b) Lupinstraat van and (b) Lupin Street from "Street" to "Public Open Space" "Straat" tot "Openbare Oop Ruimte" dorp Lenasia Suid. Lenasia South Township. Verdere besonderhede van hierdie aansoek (wat as Sui Furthermore particulars of the application (which will be delike Johannesburg streek wysigingskema 180 bekend sal known as Southern Johannesburg Region Amendment staan) le in die kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Scheme 180) are open for inspection at the Transvaal Bestuur, Provinsiale Gebou, Kamer B506A, h/v Pretorius Board for the Development of the PefiUrban Areas and Bosmanstraat, Pretoria en in die kantoor van die Trans the office of the Director of Local Government, Room vaalse Raad vir die Ontwikkeling van Buitestedelike Ge B506A, TPA Building, cnr Bosman and Pretorius Streets, biede ter insae. Pretoria. Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te eniger Any objection or representations in regard to the d binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van bier application shall be submitted to the Director of Local Goie kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur vernment, in writing at the above address or Private Bag by bovermelde adres of Posbus 1341, Pretoria 0001, skrifte X437, Pretoria 0001, and the Secretary, PO Box 1341, Prelik voorgele word. toria 0001 at any time within a period of 4 weeks from the date of this notice. Pretoria, 23 April 1986 Pretoria, 23 April 1986 PB PB KENNISGEWING 472 VAN 1986 NOTICE 472 OF 1986 WITBANKWYSIGINGSKEMA 1/189 WITBANK AMENDMENT SCHEME 1/189 Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hiermee kennis The Director of Local Government hereby gives notice ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie in terms of section 46 of the Town planning and Townships op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van Ordinance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application 1965), dat die eienaar, Witbank Buffer Strip Property has been made by the owner, Witbank Buffer Strip Pro Company (Proprietary) Limited, aansoek gedoen het om perty Company (Proprietary) Limited for the amendment dorpsaanlegskema 1, 1948, te wysig deur of Witbank Townplanning Scheme 1,1948, by (1) die hersonering van Erwe 4452 tot 4456, Elliot en (1) the rezoning of Erven 4452 to 4456, Elliot Street and liwitbank peylandstraat, gelee aan en noord van Diedericksstraat, Leyland Street situated on and north of Diedericks Street, Witbank Uitbreiding 34, vanaf "Spesiaal" vir Nywerheids Witbank Extension 34, from "Special" for Industrial en/of Kommersiele doeleindes en "Bestaande Openbare and/or Commercial purposes and "Existing Public Streets" Paaie" na "Spesiaal" vir sodanige doeleindes as wat die to "Special" for such purposes as may be allowed by the Administrateur mag toelaat; en Administrator; and 1 (2) die wysiging van die voorwaardes van toepassing op (2) the amendment of the conditions applicable on Erf 4457, gelee aan Diedericksstraat, Witbank Uitbreiding 4457, situated on Diedericks Street, Witbank Extension Furthermore particulars of the application (which will be besonderhede van hierdie aansoek (wat as Wit known as Witbank Amendment Scheme 1/189) are open for wysigingskema 1/189 bekend sal staan) le in die kan inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Witbank and toor van die Stadsklerk van Witbank ter insae en in die the office of the Director of Local Government, Room kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Provin B506A, TPA Building, cnr Bosman and Pretorius Streets, siale Gebou, Kamer B506A, h/v Pretorius en Bosman Pretoria. straat, Pretoria. Any objection or representations in regard to the appli Enige beswaar of vertod teen die aansoek kan te eniger cation shall be submitted to the Director of Local Governtyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van bier ment, in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437, die kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Pretoria, 0001 and the Town Clerk, PO Box 3, Witbank, by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria, 0001 en 1035 at any time within a period of 4 weeks from the date die Stadsklerk, Posbus 3, Witbank, 1035 skriftelik voorgele of this notice. rd. Pretoria, 23 April 1986 ;toria, 23 April 1985 PB PB

46 1538 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 30 APRIL 1986 KENNISGEWING 473 VAN 1986 NOTICE 473 OF 1986 WESTONARIA WYSIGINGSKEMA 21 WESTONARIA AMENDMENT SCHEME 21. Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreen The Director of Local Government gives notice in terms komstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie of section 46 of the Town planning and Townships Ordi op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van nance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that appliction has 1965), kennis dat die eienaar, David Michael Con aansoek been made by the owner, David Michael Cort for the gedoen het om Westonaria dorpsaanlegskema, 1981, te amendment of Westonaria Town planning Scheme, 1981, wysig deur die hersonering van Erwe 823 en 824, gelee aan by rezoning Erven 823 and 824, situated on Botha and Botha en Allenstraat Westonaria vanaf "Besigheid 2" tot Allen Streets Westonaria, from "Business 2" to "Business "Besigheid 2 met openbare garage". 2 plus a public garage". Verdere besonderhede van hierdie aansoek (wat as The application will be known as Westonaria Amend Westonaria wysigingskema 21 bekend sal staan) le in die ment Scheme 21. Further particulars of the application are kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Provin open for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, siale Gebou, Kamer B506A, h/v Pretorius en Bosman Westonaria and the office of the Director of Local Go straat, Pretoria en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van vemment, Provincial Building, Room B506A, cnr Preto Westonaria ter insae. rius and Bosman Steets, Pretoria. Enige beswaar of vertod teen die aansoek kan te eniger Any objection or representations in regard to the tyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van hier application shall be submitted to the Director of Local die kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Government, in writing at the above address or Private by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die Bag X437, Pretoria and Clerk, PO Box 19, Wes Stadsklerk, Posbus 19, Westonaria, 1780 skriftelik voor tonaria, 1780 at any time within a period of 4 weeks from gele word. the date of this notice. Pretoria, 23 April 1986 Pretoria, 23 April 1986 PB PB KENNISGEWING 503 VAN 1986 NOTICE 503 OF 1986 ALBERTONWYSIGINGSKEMA 273 ALBERTON AMENDMENT SCHEME 273 Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreen The Director of Local Government hereby gives notice komstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie in terms of section 46 of the Town planning and Townships op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van Ordinance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application 1965), kennis dat die eienaar, Mattheus Johannes Wil has been made by the owner, Mattheus Johannes Wil lemse, aansoek gedoen het om Albertondorpsbeplanning lemse, for the amendment of Alberton Town planning skema 1, 1979, te wysig deur die hersonering van Erf 751 Scheme 1, 1979, by the rezoning of Erf 751 New Redruth si New Redruth gelee op die hoek van St Columbweg en tuated on the corner of St Columb Road and Looe Street Looestraat van Residensial 1" tot "Besigheid 1" onder from "Residential 1" to "Business 1" subject to certain worpe aan sekere voorwaardes. conditions. Verdere besonderhede van hierdie aansoek (wat as Al Furthermore particulars of the application (which will be berton wysigingskema 273 bekend sal staan) le in die kan known as Alberton Amendment Scheme 273) are open toor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Provinsiale inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Alberton and Gebou, Kamer B506A, h/v Pretorius en Bosmanstraat, the office of the Director of Local Government, Room for" Pretoria en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Alberton B506A, TPA Building, cnr Bosman and Pretorius Streets, ter insae. Pretoria. Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te eniger Any objection or representations in regard to the applityd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van hier cation shall be submitted to the Director of Local Governdie kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur meat, in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437, by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die Pretoria 0001, and the Town Clerk, PO Box 4, Alberton Stadsklerk, Posbus 4, Alberton 1450 skriftelik voorgele 1450 it any time within a period of 4 weeks from the date word. of this notice. Pretoria, 23 April 1986 Pretoria, 23 April 1986 PB 4924H273 PB 4 9:2 4H273 KENNISGEWING 504 VAN 1986 NOTICE 504 OF 1986 PRETORIAWYSIGINGSKEMA 1826 PRETORIA AMENDMENT SCHEME 1826 Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreen The Director of Local Government gives notice in terms komstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van mance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application ha 1965), kennis dat die eienaar, Abraham Lodewicus Coet been made by the owner, Abraham Lodewicus Coetzee, zee, aansoek gedoen het om die Pretoriadorpsbeplan for the amendment of Pretoria Townplanning Scheme, of section 46 of the Townplanning and Townships Ordig

47 PROVINCIAL GAZE 11 E, 30 APRIL ningskema, 1974, te wysig deur Ed 79 Waverley, te herso 1974, by rezoning Ed 79, Waverley from "Special Residen t neer vanaf "Spesiale Woon" met 'n digtheid van "Een tial" with a density of "One dwelling per erf' to "Special or woonhuis per erf" na "Spesiale Woon" met 'n digtheid van Residential" with a density of "One dwelling per "Een woonhuis per m2". in2.r. Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat The amendment will be known as Pretoria Amendment as Pretoria wysigingskema 1826 genoem sal word) le in die Scheme Further particulars of the scheme are as kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, TPA open for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Preto Gebou, Kamer B206, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria en in die ria and the office of the Director of Local Government, kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Pretoria ter insae. TPA Building, Room B206, Pretoruis Street, Pretoria. Enige beswaar of vertod teen die aansoek kan te eniger Any objection or representations in regard to the appli tyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van hier cation shall be submitted to the Director of Local Govern die kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur ment, in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437, by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die Pretoria, and the Town Clerk, PO Box 440, Pretoria 0001 Stadsklerk, Posbus 440, Pretoria 0001 skriftelik voorgem at any time within a period of 4 weeks from the date of this word. notice. Pretoria, 23 April 1986 Pretoria, 23 April 1986 PB 4923H1826 PB 4923H1826 ill KENNISGEWING 505 VAN 1986 NOTICE 505 OF 1986 SANDTON WYSIGINGSKEMA 993 SANDTON AMENDMENT SCHEME 993 Die Direketeur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby oor The Director of Local Government gives notice in terms eenkomstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnan of section 46 of the Town planning and Townships Ordisie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 nance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application has van 1965), kennis dat die eienaar Marco Luigi Lupini aan been made by the owner Marco Luigi Lupini for the soek gedoen het om Sandton dorpsaanlegskema, 1980, te amendment of Sandton Town planning Scheme 1, 1980, by wysig deur die hersonering van Gedeelte 10 van Erf 96, rezoning Portion 10 of Erf 96, Edenburg, situated on Riet Edenburg, geled aan Rietfonteinweg vanaf "Residensieel fontein Road, from "Residential 1" with a density of "One 1" met 'n digtheid van "Een woonhuis per m2" tot dwelling per m2" to "Residential 1" with a density of "Residensieel 1" met 'n digtheid van "Een woonhuis per "One dwelling per m2" m2." The amendment will be known as Sandton Amendment Verdere besonderhede van hierdie aansoek (wat as Scheme 993. Further particulars of the scheme are open for Sandton wysigingskema 993 bekend sal staan) le in die inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Sandton and the kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Provin office of the Director of Local Government, Room B506A, siale Gebou, Kamer B506A, h/v Pretorius en Bosman Provincial Building, Pretorius Street, Pretoria. straat, Pretoria en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Any objection or representations in regard to the appli Sandton ter insae. cation shall be submitted to the Director of Local Govern Enige beswaar of vertod teen die aansoek kan te eniger ment, in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437, tyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van bier Pretoria and the Town Clerk, PO Box 78001, Sandton 2146 die kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur at any time within a period of 4 weeks from the date of this by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die notice. Stadsklerk, Posbus 78001, Sandton 2146 skriftelik voorgele word. Pretoria, 30 April 1986 Pretoria, 30 April 1986 PB H993 PB KENNISGEWING 506 VAN 1986 NOTICE 506 OF 1986 PRETORIA WYSIGINGSKEMA 1869 PRETORIA AMENDMENT SCHEME 1869 Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreen The Director of Local Government gives notice in terms komstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie of section 46 of the Town planning and Townships Ordi op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van nance, 25 of 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application 1965), kennis dat die eienaar, Les Marais Verpleeginrig has been made by the owner, Les Marais Verpleeginrigting ting (Proprietary) Limited aansoek gedoen het om Preto (Pty) Limited for the amendment of the Pretoria Townria dorpsbeplanningskema, 1974, te wysig deur die herso planning Scheme, 1974, by rezoning Erf 128, Les Marais nering van Ed 128, Les Marais, vanaf "Spesiaal" vir 'n from "Special" for a hospital and ancillary purposes to hospitaal en aanverwante doeleindes tot "Spesiaal" vir "Special" for medical consulting rooms and a hospital and mediese spreekkamers 'n hospitaal en aanverwante doel ancillary purposes. eindes. Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat The amendment will be known as Pretoria Amendment Pretoriawysigingskema 1869 genoem sal word) le in die Scheme Further particulars of the scheme are open kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Kamer for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Pretoria and I.

48 1540 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 30 APRIL 1986 B206A, TPA Gebou, h/v Bosman en Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Pretoria ter insae. at the office of the Director of Local Government, Room B206A, TPA Building, cnr Bosman and Pretorius Streets, Pretoria. Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te eniger Any objection or representations in regard to the appli.tyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van hier cation shall be submitted to the Director of Local Govern die kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur ment, in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437, by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die Pretoria and the Town Clerk, PO Box 440, Pretoria 0001, Stadsklerk, Posbus 440, Pretoria 0001, skriftelik voorgele at any time within a period of 4 weeks from the date of this word. notice. Pretoria, 30 April 1986 Pretoria, 30 April 1986 PB 4923H1869 PB 492 3H KENNISGEWING 507 VAN 1986 NOTICE 507 OF 1986 ALBERTONWYSIGINGSKEMA 281 ALBERTON AMENDMENT SCHEME 281 Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreen The Director of Local Government gives notice in terms komstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie of section 46 of the Town planning and Townships Ordiop Dorpsbeplanning en dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van nance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application has 1965), kennis dat die eienaar Specialised Steel Products been made by the owner Specialised Steel Products (Pro (Proprietary) Limited aangesoek gedoen het om Albertan prietary) Limited for the amendment of Albertan Town dorpsbeplanningskema, 1979, te wysig deur die hersone planning Scheme 1, 1979 by rezoning Erf 70, Alrode South ring van Erf 70, Alrode Suid Uitbreiding 3 geled aan Pal Extension 3 situated on Palmer Street from "Commercial" merstraat vanaf "Kommersieel" tot "Nywerheid 3". to "Industrial 3". Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat The amendment will be known as Albertan Amendment Alberton wysigingskema 281 genoem sal word) is in die Scheme 281. Further particulars of the scheme are open for kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Kamer inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Albertan and B506A, Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria en in the office of the Director of Local Government, Room die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Alberton ter insae. B506A, Provincial Building, Pretorius Street, Pretoria. Enige beswaar of vertod teen die aansoek kan te eniger Any objection or representations in regard to the appli tyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van hier cation shall be submitted to the Director of Local Govern die kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur ment, in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437, by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die Pretoria and the Town Clerk, Albertan at any time within Stadsklerk, Posbus 4, Albertan, 1450 skriftelik voorgele a period of 4 weeks from the date of this notice. word. Pretoria, 30 April 1986 Pretoria, 30 April 1986 PB 4924H281 PB 492 4H281 4 KENNISGEWING 508 VAN 1986 NOTICE 508 OF 1986 Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hiermee, Inge The Director of Local Government hereby gives notice, volge die bepalings van artikel 58(8)(a) van die Ordonnanin terms of section 58(8)(a) of the Town planning and sie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 Townships Ordinance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that van 1965), kennis dat aansoeke om die stigting van die applications to establish the townships mentioned in the dorpe gemeld in die bylae hierby, ontvang is. annexure hereto, have been received. Verdere besonderhede van hierdie aansoeke le ter insae Further particulars of these applications are open for ininspection kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, at the office of the Director of Local Governmeat, Provincial Building, Room B206A, air Pretorius and Provinsiale die Gebou, Kamer B206A, h/v Pretorius en Bosmanstraat, Pretoria. Enige beswaar teen of vertoe in verband met die aansoeke moet te eniger tyd binne 'n tydperk lions in regaid to the applications shall be submitted to the Bosman Streets, Pretoria. Any objections to or representa van 8 weke vanaf 30 April 1986, skriftelik en in duplikaat, Director of Local Government, in writing and in duplicate, aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur by bovermelde at the above address or Private Bag X437, Pretoria, 0001, adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria, 0001, voorgele word. at any time within a period of 8 weeks from 30 April Pretoria, 30 April 1986 BYLAE Naam van dorp: Glenharvie Uitbreiding 3. Naam van aansoekdoener: Lemoen Plaas (Eiendoms) Beperk. Pretoria, 30 April 1986 ANNEXURE Name of township: Glenharvie Extension 3. Name of applicant: Lemoen Plaas (Eiendoms) Beperk. Aantal erwe: Residensieel 1: 696; Residensieel 3: 1; Number of erven: Residential 1: 696; Residential 3: 1; Openbare Garage 1; Inrigting 3; Besigheid 3: 1; Private Public Garage 1; Institutional 3; Business 3: 1; Private Oopruimte 1; Openbare Oopruimte: 13. Open Space 1; Public Open Space 13. Beskrywing van grond: Gedeelte 48; Gedeelte 63; Ge Description of land: Portion 48; Portion 63; Portion 64; 4 deelte 64; Gedeelte 65 en Gedeelte 67 (almal gedeeltes van Portion 65 and Portion 67 (all portions of Portion 39) of the Gedeelte 39) van die plaas Rietfontein, 349 IQ. farm Rietfontein, 349 IQ. 4

49 PROVINCIAL GAZE 1 1E, 30 APRIL Ligging: Noord van en grens aan Glenharvie Uitbreiding Situation: North of and abuts Glenharvie Extension 2 2, en wes van en grens aan die plaas Elandsfontein, 346 IQ. Township and West of and abuts the farm Elandsfontein, 346 IQ. PB PB Naam van dorp: Terenure Uitbreiding 33. Name of township: Terenure Extension 33. Naam van aansoekdoener: William Alexander Dodds. Name of applicant: Willem Alexander Dodds. Aantal erwe: Residensieel 1: 15; Besigheid: 1. Number of erven: Residential 1: 15; Business 1. Beskrywing van grond: Hoewe 37 Terenure Landbouhoewes. Description of land: Holding 37 Terenure Agricultural Holdings. Ligging: Noord van en grens aan Rustiglaan oos van en grens aan Terenurelaan. Situation: North of and abuts Rustig Avenue East of and abuts Terenure Avenue. Opmerkings: Hierdie advertensie vervang alle vorige advertensies van die dorp Terenure, Uitbreiding 33. Remarks: This advertisement supercedes all previous advertisements for Terenure Extension 33 Township. PB PB Naam van dorp: Bedfordview Uitbreiding 367. Name of township: Bedfordview Extension 367. Naam van aansoekdoener: Hendrik Johannes Putter. Name of applicant: Hendrik Johannes Putter. Aantal erwe: Spesiaal vir: Hotel. Number of erven: Special for: Hotel. Beskrywing van grond: Gedeelte 190 van Geldenhuis Estate Kleinhoewes. Description of land: Portion 190 of Geldenhuis Estate small holdings. Ligging: Die eiendom word begrens aan die noordekant deur Edenvaleweg en aan die suidekant deur die R24 snel Situation: The property is bounded on the north side by weg, ook bekend as S15. Edenvale Road and the south side by the R24 Freeway, also known as S15 road. PB PB Naam van dorp: Bedfordview Uitbreiding 373. Name of township: Bedfordview Extension 373. Naam van aansoekdoener: Ernst Bruno August Heidt. Aantal erwe: 2: Spesiaal vir: 'n Hotel en doeleindes in verband daarmee. Name of applicant: Ernst Bruno August Heidt. Number of erven: 2: Special for: an Hotel and ancillary facilities. Beskrywing van grond: Hoewes 187, 188 en 344 Gelden Description of land: Holdings 187, 188 and 344 Gelden huis Estate Landbouhoewes. huis Estate Agricultural Holdings. Ligging: Gelee suid van en aangrensend aan Edenvale Situation: Situated south of and abuts Edenvale road weg en noord van en aangrensend aan Provinsiale Pad S15. and north of and abuts the Provincial Road S15. PB PB Naam van dorp: Northwold Uitbreiding 39. Name of township: Northwold Extension 39. Naam van aansoekdoener: Narut (Edms) Bpk. Name of applicant: Narut (Edms) Bpk. Aantal erwe: Residensieel 3: 2. Number of erven: Residential 3: 2. Beskrywing van grond: Hoewe 28, Golden Harvest Description of land: Holding 28, Golden Harvest Agri Landbouhoewes. cultural Holdings. Ligging: Noordwes van en grens aan Vyfdeweg. Suid Situation: North west of and abuts Fifth Road, South wes van en grens aan Hoofweg (P103 1). west of and abuts Main Road (P1031). PB PB ICENNISGEWING 509 VAN 1986 NOTICE 509 OF 1986 PHALABORWA WYSIGINGSKEMA 19 PHALABORWA AMENDMENT SCHEME 19 0 Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreen The Director of Local Government gives notice in terms komstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie of section 46 of the Town Planning and Townships Ordiop Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van nance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application has 1965), kennis dat die eienaar Judith Susara Vosloo aan been made by the owner Judith Susara Vosloo for the soek gedoen het om Phalaborwa dorpsbeplanningskema, amendment of Phalaborwa Town planning Scheme 1, , to wysig deur die hersonering van Erf 2992, geled op by rezoning Erf 2992, situated on the corner of Spekboom die hock van Spekboomweg en Combretumlaan, vanaf Road and Combretum Avenue from "Municipal" to "Re "Munisipaal" tot "Residensieel" met 'n digtheid van "Een sidential" with a density of "One Dwelling per Erf." Woonhuis per Erf'. The application will be known as Phalaborwa Amend Verdere besonderhede van hierdie aansoek (wat as Pha meat Scheme 19. Further particulars of the scheme are laborwa wysigingskema 19 bekend sal staan) le in die kan..

