Staatskoerant Government Gazette

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1 VAN SUID-AFRIKA REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Staatskoerant Government Gazette Verkoopprys Selling price (AVB uitgesluitgst excluded) Plaaslik 60~ Local 1 As 'n Nuusblad by die Poskantoor Geregistreer Buitelands 85c Other countries Registered at the post ofice asa Newspaper I Posvry Post free Vol. 297 PRETORIA, 23. MARCH MAART 1990 No PROKLAMASIES van die Staa tspresident van die Republiek vm Suid-Afrika No. 52,1990 WYSIGING VAN PROKLAMASIE No. 173 VAN 1970 KRAGTENS ARTIKEL 33 VAN DIE WET OP GROEPSGEBIEDE, 1966, TE ALRODE-SUID, DISTRIK ALBERTON, PROVINSIE TRANSVAAL Kragtens artikel 33 van die Wet op Groepsgebiede, 1966 (Wet No. 36 van 1966), wysig ek hierby Proklamasie No. 173 van 1970, deur die uitsluiting van die gebied om skryf in die Bylae hiervan uit die gebied omskryf in paragraaf (a) van die Bylae daarvan. Gegee onder my Hand en die See1 van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika te Kaapstad, op hede die Twee-entwintigste dag van Februarie Eenduisend Negehonderd-en-negentig. F. W. DE KLERK, Staatspresident. Op las van die Staatspresident-in-Kabinet: H. J. KRIEL, Minister van die Kabinet. BYLAE Begin by die westelikste baken van die dorp Alrode South-uitbreiding 16 (Algemene Plan A ); daarvan noord-ooswaarts en suidooswaarts met die grense van die volgende dorpe langs sodat hulle by hierdie gebied ingesluit word: Genoemde dorp Alrode Southuitbreiding 16 en die dorp Alrode South-uitbreiding 8 (Algemene Plan A ), tot by die noordoostelikste baken van laasgenoemde dorp; daarvandaan verder suidooswaarts, suidweswaarts en noordweswaarts met die grense van die volgende gedeeltes van die plaas Palmietfontein 141 IR langs sodat hulle by hierdie gebied ingesluit word: Restant van Gedeelte 107, groot vierkante meter (Kaart A ), Gedeelte 74 (Kaart A ) en Restant van Gedeelte 7, groot 29,1439 hektaar (Kaart A 1858/06), tot by Baken W op A1 emene Plan A van die dorp Alrode Southuit t reiding 17; daarvandaan algemeen noordweswaarts 815-A PROCLAMATIONS by the ---- State President of the Republic of South Africa No. 52,1990 AMENDMENT OF PROCLAMATION No. 173 OF 1970 IN TERMS OF SECTION 33 OF THE GROUP AREAS ACT, 1966, AT ALRODE SOUTH, DIS- TRICT OF ALBERTON, PROVINCE OF THE TRANSVAAL Under section 33 of the Group Areas Act, 1966 (Act No. 36 of 1966), I hereby amend Proclamation No. 173 of 1970, by the exclusion of the area defined in the Schedule hereto from the area defined in paragraph (a) of the Schedule thereto. Given under my Hand and the Seal of the Republic of South Africa at Cape Town this Twenty-second day of February, One thousand Nine hundred and Ninety. F. W. DE KLERK, State President. By Order of the State President-in-Cabinet: H. J. KRIEL, Minister of the Cabinet. SCHEDULE Beginning at the westemmost beacon of Alrode South Extension 16 Township (General Plan A 8486t83); thence north-eastwards and south-eastwards along athe boundaries of the following township, so as to include them in this area: The said Alrode South Extension 16 Township and Alrode South Extension 8 Townshi (General Plan A 1608/82), to the north-easternmost! eacon of the last-mentioned township; thence further south-eastwards, south-westwards and northwestwards along the boundaries of the following portions of the farm Palmietfontein 141 IR, so as to include them in this area: Remainder of Portion 107, in extent square metres (Diagram A 3761/75), Portion 74 (Diagram A 4356t58) and the Remainder of Portion 7, in extent 29,1439 hectares (Diagram A 1858/06), to Beacon Won General Plan A 12308,434 of Alrode South Extension 17 Township; thence generally north-west

2 2 No STAATSKOERANT, 23 MAART 1990 en noordooswaarts met die grense van genoemde dorp Alrode South-uitbreiding 17 langs, sodat dit by hierdie gebied ingesluit word, tot by Baken B' daarvan; daarvandaan verder noordooswaarts met die grense van die volgende gedeeltes van genoemde plaas Palmietfontein 141 IR langs sodat hulle by hierdie gebied ingesluit word: Gedeelte 109 (Kaart A 1099/76) en genoemde Restant van Gedeelte 7 (Kaart A 1858/06), tot by die westelikste baken van genoemde dorp Alrode Southuitbreiding 16, die beginpunt. wards and north-eastwards along the boundaries of the said Alrode South Extension 17 Township, so as to include it in this area, to Beacon B' thereof; thence further north-eastwards along the boundaries of the following portions of the said farm Palrnietfontein 141 IR, so as to include them in this area: Portion 109 (Diagram A 1099/76) and the said Remainder of Portion 7 (Diagram A 1858/06), to the westernmost beacon of the said Alrode South Extension 16 Township, the point of beginning. No. 53,1990 INSTELLING VAN VRYHANDELSGEBIEDE KRAGTENS DIE BEPALINGS VAN ARTIKEL 19 (1) VAN DIE WET OP GROEPSGEBIEDE, 1966, TE WOLSELEY, DISTRIK TULBAGH, PROVIN- SIE DIE KAAP DIE GOEIE HOOP Kragtens artikels 19 (1) van die Wet op Groepsgebiede, 1966 (Wet No. 36 van 1966), verklaar ek h~erby dat, vanaf die datum van publikasie van hierdie Proklamasie, die bepalings van - (i) artikels 26 (I), 27,35,37 en 40 van genoemde Wet nie van toe assing is nie ten o sigte van enige gebou, grond o f' persee1 in die gegied omskryf in paragraaf (1) in d ~e Bylae hiervan; en (ii) artikels 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20, 35, 37 en 40 van genoemde Wet nie van toepassing is nie ten opsigte van enige gebou, grond of perseel in die gebied omskryf in para raaf (2) in die Bylae hiervan, onderworpe aan d ie voorwaarde dat die ge- bou, grond of perseel slegs vir handels-, kommersiele, professionele of godsdienstige en opvoedkundige doeleindes geokkupeer of gebruik mag word mgevolge 'n dorpsaanlegskema wat kragtens die een of ander wet in die gebiede in werking of bindend is. Gegee onder my Hand en die See1 van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika te Kaapstad, op hede die Twee-entwintigste dag van Februarie Eenduisend Negehonderd-en-negentig. F. W. DE KLERK, Staatspresident. Op las van die Staatspresident-in-Kabinet: H. J. KRIEL, Minister van die Kabinet. Gebied H1 1. Begin by die noordwestelike baken van Erf 181, Wolseley; daarvandaan ooswaarts met die grense van die volgende eiendomme langs sodat hulle by hierdie gebied ingesluit word: Genoemde Erf 181 en Erwe 1349, 206, 197 en 198, tot by die suidoostelike baken van laasgenoemde erf; daarvandaan ooswaarts in 'n reguit lyn oor Memmanstraat tot by die suidwestelike baken van Erf 271; daarvandaan ooswaarts met die ense van genoemde Erf 271 en Erf 270 langs, sodat Klle uit hierdie gebied uitgesluit word; tot by die suidwestelike baken van Erf 269; daarvandaan noordwaarts met die grens van laasgenoemde erf langs, sodat dit by hierdie gebied ingeslu~t word, tot by die suidoostelike baken daarvan; daarvandaan suidweswaarts in 'n reguit lyn oor Eeufeesstraat tot by die noordoostelike baken van Erf 679; daarvandaan suidwaarts met die grens van laasgenoemde erf langs, sodat dit by hierdle gebied ingesluit word, tot by die noordwestelike baken van No. 53,1990 ESTABLISHMENT OF FREE TRADING AREAS UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 19 (1) OF THE GROUP AREAS ACT, 1966, AT WOLSE- LEY, DISTRICT OF TULBAGH, PROVINCE OF THE CAPE OF GOOD HOPE Under section 19 (1) of the Group Areas Act, 1966 (Act No. 36 of 1966), I hereby declare that, as from the date of publication of this Proclamation, the provisions of- (i) sections 26 (I), 27, 35, 37 and 40 of the said Act shall not be applicable in respect of any building, land or premises in the area defined in paragraph (1) in the Schedule hereto; and (ii) sections 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20, 35, 37 and 40 of the said Act shall not be applicable in respect of any building, land or premises in the area defined in paragraph (2) in the Schedule hereto, subject to the condition that the building, land or premises may only be occupied or used for trading, commercial, professional or religious and educational purposes in terms of a town planning scheme which is in operation or binding under any law in these areas. Given under my Hand and the Seal of the Republic of South Africa at Cape Town this Twenty-second day. of February, One thousand Nine hundred and Ninety. F. W. DE KLERK, State President. By Order of the State President-in-Cabinet: H. J. KRIEL, Minister of the Cabinet. SCHEDULE Area H1 1. Beginning at the north-westem beacon of Erf 181, Wolseley; thence eastwards along the boundaries of the following properties so as to include them in this area: The said Erf 181 and Erven 1349,206, 197 and 198, to the south-eastem beacon of the last-mentioned erf; thence eastwards in a straight line across Memman Street to the south-western beacon of Erf 271; thence eastwards along the boundaries of the said Erf 271 and Erf 270, so as to exclude them from this area, to the south-western beacon of Ed 269, thence northwards along the boundary of the last-mentioned erf, so as to include it in this area, to its south-eastern beacon; thence south-westwards in a straight line across Eeufees Street to the north-eastem beacon of Erf 679; thence southwards along the boundary of the lastmentioned Erf, so as to include it in this area, to the northwestern beacon of the said Erf 679; thence westwards along the northern boundary of Erf 263 to the northern

3 - Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer s Copyright Authority No dated 02 February 1998 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 23 MARCH 1990 No genoemde Erf 679; daarvandaan weswaarts met die noordelike grens van Erf 263 langs tot by die noordoostelike baken van Erf 262; daarvandaan suidwaarts met die gens van laasgenoemde erf langs, sodat dit by hierdie gebied ingesluit word, tot by die suidwestelike baken daarvan; daarvandaan suidweswaarts in 'n reguit lyn oor genoemde Merrimanstraat tot by die suidoostelike baken van Erf 494; daarvandaan weswaarts met die grense van die volgende eiendornme langs sodat hulle by hierdie gebied ingesluit word: Genoemde Erf 494 en Enve 220,239,230, oor Paulingstraat, 229,732 en 794, tot by die punt waar die weswaartse verleneng van die suidelike grens van laasgenoemde erf die oostelike gens van Erf 739 kruis; daarvandaan suidwaarts met die grens van laasgenoemde erf langs, sodat dit by hierdie gebied ingesluit word, tot by die suidoostelike baken van Erf 87; daarvandaan noordwaarts in 'n reeks reguit lyne deur Bakens F en G en punte j, n en m, tot by punt 1, almal op die kaart van Erf 957; daarvandaan noonvaarts in 'n reguit lyn oor genoemde Paulingstraat tot by die suidoostelike baken van Erf 102; daarvandaan noordwaarts met die grense van die volgende eiendornme langs sodat hulle uit hierdie gebied uitgesluit word: Genoemde Erf 102 en Enve 863,106 en 112, tot by die punt waar die weswaartse verlenging van die noordelike grens van genoemde Erf 112 die middel van Retiefstraat kruis; daarvandaan noonvaarts met die middel van Retiefstraat en genoemde Eeufeesstraat en Voortrekkerstraat langs, tot by die unt waar die weswaartse verlenging van die noordetke gens van genoemde Erf 181 die middel van laasgenoemde straat kruis; daarvandaan ooswaarts met laasgenoemde verlenging langs tot by genoemde noordwestelike baken van Erf 181, Wolseley, die beginpunt; uitgesluit Erf 739, Wolseley, in sy geheel. Gebied H2 (2) Erf 739, Wolseley, in sy geheel. most beacon of Erf 262, thence southwards along the boundary of the last-mentioned erf so as to include it in this area, to its southwestern beacon; thence southwestwards in a straight line across the said Memman Street, to the south-eastern beacon of Erf 494; thence westwards along the boundaries of the following properties, so as to include them in this area: The said Erf 494 and Erven 220,239,230, across Pauling Street, 229, 732 and 794, to the point where the prolongation westwards of the southern boundary of the last-mentioned erf intersects the eastern boundary of Erf 739; thence southwards along the boundary of the last-mentioned erf, so as to include it in this area, to the south-eastern beacon of Erf 87; thence northwards in a series of straight lines through Beacons F and, G and points j, n and m to point 1, all on the map of Erf 957; thence northwards in a straight line across the said Pauling Street to the south-eastern beacon of Erf 102; thence northwards along the boundaries of the following properties, so as to exclude them from this area: The said Erf 102 and Erven 863,106 and 112, to the point where the prolongation westwards of the northern boundary of the said Erf 112 intersects the middle of Retief Street; thence northwards along the middle of Retief Street and the said Eeufees Street and Voortrekker Street, to the point where the prolongation westwards of the northern boundary of the said Erf 181 intersects the middle off the last-mentioned street, thence eastwards along the last-mentioned prolongation, to the said north-western beacon of Erf 181, Wolseley the point of beginning; excluding Erf 739, Wolseley, in its entirety. Area H2 (2) Erf739, Wolseley, in its entirety. No. 54,1990 WYSIGING VAN PROKLAMASIE No. 130 VAN 1978 EN DIE VERKLARING VAN GROEPSGE- BIEDE KRAGTENS DIE WET OP GROEPSGE- BIEDE, 1966, TE DE DOORNS, DISTRIK WOR- CESTER, PROVINSIE DIE KAAP DIE GOEIE HOOP Kragtens - A. artikel 33 van die Wet op Groepsgebiede, 1966 (Wet No. 36 van 1966), wysig ek hierby Proklamasie No. 130 van 1978 deur die gebied omskryf in paragraaf 2 in die Bylae hiervan uit te sluit uit die gebied omskryf in paragraaf (a) in die Bylae daarvan; en B. artikel 23 van die Wet op Groepsgebiede, 1966 (Wet No. 36 van 1966), verklaar ek hierby dat die gebiede omskryf in die Bylae hiervan, vanaf die datum van publikasie van hierdie Proklamasie, gebiede is vir okkupasie en grondbesit deur lede van die Gekleurde groep. Gegee onder my Hand en die See1 van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika te Kaapstad, op hede die Vier-en-twintigste dag van Februarie Eenduisend Negehonderd-ennegentig. F. W. DE KLERK, Staatspresident. Op las van die Staatspresident-in-Kabinet: H. J. KRIEL, Minister van die Kabinet. No. 54,1990 AMENDMENT OF PROCLAMATION No. 130 OF 1978 AND THE DECLARATION OF GROUP AREAS UNDER THE GROUP AREAS ACT, 1966, AT DE DOORNS, DISTRICT OF WORCESTER, PROVINCE OF THE CAPE OF GOOD HOPE Under- A. section 33 of the Group Areas Act, 1966 (Act No. 36 of 1966), I hereby amend Proclamation No. 130 of 1978 by the exclusion of the area defined in paragraph 2 in the Schedule hereto from the area defined in paragraph (a) in the Schedule thereto; and B. section 23 of the Group Areas Act, 1966 (Act No. 36 of 1966), I hereby declare that the areas defined in the Schedule hereto shall, as from the date of publication of this Proclamation, be areas for occupation and ownership by members of the Coloured group. Given under my Hand and the Seal of the Republic of South Africa at Cape Town this Twenty-fourth day of February, One thousand Nine hundred and Ninety. F. W. DE KLERK, State President. By Order of the State President-in-Cabinet: H. J. KRIEL, Minister of the Cabinet.

4 4 No STAATSKOERANT, 23 MAART 1990 BYLAE GEKLEURDE GROEP 1. Begin by die westelikste baken van Erf 367, De Dooms; daarvandaan suidooswaarts met die grens van genoemde Erf 367 langs, sodat dit uit hierdie gebied uitgesluit word, tot by die suidelikste baken van laasgenoemde erf, daarvandaan suidweswaarts in 'n reguit lyn oor Akasiaweg tot by die oostelikste baken van Erf 758; daarvandaan suidweswaarts met die grens van genoemde Erf 758 langs, sodat dit by hierdie gebied ingesluit word, tot by die suidelikste baken van laasgenoemde erf, daarvandaan suid-weswaarts met die suidoostelike grens van Erf 5 langs tot by Baken NA op Meetstuk E ; daarvandaan noordweswaarts in 'n reguit lyn tot by die westelikste baken van genoemde Erf 367, die beginpunt. 2. Begin by die suidelikste baken van Erf 650, De Dooms; daarvandaan noordooswaarts met die grens van genoemde Erf 650 langs sodat dit uit hierdie gebied uitgesluit word, tot by die punt waar dit die reguit lyn kruis wat Baken D op die kaart van Erf 359 en die westelikste baken van Erf 366 verbind; daarvandaan suidooswaarts met genoemde reguit lyn en die grense van genoemde Erf 366 en Erf 367 langs sodat hulle uit hierdie gebied uitgesluit word, tot by die westelikste baken van laasgenoemde erf; daarvandaan suidwaarts in 'n reeks reguit lyne deur Baken NA op Meetstuk E , tot by die noordelikste baken van Erf 361; daarvandaan suidweswaarts met die grense van genoemde Erf 361 en Erf 703 langs, sodat hulle uit hierdie gebied uitgesluit word, tot by die suidelikste baken van genoemde Erf 650, die beginpunt. 3. Begin by die westelikste baken van Gedeelte 12 van die plaas Keurbosch Kloof 588, administratiewe distrik Worcester; daarvandaan noordooswaarts en suidooswaarts met die grense van genoemde Gedeelte 12 en Gedeelte 2 van genoemde plaas Keurbosch Kloof 588 langs sodat hulle uit hierdie gebied uitgesluit word, tot by die suidelikste baken van laasgenoemde gedeelte; daarvandaan suidooswaarts in 'n reguit lyn, tot by die noordelikste baken van Gedeelte 8 van genoemde plaas Keurbosch Kloof 588; daarvandaan suidooswaarts en suidweswaarts met die grens van genoemde Gedeelte 8 langs, tot by Baken L.14.x op Meetstuk E ; daarvandaan suidweswaarts met die noordwestelike grens van die nasionale pad (Prok ) langs, tot by Baken L.14.y op genoemde meetstuk; daarvandaan noordooswaarts met die grense van die volgende erwe langs sodat hulle uit hierdie gebied uitgesluit word: Erwe 2, 327 en 5, De Dooms, tot by die westelikste baken van genoemde Gedeelte 12, die beginpunt. SCHEDULE COLOURED GROUP 1. Beginning at the westemmost beacon of Erf 367, De Dooms; thence south-eastwards along the boundary of the said Erf 367, so as to exclude it from this area, to the southernmost beacon of the last-mentioned erf; thence south-westwards in a straight line across Akasia Road, to the easternmost beacon of Erf 758; thence south-westwards along the boundary of the said Erf 758, so as to include it in this area, to the southernmost beacon of the last-mentioned erf, thence southwestwards along the south-eastem boundary of Erf 5, to Beacon NA on Survey Record E ; thence north-westwards in a straight line, to the westernmost beacon of the said Erf 367, the point of beginning. 2. Beginning at the southernmost beacon of Erf 650, De Dooms; thence north-eastwards along the boundary of theasaid Erf 650 so as to exclude it from this area, to the point where it intersects the straight line connecting Beacon D on the diagram of Erf 359 and the westernmost beacon of Erf 366; thence south-eastwards along the said straight line and the boundaries of the said Erf 366 and Erf 367 so as to exclude them from this area, to the westernmost beacon of the last-mentioned erf; thence southwards in a series of straight lines through Beacon NA on Survey Record E to the northernmost beacon of Erf 361; thence south-westwards along the boundaries of the said Erf 361 and Erf 703 so as to exclude them from this area, to the southernmost beacon of the said Erf 650, the point of beginning. 3. Beginning at the westernmost beacon of Portion 12 of the farm Keurbosch Kloof 588, Administrative District of Worcester; thence north-eastwards and south-eastwards along the boundaries of the said Portion 12 and Portion 2 of the said farm Keurbosch Kloof 588 so as to exclude them from this area, to the southernmost beacon of the last-mentioned portion; thence south-eastwards in a straight line, to the northernmost beacon of Portion 8 of the said farm Keurbosch Kloof 588; thence south-eastwards and south-westwards along the boundary of the said Portion 8, to Beacon L.14.x on Survey Record E ; thence south-westwards along the north-western boundary of the national road (Proc ), to Beacon L. 14.y on the said Survey Record; thence north-eastwards along the boundaries of the following erven so as to exclude them from this area: Erven 2,327 and 5, De Dooms, to the westernmost beacon of the said Portion 12, the point of beginning. No. 55,1990 VERKLARING VAN 'N VRYEVESTIGINGSGE- BIED KRAGTENS ARTIKEL 2 VAN DIE WET OP VRYEVESTIGINGSGEBIEDE, 1988, GELEE TE WINDMILL PARK, DISTRIK BOKSBURG, PRO- VINSIE TRANSVAAL Kragtens artikel 2 (1) van die Wet op Vryevestigingsgebiede, 1988 (Wet No. 102 van 1988), verklaar ek hierby dat die gebied omskryf in Landmeter-generaaldiagram , vanaf die datum van publikasie van hierdie Proklamasie, 'n vryevestigingsgebied is. No. 55,1990 DECLARATION OF A FREE SETTLEMENT AREA IN TERMS OF SECTION 2 OF THE FREE SElTLEMENT AREAS ACT, 1988, SITUATED AT WINDMILL PARK, DISTRICT OF BOKSBURG, PROVINCE OF THE TRANSVAAL Under section 2 (1) of the Free Settlement Areas Act, 1988 (Act No. 102 of 1988), I hereby declare that the area defined in Surveyor General Diagram shall, as from the date of publication of this Proclamation, be a free settlement area.

5 Gegee onder my Hand en die Seel van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika te Kaapstad, op hede die Negende dag van Maart Eenduisend Negehonderd-en-negentig. F. W. DE KLERK, Staatspresident. Op las van die Staatspresident-in-Kabinet: H. J. KRIEL, Minister van die Kabinet. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 23 MARCH 1990 No Given under my Hand and the Seal of the Republic of South Africa at Cape Town this Ninth day of March, One thousand Nine hundred and Ninety. F. W. DE KLERK, State President. By Order of the State President-in-Cabinet: H. J. KRIEL, Minister of the Cabinet. No. 56,1990 VERKLARING VAN 'N VRYEVESTIGINGSGE- BIED KRAGTENS ARTIKEL 2 VAN DIE WET OP VRYEVESTIGINGSGEBIEDE, 1988, GELEE TE COUNTRY VIEW, OP GEDEELTES VAN DIE PLAAS RANDJESFONTEIN 405 JR, DISTRIK KEMPTON PARK, PROVINSIE TRANSVAAL Kragtens artikel 2 (1) van die Wet op Vryevestigingsgebiede, 1988 (Wet No. 102 van 1988), verklaar ek hierby dat die gebied omskryf in Landmeter-generaaldiagram A310190, vanaf die datum van publikasie van hierdie Proklamasie, 'n vryevestigingsgebied is. Gegee onder my Hand en die Seel van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika te Kaapstad, op hede die Negende dag van Maart Eenduisend Negehonderd-en-negentig. F. W. DE KLERK, Staatspresident. Op las van die Staatspresident-in-Kabinet: H. J. KRIEL, Minister van die Kabinet. No. 57,1990 WYSIGING VAN PROKLAMASIE No. 150 VAN 1958 INGEVOLGE DIE WET OP GROEPSGE- BIEDE, 1%6, TE PRETORIA, DISTRIK PRETO- RIA, PROVINSIE TRANSVAAL Kragtens artikel 33 van die Wet op Groepsgebiede, 1966 (Wet No. 36 van 1966), wysig ek Proklamasie No. 150 van 1958 deur die gebied omskryf in die Bylae van hierdie Proklamasie uit te sluit uit die gebied omskryf in die Bylae van daardie Proklamasie; en kragtens artikel 23 van die genoemde Wet verklaar ek hierby dat die gebied omskryf in die Bylae hieman, vanaf die datum van ublikasies van hierdie Proklamasie 'n gebied is vir o e kupasie en grondbesit deur lede van die Gekleurde groep. Gegee onder my Hand en die Seel van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika te Kaapstad, op hede die Derde dag van Maart Eenduisend Negehonderd-en-negentig. F. W. DE KLERK, Staatspresident. Op las van die Staatspresident-in-Kabinet: H. J. KRIEL, Minister van die Kabinet. BYLAE 'n Sekere stuk ond, 846,0993 ha pot, synde 'n proklamasiegebie f oor die Restant van die plaas Hatherley 331 JR en oor die Restant van Gedeelte 89, Gedeelte 183, Restant van Gedeelte 9, Gedeelte 13, Gedeelte 182, Restant van Gedeelte 8 en Gedeelte 20, van die plaas The Willows 340 JR soos aangetoon op Landmeter-generaal-diagram A No. 56,1990 TRANSVAAL Under section 2 (1) of the Free Settlement Areas Act, 1988 (Act No. 102 of 1988), I hereby declare that the area defined in Sume or General Dia am A shall, as from the date o l! publication of tes Proclamation, be a free settlement area. Given under my Hand and Seal of the Republic of South Africa at Cape Town this Ninth day of March, One thousand Nine hundred and Ninety. F. W. DE KLERK, State President. By Order of the State President-in-Cabinet: H. J. KRIEL, Minister of the Cabinet. No. 57,1990 AMENDMENT OF PROCLAMATION NO. 150 OF 1985 IN TERMS OF THE GROUP AREAS ACT, 1966, AT PRETORIA, DISTRICT OF PRETORIA, PROVINCE OF THE TRANSVAAL Under section 33 of the Group Areas Act, 1966 (Act No. 36 of 1966), I hereby amend Proclamation No. 150 of 1958 to exclude the area defined in the Schedule to this Proclamation from the area defined in the Schedule to that Proclamation; and under section 23 of the said Act, I hereby declare that the area defined in the Schedule hereto shall, as from the date of publication of this Proclamation, be an area for occupation and ownership by members of the Coloured group. Given under my Hand and the Seal of the Republic of South-Africa at Cape Town this Third day of March, One thousand Nine hundred and Ninety. F. W. DE KLERK, State President. By Order of the State President-in-Cabinet: H. J. KRIEL, Minister of the Cabinet. SCHEDULE A certain area of land, 846,0993 ha in extent, being a proclamation area over the Remainder of the farm Hatherley 331 JR and over the Remainder of Portion 89, Portion 183, the Remainder of Portion 9, Portion 13, Portion 182, the Remainder of Portion 8 and Portion 20, of the farm The Willows 340 JR as shown on Surveyor-General Diagram A

6 6 No STAATSKOERANT, 23 MAART 1990 GOEWERMENTSKENNISGEWINGS ADMIMSTRASIE: VOLKSRAAD DEPARTEMENT VAN LANDBOU- ONTWIKKELING No Maart 1990 Verwysingsnommer RD KENNISGEWING VAN GEREGTELIKE VER- KOPING VAN BESWAARDE ONROERENDE GOED In die saak tussen Die Minister van Landbou-ontwikkeling (Eiser), en Paul Petrus Ferreira (Identiteitsnommer ), (Verweerder) As gevolg van 'n beslaglegging deur die Minister van Landbou-ontwikkeling in evolge artikel37 van die Wet op Landboukrediet, 19&, sal 'n verkoping sonder reserwe gehou word in teenwoordigheid van die landdros, by die hoofingang van die Landdroskantoor, Louis Trichardt, op 19 April 1990 om 10:00, van die volgende eiendom van die Verweerder volgens voorwaardes wat voorgelees sal word deur die afslaer ten tye van die verkopmg: 1. Resterende Gedeelte van Gedeelte 1 van die plaas Aden 214, in die Registrasieafdeling MR, Transvaal; groot 441,5215 hektaar. 2. Resterende Gedeelte van Gedeelte 1 van die plaas Kwarel 213, in die Registrasieafdeling MR, Transvaal; groot 393,2001 hektaar. Beide eiendomme gehou kragtens Transportakte T Terme: Tien persent van die koopprys in kontant op die dag van verkoping, die balans teen trans rt verseker deur 'n bank- of bougenootskapwaar go org wat binne veertien (14) dae na die datum van verkoping by die Adjunk-balju ingehandig moet word. Voorwaardes: Die verkoopvoorwaardes kan nagegaan word in die kantoor van die Adjunk-balju, Louis Trichardt. Eiser se verteenwoordigec Die Direkteur: Finansiele Bystand, Privaatsak X118, Pretoria, (J. A. Momberg ) ADMINISTRATION: HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT No March 1990 Reference Number RD NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION OF MORT- GAGED IMMOVABLE PROPERTY In the matter between The Minister of Agricultural Development (Plaint@, and Paul Petrus Ferreira (Identity Number lo7), (Defendant) 3 In conse uence of an attachment by the Minister of Agricultura Development in terms of section 37 of the Agricultural Credit Act, 1966, a sale without reserve will be held in the presence of the Magistrate at the main entrance of the Magistrate's Office, Louis Trichardt, on 19 April 1990 at 10:00, of the undermentioned roperty of the Defendant on the conditions to be rea 2 out by the Auctioneer at the time of the sale: 1. Remaining Portion of Portion 1 of the farm Aden 214, Re 'stration Division MR, Transvaal; in extent 4413!? 15 hectares. 2. Remaining Portion of Portion 1 of the farm Kwarel213, Re istration Division MR, Transvaal; in extent 393,2 & 1 hectares. Both ro erties held by virtue of Deed of Transfer asm199ss. Terms: Ten per cent of the purchase price in cash on the day of the sale, the balance against transfer to be secured by a bank or building society guarantee to be furnished to the Deputy Sheriff within fourteen (14) days after the date of the sale. Conditions: The conditions of sale can be inspected at the office of the Deputy Sheriff, Louis Trichardt. Plaintiffs representative: The Director: Financial Assistance, Private Bag X118, Pretoria, (J. A. Momberg ) DEPARTEMENT VAN PLAASLIKE BESTUUR, BEHUISING EN WERKE No Maart 1990 WET OP HUURBEHEER, 1976 VRYSTELLING VAN SEKERE WONINGS, MOTORHUISE, MOTORSTAANPLEKKE EN BE- DIENDEKAMERS VAN HUURBEHEER Ek, Lukas Johannes Nel, Ministeriele Verteenwoordiger vir Suid- en 00s-Transvaal, Administrasie: Volksraad, handelende kra tens die bevoegdheid my verleen by Kennisgewing 1 f 69 van 8 Desember 1989, verklaar hierby kragtens artikel51 ( ) van die Wet op Huurbeheer, 1976 (Wet No. 80 van 1 f 76), dat - (a) die wonings genoem in die Bylae hiertoe, met ingang van die datum waarop 'n bestaande huurder van so 'n woning se okkupasie wettiglik beeindig word of die datum waarop sodanige huurder se maandelikse inkomste soos omskryf in DEPARTMENT OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT, HOUSING AND WORKS No March 1990 RENT CONTROL ACT, 1976 EXEMPTION OF CERTAIN DWELLINGS, GARAGES, PARKING SPACES AND SERVANTS' ROOMS FROM RENT CONTROL I, Lukas Johannes Nel, Ministerial Representative for the Southern and Eastern Transvaal, Administration: House of Assembly, in accordance with the powers granted to me by Notice 1469 of 8 December 1989, hereby declare under section 51 (g) of the Rent Control Act, 1976 (Act No. 80 of 1976), that- (a) the dwellings mentioned in the Schedule hereto, are, as from the date on which the occupation of an existing lessee of such a dwelling is lawfully terminated or the date on which the monthly income of such lessee, as defined in Proclamation

7 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 23 MARCH 1990 No Proklamasie No. 32 van 25 Maart 1983, soos gewysig by Proklamasie No. 99 van 1 Julie 1983, en Proklamasie No. 24 van 20 Februarie 1987, die toepaslike inkomste erk vermeld in die Bylae by eersgenoemde Prok P amasie, soos aldus gewysig, naamlik R1 250 ten o igte van 'n huurder wat 'n gesinshoof met afhan lr likes is of R750 ten opsigte van 'n enkellopende huurder sonder afhanklikes, oorskry, welke datum ook a1 eerste voorval, rnits die betrokke huurder op die betrokke datum nie 70 jaar of ouer is nie; en (b) die motorhuise, motorstaanplekke en bediendekamers gelee o enige plek op grond wat deel uitmaak van gron A' wat geokkupeer word deur of gebruik word in verband met die wonings in paragraaf (a) hierbo bedoel, met ingang van die toepaslike datum in die genoemde paragraaf bedoel, van huurbeheer vrygestel is, op voorwaarde dat, behoudens die be alings van artikel 28 van genoemde Wet op Huurbe 1 eer, 1976, gedurende 'n tydperk van drie kalendermaande vanaf die datum van vrystelling van die betrokke erseel van huurbeheer die verhuurder nie van die \ uurder mag vereis om die perseel te ontruim nie, en voorts dat gedurende 'n tydperk van twee jaar vanaf die datum van vrystelling van die betrokke perseel die huurgeld ten opsigte daarvan nie met meer as 10 % per jaar verhoog mag word nie. L. J. NEL, Ministeriele Verteenwoordiger, Suid- en 00s-Transvaal. No. 32 of 25 March 1983, as amended by Proclamation No. 99 of 1 July 1983, and Proclamation No. 24 of 20 February 1987, exceeds the applicable income limit stipulated in the Schedule to the firstmentioned Proclamation, as so amended, namely R1 250 in respect of a lessee who is the head of a family with dependants or R750 in respect of a single lessee without dependants, whichever date occurs first, provided the lessee in question on the applicable date is not 70 years of age or older; and (b) the garages, parking spaces and servants' rooms situated anywhere on land which forms part of land occupied or used in connection with the dwellings referred to in paragraph (a) above, are, as from the applicable date refferred to in the said paragraph, exempted from rent control, on condition that, subject to the provisions of section 28 of the said Rent Control Act, 1976, during a period of three calendar months as from the date of exemption of the relevant premises from rent control, the lessor may not require the lessee to vacate the premises, and further that during a period of two years as from the date of exemption of the relevant premises the rental in respect thereof shall not be increased by more than 10 % per annum. L. J. NEL, Ministerial Representative, Southern and Eastern Transvaal. AdrPs vau eiendom Donnelystraat 167 en 167a, Turffontein, Johannesburg..... Woonstelle 1, 11, 12, 14, 15 en 22-25, Clarendon Heights, Cameronstraat 3, Georginia, Roodepoort Woonstelle 1-4, Mariahof, hoek van Eleanor- en Beeleartsstraat, Troyeville, Johannesburg Sesde Straat 38, 38a, Vrededorp, Johannesburg... Vyfde Laan 6 en 6a, Mayfair, Johannesburg... Mordauntstraat 54,54a, 56 en 56a en Marshalstraat 375, Jeppe, Johannesburg..... Kinrossstraat 11 en lla, Germiston-Suid, Germiston... Radiostraat 226,228,228a, 228b, 228c en 228d, Elandsfontein, Genniston... Woonstelle 14, Ruthyhof, hoek van Tweede Laan en Georgestraat, Mayfair, Johannesburg Donnelystraat 169 en 169a, Turffontein, Johannesburg... Gloucesterweg 37, Kensington, Johannesburg... Sesde Laan 116 en 116a, Geduld, Springs... Tweede Laan 4, Geduld, Springs... Eerste Laan 25 en 25a, Geduld, Springs..... Derde Laan 20 en 20a, Geduld, Springs..... Tweede Laan 118, Geduld, Springs... Tweede Laan 109, Geduld, Springs... Negende Laan 28, Geduld, Springs... Agste Laan 27 en 27a, Geduld, Springs... Derde Laan 21 en 21a, Geduld, Springs..... Woonstelle 1-10, Jenningswoonstelle, Welgedacht, Springs..... Woonstelle 14, Segbrowoonstelle, Vierde Straat, Springs..... Agste Straat 82, Springs..... Parklaan 14, Springs-Suid... SCHEDULE Address ofpremks 167 and 167a Donnely Street, Turffontein, Johannesburg..... Flats 1,11,12, 14, 15 and 22-25, Clarendon Heights, 3 Cameron Street, Georginia, Roodepoort Flats 14, Maria Court, corner of Eleanor and Beelearts Streets, Troyeville, Johannesburg 38 and 38a, Sixth Street, Vrededorp, Johannesburg... 6 and 6a, Fifth Avenue, Mayfair, Johannesburg... Erf 300, Johannesburg te Turffontein. Erf 54, Roodepoort te Georginia. Erf 600 en Gedeelte A van Erf 731, Joha~esburg te Troyeville. Erf 443, Johannesburg te Vrededorp. Erf 1745, Johannesburg te Mayfair. Erwe 789,792 en 793, Johannesburg te Jeppe. Erf 40, Germiston te Germiston-Suid. Gedeelte R van Erf 14 van die plaas Elandsfontein 108, Germiston te Elandsfontein. Erf 61, Johannesburg te Mayfair. Ed 301, Johannesburg te TurEfontein. Ed 6141, Johannesburg te Kensington. Ed 176, Springs te Geduld. Ed 114, Springs te Geduld. Ed 857, Springs te Geduld. Ed 702, Springs te Geduld. Ed 734, Springs te Geduld. Erwe 599 en 600, Springs te Geduld. Ed 26, Springs te Geduld. Ed38, Springs te Geduld. Ed 104, Springs te Geduld. Gedeelte 28 van die plaas Welgedacht, Springs te Welgedacht. Ed 67, Springs. Ed 958, Springs. Ed 1046, Springs-Suid. Situation ofpremises Ed 300, Johannesburg at Turffontein. Ed 54, Roodepoort at Georginia. Ed 600 and Portion A of Ed 731, Johannesburg at Troyeville. Erf 443, Johannesburg at Vrededorp. Erf 1745, Johannesburg at Mayfair.

