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1 D111 ( I IE PROVINSIE TRANSVAAL tiker r ant il \ EN1K :HE PROVINCE OF TRANSVAAL 114 Offirial Gazettr (As n Nuusblad by die Poskantoor Geregistreer) Aagii (Registered at the Post Office as a Newspaper) PRYS: SA 20c Plus lc AVB OORSEE:30c PRICE: SA 20e Plus le GST OVERSEAS: 30c 6 JULIE VOL 228 PRETORIA 6 JULY OFFISIELE KOERANT VAN DIE TRANSVAAL OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF THE TRANSVAA L (Verskyn elke Woensdag) (Published every Wednesday) Alle korrespondensie, advertensies ens moet aan die All correspondence, advertisements etc must be ad Provinsiale Sekretaris, Privaatsak X64 Pretoria gcadres dressed to the Provincial Secretary, Private Bag X64 Pre seer word, en indien per hand a flu: ewer moet dit by tona, and if delivered by hand, must be handed in at Kamer A1023(a) Provinsiale Gehou ingedicn word Gra Room A1023(a), Provincial Building Free copies of the Provincial Gazette or cuttings of advertisements are not tis eksemplare van die Offisiele Koerant of uitknipsels van advertensies word nie verskaf nie supplied Intekengeld (voortritbetaalbaar) Subscription Rates (payable in advance) 0 Transvaalse Offisiele Koerant (met inhegrip van alle Transvaal Official Gazette (including all Extraordinary Buitengewone Koerante) is soos volg: Gazettes) are as follows: Jaarliks (posvry) R10,00 plus AVB Zimbabwe en Oorsee (posvry) 30c elk plus AVB Yearly (post free) R10,00 plus GST Zimbabwe and Overseas (post free) 30c each plus GST Prys per eksemplaar (posvry) 20c elk AVB, Price per single copy (post free) 20c each plus GST Verkrygbaar by Kamer A600 Provinsiale Gchou Pm Obtainable at Room MOO, Provincial Building, Pretotori a, 0002 ria 0002 Sluitingstyd vir Aanname van Kupic Closing Timefor Acceptance ofcopy Alle advertensies moet die Beampte betas met die (0 All advertisements must reach the Officer in Charge of,siele Koerant bereik nie later nie as 12h011 op Woensdag n the Provincial Gazette not later than 12h00 on the Wed week voordat die Koerant uitgegee word Advertensies nesday before the Gazette is published Advertisements wat na daardie tyd ontvang word word oorgehou vir pu received after that time will be held over for publication in blikasie in die uitgawe van die volgende week theissue of the following week Advertensietarie we Kennisgewings wat volgens Wet in die Offisiete Koerant geplaas moet word: Dubbelkolom R260 per sentimeter of dccl daarvan Herhalings R200 Advertisement Rates Notices required by Law to be inserted in the Official Gazette: Double column R260 per centimetre or portion /hereof Repeats R2,00 Enkelkolom 911c per sentimeter Herhalings 60c Single column 90c per centimetre Repeats 60c I ntekengelde is vooruitbetaalhaar aan the Provinsiale Subscriptions are payable in advance to the Provincial Sekretaris Privaatsak X64, Pretoria 0001 Secretary Private Bag X64 Pretoria 0001 C C J BADENHORST CCJ BADENHORST namens Provinsiale Sekretaris for Provincial Secretary Proklarnasies Proclamations No 272 (Administrateurs ), 1983 No 272 (Administrators), PROKLAMASIE PROCLAMATION Sr Nademaal bevoegdheid by artikel 2 van die Wet op Whereas power is vested in me by section 2 of the Re Opheffing van Beperkings, 1967 (Wet 84 van 1967), aan my moval of Restrictions Act, 1967 (Act 84 of 1967), to alter, verleen is om n beperking of verpligting in daardie artikel suspend or remove a restriction or obligation referred to in genoem, te wysig, op te skort of op te hef; that section; So is dit dat ek; Now therefore I do hereby; (1) met betrekking tot Erf 1094, gelet in die dorp Wit (1) in respect of Erf 1094, situated in Witbank Extension 8

2 2020 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 6 JULY 1983 bank Uitbreiding 8, voorwaarde D(a) tot (h) in Akte van Transport 22900/1966, ophef; en Gegee onder my Hand te Pretoria, op hede die 13de dag van Junie, Eenduisend Negehonderd Drieentagtig W A CRUYWAGEN Administrateur van die Provinsie Transvaal (2) Witbank dorpsaanlegskema 1, 1948, wysig deur die, hersonering van Erwe 1094 en 4861, dorp Witbank Uitbrei ding 8 tot "Spesiaal" vir n Openbare Garage en doeleindes in verband daarmee insluitend n teekamer, welke wysiging skema bekend staan as Witbankwysigingskema 1/113, sons aangedui op die toepaslike Kaart 3 en skemaklousules wat ter insae 16 in die kantore van die Departement van Plaas like Bestuur, Pretoria en die Stadsraad van Witbank Township, remove condition D(a) to (h) in Deed of Transfer 22900/1966; and (2) amend Witbank Town planning Scheme 1, 1948, by the rezoning of Erven 1094 and 4861, Witbank Extension 8 Township, to "Special" for a Public Garage and purposes in cil thereto including a tearoom, and which amendment scdentame he will be known as Witbank Amendment Scheme 1/113, as indicated on the relevant Map 3 and scheme clauses which are open for inspection at the offices of the Department of Local Government, Pretoria and the Town Council of Witbank Given under my Hand at Pretoria, this 13th day of June, One thousand Nine hundred and Eighty three W A CRUYWAGEN Administrator of the Province Transvaal PB PB No 273 (Administrateurs ), 1983 No 273 (Administrators), 1983 PROKLAMASIE PROCLAMATION Deur Sy Edele die Administrateur van die Provinsie By the Honourable the Administrator of the Province Transvaal Transvaal Kragtens die bevoegdheid aan my verleen by artikel 14(2) Under the powers vested in me by section 14(2) of the van die Ordonnansie op die Transvaalse Raad vir die Ont Transvaal Board for the Development of Peri Urban Areas wikkeling van Buitestedelike Gebiede, 1943, proklameer ek Ordinance, 1943, I do hereby proclaim that the Remaining hierby dat die Restant van Gedeelte 1 van die plaas Onver Extent of Portion 1 of the farm Onverwacht 1131 LS in exwacht 1131 LS, groot 150,7395 hektaar volgens Kaart tent 150,7395 hectares vide Diagram A4567/37 is hereby in A4567/37 in die regsgebied van die Transvaalse Raad vir die eluded in the area of jurisdiction of the Transvaal Board for Ontwikkeling van Buitestedelike Gebiede met ingang van the Development of Peri Urban Areas with effect from the die datum van hierdie proklamasie opgeneem word date of this proclamation Gegee onder my Hand te Pretoria, op hede die 14e dag van Junie, Eenduisend Negehonderd Drie entagtig W A CRUYWAGEN Administrateur van die Provinsie Transvaal Given under my Hand at Pretoria on this 14th day of June, One thousand Nine hundred and Eighty three W A CRUYWAGEN Administrator of the Province Transvaal PB PB Administrateurskennisgewings Administrators Notices Administrateurskennisgewing Junie 1983 Administrators Notice June 1983 MUNISIPALITEIT PIET RETIEF: VOORGESTELDE PIET RETIEF MUNICIPALITY: PROPOSED ALTERA VERANDERING VAN GRENSE TION OF BOUNDARIES Ingevolge artikel 10 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Notice is hereby given, in terms of section 10 of the Local Bestuur, 1939, word hierby bekend gemaak dat die Stads Government Ordinance, 1939, that the Town Council has raad n versoekskrif by die Administrateur ingedien het met submitted a petition to the Administrator praying that he die bede dat by die bevoegdhede aan hom verleen by artikel may in the exercise of the powers conferred on him by sec 9(7) van genoemde Ordonnansie uitoefen en die grense van Lion 9(7) of the said Ordinance, alter the boundaries of Piet die Munisipaliteit Piet Retief verander deur die inlywing )etief Municipality by the inclusion therein of Portion 47 (a daarby van Gedeelte 47 (n gedeelie van Gedeelte 45) van portion of Portion 45) of the farm Welverdiend No 148 HT, die plaas Welverdiend No 148 HT, groot hektaar soos in extent hectares, as indicated by the letters aangedui deur die letters ABCDEFA op Kaart LG No ABCDEFA on Diagram SG No A1967/82 A1967/82 Enige belanghebbende persone is bevoeg om binne 30 It shall be competent for any persons interested, within 30 dae na die eerste publikasie hiervan in die Provinsiale Koe days of the first publication hereof in the Provincial Gazette, rant aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Privaatsak to direct to the Director of Local Government, Private Bag X437, Pretoria n teenpetisie te rig waarin die Administra X437, Pretoria a counterpetition requesting the Administrateur 1 versoek word om nie aan genoemde versoekskrif, in tor to refrain from granting the said petition, either wholly geheel of ten dele, te voldoen nie or in part

3 i PROVINSIALE _ Further particulars of the application are open forinspec tion at the office of thethirector of Local Government, Room B306, Provincial Building, Pretorius Street, Pretoria and at the office of the Town Clerk of Piet Relief Verdere besonderhede van die aansoek le in die kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Kamer B306, Pro Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria, en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk, Piet Retief ter insae ivinsiale KOERANT ()JULIE PB PB Administrateurskennisgewing Junie 1983 Administrators Notice June 1983 MUNISIPALITEIT NELSPRUIT: VOORGESTELDE NELSPRUIT MUNICIPALITY: PROPOSED ALTERA VERANDERING VAN GRENSE TION OF BOUNDARIES D 0 Gedeelte 110 Ingevolge artikel 10 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Notice is hereby given, in terms of section 10 of the Local Bestuur, 1939, word hierby bekendgemaak dat die Stads Government Ordinance, 1939, that the Town Council has raad n versoekskrif by die Administrateur ingedien het met submitted a petition to the Administrator praying that he die bede dat by die bevoegdhede aan horn verleen by artikel may in the exercise of the powers conferred on him by sec 9(7) van genoemde Ordonnansie uitoefen en die grense van tion 9(7) of the said Ordinance, alter the boundaries of Nei die Munisipaliteit Nelspruit verander deur die opneming spruit Municipality by the inclusion therein of the area dedaarin van die gebied wat in die Bylae hierby omskryf word scribed in the Schedule hereto Enige belanghebbende persone is bevoeg om binne 30 It shall be competent for any persons interested, within 30 ihe na die eerste publikasie hiervan in die Provinsiale Koe days of the first publication hereof in the Provincial Gazette, rant aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Privaatsak to direct to the Director of Local Government, Private Bag X437, Pretoria n teenpetisie te rig waarin die Administra X437, Pretoria a counterpetition requesting the Administra teur versoek word om nie aan genoemde versoekskrif, in tor to refrain from granting the said petition, either wholly geheel of ten dele, te voldoen nie or in part Further particulars of the application are open for inspec tion at the office of the Director of Local Government, Room B306A, Provincial Building, Pretorius Street, Preto ria and at the office of the Town Clerk of Nelspruit Verdere besonderhede van die aansoek le in die kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Kamer 13306A, Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria, en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk, Nelspruit ter insae BYLAE PB PB SCHEDULE MUNISIPALITEIT VAN NELSPRUIT: VOORGE STELDE UITBREIDING VAN GRENSE NELSPRUIT MUNICIPALITY: PROPOSED EXTEN SION OF BOUNDARIES Beskrywing van die gebiede wat ingesluit moet word in die Regsgebied van die Munisipaliteit van Nelspruit Description of the areas to be included into the Area of 1 Begin by die noordwestelike baken van Gedeelte 8 Jurisdiction of Nelspruit Municipality "Terramio" (Kaart A1482/46) van die pleas The Rest 454 JT; daarvandaan ooswaarts met die grense van die volgende 1 Beginning at the north western beacon of Portion 8 gedeeltes van die plaas The Rest 454 JT langs, sodat hulle by "Terramio" (Diagram A1482/46) of the farm The Rest 454 hierdie gebied ingesluit word: die genoemde Gedeelte 8, JT; thence eastwards along the boundaries of the following 9 (Kaart A1930/46) en Gedeelte 6 (Kaart portions of the farm The Rest 454 JT, so as to include them A1480/46) tot by die noordoostelike baken van die laasge in this area: the said Portion 8, Portion 9 (Diagram noemde gedeelte; daarvandaan suidooswaarts met die A1930/46) and Portion 6 (Diagram A1480/46) to the north grense van die volgende gedeeltes van die pleas The Rest eastern beacon of the last named portion; thence south 454 JT langs sodat hulle by hierdie gebied ingesluit word: die eastwards along the boundaries of the following portions of genoemde Gedeelte 6, Gedeelte 70 (Kaart A49/55) en Ge the farm The Rest 454 JT so as to include them in this area: deelte 11 (Kaart A297/48) tot by die suidoostelike baken van the said Portion 6, Portion 70 (Diagram A49/55) and Portion die laasgenoemde gedeelte; daarvandaan algemeen wes 11 (Diagram A297/48) to the south eastern beacon of the waarts en noordwaarts met die grense van die volgende ge lastnamed portion; thence generally westwards and north deeltes van die plaas The Rest 454 JT langs, sodat hulle by wards along the boundaries of the following portions of the hierdie gebied ingesluit word: die genoemde Gedeelte 11, farm The Rest 454 JT so as to include them in this area: the Gedeelte 70 (Kaart A49/55), Gedeelte 79 (Kaart A4830/74), said Portion 11, Portion 70 (Diagram A49/55), Portion 79 Gedeelte 5 "Pumula" (Kaart A1479/46) en Gedeelte 8 (Diagram A4830/74), Portion 5 "Pumula" (Diagram 1 "Terramio" (Kaart A1482/46) tot by die noordwestelike A1479/46) and Portion 8 "Terramio" (Diagram A1482/46) to baken van die laasgenoemde gedeelte, die beginpunt the northwestern beacon of the lastnamed portion, the point of beginning 2 Gedeelte 19 van die plaas South African Prudential Ci trus Estates 131 JU, groot 53,9535 hektaar, volgens Kaart 2 Portion 19 of the farm South African Prudential Citrus A545/80 Estates 131 JU, in extent 53,9535 hectares, vide Diagram A545/80 3 Die volgende gedeeltes van die plaas Shandon 194 JU: 3 The following portions of the farm Shandon 194 JU: (a) Gedeelte 14 (n gedeelte van Gedeelte 8), groot 132,4821 hektaar, volgens Kaart A3657/81 Transport (a) Portion 14 (a portion of Portion 8), in extent 132, /1982 hectares, vide Diagram A3657/81 Transfer T9456/1982 (b) Gedeelte 15, groot 8,1944 hektaar, volgens Kaart (b) Portion 15, in extent 8,1944 hectares, vide diagram A3658/81 A3658/81

4 2022 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 6 JULY 1983 Administrateurskennisgewing Junie 1983 Administrators Notice June 1983 MUNISIPALITEIT WITR1V1ER: VOORGESTELDE WHITE RIVER MUNICIPALITY: PROPOSED I VERANDERING VAN GRENSE ALTERATION OF BOUNDARIES Ingevolge artikel 10 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Notice is hereby given, in terms of section 10 of the Local Bestuur, 1939, word hierby bekend gemaak dat die Stads Government Ordinance, 1939, that the Town Council of raad van Witrivier n versoekskrif by die Administrateur in White River has submitted a petition to the Administrator gedien het met die bede dat by die bevoegdhede aan horn praying that he may in the exercise of the powers conferred verleen by artikel 9(7) van genoemde Ordonnansie uitoefen on him by section 9(7) of the said Ordinance, alter the boun en die grense van die Munisipaliteit Witrivier verander deur daries of White River Municipality by the inclusion therein die opneming daarin van die Restant van die plaas Paarlklip of the Remaining Extent of the farm Paarlklip 280 JT Dis 280 JT distrik Nelspruit, groot 10,0481 hektaar trict Nelspruit, 10,0481 hectares in extent Enige belanghebbende persone is bevoeg om binne 30 It shall be competent for any persons interested, within 30 dae na die eerste publikasie hiervan in die Provinsiale Koe days of the first publication hereof in the Provincial Gazette, rant aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Privaatsak to direct to the Director of Local Government, Private Bag X437, Pretoria n teenpetisie te rig waarin die Administra X437, Pretoria a counterpetition requesting the Administrateur versoek word om nie aan genoemde versoekskrif, in tor to refrain from granting the said petition, either wholly geheel of ten dele, te voldoen nie or in part Further particulars of the application are open for inspec tion at the office of the Director of Local Government, Room B306A, Provincial Building, Pretorius Street, Preto ria and at the office of the Town Clerk of White River PB a Verdere besonderhede van die aansoek le in die kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Kamer B306A, ProvinsialeGebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria, en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk, Witrivier, ter insae PB Administrateurskennisgewing Junie 1983 Administrators Notice June 1983 TRANSVAALSE RAAD VIR DIE ONTWIKKELING TRANSVAAL BOARD FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF VAN BUITESTEDELIKE GEBIEDE: VOORGE PERIURBAN AREAS: PROPOSED ALTERATION OF STELDE VERANDERING VAN GRENSE BOUNDARIES Ingevolge artikel 10 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Notice is hereby given, in terms of section 10 of the local Bestuur, 1939, word hierby bekend gemaak dat die Trans Government Ordinance, 1939, that the Transvaal Board for vaalse Raad vir die Ontwikkeling van Buitestedelike Ge the Development of PeriUrban Areas has submitted a petibiede n versoekskrif by die Administrateur ingedien het tion to the Administrator praying that he may in the exercise met die bede dat by die bevoegdhede aan hom verleen by of the powers conferred on him by section 9(7) of the said artikel 9(7) van genoemde Ordonnansie uitoefen en die Ordinance, alter the boundaries of the Local Area Commitgrense van die Plaaslike Gebiedskomitee van Rayton ver tee of Rayton by the inclusion therein of the area described ander deur die opneming daarin van die gebied wat in die in the Schedule hereto Bylae hierby omskryf word It shall be competent for any persons interested, within 30 Enige belanghebbende persone is bevoeg om binne 30 days of the first publication hereof in the Provincial Gazette, dae na die eerste publikasie hiervan in die Provinsiale Koe to direct to the Director of Local Government, Private Bag a rant aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Privaatsak X437, Pretoria a counterpetition requesting the Administra X437, Pretoria n teenpetisie te rig waarin die Administra tor to refrain from granting the said petition, either wholly teur versoek word om nie aan genoemde versoekskrif, in or in part geheel of ten dele, te voldoen nie Further particulars of the application are open for inspec Verdere besonderhede van die aansoek le in die kantoor tion at the office of the Director of Local Government, van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Kamer B306, Pro Room B306, Provincial Building, Pretorius Street, Pretoria vinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria, en in die kantoor and at the office of the Secretary of the Local Area Commit van die Sekretaris van die Gebiedskomitee van Rayton, ter tee of Rayton insae PB PB SCHEDULE BYLAE PROPOSED INCORPORATION OF THE LOCAL VOORGESTELDE UITBREIDING VAN DIE PLAAS BOUNDARIES OF RAYTON LOCAL AREA COMMIT LIKE GRENSE VAN RAYTON PLAASLIKE GE TEE BIEDSKOMITEE (1) The following portions of Elandshoek 337 JR (1) Die volgende gedeeltes van Elandshoek 337 JR Portions Area Diagram Transfer Gedeelte Grootte Kaart LG A Transport LG A 124 8,5653 ha 6339/ / ,5653 ha 6339/ / ,5903 ha 6340/ / ,5903 ha 6340/ /1969 III

5 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 6 JU LIE IIGedeelte (2) Die volgende Gedeeltes van Rooikopjes 483 JR (2) The following portions of Rooikopjes 483 JR Grootte Kaart LG A Transport Portions Area Diagram LG A Transfer 27 8,5653 ha 2833/ ,5653 ha 2833/21 Restant van Remainder of Gedeelte 40 27,4090 ha 880/ /1949 Portion 40 27,4090 ha 880/ / ,2827 ha 5909/ / ,2827 ha 5909/ / ,6820 ha 6008/ / ,6820 ha 6008/ / Administrateurskennisgewing Julie 1983 Administrators Notice July 1983 SANDTON WYSIGINGSKEMA 525 SANDTON AMENDMENT SCHEME 525 Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel 36(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, It is hereby notified in terms of section 36(1) of the Town 1965, bekend gemaak dat die Administrateur goedgekeur planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that the Adminishet dat Sandton dorpsbeplanningskema, 1980, gewysig word trator has approved the amendment of Sandton Town plan deur die hersonering van Erf 31, Kramerville tot Nywer ning Scheme, 1980, by the rezoning of Erf 31, Kramerville to heid 1" "Industrial 1" Kaart 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysigingskema Map 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment scheme word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike are filed with the Director of Local Government, Pretoria Bestuur, Pretoria en die Stadsklerk, Sandton en is beskik and the Town Clerk, Sandton and are open for inspection at baar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye all reasonable times Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Sandtonwysigingskema This amendment is known as Sandton Amendment 525 Scheme 525 PB H525 PB H 525 Administrateurskennisgewing Julie 1983 Administrators Notice July 1983 ROODEPOORT MARAISBURG WYSIGINGSKEMA 1/425 ROODEPOORT MARAISBURG AMENDMENT SCHEME 1/425 Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel 36(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dome It is hereby notified in terms of section 36(1) of the Town 1965, bekend gemaak dat die Administrateur goedgekeur planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that the Adminis het dat Roodepoort Maraisburgdorpsaanlegskema, 1/1946, trator has approved the amendment of Roodepoort Marais gewysig word deur die hersonering van Erf 276, Horizon burg Townplanning Scheme 1, 1946, by the rezoning of Erf View, tot "Spesiaal" vir die oprigting van geboue vir han 276, Horizon View, to "Special" to be used for the erection dels of besigheidsdoeleindes: Met dien verstande dat met of buildings for trade or business purposes, provided that die toestemming van die Raad die erf en die geboue ook ge with the consent of the Council the erf and buildings may bruik mag word vir n onderrigsplek, gemeenskapsaal, ver also be used for a place of instruction, social hall, place of maaklikheidsplek, droogskoonmaker, visbakker, visveramusement, dry cleaner, fish fryer, fishmonger, laundrette, koper, wassery, bakkery, banketbakkery of n plek vir bakery, confectioner or a place of public worship, subject to openbare godsdiensbeoefening onderworpe aan sekere certain conditions voorwaardes Kaart 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysigingskema Map 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment scheme word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike are filed with the Director of Local Government, Pretoria Bestuur, Pretoria en die Stadsklerk, RoodepoortMarais and the Town Clerk, Roodepoort Maraisburg and are open burg en is beskikbaar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye for inspection at all reasonable times Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as RoodepoortMarais This amendment is known as Roodepoort Maraisburg burg wysigingskema 1/425 Amendment Scheme 1/425 PB PB Administrateurskennisgewing Julie 1983 Administrators Notice July 1983 BEDFORDVIEW WYSIGINGSKEMA 1/300 BEDFORDVIEW AMENDMENT SCHEME 1/300 Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel It is hereby notified in terms of section 36(1) of the Town 36(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that the Adminis gis 1965, bekend gemaak dat die Administrateur goedgekeur trator has approved the amendment of Bedfordview Townhet dat Bedfordview dorpsaanlegskema, 1/1948, gewysig planning Scheme, 1/1948, by the rezoning of Erf 85, Oriel to word deur die hersonering van Erf 85, Oriel tot "Spesiale "Special Residential" with a density of "One dwelling per Woon", met digtheid van "Een woonhuis per vk vt" sq ft"

6 PROVINCIAL GAZETUE, 6 JULY 1983 Kaart 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysigingskema Map 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment scheme word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike are filed with the Director of Local Government, Pretoria Bestuur, Pretoria en die Stadsklerk Bedfordview en is be and the Town Clerk, Bedfordview and are open for inspec skikbaar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye lion at all reasonable times Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Bedfordviewwysiging This amendment is known as Bedfordview Amendment skema 1/300 Scheme 1/300 PB PB Administrateurskennisgewing Julie 1983 Administrators Notice July 1983 HALFWAY HOUSE EN CLAYVILLEWYSIGING HALFWAY HOUSE AND CLAYVILLE AMENDMENT SKEMA 66 SCHEME 66 Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel 36(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, It is hereby notified in terms of section 36(1) of the Town 1965, bekend gemaak dat die Administrateur goedgekeur planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that the Adminis het dat Halfway House en Clayville dorpsaanlegskema, trator has approved the amendment of Halfway House and 1976, gewysig word deur die hersonering van Gedeeltes 58, Clayville Townplanning Scheme, 1976, by the rezoning of 67, 68 en 69 van die plans Witpoort 406 JR tot "Spesiaal" vir Portions 58, 67, 68 and 69 of the farm Witpoort 406 JR to die doeleindes van n tehuis vir die verstandelike ver "Special" for the purpose of a home for the mentally retraagdes (n losieshuis en n huis vir bejaardes insluitend) en tarded (including a boarding house and a home for the aged) doeleindes in verband daarmee, n melkery, bakkery, and purposes incidental thereto including a dairy, a bakery, werkswinkel en n winkel onderworpe aan sekere voor workshops and a shop, subject to certain conditions waardes Kaart 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysigingskema Map 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment scheme word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Pretoria en die Stadsklerk, Midrand en is beskikbaar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye are filed with the Director of Local Government, Pretoria and the Town Clerk, Midrand and are open for inspection at all reasonable times Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Halfway House en Clay This amendment is known as Halfway House and Clayville villewysigingskema 66 Amendment Scheme 66 PB PB Administrateurskennisgewing Julie 1983 Administrators Notice July 1983 PRETORIA WYSIGINGSKEMA 946 PRETORIA AMENDMENT SCHEME 946 Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel 36(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, It is hereby notified in terms of section 36(1) of the Town 1965, bekend gemaak dat die Administrateur goedgekeur planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that the Adminis het dat Pretoria dorpsbeplanningskema, 1974, gewysig word trator has approved the amendment of Pretoria Town plan deur die hersonering van Gedeelte 1 van Erf 363 Nieuw ning Scheme, 1974, by the rezoning of Portion 1 of Erf 363, Muckleneuk, tot "Spesiaal" vir n openbare garage, winkel Nieuw Muckleneuk, to "Special" for a public garage, shop en kafee, onderworpe aan sekere voorwaardes and café, subject to certain conditions Kaart 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysigingskema Map 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment scheme word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike are filed with the Director of Local Government, Pretoria Bestuur, Pretoria en die Stadsklerk, Pretoria en is beskik and the Town Clerk, Pretoria and are open for inspection at baar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye all reasonable times Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Pretoriawysigingskema This amendment is known as Pretoria Amendment 946 Scheme 946 PB PB Administrateurskennisgewing Julie 1983 Administrators Notice July 1983 PHALABORWA WYSIGINGSKEMA 4 PHALABORWA AMENDMENT SCHEME 4 Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel 36(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, It is hereby notified in terms of section 36(1) of tile Town 1965, bekend gemaak dat die Administrateur goedgekeur planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that the Adminis het dat Phalaborwa dorpsbeplanningskema, 1981, gewysig trator has approved the amendment of Phalaborwa Town word deur die hersonering van Erf 2696, Phalaborwa Uit planning Scheme, 1981, by the rezoning of Erf 2696, Phala breiding 8, tot "Munisipaal" borwa Extension 8, to "Municipal" Kaart 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysigingskema Map 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment scheme word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike are filed with the Director of Local Government, Pretoria Bestuur, Pretoria en die Stadsklerk, Phalaborwa en is be and the Town Clerk, Phalaborwa and are open for inspec f skikbaar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye lion at all reasonable times Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Phalaborwawysiging This amendment is known as Phalaborwa Amendment III skema 4 Scheme 4 PB PB

7 1/41 PROVINSIALE KOERANT 6 JULIE Administrateurskennisgewing Julie 1983 Administrators Notice July JOHANNESBURG WYSIGINGSKEMA 588 JOHANNESBURG AMENDMENT SCHEME 588 Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel It is hereby notified in terms of section 36(1) of the Town 36(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that the Admini 1965, bekend gemaak dat die Administrateur goedgekeur strator has approved the amendment of Johannesburg het dat Johannesburg dorpsbeplanningskema, 1979, gewysig Townplanning Scheme, 1979, by the rezoning of Erf 822, word deur die hersonering van Erf 822, The Hill tot "Resi The Hill to "Residential 1" with a density of "One dwelling densieel 1" met n digtheid van "Een woonhuis per err per erf Kaart 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysigingskema Map 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment scheme word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike are filed with the Director of Local Government, Pretoria Bestuur, Pretoria en die Stadsklerk Johannesburg en is be and the Town Clerk, Johannesburg and are open for inspec skikbaar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye tion at all reasonable times Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Johannesburgwysiging This amendment is known as Johannesburg Amendment skema 588 Scheme 588 PB 4922H588 PB 4922H588 Ici Administrateurskennisgewing Julie 1983 Administrators Notice July 1983 PRETORIA WYSIGINGSKEMA 935 PRETORIA AMENDMENT SCHEME 935 Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel 36(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, It is hereby notified in terms of section 36(1) of the Town 1965, bekend gemaak dat die Administrateur goedgekeur planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965 that the Admini het dat Pretoria dorpsbeplanningskema, 1974, gewysig word deur die hersonering van Erf 2271, Laudium Uitbreiding 2, strator has approved the amendment of Pretoria Town plan ning Scheme 1974, by the rezoning of Erf 2271, Laudium tot "Spesiaal" uitsluitlik vir die oprigting van woonstelle en Extension 2, to "Special" to be used solely for the erection die nodige buitegeboue onderworpe aan sekere voor of flats and the necessary outbuildings subject to certain con waardes ditions Kaart 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysigingskema Map 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment scheme,word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike are filed with the Director of Local Government, Pretoria Bestuur, Pretoria en die Stadsklerk, Pretoria en is beskik and the Town Clerk, Pretoria and are open for inspection at baar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye all reasonable times Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Pretoriawysigingskema This amendment is known as Pretoria Amendment 935 Scheme 935 PB 4923H 935 PB 4923H935 Administrateurskennisgewing Julie 1983 Administrators Notice July 1983 ROODEPOORT MARAISBURG WYSIGINGSKEMA 1/457 ROODEPOORTMARAISBURG AMENDMENT SCHEME 1/457 Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel 4 36(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, It is hereby notified in terms of section 36(1) of the Town 1965, bekend gemaak dat die Administrateur goedgekeur planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965 that the Admini het dat Roodepoort Maraisburg dorpsaanlegskema, 1/1946, strator has approved the amendment of Roodepoort Marais gewysig word deur die hersonering van Erf 76, Honey Hill burg Townplanning Scheme, 1/1946, by the rezoning of Erf tot "Spesiale Woon" met n digtheid van "Een woonhuis per 76, Honey Hill, to "Special Residential" with a density of err "One dwelling per err Kaart 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysigingskema Map 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment scheme word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike are filed with the Director of Local Government, Pretoria Bestuur, Pretoria en die Stadsklerk RoodepoortMaraisburg and the Town Clerk, Roodepoort Maraisburg and are open en is beskikbaar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye for inspection at all reasonable times Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as RoodepoortMarais This amendment is known as Roodepoort Maraisburg burg wysigingskema 1/457 Amendment Scheme 1/457 PB PB Administrateurskennisgewing Julie 1983 Administrators Notice July 1983 PRETORIA WYSIGINGSKEMA 1009 PRETORIA AMENDMENT SCHEME 1009 Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel It is hereby notified in terms of section 36(1) of the Town r1 36(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe planning and Townships Ordinance 1965 that the Admini

8 r 2026 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 6 JULY 1983 k 1965, bekend gemaak dat die Administrateur goedgekeur strator has approved the amendment of Pretoria Town plan het dat Pretoria dorpsbeplanningskema, 1974, gewysig word ning Scheme, 1974, by the rezoning of Remainder of Lot 443 deur die hersonering van Restant van Lot 443 Villieria tot Villieria to "Special" for dwelling houses or single and/or vir woonhuise of enkelverdieping en/of dupleks duplex flats subject to certain conditions w oonstelle "Spesiaal" onderworpe aan sekere voorwaardes Map 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment scheme Kaart 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysigingskema are filed with the Director of Local Government, word Pretoria in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike and the Town Clerk, Pretoria and are open for inspection at Bestuur, Pretoria en die Stadsklerk, Pretoria en is beskikall reasonable times baar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Pretoriawysigingskema This amendment is known as Pretoria Amendment 1009 Scheme 1009 PB 4923H1009 PB 4923H 1009 Administrateurskennisgewing Julie 1983 Administrators Notice July 1983 ELSBURG WYSIGINGSKEMA 11 ELSBURG AMENDMENT SCHEME 11 Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel 36(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe It is hereby notified in terms of section 36(1) of the Town 1965, bekend gemaak dat die Administrateur goedgekeur planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965 that the Adminihet dat Elsburg dorpsaanlegskema, 1973, gewysig word deur strator has approved the amendment of Elsburg Town plan die hersonering van Restant van Erf 884, Elsburg tot "Alge ning Scheme, 1973, by the rezoning of Remainder of Erf mene Nywerheid" 884, Elsburg to "General Industrial" Kaart 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysigingskema Map 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment scheme word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike are filed with the Director of Local Government, Pretoria Bestuur, Pretoria en die Stadsklerk, Elsburg, en is beskik and the Town Clerk, Elsburg and are open for inspection at baar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye all reasonable times Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Elsburgwysigingskema This amendment is known as Elsburg Amendment 11 Scheme II PB PB Administrateurskennisgewing Julie 1983 Administrators Notice July 1983 PRETORIA WYSIGINGSKEMA 899 PRETORIA AMENDMENT SCHEME 899 Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel It is hereby notified in terms of section 36(1) of the Town 36(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965 that the Admini 1965, bekend gemaak dat die Administrateur goedgekeur strator has approved the amendment of Pretoria Town plan het dat Pretoria dorpsbeplanningskema, 1974, gewysig word ning Scheme, 1974, by the rezoning of Erf 390, Wolmer to deur die hersonering van Erf 390, Wolmer, tot "Spesiaal" "Special" to be used exclusively for an old age home, and uitsluitlik vir die gebruik vir n ouetehuis en met die toe with the consent of the City Council, for other uses which stemming van die Stadsraad vir ander gebruike verbandhou are incidental to an old age home subject to certain condi dend tot n ouetehuis onderworpe aan sekere voorwaardes tions Kaart 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysigingskema Map 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment scheme word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike are filed with the Director of Local Government Pretoria Bestuur, Pretoria en die Stadsklerk Pretoria en is beskik and the Town Clerk, Pretoria and are open for inspection at baar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye all reasonable times Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Pretoriawysigingskema This amendment is known as Pretoria Amendment 899 Scheme 899 PB 4923H899 PB H 899 Administrateurskennisgewing Julie 1983 Administrators Notice July 1983 VERKLARING TOT GOEDGEKEURDE DORP DECLARATION OF APPROVED TOWNSHIP Ingevolge artikel 69 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbe In terms of section 69 of the Town planning and Townplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van 1965), ver ships Ordinance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), the Adminis klaar die Administrateur hierby die dorp Eastgate Uitbrei trator hereby declares Eastgate Extension 8 Township to be ding 8 tot n goedgekeurde dorp onderworpe aan die an approved township subject to the conditions set out in the voorwaardes uiteengesit in die bygaande Bylae Schedule hereto PB PB

9 PROVINSIALE KOERANT 6 JULIE BYLAE SCHEDULE IVOORWAARDES WAAROP DIE AANSOEK GE CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH THE APPLICATION DOEN DEUR FEDERATED LIFE ASSURANCE COM MADE BY FEDERATED LIFE ASSURANCE COM PANY LIMITED INGEVOLGE DIE BEPALINGS VAN PANY LIMITED UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE \N DIE ORDONNANSIE OP DORPSBEPLANNING EN TOWNPLANNING AND TOWNSHIPS ORDINANCE, DORPE, 1965, OM TOESTEMMING OM N DORP TE 1965, FOR PERMISSION TO ESTABLISH A TOWNSHIP STIG OP GEDEELTE 647 VAN DIE PLAAS ZANDFON ON PORTION 647 OF THE FARM ZANDFONTEIN 42 TEIN 42 IR, PROVINSIE TRANSVAAL, TOEGESTAAN IR PROVINCE TRANSVAAL, HAS BEEN GRANTED IS 1 STIGTINGSVOORWAARDES (1)Naarn 1 CONDITIONS OF ESTABLISHMENT (1) Name Die naam van die dorp is Eastgate Uitbreiding 8 The name of the township shall be Eastgate Extension 8 (2) Ontwerp (2) Design Die dorp bestaan uit erwe en strate soos aangedui op Al The township shall consist of erven and streets as indi cated on General Plan SG A3178/82 gemene Plan LG A3178/82 (3) Strate (3) Streets (a) Die dorpseienaar moet die strate in die dorp vorm, (a) The township owner shall form, grade and maintain skraap en in stand hou tot bevrediging van die plaaslike be the streets in the township to the satisfaction of the local austuur totdat die aanspreeklikheid deur die plaaslike bestuur thority until such time as this responsibility is taken over by oorgeneem word: Met dien verstande dat die Administra the local authority: Provided that the Administrator shall be teur geregtig is om die dorpseienaar van tyd tot tyd gedeel entitled from time to time to relieve the township owner telik of geheel van die aanspreeklikheid te onthef na raad wholly or partially from this obligation after reference to the pleging met die plaaslike bestuur local authority (b) Die dorpseienaar moet op eie koste alle hindemisse in die straatreserwes tot bevrediging van die plaaslike bestuur verwyder (b) The township owner shall, at its own expense, remove all obstacles from the street reserves to the satisfaction of the local authority (c) Indien die dorpseienaar versuim om aan die bepalings van paragrawe (a) en (b) hiervan te voldoen, is die plaaslike (c) If the township owner fails to comply with the provi sions of paragraphs (a) and (b) hereof, the local authority bestuur geregtig om die werk op koste van die dorpseienaar shall be entitled to do the work at the cost of the township te doen owner (a) Betaalbaar aan die plaaslike bestuur: (4) Begiftiging (4) Endowment Payable to the local authority: Die dorpseienaar moat ingevolge die bepalings van arti The township owner shall, in terms of the provisions of kel 63(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en section 63(1) of the Townplanning and Townships Ordi Dorpe, 1965, as begiftiging aan die plaaslike bestuur bedrae mace, 1965, pay to the local authority as endowment sums geld betaalgelykstaande met of money equal to (i) 15 % van die grondwaarde van erwe in die dorp, welke (i) 15 % of the land value of erven in the township, which bedrag deur die plaaslike bestuur aangewend moet word vir amount shall be used by the local authority for the construc die bou van strate en/of stormwaterdreinering in of vir die tion of streets and/or stormwater drainage in or for the town dorp ship (ii) 2 % van die grondwaarde van erwe in die dorp, welke (ii) 2 % of the land value of erven in the township, which bedrag deur die plaaslike bestuur aangewend moet word vir amount shall be used by the local authority for the acquisi die verkryging van n stortingsterrein tion of land for a depositing site Sodanige begiftiging moet ooreenkomstig die bepalings Such endowment shall be paid in accordance with the pro van artikel 74 van die genoemde Ordonnansie betaal word visions of section 74 of the aforesaid Ordinance (b) Betaalbaar aan die betrokke Administrasieraad: (b) Payable to the relevant Administration Board: Die dorpseienaar moet kragtens die bepalings van artikel The township owner shall, in terms of the provisions of 63 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, section 63 of the Town planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, n globale bedrag as begiftiging aan die betrokke Ad 1965, pay a lump sum endowment to the relevant Adminis ministrasieraad betaal vir die verkryging van grond vir woon tration Board for the acquisition of land for residential pur doeleindes vir Swartes Die bedrag van sodanige begiftiging poses for Blacks The amount of such endowment shall be moet gelykstaande wees aan I % van die grondwaarde van equal to 1 % of the land value of the erven in the township as die erwe in die dorp soos bepaal ingevolge artikel 74(3) van determined in terms of section 74(3) of the said Ordinance die genoemde Ordonnansie en is ingevolge die bepalings and shall be payable in accordance with the provisions of van artikel 73 van genoemde Ordonnansie betaalbaar section 73 of the said Ordinance (5) Beskikking oor Bestaande Titelvoorwaardes (5) Disposal ofexisting Conditions of Title Alle erwe moet onderworpe gemaak word aan bestaande voorwaardes en serwitute, as daar is, met inbegrip van die voorbehoud van die regte op minerale All erven shall be made subject to existing conditions and servitudes, if any, including the reservation of rights to minerals

10 I 2028 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 6 JULY 1983, e (6) Toegang (6) Access Geen ingang van Provinsiale Pad P12 tot die dorp en No ingress from Provincial Road P12 to the township and 4, geen uitgang tot Provinsiale Pad P12 uit die dorp word toe no egress to Provincial Road P12 from the township shallbe gelaat Me allowed (7) Ontvangs en versorging van stormwater (7) Acceptance and Disposal ofstorm water Die dorpseienaar moet die stormwaterdreinering van die The township owner shall arrange for the drainage of the dorp so reel dat dit inpas by die van Pad P12 en moet die township to fit in with that of Road P12 and for all storm stormwater wat van die pad afloop of afgelei word, ontvang water running off or being diverted from the road to be reen versorg ceived and disposed of (8) Verpligtinge ten Opsigte van Noodsaaklike Dienste (8) Obligations in Regard to Essential Services Die dorpseienaar moet binne sodanige tytiperk as wat die The township owner shall within such period as the local plaaslike bestuur mag bepaal, sy verpligtinge met betrek authority may determine, fulfil its obligations in respect of king tot die voorsiening van water, elektrisiteit en sanitfire the provision of water, electricity and sanitary services and dienste en die installering van stelsels daarvoor, soos vooraf the installation of systems therefor, as previously agreed ooreengekom tussen die dorpseienaar en die plaaslike be upon between the township owner and the local authority stuur, nakom 2 TITELVOORWAARDES 2 CONDITIONS OF TITLE All erven shall be subject to the following conditions im posed by the Administrator in terms of Ordinance 25 of 1965: Alle erwe is onderworpe aan die volgende voorwaardes, opgele deur die Administrateur ingevolge Ordonnansie 25 van 1965: (1) Die erf is onderworpe aan n serwituut, 2 m breed, vir riolerings en ander munisipale doeleindes, ten gunste van die plaaslike bestuur, langs enige twee grense uitgesonderd n straatgrens, indien en wanneer dit deur die plaaslike bestuur verlang word: Met dien verstande dat die plaaslike bestuur van enige sodanige serwituut mag afsien (2) Geen gebou of ander struktuur mag binne die voornoemde serwituutgebied opgerig word nie en geen grootwortelbome mag binne die gebied van sodanige serwituut of binne n afstand van 2 rd daarvan geplant word nie (1) The ed is subject to a servitude, 2 in wide, in favour of the local authority, for sewerage and other municipal purposes, along any two boundaries other than a street boun dary, if and when required by the local authority: Provided that the local authority may dispense with any such servitude (2) No building or other structure shall be erected within the aforesaid servitude area and no largerooted trees shall be planted within the area of such servitude or within 2 m thereof (3) Die plaaslike bestuur is geregtig om enige materiaal wat deur horn uitgegrawe word tydens die aanleg, onder (3) The local authority shall be entitled to deposit tempo houd of verwydering van sodanige rioolhoofpypleidings en rarity on the land adjoining the aforesaid servitude such ma ander werke as wat by na goeddunke noodsaaklik ag tydelik terial as may be excavated by it, during the course of the to plaas op die grond wat aan die voomoemde serwituut construction, maintenance or removal of such sewerage grens en voorts is die plaaslike bestuur geregtig tot redelike mains and other works as it in its discretion may deem necestoegang tot genoemde grond vir die voomoemde doel; on sary and shall further be entitled to reasonable access to the derworpe daaraan dat die plaaslike bestuur enige skade ver said land for the aforesaid purpose; subject to any damage goed wat gedurende die aanleg, onderhoud of verwydering done during the process of the construction, maintenance or van sodanige rioolhoofpypleidings en ander werke veroor removal of such sewerage mains and other works being saak word made good by the local authority II a Administrateurskennisgewing Julie 1983 Administrators Notice July 1983 SANDTON WYSIGINGSKEMA 533 SANDTON AMENDMENT SCHEME 533 Die Administrateur verklaar hierby ingevolge die bepa The Administrator hereby, in terms of the provisions of lings van artikel 89(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplan section 89(1) of the Town planning and Townships Ordi ning en Dorpe, 1965,dat hy n wysigingskema synde n wy nance, 1965, declares that he has approved an amendment siging van Sandton dorpsaanlegskema, 1980, wat uit scheme, being an, amendment of Sandton Town planning dieselfde grond as die dorp Eastgate Uitbreiding 8 bestaan, Scheme, 1980, comprising the same land as included in the goedgekeur het township of Eastgate Extension 8 Kaart 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysigingskema word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Plaailike Bestuur, Pretoria en die Stadsklerk, Sandton en is beskikbaar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye Map 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment scheme are filed with the Director of Local Government, Pretoria and the Town Clerk, Sandton and are open for inspection at all reasonable times Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Sandtonwysigingskema This amendment is known as Sandton Amendment 533 Scheme 533 PB PB H533

11 PROVINSIALE KOERANT 6 JULIE Administrateurskennisgewing Julie 1983 Administrators Notice July 1983 IIVERKLARING TOT GOEDGEKEURDE DORP DECLARATION OF APPROVED TOWNSHIP i Ingevolge artikel 69 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbe In terms of section 69 of the Town planning and Townplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van 1965), verklaar die Administrateur hierby die dorp Jetpark Uitbreiships Ordinance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), the Adminis trator hereby declares Jet Park Extension 8 Township to be ding 8 tot n goedgekeurde dorp onderworpe aan die an approved township subject to the conditions set out in the voorwaardes uiteengesit in die bygaande Bylae Schedule hereto PB PB BYLAE SCHEDULE VOORWAARDES WA AROP DIE AANSOEK GE CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH THE APPLICATION DOEN DEUR KEMPTONPARK INDUSTRIAL HOLD MADE BY KEMPTON PARK INDUSTRIAL HOLD INGS (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED INGEVOLGE DIE INGS (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED UNDER THE PRO BEPALINGS VAN DIE ORDONNANSIE OP DORPSBE VISIONS OF THE TOWN PLANNING AND TOWN PLANNING EN DORPE, 1965, OM TOESTEMMING SHIPS ORDINANCE, 1965, FOR PERMISSION TO OM N DORP TE STIG OP GEDEELTES 219 EN 220 ESTABLISH A TOWNSHIP ON PORTIONS 219 AND 220 VAN DIE PLAAS WITKOPPIE 64 IR, PROVINSIE OF THE FARM WITKOPPIE 64 IR, PROVINCE OF TRANSVAAL, TOEGESTAAN IS TRANSVAAL, HAS BEEN GRANTED 1 STIGTINGSVOORWAARDES 1 CONDITIONS OF ESTABLISHMENT (I) Naam pdie (1) Name naam van die dorp is Jetpark Uitbreiding 8 The name of the township shall be Jet Park Extension 8 (2) Ontwerp (2) Design Die dorp bestaan uit erwe en n straat soos aangedui op Algemene Plan LG A1543/82 The township shall consist of erven and a street as indi cated on General Plan SG A1543/82 (3) Stormwaterdreinering en Straatbou (3)Stormwater Drainage and Street Construction (a) Die dorpseienaar moet op versoek van die plaaslike bestuur aan sodanige bestuur n gedetailleerde skema voile (a) The township owner shall on request by the local dig met planne, deursnee en spesifikasies, opgestel deur n authority submit to such authority for its approval a detailed siviele ingenieur wat deur die plaaslike bestuur goedgekeur scheme complete with plans, sections and specifications, is, vir die opgaar en afvoer van stormwater deur die hele prepared by a civil engineer approved by the local authority, dorp deur middel van behoorlik aangelegde werke en vir die for the collection and disposal of stormwater throughout the aanle, teermacadamisering, beranding en kanalisering van township by means of properly constructed works and for die strate daarin tesame met die verskaffing van sodanige the construction, tarmacadamising, kerbing and channelling keermure, as wat die plaaslike bestuur nodig ag, vir goed of the streets therein together with the provision of such rekeuring voorle Verder moet die skema die roete en helling taming walls as may be considered necessary by the local aandui deur middel waarvan elke erf toegang tot die aan authority Furthermore, the scheme shall indicate the route grensende straat verkry and gradient by which each erf gains access to the street on which it abuts Die dorpseienaar moet, wanneer dit vereis word deur die plaaslike bestuur, die goedgekeurde skema op eie koste The township owner shall when required to do so by ip(b) namens en tot voldoening van die plaaslike bestuur onder the local authority carry out the approved scheme at its own toesig van n siviele ingenieur deur die plaaslike bestuur expense on behalf and to the satisfaction of the local authorgoedgekeur, uitvoer ity under the supervision of a civil engineer approved by the local authority (c) Die dorpseienaar is verantwoordelik vir die instand houding van die strate tot bevrediging van die plaaslike be (c) The township owner shall be responsible for the mainstuur totdat die strate ooreenkomstig subklousule (b) gebou tenance of the streets to the satisfaction of the local author is ity until the streets have been constructed as set out in subclause (b) (d) Indien die dorpseienaar versuim om aan die bepalings van paragrawe (a), (b) en (c) hiervan te voldoen, is die, (d) If the township owner fails to comply with the provi plaaslike bestuur geregtig om die werk op koste van die sions of paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) hereof the local authority dorpseienaar te doen shall be entitled to do the work at the cost of the township owner (4) Begif aging (4) Endowment (a) Betaalbaar aan die plaaslike bestuur: (a) Payable to the local authority: Die dorpseienaar moet ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 63(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en The township owner shall, in terms of section 63(1) of the Dorpe, 1965, as begiftiging aan die plaaslike bestuur bedrae Townplanning and Townships Ordinance 1965, pay to the geld betaal gelykstaande met 2 % van die grondwaarde van local authority as endowment sums of money equal to 2 % of erwe in die dorp welke bedrag deur die plaaslike bestuur the land value of erven in the township which amount shall aangewend moet word vir die verkryging van n stortingster be used by the local authority for the acquisition of land for a 10 rein depositing site Sodanige begiftiging moet ooreenkomstig die bepalings Such endowment shall be payable in accordance with the van artikel 74 van die genoemde Ordonnansie betaal word provisions of section 74 of the aforesaid Ordinance,