50 1542 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 30 APRIL 1986 toor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Provinsiale open for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Phala Gebou, Kamer B506A, h/v Pretorius en Bosmanstraat, borwa and the office of the Director of Local Government, Pretoria en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Phala Provincial Building, Room B506A, cnr Pretorius and Bosborwa ter insae. man Streets, Pretoria. Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te eniger Any objection or representations in regard to the appli.tyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van hier cation shall be submitted to the Director of Local Governdie kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur ment, in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437, by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die Pretoria and the Town Clerk, PO Box 67, Phalaborwa 1390 Stadsklerk, Posbus 67, Phalaborwa 1390 skriftelik voorgele at any time within a period of 4 weeks from the date of this word. notice. Pretoria, 30 April 1986 Pretoria, 30 April 1986 PB PB KENNISGEWING 510 VAN 1986 NOTICE 510 OF 1986 VEREENIGING WYSIGINGSKEMA 1/313 VEREENIGING AMENDMENT SCHEME 1/313 Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreen The Director of Local Government gives notice in terms komstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie of section 46 of the Townplanning and Townships Ordiop Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van Dance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application has 1965), kennis dat die eienaar, Gerrit Wilhelm Immink aan been made by the owner, Gerrit Wilhelm Immink for the soek gedoen het om Vereeniging dorpsaanlegskema 1, amendment of Vereeniging Town planning Scheme 1, 1956, te wysig deur die hersonering van Hoewe 7, Vander 1956, by rezoning of Holding 7, Vandermerweskroon Agri i merweskroon Landbouhoewes, distrik Vereeniging vanaf cultural Holdings, district Vereeniging from "Agricul "Landbou" tot "Landbou" met beperkte besigheidsregte. tural" to "Agricultural" with restricted business rights. Verdere besonderhede van hierdie aansoek (wat as Ver The application will be known as Vereeniging Amendeeniging wysigingskema 1/313 bekend sal staan) le in die ment Scheme 1/313. Further particulars of the application kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Provin are open for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, siale Gebou, Kamer B506A, h/v Pretorius en Bosman Vereeniging and the office of the Director of Local Gostraat, Pretoria en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van vemment, Provincial Building, Room B506A, cnr Preto Vereeniging ter insae. rius and Bosman Streets, Pretoria. Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te eniger Any objection or representations in regard to the appli tyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van hier cation shall be submitted to the Director of Local Govern die kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur ment, in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437, by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die Pretoria and the Town Clerk, PO Box 35, Vereeniging Stadsklerk, Posbus 35, Vereeniging 1930, skriftelik voor 1930, at any time within a period of 4 weeks from the date gele word. of this notice. Pretoria, 30 April 1986 Pretoria, 30 April 1986 PB PB KENNISGEWING 511 VAN 1986 NOTICE 511 OF 1986 ALBERTONWYSIGINGSKEMA 279 ALBERTON AMENDMENT SCHEME Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreen The Director of Local Government hereby gives notice komstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie in terms of section 46 of the Townplanning and Townships op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van Ordinance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application 1965), kennis dat die eienaar Investron (Proprietary) Li has been made by the owner Investron (Proprietary) Limited aansoek gedoen het om Alberton dorpsbeplanning mited for the amendment of Alberton Townplanning skema, 1979, te wysig deur die hersonering van Erf 5, Al Scheme, 1979, by the rezoning of Erf 5, Alrode South, Ex rode South Uitbreiding 2, gelee aan Van der Bijlstraat, tension 2, situated on Van der Bijl Street, from "Commervan "Kommersieel" tot "Nywerheid 3". cial" to "Industrial 3". Verdere besonderhede van hierdie aansoek (wat as Al Further particulars of the application (which will be berton wysigingskema 279 bekend sal staan) le in die kan known as Alberton Amendment Scheme 279) are open for toor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Provinsiale inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Alberton and Gebou, Kamer B506A, h/v Pretorius en Bosmanstraat, the office of the Director of Local Government, Room Pretoria en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Alberton B506A, TPA Building, cnr. Bosman en Pretorius Streets, ter insae. Pretoria. Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te eniger Any objection or representations in regard to the applityd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van hier cation shall be submitted to the Director of Local Governdie kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur ment, in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437, by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die Pretoria 0001 and the Town Clerk, P.O. Box 4, Alberton Stadsklerk, Posbus 4, Alberton 1450 skriftelik voorgele 1450 at any time within a period of 4 weeks from the date word. of this notice. Pretoria, 30 April 1986 PB 4924H279 Pretoria, 30 April 1986 PB 49 24H279

51 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 30 APRIL ik KENNISGEWING 512 VAN 1986 NOTICE 512 OF 1986 SUIDELIKE JOHANNESBURG STREEKWYSIGING SOUTHERN JOHANNESBURG REGION AMEND SKEMA 181 MENT SCHEME 181 I Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreen The Director of Local Government hereby gives notice komstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie in terms of section 46 of the Town planning and Townships op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van Ordinance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application 1965), kennis dat die eienaar, Brett Meade Developments has been made by the owner, Brett Meade Developments (Proprietary) Limited, aansoek gedoen het om Suidelike (Proprietary) Limited, for the amendment of Southern Jo Johannesburg Streek dorpsaanlegskema, 1962, te wysig hannesburg Region Town planning Scheme, 1962, by the deur die hersonering van Erwe 1973 en 1974, gelee aan rezoning of Erven 1973 and 1974 situated on Cosmos Cosmosstraat, dorp Lenasia Suid en gedeeltes van Erwe Street, Lenasia South Township and parts of Erven 1443, 1443, 1444, 1446, 1447, 1448, 1936, 1950, 1958 en 1959, gelee 1444, 1446, 1447, 1448, 1936, 1950, 1958 and 1959 situated aan Lupinstraat, dorp Lenasia Suid vanaf "Spesiaal Resi on Lupin Street, Lenasia South Township from "Special densieel" tot "Openbare Oop Ruimte" en "Straat". Residential" to "Public Open Space" and "Street". Verdere besonderhede van hierdie aansoek (wat as Sui Furthermore particulars of the application (which will be delike Johannesburg Streek wysigingskema 181 bekend sal known as Southern Johannesburg Region Amendment staan) le in die kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Scheme 181) are open for inspection at the office of the Se Bestuur, Provinsiale Gebou, Kamer B506A, h/v Pretorius cretary, Transvaal Board for the Development of Peri en Bosmanstraat, Pretoria en in die kantoor van die Sekre Urban Areas and the office of the Director of Local Go taris van die Transvaalse Raad vir Ontwikkeling van Bui vemment, Room B506A, TPA Building, cor Bosman and testedelike Gebiede. Pretorius Streets, Pretoria. Enige beswaar of vertod teen die aansoek kan te eniger Any objection or representations in regard to the appli tyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van hier cation shall be submitted to the Director of Local Govern die kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur ment, in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437, by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die Pretoria 0001, and the Secretary, PO Box 1341, Pretoria Sekretaris, Posbus 1341, Pretoria 0001, skriftelik voorgele 0001, at any time within a period of 4 weeks from the date word. of this notice. Pretoria, 30 April 1986 Pretoria, 30 April 1986 PB PB I KENNISGEWING 513 VAN 1986 NOTICE 513 OF 1986 JOHANNESBURGWYSIGINGSKEMA 1321 JOHANNESBURG AMENDMENT SCHEME 1321 Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreen The Director of Local Government hereby gives notice komstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie in terms of section 46 of the Town planning and Townships op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van Ordinance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application 1965), kennis dat die eienaar, Stups Finance (Proprietary) has been made by the owner, Stups Finance (Proprietary) Limited aansoek gedoen het om Johannesburgdorpsbe Limited for the amendment of Johannesburg Town plan planningskema, 1979, te wysig deur die hersonering van ning Scheme 1, 1979, by the rezoning of Lot 14, Booysens Lot 14, dorp Booysens, gelee tussen Kosterstraat en Fraserstraat van "Residensieel 4" tot "Nywerheid 1". Street from "Residential 4" to "Industrial 1". Township, situated between Koster Street and Fraser Verdere besonderhede van hierdie aansoek (wat as Jo Furthermore particulars of the application (which will be hannesburg wysigingskema 1321 bekend sal staan) 18 in die known as Johannesburg Amendment Scheme 1321) are kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Provin open for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Johansiale Gebou, Kamer B506A, h/v Pretorius en Bosman nesburg and the office of the Director of Local Govern straat, Pretoria en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van ment, Room B506A, TPA Building, cnr Bosman and Preto Johannesburg ter insae. rius Streets, Pretoria. Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te eniger Any objection or representations in regard to the appli tyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van hier cation shall be submitted to the Director of Local Governdie kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur ment, in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437, by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die Pretoria 0001, and the Town Clerk, PO Box 1049, Johan Stadsklerk, Posbus 1049, Johannesburg 2000, skriftelik nesburg 2000, at any time within a period of 4 weeks from voorgele word. the date of this notice. Pretoria, 30 April 1986 Pretoria, 30 April 1986 PB 4922H1321 KENNISGEWING 514 VAN 1986 NOTICE 514 OF 1986 PB 4922H1321 ROODEPOORT WYSIGINGSKEMA 695. ROODEPOORT AMENDMENT SCHEME 695 Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreen The Director of Local Government gives notice in terms 10 komstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie of section 46 of the Town planning and Townships Ordi op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van nance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application has

52 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 30 APRIL ), kennis dat die eienaar Gerard Willem van Belkum been made by the owner Gerard Willem van Belkum and en Izak Zurk Goosen aansoek gedoen het om Roode Izak Zurk Goosen for the amendment of Roodepoort poortdorpsaanlegskema 1, 1946, te wysig deur die herso Townplanning Scheme 1, 1946, by the rezoning the Renering van Resterende Gedeelte van Erf 179, Florida, making extent of Ed 179, Florida, situated on the corner gelee op die hoek van Thirdlaan en Greenstraat, van "Spe of Third Avenue and Green Street, from "Special Residen siale Woon" met 'n digtheid van "Een woonhuis per 700 tial" with a density of "One dwelling per 700 m2" to "Spe m2" tot "Spesiaal" vir los of vasstaande wooneenhede. cial" for separate or attached units. Verdere besonderhede van hierdie aansoek (wat as The amendment will be known as Roodepoort Amend Roodepoort wysigingskema 695 bekend sal staan) le in die ment Scheme 695. Further particulars of the scheme are kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Provinsi open for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, ale Gebou, Kamer B506A, h/v Pretorius en Bosmanstraat, Roodepoort and the office of the Director of Local Go Pretoria en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Roode vernment, Room B506A, Provincial Building, Pretorius poort ter insae. Street, Pretoria. Enige beswaar of vertod teen die aansoek kan te eniger Any objection or representations in regard to the appli tyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van bier cation shall be submitted to the Director of Local Govern die kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur ment, in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437, by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die Pretoria and the Town Clerk, Private Bag X30, Roode Stadsklerk, Privaatsak X30, Roodepoort 1725 skriftelik poort 1725, at any time within a period of 4 weeks from the voorgele word. date of this notice. Pretoria, 30 April 1986 Pretoria, 30 April 1986 PB PB KENNISGEWING 515 VAN 1986 NOTICE 515 OF 1986 (1 RANDBURG WYSIGINGSKEMA 953 RANDBURG AMENDMENT SCHEME 953. Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreen The Director of Local Government gives notice in terms komstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie of section 46 of the Town planning and Townships Ordiop Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van nance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application has 1965), kennis dat die eienaar, Felicitas Investments (Pro been made by the owner Felicitas Investments (Proprie prietary) Limited aansoek gedoen het om Randburg tary) Limited for the amendment of Randburg Town plan dorpsbeplanningskema 1, 1976 te wysig deur die hersone ning Scheme 1, 1976 by rezoning of Ed 256 situated on the ring van Ed 256, geled op die hoek van Commercial en corner of Commercial and Arbeid Avenues, Strijdom Park Arbeidlaan, Strijdom Park Uitbreiding 9, van "Kommer Extension 9, from "Commercial" to "Special" for shops, sieel 1" tot "Spesiaal" vir winkels, besigheidsgeboue en business premises and commercial purposes. kommersiele doeleindes. The amendment will be known as Randburg Amendment Verdere besonderhede van hierdie Wysigingskema (wat Scheme 953. Further particulars of the scheme are open for Randburg wysigingskema 953 genoem sal word) le in die inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Randburg and kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Kamer at the office of the Director of Local Givernment, Room B306, Provinsialegebou, Hoek van Bosman en Pretorius B306, Provincial Building, Corner Bosman and Pretorius straat, Pretoria, en die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Streets, Pretoria. Randburg ter insae. Any objection or representations in regard to the appli Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te eniger tyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum hier ment, in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437, N die kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Pretoria and the Town Clerk, Private Bag 1, Randburg by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die 2125, at any time within a period of 4 weeks from the date Stadsklerk, Privaatsak 1, Randburg 2125, skriftelik voor of this notice. gele word. Pretoria, 30 April 1986 Pretoria, 30 April 1986 PB PB H953 cation shall be submitted to the Director of Local van Govern ill KENNISGEWING 516 VAN 1986 NOTICE 516 OF 1986 BOKSBURG WYSIGINGSKEMA 1/380 BOKSBURG AMENDMENT SCHEME 1/380 Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreen The Director of Local Government gives notice in terms komstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van of section 46 of the Town planning and Townships Ordi trance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application has 1965), kennis dat die eienaar, Farrarpark Eiendomme been made by the owner, Farrar Park Eiendomme (Eien (Eiendoms) Beperk aansoek gedoen het om Boksburg doms) Beperk for the amendment of Boksburg Town plan dorpsaanlegskema 1, 1946, te wysig deur die hersonering ning Scheme 1, 1946, by rezoning of Erf 32, situated on van Erf 32, gelee aan Rondebultweg en Farrarpark, Bob Rondebult Road, Farrar Park, Boksburg from "RSA" to burg van "RSA" tot "Spesiaal" vir kantore, mediese doel "Special" for offices, medical purposes and a chemist. eindes en 'n apteek. Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat The amendment will be known as Boksburg Amendment Boksburg wysigingskema 1/380 genoem sal word) le in die Scheme 1/380. Further particulars of the scheme are as

53 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 30 APRIL _ 10 kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, TPA open for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Boks Gebou, Kamer B206, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria en in die burg and the office of the Director of Local Government, kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Boksburg ter insae. TPA Building, Room B206, Pretorius Street, Pretoria. Enige beswaar of verto6 teen die aansoek kan te eniger Any objection or representations in regard to the appli tyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van hier cation shall be submitted to the Director of Local Govern die kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur ment, in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437, by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die Pretoria and the Town Clerk, PO Box 215, Boksburg 1460, Stadsklerk, Posbus 215, Boksburg 1460, skriftelik voorgele at any time within a priod of 4 weeks from the date of this word. notice. Pretoria, 30 April 1986 Pretoria, 30 April 1986 PB PB KENNISGEWING 517 VAN 1986 NOTICE 517 OF 1986, REMOVAL OF RESTRICTIONS ACT, 1967 opskorting N ofb opheffing die1967titelvoor.: aardes van Erf 236 Dersley, dorp Springs. tions of Title of Erf 236, Dersley, Springs Township. 2. ie. wysiging van die Springs dorpsaanlegskema 1, The amendment of the Springs town planning Scheme 1,1948. Hierby word bekend gemaak dat Margaret Shirley 0 Brow ci ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 3(1) van die Wet It is hereby notified that application has been made by op Opheffing van Beperkings, 1967, aansoek gedoen het Margaret Shirley Brown in terms of section 3(1) of the Re ill 1. iet woypsi gipnhg,eofpflsknogrtivn1. fir Kn 1gNvGanS The amendment, suspension or removal of the Condi vir moval of Restrictions Act, 1967, for (1) die wysiging, van die titelvoorwaardes van Erf 236 (1) the amendment of the conditions of title of Erf 236, Dersley, dorp Springs ten einde dit moontlik te maak dat Dersley, Springs Township in order to permit the relaxadie boulyn verslap kan word; don of the building line; (2) die wysiging van die Springs dorpsbeplanningskema (2) the amendment of the Springs Town planning 1,1948, deur die verslapping van die boulyn. Scheme 1,1948, by the relaxation of the building line. Die wysigingskema sal bekend staan as Springswysiging This amendment scheme will be known as Springs skema 1/354. Amendment Scheme 1/354. Die aansoek en die betrokke dokumente 16 ter insae in The application and the relative documents are open for die kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, 10de inspection at the office of the Director of Local Govern Vloer, Merinogebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria en in die ment, 10th Floor, Merino Building, Pretorius Street, Prekantoor van die Stadsklerk, Springs tot 16 April toria and the office of the Town Clerk, Springs until 16 April Besware teen die aansoek kan op of voor 16 April 1986 skriftelik by die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur by bover Objections to the application may be lodged in' writing melde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria ingedien word. with the Director of Local Government at the above address or Private Bag X437, Pretoria, on or before 16 April Pretoria, 30 April 1986 Pretoria, 30 April 1986 PB PB ICENNISGEWING 518 VAN 1986 NOTICE 518 OF 1986 WET OP OPHEFFING VAN BEPERKINGS, 1967 REMOVAL OF RESTRICTIONS ACT, Die wysiging, opskorting of opheffing van die titel 1. The amendment, suspension or removal of the condi voorwaardes van Erf/Erwe 33/2772, dorp Kemptonpark; en tions of title of Erf/Erven 33/2772, Kempton Park Town 2. die voorgestelde wysiging van die Kemptonpark ship; dorpsaanlegskema, the proposed amendment of the Kempton Park Town Hierby word bekend gemaak dat ingevolge die bepalings planning Scheme, van artikel 3(1) van die Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings, 1967, aansoek gedoen is deur, Edwin Peter Malan vir: It is hereby notified that application has been made in terms of section 3(1) of the Removal of Restrictions Act, (1) die wysiging, opskorting of opheffing van die titel 1967 by, Edwin Peter Malan for: voorwaardes van Erf/Erwe 33/2772, dorp Kemptonpark ten (1) the amendment, suspension or removal of the condi einde dit moontlik te maak dat die erf/erwe gebruik kan lions of title of Erf/Erven word vir kantore, store en verwante gebruike; 33/2772, Kempton Park Township in order to permit the erf/erven being used for offices, (2) die wysiging van die Kemptonparksedorpsbeplan warehousing and land uses incidental thereto; ingskema, 1952, deur die hersonering van die erf/erwe (2) the amendment of the Kempton Park Townplanning an "Algemene Woon" tot "Spesiaal" vir kantore, store Scheme, 1952, by the rezoning of the erf/erven form "Gen en verwante gebruike of sodanige ander grondgebruike eral Residential" to "Special" for offices, warehousing soon deur die Administrateur goedgekeur.