8 8 No STAATSKOERANT, 23 MAART 1990 Address of premises 54,54a, 56 and 56a Mordaunt Street and 375 Marshal Street, Jeppe, Johannesburg. 11 and lla Kinross Street, Germiston South, Germiston ,228,228a, 228b, 228c and 228d, Radio Street, Elandsfontein, Germiston..... Flats 14, Ruthy Court, comer of Second and George Streets, Mayfair, Johannesburg 169 and 169a Donnely Street, Turffontein, Johannesburg Gloucester Road, Kensington, Johannesburg and 116a, Sixth Avenue, Geduld, Springs... 4, Second Avenue, Geduld, S rings..; and 25a, ~irst venue, ~eluld, s rings and 20a, ~hird venue, ~eduld, $rings , Second Avenue, Geduld, Springs Second Avenue, Geduld, Springs Ninth Avenue, Geduld, Springs and 27a, Eighth Avenue, Geduld, Springs and 21a, Third Avenue, Geduld, Springs... Flats 1-10, Jennings Flats, Welgedacht, Springs... Flats 14, Segbro Flats, Fourth Street, Springs Eighth Street, Springs Park Avenue, Springs South... Situation of premise Erven 789,792 and 793, Johannesburg at Jeppe. Erf40, Germiston at Germiston South. Portion R of Ed 14 of the farm Elandsfontein 108, Germiston at Elandsfontein. Erf 61, Johannesburg at Mayfair. Erf 301, Johannesburg at Turffontein. Erf 6141, Johannesburg at Kensington. Erf 176, Springs at Geduld. Ed 114, Springs at Geduld. Erf 857, Springs at Geduld. Erf 702, Springs at Geduld. Erf 734, Springs at Geduld. Erven 599 and 600, Springs at Geduld. Erf26, Springs, at Geduld. Erf38, S rings at Geduld. Erf 104, l rings at Geduld. Portion 2lof the farm Welgedacht, Springs at Welgedacht. ~ r671 f S rings. Ed 958, gpnlgs. Erf 1046, pnngs South. DEPARTEMENT VAN PLAASLIKE BESTUUR, BEHUXSING EN WERKE No Maart 1990 WET OP HUURBEHEER, 1976 VRYSTELLING VAN SEKERE WONINGS, MOTORHUISE, MOTORSTAANPLEKKE EN BE- DIENDEKAMERS VAN HUURBEHEER Ek, James Mulne Otto, Ministeriele Verteenwoordiger vir Suidwes-Kaapland, Administrasie: Volksraad, handelende kragtens die bevoegdheid my verleen by Kennis ewing 1469 van 8 Desember 1989, verklaar hierby i ragtens artikel51 (g) van die Wet op Huurbeheer, 1976 (Wet No. 80 van 1976), dat - (a) die wonings genoem in die Bylae hiertoe, met ingang van die datum waarop 'n bestaande huurder van so 'n woning se okkupasie wettiglik beeindig word of die datum waarop sodanige huurder se maandelikse inkomste soos omskryf in Proklamasie No. 32 van 25 Maart 1983, soos gewysig by Proklamasie No. 99 van 1 Julie 1983, en Proklamasie No. 24 van 20 Februane 1987, die toepaslike inkomsteperk vermeld in die Bylae by eersgenoemde Proklamasie, soos aldus gewysig, naamlik R1 250 ten opsigte van 'n huurder wat 'n gesinshoof met afhanklikes is of R750 ten opsigte van 'n enkellopende huurder sonder afhanklikes, oorskry, welke datum ook al eerste voorval, rnits die betrokke huurder op die betrokke datum nie 70 jaar of ouer is nie; en (b) die motorhuise, motorstaanplekke en bediendekamers gelee o enige lek of grond wat deel uitmaak van gron f wat geo I: kupeer word deur of gebruik word in verband met die wonings in paragraaf (a) hierbo bedoel, met ingang van die toepaslike datum in die genoemde paragraaf bedoel, van huurbeheer vrygestel is, op voorwaarde dat, behoudens die bepalings van art~kel 28 van genoemde Wet op Huurbeheer, 1976, gedurende 'n tydperk van drie kalendermaande vanaf die datum van vrystelling van die betrokke perseel van huurbeheer die verhuurder nie van die huurder mag vereis om die perseel te ontruim nie, en voorts dat gedurende 'n tydperk van twee jaar vanaf die datum van vrystelling van die betrokke perseel die huurgeld ten opsigte daarvan nie met meer as 10 % per jaar verhoog mag word nie. J. M. OTTO, Ministeriele Verteenwoordiger, Suidwes-Kaapland. DEPARTMENT OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT, HOUSING AND WORKS No March 1990 RENT CONTROL ACT, 1976 EXEMPTION OF CERTAIN DWELLINGS, GARAGES, PARKING SPACES AND SERVANTS' ROOMS FROM RENT CONTROL I, James Mulne Otto, Ministerial Representative for the South-Westem Cape, Administration: House of Assembly, in accordance with the powers granted to me by Notice 1469 of 8 December 1989, hereby declare under section 51 (g) of the Rent Control Act, 1976 (Act No. 80 of 1976), that- (a) the dwellings mentioned in the Schedule hereto, are, as from the date on which the occupation of an existing lessee of such a dwelling is lawfully terminted or the date on which the monthly income of such lessee, as defined in Proclamation No. 32 of 25 March 1983, as amended by Proclamation No. 99 of 1 July 1983, and Proclamation No. 24 of 20 February 1987, exceeds the applicable income limit stipulated in the Schedule to the firstmentioned Proclamation, as so amended, namely R1 250 in respect of a lessee who is the head of a family with dependants or R750 in respect of a single lessee without dependants, whichever date occurs first, provided the lessee in question on the applicable date is not 70 years of age of older; and (b) the garages, parking spaces and servants' rooms situated anywhere on land which forms part of land occupied or used in connection with the dwellings referred to in paragraph (a) above, are, as from the applicable date referred to in the said paragraph, exempted from rent control, on condition that, subject to the provisions of section 28 of the said Rent Control Act, 1976, during the period of three calendar months as from the date of exemption of the relevant remises from rent control, the lessor may not re uire t e lessee 8 e to vacate the premises, and further that uring a period of two years as from the date of exemption of the relevant premises the rental in respect thereof shall not be increased by more than 10 % per annum. J. M. OTTO, Ministerial Representative, South-Westem Cape.

9 AdRF van eiendom GOVERNMENT GAZETIE, 23 MA irch 1990 No BYLAE Vesperwoonstelle, High Levelweg 100a, Groenpunt, Kaapstad... Thomhillwoonstelle 5%, Tho&weg 12, ~ Gn~unt, haps st ad... Polanahof, KIoofstraat 43, - Kaamtad.... Jonrohof 1-7, St Barnabasstraat 1, Kaapstad... Carnivalhof 1-31, Langstraat 25S-261, Kaapstad... Herlenhof 1-8, Davenportweg, Vredehoek, Kaapstad... Harliahof 1-4, reda ask at 38; ~ranjezicht, ~aabtad... Firdalelaan 12, Tamboerskloof, Kaapstad... Newportweg 12, Tamboerskloof, Kaapstad Weldstmat 129b en 131, Tuine, Kaapstad..... Kingsweg 37, Brooklyn, Kaapstad... Kingsweg 35, Brooklyn, Kaapstad... Amsterdamstraat 4 en 5, Brooklyn, Kaapstad... Fontanastraat 9-11, Brooklyn, Kaapstad... Bakerstraat 20. Observatory, Kaapstad... Blakstraat 12, Observatory, Kaapstad... Colingwoodweg 28. Observatory, Kaapstad... Ryanweg 24 en 24a. Parow... Hilyardstraat 10-14, Woodstock, Kaapstad... Santa Rosastraat 7, Paarl... Amldstraat 9, Observatory, Kaapstad... Kingstonhof 1 en 2, Lansdowneweg 135, Claremont, Kaapstad... Sherbeehof 14, Milnerweg, Muizenberg, Kaapstad.... Dorset Close 8, Harfield Village, Claremont, Kaapstad... Dawn, Treehavenweg 7, Claremont, Kaapstad... Amberleyweg 7a, 7b en 7c, Muizenberg, Kaapstad... Goeie Hoopgebou-woonstelle 1-3, Hoofweg 80-82, Kalkbaai, Kaapstad... Dunvegan Gardens, Hopestmat 5, Rosebank, Kaapstad... Ibe ELmswoonstelle 1-12, Yorkweg, Rosebank, Kaapstad... Delfur, Plymptonweg 15, Plumstead, Kaapstad... Wolselyweg 31 en 33, Landsdowne, Kaapstad..... Wolselyweg 41 en 43, Landsdowne, Kaapstad..... Balmoralwoonstelle, Springstraat lla, Mosselbaai.... Bradwell Mansions 1-8, Bradwellweg, Vredehoek, Kaapstad..... Petrawoonstelle 1-12, Davenportweg 12, Vredehoek, Kaapstad... Lighcliff, Clydebankweg 5 en 7, Groenpunt, Kaapstad... Faurestraat 28, Kaapstad... Faurestraat 34, Kaapstad... Faurestraat 32, Kaapstad... Wilkinsonstraat 5, Kaapstad... Weltevredenstraat 2-6, Kaapstad... Cambedeighhof 1-12, Glensideweg, Groenpunt, Kaapstad... Protem, Scottweg 1, Houtbaai... Buckinghamweg en Constantiaweg 53, Wynberg. Kaapstad... Leafmoreweg 72, Kenwyn, Kaapstad... Dinsleyweg 1,3 en 5, Wynberg, Kaapstad..... Dinsleyweg 9, Wynberg, Kaapstad..... Kemmsweg 4-10, Wynberg, Kaapstad... Dinsleyweg 7, Wynberg, Kaapstad... SCHEDULE Vesper Rats, looa High Level Road, Green Point, Cape Town..... Flats 5-9, Thornhill Hats, 12 Thornhill Road, Green Point, Cape Town..... Polana Court. 43 Kloof Street, Cape Town... Flats 1-7, JONO Court, 1 St Bamabas Street, Cape Town... Flats 1-31, Carnival Court, Long Street, Cape Town..... Flats 1-8, Herlen Court. Davenport Road, Vredehoek, Cape Town.... Flats 14, Harlia Court, 38 Breda Street, Oranjezicht, Cape Town Firdale Avenue, Tamboerskloof, Cape Town Newport Road, Tamboerskloof, Cape Town... 12% and 131 Hatfield Street, Gardens, Cape Town Kings Road. Brooklyn, Cape Town Kings Road, Brooklyn, Cape Town... 4 and 5 Amsterdam Street, Brooklyn, Cape Town Fontana Street, Brooklyn, Cape Town Baker Street, Observatory, Cape Town Blake Street, Observatory, Cape Town Colingwood Road, Observatory, Cape Town and 24a Ryan Road, Parow Hilyard Street, Woodstock, Cape Town... 7 Santa Rosa Street, Paarl... 9 Amold Street, Observatory, Cape Town... Flats 1 and 2 Kingston Couri, 135iansdowne Road, Claremont, Cape Town... FWs 14. Sherbee Court. Milner Road. Muizenbern. Cave Town... L&&g van derrdom Erf 840, Kaapstad te Groenpunt. Erf 506, Kaapstad te Groenpunt. Erf te Kaapstad. Erf %23l te Kaapstad. Erwe 4005,4006,4007 en 4020 te Kaamtad. - Erf 1473, ~aapstad te Vredehoek. Erf 1%. Kaaostad te Oraniezicht. Erf 1769, stad ad te ~amboerskloof. Erf 3171, Kaapstad te Tamboerskloof. Erf 95368, Kaapstad te Tuine. Erf 20309, Kaapstad, te Brooklyn. Erf20310, Kaamtad te Brooklyn. Ed20310, Kaaktad te ~rooklb. Erf 20121, Kaapstad te hrooklyn. Erf 25488, Kaapstad te Observatory. Erf Kaavstad te Observatow. Erf 26201; Kaabtad te ~bservatojr. Erf 6997 te Parow. Erf 13516, Kaapstad te Woodstock. Erf 6681 te Paarl. Erf 25583, Kaapstad te Observatory. Erf 52610, Kaapstad te Claremont. Erf 86784, ~aapstad te Muizenberg. Erf 11042, Kaapstad te Claremont. Erf 52149, ~aapstad te Claremont. Erne en Kaaostad te Muizenbern. " Ed 89754, Kaapstad te ~aikbaai. Erf Kaavstad te Rosebank. ~rf31010; ~aipstad te Rosebank. Erf Kaamtad te Plumstead. ~rf 62983; bibstad te Landsdowne. Erf 59345, Kaapstad te Landsdowne. Erf 4397 te Mosselbaai. Erf 1498, Kaapstad te Vredehoek. Erf 1504, Kaapstad te Vredehoek. Erf 770, Kaaustad te Groenpunt. ~rf te ~aapstad. ' Erf te Kaa~stad. Erf te ~aapstad. Erf te Kaapstad. Erf94988 te Kaapstad. Erf423, Kaapstad te Groenpunt. Erne 928,929 en 930, Houtbaai. Erf69812, Kaapstad te Wynberg. Erf62948, Kaapstad te Kenwyn. Erf67470, Kaapstad te Wynberg. Erf67468, Kaapstad te Wynberg. Erf67471, Kaapstad te Wynberg. Erf 67469, Kaapstad te Wynberg. Situation dpre- Erf 840, Cape Town at Green Point. Erf506, Cape Town at Green Point. Erf at Cape Town. Erf at Cape Town. Erven 4005,4006,4007 and 4020 at Cape Town. Erf 1473, Cape Town at Vredehoek. Erf I%, Cape Town at Oranjezicht. Erf 1769, Cape Town at Tamboenkloof. Erf 3171, Cape Town at Tamboerskloof. Erf 95368, Cape Town at Gardens. Erf20309, Cape Town at Brooklyn. ErfU)310,(&e Town at ~rookl~n. Erf20310, Cape Town at Brooklyn. Erf 20121, Cape Town at Brooklyn. Erf 25488, Cape Town at Observatow. Erf 26201, ~a$e Town at 0bservatoG. Erf 26201, Cape Town at Observatory. Erf 6997 at Parow. Erf 13516, Cape Town at Woodstock. Erf6681 at Paarl. Erf 25583, Cape Town at Observatory. Erf 52610, Cape Town at Claremont. Erf86784, Cape Town at Muizenberg. Erf 11042, Cape Town at Claremont.

10 10 No STAATSKOERANT. 23 MAART 1990 A d h of premise Dawn, 7 Treehaven Road, Claremont, Cape Town... 7a, 7b and 7c Amberley Road, Muizenberg, Cape Town... Flats 1-3, Good Hope Building, Main Road, Kalk Bay, Cape Town... Dunvegan Gardens, 5 Hope Street, Rosebank, Cape Town... Flats 1-12, The Elms, York Road, Rosebank, Cape Town... Delfur, 15 Plympton Road, Plumstead, Cape Town and 33 Wolsely Road, Landsdowne, Cape Town and 43 Wolsely Road, Landsdowne, Cape Town... Balmoral Flats, lla Spring Street, Mossel Bay... Flats 1-8, Bradwell Mansions, Bradwell Road, Vredehoek, Cape Town... Flats 1-12, Petra Flats, 12 Davenport Road, Vredehoek, Cape Town... Lighciiff, 5 and 7 Clydebank Road, Green Point, Cape Town Faure Street, Cape Town Faure Street, Cape Town Faure Street, Cape Town... 5 Wilkinson Street, Cape Town Weltevreden Street, Cape Town... Flats 1-12, Camberleigh Court, 4 Glenside Road, Green Point, Cape Town... Protem, 1 Scott Road, Hout Bay, Cape Town Buckingham and 53 Constantia Road, Wynberg, Cape Town Leafmore Road, Kenwyn, Cape Town... 1,3 and 5 Dinsley Road, Wynberg, Cape Town... 9 Dinsley Road, Wynberg, Cape Town... &I0 Kemms Road, Wynberg, Cape Town... 7 Dinsley Road, Wynberg, Cape Town... sir us^^ ofpremise Erf52149, Cape Town at Claremont. Erf and 86936, Cape Town at Muizenberg. Erf 89754, Cape Town at Kalk Bay. Erf44283, Cape Town at Rosebank. Erf 31010, Cape Town at Rosebank. Erf70726, Cape Town at Plumstead. Erf 62983, Cape Town at Landsdowne. Erf 59345, Cape Town at Landsdowne. Erf 4397 at Mossel Bay. Erf 1498, Cape Town at Vredehoek. Erf 1504, Cape Town at Vredehoek. Erf770, Cape Town at Green Point. Erf94980 at Cape Town. Erf at Cape Town. Erf at Cape Town. Erf at Cape Town. Erf94988 at Cape Town. Erf 423, Cape Town at Green Point. Ewen 928,929 and 930, Cape Town at Hout Bay. Erf69812, Cape Town at Wynberg. Erf 62948, Cape Town at Kenwyn. Erf 67470, Cape Town at Wynberg. Erf 67468, Cape Town at Wynberg. Erf 67471, Cape Town at Wynberg. Erf67469, Cape Town at Wynberg. DEPARTEMENT VAN PLAASLIKE BESTUUR, BEHUISING EN WERKE No Maart 1990 WET OP HUURBEHEER, 1976 VRYSTELLING VAN SEKERE WONINGS, MOTORHUISE, MOTORSTAANPLEKKE EN BEDIENDEKAMERS VAN HUURBEHEER Ek, Lukas Johannes Nel, Ministeriele Verteenwoordiger vir Suid- en 00s-Transvaal, Administrasie: Volksraad, handelende kragtens die bevoegdheid my verleen by Kennisgewing 1469 van 8 Desember 1989, verklaar hierby kragtens artikel51 (g) van die Wet op Huurbeheer, 1976 (Wet No. 80 van 1976), dat- (a) die wonings genoem in die Bylae hiertoe, met ingang van die datum waarop 'n bestaande huurder van so 'n woning se okkupasie wettiglik beeindig word of die datum waarop sodanige huurder se maandelikse inkomste soos omskryf in Proklamasie No. 32 van 25 Maart 1983, soos gewysig by Proklamasie 99 van 1 Julie 1983, en Proklamasie No. 24 van 20 Februarie 1987, die toepaslike inkomsteperk vermeld in die bylae by eersgenoemde proklamasie, 500s aldus gewysig, naamlik Rl 250 ten opsigte van 'n huurder wat 'n gesinshoof met afhanklikes is of R750 ten opsigte van 'n enkellopende huurder sonder afhanklikes, oorskry, welke datum ook a1 eerste voorval, mits die betrokke huurder op die betrokke datum nie 70 jaar of ouer is nie; en (b) die motorhuise, motorstaanplekke en bediendekamers gelee op enige plek op grond wat deel uitmaak van grond wat geokkupeer word deur of gebruik word in verband met die woning in paragraaf (a) hierbo bedoel, met ingang van die toepaslike datum in die genoemde paragraaf bedoel, DEPARTMENT OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT, HOUSING AND WORKS No Marcb 1990 RENT CONTROL ACT, 1976 EXEMPTION OF CERTAIN DWELLINGS, GARAGES, PARKING SPACES AND SERVANTS' P-OOMS FROM RENT CONTROL I, Lukas Johannes Nel, Ministerial Representative for the Southern and Eastern Transvaal, Administration: House of Assembly, in accordance with the powers granted to me by Notice 1469 of 8 December 1989, hereby declare under section 51 (g) of the Rent Control Act, 1976 (Act No 80 of 1976), that - (a) the dwellings metioned in the Schedule hereto, are, as from the date on which the occupation of an existing lessee of such a dwelling is lawfully terminated or the date on which the monthly income of such lessee, as defined in Proclamation No. 32 of 25 March 1983, as amended by Proclamation 99 of 1 July 1983, and Proclamation No. 24 of 20 February 1987, exceeds the applicable income limit stipulated in the schedule to the firstmentioned proclamation, as so amended, namely R1 250 in respect of a lessee who is the head of a family with dependants or R750 in respect of a single lessee without dependants, whichever date occurs first, provided the lessee in question on the applicable date is not 70 years of age or older; and (b) the garages, parking spaces and servants' rooms situated anywhere on land which forms part of land occupied or used in connection with the dwelling referred to in paragraph (a) above, are, as from the applicable date referred to in the said paragraph,

11 van huurbeheer wygestel is, op voorwaarde dat, behoudens die bepalings van artikel28 van genoemde Wet op Huurbeheer, 1g6, gedurende 'n tydperk van drie kalendermaande vanaf die datum van vrystelling van die betrokke rseel van huurbeheer die verhuurder nie van die vereis om die perseel te ontruim nie, en 'n tydperk van twee jaar vanaf die datum van vrystelling van die betrokke perseel die huurgeld ten opsigte daarvan nie met meer as 10 % per jaar verhoog mag word nie. L. J. NEL, Ministeriele Verteenwoordiger, Suid- en 00s-Transvaal. BY Adm van oieadom GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 23 MARCH 1990 No exempted from rent control, on condition that, subject to the provisions of section 28 of the said Rent Control Act, 1976, during a period of three calendar months as from the date of exemption of the relevant premises from rent control, the lessor may not require the lessee to vacate the premises, and further that during a period of two years as from the date of exemption of the relevant premises the rental in respect thereof shall not be increased by more than 10 % per annum. L. J. NEL, Ministerial Representative, Southern and Eastern Transvaal. Derde Laan 111 en llla, Geduld, Springs... Erf448, Springs te Geduld.,AE Wggisg van eieadom Stockenstr6mweg 230, Boksburg-Suid, Boksburg... Erf 359, Boksburg, te Boksburg-Suid. Woonstelle 1-8, Coronationhof, Claimstraat 46, Boksburg... Erf 790, Boksburg. Derde Straat 44,443 en 44b, Boksburg-Noord, Boksburg... Erf 297, Boksburg, te Boksburg-Noord. Derde Straat 87 en ma, Boksburg-Noord, Boksburg... Erf 635, Boksburg, te Boksburg-Noord. Agtste Straat 76, Boksburg-Noord, Boksburg... Erf 921, Boksburg, te Boksburg-Noord. Amte Straat 99 en 99a, Boksburg-Noord, Boksburg... Erf 879, Boksbure, te Boksbure-Noord. ~&te Straat 126 en 126a, ~oksbur~-~oord, ~oksbur~ Aetste Straat 128 en 128a. Boksbure-Noord. Boksbure... Erf947. Boksbure. te Boksbure-Noord. P& Krugelstraat 2,2a, 2'b en 2c, Gksburg-~oord, ~Gksbur~. Erf 1018, ~oksbuii, te ~oksbu;~-n&rd. Erf%2. Boksbure. te Boksburn-Noord. w - - ~ Erf 1034, ~ oksb6, te Boksburg-Noord.... Paul Krugelstraat 23, Boksburg-Noord, Boksburg... Paul Krugelstraat 34,34a en 34b, Boksburg-Noord, Boksburg... Paul Krugelstraat 28,28a en 28b, Boksburg-Noord, Boksburg... Vyfde Straat 20 en 20a, Boksburg-Noord, Boksburg... Agtste Straat 58, Boksburg-Noord, Boksburg... Maplelaan 22, Plantasie. Boksburg... Sesde Straat 8 en 8a, Boksburg-Noord, Boksburg... Sesde Straat 39,39a en 39b, Boksburg-Noord, Boksburg... Tweede Straat 4, Boksburg-Noord, Boksburg... Sesde Straat 41 en 41a, Boksburg-Noord, Boksburg... Parkstraat 11 en 1 la, Benoni y.... Sesde Straat 88a en 88b. Boksbure-Noord.., Boksbure.,... Sesde Straat 103 en 103a, Boksburg-Noord, Boksburg... Sesde Straat 107 en 107a, Boksburg-Noord, Boksburg.... Sesde Straat 80 en 80a, Boksburg-Noord, Boksburg.... Sesde Straat 58, Boksburg-Noord, Boksburg.... Suidstraat 39 en 39a, Boksburg..... Charl Celliersstraat 32, Boksburg.... Leeuooortstraat 172 en 172a. Boksburp..... Claimstraat 95, Boksburg-00s. Boksburg.... Derde Straat 85 en 85a, Boksburg-Noord, Boksburg.... Tweede Straat 64, 64a, 64b en 64c, Boksburg-Noord, Boksburg.... Tweede Straat 81 en 81a, Boksburg-Noord, Boksburg.... Tweede Straat 11 en lla, Boksburg-Noord, Boksburg.... Tweede Straat 35,35aen 35b, Boksburg-Noord. Boksburg.... Tweede Straat 38 en %a, Boksburg-Noord, Boksburg.... Tweede Straat 57 en 57a, Boksburg-Noord, Boksburg.... Tweede Straat 6 en 6a, Boksburg-Noord, Boksburg.... Vierde Straat 100 en 100a, Boksburg-Noord, Boksburg... Tweede Straat 16 en 16a, Boksburg-Noord, Boksburg.... Char1 Cilliersstraat 21 en 21a, Boksburg-Noord, Boksburg.... Dcrde Straat 17 en 17a, Boksburg-Noord, Boksburg.... Claimstraat 19, Boksburg.... Montagustraat 85, Boksburg... Montagustraat 89, Boksburg.... Woonstelle 1-12en 14-15, Exoelsiorhof Markstraat, Boksburg.... Vyfde Straat 8 en &, Boksburg-Noord. Boksburg.... Paul hgerstraat 46.4% 46b, 46c, 46d en 46e, Boksburg-Noord, Boksburg.... Vyfde Straat 107 en 107a, Boksburg-Noord, Boksburg Erf 946, Boksburg; te ~oksbu4-~oord. Erf 1031, Boksburg, te Boksburg-Noord. Erf 109, Boksburg, te Boksburg-Noord. Erf912, Boksburg, te Boksburg-Noord. Erf 920, Boksburg, te Boksburg-Noord. Erf43, Boksburg, te Boksburg-Noord. Erf 71, Boksbura. te Boksbure-Noord. Erf349, ~oksbgg, te ~oksb&~-noord. Erf 72. Boksbure. te Boksbure-Noord. ~ r162, f ~enonir' Woonstelle 1-8, Princesshof, Prince Georgelaan, Brakpan... Erf 2413, Brakpan. Sesde Straat 63.63a.. 63b.. 63c en 63d. Boksbure-Noord, Boksbure... Erf 83. Boksbure. te Boksbure-Noord. Sesde ~traat 79; 7% en 79b:~oksbu1&~oord,~Boksbur~.. ~rf91, ~oksburg, te ~oksbur&~oord. Erf755. Boksbure. te Boksbure-Noord. Erf 719; ~oksbu& te ~oksbu6-~oord. Erf 721. Boksbure te Boksbure-Noord. ~rf751; ~oksbu< te ~oksbu6-~oord. Erf 740. Boksbure te Boksbure-Noord. " Erf 247; ~oksbu6. Erf802, Boksburg. Erf Boksburg. vierde Straat 86, ~oksbur~-~oord, ~Gksbur~.... Erf 235, ~oksbur~ie Boksburg-Noord. Char1 Celliersstraat 53 en 53a. Boksbure-Noord. " Boksbure. "... Erf 774. Boksbure te Boksbure-Noord. Sesde Straat 67 en 67a, Boksburg-Noord, Boksburg.... Erf 85, BoksburGe ~oksbur~r~oord. Derde Straat 80en 80a, Boksburg-Noord, Boksburg.... Erf 647, Boksburg te Boksburg-Noord. Claimstraat 85, Boksburg.... Erf 1167, Boksburg. Claimstraat 89, Boksburg-Oos.... V."" Erf 1774, Boksburg te Boksburg-Oos. Claimstraat 91. Boksburg-Oos, Boksburg....:... Erf91, Boksburg te Boksburg-00s. Erf 1177, Boksburg te Boksburg-00s. Erf 634. Boksbure te Boksbure-Noord. ~ r379; f ~oksbu6 te ~oksburg-~oord. Erf 423. Boksbure te Boksbure-Noord. ~rf388; ~oksbu; te ~oksburg-~oord. Erf400, Boksburg te Boksburg-Noord. Erf 366, Boksburg te Boksburg-Noord. Erf 411. Boksburg te Boksburg-voord. Erf458. Boksbure te Boksbure-Noord. ~ r679; f ~oksbu6 te ~oksbur&~oord. Erf 355. Boksburn te Boksbure-Noord. Erf38, Boksburg<e ~oksbur~y~oord. Erf 320, Boksburg te Boksburg-Noord. Ewe 845 en 846, Boksburg. Erf 1232, Boksburg. Erf 1234, Boksburg. Ewe 618 en 620, Boksburg. Erf 103, Boksburg te Boksburg-Noord. Erf 1040, Boksburg te Boksburg-Noord. Erf699, Boksburg te Boksburg-Noord. -

12 12 No STAATSKOERANT, 23 MAART 1990 Abvanekndom Vyfde Straat 111, Boksburg-Noord, Boksburg.... ~*de Straat 69a en 69b, &ksburg-~oord,&ksburg.... Vyfde Straat 83a en 83b, Boksburg-Noord, Boksburg.... Derde Straat 76 en 76a, Boksburg-Noord, Boksburg.... Eerste Straat 55 en 55a. Boksbure-Noord. Boksbure.... Eerste ~traat 56 en 56a; Boksbui-~oord; ~oksburg.... Eerste Straat 65, Boksburg-Noord, Boksburg....:... Eerste Straat 77 en 77a. Boksburg-Noord, Boksbura.... Eerste Straat 78.78a en 78b, Bo6burg-~oord, ~o6bur~.... Vvfde Straat 35.35a en 3%. Boksbure-Noord. Boksbure.... ~;fde ~traat 34; 34a,34b en 342, Bogburg-~&rd, BOG^^^.... Mainlaan 24, Springs-uitbreiding, Springs.... NortMenelaan 114, Brakpan.... Vierde Straat 76 en 76, Boksburg-Noord, Boksburg... Sesde Straat 40 en 40a, Boksburg-Noord, Boksburg.... Frerestraat 19, Boksburg.... Derde Straat 11, Ila, llb en 1 lc, Boksburg-Noord, Boksburg.... Championweg 72, Boksburg-Noord, Boksburg.... Leeupoortstraat 132 en 132a, Boksburg.... Voortrekkerstraat 102, Boksburg.... Chad Celliersstraat 17, Boksburg-Noord, Boksburg..... Paul Kurgerstraat 37, Boksburg-Noord, Boksburg.... Voortrekkerstraat 57, Boksburg.... Womtefle 1-4, ColebrookwoonsteUe, Prinseplaan 54, Dunnottar.... Paul Smitstraat 67,67a, 67b, 67c, 67d, 57e en 67f, Boksburg-Noord, Boksburg.... WoomteLle 4-12 en 14-79, Drummondhuis, De Yierstraat 59, Johannesburg..... Vie& Straat 62b, Boksburg-Noord, Boksburg.... -vaneiendom Erf 701. Boksbure te Boksbure-Noord. Erf 181; ~oksburg te ~oksburg-~oord. Erf 188. Boksbure te Boksbure-Noord. ~ r645; f ~oksburg te ~oksburg-~oord. Erf 494, Boksburg te Boksburg-Noord. Erf 452, Boksburg te Boksburg-Noord. Erf499, BoksbuG te ~oksburg-~~rd. Erf505. Boksbure te Boksbure-Noord. ~rf 463; ~oksbu6 te ~oksburg-~oord. Erf 164, Boksburg te Boksburg-Noord. Erf 116, Boksburg te Boksburg-Noord. Erf 1401 Springs te Springs Uitbreiding. Erf 1602 Brakpan. Erf 230, Boksburg te Boksburg-Noord. Erf 731, Boksburg te Boksburg-Noord. Erf 1039 Boksburg. Erf 317, Boksburg te Boksburg-Noord. Erf 158, Boksburg te Boksburg-Noord. Erf 361, Boksburg. Erf 1184, Boksburg te Boksburg-Noord. Erf 36, Boksburg. Erf %9, Boksburg te Boksburg-Noord. Erf 1114, Boksburg. Erf 2% Dunnottar. Erf 185, Boksburg te Boksburg-Noord. Erf 1793, Johannesburg. Erf 223, Boksburg te Boksburg-Noord. SCHEDULE Addregpdplpmlses 111 and llla, Third Street, Geduld, Springs....: Stockenstr(lm Road, Boksburg South, Boksburg... Flats 1-8, Coronation Court, 46 Claim Street, Boksbura and 44b,~hird street, Boksburg ~orth, BoksbGg and 87a Third Street. Boksbure - North. Boksburn Eighth Street, Boksburg North, Boksburg ad 99a ~ighth street, ~oksbur~ ~orth, &ksburg and 12th Einbth Street. Boksbure North, Boksbure... la and 1% ~ihth.street; Boksburg ~orth; Boksburg... 2,2a, 2b and 2e Paul Kruger Street, Boksburg North, Boksburg Paul Kruger Street, Boksbug North, Bobburg..... %,Ma and 34b pad hger street, Boksburg NO&, Boksburg... 28,% and 28b Paul Kruger Street, Boksburg North, Boksburg and #)a Fih Street, Boksburg North, Boksburg Eighth - Street, Boksbura - North. Boksbum Maple Avenue, Plantation, Boksburg... 8 and 8a S i Street, Boksburg North, Boksburg... 39,39a and 39b S i Street, Boksburg North, Boksburg Second Street, Boksburg North, Boksburg and 41a Sixth Street, Boksburg North, Boksburg... Flats 1-8, ~rincess Co&, Prince George Avenue, Brakpan a, 63b, 6% and 6% Sith Street, Boksburg North, Boksburg... 79,79a and 7% S i Street, Boksburg North, Boksburg... 8Sa and 8Bb S i Street. Boksbure North. Boksbure and 103a. ~i stre&, Boksbirg ~ oih, ~oksbir~...: and 107a. Sith Street, Boksburg North, Boksburg.... m and a, ~ixth street. ~o~sburg NO&, ~oksburg , Sixth Street, Boksburg North, Boksburg. 39 and 3%. South Street, Boksburg Chad Cclliers Street, Boksburg and 172a, Leeupoort Street, Boksburg , Fourth Street, Boksburg North. Boksburg and lla Park Street, Benoni and 53a Chad Cclliers Street, Boksburg North, Boksburg and 67a, Sith Street, Boksburg North, Boksburg and a, 'Zhird Street, Boksburg North, Boksburg Claim Street, Boksburg Claim Street, Boksburg East, Boksburg Claim Street, Boksburg East, Boksburg Claim Street, Boksburg East, Boksburg and 85a, Thiid Street, Boksburg North, Boksburg... 64, Ma, 64b and 64c, bond Street, Boksburg North, Boksburg and 81a, Second Street, Boksburg North, hksburg.... I and lla, Second Street, Boksburp: North, Boksburg , 35a and 3%, Second Street, ~ o&bur~ ~orth, &&burg and 38a, Second Street, Boksburg North, Boksburg and 57a, Second Street, Boksburg North, Boksburg.... Situation ofpremlses Erf448, Springs, at Geduld. Erf359, Boksburg, at Boksburg South. Erf 790, Boksburg. Erf 297, Boksburg, at Boksburg North. Erf 635, Boksburg, at Boksburg North. Erf 921, Boksburg, at Boksburg North. Erf 879, Boksburg, at Boksburg North. Erf 946, Boksburg, at Boksburg North. Erf947, Boksburg, at Boksburg North. Erf 1018, Boksburg, at Boksburg North. Erf %2, Boksburg, at Boksburg North. Erf 1034, Boksburg, at Boksburg North. Erf 1031, Boksburg, at Boksburg North. Erf 109, Boksburg, at Boksburg North. Erf912, Boksburg, at Boksburg North. Erf 920, Boksburg, at Boksburg North. Erf 43, Boksburg, at Boksburg North. Erf 71, Boksburg, at Boksburg North. Erf 349, Boksburg, at Boksburg North. Erf72, Boksburg, at Boksburg North. Erf 162, Benoni. Erf2413, Brakpan. Erf83, Boksburg, at Boksburg North. Erf91, Boksburg, at Boksburg North. Erf 755, Bosburg, at Boksburg North. Erf 719, Boksburg, at Boksburg North. Erf 721, Boksburg at Boksburg North. Erf 751, Boksburg at Boksburg North. Erf 740, Boksburg at Boksburg North. Erf 247, Boksburg. Erfs02, Boksburg. Erf 1454, Boksburg. Erf 235, Boksburg at Boksburg North. Erf774,Boksburg at Boksburg North. Erf 85, Boksburg at Boksburg North. Erf647, Boksburg at Boksburg North. Ed 1167, Boksburg. Erf 1174, Boksburg at Boksburg East. Erf91, Boksburg at Boksburg East. Erf 1177, Boksburg at Boksburg East. Erf 634, Boksburg at Boksburg North. Erf 379, Boksburg at Boksburg North. Erf423, Boksburg at ~oksburg North. Erf 388, Bobburg at Boksburg North. Erf400, ~0ksbu6 at ~oksburg North. Erf 366, Boksburg at Boksburg North. Erf 411, Boksburg at Boksburg North.