12 nie: 2030 PROVINCIAL GAZE1 166 JULY 1983 (b) Betaalbaar aan die betrokkgadministrasieraad: (b) Payable to the relevant Administration Board: Die dorpseienaar moet kragtens die bepalings van artikel The township owner shall, in terms of the provisions / 63 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, section 62 of the Townplanning and Townships Ordinance, of, 1965, n globale bedrag as begiftiging aan die betrokke Ad 1965, pay a lump sum endowment to the relevant Adminiministrasieraad betaal vir die verkryging van grond vir woon stration Board which amount shall be used by the said Board doeleindes vir Swartes Die bedrag van sodanige begiftiging for the acquisition of land for residential purposes for moet gelykstaande wees aan 1 % van die grondwaarde van Blacks The amount of such endowment shall be equal to die erwe in die dorp soon bepaal ingevolge artikel 74(3) van 1 % of the land value of the erven in the township as deterdie genoemde Ordonnansie en is ingevolge die bepalings mined in terms of section 74(3) of the said Ordinance and van artikel 73 van genoemde Ordonnansie betaalbaar shall be payable in accordance with the provisions of section 73 of the said Ordinance (5) Beskikking oor Bestaande Titelvoorivaardes (5) Disposal of Existing Conditions of Title Alle erwe moet onderworpe gemaak word aan bestaande All erven shall be made subject to existing conditions and voorwaardes en serwitute, as daar is, met inbegrip van die servitudes, if any, including the reservation of rights to voorbehoud van die regte op minerale, maar uitgesonderd: minerals, but excluding: (a) Die volgende regte wat nie aan die erwe in die dorp oorgedra sal word nie: (i) "The Remaining Extent of Portion 7 of portion of the aforesaid farm "Witkoppie" No 64, Registration Division IR, district Kempton Park, measuring as such mor gen (a portion whereof is hereby transferred) is entitled to a Servitude of Roadway over: (i) "The Remaining Extent of Portion 7 of portion of the aforesaid farm "Witkoppie" No 64, Registration Division IR, district Kempton Park, measuring as such morgen (a portion whereof is hereby transferred) is entitled to a Servitude of Roadway over: (a) The following rights which will not be passed on to the erven in the township: 1 Portion of Portion 15 of portion of the said farm "Wit 1 Portion of Portion 15 of portion of the said farm "Wit koppie" No 64, IR, district Kempton koppie" No 64, Registration Division IR district Kempton Park Park 2 Portion A of Portion 13 of portion of the aforesaid farm, 2 Portion A of Portion 13 of portion of the aforesaid farm, measuring 6603 square feet measuring 6603 square feet 3 Portion S1 of Portion 4 of portion of the aforesaid farm, 3 Portion Si of Portion 4 of portion of the aforesaid farm, measuring square feet measuring square feet 4 Portion S1 of Portion 1 of Portion A of Portion 2 of portion of the farm "Rietfontein" No 9, district Germiston, 4 Portion Si of Portion 1 of Portion A of Portion 2 of por tion of the farm "Rietfontein" No 9, district Germiston, measuring square feet measuring square feet held under Deeds of Transfer Nos 9318/ /1938 and held under Deeds of Transfer Nos 9318/ /1938, and 7617/1934, as will more fully appear from Notarial Deed of 7617/1934, as will more fully appear from Notarial Deed of Servitude No 490/39S, registered on the 27th May 1939" Servitude No 490/395, registered on the 27th May 1939" (ii) "The Remaining Extent of aforesaid Portion 7 of por (ii) "The Remaining Extent of aforesaid Portion 7 of por tion of the farm "Witkoppie" No 64, Registration Division tion of the farm "Witkoppie" No 64, Registration Division IR, district Kempton Park, measuring as such 215 morgen, IR, district Kempton Park, measuring as such 215 morgen, 397 square roods (a portion whereof is hereby transferred) is 397 square roods (a portion whereof is hereby transferred) is entitled to a right of way over Portions "a" and "b" of the entitled to a right of way over Portions "a" and "b" of the said Portion 7 held under Deed of Transfer No 4990/1926 said Portion 7 held under Deed of Transfer No 4990/1926 dated the 21st May 1926, by the road shown on Diagram No dated the 21st May 1926, by the road shown on Diagram No 340/26 by the figures D, e m C and K n o p H J and on Dia 340/26 by the figures D, e m C and K n o p H 1 and on Dia gram No 341/26 by the figure E a b D which said diagrams gram No 341/26 by the figure E a b D which said diagrams are annexed to the said Deed of Transfer No 4990/1926 The are annexed to the said Deed of Transfer No 4990/1926 The right of way shall allow the use of the said roadway by the right of way shall allow the use of the said roadway by the Transferee and by all other persons resident on Portion 7 of Transferee and by all other persons resident on Portion 7 of portion of the farm "Witkoppie" No 64, Registration Divi portion of the farm "Witkoppie" No 64, Registration Divi sion IR, district Kempton Park or on any part or portion of sion IR, district Kempton Park or on any part or portion of the said Portion 7 who may be authorised by the said Trans the said Portion 7 who may be authorised by the said Trans feree or by all subsequent owners of the Remaining Extent feree or by all subsequent owners of the Remaining Extent referred to in paragraph (4) of the undermentioned Notarial referred to in paragraph (4) of the undermentioned Notarial Deed No 309/1923S to use such roadway; Any persons law Deed No 309/1923S to use such roadway; Any persons law fully desiring to visit either for business or private reasons, a fully desiring to visit either for business or private reasons, a person having the right to use such roadway shall also be en person having the right to use such roadway, shall also be en titled to use such roadway The right of the use of the road titled to use such roadway The right of the use of the road way by the persons entitled to such use shall extend to all way by the persons entitled to such use shall extend to all manner of traffic whatsoever and shall allow the use of the manner of traffic whatsoever and shall allow the use of the roadway in any manner which a roadway may lawfully be roadway in any manner which a roadway may lawfully be used The users of the said roadway shall contribute to the used The users of the said roadway shall contribute to the repair of same from time to time in proportion to their use repair of same from time to time in proportion to their use thereof, as will more fully appear from Notarial Deed No thereof, as will more fully appear from Notarial Deed No 309/1923S" 309/1923S" Ill 4 (b) Die volgende serwitute wat nie die dorpsgebied raak (b) The following servitudes which do not affect the town 411 nie en regte wat nie aan die erwe in die dorp oorgedra word ship area and the rights which will not be passed on to the erven in the township:,

13 PROVINSIALE KOERANT 6 JULIE such (i) "The Remaining Extent of Portion 7, measuring as (i) "The Remaining Extent of Portion 7, measuring as 215 morgen, 397 square roods (a portion whereof is such 215 morgen, 397 square roods (a portion whereof is hereby transferred) is subject to a servitude of roadway, wa hereby transferred) is subject to a servitude of roadway, wa tering of stock and use of water over Portions S2 and S3 tering of stock and use of water over Portions S2 and S3 1 respectively of within property as shown on the Diagram SG respectively of within property as shown on the Diagram SG No A1249/22, in favour of Portions a, b and c of Portion 7 of No A1249/22, in favour of Portions a, b and c of Portion 7 of portion of the farm Witkoppie No 64, Registration Division portion of the farm Witkoppie No 64, Registration Division IR, measuring together 35 morgen, 575 square roods and IR, measuring together 35 morgen, 575 square roods and Portion a of Portion 8 of portion of the said farm Witkoppie Portion a of Portion S of portion of the said farm Witkoppie No 64, measuring 472 square roods, and entitled to a servi No 64, measuring 472 square roods, and entitled to a servitude of right to use water furrow, dam and roadway on the tude of right to use water furrow, dam and roadway on the aforesaid properties as will more fully appear from Notarial aforesaid properties as will more fully appear from Notarial Deed of Servitude No 309/1926S, registered on the 14th Deed of Servitude No 309/1926S, registered on the 14th May 1926" May 1926" (ii) "Portion S4 of Portion 7 of portion of the said farm (ii) "Portion S4 of Portion 7 of portion of the said farm Witkoppie No 64, Registration Division IR, district Kemp Witkoppie No 64, Registration Division IR, district Kemp ton Park, measuring morgen the Remaining Extent ton Park, measuring morgen the Remaining Extent whereof measuring as such morgen forms a portion of whereof measuring as such morgen forms a portion of the Remaining Extent of Portion 7 of portion of the afore the Remaining Extent of Portion 7 of portion of the afore said farm Witkoppie No 64, Registration Division IR, dis said farm Witkoppie No 64, Registration Division IR, district Kempton Park measuring as such morgen (a trict Kempton Park measuring as such morgen (a portion whereof is hereby transferred) is subject to the pro portion whereof is hereby transferred) is subject to the pro visions as set out in Notarial Deed No 783/19368 dated 7th visions as set out in Notarial Deed No 783/19365 dated 7th September 1936, whereby the said Portion S4 is released September 1936, whereby the said Portion S4 is released from the operation of the right to repurchase as set out in from the operation of the right to repurchase as set out in Clause 1 of Deed of Transfer No 10105/1922, dated 10th Oc Clause 1 of Deed of Transfer No 10105/1922, dated 10th October, 1922, as amended, by Notarial Deed No 141/19235 tober, 1922, as amended, by Notarial Deed No 141/1923S subject to a certain condition relating to subdivision and the subject to a certain condition relating to subdivision and the amount of R8 000,00 altered to read R7 000,00; Condition 3 as set out in the aforesaid Deed of Transfer No 10105/1922, amount of R8 000,00 altered to read R7 000,00; Condition 3 as set out in the aforesaid Deed of Transfer No 10105/1922, amended by the deletion of the words domestic or farm ser amended by the deletion of the words domestic or farm ser vants and the substitution of the words bona fide em vants and the substitution of the words bona fide employees as will more fully appear from reference to the said Notarial Deed No 783/19365" ployees as will more fully appear from reference to the said Notarial Deed No 783/1936S (6) Toegang (6)Access (a) Ingang van Provinsiale Pad K88 tot die dory en uitgang (a) Ingress from Provincial Road K88 to the township and tot Provinsiale Pad K88 uit die dory word beperk tot die aan egress to Provincial Road K88 from the township shall be sluiting van die straat tussen Erwe 100 en 101 met sodanige restricted to the junction of the street between Erven 100 pad and 101 with the said road (b) Geen ingang van Provinsiale Pad P1572 tot die dory (b) No ingress from Provincial Road P1572 to the town en geen uitgang tot Provinsiale Pad P1572 uit die dory word ship and no egress to Provincial Road P1572 from the town toegelaat nie ship shall be allowed (7) Ontvangs en Versorging van Stormwater (7) Acceptance and Disposal ofstorm water The township owner shall arrange for the drainage of the township to fit in with that of Road P1572 and for all storm water running off or being diverted from the road to be re ceived and disposed of Die dorpseienaar moet die stormwaterdreinering van die dorp so reel dat dit inpas by Pad P1572 en moet die stormwater wat van die pad afloop of afgelei word, ontvang en versorg (8) Verpligtinge ten Opsigte van Noodsaaklike Dienste (8) Obligations in regard to Essential Services Die dorpseienaar moet binne sodanige tydperk as wat die plaaslike bestuur mag bepaal, sy verpligtinge met betrekking tot die voorsiening van water, elektrisiteit en sanitere dienste en die installering van stelsels daarvoor, coos vooraf ooreengekom tussen die dorpseienaar en die plaaslike bestuur, nakom The township owner shall within such period as the local authority may determine, fulfil obligations in respect of the provision of water, electricity and sanitary services and the installation of systems therefor, as previously agreed upon between the township owner and the local authority 2 TITELVOORWAARDES 2 CONDITIONS OF TITLE Die erwe is onderworpe aan die volgende voorwaardes, The erven shall be subject to the following conditions im opgele deur die Administrateur ingevolge die bepalings van posed by the Administrator in terms of Ordinance 25 of Ordonnansie 25 van 1965: 1965: (1) Die erf is onderworpe aan n serwituut 2 m breed, vir (1) The erf is subject to a servitude 2 m wide, in favour of riolerings en ander munisipale doeleindes, ten gunste van the local authority, for sewerage and other municipal pur plaaslike bestuur, langs enige twee grense, uitgesonderd poses, along any two boundaries other than a street boun n straatgrens en, in die geval van n pypsteelerf, n addisio dary and in the case of a pan handle erf, an additional servi nele serwituut vir munisipale doeleindes 2 m breed oor die tude for municipal purposes 2 m wide across the access idie toegangsgedeelte van die erf, indien en wanneer verlang portion of the erf, if and when required by the local author r deur die plaaslike bestuur: Met dien verstande dat die plaas ity: Provided that the local authority may dispense with any like bestuur van enige sodanige serwituut mag afsien such servitude " t;

14 2032 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 6 JULY 1983 (2) Geen gebou of ander struktuur mag binne die voornoemde serwituutgebied opgerig word nie en geen grobt (2) No building or other structure shall be erected within wortelbome mag binne die gebied van sodanige serwituut of be planted within the area of such servitude or within 2 m binne n afstand van 2 m daarvan geplant word nie thereof the aforesaid servitude area and no large rooted trees shall, (3) Die plaaslike bestuur is geregtig om enige materiaal wat deur horn uitgegrawe word tydens die aanleg, onder (3) The local authority shall be entitled to deposit tempo houd of verwydering van sodanige rioolhoofpypleidings en rarity on the land adjoining the aforesaid servitude such ma ander werke as wat hy na goeddunke noodsaaklik ag tydelik terial as may be excavated by it during the course of the te plaas op die grond wat aan die voornoemde serwituut construction, maintenance or removal of such sewerage grens en voorts is die plaaslike bestuur geregtig tot redelike mains and other works as it in its discretion may deem neces toegang tot genoemde grond vir die voornoemde doel; on sary and shall further be entitled to reasonable access to the derworpe daaraan dat die plaaslike bestuur enige skade ver said land for the aforesaid purpose; subject to any damage goed wat gedurende die aanleg, onderhoud of verwydering done during the process of the construction, maintenance or van sodanige rioolhoofpypleidings en ander werke veroor removal of such sewerage mains and other works being saak word made good by the local authority Administrateurskennisgewing Julie 1983 Administrators Notice July 1983 BOKSBURG WYSIGINGSKEMA 1/299 BOKSBURG AMENDMENT SCHEME 1/299 Die Administrateur verklaar hierby ingevolge die bepa The Administrator hereby, in terms of the provisions of lings van artikel 89(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplan section 89(1) of the Townplanning and Townships Ordining en Dorpe, 1965, dat hy n wysigingskema synde n wy nance, 1965, declares that he has approved an amendment siging van Boksburg dorpsaanlegskema 1, 1946 wat uit scheme, being an amendment of Boksburg Townplanning dieselfde grond as die dorp Jetpark Uitbreiding 8 bestaan, Scheme 1, 1946, comprising the same land as included in the goedgekeur het township of Jetpark Extension 8 Kaart 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysigingskema Map 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment scheme word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike are filed with the Director of Local Government, Pretoria Bestuur, Pretoria en die Stadsklerk, Boksburg en is beskik and the Town Clerk, Boksburg and are open for inspection baar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye at all reasonable times Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Boksburgwysiging This amendment is known as Boksburg Amendment skema 1/299 Scheme 1/299 PB PB Administrateurskennisgewing Julie 1983 Administrators Notice 1089, 6 July 1983 MUNISIPALITEIT ALBERTON: WYSIGING VAN WA TERVOORSIENINGSVERORDENINGE ALBERTON MUNICIPALITY: AMENDMENT TO WATER SUPPLY BY LAWS Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel 101 The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 of the van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, die veror Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes the bylaws deninge hierna uiteengesit wat deur hom ingevolge artikel set forth hereinafter, which have been approved by him in 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur is terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance Die Watervoorsieningsverordeninge van die Munisipali The Water Supply Bylaws of the Alberton Municipality, teit Alberton, deur die Raad aangeneem by Administra adopted by the Council under Administrators Notice 302, teurskennisgewing 302 van 8 Maart 1978, soos gewysig, word dated 8 March 1978, as amended, are hereby further hierby verder gewysig deur item 1 van Deel 1 van die Tarief amended by amending item 1 of Part 1 of the Tariff of van Gelde onder die Bylae soos volg te wysig: Charges under the Schedule as follows: 1 Deur in subitem (1) die syfer "23,68c" deur die syfer 1 By the substitution in subitem (1) for the figure "26,45c" te vervang "23,68c" of the figure "26,45c" 2 Deur in subitem (2) die syfer "R2,40" deur die syfer 2 By the substitution in subitem (2) for the figure "R240" "R2,70" te vervang of the figure "R2,70" Die bepalings in hierdie kennisgewing vervat, word geag The provisions in this notice contained, shall be deemed op 1 Mei 1983 in werking te getree het, to have come into operation on 1 May 1983 PB PB Administrateurskennisgewing Julie 1983 Administrators Notice July 1983 MUNISIPALITEIT BOKSBURG: WYSIGING VAN BOKSBURG MUNICIPALITY: AMENDMENT TO BY VERORDENINGE INSAKE DIE HUUR VAN SALE LAWS GOVERNING THE HIRE OF HALLS Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel 101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939 die veror The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 of the Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes the by laws III

15 I 1 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 6 JULIE D deninge hierna uiteengesit, wat deur horn ingevolge artikel set forth hereinafter, which have been approved by him in 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur is terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance Die Verordeninge lnsake die Huur van Sale van die Mu The Bylaws Governing the Hire of Halls of the Boksburg nisipaliteit Boksburg, afgekondig by Administrateursken Municipality, published under Administrators Notice 236, nisgewing 236 van 6 Maart 1968, soos gewysig, word hierby dated 6 March 1983, as amended, are hereby further verder gewysig deur na item 5 van Bylae III die volgende in amended by the addition after item 5 of Schedule III of the to voeg: following: "5A Kerke: "5A Churches: Onderworpe aan die vooraf goedkeuring deur die Be Subject to the prior approval by the Management Corn stuurskomitee vir Kleurlinggroepsgebied, Reiger Park: n mittee for the Coloured Group Area, Reiger Park: A rebate Korting van 50 % op al die tariewe gemeld in hierdie Bylae of 50 % on all the tariffs mentioned in this Schedule in reten opsigte van die Reiger Park Gemeenskapsaal" spect of the Reiger Park Community Hall" PB PB Administrateurskennisgewing Julie 1983 Administrators Notice July 1983 MUNISIPALITEIT CAROLINA: VERORDENINGE BE TREFFENDE DIE REELING EN BEHEER VAN, EN DIE TOESIG OOR SMOUSE CAROLINA MUNICIPALITY: BY LAWS REGARDING THE REGULATING AND CONTROL OF AND THE SUPERVISION OF HAWKERS Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel 101 The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 of the van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, gelees met Local Government Ordinance, 1939, read with section 63 of artikel 63 van die Ordonnansie op Lisensies, 1974, die veror the Licences Ordinance, 1974, publishes the bylaws set deninge hierna uiteengesit, wat deur horn ingevolge artikel forth hereinafter, which have been approved by him in 99 van eersgenoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur is terms of section 99 of the first mentioned Ordinance INHOLIDSOPGAWE Section INDEX Artikel 1 Definitions 1 Woordomskrywing 2 Scope of bylaws 3 2 Bestek van verordeninge Hawkers 3 Smouse 4 Stands for Hawkers 4 Staanplek vir 5 smouse Food to be sold from vehicle 5 Voedsel moet van die voertuig of verkoop word 6 Medical examination of food handlers 6 Mediese ondersoek van voedselhanteerders 7 Hawking of icecream and frozen confectionery 7 Smous van roomys en bevrore suikergoedere 8 Area to be keptelean 8 Gebied moet skoongehou word 9 Premises for storing of foodstuffs, equipment or 9 Perseel vir berging van voedselware, toerusting vehicles 10 of voertuie Obstruction and nuisance Versperring en oorlas Authorization must be shown on request Magtiging moet op versoek getoon word General conduct of hawkers Algemene gedrag van smouse Cancellation of right to stall or stand Kansellering van reg op stalletjies of staanplek Penalties 14 Stratbepaling BYLAE 1 ANNEXURE 1 1 Definitions 1 Woordomskrywing In these bylaws, unless the context otherwise indicates In hierdie verordeninge, tensy uit die sinsverband anders "adequate", "effective", "food", "article of food" and hlyk beteken "health officer" shall bear the respective meanings assigned bevrore suikergoedere", en sluit dit ook in yslekkers, ysto them in the Foodhandling Bylaws adopted by the Council suiglekkers en enige soortgelyke handelsartikels wat under ge Administrators Notice 2080, dated 29 November maak is van water, soetmaakmiddels, stabiliseringsmiddels, 1972, as amended; geursels en kleurstowwe, hetsy met of sunder vrugtesap wat "Council" means the Town Council of Carolina, that vir menslike verbruik bedoel is of gewoonlik gebruik word; Councils Management Committee acting under the powers "Lisensieraad", n lisensieraad ingevolge die bepalings delegated to it in terms of section 58 of the Local Govern van artikel 3(i) van die Ordonnansie op Lisensies, 1974; ment Ordinance (Administration and Elections) 1960 (Or dinance 40 of 1960), and any officer to whom that Commit "perseel", n perseel soos omskryf in die Raad se Voed tee has been empowered by the Council in terms of selhanteringsverordeninge maar dit omvat nie n voertuig of subsection (3) of that section to delegate and has in fact de enige ander middel waaruit of vanwaar n smous ingevolge legated the powers, functions and duties vesting in the hierdie verordeninge mag smous nie; Council in relation to these bylaws;

16 , 2034 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 6 JULY 1983 "Raad", die Stadsraad van Carolina, daardie Raad se be "icecream" shall bear the meaning assigned to it in the stuurskomitee wat handel kragtens die bevoegdhede wat in regulations made in terms of the Foodstuffs, Cosmetics and gevolge die bepalings van artikel 58 van die Ordonnansie op Disinfectants Act, 1972 (Act 54 of 1972); Plaaslike Bestuur (Administrasie en Verkiesings) 1960, aan horn gedelegeer is en enige beampte aan wie die Bestuurs "frozen confectionery" means and includes water ices, komitee ingevolge die bepalings van subartikel (3) van ge water suckers and any similar commodity made of water, noemde artikel op gesag van die Raad, die bevoegdhede, sweetening ingredients, stabilizers, flavouring substances funksies en pligte wat ten opsigte van hierdie verordeninge and colouring matter with or without the addition of fruits by die Raad berus, kan delegeer, en dit inderdaad gedele and fruit juices which is intended or usually used for human geer het; consumption; "roomys", roomys soos omskryf in die regulasies uitgevaardig ingevolge die Wet op Voedingsmiddels, "hawker" means any person who as principal, agent or Skoonheidsmiddels en Ontsmettingsmiddels, 1972 (Wet 54 employee, carries on any trade or occupation for which a van 1972); licence is required in terms of item 41 of Schedule 1 of the Licences Ordinance, 1974 (Ordinance 19 of 1974), and "smous", enige persoon wat as prinsipaal, agent of werk "hawk" and "hawking" shall have corresponding meanings, nemer enige bedryf of beroep beoefen ten opsigte waarvan and shall include any person who would have required such a n lisensie vereis word ingevolge item 41 van Bylae 1 van die licence but is exempted therefrom in terms of the provisions Ordonnansie op Lisensies, 1974 (Ordonnansie 19 van 1974), of the said item 41; en het "gesmous" en "smous" dieselfde betekenis, en sluit dit ook enige persoon in wat ingevolge die bepalings van ge "Licensing Board" a licensing board in terms of the condi noemde item 41 vrygestel is van die verkryging van n lisen tions of section 3(i) of the Licences Ordinance, 1974; sie maar andersins wel n lisensie sou moes verkry het; "toereikend", "doeltreffend", "voedsel", "voedselmid "premises" means premises as defined in the Councils del", "gesondheidsbeampte", soos omskryf in die Voedsel Foodhandling Bylaws but shall not include a vehicle or any hanteringsverordeninge deur die Raad aangeneem by Ad other means from which a hawker may hawk in terms of ministrateurskennisgewing 2080 van 29 November 1972, these bylaws; soos gewysig; "required" means required in the opinion of the Health "vereis", vereis na die mening van die Gesondheids Officer, regard being had to the reasonable public health re beampte met inagneming van die redelike openbare ge quirements of the particular case; sondheidsvereistes in die besondere geval; "voertuig", enige voertuig wat selfaangedrewe is deur "vehicle" means any vehicle which is selfpropelled by middel van meganiese aandrywing mechanical power, 2 Bestek van Verordeninge 2 Scope ofbylaws (1) Ondanks andersluidende bepalings van die Raad se Voedselhanteringsverordeninge, mag voedsel slegs soos (1) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Coun hierna bepaal, gesmous of opgeberg word cils Foodhandling Bylaws, food may only be hawked or stored as hereinafter provided (2) Die bepalings van hierdie verordeninge word vertolk as synde aanvullend tot die Raad se Voedselhante (2) The provisions of these by laws shall be interpreted as ringsverordeninge en Publieke Gesondheidsverordeninge being supplementary to and not derogating from the Comen nie as sou dit afbreuk daaraan doen nie cils Foodhandling By laws and Public Health By laws 3 Smouse Niemand mag met goedere anders as die volgende smous nie: 3 Hawkers No person shall hawk goods other than the following: (a) Roomys en bevrore suikergoed wat vooraf verpak en (a) Icecream and frozen confectionery which has been versed] is op die perseel van n gelisensieerde vervaardiger prepared and sealed on the premises of a licensed manufac turer (b) Ongekookte vrugte en groente (b) Uncooked fruit and vegetables (c) Blomme en plante (c) Flowers and plants (d) Landbouprodukte wat deur die produsent daarvan verkoop word (d) Agricultural produce sold by the producer thereof (e) Kunswerke (f) Nuusblaaie of tydskrifte (e) Works of art (f) Newspapers or magazines I I 4 Staanplek vir Smouse Niemand mag handel dryf of besigheid dryf as smous op n ander plek of wyse as wat deur die Stadsraad soos in die Bylae goedgekeur is nie 5 Voedsel moet van die Voertuig of Verkoop word 4 Stands for Hawkers No person shall trade or carry on business as a hawker in any other place or in any other manner other than as approved by the Town Council as set out in the Annexure (1) Niemand mag smous met goedere kragtens artikel 5 Food to be Sold from Vehicle 3(a), (h), (c) of (e) nie behalwe vanaf n goedgekeurde voertuig of van n stalletjie deur die Raad aangewys: Met dien (1) No person shall hawk with goods in terms of section verstande dat roomys en bevrore suikergoed met n goedge 3(a), (b), (c) or (e) except from an approved vehicle or from

17 _ PROVINS1ALE KOERANT 6 JULIE keurde driewiel, stootwaentjie of ander goedgekeurde ver a stall allocated by the Council: Provided that icecream and voermiddel gesmous kan word frozen confectionery may be hawked by means of an ap (2)rt proved tricycle, handca Die naam en adres van die smous namens wie gesmous or any other approved means of rt en word die adres van sy opbergperseel, conveyance as daar een is, moet op n opsigtelike plek aan die buitekant van die voertuig, (2) The name and address of the hawker on whose behalf driewiel, stootkarretjie of ander vervoermiddel waarna daar hawking is carried on, and the address of the storage pre in subartikel (1) verwys word, met duursame stof in duide mises, if any, shall be inscribed on the vehicle, tricycle, like leesbare letters aangebring word handcart, or other conveyance referred to in subsection (1) in a conspicuous place on its exterior with durable material (3) Niemand mag n voertuig sodanige vir die smous voertuig van slaproomys voorsien gebruik is van in clearly legible letters nie afson tensy derlike geriewe vir die was van gerei en vir die was van (3) No person shall use a vehicle for the hawking of soft hande van diegene wat die voedsel hanteer serve icecream unless the vehicle is provided with separate (4) n Voertuig wat vir die smous Nan facilities for the washing voedsel of gebruik utensils handsand for the washing of word moet oor n goedgekeurde beskutting vir die besker of persons engaged in the handling of such food ming van sodanige voedsel teen direkte sonstrale beskik (4) A vehicle used for the hawking of food, must be pro (5) Alle uitrusting, toebehore, gerei of toestelle wat vided with an approved canopy, to protect the food from the in verband met smous gebruik word, moet direct rays van n of the sun goedge keurde tipe en konstruksie wees (5) All equipment, fittings, utensils or appliances used in connection with hawking shall be of an approved type and 6 Mediese Ondersoek van Voedselhanteerders construction Alle voedselhanteerders, hetsy die gelisensieerde smous, of sy werknemers of sy agent, moet jaarliks of andersins 6 Medical Examination offood Handlers voordat hy gelisensieer word, n mediese ondersoek op eie All food handlers, including the licensed hawker or his koste ondergaan en indien sodanige ondersoek gunstig is, employees or his agent, shall annually or otherwise before moet n mediese vrywaringsertifikaat uitgereik word he is licensed undergo a medical examination at his own cost, and if such examination is favourable, a medical in 7 Smous van Roomys, en Bevrore Suikergoedere demnity certificate shall be issued Uitgesonderd slaproomys kan slegs voorafverpakte roomys en voorafverwerkte bevrore 7 Hawking ofice suikergoed, verk7 en afkomstig van gelisensieerde en vervaardigende fabneke mee With the exception of soft serve icecream, only cream and Frozen Confectionery gesmous word pre, packed icecream and frozen confectionery which has pre viously been processed, and which is obtained from and distributed by a properly licensed and manufacturing factory Elke smous moet die gebied vanwaar by handeldryf, may be hawked skoon en rommelvry hou en toesien dat sodanige gebied skoon is wanneer hy dit verlaat 8 Area to be Kept Clean 9 Perseel vir Berging van Voedselware, Toerusting of Voer Every hawker shall keep the area from which he is operattuie big clean and free from litter and shall ensure that such area is clean when he leaves (1) Elke smous van vrugte en groente, met uitsondering van n persoon wat ingevolge item 4(1)(b)(vi) van die Ordonnansie op Lisensies, 1974, gelisensieer is, of n smous (1) Every hawker of fruit and vegetables with the 9 Premisesfor Storing offoodstuffs, Equipment or Vehicles van roomys en bevrore excep suikergoedere moet te alle tye n tion of a person who is licensed in terms of item 41(1)(b)(vi) goedgekeurde pakkamer met n vloeroppervlakte van min of the Licences Ordinance, 1974, or a hawker in icecream stens 6,5 m2, n hoogte van minstens 2,7 m en n horisontale of frozen confectionery, shall at all times have afmeting van minstens an approved 2 m he vir die berging van sodanige storeroom with a floor area of at least 6,5 m2, a vrugte height of at en groente of roomys en bevrore suikergoedere, least 2,7 m and a horizontal dimension of not waarvan hy alleen die absolute beheer het less than 2 m for the storage of fruit and vegetables or ice cream and fro (2) n Smous van bevrore suikergoedere of roomys moet zen confectionery, of which he shall have the absolute conin fro( gemelde pakkamer n voldoende aantal goedgekeurde vrieskaste voorsien vir die opberging van gemelde pro (2) A hawker of dukte frozen confectionery or icecream shall provide a sufficient number of approved freezers in such (3) Tensy anders bepaal moet die stoorkamer vereis in storeroom for the storage of such products subartikel (1) binne n munisipale gebied gelee wees en (3) Except where otherwise provided, the storeroom remoet aan die bepalings van die betrokke dorpsaanlegskema quired in terms of subsection (1) shall be situated within a voldoen municipal area and shall comply with the provisions of the (4) Waar n voertuig gebruik word om mee te smous kan relevant Townplanning Scheme die Gesondheidsbeampte vereis dat die perseel waarna daar (4) Where a hawker uses a vehicle in order to hawk the in subartikel (1) verwys word n oorgedekte gedeelte of vak Health Officer may require that the premises referred to in moet he waar sodanige voertuig geparkeer of skoongemaak subsection (1) shall also contain a kan word roofed area or bay for the parking and cleaning of such vehicle 10 Versperring en Oorlas 10 Obstruction and Nuisance n smous na die mening van n lid van die Suid Whenever a hawker in the opinion of a Afri member kaanse Polisie of n gemagtigde beampte van die Raad, of the South African Police or voetgangers of voertuie se an authorized officer of the Council pad versper of die publiek tot oorlas obstructs the way of any pedestrian or vehicles, or is terwyl hy sy sake verrig, kan causes a sodanige lid of nuisance to the public while conducting his affairs, such PWanneer

18 2036 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 6 JULY 1983 beampte die verkoper beveel om sy ware van die plek of wat by okkupeer, na n ander plek wat so n lid of beampte aanmember or officer may instruct the seller to move with his goods from the place which he occupies to an alternative wys, te verskuif place pointed out by such member or officer 11 Magtiging moet op Versoek Getoon word 11 Authorization must be shown on request Iedereen aan wie die Raad n skriftelike magtiging of n Every person to whom the Council has issued a written kwitansie kragtens hierdie verordeninge uitgereik het, moet authorization or a receipt in terms of these by laws, shall 33 skriftelike magtiging of kwitansie of n duplikaat daarvan show his written authorization or receipt or a duplicate 3p versoek van n lid van die SuidAfrikaanse Polisie of n thereof, upon the request of a member of the South African ;emagtigde beampte van die Raad, vertoon Police or an authorized officer of the Council 12 Algemene Gedrag van Smouse 12 General Conduct ofhawkers (1)(a) Die staanplek, en alle uitrusting, toebehore, gerei (1)(a) The stand and all equipment, accessories, utensils A toestelle of derglike struktuur, of enige honer wat in ver or appliances or similar structure or any container used in band daarmee gebruik word moet te alle tye skoon gehou connection therewith, and every vehicle which is used in word connection with his business, shall be kept clean at all times (b) n Smous van voedselware en enigeen in sy diens, moet n skoon en heel j as van wasbare materiaal van n ligte kleur dra terwyl hulk besig is om voedselware te hanteer en te verkoop (b) A hawker of food and anyone in his employ, shall wear a clean and undamaged overcoat of a light colour and washable material while engaged in the handling en selling of food (2) Niemand mag hom op of by enige stalletjie of staan (2) No person shall on or at any stall or stand be guilty of misplek wangedra, of stalletjies of goedere beskadig of horn conduct, or damage or interfere with such stalls or goods, or daarmee bemoei, enige ander persoon hinder of steur, goe hinder or disturb any other person, or wash or clean any dere was of skoonmaak, of enige oorlas veroorsaak nie goods, or cause any nuisance 13 Kansellering van Reg op Stalletjie ofstaanplek 13 Cancellation ofright to Stall or Stand Die Raad kan enige skriftelike magtiging vir die gebruik The Council may cancel without notice any written van n stalletjie of staanplek sonder kennisgewing kanselleer authorization for the use of a stall or stand in the event of the indien die bepalings van enige wetgewing nie nagekom word provisions of any legislation being contravened, and the apnie en die aansoek of permithouer verbeur alle gelde wat plicant or permit holder shall in such event forfeit all monies aan die Raad betaal is paid to the Council 14 Strafbepalings 14 Penalties lemand wat enige bepaling van hierdie verordeninge oor Any person who contravenes or fails to comply with or tree of in gebreke bly om daaraan te voldoen of veroorsaak who causes, permits or suffers any other person to contraof toelaat of duld dat iemand anders dit doen, begaan n mis vene or fail to comply with any condition of these bylaws dryf en is by skuldbevinding strafbaar met n boete van shall be guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a pehoogstens R300 of, by wanbetaling, met gevangenisstraf vir natty not exceeding R300 or in default of payment, to impri n tydperk van hoogstens 6 maande, of met sodanige boete sonment for a period not exceeding six months, or to both sowel as sodanige gevangenisstraf en in die geval van n such fine and such imprisonment, and in the event of convoortgesette misdryf met n boete van hoogstens R50 vir tinning offence, to a fine not exceeding R50 for each day on elke dag waarop sodanige misdryf voortgesit word which such offence continues a a BYLAE SCHEDULE 4: Staanplek vir smouse ingevolge die bepalings van artikel Stands for hawkers in terms of the provisions of section 4: 1 Roomys en Bevrore Suikergoed (1) Slegs die gebiede buite die gebied wat begrens word deur (a) Van Riebeeck, Breytenbach, Voortrekker en Middelstraat; en (b) Visagie, Hugostraat, Eerstelaan (Uitbreiding 3) en Voortrekkerstraat; 1 Ice cream and Frozen Confectionery: (1) Only the areas outside the area bordered by (a) Van Riebeeck, Breytenbach, Voortrekker and Middel Streets; and (b) Visagie Street, Hugo Street, First Avenue (Extension 3) and Voortrekker Street; (c) Voortrekker, Versfeld, Hugo and Cardinal Streets (c) Voortrekker, Versfeld, Hugo en Cardinaalstraat (2) Bells may under no circumstances be used on Sundays (2) Op Sondae en Openbare Vakansiedae mag daar hoeand Public Holidays genaamd nie van klokke gebruik gemaak word nie 2 Uncooked Fruit, Vegetables, Flowers and Plants: 2 Ongekookte Groente, Vrugte, Blomme en Plante: (1) Only on Erven 322 and 323, situate in the township Ca (1) Slegs op Erwe 322 en 323 gelee in die dorpsgebied Ca rolina; rolina; (2) The Badplaas Road between the entrance to the (2) Badplaaspad tussen ingang na vendusiekrale en abat pen and the abattoir; and toir; en (3) On the eastern side of the Goud and Pearce Street in (3) Oostekant van Goudstraat/PearcestraatIcruising: tersection sale,

19 1 deelte PROVINSIALE KOERANT 6 JULIE Kunswerke 3 Works ofart II(1) Die terrein bekend as Joubertpark (1) The area known as Joubert Park (2) Erf 322 en 323 Carolina (2) Erven 322 and 323 Carolina 4 Nuusblaaie en Tydskrifte 4 Newspapers and Magazines Onbeperk Unrestricted PB PB Administrateurskennisgewing Julie 1983 Administrators Notice July 1983 MUNISIPALITEIT COLIGNY: WYSIGING VAN COLIGNY MUNICIPALITY: AMENDMENT TO FIRE BRANDWEERAFDELINGSVERORDENINGE DEPARTMENT BYLAWS a IMF the Coligny Die Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel 101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, gelees met artikel 17 van die Ordonnansie op Brandweerdienste, 1977, die verordeninge hierna uiteengesit, wat deur hom ingevolge artikel 99 van eersgenoemde Ordonnansie goedge keur is The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 of the Local Government Ordinance 1939 read with section 17 of the Fire Brigade Services Ordinance, 1977, publishes the bytaws set forth hereinafter, which have been approved by him in terms of section 99 of the firstmentioned Ordinance Brandweerafdelingsverordeninge van die Munisipali teit Coligny, afgekondig by Administrateurskennisgewing 281 van 10 April 1957, soos gewysig, word hierby verder ge April 957, wysig deur die Tarief van Gelde soos volg te wysig: The Fire Department Bylaws of Municipal published uder ity, Administrators Notice 281, dated 10 1 as amended, are hereby further amended by amending the Tariff of Charges as follows: 1 Deur subitem (2) van item 2 deur die volgende te ver 1 By the substitution for subitem (2) of item 2 of the fol vang: lowing: "(2) Brandweeruitrusting: "(2) Firefighting Equipment (a) Brandblusser, per blusser: R27,50 (a) Fire extinguishers, per extinguisher: R27,50 (b) Die gelde betaalbaar vir die inspeksie en hervulling (b) The charges payable for the inspection and refill of fire van brandblussers bedra die werklike koste van materiaal extinguishers shall be the actual cost of material used plus a gebruik plus n toeslag van 15 % op sodanige bedrag, plus ar surcharge of 15 % on such amount, plus a labour charge of beid bereken teen R8 per uur of gedeelte daarvan R8 per hour or part thereof (c) Vir elke slangleiding of eerstehulpslang, per uur of ge (c) For each line of hose or firstaid hose, per hour or part daarvan: R8 thereof: R8 (d) Vir elke asemhaaltoestel wat gebruik word, per uur of (d) For each breathing apparates used, per hour or part gedeelte daarvan: R5" thereof: R5" 2 Deur in item 3(d) die syfer "R5" deur die syfer "R15" 2 By the substitution in item 3(d) for the figure "R5" of trvang e vervang the figure "R15" PB PB Administrateurskennisgewing Julie 1983 Administrators Notice July 1983 MUNISIPALITEIT FOCHVILLE: WYSIGING VAN ELEKTRISITEITSVERORDENINGE FOCHVILLE MUNICIPALITY: AMENDMENT TO ELECTRICITY BY LAWS Die Administrateur publiseer hiermee ingevolge artikel The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 of the 101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, die Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes the bylaws verordeninge hierna uiteengesit wat deur horn ingevolge ar set forth hereinafter, which have been approved by him in tikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur is terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance Die Elektrisiteitsverordeninge van die Munisipaliteit The Electricity Bylaws of the Fochville Municipality Fochville, deur die Raad aangeneem by Administra adopted by the Council under Administrators Notice 938, teurskennisgewing 938 van 4 Junie 1975, soos gewysig, word dated 4 June 1975, as amended, are hereby further hiermee verder gewysig deur in item 1 van Deel 1 van die amended by the substitution in item 1 of Part 1 of the Tariff Tarief van Gelde onder die Bylae die syfers "1460" deur die of Charges under the Schedule for the figure "R60" of the syfers "R72" te vervang figure "R72" PB PB ,,

20 2038 PROVINCIAL GAZE1 1 L 6 JULY 1983 Administrateurskennisgewing Julie 1983 Administrators Notice July 1983 MUNISIPALITEIT FOCHVILLE: WYSIGING VAN RIOLERINGSVERORDENINGE, FOCHVILLE MUNICIPALITY: AMENDMENT TO DRAINAGE BYLAWS Die Administrateur publiseer hiermee ingevolge artikel The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 of the 101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, die Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes the bylaws verordeninge hierna uiteengesit, wat deur horn ingevolge set forth hereinafter, which have been approved by him in artikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur is terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance Die Rioleringsverordeninge van die Munisipaliteit Foch The Drainage Bylaws of the Fochville Municipality, ville, deur die Raad aangeneem by Administrateursken adopted by the Council under Administrators Notice 1569, nisgewing 1569 van 25 Oktober 1978 soos gewysig, word dated 25 October, 1978 as amended, are hereby further hierby verder gewysig deur Deel II van die Rioleringsgelde amended by the amendment of Part II of the Drainage onder Bylae B soos volg te wysig: Charges under Schedule B as follows: 1 Deur in item 2(1) die syfers "R48" deur die syfers 1 By the substitution in item 2(1) for the figure "R48" of "R53" te vervang, the figure "R53" 2 Deur in item 2(2) die syfers "R49" deur die syfers 2 By the substitution in item 2(2) for the figure "R49" of "R54" te vervang the figure "R54" 3 Deur in item 2(3) die syfers "R53" deur die syfers 3 By the substitution in item 2(3) for the figure "R53" of "R58" te vervang the figure "R58" 4 Deur in item 2(4) die syfers "R62" deur die syfers 4 By the substitution in item 2(4) for the figure "R62" of "R67" te vervang the figure "R67" PB PB , r 6 Julie 1983 Administrators Notice July 1983 Administrateurskennisgewing MUNISIPALITEIT FOCHVILLE: WYSIGING VAN SA NITERE EN VULLISVERWYDERINGSTARIEF, FOCHVILLE MUNICIPALITY: AMENDMENT TO SA NITARY AND REFUSE REMOVALS TARIFF Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel 101 The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 of the van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, die veror Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes the bylaws deninge hierna uiteengesit, wat deur horn ingevolge artikel set forth hereinafter, which have been approved by him in 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur is terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance Die Sanitere en Vullisverwyderingstarief van die Munisi The Sanitary and Refuse Removals Tariff of the Fochville paliteit Fochville, afgekondig by Administrateursken Municipality, published under Administrators Notice 1085, nisgewing 1085 van 5 Julie 1972, soos gewysig, Word hierby dated 5 July 1972, as amended, is hereby further amended verder gewysig deur item 2 deur die volgende te vervang: 1 by the substitution for item 2 of the following: "2 VerWydering van huisafval in as "2 Removal ofdomestic Refuse and ash (1) Een verwydering per week (1) One removal per week Per houer per maand of n gedeelte van n maand: R4,00 Per container per month or part of month: R4,00,, (2) Daaglikse verwyderings, (2) Daily removals Per houer per maand of n gedeelte van n maand: R5,50 II Per container per month or part of a month: R5,50 PB PB Administrateurskennisgewing Julie 1983 Administrators Notice July 1983 MUNISIPALITEIT FOCHVILLE: WYSIGING VAN WA TERVOORSIENINGSVERORDENINGE FOCHVILLE MUNICIPALITY: AMENDMENT TO WATER SUPPLY BY LAWS Die Administrateur publiseer hiermee ingevolge artikel The Administrator hereby is terms of section 101 of the 101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, the Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes the bylaws verordeninge hierna uiteengesit wat deur hom ingevolge ar set forth hereinafter, which have been approved by him in tikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur is I terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance I Die Watervoorsiehingsverordeninge van die Munisipali The Water Supply Bylaws of the Fochville Municipality teit Fochville, deur die Raad aangeneem by Administra adopted by the Council under Administrators Notice 920, teurskennisgewing 920 van 20 Julie 1977, soos gewysig, word dated 20 July 1977, as amended, are hereby further hierby verder gewysig deur in item 2(1) van die Tarief van amended by die substitution in item 2(1) of the Tariff of Gelde onder Deel I van die Bylae, die syfer 256 deur die Charges under Part I of the Schedule for the figure "25c" of syfer "30c" te vervang the figure "30c" Die bepalings in hierdie kennisgewing vervat, word geag The provisions in this notice contained, shall be deemed op 1 April 1983 in werking te getree het to have come into operation on 1 April 1983 PB PB _ fa i

21 PROVINSIALE KOERANT 6 JULIE Administrateurskennisgewing Julie 1983 Administrators Notice July 1983 III MUNISIPALITEIT FOCHVILLE: WYSIGING VAN WA TERVOORSIENINGSVERORDENINGE FOCHVILLE MUNICIPALITY: AMENDMENT TO WATER SUPPLY BYLAWS Die Administrateur publiseer hiermee ingevolge artikel The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 of the 101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, die Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes the Bylaws verordeninge hierna uiteengesit wat deur horn ingevolge ar set forth hereinafter, which have been approved by him in tikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur is terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance Die Watervoorsieningsverordeninge van die Munisipali The Water Supply Bylaws of the Fochville Municipality, teit Fochville, deur die Raad aangeneem by Administra adopted by the Council under Administrators Notice 920, teurskennisgewing 920 van 20 Julie 1977, soos gewysig, word dated 20 July 1977, as amended, are hereby further hiermee verder gewysig deur die Tarief van Gelde onder amended by amending the tariff of Charges under Part I of Deel I van die Bylae soos volg te wysig: the Schedule as follows: 1 Deur in item 1 die syfer "R54" deur die syfer "R66" te 1 By the substitution in item 1 for the figure "R54" of the vervang figure "R66" 2 Deur in item 2(1) die syfer "30c" deur die syfer "32c" 2 By the substitution in item 2(1) for the figure "30c" of te vervang the figure "32c" PB PB Administrateurskennisgewing Julie 1983 Administrators Notice July 1983 MUNISIPALITEIT JOHANNESBURG: WYSIGING JOHANNESBURG MUNICIPALITY: AMENDMENT VAN ELEKTRISITEITSVERORDENINGE TO ELECTRICITY BY LAWS 1 Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel 101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, die veror The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 of the deninge hierna uiteengesit wat by ingevolge artikel 99 van Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes the bylaws die genoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur het set forth hereinafter which have been approved by him in Die Elektrisiteitsverordeninge van die Munisipaliteit Jo terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance hannesburg, deur die Raad aangeneem by Administra The Electricity By laws of the Johannesburg Municipality teurskennisgewing 57 van 10 Januarie 1973, soos gewysig, adopted by the Council under Administrators Notice 57 word hierby verder gewysig deur die volgende by artikel 12 dated 10 January, 1973, as amended, are hereby further te voeg, en die bestaande artikel 12 word artikel 12(1): amended by the addition to section 12 of the following, the "(2) As die toevoer tot enige elektriese installasie inge existing section 12 becoming section 12(1): volge artikel 11(1) of (2), afgesluit word moet die betrokke verbruiker alle redelike stappe binne "(2) If the supply to any electrical installation is sy vermoe doen om te discon verseker dat sodanige toevoer nie strydig met subartikel (1) nected in terms of section 11(1) or (2), the consumer conheraangesluit word nie cemed shall take all reasonable steps within his power to en sure that such supply is not reconnected in contravention of (3) lndien sodanige toevoer desnieteenstaande aldus her subsection (1) aangesluit word, moet die betrokke verbruiker onmiddellik alle redelike stappe binne sy vermoe doen om te verseker (3) If such supply is nevertheless so reconnected, the condat Been elektrisiteit op die betrokke perseel verbruik word sumer concerned shall forthwith take all reasonable steps nie en die tesourier hierbenewens dadelik in kennis stel van within his power to ensure that no electricity is consumed on sodanige heraansluiting the premises concerned and shall, in addition, forthwith notify the treasurer of such reconnection (4) Indien die verbruiker wat in subartikel (2) of (3) beoog word, nie die betrokke perseel okkupeer nie, moet die ok (4) If the consumer contemplated in subsection (2) or (3) kupant van die perseel aan die bepalings, van die gemelde is not in occupation of the premises concerned, then the oc subartikels voldoen cupier of those premises shall comply with the provisions of the mentioned subsections (5) In die geval van enige vervolging ten opsigte van n oortreding van of versuim om te voldoen aan die bepalings (5) In any prosecution for a contravention of or failure to van subartikel (2) of (3) of albei, of van enige of albei van comply with subsection (2) or (3) or both, or of any or both hierdie subartikels, gelees saam met subartikel (4), is n op of those subsections read with subsection (4), any contraven setlike of nalatige oortreding of versuim om daaraan te vol lion or failure to comply, whether intentional or negligent, doen, voldoende om n misdryf uit te maak en tensy die shall be sufficient to constitute an offence and, unless the teendeel bewys word, word daar geag dat contrary is proved, it shall be deemed that i (a) redelike stappe wat in subartikels (2) en (3) beoog (a) reasonable steps contemplated in subsections (2) and word nie gedoen is nie; en (3) were not taken; and 0 (b) sodanige oortreding of versuim te wyte was aan n opsetlike of nalatige daad of versuim van die beskuldigde" (b) such contravention or failure was due to an intentional or negligent act or omission of the person charged" PB PB

22 2040 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 6 JULY 1983 Administrateurskennisgewing Julie 1983 Administrators Notice July 1983 MUNISIPALITEIT JOHANNESBURG: WYSIGING JOHANNESBURG 1111 VAN VERORDENINGE INSAICE TREMWER MUNICIPALITY: AMENDMENT TO TRAMWAY BYLAWS Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel 101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, die veror The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 of the deninge hierna uiteengesit, wat deur horn ingevolge artikel Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes the bylaws 99 van die genoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur is set forth hereinafter which have been approved by him in terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance Die Verordeninge insake Tremwee van die Munisipaliteit Johannesburg, afgekondig by Administrateurskennisgewing The Tramway Bylaws of the Johannesburg Municipality 259 van 5 April 1950, soos gewysig, word hierby verder soos published under Administrators Notice 259 dated 5 April volg gewysig: 1950, as amended, are hereby further amended as follows: 1 Deur subartikel (2) van artikel 34A te skrap, terwyl 1 By the deletion of subsection (2) of section 34A sub subartikel (1) artikel 34A word section (1) becoming section 34A 2 Deur artikel 38 deur die volgende te vervang: 2 By the substitution for section 38 of the following: "Strafbepalings, "Penalties 38 lemand wat versuim om te voldoen aan enige vereiste, of wat n verbodsbepaling oortree wat in artikel 3(1), arti 38 Any person contravening any requirement of prohibi kels 4 tot en met 15, artikel 18(1) of (4), artikel 19(2), artikel tion contained in section 3(1), sections 4 to 15 inclusive sec 21(2), artikels 22 tot en met 30 ingesluit, artikel 31(3), arti don 18(1) or (4), section 19(2), section 21(2) sections 22 to kel 34, artikel 34A of artikel 35 vervat is, is skuldig aan n 30 inclusive section 31(3), section 34, section 34A or section misdryf en by skuldigbevinding strafbaar met n boete van 35 shall be guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a hoogstens R200, of by wanbetaling met gevangenisstraf vir fine not exceeding R200 or in default of payment to impri n tydperk van hoogstens twee maande" sonment for a period not exceeding two months" PB PB Administrateurskennisgewing Julie 1983 Administrators Notice July 1983 MUNISIPALITEIT JOHANNESBURG: WYSIGING JOHANNESBURG MUNICIPALITY: AMENDMENT VAN DIE VLEISVERORDENINGE TO MEAT BYLAWS Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel 101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, die verordeninge hierna uiteengesit wat ingevolge artikel 99 van die genoemde Ordonnansie deur hom goedgekeur is The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 of the Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes the by laws set forth hereinafter which have been approved by him in terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance Die Vleisverordeninge van die Munisipaliteit Johannes The Meat Bylaws of the Johannesburg Municipality pro burg afgekondig by Administrateurskennisgewing 660 van 27 mulgated under Administrators Notice 660 of 27 June 1979 Junie 1979, soos gewysig, word hierby verder gewysig deur as amended, are hereby further amended by the substitution in artikel 4 die syfer "4c" deur die syfer "5c" te vervang in section 4 for the figure "4c" of the figure "5c" PB PB Administrateurskennisgewing Julie 1983 Administrators Notice July 1983 MUNISIPALITEIT KEMPTONPARK: WYSIGING VAN KEMPTON PARK MUNICIPALITY: AMENDMENT TO WATERVOORSIENINGSVERORDENINGE WATER SUPPLY BYLAWS Die Administrateur, publiseer hierby ingevolge die bepa The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 of the lings van artikel 101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Be Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes the bylaws stuur, 1939, die verordeninge hierna uiteengesit, wat deur set forth hereinafter, which have been approved by him in hom ingevolge artikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goed terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance gekeur is 1 The Water Supply Bylaws of the Kempton Park Munici Die Watervoorsieningsverordeninge van die Munisipali pality, adopted by the Council under Administrators Notice teit Kemptonpark deur die Raad aangeneem by Administra 1357 dated 14 September 1977, as amended, are hereby teurskennisgewing 1357 van 14 September 1977, soos gewy further amended by the substitution for item 2 of the Tariff sig, word hierby verder gewysig deur item 2 van die Tarief of Charges under the Schedule of the following: van Gelde ander die Bylae deur die volgende te vervang: "2 Vorderings vir die Lewering van Water, per Maand of "2 Charges for the Supply of Water, per Month or Part The reof Gedeelte Daarvatt (1) Aan Tehuise vir Bejaardes en enige ander verbruiker, (1) To Old Age Homes and any other consumer, except as uitgesonderd soos in subitem (2) bepaal: provided in subitem (2): 111