54 1546 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 30 APRIL 1986 Die aansoek sal bekend staan as Kemptonparkwysigingskema 1/373. and land uses incidental thereto or such other land uses that may be approved by the Administrator. Die aansoek en die betrokke dokumente re ter insae in This application will be known as Kempton Park Amend die kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Pro ment Scheme 1/373. vinsiale Gebou, Kamer B306, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria en The application and the relative documents are in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk, Kemptonpark tot open for 28 Mei inspection at the office of the Director of Local Govern ment, Provincial Building, Room B206, Pretorius Street, Besware teen die aansoek kan op of voor 28 Mei 1986 Pretoria and the office of the Town Clerk, Kempton Park skriftelik by die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur by bover until 28 May melde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria ingedien word. Objections to the application may be lodged in writing with the Director of Local Government at the above address or Private Bag X437, Pretoria on or before 28 May Pretoria, 30 April Pretoria, 30 April 1986 PB PB KENNISGEWING 519 VAN 1986 NOTICE 519 OF 1986 WET OP OPHEFFING VAN BEPERKINGS, 1967: REMOVAL OF RESTRICTONS ACT, 1967: PROPOSED VOORGESTELDE WYSIGING, OPSKORTING OF AMENDMENT, SUSPENSION OR REMOVAL OF THE OPHEFFING VAN TITELVOORWAARDES VAN ERF CONDITIONS OF TITLE OF ERF 2510, KEMPTON 2510, DORP KEMPTONPARK PARK TOWNSHIP Hierby word bekend gemaak dat Cosmas Cavaleros It is hereby notified that application has been made by (Proprietary) Limited ingevolge die bepalings van artikel Cosmas Cavaleros (Proprietary) Limited in terms of sec 3(1) van die Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings, 1967, aan Lion 3(1) of the Removal of Restrictions Act, 1967, for the soek gedoen het vir die wysiging, van die titelvoorwaardes amendment, suspension or removal of the conditions of van Erf 2510, dorp Kemptonpark ten einde dit moontlik te title of Erf 2510, Kempton Park Township in order to per maak dat die erf vir die oprigting van wooneenhede en/of mit the erf being used for the erection of dwelling units ontspanningsfasiliteite gebruik kan word. and/or recreation facilities. Die aansoek en die betrokke dokumente le ter insae in The application and the relative documents are open for die kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, 10e inspection at the office of the Director of Local Govern Verdieping, Merinogebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria, en in ment, 10th Floor, Merino Building, Pretorius Street, Pre die kantoor van die Stadsklerk, Kemptonpark tot 28 Mei toria, and the office of the Town Clerk, Kempton Park until 28 May Objections to the application may be lodged in writing with the Director of Local Government at the above ad dress or Private Bag X437, Pretoria, on or before the 28th May Besware teen die aansoek kan op of voor 28 Mei 1986 skriftelik by die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria, ingedien word. Pretoria, 30 April 1986 PB Pretoria, 30 April 1986 KENNISGEWING 520 VAN 1986 NOTICE 520 OF 1986 PB PRETORIAWYSIGINGSKEMA 1859 PRETORIA AMENDMENT SCHEME 1859 Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreen The Director of Local Government gives notice in terms komstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie of section 46 of the Townplanning and Townships Ordiop Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van nance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application has 1965), kennis dat die eienaar, Colin Silberman, aansoek been made by the owner, Colin Silberman, for the amendgedoen het om die Pretoria dorpsbeplanningskema 1, ment of the Pretoria Town planning Scheme 1, 1974, by re 1974, te wysig deur die hersonering van Erf 385, Gezina, zoning Erf 385, Gezina, from "General Business" to "Genvan "Algemene Besigheid" na "Algemene Besigheid" on eral Business" subject to various conditions and the derworpe aan sekere voorwaardes en die hersonering van rezoning Of the Remainder of Erf 376, Gezina, from "Spe die Restant van Erf 3767, Gezina, van "Spesiale Woon" na cial Residential" to "Special" for parking. "Spesiaal" vir parkering. The amendment will be known as Pretoria Amendment Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat Scheme Further particulars of the scheme are as Pretoria wysigingskema 1859 genoem sal word) le in die open for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Pretokantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, TPA ria, and the office of the Director of Local Government, Gebou, Kamer B206, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria en in die TPA Building, Room B206, Pretorius Street, Pretoria. kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Pretoria ter insae. Any objection or representations in regard to the appli Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te eniger cation shall be submitted to the Director of Local Govern tyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van hier ment, in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437, die kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Pretoria, and the Town Clerk, P.O. Box 440, Pretoria 0001, by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die at any time within a period of 4 weeks from the date of this Stadsklerk, Posbus 440, Pretoria 0001, skriftelik voorgele notice. word. Pretoria, 30 April PB 4 923H1859 Pretoria, 30 April PB 492 3H J

55 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 30 APRIL k KENNISGEWING 521 VAN 1986 NOTICE 521 OF 1986 MI PRETORIA WYSIGINGSKEMA 1868 PRETORIA AMENDMENT SCHEME 1868 Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreen The Director of Local Government gives notice in terms komstig die bepalings van 'artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie of section 46 of the Town planning and Townships Ordi op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van nance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application has 1965), kennis dat die eienaar, The South African Nursing been made by the owner, The South African Nursing Council, aansoek gedoen het om die Pretoriadorpsaan Council, for the amendment of Pretoria Town planning legskema, 1974, te wysig deur die hersonering van Erf 94, Scheme, 1974, by rezoning Erf 94, Portion 1 of Ed 97, Re Gedeelte 1 van Ed 97, Resterende Gedeelte van Erf 97 en maiming Extent of Ed 97 and Erf 1084, Arcadia from "Ge Erf 1084, Arcadia vanaf "Algemene Woon" tot "Spesiaal" neral Residential" to "Special" for offices and relative fa vir kantore en aanverwante fasiliteite. dales. Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat The amendment will be known as Pretoria Amendment Pretoria wysigingskema 1868 genoem sal word) le in die Scheme Further particulars of the scheme are open kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, TPA for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Pretoria and Gebou, Kamer B206A, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria en in die the office of the Director of Local Government, Room kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Pretoria ter insae A, TPA Building, Pretorius Street, Pretoria. Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te eniger Any objection or representations in regard to the appli tyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van bier cation shall be submitted to the Director of Local Govern die kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur ment, in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437, by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die Pretoria and the Town Clerk, PO Box 440, Pretoria 0001, Posbus 440, Pretoria 0001, skriftelik voorgele at any time within a period of 4 weeks from the date of this word. notice. Stadsklerk, Pretoria, 30 April 1986 Pretoria, 30 April 1986 PB PB 4923H1868 KENNISGEWING 522 VAN 1986 NOTICE 522 OF 1986 WET OP OPHEFFING VAN BEPERKINGS, 1967: REMOVAL OF RESTRICTIONS ACT, 1967: PRO VOORGESTELDE WYSIGING, OPSKORTING OF POSED AMENDMENT, SUSPENSION OR REMOVAL OPHEFFING VAN TITELVOORWAARDES VAN ERF OF THE CONDITIONS OF TITLE OF ERF 1525, SIL 1525, DORP SILVERTON UITBREIDING 8 VERTON EXTENSION 8 TOWNSHIP Hierby word bekend gemaak dat Robert Ivan Wall, inge It is hereby notified that application has been made by volge die bepalings van artikel 3(1) van die Wet op Ophef Robert Ivan Wall in terms of section 3(1) of the Removal fing van Beperkings, 1967, aansoek gedoen het vir die wy of Restrictions Act, 1967, for the amendment, suspension siging, opskorting of opheffing van die titelvoorwaardes or removal of the conditions of title of Erf 1525, Silverton van Erf 1525, dorp Silverton Uitbreiding 8, ten einde dit Extension 8 Township, in order to permit the relaxation of moontlik te maak dat die boulyn van 7,65 in tot 4,0 m ver the building line from 7,65 m to 4,0 m in order to allow the slap kan word ten einde 'n motorhuis en 'n afdak te kan erection of a garage and canopy. opng. i The application and the relative documents are open for Die aansoek en die betrokke dokumente M ter insae in inspection at the office of the Director of Local Governdie kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, ment, Room B206(A), 2nd Floor, TPA Building, Pretorius Kamer B206(A), 2de Vloer, TPA Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Street, Pretoria and the office of the Town Clerk, PO Box Pretoria en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk, Posbus 440, 440, Pretoria 0001, until 28 May Pretoria 0001, tot 28 Mei Objections to the application may be lodged in writing Besware teen die aansoek kan op of voor 28 Mei 1986 with the Director of Local Government at the above adskriftelik by die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur by hover dress or Private Bag X437, Pretoria, on or before the 28 melde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria, ingedien word. May Pretoria, 30 April 1986 Pretoria, 30 April 1986 PB PB KENNISGEWING 523 VAN 1986 NOTICE 523 OF 1986 WET OP OPHEFFING VAN BEPERKINGS, 1967: REMOVAL OF RESTRICTIONS ACT, 1967: PRO VO ORGESTELDE WYSIGING VAN TITELVOOR POSED AMENDMENT OF THE CONDITIONS OF WAARDES VAN ERF 278, WATERKLOOF TITLE OF ERF 278, WATERKLOOF Hierby word bekend gemaak dat Pieter George Groeneingevolge die bepalings van artikel 3(1) van die Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings, 1967, aansoek gedoen het vir die wysiging van die titelvoorwaardes van Erf 278, Waterkloof, ten einde dit moontlik te maak om die erf te onderverdeel. pwald, It is hereby notified that application has been made by Pieter George Groenewald, in terms of section 3(1) of the Removal of Restrictions Act, 1967, for the amendment of the conditions of title of Erf 278, Waterkloof, to permit the subdivision of the erf.

56 1548 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 30 APRIL 1986 Die aansoek en die betrokke dokumente le ter insae in The application and the relative documents are open for die kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, inspection at the office of the Director of Local Govern 1 Kamer B206A, Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Preto ment, Room B206A, Provincial Building, Pretorius Street, NM ria en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk, Pretoria, tot 28 Pretoria and at the office of the Town Clerk, Pretoria, Mei until 28 May Objections to the application may be lodged in writing with the Director of Local Government at the above ad dress or Private Bag X437, Pretoria, on or before 28 May Besware teen die aansoek kan op of voor 28 Mei 1986 skriftelik by die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur by hovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria, ingedien word. Pretoria, 30 April 1986 Pretoria, 30 April 1986 PB PB KENNISGEWING 524 VAN 1986 NOTICE 524 OF 1986 WET OP OPHEFFING VAN BEPERKINGS, 1967: DIE REMOVAL OF RESTRICTIONS ACT, 1967: PRO OPHEFFING VAN DIE TITELVOORWAARDES VAN POSED REMOVAL OF THE CONDITIONS OF TITLE ERF 96, DORP ERASMUSRAND OF ERF 96, ERASMUSRAND TOWNSHIP Hierby word bekend gemaak dat, Christiaan Jacob It is hereby notified that application has been made by Johan Els ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 3(1) van die Christiaan Jacob Johan Els in terms of section 3(1) of the Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings, 1967, aansoek gedoen Removal of Restrictions Act, 1967, for the removal of the het, vir die wysiging, opskorting of opheffing van die titel conditions of title of Ed 96, Erasmusrand Township in voorwaardes van Erf 96, dorp Erasmusrand ten erode dit order to permit the relaxation of the building line from 8 moontlik te maak om die erf se boulyn te kan verslap vanaf metres to 3,5 metres as well as the removal of the restric 8 meter na 3,5 metei asook om die beperking met betrektion relating to roofing materials. king tot dekmateriaal op te hef. The application and the relative documents are open for Die aansoek en die betrokke dokumente le ter insae in inspection at the office of the Director of Local Govern die kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, 2de ment, 2nd Floor, TPA Building, Pretorius Street, Pretoria Vloer, TPA Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria en in die and the office of the Town Clerk, Pretoria until 30 May kantoor van die Stadsklerk, Pretoria tot 30 Mei Besware teen die aansoek kan op of voor 30 Mei 1986 Objections to the application may. be lodged in writing skriftelik by die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur by hover with the Director of Local Government, at the above admelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria ingedien word. dress or Private Bag X437, Pretoria on or before 30 May Pretoria, 30 April PB Pretoria, 30 April 1986 PB a li KENNISGEWING 525 VAN 1986 NOTICE 525 OF 1986 PRETORIA WYSIGINGSKEMA 1859 PRETORIA AMENDMENT SCHEME 1859 Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreen The Director of Local Government gives notice in terms komstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie of section 46 of the Town planning and Townships Ordiop Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van nance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application has 1965), kennis dat die eienaar, Colin Silberman aansoek ge been made by the owner, Colin Silberman for the amend doen het om die Pretoria dorpsbeplanningskema 1, 1974, ment of the Pretoria Town planning Scheme 1, 1974, by re te wysig deur die hersonering van Ed 385, Gezina, van zoning Ed 385, Gezina, from "General Business" to "Gen "Algemene Besigheid" na "Algemene Besigheid" onder eral Business" subject to certain conditions and the worpe aan sekere voorwaardes, en die hersonering van die rezoning of the Remainder of Ed 376, Gezina, from "Spe Restant van Ed 376, Gezina van "Spesiale Woon' na "Spe cial Residential" to "Special" for parking. siaal" vir parkering. The amendment will be known as Pretoria Amendment Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat Scheme Further particulars of the scheme are as Pretoria wysigingskema 1859 genoem sal word) le in die open for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Preto kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, TPA ria and the office of the Director of Local Government, Gebou, Kamer B206A, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria en in die TPA Building, Room B206A, Pretorius Street, Pretoria. kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Pretoria ter insae. Any objection or representations in regard to the appli Enige beswaar of vertod teen die aansoek kan te eniger cation shall be submitted to the Director of Local Govern tyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf datum van hierdie ment, in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437, kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur by Pretoria and the Town Clerk, PO Box 440, Pretoria 0001 at bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die any time within a period of 4 weeks from the date of this Stadsklerk, Posbus 440, Pretoria 0001 skriftelik voorgele notice. word. Pretoria, 30 April 1986 Pretoria, 30 April 1986 PB 4923H1859 PB 4923H `

57 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 30 APRIL KENNISGEWING 526 VAN 1986 NOTICE 526 OF 1986 P or PRETORIA WYSIGINGSICEMA 1867 PRETORIA AMENDMENT SCHEME 1867 Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreen The Director of Local Government gives notice in terms komstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie of section 46 of the Town planning and Townships Ordi op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van nance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of. 1965), that application has 1965) kennis dat die eienaar, Chater Investments (Eien been made by the owner, Chater Investments (Proprietary) doms) Beperk, aansoek gedoen het om Pretoriadorpsbe Limited, for the amendment of Pretoria Town planning planningskema 1, 1974, te wysig deur die hersonering van Scheme 1, 1974, by rezoning Remainder of Erf 1814, Pretodie Restant van Erf 1814, Pretoria, vanaf Gebruiksone IV ria, from Use Zone IV "General Residential" to Use "Algemene Woon" tot Gebruiksone XI "Beperkte Zone XI "Restricted Industrial", subject to certain con Nywerheid," onderworpe aan sekere voorwaardes. ditions. Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat The amendment will be known as Pretoria Amendment Pretoria wysigingskema 1867 genoem sal word) l'e in die Scheme Further particulars of the scheme are open kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, TPA for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Pretoria and Gebou, Kamer B206A, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria en in die at the office of the Director of Local Government, TPA kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Pretoria ter insae. Building, Room B206, Pretorius Street, Pretoria. Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te eniger Any objection or representations in regard to the appli tyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van bier cation shall be submitted to the Director of Local Governdie kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur ment in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437, by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die Pretoria and the Town Clerk, PO Box 440, Pretoria 0001, Stadsklerk, Posbus 440, Pretoria 0001 skriftelik voorgele at any time within a period of 4 weeks from the date of this word. notice. Pretoria, 30 April 1986 Pretoria, 30 April 1986 PB PB ibevordering KENNISGEWING 527 VAN 1986 NOTICE 527 OF 1986 DEPARTEMENT VAN STAATKUNDIGE ONTWIK KELING EN BEPLANNING DEPARTMENT OF CONSTITUTIONAL DEVELOP MENT AND PLANNING ONDERSOEK NA DIE VERANDERING VAN DIE REGSGEBIED VAN DIE TRANSVAALSE RAAD VIR DIE ONTWIKKELING VAN BUITESTEDELIKE GE ENQUIRY INTO THE ALTERATION OF THE AREA BIEDE EN DIE APBAKENING VAN DIE REGSGE OF JURISDICTION OF THE TRANSVAAL BOARD BIED VAN DIE VOORGESTELDE STADSRAAD VAN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF PERI URBAN AREAS ELLISRAS AND THE DEMARCATION OF THE AREA OF JURISDICTION OF THE PROPOSED TOWN COUNCIL Kennis geskied hiermee dat die Administrateur van OF ELLISRAS Transvaal ingevolge artikel 7F(1)(a) van die Wet op die van Plaaslike Owerheidsaangeleenthede, Notice is hereby given that the Administrator of Trans 1983 (Wet 91 van 1983), soos gewysig, die Afbakeningsraad vaal has in terms of section 7F(1)(a) of the Promotion of vir Plaaslike Owerheidsgebiede versoek het om ondersoek Local Government Affairs Act, 1983 (Act 91 of 1983), as in te stel na en hom van advies te dien oor die wenslikheid amended requested the Demarcation Board for Local Go of andersins van die verandering van die regsgebied van vemment Areas to hold an enquiry and advise him on the die Transvaalse Raad vir die Ontwikkeling van Buitestede desirability or otherwise of the alteration of the area of julike Gebiede deur die afskeiding van die gebied hieronder risdiction of the Transvaal Board for the Development of vermeld en die afbakening van genoemde gebied as die PefiUrban Areas by the excision of the area described regsgebied van die voorgestelde Stadsraad van Ellisras. below and the demarcation of the said area as the area of jurisdiction of the proposed Town Council of Ellisras. Die versoek asook 'n kaart waarop die betrokke gebied by benadering aangedui word le ter insae by die kantoor The request as well as a map indicating the approximate van die Sekretaris van die Afbakeningsraad vir Plaaslike situation of the area concerned is open to inspection at the Owerheidsgebiede, Kamer G06, Walkerstraat 240, Sunny office of the Secretary of the Demarcation Board for Local side, Pretoria, en by die Kantoor van die Sekretaris, Government Areas, Room G06, Walker Street, Sunnyside, Transvaalse Raad vir die Ontwikkeling van Buitestedelike Pretoria, and the office of the Secretary, Transvaal Board Gebiede, Pretoria. for the Development of Peri Urban Areas, Pretoria. Skriftelike besware teen of vertod in verband met die Written objections against or representations in connecvoorgestelde afbakening kan op of voor 23 Mei 1986 by die lion with the proposed demarcation may be lodged with Sekretaris van die Afbakeningsraad vir Plaaslike Ower the Secretary of the Demarcation Board for Local Govern heidsgebiede, Privaatsak X644, Pretoria, 0001, ingedien ment Areas, Private Bag X644, Pretoria, 0001, on or beword. fore 23 May BESKRYWING DESCRIPTION sk Pr Begin by die noordwestelike baken van die Restant van Beginning at the north western beacon of the Re Gedeelte 3 (Kaart A 4973/46), groot 66,1716 ha van Groot mainder of Portion 3 (Diagram A 4973/46), in extent

58 L 1550 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 30 APRIL 1986 fontein 501 LQ; daarvandaan noordooswaarts met die 66,1716 ha of Grootfontein 501 LQ; thence northeastnoordelike grens van genoemde Restant van Gedeelte 3 en wards along the northern boundary of the said Remainder Gedeelte 10 (Kaart A 263/60) van Grootfontein 501 LQ tot of Portion 3 and Portion 10 (Diagram A263/60) of Groot by die middel van die Zand en Pongolarivier; daarvan fontein 501 LO to the middle of the Zand or Pongola daan algemeen suidwaarts langs die middel van genoemde River; thence generally southwards along the middle of the rivier tot by die suidoostelike hoek van Waterkloof 502 said river to the south eastern corner of Waterkloof 502 LQ; daarvandaan suidweswaarts, noordwaarts en alge LQ: thence southwestwards, northwards and generally meen noordooswaarts langs die grense van die volgende northeastwards along the boundaries of the following plase sodat dit by die gebied ingesluit word: genoemde farms so as to include them in this area: the said Water Waterkloof 502 LQ. Onvenvacht 503 LQ en genoemde kloof 502 LO. Onvenvacht 503 LQ and the said Grootfon Grootfontein 501 LQ tot by die noordwestelike baken van tein 501 LO to the north western beacon of the said Re genoemde Restant van Gedeelte 3 van Grootfontein 501 mainder of Portion 3 of Grootfontein 501 LQ. the point of LQ. die beginpunt. beginning. T M SMITH Sekretaris: Afbakeningsraad Pretoria, 30 April 1986 Pretoria, 30 April 1986 T M SMITH Secretary: Demarcation Board Verwysing: 12/2/10/4/1 Reference: 12/2/10/4/

59 I 1 1 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 30 APRIL TENDERS.. TENDERS. ID L.W. Tenders wat voorheen tingsdatum nog nie verstreke gepubliseer is en waarvan die sluff N.B. Tenders previously published and where is nie, word nie in the closing dates hierdie kennisgewing herhaal nie. Tenders word normaalweg have not yet passed, have not been repeated in this notice. Tenders are 35 weke voor die sluitingsdano ally published 35 weeks before the closing turn gepubliseer. date. TRANSVAALSE PROVINSIALE ADMINISTRASIE TENDERS. TRANSVAAL PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION TENDERS. Tenders vir die volgende dienste / voorrade / verkope Tenders are invited for the following services / supword ingewag. (Tensy dit in die uiteensetting anders plies / sales. (Unless otherwise indicated in the descripaangegee word, word tenders vir voorrade bedoel): lion tenders are for supplies): Beskrywing van Tender Sluitingsdatum Tender No Description of Tender Closing Date _ WFT 12/86 Verskaffing en aflewering van 12voltbatterye en batterylaaiers vir die tydperk eindigende 31 Mei 1988/Supply and delivery of 12volt batteries and battery chargers for the period ending 31 May WFTB 135/86 Laerskool Gravelotte, Pietersburg: Opknapping/Gravelotte Primary School, Pietersburg: Renovation Item 31/1/6/0584/ WFTI3 136/86 Potgietersrus padkamp, Eenheid "D": Opknapping van 21 voorafvervaardigde geboue/potgietersrus Road Camp, Unit "D": Renovation of 21 prefabncated buildings. Item 33/1/6/0456/ WFT13 137/86 Leratonghospitaal, Krugersdorp: Dialise eenheid/leratong Hospital, Krugersdorp: Dialysis Item unit. 2006/ WFTB 138/86 Witbankse Hospitaal: Waterdigting/Witbank Hospital: Waterproofing. Item 32/2/6/109/ WFTB 139/86 Hillbrowse Hospitaal: Waterdigting/Hillbrow Hospital: Waterproofing. Item 32/7/6/036/ WFTB 140/86 Bosmansrust padkamp Potchefstroom: Opknapping/Bosmansrust Road Camp, Potchefstroom: Renovation. Item 33/4/6/0161/0' WFTB 141/86 Dr A G Visser hospitaal, Heidelberg: Nuwe minicreche/dr A G Visser Hospital, Heidelberg: New mini crèche. Item 12/3/3/1000/ WFTB 142/86 Natalspruitse Hospitaal: Verwydering van as/natalspruit Hospital: Removal of ash. Item 65/6/6/055/000 WFTB /86 Suidrandse Hospitaal: Verwyderins van as/south Rand Hospital: Removal of ash. Item 65/6/6/088/ WFTB 144/86 Sebokengse Hospitaal, Vereeniging: Verwydering van as/sebokeng Hospital, Verecniging: Removal of ash. Item 65/6/6/117/ WFTB 145/86 Verecnigingse Hospitaal: Verwydering van asnereeniging Hospital: Removal of ash. Item 65/6/6/097/000 RFT /86P Struktuurtekeninge/Structural drawings RF1' 22/86M 27ton sclfaangedrewe lugbandverdigter/27ton selfpropelled pneumatic tyred compactor TED/TOD 510/86(a) Oudiovisuele apparaat/audiovisual apparatus. TED HA 1/35/86 Korsette, plastiese halsbande, pleistersandale, gewrigstutte en mediese kouse/corsets, plastic neck collars, plaster sandals, wrist braces and medical stockings HA 1/36/86 E.K.G. masjiene/e.c.g. machines lik