13 6 and 6a, Second Street, Boksburg North, Boksburg and 100a, Fourth Street, Boksburg North, Boksburg and 16a, Second Street, Boksburg North, Boksburg and 21a Chad Cilliers Street, Boksburg North, Boksburg and 17a, Third Street, Boksburg North, Boksburg Claim Street, Boksburg Montagu Street, Boksburg Montagu Street, Boksburg.... Flats 1-12 and 14-15, Excelsior Court, Mark Street, Boksburg and 8a, Fifth Street, Boksburg North, Boksburg , &a, 46b, 46c, 46d and 46e Paul Kruger Street, Boksburg North, Boksburg and 107a, Fifth Street, Boksburg North, Boksburg , Fifth Street, Boksburg North, Boksburg a and 69b, Fifth Street, Boksburg North, Boksburg a and 83b, Fifth Street, Boksburg North, Boksburg and 76a, Third Street, Boksburg North, Boksburg and 55a, First Street, Boksburg North, Boksburg and 56a, First Street, Roksburg North, Boksburg , First Street, Boksburg North, Boksburg and 77a, First Street, Boksburg North, Boksburg a and 78b, First Street, Boksburg North, Boksburg ,35a and 35b, Fifth Street, Boksburg North, Boksburg , Ma, 34b and 34c, Fifth Street, Boksburg North, Boksburg Main Avenue, Springs Extension, Springs Northdene Avenue, Brakpan and 76a, Fourth Street, Boksburg North, Boksburg and 40a, Sixth Street, Roksburg North, Boksburg Frere Street, Boksburg , lla, llb and llc, Third Street, Boksburg North, Boksburg Champion Road, Boksburg North, Boksburg and 132a, Leeupoort Street, Boksburg Voortrekker Street, Boksburg Charl Celliers Street. Boksburg North, Boksburg Paul Kruger Street, Boksburg North, Boksburg Voortrekker Street, Boksburg.... Flats 14, Colebrook Flats 54 Prinsep Avenue, Dunnottar ,67a, 67b, 67c, 67d, 67e, and 67f Paul Smit Street, Boksburg North, Boksburg.... Flats 4-12 and 14-79, Dmmmond House, 59 De Villliers Street, Johannesburg b, Fourth Street, Boksburg North, Boksburg.... GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 23 MARCH 1990 No Situation ofpremises Erf 458, Boksburg at Boksburg North. Erf 679, Boksburg at Boksburg North. Erf 355, Boksburg at Boksburg North. Erf 38, Boksburg at Boksburg North. Erf 320, Boksburg at Boksburg North. Erven 845 and 846, Boksburg. Erf 1232, Boksburg. Erf 1234, Boksburg. Erven 618 and 620, Boksburg. Erf 103, Boksburg at Boksburg North. Erf 1040, Boksburg North at Boksburg North. Erf 699, Boksburg at Boksburg North. Erf 701, Boksburg at Boksburg North. Erf 181, Boksburg at Boksburg North. Erf 188, Boksburgat Boksburg North. Erf 645, Boksburg at Boksburg North. Erf 494, Boksburg at Boksburg North. Erf452, Boksburg at Boksburg North. Erf499, Boksburg at Boksburg North. Erf 505, Boksburg at Boksburg North. Erf463, Boksburg at Boksburg North. Erf 164, Boksburg at Boksburg North. Erf 116, Boksburg at Boksburg North. Erf 1401, Springs at Springs Extension. Erf 1602, Brakpan. Erf 230, Boksburg at Boksburg North. Erf 731, Boksburg at Boksburg North. Erf 1039, Boksburg. Erf 317, Boksburg at Boksburg North. Erf 158, Boksburg at Boksburg North. Erf 361, Boksburg. Erf 1184, Boksburg. Erf 36, Boksburg at Boksburg North. Erf 969, Boksburg at Boksburg North. Erf 1114, Boksburg. Erf296, Dunnottar. Erf 1085, Boksburg at Boksburg North. Erf 1793, Johannesburg. Erf 223, Boksburg at Boksburg North. DEPARTEMENT VAN PLAASLIKE BESTUUR, BEHUISING EN WERKE No Maart 1990 WET OP HUURBEHEER, 1976 VRYSTELLING VAN SEKERE WONINGS, MOTORHUISE, MOTORSTAANPLEKKE EN BE- DIENDEKAMERS VAN HUURBEHEER Ek, James Mulne Otto, Ministeriele Verteenwoordiger vir Suidwes-Kaapland, Administrasie: Volksraad, handelende kragtens die bevoegdheid my verleen by Kennisgewing 1469 van 8 Desember 1989, verklaar hierby kragtens artikel 51 (g) van die Wet op Huurbeheer, 1976 (Wet No. 80 van 1976), dat- (a) die woning genoem in die Bylae hiertoe, met ingang van die datum waaro 'n bestaande huurder van so 'n woning se ok e upasie wettiglik beeindig word of die datum waarop sodanige huurder se maandelikse inkomste soos omskryf in Proklamasie No. 32 van 25 Maart 1983, soos gewysig by Proklamasie No. 99 van 1 Julie 1983, en Proklamasie No. 24 van 20 Februarie 1987, die toepaslike inkomsteperk vermeld in die Bylae by eersgenoemde Proklamasie, soos aldus gewysig, naamlik R1 250 ten o sigte van 'n huurder wat 'n gesinshoof met afhan k' likes is of R750 ten opsigte van 'n enkellopende huurder sonder afhanklikes, oorskry, welke datum ook a1 eerste voorval, mits die betrokke huurder op die betrokke datum nie 70 jaar of ouer is nie; en DEPARTMENT OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT, HOUSING AND WORKS No March 1990 RENT CONTROL ACT, 1976 EXEMPTION OF CERTAIN DWELLINGS, GARAGES, PARKING SPACES AND SERVANTS' ROOMS FROM RENT CONTROL I, James Mulne Otto, Ministerial Representative for South-Westem Cape, Administration: House of Assembly, in accordance with the powers granted to me by Notice 1469 of 8 December 1989, hereby declare under section 51 (g) of the Rent Control Act, 1976 (Act No. 80 of 1976), that- (a) the dwellings mentioned in the Schedule hereto, are, as from the date on which the occupation of an existing lessee of such a dwelling is lawfully terminated or the date on which the monthly income of such lessee, as defined in Proclamation No. 32 of 25 March 1983, as amended by Proclamation No. 99 of 1 July 1983, and Proclamation No. 24 of 20 February 1987, exceeds the ap licable income limit stipulated in the Schedule to t E e firstmentioned Proclamation, as so amended, namely R1 250 in res ct of a lessee who is the head of a family with 8" ependants of R750 in respect of a single lessee w~thout dependants, whichever date occurs first, provided the lessee in question on the applicable date is not 70 years of age or older; and

14 14 No STAATSKOERANT, 23 MAART (b) die motorhuise, motorstaanplekke en bediendekamers gelee op enige plek op grond wat deel uitmaak van grond wat geokkupeer word deur of gebruik word in verband met die wonings in paragraaf (a) hierbo bedoel, met ingang van die toepaslike datum in die genoemde paragraaf bedoel, van huurbeheer vrygestel is, op voorwaarde dat, behoudens die bepalings van artikel 28 van genoemde Wet op Huurbeheer, 1976, gedurende 'n tydperk van drie kalendermaande vanaf die datum van vrystelling van die betrokke perseel van huurbeheer die verhuurder nie van die huurder mag vereis om die perseel te ontruim nie, en voorts dat gedurende 'n tydperk van twee jaar vanaf die datum van vrystelling van die betrokke perseel die huurgeld ten opsigte daaman nie met meer as 10 % per jaar verhoog mag word nie. J. M. OT'I'O, Ministeriele Verteenwoordiger, Suidwes-Kaapland. (b) the garages, parking spaces and servants' rooms situated anywere on land which forms part of land occupied or used in connection with the dwellings referred to in paragraph (a) above, are, as from the applicable date referred to in the said paragraph, exempted from rent control, on condition that, subject to the provisions of section 28 of the said Rent Control Act, 1976, during a period of three calendar months as from the date of exemption of the relevant premises from rent control, the lessor may not require the lessee to vacate the premises, and further that during a period of two years as from the date of exemption of the relevant premises the rental in respect thereof shall not be increased by more than 10 % per annum. J. M. OTTO, Ministerial Representative, South-Westem Cape. A- van eiendom Leaweg 14, Ottery, Kaapstad... Essexstraat 3-11, Woodstock, Kaapstad... Trillweg 1, Observatory, Kaapstad... Russelstraat 39a-39d, Worcester... Weirnarstraat 14, Parow... Ossisonweg 4, Observatory, Kaapstad... Millstmat 2, Brooklyn, Kaapstad... MiUstraat 35 en 37, Brooklyn, Kaapstad... Rivierstraatwoonstelle 1-5, hoek van Diep- en Rivierstraat, Brooklyn, Kaapstad.... Haarlemstraat 15, Brooklyn, Kaapstad... Hendonwoonstelle 1 en 2, Cheviot Place 15, Groenpunt, Kaapstad... St Johnsweg 6, Seepunt, Kaapstad... Uani, hoek van Marmion- en Strathconaweg, Oranjezicht, Kaapstad... Highworthweg 1, Seepunt, Kaapstad... Highworthweg 3, Seepunt, Kaapstad... Highworthweg 7, Seepunt, Kaapstad... BeOranjestraat 2 en 2a, Oranjezicht, Kaapstad... Athlonewoonstelle 14, Henleyweg, Muizenberg, Kaapstad... False Baywoonstelle 1-11, Hoofkeg, Kalkbaai, Kaapstad... Chelsea Mansions 1-14, Nurseryweg, Rosebank, Kaapstad... Dinglewoodhof 1-8, hoek van Dingleweg en Rosmeadlaan, Kenilworth, Kaapstad. Naresweg 1 en la en Queen Victoriaweg 63, Claremont, Kaapstad... Queen Victoriaweg 61a en 61b, Claremont, Kaapstad... Harrisweg 4, Kalkbaai, Kaapstad..... Scoutstraat 13, Landsdowne, Kaapstad... Buena Vista-woonstelle 14, Eerste Laan 25, Vishoek, Kaapstad... Siestawoonstelle 1-7, Chepstoweweg, Groenpunt, Huguenothof 1-6, Hermitagelaan, Rosebank, Kaapstad... Bakatell, Hoofweg210, Kalkbaai, Kaapstad... Ocean View-woonstellel4, hoek van Windsor-en Gatesvilleweg, Kalkbaai, Kaapstad Arglen, Palmerweg 16, Muizenberg, Kaapstad... Fairview, Hollandweg29, Muizenberg, Kaapstad... Eugene, Milnerweg 7, Muizenberg, Kaapstad... Brookside, Milnerweg 9, Muizenberg, Kaapstad... Estima, Milnerweg 5, Muizenberg, Kaapstad... The Haven, Hollandweg 31, Muizenberg, Kaapstad... Waverleyhof Kotzeeweg, Observatory, Kaapstad... Sanatoriumweg 4, Claremont, Kaapstad... Bo Roodebloemweg 109, Woodstock, Kaa tad... Woonstel9, St Jameshof, St Jamesstraat, gedehoek, Kaapstad... Versterstraat 9, Paarl... Woonstelle 1-6, The Palms, hoek van Protea- en Chamberlainweg, Claremont, Kaapstad SCHEDULE Address OfpremLses 14 Lea Road, Ottery, Ca Town Essex Street, WX stock, Ca+x Town... 1 Trill Road, Observatory, Cape own... 39a-39d Russel Street, Worcester... Ligging van eiendom Erf569, Kaapstad te Ottery. Erf en 11512, Kaapstad te Woodstock. Erf26959, Kaapstad te Observatory. Ed 1652 te Worcester. Erf 7604 te Parow. Erf26479, Kaaostad te Observatory. Erf2031, ~aapkad te Brooklyn. - Erf Kaaostad te Brooklvn. Erf en 'gedeelte van ~ r 20286, f Kaapstad te Brooklyn. Erf 21017, gedeelte van Erf 20283, Kaapstad te Brook lyn. Erf 1643, Kaapstad te Groenpunt. Erf366, Kaapstad te Seepunt. Erf909, Kaapstad te Oranjezicht. Erf 466, Kaapstad te Seepunt. Erf467, Kaapstad te Seepunt. Erf476, Kaapstad te Seepunt. Erf95109, Kaapstad te Oranjezicht. Erf 86624, Kaapstad te Muizenberg. Erf8%23. Kaaostad te Kalkbaai. Gedeelte van ~rf45504, Kaapstad te Rosebank. Ed W5, Kaapstad te Kenilworth. Erf52717, Kaapstad te Claremont. Erf Kaaostad te Claremont. ~ r89966; f ~aapstad te Kalkbaai. Erf59766, Kaapstad te Landsdowne. Ed 10508, Kaapstad te Vishoek. Erf 1295, Kaapstad te Groenpunt. Erf 31317, Kaapstad te Rosebank. Erf90092, Kaapstad te Kalkbaai. Erf89837, Kaapstad te Kalkbaai Erf 86761, Kaapstad te Muizenberg. Erf 86761, Kaapstad te Muizenberg. Erf 86759, Kaapstad te Muizenberg. Erf 86759, Kaapstad te Muizenberg. Erf 86760, Kaapstad te Muizenberg. Erf 86760, Kaapstad te Muizenberg. Erf282%, Kaapstad te Observatory. Erf51863, Kaapstad te Claremont. Erf , Kaapstad te Woodstock. Erf820, Kaapstad te Vredehoek. Erf 1290 te Paarl. Erf 55844, Kaapstad te Claremont. Situation of premises Erf 569, Cape Town at 0tte4. Erf and 11512, Cape Town at Woodstock. Erf 26959, Cape Town ai Observatory. Erf 1652 at Worcester.


16 16 No STAATSKOERANT, 23 MAART 1990 (b) die motorhuise, motorstaanplekke en bediendekamers gelee op enige plek op grond wat deel uitmaak van grond wat geokkupeer word deur paragraaf (a) hierbo bedoel, met in ang van die toe aslike datum in die genoem e paragraaf be 't' oel, van huurbeheer vrygestel is, op voorwaarde dat, behoudens die be alings van artikel 28 van genoemde Wet OP Fhurbe R eer, 1976, gedurende 'n tydperk van drie kalendermaande vanaf die datum van vrystelling van die betrokke persee1 van huurbeheer die verhuurder nie van die huurder mag vereis om die perseel te Ontruim nie, en 'OorU dat gedurende 'n t~d~erk van twee jaar vanaf die datum van vrystelling van die betrokke peneel die huurgeld ten opsigte daawan nie met meer as 10 % per jaar verhoog mag word nie. G. A. HOSKING, Ministeriele Verteenwoordiger, Provinsie Natal. Adres vao eiemfom f BYLAE (b) the garages, parking spaces and servants' rooms situated anywhere on land which forms part of land occupied or used in connection with the as from the applicable date referred to in the said paragraph, exempted from rent control, on condition that, subject to the provisions of section 28 of the said Rent Control Act, 1976, during a period of three calendar months as from the date of exemption of the relevant premises from rent control, the lessor may not require the lessee to vacate the premises, and further that during a period of two years as from the date of of the relevant premises the rental in repect thereof shall not be increased by more than 10 % per annum. G. A. HOSKING, Ministerial Representative, Province of Natal. Ligging van eiendom Avondaleweg 256, Durban.... Restant van 128 of AL. Avondaleweg 305, Durban.... A van 141 van AL. Avondaleweg 308, Durban.... Restant van 124 van AL. Avondaleweg 206, Durban..... Restant van A van 124 of AL. Currieweg 401la, Durban.... C van Z van 56 of B. Currieweg , Durban.... A van 9 en 10 van 61 Block B. Cumeweg 155, Durban van Cvan 6 Block B. Cumeweg 28/a, Durban van 34 van B. Cumeweg 458, Durban van 66 van B. Windermerewoonstelle, Loopstraat 183, Pietermaritzburg /16 (18/H). Loopstraat 296, Pietermaritzburg.... Restant van 1 van P of Erf 29, Burgerstraat. Loopstraat 298, Pietermaritzburg van Pvan Erf29, Burgerstraat. Safcorhuis, Pinestraat 14, Durban van AE. Ajaxsteeg 34/34a, Durban van B138a van B. Avondaleweg 67, Durban.... Dl10 van van B. Haylelaan 6, Durban.... D van 78 van H van B. Haylelaan 5, Durban van A van 78 A van B. Hollandersingel77, Durban van AB. Hollandersingcl 161, Durban van AB. Hollandersingel54, Durban van AB. Hollandersingel 153, Durban van AB. Haweyweg 89, Durban.... C van 108 van G. Harveyweg 10114, Durban van A van G. Harveyweg 85, Durban.... A van 107 van G. Hollandersingel26, Durban van AB. Catterickweg 12, Durban van MYRO van B. Cliveweg 19, Durban van 26 van B. Kilburnlaan 19, Durban... 9 van B van 41 van B. Killameyterras 3, Durban... 8 van 11 van A. Killarneyterras 21, Durban..... A van K van 28 van A. Killameyterras 5, Durban van 11 van A. Kilburnlaan 30, Durban van 43 A van B. Iverallen, Keswickweg 36, Durban.... Restant van E van H van 7 van A. Keswickweg 40, Durban... Restant van 2 van E van H van 7 van A. Keswickweg 32, Durban... Restant van C van H van 7 van A. Bemersydewcg 40, Durban... 1 van Craddock van D. BeUevueweg 128, Durban... 9 van 69 van R. Botaniclaning 17, Durban... 6 van 33 van B. Burmansteeg 25, Durban... 7 van 23 Z van B. Bishopweg 9, Durban... Restant van K van 11 van G. Audky Tuine 1, Durban... 1 van BC van 4 van D. Girtonhof, Umbiloweg 182, Durban... 2 van A van 9 van C. Daleweg 63, Escombe... ESSD048 QU. Dilkooshweg 45, Earnbe...: QU 7. Howardweg 7, Escombe QU. Jubileesingel 9, Escombe QU. Luciasteeg 15, Escombe... RestanU399. Parkers Heuwel42, Escombe QU. Parkers Heuwel99, Escombe QU. Pentrelewweg 20, Escombe QU. Pentrelewweg 21, Escombe... RestanU1748 QU. Pioneerweg 51, Escombe QU.

17 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 23 MARCH 1990 No Ponsfordsingel37, Eswmbe... Suidweg 20, Escombe... Suidweg 22122a, Eswmbe... Suidweg 87, Escombe... Stellaweg 697, Escombe... Valley Viewweg 34, Escombe... Vausedaleweg 73, Escombe... Wallweg 106, Eswmbe.... Bellvilleweg 30, Malvern... Chesterweg 83, Malvern... Consitonsteeg 14, Malvern... Conistonsteeg 20, Malvern... Skoolsteeg 11, Malvern... Southwarkweg 14, Malvern... Stellaweg 544, Malvern... Selkirk, Innesweg 166/170, Durban... Ferguson 65/65a, Glenwood, Durban... Obanhof, St Georgesstraat 84, Durban... Sylvadorhof, Madelineweg 32 en Windermereweg 137, Durban..... Madelineweg 32, Durban... Rosemodhof, Musgraveweg 333, Durban... Manningweg 17, Durban... Moorecornbe, Mooreweg 81M, Durban... Glendardleweg 90, Durban... Russellstraat 36/38, Durban..... Simcho Huis, Pointweg W6, Durban... Pointweg 359/a, Durban... Woonstelle 11-15,21-24,31-34,4144,51-54, ban Premierhof, Umbiloweg Durban Robernehof, Weststmat 75/81, Dur-... Percy Osborneweg 138, Durban... Meyerton, Mooreweg 162, Durban... Ramsaylaan 91/93, Durban... Latham Tuine 34, Umbilo, Durban... Latham Tuine 18, Umbilo, Durban... Latham Tuine 39/41, Umbilo, Durban... Laurelweg 6, Umbilo, Durban... Laurelweg 26, Umbilo, Durban... Laurelweg 14, Umbilo, Durban... Laurelweg 49, Umbilo, Durban... Laurelweg 45, Umbilo, Durban... Laurelweg 29, Umbilo, Durban..... Laurelweg 15, Umbiio, Durban... Linwlnweg 21, Durban... Linwlnweg 23, Durban... Railwayweg 43, Sea View, Durban... Ronaldweg 62/64, Montclair, Durban... Rossviewweg 22, Sea View, Durban... Roland Chapmanrylaan 110, Montclair, Durban... Roland Chaomanrvlaan 122. Montclair. Durban... Roland Chapmanrylaan 126, Montclair, Durban... Roland Chapmamylaan 156, Montclair, Durban... Alcocksineel5. -. Tollgate. -. Durban... Alcocksingel2;%34, Tollgate, Durban... Banfieldsingel - 30, Puntans Heuwel, Durban... Banfieldsingel 64, Puntans Heuwel, Durban..... Barnettweg 27, Overport, Durban... Beniedaleweg 73/75, Mayville, Durban... Beniedaleweg 41, Mayville, Durban... Valley Viewlaan 96, Puntans Heuwel, Durban..... Birkettrylaan 20, Durban..... Earl Haigweg 135, Durban... Earl Haigweg 121, Durban... Gladeweg 59, Overport, Durban... Earl Haipeg 28, Durban... Valley V~ewlaan 15, Durban... Valley Viewlaan 105, Durban... Arcadiaweg 47, Overport, Durban..... Earl Haiweg 29, Durban... Hanleyw-eg 43, Overport, Durban... Rosewoodwoonstelle, Mooreweg 433, Durban... Highweg 50, Overport, Durban... Hopelandsweg 45, Overport, Durban... Beniedalewe 77, Mayvllle, Durban... ~henylaan 74: Overport, Durban.... Chenylaan 16, Overport, Durban... Clancylaan 20, Durban... Clancylaan 84, Durban OU QU QU en 1639 QU. ~4516en QU QU en 515% QU QU QU. ~ ~ ~ QU. 916QU. 921 QU. B ~ Q u. 447 MVN MVN 6. Rosevan Jvan7vanAB. 4 van 57 van C. Restant van 9 van FF. Restant van 204 van AL. Restant van 204 van AL. Evan45vanB. 3 van E van 44 van C. 91 van C. 183 van 93 van Mid Wenthworth van Wenthworth 860. HvanlvanB. A van 6 van B van Pointweg-uitbreiding. Avan 14vanE, Scott Street. 27 van GG. 2vanlvanAvan9vanC. Restant van B van 1 van A. 47van7vanC. Restant van 2 van N2 van Brickfield A van 4 van 1A2A van E, Umbilo. 16 van 4 van 1A2A van E, Umbilo. 1 van VOYSEY van 3A4A van E, Umbilo. 57 van J Congella. 68 van J Congella. 62 van J Congella. 82 van J Congella. 83 van J Congella. 87 van J Congella. 90 van J Congella. 122 van Congella. 123 van Congella. Restant van 31B van Evan Sea View van 113 van ABIKLNO van Sea View 845. Restant van 9,10 van 49/50 van C van Sea View 845. A van 87 van ABIKLNO van Sea View 845. B van 87 van ABIKLNO van Sea View 845. Restant van 87 van ABIKLNOvan Sea View 845. Restant van 90 van ABIKLNO van Sea View van B van Brickfield van Z van B van Brickfield van Puntans Heuwel van Springfield van Puntans Heuwel van Springfield van A van (I en J) van D van Brickfield 806. B van 64 van WM van Brickfield van WM... van Brickfield 8C%. 5 van A van 8 van B van CDGHI van Springfield 802. Restant van Birkett van Sorinefield van 23 van GHK en CDGH~V~ C van 6 van 23 van GHK van S ~M A van 33 van 23 van GHK en 802. van 19 van D van S ringfield van Riverview van S ringfielk. J van S van S ringfield kt2 B van ROR&K van ~rickiield van Rose Glen van D van Sprin HayhiU van ManviUe van Brickfi$?&*. 14 van 8 van F. Restant van 1 van A van 8 van E van Brickfield 806. Restant van 1 van R en V van 8 van E van Brickfield 806. A van WH van F van Brickfield 806. DON van WM van Brickfield 806. I van 1 van E van Brickfield 806. Restant van 3 van 2 van Evan Brickfield van Puntans van Heuwel van Springfield van Puntans Heuwel van Springfield 802.

18 18 No STAATSKOERANT. 23 MAART 1990 Lomondoord 20. Mayville. Durban... Oakleighrylaan 29. Brickfield. Durban... Oakleighrylaan 67. Brickfield. Durban... Oakleighrylaan 15. Brickfield. Durban... Noord-Rifweg Durban... Noord-Rifweg 133. Durban... Noord-Rihveg Durban... Noord-Rihveg 345. Durban... Rifweg 97. Durban... Loudounweg 20. Glenwood. Durban... Loudounweg 18. Glenwood. Durban... Loudounweg4. Glenwood. Durban... Loudounweg 45. Glenwood. Durban... Lutmanlaan 5. Durban... Levenhallweg 83. Durban... Firwoodweg 92. Durban... Haigweg 150. Durban... Haigweg 156. Durban... Haigweg 144. Durban... Haigweg 140. Durban... Haigweg 126. Durban... Haigweg Durban... Haigweg 58. Durban... Haigweg 44. Durban... Haigweg 88. Durban... Haigweg 102. Durban... Highlandsweg 109. Redhill. Durban... Higlandsweg 105. Redhill. Durban... Highlandsweg 97. Redhill. Durban... Highlandsweg 45. Redhill. Durban... Highlandsweg 41. Redhill. Durban... Highlandsweg 33. Redhill. Durban... Highlandsweg 26. Redhill. Durban... Highlandsweg 28. Redhill. Durban... Highlandsweg 38. Redhill. Durban... Highlandsweg 48. Redhill. Durban... Highlandsweg 114. Redhill. Durban... Humbersingel7. DurbamNoord. Durban... Humbersingel4. DurbawNoord. Durban... Humbersingel 16. Durban.Noord. Durban... Humbersingel30. Durban.Noord. Durban... Strathcona. Percy Osborneweg 25. Durban... Godfreygebou. Umbiloweg Durban... Devonhof. Davenportweg Durban... Stellahof. Umbiloweg Durban... Chelseahof. Victoria Embankment 67t70. Durban... Arbyhof. Umbilo'weg 146. Durban... Noordweg 195. Durban.Noord. Durban... Noordweg 79. DurbawNoord. Durban... Noordweg 77. Durban.Noord. Durban... Noordweg 73. DurbawNoord. Durban... Noordweg 63. Durban.Noord. Durban... Noordweg 62. Durban.Noord. Durban... Noordweg 78. Durban.Noord. Durban... Noordweg 181. Durban.Noord. Durban... Noordweg 162. Durban.Noord. Durban... Noordweg 132. Durban.Noord. Durban... Noordweg 134. Durban.Noord. Durban... Noordweg 98. Durban.Noord. Durban... Noordweg 156. Durban.Noord. Durban... Noordweg 154. Durban.Noord. Durban... Noordweg 81. DurbawNoord. Durban... Noordweg.94. Durban.Noord. Durban... Earl Haigweg 279. Durban... Woodlawnsingel 77. Durban... Oxfordrylaan 21. Durban.Noord. Durban... L&ghg van eiendom C van 3 van B van Brickfield 806. Restant van A1 van 4B van 8 van B van Brickfield 806. C van 10B van 6 van B van Brickfield 806. C van 10A van 7 van B van Brickfield 806. D van 4B van 8 van B van Brickfield 806. Restant van Moreton Hall van FROLICH van B van CDGHI van Springfield 802. B van 7 van B van CDGHI van Springsfield 802. STANSED van 16 van CDGHI van Springfield 802. Restant van 9 van B van Brickfield A van B van Brickfield van D van 10 van F. 22 van D van 10 van F. A van 27 van D van 10 van F. A van 28 van D van 10 van F. 13 van E van 15 van F. 13A van D van 15 van F. 2 van N10 van C. Restant van 361 van E Umbilo. 1 van STUELAND van H3 van Duikerfontein 785. D van 49 van E3 van Duikerfontein 785. Restant van 49 van E3 van Duikerfontein 785. A van 50 van E3 van Duikerfontein van A van 51 van E3 van Duikerfontein 785. Restant van 1 van 53 van E3 van Duikerfontein 785. Restant van 63 van E3 van Duikerfontein 785. C van 58 van Duikerfontein 785. D van 58 van Duikerfontein 785. B van 60 van Duikerfontein van A van 61 van Duikerfontein 785. Restant van C van 16 van C3 van Duikerfontein 785. B van 16 van C3 van Duikerfontein 785. B van 17 van C3 van Duikerfontein 785. A van 17 van C3 van Duikerfontein 785. Restant van A van 23 van C3 van Duikerfontein 785. Restant van B van 23 van C3 van Duikerfontein 785. Restant van 24 van C3 van Duikerfontein 785. C van 31 van C3 van Duikerfontein 785. Restant van 31 van C3 van Duikerfontein 785. Restant van 32 van C3 van Duikerfontein 785. B van 33 van C3 van Duikerfontein 785. B van 40 van C3 van Duikerfontein van 9 van 2 No % van 9 van 2 van No van 9 van 2 No van 2 No van 2 No van ADRAIN van A. 54 van 8 van C. 56 van 8 van C. 1 van B van 9 van C. B van KABEL STASIE van 8 van C. 2 van HEP van 1 van 12 No van J van 12 No van I van 12 No van J van 12 No van J van 12 No van J van 12 No van J van 12 No van 1 van 12 No van J van 12 No van 15 No van 14 No A van 13 No van 13 No van 14 No van C van 13 No van 14 No van 14 No van I van 12 No van F van 12 No van C van 13 No van 31 van CDGHI van Springfield van Rose Hill vin I van D van 12 No van Evan 12 No

19 Adrep van eiendom Oxfordrylaan 19. Durban.Noord. Durban... Oxfordrylaan 13. Durban.Noord. Durban... Oxfordrylaan 25. DurbamNoord. Durban... Oxfordrylaan 29. Durban.Noord. Durban... Oxfordrylaan 4. Durban.Noord. Durban... Old Millweg 31. Durban.Noord. Durban... Orangelaoing 35. Briardene. Durban... Orangelaning 123. Briardene. Durban... Orangelaning 110. Briardene. Durban... Orangelaning 20. Briardene. Durban... Orangelaning 20 A. Briardene. Durban... Orangelaning 26. Briardene. Durban... Orangelaning 42. Briardene. Durban... Kelviword 1IA. Durban.Noord. Durban... Kelvinoord 39. DurbamNoord. Durban... Kelvinoord 45. Durban.Noord. Durban... GOVERNMENT GAZETIE. 23 MARCH 1990 No A van 2 No Kelvinoord 38. Durban.Noord. Durban... Kensingtonrylaan 126. Durban.Noord. Durban... Kensingtomylaan 68. DurbamNoord. Durban... Kensingtomylaan 70. Durban.Noord. Durban... Kensingtonrylaan 86. DurbamNoord. Durban... Kensingtomylaan %. DurbawNoord. Durban... Kensingtomylaan 101. DurbawNoord. Durban... Kensingtonrylaan 2. DurbamNoord. Durban... Kensingtonrylaan 20. Durban.Noord. Durban... Kensingtonrylaan 22. Durban.Noord. Durban... Kensingtonrylaan 24. Durban.Noord. Durban... Kensingtonrylaan 30. DurbamNoord. Durban... Kensingtonrylaan 33. Durban.Noord. Durban... Kensingtonrylaan 11. Durban.Noord. Durban... Kensingtonrylaan 9. DurbawNoord. Durban... Atterburyweg 93. Briardene. Durban... Atterburyweg 13. Briardene. Durban... Atterburyweg 19. Briardene. Durban... Atterburyweg57. Briardene. Durban... Atterburyweg 72. Briardene. Durban... Blackburnweg 336. Durban.Noord. Durban... Blackburnweg 288. Durban.Noord. Durban... Blackbumweg 280. Durban.Noord. Durban... Blackbumweg 276lB. Durban.Noord. Durban... Blackbumweg 391. DurbamNoord. Durban... Blackbumweg 339. DurbamNoord. Durban... Blackbumweg 295. DurbawNoord. Durban... SCHEDULE Address Ofpremlses 256 Avondale Road. Durban Avondale Road. Durban Avondale Road. Durban Avondale Road. Durban a Cume Road. Durban /118 Cume Road. Durban Currie Road. Durban... 28/a Currie Road. Durban Cume Road. Durban... Windermere Flats. 183 Loop Street. Pietermaritzburg Loop Street. Pietermaritzburg Loop Street. Pietermaritzburg... Safcor House. 14 Pine Street. Durban... 34/34a Ajax Lane. Durban Avondale Road. Durban... 6 Hayle Avenue. Durban... 5 Hayle Avenue. Durban Hollander Crescent. Durban Hollander Crescent. Durban Hollander Crescent. Durban Hollander Crescent. Durban....: Harvey Road. Durban Harvey Road. Durban... Ligging van eiendom 1472 van i van D van 12 No van Evan 12 No van i van D van 12 No van E van 12 No van 1 van D van 12 No van Evan No van 1 van D van 12 No van Evan 12 No van 1 van 12 No van D van 13 No van 4 van B3 van Duikerfontein van B3 van Duikerfontein van A van B van YY van Duikerfontein 785. Restant van 1van Avan 4van B van YY van Duikerfontein 785. Hanric van A van 4van Bvan W van Duikerfontein 785. A van 5 van B van YY van Duikerfontein van A van 7 van B van YY van Duikerfontein van Chetty van 2 No van 2 No van 2 No van 95 van LS, Durban-Noord van 14 No van 14 No van 14 No van 15 No van 15 No van C van 13 No van B van 13 No van 13 No van B van 13 No van 13 No van B van 13 No van No van 13 No van C van 13 No van C van 13 No van Rose Hill van Rose Hill van Rose Hill van Rose Hill Restant van 587 van Rose Hill B van 17 van E3 van Duikerfontein 785. Restant van A van 22 van E3 van Duikerfontein 785. B van 23 van E3 van Duikerfontein 785 B van 24 van E3 van Duikerfontein 785. Restant van 26 van E3 van Duikerfontein 785 Restant van 32 van E3 van Duikerfontein 785. B van 36 van E3 van Duikerfontein 785. Situation dpnmisff Rem. of 128 of AL. A of 141 of AL. Rem. of 124 of AL. Rem. of A of 124 of AL. Cof Zof56of B. A of 9 and 10 and of 61 Block B. 7 Cof 0 6BlockB f. 5of34ofB 9of66ofB. 2618/16 (18/H). Rem. of 1 of P of Erf 29, Burger Street. 2of of Erf29, P Burger Street. 860f AE. 2 of Bn8a of B. DllOof2789ofB. Dof78ofHofB. lofaof78aofb. 2 2of AB of AB f AB. 1 3of AB 2. Cof 1080f G. 6ofAofG.

20 20 No STAATSKOERANT, 23 MAART 1990 Ad* ofpremises 85 Harvey Road, Durban Hollander Crescent, Durban Catterick Road, Durban Clive Road, Durban Kilbum Avenue, Durban... 3 Warney Terrace, Durban Wamey Terrace, Durban... 5 Killamey Terrace, Durban Kilbum Avenue, Durban... Inverallen, 36 Keswick Road, Durban Keswick Road, Durban Keswick Road, Durban Bemersyde Road, Durban Bellevue Road, Durban Botanic Grove, Durban Burman Lane, Durban... 9 Bishop Road, Durban Audley Gardens, Durban... Girton Court, 182 Umbiio Road, Durban Dale Road, Escombe Dilkoosh Road, Escombe... 7 Howard Road, Escombe... 9 Jubilee Crescent, Escombe Lucia Lane, Escombe Parkers W, Escombe Parkers Hill, Escombe Pentrelew Road, Escombe Pentrelew Road, Escombe Pioneer Road, Escombe Ponsford Crescent, Escombe South Road, Esoombe... 22ma South Road, Escombe South Road, Escombe Stella Road, Escombe Valley View Road, Escombe Vausedale Road, Escombe Wall Road, Escombe Bellville Road, Malvern Chester Road, Malvem Consiton Lane, Malvem Coniston Lane, Malvem School Lane, Malven Southwark Road, Malvern Stella Road, Malvern... Selkirk, l66/l7o Innes Road, Durban a Ferguson Road, Glenwood, Durban..... Oban Court, 84 St George's Street, Durban... Sylvador Court, 32 Madeline and 137 Windermere Roads, Durban Madeline Road, Durban... Rosemod Court, 33 Musgrave Road, Durban Manning Road, Durban... Moorecambe, 81/97 Moore Road, Durban Glendardle Road, Durban Russell Street, Durban... Simcho House, Point Road, Durban A Point Road, Durban..... Flats 11-15,21-24,31-34,41-44,51-54 Robeme Court, 75/81 West Street, Durban Premier Court, 200t202 Umbilo Road, Durban Percy Osborne Road, Durban... Meyerton, 162 Moore Road, Durban... 91B.3 Ramsay Avenue, Durban Latham Gardens, Umbilo, Durban Latham Gardens, Umbilo, Durban Latham Gardens, Umbilo, Durban... 6 Laurel Road, Umbiio, Durban Laurel Road, Umbilo, Durban Laurel Road, Umbilo, Durban Laurel Road, Umbiio, Durban Laurel Road, Umbilo, Durban Laurel Road, Umbilo, Durban Laurel Road, Umbilo, Durban Lincoln Road, Durban Lincoln Road, Durban Railway Road Sea View, Durban... 62/64 Ronald Road, Montclair, Durban Rossview Road, Sea View, Durban Roland Chapman Drive, Montclair, Durban Roland Chapman Dnve, Montclair, Durban... Situation ofpmmises A of 107 of G. 202 of AB. 21 of MYRO of B. l40f 260f B. 9ofBof41ofB. 8of 11ofA. AofKof2EofA. 10 of 11 of A. 5of43ofAofB. Rem.ofEofHof7ofA. Rem.of2ofEofHof7ofA. Rem.ofCofHof7ofA. 1 of Craddock of D. 90f690f B. 6of33ofB. 7of23ofZofB. Rem.ofKof11ofG. lofbcof4ofd. 2ofAof9ofC. ESSt2048 QU QU 7. V1717 QU QU. Rem.f QU QU QU. Rem QU. 302 QU QU QU QU and 1639 QU. R4516 and QU QU and QU QU QU. V4303 QU QU. 916 QU. 921 QU. Z894 QU. 447 MVN MVN 6. Roseof Jof 7of AB. 4of57ofC. Rem. of 9 of FF. Rem. of 204 of AL. Rem. of 204of AL. Eof45ofB. 3of Eof44of C. 91 of C. 183 of 93 of Mid Wentworth of Wenthworth 860. Hof lofb. A of 6 of B of Point Road Extension. A of 14 of E Scott Street. 27 of GG. 2oflofAof9ofC. Rem. of B of 1 of A. 47 of 7 of C. Rem. of 2 of N2 of Brickfield A of 4 of 1A2A of E Umbilo. 16 of 4 of 1A2A of E Umbilo. 1 of VOYSEY of 3A4Aof E Umbilo. 57 of J Congella. 68 of J Congella. 62 of J Congella. 82 of J Congella. 83 of J Congella. 87 of J Congella. 90 of J Congella. 122 of Congella. 123 of Con ella. Rem. of 31% of E of Sea View of 113 of ABIKLNO of Sea View 845. Rem. of 9,10 of 49/50 of C of Sea View 845. A of 87 of ABIKLNO of Sea View 845. B of 87 of ABIKLNO of Sea V~ew 845.

21 126 Roland Chapman Drive. Montclair. Durban Roland Chapman Drive. Montclair. Durban... 5 Alcock Crescent. Tollgate. Durban... 22n4 Alcock Crescent. Tollgate. Durban Banfield Crescent. Puntans Hill. Durban Banfield Crescent. Puntans Hill. Durban Barnett Road. Overport. Durban... 73/75 Bemedale Road. Mayville. Durban Bemedale Road. Mayville. Durban... % Valleyview Avenue. Puntans Hill. Durban Birkett Drive. Durban Earl Haig Road. Durban Earl Haig Road. Durban Earl Haig Road. Durban Valley View Avenue. Durban Valley View Avenue. Durban Arcadia Road. Overport. Durban Earl Haig Road. Durban Hartley Road. Overport. Durban... Rosewood Flats. 433 Moore Road. Durban High Road. Overport. Durban Glade Road. Overport. Durban Hopelands Road. Overport. Durban Bemedale Road. Mayville. Durban Cherry Avnue. Overport. Durban Cherry Avenue. Overport. Durban Clancy Avenue. Durban Clancy Avenue. Durban Lomond Place. Mayville. Durban Oakleigh Drive. Brickfield. Durban Oakleigh Drive. Brickfield. Durban Oakleigh Drive. Brickfield. Durban Northridge Road. Durban Northridge Road. Durban Northridge Road. Durban Northridge Road. Durban...: Ridge Road. Durban Loudoun Road. Glenwood. Durban Loudoun Road. Glenwood. Durban... 4 Loudoun Road. Glenwood. Durban Loudoun Road. Glenwood. Durban... 5 Lutman Avenue. Durban Levenhall Road. Durban Firwood Road. Durban Haig Road. Durban Haig Road. Durban Haig Road. Durban Haig Road. Durban Haig Road. Durban Haig Road. Durban Haig Road. Durban Haig Road. Durban Haig Road. Durban Haig Road. Durban Highlands Road. Redhill. Durban Highlands Road. Redhill. Durban Highlands Road. Redhill. Durban Highlands Road. Redhill. Durban Highlands Road. Redhill. Durban Highlands Road. Redhill. Durban Highlands Road. Redhill. Durban Highlands Road. Redhill. Durban Highlands Road. Redhill. Durban Highlands Road. Redhill. Durban Highlands Road. Redhill. Durban... 7 Humber Crescent. Durban North... 4 Humber Crescent. Durban North Humber Crescent. Durban North Humber Crescent. Durban North... Strathcona. 25 Percy Osborne Road. Durban... Godfrey Buildings Umbilo Road. Durban... GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 23 MARCH 1990 No Situation of premises Rem. of 87 of ABIKLNO of Sea View 845. Rem. of 90 of ABIKLNO of Sea View of B of Brickfield of Z of Brickfield of Puntans W of Springfield of Puntans Hill of Springfield of A of (I and J) of D of Brickfield 806. B of 64 of WM of Brickfield of WM of Brickfield of A of 8 of B of CDGHI of Springfield 802. Rem. of Birkett of Springfield of 23 of GHK and CDGHI of Springfield 8U2. C of 6 of 23 of GHK of Springfield of AKAL of 19 of D of Springfield of Riverview of Springfield of S of Springfield 802. B of RORVIK of Brickfield of Rose Glen of D of Springfield 802. Hayhill of Manville of Brickfield of 8 of F. Rem. of 1 of A of 8 of E of Brickfield 806. Rem. of 1 of R and V of 8 of E of Brickfield 806. A of 33 of 23 of GHK and B of CDGHI of Springfield 802. A of WH of F of Brickfield 806. DON of WM of Brickfield of 1 of E of Brickfield 806. Rem. of 3 of 2 of E of Brickfield of Puntans W of Springfield of Puntans W of Springfield 802. C of 3 of B of Brickfield 806. Rem. of A1 of 4B of 8 of B of Brickfield 806. C of 10 B of 6 of B of Brickfield 806. C of 10 A of 7 of B of Brickfield 806. D of 4B of 8 of B of Brickfield 806. Rem. of Moreton Hall of FROLICH of B of CDGHI of Springfield 802. B of 7 of B of CDGHI of Springfield 802. STANSED of 16of CDGHI of Springfield 802. Rem. of 9 of B of Brickfield A of B of Brickfield ofDof 10ofF. 220f Dof 10of F. Aof27ofDof 10ofF. Aof28ofDof10ofF. 13 of E of 15 of F. 13A of D of 15 of F. 2 of A110 of C. Rem. of 361 of E Umbilo. 1 of STUELAND of H3 of Duikerfontein 785. D of 49 of E3 of Duikerfontein 785. Rern of 49 of E3 of Duikerfontein 785. A of 50 of E3 of Duikerfontein of A of 51 of E3 of Duikerfontein 785. Rem. of 1 of 53 of E3 of Duikerfontein 785. Rem. 63 of E3 of Duikerfontein 785. C of 58 of Duikerfontein 785. D of 58 of Duikerfontein 785. B of 60 of Duikerfontein of A of 61 of Duikerfontein 785. Rem. of C of 16 of C3 of Duikerfontein 785. B of 16 of C3 of Duikerfontein 785. B of 17 of C3 of Duikerfontein 785. A of 17 of C3 of Duikerfontein 785. Rem. of A of 23 of C3 of Duikerfontein 785. Rem. of B of 23 of C3 of Duikerfontein 785. Rem. of 24 of C3 of Duikerfontein 785. C of 31 of C3 Duikerfontein 785. Rem. of 31 of C3 of Duikerfontein 785. Rem. of 32 of C3 of Duikerfontein 785. B of 33 of C3 of Duikerfontein 785. B of 40 of C3 of Duikerfontein of 9 of 2 No of 9 of 2 No of 9 of 2 No of 2 No of 2 No of ADRAIN of A. 54 of 8 of C.