23 (b) (a) Vir die eerste 10 k/ of gedeelte daarvan: R2,89 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 6 JULIE (a) For the first 10 k/ or part thereof: R2,89 Bo 10 k/ tot en met 20 k/ per Id: 28,9c (b) Over 101d up to and including 20 k/, per k!: 28,9c (c) Bo 20 k/ tot en met 900 k/ per kl: 31,41c (d) Daama, per k!: 28,9c (a) Vir die eerste (10 x a) k/, per k/: 48,9c (b) Vir die volgende (10 x a) k!, per k/: 28,9c (c) Daarna, tot en met 900 k/, per k/: 31,41c (d) Daarna, per k!: 28,9c (e) Minimum vordering: (R4,89 x a) (f) Korting, per rekening: 122 (3) Aan besighede en nywerhede en enige ander verbruiker, uitgesonderd soos in subitem (4) bepaal: (a) Vir die eerste 10 k/ of gedeelte daarvan: R3,39 (b) Bo 10 k/ tot en met 100 kl, per kl: 33,9c (c) Bo 100 kl tot en met 900 kl, per kl: 31,41c (c) Over 201d up to and including 900 k/, perk!: 31,41c (d) Thereafter, perk!: 28,9c (2) Waar water gelewer word aan meer as een woonhuis, woongebou en woonstelblok wat deur n gemeenskaplike meter bedien word, word die gelde teen die volgende tarief gehef waar (a) die som is van die aantal woonhuise, woonge bone of woonstelle van afsonderlike huurders, wat deur so n gemeenskaplike meter bedien word: (2) Where water is supplied to more than one dwelling, apartmenthouse or block of flats served by a communal meter, the charges shall be levied at the following tariff where (a) is the sum of the number of dwellings, apartment houses or flats of individual tenants served by such a cornmunal meter: (a) For the first (10 x a) k!, per kl: 48,9c (b) For the following (10 x a) k!, per k!: 28,9c (c) Thereafter, up to and including 900 k!, per k!: 31,41c (d) Thereafter, per k!: 28,9c (e) Minimum charge: (R4,89 x a) (t) Rebate, per account: R2 (3) To businesses and industries and any other consumer, except as provided in subitem (4): (a) For the first 10 kl or part thereof: R3,39 (b) Over 101d up to and including 100 kl, per kl: 33,9c (c) Over 100 kl up to and including 900 kl, per k/: 31,41c (d) Daarna, per kl: 28,9c (d) Thereafter, per kl: 28, 9c (4) Waar water gelewer word aan meer as een besigheid wat deur n gemeenskaplike meter bedien word, word die gelde teen die volgende tarief gehef waar (a) die som is van (4) Where water is supplied to more than one business die aantal besighede, spreekkamers of kantore van afson served by a communal meter, the charges shall be levied at derlike huurders wat deur so n gemeenskaplike meter be the following tariff where (a) is the sum of the number of bu dien word: sinesses, consulting rooms or offices of individual tenants served by such a communal meter: (a) Vir die eerste (10 x a) Id, per Id: 53,9c, (b) Vir die volgende (90 xa) kl, per k/: 33,9c (c) Daama, tot en met 900 kl, per k!: 31,41c (d) Daarna, per kl: 28,9c (a) For the first (10 x a) kl, per k!: 53,9c (b) For the following (90 x a) Id, per k/: 33,9c (c) Thereafter, up to and including 900 k!, per k!: 31,41c (d) Thereafter, per k!: 28,9c (e) Minimum vordering: (R5,39 x a) (e) Minimum charge: (R5,39 x a) (0 Korting, per rekening: R2 (f) Rebate, per account: R2 111 (5) Waar water gelewer word aan n gebou wat uit een hede bestaan wat vir besigheid sowel as bewoning gebruik (5) Where water is supplied to a building consisting of word en wat deur n gemeenskaplike meter bedien word, units which are used for business as well as dwelling purword die gelde sous van toepassing op besighede en nywer poses and served by a communal meter, the charges applic hede, gehef" able to businesses and industries shall be levied" Die bepalings in hierdie kennisgewing vervat, word geag The provisions in this notice contained, shall be deemed op 1 Mei 1983 in werking to getree het to have come into operation on 1 May 1983 PB PB Administrateurskennisgewing Julie 1983 Administrators Notice July 1983 MUNISIPALITEIT KOSTER: WYSIGING VAN TARIEF VAN GELDE VIRDIE LEWERING VAN WATER KOSTER MUNICIPALITY: AMENDMENT TO TARIFF OF CHARGES FOR THE SUPPLY OF WATER Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel 101 The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 of the van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, die veror Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes the bylaws deninge hierna uiteengesit, wat deur ingevolge artikel set forth hereinafter, which have been approved by him in 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur is terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance Die Tarief van Gelde vir die lewering van water van die Munisipaliteit Koster, afgekondig onder die Bylae van Ad The Tariff of Charges for the supply of water of the Koster Municipality, published under the Schedule of Administra

24 2042 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 6 JULY 1983 ministrateurskennisgewing 351 van 8 Maart 1972, soos gewysig, word hierby verder soos volg gewysig: tors Notice 351, dated 8 March 1972, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: 1 Deur in item 1 die syfer "R5" deur die syfer "R5,50" te 1 By the substitution in item I for the figure "R5" of the III vervang figure "R5,50" 2 Deur in item 2(1) die syfer "R4" deur die syfer "R4,50" 2 By the substitution in item 2(1) for the figure "R4" of te vervang the figure "R4,50" 3 Deur in item 2(2) die syfer "40c" deur die syfer "45c" 3 By the substitution in item 2(2) for the figure "40c" of te vervang the figure "45c" Die bepalings in hierdie kennisgewing vervat, tree vanaf die eerste meterlesing na die datum van publikasie hiervan in werking The provisions in this notice contained, shall come into operation as from the first reading of the meter after the date of publication hereof PB PB Administrateurskennisgewing Julie 1983 Administrators Notice July 1983 MUNISIPALITEIT KRUGERSDORP: WYSIGING VAN PUBLIEKE GESONDHEIDSVERORDENINGE KRUGERSDORP MUNICIPALITY: AMENDMENT TO PUBLIC HEALTH BY LAWS Die Administrateur publiseer hierby, ingevolge artikel 101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, die verordeninge hierna uiteengesit wat deur hom ingevolge ar The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 of the 111 tikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur is Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes the by laws set forth hereinafter, which have been approved by him in Die Publieke Gesondheidsverordeninge van die Munisipaliteit terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance Krugersdorp, afgekondig by Administrateursken nisgewing 11 van 12 Januarie 1949, soos gewysig, word The Public Health Bylaws of the Krugersdorp Municipalhierby verder gewysig deur Hoofstuk I van Deel IV soos ity, published under Administrators Notice 11 of 12 January volg te wysig: 1949, as amended, are hereby further amended by amend ing Chapter I of Part IV as follows: 1 Deur in die opskrif van artikel 5 na die woord "van", die woorde "motorwrakke, onderstelle van motorvoertuie, 1 By the insertion in the heading of section 5 after the gedeeltes van motorvoertuie, gebruikte motorbande en" in word "from" of the words "motor wrecks, motor chassis, te voeg parts of motor vehicles, used motor tyres and" 2 Deur in subparagraaf (b) van artikel 7 voor die woord 2 By the insertion in subparagraph (b) of section 7 after "vullis" die uitdrukking "motorwrakke, onderstelle van mo the word "any", where it occurs the first time, of the expres torvoertuie, gedeeltes van motorvoertuie, gebruikte motor sion "motor wrecks, motor chassis, parts of motor vehicles, bande," in te voeg used motor tyres," PB PB Administrateurskennisgewing Julie 1983 Administrators Notice July 1983 MUNISIPALITEIT ORKNEY: WYSIGING VAN ELEK TRISITEITSVERORDENINGE ORKNEY MUNICIPALITY: AMENDMENT TO ELEC TRICITY BY LAWS Li Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel 101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, die verordeninge hierna uiteengesit, wat deur horn ingevolge artikel The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 of the 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur is Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes the by laws set forth hereinafter, which have been approved by him in Die Elektrisiteitsverordeninge van die Munisi paliteit terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance Orkney deur die Raad aangeneem by Administrateurskennisgewing 1580 van 13 September 1972, soos gewysig, word The Electricity Bylaws of the Orkney Municipality, hiermee verder gewysig deur artikel 6(1)(a) en (b) deur die adopted by the Council under Administrators Notice 1580, volgende te vervang: dated 13 September 1972, as amended, are hereby further of die amended by the substitution for section 6(1)(a) and (b) "6(1)(a) Uitgesonderd in die geval van die Regering van Republiek van Suid the following: Afrika (met inbegrip van die Trans vaalse Provinsiale Administrasie en die SuidAfrikaanse "6(1)(a) Except in the case of the Government of the Re Vervoerdienste), of n ander klas verbruiker deur die Raad public of South Africa (including the Transvaal Provincial goedgekeur, moet elke aansoeker om n toevoer, voordat Administration and the South African Transport Services), sodanige toevoer geskied, by die raad n bedrag geld stort or other class of consumer approved by the council, every op die basis van die koste van die maksimum elektrisiteits applicant for a supply shall, before such supply is given depo verbruik wat die aansoeker, na die tesourier se mening, sit with the council a sum of money on the basis of the cost of waarskynlik gedurende enige twee agtereenvolgende the maximum consumption of electricity which the applicant maande sal gebruik, uitgesonderd verbruikers woonagtig op is in the treasurers opinion likely to use during any two con n eiendom geregistreer in sy naam, n bedrag van slegs een secutive months, except consumers domiciled at a property 4 4

25 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 6 JULIE maand se verbruik as deposito en indien die elektrisiteits registered in his name, an amount of one months consump toevoer van sodanige verbruiker afgesluit is weens wanbe lion only as deposit and if the electricity supply of such contaling, kan die tesourier vereis dat by die deposito deur hom sumer has been discontinued in default of payment, the verskaf, verhoog tot die koste van die maksimum elektrisi treasurer may require such consumer to increase the deposit teitsverbruik wat die verbruiker, na die tesourier se mening, made by him 02 the sum of the cost of the maximum conv/aarskynlik gedurende enige twee agtereenvolgende sumption of electricity which the consumer is in the treasurmaande sal gebruik: Met dien verstande dat in beide gevalle ers opinion likely to use during any two consecutive months: sodanige bedrag nie kleiner mag wees as wat in die tarief Provided that in both cases such sum shall not be less than is voorgeskryf word nie prescribed in the tariff (b) Ondanks die voorgaande bepalings van hierdie artikel, (b) Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this seckan die tesourier in plaas van n deposito, n waarborg van tion the treasurer may, in lieu of a deposit, accept from an die aansoeker aanvaar vir n bedrag ooreenkomstig para applicant, a guarantee for an amount calculated in accorgraaf (a) bereken, in die vorm deur die raad voorgeskryf, as dance with paragraph (a) and in the form prescribed by the sekuriteit vir die betaling van enige bedrag wat die aan council, as security for the payment of any amount that may soeker verskuldig mag word vir, of ten opsigte van, die elek become due by the applicant for, or in respect of, the supply trisiteitstoevoer: Met dien verstande dat geen sodanige of electricity: Provided that no such guarantee shall be acwaarborg aanvaar word nie tensy die geraamde maandelikse cepted unless the estimated monthly account in respect of rekening ten opsigte van die lewering aan die betrokke per the supply to the premises concerned amounts to at least seel minstens R1 500 bedra nie" RI 500" PB PB IIAdministrateurskennisgewing Julie 1983 Administrators Notice July 1983 MUNISIPALITEIT ORKNEY: WYSIGING VAN VER ORKNEY MUNICIPALITY: AMENDMENT OF BY ORDENINGE BETREFFENDE HONDE LAWS RELATING TO DOGS Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel 101 The Administrator hereby in terms of section 101 of the van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, die veror Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes the bylaws deninge hierna uiteengesit wat deur horn ingevolge artikel set forth hereinafter which have been approved by him in 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur is terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance Die Verordeninge Betreffende Honde van die Munisipa The Bylaws Relating to Dogs of the Orkney Municipality, liteit van Orkney, deur die Raad aangeneem by Administra adopted by the Council under Administrators Notice 899 teurskennisgewing 899 van 14 Julie 1982, word hiermee ge dated 14 July 1982, are hereby amended by the substitution wysig deur artikel 1 in die Bylae deur die volgende te for section 1 of the Schedule of the following: vervang: "1 Tariff of Charges "1 Tarief van Gelde Die volgende belasting soos beoog in artikel 2 is betaalbaar vir elke hond wat ses maande of ouer is: The following tax as contemplated in section 2 is payable for every dog which is six months or older: (a) Eerste hond ongeag geslag, per jaar R10,00 (a) First dog irrespective of sex, per year R10,00 (b) Tweede hond ongeag geslag, per jaar R15,00 (b) Second dog irrespective of sex, per year R15,00 (c) Elke bykomende hond (wat aangehou word ooreen (c) Every additional dog (kept in accordance with the pro komstig die bepalings van paragraaf 2(1)(6) en (c) van hier: visions of paragraph 2(1)(b) and (c) of this schedule); per die bylae); per hond ongeag geslag, per jaar R20,00" dog irrespective of sex, per year 1220,00" PB PB Administrateurskennisgewing Julie 1983 Administrators Notice July 1983 MUNISIPALITEIT RANDFONTEIN: WYSIGING VAN WATERVOORSIENINGSVERORDENINGE RANDFONTEIN MUNICIPALITY: AMENDMENT TO WATER SUPPLY BYLAWS Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel 101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, die veror The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 of the deninge hierna uiteengesit, wat deur hom ingevolge artikel Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes the bylaws 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur is set forth hereinafter, which have been approved by him in terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance Die Watervoorsieningsverordeninge van die Munisipaliteit Randfontein, deur die Raad aangeneem by Administra The Water Supply Bylaws of the Randfontein Municipa l/ teurskennisgewing 793 van 29 Junie 1977, soos gewysig, lity, adopted by the Council under Administrators Notice word hierby verder gewysig deur subitem (2) van item 1 van 793, dated 29 June 1977, as amended, are hereby further die Tarief van Gelde onder die Bylae deur die volgende te amended by the substitution for subitem (2) of item 1 of the vervang: Tariff of Charges under the schedule of the following:

26 1 TRANSVAALSE 2044 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 6 JULY 1983 "(2) Bykomende Heffings "(2) Additional Charges (a) Vir die lewering van water, per perseel of verbruiker: (a) For the supply of water per stand, or consumer: III 100 H (I x M) J A H x 100 Tariffpr I =R(1 x100 x H (I x M) J A+ H x 100 Tarief per k/=r(1 x x + ) gr ) 94 M N MN CD M N 1 Rounded off to the next 1005of a Rand afgerond tot die volgende 1000 van n Rand (b) The following charges shall be payable if a consumer, (b) Die volgende heffings is betaalbaar indien n ver excluding industries, businesses, municipal departments, bruiker, uitgesonderd nywerhede, besighede, munisipale West Rand Administration Board, government departments departemente, Wes Randse Administrasieraad, staatsde and amateur sport organizations, consumes partemente en amateur sportorganisasies se verbruik (i) 1 to 600 litres per day: Tariff per kl; (i) 1 tot 600 liter per dag is: Tarief per kl; (ii) 601 to 800 litres per day: Tariff per kl, plus a surcharge (ii) 601 tot 800 liter per dag is: Tarief per kl, plus n toeslag of 50 % calculated on the total consumption; van 50 % bereken op die totale verbruik; (iii) 801 litres and more per day: Tariff per kl, plus a sur (iii) 801 liter en meer per dag is: Tarief per kl, plus n toe charge of 100 % calculated on the total consumption: slag van 100 % bereken op die totale verbruik: Provided that where blocks of flats are served by one Met dien verstande dat waar woonstelblokke deur een water meter, the daily consumption shall be divided by the watermeter bedien word, die daaglikse verbruik deur die number of units in order to determine which charge shall be aantal woonsteleenhede gedeel word om te bepaal wafter applicable heffing van toepassing is (c) The following charge shall be payable in respect of all (c) Die volgende heffing is betaalbaar ten opsigte van alle a consumers who are excluded under paragraph (b): Tariff per verbruikers wat uitgesonderd is onder paragraaf (b): Tarief kl, plus a surcharge of 10 % calculated on the total consump per Id, plus n toeslag van 10 % op die totale verbruik tion (d) Die heffings wat betaalbaar is ingevolge paragrawe (b) en (c) is slegs van toepassing tot die eerste van die maand wat volg op die datum waarop Randwaterraad die waterbeperkings ophef" 1 (d) The charges payable in terms of paragraphs (b) and (c) shall only be applicable until the first of the month following the date upon which the Rand Water Board lifts the water restrictions" PB PB Administrateurskennisgewing Julie 1983 Administrators Notice July 1983 RAAD VIR DIE ONTWIKKELING VAN BUITESTEDELIKE GEBIEDE: WYSIGING VAN TRANSVAAL BOARD FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WATERVOORSIENINGSVER PERIURBAN AREAS: AMENDMENT TO WATER ORDENINGE SUPPLY BYLAWS Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel 101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, gelees met The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 of the artikel 16(3) van die Ordonnansie op die Transvaalse Raad Local Government Ordinance, 1939, read with section 16(3) vir die Ontwikkeling van Buitestedelike Gebiede, 1943, en of the Transvaal Board for the Development of Peri Urban 11 Proklamasie 6 (Administrateurs) van 1945, die verorde Areas Ordinance, 1943, and Proclamation 6 (Administra ninge hierna uiteengesit, wat deur horn ingevolge artikel 99 tors) of 1945, publishes the bylaws set forth hereinafter, van eersgenoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur is which have been approved by him in terms of section 99 of the firstmentioned Ordinance Die Watervoorsieningsverordeninge van die Transvaalse Raad vir die Ontwikkeling van Buitestedelike Gebiede, The Water Supply By laws of the Transvaal Board for the deur die Raad aangeneem by Administrateurskennisgewing Development of Peri Urban Areas, adopted by the Board 1397 van 21 September 1977, soos gewysig, word hierby ver under Administrators Notice 1397, dated 21 September der gewysig deur in item 19(2) van Deel III van die Tarief 1977, as amended, are hereby further amended by the sub van Gelde onder Bylae 1 die syfer "21c" deur die syfer stitution in item 19(2) of Part III of the Tariff of Charges "29c" te vervang under Schedule 1 for the figure "21c" of the figure "29c" PB PB Administrateurskennisgewing Julie 1983 Administrators Notice July 1983 MUNISIPALITEIT VANDERBIJLPARK: WYSIGING VANDERBIJLPARK MUNICIPALITY: AMENDMENT VAN VERKEERSVERORDENINGE TO TRAFFIC BYLAWS Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel 101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, dat die verordeninge hierna uiteengesit, wat deur hom ingevolge artikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur is The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 of the Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes the bylaws set forth hereinafter, which have been approved by him in terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance

27 PROVINSIALE KOERANT 6 JULIE III Die Verkeersverordeninge van die Munisipaliteit Van The Traffic Bylaws of the Vanderbippark Municipality derbijipark, afgekondig by Administrateurskennisgewing published under Administrators Notice 243, dated 21 March 243 van 21 Maart 1951, soos gewysig, word hierby verder 1951, as amended, are hereby further amended, as fol soos volg gewysig: lows: 1 Deur in artikel 199A(f) die uitdrukking "vyf sfielings 1 By the substitution in section 199A(f) for the expression (5s)" deur die syfer "Rl" te vervang "five shillings (5s)" of the figure "Rl" 2 Deur Bylae A van Aanhangsel XXII deur die volgende 2 By the substitution for Schedule A of Annexure XXII te vervang: of the following: "BYLAE A TARIEF VAN LISENSIEGELDE Die volgende lisensiegelde is betaalbaar ten opsigte van publieke voertuie, per halfjaar: (a) Taxi; R10 (b) Vragwa: R10 "SCHEDULE A TARIFF OF LICENCE FEES The following licence fees shall be payable in respect of public vehicles, per half year: (a) Taxi: RIO (b) Lorry: RIO (c) Bus: R20 (c) Bus: R20 (d) Sleepwa: R20" (d) Trailer: R20" PB PB Administrateurskennisgewing Julie 1983 Administrators Notice July 1983 MUNISIPALITEIT WOLMARANSSTAD: WYSIGING VAN ELEKTRISITEITSVERORDENINGE WOLMARANSSTAD MUNICIPALITY: AMENDMENT TO ELECTRICITY BY LAWS Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel 101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, die veror The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 of the deninge hierna uiteengesit, wat deur horn ingevolge artikel Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes the bylaws 99 van die genoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur is set forth hereinafter, which have been approved by him in terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance Die Elektrisiteitsverordeninge van die Munisipaliteit Wolmaransstad, deur die Read aangeneem by Administra The Electricity Bylaws of the Wolmaransstad Municipa teurskennisgewing 2123 van 29 November 1972 soos gewy lity, adopted by the Council under Administrators Notice sig, word hierby verder gewysig deur in item 4 van die Tarief 2123, dated 29th November 1972, as amended, are hereby van Gelde onder die Bylae further amended by the substitution in item 4 of the Tariff of (a) in subitem (3) die syfer "R2" deur die syfer "RIO" to Charges under the Schedule vervang; en (a) in subitem (3) for the figure "R2" of the figure "R10"; (b) in subitem (6) die syfer "R deur die syfer "R10"te and vervang (b) in subitem (6) for the figure "R2" of the figure "R10" PB PB Administrateurskennisgewing Julie 1983 Administrators Notice July 1983 MUNISIPALITEIT WOLMARANSSTAD: WYSIGING WOLMARANSSTAD MUNICIPALITY: AMENDMENT VAN SANITERE EN VULLISVERWYDERINGSTA TO SANITARY AND REFUSE REMOVALS TARIFF RIEF The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 of the Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel 101 Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes the bylaws van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, die veror set forth hereinafter, which have been approved by him in deninge hierna uiteengesit, wat deur hom ingevolge artikel terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur is The Sanitary and Refuse Removals Tariff of the Wolma Die Sanitere en Vullisverwyderingstarief van die Munisi ransstad Municipality, published under Administrators Nopaliteit Wolmaransstad, afgekondig by Administrateursken tice 1570, dated 19 October 1977, as amended, is hereby nisgewing 1570 van 19 Oktober 1977, soos gewysig, word further amended as follows: hierby verder soos volg gewysig: 1 By the substitution for item 2 of the following: 1 Deur item 2 deur die volgende te vervang: "2 Vullisverwydering "2 Refuse Removal (1) Vir die verwydering van vullis vanaf enige perseel, uit (1) For the removal of refuse from any premises, except gesonderd soos in subitem (2) bepaal, twee keer per week, as provided in subitem (2), twice weekly, per bin per month per blik, per maand of gedeelte daarvan: R2,25 or part thereof: R2,25

28 2046 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 6 JULY 1983 (2) Vir die verwydering van hulle vanaf besighede, drie (2) For the removal of refuse from businesses, three times keer per week, per blik, per maand of gedeelte daarvan: per week, per bin, per month or part thereof: R3,10 R3,10 (3) Blikke vir die verwydering van vullis ingevolge sub (3) Bins for the removal of refuse in terms of subitems (1) items (1) en (2), word deur die Raad verskaf en bly die eien and (2) shall be supplied by the Council and shall remain the dom van die Raad" property of the Council" 2 Deur in item 4 die syfer "R5" deur die syfer "R8" te vervang 2 By the substitution in item 4 for the figure "R5" of the figure "R8" PB PB Administrateurskennisgewing Julie 1983 Administrators Notice July 1983 MUNISIPALITEIT WOLMARANSSTAD: WYSIGING WOLMARANSSTAD MUNICIPALITY: AMENDMENT VAN WATER VOORSIENINGSVERORDENINGE TO WATER SUPPLY BY LAWS Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel 101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, die veror The Administrator hereby in terms of section 101 of the deninge hierna uiteengesit, wat deur horn ingevolge artikel Local GovernmentOrdinance,1939 publishes the bylaws set forth hereinafnter, hi ha 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur is been approved by him in terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance Die Watervoorsieningsverordeninge van die Munisipaliteit Wolmaransstad, deur die Raad aangeneem by Admini The Water Supply Bylaws of the Wolmaransstad Municistrateurskennisgewing 1746 van 16 November 1977, soos ge pality adopted by the Council under Administrators Notice wysig, word hierby verder gewysig deur in die Tarief van 1746 dated 16 November 1977, as amended, are hereby Gelde onder die Bylae further amended by the substitution in the Tariff of Charges under the Schedule (a) in item 2(1) die syfer "25c" deur die syfer "35c" te vervang; (a) in item 2(1) for the figure "25c" of the figure "35c"; (b) in item 2(2) die syfer "10c" deur die syfer "14c" te (b) in item 2(2) for the figure "10c" of the figure "14c"; vervang; en and (c) in item 3(2) die syfer "R2" deur die syfer "R10" te (c) in item 3(2) for the figure "R2" of the figure "R10" vervang PB PB Administrateurskennisgewing Julie 1983 Administrators Notice July 1983 MUNISIPALITEIT WOLMARANSSTAD: WYSIGING WOLMARANSSTAD MUNICIPALITY: AMENDMENT VAN WEIDINGSVERORDENINGE TO GRAZING BY LAWS Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel 101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, die verordeninge hierna uiteengesit wat deur horn ingevolge artikel 99 van die genoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur is The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 of the Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes the bylaws set forth hereinafter, which have been approved by him in terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance Die Weidingsverordeninge van die Munisipaliteit Wolma The grazing Bylaws of the Wolmaransstad Municipality ransstad, afgekondig by Administrateurskennisgewing published under Administrators Notice 516, dated 25th October 516 van 25 Oktober 1933, soos gewysig, word hierby verder gesubstitution in items 1, 2 and , as amended, are hereby further amended by the wysig deur in items 1, 2 en 3 van die Bylae onderskeidelik of the Schedule for the fi die syfers "R2", "Rl" en "R3" deur gores "R2", "Rl" and die "R3" of syfers "R3", the figures "R3", "R1,50" "R1,50" en and "R4,50" te vervang "R4,50" respectively PB PB I Administrateurskennisgewing Julie 1983 Administrators Notice July 1983 VERLEGGING EN VERBREDING VAN DISTRIKS DEVIATION AND WIDENING OF DISTRICT ROADS PAAIE 1906, 1517, 1369 EN 217: INSPEKTORAAT 1906, 1517, 1369 AND 217: INSPECTORATE OF LOUIS LOUIS TRICHARDT TRICHARDT VERBETERINGSKENN1SGEWING CORRECTION NOTICE Die sketsplan by Administrateurskennisgewing 1312 ge The sketch plan to Administrators Notice 1312 dated 8 dateer 8 September 1982 word hiermee verbeter deur dit September 1982 is hereby corrected by the substitution met die bygaande sketsplan te vervang thereof, by the subjoined sketch plan DP /22/1369 DP /22/1369

29 W IIP S MP i t, o \, +% %,_a c is 3 PIETERSBU 4:2A1D4t41410;2 / /3 > S 4,J4," fris r/i 4 71% MR 20EG,017 6 so 4 / `Pa N 2 h, " 010, %1St C oiti:96e, to, /,v 10 set it co v s 9 as, +c BAVARIA ALLDAYS S if so 1Is OW 300 MS 295, MS O,< 0 1 FREDDIE 1 :2 `, 04 2 I19 MR \ + ** " 116 to Selh\*, > too r 1/41 DRUMM( ilk A NI 270 MR ifi" EVERGREEN /I CAMP FORNIS 307 MS Rif 301 MS VERWYSIN G on DP /22/1369 c r REFERENCE PAAIE EN 1369 VERVE EN ROADS AND DEVIATED AND VERBREED NA 30m WIDENED TO 30m PAAIE EN 217 VERLE spms ROADS AND 217 DEVIATED EN VERBREED NA WISSELENDE AND WIDENED TO VARYING WIDTHS OF BREEDTES 25m TOT 115m 25m TO 115m BESTAANDE PAAIE EXISTING ROADS PAAIE GESLUIT ROADS CLOSED PAD (A B) PAD 1517 (B C) EN PAD 1369 (C D) ROAD 1906 (A BI ROAD 1517 (B C) AND ROAD 1369 (C DI HERNOMMER AS DISTR IKPAD 887 RENUMBERED AS DISTRICT ROAD 887 U K B E C R 914 / m "t4 tt3 J,

30 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 6 JULY 1983 Administrateurskennisgewing Julie 1983 Administrators Notice July 1983 VERKLARING EN VERBREDING VAN DISTRIKS DECLARATION AND WIDENING OF DISTRICT III PAD 936 EN VERWANTE PADREELINGS: INSPEKTO ROAD 936 AND RELEVANT ROAD ADJUSTMENTS: RAAT NYLSTROOM INSPECTORATE OF NYLSTROOM Ingevolge die bepalings van artikels 3, 5(1)(b), 50)(c), In terms of the provisions of sections 3 5(1)(b), 5(1)(c), 5(1)(d) en 48(1)(a) van die Padordonnansie, 1957 (Ordon 5(1)(d) and 48(1)(a) of the Roads Ordinance 1957 (Ordinansie 22 van 1957), nance 22 of 1957), 1 verklaar die Administrateur n Openbare Distrikspad 1 the Administrator declares a Public District Road oor die plase Worthing 511 KR, Avon 507 KR, Bath 508 over the farms Worthing 511 KR Avon 507 KR, Bath 508 KR, Manor 650 KR, Dandaloo 648 KR, Knapp 651 KR en KR, Manor 650 KR Dandaloo 648 KR, Knapp 651 KR and Knapbrooke 649 KR en vermeerder die reserwebreedte Knapbrooke 649 KR and increases the reserve width there daarvan sowel as die reserwebreedte van die bestaande Pad of as well as the reserve width of the existing Road 936 over 936 oor die plase Bothasvley 19 JR, Vlaklaagte 22 JR, the farms Bothasvley 19 JR, Vlaklaagte 22 JR, Leeuwkuil Leeuwkuil 500 KP, Worthing 511 KR, en Worthing 502 KR 500 KP, Worthing 511 KR and Worthing 502 KR, to varying na wisselende breedtes van 40 m tot 85 m; widths of 40 m to 85 m; 2 verle die Administratdur die ligging en vermeerder die 2 the Administrator deviates the situation and increase reserwebreedte van; the reserve width of; (a) n gedeelte van Provinsiale Pad P851 oor die plase (a) a portion of Provincial Road P85 1 over the farms Car Cardiff 658 KR en Maple Leaf 657 KR na wisselende diff 658 KR and Maple Leaf 657 KR to varying widths of 40 breeches van 40 m tot 85 m; en m to 85 m; and (b) Distrikspad 1881 oor die plaas Cardiff 658 KR na 30 m; (b) District Road 1881 over the farm Cardiff 658 KR to 30 m; 3 verle die Administrateur Grootpad 022 met die be staande breedte van 30 m oor die plaas Maple Leaf 657 KR; 3 the Administrator deviates Main Road 022 with the existing width of 30 m over the farm Maple Leaf 657 KR; 1 4 vermeerder die Administrateur die reserwebreedte van; 4 the Administrator increases the reserve width of; (a) Provinsiale Pad P184 I oor die plase Cardiff 658 KR (a) Provincial Road P184 1 over the farms Cardiff 658 KR, Maple Leaf 657 KR en Deeside 656 KR na wisselende Maple Leaf 657 KR and Deeside 656 KR to varying widths breeches van 40 m tot 85 m en hernommer die gedeelte as n of 40 m to 85 m and re numbers this section as an extension verlenging van Provinsiale Pad P851; of Provincial Road P85 1: (b) Provinsiale Paaie P852 en P184 I oor die plase Dee (b) Provincial Roads P85 2 and P184 1 over the farms side 656 KR en Parkwoods 655 KR na wisselende breedtes Deeside 656 KR and Parkwoods 655 KR to varying widths of van 40 m tot 85 m; en ±: 40 m to 85 m; and (c) Distiikspaaie 1985,1561, 1703 en 1885 onderskeidelik (c) District Roads 1985, 1561, 1703 and 1885 respectively oor die plase Vlaklaagte 22 JR, Leeuwkuil 500 KR Avon over the farms Vlaklaagte 22 JR, Leeuwkuil 500 KR, Avon 507 KR, Worthing 502 KR, Bath 508 KR en Manor 650 KR 507 KR, Worthing 502 KR, Bath 508 KR and Manor 650 KR na 25 m; to 25 m; 5 sluit die Administrateur n gedeelte van; 5 the Administrator closes a section of; (a) Distrikspad 1885 oor die plase Bath508 KR en Ladlow (a) District Road 1885 over the farms Bath 508 KR and a 506 KR; en Ludlow 506 KR; and (b) Distrikspad 936 oor die plase Worthing 511 KR, Rosedale 510 KR en Manor 650 KR; (b) District Road 936 over the farms Worthing 511 KR, Rosedale 510 KR and Manor 650 KR; 6 verklaar die Administrateur toegangspaaie; 6 the Administrator declares access roads; (a) oor die plase Deeside 656 KR en Knapp 651 KR met (a) over the farms Deeside 656 KR and Knapp 651 KR wisselende breedtes van 16 m tot 30 m; with varying widths from 16 m to 30 m; (b) oor die plase Worthing 511 KR Rosedale 510 KR en Manor 650 KR met n breedte van 16 m; en (b) over the farms Worthing 511 KR, Rosedale 510 KR and Manor 650 KR with a width of 16 m; and (c) oor die plaas Bath 508 KR met n breedte van 8 m (c) over the farm Bath 508 KR with a width of 8 m 7 Die algemene rigting en ligging van die verklarings `7 The general direction and situation of the declaration verleggings asook die omvang van die reserwebreedtes van WWe via t ion as well as the extent of the reserve widths of the gemelde paaie word op bygaande sketsplan aangetoon said roads, is shown on the subjoined sketch plan 8 Ooreenkomstig die bepalings van subartikel (3) van ar 8 In accordance with the provisions of subsection (3) of tikel 5A van gemelde Ordonnansie, word hiermee verklaar section 5A of the said Ordinance, it is hereby declared that dat die grond wat gemelde padreelings in beslag neem aan the land taken up by the abovementioned road adjustments getoon word op grootskaalse planne wat vir belangheb is shown on large scale plans which are available for inspec bendes ter insae is in die kantoor van die Streekbeampte to Lion by interested persons at the office of the Regional Of Pretoria fiver, Pretoria UKB 1078 gedateer 9 Mei 1983 ECR 1078 dated 9 May 1983 DP W23/22/936 Vol 2 DP 01 0I4W23/22/936 Vol 2 a

31 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 6 JULIE B 0 T H A71,14/CE Y I 9 JR V I A K L A A G T E ptnic,,, OB 166/9 Ged ed II J R pin 12 4 P /89 Ph112 Gul Pte 14 Pte 6 Gad 4 1 Get 13 VLAKL AAGTE 22 JR 7r Ged 12 Rest " In Pln5 0 Ged2 Pte 6 1 i Rem 7 a"!000 pas L E v U W K U 1 L 5 0 K ls " LUDLOW 506 KR A VON K R Rest II Ill, 71 L I 0 tr ea i_,_ iiiir, RIING MKR /, IIIII c MANOR 653 " KR K R WORTH! NG K R ROSEDALE DANDALOO K R KNAPBROOKE K R \ an m, A 936 Rem K NAPP 6 5 I K R / : 1: 8 7 Z g 1 a IC MANOR K R ovavet Ik re me* 2 1 tu 17 VERWYSING REFERENCE 1I 1 ILLI Pad verklaar met wisselende breedtes MEM Road declared with varying widths of 0 fi En22 van 40m tot 85 m 401n to 85m r c/ _sirtt Poole verbreed no 25m moorron Roads widened to 25m Jig/ tab 5 Pacts Wait Roods closed Pad verla = nun Road deviated I cr IT Pad voila en verbreed na 30m EBEEDER F Rood deviated and widened to 30m Gad IO Toegangepsale verklaar met wiseelende Access roads declared with varying widths li breedtes van Gm tot 30m of 8m to 30m ro EV Bedaande pool Existing road t r 6 L` Pad verlg en verbreed no wisselande,,,, Road deviated and widened to 0 breedtes van 40m tot 85m varying widths of 40m to > 85m 1 DI La ro 1 Pad ardnommer en as toegangspad verklaar Rood denumbered and declared as an 16m breed access road 4 m wide or Pad no wisselende breedtes van 40m tat 85m,, Road widened to varying widths of : verbreed en hernommor word as n ver 40m to 85m and renumbered as o lenging van P85 1 eetention of rood P85 I 4 CARDIFF 656 KR 5 Poi vedreed no waselende breedtesvan 40th to185m11m1!bad widened to raying widths ri40m4o85r re II UK B DP W 2 3 /22 /936 VOL 11 EC R

32 2050 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 6 JULY 1983 _ Administrateurskennisgewing Julie 1983 Administrators Notice July 1983 VERKLARING VAN N OPENBARE EN PROVIN DECLARATION OF A PUBLIC AND PROVINCIAL II SIALE PAD K69; DISTRIK PRETORIA ROAD K69, DISTRICT OF PRETORIA Ingevolge die bepalings van artikels 5(1), 5(2) en 3 van die In terms of the provisions of sections 5(1), 5(2) and 3 of Padordonnansie, 1957 (Ordonnansie 22 van 1957), verklaar the Roads Ordinance, 1957 (Ordinance 22 of 1957), the Addie Administrateur hierby dat n openbare en provinsiale ministrator hereby declares that a public and provincial road pad K69 met wisselende breedtes, waarvan die algemene K69 with varying widths, the general direction and situation rigting en Jigging op bygaande sketsplanne met toepaslike of which is shown on the appended sketch plans with appro koordinate van grensbakens aangedui word, bestaan oor die priate co ordinates of the boundary beacons exists over the eiendomme soar aangetoon op voormelde sketsplanne properties as indicated on the said sketch plans In terms of the provisions of subsections (2) and (3) of sec tion 5A, of the said Ordinance it is hereby declared that boundary beacons of the said public and provincial road have been erected on the land Ooreenkomstig die bepalings van subartikels (2) en (3) van artikel 5A van gemelde Ordonnansie word hierby verklaar dat grensbakens van die voormelde openbare en pro vinsiale pad op die grond opgerig is UKB 2055 gedateer 13 Junie 1983 ECR 2055 dated 13 June 1983 Verwysing 1014/1/4/K69 (D) Reference 10/4/1/4/K69 (D) GED IGARSTFONTE IN 374 J R L60,, IL53 L = /42" L5: 06, _ 1_87 L56 V "/ L54 PTN 322 Existrood L / * /7 N m _ Sery pjszapst /Se rw1_ "/ 0 ti / R61 17 it R60 R59 GED PTN 322 r! MUN PRETORIA 5,) WINGATE PARK Dorp /Township ve GARSTFONTE IN 3/2" 7/71 JR weds Constantia Perk X3 1 1:1 %2 c 461 L63 L64 GED3 2 2 L6 L65 L66 L67 Cie PTN 322 L68 L68 A pod 1314 Ex Rd K 69 e _ / ylatest 4e Se /Sere o+ we I e `Poo + L 43 / 44 IL ffi am R 63 R68 R69 RIO V R,7A r i R 64 R67 i 9 4 P 27, p R 6 R66 GE0322 et 0 /,,A Moreletto park / 1 :1 PT is N 322 Al MON PRETORIA : / 28 1,i DIE FIGUUR L53168, 16BA, R71A, R71R55,L53 Sift VOOR N GEDEELTE VAN OPEN9ARE PAD N69 OP I THE FIGURE 4 REPRESENTS A PORTION OF PUBLIC ROAD K69 IN VOLLE WYDTE SOOS BEDOEL BY AFKONDI GI NG VAN HI ERDIE PADREELING EN IN DETAIL GETOON OP PLANNE: TOTAL WIDTH AS INTENDED BY PUBLICATION OF THIS ROAD ADJUSTMENT AND DEPICTED IN DETAIL ON PLANS: PRS 77/126/26V,2111, UKB E C R 2055 dd : BUNDEL No/FILE No 10/ 14/1/ 4/1169 I DI I 140 ORDi NATELYS CO ORDINATE LIST Lo 29 KONST/C0NST , , 00 L L , R ,21 R , , , ,68 L , R R , ,54 L , , , ,78 R , ,01 R , ,33 L , ,77 L R , ,63 R , ,149 L R , , , L , ,48 R ,86 R , L , ,95 L R , ,74 R , ,87 L , A+2569, ,41 R ,81 R71A 42537, , ,11 R , R , ,911 tet:e R62 e 41 I

33 W W W W GARS FONTEIN t G R S T F ON Ca ra VA RsFON TE IN, 4 _ sr i P T N 186 o co to c91r c n r n, F i 1 101, ot 1 Itt Li o_ L102 uo_00_4,,: I, r "" GED 48 o I: /Cirti al V A I 4 i 1 i I i tx I al 11 L101 1 :: e: _: 7 Likr eire,, \ 897 It a IL _, t% tut 1 I 1 rilitrwi/11;11:: 1W10 1/ ;,,, i,l N to L mg ±" N I395\ , 2_ c LII0 te,>1!ss C "(?: :, LII4 171:::;:7,11" 114 0*X*;:;%: %:fack rraila 1 RI04% 1// / r SA 0*A _ L sneer: ;71:::::::250 ;:*: ei,:e1t 102 a o 111, i to di 105 " " ": :% or _ kiit97t ut 1 11 it fl; 1 0 It it 12t 11_ w4 040%ELET ft;;z:0;,,pei \ 1 it li 213?,t R r Mr SpRuir 1/4/4:1:;g RIM) "F \ s ) 5211BIRD_PL 4 RIOT g " 4110 R: 0 e R I I RI12 ties** / 14 G,A SFONTEIN UlT12 PTN 180 o 6 I:1":11:::::/::::::;11:::;:::::::/:111::::R: IS3, %**4: ocox :1: r i; it, MUN PRETORIA GARSFONTEIN Ext! LARSFONT 1 NIIEXIT _ I 1,_ 4, 6 A _ ft S F CI N T I,:::: N 3784 JR \ t L 138 L139 o mc: / VALLEY F RM,"11 1 n Lizs I 24 i i a 3 0 rjli 07 $ Oi gi r :" 7 7 r 1 i n r e, ` 7v ipticotivt LI40 79 JR 0 cior L125 iv 1 tt : : :1>a::: :::4yortaltiti: ::::i::::i:;:iiiiistigiassititiaotirika:stkz::::: = XT GARSFONTEIN Mt :: :::::::::0::::::::::::::::::::::::::: rri ss:::::: :::: teg cey:42:ceci:::e:n R111 RII7 R122 7C RI A 01 0 R B RI21 E R F 2543 R R R119 R120 R126 R129 GARS TFONTEIa N J R VALLEY FARM 1 li a le,0 LH/A H GARSC 0 N T E IN U I 31 0 q T 10 Ati ct S CA RI2 to RI 89 MUN PRETORIA el i _ O i 9, V A L L \ E "" Y F A( 1 / rri R M R m 1 t M 90, ti 1111 * I 1 RESTANT % N 81 / / / L152 rr 1 1; },3, VALLEY FARM \ H/AH W PIf;:iiiiiii:ti::::::::: 1 fa i 79 %, % N / u4s 1 LI prttfc:///1: ve 89 % 04 L147 L1 5O LI48 L149 rot 0 a14a" 111` eretr0471;? "::::::::::1:11:4:*::::::::::::? 7::::::::: ne ",r,0) : R132 Y:q?t7iie:P""/":, : R, 33 :"0:i::: ":::::::7:::::::r7" ecm17:://::::: 1 1 R145 : ::?:::::::::::;: :::::::::?::?::?:::::::;:?::::?::::::$:% :::::: ;, q " i I I % 1 _ JACQUELINE DRIVEie ; 01 1 U I T "I I 5 : A, ot i I Oast,:r 0 IASTR / 1 1 et et I % 1 p sll 7: ; r T T/ /,, VERCUEILSTRAAT 716 a, too 011 X l / a CP : p) l 9 mg I ; P, i 0 em i as I 1 0i:,10% mio 14: i:0 41 i : ININININ 1 % Liss LI41 1 (131 an MI lo: \ 40/L126 I II127 L120 t 129 a I f/ NI LI304 um pi I t I r I 11/41 ilc32 i nx za//tetir/tx, R RI 4k 47" st 1 i i /sr Xi e o 1 i N/37 Vo V/ 2 o I it vivo04 82 I IREMAINDER I $ I Tie 88 I i ti i S a/ e 1t 1 i A d3 i i 0 e el 1 % fo 0 5 gi 1 i 14ip i t 1 i a ta + et% 8 / a MUN PRETORIA > zrrl cr N 0 LA

34 2052 PROVINCIAL GAZEI 1E6JULY 1983 BESTAANDE EXISTING PAD GESLUIT ROAD CLOSED PAAIE ROADS DIE FIGUUR STEL VOOR N GEDEELTE VAN OPENBARE L 100 L152 R146 R105 R104X B THE FIGURE : REPRESENTS A PORTION OF PUBLIC PAD K69 OP VOLLE WYDTE SOOS BEDOEL BY AFKONDIGING VAN HIERDIE PADREELING EN IN DETAIL GETOON ROAD K69 IN TOTAL WIDTH AS INTENDED BY PUBLICATION OF THIS ROAD ADJUSTMENT AND DEPICTED IN OP PLANNE: PPS 77/126/22V 24V DETAIL ON PLANS t UKB/ECR: 2055 dd BUNDEL No/FILE No: 10/4/1/4/K69 (DI KO ORDINATELYS/ CO ORDINATE LIST to 29 KONST/CONST: Y ,00 X , ,13 L L , , ,52 L , ,89 L , , , , , ,53 R ,21 L L R , , , ,49 L , ,01 R , , , ,90 L , ,41 L , , , ,27 R L , ,95 L R ,73 R , , , ,00 R104X R , ,70 L , , , , , ,04 L , , , R , ,93 R , ,11 L , L , ,19 R ,40 R , L , ,77 R , L1124 R ,34 L , , R L , , ,71 L R R , , ,91 L , ,21 R (1, ,19 R ,19 L R ,01 RI L , R , ,22 R , ,84 L L , R , ,74 R , , L R , R L R ,85 R : , ,24 L , R , R , ,66 I ,18 R , , , L L R R , :+4762,84 L R , ,75 R , , ,54 L , ,1R , ,07 R , ,62 Administrateurskennisgewing Julie 1983 Administrators Notice July 1983 INTREKKING VAN ADMINISTRATEURSKEN REVOCATION OF ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE 241 NISGEWING 241 GEDATEER 12 FEBRUARIE 1975 DATED 12 FEBRUARY 1975 Administrateurskennisgewing 241 gedateer 12 Februarie Administrators Notice 241 dated 12 February 1975, 1975 waarby Openbare Distrikspad 2370 binne die munisi whereby Public District Road 2370 within the municipal area pale gebied van Roodepoort verklaar is, word hiermee inge of Roodepoort has been declared is hereby, in terms of the volge die bepalings van artikel 5(3A) van die Padordonnan provisions of section 5(3A) of the Roads Ordinance 1957 sie, 1957 (Ordonnansie 22 van 1957), ingetrek (Ordinance 22 of 1957), revoked UKB 1011 gedateer 4 Mei 1983 ECR 1011 dated 4 May 1983 DP /22/2370 DP /22/2370 Administrateurskennisgewing Julie 1983 Administrators Notice July 1983 VERKLARING VAN OPENBARE PAAIE: DISTRIK PRETORIA DECLARATION OF PUBLIC ROADS, DISTRICT OF PRETORIA Ingevolge die bepalings van artikels 5(2) en 3 van die Pad In terms of the provisions of sections 5(2) and 3 of the ordonnansie, 1957, (Ordonnansie 22 van 1957), verklaar die Roads Ordinance, 1957 (Ordinance 22 of 1957), the Admi Administrateur hierby dat ongenommerde openbare paaie nistrator hereby declares that unnumbered public roads with met wisselende breedtes, waarvan die algemene rigtings en varying widths, the general directions and situations of which liggings op bygaande sketsplanne met toepaslike koordinate are shown on the appended sketch plans, with appropriate van grensbakens, aangedui word, bestaan oor die eindomme coordinates of the boundary beacons, exist over the proper soos aangetoon op voormelde sketsplanne ties as shown on the said sketch plans Ooreenkomstig die bepalings van subartikels (2) en (3) In terms of the provisions of subsections (2) and (3) of secvan artikel 5A van gemelde Ordonnansie word hierby ver tion 5A, of the said Ordinance it is hereby declared that klaar dat grensbakens van die voormelde ongenommerde boundary beacons of the said unnumbered public roads have openbare paaie op die grond opgerig is been erected on the land UKB 2055 gedateer 13 Junie 1983 ECR 2055 dated 13 June 1983 Verwysing 10/4/1/4/K69(D) Reference: 10/4/1/4/K69(D) I

35 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 6 JULIE D 1111 III N Ca ta 4, REMAINDER we /1/41 DI 53 rib 1 4( 14U cikelnajor 4 Ce A 11? 18 ilt CO 0 44 li a Z 41 c atemi,de kei s 6 / p 04 (4 0 L 51 r g / olio 4 4 dl55 Way :z: GL2 "4 sc4/ t % cc ti 4 % % zi,e \ so `1/4 z* _ o Y ", A, occ \\ 340, Is040% :024 e e,\,,,,, /4 1 le % 4444! co,: 6, ii fat /1 \ sto S % ones N % <, a 41 :1/4 1<tm:11 ( me, : 46 ciasfe co \ c:k a \1/4% k Po 0s 79 R a %,, c1/4 40; rt Lis, es : et Aye itaii q 41 2,1:11 I S6, \ \1/4% "1/4 ag, 0 Ses 11,fr9t% S? o4a 414 o A, o4 a V C o do 44 41,,se RESTANT :911t, 11)), a % A opa 4 1:::4):7:::41:1eli;,NC3) N 4 0 a te, Lid s, 0%14 *C3 414 N IO 0 0 CI * TN 0 oi 02 To10 :p % ra 1 CI la T7 19 * % MUN PRETORIA Nt1/44" 235 \ % 44, c? P0%, V 10 4 I a % 114 ::::::: ; 1 Ski:::::::::::: % ki Ti 1, 0, s Ta: _ to,,,,, 14 no, : / 1 S hl I N co r Ien O zi \ Nitta is 11 co *t4 8 op 64 /la afei?alt de tregte, 1, 114( %, 9, %I C% IN 1ti,\ 04 "4/1Fe v % \ \ 214 Holthog I: e ) \ \ % to <1/4 6 Ni \ \ 200 c4 SW; \ : s Vo 4p T, a1 love SI \ ` \ ( If R/70 Tr634 t t, ole5 236 \ 1\ \ \ \ t 0 L61 : " \ ` 196 N1 ; ot6/, \ /8 217 \ \ , Nolduag 206 fee 237 _ \ Ra72\1/4 moan,, \,_, g : 0 6, 0 I tn 177 WILLOWGLEN L11/AN Citi t_s6 9 : isi41198_ \ N NIAS /INSET ti \ 206 / e THE WI\Listqrs 0 k 0 J \ \ L H /, A 207 i, s / ,,,_ u 0 R 06 2 I ; 1 70 LLO\WGLEN 4, N \, I m P OAEN e, 4 ht 1, 134>,!a, i 042/73 /, sin i 400% 209 I INLAS% * Ns, SEEN rn7 sari O z tietic REP 0,4 D In7e es ; IN S E T I La 1 A,DR 101 s " DN100 _ yr% ik ism 0, ifs I _, /, ;, OR i 44 P1:140i L 184 i 205 :4:e az:2i I, : e 0 we f 4%, P T N 2 7 /60 0/ 1 i 1999 itt1570 roe _ 4 Rio? 044 /le) It* it: Cce asp %YrR/923 Ss 40" DA ; "14 R040 et GED "^ i ;a ZWARTKO 191 ES/ 3 64 J R ra : PT N, 1 I, 29 le : 0, ai162) Act 6 e 1, IS 1