60 1552. PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 30 APRIL 1986 BELANGRIKE OPMERKINGS IN VERBAND MET IMPORTANT NOTICES IN CONNECTION WITH TENDERS TENDERS I. Die betrokke tenderdokumente. met inbcgrip van die amptelikei. The relative tender documents including the Administration's of. tendervorms van die Administrasie. is op aanvraag by die ender staande adresse verkrygbaar. Sodanige dokumebte as mode enige tender kontrakvoorwaardes wat nie in die tenderdokumente opge neem is Me, is ook by die genoemde adres vir inspeksie verkrygbaar: ficial tender forms, arc obtainable on application from the. relative address indicated below. Such documents and any tender contract conditions not embodied in the tender documents are also available for inspection at the said address:. Tender verwysing Posadres te Pretoria Kantoor in Nuwe Provinsiale Office in New Provincial Building, Gebou, Pretoria Tender Postal address Pretoria Ref Pretoria Kamer Verdie Foon Room Phone No. Blok ping Pretoria No. Block Floor Pretoria HA I & Direkteur van A900 A HA I & Director of Hospital A900 A HA 2 Hospitaaldienste, HA 2 Services, Private Privaatsak X221. Bag X221. FIB en Direkteur van A819 A HB and Director of Hospital A819 A HC Hospitaaldienste. HC Services. Private Privaatsak X221. Bag X221. HD Direkteur van A821 A HD Director of Hospital A821 A 8 _ Hospitaaldienste. Services. Private Privaatsak X22I. Bag X221. PFT Provinsiale Sekre A1020 A PFT Provincial Secretary A1020 A tads (Aankope (Purchases and en Voorrade). Pri Supplies). Private vaatsak X64. Bag X RFT Direkteur Trans D RFT Director. Transvaal D307 D vaalse Paaie Roads departement, Pri Department, Privaatsak X197. vate Bag X197. TOD Direkteur, Trans 633 Sentrakor 201 4/18 TED 1100 Director. Transvaal 633 Sentrakor TOD 100. vaalse Onder 633 gehou TED 100 Education De 633 Building wysdepartement, partment. Private Privaatsak X76. Bag X76. WET Dirckteur, Trans CI 19 C I WET Director. Transvaal CII9 C I vaalse Werkede Department of I partement, Pri Works. Private. vaatsak X228. Bag X228. WFTB Direkteur. Trans E103 E I ' WFTB Director. Transvaal E I U3 E vaalse Werkede Department of, partement, Pri qi Works. Private vaatsak X228. Bag X Die Administrasie is nie daartoc verplig om die laagste of enige 2. The Administration is not bound to accept the lowest or any ten tender aan te necm nie en behou horn die reg voor om 'n gedeelte van der and reserves the right to accept a portion of a tender. 'n tender aan te neem. 3. Alle tenders meet op die amptelike tendervorm van die Adminis 3. All tenders must be submitted on the Administration's official trasie voorgele word. tender forms. 4. ledere inskrywing moet in 'n afsonderlike verseeldc koevert inge 4. Each tender must be submitted in a separate sealed envelope ad dien word, geadresseer aan die Voorsitter. Die Transvaalse Provin dressed to the Chairman. Transvaal Provincial Tender Board. PO Box siale Tenderraad, Posbus Pretoria. en moet doidelik van die Pretoria. and must be clearly superscribed to show the ten opskrif voorsien wees ten einde die tenderaar se naam en adres aan te derer's name and address. as well as the number, description and dos toon, asook die nommer, beskrywing en sluitingsdatum van die ten ing date of the tender. Tenders must be in the hands of the Chairman der. Inskrywings moet teen Ilh00 op die sluitingsdatum hierbo aange by 11h00 on the closing date indicated above. toon, in die Voorsitter se hande wees. 5. Indien inskrywings per hand ingedien word. moet hulle teen 5. If tenders are delivered by hand. they must be deposited in the MOO op die sluitingsdatum in die Formele Tenderbus geplaas wees Formal tender Box at the Enquiry Office in the foyer of the New Pro by die navraagkantoor in die voorportaal van die nuwe Provinsiale vincial Building at the Pretorius Street main entrance (near Bosman Gebou by die hoofingang aan Pretoriusstraat se kant (naby die hock Street corner), Pretoria. by 11h110 on the closing date. van Bosmanstraat), Pretoria. 0 J.F. Viljoen Voorsitter, Transvaalse Provinsiale Tenderraad. J.F. Viljoen, Chairman. Transvaal Provincial Tender Board. 16 April Apri11986

61 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 30 APRIL Plaaslike Bestuurskennisgewings Notices by Local Authorities " p STADSRAAD VAN BENONI nary office hours in the office of the Town Sec BYLAE retary, Administration Building, Municipal PROKLAMASIE VAN PADGEDEELTE Offices, Elston Avenue, Benoni.. BESKRYWING VAN PAD OOR HOEWE 210 RYNFIELD LANDBOU Any interested person who is desirous of HOEWES (GEDEELTE 2) BENONI lodging an objection to the proclamation of 'n Pad oor die algemeen 23,62 m wyd en wat the road portion in question, must lodge such in 'n suidwestelike rigting stick oor Ed 101, 'n Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge die be objection in writing, m duplicate, with the Ad sanitere steeg en 'n gedeelte van Erf 98, palings van artikel 5 van die "Local Authori ministrator, Private Bag X437, Pretoria 0001, springs. ties Roads Ordinance, 1904," (Ordonnansie 44 and the Town Clerk on or before 2 June van 1904), dat die Stadsraad van Benoni, ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 4 van ge ACTING TOWN CLERK noemde Ordonnansie, 'n versoekskrif tot Sy Administration Building TOWN COUNCIL OF SPRINGS Edele die Administrateur van Transvaal gerig Municipal Offices het om 'n sekere padgedeelte soos in die mee Elston Avenue gaande skedule omskryf, vir openbare pad PROCLAMATION OF A ROAD OVER ERF Benoni doeleindes te proklameer. 101, 16 April A SANITARY LANE AND A PORTION 1986 'n Afskrif van die versoekskrif en die dia OF ERE 98, SPRINGS Notice No 48/1986 gram wat daarby aangeheg is, le gedurende gewone kantoorure in die kantoor van die Stad Notice is hereby given in terms of the Local SCHEDULE sekretaris, Administrasie Gebou, Munisipale Authorities Roads Ordinance, 1904, as Kantore, Elstonlaan, Benoni, ter insae. amended, that the Town Council of Springs POINTTOPOINT DESCRIPTION has petitioned the Administrator to proclaim Iedereen wat mice beswaar het teen die as a public road as described in the schedule proklamasie van the betrokke padgedeelte hereto, and defined by Diagram SG No 678/86 most sodanige beswaar skriftelik, A road, 5 metres wide, commencing at point in duplikaat framed by Land Surveyor G Purchase from a D ' the south western Co r of Holding 'MO, voor of op 2 Junie 1986, by die Admintstra survey performed during January teur, Privaatsak X437, Pretoria, 0001 en die Ryirleld Agricultural Holdings (section 2) Be Stadsklerk indien. nom; thence in a north easterly direction for Any interested person who wishes to lodge 137,0 metres to point A; thencen i a south eas an objection to the proclamation of the pro WAARNEMENDE STADSKLERK terly direction for a distance of 5,0 metres to posed road, must lodge his objection in point B; thence in a south westerly direction writing in duplicate with the Director of Local Administrasie Gebou for a distance of 137,0 metres to point C; Government, Private Bag X437, Pretoria, 0001 Munisipale Kantore thence in a north westerly direction for a dis and with the undersigned not later than 30 May Elstonlaan tance of 5,0 metres to point D, all as shown on Benoni approved Surveyor's Diagram SG No A 16 April /85. J VENTER Kennisgewing No 48/1986 Town Secretary SKEDULE Civic Centre Springs PUNT TOT PUNT BESKRYWING N Notice April No 31/1986 'n Pad, 5 meter wyd, beginnende by punt D STADSRAAD VAN SPRINGS SCHEDULE in die suidwestelike hock van Hoewe 210, Rynfield Landbouhoewes (Gedeelte 2) Be PROKLAMERING VAN OPENBARE PAD noni; van daar in 'n noordoostelike rigting vir OOR ERF 101, 'N SANITEFtE STEEG EN 'N DESCRIPTION OF ROAD 137,0 meter tot by punt A; van daar in 'n suid GEDEELTE VAN ERF 98, SPRINGS oostelike rigting vir 'n afstand van 5,0 meter A road generally 23,62 in wide running in an tot by punt B; van daar in 'n suidwestelike rig southwestern direction over Erf 101, a saniting vir 'n afstand van 137,0 meter tot by punt Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge artikel 5 C; van daar in 'n noordwestelike rigting vir 'n van die "Local Authorities Roads Ordi tary lane and a portion of Erf 98, Springs. afstand van 5,0 meter tot by punt D, alles soos name", 1904, soos gewysig, dat die Stadsraad op goedgekeurde Landmetersdiagram LG No A11492/85 aangetoon. van Springs 'n versoekskrif tot die Administrateur gerig het om die pad wat in die bylae biervan omskryf word en gedefmieer word deur Diagram LG No A678/86 wat deur Landmeter STAD JOHANNESBURG G Purchase opgestel is van opmetings wat in Januarie 1986 gedoen is, as openbare pad te VOORGESTELDE WYSIGING VAN DIE TOWN COUNCIL OF BENONI proklameer. JOHANNESB URGSE D ORPSBEPLAN 'n Afskrif van die versoekskrif, diagram en NINGSICEMA, 1979 PROCLAMATION OF ROAD PORTION bylae le ter insae in die kantoor van die ander OVER HOLDING 210 RYNFIELD AGRI CULTURAL HOLDINGS (SECTION 2) BE NONI serekende tydens gewonekautoonlie. (WYSIGINGSKEMA 1613) Enige belanghebbende persoon wat 'n beswaar teen die proklamenng van die voorge Kennis word hiermee gegee ingevolge die stelde pad het, moet sodanige beswaar skrifte bepalings van artikel 26 van die Ordonnansie Notice is hereby given in terms of section 5 Ilk in tweevoud by die Direkteur van Plaaslike op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965, dat die of the Local Authorities Roads Ordinance, Bestuur, Privaatsak X437, Pretoria, 0001 en Stadsraad van Johannesburg 'n on[ 1904 (Ordinance 44 of 1904), that the Town die ondergetekende indien, nie later nie as 30 werpdorpsbeplanningskema opgestel het wat Council of Benoni has, in terms of section 4 of Mei as die Johannesburgse wysigingskema, 1613 the said Ordinance, petitioned the Honour bekend sal staan. able the Administrator of Transvaal to pro 3 VENTER lairn a road portion described in the Schedule Stadsekretaris Hierdie skema is 'n Wysigingskema en dit ereto for public road purposes. Burgersentrum bevat die volgende voorstel: Springs A copy of the petition and of the diagram at 16 Apri11986 Om Erf 32, Steeledaleuitbreiding 1, gelee tached thereto may be inspected during ordi Kemusgewing No 31/1986 te Quantockweg, van Bestaande Openbare

62 1554 PROVINSIALE KOERAN'T, 30 APRIL 1986 Pad na Kommersieel 1 onderworpe aan sekere "Openbare Oopruimte" na "Residensieel 1 en Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysi voorwaardes te hersoneer. 3"; gingskenia le in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk di van Orkney ter insae. Die uitwerking van hierdie skema 2. die hersonering van Erf 3411, Orkney 1111 is om die naamlose driehoekige padgedeelte (vroeer 'n gedeelte van Emersonweg, Orkney) Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek met die aangrensende erwe te konsolideer. na "Residensieel 1". kan te eniger tyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van hierdie kennisgewinc aan Besonderhede van hierdie skema le ter Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysi die Stadsklerk, Privaatsak X8, Orkney 2620, insae in Kamer 773, Sewende Verdieping, gingskema le in die lcantoor van die Stadsklerk skriftelik voorgete word. Burgersentrum, Braamfontein, Johannesburg, van Orkney ter insae. vir 'n tydperk van vier weke vanaf die datum Enige beswaar of vertcli teen die aansoek M S JACOBSZ waarop hierdie kennisgewing die eerste keer kan te eniger tyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke Waarnemende Stadsklerk gepubliseer word, naamlik 23 April vanaf die datum van hierdie kennisgewing an Burgersentrum die Stadsklerk, Privaatsak X8, Orkney 2620, Privaatsak X8 Enige beswaar of vertoe in verband met skriftelik voorgele word. hierdie skema moet skrifteik gerig word aan OrknePatmoreweg y die Stadsklerk, Poshus 1049, Johannesburg, I L MULLER , binne 'n tydperk van vier weke vanaf die Stadsklerk 23 April 1986 bogenoemde datum. Burgersentrum Kennisgewing No 19/1986 Privaatsak X8 HT VEALE Patmoreweg Burgersentrum Stadsekretaris Orkney Braamfontein 2620 Johannesburg 23 April 1986 TOWN COUNCIL OF ORKNEY 23 April 1986 Kenrasgewing No 17/1986 PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO ORKNEY TOWN COUNCIL OF ORKNEY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME, 1980 (AMENDMENT SCHEME 21) CITY OF JOHANNESBURG PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO JOHAN PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO ORKNEY NESBURG TOWNPLANNING SCHEME, TOWN PLANNING SCHEME, 1980 The Town Council of Orkney bas prepared a 1979 (AMENDMENT SCHEME 20) Draft Town planning Scheme in terms of section 18 of the Town planning and Townships 1 Ordinance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), to be (AMENDMENT SCHEME 1613) The Town Council of Orkney has prepared a known as Orkney Amendment Scheme 21. Draft Town planning Scheme in terms of sec This scheme will be an amendment scheme and Notice is hereby given in terms of section 26 don 18 of the Town planning and Townships contains the following proposals of the Town planning and Townships Ordi Ordinance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), to be nance, 1965, that the City Council of Johan known as Orkney Amendment Scheme the rezoning of Liven 3412, 3414 and 3416, nesburg has prepared a draft Townplanning This scheme will be an amendment scheme and Orkney from "Public Street" to "Residential scheme, to be known as Johannesburg Amend contains the following proposals 1"; ment Scheme The rezoning of Erf 2156, Orkney from 2. the rezoning of Erven 3413, 3415 and 3417, This scheme will be an Amendment Scheme "Public Open Space" to "Residential 1 and 3"; Orkney from "Public Street" to "Public Open and contains the following proposal: Space". 2. the rezoning of Erf 3411, Orkney (pre To rezone Erf 32 Steeledale Extension 1 viously a portion of Emerson Road, Orkney) Further particulars of the scheme are open Township, situated in Quantock Road from to "Residential 1". for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Existing Public Road to Commercial 1, subject Orkney. to certain conditions. Further particulars of the scheme are open for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Any objection or representations in regard The effect of this scheme is to consolidate Orkney. to the application shall be submitted, in writ this unnamed triangular road portion with the ing to the Town Clerk, Private Bag X8, Orkney adjoining erven. Any objection or representations in regard 2620, at any time within a period of 4 weeks to the application shall be submitted, in writ from the date of this notice. Particulars of this scheme are open for in ing to the Town Clerk, Private Bag X8, Orkney spection at Room 773, Seventh Floor, Civic 2620, at any time within a period of 4 weeks M S JACOBSZ Centre, Braamfontein, Johannesburg, for a from the date of this notice. Acting Town Clerk period of four weeks from the date of the first J L MULLER Civic Centre publication of this notice, which is 23 April Town Clerk Private Bag XS Patmore Road Civic Centre Bag Private Any objections or representations in X8 Orkney con Patmore Road nection with the scheme shall be submitted in Orkney 23 April 1986 writing to the Town Clerk, PO Box 1049, Jo 2620 Notice No 19/1986 hannesburg 2000, within a period of four 23 Apo" weeks from the abovementioned date. Notice No 17/1986 H T VEALE City Secretary STADSRAAD VAN PIET RETIEF Civic Centre Braamfontein STADSRAAD VAN ORICNEY Johannesburg icennisgewing WAT BESWAAR TEEN 23 April VOORGESTELDE WYSIGING VAN DIE VOORLOPIGE WAARDERINGSLYS ORKNEY DORPSBEPLANNINGSKEMA, AANVRA 1980 (WYSIGINGSICEMA 21) STADSRAAD VAN ORKNEY Kennis word hiermee ingevolge artikel 12 Die Stadsraad van Orkney het ingevolge ardie Ordonnansie op Eiendomsbelasting vanvan Plaaslike Besture, 1977 (Ordonnansie 11 VOORGESTELDE WYSIGING VAN DIE tikel 18 van die Ordonnansie op Do.rpsbeplanvan 1977), gegee dat die voorlopige waarde ORKNEY DORPSBEPLANNINGSKEMA, rang en dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van ringslys vir die boekjare oop is vir 1980 (WYSIGINGSKEMA 20) 1965), Ix Ontwerpdorpsbeplanningskema opmspeksie by die kantoor van die gestel wat bekend sal staan as Orkneywysiging_ plaaslike Bestuur van Piet Retief vanaf 23 gingskema 21. Hkrdk skema sal 'n April tot 26 Die Stadsraad van Orkney het ingevolge ar skema wees en bent die volgende Mei 1986 en enige eienaar van belasbare eientikel 18 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplan voorstene dom of ander persoon wat begerig is om 'n bening en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnanste 25 van swaar by die Stadsklerk ten opsigte van enige 1965), 'n Ontwerpdorpsbeplanningskema op 1. die hersonering van Erwe 3412, 3414 en aangeleentheid in die voorlopige waarderings gestel wat bekend sal staan as Orkney wysi 3416, Orkney van "Openbare Straat" na "Re lys opgeteken, soos in artikel 10 van die gegingskema 20. Hierdie skema sal 'n wysiging sidensieel 1"; noemde Ordonnansie beoog, in te dien, inslui 1 skema wees en bevat die volgende voor tende die vraag of sodanige eiendom of 'n II stelle 2. die hersonering van Erwe 3413, 3415 en gedeelte daarvan onderworpe is aan die beta 3417, Orkney van "Openbare Straat" na ling van eiendomsbelasting of daarvan vryge 1. Die hersonering van Erf 2156, Orkney van "Openbare Oopruimte". stel is, of ten opsigte van enige weglating van I