22 22 No STAATSKOERANT. 23 MAART 1990 Devon Court. 9/11 Davenport Road. Durban... Stella Court. 1 W4 Umbio Road. Durban... Chelsea Court Victoria Embankment. Durban... Arby Court. 146 Umbilo Road. Durban Northway. Durban North. Durban Northway. Durban North. Durban Northway. Durban North. Durban Northway. Durban North. Durban Northway. Durban North. Durban Northway. Durban North. Durban Northway. Durban North. Durban Northway. Durban North. Durban Northway. Durban North. Durban Northway. Durban North. Durban Northway. Durban North. Durban Northway. Durban North. Durban Northway. Durban North. Durban Northway. Durban North. Durban Northway. Durban North. Durban Northway. Durban North. Durban Earl Haig Road. Durban Woodlawn Crescent. Durban Oxford Drive. Durban North. Durban Oxford Street. Durban North. Durban Oxford Drive. Durban North. Durban Oxford Drive. Durban North. Durban Oxford Drive. Durban North. Durban... 4 Oxford Drive. Durban North. Durban Old Mill Way. Durban North. Durban Orange Grove. Briardene. Durban Orange Grove. Briardene. Durban Orange Grove. Briardene. Durban Orange Grove. Briardene. Durban... UIA Orange Grove. Briardene. Durban Orange Grove. Briardene. Durban Orange Grove. Briardene. Durban... 11A Kelvin Place. Durban North. Durban Kelvin Place. Durban North. Durban Kelvin Place. Durban North. Durban Kelvin Place. Durban North. Durban Kensington Drive. Durban North. Durban Kensington Drive. Durban North. Durban Kensington Drive. Durban North. Durban Kensington Drive. Durban North. Durban... % of Kensington Drive. Durban North. Durban Kensington Drive. Durban North. Durban... 2 Kensington Drive. Durban North. Durban Kensington Drive. Durban North. Durban Kensington Drive. Durban North. Durban Kensington Drive. Durban North. Durban Kensington Drive. Durban North. Durban Kensington Drive. Durban North. Durban Kensington Drive. Durban North. Durban... 9 Kensington Drive. Durban North. Durban Atterbury Road. Briardene. Durban Atterbury Road. Briardene. Durban Atterbury Road. Briardene. Durban Atterbury Road. Briardene. Durban Atterbury Road. Briardene. Durban Blackburn Road. Durban North. Durban Blackburn Road. Durban North. Durban Blackburn Road. Durban North. Durban lB Blackburn Road. Durban North. Durban Blackburn Road. Durban North. Durban Blackburn Road. Durban North. Durban Blackburn Road. Durban North. Durban... Situation of premises 56of8ofC. lofbof9ofc. B of CABLE STATION of 8 of C. 2 of HEP of 1 of 12 No of J of 12 No of 1 of 12 No fJof 12No of J of 12 No of J of 12 No of J of 12 No of 1 of 12 No of J of 12 No of 15 No of 14 No A of 13 No of 13 No of 14 No of C of 13 No van 14 No Waf 14No of 1 of 12 No of F of 12 No of C of 13 No of 31 of CDGHI of Springfield of Rose Hill of 1 of D of 12 No of E of 12 No of 1 of D of 12 No of E of 12 No of 1 of D of 12 No of E of 12 No of 1 of D of 12 No of E of No of 1 of D of 12 No of Eof 12 No of 1 of 12 No of D of 13 No of 4 of B3 of Duikerfontein of B3 of Duikerfontein of A of B of YY of Duikerfontein 785. Rem. of 1 of A of 4 of B of YY of Duikerfontein 785. Hanric of Aof 40f B of YY of Duikerfontein 785. A of 5 of B of YY of Duikerfontein of A of 7 of B of YY of Duikerfontein of Chetty of 2 No of 2 No A of 2 No of 2 No of 95 of LS of Durban North of 14 No of 14 No of 14 No of 15 No of 15 No of C of 13 No of B of 13 No of 13 No of B of 13 No of 13 No of B of 13 No of No of 13 No of C of 13 No of C of 13 No of Rose Hill of Rose Hill of Rose Hill of Rose Hill Rem. of 587 of Rose Hill B of 17 of E3 of Duikerfontein 785. Rem. of A of 22 of E3 of Duikerfontein 785. B of 23 of E3 of Duikerfontein 785. B of 24 of E3 of Duikerfontein 785. Rem. of 26 of E3 of Duikerfontein 785. Rem. of 32 of E3 of Duikerfontein 785. B of 36 of E3 of Duikerfontein 785.

23 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 23 MARCH 1990 No DEPARTEMENT VAN BINNELANDSE SAKE No Maart 1990 WET OP VREEMDELINGE, 1937 VANSVERANDERING. -PATHER IN MOOSA Dit het die Minister van Binnelandse Sake behaag om, kragtens die bepalings van artikel9 van die Wet op Vreemdelinge, 1937 (Wet No. 1 van 1937), Abdool Rakman Pather, sy vrou Husna Banoo en minde rjarige kinders Mohamed Hoosain Pather en Mohamed Hassein Pather, woonagtig te Statesmanrylaan 16, Havenside, Chatsworth, te magtig om die van Moosa aan te neem. No Maart 1990 WET OP VREEMDELINGE, 1937 VANSVERANDERING. -VAN WYK IN SOOLIMAN Dit het die Minister van Binnelandse Sake behaag om, kragtens die bepalings van artikel9 van die Wet op Vreemdelinge, 1937 (Wet No. 1 van 1937), Frederick Jacobus Berend van Wyk, woonagtig te Bismellastraat 20a, Mohadin, Potchefstroom, te magtig om die van Sooliman aan te neem. No Maart 1990 WET OP VREEMDELINGE, 1937 VANSVERANDERING. -MAILULA IN MARKGRAAFF Dit het die Minister van Binnelandse Sake behaag om, kragtens die bepalings van artikel9 van die Wet op Vreemdelinge, 1937 (Wet No. 1 van 1937), Krisjan Pieter Mailula, sy vrou Bettie en minderjarige kind Eloise Booysen, woonagtig te Charlie Levackstraat 951, Knysna, te magtig om die van Markgraaff aan te neem. No Maart 1990 WET OP VREEMDELINGE, 1937 VANSVERANDERING. -DE BEER IN MEYER Dit het die Minister van Binnelandse Sake behaag om, kragtens die bepalings van artikel9 van die Wet op Vreemdelinge, 1937 (Wet No. 1 van 1937), Johann Berend de Beer, sy vrou Vera en minde rjarige kinders Trischka de Beer en Natasja de Beer, woonagtig te Hertzogstraat 11, Wesselsbron, 9680, te magtig om die van Meyer aan te neem. No Maart 1990 WET OP VREEMDELINGE, 1937 VANSVERANDERING. -MDLADLA IN MWELI Dit het die Minister van Binnelandse Sake behaag om, kragtens die bepalings van artikel9 van die Wet op Vreemdelinge, 1937 (Wet No. 1 van 1937), Zibonela Mdladla, sy vrou Fikelephi Cillova en minderjarige kinders Khumbulani Mdladla, Hlanganani Mdladla, Xolani Mdladla en Zamokuhle Mdladla, woonagtig te Ematshakeni-lokasie 5, Ixopo, Natal, te magtig om die van Mweli aan te neem. DEPARTMENT OF HOME AFFAIRS No March 1990 ALIENS ACT, 1937 CHANGE OF SURNAME. -PATHER TO MOOSA The Minister of Home Affairs has been pleased under the provisions of section 9 of the Aliens Act, 1937 (Act No. 1 of 1937), to authorise Abdool Rakman Pather, his wife Husna Banoo and minor children Mohamed Hoosain Pather and Mohamed Hassein Pather, residing at 16 Statesman Drive, Havenside, Chatsworth, to assume the surname of Moosa. No March 1990 ALIENS ACT, 1937 CHANGE OF SURNAME. -VAN WYK TO SOOLIMAN The Minister of Home Affairs has been pleased under the provisions of section 9 of the Aliens Act, 1937 (Act No. 1 of 1937), to authorise Frederick Jacobus Berend van Wyk, residing at 20a Bismella Street, Mohadin, Potchefstroom, to assume the surname of Sooliman. No March 1990 ALIENS ACT, 1937 CHANGE OF SURNAME. - MAILULA TO MARKGRAAFF The Minister of Home Affairs has been pleased under the provisions of section 9 of the Aliens Act, 1937 (Act No. 1 of 1937), to authorise Krisjan Pieter Mailula, his wife Bettie and minor child Eloise Booysen, residing at 951 Charlie Levack Street, Knysna, to assume the surname of Markgraaff. No March 1990 ALIENS ACT, 1937 CHANGE OF SURNAME. -DE BEER TO MEYER The Minister of Home Affairs has been pleased under the provisions of section 9 of the Aliens Act, 1937 (Act No. 1 of 1937), to authorise Johann Berend de Beer, his wife Vera and minor children Trischka de Beer and Natasja de Beer, residing at 11 Hertzog Street, Wesselsbron, 9680, to assume the surname of Meyer. No March 1990 ALIENS ACT, 1937 CHANGE OF SURNAME. VMDLADLA TO MWELI The Minister of Home Affairs has been pleased under the provisions of section 9 of the Aliens Act, 1937 (Act No. 1 of 1937), to authorise Zibonela Mdladla, his wife Fikelephi Cillova and minor children Khumbulani Mdladla, Hlanganani Mdladla, Xolani Mdladla and Zamokuhle Mdladla, residing at Ematshakeni Location 5, Ixopo, Natal, to assume the surname of Mweli.

24 24 No STAATSKOERANT. 23 MAART 1990 No Maart 1990 WET OP VREEMDELINGE, 1937 VANSVERANDERING. -MNXUNYENI IN VAAS Dit het die Minister van Binnelandse Sake behaag om, kragtens die bepalings van artikel9 van die Wet op Vreemdelinge, 1937 (Wet No. 1 van 1937), Edward Mnxunyeni, woonagtig te Pk. Hoekwil, distrik George, te magtig om die van Vaas aan te neem. No March 1990 ALIENS ACT, 1937 CHANGE OF SURNAME. -MNXUNYENI TO VAAS The Minister of Home Affairs has been pleased under the provisions of section 9 of the Aliens Act, 1937 (Act No. 1 of 1937), to authorise Edward Mnxunyeni, residing at P.O. Hoekwil, District of George, to assume the surname of Vaas. No Maart 1990 WET OP VREEMDELINGE, 1937 VANSVERANDERING. -MOHAMED IN JOOLAY Dit het die Minister van Binnelandse Sake behaag om, kragtens die bepalings van artikel9 van die Wet op Vreemdelinge, 1937 (Wet No. 1 van 1937), Osman Mohamed, sy vrou Rashida en minderjarige kinders Arnina, Zahir Hoosain, Yaseen, Shafik Ahmed, woonagtig te Sir Lowryweg 73, Kaapstad, te magtig om die van Joolay aan te neem. No Maart 1990 WET OP VREEMDELINGE, 1937 VANSVERANDERING. -LABUSCHAGNE IN NORRIDGE Dit het die Minister van Binnelandse Sake behaag om, kragtens die bepalings van artikel9 van die Wet op Vreemdelinge, 1937 (Wet No. 1 van 1937), Wayne Phillip Labuschagne, woonagtig te Woodlands 6, Stewardsweg, Bellvue, te magtig om die van Norridge aan te neem. No March 1990 ALIENS ACT, 1937 CHANGE OF SURNAME. -MOHAMED TO JOOLAY The Minister of Home Affairs has been pleased under the provisions of section 9 of the Aliens Act, 1937 (Act No. 1 of 1937), to authorise Osman Mohamed, his wife Rashida and minor children Amina, Zahir Hoosain, Yaseen, Shafik Aluned, residing at 73 Sir Lowry Road, Cape Town, to assume the surname of Joolay. No March 1990 ALIENS ACT, 1937 CHANGE OF SURNAME. -LABUSCHAGNE TO NORRIDGE The Minister of Home Affairs has been pleased under the provisions of section 9 of the Aliens Act, 1937 (Act No. 1 of 1937), to authorise Wayne Phillip Labuschagne, residing at 6 Woodlands, Stewards Drive, Bellvue, to assume the surname of Nomdge. No Maart 1990 WET OP VREEMDELINGE, 1937 VANSVERANDERING. -SIMELANE IN SHANGE Dit het die Minister van Binnelandse Sake behaag om, kragtens die bepalings van artikel9 van die Wet op Vreemdelinge, 1937 (Wet No. 1 van 1937), Mandlethu Leonard Simelane, woonagtig te Ntulistraat 752, Lamontville, Durban, te magtig om die van Shange aan te neem. No March 1990 ALIENS ACT, 1937 CHANGE OF SURNAME. -SIMELANE TO SHANGE The Minister of Home Affairs has been pleased under the provisions of section 9 of the Aliens Act, 1937 (Act No. 1 of 1937), to authorise Mandlethu Leonard Simelane, residing at 752 Ntuli Street, Lamontville, Durban, to assume the surname of Shange. No Maart 1990 WET OP VREEMDELINGE, 1937 VANSVERANDERING. -VERMEULEN IN VORSTER Dit het die Minister van Binnelandse Sake behaag om, kragtens die bepalings van artikel9 van die Wet op Vreemdelinge, 1937 (Wet No. 1 van 1937), Nicholas Ailing Vermeulen, sy vrou Dorothea Ann en minderjarige kinders Byron Gordon Vermeulen, Jonathan Mark Vermeulen, Laurence Vermeulen, Elaine Nicolett Vermeulen, Shawn Hamish Vermeulen en Nicholas Ailing Vermeulen, woonagtig te Plot 20, Gouwslaan, Raslouw, te magtig om die van Vorster aan te neem. No March 1990 ALIENS ACT, 1937 CHANGE OF SURNAME. -VERMEULEN TO VORSTER The Minister of Home Affairs has been pleased under the provisions of section 9 of the Aliens Act, 1937 (Act No. 1 of 1937), to authorise Nicholas Ailing Vermeulen, his wife Dorothea Ann and minor children Byron Gordon Vermeulen, Jonathan Mark Vermeulen, Laurence Vermeulen, Elaine Nicolett Vermeulen, Shawn Hamish Vermeulen and Nicholas Ailing Vermeulen, residing at Plot 20, Gouws Avenue, Raslouw, to assume the surname of Vorster.

25 No Maart 1990 WET OP VREEMDELINGE, 1937 VANSVERANDERING. -MYATAZA IN MKHUNJULWA Dit het die Minister van Binnelandse Sake behaag om, kragtens die bepalings van artikel9 van die Wet op Vreemdelinge, 1937 (Wet No. 1 van 1937), Collin Terry Myataza, woonagtig te Blok 6048, Red-lokasie, New Brighton, Johannesburg, te magtig om die van Mkhunjulwa aan te neem. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 23 MARCH 1990 No No March 1990 ALIENS ACT, 1937 CHANGE OF SURNAME. -MYATAZA TO MKHUNJULWA The Minister of Home Affairs has been pleased under the provisions of section 9 of the Aliens Act, 1937 (Act No. 1 of 1937), to authorise Collin Terry Myataza, residing at Block 6048, Red Location, New Brighton, Johannesburg, to assume the surname of Mkhunjulwa. No Maart 1990 WET OP VREEMDELINGE, 1937 VANSVERANDERING. -KOEKEMOER IN HERBERT Dit het die Minister van Binnelandse Sake behaag om, kragtens die be alings van artikel9 van die Wet op Vreemdelinge, 1937 (Wet No. 1 van 1937), Leslie Stanley Koekemoer, sy vrou Charmayne Helen en minderjarige kinders Michelle Milicent Elizabeth Koekemoer, Celeste Muriel Irene Koekemoer en Vaughn Leslie Koekemoer, woonagtig te Uysstraat 10, Boatlake Village, Rynefield, Benoni, te magtig om die van Herbert aan te neem. DEPARTEMENT VAN BUITELANDSE SAKE No Maart 1990 GELOOFSBRIEFOORHANDIGING Hierby word bekendgamaak dat mnr. Samuel Gerhardus Antonie Golden op Donderdag, 22 Februarie 1990, deur die President van die Hellense Republiek Griekeland ontvang is en dat hy by daardie geleentheid sy Geloofsbrief as Buiten ewone en Gevolmagtigde Ambassadeur van die ~e~u%liek van Suid-Afrika in die Helleense Republiek Griekeland oorhandig het. (412156) No Maart 1990 GELOOFSBRIEFOORHANDIGING Hierby word bekendgemaak dat Sy Eksellensie mnr. Joshua Ketlhopile Manyaapelo o Dinsdag, 27 Februarie 1990, by Tuynhuys, Kaapsta$ deur die Staatspresident ontvang is en dat hy by daardie eleentheid sy Geloofsbrief as Buitengewone en 8evolmagtigde Ambassadeur van die Republiek van Bo huthatswana in the Republiek van Suid-Afrika oorhan& het. (72/23011) No Maart 1990 GELOOFSBRIEFOORHANDIGING Hierby word bekendgemaak dat Sy Eksellensie mnr. Mutheiwana David Nemauluma op Dinsdag, 27 Februarie 1990, by Tuynhuys, Kaapstad, deur die Staatspresident ontvang is en dat hy by daardie geleent heid sy Geloofsbrief as Buitengewone en Gevolmagtigde Ambassadeur van die Republiek van Venda in die Republiek van Suid-Afrika oorhandig het. (72/23711) No March 1990 ALIENS ACT, 1937 CHANGE OF SURNAME. -KOEKEMOER TO HERBERT The Minister of Home Affairs has been pleased under the provisions of section 9 of the Aliens Act, 1937 (Act No. 1 of 1937), to authorise Leslie Stanley Koekemoer, his wife Charmayne Helen and minor children Michelle Milicent Elizabeth Koekemoer, Celeste Muriel Irene Koekemoer and Vaughn Leslie Koekemoer, residing at 10 Uys Street, Boatlake Village, Rynfield, Benoni, to assume the surname of Herbert. DEPARTMENT OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS No March 1990 PRESENTATION OF CREDENTIALS It is hereby notified that Mr Samuel Gerhardus Antonie Golden was received by the President of the Hellenic Re ublic of Greece on Thursday, 22 February 1990, on w R ich occasion he presented his Letter of Credence as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenip tentairy of the Republic of South Africa to the Hellenic Republic of Greece. (412156) No March 1990 PRESENTATION OF CREDENTIALS It is hereby notified that His Excellency Mr Joshua Ketlhopile Manyaapelo was received by the State President at Tuynhuys, Cape Town, on Tuesday, 27 February 1990, on which occasion he presented his Letter of Credence as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Bophuthatswana to the Republic of South Afnca. (72/23011) No March 1990 PRESENTATION OF CREDENTIALS It is hereby notified that His Excellency Mr Mutheiwana David Nemauluma was received by the State President at Tuynshuys, Cape Town, on Tuesday, 27 February 1990, on which occasion he presented his Letter of Credence as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Venda to the Republic of South Africa. (72/23711)

26 26 No STAATSKOERANT, 23 MAART 1990 DEPARTEMENT VAN FINANSIES No Maart 1990 Die Departement van Finansies maak hiermee bekend dat oordragdokumente ten o sigte van die ondergemelde Republiek van Suid-Afri f a Binnelandse Geregistreerde Effekte nie later nie as 30 Maart 1990 by die Departement se kantoor te Abattoirhuis 301, Hamiltonstraat 50, Arcadia, Pretoria, ingelewer moet wees ten einde vir die rentebetaling op 1 Mei 1990 te kwalifiseer. Die registrasie van oordragte aldus ingehandig sal op 10 April 1990 gefinaliseer word waarna die registers tot die dag van rentebetaling gesluit sal wees. Binnelandse Geregistreerde Effekte, 6,50 Persent, 1991 (RO28). Binnelandse Geregistreerde Effekte, 10,00 Persent, 1991 (R059). Binnelandse Geregistreerde Effekte, 13,00 Persent, 2002 (R113). DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE No March 1990 The Department of Finance announces hereby that transfer documents in respect of the undermentioned Republic of South Africa Internal Registered Stocks must be lodged with the Office of this Department at 301 Abattoir House, 50 Hamilton Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, not later than 30 March 1990 to qualify for the interest payment on 1 May The registration of transfer documents thus handed in will be finalised on 10 April 1990 whereafter the registers will be closed until the date of the interest payment. Internal Registered Stock, 6,50 Per Cent, 1991 (R028). Internal Registered Stock, 10,00 Per Cent, 1991 (RO59). Internal Registered Stock, 13,00 Per Cent, 2002 (R113). RENTEKOERS VAN TOEPASSING OP STAATSLENINGS Hierby word bekendgemaak dat die Minister van Finansies ingevolge artikel 26 (1) van die Skatkiswet, 1975 (Wet No. 66 van 1975) die standaardrentekoers van toepassing vanaf 1 April 1990, en tot nadere kennisgewing, op lenings deur die Staat toegestaan uit die Staatsinkomstefonds op sestien komma nu1 nu1 persent (16,W %) per jaar vasgestel het. Bogenoemde standaardrentekoers is van toepassing vanaf 1 April 1990, en tot nadere kennisgewing op alle trekkings van lenings uit staatsgelde, uitgesonderd lenings ten opsigte waarvan ander rentekoerse spesifiek deur wetgewing of die Minister van Finansies ge magtig is. No March 1990 RATE OF INTEREST ON GOVERNMENT LOANS It is hereby notified that the Minister of Finance has in terms of section 26 (1) of the Exchequer Act, 1975 (Act No. 66 of 1975), fixed the standard interest rate applicable from 1 April 1990, and until further notice, to loans granted by the State out of the State Revenue Fund at sixteen comma nought nought per cent (16,W %) per annum. The above-mentioned standard interest rate is applicable from 1 April 1990, and until further notice, to all drawings of loans from State moneys, except loans in respect of which other rates of interest are specifically authorised by legislation or the Minister of Finance. DEPARTEMENT VAN JUSTISIE No Maart 1990 WET OP BINNELANDSE VEILIGHEID,1982 SKRAPPING VAN NAME UIT DIE GEKONSOLI- DEERDE LYS Kennis word hierby ingevolge artikel 16 (6) (b) van die Wet op Binnelandse Veiligheid, 1982 (Wet No. 74 van 1982), gegee dat die name vermeld in die Bylae ingevolge artikel 16 (4) van genoemde Wet uit die gekonsolideerde lys geskrap is. J. J. DU PLESSIS. Direkteur van Veiligheidswetgewing. Bakardien, Baderaan Ismail. Charles, Joseph. Gqubule, Duma. Hart, Maxine Sandra. Hogan, Barbara Anne. Jacobs, Clyde. Kgasi, Nicholaas Ramtshana. Khan, Farieda. King, Headley Moses. Loveday, Marian Annette. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE No March 1990 INTERNAL SECURITY ACT, REMOVAL OF NAMES FROM THE CONSOLI- DATED LIST Notice is hereby given in terms of section 16 (6) (b) of the Internal Security Act, 1982 (Act No. 74 of 1982), that the names set out in the Schedule have in terms of section 16 (4) of the said Act been removed from the consolidated list. J. J. DU PLESSIS, Director of Security Legislation. BYLAE SCHEDULE Maake, Christopher Juventus Maponya. Mabe, Lucas Mothibedi. Ma aza, Nkosinathi Edgar. Ma &" hubo, Jabulani Bartholomeu. Makomoreng, Eric Tsietsie. Mashego, Jacob. Matshikia, Patrick Sizwe. Mgemntu, Mary. Moerane, Neo Mahase. Mokone, Andrew. Motsa, Minden Makgene.

27 - Mphela, Adrew Mmaphiri Tshegofatso. Msibi, Bhekiyise Paulos. Msikinya, Leslie. Mullins, Claude Elias. Mutheiwana, Azwindini Calvin. Myeni, Sameul Vulindlela. Nene, Vusumuzi Vivian. Newman, Peter William. N obeni, Edward Masuku. ~tabinde, Andries Mandla. Patel, Vijaydave Naran Rama. Phantsie, Thembile Johan. Pharedi, Jerry Matong. GOVERNMENT GAZETIE. 23 MARCH 1990 No Qobeka, Nelson Makhenkeleza. Radebe, Rufus. Rame o Amos Tswelopelo. scott,!kon Shongwe, Gank Sipho. Sithebe, Nkosinathi Moses. Sons, Progress. Sotyelelo, Japan. Thabethe, Vusi Meshack. Tsamane, Khehla Enoch. Tshongweni, Mongesi. Twala, Harold Nkanyezi. Williams, Rocklyn Mark. KANTOOR VAN DIE STAATSPRESIDENT No Maart 1990 WYSIGING VAN PORTEFEULJES VAN MINISTERS EN ADJUNK-MINISTERS Hierby word vir algemene inligting bekendgemaak dat die Staatspresident kragtens artikels 24 en 27, saamgelees met artikel 20, van die Grondwet van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika, 1983 (Wet No. 110 van 1983), die portefeuljes van die volgende ministers en adjunk-ministers met ingang van 15 Maart 1990 soos volg gewysig het: (a) Dr. Gemt van Niekerk Vioen DVD LP: Minister van Staatkundige Ontwikkeling. (b) Mnr. Eugene Louw LP: Minister van Binnelandse Sake en van Nasionale Opvoeding. (c) Dr. Willem Johanna de Villiers DVD SSAS LP: Minister vir Administrasie en Ekonomiese Koijdinering. (d) Mnr. Petrus Roelof Meyer LP: Adjunkminister van Staatkundige Ontwikkeling. (e) Dr. Theodorus Gerhardus Alant LP: Adjunk-minister van Handel en Nywerheid en van Nasionale Opvoeding. Dr. Dawid Jacobus de Villiers OVDG LP sal met ingang van 15 Maart 1990 in sy hoedanigheid van Minister van Mineraal-en Energiesake en Openbare Ondernemings ook verantwoordelik wees vir die Kantoor vir Privatisering. STATE PRESIDENT'S OFFICE No March 1990 CHANGES IN PORTFOLIOS OF MINISTERS AND DEPUTY MINISTERS Notice is hereby given for general information that the State President has in accordance with sections 24 and 27, read with section 20, of the Republic of South Africa Constitution Act, 1983 (Act No. 110 of 1983), changed the portfolios of the undermentioned ministers and deputy ministers with effect from 15 March 1990: (a) Dr Gemt van Niekerk Vioen DMS MR Minister of Constitutional Development. (b) Mr Eugene Louw MP: Minister of Home Affairs and of National Education. (c) Dr Willem Johanna de Villiers DMS SSAS MP: Minister for Administration and Economic &-ordination. (d) Mr Petrus Roelof Meyer MP: Deputy Minister of Constitutional Development. (e) Dr Theodorus Gerhardus Alant MR Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry and of National Education. Dr Dawid Jacobus de Villiers OMSG MP will in his capacity as Minister of Mineral and Energy Affairs and Public Enterprises with effect from 15 March 1990 also be responsible for the Office for Privatisation. DEPARTEMENT VAN NASIONALE OPVOEDING No Maart 1990 WET OP NASIONALE GEDENKWAARDIG- HEDE, No. 28 VAN 1969 VERKLARING VAN EIENDOMME TOT NASIONALE GEDENKWAARDIGHEDE Kragtens die bevoegdheid my verleen by artikel 10 (1) van die Wet op Nasionale Gedenkwaardighede, 1969 (Wet No. 28 van 1969), verklaar ek, Roelof Petms Meyer, Adjunk-minister van Staatkundige Ontwikkeling en van Nasionale Opvoeding, hierby die eiendomme in die Bylae hiervan volledig beskryf, tot nasionale gedenkwaardighede. DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL EDUCATION No March 1990 P NATIONAL MONUMENTS ACT, No. 28 OF 1969 DECLARATION OF PROPERTIES TO BE NATIONAL MONUMENTS By virtue of the powers vested in me by section 10 (1) of the National Monuments Act, 1969 (Act No. 28 of 1969), I, Roelof Petms Meyer, Deputy Minister of Constitutional Development and of National Education, hereby declare the properties as fully described in the Schedule hereto to be national monuments.

28 28 No STAATSKOERANT, 23 MAART 1990 BYLAE 1. DIE SOGENAAMDE DE VOLKSSTEM- GEBOU, GELEE IN PRETORUISSTRAAT, PRETORIA Beskrywing: Die sogenaamde De Volksstem-gebou gelee op 'n gedeelte van die restant van Erf 456, in Pretoriusstraat, in die stad Pretoria, provinsie Transvaal. Transportakte T , gedateer 24 November DIE HISTORIESE GEWELHUIS, GELEE OP DIE HOEK VAN VICTORIA- EN REITZ- STRAAT, TE SOMERSET-WES Beskrywing: Die historiese gewelhuis, gelee op 'n gedeelte van die restant van Erf 730, Somerset-Wes, in die munisipaliteit Somerset-Wes, afdeling Stellenbosch. Transportakte T , gedateer 11 September DIE OU SENDINGKERKGEBOU, TESAME METDIEAANGRENSENDEKLOKTORING, OP DIE PLAAS RIETFONTEIN, AFDELING GORDONIA Beskry wing: Die ou Sendingkerkgebou, tesame met die aangrensende kloktoring, gelee op 'n gedeelte van Gedeelte 3 va die plaas Rietfontein, in die afdeling Gordonia, provinsie die Kaap die Goeie Hoop. Kroongrondbrief , gedateer 26 Augustus DIE FASADES VAN DIE OORSPRONK- LIKE GEBOU VAN DIE SOGENAAMDE MUIR COLLEGE BOYS' PRIMARY SCHOOL, GELEE OP DIE HOEK VAN PARKLAAN EN CANNONSTRAAT, UITENHAGE, TESAME MET DIE HISTO- RIESE EDWARD VII-POSBUS OP DIE SKOOLTERREIN Beskrywing: Die fasades van die oors ronklike gebou van die sogenaamde Muir Co P lege Boys' Primary School met die front na Parklaan en Cannonstraat, tesame met die historiese Edward VIIposbus op die skoolterrein, gelee op gedeeltes van ondergenoemde ewe: (a) Sekere stuk eiendomsgrond, nou bekend as College Hill, gelee in die dorp Uitenhage (nou bekend as Erf 5459, Uitenhage); en (b) sekere stuk eiendomsgrond, gelee in die munisi aliteit en afdeling Uitenhage, synde Persee f' B2, gedeelte van die restant van Persee1 B van Erf 1 (nou bekend as Erf 5455, Uitenhage). Transportaktes T , gedateer 23 Januarie 1899, en T , gedateer 2 Desember SCHEDULE 1. THE SO-CALLED DE VOLKSSTEM BUILD- ING, SITUATED IN PRETORIUS STREET, PRETORIA Description: The so-called De Volksstem Building, situated on a portion of the remainder of Erf 456, in Pretorius Street, in the City of Pretoria, Province of the Transvaal. Deed of Transfer T , dated 24 November THE HISTORIC GABLED HOUSE SITUATED OF THE CORNER OF VICTO- RIA AND REITZ STREETS, AT SOMERSET WEST Description: The historic gabled house, situated on a portion of the remainder of Erf 730, Somerset West, in the Municipality of Somerset West, Division of Stellenbosch. Deed of Transfer T , dated 11 September THE OLD MISSION CHURCH BUILDING, TOGETHER WITH THE ADJACENT BELL TOWER, ON THE FARM RIETFONTEIN. DIVISION OF GORDONIA Description: The old Mission Church building, together with the adjacent bell tower, situated on a portion of Portion 3 of the farm Rieftontein, in the Division of Gordonia, Province of the Cape of Good Hope. Crown Grant , dated 26 August THE FACADES OF THE ORIGINAL BUILDING OF ATHE SO-CALLED MUIR COLLEGE BOYS' PRIMARY SCHOOL. SITUATED ON THE CORNER OF PARK AVENUE AND CANNON STREET, UITEN- HAGE, TOGETHER WITH THE HISTORIC E D W ~ VII POST-BOX ON THE SCHOOL GROUNDS Descriptions: The facades of the original building of the socalled Muir College Boys' Primary School, which fronts on Park Avenue and Cannon Street, together with the historic Edward VII post-box on the school grounds, situated on portions of the undermentioned erven: (a) Certain piece of freehold land, now known as College Hill, situated in the Town of Uitenhage (now known as Erf 5459, Uitenhage); and (b) certain piece of freehold land, situated in the Municipality and Division of Uitenhage, being Lot B2, part of the remainder of Lot B of Erf 1 (now known as Erf 5455, Uitenhage). Deeds of Transfer T , dated 23 January 1899, and T , dated 2 December 1921.

29 5. DIE EIENDOM, TESAME MET DIE OU LANDDROSKANTOORGEBOU DAAROP, GELEE OP DIE HOEK VAN PRETORIUS- EN CAMPBELLSTRAAT, BARKLY-WES Beskry wing: Die eiendom, tesame met die ou Landdroskantoorgebou daarop, beskryf as volg: (a) Sekere stuk vrypaggrond, synde Perseel 20, gelee in die dorp Barkly (nou bekend as Erf 349, Barkly-Wes), en groot 324 (driehonderd vier-en-twintig) vierkante meter; en (b) sekere stuk vrypaggrond, synde Perseel 19, gelee in die do Barkly (nou bekend as Erf 350, Barkly-~e3, en groot 782 (sewehonderd twee-en-tagtig) vierkante meter. Transportakte T , gedateer 19 Junie DIE EIENDOM, TESAME MET DIE KIM- BERLEY REGIMENT-DRILSAAL DAAR- OP, GELEE IN PARKWEG, KIMBERLEY Beskrywing: Die eiendom, tesame met die Kimberley Regiment-drilsaal daarop, beskryf as volg: (a) Sekere Erf 13435, 'n gedeelte van Erf 3612, Kimberley, gelee in die munisipaliteit en administratiewe distrik Kimberley, en groot (seweduisend twee-en-dertig) vierkante meter; (b) sekere Erf 13436, 'n gedeelte van Erf 1, Kimberley, gelee in die munisipaliteit en administratiewe distrik Kimberley, en groot (drieduisend tweehonderd twee-en-dertig) vierkante meter; en (c) sekere Erf 3620, Kimberley, gelee in die munisipaliteit van die stad Kimberley, afdeling Kimberley, en p ot 40 (veertig) vierkante meter. Transportakte , gedateer 13 Mei DIE OORSPRONKLIKE SKOOLGEBOU VAN DIE SOUTH INDIAN SCHOOL, TE- SAME MET DIE AANBOUINGS, GELEE OP DIE HOEK VAN BALCOMB- EN REY- NOLDSTRAAT, STANGER Beskrywing: Die oorspronklike skoolgebou van die South Indian School, tesame met die aanbouings, gelee op gedeeltes van Enve (voorheen bekend as Persele 1-10), in die dorpsgebied Stanger, county Victoria, provinsie Natal. Kroongrondbrief , gedateer 19 November DIE OORSPRONKLIKE ARGIEFGEBOU, GELEE OP DIE HOEK VAN ELIZABETH- EN MALTGRAAFSTRAAT, BLOEMFON- TEIN Beskrywing: Die oorspronklike argiefgebou, tesame met drie meter grond aan albei sykante, 1,5 meter aan die agterkant en die gedeelte grond aan die voorkant van die gebou tot aan die begrens deur Elizabethstraat, gelee op 'n sekere stuk grond, nou bekend as Erf 1928, Bloemfontein. Transportakte , gedateer 26 Junie GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 23 MARCH 1990 No THE PROPERTY, TOGETHER WITH THE OLD MAGAISTRATE'S COURT BUILD- ING THEREON, SITUATED ON THE COR- NER OF PRETORIUS AND CAMPBELL STREETS, BARKLY WEST Description: The property, together with the old Magistrate's Court building thereon, described as follows: (a) Certain piece of freehold land, being Lot 20, situated in the Township of Barkly (now known as Erf 349, Barkly West), in extent 324 (three hundred and twenty-four) square metres; and (b) certain piece of land, being Lot 19, situated in the Township of Barkly (now know as Erf 350, Barkly West, in extent 782 (seven hundred and eighty-two Deed of Transfer T , dated 19 June THE PROPERTY, TOGETHER WITH THE KIMBERLEY REGIMENT DRILL HALL THEREON, SITUATED IN PARK ROAD, KIMBERLEY Description: to ether with the Kimberle Regiment The progertr, ril Hal F thereon, described as fo r - lows: cabcertain Erf 13435, a portion of Erf 3612, Kim erley, sitauted in the Munici ality and Administrative District of Kimber P ey, ~n extent (seven thousand and thirty-two) square metres; certain Erf 13436, a ortion of Erf 1, Kim 'bb er 1 ey, situated in the Gunici ality and Administrative District of Kimber /' ey, m extent (three thousand two hundred and thirty-two) square metres; and (c) certain Erf 3620, Kimberle, situated in the Munici ality of the City or Kimberley, Division of ~imberle~, in extent 40 (forty) square metres. Deed of Transfer , dated 13 May THE ORIGINAL SCHOOL BUILDING OF THE SOUTH INDIAN SCHOOL, TOGETHER WITH ITS ANNEXURES, SI- TUATED ON THE CORNER OF BALCOMB AND REYNOLD STREETS, STANGER Description: The ori inal school building of the South Indian Sc i ool, together with its annexures, situated on ortions of Erven (formerly known as %ts 1-10) in the Township of Stanger, Country of Virtoria, Province of Natal. Crown Grant , dated 19 November THE ORIGINAL ARCHIVES BUILDING, SITUATED ON THE CORNER OF ELIZA- BETH AND MALTGRAAF STREETS, BLOEMFONTEIN Description: The original archives building, together with three metres of land on both sides, 1,5 metres at the rear and that ortion of land in front of the buildin up to anbbordered by Elizabeth Street, situate d on a certain peice of land now known as Erf 1928, Bloemfontein. Deed of Transfer , dated 26 June 1880.

30 30 No STAATSKOERANT, 23 MAART DIE EIENDOM, TESAME MET DIE SOGE- NAAMDE LEEUHUIS DAAROP, GELEE TE ROBERTSLAAN 20, KENSINGTON, JOHANNESBURG Beskrywing: Die eiendom, tesame met die sogenaamde Leeuhuis daarop, beskryf as volg: (a) Perseel 294, Kensington-dorp, Registrasieafdeling IR, Transvaal, en groot 495 (vierhonderd vyf-en-negentig) vierkante meter; (b) Perseel 296, Kensington-dorp, Registrasieafdeling IR, Transvaal, en groot 495 (vierhonderd vyf-en-negentig) vierkante meter; en (c) Perseel 298, Kensington-dorp, Registrasieafdeling IR, Transvaal, en groot 495 (vierhonderd vyf -en-negentig) vierkante meter. Transportakte T , gedateer 14 September DIE EIENDOM, TESAME MET DIE WOON- HUIS DAAROP, GELEE TE DURRIS- STRAAT 29, FOREST TOWN, JOHANNES- BURG Beskrywing: Die eiendom, tesame met die woonhuis daarop, beskryf as volg: (a) Erf 54, Forest Town-dorp, Registrasieafdeling IR, Transvaal, en groot 495 (vierhonderd vyf-en-negentig) vierkante meter; en (b) Erf 55, Forest Town-dorp, Registrasieafdeling IR, Transvaal, en groot 495 (vierhonderd vyf-en-negentig) vierkante meter. Transportakte T , gedateer 17 Augustus (a) DIE OU LANDDROSKANTOOR, GELEE OP DIE HOEK VAN KERK- EN PIET RETIEFSTRAAT, TE LADY- BRAND Beskrywing: Die ou landdroskantoorgebou, gelee op sekere Erf 79 in die dorp Ladybrand, distrik Ladybrand, provinsie Oranje-Vrystaat. Staatstoekenning: Ladybrand 79, gedateer 30 Desember (b) DIE OU POLISIESTASIE, GELEE OP DIE HOEK VAN PIET RETIEF- EN JOUBERT- STRAAT, TE LADYBRAND Beskrywing: Die ou polisiestasie, tesame met 'n strook grond van 3 meter voor die gebou, gelee op sekere Erf 80 in die dorp Ladybrand, distrik Ladybrand, provinsie Oranje-Vrystaat. Staatstoekenning: Ladybrand 80, gedateer 25 Januarie THE PROPERTY, TOGETHER WITH THE SO-CALLED LEEUHUIS THEREON, SITUATED AT 20 ROBERTS AVENUE, KENSINGTON, JOHANNESBURG Description: The property, together with the so-called Leeuhuis thereon, described as follows: (a) Lot 294, Kensington Township, Registration Division IR, Transvaal, in extent 495 (four hundred and ninety-five) square metres; (b) Lot 296, Kensington Township, Registration Division IR, Transvaal, in extent 495 (four hundred and ninety-five) square metres; and (c) Lot 298, Kensington Township, Registration Division IR, Transvaal, in extent 495 (four hundred and ninety-five) square metres. Deed of Transfer T , dated 14 September THE PROPERTY, TOGETHER WITH THE DWELLING THEREON, SITUATED AT 29 DURRIS STREET, FOREST TOWN, JOHANNESBURG Description: The property, together with the dwelling thereon, described as follows: (a) Erf 54, Forest Town Township, Registration Division IR, Transvaal, in extent 495 (four hundred and ninety-five) square metres; and (b) Erf 55, Forest Town Township, Registration Division IR, Transvaal, in extent 495 (four hundred and ninety-five) square metres. Deed of Transfer T , dated 17 August (a) THE OLD MAGISTRATE'S COURT, SITUATED ON THE CORNER OF CHURCH AND PIET RETIEF STREETS, AT LADYBRAND Description: The old magistrate's court building, situated on certian Erf 79 in the Town of Ladybrand, District of Ladybrand, Province of the Orange Free State. Government Grant: Ladybrand 79, dated 30 December (b) THE OLF POLICE STATION, SITUATED ON THE CORNER OF PIET RETIEF AND JOUBERT STREETS, AT LADYBRAND Description: The old police station, together with a 3 metre strip of land in front of the building, situated on certain Erf 80 in the Town of Ladybrand, District of Ladybrand, Province of the Orange Free State. Government Grant: Ladybrand 80, dated 25 January 1883.