36 2054 PROVINCIAL GAZE11L, 6JULY 1983 DIE FIGURE I1) 0159, DL60,1155C,L , ) DR8O DR90,R151x,R152X, DR90 THE FIGURES: 131 DL ,1145L144, DR5O DR57,4143R146,R1464,0R580979,9137, R139,0R DL58, , I6) DL , DR R16911,R16913,Dnosono84175 R178,R1789,DR101 STEL VOOR GEDEELTES VAN OPENBARE PAW SODS BEDOEL BY AFKONDIG1NC VAN H1ERDIE PADREELINGX REPRESENT PORTIONS OF PUBLIC ROADS AS INTENED BY PUBLICATION OF THIS ROAD ADJUSTMENT AND IN DETAIL GETOON OP PLANNE : DEPICTED IN DETAIL ON PLANS: PRS 77/126125V27V DIE FIGUUR THE FIGURE : 0 R182 R179 R178B, R182,9,R ,R STEL NOOK GEDEELTE VAN TDEGANGSPAD REPRESENTS A PORTION OF ACCESS ROAD 5005 BEDOEL BY AFKONDIGING VAN HIERDIE PADREELING EN IN DETAIL GETOON OP PLAN AS INTENDED BY PUBLICATION OF THIS ROAD ADJUSTMENT AND OEPICTEO IN DETAIL 011 PLAN : PRS 77/126/27V UKB/ E CR: 2055 dd IBUNDEL No/ FILE No: 10/4/1/4/K69 (0) KO ORDINATELYS/CO ORDINATE LIST Lo 29 KONSTCONST Y ,00 X ,00 L , DR ,36 DR , ,73 L DL ,99 DM ,72 DRI , ,45 L , ,57 DL ,07 OR , ,40 DM , , , DL ,11 DR , ,17 0RE , ,22 L ,17 D , , , , , ,48 DR ,42 ORBS +6390,65 L , , , DR ,61 43)50,06 DRB ,49 L155C+6878, , ,92 DL , ,16 DR , ,45 DR , ,56 OR , ,19 DR ,90 R , , ,18 DL , ,50 0R , ,25 DR R , , , , ,03 DR ,36 R , ,13 DL , ,77 0R , ,69 DR ,19 R , ,38 DL ,71 0R DR ,64 4/749,22 R , DL , ,16 DR , ,32 DR , , , , ,76 DR ,64 DR , , , , , ,36 DR , ,18 DR , R169E145533: ; , ,29 DR , ,51 DR , ,75 R ,60 4/878,66 DL , ,56 DR , ,84 DR ,15 R , , ,35 DR , , ,22 R , , DL DR ,50 DR , ,00 R , ,22 DR DR/ ,38 DR , ,27 R , ,53 OR DR ,31 DR , ,16 R , ,44 DR ,27 DR , ,38 DR , ,143 R ,35 *1646,54 0R ,79 *34110, , ,43 0R ,77 42/148, , ,90 0R , ,43 DR , E90 0R , R , ,93 DR ,09 DR R , ,99 R , ,44 DR , Administrateurskennisgewing Julie 1983 Administrators Notice July VERLEGGING EN VERBREDING VAN DISTRIKS PAD 771: INSPEKTORAAT BRONKHORSTSPRUIT DEVIATION AND WIDENING OF DISTRICT ROAD 771: INSPECTORATE OF BRONKHORSTSPRUIT Ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 5(1)(d) en artikel 3 van die In terms of the provisions of section 5(1)(d) and section 3 Padordonnansie, 1957 (Ordonnansie 22 van 1957), of the Roads Ordinance 1957 verle die (Ordinance 22 of 1957), the Administrateur hiermee Distrikspad 771 oor die Administrator hereby deviates District Road 771 plase over the Pienaarspoort 339 JR en Hatherley 331 JR en ver farms Pienaarspoort 339 JR and Hatherly 331 JR and in meerder die padreserwe na 25 meter creases the road reserve thereof to 25 metres Die algemene rigting en ligging van gemelde pad en die The general direction and situation of the said road as omvang van die well reserwebreedte, word op bygaande skets as the extent of the road reserve, is shown on the subjoined plan aangetoon sketch plan Ooreenkomstig die bepalings van subartikel (3) van arti In terms of the provisions of subsection 3 kel 5A van of section 5A of gemelde Ordonnansie, word hiermee verklaar the said Ordinance, it is hereby declared that the land taken dat die grond wat bovermelde padreelings in beslag neem up by the abovementioned road adjustments is shown on aangetoon word op grootskaalse planne wat vir belangheb large scale plans which are available for inspection by inte bendes ter insae is in die kantoor van die Streekbeampte to rested persons at the office of the Regional Officer at Preto Pretoria ria UKB 2056 van 13 Junie 1983 ECR 2056 dated 13 June 1983 Verwysing: DP /22/771 Reference: DP /22/771

37 PROVINSIALE KOERANT 6 JULIE PIENAARSPOORT 339 JR DP /2 2/ Ged 10 Pin 12 Bestoande panie = Existing roads 67 6 Pod gesluit Road closed Rest /Rem \ Ged 15 Pod verli en verbreed se no Road deviated and widened ` na 25m to 25m HATHERLEY 331 JR UKB E CR 2056 Pod$ ,_ VERWYSING REFERENCE Administrateurskennisgewing Julie 1983 Administrators Notice July 1983 SLUIT1NG VAN N GEDEELTE VAN N ONGENOM MERDE OPENBARE PAD OOR DIE PLAAS WELGE VONDEN 36810: INSPEKTORAAT DELAREYVILLE CLOSING OF A PORTION OF AN UNNUMBERED PUBLIC ROAD OVER THE FARM WELGEVONDEN 368I0: INSPECTORATE OF DELAREYVILLE Ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 31(1) van die Pador In terms of the provisions of section 31(1) of the Roads donnansie 1957 (Ordonnansie 22 van 1957), sluit die Ordinance, 1957 (Ordinance 22 of 1957), the Administrator Administrateur hiermee die gedeelte van n ongenommerde hereby closes the section of an unnumbered public road openbare pad oor die plaas Welgevonden , soos op over the farm Welgevonden 368 IO, as shown on the sub bygaande sketsplan aangetoon joined sketch plan UKB 2112 gedateer 30 Mei 1983 ECR 2112 dated 30 May 1983 DP 07075D23/24/W3 DP 07075D23/24/W3 1 \ WELGEVONDEN WELGEVONDEN VERWYSING / REFERENCE BESTAANDE PAAIE r EXISTING ROADS PAD 6ESLU1T ROAD CLOSED ONGENOMMERDE RENGARE PAD BUNDEL/FILE /24/W3 7717t L Loi WELGEVONDEN \ UK BES/EXCO RES 2112 GED/OD 1903 OS 3D PAD/ROAD ONGENOMMERD Administrateurskennisgewing Julie 1983 Administrators Notice July 1983 VERBREDING VAN N GEDEELTE VAN DISTRIKS PAD 1027 OOR GEDEELTES 96 EN 97 VAN DIE PLAAS WIDENING OF A PORTION OF DISTRICT ROAD 1027 ELANDSDRIFT 527 JO: INSPEKTORAAT KRUGERS OVER PORTIONS 96 AND 97 OF THE FARM ELANDS DORP DRIFT 527 JQ: INSPECTORATE OF KRUGERSDORP Ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 3 van die Padordon In terms of the provisions of section 3 of the Roads Ordi nansie, 1957 (Ordonnansie 22 van 1957) verklaar die nance, 1957 (Ordinance 22 of 1957), the Administrator here Administrateur hiermee dat Distrikspad 1027 oor Gedeeltes by declares that District Road 1027 over Portions 96 and en 97 van Lammermoor Landbouhoewes op die pleas of Lammermoor Agricultural Holdings on the farm Elands Elandsdrift 527 IQ verbreed word na wisselende breedtes drift 527 JQ be widened to varying widths of 34 metres to 55 van 34 meter tot 55 meter metres Die ligging en rigting van Distrikspad 1027 word op bygaande sketsplan aangetoon The direction and situation of District Road 1027 is shown on the subjoined sketch plan UKB 637 gedateer 15 Maart 1983 ECR 637 dated 15 March 1983 DP /22/1027/2 Vol 3 DP /22/1027/2 Vol 3 < PTNJGED 7 c < c l OP /22/ VOL 3 < < PTIUGED 46 LEO RES 637 DATED UK HULOT 637 MAHER II JOHANNESBURG 1027 BULTFONTEIN,, REFERENCE VERWYSING ROAD 1077 MENLO TO PAD 1027 YEMEN] NA, VARYVIG MOTHS OF 34 METRE WISSELENDE BREEDTES VOA TO SS METRE 34 METER TOT 55 k USING, PIN /GED 96 A:"7;:::Y a LAMMERMI IR AH/pLimx/Gco 97 METERii);4; ELANDSORI: T 527 JQ ROAD BESTAANDE PAD

38 2056 PROVINCIAL GAZEITE 6 JULY 1983 Administrateurskennisgewing Julie 1983 Administrators Notice July 1983 VERKRYGING VAN GROND VIR PADBOUDOEL ACQUISITION OF LAND FOR ROAD PURPOSES: EINDES: GEDEELTE 83 VAN DIE PLAAS ELANDS PORTION 83 OF THE FARM ELANDSDRIFT 467 JQ: DRIFT 467 JQ: DISTRIK BRITS: PAD P160 2 DISTRICT OF BRITS: ROAD P1602 In terms of the provisions of section 7(1) of the Roads Or dinance, 1957 (Ordinance 22 of 1957), the Administrator hereby gives notice that he acquires Portion 83 of the farm Elandsdrift 467 JQ District of Brits and causes it to the re gistered in the name of the State for or in connection with the construction or maintenance of any road Ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 7(1) van die Padordonnansie, 1957 (Ordonnansie 22 van 1957), gee die Administrateur hiermee kennis dat hy Gedeelte 83 van die plaas Elandsdrift 467 JO distrik Brits hierby verkry vir of in ver band met die aanleg en instandhouding van enige pad en dit op die naam van die Staat te laat registreer UKB 2134 van 20 Junie 1983 ECR 2134 dated 20 June 1983 Verwysing 10/4/5/4/P1602 G 2 Reference 10/4/5/4/P1602 G 2 Administrateurskennisgewing Julie 1983 Administrators Notice July 1983 ELECTION OF MEMBER: SCHOOL BOARD OF GER VERKIESING VAN LID: SKOOLRAAD VAN GEFtMIS MISTONNORTH TON NOORD The person, in respect of whom the under mentioned information is given, has been elected as a member of the Die persoon ten opsigte van wie die besonderhede Kier abovementioned Board and has assumed office on the date onder gegee word, is tot lid van die bogenoemde Raad ver indicated: kies en het sy amp aanvaar op die datum aangedui: Name: Raymond, Frederick Hofmeester Naam: Raymond, Frederick Hofmeester Address: 28 Van Dort Street, Creston Hill, Germiston Adres: Van Dortstraat 28, Creston Hill, Germiston, Beroep: Besturende Direkteur Occupation: Managing Director Datum: 2 Mei 1983 Date: 2 May 1983 a Administrateurskennisgewing Julie 1983 Administrators Notice July 1983 DIE INSTELLING VAN BESTUURSKOMITEES VIR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF MANAGEMENT COMMIT SEICERE GROEPSGEBIEDE VIR DIE KLEURL1NGS TEES FOR CERTAIN GROUP AREAS FOR THE CO GROEP EN REGULASIES BETREFFENDE DIE SA LOURED GROUP AND REGULATIONS AS TO THE MESTELLING VAN SODANIGE KOMITEES EN OM CONSTITUTION OF SUCH COMMITTEES AND TO VIR SAKE WAT DAARMEE IN VERBAND STAAN PROVIDE FOR MATTERS INCIDENTAL THERETO VOORSIENING TE MAAK Ingevolge artikels 2 en 4 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike In terms of sections 2 and 4 of the Local Government (Ex Bestuur Uitbreiding van Bevoegdhede, 1962 (Ordonnansie tension of Powers) Ordinance, 1962 (Ordinance 22 of 1962), 22 van 1962), wysig die Administrateur hierby, met die the Administrator hereby, with the approval of the Minister goedkeuring van die Minister van Binnelandse Aangeleent of Coloured Relations amends Administrators Notice 912 hede, Administrateurskennisgewing 912 gedateer 4 Augus dated 4 August, 1976, as amended, relating to the Establish tus 1976, soos gewysig, in verband met die Instelling van ment of Management Committees for certain Group Areas Bestuurskomitees vir sekere Groepsgebiede vir die Klein: for the Coloured Group and Relations as to the Constitution lingsgroep en Regulasies betreffende die Samestelling van of such Committees, as set out in the Schedule hereto sodanige Komitees, soos in die Bylae hierby uiteengesit PB 3255 Vol 4 PB 3255 Vol 4 BYLAE SCHEDULE Die Regulasies in Bylae II vervat word hierby gewysig The Regulations contained in Schedule II are hereby deur Regulasie 31 subregulasie (1)(b) deur die volgende amended by the substitution in Regulation 31 for subregula subregulasie te vervang: tion (1)(b) of the following subregulation: "(b) n Algemene verkiesing van lede van n opvolgende "(b) A general election of members of a succeeding com komitee word op die laaste Woensdag van Oktober 1984 mince shall be held on the last Wednesday of October, 1984 gehou en daarna op die laaste Woensdag van Oktober van and thereafter on the last Wednesday of October of fifth elke vyfde jaar wat daarop volg" year following thereon" Administrateurskennisgewing Julie 1983 Administrators Notice July 1983 VERKLARING TOT GOEDGEKEURDE DORP DECLARATION OF APPROVED TOWNSHIP Ingevolge artikel 69 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbe In terms of section 69 of the Town planning and Town planning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van 1965), ver ships Ordinance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), the Adminis

39 I PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 6 JULIE klaar die Administrateur hierby die dorp Boskruin Uitbrei trator hereby declares Boskniin Extension 7 Township to be ding 7 tot n goedgekeurde dorp onderworpe aan die an approved township subject to the conditions set out in the voorwaardes uiteengesit in die bygaande Bylae Schedule hereto PB PB BYLAE SCHEDULE VOORWAARDES WAAROP DIE AANSOEK GE DOEN DEUR KLIPFONTEIN PROPERTY ENTER CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH THE APPLICATION PRISES (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED INGEVOLGE DIE MADE BY KLIPFONTEIN PROPERTY ENTERPRISES BEPALINGS VAN DIE ORDONNANSIE OP DORPSBE (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED UNDER THE PROVI PLANNING EN DORPE, 1965, OM TOESTEMMING SIONS OF THE TOWN PLANNING AND TOWNSHIPS OM N DORP TE STIG OP GEDEELTE 184 VAN DIE ORDINANCE, 1965, FOR PERMISSION TO ESTA PLAAS BOSCHKOP 199 IQ PROVINSIE TRANSVAAL, BLISH A TOWNSHIP ON PORTION 184 OF THE FARM TOEGESTAAN IS BOSCHKOP 199 IQ PROVINCE OF TRANSVAAL, 1 STIGTINGSVOORWAARDES HAS BEEN GRANTED (1) Naam Die naam van die dorp is Boskruin Uitbreiding 7 (2) Ontwerp Die dorp bestaan uit erwe en strate soos aangedui op Al gemene Plan LG A3770/81 1 CONDITIONS OF ESTABLISHMENT (1) Name The name of the township shall be Boskruin Extension 7 (2) Design The township shall consist of erven and streets as indicated on General Plan SG A3770/81 (a) Die dorpseienaar moet die strate in die dorp vorm, (3) Streets skraap en in stand hou tot bevrediging van die plaaslike bestuur totdat die aanspreeklikheid deur die plaaslike bestuur (a) The township owner shall form, grade and maintain oorgeneem word: Met dien verstande dat die Administra the streets in the township to the satisfaction of the local au teur geregtig is om die dorpseienaar van tyd tot tyd gedeel thority until such time as this responsibility is taken over by telik of geheel van die aanspreeklikheid te onthef na raad the local authority: Provided that the Administrator shall be pleging met die plaaslike bestuur entitled from time to time to relieve the township owner wholly or partially from this obligation after reference to the (b) Die dorpseienaar moet op eie koste alle hindernisse in local authority die straatreserwes tot bevrediging van die plaaslike bestuur verwyder (b) The township owner shall, at its own expense, remove of van all obstacles from the street reserves to the satisfaction (c) Indien die dorpseienaar versuim om aan die bepalings the local authority paragrawe (a) en (b) te voldoen, is die plaaslike bestuur geregtig om die werk op koste van die dorpseienaar te doen (c) If the township owner fails to comply with the provi sions of paragraphs (a) and (b) the local authority shall be (4) Begiftiging entitled to do so at the cost of the township owner (a) Betaalbaar aan die plaaslike bestuur (4) Endowment Die dorpseienaar moet ingevolge artikel 63(1) van die Or (a) Payable to the local authority donnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965, as begiftiging aan die plaaslike bestuur bedrae geld betaal gelyk The township owner shall in terms of section 63(1) of the staande met: Townplanning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, pay to the local authority as endowment sums of money equal to: (i) 18 % van die waarde van erwe in die dorp welke be drag deur die plaaslike bestuur aangewend moet word vir (i) 18 % of the value of erven in the township which die bou van strate en/of stormwaterdreinering in of vir die amount shall be used by the local authority for the construe dorp tion of streets and/or stormwater drainage in or for the town ship [ (ii) 1 % van die waarde van erwe in die dorp welke bedrag deur die plaaslike bestuur aangewend moet word vir die ver (ii) 1 % of the value of erven in the township which kryging van n stortingsterrein amount shall be used by the local authority for the acquisi tion of land for a depositing site (iii) 1 A) van die waarde van erwe in die dorp welke be drag deur die plaaslike bestuur aangewend moet word vir (iii) 1 % of the value of erven in the township which die verkryging van n begraafplaas amount shall be used by the local authority for the acquisi tion of land for a cemetery Sodanige begiftiging moet ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel 74 van die genoemde Ordonnansie betaal word Such endowment shall be paid in accordance with the pro visions of section 74 of the aforesaid Ordinance (b) Betaalbaar aan die Transvaalse Onderwysdepartement (b) Payable to the Transvaal Education Department Die dorpseienaar moet ingevolge die bepalings van arti The township owner shall, in terms of the provisions of kel 63(1)(a) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en section 63(1)(a) of the Town planning and Townships Ordi Dorpe, 1965, aan die Transvaalse Onderwysdepartement as nance, 1965, pay a lump sum endowment for educational begiftiging vir onderwysdoeleindes n globale bedrag op die purposes to the Transvaal Education Department on the waarde van spesiale woongrond in die dorp betaal, waarvan value of special residential land in the township, the extent die grootte bepaal word deur 48,08 m2 te vermenigvuldig of which shall be determined by multiplying 48,08 m2 by the met die getal spesiale woonerwe in die dorp number of special residential erven in the township;

40 2058 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 6 JULY 1983 Die waarde van die grond word bepaal ingevolge die be The value of the land shall be determined in terms of the palings van artikel 74(3) en sodanige begiftiging is betaal provisions of section 74(3) and such endowment shall be baar kragtens die bepalings van artikel 73 van genoemde Or payable in terms of the provisions of section 73 of the said donnansie Ordinance (5) Grond vir Munisipale Doeleindes (5) Land for Municipal Purposes Erf 200 soos op die algemene plan aangetoon moet deur en op koste van die dorpseienaar aan die plaaslike bestuur as park oorgedra word 2 TITELVOORWAARDES Die erwe hieronder genoem, is onderworpe aan die voorwaardes soos aangedui, opgele deur die Administrateur in gevolge Ordonnansie 25 van 1965 (1) Alle Erwe met Uitsondering van die Genoem in Klousule Erf 200 as shown on the general plan shall be transferred to the local authority by and at the expense of the township owner as a park 2 CONDITIONS OF TITLE The erven mentioned hereunder shall be subject to the conditions indicated, imposed by the Administrator in terms of Ordinance 25 of (5) (1) All Erven with the Exception of those Mentioned in Clause 2(5) (a) Die erf is onderworpe aan n serwituut, 2 m breed, vir riolerings en ander munisipale doeleindes, ten gunste van (a) The erf is subject to a servitude, 2 m wide, in favour of die plaaslike bestuur, langs enige twee grense uitgesonderd the local authority, for sewerage and other municipal pur n straatgrens, indien en wanneer dit deur die plaaslike be poses, along any two boundaries other than a street bounstuur verlang word: Met dien verstande dat die plaaslike be dary, if and when required by the local authority: Provided stuur van enige sodanige serwituut mag afsien that the local authority may dispense with any such servi tude (b) Geen gebou of ander struktuur mag binne die voor noemde serwituutgebied opgerig word nie en geen groot (b) No building or other structure shall be erected within I wortelbome mag binne die gebied van sodanige serwituut of the aforesaid servitude area and no large rooted trees shall binne n afstand van 2 m daarvan geplant word nie be planted within the area of such servitude or within 2 m thereof (c) Die plaaslike bestuur is geregtig om enige materiaal wat deur horn uitgegrawe word tydens die aanleg, onder (c) The local authority shall be entitled to deposit tempo houd of verwydering van sodanige rioolhoofpypleidings en rarity on the land adjoining the aforesaid servitude such ma ander werke as wat by na goeddunke noodsaaklik ag tydelik terial as may be excavated by it during the course of the to plaas op die grond wat aan die voornoemde serwituut construction, maintenance or removal of such sewerage grens en voorts is die plaaslike bestuur geregtig tot redelike mains and other works as it in its discretion may deem neces toegang tot genoemde grond vir die voornoemde doel; on sary and shall further be entitled to reasonable access to the derworpe daaraan dat die plaaslike bestuur enige skade ver said land for the aforesaid purpose; subject to any damage goed wat gedurende die aanleg, onderhoud of verwydering done during the process of the construction, maintenance or van sodanige rioolhoofpypleidings en ander werke veroor removal of such sewerage mains and other works being saak word made good by the local authority (2) Erf 190 (2) Erf 190 Die erf is onderworpe aan n serwituut vir transformator The erf is subject to a servitude for transformer purposes doeleindes ten gunste van die plaaslike bestuur, soos op die in favour of the local authority, as indicated on the general algemene plan aangedui plan Administrateurskennisgewing Julie 1983 Administrators Notice July 1983 I RANDBURG WYSIGINGSKEMA 128 RANDBURG AMENDMENT SCHEME Die Administrateur verklaar hierby ingevolge die bepa The Administrator hereby, in terms of the provisions of lings van artikel 89(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplan section 89(1) of the Town planning and Townships Ordi ning en Dorpe, 1965, dat hy n wysigingskema synde n wy nance, 1965, declares that he has approved an amendment siging van Randburg dorpsbeplanningskema, 1976, wat uit scheme, being an amendment of Randburg Town planning dieselfde grond as die dorp Boskruin Uitbreiding 7 bestaan, Scheme, 1976, comprising the same land as included in the goedgekeur het township of Boskruim Extension 7 Kaart 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysigingskema Map 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment scheme word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike are filed with the Director of Local Government, Pretoria Bestuur, Pretoria en die Stadsklerk, Randburg en is beskik and the Town Clerk, Randburg and are open for inspection baar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye at all reasonable times Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Randburg wysiging This amendment is known as Randburg Amendment skema 128 Scheme 128 PB PB H128 I

41 PROVINSIALE KOERAN:F, 6 JULIE Algemene Kennisgewings General Notices _ KENNISGEWING 436 VAN 1983 NOTICE 436 OF 1983 PRETORIA WYSIGINGSKEMA 1078 PRETORIA AMENDMENT SCHEME 1078 Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreen The Director of Local Government gives notice in terms komstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie op of section 46 of the Townplanning and Townships Ordin Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van ance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application has been 1965), kennis dat die eienaar Hilgern Beleggings (Edms) made by the owner Hilgern Beleggings (Elms) Bpk en Mel Bpk en Melsea (Edms) Bpk, aansoek gedoen het om Preto sea (Edms) Bpk for the amendment of Pretoria Town plan ria dorpsbeplanningskema, 1974, te wysig deur die herso ning Scheme, 1974, by rezoning Portion 1 of Erf 288, Val de nering van Gedeelte 1 van Erf 288, dorp Val de Grace en Grace Township and Erf 270, Val de Grace Extension 9, si Erf 270, dorp Val de Grace Uitbreiding 9, gelee aan Aman tuated on Amandel Avenue from "Special" and "Duplex dellaan vanaf "Spesiaal" en "Dupleks Woon" onderskeide Hats" respectively, both to "Special" for the erection of lik, albei tot "Spesiaal" vir die oprigting van wooneenhede dwellingunits and residential buildings as primary land use en woongeboue as prim8re grondgebruik met en/of ver with and/or places for entertainment refreshment places, somaaklikheidsplekke, verversingsplekke, geselligheidsale, vial halls, institution, education places and shops as ancillary inrigtings, onderrigplekke en winkels as aanvullende grond land uses subject to certain conditions gebruike, onderworpe aan sekere voorwaardes The amendment will be known as Pretoria Amendment Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat Scheme 1078 Further particulars of the scheme are open for Pretoria wysigingskema 1078 genoem sal word) le in die inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Pretoria and at kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, I 1de the office of the Director of Local Government, 11th Floor, vloer, Merinogebou, h/v Bosman en Pretoriusstraat, Preto Merino Building, cnr Bosman and Pretorius Streets, Preto ria en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Pretoria ter fia insae Any objection or representations in regard to the applica Enige beswaar of vertot teen die aansoek kan te eniger tion shall be submitted to the Director of Local Govern tyd binne n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van hierdie ment, in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437, kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur by Pretoria and the Town Clerk, P 0 Box 440, Pretoria 0001, at bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die Stads any time within a period of 4 weeks from the date of this no klerk, Posbus 440, Pretoria 0001, skriftelik voorgele word tice Pretoria, 29 Junie 1983 Pretoria, 29 June 1983 PB 4923H1078 PB 4923H1078 KENNISGEWING 437 VAN 1983 NOTICE 437 OF 1981 r Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hiermee inge The Director of Local Government hereby gives notice in volge die bepalings van artikel 58(8)(a) van die Ordonnansie terms of section 58(8)(a) of the Town planning and Town op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965, kennis dat aansoeke ships Ordinance, 1965, that applications to establish the om die dorpe in die bylae hierby gemeld te stig, ontvang is townships mentioned in the annexure hereto, have been te ceived Die aansoeke tesame met die tersaaklike planne, doku mente en inligting 18 ter insae by die kantoor van die Direk The applications, together with the relevant plans, docu teur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Kamer B206(a), 2de Vloer, B ments and information are open for inspection at the office Blok, Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria vir n tyd of the Director of Local Government, Room B206(a), Seperk van 8 weke vanaf 6 Julie 1983 cond Floor, Block B, Provincial Building, Pretorius Street, Pretoria for a period of 8 weeks from 6 July 1983 ledereen wat beswaar teen die toestaan van n aansoek wil maak of begerig is om enige vertoe in verband daarmee Any person who desires to object to the granting of any of te rig, moet die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Privaatsak the applications or who desires to make any representations X437, Pretoria, 0001 binne n tydperk van 8 weke van die in regard thereto, must notify the Director of Local Govern datum of van eerste publikasie skriftelik en in duplikaat van ment, Private Bag X437, Pretoria, 0001 in writing and in du sy redes in kennis stel plicate of his reasons therefor within a period of 8 weeks from the date of first publication hereof Pretoria, 6 Julie 1983 Pretoria, 6 July 1983 BYLAE ANNEXURE Naam van dorp: Bergbries Naam van aansoekdoener: Bergbries (Edms) Bpk Name of township: Bergbries Name of applicant: Bergbries (Edms) Bpk Aantal erwe: Besigheid: 1; Nywerheid: 235; Spesiaal vir Number of erven: Business: 1; Industrial: 235; Special for Garage en Besigheid: 1; Munisipaal: 1 Garage and Business: 1; Municipal: 1 Beskrywing van grond: Restant van Gedeelte 40, Ge Description of land: Remainder of Portion 40, Portions 41 deeltes 41 en 42 (gedeeltes van Gedeelte 17) almal van die and 42 (portions of Portion 17) all of the farm Zandfontein pleas Zandfontein 317 JR 317 JR

42 1 Pretoria 2060 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 6 JULY 1983 Ligging: Suidoos van en grens aan Van der Hoffweg en Gedeeltes 43 en 135 van die plaas en wes van en grens aan Situation: Southeast of and abuts Van der Hoff Road and Portions 43 and 135 of the farm, west of and abuts Kirkney Kirkney Uitbreiding 12 Extension 12 Remarks: This advertisement supersedes all previous ad vertisements for Bergbries Township Opmerking: Hierdie advertensie vervang alle vorige advertensies vir die dorp Bergbries Verwysingsnommer: PB Reference No: PB Naam van dorp: Die Wilgers Uitbreiding 14 Name of township: Die Wilgers Extension 14 Naam van aansoekdoener: CD Enterprises (Edms) Bpk Name of applicant: CD Enterprises (Pty) Ltd Aantal erwe: Residensieel 1: 35; Residensieel 2: 5; Spe Number of erven: Residential 1: 35; Residential 2: 5; Spe siaal vir sodanige gebruike as wat die Administrateur mag cial for such purposes as the Administrator may consent to: goedkeur: 1 1 Beskrywing van grond: Gedeelte 35 (n gedeelte van Gedeelte 23) van die plaas The Willows 340 JR Ligging: Suid van en grens aan Pad 1123, oos van en grens aan Gedeelte 161 van die plaas The Willows JR Remarks: This advertisement supersedes all previous ad vertisements for the abovementioned township Opmerkings: Hierdie advertensie vervang alle vorige advertensies vir die bogenoemde dorp Description of land: Portion 35 (a portion of Portion 23) of the farm The Willows 340 JR Situation: South of and abuts Road R23, east of and abuts Portion 161 of the farm The Willows 340 JR Verwysingsnommer: PB Reference No: PB ItENNISGEWING 438 VAN 1981 NOTICE 438 OF 1981 I Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hiermee inge The Director of Local Government hereby gives notice in volge die bepalings van artikel 58(8)(a) van die Ordonnansie dp Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965, kennis dat aansoeke terms of section 58(8)(a) of the Town planning and Town ships Ordinance, 1965, that applications to establish the om die dorpe in die bylae hierby gemeld te stig, ontvang is township(s) mentioned in the annexure hereto, have been Die aansoeke tesame met die tersaaklike planne, dokureceived mente en inligting le ter insae by die kantoor van die Direk The applications, together with the relevant plans, docu teur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Kamer B206(a), 2de Vloer, B ments and information are open for inspection at the office Blok, Provinsiale Gebou,Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria vir n tyd of the Director of Local Government, Room B206(a), Seperk van 8 weke vanaf 6 ulie 1983 cond Floor, Block B, Provincial Building, Pretorius Street, Iedereen wat beswaar teen die toestaan van n aansoek for a period of 8 weeks from 6 July 1983 wil mask of begerig is om enige vertod in verband daarmee Any person who desires to object to the granting of any of te rig, meet die Direkteur Van Plaaslike Bestuur, Privaatsak the applications or who desires to make any representations X437, Pretoria 0001 binne n tydperk van 8 weke van die in regard thereto, must notify the Director of Local Govern datum of van eerste publikasie skriftelik en in duplikaat van ment, Private Bag X437, Pretoria 0001 in writing and in dusy redes in kennis stel plicate of his reasons therefor within a period of 8 weeks Pretoria, 6 Julie 1983 from the date of first publication hereof Pretoria, 6 July 1983 BYLAE Naam van dorp: Noordwyk Uitbreiding 8 ANNEXURE 4 Naam van aansoekdoener: Kyriakos Kassianides Name of township: Noordwyk Extension 8 Aantal erwe: Residensieel 2: 2 Name of applicant: Kyriakos Kassianides Number of erven: Residential 2: 2 Beskrywing van grond: Hoewe 157 Erand Landbouhoewes Uitbreiding 1 Description of land: Holding 157 Erand Agricultural Hold ings Extension 1 Ligging: Suidwes van en grens aan Sixth Road Noord van en grens aan Hoewe 156 Situation: Southwest of and abuts Sixth Road North of Verwysingsnommer: PB and abuts Holding 156 Naam van dorp: Ashlea Gardens Uitbreiding 4 Reference Number: PB Naam van aansoekdoener: Sarel Daniel Hermanus van Name of township: Ashlea Gardens Extension 4 Biljon Name of applicant: Sarel Daniel Hermanus van Biljon Beskrywing van grond: Restant van Gedeelte 33 (gedeelte van Gedeelte 13) van die plaas Garsfontein 374 JR Description of land: Remainder of Portion 33 (portion of Portion 13) of the farm Garsfontein 374 JR Ligging: Noord van en grens aan Garsfonteinweg Oos Situation: North of and abuts Garsfontein Road East of van en grens aan Matroosbergweg and abuts Matroosberg Road Verwysingsnommer: PB Reference Number: PB Naam van dorp: Heatherview Name of township: Heatherview Naam van aansoekdoener: Coroux (Edms) Bpk I Name of applicant: Coroux (Edms) Bpk a 4

43 I PROVINSIALE KOERANT 6 JULIE l doeleindes as wat die Administrateur mag goedkeur: 1 poses as the Administrator may approve: 1 Beskrywing van grond: Restant van Gedeelte 3 van die Description of land: Remainder of Portion 3 of the farm plaas Witfontein 301 JR Witfontein 301 JR Ligging: Oos van en grens aan Mainstraat Noord van en Situation: East of and abuts Main Street North of and grens aan Thelmaweg abuts Thelma Road Aantal erwe: Residensieel 1: 55; Spesiaal vir sodanige Number of erven: Residential 1: 55; Special for such pur Verwysingsnommer: PB Reference Number: PB Naam van dorp: Potchefstroom Uitbreiding 18 Naam van aansoekdoener: Stadsraad van Potchefstroom Name of township: Potchefstroom Extension 18 Name of applicant: Town Council of Potchefstroom Aantal erwe: Residensieel 1: 4; Ouetehuis: 1; Munisipaal: Number of erven: Residential 1: 4; Old age home: 1; Mu 1 nicipal: 1 Beskrywing van grand: Gedeelte 230 (gedeelte van Ge Description of land: Portion 230 (portion of Portion 224); deelte 224); Gedeeltes 226, 28, 92 (gedeeltes van Gedeelte Portions 226, 28, 92 (portions of Portion 2); Portions 453 and 2); Gedeeltes 453 en 454 (gedeeltes van Gedeelte 44) en die 454 (portions of Portion 44) and the Remainder of Portion 2 Restant van Gedeelte 2, almal van die plaas, dorp en dorps All of the farm town and townlands of Potchefstroom 435 gronde van Potchefstroom 435 IQ IQ Ligging: Suid van en grens aan Mayherrystraat, Potchef Situation: South of and abuts Mayherry Street, Potchef stroom Dorp Oos van en grens aan Kerkstraat, Potchef stroom Township East of and abuts Kerk Street, Potchef stroom Uitbreiding 12 stroom Extension 12 IIIVerwysingsnommer: PB Reference Number: PB Naam van dorp: Vanderbijlpark CW9 Name of township: Vanderbijlpark CW9!/ Naam van aansoekdoener: Civic Entertainment (Pty) Ltd Name of applicant: Civic Entertainment (Pty) Ltd Aantal erwe: Besigheid: 1; Kommersieel 20; Spesiaal vir Number of erven: Business: 1; Commercial: 20; Special Garage: 1 for Garage: 1 Beskrywing van grond: Gedeelte 121 (gedeelte van Gedeelte 48) van die plaas Zuurfontein 591 IQ Description of land: Portion 121 (portion of Portion 48) of the farm Zuurfontein 591 IQ Ligging: Noordoos van en grens aan Provinsiale Pad Situation: Northeast and abuts Provincial Road P73/1 P73/1 Noordwes van en grens aan die Restant van Gedeelte Northwest of and abuts the Remainder of Portion 48 of the 48 van die plaas farm Verwysingsnommer: PB Reference Number: PB Name of township: Geelhout Park Extension 7 Naam van dorp: Geelhoutpark Uitbreiding 7 Name of applicant: Jacobus Johannes Watson Naam van aansoekdoener: Jacobus Johannes Watson Number of erven: Residential 2: 2 Aantal erwe: Residensieel 2: 2 Description of land: The farm Weltevreden 277 JQ Beskrywing Van grond: Plaas Weltevreden 277 JO Situation: Approximately 500 m north of Geelhoutpark Ligging: Nagenoeg 500 m noord van Geelhoutpark Dorp Township Southeast of and abuts Geelhoutpark Extension Suidoos van en grens aan Geelhoutpark Uitbreiding 6 6 Verwysingsnommer: PB Reference Number: PB Naam van dorp: Benfleur Uitbreiding 11 Name of township: Benfleur Extension 11 Naam van aansoekdoener: Johannes Petrus Reyneke Name of applicant: Johannes Petrus Reyneke Aantal erwe: Residensieel 1: 14; Residensieel 2: 5; Spe Number of erven: Residential 1: 14; Residential 2: 5; Spe siaal vir: 1 Hotel cial for: I Hotel Beskrywing van grond: Gedeelte 178 van die plaas Zeekoeiwater No 311 JS Description of land: Lot 178 of the farm Zeekoeiwater No 311 JS Ligging: Noordoos van en grens aan Reyno Ridge Dorp Situation: Northeast of and abuts Reyno Ridge Town Suidwes van en grens van Benfleur Dorp ship Southwest of and abuts Benfleur Township Verwysingsnommer: PB Reference Number: PB Naam van dorp: Tzaneen Uitbreiding 2 Name of township: Tzaneen Extension 24 Naam van aansoekdoener: Eliso Rech Name of applicant: Elise Rech 111 Aantal erwe: Besigheid: 2 Number of erven: Business: 2 Beskrywing van grond: Restant van Gedeelte 3 (gedeelte Description of land: Remainder of Portion 3 (a portion of van Gedeelte 6) van die plaas Pusela No 555 Portion 6) of the farm Pusela No 555 Ligging: Suidwes van en grens aan Puselastraat Suidoos Situation: Southwest of and abuts Pusela Street South van en grens aan Tooleystraat east of and abuts Tooley Street

44 2062 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 6 JULY 1983 Verwysingsnommer: PB Reference Number: PB Naam van dorp: The Gables Uitbreiding 2 Name of township: The Gables Extension 2 Naam van aansoekdoener: Jumperland (Pty) Ltd Name of applicant: Jumperland (Pty) Ltd Aantal erwe: Kommersieel: 4; Spesiaal vir stoor van goe Number of erven: Commercial: 4; Special for storing of dere, parkering of sodanige doeleindes deur die Adminis goods, parking and such other purposes that may be per trateur goedgekeur: 1 mitted by the Administrator: 1 Beskrywing van grond: Gedeeltes 215 en 221 (gedeeltes Description of land: Portions 215 and 221 (portions of Por van Gedeelte 145) van die plaas Doornfontein 92 tion 145) of the farm Doornfontein 92 Ligging: Noordwes van en grens aan Germiston Munisipale grens Noordoos van en grens aan Gedeeltes 99 en 145 van die plaas Situation: North west of and abuts Germiston Municipal border Northeast of and abuts Portions 99 and 145 of the farm Verwysingsnommer: PB Reference Number: PB Naam van dorp: Die Wilgers Uitbreiding 26 Name of township: Die Wilgers Extension 26 Naam van aansoekdoener: Gerald Donald Pearce Name of applicant: Gerald Donald Pearce Aantal erwe: Residensieel 1: 13; Residensieel 2: 1 Number of erven: Residential 1: 13; Residential 2; 1 Beskrywing van grond: Restant van Gedeelte 92 (n gedeelte van Gedeelte 15) van die plaas The Willows 340 JR Description of land: The portion of Portion 92 (a portion of Portion 15) of the farm "The Willows 340 JR" Ligging: Suid van en grens aan die PretoriaBronkhorst spruit deurpad Oos van en grens aan Gedeelte 15 van die Situation: South of and abuts the PretoriaBronkhorsta plaas spruit throughroad East of and abuts Portion 15 of the farm Verwysingsnommer: PB Reference Number: PB Naam van dorp: Middelburg Uitbreiding 14 Name of township: Middelburg Extension 14 Naam van aansoekdoener: Joseph Jacobus Matthysen Name of applicant: Joseph Jacobus Matthysen Aantal erwe: Residensieel 2: 2; Openbare Oop Ruimte: 1 Number of erven: Residential 2: 2; Public Open Space: 1 Beskrywing van grond: Gedeelte 7 (voorheen Gedeelte Description of land: Portion 7 (previously Portion 77) of 77) van die plaas Middelburg Town and Townlands 287 JS the farm Middelburg Town and Townlands 287 JS Ligging; Noordwes van en grens aan Kerkstraat en noord van en grens aan Gedeeltes 14 en 83 van die plaas Situation: North west of and abuts Kerk Street North of and abuts Portions 14 and 83 of the farm Verwysingsnommer: PB Vol 2 Reference Number: PB Vol 2 KENNISGEWING 439 VAN 1983 NOTICE 439 OF 1983 WET OP OPHEFFING VAN BEPERK1NGS, 1967 REMOVAL OF RESTRICTIONS ACT, 1967 Ingevolge artikel 3(6) van bogenoemde Wet word hier It is hereby notified in terms of section 3(6) of the above mee kennis gegee dat onderstaande aansoeke deur die Di mentioned Act that the undermentioned applications have rekteur van Plaaslike Bestuur ontvang is en ter insae le op been received by the Director of Local Government and are die 10de Vloer, Merinogebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria en open for inspection at the 10th Floor, Merino Building, Pre in die kantoor van die betrokke plaaslike bestuur torius Street, Pretoria and at the office of the relevant local Enige beswaar, met voile redes daarvoor, moet skriftelik authority by die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, by bovermelde Any objections, with full reasons therefor, should be adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria, ingedien word op of voor lodged in writing with the Director of Local Government, at 3 Augustus 1983 the above address or Private Bag X437, Pretoria, on or be Pretoria, fore 3 6 Julie August Pretoria, 6 July 1983 Mnre Noel Manthe en Cornelius van der Walt, vir Messrs Noel Manthe and Cornelius van der Walt, for (1) die wysiging van titelvoorwaardes van Erf 112, Silver (1) the amendment of the conditions of title of Erf 112, ton ten ein de dit moontlik te maak om woonstelle op te kan Silverton in order to permit the building of flats on the said rig; erf; (2) die wysiging van Pretoria dorpsbeplanningskema, (2) the amendment of Pretoria Town planning Scheme, 1974, deur die hersonering van genoemde erf vanaf "Spe 1974, by the rezoning of the said erf from "Special Residen siale Woon" met n digtheid van "Een woonhuis per erf tot tial" with a density of "One dwelling per erf" to "General "Algemene Woon" onderworpe aan sekere voorwaardes Residential" subject to certain conditions 4

45 PROVINSIALE KOERANT 6 JULIE Die wysigingskema sal bekend staan as Pretoriawysiging This amendment scheme will be known as Pretoria skema 1117 Amendment Scheme 1117 PB PB Glenwood Gardens (Edms) Beperk, vir (1) die wysiging van titelvoorwaardes van Erwe Glenwood Gardens (Proprietary) Limited, for 315 en 332, Lynnwood Glen, ten einde dit moontlik te maak om ge (1) the amendment of the conditions of title of Erven 315 noemde erwe vir medium digtheidsdoeleindes te gebruik; and 332, Lynnwood Glen, in order to permit the said erven (2) die wysiging van Pretoria being used for medium density purposes; dorpsbeplanningskema, 1974, deur die hersonering van genoemde erwe, vanaf (2) the amendment of Pretoria Town planning Scheme, "Spesiale Woon" met n digtheid van "Een woonhuis per 1974, by rezoning the erven from "Special Residential" with erf" tot "Spesiaal" vir woonhuise en/of wooneenhede aan a density of "One dwelling per erf" to "Special" for housing mekaar of losstaande or/and dwellingunits separate or adjoining Die wysigingskema sal bekend staan as Pretoria wysiging This amendment scheme will be known as Pretoria skema 1115 Amendment Scheme 1115 PB PB Brooklyn Beleggings (Eiendoms) Beperk, vir Brooklyn Beleggings (Proprietary) Limited, for (1) die wysiging van titelvoorwaardes van Erf 29, dorp Menlopark ten einde dit moontlik te maak om genoemde (1) the amendment of the conditions of title of Erf 29, erf te gebruik vir "Algemene Besigheids" doeleindes; Menlo Park Township in order to permit the said erf being II(2) die wysiging van Pretoria used for "General Business" purposes; dorpsbeplanningskema, 1974, deur die hersonering van genoemde erf vanaf "Spe (2) the amendment of Pretoria Townplanning Scheme, siale Woon" tot "Algemene Besigheid" 1974, by rezoning the said erf from "Special Residential" to Die wysigingskema sal bekend staan as Pretoriawysiging "General Business" skema 1116 This amendment scheme will be known as Pretoria Amendment Scheme 1116 PB PB Jozef Marie Schaekers, vir die wysiging van die titelvoorwaardes van Ed 147, dorp Erasmusrand, ten einde dit moontlik te maak dat die boulyn verslap kan word Jozef Marie Schaekers, for the amendment of the conditions of title of Erf 147, Erasmusrand Township in order to PB permit the building line being relaxed Jessie Elizabeth Helfrich, vir PB (1) die wysiging van titelvoorwaardes van Erf 477, Springs, Jessie Elizabeth Helfrich, Por ten einde dit moontlik te maak om die erf vir besigheidsdoeleindes te gebruik; (1) the amendment of the conditions of title of Erf 477, (2) die wysiging van Springs dorpsbeplanningskema, 1980, deur die hersonering van die genoemde erf vanaf "Spesiale Woon" tot "Algemene Besigheid" (2) the amendment of Springs Town planning Scheme, 1/1948, by rezoning of the said erf from "Special Residen tial" to "General Business" Die wysigingskema sal bekend staan as Springswy si gi n g skema 1/247 PB Springs, in order to permit the erf being used for business purposes; This amendment scheme will be known as Springs Amendment Scheme 1/247 Sylvia Goldberg, vir PB (1) die wysiging van titelvoorwaardes van Lot 216, Illovo Township, ten einde dit moontlik te maak om die erf onder Sylvia Goldberg, for te verdeel; (1) the amendment of the conditions of title of Lot 216, 11 (2) die wysiging van Sandton dorpsbeplanningskema, lovo Township in order to permit the lot being subdivided; 1980, deur die hersonering van die genoemde erf, vanaf (2) the amendment of Sandton Town planning Scheme, "Residensieel 1 met n digtheid van een woonhuis per err, 1980, by rezoning the said lot from "Residential 1 with a "Residensieel 1 met n digtheid van een woonhuis per density of one dwelling per erf" to "Residential 1 with a m2 density of one dwelling per m2" Die wysigingskema sal bekend staan as Sandtonwysiging This amendment scheme skema 648 Amendment Scheme 648 will be known as Sandton PB PB Synthes South Africa (Proprietary) Limited, vir die wysi Synthes South Africa (Proprietary) Limited, for the ging van die titelvoorwaardes van Gedeelte 1 van Lot 28, amendment of the conditions of title of Portion 1 of Lot 28, dorp Mountain View, ten einde dit moontlik te maak dat die Mountain View Township, to permit the property being eiendom vir noodverspreiding van chirurgiese instrumente used for emergency distribution of surgical instruments and en inplantaat gebruik kan word implants PB PB

46 2064 PROVINCIAL GAZE I 1E, 6JULY 1983 Claminol (Proprietary) Limited, vir Claminol (Proprietary) Limited, for (1) die wysiging van titelvoorwaardes van Erf 1557, (1) the amendment of the conditions of title of Erf 1557, Houghton Estate, ten einde dit moontlik te maak om die erf Houghton Estate, in order to permit the Erf being subdionder te verdeel, en om n tweede woonhuis op te rig; vided and to erect a second dwelling thereon; (2) die wysiging van Johannesburgdorpsbeplanning (2) the amendment of Johannesburg Townplanning skema, 1979, deur die hersonering van die erf vanaf "Resi Scheme, 1979, by rezoning the said erf from "Residential 1" densieel 1" met n digtheid van "Een woonhuis per err tot with a density of "One dwelling per erf" to "Residential 1" "Residensieel 1" met n digtheid van "Een woonhuis per m2" with a density of "One dwelling per m2" This amendment scheme will be known as Johannesburg Amendment Scheme 980 PB Grace Isaacs, vir Grace Isaacs, for (1) die wysiging van titelvoorwaardes van Lot 1214, dorp Houghton Estate ten einde die lot te kan ondenierdeel; (1) the amendment of the conditions of title of Lot 1214, Houghton Estate Township, in order to permit subdivision; (2) die wysiging van die Johannesburgdorpsbeplanningskema, 1979, deur die hersonering van gemelde lot van (2) the amendment of the Johannesburg Town planning "Residensieel 1" met n digtheid van "Een woonhuis per Scheme, 1979, by the rezoning of the said lot from "Resi err na "Residensieel 1" met n digtheid van "Een woonhuis dential 1" with a density of "One dwelling per erf" to "Resiper m2" onderhewig aan sekere voorwaardes dential 1" with a density of "One dwelling per m2" subject to certain conditions Die wysigingskema sal bekend staan as Johannesburgwy sigingskema 978 Thii amendment scheme will be known as Johannesburg Amendment Scheme 978 PB PB Mnre Loch Vaal Investments (Proprietary) Limited, vir die wysiging van die titelvoorwaardes van Erf 106, dorp Messrs Loch Vaal Investments (Proprietary) Limited, for Loch Vaal, ten einde dit moontlik te maak dat die erf vir n the amendment of the conditions of title of Erf 106, Loch Hotel, Buiteverkope, Restaurant, Garage, Werkswinkel, Vaal Township, to permit the erf being used for Hotel, Kafee/Algemene Handelaar gebruik kan word Bottle Store, Restaurant, Garage, Workshop, Cafe/General Dealer PB PB Benjamin Harry Goldstone, vir Benjamin Harry Goldstone, for (1) die wysiging van titelvoorwaardes van Lot 1217, dorp (1) the amendment of the conditions of title of Lot 1217, Houghton Estate, ten einde die lot te kan onderverdeel Houghton Estate Township, in order to permit subdivision; (2) die wysiging van die Johannesburg dorpsbeplanning (2) The amendment of the Johannesburg Town planning skema, 1979, deur die hersonering van gemelde lot van Scheme, 1979, by the rezoning of the said lot from "Resi "Residensieel 1" met n digtheid van "Een woonhuis per dential 1" with a density of "One dwelling per erf" to "Resler? na "Residensieel 1" met n digtheid van "Een woonhuis dential I" with a density of "One dwelling per m2" per m2" onderhewig aan sekere voorwaardes subject to certain conditions Die wysigingskema sal bekend staan as Johannesburgwy This amendment scheme will be known as Johannesburg sigingskema 990 Amendment Scheme 990 PB PB I, KENNISGEWING 440 VAN 1983 NOTICE 440 OF 1983 JOHANNESBURG WYSIGINGSKEMA 960 JOHANNESBURG AMENDMENT SCHEME 960 Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie op The Director of Local Government gives notice in terms Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van of section 46 of the Town planning and Townships Ordi 1965), kennis dat die eienaar, Gideon Jacobus Joubert, aan nance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application has soek gedoen het om Johannesburg dorpsbeplanningskema, been made by the owner, Gideon Jacobus Joubert, for the 1979, te wysig deur die hersonering van die Restant van Erf amendment of Johannesburg Town planning Scheme, 1979, 476 gelee op die noordelike kant van ParklaanNoord, dorp by rezoning the Remaining Extent of Erf 476 situated on Westdene vanaf "Residensieel 1" met n digtheid van Een the northern side of Park Lane North, Westdene Township, woonhuis per 400 m2" tot "Residensieel 1" met n digtheid from "Residential 1" with a density of "One dwelling per van "Een woonhuis per 3000 m2" onderworpe aan sekere 400 m2" to "Residential 1" with a density of "One dwelling voorwaardes ten einde die verslapping van kant en agter per 300 m2" subject to certain conditions in order to relax ruimtebepalings toe te laat side and rear space requirements Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat The amendment Will be known as Johannesburg Amend Johannesburg wysigingskema 960 genoem sal word) le in die ment Scheme 960 Further particulars of the scheme are kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, llde open for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk Johan 4 Vloer, Merinogebou, h/v Bosman en Pretoriusstraat, Preto nesburg and at the office of the Director of Local Govern ria en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Johannesburg ment, 11th Floor, Merino Building, cnr Bosman and Preto ter insae rius Streets, Pretoria a