63 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 30 APRIL D enige aangeleentheid uit sodanige lys, doen so gedui beskikbaar en aandag word spesifiek ge om enige beswaar voor die waarderingsraad te binne gemelde tydperk. vestig op die feit dat geen persoon geregtig is opper tensy by 'n beswaar op die voorge om enige beswaar voor die Waarderingsraad Die voorgeskrewe vorm vir die indienin skrewe vorm betyds ingedien het nie. g van 'n beswaar is by die adres hieronder aan te opper tensy by 'n beswaar op die voorge sluewe vorm betyds ingedien het nie. gedui beskikbaar en aandag word spesifiek ge M C COOSTHUIZENJI PRINSLOO Stadsklerk vestig op die feit dat geen persoon geregtig is Vlak 3 Alberton Burgersentrum om enige beswaar voor die waarderingsraad te Stadsklerk Alberton opper tensy by 'n beswaar op die voorge Posbus23 30 Apri11986 skrewe vorm betyds ingedien het nie. Piet Relief Kennisgewing No 25/ M C C OOSTHUIZEN 23 Apri11986 Stadsklerk Kennisgewing No 19/1986 Posbus 23 Piet Retief LOCAL AUTHORITY OF ALBERTON April 1986 Kennisgewing No 20/1986 TOWN COUNCIL OF PIET RETIEF NOTICE CALLING FOR OBJECTIONS TO PROVISIONAL VALUATION ROLL TOWN COUNCIL OF PIET RETIEF NOTICE CALLING FOR OBJECTIONS TO PROVISIONAL SUPPLEMENTARY Notice is hereby given in terms of section VALUATION ROLL 12(1)(a) of the Local Authorities Rating Ordi NOTICE CALLING FOR OBJECTIONS TO nance, 1977 (Ordinance 11 of 1977), that the PROVISIONAL VALUATION ROLL provisional valuation roll for the financial Notice is hereby given in terms of section 36 years 1 July 1986 to 30 June 1989 is open for inof the Local Authorities Rating Ordinance, spection at the office of the local authority of Notice is hereby given in terms of section (Ordinance 11 of 1977), that the Provi Alberton from 30 April 1986 to 6 June 1986 and of the Local Authorities Rating Ordinance, sional Supplementary Valuation Roll for the any owner of rateable property or other per 1977 (Ordinance 11 of 1977), that the provi financial year 1985/86 is open for inspection at son who desires to lodge an objection with the sional valuation roll for the financial years the office of the local authority of Piet Retief Town Clerk in respect of any matter recorded is open for inspection at the office of from 23 April 1986 to 26 May 1986 and any in the provisional valuation roll as contem the Local Authority of Piet Retief from 23 owner of rateable property or other person plated in section 10 of the said Ordinance in April 1986 to 26 May 1986 and any owner of who so desires to lodge an objection with the cluding the question whether or not such pro rateable property or other person who so de Town Clerk in respect of any matter recorded perty or portion thereof is subject to the sires to lodge an objection with the Town in the Provisional Valuation Roll as contem payment of rates or is exempt Therefrom or in Clerk in respect of any matter recorded in the plated in section 34 of the said Ordinance in respect of any omission of any matter from provisional valuation roll as contemplated in eluding the question whether or not such pro. such roll shall do so within the said period. section 10 of the said Ordinance including the perty or portion thereof is subject to the question whether or not such property or por payment of rates or exempt therefrom or in The form prescribed for the lodging of an Lion thereof is subject to the payment of rates respect of any omission of any matter from objection is obtainable at the address indior is exempt therefrom or inis respect of any such roll shall do so within the said period. cated below and attention is specifically di omission of any matter from such roll shall do rected to the fact that no person is entitled to so within the said period. The form prescribed for the lodging of an urge any objection before the valuation board objection is obtainable at the address indi unless he has timeously lodged an objection in The form prescribed for the lodging of an cated below and attention is specifically dithe prescribed form. objection is obtainable at the address indi rected to the fact that no person is entitled to J I PRINSLOO cated below and attention is specifically di urge any objection before the Valuation Town Clerk rected to the fact that no person is entitled to Board unless he has timeously lodged an ob urge any objection before the valuation board jection in the prescribed form. Level 3 Alberton Civic Centre unless he has timeously lodged an objection in Alberton the prescribed form. M C C OOSTHUIZEN 30 Apri11986 Town Clerk Notice No 25/ M C C OOSTHUIZEN PO Box 23 Town Clerk Piet Retief PO Box Piet Retief April Notice No 20/ April 1986 Notice No 19/1986 STADSRAAD VAN BOKSBURG VOORGESTELDE SLUITING VAN 'N DEEL VAN VANDYKWEG, DORP BOKS BURG PLAASLIKE BESTUUR VAN 00S AL6 8 BER23 TON30 Kennis geskied hiermee kragtens artikel 67 STADSRAAD VAN PIET RETIEF KENNISGEWING WAT BESWARE TEEN van die Ordonnansie VOORLOPIGE op Plaaslike WAARDERINGSLYS Bestuur, 1939 dat die Stadsraad van Boksburg voorne AANVRA KENNISGEWING WAT BESWARE TEEN mens is om, onderworpe aan die goedkeuring VOORLOPIGE AANVULLENDE WAAR van die Administrateur waar van toepassing, DERINGSLYS AANVRA Kennis word hierby ingevolge artikel 'n deel van Vandykweg, dorp BoksburgOos 12(1)(a) van die Ordonnansie op Eiendomsbe permanent te skit. lasting van Plaaslike Besnire, 1977 (Ordonnan Kennis word hiermee ingevolge artikel 36 tie 11 van 1977), gegee dat die voorlopige 'n Plan die straatgedeelte wat gevan die Ordonnansie op Eiendomsbelasting pa wamde in gslys vir die boekjare 1 Julie 1986 tot sluit gaan word, angedui word, 18 vanaf 30 van Plaaslike Gesture, 1977 (Ordonnansie J "e 1989 oop is vir inspeksie by die kan April 1986 tot 4 Julie 1986 van Maandae tot van 1977), gegee dat die Voorlopige Aanvul toor van die Vrydae van 08h00 tot 13h00 plaaslike bestuur van Alberton en van 13h30 tot lende Waardermgslys vir die boekjaar 1985/86 vanaf 30 April 1986 tot 6 Junk h15 en enige in Kantoor 222, Tweede Verdieping, oop is vir inspeksie by die kantoor van die eienaar van belasbare eiendom of ander perinsae. Burgersentrum, Trichardtsweg, Boksburg ter Plaaslike Bestuur van Piet Retief van 23 April soon wat begerig is om 'n beswaar by die 1986 tot 26 Mei en enige eienaar van be Stadsklerk ten opsigte van enige aangeleent ledereen wat enige beswaar teen die voorlasbare eiendom of ndr persoon wat begerig heid in die voorlopige waarderingslys opgete gestelde sluiting van die gemelde straatge is om 'n beswaar by die Stadsklerk ten opsigte ken, soon in artikel 10 van die genoemde Orenige aangeleentheid in die deelte het of wat enige eis vir skadevergoe vandonnansie Voorlopir beoog, in te Then, insluitende die Waardenngslys opgeteken, saris in artikel 4 ding sal h" e indien voormelde sluiting vraag of sodanige eiendom of 'n van die genoemde Ordonnansie gedeelte In.j beoog, in te gevoer word, moet sy beswaar of eis skrifte daarvan onderworpe is aan die betahng van Tien, insluitende die vraag of sodanige eien Ilk by die ondergetekende indien nie later as eiendomsbelasting of daarvan vrygestel is, of op 4 dom of 'n gedeelte diarvan onderworpe is aan Julie 1986 nie. die ten opsigte van enige weglating van enige betaling van eiendomsbelasting of daarvan aangeleentheid uit sodanige lys, doen so binne LEON FERREIRA vrygestel is, of ten opsigte van enige weglating gemelde tydperk. Stadsklerk.van enige aangeleentheid uit sodanige lys, Burgersentrum doen so binne gemelde tydperk. Die voorgeskrewe vorm vir die indiening Posbus 215 van 'n beswaar is by die adres hieronder aan Die voorgeskrewe vorm vir die indiening Boksburg gedui beskikbaar en aandag word spesifiek gevan 'n beswaar is by die adres hieronder 30 April 1986 aan vestig op die feit dat geen persoon geregtig is Kennisgewing No 14/1986

64 i 1556 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 30 APRIL 1986 TOWN COUNCIL OF BOKSBURG STADSRAAD VAN EDENVALE van Jack Pienaar en Strachanstraat, dorp Germiston Suid Uitbreiding 7 permanent te sluit ji1, PROPOSED CLOSING OF A PORTION OF PERMANENTE SLUITING VAN 'N en GE om nor die suksesvolle sluiting daarvan die VAN DYK ROAD, BOKSBURG EAST DEELTE VAN PARKERF 600, EDEN GLEN geslote straatgedeelte aan Mnre NCP Trans vaal te vervreem teen TOWNSHIP UITBREIDING ,00 per vierkante meter onderworpe aan die goedkeuring van Notice is hereby given in terms of section 67 die Administrateur ingevolge die bepalings of the Local Government Ordinance, 1939 that Ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 68 van van artikel 79(18) van voorgenoemde Ordonthe Town Council of Boksburg, subject to the die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, nansie en verder onderworpe aan sekere geapproval of the Administrator, where applic word hiermee bekend gemaak dat die Stads sertifiseerde voorwaardes. able, intends to close permanently a portion of mad van voomeme is om 'n gedeelte van Parkerf 600, Eden Glen Uitbreiding 6, permanent Besonderhede van 'n plan as aanduiding van Van Dyk Road, Boksburg East township. te sluit. die voorgestelde sluiting le van Maandae tot A plan showing the street portion to be en met Vrydae tussen die ure 08h30 tot 12h30 closed is open for inspection in Office 222, Se Die Raad se besluit in verband met die en 14h00 tot 16h00 ter insae in Kamer 115, cond Floor, Civic Centre, Trichardts Road, voorgenome slanting en 'rt plan, wat die ge Stadskantore, Presidentstraat, Germiston. Boksburg from 30 April 1986 to 4 July 1986 on deelte die van erf wat gesluit sal word aan Mondays to Fridays from 08h00 to 13h00 and toon, le gedurende gewone kantoorure by Enigiemand wat teen bovermelde sluiting from Kamer 337, Munisipale Kantore, Tiende beswaar wil maak of enige eis om skadever 13h30 to 16h15. Laan, Edenvale ter insae. goeding wil instel moet dit skriftelik voor of op Any person who has any objection to the 30 Jume 1986 doen. proposed closing of the said street portion or Persone wat teen die voorgenome Minting who will have any claim for compensation if beswaar wil aanteken of wat enige eis tot ska A W HEYNEKE devergoeding, indien die shifting uitgevoer Stadsekretaris the aforesaid closing is carried out, shall lodge his objection or claim in writing with the un word, wil indien, moet sodanige beswaar en/of eis skriftelik by die Stadsklerk indien voor of Stadskantore dersigned by not later than 4 July Germiston op 1 Julie April 1986 LEON FERREIRA Kennisgewing No 62/1986 Town Clerk FJ MOLDER Civic Centre Stadsklerk PO Box 215 Munisipale Kantore Boksburg Posbus April 1986 Edenvale CITY OF GERMISTON Notice No 14/ April 1986 PROPOSED PERMANENT CLOSURE AND Kennisgewing No 7/1986 ALIENATION OF A PORTION OF JACK DORPSRAAD VAN COLIGNY PIENAAR STREET SOUTH GERMISTON EXTENSION 7 TOWNSHIP WYSIGING VAN VASSTELLING VAN GELDE ONDER DIE VERKEERSVEROR ' TOWN COUNCIL OF EDENVALE It is hereby notified that it is the intention of DENINGE the City Council of Germiston to permanently close a PERMANENT CLOSURE OF A PORTION portion of Jack Pienaar Street, 193 Ingevolge artikel 8013(8) van die Ordonoan OF PARK ERF 600, EDEN GLEN EXTEN square metres in extent on the corner of Jack sic op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, word hierby be Pienaar and Strachan Streets, South Germis SION 6 ton Extension 7 Township in terms of the probykend Spesiale Besluit die Tarief van Lisensie. gemaak dat die Dorpsraad van Coligny visions of section 67 of the Local Government Notice is hereby given in terms of the provi Ordinance, 17 of 1939, as amended, and to gelde onder die Bylae vasgestel by Munisipale sions of section 68 of. the Local Government alienate same, after the successful' closure Kennisgewing No 15/1985 en gepubliseer in Ordinance, 1939,that it is the intention of the thereof to Messrs NCP Transvaal at a price of Offisiele Koerant 4410 van 16 Oktober 1985,. Town Council to close a portion of Park Ed met ingang 1 Januarie 1986 soos volg gewysig R26,00 per square metre subject to the consent 600, Eden Glen Extension 6, parmanently. of the Administrator in terms of the provisions het: of section 79(19) of the aforementioned Ordi 1.The Council's resolution regarding the pro Deur items 8 en 11(i) te skrap. nance and subject to further certain specified posed closure and a plan showing the portion conditions. of the erf to be closed, will be open for inspec H A LAMBRECHTS tion during normal office hours at Room 337, Details and a plan of the proposed closure Munisipale Kantore Stadsklerk Municipal Offices, Tenth Avenue, Edenvale. may be inspected in Room 115, Municipal Of Posbus 31 fices, President Street, Germiston from Mon Coligny Persons who wish to object to the proposed dais to Fridays (inclusive) between the hours 2725 closure or who wish to claim for compensa 08i30 to 12h30 and 14h00 to 16h April 1986 tion, if such closure is effected, must lodge Kennisgewing No 12/1986 such objection and/or claim in writing with the Any person who intends objecting to the Town Clerk on or before 1 July proposed closure or who intends submitting a claim for compensation, must do so in writing COLIGNY VILLAGE COUNCIL F.I MOLDER on or before 30 June Town Clerk A W HEYNEKE Municip Offices Town Secretary AMENDMENT TO DETERMINATION OF PO Box 25 al CHARGES UNDER THE TRAFFIC BY Edenvale Municipal Offices LAWS 1610 Germiston 30 April April 1986 In terms of section 80B(8) of the Local Go Notice No 7/1986 Notice No 62/1986 vemment Ordinance, 1939, it is hereby noti tied that the Village Council of Coligny 30 has, by Special Resolution amended the Tariff of Li. cence Fees under the Schedule determined under Municipal Notice No 15/1985 and pub STAD GERMISTON STAD GERMISTON lished in Provincial Gazette 4410 dated 16 Oc. tober 1985 with effect from 1 January 1986, as VOORGENOME PERMANENTE SLUI VOORGENOME PERMANENTE SLUI follows: TING EN VERVREEMDING VAN 'N GE TING VAN PARKERWE 204, DORP MAR 1. By the deletion of items 8 and 11(0. DEELTE VAN JACK PIENAARSTRAAT, LANDS UITBREIDING 1, 237 DORP MAR DORP GERMISTONSUM UITBREIDING 7 LANDS UITBREIDING 2, 384 DORP H A LAMBRECHTS MARLANDS UITBREIDING 4 EN 353 DORP MARLANDS UITBREIDING 5 Municipal Offices Town Clerk Hierby word kennis gegee dat die Stadsraad PO Box 31 van Germiston van voornemens is om inge Coligny volge die bepalings van artikel 67 van die Or Hierby word kennis gegee dat die Stadsraad 2725 donnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 17 van 1939, van Germiston van voornemens is em inge April 1986 soos gewysig, 'a gedeelte van Jack Pienaar volge die bepalings van artikels 67 en 68 van Notice No 12/ straat, 193 vierkante meter groot op die bock die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur 17 van

65 1 tension 1 of 1 Room I claim, 30 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 30 APRIL , soos gewysig, Parkerwe 204, Marlands eerste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing, Besonderhede en planne van hierdie skema Uitbreiding 1, 237 Marlands Uitbreiding 2, 384 naamlik 30 Apri ter insae by die Raad se kantore, Kamer Marlands Uitbreiding 4 en 353 Marlands Uit 115, Stadskantore, Presidentstraat, Germisbreiding 5 permanent te sluit met die doel om Die Raad sal die skema oorweeg en besluit ton, gedurende gewone kantoorure vir 'n tyd: vermehde parkerwe te hersoneer na residen of dit aangeneem moet word al dan nie. perk van (4) weke van die datum van die sieel 1. eerste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing, Enige eienaar of okkupeerder van vaste naamlik 30 Apnl Besonderhede van 'n plan as aanduiding van eiendom binne die gebied van die Gennidie voorgestelde sluiting le van Maandae tot stone Dorpsbeplanningskema of binne 2 km Die Raad sal die skema oorweeg en besluit en met Vrydae, tussen die ore 08h30 tot 12h30 van die grens daarvan het die reg om teen die of dit aangeneem moet word al dan nie. en 14h00 tot 16h00 ter insae in Kamer 115, skema beswaar te maak of om vertoe ten op Stadskantore, Presidentstraat, Germiston. sigte daarvan te rig en indien hy dit wil doen, Enige eienaar of okkupeerder van vaste moet by die Raad binne vier (4) weke van die eiendom binne die gebied van die Germis Enigiemand wat teen bovermelde stuffing eerste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing, tonse Dorpsbeplanningskema 38 of binne 2 km wil beswaar maak of enige else om skadever naamlik 30 April 1986 skriftelik van sodanige van die grens daarvan het die reg om teen die goeding wil instel, moet dit skriftelik voor of beswaar of vertoe in kennis stet en vermeld of skema beswaar te maak of om vertoe ten op op 30 Junie 1986 doen. by deur die Raad gehoor wil word al dan nie. sigte daarvan te rig en indien hy dit wil doen, moet hy die Raad binne vier (4) weke van die A W HEYNEKE A W HEYNEKE eerste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing, Stadsekretaris Stadsekretaris naamlik 30 April 1986 skriftelik van sodanige Stadskantore Stadskantore beswaar of vertoe in kennis stel en vermeld of Germiston Germiston hy deur die Raad gehoor wil word al dan nie. 30 April April 1986 Kennisgewing No 63/1986 Kennisgewing No 60/1986 A W HEYNEKE Stadsekretaris 0Besonderhede CITY OF GERMISTON 30 April 1986 PROPOSED PERMANENT CLOSURE OF MISTON TOWNPLANNING SCHEME PARK ERVEN 204, MARLANDS EXTEN SION 1,237 MARLANDS EXTENSION 2,384 The Cif Council of Germiston has prepared CITYOFH GERMISTON MARLANDS EXTENSION 4 AND 353 MAR a Draft Amendment Town planning Scheme LANDS EXTENSION 5 TOWNSHIP which will amend the Germiston Townplanning Scheme. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE GER MISTON TOWN PLANNING SCHEME 38 It is hereby notified that it is the intention of The draft scheme contains the following prothe City Council of Germiston to p.ermanently posal: close Park Erven 204 Marlands Extension 1, The City Council of Germiston has prepared 237 Marlands Extension 2, 384 Marlands Ex The amendment of the use zoning of Erf 864 a draft amendment Town planning Scheme 4 and 353 Marlands Extension 5 Town Dinwiddie Township from "Government" to which will amend the Germiston Town plan ship in terms of the provisions of sections 67 "Municipal" purposes. ning Scheme 38. and 68 of the Local Government Ordinance , as amended, for the purpose of rezon Particulars and plans of this scheme are The draft scheme contains the followingro p ing the said erven as Residential 1. open for inspection at the Council's Offices, posal: Room 115, Municipal Building, President The amendmentofthe'of use Erf Details and zoning a plan of the proposed closure Street, Germiston, during normal office hours, 3047 Roodekop Township from "Existing Pub may be inspected in Room 115, Municipal Of for a period of four (4) weeks from the date of lieroads" to "M utile ma ' l" purposes. (ices, President Street, Germiston from Mon the first publication of this notice, which is 30 days to Fridays (inclusive) between the hours April Particulars and plans of this scheme are 08h30 to 12h30 and 14h00 to 16h00. open for inspection at the Council's Offices, The Council will consider whether or not the 115, Municipal Building, President Any person who intends objecting to the scheme should be adopted. Street, Germiston, during normal office hours, proposed closure or who intends submitting a for compensation, must do so in writing Any owner or occupier of immovable pro for a period of four(4) weeks from the date of.... on or before 30 June party *within the area of the Germiston Town the first publication ofthis notice, which is 30 planning Scheme or within 2 km of the boon April A W HEYNEKE dary thereof has the right to object to the Town Secretary scheme or to make representations in The Council will consider whether or not the respect scheme should beadopted. thereof and if he wishes to do so he shall, within four (4) weeks of the first publication. of this Any owner or occupier of immovable pro Municipal Offices Germiston notice, which is 30 April 1986 inform the Coun party within the area of the Germiston Town April 1986 cil in writing of such objection or representa planning Scheme 38 or within 2 km of the Notice No 63/1986 Lion and shall state whether or not he wishes to boundary thereof has the right to object to the 625_30 be heard by the Council. scheme or to make representations in respect thereof and if he wishes to do so he shall, with A W HEYNEKE in four (4) weeks of the first publication of this Town Secretary notice, which is 30 April 1986 inform the Coun STAD GERMISTON cil in writing of such objection or representa Municipal Offices tion and shall state whether or not he wishes to Germiston be heard by the Council. VOORGESTELDE WYSIGING VAN DIE 30 April 1986 A W HEYNEKE GERMISTONSE DORPSBEPLANNING Notice No 60/ Town Secretary SKEMA Municipal Offices Germiston Die Stadsraad van Germiston het 'n Wysi STAD GERMISTON 30 April 1986 gingsontwerpdoipsbeplanningskema opgestel Notice No 61/ wat die Germistonse Dorpsbeplanningskema VOORGESTELDE WYSIGING VAN DIE sal wysig. GERMISTONSE DORPSBEPLANNING Hierdie ontwerpskema bevat die volgende SKEMA 38 PLAASLIKE BESTUUR VAN HENDRINA voorstel: Die wysiging van die Die Stadsraad van Germiston het 'n wysi KENNISGEWING VAN EERSTE SITTING gebruiksindeling van Erf 846, dorp Dinwiddie van "Staats" na "Mu gings?ntwerpdorps beplanmngskema opgestd VAN WAARDERINGSRAAD OM BE wat die Dorpsbeplarmingskema 38 sal wysig. SWARE TEN OPSIGTE VAN VOORLOnisipale" doeleindes. PIGE WAARDERINGSLYS VIR DIE en planne van hierdie Ilierdie ontwerpskema bevat die volgende BOEKJARE 1984/88 AAN TE HOOR skema ter insae by die le Raad se Kantore, Kamer voorstel: (Regulasie 9) 115, Stadskantore, Presidentstraat, Gernais Die wysiging van die gebruiksindeling van ton, gedurende gewone kantoorure vir 'n tyd Erf 3047 dorp Roodekop van "Bestaande Kennis word hierby ingevolge artikel perk van vier (4) weke van die datum van die Openbare Pame" na "Munimpaal". 15(3)(a)/37' van die Ordonnansie op Eien