31 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 23 MARCH 1990 No DIE OU MILI~RE GEBOUEKOMPLEKS, BESTAANDE UIT DIE ou MILI~RE HOSPITAALGEBOU, DIE OU DROSTDY- BARAKKE, DIE OU DROSTDYLOSIE EN DIE OU ROYAL ENGINEERS-GEBOU, GELEE OP DIE RHODES-UNIVER- SITEITSKAMPUS, IN GRAHAMSTAD Beskry wing: Die ou militcre geboukompleks, bestaande uit die ou MilitCre Hospitaalgebou, die ou Drostdybarakke, die ou Drostdylosie en die ou Royal Engineers-gebou, gelec op gedeeltes van die volgende erwe: (a) Sekere stuk grond, synde 'n gedeelte van die Rhodes-universiteitsterrein (nou bekend as Erf 3227, Grahamstad), gelee in die stad Grahamstad, afdeling Albany. Kroongrondbrief , gedateer 21 April 1908 (endossement bl. 2). (b) Sekere vrypaggrond, synde gedeelte van Perseel 6 van die Drostdy MilitCre Reserwe (nou bekend as die Restant van Erf 3205, Grahamstad), gelee in die munisipaliteit van die stad Grahamstad, afdeling Albany. Transportakte , gedateer 7 Mei 1943 (endossement bl. 3). (c) Sekere stuk vrypaggrond, synde die restant van Erf 6 van die onderverdeelde grond bekend as die Drostdy MilitCre Reserwe (nou bekend as die Restant van Erf 3206, Grahamstad), gelee in die munisipaliteit van die stad Grahamstad, afdeling Albany. Transportakte , gedateer 3 Julie 1935 (endossement bl. 3). (d) Restant van Erf 3176, Grahamstad, gelee in die munisipaliteit Grahamstad, administratiewe distrik Albany. Transportakte T , gedateer 1 Maart DIE VYF HISTORIESE GRAFKELDERS VAN J. F. DE WET, 0. J. TRUTER, J. MEYER, VON LANDSBERG EN J. G. LETTERSTEDT DREYER, ASOOK DIE FAMILIEGRAFTE VAN MARIE KOOP- MANS- DE WET EN GEORGE McCALL THEAL, GELEE IN DIE TUIN VAN HERIN- NERING VAN DIE OU NEDERDUITSE GEREFORMEERDE BEGRAAFPLAAS, TE WYNBERG, KAAPSTAD Beskry wing: Die vyf historiese grafkelders van J. F. de Wet, 0. J. Truter, J. Meyer, Von Landsberg en J. G. Letterstedt Dreyer, asook die familiegrafte van Maria Koopmans-De Wet en George McCall Theal, gelee in die Tuin van Herinnering van die ou Nederduitse Gereformeerde Begraafplaas, synde Erf 6653, Wynberg, stad Kaapstad, provinsie die Kaap die Goeie Hoop. Vrypagtoekenning 4-7/1835, gedateer 31 Desember THE MILITARY BUILDING COMPLEX, CONSISTING OF THE OLD MILITARY HOSPITAL BUILDING, THE OLD DROST- DY BARRACKS, THE OLD DROSTDY LODGE AND THE OLD ROYAL ENGI- NEERS BUILDING, SITUATED ON THE RHODES UNIVERSITY CAMPUS, IN GRA- HAMSTOWN Description: The old military building complex, consisting of the old Military Hospital building, the old Drostdy barracks, the old Drostdy lodge and the old Royal Engineers building, situated on portions of the following erven: (a) Certain piece of land, being a portion of the Rhodes University site (now known as Erf 3227, Grahamstown), situated in the City of Grahamstown, Division of Albany. Crown Grant , dated 21 April 1908 (endorsement p. 2). (b) Certain freehold land, being part of Lot 6 of the Drostdy Military Reserve (now known as Erf 3205, Grahamstown) situated in the Municipality of the City of Grahamstown, Division of Albany. Deed of Transfer , dated 7 May 1943 (endorsement p. 3). (c) Certain piece of freehold land, being the remainder of Erf 6 of the subdivided lands known as the Drostdy Military Reserve (now known as the Remaining Extent of Erf 3206, Grahamstown), situated in the Municipality of the City of Grahamstown, Division of Albany. Deed of Transfer , dated 3 July 1935 (endorsement p. 3). (d) Remainder of Erf 3176, Grahamstown, situated in the Municipality of Grahamstown, Administrative District of Albany. Deed of Transfer T , dated 1 March THE FIVE HISTORIC BURIAL VAULTS OF J. F. DE WET, 0. J. TRUTER, J. MEYER, VON LANDSBERG AND J. G. LETTER- STEDT DREYER, AS WELL AS THE FAMILY GRAVES OF MARIA KOOP- MANS-DE WET AND GEORGE McCALL THEAL, SITUATED IN THE GARDEN OF REMEMBRANCE OF THE OLD DUTCH REFORMED CEMETERY AT WYNBERG, CAPE TOWN Description: The five historic burial vaults of J. F. de Wet, 0. J. Truter, J. Meyer, Von Landsberg and J. G. Letterstedt Dreyer, as well as the family graves of Maria Koopmans-De Wet and George McCall Theal, situated in the Garden of Remembrance of the old Dutch Reformed Cemetery, being Erf 6653, Wynberg, City of Cape Town, Province of the Cape of Good Hope. Freehold Grant 4-7/1835, dated 31 December 18%.

32 32 No STAATSKOERANT, 23 MAART DIE OU PENTRICH (UMZIND.UZ1)- SPOORWEGSTASIE (1906), GELEE TE WOODSWEG, PIETERMARITZBURG Beskry wing: Die ou Pentrich (Umzinduzi)-spoorwegstasie, gelee op 'n gedeelte van sekere stuk grond, bekend as Perseel N.G.R. van Persee1198 (nou bekend as die Restant van Onderverdeling 1 van Perseel 198), gelee in die dorpsgebied Pietermaritzburg, provinsie Natal. Transportakte , gedateer 15 Desember DIE HISTORIESE KLIPMUUR TESAME MET DIE INGEBOUDE VR-POSBUS, GELEE IN BUITENGRACHTSTRAAT, KAAPSTAD Beskry wing: Die historiese klipmuur, gelee in Buitengrachtstraat en strekkende vanaf Waalstraat tot Carisbrookstraat, met inbegrip van die ingeboude VR- osbus, gelee op sekere stuk ongeregistreerde 5 taatsgrond, in die munisipaliteit Kaapstad, provinsie die Kaap die Goeie Hoop. R. P. MEYER, Adjunk-minister van Staatkundige Ontwikkeling en van Nasionale Opvoeding THE OLD PENTRICH (UMZINDUZI) RAIL- WAY STATION (1906), SITUATED AT WOODS ROAD, PIETERMARITZBURG Description: The old Pentrich (Umzinduzi) railway station, situated on a portion of certain piece of land, known as the Lot N.G.R. of Lot 198 (now known as the Remainder of Sub. 1 of Lot 198), situated in the Town Lands of Pietermaritzburg, Province of Natal. Deed of Transfer , dated 15 December THE HISTORIC STONE WALL TOGETHER WITH THE BUILT-IN VR POST-BOX, SITUATED IN BUITENGRACHT STREET, CAPE TOWN Description: The historic stone wall, situated in Buitengracht Street, stretching from Wale Street to Carisbrook Street, inclusive of the built-in VR post-box, situated on a certain piece of unregistered State land, in the Municipality of Cape Town, Province of the Cape of Good Hope. R. P. MEYER, Deputy Minister of Constitutional Development and of National Education. No Maart 1990 WET OP NASIONALE GEDENKWAARDIG- HEDE, No. 28 VAN 1969 BERGINGSPERMIT Ingevolge artikel 12 (2C) (c) van die Wet op Nasionale Gedenkwaardighede, 1969 (Wet No. 28 van 1969), bied die Raad vir Nasionale Gedenkwaardighede hierby geleentheid vir die rig van vertoe tot hom oor die uitreiking van 'n bergin spermit vir die Engelse ski f "Alcestis", which sank in 1892 near Bredasdorp "Alcestis" wat in 1892 na y Bredasdorp (L'~~uha$(L' Agulhas). gestrand het. Such representations should reach the National Sodanige vertoe moet die Raad vir Nasionale Monuments Council, P.O. Box 4637, Cape Town, Gedenkwaardighede, Posbus 4637, Kaaptsad, 8000, 8000, within three weeks from the date of publication binne drie weke vanaf die datum van publikasie van of this notice. hierdie kennisgewing bereik. G. S. HOFMEYR, Direkteur: Raad vir Nasionale Gedenkwaardighede. DEPARTEMENT VAN OMGEWINGSAKE No Maart 1990 VERBOD OP DIE VERBRANDING VAN TAK- AFVAL, DIE SKOONMAAK VAN BRAND- STROKE DEUR TE BRAND EN VURE IN DIE OPE LUG. -NATALSE MIDDELLANDE Kragtens die bevoegdheid my verleen by artikel 25 (I), 25 (2) en 25 (3) van die Boswet, 1984 (Wet No. 122 van 1984), bepaal ek hierby dat in die landdrosdistrikte Alfred, Bergville, Camperdown, Estcourt, 1x0 o Kranskop, Lions River, Mooirivier, Mpendle, Hanover, Pietermaritzburg, Polela, Richmond, Umvoti en Underberg- (a) geen persoon gedurende die tydperk 1 April 1990 tot 31 Maart 1991, vanaf 18:00 op Vrydae tot 06:00 op Maandae 'n vuur in die ope lug mag maak No March 1990 NATIONAL MONUMENTS ACT, No. 28 OF 1969 SALVAGE PERMIT In terms of section 12 (2C) (c) of the National Monuments Act, 1969 (Act No. 28 of 1969), the National Monuments Council hereby invites representations on the issuing of a salvage permit for the English ship G. S. HOFMEYR, Director: National Monuments Council. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AFFAIRS No March 1990 PROHIBITION ON THE BURNING OF SLASH, THE CLEARING OF FIRE-BELTS BY BURNING AND FIRES IN THE OPEN AIR.-NATAL MID- LANDS Under and by virtue of the powers vested in me by section 25 (I), 25 (2) and 25 (3 of the Forest Act, 1984 (Act No. 122 of 1984), I here b y determine that in the Magisterial Districts of Alfred, Bergville, Camperdown, Estcourt, Ixopo, Kranskop, Lions River, Mooi River, Mpendle, New Hanover, Pietermaritzburg, Polela, Richmond, Umvoti and Underberg- (a) no rson shall, during the eriod 1 April 1990 to 3rMarch 1991, from 18:don Fridays to 06:00 on Mondays make or cause to be made any

33 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 23 MARCH 1990 No of laat maak nie, of as so 'n vuur we1 gemaak is, mag toelaat dat sodanige vuur voortbrand nie of brandstof daarby mag voeg nie, of dit weer mag aansteek nie, uitgesonderd - (i) vure gemaak binne 'n afgebakende piekniek- of kampeerplek of vakansie-oord wat, indien hulle in private besit is, behoorlik gelisensieer moet wees, of wat deur 'n plaaslike owerheid of 'n Staatsdepartement in stand gehou word: Met dien verstande dat sodanige vure gemaak is op plekke wat spesifiek vir dic doe1 daargestel en voorberei is; (ii) vure gemaak op woonpersele binne geproklameerde dorpsgeblede; (iii) vure vir die voorbereiding van voedsel op woonpersele; en (iv) vure om die inoesting van suikemet te vergemaklik gedurende die ure van 18:00 op Vrydae tot 08:00 op Saterdae en 17:00 op Sondae tot 06:00 op Maandae; (b) geen persoon vanaf 1 Julie 1990 tot en met 30 September 1990 takafval mag vernietig deur dit te verbrand nie; (c) geen persoon vanaf 1 Julie 1990 tot en met 30 September 1990 enige mielie-oesreste mag vernietig deur dit gedurende die ure 10:00 en 16:00 te verbrand nie; en dat (d) geen persoon vanaf 1 Augustus 1990 tot en met 30 September 1990 'n brandstrook soos in artikel25 van genoemde Wet bedoel, mag skoonmaak deur te brand nie. W. F. VISAGIE, Direkteur-generaal: Omgewingsake. SUID-AFRIKAANSE VERVOERDIENSTE No Maart 1990 OPVOLGING KRAGTENS DIE WET OP DIE REGSOPVOLGING VAN DIE SUID-AFRI- KAANSE VERVOERDIENSTE, 1989 Kragtens die be alings van artikel3 (1) van die Wet op die Regsopvo f ging van die Suid-Afrikaanse Vervoerdienste, 1989 (Wet No. 9 van 1989), bepaal ek, Dawid Jawbus de Villiers, Minister van Mineraal- en Energiesake en Openbare Ondernemings, 1 April 1990 as die datum waarop die maatskap y, Transnet Beperk Registrasienornmer 90/00900/06, 1 ie opvolger van die Suid-Afrikaanse Vervoerdienste word. D. J. DE VILLIERS, Minister van Mineraal- en Energiesake en Openbare Ondernemings. DEPARTEMENT VAN VERVOER No Maart 1990 WET OP STEDELIKE VERVOER, 1977 (Wet No. 78 VAN 1977) INTREKKING VAN GOEWERMENTSKENNIS- GEWING NO. 554 VAN 1984 EN DIE HERVER- KLARING VAN DIE JOHANNESBURGSE METROPOLITAANSE VERVOERGEBIED EN AANWYSING VAN 'N KERNSTAD Kragtens die bevoegdheid m verleen deur artikel3 (1) (c) van die Wet op ~tedelice Vervoer, 1977 (Wet No. 78 van 1977), trek ek hierby Goewerments-kennis- fire in the open air or, if such fire has been made, allow such fire to wntinue to bum or add fuel thereto or rekindle it, save- (i) fires made within a demarcated icnic or camping area or holiday resort, which s R ould be duly licensed if they are privately owned, or which are maintained by a local authority or a Government department: Provided that such fires shall be made only at such places as have been specifically provided and prepared for that purpose; (ii) fires made on residential stands within proclaimed townships; (iii) fires for the preparation of food on residential stands; and (iv) fires to facilitate the harvesting of sugar cane during the hours of 18:00 on Fridays to 08:00 on Saturdays and 17:OO on Sundays to 0600 on Mondays; (b) no person shall, itom 1 July 1990 up to and including 30 September 1990, bum any plantation slash; (c) no person shall, from 1 July 1990 up to and including 30 September 1990, bum any maize crop residue between the hours of 10:00 and 16:00; and that (d) nogrsog;hall, from 1 August 1990 up to and mclu ng eptember 1990, clear by burning any fire-belt referred to in section 25 of the said Act. W. F. VISAGIE, Director-General: Environment Affairs. SOUTH AFRICAN TRANSPORT SERVICES No March 1990 SUCCESSION IN TERMS OF THE LEGAL SUC- CESSION TO THE SOUTH AFRICAN TRANS- PORT SERVICES ACT, 1989 Under the provisions of section 3 (1) of the Legal Succession to the South African Transport Services Act, 1989 (Act No. 9 of 1989), I, Dawid Jawbus de Villiers, Minister of Mineral and Energy Affairs and Public Enterprises, stipulate 1 April 1990 as the date upon which the company, Transnet Limited, Registration Number 90/00900/06, shall bewme the successor of the South African Transport Services. D. J. DE VILLIERS, Minister of Mineral and Energy Affairs and Public Enterprises. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT No March 1990 URBAN TRANSPORT ACT, 1W7 (ACT No. 78 OF 1977) WITHDRAWAL OF GOVERNMENT NOTICE No. 554 OF 1984 AND THE RE-DECLARATION OF THE JOHANNESBURG METROPOLITAN TRANSPORT AREA AND THE DESIGNATION OF THE CORE CITY By virtue of the wers vested in me by section 3 (1) (c) of the Urban ransport Act, 1977 (Act No. 78 of 1977), I hereby withdraw Government Notice No. 554

34 34 No STAATSKOERANT, 23 MAART 1990 gewing No. 554 van 1984 in en kragtens die bepalings van artikel3 (1) (a) van die voornoemde Wet verklaar ek die gebied wat in die aangehege Bylae beskryf word tot Metropolitaanse Vervoergebied, en kragtens artikel 4 (1) van voornoemde Wet wys ek die plaaslike bestuur van Johannesburg as die Kernstad van die Metropolitaanse Vervoergebied aan. G. S. BARTLETT, Minister van Vervoer en van Openbare Werke en Grondsake. BYLAE BESKRYWING VAN JOHANNESBURGSE METROPOLITAANSE VERVOERGEBIED Die gebied wat begin by die noordelikste baken van die plaas Doornrandje 386 JR; daarvandaan algemeen suidwaarts loop met die westelike grens van die genoemde laas Doornrandje 386 JR, en die plase Kruispaaie! 92 JR en Diepsloot 388 JR tot by die suidelikste baken van laasgenoemde plaas; daarvandaan algemeen weswaarts met die suidelike grens van die plaas Diepsloot 388 JR tot by die noordelikste baken van Glenferness-landbouhoewes (Algemene Plan A ); daarvandaan suidweswaarts en suidooswaarts met die noordwestelike en suidoostelike grense van genoemde Glenferness-landbouhoewes, tot by die suidelikste baken van laasgenoemde landbouhoewes; daarvandaan suidweswaarts met die grens van Gedeelte 128 (Kaart A ) tot by die suidelikste hoek van genoemde Gedeelte 128; daarvandaan algemeen suidooswaarts met die geproklameerde munisipale grens van die Munisipaliteit van Sandton (Proklamasie No. 157 van 1969), tot by die suidoostelike baken van Gedeelte 38 (Kaart A703138); daarvandaan suidweswaarts met die suidoostelike grens van die plaas Waterval 5 IR tot by die westelikste baken van die plaas Klipfontein 12 IR; daarvandaan algemeen suidwaarts met die geproklameerde munisipale grens van die Munisipaliteit van Sandton, tot by die suidoostelike baken van Gedeelte 16 (Kaart A ) van die plaas Lombardy 36 IR; daarvandaan verder suidooswaarts met die noordoostelike grens van genoemde plaas Lombardy 36 IR, tot by die punt waar laasgenoemde plaasgrens die geproklameerde munisipale grens van die Munisipaliteit van Edenvale (Admnistrateurskennisgewing No van 1968) raak; daarvandaan verder algemeen suidwaarts met die geproklameerde grens van gen~emde Munisipaliteit van Edenvale, tot by die punt waar laasgenoemde munisi ale grens die geproklameerde munisipale grens van ie Munisipaliteit van Bedfordview (Administrateurskennisgewing No van 1968) raak; daarvandaan verder algemeen suidwaarts met die geproklameerde grens van genoemde Munisipaliteit van Bedfordview, tot by die punt waar laasgenoemde munisipale grens die geproklameerde munisipale grens van die Munisipaliteit van Germiston (Proklamasie No. 86 van 1941) raak; daarvandaan verder algemeen suidwaarts met die geproklameerde grens van genoemde Munisipaliteit van Germiston, tot by die punt waar laasgenoemde munisipale grens die geproklameerde munisipale grens van Alberton (Proklamasie No. 25 van 1938 en Administrateurskennisgewings Nos. 987 van 1969, 868 van 1970, 214 van 1976 en 112 van 1967) raak; daarvandaan verder algemeen suidwaarts met die geproklameerde gens van genoemde Munisipaliteit van Alberton, tot by die westelikste baken van die plaas Rietfontein 153 IR; daarvandaan algemeen suidweswaarts met die geproklameerde gens van die plaaslike gebiedsower- F Kliprivier Valley (Administrateursproklamasie o. 374 van 1951 en Administrateurskennisgewing No. B of 1984 and by virtue of the powers vested in me by section 3 (1) (a) of the above-mentioned Act I hereby declare the area as described in the attached Schedule as a Metropolitan Transport Area, and by virtue of the powers vested in me by section 4 (1) of the abovementioned Act I designate the local authority of Johannesburg as Core City of the said Metropolitan Transport Area. G. S. BARTLETT, Minister of Transport and of Public Works and Land Affairs. SCHEDULE DESCRIPTION OF THE JOHANNESBURG METROPOLITAN TRANSPORT AREA The area which begins at the northernmost beacon of the farm Doornrandje 386 JR; thence generally southwards along the western boundary of the said farm Doornrandje 386 JR, and the farms Kruispaaie 392 JR and Diepsloot 388 JR to the southernmost beacon of the last-named farm; thence generally westwards along the southern boundary of the farm Diepsloot 388 JR to the northernmost beacon of Glenferness Agricultural Holdings (General Plan A ); thence southwards and south-eastwards along the north-western and south-western boundaries of the said Glenferness Agricultural Holdings to the southernmost beacon of the last-named agricultural holdings; thence southwestwards along the boundary of Portion 128 (Diagram A ) to the southernmost corner of the said Portion 128; thence generally south-eastwards along the proclaimed municipal boundary of the Sandton Municipality (Proclamation No. 157 of 1969), to the southeastern beacon of Portion 38 (Diagram A703138); thence south-westwards along the south-eastern boundary of the farm Waterval 5 IR to the westernmost beacon of the farm Klipfontein 12 IR; thence generally southwards along the proclaimed municipal boundary of the Sandton Municipality, to the south-eastern beacon of Portion 16 (Diagram A ) of the farm Lombardy 36 IR; thence further south-eastwards along the north-eastern boundary of the said farm Lombardy 36 IR, to the point where the last-named farm boundary intersects the proclaimed municipal boundary of the Edenvale Munic~pality (Administrator's Notice No of 1968); thence further generally southwards along the proclaimed boundary of the Edenvale Municipality, to the point where the last-named municipal boundary intersects the boundary of the Bedfordview Municipality (Administrator's Notice No of 1968); thence further generally southwards along the proclaimed boundary of the Bedfordview Municipality, to the point where the last-named municipal boundary intersects the proclaimed municipal boundary of the Germiston Municipality (Proclamation No. 86 of 1941); thence further generally southwards along the proclaimed boundary of the Germiston Municipality to the point where the last-named municipal boundary intersects the proclaimed municipal boundary of Alberton (Proclamation No. 25 of 1938 and Administrator's Notices Nos. 987 of 1969,868 of 1970,214 of 1976 and 112 of 1967); thence further generally southwards along the proclaimed boundary of the Alberton Municipality, to the westernmost beacon of the farm Rietfontein 153 IR; thence generally south-westwards along the proclaimed boundaries of the local authority areas of Kliprivier Valley (Administrator's Proclamation No. 374 of 1951 and Administrator's Notice No of 1975) and Walkerville (Administrator's Proclamation

35 van 1975) en Walkerville (Administrateursproklamasie No. 39 van 1952), tot by 'n punt waar dit die noordwestelike grens van die Nasionale Pad (Nl-19) (Proklamasie No. 178 van 1975) kruis, wat ook die unt is waar die Plaaslike Gebiedskomiteegrens van Wa P kerville die Lenasia-Suidoos-Bestuurskomiteegrens raak; daarvandaan suidweswaarts langs die noordwestelike grens van die genoemde Nasionale Pad tot by 'n punt waar dit die oostelike grens van Gedeelte 1 van die plaas Elandsfontein 334 IQ (Kaart A ) raak; daarvandaan suidwaarts en weswaarts langs die oostelike en suidelike grens van Gedeelte 1 van genoemde plaas Elandsfontein 334 IQ, tot by die noordoostelike baken van Gedeelte 136 van die plaas Elandsfontein 334 IQ; daarvandaan suidweswaarts tot by die suidwestelike baken van Gedeelte 166 van die plaas Elandsfontein 334 IQ; daarvandaan suidweswaarts tot by die oostelike baken van Gedeelte 7 van die plaas Fonteine 313 IQ; daarvandaan suidweswaarts tot by die suidelike baken van Hoewe 18 van Geluksdal-landbouhoewes; daarvandaan suidweswaarts tot by die suidwestelike baken van Hoewe 20 van Geluksdal-landbouhoewes; daarvandaan suidweswaarts met die Lenasia-Suidoos- Bestuurkomiteegrens tot by die suidoostelike baken van Gedeelte 1 van Lot 199 in die dorp Ennerdale South (Indiergroepsgebied); daarvandaan langs die noordwestelike grens van die Nasionale Pad N1-19 (Proklamasie No. 186 van 1985) tot by 'n punt waar die genoemde noordwestelike grens van die Nasionale Pad N1-19 die ge roklameerde landdrosdistrikgrens van Vanderbijlpar P raak; daarvandaan algemeen noordweswaarts met die geproklameerde grense van die landdrosdistrik Vanderbijlpark (Proklamasie No van 1970), tot by die noordoostelike baken van die plaas Poortjie 340 IQ; daarvandaan weswaarts met die suidelike ens van die plaas Elandsfontein 308 IQ tot b die sui f westelike baken van die plaas Elandsfontein 388 IQ; daarvandaan algemeen noordwaarts met die ~e~roklameerde erense van die Sentraal-witwaters- ". rand-gids langebted (Goewermentskennis ewing No van 16881). tot bv die noordoostelike ba&en van die plaas waterpan 292 IQ; daarvandaan weswaarts en algemeen noordwaarts met die noordelike en oostelike grense van die genoemde plaas Waterpan 292 IQ en die plaas Panvlakte 291 IQ, tot by die noordelikste baken van laasgenoemde plaas; daarvandaan algemeen noord ooswaarts met die ense van die plase Zuurbekom 297 IQ, Zuurbult en Vlakfontein 238 IQ?.tot b die suidwestelike baken van die laas Witpoortjie 24 IQ; daarvandaan ooswaarts en a gemeen noordwaarts met die eproklameerde grens van die Stadsraad van ~oocfe oort (Administrateurskennis ewin s Nos. 740 van 19%1,592 van 1965,398 van 1988en 1k9 van 1974 en Administrateursproklamasie No. 155 van 1940 tot by die westelikste baken van Gedeelte 79 ( k aart A ) van die plaas Zandspruit 191 IQ; daarvandaan algemeen noordooswaarts met die meerde grens van die Munisipaliteit van Fprokla- andburg (Admini-strateurskennisgewings Nos van 1974 en,281 van 1968), tot b die suidelikste baken van die plaas Rietvallei 538 daarvandaan algemeen noordwaarts met die geproklameerde grens van die landdrosdistrik Krugersdorp (Proklamasie No van 1974), tot b die noordwestelike baken van die Restant van die pyaas Rietfontein 532 JQ (Kaartboek 61 folio 26). daarvandaan noordooswaarts met die noordelike greni van genoemde Restant van die laas Rietfontein 532 JQ, tot by die noordoostelike g aken van genoemde Restant van die plaas Rietfontein 532 JQ; daarvandaan noordwaarts en noordooswaarts met die westelike en f GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 23 MARCH 1990 No r No. 39 of 1952) up to a point where it crosses the northwestern boundary of the National Road N1-19 (Proclamation No. 178 of 1975) which is also the point where the boundary of the Local Area Committee of Walkerville and the boundary of the Lenasia South-East Management Committee intersect; thence south-westwards along the north-western boundary of the said National Road up to a point where it intersects the eastern boundary of Portion 1 of the farm Elandsfontein 334 IQ (Map A ); thence southwards and westwards along the eastern and southern boundary of Portion 1 of the said farm Elandsfontein 334 IQ, up to the north-eastern beacon of Portion 136 of the farm Elandsfontein 334 IQ; thence south-westwards u to the south-western beacon of Portion 166 of the f arm Elandsfontein 334 IQ; thence northwards along the western boundary of the farm Elandsfontein 334 IQ; thence south-westwards u to the eastern beacon of the farm Fonteine 313 IQ; t I! ence south-westwards up to the southern beacon of Holding 18 of Geluksdal Agricultural Holdings; thence south-westwards up to the south-western beacon of Holding 20 of Geluksdal Agricultural Holdin s; thence south-westwards along the boundary of t f e Lenasia South-East Management Committee Area u to the south-eastern beacon of Portion 1 of Lot 1$ in the Town of Ennerdale South (Indian Group Area); thence along the north-westem boundary of the National Road N1-19 (Proclamation No. 186 of 1985) up to a point where the said northwestern boundary of the National Road N1-19 intersects the roclairned boundary of the Magisterial District of fanderbijlpark (Proclamation No of 1970); thence generally north-westwards along the proclaimed boundary of the Magisterial District of Vanderbijlpark, to the north-eastern beacon of the farm Poortjie 340 IQ; thence westwards along the southern boundary of the farm Elandsfontein 308 IQ to the south-western beacon of the farm Elandsfontein 308 IQ; thence generally northwards along the proclaimed boundary of the Central Witwatersrand Draft Guide Plan Area (Government Notice No of 1981), to the north-eastern beacon of the farm Wate an 292 IQ; thence westwards and generally northwar 3's along the northern and eastern boundaries of the said Waterpan 292 IQ and the farm Panvlakte 291 IQ, to the northernmost beacon of the last-named farm; thence generally north-eastwards along the boundaries of the farms Zuurbekom 297 IQ, Zuurbult 240 IQ and Vlakfontein 238 IQ; to the south-western beacon of the farm Witpoortjie 245 IQ; thence eastwards and generally northwards along the proclaimed boundary of the Roodeport City Council (Administrator's Notices Nos. 740 of 1961,592 of 1965,398 of 1980 and 1069 of 1974 and Administrator's Proclamation No. 155 of 1940), to the westernmost beacon of Portion 79 (Diagram A ) of the farm Zandspruit 191 IQ; thence generally northeastwards alon the roclairned boundary of the Randbur Munici a8ty!dministrator9s Notices Nos of and f281 o d l968), to the southernmost beacon of the farm Rietvallei 538 JQ; thence general1 northwards along the proclaimed boundary of the & ersdorp Magisterial District (Proclamation No. 216 of 1974), to the north-western beacon of the Remainder of the farm Rietfontein 532 JQ (Dia ram Book 61 folio 26); thence north-eastwards along t 8, e northern boundary of the said Remainder of the farm Rietfontein 532 JQ to the north-eastern beacon of the Remainder of the farm Rietfontein 532 JQ; thence northwards and northeastwards along the western and northern boundaries of the farm Doornrandje 386 JR, to the northernmost beacon of the said farm Doornrandje 386 JR, the oint of be inning. (The Johannesburg Metropolitan $amport f rea.)

36 36 No STAATSKOERANT, 23 MAART 1990 No Maart 1990 WET OP STEDELIKE VERVOER, 1977 (WET No. 78 VAN 1977) INTREKKING VAN GOEWERMENTSKENNIS- GEWING NO VAN 1981 EN DIE HERVER- KLARING VAN DIE 00s-RANDSE METROPO- LITAANSE VERVOERGEBIED EN AANWYSING VAN 'N KERNSTAD Kragtens die bevoegdheid my verleen deur artikel3 (1) (c) van die Wet op Stedelike Vervoer, 1977 (Wet No. 78 van 1977), trek ek hierby Goewer-mentskennisgewing No van 1981, in en kragtens die bepalings van artikel3 (1) (a) van die voornoemde Wet verklaar ek die gebied wat in die aangehegte Bylae beskryf word tot Metropolitaanse Vervoergebied, en kragtens artikel 4 (1) van voornoemde Wet, wys ek die plaaslike bestuur van Springs as die kemstad van die Metropolitaanse Vervoergebied aan. G. S. BARTLETT, Minister van Vervoer en van Openbare Werke en Grondsake. BYLAE BESKRYWING VAN DIE 00s-RANDSE METROPOLITAANSE VERVOERGEBIED Die gebied wat begin b die noordwestelike baken van die plaas Klipfontein 1 i IR; daarvandaan algemeen noordooswaarts loop met die noordelike grens van die genoemde plaas Klipfontein 12 IR en die laas Mooifontein 14 IR tot by die suidoostelike ba f en van die plaas Allandale 10 IR; daarvandaan noordweswaarts' met die oostelike grens van die plaas Allandale 10 IR tot waar dit die suidelike grens van Pad Klll kruis; daarvandaan noordooswaarts met die suidelike en oostelike grens van genoemde Pad Klll tot waar dit die suidelike grens van pad PWV5 kruis; daarvandaan suidooswaarts met die suidelike grens van genoemde Pad PWV5 tot waar dit die munisipale grens van Midrand (Administrateursproklamasie No. 82 van 1982) kruis; daarvandaan suidooswaarts met die genoemde Midrand munisipale grens tot by die suidwestelike baken van die plaas Sterkfontein 401 JR; daarvandaan noordweswaarts en algemeen noordooswaarts met die grense van die volgende plase en plaaslike owerheidsgebiede langs sodat hulle by die gebied ingesluit word: Hartebeesfontein 17 IR, Elandsfontein 412 JR, Tweefontein 413 JR en Rietfontein 395 JR, tot by die noordoostelike baken van laasgenuemde plaas; daarvandaan algemeen suidooswaarts met die grense van genoemde laas Rietfontein 395 JR en die plaas Onbekend 398 f R tot by die noordoostelike baken van laasgenoemde plaas; daarvandaan algemeen suidweswaarts, suidooswaarts en algemeen suidwaarts met die grense van die volgende plase: Genoemde plaas Onbekend 398 JR, Elandsvalley 414 JR, Rietfontein 21 IR, Kno iesfontein 23 IR, Holfontein 71 IR en Geigerle 238 %, tot by die suidoostelike baken van laasgenoemde plaas; daarvandaan suidooswaarts met die noordoostelike grens van die plaas Palmietkuilen 241 JR tot by die oostelike baken daarvan; daarvandaan algemeen suidwaarts met die grense van die volgende lase: Vischkuil274 IR, Bloemendal283 IR, Leeuwen- P ontein 284 IR en Uitkijk 327 IR, tot by die suidoostelike baken van laasgenoemde laas; daarvandaan algemeen weswaarts met die suideyike grense van die plase Uitkijk 327 IR en Rietpoort 193 JR tot by die suidelikste baken van laasgenoemde plaas; daarvandaan algemeen suidwaarts met die grense van die plase Poortje 389 IR en Houtpoort 392 IR tot by die suidoostelike No March 1990 URBAN TRANSPORT ACT, 1977 (ACT No. 78 OF 1977) WITHDRAWAL OF GOVERNMENT NOTICE No OF 1981 AND THE RE-DECLARATION OF THE EAST RAND METROPOLITAN TRANS- PORT AREA AND THE DESIGNATION OF THE CORE CITY By virtue of the powers vested in me by section 3 (1) (c) of the Urban Transport Act, 1977 (Act No. 78 of 1977), I hereby withdraw Government Notice No of 1981 and by virtue of the powers vested in me by section 3 (1) (a) of the above-mentioned Act I hereby declare the area as described in the attached Schedule as a Metropolitan Transport Area, and by virtue of the powers vested in me by section 4 (1) of the above-mentioned Act I designate the local authority of Springs as Core City of the said Metropolitan Transport Area. G. S. BARTLETT, Minister of Transport and of Public Works and Land Affairs. SCHEDULE DESCRIPTION OF THE EAST RAND METROPOLITAN TRANSPORT AREA The area which begins at the north-westem beacon of the farm Klipfontein 12 IR; thence generally northeastwards along the northern boundary of the said farm Klipfontein 12 IR and the farm Mooifontein 14 IR to the south-eastem beacon of the farm Allandale 10 IR; thence north-westwards along the eastern boundary of the farm Allandale 10 IR to where it intersects the southern boundary of Road K111; thence northeastwards along the southern and eastern boundary of the said Road Klll to where it intersects the southern boundary of Road PWV5; thence south-eastwards along the southern boundary of the said Road PWV5 to where it intersects the municipal boundary of Midrand (Administrator's Proclamation No. 82 of 1982); thence south-eastwards along the said Midrand municipal boundary to the south-western beacon of the farm Sterkfontein 401 JR; thence north-westwards and generally north-eastwards along the boundaries of the following farms and local authority areas so as to include them in this area: Hartebeesfontein 17 IR, Elandsfontein 412 JR, Tweefontein 413 JR and Riefontein 395 JR, to the north-eastern beacon of the last-named farm; thence generally south-eastwards along the boundaries of the said farm Riefontein 395 JR and the farm Onbekend 398 JR to the north-eastem beacon of the last-named farm; thence generally south-westwards, southeastwards and generally southwards along the boundaries of the following farms: The said farm Onbekend 398 JR, Elandsvalley 414 JR, Riefontein 21 IR, Knoppiesfontein 23 IR, Holfontein 71 IR and Geigerle 238 IR, to the south-eastem beacon of the last-named farm; thence south-eastwards along the north-eastem boundary of the farm Palmietkuilen 241 IR to its eastemmost beacon; thence generally southwards along the boundaries of the following farms: Vischkuil 274 IR, Bloemendal283 IR, Leeuwenfontein 284 IR and Uitkijk 327 IR, to the south-eastern beacon of the lastnamed farm; thence generally westwards along the

37 GOVERNMENT GAZETIE. 23 MARCH 1990 No baken van laasgenoemde plaas; daarvandaan algemeen weswaarts met die grense van die volgende plase: Genoemde plaas Houtpoort 392 IR, Boschhoek 385 IR, Kafferskraal 381 IR en Schoongezicht 378 IR (Kaartboek 96 folio ll), tot by die suidwestelike baken van die Restant van Gedeelte 18 (groot 93,0328 ha volgens Kaart LG A2234/49), van genoemde plaas Schoongezicht 378 IR; daarvandaan weswaarts en noordwaarts langs die suidelike en westelike gens van Gedeelte 75 tot by die noordwestelike baken van laasgenoemde gedeelte; daarvandaan weswaarts langs die noordelike grens van die plaas Keytersrus 380 IR tot by 'n punt waar dit die geproklameerde Plaaslike Gebiedskomiteegrens van Kliprivier Valley raak; daarvandaan algemeen noordwaarts, weswaarts en noordwaarts met die genoemde geproklameerde grens van die Plaaslike Gebiedskomitee van Kliprivier Valley tot by die suid oostelike baken van Gedeelte 3 van die plaas Witkop 180 IR; daarvaqdaan weswaarts langs die suidelike gens van genoemde Gedeelte 3 tot by die suidwestelike baken daarvan in die middel van die Kliprivier; daarvandaan algemeen noordwaarts in die middel van die Kliprivier tot waar dit die noordwestelike baken van Gedeelte 37 van die plaas Watemal 150 IR in die middel van die Kliprivier raak; daarvandaan algemeen ooswaarts, suidwaarts, ooswaarts, noordwaarts en ooswaarts met die noordelike gens van Gedeelte 37 van die plaas Waterval 150 IR tot by die noordoostelike baken van genoemde Gedeelte 37; daarvandaan noordwaarts met die grense van die plase Gardenvale 148 IR en Rietspruit 152 IR, tot by die noordelike baken van laasgenoemde plaas, wat dieselfde is as die mees westelike baken van die plaas Rietfontein 153 IR; daarvandaan algemeen noordwaarts met die geproklameerde munisipale grense van die Munisipaliteit van Alberton (Administrateurskennisgewings Nos. 112 van 1967,214 van 1976,868 van 1W0 en 987 van 1969 en Proklamasie No. 25 van 1938) tot by die punt waar die grens die geproklameerde munisipale grense van die Munisipaliteit van Genniston (Proklamasie No. 86 van 1941) raak; daarvandaan verder algemeen noordwaarts met die geproklameerde gens van Genniston tot by die punt waar laasgenoemde grens die geproklameerde munisipale grens van die Munispaliteit van Bedfordview (Administrateurskennisgewing No van 1968) raak; daarvandaan verder algemeen noordwaarts met die geproklameerde grens van Bedfordview tot by die punt waar laasgenoemde gens die geproklameerde munisipale grens van die Munisipaliteit van Edenvale (Administrateurskennisgewing No van 1968) raak; daarvandaan verder algemeen noordwaarts met die geproklameerde gens van Edenvale tot waar dit die suidoostelike baken van die plaas Lombardy 36 IR raak en verder algemeen noordwaarts met die noordoostelike grens van die plaas Lombardy 36 IR langs sodat hierdie plaas van die gebied uitgesluit word, tot by die suidoostelike baken van Gedeelte 16 (Kaart A ) van genoemde plaas Lombardy 36 IR; daarvandaan algemeen noordwaarts met die geproklameerde munisipale grens van die Munisipaliteit van Sandton (Proklamasie No. 157 van 1%9) langs sodat die munisipale gebied van Sandton by hierdie gebied uitgesluit word, tot by die noordwestelike baken van die plaas Klipfontein 12 IR, die beginpunt. (Die Oos- Randse Metropolitaanse Vervoergebied.) southern boundaries of the farms Uitkijk 327 IR and Rietpoort 193 IR to the southernmost beacon of the last-named farm; thence generally southwards along the boundaries of the farms Poortje 389 IR and Houtport 392 IR to the south-eastern beacon of the lastnamed farm; thence generally westwards along the boundaries of the following farms: The said farm Houtport 392 IR, Boschoek 385 IR, Kafferskraal 381 IR and Schoongezicht 378 IR (Diagram Book 96 folio ll), to the south-western beacon of the Remainder of Portion 18 (in extent 93,0328 ha, vide Diagram SG A ) of the said farm Schoongezicht 378 IR; thence westwards and northwards along the southern and western boundary of Portion 75 up to the northwestern beacon of the last-mentioned portion; thence westwards along the northern boundary of the farm Keytersrus 380 IR up to a point where it intersects the proclaimed boundary of the Local Area Committee of Kliprivier Valley; thence generally northwards, westwards and northwards along the said proclaimed boundary of the Local Area Committee of Kliprivier Valley up to the south-eastern beacon of Portion 3 of the farm Witkop 180 IR; thence westwards along the southern boundary of the said Portion 3 up to the south-western beacon thereof in the middle of the Kliprivier; thence generally northwards along the middle of the Kliprivier up to a point where it meets the north-western beacon of portion 37 of the farm Waterval150 IR in the middle of the Kliprivier, thence generally eastwards, southwards, eastwards, northwards and eastwards along the northern boundary of Portion 37 of the farm Waterval 150 IR, up to the north-eastern beacon of the said Portion 37; thence northwards along the boundaries of the farms Gardenvale 148 IR and Rietspruit 152 IR up to the northern beacon of the last-mentioned farm, which is the same as the most western beacon of the farm Rietfontein 153 IR; thence generally northwards along the proclaimed municipal boundary of Alberton Municipality (Administrator's Notices Nos. 112 of 1967,214 of 1976,868 of 1970 and 987 of 1969 and Proclamation No. 25 of 1938), to the point where the boundary intersects the proclaimed municipal boundary of Germiston Municipality (Proclamation No. 86 of 1941); thence further generally northwards along the boundary of Germiston to the point where the last-named municipal boundary intersects the proclaimed municipal boundary of Bedfordview Municipality (Administrator's N e tice No of 1968); thence further generally northwards along the proclaimed boundary of Bedfordview to the point where last-named boundary intersects the proclaimed boundary of Edenvale Municipality (Administrator's Notice No of 1968); thence further, generally northwards along the proclaimed boundary of Edenvale to where it intersects the south-eastern beacon of the farm Lombardy 36 IR and further generally northwards, along the north-eastern boundary of the farm Lombardy 36 IR, so as to exclude this farm from this area, to the south-eastern beacon of Portion 16 (Diagram A ) of the said farm Lombardy 36 IR; thence generally northwards along the proclaimed municipal boundary of Sandton Municipality (Proclamation No. 157 of 1%9), so as to exclude the municipal area of Sandton from this area, to the north-western beacon of the farm Klipfontein 12 IR; the point of beginning. (The East Rand Metropolitan Transport Area.)