47 , PROVINSIALE KOERANT 6 JULIE , Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te eniger Any objection or representations in regard to the applica lion shall be submitted to the Director of Local Governkennisgewing ityd binne n tydperk aan van die 4 weke Direkteur vanaf van die Plaaslike datum van Bestuur hierdie by h ment, in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437, bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die Stads Pretoria and the Town Clerk, PO Box 1049, Johannesburg klerk, Posbus 1049, Johannesburg skriftelik voorgele at any time within a period of 4 weeks from the date of word this notice Pretoria, 6 Julie 1983 Pretoria, 6 July 1983 PB 4922H960 KENNISGEWING 441 VAN 1983 NOTICE 441 OF 1983 SANDTON WYSIGINGSKEMA 477 SANDTON AMENDMENT SCHEME 477 PB 4922H960 The Director of Local Government gives notice in terms Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreen of section 46 of the Town planning and Townships Ordikomstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie op nance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application has Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van been made by the owner, Francis Clarel Lancashire, for the 1965), kennis dat die eienaar, Francis Clarel Lancashire, amendment of Sandton Town planning Scheme, 1980, by re aansoek gedoen het om Sandton dorpsbeplanningskema, zoning the Remaining Extent of Lot 32, situated on Maria 1980, te wysig deur die hersonering van die Restant van Lot Street, Sandown Township from "Residential 1" with a den 32 geled aan Mariastraat dorp Sandown vanaf "Residensieel city of "One dwelling per m2" to partly "Residential 3" 1" met n digtheid van "Een woonhuis per ire" na ge subject to certain conditions and partly "Special" for green "Residensieel 3" onderworpe aan sekere voor grocer, chemist, hairdressing saloon, drycleaner and cafe waardes en gedeeltelik "Spesiaal" vir n groentehandelaar, (excluding a restaurant) subject to certain conditions apteek, haarkappersalon, droogskoonmaker en kafee (uitsluitend n restaurant) onderworpe aan sekere voorwaardes The amendment will be known as Sandton Amendment Scheme 677 Further particulars of the scheme are open for Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Sandton and at Sandtonwysigingskema 477 gefioem sal word) 18 in die kan the office of the Director of Local Government, 11th Floor, toor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, I 1de Vloer, Merino Building, an Bosman and Pretorius Streets, Preto Merinogebou, h/v Bosman en Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria en ria in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Sandton ter insae Any objection or representations in regard to the applica Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te eniger tion shall be submitted to the Director of Local Governtyd binnen tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van hierdie ment, in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437, kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur by Pretoria and the Town Clerk, PO Box 78001, Sandton 2146 bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die Stads at any time within a period of 4 weeks from the date of this klerk, Posbus 78001, Sandton, 2146 skriftelik voorgele word notice deeltelik Pretoria, 6 Julie 1983 Pretoria, 6 July 1983 PB 4921I6H477 PB H 477 KENNISGEWING 442 VAN 1983 NOTICE 442 OF 1983 JOHANNESBURG WYSIGINGSKEMA 964 JOHANNESBURG AMENDMENT SCHEME 964 Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreen The Director of Local Government gives notice in terms komstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie op of section 46 of the Town planning and Townships Ordi Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van nance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application has 1965), kennis dat die eienaar, Marko Kerum, aansoek ge been made by the owner, Marko Kerum, for the amenddoen het om Johannesburg dorpsbeplanningskema, 1979, te ment of Johannesburg Townplanning Scheme, 1979, by rewysig deur die hersonering van Erf 51 gelee op die hoek van zoning Erf 51 situated on the corner of Beatty and Hill Beatty en Hillstraat, dorp Rand View vanaf "Residensieel Streets, RandView Township from "Residential 4" Height 4" Hoogtesone 5 na "Residensieel 4" Hoogtesone 5 om ver Zone 5 to "Residential 4" Height Zone 5 in order to relax slapping in die boulynbeperking toe te laat the building line restrictions Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat The amendment will be known as Johannesburg Amend Johannesburg wysigingskema 964 genoem sal word) le in die ment Scheme 964 Further particulars of the scheme are kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, I lde open for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk Johan Vloer, Merinogebou, h/v Bosman en Pretoriusstraat, Preto nesburg and at the office of the Director of Local Govern ria en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Johannesburg ment, I lth Floor, Merino Building, cnr Bosman and Preto ter insae rius Streets, Pretoria Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te eniger Any objection or representations in regard to the applica tyd binne n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van hierdie tion shall be submitted to the Director of Local Govern kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur by ment in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437, bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die Stads Pretoria and the Town Clerk, PO Box 1049, Johannesburg klerk, Posbus 1049, Johannesburg 2000 skriftelik voorgele 2000 at any time within a period of 4 weeks from the date of this notice Pretoria, 6 Julie 1983 Pretoria, 6 July 1983 Dword PB 4922H964 PB 4 922H 964

48 2066 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 6 JULY 1983 KENNISGEWING 443 VAN 1983 NOTICE 443 OF 1983 ALBERTON WYSIGINGSKEMA 99 ALBERTON AMENDMENT SCHEME Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreen The Director of Local Government gives notice in terms komstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie op of section 46 of the Town planning and Townships Ordi Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van nance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application has 1965), kennis dat die eienaars, A H Bothma & E H Peters, been made by the owners, A H Botha & E H Peters, Stand Stand 75, Alrode South Ext 3 (Pty) Ltd, Dicis Townships 75, Alrode South Ext 3 (Pty) Ltd, Dicis Townships (Pty) Ltd (Pty) Ltd en RE Stand 86, Alrode South Ext 3 (Pty) Ltd and RE Stand 86, Alrode South Extension 3 (Pty) Ltd for aansoek gedoen het om Alberton dorpsaanlegskema, 1979, the amendment of Alberton Town planning Scheme, 1979, te wysig deur die Hersonering van Gedeelte 1 van Erf 60 by rezoning Portion 1 of Erf 60 situated on Statler Street, Erf gelee aan Statlerstraat, Erf 75 gele8 op die h/v Bosworth en 75 situated on the do Bosworth and De Beer Streets, Ed 81 De Beerstraat, Erf 81 gelee aan Statlerstraat en die Restant situated on Statler Street and the RE of Erf 86 situated on van Erf 86 geled op die h/v Bosworth en De Beerstraat dorp the do Bosworth and De Beer Streets, Aldrode South Ex Alrode South Uitbreiding 3 van "Kommersieel" tot "Ny tension 3 Township from "Commercial" to "Industrial 1" werheid 1" The amendment will be known as Alberton Amendment Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat Scheme 99 Further particulars of the scheme are open for Alberton wysigingskema 99 genoem sal word) le in die kan inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Alberton and at toor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, llde Vloer, the office of the Director of Local Government, 11th Floor, Merinogebou, h/v Bosman en Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria en Merino Building, cnr Bosman and Pretorius Streets, Pretoin die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Alberton ter insae ria Enige beswaar of vertod teen die aansoek kan te eniger Any objection or representations in regard to the applica tyd binne n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van hierdie tion shall be submitted to the Director of Local Govern kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur by ment, in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437, bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die Stads Pretoria and the Town Clerk, PO Box 4, Alberton 1450 at klerk, Posbus 4, Alberton 1450 skriftelik voorgele word any time within a period of 4 weeks from the date of this no lice Pretoria, 6 Julie 1983 PB 4924H99 Pretoria, 6 July 1983 PB 4924H99 ICENNISGEWING 444 VAN 1983 NOTICE 444 OF 1983 KEMPTONPARK WYSIGINGSKEMA 1/265 KEMPTON PARK AMENDMENT SCHEME 1/265 Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie op The Director of Local Government gives notice in terms Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van 1965), kennis dat die eienaar, Cisvaal Behuisingsmaat of section 46 of the Town planning and Townships Ordin ante, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application has been skappy (Edms) Bpk, aansoek gedoen het om Kemptonpark made by the owner, Cisvaal Behuisingsmaatskappy (Edms) dorpsaanlegskema 1, 1952, te wysig deur die hersonering Bpk, for the amendment of Kempton Park Town planning van Erwe 139 en 153 vanaf "Spesiale Woon" na gedeeltelik Scheme 1, 1952, by rezoning Erven 139 and 153 from "Spe "Padverbreding" en gedeeltelik "Kommersieel"; Erf 160 vial Residential" to partly "Road widening" and partly vanaf "Staat" na gedeeltelik "Padverbreding" en gedeelte "Commercial"; Ed 160 from "Government" to partly Ilk "Staat"; Erwe 140 tot 143, 145 tot 151, 167, 169, 171, 176, "Road Widening" and partly "Government"; Erven 140 to 178, 180, 182 en 184 tot 190 vanaf "Spesiale Woon" na 143, 145 to 151, 167, 169, 171, 176, 178, 180, 182 and 184 to "Kommersieel Erf 158 vanaf "Algemene Woon" na ge 190 from "Special Residential" to "Commercial"; Erf 158 deeltelik "Padverbreding" en gedeeltelik "Kommersieel"; from "General Residential" to partly "Road Widenings" Erwe 144, 162 tot 165, 166;168, 170, 172 tot 175, 177, 179 en and partly "Commercial"; Erven 144, 162 to 165, 166, 168, 181 tot 183 vanaf "Spesiale Woon" na gedeeltelik "Straat" 170, 172 to 175, 177, 179 and 181 to 183 from "Special Resien gedeeltelik "Kommersieel"; Erwe 154 tot 156 vanaf dential" to partly "Road" and partly "Commercial"; Erven "Spesiaal vir besighede" na "Kommersieel"; Erf 157 vanaf 154 to 156 from "Special for businesses" to "Commercial"; "Spesiaal vir besighede" na gedeeltelik "Straat" en gedeel Ed 157 from "Special for businesses" to partly "Road" and telik "Kommersieel"; Erf 161 vanaf "Munisipaal" na "Mu partly "Commercial"; Erf 161 from "Municipal" to "Muni nisipaal"; Ed 152 vanaf "Munisipaal" na "Kommersieel"; cipal"; Erf 152 from "Municipal" to "Commercial"; Koalin Koalinlaan, Desalaan, Hookestraat en Talclaan vanaf Avenue, Desa Avenue, Hooke Street and Talc Avenue "Straat" na gedeeltelik "Straat" en gedeeltelik "Kommer from "Road" to partly "Road" and partly "Commercial" sieel" The amendment will be known as Kempton Park Amend Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat ment Scheme 1/265 Further particulars of the scheme are Kemptonparkwysigingskema 1/265 genoem sal word) 16 in open for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Kemp die kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Ilde ton Park and at the office of the Director of Local Govern Vloer, Merinogebou, h/v Bosman en Pretoriusstraat, Preto ment, 11th Floor, Merino Building, cnr Bosman and Pretoria en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Kemptonpark rius Streets, Pretoria ter insae Any objection or representations in regard to the applica Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te eniger tion shall be submitted to the Director of Local Govern tyd binne n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van hierdie ment, in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437 kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur by Pretoria and the Town Clerk, PO Box 13, Kempton Park bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die Stads 1620, at any time within a period of 4 weeks from the date of klerk, Posbus 13, Kemptonpark 1620, skriftelik voorgele this notice word Pretoria, 6 Julie 1983 PB Pretoria, 6 July 1983 PB

49 PROVINSIALE KOERANT 6 JULIE KENNISGEWING 445 VAN 1983 NOTICE 445 OF 1983 NELSPRUITWYSIGINGSKEMA 1/1(19 NELSPRUIT AMENDMENT SCHEME 1/109 0 Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby The Director of Local Government gives notice in terms ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die of section 46 of the Town planning and Townships Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe 1965 Ordinance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application (Ordonnansie 25 van 1965), kennis dat die eienaar, Die has been made by the owner The Town Council of Stadsraad van Nelspruit, aansoek gedoen het om Nel Nelspruit, for the amendment of Nelspruit Town planning spruitdorpsaanlegskema I, 1949, te wysig deur die Scheme 1, 1949, by rezoning Erven 1767, 1768, 1769, hersonering van Erwe 1767, 1768, 1769, 1670, 1671 en 1670, 1671 and 1672 situated between Aurora Avenue, 1672 gelee tussen Aurorarylaan, John Vorsterrylaan en John Vorster Avenue and Skylab Crescent, Nelspruit Skylabsingel, dorp Nelspruit Uitbreiding 10 vanaf "Spe Extension 10 Township from "Special Residential" with a siale Woon" met n digtheid van "Een woonhuis per erf density of "One dwelling per err to "General Residen na "Algemene Woon" met n digtheid van "Twintig tial" with a density of "Twenty dwelling units per hec wooneenhede per hektaar" tare", Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wan The amendment will be known as Nelspruit Amend Nelspruitwysigingskema 1/109 genoem sal word) 18 in die ment Scheme 1/109 Further particulars of the scheme are Kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur 1 Ide open for inspection at the Office of the Town Clerk, Vloer, Merinogebou, h/v Bosman en Pretoriusstraat, Nelspruit and at the office of the Director of Local Pretoria en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Government, 11th Floor, Merino Building cnr Bosman Nelspruit ter insae and Pretorius Streets Pretoria Enige beswaar of vertod teen die aansoek kan to eniger Any objection or representations in regard to the tyd binne n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van application shall be submitted to the Director of Local hierdie kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Government, in writing at the above address or Private Bestuur by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria Bag X437, Pretoria and the Town Clerk PO Box 45, en die Stadsklerk Poshus 45 Nelspruit 1201) skriftelik Nelspruit, 1200 at any time within a period of 4 weeks voorgele word from the date of this notice Pretoria, 6 Julie 1983 Pretoria, 6 July 1983 PB PB KENNISGEWING 446 VAN 1983 NOTICE 446 OF 1983 NELSPRUIT AMENDMENT SCHEME NELSPRUIT 1/108 WYSIGINGSKEMA 1/108 The Director of Local Government gives notice in terms Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreen of section 46 of the Town planning and Townships OrdinkOmstig die hepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie op ante 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application has been Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van made by the owner, The Town Council of Nelspruit, for the 1965), kennis dat die eienaar, Die Stadsraad van Nelspruit, amendment of Nelspruit Townplanning Scheme I, 1949, by aansoek gedoen het om Nelspruit dorpsaanlegskema I the rezoning of Erf 1583 situated on the c/o Snoopy Street 1949, te wysig deur die hersonering van Erf 1583 gelee op and Suiderkruis Street, Nelspruit Extension 10 Township, die hoek van Snoopystraat en Suiderkruisstraat, dorp Nel from "Special Residential" with a density of "One dwelling spruit Uitbreiding 10 vanaf "Spesiale Woon" met n digtheid per err to "Special Residential" with a density of "One van "Een woonhuis per err na "Spesiale Woon" met n dwelling per I 200 m2" digtheid van "Een woonhuis per 120(1 m2" The amendment will be known as Nelspruit Amendment Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat Scheme 1/108 Further particulars of the scheme are open Nelspruit wysigingskema 1/108 genoem sal word) le in die for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Nelspruit and kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur 1 Ide at the office of the Director of Local Government 11th Vloer, Merinogebou, h/v Bosman en Pretoriusstraat, Preto Floor, Merino Building, cur Bosman and Pretorius Streets, ria en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Nelspruit ter Pretoria insae Any objection or representations in regard to the applica Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te eniger tion shall be submitted to the Director of Local Govern tyd binne n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van hierdie ment, in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437 kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur by Pretoria and the Town Clerk, PO Box 45, Nelspruit 1200, at bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die Stads any time within a period of 4 weeks from the date of this no klerk, Poshus 45, Nelspruit 1200 skriftelik voorgele word tice Pretoria 6 Julie 1983 Pretoria 6 July 1983 PB PB KENNISGEWING 447 VAN 1983 NOTICE 447 OF 1983 PRETORIA WYSIGINGSKEMA 914 PRETORIA AMENDMENT SCHEME 914 III/ Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreen The Director of Local Government gives notice in terms komstig die hepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie op of section 46 of the Town planning and Townships Ordin Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van ance 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965) that application has been

50 2068 PROVINCIAL GAZE I I E 6 JULY ), kennis dat die eienaar, die Republiek van SuidAfri made by the owner, The Republic of South Africa, for the ka, aansoek gedoen het om Pretoria dorpsbeplanningskema, amendment of Pretoria Town planning Scheme, 1974, by re 1974, te wysig deur die hersonering van Restant en Ge zoning the Remainder and Portions 1 to 15 of Erf 1619 si deeltes 1 tot 15 van Erf 1619 geled aan Myburgstraat, dorp mated on Myburg Street, Capital Park Township from Capitalpark van "Opvoedkundig" na "Spesiale Woon" met "Educational" to "Special Residential" with a density of n digtheid van "Een woonhuis per err "One dwelling per erf The amendment will be known as Pretoria Amendment Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat Scheme 914 Further particulars of the scheme are open for Pretoria wysigingskema 914 genoem sal word) le in die kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, 1 lde Vloer, inspection at the office of the Town Clerk Pretoria and at the office of the Director of Local Government, 11th Floor, Merinogebou, h/v Bosman en Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria en Merino Building, cnr Bosman and Pretorius Streets, Preto in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Pretoria ter insae ria Any objection or representations in regard to the applica Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te eniger tion shall be submitted to the Director of Local Govern tyd binne n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van hierdie mcnt, in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437, kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur by Pretoria and the Town Clerk, PO Box 440, Pretoria 0001, at bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die Stads any time within a period of 4 weeks from the date of this noklerk, Posbus 440, Pretoria 0001, skriftelik voorgele word tice Pretoria, 6 Julie 1983 Pretoria, 6 July 1983 PB 4923H914 PB KENNISGEWING 448 VAN 1983 NOTICE 448 OF 1983 JOHANNESBURG WYSIGINGSKEMA 962 JOHANNESBURG AMENDMENT SCHEME 962 Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie op The Director of Local Government gives notice in terms Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van of section 46 of the Townplanning and Townships Ordin 1965), kennis dat die eienaar, Patberne (Proprietary) Li ance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application has been mited, aansoek gedoen het om Johannesburg dorpsaanleg made by the owner, Patberne (Proprietary) Limited, for the skema, 1979, te wysig deur die hersonering van Erf 1904 amendment of Johannesburg Town planning Scheme, 1979, dorp Johannesburg geled op die hoek van Claim en Koch by rezoning Stand 1904, Johannesburg Township situated on straat van "Residensieel 4" onderworpe aan spesiale voor the corner of Claim and Koch Streets from "Residential 4" waardes tot "Residensieel 4" onderworpe aan spesiale voor with special conditions to "Residential 4" with special condi waardes die uitwerking is om grondvloer kantore toe te laat tions the effect is to permit ground floor offices Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat The amendment will be known as Johannesburg Amend Johannesburg wysigingskema 962 genoem sal word) le in die ment Scheme 962 Further particulars of the scheme are kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, I 1de open for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, PO Box Vloer, Merinogebou, h/v Bosman en Pretoriusstraat Preto 4323 Johannesburg 2000 and at the office of the Director of ria en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Johannesburg Local Government, 11th Floor, Merino Building, cnr Baster insae man and Pretorius Streets, Pretoria Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te eniger Any objection or representations in regard to the applica tyd binne n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van hierdie tion shall be submitted to the Director of Local Governkennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur by ment, in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437, bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die Stads Pretoria and the Town Clerk, PO Box 4323, Johannesburg klerk, Posbus 4323, Johannesburg 2000, skriftelik voorgele 2000, at any time within a period of 4 weeks from the date of word this notice Pretoria, 6 Julie 1983 Pretoria, 6 July 1983 PB 4922H962 PB 4922H KENNISGEWING 449 VAN 1983 NOTICE 449 OF 1983 PRETORIA WYSIGINGSKEMA 1086 PRETORIA AMENDMENT SCHEME 1086 Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreen The Director of Local Government gives notice in terms komstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie op of section 46 of the Town planning and Townships Ordin Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van ance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application has been 1965), kennis dat die eienaar Russell Holdings Limited aan made by the owner Russell Holdings Limited for the amend soek gedoen het om Pretoria dorpsbeplanningskema, 1974 ment of Pretoria Town planning Scheme, 1974, by rezoning te wysig deur die hersonering va n gedeelte van Lot 726 Part of Consolidated Lot 726 (previously Remaining Extent (voorheen Restant van Lot 233 en Restart van Lot 246) of Lot 233 and Remaining Extent of Lot 246) situated on gelee te Negendestraat, dorp Gezina van "Spesiale Woon" Ninth Street, Gezina Township from "Special Residential" na "Parkering" to "Parking" Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat The amendment will be known as Pretoria Amendment Pretoria wysigingskema 1086 genoem sal word) le in die Scheme 1086 Further particulars of the scheme are open for kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur I I de inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Pretoria and at I

51 I PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 6 JULIE Vloer, Merinogebou, h/v Bosman en Pretoriusstraat, Preto the office of the Director of Local Government, 11th Floor, ria en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Pretoria ter Merino Building, cnr Bosman and Pretorius Streets, Pretoinsae ria Ill Any objection or representations in regard to the applica Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te eniger tion shall be submitted to the Director of Local Govern tyd binne n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van hierdie ment, in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437, kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur by Pretoria and the Town Clerk, PO Box 440, Pretoria 0001, at bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die Stads any time within a period of 4 weeks from the date of this no klerk, Posbus 440, Pretoria 0001, skriftelik voorgele word tice Pretoria, 6 Julie 1983 Pretoria, 6 July 1983 PB 4923H 1086 PB 4923H1086 KENNISGEWING 450 VAN 1983 NOTICE 450 OF 1983 D skema, PRETORIASTREEK WYSIGINGSKEMA 661 PRETORIA REGION AMENDMENT SCHEME 661 Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie op The Director of Local Government gives notice in terms Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van of section 46 of the Town planning and Townships Ordi 1965), kennis dat die eienaar, Frone Beleggings (Edms) nance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application has Bpk, aansoek gedoen het Pretoriastreekdorpsaanleg been made by the owner, Frone Beleggings (Pty) Ltd, for 1960, te wysig deur Voorwaarde 1(b) in Bylae A 47 the amendment of Pretoria Region Town planning Scheme, (Wysigingskema 626) van toepassing op Erwe 1345 tot 1350, 1960, by the deletion of condition 1(b) in Annexure A47 Zwartkop Uitbreiding 7 te skrap en met die volgende te ver (Amendment Scheme 626) applicable to Erven 1345 to 1350, yang: n Maksimum dekking van 35 % en n vloerruimtever Zwankop Extension 7 and to substitute with the following: houding van 0,4 Maximum coverage 35 % and a floor space ratio of 0,4 Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat The amendment will be known as Pretoria Region Pretoriastreek wysigingskema 661 genoem sal word) le in Amendment Scheme 661 Further particulars of the scheme die kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, I 1de are open for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Ver Vloer, Merinogebou, h/v Bosman en Pretoriusstraat, Preto woerdburg and at the office of the Director of Local Goria en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Verwoerdburg vernment, 11th Floor, Merino Building, cnr Bosman and ter insae Pretorius Streets, Pretoria Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te eniger Any objection or representations in regard to the applica tyd binne n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van hierdie tion shall be submitted to the Director of Local Govern kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur by ment, in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437, bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die Stads Pretoria and the Town Clerk, PO Box 14013, Verwoerdburg klerk, Posbus 14013, Verwoerdburg 0140 skriftelik voorgel at any time within a period of 4 weeks from the date of word this notice Pretoria, 6 Julie 1983 Pretoria, 6 July 1983 PB PB KENN1SGEWING 451 VAN 1983 NOTICE 451 OF 1983 RANDBURG WYSIGINGSKEMA 616 RANDBURG AMENDMENT SCHEME 616 P Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreen The Director of Local Government gives notice in terms komstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie op of section 46 of the Townplanning and Townships Ordi Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van nance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application has 1965), kennis dat die eienaars, Anthony John Kendrick Wil been made by the owners, Anthony John Kendrick Williams hams en Jill Caroline Williams aansoek gedoen het om and Jill Caroline Williams, for the amendment of Randburg Randburg dorpsbeplanningskema, 1976, te wysig deur Ed Townplanning Scheme, 1976, by rezoning Erf 343, Ferndale 343, dorp Ferndale, gelee aan Cypresslaan te hersoneer van Township, situated on Cypress Avenue from "Residential "Residensieel 1" met n digtheid van "Een woonhuis per 1" with a density of "One dwelling per erf" to "Residential err tot "Residensieel 1" met n digtheid van "Een woon 1" with a density of "One dwelling per m2" huis per m2" The amendment will be known as Randburg Amendment Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat Scheme 616 Further particulars of the scheme are open for Randburg wysigingskema 616 genoem sal word) le in die inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Randburg and at kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Ilde the office of the Director of Local Government, 11th Floor, Vloer, Merinogebou, h/v Bosman en Pretoriusstraat, Preto Merino Building, cnr Bosman and Pretorius Streets, Pretoria en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Randburg ter ria insae Any objection or representations in regard to the applica Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te eniger tion shall be submitted to the Director of Local Govern tyd binne n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van hierdie ment, in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437, kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur by Pretoria and the Town Clerk, Private Bag 1, Randburg 2125

52 2070 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 6 JULY 1983 bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die Stads at any time within a period of 4 weeks from the date of this klerk, Privaatsak 1, Randburg 2125 skriftelik voorgele word notice Pretoria, 6 Julie 1983 Pretoria, 6 July 1983 PB PB H KENNISGEWING 452 VAN 1983 NOTICE 452 OF 1983 PRETORIAWYSIGINGSKEMA 1075 PRETORIA AMENDMENT SCHEME 1075 Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreen The Director of Local Government gives notice in terms komstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie op of section 46 of the Town planning and Townships Ordi Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van nance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application has 1965), kennis dat die eienaar, Emmilaida Investments (Pty) been made by the owner, Emmilaida Investments (Pty) Ltd, Ltd, aansoek gedoen het om Pretoria dorpsbeplanning for the amendment of Pretoria Town planning Scheme, skema, 1974, te wysig deur die hersonering van die Restant 1974, by rezoning the Remainder of Erf 197, situated on van Erf 197, gelee aan Devenishstraat, dorp Sunnyside, Devenish Street, Sunnyside Township from "General Resivanaf "Algemene Woon" met n digtheid van "Een woon dential" with a density of "One dwelling per m2" to huffs per m2" na "Algemene Woon" om die dekking te "General Residential to increase the coverage from 40 % verhoog vanaf 40 % na 44 % en om ses (6) parkeerplekke to 44 % and to permit six (6) parking places daarop toe te laat \ The amendment will be known as Pretoria Amendment Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat Scheme 1075 Further particulars of the scheme are open for Pretoria wysigingskema 1075 genoem sal word) le in die inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Pretoria and at 411 kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, llde the office of the Director of Local Government, 11th Floor, Vloer, Merinogebou, h/v Bosman en Pretoriusstraat, Preto Merino Building, cnr Bosman and Pretorius Streets, Pretoria en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Pretoria ter ria insae Any objection or representations in regard to the applica Enige beswaar of vertod teen die aansoek kan te eniger Lion shall be submitted to the Director of Local Govern tyd binne n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van hierdie ment, in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437, kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur by Pretoria and the Town Clerk, PO Box 440, Pretoria 0001 at bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die Stads any time within a period of 4 weeks from the date of this noklerk, Posbus 440, Pretoria 0001 skriftelik voorgele word tice Pretoria, 6 Julie 1983 Pretoria, 6 July 1983 PB 4923H 1075 PB 49231I1075 KENNISGEWING 453 VAN 1983 NOTICE 453 OF 1983 ROODEPOORT MARAISBURG WYSIGINGSKEMA ROODEPOORTMARAISBURG AMENDMENT 1/489 SCHEME 1/489 Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie op The Director of Local Government gives notice in terms I Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van of section 46 of the Town planning and Townships Ordi 1965), kennis dat die eienaar, Pearl Hadfield, aansoek ge nance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application has doen het om RoodepoortMaraisburg dorpsaanlegskema, been made by the owner, Mrs Pearl Hadfield, for the amend 1946, te wysig deur die hersonering van Erf 1159 gelee aan ment of Roodepoort Maraisburg Townplanning Scheme, Goldmanstraat dorp Florida Uitbreiding 3 vanaf "Spesiale 1946, by rezoning Erf 1159 situated on Goldman Street, Flo Woon" met n digtheid van "Een woonhuis per erf" na rida Extension 3 Township from "Special Residential" with "Spesiale Woon" met n digtheid van "Een woonhuis per a density of "One dwelling per err to "Special Residential" vierkante voet" with a density of "One dwelling per square feet" Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat The amendment will be known as RoodepoortMarais Roodepoort Maraisburg wysigingskema 1/489 genoem sal burg Amendment Scheme 1/489 Further particulars of the word) le in die kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Be scheme are open for inspection at the office of the Town stuur, llde Vloer, Merinogebou, h/v Bosman en Pretorius Clerk, Roodepoort and at the office of the Director of Local straat, Pretoria en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Government, 11th Floor, Merino Building, cnr Bosman and Roodepoort ter insae Pretorius Streets, Pretoria Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te eniger Any objection or representations in regard to the applica tyd binne n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van hierdie Lion shall be submitted to the Director of Local Govern kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur by ment, in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437, bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die Stads Pretoria and the Town Clerk, Private Bag X30, Roodepoort, klerk, Privaatsak X30, Roodepoort 1725 skriftelik voorgele 1725 at any time within a period of 4 weeks from the date of word this notice I Pretoria, 6 Julie 1983 Pretoria, 6 July 1983 PB PB

53 PROVINS1ALE KOERANT 6 JULIE KENNISGEWING 454 VAN 1983 NOTICE 454 OF 1983 RANDBURG WYSIGINGSKEMA 613 RANDBURG AMENDMENT SCHEME 613 The Director of Local Government gives notice in terms Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreen of section 46 of the Town planning and Townships Ordi komstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie op nance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application has Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van been made by the owner, Alfred Josef Luise Horn, for the 1965), kennis dat die eienaar, Alfred Josef Luise Horn, aan amendment of Randburg Town planning Scheme, 1976, by soek gedoen het om Randburg dorpsaanlegskema, 1976 te rezoning Erf 932, Ferndale Township, situated on Main wysig deur Erf 932, dorp Ferndale, gelee aan Mainlaan te Avenue from "Residential 1" with a density of "One dwell hersoneer van "Residensieel 1" met n digtheid van "Een ing per err to "Residential 1" with a density of "One dwell woonhuis per err tot "Residensieel 1" met n digtheid van ing per m2" "Een woonhuis per m2" The amendment will be known as Randburg Amendment Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat Scheme 613 Further particulars of the scheme are open for Randburg wysigingskema 613 genoem sal word) le in die inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Randburg and at kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, 11de the office of the Director of Local Government, 11th Floor, Vloer, Merinogebou, h/v Bosman en Pretoriusstraat, Preto Merino Building, cnr Bosman and Pretorius Streets, Preto ria en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Randburg ter ria insae Any objection or representations in regard to the applica Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te eniger tion shall be submitted to the Director of Local Governtyd binne n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van hierdie ment, in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437, kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur by Pretoria and the Town Clerk, Private Bag 1, Randburg 2125 bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die Stads at any time within a period of 4 weeks from the date of this klerk, Privaatsak 1, Randburg 2125 skriftelik voorgele word notice Pretoria, 6 Julie 1983 PB H613 Pretoria, 6 July 1983 PB H613 KENNISGEWING 455 VAN 1983 NOTICE 455 OF 1983, VERWOERDBURG WYSIGINGSKEMA 654 VERWOERDBURG AMENDMENT SCHEME 654 Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreen The Director of Local Government gives notice in terms komstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie op of section 46 of the Town planning and Townships Ordin Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van ante, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application has been 1965), kennis dat die eienaar, Cornelius Petrus Johannes made by the owner, Cornelius Petrus Johannes Posthumus Posthumus aansoek gedoen het om Pretoriastreek dorpsbe for the amendment of Pretoria Region Town planning planningskema, 1960, te wysig deur die hersonering van Erf Scheme, 1960, by rezoning Lot 1273 situated on Kruger 1273 gelee aan Krugerlaan, dorp Lyttelton Manor Uitbrei Avenue Lyttelton Manor Extension 1 Township from "Spe ding 1, vanaf "Spesiale Woon" met n digtheid van "Een cial Residential" with a density of "One dwelling per err to woonhuis per erf" na "Spesiale Woon" met n digtheid van "Special Residential" with a density of "One dwelling per "Een woonhuis per m2" m2" Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat The amendment will be known as Verwoerdburg Amend Verwoerdburg wysigingskema 654 genoem sal word) le in ment Scheme 654 Further particulars of the scheme are die kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Ilde open for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Ver vloer, Merinogebou, h/v Bosman en Pretoriusstraat, Preto woerdburg and at the office of the Director of Local Goria en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Verwoerdburg ter insae vernment; 11th Floor, Merino Building cnr Bosman and Pretorius Streets, Pretoria Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te eniger Any objection or representations in regard to the applica tyd binne n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van hierdie tion shall be submitted to the Director of Local Govern kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur by ment, in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437, bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die Stads Pretoria and the Town Clerk, PO Box 14013, Verwoerdburg klerk, Posbus 14013, Verwoerdburg 0140, skriftelik voor 0140, at any time within a period of 4 weeks from the date of gele word this notice Pretoria, 6 Julie 1983 Pretoria, 6 July 1983 PB PB KENNISGEWING 456 VAN 1983 NOTICE 456 OF 1983 JOHANNESBURG WYSIGINGSKEMA 965 JOHANNESBURG AMENDMENT SCHEME 965 Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreen The Director of Local Government gives notice in terms D komstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie op of section 46 of the Town planning and Townships Ordi Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van nance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965) that application has 1965), kennis dat die eienaar John Alexander Craig, aan been made by the owner John Alexander Craig for the seek gedoen het om Johannesburgdorpsaanlegskema, amendment of Johannesburg Town planning Scheme 1979

54 2072 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 6 JULY , te wysig deur die hersenering van Lot 769 gelee te by rezoning Lot 769 situated on Wilson Street, Fairland Wilsonstraat, Dorp Fairland van "Residensieel 1" met n Township from "Residential I" with a density of "One digtheid van "Een woonhuis per erf na "Residensieel een" dwelling per err to "Residential 1" with a density of "One met n digtheid van "Een woonuis per m2" dwelling per I 500 sq metres" Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat The amendment will be known as Johannesburg Amend Johannesburg wysigingskema 965 genoem sal word) le in die ment Scheme 965 Further particulars of the scheme are kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, I Ide open for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Johan Vloer, Merinogebou, h/v Bosman en Pretoriusstraat, Preto nesburg and at the office of the Director of Local Governria en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Johannesburg ment, I Ith Floor, Merino Building, cnr Bosman and Pretoter insae rius Streets Pretoria Enige beswaar of vertod teen die aansoek kan te eniger Any objection or representations in regard to the applica tyd binne tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van hierdie tion shall be submitted to the Director of Local Govern kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur by ment, in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437 bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die Stads Pretoria and the Town Clerk, PO Box 1029 Johannesburg klerk, Posbus 1029, Johannesburg 2000 skriftelik voorgele 2000 at any time within a period of 4 weeks from the date of word this notice Pretoria, 6 Julie 1983 Pretoria, 6 July 1983 PB 4922H965 PB KENNISGEWING 457 VAN 1983 NOTICE 457 OF 1983 ALBERTONWYSIGINGSKEMA 100 ALBERTON AMENDMENT SCHEME 101) The Director of Local Government gives notice in terms Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreen of section 46 of the Town planning and Townships Ordikomstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie op nance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application has Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van been made by the owner Evon Industrial Properties (Pty) 1965), kennis dat die eienaar, Evon Industrial Properties Limited for the amendment of Alberton Town planning (Pty) Limited, aansoek gedoen het om Albertondorpshe Scheme 1979, by rezoning Erven 226 and 227, situated on planningskema, 1979, te wysig deur die hersonering van Sivewright Avenue Alrode South Extension 5 Township Erwe 226 en 227 gelee aan Sivewrightlaan dorp Alrode Suid from "Commercial" to "Industrial 1" Uitbreiding 5 vanaf "Kommersieef na "Nywerheid I" The amendment will be known as Albertan Amendment Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat Scheme 100 Further particulars of the scheme are open for Alberton wysigingskema genoem sal word) le in die inspection at the office of the Town Clerk Alberton and at kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, I Ide the office of the Director of Local Government, llth Floor, Vloer, Merinogebou, h/v Bosman en Pretoriusstraat, Preto Merino Building, cnr Bosman and Pretorius Streets, Pretoria en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Alberton ter ria insae Any objection or representations in regard to the applica Enige beswaar of vertod teen die aansoek kan te eniger tion shall be submitted to the Director of Local Govern tyd binne n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van hierdie ment in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437 kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur by Pretoria and the Town Clerk, PO Box 4, Alberton 1450 at bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die Stads any time within a period of 4 weeks from the date of this no klerk, Posbus 4, Alberton 1450 skriftelik voorgeld word lice Pretoria, 6 Julie 1983 Pretoria, 6 July 1983 PB PB 492 4H 100 KENNISGEWING 458 VAN 1983 NOTICE 458 OF 1983 JOHANNESBURG WYSIGINGSKEMA 961 JOHANNESBURG AMENDMENT SCHEME 961 Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreen The Director of Local Government gives notice in terms komstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie op of section 46 of the Town planning and Townships Ordi Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van nance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965) that application has 1965), kennis dat die eienaar, Drago Bajevic, aansoek ge been made by the owner, Drago Bajevic, for the amend doen het om Johannesburg clorpbeplanningskema 1979, te ment of Johannesburg Town planning Scheme 1979 by re wysig deur die hersonering van Erf 17, gelee aan Risanalaan zoning Erf 17, situated on Risana Avenue, Risana Township dorp Risana vanaf "Residensieel I" met n digtheid van from "Residential I" with a density of "One dwelling per "Een woonhuis per erf na "Residensieel I" met n digtheid van "Een woonhuis per m2" I 200 m2" erf to "Residential I" with a density of "One dwelling per Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat The amendment will be known as Johannesburg Amend 4 Johannesburg wysigingskema 961 genoem sal word) le in die ment Scheme 961 Further particulars of the scheme are kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, I 1de open for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Johan Vloer, Merinogebou, h/v Bosman en Pretoriusstraat Preto nesburg and at the office of the Director of Local Govern

55 1 PROVINSIALE KOERANT6JULIE ria en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Johannesburg ment, 11th Floor, Merino Building, cnr Bosman and Preto ID ter insae riusstreets, Pretoria Enige, beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te eniger Any objection or representations in regard to the applica tyd binne n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van hierdie tion shall be submitted to the Director of Local Government kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur by in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437, Pretoria bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437 Pretoria en die Stads and the Town Clerk PO Box 1049, Johannesburg, 2000 at klerk, Posbus 1049, Johannesburg 2000 skriftelik voorgele any time within a period of 4 weeks from the date of this noword tice Pretoria, 6 Julie 1983 Pretoria, 6 July 1983 PB 4922H961 PB 4922H 961 KENNISGEWING 459 VAN 1983 NOTICE 459 OF 1983 JOHANNESBURG WYSIGINGSKEMA 829 JOHANNESBURG AMENDMENT SCHEME 829 Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreen The Director of Local Government gives notice in terms komstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie op of section 46 of the Town planning and Townships Ordi Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van nance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application has 1965), kennis dat die eienaar, The Lesvos Company (Pro been made by the owner, The Lesvos Company (Proprie prietary) Limited, aansoek gedoen het om die Johannes tary) Limited, for the amendment of the Johannesburg burg dorpbeplanningskema 1979 te wysig deur die herso Townplanning Scheme, 1979 by rezoning Freehold Lot No nering van Vrypag Lot Nr 943, geled op Diering en 943 situated on Diering and Lindhorst Streets Kenilworth Lindhorstraat dorp Kenilworth van "Residensieel 4" tot Township from "Residential 4" to "Residential 4" with a co "Residensieel 4" met n dekking van 45 To en vloerruimte verage of 45 % and a floor area ratio of 1,35 in order to per verhouding van 135 om die insluiting van die hestaande hal mit the enclosure of the existing balconies konne toe te laat The amendment will be known as Johannesburg Amend Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat ment Scheme 829 Further particulars of the scheme are Johannesburg wysigingskema 829 genoem sal word) le in die open for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Johan kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, I Ide nesburg and at the office of the Director of Local Govern Vloer, Merinogebou, h/v Bosman en Preloriusstraat, Preto ment Ilth Floor, Merino Building, cnr Bosman and Pretoria en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Johannesburg rius Streets Pretoria ter insae Any objection or representations in regard to the applica Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te eniger lion shall be submitted to the Director of Local Government tyd binne n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van hierdie in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437, Pretoria kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur by and the Town Clerk, PO Box 1049, Johannesburg, 2000 at bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die Stads any time within a period of 4 weeks from the date of this no klerk, Posbus 1049, Johannesburg, 2000 skriftelik voorgele tice word Pretoria, 6 Julie 1983 PB 4922H829 Pretoria, 6 July 1983 PB D KENNISGEWING 460 VAN 1983 NOTICE 460 OF 1983 BRAKPAN AMENDMENT SCHEME 36 BRAKPAN WYSIGINGSKEMA 36 The Director of Local Government gives notice in terms of section 46 of the Town planning and Townships rutin Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreen ance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application has been komstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie op made by the owner, Terrakor Developments (Pty) Ltd for Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van the amendment of Brakpan Town planning Scheme, 1980, 1965), kenhis dat die eienaar, Terrakor Developments by rezoning Erf 72 situated on Olifant Street Sallies Village (Edms) Bpk aansoek gedoen het om Brakpan dorpsheplan Township, from "Private Open Space" to "Special" for ningskema, 1980, te wysig deur die hersonering van Erf 72 Hotel and purposes incidental thereto, subject to certain gelee aan Olifantsweg, dorp Sallies Village, vanaf "Privaat conditions Oopruimte" na "Spesiaai" vir Hotel en doeleindes in verbandthe daarmee onderworpe aan sekere voorwaardes amendment will be known as Brakpan Amendment Scheme 36 Further particulars of the scheme are open for Verdere hesonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Brakpan and at Brakpan wysigingskema 36 genoem sal word) le in die kan the office of the Director of Local Government 11th Floor, toor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur I Ide vloer Merino Building, cnr Bosnian and Pretorius Streets, Preto Merinogebou, h/v Bosman en Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria en ria in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Brakpan ter insae, : Any objection or representations in regard to the applica Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te eniger tion shall be submitted to the Director of Local Govern tyd binne n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van hierdie ment, in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437 kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur by Pretoria and the Town Clerk, PO Box 15, Brakpan 1540, at klerk bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437 Pretoria en die Stztds any time within a period of 4 weeks from the date of this notice Posbus IS, Brakpan 1540, skriftelik voorgele word Pretoria, 6 Julie 1983 Pretoria 6 July 1983 PB P H 36

56 2074 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 6 JULY 1981 KENNISGEWING 461 VAN 1983 NOTICE 461 OF 1983 JOHANNESBURG WYSIGINGSKEMA 380 JOHANNESBURG AMENDMENT SCHEME 380 El Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby kennis The Director of Local Government hereby gives notice in kragtens artikel 31 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplan terms of section 31 of the Town planning and townships Orning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van 1965), dat die dinance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that the City Council Stadsraad van Johannesburg n voorlopige skema, wat n wy of Johannesburg has submitted an interim scheme, which is sigingskema is, te wete die Johannesburgwysigingskema an amendment scheme, to wit, the Johannesburg Amend 380 voorgele het om die betrokke dorpsbeplanningskema in ment Scheme 380 to amend the relevant Town planning werking, te wete, die Johannesburg dorpsbeplanningskema scheme in operation, to wit, the Johannesburg Town plan 1979 te wysig ning Scheme, 1979 Die grond wat in voornoemde voorlopige skema ingesluit The land included in the aforesaid interim scheme is the is, is die volgende: Erwe 1219 tot 1930, 1275 tot 1286, 1331 following: Erven 1219 to to 1286, 1331 to 1342 and tot 1342 en 1385 tot 1396, dorp Albertville, om die erwe te 1385 to 1396 Albertville Township to rezone the erven from hersoneer vanaf "Residensieel I" met n digtheid van "Een "Residential 1" with a density of "One dwelling per erf to woonhuis per err na "Residensieel 3" "Residential 3" Die voornoemde voorlopige skema is vir inspeksie be The aforesaid interim scheme is open for inspection at the skikbaar op die kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike office of the Director of Local Government, I I th Floor Me Bestuur, 1 1de Vloer, Merinogebou, h/v Bosman en Preto rino Building, enr Bosman and Pretorius Streets, Pretoria at riusstraat, Pretoria en die Stadsklerk van die Stadsraad van the office of the Town Clerk of the City Council of Johan Johannesburg, Posbus 1049 Johannesburg 2000 nesburg PO Box 1049, Johannesburg 2000 Waar kragtens die bepalings van artikel 32 van voor Where in terms of section 32 of the aforesaid Ordinance, noemde Ordonnansie, enige eienaar of besitter van onroe any owner or occupier of immovable property and any local rende eiendom en enige plaaslike bestuur die reg het om n authority have the right to lodge an objection or to make rebeswaar in te dien of vertoe te rig in verband met sodanige presentations in respect of the said interim scheme, such voorlopige skema, moet sodanige beswaar of sodanige ver owner or occupier or local authority shall submit such objectoe binne vier weke vanaf die eerste publikasie van hierdie tion or may make such representations in writing to the Di kennisgewing in die Provinsiale Koerant skriftelik aan die rector of Local Government, at the above address or Private direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur by bogemelde adres of Pri Bag X437, Pretoria within a period of four weeks from the vaatsak X437, Pretoria, voorgele word date of the first publication of this notice in the Provincial Gazette Pretoria, 6 Julie 1983 PB 4922H380 Pretoria, 6 July 1983 PB 4922H 380 a KENNISGEWING 462 VAN 1983 NOTICE 462 OF 1983 PONGOLA DORPSBEPLANNINGSKEMA PONGOLA TOWN PLANNING SCHEME Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby kennis The Director of Local Government hereby gives notice kragtens artikel 31(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbe in terms of section 31(1) of the Town planning and planning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van 1965), dat Townships Ordinance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that die Gesondheidskomitee van Pongola n voorlopige ske the Health Committee of Pongola has submitted an ma, te wete, die Pongola dorpsbeplanningskema voorgele interim scheme, to wit, the Pongola Town planning het Scheme Die grond wat in die voornoemde skema ingesluit is The land included in the aforesaid interim scheme bestaan uit alle grond ingesluit in die munisipale gebied comprises of all the land included in the municipal area of van die Gesondheidskomitee van Pongola en die doel van the Pongola Health Committee and the purpose of the die skema is om alle eiendomme te hersoneer tot scheme is to rezone all such properties to residential, residensieel, besigheid, spesiaal, industrieel, kommer business, special, industrial, commercial, educational and sieel, opvoedkundig en munisipaal ens en om van die municipal etc and to make use of the monochrome monochroom notasiestelsel gebruik te maak notation system Die voornoemde voorlopige skema is vir inspeksie The aforesaid interim scheme is open for inspection at beskikbaar op die kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike the office of the Director of Local Government, 1 Ith Bestuur, 1 Ide Vloer Merinogebou, h/v Bosman en Pre Floor, Merino Building, cnr Bosman and Pretorius toriusstraat, Pretoria, en van die Sekretaris van die Streets, Pretoria, and at the office of the Secretary of the Gesondheidskomitee van Pongola Health Committee of Pongola Enige eienaar of besitter van onroerende eiendom wat Any owner or occupier of immovable property situated gelee is binne die gebied ten opsigte waarvan die skema within the area to which the scheme applied or within 2 van toepassing is, of binne 2 kilometer van die grens van kilometres of the boundary of any such scheme and any enige sodanige skema en enige plaaslike bestuur wie se local authority whose area of jurisdiction is continuous to regsgebied aangrensend is aan sodanige gebied, het die such area shall have the right to object to the scheme and reg om beswaar teen die skema aan te teken en kan te may notify the Director of Local Government in writing, eniger tyd binne 6 weke vanaf die datum van hierdie at the above address of Private Bag X437, Pretoria, of kennisgewing die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur by such objection and of the reasons therefor at any time bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria, skriftelik within 6 weeks from the date of this notice in kennis te stel van so n beswaar en die redes daarvoor Pretoria, 6 July 1983 Pretoria, 6 Julie 1983 PB PB

57 PROVINSIALE KOERANT 6 JULIE TENDERS liplw Tenders wat voorheen gepubliseer is en waarvan die sluff TRANSVAALSE PROVINSIALE ADMINISTRASIE TENDERS TENDERS tingsdatum nog nie verstreke is nie, word nie in hierdie kennisgewing herhaal nie Tenders word normaalweg 35 weke voor die shutingsda turn gepubliseer NB Tenders previously published and where the closing dates have not yet passed, have not been repeated in this notice Tenders are normally published 35 weeks before the closing date TRANSVAAL PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION FENDERS Tenders vir die volgende dienste / voorrade / verkope Tenders are invited for the following services / supword ingewag (Tensy dit in die uiteensetting anders plies / sales (Unless otherwise indicated in the descrip aangegee word, word tenders vir voorrade bedoel): tion tenders are for supplies): Beskrring van Tender Sluitingsdatum Tender No DeseripSon of Tender Closing Date ii TOD Mediagids kumulatiewe alfabetiese register van inskrywings, oorspronklik vervat in die aanvul lende intgawes/media guide cumulative alphabetical index to entries, originally included in the supplementary issues 22/07/1983 TED PFT 4/83 Spoedmeettoestelle/Speed measuring devices 22/07/1983 RFT 30/83P Kouewaterdrukwassers/Cold water pressure washers 05/08/1983 WFTB 206/83 Kleuterskool Elsburg: Oprigting/Elsburg Nursery School: Erection Item 1305/ /07/1983 WFTB 207/83 Edenglen High School, Johannesburg: Oprigting van voorafvervaardigde geboue/erection of prefabricated buildings Item 10/6/2/2701/01(102/32) 29/07/1983 WFTB 208/83 Hoerskool Goudrand, Randfontein: Oprigting van voorafvervaardigde geboue/erection of prefabricated buildings Item 1017(3/1346/01(10/1346(1) 29/07/1983 WFTB 209/83 Mamelodi hospitaal, Pretoria: Veranderings aan Rontgenstraalkamer/Mamelodi Hospital, Pretoria: Altera tions to X ray room Item 1215/2245/001 (1712/14) 29/07/1983 WFTB 210/83 Hoerskool Middelburg: Opknappi9g van koshuis/renovation of hostel Item 31/2/3/1041/01 (31/1041/1) 29/07/1983 WFTB 211/83 Pietersburgse Hospitaal: Opknapping/Pietersburg Hospital: Renovation Item 32/1/3/067/003 (32/67/3) 29/07/1983 WFTB 212/83 Onderwyskollege Potchefstroom: Opknapping van biblioteek/renovation of library Item 31/4/3/1271/02 (31/1271/2) 29/07/1983 WETS 213/83 Hoorskool Warmbad: Opknapping van koshuise/renovation of hostels Item 31/1/3/1782/01 (31/1783/1) 29/07/1983 WFTB 214/83 Witbankse Hospitaal: Aanboutngs en veranderings aan ketelhuis/witbank Hospital: Additions and alterations to boiler house Item 2077/ /07/1983 WFTB 188/83 Pilgrims Rest: Terreinuitleg/Site layout Item 4215/ /07/1983 Tenderaars se anndag word daarop gevestig dat hierdie tender soos op 15 Junie 1983 geadverteer soos vo1g gewysig word/the attention of tenderers is drawn to the fact that this tender as advertised on 15 June 1983 is altered as follows: Pilgrims Rest: Siviele dienste met inbegrip van die oprigting van n betonreservoir, riool en waternetwerk, nide& van panic, stormwaterdreinering en ontbossing/civil services inclusive of the erection of a concrete re servoir, sewerage and water reticulation, layout of roads stormwater drainage and deforestation WFT 28/83 Verskaffing en ullewering van filtreermedia vir rolfilters vir die Transvaalse Werkedepartement se lugversor gingstelsels vir die tydperk eindigcnde 31 Julie I984/Supply and delivery of filter media for roll filters for the air conditioning systems of the Transvaal Department of Works for the period ending 31 July 1984 WFT 05/08/ /83 Verskaffing en allewering van elektries verhitte konscksiekookoonde volledig met inroltrollie/supply and delivery of electrically heated convection cooking ovens complete with rollin trolley 05/(18/1983 TOD 120C/83 Musiekinstrumente/Musical instruments T E 26/ D 5/ 8 3 Landhousleepwaens/Agricultural trailers TED 19/08/ /81P Dieselaangedrewe landboutrekkers/diesel engined agricultural tractors 19/08/1983 TED 51/83M Handbeheerde trilstamper/hand operated vibrating rammer 05/118/1983 TED 52/83M Dubbeldromtrilrollers (I 000 kg werkmassa)/double drum vibrating rollers (1 000 kg operating mass) 05/08/1983 III