66 1558 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 30 APRIL 1986 domsbelasting van Plaaslike Besture, 1977 LOCAL AUTHRORITY OF HENDRINA CITY OF JOHANNESBURG (Ordonnansie 11 van 1977), gegee dat die eerste sitting van die waarderingsraad op 21 NOTICE CALLING FOR OBJECTIONS TO PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO JOHAN Mei 1986 om 9h00 sal plaasvind en gehou sal PROVISIONAL SUPPLEMENTARY VALU NESBURG TOWN a PLANNING SCHEME, word by die volgende adres: ATION ROLL 1979 Munisipale Kantore Kerkstraat Notice is hereby given in terms of section 36 (AMENDMENT SCHEME 1614) Hendrina of the Local Authorities Rating Ordinance, 1977 (Ordinance 11 om enige beswaar tot die voorlopige waarde of 1977). that the prow Notice is hereby given in terms of section 26 ringslys vir die jare 1984/88 te oorweeg.of sional supplementary valuation roll for the fi the Town planning and Townships Ordinancial years 1984/1988 is open for inspection Hance, 1965, that the City Council of Johan 1 G A du PREEZ at the office of the local authority of Hendrina nesburg has prepared a draft town planning Sekretaris: Waarderingsraad from 30 April 1986 to 30 May 1986 and any scheme, to be known as Johannesburg Amend 30 April 1986 owner of rateable property or other person went Scheme Kennisgewing No 3/1986 who so desires to lodge an objection with the. town clerk in respect of any matter recorded in This scheme will be an Amendment Scheme the provisional supplementary valuation roll and contains the following proposal: LOCAL AUTHORITY OF HENDRINA as contemplated in section 10 of the said Ordinance including the question whether or not To rezone the service lane adjacent to Sir such property or portion thereof is subject to Lionel Phillips Park (Erf 1319), off Braeside NOTICE OF FIRST SITTING OF VALUA the payment of rates or is exempt therefrom or Road, Greenside Township from Existing Pub TION BOARD TO HEAR OBJECTIONS IN in respect of any omission of any matter from lic Road to Public Open Space. RESPECT' OF PROVISIONAL VALUATION such roll shall do so within the said period. ROLL FOR THE FINANCIAL YEARS The effect of this scheme is to include the 1984/88 The form prescribed for the lodging of any closed lane with the site leased to the Pirates objection is obtainable at the address indi Club. (Regulation 9) cated below and attention is specifically directed to the fact that no person is entitled to Particulars of this scheme are open for in Notice is hereb given in terms of section urge any objection before the valuation board section at Room 773, Seventh Floor, Civic he has lodged an objection in Centre, Braamfontein, Johannesburg, for a 15(3)(B)/37* of the Local Authorities Rating unless timeouslyperiod of four weeks from the date of the first Ordinance, 1977 (Ordinance 11 of 1977), that the prescnbed form. publication of this notice, which is 30 April the first sitting of the valuation board will take.1 G A DU PREEZ place on 21 May 1986 at 9h00 and will be held Town Clerk at the following address: Municipal Offices Any.objection or representations in connec tion with this scheme shall be submitted in Municipal Office Church Street writing to the Town Clerk, PO Box 1049, Jo Church Street Hendrina hannesburg 2000, within a period of four Hendrina 30 April 1986 weeks from the abovementioned date. Notice No 4/1986 to consider any objection to the provisional valuation roll for the financial years 1984/88. H T VEALE I G A DU PREEZ City Secretary Civic Centre Secretary: Valuation Board STAD JOHANNESBURG Braamfontein 30 April 1986 Johannesburg Notice No 3/1986 VOORGESTELDE WYSIGING VAN DIE 30 Aril JOHANNESBURGSE DORPSBEPLAN NINGSKEMA, 1979 PLAASLIKE BESTUUR VAN HENDRINA (WYSIGINGSKEMA 1614) STAD JOHANNESBURG KENNISGEWING WAT BESWARE TEEN VOORLOPIGE AANVULLENDE WAAR Ken. s word hiermee gegee ingevolge die WYSIGING VAN VERORDENINGE IN DERINGSLYS AANVRA bepalings van artikel 26 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965, dat die SAKE TREMWEE Stadsraad van Johannesburg 'n ontwerp Kennis word hierby ingevolge artikel 36 van dorpsbeplanningskema opgestel het wat as die Daar word hierby ingevolge artikel 96 van die Ordonnansie op Eiendomsbelasting van Johannesburgse Wysigingskema 1614 bekend die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, Plaaslike Bestuur, 1977 (Ordonnansie 11 van sal staan. kennis gegee dat die Raad voomemens is om 1977), gegee dat die voorlopige aanvullende die Mumma/keit Johannesburg se Verorde I waarderingslys vir die boekjare 1984/1988 oop Hierdie skema is 'il wysigingskcma en dit range insake Tremwee gepubliseer by Adis vir inspeksie by die kantoor van die plan bevat die volgende voorstek ministrateurskennisgewing 259 op 5 April like bestuur van Hendrina vanaf 30 April , soos gewysig, verder te wysig. tot 30 Mei 1986 en enige eienaar van belasbare Om die dienssteeg fangs Sir Lionel Phillips eiendom of ander persoon wie begerig is om 'n Park (Erf 1319) uit Braesideweg, Greenside,Die algemene strekking van hierdie wysi beswaar by die Stadsklerk ten Bcstaande Openbare Pad na opsigte vanging Openbare is om die implementering van bepalings in enige aangeleentheid in die voorlopige aan Oop Rume t i te hersoneer. die verordeninge te vergemaklik om passavullende waarderingslys opgeteken soos in ar siers te Die uitwerking van hierdie skema is om die ontmoedig om reisgeld te ontduik of tikel 10 van die elioemde Ordonnansie beciog geslote stceg in te sluit by die terrein wat verder te ry as aan wat hulle mag. in te dien insluitende die vraag of sodanige die Piratesklub verhuur word. eiendom of gedeelte daarvan onderworpe is Afskrifte van die beoogde wysiging is vir 14 aan die betaling van eiendomsbelasting of dae vanaf die datum van Besonderhede van hierdie publikasie van hier skema le. ter daarvan vrygestel is, of ten opsigte van edge insae in Kamer 773, Sewende Verdieping, dit in die Provinsiale Koerant, diesenniseing weglating van enige aangeleentheid uit soda Burgersentrum, Braamfontein, Johannesburg, i vanaf 30 April kantoorure 1986, ter gedurende gewone nige lys, doen so binne gemelde tydperk. insae vir 'n in die kantoor van die tydperk van vier weke vanaf die datum Raad waarop luerdie in Kamer kennisgewing die eerste keer S216, Burgersentrum, Braam Die voorgeskrewe vorm vir die indiening Epstein. gepubliseer word, naamlik 30 April van 'n beswaar is by die adres hieronder aangedui beskikbaar en naming word spesieek ge Enigeen wat beswaar teen Enige beswaar of vertoe in die verband met beoogde wy ' siging wil opper, moet dit binne 14 vestig op die feit dat geen persoon geregtig is dae na hierdie skema moet skriftelik gerig word die aan datum van om enige beswaar voor die waarderingsraad te die Stadsklerk, Posbus die publikasie van hierdie kennis 1049, Johannesburg opper tensy by 'n beswaar op die voorge 2000, binne 'n tydperk van vier weke vanaf die gewing in die Provinsiale Koerant skriftelik by skrewe vorm betyds ingedien het nie. bogenoemde datum. die Stadsklerk indien. I G A DU PREEZ H H S VENTER Stadsklerk H T VEALE Munisipale Kantore Stadsklerk Stadsekretaris Kerkstraat Burgersentrum Posbus 1049 Hendrina Braamfontein Johannesburg 30 April 1986 Johannesburg Kennisgewing No 4/ April April 1986

67 1 2000Olifantsfontein ' PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 30 APRIL II/ CITY OF JOHANNESBURG A plan showing the portion of street to be days of publication of this notice in the Provinclosed may be inspected during office hours at cial Gazette. AMENDMENT TO TRAMWAY BY LAWS Room 5216, Civic Centre, Braamfontein. H 11 5 VENTER Any person who objects to the closing or Town Clerk It is hereby notified in terms of section 96 of who will have any claim for compensation if the Local Government Ordinance, 1939, that the closing is effected must lodge his objection Civic Centre the Council proposes to amend the Tramway or claim in writing with me on or before 3 July Braamfontein Bylaws of the Johannesburg Municipality Johannesburg published under Administrator's Notice April 1986 dated 5 April 1950, as amended. HTVEALE City Secretary The general purport of this amendment is to Civic Centre facilitate the implementation of provisions in Braamfontein the bylaws discouraging passengers from fare Johannesburg STADSRAAD VAN MIDRAND evasion or over riding. 30 April 1986 Copies of the proposed amendment will be VASSTELLING VAN GELDE VIR VASTE open for inspection during ordinary office AFVAL EN SANITEITSDIENSTE hours at the offices of the Council at Room S216, Civic Centre, Braamfontein, for 14 days KENNISGEWING VAN VERBETERING from the date of publication of this notice in STAD JOHANNESBURG the Provincial Gazette ie from 30 April Munisipale Kennisgewing 51/85 van 15 Any person who desires to record his objec WYS1GING VAN VERKEERSVERORDE Januarie 1986 word hierby verbeter deur in lion to the proposed amendment must do so in NINGE: STRAATKOLLEKTES item 1(1)(c)(10 na die woord "keel' die volwriting to the Town Clerk within 14 days after gende in te voeg: the date of publication of this notice in the Daar word hierby ingevolge artikel 96 van Provincial Gazette. die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, "per week,". kennis gegee dat die Raad voornemens is om H H S VENTER die Verkeersverordeninge Town Clerk aangeneem ingevolge Administrateurskennisgewing 281 van 27 PO Box 1049 Jume 1934, soos gewysig, verder te wysig. 00 Johannesburg Die algemene strekking van die wysiging h en die Read se betrokkenheid ten opsigte van 30 April 1986 ip 0 Park, STAD JOHANNESBURG BEOOGDE SLUITING VAN DIENSSTEEG: SIR LIONEL PHILLIPSPARK, GREENSIDE Munisipale Kantore Privaatsak X16 die reeling en beheer van straatkollektes, be April 1986 halwe die.goedkeuring van straatkollektes en die toewystng van 'n datum daarvoor, te stack. D A STEYTLER Waarnemende Stadsklerk Afskrifte van hierdie wysigings is gedurende kantoorure vir 'n tydperk van veertien the vanaf die publikasiedatum hiervan in die Pro MIDRAND TOWN COUNCIL vinsiale Koerant, naamlik 30 April 1986, ter insae in Kamer 5212, Blok A, Burgersentrum, DETERMINATION OF CHARGES FOR RE Braamfontein, Johannesburg. FUSE (SOLID WASTES) AND SANITARY SERVICES Kennisgewing ingevolge artikel 67(3) van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, Enigeen wat teen genoemde wysigings beswaar wil aanteken, moet dit binne veertien Die Raad is van voomeme om die diens dae na die publikasie van hierdie kennisge CORRECTION NOTICE steeg wat aan Sir Lionel Phillipspark, naby wing in die Provinsiale Koerant skriftelik by Braesideweg, Greenside, grens, permanent te ondergetekende indien. Municipal Notice 51/85, dated 15 January sluit en die standplaas wat deur die geslote 1986 is hereby corrected by the insertion in straatgedeelte gevorm word by die gebied wat H H S VENTER item 1(1)(c (u) of the Afrikaans text after the aan die Piratesklub verhuur word, in te sluit. Stadsklerk word "keer" of the following: 'n Plan waarop die straatgedeelte wat ge Burgersentrum "per week,". sluit gaan word, aangetoon word, le gedu Braamfontein rende kantoorure in Kamer S216, Burgersen Johannesburg D A STEYTLER tram, Braamfontein ter insae. 30 Apri11986 Acting Town Clerk Enige persoon wat teen die of wat sluiting beswaar het Municipal Offices enige eis om vergoeding wil instel Private Bag X16 indien die sluiting uitgevoer word, moet sy be Olifantsfontein swaar of eis skriftelik op of voor 3 Julie by my indien. MT OFJOHANNESBURG 30 April H T VEALE AMENDMENT TO TRAFFIC BY LAWS: Stadsekretaris STREET COLLECTIONS Burgersentrum Braamfontein It is hereby notified in terms of section 96 of Johannesburg the Local Government Ordinance, 1939, that 30 April 1986 the Council intends to further amend the Traffie Bylaws adopted by it under Administrator's Notice 281 dated 27 June 1934, as amended. STADSRAAD VAN PHALABORWA WYSIGING VAN GELDE: ELEKTRISI TEITSVOORSIENING Ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 80B(8) CITY OF JOHANNESBURG The general purpmt of the amendment is to van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, word hierby bekend gemaak dat die cease the Council's involvement in respect of Stadsraad van Phalaborwa by spesiale besluit the regulation and control of street collet PROPOSED CLOSURE OF SERVICE die gelde vir die lewering van elektrisiteit met lions,other than to approve the street collet LANE: SIR LIONEL PHILLIPS PARK ingang 28 Januarie 1986 soos volg gewysig het: bon and to allocate a date therefor. GREENSID E Item: Copies of these amendments are open for Notice in terms of section 67(3) of the Local inspection during office hours at Room 5212, 2.2 Vervang die bedrag 6,09c met 7,25c. Government Ordinance, Block A, Civic Centre, Braamfontein, Johannesburg, for a period of fourteen days from 3.2(b) Vervang die bedrag 27,82c met 33,1k. the date of publication hereof in the Provin The12(c) Council intends to close permanently Vervang die bedrag 12,32c met 14,66c. cial Gazette, i.e. 30 April the service lane adjacent to Sir Lionel Phillips off Braeside Road, Greenside and to in Any 3.2(d) Vervang die bedrag 8,39c met 9,98c. person who desires to record his objecdude the stand formed by the closed portion of lion to the said amendments must do so in 4.2(a)(ii) Vervang die bedrag 8,39c met street in the area leased to the Pirates Club. writing to the undermentioned within fourteen 9,98c.

68 1560 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 30 APRIL (b)(ii) Vervang die bedrag 8,39c met deur in item 2(5)(ii)(b) van die Engelse teks wit word of nie. Enige telefoniese navrae kan 9,98c. die uitdrukking "80 ampere and higher" deur by telefoon , bylyn 494, gedoen word. die volgende to vervang: 5.1(b) Vervang die bedrag R5,73 met R6,82. P DELPORT "More than 80 ampere.". Stadsklerk 5.1(c) Vervang die bedrag 5,06c met 6,02c. il (d) Vervang die bedrag 4,78c met 5,69c. CF B MAITHEUS 30 AprKennisgewing No 113/1986 Stadsklerk 5.2(b) Vervang die bedrag R5,62 met R6,69. Munisipale Kantoor Posbus (c) Vervang die bedrag 4,78c met 5,69c. Potgietersrus 6.2 Vervang die bedrag 21,58c met 25,68c. _ CITY COUNCIL OF PRETORIA' 0600 A30pril 1986 B 3 VAN DER VYVER Kennisgewing No 19/1986 Stadsklerk PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE PRE Stadsraad van Phalaborwa TORIA TOWN PLANNING SCHEME, 1974 Posbus 67 Phalaborwa The City Council of Pretoria has 1390 prepared a TOWN COUNCIL OF POTGIETERSRUS Draft Amendment to the Pretoria Town 30 April 1986 plan Kennisgewing No 18/1986 fling Scheme, ' CORRECTION NOTICE This draft scheme contains the following proposal: TOWN COUNCIL OF PHALABORWA The Determination of Charges: Supply of Electricity of the Potgietersrus Town Council The rezoning of Erf 2450 up to and including published in Provincial Gazette No 4435 dated Erf 2459, Laudium Extension 2, from "Spe ELE 26 March 1986 is hereby corrected by the sub vial" for the purposes of restricted industry to CITY SUPPLY AMENDMENT OF CHARGES: siltation in hem 2(5)(ii)(b) for the expression "General Residential" and the closed portions "80 ampere and higher" of the following: of Bengal Street and Zenith Crescent from In terms of section 8013(8) of the Local Go "Existing Street" to "General Residential". vernment Ordinance, 1939, it is hereby noti "More than 80 ampere.". fled that the Phalaborwa Town Council The properties are registered in the name of has, by special resolution, amended the charges for the City Council of Pretoria. C F B MATTHEUS the supply of electricity with erect from 28 Ja Town Clerk Particulars of this scheme are open to in nuary 1986 as follows: Municipal Offices spection at Room 3022, Munitoria, Van der PO Box 34 Walt Street, Pretoria, for a Item: period of four Potgietersrus weeks from the date of the first publication of 2.2 Substitute the amount 6,09c with 7,25c this notice, which is 30 April April (b) Substitute the amount 27,82c with Notice No 19/1986 The Council will consider whether or not the 33,11c. scheme should be adopted. 3.2(c) Substitute the amount 12,32c with Any owner or occupier of immovable pro 14,66c. perty within the area of the Pretoria Town planning Scheme, 1974, or within two kilo 3.2(d) Substitute the amount 8,39c with metres of the boundary thereof, has the right 9,98c. STADSRAAD VAN PRETORIA to object to the scheme or to make representations in respect thereof and, if he wishes to do 4.2(a)(ii) Substitute the amount 8,39c with coon, shall within four weeks of the first publi 9,98c. VOORGESTELDE WYSIGING VAN DIE cation of this notice, which is 30 April 1986, in PRETORIADORPSBEPLANNINGSKEMA, 4.2(b)(ii) Substitute the amount 8,39c with form the City Secretary, PO Box 440, Pretoria , in writing of such objection or represen 9,98c. tation and shall state whether or not he wishes 5.1(b) Substitute the amount 85,73 with to be heard by the local authority. Telephonic Die Stadsraad van Pretoria het 'n Ontwerpwy. 116,82. enquiries may be made at telephone , siging van die Pretoria dorpsbeplanningextension (c) Substitute the amount 5,06c with skema, 1974, opgestel. 6,02c. P Hierdie ontwerpskema bent DELPORT die volgende Town 5.1(d) Substitute the amount 4,78c with "wa Clerkd: 5,69c. 30 Die hersonering van Erf 2450 tot en met Ed April (b) Substitute the amount 115,62 with R6, (c) Substitute the amount 4,78c with Bengalstraat en Zenithsingel van 'Bestaande 5,69c. Straat" tot "Algemene Woon". Notice No 113/ , Laudium Uitbreiding 2, van "Spesiaal" vir beperkte nywerheidsdoeleindes tot 'Algemene Worm" en die &eslote gedeeltes van Substitute the amount 21,58c with Die eiendomme is op naam van die Stads STADSRAAD VAN ROODEPOORT 25,68c. mad van Pretoria geregistreer. B J VAN DER VYVER Besonderhede van hierdie skema 16 ter VASSTELLING VAN GELDE: SWEMBAD Town Clerk insac in Kamer 3022, Munitoria, Van der VERORDENINGE Phalabonva Town Council Waltstraat, Pretoria, vir 'n tydperk van vier. PO Box 67 weke van die datum van die eerste publikasie Daar word hierby ingevolge artikel 80B(8) Phalaborwa van hierdie kennisgewing af, naamlik 30 April van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, (Ordonnansie 17 van 1939), bekend ge 30 April 1986 maak dat die Stadsraad van Roodepoort by Notice No 18/1986 Die Read sal die skema oorweeg en besluit Spesiale Besluit, met ingang van I April 1986, of dit aangeneem moet word. die volgende gelde in verband met boge Enige eienaar of okkupeerder van vaste noemde verordeninge, vasgestel het. eiendom binne die gebied van die Pretoria TARIEF VAN GELDE dorpsbeplaningskema, 1974, of binne twee STADSRAAD VAN POTGIETERSRUS kilometer van die grens daarvan, het die reg DEEL I om teen die skema beswaar te maak of om KENNISGEWING VAN VERBETERING vertoe ten opsigte daarvan te rig en, indien by 1. Vir die toepassing van hierdie tariewe bedit wil doen, moet by die Stadsekretaris, Pos teken: bus 440, Pretoria 0001, binne vier weke van Vasstelling Dievan Gelde: Voorsiening van die ecrste publikasie van hierdie kennisge "kind" iemand wat jonger as 18 jaar is; Elektrisiteit van die Stadsraad van Potgieters wing, naamlik 30 April 1986, skriftelik van so "volwassene" iemand wat 18 rus afgekondig in die Provinsiale Koerant No jaar of ouer is; damge beswaar of venofi in kennis stel en ver 4i 4435 van 26 Maart 1986 word hierby verbeter meld of by deur die plaaslike bestuur gehoor "bejaarde" iemand wat 60 jaar of ouer is; 41