38 38 No STAATSKOERANT, 23 MAART 1990 ALGEMENE KENNISGEWINGS GENERAL NOTICES, KENNISGEWING 190 VAN 1990 I NOTICE 190 OF 1990 DEPARTEMENT VAN POS- EN DEPARTMENT OF POSTS AND TELEKOMMUNMASIEWESE TELECOMMUNICATIONS WYSIGING VAN DIE TARIEFLYS VIR TELEKOMMUNIKASIEDIENSTE Hiermee word ingevolge artikel2b (3A) van die Poswet, 1958 (Wet No. 44 van 1958), bekendgemaak dat die Posmeester-generaal, handelende kra tens artikel 2B (1) (e) van genoemde Wet, bepaal het 'f at die gelde, tariewe of koste uiteengesit in die onderstaande Bylae ten opsigte van die betrokke dienste geeis of ontvang moet word. AMENDMENT OF THE TARIFF FOR TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICES It is hereby made known, in terms of section 2B (3A) of the Post Office Act, 1958 (Act No. 44 of 1958), that the Postmaster General, acting under section 2B (1) (e) of the said Act, has determined that the fees, rates or exchanges set out in the Schedule below are to be demanded or received in respect of the services concerned. 1.0 In hierdie Bylae beteken die uitdrukking "die Tarieflys" die Tarieflys vir Telekommunikasiedienste afgekondig by Goewermentskennisgewing No van 1 Julie 1977, soos gewysig. 2.0 Die Tarieflys word met ingang van 1 April 1990 hierby soos volg verder gewysig: Vervang die bestaande items 36.1 en 36.2 deur die volgende: 36.1 RPdiolclefwm~r(~pe na Pepe oor: a) BHF b) MF c) HF Radiotelefoonoproepe van en na Suid-AtiikaanseNamibiese vissersbote wat langs die kus visvang... Vervang die bestaande item 37.0 deur die volgende: Minimum koste vir 3 minute R Grondtarief Tarief per minuut 37.0 TELEGRAMTARIEWE mgesonderd BUURLANDE EN BURUNDI (REPUBLIEK), MALAWI EN z A ~ E WPU- BLIEK)I LW: Die tarief vir 'n drisgeode telegram is dubbel dit vir 'n pwow telegram. 'n Minimum koste 500s vir sewe wmrde word vir 'n gewone of m n d e telegram gehef. 'n Hanteringsgeld per telegram sax vir item 19.9 voorgeskryf word is o alle klasse telegramme (behalwe telegrafiese poswissels) betaalbaar, asook op telegramme na die bestemmings wat onder items 37.1 en 3y.2 aangedui word. Adtlieland... Af nistan, Republiek... Air anie, Volksre ubliek... AlgeTnse ~emofratiesen ~olksrc~ubliek (Alge.i$... Amenkaans-Samoa... Amsterdam-eiland... Andorra..... Angola... Anmilla Antigua... Argentynse Republiek... Aruba... Ascension... Asore... Australie... Bahamas, Gemenebes van die... Bahrein, Staat... Bangladesj, Volksrepubliek.... Barbados... Bel@e..... Behze... Benin, Volksrepubliek... Bermuda..... Birma, Sosialistiese Republiek van die Unie van Bolivia, Republiek... BrasiliB, Bondsrepubliek... Britse Antarktiese Gebied..... Britse Virginiese Eilande... Broenei... Bul rye, Volksrepubliek... ~urrna ~aso... 2,76 R 0 9 Gewone tarief per woord

39 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 23 MARCH 1990 No Bestemming Chathameilande... Chili... China. Republiek (Taiwan)... China. Volksrepubliek... Christmaseiland (Indiese Oseaan)... Ciprus. Republiek... Cocos-Keeling-eilande (Indiese Oseaan)... Colombia. Republiek... Comore. Federale en Islamitiese Republiek van die... Cook-eilande... Costa Rica... Crozet-eilande... Denemarke... Diiboeti. Re~ubliek... Dominica... Dominikaanse Republiek... Duitsland. Bondsrepubliek... Duitsland. Demokratiese Republiek... Ecuador... Egipte. Arabiese Republiek... EkwatoriaaLGuinee. Republiek... El Salvador. Republiek... Ethiopie... Falkland-eilande... Fariier-eilande... Fidji... Filippyne. Republiek van die... Finland... Frankryk... Frans-Polhesit!... Gaboen. Republiek... Gambie. Republiek van die... Ghana... Gibraltar... Grenada... Griekeland (met inbegrip van Dodekanesos-eilande)... Groenland... Guadeloupe. Franse Departement van... Guatemala... Guiana. Frame Departement van... Guinee. Republiek... Guinee.Bissau. Republiek... Guyana... Haiti. Republiek... Heard- en McDonald-eilande... Honduras. Republiek... Hongarye. Republiek... Hongkong.... Ierland... Indie. Republiek... Indonesie. Republiek... Irak. Republiek... Iran. Islamitiese Republiek... Israel. Staat... Italic5... Ivoorkus. Republiek van die... Jamaika... Japan... Jemen. Demokratiese Volksrepubliek... Jemenities-Arabiese Republiek... Joegoe.Slawie. Sosialistiese Bondsrepubliek... lordanie. Hasemitiese Koninkryk van... Kaaimanseilande... Kaap Verde. Republiek... Kameroen. Verenigde Republiek... Kampuchea. Demokraties... Kanada... Kanariese Eilande... Katar. Staat... Kenia. Republiek... Kerguelen-eilande... Kermandec-eilande... Kiribati. Republiek... Koeweit. Staat... Kongo. Volksrepubliek van die... Gewone tarief per woord C

40 Bestemming Korea. Demokratiese Volksrepubliek... Korea. Republiek... Kuba... Laos (Lao, Demokratiese Volksrepubliek)... Libanon... Liberie, Republiek... Libies-Arabiese Jamahirija, Sosialistiese... Liechtenstein, Prinsdom van... Luxemburg... Macao... Madagaskar, Demokratiese Republiek... Madeira... Maledive, Republiek... Maleisie... Mali. Republiek... Malta, Republiek... Manana-eilande (met uitsondering van Guam)... Guam... Marokko, Koninkryk van... Marshall-eilande... Martinique, Franse Departement van... Mauritanie, Islamitiese Republiek... Mauritius... Mayotte, Franse Departement van... Mexiko... Midway-eilande... Mikronesie... Monaco... Mongmlse Volksrepubliek... Montserrat... Nauru. Republiek... Nederlande. Koninkryk van die... Nederlandse Antille... Nepal... Nicaragua... Nieu-Caledonie en Onderhorige Gebiede... Nieu-Seeland... Niger. Republiek van die... Nigerie. Bondsrepubliek... NmrweE... Norfolk-eilande... Oman. Sultanaat... Oostenryk... Pakistan... Panama. Republiek... Papoea-Nieu-Guinee... Paraguay. Republiek... Peru... Pitcairn-eilande... Pole. Volksrepubliek... Portugal... Puerto Rico... Rkunion. Franse Departement van... Roemenie. Sosialistiese Republiek... Rotuma-eiland... Rwanda. Republiek... St Christopher-Nevis... St Helena... St Lucia... St Paul-eiland... St Pierre en Miauelon... St Vincent... Salomon-eilande... San Marino... Saoedi-Arabie, Koninkryk van... Sao Tome en Principe, Demokratiese Republiek... Senegal, Republiek van die... Sentraal-Afrikaanse Republiek... Seychelle... Sierra Lone... Singapoer, Republiek... Sines-Arabiese Republiek... Soedan, Demokrahese Republiek van die... Somali&, Demokratiese Republiek... Spaanse Sahara... Gewone tarief per woord C %

41 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 23 MARCH 1990 No Bestemming Gewone tarief per woord Spanje... Sri Lanka, Demokratiese Sosialistiese Republiek... Suriname, Republiek... Swede... Switserland, Konfederasie van... Tanzanie, Verenigde Republiek... Thailand... Timor..... Togolese Republiek... Tonga, Koninkryk van... Trinidad en Tobago... Tristan da Cunha... Tsjaad, Republiek van die... Tsjeggo-Slowaakse Sosialistiese Republiek... Tunisii?... Turks- en Caicos-eilande... Turkye... Tuvalu... Uganda, Republiek... Unie van Sosialistiese Sowjetrepublieke... Uruguay, Orientale Republiek... Vanuatu, Onatlanklike Republiek..... Vatikaanstaat... Venezuela, Republiek..... Verenigde Arabiese Emirate... Verenigde Koninkryk van Groot-Brittanje en Noord-Ierland... Verenigde State van Amerika (met inbegrip van Alaska en Hawaii).... Vietnam, Sosialistiese Republiek... Virginiese Eilande (VSA)... Wake-eiland... Wallis en Futuna... Wes-Samoa... Ysland... Zambie, Revubliek... Vervang die bestaande item 37.1 deur die volgende: 37.1 TelegrPmtariewe na buurlande Psoalr Buruwll (Republiek), Malewi en z.yk (Repablkk): Lesotho (Konmkryk), Malawi, Mosambiek (Volksrepubliek) en Swaziland (Koninkryk) I Botswana (Republiek) en Zimbabwe Die Re ublieke Bophuthatswana, Cisk,,d amibik., '. Transkei en Venda W e (Republiek)... Diens Publieke telegramme: Gewone telegramme..... D~gende telegramme... Publieke telegramme: Gewone telegramme... Publieke telgramme: Gewone telegramme... D~gende telegramme... Publieke telegramme: Gewone telegramme... Dringende telegramme... Publieke telegramme: Gewone telegramme..... Dringende telegramme... Koste R2,52 vir die eerste 12 woorde of minder, en 21c vir eke ekstra woord. R5,W vir die eerste 12 woorde of minder, en 42c vir eke ekstra woord. R2,52 vir die eelste 12 woorde of minder, en 21c vir elke ekstra woord. R5,52 vir die eerste 6 woorde of minder, en 92c vir eke ekstra woord. R11,W vir die eerste 6 woorde of minder, en R1.84 vir eke ekstra woord. R1.80 vir die eerste 10 woorde of minder, en 1& vir elke ekstra woord. R3,60 vir die eerste 10 woorde of minder, en 36c vir eke ekstra woord. R1,86 vir die eerste 6 woorde of minder, en 31c vir eke ekstra woord. R3,72 vir die eerste 6 woorde of minder, en 62c vir eke ekstra woord. Vervang die bestaande item 37.2 deur die volgende: 37.2 Rsdidekgmmtariewe: Kategorie I Tarief per woord Gewone radiotelegramme via- Suid-Afrikaanse kusstasies... Ander kusstasies... LW: 'n Minimum koste 500s vir sewe woorde word vir 'n gewone radiotelegram gehef. * Die toepaslike tarief per woord na die land waarin die kusstasie gelei! is, moet bygetel word. T~ 91c R1,06*

42 42 No STAATSKOERANT. 23 MAART 1990 Vervang die bestaande item 38.1 deur die volgende: Die telekstariewe hieronder asook onder items , en aangedui. is wk betaalbaar vir oproepe tussen teleteks- en telekshuurders. 'n Minimum koste 500s vir 3 minute word vir 'n opcrateurbeheerde oproep gehef terwyl 'n minimum koste soos vir een minuut van toepassing is op oproepe wat outomaties tot stand gebring word na huurders in lande waarheen 'n voloutomatiese teleksdiens beskikbaar is. Bestemming Afganistan. Republiek... Alaska... Albanie. Volksrepubliek... Algerynse Demokratiese en Volksrepubliek (Algerie)... Amerikaans-Samoa... Andorra... Angola... Anguilla.... Antigua... Argentynse Republiek... Aruba... Ascension... Australie... Bahamas. Gemenebes van die... Bahrein. Staat... Bangladesj. Volksrepubliek... Barbados... Belgie... Belize... Benin. Volksrepubliek... Bermuda... Birma. Sosialistiese Republiek van die Unie van... Bolivia. Republiek... BrasiliL!. Bondsrepubliek... Britse Virginiese Eilande... Braenei... Bulgarye. Volksrepubliek... Burkina Faso Burundi. Republiek... Chili... China. Republiek (Taiwan)... Ciprus, Republiek... Colombia. Republiek... Comore. Federale en Islamitiese Republiek van die... Costa Ria... Denemarke... Djiboeti. Republiek... Dominica... Dominikaanse Republiek... Duitsland. Bondsrepubliek... Duitsland. Demokratiese Republiek... Ecuador... Egipte. Arabiese Republiek... El Salvador. Republiek... EthopiL!... Falkland-eilande... FarCkreilande... Fidji... Filippyne. Republiek van die... Finland... Frankryk... Frans-Polinesie... Gaboen. Republiek... Gambie. Re~ubliek. van die... Ghana... Gibraltar... Grenada... Griekeland... Greenland... Guadeloupe. Franse Departement van... Guam... Guatemala... Guiana, Franse Departement van... Guinee. Re~ubliek.... Guyana... Haiti. Republiek... Hawaii... Tarief per minuut


44 44 No. 12% STAATSKOERANT. 23 MAART 1990 Bestemmine Tarief per minuut Salomon-eilande... Saoedi.Arabie. Koninkryk van... Sao Tome en Principe. Demokratiese Republiek... Senegal. Republiek van die... Sentraal-Afrikaanse Republiek... Seychelle... Sierra Leone... Singapoer. Republiek... SiriesArabiese. Republiek... Soedan. Demokratiese Republiek van die... Spanje... Sri Lanka. Demokratiese Sosialistiese Republiek... Suriname. Republiek... Swede... Switserland. Konfederasie van... Tanzanie. Verenigde Republiek... Thailand... Togolese Republiek... Tonga. Koninkryk van... Trinidad en Tobago... Tsjaad. Republiek van die... Tsjeggo-Slowaakse Sosialistiese Republiek... Tunisie... Turks- en Caicoseilande... Turkye... Uganda. Republiek... Unie van Sosialistiese Sowjetrepubtieke... Uruguay. Orientale Repubtiek... Vanuatu. Onafhanklike Republiek... Vatikaanstaat... Venezuela. Republiek... Verenigde Arabiese Emirate... Verenigde Koninkryk van Groot-Brittanje en Noord-Ierland... Verenigde State van Amerika... Vietnam. Sosialistiese Republiek... Virginiese Eilande (VSA)... We-Samoa... Ysland... Zaire. Republiek... Vervang die bestaande items en 38.1;3 dew die volgende: 'I Bestemming - TdelwtsrkarM. Zombii!(RopuWek): Bophuthatswana (Republiek), Botswana (Republiek), Lesotho (Koninkryk), Mosambiek (Volksrepubliek), Namibii! (Republiek). Swaziland (Koninkryk) en Transkei (Republiek)... Ciskei (Republiek) en Venda (Republiek)... Malawi. Zambit (Republiek) en Zimbabwe... -p M skep tar see: Tarief 13. 5c per eenheid. Eenhede word outomaties getel in tydeenhede van 12 sekondes. Die koste soos vir binnelandse oproepe is van toepassing (sien Deel2. item 27.0) c per eenheid. Eenhede word outomaties getel in tydeenhede van 6 sekondes. Minimum koste vir 3 minure Tarief Per minuur - Alle skepe... Item 42.2 Wysig "Suidwes-Afrika" om "Namibie" te lees.

45 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 23 MARCH 1990 No SCHEDULE 1.0 In the Schedule the expression "the Tariff' means the Tariff for Telecommunication Services promulgated under Government Notice No of 1 July as amended. 2.0 The Tariff is hereby further amended as follows with effect from 1 April 1990: Substitute the following for the existing items 36.1 and 36.2: 1 Basic rate 36.1 RadidelepIwne&to&ipsover: (a) VHF... (b) MF... (c) HF Radiotelephone calls to and from South AfricanINamibian fishing-boats fishing off the coast Substitute the following for the existing item 37.0: I Minimum charge I hteper for 3 minutes minute 37.0 TELEGRAM RATES [MCLUDLNG NEIGHBOURING COUNTRIES AND BURUNDI (REPUBLIC OF). MALAWI AND z m (REPUBLIC OF)] NB: The rate for an ugeat tekgrpm is double that of an ofitlnnry IPlegrsm. A minimum charge as for 7 words is levied for an adinsryor qgent Megram. A handling fee per telegram as prescribed for item 19.9 is payable on all classes of telegrams (except telegraphic money.orders). including telegrams to the destinations indicated under items 37.1 and Destination Adelie Land... Afghanistan. Republic of... Albania. People's Republic of... Algerian Democratic and Popular Republic (Algeria)... American Samoa... Amsterdam Island... Andorra... Angola... Anguilla... Antigua... Argentine Republic... Aruba... Ascension... Australia... Austria... Azores... Bahamas. Commonwealth of the... Bahrain. State of...;... Bangladesh. People's Republic of... Barbados... Belgium.... Belize... Benin. People's Republic of... Bermuda... Bolivia. Republic of... Brazil. Federative Republic of... British Antarctic Territory... British Virgin. Islands... Brunei... Bulgaria. People's Republic of... Burkina Faso... Burma. Socialist Republic of the Union of... Cameroon. United Republic of... Canada... Canary Islands... Cape Verde. Republic of... Cayman Islands... Central African Republic... Chad. Republic of the... Chatham Islands... Chile... China. People's Republic of... China. Republic of (Taiwan)... Ordinary rate per word

46 Destination- Christmas Island (Indian Ocean)... Cocos-Keeling Islands (Indian &an)... Colombia. Republic of... Comoros. Federal and Islamic Republic of the... Congo. People's Republic of the... Cook Islands... Costa Rica... Crozet Islands... Cuba... Cyprus. Rep blic of... Czechoslovak Socialist Republic... - Denmark... Djibouti. Republic of... Dominica... Dominican Republic... Ecuador... Egypt, Arab Republic of... El Salvador, Republic of... Equatorial Guinea, Republic of... Ethiopia... Falkland Islands... Faroe... Islands... FIJI... Finland... France... French Polynesia... Gabon Republic... Gambia. Republic of the... German. Democratic Republic... Germany. Federal Republic of... Ghana... Gibraltar... Greece (including Dodecanese Islands)... Greenland... Grenada... Guadeloupe. French Department of... Guatemala... Guiana. French Department of... Guinea. Republic of... Guinea.Bissau. Republic of... Guyana... Haiti. Republic of... Heard and McDonald Islands... Honduras. Republic of... Hongkong... Hungary. People's Republic of... Iceland... India. Republic of... Indonesia. Republic of... Iran. Islamic Republic of... Iraq.. Republic. of... Ireland... Israel. State of... Italy... Ivory Coast. Republic of the... Jamaica... Japan... Jordan. Hashemite Kingdom of... Kampuchea. Democratic... Kenya. Republic of... Kerguelen Islands... Kermadec Islands... Kiribati. Republic of... Korea. Democratic People's Republic of... Korea. Republic of... Kuwait. State of... Laos (Lao People's Democratic Republic)... Lebanon... Liberia. Republic of... Libyan Soaalist People's Arab Jamahiriya... Liechtenstein. Prinnpality of... Luxembourg... Macao... Madagascar. Democratic Republic of Madeira... : Ordinary rate per word C

47 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 23 MARCH 1990 No Destination Ordinary rate per word Malaysia... Maldives. Republic of... Mali. Republic of... Malta. Republic of... Mariana Islands (except Guam)... Guam... Marshall Islands... Martinique. French Department of... Mauritania. Islamic Republic of... Mauritius... Mayotte. French Department of... Mexico... Micronesia... Midway Islands... Monaco... Mongolian People's Republic... Montserrat... Morm. Kingdom of... Nauru. Republic of... Nepal... Netherlands. Kingdom of the... Netherlands Antilles... New Caledonia and Dependencies... New Zealand... Nicaragua... Niger. Republic of the... Nigeria. Federal Republic of... Norfolk Island... Norway... Oman Sultanate of.... Pakistan... Panama. Republic of... Papua-New Guinea... Paraguay. Republic of... Peru... Philippines. Republic of the... Pitcaim Island... Poland. People's Republic of... Portugal... Puerto Rico... Qatar. state op./... Rdunion. French Department of... Rotuma Island... Roumania. Socialist Republic of... Rwanda. Republic of... St Christopher.Nevis... St Helena... St Lucia...%... St Paul Island... St Pierre and Miquelon... St Vincent... San Marino... Sao Tome and Principe, Democratic Republic of... Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of... Senegal, Republic of the... Seychelles... Sierra Leone... Singapore, Republic of... Solomon Island... Somali, Democratic Republic... Spain... Spanish Sahara... Sri Lanka, Democratic Socialist Republic of... Sudan, Democratic Republic of the... Suriname, Republic of... Sweden... Switzerland, Confederation of... S rian Arab Republic...? anzama., Un~ted. Republic of... Thailand... Timor... Togolese Republic... Tonga, Kingdom of... Trin~dad and Tobago... Tristan da Cunha... Tunisia...

48 48 No STAATSKOERANT, 23 MAART 1990 Destination Ordinary rate Der word Turkey... Turks and Caioos Islands... Tuvalu... Uganda, Republic of... Union of Soviet Socialist Republics... United Arab Emirates... United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland... United States of America (including Alaska and Hawaii).... Uruguay, Oriental Republic of... Vanuatu, Independent Republic of... Vatican City State... Venezuela, Republic of... V~et-Nam, Socialist Republic of..... V I Wands ~ (USA) :... W e Island... Wallis and Futuna... Western Samoa... Yemen Arab Re ublic... Yemen ~eo~le'sbemocratic ~e~ublicof... Yugoslavia, Socialist Federal Republic of... Zambia, Republic of..... Substitute the following for the existing item 37.1: 37.1 Tekgram rates to~bourisgcarahesas adl as Bunmdi (Republic@, MnLswiand Zaire (Republic 00: No. Destination Lesotho (Kingdom of), Malawi, Mozambique (People's Republic of), and Swaziland (Kingdom of) Botswana (Republic of) and Zimbabwe Burundi (Republic of)... Republics of Bophuthatswana, Ciskei, Namibia. Transkei and Venda Zaire (Republic of)... Service I Charge Public telegrams: Ordinary telegrams... I R2,52 for the first 12 words or fewer, and 21c for each additional word. Urgent telegrams... R5,04 for the first 12 words or fewer, and Public telegrams: Ordinary telegrams... Public telegrams: Ordinary telegrams... Urgent telegrams... Public telegrams: Ordinary telegrams... Urgent telegrams... Public telegrams: Ordinary telegrams... Urgent telegrams... I R2,52 for the first 12 words or fewer, and I 42c for each additional word. I 21c for each additional word. R5,52 for the first 6 words or fewer, and 92c for each additional word. R11,04 for the first 6 words or fewer, and I R1,84 for each additional word. R1,80 for the first 10 words or fewer. and 1& for each additional word. R3,60 for the first 10 words or fewer, and 1 36c for each additional word. R1,% for the first 6 words or fewer, and I 31c for each additional word. R3,72 for the first 6 words or fewer, and 62c for each additional word. Substitute the followhg for the existing item 37.2: 37.2 R.dlOtelegrpmrat6: Category Ordinary radiotelegrams via South Afncan coast statloas.... Other coast stations... I Rate per word 91c R1,06* NB: A minimum charge as for seven words is levied for an ordinary radiotelegram. The applicable rate per word to the oountry in which the mast station is situated should be added. Substitute the following for the existing item 38.1: 38.1 T&mtes[~dudIqg~~~Hesaswdas~widZsmb&(Republic~l: The telex rates shown hereunder and under items , and are also payable for calls between teletex and telex subscribes. A minimum charge as for 3 minutes is levied for an operator-controued call whereas a minimum charge as for one minute is ao~licable to calls established automatically to subscribes in countries to which a fully automatic service is available. m - Destination Afghanistan, Republic of..... Alaska Albania, People's Republic of...,... ;.... Algerian Demoaabc and Poplar Republic (Algeria)..... Rate per minute R 4,

49 Destination Rate per minute Ame-nSamoa... Andorra hgola... Anguaa... Antigua... Argentine Republic... h b a... Ascension... Australia... Austria... Azores... Bahamas, Commonwealth of the... Bahrain, State of... Bangladesh, People's Republic of... Barbados... Belguim... Belize... Benin, People's Republic of... Bermuda... Bolivia, Republic of... Brazil, Federative Republic of... British Virgin Islands... Brunei... Bulgaria, People's Republic of... Burkina Faso... Burma, Socialist Republic of the Union of... Burundi, Republic of... Cameroon, United Republic of... Canada... Canary Islands... Cape Verde, Republic of... Cayman Islands... Central African Republic... Chad, Republic of the... Chile... China, Republic of (Taiwan)... Colombia, Republic of... Comoros, Federal and Islamic Republic of the... Congo, People's Republic of the... Costa Ria... Cuba... Cyprus, Republic of... Czechoslovak Socialist Revublic... Denmark... Diibouti. Reoublic. of... Dominica... Dominican Republic... Ecuador... Egypt. Arab Republic of... El Salvador. Republic of... Ethiopia... FaMand Islands... Faroe Islands... Fiji... Finland... France... French Polynesia... Gabon. Republic... Gambia, Republic of the... German Democratic Re ublic... G e v. ~ederal ~evuglic of... Ghana... Gibraltar... Greece... Greenland... Grenada... Guadeloupe. French Department of... Guam... Guatemala... Guiana. French Department of... Guinea. Republic of... Guyana... Hati. Republic of... Hawaii... Honduras. Republic of... Hongkong... Hungary. Republic of...

50 50 No STAATSKOERANT. 23 MAART 1990 Destination Iceland... India. Republic of... Indonesia. Republic of... Iran. Islamic Republic of... Iraq. Republic of... Ireland... Israel. State of... Italy... Ivory Coast. Republic of the... Jamaica... Japan... Jordan. Hashemite Kingdom of... Kenya. Republic of... Kiribati. Republic of... Korea. Republic of... Kuwait. State of... Lebanon... Liberia. Republic of... Liechtenstein. Principality of... Luxembourg... Macao... Madagascar. Democratic Republic of... Malaysia... Maldives. Republic of... Mali. Republic of... Malta. Republic of... Martinique. French Department of... Mauritius... Mayotte. French Department of... Mexico... Monaco... Montserrat... Morocco. Kingdom of... Nauru. Republic of... Nepal... Netherlands. Kingdom of the... Netherlands. Antilles... New Caledonia and Dependencies... New Zealand... Nicaragua... Niger. Republic of the... Nigeria. Federal Republic of... Norway... Oman. Sultanate of... Pakistan... Panama. Republic of... Papua-New Guinea... Paraquay. Republic of... Peru... Philippines. Republic of the... Poland. People's Republic of... Portugal... Puerto Riw... Qatar. State of... Reunion. French Department of... Roumania. Socialist Republic of... Rwanda. Republic of... Ryukyu Islands... St Christo~her.Nevis... St Helena... St Lucia... :... St Pierre and Miquelon... St Vincent... Sao Tome and Principe. Democratic Republic of... SaudiArabia. Kingdom of... Senegal. Republic of the... Seychelles... Sierra Leone... Singapore. Republic of... Solomon Islands..... A Rate per minute

51 Destination Spain... Sri Lanka. Democratic Socialist Republic of... Sudan. Democratic Republic of the... Suriname. Republic of... Sweden... Switzerland. Confederation of... Syrian Arab Republic... Tanzania. United Republic of... Thailand... Togolese Republic... Tonga. Kingdom of... Trinidad and Tobago... Tunisia... Turkey... Turks and Caicos Islands... Uganda. Republic of... Union of Soviet Socialist Republics... United Arab Emirates... United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland... United States of America... Uruguay. Oriental Republic of... Vanuatu. Independent Republic of... Vatican City State... Venezuela. Republic of... Viet.Nam. Socialist Republic of... Virgin Islands (USA)... Western Samoa... Yemen. Arab Republic... Yemen. People's Democratic Republic of... Yugoslavia. Socialist Federal Republic of... Zaire. Republic of... Rate per minute R Substitute the following for the existing items and : Destination -.- Rate Telex rates to neighbouring countries as well as Malawi aod Zambia Bophuthatswana (Republic of). Botswana (Republic of). Lesotho (Kingdom of). Mozambique (People's Republic of). Namibia (Republic of). Swaziland (Kingdom of) and Transkei (Republic of)... Ciskei (Republic of) and Venda (Republic of)... Malawi. Zambia (Republic of) and Zimbabwe... Radiotelex calls to sbip at sea: All ships... Item 42.2 Amend "South-West Africa" to read "Namibia". (23 Maart 1990)1(23 March 1990) 13. 5c per unit. Units are metered automatically in time units of 12 seconds. The charges as for inland calls apply (see Part 2. item 27.0) 13. 5c per unit. Units are metered automatically in time units of 6 seconds. Minimum charge for 3 minutes Rate Per minute

52 52 No STAATSKOERANT, 23 MAART 1990 KENNIsGEWING 191 VAN 1990 SUID-AFRK4ANSE VERVOERDIENSTE KENNISGEWING VAN ONTEIENING No. Cl/W Verwysing: S.I.LZ.254/1/4 Aan: Boedd van wyle Maria Anderson en aan wie dit mag 88n&88n 1. Neem asseblief kennis dat die volgende onroerende goed kragtens die Suid-Afrikaanse Vervoerdienstewet, 1981 (Wet No. 65 van 1981), saamgelees met artikels 4 en 7 tot 24 van die Onteieningswet, 1975 (Wet No. 63 van 1975), hierby ten behoewe van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Vervoerdienste onteien word: Sekere grond, pot ongeveer 150 vierkante meter en 170 vierkante meter, synde gedeeltes van die Restant van Erf 60761, Kaapstad, gelee in Lansdowne in die Munisipaliteit van Kaapstad, administratiewe distrik Kaa, provinsie die Kaap die Goeie Hoop, soos vo If' ed~ger aangetoon op Planne MD225E en MD227E. Aangesien die grond dringend benodig word vir die doel waarvoor dit onteien word, sal besit daarvan, kragtens artikel8 (3) van die Onteieningswet, 1975 (Wet No. 63 van 1975), geneem word op die kennisgewingsdatum soos bepaal in klousule 2 hiervan. Die planne 1C ter insae in Kamer 125 in die kantoor van die HoofbestuurderIBesturende Direkteur, Suid- Afrikaanse Vervoerdienste, Wolmaransstraat, Johannesburg, en in dic van die Streekbestuurder, Kaapstad. 2. Die onteiening word van krag op die kennisgewingsdatum (dit wil sc die dag waarop hierdie onteieningskennis ewing in die Staatskoerant gepubliseer word) en eien d ornsreg op die onteiende goed gaan oor op &e Suid-Afrikaanse Vervoerdienste op die datum waarop die onteiening aldus van krag word., 3. Ingevolge die bepalin van die Onteieningswet, 1975 (Wet No. 63 van 1975fword u hierby versoek on binne 60 dae vanaf die kennisgewingsdatum aan my by die adres hieronder, 'n skriftelike verklaring te lewer of te laat lewer waarin die volgende aangedui word: (i) Die totale bedrag wat u as vergoedin eis en hoeveel van daardie bedrag elk van die on d erskeie bedrae beoo in artikel 12 1) (a) van die Wet verteenwoor%ig, a-k vo I( edige besonderhede van hoe daardie bedrae saamgestel is. (ii) Volledige besonderhede van alle verbeterings op die onteiende gronde wat na u oordeel die waarde van die grond raak. (iii) Indien dit van toepassing is, moet u die volgende besonderhede verstrek: (a) Indien die grond voor die kennisgewingsdatum vir sake- of landboudoeleindes verhuur is by wyse van 'n ongeregistreerde huurkontrak, die naam en adres van die huurder, vergesel van die huurkontrak, of 'n gewaarmerkte afskrif daarvan indien die kontrak op skrif is, of volledige besonderhede van die kontrak indien dit nie op skrif is nie. (b) Indien die grond voor die kennisgewingsdatum deur u as eienaar verkoop is, die naam en adres van die koper, tesame met die koopkontrak of 'n gewaarmerkte afskrif daarvan. NOTICE 191 OF 1990 SOUTH AFRICAN TRANSPORT SERVICES NOTICE OF EXPROPRIATION No. Cl/W Reference: S.I.LZ.254/1/4 To: Estate of the late Maria Anderson and to whom it may concern 1. Please note that the following immovable property is hereby expropriated on behalf of the Republic of South Africa for the South African Transport Services in terms of the South African Transport Services Act, 1981 (Act No. 65 of 1981), read in conjunction with jections 4 and 7 to 24 of the Expropriation Act, 1975 (Act No. 63 of 1975). Certain land, in extent approximately 150 square metres and 170 square metres, being portions of the Remainder of Erf 60761, Cape Town, situate at Lansdowne in the Municipality of Cape Town, Administrative District Cape, Province of the Cape of Good Hope, as more fully shown on Plans MD225E and MD227E. As the land is urgently required for the purpose for which it is being expropriated, occupation thereofd will, in terms of section 8 (3) of the Expropriation Act, 1975 (Act No. 63 of 1975), be taken on the date of notice as defined in clause 2 hereof. The plans are available for inspection in Room 125 in the office of the General ManagerIManaging Director, South African Transport Services, Wolmarans Street, Johannesburg, and in that of the Regional Manager, Cape Town. 2. The expropriation takes effect on the date of notice (i.e. the day on which this notice of expropriation is published in the Government Gazette) and ownership in the expropriated property shall pass to the South African Transport Services on the date the expropriation so takes effect. 3. In accordance with the provisions of the Expropriation Act, 1975 (Act No. 63 of 1975), you are hereby requested to deliver or cause to be delivered to me at the address stated below, within 60 days from the date of notice, a written statement indicating the following: (i) The total amount claimed by you as compensation and how much of that amount represents each of the respective amounts contemplated in section 12 (1) (a) of the Act as well as full particulars as to how such amounts are made up. (ii) Full particulars of all improvements on the expropriated land that, in your opinion, affect the value of such land. (iii) Where applicable, you are required to give the following particulars: (a) If, prior to the date of notice, the land was kased for business or agricultural purposes by unregistered lease, the name and address of the lessee, accompanied by the lease or a certified copy thereof if it is in writing, or full particulars of the lease if it is not in writing. (b) If, prior to the date of notice the land was sold by you as owner, the name and address of the buyer accompanied by the contract of purchase and sale or a certified copy thereof.