58 21)76 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 6 JULY 1983 BELANG RI ICE OPMERKINGS IN VERBAND MET IMPORTANT NOTICES IN CONNECTION WITH TENDERS TENDERS I Die betrokke tenderdokumente met inhegrip van die amptelike 1 The relative tender documents including the Administrations offitendervorms van die Administrasie is op aanvraag by die onderstaande cial tender forms are obtainable on application from the relative address adresse verkryghaar Sodanige dokumente as mode enige tender kon indicated below Such documents and any tender contract conditions not trakvoorwaardes wet nie in die tenderdokumente opgeneem is nie is embodied in the tender documents are also available for inspection at the ook by die genoemdc adres vir inspeksic verkryghaar: said address: Kantoor in Nuwe Provinsialc Office in Ncw Provincial Building, Tender Posedres tc Gebou Pretoria Tender Postal address Pretoria verwysing Pretoria Ref Pretoria Kamer Verdie Final Room Phone 1 No Blok ping Pretoria No Block Floor Pretoria HA I & Direkteur van A900 A HA 1 & Director of Hospital A900 A HA 2 Hospitaaldienste, HA 2 Services Private Privaatsak X22I Bag X221 I1B en Di rekteur van A819 A HB en Director of Hospital A8I9 A 8 280:3367 HC Hospitualdienste HC Services Private Privaatsak X221 Bag X221 HD Direkteur van A823 A HD Director of Hospital A823 A Hospitaaldienste Services Private Privaatsak X221 Bag X221 PET Provinsialc Sekre A1020 A PFT Provincial Secretary A1020 A taris (Aunkope (Purchases and en Voorrade) Pri Supplies) Private vaatsak X64 Bag X64 I RFT Direkteur Trans D307 D RFT Director Tninsvaal D307 D vaalse Paaic Roads department, Pri Department Pri veal:telt X197 vote Bag X197 TOD I IOU Direkteur Trans A489 A TED DirectorTransvaal A489 A TOD 100 vaalse Onder A491 A TED 100 Education Dc A491 A wysdepartement purtment Private Privaatsak X76 Bag X76 WFT Direkteur Trans CI 19 C I WET DirectorTransveal vaalse Werkede Department of C I 19 C I partement Pri Works Private vaatsak X228 Bag X228 WFTB Dirckteur Trans 103 E I WFTB Director Transvaal E103 E I vaalse Werkede Department of partement, Pri Works, Private vaatsak X228 Bag X228 2 Die Administrasie is nic daartoe verplig om die laagstc of enige ten 2 The Administration is not bound to accept the lowest or any tender der aan to neem nic en hehou hom die reg voor om n gedeclic van n and reserves the right to accept a portion of a tender tender aan to neem 3 In die geval van iedere WFTB tender moet die tenderaar n de 3 In the case of each WFTB tender the tenderer must pay a deposit posito van R4 stort alvorens by van die tenderdokumente voorsien sal of R4 before he will be supplied with the tender documents Such deposit word Sodanige deposito moet in kontantgeld wees, n tjek deur die bank must be in the form of cash a bank initialled cheque or a department geparafeer of n departementele legorder kwitansie (RIO) Gcnocmdc standing deposit receipt (RIO) The said deposit will be refunded if a depositobedrag sal terughetaal word as n bona fide inskrywing van die bona fide tender is received from the tenderer or if the tender documents planne spesifikasies en hoeveelhcidslyste binne 14 doe na die sluitings including plans, specifications and bills of quantities are returned by the datum van die tenderaar teruggestuur word na die betrokke adres in op tenderer within 14 days after the closing date of the tender to the relative merking I hierbo aangetoon addressshown in note 1 above 4 Alle tenders moet op die amptelike tendervorm van die Administra 4 All tenders must be submitted on the Administrations official ten sic voorgele word der forms 5 ledere inskrywing moet in n afsonderlike verseelde koevert Inge dien word geadresseer aan die Voorsitter Die Transvaalse Provinsialc 5 Each tender must be submitted in a separate sealed envelope ad Tenderraad Posbus 1040, Pretoria, en meet duidelik van die opskrif dressed to the Chairman, Transvaal Provincial Tender Board, PO Box voorsien wees ten einde die tenderaar se naam en adres aan is loom 1040 Pretoria and must be clearly superscribed to show the tenderers asook die nommer beskrywing en sluitingsdatum van die tender Inskry name and address, as well as the number description and closing date of wings meet teen 11 h00 op die sluitingsdatum hierbo aangetoon in die the tender Tenders must be in the hands of the Chairman by on Voorsitter se hande wets the closing date indicated abovt 6 Indien inskrywings per hand ingcdien word moet hulk teen op die sluitingsdatum in die Formele Tenderbus geplaas wets by die na 6 If tenders are delivered by hand, they must be deposited in the For vraagkantoor in die voorportaal van die nuwe Provmsialc Gebou by die mal tender Box at the Enquiry Office in the foyer of the New Provincial hoofingang aan Pretoriusstraat se kant (naby die hock van Bosman Building at the Pretorius Street main entrance (near Bosman Street street) Pretoria corner), Pretoria by 11h00 on the closing date J F Viljoen, Voorsitter Transvaalse Provinsialc Tenderraad J F Viljoen Chairman, Transvaal Provincial Tender Board Pretoria, 23 Junie 1983 Pretoria, 23 June 1983 II

59 I lio II PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 6 JULIE Plaaslike Bestuunkennisgewings Notices By Local Authorities STADSRAAD VAN MIDRAND SCHEDULE STADSRAAD VAN SPRINGS PROKLAMERING TOT OPENBARE PAD (1) The mad which is 16 m wide begins in the PROKLAMERING VAN N PAD IN DIE west at the endpoint of Suttie Drive and move in DORP SPRINGS Kennisgewing geskied hiermee ingevolge a eastern direction over the southern corners of artikel 5 van Ordonnansie No 44 van 1904, dat Portions 7 and 8 of the farm Allendale 10 IR and Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge artikel 5 die Stadsraad van Midrand sy Edele die Admi end where it meets West Street van die "Local Authorities Roads Ordinance nistrateur, Provinsie van Transvaal versoek het No 44 van 1904, soos gewysig, dat die Stadsraad om die pad rimer volledig beskryf in meegaande van Springs n versoekskrif tot die Adminisbylae, tot openbare pad te proklameer trateur gerig het om die pad wat in die bylae STADSRAAD VAN SANDTON hiervan omskryf word en gedefinieer word deur Afskrifte van die petisie en kaarte wat dit Diagram SG No A2373/83 wat deur Landmeter vergesel, 16 ter insae by die Raad se kantore, S VOORGE LDE PROKLAMASIE de VAN Bod opgestel is van opmetings wat in Konrandklubgebou, Pearcestraat, Olifantsfon Maart 1983 gedoen is as n openbare pad te thin OPENBARE PAD verklaar Daar word hiermee bekend gemaak dat die Besware teen die proklamering van hierdie n Afskrif van die versoekskrif, kaarte en Stadsraad van Sandton ingevolge die belings Pad, indien enige, moet skriftelik in tweevoud bylae 16 ter insae by die kantoor van die van die Local Authorities Roads Ordinance by die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Privaat ondergetekende tydens gewone kantoorure 1904 (Ordonnansie 44 van 1904) n versoek tot sak X437, Pretoria, 0001 en die Stadsklerk, sy Edele die Administrateur gerig het Midrand om n Enige Stadsraad, Posbus 121 Olifantsfontein, 1665, nie later belanghebbende persoon wat n beopenbare pad oor Gedeeltes 7 en 31 Zandfon swaar teen die nie as 5 Augustus 1983 proklamering van die voorgesteltein 42 IR te proklameer ingedien word de paaie het, moet sodantge beswaar skrifte Iik in tweevoud by die Direkteur van Plaaslike n Afskrif van die versoekskrif en n kaart what Bestuur, Privaatsak X437, Pretoria, 0001 en die Die doel van die versoekskrif is om dit vir die die voorgestelde openbare pad undid, 16 ondergetekende indien, nie later as 13 Augustus Raad moontlik te maak om openbare fondse op gedurende kantoorure ter insae in Kamer 514, 1983 die instandhouding en konstruksie van paaie te Munisipale Kantore, Burgersentrum, hock van bestee sodra dit geproklameer is Rivoniaweg en Weststraat, Sandown, Sandton HAD PLESIS P L BOTHA Enige persoon wat belang by die aangeleent StadsekrSetaris held mag he en beswaar wit aanteken teen die Wnde Stadsklerk proklamering van die voorgestelde openbare Burgersentrum Posbus 121 pad moet sodanige beswaar skriftelik in onngs Olifantsfontein Sp 29 tweevoud indien by die Direkteur van Plaaslike Junie Junie 1983 Bestuur, Privaatsak X437, Pretoria 0001, en by Kennisgewing No 76/1983 Kennisgewing No 6/1983 die Stadsklerk, Posbus 78001, Sandton 2146, nie later nie as 10 Augustus 1983 BYLAE BYLAE P P DE JAGER (1) Die pad wat 16 meter breed is begin in die Waamemende Stadsklerk BESKRYWING VAN PAD waste op rife eindpunt van Suttielaan en loop Posbus Die verbreding van Vyfdestraat, Springs Dorp ooswaarts oor die suidelike hoeke om Gedeeltes Sandton 2146 tussen Vierde en Vyfde lean oor n gedeelte van 7 en &van die plaas Allendale 10 IR en eindig 29 Janie 1983 die restant van Erwe, 534, 536, 538, 540, 542 en wear dit Weststraat ontmoetkennisgewing No 117/1983 oor n gedeelte van Erwe 544, 546, 548, 550 en 552 ) TOWN COUNCIL OF SANDTON TOWN COUNCIL OF MIDRAND PROPOSED PROCLAMATION OF PUBLIC PROCLAMATION OF PUBLIC ROAD ROAD TOWN COUNCIL OF SPRINGS It is hereby made Notice known that the Town is hereby given in terms of section 5 of Council of Sandton petitioned the Honourable PROCLAMATION OF ROAD IN Ordinance No 44 of 1904, that the Town Council SPRINGS Administrator to proclaim a of Midrand hasp etitioned the Honourable the public road over TOWNSHIP Portions 7 and 31 Zandfontein 42 IR in terms of Administrator, Province of Transvaal, to pro the 1 nral Authorities Roads Ordinance 1904 Notice is hereby given in terms of section 5 of claim as public road the road more fully de (Ordinance 44 of 1904) the Local Authorities Roads Ordinance No 44 of scribed in the schedule appended hereto 1904, as amended, that the Town Council of A copy of the petition and a diagram indicat Springs has petitioned the Administrator to Copies of the petition and diagram attached ing the proposed public road lie for inspection proclaim as a public road the road as described thereto are open for inspection at the Councils during office hours in Room 514, Municipal in the schedule hereto and defined by Diagram Office, Conrand Club Building, Pearce Street, Office Building, Civic Centre, corner of West SG No A2373/83 framed by Land Surveyor S de Olifantsfontein Street and Rivonia Road, Sandown Bod from a survey performed during March Objections, if any, to the proclamation of this Any 1983 person who may have an interest in the road must be lodged in writing and in duplicate matter and wishes to lodge an objection to the A copy of the petition diagrams and schedule with the Director of Local Government, Private proclamation of such public road, must submit Bag X437, Pretoria, can be inspected during ordinary office hours at 0001 and the Town Clerk, such objection in writing and in duplicate to the the office of the undersigned Town Council of Midrand, PO Boi 121, Director of Local Government, Private Bag Olifantsfontein, not later than 5 August 1983 X437, Pretoria 0001, and the Town Clerk, PO Any interested person who wishes to lodge Box 78001, Sandton 2146, by not later than 10 The object of the petition is to any objection to the proclamation of the prop enable the August 1983 Council to osed road, must lodge his objection in writing in spend public funds on the mainteduplicate with the Director of Local Govern nance and construction of the roads once they P P DE JAGER ment, Private Bag X437, Pretoria, have been 0001 and the proclaimed Acting Town Clerk undersigned not later than 13 August 1983 PO Box P L BOTHA Sandton H A DU Acting Town Clerk 2146 PLESSIS Box 121 PO Secretary 29 June 1983 Civic Centre Olifantsfontein Notice No 117/ June Springs June Notice No 6/ Notice No 76/

60 2078 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 6 JULY 1983 SCHEDULE 378 JR soos aangedui op LG Diagram No DORPSRAAD VAN AMERSFOORT A1451/80 om aan te sluit by Theronweg dorp DESCRIPTION OF ROAD Pierre van Ryneveld Uitbreiding 4 om so VASSTELLING VAN GELDS doende n nuwe tocganespad na die dorp Pierre The widening of Fifth Street Springs van Ryneveld en Uitbreichngs te worm Ingevolge artikel 80B(8) van die Ordonnansie Township between Fourth and Fifth Avenue, op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939 (Ordonnansie 17 van over a portion of the remainder of Erven 534, 1939), word hierby bekend gemaak dat die 536, 538, 540, 542 and over a portion of Erven Dorpsraad van Amersfoort by spesiale besluit 544, 546, 548, 550 and 552 die tariewe soos in die onderstaande Bylae TOWN COUNCIL OF VERWOERDBURG uiteengesit met ingang 1 Mei 1983 vasgestel het en die gelde wat in die Offisiele Koerant van PROCLAMATION OF PUBLIC ROAD 11 November 1981 gepubliseer is ingetrek het 4 Notice is hereby given in terms of section 5 of "BYLAE STADSRAAD VAN VERWOERDBURG Ordinance No 44 of 1904, that the Town Council of Verwoerdburg has petitioned the Honour VAKUUM EN SEPTIESE TEN K VER PROKLAMERING TOT OPENBARE PAD able the Administrator, Province Transvaal, to WYDERINGSDIENSTE proclaim as public road the road more fully de Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge artikel 5 scribed in the schedule appended hereto Tarief van gelde van Ordonnansie 44 van 1904 dat die Stadsraad van Verwoerdburg sy Edele die Administra Copies of the petition and diagram attached 1 n Vaste heffing van RI word gehef per teur, Provinsie van Transvaal, versoek het om thereto are open for inspection at the Office of maand per gebou wat aangesluit is by en gebruik die pad, meer volledig beskryf in bygaande the Town Secretary, Die Hoewes, corner of maak van een vakuum of septiese tenkstelsel bylae, tot openbare pad te proklameer Basden Avenue and Rabie Street, Verwoerd waar n verwyderingsdiens gelewer word burg Afskrifte van die petisie en kaarte wat dit 2 Verwyderings van inhoud van tenk een vergesel, le ter insae by die kantoor van die Objections, if any, to the proclamation of the keer per week, per tenk, per maand of gedeelte Stadsekretaris, Die Hoewes, h/v Basdenlaan en road must be lodged in writing and in duplicate daarvan: RIO" Rabiestraat, Verwoerdburg with the Director of Local Government, Private Bag X437;Pretoria, and the Town Clerk, Town J F C FICK Besware teen die proklamering van hierdie Council of Verwoerdburg, PO Box 14013, Ver Stadsklerk pad, indien enige, meet skriftelik in tweevoud woerdburg, not later than 12 August 1983 Munisipale Kantore by die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Privaat Amersfoort 4 sak X437, Pretoria en Die Stadsklerk, Stads The object of the petition is to enable the 2490 road van Verwoerdburg, Posbus 14013, Ver Council to construct and maintain the proposed 6 Julie 1983 woerdburg, nie later nie as 12 Augustus road 1983 Kennisgewing No 5/1983 ingedien word P 1 GEERS Die duel van die versoekskrif is om dit vir die Town Clerk Read moontlik te maak om die voorgestelde PO Box VILLAGE COUNCIL OF AMERSFOORT pad doer te stel en in stand te hou Verwoerdburg DETERMINATION OF CHARGES 0140 June P J GEERS Notice No 39/83 In terms of the provisions of section 808(8) of Stadsklerk the Local Government Ordinance 1939 (Ordi Posbus nonce 17 Venvoerdburg SCHEDULE of 1939) it is hereby notified that the Village Council of Amersfoort has by special Just 1983 I A road reserve ± 20 metres wide along the come undermentioned determined resolution the charges as set out in Schedule and shall Kennisgewing No 39/83 the western boundary of Portion 10 of the farm into operation as from 1 May 1983 and has Droogegrond 380 JR as A1459/80; shown on SG Diagram No withdrawn the charges published in the Official BYLAE Gazette of 11 November a road reserve of varying width across the 1 Padreserwe ongeveer 20 meter wyd lanes Remainder of Portion 1 of the farm Drooge "SCHEDULE die westelike grens van Gedeelte 10 van die grond 380 JR as shown on SG Diagram No plaas Droogegrond 380 JR soos aangedui op LO A1458/80; VACUUM AND SEPTIC TANK SERVICES Diagram No A1459/80; 3 a road reserve of ± 20 metres wide Tariff of Charges 2 n padreserwe van wisselende wydte oor across Portion 11 of the farm Droogegrond 380 die Restant van Gedeelte 1 van die plaas JR as shown on SG Diagram No A907/83; I A fixed charge of RI per month shall be Droogegrond 380 JR soos aangedui op LG Dia 4 4 levied per building using and connected to one a gram No A1458/80; road reserve of ± 13 metres wide along vacuum or septic tank system where a removal the eastern boundary of Portion 41 of the farm service is rendered 3 n padreserwe van ongeveer 20 meter wyd Waterkloof 378 JR as shown on SG Diagram No oor Gedeelte 11 van die plans Droogegrond 380 A which road reserve will form a widen 2 For the removal of the contents per tank JR soos aangedui op LG DiagraM No A907/83; ing of a servitude obtained across the Re once per week per tank per month or part mainder of Portion 58 of the farm Droogegrond thereof: RIO" 4 n padreserwe van ongeveer 13 meter wyd 380 JR and the road reserve across the Re longs die oostelike grens van Gedeelte 41 van mainder of Portion 43 of the farm Waterkloof J F C FICK die plaas Waterkloof 378 JR soos aangedui op 378 JR and the Remainder of Portion 67 of the Town Clerk LG Diagram No A1452/80 welke padreserwe n farm Waterkloof 378 JR to form a road reserve Municipal Offices verbreding is van n serwituut verkry oor die with a width of 20 metres; Amersfoort Restant van Gedeelte 58 van die plans Drooge 2490 grond 380 JR en die padreserwes oor die Res 5 a road reserve of ± 16 metres wide along 6 July 1983 tant van Gedeelte 43 van die plans Waterkloof the western boundary of the Remainder of For Notice No 5/ JR en die Restant van Gedeelte 67 van die tion 43 of the farm Waterkloof 378 JR as shown plaas Waterkloof 378 JR om sodoende n totale on SG Diagram No A1453/80; breedte padreserwe van ongeveer 20 meter te 6 a road reserve of ± 16 metres wide along vorm; the western boundary of the Remainder of Por 5 n padreserwe van ongeveer 16 meter wyd tion 67 of the farm Waterkloof 378 JR as shown DORPSRAAD VAN AMERSFOORT lungs die westelike grens van die Restant van on SG Diagram No A1456/80; and Gedeelte 43 van die plaas Waterkloof 378 JR 7 a road reserve of varying width along the VASSTELLING VAN GELDS soos aangedui op LG Diagram No AN c1/80; eastern boundary and corner of the Remainder 6 n padreserwe van ongeveer 16 meter wyd of Portion 28 of the farm Waterkloof 378 JR as Ingevolge artikel 80B(8) van die Ordonnansie longs die westelike grens van die Restant van shown on SG Diagram No A1451/80 to link up op Plaaslike Bestuur 1939 word hierby bekend Pierre van gemaakdat Dorpsraad sraad van Amersfoort by Gedeelte 67 van die plaas Waterkloof 378 JR with Theron Road in the township gelde die soos aangedui op LG Diagram No A1456/80; en Ryneveld Extension 4 to form a new access spesiale besluit die soos in die onderroad to the township of Pierre van Ryneveld staande Bylae uiteengesit met ingang I Mei 1983 I 7 n padreserwe van wisselende wydte gelee and Extensions vasgestel het en die gelde wat in die Offisiele longs die oostelike grens en hoek van die Res Koerant van II November 1981 gepubliseer is tant van Gedeelte 28 van die plans Waterkloof ingetrek het

61 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 6 JULIE IllREINIGINGSDIENSTE 11/, it fee "BYLAE (1) Deposit on bins: Cost price plus overhead "SCHEDULE charges as determined by the Council from time to time" WATER Tarief van Gelde 1 F C FICK Tariff of Charges Town Clerk 1 Gereelde Verwyderings Municipal Offices 1 Basic Charge Amersfoort A basic charge of R2 per month shall be levied Verwyderings twee keer per week, per stan 2490 per erf stand lot or other area with or without daard vullisbak, per maand of gedeelte daarvan: 6 July 1983 R4 Notice No 5/1983 improvements, which is, or in the opinion of the Council can be connected to the Councils main whether water is consumed or not 2 Spesiale Verwyderings (a) Vir die verwydering van tuin of bedryfs 2 Supply water to consumer per month afval (nie motorvoertuigwrakke), per m of (a) For the first 5 k/ or part thereof: R3 gedeelte daarvan: R3 (b) Thereafter per Id or part thereof: 30s (b) Vir die verwydering van motorvoertuig DORPSRAAD VAN AMERSFOORT wrakke of gedeeltes daarvan per vrag: R25 (c) Minimum charge whether water is con (c) Vir die verwydering van bouafval, per VASSTELLING VAN TARIEWE sumed or not: R5 m3: R4 Ingevolge artikel 80B(8) van die Ordonnansie 3 Municipal Services (d) Spesiale verwydering van vullis met bak op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939 (Ordonnansie 17 van Water shall be supplied at cost kie: Minder as 10 blikke, per blik: RI met 1939), word hierby bekend gemaak dat die minimum fooi van R5 Dorpsraad van Amersfoort by spesiale besluit 4 Accounts die tariewe soos in die onderstaande bylae (e) Spesiale venvyderinc van vullis met aswa: uiteengesit met ingang I Mei 1983 vasgestel het Should any consumer fail to pay his account Meer as 10 blikke, per bilk: RI met minimum en die gelde wat in die Offisiele Koerant van 11 on or before the 15th day of the month following fooi van R25 November 1981 gepubliseer is, ingetrek het the tepounppillsamtayincpwthpipiiti:ehesuspuvlyvvwheans supply When theadspe y (f) Deposito op blikke: Kosprys plus is cut off for this reason a of RIO shall be oorhoofse kostes soos van tyd tot tyd deur die "BYLAE payable for a reconnection** Raad bepaal" WATER J F C FICK Town Clerk 1 F C FICK Tarief van Gelde Municipal Offices Stadsklerk Amersfoort I Basiese Heffing 2490 Munisipale Kantore n Basiese heffing van R2 per maand word 6 July 1983 Amersfoort 2490 gehef per erf, perseel of ander terrein met of Notice No 5/ Julie sonder verbetenngs wat by die Raad se hoof Kennisgewing No 5/1983 waterleiding aangesluit is of na die mening van die Raad daarby ingesluit kan word, of water gebruik word al dan nie STADSRAAD VAN BELFAST 2 Lewering van water aan verbruikers per PERMANENTE SLUITING VAN N DEEL maand VAN COETZEESTRAAT, BELFAST (a) VILLAGE COUNCIL OF AMERSFOORT Vir die eerste 5 k/of gedeelte daarvan: R3 Kennis geskied hiermee, ingevolge die bepa (b) Daama per k/ of gedeelte daarvan: 30c lings van artikel 67 van die Ordonnansie op DETERMINATION OF CHARGES Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, soos gewysig, dat die (c) Minimum vordering of water verbruik Stadsraad van Belfast van voorneme is om n In terms of the provisions of section 80B(8) of word al dan nie: R5 deel van Coetzeestraat, Belfast permanent te the Local Government Ordinance 1939 it is sluit hereby notified that the Village Council of 3 Munisipale Dienste Amersfoort has by special resolution deter Enige persoon wat enige beswaar teen boge Water word teen koste gelewer mined the charges as set out in the undermen noemde voorneme het of wat enige eis vii tioned Schedule with effect from 1 May 1983 and 4 Rekenings skadevergoeding mag he en die voorneme has withdrawn the charges published in the uitgevoer word, verindisoek om sy of hear Official Gazette of 11 November 1981 Ingeval n veword in gebreke rbruiker bly om sy beswaar of eis, na gelang die geval, skriftelik by rekening voor of op die 15de dag van die maand die Stadsraad in te dien voor of op Dinsdag 6 wat volg op die waarin die lewering geskied het September 1983 "SCHEDULE te betaal kan die Raad die toevoer afsluit n Sketsplan wat die betrokke deel van Coot Wanneer die toevoer om hierdie rede afgesluit REFUSE REMOVAL SERVICE is, is n vordering van RIO vii heraansluiting zeestraat aandui kan gedurende kantoorure by betaalbaar" die kantoor van die Stadsklerk besigtig word Tariffs of Charges P H T STRYDOM Removal of Refuse J F C FICK Stadsklerk Stadsklerk Posbus 17 1 Regular Removals Munisipale Kantore Belfast Amersfoort Removal twice per week, per standard refuse ulie J 1983 bin, per month or part thereof: R4 6 Julie 1983 Kennisgewing No 14/ Special Removals Kennisgewing No 5/1983 (a) For the removal of garden or business TOWN COUNCIL OF BELFAST refuse (excluding motorcar wrecks) per m or part thereof: R3 VILLAGE COUNCIL OF AMERSFOORT PERMANENT CLOSING OF A PORTION (b) For the removal of motorcar wrecks or OF COETZEE STREET, BELFAST DETERMINATION OF CHARGES parts thereof per load: R25 Notice is hereby given in terms of the provi In terms of the provisions of section 806(8) of (c) For the removal of debris per in: R4 sions of section 67 of the Local the Local Government Ordinance, Government 1939 (Ordi Ordinance, 1939, as amended, that it is the (d) Special removal of refuse with light truck: nanee 17 of 1939), it is hereby notified that the intention of the Town Council of Belfast to close Less than 10 bins, per bin: RI with a minimum Village Council of Amersfoort has by special a portion of Coetzee Street, Belfast perof R5 resolution determined the charges as set out in the manently undermentioned Schedule and shall come (e) Special removals of refuse with rubbish into operation as from I May 1983 and has Any person who has any objection to the van: More than 10 bins per bin: RI with a withdrawn the charges published in the Official above intention or who may have any claim for minimum fee of R25 Gazette of II November 1981 compensation should the intention be carried

62 2080 PROVINCIAL GAZETFE 6 JULY 1983, out, is requested to submit his or her objection (g) Deposit (refundable only if the hall is left writing to the undersigned within a period of or claim, as the case may be, with the Town in a tidy and neat condition) : R30,00 four weeks from the abovementioned date Council in writing on or before Tuesday 6th September 1983 N BOTHA G E SWART Town Qerk Town Clerk A sketchplan, showing the relevant portion of Administrative Building 6 July 1983 Coetzee Street may be inspected during normal Municipal Offices Notice No 80/1983 office hours at the office of the Town Clerk Benom 6 July P I I T STRYDOM Notice No 122/1983 Town Clerk PO Box 17 Belfast STADSRAAD VAN BRITS i July 1983 VASSTELLING VAN GELDE Notice No 14/1983 STADSRAAD VAN BRAKPAN Hierby word ingevolge artikel 80B(3) van die VOORGESTELDE WYS1GING VAN DIE Ordonnansie op Plaashke Bestuur, No 17 van BRAKPANSE DORPSBEPLANNINGSKE 1939, kennis gegee dat die Raad by spesiale MA 1980 (WYSIGINGSKEMA 37) besluit op 20 Junte 1983 gelde vasgestel het ten opsigte van Reinigingsdienste Die Stadsraad van Brakpan het n ontwerp Die algemene strekking van die vasstelling is STADSRAAD VAN BENONI dorpsbeplanningskema opgestel wat as Wysi die wysiging van die bestaande vasstelling en die gingskema 37 bekend sal staan verhoging van die tariewe VASSTELLING VAN GELDE VIR DIE VERHUUR VAN DIE PUTFONTEIN SAAL Hierdie skema sal a wysigingskema wees van Die vasstelling tree in werking op 1 Julie 1983 Brakpan Dorpsbeplanningskema 1980 en bevat Ingevolge artikel 808(8) van die Ordonnansie die volgende voorstel: Afskrifte van die besluit en besonderhede van op PIaaslike Bestuur, 1939 (Ordonnansie 17 van die vasstelling van die gelde 1E ter insae by die 1939), soos gewysig, word hierby bekend Dat beheer verkry word oor die vestiging van kantoor van die Stadsklerk, Van Veldenstraat, drankafsetpunte deur die toevoeging van die gemaak dat die Stadsraad van Benoni by spe Brits gedurende gewone kantoorure vir n tydstale besluit, die gelde vir die verhuur van die woorde "(drankafsetpunte uitgesluit)" na die perk van 14 dae van publikasie hiervan in die k d " K ls" in 3) l (, "U Putfontein Saal soos volg vasgestel het en dat dit woodoffisiele Koerant waney 14 b Gebruiksone ( uoom 5 TabelBesigheid 1), in werking tree vanaf die eerste dag van die Klousule Gebruiksone 6 (Besigheid 2) en Gebruiksone 7 maand wat Enige persoon wat beswaar teen die volg op die datum waarop hierdie (B ahed 3) kennisgewing in die Offisiele Koerant van die es) I genoemde vasstelling van gelde wens aan te Provinste Transvaal verskyn: teken moet dit skriftelik binne 14 dae na datum Alle eiendomme wat as Besigheid 1, 2 en 3 van hierdie kennisgewing in die Offisidle volgens die Brakpan Dorpsbeplanningskema Koerant, by die ondergetekende doen (a) 08h00 tot 12h00 : R 6,00 soneer is, word deur die voorstelle geraak (b) 12h00 tot 17h00 : R 600 Besonderhede van hierdie skema le ter insae A I BRINK te Kamer 12, Stadhuis, Kingswaylaan Brakpan Stadsklerk (c) 17h00 tot 24h00 : R15,00 vir n tydperk van via weke van die datum van Stadhuis _ die eerste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing (d) Heeldag tot 24h00 : R20,00 af naamlik 65 Julie 1983 Vans Brits Veldenstraat 0250 (e) Sportklubs vanaf 17h00 tot 24h00 : R 5,00 Enloe beswaar of vertoe in verband met 6 Julie 1983 (f) Munisipale gebruik : Gratis hierdie skema moet skriftelik aan die Kennisgewing No 29/1983 ondergetekende binne n tydperk van vier weke (g) Deposito (terugbetaalbaar slegs indien die van bogenoemde datum at voorgele word seal skoon en netjies agtergelaat word) : R30,00 G E SWART Stadsklerk N BOTHA 6 Julie TOWN COUNCIL OF BRITS 1983 Stadsklerk Kennisgewing No 80/1983 DETERMINATION OF CHARGES Administratiewe Gebou Notice is hereby given in terms of section Munisipale Kantore 80B(3) of the Local Government Ordinance, No Benoni 17 of 1939, that the Council has by special 6 Julie 1983 TOWNCOUNCIL OF BRAKPAN resolution dated 20 June 1983, determined Kennisgewing No 122/1983 PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE charges in respect of Sanitary Services BRAKPAN TOWNPLANNING SCHEME The general purport of the determination is to 1980 (AMENDMENT SCHEME 37) amend the existing charges and the increase of tariffs TOWN COUNCIL OF BENONI The Town Council of Brakpan has prepared a T draft Townplanning Scheme to be known as Julyhe 1983 determinations will come into effect on I DETERMINATION OF CHARGES FOR Amendment Scheme 37 THE LETTING OF PUTFONTEIN HALL Copies of the resolution and particulars of the This scheme will be an amendment scheme to determination of the charges will be open for the Brakpan Town planning Scheme, 1980, and In terms of section 80B(8) of the Local inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Man contains the following proposal: Government Ordinance, 1939 (Ordinance 17 of Velden Street, Brits, during normal office hours 1939), as amended, it is hereby notified that the That control be obtained over the establish fora period of 14 days from the date of Town Council of Benoni has, by special resolu ment to liquor outlets by the addition of the publication hereof in the Officiel Gazette tion, determined the charges for the letting of words "(excluding liquor outlets)", after the Any person who wishes to object to the the Putfontein Hall as follows and that it shall word "shops" in colum (3) Table "E" Clause proposed determinations must lodge his objec have effect from the first day of the month 14 in the Use Zone 5 (Business I) Use Zone 6 don in writing with the undersigned within 14 following the date on which this notice appears (Business 2) and Use Zone 7 (Business 3) days of publication hereof in the Official in the Official Gazette of the Province of Gazette Transvaal: All properties zoned as Business 1 2 and 3 in terms of the Brakpan Townplanning Scheme A 1 BRINK (a) 08h00 to 12h00 : R 6,00 are affected by the proposals Town Clerk (b) 12h00 to 17h00 : R 600 Particulars of this scheme are open for inspec Town Hall don at Room 12 Town Hall Building, Kingsway Van Velden Street (c) 17h00 to 24h00 : R15,00 Avenue, Brakpan, for a period of four weeks Brits (d) Whole day to 24h00 : R20,00 from the date of the first publication of this 0250 notice which is 6 July July (e) Sportclubs from 17h00 to 24h00 : R 5,00 Notice No 29/1983 Any objection or representations in connec (I) Municipal uses : Free tion with this scheme shall be submitted in

63 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 6 JULIE STADSRAAD VAN BRONKHORSTSPRUIT sons gewri4 dat die Stadsraad van Carletonvil Die voorgeskrewe vorm vir die indiening van le die wysigmg van sekere busroetes en haltes n beswaar is by die adres hieronder aangedui DWYSIGING VAN BOU, WATERVOOR binne die munisipale gebied goedgekeur het beskikbaar en aandag word spesifiek gevestig op SIENING, RIOLERINGSVERORDENINGE die felt dat geen persoon geregtig is om enige EN SANITERE TARIEF Afskrifte van die voorgestelde rysiging van beswaar voor die waarderingsraad te opper die busroetes en haltes 16 ter insae in die tensy by n beswaar op die voorgeskrewe vorm Kennisgewing geskied hiennee ingevolge die Kantoor van die Stadsekretaris, Munisipale betyds ingedien het Me bepalings van artikel 96 van die Ordonnansie op Kantore, Halitestraat, Carletonville, gedurende Plaaslike Bestuur, No 17 van 1939, soos gewy kantoorure vir n tydperk van eeaen twintig J A DU PLESSIS sig, dat die Stadsraad van Bronkhorstspruit van (21) dae vanaf die datum van publikasie van Stadsklerk voomeme is om die bestaande Bou verorde hierdie kennisgewing in die Provinsiale Koerant ninge, afgekondig by Administrateursken Adres van kantoor van Plaaslike Bestuur: Enige persona wat beswaar teen die voorgenisgewing 1993 van 7 November 1974, soos stelde in wit aanteken, mom sodanige Stadswaardeerder gewysig, die bestaande Watervoorsieningsveror beswaar sknftelilc by die ondergetekende indien Sewende Vloer derange afgekondig by Administrateursken binne eenentwintig (21) dae vanaf die datum nisgewing No Samiegebou 1082 van 3 Augustus 1977, soos van publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing in die h/v Queen en gewysig, die bestaande Rioleringsverordeninge Provinsiale Koerant Spilsburystraat afgekondig by Administrateurskennisgewing No Germiston 665 van 8 Junie 1977, soos gewysig en die C I DE BEER bestaande Sanitere tarief afgekondig by Admi Stadsklerk Stadskantore nistrateurskennisgcwing No 411 van 7 Junie Munisipale Kantore Germiston 1961, soos gewysig, verder te wysig deur die Posbus 3 6 Julie 1983 bestaande Tarief van gelde te verhoog Carletonville Kennisgewing No 84/1983 Die voorgestelde wysigings le ter insae by die 6 Julie 1983 kantoor van die Stadsklerk vir n tydperk van Ke isgewing No 36/1983 veertien (14) dae vanaf die datum van publikasie LOCAL AUTHORITY OF GERMISTON hiervan Enige persoon wat beswaar teen die voorgeskrewe wysiging wens aan te teken moet NOTICE CALLING FOR OBJECTIONS TO dit skriftelik binne veertien (14) dae na die Town COUNCIL OF CARLETONVILLE PROVISIONAL VALUATION ROLL datum van publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing D in die Provinsiale Koerant, by die AMENDMENT OF BUS ROUTES AND BUS Notice is hereby given in terms of section ondergetekende doen STOPS 12(1)(a) of the Loca Authorities Rating Ordi nance, 1977 (Ordinance 11 of 1977) that the B J DU TOIT ears Stadsklerk Notice is hereby given in terms of the provi provisional 983/1984 is valuation open for roll inspection for the financial at the officye of Munisipale Kantore sions of section 65bis of the Local Government Posbus 40 Ordinance 1939 (Ordinance 17 of 1939), as the Local Authority of Germiston from 6 July Bronkhorstspruit amended, that the Town Council of Carletonvil 1983 to 12 August 1983 and any owner of 6 Julie 1983 le has approved the amendment of certain bus property or other person who so desires to lodge routes and stops within the municipal area an objection with the Town Clerk in respect of any matter recorded in the provisional valuation Copies of the proposed bus routes and stops roll as contemplated in section 10 of the said lie open for inspection in the Office of the Town Ordinance including the question whether or not TOWN COUNCIL OF BRONKHORST Secretary, Municipal Offices, Halite Street, such property or portion thereof is subject to the SPRUIT Carletonville, during office hours fora period of payment of rates or is exempt therefrom or in twenty one (21) days from the date of publica respect of any omission of any matter from such AMENDMENT OF BUILDING, WATER DRAINAGE SUPPLY, BY LAWS AND tion of this notice in the Provincial Gazette roll shall do so within the said period SANITARY TARIFF Any person who is desirous of recording his The form prescribed for the lodging of an objection to the proposed amendment must objection is obtainable at the address indicated Notice is hereby given, in terms of section 96 lodge such objection in writing with the under below and attention is specifically directed to the of the Local Government Ordinance, No 17 of signed within twenty one (21) days from the date fact that no person is entitled to urge any 1939, as amended, that it is the intention of the of publication of this notice in the Provincial objection before the valuation board unless he Town Council of Bronkhorstspruit to amend the Gazette has timeously lodged an objection in the pre Building Bylaws published under Administra scribed form tors Notice No 1993 dated 7 November 1974, as C J DE BEER amended, the Water Supply Bylaws published Town perk I A DU PLESSIS under Administrators Notice No 1082 dated 3 Municipal Offices Town Clerk August 1977, as amended, the Drainage By laws PO Box 3 published under Administrators Notice No 665 Carletonville Address of office of Local Authority: D Tariff dated published 8 June 1977, under as amended Administrators and the Sanitary 2500 Notice City Valuer 6 July th No Floor 411 dated 7 June 1961, by increasing the Notice No 36/1983 Samie Buildine present tariffs of charges Cor Queen and Spilsbury Streets The proposed amendments will lie for inspec Germiston I tion at the office of the Town Clerk for a period Municipal Offices of fourteen (14) days fromthe date of publication hereof Any person who desires to record PLAASLIKE BESTUUR VAN GERMISTON Germiston 6 July 1983 his objection to the said amendments shall do so KENNISGEWING WAT BESWARE TEEN Notice No 84/1983 in writing to the Town Clerk within fourteen DIE VOORLOPIGE WAARDERINGSLYS days after the date of publication of this notice in AANVRA the Provincial Gazette STAD JOHANNESBURG B I DU TOIT Kennis word hierby ingevolge artikel I2(l)(a) van die Ordonnansie op Eiendomsbelasting van VOORGESTELDE SLUITING EN VER Town Clerk Plaaslike Besture, 1977 Municipal Offices (Ordonnansie 11 van K 0 0 P VAN DIE N 0 0 R D E L 1 K E PO Box ), gegee dat die voorlopige waarderingslys GEDEELTE VAN ENDSTRAAT, LAKE vir die boekjaar 1983/1984 oop is vir Bronkhorstspruit inspeksie by VIEW ESTATE die f020 kantoor van die plaaslike bestuur van Germiston vanaf 6 Julie 1983 tot 12 6 July 1983 Augustus (Kennisgewing ingevolge artikels 67(3) en 1983 en enige eienaar van belasbare eiendom of 79(18)(h) van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike 736_6 ander persoon wat begerig is om n beswaar by Bestuur, 1939) die Stadsklerk ten opsigte van enige aangeleentheid in die voorlopige waarderingslys Die Raad is voornemens om die noordelikste STADSRAAD VAN CARLETONVILLE opgeteken, soos in artikel 10 van die genoemde gedeelte van Endstraat wat aan die noordweste Ordonnansie beoog, in te dien, inslwtende die kant aan Erwe 97 en 98, Lakeview Estate, en WYSIGING VAN BUSROETES EN vraag of sodanige eiendom of n Erne daar aan die suidoostekant aan Ee 94 RG, 95 RG, HALTES van onderworpe is aan die betaling van eien en 96 RG, Lakeview Estate grens, permanent te domsbelasting of daarvan vrygestel is, of ten sluit en die standplaas wat deur die sluiting IP Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge bepalings opsigte van enige weglating van enige gevorm word, aan die eienaar van Standplase 97 van artikel 65bis van die Ordonnansie op Pleas aangeleentheid uit sodanige lys, doen so binne en 98 vir parkeerdoeleindes alleenlik te verlike Bestuur, 1939 (Ordonnansie 17 van 1939), gemelde tydperk koop

64 2082 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 6 JULY 1983 n Plan waarop die straatgedeelte wat dit die TOWN COUNCIL OF KEMPTON PARK TOWN COUNCIL OF KLERKSDORP voorneme is om te sluit en te verkoop aangetoon word, kan gedurende kantoorure in Kamer 237, PERMANENT CLOSING OF ARMADA AMENDMENT TO BYLAWS Blok A, Burgersentrum, Braamfontein, besigtig AVENUE, DAGLELIE AVENUE, ORIBI word AVENUE, GAZELLE AVENUE AND Notice is hereby given in terms of the provi WATERBERRY STREET IN VAN sions of section 96 of the Local Government Iemand wat teen die voorgestelde sluiting en RIEBEECKPARK TOWNSHIP Ordinance, 1939, as amended, that it is verkoop beswaar wil aanteken of wat n the eis om intention of the Town Council to amend skadevergoeding sal he as die sluitinp bewerk Notice is hereby given in terms of the provistellig word, moet sy beswaar of eis inters op of sions of section 67 of the Local Government (a) its Electricity Bylaws in order to provide voor 6 September 1983 by my indien Ordinance, No 17 of 1939, as amended, that it is for an increase of the basic charge as well as the S D MARSHALL the intention of the Town Council of Kempton electricity tariffs; Park to Stadsekretaris permanently close the entrances of Armada Avenue, Daglelie Avenue, Orib8 Ave (b) its Water Supply Bylaws in order to Burgersentrum nue, Gazelle Avenue and Waterberry Street to pprovide for an increase of the basic charge; Braamfontein 6 Julie 1983 Dewiekus Road, Van Riebeeckpark Township (c) its Drainage and PlumbinB ylaws in A plan indicating the proposed closing of the order to provide for an increase in the charges streets will be open for inspection during normal payable for sewerage services; office hours at Room 164, Town Hall, Margaret CITY OF JOHANNESBURG (d) its Tariff for Sanitary and Refuse Removal Avenue, Kempton Park Services in order to provide for an increase in PROPOSED CLOSING AND SALE OF Any person wishing to object to the proposal the charges payable for the removal of nightsoil NORTHERN PART OF END STREET, closing of the relevant streets must lodge such an and refuse; and LAKEVIEW ESTATE objection or claim in writing with the under (e) its Sewerage Systems and Vacuum Tank signed not later than 6 September, 1983 Removals Bylaws in order to provide for an (Notice in terms of section 67(3) and 79(18)(h) increase in the charges payable for the removal of the Local Government Ordinance, 1939) Q W VAN DER WALT of the contents of conservancy tanks Town Clerk The Council intends to close permanently the Town Hall A copy of the proposed amendments will lie northern extremity of End Street abutting Erven for inspection at Room 210, Municipal Offices, 97 and 98 Lakeview Estate to the northwest and Margaret Avenue Erven 94 RE, 95 RE and 96 RE Lakeview PO Box 13 during normal office hours for a period of Kempton Park fourteen days from the date of publication of Estate to the southeast and to sell the stand 6 July 1983 this notice formed by the closed street to the owner of Notice No 44/1983 Stands 97 and 98 for parking purposes only Any person who has any objection to the 740_6 proposed amendments must lodge his objection A plan showing the portion of the street it is in writing with the undersigned within a period proposed to close and sell may be inspected of fourteen days from the date of publication of dunng office hours at Room 237, Block A, Civic this notice in the Provincial Gazette Centre, Braamfontein J C LOUW Any person who objects to the proposed STADSRAAD VAN ICLERKSDORP Town Clerk closing and sale orwho will have any claim for Municipal Offices compensation if the closing is effected must WYSIGING VAN VERORDENINGE Klerksdorp lodge his objection or claim with me on or 6 July 1983 before 6 September 1983 Hiermee word kennis gegee ingevolge die Notice No 61/1983 bepalings van artikel 96 van die Ordonnansie op S D MARSHALL Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, soos gewysig, dat die Secretary Civic City Stadsraad voornemens is om Centre Braamfontein (a) sy Elektrisiteitsverordeninge te wysig ten MUNISIPALITEIT KRUGERSDORP 6 July 1983 einde voorsiening te maak vir die verhoging van die basiese heffing en die elektrisiteitstanewe; VOORGESTELDE PERMANENTE TING VAN N GEDEELTE VAN (b) sy Watervoorsieningsverordeninge te MONUMENTSTRAAT, KRUGERSDORP wysig ten einde voorsiening te maak vir die verhoging van die basiese heffmg; Kragtens die bepalings van STADSRAAD VAN KEMPTONPARK artikel 68 gelees met artikel 67 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike (c) sy Rioleringsen Loodgietersverordeninge Bestuur, 1939, PERMANENTE SLUITING VAN word hiermee bekend gemaak te wysig ten einde voorsiening te maak vir n dat die Stadsraad van Krugersdorp voornemens A RMA D A LAA N, D A GLELIEL A AN, verhoging van rioolgelde; ORIBILAAN, is GAZELLELAAN EN om n gedeelte van Monumentstraat (tussen WATERBERRYSTRAAT IN DIE DORP (d) sy Tarief vir Sanitere en Vullisver Kommissarisstraat en Ockersestraat) VAN Krugersdorp permanent te stun RIEBEECKPARK wyderingsdienste te wysig ten einde voorsiening te maak vir n verhogin van die tariewe vir die Enigiemand wat beswaar wil maak teen die Kennis geskied hierby ingevolge die bepalings verwydering van nagvwl en vullis; en voorsestelde sluiting of enige eis vir skadever van artikel 67 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, No 17 van 1939, soos gewysig, dat die (e) sy Verordeninge op Rioleringstelsels en goading wil instal moat die beswaar of eis soos die eval mag wees voor of op 5 September Stadsraad van Kemptonpark van voorneme is Vakuumtenkverwyderings te wysig ten einde 1983g skriftelik by die ondergetekende indien om die toeg,ang van Armadalaan, Daglelielaan, voorsiening te maak vir n verhoging van die Oribilaan, Gazellelaan en Waterberrystraat tot tariewe vir vergaartenkverwyderings 1 L LE R DU PLESSIS Dewiekusweg, dorp Van Riebeeckpark perma Stadsekretaris nent te sluit Afskrifte van die voormelde wysigings sal Stadhuis gedurende gewone kantoorure by Kamer 210, Posbus 94 n Plan waarop die beoogde straatsluitings Stadskantoor vir n tydperk van veertien the Krugersdorp aangetoon word, sal gedurende normale vanaf die publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing, 6 Julie 1983 kantoorure in Kamer 164, Stadhuis, Mar ter insae R Kennisgewing No 65/1983 garetlaan, Kemptonpark ter insae le Enige persoon wat beswaar teen die voorpe Iedereen wat beswaar wens aan te teken teen stelde wystgings wil aanteken moet sodanige die voorgestelde sluiting van die betrokke strate beswaar skriftelik binne veertien doe na die moet sodanige beswaar of enige eis skriftelik by datum van publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing KRUGERSDORP MUNICIPALITY die ondergetekende indien nie later nie as 6 in die Provinsiale Koe rant by die September 1983 ondergetekende indict PROPOSED PERMANENT CLOSING OF A PORTION OF MONUMENT STREET Q W VAN DER WALT KRUGERSDORP 1 Stadsklerk C LOUW Stadsklerk Stadhuis Notice is hereby given in terms of section 68 Margaretlaan read with section 67 of the Local Government Posbus 13 Stadskantoor Ordinance 1939, that the Town Council of Kemptonpark Klerksdorp Krugersdorp intends to permanently close a 6 Julie Julie 1983 portion of Monument Street (between Commis Kennisgewing No 44/1983 Kennisgewing No 61/1983 stoner and Ockerse Streets) Krugersdorp III