69 1 F 2. 1 TOWN PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 30 APRIL "skool" opvoedkundige inrigting ingevolge the premises unless such person buys another that the Town Council of Rustenburg intend die Onderwysordonnansie, 'n Seisoenkaartjie is geldig vir die sourer wat stick oor die tydperk wat op 1 September begin en op 30 April die volgende jaar ENTRANCE FEES The general purport of the amendment is to eindig. 1. Season Tickets. increase the water tariff payable by all con 3. As die honer van 'n seisoenkaartjie dit sumers, with effect from 1 April 1986, in order nie, op versoek van die Superintendent kan (1) In respect of an adult: R20 to cover the increase in the tariff of the Rand toon the, mag by the op 'n perseel toegelaat Water Board. (2) In respect of a child over 5 years: RIO. word, tensy by 'n ander seisoenkaartjie of dag besoekkaartjie koop the. (3) Children up to 5 years: Free of charge. A copy of the amendment lies for inspection during office hours at Room 605, Municipal (4) Elderly persons: Free of charge. Offices, Burger Street, Rustenburg, for a per DEEL II TOEGANSGELDE (5) School, per school: R30. publication of this not(14days ice in theomthe Providate ncialgaof 1. Seisoenkaartjies. 2. Daily Tickets: zette, namely 30 April 1986., I. ill 3. (1) Vir elke votwassene: (I) In respect of an adult: 50c. Any person desirous of objecting to the amendment of charges, should do so in writing (2) Vir elke kind bo 5 jaar: R10. (2) In respect of a child over 5 years: 20c. to the Town Clerk within fourteen (14) days fr of publication of this notice in the (3) Kinders tot 5 jaar: Gratis. (3) Children up to 5 years: Free of charge. Pour date Gazette. (4) Bejaardes: Gratis. (4) Elderly persons: Free of charge. W J ERASMUS (5) Skole, per skool: R30. WI ZYBRANDS Town Clerk Town Clerk Dagbesoekkaartjies. Municipal Offices Civic Centre PO Box 16 Christian de Wet Road Rustenburg (1) Vir Roodepoort April 1986 elke volwassene: kind 50c. bo(2) 5 jaar: Vir elke 20c. 30 April 1986 Notice No 28/1986 Notice No 25/1986 (3) Kinders tot 5 jaar: Gratis (4) Bejaardes: Gratis. Burgersentrum Christiaan de Wetweg W J ZYBRANDS Stadsklerk STADSRAAD VAN RUSTENBUR63:8 PLAASLIKE BESTUUR VAN SCHWEIZER RENEKE WATERVOORSIENING: VASSTELLING Roodepoort VAN TARIEWE KENNISGEWING VAN EERSTE SITTING 1725 VAN WAARDERINGSRAAD OM BE 30 April 1986 Daar word hierby kennis gegee dal inge SWARE TEN OPSIGTE VAN VOORLO Kenrusgewing No 25/1986 P I G E WAA RD E RIN GS LYS V IR DIE volge die bepalings van artikel 80B van die Or donnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, die BOEKJARE 1986/1990 AAN TE HOOR Stadsraad van voomeme is om die waterta REGULASIE 9 riewe afgekondig by Munisipale Kennisgewing 73/1982 gedateer 25 Augustus 1982, sons Kennis word hierby ingevolge artikel gewys, te wysig. CITY COUNCIL OF ROODEPOORT Die algemene strekking van die wifiiging van die tariewe is om die watenarief betaalbear deur alle verbruikers vanaf 1 April 1986 DETERMINATION OF CHARGES: SWIM te verhoog ten erode die verhoogde tarief van MING BATH BYLAWS die Randwaterraad te delg. In terms of section 8013(8) of the Local Government Ordinance, 1939 (Ordinance 17 of 1939), it is hereby notified that the City Council of Roodepoort has by Special Resolution determined the following charges with effect from 1 April 1986 in regard to the abovemen boned bylaws. 'n Afskrif van die wysiging van die tariewe, le ter insake gedurende kantoorure by Kantoor 605, Stadskantore, Burgerstraat, Rustenburg, vir 'n tydperk van veertien (14) doe vanaf datum van publikasie van die kennisgewing in die Provinsiale Koerant, naamlik 30 April 1986_ Munisipale Kantore Enige persoon wat beswaar teen die wysi SchweizerReneke 30 April (3)(6) van die Ordonnansie oo Elendomsbelasting van Plaaslike Besture, 1977 (Ordonnansic 11 van 1977) gegee dat die eerste sitting van die Waarderingsraad op Donderdag 5 Junie 1986 om 09h00 sal plaasvind en gehou sal word by die volgende acres: Raadsaal, Munisipale Kantore, SchweizerReneke om beenige swaar tot die voorlopige waarderingslys vir die boekjare 1986/1990 te oorweeg. H B LAAS Sekretaris: Waarderingsraad TARIFF OF CHARGES ging wil maak, meet dit skriftelik by die Stadslderk doen binne veertien (14) dae na datum Kennisgewing No. 8/1986 PART I van publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing in die Prownsiale Koerant. W J ERASMUS 1. For the purpose of these tariffs Stadsklerk LOCAL AUTHORITY OF SCHWEIZER RENEKE "child" means any person under the age of Stadskantore 18 years; Posbus 16 Rustenburg NOTICE OF FIRST SITTING OF VALUA "adult" means any person of 18 years and 0300 'HON BOARD TO HEAR OBJECTIONS IN older; 30 April 1986 RESPECT OF PROVISIONAL VALUATION Kenthsgewing No 28/1986 ROLL FOR THE FINANCIAL YEARS "elderly person" means any person of /1990 years and older; "school" means an educational institution REGULATION 9 in terms of the Education Ordinance, COUNCIL OF RUSTENBURG Notice is hereby given in terms of section 2. A season ticket is valid for the summer 15(3)(6) of the Local Authorities Rating Ordiseason extending over the period from 1 Sep nonce, 1977 (Ordinance 11 of 1977), that the tember to 30 April the following year. WATER SUPPLY: AMENDMENT OF CHARGES first sitting of the Valuation Board will take place on Thursday 5th June 1986, at 09h00 and will be held at the following address: Councils If the holder of a season ticket cannot produce such ticket at the request of the Superin It is hereby notified in terms of section 80B Chamber, Municipal Offices, Schweizer Re tendent, such person shall not be allowed on of the Local Government Ordinance, 1939, neke, to consider any objection to the Provi

70 1562 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 30 APRIL 1986 sional Valuation Roll for the financial years STADSRAAD VAN STILFONTEIN Plaaslike Bestuur, No 17 van 1939, dat die 1986/1990. Stadsraad van Tzaneen van voomeme is om H B LAAS die Standaard Elektrisiteitsverordeninge afge Secretary Valuation Board WYSIGING VAN BOUVERORDENINGE kondig by Administrateurskennisgewing 1627 van 24 November 1971 en deur die Raad aan Municipal Offices Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge die be geneem by Administrateurskennisgewing 127 Schweizer Reneke palings van mad 96 van die Ordonnansie op van 1 Februaric 1978, soos pewysig, te herroep 30 April 1986 Plaaslike Bestuur, 17 van 1939, soos gewysig, en die Standaard Elektrisiteitsverordeninge Notice No 8/ dat die Stadsraad van Stilfontein van voor afgekondig by Administrateurskennisgewing acme is om die Raad se Bouverordeninge af 1959 van 11 September 1985, te aanvaar. gekondig onder Administrateurskennisgewing STADSRAAD VAN SPRINGS 372 van 16 April 1969, soos gewysig, venter te Afskrifte van bogenoemde verordeninge le ter insae by die Kantoor van die Stadsekreta wysiffi ris, Munisipale Kantore, Tzaneen vir 'n tyd HERROEPING EN AANNAME VAN ELEK Die algemene strekking van die wysiging is perk van veertien (14) dae vanaf datum van TRISITEITSVERORDENINGE om gelde vas te stet ten opsigte van aansoeke publikasie hiervan in die Offisiele Koerant. vir die verslapping van boulynbeperkinge. Enige persoon wat beswaar teen genocmde Daar word hierby artikel 96 van die Ordon Afskrifte van die betroklce wysiging le gedu aanname wens aan te teken moet dit skriftelik nansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, bekend ge rende kantoorure vu 'n tydperk van (14) veer binne veertien (14) dae na datum van publika maak dat die Stadsraad van Springs van voor tien dae vanaf datum van publikasie hiervan sie van hierdie kennisgewing in die Offisiele neme is om die Standaardelektrisi by die kantoor van die Stadsklerk, Munisipale Koerant, by ondergenoemde indien. teitsverordenin8e gepubliseer by Administra Kantoor, Stilfontein, ter insae. teurskennisgewing 1627 van 24 November 1971, wat van toepassing gemaak is op die Enige persoon wat teen genoemdc verorde L POTGIETER Raad by Administrateurskennisgewing 1035 ninge beswaar wil aanteken moet dit skriftclilc Stadsklerk van 28 Junie 1972, herroep en om die Stan nie later as 19 Mei 1986 by die ondergetekende Munisipale Kantore daard elektrisiteitsverordeninge gepubliseer inhandig. Posbus 24 onder Administrateurskennisgewing 1959 van Tzaneen 11 September 1985, behoudens sekere wysi I H KOTZE 0850 gings as die Raad se verordeninge te aanvaar. Stadsklerk 30 April 1986 Kennisgewing No 10/1986 'n Afskrif van hierdie Kantore konsepverordeninge Munisipale,os2 18 ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by r die kantoor van die Raad vir 'n tydperk van Stilt tein veertien (14) dae na die datum van publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing in die Provinsiale Tel: TOWN COUNCIL OF TZANEEN Koerant. 30 Aril 1986 Kennisgewing No 7/1986 AMENDMENT OF ELECTRICITY SUPPLY Enige persoon wat beswaar teen die voorge stelde konsepverordeninge wens BY LAWS aan te taken, moct dit skriftelik by die ondergetekende doen binne veertien (14) dae na die datum van Notice is hereby given in terms of section 96 publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing in die TOWN COUNCIL OF STILFON'TEIN Provinsiale Koerant. of the Local Government Ordinance, 1939, that it is the intention of the Town Council of AMENDMENT OF BUILDING BYLAWS Tzaneen to revoke the Electricity Supply By HA DU PLESSIS laws, proclaimed under Administrator's No Burgersentrum Stadsklerk rice 1627, dated 24 November 1971 and Springs Notice'is hereby given in terms of the proviadopted by. the Town Council of Tzaneen 30 April 1986 sions of section 96 of the Local Government under Administrator's Notice 127, dated 1 Kennisgewing No 35/1986 Ordinance, 17 of 1939, as amended, that the February 1978, as amended, and to adopt the Town Council of Stilfontein proposes to Standard Electricity Supply Bylaws, pro amend the Building Bylaws published under claimed under Administrator's Notice 1959, Administrator's Notice 372 of 16 April 1969, as dated 11 September amended. TOWN COUNCIL OF SPRINGS Copies of the abovementioned amendments The general purport of the amendment is to are open for inspection at the Office of the make provisions for levying an application fee Town Secretary, Municipal Offices, Tzaneen REVOCATION AND AD OPTION OF in respect of applications for the encroach for a period of fourteen (14) days from the ELECTRICITY BY LAWS ment of building line restrictions. date of publication hereof in the Official Ga zette. Copies of the relevant amendment will lie It is hereby notified in terms of the provi for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Any person who has any objection to the sions of section 96 of the Local Government Municipal Offices, Stilfontein during office proposed amendments must lodge his objec Ordinance, 1939, that the Town Council of hours for a period of fourteen (14) days from tion in writing with the undersigned within Springs intends revoking the Standard Electric date of publication hereof. fourteen (14) days as from the date of publica ity Bylaws published under Administrator's tion of this notice in the Official Gazette. Notice No of 24 November 1971, which Persons who wishes to object to the said bybylaws were made applicable to the Council laws must lodge their objections in writing by Administrator's Notice 1035 of 28 June with the undersigned not later than 19 May L POTG1ETER 1972, and to adopt the Standard Electricity By Town Clerk laws published under Administrator's Notice Municipal Offices 1959 of 11 September 1985, with some amend J H KOTZE PO Box 24 ments as the bylaws of the Council. Town Clerk Tzaneen 0850 A copy of the draft bylaws is open for in Municipal Offices 30 April 1986 spection during normal office hours at the of PO Box 20 Notice No 10/1986 flee of the council for a period of fourteen (14) Stilfontein days after the date of publication hereof in the 2550 Provincial Gazette. Tel: April 1986 Any person who wishes to lodge an objec Notice No 7/1986 tion to the proposed draft bylaws shall do so VERWOERDBURG WYSIGINGSKEMA in writing to the undersigned within fourteen (14) days after the date of publication of this Hierby die bepalings word artikel van 18 van ooreenlcomstig de notice in the Provincial Gazette. i Ordonnansie op Dorps STADSRAAD VAN TZANEEN beplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 HA DU PLESSIS van 1965), bekend gemaak dat die Stadsraad Town Clerk van WYSIGING VAN ELEKTRISITEITSVOOR Verwoerdburg, Posbus 14013, Verwoerd Civic Centre SIENINGSVERORDENINGE burg 0140, aansoek gedoen het om die Springs Pretoriastreek dorpsaanlegskema 1, 1960, te 30 April 1986 wysig deur die hersonering van alle "Spesiale Notice No 35/1986 Kennis geskied bkrmee ingevolge die be Woon" erwe in Lyttelton Manor Dorp, Lyttel palings van artikel 96 van die Ordonnansie op ton Manor Uitbreiding 1, Lyttelton Manor (11

71 ' PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 30 APRIL Uitbreiding 3 en Lyttelton Manor Uitbreiding 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van 1965), aansoek te STADSRAAD VAN WARMBAD k 5 na "Spesiaal" vir wooneenhede onderworpe doen om bogenoemde skema te wysig wat beaan Sekere voorwaardes maar uitgesonderd kend sal Wysigingskema No 891 en 7 Erwe 7 tot en met 64, 158 tot en met 181, 225 wat as volg bepaal: VASSTELLING VAN GELDE tot en met 232, 235, 241 tot en met 243, 250 tot en met 251, 254 tot en met 305 en die Reste Dat met die toestemming van die Plaaslike Daar word hierby ingevolge artikel 80B(3) rende Gedeelte van Erf 306, Lyttelton Manor Bestuur: van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, Dorp en Erwe 785 tot en met 788, Gedeelte 1 1) Die aantal eenhede per erf op Erwe (Ordonnansie 17/1939) bekend gemaak dat en 4 van Erf 1515, Erwe 789 tot en met 822, 825 tot en met 1287 en 1334 tot en met 1342, Zwart die Stadsraad van Warmbad by spesiale besluit tot en met 850, 855, Resterende Gedeelte, Ge kopuitbreidin 7 verhoog kan word tot 'n en met ingang 1 April 1986, die Tarief van deeltes 1, 2 en 3 van Ed 857, 983 tot en met MakSIMUM van fo eenhede per hektaar. Gelde vir die verskaffing van inligting en die 992, Resterende Gedeelte van Erf 993, 1010 tot uitreiking van sertifikate, gewysig het. en met 1017, 2100 en 2111, Lyttelton Manor 2) Ander gebruike op Erwe 17R5 tot en met Uitbreiding 1 tot "Spesiaal" vir wooneenhede 1287, Zwartkop Uitbreiding 7 toegelaat mag Afskrifte van hierdie wysigings le ter insae of woongeboue onderworpe aan sekere voorword en die digtheid op hierdie erwe verhoog by die Kantoor van die Stadsekretaris, Kamer waardes. kan word tot 'n maksimum van 60 eenhede per A31, Munisipale Kantore, Warmbad, vir 'n hektaar indien hierdie erwe vir 'n ouetehuis tydperk van 14 dae vanaf publikasie hiervan in Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysi en aanverwante gebmike aangewend sou die Provinsiale Koerant. gingskema le in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk to hoek word van Basdenlaan en Rabiestraat, Ver Enige persoon wat beswaar teen die gewoerdburg ter insae. 3) Sy en agtergrensruimtes verslap mag noemde wysigings wens aan te teken, moet di[ word op Erwe 1285 tot en met 1287 en 1334 tot skriftelik binne 14 dae vanaf die datum van Enige beswaar of vertoe van die aansoek kan te enige tyd binne 'n tydperk van vier (4) en met 1342, Zwartkop Uitbreiding 7. publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing in die Provinsiale Koerant, by die et in weke vanaf die datum van hierdie kennisge Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysi doen. wing aan die Stadsklerk, Posbus 14013, Ver Stadsklerkwoerdburg, gingskema re in die kantoor van die 0140 skriftelik voorgele word. te hoek van Basdenlaan en Rabiestraat, Ver H.1 PIENAAR woerdburg ter insae. Stadsklerk P.7 GEERS 30 April 1986 Stadsklerk Enige beswaar of vertoe oor die aansoek Munisipale Kantore Kennisgewing No 35/1986 kan te enige tyd binne 'n tydperk van vier (4) Privaatsak X1609 weke vanaf die datum van hierdie kennisge Warmbad wing aan die Stadsklerk, Posbus 14013, Ver 0480M VERWOERDBURG AMENDMENT woerdburg 0140, skriftehk voorgele word. 30 uapril 1986 SCHEME Kennisgewing No 9/1986 P J GEERS Stadsklerk It is hereby notified in terms of section 18 of 30 April 1986 the Town planning and Townships Ordinance, Kennisgewing No 28/ (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application. TOWN COUNCIL OF WARMBATHS has been made by the Town Council of Verwoerdburg, PO Box 14013, Verwoerdburg 0140 for the amendment of the Pretoria Re CITY COUNCIL OF VERWOERDBURG DETERMINATION OF CHARGES gion Town planning Scheme 1, 1960, by the rezoning of all the "Special Residential" erven PROPOSED AMENDMENT OF THE PRE Notice is hereby given in terms of section in Lyttelton Manor Township, Lyttelton TORIA REGION TOWN PLANNING 80B(3) of the Local Government Ordinance, Manor Extension 1, Lyttelton Manor Even SCHEME 1 OF (Ordinance 17/1939) that the Town Counsion 3 and Lyttelton Manor Extension 5 to cil of Warmbaths has by special resolution and "Special" for dwellingunits subject to certain with effect from 1 April 1986, amended the ta conditions but excluding Erven 7 up to and in The City Council of Verwoerdburg intends riffs for the issuing of certificates and the fureluding 64, 158 up to and including 181, 225 up to apply in terms of section 18 of the Town nishing of information. to and including 232, 235, 241 up to and includ planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965 (Oring 243, 250 up to and including 251, 254 up to dinance 25 of 1965), for an amendment of the Copies of these amendments are open to in and including 305 and the Remaining Portion abovementioned scheme which shall be known section during normal office hours at the Ofof Erf 306, Lyttelton Manor Township and as Amendment Scheme 891 and which shall lice of the Town Secretary, Room A31, Muni Erven 785 up to and including 788, Portion 1 apply as follows: cipal Offices, Warmbaths, for a period of 14 and 4 of Ed 1515, Erven 789 up to and includ days from the date of publication hereof in the That with the consent ing. 822, 825 up to and including 850, 855, Reof the Local Author Provincial Gazette. mauling Portion, Portions 1, 2 and 3 of Ed 857, 983 up to and including 992, Remaining Par tion of Erf 993, Ewen 1010 up to and including 1017, 2100 and 2111 Lyttelton Manor Exten ity1 Any person who desires to record his objec 1) The number of dwellingunits on Erven don to the said amendments, shall do so in 1285 up to and including 1287 and 1334 up to writing to the undermentioned within 14 days and including 1342, Zwartkop Extension 7 may sion 1 to "Special" for dwellingunits or rest be increased to a maximum of 30 dwellingdenial buildings subject to certain conditions. the Provincial Gazette. units per hectare. Further particulars of the scheme are open after the date of publication of this notice in 2) Other uses be allowed on Erven 1285 up H J PIENAAR for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, to and including 1287, Zwartkop Extension 7 Town Clerk corner of Basden Avenue and Rabie Street, and that the density on these erven can be in Verwoerdburg. creased to a maximum of 60 dwelling units per Municipal Offices Any objection or representation in regard to hectare if anyone or all of these stands are Private Bag X1609 application must be submitted to the Town used for purposes of au old age home or pur Wa 0480 Clerk, PO Box 14013, Verwoerdburg 0140, at poses incidental thereto. 30 April 1986 any time within a period of four 0) weeks 3) Side and lateral building lines be relaxed Notice No 9/1986 from the date of this notice. on Erven 1285 up to and including 1287 and P J GEERS 1334 up to and including 1342, Zwartkop Ex Town Clerk tension April 1986 Further particulars of the amendment Notice No 35/ scheme are open for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, corner of Basden Avenue and STADSRAAD VAN WITRIVIER Rabie Street, Verwoerdburg. STADSRAAD VAN VERWOERDBURG PROKLAMERING VAN OPENBARE Any objection or representation in regard to PAAIE the application must be submitted to the Town VOORGESTELDE WYSIGING VAN DIE Clerk, PO Box 14013, Verwoerdbur 0140, at PRETORIA STREEK DORPSAANLEG any time within a period of four (4) weeks Hiermee word bekendgemaak dat die Stads SKEMA 1 VAN 1960 raad from the date of this notice. van Witrivier, ooreenkomstig die bepa _ P I GEERS lings van artikel 4 van die "Local Authorities i Die Town Clerk Roads Ordinance, 1904" 'n versoekskrif tot die Stadsraad van Verwoerdburg is van P Administrateur gerig het om die openbare voomeme om ingevolge artikel 18 van die Or donnansie 30 And11986 paaie in die Bylae hieronder beskryf te prokla op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, Notice No 28/ meer.