53 (c) Indien dit grond is waarop 'n gebou opgerig is wat onderworpe is aan 'n retensiereg ten opsigte van 'n bouaannemer uit hoofde van 'n skriftelike boukontrak, die naam en adres van die bouaannemer, tesame met die boukontrak of 'n gewaarmerkte afskrif daarvan. (d) Indien dit grond is wat op die kennisgewingsdatum deur 'n deelsaaier bewerk word, die naam en adres van die deelsaaier tesame met die deelsaaierskontrak, of 'n gewaarmerkte afskrif daarvan indien die kontrak op skrif is, of volledige besonderhede van die kontrak indien dit nie op skrif is nie. (iv) U moet die adres meld waarheen u verlang dat verdere stukke in verband met die onteiening aan u gepos moet word. Gedateer in Johannesburg op hede die 9de dag van Februarie B. J. LESSING, Graephoofbestuurder. Adres: HoofbestuurdedBesturende Direkteur, Suid- Afrikaanse Vervoerdienste, Privaatsak X47, Johannesburg, (23 Maart 1990) GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 23 MARCH 1990 No (c) If a building that is subject to a builder's lien by virtue of a written building contract has been erected on the land, the name and address of the builder accompanied by the building contract or a certified copy thereof. (d) If, on the date of notice, the land is farmed by a sharecropper, the name and address of such sharecropper accompanied by the sharecropper contract, or a certified copy thereof if it is not in writing, or full particulars of the contract if it is not in writing. (iv) You are required to state the address to which you desire further documents in connection with the expropriation to be posted to you. Dated at Johannesburg this 9th day of February B. J. LESSING, I Group General Manager. Address: General ManagerManaging Director, South African Transport Services, Private Bag X47, Johannesburg, I (23 March 1990) KENNISGEWING 192 VAN 1990 DEPARTEMENT VAN MANNEKRAG WET OP ARBEIDSVERHOUDINGE, 1956 INTREKKING VAN REGISTRASIE VAN 'N WERKGEWERSORGANISASIE Ek, David William James, Nywerheidsregistrateur, maak hierby kragtens artikel 14 (1) van die Wet op Arbeidsverhoudinge, 1956, bekend dat aangesien ek rede het om te vermaed dat die South African Oil Expressers' Association nie as werkgewersorganisasie funksioneer nie, sy registrasie ingetrek sal word, tensy redes daarteen binne 'n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf die datum van publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing aangevaer word. D. W. JAMES, Nywerheidsregistrateur. (23 Maart 1990) KENNISGEWING 193 VAN 1990 DEPARTEMENT VAN MANNEKRAG WET OP ARBEIDSVERHOUDINGE, 1956 INTREKKING VAN REGISTRASIE VAN 'N WERKGEWERSORGANISASIE Ek, David William James, Nywerheidsregistrateur, maak hierby kragtens artikel 14 (1) van die Wet o Arbeidsverhoudinge, 1956, bekend dat aangesien e E rede het om te vermoed dat die South African Soap, Detergent and Candle Manufacturers' Association me as werkgewersorganisasie funksioneer nie, sy registrasie ingetrek sal word, tensy redes daarteen binne 'n tydpe!k van 30 dae vanaf die datum van publikasie van hierde kennisgewing aangevoer word. D. W. JAMES, Nywerheidsregistrateur. (23 Maart 1990) NOTICE 192 OF 1990 DEPARTMENT OF MANPOWER LABOUR RELATIONS ACT, 1956 CANCELLATION OF REGISTRATION OF AN EMPLOYERS' ORGANISATION I, David William James, Industrial Registrar, hereby notify, in terms of section 14 (1) of the Labour Relations Act, 1956, that as I have reason to believe that the South African Oil Expressers' Association is not functioning as an employers' organisation its registration will be cancelled unless cause to the contrary is shown within a period of 30 days from the date of publication of this notice. D. W. JAMES, Industrial Registrar. (23 March 1990) NOTICE 193 OF 1990 DEPARTMENT OF MANPOWER LABOUR RELATIONS ACT, 1956 CANCELLATION OF REGISTRATION OF AN EMPLOYERS' ORGANISATION I, David William James, Industrial Registrar, hereby notify, in terms of section 14 (1) of the Labour Relations Act, 1956, that as I have reason to believe that the South African Soap, Detergent and Candle Manufacturers' Association is not functioning as an employers' organisation its registration will be cancelled unless cause to the contrary is shown within a period of 30 days from the date of publication of this notice. D. W. JAMES, Industrial Registrar. (23 March 1990) I

54 54 No STAATSKOERANT, 23 MAART 1990 KENNISGEWING 194 VAN 1990 DEPARTEMENT VAN NASIONALE GESONDHEID EN BEVOLKINGSONTWXKKELING DIE SUID-AFRM;AANSE GENEESKUNDIGE EN TANDHEELKUNDIGE RAAD VERKIESING VAN LEDE VAN DIE SUID-AFRI- KAANSE GENEESKUNDIGE EN TANDHEEL- KUNDIGE RAAD Hierby word ingevolge die bepalings van die regulasies betreffende die verkiesing van lede van die Raad kennis gegee dat 'n verkiesing gehou staan te word van 10 geneeskundige en vier tandheelkundige lede van die Raad om te dien gedurende die tydperk wat op die 3lste dag van Julie 1995 verstryk. Nominasies van verkiesbare geneeshere of tandartse word ingewag. Eke geregistreerde geneesheer of tandarts (a) wat nie met skuldeisers 'n akkoord aangegaan het nie, of wie se boedel nie gesekwestreer is wat nie kragtens die Wet onbevoeg is om sy beroep te beoefen nie, (c) wat 'n Suid-Afrikaanse burger is en in die Republiek woonagtig is, (d) wat nie 'n pasient is soos omskryf in artikel 1 van die Wet op Geestesgesondheid, 1973, nie (e) wat nie aan 'n misdryf skuldig bevind is ten opsigte waarvan hy gevonnis is tot gevangenisstraf sonder die keuse van 'n boete nie, is nornineerbaar. Elke kandidaat moet op 'n afsonderlike nominasievorm genomineer word maar elkeen wat by die verkiesing stemgeregtig is, kan die nominasievonns van enige aantal kandidate teken, dag nie meer as die getal wat verkies moet word nie. Elke nominasievorm moet die voorname en die van van die genomineerde kandidaat aangee en moet geteken wees deur twee geregistreerde geneeshere of tandartse. Die genomineerde persoon moet ook die vorm onderteken ter bekragtiging van sy instemming tot sy nominasie. Die geregistreerde adres van elkeen wat aldus teken, moet by sy handtekening gevoeg wees. As die genomineerde persoon nie in staat is om die nominasievorm te teken nie, kan hy die kiesbeampte per brief of telegram meedeel dat hy tot sy nominasie instem. Elke nominasievorm moet die ondergetekende (van wie nominasievorms op aanvraag verkry kan word) voor of op 12:OO op 26 April 1990 onderstaande adres bereik. 'n Deposito van R30 moet die nominasie verged. Elke nominasievorm ten opsigte waarvan een van hierdie bepalings nie nagekom is nie of wat nie teen voormelde datum by onderstaande adres ontvang is nie, is ongeldig. N. M. PRINSLOO, Kiesbeampte. Adres: Posbus 205 PRETORIA OOO1 of SAGTR-gebou Vermeulenstraat 553 ARCADIA Pretoria (23 Maart 1990) NOTICE 194 OF DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL HEALTH AND POPULATION DEVELOPMENT THE SOUTH AFRICAN MEDICAL AND DENTAL COUNCIL ELECTION OF MEMBERS OF THE SOUTH AFRI- CAN MEDICAL AND DENTAL COLJNClL. Notice is hereby given in terms of the provisions of the regulations relating to the election of members of the Council that an election of 10 medical and four dental members of the Council to serve during the period ending the 31st day of July 1995 is about to be held. Nominations of eligible medical practitioners or dendsts are awaited. Every registered medical practitioner >r dentist (a) who has not entered into a composition with the creditors of his estate, or whose estate has not been sequestrated, (b) who is not disqualified under the Act from practising his profession, (c) who is a South African citizen and is resident in the Republic, (d) who s not a patient as defined in section 1 of the Mehtal Health Act, 1973, (e) who has not been convicted of an ~ffence in respect whereof he was sentenced to imprisonment without the option of a fine, is eligible for wmination. Each candidate must be nominated on a separate nomination form, but any person entitled to vote in the dection may sign the nomination forms of any number of candidates not exceeding the number to be elected. Each nomination form must state the first names And the surname of the candidate nominated and must be signed by two registered medical practitioners or dentists. The person nominated must also sign the form, mnfirming that he consents to his nomination. The registered address of each one so signing must be appended to his signature. If the person nominated is unable to sign the nomination form he may inform the returning officer by letter or telegram that he consents to his nomination. Every nomination form must reach the undersigned (from whom nomination forms may be obtained on application) at the address given below not later than 12:OO on 26 April A deposit of R30 must accompany the nomination. Every nomination form in respect of which any of these provisions has not been complied with, or which is not received by the aforesaid date at the address given below, will be invalid. N. M. PRINSLOO, Retuning Officer. Address: P.O. Box 205 PRETORIA OOO1 or SAMDC Building 553 Vermeulen Street ARCADIA Pretoria (23 March 1990)

55 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 23 MARCH 1990 No KENNSGEWING 195 VAN 1990 SUID-AFRMAANSE RESERWEBANK Staat van Bates en Laste op die 28ste dag van Februarie 1990 Lacte R Aandelekapitaal ,00 Reserwefonds ,40... Note in omloop ,00 Deposito's: Regering ,s... Rovinsiale administrasies ,82 Banke en bouverenigings Ander Ander laste fyn om op RZS ,OO Bf3tes R Goud ,85 Bu~telandse bates ,61... Totaal aan goud en buitelandse bates ,46 Binnelandse bates: Gediskonteerde wissels ,00... Lenings en voorskotte: Regering... - Ander ,36 Sekuriteite: Regering ,31 Ander ,30 Ander bates R#l ,OO Die goudreserwes soos o 28 Februarie 1990 is teen R949,17 per fyn ons gewaardeer, vergeleke met die waardasieprys van R%2,04 per 31 Januarie Pretoria, 7 Maart C. J. SWANEPOEL, Hoofbesncurder. NOTICE 195 OF 1990 SOUTH AFRICAN RESERVE BANK Statement of Assets and Liabilities on the 28th day of February 1990 WabWtles Share Ca ital ,00 ~eserve 8und ,40 Notes in circulation ,00 Deposits: Government ,88 Rovincial administrations ,82 Banks and building societies ,08 Other ,35 Other liabilities R RZS ,OO Aswts R Gold ,85 Foreign assets ,61 Total gold and foreign assets ,46 Domestic assets: Discounted bills ,00 L~~~~ and advances: Government... - Other ,36 Securities: Government ,31 Other ,30 Other assets RZS ,OO The gold reserves as at 28 February 1990 were valued at R949,17 per fine ounce, compared with the valuation price of R%2,04 per fine ounce as at 31 January Retoria, 7 March C. J. SWANEPOEL, General Manager. (23 Maart 1990)/(23 March 1990) KENNSGEWING 200 VAN 1990 ADMINISTRASIE: VOLKSRAAD DEPARTEMENT VAN LANDBOU- ONTWIKKELING KENNISGEWING VAN VERGADERING VAN SKULDEISERS KRAGTENS ARTIKEL 22 (1) VAN DIE WET OP LANDBOUKREDIET, 1966 Hierby word 'n vergadering van ondergenoemde ap plikant en sy skuldeisers op die plek en datum hieronder genoem, belc, met die doe1 om skuldeisers in staat te stel om hul vorderings teen die applikant te be s en 'n skikkingsvoorstel van die Landboukredietraa 7 te oorweeg. J. H. RADEMEYER, Direkteur: Direktoraat Finansiele B stand, Departement van Landbou-ontwi l keling. NOTICE 200 OF 1990 ADMINISTRATION: HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT NOTICE OF MEETING OF CREDITORS IN TERMS OF SECTION 22 (1) OF THE AGRICUL TURAL CREDIT ACT, 1966 Meeting of the undermentioned applicant and his creditors is hereby convened at the place and date mentioned hereunder for the purpose of enabling creditors to prove their claims against the applicants and of considering a proposal for compromise by the Agricultural Credit Board. J. H. RADEMEYER, Director: Directorate Financial Assistance,, Department of Agricultural Development.

56 56 No STAATSKOERANT, 23 MAART 1990 Aansoek van Application by Lionel Estment Schulze, van die plaaslof the farm Haakdoorndraai, PosbudP.0. Box 192, Ohrigstad, 1122 I Plek van byeenkoms Place of meeting Kantoor van die LanddroslMagistrate's Office, Lydenburg Datum en tyd Date and time 18 JunidJune 1990 omlat 09:00. (23 Maart 1990)1(23 March 1990) KENNISGEWING 201 VAN 1990 I NOTICE 201 OF 1990 ADMINISTRASIE: VOLKSRAAD I ADMINISTRATION: HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY DEPARTEMENT VAN LANDBOU- ONTWIKKELING KENNISGEWING VAN VERGADERING VAN SKULDEISERS KRAGTENS ARTIKEL 22 (1) VAN DIE WET OP LANDBOUKREDIET, 1966 Hierby word 'n vergadering van ondergenoemde applikant en sy skuldeisers op die plek en datum hieronder genoem, belc, met die doe1 om skuldeisers in staat te stel om hul vorderings teen die applikant te bewys en 'n skikkingsvoorstel van die Landboukredietraad te oorweeg. / J. H. RADEMEYER, Direkteur: Direktoraat Finansiele B stand, Departement van Landbou-ontwi keling. Aansoek van Application by Leslie Estment Schulze, van die plaadof the farm Roodepoort, PosbuslP.0. Box 106, Ohrigstad, 1122 (23 Maart 1990)1(23 March 1990) Z J. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT NOTICE OF MEETING OF CREDITORS IN TERMS OF SECTION 22 (1) OF THE AGRICUL- TURAL CREDIT ACT, 1966 Meetin6 of the undermentioned applicant and his creditors is hereby convened at the place and date mentioned hereunder for the purpose of enabling creditors to prove their claims against the applicant and of considering a proposal for compromise by the Agricultural Credit Board. H. RADEMEYER, Director: Directorate Financial Assistance, Department of Agricultural Development. Plek van byeenkoms Place of meeting LanddroskantoorlMagistrate's Office, Lydenburg Datum en tyd Date and time 4 JunieIJune 1990 omlat 09:OO. KENNISGEWING 202 VAN 1990 I NOTICE 202 OF 1990 ADMINISTRASIE: VOLKSRAAD I ADMINISTRATION: HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY DEPARTEME~~ VAN LANDBOU- ONTWIKKELING KENNISGEWING VAN VERGADERING VAN SKULDEISERS KRAGTENS ARTIKEL 22 (1) VAN DIE WET OP LANDBOUKREDIET, 1966 Hierby word 'n vergadering van ondergenoemde applikant en sy skuldeisers op die plek en datum hieronder genoem, belc, met die doe1 om skuldeisers in staat te stel om hul vorderings teen die applikant te bew s en 'n skikkingsvoorstel van die Landboukredietraa dy te oorweeg. (23 Maart 1990)1(23 March 1990) DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT NOTICE OF MEETING OF CREDITORS IN TERMS OF SECTION 22 (1) OF THE AGRICUL- TURAL CREDIT ACT, 1966 Meeting of the undermentioned applicant and his creditors is hereby convened at the place and date mentioned hereunder for the purpose of enabling creditors to prove their claims against the applicant and of considering a proposal for a compromise by the Agricultural Credit Board. J. H. RADEMEYER, J. H. RADEMEYER, Direkteur: Direktoraat Finansiele Bystand, Director: Directorate Financial Assistance, Departement van Landbou-ontwikkeling. I Department of Agricultural Development. Aansoek van Plek van byeenkoms Datum en tyd Application by Place of meeting Date and time Joseph Michael le Grange, van die plaadof the farm Klipfonteinhoek, PosbudP.0. Box 134, Ohrigstad, 1122 Kantoor van die LanddroslMagistrate's Office, Lydenburg 21 MeiIMay 1990 odat 09:00.

57 KENNISGEWZNG 203 VAN 1990 DEPARTEMENT VAN MANNEKRAG WET OP ARBEIDSVERHOUDINGE, 1956 AANSOEK OM REGISTRASIE VAN 'N VAKVERENIGING Ek, David William James, Nywerheidsregistrateur, maak ingevolge artikel4 (2) van die Wet op Arbeidsverhoudmge, 1956, hierby bekend dat 'n aansoek om registrasie as 'n vakvereniging ontvang is van die Textile Workers' Independent Union (S.A.). Besonderhede van die aansoek word in onderstaande tabel verstrek. Enige geregistreerde vakvereniging wat teen die aansoek beswaar maak, word versoek om binne een maand na die datum van publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing sy beswaar skriftehk by my in te dien, pla die De artement van Mannekrag, Mannekraggebou 123A, &hoemanstraat 215, Pretoria (posadres: Privaatsak X117, Pretoria, 0001). TABEL Naam van vakvereniging: Textile Workers' Independant Union (S.A.). Datum waarop ~nsoek ingedien is: 16 Februarie Belange en gebied ten opsigte waarvan aansoek gedoen word: Alle rsone in diens in die Soutbedryf in die landdrosdistri r Port Elizabeth. "Soutbedryf" beteken die bedryf waarin werkgewers en hul werknemers met mekaar geassosieer is met die doe1 om sout te soek, te win, te ekstraheer, te prosesseer of te affineer, en dit omvat die werksaamhede wat bykomstig is by of gepaard gaan met die soutbedryf. Posadres van applikant: Posbus 3799, Noordeinde, Port Elizabeth, Kantooradres van applikant: Kamer 12, Printhouse, Kempstonweg 365, Korsten, Port Elizabeth. Die aandag word gevestig op onderstaande vereistes van artikel4 van die Wet: (a) Die mate waarin 'n beswaarmakende vakvereniging verteenwoordigend is, word ingevolge subarhkel (4) bepaal volgens die feite 500s hulle bestaan het op die datum waaro die aansoek ingedien is, en wat die lidmaatskap g etref, word alleen lede wat ingevolge artikel 1 (2) van die Wet op voormelde datum volwaardige lede was, in aanmerking geneem. (b) Die rosedure voorgeskryf by subartikel(2) moet gevo P g word in verband met 'n beswaar wat ingedien word. D. W. JAMES, Nywerheidsregistrateur. (23 Maart 1990) GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 23 MARCH 1990 No NOTICE 203 OF 1990 DEPARTMENT OF MANPOWER LABOUR RELATIONS ACT, 1956 APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF A TRADE UNION I, David William James, Industrial Re 'strar, do 1 hereby, in terms of section 4 (2) of the La L ur Rela- 1 tions Act, 1956, give notice that an application for I registration as a trade union has been received from the rextile Workers' Independant Union (S.A.). Particu- I lars of the application are reflected in the subjoined 1 table. Any regstered trade union which objects to the ap I plication is invited to lodge its objection in writing with I me, c/o the Department of Manpower, 123A Man- 1 power Building, 215 Schoeman Street, Pretoria (postal address: Private Ba X117, Pretoria, 0001), within one 1 month of the date o k publication of this notice. TABLE Name of trade union: Textile Workers' Independant Union (S.A.). Date on which application was lodged: 16 February Znterest and area in respect of which application is made: All ersons employed in the Salt Industry in the Magisteri at' District of Port Elizabeth. "Salt Industry" means the industry in which employers and their employees are associated for the purpose of searching for or winning, extracting, processing or refining salt and includes those operations which are ancillary or incidental to the salt industry. Postal address o a plicant: P.O. Box 3799, North End, Port Ebbed, &56. 0 ce address of applicant: Room 12, Printhouse, 365 i? empston Road, Korsten, Port Elizabeth. Attention is drawn to the following requirements of section 4 of the Act: (a) The representativeness of any trade union which objects to the application shall in terms of subsection (4) be determined on the facts as they existed at the date on which the application was lodged and, as far as membership IS concerned, only members who were in good standing in terms of section 1 (2) of the Act as at the aforesaid date shall be taken into consideration. (b) The rocedure laid down in subsection (2) lr must be fo owed in connection with any objection lodged. D. W. JAMES, Industrial Registrar. (23 March 1990) KENNISGEWING 204 VAN 1990 SUID-AF'RMAANSE VERVOERDIENSTE KENNISGEMNG VAN ONTEIENING No. C. 8/90 Verwysing: S.I./LZG.4/1/17 Aao: Die TRlstees van "The Amell Trust" en am wie dit mag aangaan 1. Neem asseblief kennis dat die volgende onroerende goed kragtens die Suid-Afrikaanse Vervoerdienstewet, 1981 (Wet No. 65 van 1981), saam- NOTICE 204 OF 1990 SOUTH AERICAN TRANSPORT SERVICES NOTICE OF EXPROPRIATION No. C. 8/90 Reference: S.I./LZG.411/17 To: The Trustees of "The Amell Trust" and to whom it may concern 1. Please note that the followin immovable pro r*y is hereby expropriated on beha of the Repub c of South Africa for the South African Transport Services

58 58 No STAATSKOERANT, 23 MAART 1990 gelees met artikels 4 en 7 tot 24 van die Onteieningswet, 1975 (Wet No. 63 van 1975), hierby ten behoewe van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Vervoerdienste onteien word: Sekere grond, groot 4 vierkante meter, synde 'n gedeelte van die Restant van Erf 70100, Kaapstad by Plumstead, gelee in die munisipaliteit Kaapstad, administratiewe distrik Kaap, provinsie die Kaap die Goeie Hoop, soos breedvoeriger aangedui op Plan SS.680ED. Aangesien die grond dringend benodig word vir die doe1 waarvoor dit onteien word, sal besit daarvan kragtens artikel8 (3) van die Onteieningswet, 1975 (Wet No. 63 van 1975), geneem word op die kennisgewingsdatum soos bepaal in paragrad 2 hiervan. Die plan le ter insae in die kantoor van die Hoofbestuurder, Suid-Afrikaanse Vervoerdienste, Johannesburg, en in die van die Streekbestuurder, Werke en Landgoed, Kaapstad. 2. Die onteiening word van krag op die kennisgewingsdatum (d.w.s. die dag waarop hierdie onteieningskennisgewing in die Staatskoerant gepubliseer word) en die eiendomsreg op die onteiende goed gaan oor op die Suid-Afrikaanse Vervoerdienste op die datum waarop die onteiening aldus van krag word. 3. Ingevolge die bepalings van die Onteieningswet, 1975 (Wet No. 63 van 1975) word u hierby versoek om binne 60 dae vanaf die kennisgewingsdatum aan my by die adres hieronder 'n skriftelike verklaring te lewer of te laat lewer waarin die volgende aangedui word: (i) Die toke bedrag wat u as vergoeding eis en hoeveel van daardie bedrag elk van die onderskeie bedrae beoog in artikel 12 (1) (a) van die Wet verteenwoordig, asook volledige besonderhede van hoe daardie bedrae saarngestel is. (ii) Volledige besonderhede van alle verbeterings op die onteiende grond wat na u oordeel die waarde van die grond raak. (iii) Indien dit van toepassing is, moet u die volgende besonderhede verstrek: (a) Indien die grond voor die kennisgewingsdaturn vir sake- of landboudoeleindes verhuur is by wyse van 'n ongeregistreerde huurkontrak, die naam en adres van die huurder, vergesel van die huurkontrak, of 'n gewaarmerkte afskrif daarvan indien die kontrak op skrif is, of volledige besonderhede van die kontrak indien dit nie op skrif is nie. (b) Indien die grond voor die kennisgewingsdatum deur u as eienaar verkoop is, die naam en adres van die koper, tesame met die koopkontrak of 'n gewaarmerke afskrif daarvan. (c) Indien dit grond is waarop 'n gebou opgerig is wat onderworpe is aan 'n retensiereg ten unste van 'n bouer uit hoofde van 'n skriftelike Eo ukontrak, die naam en adres van die bouaannemer, tesame met die boukontrak of 'n gewaarmerkte afskrif daarvan. (d) Indien dit grond is wat o die kennisgewingsdatum deur 'n deelsaaier ewerk is, die naam en adres van die deelsaaier vergesel van die deelsaaierskontrak of 'n gewaarmerkte afskrif daarvan indien die kontrak op skrif is, of volledige besonderhede van die kontrak indien dit nie op skrif is nie. in terms of the South African Transport Services Act, 1981 (Act No. 65 of 1981), read in conjunction with sections 4 and 7 to 24 of the Expropriation Act, 1975 (Act No. 63 of 1975): Certain land, in extent 4 square metres, being a portion of the Remainder of Erf 70100, Cape Town at Plumstead, situate in the Municipality of Cape Town, Administrative District of Cape, Province of the Cape of Good Hope, as more fully shown on Plan SS.680EI2. As the land is urgently required for the purpose for which it is being expropriated, possession thereof will, in terms of section 8 (3) of the Expropriation Act, 1975 (Act No. 63 of 1975), be taken on the date of notice as defined in paragraph 2 hereof. The plan is available for inspection in the office of the General Manager, South African Transport Services, Johannesburg, and in that of the Regional Manager, Works and Estates, Cape Town. 2. The expropriation takes effect on the date of notice (i.e. the day on which this notice of expropriation is published in the Government Gazette) and ownership in the expropriated property vests in the South African Transport Services on the date of the expropriation so takes effect. 3. In accordance with the provisions of the Expropriation Act, 1975 (Act No. 63 of 1975) you are hereby requested to deliver or cause to be delivered to me at the address stated below, within 60 days from the date of notice, a written statement indicating the following: (i) The total amount claimed by you as compensation and how much of that amount represents each of the respective amounts wmtemplated in section 12 (1) (a) of the Act as well as full particulars as to how such amounts are made up. (ii) Full particulars of all improvements on the expropriated land that in your opinion, affect the value of such land. (iii) Where applicable, you are required to give the following particulars: (a) If, prior to the date of notice, the land was leased for business of agricultural purposes by unregistered lease, the name and address of the lessee, accompanied by the lease, or a certified copy thereof if it is in writing, or full particulars of the lease if it is not in writing. (b) If, prior to the date of notice, the land was sold by you as owner, the name and address of the buyer accompanied by the contract of purchase and sale or a certified copy thereof. (c) If a building that is subject to a builder's lien by virtue of a written building contract has been erected on the land, the name and address of the builder accompanied by the building contract or a certified copy thereof. (d) If, on the date of notice, the land is farmed by a sharecropper, the name and address of such sharecropper accompanied by the sharecropper contract, or a certified copy thereof if it is in writing, or full particulars of the contract if it is not in writing.

59 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 23 MARCH 1990 No (iv) U moet die adres meld waarheen u verlang dat verdere stukke in verband met die onteiening aan u gepos moet word. B. J. LESSING, Groephoofbestuurder. Johannesburg, Adres: Hoofbestuurder/Besturende Direkteur, Suid- Afrikaanse Vervoerdienste, Privaatsak X47, Johannesburg, (23 Maart 1990) (iv) You are required to state the address to which you desire further documents in connection with the expropriation to be posted to you. B. J. LESSING, Group General Manager. Johannesburg, Address: General ManagerIManaging Director, South African Transport Services, Private Bag X47: Johannesburg, (23 March 1990) KENNISGEWING 205 VAN 1990 RAAD VAN HANDEL EN NYWERHEID. - LYS V90 Die volgende aansoeke om korting van die reg kragtens item , wat deur die Raad van Handel en Nywerheid gedurende die tydperk 1 Januarie 1990 tot 31 Januarie 1990 oorweeg is, is gesteun: 1. Weefstowwe en skaatsplankveiligheidskomponente (gespes) vir uitvoer. 2. Weefstowwe vir die vervaardiging van klerasie vir uitvoer. 3. Plastiekonderdele vir die vervaardiging van kunsblomme vir uitvoer. 4. Gammabestraalde sakkies vir uitvoer. 5. Komponente en materiale vir die vervaardiging van stoomaangedrewe ketels vir uitvoer. 6. Materiale gebruik vir die vervaardiging van klerasie vir uitvoer. 7. Staalskenkels vir die vervaardiging van vishoeke vir uitvoer. 8. Mediumdigte veselbord- en poliestervernis vir die vervaardiging van kombuiskasdeure en voorkante vir uitvoer. 9. Elektriese motore, skakelaars en handvatsels van naatlose pyp vir die vervaardiging van elektriese kantsnyers vir uitvoer. 10. Chroomertskonsentrate gebruik in die vervaardiging van laekoolstofferrochroom vir uitvoer. 11. Onderdele vir die vervaardiging van houtwerkmasjiengereedskap vir uitvoer. 12. Komponente vir die vervaardiging van kantsnyers vir uitvoer. 13. Komponente vir die vervaardiging van juweliersware vir uitvoer. 14. Weefstowwe vir die vervaardiging van klerasie vir uitvoer. 15. Natriumhidroksied vir die vervaardiging van houtoplossende pulp vir uitvoer. 16. Geweefde polipropileenmateriaal vir die vervaardiging van sake vir uitvoer. 17. Materiale en komponente vir die vervaardiging van klerasie vir uitvoer. 18. Materiaal en komponente vir die vervaardiging van sarnbrele vir uitvoer. 19. Spieelverf en chemikaliese grondstowwe vir die vervaardiging van spieels vir uitvoer. 20. Palmstearien, palmvetsuur en palmolie vir die vervaardiging van talk vir uitvoer. NOTICE 205 OF 1990 BOARD OF TRADE AND INDUSTRY. - LIST v90 The following applications for rebate of the duty in terms of item , considered by the Board of Trade and Industry during the period 1 January 1990 to 31 January 1990, have been supported: 1. Woven fabricks and skateboard safety components (buckles) for export. 2. Woven fabrics for the manufacture of clothing for export. 3. Plastic components for the manufacture of artificial flowers for export. 4. Gamma irradiated bags for export. 5. Components and materials for the manufacture of steam-powered boilers for export. 6. Materials used for the manufacture of clothing for export. 7. Wire shanks for the manufacture of fishhooks for exports. 8. Medium density fibreboard and polyester lacquer for the manufacture of kitchen cupboard doors and fronts for export. 9. Electric motors, switches and handles of seamless tubing for the manufacture of electric edge cutters for export. 10. Chrome ore concentrates used in the manufacture of lowqirbon ferro-chrome for export. 11. Parts for the manufacture of woodworking machinery for export. 12. Components for the manufacture of edge cutters for export. 13. Components for the manufacture of jewellery for export. 14. Woven fabrics for the manufacture of clothing for export. 15. Sodium hydroxide for the manufacture of wood disolving pulp for export. 16. Woven polypropylene cloth for the manufacture of bags for export. 17. Materials and components for the manufacture of clothing for export. 18. Fabrics and components for the manufacture of umbrellas for export. 19. Mirror paint and chemicals for the manufacture of mirrors for export. 20. Palm stearin, palm fatty acid and palm oil for the manufacture of tallow for export.

60 60 No STAATSKOERANT, 23 MAART Rekenaarsagtewareprogamme vir die vervaardiging van sagteware vir ultvoer. 22. Weefstowwe gebruik in die vervaardiging van klerasie vir uitvoer. 23. Geweefde etikette gebruik in die vervaardiging van hemde vir uitvoer. Lys 12/89 is by Algemene Kemisgewing 188 van 16 Maart 1990 gepubliseer. (23 Maart 1990) 21. Computer software programmes for the manufacture of software for export. 22. Woven fabrics used in the manufacture of clothing for export. 23. Woven labels used in the manufacture of shirts for export. List 12/89 was published under General Notice 188 of 16 March (23 March 1990) KENNISGEWING 206 VAN 1990 DOEANE- EN AKSYNSTARIEFAANSOEKE. - LYS 11/90 Onderstaande aansoeke betreffende die Doeane- en Aksynstarief is deur die Raad van Handel en Nywerheid ontvang. Enige beswaar teen oor komrnentaar op hierdie verte moet bime ses weke na die datum van hierdie kennisgewing aan die Raad van Handel en Nywerheid, Privaatsak X753, Pretoria, 0001, gerig word. Verlaging van die mg op: Melamien, versterk, gelamelleer, gesteun of o dergelike wyse met pa ier gevoeg, indeelbaar by tarief subpos , van 40 persent ad valorem tot vry van reg. [RHN-verw. T5/2nn/l(900084)] Applikant: Sappi Novobord (Pty) Ltd, Posbus 14058, Wadeville, Algemeen: Skrapping van tariefsub te en deur die voorsienings by tarie P" subposte te vervang deur die volgende: Ru-hout, hetsy die bas of spinthout verwyder is a1 dan nie, of ru-gevierkant Ander, van die volgende tropiese houtsoorte: Donkerrooi Meranti, Ligrmi Meranti en Meranti Bakau Wit Lauan, Wit Meranti, Wit Seraja, Geel Meranti en Alan Keruing, Ramin, Kapur, Teak, Jong- Long, Merbau, Jelutong en Kempas Okoumt, Obech, Sapelli, Sip, Acajou d'afrique, Work en Iroko Tiama, Mansonia, Uomba, DiWtou, Limba en h b d Skaal van Reg Algemeen VV Vry VV vr~ Vry Ander Vry Van eik (Quercus spp.) vr~ Van beuk (Fagus spp.) vly Ander VV [RHN-verw. T5/2/9/2 (900066)l Applikaot: Die Kommissaris van Doeane en Aksyns, Privaatsak X47, Pretoria, Lys is by Algemene Kennisgewing 189 van 1t Maart 1990 gepubliseer NOTICE 206 OF 1990 CUSTOMS AND EXCISE TARIFF APPLICA- TIONS. -LIST 11/90 The following applications concerning the Customs and Excise Tanff have been received by the Board of kade and Industry. Any objections to or comments on these representations must be submitted to the Board of Trade and Industry, Private Ba X753, Pretoria, 3001, within six weeks of the date oft is notice. Reduction in tbe duty on: Melamine reinforced, laminated, supported or similarly combined with paper, classifiable under tariff subheading , from 20 per cent ad valorem to free of duty. [BTI Ref. T5/2f7/2/1(900084)] Applicant: Sappi Novobord (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 14058, Wadeville, General: Deletion of tariff subheading and by the substitution for the provisions under tariff headings of the following: Tariff Heading Wood in the rough, whether or not stripped of bark or sapwood, or roughly squared Other, of the following tropical woods: Dark Red Meranti, Light Red Meranti and Meranti Bakau White Lauan, White Meranti, White Seraja, Yellow Meranti and Alan Keruing, Ramin, Kapur, Teak, Jongkong, Merbau, Jelutong and Kempas Okoumd, Obech, Sapelli, Sip, Acajou d'afrique, Makord and Iroko Tiama, Mansonia, Uomba, Dibdtou, Limba and AzoW Other Of oak (Quercus spp.) Of beech (Fagus spp.) Other t Rate of Dury General Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free [BTI Ref. T512/9/2 (900066)l Applicant: Commissioner for Customs and Excise, Private Bag X47, Pretoria, List was published under General Notice 189 of 16 March 1990.

61 KENNISGEWING 207 VAN 1990 ADMINISTRASE: RAAD VAN VERTEENWOORDIGERS DEPARTEMENT VAN PLAASLIKE BESTUUR, BEHUISING EN LANDBOU OPHEFFING VAN BEPERKENDE VOOR- WAARDES.-SEKERE GEDEELTE 82 ('N GE- DEELTE VAN GEDEELTE 52) VAN DIE PLAAS ELANDSFONTEIN 440 JQ, TRANSVAAL; GERE- GISTREERDE EIENAAR: ONTWIKKELINGS- RAAD Ten einde die dorp Damonsville-uitbreiding 1 te stig, is die Ontwikkelingsraad, 'n statutere liggaam ingestel kragtens artikel3 van die Ontwikkelingswet (Raad van Verteenwoordigers), 1987 (Wet No. 3 van 1987), van voorneme om na die verstryking van een maand (30 dae) na die datum hiervan, die Minister van Behuising te nader vir goedkeuring ingevolge artikel 23 (3) van die bogenoemde Wet, dat sekere beperkende voorwaardes soos vervat in Akte van Transport T en hierna vermeld, opgehef kan word. Enige beswaar moet o skrif gestel en gerig word aan die onderstaande posa B res. Die titelakte is ter insae by - Die Streekdirekteur Departement van Plaaslike Bestuur, Behuising en Landbou Breestraat 287 Kamer 1103C JOHANNESBURG. Telefoon: (011) , uitbreiding 428 Datum: Plek: Johannesburg Mev. A. E. van der Walt, namens die Ontwikkelingsraad Privaatsak X27 JOHANNESBURG m. NOTICE 207 OF 1990 ADMINISTRATION: HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES DEPARTMENT OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT, HOUSING AND AGRICULTURE REMOVAL OF RESTRICTIVE CONDITIONS. - CERTAIN PORTION 82 (A PORTION OF POR- TION 52) OF THE FARM ELANDSFONTEIN 440 JQ, TRANSVAAL; REGISTERED OWNER: DEVELOPMENT BOARD In order to establish the Township of Damonsville Extension 1, the Development Board, a statutory body duly constituted in terms of section 3 of the Development Act (House of Representatives), 1987 (Act No. 3 of 1987), after the lapse of one month (30 days) from the date hereof, intends approachin the Minister of Housing in terms of section 23 ( ) of the aforementioned Act, for approval that the restrictive conditions of title as contained in Deed of Transfer T as set out below, be removed. Any objection must be submitted in writing to the mentioned postal address. The title deed is available for inspection at the office of- The Regional Director Department of Local Government, Housing and Agriculture 287 Bree Street Room 1103C JOHANNESBURG. Telephone: (011) , extension 428 Date: Place: Johannesburg Mrs A. E. van der Walt, p.p. Development Board Private Bag X27 JOHANNESBURG BEPERKENDE VOORWAARDES/RESTRICTIVE CONDITIONS 1. Die vorige resterende gedeelte van gedeelte 1 van gedeelte "B" van gesegde plaas ELANDSFONTEIN 74, groot as sulks 517,0681 hektaar (waarvan die eiendom hiermee getransporteer 'n deel uitmaak) tesaam met gedeeltes 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 en die resterende gedeelte van voormelde gedateer "B", groot as sodanig 439,2810 hektaar soos getransporteer kragtens Verdelings Transporte Nos /1925, , 13085/1925, l3o86/l9z,l3087/1925 en 1308W1925, alle gedateer 29ste Desember 1925 is respektiewelik onderworpe aan en geregtig tot die hiernagemelde Serwitute en kondisies: a) "De tans bestaande Dam gelegen in de Elandsfontein spruit of gedeelte 6 voorgezegd zal een gezamentlike dam zyn van a1 de voorzegde gedeelten en het water door die dam opgevangen en vergaderd zal door a1 de gedeelten gebruikt worden op te tyden, manier en in de hiema bepaalde verhouding. De eigenaren zullen gezegde dam schoon houden onderhouden, repararen en, indien vereist, vergrootten op gemeenschappelike kosten en zullen daartoe arbeid, werklieden en dieren moeten geven en geldelike bydragen moeten doen naar evenredigheid tot de grootte van ieder van hunne voorgezegde gedeelten. De eigenaar van gedeelte 6 zal niets mogen doen het geen beletten mag dat het water vry naar gezegde dam langs de gezegde spruit afloopt. Zodra de eigenaren mogen overgaan tot de vergrootting van gezegde dam op gedeelte 6 zullen de eigenaren van a1 de voonegde gedeelten gezamentlik de eigenaar van gedeelte 6 vergoeden voor de vermeerdere oppemlakte ingenomen door het water en dam veroorzaakt door zulke vergrootting van de dam, en zulke vergoeding zal gerekend worden tegen de dan markt waarde van zulke oppemlakte. Indien de voorzegde eigenaren niet kunnen overeenkomen wat de werkelike markt waarde is zal zulks beslist worden by Arbitrage volgens de dan bestaande wetten daarop.