65 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 6 JULIE II Any person wishing to lodge an objection persone moet die broodwinner minstens 60 jaar (d) The rates payable on an erf consolidated against the proposed closing or to submit any oud wees of hy/sy moet n liggaamlik gestremde from two or more differently zoned erven, shall claim if such closing carried out, must lodge be calculated on the highest rateable zoning wees objection or claim, hisas the case may be, with value the undersigned in writing on or before 5 (ii) Die totalc maandelikse inkomste van die September 1983 aansoeker en sy/haar eggenote/eggenoot mag (e) Subject to the approval of the Adminis nie die bedrae soos in (e)(1) genoem oorskry trator a further rebate will be granted where the 1 L LE R DU PLESSIS nie registered owner is a pensioner or a disability Town Secretary pensioner complying with the following require Town Hall (iii) n Aansoeker moet die geregistreerde ments: PO Box 94 eienaar en bewoner van die betrokke eiendom Krugersdorp wees en die eiendom moet op die datum van (1) Sliding Scale: aansoek 6 July uitsluitlik gebruik word vir die huisves 1983 Notice No 65/1983 ting van een gesin en die woonhuis mag slegs vir maximum income R400 per month rebate woondoeleindes gebruik word In die geval van 40 % 742_6 getroude persone kan die eiendom in die naam maximum income R410 per month rebate van die eggenoot/eggenote geregistreer wees 30 % (iv) Die aansoeker moet vir minstens drie maximum income R420 per month rebate STADSRAAD VAN KRUGERSDORP jaar in Krugersdorp woonagtig wees 20 T EIENDOMSBELASTING 1983/84 (v) Die voorafgaande besonderhede moet by maximum income R430 per month rebate wyse van n beedigde verklaring bevestig word 10 % Hiermee word bekend gemaak dat die Stads (vi) Indien foutiewe inligting verstrek is met road van Krugersdorp, die ondervermelde eienbetrekking tot die maandelikse inkomste, en (2) Requirements: domsbelasting op die waarde van belasbare sovoorts van die aansoeker, sal normale eienciendom binne die munisipale gebied, soos in (i) Applicants must be at least 60 years of age domsbelasting terugwerkend gehef word van die as at 1 die July 1983 or in the case waarderingslys voorkom, ingevolge die of married datum van korting al plus rente Ordonnansie couples, the breadwinner must be op Eiendomsbelasting van Plaaslike Besture No 11 van 1977 gehef het: Die bedrae verskuldig vir eiendomsbelasting at least 60 a age or he/she must be a physicaly years isa lcd soos in artikel 26 en 27 van die genoemde (a) Ingevolge artikel 21(3)(a): n Algemene Ordonnansie beoog, is verskuldig op 1 Julie (ii) The total monthly income of the applicant eiendomsbelasting van 4,5 sent (vier komma vyf 1983 en is betaalbaar in twaalf gelyke maande and her/his spouse may not exceed the amounts sent) in die rand (R1) op die terreinwaarde van likse paaiemente mentioned in (0)(1) allc grond binne die munisipale gebied, soos dit in die huidige waarderingslys vcorkom met dien Indien die eiendomsbelasting wat hierby (iii) An applicant must be the registered vcrstande dat n korting van 3333 % (Drieen opgele word, in enige geval nie op die datum owner and occupant of the property concerned &nig komma drie drie persent) toegestaan waarop dit verskuldig is, betaal word nie, word and on the date of the application the property word op eiendom gesoneer as "Spesiale woon", daar rente gehef teen die koers van 13,3 % must be used solely for the accommodation of "Algemene woon" asnok in die geval van (dertien komma drie persent) per jaar one family and the dwelling may be used for landbouhoewes en grond wat vir die glyskaalme living purposes only If the applicant is married, tode soos voorgcskryf deur artikel 22 van Al die belastingbetalers wat gecn rekeninge the property may be registered in the name of genoemde Ordonnansie kwalifiseer vir die bogemelde belasting ontvang nie, word his/her aangeram om die Stadstesourier daarvan in spouse (b) Ingevolge artikel 23: Benewens die kennis to stel, aangcsien die nie ontvangs van (iv) The applicant must be resident in algemene eiendomsbelasting op die terrein rekeninge niemand vrystel van die aanpsreek Krugersdorp for at least three years waarde van grond of die terreinwaarde van n likheid vir betaling me reg in grond soos in artikel 21 (3) beoog, n STADSKLERK (v) The aforementioned details must be con eiendomsbelasting van 1,67 sent (een komma 6 Julie 1983 firmed by way of a sworn affidavit ses sewe sent) in die Rand (RI) op die waarde Kennisgewing No 64/1983 van verbeteringe gelee op grond ingevolge (vi) If the applicant has submitted erroneous myntitel gehou wat nie grond in n information with regard to his monthly income, goedgekeurde dorp is nie, waar sodanige grond TOWN COUNCIL OF KRUGERSDORP vir woondoeleindes of vir doeleindes wat nie op mynbedrywighede betrekking het nie, deur ASSESSMENT RATES 1983/84 iemand wat betrokke is in mynbedrywighede, of sodanige persoon die hover van die myntitel is al Notice is hereby given that the Town Council dan me gebruik word of Krugersdorp has imposed the undermentioned assessment rates on the value of rateable (c) Dat die belasting van grondeienaars lisensiebelang betaalbaar ingevolge en op die land within the municipal area, cs appearing in wyse soos uiteengesit in artikel 25 van genoemde the Valuation Roll, an terms of the Local Ordonnansie, sons gewysig op 20 % (twintig persent) vasgestcl word etc, the normal assessement rates will be levied with retrospective effect from the date of rebate, plus interest The amounts owed for assessment rates as set out in section 26 and 27 of the Ordinance, become due on 1 July 1983 and is payable in twelve monthly instalments Authorities Rating Ordinance No 11 of 1977: If the rates hereby imposed are not paid on the due date, interest will be charged at the rate of thirteen comma three per centum (13,3 %) per annum (a) In terms of section 2I(3)(a): A general (d) Vat die belastings op n erf wat gekonsolideer is uit twee of meer erwe wat verskillend rand (R1) on the site value of land within the Ratepayers not in receipt of accounts for the rate of 4,5 cent (four comma five cent) in the gesoneer is bereken word op die sonering wat municipal area as appearing in the Valuation abovementioned rates, are advised to notify the die hoogste belasbare waarde het Roll provided that a rebate of 33,33 % (thirty Town Treasurer as the non receipt of accounts three comma three three per centum) is granted does not exempt anybody from the liability for (e) Dat onderworpe aan die goedkeuring van on rates imposed on all property zoned as payment die Administrateur n onvoorwaardelike kwyt "Special Residential", "General Residential" as TOWN CLERK skciding van eiendomsbelasting toegestaan word well as on agricultural holdings and land qual 6 July 1983 aan bejaardes pensioentrekkers en ongeskikt ifying for the sliding scale method prescribed by Notice No 64/1983 heidspensioentrckkers wat aan die onderge section 22 of the aforesaid Ordinance noemde vereistes voldoen: (b) In terms of section 23: In addition to the ( I) Glyskaal: general rate on the site value of land or on the site value of a right in land as contemplated in PLAASLIKE BESTUUR VAN LEANDRA Maksimum Inkomste R400 per maand kor section 21(3), a rate not exceeding 1,67 cent WAARDERINGSLYS VIR DIE BOEKJARE ting 40 % (one comma six seven cent) in the Rand (RI) on 1983/1987 Maksimum the value of Inkomste any improvements situate upon land R410 per maand kor held under mining title, not Ling 30 % being land in an (Regulasie 12) approved township, where such land is used for Maksimum Inkomste R420 per maand kor residential purposes or for purposes not inciden Kennis word hierby ingevolge artikel 16(4)(a) ting 20 % tai to mining operations by a person engaged in van die Ordonnansie op Eiendomsbelasting van mining operations, whether such person is the Plaaslike Besture, 1977 (Ordonnansie I I van Maksimum lnkomste R430 per maand kor holder of the mining title or not 1977) gegee dat die waarderingslys vir die D ting 10 % bockjare 1983/1987 van alle belasbare eiendom (c) A freeholders licence interest payable in binne die munisipaliteit deur die voorsitter van (2) Vereistes: terms of the provisions of and in the manner die waarderingsraad gesertifiseer en geteken is prescribed by section 25 of the Local Authorities en gevolglik finaal en bindend geword het op (i) Aansoekc rs moet op I Julie 1983 minstens Rating Ordinance No II of 1977, as amended, of alle betrokke persone soos in artikel 16(3) van 6(1 jaar oud wees en in die geval van getroude 20 % (twenty per centum) daardie Ordonnansie beoog

66 2084 PROVINCIAL GAZE) i E 6JULY 1983 Die aandag word egter gevestig op artikel 17 (2) A local authority which is not an objector STADSRAAD VAN MEYERTON of 38 van die gemelde Ordonnansie wat soos may appeal against any decision of a valuation volg bepaal: board in the manner contemplated in subsection WYSIGING VAN BEURSLENINGSVEROR (1) and any other person who is not an objector DENINGE "Reg van appel teen beslissing van waardebut who is directly affected by a decision of a ringsraad valuation board, may, in like manner, appeal Daar word hierby ingevolge artikel 96 van die 17(1) n Beswaarmaker wat voor n against such decision Ordonnansie waardegewysig, bekend gemaak dat die Raad voorne op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, soos ringsraad verskyn het of verteenwoordig was, A notice of appeal form may be obtained from met inbegrip van n beswaarmaker wat n mens is om sy Beursleningsverordeninge te the secretary of the valuation board antwoord soos in artikel 15(4) beoog, ingedien wysig of voorgele het, kan teen die beslissing van G M VAN NIEKERK sodanige mad ten opsigte waarvan by n be Die algemene strekking van hierdie wysiging Secretary: Valuation Board is om die Read in terme van sy verordeninge te swaarmaker is binne dertig the vanaf die datum PO Box 200 magtig om n beurslening van hoogstens RI 000 van die publikasie in die Provinsiale Koerant Leslie per jaar beskikbaar te stel met ingang 1 Julie van die kennisgewing in artikel 16(4)(a) genoem of, waar die bepalings van artikel 16(5) van 6 July 1983 toepassing is, binne eenentwintig dae na die Notice No 7/1983 Afskrifte van hierdie wysiging le ter insae by dag waarop die redes daarin genoem, aan die Kantoor van die Stadsekretaris, Munisipale sodanige beswaarmaker gestuur is appal aan Kantore, Meyerton, vir n tydperk van veertien teken deur by die sekretaris van sodanige rand n dae STADSRAAD VAN LYDENBURG vanaf datum van publikasie hiervan kennisgewing van appel op die wyse soos voorgeskryf en in ooreenstemming met die Enige persoon wat beswaar teen genoemde WYSIGING VAN VERORDENINGE BEprosedure soos voorgeskryf in te dien en soda wysiging wens aan te teken, moet dit skriftelik DIE BEHEER VAN TYREbinne veertien dae na die da tum van publikasie LIKE ADVERTENSIES EN PAMFLE nige sekretaris stuur onverwyld n afskrif van sodanige kennisgewing van appel aan die waardeerder en aan die betrokke plaaslike bestuur tekende doen van hierdie kennisgewing by die onderge Daar word hierby ingevolge die bepalings van (2) n Plaaslike bestuur wat nie n beswaar artikel 96 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike STADSKLERK maker is nie, kan teen enige beslissing van n Bestuur, 1939, soos gewysig, bekend gemaak Munisipale Kantore waarderingsraad appel aanteken op die wyse in dat die Read van voornemens is om die boge Posbus 9 subartikel (1) beoog en enige ander persoon wat noemde verordeninge te wysig Meyerton nie n beswaarmaker is nie maar wat regstreeks 19W Die algemene strekking van hierdie wysiging deur n beslissing van n waarderingsraad geraak 6 Julie is om voorsiening te maak vir die plasing van word kan op dergelike wyse, teen sodanige Kennisgewing No 426/1983 tydelike kennisgewings slags op bepaalde beslissing appel aanteken plekke n Vorm vir kennisgewing van appal kan van Afskrifte van die wysiging le ter insae by die die sekretaris van die waarderingsraad verkry kantoor van die Stadsklerk, Munisipale Kanword MEYERTON TOWN COUNCIL toor, Sentraalstraat, Lydenburg gedurende nor TO BURSARY LOAN G M VAN NIEKERK male kantoorure AMENDMENT vir n tydperk van veertien 04) Sekretaris: Waarderingsraad the van publikasie hiervan in die ProvinsialeFUND BYLAWS Posbus 200 Koerant It is hereby notified in terms of section 96 of Leslie Enige persoon wat beswaar teen genoemde the Local Government Ordinance, 1939, as 2265 wysiging wens aan te teken, moet dit skriftelik amended, that the Council intends amending its 6 Julie 1983 binne veertien (14) dae na datum van hierdie Bursary Loan Fund By laws Kennisgewing No 7/1983 kennisgewing in die Provinsiale doen The general purport of this amendment is to Koerant by die ondergetekende authorise the Council in terms of its bylaws to J M A DE BEER make available bursary loans of RI 000 pa with Stadsklerk effect from 1 July 1983 LOCAL AUTHORITY OF LEANDRA posbus 61 VALUATION ROLL FOR THE FINANCIAL Lydenburg Copies of this amendment are open to inspec YEARS 1983/ Julie tion at the Office of the Town 1983 Secretary, Municipal Offices, Meyerton for a period Kennisgewing No of 30/1983 fourteen days from the date of publication (Regulation 12) hereof TOWN COUNCIL OF LYDENBURGAny person who desires to record his objec Notice is hereby given in terms of section 16(4)(a) of the Local Authorities Rating Ordi AMENDMENT TO THE BYLAWS FOR tion to the said amendment must do so in writing nance, 1977 (Ordinance 11 of 1977), that the THE CONTROL OF TEMPORARY to the undermentioned within fourteen days valuation roll for the financial years 1983/1987 of ADVERTISEMENTS AND PAMPHLETS after the date of publication of this notice all rateable property within the municipality has been certified and signed by the chairman of die TOWN It is hereby notified in terms of section 96 of CLERK valuation board and has therefore become fixed the Loral Government Ordinance, 1939, Municipal Offices as and binding upon all persons concerned as Box 9 amended, that the Council intends to amend the contemplated in section 16(3) of that Ordinance Meycrton abovementioned bylaws I / 1960 However, attention is directed to section 17 or The general purport of this amendment is to 6 July of the said Ordinance, which provides as make provision for the placing of temporary Notice No 426/1983 follows: advertisements only at specific places 746 "Right of appeal against decision of valuation Copies of the amendment will be open for 6 board inspection at the Office of the Town Clerk, 17(1) An objector who has appeared or has Sentraal Street,Lydenburg during normal office STADSRAAD VAN MEYERTON been represented before a valuation board, hours fora period of fourteen (14) days from the including an objector who has lodged or pre date publication in the Provincial WYSIGING VAN VERORDENINGE hereofgazette sented a reply contemplated in section 15(4), Daar word hierby ingevolge artikel 96 van die may appeal against the decision of such board in Any person who desires to record his objet Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur 1939 soos respect of which he is an objector within thirty tion to the proposed amendment must do so in gewysig, bekend gemaak dat die Raad voorne days from the date of the publication in the writing with the undersigned within fourteen mess is om die Stadsaalverordeninge te wysig Provincial Gazette of the notice referred to in (14) days of publication hereof in the Provincial deur die tarief van gelde te skrap section I6(4)(a) or where the provisions of Gazette section 16(5) are applicable, within twenty one Afskrifte van hierdie wysigings le ter insae by days after the day on which the reasons referred J M A DE BEER die kantoor van die Stadsekretaris Munisipale to therein, were forwarded to such objector, by Town Clerk Kantore Meyerton vir n tydperk van 14 dae lodging with the secretary of such board a notice PO Box 61 met ingang van datum van publikasie hiervan in of appeal in the manner and in accordance with Lydenburg die Provinsiale Koerant naamlik 6 Julie 1983 the procedure prescribed and such secretary 6 July 1983 shall forward forthwith a copy of such notice of Notice No 30/1983 Enige persoon wat beswaar teen genoemde appeal to the valuer and to the local authority wysigings wens aan te teken moet dit skriftelik concerned binne 14 dae na die datum van publikasie van ill 4 4

67 PROVINSIALE KOERANT 6 JULIE ID hierdie kennisgewing in die Provinsiale Koerant 5 Stadsaalverordeninge: Om die tariewe te 8 Vacuum Tank Removal: Correction of by die ondergetekende doen verhoog om die steeds stygende koste te absor error beer STADSKLERK A copy of the said resolution and particulars Munisipale Kantore 6 Begraafplaasverordeninge: Ofn die tariewe of the determination are open for inspection at Posbus 9 te verhoog om die steeds stygende koste te the office of the Town Secretary, Municipal Meyerton absorbeer Offices, Meyerton, for a period of 14 (fourteen) 1960 days from date of publication hereof in the 6 Julie Sanit8re en Vullisverwyderingstarief: Om Provincial Gazette viz: 6 July 1983 Kennisgewing No 425 die tariewe te verhoog om die steeds stygende koste te absorbeer Any person who wishes to object to the amendment must lodge such objection in writing 8 Suigtenkverwyderingstarief: Om n lout te with the undersigned within 14 MEYERTON TOWN COUNCIL (fourteen) days herstel of publication hereof in the Provincial Gazette AMENDMENTS TO BYLAWS Afskrifte van hierdie wysigings le ter insae by TOWN CLERK die kantoor van die Stadsekretaris Munisipale It is hereby notified in terms of section 96 of Kantore, Meyerton vir n tydperk van 14 dae Municipal Offices the Local Government Ordinance, 1939, as met ingang van datum van publikasie hiervan in PO Box 9 amended, that the Council intends to amend the die Provinsiale Koerant, naamlik 6 Julie 1983 Meyerton Town Hall Bylaws by the deletion of charges 1960 Enige persoon wat beswaar teen genoemde 6 July 1983 Copies of the proposed amendments are open wysigings wens aan te teken, moet dit skriftelik Notice No 427 for inspection at the office of the Town Secre binne 14 dae na die datum van publikasie van tar Municipal Offices, Meyerton, for a period hierdie kennisgewing in die Provinsiale Koerant of 14y days from date of publication hereof in the by die ondergetekende doen Provincial Gazette, viz 6 July 1983 STADSKLERK Any person who wishes to object to the Munisipale Kantore amendment of the said by laws must lodge such Posbus 9 STADSRAAD VAN MEYERTON abjection in writing with the undersigned within Meyerton 14 days of publication hereof in the Provincial Ingb VASSTELLING VAN GELDE Gazette 6 Julie 1983 Kennisgewing No 427/1983 Dear word hierby ingevolge artikel 80B van TOWN CLERK, Ordonnansie op Plaaslixe Bestuur, 1939, sons Municipal Offices gewysig bekend gemaak dat die Read by PO Box 9 spesiale besluit van 28 April Meyerton MEYERTON TOWN COUNCIL 1983 gelde vassestel ten opsigte van Watervoorsiening gewysig het met ingang 29 April July DETERMINATION OF CHARGES Notice No 425 Die algemene strekking van die wysiging is Notice is hereby given in terms of section 80B om tariewe te verhoog om die verhoogde of the Local Government Ordinance, 1939, as verkoopprys van die Randwaterraad te absor STADSRAAD VAN MEYERTON amended, that the Council has by special resolu beer tion dated 17 May 1982 determined charges with VASSTELLING VAN GELDE respect to the following: Afskrifte van genoemde besluit en beson derhede van die wysiging le ter insae by die Dear word hierby ingevolge artikel 8013 van I Drainage bylaws (With effect from 1 July kantoor van die Stadsekretaris, Munisipale Kan dietoo Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, "Oh) 1939, tore, Meyerton vir n tydperk van 14 dae met sons gewysig,,bekend emaakg dat die Raad by ingang van datum van publikasie hiervan in die 2 Water supply bylaws (With effect from I spesiale besluit van 17 Mei 1982 gelde vasgestel Provinsiale Koerant, naamlik 6 Julie 1983 July 1982) het ten opsigte van die volgende: Enige persoon wat beswaar teen genoemde 1 Rioleringsdienste (Met ingang 1 Julie wysigings wens aan te teken, moet dit skriftelik 193) Building bylaws (With effect from I July 1982) binne 14 dae na die datum van publikasie van 4 Electricity bylaws (With effect from 1 July hierdic kennisgewing in die Provinsiale Koerant 2 Watervoorsieningsverordeninge (Met in 1982) by ondergetekende doen gang 1 Julie 1982) 5 Town Hall bylaws (With effect from 1 July STADSKLERK 3 Bouverordeninge (Met ingang 1 Julie 1982) 1982) Munisipale Kantore 6 Cemetery bylaws (With effect from 1 July Posbus 9 4 Elektrisiteitsverordeninge (Met ingang ) Meyerton Julie 1982) Sanitary and Refuse Removals (With 6 Julie Stadsaalverordeninge (Met ingang 1 Julie effect from 1 July 982) Kennisgewing No 424/ ) 8 Vacuum Tank Removal Tariff (With effect 6 Begraafplaasverordeninge (Met ingang 1 from 18 May 1982) Julie 1982) The general purport of the determination of MEYERTON TOWN COUNCIL 7 Sanitere en Vullisverwyderingstarief (Met fs ingang 1 Julie 1982) DETERMINATION OF CHARGES 1 Drainage Bylaws: To increase the tariffs 8 Suigtenkvenvyderingstarief (Met ingang 18 in order to absorb the ever rising costs Mei 1982) Notice is hereby given in terms of section 80B 2 Water Supply bylaws: To of the Local increase the Government Ordinance, 1939, as by Die algemene strekking van die vasstelling amended, that the Council has tariffs in order to absorb the ever rising costs and amended van gelde is: to comply with the demands of the Rand Water special resolution dated 28 April 1983 charges Board determined in respect of Water Supply with 1 Rioleringsdienste: Om die tariewe te effect from 29 April 1983 verhoog om die steeds stygende koste te absor 3 Building bylaws: To increase the tariffs in beer order to absorb the ever rising costs The general fourport of the amendment is to increase the charges in order to absorb the 2 Watervoorsieningsverordeninge: Om die 4 Electricity bylaws: To absorb the in increased selling price of the Rand Water tariewe te verhoog om die steeds stygende koste creased selling price of ESCOM Board te absorbeer en om die vereistes van die Randwaterraad na te kom 5 Town Hall bylaws: To increase the tariffs A copy of the said resolution and particulars in order to absorb the ever rising costs of the amendment are open for inspection at the 3 Bouverordeninge: Om_ die tariewe te Office of the Town Secretary, Municipal verhoog om die steeds stygende koste te absor 6 Cemetery bylaws: To increase the tariffs Offices, Meyerton, for a period of 14 (fourteen) beer in order to absorb the ever rising costs days from date of publication hereof in the Provincial Gazette viz 6 4 July 1983 El e kt ris itei tsver ordeni nge: Om die 7 Sanitary and Refuse Removals: To in verhoogde verkoopprys van EVKOM te absor crease the tariffs in order to absorb the ever Any person who wishes to object to the beer rising costs amendment must lodge such objection in writing

68 2086 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 6 JULY 1983 with the undersigned within 14 (fourteen) days 5 Kennisgewings en Heraansluitingsgelde 2 Charges for the Supply of publication hereof in the Provincial Gazette of Water (1) Kennisgewinggelde: (1) To any consumer except as provided in TOWN CLERK subi (2), per month, per k/ or part thereof: Municipal Offices Gelde is betaalbaar per kennisgewing aan n 23,5ctem PO Box 9 verbruiker dat n rekening nie op vervaldatum Meyerton betaal is nie en dat toevoer afgesluit gaan word: (2) Municipal Departments: ,00 6 July 1983 Charges for the consumption of water shall be Notice No 424/1983 (2) Heraansluitingsgelde: levied at cost Gelde betaalbaar vir heraansluitings na 3 Charges in Respect of Water Meters afsluiting van toevoer weens nie betaling van n rekening of die nienakoming van enige van die (1) For the rental of a meter supplied by the regulasies of verordeninge van die Raad is soos Council per month: 030c MUNISIPALITEIT PHALABORWA: volg: (2) For testing a meter supplied by the WYSIGING VAN DIE VASSTELLING VAN GELDS VIR DIE LEWERING (a) Wanneer die VAN aansluiting gedurende Council in cases where it is found that the meter WATER kantoorure geskied: 700 does not show an error of more than 5 % either way: 500 (b) Wanneer die aansluitings na kantoorure Die vasstelling van gelde ingevolge artikel geskied: 10,00 (3) For the rental of a portable meter, per 808(8) van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Be month: 100 stuur, 1939, vir die Lewering van Water van die Munisipaliteit Phalaborwa, afgekondig by Muni 6 Depositos vir die Lewering van Water (4) Deposit for one portable meter: 2000 sipale Kennisgewing 33/1980 in Provinsiale Koerant 4104 van 17 September 1980 word Minimum deposito betaalbaar ingevolge 4 Connection Charges hierby gewysig deur die Bylae deur die volgende artikel 12(1)(a) van die Stadsraad se Watervoor (1) The charges payable per residential site te vervang: sieningsverordeninge afgekondig by Adminis trateurskennisgewing 82 van 25 Januarie for a 1978 permanent connection for the supply of water in all future "BYLAE" townships shall amount to Die vorderings vir alle werk waarvoor die R200 Tarief van Gelde Raad aanspreeklik is en waarvoor geen gelde in hierdie tanewe vasgestel is nie word bereken (2) The charges payable for any other perma LEWERING VAN WATER teen die werklike koste van alle materiaal en nent connection for the supply of water shall be arbeid plus n toeslag van 10 % op sodanige calculated at the actual cost of all materials and I Basiese Hefting bedrag labour used for such connections, plus a sur charge of 10 % on such amount n Basiese hefting van R5 per maand per erf Die bepalings in hierdie kennisgewing vervat standplaas, perseel of ander terrein of enige 5 word geag op 1 Februarie 1983 in werking te Notice and Reconnection Charges gedeelte van n erf, standplaas, perseel of ander getree het terrein, met of sonder verbetertngs wat by die (1) Notice Charges: hoofwaterpyp aangesluit is, of, na die mening Notice to a consumer that an account was not van die Raad daarby aangesluit kan word of 1 1 LUBBE paid on due date and that the supply is to be water verbruik word, al dan nie, is betaalbaar Waarnemende Stadsklerk disconnected, per such notice: 2,00 deur die geregistreerde eienaar of verbruiker Munisipale Kantore (2) Reconnection charges: 2 Vorderings vir die Lewering van Water Posbus 67 Phalaborwa The following charges for reconnection after (1) Aan enise verbruiker, unsesonderd diedisconnection 1390 of supply for non payment of wat under subitem (2) ingedeel is, per maand, account or for non compliance with any of the per kf of gedeelte daarvan: 23,5c regulations or bylaws of the Council shall be as (2) Munisipale Departemente: follows: Vorderings vir die gebruik van water word PHALABORWA MUNICIPALITY: (a) When connection is performed during teen koste gehef AMENDMENT TO THE DETERMINATION office hours: 7,00 OF CHARGES FOR THE SUPPLY OF 3 Vorderings ten opsigte van Watermeters WATER (b) When connection is performed after office hours: 10,00 (1) Vir die huur van n meter deur die Raad The determination of charges in terms of 6 verskaf, Deposits for the per maand: 0,30c Supply of Water section 8013(8) of the Local Government Ordinance 1939 for the supply of Water of the (2) Vir die toets van n meter deur die Raad Minimum deposit payable in terms of section Phalaborwa Municipality published under 12(1)(a) of the verskaf Town Councils in gevalle waar bevind word dat die Water Supply Municipal Notice 33/1980 in Provincial Gazette meter nie meer as 5 % te min of te veel aanwys Bylaws promulgated by Administrators Notice 4104 dated 17 September 1980 are hereby 82 of 25 January 1978 nie: 5,00 amended by the substitution for the Schedule of (3) Vir die huur van n draagbare meter, per the following: For all work for which the Council is responsi ble and for which maand: no charges have been fixed in 100 "SCHEDULE" this tariff the charges shall be the cost of all (4) Deposito vir een draagbare meter: 2000 materials and labour, plus a surcharge of 10 % Tariff of Charges on such amount" 4 Aansluitingsgelde SUPPLY OF WATER The provisions contained in this notice shall (1) Die gelde betaalbaar per woonerf vir n be deemed to have come into operation on 1 permanente aansluiting vir die lewering van I Basic Charge February 1983 water in alle toekomstige dorpe bedra R200 A basic charge of R5 per month per erf, stand, 1 1 LUBBE (2) Die gelde betaalbaar vir enige ander lot or other area or any portion of an erf, stand Acting Town Clerk permanente aansluiting vir die lewering van lot or other area with or without improvements, Municipal Offices water word bereken teen die werklike koste van which is or in the opinion of the Council can be PO Box 67 alle materiaal en arbeid wat vir sodanige aan connected to the main, whether water is con Phalaborwa sluiting gebruik word, plus n toeslag van 10 % sumed or not shall be payable by the registered op sodanige bedrag owner or consumer STADSRAAD VAN PRETORIA KENNISGEWING VAN DIE HEFFING VAN N ALGEMENE EIENDOMSBELASIING EN VASSTELLING VAN DIE DAG VIR DIE BETALING DAARVAN TEN OPSIGTE VAN DIE BOEKJAAR 1 JULIE 1983 TOT 30 JUNIE 1984 Kennis word hierby ingevolge artikel 26(2)(a) en (b) van die Ordonnansie op Eiendomsbelasting van Plaaslike Restore, 1977 (Ordonnansie II van 1977), gegee dat die Stadsraad van Pretoria ingevolge artikel 21(2), gelees met artikel 4 van die gemelde Ordonnansie, die volgende algemene eiendomsbelastmg ten opsigte van die bogenoemde boekjaar gehef het op belasbare eiendom in die waarderingslys opgeteken 1,92 sent in die rand op die terreinwaarde van grond, met inbegrip van grond of enige gedeelte van grond wat die eiendom van die Stadsraad van Pretoria is en wat deur hom verhuur word, of op die terreinwaarde van n reg in grond II II

69 W IP W 11 Uitgesonderd in die geval van grond waarop ingevolge artikel 22 van die Ordonnansie op (dd) "Algemene Besigheid" (Gebruiksone VII!), Eiendomsbelasting van Plaaslike Besture, 1977, belasting op slegs n persentasie van die (ee) "Beperkte Nywerheid" (Gebruiksone XI), terreinwaarde betaal word, word ingevolge artikel 21(4) van gemelde Ordonnansie n kortiog van (1f) "Algemene Nywerheid" (Gebruiksone XII), en 40 % toegestaan op die algemene eiendomsbelasting gehef op die terreinwaarde van grond, met (gg) "Spesiaar (Gebruiksone XIV) vir doeleindes wat na die oordeel van die Stadswaardeerder inbegrip van grond of enige gedeelte van grond wat die eiendom van die Stadsraad van Pretoria is en aan een of meer van die gebruike wat in (aa) tot (ff) genoem word, verwant is wat deur horn verhuur word, of op die terreinwaarde van n reg in grond, ten opsigte van grond wat Hierby word ook kennis gegee dat r(i) die bedrag verskuldig ten opsigte van eiendomsbelasting in die 1983/84 boekjaar soos beoog in () ingevolge die Pretoria do 1974, "Spesiale Woon" gesoneer is en waarop n woonhuis, wat artike127 van die gemelde Ordonnansie, ingevolge artikel 26(1)(b) in gelyke paaiemente betaal moet as n woonhuis gebruik word, opgerig is: Met dien verstande dat hierdie korting nie word dew die eienaar van die belasbare eiendom uiteengesit in Kolom I op die dae uiteengesit in van toepassing is op n goedgekeurde dorp ten opsigte waarvan geen enkele erf onder aparte titel Kolom II van die bylae; gehou word nie, en ook nie op die Restant van n dorp nie; of (ii) rente soos beoog in artikel 27(2) van die gemelde Ordonnansie op agterstallige algemene (ii) ingevolge die Pretoria dorpsbeplanningskema, 1974, vir n ander gebruik as "Spesiale Woon" eiendomsbelasting gehef sal word en geregtelike steppe vir die invordering van alle sodanige gesoneer of geresenreer is, maar waarop daar n woonhuis opgerig is wat as woonhuis gebruik word, agterstallige belasting, plus rente, teen wanbetalers ingestel sal word uitgesonderd grond wat soos volg gesoneer is: P DELPORT (aa) "Dupleks Woon" (Gebruiksone III), Stadsklerk (bb) "Algemene Woon" (Gebruiksone IV), 6 Julie 1983 (cc) "Spesiale Besigheid" (Gebruiksone VII), Kennisgewing No 145/1983 KOLOM I KOLOM II BETAALDATUMS VOORSTAD OMSKRYWING VAN ERWE JUL 83 AUG 83 SEPT 83 OKT 83 NOV 83 DES 83 JAN 84 FEBR 84 MRT 84 APR 84 MEI 84 JUN 84 a AI hen Park Alle erwe PZ Ashlea Gardens en Uitbreiding 2 Alle erwe 0 Brooklyn Erf 826 < Constantia Park en Uitbreidings 1 2 en 2 en 3 Alle erwe fa De Beers Alle erwe > Elardus Park Alle erwe r r Faerie Glen Alle erwe suid van Atterburyweg A Faerie Glen Uitbreiding 1 Erwe 101 tot 215, 796, 797 en Garsfontein en Uitbreidings 1, 2, m 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, en 10 Alle erwe Hazelwood Alle erwe Z Maroelana en Uitbreiding 3 Alle erwe Menlyn Erwe 6 en 10 ea MenlynUitbreiding 3 Alle erwe a Monument ParkUitbreiding 2 Alle erwe behalwe Ed 1262 Monument ParkUitbreidings 3, 4, Alle erwe tn 7 Moreletapark en Uitbreidings 1, 6 2, 3, 7, 15 en 16 Alle erwe Newlands en Uitbreiding 2 Alle erwe Waterkloof en Uitbreiding 1 Alle erwe suid van Mainstraat Waterkloof Uitbreiding 2 Alle erwe Waterkloof Glen en Uitbreidings 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 en 6 Alle erwe Waterkloof Heights en Uitbreid ings 1, 2 en 3 Alle erwe Waterkloof Park Alle erwe Waterkloof Ridge en Uitbreiding Alle erwe 1 Alle erwe Wingate Park Alle erwe LANDBOUHOEWES OMSKRYWING VAN PLOTTE Garston Alle plotte Valley Farm Alle plotte suid van Moreletaspruit Waterkloof Alle plotte PLAASGRON! OMSKRYWING VAN GEDEELTES Garstkloof 595 JR JR 595/R Garstfontein 374 JR Alle gedeeltes Hartebeestpoort 362 JR 27 Rietvallei 377 JR Alle tr) gedeeltes Waterkloof 345 JR Alle gedeeltes aov,i Waterkloof 376 JR Mk gedeeltes Waterkloof 378 JR Alle gedeeltes

70 KOLOM I KOLOM II iu mco BETAALDATUMS Dr VOORSTAD OMSKRYWING VAN ERWE JUL 83 AUG 83 SEPT 83 OKT 83 NOV 83 DES 83 JAN 84 FEB 84 MRT 84 APR 84 MEI 84 JUN 84 Christoburg Alle erwe ElardusparkUitbreiding 1 Alle crux Erasmia Alle erwe Erasmusrand Alle erwe Glen Lauriston en Uitbreidings 1 Alle erwe en 2 Monument Park en Uitbreiding 1 Alle erwe Monument Park Uitbreiding 2 Erf 1262 Valhalla Alle erwe Waterkloof Ridge Uithreiding 2 Alle erwe LANDBOUHOEWES OMSKRYWING VAN PLOTTE L / Monrick Alle platte PLAASGROND OMSKRYWING VAN GEDEELTES Erasmia 350 JR R/2, 3, 4, 5, 8( /2), 9, JR 350/R Groenkloof 358 JR L16 Lekkerhoekie 411 JR Alle gedeeltes Mooiplaats 355 JR Alle gedeeltes Pretoria Town and Townlands /6, 249(/6) X JR Waterkloof 428 JR 1, 4R/plaas Zwartkop 356 JR Alle gedeeltes VOORSTAD OMSKRYWING VAN ERWE > r Danville en Uitbreidings 1 en 2 Alle erwe Kwaggasrand Alle erwe > Proclamation HillUitbreiding 1 West Park Alle erwe noord van Kerkstraat Alle erwe PLAASGROND OMSKRYWING VAN GEDEELTES Broekscheur 318 JR Alle gedeeltes 6al Pretoria Town and Townlands 351 /R/6, 190, L3 L6, L8, L29(L22), L30, r JR L32 < Skinner Court 254 JR Alle gedeeltes r$ 03 La VOORSTAD OMSKRYWING VAN ERWE Asiatic Bazaar en Uitbreiding 1 Alle enve Claudius Alle erwe Pretoria Industrial Township Alle erwe Laudium en Uitbreidings 1, 2 en 3 Alle erwe Pretoria Alle erwe wes van Schuttestraat, asook Erwe 1986 tot 1993 en 2575, en erwe noord van Boomstraat vanaf die Diere, tuin Proclamation Hill Alle erwe suid van Kerkstraat PLAASGROND OMSKRYWING VAN GEDEELTES Groenkloof R/38(422), Pretoria Town and Townlands 351 L25/, /R/6 39(/6) 48(/36) ) JR 53(46), 55(46), R/86(/6) 4FU95, R/99( /20), 100(429), 4104, 113(420) 114(429) 118(/6), I20(/6), 4126( 6), R/128 /89), 150, R/206(48) 212( /7), R/238, 241( /7) 256(499), , 328(449) 342(4222), 358 Prinshof 349 JR 4, 36, R/43 a a a a Z r ) N rn

71 W W W OP, KOLOM I KOLOM II BETAALDATUMS VOORSTAD OMSKRYWING VAN ERWE JUL 83 AUG 83 SEPT 83 OKT 83 NOV 83 DES 83 JAN 84 FEBR 84 MRT 84 APR 84 MEI 84 JUN 84 Pretoria Alle erwe oos van Schuttestraat tot by Paul Krugerstraat, behalwe Erwe 1986 tot 1993 en Erf 2575 PLAASGROND OMSKRYWING VAN GEDEELTES Pretoria Town and Townlands 346 JR Alle gedeeltes Pretoria Town and Townlands 351 JR /R/6, /23, 23, 319(/6), 343 VOORSTAD Arcadia Pretoria OMSKRYWING VAN ERWE Alle erwe wes van die Apiesrivier tot by Du Toitstraat Alte erwe suid van Boomstraat tussen Paul Kruger en Du Toitstraat 74 PLAASGROND, OMSKRYWING VAN GEDEELTES Elandspoort 357 JR 346e/345), 347e/345), 348(/345) 349( /345), 350(/345) Pretoria Town and Townlands 351 Pretoriastasie (boekwinkel, koffiekraam JR pie, teekamer, kombuis, kroeg en photo trl mee studio) N to VOORSTAD OMSKRYWING VAN ERWE Arcadia Alle erwe oos van die Apiesrivier tot by Eastwoodstraat Deemess Alle erwe suid van Chamberlainstraat East Clyffe Alle erwe C Eastwood Alle erwe t i Gezina Erwe , , 627, 628, 630, 5 631, 633, 662, 712/R en 719 Ill CO Kilberry Alle erwe laa Rietfontein Alle erwe suid van Chamberlainstraat en Erwe 25 tot 31, , 765, 772 Rietondale en Uitbreiding 2 Alle erwe Riviera Alle erwe Villieria Erwe 1435, 1455, 1456 PLAASGROND OMSKRYWING VAN GEDEELTES Elandspoort 357 JR 308(/187), 309(/187), 312(/65), 316( /65), 317(/65), 321(/65) 325(465), /398 Prinshof 349 JR R/8, 9(48), 12, 30( /8), 66 Rietfontein 321 JR Alle gedeeltes El tu

72 a a A S KOLOM I KOLOM H 14a 0 BETAALDATUMS a VOORSTAD OMSKRYWING VAN ERWE JUL 83 AUG 83 SEPT 83 OKT 83 NOV 83 DES 83 JAN 84 FEBR 84 MRT 84 APR 84 MEI 84 JUN 84 Lukasrand Alle erwe Muckleneuk en Uitbreidings 2 en Alle erwe noord van die treinspoor en 3 oos tot by Bourkestraat en suid van die spoor en oos tot by Magnoliadal Salvokop Alle erwe Sunnyside Alle erwe wes van Bourkestraat Trevenna Alle erwe PLAASGROND Elandspoort 357 JR R/43 Groenkloof 358 JR /R/2, 80 Pretoria Town and Townlands 351 R/11, R/170 JR OMSKRYWING VAN GEDEELTES No M VOORSTAD OMSKRYWING VAN ERWE 0 Arcadia Brooklyn Alle erwe oos van Eastwoodstraat Alle erwe uitgesonderd Erf 826, en die erwe geled in die noordwestelike hoek en wat begrens word deur Charles en Dun, 0 canstraat > Bryntirion Alle erwe 1 Colbyn en Uitbreidings 1 en 2 Alit cr Groenkloof en Uitbreading 1 Alle erwe GI Hatfield Alle erwe noord van die spoor, asook alle erwe gelee in die suidoostelike hoek < gevorm deur Duncanstraat en die spoor 6 a Hillcrest Alle erwe oos van Duncanstraat Lisdogan Park Alle erwe : Nieuw Muckleneuk Alle erwe Waterkloof Alle erwe noord van Mainstraat r N RI PLAASGROND Blackmoor 347 JR Bryntirion 348 JR OMSKRYWING VAN GEDEELTES Alle gedeeltes Alle gedeeltes Elandspoort 357 JR R/199, 212(/54), R/258(430), R/318( /297), R/361, 367(4362) Groenkloof 358 JR 47 Koedoespoort 325 JR R39(/22), /40, R/51, 52(/51) 92(/91)

73 IC 111 KOLOM I KOLOM Ii BETAALDATUMS VOORSTAD OMSKRYWING VAN ERWE JUL 83 AUG 83 SEPT 83 KT 83 NOV 83 DES 83 JAN 84 FEBR 84 MRT 84 APR 84 MEI 84 JUN 84 Brooklyn Slegs die erwe geled in die noordwestelike hock en begrens deur Charles en Duncanstraat Hatfield Alle erwe in die suidwestelike hock gevorm deur die spoor en Duncanstraat Hillcrest Alle erwe wes van Duncanstraat Muckleneuk Alle erwe vanaf Bourkestraat en noord > van spoor en noord van Charlesstraat vanaf Magnoliadal Sunnyside Alle erwe oos van Bourkestraat PLAASGROND OMSKRYWING VAN GEDEELTES Elandspoort M JR (/49), R293(/292), 300(4239), R/332 0 (4210), 375(210) VOORSTAD OMSKRYWING VAN ERWE Z N Die Wilgers Uitbreiding 1 Alle erwe oos van Swaardleliestraat m Die WilgersUitbreiding 9 Alle erwe oos van Gordon Versterstraat M Faerie Glen Alle erwe noord van Atterburyweg 0 Faerie GlenUitbreiding 1 Erwe 216 tot 778, 783 tat M 795 en 804 Faerie GlenUitbreiding 2 Alle erwe Lynnrodene Alle erwe Lynnwood en Uitbreiding 1 Alle erwe Lynnwood Glen en Uitbreiding 2 Alle erwe a Lynnwood Manor en Uitbreiding a 4 Alle erwe r 4 Lynnwood Park Alle erwe M Lynnwood RidgeUitbreidings 1 en 5 Me erwe g Menlo Park Alle erwe Menlo Park Uitbreiding 1 Alle erwe Menlyn Erwe 1, 2, 3 Willow Park Manor Alle erwe LANDBOUHOEWES OMSKRYWING VAN PLOTTE Strulands en Uitbreiding 1 Alle plotte Valley Farm Alle plotte noord van Moreletaspruit Willow Brae > Alle plane Willow Glen en Uitbreiding 1 Alle plotte Willow Park Alle plotte PLAASGROND OMSKRYWING VAN GEDEELTES Hartebeestpoort 362 JR R/519, (433) en JR 362/R Koedoesnek 341 JR Alle gedeeltes behalwe Gedeelte 1023 The Willows 340 JR 12/2, 12/4, R/15(414), R/16(414), 113(46), tot R25(/6), R/32e/6) tot R/73(472), 76(421) tot R/106412), R/110(412) tot 136, /141 tot 142(/150), 148 tot 166e 24), 185(/83), Valley Farm 379 JR R/Plaas $

74 KOLOM I KOLOM II BETAALDATUMS VOORSTAD OMSKRYWING VAN ERWE JUL 83 AUG 83 SEPT 83 OKT 83 NOV 83 DES 83 JAN 84 FEBR 84 MRT 84 APR 84 MEI 84 JUN 84 :I Bellevue Alle erwe Brummeria en Uitbreidings 1, 2, 3 en 4 Alle erwe Despatch Alle erwe Die Wilgers en Uitbreidings 11, 13 en 19 AIM awe Die WilgersUitbreiding I Alle erwe wes van Swaardleliestraat Die WilgersUitbreiding 9 Alle erwe wes van Gordon Verstentraat Eersterust en Uitbreidings 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Atte erwe Georgeville Alle erwe La Concorde Alle erwe La Montagne en Uitbreidings 1 en 3 Alle erwe Lydiana Alle erwe Lynnwood ManorUitbreidings 1 en 3 Me awe Lynnwood Ridge Me erwe Meyerspark en Uitbreidings 1 tot 8 in AIM erwe ps Muckleneuk Alle awe suid van Charlesstraat en vanaf 0 Koningin Wilhelminastraat S Murrayfield en Uitbreidings 1 en 2 Me erwe o Navors Alle erwer > Salieshoek Alle erwe Silverton en Uitbreidings 1, 3, 4, 0 9 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14 Alle erwe Val de Grace en Uitbreidings 3, 4, M 5, 6, 7, 9, 10 ACC erwe Waltloo Alle erwe C LANDBOUHOEWES OMSKRYWING VAN PLOITE cal Andresrus Alle plotte PLAASGROND OMSKRYWING VAN GEDEELTES Haviaanspoort 330 JR Alle gedeeltes Chrysler Park 422 JR Alle gedeeltes Chrysler Park 423 JR Alle gedeeltes Derdepoort 326 JR R/46(42), R/1, Gede 71eltes 252(/1 R/2, , 25, , Franspoort 332 JR R/1, R/3, 4, 5, 725, 2744, 46, 47, Hartebeestpoort 328 JR 9(42) tot R/76( /27) en R/78(/13) tot 176(492) Hatherley 331 JR Alle gedeeltes Mopani 342 JR Alle gedeeltes Pienaarspoort 339 JR Alle gedeeltes Scientia 416 JR Ft/Plaas The Willows 340 JR R/8 tot R/11 (Sonop)( /8), 30, /68 en /69, 74( /15), R/109 /108), R/137, 143(/137), /6), 144(489), 13(48), { /8), 183(/9) Vlakfontein 329 JR 2, /3 r < la a di 111

75 KOLOM I 111 KOLOM II BETAALDATUMS VOORSTAD OMSKRYWING VAN ERWE JUL 83 AUG 83 SEPT 83 OKT 83 NOV 83 DES 83 JAN 84 FEBR 84 MRT 84 APR 84 MEI 84 JUN 84 East Lynne en Uitbreidings 1 en 2 Alle erwe Ekklesia en Uitbreiding 1 Alit erwe Jan Niemandpark en Uitbreiding 1 Alle erwe Kibler ParkUitbreidings l en 2 Alle elwe Koedoespoort (Spoorwegbe Alit erwe huising) Queenswood en Uitbreidings 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Alle erwe Silvertondale Alle erwe Waverley Erwe 100, 101, 1253, 1257 Weavind Park Alle erwe PLAASGROND OMSKRYWING VAN GEDEELTES Po Derdepoort 326 JR Gedeeltes Rf7, R/M, 41(42), 22, (17), R/32( /7), R/33(432), R/42, 50( /42), 51 52, 53, 54, R/58, 98, 157, , 226, /250, 4256(4249) Hartcbeestpoort 328 JR R/78( /13) Koedoespoort 325 JR R/28 Ged van, 20(418), R/25(418), 69 gad van, 70(447), 72(425) R/87 A 107/55 0 Koedoesnek 341 JR Gedeelte 1023 VOORSTAD OMSKRYWING VAN ERWE 2 Koedoespoort industrial Township Alle awe Maregloed Alle erwe Villicria Alle awe noord van treinspoor Waverley en Uitbreiding 1 Alle erwe uitgesonderd Erwe 100, en to VOORSTAD Deemess Gerina Rietfontein Villieria Wonderboom South OMSKRYWING VAN ERWE Alle erwe noord van Chamberlainstraat Alle erwe oos van 14de Laan cn die erwe suid van die spoor, uitgesonderd Erwe 607, 608, 609, 617 tot 620, 627, 628, , 633, 662, 712/W en 719 Alle erwe, behaiwe die erwe gelee in die noordwestelike hock begrens dew die treinspoor en 14de Laan en die awe snid van Chamberlainstraat en Erwe 25 tot 31, 728, 763, 765, 772 Alle erwe suid van die treinspoor, behalwe Erwe 1435, 1455, 1456 Alle awe oos van 14de Laan

76 a a al di KOLOM I KOLOM II BETAALDATUMS bo VOORSTAD OMSKRYWING VAN ERWE JUL 83 AUG 83 SEPT 83 OKT 83 NOV 83 DES 83 JAN 84 FEBR 84 MRT 84 APR 84 MEI 84 JUN 84 Eloffsdal en Uitbreidings 2 en 3 Gezina Les Marais Mayville Mountain View Parktown Estate Rietfontein Roseville Wonderboom South Alle erwe, uitgesonderd Erf 247 Eloffsdal Alle erwe wes van 14de Laan en noord van die spoor Alle erwe Alit erwe Alit erwe suidoos van spoor Alit erwe Alit erwe gelee in die noordwestelike hoek begrens dear die treinspoor en 14de lean Alit erwe noord van Franzinastraat Alle crwe wes van 14de Laan PLAASGROND OMSKRYWING VAN GEDEELTES Daspoort 319 JR Gedeeltes 27 Eloff Estate 320 JR RI5, 16(/3), 17(/10), JR 320/R Wonderboom 302 JR 13(I1), /R/19 m Xl VOORSTAD OMSKRYWING VAN ERWE 0 1 Capital Park en Uitbreiding 1 Alle crwe Z Daspoort en Uitbreiding 1 Alle crwe suid van Mootstraat n Eloffsdal Uitbreidings 1 en 4 Alle erwe asook Erf 247 van Eloffsdal 9 Hermanstad en Uitbreiding 2 Allc crave r Pretoria Gardens en Uitbreidings Alle erwe oos van Gustav Adolfstraat 0 > 1 en 2 N Roseville Alle awe suid van Franzinastraat M PLAASGROND OMSKRYWING VAN GEDEELTES M 7n Daspoort 319 JR Gedeeltes 4R/25(42), R/30(419), /R/31, /49, 4R/52(412), 63(430), 66(439), R/ C 70, 75(/31), RIS6(430), 4 R(42), /96, /R/97, P199, RJ ), lit R/111(42), 113(/31), 117e/70), furor 1 ( ), 129(/43), 153( /102), 176, 190(/133), 194/R, R/224 Eloff Estate 320 JR R/3, R/4, R/11, 13, R/33, 42(/12), 45, R/49(433), 53, 59, R/62, R/65, 66(/65)

77 W W IIP Ill KOLOM I KOLOM II BETAALDATUMS VOORSTAD OMSKRYWING VAN ERWE JUL 83 AUG 83 SEPT 83 OKT 83 NOV 83 DES 83 JAN 84 FEBR 84 MET 84 APR 84 MEI 84 JUN im Booysens Alle erwe suid van Van der Hoffweg Claremont Alle erwe suid van Van der Hoffweg Daspoort Alle erwe noord van Mootstraat Daspoort Estate Alit erwe Mountain View Alle erwe noordwes van spoor L Mountain View Uitbreiding 1 Alle erwe Pretoria Gardens Alle erwe wes van Gustav Adolfstraat PLAASGROND OMSKRYWING VAN GEDEELTES Daspoort 319 JR Gedeeltes R12, 44( /2), 73(/52), 77(42), R/106(425) Zandfontein 317 JR 13(44), R/19(410), 87(/19) lot R/94( /19), 124(410), 150 VOORSTAD Booysens Claremont OMSKRYWING VAN ERWE Alle erwe noord van Van der Hoffweg Alle erwe noord van Van der Hoffweg LANDBOUHOEWES OMSKRYWING VAN PLOTTE m X 0 Andeon Alle plotte Modena Alle plotte c3 5: PLAASGROND OMSKRYWING VAN GEDEELTES r M Daspoort 319 JR Gedeelte 11/35(42) X Zandfontein 317 JR R/4, 20(417) tot R177(/17), 100(474) tot m 116(455), 128(/96) tot 135(440), /152( Ftl /151) tot R/162(/47), 168 tot VOORSTAD OMSKRYWING VAN ERWE o Dorandia en Uitbreidings 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, en 13 Alle erwe r Florauna en Uitbreidings I, 2 en 3 Alle erwe to Pretoria North en Uitbreiding I Alle erwe IE PretoriaNoordUitbreiding 3 Alle epee 5 Tileba Alle erwe Wolmer PLAASGROND Wonderboom 302 JR Alle erwe OMSKRYWING VAN GEDEELTES R/1, R/10( /1), 4R/12(414), 17(410), /R/ 22( /4), 423 tot It27(412), R/45, /51, 54( /10), R/81( /4), 93(44b 108(410), 109(/10), 117(430), R/126(/45), " C 4 tz