72 1564 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 30 APRIL 1986 Afskrifte van die versoekskrif en diagramme ANNEXURE Any person desirous of lodging any objecwat die voorgestelde paaie aantoon, le gedu lion against the proposed tariffs must lodge rende gewone kantoorure ter insae in die kan 1. Portion 165 (a portion of Portion 14) of such objection in writing with the undersigned toor van die Stadsekretaris, Munisipale Kan the farm White River 64 JU, as indicated utate on within fourteen days after the date of publica Witrivier. SG Diagram No A7031/85. tion of this notice in the Provincial Gazette. Enige persoon wat beswaar wil aanteken 2. Portion 166 (a portion of Portion 83) of A F VAN HEERDEN the farm White River 64 JU, as indicatedon teen die proklamering van die voorgesteldetown Clerk paaie, moet sodanige beswaar skriftelik, in SG Diagram No A7032/85. PO Box 2 tweevoud, by die Direkteur van Plaaslike Be 3. Portion 167 (a portion of Portion 83) of White River stuur, Privaatsak X437, Pretoria 0001 en die the farm White River 64 JU, as indicated on 1240 Stadsklerk, Posbus 2, Witrivier 1240, indien SG Diagram No A7033/ April 1986 nie later nie as 24 Junie Notice No 5/ Portion 168 (a portion of Portion 132) of Posbus 2 Witrivier 1240 A F VAN HEERDEN Stadsklerk the farm White River 64.11J, as indicated on SG Diagram No A7034/ Portion 169 (a portion of Portion 132) of the farm White River 64 JU, as indicated on SG Diagram No A7035/85. STADSRAAD VAN SECUNDA VOORGESTELDE KOOP VAN ERWE 30 April 1986 Kennisgewing No 3/ Kennisgewing geskied hierby ingevolge die bepalinge van artikel 79(24) van die Ordon BYLAE nansie op Plaasike Bestuur, 1939, soos gewy STADSRAADsig, dat die Stadsraad van Secunda van voor VAN WITRIVIER neme is om, behoudens goedkeuring deur sy I. Gedeelte 165 ('n gedeelte van Gedeelte Edele die Administrateur, sekere Erwe Nom 14) van die plaas White River 64 JU, soos VASSTELLING VAN GELDS: RIOLERING mers 6368, 6384, 6388, 6404 en 6418, Secunda aangetoon op LG Kaart No A7031/85. Uitbreiding 18 van Sasol (Tv') Dorpsgebiede Beperk aan te koop vii doeleindes van perso 2. Gedeelte 166 ('n gedeelte van Gedeelte Hierby word ingevolge die bepafings van ar neelbehuising. 83) van die plaas White River 64 JU, soos tikel 80(B)(3) van die Ordonnansie op Plaas aangetoon op LG Kaart No A7032/85. like Bestuur, 17 van 1939, bekend gemaak dat Volledige besonderhede van erfnommers, 4 die Stadsraad van Witriver by S yesiale Besluit grcones, kooppryse en voorwaardes 16 ter 3. Gedeelte 167 ('n gedeelte van Gedeelte me tariewe vir Riolering met ingang 1 April insae in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk by on die plaas White River 64 JU, soos 1986 gewysig het. dervermelde adres. aangetoon op LG Kaart No A7033/85. 83) van Die 4. Gedeelte 168 n edeelte van Gedeelte algemene strekking van hierdie wysi Enigiemand wat teen die koop van die erwe. c e is om tariewe vas te stel vir die bedryf van beswaar het, moet sy skriftelike beswaar daar 132) van die plaas White River 64 Ill, soos rig ie nuwe rioleringstelsel. teen by die Sekretaris indien binne 14 dae na aangetoon op LG Kaart No A7034/85. publikasie hiervan. Besonderhede van die voorgestelde wysi 5. Gedeelte 169 en edeeltes van Gedeelte.J F COERTZEN gmg la gedurende kantoorure vir 'n tydperk 132) van die plans White River 64 JU, soos Stadsklerk van veertien dae vanaf die datum van publikaaangetoon op LG Kaart No A7035/85. Munisipale Kantore sie van hierdie kennisgewing by die kantoor Posbus 2 van die Stadsekretaris, Munisipale kantoorge Secunda bou Witrivier ter insae April 1986 Enige persoon wat beswaar teen die voorge TOWN COUNCIL OF WHITE RIVER stelde tariewe wil aanteken, moet dit skriftelik binne veertien dae na publikasie van hierdie PROCLAMATION OF ROADS kennisgewing in die Provinsiale Koerant by TOWN COUNCIL OF SECUNDA die ondergetekende indien. It is hereby made known that the Town A F VAN HEERDEN PROPOSED PURCHASE OF ERVEN Council of White River petitioned the Admi Stadsklerk nistrator to proclaim the public roads men Posbus 2 Notice is hereby iven in terms of the provi tioned in the Annexure hereunder in terms of Witrivier sions of section 79 24) of the Local Govern section 4 of the Local Authorities Roads Ordi 1240 ment Ordinance, 1 39, as amended, that the nance, April 1986 Secunda Town Council intends to purchase, Kenrusgewing No 5/1986 Copies of the petition and diagrams indicat subject to the consent of the Honourable the ing the proposed roads lie open for inspection Administrator, certain Erven No's 6368, 6384, during normal office hours at the office of the 6388, 6404 and 6418, Secunda Extension 18 Town Secretary, Municipal Offices, White TOWN COUNCIL OF WHITE RIVER from Sasol (Tvl) Townships Ltd for the pur River. poses of staff housing. DETERMINATON OF CHARGES: SEWER Any person who desires to lodge an objet Full particulars of stand numbers, the extent AGE tion to the proclamation of the proposed of erven, purchase prices and conditions are roads, must submit such objection in writing in It is hereby notified in terms of section open to inspection in the office of the Town duplicate to the Director of Local Govern 80(B)(3) of the Local Government Ordinance Clerk at the address referred to below. ment, Private Bag X437, Pretoria 0001 and the 17 of 1939, that the Town Council of White Any person objecting to the purchasing of Town Clerk, PO Box 2, White River 1240, by River has by Special Resolution amended its the erven must lodge such objection in writing not later than 24 June tariffs for Sewerage as from 1 April with the Secretary within 14 days of publica tion hereof. The general purport of the amendments is to A F VAN HEERDEN determine charges for the implementation of J F COERTZEN Town Clerk the new sewerage system. Town Clerk PO Box 2 Municipal Offices White River Particulars of the proposed amendments will PO Box lie for inspection at the_ office of the town Se Secunda 30 April 1986 cretary, Municipal Office Building, White 2302 Notice No 3/1986 River, during normal office hours. 30 April i 1 II

73 . _ PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 30 APRIL mik IN DIE HOOGGEREGSHOF VAN SUIDAFRIKA (TRANSVAALSE PROVINSIALE AFDELING) SAAKNR: 3895/86 PRETORIA, die 15de dag van APRIL 1986 VOOR SY EDELE REGTER ACICEFtMANN In die ex parte aansoek van: CHRISTOFFEL JOHANNES VAN NIEKERK EERSTE APPLIKANT en JOHANNES CHRISTIAN DE BEER TWEEDE APPLIKANT SNA AANHOOR van die advokaat namens die applikante en na deurlees van die kennisgewing van Mosie en ander stukke geliasseer; WORD GELAS 1. DAT 'n bevel nisi uitgereik word met 'n keerdatum 20 Mei 1986, waarin alle belanghebbendes opgeroep word om redes aan te voer waarom: (a) Titelakte No 4989/1973 gedateer 16 Februarie 1973 met betrek king tot Erf 582, gelee te Monumentweg 31, Kemptonpark Dore. Uitbreiding 2, nie gewysig moet word deur die deurhaling van die woorde "the erf shall be used for residential purposes only" waar (lit voorkom in voorwaarde C(i) van voormelde titelakte; (b) die Registrateur van Aktes nie gemagtig en beveel word om die wysiging hierbo na verwys by voorlegging van die oorspronklike Titelakte en Hofbevel te Registreer nie; 2. DAT voormelde bevel nisi soos volg beteken word: (a) (b) Deur een publikasie in die Staatskoerant en in die Provinsiale Koerant; deur een publikasie in die Beeld en die Star nuusblaaie; (c) deur versending van 'n afskrif van die bevel per aparte geregistreerde pos aan (i) die Stadsklerk van Kemptonpark met 'n versoek dat die bevel nisi in 'n prominente plek in die munisi, pale kantore ten toon gestel word; P (b) (ii) die eienaars van die eiendomme van die dorpsgebied Kemptonpark Uitbreiding 2 soos wat die eienaars voorkom op die belastingbetalersregister van die Kemptonpark Munisipaliteit. DAT 'n afskrif van die bevel nisi vir 'n ononderbroke periode van 3 weke in 'n prominente plek op die grens van die perseel wat op Monumentweg aangebring word. 11. FLEISCHHAUER /dp C2432 DEUR DIE HOF Hofgriffier I.

74 , 1566 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 30 APRIL 1986 INHOUD CONTENTS Proklamasies Proclamations Il 24. Ordonnansie op Ongemagtigde Uitgawe (1983/84), 24. Unauthorized Expenditure (1983/84) Ordinance, Wysigingsordonnansie op Groot Paduitrusting, Major Road Plant Ordinance, ' 26. Dorp Messina Uitbreiding 2: Uitbreiding van Grense Messina Extension 2 Township: Extension of Boundaries 1495 Administrateurskennisgewings 693. Stadsraad van Vereeniging: 1ntrekking van Vrystel Administrator's Notices ling van Belasting Town Council of Vereeniging: Withdrawal of 780. Ontwerpwysigingsordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur: Exemption from Rating 1497 Uitbreiding van Bevoegdhede, Local Government (Extension of Powers): Draft 781. Ontwerpwysigingsordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur: Amendment Ordinance, (Administrasie en Vickiesing ), Local Government (Administration and Elections): 782. Ontwerpwysigingsorff onnansie op Munisipale Ver Draft Amendment Ordinance, kiesings, Municipal Elections: Draft Amendment Ordinance, 783. Munisipaliteit Breyten: Wysiging van Elektrisiteits verordeninge Breyten Municipality: Amendment to Electricity By 784. Munisipaliteit Delareyville: Aanname van Standaard laws 1500 Elektrisiteitsverordeninge Delareyville Municipality: Adoption of Standard 785. Munisipaliteit Groblersdal: Wysiging van Elektrisi Electricity Bylaws 1500 teitsverordeninge Groblersdal Municipality: Amendment to Electricity 786. Munisipaliteit Heidelberg: Aanname van Standaard Bylaws 1500 verordeninge Betreffende die Aanhou van Diere, 786. Heidelberg'Municipality: Adoption of Standard By Voels en Pluimvee en Besighde wat die Aanhou van laws Relating to the Keeping of Animals, Birds and. Diere, Vats, Pluimvee of Troeteldiere Behels 1501 Poultry and Businesses involving the Keeping of 787. Munisipaliteit Heidelberg: Wysiging van Verorde Animals, Birds, Poultry or Pets 1501 ninge Betreffende Vaste Afval Heidelberg Municipality: Amendment to Refuse 788. Munisipaliteit Hendrina: Wysiging van Verorde (Solid Wastes) Bylaws 1501 ninge vat' die Heffing van Gelde met Betrekking tot 788. Hendrina Municipality: Amendment to Bylaws for die Inspeksie van enige Bcsigheidsperseel, soos the Levying of Fees relating to the Inspection of any beoog by artikel 14(4) van die Ordonnansie op Lisen Business Premises as contemplated in section 14(4) of sies, the Licences Ordinance, Munisipaliteit Klerksdorp: Aanname van Standaard 789. Klerksdorp Municipality: Adoption of Standard By verordeninge Betreffende die Aanhou van Diere, laws relating to the Keeping of Animals, Birds and Vas en Pluimvee en Besighede wat die Aanhou van Poultry and Businesses involving the Keeping of Diere, Voels, Pluimvee of Troeteldiere behels 1504 Animals, Birds, Poultry or Pets Munisipaliteit Krugersdorp: Wysiging van Biblio 790. Krugersdorp Municipality: Amendment to Library teekverordeninge 1502 Bylaws Munisipaliteit Krugersdorp: Wysiging van Verorde 791. Krugersdorp Municipality: Amendment to Bylaws ninge Betreffende die Huur van Sateen Toebehore 1506 relating to the Hire of Halls and Appurtenances Munisipaliteit Krugersdorp: Wysiging van Wildtuin 792. Krugersdorp Municipality: Amendment to Game Reverordeninge 1508 serve Bylaws Munisipaliteit Machadodorp: Elektrisiteitsveror 793. Machadodorp Municipality: Electricity By laws: Cor dcninge: Kennisgewing van Verbetering 1510 rection Notice Gesondheidskomitee van Modderfontein: Wysiging 794. Modderfontein Health Committee: Amendment to van Parkeerterreinregulasips 1510 Parking Grounds Regulations Munisipaliteit Nigel: Aanname van Standaard Elek 795. Nigel Municipality: Adoption of Standard Electricity trisiteitsverordeninge 1511 Bylaws Munisipaliteit Nigel: Aanname van Standaardveror 796. Nigel Municipality: Adoption of Standard Bylaws deningc Betreffende die Aanhou van Diere, Voels, relating to the Keeping. of Animals, Birds and Poultry en Pluimvee en Besighede wat die Aanhou van and Businesses involving the Keeping of Animals, Diere, Vats, Pluimvee of Troeteldiere behels 1511 Birds, Poultry or Pets Munisipaliteit Nylstroom: Wysiging van Verorde 797. Nylstroom Municipality: Amendment to Bylaws reninge met Betrelcking tot Parke, 'Nine, Oop lacing to Parks, Gardens, Open Spaces, Dams, ruimtes, Damme, Soruite en Riviere 1512 Sprints and Rivers Munistpaliteit Nylstroom: Wysiging van 798. Nylstroom Municipality: Amendment to Swimming Swembadverordeninge 1512 Bath Bylaws Munisipaliteit Pretoria: Reinigingsverordeninge: 799. Pretoria Municipality: Cleansing By laws: Correction Kennisgewing van Verbetering 1512 Notice Munisipaliteit Randburg: Wysiging van Namatriku 800. Randburg Municipality: Amendment to Postmatrilasie studiebeursverordeninge 1513 culation Bursaries Bylaws Munisipaliteit Sandton: Wysiging van Elektrisiteits 801. Sandton Municipality: Amendment to Electricity Byverordeninge 1513 laws Munisipaliteit Waterval Boven: Wysiging van Elek 802. Waterval Boven Municipality: Amendment to Elec trisiteitsverordeninge 1513 tricky Bylaws Pretoria wysigingskema Pretoria Amendment Scheme Pretoria wysigingskema Pretoria Amendment Scheme Pretoria wysigingskema Pretoria Amendment Scheme Aansoek ingevolge die Wet op Opheffing van Be 806. Application in terms of the Removal of Restrictions perkings, 1967 (Wet 84 van 1967): Erwe 459 en 460, Act, 1967 (Act 84 of 1967), Erven 459 and 460, Con 807. Constantiapark 1515 stantia Park 1515 Die Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings, 1967 (Wet Removal of Restrictions Act, 1967 (Act 84 of 1967), van 1967): Gedeelte 186 ('n gedeelte van Gedeelte Portion 186 (a portion of Portion 185) of the farm 185) van die plans Garsfontein 374 JR 1515 Garsfontein 374 JR Sandton vrysigingskema Sandton Amendment Scheme Dorp Fourways Uitbreiding 10: Verklaring tot Goed 809. Fourways Extension 10 Township: Declaration as an gekeurde dory 1515 approved township Dorp Bedfordview Uitbreiding 317: Verbeterings 810. Bedfordview Extension 317 Township: Correction kennisgewing 1518 'Notice Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings, Removal of Restrictions Act, Kennisgewing van Verbetering ivm Administra 812. Notice of Correction in connection with Administrateurskennisgewing 363 van tor's Notice 363 of Wysiging van Titelvoorwaardes: Erf 125, Darren 813. Amendment of Title Conditions of Erf 125, Darrenwood 1520 wood 1520 i14. Johannesburgwysigingskema Johannesburg Amendment Scheme 1126 ail 1520 :15. Standerton wysigingskema Standerton Amendment Scheme

75 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 30 APRIL j 816. Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings, 1967: Resterende 816. Removal of Restrictions Act, 1967: The Remaining Gedeelte 1111, van die plaas Nooitgedacht 268 (deel Extend 11 of the farm Nooitgedacht 268 (part of the van die voorgestelde dorp Cassimpark, Uitbreading proposed town Cassim Park Extension 2) Ermelo 2), Ermelo 1521 Township Vereeniging wysigingskema 1/ Vereeniging Amendment Scheme 1/ Edenvale wysigingskema Eclenvale Amendment Scheme Germiston wysigingskema Germiston Amendment Scheme Witbank wyggingskema 1/ Witbank Amendment Scheme 1/ Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings, Removal of Restrictions Act, Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings, 1967 ' Removal of Restrictions Act, Fochville wysigingskema Fochville Amendment Scheme Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings, Removal of Restrictions Act, Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings, Removal of Restrictions Act, Pietersburg wysigingskema Pietersburg Amendment Scheme Tzaneen wysigingskema Tzaneen Amendment Scheme Brakpan wysigingskema Brakpan Amendment Scheme Erwe 236 en 237, Selcourt, Springs Erven 236 and 237 Selcourt, Springs Voorgestelde dorp: Jetparl: Uitbreiding 4: Verkla 830. Proposed Jet Park Extension 4 Township: Declarering tot 'n goedgekeurde dorp 1525 tion as an Approved Township Boksburg ' wysigingskema Boksburg Amendment Scheme ' 832. Rustenhurg wysigingskema Rustenburg Amendment Scheme , 833. Verklaring tot in goedgekeurde dorp: Garsfontein 833. Declaration as an Approved Township: Garsfontein Uitbreiding Extension Germiston wysigingskema Germiston Amendment Scheme Verklaring tot 'n goedgekeurde dorp: Germiston Uit 835. Declaration as Approved Township: Germiston Ex ' breiding tension 20 Township 1530 Algemene Kennisgewings General Notices 464. Boksburg wysigingskema 466: Erwe 510 en 1621, Cason Malelane 464. Boksburg Amendment Scheme 466: wyslgingskema Erven 510 and 466. Alberton 1621 Cason Township io wysigingskema Malelane Amendment Scheme 44 Johannesburg wysigingskema " 468. Alberton 466. /Merton amendment Scheme 274 wysigingskema i 469. Roodepoort 467. Johannesburg Amendment Scheme 1626 wysigingskema Roodepoort wysigingskema Alberton Amendment Scheme Suidelike Johannesburg wysigingskema Roodepoort Amendment Scheme Witbank 470. Roodepoort Amendment Scheme 694 wysigingskema 1/ Westonana 471. wysigingskema Southern Witbank Amendment Johannesburg cheme Amendment 1/189 Scheme 503. Alberton wysigingskema Voorgestelde Pretoria 473. wysigingskema 1826 Westonaria Amendment Scheme Sandton 503. Alberton Amendment Scheme 273 wysigingskema Pretoria 504. Proposed Pretoria Amendment Scheme 1826 wysigingskema Alberton wysigingskema Sandton Amendment Scheme Dorp Glenharvie 506. Pretoria Amendment Scheme 1869 Uitbreiding 3; dorp Terenure Uit Alberton Amendment Scheme 281 breiding 33; dorp Bedfordview Uitbreiding 367; dorp 1540 Bedfordview Uitbreiding 508. Glenharvie Extension 3 373; dorp Northwold Uitsic' 33 Township; Bedfordview Extension 367 Township; Terenure Eatenbreiding Town Phalaborwawysigingskema shir. Bedfordview Extension 373 Township; North 509.wold 510. Vereeniging wysigingskema 1/ Extension 39 Township Alberton wysigingskema Phalaborwa Amendment Scheme Suidelike Johannesburg 510. streekwysigingskema Vereeniging Amendment Scheme 1/ Suidelike Johannesburg 511. Alberton Amendment Scheme 279 streekwysigingskema Roodepoort 512. Southern Johannesburg Region Amendment Scheme wysigingskema Randburgwystgingskema Boksburg 513. wysigingskema 1/380 Johannesburg Amendment Scheme Erf 236, Dersley, Springs 514. Roodepoort Amendment Scheme Wet op Opheffing van 515. Beperkings, Randburg Amendment Scheme : Die wysi 1544 ging van Titelvoorwaardes van 516. Gedeelte Boksburg Amendment Scheme 1/ van Erf , Kemptonpark 517. Erf 519. Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings, 1545 D 236 Dersley, Springs Township 1545 g 1967: Voore 518. Removal of Restrictions Act, 1967: The Amendment stelde opheffing van titelvoorwaardes of van Erf the conditions of Title of Portion 33 of Erf 2510, 2772, Kemptonpark Uitbreiding Kempton Park Pretoria wysigingskema Removal of Restrictions Act 1967: Proposed Re Pretoria wysigingskema 1868 moval of the conditions of Title of Erf Kempton 522. Aansoek Park Extension 11 ingevolge die Wet op Opheffing van Be Pretoria Amendment Scheme perkings, 1967 (Wet 84 van 1967): Erf 1525, Silverton Uitbreiding Pretoria Amendment Scheme Aansoek ingevolge die Wet 522. op Application in terms Opheffing van Be of the Removal of Restrictions perkings, 1967 (Wet 84 van Act, 1967 (Act 84 of 1967): Ed 1967): Erf 278, Watersion , Silverton Exten kloof Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings (Wet 523. Application in terms of the Removal of 84 van 1967): Restrictions Erf 96, dorp Erasmusrand Act, 1967 (Act 84 of 1967): Ed 278, Waterlcloof wysigingskema 524. Removal of 1859 Restrictions Act (Act 84 of 1967): Ed , 526. Pretoria wysigingskema 1867 Erasmusrand Township Departement van Konstitusionele 525. Pretoria Amendment Scheme 1859 Ontwikkeling en 1548 Beplanning 526. Pretoria Amendment Scheme Department of Constitutional Development and Tenders 1551 Planning 1549 Plaaslike Bestuurskennisgewings 1553 Tenders 1551 Notices by Local Authorities 1553 IP, _



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int tat.441. a 3 et te i rir I Dm PROVINSIE TRANSVAAL ect 4 THE PROVINCE OF TRANSVAAL 1 1 p vr /no * dib if t5 te Lc Ea erant toitt _,: (As n Nuusblad by die Poskantoor Geregistreer),, 1 1 II 4411 0, (Jo int tat 441 a 3 et te

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