62 62 No STAATSKOERANT. 23 MAART Voor het bouwen en bestraten van de gezegde dam door de eigenaren klippen genoemen worden van enige der voorsegde gedeelten waar klippen te verkrygen zyn zonder enige vergoeding daarvoor te betalen. b) Het water zal genomen worden uit de gezegde dam door middel van de bestaande watervoor vanaf de gezegde dam over a1 de voorzegde gedeelten, die respektievelik en wedekeriglik gerechtigd en onderworpen zullen zyn aan gezegde watervoor. De bepalingen in de vorige paragraag vervat omtrent het schoonhouden, onderhouden, repareren en vergrootten van de dam hebben ook betrekking tot en zyn van toepassing op de watervoor, doch zal er geen vergoeding betaald worden aan de eigenaren wederkeriglik voor de ingenomen oppervlakte grond veroorzaakt door enige vergrootting van de watervoor. c) Het water uit de gezegde dam zal door middel van gezegde watervoor door de eigenaren van de voorzegde gedeelten gebruikt worden als volgt: i) Gedurende de winter maanden, welke gereken zullen worden te beginnen de lste April van elk jaar en eindeigende die 3lste Oktober van elk jaar, zullen de eigenaren van gedeelten 2,3, 4, 5 en 6 en het resterend gedeelte, elk het water gebruiken voor vier achtereenvolgende dagen en nachten, en acht uren, en gedeelte 4, twee achtereenvolgende dagen en nachten en zestien uren: gedurende de zomer maanden die gerekend zullen worden te beginnen de lste November en eidigende de 3lste Maart van elk jaar, zullen de eigenaren van gedeelten 2,3,4, 5 en 6 en het resterend gedeelte voorzegd, respektievelik het water gebruiken voor twee alchtereenvolgende dagen en nachten, resterend gedeelte van gedeelte 1, voor vier achtereenvolgende dagen en nachten en zestien uren, en gedeelte 4 voor een nag en nacht en acht uren. ii) De eigenaren zullen op de eerste dag van April van elk jaar aanvangen om de gezamentlike watervoor schoon te maken en zullen daarvoor hulp verlenen in evenredigheid tot de grootte van hum eigendom als voorzegd. iii) De watervoor zal beurtelings gebruikt worden door de eigenaren zoals voorzegd, gerekend vanaf de eerste dag van April te beginnen vanaf het bovenste gedeelte, naamlik, gedeelte 6. iv) Elk eigenaar zal zorgen dat de watervoor lopende door zyn gedeelte niet door vee of dieren of anderzins beschadigd wordt en hy zal enige schade door zyn vee of dieren aan het gedeelte van de watervoor door zyn gedeelte lopende op eigen koste moeten repareren en in orde brengen. d) Gedeelte 5 is onderworpen ten gunste van die eigenaren van a1 de voorzegde gedeelten tot een recht van zuiping voor hun vee en dieren op een aangewezen plaats kort onderkant de voorzegde dam gemerkt "Zuiping" op de "Sketskaart" gehecht aan voormeld Verdelings Transport No e) Die gezegde resterende gedeelte van gedeelte 1 van gedeelte "B" van gesegde plaas ELANDSFON- TEIN 74, (waarvan die eiendom hiermee getransporteer 'n deel uitmaak) en gedeelten 2,3,4 en het resterend gedeelte voorzegd, zyn gerechtigd om hun vee en dieren naar voorzegde "Zuiping" te nemen met de zuipingsweg 10,39 meter lopende langs en ten zuide van de voorzegde spruit over gedeelten 2,3,4,5 en het resterend zoals aangetoond op de voorzegde "Sketskaart" en de voorzegde gedeelten 2, 3, 4, 5 en het regedeelte waarover gezegde "Zuipingsweg" loopt zyn respektievelik en wederkeriglik onderworpen aan het servituut van gezegde weg ten gunste van voormeld resterend gedeelte van gedeelte 1 hierby getransporteerd, en gedeelten 2, 3, 4 en het resterend gedeelte voorzegd. f) A1 de voorzegde gedeelten zyn verder respektievelik onderworpen aan en gerechtigd tot het gebruik van de thans bestaande publieke en private wegen lopende naar het Western naar de Brits-Pretoria Hoofd weg, naar het Noord Oosten naar het Boschveld, en naar het Zuid Oosten naar de Wildt Statie en Pretoria zoals aangetoond op voorzegde "Sketskaart". g) De "Dipbak" gelegen op het resterend gedeelte is het gezamentlik eigendom van de eigenaren van voorzegde gedeelten en is het resterend gedeelte onder worpen aan een servituut van die "Dipbak" ten gunste van a1 de andere voorzegde gedeelten met het recht hun vee en dieren naar die "Dipbak" te bregen langs de gezegde "Zuipings-weg". 3. De Regering of haar opvolgers als eigenaar van gedeelte "A" van gezegde plaats, groot 1,7131 hektaar blykens Transport T532U1920 zal het volle en onbezwaarde recht van weg en toegang hebben over het gedeelte van voormeld gedeelte 1 van gedeelte "B" (waarvan die eiendom hiermee getransporteer 'n deel uitmaak) gelegen ten Noorden van de Elandsfontein spruit naar en van de naaste of gemakkelist bereikbare publieke weg, en zodanig recht van weg naar en van het naaste of gemakkelist bereikbare water op voornoemd gedeelte, met het recht om dat water te gebruiken en zoveel daarvan als nodig en gerieflik moge zyn voor het gebruik en genot van genoemde grond en de doeleinden waarvoor bestemd, met het recht om dat water door middel van pypen, waterlopen of anderzins naar de genoemde grond te leiden en te dien einde enige machinerie voor krachtsontwikkeling op te richten en te gebruiken om het water op voormeld gedeelte "A" te krygen". (23 Maart 1990)/(23 March 1990)

63 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 23 MARCH 1990 No BOARD NOTICE RAADSKENNISGEWING 14 VAN 1990 REGULASIES INSAKE DIE BEHEER OOR KLEIN VAARTUIE EN OPENBARE OPTREDE OP DIE SWARTKOPSRIVIER WAT BINNE DIE REGSGEBIED VAN DIE MUNISIPALlTEIT PORT ELIZABETH GELEE IS Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 10 van die Strandwet, 1935 (Wet No. 21 van 1935), en mike1190 van Ordonnansie No. 20 van 1974, dat die Raad van die munisipaliteit van Port Elizabeth van voorneme is om regulasies insake die beheer oor klein vaartuie en openbare optrede op die Swartkopsrivier wat binne die regsgebied van die munisipaliteit Port Elizabeth gelee is, uit te vaardig. Verdere besonderhede is ter insae beskikbaar in Karner 313, Derde Verdieping, Pleinhuis, Markplein, Port Elizabeth, gedurende gewone kantoorure vir 'n tydperk van 30 dae gereken vanaf 23 Maart Besware, indien enige, teen die voomeme moet skriftelik voor of op 26 April 1990 by die Stadsklerk, Posbus 116, Port Elizabeth, 6000, ingedien word. [Verw Maart (1 lollo6)] P. K. BOTHA, Stadsklerk. BOARD NOTICE 14 OF 1990 ClTY OF PORT ELIZABETH REGULATIONS REGARDING THE CONTROL OVER SMALL CRAFT AND PUBLIC BEHA- VIOUR ON THE SWARTKOPS RIVER WHICH IS SITUATED WITHIN THE AREA OF JURIS DICT'ION OF THE PORT ELIZABETH MUNICI- PALITY Notice is hereby 'ven in terms of section 10 of the Sea-Shore Act, 193!' (Act No. 21 of 1935), and section 190 of Ordinance No. 20 of 1974, that it is the intention of the Council of the Municipali of Port Elizabeth to ations in regard to 2 e control over small craft laate an public behaviour on the Swartkops River situated within the area of jurisdiction of the Municipality of Port Elizabeth. Further articulars will be available for inspection in Room 3lf mrd Floor, Pleinhuis, Market Square, Port Elizabeth, during normal office hours for a period of 30 days as from 23 March Objections, if any, against the intention must be lodged in writing to the Town Clerk, P.O. Box 116, Port Elizabeth, 6000, to reach him not later than 26 April [Ref March (1 lollo6)] P. K. BOTHA, Town Clerk. I THE ONDERSTEPOORT JOURNAL OF VETERINARY RESEARCH Die "Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research" word deur die Staatsdrukker, Pretoria, gedruk en is verkrygbaar van die Direkteur, Afdeling Landbou-inligting, Privaatsak X144, Pretoria, 0001, aan wie ook alle navrae in verband met die tydskrif gerig moet word. Hierdie publikasie is 'n voortsetting van die "Reports of the Government Veterinary Bacteriologist of the Transvaal" wat terugdateer tot 1903 en waawan 18 verskyn het tot Dit is gevolg deur 52 volumes van die "Onderstepoort Journal". Tans bestaan elke volume uit vier nommers wat teen R5 per kopie of R20 per jaar plus AVB binnelands en R6,25 per kopie of R25 per jaar buitelands van bogenoemde adres posvry verkrygbaar is (lugposbestel- I~ngs: R10 per kopie of R40 per jaar). Direkteure van laboratoriums ens. wat begetg is om publikasies om te ruil mod in verbinding tree met die Direkteur, Navorsingsinstituut vir Vwartsenykunde, Pk. Onderstepoort, 01 10, Republiek van Suid-Afrika. THE ONDERSTEPOORT JOURNAL OF VETERINARY RESEARCH The Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research is printed by the Government Printer, Pretoria, and is obtainable from the Director, Division of Agricultural information, Private Bag X144, Pretoria, 0001, to whom all communications should be addressed. This publication is a continuation of the Reports of the Government Veterinary Bacteriologist of the Transvaal which date back to 1903 and of which 18 have appeared up to These were followed by 52 volumes of the Onderstepoort Journal. At present each volume comprises four numbers which are obtainable from the above address at R5 per copy or R20 per annum plus GST local or other countties R6,25 per copy or R25 per annum (air mail: R10 per copy or A40 per annum). Directors of laboratories etc. desiring to exchange publications are invited to communicate with the Director, Veterinary Research Institute, P.O. Onderstepoort, 01 10, Republic of South Africa.

64 64 No STAATSKOERANT, 23 MAART 1990 DIE STAATSDRUKKER AMPTEUKE PUBUKASIES ONTVANG GEDURENDE SEPTEMBER 1989 RP-VERSLAE RP Verslag van die Ouditeur-generaal oor die Rekenings van die Departement van Pos- en Telekommunikasiewese vir die boekjaar ISBN Plaaslik R4.45; buiilands R5.55. RP 68i1989-Verslag van die Owliteur-generaal oor die Approprbsie- en Dieme Rekenings van die Adminisuasie: Raad van Afgewdigdes vir ISBN Plaaslik R10.45; buitelands R RP Verslag van die Ouditeur-generaal oor die Rekenings van die Provinsiale Administrasie, Oranje-Vrystaat, vir ISBN X Plaaslik R10.60; buiielands R RP 7W1089-Vedag van die Ouditeur-generaal oor die Approprksie- en Diveme Rekeninp ten opsigte van die Administrasie: Raad van Verteenwoordigers vir ISBN M- X Plaaslik R13.00; buitelands R RP Jaawe~Jag van die Raad vir Desentralisasie van Nywemede: I April 1988 tot 3 1 Maart ISBN Plaaslik R13.80; buiielands R RP Verslag van die Oudiir-generaal oor die Rekeninp van die Katoenraad vir die boekjaar I Maart 1987 tot 29 Februarie ISBN Plaaslik R1,10; buitelands RI.40. GEOLOGIESE OPNAME Bulletin 91 -"The Sedimentology and Stratigraphy of Cainozoic Sediments in the Area Northwest of Thabazimbi by G. A. Botha". ISBN Plaaslik R20.00; buiielands n bulkdn 92-Die Geologie van die Krokodilrivierfragment, Transnal, deur F. J. Hamer. M.Sc ISBN Plaaslik R10.00; buitelands RSO,00. bulktin 93-"Sugilite and Associated Metamorphic Silicate Minerals frun Wessels Mi Kalahari Manganese Field by R D. Dixon, M.ScW. ISBN PMik RZO.00; buitelands R S.A.K.S-Uvmostmigrafii Reeks No. I -"A Revised Preambrian Time Scale for South Africa, 1989". ISBN PWik R20.00: buiilands RZ5.00. GaokgkK Opname-Die Gedoge van die Gebi Sakrivier. Bled 3020, dew L. 8. Siekits, M.Sc. IS Plaaslik R5,m; krilends Fnl.25. DIVERSE PUBLlKASlES Kvmtdlikse Ehlktin van Statistiie: Junk 1989, Volume 23, No. 2 Plaaslik R5.00; buitetands R6,25. Patmtjoemwl (iuitende Handelsmerke. Modelle, en Outeursreg in Rdprente). Vd. 22, August 1989, No. 8. ISSN X. M i k R1.00. buiilands RI,ZS. \:SO 000 Nuwe ultgawes Rietkuil CB-Lurghoek CA - Hopedale CD-Verkykerskop DC-Mart Pelaan M AB-Mrkhdorp... Uitgme Tweede Tweede Tweede Tweede Tweede Tweede Tweede Datum van inligting THE GOVERNMENT PRINTER OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED DURING SEPTEMBER 1989 (All local prices are liable to 13 % general sales tax) RP REPORTS tp Report of the Auditor-General on the Accounts of the Department of Posts and Telecommunications for the financial year ISBN Local R4.45; other countries R5.55. tp 68t1989-Report of the Auditor-General on the Appropriation and Miscellaneous Accounts of the Administration: House of Delegates for ISBN Local R10.45; other countries R tp Report of the Auditor-General on the Accounts of the Provincial Administration, Orange Free Stqe, for ISBN X. Local R 10.60; other countries R W Report of the Auditor-General on the Appropriation and Miscellaneous Accounts in respect of the Administration: House of Representatives for ISBN X. Local R13.00; other countries R RP Annual Report of the Decentralisation Board: I April 1988 to 31 March ISBN Local R13.80; other countries R RP Report of the Auditor-General on the Accounts of the Cotton Board for the Financial Year I March 1987 to 29 February ISBN Local RI, 10; other countries R GEOLOGIGAL SURVEY Bulletin 91 -The Sedimentology and Stratigraphy of Cainozoic Sediments in the Area Northwest of Thabazimbi by G. A. Bafha ISBN Local R20.00; other countries R Bulletin 92-"Die Geologie van die Krokodilrivierftagment, Transvaal. deur F. J. Hartzer, MSc". ISBN Local R40.00; other countries R5O.W. Bulletin 93-Sugilite and Associated Metamorphic Silicate Minerals from Wessels Mine Kalahari Manganese Field by R D. Dixon M.Sc. ISBN Loca) R20.00; other countries R S.A.C.S.-Chronostratigraphic Series No. I -A Revised Precarnbrim Time Scale for South Africa ISBN Local R20.00; other countries R Geological Survey-The Geology of the Sakrivier Area. Sheet 3020, by L B. Siebrits, M.Sc. ISBN Local RS.00; other countries R6.25. MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS Quarterly Bulletin of Statistics: June 1989, Volume 23, No. 2. Local R5.00; other countries R6.25. Patent journal (including Trade Marks and Copyright in Cinematograph Films). Vol. 22, August 1989, No. 8. ISSN X. Local RI.00; other countries R1.25. MAPS (Printed during 25 August to 24 September 1989) Date of 1 :SO 000 New editions Edition information 2729CA-Rietkuil CB- Langhoek CA- Hopedale CD-Verkykerskop DC - Mont Pelaan... 27MAA- btemanek... 27MAB-Dirkiesdorp... Second Second Second Second Second Second Second

65 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 23 MARCH 1990 No DIE STAATSDRUKKER AMPTELIKE PUBLIKASIES ONNANG GEDURENDE OKTOBER 1989 (Alk binnelandse pryse ondwhewig aan I3 Oh algemene verkoopbelasting) RP-VERSLAE RP Verslag van die Ouditeur-generaal oor die Rekenings van die Sentraal Witwatersrand Streekdiensteraad vir die tydperk I April 1987 tot 30 Junie ISBN Plaaslik RI,I 5; buitelands RI,2O. GEOLOGIESE OPNAME-VERSLAE Jaarvenlag van die Hoofdirekteur van die Geologiese Opname, 1987: Herdruk uit die Jaarvenlag vir 1987 van die Departement van Mineraal- en Energiesake. ISBN Plaaslik R2O,OO, buitelands R25,OO. Memorie 75-"Palynostratigraphic Correlation between the Lower Karoo Sequence of the Waterberg and Pafuri Coalbearing Basins and the Hammanskraal Plant Macrofossil Locality, Republic of South Africa, by C. S. Mactae". ISBN Plaaslik R50.00; buitelands R Geologiese Opname-Die Geologie van. die Gebied Frankfort, Blad ISBN Plaaslik R5,OO; buitelands R6.25. Datum van 1: Nuwe uitgawes Uitgawe inligting 2730AC- Wakkerstroom... Tweede 312OBC- Blousyfer... Tweede 312OCA - Kapgat... Tweede 312OCD-Rooipoort... Tweede 312ODD-Gideonsfontein... Tweede 1: RSA-herdrukke 2528CA -Pretoria... Vyfde 2528CB-Silverton... Vierde 2528CD - Rietvleidam... Vierde 2625AA-West End... Eerste 2625AB- Mareetsane... Eerste 2626DC- Klerksdorp... Derde Roodepoort... Vierde 2627CA- Potchefstroom... Vierde Vierde 2628AB-Benoni AD-Springs... Vierde 2732AC-Jozini... Tweede 2830CC-Weenen... Eerste 2832AC- Mtubatuba... Derde 2832CC- Richards Bay... Derde 2929AC- Howick... Eerste 2929DC-Hammarsdale... Tweede AA- Mapumdo... Tweede AB-Tugela... Tweede 1: Topo- en admin.-herdrukke 2722-Kimberley: bnddrdistrikte. Mei Eerste Springbok. Landdrdistrikte, Mei Tweede Calvinia: Landdrosdistrikte, Junk Eerste Beaufort West: Landdrosdistrikte. Mei Eerste 1: Herdruk 3179-Ondangwa: Luginligting, April Tweede I THE GOVERNMENT PRINTER OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED DURING OCTOBER 1989 (All local prim are liable to I3 % general sales tax) RP REPORTS tp Report of the Auditor-General on the Accounts of the Central Witwatersrand Regional Services Council for the period I April 1987 to 30 June ISBN Local R1,I 5; other countries R 1,20. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY REPORTS 4nnual Report of the Chief Director of the Geological Survey, 1987: Reprinted from the Annual Report for 1987 of the Department of Mineral and Energy Affairs. ISBN Local R20,OO; other countries R rlemoir 75-"Palynostratigraphic Correlation between the Lower Karoo Sequence of the Waterberg and Pafari Coal-bearing Basins and the Hammanskraal Plant Macrofossil Locality, Republic of South Africa, by C. S. Mactae". ISBN Local RS0,OO; other countries R62,50. 3eological Suney-The Geology of the Frankfort Area, Sheet ISBN Local R5.W other countries R6.25. I :SO 000 New editions 2730AC- Wakkerstroom OBC- Blousyfer OCA- Kapgat OCD- Rooipoort ODD-Gideonsfontein... I :SO 000 RSA reprints 2528CA- Pretoria CB-Silverton CD- Rietvleidam AA- West End AB-Mareetsane DC-Klerksdorp Roodepoort CA Potchefstroom AB - Benoni AD-Springs AC-jozini CC- Weenen AC-Mtubatuba CC -Richards Bay AC- Howick DC - Hammersdale AA-Mapumdo AB-Tugela... 1 : Topo and admin. reprints Kimberley: Magisterial District, May Springbok: Magisterial District. May Calvinia: Magisterial District. June Beaufort West: Magisterial District, May : Reprint 3179-Ondangwa: Air Information. April Edition Second Second Second Second Second Fifth Fourth Fourth First First Third Fourth Fourth Fourth Fourth Second First Third Third First Second Second Second First Second First First Second Date of informotion

66 66 No STAATSKOERANT, 23 MAART 1990 STATlSTlESE VERSLAE Verslag No. OZOM l (1988)- Manneluagop~me, 19&8: Beroepsgegewens. ISBN blik R4,00; buitelands RS.00. Verslag No (1088)-Toerisme en Migasie ISBN Plaaslik R4,00; buitelands RS,W. Verslag Na 1 I0101 (1987)-Landbouopname Plaaslik R4.00; buiilands RS,OO ISBN Verslag No (1988)-Nuwe Voemie Geregistrer, ISBN Plaaslik W.00; buitelands R7.50. Verslag No (1987)-Semis van Besigheidsdienne, 1987: Regsdiernte. ISBN Plaaslik R4.00; buitelands RS.00. Verslag No (1987)-Semis van Besigheidsdienste, 1987: Reklamepraktisyns en Vemante Dienste asook Bemarkings~vorsingsdientte, ISBN Plaaslik R4.00; buitelands RS.00. DIVERSE PUBLlKASlES Patentjoernool (insluitende Handelsmerke Modelle en Outeursreg in Rolprente). Vol. 22, September 1989, No. 9. ISSN X. Plaaslik R1.00; buitelands R1.25. Gebinde dele van die Staatskcerant vir Maart (Deel A en B), April (Deel A en B) en Mei (Deel A en B), Plaaslik IUOS00; buiilands IU7.50. KAARTE (Cebuk vanaf25 September tot 24 Oktober 1989) 3 I 2ODB - Slangeberge... Tweede 3320AD- Konstabel... Tweede 3320BA - Matjiesfontein... Tweede 1: Herdrukke 2427DD- Mabula AD-Hammanskd DC - Fort Beaufort CC-Debe Nek CD-King William's Town AD- Darling DD-Hankey AB- Piggot's Bridge BA-Fort Brown AD-Hamburg AA - Stormvlei BC- Malgas OBD- Kaap Infante BB-Humansdorp Harrimith 1: Herdruk Grootfontein: Luginligting. Julie Tweede Vierde Tweede Tweede Derde Derde Tweede Tweede Tweede Tweede Tweede Tweede Derde Tweede Derde Eerste Datum van inligting STATISTICAL REPORTS Report No (1 988)- Manpower Survey, 1988: Occupational Information. ISBN Local R4,00; other countries RS.00. Report No (1 988)-Tourism and Migration, ISBN Local R4.00; other countries RS.00. kport No (1987)-Agricultural Survey, ISBN Local R4.00; other countries RS.00. Report No (1988)- New Vehicles Registered, ISBN Local Rb,m other countries R7.50. %port No (1 987)-Census of Business Services, 1987: Legal Services. ISBN Local R4.00; other countries RS,OO. Report No (1 987)-Census of Business Services, 1987: Advertising Practitioners and Allied Services and Marketing Research Services, ISBN Local R4.00; other countries RS.00. MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS 'atent journal (including Trade Marks, Designs and Copyright in Cinematograph Films). Vol 22, September 1989, No. 9. ISSN X. Local RI,00; other countries RI,25. sound volumes of the Government Gazette for March (Part A and B), April (Part A and B) and May (Part A and B), Local R30.00; other countries R MAPS (Printed during 25 September to 24 October 1989) 1: New maps 3 I2ODB-Slangeberge OAD- Konstabel BA-Matjiesfontein... 1: Reprints 2427DD-Mabula 2528AD- Hammanskraal 3226DC- Fort Beaufort CC - Debe Nek CD-King William's Town BAD-Darling DD-Hankey AB-Piggot's Bridge BA- Fort Brown AD-Hamburg AA -Stormvlei OBC-Malgas BD- Kaap Infante BB-Humansdorp... 1: New map 1: Reprint Grootfontein: Air Information, July Edition Second Second Second Second Fourth Second Second Third Third Second Second Second Second Second Second Third Second Third First Dote of Information Bulawayo Luginligting, Julie Derde 3398-Durban: Luginligting Julie Vierde Johannesburg: Luginliging, September Derde Bulawayo: Air Information, July Durban: Air Information, July Johannesburg: Air Information, September Third First Third

67 GOVERNMENT GAZE'ITE, 23 MARCH 1990 No Werk mooi daarmee Ons leef daarvan water is kosbaar Use it Don't abuse water is for everybody

68 68 No STAATSKOERANT, 23 MAART 1990 AUe ProWunssks, Goewermentsk-, Algemew Keonis- For purposes of reference, all Proclamations, Government Noh, gerrings en RaadskennisgewilIgs gepubker word vir v-ddndea in die volgende iahoudsopgawe ingesluit wat dun 'n weeklikse lowing table of contents which thus forms a weekly index. Let y o d General Notices and Board Notices published are included in the folinddrsv~.laatusetfdeurdiekoerantmwme~8indieregter- be guided by the Gazette numbers in the righthand column: h.ndaekobmloi: No. en weeklikse Indeka 45 Wet op Konstitusie van Suidwes-Afrika (3911%8): Proklamasie tot wysiging van die Ongevallewet, 1941, soos dit onderskeidelik in die Gebied Suidwes-Afrika en in die Republiek van Suid-Mka van toepassing is ten einde voorsiening te maak vir die instelling van 'n Ongevallefonds vir die Gebied Suidwes-Afrika en vir die administrasie van genoemde Wet deur die Administrateur-generaal Wet op Groepsgebiede ( ): Wysiging van Proklamasie No. 173 van 1970: Alrode Suid, distrik Albertan, provinsie Transvaal do.: Instelling van vryhandelsgebiede kragtens die bepalings van artikel 19 (1): Wolseley, distrik Tulbach do.: Wysiging van Proklamasie No. 130 van 1978: De Dooms, distrik Worcester.. 55 Wet opvryevestigingsgebiede (1W1988): Verklaring van 'n vryevestigingsgebied: Windmill Park, distrik Boksburg do.: do.: Country View, op gedeeltes van die plaas Randjesfontein 405 JR, diitrik Kempton Park do.: Wysiging van Proklamasie No. 150 van 1958: Pretoria, distrik Pretoria... Addakmk Rud van Verteenwoodgers Algemene Kennisgewing 2U7 Ontwikkelingswet (Raad van Verteenwoordigers) (311987): Opheffing van beperkende voorwaardes... Goewermentskennisgewings R. 553 Wet op Universiteite ( ): Statuut van die Universiteit van Suid-Afrika: Wysiging Wet op Landboukrediet (28/1%6): Geregtelike verkoping van beswaarde onroerende goed Wet op Huurbeheer (8W1976): Vrystellings van sekere wonings, motorhuise, motorstaanplekke en bediendekamers van huurbeheer &.:do &.:do do.:& do.:&... Algemene Kennisgewings 200 Wet op Landboukrediet (28/1966): Vergade~g van skuldeisers: Lydenburg &.:do.:& do.:do.:do... Bhrhdie Sake, Depnrtement van Goewermentskennisgewings 545 Wet op Publikasies ( ): Publikasies of voorwerpe: Ongewenste publikasies of voorwerpe... Blahy Koerant No. No. No. CONTENTS and weekly Index PROCLAMATIONS 45 South West Africa Constitution Act ( ): Proclamation to amend the Workmen's Compensation Act, 1941, as it applies in the Temtory of South West Africa and in the Republic of South Africa respectively so as to make provisions for the establishment of an Accident Fund for the Temtory of South West Africa and for the administration of the said Act by the Administrator General Group Areas Act (36/1966): Amendment of Proclamation No. 173 of 1980: AIrode South, District of AIberton Province of the Transvaal do.: Establishment of free trading areas under the provisions of section 19 (1): Wolseley, District of Tulbach do.: Amendment of Proclamation No. 130 of 1978: De Dooms, District of Worcester Free Settlement Areas Act ( ): Declaration of a free settlement area: Windmill Park, District of Boksburg do.: do.: Country View, situated on portion of the farm Randjesfontein 406 JR, District of Kempton Park do.: Amendment of Proclamation No. 150 of 1958: Pretoria, District of Pretoria. Page No. GOVERNMENT AND GENERAL NOTICES Administration: House of Assembly Governm R ent Notices Universities Act ( ): Statute of the University of South Africa: Amendment Agricultural Credit Act (28/1%6): Sale in execution of mortgaged immovable prope*y Rent Control Act (W1976): Exemption of certain dwellings, garages, parking spaces and servants' rooms from rent control... do.: do.... do.: do... do.: do.... do.: do.... General Notices 200 Agricultural Credit Act (28/1%6): Meeting of creditors: Lydenburg do.: do.: do... 2U2 do.: do.: do... Administration: House of Representatives General Notice 207 Development Act (House of Representatives) (311987): Removal of restrictive conditions... Agriculture, Department of Governmenr Notices R. 560 Marketing Act ( ): Regulations relating to fat spreads... R. 561 do.: Prohibition on the sale of fat spreads Gazette No

69 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 23 MARCH 1990 No No. Wet op Publikasies ( ): Voorwaardes... do.: Tersydestelling van verbod op besit.. do.: Tersydestelling van verklaring dat publikasies ongewens is... do.: Mgekeurde rolprente... Wet op Vreemdelinge (111937): Vansver- andering: Pather in Moosa... do.: do.: Van Wyk in Sooliman... do.: do.: Mailula in Markgraaff... do.: do.: De Beer in Meyer do.: do. : Mdladla in Mweli do. : do.: Mnxunyeni in Vaas..... do.: do.: Mohamed in Joolay... do.: do.: Labuschagne in Norridge..... do.: do.: Simelane in Shange... do.: do.: Vermeulen in Vorster... do.: do.: Myataza in Mkhunjulwa... do. : do. : Koekemoer in Herbert..... Buitelendee Sake, Departement van 638 Geloofsbriefoorhandiging: Republiek van Suid-Ahika in die Helleense Republiek Griekeland do.: Republiek van Bophuthatswana in die Republiek van Suid-Afrika do.: Republiek van Venda in die Republiek van Suid-Afrika..... Fiaun,ies, Departement van nenrskennisgewings Doeane- en Aksynswet ( ): Wysiging van Reds (No. DARl.59)... Doeane- en Aksynswet ( ): Wysiging van Bylae 1 (No. 111l228)... do.: Wysiging van Bylae 1 (No. 1/4/80)... do.: Wysiging van Bylae 1 (No. 1/4/81)... do.: Wysiging van Bylae 1 (No. 111R21).. do.: Wysigingvan Bylae 1 (No. 1/2/30)... do.: Wysiging van Bylae 1 (No. 1llR22).. do.: Wysigingvan Bylae 1 (No. lllr23).. do.: Wysiging van Bylae 3 (No. 3/91)... do.: Wysiging van Bylae 5 (No. 5113)... do.: Wysigingvan Bylae 1 (No. 111R25).. do.: Wysigingvan Bylae 1 (No. 11W26).. trekking van voorlopige heffing... Repubhek van Suid-Afrika Binnelandse Geregistreerde Effekte: Inhandiging van oordragdokumente..... Skatkiswet ( ): Rentekoers van toepassing op staatslenings... Handel en Nywerheii, Departement van ~aatsia~~viet ( ): Inlvwine van maatskappie: ~uwe &atskippyg en omske~~inm.. van beslote komrasies in w maatskap ye Wet op rasies ( ): Inlywing v?&%%rporasies: Nuwe beslote korporasies en omskeppings van maatskappye in beslote korporasies Raad van Handel en Nywerheid: Aan- soeke: Lys 1/ M Doeane- en Aksynstariefaansoeke: Lys 11/90... Jnstisk, Departement van Goewennenrskennisgewings R. 411 Wet op Balju's ( ): Regulasies... R. 543 Strafproseswet ( ): Verklaring van vredesbeamptes kragtens artikel Wet op Bimelandse Veiligheid (741982): Skrapping van name u~t gekonsolideerde 1 ys... ~ h d Koerant s ~ No. No. No. R. 562 Dairy Industry Act (3011%1): Regulations relating to the manufacture, comp sition, packing and marking of margarine: Repeal... R. 563 kperatives Act ( ): Sale of lucern hay produced in the area of the Suidwestelike Transvaalse Landboukoiiperasie Beperk: Withdrawal.... R. 564 Marketing Act ( ): Amendment of Schedule 1... Environment Affairs, Department of Government Notice 577 Forest Act ( ): Prohibition on the burning of slash, the clearing of fire-belts by burning and fires in the open air: Natal Midlands..... F i i, Department of Government Notices Customs and Excise Act ( ): Amendment of Rules (No. DAW59).... Customs and Excise Act ( ): Amendment of Schedule 1 (No. lllrt28) do.: Amendment of Schedule 1 (No. Y4/80)... do.: Amendment of Schedule 1 (No. 1/4/81)... do.: Amendment of Schedule 1 (No. 111R21)... do.: Amendment of Schedule 1 (No. 1/30)... do.: Amendment of Schedule 1 (No. 1lW22)... do.: Amendment of Schedule 1 (No. Ylt223)... do.: Amendment of Schedule 3 (No. 3/91)... do.: Amendment of Schedule 5 (No. 5113)... do.: Amendment of Schedule 1 (No. lnm)... do.: Amendment of Schedule 1 (No. 1llR26)... do.: Amendment of Schedule 3 (No. 3/92)... do.: Amendment of Schedule 1 (No. 111t227)... do.: Amendment of Schedule 3 (No. 3/93)... Customs and Excise Act ( ): Withdrawal of provisional charge... Republic of South Africa Internal Registered Stocks: Handing in of transfer documents..... Exchequer Act (66/1975): Rate of interest on government loans.... Government Notices 638 Praentatidn of credentials: Republic of South Africa to the Hellenic Republic of Greece do.: Republic of Bophuthatswana to the Republic of South Africa do.: Republic of Venda to the Republic of South Africa... Home Affairs, Deputment of Government Notices 545 Publications Act (42/1974): Publications or objects: Undesirable publications or objects..... Page No. Gazette No

70 70 No STAATSKOERA No. ILudoor van die Staatspresident No. 1 van 1990: Gedeeltelike Be- grotingswet, No. 2 van 1990: Addisionele Poskantoorbegrotingswet, No. 3 van 1990: Wysigingswet op openbare Rekenmeesters en Ouditeurs, No. 4 van 1990: Addisionele Vemoerdienstebegrotingswet, No. 5 van 1990: Wysigingswet op die Alexanderbaai~ntwikkelingskorporasie, No. 6 van 1990: Addisionele Begrotingswet, No. 7 van 1990: Gedeeltelike Be- grotingswet (Raad van Verteenwoordigers), Grondwet van die Republiek van Suid- Afrika ( ): Wysiging van portefeuljes van ministers en adjunk-ministers. L.ndboll, Deputemnt van Gocwemniskennisgewings R. 560 Bemarkingswet ( ): Reylasies betreffende vetsmere... R. 561 do.: Verbod op die verkoop van vetsmere R. 562 Wet OD die Suidwelnvwerheid (30/1%1h ~egulkies met betrekking to; die v&- vaardiging, samestelling, verpakking en merk van margarien: Herroeping..... R. 563 Kdperasiewet ( ): Verkoop van lusernhooi geproduseer in die gebied van die Suidwestelike Transvaalse LandboukoClperasie Beperk: Intrekking..... R. 564 Bemarkingswet (5911%8): Wysiging van Bylae 1... Gawemntskennisgewings R. 502 Loonwet (511957): Wysiging van Loonvasstelling 449: Klipvergruisingsnywerheid... R. 533 Wet op Masjinerie en Beroepsveiligheid (6'1983): Reylasies: Sertifilraat van bevoegdheid: Meganiese of elektroniese ingenieur... R. 539 WerLloosheidsversekeringwet (W1966): Verhoging van die maksimum verdienste uit die hoofde waaman iemand as 'n bydraer kwalifiseer... Algemene Kennisgewings 19L Wet op Arbeidsverhoudinge (W1956): Intrekking van registrasie van 'n werkgewersorganisasie: South African Oil Expressers' Association do.: do.: South African Soap, Detergent and Candle Manufacturers' Association. 203 Wet op Arbeidsverhoudinge (W1956): Aansoek om registrasie van 'n vakvereniging: Textile Workers' Independant Union (S. A. )... Gawemntskennisgewings R. 550 Wet op Aptekers ( ): Suid-Afrikaanse Aptekersraad: Regulasies betreffende gelde wat aan en deur die Raad... B u y No.. Koeranr No Q betaalbaar is: Wysiging R. 552 Wet op Voedingsmiddels, Skoonheidsmiddels en Ontsmettingsmiddels (541972): Toepassing deur plaaslike besture No. Publications Act ( ): Conditions... do.: Setting aside of prohibition on pos- session..... do.: Setting aside of declaration that publications are undesirable... do.: Rejected flms... Aliens Act (111937): Change of surname: Pather to Moosa... do.: do.: Van Wyk to Sooliman... do.: do.: Mailula to Markgraaff... do.: do.: De Beer to Meyer... do. : do.: Mdladla to Mweli..... do.: do.: Mnxunyeni to Vaas... do.: do.: Mohamed to Joolay... do. : do.: Labuschagne to Norridge.... do.: do.: Sirnelane to Shange... do.: do.: Vermeulen to Vorster... do.: do.: Myataza to Mkhunjulwa... do.: do.: Koekemoer to Herbert..... lustice, Department of ;overnment Notices R. 411 Sheriffs Act ( ): Regulations... R. 543 Criminal Procedure Act ( ): Declaration of peace offices under section Internal Security Act ( ): Removal of names from the consolidated list.... hpower, Department of?overnment Notices R. 502 Wage Act (511957): Amendment of Wage Determination 449: Stonecrushing Industry... R. 533 Machinery and Occupational Safety Act (611983): Regulations: Certificate of competency: Mechanical or electrical engineer... R. 539 Unemployment Insurance Act (W1966): Increase of the maximum rate of earnings by virtue of which a person qualifies as a contributor..... yenera1 Notices 192 Labour Relations Act (28/1956): Cancellation of registration of an employers' organisation: South African Oil Expressers' Association do.: do.: South African Soap, Detergent and Candle Manufacturers' Association 203 Labour Relations Act (28/1956): Application for registration of a trade union: Textile Workers' Independant Union (S.A.) Yatiod Education, Department of Goverment Notices 576 National Monuments Act (28/1%9): Declaration of properties to be national monuments National Monuments Act (28/1%9): Salvage permit... Page No. Natiwsl Health and Popuhh Development, Department of Government Notices R. 550 Pharmacy Act ( ): South African Pharmacy Council: Regulations relating to fees payable by and to the Council Amendment R. 552 Foodstuffs, Cosmetics and Disinfectants Act ( ): Enforcement by local authority General Notice 194 South African Medical and Dental Council: Election of members Gazette No.

71 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 23 MARCH 1990 No No. Algemene Kennisgewing 194 Suid-Afrikaanse Geneeskundige en Tandheelkundige Raad: Verkiesing van lede... Nssiolule Opvoeding, Departement van Goewennentskennisgewings 576 Wet op Nasionale Gedenkwaardighede (28'1969): Verklaring van eiendomme tot nasionale gedenkwaardighede Wet op Nasionale Gedenkwaardighede (28/1969): Bergingspermit... Omgewingsalre, Departement van Goewermentskennisgewing 577 Boswet ( ): Verbod op die verbranding van takafval, die skoonmaak van brandstroke deur te brand en vure in die ope lug: Natalse Middellande... Openbare Werke en Grondsake, Departement van Goewermentskennisgewing R. 503 Wet opprofessioneleingenieurs(81i1968): Kennisgewing ingevolge artikel 7 (4): Wysiging van gelde tarief... Pos- en Telekomm~iweso, Departement van Algemene Kennisgewing 190 Poswet ( ): Wysiging van die Tarieflys vir Telekommunikasiedienste.... Algemene Kennugewing 195 Staat van Bates en Laste op die 28ste dag van Februarie Goewermentskennisgewing 578 Wet op Regsopvolging van die Suid-Afrikaanse Vewoerdienste (911989): Op volger van die Suid-Afrikaanse Vewoerdienste: Transnet Beperk... Algemene Kennisgewings 191 Suid-Afrikaanse Vewoerdienstewet ( ): Kennisgewing van onteiening No. C 1/ Suid-Afrikaanse Vewoerdienstewet ( ): Kennisgewing van onteiening No. C. 8/90... Goewennentskennisgewing R. 542 Verdedigingswet ( ): Wysiging van die Algemene Regulasies vir die SA Weermag en die Reserwe.... Vervoer, Departement van Goewennentskennisgewings 604 Wet op Stedelike Vewoer (784977): Intrekking van Goewermentskennisgewing No. 554 van 1984 en die herverklaring van die Johannesburgse Metropolitaanse Vewoergebied en die aanwysing van 'n kernstad do.: Intrekking van Goewermentskennisgewing No van 1981 en die hewerklaring van die Oos-Randse Metropolitaanse Vewoergebied en die aanwysing van 'n kernstad... Blads? Koerant No. No. No.?osts and Telecommunicaliom, Department d General Notice 190 Post Office Act ( ): Amendment of the Tariff for Telecommunication Services... hbuc Works and Lsod Affaha, Department of Sovernment Notice R. 503 Professional Engineers' Act (81/1%8): Notice in terms of section 7 (4): Amendment of tariff fees... South AIricau Defence Force Government Notice R. 542 Defence Act ( ): Amendment to the General Regulations for the SA Defence Force and the Reserve... General Notice 195 Statement of Assets and Liabilities on the 28th day of February South AM- Transport Services Government Notice 578 Legal Succession to the South African Transport Semces Act (911989): Successor of the South African Transport Services: Transnet Limited... General Notices 191 South African Transport Senices Act ( ): Notice of expropriation No. C. 1/ South African Transport Senices Act ( ): Notice of expropriation No. C. 8/90... State Resident's Office Government Notices 526 No. 1 of 1990: Part Appropriation Act, No. 2 of 1990: Additional Post Office A p propriation Act, No. 3 of 1990: Public Accountants' and Auditors' Amendment Act, No. 4 of 1990: Transport Senices Additional Appropriation Act, No. 5 of 1990: Alexander Bay Development Corporation Amendment Act No. 6 of 1990: Additional Appropriation Act No. 7 of 1990: Part Appropriation Act (House of Representatives), Republic of South Africa Constitution Act (110J1983): Changes in portfolios of ministers and deputy ministers... Trade and bd-, Department d General Notices 179 Companies Act ( ): Incorporation of companies: New companies and conversions from close wrporations into companies Close Corporations Act ( ): Incorporation of close wrporations: New close corporations and conversions from companies into close corporations Board of Trade and Industry: Applications: List 1/ Customs and Excise Tariff Applications: List 11/90... Page No. Gazette No

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