78 KOLOM 1 KOLOM II BETAALDATUMS VOORSTAD OMSKRYWING VAN ERWE JUL 83 AUG 83 SEPT 83 orr83 NOV 83 DES 83 JAN 84 FEBR 84 MRT 84 APR 84 MEI 84 JUN 84 Annlin en Uitbreidings 1, 6 en 8 Alle erwe Magalieskruin en Uitbreidings 1, 2 en 3 Alle erwe Montana en Uitbreiding 1 Alle erwe Sinoville en Uitbreidings 2, 3, 4, en 5 Alle erwe Wonderboom en Uitbreidings 1, 2, 3, 4 en 8 Alle erwe LANDBOUHOEWES OMSKRYWING VAN PLC/1TE Christiaansville Alle plotte Kenley Alle plotte Kozeni Alle plotte Montana en Uitbreidings 1 en 2 Alle plotte PumulaniUitbreiding 1 Alle plotte Wolmaranspoort Alle plotte Wonderboom en Uitbreiding 1 Alle plotte * ri3 PLAASGROND OMSKRYWING VAN GEDEELTES M Derdepoort 326 JR Derdepoort 327 JR Hartbeestfontein 324 JR Wonderboom 302 JR Gedeeltes R/1, R/15, 43, R/56, 57, R/91, R/92, R/93, R/104, R/105, R/108(4515) z R/109(/56), 110, 111, R/116, 117, 152, 158, 160, 161(/56), 164 tot 169, 174(492) > tot 177, R/179(41), 184(4104), r TR/197, 198, 199(4180) R/219, , R/236, R/238 /R/i49, 251 > Alle N gedeeltes Me gedeeltes R/2, R/18(/2), R/34 tot 37(/34), R/41( /18) tot 43(418) en 49(/41) 55(440), 133/R, 138(441), 139(441) ( /40), 176, 178/12, 180(4142) tot 187(434) 8 C CITY COUNCIL OF PRETORIA (bb) "General Residential" (Use Zone IV), NOTICE OF THE LEVYING OF A GENERAL RATE AND FIXING OF THE DAY FOR (cc) "Special Business" (Use Zone VII), PAYMENT IN RESPECT OF THE FINANCIAL YEAR 1 JULY 1983 TO 30 JUNE 1984 (dd) "General Business" (Use Zone VIII), Notice is hereby given in terms of section 26(2)a) and (b) of the Local Authorities Rating (ee) "Restricted Industrial" (Use Zone XI), Ordinance, 1977 (Ordinance 11 of 1977), that the City Council of Pretoria has in terms of section 21(2), read with section 4 of the said Ordinance, levied the following general rate in respect of the HO "General Industrial" (Use Zone XII), and abovementioned financial year on rateable property recorded in the valuation roll (gg) "Special" (Use Zone XIV) for purposes which in the view of the City Valuer are related to 1,92 cents in the rand on the site value of land, including land or any portion of land which is the one or more of the uses referred to in (aa) to (fi) property of the City Council of Pretoria and which it leases, or on the site value of a right in land Notice is hereby also given that Except in the case of land on which in terms of section 22 of the Local Authorities Rating Ordinance, 1977, rates are paid only on a percentage of the site value, a Debate in terms of section (i) the amount due in respect of rates for the 1983/84 financial year as contemplated in section 27 of 21(4) of the said Ordinance of 40 % is granted on the general assessment rate levied in respect of the the said Ordinance, shall in terms of section 26(I)(b) be paid in equal instalments by the owner of the site value of land, including land or any portion of land which is the property of the City Council of rateable property set out in Column I on the days set out in Column II of the schedule; Pretoria and which is let by it, or on the site value of a right in land,in respect of land which (ii) interest as contemplated in section 27(2) of the said Ordinance will be levied on arrear general (i) in terms of the Pretoria Townplanning Scheme, 1974, is zoned "Special Residential", and on rates and that legal steps for the recovery of all such arrear rates, plus interest, will be taken against which a dwelling house, which is used as a dwellinghouse, has been erected: Provided that this defaulters rebate shall not apply to an approved township in respect of which no single Erf is held under separate title, and also not to the remainder of a township; or P DELPORT (ii) in terms of the Pretoria Town planning Scheme, 1974, is zoned or reserved for a use other than Town Clerk "Special Residential", but on which a dwelling house has been erected which is used as a 6 July 1983 dwellinghouse, excluding land zoned as follows: Notice No 145/1983 (aa) "Duplex Residential" (Use Zone III), a a A IIII 0

79 W W OP a COLUMN I COLUMN II DUE DATES SUBURB DESCRIPTION OF ERVEN JUL 83 AUG 83 SEPT 83 OCT 83 NOV 83 DEC 83 JAN 84 FEB 84 MAR 84 APR 84 MAY 84 JUN 84 Alphen Park All erven Ashlea Gardens and Extension 2 All erven Brooklyn Erf 826 ConstantilPark and Extensions 1, All even 2, 3 De Beers All even Elardus Park All erven Faerie Glen All erven south of Atterbury Road Faerie Glen Extension 1 Erven 101 to 215, 796, 797 and 805 Garsfontein and Extensions 1, 2 3, 4, 5, 6 7, 8 10 All erven Hazelwood All erven Maroelana and Extension 3 All even Menlyn Erven 6 and 10 Menlyn Extension 3 All erven Monument Park Extension 2 All erven except Erf 1262 Monument Park Park Extensions All erven 3, 4 and 7 iw PS Moreleta Park and Extensions 1, All erven 0 2, 3, 7, 15, 16 All erven Newlands and Extension 2 All erven 4 Waterkloof and Extension 1 All erven south of Main Street 42 Waterkloof Extension 2 All erven Waterkloof Glen and Extensions All erven 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, pq Waterkloof Heights and Exten All erven 0 sions 1, 2, 3 Zil Waterkloof Park All erven 5; Waterkloof Ridge and Extension 1 All erven Wingate Park All erven 4 AGRICULTURAL HOLDINGS DESCRIPTION OF PLOTS le Garston All plots Valley Farm All plots south of Moreleta Spruit Waterkloof All plots 8 FARM LAND DESCRIPTION OF PORTIONS Garstkloof 595 JR JR 595/R All portions Garstfontein 374 JR Hartebeestpoort 362 JR 27 Rietvallei 377 JR All portions Waterkloof 345 JR All portions Waterkloof 376 JR All portions Waterkloof 378 JR All portions deb _ l i

80 N) COLUMN I COLUMN II 2 no DUE DATES SUBURB DESCRIPTION OF ERVEN JUL 83 AUG 83 SEPT 83 OCT 83 NOV 83 DEC 83 JAN 84 FEB 84 MAR 84 APR 84 MAY 84 JUN 84 Christoburg All erven Elarduspark Extension 1 All erven Erasmia All erven Erasmusrand All erven Glen Lauriston and Extensions 1 and 2 All erven Monument Park and Extension 1 All erven Monument Park Extension 2 Erf 1262 Valhalla All erven Waterkloof Ridge Extension 2 All erven AGRICULTURAL HOLDINGS DESCRIPTION OF PLOTS Monrick All plots FARM LAND DESCRIPTION OF PORTIONS Erasmia 350 JR Rf2, 3, 4, 5, 8,(42), 9, JR 350/R Groenkloof 358 JR L16 Lekkerhoekie 411 JR All portions m Mooiplaats 355 JR 21 All portions Pretoria Town and 0 /R16, 249(46) Townlands 351 JR Waterkloof JR 1, /R/Farm Zwartkop 356 JR All portions 9 SUBURB DESCRIPTION OF ERVEN 0 Danville and Extensions 1 and 2 All erven rit4 Kwaggasrand All erven M Proclamation Hill Extension 1 An erven north of Church Street West Park All erven FARM LAND DESCRIPTION OF PORTIONS :i% Broekscheur 318 JR All portions 8 1 r Pretoria Town and Townlands 351 /R/6, 190, 13L6, L8, L29 (L22) L30 04 JR I32 Skinner Court Court 254 JR All portions Eli SUBURB DESCRIPTION OF ERVEN Asiatic Bazaar and Extension 1 All erven Claudius All erven Pretoria Industrial Township All erven Laudium and Extensions 1, 2, and 3 All erven Pretoria All erven west of Schulte Street, as well as Erven 1986 to 1993 and 2575, and erven north of Boom Street from Zoo Proclamation Hill All erven south of Church Street FARM LAND DESCRIPTION OF PORTIONS Daspoort 319 JR Portions 412(41), ft/29 Groenkloof 358 JR R/38(/22), 56(42), 461(422) 70 Pretoria Town and Townlands /, 4R/6, 39(46), 48(136), 52(436) JR 53(436), 55(46), 12186(46), 4R/95, R/99( 118(46), 120(46), /126(/6) R/124489, /20), 150, R/206(48), 100(429), /104, 212(47), 113(420), R/238, 114( (, 256(/99), , 328(449),342(4222), 358 Prinshof 349 JR 4, 36, R/43 a a a a

81 COLUMN I COLUMN II DUE DATES SUBURB DESCRIPTION OF ERVEN JUL 83 AUG 83 SEPT 83 ocr 83 NOV 83 DEC 83 JAN 84 FEB 84 MAR 84 APR 84 MAY 84 JUN 84 Pretoria All erven east of Schuttc Street u to Paul Kruger Street, except Erven I to 1993 and Ed 2575 FARM LAND DESCRIPTION OF PORTIONS Pretoria Town anu Townlands 346 JR All portions Pretoria Town and 4R16, 423,23 319(46), 343 Townlands 351 JR SUBURB DESCRIPTION OF ERVEN Arcadia All erven west of the Apies River up to Du Toit Street Pretoria All erven south of Boom Street between Paul Kruger and Du Toit Streets a FARM LAND DESCRIPTION OF PORTIONS in Elandspoort 357 JR 346(4346), ), 348(4345), 349( /345), 350(4345) rn Pretoria Town and Pretoria Station (bookshop, coffee bar, Townlands 351 JR tearoom, kitchen, bar and photomee 0 studio) SUBURB Arcadia DESCRIPTION OF ERVEN All erven east of the Apies River up to Eastwood Street Deerness All erven south of Chamberlain Street East Clvffe All erven rn Eastwooa All erven Gezina Erven , , 627, 628, 630, 631, 633, 662, 712/R and 719 Kilberry AO erven Rietfontein All erven south of Chamberlain Street and Erven 25 to 31, 728, 763, 765, 772 Rietondale and Extension 2 All erven Riviera All erven Villiera Erven 1435, FARM LAND DESCRIPTION OF PORTIONS Elandspoort 357 JR 308( /187), 309(/187), 312(465), 316( /65) 317(465), 321(/65), 325(465), 1398 Prinshof 349 JR R/8, 9(/8), 11, 30( /8), 66 Rietfontein 321 JR AS portions

82 a a a a COLUMN I COLUMN II b) DUE DATES 8 SUBURB DESCRIPTION OF ERVEN JUL 83 AUG 83 SEPT 83 OCT83 NOV 83 DEC 83 JAN 84 FEB 84 MAR 84 APR 84 MAY 84 JUN 84 Lukasrand All erven Muckleneuk and Extensions 2 and All erven north of the railway line and 3 east up to Bourke Street and south of the railway line and east up to Magnolia Dell Salvokop All erven Sunnyside All erven west of Bourke Street Trevenna All erven FARM LAND Elandspoort 357 JR R/43 Groenkloof 358 JR /R/2 80 Pretoria Town and R/I I, R/170 Townlands 351 JR DESCRIPTION OF PORTION SUBURB Arcadia Brooklyn DESCRIPTION OF ERVEN All erven cast of Eastwood Street All erven, except Erf 826 and the erven situated in the north western corner and bordered by Charles and Duncan Streets m n Bryntirion All ervan 0 Colbyn and Extensions 1 and 2 All erven > Groenkloof and Extension 1 All erven N Hatfield All erven north of the railway line as, well as all erven in the south eastern corner formed by Duncan Street and the railway line, b g Hillcrest All erven east of Duncan Street < Lisdogan Park Nieuw Muckleneuk Waterkloof All erven All erven All erven north of Main Street FARM LAND DESCRIPTION OF PORTIONS Blackmoor 347 JR All portions Bryntirion 348 JR All portions Elandspoort 357 JR R/ ( /54) R/258( /30), /297) R/36I 367(4362) R/318( Groenkloof 358 JR 47 Koedoespoori 325 JR R/39(422) /40 R/51 52(451) 92(/91) i

83 IIP a IP IP COLUMN I COLUMN H DUE DATES SUBURB DESCRIPTION OF ERVEN JUL 83 AUG 83 SEPT 83 OCT 83 NOV83 DEC 83 JAN 84 FEB 84 MAR 84 APR 84 MAY 84 JUN 84 Brooklyn Only these erven situated in the north, western corner and bordered by Charles and Duncan Streets Hatfield All erven in the southwestern corner formed by the railway line and Duncan Street Hillcrest All erven west of Duncan Street Muckleneuk All erven from Bourke Street and north of railway line and north of Charles Street from Magnolia Dell Sunnyside All erven east of Bourke Street FARM LAND DESCRIPTION OF PORTIONS Elandspoort 357 JR 250(449), RI293(4292), 300(4239), RI 332(4210), 375(/210) m SUBURB DESCRIPTION OF ERVEN X a 0 Die Wilgers Extension I All erven east of Swaardlelie Street Die Wilgers Extension 9 All event east of Gordon Venter Street Faerie Glen 1/4 All erven north of Atterbury Road Le Faerie Glen Extension 1 Erven 216 to 778, 783 to 795 and 804 > " Fearie Glen Extension 2 All erven Lynnrodene All erven X Lynnwood and Extension I All erven 0 Lynnwood Glen and Extension 2 All erven M Lynnwood Manor and Extension 4 All erven i Lynnwood Park All erven Lynnwood Ridge Extensions 1 All erven and 5 ch Menlo Park All erven Menlo Park Extension 1 All erven Menlyn Liven 1, 2, 3 P Willow Park Manor All erven AGRICULTURAL HOLDINGS DESCRIPTION OF PLOTS Strulands and Extension I All plots Valley Farm All plots north of Moreleta Spruit Willow Brae All plots Willow Glen and Extension All plots Willow Park 1 All plots FARM LAND DESCRIPTION OF PORTIONS Hartebeestpoort 362 JR R/5 19, /29 93( /33) and JR 362/R Koedoesnek 341 JR All portions except 1023 The Willows 340 JR R/2, R/4, R/15(/14), R/16(414), R/18( /6)to 1V25(/6), R/32(/6) to 11/73(172), 76(421) to R/106(/12), Ft/110(412) to 136, /141 to 142( /150), 148 to 166(424), 185(/83) 209 Valley Farm 379 JR RfFarm b) 8,

84 a a a a COLUMN 1 COLUMN II 14 DUE DATES SUBURB DESCRIPTION OF ERVEN JUL 83 AUG 83 SEPT 83 OCT 83 NOV 83 DEC 83 JAN 84 FEB 84 MAR 84 APR 84 MAY 84 JUN 84 Bellevue All erven Brummeria and Extensions I 2, 1 and 4 All erven Despatch All erven Die Wilgers and Extensions 11, 13 and 19 All erven Die Wilgers Extension I All erven west of Swaardlelie Street Die Wilgers Extension 9 All erven west of Gordon Venter Street Eersterust and Extensions 2, 3, 4, 5 6 All erven Georgeville All erven La Concorde All erven La Montagne and Extensions 1 and 3 All erven Lydiana All erven Lynnwood Manor Extensions 1 and 3 All erven Lynnwood Ridge All erven Meyerspark and Extensions 1 to 8 All erven Muckleneuk All erven south of Charles Street and m M from Queen Wilhelmina Street 0 Murrayfield and Extensions 1 and < 2 All erven 2 Navors All erven n Salieshoek All erven Silverton and Extensions I ie r 6, I I 12 13, 14 All erven <, 2 ValDe Grace and Extensions 3 RI All erven rn Waltloo All erven AGRICULTURAL HOLDINGS DESCRIPTION OF PLOTS en Andresrus All plots 8 ri s! FARM LAND DESCRIPTION OF PORTIONS Baviaanspoort 330 JR All portions 8 Chrysler Park 422 JR All portions Chrysler Park 423 JR All portions Derdepoort 326 JR Portions R/ , R/46(/2), R/171, 252(/171), Franspoort 332 JR Ft/l, R/3, 4, 5, , 46, 47, 6163 Hartebeestpoort 328 JR 9( /2) to R/76(/27) and R/78(/13) to 176(/92) Hatherley 331 JR All portions Mopani 342 JR All portions Pienaarspoort 339 JR All portions Scientia 416 JR RiFarm The Willows 340 JR W8 to R/11(Sonop)( /6), 13(48) 20(48) 30, /68 and /69, 74(/15) R/109(/108) R/137, 143(/137), 144(/89) 182(/8), 183(/9) Vlakfontein 329 JR 2, /3 r:e1 I

85 l a1 COLUMN I 111P COLUMN II DUE DATES GP SUBURB DESCRIPTION OF ERVEN JUL 83 AUG 83 SEPT 83 OCT 83 NOV 83 DEC 83 JAN 84 FEB 84 MAR 84 APR 84 MAY 84 JUN 84 East Lynne and Extensions 1 and All erven 2 Ekklesia and Extension 1 All erven Jan Niemandpark and Extension 1 All erven Kilner Park and Extensions 1 and 2 All erven Koedoespoort (Railway Housing) All erven Queenswood and Extensions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 All erven Silvertondale All erven Waverley Erven 100, 101, 1253, 1257 Weavind Park All erven FARM LAND DESCRIPTION OF PORTIONS Derdepoort 326 JR Portions R/7, 2J10, /21(42), 22, 23, 31:13/7), 2, 226, /250, 4256(4249) Hartebeestpoort 328 JR R/78(413) L R/32(47), R/33(/32),m R/42, 50( 71 /42, 51, 52, 53, 54, R/58, 98, 157, 159, o Koedoespoort 325 JR R/18 portion of 20(/18),R/25(418), 69 Fa portion of, 70( /47), 72as), R/87, 107/ r > M Koedoesnek 341 JR Portion 1023 A 0ln SUBURB DESCRIPTION OF ERVEN 2, Koedoespoort Industrial, All erven ri Township Maregloed All erven Villiena s All erven north of the railway line Waverley and Extension 1 All erven, except Erven 100, 101, 1253 and 1257 SUBURB DESCRIPTION OF ERVEN Hr e Deemess Gezina Rietfontein Villieria Wonderboom South All erven north of Chaimberlan Street All erven east of 14th Avenue and the erven south of the railway line, except Erven 607, 608, 609, 617 to 620, 627, 628, 630, 631, 633, 662, 712/R and 719 All erven, except those erven situated in the northwestern comer bordered by the railway line and 14th Avenue and the erven south of Chaimberlan Street and Erven 25 to 31, 728, 763, 765, 772 All erven south of the railway line, except Erven 1435, 1455, 1456 All erven east of 14th Avenue N2

86 COLUMN I COLUMN II is) DUE DATES SUBURB DESCRIPTION OF ERVEN JUL 83 AUG 83 SEPT 83 OCT83 NOV83 DEC 83 JAN 84 FEB 84 MAR 84 APR 84 MAY 84 JUN 84 Eloffsdal and Extensions 2 and 3 All erven, except Ed 247 of Eloffsdal Gezina All erven west of 14th Avenue and north of the railway line Les Marais All erven Mayville All erven Mountain View All erven southeast of the railway line Parktown Estate All erven Rietfontein All erven situated in the northwestern corner bordered by the railway fine and th Avenue > Roseville All erven north of Franzina Street Wonderboom South All erven west of 14th Avenue FARM LAND DESCRIPTION OF PORTIONS Daspoort 319 JR Portions 27 Eloff Estate 320 JR R/5, 16(43), 17(410), JR 320/R Wonderboom 302 JR 13(41), M/19 SUBURB DESCRIPTION OF ERVEN Capital Park and Extension I All erven Daspoort and Extension 1 All erven south of Moot Street Eloffsdal Extensions 1 and 4 All erven, as well as Erf 247 of Eloffsdal Hermanstad and Extension 2 All erven Pretoria Gardens and Extensions All erven east of Gustav Adolf Street 1 and 2 Roseville All erven south of Franzina Street FARM LAND DESCRIPTION OF PORTIONS Daspoort 319 JR Portions 47/2), R/30(419) 4R/31, 449, 4R/52(412, 63(430), 66(439), R/ \A M784 70, 75(431), 114(430), R(42), 96 /R/97, R/99, R/ ),, R/111(42), 113(431), 117(470), R/87(430a3/ 1 ( /2), 129(443), 153(4102), (4133), 6 194/ R/n4 R/3,R R/4, Rill, 13, R/33, 42(412), 45, R/49(/33), 53, 59, R/62, R/65, 60465) Eloff Estate 320 JR

87 IP W COLUMN I COLUMN II DUE DATES SUBURB DESCRIPTION OF ERVEN JUL 83 AUG 83 SEPT 83 ocr 83 NOV 83 DEC 83 JAN 84 FEB 84 MAR 84 APR 84 MAY 84 JUN 84 Booysens All erven south of Van der Hoff Road Claremont All erven south of Van der Hoff Road Daspoort All erven north of Moot Street Daspoort Estate All erven Mountain View All erven north west of railway line Mountain View Extension 1 All erven " Pretoria Gardens All erven west of Gustav Adolf Street FARM LAND DESCRIPTION OF PORTIONS Daspoort 319 JR Portions Rt2, 44(42), 73( /52), 77(42), R/106(425) Zandfontein 317 JR 13(/4),8/19(/10), 87(419) to 12/94(419),, 124(410), 150 SUBURB DESCRIPTION OF ERVEN Booysens All erven north of Van der Hoff Road Claremont All erven north of Van der Hoff Road se AGRICULTURAL HOLDINGS DESCRIPTION OF PLOTS 7 0 Ancleon All plots < Marlene " 23X All plots FARM LAND DESCRIPTION OF PORTIONS > r Daspoort 319 JR Portion R/35(/2) Zandfontein 317 JR R/4, 20(417) to R/77(417), 100(474) to 7 to 135(/40), /152( 0 / 1151)16(455to) 128(4R162(447)96), 168 to 171 m SUBURB DESCRIPTION OF ERVEN Q4, Dorandia and Extensions 1, 2, 3, All erven 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and Florauna and Extensions 1, 2 and I; C r 3 Alleiven : Pretoria North tz and Extensions 1 and 3 All 115 erven Tileba All erven Wolmer All erven 4 " FARM LAND DESCRIPTION OF PORTIONS Wonderboom 302 JR an, R/10(41), /R/12(414), 17(410), /R/ /23 to R/27(412) R/45, /51, 54 /10), R/81(/4), 93(44, 108(410), 22j44), 1 (410), 117(430), R/126(445), 164 I) N

88 a COLUMN I COLUMN II DUE DATES a SUBURB DESCRIPTION OF ERVEN JUL83 AUG83 SEPT 83 OCT 83 NOV83 DEC 83 JAN 84 FEB 84 MAR 84 APR 84 MAY 84 JUN 84 Annlin and Extensions I, 6 and 8 All erven Magalieskruin and Extension 1, 2 and 3 All erven Montana and Extension 1 All erven Sinoville and Extensions 2, 3, 4 and 5 All erven Wonderboom and Extensions 1, 2, 3, 4 and 8 All erven AGRICULTURAL HOLDINGS DESCRIPTION OF PLOTS Cluistiaansville All plots Kenley All plots Kozem All plots Montana and Extensions 1 and 2 All plots Pumulani Extension 1 All plots Wolmaranspoort AU plots Wonderboom and Extension 1 All plots FARM LAND DESCRIPTION OF PORTIONS 0 Derdepoort 326 JR Portions RA, R15, 43, R/56, 57 R/91, R/92, R/93, R/104, R/105, R/108(456): R/109(456), 110, 111, R/116, 117, 152, 158, (/56), 164 to 169, 174(492) to 177, R/179(41), 184(4104), , 4R/197, 198, 199(4180), R/219, R/ , R/236, R/238, 4R/249, 241 Derdepoort 327 JR All portions Hartebeestfontein 324 JR All portions Wonderboom 302 JR R/2; R/18(42), R/34 to37(434), R/41( /18) to 43( /18) and 49(/41), 55(440), 133/R, 138(/41), 139(441) ( /40), 176, 178/R, 180(/142) to 187(434) E

89 PROVINSIALE KOERANT 6 JULIE ID II STADSRAAD VAN ROODEPOORT Eiendomsbelasting van Plaaslike Besture, 1977 land in a lawfully established township) where (Ordonnansie 11 van 1977) die volgende such land is used for residential purposes or for PROKLAMERING VAN N PAD algemene eiendomsbelastings ten opsigte van purposes not incidental to mining operations by die bogenoemde boekjaar gehef is opbelasbare persons or companies engaged in mining opera Ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel 5 van eiendom in die voorlopige waardenngslys en lions in terms of section 23 of the Ordinance die "Local Authorities Roads Ordinance" No 44 voorlopige aanvullende waarderingslys opge van 1904, soos gewysig, word bekend gemaak teken at 167 cents in the Rand; dat die Stadsraad van Roodepoort Sy Edele die (a) op die terreinwaarde van enige growl of (c) in respect of free holders licence interest Administrateur van Transvaal, versoek het om reg in grond teen 5,0 sent in die Rand: payable in terms of the provisions of section 25 n voorgestelde pad soos nader omskryf in die of the said Ordinance bylae hiervan as openbare pad te proklameer (b) Op die waarde van ierbeterings gelee op grond kragtens myntitel gehou wat me grond in a sum equal to 20 per cent of the gross amount Afskrifte van die versoekskrif en van die plan wat daarby aangeheg is, 16 ter insae gedurende n goedgekeurde dorp is nie, waar sodanige of monies or rents received grond vii woondoelemdes of vir doeleindes wat gewone kantoorure, by die kantoor van diein terms of section 21(4)/39/40 of the said nie tot mynbedrywighede bykomstig is Stadsklerk, nie, Burgersentrum, Roodepoort Ordinance, a rebate on the general rate levied gebruik word, ingevolge artikel 23 van die on Enige belanghebbende wat beswair teen die genoemde Ordonnansie the site value of land or any right in land referred to in paragraph (a) above proklamering van die voorgestelde pad wil teen 1,67 sent in die Rand; opper moet sy beswaar skriftelik, in tweevoud, of 40 per cent is granted in respect of all by die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Privaat (c) ten opsigte van grondeienaarslisensiebe rateable property zoned in the Roodepoort sak X437, Pretoria en die Stadsklerk, Privaatlenge betaalbaar ingevolge die bepalings van Town planning Scheme or Schemes as "Special sak X30, Roodepoort, indien, nie later as 18 artikel 25 van die genoemde Ordonnansie Residential" of "Residential One" or used as a Augustus 1983 dwelling on a proclaimed erf within a pro n bedrag wat gelykstaande is aan 20 persent claimed township; W 1 ZYBRANDS van die bruto bedrag van gelde of huurgelde Stadsklerk One sixth of the amount due for rates as ontvang Burgersentrum contemplated in section 27 of the said Ordinance Roodepoort Ingevolge artikel 21(4)/39/40 van die shall be payable on Ist August 1983 (the fixed 6 Julie 1983 genoemde Ordonnansie word n korting van 40 day) and the balance in ten consecutive equal Kennisgewing No 28/1983 persent op die algemene eiendomsbelasting monthly payments Payments must be made gehef op die terreinwaardevan grond of enige before or on the due date as indicated on the BYLAE reg in grond genoem in paragraaf (a) hierbo monthly account: toegestaan ten opsigie van alle eiendomme soos Paaie van wissclende wydtes oor Gedeelte 301 genoem of aangetoon in Roodepoort se dorps Ratepayers who fail to pay any of their van die pleas Wilgespruit 190 IO soos meer beplanningskema of skemas as "Spesialc Woon monthly instalments shall be liable to pay the volledig aangedui op Landmetersdiagramme LG of "Woon Een", of wat as woonhuis gebruik full amount outstanding in respect of the linen Nos A1203/83 en A1204/83 word op n geproklameerde erf binne n dorps cial years assessment rate levy, within 30 days gabled: without further notice; CITY COUNCIL OF ROODEPOORT Eensesde van die bedrag verskuldig vir eien Interest of 133 per cent per annum is charge domsbelasting soos in artikel 27 van genoemde able on all amounts in arrear after the fixed day PROCLAMATION OF ROAD Ordonnansie beoog, is op 1 Augustus 1983 and defaulters are liable to legal proceedings for (vasgestelde dag) en die saldo in den agtereen recovery of such arrear amounts volgende gelyke maandelikse paaiemente be Notice is given in terms of section 5 of the iaalbaar Betalings moet voor of op die venal TOWN CLERK Local Authorities Roads Ordinance No 44 ofcity of Roodepoort 1904, as amended, that the City Council of datum edu soos maandeliks op die rekcningstaat gemaak Private Bag X30 i word; Roodepoort has petitioned the Honourable the aangroodepoort Administrator of Transvaal to proclaim a public Belastingbetalers wat in gebreke bly om enige 1725 road, the proposed road more fully described in van butte paaiemente le betaal moet die voile 6 July 1983 the Schedule hereto bedrag wat nog verskuldig is ten opsigte van die Notice No 30/1983 belastingheffing binne 30 finansiele doe jaar Copies se of the petition and the plan attached betaal sonder verdere kennisgewing thereto may be inspected during ordinary office hours at the office of the Town Clerk, Civic Rente teen 13,3 persent per jaar is op alle Centre Roodepoort agterstallige bedrae na die vasgestelde dag TRANSVAALSE RAAD VIR DIE ONTWIK hefbaar en wanbatelers is onderhevngaan regs K EL I NG VAN B U IT ES T E D EL I K E Objections if any to the proclamation of the proposed road must be lodged in writing in prows vir die invordering van sodanige agter GEBIEDE stallige bedrae duplicate with the Director of Local Govern ment, Private Bag X437, Pretoria, and with the WYSIGING VAN VERORDENINGE STADSKLERK Town Clerk Private Bag X30 Roodepoort not Stadsraad van Roodepoort Dit word hierby ingevolge artikel 96 van die later than 18 August 1983 Privaatsak X30 Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, be W 1 ZYBRANDS Roodepoort kend gemaak dat die Raad van voorneme is om 1725 Civic Centre Town Clerk die ondervermelde verordeninge te wysig ten 6 Julie 1983 Roodepoort einde die tariewe te verhoog vir die verbruikers Kennisgewing No 30/83 6 July 1983 in die gemelde gebicde van die Raad en Pleas Notice No 28/1983 like Gebiedskomitees WATER SCHEDULE LOCAL AUTHORITY OF ROODEPOORT Klipriviervallei Northam Roads of varying width over Portion 301 of NOTICE OF GENERAL RATE OR RATES Schoemansville Pienaarsrivier the farm Wilgespruit 190 IQ as will more fully AND OF FIXED DAY FOR PAYMENT IN Kosmos Walkerville/De Deur appear from Surveyors Diagrams SG No A1203/ RESPECT OF FINANCIAL YEAR I JULY Ogies Amsterdam 83 and A TO 30 JUNE 1984 Groot Marico Chrissiesmeer Akasia/Rosslyn Ennerdale (Regulation 17) Paardekop Lenasias PLAASLIKE BESTUUR VAN ROODE Lanseria Hammanskraal POORT Notice is hereby given that in terms of section Roossenekal Charl Cilliers 26(2)(a) and (b) of the Local Authorities Rating Malclane Letsitele KENNISGEWING VAN ALGEMENE EIEN Ordinance 1977 (Ordinance II of 1977) the Rayton Burgersfort DOMSBELASTING OF EIENDOMS following general rates have been levied in Wesrand Davel BELASTING EN VAN VASGESTELDE respect of the abovementioned financial year on Ellisras Vischkuil DAG VIR BETALING TEN OPSIGTE VAN rateable property recorded in the provisional DIE BOEKJAAR I JULIE 1983 TOT 30 valuation roll and provisional supplementary SANITEIT JUNIE 1984 valuation rolls Akasia/Rosslyn Sundry (a) value of any land or right in pruit Oes gi 111 (Regulasie 17) land at 50 cents in the Rand; Rayton Kaapmuiden Kosmos Amsterdam!tennis word hierby gegce dat ingevolge (b) on the value of improvements situate Schoemansville Malelane artikel 26(2)(a) en (b) van die Ordonnansie op upon land held under mining title (not being Hoedspruit Ennerdale

90 2108 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 6 JULY 1983 Groot Marico Hectorspruit Gravelotte Soekmekaar TRANSVAAL BOARD FOR THE DE Paardekop Chrissiesmeer Ellisras Zaaiwater VELOPMENT OF PERIURBAN AREAS Marikana Ohrighstad Hectorspruit Chad Cullers Dave! Soekmekaar Lake Chrissie Burgersfort NOTICE Northam Zaaiwater Ohrigstad Vandyksdrif 41 Klipriviervallei Char! Cilliers PROPOSED PERMANENT CLOSING OF A Gravelotte Burgersfort ELECTRICITY PORTION OF ERF 60 BURGERSFORT Ellisras Vandyksdrif Rayton Ellisras Notice is hereby given in terms of section 68 of ELEKTRISITEIT Lenasias Ogies the Local Government Ordinance No 17 of Kosmos Schoemansville Rayton Ellisras 1939, as amended, that the Transvaal Board for Amsterdam West of Pretoria Lenasias Ogles the Development of PeriUrban Areas intends De Deur Ennerdale Kosmos Schoemansville dosing, permanently, a Hectorspruit Lanseria Airport portion of Erf 60, Amsterdam Wes van Pretoria Burgersfort for residential purposes Vaalwater De Deur Ennerdale The Boards resolution, a plan showing the Hectorspruit Lanseria Lughawe DRAINAGE portion of the erf to lie closed and the conditions Vaalwater Malelane Akasia/Rosslyn in respect of the proposed permanent closing of RIOOL Hectorspruit Ennerdale the portion of the erf are open for inspection for Schoemansville Lenasias a period of sixty (60) days from the date of this Malelane Akasia/Rosslyn notice during normal office hours at Room Hectorspruit Ennerdale AIRPORT B501, H B Phillips Building, 320 Bosman Street, Schoemansville Lenasias Pretoria Lanseria LUGHAWE to make provision for refuelling Any person who wishes to object against the after hours Lanseria om voorsiening te maak vir proposed permanent closing must lodge such brandstof inflame na ure CEMETRY objection in writing before or on 7 September 1983 BEGRAAFPLAAS Ennerdale increase in burial fees B G E ROUX Ennerdale verhogings in tariewe vir teraar Copies of these amendments are open for Secretary debestellings inspection in Room A 407 at the Boards Head PO Box 1341 Office 320 Bosman Street Pretoria for a Pretoria Afskrifte van hierdie wysigings le ter insae in period of fourteen days from the date of 6 July 1983 Kamer A 407 by die Raad se Hoofkantoor publication hereof Notice No 66/1983 Bosmanstraat 320 Pretoria vir n tydperk van veertien dae na die datum van publikasie Any person who desires to record his objechiervan tion to the said amendments must do so in writing to the undermentioned within 14 days Enige persoon wat beswaar teen genoemde after the date of publication of this notice in the MUNISIPALITEIT VERWOERDBURG wysigings wil aantekcn moet dit skriftelik binne Provincial Gazette 14 dae na datum van publikasie van hierdie VASSTELLING VAN GELDE TEN kennisgewing in die Provinsiale Koerant by die B G E ROUX OPSIGTE VAN WATER ondergetekende doen Secretary PO Box 1341 Ingevolge artikel 80 B(8) van die Ordonnansie B G E ROUX Pretoria op Phiaslike Bestuur, 1939 (Ordonnansie 17 van Sekretaris 6 July ), word hierby bekendgemaak dat die Posbus 1341 Notice No 63/1983 Stadsraad van Verwoerdburg by spesiale besluit Pretoria die gelde afgekondig by Munisipale Kennisge wing No 6 van 1980, soos gewysig, verder gcwysig 6 Julie 1983 bet soos in me Bylae hierby utteengesit met Kennisgewing No 63/1983 ingang van 1 April 1983 TRANSVAALSE RAAD VIR DIE ONTWIK P J GEERS KELING VAN BUITESTEDELIKE Stadsklerk TRANSVAAL BOARD FOR THE DE GEBIEDE 6 Julie 1983 VELOPMENT OF PERI URBAN AREAS Kennisgewing No 30/1983 AMENDMENTS TO BYLAWS KENNISGEW1NG BYLAE It is hereby notified in terms of section 96 of VOORGESTELDE PERMANENTE SLUIthe Local Government Ordinance, 1939, that TING VAN N GEDEELTE VAN ERF 60 Deur item 2 te wysig deur II the Board intends amending the undermen BURGERSFORT tioned bylaws in order to increase the tariffs for (a) in subitem (2)(a) die syfer "23,70c" deur the consumers in the areas of the Board and Kennisgewing geskied hiermee ingevolge die die syfer "26,92c" te vervang; Local Areas Committees mentioned bepalings van artikel 68 van die Ordonnansie op (b) in subitem (2)(b) die syfers "23,70c" en WATER Plaaslike Bestuur No 17 van 1939 dat die "21,70" onderskeidelik deur die syfers "26,92c" Transvaalse Raad vir die Ontwikkeling van Klip River Valley Northam en "24,92c" te vervang; en Buitesteddike Gebiede van voomeme is om n Schoemansville Pienaarsrivier gedeelte van Erf 60 Burgersfort permanent te (c) in subitem (2)(c)(ii) die syfer "23,70c" Kosmos Walkerville/De Deur vir woondoeleindes Ogies sluit deur die syfer "2692c" te vervang Amsterdam Groot Marico Lake Chrissie Die Raad se besluit, n plan waarop die Akasia/Rosslyn Ennerdale betrokke gedeelte van die erf aangedui word en Paardekop Lenasias die voorwaardes in verband met die voorge Lanseria Hammanskraal nome permanente sluiting van die gedeelte van VERWOERDBURG MUNICIPALITY Roossenekal Chad Cilliers die erf sal vir n tydperk Malelane Letsitele datum van hierdie kennisgewinter van 608ae vanaf insaedie le DETERMINATION OF CHARGES IN RE Rayton Burgersfort gedurende normale kantoorure by Kamer B501 SPELT OF WATER West Rand Davel 1 I 13 Phillipsgebou, Bosmanstraat 320, Pretoria Ellisras Vischkuil In terms of the provisions of section 80 B(8) of Enige persoon wat wil beswaar aanteken teen the Local Government Ordinance 1939 (Ordi SANITATION hierdie voorgenome permanente sluiting moet nance 17 of 1939), it is hereby notified that the s o d a n ige b es w a re skriftelik by die Town Council of Verwoerdburg has by special Akasia/Rosslyn Amsterdam ondergetekende indien voor of op 7 September resolution amended the charges published in Brugspruit Malelane 1983 Municipal Notice No 6 of 1980, as amended, as Rayton Ennerdale set out in the Schedule below with effect from 1 Kosmos Groot Marico B G E ROUX April 1983 Schoemansville Paardekop Sekretaris Hoedspruit Marikana Posbus 1341 P J GEERS Sundra Dave! Pretoria Town Clerk 4 Ogies Northam 6 Julie July 1983 Kaapmuiden Klip River Valley Kenriisgewing No 66/1983 Notice No 30/1983 a 111

91 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 6 JULIE D By SCHEDULE dertig (30) persent op die algemene eiendoms ities Rating Ordinance, 1977 (Ordinance 11 of belasting, gehef op die terreinwaarde van grond 1977), the following general rate has been levied amending item 2 by the substitution of enige reg in grond, genoem in paragraaf (a) in respect of the abovementioned financial year hierbo, toerstaan ten opsigte van alle etendom on rateable property recorded in the provisional (a) in subitem " (2)(a)" for the figure "23,70e" me gelee borne n geproklameerde dorpsgebied valuation roll and provisional supplementary of the figure 26,92c; waarvan die gebruik uitsluitlik vir spesiale valuation roll "23,70o woondoeleindes aangcwend word Die bedrag (b) in subitem (2)(b) for the figures(a) On the site value of any land or right in and "21,70c" of the figures "26,92c" and verskuldig vir eiendomsbelasting, coos in artikels 27 en 41 "24,92c" van genoemded respectively; andland: Oronnansie beoog, is op 31 Augustus 1983 betaalbaar, maar A general rate of two comma seven five (2,75) (c) in subitem (2)(c)(ii) for the figure "23,70e" mag ten genewe van belastingbetalers, in twaalf cents in the Rand of the figure "26,92c" gelyke maandelikse paaiemente betaal word vanaf 1 Julie 1983 en die daaropvolgende In terms of sections 21(4), 39 and 40 of the paaiemente op die eerste dag van elke daaropsaid Ordinance, a rebate of the general rate volgende maand levied on the site value of land or any right in Rente teen die koers sons van tyd tot tyd deur land referred to in paragraph (a) above, of thirty PLAASLIKE BESTUUR VAN VERWOERD die Administrateur bepaalis word, BURG op ago (30) per cent is granted in respect of all agterstallige bedrae na die vasgestelde dag properties situated within a proclaimed KENNISGEWING VAN ALGEMENE E1EN hefbaar en wanbetalers is onderhewig aan regs township and which are exclusively used for proses vir die invordering van sodanige agfer special residential purposes The amount due for DOMSBELASTING OF EIENDOMS stallige bedrae rates as contemplated in sections 27 and 41 of BELASTINGS EN VASGESTELDE DAG the said Ordinance shall be payable on 31 VIR BETALING TEN OPSIGTE VAN DIE P J GEERS August, 1983, but, for the convenience of BOEKJAAR 1 JULIE 1983 TOT 30 JUNIE Stadsklerk ratepayers, may be paid in twelve equal monthly I 1984 Munisipale Kantore instalments from 1 July 1983 and the instalments Basdenlaan thereafter on the first day of each succeeding (Regulasie 17) Posbus month Verwoerdburg Kennis word hierby gegee dat ingevolge 0140 Interest at the rate determined from time to artikels 26(2)(a) 26(2)(b) en 41 van die Ordon 6 Julie 1983 time by the Administrator is chargeable on all nansie op Eiendomsbelasting van Plaaslike Be Kennisgewing No 57/1983 amounts in arrear after the fixed day and sture, 1977 (Ordonnansie 11 van 1977) die defaulters are liable to legal proceedings for volgende algemene eiendomsbelasting ten recovery of such arrear amounts opsigte van die bogenoemde boekjaar gehef is op belasbare eiendom in die voorlopige LOCAL AUTHORITY OF VERWOERD P J waarderingslys en voorlopige aanvullen GEERS e BURG waarderingslys opgeteken Town Clerk NOTICE OF GENERAL RATE OR RATES Municipal Offices (a) Op die terreinwaarde van enige grond of AND OF FIXED DAY FOR PAYMENT IN Basden Avenue reg in grond: RESPECT OF FINANCIAL YEAR 1 JULY, PO Box n Algemene eiendomsbelasting teen n tarief 1983 TO 30 JUNE, 1984 Verwoerdburg 0140 van twee komma sewe vyf (2,75) sent in die Rand (Regulation 17) 6 July 1983 Notice No 57/1983 Ingevolge artikels 21(4), 39 en 40 van die Notice is hereby given that in terms of sections genoemde Ordonnansie word n korting van 26(2)(a), 26(2)(b) and 41 of the Local Author Case No: 13512/83 PH: 345 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (WITWATERSRAND LOCAL DIVISION) JOHANNESBURG, THE 21ST DAY OF JUNE 1983 BEFORE THE HONOURABLE MR JUSTICE GORDON In the Ex Parte Application of: MORNINGSIDE GRANGE (PTY) LIMITED Applicant, In the matter between: MORNINGSIDE GRANGE (PTY) LIMITED Applicant and THE ADMINISTRATOR OF THE TRANSVAAL 1st Respondent and TOWN COUNCIL OF SANDTON 2nd Respondent HAVING heard Counsel and having read the documents filed of record: IT IS ORDERED: 1 That compliance with Rule 53 of the Rules of the above Court is dispensed and condoned 2 That the decision of the Administrator of the Transvaal ("the First Respondent") as proclaimed on the 11th May, 1983 by publication thereof in the Provincial Gazette of the same date whereby the Amendment of Sandton Town Council Planning scheme 1980 by Sandton Amendment Scheme 227 was approved, and in consequence of which lk Erf 831 Morningside Extension 91 Township ("the Property") was rezoned frord 11 "Special" Use Zone 9 for the purpose of a medical clinic comprising surgical, maternity, dispensary and con valescent home services, doctors consulting rooms and residential accommodation for persons in the bona fide full time employment of the occupier of the Erf ("the Original Rights"), to

92 2110 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 6 JULY "Residential 2" Heightzone 5, subject to certain conditions, be and is hereby set aside and the Property is re invested with the Original Rights 3 that a copy of this Order be served on the First and Second Respondents and on Sandton Town Council and be published forthwith once in a Johannesburg daily newspaper and once in the Provincial Gazette GTM PRINSLOO Registrar By order of the court WERTHEIM BECKER MUNISIPALITEIT WITBANK VASSTELLING VAN GELDE TEN OPSIGTE VAN PARKEERTERREINE Ingevolge artikel 80(B) van die Ordonnansie op Plaas1ike BCSIMIT 1939 (Ordonnansie 17 van 1939) word hierby bekend gemaak dat die Stadsraad van Witbank by spesiale besluit die gelde afgelcondisby Adini8istratemskennisgewing 839 van 21 Mei 1975, soos gcwysig verder gewysig het soos in die Bylae hierby tnteengesit en word hierdie wysiging geag in werking to getree het op 1 Junie 1983 Administratiewe Sentrum Posbus 3 Witbank Julie 1983 Kennisgewing No 57/1983 BYLAE I 1 D B STEYN Stadsklerk PARKEERTERMYNE Burgersentrumparkeerterrein Alle ander Parkeerterreine Burgersentrumparkeerterrein PARKEERTERREIN Dagparkering: Maandag tot Vrydag: h00 Saterdag : 07h0013h00 Aandparkering: Maandag tot Vrydag: 19h00 06h00 Saterdag : 15h0006h00 BYLAE II PARKEERTERREINE WAT DEUR PARKEERBEHEER TOESTELLE GEREEL WORD PARKEERTERMYNE Gelde vir kaartjies wat krag 411 Dagparkering: 07h00 18h00 Dagparkering: 07h001318)0 tens artikel 6(1) uitgereik word Aandparkering: 19h00 06h00 Aandparkering: 15h0006h00 PARKEER Kaartjies is gel TERREIN dig vir die par Met geen terugkeerreg keertermyne Bylae I uiteengesit Eerste uur of Daarna, per uur Eerste uur of Daama, per uur gedeelte daar of gedeelte gedeelte daar of gedeelte van daarvan van daarvan Per maand, per voertuig Burger sentrum 20c 20c 20c 20c R20 Malcsimum vordering, per dag: R2 Meganiesbeheerde Eerste halfuur of Deana, per halfuur of Parkeerterreine gedeelte daarvan gedeelte daarvan 5c 5c 41

93 PROVINSIALE KOERANT 6 JULIE ) WITBANK MUNICIPALITY DETERMINATION OF CHARGES IN RESPECT OF PARKING AREAS In terms of the provision of section 80(B) of the Local Government Ordinance, 1939 (Ordinance 17 of 1939) it is hereby notified that the Town Council of Witbank has by special resolution amended the charges published in Administrators Notice 839 dated 21 May 1975, as amended as set out in the Schedule below and shall be deemed to have come into operation on 1 June 1983 Administrative Centre PO Box 3 Witbank July 1983 Notice No 57/1983 D B STEYN Town Clerk SCHEDULE I PARKING AREA Civic Centre Parking Area All other Parking Areas Civic Centre Parking Area PARKING PERIODS Day Parking: Monday to Friday: 07h0018h00 Saturday : 07h0013h00 Night Parking: Monday to Friday: 19h0006h00 Saturday : 15h0006h00 SCHEDULE 11 PARKING AREAS CONTROLLED BY PARKING CONTROL DEVICE PARKING PERIODS Charges for tickets issued Day Parking: 07h0018h00 Day Parking : 07h0013h00 in terms of section 6(1) Night Parking: 19h0006h00 Night Parking: 15h0006h00 PARKING AREA Without right of return Tickets shall be valid for parking pe to Schedule outll First hour or part thereof Thereafter, per First hour or Thereafter, per hour or part part thereof hour or thereof part thereof Per month, per vehicle Civic Centre 20c 20c 20c 20c R20 Maximum charge, per day: R2 Mechanically Control First halfhour Thereafter, per half led Parking Area or part thereof hour or part thereof 5c 5c 759 6

94 2112 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 6 JULY 1983 INHOUD Proklamasies CONTENTS Proclamations 272 Wysiging van Titelvoorwaardes van Erf 1094 Witbank 272 Amendment of Title Conditions of Erf 1094 Witbank Uitbreiding Extension Transvaalse Raad vir die Ontwikkeling van Buiteste 273 Transvaal Board for the Development of Peri Urban delike Gebiede: Verandering van grense 2020 Areas: Alteration of Boundaries 2020 Administrateurskennisgewings Administrators Notices 978 Munisipaliteit Piet Retief: Verandering van grense Piet Retief Municipality: Alteration of boundaries Munisipaliteit Nelspruit: Voorgestelde verandering 979 Nelspruit Municipality: Proposed alteration of bounda van grense 2021 ries Munisipaliteit Witrivier: Verandering van grense Municipality of White River: Alteration of boundaries Transvaalse Raad vir die Ontwikkeling van Buiteste 1035 Transvaal Board for the Development of Peri Urban delike Gebiede: Voorgestelde verandenng van grense 2022 Areas: Proposed alteration of boundaries Sandton wysigingskema Sandton Amendment Scheme RoodepoortMaraisburg wysigingskema 1/ Roodepoort Maraisburg Amendment Scheme 1/ Bedfordview wysigingskema 1/ Bedfordview Amendment Scheme Halfway House & Clayvillewysigingskema Halfway House & Clayville Amendment Scheme Pretoria wysigingskema Pretoria Amendment Scheme Phalaborwa wysigingskema Phalaborwa Amendment Scheme Johannesburg wysigtngskema Johannesburg Amendment Scheme Pretoria wysigingskema Pretoria Amendment Scheme Roodepoort Maraisburg wysigingskema 1/ Roodepoort Maraisburg Amendment Scheme 1/ Pretoria wyssigingskema Pretoria Amendment Scheme Elsburg wysigingskema Elsburg Amendment Scheme Pretonawysigingskema Pretoria Amendment Scheme Dorp Eastgate Uitbreiding 8: Verklaring tot goedge 1085 Eastgate Extension 8 Township: Declaration as an upkeurde dorp 2026 proved township Sandton wysigingskema Sandton Amendment Scheme Dorp Jetpark Uitbreiding 8: Verklaring tot goedge 1087 Jetpark Extension 8 Township: Declaration as an apkeurde dorp 2029 proved township Boksburg wysigingskema 1/ Boksburg Amendment Scheme 1/ Munisipaliteit Alberton: Wysiging van Watervoorsie 1089 Alberton Municipality: Amendment to Water Supply ningsverordeninge 2032 Bylaws Munisipaliteit Boksburg: Wysiging van Verordeninge 1090 Boksburg Municipality: Amendment to Bylaws Go Insake die Huur van Sale 2032 verning the Hire of Halls Munisipaliteit Carolina: Verordeninge Betreffende 1091 Carolina Municipality: By laws regarding the Regulat die Reeling en Beheer van, en die Toesig oor Smouse 2033 ing and Control of and the Supervision of Hawkers Munisipaltteit Coligny: Wysiging van Brandweerafde 1092 Coligny Municipality: Amendment to Fire Depart lingsverordeninge 2037 ment By laws i Munisipaliteit Fochville: Wysiging van Elektrisiteits 1093 Fochville Municipality: Amendment to Electricity By verordeninge 2037 laws Munisipaliteit Fochville: Wysiging van Rioleringsver 1094 Fochville Municipality: Amendment to Drainage Byordeninge 2038 laws 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Bylaws 2044 keersverordeninge Wolmaransstad Municipality: Amendment to Electri 1109 Munisipaliteit Wolmaransstad: Wysiging van Elektrisi city Bylaws 2045 teitsverordeninge Wolmaransstad Municipality: Amendment to Sanitary 1110 Munisipaliteit Wolmaransstad: Wysiging van Sanitere and Refuse Removals Tariff 2045 en Vullisvenvyderingstarief Wolmaransstad Municipality: Amendment to Water 1111 Munisipaliteit Wolmaransstad: Wysiging van Water Supply Bylaws 2046 voorsieningsverordeninge Wolmaransstad Municipality: Amendment to Grazing 1112 Munisipaliteit Wolmaransstad: Wysiging van Wei By laws 2046 dingsverordeninge Deviation and Widening of District Road 771: Inspec 1113 Verlegging en Verbreding van Distrikspad 771: In torate of Bronkhorstspruit 2054 spektoraat Bronkhorstspruit 2054, 1114 Revocation of Administrators Notice 241 dated Intrekking van Administrateurskennisgewing 241 ge February dateer 12 Februarie Declaration and Widening of District Road 936 and 1115 Verklaring en Verbreding 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